^ ■ •. ^\ ^ > y\jLjj>^ ,^Je^.v^^xA. CATALOGUE THE PRINTED BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS, LONDON : PRINTED BY PlIIPPS & CONNOR, 13 & 14, TOTHILL ST., WESTMINSTER. MDCCCLXXX. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation iittpV/www.archive.org/detaiis/cataiogueofprintOOmiddrich Kid CATALOGUE. A COLLECTION of the Public General Statutes passed in the 49th year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third. 4to. London, 1809. Abanus (Pet.), Abano. Conciliator Controversiarum inter Philosophos et Medicos. Folio. Ven., 1565, Abanus (Pet.) De Venenis. Folio. Ven., 1565. Abbeville (Claude d'). Mission des Capucins en I'lsle de Marignan. 8vo. Paris, 16 14. Abbot (George). Dr. Hill Unmasked. 4to. Oxford, 1604. Abbot (Rt.) Holiness of Christian Churches. [Tracts, Vol. 41.] Svo. 1640. Abbott Brothers (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). Reports of Cases in Admiralty, argued and determined in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, 1847-1850. Betts' Decisions. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). Clerks' and Conveyancers' Assistant. A Collection of Forms of Conveyancing, Contracts, and Legal Proceedings. 8vo. New York, 1866. Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). A General Digest of the Law of Corporations, presenting the American Adjudications upon Public and Private Corporations of every kind. With a full Selection of Cases. Svo. New York, 1869. Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan). Digest of the Report of Indiana to the year 187 1. With Notes presenting the General Statutes subsequent to 1863. 2 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1870. Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan). Reports of Decisions rendered in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, 1865-1871. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1870, 187 1. (I) 375 Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). A Digest of New York Statutes and Reports from the earliest period. Comprising the Adjudications of all the Courts of the State, presented in the Reports by Abbott, Anthon, Barbour, Bosworth, Bradford, Caines, Clarke, Coleman, Comstock, Cowen, Daly, Denis, Duer, Edmonds, Edwards, Hall, Hand, Hill, Hilton, Hoffman, Hopkins, Howard, Johnson, Kernan, Keyes, Lansing, Paige, Parker, Redfield, Sand- ford, Selden, Sickels, E. D. Smith, E. P. Smith, Sweeny, Tiffany, Tucker, and Wendell. With the Statutes complete to the year 1873. 6 vols. 8vo. New York, 1873, 1874. Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). A Digest of the United States' Courts, and of the Acts of Congress, from the Organization of the Government to the year 1867. Vol. I . Abandonment of Contracts. Vol. 2. Copyright to Imprisonment. Vol. 3. Income Tax Principles. Vol. 4. Privateers — Wrongs. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1867-1869. Vol. 5. Digest from July 1868 to May 1872. First Sup- plement. 8vo. New York, 1872. Vol. 6. Digest from May 1872 to November 1874. Second Supplement. 8vo. New York, 1874. Vol. 7. Digest from November 1874 to July 1877. Third Supplement. 8vo. New York, 1877. Abbott (Chs.) Jurisdiction and Practice of the Court of Great Ses- sions of Wales upon the Chester Circuit. 8vo. 1795- Abbott (Charles). On the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. First Edition. 8vo. London, 1802. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1804. Fifth Edition. By Jn. Hy. Abbott. 8vo. London, 1827. Seventh Edition. By Wm. Shee. 8vo. London, 1844. Ninth Edition. By Wm. Shee. With Supplement. 8vo. London, 1854. Eleventh Edition. By Wm. Shee. 8vo. London, 1867. Abbreviature. Modus legendi Abbreviaturas passim in Jure, tam Civili, quam pontificio occurrentes. 8vo, Lugd., 1552. ABBREViATURiE. Modus legendi Abbreviaturas passim in Jure, tam Civili, quam pontificio occurrentes. 8vo. Colon., 1570. Abdias. De Certamine Apostolorum. Jul. Africanio Interp. i2mo. Colon., 1569. Abdy (J. T., LL.D.) A Historical Sketch of Civil Procedure among the Romans. Post 8vo. Cambridge, 1857. 3 Abdy (J. T., LL,D.) Kent's Commentary on International Law. Revised. With Notes and Cases, brought down to the present Time. 8vo. Cambridge, 1866. Abdy (J. T., LL.D.) and Walker (Bryan, M.A., LL.D.) The Insti- tutes of Justinian translated. With Notes. Svo. Cambridge, 1876. Abel (John). Commercial Morality. With Illustrations from Frauds upon the Union Bank of London. 8vo. i860. Abel (John). Memorials of Queen Eleanor. Illustrated by Photo- graphy. With a short Account of their History and Present Condition. Folio. London, 1864. Aben (Tybbon). Spiritus Gratiae, sive Liber Physicorum Hebrgeorum, &c. Latine, a Jo. Isaaco. 8vo. Colon., 1555. Aberdeen University Calendar for the Year 1868- 1869. i2mo. Aberdeen, 1868. Abingdon. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Edited by Joseph Stevenson. See Brit. Gt., No. 2. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858. Abra de Racon (Ch. Fr. d'). Responce aux Ministres de Charenton. 8vo. Paris, 161 7. Abraam (Judseus). De Nativitatibus. Per Jo. Dryandrum. With Albubater. 4to. Col., 1537. Abram (Wm. Jn.) Mr. Bright and his Schemes. 8vo. 1859. Abram (Wm. Jn.) Italy and the Napoleons. 8vo. 1859. Abreu y Bertodano (Felix Joseph de). Sobre Pressas de Mar, y Calidades que deben concurrir para hacerse legitimamente el Corso, Small 4to. Cadiz, 1746. Abreu y Bertodano (Joseph Antonio de). Coleccion de los Tratados de Paz de Espana. Phelipe III., 1598; Phelipe V., 1748. 6 vols. Folio. Madrid, 1 740-1 801. AcACius (Geo.) Sejanus. With Andreas Invitatio. Svo. Arg., 1620. Accarisius (Jo.) Decisiones Rotse Florentinae. Folio. Flor., 17 13. AccoLTi (Piet.) Lo Inganno de gV occhi. Prospettiva practica. Folio. Fir., 1625. Accord de plusieurs Passages de I'Escriture. i2mo. Gen., 1565. AcHiLiNi (Alex.) Infinita naturae secreta. With Albohazen. Folio. Papie., 1515. AcHiLiNi (Alex.) Opera, cum annotationibus Pamphilii Montii. Folio. Yen., 1568. ACHMET. Oneirocritica. See Rigaltius, AcoNTius (Jac.) De Methodo investigandarum, &c., Scientiarum. 8vo. Basil, 1558. AcoNTius (Jac.) Stratagemata Satanse. 4to. Basil, 1565. AcosTA (Chris.) Aromatum, &c., in India Orientali Liber. With Clusius. Svo. Anv., 1582. AcosTA (Chris.) Vida Solitaria, &c. 4to. Venet., 1592. AcosTA (Eman.) De rebus h Jesuitis in Oriente gestis, et de Japonicis rebus, 8vo. Paris, 1572. AcosTA (Joseph). De Natura Novi Orbis, et de Promulgatione Evangelii apud Indos, 8vo. Col. Ag., 1596. [ AcosTA (Nonius). De Quadruplici Hominis ortu. 4to. Patav., 1594. [ AcosTA (Nonius). De Arte Medica. AcosTA (Nonius). De Privilegiis Creditorum. Folio. Genev., 1739. AcROPOLiTA (Geo. Logothetes). See Byzantinse Historise. AcROPOLiTA (Geo. Logothetes). Corpus Byzantinse Historiae. Acton (Tho. Harman). Reports of Cases before the Lords Commis- sioners of Appeals in Prize Causes, 1809-18 11. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 8 II. Acts (Window and Servants) passed in the 15 th year of the reign of George IL 2 vols. 1753, 1778. Acts of Council in Civil Causes, in Scotland. Record Commission. Folio. 1839. Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints (Acta Domi- norum Auditorum) in Scotland. Record Commission. Folio. 1839. Acts of ParUament. See Statutes. AcuTO (Giac. d'). II Mondo al Reverscio e Sossopra. 8vo. Ven., 1602. Adair (Arch.) Responce a I'Apostate Cayer. [Tracts, Vol. 128.] 8vo. 1603. Adair (John, A.M.) The Law of Costs, especially as administered in Courts of Equity. 8vo. DubHn, 1865. Adair (Melch.) Historia Ecclesiastica. 4to. Hafn., 1579. Adair (Melch.) Vitae Germanorum Medicorum. Svo. Heid., 1620. Adam (William). On Trial by Jury in Civil Causes. 8vo. Edin., 1836, Adamantius. Phisiognomonicon. Svo. Basil, 1544. 5 AdaMides Ifalicus (Jo.) Antitheses de filiatione Christi. [Tracts, Vol. 139.] 8vo. 1560. Adams (F. M., B. A.) On the Law of Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1874. Adams (John). Treatise on .the Action of Ejectment and the Resulting Action for Mesne Profits. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 1846. Adams (John Milton). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, deter- mined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1856, [Vols. 41, 42, Maine Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1858. Addams (Jesse). Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons and in the High Court of Delegates, 1822- 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. I, 1823, Vol. 2, 1825, Vol. 3, 1872. Addison (Alexander). Reports of Cases in the County Courts of the Fifth Circuit in the High Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and Charges to Grand Juries of those County Courts, 1791-1799. 8vo. Washington, 1800. Addison (C. G.) Damascus and Palmyra. 2 vols. 8vo. 1838. Addison (Ch. Greenstreet). History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple. 4to. 1841. Addison (Ch. Greenstreet). The Law of Contracts and Rights, and Liabilities ex Contractu. 2 vols. 8vo. 1853. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1856. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Sixth Edition. By Lewis W. Cave. 8vo. London, 1869. Seventh Edition, By Lewis W. Cave. 8vo. London, 1875. Addison (Ch. Greenstreet). Wrongs and their Remedies. Being a Treatise on the Law of Torts. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., i860. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Third Edition. By F. S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. London, 1870. Fourth Edition. By F. S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. London, 1873. Addison (Joseph). In British Poets. Addison (Joseph). Works. By Hurd. 6 vols. 8vo. 1811. Adelung (Joh. Christoph.) Worterbuck. 4 vols. 410. 181 1. Admiralty. Black Book of the. See Gt. Br., No. 55. Admiralty. Rules, Orders, and Regulations for the High Court of Admiralty of England. With Forms and Table of Fees. [Pub- lished by Authority of the High Court of Admiralty.] 8vo. London, i860. Admiralty. Rules for Appeals in Ecclesiastical and Maritime Causes. Folio. London, 1865. Admiralty, Slave Trade Instructions. Being Instructions for the guidance of Her Majesty's Ships of War employed in the Suppression of the Slave Trade. With Supplement. 8vo. London, 1865. Admonitio ad Orbis Terrge Principes. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 4to. 1537- Adolphus (Jn. Leycester) and Ellis (T. F.) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 1 834- 1 84 1. 12 vols. 8vo. 1835-1842. Adolphus (J. L.) New Series. Queen's Bench Reports, 1841-1852. 18 vols. 8vo. 1 843-1856. Adolphus (J. L.) See Barnewall. Adon. Brevia Chronica. With Gregorious Historia. 8vo. Paris, 1561. Adrasder (Jo.) Explicatio Vaticiniorum Joachimi Abbatis. With Merlin. Vaticinia. i2mo. Franc, 1608, Adrianus (Romanus). Parvum Theatrum Urbium Prsecipuarum. 4to. Franc, 1595. Adrichomius (Christ.) Theatrum Terrge Sanctse et Biblicarum Historiarum. Folio. Col. Ag., 1600. Adricon (Chr.) Vero Ritratto della Citta di Jerusalem. 8vo. Fior., 1594. Adventurer. In British Essayists, Advocates. Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. 5 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1863-187 7. Adve (Step. Payne). On Courts-Martial, Military Punishments, and Rewards. 12 mo. 1810. ^GiNETA (Paul). Praecepta Salubria; k Guil. Copo. With Lianno. 4to. Paris, 1527. ^GiNETA (Paul) Chirurgie. 8vo. Lyon, 1542. ^Gius (Bened.) Apollodori Bibliotheces de Deorum origine, Interpretatio. 8vo. Lov,, 1565, ^Elfric, Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario. With Somner : Dictionary. Folio. Oxon., 1659. ^LiANUS (Claud.) De Animalibus, cum accessionibus ex Porphyrio, Heliodoro, Oppiano, &c. Per Pet. Gyllium. 4to. Lugd., 1535. ^LiANUS (Claud,) Varia Historia, cura Vulteii et Perizonii, 8vo. Lugd. Bal., 1701. -^MiLiANUS (Jo.) De Ruminantibus. [Tracts, Vol. 55.] 4to. Ven., 1584. ^MiLius, seu Emilius (Paul). De rebus gestis Francorum usque ad Henr. II. 8vo. Paris, 1548. iEMiLius (Paul). De rebus gestis Francorum usque ad Franc. Valesium I. Folio. Paris, 1550. .^NEAS (Silvius). Opera. Folio. Basil. 'iENEAS (Silvius). De Bohemorum origine. With Althamerus : Germania. 8vo. Inff., 1520. .^NEAS (Silvius). De Remedio Amoris. With Mensa. 4J;o. ^NEAS (Silvius). Historia de Euryalo et Lucretia. With WilUs's Mnemonica. i2mo. Urf., 1606. .^NEiDiA. See Henry (James). iERODius. Ayrault. yEscHiNES. See Oratores. iEscHYLUS. Tragedise, cum Scholiis et versione, &c. Tho. Stanleii. Folio. 1664. iEscHYLUS. See Potter. .^sop. Fabulae. See Auctores Octo. iEsopus. Fabulse, Gr. et Lat. With France-Turquie. 8vo. Basil, 1541. .^voLi (Caes.) De Antipathia et Sympathia. 4to. Ven., 1580. -^voLi (Cses.) De Divinis Attributis. 4to. Ven., 1580. .^voLi (Caes.) De Aquis Lucensibus. 4to. Ven., 1580. Affelen (Jo. ab). Vir Politicus. i2mo. Hanov., 1599. Afflictis, seu Afflitto (Mat. de). Decisiones Consilii Neapolitani, cum Caes. Ursilli Adnotationibus, &c. Folio. Ven., 1596. Afflictis (Mat. de). De Jure Prothomiseos. Folio. Neap., 1696. Agambilionibus de Aretio (Aug.) In Institutiones Justiniani. Folio. Ven., 1609. Agapetus. Expositio Capitum admonitoriorum. With France- Turquie. [Tracts, Vol. 76.] 8vo. Basil, 1541. Agapetus. De officio Regis. 8vo. Herb., 1605. Agas (Rad.) Preparative for platting lands, &c., for Survey. [Tracts, Vol. 100.] 4to. 1596. Agathias (Smyrnseus). De Bello Gothorum. 8vo, Lugd., 1594, 8 Agathias (Smyrnseus). De Imperio Justiniani. See Corpus Byzan- tinae Historiae. Agathias (Smyrnseus), See Muratori ; Ital. Script. Ageta (Nic. Cajetan). Annotationes pro Regio ^rario ad Senates Neapolis Decisiones, &c. 4 vols, in 2, Folio. Neap., 1692. Agnelli (G.) Tratto Teorico-Pratico sul Diritto di Privativa Indus- trial. i2mo. Milano, 1868. Agnew {William Fischer). The Law and Practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. With Notices of Patent Laws in force in the Principal Foreign States and in the Colonies. 8vo. London, 1874 Agnew (William Fischer). On the Statute of Frauds. 8vo. London, 1876 Agoneau (Le Sieur). Aretaphyle. 8vo. Par., 1606 Agricola (Fr.) De Primatu Sancti Petri et Successoris ejus. 8vo. Colon., 1599 Agricola (Fr.) De Privilegiis et Signis Verse Ecclesise. 8vo. Colon., 1606 Agricola (Geo.) De Mensuris et Ponderibus. Folio. Basil, 1550 Agricola (Geo.) De Re Metallica. Folio. Basil, 1561 Agricola (Geo.) De Animantibus Subterraneis. Folio. Basil, 1561 Agricola (Geo.) De Subterraneis. 8vo. Witteberg, 1612 Agricola (Jo.) Grammatica Teutonica. 8vo. 1548 Agricola (Rod.) De formando Studio. With Basil. 8vo. Basil, 1537 Agrippa (Corn.) Delia Vanita delle Scienze. 8vo. Ven., 1547 Agrippa (Hen. Corn.) De Beatae Annse Monogamia, &c. 8vo. Lugd., 1534 Aguesseau (Hen. Frs. d'). CEuvres. 13 vols. 4to. Paris, 1759 Aguesseau (Hen. Frs. d'). Oiuvres. 13 vols. 4to. Paris, 1787 Aguilon (Ped. d'). Historia del Duque Carlos de Borgonna, Bisaguelo del Emp. Carios V. 4to. Pampe., 1586 AiKENS (Asa.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, 1825-1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Windsor, 182 7-1 828. Ailred. See Anglicanae Historige Scriptores. AiNSWORTH (Hen. and John). Trying of the Truth, &c. 4to. 1615. AiNSWORTH (Henry). Reply to Johnson's Plea for the Church of Rome. 4to. 1620. AiNSWORTH (H.) Censure upon the Anabaptists. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. 1644. AiNSWORTH (Rt.) Latin and English Dictionary. By Thomas Morell and John Carey. 4to. 1823. Another Edition. 8vo. 1845. AiRD (David Mitchell). Blackstone Economized : being a Com- pendium of the Laws of England to the present time. 8vo. London, 1873. AiRD (David Mitchell). The Civil Laws of France to the present time. Supplemented by Notes illustrative of the Analogy between the Rules of the Code Napoleon and the leading Principles of the Roman Law. 12 mo. London, 1875. AiTCHisoN (C. U., B.C.S.) A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sunnuds, relating to India and neighbouring Countries. 6 vols. 8vo. Calcutta and London, 1 862-1 864. Akenside (Mark). In British Poets. Akerman (Jn. Yonge). Glossary of Wiltshire Words. i2mo. 1842. Ala (Jo. Pet.) De Advocato et Causidico Christiano. 4to. Crem., 1610. Alaba (Diego d'). El Perfeto Capitan. Folio. Mad., 1590. Alabama. The Code of Alabama. Prepared by John J. Ormond, Arthur P. Bagby, and George Goldthwaite. With Head Notes and Index by Henry C. Simple. 8vo. Montgomery, 1852. Alabama. Narrative of the Cruise of the Alabama, and List of her Officers and Men, by one of the Crew. [Pamphlet, 64 pages.] 8vo. London, 1864. Alabama. The Revised Code of Alabama. Prepared by A. J. Walker. 8vo. Montgomery, Alabama, 1867. Alabama Claims. Case of the United States to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration to be convened at Geneva under the Treaty of Washington, May 8th, 1871. 4to. London, 1872. Aland (Jn. Fortescue). See Fortescue. Alanus. De Insulis. See Auctores Octo. Alasco (Jo.) See Lasco. Albani (Jo. Hier.) De Potestate Papse et Concilii. 4to. Lugd., 1558. lO Albani (Jo. Hier.) De Potestate Papse et Concilii. 4to. Ven., 1561. Albani (Jo. Hier.) Lucubrationes in Bartolum. 2 vols. Folio. Ven., 1571. Albergonus (Fr. Eleuth.) Resolutio Doctrinse Scoticge. 4to. Patav., 1593. Alberius (Claud. Triuncurianus). De Concordia Medicorum. With Mufettus : de jure, &c. 8vo. Lausan., 1585. Alberrius. De Rosate. Albert Arbitration. Lord Cairns' Decisions. By Frances S. Reilly. Three Parts. 8vo. London, 1872-1875. Alberti (Salom.) De partibus Humani corporis. With Planerus de Medendo. 8vo. Wit., 1583. Alberti (Salom.) Orationes de Studio doctrinae Physicae, &c. 8vo. Witte., 1590. Alberti (Salom.) Scorbuti Historia. 8vo. Witte., 1594. Alberti (Salom.) See Esthius. Alberti (Leon. Bapt. de). De Pictura praestantissima. 8vo. Bas., 1540. Alberti (Leon. Bapt. de). L'Architettura. 8vo. Vin., 1546. Alberti Pii Funus. With Phillipi IIL, Lessus, &c. 8vo. Duac, 1623. Albertini (Fr.) De Angelo Custode. i2mo. C. Ar., 1613. Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Gesta. Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus Albertus (Magnus De Herbis, Lapidibus, et Animalibus. 4to. De Formation e Hominis. 4to. Interpretatio somniorum Danielis. 4to. De die Epiphanise. With Inchofer : Magorum Folio. Mog., 1477. De secretis. With Quintilian. 4to. Ant., 1499. Postillatio in Apocalypsin. 4to. Basil, 1506, De veris Virtutibus. i2mo. Ingold., 1586. De rebus Mineralibus et Metallicis. 8vo. Col., 1596. Sermones in Dominicas. 8vo. Mogu., 16 15. Sermones de Eucharistia. 8vo. Mogu., 161 5. Albertus (Magnus). De adhaerendo Deo, cum Vita ejus. With Jansenius. 8vo. Antw., 1621. II Albertus (Magnus). De secretis Mulienim. With Sim. Fortius de Principiis, &c. 8vo. Albin (Jn.) D'Opuscules de la Vraye Eglise. 8vo. Pat, 1569. Albinianus Iretius (Pet.) De Pontificia Potestate, et de Con- fessione, &c. 8vo. [No Title.] Albizius (Ant.) Exercitationes Theologicse. 4to. Camped., 1616 Albohazen. In Judiciis Astrorum. Folio. Ven., 1485 Albubater. Liber Genethliacus. 4to. Nor., 1590 Albucasis. Methodus Medendi. Folio. Basil, 1541 Alcabitius. Ad Magisterium judiciorum astrorum Isagoge. A. Jo Saxonio. 4to. Par., 152 1 Alchymi^ Tractatus {German). 4to. Strasb Alciati (And.) De Duello. 8vo. Ven., 1544 Alciati (And.) Paradoxa ad Pratum, &c. Folio. Lugd., 1548 Alciati (And.) Reliqua Opera. Folio. Lugd., 1548 f Alciati (And.) In Quartae et Quintse Partis Pandectarum Titulos. Folio. Lugd., 1550 Alciati (And.) Commentaria, Tractatus, Responsa, &c. 9 vols, in 6. Folio. Lugd., 1560 Alciati (And.) Emblemata. 8vo. Antw., 1581 Alciati (Melch.) De Prsecedentia. With Goffredi Surama. 4to. Ticini., 1601 Alcimus (Lat. Alethius). See Maittaire. Alcinous. Comparatio Platonis cum Aristotele. 4to. Ven., 1573 Alcinous. See Carpentarius. Alcock (Jn. Congreve). Registry Cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland, 1832-1841. 3 parts. 8vo. Dublin, 183 7-1 841. Alcock. See Cooke. Alcock and Napier's Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1-3 Will, IV. 8vo. Dublin, 1831. Alcoran. Translated into English immediately from the Original Arabic. With Explanatory Notes taken from the most approved Commentators. To which is prefixed a Preliminary Discourse. By George Sale. 4to. London, 1734. Alcorano (L'). Con la Vita di Macometto, &c. 4to. 1547. 12 Alcuinus, See Gale. Alcuinus (Levita). De Trinitate ac Mysteriis Christi. 8vo. 1530. Alden (T. J. Fox). The Condensed Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, from 1754 to 181 4. Vol. I, 1754-1806; Dallas, Vols. 1-4, 1 754- 1806 ; Yeates, Vol. i, 1791 1795. Vol. 2, 1795-1810; Yeates, Vols. 2-4, 1795-1807; Binney, Vols, i, 2, 1799-1810. Vol. 3, 1791-1814; Binney, Vols. 3-6, 1810-1814; Addison, 1791-1799. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1850- 1854. Alderisius (Albert). De Symbolicis Contractibus. Folio. Neap., 1675. Alderson (Sir Edwd. Hall). See Barnewall. Alderson (Sir Edwd. Hall). Selections from his Charges, &c. With a notice of his Life. By Chs. Alderson. 8vo. 1858. Alderton (W. S.) Commercial Almanack for 1844. i2mo. 1844. Aldobrandini (Silv.) De Perfecto Principe. 8vo. Franc, 1603. Aldrete (Bern.) Del Origen de la Lengua Castellana. Folio. Mad., 1606. Aldrete (Bern.) Varias Antiguedades de Espaiia, Africa, &c. 4to. Amb., 1614. Alealmus Aurelius (Jac.) Confutatio Problematis Hen. Monantholii. [Tracts, Vol. 100.] 4to. Par., 1600. Aleander (Hier. Junr.) Refutatio conjecturse de Suburbicariis Regio- nibus Romae, &c. 4to. Paris, 16 19. Aleman (Mat.) Vida de Antonio sancto de Padua. 4to. Sev., 1605, Aleotti (Gio. Bat.) See Giorgi. Ales, or Alesius (Alex.) De Traditionibus Apostolorum, &c. 8vo. Lips., 1556. Alesmius (Leon). In materiam Substitutionum. Svo. Pict., 1540. Alexander. Ab Alexandro, Geniales Dies. Svo. Franc, 1591. Alexander (Aphrodisius). Super libro Aristotelio de Anima. Folio. Oxon., 1481. Alexander (Aphrodisius). De Fato et Libero Arbitrio; ab Hier. Bagolino. [Tracts, Vol. 86.] 4to. Ver., 1516. Alexander (Aphrodisius). De Anima; Gent. Aur. Herveto Interp. Svo. Bas., 1648. Alexander (Aphrodisius). De Mixione. Svo. Alexander VL (Pope). Bull or Donation to the Kynges of Castyle of the Regions and Islandes in the Western Ocean. With Peter Martyr's Decades. 4to. 13 Alexander (Wm.) Abridgment of the Acts of Sederunt. 8vo. Edin. and London, 1838. Alexander (Wm.) Abridgment of Scotch Acts of Parliament, 1424- 1707. With Notes. 8vo. Edin., 1841. Alexander (Wm.) Digest of the Bankrupt Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edin., 1842. Alexander (Wm.) Digest of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act, 1856. 8vo. Edin., 1856. Alexandre (Pierre). Conseils et Advis sur les Temporiseurs, &c. i2mo. Genev., 1556. Alexius (Alter.) See Faustinus. Aleyn (Jn.) K. B. Reports, Car. L, 22-24. Folio. Cam., 1681. Alfonce (Jean). Voyages Avantureux. 4to. Roch., 1600. Alfonso (Mart.) Scuola Cathohca Morale. 8vo. Ven., 1602. Alfonso el Sabio Rey. The Laws of Las Siete Partidas, which are still in force in the State of Louisiana. Translated from the Spanish by L. Moreau Lislet and Henry Carleton. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1820. Alfonsus k Carthagena. See Hispanicarum rerum Scriptores. Alford (Henry). Poverty and Riches : a Sermon. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] 8vo. 1857. Alfragan. Chronologise et Astronomiae elementa. Per Jac. Christo- mannum. 8vo. Franc, 1590. Alfred (King). See Orosius. Alfred (King). The Will of. [Thomas Astle.] 4to. Oxford, 1788. Alison (Sir Archibald). History of Europe during the French Revo- lution. 10 vols. 8vo. 1 83 2- 1 842. Alison (Sir Archibald). Practice of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edin. and London, 1832. Alison (Sir Archibald). Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edin., 1832. Alison (Sir Archibald). History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in MDCCCXV. to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLH. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1852-1859. Alison (R.) Confutation of a Treatise of Brownism. 4to. 1590. All Souls' College. Catalogue of the Archives in the Muniment ■ Rooms. Prepared by Charles Trice Martin, F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1877. 14 Allard (Marcel). La Gazette Frangoise. 8vo. Paris, 1605. Allatius (Leon.) Apes Urbanae. 8vo. Rom., 1633. Allatius (Leon.) De Psellis, &c. With Archirota. 8vo. Rom., 1634. Allegiance. Apology for the Oath of. [Tracts, Vol. 54.] 4to. 1607. Allegiance. Questions concerning the Oath of. 4to. 1674. Allen (Charles). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1 861-1867. [Vols. 83- 96, Massachusetts Reports.] 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1861-1869. Allen (Charles). Telegraph Cases decided in the Courts of America, Great Britain, and Ireland. 8vo. New York, 1873. Allen (John). Enquiry into the Rise of the Royal Prerogative. With Biographical Notices of his Life. 8vo. 1 849. Allen (John Campbell). Reports of Cases argued and determined in . the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. With Tables of the Names of Cases and Principal Matters. From Easter Term 1848 to Michaelmas Term 1866. 6 vols. 8vo. Fredericton, 1850-1879. Allen (Robert). Treatise of Christian Beneficence. 4to. 1600. Allen (Thomas). In Exequias ejus Orationes. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to. 1632. Allen (Thomas, Barrister-at-Law). See New Sessions Cases. Allen (Thomas). The History of the County of Lincoln, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 2 vols. 4to. London and Lincoln, 1833- 1834. Allen (Wm.) Baptismal Abuses discovered. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1653. Allen, or Alan (Wm.) Defence of Purgatory. 8vo. Antw., 1565. Allen, or Alan (Wm.) His Seditious Drifts discovered. 4to. 1588. Allestree (Rd.) Almanack for 1629. i6mo. London. Allestree (Rd.) Almanack for 1629 and 1636. [Tracts, Vol. 125.] i6mo. London, 162 9-1 636. Allibone (S. Austin). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors living and deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the latter half of the XIX. Century. 3 vols. 8vo. London and Philadelphia, 185 9-1 871. Allnutt (Geo. S.) Practice of Wills and Administrations. i2mo. 1852. Almanack de Gotha. i6mo. Gotha, 1862-1878. 15 Almanacks for 1610, 1614, i6i6, 1622, 1624, 1631, 1636, 1641. [Tracts, Vol. 125.] i6mo. London. Almeida (Jo. Fer. d'). See Bible (Portuguese). Almon (Jn.) Letters on Libels. 8vo. 177 1. Almoni (Peloni). Compendious Discourse, proving Episcopacy Apostolical. [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1641. Alphonsus (Madriliensis). De Deo apte inserviendi. i2mo. Col. Ag., 16 1 2. Alphonsus (Madriliensis). De Vita Domini. With Balsamon. Alphunsus (Pet.) Dialogi contra Judseos. 8vo. Col., 1536. Alpini (Prosper). De Balsamo. With Laur. Frisius. 4to. Ven., 1591. Alpini (Prosper). De Medicin4 ^gyptiorum. 4to. Ven., 1591. Alpini (Prosper). De Plantis -^gypti et de Balsamo. ^ 4to. Ven., 1592. Alpini (Prosper). De prsesagienda morte -^grotantium. 4to. Ven., 1601. Alpini (Prosper). De Rhapontico Disputationes. With Jo. Dom. Sala. 4to. Pat., 1612. Alstedius (Jo, Hen.) Systema Mnemonicon. 2 vols. 8vo. Franc, 1610. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Theatrum Scholasticum. 8vo. Haerb. Nast., 16 10. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Lexicon Theologicum. 8vo. Franc, 161 2. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Logicse Systema Harmonicum. 8vo. Franc, 16 14. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Prsecognita Theologica. 4to. Franc, 1614. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Theologia Naturalis. 4to. Franc, 1615. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Methodus Sanctse Theologise. With Bul- ling er. 8vo. Han., 16 19. ' Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) De Mille Annis Apocalypticis. i2mo. Franc, 1627. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Summa Casuum Conscientise. With Curio de Regno, &c. 12 mo. Franc, 1628. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Turris Davidis. 8vo. Han., 1634. Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Scientiarum omnium Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1649. '^. i6 Alt (L.) Handbuch des Europaischen Gesandschafts-Rechtes, nebst einem Abriss von dem Consulatswesen ; mit Beriicksichtigung der Gesitzgebung des Norddeutschen Bundes. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Altenstaig (Jo.) Lexicon Theologicum. Folio. Antw., 1576. Alteserra (Ant. Dadino). De Fictionibus Juris. 4to. Paris, 1659. Alteserra (Ant. Dadino). Ab Eisenhart. Svo. Hal. et Helm., 1779. Althamerus (And.) Conciliationes Scripturae, &c. Svo. Norim., 1534. Althamerus (And.) Germaniae Descriptio. Svo. Franc, 16 17. Altimarus (Blasius). Pragmaticae, Edicta, Decreta, &c. Regni Neapolitani. 3 vols. Folio. Neap., 17 15. Alvarez (Diego). De Auxiliis Divinse Gratiae. 2 vols. 4to. Col. Ag., 1 62 1, Alvarez (Fran.) Historia de las Cosas de Ethiopia, &c. Por Tho- Padilla. Second Edition. Svo. Anvers, 1557. Third Edition. Svo. Anvers, 1558. Fourth Edition. Folio. Sara., 1561. Alvernus (Guil.) Opera omnia. Folio. Ven., 1591. Alvin (Frs. Steph. d'). De Potestate Episcoporum, Abbatum, &c. Svo. Paris, 1607. Alyacus (Pet.) Imago Mundi. 4to. Amama (Sixt.) De Erroribus Papismi ex ignorantia Ebraismi. 4to. Franc, 16 18. Amatus (Jo. Rod. Amato). Curationes Medicinales. Svo. Lugd., 1564. Ambassadeurs. Memoires touchant les. Par L. M. P. i2mo. Rouen, 1679. Ambler (Chs.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. With some few in other Courts. By Blunt. 2 vols. Svo. 1828. Ambosius (Jac M.) De rebus creatis et earum Creatore. 4to. Paris, 1586. Ambosius (Jac. M.) De rebus creatis et earum Creatore. Svo. Paris, 1586. Ambrose (S.) De Ofificiis. With Augustin de Moribus. Svo. Amedeus (Pacificus). Seu de obedientia Papae, Amedei Sabaudiae, &c. Svo. Paris, 1626. Amelungius (Pet.) De Alchimia. Svo. Lip., 1607. Amerbach (Vitus). De Anima. With Vives. Svo. Lugd., 1555. 17 America. Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus incogni- tarum. Folio. Basil, 1532. America, Navigationes prirase in Americam. 8vo. Rot, 1616. America. Lois et Constitutions des Colonies Frangoises de TAmerique sous le vent, par Moreau de Saint-Mery. 6 vols. 4to. Par., 1703. America. See United States. American Archives. Consisting of a Collection of Authentick Records, State Papers, Debates, and Letters, and other Notices of Public Affairs. The whole forming a Documentary History of the Origin and Progress of the North American Colonies, of the Causes and Accomplishment of the American Revolution, and of the Consti- tution of the Government of the United States, to the Final Rati- fication thereof. In Six Series. [The First, Second, and Third Series not yet published.] Fourth Series, from the King's Message of March 7th, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence by the United States in 1776. 6 vols. Folio. Washington, 1 837-1 846. American Archives. Fifth Series. From the Declaration of Inde- pendence in 1776 to the Definite Treaty of Peace with Great Britain in 1783. 3 vols. FoHo. Washington, 1848-1853. American Catalogue of Books. 8vo. 1856. American Colonial Church Historical Collections. See Perry. American Constitutions. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1864. American Constitutions. Comprising the Constitution of each State in the Union, and of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation. With an Historical Introduction and Notes. By Franklin H. Hough. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1872. American Law Magazine. 4 numbers. 8vo. Phil, 1843, 1844. American Law Register. Old Series. From November 1852 to November 1861. Editors, Asa Fish and Henry Wharton. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 185 3-1 861. American Law Register. New Series, Vol. i (Old Series, Vol. 10), from November 1861 to December 1878. [In progress.] 17 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862-1878. American Law Review (The). 1866-1879. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1867-1879. American Reports. .S^^ Thompson. 1868-1878. 26 vols. 1868-1879. (2) i8 American Reports. Digest of Decisions in the Courts of Last Resort of the several States contained in the American Reports, from Vol. i to 24 inclusive. With an Index of Notes. By Isaac Grant Thompson. 1870-1879. 8vo. Albany, 1879. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Second Session of the Twenty-second Congress, inclusive, commencing March 3rd, 1789, and ending March 3rd, 1833. 47 vols. Folio. Washington, 1833-1861. American Year Book and National Register for 1869. Astronomical, Historical, Political, Financial, Commercial, Agricultural, Edu- cational, and Religious. Edited by David Camp. Vol. I. 8vo. Hartford, 1869. Ames (Joseph) and Herbert's Typographical Antiquities. An Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Containing Memoirs of Printers, &c. 3 vols. 4to, 1785. Ames (Samuel). On Private Corporations. See Angell. Ames (Samuel). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1 854-1863. [Vols. 4-7, Rhode Island Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1 858-1 865. Amesius, or Ames (Guil.) Bellarminus Enervatus. Vol. 3. 8vo. Oxon., 1629. Amesius, or Ames (Guil.) De Lumine Naturae, &c. With Erasmi Vita. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 16 17. AMIT16 (de r) et de 1' Avarice. 8vo. Paris, 1598. Ammianus (MarcelUnus). See Augustse Historige Scriptores. Ammonius (Alexandrinus). Evangelicse Historise fragmenta. With Clemens Epistola. 4to. Aug. Vind., 1523. Ammonius (Lev.) In Parabolam Filii Minoris. 8vo. Lov., 1542. Amos (And.) and Ferard. A Treatise on the Law of Fixtures. 8vo. 1827. Second Edition. By Joseph Ferard. 8vo. 1847. Amos (And.) Ruins of Time exemplified in Hale's Pleas of the Crown. 8vo. Lond. and Camb., 1856. Amos (And.) English Constitution in the Reign of Charles II. 8vo. Lond. and Camb., 1857. Amos (And.) Observations on the Statutes of the Reformation Parliament of Henry VIII. 8vo. Lond. and Camb., 1859. Amos (Sheldon, M.A.) A Systematic View of the Science of Juris prudence. 8vo, London, 1872. 19 Amos (Sheldon, M.A.) An English Code, its Difficulties, and the Modes of overcoming them. A Practical Application of the Science of Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1873. Amos (Sheldon, M.A.) A Primer of the English Constitution and Government. Bvo. London, 1873. Amos (Sheldon, M.A.) International Law, 8vo. London, 1874. Amos (Sheldon, M.A.) The Science of Law. 8vo. London, 1874. Amos. A Comparative Survey of Laws in Forcg for the Prohibition, Regulation, and Licensing of Vice in England and other Countries. 8vo. London, 1877. Amundesham (Johannes Monachus de). Ut videtur, Annales Monasterii Sancti Albani conscripti (a.d, 1421-1440). Quibus prgefigitur Chronicon rerum gestarum in monasterio Sancti Albani (a.d. 1422- 1431), a quodam auctore ignoto compilatum. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No. 28, VIII. IX. Vols, i, 2. 1870, 1871. Amvdenius (Theod.) De Officio, &c. Datarii. Folio. Venet., 1654. Amvdenius (Theod.) De Pietate Romana. 4to. Rom., 1625. Amyot (Tho.) The Old Taming of a Shrew. 8vo. 1844. Amyot (W. H.) On Statutes. See Dwarris. Amyraut (Moses). Traite de Religions, contre ceux qui les estiment indifferentes. 8vo. Saumur, 1631. Anacletus. Epistolse. With Heraclides : Paradisus. Folio. Paris, 1504. Anacletus. Epistolse. With Clemens : Epistola. 4to. Col., 1526. Anacreon. Carmina cum notis Baxteri et Fischeri. 8vo. Lips., 1793. Anacreon. See Fawkes. In British Poets. Anania (Jo. de). Consilia. Folio. 1540. Anania (Jo. Laur.) De Natura Dgemonum. With Fulgentius. 8vo. Ven., 1589. Anarchy of a Limited Monarchy. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1648. Anarchy of a Limited Monarchy. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 1648. Anastasius (Bibliothecarius). Collectanea. 8vo. Paris, 1620. Anastasius. See Corpus Byzantinae Historise, Anatomy of the Mass. 12 mo. 1556. Ancharano. In Decretales Commentaria. Folio. Bon., 1581. Ancharano (Pet.) Consilia cum additionibus Hier. Zanchii. Folio. Ven., 1585. 20 Ancher (Fs. Kofod). Den Tydske Laobog paa gammel Dansk. 4to. Kiob., 1783. Ancre (Marquis d'). His Tyranny and Death, [Tracts, Vol. 119.] 4to. 161 7. Anderson (Adam). An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the History of Commerce, from the earliest accounts. Containing an History of the great Commercial Interests of the British Empire. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1 787-1 789. Anderson (Alex.) Vindicise Archimedis. [Tracts, Vol. 100.] 4to. Par., 1616. Anderson (Charles Henry). A Digest of the Principles and Practice of Common Law, Conveyancing, Equity, Bankruptcy, and Criminal Law. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Anderson (Sir Edm.) Reports Temp. Eliz. Folio. 1664. Anderson (Hy.) Loyal Tear dropt on the Vault of Charles IL [Tracts, Vol. 168.] 8vo. 1685. Anderson (James). On the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords from the Courts of Scotland. 8vo. i860. Anderson (J. Still, F.S.A.) Decisions in the Court of Sessions from 1800 to 1878 in Cases connected with the Agriculture of Scotland. Revised by Counsel. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1878. Anderson (Robt.) Life of Sam. Johnson. 8vo. 1795. Anderson (Rt. Hy.) Practice of County Courts. i2mo. York, 1830. Andocides. See Oratores. Andrk (Bernard). Historia Henrici VH. Edited by Jas. Gairdner. [Brit, Gt., No. 10.] 8vo. 1858. Andre (Michel). Cour Alphabetique et M^thodique de Droit Canon dans ses rapports avec le Droit Civil Ecclesiastique. 5 vols. 8vo. Par., 1852. Andreas (J oh.) In Decretales Commentaria, cum Glossis. Per Pet. Vendramaenum, &c. With Index. 5 vols. Folio. Ven., 1581. Andreas (J oh.) Invitatio Fraternitatis Christi, &c. Herculis Chris- tiani Luctae Civis Christianus, &c. 8vo. Arg., 161 7. Andreas (Jo. Val.) Mythologia Christiana. i2mo. Arg., 1619. Andreas (Jo. Val.) Memorialia, &c. With Rosea Crux : Turris Babel. i2mo. Arg., 1619. Andreas (Jo. Val.) Jacobi Andreae Vita, Scripta, &c. With Joach. Mencelius. iziae. Arg., 1630. 21 Andreas (Jo. Val.) Hieronimi Sancti Vita, &c. See Jerome. Andreas (Val.) Bibliotheca Belgica, cum Topographia. 8vo. Lov., 1623. Andreas (Val.) Bibliotheca Belgica, cum Topographia. 4to. Lov., 1643. Andreas (Val.) Fasti Academiae Lovaniensis. 4to. Lov., 1650. Andreini (Frs.) Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento. 4to. Ven,, 1615. Andrelinus (Pub. Faust.) Epistolse Proverbiales. With Picus. Epistolse. Andrewes (Bp.) Determination concerning Oaths. Apology, Andrewes (Bp.) Sermon on the Right of Calling Assemblies. Barlow on Bishops. Andrewes (Bp.) Responsio ad Bellarminum. Andrewes (Bp.) Tortura Torti. Andrewes (Bp.) Opuscula qusedam Posthuma. Andrewes (Bp.) Minor Works. With Memoir. Opuscula Posthuma. And Index. Patterns of Catechistical Doctrine. Preces Privatse. Responsio ad Card. Bellarminium. Sermons. 5 vols. Tortura Torti. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] II vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1841-1854. Andrews (C. C.) Official Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States, advising the President and Heads of Departments in relation to their Official Duties, and Expounding the Constitu- tion ; Treaties with Foreign Governments and with Indian Tribes, and the Public Laws of the Country. [Vols. 6-9 of Official Opinions of Attorneys-General] See Hall. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1 856-1 866. Andrews (George). Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, 11 and 12 Geo. II. Folio. 1754. Andrews (George). Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, in the nth and 12th years of George II. Second Edition. By George W. Vernon. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Andrews (Js. Pettit). Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain. 4to. 1796. 4to. 1516. With Cosin's 4to. 1593- nblies. With 4to. 1606. 4to. 1610. 4to. 1610. 4to. 1629. 8vo. 1854. 1852. 1846. 1853. 1851. 184 1-1843. 1851. 22 Andrews (John, B.A.) Precedents of Leases. With Practical Notes. Second Edition. 8vo. London. 1878. Andrews (John, B.A.) Precedents of Mortgages. With Practical Notes. 8vo. London, 1879. Androtius (Fulvius). De frequentanda Communione. 8vo. Mog., 1598. Angelis (Franc. Joseph, d'). De Delictis, &c. Folio. Ven., 1736. Angelis (Paul d'). Delia Limosina. 4to. Rom., 161 1. Angell (Joseph K.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1828-1851. [Vol. i, Rhode Island Reports.] 8vo. Boston, 1847. Angell (Joseph K.) and Ames (Samuel). On the Law of Private Corporations Aggregate. Eighth Edition. Revised, corrected, and enlarged. By John Lathrop. 8vo. Boston, 1866. Angell (Joseph K.) On the Limitations of Actions at Law, and Suits in Equity and Admiralty. With an Appendix containing the American and English Statutes of Limitations. Fifth Edition. By John Wilder May. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Angell (Joseph K.) On the Law of Watercourses. With an Appendix containing Statutes of Flowing, and Forms of Declaration. Fifth Edition. Sixth Edition. By J. C. Perkins. Angell (Joseph K.) On the Law of Carriers. Fourth Edition. By John Lathrop. Fifth Edition. By John Lathrop. Angelocrator (Dan.) Epitome Conciliorum et Academiarum, &c. With Albizius. 4to. Franc, 1620. Angelus (Christ.) De Apostasia Ecclesiae, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 77.] 4to. 1624. Angelus (Jac.) Vita M. TuUii Ciceronis, cum commentatione Wolffg. Peristeri. 8vo. [No Title.] Berlin, 1581. Angelus (Jo.) Astrolabum planum in Tabulis ascendens. With Leopold. 4to. Ven., 1502. Anghiera (d'). See Peter Martyr. Angli/E Votiva. To persuade his Majesty to draw his sword for restoring the Palatinate, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 114.] 4to. Utre., 1625. 8vo. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Boston, 1869. 8vo. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Boston, 1868. 8vo. Boston, 1877. 23 Anglicans Historiae Decern Scriptores. Folio. 1652. Anglicarum rerum Scriptores post Bedam. Folio. Franc, 1601. Anglicarum, Henrico VIII., Edwardo VI., et Maria regnantibus, Annales. Folio. 16 16. Anglois (Pierre l'). Discours de Hieroglyphes Egyptiens, &c. 4to. Par., 1584. Anglo-Catholic Theology. Library of. 1. Andrewes (Bishop). Ninety-six Sermons. 5 vols. 1 841-1843. 2. Andrewes (Bishop). Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine. 1846. 3. Andrewes (Bishop). Tortura Torti ; sive ad Matthaei Torti Librum Responsio. 185 1. 4. Andrewes (Bishop). Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini. 185 1. 5. Andrewes (Bishop). Praeces Privatse Quotidianse Gr. et Lat. 1853. 6. Andrewes (Bishop). Opuscula quaedam Posthuma. 1852. 7. Andrewes (Bishop). Minor Works, Life, and Indices to Sermons. 1854. 8. Beveridge (Bishop). English Theological Works, com- plete. 10 vols. 1 844- 1 848. 9. Beveridge (Bishop). Codex Canonum. 2 vols. 1848. 10. Bramhall's (Archbishop) Works. With Life and Letters. 5 vols. 1842-1845. 11. Bull (Bishop). Harmonia Apostolica ; or, Two Disserta- tions on the Doctrine of St. James, and the Agree- ment of St. Paul therewith. Examen Censurse; or. Answer to certain Strictures on the Harmonia Apostolica. 2 vols. 1842, 1843. 12. Bull (Bishop). Defence of the Nicene Creed out of the Extant Writings of the Catholick Doctors who flourished during the first three centuries of the Christian Church. 2 vols. 1851-1854. 13. Bull (Bishop). Judgment of the Catholick Church, &c. 1855- 14. Cosin (Bishop). Works. [Now first collected.] 5 vols. 1843-1855. 15. Crakanthorp (Richard, D.D.) Defensio Ecclesiae AngU- cans, 1847. 24 Anglo-Catholic Theology —continued. 16. Forbes (Bishop William). Considerationes Modestse. 2 vols. 1850. 17. Frank (Mark, D.D.) Sermons. 2 vols. 1849. 18. Gunning (Bishop). On the Paschal or Lent Fast. 1845. 19. Hammond (Henry, D.D.) Practical Catechism. 1847. 20. Hammond (Henry, D.D.) Minor Theological Works. 1849. 21. Hammond (Henry, D.D.) Thirty-one Sermons. 2 parts. 22. Hickes (George, D.D.) Two Treatises of the Christian Priesthood, and on the Dignity of the Episcopal Order. 3 vols. 1847, 1848. 23. Johnson (John). Unbloody Sacrifice and Altar Unveiled. In which the nature of the Eucharist is explained according to the sentiments of the Christian Church in the first four centuries. 1847. 24. Johnson (John). Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Canons of the Church of England. 2 vols. 1850, 1851. 25. Laud (Archbishop). Works. Including his Letters (from the State Paper Office). [Never before printed.] 7 vols. 9 parts. 1847-1853. 26. L'Estrange (Hamon). Alliance of Divine Offices. 1846. 27. Marshall (Nathaniel, D.D.) Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church for the first four hundred years after Christ. 1844. 28. Nicholson (Bishop). Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England. 1849. 29. Overall (Bishop). Convocation Book of 1606, concerning the Government of God's Catholick Church. [Printed from a Collection of several MSS.] 1844. 30. Pearson (Bishop). Vindicse Ignatian^. Annotationibus et prefatione ad hodiernum controversae statum accom- modata. Edidit E. Churton. 2 vols. 1852. 31. Thorndike (Herbert). Theological Works, complete. 6 vols. 10 parts. 1 844-1 851. 32. Wilson (Bishop Thomas). Works, complete. With Life. By the Rev. John Keble. 7 vols. 8 parts. 1849-185 1. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Translated by J. A. Giles. Bohn, with Bede. 8vo. London, 1849. 25 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited, with Translation, by Benj. Thorpe. See Brit., Gt., No. 23. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Anglo-Saxon Law. Essays in. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Angoumois (Phil d'). Triomphes de I'Amour de Dieu, en la Con- version d'Hermogene. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1625. Anguilla. Statutes of the Island of Anguilla, 1711-1857. [Bound with the Statutes of the Island of St. Christopher.] Folio. London, 1857. Animi pro Libertate Apologia. [Tracts, Vol. 155.] 8vo. Par., 1569. Anna Comnena. See Corpus Byzantinse Historise. Annales, Monastici. See Luard, and Britain, Great, No. 36. Annaly's Reports. See Lee and Hardwicke. Annosus (Fidelis). De Monarcha Ecclesise. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1622. Annosus (Fidelis). Hypocrisis detecta Antonii de Dominis. 8vo. Anv., 1620. Annuaire de I'Institut de Droit International. 2 vols. 8vo. Gand., 1877, 1878. Annual Register. A View of the History, Politics, and Literature of the years 1 758-1862. Old Series. 104 vols. 8vo. London, 1777-1863. Annual Register. A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the years 1863-1877. New Series. 15 vols. 8vo. London, 1 864-1878. Anonvmus (Philalethes Eusebianus). In Vitas Apostolorum. 4to. Colon., 1531. Ansaldis (Ansaldus de). De Commercio et Mercatura. Folio. Col. All., 1698. Ansaldis. Decisiones Rotae Romanse, cum Indice And. Lupardi, &c. Folio. Rom., 17 11. Anselmus (Aurel.) Gerocomica, seu de Senum regimine. 4to. Ven., 1606. Anselmus (Episcopus Marsicanus). Vaticinia. See Joachim. Anson (Sir William R., M.A., B.C.L.) Principles of the English Law of Contract. 8vo. Oxford, 1879. Anstey (Christr.) New Bath Guide. 8vo. 1830. Anstey (Rev. Henry). Munimenta Academica Oxon. See Brit., Gt, No. 50. Anstey (John). Pleader's Guide. 26 Anstey (Thomas Chisholm). A Letter to the Lord Chancellor Cot- tenham, upon his Lordship's intended Motion for a Committee to Enquire and Report as to the Law and Practice of Petition of Right. [Pamphlet, io6 pages.] i2mo. London, 1845. Anstey (Thomas Chisholm). On Blackstone's Theory of the Omni- potence of Parliament. [Juridical Society's Publications, Vol. 3, Part 4.] i2mo. London, 1867. Anstey (Thomas Chisholm). On the " Representation of the People Act, 1867 " (30 and 31 Vict, c. 104). With Appendices concerning the Antient Rights, the Rights conferred by the 2 and 3 Will. IV., c. 45, Population, Rental, Rating, and the Operation of the Re- pealed Enactments as to Compound Householders. 8vo. London, 1867. Anstis (Jn.) Brooke's Discoverie of Errours in Camden's Britannia. Anstis (Jn.) Register of the Order of the Garter. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1724. Anstis (Jn.) On the Knighthood of the Bath. 4to. London, 1725. Anstis (Jn.) Register of the Order of the Garter. 2 vols. Folio. 1724. Anstruther (Alex.) Reports of Cases in Exchequer, 32-37 Geo. IIL 3 vols. 8vo. 1796. Anstruther (A.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter Term, 32 Geo. III., to Trinity Term, 37 Geo. III. Second Edition. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. London, 181 7. Antangil. Histoire du Grand Royaume d'Antangil. 8vo. Lugd., 16 1 6. Antarvetus (Jo.) In Apologiam pro Judicio Scholae Parisiensis de Alchymia animadversiones. With Rioland pro Hippocrate. 8vo. Franc, 1604. Antarvetus (Jo.) In Apologiam pro Judicio Scholse Parisiensis de Alchymia animadversiones. With Rioland pro Hippocrate. 8vo. Franc, 1604. Anthonius (Fran.) Medicine Chymicse, et potabilis auri assertio. With Jac Martinus de SimpUcibus. 8vo. Cant, 16 10. Anthony (St.) Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith. See the Grampian Club's Publications. Anti-Caton. izmo. Paris, 1587. Antichrist. Advertissement sur son Advenement 8vo. Par., 16 18, Antichrist. De la Venue de I'Antichrist [Tracts, Vol. 128.] 8vo. Par., 1602. 2; Antichrist. La Manifestation de I'Antichrist. [Tracts, Vol. 128.] 8vo. 1667. Antichristus. Seu Prognostica finis Mundi. 4to. Bas. Anti-Confederacy ; or, Queries about the Covenant. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 2 copies. 4to. Oxf., 1644. Anti-Coton. [Tracts, Vol. 146.] • Svo. 1610. Anti-Coton. Responce k I'Anti-Coton. Svo. Paris, 161 1. Anti-Coton. Refutation of Cotton (^^^//J/^). 4to. 161 1. Antidote (An), or Treatise of 30 Controversies, &c. By N. S. 4to. 1623. Anti-Espagnol. Copie de I'Anti-Espagnol, faict k Paris. [Tracts, Vol. 161.] Svo. 1590. Anti-Gar ASSE. Svo. Paris, 1627. Antigonus (Carystius). Mirabilium Congeries. With Antoninus : Metamorphoses. Svo. Basil, 1568. Antigonus (Carystius). See Meursius. Antigua. The Laws of the Island of Antigua. Consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, commencing Sth November, 1690, ending 21st April, 179S; and the Acts of Antigua from loth April, 166S, to 4th April, 1S45, 4 vols. 4to. London, 1S05-1S46. Antigua. The Laws of Antigua. Consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands in force in Antigua, and the Acts of Antigua from 20 Car. II., 1668, to 28 Vict, 1864. With a Table of Acts, Index of Subject-Matter, and Alphabetical Index. [By Authority.] Folio. London, 1865 Antigua. The Laws of Antigua, from 1S64 to 1S72, and for 1875. Folio. Antigua, 1865-1872, 1875 Anti-Guisart (L'). Svo. Rheims, 15S7 Anti-Hermaphrodite j ou, Advis au Roy, &c. Svo. Par., 1606 Anti- Jacobin. Poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. 4to. 1801 Antimariana. Svo. Paris, 16 10, Antiochus (Sanct.) Pandectas Sanctse Scrip turae. 4to. Paris, 1543 Antiphon. See Oratores. Antiquarian Repertory. A Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners. Chiefly by Frs, Grose, Thps. Astle, &c. 4 vols. 4to. 1S07. 28 Antiquaries. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, November 17th, 1859, to June 21st, 1866. 3 vols., and Vol. 4, Parti. Second Series. 8vo. London, 185 9- 1868. Antiquodlibet ; or, an Advertisement to beware of Secular Priests. 8vo. Mid., 1602. Anti-Rosarium. [Tracts, Vol. 128.] 8vo. Lugd., 1587. Antistius (Vincent. Justinian.) Pro Divinse Catharinse Imaginibus. Seejo. Nider. 8vo. Ant., 161 1. Antithesis. See Bedell. Antoine (L Roy de Portugal). Vie et Mort de. 8vo. Paris, 1629. Antoine (St. Abbe). Vie et Choses Merveilleuses. 8vo. Lyon, 1600. Antonellus (Hipp.) Apparatus animadversionum in Hippolytum Obicium. With Cajetan. 8vo. Van., 1631. Antoninus. Confessionale. i2mo. Paris, 15 17. Antoninus, or Anthoninus. De Forciglioni. Opus Chronicon k Johanne de Gradibus illustratum. 3 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1527. ' Antoninus, seu Antonius. Liberalis. Metamorphoses, Gr. et Lat. ; cum notis Gul. Xylandri. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Antoninus. (Marc. Aur. Philosophus). De Vita sua, Gr. et Lat. ; cum notis Gul. Xylandri. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Antoninus (Marc. Aur.) De seipso, seu Vita sua, Gr. et Lat. 8vo. Tig., 1558. Antoninus (Marc. Aur.) De seipso, seu Vita sua {Spanish). i2mo. Mad., 1596. Antoninus Pius (T. Aur. Fulv. Bon. Aug.) Vetus Romanorum Itinerarium. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1600. Antonio (Persio). Del Bever Caldo da gli Antichi Romani. 8vo. Ven., 1593. ' Antonius (^lius Nebrissensis). Res gestae k Ferdinando V. et Elizabetha Hispaniae. 8vo. Gra., 1550. Antonius (^Elius Nebrissensis). De Bello Navarrensi. 8vo. Gra., 1550. Antonius (.^Uus Nebrissensis). Hispanicarum rerum Scriptores. Anvers (La Prinse d'). With Lettres. 8vo. 1567. Anville (Jn. Bapt. Bourguignon d'). Cartes Geographiques. Folio. 1754, &c. 29 Apastamba. Aphorisms of the Sacred Law of the Hindus. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by George (sic) BUhler, Ph.D. Part I, containing the Text, with Critical Notes, and an Index of the Sutras, 8vo. Bombay, 1868. Apellus (Jo.) Tyrocinia Juris, &c. ; a Jo. Reich. Scheffer. With Wesenbecius : Prolegomena. 8vo. Basil, 1580. Apian (Pet.) Horoscopion. Folio. Ing., 1533. Apian (Pet.) Instrumentum primi mobilis. Folio. Ner., 1534. Apocalypse. Exposition de 1', &c. 12 mo. Gen., 1552. Apocalypse. Tuba Belli adversus Antichristum. With Syrenius de Prsedestinatione. 4to. 1622. Apocalypse. La Clef del'. i2mo. Gen., 1640. Apollinaris (Sidonius). Historia. With Procopius. 8vo. Lugd., 1594. Apollodorus. See Bened. -^gius. Apollonius (Dyscolus). Historise Mirabiles, Gr. et Lat. ; cum notis Gul. Xylandri. With Antonius. Liberalis. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Apollonius (Levinus). De Peruvige inventione. Svo. Antw., 1567. Apollonius (Rhodius). See Preston. Appolonius (Rhodius). Argonautica. 2 vols, in i. Svo. Lips., 18 10. Apology against the Defence of Schism. i2mo. Doway. Apology for Non-Subscribers of the New Engagement, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1650. Apomazar, sett Apomasaris. Des Significations des Songes. Svo. Paris, 1581, Apothegmas de Reges y Principes y Philosophos. Svo. En v., 1549. Apparitioni. Informatione reale delle false. [Tracts, Vol. 99.] 4to. Tig., 1566. Appeal Cases, Cases heard on Appeal in the House of Lords. With the Judgments in MS. 1725-1739. 3 vols. Folio. Appeal Cases. Cases heard on Appeal in the House of Lords. 176 9- 177 6. 2 vols. Folio. Appeal Cases. Cases heard on Appeal in the House of Lords. 1 784- 1 78 7. I vol. Folio. Appeal Cases. Cases heard on Appeal in the House of Lords. 1 794-1 8 1 2. 9 vols. Folio. Appeal Cases. Cases heard on Appeal in the House of Lords. 1818-1831. 21 vols. Folio. 30 Appeal Cases. Miscellaneous Appeal Cases from 1725 to 1778. [Unbound.] Selected to further the completion of the above volumes. 121 Cases. Appeal Cases from 1848. Chiefly 4to. Appeals, Orders in Council, Letters Patent, Acts, Instructions, Src, relating to Appeals to the Queen in Council from certain Depen- dencies of the Crown and from the Consular Court (Turkey). [Printed by Authority.] Folio, London, 1862. Appellate Side of the High Court Decisions, 1862-1863. 2 vols. 8vo. East Indies, 1862, 1863. Appianus (Alexandrinus). Historige Romanse, cum adnotationibus Joh. Schweighgeuseri, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Lips., 1785. Appleton (John). Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, 1841. [Vols. 19, 20, Maine Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1 842-1 843. Appleton (W. S.) The Heraldic Journal. Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families. Vol. 3. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Apuleius (Lucius). Les Metamorphoses ; ou, I'Asne d'Or. 8vo. Par., 1623. Apuleius (Lucius). Opera, cum notis Elmenhorstii, &c. 8vo. Fran., 162 1. Apuleius (Lucius). See Maittaire. Apuleius (Lucius). See Valpy. , . Aqua viva, sen Aquivivus (Belisarius). De Principum Liberis educandis. 8vo. Bas., 1578. Aqua viva. De Venatione, de Aucupio, de Re Militari, et de singulari certamine. 8vo. Bas., 1578. Aquilianus (Scip.) De placitis Philosophorum, &c. With Fortu- natus. 4to. Ven., 1620. Aquinas (Tho.) Summa Theologise. Part 3. Folio. Neur., 1496. Aquinas (Tho.) In Aristotelis Politica cum Textu. Leon. Aretino interp. Folio. Ven., 15 14. Aquinas (Tho.) Summorum Theologicorum Indices. Folio. 1575. Aquinas (Tho.) In Libros Aristotelis de Anima. Folio. Ven., 1597. Aragon. Fueros y Observancias del Reyno de Aragon. Folio. Sarag., 1623. 31 Aratas. Phaenomena et Diosemea : Grgec-Lat. cura Buhle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lips., 1793. Arbuthnot (A. J., M.C.I.) Select Report of Criminal Cases deter- mined in the Court of Foujdaree Udulat of Madras, 1826-1850. Svo. Madras, 1850. Arbuthnot (Jn.) Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures Explained and Exemplified. And an Appendix by Benj. Langwith. 4to. 1754. Arc (Joanne d'). Chronique de la Pucelle; par Buchon. See France.. Arc (Joanne d'). Historie memorable de sa Vie. 8vo. Paris, 161 2. Arch^ologia. Liber quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobse. Anno regni Regis Edwardi Primi vicesimo octavo, a.d. MCCXCIX. et MCCC. 4to. Londini, 1787, Ex codice MS. in Bibliotheca sua asservato typis edidit Soc. Antiq. Londinensis. Arch^ologia. a Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, made in divers reigns, from King Edward IIL to King William and Queen Mary. Also Receipts in Ancient Cookery. 4to, London, 1790. ARCHiEOLOGiA ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. [Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquarians of London.] Third Edition. 43 vols. 4to. London, 1 804-1 870. ARCHiEOLOGiA Cautiana. Being Transactions of the Kent Archseo- logical Society. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1858-1877. Archbishops. Lively Pourtraitures of the Archbishops and Bishops. [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1640. Archbold (John Frederick). Practice, &c., of the New County Courts. Third Edition, Svo. 1843. Archbold (John Frederick). Practice of the Crown Office of the Court of Queen's Bench. With Forms of Pleadings, &c. 1 2 mo. 1844. Archbold (John Frederick). Landlord and Tenant. Law of. With all the requisite Forms. 12 mo. 1846. Archbold (John Frederick). Jervis' Acts (11 and 12 Vict. cc. 42, 43, and 44). Relating to the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions, &c. With Practical Notes and Forms. i2mo. London, 1848. Archbold (John Frederick). New System of Criminal Procedure, Pleading, and Evidence, in Indictable Cases. i2mo. 1852. 32 Archbold (John Frederick). Parish Officer. Comprising the Law as to Church Rates, Vestries, Watching, and Lighting, &c. i2mo. 1852. Archbold (John Frederick). New Practice, Pleading, and Evidence, in the Courts of Common Law at Westminster. i2mo. 1853. Second Edition. i2mo. 1855. Archbold (John Frederick). Bankruptcy, Law and Practice in. Eighth Edition. By John Flather. 8vo. 1840. Tenth Edition. By John Flather. 8vo. 1844. Eleventh Edition. By John Flather. 8vo. 1856. Archbold (John Frederick). Laws relating to Notices and Grounds of Appeal against Poor Rates, &c. Also relative to Notices of Appeal and Grounds of Removal in case of Orders Removal, &c. Second Edition. i2mo. 1858. Archbold (John Frederick). Poor Law. Comprising the Whole of the Law of Settlement, Relief, and Removal of the Poor. With Forms. [Vol. 3 of The Justice of the Peace.] i2mo. 1856. Eleventh Edition. i2mo. London, 1863. Archbold (John Frederick). Parish Officer, and Shaw's Parish Law. Fourth Edition. By James Paterson. 12 mo. London, 1864. Archbold (John Frederick). Chitty's Archbold's Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, in Personal Actions and Ejectments. Including the Common Pleas and Exchequer. Eleventh Edition. By Samuel Prentice. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1862. Twelfth Edition. By Samuel Prentice. r2mo. 1866. Archbold (John Frederick). Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench in Personal Actions and Ejectments. Eighth Edition. By Chitty (Thomas). 2 vols. i2mo. 1845. Ninth Edition. By Chitty and Prentice. 8vo. 1855. Tenth Edition. By Chitty and Prentice. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858. Forms. Eighth Edition. 8vo. 1858. Eleventh Edition. By Chitty and Prentice. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1862. Twelfth Edition. By T. Prentice. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1866. Archbold (John Frederick). Snowden's Magistrate's Assistant and Police Officer and Constable's Guide. Fourth Edition. i2mo. 1859. Archbold (John Frederick). Practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and its Original Appellate and Criminal Jurisdiction. Third Edition. By C. W. Lovesy. i2mo. London, 1869. 33 Archbold (John Frederick). Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. With the Practice of Country Attorneys in Criminal Cases. With Forms and a Tabular Arrangement of Offences. 3 vols. 8vo. 1846. Sixth Edition. 4 vols. i2mo. 1859. Seventh Edition. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 1875. Archbold (John Frederick). Lunacy. The Statutes relating to. Comprising the Law with respect to Pauper Lunatics, Hospitals, and Licensed Houses, Inquisitions in Lunacy, and Criminal Lunatics. i2mo. 1854. Second Edition. By William Cunningham Glen and Alexander Glen. 8vo. London, 1877. Archbold (John Frederick). Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases. By Jervis. i2mo. 1835. Tenth Edition. By Welsby. i2mo. 1846. Twelfth Edition. By Welsby. i2mo. 1853. Thirteenth Edition. By Welsby. i2mo. 1856. Fifteenth Edition. By Welsby. Royal i2mo. 1862. Sixteenth Edition. Including the Practice in CrHftinal Pro- ceedings by Indictment. By William Bruce. i2mo. London, 1867. Seventeenth Edition. By William Bruce. i2mo. London, 187 1. Nineteenth Edition. By William Bruce. i2mo. London, 187 1. Archdall (Mervyn, M.A.) Monasticon Hibernicum; or, an History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland. 4to. Dublin, 1786. Archer (Chs. P.) Digest of Irish Law Reports. 8vo. Dub., 1842. Archer (James T.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Florida, January Term 1848 to January Term 1849. [Vol. 2, Florida Reports.] 8vo. Tallahassee, 1848. Archibald (E. M.) Digest of the Laws of Newfoundland. Compre- hending the Judicature Act and Royal Charter, and various Acts of the Local Legislature in Amendment of the same. With an Appendix. 8vo. St. John's, Newfoundland, 1847. Archibald (Tho. Dickson). Law Journal Digest. Archibald (W. F. A., M.A.) Forms of Summonses and Orders. With Notes. 8vo. London, 1879. Archilochus. See Poetse Minores. Archilochus. De Temporibus. In Historia Antiqua. 8vo, 1599. Archirota (Alex.) De Voto Paupertatis. 8vo. Flor., 1580. (3) 34 Architecture. Dictionary of Architecture. Parts i to i8. [In progress.] [Published by Architectural Publication Society.] 6 vols. Imp. 4to. London, 1863-1867. Architecture. Raison d'. Extrait de Vitruve, &c. 4to. Paris. Archives Diplomatiques. Recueil de Diplomatic et d'Histoire. Janvier 1861— Decembre 1875. [In progress.] 27 vols. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Archontologia Cosmica, &c. [Imperfect.] Folio. Arcudio (Pet.) De Concordia Ecclesiae Occidentalis et Orientalis in Sacramentorum Administratione. Folio. Paris, 1626. Arena (J. d'). Super Jure Civili. Folio. Lugd., 1541. Arethas in Apocalypsin. See Hentenius. Aretini (Angeli). Commentaria in IV. Libros Institutionum Im- perialium. Folio. Lugd., 15 13. Aretinus (i'Van.) Accolti. Super primS, et secunda Digesti Novi. ARETiNHir(Fran.) Accolti. In primam et secundam partem Codicis. Aretinus. Super Pandecta veteri. Folio. Venet., 1506. Aretinus (Leon.) De Bello Italico adversus Gothos. With Quintilian. 4to. Bel v., 1507. Aretinus (Leon.) Res suo tempore in Italia gestae. 4to. Lugd., 1539. Aretinus (Leon.) De Rebus Grsecis. 4to. Lugd., 1539. Aretius (Bened.) Examen Theologicum. 8vo. Lausannse, 1579. Aretius (Bened.) Loci Communes Christianse Religionis. Folio. 161 7. Aretius (CI. Marius). See Hispanicarum rerum Scriptores. Aretophile. Recueils d'. 4to. Lyon, 1578. Arfevile (Nic.) La Navigation de Jaques V. de Escosse autour de son Royaume. 4to. Paris, 1583. Argelus de Paltronibus (Caes.) De acquirenda Possessione. Folio. Ven., 1655. Argensola (Bar. Leon.) Conquista de las Islas Malucas. Folio. Mad., 1609. Argentoratenses Ecclesiastici. Non esse in Templis Christianis ferendas imagines, &c. (k Bedroto). 4to. Arg., 1530. Argentoratenses Ecclesiastici. Epistola contra Erasmum. 8vo. Arg., 1530. 35 Argentre (Bertrand d'). Commentarii in Patrias Britonum Leges. Folio. Paris, 1661. Argier. Redemption of Captives in Argier and Tunis. [Tracts, Vol. 14.] 4to. 1647. Argou (Gabriel). Institution au Droit Frangois. Par M. A. C. Bouchet d'Argis. 2 vols. i2mo. Par., 1787. Argument to prove that each Subject has a Property in his Goods. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1641. Argyle (Marquis), and the Estates of Scotland. Declaration con- cerning the King. [Tracts, Vol. 14.] 4to. 1648. Argyropilus (Jo.) Ethicorum Aristotelis Traductio, cum commen- tario Jo. Fabri. Svo. Par., 15 14. Aria (Fran.) De imitatione Virginis. i2mo. Ant., 1602. Aria (Fran.) Tractatus Spirituales. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1503. Ariosto (Lod.) Orlando Furioso. 5 vols. Svo. Mil., 1812. Ariosto (Lod.) Satires {English). 8vo. 1759. Aristarchi Bey (Gregoire). Legislation Ottomane, ou Recueil des Lois, reglements, ordonnances, traites, capitulations, et autres documents officiels de I'Empire Ottoman. 2 vols. Svo. Constantinople, 1873-1874. Appendice. Svo. Constantinople, 1878. Aristarque k Nicandre. Discours d'. Svo. Rouen, 16 28. Aristobulus. With France-Turquie. Aristobulus. Svo. Bas., 1541. Aristophanes. Comodiae, cum Scholiis, &c. Jo. Bekkeri. 5 vols. Svo. 1829. Aristophanes. The Clouds. Translated by Ch. P. Gerard. With Notes. Svo. 1 85 2. Aristoteles. Physicorum et Metaphysicorum Paraphrases. Folio. Par., 1501. Aristoteles. Historia Animalium k Tho. Gaza et Pet. Alcyonio. Folio. Par,, 1524. Aristoteles. Opera Omnia. Folio. Basil, 1550. Aristoteles. Opera Latinb. Folio. Basil, 1563. Aristoteles. Historia Animalium. a Jul. Csesare. Folio. Tolosae, 1619. Aristoteles. Omnia Opera. Gr. et Lat. 2 vols. Folio. Par., 161 9. 36 Aristoteles. Secreta Secretarum. With Mensa. 4to. Aristoteles. Rhetorica, k Fra. Philelpho. With Quintilian. 4to. Aristoteles. Physionomia. See Achilini Secreta. Arkansas. A Digest of the Statutes of Arknasas. Embracing all Laws of a genc-al and permanent character in force at the close of the Session of the General Assembly of 1856. Together with Notes of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. By Josiah Gould. 2 vols. 8vo. Little Rock, 1858. Arkansas Reports, 1837-1875. Pike [1-5 Ark ], 1837-1842. 5 vols. English [6-13 Ark.], 1843-1853. 8 vols. Barber [1424 Ark.], 1853-1867. 11 vols. Cox [25-27 Ark.], 1867-1872. 3 vols. Moore [28-32 Ark.], 1872-1877. 5 vols. 32 vols. 8vo. Little Rock, 1840- 187 8. Arkley (Pet.) Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, 1846-1848. 8vo. Edin., 1849. Arlia (Constantino). Le Convenzioni d'Estradizione tra il Regno d'ltalia e gli Stati Stranieri. Serie prima. 8vo. Torino, Roma, Firenze, 187 1. Armada Inglesa. De la Repuesta contra las Falsedades en Bituperio. 4to. 1589. Armin (Rt.) Nest of Ninnies. S. S. Svo. 1842. Arminians. Edict against the Slanders of. [Tracts, Vol. 12.] 4to. 1 6 18. Arminius (J as.) Opera Theologica. 4to. Franc, 1631. Armstrong (John). In British Poets. Armstrong (John). Notices of the War of 181 2. 2 vols in I. i2mo. New York, 1840. Armstrong (Rd.) Macartney and Ogle's Irish Reports of Cases Civil and Criminal, determined at Nisi Prius, and the Commission in Dublin, 4-6 Vict. 8vo. Dub , 1841. Army (The) Anatomized ; or, a Display of Fairfax and his Saints. 4to. 1647. Army's Plea. [Tracts, Vol. 17.J 4to, 1659. Arndts (Ludwig). Lehrbuch der Pandekten. Sechote Auflage. 8vo. Muchen, 1868. Arnigio (Bart.) Le Dieci Veglie deglie ammendati costumi dell' umana vita. 4to. Bress., 1577. Arnigio (Bart.) Meteoria. Svo. Bres,, 1568. 37 ARNiSiEus (Henningus reducta. Doctrina politica ad Methodum Aristotelis 4to. Fran., 1606. Epitome Metaphysicorum Aristotelis. 8vo. Fran., 1606. Epitome Metaphysices. 8vo. Fran., 1606. Epitome Doctrinse Physicae. 8vo. Fran., 1607 De Authoritate Principum. 4to. Fran., 161 2 De Jure Connubiorum Commentarii Politici 4to. Franc, 16 13 De Jure Majestatis. 4to. Arg., 1635 De Republica. 4to. Arg., 1636 Arnold (Rd.) Customs of London; or. Chronicle, &c. 4to. 181 1 Arnold (Tho., D.D.) History of Rome. 3 vols, 8vo, 1844 Arnold (Tho., D.D.) History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar, and of the Reign of Augustus. With a Life of Trojan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845. Arnold {Tho., D.D.) Introductory Lectures on Modern History. 8vo. 1845. Arnis^eus (Henningus ARNiSiEUS (Henningus ARNiSiEUS (Henningus Arnis^us (Henningus ARNiSiEUS (Henningus Arnis^us (Henningus Arnis^us (Henningus Arnold (Tho. James) Arnold and Hodge's Reports. New Term, Q.B "New Term Report," C.P., 1838-1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Five Parts. 8vo. 1840. 1840- Arnold (Tho. James). Letter on the Tenure of Office. By Metro- politan Police Magistrates. [Pamphlets, Vol. 7.] 8vo. 1856. Arnold (Tho. James). Summary of the Duties of a Justice of the Peace out of Sessions. 8vo. i860. Arnold (Tho. James). Election Cases. See Barron. Arnold (Tho. James). Evidence. See Phillips. Arnold de Villa Nova, De Sanguine Humano, &c. 8vo. Basil, 1562. Arnold de Villa Nova. De Somniis. With Albertus de Herbis. 4to. Arnold de Villa Nova. Rosarium, With Ulstadius. 8vo. Lugd., 1578. Arnoldus (Vesaliensis). Epitome distinctionum in Libris Sententiarum, i2mo, Antw., 155 1. 38 Arnot (Hugo). A Collection and Abridgment of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, 1 536-1 784. With Historical and Critical Remarks. 8vo. Glasg., 1812. Arnould (Joseph). On the Law of Marine Insurance and Average. With Reference to the American Cases and later Continental Authorities. 2 vols. Svo. 1848. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1857. Third Edition. By David Maclachlan. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1866. Fourth Edition. By David Maclachlan. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S71. Arnould (Sir Joseph). Memoir of the First Lord Denham, formerly Lord Chief Justice of England. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1873. Arnould (Thomas James). A Manual of the Law with Regard to Public Meetings and Political Societies. i2mo. London, 1833 Arnoux (Fr.) Les Merveilles de I'autre Monde. i2mo. Lyon, 162 1 Arquati (Gio. Fr.) Medicus Reformatus. [Tracts, Vol. 56.] 4to. Ven., 1618 Arquati (Gio. Fr.) Medicina Universale per la Salute de Prencipi [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to. Ven., 162 1 Arraiz (Fr, Amador Bispo). Dialogos. 4to. Coimb., 1589, Arrianus, Expeditio Alexandri, cura Geo. Raphelis, &c. Svo. Amst., 1757 Arrianus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni, Latinb. Per Earth Facium. Svo. Lugd., 1552 Arrivabene (Lod.) Dialogo di Terra Santa. i2mo. Verona, 1592 Arrott (David). Index to Laws and Ordinances as in force (either wholly or in part) in British Guiana, on April ist, 1864. FoHo. Georgetown, 1864. Arrowsmith (Jn.) Fast Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 27. j 4to. 1643. Art de Verifier les Dates (L'). Avec les continuations de Saint-Allais et Courcelles. 7 vols. Folio. Paris, 17S3, 1820, 1S21. Artefius, seu Artephius. Clavis Majoris Sapientiae. Svo. Fran., 15 14. Artemidorus. De Somniorum Interpretatione ; k Jano Cornaro. Svo. Basil, 1544. Artemidorus. De Somniorum Interpretatione ; k Jano Cornaro {French). Svo. Artemidorus. Oneirocritica k Rigaltio. 4to. Paris, 1603. 39 Articuli ad Narrationes Novas. i2mo. 1539. Artistas (Helias). De Metallorum transformatione. 8vo. Marp., 1608. Artois (d'). Advertissetnent aux Estats d'Artois, &c. With Lettres. i2mo, 1579. Artopoeus (Pet.) Annotationes in Genesin. Svo. Basil, 1546. Arum^us (Dom.) Discursus Academici de Jure Publico. 2 vols. 4to. Jen., 1615. Arundeliana Marmora. Cum commentatione Jo. Seldeni. [Tracts, Vol. 115.] 4to. 1628. Arundeliana Marmora (Inscriptionis inter Explicatio). With Tayler Commentarius. 4to. Cant, 1742. AscHAM (Roger). De Nobilitate Anglicana, &c. With Ostroroganus. 4to. Arg., 1 58 1. AscHAM (Roger). Epistolse Familiares. 8vo. 1590. AscoLi (Prospero). Delia Giurisprudenza Teatrale. Svo. Firenze, 187 1. Ashburnham (Jn.) Narrative of his Attendance on Charles I. 2 vols. Svo. 1830. Ashe (Thos.) Tables. 2 vols. Folio. 1614 Ashe (Thos.) Tables to Coke's Reports {French). Svo. 16 18. Ashley (Ant.) Mariner's Mirror. Folio. 1588 Ashley (Anty., Lord Shaftesbury). Speech. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] Folio. 1673. Ashley (Rob.) Almansor, the King that conquered Spain. With Cotta: Witchcraft. 4to. 1627. AsHMEAD (John W.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphan's Court of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, 1 808- 1 84 1. With Notes and References. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S31-1841. AsHMOLE (Elias). Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter. [Imperfect.] Folio. 1672. AsHMOLE (Elias). Antiquities of Berkshire. With Pedigrees and an Account of Windsor. 3 vols. Svo. 17 19. AsHURST (Wm.) Reasons against the " Foundations of Freedom," &c, [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1648. Asi^ Nova Descriptio. Folio. Paris, 1656, 40 AsiNUS. Dispute d'un Asne centre Frere Anselme Turmeda. i2mo. Pam., 1606. AsiNUS. Laus Asini, cum aliis facetiis, &c. i2mo. Lugd. Bat, 1629. Alsachus (Conr.) De natura Coeli triplicis. 8vo. Sig., 1597. Alsachus (Conr.) Orationes, &c. With Brahe de Disciplinis. 8vo. Hafn., 16 10. AspiNALL (J. B.) Maritime Law Cases, New Series. 1870-1877. [In progress.] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1871-1877. AsPLAND (A. Sydney). On the Marriage and Registering Acts. With Marriage Act, 1695. lamo. 1836. AssARiNO (Luca). Stratonica. 8vo. Ven., 1639. AssER ; or, Asserius Menevensis. See Camden, Gale, and Monumenta. AssER ; or, Asserius Menevensis. Translated by J. A. Giles. Bohn, with Ethelwold. 8vo. 1848. AssER (T. M. C), Rolin-Jacquemyns (G.), et Westlake (J.) Revue de Droit International et de Legislation Comparee. [In progress.] 10 vols. 8vo. Londres, Bruxelles, et Paris, 1869- 187 8. AssiGNiES (Jan.) Choses Advenues au sacre Ordre de Cysteau. 8vo. Dow., 1598. AssiSARUM Liber. See Abridgment of the Book of Assize {French). 8vo. 1555. AssiSARUM Liber. See Abridgment of the Book of Assize {French). 8vo. 1555. AssiSARUM Liber. See Year Books. AssoNLEViLLA (Guil. de Bouchault). Atheomastix. 8vo. Antw., 1598. AsTERius (Just.) Discourse touching the Peace of Prague. [Tracts, Vol. 113.] 4to. 1637. AsTLE (Thomas). Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary. Second Edition. 410. London, 1803. AsTLEY (John). Discourse of Horsemanship. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. 1583. Aston (John James). Chancery Practice of the Court of Lancaster. 8vo. Ltr. & Preston, 1852. Aston (John James). The Law of Pauper Lunacy, &c. i2mo. 1849. Aston (John James). Fusion Practicable; or, a Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the further Assimilation of the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity. [Pamphlet.] 8vo. London, 1836. 41 Aston (R.) Book of Entries. 4to. 1661. AsTROLABii de Mensura, de Statu Mundi, de Horologio, &c. Tractatus. With Symmactus. 4to. Ven., 1503. AsTROLOGiA Vindicata {German). 4to. 1562. Athanasian Creed. Authorized Report of the Meetings in Defence of the Athanasian Creed, which were held in St. James's Hall and in the Hanover Square Rooms, on January 31st, 1873. [Pamphlets, Vol. 16.] 8vo. London, 1873. ATHENiEUM Club Catalogue. Second Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum. Containing the Additions, 1851-1859. Additions to the Library, 1860-187 6. 8vo. London, 1860-1877. AxHENiEUM Rules and Regulations. 12 mo. 1844. ATHEN.EUS. Deipnosophistae. Folio. Basil, 1535. Athen.«us. Deipnosophistse k Nat. de Comite in Linguam Latinam versae. 8vo. Basil, 1556. Athenagoras. Apologia pro Christianis. Lat. per Petrum. With Curio pro Ecclesia. 8vo. Col., 1567. Athenagoras Theogenes, &c. 8vo. Paris, 16 12. Athens. Defence of Liberty and Property ; or. Contest between the Lords and Commons of Athens. With Rehearsal. Folio. 1 705. Atherley (Edmond Gibson). On Marriage and other Family Settle- ments. 8vo. 181 3. Atherley (Edmond Gibson). See Sheppard's Touchstone. Atkins (George). The Irish Church Act (1869). i2mo. Dublin, 1869. Atkinson, (E. T., B.A.) A Manual of Criminal Law for British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870, Atkinson (George). International Morality; or, the Touchstone of the Law of Nations. 8vo. London, 185 1. Atkinson (George, B.A.) Sheriff Law. The Offices of Sheriff, Under Sheriff, Bailiff, &c. Fifth Edition. i2mo. London, 1869. Sixth Edition. By Rudolp E. Melsheimer. i2mo. London, 1878. Atkinson (J. C.) A Glossary of the Cleveland Dialect, Explanatory, Derivative, and Critical. 4to. London, 1868. 42 Atkinson (S.) Chitty's Stamp Laws. Atkyns (Jn, Tracy). Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. 3 vols. Folio. 1765, &c. Atkyns (Jn. Tracy). Reports. By Frs. Wm. Sanders. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1794. Atkyns (Sir Robt.) Power, Jurisdiction, and Privileges of Parlia- ment, and Antiquity of the House of Commons. Folio. 1689. Atkyns (Sir Robt.) Discourses of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in England. Folio. 1689, Atkyns (Sir Robt.) Parliamentary and Political Tracts. Folio. 1689. Atkyns (Sir Robt.) On Penal Statutes. Folio. 1689. Attorney and Solicitor. Compleat. 8vo. 1695. Attree (Wm. Wakeford.) The Braintree Church-rate Case (Gosling?;. Veley) in the House of Lords. 8vo. 1853. Attwood (Wm.) Chief Justice Herbert's Account Examined. 4to. 1689. Attwood (Wm.) Superiority of the Crown of England over the Crown of Scotland. 8vo. 1704 AuBANUS. See Boemus. AuBERi (Jean). L' Antidote de 1' Amour. i2mo. Paris, 1599. AuBERi (Jean). Les Bains de Bourbon Lancy, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1604. AuBERT (Jas.) De Metallorum ortu. With Querectanus Responsio. 8vo. Lugd., 1575. AuBERT (Jas.) Progymnasmata in Fernelium, de abditis naturalium causis, &c. 8vo. Basil, 1579. AuBiGNE (Theod. Ag. d'). Petites QEuvres Meslees. 8vo. Gen., 1630. Aubrey (John). Letters written by Eminent Persons in the 17th and 1 8th Centuries. To which are added Hearne's Journeys to Reading and to Whadden Hall, and Lives of Eminent Men. By John Aubrey. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. 181 2. Aubrey (John, F.R.S.) Wiltshire. The Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, F.R.S., a.d. 1659-1670. With Illustrations. Corrected and Enlarged by John Edward Jackson, M.A., F.S.A. [Published by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.] 4to. Devizes, 1862. Aubridge (Jn.) Parson catched in a Trap. [Tracts, Vol. ^t,.'] 4to. 1657. 43 AuBRiNCOURT (Le Sieur d'). Histoire des Larrons. 8vo, Par., 1728, AucTORES Octo. Folio. Lugd., 1596. AucTORES Varii, de Conditionibus et de limitibus agrorum. [No Title.] 4to. Par., 1554. AucTORES Varii Rei Agrariae. See Finium Auctores. AuDiGUiER (Vit.) Le Pourtraict du Monde. Svo. Par., 1604. AuDLEY (John). Psedo-Baptism maintained. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1647. AuDOMARO (Pet. de Sancto). See Sancto. AuGENius (Hor.) Epistolae Medicae. With Maurolycus. 4to. Tau., 1579. AuGURELLUS (Jo. Aur.) Chrysopoeia. With Ripley. AuGUSTi« Historiae Scriptores Latini Minores, cum notis Jan. Gruteri. Folio. Han., 161 1. AuGUSTiNUS (Ant.) De Legibus et Senatus consultis cum Notis Fulv. Ursini. Svo. Rom., 1583. AuGUSTiNUS (Ant.) De Legibus et Senatusconsultis, cum notis Fulv. Ursini. Folio, Paris, 1584. AUGUSTINUS (Ant.) Opera Omnia. 8 vols. Folio. Luc, 1765. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) De Civitate Dei. Folio. Lugd., 1520. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) De Doctrina Christiana, &c. With Picus Conclusiones. Svo. Col., 1527. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Operum Epitome. Per Jo. Piscatorem. Folio. Arg. Kind., 1537. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Opera Omnia. 10 vols, in 5. Folio. Basil., 1569. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Enchiridion Christianae Religiones, Per Daneau. 8vo. Gen., 1575. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Confessiones, &c. Svo. Wertz., 1581. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Aulicae atque Politicae Obser- vationes. Svo. Arg., 1599. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) De Doctrina Christiana, &c. 1 2 mo. Wittel., 1604. AUGUSTINUS, or Augustine (Div. Aur.) Enchiridion; or, De Essentia Divinitatis. i2mo. Wittel., 1604. AUGUSTINUS. His Religion, &c. 4to. 1625. 44 AuGUSTiNus. De rOuvrage des Moines, par Camas. 8vo. Rouen, 1633. AuGusTiNus. De Epiphania. With Magnorum Gista. Folio. AuGUSTiNus. De Moribus Ecclesias, &c. 8vo AuGUSTiNUS. Epistolarum Liber. Folio. AuGUSTiNUS. Retractiones. 8vo. [No Title.] AuGUSTiNUS. Vita. Launcelotte. AUGUSTINUS. See Library of the Fathers, Nos. i, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 37, 39. AUGUSTINUS. See Monasticse Regulge. AuLiCiE atque Politicse Observation es. Svo. Arg., 1599. AuLius Gellius. See Gellius. AuRELius (Corn.) Batavia. Svo. Antw., 1586. AuRELius, or Aurelio (Ls.) Epitome Annalium Ecclesiasticorum Baronii. 2 vols. i2mo. Rom., 1636. AuRELius (Victor). See Augustae Historise Scriptores. AuRELius (Victor). See Valpy. AuRELLio (Gio. Bat.) Philosophorum Disputationes de Resurrectione. 8vo. Franc, 1586. AuRELLio (Gio. Bat.) Esamine della Dottrina e dei Fatti de Protestanti veri e dei Cattolici Romani. 4to. 1587. AusoNius (Decimus Magnus). See Mattaire. AusoNius (Decimus Magnus). See Valpy. Austen (Fr.) On Fruit-trees. [Tracts, Vol. 26.] 4to. Oxf., 1658. Austin (Alf.) Election Cases. See Barron. Austin (John). Province of Jurisprudence determined. Svo. 1S32. Second Edition. Svo. 1S61. Austin (John). Lectures on Jurisprudence. Being the Sequel to " The Province of Jurisprudence Determined." To which are added Notes and Fragments. [Now first published from the Original Manuscripts.] By Sarah Austen. Vols. 2 and 3. Svo. London, 1863. Third Edition. By J. Campbell. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1869. Austin (Nathanial James). Appeal Reports. Being Decisions of the Supreme Court on Appeals from the District Court of Candy, from 1833 to 1839. Svo. Colombo, 1S62. Austin (R. Cecil). Reports of Cases in the County Courts included in Circuit No. 45, heard and determined by Henry James Stonor, Esq., Judge of the said Courts. i2mo. London, 1869. 45 AusTiNE (Rt.) Allegiance not impeached by the Parliament's taking Arms. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1644. Australia. Law List for Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, Tasmania, Western Australia. 8vo. Melbourne, 1870. Australia (South). Acts and Ordinances of the Province of South ' Australia from 7 Will. IV. to 40 Vict. (1837-1878). [Imperfect, 1857 and 1862-1864 wanting. Acts 39-40 Vict, unbound.] 5 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 183 7- 1878. Index to the Ordinances of Western Australia, 2 Will. IV., No. 3, 1832, to 25 Vict., No. 19, 1862. 4to. Fremantle, 1862. Australia (South). Alphabetical Catalogue of the Printed Books, Charts, Drawings, Maps, &c., in the Library of the Legislature of South Australia. Brought down to 14th June, 1868. 8vo. Adelaide, 1868. Australia (Western). 2 Will. IV., 1832 to 42 Vict., 1878 [1875 wanting]. 4 vols. 4to. Perth, 1832-1878. Australia (Western). Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Councils during the Sessions 187 3- 1875. With Papers presented to the Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor, and Copies of the various Documents ordered by the Council to be printed. [By Authority.] Folio. Perth. Australian Colonies. See Labilliere Pamphets, Vol. 7. Australian Law List, 1876. Comprising the Judges and Officers of the different Courts of Justice in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, Tasmania, Western Australia. By Robert Hadus Smith. i2mo. Melbourne, 1876. Austria. Austrise Domfts Stemma. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. Ticini., 16 19. Austria. II Codice di Commercio exposto secondo le Reforme e le Leggi ore vigenti rel regno Lombardo-Veneto. i6mo. Milano, 1835. AusTRiACUS (Jo.) De Memoria Artificiosa. With Marafiotus. i2mo. Franc, 1603. AusTRiACUS (Jo.) De Memoria Artificiosa. With Marafiotus. i2mo. Franc, 1603. Author. Hints to Authors in preparing Copy. With Practical Directions for Preparing Proof Sheets for the Press. 8vo. AuzOLES Lapeyre (Jas. d'). Les Evangiles de Jesus Christ. 4to. Paris, 16 10. 46 AuzOLES Lapeyre (Jas. d'). L'Epiphanie. 4to. Paris, 1638. AvELLAR (And. d'). Chronographia conforme a Reforma^ao do Gre- gorio XIII. 4to. Lisb., 1594- AvERANius (Joseph). Interpretationes Juris. 4to. Macer., 1832. AvEROULT (Ant.) Catechisrae Historial (Za//«). 8vo. Col. Ag., 16 14. AvEROULT (Ant.) Catechisme Historial. 2v0ls.ini. 8vo. Rouen, 1626. AvERROES. Epithoma Metaphysicorum Aristotelis. 8vo. Ven., 1542. AvESBURY (Robt. d'). Historia Edwardi III., per Thorn. Hearnium. 8vo. Oxon., 1720. AviCENNA. Metaphysica. Folio. Ven., 1493. AviCENNA. Flores, &c. ■ 8vo. Lugd., 15 14. AviCENNA. Ars Chymica. 8vo. Basil, 1572. AviCENNA. Liber Canonis revisus et purgatus. [Imperfect] 4to. AviENUs (Rufus Festus). See Maittaire. AviLA, or Davila (Juan). Audi filia, &c. 8vo. Salam, 1575. AviLA, or Davila (Juan). Audi filia, &c. {English). 4to. 1620. AviTUS (Sext. Alcimus Ecditius). See Maittaire. AviTY (Pierre d'). Les Travaux sans Travaile. 8vo. Rou., 1609. Ayala (Gab.) Carman pro vera Medicina, et de Lue pestilenta. 4to. Antw., 1562. Ayckbourn (Hubert). Forms and Orders. By T. H. Ayckbourn and Hubert Ayckbourn. i2mo. London and DubUn, 1856. Ayckbourn (Hubert). Forms of Practical Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. With all existing Orders of Court, Rules, and Regulations. Forming the Second Volume of the Practice of the Court. i2mo. London, 1866. Ayckbourn (Hubert). The Practice of the High Court of Chancery, as altered by recent Statutes and Orders. With Forms of Proceedings and Orders of Court. Fifth Edition. By T. H. Ayckbourn and Hubert Ayckbourn. i2mo. London and Dublin, 1855. Eighth Edition. Comprising Proceedings by Bill, Special Case, Summons, and under the Charitable Trusts Acts, the Settled Estates Acts, and the Infants' Marriage Act. By J. Napier Higgins, B.A. i2mo. London, 1866. Ninth Edition. By Hubert Ayckbourn. i2mo. London, 1870. 47 Ayckbourn (Hubert). The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature and of the Divisional Courts, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act. With an Appendix of Forms, Rules, and Regulations. 12 mo. London, 1874. Ayliffe (Jn.) Pandect of Roman Civil Law. Folio. 1734. Ayliffe (Jn.) Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani ; or, a Commentary by way of Supplement to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England. FoHo 1734. Ayloffe (Joseph). Calendars of Ancient Charters, and of ..the Welsh and Scottish Rolls remaining in the Tower of London. With an Introduction giving some Account of the Public Records. 4to. 1774. Ayora (Ant. Ayerve d'). De Partitionibus. Folio. Lugd., 1677. Ayrault (Pierre), ^rodius. L'Ordre, Formality et Instruction Judi- ciaire, done les anciens Grecs et Romains ont use es accusations publiques, confere au stil et usage de France. 4to. Paris, 1610. 4to. Paris, 1642. Ayrault (Pierre), ^^rodius. Pandectae. Folio. Paris, 161 5. Ayrault (Pierre). Plaidoyers et Arrests, Opuscula, &c. 4to. Paris, 16 15. Ayrault (Pierre). Discourse for Parents' Honour and Authority. [Tracts, Vol. 167.] 8vo. 16 16. Ayrer (Ch. N.) Informatio Medici. With Sim. Fortius. Svo. Fran., 1594, Ayrton (Edwd. Nugent). Suggestions for an Act to give an Indefeasible Title in Land. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] Svo. 1857. Ayrton (Scrope). Bankruptcy Law. See Montagu. Ayrton (Scrope). See Montagu. Ayscough (S.) a Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, hitherto undescribed. Including the Collections of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., the Rev. Thomas Birch, D.D., &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1782. Ayscough, F.S.A. (Rev. Samuel). An Index of the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakespeare. 8vo. London, 1790. Ayscu (Edwd.) History of Wars, Treaties, Marriages, &c., between England and Scotland (Wm. I. — James I.) 4to. 1607. Aytoun (Wm. Edmondstoune). Life of Richard I., surnamed Coeur de Lion, King of England. i2mo. 1856. 48 AzoN (Fortius). Summa ; Brocardica, &c. ; per Hen. Dresium. Folio. Venet, 1696. AzoTH, &c. 4to. Franc, 1613. AzuNi (M. D. A.) Droit Maritime de I'Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 49 BAAZ (Jo.) De Causis Hseresium. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to. Giess., 1608. Babington (Churchill, B.D.) Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden. Vols. I, 2. See Brit., Gt., No. 41. 2 vols. 8vo. 1865-1869. Bacchanelli (Jo.) De consensu Medicorum. 8vo. Paris, 1554. Bacci (And.) DeThermis. Folio. Rom., 1622. Baccio (Bald.) Del Essenza del Fato. Folio. Fio., 1578. Bacco (Enrico). II Regno di Napoli. 8vo. Nap., 1626. ' Baccon (Roger). Bacon. Specula Mathematica. 4to. Franc, 16 14. Baccon (Roger). Bacon. Perspectiva. [Tracts, Vol. loc] 4to. Franc, 1614. Bacherius (Pet.) Speculum Militise Christianae, 8vo. Col., 1592. Bachius (Jo. Aug.) Historia Jurisprudentiae Romanse. 8vo. Leips., 1796. Bachot (Ja.) Fasti Christiani. 8vo. Paris, 1624. Bachovius (Rein.) Notse, &c., ad Disputationes Hier Treutleri. 3 vols. 4to. Col. Ag., 1688. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Natural History. Folio. 1620. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Novum Organum. Folio. 1620. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Memoriae Sacrum. [Tracts, Vol. 109.] 4to. 1626. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Miscellanies. [Tracts, Vol. 37.] 4to. 1629. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Elements of the Common Law. 4to. 1630. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Opera Moralia et Civilia. Folio. 1638. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Reign of Henry VIL Folio. 1641. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Remains. [Tracts, Vol. 2.] 4to. 1656, Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Opera Omnia. Folio. Fran., 1665, Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Philosophical Works. By P. Shaw. {English.) 1733. (4) 50 Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Treasons. With Holbourne. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Uses. By William Henry Rowe. 8vo. 1806. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Works. By Basil Montagu. 16 vols, in 17. 4to. 1825. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Works. By James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1857-1874. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Reign of Henry VIL In Kennett. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). Maxims of the Law. In his Works. By Montagu. Vol. 13. Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam). See Rawley. Bacon (John). Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum. With an Appendix, containing Directions and Precedents relating to Presentations, Institutions, Inductions, Dispensations, &c. 4to. London, 1786. Bacon (Matthew). Abridgment of the Law. 5 vols. Folio. London, 1736-17 70. Seventh Edition. With Additions. By Sir Henry Gwillim and Charles Edward Dodd. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. Bacon (Matthew). On Leases. - Svo. London, 1798. Bacon (Roger). De Secretis operibus Artis et Naturae, et de Nullitate Magise. With Kernerus. Svo. Ham., 16 18. Bacon (Roger). Opera quasdam hactenus inedita. By J. S. Brewer. Vol. I. See Brit, Gt., No. 15. 8vo. 1859. Bacon, or Southwell (Thomas). Regula Viva, &c, 4to. Antwerp, 1638. Bacqua (Nap.) Codes de la Legislation Francaise. 8vo. Par., 1845. Baculus Pastoralis, &c. 4to. Paris, 1503. Baddeley (P. F. H.) Whirlwinds and Dust Storms of India. An Investigation into the Law of Wind and Revolving Storms at Sea. 2 vols. Vol. I, 8vo. Vol. 2 [plates], oblong Svo. London and Cologne, i860. Badger (T. S.) Hayes' and Jarman's Concise Forms of Wills. With Practical Notes. Fifth Edition. i2mo. London, 1S60. Bado-Aureo (Jo. de). De Armis. With Upton. Folio. 1654. Baduel, or Baduellus (Claude). De Ratione Vitae, &c. With Stephanus. Fontes. Svo. Lip., 1581. Bagshaw, or Bagshawe (Edw.) Enquiry into the Infallibility of the Pope. 4to. 1 64 1. 51 Bagshaw, or Bagshawe (Edw.) Defence of the Antidote against Baxter. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 8vo. 167 1. Bagshawe (Hy. Ridgard). Legal Education. A Letter to Sir Richard Bethell. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] Svo. Lond., Dub., and Derby, 1856. Bahamas. Statute Laws of the Bahamas. Comprising all the Acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands in force to 24 Vict, c. 27, 1 86 1, inclusive. Collected and arranged in eight parts, according to the order of the subjects, by the Honourable George Campbell Anderson, Esq., Attorney-General of the Colony. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1862. Bahamas. The Statute Laws of the Bahamas. Comprising all Acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands passed since the publication of the first volume in 1862, and in force at the date of the publication of this Work. Collected and arranged in eight parts, to correspond with the compilation of Laws of 1862, by the Honourable George Campbell Anderson. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1868, Bahamas. Laws, i 862-1 879. Svo. Nassau, New Providence, 1862-1879. BAHAkAS. The Statute Law of the Bahamas. Comprising all Acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands in force to 38 Vict., c. 36, inclusive. Collected and arranged in eight parts, according to the order of subjects, by the Honourable Sir George Campbell Anderson, Knight, acting under the authority of His Excellency, William Robinson. 8vo. London, 1877. Bail Court Cases. See Lowndes and Maxwell. Bail Court Reports. See Saunders, &c. 2 vols. Bailey (Henry). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, on Appeal from the Courts of Law, 1828-1832. [Vols. 15, 16, South Carolina Law Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, S.C, 1858. Bailey (Henry). Cases in Equity argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South CaroHna, 1830 — April 1831. [Vol. 8, South Carolina Equity Reports.] Second Edition. 8vo. Charleston, i860. Bailey (Jn.) Two Sermons. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. Oxf., 1647. Baillie (Neil B. E., M.R.A.S.) The Moohummedan Law of Sale, according to the Huneefeea Code. From the Futawa Alumgeeree. A Digest of the Whole Law. Prepared by Command of the Emperor Aurungzebe Alumgeer. With Introduction and Notes. 8vo. London, 1850. 52 Baillie (Neil B. E., M.R.A.S.) The Moohummudan Law of Inheri- tance. According to Aboo Huneefa and his Followers. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Baillie (Neil B. E., M.R.A.S.) A Digest of Mohammedan Law on the Subjects to which it is generally applied by the British Courts of Justice in India. Compiled and translated from Authorities in the original Arabic. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Part First, containing the Doctrines of the Hanifeea Code of Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1865. Second Edition. With some Additions to the Text, and a Sup- plement on Sale, Loan, and Mortgage. 8vo. London, 1875. Baillie (Neil B. K, M.R.A.S.) A Digest of Moohumedan Law on the Subjects to which it is usually applied by British Courts of Justice in India. Compiled and translated from Authorities in the original Arabic. Part Second, containing the Doctrines of the Imameea Code of Jurisprudence on the most important of the same Subjects. 8vo. London, 1869. Baillie, or Baylie (Robert, A.M,) The Life and Letters of Robert Baillie, A.M., Principal of the University of Glasgow. 1637 to 1662. By David Laing. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1 841-1842. Baillie, or Baylie (Robert, A.M.) Vindication of the Church of Scotland. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1646. Baillie, or Baylie (Robert, A.M.) Anabaptism, the Fountain of Independency, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 95.] 4to. 1647. Baily (Francis). The Doctrine of Life Annuities and Assurances, analytically investigated and explained. With Tables and Practical Rules. 8vo. London, 18 10. Baily (Laurence R.) General Average and the Losses and Expenses resulting from the General Average Acts practically considered. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1856. Baily (L. R.) Perils of the Sea, and their Effects on Policies of Insurance. 8vo. London, 1869, Bainbridge (John). Canicularia. 8vo. Oxf, 1648. Bainbridge (John). Description of the Comet. [Tracts, Vol. 64.] 4to. 16 18. Bainbridge (John). Procli Sphsera, et Ptolomsei de Planetis Liber. [Tracts, Vol. 104.] 4to. 1620. Bainbridge (Wm.) The Law of Mines and Minerals. 8vo. 1841. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1856. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. Fourth Edition. By Archibald Brown. 8vo. London, 1878. 53 Baines (Edward). The History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. The Biographical Department by the late W. R, Whatton, F.S.A. A New Edition. Edited by John Harland, F.S.A. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1868-1870. Baitellus (Lud.) De Ultimis Voluntatibus Decisiones. Folio. Med., 167 1. Baker (Ann Elizabeth). Glossary of Northampton.shire. Words and Phrases, with Examples of their Colloquial Use, and Illustrations from various Authors. To which are added the Customs of the Country. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1864. Baker (Geo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton. 2 vols. Folio. 1822-1830. Baker (Sir Richard). Chronicle of the Kings of England. Continued by E. Phillips. Folio. 1733. Baker (Sir Sherston, Bart.) Halleck's International Law. 2 vols. London, 1878. Baker (Sir Sherston, Bart.) The Laws relating to Quarantine. Svo. London, 1879. Baker (Thomas). The Laws relating to Burials. With Notes, Forms, and Practical Instructions. Including the Statutes passed during the present Session of Parliament and the Scotch and Irish Acts. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1859. Baker (Thomas). The Law relating to Salmon Fisheries in Great Britain. Including the Statutes passed during the Last Session and the Scotch Bye-Laws. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1868. Baker (Thomas, B.D.) History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge. Edited by John E. B. Mayor, M.A. 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1869. Baker (W. L.) The Great Bell of Westminster. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] Svo. Lond., Oxf, and Camb., 1857. Bakers. Journeymen. Report of the Standing Committee of the Department of Economy and Trade on the condition of Journey- men Bakers of London. 7 pages. [Pamphlets, Vol. 14.] Svo. London, 1S65. Balbani (Nic.) Risposta. See Viret. Balbi (Gasp.) Viaggia dell' Indie Orientali. Svo. Ven., 1590. Balbus (Jan. Fr.) De Prgescriptionibus. i2mo. Col., 1565. Balbus (Mensor.) De Asse. With Gronovius de Sestertiis. Svo. Amst., 1656. 54 Balcanquall (Walt.) Sermon on the Honour of Christian Churches, [Tracts, Vol. 88.] 4to. 1633. Balch (F. V.) Report of the Case of the Steamship Meteor, libelled for alleged Violation of the Neutrality Act, 1866. Vol. i. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Baldasseroni (Ascanio). Trattata delle Ascecurazione Maratime : e del Cambio Marittimo. Seconda Edizione. 5 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1801-1804. Baldasseroni (Ascanio). Dizionario ragionato di Giurisprudenza Marittuna et di Commercio. 4 vols. 4to. Licorno, 1810-1813. Baldasseroni (II Conte Pompeo). Leggi e Costumi del Cambio, ossia Trattato suUe Letteri di Cambio. Terza Edizione. 3 vols, in I. 4to. Modena, 1805. Baldi. Aurea Practica Juris Utriusque. 4to. Lugd., 1541. Baldi (Jo. And. Ubald de). Commentaria in Digestum vetus, &c. 8 vols. Folio. Venet., 1568. Baldi (Jo. And. Ubald de). Super Decretalibus. 3 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1564. Balduinus (Balth.) Papa et Papatus proprio gladio Jugulatus. 8vo. Witteb., 1630. Balduinus (Fran.) Commentarii in Institutiones Juris Civilis, Leges Romuli et Duodecim Tabularum. Folio. Par., 1554. Balduinus (Fran.) Constantinus Magnus, sive de Constantini legibus. • 8vo. Arg., 1 61 2. Balduinus (Fran.) Juris Civilis Schola, &c. With Huss de Anti- christo. 4to. Arg., 1555. Baldwin (Hy.) U.S. Circuit Cases. 8vo. Phil., 1837. Baldwin (Simeon E.) A Digest of all the Reported Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Errors and Superior Court of the State of Connecticut, and in the United States' Courts for the District of Connecticut, down to those contained in Vol. 35 Connecticut Reports, and Vol. 5 Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports Inclusive. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Balfour (Major-General, C.B.) On the Budgets and Accounts of England and France. [Pamphlet, 122 pages.] 8vo. London, 1866. Balfour (Edward). Cyclopaedia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Commercial, Industrial, and Scientific. Second Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1871-1873. 55 Balfour (Sir Jas.) Practicks; or, System of the Ancient Law of Scotland. Folio. Edin., 1754. Balinghem, or Balingen (Ant.) De Orationibus Jaculatoriis. 8vo, Antw., 1 618. Balinghem, or Balingen (Ant.) Solatium Afflictorum k Providentia. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1626. Ball (John). Apology against a Papist, &c. Svo. 1550. Ball (John). Image of the Churches. Svo. 1550. Ball (Thos.) and Beatty's Irish Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery in Ireland. Temp. Manners, 48-54 Geo. III. 2 vols. Svo. 1S23. Ball (Walter W. R., M.A.) The Student's Guide to the Bar. i2mo. London, 1S71. Ballantine (Jas.) See Shaw. Ballus (Joseph.) De Foecunditate Dei, &c. 4to. Pat., 1635. Balmaseda (Didac.) De Collectis, &c. Folio. Lugd., 1692. Balsamon (Ign.) De Perfectione Religiosa, &c. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1 60S. Balser (Jo. Chr.) De Responsis Prudentum. 4to. Gies. Balthaser (Chas.) Usurpazioni de Re di Spagna sopra la Corona di Francia. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. Par., 1625. Balzac (Jn. Ls. Guez de). Apologie pour Balzac. [Tracts, Vol. 54.] 4to. 1632. Balzac (Jn. Ls. Guez de). Le Prince. 4to. Paris, 1631. Bambergensis, Brandenburgica, Hessiaca Ordinatio Criminalis. With Boehmer: Meditationes. 4to. Hal. Mag., 1770. Bamford (Samuel). Dialect of South Lancashire. i2mo. Manchester, 1S50. Bampfylde (John). In British Poets. Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the Dis- covery of the American Continent. Fifteenth Edition. 8 vols. Svo. Boston, 1S44-1860. Bancroft (Richard). His Slanders against Church Government. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to. 158S. Bancroft (Richard). Dangerous Positions in Great Britain. [Tracts, Vol. 6. J 4to. 1640. 56 Banda and Kirwee Booty Case. lo vols. Folio, 1865, 1866. Vols. 1-6. A Selection from the Papers laid before Parliament previous to the Reference to the Court of Admiralty. Vols. 7 and 8. The Order of Reference, the Pleadings, and the other Papers which were brought into Court during the Progress of the Cause. Vols, 9 and 10. The Arguments of Counsel, followed by the Judgment of the very learned Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Bande Satanique. Docteurs de la Bande Satanique, &c. 8vo. Dow,, 1604. Banister (Elizabeth Ruth), Letters, Plans, and Opinions. 4to. 1859. Bankers, Case of the Bankers and their Creditors. [Tracts, Vol. i6g,] 8vo. 1674. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports. Edited by John Bury Dasent. See Common Law. 2 vols. 8vo. 1855. Banks (Eliot V.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, January 1862 to April 1870. [Vols. 1-5, Kansas Reports.] 5 vols, 8vo. Lawrence, Leavensworth, and Topika. Kansas, 1 864-1 871. Banks (Percival Weldon). Remarks concerning the Trial of Con- troverted Elections. [Pamphlets, Vol. 2.] 8vo. 1838. Banks (Sir Thomas C, Bart.) The Extinct and Dormant Baronage of England. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1807-1837. Banks (Sir Thomas C, Bart.) Baronia Anglica Concentrata. 2 vols. Ripon, 1844. Banning (Henry Thomas, M.A.) On the Statute Law of the Limitation of Actions. With an Appendix of Statutes, copious References to English and American Cases and to the French Code. 8vo. London, 1877. Bannius (Jo, Alb.) De Musica. With Grotius : de Studiis. i2mo. Lugd. Bat, 1637. Banosius (Theoph.) De Politicia Civitatis Dei, &c, 4to, Franc, 1592. Baphius (Bart.) De Dei in Romam Charitate, 4to. Med., 1569. Barbados. Acts of Assembly. Folio, 1732. Barbados, Laws of Barbados, 1646-1854. 8vo, London, 1855. Barbados, Laws of Barbados, 1854-1863, 8vo. London, 1864. Barbados, Laws of Barbados, 1865-1870, 4to. Barbados. Laws of Barbados, 1876. Barbados, 1876. Barbanson (Const,) Amoris Divi Semitse. izmo. Colon,, 1623. Barbarus (Fra,) De Re Uxoria. 8vo. 57 Barbarus (Fra.) De Re Uxoria. With Lochmaier. 4to. Par., 15 14 Barbarus (Herm.) In Libros Aristotelis. With Beroaldus : Orationes 4to. Bono., 1520 Barbarus (Herm.) In Plinii Historiam Naturalem Castigationes. 4to, Basil, 1534 Barbarus. Compendium Scientise Naturalis Aristotelis. With Gasp Contarenus. 8vo. Par., 1547 Barbatia (And.) Consilia. 4 vols, in 2. Folio. Ven., 1581 BARBATiiE (Andr.) De Testamentis Lectura. Folio. Papie, 1497 Barber (L. E.) Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity, argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Arkansas, at the July Term 1853 to October Term i860. [Vols. 14-21, Arkansas Reports.] 8 vols. 8vo. Little Rock, 1854-1860. Barbeyrac (Jean). Recueil de Discours sur des Matieres importantes traduitsou composez, par Barbeyrac. 2 vols. i2mo. Amst., 1731. Barbier (Ant. Alex.) Dictionnaire des Ouvrages. Anonymes Troisieme Edition. [In progress.] Vols. 1-3. 8vo. Paris, 1872-1875. Barbiere (Nic.) Discorso intorno alle Comedie moderne. [Tracts, Vol. 158.] 8vo. Ven., 1628. Barbosa (Aug.) De Jure Ecclesiastico. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1645. Barbosa (Aug.) Collectanea Doctorum, in Jus Pontificium Universum. 6 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1647. Barbosa (Pet.) Tractatus de Legatis. Folio. Lugd., 1662. Barbour (Oliver Lorenzo). New York Chancery Reports. 3 vols. 8vo. New York and Alb., 1847-1849. Barbour (Oliver Lorenzo). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1847-1873. 65 vols. 8vo. Albany and New York, 1 847-1 873. Barclay (Hugh, L.L.D.) A Digest of the Law of Scotland. With Special Reference to the Office and Duties of a Justice of the Peace. Third Edition. Revised and enlarged. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Barclay (Hugh). Law of Highways for Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, Perth, and Glasgow, 1847. Barclay (John). Icon animorum. 8vo. 16 14. Barclay (John). Paroenesis ad Sectarios. 8vo. Col., 16 17. Barclay (Robert D.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, contained in the first twenty-seven Volumes of Reports, 182 1-1859. 8vo. Saint Louis, 1859. 58 Barclay, or Barclaius (William). De Regno, et Regum Potestate. 4to. Paris, 1600. Barclay, or Barclaius (William). De Potestatae Papse. 8vo. 1609. Barclay, or Barclaius (William). De Cerlamine Eglisemmii cum Buchanano. [Tracts, Vol. 158.] Svo. Ven., 1628. Bardi (Girol.) Del Palagio Ducale di Vinegia, &c. Svo. Ven., 1602. Bardin (Pet.) La Lycee. Svo. Par., 1632. Baret (J.) Histoire des derniers Troubles de Moldavie. Svo. Paris, 1620. Baretti (Joseph). Italian and English, &c. Dictionary and Grammar. 2 vols. 4to. 1771. Baretti (Joseph). See Davenport. Baretti (Joseph). Spanish Dictionary. See Neuman. Barg^eus (Pet. Angelius). Cynegetica, Carmina, et Eclogse. 4to. Lugd., 1561. Bariacus (Gab. Lermius). Introductio in Artem Jesuiticam. With Chamier : Epistola. , Svo. Ven., 1599. Baricave (M. J. de). Destruction de la Religion pretendue Reformee par la Parole de Dieu. Svo. Paris, 16 10. Baricellus (Jul. Cses.) De Lactis, Seri et Butiri : facultate et usu. 4to. Nea., 1603. Baricellus (Jul. Cses.) Hortus GeniaUs. With Rosea Crux : Turris Babel. i2mo. Col., 1620. Bariona (Laur.) Cometographia quaedam Lampadis Aeriae. [Tracts, Vol. 64.] 4to, 1578. Barker (Lawr.) Christ's Check to Peter. Svo. 1600. Barkstead (John). His Arraignment; or. Invisible John made Visible. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. Barl^us (Casp.) De Animse Humanae Admirandis. With Beben- burgius. Folio. Amst., 1635. Barland (Hadr.) HoUandiae Comitum Historia et Icones. Barland (Hadr.) Caroli Burgundiae Ducis Vita. Svo. Fran., 1585. Barlow (Theod.) Power, &c,, of a Justice of the Peace. Folio. 1745. Barlow (Thomas). Study of English History and Antiquities. With Taylor: Commmentarius. 4to, Cant., 1742. 59 Barlow (William). Discourse of the Compass. [Tracts, Vol. loi.] 4to. 1597. Barlow (William). Cosin Ricardi Vita. , 4to. 1598. Barlow (William). Defence of the Protestant Religion. 4to. 1601. Barlow (William). A Brand out of the Fire. 4to. 1607. Barlow (William). Sermons on the Antiquity, &c., of Bishops. 4to. 1606. Barlow (William). Answer to a Catholicke. 4to. 1609. Barlow (William). Conference at Hampton Court, 1603. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1662. Barnardiston (Thos.) Chancery Reports, 1740-1741. Folio, 1742. Barnardiston (Thomas). K. B. Reports, 12 Geo, I. to 7 Geo. II. 2 vols. Folio, 1744. Barnes (Ambrose), Life, See Surtees Society, No, 50. Barnes (Hy,) Notes of Cases in Points of Practice, C. P, Third Edition. 8vo. 1790. Barnes (Wm.) Poems in the Dorset Dialect. With a Glossary. Svo. 1848. Barnevelt (John). Conspiracy and Fellow-Prisoners, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 21,] 4to. 1609. Barnewall (Richard Vaughan) and Alderson (Edward Hall), Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 58 Geo, HI, to 3 Geo. IV, 5 vols, 8vo, London, 1818-1822. Barnewall (Richard Vaughan) and Cresswell (Cresswell), Reports in the Court of King's Bench, 3 Geo, IV. to 1 1 Geo. IV. 10 vols. Svo. London, 1823-1832. Barnewall (Richard Vaughan) and Adolphus (John Leycester). Reports in the Court of King's Bench, 1 1 Geo. IV, to 4 Wm, IV. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1S31-1S35. Barnivetus (Jo.) Amicus Medicorum. With Tornamira. 4to, Lugd., 1496. Barns, or Barnes (Rt.) Vitse Romanorum Pontificum, et Sententiae [Injured,] 4to. Basil. Baro (Eguin.) Opera Omnia (Juridica). Folio. Lut., 1562. Baro, or Baron (Pet.) De Prsestantia Divinse Legis. Svo. 1586. Barocius (Fra.) Cosmographia. Svo. Ven., 1585. Baronius (Cses.) Paraenesis ad Rempublicam Venetam. Svo. Aug. Vind., i6o6. 6o Baronius (Caes.) De Monarchia Sicilise. 8vo. Paris, 1609. Baronius (Caes.) Annales Ecclesiastici. 12 vols. Folio. Ant., 16 12. Baronius (Caes.) Annales Ecclesiastici-Continuatio, per Henr. Spon- danam. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1678. Baronius (Caes.) See Aurelius. Baronius (Caes.) See Casaubon de Rebus Sacris. Baronius (Just.) Epistolae Sacrae. 8vo. Mog., 1605. BARPTOLOMiEUS (Nic.) Christus Xylonicus. With Haymon de Libris. 8vo. Ant., 1537. Barr (Robert M.) Pennsylvania State Reports. Containing Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court, 1845-1849. 10 vols. [Vols. i-io, Pennsylvania State Reports.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857-1859. Barreiros (Gasp.) Chorographia de alguns Lugares, 4to. Coim., 1 56 1. Barreiros (Gasp.) De Ophyra Salomonis. 4to. Barret (Wm.) Jus Regis. 8vo. Basil, 161 2. Barrett (Bryan). The Code Napoleon. Translated. With an . Introductory Discourse. 2 vols in i. 8vo. 181 1. Barrington (Hon. Daines). Observations on the more Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to 21 James I., cap. 27. With Appendix. 4to. London, 1769. Barrocius (Pet.) De modo bene Moriendi, &c. 8vo. Ven., 153 1. Barron (Arthur) and Austin (Alfred). Reports of Cases of Contro- verted Elections, 1842. 8vo. London, 1844. Barron (Arthur) and Arnold (James). Reports of Cases of Contro- verted Elections, 1 843-1 846. 8vo. London, 1846. Barros (In de). Decada da Asia {Italian). 4to. Ven., 1562. Barros (In de). Decada da Asia. Folio. Lisb., 1563. BARROVi^ (Henry). Refutation of Geo. Gifford. 4to. 1591. Barrow (Henry). Treatise against the Donatists. Barrow (Isaac). Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo. 1820. Barry (George). History of the Orkney Islands. 4to. Edinburgh, 1805. Barry (William Whittaker). On the Statutory Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. With an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. London, 1861. 6i Barry (William Whittaker). On the Law and Practice of Benefit, Building, and Freehold Land Societies. With an Appendix of Rules and Forms. Post 8vo. London, 1866. Bart (Barthenheim). Die Politischen Rechtsverhaltniffe der Oster- reichischen Staatsbewohner mit vorzuglicher Ruchsicht auf das Erzherzogthun Oesterreich unter der Enns. 3 vols. Svo. Wien., 1 838-1 843. Barter (William G. T.) Iliad of Homer. With Notes. 8vo. London, 1854. Barter (William G. T.) Ancient and Modern Poetry. Svo. London, 1855. Barter (William G. T.) Adventures of a Summer Eve. i2mo. London, 1856. Barter (William G. T.) Homer and English Metre. An Essay on the Translating of the Iliad and Odyssey. With a Rendering in the Spenserian Stanza of the first Book of the Odyssey, and Specimens of the Iliad. Post Svo. London, 1S62. Barter (William G. T.) Life, Law, and Literature. Essays on various Subjects. i2mo, London, 1863. Barthius (Gasp.) De Vita Scioppi. Svo. Han., 161 2. Barthius (Gasp.) Tarrseus Hebius. i2mo. Han., 16 12. Bartholine. See Bartholinus. Bartholinus (Gasp.) Astrologia. i2mo. Witteb., 16 12. Bartholinus (Gasp.) Phy siege Generalis Precepta. Svo. Rost, 16 1 7. Bartholinus (Gasp.) Anatomicse Institutiones Gorporis Humani. Svo. Arg., 1626. Bartholinus (Gasp.) De Lapide Nephriticaek. Svo. Hafn., 1628. Bartholinus (Gasp.) De Pygmsesis. Svo. Hafn., 1628. Bartholinus (Gasp.) De Studio Medico. Svo. Hafn., 1628. Bartholinus (Gasp.) De Unicorn. Svo. Hafn., 1628. Bartholinus (Pet.) Apologia, pro Observationibus Tych-Brahei. With Wodderbornius. 4to. Hafn., 1623. BARTHOLOMiEUS DE Glanvilla. De rerum proprietatibus. Folio. Nurim., 15 19. Bartlett (John). Familiar Quotations. Post Svo. London, 1869. Bartoli (Gosimo). Del Modo di misurare tutte le Gase terrene. [Tracts, Vol. 104.] 4to. [No Title.] 62 Bartolo de Saxoferrato. Opera omnia, cum adnotationibus Jac. Anelli et Pet. Mangrellae. ii vols. Folio. Ven., 1603. Bartolome de Cadiz, Constitucionas y Reglas del Colegio Seminario. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 8vo. Madrid, 1594. Barton (Charles), Suit in Equity. 8vo. London, 1796. Barton (Charles). , Conveyancing, With Notes. 7 vols, 8vo. London, 1821-1824. Barton (Charles). Conveyancing. Index. See Wilde, Bartschius (Frid,) Responsio ad And. Volani Orationem, [Tracts, Vol. 152,] 8vo, Col. Ag., 1610 Bartschius (Jac. et Frid.) Novus Globus magnus cselestis quadri pedalis. [Tracts, Vol, 64.] 4to, Arg., 1623 BARZiEi (Gasp.) Vita, Par Trigault. i2mo. Col., 16 11 Barzius (Caes.) Decisiones Rotse Bononiensis. Folio. Ven,, 1603 Barzizius (Christoph,) Introductor in Medicinam. 4to. Aug. Vin., 15 18 Basanier (Martin), Histoire de la Floride. 8vo. Paris, 1587 Basil (St,) De Laudibus Jejunii, ■ With Lasco. 8vo. Tri,, 1532 Basil (St,) De Institutione Studiorum, 8vo. Basil, 1537 Basil (St.) See Monasticge Regulae, Basilica post Arn. Fabroti curas cum translationi Latina et adnotatione cfitica G. C E. Heimbachii. 5 vols. 4to. Lips,, 1840, Basilicus (Hier,) Decisiones Criminalis Regiae Curiae Siciliae, Folio. Flor., 1691. Basnage (Hen.) CEuvres contenant ses commentaires sur la coutume de Normandie et son Traite des Hypothdques. 2 vols. Folio. Rouen, 1778, Bassecourt (Fab, de la). Election Eternelle, 4to. Amst., 1618. Basso (Seb,) Philosophia Naturalis, 8vo. Aur., 162 1. Bassus (Jo, Bapt,) De Sodalitiis, Folio. Rom,, 1739. Basta (Geo.) II Mastro di campo generale. 4to. Ven,, 1606. Bastiment (Le), Des Receptes. 8vo, Paris, 1546. Bastwick (John). Answer to Exceptions made against his Letany. 4to. 1637. Bastwick (John). Answer to the Information of Sir John Banks. 4to. 1637. Bastwick (John), Speeches made at his Censure. [Tracts, Vol. 12.] 4to. 1637. 63 B AXEMAN (Joseph, LL.D.) On the Law of Excise. With an Appen- dix of Select Cases. 8vo. London, 1843. Bateman (Joseph, LL.D.) On the Law of Auctions. With Statutes, Cases, Forms, Rules, Tables, and Directions to Auctioneers. Fourth Edition. By Rolla Rouse. i2mo. London, 1863. Bath Guide. See Anstey. Batman, or Bateman (Step.) Doom, Warning to Judgment, &c. 4to. [No Title.] Batten (Edward Chisholm, M.A.) and Ludlow (Henry, M.A.) On the Jurisdiction and Practice of the County Courts in Equity. i2mo. London, 1866. Supplement. i2mo. London, 1872. Batten (John, Jun., B.A.) The Stannaries Act, 1869. i2mo. London, 1873. Battle Abbey Roll. See Lower. Batty (Espine). Reports of Cases in the King's Bench in Ireland, 1825, 1826. 8vo. Dublin, 1825, &c. Batty. See Smith. Batuta (Ibn.) Travels of. By Sam. Lee. 4to. 1829. Baudart (Guil.) Guerres de Nassau sur la conduite des Princes Guillaume d'Orange et Maurice de Nassau. 4to. Amst., 16 16. Baudier (Michel). Inventaire de I'Histoire Generale des Turcs, 1300-1620. 4to. Paris, 1620. Baudier (Michel). Histoire de la Cour du Roy de la Chine. 4to. Paris, 1631. Baudier (Michel). Histoire du Serail du Grand Seigneur des Turcs. 4to. Paris, 1632. Baudier (Michel). De TAdministration de Ximenes. 4to. Paris, 1635. Baudovin (Nie.) Le Curieux Impertinent {Esp. et Fran) 1 2 mo. Paris, 1608. Bauhin (Casp.) De Compositione Medicamentoram, 8vo. Offen., 16 10. Bauhin- (Casp.) De Lapide Bezaar. 8vo. Basil, 1613. Bauhin (Casp.) De Homine. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to. Ath. Raur., 16 14. Bauhin (Jo.) De Plantis Absynthii nomen habentibus. 8vo. Mont., 1593. 64 Bauhin (Jo.) Historia Fontis et Balnei Bollensis. 4to. Mont., 1598. Bauhin (Jo.) De Lapidibus Metalicisque, &c. 4to. Mont., 1598. Bauhin (Jo.) Historia Plantarum. 3 vols. Folio. Ebrod, 1615. Baumgarten (Mart.) Peregrinatio in ^gyptum, Arabiam, Palaestinam, et Syriam, cum authoris vita, 4to. Norib., 1594. Baverius (Jo.) De Re Medica. Per Gualt. Ryff. 4to. Arg., 1542. Baxter (Richard). Antidote against his Cure of Church Division. 4to. 1670. Baxter (Richard). Spectacle for those that read his Cure. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] 4to. 1670. Baxter (William). Duty of Heavenly Meditation reviewed. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 167 1. Baxter (WiUiam). Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum. 8vo. 1 7 19. Bay (Elihu Hall). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Superior Courts of Law in the State of South Carolina since the Revolution, 1 783-1 804. [Vols, i, 2, South Carolina Law Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1 809-1 8 1 1. Bay (S. M.) Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, from 1837 to 1845. [Vols. 5-8, Mis- souri State Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Fayette, Missouri, 1 840-1 845. Bayard (du ChevaHer). Histoire de Vie, &c. 4to. Paris, 16 16. Bayfius (Laz.), Bayf. De Re Navali, Vestimentis et VascuHs. 4to. Par., 1536, Bayle (Peter). Historical and Critical Dictionary {English). 4 vols. Folio. 1 7 10. Bayle (Peter). General Dictionary, Historical and Critical. In which a Translation of that of Bayle is included. With Reflections on such Passages of Bayle as seem to favour Scepticism and the Manichee System. By Jno. Peter Bernard, Thos. Birch, Jno. Lockman, &c. And the Articles relating to Oriental History by Geo. Sale. 10 vols. Folio. 1734. Bayley (Sir John). Bills of Exchange. 8vo. 1822, Fifth Edition. 8vo. 1830. Bayley (John). History of the Tower of London. 2 vols. 4to. 1825. Bayly (Jn. Bethune). Commentaries on the Laws of England. Com- piled from Blackstone. 8vo. 1840. 65 Baynes (C. B.) The Criminal Law of the Madras Presidency, as con- tained in the existing Regulations and Acts. With Statement of Crimes and Punishments, Indices, &c., and also the Circular Orders of the Foujdaree Udalut. Compiled and arranged in accordance with recent modifications. 8vo. Madras, 1848. Baynes (Paul). Diocesan's Tryal. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to. 1621. Beames (John). The General Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the year i6oo to the present period (18 15). With practical Notes. 8vo. London, 181 5. Beames (John). Elements of Pleas in Equity. With Precedents. 8vo. London, 1818. Beames (John). Summary of the Doctrine of the Courts of Equity, with respect to Costs, deduced from the leading Cases. 8vo. London, 1822. Beames (John). A brief View of the Writ, Ne exeat Regno, as an equitable Process. With the Rules of Practice relating to it. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1824. Beames (John). Sketch of the Doctrine relative to Commitments in Bankruptcy, 8vo. London, 1827. Beames (John). Translation of Glanville. Beard (Thos.) Motives dissuading from Communion with Rome. 4to. 1616. Beasley (Mercer). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery, and on Appeal in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, 1858-1860. [Vols. 12, 13, New Jersey Equity Reports.] 2 vols. Svo. Trenton, 1860-1863. Beatson (Robert, LL.D.) A Chronological Register of both Houses of the British Parliament, from the Union in 1708 to the Third Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in 1807. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1807. Beattie (Jas.) In British Poets. Beatty (Frs.) See Ball. Beatty (Frs.) Irish Chancery Reports during the time of Lord Chancellor Hart. With a few in the time of Lord Chancellor Manners. Svo. Dublin, 1S27. Beaucourtii (P.) Commentarius in Prsecipuos Digestorum Libros. Svo. Brugis, 1779. Beaufort (Jn. de). Trdsor des Tr^scrrs de France. [Tracts, Vol. 161.] Svo. Rochelle, 16 15. Beaugue (Jean de). Histoire de la Guerre d'Escosse. Svo. Paris, 1556. (5) 66 Beauly. The Charters of the Priory of Beauly. See the Grampion Club's Publications. Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher (John). Works. 14 vols. 8vo. Edin., 181 2. Beaumont (Joseph). The Law of Bills of Sale, &c. i2mo. 1855. Beaumont (Lord) to Lord Zetland on the Edict of the Court of Rome. Edited by Ch. Purton Cooper. [Pamphlets, Vol. 6.] 8vo. 1850. Beaume (Florimond de). Notse in Geometriam, &c. Descartes. Beauty of Godly Government in a Church, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 168.] 4to. 1641. Beauvau (Hen. de). Voyage de Levant. 4to. Nan., 161 5. Beauxamis (Th.) Sectes lesquelles ont oppugnd le Sacrament. 4to. Paris, 1570. Beauxamis (Th.) De Culto Sanctorum, &c. 8vo. Par., 1566. Beavan (Charles, M.A.) Ordines Cancellarise. Being a Selection of General Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the year 1 8 14 to 1846. 8vo. London, 1 842-1 846. Beavan (Charles, M.A.) Reports of Cases in Chancery argued and determined in the Rolls Court from Michaelmas 1838 to June 1866. With Index. 36 vols. 8vo. London, 1839- 1869. Beavan (Edward) and Walford (Frederick). Parliamentary Cases relating to Railways, &c., determined by the Select Committees of the Houses of Parliament in the Session 1846. 8vo. London, 1847, Beavan (Edward). Statutes of Practical Utility. See Chitty, Lloyd, and Parkins. Beavan (Edward) and Walford (Frederick). Railway Cases. See Oliver. Beawes (Wyndham). Lex Mercatoria Rediviva ; or, a Complete Code of Commercial Law. By Joseph Chitty. 2 vols. 4to. 181 3. Bebenburgius (Lup.) Germanicorum Principum Zelos in Religionem Christianam. Folio. Bas., 1497. Began (Martin). De Triplici Sacrificio Naturae, Legis, et Gratise. 8vo. Mogunt, 1 610. Began (Martin). Examen Plagae Regiae. 8vo. Mogunt, 16 10. Began (Martin). Questiones Batavicae. [Tracts, Vol. 128.] 8vo. Mogunt, 16 10. Began (Martin). De Pontifice Veteris Testamenti. [Tracts, Vol. 140.] 8vo. Mogunt, 1 61 2. 67 Began (Martin), catio. Began (Martin). Began (Martin). Began (Martin). ■ Began (Martin). Privilegia Calvanistarum. 8vo. Duaci, 1612. Began (Martin). De Libero Arbitrio. 8vo. Mogunt, 16 13. Began (Martin). Recueil de ce qui c'est faict centre un de ses livres. [Tracts, Vol. 119.] 8vo. 1682. Began (Martin). Summa actorum Facultatis Theologiae Parisiensis contra. Began (Martin). Librum de Potestate Regis, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 53.] 8vo. 1615, Super causis Generalis Consilii Convocandi Suppli- 8vo. 1613. De Ecclesia Christi, &c. 8vo. Mogunt, 161 5. De Republica Ecclesiastica. 8vo. Mogunt, 1618. Epistola ad D. Davidem. With Veron : Veroniana. 8vo. Mogunt, 1619. Begano-Bagulus Salcolbrigiensis. [Tracts, Vol. 140.] 8vo. Oppen., 161 1. Beganus (Jo. Goropius). Opera. Folio. Antw., 1580. Beggaria (Cesare-Bone-Sana, Marquis). Dei Delitti e delle Pene. {English.) i2mo. Edih., 1807. Beggaria (Cesare-Bone-Sana, Marquis). Dei Delitti e delle Pene. 8vo. Milan, 1823. Beggaria (Jo.) Refutatio Libelli de Jure Magistratuum, &c. Begk (Theodore Romeyn, M.D.) Medical Jurisprudence. By John Darwall, M.D. 8vo. London, 1829. Begk (Theodore Romeyn, M.D.) and Beck (John B., M.D.) Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. Seventh Edition. With the Notes of Drs. Dunlop and Darwall. 8vo. London, 1842. Begket (Thomas k) et Henrici II. Monomachia. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1626. Opera Omnia. 2 vols. Folio. Col. Ag., 1626. Historia Ecclesiastica, et Leges Anglo-Saxonicse. Folio. Cant., 1644. Ecclesiastical History of England. Translated By J. A. Giles, L.L.D. (Bohn.) 8vo. London, 1849. See Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores. Droit Commercial Commentarie du Code de 17 vols. 8vo. Paris et Aix, 1854-1864. Beda (Venerabilis). Beda (Venerabilis). Beda (Venerabilis). from the Latin. Beda (Venerabilis). Bedarride (Jassuda). Commerce. 68 Bedarride (Jassuda) — continued. Livre I., titre i et 2. Des Commer9ants et des Livres de Commerce. i vol. 8vo. 1854. Titres 3, 4. Des Societies. 2 vols. 1856. Titre 5. Des Bourse de Commerce, Agents de Change et Courtiers. i vol. 1862. Titre 6. Des Commissionaires. i vol. 1863. Titre 7. Des Achats et Ventes. i vol. 1862. Titre 8. De La Lettre de Change des Billets k ordres, et de la Prescription. 2 vols, 1862. Livre IL Du Commerce Maritime. 5 vols. 1859. Livre III. Traite des Faillites et Banqueroutes, ou Commen- taire de la loi du 28 Mai, 1838. 4th Edition. Revue et mise au courant de la Doctrine et de la Jurisprudence. 3 vols. 1862. Livre IV. De la Jurisdiction Commerciale. i vol. 1864. Bedarride (Jassuda). Droit Commercial. Sur des Lois des Brevets d'Invention sur les Noms des Fabricants et des lieux de Fabrica- tion, sur les Marques de Fabrique et de Commerce. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris et Aix, 1869. Bedarride (Jassuda). Traite du Dol et Fraude en Matibre Civile et Commerciale. Second Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris et Aix, 1867. Bede (Jn.) Consultation si le Pape est superieur du Roy. With Bouquet. 8vo. Sedan, 1615. Bedell (Thos.) Antithesis ; or, Opposition between the Church of Rome and the Church of God. 8vo. 1 604. Bedell (WiUiam). Letters concerning Religion. 4to. 1624. Bedell (William). Examination of Motives to Recusancy. [Tracts, Vol. 149.] 8vo. Camb., 1628. Bedell (Bishop). Life. See Camden Society, N.S., No. 4. Bedford (Captain F. G. D., R.N.) The Sailor's Pocket Book. A collection of Practical Rules, Notes, and Tables ; for the use of the Royal Navy, The Mercantile Marine, and Yacht Squadrons. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. With Charts, Diagrams, and Illustrations. Small 4to. London, 1877. Bedford (John, Duke of). See Covent Garden. Bedwell (Thomas). Instrument for measuring Planes. [Tracts, Vol. 100.] 4to. 1 63 1. 69 Bee (Honble. Thomas). Reports of Cases adjudged in the District Court of South Carolina, 1792-1805. To which is added an Appendix, containing Decisions in the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania ; by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq., 1779-1785; in the Admiralty Court of South Carolina, 1786; and in the Special District Court of Massachusetts, 1809. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. Beehive of the Romish Church. Translated by Gilpin. i2mo. 1623. Beetz (Jn.) Super decem prseceptis Decalogi. Folio. Lov., i486. Begerus (Eus.) Corpus Juris Civihs. 3 vols, in 2. 4to. Francf, 1767. Begerus, Beger, or Boeger (Laur.) Bertrachtung des heil Ehestandes. 4to. 1679. Begg (John Henderson). On the Law of Scotland relating to Law Agents, including the Law of Cost as between Agent and Client. With an Appendix of Relative Statutes, Acts of Siderunt, and all the Tables of Fees, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Beia (Fran. Lud. de). Collegium Sacrum Bononiense. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1629. Beighi (Ulugh.) Observationes Astronomicse. With Bainbridge's Canicularia. 8vo. Oxf, 1648. Bekynton (Thomas). Correspondence of See Britain, Great, No. 56. Bel, or Bell (Thomas). Motives concerning Romish Faith and Religion. With Cotta : Witchcraft. 4to. 1593. Bel, or Bell (Thomas). His Downfall of Popery answered. By S. R. 8vo. Dov., 1606. Bel, or Bell (Thomas), His Trial Examined. [Tracts, Vol. 129.] 8vo. Roan., 1608. Bel, or Bell (Thomas). Christian Dialogue. 4to. 1609. Bel, or Bell (Thomas). See Doleful Knell. Belena (Eusebio Bentura). Recopilacion de los Autos de Nueva Espana. 2 vols. Folio. Mexico, 1787. Belfast. Report of the President of Queen's College at Belfast, 1857, 1858. Folio. Dub., 1859. Belgica Historia. 8vo. Franc, 1583. Belgicarum Rerum Chronicon. Folio. Fran., 1564. Belgium. Les Dix Codes en vigueur en Belgique. 2 vols. i2mo. Brux., 1834. Belicci (Gio. Bat.) Nuova Inventione di fabricar Fertezze. Folio. Ven., 1598. 70 Belinse (W.) Philosophic du Droit ou Cours d'Introduction a la Science du Droit. Troisieme Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Belius (Laur.) Interpretatio in LII. c. de Sacr. Sane. Ecc, &c. 4to. Brix., 1562. Belius (Laur.) De Mortuis coemeteriis restituendis. 4to. Brix., 1562. Belisarius. See Aquivivus. Bell (Andrew). History of Canada. Translated from *' L'Histoire du Canada," of F. X. Garneau. 3 vols. 8vo. Montreal, i860. Bell (The late Alexander Montgomerie). Lectures on Conveyancing. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Bell (Andrew Beatson) and Lamond (William). Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, from 1800 to 1867, and on Appeal, by the House of Lords, from 1726 to 1867. Being a New Edition of the Digest, from 1800 to 1862, by Mr. Shaw; and from 1852 to 1862, by Messrs. Macpherson, Bell, and Lamond. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, n.d. Bell (Benjamin Robert). Supplement to Hume, on Crimes. 4to. Edin., 1844. Bell (Sir Charles). On the Hand. [Bridgwater Treatise.] 8vo. London, 1837. Bell (George Joseph). Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. Edin., 1821. Bell (George Joseph). Commentaries on the recent Sequestration Statute. 4to. Edin., 1840. Bell (George Joseph). Illustrations from Adjudged Cases of the Principles of the Law of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1838. Bell (George Joseph). Inquiries into the Contract Sale of Goods and Merchandise. 8vo. Edin., 1844. Bell (George Joseph). Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland, in relation to Mercantile and Maritime Law, Moveable and Heritable Rights, and to Bankruptcy. By Patrick Shaw. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., Edin., and Glasg., 1858. Bell (George Joseph). Commentaries on the Law of Scotland, and on the Principles of Mercantile Jurisprudence. Seventh Edition. By John Maclaren. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1870. Bell (George Joseph). Principles of the Law of Scotland. Fifth Edition. By Patrick Shaw. 8vo. Edin., i860. Sixth Edition. By William Guthrie. 8vo. Edin., 1872. 71 Bell (H., M.A.) The Law of Landlord and Tenant as administered in Bengal. With Act VIII., 1869, of the Bengal Council. 8vo. 1870. Second Edition. By Millet and Reilly. 8vo. Calcutta, 1874. Bell (Henry Nugent). Huntingdon Peerage. 4to. 1821. Bell (James) and Dwelly (John H.) The Laws of Excise. A Collection of Existing Statutes relating to the Revenue of Excise. With Practical Notes and an Appendix of Select Cases. 8vo. London, 1873. Bell (John). British Theatre. 34 vols. i2mo. 1797. Bell (John Montgomerie). On the Laws of Arbitration in Scotland. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877. Bell (J. M.) See Sessions Cases. Bell (Robert). On Conveyance of Land, and Completing Titles. Third Edition. By William Bell. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Bell (Sydney Smith). Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session from November 1808 to November 1833. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1841, 1842. Bell (Sydney Smith). Scotch Appeal Cases decided in the House of Lords, 1843-1850. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843-1852. 8vo. London and Dublin, 1859. Bell (Sydney Smith), Colonial Administration of Great Britain. 8vo. 1859. Bell (Thomas). Crown Cases. Vol. i. Bell (Thomas). Crown Cases. See Dearsley. Bell (Thomas). See Bel. Bell (William). Dictionary and Digest of the Law of Scotland. 8vo. London and Edinburgh, 1838. Bell (William). Dictionary and Digest of the Law of Scotland; With Explanations of the most ordinary English Law Terms. By George Ross. 8vo. London and Edinburgh, 1861. Bella Pertica (H. de). Quaestiones Aurese et Tractatus de Fendis. 4to. Lugd., 15 1 7. Bellantius (Luc.) De Astrologica Veritate, &c. Folio. Basil, 1554. Bellarmin (Robert). De Controversiis Christiana Fidei. Folio. Ing., 1586. Bellarmin (Robert). Contradictiones Doctorum, &c. 4to. Arg., 1597. Bellarmin (Robert). De Indulgentiis, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1599. ^2 Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert gyus : Malum. Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Bellarmin (Robert Responsio ad duos libros. 4to. Mogun., 1606. Sopra le Censure di Paolo V. 4to. Ven., i6o6' Christianae Doctrinse Explicatio. With Weigelius. i2mo. Colon., 1609. Remonstrance sur sa livre de Postestate Papse. 4to. 1 6 10. Triplici nodo Triplex cuneus. 8vo. 1610. De Potestate Summi Pontificio. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1 61 3. De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1 61 3. De Ascensione Mentis in Deum. With Pele- i2mo. Cologne, 16 15. De .Sterna Felicitate. Svo. Antw., 1616. Vitse Sanctorum. Svo. Col. Ag., 1619. De officiis Principis Christian!. Svo. Col. Ag., 1 61 9. De Arte bene Moriendi. With Rogerius. izmo. Col. Ag., 1620. Catechisme, tradiate par Ant. Pacot. Svo. Aire, 1630. Bellasis (A. R, B.C.S.) Reports of Criminal Cases argued and determined in the Court of Sudder Foujdaree Adawlut, of Bombay. Vol. I. 1S27-1S46. Svo. Bombay, 1S49. Belleforest (Fran, de), L'Histoire des neuf Roys Charles de France. Folio. Paris, 1568. Belleforest (Fran. de). Harangues Militaires. Folio. Paris, 1573. Belleforest (Fran. de). Histoire Universelle. Belleforest (Fran. de). Grandes Annales de France jusque au regne d'Henri III. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1579. Bellendus (Gulielmus), Bellenden. Ciceronis Princeps. Svo. Paris, 160S. Bellendus (Gulielmus), Bellenden. Ciceronis Consul Senator, Senatusque Romanus. Svo. Paris, 161 2. Bellewe (Rd.) Years of Richard II., abridged {French). Svo. 1859- Belli (Fran.) Ozzervationi nel Viaggio. With Capistran. 4to. Ven., 1632. 73 Belling (William Wright) and Vanderstraaten (John William). Ceylon. A Handbook of Police Courts. Being a Digest of the Orders of the Supreme Court in Police Cases, from 1846 to 1862. 8vo. Colombo, 1863. Bellinger (C. B.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, from September Term 1870 to December Term 1873. [Vol. 4, Oregon Reports.] 8vo. San Francisco, 1876. Belluga (Pet.) Speculum Principum, k Cam. Borello, &c. Folio. Brux., 1655. Bellus (Jul.) Hermes Politicus, sive de Peregrinatoria Prudentia. 8vo. Fran,, 1608. Bellus (Silv. Vicent.), Bello. Libro del misurar con la Vista. 4to. Ven., 1569. Belmonte de Belmontibus (D.) Decisiones Selectae. Folio. Fer., 1667. Belon (Pierre). Histoire des Oyseaux. Folio. Paris, 1555. Belsham (Wm.) Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 8 vols. 8vo. 1805. Belt (Robert). Supplement to Sir Francis Vesey's Reports of Chancery Cases. See Vesey. Belt (Robert). See Brown's Chancery Reports. Belviso (Jacobi de). Super Authenticis et Feudis. Folio. Lugd., 15 II. Belzoni (Giovanni Bat.) Narrative of Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822. Bembo (Pierre). Epistolae. With Chr. Longalius. 4to. Florence, 1524. Bembo (Pierre). Rerum Venetarum Historige. 4to. Paris, 1551. Bembo (Pierre). L'Histoire du Nouveau Monde descouvert par les Portugalois. With Vulpian. 8vo. Paris, 1556. Bembo (Pierre). Epistolse Leonis X. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1584. Benard (le Sieur), Voyage de Hierusalem, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1621. Bencius (Fra.) Provinciarum Variarum Descriptiones. [Imperfect.] 8vo. Bendinellius (Ant.) Vita P. Corn, Scipionis ^miliani Africani Minoris. 8vo. Mut., 1549. Bene (Thomas del). De Immunitate, et Jurisdictione Ecclesiastica. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1674, 74 Benecke (William). On the Principles of Indemnity in Marine Insurance, Bottomry, and Respondentia, and on their Practical . Application in effecting those Contracts, and in the Adjustment of all Claims arising out of them. For the use of Underwriters, Merchants, and Lawyers. 8vo. London, 1824. Benedict (Erastus C, L.L.D.) The American Admiralty: its Juris- diction and Practice. With Practical Forms and Suggestions. Second Edition. 8vo. New York, 1870. Benedict (Robert D.) United States District Court Reports. Second Circuit. September 1865 — January 1875. [In progress.] 7 vols. 8vo. New York, 1869-1876. Benedict of Peterborough, Gesta Henrici Secundi et Ricardi I. See Brit., Gt., No. 49. Benedict (St.) Regulae et Statuta. 8vo. Paris, 1604. Benedict (St.) See Monasticse Regulae. Benedictis (Jo. Bapt.) Resolutio omnium Euclidis problematum. 4to. Yen., 1553. Benedictis (Jo. Bapt.) Resolutio omnium Euclidis problematum. With Witekind de Astronomia. 4to. 1583. Benedictis (Jo. Bapt.) Diversse Speculationes Mathematicse. Folio. Taur., 1585. Benedictus (Alex.) Omnium morborum Signa, &c. 4to. Basil, 1539. Benedictus (Jo.) De Revelatione, &c. With Agrippa de Anna. 8vo. Mogu., 1550. Benedictus (Ren.) Way to Pluck away Discord in Religion. [Tracts, Vol. 129.] 8vo, Par., 1565. Benet (R. Fitch.) Rule of Perfection. 8vo. Roan., 1609. Benevent (Hier. de). Faicts h^roiques de Henri le Grand. 8vo. Par,, 161 1. Bengal. History of the Judicial System of Bengal. 8vo. 1820. Bengal Law Reports of Decisions of the High Court of Fort William (Civil and Criminal) in its original and Appellate Jurisdictions ; Privy Council Decisions on Indian Appeals ; Orders and Rules of the High Court, and Revenue Circular Orders. Edited by L. A. Goodeve and Herbert Cowell. 1868-18 75. 15 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1 868-1 875. Bengal Law Reports. Supplemental Volume. Full Bench Rulings from commencement of the High Court. Part i. Down to the end of 1865. Edited by G. C. Sconce and Caspar Gregory. 8vo. Calcutta, 1874, 75 Bengal Native Law Reports. [No printed Title.] 1805- 1810. Bengal Regulations. See Sutherland. Beni (Paul). De Baronii Annalibus, With Ugonius. 4to. Rom., 1596. Beni (Paul). De Efficaci Dei Auxilio, &c. 4to. Patav., 1603. Beni (Paul). Platonis et Aristotelis Theologia. 4to. Patav., 1624. Benjamin (J. P.) On the Law of Sale of Personal Property. With References to the American Decisions, and to the French Code and Civil Law. Svo. London, 1868. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1873. Benjamin (L. N.) St. Alban's Raid ; or. Investigation into the Charges against Lieut. Bennett and H. Young, and Commands for their Acts at St. Alban's, V.T., on the 19th October, 1864. 8vo. Montreal, 1865. Benloe (Gulielme, Serjeant de la Ley). Reports des divers Resolu- tions et judgments donnes par les reverendes judges de la Ley en le temps de Roys et Roignes Hen. VIIL, Edw. VI., Phil et Mar., et Elizab. ; avecque autres select cases adjudges en le temps de Roys Jaques et Charles le premier. Folio. London, 1661. 4to. London, 1669. Benloe (Gulielme) and Dalison. Reports. Henry VIIL to EUza- beth {French). Folio. London, 1689. Benloe (Gulielme). See Keilwey. Bennet (W. H.) Dissertation on the Proceedings in the Master's Office in Chancery. With Observations illustrative of the Practice in the Office of the Accountant-General. 8vo. 1834. Bennett (Edmund H.) and Heard (Franklin Fiske). A Selection of Leading Cases in Criminal Law. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1869-1872. Bennett (Edmund H.) and Heard (Franklin F.) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1804- 1869. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1862-1872. Bennett (Samuel A.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, 1852 to 1855. [Vols. 16-21, Missouri State Reports.] 6 vols. St. Louis, 1853-1856. Benoit (Ren^ P.) La Manibre de connoitre salutairement Jesus Christ. 8vo. Par., 1561. Benoit (Rene P.) Le Chevalier Chretien. [No Title.] 8vo. Benson. (Christopher, M.A.) Sermons. 8vo. London, 1832. 76 Benson (Christopher, M.A.) Letter to the Bishop of Lincoln. 8vo. London, 1837. Benson (Christopher, M.A.) Protestant Zeal recommended. A Sermon. Svo. London, 1837. Benson (Christopher, M.A.) Discourses upon Tradition and Episco- pacy. Svo. London, 1839. Benson (Christopher). Discourses upon the Powers of the Clergy, Prayers for the Dead, and the Lord's Supper. Svo. London, 1841. Benson (Christopher, M.A.) Rubric and Canons of the Church of England considered. Svo. London, 1845. Benson (Christopher, M.A.) Conge d'Elire ; or, the Mode of making English Bishops. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] Svo. 184S. Benson (Christopher, M.A.) The First and Second Verses of the Book of Genesis examined. [Unbound, 39 pp.] Svo. London, 186 1. Benson (George). Sermons. [Tracts, Vol. 88.] 4to. London, 1609. Ben-Syra. Sententise Morales. Heb. et Lat., cum Commentariis Paul-Fagii. 4to. Bentham (Jeremy). Defence of Usury. Third Edition. Svo. London, 181 6. Bentham (Jeremy). Special Juries. Art of Packing. Svo. London, 182 1. Bentham (Jeremy). Morals and Legislation. A New Edition. Corrected by the Author. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1823. Bentham (Jeremy). Government. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1S23. Bentham (Jeremy). Judicial Evidence. By Dumont. Svo. 1S25. Bentham (Jeremy). Rationale of Reward. Svo. London, 1S25. Bentham (Jeremy). Judicial Evidence. Rationale of. Specially applied to English Practice. By John S. Mill. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1S27. Bentham (Jeremy). Rationale of Punishment. Svo. London, 1830. Bentham (Jeremy). Works. [Published under the Superintendence of John Bowring.] 11 vols. Svo. London and Edinburgh, 1S43, Bentham (Jeremy). Traites de Legislation, par E. Dumont. Svo. 1S58. Translated by R. Hildeth. Post Svo. London, 1S64. Bentivoglio (Guy). Relationi delle Provincie Unite di Fiandra. Svo. Brussels, 1632. 77 Bentley (Samuel). Abstract of Charters and other Documents con- tained in a Cartulary of the Abbey of St. Peter's, Westminster. [Privately printed.] 8vo. London, 1836. Bently (Richard, D.D.) A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an Answer to the Objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle. 8vo. London, 181 6. Benzonius (Rut.) De Anno Sancti Jubilaei. Folio. Mog., 1600. Berchorius (Pet.) Dictionarium seu Repertorium Morale. Folio. Ven., 1583. Berchorius (Pet.) Reductorium Morale. Folio. Basil, 1515. Berchorius (Pet.) Reductorium Morale. Folio. Ven., 1583, Bereblocus (Jo.) De rebus gestis Oxoniae 1561, per Thom. Hearnium. With Hearne : Rich. IL 8vo. Oxon., 1729. Berga (Ant.) Delia Grandezza dell' Acqua, et della Terra. With Locher, 4to. Turin, 1589, Bergara (Joseph Bernardino de). Nueva Recopilacion de las Leyes de Guipuscoa. Folio. Tolosa, 1696. Bergenroth (G. a.) Calendar of State Papers, Letters, and Des- patches relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain. Preserved in the Archives at Simancas and elsewhere. See Cal. St. Pa. Imperial 8vo. London, 1 862-1 867. Vol. I, Henry VII., 1485-1509. | Vol. 2, Henry VIII., 1509-1525. Supplement to Vols, i, 2. Berger (Jo. Aug. k). Collatio Codicis Juris Alamannici. Folio. Lips., 1726. Bergier (Nic. Sylv.) Histoire des Grands Chemins de I'Empire Romaine. 4to. Paris, 1622. Beringerus (Eric.) Discursus Historico-Politicus. 8vo. Han., 16 14. Berkeley Peerage Case. 1. The Claimant's Orignal Case, 1858. 2. The Supplemental Case, With Three Appendices. 3. The Index to the Evidence. 4. The Opening Speech of the Claimaint's Counsel, Mr. Fleming. 5. Mr. Fleming's Summing-up Speech. 6. The Speech of the Attorney-General (the present Lord Chancellor) for the Crown. Berland (Mich.) See France. 78 Bermuda. Acts of the Legislature of the Islands of Bermuda remain- ing in force at the end of the year i860. Compiled, under authority of the Legislature, by John Harvey Darrell. 1691-1860. 8vo. New York, 1862. Acts for 1864-1879. Folio. Hamilton, 1864-1879. Bernard (Guil). De Sacrarum Literarum Communicatione. 8vo. Lyon, 1547. Bernard (John). Oratio de Vera Animi Tranquilitate. 4to. London, 1568. Bernard (John Peter). See Bayle. Bernard (Montague, M.A.) A Historical Account of the Neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War. 8vo. London, 1870. Bernard (Montague, M.A.) Four Lectures on Subjects connected with Diplomacy. 8vo. London, 1868. Bernard (Nicholas). Clavi Trabales. 4to. 1661. Bernard (Pierre). Le Fleau de la Calomnie. i2mo. Lyon, 1615. Bernard (Richard). Faithful Shepherd. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to. London, 1607. Bernard (Richard). Plain Evidences. The Church of England is Apostolical. 4to. London, 16 10. Bernard (Richard). Looke beyond Luther ; or, an Answere to that Question, where this our Religion was before Luther's Time. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. London, 1623. Bernard (St.) Epistolaram Opus. 4to. Paris, 1494. Bernard (St.) Sermons. 4to. Paris, 1494. Bernard (St.) Theologia. With Neander : Theologia. 8vo. 1581. Bernardini (Theoph.) Institutio Vitse. i2mo. Leod., 1622. Bernardini (Theoph.) De Religiosse Perseverantiae prsesidiis. 4to. Antw., 1632. Bernardon (M. G.) De I'lndifference. 8vo. Lyon, 1622. Bernardus (Ant.) In Aristotelis Rhetoricam Explicatio. Folio. Bon., 1590. Bernardus (Jo. Bapt.) Seminarium totius Philosophise Aristotelicse, Platonicse, et Stoicse, 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1599. Bernardus (Jo. Bapt.) Seminarium totius Philosophise Aristotelicse, Platonicse, et Stoicse. 3 vols, in i. Folio. Lugd., 1605. Bernardus (Trevirensis). De Chemia. With Jo. Fr. Picus. 8vo. Urse., 1697. 79 Bernartius (Jo.) De Utilitate legendse Historise. 8vo. Antw,, 1593. Beroalde (Frs.) Le Palais des Curieux. 8vo. Paris, 161 2. Beroalde (Frs.) See Verville. Beroaldo (Phil.) Declamationes. With WiUis Mnemonica. i2mo. 1618. Beroaldo (Phil.) Orationes, &c. 4to. Bano, 1520 Beroaldo (Phil.) See Persian Monarchy. Beroaldus (Mat.) See Mercator. Beroius (Augustin). Consilia. With Index. 4 vols. Folio. Bononise, 1567 Berosus. Antiquitates. In Historia Antiqua. Svo. 1599 Berotius (Jo.) Caroli V. Diariura Expeditionis Tunicese. Svo. Lov., 1547 Berrettarius (Elpidius). Risu. With Colle. 4to. Flor., 1603 Berriat (Saint Prix). Histoire du Droit Romain, suivie de THistoire de Cujas. Svo, Paris, 1S21 Berry (Wm.) History of Guernsey, with the neighbouring Islands. 4to. 1S15 Bersanus (Barth.) De Viduis. With Urceolus. Folio. Genev., 1699 Bersanus (Barth.) De Ultimis Voluntatibus. Folio. Bonon., 1707 Bert (Pierre). French and Vaudois St. Luke and St. John. By the British and Foreign Bible Society. Svo. 1832 Bertacchius (Dom.) De Facultati vitali. 4to. Ven., 1584 Bertacchius (Dom.) De Spiritibus. 4to. Ven., 1584 Bertachini (Jo.) Repertorium utriusque Juris. . 3 vols. Folio. Venet., 1494. Bertazzolius (Bart, and Claud.) Consultationes sive Responsa Juris. 3 vols. Folio. Franc, 1602 Bertelli (Piet.) Tedtro delle citta d' Italia. 4to. Vic, 1616 Bertius (Petrus). Tabularum Geographicarum Contractio. Svo. Amst., 1 6 16 Bertius (Petrus). Oratio quare Romanam Catholicam Fidem amplexus sit. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to, Herb., 1622 Bertius (Petrus). Ad Filium suum Abrahamum Epistola. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. Par., 1628 8o Bertius (Petrus). De Aggeribus et Pontibus hactenus ad mare extructis. 8vo. Par., 1629. Bertrand (Ernest). Lois sur les Alidnds en Angleterre, en France et dans les autres Pays. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Bertrandus (Steph.) Consilia sive Responsa. 6 vols. Folio. Franc, 1503. Besardus (Jo. Bapt.) Antrum Philosophise. 4to. Aug. Vind., 1627. Beseler (Georg.) System des gemeinen Deutschen Privatrechts. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Besoldus (Christopher), Besold. De consilio Politico. 8vo. Tub., 1622. Besoldus (Christopher). De Vera Philosophia. With Fortunatus. 4to. Besozzo (Gio. Fra.) Historia Pontifical di Milano 4to. Mil., 1596. Bessarion (John). De Sacramento Eucharistse. With Huss de Unitate. 4to. Prag., 1520. Bessarion (John). Turcicse Orationes. With Folieta de Turcis. 8vo. Lips., 1595. Besse, or Bessaeus (Pierre de). Democritus Christianus. 8vo. Col. Ag,, 1 6 16. Besse, or Bessseus (Pierre de). Conceptions Theologiques, &c. 2nd vol. 8vo. Douay, 1629. Besson (Jas.) La Cosmolabe. 4to. Par., 1567. Besson (Jas.) L'Art de trouver les Eaux, 4to. Orleans, 1569. Besson (Jas.) Theatrum des Instruments Mathematiques et Mecha- niques. Folio. Lyon, 1596. Best (W. M., A.M., LL.B.) On Presumption of Law and Fact. With the Theory and Rules of Presumptive or Circumstantial Proof in Criminal Cases. 8vo. London, 1844, Best (W. M., A.M., LL.B.) The Principles of Evidence and Practice as to Proof in Common Law. 8vo. London, 1849. Third Edition. 8vo. London, i860. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1866. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Best (William Maudsley) and Smith (George James Philip). Cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and Courts of Exchequer Chamber, on Appeal from the Court of Queen's Bench, from Easter Term 1861 to Michaelmas Term and Vacation 1869. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1862-187 1. 8i Bestia Apocalyptica. Commentarius de. Folio. Del., 1623. Beth AM (Sir William, F.S.A.) Irish Antiquarian Researches. Parts I and 2, 8vo. Dublin, 1826, 1827. Bettendorpius (Mich. And.) De Apparitionibus Spirituum. [Tracts, Vol. 109.] 4to. Mog., 1582. Betti (Fran.) Difese sopra le Colpe attribuitegli da Gir. Mutio. i2mo. 1574. Betts (Samuel R.) A Summary of Practice in Instance, Revenue, and Prize Causes in the Admiralty Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, and also on Appeal to the Supreme Court. Together with the Rules of the District Court. Svo. New York, 1838. Betts (Samuel R.) Decisions in Admiralty Cases. See Blatchford and Rowland, District of New York, 1827-1837; Olcot, do., 1843-1847 ; Abbot, do., 1847-1850 ; Blatchford's Prize Cases, 1861-1863. 4 vols. New York, 1855-1866. Betussi (Giuseppi). II Raverta. Dialogo d'Amore. 8vo. Ven., 1562. Betussi (Giuseppi). Ragionamento sopra il Palazzo del Cathaio. 4to. Pad., 1573. Beumler (Mark). Apologia contra Andream. 8vo. Tiguri, 1585. Beurerus (Jo. Jac.) Synopsis Historiarum. Svo. Han., 1599. Beuter (Ant.) Cronica Generale d'Hispagna. 8vo. Vin., 1556. Beuther (Mich.) In Taciturn de Moribus Germanorum. Svo. Arg., 1594. Bever (Tho.) History of the Roman Law. 4to. 17S1. Beveregius. See Beveridge. Beveridge (William, Bishop of St. Asaph). Synodicon, seu Pandectse Canonum Apostolorum et Conciliorum. 2 vols. Folio. Oxon., 1672. Beveridge (William, Bishop of St. Asaph). Codex Canonum Ecclesise Primitivae, vindicatus ac illustratus. 4to. 1678. Beveridge (William, Bishop of St. Asaph). Theological Works. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] 12 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1842-1848. Beverley (Alured). Annales, per Thom. Heamium. Svo. Oxon., 1 7 16. Beverovicius (Jo.) Quaestio de vitse Termino, fatali, an mobili, &c. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1639. (6) 82 Bewick (Thomas). A General History of Quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood. Eighth Edition. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1824. Bewley (Edmund T.) The Taxation of Costs in Common Law Business. i2mo. Dublin, 1867. Bewley (Edmund T.) and Naish (John). The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853, 1856, 1870. i2mo. Dublin, 187 1. Beyerlinck (Laur.) Apophthegmata Christianorum. 8vo. Antw., 1608. Beyerlinck (Laur.) Opus Chronographicum. See Opmeerus. Beyerlinck (Laur.) Profectionis Marc. Antonii de Dominis Examen. 8vo. Antw., 161 7. Beyerlinck (Laur.) Tractatus Synodicus ad Synodum Dordracenum. [Tracts, Vol. 129.] 8vo. Ant., 161 9. Tractatus Synodicus ad Synodum Dordracenum. [Tracts, VoL 16.] Beza (Theodore). Confessio Fidei Christianse Beza (Theodore). Epistolae Theologica. Be2A (Theodore). Psaumes mis en Rime Frangoise. Beza (Theodore). Lex Dei, &c. 8vo. Heid., 1567- 8vo. Geneva, 1573- lise. 8vo. Geneva, 1576. Folio. Geneva, 1577. Responsio ad Andream, &e. 8vo. Geneva, 1578. De Corporis Christi ubiquitate, &c. 8vo. 1578. Vindiciae contra tyrannos a Steph. Junio Bruto. i2mo. Edin., 1579. Beza (Theodore). Vindiciae contra tyrannos a Steph. Junio Bruto {French). Beza (Theodore). Beza (Theodore). Beza (Theodore), Beza (Theodore). Beza (Theodore). Beza (Theodore). 8vo. 1581. Pourtraicts des Hommes illustres en Piete, &c. 4to. Geneva, 1581. De Hereticis, &c. With Celsus. 8vo. Lugd., 1584. De Polygama. De Repudiis et Divortiis. 8vo. Geneva, 16 10. Bianchi (Vine.) Parere, &c. With Buccellius. 4to. Ven., 1620. Bibb (Geo. M.) Reports of Cases in Common Law and in Chancery, argued and decided in the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from Fall Term 1808 to Spring Term 18 17, inclusive. [Vols. 2-5, Kentucky Reports.] Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Cincinatti, 1857. Bible (The Holy). Cum Notis Marginalibus. 4to, Lugd., 15 12. 83 Bible (The Holy), Cum concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testament!; variis lectionibus marginalibus, &c. Folio. Lugd., 151 6. Bible (The Holy) {Italian). 4to. 1562. Bible (The Holy) {Spanish). Folio. 1569. Bible (The Holy) {German). Cum Registro Chronologico. 8vo. Witt., 1 60 1. Bible (The Holy). Polyglot Edition in Nine Languages. By Bishop Walton. With the Lexicon Heptaglotton of Castellus. 8 vols. Folio. London, 1657. Bible (The Holy) {English). Bible (The Holy) {English). Bible (The Holy) {English). Bible (The Holy) {English). Bible (The Holy) {English). With the Book of Common Prayer. Folio. Camb., 1660, With Notes. By J. Reeves. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1802. With Notes. By J. Reeves. 9 vols. Small 8vo. London, 1802. With Notes. By J. Reeves. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1802. With Notes, &c. Prepared and arranged by the Rev. George D'Oyly, D.D., and the Rev. Richard Mant, Bishop of Down and Connor. 3 vols. 8vo. 1839. Bible (The Holy) {Latin). Vulgate Edition. [Imperfect] 8vo. Bible (The Holy). Published by British and Foreign Bible Society : — Arabic. Bvo. Canarese. 4 vols. Svo. Danish. Bvo. Christ., 1835. Dutch. Finnish. French (Ostervald). Gaelic. German. German and Hebrew. Modern Greek. Hungarian. Icelandic. Irish {Roman). Irish ( Vernacular). Italian (da Gio. Diodati) Lapponese. Latin. Lettish. Manks. Polish. Bvo. 1838. Svo. Peter., , 183S. Svo. 1838. Svo. 1839. Bvo. 1B39. 2 vols. Svo. Bvo. CttO/U,'. Bvo. Ros. 1840. Bvo. Kaup., I8I3. Bvo. IBI7. Dub., 1827. 1 2 mo. 1836. 4to. Hern., I8II. i2mo. 1840. Bvo. Peter., 1825. Bvo. I8I9. Bvo . Bor., 1838. Svo. 1819. 8vo. Stock. , 1839. 4to. Svo. 1838. Svo. 4to. 8vc >. LI., , 1839. 8vo. [No Title.] 84 Bible (The Holy) — continued. Portuguese (d' Almeida). Swedish. Syriac. Tahitian. Tamul. Turkish. Welch. Bible (The Holy). Register of. (Dutch.) Bible (The Holy). See Testament. BiBLiANDER (Thcod.) Institutioncs Grammaticae de Lingua Hebraica. Svo. Tig., 1535. BiBLiANDER (Thcod.) Dc Rationc Communi omnium Linguarum et Literarum. 4to. Tig., 1548. BiBLiANDER (Thcod.) Dc Rationc Temporum, &c. Svo. Basil, 1551. BiBLiANDER (Thcod.) ConciUum Domini nostri, &c., de Ecclesise Reformatione. Svo. Basil, 1552. Biblical Works {Hebrew). A Conspectus and Specimens of. 4to. 1847. BiBLioTHECA Oxonio-Cantabrigicnsis, sive Catalogus Manuscriptorum Academiarum, &c. 4to. 1600. BiCHius (Csel.) Decisiones Rotse Romanae. 2 vols. Folio. Rom., 167 1. BiCKNELL (Chas. R) and Hawley (Hon. Thomas P.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada, during the years 1874-1S76. [Vols. 10, 11, Nevada Reports.] 2 vols. Svo. San Francisco, 1876, 1877. BiDDLE (John). A Table of Reference to 3,000 Unrepealed General Acts. Arranged in the Alphabetical Order of their Short or Popular Titles. Svo. London, 1S64. BiENCOURT (Jean de). Factum du Procez entre Jean de Biencourt et Pierre Biard. 4to. 16 14. BiGELOW (Melville M.) An Index of Overruled Cases by the Courts of America, England, and Ireland. Svo. London and Boston, 1873. BiGELOW (Melville M.) The Law of Fraud and the Procedure per- taining to the Redress thereof. Svo. Boston, 1S77. BiGELOW (Melville M.) Elements of the Law of Torts, for the use of Students. 8vo. Boston, 1878. 85 BiGELOW (Melville Madison). Placita Anglo-Normanica. Law Cases from William I, to Richard I. Preserved in Historical Records. 8vo. London, 1879. BiGELOw (Melville M.) On the Law of Estoppel, and its Application in Practice. Svo. Boston, 1872. Bigg (James). Bankruptcy, 1869. The Public General Statutes relating to the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency passed in the Session 32 and 33 Vict. Svo. London, s.a. Bigg (James). Clauses Consolidation Acts, 1845- 1864. Collection of Public General Statutes, consolidating Provisions usually intro- duced into Acts relating to Cemeteries, Commissioners, Companies, Harbours, Docks and Piers. Lands, Markets and Fairs, Railways, Telegraphs, Towns Improvement, Towns Police, and Water Works. With a General Index. i2mo. Westminster, 1866. Bigland (Ralph). Historical, Monumental, and Genealogical Col- lections relative to the County of Gloucester. 2 vols, in I. Folio. 1791, 1792. BiGNON (Hier.) Discours de la Ville de Rome. 8vo. Paris, 1606. Bignon (Hier.) De I'Excellence des Roys et du Royaume de France. 8vo. Paris, 16 10. BiGSBY (Robert, M.A., LL.D.) Historical and Topographical De- scription of Repton, in the County of Derby. Comprising an Incidental View of Objects of Note in its Vicinity. 4to. London, 1854. Bilbao. Ordenanzas de la ilustre universidad y casa de Contratacion de la M. N. y M. L. villa de Bilbao (insertos sus Reales privildgios), approbadas y confirmadas por el Rey nuestro Senor Don Phelipe Quinto uno de 1737. Folio. Madrid, 1787. BiLLicK (Everh.) Judicii Universitatis Coloniensis Defensio, adversus Melancthonem, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1545. Billing (Sidney). The Law of Awards and Arbitrations. 8vo. 1845. Billing (Sidney). The Laws relating to Pews, &c. 8vo. 1845. Billing (Sidney) and Prince (Alex.) Law and Practice of Patents and Registration of Designs, &c. 8vo, 1845. Billon (J. de). Les Principes de I'Art Militaire. 4to. Lyon, 161 7. Billot (A.) Traite de I'Extradition, suivi d'un Recueil de Documents Etrangers, et des Conventions d' Extradition conclues par la France, et actuellement en vigueur. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Bilson (Tho.) Difference between Christian Subjection and Unchris- tian Rebellion. Svo. 1588. 86 BiLSTENius (Jo.) Contra Haereticos. With Hospitalius. 8vo. Bas., 1588. Binder (Udalr.) Epiphanie Medicorum. With Peronneus. 4to. 1506. BiNDERUS (Chris.) Scholastica Theologia. 4to. Tub., 16 14. BiNDERUS (Chris.) De Usura. [Tracts, Vol. 167.] 8vo. Tubin., 1616. BiNET (Est.) Consolations pour les Maladies tristes. 8vo. St. Omer, 1621. BiNET (Est.) Du Salut d'Origine. i2mo. Paris, 1629. Bingham (Joseph). Origines Ecclesiasticse ; or, Antiquities of the Christian Church. 9 vols. 8vo. 1843. Bingham (Peregrine). On Judgments and Executions. Including Extents on the Suit of the Crown. 8vo. 181 5. Bingham (Peregrine). Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas and other Courts, 1822-1834. 10 vols. 8vo. 1824-1834. Bingham (Peregrine). New Cases, 1 384-1 840. 6 vols. 8vo. 1 835-1841. Bingham (Peregrine). See Broderip. BiNi, or Binius (Severin). Concilia Generalia et Provincialia Grgeca et Latina omnia. 9 vols. Folio. Par., 1636. BiNi, or Binius (Severin). Epistola ad Binium. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1624. BiNNEY (Horace). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1 799-1814. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809- 18 15. BiNSFELDius (Pet.) De Confessionibus Maleficorum et Sagarum. With Vairus. 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1589. BiNSFELDius (Pet.) De Confessionibus Maleficorum et Sagarum. With Vairus. 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1591. BiNSFELDius (Pet.) Enchiridion Theologise Pastoralis. 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1591. BiNSFELDius (Pet.) Liber Receptarum Sententiarum. 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1595. BiNSFELDius (Pet.) Enchiridion Theologise Pastoralis. i2mo. Duaci.) 161 1. BiOGRAPHiA Britannica ; or, Lives of the Most Eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Ages. 6 vols, in 7. Folio. 1747. 8f Biographical Dictionary. John Watkins, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. Biographical Dictionary of the " Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 4 vols, in 7. [Incomplete.] Svo. 1842-1844. Biographical Dictionary. Rev. Hugh James Rose, B.D. 12 vols. 8vo. London, Cambridge, and Oxford, 1857. BiOGRAPHiE Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. With Supplement. 85 vols, in 44. 8vo. Paris, 1811-1857. BioN. See Polwhele. BiON. See Poetae Minores. Birch (Tho.) Lives and Characters of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain. With Heads engraven by Houbraken and Vertue. 2 vols, in I. Folio. 1747. BiRiNGOCCio (Vann). Pirotechnia. 4to. Vin., 1558. BiRLEY (William H., M.A.) The Parliamentary Election Act, 1868 (31 and 32 Vict, c. 125), and General Rules of Michaelmas 1868. i2mo. London, 1869. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce ; of Separations without Divorce ; and of the Evidence of Marriage in all Issues. Embracing also Pleading, Practice, and Evidence in Divorce Cases. With Forms. Third Edition. Svo. Boston, 1859. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). Commentaries on the Criminal Law. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). Commentaries on the Law of Criminal Procedure ; or, Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases. 2 vols, 8vo. Boston, 1866. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). The First Book of the Law. Explaining the Nature, Sources, Books, and Practical Applications of Legal Science, Methods of Study and Practice. Svo. Boston, 1868. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). On the Law of Marriage and Divorce. With the Evidence, Practice, Pleading, and Forms. Also of Separations without Divorce, and of the Evidence of Marriage in all Issues. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1873. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). On the Law of Married Women under the Statutes of the Several States, and at Common Law and in Equity. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871-1875. Bishop (Joel Prentiss). The Doctrines of the Law of Contracts, in their Principal Outlines. Svo. St. Louis, 1878. Bishops' Canons (The). England's Complaint against. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1640. BissELL (Josiah H.) Cases argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Seventh Judicial Circuit, 1851-1875. 6 vols. Chicago, 187 3- 1876. BisSET (Andrew). History of the Commonwealth of England, from the death of Charles I. to the Expulsion of the Long Parliament by Cromwell. Being omitted Chapters of the History of England. In 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. BissET (Andrew). Jarman on Wills. See Sweet. BissET (Andrew). The Law of Partnership. Including the Law relating to Railway and Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. 1847. BiZARUS (Pet.) Historia della Guerra in Ungheria, 15 64- 15 68. 8vo. Lyon, 1569. BiZARUS (Pet.) Persicarum Rerum Historia. Folio. Antw., 1683. Black (J. S., LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States, at December Term 1861 to December Term 1862. [66-67, U.S. Supr. Ct.] 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, D.C, 1862, 1863. Black (William Henry). A Descriptive Analytical and Critical Cata- logue of the Manuscript bequeathed to the University of Oxford, by Elias Ashmole, Esq., M.D., F.S.A., Windsor Herald. Also of some additional MSS. contributed by Kingsley, Shuyd, Borlase, and others. [For Index, see Macray.] 4to. Oxford, 1866. Black (William Henry, F.S.A.) History and Antiquities of the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers of the City of London. With Fac-similes of Charters, and other Illustrations. Folio. London, 1871. Blackburn (Sir Colin). On the Effect of the Contract of Sale on the Legal Right of Property and Possession in Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. 8vo. 1845. Blackburn (Sir Colin). Q. B. Reports. See Ellis. Blackburn (John), Dundas (William J.), and Osborne (Robert W.) Reports of Practice, and Nisi Prius Cases (including Registry and Civil Bill Appeals) decided in the Superior Courts of Law in Ireland, and in the after Sittings, from Easter Term 1846 to Trinity Term 1848. 8vo. Dublin, 1849. Blackmore (Richard). In British Poets. Blackstone (Henry)! Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, 1 788-1 796. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. 89 Blackstone (Sir William). The Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest. With other Authentic Instruments. With an Introductory Discourse, containing the History of the Charter. Folio. Oxford, 1759. Blackstone (Sir William). Tracts. Comprising Law of Descents, &c. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1772. Blackstone (Sir William). Tracts. Chiefly relating to the Antiquities and Laws of England. L An Analysis of the Laws of England. IL An Essay on Collateral Consanguinity, in. Considerations on Copy Holders. IV. Observations on the Oxford Press. V. Introduction to the Great Charter. VI. Magna Carta, Carta de Foresta, &c. With Introductory Discourse. 4to. Oxford, 1771. Third Edition, 4to. Oxford, 1776. Blackstone (Sir William). Reports of Cases in the several Courts of Westminster Hall, 1 746-1 779. With Memoirs of his Life. By Jas. Clitheroe. 2 vols. Folio. Oxford, 1781. Blackstone (Sir William). Commentaries on the Laws of England First Edition. 4 vols. 4to. Oxf, 1 765-1 769. Sixteenth Edition. With Notes. By Sir John Taylor Cole- ridge. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Twentieth Edition. By James Stewart. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Blackstone (Sir William, Knt.) Commentaries on the Laws of England. Adapted to the present state of the Law. By Robert Malcolm Kerr, LL.D. Second Edition. By Charles Heneage Elsley. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. London, 1828. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1862. Fourth Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Blackstone. Economized. See Aird. Blackwell (Geo.) His Examination at Lambeth. [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to. 1607. Blackwood, or Blacuodaeus (Adam). Apologia pro Regibus. 4to. Pictav., 1581. Blaignan (Geo.) Le Cabinet Royal. 8vo. Paris, 1605. Blaine (D. Roberton). The Laws of Artistic Copyright and their Defects. 8vo. 1853. Blair (John). Chronology and History of the World from the Creation to A.D. 1753. Folio. 1754. 90 Blair (Robert). In British Poets. Blair (William). Scottish Justices' Manual. 8vo. Edin., 1834. Blakeway (The late John Brickdale, M.A., F.A.S.) The Sheriffs of Shropshire, with their Armorial Bearings, and Notices, Genealogical and Biographical, of their Families. Folio. Shrewsbury, 1831. Blakman (John). De Virtutibus Henrici VI. Per Thomam Hearne. With Otterbourne. 8vo. Oxon., 1732. Blancanus (Joseph). Aristotelis Loca Mathematica collecta, &c. 4to. Bon., 16 1 5. Blancanus (Joseph). Sphsera Mundi. • Folio. Mut, 1635. Blancford (Henr. de). Chronicon per Thomam Hearne. With Trokelowe. 8vo. Oxon., 1729. Blanchard (W. J.) Short Hand. 4to. 1787. Blanche (William Harnett). Ye Parish of Camerwell. A Brief Account of the Parish of Camberwell ; its History and Antiquities. 8vo. London, 1875. Bland (Theodoric). Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland, 1811-1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 183 6-1 841. Bland (Peter). Answer to the Complaint to the Parliament, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. Blaneforde (Henricus de). Chronica et Annales, 1259-1296; 1307- 1324; 1392-1406. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley. See Brit., Gt, No. 28. Blankensee (G. F. a. k). De Judicio Juratorum apud Grsecos et Romanos. 4to. Gret, 181 2. Blatchford (Samuel) and Howland (Francis). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the District Courts of the United States for the Southern District of New York. [Betts' Decisions.] Vol. i, 1827-1837. 8vo. New York, 1855. Blatchford (Samuel). Reports of Cases in Prize, argued and deter- mined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Southern District of New York, 1861 to 1865. 8vo, New York, 1866. Blatchford (Samuel). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit, September Term 1845 to September 1876. 13 vols. 8vo. Auburn and New York, 1852-1877. Blewitt (Octavius). Italy. See Murray. 91 Bligh (Richard). Reports of Cases heard in the House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error, from 1819 to 1821. 3 vols, and Vol. 4, Part i. 8vo. LoHdon, 1823-182 7. Bligh (Richard). Reports from 1827 to 1837. New Series. 10 vols, and vol. 11, Parts i and 2. 8vo. London, 1829-1837. Bligh (Richard), See Montagu. Bliss (George, Junior). Life Insurance. With Chapters upon Accident and Guarantee Insurance. 8vo. New York, 1872. Second Edition. 8vo. New York, 1874. Bliss (Philip). See Wood's Athenae. BLocHWiTius (Mart.) Blochwich. Anatomia Sambuci. i2mo. Lip. Blocius (Jo.) Historiae per Saturam ex Novi Orbis Scriptoribus. i2mo. Rost. Blomefield (Frs.) History of Norfolk, continued. By Chas. Parkin. II vols, 4to. Blondeau (Claude) et Gueret. Journal du Palais, ou recueil des principales Decisions de tous les Parlemens et Cours Souveraines de France, 1 660-1 700. 2 vols. Folio. Paris. Blondel (Robert). De Reductione Normannige, 1449, 1450, Le Recouvrement de Normandie, par Berry, Herault du Roy, Con- ferences between the Ambassadors of France and England, Edited, from Manuscripts in the Imperial Library at Paris, by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. See Brit., Gt,, No, 32, 8vo, London, 1863. Blondell (Moyse), Jerusalem et Rome au Secours de Geneve, 8vo, Sedan, 162 1. Blondus (Mich. Angelus). De Arte Medendi, deque Diebus De- cretoriis. 8vo. Romae, 1545. Blondus (Mich. Angelus). De Memoria. 8vo. Ven., 1545. Blondus (Mich. Angelus). De partibus ictu sectis, et de Morbo Gallico. 8vo. Ven., 1542. Blore (Thomas, F.S.A.) The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Compiled from the Works of the most approved Historians, National Records, and other Authentic Documents, Public and Priy ate. Royal folio. Stanford, 181 1. Blosius, err de Blois (Lud.) Enchiridion Parvulorum. With Theologia Mystica. i2mo. Lugd., 1580. Blosius, or de Blois (Lud.) Psychagogia. i2mo. Rom., 1585. Blount (Thomas). Ancient Tenures, and Jocular Customs of Land and Manors. 8vo. 1679. 92 Blount (Thomas). Law Dictionary. By W. Nelson. Folio. 1717. Third Edition. 4to. London, 181 7. Blount (Thomas). Tenures of Land. See Hazlitt. Bluett (J. C.) The Advocate's Note Book. Being Notes and Minutes of Cases heard and determined before the Judicial Tribunals of the Isle of Man. 8vo. Douglas, 1847. Bluhme (Fredericus). Edictus cseterseque Langobardorum Leges. Cum Constitutionibus et pactis Principum Beneventanorum ex majore editione Monumentis Germanise inserta. 8vo. Hanoverae, 1870. Blundell (Bezer, F.S.A.) County Court Christmas Carol ; or, Wolver- hampton Warbler. [Pamphlets, Vol. 4.] 8vo. 1852. Blundell (Bezer, F.S.A.) County Court of Wolverhampton Abuses, &c. [Pamphlets, Vol. 5.] 8vo. 1853. Blundell (Bezer, F.S.A.) County Court Reform, Letters on. By Legalis. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] 8vo. 1856. Blundell (Bezer, F.S.A.) Reason. ^^^ Routine ; or, the Advantages and Disadvantages of permitting Defendants in Criminal Cases to offer Testimony on Oath, considered in a Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham^. 24 Pages. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1863. Blundell (Bezer, F.S.A.) The Contributions of John Lewis Peyton to the History of Virginia and of the Civil War in America, 186 1- 1865. [Pamphlet, 46 pages.] i2mo. London, 1868. Blundell (J. Wagstaffe). Telegraph Companies considered as Invest- ments. With Remarks on the Superior Advantages of Submarine Cables. [Pamphlet, 22 pages.] i2mo. London, 1869. Blunt (Rev. John Henry, M.A., F.S.A.) The Book of Church Law. Revised by Walter G. F. Phillimore. i2mo. London, 1873. Blunt (Rev. John Henry, M.A., F.S.A.) Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. 8vo. London, 1874. Blunt (Rev. John James, M.A.) Sketch of the Reformation in England. i2mo. 1847. Blunt (Rev. John James, M.A.) Undesigned Coincidences in the Old and New Testaments. 8vo. 18150. Bluntschli (Dr. J. C.) Das Moderne Volkerr^cht der Civilisirten Staten als Rechtsluch dargestellt. 8vo. Nordsingen, 1868. Bluntschli (M.) De Droit International Codifid. Traduit de I'AUemand par M. C. Lordy; precede d'une Preface de la premiere Edition par M. Edouard Laboulage, et d'une nouvelle Preface par M. de Molinari. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 93 Bluntschli's AUgemeines Statsrect. Vierte Auflage. 2 vols. 8vo. Munchen, 1868. BoARDE (Andrew). Peregrination in England. By Thos. Hearne. With Hearne : Henry H. 8vo. Oxon., 1735. BoBOvius (Abb.) De Turcarum Liturgia, &c., k Tho. Hyde. Boccaccio (Giovanni). Philocolo. 4to. Milan, 1520. Boccaccio (Giovanni). L'Urbano e Opera. 8vo. Fiorenze, 1598. Boccaccio (Giovanni). II Decamerone. 4 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1803. Boccaccio (Giovanni). Origine, Vita, et Costumi di Dante Alighieri. [Imperfect.] Svo. Boccaccio (Giovanni). See Lydgate. BoccALiNi (Traiano). New-found Politicke {England). 4to. 1626. BoccATius (Hen.) Dissertationes Meteorologicae. 4to. Wit., 1608. BocHAR (Sam.) Geographia Sacra. Folio. Cadom., 1651. BocHELLus (Laur.) Decreta Ecclesise Gallicange. Folio. Par., 1609. Booking (Eduard). Pandekten Grundriz eines Lehrbuches des gemeinen auf da.s romische Recht gegriindeten Civilrechts. Fiinfte umgearbeitete Auflage. 8vo. Bonn, 186 1. BocKiNG (Eduard). Romisches Privatretcht. Institutionen des Romis- chen Civilrecht. Zweite verbesserte Ausgabe. i2mo. Bonn, 1862. BoDEL Nyenhius (Joh. Tib.) De Juribus Typographorum, &c., Belgicorum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 18 19. BoDERius (Tho.) De Ratione, &c., Dierum Criticorum. 4to. Paris, 1555. BoDiN (Joan). De Magorum Dsemonomania. 4to. Bas., 1581. BoDiN (Joan). Universse Naturae Theatrum. 8vo. Lugd., 1596. BoDiN (Joan). De Republica. 4to. Franc, 1622. Bodleian Library. Calendar of Charters and Rolls. Edited by William H. Turner, under the direction of the Rev. H. O. Coxe, M.A. Svo. Oxford, 1878. BoECE (Hector). Buik of the Chronicles of Scotland. A Metrical Version, by Wm. Stewart, with Glossary. Edited by Wm. B. Turnbull. 3 vols. 8vo. 1858. BoEHMERUs (Georgius Ludovicus). Principia Juris Canonici speciatim juris quod per Germaniam obtinet. 8vo. Gott., 1762. BoEHMERUS (Joh, Sam. Frid.) Carpzovii Practica Saxonica, &c. 3 vols, in 2. Folio. Franc, ad Msen., 1758. 94 BoEHMERUS (Joh. Sam. Frid.) Observationes in Carpzovium, &c. Folio. Franc, ad Mgen., 1759. BoEHMERUS (Joh. Sam. Frid.) Meditationes in Constitutionem Criminalem Carolinam, 4to. Hal. Magd., 1770, BOEHMERUS (Justus Henn.) Corpus Juris Canonici Gregorii XIII. 2 vols, in I, 4to. Hal. Magd., 1747. BoEHMERUS (Justus Hcnn.) Principia Juris Feudalis. 8vo. Gottingae, 1767. BoEHMius (Joh. Geo.) Delicise Juris Silesiaci. 4to. Franc, et Lips., 1736. BoEMUS (Jn, Aubanus). Manners, Laws, &c., of all Nations. By Edw. Aston. [Tracts, Vol. 19.] 4to. 161 1. BoERESCO (Basile). Traite comparitif des Delits et des Peines. 8vo. Par., 1857. BoERius (Nic.) See Dynus. BoERius (Nic.) Consuetudines Bituricenses, Prsesidatuum, cum Glossemate. A Jo. Sainson, &c. 4to. Paris, 1 543. BoERius (Nic.) Decisiones Burdegalenses. Folio. Lugd., 1567. BoETHius, sen Boetius. De Consolatione Philosophise. Cum Com- mentatione k B. Thoma. 4to. Col., 1496. BoETHius, seu Boetius (Nic.) De Consolatione Philosophise cum Commentatione k B. Thoma. Svo. Basil, 1522. BoETHius (Anicius Man. Torq. Severinus). See Maittaire and Valpy. BoETHius (Hen.) De Resurrectione Impiorum. With Goclenius : de Magnete, &c. Svo. Mag., 1612. BoETHius, seu Boetius. De Boodt (Anselm). Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia. 4to. Han., 1609. BoGUETT (Hen.) Discours des Sorciers. Svo. Lyon, 1610. Bohemia. Answer to a Question on the Bohemian Controversey. [Tracts, Vol. 113.] 4to. 1620. Bohemia. Bohemica Jura adversus Informatorem defensa. [Tracts, Vol. 113.] 4to. 1620. Bohemia. Ban against the King of Bohemia of No Value. 4to. Hag., 162 1, Bohemia. Les Estats de Boheme. Contraints de proceder k Nouvelle Election. 4to. Bohemia. Proceedings in Germany and Hungary. 4to. Dort, 1620, Bohemia. See Deingarten. 95 BoHL (Sam.) Divisio Decalogi, &c. 4to. Rost., 1637. BoHN (Henry G.) Antiquarian Library. 36 vols. 8vo. 1849-1855. BoHN (Henry G.) Hand-book of Proverbs. 8vo. 1855. BoHUN (William). Institutio Legalis; or, an Introduction to the Study and Practice of the Laws of England. 8vo. 17 13. BoHUN (William). Cursus Cancellarise j or, a Course of Proceedings in Chancery. 8vo. 17 15. BoHUN (William). Privilegia Londini ; or, Rights, Liberties, Privileges, Laws, and Customs of the City of London. 8vo. 1723 BoHUN (WiUiam). Collection of Debates, Reports, Orders, &c., of the Commons, touching the right of electing Members to serve in Parliament. Folio. BoiLEAU Despreaux (Nic.) (Euvres. 3 vols. 8vo. Par., 18 10. BoissAT (Pierre de). Le Brillant de la Royne; ou, les Vies des Medicis. 8vo. Lyon, 1613. BoiTEL (Pierre). Histoire des Choses qui sont pass^es en France depuis la Mort du Roy Henry le Grand jusqu'k 161 7. 8vo. Par., 16 18. BoiTEL (Pierre). Tableau des Merveilles du Monde. 8vo. Paris, 161 7. BoiTET (C.) Le Prince des Princes. 8vo. Par., 1632. BoLDUANUS (Paul). Bibliotheca Theology. 4to. Jenae, 16 14. BoLDUANus (Paul). Bibliotheca Philosophica. 4to. Jense, 1616. BoLDUANUS (Paul). Bibliotheca Historica. 4to. Lipsia, 1620. BoLDUCius (Jac.) De Oggio Christiano. 4to. Lugd., 1640. BoLiNGBROKE (Henry St. John, Lord). Works. By Dav. Mallet. 5 vols. 4to. 1754. BoLiNGBROKE (Henry St. John, Lord). Correspondence. By Gilbert Parke. 2 vols. 4to. 1798. BoLLA (Bert.) Thesaurus Proverbiorum Italico-Berge-masonim. [Tracts, Vol. 158.] 8vo. St. in Off. B., 1604. Bolton (Sir Rd.) Justice of Peace for Ireland. Folio. Dub., 1638. Bolton (Sol.) Extinct Peerage of England. 8vo. 1769. BoLZEC (Hier.) De Vita Bezae, per Pant Theveninum. With Molanus de Fide, &c. 8vo. Ing., 1584. Bombay. High Court Reports, 1 862-1 873. By Charles Farran, &c. Second Edition. 10 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1870-1874. Bombay. Reports. Sec Bellasis, Dunbar, Morris, &c. Svo. Bombay, 1868. 4to. Lugd, 1628. 4to. Lugd., 1628. Svo. Svo. Par., 1633- 4to. Flor., 1603. 96 Bombay. Reports of Selected Cases decided by the Sudder Dewanee Adawlut, 1820-1S40. Svo. Bombay, 1S43. Bombay. Students' Literary and Scientific Society. Proceedings, 1854-1856. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] Svo. Bombay, 1856. Bombay. The Acts and Regulations of the Legislature in force in the Presidency. Edited, with occasional Notes, Cross References, and a Copious Index, brought down to June 1876, by Raymond West, B.A., and H. W. Birdwood. Second Edition. 6 vols. Svo. Bombay, 1868-187 6. Bombay. University Calendar, 1868, 1869. BoNACiNA (Mart.) De Clausura, &c. Bonacina (Mart.) De Simonia, &c. BoNACiOLUs (Lud.) De Conceptionis Indiciis. BoNAiR (H. de). Les El^mens de la Geographie. Bon AMICUS (Fran.) De AUmento. BoNARDO (Gio. Mar.) La Grandezza, Larghezza, e Distanza di tutte le Sphere, ridotta a nostra miglia. Svo. Ven., 1589. BoNARDO (Gio. Mar.) Delia Richesse del' Agricoltura. Svo. Ven., 1593. BoNARTius (Oliv.) De Institutione Horarum Canonicarum. Svo. Duaci., 1624. BoNATUS (Guid.) De Astronomia. Folio. Bas., 1550. BoNAVENTURA (Fed. Urbin), Anemologia, &c., i.e., de Causis, affec- tionibus, signis, &c. Ventorum. 4to. Urb., 1593. BoNAVENTURA (Fed. Urbin). De Partus Octomenstris Natura. Folio. Franc, 1601. BONAVENTURA (Fed. Urbin). De Coloris Productione, &c. With Gianinas de Providentia. 4to. Urb., 1627. BONAVENTURA (Fed. Urbin). Lo Specchio Usterio. With Riviera. 4to. Bol., 1632. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza). De Profectu Religiosorum. 4to. Paris. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza). Egregium Opus. 2 vols. Foho. Arg., 1495. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza). Sermones de Tempore, &c. 4to. Hag., 1496. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza). Meditationes in Vitam Christi, &c. i2mo. Paris, 1504. 97 BoNAVENTURA (St. Johii Fidcnza). Vita St. Francisci {Italian). 8vo. Vin., 1585. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza). Stimulus Divini Amoris. i2mo. Mona., 161 1. BoNAVENTURA (St. John Fidenza), Vita St. Francisci. 24mo. Cologne, 1616. Bond (Edward A.) Chronica Monasterii de Melsa a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, Abbate, Accedit continuatis ad annum 1406 a Monacho quodam ipsius domus. Edited from the Autograph Notes of the Authors. See Brit., Gt., No. 43. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. London, 1866, 1867. Bond (E. A.) Speeches of the Managers and Counsel in the Trial of Warren Hastings. [PubUshed by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.] 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1859-1861. Bond (John). Guide for Justices. 8vo. 1685, Bond (John J.) Handy Book of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates of Historical Events, and of Public and Private Documents ; giving Tables of Regnal Years of English Sovereigns, with leading Dates, from the Conquest to the present time, 1066-1866. Post 8vo. London, 1866. Bond (J. H.) The Code of Civil Procedure (Acts VHL of 1859, XXHL of 1861, and IX. of 1863, and Acts XIV. of 1859 and IX. of 187 1 ) relating to Limitation of Suits. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 187 1. Bond (Lewis H.) United Circuit Court Reports, South District of Ohio, 1856-187 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872. Bondam (Pet.) Animadversiones ad loca quaedam Juris Civilis. 4to. Franeq., 1746. Bondenus (Vincent). Miscellaneum Juridicum, cum additionibus. Folio. Mart., 1715. BoNEFiDius (Enimundus). Juris Orientalis Libri Tres. 8vo. Paris, 1573. BoNETUs DE Latis (Bouet de Lates), Annuli Astronomici Utilitatum Liber. With Regiomontanus. 4to. BoNFiNius (Fran. Ant.) Decisiones Florentinae. Folio. Pisis., 1770. BoNGUS, or Bungus (Pet.) De Mystica Quatemii numeri Signifi- catione, &c. 8vo, Ven., 1583. BoNGUs, or Bungus (Pet.) Numerorum Mysteria. 4to. Par., 1627. (7) 98 BoNiFACius (Balth.) De Archivis, &c. With Tinnulus. 4to. Ven., 1632. BoNiFACius (Benedict Cajetan, Papa). Liber Sextus Decretalium cum glossis. Folio. Lugd., 15 15. BONIFACIUS (John). Britannicus, Antidotum contra Veneficium Sec- tarum. With Cochlseus : Luther. 8vo. Paris, 1565. BONIFACIUS (John). Virginis Mariae Vita, &c. 4to. Paris, 1605. BONIFACIUS (John). De recta Institutione. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1629. BONIFACIUS (John). De Sapiente fructuoso. i2rao. Col. Ag., 1629. Boyius (Bened.) De Censibus. 8vo. Venet., 1569. BoNjoANNEs (Bernard). Epitome Theologise Aquinatis. 8vo. Lugd. BoNNiEUS (Franc.) De Ratione discendi. Svo. Arg., 1619. BoNNECHOSE (Emilc de). History of France, from the Invasion of the Franks, under Clovis, to the Accession of Louis Philippe. A New Edition, translated from the latest Paris Edition. By William Robson. i2mo. London, 1862. BoNNERjEE (W. C.) Reform of the Hindu Marriage Laws. A Paper read at a Meeting held on the 26th November, 1867, and re- printed from the Journal of the East India Association. [Pamphlet, 32 pages.] 8vo. London, 1868. BoNNERjEE (W. C.) The Hindu Wills Act (Act XXI., 1870), with the Sections of the Indian Succession Act (Act X., 1865), made applicable to the Wills of Hindus, Jainas, Sikhs, and Buddhists. Svo. Calcutta, 1871. Bonnier (Edward). Traite Theorique et Pratique des Preuves en Droit Civil et en Droit Criminel. Troisieme Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862. BoNviNius (Elias). De Theriaca. Svo. Wrat., 1610. BoNYVET (Le Marquis). Lettre au Roy de France. Svo. 16 15. BooTE (R.) Suit at Law. By Geo. Crompton and Baker Jn. Sellon. Svo. London, 1823. Booth (George). On Real Actions. Svo. London, 18 11. BoRDENAVE (V. Labraque). Traits des Assurances Maritimes en France et h. I'Estranger. Polices Internationales comparees. Unitd Svo. Paris, 1876. Border Laws. See Nicolson. BoRDiNGUS (Jac.) In Libros Galeni de Sanitate. Svo. Rost, 1605. BoRDiNus (Fr.) Qusestionum et Responsorum Mathematicse Doctrinse Chilias. 4to. Bon., 1573. 99 BoRDONE (Benedetto). Isolario. Folio. Ven. BoRDONus (Fran.) Centum Consilia. Folio. Farm., 1688, 1689. BoRDONus (Fran.) De Legatis. Folio. Farm., 1688, 1689. BoRDONus (Fran.) Privilegia Clericorum. Folio. Farm., 1688, 1689. BoRLASE (William, LL.D.) Observations on the Islands of Scilly. WithNorden: Cornwall. 4to. Oxford, 1756. BoRLASE (William, LL.D.) Natural History of Cornwall. Folio. Oxford, 1758. BoRLASE (William, LL.D.) Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. With a Vocabulary of the Cornu- British Language. FoUo. London, 1769. BoRNETTi (Dune.) Chymicorum Tractatus. [Tracts, Vol. 56.] 4to. Franc, 16 16. BoRNiANA Memoria. With Hewing. 4to. Lips. BoRNiTius (Jac.) De Prudentia Politica. 8vo. Erph., 1602. BoRNiTius (Jac.) De Nummis. 4to. Han., 1608. BoRnitius (Jac.) De Rerum Sufficientid in Republica Procuranda. 4to. Fran., 1625. BoROius (Lud.) De Divina Prsedestinatione. 4to. Ven., 1607. Boroius (Lud.) De Civitate, et Civibus Dei. 4to. Ven., 16 12. Boroughs (Jn.) Soveraignty of the British Seas, proved by Recorded History and the Municipall Lawes of this Kingdom. i2mo. 165 1. Boroughs (Jn.) Soveraignty of the British Seas, proved by Recorded History and the Municipall Lawes of the Kingdom. With Malynes' L^x Mercatoria. Folio. 1686. BoRRADAiLE (H.) Rcports of Civil Causes adjudged by the Court of SudurUdalut, Bombay, 1800-1824. 2 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1825. BoRRADAiLE (Harry). Vyavahara Muyookhu, An authentic and com- plete Treatise, embracing all the Heads of Hindu Law applicable to the Topics of Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence, and of extensive authority in Western India. Translated from the original. 8vo. Surat, 1827. BoRRELLUS (Camillus). Decisionum Universarum Summa. Folio. Ven., 16 18. BoRRi (Chris.) Relation de la Mission des Pbres de la Compagnie de Jesus au Royaume de la Cochinchine. 8vo. Ren., 1631. BoRRius (Hier. Aretin.) De Motu Gravium et Levium. 4to. Flo., 1576. lOO BoRROMEO (La Vie de Charles). Cardinal Borromeo, &c. 8vo. St. Omer, 1614. Borromeo (Fred.) Pastorum Instructiones. 8vo. Duaci., 1624. BoRSARi (Luigi). II Codice Italiano di Procedura Civile col relative formolario degli Atti di Procedura Civile o Commerciale. Seconda Edizione. BoRTHWiCK (John). On the Law of Libel and Slander, as applied in Scotland in Criminal Prosecutions, and in Actions of Damages. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. BosANQUET (John Bernard) and Puller (Christopher). Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber and House of Lords, 1 796-1804. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1826. BoSANQUET (John) and Puller (Christopher), New Reports, from 1804 to 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806. BosANQUET (Sam. Rd.) New Rules of Pleading. 12 mo, 1835. BoscAN (Jn. Almogaven de). Obras. 8vo. Leon., 1549. Bosco (John a), Vetus Bibliotheca, &c. 8vo. Lugd., 1605. BosQUiERUS (Phil.) Catechismus Baptistae Catenati, 8vo. Col., 1622. Bossius (JEgid.) Tractatus Varii. Folio. Lugd., 1566. Bosso (Mat.) De Mulierum cultu, &c. i2mo. Urf, 1606. Bosso (Mat.) Recuperationes Fesulanse. Folio. Bon., 1493. Bossu (Fr. Jas. le). Devis pour jurer I'union des Catholiques. 8vo. Nan., 1589. BosTius (Arn.) De illustribus viris Ordinis Carthusiani. With Suitor. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1609. BoswELL (James). Tour to the Hebrides. 8vo. 1786. BoswELL (James). Life of Sam. Johnson. 3 vols. 8vo. 1793. BoswELL (James). Life of Johnson. Including their Tour to the Hebrides. A New Edition. By Jn. Wilson Croker. 8vo. i860, BoswELL (James). Letters to W. J. Temple. 8vo. 1857. BoswoRTH (J.) Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. 8vo. 1838. BoTALLAS, seu Botalli (Leon.) De Medici et de uiEgroti munere. 8vo. Lugd., 1565, BoTERO (John Benes). Boterus. Amphitheatridion. 4to. Lub,, 1600. BoTERO (John Benes), Delia Ragione di Stato. 8vo. Vin., 1601. BoTERO (John Benes), Grandezza della Citta. 8vo. Vin., 1601. lOl BoTERO (John Benes). Aggiunte alia sua Ragion di Stato. 8vo, Pao., 1598. BoTERO (John Benes). Relatione della Republica Venetiana. Svo. Ven., 1605. BoTERO (John Benes). Polititia Regia, cum notis Just. Reifenbergii Icti. 4to. Mar., 1620. BoTFiELD (Beriah). Journal of a Tour through the Highlands of Scotland in 1829. 12 mo, 1830. BoTFiELD (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 8vo. 1849. BoTFiELD (Beriah). Prasfationes et Epistolae editionibus principibus auctorum veterum prsepositse. Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, and of the Sacred Scriptures. Col- lected and edited. 4to. 1861 BoTSACcus (Jo.) De Authoritate Sacrse Scripturse. 8vo. Witteb., 1629, BoTSFORD (George). Rules, Supreme Court, New Brunswick, 9 vols, BoTT (Edm.) Laws relating to the Poor. Fifth Edition. In which the Statutes and Cases to 1807 are arranged under their respec tive heads. By Const, 3 vols, 8vo, 1807 BoTTAZZO (Giov, Jac.) Dialogi Maritimi et Rime Maritime, 8vo, Mant,, 1547 BoTTAzzo (Giov. Jac) Dialogi Maritimi et Rime Maritime, Svo, Mant,, 1547 BoTTiLiERius (Car, Ant.) De Successionibus ab Intestato. Folio, Rom,, 1680 BoucARDUS (Claud). De Anima rationali. Svo. Lugd,, 1620, BoucHEL (Laur,) Histoire de la Justice Criminelle de France, 4to, Paris, 1622 Boucher (John). Bouquett des Roses de Calvaire, &c, Svo, Caen, 16 19, BouDOT (Paul), Pythagorica M, Antonii de Dominis. Svo, Antw,, 1 61 7 BouGEAUT (G, H,) Histoire des Guerres et de Negociations qui pre- cdderent le Traite de Westphalie, sous le Regne de Louis XHI,, et le Ministbre des Cardinaux Richelieu et Mazarin, 4 vols. 4to, Paris, 1767. Bouju (Theoph,) Methode de convaincre tons Schismatiques, 4to. Paris, 1604. I02 BouL^SE (John). Ad Mysticos S. Scripturse sensus varia Significatio. 8vo. Paris, 1755. BouLASE (John). Grammatica Hebraica. [No title page.] Folio. Boulay-Paty (Pierre Sebastien). Cours de Droit Commercial Mari- time. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. BouLLENOis (Louis). Traits de la Personalite, et de la R^alitd des Loix ou Statuts. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1766. BouLNOis (Charles) and Rattigan (W. H.) On Customary Law as administered in the Courts of the Punjab. With an Introduction to the Study of Customary Law in India. By W. H. Rattigan. 8vo. London, 1878. BouNEUS (Laur.) De Pleuritide. With Colle. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1603. Bourbon. Examen du discours public contre la Branche de Bourbon. 8vo. 1587. Bourbon. Memoirs de I'Origine, &c. &c., de la Royalle Famille de Bourbon. [Tracts, Vol. 161.] 8vo. Roch., 1587. BouRDAiN (Mark A.) An Exposition of the Land Tax: its Assessment and Collection. With a Statement of the Rights conferred by the Redemption Acts. Second Edition. 12 mo. London, 1870. Bourgeois (Louyse). Observations, &c., sur les Maladies de Femmes et Enfans. 8vo. Paris, 1609. Bourghesius (Jo.) De Bono Sodalitatis Partheni®, &c. 8vo. Antw., 1622. Bourgueville (Chs. de). Les Recherches et Antiquites de Neustria, special ement de la Ville de Caen. 4to. Caen, 1588. BouRGOANNE (Chev. de). Travels in Spain. See Pinkerton. Bourjon (Frangois). Le Droit Commun de la France, et la Coutume de Paris reduits en principes et mis dans I'ordre d'un Commentaire sur cette Coutume. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1770. Bourke (Rd.) Irish Q. B. Reports. See Jebb, BouRKE (The Hon. Robert). Parliamentary Precedents. Decisions of the Right Hon. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Commons, on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the General Practice of the House. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1857. BoURKE (Walter M., M.A.) Reports of Cases heard and determined, and Matters of Importance adjudicated upon in the High Court of Judicature at Fort WilUam, in Bengal, in its original Civil Juris- diction, and in Appeal therefrom. [In progress.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1865-1867. I03 BouRKE (Walter M., M.A.) The Indian Law of Limitation. A Digest of the Enactments relative to Limitation of Suits in India, and of the Reported Decisions upon them. Third Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870. Bourne (Henry, M.A.) The History upon Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; or, the Ancient and Present State of that Town. FoUo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1736. BousQUET (J.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Droit. 2 vols. 8vo. Par. BouviER (John). Law Dictionary of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. BouviER (John). Institutes of American Law. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. BouviER (John). A Law Dictionary, adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, and of the Several States of the American Union. With References to the Civil and other Systems of Foreign Law. Twelfth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. BovERius (Zach.) Orthodoxa Consultatio de Vera Fide, &c. Folio. Mat,, 1623. BoviLLUs (Car.) De Intellectu, de Generatione, &c., et Epistolae complures. Folio. Par., 15 10. BoviLLUS (Car.) Questiones Theologicae. Folio. Paris, 15 13. BoviLLUS (Car.) Commentarius in Divum Johannem. 4to. Paris, 15 14. BoviLLUS (Car.) Vita Remundi Eremitse. 4to. Paris, 15 14. BoviLLUS (Car.) Caligo Divina. With Flacius. 8vo. Lugd., 1526. BoviLLUS (Car.) Proverbia Vulgaria. 8vo. Paris, 1531. Bower (A.) History of the Popes. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1 748-1 761. Bowles (Wm.) Juvenal translated. Bowlev (W.) Translation of St. Mark and St. John into Hindostanee. See Gospel. BowNDE (Nich.) Doctrine of the Sabbath. 4to. 1597. Bownde (Nich.) Holy Exercise of Fasting. 8vo. Camb., 1604. BowYER (George). A Dissertation on the Statutes of the Cities of Italy, &c. 8vo. 1838. BowYER (George). English Constitution. 8vo. 1841. BowYER (George, D.C.L.) Commentaries on Modem Civil Law. 8vo. 1848. 104 BowYER (George, D.C.L.) Readings delivered before the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in the year 1850, 8vo. London, 1851. BowvER (George, M.R, D.C.L.) Commentaries on Universal Public Law. 8vo. 1854. BowvER (Sir George, M.P., D.C.L.) Introduction to the Study and Use of the Civil Law. 8vo. London, 1874. Boyd (A.C, LL.B.) The Merchant Shipping Laws. Being a Consoli- dation of all the Merchant Shipping and Passenger Acts from 1854 to 1876, inclusive. With Notes of all the leading English and Ame- rican Cases on the Subject affected by Legislation, and an Appendix containing the New Rules issued in October 1876. 8vo. London, 1876. Boyd (Walter, LL.D.) The Law and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of Ireland, under "The Court of Admiralty (Ireland) Act, 1867," and Merchant Shipping Acts. 8vo. Dublin, 1868. BoYER (M.A.) French-English and English-French Dictionary. 8vo. London, 1816. BoYER (Philb.) Le Stile de la Cour de Parliament de France. 8vo. Paris, 1602. Boyle (Chs.) Bentley's Dissertation on Phalaris, &c., examined. 8vo. 1698. BoYNE (William, F.S.A.) The Yorkshire Library. A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography relating to the County of York. 4to. London, 1869. Boys (John). Exposition on the Epistles, &c., in the Liturgy. 4to. 1 6 1 1 . Boys (William). History of Sandwich, in Kent. ] With Collections for a few of the other Cinque Ports, and Members, and of Richborouch. 2 vols. 4to. Canterbury, 1792. BoYSE (Samuel). In British Poets, BoYviN (Frs.) Instructions sur les affaires d'Estat, de la Guerre, et Vertus Morales. 8vo. Lyon, 1610. Bozius (Thomas Eugubinus). De signis Ecclesiae Dei. [First vol. missing.] 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1593. Bozius (Thomas Eugubinus). De Ruinis Gentium. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1598. Bozius (Thomas Eugubinus). De ItaH» Statu Antiquo et Novo ad versus Machiavellum. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1595. I05 Bozius (Thomas Eugubinus). De Jure Status, &c. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1600. Bozius (Thomas Eugubinus). De Temporal! Ecclesiae Monarchia. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1602. Brabander (A) and a Hollander's Dialogue, [Tracts, Vol. 146.] 8vo. 1622. Brabant and the United Netherlands. Proffer concerning Truce. 4to. 1607. Brabant. Letter to a Prelate of Brabant concerning the Netherlands. [Tracts, Vol. 121.] 4to. 1599. Brabrook (Edward William). The Law relating to Industrial and Provident Societies (including the winding-up Clauses). With Practical Introduction, Notes, and Model Rules. To these are added the Law of France on the same Subject, and Remarks on Trades Unions. i2mo. London, 1869. Brachelius (Hier.) De Missione Sanguinis in Pleuritide. 4to. Lov., 1532. Brachelius (Hier.) De Victu ab articularibus Mortis vindicante. 4to. Lov., 1532. Brachelius (Hier.) In Hippocratis primum Librum Aphorismorum. 4to. Antw., 1538. Bracton (Henricus de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae libri quinque in varies tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissi- morum Codicum collationem ingenti cura nunc primum typis vulgati, quorum quid cuique insit, proxima pagina demonstrabit. 4to. Londini, 1569. Bracton (Henricus de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Libri quinque. 4to. Londini, 1640. Bracton, and his Relation to Roman Law. A Contribution to the History of the Roman Law in the Middle Ages. By Carl Giiterbock. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. Bracton (Henrici de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise libri quinque in varios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissi- morum Codicum typis vulgati. Edited by Sir Travers Twist, Q.C., D.C.L. See Brit., Gt., No. 70. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878, 1879. Brad BY (James). On the Law of Distresses. 8vo. London, 1808. Bradford (Alexander W.) Reports in the New York Surrogates Court, 1849-1857. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1851-1857. io6 Brad WELL (James B.) Validity of Slave Marriages. [Pamphlet, 23 pages.] i2mo. Chicago, 1866. Brady (Frs.) Digest of Irish Equity Cases. See O'Donnell. Brady (John Henry). On the Names of Persons. 8vo. 1822. Brady (John Henry). Plain Instructions to Executors, Administrators, &c. 8vo. 185 1. Brady (Robert). Introduction to the Old English History. With a Glossary, 4to. 1684. Brady (Robert). History of England to the Reign of Henry III. 4to. 1685.. Brady (Robert). Historical Treatise on Cities and Boroughs. FoHo. 1 704. Brady (Thomas). On Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. Dub., 1839. Brady (W. Mazi^re, D.D.) Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, taken from Diocesan and Parish Registers, MSS. in the principal Libraries and Public Offices of Oxford, DubUn, and London, and from Private or Family Papers. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. Bragaccia (Gasp.) L'Ambasciatore. 4to. Pad., 1626. Brake (Tycho.) De Mundi -^therei Recutioribus Phoenomenis. 4to. Ura., 16 10. Brake (Tycho.) Epistola Astronomicse. 410. Ura., 1596. Brake (Tycho.) De Disciplinis Mathematicis. 8vo. Hafn., 1610. Brake (Tycho.) De Restitutione Motuum Solis et Lunae, &c. 4to. Ura., 16 10. Brake (Tycho.) De Disciplinis Mathematicis. [Tracts, Vol. loi.] 4to. Hamb., 162 1. Braithwaite (William). A Manual of the Times of Procedure in Chancery. Embracing chiefly the Provisions of the General Rules and Orders of the Court. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1864. Braithwaite (Thomas W.) Record and Writ Practice of Chancery. 8vo. 1858. Brakelonde (Jocelinus de). Chronica de rebus gestis Samsonis, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Edmundi, nunc primum typis mandata curante Johanne Gage Rokewode. [13, Camden Soc. Publ.] 4to. London, 1840. Bramhall (John, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh). Works. With a Life of the Author. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1 843-1 845. I07 Bramhall (John). Fair Warning for England. [Tracts, Vol, 43.] 4to. 1 66 1. Bramwell (George). An Analytical Table of the Private Statutes passed between the ist George II., a.d. 1727, and 4th and 5th of William IV., a.d. 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 181 3, 1835. Bramwell (George). Digest of Proceedings on Bills in the Commons. 8vo. 18 16. Bramwell (George). Digest of Proceedings in passing Private Bills. 8vo. 1809. Brampston (Sir John). Articles exhibited by the Commons against him, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1641. Brancaccinus (Fr. Dom. Mar.) De Jure Doctoratus. Folio. Rom., 1689. Brand (John). Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. By Hy. EUis. (Bohn.) 3 vols. 8vo. 1849. Brand (John). Orkneys and Shetland. In Pinkerton. Brande (W.T., F.R.S.L., D.C.L.) and Cox (George W., M.A.) A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Brandenberg (Elector of). Reasons for aiding the Elector. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. 1610. Brandius (Hen.) Examen Consultationis Lessianae, de Optione Fidei, &c. 8vo. Lug. Bat, 1603. Brandon (W. A) A Treatise upon the Customary Law of Foreign Attachment, and the Practice of the Mayor's Court of the City of London therein. With Forms of Procedure. 8vo. London, 186 1. Brandon (Woodthorpe). On the Freedom of the City of London in connection with Trade, &c. [Pamphlets, Vol. 5.] 8vo. 1850. Brandon (Woodthorpe). Notes on the Practice of the Mayor's Court of the City of London in Ordinary Actions. With the Mayor's Court Procedure Act, and the Sections of the several Acts of Parliament applied to the Queen in Council to that Court. 8vo. London, 1864. Brandt (Frederick). Games, Gaming, and Gamesters' Law. Small 4to. London, 1871. Brandt (Seb.) Der Richterlich Clagspiegel. Folio. Strasb., 1536. Brandt (William). The Law of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. i2mo. 1858. Branson (J. W.) Vakeel's Digest of the Madras Sudr Reports. 8vo. Madras, i860. io8 Brantome (Pierre de Bourdeilles de). CEuvres. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1787. Brasavola (Hier.) De Officiis Medicis. [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to. Ferra, 1599. Brass (Major Sampson, pseud.) A Letter to Lord Palmerston on Manners, Politics, and Things in General. 8vo. 1861. Bratti (Gio.) Discorso della Medicina. [Tracts, Vol. 56.] 4to. Ven,, 1592. Braun, or Braunius (Geo.) Catholicorum Tremoniensium Defensio. 8vo. Col, 1605. Braunschweigf (Hier.) De Rosis {German). 8vo. Fran., 16 10. Bravard-Veyrieres (Pierre). Traite de droit Commercial; cours professe k la Faculte de droit de Paris par M. Bravard-Veyrieres, publie, annotd et compldtd par Ch. Demangeat. [Vol. 4 not published.] 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862-1865. Bravus (Joh. Petrafitanus). In Hippocratis Prognostica. 8vo. Salm., 1578. Bravus (Joh. Petrafitanus). De Curande Ratione. 8vo. - Salm., 1588. Bray (Raim du). Responce k Phil, de Mornay. 8vo. Paris, 161 1. Bray (Reg.) Directions for the Election of Coroners for Counties, and Verderers of Forests, &c. 8vo. 1831. Bray (William). Tour into Derbyshire. In Pinkerton. Bray (William). See Manning. Braybroke (Richard, Lord). The History of Audley End. To which are appended Notices of the Town and Parish of Saffron Walden, in the County of Essex. 4to. London, 1836. Brayley (Edw. Wedlake). Temple Church. See Britton. Brayton (William). Vermont Supreme Court Reports, from 181 5 to 1819. Second Edition. 8vo. Rutland, 1871. Bredenbachius (Mat.) De Dissidiis Ecclesise Componendis. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1557. Bredenbackius (Tilman). Collationes Sacrse. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1591. Breganius (Raym.) Theologiae Gentium. With Guarini. 4to. Venet, 162 1. Brencmanns, sen Brenkman (Henr.) Historia Pandectarum. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen., 1722. Brencmanns, seu Brenkman (Henr.) Eurematicis. With CsepoUa de Cautelis. 4to- Laus. et Gen., 1742. I09 Brent (Nathaniel), Life of Father Paul, and Translation of his " Council of Trent." Folio. 1676. Brentano (Lujo). On the History and Development of Guilds, and the Origin of Trade Unions. 8vo. London, 1870. Brentius (John). An Magistratus Jure possit Anabaptistas occidere ? With Miosa. Svo. Fra., 1562. Brentius (Jo.) Apologise Confessionis Ducis Wirtemburgensis, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Franc, 1556. Brerewood (Edward). Elementa Logicse. Svo. 1619, Brerewood (Edward). De Meteoris et de Oculo. Svo. Oxford, 163 1. Brerewood (Edward). Tractatus Logici. Svo. Oxon., 1631. Brerewood (Edward). Enquiries touching Languages and Religion. 4to. 1635. Bresil. L'Estrille de Villegaignon. Svo. Paris, 1561. Bresil. L'Histoire des Choses Advenues en Bresil sous le Gouverne- ment de Villegaignon. Svo. Paris, 156 1. Bresil. Response aux Lettres de Villegaignon. Svo. Paris, 156 1. Bretnor ( ). Almanacks for 16 10, 16 14, and 161 6. [Tracts, Vol. 125.] i6mo. London. Breves (Savary de). Voyages tant en Gr^ce, Terre Saincte, et Egypte qu'au Royaume de Tunis et Argier. 4to. Paris, 1628. Breviarium ad usum Ecclesise Sarisburiensis. Svo. Paris, 1557. Breward (Joseph). Reports of Judicial Decisions in the State of South Carolina, 1793-1S16. [Vols. 3, 4, 5, South Carolina Reports ] 3 vols, in 2. Svo. Charleston, S.C, 1857. Brewer (J.S., M.A.) Calendar of Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIIL, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, the British Museum, &c. Vol. I, 1509-1514. I Vol. 2, in 2 Parts, 1515-1518. Vol. 3, Parts I, 2, 1519-1523. 3 vols, in 5. Royal Svo. London, 1S62-1867. Brewer (J. S.) and Bullen (William). Calendar of the Carew Manu- scripts, preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. Vol. I, 1515-1574- Vol. 2, 1575-1588. Vol. 3, 1 589- 1600. Vol. 4, 1 601 -1 603. Vol. 5, Book of Howth (Miscellaneous). Vol. 6, 1 603- 1 624. 6 vols. Royal Svo. London, 1S67-1S72. Brewer (J. S.) and Hardy (F. Duffus). Report to the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries. Svo. London, 1S64. no Brewer (Nicholas). Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, June 1862 to October 1866. [Vols. 19-26, Maryland Reports.] 8 vols. 8vo. Annapolis, 1864-1869. Brewer (Tho.) Memoir of the Life and Times of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London in the Reigns of Henry V. and VL, and Founder of the City of London School ; and List of Hospital Pupils. 8vo. 1856. Brewster (Sir David). Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1855. Brewster (F. Carroll). Reports of Equity, Election, and other important Cases, argued and determined principally in the Courts of the County of Philadelphia, 1856-1872. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869-1873. Breydenbach (Bernh. de). Opus Peregrinationis ad Christi Sepul- chrum. Folio. Mog., i486. Brice (Seward, M.A., LL.D.) On the Doctrine of Ultra Vires. Being an Investigation of the Principles which limit the Capacities, Powers, and LiabiHties of Corporations, and more especially of Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. London, 1874, Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Brice (Seward, LL.D.) Public Worship. With especial regard to Matters of Ritual and Ornamentation, and to the Means for securing the due Observance thereof. 8vo. London, 1875. Brickdale (M. T. Fortescue). The Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act (19 and 20 Victoria, cap. 120), and the General Orders and Regulations relating thereto. i6mo. London, 1861. Bridall, or Brydall (John). Jus Imaginis apud Anglos ; or, Laws of England relating to Nobility and Gentry. 8vo. 1679. Bridall, or Brydall (John). Sure Law Guide to the Conveyancer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1697. Bridge (William). Joab's Counsel to David. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1643. Bridger (Charles). An Index to the Printed Pedigrees contained in the County and Local Histories, the Herald's Visitations, and in the more important Genealogical Collections. 8vo. London, 1866. Bridgewater Treatises. Bridgman (Sir John). Reports, Jas. I. Folio. 1659. Bridgman (Sir Orlando). Conveyances. Folio. 1682, Bridgman (Sir Orlando). Reports of Judgments delivered by Sir Orlando Bridgman, Chief Justice Common Pleas, 1660-1667, from the Hargrave Manuscripts. By S. Bannister. 8vo. 1823. Ill Bridgman (Richard Whalley). Thesaurus Juridicus, Decisions of the Court of Equity and of the High Court of Parliament from the Earliest Period. To which are added the Decisions of the Courts of Equity and Parliament in Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 799-1800. Bridgman (Richard Whalley). Index to Equity Reports. With Supplement. By Robert Scott. 5 vols. Svo. 1822, &c. Brief and Clear Confutation of a Challenge made by O. E. By W. R. 8vo. 1603. Bright (John Edwd.) The Law of Husband and Wife as respects Property ; partly founded upon Roper's Treatise, and comprising Jacob's additions thereto. 2 vols. Svo. 1849. Bright (Tim.) Hygiene, seu de Sanitate tuenda. FoHo. Fran., 1588. Bright (Tim.) Hygiene, seu de Sanitate tuenda. With Jac. Martinus de Simplicibus. 8vo. Brightly (Frederick C.) Reports of Cases decided by the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Court of Nisi Prius at Philadelphia, and also in the Supreme Court. With Notes and References to Recent Decisions, 1809-1851. 8vo. Philadelphia, 185 1. Brightly (Frederick C.) An Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, from the Adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty-eighth Congress, 1 789-1 865. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1 858-1 865. Brightly (Frederick C.) The Bankrupt Law of the United States. With the Rules and Forms in Bankruptcy, and Notes of Decisions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. Brightly (Frederick C.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Federal Courts from the Organization of the Government to the Present Time, 1 789-1868. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868-1870. Brightly (Frederick C.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of the State of New York, from the Earliest Period to September 1875. With a Table of Overruled and Reserved Cases, 1794-1875. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1875. Brightman (Thomas). An Advertisement to his Readers on the Revelation. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to. 161 2. Brightman (Thomas). See Lucius. Brigid^ (S.) Thaumaturga. Svo. Paris, 1620, Brinsley (John). Church Remedy. 4to. 1645. Brinsley (John). Standstill. A Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1647. 112 Brion^us (Mart.) Descriptio Terrse Sanctse et Gestorum in ea. With Fontanus de Bello Rhodio. 4to. Par., 1540. Brisianus (Hier.) Nova Medicina. 4to. Ven., 1591. Brisse (Geo., Lord of Desgrutieres). Letter of, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 16 16. Brissonius (Barn.) Lexicon Juris. Folio. Franc, 1587. Brissonius (Barn.) Code d'Henri III. par Char, le Caron. Folio. Paris, 161 5. Brissonius (Bam.) De Formulis et Sollemnibus Populi Romani verbis. 4to. Mog., 1649. Brissonius (Barn.) De Ritu Nuptiarum. i2mo. Amst, 1662. Brissonius (Barn.) Selectse ex Jure Civili Antiquitates ; de Adulteriis. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1679. Brissot (Pet.) De Sanguine in Vicerum Inflamatione. 8vo. Bas., 1529. Bristo (Richard). Defence of Allen's Scroll of Articles. 4to. Lov., 1580. Bristol (Jn. Digby, Earl of). Apology for Adhering to the King. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] " 4to. 1660. Bristol (Earl of). Negociations. See Camden Society, No. 104. Bristol (Jn. Digby, Earl of). Speech at Oxford. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. Oxford, 1642. Bristowe (Sam. Boteler). Private Bill Legislation. With Standing Orders of Parliament. i2mo. 1859. Britain (Great). Maps of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. [Continued.] . 26 Cases. Britain's (Great). Just Complaint. With Allegiance Oath. 4to. Oxf., 1542. Britain (Great) and Ireland. The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain during the Middle Ages. Royal Svo. 1. The Chronicle of England. By John Capgrave. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. Svo. 1858. 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Vols. i. and 11. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., of University College, Durham, and Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. Svo. 1858. 113 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 3. Lives of Edward the Confessor. i. La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. 2. Vita Beati Eduardi Regis et Confessoris. 3. Vitse ^duuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by Henry Richard Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. 1858. 4. MonumentaFranciscana; Scilicet, i. Thomas deEccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. 2. Adse de Marisco Epistolse. 3. Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londonige. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. 8vo. 1858. 5. Fasciculi Ziganiorum Magistri Johannis Wycliff cum Tritico. Ascribed to Thomas Netter, of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by the Rev. W. W. Shirley, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 8vo. 1858. 6. The Buik of the Chronicles of Scotland; or, a Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece. By William Stewart. Vols, i., 11., and in. Edited by W. B. Turn- bull, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1858. 7. Johannis Capgrave, Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, M. A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 8vo. 1858. 8. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. By Thomas of Elmham, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Edited by Charles Hardwick, M.A., Fellow of St. Catherine's Hall, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 1858. 9. Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis). Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366; a Monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Vols, i., II., and in. Edited by F. S. Haydon, Esq., B.A. 1858-1863. 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh. Bernardi Andrse Tholosatis Vita Regis Henrici Septimi : necnon alia quaedam ad eundem Regem spectantia. Edited by James Gairdner, Esq. 8vo. 1858. (8) 114 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, i. Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. 2. Versus Rythmici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. 3. Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by Charies A. Cole, Esq. 8vo. 1858. 12. Munimenta Gildhallse Londoniensis. Liber Albus, Liber custumarum et Liber Horn, in Archivis Gildhallse Asservati. Vol. i. Liber Albus. Vol. 11. (in two parts) Liber Custumarum. Vol. 111. Translations of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and Index. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1859-1862. 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. 8vo. 1859. 14. A Collection of Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, from the Accession of Edward III. to the Reign of Henry VIII. Vols. i. and 11. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A. 8vo. 1859-1861. 15. The " Opus Tertium," " Opus Minus," &c., of Roger Bacon. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of EngHsh Literature, King's College, London. 8vo. 1859. 16. Bartholomsei de Cotton, Monachi Norwiciensis, Historia Anglicana; 449-1298 : necnon ejusdem Liber de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglise. Edited by Henry Richard Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. 1859. 17. Bruty Tywysogion; or, the Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited by the Rev. John Williams ab Ithel. 8vo. i860. 18. A Collection of Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV., 1399-1404. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Arngieston, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 8vo. i860. 19. The Repressor of overmuch Blaming of the Clergy. By Reginald Pecock, some time Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and 11. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. i860. 20. Annales Cambrise. Edited by the Rev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 8vo. i860. lis Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 21. The Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. Vols, i,, ii., in., and IV. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A , Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vols. V. VI. and vii. Edited by the Rev. James F. Dimock, M.A., Rector of Bainburgh, Yorkshire. 7 vols. 8vo. 1861-1877. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Vol. i. and 11. (in two parts). Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., of University Col- lege, Durham, and Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 2 vols. 1 861-1864. 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original Authorities. Vol. i., Original Texts ; Vol. 11., Translation. Edited and translated by Benjamin Thorpe, Esq., Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at Leyden. 2 vols. 1861. 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard in. and Henry VII. Vols i. and 11. Edited by James Gairdner, Esq. 1 861-1863. 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste, illustrative of the Social Condition of his Time. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1861. 26. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. i. (in two parts), anterior to the Norman Invasion. Vol. 11., 1066-1200. Vol. III., 1 200-1327. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 4 vols. 1 862-1 871. 27. Royal and other Historical Letters, illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. From the originals in the Public Record Office. Vol, i., 1216-1235; Vol. 11., 1 236-1 272. Selected and Edited by the Rev. W. W, Shirley, D.D., Regius Professor in Ecclesiastical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 2 vols. 1862-1866. 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. — i. Thomge Walsingham Historia Anglicana ; Vol. i., 1272-1381 ; Vol. 11., 1381-1422. 2. Wellelmi Rishanger Chronica et Annales, 1 259-1 307. 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de ii6 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. Blaneforde Chronica etAnnales, 1259-1296, 1307-1324, 1 392-1406. 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejus dem Ecclesiae Praecentore, compilata ; Vol. i., 793-1290; Vol. II., 1290-1349; Vol. III., 1349-1411. 5. Johannis Amundesham, Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, ut Videtur, Annales ; Vols. i. and 11. 6. Registra quorundam Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui sseculo XVmo. Floruere ; Vol. i., Registrum Abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum susceptae ; Roberto Blankeney, Capellano, quodam adscriptum ; Vol. i., Registra Johannis Whethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Wellelmi Walingforde, Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, cum Appendice, continente quasdam Epistolas, a Johanne Whethamstede conscriptas. 7. Ypodigma Neustrise, a Thoma Walsingham, quandam Monacho Monasterii S. Albani. conscriptum. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, Esq., M.A., Cambridge and Oxford, and of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1876. 29. Chronicon Abbatise Eveshamensis, Auctoribus Dominico Priore Eveshamise et Thoma de Marleberge Abbate, a Fundatione ad Annum 1 2 1 3, una cum continuatione ad Annum 14 18. Edited by the Rev. W. D. Macray, M.A., Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863. 30. Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Anglige. Vol. i., 447-871 ; Vol. 11., 872-1066. Edited by John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1863- 1869. 31. Year Books of the Reign of Edward the First. Years 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, and 32-33. Edited and translated by Alfred John Horwood, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 4 vols. 1 863-1873. 32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449, 1450. Robertus BlondelU de Reductione Nor- manniae ; Le Recouvrement de Normandie, par Berry, Herault du Roy : Conferences between the Ambas- sadors of France and England. Edited, from MSS., in the Imperial Library at Paris, by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., of University College, Durham. 1863. 33. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestriae. Vols. I., II., and in. Edited by W. H. Hart, Esq., 117 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. F.S.A., Membre Correspondent de la Soci^td des Antiquaries de Normandie. 3 vols. 1863-1867. 34. Alexandri Neckam de Naturis Rerum libro duo. With Neckam's Poem, De Laudibus Divinse Sapientiae. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq,, M.A. 1863. 35. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vols, i., 11., and in. Collected and Edited by the Rev. T. Oswald Cockayne, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1 864-1 866. 36. Annales Monastici, Vol. i. : — Annales de Margan, 1066- 1232; Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. 11. : — Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 519-1277 ; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. in.: — Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297 ; Annales Monasterii de Ber- mundeseia, 1042-1432. Vol. iv. :— Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016-1347 ; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomse Wykes, 1066-1289 ; Annales Prioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377 ; Vol. v. : — Index and Glossary. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869. 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis Episcopi Lincolniensis. From Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris. Edited by the Rev. James F. Dimock, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. 1864. 38. Chronicals and Memorials of the Reign of Richard the First. Vol. I. : — Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi. Vol. n. : — Epistola Cantuarienses ; the Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1187-1199. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A., Vicar of Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. 2 vols. 1864, 1865. 39. Recueil des Croniques et Anchiennes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan de Waurin. Vol. i., Abina to 688; Vol. 11., 1399-1422. Edited by William Hardy, Esq., F.S.A. 2 vols. 1 864- 1 868. ii8 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 40. A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Wavrin. Abina to 688. [Translation of the preceding Vol. i.] Edited and Translated by William Hardy, Esq., F.S.A. 1864. 4 1 . Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, with Trevisa's Translation. Vols. I. and 11. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D., Senior Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Vols. III., IV., v., and vi. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, B.D., Vicar of St. Edward's, Cam- bridge, Fellow of St. Catherine's College, and late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 6 vols. 1865-1876. 42. Le Livere de Reis de Britannie e Le Livere de Reis de Engleterre. Edited by John Glover, M.A., Vicar of Brading, Isle of Wight, formerly Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1865. 43. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, ab Anno 11 50 usque ad Annum 1406. Vols, i., 11., and 111. Edited by Edward Augustus Bond, Esq., Assistant Keeper of the Manu- scripts and Egerton Librarian, British Museum. 3 vols. 1866-1868. 44. Matthgei Parisiensis Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor. Vols, i., 11., and iii. 1067- 1253. Edited by Sir Frederic Madden, K.H., Keeper of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 3 vols. 1 866-1 869. 45. Liber Monasterii de Hyda. A Chronicle and Chartulary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, 455-1023. Edited, from a Manuscript in the Library of the Earl of Macclesfield, by Edward Edwards, Esq. 1866. 46. Chronicon Scotorum. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from the Earliest Times to 1135. With a Supplement, con- taining the Events from 1141 to 115 o. Edited, with a Translation, by William Maunsell Hennessy, Esq., M.R.LA. 1866. 47. The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French Verse, from the Earliest Period to the death of Edward I. Vols i. and II, Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A. 2 vols, 1 866-1 868. 119 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 48. The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill ; or, the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited, with a Translation, by James Henthorn Todd, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University, Dublin. 1867. 49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis. The Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., 1169-1192; known under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. Vols i. and 11. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 2 vols. 1867. 50. Munimenta Academica; or, Documents illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford. In Two Parts. Edited by the Rev. Henry Anstey, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendron, Cornwall, and lately Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868. 51. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Vols, i., 11., in., and IV. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1868-1871. 52. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis, Monachi de Gestis Pontificum Anglorum Libri Quinque. Edited, from William of Malmesbury's Autograph MS., by N. E. S. A, Hamilton j Esq., of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870. 53. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, from the Archives of the City of DubUn, &c., 1 172-1320. Edited by John T. Gilbert, Esq., F.S.A., Secretary of the Public Record Office of Ireland. 1870. 54. The Annals of Loch C^. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from 1014 to 1590. Vols. I. and 11. Edited, with Trans- lations, by William Maunsell Hennessy, Esq., M.R.I.A. 2 vols. 187 1. 55. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Admiralty. With Appendices. Vols, i., 11., in., and iv. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 4 vols. 1871-1876. 56. Memorials of the Reign of Henry VI. Official Corre- spondence of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to Henry VI., and Bishop of Bath and Wells. Edited, from a MS. in the Archiepiscopal Library of Lambeth, with an Appendix of Illustrative Documents, by the Rev. George Williams, B.D., Vicar of Ringwood, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. i. and n. 1872. I20 Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. 57. Matthsei Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica Majora. Vol. i., The Creation to a.d. 1066. Vol. 11., A.D. 1067 to A.D. 1216. Vol. III., A.D. I2l6 tO A.D. 1239. Vol. IV., A.D. 1240 to A.D. 1247. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. 4 vols. 1872-1877. 58. Memoriale Fratris Walteri de Coventria. The Historical Collections of Walter of Coventry. Vols. i. and 11. Edited, from the MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College. 2 vols. 1872, 1873. 59. The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth Century. Vols. i. and 11. Now first collected and edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France (Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 2 vols. 1872. 60. Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII., from original documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. I. Edited by the Rev. William Campbell, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877. 61. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. Edited by James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1873. 62. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The Register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham, 1311-1316. Vols, i., 11., and in. Edited by Sir Thomas Dufifus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1 873-1878. 63. Memorials of St. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited, from various MSS., by William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1874. 64. Chronicon Anglise, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388, auctore Monacho quodam Sancti Albani. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, Esq., Barrister- at-Law, and Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. 1874. I 121 * Britain (Great) and Ireland — continued. ^ 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas i Becket, in Icelandic. Vol. i. Edited, with English Z Translation, Notes, and Glossary, by M. Eirikr % Magnusson, Sub-Librarian of the University Library, ^ Cambridge. 1875, 66. Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum. Edited " by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1875. 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Vols. i. and 11. Edited by the Rev. James Craigie Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1877. 68. Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica. The Historical Works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London. Vols. i. and 11. Edited, from the Original Manuscripts, by William Stubbs, M.A., M.R.I. A., Regius Professor of Modem History in the University of Oxford, Fellow of Oriel College, and Rector of Choi derton. 1876. 69. Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland for a portion of the i6th year of the Reign of Richard II., 1392-1393. Edited by the Rev. James Graves, A.B., M.R.LA. 1877. 70. Henrici de Bracton de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise. Libri quinque in varios Tractatus distincti. Ad diver- sorum et vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem typis Vulgati. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. Vols. I., II. 1878, 1879. 71. The Historians of the Church of York, and its Archbishops. Edited by James Raine, M.A. 1879. 72. Registrum Malmsburiense. The Register of Malmesbury Abbey. Preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. 1879. Britanie, Great. History of, to King Egbert. 4to. 1606. Britannia Magna et Hibemia, Antiqua et Nova. 6 vols. 4to. 1720. Britannic^ Ecclesise Antiquitatis, &c. Historia. Folio. Han., 1605. Britannicarum Rerum Medii QEvi Scriptores; or. Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. [Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls.] See Brit., Gt. [In progress.] vols, 8vo. 1858, &c. 122 Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores Vetustiores. Folio. Lugd., 1587. British Columbia. Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations of the formerly separate Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and of the United Colony of British Columbia. [By Authority.] Folio. Victoria, B.C., 187 1. British Columbia. Journals of the Legislative Council, from 21st March to ist May, 1868. Folio. New Westminster, 1868. British Columbia. List of Proclamations for 1858-1864. 4to. Victoria, n.d. British Columbia. Ordinances passed by the Legislative Council during the Session from March 1868 to 1871. British Columbia. The Consolidated Statutes. Consisting of the Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations of the formerly separate Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, of the United Colony of British Columbia, and of the Provinces since the Union with Canada. With Table of Acts and Alphabetical Index. [Published by Authority.] 8vo. Victoria, 1877. British Columbia. Statutes passed in 1879. 8vo. Victoria, 1879. British Compendium; or, a Particular Account of all the present Nobility of England. Fourth Edition. i2mo. London, 172 1. British Compendium. Sixth Edition. i2mo. London, 1726. British Compendium. Vols, i and 2. Seventh Edition. 1 2 mo. London, 1731. British Compendium. Scotch Peerage. Vol. 2. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1729. Irish Compendium. Irish Peerage. Vol 4. Fourth Edition. i2mo. London, 1745. Irish Compendium. Irish Peerage. Vol. 4. Fourth Edition. i2mo. London, 1735. British Divines. Suffrage concerning Controverted Points in the Synod of Dort. 4to. 1629. British Essayists. By Alex. Chalmers. 45 vols. i2mo. 1380. British Guiana. Index to Laws and Ordinances as in force (either wholly or in part) on ist April, 1864. By David Arrott. Folio. Georgetown, 1864. British Guiana. The Laws of British Guiana, 1811-1870. Folio. Georgetown, 1866. British Guiana. Ordinances, 1868-1874, 1876-1878. [1875 missing.] Folio. Georgetown, 1869- 1879. 123 British Honduras. A Collection of the Acts passed in the Thirty- second and Thirty-third years of H.M. Queen Victoria, during the Sixth Session of the Fourth General Assembly. Folio. Belize, 1869. British Honduras. A Collection of Ordinances passed by the Legis- lative Council of British Honduras, a.d. 1869-1878. Folio. Belize, 1869-1879. British Museum. Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Management of the British Museum. Folio. 1850. British Poets (The). 100 vols, in 50. i2mo. Chiswick, 1822. Britton (John). Treatise on the Law. First Edition. [Very scarce.] i2mo. London, R. Redman, 1530. Second Edition. By Edm. Wingate. i2mo. London, 1640. Britton (John). Treatise on the Law, i2mo. London, 1640. Britton. The French Text carefully revised, with an English Trans- lation, Introduction, and Notes. By Francis Morgan Nichols. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. Britton (John, F.S.A.) The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. Represented and Illustrated in a Series of Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of Ancient English Edifices. With Historical and Descriptive Accounts of each. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1835. Britton (John, F.S.A.) Cathedral Antiquities. Vol. I, Canterbury, York. Vol. 2, Salisbury, Norwich, Oxford. Vol. 3, Winchester, Lichfield, Hereford. Vol. 4, Wells, Exeter, Worcester. Vol. 5, Peterborough, Gloucester, Bristol. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1836. Britton (John) and Brayley (Edward Wedlake). Account of the Temple Church. 4to. London, 1824, Brocardus (Js.) De Domini Adventu. 8vo. Lug. Bat, 1 581. Brocca (Lorenzo). Avisi Civili e Morali. 8vo. Ven., 1602. Brochmand (Gasp. Erasm.) Causarum quibus Dux Brandenburghen- sis k Lutherana Ecclesia defecit Refutatio. 4to. Hafn., 1634. Brockenbrough (Jn. W.) Reports in the Circuit Court, U.S., Fourth Circuit. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1837. Brockett (John Trotter, F.S.A.) A Glossary of North Country Words, with their Etymology, and affinity to other Languages ; and occasional Notices of Local Customs and Popular Superstitions. 2 vols, in I. Post 8vo. Newcastle, 1846. BRODiEUs (Tho.) De Sabbato. With Loeus. 4to. 1627. 124 Broderip (William Jn.) and Bingham (Peregrine). Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas and other Courts, 57 Geo. III. to 3 Geo. IV. 3 vols. 8vo. 1820-1822. Brodhead (J. R.) See New York. Brodie (Geo.) History of the British Empire, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration. With an Introduction, tracing the Progress of Society and of the Constitution from the Feudal Times. 4 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1822. Brodrick (George C.) and Freemantle (William H.) A Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. With a Preface to the Bishop of London, and an Historical Introduction. 8vo. London, 1865. Brokes (Hen.) Historia Romani Juris. i2mo. Vitem., 1732. Bromley (Henry). A Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, from Egbert the Great to the present Time. With an Appendix, con- taining the Portraits of such Foreigners as may claim a Place in the British Series. 4to. London, 1793. Brompton (Jn.) See Anglicanse Historise Scriptores. Bronchorst (Everard). Miscellaneae Controversies, &c. Svo. Lugd. Bat., 1602. Bronchorst (Everard). In Titulum Digestorum, &c. i2mo. Amst., 1656. Broniovius (Mart.) Tartariae Descriptio. Folio. Col. Ag., 1595. Brookbank, or Brooksbank (Joseph). Organick Musick lawful in Holy Assemblies. [Tracts, Vol. 39.] 4to. 1660. Brooke (Fulk., Lord). See Grevil. Brooce (Jn.) Reports. See Hudson. Brooke (Ralph). Catalogue of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Mar- quesses, Earls, and Viscounts in England since the Norman Conquest to 1622. Folio. 1622. Brooke (Ralph). Discoverie of Errours in Camden's Britannia. By Anstis. 4to. 1724 Brooke (Rd.) On the Office of a Notary of England. Svo. 1S48. Third Edition. By Leone Levi. Svo. London, 1867. Brooke (Sir Robert). La Grande Abridgement. 2 vols. Londini, 1573. Brooke (Sir Robert). La Grande Abridgement. Folio. 1576. Brooke (Sir Robert). La Grande Abridgement. [No title page.] 4to. 1586. 125 Brooke (Sir Robert). New Cases {French). Henry VIII. to Mary. i2mo. 1625. Brooke (Sir Robert). See March. Broom (Herbert). Practice of the Superior Courts of Common Law, designed as Introductory to its History. Vol. i. 8vo. 1850. Broom (Herbert). Lecture on the Study of the Law. [Pamphlets, Vol. 7.] Bvo. Lond. and Dub., 1853. Broom (Herbert). Practice of the County Courts. With Shelford's Insolvency Practice. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1858. Broom (Herbert). Constitutional Law, viewed in relation to Common Law, and exemplified by Cases. 8vo. London, 1866. Broom (Herbert) and Hadley (Edward A.) Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Broom (Herbert). Commentaries on the Common Law. 8vo. Lond., Oxf., Camb., and Dub., 1856. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1861. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Broom (Herbert). Selection of Legal Maxims. Classified and Illustrated. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1858. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Broom (Herbert, LL.D.) The Philosophy of Law. Being Notes of Lectures delivered in the Inner Temple Hall, 1852-1875. 8vo. London, 1876. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1878. Broom (William). See British Poets. Broome (S.) The Culture of the Chrysanthemum. 82 pp. 8vo. London, i86i. Brosse (Guy de la). De la Nature, &c., des Plantes. 8vo. Paris, 1628. Brossier. Discourse sur la Pretendue Demonique Martha Brossier. 8vo. 1599. Brougham (Henry, Lord). An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1803. Brougham (Henry). Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the Time of George III. 3 vols. 8vo. 1839. Brougham (Henry). Lives of Men of Letters and Science in the Time of George III. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845. 126 Brougham (Henry). Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests. With an Historical Introduction, and a Critical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients. 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. and Edin., 1838. Brougham (Henry, Lord). The British Constitution. Its History, Structure, and Working. 12 mo. Lond. and Glasg., 1861 Brougham (Henry, Lord). Political Philosophy. Brougham (Henry, Lord). The Case of Mr. Blundell, as detailed to the House of Peers, on Friday, 23rd July, 1863. To which is added the Judgment delivered by the Court of Queen's Bench on Mr. Blunnell's Case, 22nd November, 1861. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] 8vo. London, 1863. Brougham (Henry, Lord). Memoirs of the Life and Times of Henry, Lord Brougham. Written by Himself. 8vo. London, 187 1. Broughton (Hugh). Concent of Scripture. 8vo. 1591. Broughton (Hugh). Exposition on Daniel. [Tracts, Vol. 88.] 4to. Hanaw, 1607. Broughton (L. P. Delves). The Code of Civil Procedure, India. Being Act VIII. of 1859, and Acts amending it. The Act of Limitation, and the Stamp Acts. Second Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1867. Fourth Edition. By C. J. Wilkinson. 8vo. Calcutta, 187 1. Broughton (L.) The Custody and Preservation of the Property in India of Deceased Persons, and the Representation of their Estates. Calcutta, 1872. Broughton (Richard). Ecclesiastical History of Britain. Folio. Douay, 1633. Broughton (Thomas). Bibliotheca Historico-Sacra, &c. 2 vols. Folio. 1737-1739- Broun (And.) De Febribus Continuis. [Tracts, Vol. 58.] 4to. Edin., 1695. Brown (Archd.) Reports of Cases before the High and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, 1 842- 1 845. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1842, &c. Brouwer (Hen.) De Jure Connubiorum apud Batavos recepto. 4to. Amst., 1665. Browell (Wm. Faulknor). The Real Property Statutes of Wm. IV. and Victoria. With Notes. i2mo. 1846. Brown (Archibald). An Epitome and Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on Obligations in Roman Law. 8vo, London, 1872. 127 Brown (Archibald, M.A., B.CL.) A New Law Dictionary and Institute of the whole Law. 8vo. London, 1874. Brown (Archibald). The Rule of the Law of Fixtures. Svo. London, 1871. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1872. Third Edition. Svo. London, .1875. Brown (Charles Philip). A Dictionary, Telegu English and English Telegu. 2 vols. Svo. Madras, 1852, 1853. Brown (Henry B.) Reports of Admiralty and Revenue Cases, argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Western and River Districts. Vol. i. Svo. New York, 1876. Brown (J. A.) and Hemingway (J. B. H.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi. October Term 1876 to October Term 1877. [53-54, Mississippi Reports.] 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1877. Brown (Joseph). The Dark Side of Trial by Jury. Svo. 1859. Brown (Joseph, Q.C.) Eastern Christianity and the War. The Idolatry, Superstition, and Corruption of the Christians in Turkey, Greece, and Russia exposed and considered with the present War, and the Prospects of a Reformation. Svo. London, 1877. Brown (Josiah). Abridgment of Equity Cases, and such Cases in Law as relate to Equitable Subjects, from 1735. 4to. 1793. Brown (Josiah). Parliamentary Cases. By Tomlins. With Notes and Additional Cases. 8 vols. Svo. 1S03. Brown (M. P.) On the Law of Sales. Svo. Edin,, 1821. Brown (M. P.) Supplement to the Dictionary of Decisions of the Courts of Session. 5 vols. 4to. Edin., 1826. Brown (Rawdon). Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating of English Affairs, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice, and in other Libraries of Northern Italy. See Cal. St. Pa. Vol. I, 1202-1509. I Vol. 3, 1520-1526. Vol. 2, 1509-1519. I Vol. 4, 1527-1533. Vol. s, 1534-1554- Imperial Svo. London, 1S64-1S73. Brown (W.) Modus intrandi Placita Generalia; or, the Entering Clerk's Introduction. Svo. 1674. Brown (W.) Formulae bene Placitandi. A Book of Entries. Con- taining a variety of clioice Precedents of Counts, Declarations, &c. In 2 parts. Folio. London, 1671. Second Edition. Folio. London, 1675. 128 Brown (W.) A Compendious Treatise of Fines, upon Writs of Cove- nant, and Recoveries. Small 8vo. London, 1693. Brown (W.) Modus transferendi Status per Recorda. A Collection of Precedents for Fines upon Writs of Covenant, and Common Recoveries upon Writs of Entry in the Post. 8vo. 1698. Brown (W.) The Practice of His Majestie's Court of Exchequer at Westminster. Second Edition. London, 1699. Brown (W.) The Law of Limitation as to Real Property. Including that of the Crown and of the Duke of Cornwall. i2mo. London, 1869. Brown (W.) Treatise of Fines upon Writs of Covenant and Reco- veries. Fourth Edition. [Much enlarged.] 8vo. 1704. Brown (W.) Clerk's Tutor, &c., in Chancery. 8vo. London, 1705. Brown (W.) Praxis Curiae Cancellariae. A Collection of Precedents in Chancery. With an Introduction showing the Original and Anti- quity of that Court. 2 vols. 8vo. 1725. Brown (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 18 George III., 1778, to 34 George III., 1794, during the time of Lord Chancellor Thurlow. Fourth Edition. By the late Hon. Robert Henley Eden. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 181 9. Fifth Edition. By Robert Belt. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Brown (William). Agency and Trusts for Payment of Debts under Private Arrangement. i6mo. London, 1868. Browne (Albert G.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. September Term 1867 — January Term 1874. [Vols. 97-114, Massachusetts Reports.] 18 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1868-187 6. Browne (Albert G., Jun.) and Gray (John C, Jun.) Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, March 1872 — March 1873. [Vols, no, in, Massachusetts Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Browne (Arthur). Civil and Admiralty Law. 2 vols. 8vo. 1802. Browne (Balfour). The Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo. London, 187 1. Browne (Daniel). Almanacks for 1622, 1624, and 1628. [Tracts, Vol. 125.] 8vo. Browne (George). On Divorce. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1876. 129 Browne (George). On the Principles and Practice of the Court of Probate, in Contentious and Non-Contentious Business. 8vo. London, 1873. Browne (G. Lathom). A Manual of the Companies' Act, 1867. With Forms of Proceedings and Digest of Decisions on the Companies' Act, 1862, during the year 1867. 8vo. London, 1867. Browne (G. Lathom). The Companies' Act, 1862. With Special Reference to Winding-up for the special purposes of Reconstruction and Amalgamation. With Forms and Precedents of Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. London, 1867. Browne (J. H. Balfour). On the Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers by Land and Water. 8vo. London, 1873. Browne (J. H. Balfour). The Law of Usages and Customs. A Practical Law Tract. 8vo. London, 1875. Browne (J. H. Balfour). The Principles of the Law Relating on Hereditaments in the Occupation of Companies. 8vo. London, 1875. Browne (J. H. Balfour). The Practice before the Railway Com- missioners under the Regulation of Railways Acts, 1873 and 1874. With Notes. 8vo. London, 1876. Browne (Peter A.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of Common Pleas of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, 1806-1813. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 181 i-i 813. Browne (Sir Thos.) Works. Including Correspondence and Memoir. By Simon Wilkin. 3 vols. 8vo. 1852. Browne (William Henry). On the Law of Trade-marks and Analogous Subjects (Firm-names, Business-signs, Goodwill, Labels, &c.) 8vo. Boston, 1873. Browning (W. Ernst). The Practice and Procedure of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. With Forms of Practical Pro- ceedings, the Acts, Rules, and Orders, Tables of Fees, and Bills of Costs. Post 8vo. London, 1862. Browning (W. Ernst). Judgment delivered by the Right Honourable Lord Cairns, on behalf of H.M. Most ' Honourable Privy Council, in the Case of Martin v. Mackonochie. [Pamphlet, 32 pages.] 8vo. London, 1869. Browning (W. Ernst) and Lushington (Vernon). Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council, 1863-1866, Parts i, 2, and 3. 8vo, London, 1866- 1868. 9) I30 4to. 1652. Of Writs Judicial. 4to. 1653. Of Writs Judicial. 4to. 1653. Brevia Judicialia. A Collection of Forms of Folio. 1662. Brownlow (Richard). Declarations and Pleadings in English. Brownlow (Richard). Brownlow (Richard). Brownlow (Richard). Judicial Writs. Brownlow (Richard) and Goldenborough (John). Reports. 4to. London, 165 1. Part L, Second Edition, Part II., Third Edition. 4to. London, 1675. Bruc^us (Hen.) De Motu Primo. 8vo. Rost., 1604. Bruce (Downing). An Act to Facilitate the Proof of Title to, and the Conveyance of, Real Estates (25 and 26 Vict., c. 52). Being the Act for establishing a Register of Title to Landed Estates. With an Introductory Chapter, Notes, and References, the General Rules and Orders, &c. To which is added " The Declaration of Titles Act, 1862 " (25 and 26 Vict., c, 67). Svo. London, 1862. Bruce (Jas.) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. With his Life. 8 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Edin., 1805. Bruce (John, F.S.A.) and Hamilton (William Douglas, F.S.A.) Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I. Preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Vols. 1-12, by John Bruce, Esq., F.S.A., and William Douglas Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. Vols. 14-15, by William Douglas Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. Vol. I, 1 625- 1 626. Vol. 2, 1627- 1628. Vol, 3, 1 628- 1 629. Vol. 4, 1 629- 1 63 1. Vol. 5, 1631-1633. Vol. 6, 1633-1634. Vol, 7, 1634-1635. Vol. 8. 1635. Bruce (Mich.) See British Poets. Bruce (Wm. Downing), A Letter on Registers. [Pamphlets, Vol. 5.] Brucherius (Jo.) Poemata. Vol. 9, 1635-1636. Vol. 10, 1636- 1637. Vol. II, 1637. Vol. 12, 1 637- 1638. Vol, 13, 1638-1639. Vol, 14, 1639. Vol, 15, 1639-1640, Imperial Svo, 1862-187 7, the Condition of Parochial Svo. 1850, Svo, Par,, 1598, Brucherius (Jn,) In Sapientum Graeciae Apothegmata, &c, Svo, Par,, 1528. Brucherus (Joh.) Veritas Religionis Reformatae. Svo. Am,, 1614. Brucioli (Ant.) Delia Naturale Philosophia Humana. 4to. Vea, 1544, 131 Bruck (Jac. k). Princeps Plinianus. 8vo, Arg., 1617. Brues (Guy de). Les Dialogues contre les Nouveaux Academiciens, With Univers. 4to. Par., 1557. Bruges (Sir Egerton de). Stemmata lUustria, prsecipue Regia. Folio. Paris, 1825. Bruitsma (Regn.) latricum votum in Publicae Salutis Tutelam. [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to. Mech., 1607. BRUNiEus (Ric.) See Becket. Brunet (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du Libraire. 5 vols. Svo. Par., 1842- 1844. Brunet (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. Contenant 1° Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique ; 2° Une Table en forme de Catalogue raisonnd. Cinqui^me Edition, entibrement refondue et augment^e d'un tiers par I'auteur. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860-1865. Bruni (Theof.) Armenia Astronomica et Geometrica. With Patri- cius : Geometrica. 4to. Ven., 1662. Brunius (Ant.) Entelechia, &c. 4to. Ven. 1597. Brunker (Thomas). Digest of Cases in the Courts of Common Law in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1855. Brunne (Robt. de). See Langtoft. Brunnemanni (J.) Commentaria in Pandectas, a Strykio. Folio. Lugd., 17 14. Brunner (Heinrich). Das Anglo Normannische Erbfolgesystem. Ein beitrag zur geschichte der Parentelenordorung nebst einem excurs iiber die alteren Normannischen Contumes. Svo. Leipzig, 1869. Brunnius (Aug.) Libellus Synopticus exhibens Romani Imperii Epis- coporum et Regum annos natales, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 165.] 8vo. Tub., 1608. Brunnmark (Gust.) Introduction to Swedish Grammar. With Brady : Names. Svo. 1805. Brunnquellius (Jo. Sal. Brunquell). De Sectis et Controversiis Juris Justinianei Interpretum. With Hensing. 4to. Jen., 1725. Bruno (Vic.) Meditagones sobre os Mysterios da Paixham de Christo, Resurreigam, &c. Svo. Lisb., 1601. Bruno (Vic.) Meditationes in Festa Virginis. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1632. Brunsfels, or Brunfelt (Otho). Appendix ad Huss. de Anatomik Anti-Christi. With Huss, 132 Brunus (Albert). Consilia Feudalia per Marc. Ant. de Pinardis. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Venet, 1579. Brunus (Cour.) De Hsereticis. With Haymo de Varietate. 8vo. Mog., 1548. Brusonius (L. Domitius), Res Memorabiles, &c. 4to. Ven., 1544. Brussels. Late News from Brussels Unmasked, and the King Vindi- cated. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1660, Brut y Tywysogion ; or, Chronicle of the Princes. By the Rev. John Williams ap Ithel, M.A. See Brit., Gt, No. 17. Svo. i860. Bruton (Edward G.) On the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 187 1, and on Qualifications and Practice of District Surveyors. Post Svo. London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 187 1. Bruxius (Adam). Nomenclator Mnemonicus. 4to. Lip., 1610. Bryan (Michael). Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816. Bryce (James). The Trades Marks Registration Acts, 1875 and 1876 ; together with the Rules made thereunder for the Registration of Trade Marks and the Instructions issued by the Registrar. Being a supplement to Messrs. Ludlow and Jenkins' Treatise on the Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names. Corrected up to March 1877. 8vo. London, 1877. BucANOS, or Bucanus (Gulielmus). Ecclesiastes. 8vo. Bern. Helo., 1603. BucANOS, or Bucanus (Gulielmus). De Abrahami Sacrificio. 8vo. Bern. Helo., 1604. BuCANOS, or Bucanus (Gulielmus). Institutiones Theologicae ; seu Loci Communes Christianae Religionis. 8vo. Paris, 1604. BuccELLius (Hen.) Religio post tumultus in Luca. 4to, Luc, 1539. BuccHius (Jerom.) Liber aureus Vitse Patris Francisci, &c. Folio. Bonon., 1590. BucER (Martin). Epistola in Evangelistarum Narrationes. With Argentoratenses. 4to. Arg., 1530. BucER (Martin). Latomi Refutatio. With Huss : de Antichristo. 4to. Col., 1546. BucER (Martin). Buceri et Fagii, &c., Vitse. 8vo. Antw., 1562. Buchanan (David). Historia Animae Humanse. Svo. 1636. Buchanan (David). Histoire de la Conscience. Svo. 1638. Buchanan (George). De Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus. Svo, Fran., 1594. 133 Buchanan (George). Opera Omnia curante Tho. Ruddimanno. 2 vols. Folio. Edin., 1715. Buchanan (George). Rerum Scoticarum Historia. 8vo. Fran., 1594. Buchanan (James). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1868-1875. 8vo. Cape Town, 1868-1877. Buchanan (James). Index and Digest to Menzies' Cape of Good Hope Reports. 8vo. Cape Town, 1877. Buchanan (James). Precedents in Pleading. Being Forms, filed, of Record in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo. Cape Town, 1878. Buchanan (James). Index and Digest of Menzies' Cape of Good Hope Reports. 8vo. Cape Town, 1877. Buchanan (William). On the Law of Scotland on the Subject of Teinds and Tithes. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. BucHON (J. A. C.) Chroniques de France, &c. Buck (J. W.) Cases in Bankruptcy, decided by Lord Eldon, 1816- 1820. 8vo. 1820. Buck (Geo.) Life and Reign of Richard III. See Kennett. Folio. 1647. BucKERiDGE (John). Sermon before the King. 4to. 1606. Buckingham and Chandos (Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of). Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III. 4 vols. 8vo. 1855. Buckingham and Chandos (Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of). Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of the Regency, 18 ii-i 820. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856, Buckingham and Chandos (Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of). Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1859. Buckland (Wm.) Bridgewater Treatise on Geology and Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1857. Buckle (Hy. Thos.) History of Civilisation in England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837. Buckley (H. Burton, M.A.) The Law and Practice under the Com- panies Acts, 1862, 1867, 1870. The Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870, 187 1, 1872, and other Acts relating to Joint Com- panies. Containing Statutes, Orders, and Forms. 8vo. London, 1873. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. BucKNiLL (John Charles, M.D.) and Tuke (Daniel Hack). Psycho- logical Medicine. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. 134 BuDDEUS, Budseus, Buddaeus (Guil), Bude, or Budde. De Contemptu rerum fortuitarum. With Erasmus. 8vo. Col., 1521. BuDDEUS, &c. (GuiL) De Contemptu rerum fortuitarum. 8vo. Col., 1521. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Commentarius Grsecse Linguse. Folio. Basil, 1530. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Annotationes in Pandectas. Folio. Par., 1535. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) De Philologia. Folio. Paris, 1535. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Forensium Verborum Interpretatio. Folio. Lut., 1545. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Forensia. Folio. Lut., 1545. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Tesmoinage de Temps. 8vo. Lyon, 1547. BuDDEUS, &c. (Guil.) Livre d'Asse abrege. Svo. Paris, 1555. BuDOWEZ (Wenceslaus). Circulus Horologii Lunaris et Solaris. 4to. Han., 16 16. BuECHNERUS (Bartol.) Ars Artium, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 88.] 4to. Herb., 1596. BuELLiANi Annales. See O'Conor. BuFFON (George Louis Le Clerc, Comte de). Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere, &c. [Supplement, &c.] 22 vols. 4to. Par., 1 749-1 789. BuFFON (George, Louis Le Clerc, Comte de). Des Oiseaux. 9 vols. Par., 1 7 70-1 783. BuFFON (George Louis Le Clerc, Comte de). Des Mineraux. 5 vols. 4to. Par., 1 785-1788. BuFFON (George Louis Le Clerc, Comte de). Atlas. 4to. Par. BuGENHAGius (Joh.) De Conjugio Episcoporum, et Diaconorum. With Lambertus de Excaecatione. Svo. Arg., 1526. BuHLER (George). See Apastamba. BuisoNius (Jo.) Historia et Harmonia Evangelica. Svo. Col. Ag., 1604. BuLENGER (Julius Csesar). De Conviviis. Svo. Lugd., 1627. BuLENGER (Julius Cessar). De Ludis Veterum. Svo. Lugd., 1627. BuLENGER (Julius Csesar). De Pictura et Staturia. Svo. Lugd., 1627. BuLKLEY (Edw.) Apology for the Church of England. 4to. 1608. Bull (Geo., Bishop of St. David's). Opera Omnia cum Annotationibus Joan. Emesti Grabe. Folio. 1703. 135 BuLLEN (Edward). On Distress for Rent, &c. 8vo. 1842. BuLLEN (Edward) and Leake (Stephen Martin). Precedents of Pleading in Actions in the Superior Courts of Common Law. Svo. i860. BuLLEN (Edward) and Leake (Stephen Martin). Precedents of Plead- ing in Personal Actions in the Superior Courts of Common Law. With Notes, and an Appendix of Recent Statutes and General Rules relating to Pleading. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1863. BuLLENGER, or Bullingcr (Hen.) Ratio Studiorum, &c. With Prsetorius. Svo. Tig,, 1593. BuLLiNGER (Hen.) Pastor Conformatus; ab Alstedio. Svo. Franc, 1613. BuLLER (Frs.) Introduction to the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius. 4to. 1772. Svo. DubUn, 17S5. Bulletins, and other State Intelligence, 1793-1S62. [Wanting, the years 1S02, 182 1, 1824.] 80 vols. i2mo. London, 1 793-1866. BuLLEV (John F.) and Bund (J. W. W.) The Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, 1869. Also Supplement. i2mo. London, 1870. Bullock (Edward). Judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the Case of Hebbert v. Purchas. Svo. London, 1S71. Bullock (William). Virginia Impartially Examined. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. 1649. BuLSTRODE (Edw.) Reports temp. Jac. I. et Car. I. FoUo. 168S. Bum ANNUS (Car.) Rhetorici Commentarii. With Conestaggius de Portugellia. Svo. Fra., 1602. Bump (Orlando). The Law and Practice of Bankruptcy in the United States. Svo. New York, 1868. Bump (Orlando F.) Fraudulent Conveyances. On Conveyances made by Debtors to defraud Creditors. Svo. New York, 1S72. BuNBURY (Sir Henry). Narrative of the Great War with France, 1799-1S10. Svo. 1854. BuNBURY (William). Exchequer Reports, i Geo. I. to 14 Geo. II. Folio. 1755. Second Edition. Svo. Dublin, 1793. BuNDERius (F. Jo.) Compendium Concertationis Sapientium, &c. Svo. Par., 1549. BuNDERius (F. Jo.) Detectio nugarum Lutheri. Svo. Lov., 1551. 136 BuNDERius (F. Jo.) Compendium rerum Theologicarum. i2mo. Par., 1559. Bunny (Fran.) Survey of the Pope's Supremacy. 4to. 1595. Bunny (Fran.) Comparison between the Church of England and Rome. 4to. 1595- Bunny (Fran.) Comparison between the Auncient Fayth of the Romans and the New. 4to. i595- Bunting (Hen.) Itinerarium et Chronicon Sacrse Scripturge. FoHo. Mag., 1598. Bunting (Hen.) Chronologia CathoHca. FoUo. Mag., 1608. BuNYON (Charles John, M.A.) The Law of Fire Insurance. 8vo. London, 1867. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. BuNYON (Charles John, M.A.) The Law of Life Assurance. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1868, Supplement. 8vo. London, 1870. BuoNACCORSi (Biagio).- Diario di Successi piu Importanti Seguiti in Italia, 1498, &c. 4to. Fior., 1568. BuoNi (Tom.) I Problemi della Bellezza di tutti gli affetti Humani. i2mo. Ven., 1605. BuoNi (Tom.) Discorsi de' Mondi. 4to. Ven., 1605. BuoNiNSEGNi (Thom.) De Traffichi giusti et ordinarii. 8vo. Ven., 1591. BuRATELLi (Gab.) Controversiarum Aristotilis et Platonis Conciliatio. 8vo. Ven., 1573. BuRCHELATi (Bart.) II Ternario, overo TEthimologia di Trevigi. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 4to. 1592. BuRCHETT (Josiah). History of Naval Transactions from the Earliest Time. Folio. 1720. BuRGE (William). Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws generally, and in their Conflict with each other, and with the Law of England. 4 vols. 8vo. 1838. BuRGE (William). On the Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction of Britain. [Pamphlets, Vol. 2.] 8vo. 1841. BuRGE (William). Choral Service of the Anglo-Catholic Church. 8vo. 1844. BuRGE (William). Commentaries on the Law of Suretyship. With the Laws of England, Scotland, other States of Europe, the British Colonies, and United States of America, And on the Conflict of these Laws. 8vo. 1849. 137 BuRGERSDicius (Fran.) Idea Philosophiae, Naturalis et Moralis. 8vo. Oxon., 1 63 1. BuRGES (Corn.) No Sacrilege to purchase Cathedral Lands. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1660. BuRGES (John). Answer to Moreton. 4to. 1631. BuRGHLEY (Wm. Cecil, Lord). State Papers. By Sam. Haynes and W. M. Murdin. 2 vols. Folio. 1 740-1 759. BuRGON (Jn. Wm.) Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. 2 vols. 8vo. 1839. BuRGUNDius (Nic. J. C.) Ad Consuetudinem Flandriae Alairumque Gentium Tractatus Controversiarum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1634. BuRGUs (Pet. Bapt.) De Dominio Genuensis Reipublicse in Mari Ligustico. 4to. Rom., 1641. BuRHiLL (Rt.) De Potestate Regia. 8vo. Oxon., 16 13. Burke (Edmund). Works. 16 vols. 8vo. 1826. Burke (Edmund). Extinct and Dormant Peerages. 8vo. 1831. Burke (Edmund Plunket). On the Laws and Government of Rome. Second Edition. Revised. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Burke (John). History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. 1 836-1 838. Burke (Sir John Bernard). History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. 8vo. 1841. Burke (Sir John Bernard). Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. i2mo. 1842. Burke (John). Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 8vo. 1840. Eighth Edition. 8vo. 1845. Burke (John and Sir John Bernard). Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Supplement. 8vo. London, 1848. Burke (Sir John Bernard). Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire for .1857. 8vo. 1857. Burke (Sir John Bernard). Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 1858. Burke (Sir John Bernard). The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour. 8vo. 1858. Bu rke (Peter). Celebrated Trials connected with the Aristocracy. 8vo. 1849. 138 Burke (Peter). Supplement to Godson on Patents. 8vo. 1851. Burke (Ulick Ralph). A Handbook of Sewage Utilization. 1 2 mo. London, 1872. BuRLMAQUi (Jean Jacques). Principes du Droit Naturel et Politique. Avec Supplement. 4to. Gen. and Coppenhague, 1762. BuRLMAQUi (Jean Jacques). Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Translated into English by Mr, Nugent. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1763. BuRMAN (James). Statutes of the Isle of Man since 1848. 8vo. Douglas, 1853. Burn (Jacob Henry). Catalogue of the Hope Collection of Early Newspapers in the Bodleian Library. 8vo. London, 1865. Burn (John Southerdon). History of the Fleet Marriages. With some Account of the Wardens of the Prison, the Parsons and their Registers. To which are added Notices of the Mayfair, Mint, and Savoy Chapel, and numerous Extracts from the Registers. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1836. Burn (John Southerdon). Registrum Ecclesiae Parochialis. The History of the Parish Registers in England, Scotland, Ireland, East and West Indies, and the Episcopal Chapels in and about London. With Observations on Bishops' Transcripts, and the Provisions of the Act of the 52 George III., cap. 146. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Burn (John Southerdon). The High Commission. Notices of the Court, and its Proceedings. 8vo. London, 1865. Burn (John Southerdon). The Star Chamber. Notices of the Court, and its Proceedings. With a few additional Notes of the High Commission. 8vo. London, 1870. Burn (Richard, LL.D.) Ecclesiastical Law. 2 vols. 4to. 1763. Eighth Edition. With Additions. By Rt. Phil. Tyrrwhitt. 4 vols. 8vo. 1824. Ninth Edition. With Additions. By Robt. Phillimore. 4 vols. 8vo. 1842. Burn (Richard, LL.D.) Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. Fourth Edition. Folio. 1758. Twenty-sixth Edition. By Joseph and Tho. Chitty. With Index. 6 vols. 8vo. 1831. Twenty-ninth Edition. By Bere and Tho. Chitty. And Supplement by Wise. 7 vols. 8vo. 1845. Thirtieth Edition. ByJ. B. Maule. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. BuRTS (Richard). Westmoreland. See Nicolson. 139 BuRNELL (A.C.) Daya-Vibhaga. The Law of Inheritance. Translated from the unpublished Sanskrit Text of the Vyavahara-Kanda of the Madhaviya Commentary on the Paracara-smreti. 8vo. Madras, 1868. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). Lives of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton. Folio. 1677. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). History of the Reformation. 3 vols. Folio. 1 7 15. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). History of the Reformation. With Index. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1829. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). History of his Own Times. 2 vols. Folio. 1 7 24-1 733. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). History of his Own Time. With Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. Other Annotations by M. J. Routh. 6 vols. 8vo. 1833. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). Lives and Characters, &c. By Jn. Jebb. i2mo. 1833. Burnett (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 8vo. Oxf., 1845. Burnet (John). On Various Branches of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 4to. Edin,, 181 1. Burns (Robert). Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns. See the Grampian Club's Publications. Burns (Robert). In British Poets. Burroughs (Edwd. H.) And Gresson's Irish Equity Pleader, Part i. 8vo. Dub., 1842. Burroughs (Sam.) History of Chancery. See Chancery. Burrow (Sir James). Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench in the Time of Lord Mansfield, from Michaelmas 1756 to Easter 1772. 5 vols. Folio. London, 1 766-1 780. Fifth Edition. With Critical Notes and Observations, By Mr. Serjeant Hill, 5 vols. Royal 8vo, London, 181 2. Burrow (Sir James), Decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon Settlement Cases, 1 732-1 776, 8vo, Dub., 1790. Burrow (Sir James). Settlement Cases. [Incomplete.] 2 vols. 4to. 1768. Burrows (Montagu, M.A.) Parliament and the Church of England. i2mo. London, 1875. I40 Burrows (Montagu). Worthies of All Souls. Four Centuries of English History, illustrated from the College Archives. 8vo. London, 1874. BuRSERUS (Joach.) De Febri Epidemia. Svo. Lip., 1621. Burton (Henry). Tryal of Private Devotions. 4to. 1628. Burton (Henry). Babel no Bethel. 4to. 1629. Burton (Henry). Babel no Bethel. 4to. 1629. Burton (Henry). Truth's Triumph over Trent. 4to. 1629. Burton (Henry). Vindication of Independent Churches. [Tracts, Vol. 44.] 4to. 1644. Burton (John Hill). Manual of the Law of Scotland ; Public and Private. 2 vols. Svo. Edin., 1847. Burton (Robert). Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1804. Burton (Thomas). Parliamentary Diary, 1656-1959. With an Account of the Parliament of 1654, from the Journal of Guibon Goddard. Edited by Jn. Towill. Burton (Walter Henry). An Elementary Compendium of the Law of Real Property. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1830. Fifth Edition. By Edward Priestly Cooper. 8vo. London, 1841. Eighth Edition. By Edward Priestly Cooper. 8vo. London, 1856. Burton (William). Description of Leicestershire ; its Antiquity, His- tory, Armoury, and Genealogy. Folio. 1658. Burton (William). Commentary on Antoninus's Itinerary through Britain. Folio. 1622. Burton (W. W.) The Insolvent Law of New South Wales. With Practical Directions and Forms. 8vo. Sydney, 1842. Bury (Tho.) Lamentation of David over Jonathan. A Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. i.] 4to. 1662. Bus.«us (Joh.) Panarion, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1630. BusBEQUius (Aug. Gis.), de Busbec. De Re MiUtari adversus Turcas instituenda consilium. With Micquellus. 8vo. Bar., 1594. BusBEQUius (Aug. Gis.) De Re Militari adversus Turcas instituenda consilium. With FoUeta de Turcis. Svo. Lips., 1595. BUSBEQUIUS (Aug. Gis.), de Busbec. Dolium Diogenis Argumenti. Svo. Lips., 1595. BuscHERUS (Heir.) Trias Sacra Virtutum. [Tracts, Vol. 141.] Svo. Franc, 16 15. 141 BuscHERUS (Heir.) De Ratione solvendi Sophismata. 8vo. Lem., 1593. Bush (W. P. D.) Reports of selected Civil and Criminal Cases, decided in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Winter Term 1866 to January Term 1876. [Vols. 62-72, Kentucky Reports.] [In progress.] 11 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1 868-1 876. BusHBY (Henry Jeffries). Election Manual. Third Edition. 8vo, London, 1868. BusHBY (Henry Jeffries), Election Manual. Fourth Edition. By H. Hardcastle. 8vo. London, 1874. BuSTi (Bernardin. de). De Monte Pietatis. 4to. , BusTi (Bernardin. de). Pro Monte Pietatis. 4to. Rome, i486. BuTENVAL (His de). Precis Historique et Economique du Traits de Commerce entre la France et la Grande Brdtagne, 26 September, 1786. 8vo. Paris, 1869. BuTEO (Jo.) De Quadratura Circuli. 8vo. Lugd., 1559. BuTEO (Jo.) In Errores Interpretum Euclidis. 8vo. Lugd., 1559. Butler (Charles). Principles of Musick. [Tracts, Vol. 100.] 4to, 1636. Butler (Charles, Barrister at Law). Coke upon Littleton. Butler (Charles). Horse Juridicise Subsecivae. 8vo. 1807. Butler (Charles). Reminiscences. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824. Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. With Gray's Annotations. 3 vols. 8vo. 18 1 9. Butler (Samuel). Remains. By Robert Thyer. 8vo. 1827. Butler (Samuel). See British Poets. Butler (Slade, M. A.) The Bills of Sale Act. i6mo. London, 1879. Butrigarius (Jac.) In Digestum Vetus. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Rom., 1606. Butrigarius (Jac.) Super Codice. 2 vols in i. Folio. Par., 15 16. BuTRio (Ant. k). In Sextum Decretalium Volumen. Folio. Ven., 1575. Butt (Isaac). On the New Law of Compensation to Tenants in Ireland, and on the other Provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1870. 8vo. Dublin, 1870. Butts (Dr.) Funeral Sermon on Butts. With Puritanism. 8vo. 1633. BuxETO (de). Rubeus. 142 Buxis. Vie, Sainctet^, &c. De Frangoise de Buxis. [Tracts, Vol. 147.] 8vo. Rouen, 1609. BuxTORF (John). Synagoga Judaica. i2mo. Han., 1604. " BuxTORF, or Buxdorf (John). Institutio Epistolaris Hebraica. 8vo. Basil, 1610. BuxTORF (John). Tiberias, sive Commentarius Masorethicus. 4to. Basil, 1620. BuxTORF (John). Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum, et Rabinicum. Folio. Basil, 1639. BuxTORF (John). De Punctorum Vocalium, &c., in Velen. Testament© Origine. 4to. Basil, 1648. BuxTORF (John, Jun.) Anticritica, &c. 4to. Basil, 1653. Byles (John Barnard). Observations on the Usury Laws and on the Effect of the Recent Alterations. With Suggestions for the Per- manent Amendment of the Law. i2mo. London, 1845. Byles (Sir John Barnard). The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers, Cash, Notes, and Cheques. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1843. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1847. Seventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1857. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1866. Tenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Eleventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Bynkershoek (Cornelius Van). Opera Omnia. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Lugd. Bart., 1767. Bynkershoek (Cornelius Van). On the Art of War. Translated by P. S. D. Du Ponceau. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. Byrne (James F.) On the Law and Practice respecting Bills of Sale. With the Registration Act. Second Edition. i2mo. Dublin, 1870. Byron (George Gordon, Lord). Works and Life. By Thos. Moore. 17 vols. i2mo. 1843. Bythewood (W. M.) and Jarman (T.) Selection of Precedents, form- ing a System of Conveyancing. With Notes and Index. II vols. 8vo. 1829, &c. Supplement. By George Sweet. 8vo. London, 1850. Bythewood (W. M.) and Jarman (T.) Selection of Precedents, form- ing a System of Conveyancing. With Notes and Index. Vols 1-7. By George Sweet. Vol. 8. By Whitley Stokes. Vol. 9. By George Sweet. Vol. n. By George Sweet and Andrew Bisset. Third Edition. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1 841-1849. 143 Bywater (Abel). Sheffield Dialect. i2mo. Sheffield and London, 1839. BvzANTiNiE Historiae Scriptores. Corpus. Scriptorum Historse Byzan- tinse. 23 vols. Folio. Ven., 1 729-1 733. BvzANTiNiE Historise Scriptores Tres. Gr. Lat. Folio. Col. AH., 1615. Bzovius (Abr.) Vita Silvestri IL, S. Adalberti, &c. 4to. Rome, 1629. 144 /^^ABEUS (Nic.) Philosophia Magnetica. Folio. Fer., 1629. Cabinet du Roy de France. 8vo. 1581. Cabrera (Fra. Alonso de). Consideraciones sobre los Evangelios, &c. 4to. Bar,, 1609. Cabrol (Barth.) Alphabet Anatomic. 4to. Tou., 1594. Cabrol (Barth.) Alphabet Anatomic. 4to. Lyon, 16 14. Cacherat (Guil.) Examen d'une pretendue Declaration de Clouet, &c. 8vo. Rouen, 1640. Cade (Ant.) Justification of the Church of England. 4to. 1630. CiECii.iA et Didia. De Lege. With Hensing. 4to. Lips. CiECiLius (Statius). See Maittaire. C^Lius (Lod. Rhodoginus). Lectiones Antiquse. 8vo. Lugd., 1562. Caen-Lyon (Ch.) De la Condition Legale des Soci^tes Etrangeres en France, et des Rapports de ces Societes avec leur Auction- naires, Porteurs d' Obligations, et autres Creanciens. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Caernarvon. The Record of. Folio, 1838. CiESALPiNUS (And.) De Metallicis. 4to. Norib., 1602. CiESALPiNus (And.) Speculum Artis Medicse Hippocraticum, 8vo, Fran,, 1605. CiESAR (Caius Julius). Csesaris Politeuma sive Labores, 8vo, Fran,, 1606, C^sar (Caius Julius). Commentaires des Guerres de la Gaule. Par Blaise de Vigenere. 8vo. 1600. Folio. Paris, 1590. CiESAR (Caius Julius). See Valpy. C^SAR (Constantinus). De Agricultura. Jano Cornaro, interp, 8vo, Bav,, 1540. CiESAR (Sir Julius, Knt.) Ancient State, Authority, and Proceedings of the Court of Requests. 4to. 1596. CiESAR (Phil.) Discourse against Usurers. By Thos. Rogers. 4to. 1578. CiESAREAS (And.) In Apocalypsin Commentarii. 410. Ing., 1584. 145 CiESARius (Heisterbach). Miraculorum, &c., Historiae. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1591 CiEVALLOS (Hier. de). Speculum Aureum Opinionum Communium contra Communes. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Venet., 1604 Cagnatus (Mars.) De Continentia. 4to. Rom., 1591 Cagnatus (Mars.) In Hippocraten Commentarius. 4to. Rom., 1591 Cagnatus (Mars.) De Ordine in cibis Servando. 8vo. Rom., 1587 Cagnatus (Mars.) Variae Observationes. 8vo. Rom., 1587 Cagnolus (Hierom.) In Pandectas. 3 vols, in 2. Folio. Venet, 1586 Cahier. See Cayer. Caiet. See Cayer. Caille (Denise de la). Histoire et Exorcisme de Denise de la Caille. 8vo. Paris, 1623. Caimo (Pomp.) Parallelo Politico delle Republiche Antiche e Moderne. 8vo. Pad., 1627. Cain. The Envious Generation of Cain in England. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1659. Caines (George). New York Cases in Error. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. New York, 1805-1807. Caines (George). New York Term Reports. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 181 3, 1814. Cairns (Lord). Decisions in Albert Arbitration. By Francis S. Reilly, M.A. 3 parts. 8vo. London, 1873-1875. Cairns (Sir Hugh MacCalmont). Speech in the India Debate in the House of Commons, May i6th, 1858. [Pamphlets, Vol o.l 8vo. 1858. Caius (Bern.) De Alimentis, &c. 4to. Ven., 1608. Caius, or Kaye (Tho.) Vindicise Antiquitatis Universitatis Oxoniensis. Par Thomam Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1730. Cajetan (Card.) In Libros Aristotelis de Anima. 8vo. Ven., 1618. Cajetan (Card.) Responsum Medicinale pro Asthmate. With Sala. 4to. Ven., 1607. Calamy (Edmund). England's Antidote against Civil War. With Marshall's Panegyrick. 6'' 176 Carthagena (John de). De Jure Belli Romani Pontificis. With Archirota. 8vo. Rom., 1609. Carthagena (John de). De Antiquitate Ordinis Marige de Monte Carmelo. 8vo. Antw., 1620. Carthew (Thomas). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from 3 James II. to 12 William III. 4to. London, 1728. Second Edition. Folio. London, 1741. Cartwright (Edmund, M.A., F.A.S.) The Parochial Topography of the Rape of Bramber, in the Western Division of the County of Sussex. Vol. 2, Part 2. 4to. London, 1830. Cartwright (Thomas). Reply to Whitgift, and Second Reply. 2 parts. 4to. 1575. Cartwright (Thomas). Second Reply. 4to. 1577. Cartwright (Thomas). On the Discipline of the Church of England. [Imperfect.] 4to. Cartwright (Thomas). Admonition to the People of England. 4to. 1589. Cartwright (Captain Walter). Criminal Management. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] izmo. London, 1865. Carusius (Jo. Bapt.) Historia Saracenico Sicula. See Muratori : Italic : Script. Carve (Tho.) Itinerarium in Legione Colonelli Devereux. 8vo. Mog., 1639. Carvinus (Jo.) De Sanguine. 8vo. Lugd., 1562. Carvinus (Jo.) De Sanguine. 8vo, Han., 1605. Cary (Sir George). Reports in Chancery. 8vo. 1650. Cary (Sir George). Reports or Causes in Chancery out of the Labours of Mr. William Lambert ; whereunto is annexed the King's Order of Decree in Chancery, for a Rule to be observed by the Chan- cellor in that Court; exemplified and enrolled for a Perpetual Record there. 12 mo. London, 1820. Cary (Henry). Commentary upon the Tenures of Littleton. 8vo. London, 1829. Cary (John). A New and Correct EngUsh Atlas. Folio. London, 1823. Cary (Richard). Use and Fruit of Pleading (7^r^«<:/^). 8vo. 1601. Caryon (A. C.) Apologie pour S. Gregoire. 8vo. 1603. Casa (Gio. della). Rime et Prose. Svo. Ven., 1619. 177 Casa (Jo.) Galateus. De Moribus. 8vo. Franc, 1588. Casa (Jo.) Galateus. De Moribus. 8vo. Lyon, 1597. Casander (Frid.) Natura Loquax. 8vo. Fran., 1630. Casaregis (Gius. Laur. Mar.) Elucubrationes de Decretis, &c. Folio. Genua., 1697. Casaregis (Gius. Laur. Mar.) II Consolato del Mare. 4to. Livor., 1788. Casaregis (Josephi Laurentii Marise de). Discursus Legales de Com- mercio. 3 vols. Folio. Venetiis, 1 740. Casarubios (Alph. de). Compendium Privilegiorum Fratrum Minorum. Per Hier. A. Sorbo. 4to. Ven., 1603. Casas (Bart, de las). Del Imperio Soberano que los Reyes de Castilla tienen sobre las Indias. 4to. Sevil., 1552. Casaubon (Isaac). De Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis. 4to. Fran., 16 15. Casaubon (Isaac). Ad Polybii Librum Primum Commentarii. 8vo. Paris, 1617. Casaubon (Isaac). Origin of Idolatry ; or, Birth of Heresies. 4to. 1624. Casaubon (Isaac). Origin of Idolatry ; or. Birth of Heresies. 4to. 1624. Casaubon (James). De Morbo Ejus, Mortisque Causa. [Tracts, Vol. 58.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1619. Casaubon (Meric.) Vindiciae Patris sui Adversus Impostores. [Tracts, Vol. 78.] 4to. 1624. Case (Thos.) Jehosophat's Caveat, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1644. Caselius (Jo.) De Ludo Literario Recth Aperiendo. With Bonnaeus. 8vo. Hel, 16 1 9. Cases and Opinions. See Forsyth. Cases and Resolutions of Cases adjudged in the King's Bench con- cerning Settlements and Removals, from the ist of Geo. I. to 1742. 8vo. 1742. Cases from Brooke's Abridgment. See March. Cases of Practice in the King's Bench, Eliz. to 14 Geo. III. Selected and arranged by a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. 4to. 177s. (12) 1/8 Cases in Equity, in Lord Chancellor Talbot's Time. By Forrester. Folio. 1 741. Third Edition. By John Griffith Williams. Royal 8vo. London, 1792. Cases in Law and Equity, King's Bench and Chancery, 12th and 13th Anne, before Parker. With Treatises on Debt, and the Constitu- tion of England. By Gilbert. 8vo. 1760. Cases. Modern, &c. See Modern Reports. Vols. 8 and 9. Folio. 1730. 8vo. 1793. Cases. Select. In Chancery, &c. [No Title.] Folio. 1740. Cases. Select. In Chancery. See M'Naghten. Cases. Temp. Hardwicke. See Annaly and Lee. Cases. With Opinions of Eminent Counsel in Matters of Law, Equity, and Conveyancing. Arranged by Phil. Burton. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 79 1. Casey (James Joseph). The Justices' Manual. With the Justices' Statute, and Notes thereon. i2mo. Melbourne, 1872. Casey (Joseph). Pennsylvania State Reports. Vols. 25-36, Com- prising Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, May Term 1855 to May Term i860. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857-1861. Casimir (Due Jean). Causes de Prendre les Armes pour la Deffense de Gebhard, Archevesque de Cologne. 4to. Fran., 1584. Casinensis Congregationis Patrum Constitutiones. With St. Benedict : Regulae. 8vo. Par., 1603. Gasman (Ot.) Cosmopoeia Christiana. 8vo. Fran., 1591. Gasman (Ot.) Marinse questiones. 8vo. Fran., 1596. Gasman (Ot.) Angelographia. 8vo. Fran., 1597. Gasman (Ot.) Astrologia, Chronographia et Astromanteia. 8vo. Fran., 1599. Gasman (Ot.) Philosophiae Christianae Assertio. 8 v. Fran., 1601. Gasman (Ot.) Biographia sive de Vita Hominis. Item de EthicH Theosophica. 8vo. Franc, 1602. Gasman (Ot.) Doctrinse et Vitae Politicge Systema. 8vo. Fra., 1603. Gasman (Ot.) Nucleus Mysteriorum Enucleatus. 8vo. Ham., 1605. Gasman (Ot.) Vade Mecum, &c. 8vo. Fran., 1605. Gasman (Ot.) Gnorismata Electionis Fidelium Dei. 8vo. Fran., 1607. 179 Gasman (Ot.) Turpitude Omnium Turpissima. 8vo. Franc, 1609. Gasman (Ot.) Psychologia Anthropologica. With Peucer : de Garcere. 8vo. Fran., 1624. Casparus (Bemh.) Inquisitio Religionis Ghristianae. 4to. Gro., 1621. Gassander (Geo.) De Articulis Religionis Gontroversis Gonsultatio, et de Officio Pii in hoc Dissidio. 8vo. Lugd., 161 2. Gassandre, Fran9oise. [Tracts, Vol. 164.] Svo. Gassells (Edward James). On the Law of Rating. Svo. London, 1879. Gassels (Robert, Jun.) Manual of Procedure in the Supreme and Exchequer Gourts of Ganada. i6mo. Toronto, 1877. Gassian (Jn.) Opera : cum Notis, Alard. Gazaei. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Dua., 1616. Gassian (John). De Incarnatione Domini. [No Title.] 8vo. Basil, 1534- Gassiodonis (Marc Aur.) Opera. Svo. Au. All, 1622. Gastalio, or Gastellio (Seb.) De Prgedestinatione, &c. i2mo. Ares., 1578. Gastalio,- or Gastellio (Seb.) De Prsedestinatione, &c. {German). Svo. Ares., 1581. Gastalio, or Gastellio (Seb. ) Dialogi Sacri. With Accord. Svo. Geneva, 1543. Gastelli, seu Gastellus (Pet.) In Usu Olei Vitrioli, et Defensio Antiquorum in Arsenic atque Sandarachae potu, 4to. Rom., 161 9. Gastellinus (Luc.) Delnquisitione Miraculorum, &c. With Vandini. 4to. Rom., 1629. Gastellinus (Luc.) De Dilatione Ganonizationis Sanctorum. With Ugonius. 4to. Neap., 1630. Gastellus (Edm.) Lexicon in Bibliam Polyglottam. 2 vols. Folio. 1669. Gastellus (Edm.) Lexicon in Bibliam Polyglottam, 1669. Gastelneau (Mich. de). Mdmoires sur les Rois Frangois IL et Gharles IX. 4to. Paris, 162 1. Gastilio (Balth.) Gastiglione. De Guriali sive Aulico. i2mo. 1577. Gastillo Sotomayer (Joan del). Opera Omnia ; cum Indice et Addi- tionibus Jo. Pauli Melii. 9 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1667, Gastle (Edward James). On the Law of Rating. Svo. London, 1879. Gastle (Henry James). On the Principles of Rating, as applied to the Proper and Uniform Assessment of Railways, Gasworks, Water- works, Mines, Gemeteries, &c. Svo. London, 1869. i8o Castle (Henry James). On the Union Assessment Committee Act, J 35 2. 8vo. London, 1863. Castrensis (Paul), De Castro. Commentaria, Repertorium, &c., cum Adnotationibus Fr. Curtii, &c. 8 vols. Folio. Ven., 1682, &c. Castrensis (Steph. Rod.) Quae ex Quibus. With Sennertus : Com- pendium. 8vo. Flo., 1627. Castro (Christoph. de). Historia Virginis Mariae. 8vo. Mog., 16 10, Castro (Fern. Alvia). Observationes de Estado, &c. i2mo. Lisb., 1521. Casus (Jn.) Case. Sph^ra Civitatis. 4to. Oxon, 1588. Casus (Jn.) In ^conomica AristoteUs. 8vo. Han., 1598. Catalago (Joseph). An English and Arabic Dictionary. In two parts. Arabic and English, and EngUsh and Arabic. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Catalogues. Legal and Miscellaneous. Various. Catalogues of Libraries. Admiralty Court. Catalogue of the Admiralty Court Library. 8vo. London, i86r. Advocates. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. 5 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1863-187 7. America. A Catalogue of Public Libraries in the United States of America, their History, Condition, and Manage- ment. Edited by S. R. Warren, and S. N. Clark. 8vo. Washington, 1876. America. Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima. A Descrip- tion of Books relating to America, published between the years 1492 and 1551. 4to. New York, 1866. America. Catalogue of Books (original and reprints) pub- lished in the United States, from January 1861 to January 1866; with date of publication, size, price, and pubHsher's name. With Supplement and Appendix, by James Kelly. 8vo. New York, 1866. Arundel Manuscripts in the College of Arms. [Not published.] 8vo. 1829. Ashmolean Manuscripts. Catalogued by W. H. Black. 9 v. See also Macray. Athenaeum Club. Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum, London. 8vo. London, 1845. i8i Catalogues of Libraries — continued. Supplement to the Library. 8vo. London, 1851. Second Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum. Containing the Additions, 1851- 1859. 8vo. London, 1859. Additions to the Library, i860- 18 76. 8vo. London, 1860-187 7. Brunet (Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. Contenant, i", Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique ; 2", Une Table en Forme de Catalogue Raisonne Cinquibme Edition originale, entibrement refondive et Augmentde d'un tiers par I'Auteur. 6 tomes. 8vo. Paris, i860- 1865. Burn (Jacob Henry). Catalogue of a Collection of Early Newspapers, and Essayists, formed by the late John Thomas Hope, Esq., and presented to the Bodleian Library by the late Rev. Frederick William Hope, M.A,, D.C.L. 8vo. Oxford, 1865. Catalogi Librorum MSS. Anglae at Hibernise. Folio. Oxon, 1697. Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of Charles Purton Cooper. 8vo. London, 1856. Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts belonging to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. By Alfred J. Horwood. 8vo. London, 1869. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. With an Index of Subjects. Compiled, under the direction of John A. Russell, Esq., Q.C., Master of the Library, by W. Douthwaite, Librarian. 8vo, London, 1872. Supplement, 1872 — March 1878, 8vo. London, 1878. Catalogue of Early Printed Books. By W. R. Collett. 8vo. Cambridge, London, and Oxford, 1850. Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum. 8vo. Oxford, 1836. Catalogue of the College of Advocates' Library in Doctors' Commons. 8vo. London, 1818. 8vo. London, 1848. Catalogue of the Cottonian Manuscripts in the British Museum. By Joseph Planta. Folio. London, 1802. Catalogue of the Hargrave Collection in the British Museum. 4to. London, 181 8. l82 Catalogues of lAhxdines— continued. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. By H. Wanley, D. Casley, and W. Hocker. 2 vols. FoHo. London, 1759. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. With Index of persons, places, and matters. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1 808-1 8 1 2. Catalogue of the Lansdown Collection. Folio. London, 181 2. Catalogue of the Library in Lambeth Palace. Folio. London, 181 2. Catalogue of the Library in Red Cross Street, Cripplegate. Founded pursuant to the Will of the Rev. Daniel Williams, j)D_ 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. An Appendix to the Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1854. Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum, Liverpool. 8vo. Liverpool, 1820. Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1857. Catalogue of the Library of the College of Surgeons. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 831-1840. . Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London (Guildhall). 8vo. London, 1859. Catalogue of the Library of the Great Seal Patent Office. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1858. Catalogue of the Library of the Law Society of the United Kingdom. Incorporated by Charters 2 Will. IV. and 9 Vict. 8vo. London, 1869. Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-1843. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution. By Charles Burney and William Harris. 8vo. London, 1821. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Caius College, Cambridge. By the Rev. J. J. Smith. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. i83 Catalogues of lAhtanes—conftnued. Catalogue of the Mendham Collection. Being a Collection of Books and Pamphlets from the Library of the late Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A., subsequently the property of the late Rev. John Mendham. Compiled by John Nicholson. 8vo. London, 187 1. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to H.M. Signet in Scotland. Part i, A — L. 4to. Edinburgh, 187 1. Catalogue of the Radcliffe Library. By John Kidd. 8vo. Oxford, 1835. Catalogue of the Scientific and Miscellaneous Books in the Library of the Royal Society. 2 vols. Sto. London, 1839-1841. Catalogue of the Works printed under the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1847. Catalogus Bibliothecae Musei Britannici. 7 vols, in 8. 8vo. London, 18 13, &c. Catalogus Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1787. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia quos legavit Matthoeus Parkerus, Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis. Folio. London, 1722. Christ's Hospital. Catalogue of Books in the Library. 8vo. London, 1874. Clockmakers. Catalogue of Books, MSS., Specimens of Clocks, Watches, Prints, &c., in the Library of the Wor- shipful Company of Clockmakers. 8vo. London, 1875. Clockmakers. A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Speci- mens of Clocks, Watches, and Watchwork, Paintings, Prints, &c., in the Library and Museum of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, deposited in the Free Library of the Corporation of the City of London. 8vo. London, 1875. Commons. House of. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the House of Commons. With an Index of Subjects and an Appendix. Folio. London, 1864. Congress. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Index of Subjects. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. Washington, 1869. i84 Catalogues of Libraries — continued. Corporation of London. A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, Topographical Drawings and Prints, Coins, Gems, Auto- graphs, Antiquities, and Works of Art, exhibited at the Opening of the New Library and Museum of the Corpora- tion of London, November 1872. Edited by W, H. Overall, F.S.A., Librarian. With an Historical Account of the Ancient and Modern Library at Guildhall. By William Sedgwick Saunders, M.D., F.S.A., Chairman of the Com- mittee. Large paper 4to. London, 1872. Corporation of London. Catalogue of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, and other Works of Art belonging to the Corpo- ration. Together with Books not included in the Catalogue of the Guildhall Library. Parts i, 2. 8vo. 1867,1868. Corporation of London. Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London. First Supplement. 8vo. i860. Second to Ninth Supplements. 8vo. 1861-1869. Dutch Church. Catalogue of the Library of Books, Manu- scripts, Letters, &c., belonging to the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, London. Deposited in the Library of the Corporation of the City of London. 8vo. London, 1879. Early Newspapers. See Burn. [Catalogues.] English Catalogue of Books, published from January 1835 to January 1863, comprising the Contents of the " London " and the British Catalogues, and the principal Works pub- lished in the United States of America and Continental Europe, with the dates of publication, in addition to the size, price, edition, and pubHsher's name. Compiled by Sampson Low. 8vo. London, 1864. English Catalogues of Books for 1863 to 1874. 8vo. London, 1864- 1874. Foreign Office. Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the Foreign Office, 31 December, 1864. Folio. London, 1864. French Catalogue. Catalogue G^n^ral de la Libraire Frangaise pendant 25 Ans (1840-1865); ou, Dictionnaire Bibliogra- phique de tous les Ouvrages publics en France ou en Langue Fran9aise \ I'etranger depuis 1840 jusqu'au 31 Decembre, 1865. Par Otto Lorenz. Vols, i, 2, 3, 4. [In progress.] Aage-Hyver. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1867, 1868. i85 Catalogues of Libraries — continued. Gresham College. Catalogue of Books, Pictures, Prints, &c., presented by Mrs. Laetitia Hollier to, and also of Books and Music in, the Library of Gresham College. 8vo. London, 1872. Hartwell House. A Catalogue of the LaAv Library at Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire. By William Henry MacAlpine, Esq. Bvo. London, 1865. Inner Temple. Catalogue of the Library of the Inner Temple. 8vo. London, 1806. Inner Temple. Catalogue of the Library of the Inner Temple. 8vo. London, 1833. Inner Temple. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Inner Temple. With an Index to the Law Treatises and Reports. 8vo. London, 1843. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the Library of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. London, 1835. Lincoln's Inn. Supplement to the Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library, April 1859 to April 1862. 8vo. London, 1862. Lincoln's Inn. A Second Supplement to the Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library, May 1862 to May 1867. 8vo. London, 1867. Lincoln's Inn. A Third Supplement to the Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library, May 1867 to May 1872. 8vo. London, 1872. Lincoln's Inn. A Fourth Supplement to the Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library, May 1872 to May 1877. 8vo. London, 1877. London University. Catalogue of the Library of the University of London. Including the Libraries of George Grote and Augustus de Morgan. Printed by order of the Senate. 8vo. London, 1876. Lowndes (William Thomas). The Biographer's Manual of English Literature. Containing an account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing. With Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the prices at which they have been sold. By Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. 1 86 Catalogues of Libraries — continued. Melbourne. Catalogue of Books recently added to the Library of the Supreme Court, Melbourne, Victoria. i2mo. London, 1864. Melbourne. The Catalogue of Melbourne Public Library for 1 86 1. 8vo. Melbourne, 1861. Middle Temple. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse Honorabilis Societatis Medii Templi. 8vo. Londini, 1734. Middle Temple. Catalogue of the Library of the Middle Temple. Part i. Arranged in Classes. Part 2. Arranged alphabetically. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Middle Temple. Catalogue of the printed Books and Manu- scripts in the Library of the Middle Temple, alphabetically arranged. With an Index of Subjects. 8vo. London, 1863. Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of the Middle Temple, 1862-1868. 8vo. London, 1868. Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of the Middle Temple, 1 868-1 87 7. 8vo. London, 1877. Middle Temple. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manu- scripts in the Library of the Middle Temple. Alphabetically arranged. With an Index of Subjects. 8vo. London. New York. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1855. General Library. 8vo. Albany, 1857. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1855. Law Library. 8vo. Albany, 1856. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1856. Maps, Manuscripts, Engravings, Coins, &c. 8vo. Albany, 1857. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1861. General Library. FirstgSupplement. i. Titles. 2. Index of Subjects. 8vo. Albany, 1 861. New York State Library. Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth Report of the Trustees. Svo. Albany, 187 1-1872. Privately Printed Books. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed. Including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Roxburgh Clubs, and of the private presses at Darlington, Auchinloch, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Strawberry Hill. By John Martin, F.L.S. 8vo. London, 1834, i87 Catalogues of Libraries — continiud. South Australia. Alphabetical Catalogue of the -Printed Books, Charts, Drawings, Maps, &c., in the Library of the Legislature, brought down to June 14th, 1868. Edwin Gordon Blackburn, Librarian. 8vo. Adelaide, 1868. First Supplementary Catalogue from 15th, 1868, to March i8th, 1869. Edwin Gordon Blackmore. 8vo. Adelaide, 1869. Specimen of a Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, presented by Ch. Purton Cooper, to Lincoln's Inn. Laws of Spain. 8vo. London, 1847. Catherine, or Catharina (St.) De Perfectione. With Vincentius de Vita. i2rao. Lov., 1554. Catherine (St.) Dialogoi. 2 copies. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1601. Catherine, or Catharina, &c. (St.) Epistole et Orationi. 4to. Ven., 1548. Catherine IL (The Empress). Memoirs. Written by Herself With a Preface by A. Hersen. From the French. 12 mo. 1859. Cathius (Am.) Paraphrosis in Canticum Canticorum. 8vo. Antw., 1625. Catholicorum Laicorum Anglise Declaratio. [Tracts, Vol. 77.] 4to. Ant., 1 63 1. Catholique Priesthood. Application of the Laws of England for. 4to. Cullen., 1623. Catholiques. Epistle of Comfort to the, &c. 8vo. 1605. Catholiques (EngUsh). Admonition to. 4to. 16 10. Catholiques. Sincere and Modest Defence of the English, &c. 8vo. Catholiques (Roman). Letter in Behalf of [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 4to. 1 66 1. Cathcart (E.) The History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages. Translated from the original German of Carl von Savigny. Vol. I. [All published.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Cato (Marcus Portius). Fragmenta. Historia Antiqua. 8vo. 1599. Cato (Marcus Portius). See Rei Rusticse Auctores. Cato (Valerius). See Maittaire. Cato, or Catto. See Auctores. Caton (Fran9oise le). With Bonyvert. 8vo. 16 14. Cattan (Christof: de). Geomance, avec la Roiie de Pythagoras. 4to. Par., 1577. Catullus (Caius Valerius). See Maittaire and Valpy. Cauliaco (Guid. de). Chirurgia. 8vo. Lugd., 1537. Caumont (Aldrick). Institution du Credit sur Marchandises ou le Commerce du Monde. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Caumont (Aldrick). Dictionnaire Universel de Droit Maritime au point de vue commercial, administratif et penal, ou Repertoire M^thodique et Alphabetique de Legislation, Doctrine et Juris- prudence nautiques. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Caundishe (Richard). Image of Nature and Grace. 8vo. Lond. Caurres (Jean des). Vray forme et Manibre de Vivre des Chrestiens. Ensemble la Remonstrance de Jacob k ses Enfans. 8vo. Paris, 1577. Caurres (Jean des). CEuvres Morales, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1584. Causes Cdlbbres et Interessantes. Par Gayot du Pitaval. 20 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1739, &c. Causes Cel^bres et Interessantes. Continuation. Par J. C. de la Ville. 4 vols. i2mo. Par., 1769, &c. Caussin (Nic.) La Cour Sainte. Vol. i. 8vo. Paris, 1629. Caussin (Nic.) Le Triomphe de la Pi^td 8vo. Paris, 1629. Caussin (Nic.) Regnum Dei, &c. Folio. Paris, 1650. Cauvigny (F. de). Refutation de I'Astrologie Judiciaire. 8vo. Par., 16 14. Cavalcanti (M. Bart.) La Rectorica. 4to. Ven., 1585. Cavalcanus (Hort.) De Brachio Regis. 4to. Mant., 1604. Cavalier (True). Examined and found neither Guilty of Schism or Sedition. [Tracts, Vol. 2.] 4to. 1656. CAViCiEO (Jacomo). Libro del Peregrine. 8vo. Med., 15 15. Cavour. II Conte di Cavour in Parlamento discorsi raccolti et pub- blicati per cura di T Artom e A Blanc. Volume unico. i2mo. Firenze, 1868. Cawthorne (James), In British Poets. Cay (Hy. Boult). Abridgment of the Statutes. Being a Supplement to Jn. Cay's Abridgment. FoHo. 1766. Cay (John). Abridgment of the Publick Statutes from Magna Carta to II George IL 2 vols. Folio. 1739. 1 89 Cay (John). General Index to the Statutes. Folio. 1759. Cay (John, of the Scotch Bar). Analysis of the Scottish Reform Act. 8vo. Edin., 183 7- 1840. Cayer, Caiet, ou Cahier (Victor Pierre Palma). Adois sur son Apostasie. With Car Femandus. 8vo. 1596. Cayer, Caiet, ou Cahier (Victor Pierre Palma). Response k I'Adver- tissement aux Fidelles. 8vo. Paris, 1595. Cayer, Caiet, ou Cahier (Victor Pierre Palma). Le Vray Orthodoxe de la Foy Catholique du Sainct Sacrament de I'Autel. 8vo. Paris, 1596. Cayer, Caiet, ou Cahier (Victor Pierre Palma). Responce au Vray Orthodoxe de Cayer. [Tracts, Vol. 130.] 8vo. Paris, n.d. Cebes. Tabula, Latin b. Folio. Asc, 15 14. Cechi (Gio. Mar.) La Dote. With Saganli. 8vo. Vin., 1556. Cecil (Edwd. Lond.) Journal of H. M. Forces on the Coast of Spain. [Tracts, Vol. 115.] 4to. 1626. Cedrenus (Geor.) See Corpus Byzantine Historiae. Celestina. Segunda Comedia de. Svo. Anvers. Cellini (Benvenuto). Vita. 3 vols. Svo. Mil., 1806-1811. Cellius (Erhard). Oratio Funebris de Vita et Morte Heerbrandi. 4to. Tub., 1602. Cellius (Erhard). Eques Auratus Anglo-Wirtembergicus sive Fride- ricus Dux Wirtemb. in Ordinem Equitum Anglian admissus. 4to. Tub., 1605. Celso (Hugo de). Las Leyes de Castilla : Derecho Divino Natural Canonico, y Civil y Leyes de Castilla. Folio. Val., 1538. Celsus (Corn.) De Re Medica, Svo. Lugd., 1587. Celsus (Min.) In Hsereticis Coercendis. Svo. Chris., 1577. Celsus (Min.) De Hsereticis Capitali Supplicio non Afficiendis. Svo. Lugd., 1 5 84. Cenalis (Rob.) De Ver^ Mensurarum Ponderumque Ratione. Svo. Par., 1547. Censorinus. De Die Natali. With Car. Femandus. Folio. Asc, 1 5 14. Censure d'un Livret en Forme de Dialogue soubs les Noms du Manant et du Maheutre. [Tracts, Vol. 161.] Svo. Par, 1594. Censure of a Puritan Pamphlet. [Tracts, Vol. 131.] Svo. 1604. I90 Centellas (Joach.) Les Voiages et Conquestes des Roys de Por- tugal es Indes d'Orient. With Hay : France. 8vo. Par., 1578. Cepari (Virg.) De Viti Al. Gonzagae. 8vo. Mog., 1600, 8vo. Col. Ag., 1608. Cepari (Virg.) De Vita Jo. Berchmanni, k P. Herm. Hugone. [Tracts, Vol. 147.] 8vo. Antw., 1630. Cepola, sive Caepolla (Earth.) Consilia. Folio. 1541. Cepola, sive Caepolla (Earth.) Tractatus Cautelarum ; k Fichardo. 4to. Lausana et Geneva, 1742. Cepparellius (Thom.) Resolutiones Fiscales. Folio. Flor., 1609. Cerboni (Th. Mer.) De Jure et Legum Disciplina. 4 vols. 4to. Kon., 1766. Cerdan de Tallida (Tho.) Veriloquium en Reglas de Estado Segun. 4to. Val., 1604. Ceremonies (The Three). Defence of; viz., Surplice, Cross, and KneeUng. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 4to. 1618. Cermenat (Jo. Pet.), Cermenatus. De 1' Administration des Royaumes, &c. 4to. Lyon, 1561. Certamen Oratorium de Militari Gloria inter Septem Milites Septem Mationum. [Tracts, Vol. 152.] 8vo. Lov., 1622. Certosino (Dionisio). Inflammatorio dell' Amor Divino. i2mo. Ven., 1575. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de). Don Quixote. Second part. 8vo. Erus., 1616. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de). Novelas Exemplares. 8vo. Erus., 1625. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de). Don Quixote. 2 vols, in 5. 8vo. Mad., 1797. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de). Don Quixote. Translated into English by Charles Jarvis. 8vo. London, 1839. Cervino (Marcell.) Vita Eellarmini Adumbrata. i2mo. Ing., 1625. Cespedes (And. de). Instrumentos Nuevos de Geometria. 4to. Mad., 1606. Cevallos (Hier.) De Cognitione per Viam Violentige in Causis Eccle- siasticis, et inter Personas Ecclesiasticas. Folio. Col., 1620. Cevallos (Pet. de). Viage del Mondo. 4to. Mad., 16 14. •'■# 191 Ceylon. A Collection of the Legislative Acts of the Ceylon Govern- ment, from 1796, distinguishing those now in Force. Vol. i containing Proclamations, Regulations, Charters, and Orders in Council, from 1796 to 1833. 4to. Colombo, 1853. Vol. 2 containing Ordinances, Orders in Council, and Letters Patent, from 1833 to 1852. 4to. Colombo, 1854. Ceylon. Laws of Inheritance and Matrimony. See Nell. Ceylon. Ordinances during i868, 1869, 1870-1878. [Imperfect.] Folio. Ceylon. Reports, 1846- 1863. Austin, 1833- 1839. Belling and Vanderstraten, 1 846-1 862. Crowther, 1863. Ceylon. The Legislative Enactments. [By Authority.] 8vo. London, 1874. Ceylon. The Legislative Enactments, 18 76-1 8 7 7. 8vo. Colombo, 1877. Chabanel (Jn.) De I'Antiquitd des Eglises, &c., Parochielles. 8vo. Rou., 1609. Chabanel (Jn.) Le Prosne de la Messe, &c. 8vo. Rou., 1610. Chabodie (Dav.) Le Petit Monde, ou les plus Belles Parties de I'Homme. 8vo. Par., 1604. Chabodie (Dav.) Le Petit Monde, ou les plus Belles Parties de I'Homme. 1607. Chad WICK (Edwin, C.B.) Address on Railway Reform. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1864. Chadwick (J. N.) Index Nominum. Being an Index of Christian and Surnames (with Arms) mentioned in Blouiefield's History of Norfolk. Arranged in alphabetical order. 4to. King's Lynn, 1862. Chaggio (Pao.) Ragionamenti Politici. 8vo. Ven., 155 1. Chalcondyles (Nic. Laonicus). La Decadence de I'Empire Grec, et Etablissement du celuy des Turcs. ParVigenere. 8vo. Paris, 1584. Chalcondyles (Nic. Laonicus). La Decadence de I'Empire Grec, et Etablissement du celuy des Turcs. ParVigenere. FoHo. Paris, 1620. Chalcondyles (Nic. Laonicus). Byzantinae Historige Corpus. Challenor (Rd.) Confession, &c,, at his Execution, 1643. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1643. Chalmers (George). A Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1790. 192 Chalmers (George). Caledonia; or, an Account, Historical and Topographic, of North Britain. 3 vols. 4to. 1807. Chalmers (George). Life of Dan. Defoe. lamo. Oxf., 1841. Chalmers (George). Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence 3 chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce of Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. 1814. Chalmers (M. D., M.A.) A Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Cheques. Svo. London, 1878. Chaloner (James). Treatise of the Isle of Man. With King's Cheshire. Folio. 1656. Chambaud (Louis). Dictionnaire Frartgois-Anglois, et Anglois- Frangois. Par J. Th. H. Carrieres. 2 vols. 4to. 1805. Chamberlain (Richard). Complete Justice. Svo. 1681. Chamberlaine (Joseph). Almanack for 1628. Svo. 1628. Chamberlavne (Edwd.) Anglise Notitia ; or. Present State of England. Svo. 1679. Chambers (Charles Harcourt). On Leases and Terms for Years. Svo. London, 18 19. Chambers (Eph.) Cyclopaedia ; or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 2 vols. Folio. 1 741 and 1743. Chambers (G. F.) The Church and State Handy Book of Arguments, Facts, and Statistics suited to the Times. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. London, 1866. Chambers (George F., F.R.A.S.) A Digest of the Law relating to Public Health and Local Government. Seventh Edition. Svo. London, 1875. Chambers (G. F., F.R.A.S.) The Law relating to Commons, Open Spaces, Public Parks, and Recreation Grounds. Post Svo. London, 1877. Chambers (G. F., F.R.A.S.) The Law relating to Highways and Bridges. Together with the Lighting Act, 1833. Post Svo. London, 1878. Chambers (G. F., F.R.A.S.) The Law relating to Public Libraries and Museums, and Literary and Scientific Institutions. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1879. Chambers (John David). Dictionary of the Law of Elections. Svo. 1837. Chambers (John David). On the Jurisdiction of Chancery over the Persons and Property of Infants. Svo. 1842. 193 Chambers (John David, M.A.) Strictures on the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in the Case of Martin v. Mackonokie. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. London, 1869. Chambers (Montague). Law Journal Digest, 1828-1831. 4to. 1835. Chambers (Robert). Index to Heirs at Law, Next of Kin, &c. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1872. Chambers (Thomas) and Peterson (A. T. T.) On the Law of Railway Companies. With an Abstract of the Statutes and Table of Forms. 8vo. 1848. Chambre (Dav.) Discours de la Succession des Femmes aux Posses- sions de leurs Parens, '&c. 8vo. Par,, 1579. Chambre (Dav.) Histoires Abregees. 8vo. Par., 1579. Chambre (Dav.) Des Singularitez concernant I'Escosse. 8vo. Par., 1579. Chambre (Marin Cureau de la). Pensees sur les causes de la Lumiere, du Disbordement du Nil, et de I'Amour d'lnclination. 4to. Paris, 1634. Chamier (Dan.) Epistolse Jesuiticse. 8vo. Genev., 1599. Chamier (Dan.) De CEcumenico Pontifice. 8vo. Gen., 1601. Chamney (William G.) Report of the Trial of John Warren, for Treason Felony, at the County Dublin Commission, held at the Court House, Green Street, Dublin, commencing the 30th October, 1867. 8vo. Dublin, 1867. Chamney (William G.) "The Fenian Conspiracy." Report of the Trial of Thomas F. Purge, and others, for High Treason, Treason Felony, &c., at the Special Commission, Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1869. Champerius, or Champier (Bened. Curt. Symphorion). Lima, et Annotamenta in Galeni, &c,. Opera. With Florentina Academia. 8vo. Asce., 1536. Champerius, or Champier (Bened. Curt. Symphorion). Periarchon de Principiis Disciplinarum Platonicarum. 4to. Par,, 15 16. Champerius, or Champier (Bened. Curt. Symphorion). Symphonia Platonis cum Aristotele, et Galeni cum Hippocrate. 8vo. Hag., 1532, Champier. See Champerius. Champlain (Sam. de). Voyages de la Nouvelle France. 4to. Paris, 1613. (13) 194 Chance (Henry). On Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. 1831. Supplement. 8vo. London, 1841. Chancellors. Lives of the Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, from William the Conqueror, but more at large of Edward, Earl of Chandos, and Bulstrode, Lord Whitlock. 2 vols. 8vo. 1708. Chancery. Chancery Cases, 12 Charles II. to 9 William III. 3 vols, in 2. Folio. London, 1697-1701. Chancery Cases, temp. Hardwicke. See West (M. J.) Chancery. Choice Cases in. . 12 mo. London, 1672. Chancery Unfolded. 12 mo. London, 1672. History of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1726. Chancery Cases. See Reports. Folio. London, 1736. Chancery Practice. With the Nature of the Office belonging to that Court, and the Reports of many Cases wherein Relief hath been there had, and when denied. Reports on Chancery Practice, 1815, 1826, and 1856. [Par- liamentary Papers, Vols. 59 and 5 9 a.] 3 vols. Folio. London, 1815-1826. Chancery Orders. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, i860. Chandler (Richard). History of the House of Commons. 14 vols. 8vo. 1742. Chandler (William E.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of New Hampshire, January Term 1859 to July 1863. [Vols. 38-44, New Hampshire Reports.] 7 vols. 8vo. Concord, i860- 1864. Chandless (Tho.) Common Law Procedure Act. See Holland. Chantelow (Pere de). Lettre au Card, de Richelieu. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. Chanvel (Claude). Le Chasse-V^role des Petits Enfans. 8vo. Lyon, i6;o. Chapeauville (John). De Casibus Reservatis. 8vo. Leod., 1596. Chapeauville (John). De Ministrando Sacramenta Tempore Pestis. i2mo. Col., 1625. Chapel Royal. Book of Remembrance. See Camden Society, N.S., No. 3. 195 Chapot (Jean), Vie et Miracles du S. Frangois. 8vo. Nancy, 162 1. Chappell (F. p.) and Shoard (John, LL.D.) The Law of Copyright. Comprising Literary, Dramatic, and Musical Copyright, and Copy- right in Engraving, Sculpture, and Works of Art. i2mo. London, 1863. Chappuis, ou Chappuys (Gab.) Dialogues de la Philosophic Phantas- tique des Trois en un Corps, &c. Svo. Par., 1587. Chappuis, ou Chappuys (Gab.) Les Mondes Celestes, Terrestres, et Infemaux. Svo. Lyon, 1583. Chappusius (Nic.) De Mente. 4to. Chappuys (Fra.) Des RemMes contre la Peste. i2mo. Anv., 1556. Chappuys (Fra.) Des Remedes centre la Peste. 8vo. Lie., 1598. Charanton. Conference des Ministres de. [Tracts, Vol. 130.] 8vo. Paris, 161 7. Charanton. Le Moulin de, sans Farine de. See Frizon. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] 8vo. Paris, 16 18. Chardon ( ). Droit d' Alluvion. Svo. Avallon et Paris, 1830. Chardon ( ). Traite du Del. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838. Chariander (Geo.) De Philosophise usu. With Gemistus. 4to. Bas., 1574. Charibee, Leeward Islands, Acts of Assembly. With Jamaica Laws. Folio. 1734. Charities. Report of Commissioners for inquiring concerning Charities in England and Wales. 34 vols. Folio. 18 19, &c. Charities. First Report of the Commissioners on Public Charities, 1854. Folio. 1854. Charity. Mistaken. With the Want whereof Catholicks are unjustly charged. i2mo. Lyon, 1630. Charke (WiUiam). Reply to a Censure. Svo. 1581. Charke (William). Treatise upon the Books of Wm. Charke, &c. Svo. Camb., 1586. Charles L His Royal Legacies to his Persecutors. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. 1649. Charles I. Declaration of the Causes which led him to dissolve Parliament. 4to. 1640. Charles L Questions and Propositions for Accommodation between Charles L and Parliament. 4to. Charles I. Discourse on Questions between Charles L and Parlia- ment. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 196 ' Charles I. His Declaration concerning Scotland, &c. 4to. 1640. Charles I. Manifestation concerning the Palatinate. [Tracts, Vol. 48. J 4to. 1 64 1. Charles I. His various Speeches, 1641-1642. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1641-1642. Charles I. Animadversions upon Notes which the late Observator has published upon the Seven Positions which the King, by way of Recapitulation (he saith), lays open so offensive. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. Charles I. On his Answer to the London Petition. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. Charles I. Answers to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 47.] 4to. York, 1642. Charles I. Proclamations, Resolutions, and Manifestoes, 1 641-1643. [Tracts, Vol. 41.] 4to. Charles I. On Common Prayer. 4to. Oxf., 1645. Charles I. Proclamation concerning Common Prayer, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 23.] 4to. Oxf., 1645. ' Charles I. Letters taken at Naseby. 4to. 1645. Charles I. Letters taken by Rossiter. 4to. 1645. , Charles I. Letters to Ormond. [Tracts, Vol. 28.] 4to. 1646. Charles L No Man of Blood, but a Martyr. [Tracts, Vol. 22.] 4to. 1649. Charles I. The Subject's Sorrow on his Death. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4to. 1649, Charles I. Caroli L Innocentia lUustrata. 4to. Ant., 1649. Charles I. His Negotiations at Rome against the Commonwealth. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1650. Charles I. Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King's Judges. 4to. 1660. Charles L The Martyr. Sermon vindicating. [Tracts, Vol. 171.] 8vo. 1700. Charles L Eikon Basilike. By John Gauden. 8vo. 1648 and 1824. Charles H. Declaration on Ecclesiastical Affairs. With Rehearsal. Folio. 1660. Charles II. His Escape after the Battle of Worcester. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4I0. 1660. Charles VI. (de France). CEuvre Royalle. Svo. 197 Charles V. See Karles. Charles Louis (Comte Palatine du Rhine, &c.) Protestation. 4to. 1637. Charley (W. T., D.C.L., M.P.) The Real Property Acts, 1874. With Explanatory Notes, i2mo, London, 1874. Charley (William Thomas, D.C.L., M.P.) Reports of the Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, illustrative of the New System of Practice and Pleading. i2mo. London, 1876. Charlier (John). See Gerson. Charloo (V, Sadagopah). Mahamadan Civil Law. Third Edition. Madras, 1872, Charlton (Walter). Chorea Gigantium ; or, Stone Heng Restored to the Danes. iS^if Jones. Folio. 1725. Charnock (Rd.) Police Guide. i2mo. 1841. Charondas le Caron (Lud.) Verisimilia. 8vo. Paris, 1554. Charondas le Caron (Lud.) Responses de Droict Frangois, con- firmees par les arrests des Cours Souverains de la France Rap- portees aux Lois Romaines. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1595. Charondas le Caron (Lud.) De Guenois' Conference des Ordon- nances. Charpentier (Pierre). Advertissement touchant le Port des Armes. With Rossellet. 8vo. Par., 1575. Charron (Jacques). Histoire Universelle, et Specialement des Gaulois. Folio, Par., 162 1, Charron (Pierre). Les Trois V^ritez. Contre tous Athees, Idolatres, Juifs, Mahumetans, Heretiques, et Schismatiques. 8vo. Par., 1595. Charron (Pierre). Discours du S. Sacrament, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1604. ' Charron (Pierre). De la Sagesse, 8vo. Lyon, i6o6. Charron (Pierre), De la Sagesse. Translated by Sams. Lennard. Charron (Pierre). Replique \ la Response Faite a sa Troisieme Vdrit^. Chartarius (Flam.) De Executione Sententiae Contumacialis Capto Bennito. 4to. Ven., 1587. Charter. The Great. By Blackstone. Folio. Oxford, 1759. Charter of the Duchy of Lancaster. See Hardy. Chassanion (Jean). Histoires des Grans Jugemens de Dieu. 8vo. 1586. 198 Chassanion (Jean). Histoire des Albigeois. 8vo. 1595. Chassant (L. Alph.) Dictionnaire des Abreviations Latines et Fran- 9aises usitees dans les Inscriptions Lapidaires et Metalliques, les Manuscrits et les Chartes du Moyen Age. Troisieme Edition. i6mo. Paris, 1866. Chassant (Alph). Paldographie des Charles et des Manuscrits du XP- au XVI P- sibcle. Sixibme Edition. 2 vols, in I. i6mo. Paris, 1867. CHASSENiEus (Barth.) Chasseneuve. Commentarii super Consuetu- dines Burgundiae et Galliae. Folio. Lugd., 1552. Chassinus (Godif.) De Natura. 8vo. Lugd., 1619. Chastaigner (Hen. Loyis). Apologie pour Chastaigner, Evesque du Poitiers. 8vo. Antw., 16 15. Chasteau (Fr. Leuys du). La Religion pretendue des Provinces Belgiques, &c. 8vo. Lie., 1619. Chaucer (GeofFry). Works. By John Urry. Folio. 1721. Chaucer (Geoffry). Canterbury Tales. By Thos. Tyrrwhitt. 5 vols. 8vo. 1830. Chaucer. In British Poets. Chauncv (Henry). Antiquities of Hertfordshire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Bishops Stortford. Chauvet (Jac.) La Pratique de Geometric. 4to. Par., 1585. Chavassius (Balth.) De Notis Verae Religionis. 4to. Ing., 1611. Chavassius (Balth). De Perfecta Prudentia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd., 1622. Chaves (Hier. de). Chronographia o Repertorio de los Tiempos. 4to. Sevi., 1548. Chavigny (J. Aymes de). Pleiades. 8vo. Lyon, 1603, Cheast (Tho.) Way to Life. [Tracts, Vol. 89.] Cheeke (Jn.) The True Subject to the Rebel. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4ta 1641. Cheironus (Is.) Ignorantia Jesuitarum, &c. 8vo. Gen., 161 3. Chelidonius (Tigurinus). Histoire sur ITnstitution des Princes Chres- tiens. 8vo. Lyon, 1585. Chemistry. Thealrum Chemicum. 5 vols. 8vo. Argent., 161 3. Chemnitz, or Chemnitius (Mart.) De Duabus Naturis in Christo, &c. 4to. Lips., 1578. '^99 Chemnitz, or Chemnitius (Mart.) Examen Concilii Tridentini. Folio. Genev., 1614. Chesne (And. du). Antiquitez des Rois de France. 8vo. Paris, 1609. Chesne (And. du), Historise Normannorum Scriptores. Folio. Lut. Par., 16 19. Chesne (And. du.) Antiquitez des Villes de France. 8vo. Paris, 1637. Chesne (And. du). Francorum Scriptores. 5 vols. Folio. Paris, 1636-1649. Chesne (Frs. du). Histoire de I'Estat du Pais Bas et de la Religion d'Espagne. 8vo. S. Mar., 1558. Chesne (Jos. du). Quercetanus. Chesne (Sim. du). Quadrature du Cercle. 4to. Delf., 16 14. Chesne (Sim. du). Quadrature du Cercle. [Tracts, Vol. 10 1.] 161 7. Chester Petition concerning Episcopacy, 4to. 1641. Chester Plays. A Collection of Mysteries. By Thomas Wright. (SS.) 2 vols. 8vo. 1843. Chester (Joseph). The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church, or Abbey, of St. Peter, Westminster. [No. 10, Harleian Society's Publications.] 8vo. London, 1876. Chetham Society's Publications. 4to. 1. Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scot- land, and Ireland, 1634-1635. By Sir William Brereton, Bart. Edited by E. Hawkins, F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S. 1844. 2. Tracts relating to Military Proceedings during the Great Civil War. Edited, with Biographical Notices, by George Ormerod, D.C.L. 1844. 3. Chester's Triumph in Honour of Her Princes, as it was performed upon St. George's Day, 1610, in the afore- said Citie. Edited by the Rev. T. Corser, M.A. 1844. 4. Life of Adam Martindale, a Nonconformist Minister, 1633 to 1680. Written by Himself, and now first printed from the original MS. in the British Museum. Edited by the Rev. R. Parkinson, B.D. 1845. 5. Memorials of Lancashire during the Rebellion of 17 15. With Notes. Edited by Samuel Hibbert Ware, M.D., F.R.S.E. 1845. 200 Chetham Society's Publications — continued, 6. Wonderful Discoverie of Witches in the County of Lan- caster. With their Trial. By Thomas Potts, 1613. Edited by James Crossley. 1845. 7. Iter Lancastrense. By the Rev. Richard Jamas. A Poem in English verse, written in 1636. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Corser. 1845. 8. Notitia Cestrensis ; or, Historical Notices of the Diocese of Chester. By Bishop Gastrell. [Now first printed.] Vol. I (Cheshire). Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.R.S. 1845. For the three other Parts, see Nos. 19, 21, and 22. 9. The Norris Papers. Relating to the Foundation of the Port of Liverpool. Edited by Thomas Hey wood, F.S.A. 1846. 10 and II. The Coucher Book; or, Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Edited by W. A. Hulton. 1847. For Vols. 3 and 4, see Nos. 16 and 20. 12. Rental Book of Edward Moore, of More Hall. Edited by Thomas Heywood. Map. 1847. 1 3. Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Vol i. Edited by James Crossley. Vols, i, 2. 1847. For Vol. 2, Part i, see No. 36. 14. Journal of Nicholas Assheton, of Downham Co., Lancaster, for Part of the Years 161 7- 16 18. With Notes by the Rev. F. R. Raines. 1848. 15. Holy Lyfe and History of Saint Werburge, very fruteful for all Christen People to rede. Reprinted from the Edition of 1521. Edited by E. Hawkins. 1848. 16. Coucher Book; or, Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. 3. 1848. 17. Warrington in 1465, as described in a Contemporary Rent Roll of the Legh Family. Edited by W. Beamont. 1849. 18. Diary of the Rev. Henry Newcombe, from Sept. 30, 1661, to Sept. 29, 1663. Edited by Thomas Heywood. 1849. 19. Notitia Cestrensis. Vol. 2, Part i (Lancashire). 1849. 20. Coucher Book ; or, Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. 4. 1849. 20I Chetham Society's Publications — continued. 21 and 22. Notitia Cestrensis. Vol. 2, Parts 2 and 3 (Lanca- shire). 1850. 23. A Goulden Mirrour. Conteininge certaine Pithie and Figurative Visions prognosticating Good Fortune to England, &c. By Richard Robinson, of Alton. 1589. With Introduction and Notes by the Rev. Thomas Corser. 185 1. 24. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. i. Edited by William Langton. Containing Papers on the Affairs with Milton and his Family. By J. F. Marsh. Epistolary Reliques of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquaries, 1653-1673, com- municated by George Ormerod, D.C.L. Heraldic Visitations of the County Palatine of Lancaster. By the same. A Fragment illustrative of Sir William Dugdale's Visitation of Lancaster. By the Rev. F. R. Raines. Autobiographical Tracts of Dr. John Dee. By James Crossley. 185 1. For Vols. 2 and 3, ^^ 214 Christus, Jesus. La Vie de Jdsus Christ. 4to. Poic, 1511. Christus, Jesus. Genealogia Domini Nostri h. Leovalla. [No Title.] Folio. 1594. Christus, Jesus. Vera et Genuina Religio Ejus. i2mo. 161 8. Christus, Jesus. Christ on his Throne. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1640. Christus, Jesus. Christ's Biith not Mis-timed. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1649. Chronicum Paschale. See Byzantinse Historise Corpus. Chrysogonus (Fed.) De Modo Prognosticandi, et Grandi Febres. Folio. Ven., 1528. Chrysogonus (Fed.) De Humana Felicitate. Folio. Ven., 1528. Chrysogonus (Fed.) De Fluxu et Refluxu Maris. Folio. Ven., 1528- Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) Comparatio Regis et Monachi. With Clemens. 4to. Aug. Vind., 1523. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) Tractatus Varii. 4to. Basil, 1523. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) In Matthsei Evangelium Commentarii. 8vo. Antw., 1542. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) De Providentia Dei, a Joh. Checo. [Tracts, Vol. 152.] 8vo. 1542. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) In Librum Job Condones. With Origen, Folio. Paris, 1556. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) In Genesim Ennarationes, Vita, et Homilise. 8vo. Antw., 1 56 1. Chrysostomus, St. (Joh.) Parodoxes Chrestiens. i2mo. 1593. Church. ' Church Government. Attestation of many Divines that it ought to be with the People's consent. 8vo, 1613. Church Government. Dialogue about, between Desiderius and Miles Micklebound. [Tracts, Vol. 126.] [No Title.] 8vo. Church Government. Government Remonstrances to Par- liament about. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1640. Church Government. Treatises concerning. [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1641. Church Government. Model of, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1 646. Church Government. Letter about. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1 66 1. 215 Church — continued. Church of England. Considerations touching the Pacification of the Church of England. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 4to. 1694. Church of England. Detection of a Fraud by a Priest of Rome upon it. [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1641. Church of England. Peace of the Communion of, &c. By John Gordon. [Tracts, Vol. 86.] 4to. Church of England. Proceedings of Divines touching Inno- vation in the Church. 4to. 1641. Church of Scotland. Reasons for refusing the Service Book. [Tracts, Vol. 23.] 4to. 1643. Church of England. Prelatical. Short View of it. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. / Church and Poor. Humble Address for Redress, &c. With I the Form, &c., of the Kirk. 4to. 1641. I Church. Letter of a French Protestant defending the Church '1 of England. 4to. 1640. j Church. Petition to Elizabeth about Dissentions in the Church \ of England. [Tracts, Vol. 72.] 4to. Church. Hierarchy of the. Why it ought to be Renewed. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1640. Policy. See Dyson. Power. Examination of. 8vo. London, 1735. Church Rates. Report from the Select Committee on Church Rates. With Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. 8vo. 185 1. Church. The Perpetual Visibility of the Church. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. 1624. Church. Theses about Reforming the Churches. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1660. Church (John). Divine Warrant for Infant Baptism. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1652. Churchill (Cameron, B.A.) and Bruce (A. Carmichael, B.A.) The Law of the Office and Duties of the Sheriff. 8vo. London, 1879. Churchill (Chs.) In British Poets. Chute (Chaloner William). Equity under the Judicature Act; or, the Relation of Equity to Common Law. With an Appendix. Con- taining the High Court of Judicature Act, 1873, and the Schedule of Rules. 8vo. London, 1874. 2l6 Chwalkowski (Nic. de Chwal.) Poloniae Jus Publicum. 4to. Reg., 1684. Chyrt^eus (David). Chronicon Saxonise et Viciniarum, 1500-1593. Folio. Lips,, 1593 Chyrt^us (David). De Ratione Discendi, &c, 8vo. Witten., 1576 CHYRTiEUS (David). De Statu Ecclesiarum. Svo. Fran., 1580 Chyrt^eus (David). De Statu Ecclesiarum. With Lemnius de Herbis, 8vo. Witti., 1 58 1 Chyrt^us (David). De Tribus Nostrse ^tatis Caesaribus. 8vo. Wit., 1583 Chyrt^eus (David). De Morte et Vita .Sterna. 8vo. Witten., 1583 Chyrt^us (David). Sylva Chronici Saxonige, &c., 15 80-1 591. 8vo. Arg., 1 591 Chyrt^eus (Nathan), Variorum in Europa Itinerum Delicia. 8vo. Herb., 1594 CiACCONius (Pet.) De Triclinio apud Romanes. [Tracts, Vol. 149.' [No Title.] 8va Cibrario (Luigi). Delia Economia Politica del Medio Evo. Libri III che trattano della sua condizione Politica Morale Economica. 8vo. Torino, 1839 CiccARELLi (Ant.) Sopra Tito Livio. 4to. Rome, 1598 Cicero (Marcus TulUus). Topica, cum Scholiis, &c. With Ramus Arithmetica. 4to. Paris, 1549 Cicero (Marcus TuUius). Opera. 4 vols, in 2. Folio. Paris, 1555 Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Morales Definitiones, cum Scholiis Marcelli Squarcialupi. 4to. Clau., 1584, Cicero (Matcus Tullius). Ciceroniana Elogia Romanorum Illustrium k Jo. Brantio. 4to. An tw,, 161 2 Cicero (M, Tullius). De legibus libri Tres. Ed. Johannes Bakins. 8vo. Logduni Bavatorum, 1842 Cicero (M. Tullius). De Republica. Ed. A. Mains. 8vo, Romae, 1846 Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Opera omnia, cum Gruteri Selectis variorum * notia indicibus locuplecissimis. Accurante C. Servelio, 4to. Amstellodami, 1661. Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Opera omnia. See Valpy. Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Poemata. See Maittaire. 217 CiCHOCKUS (Gasp.) Anatomia Consilii de Pace Polonise. 4to. Cra., 1611. CicoGNA (Gio. Mat.) Trattato Militare. 4to. Ven., 1583. CicoGRA (Strozzi). De gli Incanti et delle gran Meraviglie de gli Spirit! ; et di tutta la Natura. 4to. Vie., 1605. CiEGLERUS (Geo.) De conservanda Vera Beatitudine, et Consideranda Rerum Humanarum Incertitudine Discursus, Theologico-Ethico, Politico-Historicus. 8vo. Gies., 1613. CiEZA (Pietro). Historic del Peru. Svo. Ven., 1560. CiLicius (Christian-Cimbrus.) Belli Dithmarisci Historia. With Krantz, Regna, &c. Folio. Franc, 1583. CiNNAMUS (Joh.) See Corpus Byzantinae Historise. CiPPicus (Coriol.) De Bello Asiatico. 8vo. Ven., 1594. Cirencester (Rd. of). Description of Britain. By Giles. With Richard of Devizes. 8vo. 1841. Cirencester (Richard of). Description of Britain. Bohn, with Ethel- wold. CiRENCESTRiA (Ricardus de). Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Anghse. Vol. i, 447-871. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. See Gt. Brit., No. 30. 1863. CiRiNUS (Fran. Mar.) Nexus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Jurisdiction- alium. Folio. Panorm., 1715. CiRNT (Ant. Fr.) Successi del Armita Destinata all' Impresa di Tripoli, &c. 8vo. Fior., 1560. CiTADiNis (Paul de). De Jure Patronatiis. With Lambertinus. City Law. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1647. Civil Codex fiir das Konigreich Polen. 8vo. Bres., 1826. Civil Engineers. Charter, Bye-Laws, and List of Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 8vo. London, 1867. Civil Service Commissioners. First to Twentieth Reports, 1855-1876. 20 vols. 8vo. London, 1858- 18 76. Claius (Jo.) Grammatica Germanicse Linguae. i2mo. Iste., 1604. Clapham (Enoch). Error through Preposterous Zeal. [Tracts, Vol. 126.] 8vo. 1608. Clapmabiul (Am.) De Arcanis Rerum Publicarum. 4to. Franc, i6u. Claramontius (Scrip.), Chiaramonte. De Conjectandis Cujusque Moribus, et Latitantibus Animi Affectibus. 4to. Ven., 1625. 2l8 Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Lord). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, which began 1641. Folio. Oxon., 1704. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Lord). Life. Written by Himself. Folio. Oxf, 1759. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Lord). A Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland. With the Notes of Warburton. Edited by Dr. Bandinel. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1826. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Lord). Life. With the Suppressed Passages, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1827. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Lord), See Singer. Clarendon (Henry, Earl of) and Gale (Sam.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester. 8vo. 1715. Clarendon State Papers, preserved in the Bodleian Library. A Calendar. Edited by the Rev. O. Ogle, M.A., W. H. BUss, B.C.L., and Rev. W. D. Macrae, M.A., under the Direction of the Rev. H. O. Coxe, M.A. 1523-1654, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1869-1872. Clarendon State Papers, preserved in the Bodleian Library. A Calendar. Edited by the Rev. O. Ogle, M.A., and W. H. Bliss, B.C.L., under the Direction of the Rev. H. O. Coxe, M.A. Vol. I. 1 5 23-1 649. 8vo. Oxford, 1872. Vol. 2. From the Death of Charles I., 1649, to the end of the Year 1654. Edited by the Rev. W. Dunn Macray, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1869. Vol. 3. 1655-1657. Edited by the Rev. W. Dunn Macray, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1876. Clark (Charles). John Noakes and Mary Styles, and Essex Glossary. 8vo. 1839. Clark (Charles). A Digested Index to all the Reports in the House of Lords, from the Commencement of the Series in Dow, in 18 14, to the End of the Eleven Volumes of House of Lords Cases. With Reference to more Recent Decisions, 8vo. London, 1868. Clark (Charles). Principles that ought mutually to govern the Conduct of Neutrals and Belligerents. A Paper read before the Juridical Society, ist February, 1864. 8vo, London, 1864. Clark (Charles). The Trent and San Jacinto. Being the Substance of a Paper on this Subject read before the Juridical Society, on the i6th December, 1861. In i vol. 8vo. London, 1862. Clark (Charles, Barrister-at-Law). Summary of Colonial Law. The Practice of the Court of Appeal from the Plantations, and of the Laws and their Administration in all the. Colonies, with Charters of Justice, Orders in Council, &c. 8vo. 1834. zig Clark (Charles) and Finnelly (W.) Reports of Cases in the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, and Claims of Peerage, 1 83 1 -1 846. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 183 5-1 847, Clark (Charles). House of Lords Cases on Appeals and Writs of Error, and Claims of Peerage, 1 847-1 850. By C. Clarke and W. Finnelly. Continued from 1850 to 1857 by C. Clark. Vols. 1-5, and Vol. 6, Parts i, 2. 8vo. London, 1849- 185 7. Clark (Charles). See Dow. Clark (E. C, M.A.) Early Roman Law. The Regal Period. i2mo. London, 1872. Clark (F. W.) On the Law of Partnership and Joint Stock Com- panies, according to the Law of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1866. Clarke (Charles L.) Reports of Chancery Cases decided in the Eighth Circuit of the State of New York, 1839-1841. Vol. i. 8vo. Rochester, 1861. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden). Concordance to Shakspere. 8vo. 1845. Clarke (Edward). On the Law of Extraditions. With the Con- ventions upon the subject existing between England and Foreign . Nations, and the Cases decided thereon. i2mo. London, 1867. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Clarke (Frederick). The Unrepealed Acts of the Lieut. -Governor of Bengal in Council. With Chronological Table, Notes, and Index. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878. Clarke (Hovey K.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, from July 7, 1869, to April 20, 1871. [Vols. 19-22, Michigan Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Detroit, 1870-1872. Clarke (Hyde). Statistics, in Long and Porter's Geography. Clarke (John). Bibliotheca Legum. 12 mo. London, 181 9. Clarke (John). New Law List. By Teesdale Cockell. 20 vols. 8vo. London, 1827 and 1843-1845 XZIlarke (Richard). Regulations and Acts in force in the Madras (Fort St. George) Presidency in 1847. With a Glossary of Indian Terms. 4to. 1848. Clarke (Robert). Sheriff in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. Clarke (S. R.) On Bills, Notes, Cheques, and I O U's. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. Clarke (S«R.) Tlie Criminal Law of Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1872. Clarke (William). Connection of the Roman, Saxon, and English . Coins. 4to. 1767. 220 Clarkius (Geo.) De Idaea Seculi. [Tracts, Vol. 149.] [No Title.] 8vo. Clarus (Julius). Opera Omnia. Folio. Aug. Taur., 1586. Claudianus (Claudius). Opera. i2mo. Lugd., 1606. Claudianus (Claudius). See Maittaire. Claudianus (Claudius). See Valpy. Claudianus (Divus). De Statu Animse. 4to. Bas., 1620. Claudinus (Jul. Caes.) De Crisibus. Bvo. Bas., 1620. Claudinus (Jul. Caes.) [Tracts, Vol. 155.] [No Title.] Bvo. Clave (Est. de). Paradoxes des Pierres et Pierreries. 8vo. Paris, 1635. Clavijo (Gongalez de). Historia de Gran Tamerlan. Folio. Sev., 1582. Clavius (Christoph.) Josephi Scaligeri Elenchus, &c. 8vo. Rom., 1595. Clavius (Christoph.) Computus Ecclesiasticus per Digitorum Articulos Traditus. [Damaged.] 12 mo. Rom., 1597. Clavius (Christoph.) Geometria. 4to. Mog., 1606. Clavius (Christoph.) Epitome arithmeticse. 8vo. Mog., 1609. Clavius (Christoph.) Responsio ad Convicia, et Refutatio Jos. Scaligeri. 4to. Mog., 1609. Clayton (Jn.) Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York. 12 mo. 1651. Clayton (William Clayton). The Elements of Conveyancing. With Practical Illustrations and Select Forms. Bvo. London, 1B55. Clayton (William Clayton). Kernel v. Shell. Concerning Covers of Minerals. Bvo. i860. Cleand (Jos.) Jacob's Well, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 89.] 4to. 1626. Cleasby (Richard). An Icelandic-English Dictionary. Enlarged and completed by Gudlerand Vigfusson. Part i. A — H. 4to. Oxford, 1869. Clemangis (Nic. de). Speculum Ecclesise Pontificiae, &c. Bvo. 1606. Clemangis (Nic. de). Opera Omnia. 4to. Lug. Bat., 16 13. Clemens Alexandrinus (Titus Flav.) Epistolae. Folio. Paris, 1504. Clemens Alexandrinus (Titus Flav.) Epistolse. 4to. Cologne, 1826. Clemens Alexandrinus (Titus Flav.) Opera Omnia Latine. Folio. Bas., 1566. 221 Clemens Alexandrinus (Titus Flav.) Opera. Rufino Torano Inter- pretej Canones Apostolorum, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1568. Clemens (Claud.) Musei, sive Bibliothecse, Extractio, &c. 4to. Lugd., 1635. Clemens (Romanus). Recognitions h, St. Jacques. Svo. Paris, 1574. Clemens (Romanus). Ad Corinthios Epistola. 4to. Oxon., 1633. Clemens (Romanus). Epistle to the Corinthians. Annotations on. 4to. 1647. Clement V. (Bert, de Gorith). Clementinae. With Bonifacius. Liber Sextus. Folio. Clement VII. Ad Carolum V. Epistola, Vaticinium, &c. 4to. Rom., 1526. Clement (Gab.) Le Trespas de Paste. Svo, Paris, 1626. Clenard (Nic.) Institutiones Linguae Grgecae, cum Scholiis Antesi- gnani. Svo. Colon., 157 1. Clergy. Convocation of. Articles agreed on by the Clergy. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to, London, 1633. Clergy. Letter concerning Slanders against the Clergy. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1 641. Clergy List, 1847. Clergy. Neither Temporalities nor Tithes due to the Clergy. [Tracts, Vol. 31.] 4to. Clerk (John). Law of Election Committees. Svo. 1S53. Clerk (John). Law of Election of the United Kingdom, and the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1854. With Statutes. i2mo. 1855. Clerke (Frs.) Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Angliae. i2mo. 1829. Clerke (W. Penn). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, 1855-1859. [Vols, 1-8, Iowa Reports,] 8 vols, 8vo. New York and Davenport, 185 6- 1860. Clermont, Defenses de ceux du CoUbge de Clermont, [Tracts, Vol, 167,] Svo. 1594. Clermont (Thomas Fortescue, Lord). Sir John Fortescue, Knight, his Life, Works, and Family History. [Privately printed.] 2 vols. Imp. 4to. London, 1869. Clichthoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De Doctrina Moriendi. 4to. Paris, 1520. 222"^ Clichtitoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De laude Monasticse Religionis. With Greg. Nyssen : Mystica. 4to. Bas., 152 1. Clichthoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De Puritate Marige Virginis, de Dolore Filii sui, &c. 4to. Paris, 15 17. Clichthoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De laude Monasticse Religionis. 4to. Paris J 1513- Clichthoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De Vera Nobilitate. 4to, Paris, 151 2. Clichthoveus, or Clichtoveus (Jud.) De Vita Sacerdotum, i2mo. Paris, 1563. Clifford (Frederick). The Steamboat Powers of Railway Companies. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1865. Clifford (Frederick) and Stephens (Pembroke S.) Practice of the Court of Referees on Private Bills in Parliament. With Reports of Cases as to the Locus Standi of Petitioners during the Sessions, 1867-1872. 2 vols in I. 8vo. London, 1870-1873. Clifford (Frederick) and Rickards (A. G.) Locus Standi Reports, Cases decided during the Sessions, 1873, 1874, 1875, by the Court of Referees on Private Bills in Parliament. 8vo. London, 1876. Clifford (Henry). Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections of the Borough of Southwark in 1796, determined by Select Committees of the House of Commons. With Two Subsequent Cases of the City of Canterbury. 8vo. 1797. Clifford (Hon. Nathan., LL.D.) Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit from April Term 1858 to June Term 1873. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1 869-1 878. Clift (Henry). New Book of Entries. By Sir Chs. Ingleby. Folio. London, 1703. Clitherow (James). Life of Blackstone. See Blackstone. Clive (Hon. Rt. Hy.) History of Ludlow and the Documents con- nected with the Lords Marches. 8vo. 1841. Clode (Charles M.) The Military Forces of the Crown. Their Ad- ministration and Government. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Clode (C. M.) Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London, and of its Associated Charities and Institutions. Compiled and Selected by the Master of the Company for the year 18 73-1 8 7 4. 8vo. London,5'i875. 223 Clode (Charles M.) The Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law. 8vo. London. Cloppenburgius (Joh.) Sacrificiorum Patriarchialium Schola. With Grotius : de Studiis. i2mo. Lug. Bat, 1637. Clovet (F.) Le Menteur Confondu. 8vo. Sedan, 1639. Clovet (F.) Raisons de se Separer de I'Eglise Romaine. [Tracts, Vol. 129.] 8vo. Sed., 1639. . Clunet (M. Edouard). Journal du Droit International Privd et de la Jurisprudence comparce. [In progress.] Bvo. Paris, 1874-1877. Clusius (Car). Notae in Garciae Aromatum Historiam. 8vo. Anv., 1582. Clutterbuck (Robert). History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1815-1827. Cluverius (Phil.) Italia Antiqua. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd. Bat., 1624. Cluverius (Phil.) Germanio, Vindelicia, et Noricum. Folio. Lugd. Bat., 1631. Cobb (Thos. R. R.) Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery in the United States. With an Historical Sketch. Vol. i. 8vo. Phil, and Savannah, 1858. Cobbett (John Paul). Law of Pawns, Pledges, and Pawnbrokers. i2mo. 1849. Cobbett (William). See Hansard. Cobden (Richard). The Political Writings of Richard Cobden. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. CoBERUS (Tob.) Observationes Castrenses et Ungaric^. 8vo. Fran., 1606. CoccEius, or Coch. Duo Tituli Thalmudici, Sanhedrim et Maccoth. 4to. Amst., 1629. CoccEjus (Henr.) Autonomia Juris Gentium. i2mo. Franc, ad Vind., 1720. CoccEjus (Henr.) Juris Publici Prudentia. 8vo. Franc, ad Vind. CoccEjus (Sam.) Juris Civilis Controversise. 2 vols. 4to. Franc, ad Vind., 17 18. CocciNUS (Jo. Bapt.) Decisiones Rotae Romanse, &c. 5 vols. Folio. Rom., 1672. Coccio (Franc. Ang.) Amorosi Auvenimenti. 8vo. Privigi., 1600. Coccius (Jodoc.) Thesaurus Catholicus, in quo Controversise Fidei Explicantur. 2 vols. Folio. Col., 1619. 224 CocHELET (Anast.) Pro Justo Lipsio, &c. Palsestriti Honoris D. Hallensis. 4to. Antw., 1607. Cochin (Henr.) CEuvres. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 177 1. Cochin (Henr.) CEuvres Completes. 8 vols. 8vo. Par., 182 1. CocHL^us (Jo.) De Actis et Scriptis Lutheri. 8vo. Paris, 1565. CocHLiEus (Jo.) De Authoritate Ecclesise et Scripturge Adversus Lutheranos. ■ 4to. Col., 1525. CocHLiEUS (Jo.) Exhortatio Romae ad Germaniam. With Haymo. 8vo. Tub., 1525. CocHLiEUS (Jo.) Septiceps Lutherus, sibi Contrarius, &c. 4to. Lips., 1529. CocHLiEUS (Jo.) Excusationum Lutheranorum Confutatio. 8vo. Lips., 1537. Cochran (Fitzgerald). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Trinity and Michaelmas Terms 1859. 8vo. Halifax, i860. Cochrane (John). Hindu Law. Defence of the Dhaya Bhaga. Notice of the Case on Prosoono Coomar Tagore's Will. Judg- ment of the Privy Council. Examination of such Judgment. 8vo. London, 1872. Cochrane (Lord). See Dundonald. Coci (Rob.) Censura Quorundam Scriptorum quae sub Nominibus Sanctorum Citari Solent. 4to. 1623. Cock (Chs. Geo.) English Law ; or, Survey of the Household of God on Earth Folio. 165 1. Cockayne (Rev. T. Oswald, M.A.) Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England. See Gt. Brit, No. 35. London, 1864, 1865. Cockburn (Sir Alexander, of Langtoun). Claim to the Office of Prin- cipal Usher to the King, 12th November, 1743; ist June, 1744; 3rd January, 1745 ; 12th February, 1745. S. 1. et a. 4to. 1 71 3-1 745. Cockburn (Sir Alex. Edm. Jas.) and Rowe (Sir W. Carpenter). Cases. Controverted Elections. 8vo. 1833. Cockburn (Lord Chief Justice). Charge to the Grand Jury at the Central Criminal Court in the Case of the Queen against Nelson and Brand. Edited by Francis Cockburn, Esq. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. 225 CocKBURN (Right Hon. Sir John Alexander). Nationality ; or, the Law relating to Subjects and Aliens, considered with a View to Future Legislation. 8vo. London, 1869. CocKBURN (Right Hon. Sir Alexander). Our Judicial System. A Letter to the Lord High Chancellor on the Proposed Changes in the Judicature of the Country. [Pamphlet, 62 pages.] i2mo. London, 1870. CocKBURN (Right Hon. Sir Alexander). The Tichborne Trial. The Summing up. 8vo. London, 1874. CocLES (Earth. ) See Achilini Secreta. CocQU.(EUS, or Coquseus (Leon.) Anti-Mornseus. 4to. Paris, 1613. Code Civil Italien. See Hue. Code Reporter (The). 4 numbers. 8vo. New York, 1848. Codex Diplomaticus. See Kemble. Codex Theodosianus, cum Commentariis Jac. Gothofredi. 6 in 3 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1665. CoDOGNO (Ottav.) Itinerario delle Poste per Tutto il Mondo. 24mo. Ven., 161 1. Codrington (Sir Edward). Memoir of the Life of With Selections from his Public and Private Correspondence. Edited by his Daughter, Lady Bourchier. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. CoDRONCHUs, or Codronchius (Bapt.) De Christiana ac tuta Medendi Ratione. 4to. Fior., 1591. CoDRONCHUS, or Codronchius (Bapt.) De Morbis Veneficiis, &c. 8vo. Ven., 1595. CoDRONCHUS, or Codronchius (Bapt.) De Vitiis Vocis. 8vo. Fran., 1597. Coe (William E.) The Practice at the Judges' Chambers, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Divisions, and in the District Registries, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts of 1873, 1875. With an Appendix and Rules, &c., to June 1876. 1 2 mo. London, 1876. Coeffeteau (Nic.) L'Hydre Defaicte per I'Hercule Chrestien. 8vo. Par., 1606. Coeffeteau (Nic.) Response k I'Advertissement de Jacques I. 8vo. Paris, 16 10. Coeffeteau (Nic.) RepHque sur le Responce, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 154.] 8vo. 16 10. Coeffeteau (Nic.) Tableau des Affections Humaines. 8vo. Paris, 1627. 05) 226 CoENALis (Rob.) Pro Tuendo Sacro Ccelibatu. 8vo. Par., 1545. CoFFiNiERES (M. A.) Analyse des Novelles des Justinien. 8vo. Paris, 1805. CoGGESHAL (Radulph de). Opera. 4to. Noviod., 1852. CoGHLAN (William Mant.) Hindu Law Cases. With Notes and Intro- ductory Chapters. 8vo. London, 1876. CoHELLius (Jac.) De Bono Regimine Rerum ad Universitates Spectantium. Folio. Rom., 1656. Coke (Sir Edward). Book of Entries. Containing perfect and ap- proved Presidents of Counts, Declarations, &c. Folio. London, 16 14. Coke (Sir Edward). Institutes of the Laws of England. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1633- 1644. Coke (Sir Edward). Compleat Copyholder. 4to. London, 1650. Coke (Sir Edward). Commentary upon Littleton. Abridged by Davenport. 8vo. London, 1652. Coke (Sir Edward). Declarations and Pleadings in Coke's Reports. By W. Hughes. Folio. London, 1659. Coke (Sir Edward). Table General to his Reports. [Defective.] [No Title-page.] Folio. 1672. Coke (Sir Edward). Law Tracts. By William Hawkins. 8vo. London, 1764. Coke (Sir Edward). First Institute. Abridged. 8vo. London, 17 14. Coke (Edward). The Second, Third, and Fourth Part of Institutes of the Laws of England. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 18 17. Coke (Sir Edward). Law Tracts. By William Hawkins. 8vo. London, 1764. Coke (Sir Edward). Reports. 4 vols. Folio. London. Coke (Sir Edward). Reports. With Index. By Thomas and Eraser. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Coke (Sir Edward). Declarations and Pleadings. By W. Coke (Sir Edward). Commentary upon Littleton. By Hargrave and Butler. Including the Notes of Chief Justice Hales and Lord Chancellor Nottingham, &c. Fifteenth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. Nineteenth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. Coke (Sir Edward). See Trotman. \ 227 Coke (Roger). Danger of the Church and State of England. 4to. 167 1. COLAZON (Le Sieur), Notes sur I'Ambassadeur, Par Hotman. 8vo. Par., 1604. Cole (Henry). Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th Centuries. 8vo. 1844. Cole (Henry Thomas). Bail Court Reports. See Saunders. Cole (Henry Thomas). New Sessions Cases. See Prideaux. Cole (Henry Warwick), On the Domicil of Englishmen in France. 8vo. London, 1857. Cole (Henry Warwick). The Middle Classes and the Borough Fran- chise. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. London, 1866. Cole (James Edwin). The Genealogy of the Family of Cole, in the County of Devon, and of those of its Branches which have settled in Suffolk, Hampshire, Surrey, Lincolnshire, and Ireland. [Printed for Private Circulation.] 8vo. London, 1867. Cole (Robt.) Oaths in Common Law. i2mo. London, 1859. Cole (W, R.) On Criminal Informations, and Quo Warranto, &c. With Forms of Pleadings and Proceedings. 8vo. London, 1843. Cole (W. R.) Law and Practice of Ejectment under the Common Law Procedure Acts of 1852 and 1854. Also in Actions for Mesne Profits, &c. With Forms. i2mo. London, 1857. Cole (W. R.) See Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. Tenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) Digest of Hindu Law on Contracts and Suc- cessions. With a Commentary. Translated from the Sanscrit. 3 vols. 8vo. 1 80 1. CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance. 4to. Calcutta, 18 10. COLEBROOKE (H. T.) Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance. Ddya Bhd.ga and Mitd.kshara. Third Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1867. CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) The Law of Inheritance. From the Mitdkshar^. With an Appendix and Index. By a Pleader of the High Court. 8vo. Calcutta, 1869. CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) A Digest of Hindu Law on Contrasts and Suc- cessions. With a Commentary by Jagannatha Tercapanchanana. Translated from the original Sanscrit. Third Edition. London, 1801; Madras, 1864. Fourth Edition. Carefully Revised. With Memoir. Madras, 1874. 228 Coleman (James). A Catalogue of Pedigrees, hitherto unindexed. By G. W. M. i2mo. London, 1867. Coleman (Thos.) Fast Sermon, &c. 4to. 1643. Coleman (Thomas). Hopes Deferred, &c. With Marshall : Panegyrick. 4to. 1645. Coleman and Caines. Reports of Cases of Practice determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York, from April Term 1794 to November Term 1805, both inclusive. To which are prefixed all the Rules and Orders of the Court, to the Present Time. 8vo. New York, 1808. Coleridge (Bernard). Judgment of the Court of Appeal in the Case of the Queen v. Hertford College. [Pamphlet, 30 pp.] 8vo. London, 1878. Coleridge (Henry Nelson). Specimens of the Table Talk of Sam. Taylor Coleridge. 12 mo. 1852. Coleridge (Herbert). A Glossarial Index to the Printed English Literature of the Thirteenth Century. 8vo. London, 1859. Coleridge (Sir J. D., M.P.) Speeches in the Case of Saurin v. Starr, et al. i2mo. London, 1869. Coleridge (Sir John Taylor). See Blackstone. Coleridge (Sam. Taylor). Poetical Works. 3 vols. i2mo. 1844. Colfavru (J. C.) Le Droit Commercial, compare de la France, et de I'Angleterre, suivant I'Ordre du Code du Commerce Frangais. 8vo. Paris et Londres, 1861. Colin (Barthelemy Hardy). On Intestate Successions according to the French Code. 12 mo. London, 1876. Colin (Seb.) L'Ordre en la Cure des Fievres, &c. 8vo. Poi., 1558. Collado (N. Biturix). Methodus Explicandi Apocalypsin, 8vo. Mor., 1581. CoLLE (Jo. de). De cognitu Difficilibus in Praxi ex Hippocrate et Avenzoari. 4to. Ven., 1628. CoLLE (Jo. de). Methodus Parandi Medicamenta. 4to. Ven., 1628. CoLLE (Jo. de). De Morbo Gallico. 4to. Ven., 1628. Collectanea Juridica. Tracts relative to the Law and Constitution of England. Collected by Frs. Hargrave. 2 vols. 8vo. 1791. Collenutius (Pand.) Historia Neapolitana. 4to. Basil, 1572. CoLLES (Richard). Reports of Cases in Parliament upon Appeal and Writs of Error from 1697 to 1709. Being supplementary to Brown's Cases in Parliament. Svo. Dub., 1789. 229 CoLLETT (Charles). On the Law of Injunctions and the Appointment of Receivers, under the Code of Civil Procedure, Act VIII, of 1859. Second Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1869. CoLLETT (Charles). The Law of Torts, and of the Measure of Damages. Second Edition. i2mo. Madras, 1866. Third Edition. 12 mo. Madras, 1872. CoLLETT (Charles). The Law of Torts. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1877. CoLLETT (W. R.) List of Early Printed Books in Caius College, Cambridge. 8vo. 1850. CoLLiBUS (Hyp. k). Incrementa Urbium. 8vo. Hanov., 1600. CoLLiBus (Hyp. h). Oratio. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 8vo. Col, 161 2. Collier (Jeremy). Historical, &c., Dictionary. 2 vols. Folio, 170 1. Collier (Jeremy). Ecclesiastical History of Britain. 9 vols. 8vo. 1845. Collier (John). Lancashire Dialect (Tim Bobbin), &c. With Jennings. i2mo. 18 18. Collier (John Payne). Memoirs of Edward AUeyn, S.S. 8vo. London, 1841. Collier (John Payne). Alle)ni's Papers, S.S. 8vo. London, 1843. Collier (John Payne). Actors in Shakspear's Plays, S.S. 8vo. London, 1846. Collier (John Payne). Stationers' Company Registers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Collier (J. R.) Bills of Sale. 6"^^ Millar. Collier (Robert). On the Law of Contributories in the Winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. London, 1875. Collier (R. P.) On the Law relating to Mines. i2mo. London, 1855. Collier (Tho.) The Collier in his Colours ; or, False Tenets of one Collier. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1652. Colline (Arthur). Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments on Claims and Controversies concerning Baronies by Writ, &c. Folio, 1734. Collinne (Wm.) Spirit of the Phanaticks Dissected. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1660. 230 Collins (Arthur). The Peerage of England ; or, an Historical and Genealogical Account of the present Nobility. Second Edition. Vols. I and 2 [in two parts]. With Supplement. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1 7 1 o- 1 7 1 6. Collins (Arthur). The Baronettage of England. Being an Historical and Genealogical Account of Baronets, from their first Institution in the Reign of King James I. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1720. Collins (Arthur). The Peerage of England. Second Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1741. Collins (Arthur). The Peerage of England. Third Edition. Vol. i [in two parts]. 5 vols, in 6. Svo. London, 1756. Collins (Arthur). Peerage of England. Fifth Edition. With a Supplemental Volume. By Barak Longmate. 9 vols. Svo. London, 17 79-1 784. Collins (Arthur). Peerage of England. Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical. Greatly augmented and continued to the present time. By Sir Egerton Brydges, K.J. Sixth Edition. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 181 2. Collins (John). Introduction to Merchants' Accounts. With Malyne's Lex, &c. FoUo. 1675. Collins (Samuel). Increpatio Eudgemon-Joannis, &c. 4to. Cantab., 161 2. Collins (William). In British Poets. Collinson (George Dale). On the Law concerning Idiots, Lunatics, and other Persons non Compotes Mentis. 2 vols. Svo. 18 12. Collinson (John). History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset. 3 vols. 4to. Bath, 1791. Collinus (Gasp.) De Thermis et Fontibus Medicatis Vallesianorum. WithSimler: Vallesia. 8vo. Tig., 1574. CoLLO (Jo. de). Selectse Sententise. 8vo. Ven., 16 14. Collyer (John). On the Law of Partnership. With Forms. 8vo. 1840. CoLLVER (John). Reports of Cases in Chancery decided by Sir J. L. Knight Bruce. Svo. 1844. Collyer (Jn.) 6^^Younge. CoLOMBiNi (Gio.) Vita. 4to. Rome, 1558. Colombo (Fern.) Historia, Colla Vita e Fatti di Crist. Colombo, da Ulloa. Svo. Ven., 157 1. 231 Colonial Questions. Discussions on. lamo. London, 1872. CoLONiENSis Ecclesise Dominorum Canonicorum Antididagma. 8vo. Paris, 1549. CoLORNUs (Ab.) Scotographia. 4to. Prag., 1593. CoLQUHOUN (Sir Patrick, LL.D.) Dismissal of the Ionian Judges. A Letter to Major-General Sir H. Knight Storks. [Vol. 14, ' Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1864. CoLQUHOUN (Pat.) Summary of the Roman Civil Law. Illustrated by Commentaries on and Parallels from the Mosaic, Canon, Moham- medan, English, and Foreign Law. 4 vols. 8vo. 1849-1854. CoLQUHOUN (Sir Patrick, M.A., LL.D., Q.C.) The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 (36 & 37 Vict., c. 66, and 38 & 39 Vict, c. 77). Being a Consolidation of both Acts, together with the Orders and Rules of Court and Forms. To which are added an Introduction, with Indices, References, Annotations, and Appendices. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Columbia. See British Columbia. Columbia. The Revised Code of the District of Columbia. Pre- pared under the Authority of the Act of Congress, entitled, " An Act to improve the Laws of the District of Columbia, and to codify the same." Approved March 3, 1855. 8vo. Washington, 1857. Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). See Maittaire. Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). See Rusticae Rei Auctores. Columna (Ascanius, Cardinalis). See Baronius de Sicilia. Column A (Franc.) Discours du Songe de PoHphile. Folio. Paris, 1561. Coluthus's Rape of Helen. Translated by Meen. In British Poets. CoLviLLE (Rev. Frederick Leigh, M.A.) The Worthies of Warwick- shire, who lived between 1500 and 1800. 4to. Warwick and London, 1869. CoMBACHius (Jo. Wet.) De Homine. 8vo. Mar., 1620. CoMBACHius (Jo. Wet.) Physica. 8vo. Franc, 1629. CoMBERBACH (Rogcr). Rcports of several Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from i James II. to William III. 4to. London, 1724. CoMBESius (Jo.) Enchiridion Apophthegmatum Philosophorum, &c. 8vo. Gen., 1587. 232 CoMBis (Fran. Jn. de). Compendium Theologicse Veritatis. i2mo. Lugd., 1602. CoMELATi (Guglielmo). See Davenport. CoMiNES (Phil. de). M^^moires par Den. Godefroy. 4 vols. 8vo. Bruss., 17 14. Commerce. Journal of Commerce, Nos. 53 to 56, and No. 58. Folio. 1845. Common Bench Reports. See Manning, &c. Common Bench Reports, New Series. See Scott. Common Law. First to Fifth Report on, 1829, 1831-1833. With Appen- dices. [Parliamentary Papers, Vol. 59, B, F, G, H, K, L, M, N.] 4 vols. Folio. 1829-1833. Common Law Commission. First and Second Reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners in Pleading in the Superior Courts of Common Law, &c. With Appendix. [Parliamentary Papers.] 2 vols. FoHo. 1 851-1853, Common Law Commission. The First Report. Common Law Reports. Cases in all the Superior Courts of Com- mon Law. Together with Cases carried from those Courts to the Exchequer Chamber or the House of Lords. Also Cases carried from the Colonial Common Law Courts to the Privy Council. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., Edin., and Dub., 1854-185 5. Common Law. The Touchstone of Precedents relating *to Judicial Proceedings at Common Law. 8vo. London, 1682. Common Prayer. The first book of Common Prayer of Edward VL, and the Ordinal of 1549. Together with the Order of Communion, 1548. Reprinted entire, and edited by the Rev, Henry Baskerville Walton, M,A. With an Introduction by the Rev. Peter Medd. Small 8vo. London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 1870. Common Prayer Book. Defence of the Ministers' Refusal to Subscribe to it. [Tracts, Vol. 75.] 4to. 1607. Common Prayer Book. Remonstrance in behalf of [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1 640. Common Prayer Book and Bible. Episcopal Government. Directions to Parliament concerning. 4to. 1641. ' Common Prayer Book. Motions concerning. [Tracts, Vol. 23.] 4to. 1 64 1. Common Prayer Book. Reasons for Continuing, [Tracts, Vol, 7,] V 4to. 1 641. 233 Common Prayer Book. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] Common Prayer Book. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] Common Prayer Book. Common Prayer Book. Subjects' Resolution to maintain it Biblical. 4to. London, 1642. Brief Narrative of the Common Prayer Book. 4to. 1660. 8vo. Oxf., 1820. 1828. CoMMONEFACTio in Dissidiis Dogmatum Ecclesise Officio. With Stephanus Pontes. 8vo. Neo., 1590. Commons. House of. Considerations for, in this Age of Distraction, [Tracts, Vol. 400.] 4to. Commons. House of. Reasons for not Addressing the King and his Council, Answered. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. 1648. Commons. House of. Vindication of the Rights of the Commons. Folio. 1 70 1. Commons. House of. Votes and Proceedings, 186 1. [Continued.] Folio. 1 86 1. Commons. House of. Sessional Papers of the House of Commons. Folio. 1862-1872. Commons, House of. Various Declarations, Orders, Addresses, &c. [Tracts, Vols, i, 14, 23, 34, and 41, &c.] 4to. and Folio. Commons' Preservation. Six Essays. Written in Competition for Prizes offered by Henry W. Peck, Esq., of Wimbledon House. 8vo. London, 1867. Comparatis Comparandis. [Tracts, Vol. 73.] Part 2. 4to. 1647. CoMPLUTENsis Collcgii Disputatioues in Libros Aristotelis de Genera- tione, &c. 4to. Lyon, 1630. CoMSTOCK (George F.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals in the State of New York, 1 847-1 851. [Vols. 1-4, New York Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1859-1863. CoMSTOCK (George F.) See Kent's Commentaries on American Law. Eleventh Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1866. CoMYN (Lord Chief Baron). Reports in King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer. Some Special Cases in Chancery, and before the Delegates, in the Reigns of William, Anne, George I. and H. With Notes and References. By Samuel Rose. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. London, 1792. CoMYN (Sir Robert Buckley). Treatise on the Law of Usury. 8vo. 1 8 1 7. CoMYN (Sir Robert Buckley). The Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. 182 1. 234 CoMYN (Sir Robert Buckley). History of the Western Empire, from Charlemagne to Charles V. 2 vols. 8vo. 1841. CoMYN (Sir Robert Buckley). History of the Western Empire, from Charlemagne to Charles V. Large paper. CoMYNS (Sir John). Reports of Cases. William IH. to George H. Folio. London, 1744. CoMYNS (Sir John). Digest of the Laws of England. 6 vols. Folio. London, 1 762-1 776. CoMYNS (Sir John). Digest of the Laws of England. Fifth Edition. With a Digest of the Cases at Nisi Prius. By Anthony Hammond. 8 vols. 8vo. London and York, 1822. CoNiEUS (Geo.) De Duplici Statu Religionis apud Scotos. 4to. Rom., 1628. CoNCANEN (George). A Report of the Trial at Bar, Rowe v. Brenton, tried in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, Michaelmas Term, 9 Geo. IV., as to the right to Minerals in the Assessional Lands of the Duchy of Cornwall. With Explanatory Notes and Appendix, containing the Records and Documents given in Evidence. 8vo. T^ondon, 1830. Concentration of the Courts and Offices of Law in London. Statement issued by Order of the Council of the Association for the Promotion of Social Science. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1864. CoNCEYTES. Recule of Pretty Conceytes. With Bastiment. i2mo. Concilia Octo Generalia. 2 vols in i. 8vo. Paris, 1525, Concilia Octo Generalia. See Sacrosancta. (Labbe.) CoNciLii Generalis Convocandi super Causis Supplicatio v. Becan. [Tracts, Vol. 53.] 4to. 161 3. CoNDE. Apologie pour le Prince de Conde, sur son Depart. [Tracts, Vol. 119.] 4to. Par., 1614. Conestaggius (Hier.) De Portugalliae Conjunctione cum Castella. 8vo. Era., 1602. Conestaggius (Hier.) De Portugalliae Conjunctione cum CasteM {Italian). 8vo. Ven., 1592. Conference k Fontainebleau entre de Plessis et d'Eureux. 8vo. 1 600. Conference a Fontainebleau. Discours sur. 8vo. Antw., 1600. Conference entre les Sieurs Duchat et Veron. [Tracts, Vol. 130.] 8vo. Charan., 161 9. 235 Conference of Librarians. See Librarians. Conference. Tenue h. Annonay, Decembre, &c., 1624. 8vo. Gen., 1626. Conference. Tenue h. Chasteleraud, Juillet, &c., 1618. 8vo. Sau., 16 18. Confessions di Fede Cattolica et Apostolica. [Tracts, Vol. 130.] 8vo. Villa Fra., 1613. Confettio (Jo. Bapt.) Privilegia Fratrum Mendecantium, et non Mendicantium. 4to. Co. Ag., 1619. Confirmation. Its Ancient Ecclesiastical Practice. [Tracts, Vol. 88.] [No Title.] 4to. Congreve (William). Hymn to Harmony on St. Cecilia's Day. With Filesac. Folio. 1703. Congreve (William). Translation of Juvenal. In British Poets. CoNKLiNG (Alfred). The Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law, and Practice of the Courts of the United States. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1857, Conn ANUS (Franc.) Commentaria Juris Civilis. Folio. Lutet., 1553. Connecticut. Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1636-17 50. By J. Hammond Trurabrill and Charles J. Hoadley. [In progress.] 9 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1858-1876. Connecticut. Digest of Reports, 1785- 1869. See Baldwin. Connecticut. Reports. Kirby, 1 785-1 788. i vol. Root, 178 9- 179 8. 2 vols. Day, 1802-1813. 5 vols. Day (1-2 1 Conn.), 1814-1852. 21 vols. Matson (22-24 Conn.), 1852-1856. • 3 vols. Hooker (25-45 Conn.), 1856-1878. 21 vols. Baldwin's Digest. i vol. 54 vols. 8vo. Newhaven, 1 785-1878. Connecticut. The General Statutes of the State of Connecticut. To which are prefixed the Declaration of Independence, the Con- stitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut. [Published by Authority of the General Assembly.] 8vo. Newhaven, 1866. 236 CoNNELL (Henry, Junior). The New South Wales Ministerial Digest. A Practical Guide for Magistrates, Clerks of Petty Sessions, Attornies, Constables, and others. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. CoNNELL (John). On the Law of Scotland respecting Parishes. Svo. Edinburgh, 18 18. Supplement. Svo. Edinburgh, 1823. CoNNELL (John). Scotch Law of Tithes and Stipends of the Parochial Clergy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1830. Conner (James). A Digest of Cases decided in the Law Court of Appeals of the State of South Carolina, June 1835 to December 1854. 8vo. Charleston, 1855. Connoisseur. In British Essayists. Connor (Hy.) and Lawson (Jas. A.) Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Sugden. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1842. CoNRADUS (Alf Mantuan). In Apocalypsin Commentarius. Svo. Basil, 1560. CoNRADUS (Lane.) De Duello, et Pace. Svo. Medio., 1553. CoNRiNGius (Herm.) De Origine Juris Germanici. Second Edition. 4to. Hel., 1649. CoNROv (John). Custodiam Reports relative to Outlawries, &c. Svo. Dub., 1795. Conseiller Fidele. [Tracts, Vol. 161.] Svo, CoNSENTiNUS (Vincent). De Camium Abstinentia. With Laurentius : Apologeticus, &c. Svo. Lugd., 16 18. CoNSET (Hy.) Practice of Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Courts, &c. Svo. 16S5. CoNSOBRiNUS Carmelita (Joannes). With Justitia, &c. With Mensa. [Imperfect.] 4to. CoNSOLATO del Mare. 4to. Ven., 1576. Constable (Henry). Diana. Sonnets and other Poems. Edited, with some Account of the Author, by Wm. Carew Hazlitt. To which are added Notes by Thomas Park. Svo. 1859 CoNSTANTiNi Magni. Donatio Sylvestro Papse, &c. 4to. Typ. Vocg, Constantino (Doctor). Doctrina Christiana. Svo. Anv., 1555 Constantinus Aphricanus. Operum Reliqua. Folio. Basil, 1539, CoNSTANTiNUS APHRICANUS. De Humana Natura. Folio. Basil, 1541 Constantinus Aphricanus. De Elephantia. Folio. Basil, 1541 CoNSTANTiNUS Aphricanus. De Animalibus. Folio. Basil, 1541 237 CONSTANTINUS APHRICANUS. With AlbaCESlS. CoNSTANTiNUS PoRPHYROGENiTUS. Imperialum Constitutionum Libri. Gent. Herveto. Interp. Folio. Han., 1606. CoNSTANTiNUS PoRPHYROGENiTUS. See Corpus Byzantinse Historise. CoNSTANTiNus (Fran. Mar.) Observationes Forenses ad Statuta Almae Urbis. 2 vols. Folio. Rom., 1701. CONSTANTINUS (Fran. Mar.) Decisiones Rotse Romanse. Folio. Rom., 1701. CONSTANTINUS (Fran. Mar.) Vota Decisiva. A Cosm. Mat. Con- stantino Edita. 5 vols. Folio. Urb., 1741. CoNTARENi (Gasp.) Dc Magistratibus et Republica Venetorum. 8vo. Basil, 1544. CoNTARENi (Gasp.) Dc Elementis. 8vo. Paris, 1548. CoNTARENi (Gasp.) Dc Sacramentis Christianse Legis. 8vo. Flor., 1553. CoNTARENUs (Nic.) Dc Perfcctionc Rerum. 8vo. Lugd., 1587. CoNTARENUS (Tho.) Dc Humana TranquiUtatc. 4to. Ven., 1572. CoNTARiNi (Amb.) Viazo al Seignor Uxuncassan, Re de Persia. [Tracts, Vol. 159.] 8vo. Ven., 1543. CoNTARiNi (Luigi). Giardino Historico, Poetico et Geografico de gli Huomini Illustri, &c. 4to. Vice., 16 16. CoNTARiNi (Pie. Mar.) Compendio di Republica. 8vo. Ven., 1602. CoNTELMANNUS (Fred.) Thesaurus Juris Civilis. 4to. Lausannse, 1763. CoNTius (Ant.) Justiniani Institutiones. i2mo. Paris, 1560. CoNTOS e Historias de Proveito, b Examplo. 4to. Lisb., 1608. Contra-Repli cant's Complaint to His Majesty. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. CoNTRALESiNA (La). Cou Una Comedia Intitolata le Nozze d'Auti- lesina, 8vo. Ven., 1604, CoNTRERAS (Geron. de). Selva de Aventuras. 8vo. Ago., 1572. Contreras (Geron. de). Selva de Aventuras. 8vo. Cuen., 16 15. CoNTZEN (Adam). Defensio Bellarmini. 8vo. Mog., 161 3. Contzen (Adam.) De Unione et Synodo Generali Evangelicorum. 8vo. Mog., 161 5. Contzen (Adam). Jubilum Jubilorum Jubilseum, &c. 8vo. Mog., 1618. Contzen (Adam). Politica. Folio. Col., 1629. 238 CoNTZEN (Adam). Aulae Speculum, sive de Statu Aulicorum, &c. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1630. CoNTZEN (Adam). His Plot to Cheat a Church, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 96.] 4to. 1 641. Conventicles. Queries on the Act against. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] 4to. 1670. Conventius (Steph.) De Corporum Cselestium Principiis. 8vo. Bon., 1562. Conversation Ordinaire. [No Title-page.] 8vo. Convert. The Loyal. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. Oxon., 1644. Conveyancing. A Complete System of. 3 vols. 4to. Edin., 1826. Conybeare (William D.) Address. Introductory to Theological Lectures. 12 mo. 1831. Conybeare (William D.) Elementary Lectures on the Bible. . i2mo. 1834. Conybeare (William John) and Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858. Cook (Captain James). Voyages Round the World in 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775. With Maps, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 1777. Cook (John). King Charles's Case. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1649. Cook (WiUiam). Font Uncovered, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1651. Cooke (Alex.) Abatement of Popish Brags. [Tracts, Vol. 78.] 4to. 1625. Cooke (Edward). On the Law of Debtor and Creditor, &c. [Pamphlets, Vol. i.] 8vo. 1829. Cooke (Edward). Memorabilia ; or. Remarkable Passages and Coun- sells collected out of the Declaration and Speech of the King, Lord Chancellor, and Speaker of the House of Commons, 1660-1680. [Tracts, Case 32.] Folio. 1681. Cooke (Edward). Rights and Privileges of London. Folio. 1687. Cooke (Edward, of the Middle Temple). Law and Practice of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. With the Acts of Parliament, Rules of Court, Forms, and Tables of Costs. 8vo. London, 1827. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1839. Cooke (Sir George). Reports and Cases of Practice in the Court of Common Pleas in the Reigns of Anne, Geo. I., and Geo. II. Svo. 1747. 239 Cooke (George Wingrove). On Criminal Trials in England, [Pamph- lets, Vol. I.] 8vo. 1834. Cooke (George Wingrove). Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835. CooKE (George Wingrove). History of Party, from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions, in the Reign of Charles II., to the Passing of the Reform Bill. 3 vols. 8vo. 1836. Cooke (George Wingrove). On Defamation. 8vo. London, 1844. CooKE (George Wingrove). On the Law and Practice of Agricultural Tenancies. With Forms and Precedents. 8vo. London, 1850. CooKE (George Wingrove). On the Law and Practice of Copyhold Enfranchisement. With the Forms authorized by the Copyhold Commissioner and all the Statutes. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1853. CooKE (George Wingrove). On Inclosures and Rights of Common. With the Statutes and Forms. Fourth Edition. i2mo. London, 1864. CooKE (Hugh) and Harwood (R. G.) The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853, 1855, i860. The Charity Commissioners' Jurisdiction Act, 1862. The Roman Catholics' Charities' Acts. Together with a Collection of Statutes relating to or affecting Charities, including the Mortmain Acts. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. CooKE (James Richard) and Alcock (J. C.) Reports of Cases deter- mined in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, 1833, 1834. 8vo. Dub., 1834. CooKE (Thomas). Hesiod. In British Poets. CoOKE (Rev. Thomas Fothergill, M.A.) Authorship of the Practical Electric Telegraph of Great Britain ; or, the Brunei Award Vindicated, in Seven Letters, containing Extracts from the Arbitration Evidence of 1841. Edited in Assertion of his Brother's Rights. 8vo. Bath, 1868. CooKE (William). The Bankrupt Laws. Eighth Edition. By George Roots. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. CooKE (William Fothergill). The Electric Telegraph — Was it Invented by Professor Wheatstone? 2 vols. i. Pamphlets of 1854-1856. 2. Arbitration Papers and Drawings. 8vo. London, 1856. Cooke (William Robert). The Peace Act. 8vo. London, 1846. CooLEY (Thomas M.) A Digest of the Reported Cases contained in the Michigan Reports, 1838-1865. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1866. CooLEY (Thomas M.) On the Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union. 8vo. Boston, 1868. 240 CooLEY (Thomas M.) Reports of Cases heard and decided m the Supreme Court of Michigan, January ist, 1858, to October 14th, 1864. [Vols. 5-12, Michigan Reports.] 8 vols. 8vo. Detroit and Ann Arbor, 1858- 1864. CooLEY (Thomas M., LL.D.) On the Law of Torts; or, the Wrongs which arise independent of Contract. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Cooper (Ant. Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury). Characteristicks. 3 vols. 8vo. Birm., 1773. ' Cooper (Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury). Speech to Baron Thurland. FoHo. 1673. Cooper (Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury). Speech to the Lord Treasurer. [Tracts, Case 32.] Folio. 1673. Cooper (Charles Henry) and Thompson ( ). Athense Can- tabrigienses. Vols, i and 2. [In progress.] 8vo. Camb. and Lond., 1858. Cooper (Charles Purton). Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie. 8vo. 1828. Cooper (Charles Purton). Parliamentary Proceedings as to the Court of Chancery, the House of Lords, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1828. Cooper (Charles Purton). On Registrations, and the Extrinsic For- mality of Conveyances. 8vo, London, 1 83 1. Cooper (Charles Purton). Account of the most Important Public Records of Great Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commissioners. With other Miscellaneous Information. 2 vols. 8vo. 1832. Cooper (Charles Purton). Select Cases in Chancery decided by Lord Brougham. 8vo. Lond., 1.835. Cooper (Charles Purton). On the General Record Office. 8vo. 1835. Cooper (Charles Purton). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Chancery Courts, 1837-1838. 8vo. London, 1838. Cooper (Charles Purton). Reports of Cases in Chancery decided by Lord Cottenham, 1846. With Miscellaneous Cases and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. Cooper (Charles Purton). Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Law of Lunatics. 8vo. 1849. Cooper (Charles Purton). On the Delay in the Offices of Masters in Chancery. [Pamphlets, Vol. 4.] 8vo. 1849. Cooper (Charles Purton). Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the Collection presented by Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. By F. W. Halfpenny. Part I. Laws and Jurisprudence of France — Ancient Part. 8vo. London, 1849. 241 Cooper (Charles Purton). Letter on the Sanitary State of St. Giles' London. [Pamphlets, Vol. 6.] 8vo. 1850. Cooper (Charles Purton). A Paradox on Solicitors. Svo. 1850. Cooper (Charles Purton). Extracts from C. P. Cooper's Cour de la Svo. Boulogne, 1850. The House of Lords as a Court of Svo. 1850. Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Svo. 1850. Parliamentary and Political Miscellanies. 20 numbers. Svo. 1851. The Parliamentary and Political Miscellany. 4 parts. Svo. 1S51. Chancery Cases and Dicta. With Remarks. 7 numbers in 6. Svo. 1852. Chancery Miscellanies. 13 numbers. Svo. 1S50. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Privy Council, Svo. 1S50. Svo. 1850. On the Government, and Irish Roman Svo. 1 85 1. Address to Roman Catholics of England. Svo. 1 85 1. The Pope's Brief of 1850. Svo. 185 1. The Common Law, and the Pope's Apostolic Svo. 1S51. Svo. London, 185 1. Svo. 1 85 1. So much of the Pope's Apostolical Letters of 1850 as relates to the Creation of an Archbishopric and Twelve Bishoprics. Svo. 1S51. Cooper (Charles Purton). On the Act of Settlement. Svo. 185 1. Cooper (Charles Purton). The Ultra Party amongst English Roman Catholics. Svo. 185 1. Cooper (Charles Purton). On Lord John Russell's Evidence on Official Salaries, as relates to Law. Svo. 1S50. Cooper (Charles Purton). Debates upon Chancery in the House of Svo. 185 1. Nine Letters to Chs. Purton Cooper. Svo. 185S. Memorandum respecting our Statute Book. Svo. Boulogne, 1S59. Proposals to Analyse, Compress, and Svo. Boulogne, iS6o. (I6) Chancellerie Cooper (Charles Purton). Appeal. Cooper (Charles Purton). Lords, &c. I Cooper (Charles Purton). I Cooper (Charles Purton). (Cooper (Charles Purton). Cooper (Charles Purton). ^ Cooper (Charles Purton). Court of Chancery, &c. [Pamphlets, Vol. 6.] Cooper (Charles Purton). Present State of Chancery. Cooper (Charles Purton). Catholic Members. Cooper (Charles Purton). Cooper (Charles Purton). Cooper (Charles Purton). Letters of 1S50. Second Edition- Fifth Edition. Cooper (Charles Purton). Commons. Cooper (Charles Purton). Cooper (Charles Purton). Cooper (Charles Purton), Classify our Statutes. 242 Cooper (Charles Purton). Notes on Lincoln's Inn. With Melnoth's Religious Life. Cooper (C. W.) Digest of Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chancery, in the Court of Error and Appeal, and in Chancery Chambers, from the Establishment of the Court in Upper Canada to the Present Time. 8vo. Toronto, 1868. Cooper (George). Cases in Chancery, 181 5. With a few of an Earlier Period. 8vo. 181 5. Cooper (George). On Pleading on the Equity Side of Chancery. 8vo. 1809. Cooper (J. Fennimore). History of the Navy of the United States of America. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Cooper (John Gilbert). In British Poets. Cooper (Thomas). Chronicle. 4to. 1560. Cooper (Rev. Thomas). Christian's Daily Sacrifice. 1 2mo. 1 608. Cooper (Thomas). Thesaurus Linguae Romanse. [No Title-page.] Folio. 1684. Cooper (William Durrant). A Glossary of the Provincialisms of Sussex. i2mo. 1853. Cooren (Jacobus). Observationes rerum in Senatu Judicatarum. Item Consilia qusedam. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1761. CooRNHERTius (Theod.) et Lipsius. Processus de Occidendis Haere- ticis. 8vo. Gon., 1626. CooTE (Charles). Mosheim's History. CooTE (Chidley). Ireland's Lamentation for the late Cessation of Arms. [Tracts, Vol. 45. J 4to. 1644. CooTE (Henry Chs.) Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. With Forms and Tables of Costs. 8vo. London, 1847. CooTE (H. C.) The New Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. With the Rules of 1859, &c. 8vo. London, i860. CooTE (Henry Charles, F.S.A.) The Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. Also the Practice of the Judicial Com- mittee of Her Majesty's Privy Council in Admiralty Appeals. With Forms and Bills of Costs. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Supplement. With Act of 1868, and Order in Council, 1868. 8vo. London, 1869. 243 CooTE (Henry Charles, F.S.A.) The Practice of the Court of Probate, in Common Form Business. Also a Treatise on the Practice of the Court in Contentious Business. By Thomas H. Tristram, D.C.L. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1859. Fifth Edition. Svo. London, 1866. Sixth Edition. Svo. London, 1870. Seventh Edition. Svo. London, 1876. CooTE (Richard Holmes). Treatise on the Law of Mortgage. Svo. London, 1821. Third Edition. Svo. London, 1850. Copernicus (Nic.) De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium. 4to. Bas., 1566. Copernicus (Nic.) See Kepler. With Gloriosus Camillus. CoPiNGER (Walter Arthur). The Law of Copyright in Works of Literature and Art. Together with International and Foreign Copyright. Svo. London, 1870. CoPiNGER (Walter Arthur). Index to the Precedents in Conveyancing, and to Common and Commercial Forms. Arranged in Alpha- betical Order. With Subdivisions of an Analytical Nature. Svo. London, 1S71. CoPiNGER (Walter Arthur). The Custody and Production of Title Deeds. Svo, London, 1S75. CopiNGER (Walter Arthur). On the Abolition of Capital Punishment. Svo. London, 1876. CopiNGER (Walter Arthur). Tables of Stamp Duties from 181 5 to present time. Svo. London, 1S7S. Copland (James, M.D., F.R.S.) Dictionary of Practical Medicine. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1S58. Copp (Henry N.) Decisions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the Secretary of the Interior, under the United States Mining Statutes of July 26, 1866 ; July 9, 1870 ; and May 10, 1S72. With Appendix of Circulars, and Forms. Svo. San Francisco, 1874. Coppenstein (Jn. And.) De Passione Domini. Svo. Mog., 161 5. Coppenstein (Jn. And.) De Ortu Fratemitatis SS. Eucharistige. With Albertus Magnus : Sermons. Svo. Mog., 1615. Copus (Alan.) Contra Summi Pontificatiis, Monasticae Vitse, et Sa- crarum Imaginum Oppugnatores. 4to. Antw., 1573. 244 Copyholder. The Compleat English Copyholder ; or, a Guide to the Lords of Manors, &c. Also the Tenures, Customs, Usages of Several Manors in England and Wales. With Directions for dis- training for Rent, by the late Sir Bartholomew Stower. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1735. Copyright Enfranchisement Bill. Report, 1851. CoQU^us (Leon Aurelius). Examen Prsefationis Monitoriae Apologise Jacobi Regis pro Juramento Fidelitatis. Folio. Frib., 1610. CoQUiLLE DE RoMENAY (Guy). CEuvres contenant plusieur Traitez touchant les Libert^z de I'EgUse Gallicane, I'Histoire de France, et le Droit Frangois. 2 vols. Folio. Bord., 1703. ' Coras (Jo. de). Corasius. Arrest Memorable du Parlement de Tholose. Svo. Paris, 1572. Coras (Jo. de). Corasius. Paraphrase sur I'Edict des Manages Clan- ' destinement Contractez. With Perriere: Miroir. Svo. Paris, 1572. Coras (Jo. de). Corasius et Hopperus. Tractatus de Juris Arte. Svo. Col. Ag., 1582. Coras (Jo. de). Corasius. De Officiis Electionibus Dignitatibus et Beneficiis Ecclesiasticis, &c. Svo. Col. Ag., 1596. Coras (Jo. de). Corasius. Juris Civilis Miscellaneorum Septum Libri. 1 2 mo. Franc, ad Maen., 1614. Corbet (Jn.) Ungirting of the Scottish Armour against the Cove- nanters. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. Dub., 1639. CoRBETT (Uvedale) and Daniell (Edmund R.) Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections. Svo. 1S21. CoRBiN (Jacques). Preuve du Nom de la Messe. Svo. Paris, 1620. CoRBiN (Jacques). Preuve du Nom de la Messe. Svo. Paris, 1620. CoRDA Anglige. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 4to. 1641. CoRDiEUS (Mauritius). Gynsecia, sive de Morbis Mulierum, Svo. Basil, 15S6. CoRDERY (A.) The Law relating to Solicitors. Svo. London, 1S7S. CoRDERY (J. G.) The Iliad of Homer translated. 2 vols. 4to. London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 187 1. Cordova (Fr. Ant. de), or Cdrdubensis. Tractado de Casos de Con- scientia. Svo. 15 86. Cordova (Fr. Ant. de), or Cordubensis. Super Regulam Fratram Minorum. Svo. Paris, 162 1. CoRDUS (Val.) Le Guidon des Apotiquaries. Svo. Lyon, 15 78. 245 CoRENUs (Jac.) Clypeus Patentiae. 8vo. Lugd., 1623. CoRETus (Pet.) Antipoliticus. 8vo. DuacL, 1599. CoRiOLANO (Fra.) De Casibus Reservatis Juxta Regulum Decreti Clementis VIII. 8vo. Tulli., 1618. CoRMERius (Tho.) Henrici IV., Codex Juris Civilis Romano-Gallici. Folio. Par., 1602. CoRNACCiNius (Marc.) Methodus qua Humani Corporis Affectiones Curantur. 4to. Flo., 1619. CoRNARius (Jan.) In Peregrinationis Laudem. With Parthenius. 8vo. Frib., 1531. CoRNARUS (Dion.) Medicinalia Consulta. 4to. Lips., 1599. CoRNARUS (Dion.) Oratio in Funere Lazii, &c. 4to. Vien., 1565. CoRNARUS (Janus), or Cornarius. Hippocratis Libelli, ad Artem Medicam Prseparatorii. 4to. Basil. CoRNARUs (Janus), or Cornarius. Hippocrates, sive Doctor Verus. 4to. Basil. CoRNARUs (Janus), or Cornarius. De Rectis Medicinse Studiis. 4to. Basil. CoRNARUS (Janus), or Cornarius. Vulpecula Excoriata. With Hippo- crates: Aphorismi. 4to. Franc, 161 3. CoRNAX (Mat.) Medicse Consultationis Enchiridion. 8vo. Bas., 1564. CoRNEjo (Ped.) Compendio de la Liga Francesa. 8vo. Brux., 1591. CoRNELio (Piet.) Historia di Fiandra. 4to. Bres., 1582. Corner (G. R., F.S.A.) Observations on Four Illuminations, represent- ing the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, at Westminster. From a MS. of the time of King Henry VI. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries in a Letter to Frederick Ouvry, the Treasurer. 4to. Westminster, 1865. Corner (R. J. and A. B.) Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench. With the New Rules of Practice, Forms, Tables of Costs, &c. 8vo. 1844. CoRNHiLL, London. The Accounts of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Michael, Cornhill, in the City of London, from 1456 to 1608. With Miscellaneous Memoranda contained in the Great Book of Accounts, and Extracts from the Proceedings of the Vestry, 1563 to 1607. Edited by William Henry Overall, F.S.A. 4to. London, n.d. Cornwall. Guide to Western Cornwall, Mount's Bay, and Land's End. i2mo. 1824. 246 Cornwall and Devon. Advice to the Council of Offices from Corn- wall and Devon, [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. Cornwall (James). Continuation of Townsend's Tables to Modern Presidents of Pleadings, &c. Folio. 1705- CoRNWALLis (Chs., Marquess). Correspondence. Edited by Chs. Ross. 3 vols. 8vo. 1859. Corporation Act. Reasons against. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1661. Corpus Juris Canonici. 3 vols. Folio. Taur., 1620. Corpus Juris Civilis, Cujacii et Daoysi, cum Indice. 6 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1618. Corpus Juris Civilis. See Gothofredus. Corpus Poetarum. See Maittaire. Corradinus (Pet. Marcellinus). De Jure Prselationis. Folio. Rom., 1688. CoRROY (Sim. k). Pandecta Legis Evangelicae. 12 mo. Lugd., 1549. Corrozet (Gilles, or .^gid.) Les Antiquitez, &c,, de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1577. Corrozet (Gilles, or vEgid.) Les Propos Memorables des Nobles, &c. i2mo. Rove., 1583. Corrozet (Gilles, or -^gid.) Le Thresor des Histoires de France. 8vo. Paris, 161 3. 8vo. Paris, 1622. Corrozet (Gilles, or -^gid.) Apopththegmata Heroica. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1 63 1. Cort (C. F.) Tribute to Learning, &c. 4to. 1834. Corte (Claudio di). II Cavallerizzo. 4to. Ven., 1573. Cortes (Geron.) Libro de Phisonomia Natural. 8vo. Burg., 1608, Cortes (Juan). Discursos Morales. 8vo. Caragoga. Cortiada (Mich. de). Decisiones Senatus Cathalonise. 2 vols in I. Folio. Lugd., 1677. Cortigiano (II) del Sessa. 8vo. Genoa, 1560. Corvinus (Ant.) Theologia Augustini et Chrysostomi. 8vo. Halae., 1539. Corvinus (Laur.) Forensis Geographia. With Niger. Folio. Basil, 1557. 247 Cory (Isaac Preston). A Treatise on Accounts, Mercantile Partner- ship, Solicitors, &c. With a Plan for the Amendment of the Law of Partnership. 8vo. London, 1839. CoRYTON (John). On the Law and Practice of Letters Patent. With Statutes, Rules, and Forms. Svo. London, 1855. CoRYTON (John). Reports of Cases argued and decided in the High Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bengal, 1864, 1865. Vol. i, Parts I and 2. [2 parts unbound.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1864, 1866. CoRYTON (John). Stageright. The Law relating to Dramatic Authors, Musical Composers, and Lecturers. 8vo. London, 1873. CosciA (Jo. Dom.) Dissertationes Jurium. Folio. Neap., 165 1. CosiN (Bishop). Correspondence. See Surtees Society, Nos. 52, 55. CosiN (J.) The Names of the Roman Catholics, Non-Jurors, and others, who refused to take the Oaths to his late Majesty King George. Reprinted from the Original Copy. Printed for J. Robinson, 1745. 8vo. London, 1862. CosiN (Richard). Apology of Proceedings in Courts Ecclesiastical. 4to. 1593. CosiN (Richard). Apology of Proceedings in the Courts Ecclesiastical. 4to. 1593. CosMOGRAPHiE. L'Introduction Charitable en la. 8vo. Paris, 1639. CossARTius (Gab.) Concilia Sacrosancta. Costa (Eman.) Opera. Folio. Lugd., 1576. Costa (Janus k). In Decretales Gregorii IX. Summaria, &c. 4to. Lut. Par., 1676. Costa (Janus a). Justiniani Institutiones. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 17 19. Costa (Jo. Bapt.) Tractatus. 2 vols in i. Folio. Venet, 167 1. CosTiEus (Jo. Laud.) Disquisitiones Physiologicae in Avicennam. 4to. Bonon., 1589. CosTiEUS (Jo. Laud.) De Seri ac Lactis usu. 4to. Pap., 1604. CosTiEUS (Jo. Laud.) De Humani Conceptus Formatione, &c. 4to. Pap., 1604. CosTE (Hilde). Histoire Catholique, on sont Discrittes les Vies, &c., des Hommes Illustres dans le Seizieme Si^cle. Folio. Paris, 1625. CosTERUS (Fr.) De Vita et Laudibus Mariae Virginis. i2mo. Mad., 1600. 248 CoTER^us (Claud.) De Jure et Privilegiis Militum. Folio. Lugd., 1539. CoTESFORD (Sam.) Sovereign Oyl to restore Debtors. [Tracts, Vol. 89.] 4to. 1622. CoTONUS, or Coton (Oct.) Du Tres S. Sacrament de la Messe. 8vo. Avig., 1600. CoTONUS, or Coton (Oct.) Institution Catholique centre les Heresies de ce Temps. 2 vols. 410. Par., 16 10. CoTONUS, or Coton (Oct.) De Prsecipuis Fidei Mysteriis, de Vita Christi, &c. Svo. Col. Ag., 161 7. CoTRUGLi (Bened. Raug.) Delia Mercatura, et del Mercante Perfetto. Svo. Vin., 1573. CoTTA (John). A Seder 01am ; or, the Order of the World. 4to. 1 61 3. CoTTA (John). Tryal of Witchcraft. 4to. 1616. CoTTA (John). Contra Antonium ; de Auro Potabile. 4to. Oxon., 1623. CoTTERius (Mat.) Apocalypseos Expositio. 4to. Sal., 161 5. CoTTiERE (Mat.) Paradoxe, I'Essence de I'Eglise Romaine, &c. 4to. Gen., 1636. Cotton (Barth de). Historia Anglicana. By Henry Richards Luard. See Brit, Gt. Svo. 1S59. Cotton (Rev. Henry). Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicse. 4 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1S51. Cotton (John). Sermon at Boston. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1630. Cotton (Nathaniel), In British Poets. Cotton (Sir Robert). Abridgment of Records in the Tower of London, Edward III. to Richard III. By Wm. Prynne. Folio. 1657. Cotton (Sir Robert). Abridgment of Records in the Tower of London, Edward III. to Richard III. By Wm. Prynne. Folio. 1657. Cotton (Sir Robert). Abridgment of Records in the Tower of London, Edward HI. to Richard III. By Wm. Prynne. Folio. 1689. Council (General) of Protestants. Reasons for, in England. [Tracts, Vol. 70.] 4to. 1 64 1. Counter Votes ; or, an Arraignment of the Votes at Oxford. [Tracts, Vol. 41.] 4to. County Courts. A Letter on Advocacy in County Courts. By a Barrister. [Pamphlets, Vol. 4.] Svo. 1851. 249 County Courts Act Amendment Bill. Report of Standing Committee of Jurisprudence and Amendment of the Law. [Vol. 14, Pam- phlets.] i2mo. London, 1865. County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Bill. Report of Standing Committee of Jurisprudence and Amendment of the Law. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1865. CouPER (Charles Tennant). Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland. In continuation of Irvine. 2 vols., and Part i, Vol. 3. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869-1875. CouPER (Charles Tennant). Report of the Trial of the City of Glasgow Bank Directors. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. CouRCELLES (Le Chevalier de). La Continuation de I'Art de Verifier les Dates; q. v. 3 vols. Folio. Paris, 182 1. Court, le Misaule, ou Halreux de Court. 8vo. Paris, 1585. Court, Camp, City, and Country. A Word to. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. CouRTE Baron, &c. With Articuli. i2mo. 1539. CouRTE Leet, and Baron. Order of. With Coke : Copyholds. 4to. 1650. CouRTENAY (Wm. Rcgd.) Scotch Appeals. See Wilson. CoURTHORPE (William). Synopsis of the Extinct Baronetage of England. Containing the date of the Creation, with the Suc- cession of Baronets, and their respective Marriages, and Time of Death. 8vo. London, 1835. Courts of Justice Commission, i. The Acts of Parliament, Com- mission, Minutes, and Proceedings of the Commission from July 1865 to 13th December, 1867, and Instructions for Competing Architects. Folio. 2. Description of Designs by Competing Atchitects for the New Law Courts. Folio. 1867. CoussoRD (CI.) Valdensium, &c., Errores. With Coenclis. 8vo. Par., 1548. CoussY (Mat. de). Chroniques. See Buchon and France. Couthonus (Jac.) Acta Colloquii Coram Francorum Rege, &c. 8vo. Mog., 1603. CouTUMiER General de France. 4 in 8 vols. Folio. Paris, 1724. CovARRUViAS (Didac.) Opera Omnia. Folio. Antw., 1688. CovARRUViAS (Sebast. de). Tesorro de la Lengua Castellana. With Aldrete. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Mad., 1674, 2fO CovEL (Wm.) Brief Answer to John Burges. [Tracts, Vol. 74.] 4to. 1 606. Covenant (The). Agreeable to Scripture: the Oxford Covenant Abominable. [Tracts, Vol. 47-] 4to. 1643. Covenant. The Covenant. With the manner of taking it by the House of Commons, &c., &c. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1643. Covenant (The). Transactions of those in Arms for the Covenant, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 14.] 4to. 1648. Covenant (The). Funeral of the Good Old Cause. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1 66 1. Covenant (The). Reply to the Funeral of the Covenant. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1 66 1. Covent Garden Market. Trial C. P. respecting Tolls claimed in. See Lowden. 8vo. London, 181 7. Covent Garden Market. K. B. Toll Case. 8vo. London, 1819. Coventri/E Ludus : Mysteries. By Js. Orchard Halliwell, S.S. 8vo. 1 84 1. Coventry (Thomas). On the Law of Common Recoveries. 8vo. London, 1820. Coventry (Thomas) and Hughes (Sam.) Analytical Digest and Index to the Common Law Reports, Henry IIL to Geo. HL 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. Coventry (Thomas). Concise Forms in Conveyancing. 8vo. London, 1831. Coventry (Thomas). Mortgage Precedents. 8vo. London, 1836. Cowan (Hugh). The Land Rights of Scotland. Being a Collection of all Statutes relating to Land. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. CowEL, or Cowell (John). Institutiones Juris Anglicani ad Seriem Institutionum Imperialium Digestse. 8vo. Cant., 1605. CowEL, or Cowell (John). Interpreter of Law Terms. 4to. 1637. CowEL, or Cowell (John). Law Dictionary. Folio. 1708. Cowell (Herbert). Tagore Law Lectures, 1870. The Hindu Law. A Treatise on the Law administered exclusively to Hindus by the British Courts in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870. Cowell (Herbert). Tagore Law Lectures, 187 1. The Hindu Law. Being a Treatise on the Law administered exclusively to Hindus by the British Courts in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 187 1. 251 Co WELL (Herbert). Tagore Law Lectures, 1872. The History and Constitution of the Courts and Legislative Authorities in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1872. CowELL (Herbert) and Woodman (Joseph Were). The Indian Digest. Being a complete Index to the Reported Cases of the High Courts established in India. 8vo. London, 1870. Second Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873. CowELL (Herbert). Indian Appeals. Being Cases in the Privy Council on Appeal from the East Indies, 1 874-1 875. [Vol. 2, Indian Appeals, Law Reports.] 8vo. London, 1875. CowEN (Esek.) Cases determined in the Supreme Court and Court of Errors of New York, 182 3- 182 9. 9 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1839- 1845. Cowley (Ab.) In British Poets. CowPER (Abraham). Patmos. CowPER (Henry). Reports in the Court of King's Bench, Hilary Term, 14 George III., to Trinity Term, 18 George III. Folio. London, 1873. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. CowPER (William, of the Inner Temple). Works and Life. By Southey. 15 vols. i2mo. London, 1835-1855. CowPER (William). In British Poets. Cox (Alfred). The Landlord and Tenant's Guide. A Compendium of Information upon the Procuring, Occupying, and Disposing of Estates and Houses, and many Collateral Subjects. With a Gazetteer of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1855. Cox (Edward W.) Consolidation Act. See Tayler. Cox (Edward W.) Reports of Cases in Criminal Law in England and Ireland, 1843 to 1878. [In progress.] 14 vols. 8vo. 1846. Cox (Edward W.) The Advocate. Vol. i. Svo. London, 1852. Cox (Edward W.) Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls and Vice-Chancellors. With Supplement. i2mo. London, 1857. Second Edition. 12 mo. London, 1858. Cox (Edward W.) Maritime Law Cases decided by the Court of Admiralty, &c., 1860-187 1. vols. 8vo. London, 1864. Cox (Edward W.) Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Chambers of . the Master of the Rolls and the Vice-Chancellor. Third Edition. By John Biddle. Svo. London, 1868. 252 Cox (Edward W.) Digest of all the Cases relating to Magistrates, Parochial, Ecclesiastical, Election, Municipal, and Criminal Law, 1856-1869. 8vo. London, 1870. Cox (Edward W.) The Law and Practice of Joint-Stock Companies and other Associations, as regulated by the Companies' Act, 1862. Fifth Edition. lamo. London, 1862. Seventh Edition. By C. J. O'Malley. 8vo. London, 1870. Cox (Edward W.) and Lloyd (Morgan). Law and Practice of the County Courts in England and Wales. With Rules, Forms, &c. 8vo. 1850. Cox (E. W.) and Grady (S. G.) The Law and Practice of Registra- tions and Elections. Tenth Edition. i2mo. London, 1868. Cox (Edward W.) and Saunders (Thomas William). The Criminal Law Consolidation Acts. With Notes of the Cases decided on their Construction. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1870. Cox (Homersham). The Institutions of the English Government. Being an Account of the Constitution, Powers, and Procedure of its Legislative, Judicial, and Administrative Departments. With Copious References to Ancient and Modern Authorities. 8vo. London, 1863. Cox (Homersham, M.A.) A History of the Reform Bills of 1866 and 1867. 8vo. London, 1868. Cox (Homersham, M.A.) Ancient Parliamentary Elections. A History showing how Parliaments were Constituted and Representations of the People Elected in Ancient Times. 8vo. London, 1868. Cox (Homersham, M.A.) The Law and Science of Ancient Lights. [Pamphlets, reprinted from the Architect.] i2mo. London, 1869. Second Edition. 12 mo. London, 187 1. Cox (Norval W.) Reports of the Cases at Law and in Chancery argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Arkansas. December Term 1867 — December Term 1872. [Vols. 25-27, Arkansas Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. Little Rock, 1870-1873. Cox (Richard). History of Ireland. Folio. 1689. Cox (Rowland). American Trade Mark Cases prior to 187 1. With an Appendix containing the Leading English Cases. Svo. Cincinnati, 1871. Cox (Samuel Compton). Cases determined in the Courts of Equity, 1783 to 1796. With a few of an Earlier Date, by Lord Hardwicke and Lord Northington. 2 vols. Svo. London, 181 6. 253 CoxE (R. S.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New Jersey, from April Term 1790 to November Term 1795, both inclusive. [Vol. i, New Jersey Reports.] 8vo. Burlington, N.J., 1816. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Travels in Switzerland. 3 vols. 8vo. 1789. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 5 vols. 8vo. 1792. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). The Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpple. 3 vols. 4to. 1798. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Correspondence of Chs. Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury. 4to. 1821. CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough. By Jn. Wade. With Atlas, 4to. 3 vols. i2mo. 1847. Crabb (George). Univeral Technological Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1820. Crabb (George). English Synonyms. 4to. London, 1826. Crabb (George). Poems and Life. 8 vols. i2mo. 1834. Crabb (George). Digest and Index. With a Chronological Table of the Statutes, to 9 and 10 Vict. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1841-1847. Crabb (George). Precedents in Conveyancing. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Crabb (George). Precedents in Conveyancing. By J. T. Christie. Fifth Edition. By Leonard Shelford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1854. Crabbe (W. H.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1 836-1 846. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. Cragius (Nic.) Craig. De Republica Lacedaemoniorum. 4to. Haf, 1593. Craig (Richard Davis) and Phillips (Thomas Jodrell). Reports of Cases in Chancery, temp. Lord Chancellor Cottenham, 1840, 1841, 8vo. London, 1841. Craig (Richard Davis). Legal and Equitable Rights and Liabilities as , to Trees and Woods. 8vo. London, 1866. Craig (Richard Davis). See Mylne. -^J*.' 254 Craig (Sir Thos.) The Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England against the Sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, who assumed the name of Doleman. Translated from the Latin. With a Preface. By J. G (atherer). Folio. London, 1703. Craig (Sir Thomas). Jus Fludale. By James Baillie. Folio. Edinburgh, 1732. Craigie (J.) and Stewart (Charles). Scotch Appeal Cases. See Baton, 8vo. Edin., 1825. Crail. Register of the Cathedral Church of Crail. See the Grampian Club's Publications. Crakanthorp (Richard). Defence of Constantine. 4to. 1621. Crakanthorp (Richard). Sermons. Crakanthorp (Richard). Defensio Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 4to. 1625. Crakanthorp (Rd.) Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 89.] 4to. 1609. Crakanthorp. Arbor Haereticae Consanguinitatis. 4to. Arg., 1623. Crakanthorp (Rd.) Rome's Seer Overseen, &c. Treatise of the Fifth General Council. Folio. 1631. Cramer (Daniel). De Sublimi Corporis Spiritualis Beatorum Mysterio. 4to. Mulh., 1 601. Cramer (Daniel). Sana Doctrina de Prsedestinatione. 8vo. Stet, 161 1. Cranch (Wm.) Reports in the Supreme Court of the United States. 9 vols. 8vo. New York, 181 2. Cranch (WiUiam). Reports of Cases in the United States Circuit Court, Columbia District. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1852. Cranmer (Thomas). Latimer and Hooper's Judgment concerning God's Election. [Tracts, Vol. 86.] 8vo. 1631. Cranmer (Thomas). See Reformatio Legum, &c. Crantzius. See Krantz. Crash AW (Wm.) Sermon. 4to. 16 10. Crashaw (WiUiam). Confutation of the Roman Forgeries of Wm. Crashaw. 4to. 1608. Craven Dialect and Glossary, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828. Cravetta (Aymon k Saveliano). Consilia sive Responsa. 6 vols, in 3. Folio. Fran., 1589. Cravetta (Aymon k Saveliano). De Antiquitate Temporis. 8vo. Ven., 1549. 255 Crawford (George) and Dixe (Edward Spencer), Abridged Notes of Irish Law and Equity Cases, 1837 and 1838. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Crawford (George) and Dixe (Edward Spencer). Irish Circuit Cases, 1839-1846. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1841-1847. Creasy (Sir Edwd. Shepherd). Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. 8vo. 1856. Creasy (Sir Edward S., M.A.) History of England, from the Earliest to the Present Time. [In progress.] 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Creasy (Sir Edward S., M.A.) First Platform of International Law. 8vo. London, 1876. Creatures Praising God ; or, the Religion of Dumb Creatures. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 1622. Creccellius (Joh.) Descriptio et Refutatio Ceremoniarum Pontificise Missse. 8vo. Mog., 1603. Creccelius (Joh.) De Origine et Fundatione Omnium Ferb Monasti- corum Ordinum, &c. 4to. Fran., 16 14. Creech (Tho.) Translations from Juvenal. In British Poets. Crellius (Fort.) Contra Christi in Eucharistia Prssentiam. 4to. Heid., 1589. Crellius (Fort.) Isagoge Logica. Bvo. Neu., 1602. Cremani (Alois). Juris Civilis Institutiones. 2 vols. 8vo. Ticini., 1793. Cremani (Alois). De Jure Criminali. 4 vols. 8vo. Maceratse, 1834. Cremonini (Cses.) De Quinta Cseli Substantia. With Gloriosus. 4to. Cremonini (Caes.) Explanatio Prooemii Aristotelis de Auditu, cum Introductione ad Naturalem Philosophiam Ejus, &c. 4to. Pata., 1596. Crescentius (Marcel.) Decisiones Rotae Romanae, cum Indice Joseph. Mapelli. 5 vols. Folio. Rom., 1758. Cresentio (Piet.) Crescenzio ; di Agricoltora. 8vo. Ven., 1553. Cressener (Rt.) Anti-Baal-Berith. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4to. 1662. Cresswell (Sir Cresswell). See Barnewall. Cresswell (Rt. Nat.) Reports in the Insolvent Debtors' Court, 1827- 1829. 8vo. London, 1830. Crichton (David). The Ballot Act (35 & 36 Vict., c. 33) as applicable to Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Crimean Army Works Corps. Statement of an Action concerning the Crimean Army Works Corps (Cook z/. Paxton). 8vo. London, 1859. 256 Criminal Law Commission. Reports from the Sessional Papers of the House of Commons. [Parliamentary Reports, Vols. 130 and 130 A and B.] 3 vols. Folio. London, 1 845-1847. Crinesius (Christ.) De Confusione Linguarum. With Sionita. 4to. Nor., 1629. Crinitus (Pet.) De Honesta Disciplina, de Poetis Latinis, &c. 8vo. Lugd., 1543. Cripps (Henry William, M.A.) Practical Treatise on the Laws relating to the Church and the Clergy. 8vo. 1845. Fourth Edition. ^ Svo. London, 1863. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Supplement. By R. A. Fisher. 8vo. London, 1872. Cripps (Henry William, M.A.) Reports of Cases, relating to the Church and Clergy, decided in the Chancery, Common Law, and Ecclesiastical Courts. Svo. 1849. Crispoltus (TuUius). Casus Militaires Discussi ac Resoluti. Folio. Rom., 1635. Crispus (Hier.) Decisiones Rotae Romanae. 3 vols. Folio. Urb., 1728. Critchfield (L. J.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio. 16 vols. [Vols. 5-16, Ohio State Reports, 1855-1866.] 8vo. Cleveland and Columbus, 1858-1867. Crivellati (Cesare). Dell' Usu et Modo di Dare il Vino nelle Malattie. Svo. Rom., 1600. Croce (Gui. Caes.) De Piacevoli et Ridicolose Simplicita di Bertoldino. Svo. Trev., 161 1. Crocius (Lud.) De Christo Capite Ecclesiae. Svo. Brem., 161 2. Crocius (Lud.) Cynosura Veritatis, seu Tractatus de Religione. Svo. Brem., 161 5. Crocius (Lud.) Homo Calvinianus Impife Descriptus. Svo. Brem., 1620. Crocker (Uriah H. and George G.) Notes on the General Statutes of Massachusetts. To which is added a List of Cities and Towns in the State, and of certain State and County Officers. Svo. Boston, 1869. Croeselius (Jo.) Elogia Imperatorum, Ducum, &c., lUustrium. Svo. Ing., 1584. Crofton (Sir Walter, C.B.) The Present Aspect of the Convict Question. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] Svo. London, 1864. 257 Crofton (Zach.) St. Peter's Bonds Abide; against Dr. Gauden. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1660. Crogerus (Nic.) Amphitheatrum Mortis Maturse. 8vo. Fran., 16 10. Croix (Pierre de). L'Usage et Miracles du Signe de la Croix. 8vo. Arras,, 1604. Croke (Alex.) Case of Horner against Liddiard, upon the Question of the Marriage of Illegitimate Minors, determined 1799, in the Consistorial Court of London. With an Introductory Essay. 8vo. London, 1800. Croke (Sir Geo.) Reports of Select Cases, King's Bench and Common Pleas, during the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Written in French. Revised and published in English by Sir Har- bottle Grimston. [Vol. 3 incorrectly paged at 619, &c.] Second Edition. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1669. Fourth Edition. By Thomas Leach. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1790. Croker (Temple Hy.) Experimental Magnetism. 8vo. London, 1761. Crollius (Jo.) Miseria Extrema Omnium Sectariorum. [Tracts, Vol. 78.] 4to. Frib., 1609. Cromerus (Mart.) De Conjugio et Coelibatu Sacerdotum. 8vo. Colon., 1564. Cromerus (Mart.) Poloniae Descriptio. With Simler : Vellesium. 8vo. Col., 1577. Crompton (Charles) and Jervis (Sir John). Reports of Cases in the Exchequer and Exchequer Chambers, 11 Geo. IV. to 2, 3, and 4 Wm. IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832-1833. Crompton (Charles) and Meeson (Roger). Reports, 3 Wm. IV. to 4 Wm. IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 834-1 835. Crompton (Charles) and Roscoe (Henry). Reports, 4 — 6 Wm. IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-1836. Crompton (Richard). Office and Authority of Justices of the Peace. 4to. London, 161 7. Crompton (Richard). Authority and Jurisdiction of the King's Courts. 4to. London, 1637. Crompton (Samuel). A Letter to the Right Rev. J. Prince Lee, D.D., Lord Bishop of Manchester, on the Alienation of the Chapel of the Manchester Deaf and Dumb School, and of Henshaw's Blind School. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. Manchester, 1862. (17) 2S8 Cromwell (Oliver). Letter. With Proceedings in Scotland, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1650. Cromwell (Oliver). Acts passed during the Protectorate. Vol. i, 1648-1650; Vol. 2, 1653-1654; Vol. 3, 1656, 1657. 3 vols. 8vo. 1 648- 1 65 7. Cromwell (Oliver). Animadversions on his Declaration for the Churches of Lesna, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. Cromwell (Oliver). Letters and Papers of State, addressed to Oliver Cromwell, found amongst the Collection of Milton. By Jn. Nickolls. Folio. 1743- Cromwell (Oliver). Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell and his Sons. 4to. London, 1820. Cromwell (Oliver). See Burton's Diary, and Scobell. Cromwell (Richard). Army's Petition to Richard Cromwell. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] ' 4to. London, 1659. Crosby (Allan James, B.A.) Calendar of State Papers, Foreign ^eria§,j. of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1566-1568. In continuation of Stevenson, q.v. Imperial 8vo. London, 187 1. Croset (Le Sieur de). L' Amour de la Beauts. i2mo. Rouen, 1600. Cross (John). On the Law of Lien and Stoppage in Transitu. 8vo. London, 1841. Cross (Rd. Assheton). Quarter Sessions. See Leeming. Crounse (Lorenzo). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Nebraska, January Term 1873 to July Term 1874. [Vol. 3, Nebraska Reports.] 8vo. Lincoln, 1864. Crown Circuit Companion, &c. By Minchin and Herbert. 8vo. 1820. •Crowther (Jonathan). Decisions in the Supreme Court sitting in Appeal, 1863. 8vo. Colombo, n.d. Croxall (Sam.) Ovid Translated. In British Poets. Cruchley (G. F.) Plan of London. 1852. Crucius (Vin. Alsarius). Vesuvius Ardens. With Fasanis. 4to. Rom., 1632. Cruikshank (George). A Collection of such Statutes relating to His Majesty's Customs, and Duties upon Salt, &c., from 1725 to 1775. 5 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1734-17 75. Cruise (Wm.) On Fines and Recoveries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. Cruise (William). On Dignities, or Titles of Honour. Containing all the Cases of Peerage. 8vo. London, 1823. 259 Cruise (William). On the Laws of England respecting Real Property. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Fourth Edition. By Henry Hopley White. 7 vols. Bvo. London, 1835. Second American Edition, from Fourth London Edition. By Simon Greenleaf, LL.D. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston and London, 1856. Crump (F. O.) The English Law of Sale and Pledge by Factors and Agents. i2mo. London, 1868. Crump (F. O.) Marine Insurance and General Average in England and America. 8vo. London, 1875. Crumrine (Boyd). Pittsburgh Reports. Cases decided by the Federal and State Courts of Pennsylvania, chiefly at the City of Pittsburgh, 1 853-1 865. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. Crusades. Chronicles of the Crusades. (Bohn.) 8vo, 1845. Crusius (David). Theatrum Morborum Hermetico-Hippocraticum. 2 copies. 8vo. Erf, 1615. Crusius (David). Theatrum Morborum Hermetico-Hippocraticum. 8vo, Erf, 1615. Crusius (David). Physicae Peripatetico-Hermeticae Delineatio. 8vo. Erf, 1616. Crusius (Mart.) Turco-Grsecia et Germano-Grsecia. Folio. Basil, 1584. Crusius (Paul). De Epochis Temporum et Imperiorum. With Fridsevallis. 8vo. Bas., 1578. Crutius (Geo.) Monita Calvinistarum. [Tracts, Vol. 130.] 8vo. Col. Ag., 161 7. Crux absque Cruce. Svo. 161 7, Cruz (Jo. de la). De Statu Religionis et de Privilegiis, Quibus, a Summis Pontificibus est Decoratus. i2mo. Mat., 161 3. CuDDON (James). On the Copyhold Act, and the Law of Enfranchise- ment thereunder. 8vo. London, 1865. CuDSEMius (Pet.) De Desperata Calvini Causa, 8vo. Mog., 1609. CuDWORTH (Rd.) Intellectual System of the Universe. Folio. London, 1678. CujACius (Jas.) Opera quae de Jure Fecit, 4 vols, in 6. Folio. Paris, 1637. CujACius (Jas.) Paratitla in Codicem Justiniani. 4 vols, Svo. Neap., 1 75 1, 26o CujACius (Jas.) Libri h Merillio, CujACius (Jas.) See Corpus Juris Civilis. CuLENS (Hen.) Jubilei Veteris Hebraeorum, et Novi Christianoram CoUatio. [Tracts, Vol. 149.] 8vo. Ant, 161 7. CuLLEN (Wm.) Materia Medica. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1789. CuLLODEN Papers. Comprising a Correspondence from 1625 to 1748. From Originals in the possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden. To which is prefixed Memoirs of Duncan Forbes, President of the Court of Session. 4to. 18 15. ' CuLMANNUS (Leonh.) Thesauri Theologici Sexta Pars, &c. 8vo. Nori., 1554. CuLMANNUS (Leonh.) Disputationes Theologicae. 8vo. Nori., 155 1. CuLPEPER (Nic.) Translation of the London Dispensary. Folio. 1651. CuMANUS (Raphael) et Raph. Fulgosius. Commentationes in Pan- dectas, cum Indice. 5 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1554. Cumberland Ballads and Glossary. See Westmoreland. Cumberland (Lavinia, Princess of). An Appeal for Royalty to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] 8vo. 1858, Cumin (Pat. ) Manual of Civil Law ; or, Examination in the Institutes of Justinian. i2mo. Lond., Edinb., and Dub., 1854. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1865. CuNiEUS (Pet.) De Republica Hebraica. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 161 7. CuNGNO (Gul. de). Super Codice. Folio. Lyon, 151 a. CuNiNGHAM (Wil.) Cosmographical Glasse. Folio. 1559- Cunningham (Henry Stewart, M.A.) The Indian Evidence Act. (No. I of 1872.) As Amended by Act XVIIL of 1872. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. 8vo. Madras, 1872. Third Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1875. Cunningham (Henry Stewart, M.A.) Statutes, Acts, and Regulations in Force in the Madras Presidency on the ist January, 1875. Arranged Chronologically, and also according to the Nature of their Contents. Together with a Supplement, showing the Effect of the Legislation of 1874 and 1875. ^ List of Acts passed in 1875, and in Force on the ist July, 1875. And Index. Second Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1875. Cunningham (Henry Stewart, M.A.) A Digest of Hindu Law, as administered in the Courts of the Madras Presidency. 8vo. Madras, 1877. 26l Cunningham (H. S., M.A.) Statutes, Acts, and Regulations in Force in the Madras Presidency. Vol. i, comprising : — Part i. Pre- liminary. Part 2. Governments and Legislatures. Part 3. The Courts. 8vo. Madras, 1876. Cunningham (H. S., M.A.) and Newberry (Edward). The Code of Criminal Procedure. Being Act XXV. of 1861 and Act VIII. of 1869. With the Rulings of the Courts, and Copious Notes. ' To which are prefixed the Acts affecting Procedure, and selected Circulars of the Punjaub Chief Court. 8vo. Lahore, 1870. Cunningham (H. S., M.A.) and Shephard (H. H., M.A.) The Indian Contract Act. (No. 9 of 1872.) Together with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes, Table of Contents, Appendix, and Index. 8vo. Madras, 1873. Second Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1875. Cunningham (John). The Law of Parliamentary and Municipal Elections and Petitions. With an Appendix, containing all the later Statutes, such portions of former Acts as still apply, and General Rules and Forms. 8vo. London, 1877. Cunningham (John) and Mattinson (Miles Walker). A Selection of Precedents of Pleadings under the Judicature Acts in the Common Law Divisions. With Notes Explanatory of the different Causes of Action and Grounds of Defence. And an Introductory Treatise on the present Rules and Principles of Pleading, as illustrated by the various Decisions down to the Present Time. 8vo. London, 1878. Cunningham (John). In British Poets. Cunningham (Peter). Revels at Court (Elizabeth and James I.), S.S. 8vo. London, 1842. Cunningham (Peter). Handbook of London. 8vo. London, 1850. Cunningham (Peter). Life of Inigo Jones. 8vo. London, 1848. Cunningham (Timothy). Reports of Cases, King's Bench, 7 to 10 Geo. II. Temp. Hardwicke. Folio. London, 1766. Cunningham (Timothy). Law of Simony. Containing all the Statutes, Cases, and Judgments concerning it. 8vo. London, 1784. CuPERUS (Laur.) Genealogia et Viia Beatae Annse. 8vo. Antw., 1592. CuREUS (Joach.) De Natura Colorum, Sonorum, Odorum, Saporum, et Qualitatum Tangibilium. 8vo. Witt. , 1572. Curio (Gael. Sec.) Araneus, seu de Providentia. 8vo. Basil, 1544. Curio (Csel. Sec.) De Omni Artificio Disserendi, atque Tractandi Summa. 8vo. Basil, 1547. 262 Curio (Gael. Sec.) De Amplitudine Regni Dei. With Servetica Hseresis. 12 mo. 1559 Curio (Cael. Sec.) De Pace Ecclesiae. i2mo. Eleu., 1628 Curio (Cael. Sec.) Delia Christiana Religione. [Tracts, Vol. 141.] 8vo. Basil Curio (Cael. Sec.) Pro Ecclesiae Christi Authoritate. Svo. Basil, Curio (Jac. Hofemianus). De Artium Studiis. Svo. Arg., 1555 Curio (Jac. Hofemianus). Chronologicae Res Praesertim ad Ecclesias ticam Pertinentes Historiam. Folio. Basil, 1557 . Curio (Jac. Hofemianus). Res Chronologicae. Folio. Basil, 1557 Curio (Jac. Hofemianus). De Francorum Origine, &c. Folio. Basil, 1557 Curio (Jac. Hofemianus). Hermotimus. 4to. Basil, 1570 Curran (Wm. Hy.) Life of John Philpot Curran. 2 vols. Svo. 1S19 Currie (Fendall). The Code of Criminal Procedure, Act XX.Y. of 1861, as amended by Act VIH. of 1869. With Notes containing Opinions delivered by the High Courts of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Agra, &c. Third Edition. Svo. Calcutta, 1869. Currie (Fendall). The Indian Penal Code, Act XLV. of i860. With Rulings of High Court. Calcutta ; High Court, Madras ; High Court, Agra ; Judicial Commissioners of Punjaub, Central Pro- vinces, and Oudh. Svo. Calcutta, 1868. Fourth Edition. Svo. London, 1872. Currie (Fendall). The Indian Law Examination Manual. Svo. London, 1S73. Currie (Fendall). The Indian Code of Criminal Procedure. Fifth Edition, viz. : The Code of Criminal Procedure, Act X., 1872. Together with[the Alterations and Additions made by Act XL, 1874, With RuUngs of High Courts in India, and Chief Courts in the Punjaub, Oudh, and the Central Provinces. Svo. London, 1874. CuRRY-CoMB for a Coxe-Comb ; or, Purgatorius Knell. 4to. London, 1615. Curse ye Meroz. A Sermon. Reflections on. [Tracts, Vol. 171.] Svo. London, 1608. CuRSON (Henry). On Executors. Incorporated with Wentworth. CuRTE (Roch. de). De Jure Patronatfis. With Lambertinus. CuRTEis (WilHam Calverly, LL.D.) Reports of Cases in the Ecclesi- astical Courts of Doctors' Commons, 1834-1S44. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1S36. 263 Curtis (B. R.) Reports and Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, 185 1- 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-185 7. Curtis (George Ticknor). Equity Precedents. Supplementary to Mr. Justice Storey's Treatise on Equity Pleadings. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Curtis (George Ticknor). On the Law of Patents for Useful Inven- tions as Enacted and Administered in the United States of America. Third Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Boston and London, 1873. CuRTius (Joach.) De Certitudine Matheseos et Astronomiae. [Tracts, Vol. 64.] 4to. Hamb., 16 16. CuRTius (Quint.) De Riebus Gestis Alexandri Magni. i2mo. Lugd., 1573. CusANus (Nic.) De Authoritate Ecclesiae et Concilii. Vid. Flacius. [No Title.] 4to. Rat. CusHiNG (Latham S.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1848-1853. [Vols. 55-56, Massa- chusetts Reports.] 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1 850-1 866. CusHiNG (Luther Stearns), Lex Parliamentaria Americana. Elements of the Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies in the United States of America. Second Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1863. CussANS (John Edwin). History of Hertfordshire. Containing an Account of the Descents of the various Manors, Pedigrees of Families connected with the County, Antiquities, Local Customs, &c., chiefly compiled from Original MSS., Parochial Registers, &c. Folio. Hertford, 1869-187 7. CussY (Ferdinand, Baron de). Phases et Causes C^lebres du Droit Maritime des Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1856. CusT (Reginald John). On the West Indian Encumbered Estates Acts, 17 & 18 Vict., c. 45; 21 & 22 Vict, c, 96; 25 8z: 26 Vict, c. 45 ; 27 & 28 Vict, c. 108. With an Appendix, containing the Acts, General Rules, Forms, and Directions, Additional Forms, Local Act, Fees, &c., and Reports of Cases. Second Edition. i2mo, London, 1865. Supplement, with Cases to 1873. i2mo. London, 1874. CuTELLUS (Marius). Decisiones Supremorum Sicilise Tribunalium. Folio. Mess., 1632. 264 Cutler (John, B.A.) and Griffin (Edmund Fuller, B.A.) An Analysis of the Indian Penal Code (Act XLV. of i860). With Notes. 8vo. London, 1869. Cutler (John, B.A.) On Naturalization, as amended by the Natural- ization Acts, 1870. i2mo, London, 1870. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Tableau de I'Histoire des Animaux. 8vo, Par., 1798. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Recueil des filoges Historiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Strasb. and Paris, 1819. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron), Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, par M. A. Valenciennes. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Avec Planches. 4to. Paris. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Rapport Historique, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1828. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Regne Animal. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Histoire des Progres des Sciences Naturelles. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Anatomic Comparee, par Dumenil. 8 vols, in 9. 8vo. Paris, 1835. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1836. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Histoire des Sciences Naturelles. Par. Magd. de St. Agg. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). Icono- graphie. Par F. E. Guerin-Manesolles. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 829-1 844. Cyclopedia, The Penny. 27 vols, in 14. Folio. London, 1 833-1 843. CvGNiEus (Euch.) Conspicilium Notitiae. 8vo. Cynus. Super Codice. Folio. 1528. Cyprianus (Thascius Csecilius). De Mortalitate. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 8vo. 1585. CvPRiANUS (Thascius Csecilius). Epistola ad Cornelium. With Fisher : Defensio. i2mo. Paris, 1562. 26s D ADE (Will.) Almanack for 1628. 8vo. Dadinus (Ant.) Alteserra. DADRiEus (Jo.) Loci Communes. Svo. Col. Ag., 1594. D^MONES CoERCENDi, dc Potcstatc Ecclesiffi. 4to. Col. Ag., 1629. Dafforne (Rd.) Merchant's Mirror. With Malynes : Lex. Folio. 1684. D'Aguilar (Sir George, K.C.B.) On District, Regimental, and De- tachment Courts-Martial. Also Remarks on the Composition and Practice of Courts of Inquiry. Revised by John Endle. Svo. Dublin, 1866. Daille (Jn.) De I'Employ des Saincts P^res pour le Jugement de Differends en la Religion. Svo. Gen., 1602. Dailson (Chs.) Speech to the King. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1642. Dale (John Murray). The Clergyman's Legal Handbook and Church- warden's Guide. Svo. London, 1 865. Dale (John Murray). Legal Ritual. The Judgments delivered by the Privy Council and Dean of Arches in the recent Cases of Martin r. Mackonochie, Elphinstone v. Purchas, and Herbert v. Purchas. With Notes and Suggestions for the guidance of Incumbents, Churchwardens, and Parishioners. 12 mo. London, 1871. Dale (Joseph). The Chrysanthemum. With Marriage Act. i2mo. 1856. Dale (Joseph). The Chrysanthemum. With Marriage Act. i2mo. 1S56. Dale (J., F.H.S.) Culture of the Chrysanthemum. 12 pp. i2mo. London, 1861. Dalechamp (Caleb). Vindiciae Salomonis. [Tracts, Vol. 86.] 4to. 1622. Dalechamp (Caleb). Christian Hospitalitie. With a Life of Mr. Har- rison. Svo. Cambridge, 1632. Dalison (Wm.) See Benloe and Keilwey. Dallas (A. J.) Reports of Cases in the Courts of the United States and in Pennsylvania, &c. 4 vols. Svo. Phil, 1806. Dallas (Geo.) System of Stiles in Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1773. 266 Dallaway (James, B.M., F,A.S.) A History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex, including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel, and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester. Two volumes in Three. Vol. 2. By Edmund Cartwright, M,A., F.A.S. 4to. London, 18 15, 1830, 1832. Dallaway (James, B.M., F.A.S.) The Parochial Topography of the Rape of Arundel, in the Western Division of the County of Sussex. A New Edition. By Edmund Cartwright, M.A., F.A.S. Vol. 2, Parts I, 2. 4to. London, 1832. Dallington (Robert). See Guicciardini's Aphorismes. Dalloz (M. D., Ain^), Jurisprudence G^n^rale. Repertoire Mdtho- dique et Alphabetique de Legislation de Doctrine et de Juris- prudence en matiere de Droit Civil, Commercial, Criminel, Administratif, de Droit des Gens, et de Droit Public. Nouvelle Edition. 44 vols. 4to. Paris, 1845-1864. Dalloz (M. D., Aine), Jurisprudence G^n^rale du Royaume. Recueile Pdriodique et Critique de Jurisprudence, de Legislation, et de Doctrine en matiere Civile, Commerciale, Criminelle, Adminis- trative, et de Droit Public. Divise en quatre parties et contenant : 1. Arrets de la Cour de Cassation. 2. Arrets des Cours Imperiales. 3. Decisions du Conseil d'Etat, et documens divers. 4. Lois, Decrets, et Actes Legislatifs. 5. Decisions d'un ordre secondaire, citations d'opinions d'auteurs, &c., renfermees dans la table de matieres. Annees 1845-1878. 34 vols. 4to. Paris, 1845-1879. Dalmada (Eman.) Epistola Apologetica adversus Haddonum. 4to. Antw., 1566. Dalrymple (Sir David). Annals of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1797. Dalrymple (John). Essay towards a General History of Feudal Property in Great Britain. 8vo. 1758. Dalrymple (John). Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. 8vo. 1790. Dalton (Michael). Office and Authority of Sheriffs. Folio. London, 1670. Dalton (Michael). Country Justice. With Abridgment of all the Statutes relating thereto, to 1696. Folio. London, 1697. Dalton (Michael). The Office and Authority of Sheriffs. 4to. London, 1700. 267 Daly (D. B.) Handy Book of the Practice in the Lord Mayor's Court in Ordinary Actions, and in Foreign Attachment, under the New Statute, and Rules of Court. With an Appendix of the Mayor Court of London Procedure Act, 1857, and Scale of Costs. 1 2 mo. London, 1861. Dalzell (R.) See Leigh. Damascenus (Janus Decapolitanus). Curandi Ars; Alb. Torino Paraphraste et Gerardo Metaphraste. Folio. Basil., 1543- Damascenus (Joh.) Opera (Latine). With Greg. Nyssen : de Crea- tione. Folio. Basil., 1539. Damascenus (Joh.) Vitse S. Barlaam, et Josaphat Indiae Regis. i2mo. Antjv., 1602. Damascus. See Maittaire. Damathat (The) ; or, the Laws of Menoo. Translated from the Burmese. By D. Richardson. 14 vols, in i. Second Edition. Svo. Rangoon, 1876. Dames (R. S. Longworth). The Legal Aspect of Ritualism, with Special Reference to Ireland. Read before the Irish Church Society, 10th December, 1867. [Pamphlet, 29 pages.] i2mo. Dublin, 1867. Damhoudere (Josse de), Damhouderius. Practica Rerum Criminalium. Svo. Ludg., 1558. Damhoudere (Josse de), Damhouderius. Le Refuge et Garand des Pupilles, Orphelius et Prodigues. 4to. Anv., 1657. Damian (Peter). Opera, cum Notis Const. Caetani. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Rome, 1606. Dana (James G.) Reports of Select Cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1833, to Spring Term, 1840. [Vols. 29 to 37, Kentucky Reports.] Second Edition. 9 vols. Svo. Cincinnati, 1851. Dana (R. H., Junr.) The Seaman's Manual. Eleventh Edition. By John J. Mayo. i2mo. London, 1868. Dan^us, or Daneau (Lambert). De Antichristo. Svo. Geneva, 1576. Dan^us, or Daneau (Lambert). Des Sorciers, et des Jeux des Cartes, &c. With Fabri Traite. Svo. 1579. DANiEUS, or Daneau (Lambert). Des Sorciers, et des Jeux des Cartes, &c. With Fabri Traite. Svo. 1579. DANiEUS, or Daneau (Lambert). Physice Christiana. Svo. Gen., 1579. DANiEUS, or Daneau (Lambert). De Sortiariis. Svo. 1581. DANiEUS, or Daneau (Lambert). Physique Frangoise. Svo. Gen., 15S1. 268 Dan^us, or Daneau (Lambert). De la Vie de St. Paul. 8vo. 1595. DANiEUS, or Daneau (Lambert). Primi Mundi Antiquitates. 4to. 1596. Dan^eus, or Daneau (Lambert). See Augustin : Enchiridion. Danica Chronica. 8vo. Fran., 1594. Daniel (Edward Morton). The Trade Marks Registration Act, 1875. The Merchandize Marks Act, 1862. 8vo. London, 1876. Daniel (Gabriel). Histoire de France, depuis I'Etablissement de la Monarchic Fran9oise. 7 vols. 4to, Amst., 1720. Daniel (Sam.) History of England. In Kennett. Daniel (W. T. S., QC.) On the Amendment of the Existing System of Law Reporting. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets,] i2mo. London, 1865. Daniell (Edmund Robert). Election Cases. See Corbett. Daniell (Edmund Robert) Reports of Cases in the Equity side of the Court of Exchequer. 1817-1820. 8vo. London, 1824. Daniell (Edmund Robert). On the New Orders in Chancery. 8vo. London, 1841. Daniell (Edmund Robert). The Practice of the High Court of Chancery. With some Practical Observations on the Pleadings in that Court. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 183 7-1 841. Second Edition, By Thomas Emerson Headlam. 2 vols, 8vo, London, 1845. Supplement, By Thomas Emerson Headlam, 8vo, London, 1851. Third Edition, By Thomas Emerson Headlam. 2 vols, 8vo, London, 1857. Fourth Edition. By Leonard Field and Edward Clennel Dunn, with the assistance of John Biddle, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1865-1867. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Daniell (Edmund Robert). Forms and Precedents of Pleadings in the High Court of Chancery. With Practical Notes and Obser- vations, and References to the Fourth Edition of Daniell's Chancery Practice, and incorporating the Forms in Braithwaite's Record and Writ Practice. By Leonard Field, Edward Clennel Dunn, and John Biddle. Part l 8vo. London, 1867. Second Edition, with References to the Fifth Edition of Daniell's Chancery Practice, By John Biddle, 8vo, London, 187 1, Third Edition. By William Henry Upjohn, 8vo. London, 1879. 269 Daniels (William Henry). Introduction to the Science of Wealth. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. London, 1864. Danish Laws; or, the Code of Christian the Fifth. Faithfully translated for the use of the English Inhabitants of the Danish Settlements in America. 8vo. London, 1756. D'Anisy (L^chande). Extrait des Chartes et autres Actes Normands ou Anglo-Normands qui se trouvent dans les archives du Calvados. Accompagn^ d'un Atlas en 4to. contenant 500 sceaux ou con- tresceaux. 2 vols. Svo. Caen, 1834, 1835. D'Anisy et de Ste. Marie (L^chande). Recherches sur le Domesday ou Libre Censualis d'Angleterre, ainsi que sur le Liber de Winton et le Bolden Book. Tome premier. [All pubHshed.] 4to. Caen, 1842. Danson (F. M.) and Lloyd (J. H.) Mercantile Cases in the Courts of Common Law, 1828-1829. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1830. Danson (J. T.) Jettison and General Average. [Pamphlet, 25 pages.] i2mo. Liverpool, 1868. Dante (Alighieri). La Divina Commedia, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Liv., 1807. Dante (Alighieri). Vita Nuova, Canzoni, &c. [Imperfect.] Svo. D'Anvers (Knightly). A General Abridgment of the Common Law. With Notes and References. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1705-1727. Second Edition. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1 725-1 737. Daoys (Steph. Pampilonensis). Juris Civilis Summa, seu Index. 2 vols. Folio. Mediol., 1742. Daoys (Steph. Pampilonensis). Juris Pontificii Summa. 2 vols. Folio. Mediol., 1745. DAPHiEUS Arenarius, /. 8vo. Lugd., 1591 Frachetta (Girol.) II Idea del Libro de Governi di Stato, et di Guerra. 8vo. Ven., 1592 Frachetta (Girol.) II Prencipe. With Botero : Aggiunte, &c. 8vo. Ven., 1599 Frachetta (Girol.) II Seminario di Stato et di Guerra. Folio. Ven., 16 13 France. Histoire des Rois de France jusques k Henri IV. [Very imperfect] 8vo. Hon., 1506 France. Ordonnances Royaulx. Folio. Paris, 1539, France. Les Loix, Statuts, et Ordonnances Faictes par les Roys de France, &c. Avec les Sommaires et Table de Berland. Folio. Paris, 1548. 8vo. Ant., 1556. De Juventute. 8vo. Basil, 1556 De Honore. 8vo. Basil, 1556 De Demonstrationes. 8vo. Basil, 1556 De Usu Dialecticae. 8vo. Basi., 1556 347 France. Defence pour le Roy k TEncontre d'Omphalius. 4to. Paris, 1544. France. Apologie par un Serviteur du Roy centre les Impdriaux. With Seigneur. 4to. Paris, 1552. France. Discours de Choses qui Appartiennent k nostre France. 4to. Poit., 1557. France. Edict de Jean d'Austrice, &c. With Lettres. 8vo. Orleans, 1577. France. Recueil des Antiquitez Gauloises et Fran9oises. 4to. Paris, 1579. France. Francorum Regum Series. With Paradin. 4to. Lugd., 1 581. France. Histoire de France depuis 1550. Folio. Paris, 158 1. France. Chroniques et Mdmoires sur I'Histoire de France, &c. Par Buchon. 8vo. Paris, 1840. France. Sommaire des Faits et Vies des Roys de France, j usque a Henri III. Folio. Paris, 1585. France. Examen du Discours contre la Maison Royale de France. &^ 352 Freitag (John). De Opii Natura. 8vo. Gron., 1632. Freitag (John). De Morbis Substantiae. 8vo. Gron., 1632. Freitag (John). De Calidi Innati Essentia. 8vo. Gron., 1633- Freitag (John). De Formarum Origine. Svo. Gron., 1632. Freitag (Joh.) Noctes Medicse. 4to. Fran., 1616. Frend (H. T.) and Ware (T. H.) Precedents of Conveyances and other Instruments relating to the Transfer of Land to Railway Companies. With Introductory Matter and Explanatory Notes. Svo. London and Dublin, 1846. Frend (H. T.) and Ware (T. Hibbert). Railway Precedents. Second Edition. With a Treatise on the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts. By Decimus Sturges and T. LI. Murray Browne. 8vo. London, 1866. » Frend (H. T.) Primogeniture and Entails. [Pamphlet, 8 pages.] 8vo. London, 1869. Frere (Wm.) Douglas's Reports, Frewen (John). Sermons. Svo. 161 2. Frewen (John). Grounds of the Christian Religion, i2mo. 162 1. Fricius (And.) De Republica Emendanda. Folio. Basil, 1569. FridjEvallis (Hug.) De Tuenda Sanitate, Svo. Ant, 1568. Fridenreich (Zach.) Politica. Svo. 1609. Frischlin (Nicod.) Nomenclator Trilinguis, Grseco-Latino-Germanicus. 8vo. Fran,, 1600. Frischlin (Nicod.) Astronomia. [No Title.] Svo. Frise (Chr.) Jus Domaniale. 2 vols. Folio. Franc, ad Mgen., 1701. Frisius (Jo. Jac.) Bibliotheca Philosophorum Classicorum Aiithorum. 4to. Tigu., 1592. Frisius (Jo. Jac.) See Gesner. Frisius (Laur.) Defensio Medicorum Avicennse. 4to. Arg., 1530. Frison (Peter). Le Moulin de Charenton sans Farine. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] i2mo. Paris, 16 18. Frobenius (Jo. Lud.) Collectio Epistolarum ad Ranzovium, Svo. Franc, 1593. Frobisher (Mart.) Navigatio in Regiones Occidentales et Septen- trionales. Per Jo. Tho. Freigium. With Belisarius Aquaviva. Svo. Nor., 1580. Frois (A1.) Avvisi del Giappone. Svo. Rom., 1586. 353 Frois (A1.) De Statu Rei Christianae in Japonia. 8vo. Mog., 1598. Frois (Lud.) De Rebus Japonicis Relatio, et de Rebus h. Societate Jesu per Japoniam Factis, &c. 8vo. Mog., 1599. Froissart (Jn.) Croniques. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1504. Froissart (Jn.) La Rozier. Folio. Paris, 1528. Froissart (Jn.) Chroniques. By Thomas Johnes. With Plates. 13 vols. 8vo. 1808. Froissart (Jn.) Chroniques. Par J. A. C. Buchon. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Froissart (Jn.) See Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores. Fromondus (Lib.) De Cometa. See Fienus. With Chassinus. Frontinus (Sext. Julius). Stratagemi Militari. 4to. Ven., 1574. Frontinus (Sext. Julius). De Coloniis. Finiam Auctores. Frontonis M. Comelii et M. Aurelii Imperatoris Epistolse et alia Scripta. L. Veri et Antonini Pii atque Appiani Epistolarum Reliquiae ex Codicibus Romano et Mediolanensi. Edente A.M., b.w. Cicero de Republica. 8vo. Romae, 1846. Frost (Charles, F.S.A.) Notices relative to the early History of the Town and Port of Hull. 4to. London, 1827. Froude (James Anthony). History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 185 8- 18 70. Froude (James Anthony, M.A.) Short Essays on Great Subjects. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Second Series. 8vo. London, 187 1. Froumenteau (N.) Les Finances du France. 8vo. 1581. Fruterius (Luc.) Verisimilia, &c. With Chytraeus de Caesaribus. 8vo. Ant., 1584. Fry (Alfred A.) Report of the Case of the Canadian Prisoners. With an Introduction on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Lond, and Dub., 1839. FRY(DanbyP.) The Lunacy Acts. Containing all the Statutes relating to Private Lunatics, Pauper Lunatics, Criminal Lunacy, Commis- sions of Lunacy, Public and Private Asylums, and Commissioners in Lunacy. With an Introductory Commentary, Notes to the ■Statutes, including References to Decided Cases, and a Copious Index. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Fry (Edward). The Specific Performance of Contracts. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1858. (23) 354 FuLBECK (William). Conference of the Civil, Canon, and Common Law of England. 4to. 1601. FuLBECK (William). Preparative to the Study of the Law. i2mo. 1620. FuLCO (Guil.) Anti-Prognosticon. [Tracts, Vol. 125.] 8vo. 1560. FuLCO (Guil.) Metromachia. 4to. FuLcus (Jul.) De Eleemosynariis. 8vo. Paris, 1585. FuLGENTius (Estensis). De Natura Originalis Peccati. 8vo. Pata., 1599. FuLGOSE (Bapt.) L'Antheros. 4to. Paris, 1581. FuLGOSius (Raphael). See Cumanus. FuLiGATi (Js.) La Vie du Cardinal Bellarmin. Par Pierre Morin. 8vo. Par., 1626. FuLKE (William). Retentive to stay Christians in true Faith. 8vo. 1580. FuLKE (Wm.) Translations of the New Testament compared. Folio. 1617. FuLKE (William). Treatises against Allen, &c. With Clarke. 8vo. Cambr. Fuller (Nic.) Miscellanea Theologica. 8vo. Heid., 1612. Fuller (Thomas). History of the University of Cambridge. Fuller (Thomas). History of Waltham Abbey. With his Church History. Folio. 1655. Fuller (Thomas). Church History of Britain, Folio. 1655. Fuller (Thomas). Church History of Britain. Folio. 1655. Fuller (Thomas). History of the Worthies of England. Folio. 1662. Fuller (Thomas). History of the Holy War. i2mo. 1840. Fuller (Thomas), Good Thoughts in Bad Times ; Good Thoughts in Worse Times; Mixt Contemplations in Better Times. With the Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience. lamo. 1841. Fulton (John Williamson). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Bengal. 8vo. Calc, 1845, FuLvius (And.) Illustrium Imagines, 8vo, Lugd., 1524. Fumanellus (Ant.) Opera Medica. Folio. Tig., 1557. FuMEE(Mart.) History of the Troubles of Hungary. Folio. 1600. Fundamental Law. Touching the King's Negative, the Power of Parhaments, and the Militia. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1643. 355 FuNES (Mart.) Speculum Morale et Practicum. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1610. FuQUA (James O.) Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State ot Louisiana. With the Statutory Amendments, 1825-1866. 8vo. New Orleans, 1869. FuRius (Fred. Coeriolanus). Bononia, sive de Libris Sacris in Linguam Vernaculam Convertendis. 8vo. Basil, 1556. FuRius (Marcus Bibaculus). See Maittaire. FuRLEY (Robert, F.S.A.) A History of the Weald of Kent. 2 vols in 3. 8vo. London, 1871-1874. Furlong (J. S.) The Law of Landlord and Tenant, as administered in Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Furlong (J. S.) The Law of Landlord and Tenant, as administered in Ireland. Second Edition. By E. R. D. La Touche. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1869. FuRNESS (Edwd.) Guide to Economy, and Comfort for the Feet. 8vo. 1858. FuscHius (Leon.) De Componendorum, &c., Medicamentorum Ratione. i2mo. Lugd., 1556, FuscHius (Leon.) De Curandi Ratione. i2mo. Lugd,, 1554. FuscHius (Leon.) Parodoxa Medicinse. 8vo. Paris, 1555. FuscHius (Leon.) De Humani Corporis Fabricatione. 8vo. Lugd., 1555. Fusus (Ant.) Le Franc Archer de la Vraye Eglise. 8vo. 161 9. 356 GABBETT (Joseph). Digested Abridgment and Comparative View, to 1811, of the Statute Law of England and Ireland. With Supplement to 181 7. 4 vols. Svo. Dublin, 181 2-1 8 18, Gabbett (Joseph). Criminal Law. Comprehending all Criminal Mis- demeanors punishable by Indictment, and Offences cognizable summarily by Magistrates. 2 vols in 3. Svo. Dublin, 1835. Gablman (Nic.) Mansfeldiana. 4to, Franc, 1597. Gabra (C. F.) Studi di Legislazioni civile comparata in servizio della Nuova Codificazione Italiana. 8vo. Milano, 1862. Gabriel: (Aug.) Lettre de Complimenti, &c. With Bragaccia. 4to. Gabrielli (Lud.) Metodo di Confessione. i2mo. Ven., 1572. Gabucinus (Hier) De Lumbricis. i2mo. Lugd., 1549. Gaches (Louis, LL.M., B.A.) The Town Councillors' and Burgesses' Manual. A Popular Digest of the Municipal and Sanitary Law. i2mo. London, 1875. Gaddius (Jac.) De Scriptoribus (non Ecclesiasticis) Grsecis, Latinis, Italicis. Folio. Flor., 1648. Gaffarel (Jas.) Curiositez trouves sur la Sculpture Talismanique des Persans, Horoscope des Patriarches, et Lecture des Estoilles. 8vo. Par., 1629. Gage (John, F.S.A.) The History and Antiquities of Hengrave, in Suffolk. 4to. London, 1822. Gage (John). The History and Antiquities of Suffolk. Thingoe Hundred. 4to. London, 1838. Gaguin (R.) Ars Metrica, cum Carminibus. With Kamitus. 4to. Gaguin (R.) Rerum Gallicarum Annales. Folio. Fran., 1577. Gaill (And. Agrip.) Practicae Observationes, &c. 4to. Col. Ag., 1 72 1. Gaimar (Geoffrey). Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle. 8vo. 1850. Gaimar (Geoffrey). See Monumenta. Gairdner (James). Historia Regis Henrici Septimi. See Brit., Gt., No. 10. Gairdner (James). Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reign of Richard III. and Henry VII. See Brit., Gt., Nos. 10 and 24. 2 vols. London, 1861-1863. 357 Gaius. Gaii et Justiniani Institutiones, per Clem. Aug. Car. Klenze et Ed. Bocking. 4to. Berlin, 1829. Gaius. The Commentaries of Gaius on the Roman Law. With an English Translation and Annotations. By Frederick Tomkins, M.A., D.C.L., and William George Lemon, LL.B. 8vo. London, 1869. Gaius. The Commentaries of Gaius. Translated, with Notes, by J. T. Abdy, LL.D., and Bryan Walker, M.A, M.L. 8vo. Cambridge, 1870. Gaius and Ulpian. By J. T. Abdy, LL.D., and Bryan Walker, M.A., LL.D. New Edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1874. Gaius. Institutionum Juris Civilis Comentarii quatuor ; or. Elements of Roman Law. By Gaius. With a Translation and Commentary, by Edward Poste, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 187 1. Second Edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1875. Gaizus (Ant.) De Somno. With Constantinus Africanus. Folio. Basil, 1539. Galantes (Li v.) Christianse Theologiae cum Platonica Comparatio, &c. Folio. Bon., 1627. ■ Galateo. Espanol. i2mo. Valla., 1603. Galateo. Destierro de Ignorancia. i2mo. Valla., 1603. , Galateo. Lazarillo de Tormes Castigado. i2mo. Valla., 1603. Galateus (Ant.) Alphonsi Regis Epithalamium. 8vo. Bas., 1558. / Galateus (Ant.) De Situ Japygise. 8vo. Basil, 1558. Galateus (Ant.) Descriptio Callipolis. 8vo. Basil, 1558. , Galateus (Ant.) De Villa Laur. Valise. 8vo. Basil, 1558. Galatinus (Pet.) De Arcanis Catholicae Veritatis. Folio. 1603. Galbraith (John B.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of Florida, at Terms held in 1 860-1 867. [Vols. 9-1 1, Florida Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1860-1867. Galbraith (John B.) and Meek (A. R.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of Florida, at Terms held in 1867, 1868, 1869. [Vol. 12, Florida Reports.] 8vo. Talla- hassee, 1869. Gale (Charles James). New Term Reports. Cases in the Court of Exchequer, 1835, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836-1838. Gale (Charles James) and Davison (H.) Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, 1 841-1843. 3 vols. 8vo. 1841. 358 Gale (Charles James) and Whatley (T. Denman). On the Law of Easements, 8vo. 1839. Fourth Edition. By David Gibbons. Svo. London, 1868. Fifth Edition. By David Gibbons. 8vo. London, 1876. Gale (Roger). Registrum Honoris de Richmond, R.C. Folio. 1722. Gale (Tho.) Historige Britannicae, Saxonicse, Anglo-Danicse, Angli- canse Scriptores, XX. 2 vols. Folio. Oxon., 1691. Galeatius. De Febribus. With Marsilius. Folio. Ven., 15 14. Galen (Claudius). De Causis, &c., Respirationis. A Jan. Cornario. With Albucasio. Folio. Basil, 1536. Galen (Claudius). De Succedaneis Medicamentis. With Jan. Damas- cenus. Folio. Basil, 1543. Galen (Claudius). De Constitutione Artis Medicse. With Sim. Fortius. 8vo. Paris, 1547. Galen (Claudius). De Constitutione Artis Medicse. A Vict. Trinca- vella. With Gordon de Vita. 8vo. Paris, 1557. Galen (Claudius). De Optima Corporis Constitutione, &c. Svo. Hedu., 1578. Galen (Claudius). De Inequali Intemperie. Svo. Hedu., 1578. Galen (Claudius). Quomodo Simulantes Morbum sunt Deprehendendi. Svo. Hedu., 1578. Galen (Claudius). De Ptisana. Svo. Hedu., 15 78. Galen (Claudius). See Aphorismes d'Hippocrate. Galen (Claudius). See Champier. Galeomyomachia. See Theodorus. Galesinius (Pet.) De Bibliis Grsecis Interpretum LXXH. With Tinnulus. 4to. Rom., 1587. Galfredus Monuraetensis. Britanniae Regum et Principium, &c., Origo et Gesta. 4to. 1508, Galfredus Monumetensis. Translated by J. A. Giles. (Bohn.) With Ethelwerd. Svo. 1848. Galfredus Monumetensis. Merlini Vaticinia. Svo. Fra., 160S. Galfredus Monumetensis. See Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores. Galganetti (Leand.) De Jure Publico. Folio. Venet., 1623. Galianus (C.) Delia Moneta. 4to. Nap., 1750. Galilei (Gal.) De Proportionum Instrumento, a se Invento. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. Arg., 161 2. 359 * Galilei (Gal.) Sidereus Nuntius. 8vo. Franc, 1610. Galilei (Gal.) Discorsi e Dimonstrazione Mathematiche, &c. 4to. Leid., 1638. Galilei (Gal.) Sidereus Nuntius. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] Galindus (Sanctus). Anatomia Societatis, cum Aliis Opusculis. [Tracts, Vol. 96.] 4to. Lubdu., 1633. GalljEUS (Phil.) Theatri Terrarum Enchiridion. Per Hugon. Favolium. 4to. Antw., 1585. Gallandius (Pet.) Contra Novam Academiam Rami. 4to. Paris, 155 1. Gallart (Diego de Aedo y). Viaje de Fernando de Austria. 4to. 1635. Gallemart (Jo. de). Decisiones et Declarationes Sancti Concilii Tridentini, &c. 8vo. Duaci., 1615. Galleratus (p.) De Renunciationibus. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Genevse, 1678. Gallettus (Th.) Religiosus, et Sanctorum Varia Opuscula. 8vo. Lugd., 16 1 5. Gallia. Ad Regis Galliae Consiliarios Exhortatio. With Micquellus. 8vo. 1561. Gallia. Traict^ des Libertez de I'Eglise Gallicane. i2mo. Paris, 1608. Gallia. Des Droits et Libertez de I'Eglise Gallicane. 4to. Paris, 1609. Gallinius (C.) De Verborum Significatione. Folio. Venet., 1582. Gallison (John). Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, 1812-1815. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Gallo (August.) Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture. 4to. Paris, 15 71. Gallo (August.) Le Vinti Giornate Dell' Agricoltura, et de Piaceri della Villa. 4to. Ven., 1673. Gallofranci. Epistola pro Libertate Senatlis Venetorum. [Tracts, Vol. 164.] 8vo. 1607. Gallucci (Gio. Paul). Theatrum Mundi, et Temporis. 4to. Ven., 1588. Gallucci (Gio. Paul). De Fabrica et Usu Hemisphaeri Uranici. Folio. Ven., 1596. Gallus Eschenreuterus. Epistola Guil. Gratarolo. With Ripley. 8vo. Franc, 15 14. 36o Gambia. Laws and Ordinances of the British Settlements in the Gambia, and their Dependencies, 1 843-1 867. 8vo. London, 1868. Gamble (Richard Wilson, M.A.) and Barlow (William, B.A.) An Index to all the Reported Cases in the several Courts of Equity in Ireland, Trinity Term 1838 to Hilary Term 1867. With a Table of Cases, 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1868. Gamboa (Francisco Xavier de). On the Mining Ordinances of Spain. Dedicated to His Catholic Majesty Charles III. Translated by Captain Heathfield. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Gamma (Ant. de). Decisiones Supremi Senatus Lusitanise. Folio. Antw., 1683. Gamon (Christoph.) La Semaine. i2mo. Niort, 1615. Gamucci (Bern.) Le Antichiti di Roma. 8vo. Vin., 1569. Ganaverrus (Greg. de). Decisiones Regiae Camera Neapolitanse. Folio. Neap., 1655. Ganivetus (Jo.) Amicus Medicorum. 8vo. Leyd., 1550. Gansius (Jo. Lud.) Corallorum Historia. With Casander. 8vo. Fran., 1630. Garasse (Frs.) La Doctrine des Beaux Esprits de ce Temps. 4to. Paris, 1624. Garasse (Frs.) Lettre a M. Ogier. i2mo. Paris, 1624. Garasse (Frs.) Somme Theologique des Capitales de la Religion Chrestienne. FoHo. Paris, 1625. Garasse (Frs.) Somme des Fautez de Garasse. 4to. Paris, 1626. Garc^eus (Jo.) De Erigendis Figuris Cseli, &c. 8vo. Witteb., 1573. Garc^us (Jo.) Astrologise Methodus de Genituris, Secundum Ptolo- mseum. FoHo. Basil, 1576. Garc^us (Jo.) De Infanticidio Herodis. With Vulpian. 8vo. Wit, 1665. Garcia (Carl.) La Oposicion y Conjuncion de los Grandes Luminares de la Tierra, Francia y Espana. 8vo. Paris, 161 7, Garcia (D.) Aromatum, &c., apud Indos Nascentium Historia, cum Notis Car. Clusii. 8vo. Ant., 1567. Garcia ( ). Silva Figueroa, de Rebus Persarum. [Tracts, Vol. 166.] 8vo. Antw., 1620. Garde (R.) Analysis of Pleading. 12 mo. 1841. Garde (R.) The Mexican Bondholder's Guide. 36i Gardenhire (James B.) Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, 1851. [Vols. 14, 15, Missouri State Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1852. Gardiner (Steph.) Ad Bucerum de Ejusdem Pseudologia Conquestio. WithHuss: Anatomia, &c. 4to. Col., 1545. Gardiner (Steph.) Answer to Stephen Gardiner. i2mo. Gardinius (Lud.) Anima Rationalis Restituta. 8vo. Duaci., 1629. Gardner Peerage. See Lemarchant. Garetius (Hen.) De Arthritide. Svo. Fran., 1592. Garetius (Hen.) De Arthritide. With Campolongus. Garimberto (Hier.) Problemi Naturaliae Morali. Svo. Ven., 1549. Garimberto (Hier.) Concetti, &c 8vo. Ven., 1553. Garnet (Hy.), &c. Proceedings against him, &c. 4to. 1606. Garrard (Edm.) The Country Gentleman's Moderator; or. Inter- marriages between the Royal Lines of England and Spain. [Tracts, Vol. 115.] 4to. 1624. Garsia {alias Ferrand). Law of Oleron. With Godolphin. Garth (Sam.) In British Poets. Garthius (Bait, and Helv.) Lexicon Latino-Graecum. Svo. Franc, 1620. Garzia (Nic.) De Beneficiis Ecclesiasticis. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Ven., 1630. Gassarus (Jo.) Officina Poetica. With Bonnaeus. Svo. Lip., 1620. Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. 65.] Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. Gassendi (Pet. In Fluddanam Philosophiam. With Casander. Svo. Paris, 1630. Mercurius in Sole Visus, &c., Parisiis. [Tracts, Vol. 4to. Paris, 1632. De Magnitudine Solis. 4to. Paris, 1642. De Motu Impresso \ Motore. 4to. Paris, 1642. De Proportione qua Gravia Decidentia Accelerantur. 4to. Paris, 1646. Institutio Astronomica, &c. 4to. Paris, 1647. Exercitationes Paradoxicae adversus Aristotelem. Svo. Ant, 1649, Vita Peireskii. Svo. Hag., 165 1. 362 Gassendi (Pet.) Romanum Calendarium Expositum, Gassendi (Pet.) Romanum Calendarium Expositum. 4to. , Gassendi (Pet.) Notitia Ecclesise Diniensis. 4to. Paris, 1654. Gassendi (Pet.) See Epicuras. Gastaldis (Jac. di). Universi Mundi Descriptio. [Tracts, Vol. 165.] 8vo. Ven., 1568. Gastius (Jo.) De Virginitatis Custodia, &c. i2mo. Basil, 1543. Gastius (Jo.) De Anabaptismi Exordio, &c. Svo. Basil, 1544. Gataker (Tho.) Spiritual Watch. [Tracts, Vol. 90.] 4to. 16 19. Gataker (Tho.) Two Wedding Sermons. [Tracts, Vol. i.] 4to. 1623. Gataker (Tho.) Discussion of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. 4to. 1624. Gataker (Tho.) Discourse against Lilley's Merlin. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1654. Gatzert (Christian Hartnian Sam.) De Jure Communi Anglise. 4to. Gott., 1765. Gauden (John). Anatomy of Gauden's Idolised Nonsense. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1660. Gauden (John). The Liturgical Considerator Considered ; or, Gauden's Considerations Viewed by G. F. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1 66 1. Gauden (John). Love of Truth and Peace. [Tracts, Vol. 90.] 4to. 1 64 1. [ Gauden (John). Vindication of Himself. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] \ 4to. 1661. ( Gauden (John). J. C.'s Letter, &c., upon. 4to. 1661. Gauden (John). Concerning Publick Oaths. [Tracts, Case 36.] 4to. 1662. Gaudentius (Jo.) Chartse Palantes. 4to. Flor., 1638. Gaudentius (Pagan.) De Philosophia apud Romanos. 4to. Par., 1643. Gaudier (Ant.) Praxis Meditandi Ignatii. i2mo. Paris, 1620. Gaufridus (Jac.) Protrita Impietas, &c., sive Apologia pro Ludovico XIIL [Tracts, Vol. 119.] 410. Par., 1635. Gaufridus (Jac.) Protrita Impietas, &c., sive Apologia pro Ludovico XIII. [Tracts, Vol. 169.] 410. Par., 1635. Gaulmyn (Gilb.) De Vita Mosis. 8vo. Paris, 1629. '«: 3^3 Gaultier (James). Table Chronographique de I'Estat de Christianisme. Folio. Lyon, 1613. Gaultier (James). Aphorismes ou Sentences, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 149.] 8vo. Par., 1602. Gauric (Luc.) Trattato da Astrologia Judiciaria. With Hen. Raimondo. 4to. Ven., 1540. Gauric (Luc.) Opera Omnia Astrologica, &c. 2 vols. Folio. Basil, 1575. Gay (John). In British Poets. Gayangas (Pascual de). Calendar of State Papers relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives of Simancas and elsewhere. In continuation of Bergemoth. Vols. 2 and 4. 1525-1530. 1873-1879. Gaz^eus (Guil.), or Gazet. Histoire de la Vie des Saincts, &c. [Imperfect] Folio. Paris, 1602. Gaz^us (Guil), or Gazet. Idiota de Vita et Moribus Religiosorum. Svo. Atre., i6o6. Gazetteer of the United Kingdom (Parliamentary). 9 vols. Svo. Edinb. and Dub., 1846. Gazettes (London). 1665-1685 ; 1701-1747; 1756; 1758-1876. Folio. London, 1665-1876. Gazius (Ant). yErarium Sanitatis, de Vino, &c. With Geo, Valla. 8vo. Patas., 1549. Geber. Ars Chymica. See Avicenna. Gediccus (Sim.) Defensio Sexus Muliebris. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. Lips., 1595. Gee (Jn.) The Foot out of the Snare. 4to. 1624. Geld ART (T. C.) Reports. See Maddock, Vol. 6. Gell (James). Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promulgated since the year 1836. With an Appendix containing the Bye- Laws for the Regulation and Government of Towns, and the Rules of the Court of Chancery, &c. 8vo. Douglas, 1848. Gelli (Jn. Bapt.) Les Discours Fantastiques de Justin Tonnelier. 8vo. Lyon, 1566. Gellibrand (Hen.) Trigonometria Britannica. Folio. Gond., 1633. Gellibrand (Hen.) Institution Trigonometrical. 8vo. 1635. Gellibrand (Hen.) Variation of the Magnetical Needle. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. 1635. 3^4 Gellius (Aulus). Noctes Atticae. 8vo. Lugd., 1555. Gellius (Aulus). See Valpy. Gellius (J oh.) De Internis Oculorum Affectibus. With Jacchseo: Odae. 4to. Basil, 161 3. Gellius (Joh.) Xenia. 4to. Fra., 161 1. Gello (Jo. Bapt. de). See Jo. Wolfius. Gelstrupius (Pet. Nic.) Trifolium Politicum Rerum Publicaram. 8vo. 1624. Gem (Harvey). Letter on the New Law Courts. [Pamphlets, Vol. 7.] 8vo. 1854. Geminianus (Dom. de Santo Geminiano). In Sextum Librum Decretalium. Folio. 1535. Gemistus, Pletho (Geo.) De Platonica atque Afistotelica Philosophia. Per Geo. Chariandrum. 4to. Basil, 1574. Gemistus, Pletho (Geo.) De Rebus Peloponnesiacis ; k Gul. Cantero. With Stobaeus : Eclogse. Folio. Ant, 1575. Gemiticensis (Gul.) See Camden. Gemma (Corn.) De Prodigiosa Specie Cometse. 8vo. Ant., 1578. GemuS/EUS (Hier.) Strabonis Geographicarum Epitome. With M. Niger. Folio. Basil, 1557. Genealogia Regum Hispanic. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. Genebrard (Gilb.) Chronographia. Folio, Lugd., 1609. Genesius (Jo. Sepulveda). De Correctione Anni Mensiumque Romanorum. With Gasp. Contareni de Elementis. 8vo. Paris, 1547. Geneste (George). Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, passed since the year 1821. With an Appendix, containing the Regulations of the Insolvent Debtors' Court, and an Abridgment of such British Statutes as relate to the Isle of Man. 8vo. Douglas, n.d. Geneva. Laws and Statutes of Geneva, Ecclesiastical and Civil [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1643. Gennadius Scholarius. -Epistola Apologetica pro Basilio Magno. [Tracts, Vol. 150.] 8vo. Paris, 16 18. Gentil (Pierre). La Guerre de Malte. 8vo. Paris, 1567. Gentil (Pierre). R^cit des Choses Advenues contre les Turcs, 8vo. Paris, 1567. Gentile (Pier. Gir.) Dell' Armonia del Mondo. i2mo. Ven., 1605. 36s Gentilis (Albericus). De Jure Belli. 8vo. Hanovise, 1598. Gentilis (Albericus). De Armis Romanis libri duo. i6mo. Hanoviae, 16 12. Gentilis (Albericus). Disputationes de Nuptiis. Svo. Han., 1614. Gentilis (Albericus). Hispanica Advocatio. Svo. Amstel., 1661, Gentilis (Albericus). De Jure Belli. Libri tres Edidit Thomas Erskine Holland, LCD. 4to. Oxonii., 1877. Gentilis (Albericus), De Legationibus. [No Title.] 4to. Gentilis (Robert). Paul's History of the Inquisition. [Translated.] 4to. 1639. Gentilis (Scipio). Opera Omnia. 8 vols. 4to. Neapoli., 1763. Gentilis (Val.) Perfidia, et Justum Supplicium. Per Theod. Bezam. 4to. Geneva, 1567. Gentillet (Innocent). De Regno Administrando, adversus Machia- vellium. Svo. 1577. Gentillet (Innocent). Examen Concilii Tridentini. Svo. Genev., 1586. Gentleman (Resolved). [Tracts, Vol. 24.] [Imperfect.] 4to. Gentleman's Magazine, from January 1731 to December 1865. With Index, &c. 219 vols. Svo. London. New Series. Jan. 1 866 to May 1 868. 5 vols. Svo. London. Gentoo Laws. See}ia]hed. 4to. 1776. GENUiE Rotse, seu Decisiones de Mercatura, et Rebus ad eam Pertinen- tibus. 4to. Franc, 1592. Genuensis Reipublicse Leges. With Quintilian. 4to. Med., 1576. Geographie. Dictionnaire de Geographic Ancienne et Moderne k I'usage du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. Par un Bibliophile. Svo. Paris, 1870. Geography. Journal of the Geographical Society. Svo. 1831. George (Dav.) La Vie et Doctrine de Dav. George. 4to. Basle, 1560. George (James Z.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Errors and Appeals for the State of Mississippi. December Special Term 1855 to April Term 1863. [Vols. 30-39, Mississippi Reports.] 10 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S57-1S67. Georgia. The Code of the State of Georgia. Prepared by R. H. Clark, T. R. R. Cobb, and D. Irvin. Svo. Atlanta, Georgia, 1861. r 366 Georgius (Franc. Venetus). In Scripturam Sacram Problemata. 4to. Paris, 1575. Geraldinus (Alex.) Itinerarium ad Regiones sub ^quinoctiali Plaga Constitutas. 8vo. Roma, 1631. Gerard (Chs. V.) See Aristophanes. Gerbelius (Nic.) De situ Graeciae. With Apian : Horoscopica. Foho. Basle, 1545. Gerbertus (Silvester 11.) Epistolse. 4to. Paris, 16 11. Geree (John). Old English Puritan. [Tracts, Vol. ^tZ-^ 4^0- 1646. Gerhard (John). Disputatio de Praedestinatione, et de Coena Domini. 4to. Cobur., 1607. Gerhard (John). Enchiridion Consolatorium Morti Opponendum. i2mo. Jense, 1613. Gerhard (John). Aphorismi Sacri. 8vo. Jenae, 16 16. Gerhard (John). Methodus Studii Theologici. 8vo. Jenae, 1620. Gerhard (Joh. Con.) De Chymiatria. . 4to. Tub., 1595. Gerhard (Joh. Con.) De Chymiatria. [Tracts, Vol. 58.] Gerlacus (Pet.) Alter Thomas de Kempis, sive Ignitum cum Deo Soliloquium. i2mo. Col. Ag., 16 16. German (Geo.) Computus Ecclesiasticus, sive Calendarium Triplex. 4to. Franc. Germanic de Evangelicis Discursus Epistolicus. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. 1632. Germanorum Historiae. With Berotius. 8vo. Tub., 1525. Germanorum Historiae. See Schardius. Germanorum Historiae. See Struvius. Germany. Estate of the German Empire, and Description of Germany. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. 1595. Germany. North German Confederacy. Gesetze des Norddentschen Bundes mit den Ausfiihrungsverordnungen, Reglements amtlichen Erlassen und Registern. Gerrard (J.) Siglarium Romanum, 4to. Londini, 1792. Gerson (Jo.), orCharlier. De Passionibus Animae. With Bonaventura : Meditationes. izmo. Paris, 1504. Gerson (Jo.), or Charlier. Quaestio, an Principes Saeculares in Synodis possint Praesidere. With Agrippa, de Anna. 8vo. Lemgov., 156 1. Gertrudi. See Mechtildi. 36; Gerundensis (Joannes). See Hispanicarum Rerum Scriptores. Gervas. See Anglicanse Historise Scriptores. Gesner (Conrad). Bibliotheca Universalis. 3 vols, in 2. Folio. 1545, 1548, 1555 Appendix. Folio. Tiguri, 1555 Gesner (Conrad). De Herbis quae Lunarise Nominantur. 4to. Tiguri, 1555 Gesner (Conrad). Descriptio Montis Fracti sive Montis Pilati juxta Lucernam in Helvetia. 4to. Tiguri, 1555 Gesner (Conrad). Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium. Folio. Tiguri, 1560, Gesner (Conrad). Omni Rerum Fossilium Genere. 8vo. Tiguri, 1563 Gesner (Conrad). Epistola de Libris a se Editis. With Simler. Vita Gesneri. 4to. Tiguri, 1566, Gesner (Conrad). Euonymus. 8vo. Tiguri, 1569 Gesner (Conrad). Euonymus. 8vo. Tiguri, 1569 Gesner (Conrad). Epistolse Medicinales. 4to. Tiguri, 1577 ■ Gesner (Conrad). De Aconito Primo Dioscoridis, &c. 4to. Tiguri, 1577 Gesner (Conrad). Bibliothecae Epitome Aucta. Per Jos. Simlerum et Jo. Jac. Frisium. Folio. Tiguri, 1583 Gesner (Conrad). Bibliothecse Supplementum Verderii. Per Ant. de Verdier. Folio, Lugd., 1585 Gesner (Conrad). See Moufet. Gesner (Salom.) Papismi Calvinianorum Dogmatici et Practici. 4to. Franc, 1598. Gesner (Salom.) Explicatio Sententise Pauli de Scriptura contra Bellarminum, &c. 8vo. Witteb., 1602. Gesner (Salom.) Augustin de Doctrina. Gesner (Salom.) Augustin de Enchiridion. Gessner (Louis, D.C.L.) A Juridical Review of the Case of the British Bark, "Springbok." [Pamphlet, 40 pp.] 8vo, London, n.d. Gessner (L.) Les Droits de Neutres sur Mer. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. GesuAldi (Fil.) Plutosofia. Delia Memoria Artificiale. 4to. Pad., 1592. Gesvres (Marquis de). Procez du, &c. i2mo. Rott, 1713. Gherus (Ranutius). Gruter. 368 Ghillany (F. G.) Manual Diplomatique. Recueil des Traitds de Paix Europeans les plus importants, des Actes de Congres et autres documents relatifs h la Politique Internationale, depuis le Traite de Westphalie jusqu'k derniers temps. Augment^ par T. H. Schnitzler. 2 vols in I. 8vo. Nierdlinque, 1856. Ghillany (F. W.) Diplomatisches Handbuch. Samm lung der Wichtigsten Europaischen Friedenschluesse, Congressacten und Sonstigen Staatsurkunden vom Westphaelischen Friden bis auf die neuste zeit. i, 2, 3, Thiel, Svo. Nordlingen, 1855-1868. Ghisi (Moc. Cibo). Consiglio a Consiglieri. 4to. Milan, 1602. Gholson (W. Y.) and Okey (J. W.) Digest of the Ohio Reports. Embracing the Twenty Volumes of the Ohio Reports and Fifteen Volumes of the Ohio State Reports. Svo. Cincinnati, 1867. Ghose (Rashbehary, M.A.) Tagore Law Lectures, 1875, 1876. The Law of Mortgage in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1877. GiACHiNUS (Leon.) Libellus adversus Vulgares Medicos Florentinae : Academiae Opuscula. 8vo. Lugd., 1534. GiACOMiNi (Lor.) Essertatione alia Vita Christiana. 8vo. Fior., 1571. GiANiNius (Tho.) De Providentia, ex Sententia Platonis. 4to. Pat., 1588. GiANiNius (Tho.) De Mentis Humanse Statu post Obitum. With Duodus. 4to. Pat., 1614. GIANINIUS (Tho.) De Lumine, et Speciebus Spiritualibus, &c. 4to. Farr., 1615. GIANINIUS (Tho.) De Substantia Caeli, &c., et Stellarum Efficientia. 4to. Ven., 16 18. GiANNONi (Pietro), or Giannone. Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli. 4 vols. 4to. Haia., 1753. GiANOTTi (Donat.) De la Republica di Vinitiani. 4to. Rome, 1540. GiANOTTi (Donat.) La Republica di Vinezia. 8vo. Lyonj 1570. Gibbon (Edward). Miscellaneous Works. By Lord Sheffield. 5 vols, 8vo. 1 814. Gibbon (Edward). Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8 vols. 8vo. 1828. Gibbons (David). Lex Temporis; or, the Law of Limitation and Prescription. 12 mo. 1835. Gibbons (David). On the Law of Dilapidations and Nuisances. Svo. 1838. 369 Gibbons (Henry Frederick, LL.B.) and Harvey (William Charles, B.A.) Equity in the County Court, Being a Treatise on the Equitable Jurisdiction conferred upon the County Courts by Stat. 28 & 29 Vict, cap. 39. 8vo. London, 1865. GiBBS (Frederick Waymouth, C.B.) Les Hospices de Paris et de Londres. The Case of Lord Henry Seymour's Will— Wallace v. The Attorney-General. 8vo. London, 1877. GiBBS (George C.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan, 1851-1857. [Vols. 2-4, Michigan Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. Detroit, 1854-1857. Gibraltar, Proclamations and Ordinances, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1878. [Imperfect] Folio. 1867-1878. Gibraltar, Proclamations by E, A, Somerset, Governor, 1876. [Unbound,] Folio, Gibraltar, 1876. Gibson (Edmund, D,D,, Bishop of London), Chronicon Saxonicum ex MSS, Codicibus Editum {Lat.) 4to, Oxf,, 1692. Gibson (Edmund, D.D., Bishop of London). Codex Juris Ecclesiastici AngHcani. 2 vols. Foho. 17 13. Gibson (Edmund, D.D., Bishop of London). Of Visitations Parochial and General. Being the Charges delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Surrey. To which are added some other Tracts, relating to the Government and Discipline of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 171 7. Gibson (Edmund, D.D,, Bishop of London), Codex Juris Ecclesiasticii Anglicani; or, the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubrics, and Articles of the Church of England, methodically digested under their proper Heads. With a Commentary, Historical and Juridical. Second Edition. 2 vols. Folio. Oxford, 1761. Gibson (Sidney), An Historical Memoir of Northumberland, i2mo. London and Newcastle, 1862. Gibson (Sydney, F.S.A,) The History of the Monastery at Tyne- mouth, in the Diocese of Durham. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1846. GiDDiNGS (J.) Index to the Times Newspaper for the years 1862, 1863. Royal 8vo. London, 1863, 1864. Gierke (Otto), Das Deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht, 8vo. BerUn, 1868. Giffard (H. Stanley). Summary and Tutelary Jurisdiction of Magis- trates under 11 and 12 Vict, c. 43. And Appeal from the Deci- sions of Justices, i2mo, London, 1878. (24) 370 GiFFARD (J. W. de Longueville). Reports of Cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery by the Vice-Chancellor, Sir J. Stuart, 1858-1865. With a Digest of all the Cases reported in Smale and Giffard's, and in Giffard's Reports, 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1860-187 1. GiFFARD (J. W. de Longueville). See Smale. GiFFORD, or Gyfford (Geo.) Country Divinity and Sermons. 2 copies. 8vo. 1583. GiFFORD, or Gyfford (Geo.) Country Divinity and Sermons. [No Title.] GiGANTOLOGiE, See Riolan. GiGAS (Jo.) Enchiridion Sphaeriacum. 8vo. Han., 1615. Gilbert (Davies, F.S.A.) The Parochial History of Cornwall, founded on the Manuscript Histories of Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin. With Additions and various Appendices. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1838. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Law and Practice of Ejectments. 8vo. 1734. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Reports of Cases in Equity argued and decreed in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, chiefly in the reign of K. George I. To which are added some Select Cases in Equity heard and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Folio. London, 1734. Second Edition. FoHo. London, 1742. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Chancery, &c. (Forum Romanum et Lex Praetoria). 8vo. 1758. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On the Court of Exchequer. In which the Revenues of the Crown, &c., are explained. 8vo. 1758. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On Rents. 8vo. 1758. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Cases, &c. 8vo. 1760. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On Debts. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On the Law of Executions, and History and Practice of the King's Bench ; and some Cases touching Wills of Lands and Goods. 8vo. 1763. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On Devises, Revocations, and Wills. 8vo. 1773. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). History and Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. 8vo. 1779- Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Law of Evidence. By James Sedgwick. 8vo. 1 80 1. 371 Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On Uses and Trusts, &c. By Sugden. 8vo. 1811. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). On Distresses and Replevin. By Wr. J. Impey. 8vo. 1823. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Baron). Tenures. Including the Theory and Practice of Copyholds. By Chs. Watkins and Rt. Studley Vidal. 8vo. 1825. Gilbert (J. P.) Tradition, ou Histoire de I'Eglise sur le Sacrement de Mariage, 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1725. Gilbert (J. P.) Corpus Juris Canonici. 3 vols. Folio. Colon., 1735. GiLBERTUS (Wil.), Gilbert. De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, Folio. 1600. GiLDAS. See Gale et Monumenta. GiLDAS. See Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores. Gild AS. Translated by J. A. Giles. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1848. GiLDHALLiE Londonicusis Munimenta. Liber Albus. Rolls Edit. 8vo. 1859. Gill (Richard W.) and Johnson (John). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1 829-1 843. 12 vols. 8vo. Baltimore and Annopolis, 1 830-1 845. Gilles (Arn.) Remedes contre le Mai des Dents. [Tracts, Vol, 155.] Svo. Paris, 1622. GiLLET (Didiere). La Subtille Recherche de I'Heresie. 8vo. Paris, 1609. GiLLEYUS (Jo.) In Laudem Hannibalis, e Livio Expressam, &c, 1 2mo. Basil. GiLMOUR (John). A Commercial Guide in Bankruptcy and Liquidation under the Act of 1869. i2mo. London, 1872. GiLMOUR (John). The County Courts' Act, 1867, Together with the Sections of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, relating to Equitable Defences, Discovery, and Attachment of Debts. With Notes. i6mo. London, 1868. Gilpin (Geo.) Beehive of the Romish Church. [Translated.] i2mo. 1623. Gilpin (Henry D.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the District Court of the United States for the South Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1828-1836. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. GiMONT (Paul de). Sur un Livre de Richer, de Ecclesiastica Potestate. [Tracts, Vol. 162.] 8vo. Liege, 1612. 372 Giordano (Greg.) Dichiaratione del Teatro del Cielo, de la Terra. 4to. Ven., 1577. GiORGi DA Urbino (Alcss.) Spiritali di Herone Alessandrino. 4to. Urb., 1592. Giorgio (Fed.) Del Mode di Conoscere i Buoni Falconi, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 150.] 8vo. Bresc, 1595. GiovANi (Jo.) De Schismate. 8vo. Lov., 1573. Giovanni Gierosolimitano. I Privilegii della Sacra Religione di Santo G. G. 4to. Rom., 1589. GiovANNiNi (Geron.) Pensieri Cristiani. 8vo. Utc, 1600. Giraldus Cambrensis. Opera. Vols, i, 2, 3, and 4, edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. Vols. 5, 6, 7, edited by the Rev. James F. Dimock, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No. 31. Giraldus Cambrensis de Barry (Sylvestris). See Camden, Girard (Bern. de). Advis sur les Affaires d'Estat, tire de Plutarque. 4to. Par,, 1578. Girard (Bern.), Girardus. Regum Gallorum Icones. 4to, Par,, 1559. Girard (Bern,), Girardus, Ducum Lotharingorum Icones, 4to, Par,, 1559, Girard (Fr, Pierre), Preparation au Tres Saincte Ministere, 8vo, Franc, 1594. Girard (Fr, Pierre), Preparation au Tres Saincte Ministere {English). 8vo, 1598, Girard (Fr, Pierre). Theatre de la Conscience. 8vo, Mon., 1603. Giraud (Car.) Novum Enchiridion Juris Romani in quo Continentur legum antiquarum fragmenta varia, Pauli Sententise Ulpiani frag- menta, Gaii et Justiniani Institutiones, &c, Paris, 1873. GiRAVA (Hier.) Cosmographia y Geographia. 4to, Ven., 1570, Girtauner (Dr, Wilhelm). Rechtsfalle zu Puchta's Pandekten, Vierte vermehrte Auflage von W. Langebeck, 8vo. Jena, 1869. Gisenius (Joh.) Calvinismus. 8vo. Gies. Hoss., 1620. Gisenius (Joh.) Brevis Vise Salutis Meditatio. 8vo. Ren., 1623. GiUFFi (Jo. Ant.) De Eclipsibus. [Tracts, Vol. 65.] 4to. Neap., 1623. Giustiniano (Agost.), Justiniani. Annali della Republica di Genoa. Folio. Geneva, 1537. 373 GiusTiNiANO (Bern.) Historia dell' Origine di Venetia. Da Lod. Domenichi. 8vo. Vin., 1608. GiuSTiNiANO (Lor.) Sermoni della Solennita de Santi. Svo. Vin., 1565. GivocHi (Dialogo de'). Svo. Ven., 1575. Glamorgan (Edward Somerset, Earl). His Negotiation ; or, the Irish Plot discovered. [Tracts, Vol. 28.] 4to. 1647. Glamorgan (Edward Somerset, Earl). Letter to the King. 4to. 1646. Glanvilla (Ranulph de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Svo. 1673. Glanvilla (Ranulph de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. [Translation, with Notes, by Beames.] Svo. 181 2. Glanville (Jn.) Reports of Parliamentary Cases of Controverted Elections (James L) To which is prefixed an Account of the Right of Determining Cases upon Controverted Elections. Svo. London, 1775. Glareanus (Hen. Loritus Helvetius). Helvetise Soli Natura (Hel- vetiorum Respublica). i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1627. Glareanus (Hen. Loritus Helvetius). De Geographia. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. Frib., 1539. Glareanus (Hen. Loritus Helvetius). Annotationes in Livii His- toriam. Folio. Paris, 1552. Glascock (Walter A. M.) Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, Ireland, 1831, 1832. Svo. Dublin, 1S32. Glasgow University Calendar, 1S68, 1869. i2mo. Glasgow, 186S, Glastoniensis (J oh.) De Rebus Glastoniensibus. Per Tho. Heafne. 2 vols. Svo. Oxon., 1726. Gleig (George R.) Life of Sir Thomas Munro. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1830. Gleig (George). See Mosheim. Glen (W. Cunningham). Statutes in force relating to the Poor, Parochial Unions, and Parishes, collated with each other. With References to the Decisions of the Courts. Svo. London, 1857. Glen (W. Cunningham). Law relating to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, and the Marriage of Dissenters in Eng- land. With Notes and Cases. i2mo. London, 1S59. 374 Glen (W. Cunningham). The Acts relating to the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions, with respect to Indictable Offences, Summary Convictions, and Orders (ii and 12 Vict, cc. 42, 43), and for the Protection of Justices in the Discharge of those Duties (11 and 12 Vict, c. 44), known as Jervis' Acts. Together with the Act for the Submission of Points of Law for the Opinion of the Superior Courts (20 and 21 Vict, c. 43). Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1861. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Law of Highways. Comprising the Statute Law and the Decisions of the Courts. 1 2 mo. London, i860. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1865. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Prison Act, 1865 (28 and 29 Vict, c. 126). With the other Statutes and Parts of Statutes in force relating to Gaols and Prisons, and an extensive Index to the whole. i2mo. London, 1865. Glen (W. Cunningham) and Lovesay (C. W.) The Representation of the People Act, 1867. With Introduction, Notes, and Index. i2mo. London, 1867. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Parliamentary Registration Manual. i2mo. London, 1868. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Acts regulating the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions, with reference to Indictable Offences, Summary Convictions, and Orders, &c., known as Jervis's Acts. With the Amending Acts and Cases, brought down to Michaelmas Term 1867. Third Edition. i6mo. London, 1868. Glen (W. Cunningham). Metropolitan Poor Acts, 1867, 1868; and Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869. i2mo. London, 1869. Glen (W. Cunningham), The Burial Board Acts for England and Wales. Second Edition. 12 mo. London, 1869. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Elementary Education Act, 1870. 1 2 mo. London. Glen (W. Cunningham). The Consolidated and other Orders of the Poor Law Commissioners, and the Poor Law Board. With General Orders relating to Poor Law Accounts, &c. i2mo. London, 1859. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Seventh Edition. 8vo. London, 187 1. Glen (W. Cunningham). A Selection in force relating to the Poor Laws, to Boards of Guardians, District School and Asylum Managers, Overseers, and the Local Government Board, from 43 Eliz., c. 2, to 35 & 36 Vict, c. 93. With Digests of the Decisions upon each Statute. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. 37S Glen (W. Cunningham). The Law relating to Public Health and Local Government. Including the Law relating to the Removal of Nuisances injurious to Health, the Prevention of Diseases, and Sewage Authorities. With the Statutes and Cases. i2mo. London, 1858. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1862. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1872. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1878. Glenbervie (Douglas, Lord). See Douglas. Glenn (Robert George, LL.B.) The Laws affecting Medical Men. 8vo. London, 1871. Glenn (S. F.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, January 1861 to December 1866. [Vols. 48 to 50, Louisiana Annual Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1866, 1867. Gliscentius (Fab.) In Prgedicabilia Porfirii, Principia Porettani, et Praedicamenta Aristotelis. Folio. Ven., 1593. ■ Gloriosus (Jo. Camil.) Ad Theorema Geometricum Responsio. 4to. Ven., 1613. Gloriosus (Jo. Camil.) Solutio Propositionis 19 Lib. II. Diophantis. With Witekind : Oratio. 4to. Ven., 1613. Gloriosus (Jo. Camil.) De Cometis. 4to. Ven., 1624. Gloriosus (Jo. Camil.) Responsio ad Controversias et de Cometis Peri- pateticas. 4to. Ven., 1626. Gloriosus (Jo. Camil.) Exercitationes Mathematicse. 4to. Nea., 1628. Gloucester (Robert). Chronicle. By Tho. Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1724. Glover (John, M.A.) Le Livre de Reis de Brittanie, e le Livre de Reis de Engleterre. See Brit., Gt., No. 42. 1865. Glover (Richard). In British Poets. Glover (Stephen). History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby. Edited by Thomas Noble. 2 vols. 4to. Derby, 1831-1833. Glover (WiUiam). Protestant Principles Exemplified. 8vo. 1827. Glover (William). Law Reforms, &c. 8vo. 1834. Glover (William). Law of Municipal Corporations, &c. 8vo. 1837. Glycas (Mich.) Annales. Per Joh. Leunclavium. 8vo. Basle, 1572. Glycas (Mich.) See Corpus Byzantinae Historise. 376 Cases in Bankruptcy, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Glyn (Robert). In British Poets. Glyn (Tho. C.) and Jameson (Rbt. Sympson). 1821-1828. Gneist (Rudolphus). Institutionum et Regularum Juris Romani Syntagna, exhibens Gaii et Justiniani Institutionum synopsin : Ulpiani librum singularem regularum : Pauli Sententiarum delectum tabulas systema Institutionum Juris Romani illustrantes : prsemissis 2, Tabularem fragmentis. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1858. Gneist (Rudolf). Geschichte und hentige Gestalt der Englischen Communalverfassung oder des Self-government. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. Gneist (Rudolf). Das Englische Verwaltungsrecht mit Einschluss des Heeres, der Gerichte, un der Kirche geschichtsich und systematisch. In zivei banden. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Gnod ALIUS (Pet.) Seditio Vulgi in Germania. 8vo. Bas., 1570. GoBius (Ant.) Tractatus Varii. Folio. Bonon., 1673. GocLENius (Rod.) De Hominis Perfectione, &c. 8vo. Marp., 1597. GocLENius (Rod.) Physicae Completae Speculum. 8vo. Marp., 1604. GocLENius (Rod.) Controversiae Philosophico-Theologicae. 8vo. Marp., 1607. GocLENius (Rod.) Cosmographia. 8vo. Lem., 1607. GOCLENIUS (Rod.) Politica e Monumentis Platonis. 8vo. Marp., 1607. GOCLENIUS (Rod.) Uranoscopie, Chiroscopiae, Metaposcopiae, et Op- thalmoscopaei Contemplationes. 8vo. Franc, 1608. GocLENius (Rod.) Discursis pro Astromantia. [Tracts, Vol. 64.] 4to, Marp., 161 1. GocLENius (Rod.) Scholia in Secundum Librum Plinii. i2mo. Marp., 161 2. GOCLENIUS (Rod.) De Magnetica Vulnerum Curatione. 8vo. Fran., 161 3. GOCLENIUS (Rod.) De Nostri Seculi Conviviis, &c. 8vo, GocLENius (Rod.) Urania Divinatrix. Fran., 161 3. With Niphus : de Auguriis. 4to. Marp., 16 14. GocLENius (Rod.) Physiognomica et Chiromantica. With Comba- chius : de Homine. 8vo. Mar., 1620. GocLENius (Rod.) Mirabilia Naturae. With Elverus. 8vo. Fran., 1625. 3?7 GocLENius (Rod.) Heautontimorumenos. See Robert. God. Declaration of the i\rmy of God. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. God. Dialogue touching God's Providence and Man's Free-will. 8vo. 1581. God. No Impostor nor Deluder. [Tracts, Vol. 86.] [No Title.] 4to. God. Of the Nature of God. [Tracts, Vol. 145.] 8vo. 1599. God. Description of what God has Predestinated. 4to. God's Government, from a Lawyer's Standpoint. By a Member of the New York Bar. 8vo. New York, 1873. Godbolt (John, Justice). Reports of Cases in the Courts of Record in Westminster, Elizabeth to Charles I. 8vo. London, 1651. Goddard (John Leybourn). On the Law of Easements. 8vo. London, 187 1. Goddard (John Leybourn). On the Law of Easements. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1877. GoDEFRiDUS, Godefroi, sen Goffredus (Dion.) See Gothofredus. GoDEFROi (Henry). The Principles of the Law of Trusts and Trustees. 8vo. London, 1879. Godefroi (Henry) and Shortt (John). The Law of Railway Com- panies. 8vo. London, 1869. Godefroy (J.) Sur la Coustume Reform^e de Normandie. 2 vols. Folio. Rouen, 1626. GoDELMANNUS (Jo. Gco.) De Magis, Veneficiis, et Lamiis. 4to. Fra., 1591. GoDELM ANNUS (Jo. Gco.) De Potestate Ecclesiastica Coercendi Daemones, &c. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1629. GoDiGNUS (Nic.) De Abassinorum Rebus, &c. 8vo. Lugd., 1615. GoDiGNUS (Nic.) Vita Patris Gonzali Sylveriae. 4to. Col. Ag., 1616. Godofredus (Pet.) De Amoribus. i2mo. Ant, 1553. GoDOLPHiN (John). Orphan's Legacy ; or, a Testamentary Abridgment. 4to. London, 1677. Godolphin (John). View of the Admiralty Jurisdiction. 8vo. London, 1661. Godolphin (John). Repertorium Canonicum ; or, Abridgment of the Ecclesiastical Laws of this Realm, consistent with the Temporal. 4to. London, 1687. 378 Godson (Richard). On Patents. With Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Godson (Richard). On Patents. See Burke. Godwin, Godwyn, or Goodwin (Fra., Bishop of Hereford). Annals of England, Henry VIII. to Mary. Translated by Morgan Godwin. Folio. 1630. Godwin (Fra., Bishop of Hereford). Catalogus Episcoporum Bathoni- enicum, &c. Per Thomam Hearne. With Otterbourne. Svo. Oxon., 1732. • Godwin (Fra., Bishop of Hereford). Life of Queen Mary. In Kennett. Godwin (William). Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. 4 vols. Svo. 1804. GoEa (Damian k). See Hispanicarum Rerum Scriptores. Goes (Damian a). See Hispanicis de Rebus Opera. GoEUROT (Jean). L'Entretenement de Vie. 8vo. Lyon, 1541. Goff's Regiment's Remonstrance. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. GoGUET (Ant. Yvo.) Delia Origine delle Leggi, delle Arti, e delle Scienze. 3 vols. 4to. Lucca, 1761. Gold Coast Colony. Ordinance. Ordinances 1-14. 1878. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). De Cryptica Veterum Philosophorum Disciplina. 2 copies. Svo. Fran., 1606. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). Sibylla Francica, seu de Johanna Lotharingia Dissertatio. 4to. Urs., 1606. Gold AST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). Statuta et Rescripta Imperialia, &c. Folio. Fran., 1607. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). Imperialia Decreta de Cultu Imagi- num, Notis Illustrata. Svo. Franc, 160S. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). Monarchia Sancti Romani Imperii, &c. 3 vols. Folio. Han., 161 1. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). Philologicse Epistolse. Svo. Franc, 16 10. GoLDAST (Melch. Haiminsfeld). De Bohemiae Regni Juribus ac Privilegiis. 4to. Fran., 1627. Golden Legend (The). A Tale of Lothbury, &c. By Plutus, Jun. i2mo. 1856. GoLDiONi (Leon.) Case Maravigliose delle Citta di Venetia. [Tracts, Vol. 164.] Svo. Vcn., 1624. GoLDONi (Carl.) Commedie. 28 vols, in 14. Svo. Liv., 178S. 379 GoLDSMiD (Aug.) Report of the Case, Miller v. Salomons, M.P. [Pamphlets, Vol. 4.] 8vo. 1850. Goldsmith (G.) The Doctrine and Practice of Equity; or, a Concise Outline of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. Fifth Edition. Svo. London, 1862. Goldsmith (Oliver). Roman History. 2 vols. 8vo. 1769. Goldsmith (Oliver). Works. With his Life. By James Prior. 4 vols. 8vo. 1837. Goldsmith (Oliver). In British Poets. GoLius (Theoph.) Epitome Doctrinae Politicae ex Aristotele. 8vo. Arg., 1606. GoMAR (Fr.) De Genealogia Christi. With Syrenius : de Prsedestina- tione. 4to. Gron., 1627. GoMAR (Fr.) Defensio Investigationis Sabbati Originis. i2mo. Gen., 1632. GoMAR (Fr.) Investigatio Sententise et Originis Sabbati. With Loeus. 4to. Gro., 1628. GoMESius, or Gomezius (Ant.) Commentaria, cum Annotationibus Em. Soarez k Ribeira. 3 vols, in i. Folio. Lugd., 1585. GoMESius, or Gomezius (Ant.) Opera Omnia, cum Annotationibus Emanuelis Soarez de Ribeira. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Lugd., 1661. Gomez (Sebast.) Milicia Christiana de los Tres Enemigos del Alma. 4to. Sala., 1596. Gomez de Sylva (Placidus). Tractatus. Foho. Mediol., 1672. GoMMARE (J.) Sortie de Babylone Declaree. Svo. Niort, 1613. GoNSALVio (Regin.) Sanctae Inquisitionis Hispanicse Artes aliquot Detectae. Svo. Heid., 1567. GoNTERV (P. J.) La Vraye Procedure pour Terminer la Difference en Matiere de Religion. Svo. Paris, 1608. GoNTERY (P. J.) Responce au Pere. [Tracts, Vol. 138.] Svo. Mid., 1608. GoNZAGA (Fran.) De Origine, &c., Seraphicae Religionis Franciscanae. 4to. Vin., 1603. Gonzalez (Tellez Emanuel). Commentaria in Decretales Gregorii IX. 5 vols, in 4. Folio. Venet., 1699. Goode (William, M.A., F.S.A.) Aids for determining some disputed Points in the Ceremonial of the Church of England. Svo. London, 185 1. 3.8o GooDEVE (Joseph). The Law of Evidence, as administered in England and applied to India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1862. New Edition. By L. A. Goodeve. Svo. Calcutta, 187 1. GooDEVE (Louis Arthur). Railway Passengers and Companies : their Duties, Rights, and Liabilities. 8vo. London, 1876. Goodeve (L. A.) The Indian Evidence Act I., of 1872; the Oaths Act VI., of 1872 ; and the Code of Criminal Procedure Act X., of 1872, so far as it relates to the Law of Evidence, annotated, and showing the alterations in the Law. 8vo. Calcutta, 1872. Goodeve (T. M., M.A.) Abstract of Reported Cases relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1876. Goodman (Godfrey). The Fall of Man proved by Reason. 4to. 16 18. Goodrich (Chauncey A.) See Webster. Goodricke (Hen.) Tentamina Jurisprudentiae Rationalis de Jure Puniendi Divino et Humano. 8vo. Gron., 1766. Goodwin (Jn.) Answer to Prynne's Animadversions on his Theomachia. [Tracts, Vol. 44.] 2 parts. 4to. 1644, 1645. Goodwin (Jn.) Hagiomastix. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1646. Goodwin (Jn.) Discovery of the Presbyterian Spirit. 4to. 1654. Goodwin (Thos.) Apologetical Narration to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1643. Goodwin (Thos.) Apologetical Narration to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 44.] GooLD (Frs.) See Lloyd. GoppERT (Dr.) Uberdie Organischen Erzeugnisse. Eine Untersuchung aus dem Romischen Sachenrecht. 8vo. Halle, 1869. Gordon (Alex.) Chancery Cases. See MacNaghten. Gordon (Alex.) Chancery Reports. See De Gex. Gordon (Alex.) Bankruptcy Appeals. See De Gex. Gordon (Bern.) De Conservanda Vita. 8vo. Lips., 1570. Gordon (Bern.) De Conservanda Vita. 8vo. Lips., 1570. Gordon (Bern.) Opus Lilium Medicinse de Morborum Curatione. 8vo. Lugd., 1599. Gordon (Jas.) De Catholica Veritate. Svo. Burd., 1623. Gordon (John). See Church of England. Gordon (John, of the Middle Temple). Exchequer Reports. See Welsby. 38i Gordon (John, of the Middle Temple). Reports on Nisi Prius Trials at Assizes, &c. [Pamphlets, Vol. 5,] 8vo. 1850. Gordon (General Patrick). Passages from his Diary. 4to. Aberdeen, 1859, Gordon (Sir Robert, of Gordonstown, Baronet). A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland, from its Origin to the year 1630. With a Continuation to the year 1651. Folio. Edinburgh, 1813. Gordon (Tho. F.) Digest of the Laws of the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1 85 1. ' Gordon-Huntley (J as.) Treatise of the Unwritten Word of God. 8vo. Perm., 161 4. Gordon-Huntley (Jas.) Properties of the True Church. [Tracts, Vol. 135.] 8vo. Perm., 16 14. Gorges (Arthur). Transcripts of the Patents for an Office to be called the PubUck Register for General Commerce. [Tracts, Vol. no.] 4to. 161 1. GoRL^us (Dav.) Exercitationes Philosophicse. With Schramus. 8vo. Com., 1620. GoRRUTius (And.) De Providentia Divina. 8vo. 1585. GoRSCius (Jac.) Pro Trinitate Apologeticus. 8vo. Colon., 1585. GoscHEN (George J., M.P.) Reports and Speeches on Local Taxation. 8vo. London, 1872. Gospels (Coptic and Arabic). Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 4to. Gospels and Acts. Anglo-Hindusthani. Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. Col., 1837. Gospels of Luke and John. French and Piedmontese. Published by the British and Foreign Society. 8vo. 1838. Goss (Alexander, D.D.) See Chetham Society's Publications, No. 61. GossoN (Steph.) School of Abuse, S.S. 8vo. 1841. Gothe. Almanach de Gothe pour 1857. i2mo. Gothe, 1857. GoTHiCARUM et Longobardicarum Rerum Scriptores. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1618. Gothofredus, Godfredus, seu Goifredus (Dion.) Summa in Titulos Decretalium. 4to. Venet., 1564. Gothofredus, Godfredus, seu Goffredus (Dion.), Godefroi. Antiquse Historise. 8vo. Lugd., 1591. Gothofredus, Godfredus, seu Goffredus (Dion.) Notse ad Corpus Juris CiviUs, &c. 2 vols. Folio. Amst., 1663. 382 GoTHOFREDUS, Godfredus, sen Goffredus (Dion.) Theses Selectse Juris Hollandici. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1800. GoTHOFREDUs, Godfredus, sen Goffredus (Dion.) Immo. Vid. Struvius et Pinel-Grandchamp. GoTHOFREDUS (Jacobus), De Regulis Juris Antiqui, 4to. Geneva, 1653. GoTHOFREDUS (Jacobus). Pontes Quatuor Juris Civilis in Unum Collecti. 4to. Genev., 1653. GoTHOFREDUS (Jo.) Notse in Libanium. See Libanius. GoTHUTius (Aug.) Gymnasium Speculativum ex Variis Philosophis et Theologis Concinnatum, 8vo. Paris, 1605. GouDSMiT (J. E., LL.D.) The Pandects. A Treatise on the Roman Law, and upon its connection with Modern Legislation. Trans- lated from the Dutch by R. de Tracy Gould, M.A. Svo. Longmans, London, 1873. GouGH (Richard). Some Account of the Alien Priories, and of such Lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales. Collected from the MSS. of John Warburton, Esq., and Dr. Ducarel. A New Edition. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1876. GouGH (R.) The History and Antiquities of Pleshy, in the County of Essex. 4to. London, 1803. GouLART(Sim.) Discours touchant le Repos de I'Esprit. [No Title.] Svo. GouLART (Sim.) Epistre aux Fideles Chassez de Flandres. With Pierre Fabre. Svo. 1575. GouLART (Sim.) Morum Philosophia Historica. Svo. 1594. GouLART (Sim.) Considerations sur divers Articles de la Doctrine Chrestienne. i2mo. Saum., 1608. GouLART (Sim.) Traits de 1' Assurance Chrestienne. i2mo. Lyon, 1609. Gould (Josiah). Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas, to 1S56. 2 vols. Svo. Little Rock, 1858. Gould (R. de Tracey, M.A.) The Pandects. See Goudsmit. GouLDSBOROUGH (Jn.) Reports, temp. Eliz. 4to. 1653. GouLDSBOROUGH (Jn.) See Brownlow. GovEA (Ant.) Histoire Orientale des Progres de I'Eglise Catholique, &c. {French). Svo. Brux., 1609. GovEA (Ant.) Histoire Orientale des Progrbs de I'Eglise Catholique, &c. (French). 1609. Government as it is. ByAliquis. With Marriage Act. i2mo. 1858. 383 Gow(Niel). On the Law of Partnership. With Precedents. 8vo. 1825. Gow (Niel), Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas, and on the Oxford Circuit, 59 Geo. III. to i Geo. IV. Svo. 1828. GowER (Granville W. G. Leverson, F.S.A.) A Register of all the Christnings, Burialls, and Weddings within the Parish of Saint Peeter's-upon-Cornhill, beginning at the Raigne of our Most Soveraigne Ladie Queen Elizabeth. [Har-leian Society Registers, Vol. I.] 1877. Gracian (Geron.) Diez Lamentaciones del Miserable Estado de los Atheistas. i2mo. Bruss,, 161 1. Gracian (Geron.) El Devoto Peregrino. [Tracts, Vol. 159.] 8vo. Bruss., 16 14. Grady (Standish Grove). On the Registration of Voters' Act, 6 Vict., cap. 18. 8vo. 1843. Grady (Standish Grove) and Scotland (Sir CoUey Harman). Law and Practice in Proceedings on the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench, and an Appendix of Forms. 12 mo. 1844. Grady (Standish Grove). On the Hindoo Law of Inheritance. Com- prising the Doctrines of the various Schools. With the Decisions of the High Courts of the several Presidencies of India, and Judgments of the Privy Council on Appeal. 8vo. London, 1868. Grady (Standish Grove). A Manual of the Mahommedan Law of Inheritance and Contract. 8vo. London, 1869. Grady (Standish Grove). Institutes of Hindu Law; or, the Ordinances of Menu, according to the Gloss of CoUuca. Comprising the Indian System of Duties, Religious and Civil. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Grady (Standish Grove). The Hedaya or Guide. A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. Translated, by order of the Governor- General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Grady (Standish Grove). A Manual of Hindu Law. 8vo. London, 1871. Grady (Standish Grove). The Indian Codes. Comprising the Indian Penal Code, Act XLV. of i860; the Indian Penal Code Amend- ment Act, Act XXVII. of 1870; Code of Criminal Procedure, Act XXV. of 186 1 ; and the Amendment Act, Act VIII. of 1869 ; the Code of Civil Procedure, Act VIII. of 1859; Amendment Act, Act IV. of i860; Amendment Act, Act XXIII. of 1861 ; Limitation Act, Act XL of 1861 ; the Jndian Succession Act, Act X. of 1865 ; the Stamp Act, Act XVIII. of 1869. Madras and London, 187 1. 384 Graef (Gul. Vander). Carmen Epithalamium. With Jacchseo : Odae. 4to. Gr/EME (Jas.) In British Poets. Graffiis (Jac. de). De Arbitriis Confessariorum quse ad Casus Con- scientiae attinent. 8vo, Colon., 1616. Grafton (Rd.) Chronicle, or History, of England ; and Table of Bailiifs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of London, 1189 to 1558. 2 vols. 4to. 1809. Grafton (Rd.) Continuation of Hardyng's Chronicle. By Hy. Ellis. 4to. 181 2. Grain (William). The Ley Hipotecaria of Spain; or. Law on the Inscription of Titles to Immovable Property. With a Glossary. 8vo. London, 1867. Grainger (Jas.) In British Poets. Gramannus (Jo.) Apologia pro paracelsistis. 4to. Tub., 1593. Gramannus (Jo.) De Pharmaco Purgante. 4to. Tub., 1593. Gramannus (Jo.) Responsio ad quosdam Antichymistas. With Mat. Cicogna. 4to. Erph., 1593. Gramaye (Jo. Bapt.) Asia ; sive Historia Universalis Asiaticarum Gentium. 4to. Antw., 1604. GRAMiNiEus (Theod.) Mysticus Aquilo. 8vo. Colon., 1576. Grammatica Chaldaica Descripta ex Tabulis Mercerii. With Megiserus Institutiones, &c. 8vo. Era., 1602. Grammaticus (Tho.) Consilia et Vota. Folio. Lugd., 1566. Grammer (Ab.) Almanack for 1628. Svo. Grampian Club's Publications. Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A. Vol. 2. Svo. London, 1872. Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the Minority of James the Sixth. With Preliminary Observations. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1873. Genealogical Collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar. With a Memoir of James Edgar, Private Secretary to the Chevalier St. George. Edited by a Committee of the Grampian Club. Svo. London, 1873. 385 Grampian Club's Publications — continued. Boswelliana. The Common Place Book of James Boswell, With Memoir and Annotations. By Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. London, 1874. Liber ProtocoUorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, Notarii Publici et Scribge Capituli Glasguensis, a.d. 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of Diocese of Glasgow, a.d. 1509-15 70. Edited by Joseph Bain, F.S.A., Scot., and the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1875. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish House of Burnes, By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Svo. Edinburgh, 1877. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, of Abbotsford. With a Reprint of his Memorials of the Haliburtons. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. London, 1877. Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, and Rehearsal of Events which occurred in the North of Scotland from 1635 to 1645, i"^ relation to the National Covenant. Edited, from a Contemporary MS., by the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. London, 1877. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail. With Introduc- tory Remarks. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Svo. London, 1877. The Charters of the Priory of Beauly. With Notices of the Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan, and of the Family of the Founder, John Byzet. By Edmund Chisholm Batten. Svo. London, 1877. Charterlary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream. Edited by Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Svo. London, 1S79. Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox, and the Family of Kjiox. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Svo. London, 1879. Granada, or Granatensis (Luis de). Guia de Peccadores. Svo. Salam., 15 68. Granada, or Granatensis (Luis de). De la Vida Christiana, &c. i2mo. Salam., 1572. Granada, or Granatensis (Luis de). De Ratione Concionandi. Svo. Colon., 1594. Granger (James). Biographical History of England, from Egbert to the Revolution. Adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved British Heads. 6 vols. Svo. 1824. Granger (James). Biographical History of England, &c., continued to the end of George I. By Mark Noble. 3 vols. Svo. 1S06. (25) 38<5 Granger (Tho. Colpitts). Reports. See Manning. Granger (Tho. Colpitts). Tomlins' Law Dictionary. Grangeus (CI.) Orationes. 8vo. Mant., 1581. Grant (Alexander). Upper Canada Reports. Chancery Reports, 1849-1867. 13 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1850-1868. Grant (Benjamin). Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1814-1863. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 185 9-1 864. Grant (Harding). Practice in Chancery. Including Appeals to Parlia- ment, and Proceedings in Lunacy. With Forms, Pleadings, Costs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845. Grant (James). The Law relating to Bankers and Banking. i2mo. London and Dublin, 1856. Second Edition. By R. A. Fisher, Esq. 8vo. London, 1865. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Grant (Jas.) On the Law of Corporations in General, as well Aggre- gate as Sole. 8vo. 1850. Grant (Jas.) On Registration Cases. See Keane. Grant (John). Notes of Cases adjudged in Jamaica, 17 74-1 787. Folio. Edin., 1794. Grant (Sir Jn. Peter). On New Trials in Civil Suits, by Courts of Justice in England. 8vo. Edin., 181 7. Granucci (Nic.) La Piacevol Notte, et Lieto Giorno. 8vo. Vin., 1574. Grasserus (Conrad.) Plaga Regia, sive Commentarium in Apo- calypsim. 4to. Tiguri, 16 10. Grasserus (Conrad.) Ultima Verba. In Visionem Danielis. 4to. Thoru., 16 14. Grasserus (Jo. Jac.) Speculum Theologiae Mysticse. 8vo. Argent., 1618. Grasserus (Jo. Jac.) Itinerarium Historico-Politicum. 8vo. Basil, 1624. Grasserus (Jo. Jac.) Itinerarium Historico-Politicum. 8vo. Basil, 1624. Grassis (Achilles). Decisiones Sacrse Rotse Compendiariae. Folio. Rom., 1590. Grassis (Car.) De Effectibus Clericat(is. Folio. Venet, 1654. Grasswinkel (Theod.) Libertas Veneta, sive Veneterum in se ac suos Imperandi Jus. 4to. Lu. Ba., 1634. -? 387 Gratarolus (Ant.) De Immortalitate Animse, ad Mentem Aristotelis. 8vo. Ven., 1554. Gratarolus (Guil.) Alchemicse Artisque Metallicse Doctrina. With Leowitz: Eclipses, &c. Folio. Bas., 1561. Gratarolus (Guil.) Dialogus de Substantiis Physicis Wil Aneponymi, cum Libris incerti Authoris, de Galore Vitali, de Aquis, &c. 8vo. Arge., 1567 Gratianus (Steph. Rom.) Decisiones Rotse Provinciae Marchiae. Folio. Venet., 162 1. Gratius Faliscus. See Maittaire. Gravelle (Fr. de). Politiques Royales. 8vo. Lyon, 1597. Graverus (Alb.) De Ordine Scholastic©. With Fortunatus. 4to. Jen., 1 61 9. Graves (Rev. James, A.B., M.R.I. A.) A Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland for a Portion of the Sixteenth Year of King Richard the Second, a.d. i 392-1 393. With an Appendix, See Brit., Gt, No. 69. 1877. Graves (The Rev, John). The History of Cleveland, in the North Riding of the County of York 4to. CarHsle, 1808. Gravina (Jan. Vincent). Opera. Seu Origines Juris Civilis, per Gotf Mascovium. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Venet., 1758. Gravina (R. P. F. Dominicus). Vox Turturis; seu de Florenti Religionum Statu. . i2mo. Colon., 1627. Gravina. De Gravitate Externa lUustrium, et de eorum CEconomia, seu Aulae Constitutione. i2mo. Arg., 1622. Gravius, seu Grgevius (Jo.), Greaves. Demonstratio Sirii Heliaci, With Bainbridge : Canicularia. 8vo, Oxf,, 1648. Gravius, seu Grsevius (Jo.), Greaves. Epochae Celebriores. 4to. 1650. Gravius, seu Graevius (Jo.), Greaves. Astronomica Quaedam, 4to. 1652. Gray (Horace). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 8vo. Bost,, U.S., 1855, Gray (John), On the Law of Costs in Actions and other Proceedings in the Courts of Common Law, 8vo. 1853. Gray (Thomas). In British Poets. Gray's Inn. A Catalogue of the Ancient Manuscripts belonging to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. 8vo. London, 1869. Gray's Inn, Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. With an Index of Subjects. 8vo. London, 1872. 388 Greaves (Chs. Sprengel). Lord Campbell's Act for Improving Criminal Justice. 8vo. 1851. Greaves (C. S.) The Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of the 24th and 25th Vic. With Notes and Observations. 8vo. London, 1861. Greaves (Chs. Sprengel). See Russell, on Crimes. Green (Arnold). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1874-187 7. [Vol. 2, Rhode Island Reports.] 8vo. Boston, 1878. Green (Charles Ewing). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery, the Prerogative Court, and, on Appeal, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, February Term 1863 to November Term 1876. [Vols. 16-27, New Jersey Equity Reports.] 12 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1867-1877. Green (George). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, January Term 1 847 to 1854. [Vols. 1-4, Iowa Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Dubuque, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1 849-1 858. Green (Henry W.) Reports of Cases determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, 1838-1845. [Vols. 2-4, New Jersey Equity Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. Elizabeth Town, 1842- 1846. Green (J. R., M.A.) A Short History of English People. 8vo. London, 1875. Green (James S.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudicated in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey, from November Term 1836. [Vol. 13-15, New Jersey Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1833- 1838. Green (Mary Anne Everett). Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Vols. 3-12. 1856-1872. Vol. 3, 1591-1594. Vol. 4, 1595-1597. Vol. 5, 1598-1601. Vol. 6, 1601-1603 with Addenda, 1547-1565- Vol. 7, Addenda, 1 566- 1 579. Vol. 8, 1603- 16 10. Vol. 9, 1611-1618. Vol. 10, 1619-1623. Vol. II, 1623- 1625, with Addenda, 1603- 1625. Vol. 12, Addenda, 1580-1625. Green (Mary Anne Everett). Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles IL, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Vol. I, 1660- 1661. Vol. 2, 1661-1662. Vol. 3, 1 663- 1 664. Vol. 4, 1664-1665. Vol. 5, 1665-1666. Vol. 6, 1666-1667. Vol. 7, 1667. London, 1863-1866. 389 Green (Mary Anne Everett). Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Commonwealth, preserved in Her Majesty's PubUc Record Office. 1 875-1878. Vol. I, 1 649- 1 650. Vol. 2, 1650. Vol. 3, 1651. Vol. 4, 1651-1652. Vol. 5, 1652-1653. Green (M. A. E.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 66. Green (N. St. John). Criminal Law Reports of Cases determined in the Federal and State Courts of the United States, and in the Courts of England, Ireland, Canada, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1873, 1874. Greene (J. Baker, LL.B.) OutUneof the General and Administrative Government of England. [Pamphlet, 76 pages.] i2mo. London, 1865. Greene (John). Privileges of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London. 8vo. 1708, Greene (Joshua). A Digested Index of the Cases determined in the Court of Admiralty, contained in the Reports of Robinson, Edwards, and Dodson. 8vo. 1818. Greene (R. B.) Pindar. In British Poets. Greene (Rd. Wilson). Report of the King against Waller O'Grady, &c. 8vo. Dub., 1 81 6. Greene (T. Whitcombe, D.C.L.) An Analysis and Summary of the Institutes of Roman Law. i6mo. London, 1870. Third Edition. i6mo. London, 1875. Greenhow (William Thomas). Shipping Law Manual. 8vo. London, 1863. Greening (Hy.) Forms of Declarations and other Proceedings in the Superior Courts of Common Law. With the Procedure Act, 1852, and New Rule of Practice, 1853, &c. i2mo. 1853. Greenleaf (Sim.) On Real Property. See Cruise. Greenleaf (Simon). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, 1820-1832. [Vols. 1-9, Maine Reports.] Second Edition. 9 vols in 8. 8vo. Boston, 1852. Greenleaf (Sim.) Law of Evidence. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Bost., U.S., 1850. Greenleaf (Simon, LL.D.) On the Law of Evidence. 3 vols. Vol. I, Twelfth Edition, 1866. | Vol. 2, Tenth Edition, 1868. Vol. 3, Eighth Edition, 1868. 8vo. Boston, 1866-1868. Greenleaf (Simon, LL.D.) On the Law of Evidence. Thirteenth Edition. By John Wilder May. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876. 590 Greenwood (G. G.) Capital Punishment from a Utilitarian Point of View. [Pamphlet, 36 pp.] i2mo, London, 1879. Greenwood (G. W.) Manual of the Treatise of Conveyancing. i2mo. 1858. Greenwood (G. W.) and Harwood (Henry). A Manualof the Practice of Conveyancing. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1865. Fourth Edition. By Henry Nelson Capel, B.A., LL.B. 8vo. London, 1876. Greenwood (Henry C.) and Martin (Temple C.) A Magisterial and Police Guide. 8vo. London, 1874. Greenwood (Jn.) Digest of Law Journal Reports. Greenwood (Thomas, M.A.) Cathedra Petri. A Political History of Great Latin Patriarchate. Books 1-13. From the First Century to the Close of the Pontificate of Innocent IIL, a.d. 12 16. Vols. 1-5. 8vo. London, 1 861-1865. Gregentius. Disputationes cum Herbano Judseo, cum Notis Nic. Gulonii. 8vo. Par., 1586. Gregg (Frs.) See Montagu's Bankrupt Laws. Gregor (Frs.) Translation of Fortescue de Laudibus, &c. Gregorianum Kalendariura Perpetuum. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] 8vo. Par., 1853. Gregorii (P.) Juris Canonici seu Pontifici Partitions 4to. Francof, 1595. Gregorius Magnus, or St. Gregory, Pontifex Maximus. De Vitd Patrum Italicorum ; Omelise, &c. 4to. Gregorius Magnus, or St. Gregory, P.M. Moralia. Folio. Paris, 1495. Gregorius Magnus, or St. Gregory, P.M. Vida da S. Bento. 8vo, Lisb., 1577. Gbegorius Magnus, or St. Gregory, P.M. Vita. See Vanden Zype. Gregorius XHL (Hug. Buoncompagno). Statuta Almse Urbis Romae, Auctoritate, a Senatu Populoque Romano Reformata ac Edita. Folio. Rom., 1580. Gregorius XV. (Pope). Constitutio contra SoUicitantes in Confes- sionibus. With Ugonius. 4to. Rom., 1622. Gregorius XV. (Pope). Letter to the French King. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1621. Gregorius (Nazianzen). Discours pour Condamner I'Empereur Julian {French). 8vo. Rouen, 1603. 391 Gregorius (Nyssen). Mystica Mosaicas Vitse Enarratio. Geo. Tra- pezontio interp. 4to. Bas., 1521. Gregorius (Nyssen). De Creatione Hominis. Dionysio Exiguo, interp. Folio. Col., 1537. Gregorius (Nyssen). De Immortalitate. [Tracts, Vol. 149.] 8vo. Par., 1557. Gregorius (Nyssen). Opera Latine, h, Laur Sifano et Jo. Lewenkaio. Folio. Basil, 1571. Gregorius (Theodorus Neocgesariensis). Opera Omnia cum ejusdem Vita (Vossio interp.) (Gr. Lat.) 4to. Mog,, 1604. Gregorius (Theodorus Neocaesariensis). In Ecclesiasten Metaphrasis. With Clemens : Epistola. 4to. Aug. Vin., 1520. Gregorius (Archiepiscopus Turonensis). De Gloria Martyrum. 8vo. Col., 1583. Gregorius (Archiepiscopus Turonensis). De Gloria Sancti Martini, &c. 8vo. Col., 1583. Gregorius (Geor. Flor,), Gregory. Historise Francorum. 8vo. Paris, 1561. Gregorius (Pet.) De Angelis et de Immortalitate Animse. i2mo. Lugd., 1587. Gregorius (Pet.) In Syntaxes Artis Mirabilis de Deo. i2mo. Lugd., 1587. Gregorius (Pet.) Syntagma Juris Universi, atque Legum pene Omnium Gentium. Folio. Franc, 161 1. Gregorius (de Gregorio), Gregory. De Republica. 8vo. 1597. Gregorius (de Gregorio), Gregory. De Concessione Feudi. 8vo. Mogunt, 1600. Gregory (Arthur). Moote Book; or, Abridgment de Cases {French). 8vo. 1599. Gregson (Matthew, F.S.A.) Fragments relating to the History and Antiquities, Topography, and Genealogies of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. Third Edition. By John Harland, F.S. A. 4to. London, 1869. Greiffius (Frid.) Decas Medicamentorum Galeno-Chymico modo Compositorum. Greiffius (Frid.) Medicamenta Rariora. [Tracts, Vol. 56.] 4to. Tub., 1 64 1. Grenada Laws, 176310 1805. By Geo. Smith. 2 vols. 4to. 1808. 392 Grenada. The Laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, from the year 1766 to the year 1852. With a Table of Acts, and a Tabular and General Index. Edited by William Snagg, Esq. 8vo. Grenada, 1852. Laws of Grenada, 1864-1869, 1871-1872, 1875-1878. In sheets. 4to. 1864-1878. Grenier (Nic.) Le Bouclier de la Foy. 8vo. Paris, 1568. Grenville Papers. Being the Correspondence of Rd. Grenville, Earl Temple, and the Right Hon. Geo. Grenville, &c. Edited by Wm. Js. Smith. 4 vols. 8vo. 1852. Gresham College Catalogue. See Catalogues. Gretser (Jas.) Refutatio Historiae Ordinis Jesuitici, Conscriptse ab Hasenmillero. With Siscovius. 4to. Ingolst, 1594. Gretser (Jas.) Libri Apologetici pro Vita Loiolse. 8vo. Ingolst., 1599. Gretser (Jas.) De Modo Jesuitarum cum Pontificibus, &c. 4to. Ingolst, 1600, Gretser (Jas.) Labyrinthus Cretico-Hunnianus. 4to. Ingolst, 1602. Gretser (Jas.) Exercitationes Theologicse. 4to. Ingolst, 1604. Gretser (Jas.) De Spontanea Disciplinarum Cruce. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1606. Gretser (Jas.) Panegyricus Miscenicus, &c. 8vo. Ingolst., 1606. Gretser (Jas.) Controversiarum Bellarmini Defensio. Folio. Ingolst, 1607. Gretser (Jas.) De Catholicae Ecclesise Processionibus et Supplica- tionibus. i2mo. Colon., 1608. Gretser (Jas.) De Studiis Jesuitarum. 8vo. Ingolst., 1609. Gretser (Jas.) Lutherus Academicus contra Lutherum. 4to. Ingolst, i6io. Gretser (Jas.) Erasmi Judicium de Novo Evangelio. 4to. Ingolst, i6n. Gretser (Jas.) Summula Casuum Conscientiae de Sacramentis, e Luthero, Calvino, et Beza, collecta. 4to. Ingolst., 161 1. Gretser (Jas.) Contra Goldastum, Lutheranos, et Calvinistas. With Hollandiae Decretum, &c. 4to. Ing., 16 13. ' Gretser (Jas.) Descriptio Arnaldi Brixiensis in Goldasto Redivivi. 4to. Ingolst., 161 3. Gretser (Jas.) Paraenesis ad Calvinistas Academias. 4to. Ingolst, 1 6 13. 393 Gretser (J as.) Lucae Tudensis Scrip tores contra Sectam Waldensium. 4to. Ingolst., 1 613. Gretser (J as.) Mysta Salmuriensis. 4to. Ingolst., 16 14. Gretser (Jas.) De Benedictionibus et Maledictionibus. Gretser (Jas.) Mysta Salmuriensis. 4to. Ingolst., 16 14. Gretser (Jas.) De Benedictionibus et Maledictionibus. 4to. Ingolst., 1615. Gretser (Jas.) De Principiis Dogmatum, See Lubbert. Greville (Fulk.) Works. Folio. 1633. Grevin (Jaques). Des Venins. 4to. Anver., 1568. Grey (Hon. Anchitell). Debates of the House of Commons, from 1667 to 1694. 10 vols. 8vo. 1763. Gribaldus (Mat.) De Methodo Studendi. i2mo. Lugd., 1566. Gribaldus (Mat.) De Omni Genere Homicidii. Svo. Spir., 1582, Griffin (Lepel). The Law of Inheritance to Chiefships as observed by the Sikhs previous to the Annexation of the Punjab. Svo. Lahore, 1869. Griffin (Lepel H.) The Rajas of the Punjab. Being the History of the principal States in Punjab, and their Political Relations with the British Government. 8vo. Lahore, 1870. Griffith (Gualter C.) A Supplement to the Sixth Edition of Vacher's Stamp Duties. With Stamp Act of 1870. i6mo. London, 1871. Griffith (John). Sermon against Transubstantiation. [Tracts, Vol. 168.] Svo. 1 70 1. Griffith (J. R., B.A.) The Married Women's Property Act, 1870. Its Relations to the Doctrine of Separate Use. Svo. London, 187 1. Third Edition, Svo. London, 1875. Fourth Edition. By Gregory Walker. Svo. London, 187S. Griffith (William Downes). On Arrangements with Creditors under the Bankruptcy Act, 1861. Svo. London, 1865. Griffiths (William Downes). The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1S75. With the Rules, Orders, and Costs thereunder. Edited, with copious Notes. Svo. London, 1S75. Griffith (William M. Downes) and Holmes (Charles A.) The Law ^nd Practice in Bankruptcy. Partly founded on Mr. Archibald's Treatise. With an Appendix of Statutes, Orders, and Forms. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1867. Grifolus (Jac.) Ciceronis Defensiones contra Calcagninum. Svo. Lut. Par., 1548. 394 Grillandus (Paul.) De Sortilegiis. 8vo. Franc, 1592. Grimaudet (Fran.) Opuscules Politiques. 8vo. Par., 1580. Grimestone (Edwd.) History of the Netherlands. Folio. 1627. Grimestone (Edwd.) Counsellor of Estate. [Translated.] 4to. 1634. Grimstone (Harbottle). Speech at Guildhall on Breach of Privilege. 4to. 1 64 1. Grindon (Joseph Baker). See Umfreville. Grindrod (Rev. Edmund). A Compendium of Laws and Regulations of Wesleyan Methodism. With Notes and an Appendix. Eighth Edition. i2mo. London, 1865. Grinfield (Edwd. Wm.) A Letter on the Interpolated Curse in the Vatican Septuagint. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] 8vo. 1850. Griphio (Rizard). Volumen Statutorum, Legum et Jurium Venetorum. 4to. Ven., 1606. Griqualand West. Statute Law of the Territory. Comprising the Proclamations and Government Notices enacted before the Pro- mulgation of the Constitution Ordinance, and still wholly, or in part, in force. [By Authority.] 1873-1876. vols. 8vo. Cape Town, 1875-1877. Grisone (Fed.) Ordini di Cavalcare, et di Conoscere le Nature di Cavalli. 8vo. Venet., 1569. Griswold (Hiram). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, in Bank. [Vols. 14-19, Ohio Reports, 1846-1850.] 16 vols. 8vo. Columbus, 1846-1815. Grivellus (Jo.) Decisiones Celeberrimi Sequanorum Senatus Dolani. FoHo. Genev., 1660. Grocers' Company's Complaints. [Tracts, Vol. no.] 4to. Grocott (John Cooper). Practice of the Borough Court of Liverpool. 8vo. Liverpool, 1837. Groitzschius (Greg.) Descriptio Salse Fluvii, &c. With Chytraeus : De Csesaribus. 8vo. Lips,, 1584. ' Groningius (Joh.) Bibliotheca Universalis. i2mo. Hamb., 1701. Groningius (Joh.) De Jure Principum. r2mo. Hamb., 1701. Groningius (Joh.) Historia Expeditionis Russicse. 8vo. Hamb., 1701. Groningius (Joh.) Historia Expeditionis Britannicge. 8vo. Hamb., 1701. Groningius (Joh.) In Numisma Brandenburgicum. 8vo. Hamb., 1701. ^ Groningius (Joh.) Historia Cycloeidis. 8vo. Hamb., 170 1. 395 Gronovius (Jo. Fred.) De Sestertiis. 8vo. Amst., 1656. Gronovius (Laur, Theod.) Pandectarum Historia. i2mo. Halse., 1730. Groot (Hugo de). HoUandsche Rechtesgeleetheyd. See Schorer. Groot (Hugo de). Honderd Rechtsgeleerde observatien. 2 vols. 8vo. In's Gavenhage, 1776. Grosart (Alex. B.) See Chetham Society's Publications, No. 89. Grose (Francis). Military Antiquities of the British Army. 2 vols. 4to. 1786. Grose (Francis). Antiquities of England and Wales. With the Sup- plement. 8 vols. 4to. 1787. Grose (Francis). Glossary of Provincial Words. By Pegge. 8vo. 1839. Grose (Francis). See Antiquarian Repertory. Grosius (Matthias). De Donatione Constantini Magni. With Albizius. 4to. Lipsi., 1620. Gross (Eugene L.) The Statutes of Illinois, 1818-1874. 3 vols. 8vo. Springfield, 187 2-1 874. Grosseteste (Roberti), Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis, Epistolse. Edited by H. R. Luard. See Brit. Gt., No. 25. 8vo. London, 1861. ' Grossius (Jo. Geo.) De Christiana Republica. 8vo. Basil, 161 2. Grossius (Jo. Geo.) Expositio Prsecepti, Reddite quae sunt Caesaris Csesari. 8vo. Basil, 161 2. Grossius (Jo. Geo.) De Formandis Orationibus. 8vo. 1613. Grossius (Jo. Geo.) Theologia Popularis. [Tracts, Vol. 143.] 8vo. Bas., 1622. Grote (Geo.) A History of Greece. 12 vols. 8vo. 1854. Grotefend (G. A.) Das Deutsche Staatsrecht der Gegenwart. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Grotii (Hugonis), de Jure Belli et Pacis Libri tres. Accompanied by an abridged Translation by William Whewell, D.D. With the Notes of the Author, Barbeyrac, and others. . 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853. Grotius (Guil.) Isagoge ad Praxin Fori Batavici. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1694. Grotius (Hugo de). Inleidung tot de HoUandsche Rechtsgeleertheyd. Gravenhage, 1630. Grotius (Hugo). Portuum Investigandarum Ratio. [Tracts, Vol 103.] 4to. Antw., 1599. 396 Grotius (Hugo). Oratio in Senatu Amstselred, 1616. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to. 1 61 6. Grotius (Hugo). Defensio Fidei Catholicse de Satisfactione Christi. 4to. Lu. Ba., 161 7. Grotius (Hugo). Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandiae Prsefuerunt. 8vo. Paris, 1621. Grotius (Hugo). De Veritate Religionis Christianse, Libri ejus Sensus. With Curio: de Amplitudine, &c. i2mo. Paris, 1627. Grotius (Hugo). De Mari Libero, &c. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1633. Grotius (Hugo). De Studiis Instituendis. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1637. Grotius (Hugo). Annotationes ad Vetus et Novum Testamentum. 5 vols. Folio. Paris, 1644; Amst, 1641. Grotius (Hugo). Florum Sparsio ad Jus Justinianeum. i2mo. Amst., 1643. Grotius (Hugo). De Jure Belli ac Pads. 8vo. Amst., 1650. Grotius (Hugo). Droit de la Guerre. Par Jn. Barbeyrac. 2 vols. 4to. Amst., 1724. Grotius (Hugo). Right of War and Peace. By J. Barbeyrac. [Translated.] Folio. 1738. Grotius (Hugo). De Jure Belli ac Pacis cum Annotatis Gronovii, et Barbeyraci, et Comment. Hen. et Sam. Cocceii. 5 vols. 4to. Lausanne, 1751. Grotius (Hugo). Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence. Translated by Chs. Herbert. 8vo. 1845. Grotius (Hugo). The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence. With Notes by Simon Van Groenewegen van der Made, and References to Van der Keesel's Theses and Schorer's Notes. Translated by A. F. 8. Maasdorp, B.A. 8vo. Cape Town, 1878. Grove (Wm. Robt.) On the Correlation of Physical Forces. 8vo. 1846. Grove (Wm. Robt.) Progress of Physical Science. 8vo. 1842. Gruberus (Dan.) De Peregrinatione Studiosorum. [Tracts, Vol. 118.] 4to. Arg., 1625. Gruel (Guill.) Chronique de Richemonde. See Buchon and France. Gruget (Claude). L'Heptameron des Novelles de Marguerite de Valois. 4to. Paris, 1559. Gruter (Janus). Delitise Italorum Poetarum hujus ^vi. I vol. in 2. 8vo. 1608. 397 Grutinius (And.) Solus Philosophus. 4to. Patav., 1591. Gryllus (Laur.) De Sapore Dulci et Amaro. 410. Pra., 1566. Gryllus (Laur.) De Peregrinatione. With Maurolycus. 4to. Pra., 1566. Gryn^us (Jo. Jas.) La Vie d'Ecolampade. With Melanchthon. i2mo. 1555. Gryn^us (Jo. Jas.) Monumenta Patrum Orthodoxographa ; i.e.^ Theologios Doctores, Graeci, Latini, &c. 2 vols. Folio. Basil, 1569. Gryn^us (Jo. Jas.) Evangelistarum Demonstrationes Jesum esse Christum. 4to. Basil, 1588. Gryn^eus (Sim.) De Cometis. With Erastus : de Astrologia. 4to. Bas., 1580. Gryphiander (Jo.) De Insulis. 4to. Franc , 1624. GuACCius (Fr. Mar.) Compendium Maleficarum. 4to. Med., 1626. GuADAGNOLO (Phil.) Apologia pro Christiana Religione. 4to. Rome, 1631. Guadalajara y Xavier (Marco de). Expulsion de los Moriscos de Espagna. 4to. Pamp., 16 13. GuAGNiNi (Alex.) Gwagninus. Sarmatiae Europae Descriptio. Folio. Crac, 1578. GuAGNiNi (Alex.) Gwagninus. Res Polenicse. 8vo. Franc, 1584. GuAGNiNi (Alex.) Gwagninus. See Moscovitarum Rerum Auctores. GuALDUS (Paul.) Vita Pinelli. 4to. Au. Vi., 1607. GuALLA (Jac.) Historise suae Patriae. With Saccus. 4to. Pap., 1587. GuALTiERi (Guid.) Venuta de gli Ambasciatori Giaponesi a Roma. [Tracts, Vol. 159.] 8vo. Ven., 1586, Guardian. In British Essayists. IGuARGANTUS (Hor.) De Theriacae Virtutibus. 4to. Ven., 1595. GuARGANTUS (Hor.) De Mechiochani Radice. 4to. Ven., 1595- . GuARGANTUS (Hor.) De Ovo Gallinarum. With Cardosus. 4to. Ven., 1595. GuARiMBERTUs (Mat.) De Radiis et Aspectibus Planetarum. With CI. Ptolomaeus : de Judiciis. 4to. Norim., 1535. GuARiNi (Gio. Bat.) Delia Vera Sapienza. 4to. Ven., 1609. GuARiNONius (Christoph.) Res Naturales Memorabiles, &c. 4to. Franc, 1606. 398 GuASTAViNius (Jul.) Loca de Medicina Selecta. 4to. Lugd., 1616, GuAY (G. le). Alliances d'un Roy avec le Turc, &c., Justifiees. [Tracts, Vol. 162.] 8vo. Par., 1626. GuAZZiNi (Seb.) Opera Criminalia. Folio. Franc, 17 16. GuAzzo (Stef.) Delia Civil Conversatione. 8vo. Ven., 1590. GuAzzo (Stef.) Dialoghi Piacevoli. i2mo. Ven., 1604. GuDE (Rd.) Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench, and the Practice of the Sessions ; the General Rules of Court from the Reign of James I., and the Statutes. With a Table of Fees and Bills of Costs, Forms and Precedents. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828. GuELEN (Aug de). L'Estat de Phernambucque. [Tracts, Vol. 112.] 4to. Amst, 1640. GuENOis (Pierre). La Nouvelle et Derniere Conference des Ordon- nances, et Edicts Royaux, &c. Par Jean Charendon et Thaumas. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1641. Guernsey (R. S.) Mechanics' Lien Laws for New York City, and for the Counties of Kings and Queens. 8vo. New York, 1873. Gueroud (Ant.) Les Disguisements de Gonteri, Jesuite. 8vo. Lugd., 161 1. Gueroud (Ant.) Traictd de I'Efficace, &c., du Baptisme. 8vo. Roch,, 1 6 13. Guerra de Lorca (Pet.) Catecheses Mystagogicae pro Advenis ex Secta Mahometana. 4to. Mad., 1586. Guerreiro (Fernam.) Relacion de las Cosas de la India Oriental y Japan, 1600 e 1601. Par Ant. Colago. 4to. Lisb., 1604. Guerreiro (Fernam). Relacion das Cousas nas Partes da India Oriental, &c., 1604 et 1605. 4to. Lisb,, 1607. Guerrero (Fra.) Viage de Jerusalem. [Tracts, Vol. 159.] 8vo. Ale., 161 1. Guevara (Ant. de). Epistolae Familiares. Folio. Val, 1549. Guevara (Ant. de). Primera parte del Monte Calvario. 8vo. Anve., 157 1. Guevara (Ant. de). Aviso de' Favoriti e Dottrina de' Cortigiani. 8vo. Ven., 1581. Guevara (Ant. de). Oratio di Religiosi. 8vo. Ven., 1605. Guglielmi (Vincenzio). Pratica Criminale, 4to. Siena, 1775. Guiana. See British Guiana. 399 GuiBERT (Nic.) De Myrrhinis. With Codronchius : de Voce. 8vo. Fran., 1597. GuiBERT (Nic.) Alchymia Irapugnata et Expugnata. 8vo. Argent, 1603. f GuiBERT (Nic.) De Balsamo. 8vo. Argent., 1603. ( GuiBERT (Nic.) De Interitu Alchymise. 8vo. TuU., 16 14. GuicciARDiNi (Fran.) Delia Istoria d'ltalia. 4 vols. 4to. Frib., 1775. GuicciARDiNi (Fran.) Aphorismes, Civil and Military. Folio. 1629. GuicciARDiNi (Lod.) Description de tous les Pais-Bas. Folio. Anv., 1568. GuiDACERius (Agathius). In Psalmum LXVIII., Secundum Veri- tatem Hebraicam. 8vo. Paris. GiUDicciOLO (Levantio da). Antidoto della Gelosia. i2mo. Vin., 1565. GuiDius (Joh.) De Mineralibus. 4to. Ven., 1625. GuiDO Papa. Decisiones, cum Observationibus Gasp. Baronis, &c. Folio. Genev., 1667. GuiDO (Jo.) De Temporis, Astrorum, Annique Partium Integra Animadversione. 4to. Par., 1543. GuiGONius (Is.) Autopsiomma. 4to. Taur., 1619. GuiGONius (Is.) Oculi Actiones. With Wodderbornius. 4to. Taur., 1 6 19. ( GuiLLAUME (M.) La Nouvelle Lune. 8vo. Paris, 1614. GuiLLAUME (M.) La Lettre du Fidelle Frangois, 8vo. Paris, 16 14. GuiLLAUME (M.) Responce du Crocheteur de la "Samaritaine. 8vo. Paris, 16 14. GuiLLAUME (M.) De Citoyen Fran9ois. 8vo. Paris, 16 14. GuiLLAUME (M.) L'Hymne de la Paix. 8vo. Paris, 1614. GuiLLAUME (M.) Remerciment a la Reyne Regente. 8vo. Paris, 1614. ^ GuiLLAUME (M.) La Remonstrance de Pierre du Puis sur Guillaume. 8vo. Paris, 16 14. GuiLLEMEAU (Jaques). De la Grossesse des Femmes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1620. GuiLLiM (John). A Display of Heraldry. Sixth Edition. Folio. London, 1724. 400 GuiLLiM (Jn.) Display of Heraldry, and Logan's Treatise of Honour, Civil and Military. [Imperfect] Folio, 1679. GuiLLiMANNUs (Franc.) Helvetise Geographica Descriptio. In Hel- vetiorum Respublica. 12 mo. Lugd. Bat., 1627. GuiNTERius (Jo,), Guintier. De Pestilentia. 8vo. Arg,, 1565. GuiNTERius (Jo,), Guintier. De Peste. With Sylvius : de Peste. i2mo. Paris, 1577. GuiPUZcoA, Las Leyes de. See Bergara. GuiRAUD (Fr.) Traicte du Soulphre, traduit du Latin. 8vo. Par., 1618. GuizoT (Fr. Pierre Guill.) Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre. 2 vols. Svo. Par., 1841. GuLiELMUS Neubrigensis. See Newborough. Gunning (Fred.) On the Law of Tolls. Svo, 1833. GuNTER (Edm.) Canon Triangulorum. 4to. 1623. GuNTER (Edm.) Dials in the Privy Garden at Whitehall. 4to. 1624. GuNTHER (Ant.) De Tribus Chymicorum Principiis, et quinta Essentia. 8vo. Brem., 162 1. GuNTHER (Ant.) Observationes Chymiatricse. [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to, Lugd, Bat,, 1631. GuNTZENHUSANUS (Sim, Marius). Mundus Jovialis. With Locher. 4to. Norib., 16 14. GuRDON (Thornhagh). History of the Antiquity, Pre-eminence, and Authority of the High Court of Parliament ; and the History of Courts Baron and Courts Leet. Together with the Rights of Lords of Manors in Common Pastures, and the Growth of Privileges the Tenants now enjoy there. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1731. GuRNEY (Mr.) Arguments before Sir William Scott, 8th, loth, 14th, 15th, and 29th July, 181 2, in the Cases of the Snipe, the Martha, the Vesta. Svo. London, 181 2. GuRNEY (Mr.) Arguments in Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench on a Demurrer in the Case of an Information in the Nature of a Quo Warranto. Svo. London, 1838. GuRNEY (Edmd.) Romish Chain. [Tracts, Vol. 133.] Svo. 1624. GuRNEY (Wm. Brodie, Joseph, and Thomas). Trial of John Frost. Svo. 1840. GuRNEY (Wm. Brodie, Joseph, and Thomas). Trial of the Earl of Cardigan. Svo. 1841. 401 GuTCH (John). Collectanea Curiosa ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1781. GuTERBOCK (Carl.) Bracton, and his Relation to the Roman Law. 8vo. Philadelphia, i866. GuTHERius (Jac.) De Officiis Domus Augustse, Publicae et Privatae. 4to. Paris, 1628. Guthrie (Wm.) History of England. 3 vols. Folio. 1744, &c. Gutierrez Salinas (Diego). Discursos del pan y del Vino del Nomine Jesus. 4to. Alca., 1600. GuTTA Podagrica. [Tracts, Vol. 58.] 4to. 1633. Guv (Wm. A.) Forensic Medicine. i2mo. 1844. GuYBERT, ou Guibert (Alex.) Traits Familier, pour Toiser, Mesurer toute Magonnerie. 8vo. Par., 161 9. GuYBERT, ou Guibert (Philb.) (Euvres Chari tables Medicinales. 8vo. Paris, 1632. GuYON (Loys). Les Diverses Legons. 8vo. Lyon, 16 10. GuYOT (P. J. J. G.) Repertoire Universel et Raisonne de Jurisprudence civile, criminelle, canonique et beneficiale. Ouvrage de plusieurs Jurisconsultes. Seconde Edition. 17 vols. 4to. Paris, 1784, 1785. Guzman (Fernan Perez). Valerio de las Historias de la Sagrada Escriptura; y de los Hechos de Espafia. 8vo. Med., 1574. Guzman de Alfarache. 2 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1603. GwiLLiM (Sir Hy.) Acts, Records, and Reports of Cases on Tithes. By Chs. ElHs. 4 vols. 8vo. 1825. Gwynn (Mat.) In Assertatorem Chymicse Anthonium, &c. 4to. 161 1. Gwynne (Thos). On Probate and Legacy Duties. 8vo. 1836. Gyllius (Pet.) De Bosphoro Thracio. i2mo. Lugd. Bat, 1632. Gyllius (Pet.) De Constantinopolitana Topographia. 24mo. Lugd. Bat, 1632. (26) 402 HABEAS Corpus. Pro Aris et Focis; or, Vindication of the Commons in the Writs of Habeas Corpus and Writs of Error in the Case of the Aylesbury Men. With Address and Pro- ceedings. Folio. 1705 Habert (Pierre). Stille de Composer toutes sortes de Lettres Missives. With Propos. izmo. Par., 1575 Habert (Pierre). Le Mirrour de Vertu. i2mo. Paris, 1575 Habicot (Nic.) Problemes M^dicinaux et Chirurgicaux. With Guiraud Soulphre. 8vo. Paris, 161 7 Habicot (Nic.) Antigigantologie. 8vo. Paris, 1618 Habington (Wm.) History of Edward IV. Folio. 1640, Habington (Wm.) History of Edward IV. In Kennett. Habrechtus (Is.) Planiglobium Caeleste et Terrestre. 4to. Arg,, 1628. Haddan (Arthur West, D.D.) and Stubbs (William, M.A.) Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I ; Vol. 2, Part i ; Vol. 3. 8vo. Oxford, 1869-1871. Haddan (T. H.) Outlines of the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. Crown 8vo. London, 1862. H ADDON (Wm.) See Reformatio Legum. Hadley (Amos). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of New Hampshire, December 1863 to July 1869. [Vols 45-48, New Hampshire Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Concord, 1866-1871. Hadley (James, LL.D.) Introduction to Roman Law. In Twelve Academical Lectures. i2mo. New York, 1874. Hadrianus VI. Qusestiones XII. Quodlibeticse. 8vo. Lugd., 1546. Haedo (Diego de). Topographia e Historia de Argel. Folio. Val., 16 1 2. H^MRODius (Corn.) Batavise, &c., Descriptio. With Pontanus de Rheno. 8vo. Harder, HiENEL (Gustavus). Lex Romana Visigothorum. 4to. Lips., 1848. HiENEL (Gustavus). Lex Romana Visigothorum. 4to. Lipsise, 1848. H^RETici Quaestiones duo. 8vo. 1607. 403 Hafenrefferus (Sam.) Raphael Artem Medicam, &c., Explanans. 8vo. Franc, 1629. Haffurtus (Jo.) Nova Medicinae Methodus. 4to. Ette., 1532. Hag^ Literarum Scriptarum Exemplar. [Tracts, Vol. 79.] 4to. 162 1. Hagemeierus (Joach.) Juris Publici de Danise, Sueci^e, et Norwegise Statu Epistola. 4to. Franc, ad. Msen., 1677. Hager (Mich.) De Singularitate Antichristi. 8vo. Ingolst, 1580. Haggard (Jn.) Reports of Cases in the Consistory Court of London. 2 vols, 8vo. 1822. Haggard (Jn.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Admiralty, 1822- 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825. Haggard (Jn.) Case of Dew v. Clark, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1826. 8vo. 1826. Haggard (Jn.) Case of the Slave Grace. 8vo. 1827. Haggard (Jn.) Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts of Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates, 1827- 1833. 4 vols. 8vo. 1829, &c. Hailes (Lord), History of Scotland. (Dalrymple.) Hakewil (Wm.) Liberty of the Subject against the Pretended Power of Impositions. 4to. 1641. Hakewill (Geo.) Apologie ; or, Declaration of the Power and Provi- dence of God. Folio. 1635. Hakluyt (Rd.) Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries made by the English Nation, by Sea or Land. With the Voyage to Cadiz. 3 vols. Folio. 1589. Halberst (Jac. Martin). Disputationes Meteorologicse, sub Prsesidio ejus; ab Henr. Boccatio, &c. 4to. Wite., 1608. Hale (Archdeacon). See Camden Society's Papers, No. 69. Hale (Chief Justice). De Jure Maris. See Hall on Sea Shore. Hale (Sir Mat.) Pleas of the Crown. 8vo. 1685. Hale (Sir Matthew, Knt.) Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1716. Hale (Sir Mat.) History of the Common Law. With Analysis of the Law. 8vo. 17 16. Hale (Sir Mat.) Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. Folio. 1736. Hale (Sir Mat.) Jurisdiction of the Lords' House; or. Parliament considered according to Antient Records. By Frs. Hargrave. 4to. 1796. 404 Hale (Sir Mat.) Pleas of the Crown. By Sol. Emyln, Geo. Wilson, and Tho. Dogherty. 2 vols. 8vo. 1800. Hale (Sir Mat.) See Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. Hale (Sir Mat.) De Jure Maris. In Hargrave's Law Tracts. Hale (Sir Matthew, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench). History of the Common Law of England, and an Analysis of the Civil Part of the Law. Sixth Edition. With Additional Notes and References, and some Account of the Life of the Author. By Charles Runnington, Serjeant-at-Law. Svo. London, 1820. Hale (Sir Mat.) Tracts. See Hargrave. Hale (Wm. Hale). Precedents and Proceedings in Criminal Causes in London Ecclesiastical Courts, 1 475-1 640. 8vo. 1847. Hale (W. H., M.A.) An Inquiry into the Legal History of the Supremacy of the Crown in Matters of Religion. With especial reference to the Church in the Colonies. Read at the Visitation of the Archdeaconry of London, May 28th, 1867. 8vo. London, 1867. Hale (W. H., M.A.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 91. Hales. Case of Sir Edward Hales, Bart. Account of the Authorities in Law upon which Judgment was given. Written by Sir Edw. Herbert, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, in vindication of himself 4to. London, 1688. Hales (Wm.) On the Primitive Church of the British Isles. Svo. 181 9. Hales (Wm.) Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy. 4 vols. Svo. 1830. Halhed (Nat. Brassey). A Code of Gentoo Laws ; or. Ordinations of the Pundits. From a Persian Translation made from the Original in the Shanscrit. Hall (Basil). Extracts from a Journal written on the Coast of Chili, &c. 2 vols. Svo. Edin., 1825. Hall (Basil). Travels in North America. 3 vols. Svo. Edin., 1830. Hall (Edwd.) Chronicle containing the History of England, Henry IV.— VIII. 4to. 1809. Hall (Fred. Jas.) and Twells (Phil.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of Lord Chancellor Cotten- ham, and the Lords Commissioners, 1849, 1^5°- 2 vols. Svo. 1849. 405 Hall (John E.) The Practice and Jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty. In Three Parts : — 1. An Historical Examination of the Civil Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. 2. A Translation of Clerk's Praxis. 3. A Collection of Precedents. 8vo. Baltimore, 1809. Hall (John E.) American Law Journal, 1808-1817. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808-18 17. New Series, i vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 182 1. Hall (John Edward). On the Law relating to Profits a Prendre and Rights of Common. 8vo. London, 1871. Hall (Jonathan Prescott). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the City of New York, August 1828 to December 1829. Second Edition. By Joel Tiffany. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1866. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich). Honour of the Married Clergy Maintained. 8vo. 1620. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich). Reconciler concerning the True Being and Visibility of the Romish Church. 8vo. 1629. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich). Old Religion ; or, Difference between the Reformed and Romish Church. [Tracts, Vol. 134.] 8vo. 1628. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich). Defence of the Humble Remon- strance against Smectymnuus. 4th. 1641. Hall (Rt.) Inaugural Lecture on Common Law. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 1848. Hall (Rt. Gream). On the Rights of the Crown and Privileges of the Subject in the Sea-shores of the Realm. 8vo. 1830. Hall (Robert Gream). On the Rights of the Crown and the Privileges of the Subject in the Sea-shores of the Realm. Second Edition. With References to the later Authorities in England, Ireland, Scotland, and the United States. By Robert Loveland Loveland. 8vo. London, 1875. Hall (Spencer, F.S.A.) Documents relating to Queen Elizabeth, 1558-1568. Translated from the Spanish of Don Thomas Gonzalez. With Notes and an Introduction. 8vo. London, 1865. Hall (Thos.) Pulpit Guarded, &c. 4to. 1651. Hall (Thos.) Font Guarded, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 165 1. Hall (W. E.) The Rights and Duties of Neutrals. 8vo. London, 1874. 4o6 Hall (Sidney). General Atlas. Folio. 1840. Hallam (Hy.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 8vo. 1829. Hallam (Hy.) Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 3 vols. Svo. 1832. Hallam (Hy.) Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 4 vols. Svo. 1837. Hallam (Hy.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. Supplement and Notes. Svo. 1848. Halleck (H. W.) International Law ; or, Rules regulating the Inter- course of States in Peace and War. Svo. San Francisco, 1S61. Halleck (H. W.) International Law ; or, Rules regulating the Inter- course of States in Peace and War. A New Edition. Revised. With Notes and Cases. By Sir Sherston Baker. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1878. Haller (Jn.) Sententiae ex Deere tis Canonicis, Collect^e. Svo. Tig., 1572. Hallifax (Sam.) Analysis of the Civil Law. In which a Comparison is made between the Roman Laws and those of England. Svo. Camb., 1795. Hallifax (Sam.) Analysis of the Civil Law. By Jas. Wm. Geldart. Svo. Camb. and Lond., 1S56. Halliwell (Js. Orchard). Fairy Mythology. Svo. 1845. Halliwell (Js. Orchard). Dictionary of Archaisms and Provincialisms. 2 vols. Svo. 1852. Halliwell (Js. Orchard). See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 10, 15, 19, 3°- Haloander (Greg.) Canonum Apostolorum Interpretatio. Haloander (Jo. A.) Institutionum Imperialium Resolutiones. Folio. Arg., 1575. Halpin (Hy. N. J.) Oberon's Vision Illustrated. S.S. Svo. 1S43. Halpin (W. G.) Trial of, for Treason Felony, at the County of Dublin Commission Court, November 1867. Svo. Dublin, 1S68. Halsted (George B.) Reports of Cases determined in the Court of Chancery, and in the Prerogative Court, and on Appeal, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, 1845-1853. [Vols. 5-8, New Jersey Equity Reports.] 4 vols. Svo. Elizabeth Town, 1849-1S54. Halsted (William, Jun.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey, 1821-1831. [Vols. 6-12, New Jersey Reports.] 7 vols. Svo. Trenton, 1823-1831. 407 Halyburton (Andrew). Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, Conservator of the Privileges of the Scotch Nation in the Netherlands, 1492- 1503. Together with the Book of Customs and Valuation of Mer- chandises in Scotland in 16 12. Published by Authority of the Lords of the Treasury, under the direction of the Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Hamaker (H. G.) Hugonis Grotii de Jure Prgedse Commentarius. Svo. Hagse Comitum, 1868. Hamel (Felix J.) The Laws of the Customs. Consolidated by direction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury (16 and 17 Vict., cc. 106 and 107). With a Commentary containing Practical Forms, Notes of Decisions in leading Custom Cases, and an Appendix of the Acts. Svo. London, 1854. Hamel (Felix John). The Law of Customs. Consolidated by direction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury (39 and 40 Vict., c. 36). With Practical Notes and References throughout. An Appendix containing various Statutory Provisions incidental to the Customs. The Customs Tariff Act (39 and 40 Vict., c. 45). With Notes and Appendix, including the Isle of Man Tariff Act. And a copious Index. i2mo. London, 1876. Hamerton (J.) See New Sessions Cases. Hamilton (Alexander). See Federalist. Hamilton (Arch.) Calvinianse Confusionis Demonstratio. 8vo. Paris, 1581. Hamilton (Charles). The Hedaya, or Guide. A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. Translated by order of the Governor-General and Council of Bengal. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1791. Second Edition. By S. G. Grady. 8vo. London, 1870. Hamilton (Hans Claude). Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland, 1509-1573. 8vo. i860. Hamilton (Hans Claude, F.S.A.) Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Vol. 2. 1574-1585. 8vo. 1867. Hamilton (James, Duke of). Vindication of himself against the Covenanters, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 116.] 4to. 1633. Hamilton (James, Duke of). The Hamilton's Practices to get the Crown of Scotland, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 14.] 4to. 1648. Hamilton (N. K, S.A.) Wilhelmi Malmesbiriensis Libri quinque. See Brit., Gt., No. 52. Hamilton (Wm.) In British Poets. Hamilton (Wm.) On the Northern Coast of Ireland. In Pinkerton. Hamilton (W. D.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 75, 105. 4o8 Hammond (Anth.) Consolidation of the Criminal Laws. Folio. 1826. Hammond (Anth.) The Criminal Code. Digest of the Criminal Law. 6 vols, in 7. Folio. 1826. Hammond (Anth.) Analytical Digested Index to Term Reports and others, Geo. III. and IV. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. Hammond (Charles). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Ohio, upon the Circuit, and at a Special Session in Columbus, December 1823. [Vols. 1-9, Ohio Reports, 1821-1839.] 9 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1824-1840. Hammond (Henry). Vindication of the Ancient Liturgy of England. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1660. Hammond (Jas.) In British Poets. Hammond (William A., M.D.) Insanity in its Medico- Legal Relations. Opinion relative to the Testamentary Capacity of the late James C. Johnston. 8vo. New York, 1867. Hampden (John). The Tryal of. To which is added the Tryal of Thomas Harrison. 4to. London, 17 19. Hampson (Sir Geo. Frs.) On the Liabilities of Trustees. 8vo. 1830. Hand (Samuel). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, March 1869— September 187 1. [Vols. 40-45, New York Reports.] 6 vols. 8vo. New York, 1869-187 2. Hanmer (Meredith). See Campion. Hanna (Wm.) Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1854. Hannay (James). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, Trinity Term 1867— Michael- mas Term 187 1. [In progress.] 2 vols. 8vo. Fredericton, 1870-1875. Hansard. Abstract of Public Business, Sessions 1 863-1 869. Supple- ment to Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1864-1870. Hansard (Geo.) On Aliens, Denisation, and Naturalisation. 8vo. 1844. Hansard (Jn.) Book of Entries. FoHo. 1685. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary History. Edited by William Cobbett. 36 vols. 8vo. 1815, &c. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary Debates. First Series. 41 vols. 8vo. 1803-1820. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary Debates. Second Series. 25 vols. 8vo. 1 820-1 830. 409 Hansard (T. C.) Analytical and Parliamentary Digest, or Index, to the 66 first vols. 8vo. 1803-1832. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary Debates. Third Series. 63 vols. Svo. [Continued.] 1 830-1 861. Hanserecesse. Die Recesse und audere Akten der Hansetage von 1 256-1476. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1870-1876. Hanson (Alfred). The Succession Duty Act, 1853 (16 and 17 Vict., cap. 41). With the Decisions and Notes. Svo. London, 1865. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1870. Hanson (Alfred). The Acts relating to Probate, Legacy, and Succes- sion Duties. Comprising the 36 Geo. HI., cap. 52; 45 Geo III., cap. 28; 55 Geo. HI,, cap. 184; and 16 and 17 Vict, cap. 51. With Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix of Subjects. Third Edition. Svo. London, 1876. Harbrowe. Against the Blast concerning the Government of Women. 4to. Stras., 1559. Harcourt (Dr.) Remonstrance from Ireland concerning Murders, &c., by Popish Rebels. [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 4to. 1641. Harcourt (William Vernon). Letters by Historicus on some Questions of International Law. Reprinted from the Times. With consider- able Additions. Svo. London, 1S63. Hardcastle (Henry). The Law and Practice of Election Petitions. Svo. London, 1870. Hardcastle (Henry). The Construction and Effect of Statutory Law. Svo. London, 1879. Hardin (Martin D.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, from Spring Term 1805 to Spring Term 1808, inclusive. [Vol. i, Kentucky Reports.] Svo. Frankfort, 18 10. Harding (Tho.) Answer to Juell. Svo. Antw., 1525. Harding (Tho.) Rejoinder to Juell's Reply. 4to. Antw., 1566. Hardres, (Sir Thomas, Knt.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, in the years 1 655-1 660. 4to. London, 1693. Hardres (Sir Thomas). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, from the year 1655 to the 21st of King Charles II. Second Edition. Svo. Dublin, 1792. Hardres (Sir Tho.) Reports, 1655-1660, and thence to 21st Charles II. [Imperfect] Folio. 1693. Hardwick (Charles, M.A.) Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. See Brit, Gt,, No. 8. 410 Hardwick (William, M.D., F.R.C.S.) On the Evils of Overcrowding in the Dwellings of the Poor, and Means suggested for their Removal. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] 8vo. London, 1865. Hardwicke (Philip Yorke, Second Earl of). Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1 501 to 1726. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1778. Hardwicke. Reports, Time of. See Annaly, Atkyns, Chancery Cases, Lee, Ridgway, and West. Hardwicke (Phil. Yorke, Lord). See Rolls. Hardy (Tho. Duff.) Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi Asservati, 1204-1227. See Brit, Gt., No. 26. Folio. 1833. Hardy (Tho. Duff.) Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London. To which is added an Itinerary of King John, &c., R.C. 8vo. 1835. Hardy (Tho. Duff.) Rotuli de Liberate, ac de Misis et Prsestitis, Regnante Johanne, R.C. 8vo. 1844. Hardy (Tho. Duff.) Modus Tenendi Parliamentum, R.C. 8vo. 1846. Hardy (Thomas Duffus, F.S.A.) Descriptive Catalogue of Manu- scripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. See Brit., Gt, No. 26. Vol. i (in two parts) to 1066; Vol. 2, 1066- 1200; Vol. 3, 1200-1327. 4 vols. 1862-1871. Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Report to the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls upon the Documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. 8vo. London, 1866. Hardy (Thomas Duffus, D.C.L.) Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. See Brit., Gt, No. 62. Hardy (Win.) The Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster. Translated and edited by order of the Chancellor and Council. 8vo. 1845. Hardy (William, F.S.A.) Recueil des Croniques et Anciennes Istoires de la Grant Bretagne, a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan Wavrin. From Albina to 688. See Brit, Gt., No. 39. 1864. Hardy (William, F.S.A.) A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England. By Jehan Wavrin. From Albina to 688. [Translation of preceding.] See Brit, Gt., No. 40. 1864. Hardyng (Jn.) Chronicle. Continued by Rd. Grafton. Edited by Hy. Ellis. 4to. 18 12. Hare (J. J. Clark) and Wallace (H. B.) American Leading Cases. Being Decisions of American Law Courts in several Departments of Law, with especial reference to Mercantile Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 187 1. Hare (Thos.) On Discovery of Evidence. By Bill and Answer in Equity. 8vo. 1836. 411 Hare (Thos.) Railway Cases. See NichoUs. Hare (Thos). Reports of Cases adjudged in Chancery before Sir Jas. Wigram, Sir Geo. Turner, and Sir Wm. Page Wood, V.C, 1841- 1853. With Preface and a Table of Cases, &c. II vols. Svo. 1842, &c. Hare (Thomas). Dwellings for the Working Classes, the Facilities which the Law may give for Small Investments in Real Property, and the Means they would afford of improving the Dwellings of the People and the Condition of the Working Classes. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] Svo. London, 1864. Hare (Thomas). On an Organization of the Metropolitan Elections. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] Svo. London, 1865. Hare (Thomas). On the Discovery of Evidence in the High Court of Justice. Adapted to the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts and Rules, 1873 and 1875, By Sherlock Hare. i2mo. London, 1876. Hargreave (Charles James, LL.D., F.R.S.) On the Resolution of the Algebraic Equations. Svo. Dublin, 1866. Hargrave (Frs.) See Coke upon Littleton. Hargrave (Frs.) Juridical Arguments and Collections. 2 vols. 4to. 1797. Hargrave (Frs.) Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England. 4to. 1787. Hargrave (Frs.) Jurisconsult Exercitations. 3 vols, 4to. 181 1, &c, Hargrave (Frs.) See Hale. Hargrave (John). Alexander VH. and his Cardinals. See Camden Society's Papers, No. 92. Harisius (Paul.) Arctomastix. [Tracts, Vol. So.] 4to. 1633. Harl^eus, or de Harlay (Frs.) Apologia Evangelii pro Catholicis. Foho. Paris, 1625. Harland (John, F.S.A.) and Wilkinson (T. T.) Lancashire Folk- Lore. Illustrative of the Superstitions, Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County Palatine. Svo, London, 1867. Harland (John, F.S.A.) The History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. By the late Edward Baines, Esq. The Biographical Department by the late W. H. Whatton, F.S.A. A New Edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1868. Harland (John, F.S.A.) See Chesham Society's Publications, Nos. 53, 57» 63, 65, 68, 74. Harleian Miscellany ; or. Collection of Pamphlets and Tracts. With Notes by Wm. Oldys and Thos. Park, &c. 10 vols. 4to. 1808. 412 Harleian Society's Publications. 1. The Visitation of London, 1568, By Robert Cooke. Edited by John Jackson Howard and George John Armytage, F.S.A. 1869. 2. The Visitation of the County of Leicester in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarence King of Arms. Edited by John Fetherston, F.S.A. X870. 3. The Visitation of the County of Rutland in the year 1618- 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarence King of Arms. Edited by George John Armytage, F.S.A. 1870. 4. The Visitations of the County Nottingham in the years 1569 and 1 6 14. With many other Descents of the same County. Edited by George William Marshall. 1871. 5. The Visitations of the County of Oxford, taken in the years 1566, by William Harvey, Clarencieux; 1574, by Richard Lee, Portcullis; and, in 1634, by John Philpott, Somerset, and William Ryley, Bluemantle. Together with the Gatherings of Oxfordshire, collected by Richard Lee, in 1574. Edited by William Henry Turner. 187 1. 6. The Visitation of the County of Devon in the year 1620. Edited by Frederick Thomas Colby, B. D. , F. S. A. 1872. 7. The Visitation of the County of Cumberland in the year 1 6 15. Taken by Richard St. George, Norroy King of Arms. Edited by John Fetherston, F.S.A. 1872. 8. Le Neve's Pedigrees of the Knights. Edited by George W. Marshall, LL.D., F.S.A. 1873. 9. The Visitation of the County of Cornwall in the year 1620. Edited by Lieut. -Colonel J. L. Vivian and Henry H. Drake, M.A., Ph.D. 1874. 10. The Registers of Westminster Abbey. Edited by Colonel Joseph Lemuel Chester. 1876. 11. The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. Edited by the Rev. F. T. Colby, D.D., F.S.A. 12. The Visitation of Warwickshire, 1629. Edited by John Fetherston, Esq., F.S.A. 13. The Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552 ; Hervey, 1558 ; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Avon and Lily, 1634. To which are added miscellaneous Essex Pedigrees from various Harleian Manuscripts, and an Appendix containing Berry's Essex Pedigrees. Edited, with an Index of Names, by Walter C. Metcalf, F.S.A. 1878. 413 Harleian Society's Publications, Register Section, 1 . A Register of all the Christninges, Burialls, and Weddinges within the Parish of Saint Peter's upon Cornhill, begin- ning at the raigne of our Most Soueraigne Ladie Queen Elizabeth, 15 58- 1666. Edited by Granville W. G. Leveson Gower, F.S.A. 1877. 2. The Reiester Booke of Saynte De'nis Backchurch parishe (City of London) for Maryages, Christenynges, and Buryalles, beginnynge in the yeare of Or. Lord God, 1538. Edited by Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL.D. London, 1878. 3. The Register Booke of Christinges, Marriages, and Burialls within the precinct of the Cathedrall and Metro- politicall Church of Christe of Canterburie. Edited by Robert Hovenden. London, 1878. Harlemanus (Flor.) Via Vitae. i2mo. Antw., 1556. Harmon (Henry C.) On the Pension Laws of the United States of America. Including the Act passed 28th July, 1866. 8vo. Washington, 1867. Harper (William). Reports of Cases determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina, 182 3- 1827. Third Edition. From the Second by W. Riley in 1841. 8vo. Charleston, S.C, i860. Harper (William). Reports of Equity Cases determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of South Carolina, 1824. Second Edition. 8vo. Charleston, S.C, i860. Harphius (Hen.) Theologia Mystica. 4to. Brix., 1601. Harpocration (Valerius). Dictionarium in decern Rhetores. Per Phil. Jac. Maussac, &c. {Greed). 4to. Par., 16 14. Harpsfeld (Nic.) Historia Anglica Ecclesiastica. Folio. Duaci., 1622. Harrington (E. Burke). Reports of Cases determined in the Court of Chancery in the State of Michigan, 183 8- 184 2. 8vo. Detroit, 1845. Harrington (Jas.) Commonwealth of Oceana. Folio. 1656. Harrington (J.) Pour Enclouer le Canon. [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. Harriot (Tho.) Artis Analyticae Praxis ad ^quationes Algebraicas Resolvendas. Folio. 1631. Harris (Geo.) See Justinian. 414 Harris (Geo., of the Middle Temple). Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. With Selections from his Correspondence, Diaries, Speeches, and Judgments. 3 vols. 8vo. 1847. Harris (Geo.) The True Theory of Representation in a State. 8vo. 1857. Harris (G.) Civilisation considered as a Science, in relation to its Essence, its Elements, and its End. 8vo. London, 1861. Harris (George, F.S.A.) Principia Prima Legum ; or, an Enunciation and Analysis of the Elementary Principles of Law in its several Departments. Part i. 8vo. London, 1865. Harris (George, F.S.A.) The Theory of the Arts ; or. Art in relation to Nature, Civilization, and Man. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Harris (G. E.) and Simrall (Horatio). Reports in the Supreme Court for the State of Mississippi. [Vols. 49-51, Mississippi Reports.] Containing Cases from October Term 1873 to October Term 1876. 4 vols. 8vo. Jackson, Miss., 1874-1877. Harris (George W.) Pennsylvania State Reports. Vols. 13-24. Containing Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court during part of December Term 1849, and March and May Terms 1850 to January Term 1855. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859, i860. Harris (Joh.) Lexicon Technicum. Folio. 1704. Harris (Rd.) Concordia Anglicana de Primatu Ecclesiae Regio. i2mo. 161 2. Harris (Rob.) Fast Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1642. Harrison (John). Messiah already Come. [Tracts, Vol. 91.] 4to. Amst., 1619. Harris (Seymour F., B.C.L., M.A.) Principles of Criminal Law. A Concise Exposition of the Nature of Crime, the various Offences punishable by the English Law, the Law of Criminal Procedure, and the Law of Summary Convictions. 8vo. London, 1877. Harris (Seymour F.) The Elements of Roman Law. A Concise Digest of the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian. 8vo. London, 1875. Harris (Thomas) and Gill (Richard W.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Appeals of Maryland, 1826 to 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Annapolis, 1828, 1829. Harris (Thomas) and Johnson (Reverdy). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland, from 1800 to 1826. 7 vols. 8vo, Annapolis, 1 821-182 7. 415 Harris (Thomas, Junior) and McHenry (John). Maryland Reports. Being a Series of the most important Law Cases argued and determined in the Provincial Court and Court of Appeals of the then Province of Maryland, from the year 1658 down to the American Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. New York and Philadelphia, 1809- 1840. Harrison (Joseph). Chancery Practice. By Newland. 8vo. 1808. Harrison (Josiah). Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey, from February Term 1837 to September Term 1842. [Vols. 16 to 19, New Jersey Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Camden, N.J., 1839-1842. Harrison (Octavian Baxter Cameron). Practice of the Sheriffs' Court of the City of London. With Forms, and an Appendix. i2mo. i860. Harrison (Octavian, B.A.) and Rutherford (Henry). Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on Appeal from the Court of Common Pleas, from Michaelmas Term 1865 to Trinity Term and Vacation 1866. Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1868. Harrison (Robert A.). Upper Canada Common Law and County Courts Procedure Act. 8vo. Toronto and Lond., 1858. Harrison (Robert A., D.C.L.) and O'Brien (Henry). A Digest of all Cases decided in the Several Courts of Error and Appeal, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Chancery, in Upper Canada, 1851- 1860. 8vo. Toronto, 1863. Harrison (Robert A., D.C.L.) The Common Law Procedure Act, Canada. Second Edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. Harrison (Robert A., D.C.L.) The Municipal Manual. Containing the Municipal and Assessment Acts, and the Rules of Court for the Trial* of contested Municipal Elections. Third Edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. Harrison (Sam. Bealey). Analytical Digest of Reported Cases. With Supplement, 1756-1843. 4 vols. 8vo. 1835-1837. Harrison (Sam. Bealey). Analytical Digest, &c. Continued by R. A. Fisher. 2 vols. 8vo. 1856. Harrison (Sam. Bealey). Woodfall on Landlord and Tenant. Third Edition. By R. Tarrant Harrison. 8vo. 1844. Harrison (Sam. Bealey) and Edwards (Fred.) Law of Nisi Prius. 2 vols. 8vo. 1838. 4i6 Harrison (Sam. Bealey). Digest and Wollaston's New Term Reports. Cases in the King's Bench and Bail Court, 1835, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836, &c. Hart (Albert). The Civil Code of the State of California as enacted in 1872 and amended at the Sessions of 1873, 1874, and 1875, 1876. With References to the Decisions in which the Code was cited, and an Appendix of General Laws upon the Subjects em- braced in the Code. Small Svo. San Francisco, 1876. Hart (Hy. Geo.) Army List for Oct. 1845, &c. 18 parts. Svo. 1845, &c. Hart (Rd.) Medulla Conciliorum Britannise et Hiberniae, 446-1548. 8vo. Norwich, 1833. Hart (William Henry, F.S.A.) Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri, Gloucestriae. See Brit, Gt., No. 33. 3 vols. 1863-1867. Harte (Walter). History of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, surnamed the Great. By John Joseph Stockdale. 2 vols. Svo. 1S07. Hartford (Wm. Seymour, Marquis of). Speech at Oxford. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1642. Hartgyll (Geo.) General Calendars, or Astronomical Tables. Folio. 1594. Hartley (Dav.) Observations on Man. 4to. 1791- Hartlib (Sam.) Late Attempts to procure Peace amongst Protestants. [Tracts, Vol. 75.] 4to. 1641. Hartlib (Sam.) Husbandry. [Tracts, Vol. 26.] 4to. 165 1. Hartman (Jo.) Perspectiva Communis. 4to. Nor., 1543. Hartman (Jo.) De Morbis Formae. With Mat. Cicogna. 4to. Tub., 1586. Hartman (Jo.) Professorum Medicinse Disputationes sub Prsesidio ejus. 4to. Marp., 16 14. Hartmann (W.) Das Deutsche Wechselrecht historisch und dog- matisch argestellt. Svo. Berlin, 1869. Harvey (Dan. Whittle). Case of. [Lithographed Fac-simile.] 4to. 182 1. Harwood (A. A., U.S.N.) The Law and Practice of United States Naval Courts-Martial. Svo. New York, 1S67. Haschardus (Pet.) Cl)T)eus Astrologicus, ad versus Flagellum Rapardi. Svo. Lov., 1552. 417 ' Hasenmuller (Elias). Triumphus Papalis, &c. 8vo. Fran., 1605. Hasenmuller (Elias). Historia Jesuitic! Ordinis. 8vo. Fran., 1605. Hasted (Edwd.) History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent. 4 vols. Folio. Canterbury, 1778. Hastings (Francis Rawdon, Marquis of). Papers regarding the Administration of the Marquis of Hastings in India. Ordered to be printed, 3rd March, 1824. Papers respecting the Pindarry and Mahratta Wars. Ordered to be printed, 3rd March, 1824. Papers regarding the Finances of India during the Adminis- tration of the Marquis of Hastings. Ordered to be printed, 22nd June, 1824. Treaties and Engagements with Native Princes and States in India, concluded for the most part in the years 1817 and 18 18. 2nd August, 1824. Hastings (George W.) On a Proposed New Court of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1624. Hastings (Warren). Trial of. See Bond. Hastler (Tho.) Infant's Plea for Baptism. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1651. Hatsell (Jn.) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons. 4 vols. 4to. 1796. Hatton (Chris.) Treatise concerning Statutes or Acts of Parliament, and the Exposition thereof. i2mo. 1677. Haughton (Wm.) See Dekker. Hautefeuille (L. B.) Des Droits et des Devoirs des Nations Neutres en Temps de Guerre Maritime. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Hautefeuille (L. B.) Histoire des Origines, des Progrbs et des Variations du Droit Maritime International. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Havensius (Am.) De Erectione Novorum in Belgio Episcopatuum. 4to. Col. Ag., 1609. Hawenreuterus (Jo. Lud.) Responsio ad Ostroroganum. 4to. Arg., 1581. Hawkesworth (Jn.) Account of Voyages undertaken for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. 3 vols. 4to. 1773. Hawkins (E.) See Chetham Society's Publications, Nos. i, 15. Hawkins (Francis Vaughan). A Concise Treatise on the Construction of Wills. 8vo. London, 1863. (27) 41^ Hawkins (J.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1867-1870. [Vols. 5i-54> Louisiana Reports. Vols. 19-22, Louisiana Annual Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1868-1870. Hawkins (Jn.) De Melancholia Hypochondriaca. With Colle : Methodus. 4to. Heid., 1633. Hawkins (Sir John). Life of Sam. Johnson. 8vo. 1787. Hawkins (Wm.) Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. Folio. 17 16. Hawkins (Wm.) Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 30th of George 11. 9 vols. Folio. i73S-i7S9- Hawkins (Wm.) Pleas of the Crown. By Jn. Curwood. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1824. Hawles (Sir Jn.) Englishman's Right. A Dialogue setting forth the Antiquity, Use, Offices, and Just Privileges of Juries, by the Law of England. 8vo. 1764. Hawlev (J. P.) See Bicknell. Hay (Jan.) L'Antimoine contre Beze. 8vo. Tourn., 1588. Hay (Geo.) Confutation of the Abbot Crosraguels Masse. [Tracts, Vol. 80.] 4to. Edin., 1563. Hay (Sir Geo.) See Marriott, Admiralty Decisions. Hay (William). Law of Liability in Cases of Accidents and Negligence. 8vo. Edinburgh, i860. Haydon (Benj. R.) Autobiography. By Tom Taylor. 3 vols. 8vo. 1853. Haydon (Francis Scott, B.A.) Eulogium (Historarium sive Temporis) Chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini MCCCLXVL a Monacho quodam Malmesberiensi exaratum, accedunt continua- tiones duae, quarum una ad annum MCCCXHI. altera ad annum MCCCCXC. perducta est. Vol. 3. See Brit, Gt., No. 9. 1863. Hayck (Thaddeus ab). Actio Medica adversus Fanchelium. 8vo. Amb., 1596. Haydn (Joseph). Book of Dignities. 8vo. 185 1. Haydn (Joseph). Dictionary of Dates relating to all Ages and Nations. Tenth Edition. By Benjamin Vincent. 8vo. London, 1861. Eleventh Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. By Benjamin Vincent. 8vo. London, 1863. Thirteenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. 419 Haydn (Joseph). Universal Index of Biography from the Creation to the Present Time. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. 8vo. London, 1870. Haydon (F. S., B.A.) See Brit., Gt., No. 9. Haye, or Hay (Juan de la). Thresor de Chartes. Svo. Haye. Haye (J oh. de la). Apparatus Evangelicus. 4to. Duaci., 161 1, Haye (Le Sieur de la). Memoires et Recherches de France, et de la Gaule Acquitanique. Svo. Par., 1581. Hayes (Edmd.) Exchequer Reports in Ireland, 10 Geo. IV. to 2 Will. IV. Svo. I S3 7. Hayes (Edmd.) and Jones (Thomas). Exchequer Reports in Ireland, 2—4 Will. IV. Svo. 1839. Hayes (Edmd.) Criminal Statute Law of Ireland. 2 vols. Svo. Dub., 1843. Hayes (Wm.) On Limitations to Heirs of the Body in Devises. Svo. 1S24. Hayes (Wm.) Principles for Expounding Dispositions of Real Estate to Ancestor and Heirs in Tail, &c. Svo. 1829. Hayes (Wm.) Introduction to Conveyancing, &c., and the New Statutes concerning Real Property. 2 vols. Svo. 1840. Hayes (Wm.) Common Law Uses, Devises, and Trusts. Svo. Lond. and Dub., 1S60. Hayes (William). The Concise Conveyancer ; or. Short Precedents. Svo. London, 1S30. Third Edition. With Practical Remarks and Summary of the Stamp Laws relating to Conveyances. By W. B. Coltman. Svo. London, 1S69. Hayes (William) and Jarman (T.) Concise Forms of Wills. With Practical Notes. A Popular View of the Statute of Wills, and Instructions to Persons taking Instructions for and Preparing Wills. Svo. London, 1S47. Fifth Edition. By Tho. Smith Badger. Svo. London, 1S60. Fifth Edition, enlarged. By T. S. Badger. Svo. London, i860. Sixth Edition. By Thomas S. Badger Eastwood, M.A. i2mo. London, 1S63. Seventh Edition. By J. W. Dunning, i2mo. London, 1869. Eighth Edition. By J. W. Dunning, M.A. 1 2 mo. London, 1S75. Haymo. De Varietate Librorum, sive de Amore Caelestis Patriae. Svo. Colon., 1551. 420 Haymo. Commentarius in Apocalypsin. 8vo. Colon., 1531. Haynes (Freeman Oliver). Outlines of Equity. Being a Series of Elementary Lectures on Equity Jurisdiction. With Supplementary Lectures on certain Doctrines of Equity. i2mo. Camb., 1858. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1865. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1873. Hayward (Jn.) Supremacy in Affairs of Religion. [Tracts, Vol. 54.] 4to. 1624. Hayward (Jn.) Reign of Edward VL 4to. 1630. Hayward (Jn.) Reign of Edward VL In Kennett. Hayward (Jn.) Answer to DoUman about the Succession of the Crown. [Tracts, Vol. 21.] 4to. Haywood ( ). Answer to a Pamphlet concerning. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1 64 1. Hazlitt (Wm.) On Registration of Deeds in England, and Lord Campbell's Bill for the Registration of Assurances. [Pamphlets, Vol. 4.] 8vo. 1 85 1. Hazlitt (W. Carew). Tenures of Land, and Customs of Manors. Originally collected by Thomas Blount, and republished in 1784 and 1815. 8vo. London, 1874. Hazlitt (W. C.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 87, in. Hb:adlam (Tho. Emerson). New Chancery Acts (15 and 16 Vict), and the General Orders. With Notes, References to Daniell's Practice, and an Appendix of Forms. 8vo. 1853. Headley (Hy.) In British Poets. Heales (Alfred, F.S.A.) The History and Law of Church Seats or Pews. Book I, History; Book 2, Law. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Heard (Franklin Fiske). Curiosities of the Law Reporters. i2mo. Boston, 1871. Heard (Franklin Fiske). The Principles of Criminal Pleading. i2mo. Boston, 1879. Hearne (Tho.) Reliquiae Bodleianse ; or, Life of Sir Thomas Bodley. 8vo. 1703. Hearne (Tho.) Acta Apostolorum {Grceco-Latine) Liberis Majusculis, a Codice Laudiano, &c. 8vo, Oxon., 17 15. ' Hearne (Tho.) Tract relating to Peterborough and Ramsey Abbies. 8vo. Oxon., 1 7 19. Hearne (Tho.) Fragment of a Chronicle on Edward IV. With Sprott. 8vo. Oxon., 1 7 19. 421 Hearne (Tho.) Textus Roffensis, cum Professionum Antiquarum Anglise Formalis, de Canonica Obedientia Archiepiscopis Cantuari- ensibus Prsestanda, &c. 8vo. Oxon., 1720. ^ Hearne (Tho.) History and Antiquities of Glastonbury. Hearne (Tho.) Endowment and Orders of Sherington's Chantry. / Founded in St. Paul's Church, London. Hearne (Tho.) Dr. Plot's Letter to the Earl of Arlington, concerning Thetford. 8vo. 1722. Hearne (Tho.) Ductor Historicus. 22 vols. 8vo. 1724. Hearne (Tho.) Historia Ricardi IL Svo, Oxf, 1729. Hearne (Tho.) Life of Anthony h. Wood. With Caii. Vindiciae. Svo. Oxon., 1730. Hearne (Tho). Alms House of Ewelme, in Oxfordshire. With Otterbourne. Svo. Oxon., 1732. Hearne (Tho.) Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple. 2 vols. Svo. Oxon., 1733. ' Hearne (Tho.) Benedictus Abbas Petroburgensis de gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I. 2 vols. Svo. Oxon,, 1735. Hearne (Tho.) Evidence concerning the Blood of Hales. Svo. Oxon., 1735. Hearne (Tho.) Ectypa Varia ad Historiam Britannicum Illustrandum sere Insculpata. Folio. Oxon., 1737. Hearne (Tho.) Curious Discourses by Antiquaries, upon English Antiquities. 2 vols. Svo. 1773. Hearne (Tho.) See Liber Niger. Hearne (Tho.) Journeys to Reading and Whaddon Hall. See Aubrey : Letters. Hearne (Tho.) Journeys to Cambridge. See Parker. Hearne (Tho.) His Life. See Leland. Hearne (Thomas). Reliquiae Heamiange. The Remains of Thomas Hearne, M.A., of Edmond Hall. Being Extracts from his MS. Diaries. Collected, with a few Notes, by Philip Bliss. Second Edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1869. Hearne (Thomas, M. A.) The Itinerary of John Leland, the Antiquary. In 9 volumes. The Second Edition, collated and improved from the Original MSS. With the addition also of a General Index. Svo. Oxford, 1744, 1745- 422 Heath (Solyman). Reports of Cases in Law and in Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1853-1855. [Vols. 36- 40, Maine Reports.] 5 vols. 8vo, Hallowell, 1855-1857. Hebenstreit (Geo.) Questiones Politico-Medicae. With Scioppius : Consilium. 8vo. Tub., 1627. Heckford (Rayner). On the Bookland and Folkland of the Saxons. 8vo. Camb , 1775. Hector (Wm.) Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 8vo. Paisley, 1 876-1 878. Heer (Hen. ab). Fons Spadanus. 8vo. Leo., 1614. Heerbrand (Jas.) Refutatio Assertionum Jesuiticarum de Ecclesia. 4to. Tubing., 1577. Heerbrand (Jas.) Spongia adversus Aspergines Gregorii de Valentia, &c. 4to. Tubing., 1579. Heeren (A. L. H.) A Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its Formation, at the Close of the Fifteenth Century, to its Re-establishment upon the Fall of Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1834. Hefkle (Charles Joseph). Histoire des Conciles. Traduite de I'Allemand par M. I'abbe Goscher et M. I'abb^ Delare. 9 vols. Svo. Paris, 186 9- 1873. Heffter (a. G.) Le Droit International Public de I'Europe. Traduit par Jules Bergson. 8vo. Berlin et Paris, 1866. Heffter (August Wilhelm). Das Europaische Volkerrecht der Gegen- wart auf den bisherigen Grundlagen. Fiinfte Ausgabe. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Heidenstenius (Rein.) See Moscovitarum Rerum Auctores. Heidfeldius (Jn.) Hierarchia, &c. Svo. Her., 1608. Heidfeldius (Jn.) Sphinx Theologico-Philosophica. 8vo. Her., 1616. Heigham (Jn.) Exposition of the Mass. i2mo. 1622. Heigham (Jn.) Via Verb Tuta. 8vo. St. Omer, 1631. Heilbrunnerus (Jac.) Dsemonomania Pistoriana cum Antidoto. Svo. Laving., 1601. Heilbrunnerus (Jac.) See Hunnius' Anti-Tannerus. Heimberg (Greg.) Scripta Nervosa. 4to. Franc, 1608. Heineccius (Jn. Gottlieb). Opera Omnia. 9 vols, in 13. 4to. Geneva, 1744, &c. 423 Heineccius (Jo. Gottlieb). Antiquitatum Romanarum Jurisprudentiam illustrantium Syntagma secundum ordinem Institutionum Justiniani digestum. Per Christ. Gottl. Hanbold. et Christ. Frid. Muhlenbruch. 8vo. Francofurtiad Maenum., 1841. Heineccius (Jo. Gottl.) Scriptorum de jure Nautico et Maritimo fas- ciculus. , 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1730. Heinsius (Dan.) Auriacus, sive Libertas Saucia. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1602. Heinsius (Dan.) Iambi. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1602. Heinsius (Dan.) De Politica Sapientia. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1614. Heinsius (Dan.) De Contemptu Mortis. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 162 1. Heissius (Seb.) Ad Aphorisraos Jesuitarum Declaratio Apologetica. 8vo. Ingolst, 1609. Heissius (Seb.) Ad Aphorismos Jesuitarum Declaratio Apologetica. [Tracts, Vol. 76.] Heivodo (Helis). Heywood. II Moro. Svo. Fior., 1556. Held (Joseph von). Grundziige des AUgemeinen Staatsrechts oder Institutionen des offentlichen Rechts. Svo. Leipzig, 1868. Heldelinus (Gasp.) Paraphrasis in Vergilii Orationes. 8vo. Argent, 1538. Heldelinus (Gasp.) Ciconise Encomium. With Willich : in Georgica. 8vo. Argent, 1538. Helepyr (And.) Theses CXXI. de Humano Conceptu. With Cyr. Lucius. 4to. Ing., 1582. Helias (Monachus). Speculum Alchymige, &c. With Ripleus. 8vo. Franc, 16 14. Hellver (Wm. Varlo). Tables of the Representation of the Commons in Parliament 8vo. 1828. Helm (Alfred). Report of Cases in the Supreme Court of Nevada, 1 865-1 868. [Vols. 1-4, Nevada Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Sacramento, 1 866-1 869. Helm (Alfred) and Hittel (Theodore H.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada, 1869 to 1874. [Vols. 5-9, Nevada Reports.] 5 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870-1874. Helmesius (Hen.) Colymata Christianse Vitae. 8vo. Col., 1554. Helvetiorum Respublica Descripta. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1627. Helvicus (Chris.) Hebreae Linguae Institutio. 4to. Witteb., t6o8. 424 Helvicus (Chris.) De LXX. Interpretibus Sanctse Scripturse. With Frid. Faber. 4to. Giess., 1610. Helvicus (Chris.) De Chaldaicis Bibliorum Paraphrasibus. 4to. Giess., 161 2. Helvicus (Chris.) Synopsis Historise UniversaUs. 4to. Giess., 16 12. Helvicus (Chris.) Elenchi sive Appendices Elenchorum Judaicorum. 4to. Giess., 1613. Helvicus (Chris.) Hebreae Linguae Institutio. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 8vo. Geiss., 1613. Helvicus (Chris.) Lexicon Hebrseum Didacticum. With Amama. 4to. Geiss., 1620. Helvicus (Chris.) De Carminibus, atque Dialectis Grascorum. 8vo. Nor,, 1623. Helvicus (Chris.) Desiderinm Matris Evse. [Tracts, Vol. 70.] 4to. Helvicus (Magerus). De Exemplis, et Similitudinibus. [Imperfect.] Folio. Basil, 1512. Hemingford, or Hemingburgh (Walter de). Chronica de gestis Regum Angliae. 2 vols. 8vo. 1848. Hemingford, or Hemingburgh. See Gale. Hemingway (J. B. H.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court for the State of Mississippi, for October Term 1877 to April Term 1878. Vol. 55. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879. Hemingus. Chartularium Ecclesise Wigorniensis. Per Tho. Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 1723. Hemming (Sixtus ab). Astrologia Refutata. 4to. Antw., 1583. Hemming (George W.) and Miller (Alexander Edward). Reports of Cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery before Sir William Page Wood, Knt., Vice-Chancellor. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864-1866. Hemmingius (Nic.) Pastoris Optim^ Vivendi Modus. 8vo. Lips., 1574. Hemmingius (Nic.) De Superstitionibus Magicis Vitandis. 8vo. 1575. Hf:mmingius (Nic.) De Lege Naturae. With Zanchius : de Connubio, &c. 8vo. Witt., 1577. Hemmingius (Nic.) Lawfull Use of Ritches. By Tho. Rogers. With Caesar on Usurers. 4to. 1578. Hemmingius (Nic.) De Gracia Universali, &c. 8vo. Haf., 1591. Hempstead (Samuel H.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the United States Superior Court for the Territory of Arkansas, from 1820 to 1836; and in the United States District Court for the District of Arkansas, from 1836 to 1849; and in the United States Circuit Court for the District of Arkansas in the Ninth Circuit, from 1839 to 1856. 8vo. Boston, 1856. 425 Henderson (A1.) History of Wines. . 4to. 1824. Hendry (John), Styles of Deeds and Instruments in accordance with the Titles to Land (Scotland) Acts, 1858 and i860; the Heritable Securities Acts, 1845 ^^^ 1847 J and the Registration of Leases (Scotland) Act, 1857. With Notes and Appendix. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. New Edition. By John J. Mowbray, LL.D., W.S. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878. Henelius (Nic.) Commentarius de Veteribus Jure Consultis, i2mo. Lips., 1654. Hengham (Radulph de). Summa Magna et Parva. With Fortescue. By Gregor. 8vo. 1775. Henischius (Geo.) Epitome Geographise, Veteris et Novae. Item Pomp. Mela de Situ Orbis. 8vo. Aug. Vin., 1576. Henke (Eduard). Geschichte des Deutschen Peinlichen Rechts und der Peinlichen Rechtswissenschaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Gul., 1809. Henley (Rt. Henley Eden, Lord). Life of Lord Northington. 8vo. 1 83 1. Henley (Rt. Henley Eden, Lord). Bankrupt Laws. 8vo. 1832. Henley (Rt. Henley Eden, Lord). On Injunctions. See Eden. Henley (WilHam D.) A Digest of the Reported Decisions of the Superior Court of the late Territory of Orleans ; the late Court of Errors and Appeals ; and the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. Contained in the Sixty-five Volumes of Reports from First Martin to Fifteenth Louisiana Annual. New Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Riverside, Cambridge, 1861. Hennequin (Jean). De Guidon Generall des Financiers de France. 8vo. Lyon, 1595. Hennessy (William Maunsell, M.R.I.A.) Chronicon Scotorum. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from the Earliest Times to the year A.D. 1135. With a Supplement. Containing the Events from 1141 to 1 150. See Brit, Gt., No. 46. 1866. Hennessy (Edward Maunsell, M.R.I.A.) The Annals of Loch Ce. "^v See Brit., Gt., No. 54. Henniges (Heinr.) In Grotii de Jure BeUi Libros. 8vo. Solis., 1673. Henrietta Maria (Queen). Letter concerning the Recusant's Money for the Scottish War. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 1641. Henrion (D.) Les Elemens Spheriques de Theodose. 8vo. Par., 16 15. Henrion (D.) Usage de Compas de Proportion. 8vo. Par., 1624. 426 Henry V. Henrici Quinti Angliae Regis Gesta, cum Chronica Neustriae, 1414-1422. Cum Notis Benj. Williams. 8vo. 1850. Henry V. Memorials of Henry V. Edited by Chs. Augs. Cole. 6' Holland. Le HoUandois Pacifique. 8vo. 1600. Holland. Means to Preserve the Religion of the Low Countries. [Tracts, Vol. 165.] 8vo. 1554. Holland. More Observations of the Affairs of, showing how necessary to Trade to the West Indies, [Tracts, Vol. 122.] 4to. 1622. Holland. Consultatien, advyzen, en advertissmenten, gegeven ende geschreven bij verscheiden Treffelijke Rechtsgeleerden. 7 vols, in 8. 4to. Rotterdam and Amsterdam, 1647, 1 661-1780. Holland (Hy. Thur.) and Chandless (Thomas). The Common Law Procedure Act, 1854. With Treatises on Injunction and Relief. 6'skine, M.A.) Essays upon the Form of the Law. 8vo. London, 1870. Holland (Thomas Erskine, B.C.L.) The Institutes of Justinian. Edited as a Recension of the Institutes of Gains. Oxford, 1873. 439 Holland (Thomas Erskine, B.C.L.) and Shad well (Charles Lancelot B.C.L.) Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. 4 parts. 8vo. Oxford, 1 8 74-1 878 HoLLANDRE (J. de). Rdpublique h. la Responce du Sieur Bugnet. 8vo. Paris, 1623 THollerius (Jac. Stemp.) De Morbis Intemis. 8vo. Lugd., 1587 I Hollerius (Jac. Stemp.) De Febribus. 8vo. Lugd., 1587 1 Hollerius (Jac. Stemp.) De Remediis Secundum Galenum. t 8vo. Lugd., 1587 ^ Hollerius (Jac. Stemp.) De Materia Chirurgica. 8vo. Lugd., 1587 Hollerius (Jac. Stemp). De Materia Chirurgica. 8vo. Lugd., 1587 HoLLES, or Hollis (Denzil, Lord). Speech concerning Crew. [Tracts Vol. 4.] 4to. 1 64 1 j HoLLES, or Hollis (Denzil, Lord). Speech in Guildhall. 4to. 1644 ■j HoLLES, or Hollis (Denzil, Lord). Speech in the Painted Chamber I [Tracts, Vol. 75.] 4to. 1641 HoLLEs, or HoUis (Denzil, Lord). Accusation of certain French Gentlemen charged with Robbery. With their Trial. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 167 1. HoLLES, or HoUis (Denzil, Lord). Remains. 8vo. 1682. HoLLOWAY (William). System of the Modern Roman Law. Translated from the German of Frederick Carl von Savigny. Vol. i. 8vo. Madras, 1867. HoLLYNUS (Edmd.) Medicamentorum CEconomia. 8vo. Ingolst., 1610. Holmes (Charles A.) The Bankruptcy Amendment Act, 1868, 31 and 32 Vict., cap. 104, and the Liquidation Act, 1868, 31 and 32 Vict., cap. 68. With a Commentary on the Changes effected thereby. Intended as a Supplement to Griffith and Holmes' Bankrupt Laws. 8vo. London, 1869. Holmes (Jabez S.) Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, July 1870 — June 1875. Vol. I. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Holmes (Nat.) Usury or Injury. [Tracts, Vol. 1 11.] 4to. 1640. HoLROYD (Edwd.) On Patents for Inventions. 8vo. 1830. Holt (Edward H.) The Land Transfer Act, 1875. Handy Book of Registration of Title and Transfer of Land. 1 2mo, London, 1876. Holt (Francis Ludlow). The Law of Libel. Comprehending a Digest of all the Leading Cases upon Libels. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 181 6. 440 Holt (Frs. Ludlow). Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas, and on the Northern Circuit, 1815-1817. To which are added Notes upon the most important Subjects of Com- mercial and General Law. 8vo. 18 18. Holt (Frs. Ludlow). System of the Shipping and Navigation Laws of Great Britain, and of the Laws relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen, and Maritime Contracts. 8vo. 1824. Holt (Sir Jn.) Cases in Time of. See Reports, and Modern Reports and Cases on Settlements. Folio. 1737. Holt (Sir Jn.) Reports of Cases determined by Sir J. Holt, 1688- 17 10. From a MS. of Thos. Farresley. Also several Cases in Chancery and the Exchequer Chamber. Folio. 1738. Holt (William). Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule of the Road, as laid down by the Articles and Regulations now in force, under Order in Council, for preventing Collisions at Sea. 8vo. London, 1867. Holthouse (Hy. Jas.) Law Dictionary. Action at Law, and Suit in Equity. 8vo. 1839. Holtzemius (Pet.) Prognosis Vitae ac Mortis. 8vo. Colon., 1605. HoLTZEMius (Pet.) Essentia Hellebori. With Sim. Portius. 8vo. Col. Ag,, 1616. HoLTZENDORFF (Franz von). Encyclopadie der Rechtswissenschaft. Leipzig, 1870. HoLTZENDORFF (Frauz von). Rechtslexicon. Herauswegeben unter Mitwirkungvieler namhafter Rechtsgelehrter. Leipzig, 1870. HoLTZENDORFF (Franz. von). Yahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, und Rechtspflege des Deutschen Reichs. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872-1875. Holy Table more Ancient than Altar. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1637. Holy Discipline (Pretended). Survey of. [Tracts, Vol. 6] 4to. 1593. Holy Discipline (Pretended). Survey of. Holvoke (Thos.) Latin Dictionary. ?V)lio. 1677. HoMBERGius (Gasp.) De Superstitiosis Campanarum Pulsibus. 8vo. Fran., 1577. Home (John). History of the Rebellion in 1745. 4to. 1802. Home (John). See Karnes. Homer's Iliad. Translated by J. G. Corder)'. HoMERUS. Ilias per Laur. Vallcnsem. 8vo. Colon., 1522. 441 HoMERUS. Odyssea. A Raph. Volaterrano, cum Ausonii Argumentis. 8vo. Grap., 1528. ) HoMERUS. Ranarum ac Murium Pugnae. 8vo. Grap., 1528. HoMERus. Hymni Deorum. 8vo. Grap., 1528. i^HoMERUs. Vita ejus. 8vo. Grap., 1528. HoMERUS. Ranarum et Murium Pugna. With France-Turquie. 8vo. Basil, 1541. HoMERUs. Ilias, cum Eustathii Commentario, 2 vols. Folio. Basil, 1560. HoMERUS. Opera {Gr. et Lat.), curi Jo. Spondani. Folio. Au, Al., 1606. HoMERUS. Opera, {Gr. et Lat.), cum Scholiis Veteribus. Cura Jos. Barnes. 2 vols. 4to. Cant., 171 1. HoMERUS. By Pope. HoMERUS. By Pope. In British Poets. HoMERUS. See Moyse. Homilies ; or, Certain Sermons appointed to be read in Churches, in the time of Elizabeth. 8vo. Oxf,, 1822. Homme Content, 1'. 8vo. Par., 1624. HoNDius (Jn.), Hondt. Atlas. See Mercator. HoNDORFius (And.) Theatrum Historicum. 4to. Witte., 1604. Honduras, British. Acts and Ordinances passed from 1869-1878. Belize, 1868-1879. HoNE(Wm.) Trials of 8vo. 181 7. Hong Kong. Ordinances of Hong Kong, No. 2, 28th February, 1844, to No. 18, 9th December, 1873. [By Authority.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-73. HoNr, Kong. The Ordinances, from No. 14, 23rd September, 1865, to No. 4, nth November, 1878. 8vo. London, 1865-1878. Honorius. De Imagine Mundi. 8vo. Spi., 1583. Hoochstratus (Jac.) Adversus Lutheri Tractatum de Christiana Libertate. 8vo. Col, 1626. Hoochstratus (Jac.) Gesta Romanorum cum Applicationibus Mys- ticis, &c. 8vo. Paris. Hood (Thos.) Use of the Sector. 4to. 1598. Hook (Walter Farquhar, D.D.) A Church Dictionary. Tenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. 442 HooKE (Natl.) Roman History, from the Building of Rome to the Time of the Commonwealth. 6 vols. 8vo. 1830. Hooker (John). Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Errors of the State of Connecticut, 1856-8877. [Connecticut Reports, 25-44.] 20 vols. Hartford, 1858-1878. Hooker (M.) See Holinshed. . Hooker (Rd.) Works. Folio. 1666. Hooker (Rd.) Answer to Travers' Supplication. 4to. Oxford, 161 2. Hooker (Rd.) Letter to Hooker, By English Protestants. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] • 4to. 1699. Hoper, or Hooper (Jn.) Answer to Gardner, Bishop of Winchester, in relation to the Sacrament. 4to. Zurich, 1547. Hopkins (Manley). A Handbook of Average. To which is added a Chapter on Arbitration. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Hopkins (Tho.) Two Sermons. [Tracts, Vol. 91.] 4to. 1609. Hopkins (Sam. M.) New York Chancery Cases. 8vo. Alb., 1839. HoPKiNSON (Francis). Judgments in the Admiralty of Pennsylvania, in four Suits brought as for Maritime Hypothecations. Also, the case of Silas Talbot, against the Brigs " Achilles," " Patty," and " Hibernia," and of the Owners of the " Hibernia" against their Captain, John Angus. With an Appendix, containing the Testimony exhibited in the Admiralty in those Causes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1789. [Bound with Van Ness.] HoPKiNSON (Honble. Francis). Judgments in the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania, 1785, 1786. Bound with Bee's South Carolina District Court Reports, pages 337-432. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18 10. Hopper (C.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 73, 87. HoppERUS (Joach.) De Juris Arte. Hoppius (Joach.) Examen, &c., Institutionum Imperialium. i2mo. Franc, 1689. Hoppius (Joach.) Commentatio ad Institutiones Justinianeas. 2 vols. 4to. Franc, ad Msen., 1772. HoPWOOD (C. H.) and Philbrick (F. A.) Registration Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas. Vol. i., Michael- mas Term 1863 to Michaelmas Term 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868-1879. HoPWOOD (C. H.) and Coltman (F. J.) In continuation of above, 1868-1877. [In progress.] 8vo. London, 1 868-1 879. HoRATius Flaccus (Quintus). Opera. i2mo. 1545. 443 HoRATius Flaccus (Quintus). See Maittaire. HoRATius Flaccus (Quintus). Opera Omnia. See Valpy. HoRATius Flaccus (Quintus). By Francis. In British Poets. HoRCHER (Phil.) De Circino Proportionum. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. Mog,, 1605. HoRE (Philip H.) An explanation of Ancient Terms and Measures of Land. With some account of Tenures. 8vo. London, 1874. Horn (Henry) and Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrel). New Term Reports. Cases in the Court of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1838- 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840, &c. HoRNE (And.) Mirrour of Justices (iw«^^). [Imperfectly paged.] 8vo. 1642. HoRNE (George). Commentary on the Psalms. 8vo. 1830. HoRNE (Tho. Hartwell). Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. 5 vols. 8vo. 1846. Horner (Leonard). Memoirs and Correspondence of Fra. Homer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1843. HoROsco (Alonso de). Historia de la Reyna Saba. i2mo. Sala., 1565. Horsfield (Tho. Walker). History, Antiquities, and Topography of Sussex. 2 vols. 4to. Lewes, 1835. Horsley (Jn.) Britannia Romana; or, the Roman Antiquities of Britain, [i Plate wanting.] Folio. 1732. Horsley (Sam.) Theological Works. 6 vols. 8vo. 1845. Horsman (Gilbert). Precedents in Conveyancing. 2 vols. Folio. 1757. HoRSTius (Greg.) De Tuendi Sanitate Studiosorum. 8vo, Marp,, 1628. HoRSTius (Greg.) De Naturali Conservatione, &c., Cadaverum. With Amelungius. 8vo. Witteberg., 1608. HoRSTius (Greg.) Conciliator Enucleatus. With Cajetan : in Aris- totelem. 8vo. Gies., 162 1. HoRSTius (Greg.) Pharmaceuticse Exercitationes. 8vo. Gies., 1640. HoRSTius (Jac.) Epistolae Philosophicae et Medicinales. 8vo. 1596. HoRSTius (Jac.) Vita Greg. Horstii, k Rein Reineccio. HoRTEGA (Juan de). Arismetica y Geometria. 4to. 1552. 444 HoRTENSius (Mart.) Responsio ad Jo. Keplerum. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1631. HoRTENSius (Mart.) De Mercuric in Sole Viso, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 63.] * 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1633. HoRTON(Tho.) Zion's Birth Register. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1656. HoRTUS Sanitatis. Folio. 1491. HoRwooD (Alfred J.) A Catalogue of the Ancient Manuscripts belonging to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. 8vo. London, 1869 HoRWOOD (Alfred John). Year Books of the Reign of Edward I Years 20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 33-35. See Brit., Gt, No. 31 1863-1879 HoRwooD (Alfred John). See Camden Society's Papers, No. 105 15, 16 N.S. HosACK (John). Mary, Queen of Scots, and her Accusers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869-1874. HosACK (John). On the Conflict of Laws of England and Scotland, Part I. 8vo. Lond. and Edin., 1847. Hosius (Stanislaus). Opus Elegantissimum Varias Sectas et Haereses ab Origine Recensens. 8vo. Paris, 1559. Hosius (Stanislaus). Confutatio Prolegomenorum Brentii. 8vo. Paris, 1560. Hospital, or Hospitalius (Mich, de 1'). Epistolae. 8vo. Lugd,, 1592. HosTiENSis (Hen., Cardinal). Summa Aurea. Folio. Ven., 1670. HoTHAM (Jn.) Speech for the Subject to Obey the Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1642. HoTMAN, or Hotoman (Franc.) De Verbis Feudalibus, &c. With Brisson: Lexicon. Folio. Franc, 1587. HoTMAN, or Hotoman (Franc.) Opera. 3 vols. Folio. Geneva et Ant., 1599. HoTMAN, or Hotoman (Franc, et Ant.) De Ritu Nuptiarum. With Brissonius. i2mo. Amst., 1662. HoTOMANi (F.) De Feudis Commentatio Tripertita. Folio. Lugd., 1573. HoTOMANi (F.) Commentarius in IV. Libros Institutionum. Folio. Lugd., 1588. HoTTiNGER (Jn. Hen.) Juris Hebraeorum Leges 26 r Ductu Rabbi Levi Barzelonitae. 4to. Tign., 1655. 445 HouARD (Dav.) Anciennes Loix des Francois Conservdes dans les Coutumes Anglaises, par Edwd. Littleton. 2 vols. 4to. Rou., 1766. HouARD (Dav.) Coutumes Anglo-Normandes. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1776. HoUARD (Dav.) Dictionnaire de la Coutume de Normandie. 4 vols. 4to. Rouen, 1780. HouBRAKEN. See Birch. HoucK (Louis). On the Law of Navigable Rivers. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Hough (Franklin H.) American Constitutions. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Hough (W., Lieut. -Col.) Precedents in Military Law. Including the Practice of Courts-Martial ; the mode of Conducting Trials ; the Duties of Officers at Military Courts of Inquests, Courts of Inquiry, Courts of Requests, «&:c. 8vo. London, 1855. HouPELANDE (Guil ) De Immortalitate Animi. With Bonaventura : Meditationes. i2mo. Paris, 1504. HousoNUS (Jo.) De Uxore Dimissa propter Fornicationem. 8vo. Oxon., 1602. Houston (Arthur, A.M.) A Manual of Hindu and Muhammadan Law as administered in British India. i6mo. Dublin, 1863. Houston (Arthur). The Irish Reform Act, and Registration Act of 1868. With an Explanatory Introduction and a Full Index. Second Edition. i2mo. DubHn, 1869. Houston (John). On the Law of Stoppage in Transitu \ and inci- dentally of Retention and DeHvery. 8vo. London, 1866. HovEDEN (Rogerus de). Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Hoveden. Vols. I, 2, 3, 4. Edited by WiUiam Stubbs, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No. 51. 8vo. London, 1868-187 1. Hoveden (Roger de). Translated by Hy. T. Riley. (Bohn.) 2 vols. 8vo. 1853. Hovel (Nic.) Traite de la Theriaque, et Mithridate. 8vo. Paris, 1573. Hovel (Nic.) Traits de la Peste. With Mizauld : Secrets. 8vo. Par., 1573. HovENDEN (Jn. Eyken). On the Principles and Practice by which Courts of Equity are guided as to the Prevention or Remedial Correction of Fraud. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825. HovENDEN (Jn. Eyken). Freeman's Cases. HoYENDEN (Jn. Eyken). Supplement to Vesey Junior's Reports. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. 446 Howard (Benj. C.) Reports in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1843-1860. 18 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1843-1864. Howard (E. I.) The Shia School of Islam and its Branches, especially that of the Imamee-Ismailies. A Speech delivered in the Bombay High Court in June 1866. 8vo. Bombay, 1866. Howard (Georges Edmpnd). Rules and Practices of the Pleas Side of the Exchequer in Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1759. Howard (Georges Edmond). Rules and Practices of the Equity Side of the Exchequer in Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1760. Howard (Georges Edmond). Rules and Practices of the Equity Side of the Exchequer in Ireland. Supplement. With Special Cases on the Laws against Popery in Ireland. 8vo. Dub., 1775. Howard (Hen.) Defensative against the Poison of Supposed Pro- phecies. 4to. 1583. Howard (John Henry), Laws of the British Colonies, in the West Indies and America, concerning Real and Personal Property, and Manumission of Slaves. With a View of the Constitution of each Colony. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. Howard (John Jackson, FS.A.) and Armytage (George John, F.S.A.) The Visitation of London, 1568. [Vol. i, Harleian Society's Publications.] ' 8vo. London, 1869. Howard (Nathan, Jun.) Cases in the Court of Appeal of the State of New York, 1847, 1848. 8vo. New York, 1855. Howard (Volney E.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Mississippi, January Term 1834 to January Term 1843. [Vols. 2-8, Mis- sissippi Reports.] 7 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Cincinnati, 1 83 9- 1 844. Howard (Wm.) Pattern of Christian Loyalty. [Tracts, Vol. 11.] 4to. 1634. Howell (Jas.) Survey of Venice ; her Policy and Government. Folio. 165 1. Howell (Jas.) German Diet ; or, the Balance of Europe. Folio. 1653. Howell (Jas.) Familiar Letters. i2mo. 1655. Howell (Jas.) LondinopoUs; or, an Historical Discourse of London. Folio. 1657. Howell (Wm.) History of the World. 2 vols. Folio. 1680. Howell (T. B.) and Jones (Tho.) State Trials. 447 HowLET (Rt.) See Parsons. HowLEY (E.) A Concise History of the English Constitution, 8vo. London, 1857. HowsoN (J, S.) Life of St. Paul. See Conybeare. HoYARSABAL (Martin de). Voyages Avantureux. 4to. Bour., 1579. HoYLAND (Frs.) In British Poets. HuBBACK (John). On the Evidence of Succession to Real and Personal Property and Peerages. Svo. 1844. Hubbard (Wales). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1858-1865. [Vols. 45-51, Maine Reports.] 7 vols. Svo. Hallowell, 1859-1866. Hubberthorne (Rd.) Answer to Rd. Blome, against the Quakers. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1660. Huber (Ulr.) Prselectiones Juris Romani. 3 vols. [First 2 without a Title-page.] 4to. Hal. Sax., 1678. Hubertus de Rom anus. Liber Eruditionis Religiosorum. 8vo. Par., 15 12. Huberus (Sam.) De Peste. With Sim. Portius. Svo. Bas., 1584. Hubmeierus (Hip.) Quaestiones Philosophorum. Svo. Franc, 161 1. Hubmeierus (Hip.) Alae Seculi Religiosi. With Albizius. 4to. Lips., 16 1 9. HuBNERUS (Joach.) Oratio. With Collibus : Oratio. Svo. Col., 1612. Hue (Th.) Le Code Civil Italien et le Code Napoleon. Deuxieme Edition, suivie d'une traduction-compl^te du Code Civil Italien, par M. Joseph Orsier. 2 tomes. Svo. Paris, 1S68. HucHERUS (Jo.) De Prognosi Medica. [Tracts, Vol. 156.] Svo. Lugd., 1602. ' HucHERUS (Jo.) De Sterilitate. Svo. Col. Al, 16 10. HucHERUs (Jo.) De Dieta, &c., Puerorum. Svo. Col. Al, 16 10. Hudson (Corrie). On the Legacy and Succession Duties. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1S69. Hudson (Hen.) Descriptio Geographica Detectionis Freti. 4to. Amst., i6i2. Hudson (J. C.) Executors' Guide. i2mo. 1851. 448 Hudson (Mich.) Divine Right of Government. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. 1647. Hudson (Wm. Elliot) and Brooke (John). Irish King's Bench and Exchequer Reports, 7 Geo. IV. to i Will. IV. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1829. Hudson's Bay. Report on the Hudson's Bay Company. [Very imperfect.] Folio. Hues (Rob.) De Globis ; k Jo. Is. Pontano. 4to. Amst., 1634. Hues (Rob.) De Globis ; k Jo. Is. Pontano. {French, par D. Hen- rion). Bvo. Par., 1618. Hughes (Edwd.) Equity Draftsman. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828. Hughes (James). A Report of Causes determined by the late Supreme Court for the District of Kentucky, and by the Court of Appeals, in which Titles to Land were in dispute, 1785-1801. Second Edition. Edited by Harvey Myers. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1869. Hughes (John). The Boscobel Tracts, relating to the Escape of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester. 8vo. Edin. and Dub., 1857. Hughes (Lewis). Of the Service Book. [Tracts, Vol. 23.] 4to. 1643. Hughes (Sam.) See Coventry. Hughes (Thomas). The Scouring of the White Horse ; or, the Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. 4to. Camb. and Lond., 1859. Hughes (T. B.) Report of the Case, the King against Bebb, &c. With Notes and Appendix on an Extent. 8vo. 181 1. Hughes (Wm.) Declarations and Pleadings in Coke's Reports, in English. Folio. 1659. Hughes (Wm.) Grand Abridgment of the Laws. 3 vols. 4to. 1660. Hughes (Wm.) Grand Abridgment of the Laws. 2nd and 3rd vols. 410. 1662. Hughes (Wm.) Commentaries upon Criminal Writs. 4to. 1655. Hughes (Wm.) Practice of Mortgages. With Precedents. 2 vols. i2mo. 1848. Hughes (Wm.) Practice of Sales of Real Property, «&:c. 2 vols. i2mo. 1849. Hughes (Wm.) Concise Procedents in Modern Conveyancing. With Practical and Explanatory Notes. 3 vols. 8vo. 1855. Hugo (Corn.) Vita Archipresulis Patricii. 8vo. Ant., 15 14. Hugo (Corn.) Speculum Christianorum. 8vo. 449 Hugo (Herm.) De Vera Fide Capessenda. 8vo. Ant w., 1620. Hugo (Herm.) Adversus Meisnerum et Brandium. 8vo. Antw., 1620. Hugo (Herm.) Spinolae Vita. HuGONis Episcopi Lincolniensis Vita. See Brit., Gt., No. 37. Huguenots. Examen Pacifique des. 8vo. Paris, 1589. HuLBERT (Chs.) History of Shrewsbury and Shropshire. 2 vols, in I. 4to. Shrewsb., 1837. HuLDRicus (Jo. Jac.) Vindiciae pro Bibliorum Translatione Tigurina. [Tracts, Vol. 80.] 4to. Tig., 16 1 6. Hull (Jn.) Rome's Policies Discovered. [Tracts, Vol. 134.] 8vo. 1606, Hullock (Jn.) Law of Costs. 8vo. 1810. HuLSius (Levinus). Descriptio Viatorii per Germaniam, Italiam, &c. i2mo. Norib., 1597. HuLTON (W. A.) See Chetham Society's Papers, Nos. 10 and 11, 30. HuLsius (Levinus). Dictionarium Teutonicum et Gallicum. 8vo. Franc, 1607. ■ HuMBERTUS (Jo.) Scrmones de Capistranis. 4to. Hag., 1508. HuMBERTUs (Jo.) De Cupiditate. 4to. Hag., 1508. HuMBERTUs (Jo.) De Usura. 4to. Hag., 1508. Humboldt (Alex, and Wm.) Lives by Klencke and Schlesien. Trans- lated by Juliette Bauer. 8vo. 1852. Hume (Anne) and Carr (Sir Rt.) v. Fabian Philipps. Case of. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. Hume (David). The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688. 8 vols. The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. 5 vols. [Uniform.] 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1789, 1790. Hume (Dav.) History of England. 6 vols. 4to. 1 759-1 762. Hume (Hon. David, Baron of Exchequer). Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting Crimes. 2 vols. 4to. Edin., 1829. Hume (Hon. David, Baron of Exchequer). Decisions of the Court of Session, 1781-1822. 4to. Edin. and Lond., 1839. Hume (Js.) Arithmietique Nouvelle. 8vo. Par., 1625. Hume (Pat.) Narrative of the Enterprise of Argyle. SeeKosQ. Humieres (Le Sieur de). Philosophic d' Amour. 8vo. Paris, 1628. Humius, Hume, or Home (Dav.) Apologia Basilica, seu Machiavelli Ingenium Examinatum. 4to. Par., 1626. (29) 4to. 1573- Jesuitismi Pars Prima. With 8vo. 1582. Jesuitismi Pars Prima. With 8vo. 1582. 450 Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Interpretatio Linguarum. 8vo. Basil, 1559. Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Optimates, sive de Nobilitate. 8vo. Basil, 1560, Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Optimates, sive de Nobilitate. 1560. Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Jo. Juelli Vita ac Mors, &c. Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Whitaker : ad Campianum, Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Whitaker : ad Campianum. Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) Responsio ad Rationes Campiani. With Molderus : de Abusu, &c. 8vo, Oxon., 1583. Humphrey, or Humfredus (Laur.) De Religionis Confirmatione, &c., deque Primatu Regum, &c. 8vo. Basil, 1599. Humphreys (Humph.) Addition to Athense Oxoniensis. Per Thomam Heame. With Caius : Vindicise. 8vo. Oxon., 1730. Humphreys (Humph.) Catalogue of the Deans of Bangor. By Tho. Heame. With Otterbourne. 8vo. Oxon., 1732. Humphreys (Henry). The Justice of the Peace for Ireland. Fifth Edition. 12 mo. DubHn, 1876. Humphreys (Henry Noel). A History of the Art of Printing, from its Invention to its Widespread Development in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. Folio. London, 1867. Humphry (Joseph Tho.) The Registration of Assurances Bill Con- sidered. [Pamphlets, Vol. 7.] 8vo. 1853. Hun (Marcus T.) Reports of Cases heard and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, March 1874 to May Term 1879. [Vols. 8-24, New York Supreme Court Reports.] 17 vols. 8vo. New York, 1874-1879. Hungaricorum Motuum Falsge Originis Refutatio. With Caimo. 8vo. 1620. HuNGARiiE Querela, &c. With Ingenuis. 4to. HuNii (H. U.) Variffi Resolutiones Juris Civilis. 4to. Francof., 1646. HuNNius (^gid.) Calvinus Judaizans. 8vo. Witteb., 1595. HuNNius (^gid.) Theses Huberianismo Oppositse. With Gesner : Papismi. 4to. Franc, ad Maen., 1598. 451 HuNNius (^gid.) Et Heilbrunnerus ; Anti-Tannerus. 8vo. Franc, 1602. HuNNius (Nic.) Examen Errorum Photinianorum. [Tracts, Vol. 133.] 8vo. Witteb., 1618. Hunt (Arthur Joseph). The Law of Fraudulent Conveyances and Bills of Sale. Post Svo. London, 1872. Hunt (Arthur Joseph). The Law relating to Boundaries and Fences. Svo. London, 1866. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1870. Hunt (Nic.) Merchant's Jewel. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. 16 — . Hunt (Tho.) Arguments for the Bishops' Right in Judging Capital Causes in Parhament, &c. Svo. 1682. Hunter (And.) Epithalamium in Nuptias Frederici Electoris Palatini, &c. With Jacchaeo : Odse. 4to. 161 3. Hunter (Joseph). History and Topography of Hallamshire, in the County of York. Folio. 18 19. Hunter (Joseph). History and Topography of South Yorkshire. 2 vols. Folio, 1828. Hunter (Joseph). Hallamshire Glossary. 12 mo. 1829. Hunter (Joseph). Catalogue of the MSS. in the Library of Lincoln's Inn. Svo. 1838. Hunter (Joseph). Great Roll of the Pipe, Henry L to Richard I. 2 vols. 1844. Hunter (Joseph). See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 8, 22. Hunter (Joseph). See Fines. Hunter (R.) A Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, With an Appendix containing Forms of Leases. Third Edition. 2 vols. Svo, Edinburgh, i860. Hunter (Robt.) On the Law of Landlord and Tenant (in Scotland), With Forms of Leases, Svo. Edin,, 1833. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph), View of a Suit in Equity. i2mo, Lond, and Dub,, 1858, Hunter (Sylvester Joseph). The Act to Amend the Law of Property, and to Relieve Trustees. i2mo. Lond. and Dub., 1859. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph). The Act to further Amend the Law of Property (23 and 24 Vict.) With Notes on 22 and 23 Vict, i2mo. Lond. and Dub., i860. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph). On Real Property Law Reform. Svo. i860. 452 Hunter (S, J.) The Act to further Amend the Law of Property, 23 and 24 Vict,, c, 38. With Introduction and Practical Notes, and further Notes on 22 and 23 Vict., c. 35. 8vo. London, i860. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph, B.A.) An Elementary View of the Pro- ceedings in a Suit in Equity. With an Appendix of Forms. Third Edition. By George Woodford Lawrence, M.A. Post 8vo. London, 1865. Fifth Edition. Post 8vo. London, 187 1. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph, B.A.) Proceedings in a Suit in Equity. Fourth Edition. By G. W. Lawrence, M.A. Post 8vo. London, 1867. Hunter (William A., M.A.) Roman Law, in the Order of a Code. Embodying the Institutes of Gains, and the Institutes of Justinian, translated into English by J. Ashton Cross, B.A 8vo. London, 1876. Hunter (W. W., B.A., M.R.A.S.) The Annals of Rural Bengal. Vol. I. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1858. Hunter (W. W.) Orissa; or, the Vicissitudes of an Indian Province under Native and British Rule. Vols. 2 and 3 of the Annals of Rural Bengal. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Hunter (W. W., LL.D.) The Indian Mussulmans. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1872. Hunter (W. W., LL.D.) Famine Aspects of Bengal Districts. A System of Famine Warnings. 8vo. London, 1874. Huntingdon (Henry of). See Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores post Bedam, and Monumenta. Huntingdon (Henry of). Translated by Th. Forester. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1853. Huntington (Chs. B.) His Trial for Forgery. 8vo. New York. 1857. HuRD (John Codman). The Law of Freedom and Bondage in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1858-1866. HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell) and Walmsley (Thos.) New Term Reports. Cases in the Court of Exchequer, 1840-1841. 8vo. 1841. HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell) and Walmesley (Thos.) See Horn. HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell). Treatise on the Law of Bonds. With an Appendix of Forms, Declarations, and Pleas. 8vo. 1835. HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell). Exchequer Reports. See Welsby. HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell) and Norman (John Paxton). Exchequer Reports. Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 19-21 Vic. 5 vols. 8vo. 1856. 453 HuRLSTONE (Edwin Tyrrell) and Coltman (Francis Joseph). The Exchequer Reports. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chambers, from Easter Term, 25 Vict., to Trinity Term and Vacation, 30 Vict., 1867. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1863-1868. HuRSTE, or Hurst (Tho.) Assize Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 91.] 4to. 1637. Husband (Edwd.) Collection of Publick Orders, Ordinances, and Declarations of Parliament, 1 64 2- 1 646. Folio. 1646. Huss (Jo.) De Unitate Ecclesiae. 4to. Prag., 1520. Huss (Jo.) De Anatomia Anti-Christi, &c, cum Appendice Bruns- felsii. 4to. HuTCHESON (Arch.) On the National Debt, the South Sea Stock, &c. Folio. 1 72 1. , HuTCHEsoN (Arch.) On the National Debt, the South Sea Stock. 1723. HuTCHESON (Arch.) Three Treatises: a Speech in the House of Commons ; a Collection of Advertisements, &c., relating to Elec- tions ; and Letters to the Earl of Sunderland. 8vo. 1723. HuTCHESON (Gilb.) On the Offices of Justice of Peace, Constable, Commissioner of Supply, and Commissioner under Comprehending Acts, in Scotland. 4 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1815. HuTCHiNS (John). History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. The Third Edition. By William Shipp and James Whitworth Hodson. Vols, i, 2. vols. Folio. London, 1861. Hutchinson (Wm.) View of Northumberland. With an Excursion to the Abbey of Mailross. 2 vols. 4to. Newc, 1778. Hutchinson (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Durham. 3 vols. 4to. Newc, 1785. Hutchinson (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Cumberland and some Places adjacent. 2 vols. 4to. Carl, 1794. Hutten (Leon.) Antiquities of Oxford. By Tho. Hearne. With Heame : Textus Roffensis. 8vo. Oxon., 1720. Hutten (Ulric de). Cum Erasmo Expostulatio. With Dytenbergerus. i2mo. Col., 1524. Hutten (Ulric de). In Oratores Leonis X. Invectivae, &c. &c. With Huss : de Uniate. 4to. Huttbr (Leon.) Compendium Locorum Theologicorum. 8vo. Witte., 1 6 10. Hutton (Sir Rd.) Reports, Jac. i. and Car. L, translated. Folio. 1656. 454 HuTTON (Sir Richard, Knt.) Reports containing many choice Cases, Judgments, and Resolutions in Points of Law, in the Reigns of King James and King Charles. Second Edition. Folio. London, 1682. HuTTON (Wm.) History of Birmingham. 8vo. Birm., 1781. Hyacintho (Sane.) Vida y Milagros, &c. izmo. Bar., 1595. Hyda (Liber Monasterii de). See Brit., Gt, No. 45. Hyde (Thos.) Catalogus Impressorum Librorum Bibliothecae Bod- leianse. Folio. Oxon., 1674. Hyde (Thos.) Syntagma Dissertationum, &c.; \ Greg. Sharpe. 2 vols. 4to. Oxon., 1767. Hygenus (Aug.) De Limitibus. See Finium : Auctores. Hyggons (Theoph.) Motives to Suspect the Religion of 8vo. 1609. Hyperius, or Hiperius (And. Gerard.) De Sacrse Scripturse Lectione. 8vo. Basil, 1563, Hyperius, or Hiperius (And. Gerard.) Topica Theologica. 8vo. Tiguri., 1564. Hyperius, or Hiperius (And. Gerard.) With Hertelius. Hyperius, or Hiperius (And. Gerard.) Varia Opuscula Theologica. 2 vols. 8vo. Basil, 1570. Hyperius, or Hiperius (And. Gerard.) De Theologo. 8vo. Basil, 1582. Hypocrites Unmasked ; or, Monck and the Parliament Vindicated. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1659. 455 IBBETSON (James). On Folclande and Boclande, and other Saxon and Norman Customs. 8vo. 1782. Ibbotson (H. Walter). The Legal Prompter, or Statute Indicator. Being a Compilation for immediate Reference to Statutes most in use. i2mo. Lond. and Sheffield, i860. Ibbotson (H. Walter). The Statute Index. Third Edition. i6mo. London, 187 1. Idaho. Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Idaho, January Term 1866, and January and August Terms 1867. By John Cummins, i2mo. Boise City, Idaho, 1867. Ignatius (Theophorus). Epistolse. With Areop. : Dionysius. Folio. Paris, 1498. Ignatius (Theophorus). Epistolae. With Clemens. 4to. Col., 1526. Ihre (Johannes). Glossarium Suiogothicum. Folio. Upsal., 1769. Illaire (Jas. d'). Remonstrance pour la Re-union des Religions. 8vo. Par., 1608, Illinois Reports, 181 9- 1875. Breese (i 111.), 1819-1831. i vol. Scammon (2-5 III), 1832-1843. 4 vols. Gillman (6-10 111.), 1844-1848. 5 vols. Peck (11-30 III), 1849-1863. 20 vols. Wood and Long's Digest, 1819-1873. 3 vols. Freeman (31-69, 75-78 III), 1863-1875. 43 vols. Freeman's Digest (1-15 III), 1819-1854. 2 vols. 78 vols. 8vo. Chicago, Springfield, &c., 1858-1877. Illinois. The Statutes of Illinois. An Analytical Digest of all the General Laws of the State in force at the Present Time. First volume — Third Edition. Springfield, 1873. Second volume- Springfield, 1872. Third volume — Second Edition, 1874. By Eugene L. Gross. 3 vols, 8vo, Springfield, 187 2-1 874. Illyricus (Mat.) See Flacius. Image of both Churches, Hierusalem and Babel. 8vo. Toum., 1623. Imamee-Ismailies. See Howard (E. J.) Imola (Joannes de), seu Imolensis. Super Infortiato. Folio. Mediol, 1502. Imola (Joannes de), seu Imolensis. Commentaria in Decretalia. 3 vols. Folio. Venet., 1575. Imola (Alex. Tartagnus de). Consili, cum Additionibus. 7 vols, in 4. Folio. Ven., 1578. 456 Imperialis (Jo. Bapt.) Exercitationes Exotericse. 4to. Vic, 1602. Imperii. De Translatione. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] [No Title.] 4to. Impey (Jn.) Practice of the Office of Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, and Coroner. With Precedents. By Hy. Jeremy. 8vo. 1831. Impey (Elijah Barwell). Memoirs of Sir Elijah Impey, Chief Justice of Bengal. With Anecdotes of Contemporaries, in Refutation of the Calumnies of Macaulay. 8vo. 1846. Impunita Legitima (L'). Saggio Sopra. 4to. Livor., 1774. Ince (Hy. Bret.) Trustee Acts of 1850 and 1852. i2mo. 1858. Inchequin (Murr. O'Brien, Lord), &c. Manifesto to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 4to. 1664. Inchofer (Melch.) Magorum Regum Trium Gesta. Folio. Mog., 1477. Inchofer (Melch.) Epistolae Virginis Marise Veritas Vindicata. Folio. Messan., 1630. Inconstance. Harangue en la Defense de r. i2mo. Paris, 1598. Inderwick (F. A.) The Law of Wills, as administered in the Court of Probate in England. 8vo. London, 1866. Index to the Statutes, 1801-1852. Part i — Public General Acts. Part 2 — Local, Personal, and Private Acts. Compiled by order of the Select Committee on the Library of the House of Lords. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1854. Index Generalis Librorum qui ab 1593 ad 1600 in Romano Imperio Prodierunt. 4to. India. Indicae Epistolse de Rebus per Societatem Nominis Jesu Operatis. 8vo. Lovan,, 1566. India. Histoire des Indes Occidentals. 8vo. Paris, 1580. India. Answer to the Hollander's Declaration about the East Indies- [Tracts, Vol. no.] 4to. 162a. India. The Law relating to India and the East India Company. With Notes and Appendix. 4to. London, 1840. India. Debate at the East India House, on March 17, 1841. 8vo. 1841. India, and the East India Company. Laws relating to India and the East India Company, 4to. 1841. India, and the East India Company. The Law relating to. With Notes and an Appendix. Fifth Edition. 4to. London, 1855. India. Acts of. India. The Code of Criminal Procedure. An Act passed by the Legislative Council of India on the 5th September, 186 1. 8vo. London, 1862. 457 India. Notes on the North-West Provinces of In(fia. Post 8vo. London, 1869. India. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh Reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners, appointed to prepare a Body of Sub- stantive Law for India, &c. Folio. London, 1864-1870. India. The Cyclopaedia of. By Edward Balfour. Second Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1871-1873. India. North-West Provinces High Court Reports, 1869-1874. 6 vols. 8vo. Allahabad, 1873-1875. India. Acts of the Legislative Council passed in the Years 1863- 1879. 4to. Calcutta, 1863-1879. India. The Code of Civil Procedure. Being Act X. of 1877. With an Appendix, containing the Act of Parliament for establishing High Courts of Judicature in India, and the Amended Letters Patent for the High Court, Bombay, granted in pursuance thereof. 8vo. Bombay, 1877. India, Code of Civil Procedure. Act X. of 1877. By L. P. Delves Broughton, 8vo. Calcutta. 1878. India. New Civil Procedure. See Macpherson. See^ also. Index of Subjects at the end of the Supplement. India. Treaties, Engagements, Sunnuds. See Aitchison. India (Franc.) De Gutta Podagrica, &c. With Dorncreilius. 4to. Veron., 1600. Indian Army and Civil Service List, July 1875. i2mo. London, 1875. Indian Law Commissioners. Copies of the Special Reports. 5 vols, in 4. Folio. London, 1842- 1847. Indian Law Reports. Complete Series. Containing Cases determined by the High Courts at Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, and Allahabad, and by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on Appeal from those Courts, and from all other Courts in British India. Reported by — Privy Council N. H. Thompson. C. V. Woodman. C. P. Hill. Ameer Ali. C. H. Reily. J. G. Apcar. High Court, Madras - - - - J. H. S. Branson. High Court, Bombay - - - - W. E. Hart. High Court, Allahabad - - - G. T. Spankie. From March 1875 to June 1879. [In Progress.] 4 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1876-18 79. High Court, Calcutta 458 Indiana. The Statutes of the State of Indiana. Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852. Second Editioa By James Gavin and Oscar B. Hord. 2 vols. 8vo. Indianopolis, 1862. Indiana. Statutes of. Supplement. By Edwin A, Davis. 8vo. Indianopolis, 1870. Indiana Reports, 181 7-1876. Blackford, 181 7-1847. 8 vols. Smith, 1 848-1 850. I vol. Carter (1-2 Ind.), 1 848-1 851. 2 vols. Porter (3-7 Ind.), 1851-1857. 5 vols. Tanner (8-14 Ind.), 1857-1861. 7 vols. Harrison (15-17 Ind.), 1861-1862, 3 vols. Kerr (18-22 Ind.), 1862-1864. 5 vols. Harrison (23-29 Ind.), 1864-1868. 7 vols. Black (30-53 Ind.), 1 868-1 876. 24 vols. Martin (54-61 Ind.), 1876-1878. 8 vols. Abbott, Digest, 1871. 2 vols. 72 vols. 8vo. Indianopolis, New Albany. 1 834-1 879. Indulgences, &c. Cinque Traictez des. 8vo. Gen., 1607. Inett (John). On the Ancient British Churches, &c. By Ch. Purton Cooper. [Pamphlets, Vol. 6.] 8vo. 1851. Infants' Baptism Maintained. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1650. Infortiatum. Cum Glossa. Folio. Lugd,, 1511. Inganni, Comedia gl'. 8vo. Ven., 1565. f Ingenuis (Fran. de). De Jurisdictione Reipublicae Venetge in Mare Adriaticum. 4to. Eleuth., 16 19. Ingenuis (Fran. de). De Mare Venetorum, &c. 4to. 1620. Ingersoll (Joseph Reed). A Manual of Maritime Law. Consisting of a Treatise on Ships and Freight, and a Treatise on Insurance. Translated from the Latin of Roccus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. Ingleborough. a Tour to the Town of Ingleborough and Settle. 8vo. Lond. and Kidd., 1782. Ingledew (Christr. Jas. Davison), History of Northallerton. 8vo. 1858. Ingram (Jas.) Lectures on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature and the Geography of Europe. By King Alfred. 4to. Oxon., 1807. Ingram (Jas.) Saxon Chronicle. 4to. 1823. 4*9 Ingram (Thomas Dunbar). Compensation to Land and House Owners. Being a Treatise on the Law of Compensation for Interests in Lands, &c., payable by Railway and other Public Companies. With an Appendix of Forms and Statutes. 8vo. London, 1864. Second Edition. By J. J. Elmes. 8vo. London, 1869. Ingrassia (Jo. Phil.) Informatione del Pestifero Morbo di Palermo, e di Sicilia, 1575, 1576. 4to. 1576. Ingulphus. See Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores post Bedam. Ingulphus. With Continuation. Translated by Hy. T. Riley. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1854. Inisfalenses Annales. See O'Conor. Injustice Terrass^e aux Pieds du Roy (Jas. I.) Bvo. Inner Temple. Members admitted to the Inner Temple, 1571-1625. i2mo. London, 1869. Innes (Alexander Taylor, M.A.) The Law of Creeds in Scotland. A Treatise on the Legal Relation of Churches in Scotland, Established and not Established, to their Doctrinal Confessions. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Inns of Court and Chancery. Report of Commission on the Inns of Courts, &c. Folio. 1855. Inns of Court Volunteers. Rules. With the Names of the Committee, and Lists of the Enrolled Members, &c. i2mo. i860. Inquisitio ad quod Damnum. See Calendarium, R.C. Inquisition d'Espagne, Histoire de 1'. 8vo. 1568. Inquisitionum ad Capell. Dom. Reg. retorn. quae in Publicis Archivis Scotiae SerVantur Abbrev., R.C. With Supplement. 4 vols. Folio. 181 1. Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellarise Hibemise, &c., Reper- torium, R.C. 2 vols. Folio. 1826- 1829. Institutiones Imperiales, cum Commentariis, &c. 4to. Paris, 1530. Institutionum Imperatoriarum Argumentum. 4to. Paris, 1509. Insulanus Menapius (Gul.) Oratio Suasoria ad Carolum Imperatorem. With Burcherus. 8vo. Bas., 1537. Intrationum Liber, Continens Diversas Formas Placitorum. Folio. 1546. Inventaire de I'Histoire Journalifere. 8vo. 1599. Invention (a New) ; or. Pair of Chrystal Spectacles, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 2 parts. 4to. 1644, 4^0 Iowa. Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Iowa, from the Organization of the Court in 1839, to the 35th Iowa Report, 14 Stiles, 1872, as embraced in the Reports by Morris, Greene, Clarke, Withrow, and Stiles. With Copious References to the Statutes. By Thomas F. Withrow and Edward H. Stiles. 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1874, 1875. Iowa Reports, 1839-1874. Morris. 1839- 1846. Greene, G. 4 vols. 1847- 185 2. Clarke (1-8 Iowa). 8 vols. 1855-1861. Withrow (9-21 Iowa). 13 vols, i860- 186 7. Stiles (23-37 Iowa). 16 vols. 1867-1873. Runnells (38-47 Iowa). 10 vols. 1873-1879. 50 vols. 8vo. Iowa City, Ottumwa, Des Moines, &c., 1847-1879. Iowa Statutes. Revision of i860. Containing all the Statutes of a general natture of the State of Iowa. 8vo. Des Moines, i860. Iowa. The Code. Containing all the Statutes of the State of Iowa, of a general nature, passed at the adjourned Session of the Fourth General Assembly. 8vo. Des Moines-Iowa, 1873. Iranco (Jo. Hier. de). De Protestatione, cum Additionibus Joseph. Ant. Pilaise. FoHo. Rom., 1673. Ireland. Conspiracy by the Papists in Ireland. 4to. 1641. Ireland. Privy Council of. Letter to the Parliament of England. 4to. 1 64 1. Ireland. Rebels of Letter to Lord Dillon. 4to. 1641. Ireland. Parliament of Remonstrance to the Lord Deputy. 4to. 1 64 1. Ireland. Ministers of the Gospel in. Petition. 4to. 1642. Ireland. Defeat of the Rebels in Ireland. 4to. 1642. Ireland. Proceedings in, from April 1642. 4to. 1642. Ireland. State and Condition of Ireland. 4to. 1642. Ireland. Its Ingratitude to the Parliament of England. 4to. 1643. Ireland. Protestants of Propositions desiring Punishment on the Rebels, [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 4to. 1644. Ireland. Irish Massacre. The Levite's Lamentation upon. 4to. 1 64 1. Ireland. Rebellion, &c. Plot and Progress of 4to. 1644. Ireland Rebels' Proposition to the King. [Tracts, Vol 45.] : 4to. 1644. 461 Ireland. Irish Rebels. Letters on. [Tracts, Vol. 28.] 4to. 1645. Ireland. State of Irish Affairs laid before Parliament by the Com- mittee of Adventurers from London. [Tracts, Vol. 14] 4to. 1645. Ireland. Irish Cabinet ; or, the King's Secret Papers for Establishing the Papal Clergy. [Tracts, Vol. 28.] 4to. 1645. Ireland. Horrid Conspiracy in Ireland. By Ludlow, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 39.] 4to. 1663. Ireland. Of the Irish Forfeitures. With Commons' Rights. Folio. 1 700. Ireland. Memoirs of Ireland, from the Restoration to the Present Times. By the Author of the "Secret History of Europe." 8vo. 17 16. Ireland. Law Recorder. First Series, 182 7-1 831. 4 vols, in 2. 4to. Dublin, 1828-183 1. Second Series, 1833-1838. 6 vols, in 3. 4to. Dublin, 1833-1836. Ireland. The Legal Reporter. Edited by a Member of the Bar. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1840- 1842. Ireland. Circuit Reports, Cases determined in the Circuits of Ireland, 1 841 -1843. By H. Smythe, F. Brady, and others. 8vo. Dublin, 1843, &c. Ireland. Irish Jurist. Vol. i, No. 5. 8vo. Dublin, 1848. Ireland Celtic Records. From the Irish Quarterly Review. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] 8vo. Dub., 1852. Ireland. Irish Law Reports. Cases determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, 1838- 1850. By Frs. Brady, Jn. Adair, Ross S. Moore, Jn. S. Armstrong, and others. 13 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1839-1852. Ireland. Equity Reports. Cases determined in the High Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and Equity Exchequer, 1838-185 1. 13 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1 839-1 85 2, Ireland. Common Law Reports. N. S. Cases determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Exchequer Chamber, and Court of Criminal Appeal, from 1850-1866. By Jn. S. Armstrong, W. H. Faloon, and others. 17 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1852-1867, &c. Ireland. Chancery Reports. N. S. Cases determined in the Court of Chancery and Rolls Court in Ireland, from 1 850-1 866. By Mich. Rt. Westropp, Edwd. Shirley Trevor, and Jn, Pitt Ken- nedy, &c. 17 voli. 8vo. Dub,, 1852-1867. 4^ Ireland. Ecclesiastical Courts and Registries Act (Ireland), 1864. (a) Preliminary Rules and Orders of October, 1864. With the Returns from the Registrars of the United Dioceses. (b) Rules and Orders of the Provincial and United Diocesan Courts and Registries. With Schedules of Forms, Fees, Charges, and Expenses annexed. (c) Observations upon the Rules and Orders, 1865. 3 parts. 8vo. London, 1865. Ireland. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, preserved in Her Majesty's PubUc Record Office. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, F.S. A. 2 vols. See Calendar of State Papers. 1860-1867. Vol. I, I509-IS73- I Vol. 2, i574-iS8S- Ireland. Ancient Laws of. Senchus Mor. Part i. Introduction to Senchus Mor, and Achzabail ; or, Law of Distress, as contained in the Harleian Manuscripts. Part 2. Law of Distress. [Completed.] Laws of Hostage-Sureties, Fosterage, Saerstock Tenure, Daerstock Tenure, and of Social Connexions. Part 3. Customary Law, and the Book of Aicill. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1865-1873. Ireland. Historic and Municipal Documents, from the Archives of the City of Dublin, &c., 1 172-1320, See Brit., Gt, No. 53. Ireland. Calendar of Patent and Close Rolls, Chancery. See Morrin. Ireland. Chronicon Scotorum. See Brit., Gt., No. 46. Ireland. Irish Law List. See Thom. Ireland (Sam.) Picturesque Views. With an Historical Account of the Inns of Court. 8vo. 1800. Iren^us (Jo.) Apologia pro Sexu Fcemineo. With Gastius : de Vir- ginitate. i2mo. Fran., 1544. Irish Law Recorder. First Series, 182 7-1 831. 4 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1828-1831. - Second Series, 1833-1838. 6 vols. 8vo.' Dublin, 1833-1838. Glasscock, 1831, 1832. 8vo. Dublin, 1832. Irish Reports. PubUshed under the control of the Council of Law Reporting in Ireland. In Two Series, i. The Equity Series, 1 1 vols. 2. The Common Law Series, 1 1 vols. Edited by George A. C. May. [In progress.] Two sets. 44 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1867-1879. Irish Reports. Published under the control of the Council of Law Reporting. Chancery and Probate Divisions aad Court of Bank- ruptcy. Vols. I and 3. 1878,1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1879. 4^3 Irish Reports. Published under the Control of the Council of Law Reporting. Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Divisions. Vols. 2 and 4. 1878,1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1879. Irish Representative Peerage Claims. Resolutions of the House of Lords with respect to Petitions claiming a Right to vote at Elections for Representative Peers for Ireland. 2 vols. Folio. Irvine (Alex. Forbes). Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, 1852, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1855, &c. Irvine (Alexander Forbes). On the Game Laws of Scotland. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1856. Irvine (And.) Sermons preached at the Temple Church. 8vo. 1830. Irvine (W., B.C.S.) The Rent Digest j or, the Law and Procedure relating to Landlord and Tenant in the Bengal Presidency. With more special Reference to the North- Western Provinces. Corrected to March 1868. 8vo. Calcutta, 1869. Irving (Dav.) Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. 8vo. 1837. Irving (Joseph). History of Dumbartonshire, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Territorial. With Genealogical Notices of the Principal Families. 4to. Dumb., i860. Irving (Washington). Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. i2mo. 1848. Irwin (George O'Malley). Petition of Right. A Letter to Lord Palmerston. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1867. Isaac (J oh.) Defensio Veritatis Hebraicge. 8vo. Col., 1559. Isaac (Joh.) Aben Tybbon. Isaacson (Hen.) Tabula Historico-Chronologica ; or. Universal Chronology. Folio. 1633. Isaba (Marc. de). Cuerpo Enformo de la Milicia Espannola. 4to. Mad., 1594. Isambert (F. a.) Recueil General des Anciennes Lois Frangaises depuis I'an 423 jusqu'k la Revolution de 1789, avec Notes de Concordance, Table Chronologique et Table General Analytique et Alphabetique des Matibres, par MM. Jourdan, Decrusy, Isambert, Armet, et Taillander. 29 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. IscANUS (Jos.) De Bello Trojano. See Dares. Is^us. See Oratores. IsiDORis (Sanctus, Hispalensis). Opera Omnia. Folio. Col. Ag., 1617. IsiDORis (Sanctus, Hispalensis). See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores. 4^4 ISNARD (Jac.) Arcis Sammartinianse Obsidium. 4to. Par., 1629. IsocRATKS. See Oratores. IsocRATES. Oratio de Bello Fugiendo; k Pet. Mosellano. With Clemens: Epistola. 4to. Lips., 1518. IsocRATES. See Vives. Israel (Joseph Ben). Converted Jew. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1653. Israel. An Israelite's Apology for not becoming a Christian. With Marriage Act. 1 2mo. 1 85 1 . Issachar (Burden of); or, Presbyterian Government in Scotland. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1646. Italia. Trattato delle Nobil Cltta del Mondo, et di Tutta Italia. [Tracts, Vol. 164.] 8vo. 1574. Italia Travagliata. Por il Vescovo di Bagnarea. 4to. Ven., 1576. Italia. Codice Civile del Regno d'ltalia, con copioso Indice Alphabetico Analytico. i6mo. Milano, 1865. Italy. II Codice Civile Italiano. Annotato per cura del Avocato Vicenzo Castaneo, coll opera et consiglio del Avocato Carlo Borda. 8vo. Turino, 1 865-1868. Italy. Codice de Commercio del Regno d'ltalia. i6mo. Milano, 1878. -rv 465 JACCHiEUS (Gilb.) Honori ejus Odse quaedam, cum variis aliis Carminibus. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 161 1- jACCHiEUS (Gilb.) Institutiones Physicse. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 16 15. JacchjEUS (Gilb.) Institutiones Medicae. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1624. Jackson (John Edward, M.A., F.S.A.) Wiltshire. The Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, FiR.S., a.d. 165 9- 16 70. With Illustrations. [PubUshed by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.] 4to. Devizes, 1862. Jackson (Randle). On the Increase of Crime. 8vo. 1828. Jackson (Randle). Substance of a Speech on East India Stock. [Pamphlets, Vol. i.] 8vo. 1827. Jackson (Tho.) Treatise of the Catholick Faith. 4to. 1627. Jacob (Edw.) Reports of Cases in Chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 182 1, 1822. 8vo. London, 1828. Jacob (Edw.) and Walker (John). Reports of Cases in Chancery, 1819-1821. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1821-1823. Jacob (Giles). A New Law Dictionary. 4to. London, 1729. Third Edition, 4to. London, 1736. Jacob (Giles). Law Dictionary. Folio. 1750. Jacob (Giles). Law Grammar. By Jn. Hargrave. 8vo. 1840. Jacob. Complete Court Keeper ; or. Land Steward's Assistant. 8vo. 181 9. Jacob (Hy.) Divine Beginning of Christ's Visible Church. [Tracts, Vol. 127.] 8vo, Leyden, 16 10, Jacob (Jn.) Defence of the Church of England, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 70.] 4to. Middleb., 1599. Jacobsen (Frederick J.) Laws of the Sea with reference to Maritime Commerce during Peace and War. Translated by William Frick. 8vo. Baltimore, 1818. Jacobus. Nobilis Danus. Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum, in quo de Moscovitarum Regione, &c., Exequitur. 4to. Franc, 1608. Jacophile k Limne, Discours de. With Hermaphrodites. [No Title.] i2mo. Jago (Rd.) In British Poets. (30) 466 Jamaica, Jamaica. Jamaica. Acts of Assembly. Folio. 1 743. Laws passed, i to 24 of Victoria. [Continued.] 25 vols. 4to. Jam., 1861. (N.B. No Laws were passed in 2nd Victoria.) The Laws of Jamaica. Comprehending all the Acts in force passed between the Thirty-second year of Charles IL to Thirty- first year of Victoria, 1867-1879. 29 vols. 4to. 1792-1879. Jamaica. Acts disallowed between 31st December, 1864, and ist May, 1867. MS. Folio, 1867. Jamaica. Supplements to Acts, 1866-1870. See Minot. Jamaica. Supplements to Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 1869-1872 See Lee. Jamblicus. De Mysteriis .^gyptorum, &c. 12 mo. Lugd., 1570. Jamblicus. Protrepticse Orationes ad Philosophiam. 4to. Comm., 1598. , Jamblicus. De Vita Pythagoras. 4to. Commel., 1598. James L of England. Meditations on the 20th Chapter of Revelation. [Tracts, Vol. 134.] 8vo. 1588. James L of England. De Antichristo. [Tracts, Vol. 81.] 4to. Hal, Sax., 1603. James I. of England. Apologia pro Juramento Fidelitatis. 8vo. 1609. James L of England. Considerations on Four Heads of Religion proposed by James I. 4to. 1609. James I. of England. Apologia pro Juramento Fidelitatis {English). 4to. 1 609. James I. of England. Trophies, &c. 12 mo. Eleuth,, 1609. James L of England. La Religion Catholique soutenue contre Jaques Roy, &c. 8vo. Paris, 16 10. James L of England. Declaration concerning the Duchy of Cornwall. Folio. 161 2. Decree upon the Younger Sons of Viscounts and 4to. 1 6 1 2. Edict against Private Combats. 4to. 16 13. Deus et Rex. 8vo. 161 5. James I. of England. Declaratio pro Jure Regis. [Tracts, Vol. 52,] 4to. 1 616. James L of England. Declaratio pro Jure Regis. With Pagitt {English). 4to. 1616. ( James L of England. Barons, &c. James I. of England. James L of England. ¥>7 James I. of England. Causes moving him to Proceed against the Ministers, &c. 4to. 1606. James I. of England. Instructions to the Court of Wards and Liveries. 4to, 1 6 10. James I. of England. Declaration as to Matters of Bounty. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1 610. James I. of England. Deus et Rex; in quo Agitur de Fidelitate Jacobo Regi. 8vo. 16 15. James I. of England. Proclamation concerning Alehouses. 4to. 161 8. James I. of England. In Orationem Dominicam. 8vo. 1619. James I. of England. Deus et Rex; in quo Agitur de Fidelitate Jacobo Regi. i2mo. Col., 16 19. James I. of England. Deus et Rex ; in quo Agitur, &c. i2mo. Col., 16 19. James I. of England. Court of With Cotta : Witchcraft. 4to. 1 6 19. James I. of England. Court of. [Tracts, Vol. 24.] 4to. 1620. James I. of England. Commission touching the Creation of Baronets. 4to. 161 1. James I. of England. Declaration sur ses Actions devers les Estats Gendraux des Pais Bas Unis. [Tracts, Vol. 116.] 4to. 1622. James I. of England. Truth brought to Light; or, Narrative of his First Fourteen Years. [Tracts, Vol 29.] [Imperfect.] 4to. 1651. James I. of England. Warrants for Burning Legate, &c. for Heresies. 4to. 1651. James I. of England. Petition to James I. on behalf of Ministers Silenced. With Advertisements for the Good of Church and Commonwealth. [Tracts, Vol. 117.] 4to. James (Alexander). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Trinity and Michaelmas Terms 1859. 8vo. Halifax, i860, James (Charles). A Collection of the Charges, Opinions, and Sentences of General Courts-Martial. [As published by Authority.] From 1795 to 1820. 8vo. London, 1820. James (Ch.) Military Dictionary in English and French. 8vo. 1816, James (Colonel Sir Henry, R.E.) Fac-similes of National Manu- scripts, from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne. Selected under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls, and Photozinco- graphed by Command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. By Colonel Sir Henry James, R.E., Director of the Ordnance Survey. Parts I, 2, 3. Folio. Southampton, 1865. 468 James (Geo. P. Ransford). History of the Life of Richard I. 2 vols. i2mo. 1854. James (Jas. Hy.) Guide to Friendly Societies. 8vo. 185 1. James (Jas. Hy.) Guide to Building Societies. i2mo. 1851. James (Jas. Hy.) On Life and Fire Assurance. 8vo. 185 1. James (Jas. Hy.) Application of the Joint Stock Companies' Act, &c., to Assurance Societies. 8vo. 185 1. James (Jas. Hy.) On Redeeming Propert_y Mortgaged to Benefit Building Societies, &c. 1 2mo. 1 8 5 5 . James (Jas. Hy.) The Judgment of the Lord Chancellor in the Suit of Fleming t/. Self With Marriage Act. izmo. 1855. James (Jas. Hy.) What should be the Price of Bread? i2mo. 1855. James (Jas. Hy.) The Banks of the Wye, and other Poems. i2mo. 1856. James (Jas. Hy.) On the Duration of Life in Rural Districts. i2mo. 1858 James (Jas. Hy.) Herefordia. A Poem. 4to. 1861 James (Jn.) His Arraignment, &c., for High Treason. [Tracts, Vol. I.] 4to. 1 66 1. James (Rd.) Sermon concerning the Apostles. 4to. 1630. James (Rd.) Sermon concerning the Lent Fast. 4to. 1630, James (Rd.) Sermon concerning the Sacrament. [Tracts, Vol. 91.] 4to. 1632. James (Rd.) Sermon on Righteousness, &c. 4to. 1632. James (Tho.) Bellum Papale, sive Concordia Discors Sixti V. et dementis VHI. circa, Hieronymianam Editionem. 4to. 1600 James (Tho.) Catalogue Librorum Bibliothecae Bodleianse. 2 vols. 4to. Oxon., 1605. James (Tho.) Apology for Wickliffe. [Tracts, Vol. 83.] 4to. Oxf, 1608. James (William). The Military Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. With an Appendix and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. James (Wm.) Naval History of Britain, from 1793 to the Accession of George IV. By Capt, Chamier. 6 vols. 8vo. 1847. 469 Jameson (John Alexander). The Constitutional Convention. Its History, Powers, and Modes of Proceeding. 8vo. New York, 1867. Jameson (Rt. Sympson). See Glyn. Jamieson (John). Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Abridged by John Johnstone. Svo. Edin. and Lond., 1846. Jamieson (John, D.D.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. New Edition. By John Longmuir, A.M., LL.D,, and David Donaldson, F.E.I.S. Vol. i. Svo. Paisley, 1879. Jamot (Fred.) Traictd de la Goutte. With Mizauld : Secret. 8vo. Par., 1573. Jansenius (Nic.) Vita Sancti Dorainici. Svo. Antw., 1622. Jansenius (Nic.) Vita Alberti Magni. Svo. Antw., 162 1. Jansonius (Jac.) In Sacram Missse Canonem. Svo. Lov., 1586. Jansonius (P. A.) Mundus Furiosus, sive Res in Europa Gestae, 1596, 1597. Svo. Col., 1597. Japan. Japaniae Insulae Descriptio. Svo. Col. Ag., 1582. Japan. Japonensium, de Gloriosa Morte Novem Christianorum, [Tracts, Vol. 166.] Svo. Mog., 1612. Japan. Japonicae Literae Anni 1609 et 1610. [Tracts, Vol. 166.] Svo. Ant, 161 5. Japan. Japonicae Literae Anni 1624. [Tracts, Vol. 112.] 4to. Mog., 1628. Jaquopolis. Le Sifege de. Lettre d'un Catholique. i2mo. 1577. Jaquopolis. Le Si^ge de. Lettre d'un Catholique. With Lettres. Jardine (Dav.) Index to State Trials. Svo. 1816. Jardine (Dav.) On the Use of Torture in England, previously to the Commonwealth. [Pamphlets, Vol. i.] Svo. 1S37. Jardine (Dav.) Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. i2mo. 1857. Jargon (Le). [Tracts, Vol. 153.] Svo. Par. Jarman (Henry). The New Practice of the High Court of Chancery. i2mo. 1854. Jarman (Tho.) Powell on Devises. Jarman (Tho.) A Treatise on Wills. 2 vols. Svo. 1841. Second Edition. By E. P. Wolstenholme and S. Vincent. 2 vols. Svo. 1S54. Third Edition. By E. P. Wolstenholme and S. Vincent. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S61. 470 J ARM AN (Thos.) See Sweet and Bisset. Jarman (Thos.) Forms of Wills. See Hayes. Jarricus (Pet.) Thesaurus Rerum Indicarum, in quo Ortus Progressus et Incrementa Fidei Christiani Recensentur. 3 vols. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1615. Jauregui (John). His Assault upon the Prince of Orange. With Armada. [Imperfect.] 4to. Jauregui (John). In Somer's Tracts. Jay (John). See Federalist. Jeake (Sam.) Charters of the Cinque Ports, &c. [Translated.] Folio. 1727. Jebb (Rd.) The Act to amend the Law relating to Probates and Letters of Administration in England, and the Rules and Orders made in pursuance of the Act. i2mo. 1858. Jebb (Rt.) Presentment Cases, chiefly relating to the Criminal and Presentment Law, decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland, 1822-1840. 8vo. Dub., 1841. Jebb (Rt.) and Symes (Arthur). Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1-4 Vict. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1840-1842. Jebb (Rt.) and Bourke (Richard). Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench in Ireland, 5 Vict. 8vo. Dub., 1842. Jeffcott (John M.) Statutes of the Isle of Man since 1832. 8vo. Douglas, 1837. Jenkins (Dav.) Rerum Judicatarum Centurise Octo. FoUo. 1661. Jenkins (David). Eight Centuries of Reports (Exchequer). Originally published in French and Latin. By Judge Jenkins. 4to. London, 1734. Jenkins (David). Eight Centuries of Reports; or, Eight Hundred Cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer Chamber or upon Writs of Error. Third Edition. Translated by Theodore Barlow. Folio. London, 1771. Jenkinson (Charles, afterwards Earl of Liverpool). A Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance, and Commerce, between Great Britain and other Powers, from the Treaty signed at Munster in 1648 to the Treaties signed at Paris in 1783. To which is prefixed a Discourse on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain in respect to Neutral Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. Jennings (John). Somersetshire Dialect, Glossary, &c. i2mo. 1825. 471 Jennison (William). Reports of Cases heard and determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, from November nth, 1865, to July i2th, 1869. [Vols. 14-18, Michigan Reports.] 5 vols. 8vo. Detroit, 1 867-1 869. Jenyns (Soame). In British Poets. Jerdan (W.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 21, 33. Jeremiah, or Hieremias Constantinopolitanus, Censura Orientalis Ecclesiae de Hgereticorum Dogmatibus, ex Grseco et Lat. 8vo. Paris, 1584. Jeremie (Peter). The Laws of Real Property in Guernsey, and Com- mentary on the present Laws of Inheritance and Wills. 8vo. Guernsey, 1841. Jeremy (Geo.) Equity Jurisdiction of Chancery. 8vo. 1828. Jeremy (Hen.) Analytical Digest of Reports of Cases in Common Law and Equity Appeal, and Nisi Prius, and in the Ecclesiastical Courts, 1837-1848. 3 vols. 8vo. 1839-1849. Jerome, Jeronimus, or Hieronymus (St.) Epistolse; k Pet. Canisio. 8vo, Dil., 1562. Jerome, Jeronimus, or Hieronymus (St.) Liber Epistolarum. Folio. Jerome, Jeronimus, or Hieronymus (St.) Vite de Santi Padri. 4to. Jerome, Jeronimus, or Hieronymus (St.) See Monasticse Regulse. i2mo. Lov., 1 57 1. Jerrold (W. Blanchard). How to See the British Museum in Four Visits. i2mo, 1852. Jersey. Lois et Reglemens des Etats de Jersey qui ont regu la Donation Royale, depuis 1771. 2 vols. 8vo. Jersey, 1845, 1846. Jerusalem. Assises de Jerusalem, ou Recueil des Ouvrages de Juris- prudence composes pendant le 13 Si^cle, dans les Royaumes de Jerusalem et de Chypre. 2 vols. Folio. Par., 1841. Jerusalem. Destruction de. With Vie de Christ. Jervis (D. B.) On the Primitive Standard of Weights and Measures. 8vo. Calc, 1835. Jervis (Sir John). On Coroners. 8vo. London, 1829. Second Edition. By W. N. Welsby. i2mo. London, 1854. Third Edition. (With Forms and Precedents. By W. N. Welsby). By C. W. Lovesay. i2mo. London, i866, Jervis (Sir John). Reports. See Crompton. 472 Jervis (Sir John). Archbold's Criminal Pleading. Jervis' Acts. By Archbold. See Archbold. Jervis' Acts. By Glen. See Glen. Jerwood (J.) A Dissertation on the Rights to the Sea Shores, and to the Soil and Bed of Tidal Harbours and Navigable Rivers. With especial reference to Mr. Serjeant Merewether's published Speech upon the same Subject. 8vo. London, 1850. Jessenius (Jo.) De Anima et Corpore Universi. 8vo. Prag., 1605. Jessenius (Jo.) De Sanguine Dimisso. With Rulandus: de Aureo Dente. 24mo. Fra., 16 18. Jesu (Thomas k). Trabalhos de Jesu. [Primeira Parte.] i2mo. Lisbon, 1602. Jesu (Thomas k). Thesaurus Sapientiae Divinse. 410. Antw., 1613. Jesu (Thomas k). Practica de la viva Fee. 8vo. Bruss., 1617. Jesu-Maria (Joh. k). Theresse Sanctse Vita. 4to. Brux., 16 10. Jesu-Maria (Joh. k). Instructio Magistri Novitiorum. i2mo. Col., 1613. Jesu-Maria (Joh. k). De Prudentia Justorum. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1614. Jesu-Maria (Joh. k). Ars Vivendi Spiritualiter, et Moriendi. i2mo. Col. Ag., 162 1. Jesu-Maria (Joseph de). Vida, &c., de Juan de la Cruz. 4to. Bruss., 1628. Jesu-Maria (Joseph de). Historia Vitae Francisci. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1628. Jesu-Maria (Nic. k). Perfectio Vitse Spiritualis. With Buccellius. 4to. Rome, 1629. JeSU-Maria (Nic. k). Altare Incensi. 8vo. Duaci., 1630. Jesu Societas. Response k Pierre Viret. 8vo. Lyon, 1565. Jesu Societas. Res in Oriente Gestae. 8vo. Col., 1574. Jesu Societas. Jesuitarum in AngM de Nova Legatione. 8vo. 1582. Jesu Societas. Doctrinse Jesuitarum Capita Confutata. 8vo. Rup., 1584. Jesu Societas. Lettre delle cose Giappone. 8vo. Ven., 1585. Jesu Societas. Awisi del Giapone, &c. 8vo. Rom., 1586. 473 Jesu Societas. Remonstrance au Roy Henry IV. i2mo. 1599. Jesu Societas. AjJologia ad Henricum IV, Gallise. 8vo. Ingolst, 1599. Jesu Societas. Discovery of our English Jesuites. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 8vo. 1 60 1. Jesu Societas. Declaratio Motuum inter Jesuitas et Sacerdotes in Anglia. 4to. Rouen, 1601. Jesu Societas. Oration de Restitutione Jesuitarum in Regno Gallige. 4to. Lugd., 1602. Jesu Societas. Lettre Annuelle du Japon. i2mo. Paris, 1605. Jesu Societas. Le Passe-par-tout des Pbres Jesuites. 8vo. 1607. Jesu Societas. Le Passe-par-tout des Peres Jesuites. Svo. 1607. Jesu Societas. Literse Bononise Datae. 4to. 1609. Jesu Societas. Jesuites' Aphorismes, Secret Practices, &c. 4to. 1609. Jesu Societas. Aphorismes of the Jesuites' Doctrine. [Tracts, Vol. 95.] 4to. 1609. Jesu Societas. A Letter from Paris to the Father of the Society. [Tracts, Vol. 96.] 4to. 16 ii. Jesu Societas. Pour les Universitez de France contre les Jesuites, &c. Svo. Paris, 1624. Jesu Societas. Aphorismes of the Jesuites' Doctrine {Latin). [Tracts.] Svo. 1629. Jesu Societas. Speculum Jesuiticum, to behold Ignatius' Progress, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 21.] 4to. 1629. Jesu Societas. Gli Equivochi e Subterfugii de Giesuiti. 4to. Jesu Societas. Jesuitica per Belgii Provincias Negotiatio. 4to. Franc, 16 16. Jesu Societas. Deliberatio de Compescendo Conatu Jesuitarum. [Tracts, Vol. 95.] 4to. Franc, 1632. Jesu Societas. Mysteria Jesuitarum ex Ipsorum Scriptis Eruta. i2mo. Lamp., 1633. Jesu Societas. Mystery of Jesuites' Works of Darkness brought to Light. [Tracts, Vol. 50.] 4to. 1659. Jesus. See Christus. Jeune (Paule le). Relation de ce qui s'est Passee en la Nouvelle France en 1634. [Tracts, Vol. 159.] Svo. Paris, 1635. 474 Jewel, or Juellus (John). Apologia Ecclesise Anglicanae. i2mo. Amber,, i6o6. Jewel, or Juellus (John). Apology for the Church of England. By Steph. Israacson. 8vo. 1825. Joachim, Abbott of Corazzo. Vaticinia ; Rota ; et Oraculum Turcicum. 4to. Ven,, 1589. Joannes Gerundensis. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. Joannes Sarisberiensis (John of Salisbury). Metalogicus. 8vo. Paris, 1610. Joannes Vasceus. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. John (St.) His Gospel, in Maltese and Italian. Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. 1822. John (St.) His Gospel, in French and Vaudoise. 8vo. John (St.) His Gospel, in French and Piedmontese. 8vo. John XXH. (Jas. d'Euse, Pape). Extra vagantes. With Bonifacius : Liber Sextus. Folio. JOHNES (Arthur James). Remarks on the late Report from the Select Committee on Bankruptcy, and the Bankruptcy Bill now pending, in a letter to Lord Brougham and Vaux. lamo. London, 1866. Johnson (Alexander J.) Reports of Cases determined in the Court of Appeal of New Zealand, 1867-18 74. 2 vols. 8vo. New Zealand, 1 87 2-1 8 75. Johnson (Andrew). Proceedings in the Trial before the United States' Senate. 8vo. Washington, 1868. Johnson (Hy. Rt. Vaughan). Reports of Cases adjudged in Chancery before Sir Wm. Page Wood, Vice-Chancellor. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., i860. Johnson (Hy. Rt. Vaughan) and Hemming (George W.) Reports of Cases adjudged in Chancery before Sir Wm. Page Wood, Vice- Chancellor. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., i860. Johnson (Hy. Rt. Vaughan). See Kay. Johnson (James) and Johnson (J. Henry). The Patentees' Manual. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1879. Johnson (John). A Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, Answers, or Rescripts concerning the Government of the Church of England, from its first Foundation to the Conquest. And of all the Canons since the Conquest and before the Reformation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1720. 475 Johnson (Hon. John). Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland, 1847-1854. 4 vols. 8vo. Annapolis and Baltimore, 185 1-1854. Johnson (John). The Clergyman's Vade Mecum ; or, an Account of the Ancient and Present Church of England : the Duties and Rights of the Clergy, and of their Privileges and Hardships. The Fifth Edition. i2mo. 1723. Part 2. Containing the Canonical Codes of the Primitive and Universal Church. Translated at large from the Original Greek. And the Canonical Codes of the Eastern and Western Church, down to a.d. 787. With Reflections on Moderate Non-Conformity, and the Rights of the Church. Third Edition. 2 vols. i2mo. 1723. Johnson (Rt.) Way to Glory. [Tracts, Vol. 91.] 4to. 162 1. Johnson (Sam.) Debates in Parliament. 2 vols. 8vo. 1787. Johnson (Sam.) Works. With Supplements and Life. 18 vols. 8vo. 1796. Johnson (Sam.) Dictionary. By Hy. Jn. Todd. 3 vols. 4to. 1827. Johnson (Sam.) Idler and Rambler, In British Essayists. Johnson (Sam.) Letters. See Piozzi. Johnson (Sam.) Poetical Works. In British Poets. Johnson (Sam.) Sermons. See John Taylor. Johnson (Tho.) Iter Plantarum Investigandarum. [Tracts, Vol. 57.] 4to. 1629. Johnson (Wm.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of New York, 1 799-1803. With Cases in the Court of Errors. With the Notes of Jacob Radcliff and Lorenzo B. Shepard. 3 vols. 8vo. 1 808-1 81 2. Johnson (Wm.) Reports in the Supreme Court of New York. 20 vols. 8vo. Phil, 1836. Johnson (Wm.) Reports in Chancery. 7 vols, 8vo. Phil., 1836. Johnson (W. Forbes). An Essay on the Science of Law. 8vo, Dublin, 1874 Johnston (Alexander J,) Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal of New Zealand, 8vo, Washington, 1873, Johnston (Alex, Keith). Physical Atlas. Folio. Edin. and Lond., 1848. Johnston (Alex. Keith). Dictionary of Geography ; or, Gazetteer of the World. 8vo. 1851. 476 Johnston (Alex, Keith). Royal Atlas, Folio. Edinburgh, 1861, Johnston (Alexander Keith), Index Geographicus. Being a List, alphabetically arranged, of the Principal Places on the Globe, With the Countries and Sub-divisions of Countries in which they are situated, and the Latitudes and the Longitudes. 8vo. London, 1864. Johnston (Lewis F, C.) Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain, By Ignatius Jordan, de Asso y del Rio, and Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez, [Translated.] 8vo. 1825. Johnston (Robt.) Historia Rerum Britannicarum, Gallicarum, &c., 1572-1628. Folio, Amst., 1655, Johnston (T, B., F.R,G,S.) and Robertson (Colonel James A., RR.A.S.) The Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland, 4to, Edinburgh and London, 1872, Johnstone (Jas,) Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae sive Series Rerum Gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum Insularum et Gentes Septentrionales, 4to. Har,, 1786, Johnstone (Jas,) Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae. Containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, Extracts from the Annals of Ulster, &c, 4to, Cop., 1786. JoiNviLLE, ou Jonville (Jean de). Histoire de S. Louis IX, Par Ch, Menard. 4to, Par., 1617. JoiNViLLE, ou Jonville (Jean de). Histoire de S. Louis. Translated by Thos, Johnes, 2 vols. 4to. Haf., 1807. JoiNviLLE, ou Jonville (Jean de). In Crusades Chronicles. (Bohn.) JoLi, ou Joly (Guy). Vie de. See Retz, Jones (Edwd,) Index to Records, called the Originalia and Memo- randa on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Side of the Exchequer. 2 vols. Folio, 1793. Jones (Edwyn), The Law of Salvage as administered in the High Court of Admiralty and the County Courts, With the principal Authorities, English and American, brought down to the Present Time, 8vo, London, 1870. Jones (Hy,) Remonstrance concerning the Church and Kingdom of Ireland. [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 4to. 1642. Jones (Hy.) Abridgment of Philosophical Transactions. Vols. 4 and 5. 2 vols, 4to. 1 72 1. Jones (Hy.) Philosophical Transactions. [Abridged.] Jones (Henry Cadman), Reports, See de Gex. 477 Jones (Horatio M.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the States of Missouri, 1855-1860. [Vols. 22-30, Missouri State Reports.] 9 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 185 6- 1861. Jones (H. M.), Barclay (D. R.), and Whittelsey (Charles C.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, 1860-1862. [Vol. 31, Missouri State Reports.] 8vo. St. Louis, 1862. Jones (Inigo). The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, called Stone-heng. Restored by Inigo Jones. Folio. 1725. Jones (John). Works. [Imperfect.] i2mo. 1650. Jones (J. Matthew, F.L.S.) Contributions to the Ichthyology of Nova Scotia. Part i. [Privately printed.] ' 8vo. Nova Scotia, 1863. Jones (J. Pringle). Pennsylvania State Reports. Vol. 2. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court during part of May Term, July Term, and part of September 1849. ^vo. Philadelphia, 1852. Jones (J. Pringle) and McMurtrie (R. C.) Pennsylvania State Reports. Vol. 12. Containing Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court during part of September Term and part of December Term 1849. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1858. Jones (Robt.) History of the French Bar. 8vo. 1855. Jones (Samuel) and Spencer (James C.) Reports of Cases in the Superior Court of the City of New York, 1871-1878. [Vols. 33-43, New York Superior Court Reports.] II vols. 8vo. New York, 1 873-1878. Jones (Theoph.) History of the County of Brecknock. 2 vols. 4to. Breck., 1805. Jones (Sir Tho.) Reports, Car. 11. Folio. 1695. Jones (Sir Thomas). Reports of several Special Cases in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, at Westminster, in the Reign of King Charles II. The Second Edition, in French and English. Folio. London, 1729. Jones (Th.) Reports of Cases in the Exchequer in Ireland, 5 and 6 Will. 4. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1837. Jones (Th.) and Carey (Henry). Reports of Cases in the Exchequer in Ireland, 2 and 3 Vict. 2 parts in i. 8vo. 1838-1839. Jones (Th.) and Latouche (Edmund Digges). Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Sugden, 1844-1846. 3 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1844. Jones (Th.) See Hayes. Jones (Th.) See Chetham Society's Publications, No. 48, 478 Jones (Thomas Wharton). See Camden Society's Papers, No. 105. 3 N.S. Jones (Sir Wm.) Reports, Jac. I. and Car, I. Folio. 1675. Jones (Sir Wm.) On Bailments. By Wm. Nichols. 8vo. 1823. Jones (Sir William). Al Sirajiyyah ; or, the Mahommedan Law of Inheritance. Reprinted from his Translation, published at Cal- cutta in 1792. With Notes and an Appendix. By Almaric Rumsey. Svo. London, 1869. Jones (Wm.) See Lipsius. Jones (Wm.) In British Poets. Jonson (Ben). Works. By Wm. Gifford. 9 vols. Svo. i8i6. JONSON (Ben). Conversations with Drummond. S.S. 8vo. 1842. JoNSON (Ben). Masques. By Payne Collier. S.S. With Cunning- ham's Jones. Svo. 1848. JoRBEDRiT (Dunstan). Navigatio ; Lingua Teutonica. 4to. Reip., 1590. Jornandes. See Augustse Historise Scriptores, JoRNANDES. See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores. Jornandes. See Muratori. JoRTiN (John). Life of Erasmus. 2 vols. 4to. 1758. JosEPHUs (Flavins). Opera {Lafm^\ per Ruffinum. Folio. Med., 15 13. JosEPHUS (Flavius). Opera {Latinh), per Ruffinum. [Damaged.] Folio. Col. Ag., 1524. JosEPHUs (Flavius). Opera Omnia {Gr. et Lat.\ cum Notis J. Hudsoni, D. Havercampi, &c. 2 vols. Folio. Amst., Lugd. Bat., and Ut., 1726. JosEPHUS (Flavius). Works. By Whiston. 4 vols. Svo. Edinb,, 18 14. JossELiNE (John). Catalogus Historicorum Anglorum. Per Tho. Hearne. With Avesbury. Svo. Oxon., 1720. Jossius (Nicander). De Voluptate, et Dolore ; de Risu, et Fletu. Svo. Fran., 1603. Jossius (Nicander). De Somno et Vigilio ; deque Fame, et Siti. Svo. Fran., 1603. JouBERT (Laur.) Paradoxa, cum Annotationibus in Galenum. Svo. Lugd., 1566. IJouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. (JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur, JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. JouBERT (Laur. 479 De Peste. De Quartana Febre. De Paralisi. Pharmacopeia. Isagoge Therapeutices Methodi, &c Traits du Ris. Annotations sur la Chirurgie de Chauliac. 8vo. Lyon, 1584. Pharmacopee ; par J. Paul Zangmaisterus. Svo. Lyon, 1588. Des Erreurs Populaires, touchant la Medicine. 8vo. Rouen, 1601. Questions des Huiles. [Tracts, Vol. 156.] 8vo. Lugd., 1567- Svo. Lugd., 1567- 8vo. Lugd., 1567- 8vo. Lugd., 1567- &c. 8vo. Lugd., 1577- Svo. Paris, 1579. JouFFROY (Theodore). Cours de Droit Naturel, profess^ h. la Faculte des Lettres h, Paris. 3 vols, in 7. Svo. Paris, 1S35. Journal du Palais. Repertoire General contenant la Jurisprudence de 1 791 h. 1 85 7, I'histoire du Droit, la Legislation et la Doctrine des auteurs ; par une societe de Jurisconsultes et de Magistrals. Edition completde jusqu'en 1S57 par un Supplement. 13 vols, in 7. 4to. Paris, 1855-185S. Journal of Jurisprudence. 6 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1 85 7. Journal of Science. Edited by James Samuelson and William Crookes, F.R.S. Vol. i, 1864; Vol. 2, 1865 ; Vol. 3, 1866 ; Vol. 4, 1867 ; Vol. 5, Parts i, 2, 1S68. Svo. London, 1864-1868. Journals of the House of Commons, from ist of Edward VI. to 5th of William and Mary. 10 vols. Folio. 1547, &c. Journals of the House of Commons, from ist of Edward VL to 8th of George III. 32 vols. Folio. 1547, &c. Journals of the House of Commons, from Nov. 8, 1547, to 1844. With Indexes. Journals of the Irish Commons. Journals of the Irish Commons. Journals of the Irish Commons. 124 vols. Folio. 1803-1S45. With Indexes and Appendix. 2 vols. Folio. Dublin, 1763. With Indexes and Appendix. 13 vols. Folio. Dublin, 1763. With Indexes. 33 vols. Folio. Dub., 1796-1S00. 48o Journals of the Lords. With Indexes and Calendar. [Continued.] 1 02 vols. Folio. Journals of the Irish Lords. 8 vols. Folio. Dub., 1799, 1800. Journals. Journal of Jurisprudence, Vol. i., No. 2. 8vo, Edinb., Glasgo., Aberd., and Lond., 1857. Journals. Journal du Palais. Par Blondeau et Guil. Gueret. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1737. Jovius (Paul Giovio). La Vita di Gonsalvo Ferrando di Cordova. 8vo. Fior., 1550. Jovius (Paul Giovio). Vita di Leon. X., di Adriano VI., et del Card. Pomp. Colonna. 8vo. Fior., 1551. Jovius (Paul Giovio). Elogia Virorum Bellica Virtute lUustrium. Folio. Bas., 1575. Jovius (Paul Giovio). Opera. 2 vols. Folio. Bas., 1578. Jovius (Paul Giovio). Histoire de son Temps. Par Den. Sauvage. 2 vols. Folio. Bas., 1581. Jovius (Paul Giovio). Commentario de le Cose de' Turchi. 4to. Rom. Jovius (Paul Giovio). See Moscovitarum Rerum Auctores. Joy (Hen., Baron). On the Evidence of Accomplices. 8vo. Dub., 1836. Joy (Hen. H.) On Peremptory Challenges of Jurors, and Case of the Queen ?;. Gregory. 8vo. Dub., 184 1. Joy (Hen., Baron). On the Admissibility of Confessions and Challenge of Jurors. 8vo. Dub., 1842. Joyce (James Wayland, M.A.) The Civil Power in its relations to the Church. Considered with special reference to the Court of Final Ecclesiastical Appeal in London. 8vo. London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 1869. Joyce (William). The Doctrines and Principles of the Law of Injunctions. 8vo. London, 1877. Joyce (William). The Law and Practice of Injunctions in Equity and at Common Law. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. JoYEUSE (d'Ang. de). La Vie de. Ensemble, les Vies de R. R. P. P. P. Benoist, et P. Archange. i vol. in 2. 8vo. Paris, 1621. Judas. Vie de Judas Iscariot. With Vie de Christ. 4to. Poic, 1511. Judex (Mat.) See Wigandi Corpus Doctrinse. Judex (Mat.) De Typographiae Inventione. With Cromerus : de Conjugio. 8vo. Cope., 1566. 48i Judex (Mat.) De Typographise Inventione. With Cromerus : de Conjugio. 8vo. Cope., 1566. Judges. The Judges' Judgment. A Speech. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1641. JuDicuM Novem in Judiciis Astrorum Liber. 4to. Ven,, 1508. JuGEMENS et Punitions de Dieu. i2mo. Mor., 1581. JuLiANi Epitome Latina Novellarum Justiniani. Ad XX. librorum MSS. et principalium Editionum fidem recognovit prolegomenis adnotatione addendis, quibus Compendia Epitomes a Boherio, Sennetoniis fratribus Pesnoto edita tabulae synopticse capitulorum omissorum et Translatorum continentur. Instruxit Gustavus Haenel. 4to. Lipsise, 1873. JuNCKERUS (Joh.) Methodus Therapeutica. [Tracts, Vol. 58.] 4to. 1 6 14. JuNCTiN (Fran.) Speculum Astrologiae. 4to. Lugd., 1575. JuNCTiN (Fran.) Commentaria in Sphaeram Johannis de Sacro-Bosco. 8vo. Lugd., 1577. Jung (Johann von). Darstellung des Ungarischen Privat. Rechtes. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1827. JuNiLius (D.) In Priora aliquot Geneseos Capita. With D. Claudianus. 4to. Bas., 1538. Junius {pseud.) Letters. New Edition by John Wade. See Dwarris. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850. Junius (Bald.) Opera in Defensionem Bellarmini. 4to. Ant., 16 11. Junius (Fran.) Apostolorum Acta, ex Arabica Translatione, {Latine), 8vo. Lugd., 1578 Junius (Fran.) De Politise Mosis Observatione. With Micquellus. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1593 Junius (Fran.) De Peccato Primo Adami. 8vo. 1595 Junius (Fran.), du Jou. Grammatica Hebraicse Linguae. 8vo. Genev., 1596, Junius (Fran. Jun.) Etymologicum Anglicanum. Edw. Lye, editore. Folio. Oxon., 1743 Junius (Hadr.) Batavia, sive Historia Bataviae, &c. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1588 Junius (Hadr.) Nomenclator. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1593, Junius (Melch.) Epistolae. 4to. Arg., 1581 Junius (Melch.) Resolutio Brevis Orationum Ciceronis. 8vo. Arg., 1594, (31) 482 Junius (Melch.) Epistolse Historicse. 8vo. Mont., 1595. Junius (Melch.) Animorum Conciliandorum Ratio. 8vo. Mont, 1596. Junius (Melch.) Questiones Politicse. 8vo. Fran., 1606. Junius (Melch.) Artis Dicendi Prsecepta. Bvo. Arg., 1607. JuNNER (R. J.) The Practice before the Railway Commissioners. Bvo. London, 1874. JuRECONSULTi. Commonefactio de Fine, &c. With Stephanus : Pontes. Bvo. Neo., 1590. JuRGiEwicius (And.) Bellum Quinti Evangelii. Bvo. Colon., 1595. JuRGiEwicius (And.) Quinti Evangelii Professores, NuUus et Nemo. Bvo. Monast., 1603. Juridical Society, London. Papers read before the Society, 1855- 186B. [Vol. 3 imperfect.] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1855-1868. Juridical Society of Edinburgh. A Complete System of Conveyancing, adapted to the present Practice of Scotland and the recent Statutes. Comprehending the Constitution, Transmission, and Extinction of Heritable and Moveable Rights, and Forms of Letters passing Her Majesty's Signet. In 3 vols. Vol. i. Heritable Rights. Vol. 2. Moveable Rights. [All published.] Fourth Edition. Bvo. Edinburgh, 185 5-1 865. Juris Civilis Pandectae seu Digesta. 3 vols. 4to. Venet., 1569. Juris Universi Tractatus. 1 8 vols, (and 3 of Index) in 28. Folio. Ven., 1584. Juris Vocabularius. Folio. Juris Vocabularius et Politicorum Eulogia. [Tracts, Vol. 152.] Bvo. Lips., 1628. JURiscoNSULTORUM, Varia Opuscula de Exercitatione et Variis Autoribus. Bvo. Arg., 1554. Jurisprudence and Amendment of the Law. Annual Reports of the Standing Committee. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] Bvo. London, 1B65. Jurisprudentia Vetus ante Justinianea, cum Commentariis Ant. Schultingii, &c. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1717. Jurisprudentia. Romana et Attica, cum Prsefationibus J. G. Heineccii et P. Wesselingii. 3 vols. Folio. Lugd. Bat, 1738. Jurist (The). Containing Reports of Cases in Equity and Common Law, the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts. With Digests of the Reports and Statutes, 1837-1B54, and Original Articles on Legal Subjects, all Important Statutes, Rules, and Orders of the Courts, &c. 18 vols, in 31. Bvo. London, 1838-1B54. 483 Jurist (The). Containing Reports of Cases, &c. New Series (continued), 185 5- 1866. With Digest. 12 vols, in 24. 8vo. London, 1 856-1 866. Jury of Inquisition, de Jure Divino, concerning Punishment upon Bishops. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1641. Jus Canonicum Digestum et Enucleatum juxta Ordinem Decretalium Gregorii IX. Ab And. Val. Desselio et Geo. Ad. Struvio, 8vo. Franc, Lips., et Jen., 1688. Jus Populi; or, Right of Subjects and Princes. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1644. Jus Regium ; or. Vindication of the Regal Power against Ecclesiastical Government. [Tracts, Vol. 13.] 4to. 1645. Jus Sigilli ; or, the Law touching the King's Four Principal Seals. 8vo. 1673. JusTELLUS (Hen.) Bibliotheca Juris. Justice. Pretended High Court of. [Tracts, Vol. 5. J 4to. 1661. Justice. Administration of. [Parliamentary Reports, Vols. 58 to 59, Q.] 18 vols. Folio. 1815-1834. Justice. Administration of, in Scotland. 3 vols. Folio. Justice. Administration of, in Ireland. 7 vols. Folio. '• Justice (Alex.) Dominion of the Sea. Justices de Village : Discours de I'Abus des Justices de Village. 8vo. Paris, 1605. Justin de Padua (St.) See Benedict (St.) Regulae. Justinian. Institutes of By T. C. Sandars. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. JusTiNiANi Imperatoris Codex. Folio, Romae, 1478. Justinian: Novellarum Constitutionum Versio Vulgata, recens. G. E. Heimbach. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Lips., 185 1. JusTiNiANi Codicis fragmenta Veronensia. Edidit Paulus Krueger. Folio. Berolini, 1874. JusTiNiANi Digestorum Libri, 1-50. Th, Mommsen. 4to. Berlin, 1866-1870. JusTiNiANiscHEN Codex. Kritik von Paul Kriiger. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. JusTiNiANUs. Codex. Recognovit Paulus Krueger. 4to. Berolini, 1 873-1 876. JusTiNiANUS (Flav.) Institutiones, cum Notis Lud. Russardi. 8vo. Antw., I C67. 484 JusTiNiANUs (Flav.) Codex, &c. 4to. 1591. JusTiNiANUS (Flav.) Justinianseus Codex ; cum Glossa. Folio. Nuremb., 1575. JusTiNiANUS (Flav.) Institutiones, i Silv. Aldobrandini, Cornelio, &c. 4to. Ven., 1599. JUSTINIANUS (Flav.) Institutiones, cum Recensione et Commentario Edw. Schraderi, Theoph. Lucas Frid. Tafeli, Gualth. Frid. Clossii, et Chris. Job. C. Maieri. 4to. Ben., 1632. JUSTINIANUS (Flav.) Imperatorum Justiniani, Justini, Leonis Novellae Constitutiones, Justiniani Edicta, &c. Folio. Aug. Vin., 1658. JusTiNiANUs (Flav.) Institutiones, k Silv. Aldobrandini, Cornelio, &c. With Translation by Geo. Harris. 4to. Oxf., 1811. JUSTINIANUS (Flav.) Institutiones. With Notes. By Tho. Cooper. Svo. New York, 1852. JUSTINIANUS (Flav.) Institutiones. With Introduction, Translation, and Notes. By Tho. Collett Sandars. Svo. 1853. JUSTINIANUS (Flav.) Justinianese Pandectse. Seg Pothier. JUSTINIANUS Defended against Baronius. [Tracts, Vol. 80.] 4to. 1616. JUSTINIANUS (Vine). Pro. S. Catherinse Imaginibus. With Nider: Reformatio. 8vo. Antw., 16 11. JusTiNus (Marc. Junianus). Historia, ex Trojo Pompeio, &c. 4to. Paris, 1506. JusTiNus (Marc. Junianus). See Valpy. JusTis (Vincent de). De Dispensationibus Matrimonialibus. Folio. Luc, 1 69 1. JuvARA (Fr.) De Bello Melotensi Nuntia Latina. With Micquellus. 8vo. 1565. JuvENALis (Decius Junius). See Maittaire. JuvENALis (Decius Junius). See Valpy. JuvENALis. [Translated.] In British Poets. JuvENCUs (Cai, Vectius Aquilinus). See Maittaire. 485 KAHL (Joh. Wetteranus) Calvinus. Lexicon Juridicum Juris Caesarei, simul et Canonici, Feudalis, item Civilis, Criminalis, Theoretici, Practici, Auctum ex Lucubrationibus, ac J. Cujacii, B. Brissonii, &c., cum Prsefationibus, D. Gothofredi, et H. Vulteii. Folio. Genev., 1645. Kalendars of Exchequer. See Palgrave. Kames (Henry Home, Lord). Law Tracts. 8vo. Edin., 1792. Kames (Henry Home, Lord). Elucidations respecting the Criminal Statute Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edin., 1800. Kames (Henry Home, Lord). Principles of Equity. 8vo. Edin., 1800, Kamitus (Dom.) De Regimine Pestilentico. 4to. Kane (Robt.) Industrial Resources of Ireland. 8vo. Dub., 1845. Kansas. The General Statutes. To which are prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Kansas. 8vo. Lawrence, 1868. Kansas. Laws passed at the Twelfth Session of the Legislature, January 9th, 1872. 8vo. Topeka, Kansas, 1872. Kansas Reports. Banks (1-5 Kansas State), 1862-1870. 5 vols. Webb (6-20 Kansas State), 1 867-1878. 15 vols. 20 vols. 8vo. Lawrence and Topeka, Kansas, 1864- 187 8. Kansas Territory. Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Kansas. See McCahon. Karls des Fiinfiften und des Heylingen Romischen Reichs Peinlich Gerichts Ordnung. With Brandt. Folio. Meyntz, 1533. Katchenovsky (Professor). Prize Law. Particularly with reference to the Duties and Obligations of Belligerents and Neutrals. Trans- lated from the Russian. By Frederick Thomas Pratt, D.C.L. 8vo. London, 1867. Kaumensentz {pseud.) Evidence on Legal Education. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo, 1847. Kay (Edwd. Ebenezer) and Johnson (Hy. Rt. Vaughan). Reports of Cases adjudged in Chancery before Sir Wm. Page Wood, Vice- Chancellor, 1853-1858. 8vo. Lond- and Dub., 1854-1859. 486 Kay (Joseph, Q.C.) Shipmasters and Seamen. Their Appointment> Duties, Powers, Rights, Liabilities, and Remedies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1875. Kay (Joseph, Q.C.) Free Trade in Land. With Preface. By John Bright. M.P. 8vo. London, 1879. Kaye (John Wm.) Life and Correspondence of Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Bombay, 1856. Kaye (John William). A History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857, 1858. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1870. Kaye (Wm.) Tripartite Remonstrance. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1657. Keane (Dav. Deady). Courts of Requests, their Jurisdiction and Powers. 8vo. 1844. Keane (Dav. Deady). A Collection of all Statutes now in force relating to Gaols and Houses of Correction in England and Wales. With Notes and Index. i2mo. 1850. Keane (Dav. Deady) and Grant (James). Registration Cases deter- mined in the Court of Common Pleas, Michaelmas Term 1854 to Michaelmas Term 1862. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1863. Keane (David, Q.C.) The Nuisances Removal and Diseases Preven- tion Acts. With Introductory Comments. Fifth Edition. By W. Cunningham Glen. i2mo. London, 1866, Sixth Edition. By W. C. Glen. London, 1870, Kearns (Rev. J. F.) Kalyana Shatanku ; or, the Marriage Ceremonies of the Hindus of South India. Together with a Description of the Funeral Ceremonies, &c. 8vo. Madras, 1868. Keating (Geoffrey). General History of Ireland. Translated from the Irish. By Dermod O'Connor. Folio. 1723. Keating (Sir Henry Singer). Smith's Leading Cases. With Notes. Keble (Jn.) Assistance to Justices of the Peace. Folio. 1683. Keble (Jn.) Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to this Time (27 Car. II.) 2 vols. Folio. 1684. Keble (Jn.) Reports, 12 to 30 Charles ll. 3 vols. Folio, 1685. Keck (Jo.) Responsio ad Weberum, &c. 8vo. 1622. Keckerman (Barth.) De Locatione. With Scarmilionus. 8vo. Han., 1598. Keckerman (Barth.) Systema Logicse. 8vo. 1603. Keckerman (Barth.) Disputationes Philosophicae. 8vo. Han., 1606. Keckerman (Barth.) Contemplatio Gemina. 8vo. Han., 1607. 48; Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth, Keckerman (Barth. &c. Keckerman (Barth. Spartana. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Keckerman (Barth. Praecognita Philosophica. 8vo. Han., 1607. Idea Methodica Philosophise. Folio. Han., 1609. Disputationes Politicae de Monarchia Persarum, Folio. Han., 1609. Politicae Speciales duae, Nempe Atheniensis et 4to. Dant., 1609. De Natura et Proprietatibus Historiae. 8vo. Han., 1610. Systema Geographicum, &c. 8vo. Han., 161 1. Sy sterna Astronomise. 8vo. Han., 161 1. Disputationes Practicae. 8vo. Han., 161 2. Systema Physicum. 8vo. Han., 161 7. Commentarius Logicus. With Bonnseus. 8vo. Berol., 1620. Systema Ethicae. Svo. Franc, 1625. Problemata Nautica. With Pontanus. i2mo. Harder., 1637. Keele (W. C.) The Provincial Justice ; or, Magistrate's Manual. Being a Complete Digest of the Criminal Law of Canada, and a General View of the Provincial Law of Upper Canada. Third Edition. Svo. Toronto, 185 1. Keen (Ben.) Reports of Cases in the Rolls Court, during the time of Lord Langdale. 2 vols. Svo. 183 6- 1839. Keen (Ben). See Mylne. Keightlev (Tho.) Fairy Mythology. S.S. Svo. 1850. Keilwey (Robt.) Reports, Henry VH. and VHL With some Reports of Dalison and Bendloe, temp. Eliz. Folio. 1633. Keilwey (Robert). Reports d'ascuns Cases aux temps Hen. VII. et Hen. VIII., que ne sont comprises deins les Livres des Terms et Ans de mesmes les Roys. Seliges hors des papibres de Robert Keilwey, Esq., par Jean Cooke, ovesque les Reports d'ascuns Cases par G. Dallison, et par G. Bendlox. La Tierce Edition. Folio. London, i688. Kelhaimerus, seu Kelhaimannus (Geo. Acanthius). Philosophia Platonica. With Plutarch: de Liberis. Svo. Basil. Kelham (Robert). The Dissertation of John Selden annexed to Fleta. Translated with Notes. By the Editor of Britton. [Translated and illustrated.] Svo. London, 1771. 488 Kelham (Rt.) Dictionary of the Norman or old French Language. To which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror. With Notes and References. 8vo. 1779. Kelham (Rt.) Domesday Book. [Illustrated.] 8vo. 1788. Kelham (Rt.) Norman Dictionary. In Bouvier. Keller (Henri). Carte Routibre de la Suisse. Zurich, 1856. Keller (Jas.) Tyrannicidium adversus Calumnias in Societatem Jesus Jactatas. 4to. Mona., 16 11 Kellison (Mat.) Survey of the New Religion. 4to. Douay, 1605. Kellison (Mat.) Reply to Sutcliff. 8vo. Rhem., 1608. Kellison (Mat.) Examen Reformationis Novae, Praesertim Calvinianse. 8vo. Duaci., 1616. Kellison (Mat.) Hierarchy of the Church. 8vo. Douay, 1629. Kelly (Chs.) See Flanagan. Kelly (Pat.) The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. A Treatise on Exchanges, Coins, Weights, and Measures of all Nations. 2 vols in i. 4to. 1835. Kelly (Robert). Trial of, for the Murder of Head Constable Talbot at Dublin, 187 1. By John Hill and William O'Brien, Q.C. 8vo. Dublin, 1873. Kelly (W.) Lectures introductory to the Study of the Earlier His- torical Books of the Old Testament. 8vo. London, 1874. Kelly (W.) The Sabbath and the Lord's. Day. The Substance of a Lecture delivered in London. 8vo. London, 1874. Kelyng (Sir John). Reports of divers Cases in Pleas of the Crown. Folio. 1708. Kelyng (Sir John). Reports of Crown Cases in the Time of King Charles 11. Third Edition. Containing Cases never before printed. With a Treatise upon the Law and Proceedings in Cases of High Treason. By a Barrister-at-Law. Edited by Richard Loveland Lov eland. 8vo. London, 1873. Kelynge (Wm.) Reports of Cases in Chancery, the King's Bench, &c., 4-8 Geo. II. Lord King, Chancellor; Lords Raymond and Hardwicke, Chief Justices. With additional Cases. Folio. 1764. Kem (Sam., Major). Farewell Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1647. Kemble (Jn. Mitchell). Codex Diplomaticus .^vi Saxonici. 6 vols. 8vo. 1839. 489 Kemble (J. M.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 45, 65. Kemmerichius (Dieteric. Herm.) Synopsis Juris Criminalis. 8vo. Pisis., 1768. Kempis (Thos. &). Opera. Cura Hen. Sommalii. 4to. Antw., 1607. Kempis (Thos. a). See Gerjacus. Kempius (Corn.) De Origine, Situ, Qualitate, et Quantitate Friziae, et Rebus, Friziis Praeclare Gestis. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1588. Kemplay (James). Plan for dealing with the Statute Law. 8vo. 1855. Kenealy (Edward Vaughan, LL.D.) A New Pantomime. 8vo. London, 1863. Kennet (Basil). Translation of PufFendorf's Law of Nations. Kennett (White, D.D.) Ecclesiastical Synods and Parliamentary Convocations in the Church of England. Historically stated and justly vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Mr. Atterbury. 8vo. London, 1701. Kennett (White, Bishop of Peterborough). The Cases of Impropria- tions, and of the Augmentation of Vicarages, and other insufficient Cures, stated by History and Law. With an Appendix of Records and Memorials relating to that Subject. 8vo. London, 1701. Kennett (White, Bishop of Peterborough), History of England. 3 vols. Folio. 1 7 19. Kennett (White, Bishop of Peterborough). Register and Chronicle, Ecclesiastical and Civil. Containing the Matters of Fact delivered in the Words of the most Authentick Books, Paper, and Records. With Notes and References. Folio. London, 1728. Kennett (White, Bishop of Peterborough). Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Barcester, and other parts in Oxford and Bucks. 2 vols. 4to. Oxf., 18 18. Kenny (C. S., LL.B.) and Lawrence (P. M., B.A.) Two Essays on the Law of Primogeniture. 8vo. Cambridge and London, 1878. Kent Archaeological Society's Transactions. See Archaeologia Cantiana. Kent. The Domesday Book of Kent. With Translation, Notes, and Appendix. By the Rev. Lambert Blackwell Larking, M.A. Folio. London, 1869. Kent (James). Commentary on International Law. Revised. With Notes and Cases brought down to the Present Time. By J. T. Abdy, LL.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1866. 490 Kent Qas.) Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1826-1830. Eighth Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854. Eleventh Edition. By George Comstock. 4 vols. 8vo Boston, 1866. Twelfth Edition. By O. W. Holmes. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston and London, 1873. Kentmanus, or Kentmannus (Theoph.) De Animse Medicina. With Weigelius, i2mo. Hala., 1609. Kentucky Reports, 1 785-1 876. Hughes, 1785-1801. I vol. Sneed, 1801-1805. i vol. Hardin, 1 805-1 808. i vol. Bibb, 1808-1817. 4 vols. Marshall (A. K.), 1817-1821. 3 vols. Littell, 182 2- 182 4. 5 vols. Littell, Select Cases, 1 795-1 821. i vol. Monroe (T. B.), 1824-1828. 7 vols, in 6. Marshall (J. J.), 1 829-1 832. 7 vols. Dana, 1833-1840. 9 vols. Monroe (B.), 1840-1858. 18 vols. Metcalfe, 185 9- 1863. 4 vols. Duval, 1 864- 1 866. 2 vols. Bush, 1866-1878. 13 vols. 75 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, Cincinnati, Louisville, 18 10-1878. Kentucky. The Code and Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases for the State of Kentucky. With all Amendments made prior to January ist, 1867. Edited by Harvey Myers. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1867. Kentucky. The Revised Statutes of Kentucky, approved and adopted by the General Assembly, 185 1 and 1852, and in force from July I, 1852. A New Edition. By R. H. Stanton. With References to Myer's Supplemental Volume, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1867. Kentucky. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of Kentucky, from 1805 to 1873. 72 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, Cincinnati, &c., 181 0-1876. Kenyon (Jn., Lord). Reports. By Job Walden Hanmer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 81 9-1825. Kepler (Joh.) Astronomise Pars Optica. 4to. Franc, 1604. Kepler (J oh.) Dioptrice. 4to. Aug. Vi., 1611. Kepler (Joh.) Eclogae Chronicae de Tempore Christi, &c. 4to. Franc, 1615. Kepler (Joh.) Epitome Astronomiae Copernicae. 8vo. Lent., 1618. 491 Kepler (Joh). Harmonices Mundi. Folio. Lin., 1619. Kepler (Joh.) De Proportione Orbium Caelestium. Folio. Franc, 1621. Kepler (Joh.) Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo Gal. Galilsei. 4to. Prg., 1 610. Kepler (Joh.) Chilias Logarithmorum. 4to. Marp,, 1624. Kepler (Joh.) Ad Epistolam Jac. Bartschii Responsio. 4to. 1629. Kepler (Joh.) De Raris Phsenomenis. [Tracts, Vol. 63.] 4to. Franc, 1630. Kerferd (George Briscoe) and Box (John Burnett, B.A,, LL.D.) Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Victoria, 1846- 187 1. 4to. Melbourne, 187 1. Kermadec (Fr. de). Relation de Plusieurs Divers Jugemens faits en France, sur les Droits des Rois. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 4to. Caen, 16 15. Kern (H.) Die Glossen in der Lex Salica und die Sprache der Salische Frankenbeitrag zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprachen. 8vo. Haag, 1869. Kernan (Francis). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. With Notes, Refer- ences, and an Index, 1854-1856. [Vols. 11-14, New York Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 185 5- 1863. Kernerus (Arn.) Tetras Chymiatrica. 8vo. Erp., 1618. Kernerus (Arn.) Jesus, Balsamus Vegetabilis. With Steganologia. 8vo. Ged., 1618. Kerr (Dav. Shanks). New Brunswick Reports. 3 vols. 8vo. St. John, N.B., 1843. Kerr (R. M.) Blackstone's Commentaries. See Blackstone. Kerr (Robt. Malcolm). An Action at Law. Being an Outline of the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Common Law, with the Proceedings in Actions therein. Third Edition. By Basset Smith. i2mo. Lond. and Dub., 1861. Kj^rr (William Williamson). On the Law and Practice of Injunctions in Equity. 8vo. London, 1867, Kerr (William Williamson). On the Law of Fraud and Mistake, as administered in Courts of Equity. 8vo. London, 1868. Kerr (William Williamson). On the Law and Practice as to Receivers appointed by the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1869. 492 Kerr (William Williamson). On the Law of Discovery, 8vo. London, 1870. Keslar (Fr.) Espargne Bois; i.e., Invention de certains Fourneaux Artificiels. [Tracts, Vol. 60,] 4to. 0pp., 1619. Kettle (Rupert). Strikes and Arbitrations. With the Procedure and Forms successfully adopted in the Building Trade at Wolver- hampton. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. Wolverhampton, 1866. Key (Thos.) and Elphinstone (Howard Warburton). A Compendium of Precedents in Conveyancing. Comprising the Forms required in ordinary Practice. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Key (T. Hewit). Controversy about the Varronianus with the Rev. J. W. Donaldson. With Marriage Act. i2mo. 1845. Key (T. Hewit). The Representatives of the Greek Preposition ana. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] 8vo. 1854. Keyes (Emerson W.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. With Notes, References, and an Index. March 1864 — September 1868. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1867-1869. Keyser (Hy.) On the Law of the Stock Exchange. lamo. 1850. Khunrath (Conr.) Medulla Distillatoria et Medica ( German). 4to. Hamb., 1605. Khunrath (Conr.) Bericht vom Athanore. [Tracts, Vol. 155.] 8vo. 1615. KiLiANUS (Corn.) Dictionarium Teutonicum. 8vo. Alem., 161 3. Kimber (E.) and Johnson (R.) The Baronetage of England. Con- taining a Genealogical and Historical Account of all the English Baronets now existing. Illustrated with their Coats of Arms. To which is added an Account of such Nova Scotia Baronets as are of English Descent, and a Dictionary of Heraldry. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. KiME (W. T.) On the Replication de Injuria. i2mo, 1843. Kime (W. T.) Practical Hints and Memoranda for the use of Persons engaged in conducting Proceedings in the Courts of Law at West- minster. 1 2 mo. 1848. King. Discourse for a King and Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1 660. King. King's Title Jure Divino. 4to. 1660. King. King's Right of Indulgence in Spiritual Matters. With Allegiance Oath. 4to. 1688. 493 King. King's Inns, Dublin. [^Charter of the Society. 8vo. Dub,, 1792. King. King's College, and Mr. Maurice. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] Svo. 1854. King (Chancellor). Cases in Time of. See Moseley. King (Chancellor). See Select Cases. King (Dan.) Vale-Royal of England; or, the County Palatine of Chester. [Illustrated.] Folio. 1656. King (Dan.) Isle of Man. Discourse of the. Folio. 1656. King (Edward, F.R.S., F.A.S.) Munimenta Antiqua ; or. Observations on Ancient Castles. Including Remarks on the whole Progress of Architecture, Ecclesiastical as well as Military, in Great Britain, and on the corresponding Changes in Manners, Laws, and Customs. Tending both to illustrate Modern History, and to elucidate many interesting Passages in various Ancient Classic Authors. 4 vols, in 2. Folio. London, 1 799-1805. King (Hen.) Sermon. 4to. 162 1. King (John). Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 92.] 4to. Oxford, 1608. King (Peter, Lord). Life of Locke. With Extracts from his Corres- pondence, Journals, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830. Kingston (Duchess of). Trial of. Folio. 1776. Kinnear (John Boyd). On the Law of Bankruptcy, under the existing Statutes in Scotland. With reference to the former Acts, Digest of Cases, and Directions for Procedure. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Kinnear (John Boyd). Digest of House of Lords Cases decided on Appeal, from 1709 to 1864. With a Glossary of Scotch Law Terms. Svo. Edinburgh, 1865. KiRCHER (Athan.) Ars Lucis, et Umbrae. Kircher (Athan.) Obeliscus Panphilius. KiRCHER (Athan.) Musurgia Universalis. KiRCHNER (Herm.) Respublica. KiRCHNER (Herm.) Orationes. KiRKEBv (John de). Inquest taken in Yorkshire, temp. Edward I. See Surtees Society, No. 49. KiRKPATRiCK (Henry Clare). Report of the Action for Libel brought by the Rev. Robert O'Keefe, P.P., against Cardinal Cullen. 8vo. London, 1874. Folio. Rom., 1646. Folio, Rom., 1650. Folio. Rom., 1650. 8vo. Marp., 1608. Svo. Marp,, 1617, 494 KiRWAN (A. V.) Modern France. Its Journalism, Literature, and Society. 8vo. London, 1863. KiRWAN (A, V.) Nisi Prius Reports. See Carrington. KiTCHiN (John) Jurisdictions ; or, the Lawful Authority of Courts Leet, Courts Barron, Court of Marshalseyes, -Court of Pypowder, and Antient Demesne. Svo, London, 1663. KiTCHiN (Jn.) Jurisdiction of Courts Leet, Baron, &c. Svo. 1856. Kleinfeldius (Nic.) De Immortalitate Animse. With Denores. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1598. Klostermann (Dr. K.) Die Patentgesetzebung aller Lander nebst den Gesetzen iiber Musterschutz und Waarenbezeichnungen sys- tematisch und vergleichend dargestellt. Svo. Berlin, 1869. Kluber (Jean-Louis). Droit des Gens Modernes de I'Europe. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Kluber (Jean-Louis). Droit des Gens Modernes de I'Europe. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1831. Knapp (Jer. Wm.) Cases determined before Committees of the Privy Council, 1 82 9- 1 836. 2 vols. Svo. 1S31 1836. Knapp (Jer. Wm.) See Perry's Election Cases. Svo. 1833. Knapp (Jer. Wm.) and Ombler (Edward). Cases of Controverted Elections in the Twelfth Parliament of the United Kingdom. Svo. London, 1837. Kneeling. Dispute upon the Question of 4to. 1608. Knight (Charles). The EngUsh Cyclopaedia of Geography. 4 vols, 4to. London, 1854. Knight (Sam.) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's and Founder of St. Paul's School. With some Account of the Masters and more Eminent Scholars of that Foundation. Svo. 1724. Knighton (Hen.) See Anglicanae Historige Scriptores. Knoblochius (Tob.) De Podagra {German). Svo. Witteb., 1606. Knolles (Rd.) Turkish History. With a Continuation. By Sir Paul Rycaut. 3 vols. Folio. 1687. Knowles (G. P.) A Genealogical and Heraldic Account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn, Chiefs of that Name, from their first Settlement in Scotland to a.d. 1S54. To which are added the Pedigrees of Seven other considerable Families that through Heiresses became incorporated with the House of Coulthart. ' ^> Derived from Family Muniments. Svo. London, 1 85 5. Knowles (John P.) Rhode Island Reports. Vol. 3. Containing Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1853-1856. Svo. Providence, 1856. 495 Known Laws; or, Examination of those who have withdrawn the King from his People. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1643. Knox (G. E,, C.S.) The Criminal Law of the Bengal Presidency. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873. Knox (G. E., C.S.) A Digest of Civil Procedure prevalent in British India. 2 vols. Svo. Allahabad, 1877. Knox (Jn.) Answer to the Adversaries of God's Predestination. Svo. Genev., 1560. Knox (Jn.) History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland. Folio. 1644. Koch (Dr. C. F.) Allgemeines Deutsches Handel gesetz buch mit Kommentar in Aumerkungen. Zweite vermehrte ausgabe. Svo. Berlin, 1868. KocK (Chr. Gui. de). Traitds de Paix depuis le Paix de Westphalie. Par F. Schoell, 4 vols. Svo. Brux., 1837. KtENiG (Ls. Ant. Alf.) These par la Licence. Droit Francois. 4to. Par., 1850. KoLDiNGENSis (Joan.) Danise Descriptio. With Danica Descriptio. Svo. Fran., 1594. KoLDiNGENSis (Joan.) Danise Descriptio. With Danica Descriptio. 1594. KoLLiN (Conrad.) Eversio Lutherani Epithalamii. With Cocleus : Luther. 4to, 1527. KoNiG (Reinh.) Acies Disputationum Politicarum. With Boterus: Polititia. 4to. Jen., 16 16. KoNiNGSHAF (N. Honiger). Aulge Turcicse Othomannique Imperii Descriptio. 2 vols. Svo. Bas., 1577. Koran. See Alkoran and Sale. KoRNMAN (Hen.) Templum Naturae Historicum. Svo, Darm., 161 1. Kornman (Hen.) De Quatuor Elementis, &c. Svo. Darm., 161 1. KoRNMAN (Hen.) Sibylla Trigandriana, seu de Virginitate, Virginis Statu et Jure, &c. Svo. Franc, 16 10. Kornman (Hen.) Linea Amoris. Svo. Franc, i6io. Kornman (Hen.) Pallium Exulans, in Possessionem Restitutum, Svo. 1629. Krakevitz (Barth.) De Conjugio. Svo. Witteb., 1606. Krantz (Alb.) Metropolis sive Ecclesiastica Historia Saxonise. Svo. Col, 1574. 496 Krantz (Alb.) Wandalia. 2 vols. Folio. 1580. Krantz (Alb.) Regnorum Aquilonarium Chronica. Folio. Franc, 1583. . Krantz (Alb.) Saxonia. Folio. Franc, 1580. Krantz (Alb.) Metropolis sive Ecclesiastica Historia Saxonise. Folio. Franc, 1590. Kriegel (D. Albertus et D. Mauritius). Corpus Juris Civilis. Impressio quatuordecima. 3 vols. 4to, Lipsiae, 1872. Krueger (Paul). Justiniani Codicis Fragmenta Veronensia. Folio. Berolini, 1874. Krueger (Paulus). Justinianus Codex. 4to. Berolini, 1873-1876. Kruger (Paul). Kritik des Justinianis-chen Codex. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. KvD (Stewart). On the Law of Corporation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1793, 1794. Kyd (Stewart). On the Law of Awards. 8vo. London, 1799. 497 LABB^US (Phil), Labbe, et Cossartius (Gab.) Sacrosancta Con- V cilia, Gr. et Lat ; cum Duobus Apparatibus. 17 vols, in 18. Folio. Paris, 1671. Laberius (Jul. Decimus). See Maittaire. Labilli^re (Francis Peter). The Constitutions of the Australian Colonies. [Pamphlet, 11 pages.] 8vo. London, 1872. Laboulaye (E.) Procedure Civile chez les Remains. See Walter. Laboulaye (Edouard). Essai sur les Lois Criminelles des Romains, concernant des Magistrats. 8vo. Par, et Leip., 1845. Laboulaye (Edouard). See Droit. Labuan. Ordinances enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Island of Labuan, 1 849- 1 85 5. Folio. Singapore, 1857. Ordinances, 1857, 1863, and 1865. FoHo. Singapore, 185 7-1 865. LACEPiiDE (Bon. Germ. Etienne). Histoire Nouvelle des Poissons. 5 vols. 4to. Par., 1798. LAci;PEDE (Bon. Germ. Etienne). Des Quadrupedes Ovipares et des Serpens. 2 vols. 4to. Par., 1788. Lacepede (Bon. Germ. Etienne). Des C^tacees. 4to. Par., 1804. Lacinius (Janus). Artis Chymise Collectanea. 4to. Norib., 1554. La Constitucion Politica de la Republica de Chile Comentada Segunda Parte. Segunda Edicion. i6mo. Gante, 1865. Lactantius (Lucius Caelius Firmianus). Opera. Folio. Basil, 1563. Lacthner (Chr.) Actus CEconomicus. With Maier : Verum. 8vo. Francf., 1619. LiELius (Vine.) De Animse Immortalitate, et de Substantia Coeli. With Duodus. 4to. Ven., 1588. Laet (Jn. de). Nieuve Wereldt ofte Beschriivinghe van West Indien. Folio. Leyden, 1630. Laet (Jn. de). Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. Folio. Lugd. Bat., 1633. Laetus, seu Laetus (C. Erasmus Mich.) De, Republica Noribergensium. 4to. Franc., 1574. Laetus, seu Laetus (Pomponius Julius). Romanae Historiae Compen- dium. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 4to. Ven., 1499. Laetus, seu Laetus (Pomponius Julius). Romanse Historiae Compen- dium. With Symmachus. (32) 498 Laffemas (Isaac de). Histoire du Commerce de France. 8vo. Paris, 1606. Lagalla (Jul. Cses.) De Immortalitate Animorum, ex Aristotele. 4to. Romae, 162 1. Lagneus (Dav.) Harmonia Chimicorum. lamo. Paris, 161 1. Lagrange (E.) Manuel de Droit Romain, ou Explication des Insti- tutes de Justinien, par demandes et responses. Douzieme Edition. i8mo. Paris, 1869. Lagreze (G. B. de). Histoire du Droit dans les Pyrenees. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Laing (Malcolm). History of Scotland. 4 vols. 8vo. 1804. LAiNGiEus (Jac.) De Vita, &c., Hsereticorum. 8vo. Paris, 1 581. Lalamantius (Joh.) De Ptisana. With Galen. 8vo. Hedu., 1578. Lalor (T. M.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the late Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1842-1864. [Supple- ment to Hill and Dennis.] 8vo. Albany, 1857. Lamartine (Alphonse de). Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols. 8vo. Par., 1847. Lamb (Chs.) Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1854. Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Perambulation of Kent. 4to. 1596. ( Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Eirenarcha; or. Office of a Justice of ] Peace. 8vo. 1602. i Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Duties of Constables. 8vo. 1602. Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Archion ; or, a Commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England. 8vo. 1635. Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Archaionomia, seu de Anglorum Legibus Priscio, Libri, Sermone Anglico Conscripti ; Accessore Leges Henrici L, cum Glossario. Folio. Cantab., 1644. Lambarde, or Lambard (Wm.) Archaionomia. With Bede. Lambecius (Pet.) Origines Hamburgenses, et Urbe Condita, usque ad annum 1225. Lambecius (Pet.) Vita S. Anscharpii, 4to. Hamb., 1652. Lambert (Damp. Matthias). Commentaires sur la Reigle de S. Benoist. 8vo. Liege, 1596. Lambert (Fran.) De Causis Excsecationis Multorum Sseculorum. 8vo. Arg., 1524. Lambert (Fran.) In Sancti Joannis Apocalypsin Exegesis. 8vo. Marp., 1528. 499 Lambertinus (Cses.) De Jure Patronatus. 3 vols, in I. Folio. Lugd., 1580. Lamburtus Schaffnaburgensis. Annales Rheginonis Abbatis Brumiensis. With Leechtenaw. Folio. Aug., 1609. Lamburtus Schaffnaburgensis. See Schardius. Lamothe (James Corlett). Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promul- gated from the year 1853 to the year 1861, inclusive. 8vo. Douglas, 1862. Lampredus (Jo. Maria). Juris Publici Universalis sive Juris Naturae et Gentium, Theoremata. 3 vols. 8vo. Lib., 1776. Lampridius (^lius). See Augustse Historise Scriptores. Lancellotti (Did. Sec.) L'Hoggidi. 8vo. Ven., 1627. Lancelot, Lancellottus, or Lancilottus (Hen.) Capistrum Hunnium. [Tracts, Vol. 135.] 8vo, Ant., 16 16. Lancelot, Lancellottus, or Lancilottus (Hen.) Haereticum Quare per Catholicum Quia. 8vo. Antw., 161 7. Lancelot, Lancellottus, or Lancilottus (Hen.) Funiculus Triplex Religiosse Perfectionis, &c. i2mo. Mog., 1622, Lancelot, Lancellottus, or Lancilottus (Hen.) De Licentia Religionum. With Desiderius. i2mo. Mog., 1622. Lancelotti (Jn. Paul.) Institutiones Juris Canonici, cum Notis Variorum. 4 vols. 4to. Hal. Magd. Lancilottus (Corn.), Lanciletto. Vita Divi Augustini. 8vo. Ant, 1 616. Land. Ways and Means for Improving Land. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1646. Landaffe (Bishop of). Oration before the Prince of Orange. [Tracts Vol. 122.] 4to. 1619. Landi (Cost.) Sopra una Impresa d'un Pino, &c. 8vo. Mil., 1560. Land Laws of England (The). Remarks with reference to the Land Laws of England, on some passages in Mr. John Stuart Mill's " Principles of Political Economy," and M. Louis Blanc's " Letters of England." [Pamphlet] i2mo. London, 1867. Free Trade in Land. Comments on the Speech of Professor Fawcett, at Brighton, on the 27th January, 1863, as respects some passages in reply to the Letters of " A Hertfordshire Incumbent," and others, in the Times. By William Hayes. [Pamphlet] i2mo. London, 1868. 500 Land Laws of England (The) — continued. The Land Laws of England discussed, with reference chiefly to some recent writings of Professor Fawcett and others. By Two Barristers. [Pamphlet] i2mo. n.d. Land Tenure. Systems of Land Tenure in various Countries. A Series of Essays pubUshed under the Sanction of the Cobden Club. 8vo. London, 1870. Landus (Ant. Hier.) Flores Legum. i2mo. Venet., 17 13. Lane (Rd.) Reports, 3-9 Jac. I. Folio. 1657. Lane (Edwd. Wm.) Modern Egyptians. 3 vols. i2mo. 1846. Lanfranchi (Gio. Pietro). Risposta alii Ribelli de la Valtelina. With Ingenuis. 4to. Milan, 1627. Langbaine (Jer.) Review of the Covenant. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1660. Langdell (C. C.) Cases on the Law of Contracts. With References and Citations. 8vo. Boston, 187 1. Langdell (C. C.) A Selection of Cases on Sales of Personal Property. With References and Citations. I vol. 8vo. Boston and London, 1872. Langhecrucius (Jo.) Flores Spirituales, Decerpti ex Psalmis. i2mo. Antw., 1592. Langhorne (John). In British Poets. Langius (Joh.) Epistolse Medicinalis. 8vo. Hanov., 1605. Langius (Wilh.) De Annis Christi. 4to- Lugd., 1649. Langley (Albt. Gordon). A Reading of the Act to further amend the Law of Property and relieve Trustees. i2mo. i860. Langley (A. G.) A Reading of Lord St. Leonards' Law of Property, and Trustees' Relief Act, 22 and 23 Vict, c. 35. i2mo. London, i860. Langmead (Thomas P. Taswell, B.C.L.) English Constitutional History. 8vo. London, 1875. Langmead (Thomas P. Taswell, B.C.L.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 73. Langobardi^ Leges. See Muratori : Italicarura Rerum Scriptores. Langtoft (Peter). Chronicle. By Tho. Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1723. Langtoft (Pierre de). The Chronicle in French Verse, from the Earliest Period to the Death of Edward I. Vol. i. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. See Brit, Gt, No. 47. 1867. 50I Langton (William). See Chetham Societys' Publications, Nos. 57, 95, 98, 99. Lankester (Edwin, M.D.) The Second Annual Report of the Coroner for the Central District of Middlesex, from August ist, 1863, to July 31st, 1864. [Vol. 14, Pamphlets.] 8vo. London, 1864. Lankester (Edwin). See Spring Water. Lansberg (Jas.) Apologia pro Phil. Lansbergio in Motum Terrae. With Wodderbornius, 4to. Mid., 1633. Lansberg (Phil.) Progymnasmata Astronomiae Restitutse. 4to. Mid., 1619. Lansberg (Phil.) In Motum Terrae. 4to. Mid., 1630. Lansing (Abraham). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, February 1869-187 3. 7 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870-1873. ' Lanspergius (Jo.) Divini Amoris Pharetra. i2mo. Col., 1576. Lanspergius (Jo.) Jesu Christi ad Animam Fidelem Alloquium. i2mo. Col., 1576. Lanspergius (Jo.) Enchiridion Militiae Christianse. i2mo. Antw., 1576. Lanspergius (Jo.) Vita della Beata Virgine Gertruda. 4to. Venet, 1588. Lanteri (M. Jac. de). Del Modo di Disegnare le Piante della Fortezze, &c. 4to. Ven., 1557. Lapide (Corn. k). In Apocalypsin Johannis Commentarii. Folio. Antw., 1627. Lapp (Wm.) See Ridgway and Schoales. Lappenberg (J. M.) History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Translated by Benj. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845. Lappenberg (J. M.) History of England under the Norman Kings. Translated by Benj. Thorpe. 8vo. Oxf., 1857. Lapus Abbas super Libro Sexto Decretalium, &c. With Faber : Tolosanus. Folio. Rom., 1589. Lara. Perez, Lara. El Licenciado. Reprehension de Estados. 8vo. Mad., 1584. Larking (L. B.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 65, 80. Larombiere (M. L.) Theorie et Pratique des Obligations, ou Com- mentaire des Titres 3 et 4, Livre 2, du Code Civil. Art. iioi k 1386. Nouvelle Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1862, 1863. 502 Larousse (Pierre). Grande Dictionnaire Universel du XIX. Sibcle. i6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1866-1878. Lascaris (Const.) Erotemata. With Plautus. 4ta Lascelles (Rowley). Libera Munerum Publicorum Hibernise ; or, the Establishments of Ireland. 2 vols. Folio. 182 4- 1852, Lasco (Jo. a). Defensio Verge Doctrinse de Christi Incarnatione. 8vo. Bon., 1545. Lascovius (Pet. Men.) De Homine. 8vo. Wit., 1585. Lasso de Oropesa (Martin). Lucano en Castellano. 8vo. Anver., 1585. Lastarria (J. V.) Elementos de Derecho Publico Constitutional Teorico, Positivo i Politico. Primeira Parte. Tercera Edicion. i6mo. Gante, 1865. Latch (Jn.) Reports, temp. Car. I. By Edw. Walpoole. Folio. 1662. Latham (Francis Law). On the Law of Window Lights. 8vo. London, 1867. Latham (R. G., M.A., M.D., F.R.S.) The English Language. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Latham (Robert Gordon, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.) A Dictionary of the English Language. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson, as edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd, M.A. With numerous Emenda- tions and Additions. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1 866-1 870. Latham (Robert Gordon, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.) A Dictionary of the English Language. Abridged by the Editor from that of Dr. Samuel Johnson. 8vo. London, 1876. Lathbury (Rev. Thomas, M.A.) A History of English Episcopacy, from the Period of the Long Parliament to the Act of Uniformity. 8vo. London, 1836. Lathbury (Rev. Thos., M.A.) History of the Convocation of the Church of England, from the Earliest Period to 1742. 8vo. 1853. Lathbury (Rev. Thomas, M.A.) A History of the Book of Common Prayer and other Books of Authority. With an Attempt to ascer- tain how the Rubrics and Canons have been understood and observed from the Reformation to the Reign of George III. Also an Account of the State of Religion and Religious Parties in England, from 1640 to 1660. Second Edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1859. 503 Lathrop (John). Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, March 1874 to November 1878, [Vols. 1 15-125, Massachusetts Reports.] II vols. 8vo. Boston, 1875-1879. Latin Tracts on Roman Law. 2 vols. of. 1822-1833. Latomus (Barth.) Adversus Bucerum Controversiae, &c. With Huss : de Antichristo. 4to. Col., 1545. Latomus (Jac.) De Trium Linguarum et Studii Theologici Ratione. With Erasmus: Ratio, &c. 4to. Antw., 15 19. LAyoucHE (Edmd. Digges). See Jones. Lattey (Robert Thomas). The Practice and Procedure before the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy- Council. i2mo. London, 1869. Latzius (Jo.) See Vorstius. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). Speech in the Star Chamber, at the Censure of Bastwicke. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1637. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). Ladensium Auto- katakrisis. 4to. 1 640. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). Letter to the University of Oxford, &c. 4to. 1641. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). Letter. With divers MSS. [Tracts, Vol. 94.] 4to. 1640. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). Labyrinth. Being an Answer to Laud. By T. C. 4to. Paris, 1658. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). History of his own Troubles and Tryal. With the Diary of his Life. Folio. 1695. Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). [Tracts, Vol. 22.] Laud, or Lawd (Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury). [Tracts. Vol. 40.] Laughton (John Knox, M.A., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S.) Nautical Surveying. 8vo. London, 1872. Laughton (John Knox, M.A., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S.) Physical Geo- graphy, in its relation to the prevailing Winds and Currents, Second Edition. London, 1873. Laurenbergius (Pet.) In Synopsin Aphorismorum Chymiatricorum Aug. Salse, Notae. [Tracts, Vol. 60.] 4to. 1624. Laurent (F.) Principes de Droit Civil Frangais. 33 vols. 8vo. Paris et Bruxelles, 1869-1878. Laurentinus (Ant.) De Numero, Ordine, et Motu Cselorum. 8vo. Par., 1606. 504 Laurentius (And.), Laurence. De Crisibus. 8vo. Fran., 1596. Laurentius (And.), Laurence. De Morbis Melancholicis. 8vo. 1599. Laurentius (And.), Laurence. De la Conservation de la Veve, &c. 8vo. Rouen, 1620. Laurentius (And.), Laurence. De Catarrho. With Virgins. Svo. Gen., 1620. Laurentius (Jac.) Apologeticus adversus Sandseum Jesuitam. Svo. Ams., 16 19. Laurentius (Jac.) Vulpina Jesuitica. With Malderus. Svo. Ams., 1620. Laurentius (Jac.) Catechesis Heidelbergensis Orthodoxa. Svo. Amst., 1625. Laurentius Valla. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. Lauriers (des). Les Fantaisies de Bruscambille. i2mo. Rouen, 1630 Lauro (Piet.) Lettere. [Tracts, Vol. 150.] Svo. Ven., 1533 Lauterbach (Joh.) De Bello contra Turcas. Svo. Lip., 1595 Lauterbach (Joh.) Confusio Sectae Mahometanse. With Folieta. Svo. Lip., 1595 Lauterbegus (Geo.) Differentia, et Definitiones in Jure. With Wesenbecius : Prolegomena. Svo. Col. Ag., 1578 Lautour (Edward de). The Note Book of Judicial Maxims. Vols I and 2. Svo. Calcutta, 1S59 Laval (Ant. de). Paraphrases des Pseaumes de David. 4to. Paris, 1630 Laval (Silv, de). Les Grandeurs de I'Eglise Romaine. 2 vols. 4to. Poic, 161 1 Lavater (Jo. Rod.) Disquisitiones Philosophicse. Svo. Han., 1604 Lavater (Lud.) De Spectris. Svo. Genev., 1570 Lavinheta (Bern. de). Opera Omnia. Svo. Colon., 1612 Lavolette (Le President de). Des Affaires d'Estat, &c. Svo. Metz, 1597 Lavolette (Le President de). Des Affaires d'Estat, &c. 1597 Law of England. Common and Statute. Concerning High Treason, and all other Offences against the Crown. Svo. 17 10. Law Amendment Society Journal. Law Amendment Society. Transactions. [Continued.] 2 vols. 4to. 1856. 505 Law Amendment Society. Reports of Special Committees. Law Cases. See Special. Law Courts. Where shall the New Law Courts be Built ? [Pamphlets, Vol. 7.] 8vo. 1854. Law Journal. Reports of Cases in Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, Exchequer Chamber, and Cases con- nected with the Office of Magistrates, 1822-1831. With Statutes. 9 vols, in 13. 4to. 1 823- 1 83 1. Law Journal. New Series. Edited by Montagu Chambers, P. Twells, F. T. Streeten, and G. S. Allnutt. With Statutes. [Continued.] 49 vols, in 126. 4to. 1831-1879 Law Journal. Analytical Digest of Cases in the Law Journal, and other Reports, 1822-1875. [Continued.] u vols, 4to. London, 1831-1877. Law Journal (The). A Weekly Publication of Notes of Cases and Legal News. Vols, i and 2, Folio ; Vols. 3-14, 4to. [In progress.] London, 1866-1870. Notes of Cases decided in all tht; Superior Courts of Law and Equity, Hilary Term 1866 to July 1879. Vols. 1-14. [In progress.] 8vo. London, 1866-1879. Law Magazine, or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, 1828 to 1856. 55 vols. 8vo. London, 1830-1856. (Vols. 32 to 55 are also entitled N.S. Vols. 1-24,) Law Magazine, or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence. Vol. 36. 8vo. 1846. Law Magazine and Review, or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, 1856-1871. 52 vols. 8vo. Lond., Edin., and Dub., 1856-187 1. Law Magazine and Review. A Monthly Journal of Jurisprudenee for both Branches of the Profession at Home and Abroad. New Series. 4 vols. 8vo. 187 2- 1875. Law Magazine and Review, and Quarterly Digest of all Reported Cases. Fourth Series, November 1875 to November 1879. 5 vols. 8vo. 1876-1879. Law Reporter; or. Law Times Reports, November 1859 to November 1879. 4° ^*^^^- ^^°- London, 1843-1879. Law Reports (The). Published under the Direction of the Council of Law Reporting. 2 sets. 8vo. London, 1866-1875. English and Irish Appeal Cases and Claims of Peerage, before the House of Lords. Reported by Charles Clark, Q.C 1866-1875. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875. 5o6 Law Reports (The) — continued. Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases, before the House of Lords, 1866-1875. Reported by J. F. MacQueen. 1866-1875. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875, Appeal Cases before the Judicial Committee and Lords of PTer Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1 866-1 875. Vols. 1-4, Reported by Edmund F. Moore, Q.C. ; Vols. 5, 6, by W. Macpherson. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875, Chancery Appeal Cases including Bankruptcy and Lunacy Cases, before the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, 1 865-1 875. Reported by C. Marett, H. Cad- man Jones, and Martin Ware. Edited by G. W. Hemming. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1 866-1875. Equity Cases, before the .Master of the Rolls and the Vice- Chancellors, 1865-1875. Reported by J. H, Fordham, E. Wingfield, J. Stirling, T. W. Gunning, J. J. Smale, J. W. de Longueville Giffard, T. F. Morse, J. B. Davidson, and F. G. A. Williams. 1865-1875. Edited by G. W. Hemming. 20 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875. Court of Queen's Bench. Reported by WiUiam Mills and Henry Holroyd ; and, in the Bail Court, by E. A. C. Schalch and Arthur Wilson. Edited by J. Redfoord Bulwer. 1865- 1875. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875. Court of Common Pleas. Reported by John Scott, Henry Bompas, and Edmund Lumley. 1865-1875. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 10 vols, 8vo. London, 1866-18 75. Court of Exchequer. Reported by James Anstie, Arthur Charles, Arthur P. Stone, and James M. Moorsom. 1865- 1875. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1872-1875. Court for Crown Cases Reserved. Reported by L. W. Cave, Hon. E. Chandos Leigh, E. A. C. Schalch, and Arthur Wilson. 1 865-1 875. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 866-1 875. High Court of Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases. Reported by W. Ernst Browning and Gainsford Bruce. 1865-1875. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-187 5. Court of Probate and Divorce. Reported by T. H. Tristram, D.C.L., Richard Searle, and John G. Middleton, LL.D. 1865-1875. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-1875. Statutes 29-40 Vict,, 1866-1879. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-18 76. 507 Law Reports (The). Published under the Direction of the Council of Law Reporting. Indian Appeals. Being Cases in the Privy Council, on Appeal from the East Indies. Reported by W. Mac- pherson and Herbert Cowell. 187 3-1 87 9. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-1879. Law Reports (The). Appeal Cases before the House of Lords (English, Irish, and Scotch) and the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Reported by Charles Clark, Q.C., John Eraser Macqueen, Q.C., and Herbert Cowell. 1875-1879. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876, 1879. Law Reports (The). Division i. Chancery. Cases determined by the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, and by the Chief Judge in Bankruptcy, and by the Court of Appeal, on Appeal from the Chancery Division and the Chief Judge, and in Lunacy. Edited by George Wingman Hemming. Reported by Charles Marett, H. Cadman Jones, Martin Ware, J. H. Fordham, James Stirling, T. W. Gunning, W. E. M. Tomlinson, J. B. Davidson, F. G. A. Williams, T. F. Morse, W. Worsley Knox, William Lloyd Cabell. 1875-187 9. II vols. 8vo. London, 1876, 1879. Law Reports (The). Queen's Bench Division. Reported by William Mills and Arthur P. Stone ; and, in the Court for Crown Cases Reserved, by Arthur Wilson and Cyril Dodd. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 1875-1879. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1876, 1879. Law Reports (The). Common Pleas Division. Reported by John Scott and Edmund Lumley. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 1875-1879. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1876, 1879. Law Reports (The). Exchequer Division. Reported by James M. Moorsom and Alexander Mortimer ; and, in the Divisional Courts of Appeal from Inferior Courts, by John Edward Hall. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 187 5-1 879. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1876, 1879. Law Reports (The). Probate Division. Reported by Richard Searle and John G. Middleton, LL.D., in the Courts of Probate and Divorce ; by Gainsford Bruce, in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts ; and, in the Privy Council, by Herbert Cowel. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 1 875-1 879. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1875-1879. Reports. A Table of all the Cases printed in Books of Reports, digested under proper Heads. 4to. London, 17 19. Court of Crown Cases Reserved. Reported by L. W. Cave and Hon. E. Chandos Leigh. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 1865. vols. 8vo. London, 1866. So8 Law Reports (The) — continued. High Court of Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts. Reported by W. Ernest Browning, Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. 1865. vols. Svo. London, 1866. Courts of Probate and Divorce. Reported by T. H. Tristram, D.C.L,, and Richard Searle. Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. Vol. i. Svo. London, 1866. The Statutes, 29 Vict., 1 866-1868. Vols, i, 2, 3. Svo. London, 1866-1S68. Law Reports. Digest of Cases decided in the House of Lords, Privy Council, and the Superior Courts of Common Law and Equity, and the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts, and the Courts for Probate, Divorce, and Matrimonial Causes, for Crown Cases reserved. From the commencement of Michaelmas Term 1865 to the end of Trinity Term 186S. In 2 vols. Compiled by Martin Ware. From the commencement of Michaelmas Term 1S65 to the end of Trinity Term 1875. In 2 parts. Compiled by Martin Ware. From the commencement of Michaelmas Term 1875 to the end of Trinity Term 1878. In i vol. Compiled by Martin Ware and John Edward Hall. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1S69-1879. Law Review, and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurispru- dence. 23 vols. Svo. 1844, &c. Law Times from April 1843 to November 1879. 66 vols. FoHo. London, 1843-1S79. Law Times. A Digest of all the Cases in all the Reports decided by all the Courts relating to Magistrates', Parochial, Ecclesiastical, Election, Municipal, and Criminal Law, 1S56-1869. Svo. London, 1870. Law Times Reports. See Law Reporter. Law Tracts. By Edward Wynne. Svo. 1765. 1. On Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. 2. On the Distinction between Things annexed to and Things severed from Freehold in Cases of Theft. 3. On behalf of the unlimited Extention of Collateral Con- sanguinity. 4. Account of the Trial of the Pix. 5. On the Court of Claims. 6. An Answer to Two Passages in the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. 7. On the Antiquity and Dignity of the Degree of Sergeant at Law. 509 Law Tracts. 5. 1. Yorke's Considerations on the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason. 2. West on High Treason and Bills of Attainder. 3. West on the Manner of creating Peers. 4. 5. Two Political Pamphlets on the same Subject ; one by Sir R. Steele, the other by Mr. Webb. Law (Stephen D.) Copyright and Patent Laws of the United States, 1790 to 1866. 8vo. New York, 1866. Law (Stephen D.) Digest of American Cases relating to Patents for Inventions and Copyrights, from 1789 to 1862. Embracing also. the American Cases in respect to Trade Marks. 8vo. New York, 1868. Law (T. Pakenham) and Hill (J.) Report of the Trials of Alexander M. Sullivan and Richard Pigott for seditious Libels on the Government, held February loth, 1868; and applications to the Court of Chancery by Richard Pigott for a Writ of Error. 8vo. Dublin, 1868. Lawes (Edward). On Charter-Parties, on Affreightment, Bills of Lading, and Stoppage in transitu. With an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. London, 1813. Lawes (Edw.) The Act for Promoting the PubHc Health. 1 2mo. 185 1. Lawes (Edw.) Bail Court Reports. See Saunders. Lawrence (Fredk.) Life of Henry Fielding. With Notices of his Writings, Times, and Contemporaries. 8vo. 1855. Lawrence (Hen.) Of our Communion, &c., with Angels. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1646. Lawrence (W.) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822. Lawrence (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio in Bankruptcy. [Vol. 20, Ohio Reports, 185 1.] Columbus, 1852. Lawrence (William Beach). Commentaire sur le Droit International et sur le Droit des Gens de H. Wheaton. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868-1873. Laws, of Elections. With a Table of the Principal Matters, and Acts of Parliament cited. 8vo. London, 1874. Laws of England. Vindication of [Tracts, Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659. Laws of the Plantations, &c. 5 vols. Folio. 1740. Lawson (Jas. A.) See Connor, Lawyers. Strictures on the Lives of Eminent Lawyers. With Stuart : Letters. 8vo. Dub., 1790. La yard (Austen Hy.) Popular Account of Discoveries in Nineveh. i2mo. 1856. Laycock (Thomas, M.D.) On the Naming and Classification of Mental Diseases and Defects. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets] 8vo. London, 1863. 510 Laycock (Thomas, M.D.) The Antagonism of Law and Medicine in Insanity, and its Consequences. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] 8vo. London, 1863. Lazius (Wolfg.) De aliquot Gentium Linguarum Initiis, &c. Folio. Basil, 1572. Le Bon (Jo.) Therapia Puerperarum. With Sylvius : de Peste. i2mo. Paris, 1577. Le Cras (Abraham Jones). The Constitution of Jersey. i2mo. Jersey, 1857. Le Fanu (Henry). Questions and Answers upon the Indian Penal Code, the Law of Evidence, &c. 8vo. Madras, 1869. Le Quesme (Charles). A Constitutional History of Jersey. 8vo. London, 1856. Le Sellyer (Achille Fraiigois). Traite de I'Exercice et I'Extinction des Actions Publiques et Privees. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Le Sellyer (Achille Francois). Traits de la Criminality de la P^nalit^ et de la Responsabilit^ soit Penale, soit Civile, en matiere de Contraventions, de Delits et de Crimes. Deuxieme Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Lea (Henry C.) Superstition and Force. Essays on the Wager of Law ; the Wager of Battle ; the Ordeal ; Torture. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. Leach (Arthur F.) Digest of the Law relating to Probate Duty. 8vo. London, 1878. Leach (Lt.-Col. Geo. A.) Suggestions for Improving the Mode of Registering Deeds in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1861. Leach (Thos.) See Modern Reports, and Shower's Law Reports. Leach (Thos.) Cases in Crown Law, 4 Geo. II. to 40 Geo. III. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 8 15. League and Covenant. The Solemn. 4to. 1643. League and Covenant. The Solemn. [Tracts, Vol. 8.] Leake (Stephen Martin). Precedents of Pleading. See Bullen. Leake (Stephen Martin). An Elementary Digest of the Law of Con- tracts. 8vo. London, 1878. Leake (Stephen Martin)] An Elementary Digest of the Law of Property in Land. 8vo. London, 1874. Leake (Stephen Martin). The Elements of the Law of Contracts. 8vo. London, 1867. Leapingwell (George, LL.D.) A Manual of Roman Civil Law, arranged after the Analysis of Dr. Hahfax. 8vo. Cambridge, 1859. Leathersellers' Company. History of. See Black. Lectius (Jac.) OratiodeVita et Scriptis Papiniani. With Stephanus : Pontes. 8vo. Geneva, 1594. Lectius (Jac.) De Studiis Liberalibus. 8vo. Geneva, 1594. 511 Ledwich (Edward, LL.D.) Antiquities of Ireland. 4to. Dublin, 1790. Lee (Edwd.) Statute Law of Ireland. 4to. Dublin, 1734. Lee (Lawford Yale). The Law and Practice of Bankruptcy and Imprisonment for Debt. 8vo. London, 187 1. Lee (Richard). On Captures in War. i2mo. London, 1759. Lee (Sir Geo.) Reports of Cases determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury and in the High Court of Delegates. Containing the Judgments of Sir George Lee, 1 752-1758. To which are added Cases between 1724 and 1753. By Joseph Phillimore. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833. Lee (Thos.) King's Bench Cases, temp. Hardwicke. 8vo. 1815. Lee (William Rastrick). Continuation Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 31 & 32 Victoria, 1868. With Chronological Table of Acts, and Index. 8vo. Jamaica, 1869. See also under Minot. Lee (William Rastrick). Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 1870-1872. 3 vols. 8vo. Jamaica, 1870-1874. Leech (Humph.) Triumph of Truth concerning Evangelical Counsels in Oxford. With Proceedings against the Author. 8vo. 1609. Leeming (Hy.) New County Court Cases. Leeming (Hy.) and Cross (Richard Assheton) General and Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace in other than Criminal Matters. i2mo. 1858. Leeming (Henry) and Cross (Richard Assheton). The General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Their Jurisdiction and Practice in other than Criminal Matters. Second Edition. By Horatio Lloyd and Henry Frederick Thurlow. 8vo. London, 1876. Lees (James). The Laws of British Shipping and Marine Assurance. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1867, Leeward Islands. Acts 1-12, 1872-1878. [1876 wanting.] Leeward Islands, See Charibbee. Lefroy (Thos.) See Schoales. Lefroy (Thos., of the Middle Temple). Railway Cases. See Oliver. Legal Education Commission. Reports (Sessional Papers of the House of Commons). Folio. 1846. Legal Examiner and Journal of Medical and General Jurisprudence and Public Economy. Edited by Edward Henry John Craufurd. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852, &c. Legal Judicature, Court of Chancery. 8vo. 1727. "Legal Reporter, Ireland. Edited by a Member of the Bar. Vol. i. Reports, 1 840-1 842, Vol. 2. Miscellaneous. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, S.A. 512 Leganes (March, de). Unitas Fortis Provinciis Belgicis in Philippi IV., Nomine Proposita. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 410. An tw., 1628, Legend Doree ; ou, Histoire des Freres Mendians de I'Ordre de Dominique, et de Francois. 8vo. Leyd., 1608. Le Geyt (Phil.) Manuscrits sur la Constitution, les Lois, et les Usages de Jersey. 4 vols. 4to. Jersey, 1846. Legge (Tho.) Ricardus Tertius. By Barron Field. With Richard in. S.S. 8vo. 1844. Leggo (William). History of the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin in Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1878. Legislazione, e Giurisprudenza Criminale, Raccolta di Trattati, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. Fir., 1821. Legniaco. II Giudicio dell' Aria di Legniaco. [Tracts, Vol. 60.] 4to. Verron., 1585. Lehr (Ernest). Elements de Droit Civil Russe (Russie, Pologne, Provinces Balliques.) 8vo. Paris, 1877. Leibnitius (Godf. Guil.), Leibnitz. Mantissa Codicis Juris Gentium Diplomatici. Folio. Guelf, 1747. Leibnitius (Godf Guil.), Leibnitz. Codex Juris Gentium Diplo- maticus. Folio. Han., 1693. Leichtenaw (Conrad.) Chronicon. FoHo. Arg., 1609. Leickherus (Frid. Jac), Leickher. Vitse Clarissimorum Juris Con- sultorum. 8vo. Lips., 1686. Leidhresserus (D.) Super Doctrinse Capitibus inter Academiam et Jesuitas Controversis. [Tracts, Vol. 153.] 8vo. Franc, 1613. Leigh (Chandos, M.A.) and Le Marchant (Henry D., M.A.) A Guide to Election Law, and the Law and Practice of Election Petitions. i2mo. London, 1870. Second Edition. London, 1874. Leigh (Chs.) Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire. With an Account of British, Phoenician, Armenian, Greek, and Roman Antiquities in those Parts. Folio. Oxf , 1700. Leigh (J. H.) and Dalzell (R.) On the Equitable Doctrine of Con- version of Property. 8vo. 1825, Leigh (Pat. Brady). On the Poor Laws. i2mo. 1836. Leiserus (Polyc.) Strena ad Gretserum. 8vo. Lips., 1607. Leland (John). De Rebus Britannicis, per Thomam Hearne. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 17 15. Leland (John). Noenia in Mortem Henrici Duddelegi. With Ross: Historia. 8vo. Oxon., 1716. Leland (John). Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries, John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony k Wood. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1772. 513 Leland (John). Itinerary. See Hearne. 9 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1744, 1745. Leland (Thos.) History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry 11. 3 vols. 4to. 1773. Lely (J. M.) and Foulkes (W. D. J.) The Licensing Acts, 1828, 1869, and 1872-1874. The Law of the Sale of Liquors by Retail, and the Management of Licensed Houses. Notes and Forms. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Lely (J. M.) and Foulkes (W. D. J.) The Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. Containing the Statutes, Rules of Court, and Orders in Council. With Notes. Forming a Practice of the Supreme Court. Second Edition. Containing the Cases to the present Time, and the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876. With the Rules and Orders thereunder. 8vo. London, 1877, Le Maitre (Ant.) (Euvres Choisies. Par Bergasse. 4to. Paris, 1807. Le Marchant (Denis). Report of the Proceedings of the House of Lords in the Claims to the Barony of Gardner. With an Appendix illustrative of the Law of Legitimacy. 8vo. 1828. Lemnius (Levinus). Herbarum Biblicarum Explicatio. 8vo. Erph., 1581. Lemnius (Levinus). De Miraculis Occultis Naturse. i2mo. Franc, 1598. Lemnius (Levinus). Touchstone of Complexions. [Tracts, Vol. 18.] 4to. 1633. Lemon (Rt.) Calendar of State Papers (Domestic Series), Edward VI. to Elizabeth, 1 547-1 580. 8vo. 1856, Lemon (Robert, F.S.A.) Calendar of State Papers (Domestic Series) of the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. Preserved in Her Majesty's Record Office. Vol, 2. 1581-1590. 1865. Lemos (Helias de). Vida, &c., de Catherina de Genoa. 8vo. Lix., 1654. Lemosius (Lud.) De Optima Praedicendi Ratione. 8vo. Ven., 1592. Lemosius (Lud.) Judicium Hippocratis. 8vo. Ven., 1592. Lempriere (John, D.D.) Classical Dictionary. By Edmd. Hy. Barker. 8vo. 1828. Lencius (Jo. Bapt.) Observationes Politicae. 8vo. Arg., 1606. Lenneps (Geo.) Codex Probationum. 2 vols. 4to. Marb., 1768. (33) 514 LENSiEus (Joh.) De Variis Generibus Perseculionum, quas pii Patl unter. 8vo. Lov., 1578 Lens^us (Joh.) De Purgatorio, et Limbo Patrum. Svo. Lov., 1584 LENSiEus (Joh.) De Libertate Christiana. Svo. Antw., 1590, Lenthall (F. Kyffin). The Memorial to Lord Romilly, Correspond ence, &c. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. London, 1866 Leo. See Justinian. Leo (Elcie Ed.) De I'Arithmetique. 2 vols. 4to. Franc, 1587. Leo (Jo.) Africae Descriptio ; k Jo. Floriano. Svo. Antw., 1556. Leo (Marq.) Enumeratio Scriptorum qui|?us Probatur Romanae Ecclesise semper Adhsesisse Ecclesiam Europseam, et Orientalem. Svo. Ingolst., 1609. Leo (Marq.) Demonstratio Sanctse Romanae Ecclesise. 4to. Lech., 1622. Leon (Luyis de). De los Nombres de Cristo. 4to. Sala., 1603. Leonard (Wm.) Reports, temp. Eliz. et Jac. I. Folio. 1687. Leonbergerus (Geo.) Circknizse Descriptio. With Hippocrates : Aphorismi. 4 to. Leone (Medico di). Dialogi d'Amore. 4to. Rome, 1535. Leonhardus (Chr.) Scriptores, et Excerpta Juris Postarum. Folio. Lips., 1 7 10. Leoni (Gio. Bat.) Considerationi Sopra I'Historia di Guicciardini. 4to. Ven., 1599. Leonicenus (Nic.) Opuscula. Per And. Leonium. With Dama- scenus : de Curando. Folio. Basil, 1532. Leopoldus, Austriae. Compilatio de Astrorum Scientia. 4to. Ven., 1489. Leovalla (Syl. Steier.) Historia Genealogica Jesu Christi. [No Title.] Folio. Franc, 1594. Leovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. Methodus Procedendi in Directionibus. With Regiomoutanus. 4to. Au. Vi., 1551. Lkovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. Eclipsium Omnium ab 1534 ad 1606, Descriptio. Folio. Au. Vi., 1556. Leovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. Ephemeridum Opus. Folio. Au. Vi., 1557. Leovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. Ratio Judicandi Genituras. 4to. 1558. I Leovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. De Conjunctionibus Superiorum Planet- I arum, &c. 4to. 1573. [ Leovitius (Cyp.), Leowitz. Prognosticon. 4to. 1573. 515 Lepsius (Rd.) Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and Spain. Translated by Leonora and Joanna B. Homer. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1853. Le Roux (De Lincy). See Camden Society's Papers, No. 72. Lery (Jean de). Histoire de la Si^ge de Sancerre. With Eusebius Philadelphus. Svo. 1584. Lery (Jean de). Voyage Fait en la Terre du Bresil. Svo. Genev., 1580. Lescarbot (Marc.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 8vo Paris, 1609. Lesina, della. Delia Famosissima Compagnia, Dialogo. 4to. Ven., 1600. Lesley (Alex., Earl Leven). His Victory over Montrose. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1645. Lesley (Alex., Earl Leven). Declaration, &c., to the King, and his Answer. [Tracts, Vol. 14.] 4to. 1646. Lessius (Leon.) De Anti-Christo, et ejus Prsecursoribus. 8vo. Antw., 161 1. Lessius (Leon.) Quae Fides sit Capessenda. lamo. Colon., 161 2. Lessius (Leon.) De Statu Vitse Deligendo, &c. Svo. Antw., 161 3. Lessius (Leon.) De Summo Bono, &c. Svo. Antw., 16 16. Lessius (Leon.) De Perfectionibus Moribusque Divinis. 4to. Antw., 1620. Lestrange (Roger). Interest Mistaken ; or, the Holy Cheat. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1 66 1. ' Lestrange (Roger). State Divinity. 4to. 1661. Lestrange (Roger). The Relapsed Apostate. 4to. 1661. Lestrange (Roger). Whip for the Animadvertor upon the Bishop of Worcester. , 4to. 1662. Lestrange (Roger). Truth and Loyalty Vindicated. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4to. 1662. Lestrange (Roger). Toleration Discussed. [Tracts, Vol. 39.] 4to. 1663. Lestrange (Roger). Queries concerning Election for Parliament. See Election. Letter (An Intercepted). Published, that the People may see those they have Followed, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. 5i6 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII., 1 509-1 5 14, Edited by J. S. Brewer. See Brewer. Lettre d'un Gentilhomme Catholique, avec la Response. 12 mo. 1586. Lettres sur le Traict^ de Paix de 1574. 8vo. 1574- Leunclavius (Jo.) Historia Turcorum. Folio. Franc, 1591. Leunclavius (Jo.) Annales Sultanorum Othmanidorum. Folio. Franc, 1596. Leunclavius (Jo.) Jus Grseco-Romanum tarn Canonicum quam Civile ; cura Marquardi Freher, Gr., Lat. Folio. Franc, 1596. Leunclavius (Jo.) Annales Sultanorum Othmanidorum. 4to. Franc, 1598. Leunclavius (Jo.) See Corpus Byzantinae Historise. Leunclavius (Jo.) See Dion Cassias. Leurechen (Jean). Discours sur les Observations de la Com^te. • [Tracts, Vol. 124.] 8vo. Par., 16 19. Levant. Voiage de Levant fait en 1621. 4to. Paris, 1624. Leverkus (Wm.) An Interpretation of the Guarantee of England and France with reference to the Duchy of Schleswig. By Ewing Pye Colquhoun. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 1848. Levett (Christopher). Voyage to New England. [Tracts, Vol. 1 1 2.] [Imperfect.] 4to. Levi (Leone). Commercial Law, its Principles and Administration. 2 vols, in 4. 4to. Lond., Edin., Liv., Manch., and Dub., 1850-1852. Levi (Leone, F.S.A., F.R.S.) International Commercial Law. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1863. Levi (Leone, F.S.A., F.R.S.) History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the British Nation, 1 763-1870. 8vo. London, 1872. Levi (Leone, F.S.A., F.R.S.) See Brooke's Notary. Levins (Peter). Manipulus Vocabulorum. See Camden Society's Papers, No. 95. Levintz (Sir Cresswell). Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, from the Twelfth of Charles 11. to the Eighth of William III. By Serjeant Salkeld. Third Edition. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Dubhn, 1 792-1 797. Levinz (Sir Cresswell). Reports, Ch. 11. to Will. II. Folio. 1702. 517 Levinz (Sir Cresswell). Collection of Select and Modem Entries relating to the Cases in his Reports. Folio. 1702. Lewes (G. H.) Life of Goethe. With Sketches of his Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. 1855. Lewin (Frederick Albert, M.A.) The Law of Apportionment. i2mo. London, 1869. Lewin (Sir Greg. AUnutt). Reports of Cases on the Crown Side, on the Northern Circuit, 1832-1838. With a few of earlier date. 2 vols. 8vo. 1834-1839. Lewin (Tho.) The Law of Trusts and Trustees. 8vo. 1842. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1857. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Seventh Edition.- 8vo. London, 1879. Lewis (Angelo J., M.A.) The Code of Civil Procedure. [Indian Law Manuals, No. 2.] Small 4to. London, 1871. Lewis (Angleo J., M.A.) The Indian Penal Code. [Indian Law Manuals, No. i.] Small 4to. London, 1870. Lewis (Edward Dillon). On the Codification of the Criminal Law of England. A Paper read before the Deputies of the Trades Union Congress, at Bristol, September 1878. [Pamphlet, 46 pp.] London, 1878. Lewis (Sir G. C.) On Foreign Jurisdiction, and the Extradition of Criminals. 8vo. London, 1859, Lewis (Sir George Cornewall). On the Use and Abuse of Political Terms. New Edition. By Sir Roland Knyvet Wilson. 1 2 mo. Oxford, 1877, Lewis (Sir Geo. Cornewall). See Herefordshire Glossary, Lewis (Hubert, B.A.) Principles of Conveyancing, explained and illustrated by concise Precedents. With an Appendix on the Effect of the Transfer of Land Act in Modifying and Shortening Con- veyances. 8vo. London, 1863. > Lewis (Hubert). Principles of Equity Drafting. With an Appendix of Forms. 8vo. London, 1865. Lewis (Wm. Dav.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Perpetuity; or, Remotences in Limitations of Estates, Real and Personal, &c. 8vo. 1843. Lewis (Wm. Dav.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Perpetuity, &c. Supplement. 8vo. 1849. Lewis (Wm. Dav.) An Address on the English Law of Real Property. 8vo. 1848. 5i8 Lex Parliamentarian or, a Treatise on the Laws and Customs of Parliament, showing their Antiquity, Names, Kinds, and Qualities of the Shore Estates, Election of Members, Electors' Rights of Return, and the Sheriffs' Duty, Election of the Speaker, Manner of Passing Bills, &c. With an Appendix of a Case in Parliament for the Knight's Place in the County of Bucks. Second Edition. 8vo. London, n.d. Ley (Sir Jas.) Reports upon Cases in the Court of Wards and other Courts at Westminster, Jac. and Car. I. Folio. 1659. Leycester (Sir Peter). Historical Antiquities, In Two Books; the First treating in general of Great Britain and Ireland ; the Second containing Particular Remarks concerning Cheshire. Folio. London, 1673. Leyden. Siege de. With Lettres. 8vo. 1575. Leyser (Aug.) Meditationes ad Pandectas. II vols, in 9. 4to. Lips, et Guelph, 171 7. Lezana (Jo. Bapt. de). DiscipHna Monastica. 12 mo. Col. Ag., 1629. LiANNO. Examen de la Composicion Theriacal de Andromacho Traduzida. Per Lianno. 4to. Burg., 1546. LiBANius Antiochenius. Pro Templis Gentilium non Exscindendis. With Tinnulus. 4to. 1634. LiBAVius (Andr.) Neoparacelsica. LiBAVius (Andr.) Rerum Chymicarum Epistolae. LiBAVius (Andr.) De Medicina Veterum. LiBAVius (Andr.) Singularia. LiBAVius (Andr.) Defensio Alchymiae. LiBAVius (Andr.) Alchymia Triumphans. LiBAVius (Andr.) Exercitatio circa Theses Goclenii de Norma. With Syrenius : de Praedestinatione. 4to. Franc, 1606. LiBAVius (Andr.) Bedencfen von der Confession dek Rosen Creuks. 8vo. Erp,, 16 1 6. LiBAVius (Andr.) Alchymia. 2 vols. Folio. Franc, 1606-1618. Liber Albus. The White Book of the City of London. Compiled by John Carpenter and Rd. Whitington. Translated from the Latin and Anglo-Norman. By Hy. Tho. Riley. 4to. 1861. Liber Albus. Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn in Archivis Gildhallae Asservati. Vol. i, Liber Albus. Vol. 2 (in two Parts), Liber Custumarum. Vol 3, Translation of the Anglo- Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendixes, and Index. 6'(?^ Brit., Gt., No. 12. 4 vols, 8vo. London, 1859-1862. 8vo. Franc, 1594. 8vo. Franc, 1595. 8vo. Franc, 1599. 8vo. Franc, 1599- 8vo . Ves., 1604. 8vo. Franc, 1606. 519 Liber Niger Scaccarii. Wilhelmique Worcestrii Annales. 2 vols. 8vo. 1774. LiBERO Arbitrio. Tragedia. 4to. 1546. Liber Precum Publicarum Ecclesiae Anglicanae. A Gulielmo Bright, A.M., et Petro Goldsmith Medd, A.M. Editio Altera. i2mo. Lond., Oxon., et Cant., 1869. Liberal (A). A Review of Mr. J. S. Mill's Essay, " On Liberty," and an Investigation of his Claim to be considered the Leading Philosopher and Thinker of his Age. [Pamphlet] i2mo. London, 1867. Librarians. Transactions and Proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October 1877. Edited by the Sec- retaries of the Conference, Edward B. Nicholson, Librarian of the London Institution, and Henry R. Tedder, Librarian of the Athenaeum Club. 4to. London, 1878. Libraries (Public). Reports from the Select Committee on Public Libraries. Folio. 1849-185 1. Library of the Fathers. 42 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1 838-1 872. 1. St. Augustine's Confessions. Revised, from a former Trans- lation, by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D. With Illustra- * tions from Augustine himself. 1838. 2. St. Cyril's Catechetical Lectures. With Notes and Indexes Edited by Dr. J. H. Newman. 1838. 3. St. Cyprian's Treatises. With Notes and Indexes. Edited by Dr. J. H. Newman. 1839. 4. 5. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated by the Rev. H. K. Cornish and J. Medley. Edited by the Rev. J. Keble. 1839. 6. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians. 1840. 7. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans. Translated by the Rev. J. B. Morris. 1841. 8. St. Athanasius' Select Treatises in Controversy with the Arians. With Notes and Indexes. Part i. [See Part 2, at No. 19.] 1842. 9. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Statutes, to the people of Antioch. With Notes and Indexes. Edited by the Rev. Charles Marriott. 1842. 520 Library of the Fathers — continued. 10. Tertullian's Works. Translated by the Rev. C. Dodson. Vol. I, Apologetic and Practical Treatises. Con- tents : — Apology against the Heathen ; On the Witness of the Soul; Address to Scapula; Address to the Martyrs; Of the Crown; Of Public Shows; Of Idolatry; Of Baptism ; Of Prayer; Of Patience ; Of Repentance ; To his Wife ; Books i and 2. On Prescription against Heretics. [Vol. 2 has not been published.] 1842. 11. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Translated by the Rev. Sir George Provost. With Notes and Indexes. Part i. \See Part 2, at No. 15.] 1843. 12. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Translated by the Rev. James Tweed. 1843. 13. St. Athanasius' Historical Tracts. Translated by the Rev. Miles Atkinson. With Notes and Indexes. Edited by Dr. J. H. Newman. Contents : — Encyclical Epistle ; Apology against Arians ; Encyclical Epistle to Bishops of Egypt aud Libya; Apology addressed to the Emperor Constantine — Apology for his Flight ; Epistle to Serapion concerning the Death of Arius ; Epistle to the Monks ; History of the Arians ; Appendix. 1843. 14. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Epistles to the Philip- pians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. 1843. 15. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Part 2. {See Part i, at No. 11.] 1844. 16. St. Augustine's Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament. Translated by the Rev. R. G. Macmullen. Edited by Dr. Pusey. Vol. i. {See Vol. 2, at No. 20.] 1844. 17. St. Cyprian's Epistles. With the Council of Carthage on the Baptism of Heretics. To which are added the extant Works of St, Pacian, Bishop of Barcelona. 1844. 18. St. Gregory the Great. Morals on the Book of Job. With Notes and Indexes. Edited by the Rev. Charles Marriott. Vol. i, Parts i and 2. [See Vol. 2, at No. 21 ; Vol. 3, at Nos. 23 and 31.] 1844. 19. St. Athanasius' Select Treatises in Controversy with the Arians. Part 2, [See Part i, at No. 8.] 1844. 521 Library of the Fathers — continued. 20. St. Augustine's Sermons on Select Lessons of the New Testament. Vol. 2. \See Vol. i, at No. 16.] 1845. 21. St. Gregory the Great's Morals on the Book of Job. Vol. 2, Parts 3 and 4. \See Vol. i, at No. 18, and Vol. 3, at Nos. 23 and 31.] 1845. 22. St. Augustine's Seventeen Short Treatises. Translated by the Revs. C. L. Cornish and H. Browne. With Notes and Indexes. 1847. 23. St. Gregory's Morals on the Book of Job. Vol. 3, Part i. \See Vol. I, at No. 18 ; Vol. 2, at No. 21 ; and Vol. 3, Part 2, at No. 31.] 1847. 24. 25. St. Augustine's Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Translated by the Rev. James Tweed. With Notes and Indexes. Vols, i and 2. \See Vols. 3, 4, 5, and 6, at Nos. 30, 32, 37, 39.] 1847, 1848. 26. St. Augustine's Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, and on his First Epistle. Translated by the Rev. F. H. Browne. Vol. i. [^^ Vol. 2, at No. 29.] 1848. 27. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated by the Rev. J. Ashworth. 1848. 28. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. Translated by the Rev. G. P. Stuart. With Notes and Indexes. Part i. \See Part 2, at No. 36.] 1848. 29. St. Augustine's Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. Vol. 2. \See Vol. I, at No. 26.] • 1849. 30. St. Augustine's Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Vol. 3. \See Vols, i and 2, at Nos. 24 and 25 ; Vols. 4, 5, and 6, at Nos. 32, 37, 39.] 1849. 31. St. Gregory's Morals on the Book of Job. Translated by the Rev. J. Bliss. Vol. 3, Part 2. [See Vols, i, 2, and 3, Part I, at Nos. 18, 21, 23.] * 1850, 32. St. Augustine's Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Vol. 4. [^■(f^ Vols. I, 2, 3, and 4, at Nos. 24, 25, 30, 37, 39.] 1850. 33. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles. Parti. [S^r^ Part 2, No. 35.] 1851. 34. St. Chrysostom's HomiUes on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Part 3. {See Parts i and 2, at Nos. 11 and 15.] 185 1. 522 Library of the Fathers — continued. 35. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles. Part 2. \See Part i, at No 33.] 1B52. 36. St. Chrysostom's Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. Part 2. \See Part i, at No. 28.] 1852. 37. St. Augustine's Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Vol. 5. • \See Vols, i, 2, 3, 4, and 6, at Nos. 24, 25, 30, and 39.] 1853- 38. St. Athanasius' Festal Epistles. 1854. 39. St. Augustine's Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Vol. 6. \SeeNo\%. i to 5, at Nos. 24, 25, 30, 32, 37.] 1858. 40. St. Justin Martyr's Works. 1861. 41. St. Ephraem's Select Works; or, Rhythms Translated from the Syriac. By the Rev. T. B. Morris. Edited by Dr. Pusey. 1847. 42. St. Irenseus against Heresies. Translated by the Rev. John Keble, M.A. 1872. LiBURNius (Nic.) Collectio Platonis Gemmarum. i2mo. Par., 1567. LiCETi (Gioseppe). II Ceva. With Botero : Aggiunte. 8vo. Bol., 1598. LiCETUS (Fort.) De his qui Diu Vivunt sine Alimento. Folio. Val., 161 2. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Animarum Coextensione Corpori. With Duodus. 4to. Pet., 1 616. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Spontaneo Viventium Ortu. Folio. Vic, t6i8. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Intellectu Agente. Folio. Pat., 1627. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Animarum Rationalium Immortalitate. Folio. Pat., 1629. [ LiCETUS (Fort.) De Feriis Altricis Animae Nemeseticse Disputationes. \ 4to. Pat., 1 63 1. ( LiCETUS (Fort.) De Vita. 4to. Genuse, 1607. j LiCETUS (Fort.) De Constitutione Hominis in Utero. J 4to. Pat., 1616. ( LiCETUS (Fort.) Pyronarcha. [Tracts, Vol. 59.] 4to. Pat, 1634. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Propriorum Operum Historia. With Gauldus. 4to. Pat., 1634. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Natura Primomovente. 4to. Pat., 1634. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Rationalis Animae Varias ad Corpus Propensione. With Fineti. 4to. Pat., 1634. 523 LiCETUS (Fort.) De Mundi et Hominis Analogia. 4to. Utin., 1635- LiCETUS (Fort.) Ulysses apud Circen. 4to. Utin., 1636. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Natura Assistente. 4to. Utin., 1637. LiCETUS (Fort.) Mulctra. 4to. Utin., 1636. LiCETUS (Fort.) De Cometarum Quiete, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 65.] 4to. Ven., 1625. LiciNius (Caius Calvus). See Maittaire. LiDDELL (Henry George, D.D.) and Scott (Robert, D.D.) A Greek- English Lexicon. 4to. Oxford, 1843. Fifth Edition. 4to. Oxford, 1861. LiEBAUT (Jean). De Venenis. With Sylvius : de Peste. i2mo. Paris, 1577. LiEBAUT (Jean). De rEmbellissement du Corps Humain. 8vo. Paris, 1582. LiEBAUT (Jean). Des Secrets de Medicine, &c. 8vo. Rouen, 1616. LiEBER (Francis, LL.D.) On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Third Edition revised. By Theodore D. Woolsey. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874, LiEBSTAD (Geo. Marcgravius de). Historia Rerum Naturalium Brazilige. With Piso. Folio. Lugd. Bat. et Amst., 1648. LiECHTENAU (Conrad). Chronicon. Folio. Arg., 1609. LiDGATE, or Lydgate (Jn.) Boccaccio's Tales. [Imperfect.] Folio. LiGHTFOOT (Jn.) Erubhin ; or. Miscellanies, Christian and Judaical. i2mo. 1629. LiLBURNE (John). Plea against the Tyranny of the House of Lords. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1653. [ LiLBURNE (John). Remonstrance to the Commons on his behalf. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1646. LiLBURNE (John). The Oppressed Man's Oppressions Declared. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1646. LiLBURNE (John). England's New Chains. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1648. LiLBURNE (John). The Humble Petition to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1653. LiLBURNE (John). Letters to Martin. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1647. LiLBURNE (John). Remonstrance to the Commons. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1646. LiLBURNE (John). Exceptions to a Bill of Indictment. [Tracts, Vol. 17.J 4to. 1653. LiLBURNE (John). The Grand Plea against the Tyranny of the House of Lords. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1647. LiLBURNE (John). The Resolved Man's Resolution to maintain his Civil Liberties. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1647. 524 LiLBURNE (John). Vindication of Liberty. [Tracts, Vol. 73.] 4to. 1646. LiLBURNE (John). Epistle to Justice Roll, against the Judges of the King's Bench. [Tracts, Vol. 9,] 4to. 1648. Lilly (Jn.) Register. 2 vols. 8vo. 17 10. Lilly (Jn.) Reports and Pleadings of Cases in Assize, for Offices, Nuisances, Lands, and Tenements. Folio. 17 19. Lilly (Jn.) Practical Conveyancer. Folio. 1742. Lilly (Jn.) Collection of Modern Entries; or. Select Pleadings in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer. 2 vols. Svo. 1791. Lilly (Wm.) His (and other) Prophecies Explained. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1644. LiM (Samuel). An Analytical Index of Parallel Reference to the Cases adjudged in the several Courts of Pennsylvania. With an Appendix, containing a Collection of Cases over-ruled, denied, doubted, or limited in their Application. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. LiMNiEUS (Joh.) Capitulationes Imperatorum et Regum Romano- Germanorum, cum Annotamentis. 4to. Argent., 1651. LiMPius (Pomps.) Repetitiones in Juris Civilis Leges 9 vols. Folio. Ven., 1608. Lincoln (Bishop of). See Thurlow. Lincoln. History of the County of Lincoln. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. and Line, 1833. Lincoln. History of the County of See Allen. Lincoln (Recorder of). See Dailson. Lincoln's Inn Library. Supplement to Catalogue, April 1859 to April 1862. Svo. London, 1862. Lincoln's Inn Library. Second Supplement to the Catalogue, May 1862 to May 1867. Svo. London, 1S67. Lincoln's Inn Library. Third Supplement to the Catalogue, May 1S67 to May 1872. Svo. London, 1872. Lincoln's Inn Library. Fourth Supplement to the Catalogue, May 1872 to May 1S77. 8vo. London, 1877. 525 Lincoln's (President) Assassination. See Pitman. LiNDANUS (Wilh. Damasus). De Optimo Scripturas Interpretandi Genere. 8vo. Col., 1558. LiNDANUS (Wilh. Damasus). Histoire de la Source de Troubles, &c., contre I'Eglise Catholique; par Benoist Angevin. Svo. Paris, 1566. LiNDANUS (Wilh. Damasus). De Fugiendis Nostri Seculi Idohs, &c., cum Apologia Ecclesiae Catholicae. Svo. Col., 1580. LiNDANUS (Wilh. Damasus). Concordia Discors, sive Querimonia Catholicae Ecclesise. 8vo. Col., 1583. LiNDE (Humph.) A Pair of Spectacles to. 8vo. 1631. LiNDEBERG (Pet.) Hypotyposis Arcium, Palatiorum, Librorum, &c., Hen. Ranzovii. 4to. Hamb., 1591. LiNDEBERG (Pet.) Historica Rerum in Europa Gestarum Narratio, 1586-1590. 4to. Hamb., 1591. LiNDENBROGius (Frid.) Codex Legum Antiquarum, cum Glossario. Folio. Franc, 1613. LiNDHOUT (Hen.) Introductio in Physicam Judiciariam. 4to. Hamb., 1597. LiNDLEY (John). Introduction to Botany. 2 vols. 8vo. 1848. LiNDLEY (Nathaniel) Introduction to Jurisprudence. Being a Transla- tion of part of Thibaut's System. 8vo. Lond. and Dub., 1855. LiNDLEY (Nathaniel) The Law of Partnership. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., Dub., and Edin,, i860. Second Edition. Including its Application to Companies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. LiNDOENSis (Pet. Hen.) De Phthoe Disputatio. With Mat. Cicogna. 4to. Tub., 1585. Lindsay (Alex. Wm. Crawford, Lord). Report of the Montrose Claim, Folio. 1855. Lindsay (W. S.) History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-1876, Lingard (John). History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans to 1688. Fourth Edition. 13 vols. i2mo. 1837-1839. 526 LiNOCiER (Geof.) Histoire des Plantes. 8vo. Paris, 1620. LiNSCHOTEN (Jn. Hugen Van). Voyage into the East Indies. By Jn. "Wolfe. Folio. Linus. See Poetse Minores. Lipscomb (G., M.D.) The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1847. Lipsius (Justus). Politica. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1589. Lipsius (Justus). By Jones. [Tracts, Vol. 30.] 4to. 1594. Lipsius (Justus). Mellificium ex Philosophia Lipsii, &c. With Peregrinandi Ars. i2mo. Lugd. Bat, 1591. Lipsius (Justus). De Bibliothecis Syntagma. 4to. Antw., 1602. Lipsius (Justus). Monita et Exempla Politica. 8vo. Par., 1605. Lipsius (Justus). Diva Virgo Sichemensis, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. Ant., 1605. Lipsius (Justus). De Magistratibus Veteris Populi Romani, et de Veteri Scriptura Latinorum. i2mo. Aniburg., 1607. Lipsius (Justus). Epistola. With Jacchaeo : Odse. 4to. Lov., 1608. Lipsius (Justus). Defensio Posthuma, &c. i2mo. Antw., 1608. Lipsius (Justus). In Calumniam, [Tracts, Vol. 76,] 4to. 1615.- Lipsius (Justus). Index in Politica sua. i2nio. Franc, 161 7. Lipsius (Justus). Oratoria Institutio. i2mo. Cob., 1630. Lipsius (Justus). Opera Omnia. 4 vols. Folio. Ant., 1637. Lipsius (Justus). Leges Regise et Decemvirales. With Augustinus. Lipsius (Justus). See Coornhertius. LiSET (Ab.) Accountant's Closet. With Malynes : Lex. Folio. 1684. Lisle, Tate, and Brown (Masters). Speeches on the King's Letters. [Tracts, Vol 28.] 4to. 1645. LiSLET (L. Moreau) and Carleton (Henry). The Law of Las Siete Partidas, which are still in force in the State of Louisiana. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1820. LissET Benancio (M.) Declaration des Abuz des Apothecaires. i2mo. Lyon, 1587. LiTTEL (William, LL.D.) Reports of Cases at Common Law, and in Chancery, decided by the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from Spring Term 1822 to Spring Term 1824. [Vols. 9 to 13, Kentucky Reports] Second Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. 527 LiTTELL (William). Selected Cases from the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1795 to 182 1, not heretofore pubUshed. Second Edition, 8vo. Frankfort, 1848. LiTTLEDALE (Wm F.) The Society of King's Inns, Dublin. 8vo. Dub., 1859. Littleton. Les Tenures des Monsieur Littleton. Londres, 162 1. Littleton (Adam). Latin Dictionary. 4to. 1703. Littleton, or Lyttleton (Sir Ed w.) Teunxe?, {French). i2mo. 1612. Littleton, or Lyttleton (Sir Edw.) Reports, 2-7 Car. I. Folio. 1683. Littleton, or Lyttleton (Sir Edw.) Tenures {French and English). By T. E. Tomlins. 8vo. 1841. Littleton, or Lyttleton (Sir Edw.) See Coke and Cary. Littleton (H. A.) and Blatchley (J. S.) Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions in the Courts of Great Britain and North America. Second Edition. By Stephen G. Clarke. 8vo. New York, 1868. Litton (J.) and Machlinia (W.) Abridgment of the Statutes to 31 Henry VI. [No date, supposed to have been printed 148 1.] LiTTRK (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Frangaise. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1873. LiTURGiiE Ecclesise Defensio. 8vo. Col., 1564. Liturgical Considerator Considered ; or, Dr. Gauden's Considerations Viewed. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. Livingston (Edwd.) System of Penal Law for Louisiana. 8vo. Phil, and Pittsburgh, 1833. Livingston (Edward). On Criminal Jurisprudence. Consisting of Systems of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana and for the United States of America. With an Introduction by Salmon P. Chase. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1873. Livius (Titus). Historia Romana, cum Annotationibus Variis. Folio. Paris, 1552. Livius (Titus). See Valpy, Livius (Titus Foro-Juliensisis). Vita Henrici V. Per Thomam Hearne. 8vo. Oxon., 17 16. Lloyd (Earth. Clifford) and Goold (Francis). Chancery Reports (Ireland) in the time of Sugden, 1835. 8vo. 1836. Lloyd (Barth. Clifford) and Goold (Francis). Chancery Reports (Ireland) in the time of Plunket, principally 1834-1836. 8vo. 1837-1839. 528 Lloyd (Edmd.) De Fluviorum, &c., in Britannia Nominibus. See Baxter. Lloyd (Eyre). The Laws of Compensation. 8vo. London, 1867. Second Edition, Svo. London, 1870. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Lloyd (Eyre). The Law of Compensation under the Lands Clauses and Railways Clauses Consolidation Acts, the Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, the Metropolis Local Management, and other Acts, &c. With a full Collection of Forms and Precedents. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1877. T/LOYD (Eyre, B.A.) The Succession Laws of Christian Countries. With Special Reference to the Law of Primogeniture as it exists in England. 8vo. London, 1877. Lloyd (John Horatio) and Welsby (W. Newland). Reports of Cases relating to Commerce, Manufactures, &c , in the Courts of Common Law, 1829, 1830. 8vo. 1829. Lloyd (John Horatio). See Danson. Lloyd (John J. P.) and Smith (Smalman). The History and Progress of County Government in England. With Suggestions for its Improvement. [Pamphlet, 31 pp.] London, 1879. Lloyd (Lod.) Dial of Days. [Tracts, Vol. 30.] 4to. 1590, Lloyd (Lod.) Brief Conference of Divers Laws. 4to. 1602. Lloyd (Lod.) Stratagems of Jerusalem. With the Martial Discipline of the Jews, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 10.] 4to. 1602. Lloyd (Morgan). Law and Practice of County Courts. i2mo. 1857. Lloyd (Morgan). On the Law of Prohibition. i2mo. 1859. Lloyd (Morgan). Law and Practice of County Courts. See Cox. Lloyd (Morgan, Q.C., M.P.) The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1 873-1875, and the Rules of Court and Forms. With Notes. 8vo. London, 1875. LoARTE (Gasp.) Instruicam pera Meditar os Mysterios do Rosario da Virgem Maria. 24mo. 1587. LoARTE (Gasp.) De Sacris Peregrinationibus, &c. With Desiderius. lomo. Col. Ag., 161 9. LoBO (Fr. Rodrigo). Corte ne Aldea, e Noites de Inverno. 4to. Lisb., 1 6 10. Local Taxes of the United Kingdom. Containing a Digest of the Law. With a Summary of Statistical Information concerning the several Local Taxes in England, Scotland, and Ireland. [Under the direction of the Poor Law Commissioners.] Svo. London, 1846. 529 LoccENius (Jo.) Sueciae Regni Leges Provinciales. 8vo. Lond. Scan., 1675. Loch (William Adam). A Practical Legal Guide for Sailors and Merchants during War. With Appendixes, Orders in Council, &c. 8vo. London, 1854. Loch Cd. The Annals of. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs from a.d. 10 14 to A.D. 1590. Edited, with a Translation, by William M. Hennessy, M.R.S.A. &^ Brit, Gt, No. 54. 8vo. 187 1. Locker (Jo. Geo.) Disquisitiones Mathematicse. 4to. Ingolst., 16 14. LocHER (Jo. Geo.) Disquisitiones Mathematicae. With Witikindus. Lochmaier (Mich.) Parochiale Curatorum. 4to. Paris, 15 13. Locke (John). Works. 3 vols. Folio. 1714. Locke (John, Barrister-at-Law). Law and Practice of Foreign Attach- ment in the Lord Mayor's Court. With Forms. i2mo. 1853. ' Locke (John, Q.C., M.P.) On the Game Laws of England and Wales. Including Introduction, Statutes, Explanatory Notes, Cases, and Index. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1849. Fifth Edition, in which are introduced the Game Laws of Scotland and Ireland. By Gilmore Evans, Esq. 8vo. London, 1866. LocKHART (Jn. Gibson). Life of Sir Walter Scott. 10 vols. i2mo. Edin., 1839. LocKHART Papers. Containing Memoirs and Commentaries upon the Affairs of Scotland, 1 702-1 745. By George Lockhart, of Carn- worth, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 181 7. LocKWOOD (Ralph). An Analytical and Practical Synopsis of all the Cases argued and reversed in Law and Equity in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New York, from 1799 to 1847. 8vo. New York, 1848. LocRE (Jn. Guil.) Esprit du Code Napoleon. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Lodge (Adam). Schiller's Bride of Messina, and other Poems. 8vo. London, 1863. Lodge (John). Desiderata Curiosa Hibernica. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1772. ■ Lodge (John). The Peerage of Ireland ; or, a Genealogical History of the present Nobility of that Kingdom. Revised by Mervyn Archdall, A.M. 7 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1789, (34) 530 Lodge (Edmd.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. With Biographical Memoirs. 8 vols. 12 mo. LoDOvicus (Ant.) Opera de re Medica. Folio. Olyss., 1540. LoEUS (Rob.) Effigiatio veri Sabbatismi. 4to. 1605. LoEMELius (Herm.) Querimonia Ecclesise Anglicange. 8vo. Audom., 1631. LoEMELius (Herm.) Spongia adversus Censuram Parisiensem. [Tracts, Vol. 135.] 8vo. Audom., 1631. LoFFT (Capel). Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, 12 to 14 Geo. III. With some Select Cases in Chancery and the Common Pleas. To which is added the Case of General Warrants, and a Collection of Maxims. Folio. 1776. Logan (Jn.) Treatise of Honour. With Guillim : Heraldry. Folio. 1679. Logan (Jn.) In British Poets. LoGiE (And.) Answer to the Quseritur, Where was your Church before Luther? [Tracts, Vol. 81.] 4to. Aberd., 1624. LoHETUS (Dan.) Sorex Primus. 8vo. 16 18. LoiOLA, or Loyola (Ign.) Responsio ad Gretserum, qua lUustratur Vita Loyolse. 8vo. Heid., 1600. LoiOLA, or Loyola (Ign.) Exercitia Spiritualia. 24mo. 16 19. LoiOLA, or Loyola (Ign.) See Valderame. LoMATius (Paul.) Art of Painting, Carving, &c. {English). Folio. Oxon., 1598. Lombard (Pet.) Liber Sententiarum ; cum Conclusionibus Hen. Gorichemii. [No Title.] Folio. LoMBARDELLi (Oraz.) Somma della Perfettion, Compresa in un Sermone sopre la Vita di S. Ignatio. 8vo. Ven., 1576. Lombard ELLi (Oraz.) De gli Ufizii e Costumi de Giovani. 8vo. Fior., 1585. Lombard ELLI (Oraz.) II Giovane Studente. 12 mo. Ven., 1594. LoMBARDELLi (Oraz.) Gli Aforismi Scholastici. 8vo. Sion., 1603. Lombardelli (Oraz.) Gli Aforismi Scholastici. 8vo. Sion., 1630. ' Lombardus (Pet. Bon.) Margarita Pretiosa Novella. 8vo. Arg., 1608. Lombardus (Pet. Bon.) Sylva Medicamentorum Compositorum. 8vo. Lip., 1617. 531 LoMMius (Jod.) Medicinales Observationes. 8vo. Antw., 1560. LoNDANUS (Nic.) De Reversione Animi in Cselum. With Guarini. 4to. Venet., 1569. LoNDOiGNO (Sanch. de). Sur la Mani^re pour Reduire la Discipline Militaire k son Ancien Estat. 8vo. Beux., 1589. London. Articles to be Inquired of within the Diocese of London. [Tracts, Vol. 3.] 4to. 1640. London. Its Declaration in Defence of the Citizens. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. London. Ministers' Representation concerning the King. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1649. London. Loyal Subject's Lamentation for its Perverseness. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1661. London. The Pleadings, Arguments, and other Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, upon the Quo Warranto touching the Charter of the City of London. With the Judgment entered there- upon. Folio. London, 1690. London and its Environs Described. With a Plan, Maps, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. 1 76 1. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions. 2 parts. 8vo. 1856. London. The Streets, and how to make them Passable. 8vo. i860. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society's Publications. [Im- perfect.] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1 856-1 870. LoNERUs (Jo. Phil.) De Causis Apoplexise. 8vo. Lips., 1596. Long (Geo.) Two Discourses delivered in the Middle Temple Hall, Introductory to Lectures on Jurisprudence and Civil Law. 8vo. 1847. Long (Geo.) Notice of Savigny's Roman Law. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 1847. Long (Geo.) and Porter (George R.) Geography of Great Britain. With Clarke's Statistics, Vol. I. 8vo. 1850. Long Report. See Year Book, Vol. VI. Long v. Bishop of Cape Town. The Case of Long v. Bishop of Cape Town. Embracing the Opinions of the Judges of the Colonial Court. With the Decision of the Privy Council, and Preliminary Observations by the Editor. 8vo. London, 1866. Long (George, M.A.) The Decline of the Roman Republic. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1 864-1 874. 532 LoNGFiELD (Robert, Q.C., M.P.) The Fishery Laws of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1863. LoNGFiELD (Robert, Q.C., M.P.) The Game Laws of Ireland. Second Edition. Svo. Dublin, 1868, LONGFIELD (Robt.) and Townsend (John Fitzhenry). Irish Exchequer Reports, 1841, 1842. 8vo. 1841. LONGFIELD (Robt.) Napier's Practice of Civil Bill Courts. 8vo. Dub., 1843. LoNGiANO (Fausto di). De Gli Augurii, et de Superstitioni de gli Antichi. i2mo. Ven., 1542. LoNGiANO (Fausto di). De lo Instituire un Figlio d'un Principe. I i2mo. Ven., 1542. . LoNGiANO (Fausto di). De Metereologid. i2mo. Ven., 1542. LoNGiNUS (Dionysius). De Sublimitate, &c., cura Weiske. 8vo. Oxon., 1820. LoNGLANDS (Henry). On the Delivery of Merchandise, &c. Svo. 1840, Longman (William). The Life and Times of Edward the Third. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Longolius, or Longueil (Christ.) Orationes et Epistolse, cum Vita ejus. 4to. Flor., 1524. Longolius, or Lon'gueil (Gybert.) Annotationes in Philostratum et Eusebium. Longomontanus (Chris.) Astronomica Danica. 4to. Amst, 1622. Lonicerus (Phil.) Chronica Turcica. 3 vols. Folio. Franc, 1578. LoNiGUS (Mich.) Consilium Gregorio XV., Exhibitum de Maximiliano Bavariae. [Tracts, Vol. 114.] 4to. Ar,, 1623. Lonnerus (And.) Relegatio Jesuitarum. 4to. Gie., 1622. LoNNERUs (And.) Adsertio Hominis Catholici adversus Papistarum Clamores. 4to. Gie., 161 2. LooKER-ON (The). In Literary Miscellany for June 1850, Looking-glass of the Holy War. Lopes (Fern.) Histoire dell' Indie Orientali. 2 vols. 4to. Lopes, or Lopez (Greg.) Excelencias de Espana. FoUo. Vala., 1597. Lopes, or Lopez (Greg.) See Partidas. Lopez (Fran.) Historia de Mexico, con el Descubrimiento de la Nueva Espana. 8vo. Anvers, 1554. 8vo. 1850. 4to. 1624. Ven., , 1577- 533 Lopez (Fran.) Historia de las Indias y la Conquista de Mexico. 8vo. Anvers, 1554. Lopez Bravo (Mat.) De Rege et Regendi Ratione. [Tracts, Vol. 153.] 8vo. Met., 1616. Lopius (Garc.) De Varia Rei Medicae Lectione. 8vo. Antw., 1564. LoppEsius (Pet.) Flosculus Medicinae. 4to. Milan, 1635. Lord (Hen.) Display of the Banians and Parsees. 4to. 1630. Lord (Jas.) The Vatican and St. James's. Svo. 185 1. Lords Spiritual and Temporal. Representation and Address to the Queen about the Aylesbury Men, &c., and the Queen's Answer, &c., 1704. [Tracts, Case 32.] Folio. 1704. Lords (House of). A General Index to the Sessional Papers printed by order of the House of Lords, or presented by Special Council, 1 801-1859. Folio, i860. Lords (House of). Votes and Proceedings, 1861 [continued]. Folio. 1861. Lords (House of). Sessional Papers, printed by order of the House of Lords, or presented by Royal Command, 25° Victorige. 1862. LoRENZ (Otto). Catalogue General de la Libraire Frangaise, pendent 25 ans (1840-1865). 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1867-1872. LoRiCHius (Jod). De Vera et Falsa Libertate Credendi. 8vo. Jngolst, 1577. LoRiCHius (Jod.) De Usu Imaginum in Ecclesid. [Tracts, Vol. 81.] 4to. Colon., 1587. LoRiCHius (Jod.) De usu Imaginum in Ecclesia. [Tracts, Vol. 81.] 4to. Colon., 1587. LoRiCHius (Jod.) Cura Corporis Humani. 8vo. Ingol., 1587. LoRiMER (James). ConstitutionaHsm of the Future ; or. Parliament the Mirror of the Nation. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. LoRiMER (James, M.A., F.R.S.E.) A Handbook of the Law of Scot- land. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Third Edition. By David McKechnie, M.A. Svo. Edinburgh, 1873. Fourth Edition. By Russell Bell. Svo. Edinburgh, 1879. LoRiNUS (Jo.) Commentarius in Leviticum. Folio. Antw., 1620. LoRiT (Hen.) Glareanus. LoRYOT (Fr.) Fleur des Secrets Moraux sur les Passions. 4to. Par., 1 6 14. 534 Loss/Eus (Nic.) Jura Universitatum. 8vo. Colon., 1717. LoTTiNi (Gio. Fr.) Auvedimenti Civili. 8vo. Ven., 1582. LouBAYSiN (Francisco), Les Abus du Monde. Par F. de Rosset 8vo. Paris, 16 18. Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Plants. 8vo. 1841. Louis XL Histoire de, Autrement Dicte la Chronique Scandaleuse. 4to, 1620, Louis XL Histoire de. Autrement Dicte la Chronique Scandaleuse With Comines. 4to, 1620, Louis XIII. Letters Patents touching the Reformed Religion, &c. [Tracts, Vol, 98,] 4to, 1621. Louis XIII, Son Coup d'Etat, [Tracts, Vol. 153.] 8vo, Par., 1631. Louisiana, The Laws of Las Siete Partidas which are still in force in the State of Louisiana. Translated from the Spanish by L. Moreau Lislet and Henry Carleton. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orelans, 1820, Louisiana. Code of Practice in Civil Cases, See Fuqua, Louisiana Reports, Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana, By Branch W, Miller and Thomas Curry. With Marginal References by Thomas Gibbes Morgan. March Term 1830 to June Term 1841, [Vols, 11 to 20, Louisiana Reports,] 19 vols, in 10. 8vo. New Orleans, 1854, Louisiana Annual Reports. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, from the Reorganisation of the Court under the Constitution of 1845 to December 1878, [Vols, 33-63, Louisiana Reports.] Vols, 1-4. By Merritt M, Robinson, Vols. S, 6, By William W. King, Vols. 7-1 1, By W, M. Randolph. Vols. 12-15, By A, N, Ogden, Vols, 16-18, By S. F. Glenn. Vols. 19-24, By J, Hawkins, Vols. 25-28. By C. Gayarre. Vols, 29, 30. By Percy Roberts. 31 vols, 8vo, New Orleans, 1847-1879. Louisiana Civil Code, With Annotations by Wheelock S. Upton and Needier R, Jennings, 8vo. New Orleans, 1838. Lounger. In British Essayists, Love. Family of. Their Abominable Delusions, &c. [Tracts, Vol, 127.] 8vo, 1622. Love. Questions of Love, and Questions Natural, Moral, Politick. [Tracts, Vol. 18.] ^to. LovKLL (Edward Bourne). Monthly Digest, 1850-1854. 5 vols. 8vo. 1 850-1 855. LovELL (Edward Bourne). Common Law Reports. 535 LovELL (Rt.) In British Poets. LovESY (C. W.) The Bankruptcy Act, 1869; the Debtors' Act, 1869; and the Bankruptcy Repeal and Insolvent Court Act, 1869. i2mo, London, 1870. LovESY (Conway Whithorne). The Law of Arbitrations between Masters and Workmen, as founded upon 5 Geo. IV., c. 96, and 30 and 31 Vict, c. 105, "Councils of Conciliation Act, 1867." i2mo. London, 1867. LoviBOND (Edwd.) In British Poets. LovisiNO (Marc. Ant. Udinese). Expositione d'Esdra sopra gli Acci- denti delia Revolutione del Imperio dell' Aquila. 4to. Ven., 1572. Low (Sampson). See Catalogues. Lowell (John, LL.D.) Judgments delivered in the Courts of the United States for the Districts of Massachusetts, 1865-1877. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 187 2-1 878. Lower (Mark Antony, M.A.) A Compendious History of Sussex, Topographical, Archaeological, and Anecdotal. Containing an Index to the first Twenty Volumes of the " Sussex Archaeological Collections." 2 vols. 8vo. Lewes, 1870. Lower (Marc. Ant.) On English Surnames and Nomenclature, &c. With Appendix containing the Roll of Battle Abbey, &c. 8vo. 1844. Lower Canada. See Canada, Lower. Lowndes (Richard). The Admiralty Law of Collisions at Sea, 8vo. London, 18C7. Lowndes (Jn. Jas.) On Copyright. 8vo. 1840. Lowndes (Jn. Jas.) On Lord Denman's Bill for Improving the Law of Evidence. [Pamphlets, Vol. 2.] 8vo. 1843. Lowndes (Jn. Jas.) Practice Cases. See Dowling. Lowndes (Jn. Jas.), Maxwell (P. B.), and Pollock (C. E.) Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench Practice Court. With Points of Practice and Pleading decided in the Common Pleas and Ex- chequer, 1850-185 1, 2 vols. 8vo. 1851-1852. Lowndes (Jn. Jas.) and Maxwell (P. B.) Bail Court Cases, 185 2-1 854. 8vo. 1854. Lowndes (Richard). The Law of General Average {English and Foreign). 8vo. London, 1873. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1878. 536 Lowndes (William Thomas). The Bibliographer's Manual. See Catalogues. Lowndes (Wm. Tho.) Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. By Hy. S. Bohn. 3 vols, and 5 parts. i2mo. 1857. Loyalty. Resurrection of. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1660. LoYSEAU (Chs.) Cinque Livres de Droit des Offices. Folio. Chast., 1610. LoYSius (Geo.) Pervigilium Mercurii. i2mo. Wit., 1631. LozANNE (Mareschal de). Medicine pour les Chevaulx. With Basti- ment. i2mo. Paris. LuARD (Henry Richards, M.A.) Life of Edward the Confessor. See Brit., Gt., No. 3. LuARD (Henry Richards, M.A.) Bartholomgei de Cotton Historia. See Brit., Gt., No. 16. LuARD (Henry Richards, M.A.) Letters of Bishop Grosseteste. See Brit., Gt., No. 25. LuARD (Henry Richards, M.A.) Annales Monastici. See Brit., Gt., No. 36. 1864-1866. Vol. I. — Annales de Margan, 1066-123 2. Annales de Theoksberia, 1066-1263. Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. 2. — Annales Monastici de Wintonia, 519-1277. Annales Monastici de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. 3. — Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297. Annales Monastici de Bermundeseia, 1042-1432. LuARD (H. R.) Roberti Grosseteste Epistolae. See under Grosseteste. LuBBERT (Sibrand.) De Papa Romano. 8vo. Franc, 1594. LuBBERT (Sibrand.) De Principiis Dogmatum. 8vo. Franc, 1608. LuBBERT (Sibrand.) Declaratio Responsionis Vorstii. 8vo. Franc, 161 1. LuBiN, or Lubinus (Eilhard). Phosphorus de Causa et Natura Mali. 8vo. Rost, 1 60 1. LuBY (Thomas Clark) and Others. Their Trial for Treason-Felony. See Fenian Conspiracy. LucA Hispano. La Historia Romoaldina. 8vo. Ven., 1590. LucA (Jo. Bapt. de). Rotae Romanae Decisiones. Folio. Ven., 1527. LucA (Jo. Bapt. de). Rotse Romanae Decisiones. 4 vols. Folio. 1707. 537 LucA (Jo. Bapt. de). Theatrum Veritatis et Justitiae. 1 8 vols, in 1 6. Folio. Ven., 1716. LucA (Jo. Bapt. de). Cause Civili. 4 vols. 4to. Venet., 1752. ' LucA (Tudensis). Scriptores aliquot contra Sectam Waldensium, &c., editore Gretsero. 4to. Ingolst., 1613. LucA (Tudensis). De Altera Vita, cum Notis Jo. Marianse. 4to. Ingolst, 16 1 2. LucANUS (Marc Annaeus). See Maittaire. I^ucANUS. See Lasso. LucANUs. In British Poets. Lucas (Rt.) Cases in Law and Equity. See Modern Reports, Vol. X. Folio. 1744. Lucas (Samuel, M.A.) Charters of Old English Colonies in America. With an Introduction and Notes. 8vo. London, 1850. LucENA (Joam de). Vida de Francisco de Xavier, &c. Folio. Lisb., 1600. LucHiNi (Paolo). Due Ragionamenti del Modo del Parlare, &c. 4to. Urbe., 1588. LuciANus. Opera, 8vo. Basil, 1545. LuciANUS. Opera Latinb. Per Jos. Mycillum. Folio. Franc, 1543. LuciAnus. De Virtute cum Mercuric in J ovem Conquerente {Latine). With Car Fernandus. Folio. Asc, 1514. LuciDAiRE (Le), ou Belles Questions. [Tracts, Vol. 150.] 8vo. Par. LuciDus (J oh.) Opusculura de Emendatione Temporum. 4to. Ven., 1546. LuciLius (Caius). See Maittaire. Lucio (Fr. Ortiz.) Compendium Declarationum Pontificum, &c., super Regulam Patris Francisci. 8vo. Mad., 1584 Lucius (Aloys.) De Studiis. [Tracts, Vol. 49.] 4to. Ven., 1608 Lucius (Cyriac.) De variis Medicorum Sectis. 4to. Ing., 1583 Lucius (Lud.) Anti-Christus. Disputatio, Autoribus Tileno et Bright manno. 8vo. Amb., 16 10, Lucius (Lud.) Disceptatio de Satisfactione Christi. Cum Mich Gittichio. 12 mo. Basil, 16 13 Lucius Marineus. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. Lucretius (Titus Carus). See Valpy. 538 Lucretius (Titus Carus). See Maittaire. Lues et Guiternes. La Maniere d'Entoucher. 4to. Poit., 1557. LuDDEN (Timothy). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1857, 1858. [Vols. 43, 44, Maine Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1858, 1859. LuDERS (Alex.) Considerations on the Law of High Treason in the Article of Levying War. Svo. Bath, 1808. ' LuDERS (Alex.) Essay on the Use of the French Language in our Ancient Laws, &c. LuDERS (Alex.) Reports of Proceedings in Committees of the House V of Commons upon Controverted Elections. 3 vols. Svo. 1808. LuDERS (Alex.) Essay on the Character of Henry V. when Prince of Wales. 8vo. 181 3. LuDicRORUM et Amoenitatum Argumentorum, Scriptores. Svo. Lugd. Bat, 1623. Ludlow (Edmd.) Memoirs. Folio. 1751. Ludlow (Edmd.) Truth brought to Light; or, Forgeries of Dr. Hol- lingworth. With Allegiance Oath. 4to. 1693. Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts. See Camden Society's Papers, No. 102. Ludlow (Henry, M.A.) and Jenkins (Henry, M.A.) On the Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names. Including Foreign Laws ap- plicable to British Trade Marks. Svo. London, 1873. Ludolfus (Lamb.) De Studio et Causis Eloquentise. With ex Polybio Liber. 4to. Nea., 1581. LuDOvicus (Jo.) De Fide Hsereticis Servanda. [Tracts, Vol. 135.] Svo. Mog., 1607. LuDOVicus (Jo.) De Triplici Csena. With Draxius. Svo. Mog., 1608. LuDovisius (Alex., Greg. XV.) Aurese Decisiones Rotse Romanse, ab Oliv, Beltramisio Taurisino. Folio. Venet., 1638. LuGDUNUM Batava. Illustris Academia Lugd. Batava, id est Vivorum Clarissimorum, Elogia, Icones, ac Vitae qui eam Scriptis suis lUustrarunt. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 16 13. Luke (St.) French and Piedmontese. Svo. 1838. Luke (St.) French and Vaudoise. See Bert. Lullius (Raymund.) Principia Philosophic. 4to. Paris, 15 16. Lullius (Raymund.) Ars Operativa, Medica. With Pictorius : Methodus. Svo. Basil, 1562. 539 LuLLius (Raymund.) Secreta Secretorum. 8vo. Colon., 1592. LuLLius (Raymund.) Ars Magna Generalis et Ultima. 8vo. Fran., 1596. LuLLius (Raymund.) Elucidatio Secretorum, &c. 8vo. 1602. LuLLius (Raymund.) Testamentum Novissimum. 8vo. LuMBY (J. R., B.D.) Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden. See Brit. Gt., No. 41. LuMLEY (Wm. Golden). On Annuities and Rent Charges. 8vo. 1833. LuMLEY (Wm. Golden). Abridgment of Cases upon the Poor Law. 8vo. 1840. LuMLEY (Wm. Golden). Law of Parochial Assessments. i2mo. 1858. LuMLEY (W. G.) Nuisance Removal and Diseases Prevention Act of 1855, 18 and 19 Vict., cc. 116, 121. With Introduction, Notes, and Index. Second Edition, in which is comprised the Amending Act 23 and 24 Vict., c. 77, and the Official Documents issued thereon. i2mo. London, i860. LuMLEY (W. Golden, LL.M.) The Poor Removal and Union Charge- ability Acts. With Introductory Essays and Commentaries. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1865. LuMLEY (W. G, LL.M.) and Lumley (Edmund, M.A.) The New Sanitary Laws : namely, the Public Health Acts, 1848 and 1858. and the Local Government Act, 1858. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1871. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1873. Lumley (W. G., LL.M., Q.C) and Lumley (Edmund, M.A.) The Public Health Act, 1875, annotated. With an Appendix. 8vo. London, 1876. Lumley (W. G., LL.M., Q.C.) On Bye Laws. With an Appendix containing Model Bye Laws issued by the Board of Trade, the Education Department, and the Local Government Board. 8vo. London, 1877. LuMNius (Jo. Fred.) De Vicinitate Extremi Judicii. LuMNius (Jo. Fred.) Indorum Vocatio. Svo. Ven., 1569. LuMNius (Jo. Fred.) Thesaurus Christiani Hominis. Svo. Antw., 1588. LuMNius (Jo. Fred.) De Vicinitate Extremi Judicii. 8vo. Antw., 1594. Luna (Juan de). Sermones de Quarezma, &c. 4to. Mad., 1609. Luna (Juan de). Dialogos. Svo. Paris, 16 19. LuPTON (Tho.) The Christian against the Jesuite. 4to. 1582, 540 Lupus Gemini anus (Jo. Bapt.) De Usuris et Commerciis Illicitis. 4to. Venet, 1577. LusciNius (Ottom.) See Ammonius Alexandrinus. Lush (Robt.) Practice of the Courts at Westminster. 8vo. 1840. Lush (Robt.) Practice of the Courts at Westminster. By Stephens. Svo. Lond. and Dub., 1856. Lush (Robt.) See Chitty's General Practice, Vol. III. Lush (Robt.) Pleading, &c. See Saunders. Lush (Robert). Practice of the Superior Courts of Law at West- minster in Actions and Proceedings over which they have a Common Jurisdiction. Third Edition. By Joseph Dixon. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Lushington (Godfrey). A Manual of Naval Prize Law. Svo. London, 1866. Lushington (Godfrey). The Case of the Tornado. Reprinted by permission from The Pall Mall Gazette. [Pamphlet.] 8vo. London, 1867. LusiGNANO (Fr. Stef ) Corona Lusignana, &c. 4to. Pad., 1577. LusiNG (R. de). On Estates. [Tracts, Vol. 24.] 4to. 1606. LusiNG (R. de). On Estates. With Father Paul to Paul V. LusiTANiiE in Regnum Jus Succedendi, Dominae Catheringe Regis Emanuelis Neptis. Folio. Par., 1641. Luther (Martin). Annotationes in Deuteronomiam. [No Title.] i2mo. Luther (Martin). Resolutio super Propositione sua de Potestate Papse. 4to. Lips., 1519. Luther (Martin). Ejusdem Defensio contra Jo. Eccium. 4to. Lips., 1519. Luther (Martin). Epistola Lutheriana de Libertate Christiana. 4to. Ant., 1520. Luther (Martin). Epistolse ad Henricum VIII., cum Admonitione Jo. Coclsei. With Clemens VII. ; Epistola. 4to. Col., 1527. Luther (Martin). Adversus Papatum Romse. 4to. 1545. Luther (Martin). In Epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatos. 8vo. Franc, 1546. Luther (Martin). Histoire de sa Vie, par Melancthon. i2mo. 1555. Luther (Martin). Signs of Christ's Coming. With Regicides' Trial 4to. 1661. 541 Luther (Martin). Table Talk. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. With his Life. By Alex. Chalmers. 12 mo. 1850. LuTTRELL (Narcissus). A Historical Relation of State Affairs, from September 1678 to April 1714. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1857. LuTWYCHE (Alf J. P.) Registration Cases in the Common Pleas on Appeal, 7-17 Vict. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844. LuTWYCHE (Alf J. P.) Registration Cases. Vol. i, Part i. 8vo. 1844. LuTWYCHE (Sir Edward). Un Livre des Entries. Contenant aussi un Report des Resolutions del Court sur diverse exceptions prises as Pleadings, et sur auters matters en Ley, from 34 Charles II. to 2 Anne. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1704. LuTWYCHE (Sir Edward). Reports and Entries. By W. Nelson. Folio. London, 17 18. LuYS (Fr.) Vida de Padre Fr. Estevano. 4to. Lisb., 1621. LuzAC (Jo.) De Jureconsultis Romanis. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1768. LuzANCY (Geo.) Review of the Council of Trent {from the French). Folio. Oxford, 1638. LuzzATO (Sim.) State de gli Hebrei et in Particolar Dimoranti nella Citta di Venetia. With Buccellius. 4to. Ven., 1638. Lycophron. Alexandra sive Cassandra. 4 vols. 8vo. Lips., 181 1. Lycosthenes (Conr.) Apophthegmata. 8vo. Lausannse, 1573. Lycosthenes (Conr.) Simihum Loci Communes. 8vo. Basil, 1575- Lycurgus. See Oratores. Lydgate. See Lidgate. Lydiat (Tho.) De variis Annorum Formis. 8vo. 1605. Lydiat (Tho.) Explicatio, &c., Temporis Natalis, et Ministerii Christi. 8vo. 1613. Lydiat (Tho.) Solis et Lunge Periodus, appellatus Annus Magnus. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] 8vo. 1620. Lydus (Joh. Laur.) De Magistratibus Reipublicae Romanae. 8vo. Paris, 181 2. Lye (Edw.) Saxon Dictionary. By Owen Manning. 2 vols. Folio. 1772. Lynch (W.) A View of the Legal Institutions, Honorary Hereditary Offices, and Feudal Baronies established in Ireland during the Reign of Henry 11. Deduced from Court Rolls, Inquisitions, and other original Records, 8vo. London, 1830. 542 Lyndesay, or Lindesay (Day., Bishop of Brechin), Proceedings in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1618. 4to. 1621. Lyndhurst (Lord). Letter to, on the Appointment of Sheriffs in Ireland. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 1838. Lyndwode, Lyndwood, or Lindewood (Wm.) Cum Constitutionibus Othonis, et Othoboni, et Annotationibus Johannis de Athona. Folio. Paris, 1505. Lyndwode, Lyndwood, or Lindewood (Wm.) Provinciale seu Consti- tutiones Anglise. Cum Annotationibus. Folio. Antw., 1525. Lyndwode, Lyndwood, or Lindewood (Wm.) Folio. Oxon., 1679. Lyne (Jas.) On Leases for Lives Renewable for ever. 8vo. Dub., 1837. Lyne (Jas.) On Church Leases, &c. 8vo. Dub., 1838. Lyne (Jas.) Select Cases in the Irish Chancery in the time of Lififord. From Wallis's Notes. 8vo. Dub., 1839. Lyon (Andrew). The Law of India, Repealed and Unrepealed. i2mo. Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, London, 1872. Lyon (Andrew). The Law of India. Vol. i. The Codes. Vol. 2. Miscellaneous Laws. 2 vols. 8vo. Bombay, &c, 1873. Lyon (Geo.) Elements of Scots Law in the Form of Question and Answer. With Forms of Writings, &c. 8vo. Edin., 1831. Lyon (G. E.) On the Law of Bills of Sale. i6mo. London, 1873. Lyon (Jn.) History of Dover and the Cinque Ports. 2 vols, in I. 4to, Dov., 181 3. Lyons. Institutione de I'Aumosne Gdn^rale de Lyon. 4to. Lyon, 1632. Lyra (Nic. de). Harpsfield in Testamentum Vetus, usque ad Parali- pomenon Secundum. Vol. i. Folio. Lyra (Nic. de). Ab Isaia usque ad Machabeos. Vol. 3. Folio. Lyra (Nic de). In Novum Testamentum. Vol. 5. Folio. Ven., 1499. Lyra (Nic. de). In Epistolas, Acta Apostolorum, et in Apocalypsin. Folio. Lysias, See Oratores. Lysons (D.) The Environs of London. Being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets within Twelve Miles of that Capital, interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes. 4 vols, 4to. London, 1796. 543 Lysons (D.) An Historical Account of those Parishes in the County of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London, 4to. London, 1800. Lysons (Dan.) Parishes of Middlesex not described in the Environs of London. 4to. 1800. Lysons (Dan. and Sam.) Magna Britannia. Being a Topographical Account of the Counties of Great Britain (alphabetically arranged, ending with Devonshire). 6 vols. 4to. 1806. Lysons (Dan.) Environs of London. 2 vols. 4to. 1810. Lysons (D.) Supplement to the First Edition of the Historical Account of the Environs of London. 4to. London, 181 1. Lyttelton (George, Lord). History of the Life of Henry H., and of the Age in which he lived. 4 vols. 4to. 1767. Lyttelton (George, Lord). In British Poets. 544 M ABILLON (Jn.) De Re Diplomatica ; cum Supplemento. 2 vols. Folio. Lut. Par., 1681 & 1704. Mably (Gab. Bonnet). Le Droit Public de I'Europe. 3 vols. i2mo. Genbve et Paris, 1776. McAllister (Cutler). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Districts of Cali- fornia, 1855-1859. Vol. I. Svo. New York, 1859. M'Arthur (Jn.) See Ossian. M'Arthur (Jn.) Principles and Practice of Naval and Military Courts- Martial. 2 vols. 8vo. 1813. M'Arthur (Jn.) See Montagu. Macartney (John). Irish Nisi Prius Reports. See Armstrong. Macaulay (James). Equity Index. See Chitty. Macaulay (Tho. Babington, Lord) The History of England, from James II. 5 vols. Svo. 1849, &c. Macaulay (Tho. Babington, Lord). Critical and Historical Essays. Svo. 1 85 1. Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord). Biographies. Contributed to the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." i2mo. London, i860. Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord). Speeches. Corrected by Himself. Svo. London, 1863. M'Bride (p. H.) The Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, from 1821-1828. Svo. St. Louis, 1829. McCahon (James). Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Kansas, December Term 1858 to December Term 1868. Svo. Chicago, 1S70. MacCall (H. S.) The New York Civil and Criminal Justice. Third Edition. Svo. Albany, 1S66. McCarter (Thomas N.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery and in the Prerogative Court of the State of New Jersey, 1861-1S63. [Vols. 14-15, New Jersey Equity Reports.] 2 vols. Svo. Trenton, 1865-1S67, MacClean (John). Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Seventh Circuit, 1S29- 1S55. 6 vols. Svo. Cincinnatti, 1S40-1S56. 545 M'Cleland (Tho.) Exchequer Reports. 8vo. 1825. M'Cleland (Tho.) and Younge (Edward). Exchequer Reports. Svo. 1827. Macclesfield (Earl of). Tryal of. Folio. 1725. McCooK (George W.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio. [Vol, i, Ohio State Reports, 1852- 1853.] Svo. Columbus, 1853. McCoRD (D. J.) Reports of Cases determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina, January Term 182 1 to April Term 1828. [Vols. 10-13, South Carolina Law Reports.] 4 vols in 2. 8vo. Charleston, S.C., 1853. McCoRD (D. J.) Chancery Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, January 1825 to February 1827. [Vols. 6 and 7, South Carolina Equity.] 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Charleston, S.C, 1857. McCoRD (Thomas). The Civil Code of Lower Canada. i6mo. Montreal, 1857. Maccovius (Joh.) Collegii Theologici Disputationes. Svo. Fran., 16 18. M'CuLLOCH (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce. Svo. 1S34. M'CuLLOCH (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce. Supplement. Svo. 1837. M'CuLLOCH (J. R.) Geographical Dictionary. 2 vols. Svo. 1S46. M'CuLLOCH (J. R.) Account of the British Empire. 2 vols. Svo. 1847. MacCulloch (J. R.) On the Succession to Property vacant by Death. Including Inquiries into the Influence of Primogeniture, Entails, Compulsory Partition, Foundations, &c., over Public Interests. Svo. London, 1848. MacCulloch (J. R.) The Works of David Riccardo. With a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author. Svo. London, 1852. M'Culloch (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce. New Edition. Svo. 1S59. Macdonald (John H. A.) On the Criminal Law of Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1867. M'Douall (Andrew, Lord Bankton). Institutes of the Law of Scotland in Civil Rights. 3 vols. Folio. Ed., 175 1. Macer (Jo.) Indicae Historiae. With Alvarez : Ethiopie. Svo. Par., 1555. (35) 54<5 Macer (Nicod.) See Scioppius. Macfarlan (Rt.) Translation of Ossian into Latin. 3 vols. 8vo. 1807. Macfarland (John, M. A.) A Digest of the Law of Mining in Victoria. Bvo. Melbourne, 1869. Macfarlane (Rt.) Practice of the Court of Session in Jury Causes. 8vo. Edin., 1837. Macfarlane (Rt.) Jury Trials in the Court of Session. 8vo. Edin., 1838. Macfie (Robert Andrew). The Patent Question under Free Trade. To which are added Translations of Recent Contributions to Patent Reform. By M. Chevalier and other Continental Economists. Second Edition. [Pamphlet, 96 pages.] i2mo. London, n.d. Macfie (Robert Andrew). Copyright and Patents. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. Macgachen (Fred. Stewart). The Law of Fairs and Markets. 8vo. Lond., Liverpool, and Dub., 1859. Macgachen (Fred. Stewart). The Ionian Islands. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] 8vo. Lond., Liverpool, and Dub., 1859. Macglashan (John). Practical Notes on the Jurisdiction and Forms of Process in Civil Causes of the Sheriff Courts of Scotland. Fourth Edition. By Hugh Barclay. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868. Machelard (M. E.) Etude sur la R^gle Catonnienne en Droit Romain. [Unbound.] 8vo. Paris, 1862, Machelard (M. E.) Sur FAccroissement entre les H^retiers Testa- mentaires et les Colegetaires aux diverses fipoques du Droit Romain. Etude sur les Lois Julia et Papia Poppoea et ce qui concerne la Caducite. [Unbound.] 8vo. Paris, i860. Machelard (E.) Theorie Generale des Interdits en Droit Romain, exposition detaill^e des Interdits Possessoires. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Machiavelli (Nic.) Fragment de I'Examen du Prince. 8vo. Par., 1622. Machiavelli (Nic.) Opere. 10 vols. 8vo. Firense, r8i8. Machiavellian Plot ; or, Caution for England. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. Mackall (Henry C.) The Maryland Code. 2 vols. 8vo, Baltimore, i860. Mackay (A. J. G.) The Practice of the Court of Session. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877-1879. 547 Mackay (Charles, LL.D.) The Gaelic Etymology of the Languages of Western Europe, and more especially of the English and Lowland Scotch, and of their Slang, Cant, and Colloquial Dialects. 8vo, London, 1877. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Lehrbuch des Romischen Rechts. Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. Geis., 1832. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Compendium of Modern Civil Law. By Phil. Ign, Kaufmann. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1845. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Compendium of Modern Civil Law. 1845. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Compendium of Modern Civil Law. 1845. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Systema Juris Romani hodie usitati ; post CI. Rosshirtii curas Latine Interpretus est, Ern. Ed. Hindenberg. 8vo. Lips., 1847. Mackeldy (Ferd.) Lehrbuch des Romischen Rechts. 8vo. Wien., 185 1. Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) Works. 2 vols. Folio. Edin., 1716. Mackenzie (Fred.) Architectural Antiquities of St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster Chapel. FoHo. 1854. Mackenzie (Lord). Studies in Roman Law. With Comparative Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland. Edinburgh, 1862. Third Edition. Edinburgh, 1870. Mackenzie (Rev. William). Index to all the Statute or Tynwald Laws of the Isle of Man. 8vo. Douglas, 186 1. Mackintosh (Sir Jas.) History of the Revolution in 1688. With a Notice of his Life. 4to. 1834. Mackintosh (Sir Jas.) On the Law of Nature and Nations. i2mo. 1835. Mackintosh (Robt. Jas.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir James Mackintosh. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836. Maclachlan (David). Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping. 8vo. Lond., Dub., and Edin., i860. Maclachlan (David). Chitty on Bills. See Russell. Maclachlan (David). On the Law of Merchant Shipping. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1875. .Maclachlan (David). The Merchant Shipping Act, 1876. 8vo. London, 1876. Maclaine (Arch.) Translation of Mosheim. 548 Maclaren (John). On the Law of Trusts and Trust Settlements. Including the Application to Practical Conveyancing. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. Maclaren (John). The Law of Scotland in relation to Wills and Succession, and the Construction of Wills, Entails, and Trust Settlements. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1868. Maclaurin (John). Criminal Cases. Arguments and Decisions in Remarkable Cases before the High Court of Justiciary and other Supreme Courts in Scotland. • 4to. 1774. Maclean (Chs. Hope) and Robinson (George). Cases decided by the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error (chiefly for Scotland), 2 and 3 Vict. Svo. 1839. Maclean (Chs. Hope). See Wilson and Shaw. Maclean (J.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 88. MACLEOD (Henry Dunning, M.A.) The Theory and Practice of Banking. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1866. MacMahon (Rev. John H., A.M., LL.D.) Church and State in England, its Origin and Use. Svo. London, 1873. McMullan (J. J.) Equity Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, November 1840 to May 1842. To which are added Cases omitted by former Reporters, 1827 to 1837. [Vol. 16, South Carolina Equity Reports.] Second Edition. Svo. Charleston, 1S60. McMullan (J. J.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, November 1840 to May 1S41. And omitted Cases 1835 to 1840. [Vols. 24 and 25, South Carolina Law Reports.] 2 vols, in i. Svo. Charleston, i860. Macnaghten (Sir Francis Workman, Knt.) Considerations on the Hindoo Law, as it is current in Bengal. 4to. Serampore, 1824. Macnaghten (W. F.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Nizamut Adawlut. 5 vols. Svo. Calcutta, 1827. Macnaghten (W. F.) Report of Cases in the Sudder Dewanny Adawlut. And Index. 7 vols. Svo. Calcutta, 1827. Macnaghten (W. H.) Principles and Precedents of Moohammudan Law. Svo. Calcutta, 1825. Second Edition. By William Sloan. Svo. Madras, 1S60, Fourth Edition. Svo. Madras, 1S70. 549 Macnaghten (W. H.) Principles and Precedents of Hindu Law. Being a Compilation of Primary Rules, relative to Inheritance, Contracts, and Miscellaneous Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1829. Second Edition. Svo. Madras, 1865. Third Edition. Svo. Madras, 1874. Macnaghten (Sir William Hay). Principles of Hindu and Moham- madan Law. Republished from the Principles and Precedents of the same. Edited by H. H. Wilson. Fifth Edition. i2mo, London, 1869. Macnaghten (Steuart). Select Cases in Chancery. 8vo. 1850. Macnaghten (Steuart). Chancery Reports. See de Gex. Macnaghten (Steuart). Bankruptcy Appeals. See de Gex. Macnaghten (Steuart) and Gordon (Alexander). Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, the Lord's Commissioners, and Lord Chancellor Truro, 1849-1851. 3 vols. Svo. 1S50-1S52. Macnamara. See Paley. Macnamara (H.) On Nullities and Irregularities in Law : their Character, Distinctions, and Consequences. 1 2 mo. London, 1842. Macoa (R. le). Les Fundrailles de Sodom. Svo. 1600. Macollo (Jo.) Jatria Chymica. Svo. 1622. Macpherson (Arthur George). The Law of Mortgage in Bengal and North- West Provinces. Fifth Edition. By Ninian Hill Thompson, M.A. , Svo. Calcutta, 186S. Macpherson (James). Original Papers. Containing the Secret His- tory of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To which are prefixed Extracts from the Life of James IL, as written by Himself. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1775. Macpherson (James). The History of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1775. Macpherson (Mr. Justice). The Indian Penal Code. With an Index. Svo. Calcutta, 1S67. Macpherson (WiUiam). On the Law relating to Infants. Svo. London, 1842. Macpherson (William). Outlines of the Law of Contracts, as administered in the Courts of British India, not estabhshed by Royal Charter. Svo. London, i860. 550 Macpherson (William). The new Procedure of the Civil Courts of British India, not established by Royal Charter. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, i860. Fifth Edition. Svo. London, 187 1. Macpherson (William). The Practice of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 8vo. i860. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Macqueen (John Eraser). On the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Council on the Practice of Parliamentary Divorce, and Leading Cases upon Bills of Divorce. Svo. 1842. Macqueen (John Eraser). Reports of Scotch Appeals and Writs of Error. Together mth Peerage, Divorce, and Practice Cases in the House of Lords. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1852, &c. Macqueen (John Eraser). Communication as to Foreign Codes on Divorce. 8vo. 1857. Macqueen (John Eraser). On Divorce and Matrimonial Jurisdiction. Svo. 1858. Second Edition. Svo. i860. Macqueen (John Eraser, Q.C) The Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. Svo. London, 1S49, Second Edition. By Sydney Hastings, B.A , and John Davies Davenport, M.A. Svo. London, 1S72. Macrae (C. C, B.A.) The Law of Divorce in India. Being the Indian Divorce Act. With Notes of Cases, and Forms of Pleading. Svo. Calcutta, 187 1. Macrae (C. C.) The Indian Contract Act, Act IX. of 1S72. With a Commentary. Svo. Calcutta, 1S74. Macrae (Dav. Cato). Practice of Insolvency under the Protection Acts. 1 2 mo. Lond. and Dub., 1852. Second Edition. i2mo. 1857. Macrae (Dav. Cato). New Practice of Insolvency in Prison Cases. i2mo. 1857. Macrae (D. C.) and Doria (A. A.) Law and Practice of Bankruptcy. See Doria. Macray (William Dunn, M.A.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A. D. 1598-1867. With a Preliminary Notice of the Earlier Library, founded in the Fourteenth Century. Svo. London, Oxford, and Cainbridge, 186S. Macray (W. D., M.A.) Chronicon Abbatise Eveshamensis, auctoribus Dominico Priore Eveshamiae, et Thoma de Marleberge Abbate, a fundatione ad annum 12 13, una cum continuatione ad annum 141S. See Brit., Gt., No. 29. 1863. 551 Macray (W. D.) Index to the Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Elias Ashmole, formerly preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, and now deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1866. ' Macrobius (Aurelius Ambrosius Theodosius). In Somnum Scipionis. 8vo. Paris, 1585. Macrobius (Aurelius Ambrosius Theodosius). Convivia Saturnalia. 8vo. Paris, 1585. Macrory (Edmund). Cases relating to Letters Patent for Invention. 8vo. Lond., Dub., and Edin., 1855. Macrory (Edmund). Notes on the Temple Organ. 4to. Duncaim, 1859. Macrory (E.) On the Temple Organ. i2mo. Duncairn, 1859. Madden (Dodgson Hamilton). On the Registration of Deeds, Con- veyances, and Judgment-Mortgages. With Appendixes, &c. i2mo. Dublin, 1868, Madden (Dodgson Hamilton). The Landed Estates Court Act, Rules, Forms, and Directions, i2mo. Dublin, 1870. Madden (Sir Frederic, K.H.) Layamon's Brut; or. Chronicle of Britain. A Poetical, semi-Saxon Paraphrase of the Brut of Wace. Now first published from the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum, accompanied by a Literal Translation, Notes, and Glossary. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Madden (Sir Frederic, K.H.) Matthsei Parisiensis Historia Anglorum, sive, et vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor. Vols, i and 2, a.d. 1067- 1245. S^^ Brit., Gt, No. 44. 1866. Madden (Sir Frederic, K.H.) See Camden Society's Publications, No. 6i. Maddock (Hy.) Reports of Cases in the Court of the Vice-Chancellor during the Time of Sir Thomas Plumer. 6 vols. 8vo. 1817, &c. Maddock (Hy.) Principles and Practice in the Court of Chancery. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820. Maddy (Edwin). Digest of the Cases in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, the Consistory Court of London, and the High Court of Delegates, contained in the Reports of Lee, Philli- more, Addams, and Haggard. 8vo. 1835. . Madison (Jas.) Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a Neutral Trader. 8vo. 1806. Madison (Jas.) See FederaUst. 552 Madox (Tho.) Formulare Anglicanum ; or, a Collection of Antient Charters and Instruments of Diverse Kinds, taken from Originals. Folio. 1702. Madox (Tho.) Fir ma Burgi ; or, an Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs in England. Folio. 1726. Madox (Tho.) Baronia Anglica. A History of Land, Honors, and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite, verified by Records. Folio. 1 741. Madox (Tho.) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, from the Norman Conquest to the end of the Reign of Edward II. With the Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, ascribed to Genasius Tilburiensis ; and a Dissertation concerning the Great Roll of the Exchequer, commonly styled the Roll Quinto Regis Stephani. 2 vols. 4to. 1769. Madras. Notes of Cases, 1 798-1816. 3 vols. 8vo. Madras, 18 17-1826. Madras. Digest of Rules, Rulings, and Decisions passed by the High Court of Judicature at Madras, on Matters of Practice and Procedure (Civil). Revised to 31st July, 1869. 8vo. Madras, 1869. Madras. Digest of Rulings, Rules, and Decisions passed by the High Court of Judicature at Madras, on Matters of Practice and Procedure (Criminal). Revised to 31st July, 1869. 8vo. Madras, 1869. Madras. Digest of Rules, Rulings, and Decisions passed by the High Court of Judicature on Matters of Practice and Procedure (Civil and Criminal), to 31st July, 1869. 2 parts. 8vo. Madras, 1869. Madras. Statutes, Acts, and Regulations in force, ist July, 1875. See Cunningham. Madras. Act No. V. of 1878. The City of Madras Municipal Act, 1878. 8vo. 1878. Madras. Acts of the Council of the Governor of Fort St. George. With Index, from 187 1-1873. 8vo. Madras, 1879. Madras High Court Reports, 1862-1875. By Whitley Stokes, P. O'Sullivan, John M. C. Mills, and Spring Branson. 8 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1 864-1 876. [ Mjestlinus (Mich.) De Astronomise Hypothesibus. 4to. Heid., 1582. M^STLiNUS (Mich.) Defensio, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 67.] 4to. Tub., 1588. 553 MiESTLiNus (Mich.) Kalendarium Novum Gregorianum Mendosum, &c. [Tracts, Vol, 65.] 4to. Tub., 1588. Maffei (Gio. Camil.) Scala Naturale overo Fantasia Dolcissima. 8vo. Ven., 1601. Maffei (Jo. Pet.) Historiae Indicae, cum Vita Loiolse. Folio. Col. Ag., 1589. Maffei (Scip.) Dell' Impiego del Danaro. 4to. Rom., 1746. Magdeburgh. Du Droit des Magistrals sur leurs Sujets, par ceux de Magdeburgh. 8vo. Magd., 1578. Magens (Nich.) On Insurance. 2 vols. 4to. 1755. Maggi (Girol.) Delia Fortification della Citta. Folio. Ven., 1584. Maggio (Lucio). Discours du Tremblement de Terre. 8vo. Paris, 1675. Magica. 4to. Ingolst., 1597. Magini (Gio. Ant.) Novae Cselestium Orbium Theorise. 8vo. Mog., 1608. Magini (Gio. Ant.) Instruttione sopra I'Apparenze, &c., dello Specchio concavo Sferico. With Wodderbornius. 4to. Bolog., 16 11. Magirus (Jo.) Physiologia Peripatetica. 8vo. Franc, 1603. Magirus (Jo.) Anthropologia aut Commentarium, in Melanchthonis Libellum de Anima. 8vo. Franc, 1603. Magirus (Jo.) Corona Virtutum Moralium in EthicA Aristotelis. 8vo. Franc, 1628. Magistrates. De Jure, in Subditos. [Tracts, Vol. 54.] 4to. Franc, i6io. Magninus Mediolanensis, Regimen Sanitatis. 4to. Magninus Mediolanensis, Regimen Sanitatis. With Albertus Magnus : Secreta. 4to. Basil. Magnus (Jac) Sophologium. S-^'o. Lugd., 1495. Magnus (Olaus). Historia de Gentium Septentrionalium Condition- ibus. Folio. Basil, 1567. Magnus (Olaus). Gentium Septentrionalium Historiae Breviarium, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1652. Magnus (Olaus). Gentium Septentrionalium Historiae Breviarium. i2mo. Amb., 1599. Magnus (Olaus). Gentium Septentrionalium Historiae Breviarium {English). Folio. 1658. 554 Magnusson (M. Eirikir.) Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. See Brit., Gt., No. 65. Magonius (Hier.) Decisiones Rotse Florentinae, &c. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Venet, 1588. Magruder (A. C.) Cases adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Mary- land, December Term 1851 to December Term 1852. [Vols. I and 2, Maryland Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Annapolis, 1852, 1853. Mahon (Arch. Phil. Henry, Lord). History of England, from 17 13 to 1783. 7 vols. i2mo. 1853. Maie (Edw.) Sermon, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 92.] 4to. 1621. Maier (Mich.) Symbola Aurese Mensse Duodecim Nationum. 4to. Franc, 16 17. Maier (Mich.) Examen Pseudo-Chymicorum. With Rulandus : de Dente, &c. 4to. Franc, 161 7. Maier (Mich.) Silentium post Clamores. With De Fluctibus : Trac- tatus. 8vo. Franc, 16 17. Maier (Mich.) Verum Inventum. 8vo. Franc, 16 19. Maier (Mich.) De Volucri Arborea, &c., &c 8vo. Franc, 1619. Maierus (Dav.) Omnium Sanctorum Jubilseus, cum Vita, &c, Lutheri. 4to. Franc, 161 7. Maigne-D'arnis (W. H.) Lexicon Manuale ad Scriptores Medise et Infimae Latinitatis. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Maigret (Geo.) Institution de la Confraternity des Corregiates. 8vo. Dovay, 1604. Maigret (Geo.) Zonigerse Sodalitatis Sancti Patris Augustini Insti- tutio, &c., k Melch. Daelhemio. 8vo. Antw., 1628. Maillane (M. Durand de). Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique, et de Pratique Bdndficiale. 6 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1787. Maine. A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, contained in the first Twenty-six Volumes of Reports. By Philip Eastman. 8vo. Hallowell, 1849. Maine. The Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, passed April 1 7, 1857. To which are prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Maine. With an Appendix. Pub- lished by Authority of the Legislature. 8vo. Bangor, 1857, Maine. A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, contained in Volumes 27-56, inclusive of the Maine Reports. By William Wirt Virgin. 2 vols. Hallowell and Portland, 1859, 1870. 555 Maine Historical Society's Collections. 7 vols. 8vo. Portland and Bath, Me., 1847-1876. Second Series. 2 vols. Svo. Portland and Cambridge, 1869-1877. Maine Reports. Greenleaf (1-9 Maine), 1820-1832. 9 vols in 8. Fairfield (10-12 Maine), 1833- 1835. 3 vols. Shepley (13-18 Maine), 1836-1841. 6 vols. Appleton (19, 20 Maine), 1841. 2 vols. Shepley (21-30 Maine), 1842-1849. 10 vols. Redington (31-35 Maine), 1 849-1 853. 5 vols. Heath (36-40 Maine), 1853-1855. 5 vols. Adams (41-42 Maine), 1 855-1 856. 2 vols. Ludden (43-44 Maine), 1857-1858. 2 vols. Hubbard (45-51 Maine), 1 859-1 864. 7 vols. Virgin (52-60 Maine), 1 865-1871. 9 vols. Smith (61-64 Maine), 1871-1875. 4 vols. Pulsifer (65-68 Maine), 1876-1878. 4 vols. Eastman Digest, 1 820-1 847. . i vol. Virgin Digest (27-56), 1 847-1 869. 2 vols. 68 vols. 8vo. Boston and Hallowell, 1 835-1 878. Maine (Hy. Sumner). Ancient Law. Its Connection with the Early History of Society, and its Relation to Modern Ideas. 8vo. 1861. Maine (Henry Sumner, K.C.S.I., LL.D., F.R.S.) Village Commu- nities in the East and West. 8vo. London, 187 1. Maine (Henry Sumner, K.C.S.I., LL.D., F.RS.) On the Early History of Institutions. Svo. London, 1875. Maire (Jean le). Les Illustrations de Gaule, et Singularitez de Troye. Folio. Lyon, 1549. Mairemoustier (un Religieux de I'Abbai). Lettre au Roy. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. Chester, 1594. Maitland (S. R.) Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. 8vo. 1849. Maitland (Wm.) History of London. FoUo. 1739. Maittaire (Mich.) Corpus Veterum Poetarum Latinorum. 2 vols. Folio. 1 713. Majemonides, or Maimonides (Moses). Doctor Perplexorum ad Dubia Scripturae Loca. 4to. Basil, 1629. Majolus (Sim.) Dies Caniculares. 4to. Mog., 1607. Majolus (Sim.) Dies Caniculares. Continuatio. 4to. Mog., 1608. Majolus (Sim.) Dies Caniculares. Continuatio. 4to. Halem., 1612. 556 Majolus (Sim.) Colloquia Juvenilia et Senilia. 4to. Fran., 1617. Major (Geo.) Sententise Veterum Poetarum. 8vo. Antw., 1564. Major (John). Magnum Speculum Exemplorum. 4to, Antw., 1607. Major AGius (Marc. Ant.) De Partitione Oratoria Ciceronis. With Baphius. 4to. Med., 1569. Majoretus (Joannes). Commentarius in Jus Canonicum Lancelotti. 4to. Tolos., 1676. Malberg (Alb.) Schola Affectuum. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1624. Malcolm (Sir John). History of Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829. Malcolm (John Geo.) Starkie on Evidence. Malcolm (James Peller). Londonium Redivivum; or, an Ancient History and Modern Description of London. Compiled from Parochial Records, Archives of various Foundations, the Harleian MSS., and other Authentic Sources, 4 vols. 4to. London, 1803-1807. Malderus (Jo.)^ De Sigillo Confessionis Sacramentalis. 8vo. Antw., 1626. ' Malderus (Jo.) De Sigillo Confessionis Sacramentalis. 1626. Malderus (Jo.) De Restrictionum Mentalium Abusu. 8vo. Antw., 1625. Malderus (Jo.) Antisynodica. 8vo. Antw., 1620. Maldonat (Jo.) Summula Casuum Conscientiae. i2mo. Col., 1605, Maleville (Jas. de). Analyse Raisonnde de la Discussion du Code Civil, ou Conseil d'Etat. 4 vols. 8vo. Par., 1822. Malkin (Benj. Heath). Tour through Wales. In Pinkerton. Malkin (Benj. Heath). Reports. See Moody. Malleolus (Is.) Qusestiones in Doctrinam Theoricam Planetarum. With Obicuis : de NobiHtate, &c. Folio. Arg., 1630. Malleson (G. B.) History of the French in India from the Founding of Pondicherry in 1674, to the Capture of that place in 1761. 8vo. London, 1868. Malleson (Colonel G. B., C.S.I.) Final French Struggles in India, and on the Indian Seas. Post 8vo. London, 1878. Mallet (Paul Henri). Northern Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Manners, Religion, Laws, &c., of the Ancient Scandinavians. Translated by Bishop Percy. With Notes, &c. By J. A. Blackwell. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1847. Mallet (Dav.) In British Poets. 557 Mallet (Dav.) See Gale. Mallet (Dav.) Gesta Regum Anglorum atque Historia Novella. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840. Mallet (James Harris, Earl of). Diaries and Correspondence. 4 vols. Svo. 1845. Mallory (John). Modern Entries in English. Being a Select Collec- tion of Pleadings in the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer ; and also all kinds of Writs, Original and Judicial. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1734, 1735. Mallory (John). Quare Impedit. In 2 Parts. Part i. Containing an Abridgment of the Law concerning the Patronage of Churches. Part 2. Concerning Precedents of Pleadings. [Forming the Third Volume of Modern Entries.] Folio. London, 1737. Malmsburiense Registrum. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M. A, See Brit., Gt., No. 72. Malta. Del Dritto Municipale Nuova Compilazione con Diversi alteri Constituzioni. 4to. Malta, 1784. Malta. Dritto Municipale di Malta compilato sotto Rohan. G.M. Or nuovamente corredato di Annotazioni. 2 vols. Svo. Malta, 1843. Malta. Repertorio di Proclami, Ordinanze, Notificazioni, &c. Publi- cati dal Governo di Malta dall Ottobre, 18 13, a Guigno, 1843. 3 vols. 8vo. Malta, 1844. Malta. Code of Organization and Civil Procedure for the Island of Malta and its Dependencies. Folio. Malta, 1865. Malta. Ordinances of Malta {in Italian and English), 1 863-1873. Folio. Malta, 1863-1873. Malte-Brun (Conrad). Universal Geography ; or, a Description of the World on a new Plan. 9 vols. Svo. Edin., 1822. Malvezzi (Virg.) Davide Perseguitato. i2mo. Ven., 1634. Malvezzi (Virg.) II Ritratto del Privato Politico Christiano. Svo. Bolog., 1635. Malvezzi (Virg.) Succesos de la Monarquia de Espana. 4to. Mad., 1650. Malvezzi (Virg.) On Tacitus. By Rd. Baker. With Greenway. Malynes (Ger.) Maintenance of Free Trade. [Tracts, Vol. 167.] Svo. 1622. Malynes (Ger.) Lex Mercatoria; or, the Antient Law Merchant. Folio. 1622. 558 Malynes (Ger.) Centre of the Circle of Commerce. [Tracts, Vol. III.] 4to. 1623. Malynes (Ger.) Lex Mercatoria ; or, the Antient Law Merchant. 1686. Man. Man's Iniquity and God's Justice, Consideration of. [Tracts, Vol. 13.] 8vo. 1608. Man. The Isle of. The Statutes and Ordinances of the Isle of Man now in force. Alphabetically arranged. By T. Stowell. 8vo. Douglas, 1792. ^ Man. Isle of Reports of the Commissioners of Inquiry for the Isle of Man in 1792. Folio. 1805. Man. Isle of Papers on the Isle of Man presented to the House of Lords. Folio. 1805. Man. The Isle of. A View of the Principal Courts in the Isle of Man, founded upon Authentic Documents. Accompanied with Practical Remarks. By a Member of the Council of Liverpool. 8vo. 181 7. Man. The Isle of The Lex Scripta of the Isle of Man. Compre- hending the Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws from the Earliest to the Present Date. 8vo. Douglas, 1819. Man. The Isle of Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promulgated since the year 1832. To which is added an Appendix, which contains Rules of the Chancery Court, and an Analysis of the Law of the Descent of Hereditary Property in the Isle of Man. Compiled, with a Digest of the Provisions of the Statutes, by John M. Jeffcott. 8vo. Douglas, 1837. Man. The Isle of Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promulgated since the year 1836. With an Appendix containing the Bye-laws for the Regulations and Government Towns, and the Rules of the Court of Chancery, &c. By James Gell. 8vo. Douglas, 1848. Man, The Isle of Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promulgated since the year 1 848. By James Burman. 8vo. Douglas, 1853. Man. The Isle of Index to all the Statutes, or Tynwald Laws of the Isle of Man. By the Rev. William Makenzie. 8vo. Douglas, 1861. Man. The Isle of Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, promulgated since the year 1853 to the year 1861, inclusive. By John Corlett Lamothe. 8vo. Douglas, 1862. Man. The Isle of Statute Laws, promulgated from i860 to 1865, inclusive. [By Authority.] 8vo. Douglas, 1872. 559 Man. The Isle of. The Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, passed since the year 182 1. With an Appendix, containing the Regulations of the Insolvent Debtors' Court, and an Abridgment of such British Statutes as relate to the Isle of Man. 8vo. Douglas, n.d. Man. The Isle of. The Advocate's Note Book. See Bluett. Man. Isle of. See Mills. Manardus (Jo.) Epistolae Medicinales. 8vo. Lugd., 1549. Manasses (Constant.) Annales de Grsecis. Per Joh. Leunclavium. With Glycas. 8vo. Bas,, 1573. Manasses (Constant.) See Corpus Byzantinae Historige. Manava Dharma Sastra ; or, the Institutes of Menu according to the Gloss of KuUuka. Comprising the Indian System of Duties, Religious and Civil. Translated by Sir William Jones. Third Edition. Edited by the Rev. P. Percival. 8vo. Madras, 1863, Mancana (Eugene). Libro del Enfremamientos de la Gineta. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to, Toled., 1589. Manchester. Report on the Manchester Rectory Division Bill. 8vo. Manch., 1850. ' Manchester (Edwd. Montagu, Earl of). Speech in Guildhall. 4to. 1642. Manchester (Edwd. Montagu, Earl of). Speech concerning the Tower. [Tracts, Vol, 4.] 4to. 1643. Mancinellus (Ascan.) Floridum Opusculum de Morsu Canis Rabidi. 8vo. 1586. Mancinius (Cels.) De Somniis, &c. Mancinius (Cels.) De Risu, &c. Mancinius (Cels.) De Synaugia Platonica. Mancinus (Vin.) De Juramento. Mander (Jas.) Derbyshire Mineral Laws and Customs. With a Glossary, &c. 8vo, Bakewell, 1821. Manentus (Cses.) De Jure Contractus Livellarii Pecunia Constituti. 4to, Mant, 1620. Manescal (Honofre.) Tratados, Sermones, &c, 4to. Bar., 1611. Manethos. De Regibus ^Egyptiacis. 8vo. 1599. Manfredi (Hier.) II Perche. 8vo. Vin., 1588. Mangilius (Jo. Ant.) De Subhastationibus, &c. Folio. Genev., 1628. Mangilius (Jo. Ant.) Decisiones Rotae Romanse. Folio. Genev., 1628. 8vo. Franc, 1598. Svo. Franc, 1598. 8vo. Franc, 1598. 4to. Venet, 1601. 560 Manginus (Car. Ant.) Tabulae Primi Mobilis. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] 8vo. Bonon., 1626. Mangionius (Valentinus). De Religibsa Paupertate. 8vo. Col., 1639. Mangotius (Adricanus). Monita Mariana. 8vo. Antw., 1614. Manilius (Marc.) Astronomicon ; k Jos. Scaligero. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1600. Manilius (Marc.) See Valpy. Manilius (Marc.) See Maittaire. Manlius (Job.) Locorum Communium Collectanea. 8vo. Bar., 1562. Manlove (Edwd.) Rhymed Chronicle of the Derbyshire Lead Mines, &c. By Tho. Tapping. 8vo. 185 1. Manning (Owen) and Bray (William). History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey. 3 vols. Folio. 1804. Manning (Jas.) Digest of the Nisi Prius Reports. With Notes and some Original Cases. 8vo. 1820. Manning (Jas.) Practice of the Court of Exchequer. With an Inquiry into the Tenure of the Conversionary Estates in the Assessionable Manors, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. 8vo. 1827. Manning (Jas.) and Ryland (Archer). Reports of Cases in King's Bench, 8-1 1 Geo. IV. 5 vols. 8vo. 1828, &c. Manning (Jas.) and Ryland. Reports of Cases relating to the Office of Magistrates, 1 82 7-1 830. 3 vols. 8vo. 1829, &c. Manning (Jas.) and Granger (Thomas Colpitts). Reports in the Court of Common Pleas, 1 840-1 844. 6 vols. 8vo. 1840, &c. Manning (Jas.), Granger (Thomas Colpitts), and Scott (John). Common Bench Reports. Cases in the Court of Common Pleas and the Exchequer Chamber, 1 845-1 856. 18 vols. 8vo. 1 846-1 856. Manning (Jas.) Serviens ad Legem. The Serjeants' Case. A Report of Proceedings in relation to a Warrant for the Suppression of the Ancient Privileges of the Serjeants-at-Law. With Notes. 8vo. 1840. Manning (Randolph). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, 1847-1850. [Vol. i, Michigan Reports.] 8vo. Detroit, 1852. Manning (Wm. Montagu). Reports. See Nevile. I I S6i Manning (Wm, Montagu). Reports, Magistrates. See Nevile. Manning (Wm. Oke). Commentaries on the Law of Nations. 8vo. Lond., Dub., and Edin., 1839. Manning (William Oke). On the Law of Nations. A New Edition. By Sheldon Amos, A.M. Bvo. London, 1873. Manningham (John). Diary. See Camden Society's Papers, No. 99. Mannius (Vic.) De Balneis Sancti Cassiani. 4to. Sen., 16 17. Mannuccius (Paul.) Antiquitates Romanse. Folio. Bon., 1585. Mannus (Aug.) Selectee Historise Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum. 4to. Roma, 161 2. Manrrique (Geo.) Coplas con Glosa. 12 mo. 1594. Mansel (Geo. Barclay). On the Law and Practice of Demurrer to Pleadings and Evidence. 8vo. 1828. Mansfelt (Car. k). Manuductio ad Vitam Canonicam. i2mo. Lux., 1620. Mansfelt (Car. a). Speculum Religiosum. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1619. Mansfelt (Car. k). Miracula Confratemitatis Septem Dolorum Vir- ginis Marise. i2mo. Dua., 1620. Mansfelt (Car. a). Clericus. 8vo. Brux., 1627. Mansfield (Lord). Decisions. By Evans. Mantica (Fran.) Vaticange Lucubrationes de Tacitis et Ambiguis Conventionibus, &c. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Col. All., 1615. Manuel (le) ; ou, Instructions des Curez, &c., de I'Eglise Romaine. 8vo. Lyon, 1564. Manvell (Nic.) Des Procedures Tenues k Berne contre les Jacopins, Executez de Mort, &c. With Inquisition. 8vo. Geneve, 1566. Manwood (John). Treatise on the Laws of the Forest. 4to. 1665. Man WOOD (John). The Laws of the Forest. Also a Treatise of the Pourallee. Third Edition. 4to. London, 1665. Manzinius (Cels.) De Cognitione Hominis Lumine Naturse. 4to. Ven., 1587. Manzius (Casp.) De Advocatis, &c, 8vo. Nord., 1742. Marafiotus (Hier.) Ars Reminiscentiae {Italian). [Tracts, Vol. 151.] 8vo. Vin., 1 60 1. Marafiotus (Hier.) Ars Reminiscentiae. i2mo. Fran., 1603. Marafiotus (Hier.) Ars Reminiscentise. With Austriacus. i2mo. Aug., 1603. (36) 5^2 Maranta (Alex.) Panspermion ex Universis ferb Disciplinis Col- lectum, &c. 4to. Col, 1587. Marca (Jac. Comk). Duces Burgundise, Flandrise Comites, sive Res eorum gestse. [Tracts, Vol. 165.] 8vo. 1613. Marca (Pet. de). De Concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii, seu de Liber- tatibus Ecclesise Gallicanse. Folio. Paris, 1669. Marcade (V.) Explication th^orique et pratique du Code Napoleon, contenant 1' Analyse critique des Auteurs et de la jurisprudence, et un Traite resume aprbs le Commentaire de chaque Titre. Cinquieme Edition. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 185 2-1855. Marcellinus. See Ammianus. Marcello (Pietro). Vite de' Prencipi di Vinegia ; par Lod. Domenichi. 4to. Ven., 1557. Marcellus, seu Marcellinus. De Medicamentis Empiricis Physicis ; per Jan. Cornarium. With Albucasis. Folio. Basil, 1536. March (Jn.) Reports, temp. Car. I. 4to. 1648. March (Jn.) New Cases of the Years of Henry VIII,, Edward VI., and Mary. Out of Brook's Abridgment. 8vo. 165 1. March (John). Reports on New Cases, taken in the 15th, i6th, 17th, and 1 8th Years of Charles I. Second Edition. 4to. London, 1675. March (John). Amicus Reipublicse ; or, an Exact and Speedie Course to Justice and Right, and for Preventing and Determining Tedious Law Suits. 1 2 mo. London, 1851 Marchantius (Jac.) Flandria Descripta. 8vo. Antw., 1596, Marches anus (Jo. Bapt.) Commissiones ac Rescripta. 2 vols. I. Folio. Venet., 1604, Marchi (Paolo). Commentarii al Codice Civile, ed Elementi, dei Medesimi. Vol. 11. 8vo. Firenze, 1873 Marchia (Ric. de). De Agnitione Veritatis, Verba, &c. With Vincentius : de Vita. 1 2 mo Marchinus (Philibert), Belli Divini, sive Pestilentis Temporis Specu latio de Infectae Urbis Regimine. Folio. Flor., 1633 Marchinus (Philibert). De Pestilentia Problemata. Folio. Flor., 1633 Marcolini (Fr.) Dell' Origine de' Barbari che Distrussero rimperio di Roma. 4to. Ven., 1557 Marconville (Jean de). De la Bonte et Mauvaistie des Femmes. i2mo. Lyon, 1602 Marcourt (Ant.) Declaration de la Messe. Svo. 1544 S63 Marcourt (Ant.) Declaration de la Reigle et Estat des Cordeliers. 8vo. 1542. Marcucci (Vincenso). Delle Pene, e del Duello. 8vo. Lugano, 1835. Marculfus Monachus. Formulae Antiquse; cum Notis Hier. Bignonii. 4to. Paris, 1665. Mareschalchus (Marc. Ant.) Humana Perfectio, Secundum Naturam. 4to. Bonon., 1574. Maresius (Sam.) De Anti-Christo. 8vo. Ams., 1640. Marezoll (Theodor). Lehrbuch der Institutionen des Romischen Rechtes. Neunte Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. Margan. Annales de. See Gale. Margaret (Cap.) Estat de I'Empire de Russie. 8vo. Paris, 1607. Margarita Philosophica, Tractans de Omni Genere Scibilium. 4to. Arg,, 1504. Marguerite de Valois. See Gruget. Maria Virgo. Miracles Faits par Notre Dame de Mont-Serrat. 8vo. Lyon, 1600. Maria Virgo. Milagros de N. Senora de Monteagudo. 8vo. Bruss., 1606. Maria Virgo. Miracula Beatse Mariae Virginis apud Tungros, &c. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1607. Mariana (Jo.) Historia de Rebus Hispaniae. 2 vols, 4to. Mog., 1605. Mariana (Jo.) De Rege et Regis Institutione. 8vo. Wech., 1611. Mariende et Florimonde. lamo. Paris, 1607. Marina (Francisco Martinez). Juicio Critico de la Novissima Recopi- lacion. 4to. Madrid, 1820. Marina (Francisco Martinez). Teoria de las Cortes o grandes Juntas Nacionales de los Reinos de Leon y Castilla. 3 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1820. Marina (Francisco Martinez). Sobre la Legislacion y principales cuerpos legales de los Reinos de Leon y Castilla, especialmente sobre el codigo de las Siete Parti das de D. Alonso el Sabio. Segunda Edicion. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Madrid, 1834. Marinello (Giov.) Le Medicine Partenenti alle Infirmite delle Donne. 8vo. Ven., 1574. Marineo (Luc.) De las Cosas Memorables de Espana. Folio. Marineo (Luc.) See Hispanicarum Rerum Scriptores. 564 Marineo (Luc.) See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores. Marino (II Cavalier). Dicierie Sacre, de la Pittura, de la Musica, dell Cielo. 8vo. Vic, 1618. Marinus, de Prodi Vita. With M. A. Antoninus. 8vo. Tig., 1558. Marion (Simon, Baron de Druy). Plaidoyez, avec ses Arrests, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1595. Maritime Law Cases. Second Series. See Aspinall. Marius Aretius. See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. Marius (Aug.) De Predestinatione Divina. 4to. 1542. Marius (Jn.) On Bills of Exchange. With Malynes. Folio. 1684. Marius (Leon.) Catholicge Hierarchige Assertio contra Marcum Antonium de Dominis. With de Dominis : Censura, &c. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1618. Markby (William, M.A.) Elements of Law considered with reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence. 8vo. Oxford, 187 1. Second Edition. With Supplement. 8vo. Oxford, 1874. Markham (Clements R., C.B., F.R.S.) A Memoir on the Indian Surveys. 8vo. London, 1871. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1878. Markham (Fra.) Epistles of War. Folio. 1622. Markham (Thos. Hugh). Common Law Procedure. Containing the Acts of 1852 and 1854. i2mo. i860. Marmol (Luys del). Historia dell Rebellion de los Moriscos de Granada. Folio. Mala., 1600. Marnix (Jean de). Resolutions Politiques, et Maximes d'Estat. 4to. Brux., 161 2. Marnix (Phil. de). Response k I'Antidote contre les Conseils de Marnix. 8vo. Ley., 1598. Marnix (Phil. de). Response k I'Antidote contre les Conseils de Marnix. 1598. Marnix (Phil. de). Antidote contre Conseils Sanguinaires de Marnix. i2mo. Ley., 1598. Marogna (Nic.) Commentario ne' Trattati de Dioscoride et di Plinio dell' Amomo Indiano. With Ferrarius : Idea. 4to. Ven., 16 17. Marot (Clem.) See Pseaumes. Marozzo (Achille). Del Arte Militare. 4to. Marquardus (Johannes). Tractatus Politico-Juridicus de Jure Mer- catorum et Commerciorum singulari. Folio. Francofurti, 1662. 565 Marriage. Traict^ de la Dissolution de Mariage, par le Impuissance et Froideur de THomme, ou de la Femme. 8vo. Paris, 1595 Marriage. Abstract of Marriage Duties Act. 8vo. 1695 Marriage. Les Quinze Joyes de Mariage. [No Title.] i2mo Marrier (Mart.) Bibliotheca Cluniacensis. Folio. Paris, 16 14 Marriott (Sir Jas.) Admiralty Decisions, 17 76-1 779. 8vo. 1801, Marriott (Sir James). Formulare Instrumentorum ; or, Formulary of Authentic Instruments, Writs, and Standing Orders used in the Court of Admiralty. 8vo. London, 1802. Marsh (John Fitchett). Notice of the Inventory of the Effects of Mrs. Milton, Widow of the Poet. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. Liverpool, 1855. Marsh (John Fitchett). On some Correspondence of Dr. Priestley. Preserved in the Warrington Museum and Library. [Pamphlet.] Liverpool, 1855. Marsh (John Fitchett). On the Engraved Portraits and Pretended Portraits of Milton. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. Liverpool, i860. Marsh (John Fitchett). On Virgil's Plough. As illustrated by a rude Implement in Modern Use in Spain. [Pamphlet.] i2mo. Liverpool, 1863. Marshal (Master). Speech about the Scots. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1643. Marshall (Alexander K.) Decisions of the Court of Appeal of Kentucky, commencing with the Fall Term 181 7, and ending with the Fall Term 182 1. [Vols. 6 to 8, Kentucky Reports.] Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Marshall (Alexander K.) Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Equity, argued and decided in the Courts of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from the isth January, 1829, to 5th November, 1832. [Vols. 22 to 28, Kentucky Reports.] Second Edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1851. Marshall (Sir Chs.) Reports. Common Pleas, 1 813-18 16. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815, &c. Marshall (Chs. and Sam.) On the Law of Insurance. 2 vols, 8vo. 1823. Marshall (George William). See Harleian Society's Publications, Nos. 4, 8. Marshall (John). Life of George Washington. 5 vols. 4to. 1804. 566 Marshall (John). An Analysis of the Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1868 (31 and 32 Vict., cap. loi). 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. Marshall (Samuel). On the Law of Marine Insurance and Bottomry and Residentia. Fourth Edition. By William Shee. 8vo. London, 1861. Marshall (Step.) Fast Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 92.] 4to. 1642. Marshall (Step.) Song of Moses. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1643. Marshall (Step.) Letter concerning the Mercurius Aulicus. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1643. Marshall (Step.) Sacred Panegyrick. 4to. 1644. Marshall (Step.) The Strong Helper. 4to. 1645. Marshall (Step.) See Smectymnuus. Marshall (Walker). Law of Costs in Common Law. izmo. i860. Marshall (W.) A Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the Duties of Railway Companies, as Carriers of Passengers and Goods. With an Appendix of Statutes. 8vo. London, 1862. Marshall (Walker). Reports of Cases on Appeal to the High Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bengal, from the Establishment of the Court. [Vol. i. Civil Cases.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1864. Marsh AM (Jn.) Chronicus Canon ^gyptiacus, Ebraicus, Grsecus. Folio. 1672. Marsh AM (J. R.) Reports. See- Carrington. Marshman (John C.) On the Regulation and Circular Orders relative to the Resumption and Settlement of Estates held free under Invalid Tenures, or at an inadequate Jumma, in the permanently settled Provinces. 8vo. Serampore, 1842. Marshman (John Clark). The History of India, from the Earliest Period to the Close of Lord Palmerston's Administration. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Marsilius, de Sancta Sophia. De Febribus. Folio. Ven., 1514. Marsilius, de Padua. Legislator Romanus ; de Jurisdictione et Potes- tate Pontificis Romani et Imperatoris. 8vo. Franc, 16 13. Marsilius (Marc. Ant.) De Fonte Lustrali. 4to. Rom., 1605. Marstallerus (Gen.) Astrologise et Arbis Divinatricis Encomia, &c. 4to. Par., 1549. Marstallerus (G. Hier.) De Divitiis. 8vo. Tub., 1628. Marstallerus (G. Hier.) Aula, Otium, Scena Vitse, et Consilia. 8vo. Bru., 1619. 56; Martens (Clis. de, Baron). Causes Ce'lebres du Droit des Gens. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic and Paris, 1827. Martens (Chs. de, Baron). Guide Diplomatique. Par Hoffmanns, &c. 3 vols. Svo. Par., 1837, Martens (Chs. de, Baron). Causes Nouvelles. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic and Paris, 1843. Martens (G. F. de). On Privateers, Captures, and particularly on Recaptures. With a Discourse on the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers. Translated from the French by T. Hartwell Home. 8vo. London, 1801. Martens (G. F, von). The Law of Nations. Being the Science of National Law, Covenants, Power, &c., founded upon the Treaties and Customs of Modern Nations in Europe. Fourth Edition. Translated from the French by Wm. Cobbett. 8vo. London, 1829. Martens (Geo. Fred. de). Precis du Droit des Gens Modernes de I'Europe, avec des Notes de S. Pinheiro-Ferreira. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Martens (George Frdde'ric de). Recueil de Trait^s d' Alliance, de Paix, de Treve, de Neutralite, de Commerce, de Limites, d'fichange, &c. ; et plusieurs autres Actes servant a la connaissance des Relations fitrang^res des Puissances et Etats de I'P^urope tant dans leur rapport mutuale que dans celui envers les Puissances et Etats dans I'autres parties du Globe. Depuis 1761 jusqu'k present. Second Edition. 1 761-1808. 8 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 181 7-1835. Martens (George Frederic de). Nouveau Recueil, ou Supplement. Continue par Frederic Saalfield et par Frederic Murhard. Depuis 1808 jusqu'a 1839. 16 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 18 17-184 1. Nouveaux Supplemens au Recueil de Trait^s. Par Frederic Murhard. 1761-1839. 3 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1 839-1 842. Table G6n6rale, Chronologique et Alphabetique, du Recueil des Trait^s, &c. Commence par G. F. Martens. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. Gottingen, 1 838-1 843. Nouveau Recueil des Traits, &c. Par F. Murhard. Con- tinue par Ch. Murhard et J. Pinhas, et par Charles Somwer et Jules Hopf. 1840-1877. 23 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1843-1879. Martens (George Fr^d^ric de). Precis du Droit des Gens Modernes de FEurope. Augmente des Notes de Pinheiro-Ferretra ; pr^c^dd d'une Introduction par M. Ch. Verge. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 568 Martens (George Frdddric de). Table Gdnerale du Recueil des Traitds de G. F. de Martens et de ses Continuateurs, 1494- 1874. Partie Chronologique. 8vo. Gottingen, 1875. Martens (George Frederic de). Table Gdndrale du Recueil des Trait^s de G. F. de Martens et de ses Continuateurs, 1494-1874. Partie Alphabdtique. 8vo. Gottingen, 1876. Martialis (Marc. Val.) Epigrammata. 2 vols. i2mo. Argent, 1595. Martialis (Marc. Val.) See Maittaire. Martialis (Marc. Val.) See Valpy. Martigny (M. I'Abbe). Dictionnaire des Antiquitds Chretiennes. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Martin (Adam). Index to various Repertories, Books of Orders, and Decrees and other Records, preserved in the Court of the Exchequer, published by Order of the H. S. Inner Temple. 8vo. 1 8 1 9. Martin (Augustus N.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana. Containing Cases decided at the June Term 1876 to November Term 1877. [Vols. 54-61, Indiana Reports.] 8 vols. 8vo. Indianopolis, 1877, 1878. Martin (C. Wykeham, F.S.A., M.P.) The History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent. 4to. Westminster, 1869. Martin (Frangois Xavier). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Orleans, and in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana, Fall Term 1809 to March 1830. [Vols, i-io, Louisiana Reports.] 20 vols, in 10. 8vo. New Orleans, 1846-1853. Martin (Frederick). The History of Lloyd's and Marine Insurance in Great Britain. With an Appendix containing Statistics relating to Marine Insurance. 8vo. London, 1876. Martin (Frederick). The Statesman's Year Book for the years 1866 to 1877. [3rd to 14th Ann, Pub.] 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-187 7. Martin (Greg.) Corruptions in the English Bibles of the Hereticks. 8vo. Rhemes, 1582. Martin (Hy.) Speech concerning Sir Wm. Waller. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1633. 569 Martin (John, F.L.S.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed, including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Roxburghe Clubs, and of the Private Presses of Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Strawberry Hill. 8vo, London, 1834. Martin (Patrick). Conveyancer's Recital Book. i2mo. Lond. and Dub., 1834. Martin (Patrick). Conveyancing. By Chs. Davidson. 5 vols. 8vo. 1844. Martin (Rd.) Speech to James I. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. 1603. Martin (Wm.) History of England, from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth. Folio. 1638. Martinez (Mig.) Remedies en Tiempo de la Peste. 8vo. Mad., 1597. Martinez, or Martinius (Mat.) Theologia Popularis Universa, 8vo. Brem., 161 7. Martinez, or Martinius (Mat.) Breviarium de Vera Religione. i2mo. Brem., 1618. Martinez, or Martinius (Mat.) Lexicon Philologicum. Folio. Brem., 1623. Martinez, or Martinius (Mat.) Lexicon Philologicum. 2 vols. Folio. Fran., 1655. Martinez (Francisco). De Nouveau Sobrino, ou Grammaire de la Langue Espagnole. Svo. Par., 1850. Martini^.re (Ant. Aug. Bruzen de la). Continuation of Puffendorf's History. Martinique. Code de Martinique. Martinus (Corn.) Metaphysica Commentatio. Svo. Arg., 1605. Martinus (Jac.) Synopsis Religionis Photianorum Novorum. 8vo. Witteb., 1633. Martinus Scotus (Jac.) De Simplicium et Concretorum Corporum Generatione. Svo. Can., 1584. Martius (Gal.) De Homine, cum Annotationibus Geo. Morulse. 4to. Basil, 1517. Martius. De Doctrina Promiscua. i2mo. Lugd., 1552. Martyn (Hy.) Translation of St. Matthew into Hindusthani. See Gospels. 570 Martyr (Peter Festus Urceanus). Summarium Constitutionum pro Regimine Sancti Ordinis Prsedicatorum. 4to. Paris, 1620. Martyr (Peter Vermilius). Defensio sui. 8vo. Basil, 1559. Martyr (Peter Vermilius). De Corporis Christi loco. 8vo. Tiguri., 1561. Martyr d'Anghiera (Peter). Decades of the Ocean. 4to. Martyrium Insigne, quod in Aphrica quidam subiit. [Tracts, Case 30.] 8vo. Col. Ag., 1582. Martyrum aliquot Nostri Seculi Historia. 4to. 1550. Marvin (William). On the Law of Wreck and Salvage. 8vo. Boston, 1858. Marvin (William). Report to the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Underwriters of the City of New York, on the Proceedings of the International Congress held at York, in England, on the 25 th, 26th, and 27th days of September, 1864, to inaugurate Measures to promote Uniformity in the Mode of adjusting General Averages in the different Countries of the World. With an Appendix, con- taining the French, Dutch, German, Norwegian, and Swedish Codes on the subject of General Averages. 8vo. New York, 1866. Mary, Queen of Scots. See Camden Society's Papers, No. 93. Maryland. Acts of Assembly. With Jamaica Laws. Folio. 1722. Maryland Code. See Mackall. i860. Maryland Code. Supplement to the Maryland Code, containing the Acts of the Maryland Assembly, 1861-1867. By Lewis Mayer, 8vo. Baltimore, 1868. Maryland Reports, 1658-1876. Harris and McHenry, 1 700-1 799. 4 vols. Harris and Johnson, 1800-1826. 7 vols. Harris and Gill, 182 6- 182 9. 2 vols. Gill and Johnson, 1829-1842. 12 vols. Gill, 1843-1851. 9 vols. Magruder (i, 2 Md.), 185 1, 1852. 2 vols. Miller (13-18 Md.), 1852-1862. 16 vols. Brewer (19-26 Md.), 1862-1866. 8 vols. Stockett (27-47 Md.), 1867-1877. 21 vols. Bland (Chancery Reports), 1811-1832. 3 vols. Johnson (Chancery Reports), 1847-1854. 4 vols. 87 vols. 8vo. New York, Philadelphia, Annapolis, 1809-1878. Maryland. The Constitution of the State ratified, i8th September, 1867. By Edward Ottis Hinkley. 8vo. Annapolis, 1868. 571 Marzolaccio (Gio. Bat.) Descrittione di Bonifacio. 8vo. Bolo,, 1625. Masarellus (Aug.) Epistola ad Jac. Schroppium. 4to. Rom,, 1582. Mascardus (Joseph). Conclusiones Omnium Probationum, quae in utroque foro quotidie versantur. 2 vols. Folio. Aug. Taur., 1597. Mascovius (Gotfrid.) Opuscula Juridica, &c. 8vo. Lips., 1776. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Commissions relating to Quebec. 4to. 1772. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Canadian Freeholder. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Scriptores Logarithmici. 6 vols. 4to. 1791-1807. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Historise Anglicanse Selecta Monumenta Excerpta ex Andrea Duchesne, cum Notis plurimis. 4to. 1807. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Original Essays on Various Subjects, chiefly Political and Historical. Extracted partly from the Public Newspapers during the Present Reign, partly from Tracts pub- lished in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and from Bishop Burnet's History of his Own Times. 8vo. London, 1809. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Tracts relating to the Civil War. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 8 15. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) On Martin Marprelate Controversy. Post 8vo. London, 1845. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1844. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1846. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesise Angli- canse. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846, 1847. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) On Absolution. 8vo. London, 1848. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) On Baptism. 8vo. London, 1848. Maskell (Rev. William, M.A.) Present Position of the High Church Party. 8vo. London, 1869. Mason (Fras.) Vindicise Ecclesise Anglicanas sive de Legitime ejusdem Ministerio. Folio. 1625. Mason (Thos.) Revelation of the Revelation. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] 8vo. Temp. Jac. I. Mason (Wm.) In British Poets. Mason (Wm. P.) Reports in the Circuit Court of the United States, 1816-1830. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1836. 572 Mason (Wm. Thos.) Statistical Account ; or, Parochial Survey of Ireland. 3 vols. 8vo. 1814-1819. Massa (Ant. Mar.) Observationes ad Decisiones Flaminii Chartarii. 3 vols. Folio. Luc, 1730. Massa (Nic.) De Morbo Gallico, With Maurolycus. 4to. Ven., 1563. Massachusetts. Acts and Laws of. Folio. 1724. Massachusetts. Revised Statutes passed 1835. Published under the direction of Theron Metcalf, and Horace Mann. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1836. Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections, ist Series, 1806-1809, 10 vols. ; 2nd Series, 1814-1823, 10 vols.; 3rd Series, 1825-1849, 10 vols.; 4th Series, 1852-1871, 10 vols.; 5th Series, 1871-1878. 4 vols. [In progress.] 44 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1806-1878. Massachusetts. Judicial History of. See Washburn. Massachusetts Reports. Quincy, 1761-1772. i vol. Williams (i Mass.), 1804, 1805, i vol. Tyng (2-17 Mass.), 1806-1822. 16 vols. Pickering (18-41 Mass.), 1822-1839. 24 vols. Metcalf (42-54 Mass.), 1840-1847. 13 vols. Gushing (55-66 Mass.), 1848-1853. 12 vols. Grey (67-82 Mass.), 1854-1860. 16 vols. Allen (83-96 Mass.), 1861-1867. 14 vols. Browne (97-109 Mass.), 1867-1871. 13 vols. Browne and Gray (iio-iii), 1872-1873. 2 vols. Browne (112-114), 1873, 1874. 3 vols. Lathrop (i 15-125), 1874-1878. n vols. 126 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1821-1879. Massachusetts. Digest of Decisions in the Supreme Judicial Court, 1 804-1 85 7. See Bennett and Heard. Massachusetts. The General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed 29th December, 1859. With Supplement to 1868. [In progress.] 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1860-1872. See also Crocker. Masse (M. G.) Le Droit Commercial dans rapports avec le Droit des Gens et le Droit Civil. Troisieme Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Massev (WiUiam, M.P.) A History of England during the Reign of George III. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1855-1863, Massinger (Phil.) Plays. By Wm. Gifford. 4 vols. 8vo. 1805. Massinoni (Gio. Amb.) II Flagello delle Meretrice, et la Nobilita. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. Ven., 1599. 573 Masson (David). See Camden Society's Papers, No. 105. Masson (Papirius). Annales. 4to. Paris, 1577- Masson (Papirius). Gesta CoUationis Carthagine Habita, inter Catho- licos et Donatistas. 8vo. Paris, 1588. Mata (Gab. de). Vita del Padre San Francisco en Rima. 4to. Bilb., 1587. Mata (Juan de). Santoral de los dos Patriarcas S. Domingo y S. Francisco. 4to. Gra., 1637. Matagon de Matagonibus. Monitoriale adversus Ant. Matharellum. [Tracts, Vol. 164,] 8vo. 1575. Matenesius (Jo. Frid.) De Ritu Bibendi super Sanitate Pontificum, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 150.] 8vo. Col., 161 1. Matenesius (Jo. Frid.) Nescis quid serus Vesper Vehat. 8vo. Col., t6i2. Matenesius (Jo. Frid.) De Luxu, et Abusu Vestium. 8vo. Col. Ag., 161 2. Matenesius (Jo. Frid.) De Somno. With Goclenius : de Magneta. 8vo. Col., 161 2. Matenesius (Jo. Frid.) Hermathena. 8vo. Col. Ag,, 1613. MATHiEUS, seu Matthseus (Ant.), Matthew. De Auctionibus. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen., 1653. Math^eus, seu Matthseus (Ant.), Matthew. Commentarius ad Institu- tiones. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen., 1672. Math^us, seu Matthaeus (Ant.), Matthew. De Criminibus. 2 vols. 4to. Neapoli, 1772. Mathews (John Hubbersty). On the Doctrine of Presumption and Presumptive Evidence, as affecting the Title to Real and Personal Property, 8vo. 1827. Mathews (John Hubbersty). On the Law of Portions, and Provisions for Children of the Nature of Portions. With Precedents. 8vo. 1829. Mathyssen (Vine.) Discours ofte Tsamensprekinge tusschen den Cruys-heer, d'Admirael Coolaert, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 50.] 4to. Vliss, 1636. Matta (Car. Feel.) De Concordatis. Matta (Car. Feel.) Consistorialibus Causis. With Chokier : de Commentationibus. Folio. Rom., 1700. Mattheacius (Aug.) De Via et Ratione Juris utriusque. With Haloander. Folio. Ven., 1591. 574 Matthew (St.) Evangelium in Lingua Hebraica et Latina. 8vo. Basil. Matthew (St.) Gothic Version of his Gospel. With Henshall : Etymology, &c. Matthias (Chr.) Exercitationes Metaphysicse. With Bonnseus. 8vo. 1620. Matthiolus (Pet. And.) Apologia contra Amathum. 8vo. Ven., 1558. Matthiolus (Pet. And.) Epistolae Medicinales, Folio. Pra., 1561. Matthiolus (Pet. And.) In Dioscoridem de Medica Materia. Folio. Ven., 1560. Matthiolus (Pet. And.) Adversus Problemata Guilandini. With Hessus. 8vo. Patav., 1562. Matthcei Parisiensis. Chronica Majora. See Brit., Gt., No. 57. Maude (F. P.) and Chitty (T. E.) Smith's Leading Cases on various Branches of the Law. With Notes. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1862, Maude (Frederic Philip) and Pollock (Charles Edward). A Com- pendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping. With an Appendix containing all the Statutes and Forms of Practical Utility. 8vo. Lond. and Li v., 1853. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1861. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Maugham (Robt.) On the Law of Attorneys, Solicitors, and Agents. With Notes. 8vo. 1825. Maugham (Robt.) On the Law of Literary Property. 8vo. Lond. and Edin., 1828. Maugham (Robt.) Statutes, &c., relating to Attorneys. 8vo. 1839. Maule (Geo.) and Selw>'n (William John). Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, 1813-1817. 6 vols. 8vo. 18 14. Maulik (Jogindra Chandra, B.A., B.L.) The Rent Law of Bengal, L.P. (Act VIIL, 1869, B.C.) With all important Rulings of the High Court in Rent Suits up to the Present Date. Prefaced with an Historical Sketch of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. Calcutta, 1875. Maunsell (Wm. Thos.) On Accessories in Felony, &c. i2mo. 1850. Maurice of Orange. Faithful and Wise Counsellor to Prince Maurice. [Tracts, Vol. 121,] 4to. Hap., 1621. 575 Mauritius. Decisions of the Supreme Court, Vice-Admiralty Court, and Bankruptcy Court of Mauritius, 1861-18 . Edited by A. Piston. vols. Folio, Mauritius, 1861-18 . Mauritius Hibernicus. Enchiridion Fidei. With Symmachus. 4to. Ven., 1505. Mauritius. Laws in Force, August ist, 1879. Index to. By W. Greene. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Mauritius, 1879. Mauritius Ordinances. 12-15, 1869; 15-34, 1871; 1-3, 1872, 1873; 1-33, 1876. Folio. Mauritius, 1869-1876. Mauro (Castella Ferra). Historia del Apostolo Santiago Zebedeo. Folio. Mad., 16 10. Mauro (M.) Annotationi sopra la Lettione della Sphera dell Sacro- bosco, &c. 4to. Fior., 1557. Maurocenus (And.) Opuscula. 4to. Ven., 1625. Maurolycus (Fra.) Cosmographia. 4to. Ven., 1543. Mauroy (Fran. Hen.) Apologia pro iis qui de Christo pie Sentiunt. 4to. Paris, 1553. Mausonius (Floridus). De Causis Executivis. Folio. Venet., 1654. Mausonius (Floridus). De Contrabandis. Folio. Venet., 1654, Mayor (Wm.) Brief Introduction to Arts and Sciences. With Addenda by Hubert E. Evans. i2mo. 1852. Maximilian (Count Palatine). Declaratio. With Ingenuis. 4to. Maxims about the Election of our Kings, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. Maximus. See Valerius. Maxwell (Sir Peter Benson), Practice Cases. See Lowndes. Maxwell (Sir Peter Benson). Bail Court Cases, See Lowndes. Maxwell (Sir P. Benson). An Introduction to the Duties of Magis- trates and Justices of the Peace. Edited by L. P. Delves Broughton. 8vo. Calcutta, 187 1. Maxwell (Sir Peter Benson). On the Interpretation of the Statutes. 8vo. London, 1875. May (H. W.) The Law of Voluntary and Fraudulent Alienation of Property. 8vo. London, 187 1. May (John Wilder). The Law of Insurance, as applied to Fire, Life, Accident, and other Non-Maritime risks. 8vo. Boston, 1873. May (Thomas Erskine, CB.) History of the Parliament of 1640. Folio. 1647. May (Thomas Erskine, K.C.B.) The Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George III., 1760-1860. Vol. i. 8vo. 1 86 1. 576 May (Thomas Erskine, C.B.) The Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George III., 1 760-1860. 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1861-1863. May (Sir Thomas Erskine, K.C.B.) The Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George the Third, 1 760-1860. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 187 1. May (Thomas Erskine, C.B.) On the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. 8vo. 18 41 Second Edition. 1851 Fourth Edition. Edin. and Lon., 1859 Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1863 Sixth Edition. ' 8vo. London, 1868 Seventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1873 Eighth Edition. 8vo. London, 1879 Mayerne (Louis Turquet de). La Monarchie Aristodemocratique. 4to. Par., 161 1. Mayerus (Wolfg.) De Vulneribus Ecclesise Romanae. 8vo. Basil, 1620. Mayhew (C. J.) The Law of Merger, as it affects Estates in Land, and also Charges upon Land. i2mo. London, 1862. Maynard (Sir John). Reports, Edwd. L and H. See Year Books. Folio. 1678. Mayne (John D.) On the Principles and Practice of Criminal Law (India). Second Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1865. Mayne (John D.) On the Law of Damages. Comprising their Measure, the Mode in which they are Assessed and Reviewed, the Practice of Granting New Trials, and the Law of Set- Off. 8vo. London, 1856. Second Edition. By Lumley Smith. 8vo. London, 1872. Third Edition. By Lumley Smith. 8vo. London, 1877. Mayne (John D.) On the Indian Penal Code (Act 45 of i860). Fifth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1867. Sixth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1869. Eighth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1874. Tenth Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1878. Mayne (John D.) On Hindu Law and Usage. 8vo. Madras and London, 1878. Maynus (Jason), de Mayno. Commentaria, &c., cum Adnotationibus Fr. Purpurati, &c., et Indice. 9 vols. Folio. Ven., 1579. Maynus (Jason), de Mayno. Oratio ad Romanum Regem. With Phil. Beroaldus. 4to. 577 Maynwaring (Arthur). Ovid. [Translated.] In British Poets. Maynwaring (Ever.) Efficacy and Extent of True Purgation. [Tracts, Case 34.] 8vo. 1696. Maynz (Charles). Cours de Droit Romain. Troisibme Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris et Bruxelles, 1856-1874. Mayor (John E. B., M.A.) Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum His- toriale de Gestis Regum Anglige. See Brit., Gt., No. 30. 1863. Mayor (Lord), Aldermen, and Sheriffs. Order for their Meeting throughout the Year. 4to. 1669. Mayor (Lord). Show, 1672. Account of. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1672. Mazzella (Scip.) Sita et Antichite di Pozzuolo, &c. 8vo. Nap., 1606. Mazzoni (Emidio Pacifici). Instituzioni di Diritto Civile Italiano. Libros i, 2, 3. 8vo. Firenze, 1867, 1868. Mead (Frederick). Annual Digest of Criminal Law, 1876, 1877. With the Statutes, 40 & 41 Vict., relating to the same Subject. Vol. I. i2mo. London, 1878. Mead (Joseph), or Mede, The Name Altar anciently given to the Holy Table. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] 4to. 1637. Mechtildi ac Gertrudi. Revelationes Factse. 4to. Lips., 15 10. Meddaugh (Elijah W.) Reports of Cases heard and decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan, from October 1864 to November II, 1865. [Vol. 13, Michigan Reports.] 8vo. Detroit, 1866. Mederus (Dav.) Judicium Theologicum. With Maier ; Verum. 8vo. Ged., 1616. Medical Register, 1874-1877. 8vo. London, 1874-1877. Medicine. Sommaire de la Medicine Chymique. 8vo. Paris, 1632. Medicis (Catherine de). Vie, Actions, &c., de Catherine de Medicis. [Tracts, Vol. 147.] 8vo. 1576. Medicis (Seb. Flor.) Mors Omnia Solvit. With Herculanus : de Negativa. 8vo. Era., 1585. Medicis (Seb. Flor.) De Operibus Dei. 4to. Mac, 1590. Medicis (Sixt.) De Foenore Hebraeorum. 4to. Ven., 1555. Medina (Barth. de). Instruction de Confessores. 8vo. Sal, 1582. Medrano (Julian de). La Silva Curiosa. 8vo. Paris, 1608. Meduna (Bart.) Lo Scolare, nel quale si Forma a Pieno un perfetto Scolare. 4to. Ven., 1588. Meekins (T. C. Mossom). Report on Compensation to the Tenant for Improvement (in Ireland). [Pamphlets, Vol. 5.] 8vo. 1852. (37) 578 Meekins (T. C. Mossom). Decimal Coinage. Should it be Inter- national? [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] 8vo. 1B56. I Meekins (T. C. Mossom). Are Peerages for Life Legal? Svo. 1856. 1 Meekins (T. C. Mossom). Are Peerages for Life Legal ? [Pamphlets, I Vol. 7.] 1856. Meen (Henry). Coluthus' Rape of Helen. [Translated.] In British Poets. Meerman (Gerard.) Thesaurus Juris Civilis et Canonici. 7 vols. Folio. Hag. Com., 1751. Meeson (Roger). Exchequer Reports. See Crompton. Meeson (Roger) and Welsby (William Newland). Reports, from Hilary Term, 6 William IV., to Easter Term, 10 Victoria. With Index. 17 vols. 8vo. 1836-1849. Meggen (Jod. a). Peregrinatio Hierosolomytana. [Tracts, Vol. 160.] 8vo. Dil., 1580. Meggison (Holker). On the Administration of Assets in Equity. 8vo. 1832. Megiserus (Hier.) Diarium Austriacum, seu Calendarium Historicum Domus Austriacse. 8vo. Aug. Vi., 1604. Megiserus (Hier.) Institutiones Linguae Turcicae. 8vo. 161 2. Meibomius (Jo. Hen.) Maecenas. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1653. Meier (Moritz Hermann Eduard) and Georg (Frederich Schomann). Der Attische Process. 8vo. Halle, 1824. Meisnerus (Bait.) De Fide Lutheran^ Capessenda. 8vo. Gies., 161 1. Mela (Pomponius). Geographia. With Quintilian. 4to. Par., 1507. Mela (Pomponius). De Situ Orbis. With Solinus. Folio. Basil, 1557. Mela (Pomponius). De Situ Orbis. With Henischius. Svo. Aug. Vin., 1576. Melampus. De Nsevis CoriJoris. With Meletius. 4to. Ven., 1552. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) Praefatio Historise Turcicae. 8vo. Mklanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) Carionis Chronicon. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) Orationes aliquot. With Bru- cherius. 8vo. Hag, 1533. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) Studiorum Rationes. With St. Basil. 8vo. Basil, 1537. 579 Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) De Anima. With Vives. 8vo. Lugd., 1555. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) De Ecclesia, Poenitentia, &c. 8vo. Witte., 1 56 1. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) Adversus Anabaptistas Judicium. With Missa. 8vo. Fra., 1562. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) De Ecclesiae Authoritate. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] Svo. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) See Joh. Manlius. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Phil.) See Sohn. Melanchthon, or Melanthon (Thos.) Vie de Luther. i2mo. 1555- Melander (Otho). Resolutio Praecipuarum Qusestionum Criminalis adversus Sagas Processus. Svo. Lich., 1597. Melander (Otho). Consultatio Testamentaria. Svo. Lich., 1597. Melander (Otho et Dion.) Joco-Seria. Svo. Fran., 161 7. Meletius. De Natura Strcturaque Hominis. 4to. Ven., 1552, Mella (Cam.) Decisiones Rotse, Novae, Antiquse et Antiquiores, &c. 3 vols, in I. Folio. Lugd., 1555. Mellema (Elcie Edw. Leon.) Dictionaire Frangois-Flamen. 4to. Rot., 1596. Melmoth (Wm.) The Importance of a Religious Life. Edited, with a Memoir, by Ch. Purton Cooper. Svo. 1849. Melsheimer (Rudolph E.) and Laurence (Walter). The Law and Customs of the London Stock Exchange. Svo. London, 1879. Melville. Trial of Henry Lord Viscount Melville for High Crimes and Misdemeanours, before the House of Peers, 29th April to 17th May, 1S06. With a Sketch of the Life and Political Cha- racter of his Lordship. Svo. London, 1S06. Mementoes (Brief). To Live Religiously. [Tracts, Vol. 21.] 4to. 1 66 1. Memo (Gio. Mar.) Delia Sostanza et Forma del Mondo. 4to. Ven., 1545. Memoires Touchant les Ambassadeurs. i2mo. Rouen, 1679. Men of the Time. Biographical Sketches of Living Characters, Also of celebrated Women. i2mo. 1S56. Mena (Juan de). Las Trezientas Glosadas. For Fern. Nunez. i2mo, Anv., 1582. Mena (Juan de). 24 Coplas suias con sa Glossa, &c. i2mo. Anv., 15S2. I 58o Menagius (iEgid.), Menage. Juris Civilis Amoenitates; h. Jo. Gul. Hoffman. 8vo. Franc, et Lips., 1738. Menavino (Gio. Ant.) I Costumi, et la Vita de Turchi. Svo. Fior., 1 55 1. Mencelius- (Hier.) Responsio ad Calumnias Hosii de Conjugio Sacerdotum. Svo. Arsel., 1556. Mencelius (Joach.) De Cognitione Dei ex Lumine Naturae. i2mo. Fra., 1629. Mencius (Balth.) Itinera in Italiam, Palsestinam, &c. Svo. Witt. Mendano (Juan de). Silva de varios Romances, i2mo. Sev., 1619. MEND09A (Franc, de). Viridarium utriusque Eruditionis, Sacrse et Profanse. Svo. Col. Ag., 1633. MEND09A (Pedro Gongalez de). Historia dell Monte Celia. Folio. Gran., 1616. Mendoza (Gio. Gonzales di Mendozza). Historia della China. Svo. Vin., 1587. Mendoza, or Mendoga de Santillana (Ynigo Lopes de). Proverbios. With Clavijo. FoHo. Sevil, 1532, Mendoza, or Mendoga de Santillana (Ynigo Lopes de). Proverbios. With Clavijo. i2mo. Anv., 1594. Mendus (And.) De Jure Academico. Folio. Salmont, 1655. Menippus, seu Dialogorum Satyricorum Centuria una. Svo. 161 7. Mennenius (Fr.) Delicise Equestrium Ordinum. Svo. Col. Ag., 1613. Mennens (Guil.) Aureum Vellus sive Sacra Philosophia. 4to. Antw., 1604. Menochius (Jas.) Consilia, sive Responsa, cum Indici. 13 vols, in 9. Folio. Ven., 1609. Menochius (Jas.) Commentaria de Prsesumptionibus. Folio. Col. AH., 1614. Menochius (Jas.) De Arbitrariis Judicum, Qusestionibus et Causis. Folio. Col. All, 1630. Menochius (Jas.) De Jurisdictione, Imperio, et Potestate Ecclesiastic^ ac Seculari. Folio. Lugd., 1695. Menochius (Jas.) De Immunitate Ecclesiae. Folio. Lugd., 1695. Mensa Philosophica. 4to. Menzies (Allan). Conveyancing, according to the Law of Scotland. Third Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1863. 58i MENZIES (Hon. William). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope. [Vols. 2 and 3 edited by James Buchanan.] 3 vols. 8vo. Cape Town, 1868-187 1. Menzies (Hon. Wm.) Index and Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope. Reported by the late Hon. Wm. Menzies, Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court. Compiled by James Buchanan. 8vo. Cape Town, 1877. Mercada (Tho.de). Tratos y Contratos Mercaderes. 4to. Sal., 1569. Mercator (Gerard.) Et Beroaldus Chronologia, 8vo. Basil, 1577. Mercator (Gerard.) Atlas (English). Folio. 1636. Mercatus (Lud.) Gynsecia, sive de Morbis Mulierum. 4to. Basil, 1588. Mercerius (Joh.) Le Mercier. See Grammatica. Merchants' Aviso. [Tracts, Vol. 11 1. J 4to. 1607. Mercks (Tho., Bishop of Carlisle). Speech concerning Richard II. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. Mercurialis (Hier.) De Arte Gymnastica. 4to. Paris, 1577. Mercurii (Scip.) Delia Commare Oriccoglitrice. 4to. Ven., 1601. Mercuric y Caron. Dialog© de. 8vo. Mercurius Austro-Bohemo-Germanicus. [Tracts, Vol. 167.] Svo. Franc, 1622. Mercy Rejoiceth against Judgment. A Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. Merewether (Hy. Alworth). Report of the Case of the Borough of West Looe, tried before a Committee of the House of Commons. Svo. 1823. Merewether (Hy. Alworth). Speech in Chancery upon Sea Shore Claims. [Pamphlets, Vol, 5. J Svo. 1850. Merewether (Hy. Alworth) and Stephens (Archibald John). History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. With an Examination of Documents illustrative of their Consti- tution and Powers. 3 vols. Svo. 1835. Merez (Melch. Pelaez a). De Majoratibus et Meliorationibus Hispanise. 2 vols. Folio. Lugd., 160S. Mergiletus (And.) Papa Homo Peccati. With Leiserus. Svo. Lips., 1607. Merillius (Emund.) Ex Cajacio Libri Tres. 4to. Paris, 1638. Merillius (Emund.) Observationes. 4to. Paris, 163S. 582 Merillius (Emund.) Institutiones Imperiales Commentarii. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen., 1739. Meriton (Geo.) Landlord's Law. 8vo. 1681. Merivale (Herman). Reports. See Davison. Merivale (John Herman). Reports of Cases in Chancery, 1815-1817. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 181 7-18 19. Merliers (Jean de). Practique de Geometric [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. Par., 1574. Merlin (Ambrose). Vaticinia, a Galfrido Monumetensi Conscripta, cum Alani de Insulis Explanationibus, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 8vo. Fran., i6o8. Merlin (Phil. Ant.) Repertoire de Jurisprudence. 18 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827. Merlin (Phil. Ant.) Recueil des Questions de Droit. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827. ' Merlinus (Mercurialis). De Pignoribus et Hypothecis. Folio. Col. All., 1742. Merlinus (Mercurialis). Decisiones Rotse Romanae. Folio. Col. All., 1742. Mermannius (Arnold). Theatrum Conversionis Gentium totius Orbis. 8vo. Antw., 1572. Mersenne (Marin.) Questiones in Genesin, cum Accurata Textiis Explicatione. Folio. Par., 1623. Mersenne (Marin.) La Verite des Sciences. 8vo. Par., 1625. Mersenne (Marin.) Harmonica. Folio. Par., 1636. Mersenne (Marin.) Geometrise mixtseque .Mathematicge Synopsis. 4to. Par., 1644. Mersenne (Marin.) Cogitata Physico-Mathematica. 4to. Par., 1644. Merula (Gaudentius). Res Memorabiles. 8vo. Lugd., 1556. Merula (Paul.) Cosmographia Generalis. Folio. 1605. Merula (Paul.) De Maribus. With Grotius. Merula (Paul.) Manier van Procederen in de Provintien van Hollandt, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 1781. Merus (Pasq.) Triumphus Caroli V. With Vulpian. 8vo. 1661. Mervin (Audley). • Occurrences in Donegal, &c., since the Rebellion. 4to. 1642. Mesmes (Jo. Pierre de). Institutions Astronomiques. FoHo. Par., 1557. 583 ■ Messenius (Jo.) Amphitheatrum. 8vo. Hil., i6io. , Messenius (Jo.) De Suecorum Gothorum que Imperils. 8vo. Hil, 1611. Messingham (Tho.) Florilegium Insulae Sanctorum, seu Vitse Sanc- torum Hibernise. Folio. Par., 1624. Messisbugo (Chr. de). II Modo d'Ordinar Banchetti. With Epulario. 8vo. Ven.', 1600. Messua (Jo.) De Re Medica; k Jac. Sylvio. 8vo. Paris, 1561. Mestayer (Jaques). L' Adoration de la Gerbe de Joseph. 8vo. Poic, 162 1. Metastasio (Pietro). Opere. 12 vols. 8vo. 1780. Metasthenes. De Judicio Temporum {Historia Antiqua). Metcalf (Theron). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1840-1847. 13 vols. 8vg. Bost., U.S., 1843. Metcalf (Walter C, F.S.A.) See Harleian Society's Publications, No. 13. Metcalfe (James P.) Reports of Selected Civil and Criminal Cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Summer Term 1858 to Summer Term 1863. [Vols. 56-59, Kentucky Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1859-1864. Meteor. Case of the. See Balch. Meteranus (A. E.) Historia Belgica. FoHo. 1597. Metius (Adr.) Doctrina Sphaerica. With Picciolus. 8vo. Fra., 1598. Metius (Adr.) Praxis Geometrica per Usum Circini. [Tracts, Vol. 103.] 4to. Fra., 1623. Metius (Adr.) Primum Mobile Novo Methodo Explicatum. 4 vols, in I. 4to. Amst, 1631. Metivier (Georges). Dictionnaire Franco-Normand, ou recueil des mots particuliers au dialecte de Guernsey, faisant voir leurs relations Romanes, Celtiques et Tudesques. 8vo. London, 1870. Meurier (Gab.) La Perle de Similitudes. 4to. Mai., 1583. Meurier (Gab.) Thresor de Sentences. 8vo. Rouen, 1579. Meursius (Jo.) De Gloria. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1601. I Meursius (Jo.) Notse in Antigonum Carystium. 1 4to. Lugd. Bat., 16 19. I Meursius (Jo.) In ApoUonium Dyscolum. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1620. 584 ' Meursius (Jo.) Areopagus. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1624. Meursius (Jo.) Cecropia. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1622. . Meursius (Jo.) Pisistratus. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1623. Meursius (Jo.) Criticus Arnobianus et Hypocriticus Minutianus. With Dubliulius. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1598. Meverillius (Ot.) De Tabe. With Jacchaeo : Odae. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 16 13. Mew (Geo.) Reports. See Temple. Mexia (Pero). Silva de varia Lecion. Svo. Anve., 1593. Mexia CoUoquios o Dialogos. i2mo. Anve., 1561. Mexico. Collection de Ordenes y Decretos de la Soberana Junta provisional gubernativa, y Soberanos Congresos Generales de la nacion Mexicana. 4 tomes in 3. 4to. Mexico, 1829-1831. Meyer (Jac.) Commentarii seu Annales Rerum Flandricarum. Folio. Antw., 1561. Meyer (J. D.) Esprit, Origine et Progr^s des Institutions Judiciaires des principaux pays de I'Europe. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Meyer (Phil. Anton. G. von). Corpus Juris Confederationis Ger- manicae. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1869. Meygretus (Fr. Amad.) Qusestiones in Aristotelem de Cselo et Mundo. Folio. Paris, 1514. Meyfartus (Jo. Mat.) Suscitabulum Clericorum. 4to. Col, 1623. Meyfartus (Jo. Mat.) Compendium Geographise. i2mo. Col., 1628. Meyrick (Sir Sam. Rush). History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan. 2 vols. 4to. 1808. Meyrick (Sir Sam. Rush). A Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour. 3 vols.^ Folio. 1824. Meyrick (Sir Sam. Rush). Engraved Illustration of Antient Armour. By Joseph Skelton. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. and Oxf., 1830. Meyrick (.Sir Samuel R.) Heraldic Visitations of Wales, 1586-1613. 2 vols. Folio. Llandovery, 1846. Mezeray (Frs. Eudes de). Histoire de France. 3 vols. FoUo. Par., 1685. Michaelis (Jo.) De Instituendo Admonendoque Pastore Officii sui. With Cromerus : Conjugium. 8vo. Paris, 1564. Michaelis (Ritius). See Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores. 585 MiCHALORius (Blasius). Opera Juridica. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Venet., 1709. MiCHALORius (Blasius). De Caeco, Surdo, et Muto. 4to. Venet, 1646. Michel (A. de St.) Les Fum^es de la Cour. 8vo. Bezi., 16 15. Michel (Emmanuel). Histoire de Parlement de Metz. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Michel (Fran.) Chroniques Anglo-Normandes, Recueil d'Extraits et I'Ecrits relatifs k 1' Histoire de Normandie d'Angleterre pendent les XP. et XII^ Siecles. 3 vols. 8vo. Rou., 1840. Michel (W. H.) and Will (J. Shiress). The Law of Water and Gas Supply. 8vo. London, 1872. MiCHELET (J.) Histoire de France. 17 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 861-186 7. MiCHELET (J.) Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise. Deuxieme Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1868, 1869. MiCHELET (J.) Origines de Droit Frangais, cherchdes dans les symboies et formules du Droit Universel. 8vo. Paris, 1837. MiCHELL (E. B., M.A.) and Michell (R. B., M.A.) The Practice and Procedure of Appeals from India to the Privy Council. 8vo. Madras, 1876. Michigan Reports. Law. Douglas, 1 843-1 87 7. 2 vols. Manning (i Mich.), 1847. i vol. Gibbs (2-4 Mich.), 1848-1858. 3 vols. Cooley (5-12 Mich.), 1858-1864. 8 vols. Meddaugh (13 Mich.), 1864, 1865. i vol. Jennison (14-18 Mich.), 1866-1869. 5 vols. Clarke (19-22 Mich.), 1870, 1871. 4 vols. Hoyt Post (23-36 Mich.), 1871-1877. 14 vols. Chaney (37 Mich.), 1877. i vol. Harrington (Chancery), 183 8- 184 2. i vol. Walker (Chancery), 1842-1846. i vol. 41 vols. 8vo. Detroit, 1846-1878. Michigan. A Digest of the Reported Cases contained in the Michigan Reports, 1 838-1 865. By Thomas M. Cooley. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1866, Michovia (Mat. k). See Moscovitarum Rerum Auctores. MiCKLE (Wm. Julius). In British Poets. MiCQUELLUS (Jo. Lod.) Aurelise Urbis Obsidio. 8vo. Par., 1560. MicQUELLUs (Jo. Lod.) Ad Regem Gallise Exhortatio. 8vo. Par., 1561. MiCQUELLUS (Jo. Lod.) Joannae Lotharingise Res Gestae. 8vo, Par,, 1560. MiCQUELLUS (Jo. Lod.) ColiniiVita. 8vo. 1575. 586 MiCRiELius, or Micrelius (Joh.) Syntagma Historiarum Ecclesise. 8vo. Stet, 1630. MiDDENDORPius (Jac.) Historia Aristae. 8vo. Col., 1578. MiDDENDORPius (Jac.) De Scripturse Sacrse per Septuaginta Intef- pretes Translatione. 8vo. Col., 1578. MiDDENDORPius (Jac.) Acadcmiae Celebres Universi Orbis. 2 vols. Svo. Col. Ag., 1602. MiDDENDORPius (Jac.) Imperatorum, Clarissimorum Virorum, &c., Questiones Theologicse, Juridicse et Politicae. Svo. Col. Ag., 1603. Middle Temple (The). Its History and Association. i6mo. London, 1879. MiDDLETON (Wm.) Papisto-Mastix. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. 1606. Middleton (J. W.) The Settled Estates Act, 1877. With Notes and Summary of Practice. 12 mo. London, 1878. MiEGE (Guy). Sea Laws of Oleron. With Malynes : Lex, &c. Folio. 1686. Milan (Des Dues de). Abrege de I'Histoire. 4to. Par., 1552. MiLDMAY (Wm.) Political Treatises, &c. 4to. 1776. Militia. Argument or Debate in Law concerning the. [Tracts, Vol. 47.] 4to. 1642. Militia. National Defence by, &c. 8vo. 1781. Mill (Jas.) History of British India. 6'(?^ Wilson. 6 vols. 8vo. 1840. Mill (John), Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina held at Charleston and Columbia in 1817, 1 81 8. [Vols. 6, 7, South Carohna Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1819. Mill (John Stuart). System of Logic. Fourth "Edition. 2 vols. London, 1856. Mill (John Stuart). Considerations on Representative Government. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1861. Mill (John Stuart). On Liberty. Svo. London, 1864. Mill (John Stuart). Auguste Comte and Positivism. Reprinted from the " Westminster Review." Second Edition, revised. Svo. London, 1866. Mill (John Stuart). Dissertations and Discussions, Political, Philo- sophical, and Historical. Reprinted from the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews. Second Edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1867. 587 Mill (John Stuart). Inaugural Address at St. Andrews, Feb. ist, 1867. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1867. Mill (John Stuart). The Subjection of Women. 8vo. London, 1867. Mill (John Stuart). Autobiography. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Millar (F. C. J.) and Collier (J. R.) On Bills of vSale. i2mo. 1858. Third Edition. With Precedents, &c. izmo. London, 1870. Millar (Jn.) Historical View of the English Government, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. 1803. Miller (Hugh). Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland ; or, the Traditional History of Cromarty. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1857. Miller (Hugh). The Cruise of the Betsey; or, a Summer Ramble among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1857. Miller (Hugh). The Testimony of the Rocks; or. Geology in its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. 8vo. 1857. Miller (Hugh). First Impressions of England and its People. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1859. Miller (Hugh). The Old Red Sandstone ; or, New Walks in an Old Field. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1859. Miller (Hugh). Sketch Book of Popular Geology. Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh. With an Introductory Preface by Mrs. Miller. 8vo. 1859. Miller (Hugh). My Schools and Schoolmasters ; or, the Story of my Education. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., i860. Miller (Oliver). Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, December Term 1852 to June Term 1862. [Vols. 3-18, Maryland Reports.] 16 vols. 8vo. Annapolis, 185 3- 186 2. Miller (Sam.) Laws relating to the Land Tax. With an Appendix, containing all the Statutes in force. 8vo. 1849. Miller (William Rowley, LL.D.) The Practice of the Court of Probate, and of Quarter Sessions in Ireland, respecting Testamentary and Intestate Business. Second Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1866. Milles (Tho.) Catalogue of Honour ; or. Treasure of True Nobility, peculiar to the Isles of Great Britain. Folio. 16 10. 588 Millet (Germ.) Vindicata Ecclesise Gallicanae Gloria. With Archirota. 8vo. Paris, 1638. Mills (Arthur). Colonial Institutions. An Outline of the Consti- tutional History and existing Government of the British Dependencies. With Schedules of the Orders in Council, Statutes, and Parliamentary Documents relating thereto. Svo. 1856. Mills (Mark Ant.) The Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, copied from and compared with the Authentic Records. Together with Extracts from the British Statutes which have reference thereto. Folio. Douglas, 182 1. MiLMAN (Henry Hart, D.D.) Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. Svo. London, 1869. MiLTiTZ (Alex. de). Manuel des Consuls. 2 vols, in 5. Svo. Londres et Berlin, 1837-1839. Milton (Jn. ) Works. Svo. 1839. Milton (Jn. ) Prose Works and Life. By Charles Symmons. 7 vols. Svo. 1806. Milton (Jn.) 1 Poetical Works. 7 vols. Svo. 1809. Milton (Jn. ) In British Poets. ! Milton (Jn.) History of Britain. Svo. 1818. Milton (Jn.) History of Britain. [Tracts. By Frs. Maseres.] Svo. 1S18. Milton (Jn.) History of Britain. In Kennett. Milton (Jn.^ See Cromwell and Smectymnuus. MiLWARD (C. R.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Prerogative in Ireland, and in the Consistory Court of Dublin, temp, the Rt. Hon. Jn. Radcliffe. Svo. Dub. 1S47. MiMNERMUS. See Poetae Minores. MiNADOis (Jo. Bapt.) De Febribus Malignis, &c. With Fineti. 4to. Ven., 1573. MiNADOUS (Gio. Tho.) Historia della Guerra fra Torchi et Persiani. 4to. Ven., 1587. MiNADOUS (Gio. Tho.) Decisiones Consilii Neapolitani, cum Addi- tionibus Flam. Monaci. Folio. Neap., 1629. MiNCHiN (J as.) Crown Circuit Companion. MiNDERERUs (Raim.) Aloedarium Marocostinum. Svo. Au. Vi., 1622. 589 Miners. Liberties and Customs of the. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1645. Ministers (Godly). Humble Caution concerning. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1660. Minnesota Reports, 1851-1870. Officer, 185 1- 1 864. 9 vols. Spencer, 1865-1870. 6 vols, 15 vols. 8vo. Chicago and St. Paul, 1858-1871. Minnesota. Statutes passed at the Session of 1866. With a List of Acts previously repealed. 8vo. Saint Paul, 1866. Minot (Geo.) See America. The Public Statutes at Large, &c. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1845-1855. Minot (James). A Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, from 33 Charles to 28 Victoria. 8vo. Jamaica, 1865. Minot (James). Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 29 Victoria, 1 866-1 867. 8vo. Jamaica, 1868. Minot (James). Continuation Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 31 and 32 Victoria, 1868. With Chronological Table of Acts and Index. By William Rastrick Lee. 8vo. Jamaica, 1869. Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 32 and 33 Victoria, 1869. By William Rastrick Lee. 8vo. Jamaica, 1870. Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 33 & 34 Victoria, 1870. By William Rastrick Lee. 8vo. Jamaica, 1871. Supplement to the Digest of the Laws of Jamaica, 35 & 36 Victoria, 1871, 1872. By William Rastrick Lee. 8vo. Jamaica, 1874. MiR^us (Aubert). Elogia Belgii Scriptorum qui Ecclesiam Pro- pugnarunt. 8vo. Antw., 1602. MiR^us (Aubert). Notitia Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani. 8vo. Antw., 161 3. MiRiEUS (Aubert). Origines Benedictinse. 8vo. Col. Ag., 16 14. MiR^us (Aubert). De CoUegiis Canonicorum. With Contzen : de Unione. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1615. MiRiEUS (Aubert). Politise Ecclesiasticae. 8vo. Lugd., 1620. MiR^us (Aubert). De Vita Alberti Pii. 4to. Antw., 1622. MiRiEUS (Aubert). De Bello Bohemico Ferdinandi IL [Tracts, Vol. 165.] 8vo. Col. Ag., 1622. 590 MiRAMi (Raf.) Introduttione alia Specularia. 4to. Fer., 1582. Miranda (Lud.) Manuale Prselatorum Regularium. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Pla., 1616. Miranda (Mart. Alfons. de). Tempo de Agora. 8vo. Lisb., 1622. Miranda (Lud.) See Carranza. Mirandula (Octav.) lUustrium Poetarum Flores. Svo. Arg., 1538. Mirandula. See Picus. MiRAULMONT (Pierre de). Traict^ de Chancelerie, avec un Recueil des Chanceliers et Gardes des Sceaux de France. Svo. Paris, 16 10. MiREHOUSE (Jn.) On the Law of Advowsons. Svo. 1824. MiRROiR du Temps Pass^ (le). [Tracts, Vol. 163.] [Imperfect.] Svo. 1625. MiRROUR. In British Essayists. MiRROUR of Justices. See Home. MisoPONERi Satyricon. [Tracts, Vol. 158.] Svo. Lugd. Bat., 1617. Miss^ ac Missalis Anatomia. Svo. 1561. MissELDEN (Edw.) Circle of Commerce. [Tracts, Vol. in.] 4to. 1623. Mississippi Statutes. By V. E. Howard and A. Hutchinson. Svo. New Orl., 1840. Mississippi Reports. Law, 1S1S-1S76. Walker (i Miss.), 1S18-1S32. i vol. Howard (2-8 Miss.), 1S34-1843. 7 vols, Smedes and Marshall (9-22 Miss.), 1843-1850. 14 vols. Cushman (23-29 Miss.), 1850-1855. 7 vols. George (30-39 Miss.), 1S55-1S63. 10 vols. Reynolds (40-42 Miss.), 1S64-1S69. 3 vols. Morris (43-48 Miss.), 1S70-1S73. 6 vols, Harris and Simrall (49-52 Miss.), 1S73-1876, 4 vols. Brown and Hemingway (53-55 Miss.), 1S76-1878. 3 vols. Freeman (Chancery), 1 839-1 843. i vol. Smedes and Marshall (Chancery), 1S40-1853, i vol, 56 vols, Svo, Jackson, Miss,, 1S44-1S78, Mississippi, A Digest of the Reported Cases contained in the Mis- sissippi Reports, i Si 8-1 84 7, By W, C, Smedes, Svo, Boston, 1S47. I vol. 2 vols. I vol. 4 vols. [Republished.] 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 6 vols. 9 vols. 1862. I vol. 10 vols. 23 vols. 3 vols. 591 Missouri State Reports, 1 821-1864. Macbride (i Mo.), 1821-1828. Edwards (2, 3 Mo.), 1828-1835. Napton (4 Mo.), 1835-1837. Bay(s-8 Mo.), 1837-1845. Stringfellow (9-11 Mo.), 1845-1848. Robards (12, 13 Mo.), 1848-1850. Gardenhire (14, 15 Mo.), 185 1, 1852. Bennett (16-21 Mo.), 1852-1855. Jones (22-30 Mo.), 1855-1860. Barclay & Whittelsey (31 Mo.), 1860-1862. Whittelsey (32-41 Mo.), 1862-1867. Post (42-64 Mo.), 1867-1877. Skinker (65-67 Mo.), 1877-1879, 67 vols. 8vo. Fayette, Jefferson, and St. Louis, 1829-18 76. Missouri. A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, contained in the first Twenty-seven Volumes of Reports. By D. Robert Barclay. 8vo. St. Louis, 1859. Missouri. Statutes passed March 20th, 1866. 8vo. Jefferson, 1866. MiTACSHARA. The Law of Inheritance according to the Mitacshara. Translated by H. T. Colebrooke. With a Synopsis thereof and Translation of Selections from the Achoradhya of the Mitacshara, Veeramitrodaya, Purasura, Madhava, Nirnaya, Sindhu, and Hara- lutta. With the Table of Succession, and Notes of Decisions of the Privy Council and Superior Courts of India. By Rajendro Missry, and Opprocash Chunder Mookerjee. 8vo. Calcutta, 1869. MiTFORD (Jn., afterwards Lord Redesdale). Pleadings on Suits in Chancery by English Bill. By Geo. Jeremy. 8vo. 1827. MiTFORD (Jn., afterwards Lord Redesdale). Pleadings on Suits in Chancery by EngUsh Bill. By Josiah W. Smith. 8vo. 1847. MiTFORD (Wm.) History of Greece. 8 vols. 8vo. 1829. MiZALDUS (Ant.), Mizauld. Cometographia. 4to. Par., 1549. MizALDUS (Ant.), Mizauld. Ephemerides Aeris Perpetuse. 8vo. Par., 1554. MiZALDUS (Ant), Mizauld. Secrets et Secours contre la Peste. 8vo. Par., 1562. MiZALDUS (Ant.), Mizauld. Secrets de la Lune. 8vo. Rouen, 1571. MiZALDUS (Ant.), Mizauld. Phaenomena. 8vo. Par., 1587. MiZALDUS (Ant.), Mizauld. Memorabilia ac Jocunda. Svo. Franc, 1599. 592 MocENicus (And. Ph.) Tractationes Philosophicse. Folio. Gen., 1588. MocKETT (Ricardus). Tractatus de Politia Ecclesige Anglicanse. Cui accesserunt Recardi Zouch Descriptio Juris et Judicii Ecclesiastici Secundum Canones et Constitutiones Anglicanas. Necnon Descriptio Juris et Judicii Temporalis secundum Consuetudines Feudales et Normannicas. Editio Tertia. 1 2 mo. Londini, 1725. MocQUET (Jn.) Voyages en Afrique, Asie et les Indes, Orientales et Occidentales. 8vo. Par., 161 7. Moderator (The). Expecting Peace or Ruin. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. Modern Cases. In Modern Reports, Vol. 10. Folio. 1730. Modern Cases. In Modern Reports, Vol. 10. 1730. Modern Conveyancer. 3 vols. 8vo. 1706. Modern Reports ; or, Select Cases, &c. By Pickering. 7 vols, in 6. Folio. 1682-1713. Modern Reports j or, Select Cases, &c. By Pickering. 1682. Modern Reports. 5 in 4 additional vols. Comprising Modern Cases (Parts 8 and 9), Lucas's (Part 10), Reports in the Reign of Anne (Part 11), and Cases King's Bench, Wm. III. (Part 12). Modern Reports; or, Select Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, from the Restoration of Charles IT. to 28 Geo. II. With Notes by Tho. Leach. 12 vols. 8vo. 1793 MoDio (Gio. Bat.) II Convito. 8vo. Mil, 1558 MoHL (Robert von). Die Geschichte und Literatur der Staatswissen schaft. 3 vols. Svo. Erlangen, 1855 -185 8 MoLANUS (Joh.) Militia Sacra Ducum Brabantise. 8vo. Antw., 1592 MoLANUS (Joh.) De Piis Testamentis. Svo. Colon., 1585 MoLANus (Joh.) De Piis Testamentis. 1585 MoLANUs (Joh.) De Fide Hereticis et Rebellibus Servanda. Svo. Col., 1584 MoLANUs (Joh.) Bibliotheca Materiarum. 4to. Col. Agr., 1618 Moldenarius (M. Chr.) Exercitationes Physiognomicse. With Com bachius : de Homine. Svo. 16 16, MoLERius (Elias). Descriptio Eclipsium, 1605 et 1607. 4to. Gen., 1607 Molerius (Elias). De Sydere Novo. 4to. Gen., 1606, MoLERius (Elias). Eclipsium cum Sacrse Scripturse locis Syncrisis. 4to. Gen., 1609. 593 MoLERius (Elias). De Cometa Nova, 1607. [Tracts, Vol, 66.] 4to. Bern,, 1608. MOLESWORTH (J. T.) and Candy (T.) A Dictionary, English and Marathi. Compiled for the Government of Bombay 4to. Bombay, 1847. MoLESWORTH (J. T.) A Dictionary, Marathi and English. Second Edition. 4to. Bombay, 1857. MoLESWORTH (Robt.) On the Registration of Deeds and Con- veyances in Ireland. 8vo. Dub., 1838. MoLiERE (Joh. Bapt. Pocquelin de). CEuvres ; par Bret. 6 vols. 8vo. Par., 1773. Molina (Lud. de). De Hispanorum Primogeniorum Origine, ac Natura. Folio. Col., 1601. MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (D.) Epistola Guil. Exiguo {alias Petit). [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1664. MoLiNiEus, or du Moulin (Louis). Proposals to Parliament for a Godly Government. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1659. MoLiNiEUS, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Waters of Siloe to quench the Fires of Purgatory. 8vo. Oxon., 161 2. MoLiNiEUS, or du Moulin (Pet, Sen.) De Monarchia Temporali Pontificis Romani. 8vo. 16 14. MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) De la Vocation des Pasteurs. 8vo. Sed., 1 6 18. MoLiNiEUS, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Anatome Arminianismi. 4to. Lug. Bat, 1 62 1. MoLiNiEUS, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Accomplissement des Prophe'ties. 8vo. Sed., 162 1. MoLiNiEUS, or du Moulin (Pet, Sen.) Des Traditions et de la Perfec- tion de I'Escriture Saincte. 8vo. Gen., 1632. MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Nouveaut^ du Papisme. 4to. Gen., 1633. MoLiN^us, or du MouHn (Pet., Sen.) Hyperaspistes, seu Defensor Veritatis. 8vo. Gen., 1636. MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Examen de la Doctrine de la Predestination. 8vo. Amst., 1638. MoLiNiEus, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Letter of a French Protestant [Tracts, Vol. 70.] 4to. 1640. MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Vindication of the Protestant Religion in Point of Obedience to Sovereigns. 4to. 1668. (38) 594 MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Loyalty of the Papists to Charles I. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1673. MoLiNiEus, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) Conseil sur les Manages entre Personnes de contraire Religion. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] MoLiN^us, or du Moulin (Pet., Sen.) See Charanton and Frison. MoLiTOR (J. P.) Les Obligations en Droit Romain. Deuxibme Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Gand, 1866. MoLiTOR (J. P.) La Possession, la Revendication, la Publicienne, et les Servitudes en Droit Romain, avec les Rapports entre la Legis- lation Romaine et le Droit Frangais. Deuxieme Edition. Svo. Gand, 1868. MoLiTOR (Osuald.) Helvetise Geographica Descripto. In Helvetiorum Respublica. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1627. Moll (Herman). Atlas. Folio. MoLLAN (Jas.) Cartel aux Judiciaires, et Celoteurs Astrologues. .^;^^ 8vo. Lugd., 1585. MoLLERUS (Jus^^asciculus Remediorum, ex Dioscoride et Mathiolo. 8vo. Basil, 1579. MoLLERUS (Martin). Historiae Apostolonim, aliorumque Religiosorum Hominum Declaratio. 4to. Han., 16 12. MoLLESON (Wm.) Reports of the Commissioners of Public Accounts. 4to. 1783. MoLLOY (Chs.) De Jure Maritimo et Navali. 8vo. 1682. MoLLOY (Phil.) Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Hart. 3 vols. Dub., 1832, &c. MoLNAR (Alb.) Grammatica Ungarica. 8vo. Han., 16 10. MoLTHERUS (Jo.) Dc Anno Diluviano. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] Svo. Fra., 161 7. MoLYNEUX (Echlin). Lecture on Equity. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] Svo. Dub., 1839. MoLYNEUx (Wm.) Case of Ireland. Svo. Dub., 1725. MoLYNEUx (Wm.) Cases of Tenures in Ireland. Svo. Dub., 1725. MoNACHUS. Marculfus. MoNACHUs (Ant.) Decisiones Lucenses, Florentinae, et Bononienses. 2 vols, in I. Folio. Venet., 1619. MoNACius (Jan. Jul.) Contre la Peste. Svo. Monarchies. Law of Free Monarchies. [Tracts, Vol. 153.] Svo. 1603. 595 Monarchies. Maxims on Mixt Monarchy. 4to. Monarchies. Survey of Monarchy. 4to, 1644. Monarchies. Treatise of Monarchy. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. Monarchies. Politick and Military Observations upon Monarchies. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1648. MoNARDES (Nic.) De Simplicibus Medicamentis ex India Occidental! delatis. 8vo. Antw., 1574. MoNASTiCiE Regulae. i2mo. Lov., 1571. MoNCiEius, or Moncsejus (Fra.) Aaron Purgatus, seu de Vitulo Aureo. 8vo. Atre., 1603. MoNCK (General). Plain English to General Monck, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 17.] 4to. 1660. MoNCRiEFF (The Hon. Henry J.) On the Law of Review in Criminal Casts in Inferior Courts in Scotland. Including the Text of the Summary Procedure Act, 1864, and the Summary Prosecutions Appeals (Scotland) Act, 1875. With Full Notes and Cases, and an Appendix containing Forms, Table of Fees, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877. Monet (Philib.) Capta Rupecula, Cracina Servata. i2mo. Lugd., 1630. Monetis (de), earuraque mutatione, ac falsitate. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1574. Monginot (M.) Advertisement to those of the Roman Church in Langres. [Tracts, Vol. 81.] [No Title.] 4to. MoNiPENNiE (Jn.) Abridgment of the Scotch Chronicles. 4to. 16 12. MoNiTA Politica ad Sancti Romani Imperii Principes. 4to. Franc, 1609. Monk (Js. Henry, Bishop of Gloucester). Life of Rd. Bentley. 4to. Lond. and Camb., 1830. Monk (Js. Henry, Bishop of Gloucester). Life of Richard Bentley. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833. Monnerus (Basil). De Matrimoniis. . 4to. Jen., 1603. Monnerus (Basil). De Clandestinis Conjugiis. 4to. Jen., 1603. Monro (Cecil). Acta Cancellariae ; or. Selections from the Records of the Court of Chancery, remaining in the Office of Reports and Entries. Svo. 1847. Monro (Rob.) Expedition with the Scotch Regiment called Mac- Keyes. Folio. 1637. 596 Monroe (Benjamin). Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Equity, decided in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, from Fall Term 1840 to Winter Term 1857. [Vols. 38 to 55, Kentucky Reports.] 18 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati and Frankfort, 1854-1857. Monroe (Thomas B.) Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Equity, argued and decided in the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from Fall Term 1824 to Fall Term 1828. [Vols. 15-21, Kentucky Reports.] Second Edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1850. MoNSON (Wm.) and Townsend (Heywood). Last Resolutions. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1661. MoNSON (Wm.) and Townsend (Heywood). Last Seventeen Years of Queen Elizabeth. FoHo. 1682. MoNSTRELET (Enguerrand de). Chronicles. Translated by Tho. Johnes. With Plates in 4to. 12 vols. 8vo. 18 10. MoNSTRELET (Enguerrand de). Chroniques. Par J. A. C. ©uchon. 8vo. Par. 1839. MoNTACUTius, or Montague (Ric, Bishop of Norwich). Apparatus ad Origines Ecclesiasticos. With Davenant. Folio. Oxon., 1635. MoNTACUTius, or Montague (Ric, Bishop of Norwich). Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ. Folio. 1642. MONTACUTIUS, or Montague (Ric, Bishop of Norwich). Answer to the latter Gagger of Protestants. [No Title-page.] 4to. MONTACUTIUS, or Montague (Ric, Bishop of Norwich). See Photius. MoNTAGNES (Phil. dcs). Responces k Jean de Langle. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] 8vo. Par., 1618. MoNTAGNES (Phil. des). Vie du Cardinal Amboise. 8vo. Par., 163 1. MoNTAGNES (Phil. des). Defense du Roy, &c [Tracts, Vol. 163.] 8vo. Par., 1631. Montagu (Basil). On the Law of Lien. 8vo. 182 1. Montagu (Basil). On the Law of Partnership. With a Collection of Cases. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822. Montagu (Basil). On Equity Pleading, 2 vols. 8vo. 1824. Montagu (Basil) and Gregg (Francis). Digest of the Bankrupt Laws. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827. Montagu (Basil). On the Law of Set-off. With an Appendix of Cases. 8vo. 1828. Montagu (Basil) and Macarthur (John). Reports of Cases. 8vo. 1830. 597 Montagu (Basil). Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy decided by Lord Chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review, 182 9-1 83 2. (Some- times cited as M. and B.) 8vo. 1832. Montagu (Basil) and Ayrton (Scrope). Reports of Cases decided by Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Court of Review, and Sub-division Court, 1833-1838. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834, &c. Montagu (Basil) and Bligh (Richard). Reports of Cases decided by Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review, 1832, 1833. 8vo. 1835. Montagu (Basil) and Chitty (Edward). Reports of Cases decided by Lord Chancellor Cottenham and the Court of Review, 1838, 1839. 8vo. 1839. Montagu (Basil), Deacon, and de Gex (John P.) Reports of Cases, 1840-1844. 3 vols. 8vo. 1841, &c. Montagu (Basil) and Ayrton (Scrope). Digest of the Bankrupt Laws. By Jh.. Herbert Koe and Sam. Miller. With Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844. Montagu (Hen. de). Les Cinq Principales Maximes Politiques et Militaires. 8vo. Par., 16 10. Montagu (M.) Fifty Sonnets on Various Subjects. With some Account of that Poem. 8vo. i860. Montagu (M.) Fifty more Sonnets. 8vo. London, 1861. Montaigne (Michel de), CEuvres. Par Buchon. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Montaigne (Michel de). Le Proumenoir de Monsieur de. [Tracts, Vol. 151.] 8vo. Par., 1595. MoNTAiGNES (Fran. des). La Verity Defendue en la Cause des Jesuites. 8vo. Turin, 16 15. MoNTALBANUS (Jo. Bapt.) Dc Moribus Turcarum. 8vo. Rouen, 1625. MoNTALVo (Alonso Diaz de). El Fuero, del Rey Alonso IX. MoNTAND (Nic.) Le Miroir des Frangois. 8vo. 1582. MoNTANUS (Bened. Arias). Dictatum Christianum. i2mo. Antw., 1575. MoNTANUS (Jo. Bapt.) De Excrementis, et de Morbo Gallico. 8vo. Ven., 1556. MoNTANUS (Jo. Bapt.) In Avicennam. 8vo. Ven., 1557. MoNTANUS (Jo. Bapt.) See Weindrichius. MoNTANUS (Paul). De Jure Tutelarum. 4to. Hagae-Com., 1656. 598 MoNTAUBAN. Histoire du Si^ge de Montauban. 8vo. Leyd., 1624. Monte (Hier. de). De Finibus Regundis Civitatum, Castroram, ac Prsediorum. 8vo. Venet., 1556. Monte (Joan de). Supplicacion por los Fideles Christianos. 4to. Cosm., 1567. MoNTELATicus (Ant. Phil.) Jurisprudentise Civilis Elementa. 2 vols. 4to. Flor., 1777. Monte-Sacre (OUenix). L'Homme, ses Dignitez, son Franc et Liberal Arbitre. 8vo. Paris, 1599. Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat Baron de). CEuvres. 3 vols. 4to. 1767. Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat Baron de). The Spirit of the Laws. Translated from the French, by Thomas Nugent, LL.D. With an Analysis, by M. D'Alembert. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1823. Montfaucon (Bern. de). Antiquity Explained. 5 vols. Folio. 1 72 1. Montfaucon (Bern. de). L'Antiquite Explique. Avec Supplement. 15 vols. Folio. Par., 1722. MoNTHic (Leon Adrien de). Des Assurances sur la Vie, dans leur rapport avec les principes du Droit Civil, du Droit Commercial et les Lois de I'Enregistrement. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Monthly Digest of Cases. See Lovell. Monthly Law Magazine and Political Review, February 1838 to May 1841. 10 vols. Svo. London, 1838-1841. Monthly Law Reporter (The). Vols. 25-26, 1862-1866. Edited by George P. Sanger and F. F. Heard. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1862-1866. MoNTHOLON (Jaques de). Plaidoye pour les Peres Jesuites. 8vo. Paris, 161 1. MoNTLUC (Jean de). Harangue de la part du Roy, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1573. Montreal State Trials in 1838, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. MoNTRiou (W. A.) Cases heard and determined in the Supreme Court, Bengal, 1846. Vol. i, Parts 1-3 [imperfect]. 8vo. Calcutta, 1846. MoNTRiou (W. A.) Some Precedents and Records to aid Inquiry as to the Hindu Will of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870. 599 Montrose, History of the King's Affairs under Montrose. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1648. MoNTSERRAT. Acts of Assembly, Folio. 1740. MoNTSERRAT. Act passed 6th May, 1867, and Ordinances i, 2, 3, 1868. Ordinance 9, 1870. Ordinances 3-6, 9, 187 1. Acts, 1-4, 6, 1872-1874. [In Sheets.] Folio, 1868-1874. ( MoNTUUS (Hier.) Compendiolum Curatricis Scientiae. 8vo. Lugd,, 1556. MoNTUUs (Hier.) De Purgationibus. 8vo. Lugd., 1556. MoNTUus (Hier.) De Activa Medicinse Scientia. 8vo. Lugd,, 1556, MoNUMEKTA Academica ; or, Documents illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford. By Rev. Henry Anstey, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No. 50. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. MoNUMENTA Historica Britannica. By Hy. Petrie and Jn. Sharpe. Folio. 1848. Moody (Wm.) Crown Cases, &c., decided by the Judges of England, 1824-1844. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837, &c. Moody (Wm.) See Ryan. Moody (Wm.) Nisi Prius Reports. See Ryan. Moody (Wm.) and Malkin (Benjamin Heath), Reports of Cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Western and Oxford Circuits, 1826-1830. . 8vo. 1831. Moody (Wm.) and Robinson (Frederick). Reports of Cases, 1830-1844. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837, &c. MooR (Edwd.) Suffolk Words and Phrases, &c. i2mo. Woodbridge and Lond., 1823, Moor (Frs,) On the Statute of Eliz, 43, See Duke, Moor (Frs,) On the Statute of Eliz. 43. See Duke. Moor (Thos. de la). See Camden. MooRE (Abraham). Reports. See Bosanquet and Puller. Vol. i. Moore (Edmund F.) Cases before the Privy Council. 13 vols. 8vo. 1837, &c. Moore (Edmund F.) Reports of Cases determined before the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme and Sudder Dewanny Courts in the East Indies. 8 vols. 8vo. 1836-1841. Moore (Edmund F.) Case of the Rev. G. C. Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter, determined by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury. 8vo. 1852. 6oo Moore (Edmund F., M.A.) Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Judicial Committee and Lords of the Privy Council. New Series, 1862-1873. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1863-1873. Moore (Edmund F., M.A.) The Cases of Westerton against Liddell (Clerk) and Home and others, St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, and Beal against Liddell (Clerk) and Paske and Evans, St. Barnabas, Pimlico, as heard and determined by the Consistory Court of London, the Arches Court of Canterbury, and the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. 8vo. London, 1857. Moore (Edwd.) In .British Poets. MooRE (Sir Frs.) Reports, Henry VIII. to Jac. I. Folio. 1663. Moore (Sir Francis). Reports in the Reign of King Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and King James. By Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Second Edition. Folio. London, 1688. Moore (Frs.) Almanack Improved, &c. 19 vols. i2mo. 1828-1846. MooRE (Jn. Bayly). Digest and Index to Term Reports. With Supplement. 3 vols. 8vo. 182 1, 1822. MooRE (Jn. Bayly). Reports, Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, 57 Geo. IIL to 8 Geo. IV. 12 vols. 8vo. 1818-1831. MooRE (Jn. Bayly) and Payne (Joseph). Common Pleas and Ex- chequer Chamber Reports. 5 vols. 8vo. 1828-1832. MooRE (Jn. Bayly) and Scott (John). Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber Reports. Part II. 8vo. 1833. MooRE (Jn. Bayly) and Scott (John). Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber Reports. 4 vols. 8vo. 1833-1834. MooRE (Jn. Bayly) and Scott (John). Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber Reports. Vol. V, included in Scott, Vol. I. 8vo. 1835. MooRE (Sir Jn. Hy.) In British Poets. MooRE (John M.) Reports of Cases at Law and Equity argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Arkansas, December Term 1872 to November Term 1874. [28, 29, Arkansas.] 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1876. MooRE (Stuart A., F.S.A.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 105. MooRE (Thos.) Memoirs of Rd. Brinsley Sheridan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825. MooRE (Thos.) Letters and Journals of Byron. With Notices of his Life. 6 vols. 1839, &c. Moore (Thos.) Poetical Works. lo vols. i2mo, 1841. 6oi MoQUOT (Estienne). Examen et Censure des Bibles, &c., des Eglises Reformees. 8vo. Poict, 1617. MoRANT (Phil.) Falle's Jersey. [Continued.] MoRANT (Phil.) History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. 2 vols. Folio. 1768. More (John Shank, LL.D.) Lectures on the Law of Scotland. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1864. More (Sir Tho.) Works. Folio. 1557. More (Sir Tho.) Works. i557- More (Sir Tho.) Lives of Edward V. and Richard III. [Translated.] In Kennett. More (Sir Thos.) A Play. Edited by Alex. Dyce. S.S. Svo. 1844. MoREAU (Ren.) Schola Salernitata, Commentariis Villanovani, Crellii, &c., Illustrata. Svo. Par., 1625. Morehouse (Henry James). The History and Topography of the Parish of Kirkburton and the Graveship of Holme. Including Holmfirth in the County of York. 4to. Huddersfield, 1861. Morejon (Pedro). Historia de las Cosas de Japon. 4to. Lisbon, 1621. MoRELLUs (D.) Systema Parascevasticum ad Praxin. Svo. Aurel., 1628. MoRELLUS (Pet.) Nicetse Thesaurus Fidei. Moreno (Christoval). Vida de Factor. Svo. Alcala., 1588. MoRERi (Louis). Dictionnaire Historique. 10 vols. Folio. Par., 1759. MoRESCOTTi (Alf.) Compendium Medicinse. Svo. Herb., 1588. MoRESiNUS (Tho.) De Metallorum Causis. Svo. Franc, 1593- MoRESiNUS (Tho.) Papatus, seu Depravatae Religionis Origo. i2mo. Edin., 1594. MORGADO (Alonso). Historia de Sevilla. Folio. Sev., 1587. Morgan (Geo. Osborne). Chancery Acts and Orders. i2mo. 1S58. Morgan (George Osborne, M.A.) and Chute (Chaloner W., M.A.) The Statutes, General Orders, and Regulations relating to the Practice, Pleading, and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. With Copious Notes. Fourth Edition. Svo. London, 186S. Fifth Edition. Svo. London, 1S76. Morgan (George Osborne, M.A.) and Davey (Horace, M.A.) On Costs in Chancery. With an Appendix containing Forms and Precedents of Bills of Costs. Svo. London, 1865. 602 Morgan (Henry J.) The Canadian Legal Directory, 8vo. Toronto, 1878. Morgan (James F., M.A.) England under the Norman Occupation. i2mo. London, 1858, Morgan (W.) and Macpherson (A. G.) The Indian Penal Code, Act XLV. of i860. With Notes. 8vo. London and Calcutta, 1861. Morgues (Mat. de). Consolation aux Affliges par la Malice des Hommes. 8vo. Anvers, 1632. MoRiBus. De Corruptis, &c. [Tracts, Vol. 141.] 8vo. Aug. R., 1605. MoRiCE (Wm.) Common Right to the Lord's Supper. Folio. 1660. Morigia (Paolo), or Moriggi. Historia dell' Origine di tutte le Religioni. i2mo. Ven., 1590. Morigia (Paolo), or Moriggi. Cose Mirabili di Milano. 8vo. Mila., 1609. Morigia (Paolo), or Moriggi. Cose Mirabili di Milano. [Tracts, Case 75.] MoRiN (Jean Bapt), or Morinus. Mundi Sublunaris Anatomia. [Tracts, Vol. 156.] 8vo. Par., 16 19. MoRiN (Jean Bapt), or Morinus. Astrologicarum Doraorum Cabala Detecta. [Tracts, Vol. 124.] 8vo. Par., 1623. MoRiN (Jean Bapt), or Morinus. Refutacion des Theses Erronees contre la Doctrine d' Aristotle. 8vo. Paris. MoRiN (Pierre). Vie de S. Ignace de Loyola. i2mo. Paris, 1622. MoRiN (Pierre). Histoire de ce qui s'est pass^ as Royaumes de la Chine et du Japon. 8vo. Paris, 1625. Moringus (Ger.) Commentarius in Librum Ecclesiastse. 8vo. Antw., 1533. Moringus (Ger.) De Paupertate Ecclesiasticorum. With Rogerius. i2mo. MoRisoN (W. Maxwell). Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session. 42 vols, in ai. MoRisON (W. Maxwell). Dictionary. Index and Supplement. 8 vols. 50 vols, in 29. 4to. Edinburgh, 181 1. MoRisoTUS (CI. Barth.) Orbis Maritimi Historia. Folio. Di., 1643. MoRiTZ (C. P.) Travels through England. In Pinkerton. MoRLEY (Geo.) Sermon at Charles II. 's Coronation. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1 66 1. 6o3 MoRLEY (Hen.) Letter to the Lady Monck. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1660. MoRLEY (Thos.) Cruelties of the Irish Rebels. [Tracts, Vol. 45.] 4to. 1644. MoRLEY (William Hook). An Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in the Courts of the Hon. East India Company, and on Appeal from India by Her Majesty in Council. With an Introduction, Notes, and Appendix, Containing Sir Edward Hyde East's and Sir Erskine Perry's Notes of Cases. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847-1850. MoRLEY (William Hook). An Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of India, &c. New Series. Vol. i. Svo. Lond. and Calcutta, 1852. MoRNACius (Antonius). Observationes in XL. Libros Digestorum, et in duodecim Libros Codicis. Nova Editio. Completior et auctior. 4 vols, in 2. Folio. Paris, 1721. MoRNAY, or Mornseus (Phil.), Sieur du Plessy-Marly, Response k " les Trois Veritez." 8vo. Rochel., 1594. Morn AY, or Mornaeus (Phil.), Sieur du Plessy-Marly. Response k Boulenger. 4to. Rochel., 1599. Morn AY, or Morngeus (Phil.), Sieur du Plessy-Marly. Verification des Lieux Impugnes de Faux en I'lnstitution de la S. Euchariste. Par Richeome, en ses Livres de la Messe. 8vo. Saum., 1601. Morn AY, or Mornseus (Phil.), Sieur du Plessy-Marly. Advertissement sur I'Escrit du Sieur I'Evesque d'Eureux, [Tracts, Vol. 136.] Svo. Saumr., 1601. MoRNAY, or Mornseus (Phil), Sieur du Plessy-Marly. Responsio ad Librum Eboracensis Episcopi. 4to. Han,, 1607. MoRNAY, or Mornseus (Phil.), Sieur du Plessy-Marly. Mystery of Iniquity; or. History of the Papacy, 4to, 16 12. Morn AY, or Mornseus (Phil,), Sieur du Plessy-Marly, Memoirs, 1572- 1589. 4to. 1624. 1M0ROCURTIUS (Fr, Jean), Hugonias. MoROCURTius (Fr, Jean), Brunonias, 4to. Antw., 1540. MoRRELL (W, Wilberforce). The History and Antiquities of Selby, in the West Riding of the County of York, With Notices of the neighbouring Parish of Brayton, and the Townships of Thorpe Willoughby, Burn, Barlow, Hambleton, and Gateforth, 8vo, Selby, 1867. 6o4 MoRRiN (James). Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland, of the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1861, 1862. MoRRiN (James). Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland, of the Reign of Charles I., ist to 8th year inclusive. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. Morris (Eastin). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Iowa, July Term 1839 to January Term 1846. 8vo. Iowa City, 1847. Morris (James). Cases disposed of by the Sudder Dewanee Adawlut of Bombay, 1854- . Vol. i, Parts 2, 3. Vol. 2, Parts 3, 4. I vol. 8vo. Bombay, 1854. Morris (James). Cases disposed of by the Sudder Dewanee Adawlut of Bombay, 1854, 1855. Vol. i. Parts i, 2. Vol. 2, Part 2. 8vo. Bombay, 1 854-1 856. Morris (James). Cases disposed of by the Sudder Forydaree Adawlut of Bombay, 1854-1857. 8 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1854-1858. Morris (J. S.) Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Mississippi, May Spring Term 1870 to April Term 1873. [43-48, Mississippi Reports.] 6 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 187 1-1873. Morris (R.) and Finlason (W. F.) Common Law Procedure Act. i2mo. 1853. Morris (Thomas). On Dilapidations, Ecclesiastical and General. i2mo. 1871. Morris (William O'Connor). An Analytical Summary of the Law of Easements. i2mo. Dublin, 1869. Morris (William O'Connor). Irish Land Act, 1870. 8vo, Dublin, 1870. Morse (John T.) On Arbitration and Award. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Morse (John T.) On the Law relating to Banks and Banking. 8vo. Boston, 1870. MoRSHEMius (M.) De Praesignificationibus Astrologicis. With Has- chardus. 8vo. Basil, 1559. Morton (John). Natural History of Northamptonshire, and some Accounts of its Antiquities. Folio. 17 12. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). State of Israel in the Time of Salomon. 4to. 1596. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Two Treatises concerning Regeneration. 8vo. 1597. 60S Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Apologia Catholica, &c. 4to. 1605. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Full Satisfaction concerning a Double Romish Iniquity : Rebellion and Equivocation, 4to. 1 606. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Encounter against Parsons' Sober Reckoning, 4to. 1609. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Catholick Appeal for Protestants. Folio. 1 6 1 o. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Discharge of Five Imputations of Misapplication, 8vo, 1633, Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). Antidotum contra Ecclesiae Romanae de Merito Venenum. 4to. Cant., 1637. Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham), Replicatio, seu brevis Velitatio. [Tracts, Vol, 83,] 4to, 1638, Morton (Thos., Bishop of Durham). See Plain Pattern, &c. Morton (T. C.) Decisions of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Fort William, in Bengal. On the Plea, Equity, Ecclesiastical, Admiralty, and Crown Sides, from the date of the Charter of 1774 to 1 84 1. With Notes. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841. Morus (Fr.) Compendium Physicum. 8vo, Paris, 1586. MoRUS (Fr.) Compendium Physicum. 8vo. Paris, 1586. Moryson, or Morison (Fynes), Ten Years' Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Folio. 16 17. Morzillus. See Fox, MoscHUS. See Poetse Minores, Moschus. By Polwhele. In British Poets. MoscoviTARUM Rcrum Auctores Varii. Folio. Franc, 1600. MosELEY (Joseph). On Inferior Courts for the Recovery of Debts. 8vo. 1845. MosELEY (Joseph). Law Tracts, No, i (Summons and Orders). 8vo, 1846. MosELEY (Joseph). Political Elements ; or, the Progress of Modern Legislation. 8vo. 1852, MosELEY (Wm.) Reports in the Court of Chancery, tempore Lord Chancellor King, Folio. Dublin, 1744. MosELEY (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of the late Lord Chan- cellor King. Folio. Dublin, 1744. 6o6 MosELEY (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of the late Lord Chan- cellor King. With Notes, References, and Tables. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. MosELLANUS (Pet.) De Variarum Linguarum Cognitione. i2mo. Gense, 1634. MosER (Johann Jacob). Versuch des neusten Europaischen Volkers- recht in Friedens und Kriegs-Zeiten. 10 vols, in 12. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1777-1780. Moses (Halsey H.) The Law of Mandamus and the Practice con- nected with it. With an Appendix of Forms. Svo. Albany, 1866. MosHEiM (Jn. Lawrence). Vindicise Antiquse Christianorum Disciplinse adversus Jo, Tolandi Nazarenum. 8vo. Hamb., 1722. MoSHEiM (Jn. Lawrence). De Vita, Fatis, et Scriptis Tolandi. 8vo. Hamb., 1722. MosHEiM (Jn. Lawrence), Ecclesiastical History. By Maclaine, Coote, and Gleig. 6 vols, Svo. 1826. Mosis Egyptii Canones Penitentise {Latin). [Tracts, Vol. 92.] 4to. Cantab., 1631. MossE (Miles). Arraignment and Conviction of Usury. 4to. 1595. Motives (Humble). For Association to maintain Religion Established. [Tracts, Vol. 136.] 8vo. 1601. Motley (Jn. Lothrop), History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort. With a View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada, 2 vols. 8vo, i860, Motte-Misseme (de la). Passe-temps, 8vo. Paris. 1591. Moufet, Muffet, or Muffett (Tho.) De Jure et Prgestantia Medi- camentorum Chimicorum. Svo. Franc, 1584. Moufet, Muffet, or Muffett (Tho.) Nosomantica Hippocratea, sive Hippocratis Prognostica. Svo. Fran., 15 88. Moufet, Muffet, or Muffett (Tho.) Insectorum Theatrum Gesneri. Folio. 1634, Moufet, Muffet, or Muffett (Tho.) Nosomantica Hippocratea, sive Hippocratis Prognostica. With Martinus : de Simplicibus. Moulin (Chas. du), Molinoeus. Les Costumes Gdnerales et Par- ticulaires de France et des Gaules. Par Gab. Mich. Angevin. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1635. Moulin (Chas, du), Molinoeus, Opera. 4 vols, Paris, 1658, MouNDEFORDE (Thos,) Vir Bonus. Svo. 1622. 6o7 MouNTNORRis (Frs. Annesley, Lord). Petition against his Sentence. With Wentworth's Sentence. 4to. 1641. MouRLON (M. Frdddric). Repetitions ^crites sur le premier Examen du Code Napoleon. Septifeme Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866. MouRLON (M. Frdddric). Repetitions ^crites sur le Code de Proce'dure Civile. Troisi^me Edition. Svo. Paris, 1867. MouTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) De Prsedicamento Quantitatis. With Jacchaeo: Odae. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 161 1. MouTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) De Regulis Juris. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1603. MouTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) De Servitutibus Realibus. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1600. MouTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) De Rebus Creditis. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1602. MouTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) Positiones Disputabiles. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1602. ^ MOUTHAEN (Hen. Nic.) Carmina, &c. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1601. MoYNES de Bourdeaux. Response k la Profession de Foy, publiee par les Moynes de Bourdeaux, avec la Refutation. Svo. 1588. MoYSE. Comparison sur les Vies de Moyse et d'Hom^re. 8vo. Paris, 1604. MozLEY (Herbert Newman, M.A.) and Whiteley (George Crispe, M.A.) A Concise Law Dictionary. Svo. London, 1876. Much ALL (Wm.) Doctor and Student Svo. London, 181 5. MuHLENBRUCH (Christian Frid.) Doctrina Pandectarum. 3 vols. Svo. Hal. Sax., 1838. MuLCASTER (Rd.) Positions for Training up Children. 4to. 1581. MuLLER (Jac.) Compendium Geometricum. [Tracts, Vol. 104.] 4to. Giev., 1 6 19. MuLLER (Phil.) De Cometa Nuperrimb Visa. With Locher. 4to. Lips., 16 1 9. MuLLERN (Laur.) Septentrionalischer Historien, &c. 4to. Amst, 1595. MuLLERUS (Jo.) Bibliotheca ejus. With Jacchaeo : Odae. 4to. Emb., 1 61 2. Munch (Dr. Ernst). Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum aliaque aevi decimi sexti monimenta rarissima. Svo. Leipzig, 1S27 MuNDAY (Ant) John a Kent and John a Cumber. By J. Payne Collier. S.S. Svo. 1851. 6o8 MuNFORD (Rev, George). An Analysis of the Domes-day Book of the County of Norfolk. 8vo. London, 1858. Municipal Corporations. Reports of Commissioners. [Parliamentary Papers.] 5 vols. Folio. 1835. MuNSTER (Joh.) De Reformatione Ecclesise utriusque Testamenti. 4to, Fran., 1621. MuNSTER (Sebast.) Cosmographia Universalis. Folio. Basil, 1550. MuNSTER (Sebast.) Rudimenta Mathematica. Folio. Basil, 1551. MuNSTER (Sebast.) Versio Evangelii Sancti Matthoei. MuRATORi (Lod. Ant.) Dei Difetti della Giurisprudenza. FoHo. Ven., 1742. MuRATORi (Lod. Ant.) Italicarum Rerum Scriptores, 560-1500. 25 vols, in 28. Mil., 1722-1751. MuRATORi (Lod. Ant.) Dissertazioni sopra le Antichite Italiane. 3 vols. 4to. Man., 1765. MuRATORi (Lod. Ant.) Annali d'ltalia. 15 vols. 4to. Nap., 1773. MuRDOCK (Beamish). Epitome of the Laws of Nova Scotia. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Halifax, N.S., 1832, 1833. Mure (William). A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. 5 vols. 8vo. 1850. MuRHARD (Charles and Frdddric). See Martens. Murnerus (F.) Ad Spiritum Ruterum, Aquitanicum Fidei Inquisitorem Epistola. 8vo. Murphy (Frs. Stack) and Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrell). New Term Reports, Exchequer. 8vo. 1838. Murray (John, of the Scotch Bar). See Sessions Cases. Murray (John). Handbook for Travellers in the East (the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, Constantinople, and Malta). 8vo. 1845. Murray (John). Handbook for Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. 8vo. 1846. Murray (John). Handbook for Northern Italy. 8vo. 1847. Murray (John). Handbook for France. 8vo. 1848. Murray (John). Handbook for Northern Europe (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia). 2 vols. 8vo. 1848. Murray (John). Handbook for the Continent (Holland, Belgium, Prussia, and Northern Germany). 8vo. 1849. Murray (John). Handbook for Central Italy. 8vo. 1850 Murray (John). Handbook for Devon and Cornwall. 8vo. 1850. 6o9 Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John), shire. Murray (John). Murray (John). Wight. Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John). Oxfordshire. Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John). Cumberland. Murray (John). Cumberland. Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John), shire. Murray (John). Murray (John). Murray (John), Murray (John), Handbook for Southern Germany. 8vo. 1850. Handbook for South Italy. 8vo. London, Paris, Florence, and Naples, 1855. Handbook for Wiltshire, Devonshire, and Somerset- 8vo. 1856. Handbook for Kent and Sussex. 8vo. 1858. Handbook for Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of 8vo. 1858. Handbook for Syria and Palestine. 2 vols. 8vo. London, Paris, and Malta, 1858. Handbook for Travellers in India. 2 parts. 8vo. 1859. Handbook for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and 8vo, i860. Handbook for South Wales. 8vo. i860. Handbook of Ireland. 8vo. London, 1864. Handbook of Northumberland. 8vo. London, 1864. Handbook for the Lakes of Westmoreland and Post 8vo. London, 1866. Handbook for Travellers to Westmoreland and 8vo. London, 1866. Handbook of Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford. Post 8vo. London, 1867. Handbook of Yorkshire. Post 8vo. London, 1867. Handbook of Derby, Notts, Leicester, Stafford. Post 8vo. London, 1868. Handbook of North Wales. Third Edition. Post 8vo. London, 1868. Handbook to Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge- 8vo. London, 1870. Handbook for Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire. Post 8vo. London, 1870. Handbook for Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 8vo. London, 187 1. Handbook for Greece. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1872. Handbook for Holland, Belgium, and the Rhine. Part I. Eighteenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. (39) 6io Murray (John). Handbook for Rome. Eleventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Murray (John). Handbook to St. Alban's Cathedral. Svo. London, 1877. Murray (John). Handbook for travellers in Northamptonshire and Rutland. With Map. 8vo, London, 1878. Murray (John). Handbook for Turkey and Constantinople. 8vo. London, n.d. Murray (Joseph). Jury Court Cases. 5 vols. Svo. Edin., 1818. Murray (Sir Thos.) Laws of Scotland, or Acts of Parliament. Folio. Edin., 1681. Mus^us. De Ero et Leandro. With France-Turquie. 8vo. Basil, 1541. Mus^us. By Franks. In British Poets. Museum Italicum seu collectio veterum scriptorum ex Bibliothecis Italicis, eruta a D. Johanne Mabillon, et D. Michaela Germain. 2 vols. 4to. Lutetige Parisiorum, 1724. MusNiER (Ant. de Roussel du). Antidote pour le Mariage du Due Frederic de Bavibres. With Jacchseo : Odae. 4to. Rot., 1 6 13. Mutiny Act and Articles of War, 1868. With Army Service Act, 1847, and Army Enlistment Act, 1867, &c. i6mo. London, 1868. Mutiny and Desertion. An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army, and their Quarters. Act 50, Geo. HI. 8vo. London, 1810. Act 51, Geo. IIL Svo. London, 18 n. Act 52, Geo. in. Svo. London, 181 2. Act 53, Geo. III. Svo. London, 18 13. Mutio (Girolamo). Risposta ad una Lettera di Fr. Betti Romano. Svo. Mutio (Hier.) Le Mentite Ochiniane. Svo. Vin., 1551. Mutio (Hier.) Ilchoro Pontificale nel qual si Leggono le Vite del B. Papa Greg., et di 12 altri Santi Vescovi. 4to. Ven., 1570. Mutio (Hier.) Selva odori. 4to. Ven., 1572. Mutio (Hier.) II Duello, con la Riposta Cavalleresche. Svo. Vin., 1585. Myconius (Osualdus). Vie de Zuingle. With Vie de Luther. i2mo.j 1555. 6ii Myer (Wm. G.) An Index to the Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States. Cranch, 1800, to Otto, Vol. 5, 1877. [1-95, Supr. Ct. R.] 8vo. St. Louis, Mo., 1878, Myers (Harvey). Digest of General Laws of Kentucky, 1859-1866. Svo. Cincinnati, 1866. Myers (Harvey). See Hughes. Mylius (Abr.) Lingua Belgica. 4to. Mylius (Jo. Dan.) Opus Medico- Chymicum, 3 vols, in 2. Mylius (Jo. Dan.) Philosophia Reformata. Mylne (Jas. Wm.) and Keen (Benjamin). Reports in Chancery 1832-1835. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834, &c. Mylne (Jas. Wm.) and Craig (Richard Davies). Reports in Chancery 1835-1841. 5 vols. 8vo. 1837-1848. Myrsilius (Lesbius). ^De Origine Italise, et Tyrrhenorum {Historia Antiqud). 8vo. 1599. Mystery of the Two Juntos, Presbyterian and Independent. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1660. Mythology. See Biographic Universelle, Vols. 53, 54, 55. Lugd. Bat., 1620. 4to. Fran., 1618. 4to. Fran., 1622. 6l2 NAALDWYCK (Pet. k). De Equorum Natura, Electione, Educa- tione, Disciplina, et Curatione. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1531. Nabod (Val.) Enarratio Elementorum Astrologise. 4to. Col., 1560. NiEVius (Cn.) See Maittaire. Nagelmakerus (Laur.) De Jubilaeo, seu Indulgentiis. 8vo. Antw., 1576. Nagpore. Memorandum relating to Nagpore. Folio. 1759- Nalson (Jn.) Historical Collections of Affairs of State, 1 639-1 648. 2 vols. Folio. 1682. Nalson (Jn.) Journal of the Trial of Charles I. Folio. 1684. Nancel (Nic. de). Traictez Trois de Dieu, et De I'immortalite d'Ame. i2mo. Tour., 1591. Nancel (Nic. de). Analogia Microcosmi ad Macrocosmon. Folio. Paris, 1601. Nannius (Pet.), Nanni. Miscellanea. 8vo. Lugd., 1548. Nantes. Edict of. [Tracts, Vol. 119.] 4to. 1622. Napier (Sir Charles, Vice-Admiral). See Earp. Napier (Sir Chs. Jas.) Remarks on Military Law, and the Punish- ment of Flogging. 8vo. 1837. Napier (Henry Alfred, M.A.) Historical Notices of the Parishes of Swynescombe and Ewelme, in the County of Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1858. Napier (Henry Edward, Captain). Florentine History. 6 vols. 8vo. 1846, 1847. Napier, or Neper (Jean). Overture de tous les Secrets de I'Apocalypse. 8vo. Rochel., 1607. Napier, or Neper (Jean). Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio. [Tracts, Vol. 104.] 4to. Edin., 161 9. Napier, or Neper (Jean). Trigonometria Logarithmica (Benj. Ursinus). Napier (Joseph). Jury Court Cases. 5 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1818. Napier (Joseph). Lectures on Common Law. 8vo. Dub., 1839. Napier (Joseph). Civil Bill Courts. See Longfield. Napier (Joseph). See Alcock. 6i3 Napier (Joseph, D.C.L.) Clerical Subscription Commission. Answer to the Speech of the Dean of St. Paul's against Subscription to the Articles of Religion. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1865. Napier (Mark). On the Law of Prescription in Scotland. 8vo. Edin., 1839. Napier (Mark). On the Law of Prescription in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1854, Napier (Mark). See Scotch Session Cases, Vol. 9. Napier (MacVey). Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Napier (Sir Wm. Frs. Pat.) History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France, 1807-1814. 6 vols. 8vo. 1835-1840. Napier (Sir Wm. Frs. Pat.) The Conquest of Scinde. 8vo. 1845. Napier (Sir Wm. Frs. Pat.) Sir Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde. 8vo. 185 1. Napier (Sir Wm. Frs. Pat.) Life and Opinions of General Sir Charies James Napier. 4 vols. 8vo. 1857. Napoleon III. (Louis Bonaparte). Life and Works. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852. Napoleon Code. Translated by a Barrister of the Inner Temple. 8vo. London, 1824. Napton (W. B.) Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, from 1835 to 1837. [Vol. 4, Missouri State Reports.] 8vo. Fayette, Missouri, 1837. Nardius (Balth.) Expunctiones locorum qui in Libro Ignoti Auctoris de Papatu Depraventur. 4to. Paris, 161 8. Nardius (Joh.) Lactis Physica Analysis. With Baricellus. 4to. Flor., 1634. Nares (Edwd.) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Lord Burleigh, Secretary of State and Lord High Treasurer of England. 3 vols. 4to. 1828. Narrationes ad Novas Articuli. i2mo. 1539. Narssius (Jo.) Gustavus Saucius, Tragaedia. With Messenius. 8vo. Haf., 1628, Nash (Thomas). Pierce Penniless. By J. Payne Collier. S.S. 8vo. 1842. Nash (Threadway), History of Worcestershire, 2 vols. Folio. Lond., Oxf, and Wore, 1781, 6i4 Nash (Simon). A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ohio, contained in the First Twenty Volumes of Ohio Reports, 1816-1851. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1853. Nasmith (David). The Chronometrical Chart of the History of England, Civil and Military, Religious, Intellectual, and Social, from B.C. 55 to A.D. i860. Together with a Table of the Con- temporary Sovereigns of Europe from William I. to Victoria. Folio. London, 1864. Nasmith (David, LL.B., F.S.S.) The Practical Linguist. Being a System based entirely upon Natural Principles of learning to speak, read, and write the German Language. 8vo. London, 1870. Nasmith (David, LL.B.) The Institutes of English Public Law. Embracing an outline of General Jurisprudence ; the Development of the British Constitution, Public International Law; and the Public Municipal Law of England. 8vo. London, 1873. Nasmith (David, LL.B.) The Institutes of English Private Law. Embracing an Outline of the Substantive Branch of the Law of Persons and Things. In Two Books. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1875. Nasse (E.) On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and the Inclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England. Translated from the German by Colonel H. A, Ouvry. 8vo. London, 1872. Nassovius (Jo. Phil., Comes). De Atrocitate Superbiae. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 8vo. Gen., 1606, Natal Ordinances, Proclamations, relating to the Colony of Natal, 1836 to 1855. With Notes of Reference, and a Copious Index. By W. J. Dunbar Moodie. In 2 vols. 8vo. Natal, 1856. Natal, Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Second Session. Seventh Council. Vol. 22, 1874. Folio. Pietermaritzburgh, 1875. Natal. Laws of Natal, 1856 to 1877 (1876 missing). FoHo. Pietermaritzburg, 1856-1877. Natal. Blue Books for 1864-187 7. 14 vols. Folio. Pietermaritzburg, 1864-1877. [Schedules of Taxes, Duties, Fees, and all other Sources of Revenue specified under the respective Laws or Authorities under which they are derived.] Natalibus (Pet. de). Catalogus Sanctorum et Gestorum eorum. Folio. Lugd. Nati (And.) Trattato del Segretario. 8vo. Fir., 1588. 6i5 National Manuscripts. Fac-simile of. See James. Natta (Marc. Ant.) Consilia sive Responsa. 3 vols. Folio. Venet, 1584 Nauclerus (Jo.) Opus Chronographicum. Folio. Tub., 15 16 Naud^us (Gab.), Naude. Addition k I'Histoire de Louis XI. 8vo. Paris, 1630 NAUDiEUS (Gab.), Naude. Bibliographia Politica. Svo. Ven., 1633 Naud^eus (Gab.), Naude. Syntagma de Studio Liberali. Svo. Arim., 1633 Naumachius. See Poetse Minores. Nauntelius (Rhem.) Rationale Jesuiticorum. Svo. Dant., 1595 Naunton (Robert). In Harleian Miscellany. Nausea (Frid.) In Catholicum Catechismum. Svo. Antw., 1544 Nausea (Frid.) Mirabilia. With Dietenbergius Phimostomus Scrip tuariorum. 4to, Nausea (Frid.) Mirabilia. 4to. Col., 1532 Nautical Magazine, 1877. vols. Svo. London, 1877 Navarrois (le Bon), aux Pieds du Roy. With Bony vet. Svo. 16 15 Navigations, or Railroads. Observations on the Comparative Merits of. [Pamphlets, Vol. i.] Svo. Bath, 1825 Navy List, from October 1S45 to January 1879. 34 parts. 1845-1S79 Nayler (James). See Hubberthome. Neale (James, F.S. A.) The Abbey Church of St. Alban, Hertfordshire, Folio. London, n.d. [1878] Neale (John Preston). The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. The Literary Department by Edward Wedlake Brayley. 2 vols. 4to. London, iSiS. Neale (Thos.) CoUegiorum, Scholarumque Publicarum Academige Oxoniensis Topographica Delineatio. Per Thom. Hearne. With Dodwell : Parma. Svo. Oxon., 1733. Neander (Conrad). Tabulae Conjugationum Ebraicarum. Svo. Witte., 1596. "Neander (Jo.) Tabacologia. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1622. Neander (Mich.) Theologia Megalandri Lutheri; item Bernhardi, &c. Svo. 1 581. Neander (Mich.) Chronicon a Rebus Humanis Conditis ad hanc usque ^tatem. Svo. Lips., 1586. 6i6 Neander (Mich.) Orbis Terrse partim Succinctse ExpHcatio. 8vo. Lips., 1586. Neander (Mich.) Syllogse Physicse Rerum Eruditarum. Svo. Lips., 1 59 1. Nebraska Reports in the Supreme Court, 1855-1872. Vols, i, 2. By James M. Woolworth. Vol. 3. By Lorenzo Crounse, 1873, 1874. 3 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1871-1874. Neckam Alexandri de Naturis rerum Libri duo priores. With Neckam's Metrical Treatise on the same Subject. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. Brit., Gt., No 35. 1863. Neill (Robert). Forms of Proceedings in Maritime Causes before the Sheriff Courts in Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1878. Neison (Frs. G. P.) On Odd Fellows and Friendly Societies. i2mo. 1847, Nell (Louis). The Mohammedan Laws of Ceylon relating to Inherit- ance and Matrimony. [Pamphlet.] Svo. Columbo, 1873. Nelson (Horatio, Lord). See Nicolas. Nelson (J. H., M.A., M.C.S.) On the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. X. of 1872). 8vo. Madras, 1873. Nelson (J. H., M.A., M.C.S.) Commentaries on the Code of Civil Procedure (Act X. of 1877). Second Edition. 8vo. Madras, 1878. Nelson (Wm.) Rights of the Clergy of England. 8vo. 1715- Nelson (Wm.) Reports of Special Cases in Chancery, Temp. Car. IX. et Guil. m. 8vo. 17 17. Nelson (William). An Abridgment of the Common Law. Being a Collection of the Principal Cases argued and adjudged in the several Courts of Westminster Hall. 3 volsi Folio. London, 1 725-1726. Nelson (Wm.) See Evidence. Nemesius. De Naturi Hominis. 4to. Lugd., 1538. Nemours. M^moires de la Duchesse de. See Retz. Nennius. See Gale and Monumenta. Nennius. Translated by J. A. Giles. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1848. Nepos (Cornelius). De Vitd Excellantium Imperatorium. 24mo. Lugd., 16 1 6. Nepos (Cornelius). See Valpy. 6i7 Neri (Tomaso). Apologia in Defesa del R. P. F, Savonarola. With Balduinus : Papa. 8vo. Fior., 1564. Nerus Badia (Jo. Bonaventura). Decisiones et Responsa Juris. 2 vols. 8vo. Flor., 1769. Nerus Badia (Pompeius). Decisiones Florentinse. Nettelbladt (Dan.) Initia Historiae Litterarise Juridicge. 8vo. Hal. Magd., 1774. Neugebaverus (Salom). Neugebauer, De Peregrinatione. Svo. Basil, 1605. Neuhusius (Edm.) Princeps Agapetianus. With Casmanni : Doc- trina Politica. Svo. Fra., 1603. Neuhusius (Edm.) Theatrum Ingenii Hominis. 2 vols. Svo. Amst., 1633. Neuhusius (Hen.) De Fratribus Roseae-Crucis Admonitio. With De Fluctibus : Tractatus Apologeticus. Svo. 16 12. Neuman (Henry) and Baretti (J.) Spanish and English Dictionary. Eighth Edition. By M. Seoane, M.D. 2 vols. Svo. 1831. Nevada. Laws of the Territory of Nevada, passed from ist October, 1861, to 3rd April, 1867. 6 vols. Svo. San Francisco, 1S6 2-1 S6 7. Nevada. Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada. (i Nev.), 1S65. I vol. Helm (2-4 Nev.), 1866-1S68. 3 vols. Helm and Hittell (5-9 Nev.), 186S-1874. 5 vols. Bicknell and Hawley (10-13 Nev.), 1S74-1S78. 4 vols. 13 vols. Svo. Sacramento and San Francisco, 1S66-1S79. Neve (Jeffery). Almanack for 1628. Svo. Nevile (Sandford) and Manning (William Montagu). King's Bench Reports, 3 to 6 Will. IV. 6 vols. Svo. 1 834-1 839, Nevile (Sandford) and Manning (WilHam Montagu). Cases relating to Magistrates, 1832-1836. 3 vols. Svo. 1834-183S. Nevile (Sandford) and Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine). King's Bench Reports, 1 836-1 S3 8. 3 vols. Svo. 1S37. Nevile (Sandford) and Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine). King's Bench Reports, relating to Magistrates, 1S36, 1837. Svo. 1S37. Nevill (Ralph, M.A.) and Macnamara (Walter H.) Cases decided under the Second Section of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1854, and Reports of Cases decided by the Railway Commissioners, under the Regulation of Railways Act, 1873. With the Statutes and Notes. Also a Digest of Cases on Railway and Canal Traffic. Vols. I, 2, Parts i, 2. Svo. London, 1S74-1876. Nevis. Acts 1S70, 187 1. Nevis. The Laws of Nevis, from 1681 to 1S61, inclusive. With Ap- pendixes and an Index. [By Authority.] Svo. London, 1S62. 6i8 Nevizanus (Jo.) Sylva Nuptialis. 8vo. 1592. Nevyllus (Alex.), Nevile. De Furoribus Norfolciensium, Ketto Duce. [No Title.] . 4to. Nevyllus (Alex.), Nevile. Norvicus. . 4to. 1575- New Brunswick. Rules and Statutes regulating the Practice of the Court of Chancery in this Province, now the '* Supreme Court in Equity." Also Rules made in the Supreme Court since the Publi- cation of Allen's Rules in 1847. By George Botsford. 8vo. Fredericton, 1865. New Brunswick. Revised Statutes. 8vo. Fredericton, 1854. Public Statutes passed in the year 1854. Together with those unrepealed by the Revised Statutes. 8vo. Fredericton, 1854. Local and Private Statutes. 8vo. Fredericton, 1855. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick, November 1854 to April 1873. 4 vols. 8vo. Fredericton, 1855-187 3. New Brunswick. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. With a Table of the Names of the Cases, Trinity Term 1867 to Michaelmas Term 187 1. 2 vols., by James Hannay. 3 vols., 1872-1876, by William Pugsley. 8vo. Fredericton, 1861-1877. New County Court Cases. 8vo. Lond., Dub., and Edin., 1849. New England Genealogical Dictionary. See Savage. New England Historic Genealogical Society. The New England His- torical Genealogical Register. Vol. i (W. Cogswell, D.D., Editor), 1847. Vols. 2-12 (S. G. Drake, Editor), 1848-1858. Vols. 13, 14 (W. B. Trask, W. H. Whitmore, J. W. Dean, Editors), 1859, i860. Vol. 15 (S. G. Drake, Editor), 1861. Vol. 16 (W. B. Trask), 1862. Vol. 17 (J. W. Dean, Editor), 1863. Vol. 18 (W. B. Trask, and J. W. Dean, Editors), 1864. Vol. 19 (W. B. Trask, Editor), 1865. Vols. 20, 21 (E. Mason, Editor), 1866, 1867. Vols. 22-29 (A. H. Hoyt, Editor), 1868. Vols. 30-33, (John Ward Dean, Editor). 33 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1847-1879. New Hampshire Reports, 181 6-1875. (Vols. 1-20, New Hants), 1816-1850. 20 vols. Foster (Vols. 21-31, New Hants), 1855. 11 vols. Fogg (Vols. 32-37, New Hants), 1855-1859. 6 vols. Chandler (Vols. 38-44, New Hants), 1 859-1 868. 7 vols. Hadley (Vols. 45-48, New Hants), 1 863-1 869. 4 vols. Shirley (Vols. 49-55, New Hants), 1869-1875. 7 vols. 55 vols. 8vo. Boston, Chester, Concord, Exeter, Newport, 1819-1876. 6 19 New Hampshire. The General Statutes of the State of New Hamp- shire. To which are prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State. With a Glossary and Digested Index. 8vo. Concord, 1867. New Jersey Reports. Law. Coxe (Vol. I N.J.L.), 1 790-1 795. Pennington (Vols. 2, 3 N.J.L.), 1806-1813. Southard (Vols. 3, 4 N.J.L.), 18 16-1820. Halstead (Vols. 5-11 N.J.L.), 1821-1831. Green (Vols. 12-14 N.J.L.), 1831-1836. Harrison (Vols. 15-18 N.J.L.), 1837-1842. Spencer (Vol. 19 N.J.L.), 1842-1845. Zabriskie (Vols. 20-23 N.J.L.), 1847-1855. Butcher (Vols. 24-28 N.J.L.), 1855-1863. Vroom (Vols. 29-38 N.J.L.), 1863-1877. Equity. Saxton (Vol. i N.J.Eq.), 1830- 183 2. Green (Vols. 2-4 N.J.Eq.), 1838-1846. Helstead (Vols. 5-8 N.J.Eq.), 1845-1852. Stockton (Vols. 9-1 1 N.J.Eq.), 1852-1859. Beasley (Vols. 12, 13 N.J.Eq.), 1859-1862. McCarter (Vols. 14, 15 N.J.Eq.), 1861-1863. Green (C. E.), (Vols. 16-27 N.J.Eq.), 1863-1876. Stewart (Vols. 28-29 N.J.Eq.), 1877, 1878. 68 vols. 8vo. Trenton, N.J., 1816-1879. New Quarterly Review, 1852 and 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852, 1853. New Reports. New Series. See Bosanquet and Puller. New Reports (The). Containing Cases decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law, November 1862 to August 1865. Edited by G. O. Morgan, C. E. Jemmett, J. B. Maule, and J. M. Howard. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1863-1865. New South Wales. Reserved and Equity Judgments of the Supreme Court, delivered during the year 1845. 8vo. Sydney, 1846. New South Wales. The Public General Statutes of New South Wales, from 5 Geo. IV. to 25 Vict., 1824-1862. 4 vols. Folio. Sydney, i86i, 1862. The Private Acts of New South Wales, from 3 Gul. IV. to 26 Vict., 1832-1862. Folio. Sydney, 1863. The Statutes of New South Wales (Public and Private), from 26 Vict, to 40 Vict., 1862-1877. Folio. Sydney, 1862-1877 I vol. 2 vols, in I. 2 vols. 7 vols. 3 vols. 4 vols. I vol. 4 vols. 5 vols. 10 vols. I vol. 3 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 12 vols. 2 vols. -f 620 New South Wales — continued. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. With Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters, and an Appendix containing Decisions by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on Appeal, and a Selection from the former Decisions of the Supreme Court. Wilkinson and Owen (1-3 N.S.W.), 1862-1864. Wilkinson and Paterson (4-8 N.S.W.), 1865-1870. Paterson and Murray (9, 10 N.S.W.), 1870-1872. Fitzhardinge and Paterson (11-14 N.S.W.), 1872-1876. 14 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1 863- 1 878. Magisterial Digest. &«^'^;2/V.?) 4to. Mulh., 1562. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Causa Morborum {German). 4to., Colon., 1565. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Pulsuum, et urinarum Judiciis. 4to. Colon., 1568. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Pulsuum, et urinarum Judiciis. 4to. Colon., 1568. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Gradibus. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Compositionibus. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Dosibus. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Vita Longa, et Incognitarum rerum, a nemine Tractarum. Libri Septem. 8vo. Basil, 1569. 653 Paracelsus (Aur, Phil. Theophr.) De Vita Longa. With Gordonius: de Vita. 1569. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Vita Longa. 1569. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Meteoris, de Matrice, de Tribus Principiis, de Presagiis, Vaticiniis, et Divinationibus. 8vo. Basil, 1596. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) Astrologicge et Astronomica Fragmenta, 8vo, Basil, 1569. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) De Restitute utriusque Medicinse vera Praxi; Ger. Dorn. interpr. 8vo. Lugd., 1578. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) Chemise Congeries de Trans- mutatione Metallorum. 8vo. Fran., 1581. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) Genealogia Mineralium atque Metallorum. 8vo. Fran., 1581. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) Chirurgie ; par Claude Dariot. 4to. Lyon, 1593. Paracelsus (Aur. Phil. Theophr.) Opera Medico-Chymica, cum Chirurgia Minore. 12 vols, in 4. 4to. Fran., 1603. Paradin (Claude). La Philosophic Divine de M.J.L.V. i2mo, Rouen, 1550 Paradin (Guil.) De Antiquo Statu Burgundise. With Gerardus : Reges. 4to. Lugd., 1542, Paradin (Guil.) Histoire de Nostre Temps. 8vo. Lyon, 1552. Paradin (Guil.) Epigrammata. [Tracts, Vol. 109.] 4to. Lugd., 1581. Paradise (Jn.) Hadadrimmon. [Tracts, Vol. 11.] 4to. i66i, Paradossi, cioh, Sentenze Fuori del Commun Parere. [Tracts, Vol. 151.] 8vo. Vie., 1602. Pardessus (Jean Marie). Traits du Contrat. 2 vols. 8vo. Par., 1809. Pardessus (Jean Marie). Collection de Lois Maritimes, ant^rieures au XVIII. Sibcle. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1828. Pardessus (Jean Marie). Des Servitudes, ou Services Fonciers. 2 vols. 8vo. Par., 1838. Pardessus (Jean Marie). Cours le Droit Commercial. 6 vols. 8vo. Par., 1841. 654 Pardessus (J. M.) Cours le Droit Commercial. Sixibme fidition. publiee par M. Eugene de Roziere. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Pareus (Dan.) De Symbolis Sacramentalibus. 8vo. Amb., 1603. Pareus (Dan.) Universse Historise Profanse Medulla. 8vo. Fran., 1631. Pareus (Dan.) Historia Palatina. 8vo. Fran., 1633. Pareus (Dav.) Qusestiones Controversse Theologicse de Regum jure contra Papam. With Draxus. 8vo. Amb., 161 2. Pareus (Jo. Phil.) De Imitations Terentian^. With Sallust : Parei. 8vo. Nea., 161 7. Parexa et Quesada (Gab. de). De Universa Instrumentorum Editione. Folio. Lugd., 1668. Paris. Massacre in Paris, 1572. [Tracts. Vol. 25.] 4to. 1618. Paris. Letter from, touching Present Affairs. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1647. Paris (Mat.) Historia Major Angliee. Folio. 1640. Paris (Mat.) Historia Major Angliae. Translated by J. A. Giles. 3 vols. 8vo. 1852. Parisanus (^mil.) De Subtilitate. Folio. Ven., 1623. Parisiensis MATTHiEi. Historia Anglorum, sive, ut dicitur, Historia Minor. Vols, i, 2. Edited by Sir Frederic Madden, K.H. See Brit., Gt, No. 44 1866. Parisiensis Academiae Perturbatores (Epistola ad). 8vo. Cado., 16 14. Park (Sir Jas. Allan). On Marine Insurance, Bottomry, Insurance on Lives, and Insurances against Fire.. a vols. 8vo. 181 7. Park (John James). On the Law of Dower. 8vo. 1819. Park (Mungo). Travels in Africa. 2 vols. 4to. 1799. Parker (Hy.) Wonderful Effects of Free Trade. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. 1648. Parker (John). Scandalous Holy War of the Scots. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 165 1. Parker (John Heruy). A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fifth Edition. 2 vol. in 3. 8vo. Oxford, 1850. Parker (Lord). Cases temp. See Cases concerning Settlements. Parker (Mat.) Defence of Priests' Marriages. 4to. 655 Parker (Richard). View of Cambridge ; or, Description of its Colleges, their Founders, Benefactors, and Heads. Translated from the Latin. 8vo. 1721. Parker (Sam., Bishop of Oxford). Censure of the Platonick Philosophy. [Tracts, Vol. 37.] 4to. 1666. Parker (Sam., Bishop of Oxford). History of his own Time. Translated from the Latin by Thos. Newlin. 8vo. 1727. Parker (Sir Thos.) Reports of Cases concerning the Revenue deter- mined in the Court of Exchequer, 1 743-1 767. With an Appendix, &c. Folio. 1776. Parker (Sir Thomas). Reports of Cases concerning the Revenue argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter Term 1743 to Hilary Term 1767. With an Appendix containing Cases upon the same Subject in former Reigns. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Parker Society's Publications. Ball (John, Bishop of Ossary). Select Works. Containing the Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askewe, and the Image of both Churches. Edited by the Rev. Henry Christmas. Svo. Cambridge, 1849. Becon (Thomas). Early Works. Being the Treatises pub- lished by him in the Reign of King Henry VHI. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. Becon (Thomas). Catechism. With other Pieces written by him in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. Becon (Thomas). Prayers and other Pieces. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. Svo. Cambridge, 1844. Bradford (John). Writings. Edited by Aubrey Townsend, B.D. Vol. r. Sermons, Meditations. Vol. 2. Letters, Treatises, Remains. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 848-1 853. Bullinger (Henry). Decades. Translated by H. J. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Harding. 4 vols.' 8vo. Cambridge, 1849-185 2. Calfhill (James, Bishop-elect of Worcester). An Answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. Edited by the Rev, Richard Gibbings. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846. Cooper (Thomas, Bishop of Worcester). An Answer in Defence of the Truth against the Apology of Private Mass. Published in 1562. To which is prefixed (as in the original Edition) the Work answered, entitled. An Apology of Private Mass, an Anonymous Popish Treatise against Bishop Jewel. Edited by the Rev. William Goode. i2mo. Cambridge, 1850. 6s6 Parker Society's Publications — continued. Coverdale (Myles, Bishop of Exeter). Writings and Trans- lations. Edited by the Rev. George Pearson, B.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. Coverdale (Myles, Bishop of Exeter). Remains. Edited by the Rev. George Pearson, B.D, Svo. Cambridge, 1846. Cranmer (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury). Works. Edited by the Rev. John Edmund Cox. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844- 1846. Fulke (William, D.D.) A Defence of the Sincere and True Translation of the Holy Scriptures into the EngHsh Tongue, against the Cavils of Gregory Martin. Edited by the Rev. Charles Henry Hartshome. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. Fulke (William, D.D.) Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown. A Rejoinder to Martiall's Reply. A Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish Church, commended by Sanders. Edited by the Rev. Richard Gibbings. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848. Grindal (Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury). Remains. Edited by the Rev. William Nicholson. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. Hooper (John, Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester). Early Writings. Edited by the Rev. Samuel Carr. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. Hooper. Later Writings. With his Letters and other Pieces. Edited by the Rev. Charles Nevinson. 8vo. Cambridge, 1852. Hutchinson (Roger). Works. Edited by John Bruce. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Jewell (John, Bishop of Salisbury). Works. With Biogra- phical Memoir. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. 4 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 845-1 850. Latimer (Hugh, Bishop of Worcester). Works. Edited by the Rev. George Elwes Corrie, B.D. Vol. i. Sermons. Vol. 2, Sermons and Remains. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844, 1845. Liturgies. The Two Liturgies, a.d. 1549 and a.d. 1552. With other Documents set forth by Authority in the Reign of King Edward VI., viz. : the Order of Communion, 1548] the Primer, 1553; the Catechism and Articles, 1553; Catechismus Brevis. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Ketley. Svo. Cambridge, 1844. 657 Parker Society's Vuhlicsitions— con fmugd. Liturgies. Liturgies and Occasional Forms of Prayer set forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by the Rev. William Keatinge Clay, B.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847. Norden (John). A Progress of Piety, whose Jesses lead into the Harbour of Heavenly Heart's Ease. Reprinted from the Editions of 1591 and 1596. izmo. Cambridge, 1847. Nowell (Alexander, Dean of St. Paul's). A Catechism written in Latin. With the same Catechism translated into English by Thomas Norton, and a Sermon preached by Dean Nowell, before Queen Elizabeth, at the Opening of the Parliament, January 1 1, 1563. Edited by G. E. Corrie, D.Dl Bvo. Cambridge, 1853. Parker (Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury), Correspondence. Comprising Letters written by and to him, from a.d. 1535 to his Death, a.d. 1575. Edited by John Bruce and the Rev. Thomas Thomason Perowne. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853. Philpot (John, Archdeacon of Winchester). Examinations and Writings. Edited (with Biographical Notice) by the Rev. Robert Eden. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Pilkington (James, Bishop of Durham). Works. Edited by the Rev. James Scholefield. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Poetry. Select Poetry (chiefly devotional) of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected and edited by Edward Farr. i2mo. Cambridge, 1845. Prayers. Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations, as well for private as public exercise. Collected by Henry Bull. A.D. 1566. izmo. [Reprinted.] Cambridge, 1842. Prayers. Private Prayers, put forth by Authority, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth: The Primer of 1559; The Orarium of 1560; The Preces Privatse of 1564; The Book of Christian Prayers of 1578. With an Appendix, contain- ing the Litany of 1544. Edited by the Rev. William Keatinge Clay. 8vo. Cambridge, 1851. Ridley (Nicholas, Bishop of London). Works. Edited by the Rev. Henry Christmas. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. Rogers (Thomas). The Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England. An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. Edited by the Rev. J. J. S. Perowne. 8vo. Cambridge, 1854. Sandys (Edwin, Archbishop of York). Sermons. To which are added some Miscellaneous Pieces by the same Author. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. (42) 658 Parker Society's Publications — continued. Tyndall (William). Doctrinal Treatises and Introduction to the different Portions of the Holy Scriptures. Edited by the Rev. Henry Walter, B.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848. Tyndall (William). Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Holy Scriptures. Together with the Practice of Pre- lates. Edited by the Rev. H. Walter. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. Tyndall (William). An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dia- logue ; The Supper of the Lord after the true Meaning of John vi. and Cor. xi. ; and William Tracy's Testament Expounded. Edited by the Rev. H. Walter. 8vo. Cambridge, 1850. Whitaker (William, D.D.) A Disputation on Holy Scripture against the Baptists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton. Translated and edited by the Rev. William Fitzgerald. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. Whitgift (John, Archbishop of Canterbury). Works. Contain- ing the Defence of the Answer to the Admonition against the Reply of Thomas Cartwright ; Sermons ; Selected Letters, &c. Edited by the Rev. John Ayre. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1851-1853. Woolton (John, Bishop of Exeter). The Christian Manual; or, of the Life and Manners of True Christians. i2mo. Cambridge, 1851. Zurich. The Zurich Letters. Comprising the Correspondence of several English Bishops and others with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [1558-1579.] Translated from the au- thenticated Copies preserved in the Archives of Zurich, and edited by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Zurich. Second Series. [1558-1602.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1845. Zurich. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during the reigns of King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary; chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. [1531-1558.] Translated and edited by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D.D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847. Zurich. Epistolje Tigurins de rebus potissimum ad Ecclesiae ^53i"i558. Ex schedis manuscriptis in bibliotheca Tigurina Anghcanae Reformationem pertinentibus conscriptse, a.d. aliisque servatse editae. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848. 659 Parker Society's Publications — continued. A General Index to the Publications of the Parker Society. Compiled by Henry Gough. 8vo. Cambridge, 1855. Parkes (Joseph). History of the Court of Chancery. Svo. 1828. Parkhurst (John). Hebrew and English Lexicon and Grammar. 8vo. 1823. Parkin (Chs.) History of Norfolk. &^ Blomefield. Parkins (Wm. Trevor). Statutes. See Beavan. Parkinson (George H.) A Handy-Book for the Common Law Judges Chambers. i2mo. London, 1861. Parkinson (R., B.D.) See Chetham Society's Publications, Nos. 4, 26, 27, 32. Parladorius (Jo. Yanez.) Opera Juridica. FoHo. Lugd., 1677. Parliament of Christ. Folio. Antw., 1566. Parliament. Privileges and Practice of Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1628. Parliament. Grievances worthy its Consideration. [Tracts, Vol. 75] 1640. ■ Parliament. Plea for, against the Malignants. [Tracts, Vol. 23.] 4to. 1642. Parliament. Reasons why the Kingdom should adhere to Par- hament. 4to. . Parliament. Grievances worthy its Consideration. 4to. 1640. Parliament. Anti-Remonstrance to a Remonstrance to Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 4to. 1641. Parliament. Articles of Charge Exhibited in Parliament against Cosin. [Tracts, Case 75.] 4to. 1641. Parliament. Remonstrance in Defence of Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1642. Parliament (British). Free Protestant's Complaint to. "[Tracts, Vol. 37.] 4to. Oxf., 1642. Parliament and Army. Twelve Queries to. 4to. 1659. , Parliament (Long). Good Old Cause Explained. 4to. 1659. 66o Parliament. Queries on, and Proceedings of the Army Addresses. 4to. 1659 Parliament (Long). Reasons for Re-admission of the Long Par- liament. 4to. 1659 ^Parliament. Army's Invitation of the Parliament. 4to. 1659, Parliament. Queries in Dissolving. Addresses. 4to. 1659 Parliament. Army's Petition to Parliament. 4to. 1659 Parliament. London Petition to Parliament and Answer. [Tracts Vol. 9.] 4to. 1659 Parliament. Parliamentary Writs. 4 vols, in 2. 4to. 1659 Parliament (Long). Privileges and Practice of Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1659 Parliament (Long), not Revived. 4to. 1660 Parliament (Long), Twice Defunct. 4to. 1660 Parliament. Parliamentary Writs. See Palgrave. Parliament. Necessity of Frequent Parliaments. With Allegiance Oath. 4to. 1689. Parliament. Speeches by the Kings James I., Charles I., and Charles II.; and Argyle, Bagshawe, Blake, Bristol, Brook, Brown, Coppinger, Culpeper, Digby, Ducy, Falkland, Fiennes, Finch, Fox, Glanville, Glyn, Grimston, Hampden, Haslerigg, Holland, Holiest, Hyde, Lenthall, Lucas, Mercks, Marvin, Monmouth, Parker, Pembroke, Pierrepoint, Powle, Pym, Rigby, Rouse, Rowe, Rudyard, Smith, Stapleton, Thomas, Waller, Whitlock, Wray, and Wroth. [Tracts, Vols. 3, 4, % M, 21, 33, 34, 41, 45' and Case 75.] 4to. and 8vo. 1 607-1 703. Parliament. Various Parliamentary Remonstrances, Answers, Dec- larations, Ordinances, Propositions, Institutions, Orders, Con- ferences, Committees, &c. [Tracts, Vols. 8, 14, 17, 23, 34, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 68, and Cases 34 and 83.] 4to. 1 640-1 650. Parliament. Reports of Parliamentary Commissioners. Including Indexes. 248 vols. Foho. 181 1. Parliament. ParHamentary Cases of Appeal, 1758-1818. [In- complete.] 24 vols. Folio. Parliament. Practical Instructions for Passing Private Bills in Parliament. 8vo. 1825. Parliament. Rules for the Guidance of Members in the Management of Select Committees, and the Preparation of Reports. 8vo. 1837. Parliament. Standing Orders in Commons and Lords, relative to Private Bills for 1853. i2mo. 1852. Parliament of Queensland. Acts of, 25 Vict. 1861. 66i Parliament. Parliamentary History and Debates. See Hansard. Parliament. Parliamentary Journals. Parnell (Tho.) In British Poets. Parr (Rd.) Life and Letters of Archbishop Usher. Folio. 1586. Parsons (A. V.) Select Cases in Equity argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas of the First Judicial District of Penn- sylvania, from 1841 to 1850. Vol. i. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. Parsons, or Persons; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) A Check or Reproof of his skriecking under the name of Howlet. 4to. 1581. Parsons, or Persons; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) A Brief Reply to him. By O. E. 4to. 1600, Parsons, or Persons ; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Reply to his Libel against the Secular Priests. [Tracts, Vol. 97.] 4to. 1603. Parsons, or Persons ; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Review of the Publick Disputations concerning the Sacrament. 8vo. 1604. Parsons, or Persons; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Trial between the Bishop of Evreux and the Lord Plessis Mornay. 8vo. 1604. Parsons, or Persons ; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Treatise tending to Mitigation towards Catholick Subjects. 8vo. 1607. Parsons, or Persons ; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Quiet and Sober Reckoning with Thos. Morton. 4to. 1609. Parsons, or Persons; alias Coobuck, Doleman, or Howlet (Rt.) Discussion of the Answer of Wm. Barlow to the Judgment of a Catholick Englishman. 4to. 161 2. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) On Maritime Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1859. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) The Law of Contracts. Fifth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) The Law of Partnership. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) On the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) On the Law of Marine Insurance and General Average. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) The Law of Shipping, and the Law and Practice of Admiralty. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Parthenius (Nicen.) De Amatoriis Affectionibus ; \ Jano Cornario. 8vo. Bas., 1531. 662 Partidas, las Siete, del Rey Alonzo IX., con Glosa Lopez. 4 vols. Folio. Vala., 1587. Paruta (Paul.) Delia Perfettione della Vita Politica. Folio. Ven., 1582. Paruta (Paul.) Discorsi Politici. 4to. Ven., 1599. Parvus (Pet.) Refutatio Calumniarum quibus Johannes Magnus Danicam Gentem Incessit, una cum Chronico Johannis Regis Danige. 4to. 1560. Pascal (Blaise). Pensdes, Fragments, et Lettres, par Orospere Fougere. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Pascal (Blaise). Les Povinciales, ou les Lettres ^crites par Louis de Montalte aux Jesuites. 8vo. Par., 1853. Pascasius, sgu Paschasius (Just.) Alea, seu de Curanda Ludendi in Pecuniam Cupiditate. 4to. Basil, 1560. Paschal (George W.) A Digest of the Laws of Texas. Containing Laws in force, and the repealed Laws on which Laws rest. Carefully annotated. Vol. 11. 1864-1872. 2 vols. 8vo. Galveston, 1 866-1 873. Paschalius (Car.) Censura Animi Ingrati. i2mo. Arg., 1601. Paschalius (Car.) De optimo Genere Elocutionis. i2mo. Arg., 1 601. Paschalius (Car.) Caronae Opus. 4to. Par., 1610. Paschalius (Car.) Legatus. i2mo. Amst, 1645. Paschasius (Ratbert.) De Corpore et Sanguine Domini. i2mo. Col., 1550. Paschetti (Barth.) Dubbi Morali et Naturali. 8vo. Genev., 1581. Paschetti (Barth.) De Catarrho. 4to. Ven., 1615. Pascolo (Dur. de). Aulicus Politicus. 8vo. Han., 1596. Pask (James). Practice of Registering Judgments. i2mo. 1859. Pask (James). Judgments, Executions, and Crown Debts. The Judg- ments Law Amendments Act relating to Real Property, the 22 & 23 Vict, c. 35 ; 23 & 24. Vict,, c. 38; 23 & 24 Vict., c. 114; and 27 & 28 Vict., c. 112. With Notes. Forming an Appendix to the Practice of Registering, &c. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1866. Pasor (Mat.) Pro Linguse Aulicae Professione. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 8vo. Oxon., 1627. Pasquier (Estienne). Le Monophile. 8vo. Paris, 1566. 66z Pasquier (Estienne). Pasquier (Estienne). Pasquier (Estienne). Pasquier (Estienne). Lettres touchant les Affaires de France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1619. Recherches de la France. Folio. Bres., 1621. Deffence contre les Calomnies de Garasse. 8vo. Paris, 1624. Recherches de la France. Folio. Orl., 1665. Pasquier (Nic.) Lettres des Affaires Arrivees en France sous Henri le Grand et Louis XIII. i vol. in 2, 8vo. Paris, 1633. Passeribus (Nic. Genoa de). Passeribus (Nic. Genoa de). Conciliatio Legum. 4to. De Scriptura Privata. 4to. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) De Pollutione Ecclesiarum. Folio. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Franc, 1685. Franc, 1686. Plac, 1654. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Commentarius in Decretales. 3 vols. Folio. Rom., 1667. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) In Tertiam partem Divini Thomse. Folio. Rom., 1669. Regulare Tribunse. Folio. Rom., 1677. Problemata Legalia. Folio Plac, 1678. De Electione Canonica. Folio. Rom., 1693. De Indulgentiis. Folio. Ven., 1695. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) Regulare Tribunse. Folio. Col. Ag., 1695. Passerinus (Pet. Mar.) In Sextum Librum Decretalium. 2 vols. Folio. Ven., 1698. Passi (Piet.) Delia Magic Artae. With Dietericus. 8vo. Ven., 1614. Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of the Specifications of Patents for Inventions. Edited by B. Woodcroft. Contents : — Bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing Calico, and other Fabrics. Bricks and Tiles. Electricity and Magnetism, their generations and applications. Fire-arms and other Weapons. Gas, its production and applications. India- rubber and Gutta-percha. Lace, and other Looped and Netted Fabrics. Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry. Metals and Alloys. Music and Musical Instruments. Oils — Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral. Paste, Pasteboard, and Papier- Mache, Photography. Plating, or Coating Metal. Pottery, Printing. Ship-building. Spinning. Weaving. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1859-1864. 664 Patent Office. Index to the Foreign Scientific Periodicals contained in the Free Public Library of the Patent Office. [By Authority.] Vols I, 2. 4to. London, 1866, 1867. Patent Questions under Free Trade. A Solution of Difficulties by abolishing or shortening the Inventor's Monopoly, and instituting National Recompenses. [Pamphlet] By Robert Andrew Macfie. Second Edition. i2mo. London, n.d. Patents of Inventions. Indexes and Journals. By Bennet Wood croft, Wm. Geo. Atkinson, and others. 24 vols. 8vo. 1854. Paterculus. See Velleius. Paternus (Bern.) De Humorum Purgatione. 8vo. Spir., 1581. Paternus (Bern.) De Prandio. With Aubert. Paternus (Bern.) De Humoribus. [Tract] 8vo. Rom., 1547. Paterson (Daniel, Lieut.-Col.) Roads of England and Wales and the Southern Part of Scotland. The Eighteenth Edition. By Edward Mogg. 8vo. London, n.d. Paterson (James). Compendium of English and Scotch Law, 8vo. Edin., 1850. Paterson (James). The Game Laws of the United Kingdom. Com- prising the whole of the Law of the Subject With Introduction, Cases, Notes, and Index. 8vo. London, 1861. Paterson (James). On the Fishery Laws of the United Kingdom, including the Laws of Angling. Post 8vo. London, 1863. Paterson (James). A Compendium of English and Scotch Law, stating their Differences. With a Dictionary of Parallel Terms and Phrases. Second Edition. Royal 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Paterson (James). Commentary on the Liberty of the Subject, and the Laws of England relating to the Security of the Person. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877. Paterson (James, M.A.) Reports of Scotch Appeals in the House of Lords, A.D. 185 1 to 1873. With Tables of all the Cases cited, Notes, and Copious Index. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1879. Paterson (Noel H., B.A.) The Usages of the Stock Exchange, and of the Law affecting the same. With Forms and Precedents of Proceedings. i2mo. London, 1870. Paterson (William). Practical Statutes of the Session, 1858. i2mo. 1858. Patersonne (Wm.) Protestants' Theologie. 410. 1610. 665 Paton (Thos. S.) Notes of Cases as Illustrations of the Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1848, Paton (Thos. S.) Appeal Cases. 8vo. Edin., 1849. Paton (Thos. S.) Law and Practice in Appeals from Scotland to the House of Lords. With the Standing Orders, Private Bills, &c. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1857. Patricius (Fran.), Patrizi. Discussiones Peripateticse. Folio. Bas., 1581. Patricius (Fran.), Patrizi. Delia Nuova Geometria. 4to. Fer., 1587. Patricius (Fran.), Patrizi. Philosophise Nova. Folio. Fer., 1591. Paul (St.) Epistola ad Hebrseos {Heb. et Lat.) With St. Matthew. 8vo. Basil. Paul (St.) Church of Monuments, Inscriptions, and Epitaphs in the Church of St. Paul, London. [Tracts, Vol. 116.] 4to. 1614. Paul Sarpi. See Sarpi. Paule (S. Fra. de). La Canonization de. [Tract.] 8vo. Par., 1581. Pauli (Reinhold). Life of Alfred the Great. Translated by Benj. Thorpe. 8vo. 1853. Pauli (Reinhold). Geschichte Englands, seit den Friedenschliissen von 1814 und 1815. In Zwei Theilen. Leipzig, 1864-1867. Pauli (Reinhold). Aufsatze zur Englischen Geschichte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. Pauli (Sententiarum). Quinque Libri. See Haenel's Lex Romana Visigothorum, page 338. Paulinus (Fab.) Hebdomades. 4to. Ven., 1589. Paulinus (Fab.) De Viperis in Trochiscorum apparatu pro Theriaca adhibendis. [Tracts, Vol. 60.] 4to. Ven., 1604. Paulinus (Meropius Pontius Amicius, Episc. Nolani). Opera et Vita, cum notis Frontonis Ducaei. 8vo. Antw., 1622. Paulmier (Jul. de), Palmarius. De Morbis Contagiosis. 4to. Paris, 1578. Paulmier (Jul. de). De Vino, et Pomaceo. With Pons. 8vo. Paris, 1588. Paulmier (Jul. de), Palmarius. Traits du Vin, et du Sidre. 8vo. Caen, 1589. Paulo (Hier.) See Hispanicarum Rerum Scriptores. Paulus, Diaconus Emeritensis. De Vita et Miraculis Patrum Emeri- tensium. 4to. Antw., 1638. 666 Paulus, Diaconus Emeritensis. See Gothicanim Rerum Scriptores, et Augustse Historiae Scriptores. Paulus (Alexandrinus), De Prsedictis Natalitiis. 4to. Witte., 1586. Paulus (Aquilegiensis). Historiae Miscellaneae, cura Hen. Canisii. 8vo. Ingolst., 1603. Paulus V. (Pope). See Sarpi. Paulus V. (Pope). Interdict. 4to. 1 606. Paulus V. (Pope). Procbz entre Messieurs Biencourt et Biard. 4to. 1 614. Paulus V. (Pope). Considerations sur les Memoires envoiez par les Consuls de Nismes. 4to. 1613. Paus (Louis de). Exposition de la R^gle des Freres Mineurs de S. Fran9ois. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1621. Pausanias. Grsecise Descriptio. Gr. etLat., cum Recensione J. Frid. Facii. 4 vols. Svo. Lips., 1794. Pavilioles (Jean). Positions de la Fausse Eglise. [Tracts, Vol. 138.] Svo. Franc, 161 1. Pa VILLON (Seign. du). Les Antiquitez et Singularitez du Monde. Svo. Par,, 1557. Pawell (Conr.) Consilium Chronologicum. With Locher. 4to. Basil, 1627. Payne (Joseph). Reports. See Carrington. Payne (Wm.) On Municipal Rights. Svo. 181 3. Payva (Jac.) Orthodoxae Explicationes. Svo. Colon., 1573. Paz (Christoph. de). De Tenuta. Folio. Col. All., 1737. Peace. Motives to induce Protestant Princes to Peace Ecclesiastical. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 1641. Peace between Charles I. and Philip IV. Articles of. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 4to. 1630. Peace between Britain and France, 1697. Articles of. With Rehearsal. Folio. 1597. Peachey (Jn. Pearse). On Marriage and other Family Settlements. Svo. i860. Peacock (R.) Rules and Orders of the King's Bench and Common Pleas. Svo. 181 1. Peake (The.) Nisi Prius Cases. 2 vols. Svo. 1820, &c. Peake (Tho.) Compendium of the Law of Evidence. 8vo. 1822. Pearce (Robert Rouibre). Guide to the Inns of Court and Chancery. Bvo. 1855. Pearce (Robert Rouiere). See Denison and Dearsley. Pearce (Tho.) Laws of the Stannaries. Folio. 1725. Pearson (Charles H., M.A.) History of England during the Early and Middle Ages. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. London, 1867. Pearson (Charles H.) A Short Answer to Mr. Freeman's Strictures in the " Fortnightly Review" on the " History of England during the Early and Middle Ages." [Pamphlet, 22 pages.] 8vo. London, 1868. Pearson (Charles H., M.A.) Historical Maps of England during the first Thirteen Centuries. With Explanatory Essays and Indexes. Folio. London, 1869. Pearson (Henry). Chitty Junior's Precedents in Pleading. Pearson (Henry). Common Law Procedure Act of 1852. 8vo. 1852. Pearson (John). Exposition of the Creed. By E. Burton. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1847. Pecchius (Franc. Mar.) De Servitutibus. 3 vols, in I. Folio. Genev., 1698. Pechano (Jo de.) Divinae Sententise Biblicse. i2mo. Colon., 1573. Peck (Francis). Desiderata Curiosa ; or, a Collection of divers scarce and curious Pieces, relating chiefly to Matters of English History. A new Edition with some Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. Peck. By T.Evans. 4to. London, 1779. Peckius (Pet.) De Sacrosanctis et Catholicis Ecclesiis Reparandis. 8vo. Mon., 1620. Peckius (Pet.) De Amortizatione Bonorum k Principe Impetranda. 8vo. Mon., 1620. Peckwell (Rt. Hy.) Election Cases. 2 vols. 8vo. 1805. Pecock (Reginald). Represser of over-much Blaming of the Clergy. See Brit., Gt., No. 19. 2 vols. 8vo. i86o. Pedraza (Juan de). Summa de Casos de Conscientia. i2mo. Mad., 1567. Peel (Sir Lawrence). Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir Robert Peel, 8vo. i860. 668 Peer of the Realm, Report of the Lords' Committee on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm. With Appendixes. 5 vols. Folio. London [reprinted], 1829. Vol. I. The First Report. Vol. 2. The Second, Third, and Fourth Reports. Alpha- betical Digest, Index Summonitionum, Index Nominum et Locorum. Vol. 3. Appendix I. Part i. Summonitiones. Vol. 3. Appendix I. Part i. Temp. Johann. to Edward II. Vol. 4. Appendix I. Part 2. Summonitiones temp. Edward III. to Edward IV. Appendices II., III., IV. Vol. 5. Fifth Report. Appendix V, Patents of Creation, &c., temp. Steph. to Edw. IV. Index Creationum, Index Nominum, Index Locorum. Peerage Claims. Cases and Minutes of Evidence given before the Committee of Privileges to whom the Petitions on Claims of Peerage have been referred, 1 799-1870. I vol. Folio. 1 744-1 876. Airlie, 1813. Airth, 1839. Airth, 1 870- 1 874. Anglesey, 1 744-1 819. Annandale, 1825, 1844, M.E. 1876. Athenry, 1836. Aylmer, 1859. Balfour of Burley, 1861- 1867. Banbury, 1808- 181 1. Beaumont, 1794, 1 795) 1840. Belhaven and Stanton, 1874. Berkeley, 1799, 181 1, 1829, 1858, 1862. Berkeley (Sir J. Shelley), 1830. Berners, 1832. Borthwick, 1869. Bortreaux, Hungerford, De Moleyns, and Hastings (Case), Ap. of Loudown, 1870. Braye, 1836, 1839. Breadalbane, 1867. Bruce, of Kinloss, 1867, 1868. Buchan. Butler, of Moore Park, 1870. Camoys, 1838, 1839. Chandos, 1790. Chesterfield, 1874. Clinton, N.D. Crawford and Lindsay, 1845- 1848. De Ferrers, n.d. Le Lisle, 1824- 1836. De Scales, 1856-1863. Devon, 1831. Dingwell, 1870. Dunboyne, 1859, i860. Dundonald, 1 861- 1863. Fitzwalter, 1842- 1844. Gardner, 1825. Grandison, 1854- 1858. Grey de Ruthyn, 1876. Hastings, 1840, 1 84 1, 1857- Herries, 1848- 1858. Howard de Walden, 1 807. Huntley, 1838. Kellie, 1832-1835. Kinloss, 1867-1868. Leigh, 1828, 1829. Lisle, 1790. Lovat, 1 826- 1 85 1. Mar, 1869-1875. Marchmont, 1838-1843. Marmyon, 1818, 1819. Montacute and Monther- mer, 1861, 1864, 1874. Montagu, 1851. Montrose, 185 1- 1853. Mowbray, 1876. Nairne, 1874. Netterville, 1830, 1834, 1861, 1862. Newburgh, 1857, 1858. North, 1837. Nugent, of Riverston, 1839. Perth, 1 846- 1 848. Polewarth, 1818-1831. Queensbury, 1812. Reade, 1832. Roos, 1804. Roxburgh, 1805. Say and Sele, 1847, 1848. Shrewsbury, 1857, 1858. Ditto, Stewardship of Ireland, 185 5- 1863. Slane, 1830- 1832. Southesk, 1847-1853. Stafford, 1809- 1825. Stirling, 1828. Strathmore, 1821. Stuart de Decies, 1876. Sussex, 1844. Sutherland, 177 1. Taafe, 1857-1859. Townshend, 1843. Tracey, 1839-1843, 1847- 1849, 1854. Valentia, 1772. Vaux, 1836. Wensleydale, 1856. Wentworth, 1863, 1864. Wharton, 1844, 1845. Wicklow, 1869, 1870. Willoughby d'Eresby, 1871. Wiltes, 1 862- 1 869. Winton, 1840. Zouch, 1 804- 1 807. 669 Peerage. Considerations on the Peerage of Britain. 8vo. 17 19. Peers. Their Judicature in point of Appeal. [Law Tracts.] 8vo. 1675. Peerage. See West. Peere-Williams (William). Reports in Chancery, and some Special Cases in the King's Bench, 1695 'o i735- With Notes, &c., by his son, W, Peere- Williams. Sixth Edition, by S. C. Cox. With Notes, &c., by J. B. Monro, W. L. Lowndes, and J. Randall. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Peers of Ireland. Resolutions of the House of Lords with respect to Petitions claiming a Right to Vote at Elections for Repre- sentative Peers for Ireland. Aldborough, Earl of, 1854. Annesley, Earl of, 1855. Antrim, Earl of, 1858. Ashtown, Baron, 1855. Aylmer, Lord, i860. Bandon, Earl of, 1857. Bantry, Earl of, and Bear- haven, Viscount, 1 85 1. Bellew, Baron, 1856. Belmore, Earl of, 1856. Bloomfield, Baron, 1849. Boyne, Viscount, 1855. Buttevant, Viscount, 1825. Carrick, Earl of, 1858. Carysfort, Earl of, 1857. Clanmorris, 1859. Clermont, Baron, 1853. Courtown, Earl of, 1859. Darnley, Earl of, 1849. De Vesci, Viscount, 1856. Doneraile, Viscount, 1854. DufFerin and Clandeboye, Baron, 1848. Dunalley, Baron, 1855. Dunboyne, Baron, i860. Dunraven, Earl of, 1851. Dunsandle and Clanconal, Baron, 1841. Femoy, Baron, 1856-7. Fife, Earl of, 1857. Garvagh, Baron, 1853. Gort, Viscount, 1857. Granard, Earl of, 1857. Guillamore, Viscount, 1856. Hawarden, Viscount, 1857. Hood, Viscount, 1859. Inchiquin, Baron, 1861. Jersey, Earl of, 1829. Kensington, Baron, 1853. Kilmorey, 181 2. Lanesborough. Earl of, 1848 Massey, Baron, 1856. Mayo, Earl of, 1849. Middleton, Viscount, 1854. Molesworth, Viscount. Monck, Viscount, 1849. Montgarret, Viscount, 1854. Ormonde and Ossory, Earl of. Powis, Earl of, 186 1. Radstock, Baron, 1857. Ranfurly, Earl of, 1858. Rendlesham, Baron, 186 1. Rokeby, Baron, 1830, Roscommon, Earl of (Peer- age Claim), 1823. Saltoun, Baron, Sc, 1856. Shrewsbury and Waterford, Earl of, 1854. Leitrim, Earl of, 1858. Talbot of Malahide, Baron, Lifford, Viscount, 1855. \ 1851. Listowel, Earl of, 1856. Waterford, Earl of, 1858. Londonderry, Marquis of, Winterton, Earl of, n.d. 1854. t 2 vols. Folio. 1825-1861. Pega (Theoph.) Sylloge, an Hostia sit Verus Panis. With de Fluctibus : Tractatus Apologeticus. 8vo. Hanov., 1610. Pegge (Sam.) Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding the Local Dialect of London and its Environs. With a Supplement to the Glossary of Grose. 8vo. 1839 Pegna, or Penia (Eras.) De Vita et Actis Canonizationis Sancti Didaci. 4to. Romse, 1589 Pegna, or Penia (Eras.) Sommaire de la Vie Sainctetd, &c., de St Frangoise de Buxis, par Ch. Lambart. i2mo. Rou., 1609 Peignot (G.) Choix de Testamens anciens et Modernes, remarquables par leur importance, leur singularite, ou leur bizarrerie ; avec des details historiques et des notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Peile (Clarence John). A Manual of the Practice and Procedure of the Courts of Investigation into Shipping Casualties, and of the Courts of Survey, under the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1854 to 1876. 8vo. London, 1877. 670 Pelagius Redivivus. [Tracts, Vol. 21.] 4to. 1626. Pelagius. Pelagi-Arminiani Erroris Nov-Antiqui Parallelismus.) 4to. 1626. Pelecyo (Jo.) Universitas Iniquitatis. i2mo. Mon., 1620. Pelecyo (Jo.) Malum summi Mali. i2mo. Mon., 1615. Pell Records, or Extracts. See Devon. Pellat (C. a.) Manuale Juris Synopticum, in quo continentur Jus- tiniani Institutiones cum Gaii Institutionibus e regione oppositis perpetuo collatae, necnon Ulpiani Fragmenta, Pauli Sententiae, Vaticana Fragmenta, et aliae plurimae veterum Jurisconsultorum Reliquiae. Editio Quinta. Parisiis, 1870. Pellegrino (Fab.) Significati de Coleri, et de Mazzoli. i2mo. Par., 1593. Pelleier (T.) Histoire des Ottomans. 8vo. Paris, 1600. Pelletier (Sieur). Conversion a la Foy ^^ttholique. Svo. Paris, 16 10. Pelletier (Sieur). Conversion k la Foy Catholique. With Jacobi I. : Religion Catholique. 16 10. Peltanus (Theod.) De Nostra Satisfactione, et Purgatorio. 4to. Colon., 1576. Pemberton (Loftus Leigh). The Practice in Equity by way of Revivor and Settlement. With Forms of Orders and Appendix of Bills. Svo. London, 1867. Pemberton (Loftus Leigh). The Judgments and Orders of the Court of Appeal and High Court of Justice, chiefly in reference to Actions assigned to the Chancery Division. Svo. London, 1876. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1876. Pemble (Wm.) Introduction to Geography. [Tracts, Vol. 105.] 4to. Oxf., 1630. Pembroke (Phil. Herbert, Earl of). Letters to and from the Vice- Chancellor of Oxford. [Tracts, Vol. 28.] 4to. 1641. Pembroke (Phil. Herbert, Earl of). Speech in Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1 64 1. Peha, seu Penia (Franc) Rotse Decani Recollectse Decisiones, Folio. Lugd., 1648. Peua, seu Penia (Franc.) Decisiones Rotse Romanae ; a Paul Rubeo. Folio. Venet., 1648. Penal Law. See Eden. Penal Law. Letter upon. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1661. 6/1 Penam (Ant de la). Vida de Catherina de Sena. 8vo. Sala., 1574. Pendasius (Fed.) De Natura Corporum Cselestium. With Ant. Gratarolus. 8vo. Mant., 1555. Penfold (C.) Principle of Rating Railway, Gas, Water, Companies, Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Penn (Wm.) People's Liberties Asserted in his and Mead's Trial. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] 4to. 1670. Penna (Lucas de). Super Codice. Folio. Lugd., 1557. Pennant (Thos.) History of London, [Much injured.] 4to. 1796. Pennant (Thos.) Tours in Scotland. In Pinkerton. Pennington (WiUiam Sandford). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey, May Term 1806 to February Term 18 10. 2 vols, in i. [Vols. 2 and 3, New Jersey Law RepQfts.] 8vo. Newark, 1806-18 10. Pennius (Thos.) Insectorum Theatrum. See Moufet. Pennottus (Gab.) Propugnaculum Humanae Libertatis. FoHo. Lugd,, 1624. Pennsylvania. Reports in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Dallas, 1 7 54- 1 806. 4 vols. Alden's Condensed Reports, 1 754-1814. 3 vols. Addison, 1 791-1799. I vol. Yeates, 1 791-1808. 4 vols. Binney, 1 799-1814. 6 vols. Ashmead, 1 808-1 841. 2 vols. Browne, 1806-18 13. 2 vols. Sergeant and Rawle, 181 8-1 829. 17 vols. Rawle, 1828-1835. 5 vols. Rawle, Jun., Penrose, and Watts, 182 9- 183 2. 3 vols. Watts, 1832-1840. 10 vols. Wharton, 1835-1841. 6 vols. Watts and Sergeant, 1 841-1844. 9 vols. 72 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844-1855. State Reports. Barr, 1844- 1849. 10 vols. Jones, 1849. 2 vols. Harris, 1849-1855. 12 vols. Casey, 185 5-1 860. 12 vols. Wright, 1 860-1 865. 14 vols. Smith, 1865-1876. 30 vols. Norris, 1876-1878. 5 vols. 86 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, I859-I878. 6/2 Pennsylvania. Reports in the Supreme Court of — continued. Equity Cases. Grant, 1 8 14-1 863. 3 vols. Parsons, 1841-1850. i vol. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859-1864, Brightly (Frederic C.) Reports of Cases decided by the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in the Court of Nisi Prius. 8vo. Philadelphia, 185 1. Linn (Samuel). An Analytical Index of Parallel Reference to the Cases adjudged in the several Courts of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Wright (R. E.) An Alphabetical and Analytical Index to the Pennsylvania State Reports, from May Term i860 to No- vember Term 1865, as contained in Wright's Reports, Vols, i to 14 inclusive. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. Pennsylvania District. Cases decided in the District and Circuit Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania District ; and also a Case decided in the District Court of Massachusetts, relative to the employment of British Licenses on board of Vessels of the United States. Philadelphia, 1813 ; Reprinted, Philadelphia, 1871, Pennsylvania Digest. See Wright. Pennsylvania Statutes. See Purdon. Penotus (Bern. G.) De Prseparatione et Usu Medicamentorum Chimicorum. 8vo. Basi., 16 16. Penrose (Tho.) In British Poets. Pepys (Sam.) Memoirs. Comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669. Deciphered by John Smith. Edited by Lord Braybroke. 5 vols. 8vo. 1828, Pepys (Sam.) Life and Correspondence. Deciphered by John Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 84 1. Percy (Tho.) Regulations of the Household of Percy, Fifth Earl of Northumberland. 8vo. 1827. Percy (Tho.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vols. 8vo. 1765. Peregrin (Jas.) Letters Patent of the Presbyterie. Peregrinaqam Christam par Dialogos. Peregrinandi Arte (De). Peregrino (Raph). Pedagos de Historia. Peregrinus (Marc. Ant.) De Fideicommissis. FoHo. 4to. 1632. i2mo. 8vo. 1591- 8vo. Leon. Venet. , 1598. 6;3 Peregrinus (Marc. Ant.) Consilia, seu Responsa. 5 vols, in 3. Folio. Venet., 1608. Peregrinus (Marc. Ant.) Decisiones Patavinse. 4to. Franc, 1623. Pererius (Bened.) Commentarium in Danielem. 8vo. Lugd., 1591. Peresius (Mart.) De Divinis Apostolicis atque Ecclesiasticis Tradi- tionibus. Svo. Paris, 1549. Perez (Gines). Historia de los Vandos, de los Cavalleros Moros, et de las Civiles Guerres entre Moros y Christianos. Svo. Barce., 1664. Perez DE Lara (Ildef). Opera. 3v0ls.ini. Folio. Lugd., 1733. Perezus, seu Peretius (Ant.) In Codicem Justinianeum Praelectiones. 4to. Ant., 1720. Perezus, seu Peretius (Ant.) Opera. 4 vols. 4to. Rom., 1827. Perion (Joachim). De Sanctorum Virorum, qui Patriarchse ab Ecclesii appellantur. Rebus. 4to. Paris, 1555. Perion (Joachim). De Vitis, Rebusque gestis Prophetarum Dei ac Sanctarum Mulieram. Svo. Paris, 1565. Perion (Joachim). De Vita Jesu Christi, Marias Virginis, et Johannis Baptistae. i2mo. Col. Ag., 1571. Peritzol (Ab.) Itinera Mundi ; k Tho. Hyde. Hyde's Syntagma. Perizonius (Jac.) ^gyptiarum Originum Investigatio. 2 vols. Svo. Traj. and Rhen,, 1736. Perizonius (Jac.) Dissertationes. Svo. Lugd. Bat., 1740. Perkins, or Perkinsius (Jn.) Profitable Book of the Laws of England. Svo. 1642. Perkins, or Perkinsius (Jonathan C.) See United States Digest and Metcalf. Perkins, or Perkinsius (Sam.) Almanacke for 1628. Svo. Perkins, or Perkinsius (William). Reformation of a Catholike Deformed. 4to. 1604. Perkins, or Perkinsius (William). Problema de Romanae Fide Ementito Catholicismo. 4to. Cant., 1604. Perkins, or Perkinsius (WiUiam). Cases of Conscience. Svo. Camb., 1606. Perlinus (Jo.) Apologia pro Magnae Matris ab Originali debito Immimitate. 4to. Lugd., 1630. Pernumia (Jo. Paul.) Therapeutice. 4to. Ven., 1564. Pernumia (Jo. Paul.) Philosophia Naturalis. 4to. Pata., 1570. (43) 674 Peronneus (Claude). Compendium Philosophise Naturalis. 4to. Par., 1520. Peronneus (Claude). Compendium Philosophise Naturalis. With Clemens : Epistola. Perpinianus (Pet. Jo.) Orationes. 8vo. Antw., 16 17. Perriere (Guil. de la). Le Miroir Politique. Folio. Lyon, 1555. Perriere (Guil. de la). Le Miroir Politique. 8vo. Par., 1567. Perron (Cardinal). See Davy. Perry (Hy. Jn.) and Knapp, Election Cases. 8vo. 1833. Perry (Jairus Ware). On the Law of Trusts and Trustees. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Perry (Jairus Ware). On the Law of Trusts and Trustees. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston and London, 1874. Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine). See Nevile. Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine) and Davison (H.) Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, 1 838-1 841. 4 vols. 1839-1842. Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine). Cases illustrative of Oriental Life, and the Application of the English Law to India, decided in the Supreme Court at Bombay. 8vo. 1853. Perry (Sir Thomas Erskine). Translation of Savigny on Possession. Perry (Reverend Thomas Walter). Law Church Ornaments. 8vo. London, 1857. Perry (WiUiam Stevens, D.D.) Historical Collection relating to the American Colonial Church. Vol. I., Virginia. Vol. II., Pennsyl- vania. Vol. III., Massachusetts. 3 vols. 4to. Hartford, Conn., 1870-1873. Perry (WiUiam Stevens, D.D.) Journals of General Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, 1 785-1835. 3 vols. 8vo. Claremont, 1874. Persecution Inconsistent with Christianity. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] 4to. 1670. Perseverance. Instruction du Devoir de Perseverance. 8vo. 1573. Persia. De Regno Persarum Principatu. 8vo. Paris, 1591. Persia. Short View of the Persian Monarchy, and of Daniel's Week. 4to. 1590. Persic MS. of the Gospels. Date of. With Taylor : Commentaries. 4to. Cant, 1742. 6/5 ^ Persius (Aulus Flaccus). Satyrae, cum Commentario Eilh, Lubini. 8vo. Amst, 1595. Persius (Aulus Flaccus). Satyrae, cum Commentario Eilh. Lubini. With Horatius, i2mo. 1543. Persius (Aulus Flaccus). See Maittaire. Persius (Aulus Flaccus). See Valpy. Persona (D. Gobelinus). Cosmodromium, seu Chronicon Universale studio Hen. Meibomii. FoHo. Franc, 1599. Persona (Jo. Bapt.) Discursus Medicinales, 4to. Berg., 1603. Perspective Glass (The Pretended); or, Reasons against the Pre- tended Registering Reformation. [Tracts, VoL 32.] 4to. 1669. Peru. L'Histoire de Peru. 8vo. Paris, 1545. Perusiis (Luys de). Discours des Guerres en Provence, entre les Catholiques et les Hugueneaux. With Vulpian. 8vo. Anv., 1565. Pesenti (Caes. Gio. Paol.) Peregrinaggio di Gierusalemme. Svo. Bres., 1628. Petavius (Dion.), Petau. Orationes. 8vo. Paris, 1620. Petavius (Dion.), Petau. Rationarium Temporum. Svo. Paris, 1633. Petavius (Dion.), Petau. De Potestate Consecrandi et Sacrificandi, Sacerdotibus Concessa. [Tracts, Vol. 137.] Svo. Par., 1639. ' Peterkin (Alex.) Compendium of the Law of the Church of Scotland. 2 vols. Svo. Edin., 1837-1840. Peterkin (Alex.) Compendium of the Law of the Church of Scotland. Supplement. Svo. Edin., 1836. Peters (Richard). Admiralty Decisions in the District Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania District. Comprising also some Decisions in the same Court by the late Francis Hopkinson. To which are added Cases determined in other Districts of the United States. With an Appendix containing the Laws of Oleron, Wisby, Hanse Towns, &c. 2 vols, in i. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S07. Peters (Richard). Digest of the Decisions in Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty, of the Courts of the United States, from the Organisation of the Government, 1789, to 1S47. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S48. Peters (Richard, Jun.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit. Vol. I. 1803-1818, Svo. Philadelphia, 1S19. 676 Peters (Rd., Jun.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1828-1843. ^7 vols. Svo. Philad., 1828. Peters (Rd., Jun.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States. [Condensed.] 6 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1833. Peters (R. D., Jun.) See America. Petersdorff (Charles). On Bail. 8vo. 1824. Petersdorff (Chs.) Abridgment of the Common Law. 5 vols. 8vo. 1841-1844. Petersdorff (Charles, Sergeant-at-Law). A Concise Practical Abridg- ment of the Common and Statute Law, as at present administered in the Common Law, Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Courts, excluding all that is obsolete, overruled, or superseded. Second Edition. By Charles Petersdorff, Sergeant-at-Law; assisted by Charles W. Wood and Walker Marshall. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1861-1864. Peterson (A. T. T.) On Railways. See Chambers. Peterson (James, M.A.) Reports of Scotch Appeals in the House of Lords, A.D. 185 1 to 1873. With Tables of all the Cases cited. Notes, and Copious Index. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. Petheram (William Comer). The Law and Practice relating to Discovery by Interrogatories under the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854. With an Appendix of Precedents. i2mo. London, 1864. Petitus (Sam.) Petit. Leges Atticse, CoUectae, Digestse, atque Com- mentario Illustratse. Folio. Paris, 1635. Petitus (Sam.) Petit. Leges Atticse, Collectse, Digestse, atque Com- mentario Illustratae. 1635. Petra (Petrus Ant. k). De Fideicommissis. Folio. Plac, 1588. Petitus (Vincent). Commentaria ad Constitutiones Apostolicas. 3 vols. Folio. Ven., 1741. Petrarch A (Fran.) De Remediis utriusque Fortunse. i2mo. Lugd., 1577. Petrarcha (Fran.) Opera Omnia. Folio. Basil, 1581. Petrarcha (Fran.) De Otio Religiosorum. i2mo. Bera., 1604. Petrarcha (Fran.) De Vera Sapientia. i2mo. Bera., 1604. Petrarcha (Fran.) De sui Ipsius et Multorum Ignorantia. i2mo. Genev., 1609. Petrasancta (Silvest.) Notse in Epistolam Molinsei ad Balzacum. With Re Giuridittione de, 8vo. Ant., 1634. ^77 Petrelli (Eug.) Novello Giardino Spirituale. 8vo. Ven., 1604. Petreus (Theod.) Catalogus Haereticorum. 4to. Colon., 1629. Petreus (Theod.) Confessio Gregoriana. 8vo. Colon,, 1597. Petreus (Theod.) Confessio TertuUiana, et Cypriniana. 8vo. Paris, 1603. Petrie (Henry). Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normannige de anno ab Incarnatione Domini MCLXXXIII., Willielmo Filio Radulfi seneschallo quae extant. [Privately printed.] 4to. Petroniis Arbiter. Fragmenta Restituta, et Aucta e Bibliotheca, Joh. Sambuci. 8vo. Antw., 1565. Petroniis Arbiter. Satyricon, cum Commentario. i2mo. Antw., 1604. Petroniis Arbiter. See Maittaire. Petronius (Hyacinth.) De Necessitate Praeconversionis Aquae in Vinum in Confectione Sacramenti. 4to. Romae, 1621. Petrucci (Lod.) Raccolta de Reine. 4to. Oxon., 1613. Petrucci (Lod.) Apologia. [Tracts, Vol. 107.] 4to. 1619. Petrus. See Athenagoras : Apologia. Petrus (Blessensis ; Peter of Blois). Opera ; J. A. Giles editore. 4 vols. 8vo. 1847. Petrus (Pictaviensis). Genealogia et Chronologia Patrum. Folio. Basil, 1592. Pettingal (John). Inquiry into the Use of Juries among the Greeks and Romans. 4to. 1769, Petyt (Wm.) Miscellanea Parliamentaria. Containing Presidents of Freedom from Arrest, &c. 8vo. 1681. Peucer (Gasp.) De Praecipuis Divinationum Generibus. 4to. Serv., 1591. Peucer (Gasp.) Historia Carcerum, et Liberationis Divinae, studio Chr. Pezelii edita, 2 vols. 8vo. Tig., 1605. Peucer (Gasp.) Hypotheses Astronomicae. 8vo. Witte., 1571. Peucer (Gasp.) See Carion : Chron. Peutinger (Conrad.) See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores. Pezelius (Christoph.) Prsecepta Genethliaca. 4to. Fra., 1607. Pfaffrodius (Casp.) De Studiis Raraeis, et optimae Institutionis Legibus Commentatio. 8vo. Fran., 1597. PHiEDRUS. See Maittaire. PHiEDRUS. See Valpy. 678 Phalaris. Epistolse Latinae ; a Fra. Arretino. With Symmachus. 4to. Pharamundus (Jo.) Compendium Hermeticum de Macrocosmo et Microcosmo. i2mo. Fran., 1635. Phelan (Wm.) Policy of the Church of Rome in Ireland. With a Memoir by John Jebb, and Remarks by James Lord. 8vo. 1854. Phelps (W., F.S.A.) The History and Antiquities of Somersetshire. 2 vols, in 3. 4to. London, 1 836-1 839. Philadelphia ; or, Queries about Communion with Churches deemed Unbaptized. [Tracts, Vol. 35.] 4to. 1653. Philadelphus (Eusebius" Cosmopolita). La Reveille Matin des Frangois, et de leurs Voisins. 8vo. Ede., 1574. Philadelphus (T. N.) Analecta Sacra de Rebus Catholicorum in Hibernia Gestis. 8vo. Colon., 1617. Philalethes (Irenaeus). See Scotland : Rerum nuper gestarum Historia. Philander (Guil.) Annotationes in Vitruvium Pollionem de Archi- tectura. 8vo. Par., 1545. Philelphus (Fra.) Convivia. With Vivis : Rhetorica. 8vo. Colon., 1537. Philelphus (Fra.) Plutarchi Apopthegmata. With Vita Philoso- phorum. 4to. 1499. Philiatrus (Euonimus). De Remediis Secretis. 8vo. Tig., 1554. Philip IV., of Spain. Proclamation for Reformation. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 4to. 1623. Philip II., d'Espagne. Brief Discours Envoye k Philippe II. [Tracts, Vol. 164.] i2mo. 1565. Philip (Earth.) The Counseller. Translated from the Spanish by I. T. [Tracts, Vol. 30.] 4to. 1859. Philip (Wm.) News from Bohemia. An Apology. [Tracts, Vol. 113.] 4to. 161 9. Philippart (Sir John). Index to the Parliamentary Debates. See Hansard. Philippe (Gasp.) Regula Decimarum. With St. Bonaventure : Vita Christi. i2mo. Paris, 1504. Philippi III. Lessus Funebris in obitum. 8vo. Duac, 1623. Philippo Ludovico Soli Competere Administrationem Electoratus Palatini Demonstratio. [Tracts, Vol. 114.] 4to. 161 1. Philipps (Fab.) Tenenda non ToUenda, &c. 4to. 1660. Philipps (Fab.) On Pre-emption and Purveyance. 4to. 1664. 679 Philipps (Fab.) Regale Necessarium. 4to. 167 1. Philipps (H.) Grandeur of the Law; or, an Exact Collection of Nobility and Gentry whose Honours and Estates have been acquired by the Practice of the Law. i2mo. 1684. Philipps (John). Election Cases. Vol. i. i2mo. 1782. Philippus Eystellensis Epise. De Vita Sanctae Walpurgae. 4to. Ingol., 16 1 6. Philips (Ambrose). In British Poets. Philips (John). In British Poets. Phillimore (John Geo.) Introduction to the Study and History of the Roman Law. 8vo. 1848. Phillimore (John Geo.) History and Principles of the Law of Evidence, as illustrating our Social Progress. 8vo. 1850. Phillimore (John Geo.) Principles and Practice of Jurisprudence. 8vo. 1856. Phillimore (John Geo.) Influence of the Common Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1858. Phillimore (John Geo.) The Divorce Court : its Evils and their Remedy. 8vo. 1859. Phillimore (John Geo.) The Divorce Court : its Evils and their Remedy. Second Edition. 8vo. 1859. Phillimore (John George). History of England during the Reign of George III. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1863. Phillimore (John George, Q.C.) Private Law among the Romans. From the Pandects. 8vo. London and Cambridge, 1863. Phillimore (John George). Reply to the Misrepresentations of the Edinburgh Review, October 1863. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] 1 2 mo. London, 1863. Phillimore (Joseph). Reports of Cases determined in the Eccle- siastical Courts at Doctors' Commons and the High Court of Delegates, 1809-182 1. 3 vols. 8vo. 1818, &c. Phillimore (Joseph). Lee's Reports. • Phillimore (Robert Joseph). Study of the Civil and Canon Law. [Pamphlets, Vol. 2.] 8vo. 1843. Phillimore (Robert Joseph). Law of Domicil. 8vo. 1847. Phillimore (Robert Joseph). Commentaries upon International Law. 3 vols. 8vo. 1854. 68o Philt.imore (Robert). The Case of the Creole considered in a Second Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Ashburton. 8vo. London, 1842. Phillimore (Robert). Life and Correspondence of George, Lord Lyttelton, from 1734 to 1773. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Phillimore (Sir Robert, D.C.L.) Commentaries upon International Law. Second Edition. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1870-1874. Phillimore (Sir Robert, D.C.L.) The Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Supplement. 8vo. London, 1876. Phillimore (Walter G. F., B.A.) Judgment delivered by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Phillimore, D.C.L., Official Principal in the Court of Arches, in the Cases of Martin v. Mackonochie and Flamank V. Simpson. 8vo. London, 1868. Phillimore (Walter G. F., B.C.L.) Judgment delivered by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Phillimore, D.C.L., in the Case of the Office of Judge promoted by Sheppard v. Bennett. i2mo. London, 1870. Phillips (Arthur, M.A.) Tagore Law Lectures, 1874, 1875. The Law relating to the Land Tenures of Lower Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1876. Phillips (Charles). Curran and his Contemporaries. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1850. Phillips (Chs. Palmer). The Law of Lunatics, Idiots, and Persons of Unsound Mind. 8vo. 1858. Phillips (Charles Palmer). The Law of Copyright in Works of Litera- ture and Art, and in the application of Designs. With the Statutes relating thereto. 8vo. London, 1863. Phillips (Charles Spencer March). Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1863. Phillips (Edwd.) Continuation of Baker's Chronicle. Phillips (John). Devonshire Dialogue and Glossary. i2mo. Lond. and Plymouth, 1839. Phillips (Samuel L.) On the Law of Mechanics' Lien on Real and Personal Property. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Phillips (Sam. March). On the Law of Evidence. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1843. Tenth Edition. By Thos. Jas. Arnold. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852. Phillips (Sam. March). State Trials prior to 1688. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826. 68 1 Phillips (Thomas). History of Shrewsbury. See Hulbert. Phillips (Tho. Jodrell). Reports. See Craig. Phillips (Tho. Jodrell). Reports of Cases in Chancery, 1841-1849 8vo. 1843-1849. Phillips (Willard). Law of Insurance. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1853. Phillips (Willard). On the Law of Insurance. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1867. PHiLO-JUDiEUS. Lucubrationes Omnes, per Sigism. Gelenium. 8vo. Basil, 1558. PniLO-JuDiEUS. Quare quorundam in Scripturis Sacris Mutata sunt Nomina, a Morello. With Bibliulius. 8vo. Par,, 1593. PniLO-JuDyEUS. Antiquitates Biblicae. Historia Antiqua. 8vo. 1599. Philolaus. Sive Dissertationes de Vero Systemate Mundi. 4to. Amst., 1639. Philologus (Tho.) De Modo CoUegiandi. 4to. Ven., 1574. Philonius (Jo.) Tilianus, seu de Scientia Bene Moriendi. 8vo. Basil, 1553. Philopater (And.) Responsio ad ElizabethcB Reginse Edictum contra Catholicos. 8vo. Aug., 1592. Philopater (And.) Petition to Parliament concerning the Ghost of Pyramis. [Tracts, Vol. 146.] 8vo. London, 1606. Philosophical Transactions. Abridged by Henry Jones. 25 vols. 4to. Philosophical Transactions. Vols. IV. and V. 4to. 1721. Philosophie Morale des Stoiques, avec la Manuale d'Epictete. 8vo. 1599. Philosophorum et Poetarum. De Vita et Moribus. * 4to. Philosophorum Mensa Philosophica. 4to. Colon., 1508. Philostratus (Flav.) De Vita Apollonii, per Alem. Rhinuccinum. 8vo. Colon., 1532. Phippen (William). Practical Advice to Testators and Executors. 1 2 mo. London, 1877. Phlegon. Opuscula, Gr. et Lat. ; a Guil. Xylandro. With Antoninus Liberalis. 8vo. Basil, 1568. Phocylides. See Poetse Minores. Photius. Myriobiblion sive Bibliotheca, Lat.-Gr. ; cum Notis Dav. Hoeschelii, et And. Schotti. Folio. Rothe., 1653. 682 Photius. Epistolse, Gr. et Lat. ; cum Notis Ric. Montacutii. Folio. 165 1. PiCARD (Edward) et Olin (Xavier). Traitd des Brevets d'Invention et de la Contrefagon Industrielle precede d'une thdorie sur les Inventions Industrielles. Nouvelle Edition. 8vo. Paris et Bruxelles, 1869. PiccA (Greg.) II Dispiacere de Mondani Piaceri. i2mo. Rom., 1587. PiccARTUS (Mich.) Orationes Academicse. 8vo. Lips., 16 14. PicciOLUS (Ant.) De Mantis Inspection^. 8vo. Ber., 1587. PiccoLOMiNi (Aless.) Sfera del Mondo. 4to. Ven., 1566. PiccoLOMiNi (Aless.) Paraphrasis in Mechanicales Quaestiones Aris- totelis. [Tracts, Vol. 148.] [No Title.] 8vo. PICCOLOMINI (FraH.) De Rerum Definitionibus. 4to. Franc, 1600. '' PiccoLOMiNi (Fran.) Discursus ad Universam Logicam. 8vo. Mar., 1603. PiccoLOMiNi (Fran.) Diobus de Habitibus Intellectus. 8vo. Bas., 1603. PiCHOTUs (Pet.) De Rheumatismo. 8vo. Burd., 1577. Pickering (Danby). Modern Reports. 7 vols, in 6. Folio. 1757. Pickering (Danby). Modern Reports. 7 vols, in 6. Folio. 1757. PicoT (J. B.) Nouveau Manuel Pratique et Complet du Code de Commerce explique. i2mo. Paris, 1868. Pictavensis (Guil.) Gesta Guillelmi I. See Chesne. [Normannorum Scriptores.] PiCTET (M.) Le Fleau d'Aristocratie G^ndvoise. 8vo. S. Ger., 1606. PiCTOR. See Fabius. Pictorius (Geo.) Pantopolion; de Apibus, et de Daemonibus. 8vo. Basil, 1554. Pictorius (Geo.) Tuendae Sanitatis Ratio Successivse Lectiones et Convivia. 8vo. Basil, 1554. Pictorius (Geo.) Methodus Sanitatis Tuendse carmine Elegiaco Conscripta. 8vo, Basil, 1561. Pictorius (Geo.) Opera Nova, Poetica, Historia, et Medica. 8vo. Basil, 1569. Pictorius (Geo.) In Plinii Historiam Naturalem. 8vo. Basil, 1569. PiCTS. Chronicles of the. See Skene. 683 Picus MiRANDULA (Jo.) Aurcae Epistolae. 4to. Man., 1495 Picus MiRANDULA (Jo.) Epistolse aliquot Eniditorum. 4to Picus MiRANDULA (Jo.) Opera Omnia. Folio. Paris, 15 10 Picus Mirandula (Jo.) Conclusiones in Omni Genere Scientiarum. 8vo. 1532 Picus Mirandula (Jo.) Epitome Historiarum Mundi, cum Catalogo Pontificum Romanorum. 8vo. Ant., 1533 Picus Mirandula (Jo.) De Homine. 8vo. Basil, 1537 Picus Mirandula (Jo.) De Christi Regno. With St. Basil. 8vo. Basil, 1537 Picus Mirandula (Joh. Fran.) De Auro. 8vo. Urse., 1697 Picus Mirandula (Joh. Fran.) Apologia pro Savonarola. 8vo Picus Mirandula (Joh. Fran.) De Providenti^ Dei. 8vo Pidding (John Rhodes). Chinese Olio and Tea Talk, No. i. 4to. 1 844, PiDDiNGTON (H.) A Tabular View of the Generic Characters in Roxburgh's Flora Indica. See Prinsep's Useful Tables. 8vo. 1836. Pierce (Tho.) Primitive Rule of Reformation. [Tracts. Vol. 39.] 4to. 1663. PiERCiE (Hy.) Letter to the Duke of Northumberland about the Bishops' Votes. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 1641. PiERius (Jo. Val.) Hieroglyphica. 4to. Col. Ag., 1631. Pierre (Corn, de la). See Corn, k Lapide. Pierre (J. de la). Le Grand Empire de I'un et de I'autre Monde. 8vo. Par., 1625. { Pigafetta (Fil.) Relatione del Assedio di Parigi. 410. Romae. Pigafetta (Fil.) Gioie Historiche aggiunte alia Secunda parte delle Vite di Plutarco. 4to. Vin., 1568, Pigafetta (Fil.) La Felicita di Cosmo Medici. 4to. Fio., 1572. Pigafetta (Fil.) Discorso d'Intorno all' Historia della Aguglia, et alia ragione del muouerla. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 410. Rom., 1586. PiGGOTT (F. F.) Foreign Judgments. Their Effect in the English Courts. 8vo. London, 1879. PiGHius (Alb.) Controversiarum Religiosarum in Commitiis Ratis- ponensibus Explicatio. 8vo. Par., 1542. PiGHius (Alb.) Controversiarum Religiosarum in Commitiis Ratis- ponensibus. 8vo. Par., 1541. 684 PiGHius (Alb.) Ratio Componendorum Dissidiorum in Religione. With Florebellus. 4to. Col., 1542. PiGHius (Alb.) Hierarchiae Ecclesiasticse Assertio, Folio. Col. Ag., 1558. PiGHius (Pet.) De Partd Virginis Deiparae. 8vo. Rom«, 162 1. PiGHius (Steph. Vinand.) Hercules Prodicius. Svo. An., 1587. PiGNA (Joh. Bapt.) Poetica Horatiana. Folio. Ven., 1561. PiGOTT (Cillery) and Rodwell (Hunter). Common Pleas Cases on Appeal, for the Decision of Revising Barristers. Svo. 1844. PiGOTT, or Piggott (Nat.) Precedents in Conveyancing. Folio. 1742. Pike (Albert). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Arkansas, in Law and Equity, from January Term 1837 to 1842. [Vols 1-5, Arkansas Reports.] 5 vols. 8vo. Little Rock, 1840- 1845. Pike (Luke Owen, M.A.) A History of Crime in England. Illus- trating the Change of the Laws in the Progress of Civilization. Written from the Public Records and other Contemporary Evidence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873-187 6. PiLLAY (T. Chepalla, A.B., LL.D.) Analysis on Norton on Evidence. Fourth Edition. Svo. Madras, 1870. PiLONi (Gio.) Historia. 4to. Ven., 1607. PiMENTA (Nic.) Cartas das Indias, 1559 and 1660. Svo. Lisb., 1602. PiN^us (Severinus). Opusculum Physiologicum et Anatomicum. De Virginitatis Notis. De Graviditate Mulierum. Svo. Paris, 1597. PiNCiER (Cunr.) Ciceroniarum Vocabularium. Svo. Fran., 1619. PiNCiERus (Joh.) Meditationes Varise. Svo. 1601. PiNDARUS. Carmina. A Chr. Gottl. Heyne. 3 vols. Svo. Gott., 1798. PiNDARUs. Carmina. Translated by West, Greene, and Pye. In British Poets. PiNDEMONTius (Hip.) De Mundo. With Locher. 4to. Ven., 161 9. PiNDER (Peter). See Wolcot. Pineda (Juan de). Monarchiae Ecclesiae. 2 vols. 4to. Sal., 1588. Pineda (Juan de). De Rebus Salomonis Regis. Folio. Lugd., 1609. PiNfiDE (Alphonse). Le Nouveau Senatus-Consulte et la Constitution Anglaise. Svo. 1S69. Pinel-Grandchamp (P.) Immo D. Gothofredi, cum Appendice. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1821. 685 PiNELLUS (Luca). Meditationes in Vitam Marise Virginis; k Pet. Brochaeo. 8vo. Col., 1601. PiNELLUS (Luca). Opera Spiritualia. 2 vols. i2mo. Colon., 1608. PiNET (Ant. du). La Conformity des Eglises Reformdes de France et de I'Eglise Primitive. Svo. Lyon, 1564. PiNET (Ant. du). Plantz, Pourtraitz, de plusieurs Villes. Folio. Lyon, 1564. PiNKERTON (John). History of Scotland, from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary. 2 vols. 4to. 1797. PiNKERTON (John). Collection of Voyages and Travels. 17 vols. 4to. 1808. PiNKERTON (John). Inquiry into the History of Scotland, preceding the year 1056. 2 vols. Svo. 18 14. Pino (Bern.) L'Evagria. Ragionamenti Familiari. i2mo. Ven., 1584. Pino (Bern.) Galant Huomo, overo Huomo Prudente. i2mo. Ven., 1604. PiNTiANUS (Ferd.) In Loca Obscura Plinii Historiae. Svo. Ant., 1547. Pinto (Fern. Mendez). Peregrinaciones en los Reynos de la China, &c. Folio. Mad., 1620. Pinto (Fern. Mendez). Peregrinaciones en los Reynos de la China, &c., par B. Figuier. 4to. Par., 1628. Pinto (Hector). Imagen de la Vida Christiana. 4to. Ale., 1595. PiNZio (Paolo). Fisionomia. Svo. Lyon, 1550. Piozzi (Hester Lynch). Letters to and from Dr. Johnson. 2 vols. Svo. 1788. Pipe Rolls ; or, Sheriffs' Annual Accounts of the Revenues of the Crown for the Counties of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Durham, during the Reigns of Henry II., Richard L, and John. Svo. Newcastle, 1847. Pipernus (Pet.) De Magicis AiFectibus. With Riviera. 4to. Nia., 1634. Pisanelli (Bald.) Discorso sopra la Peste. 4to. Rom., 1577. PiscATOR (Jo.) Aphorismi, seu loci Communes Theologici. Svo. Herb., 1592. PiscATOR (Jo.) Examen libelli Piscatoris de Praedestinatione. [Tracts, Vol. 87.] [No Title.] 4to. Pisis (Earth, de). De Documentis Antiquorum. Svo. Par., 1601. ^ :*■■*■: if '^ 686 Piso (Guerin). De Romanorum et Venetorum Magistratuum inter se Comparatione. 8vo. Lips., 1614. PisoN (Guil.) Historia Naturalis Braziliag. Folio. Lugd. Bat., 1648. PiSTGR (Mart.) Symmachia adversus Epitheses hostium Fidei. 8vo. Par., 1556. PiSTORius (Joh.) De Curandae Pestis Ratione. 8vo. Fran., 1568. PiSTORius (Joh.) Antiquitates Fuldenses. With Belgic. Rerum Chron. Folio. Fran., 1654. PiSTORius (Joh.) See Heilbrunnerus. PiSTOYE (A. de) et Duverdy (C.) Traits des Prises Maritimes, dans lequel on a Refondu en Partie le Traite de Valin en I'Appropriant h. la Legislation Nouvelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. PiTATUS (Pet.) Almanach Novum, 1542. 4to. Ven., 1542. PiTATus (Pet.) Ephemerides, 1543, usque ad 1556. 4to. Ven., 1542. PiTCAiRN (Robert). Criminal Trials in Scotland. 10 parts. 4to. Edin., 1849. PiTiscus (Bart.) Trigonometria. 4to. Fran., 161 2. PiTiscus (Bart.) Sinuum, Tangentium, et Secantium Manualis Canon. 8vo. Heid., 16 13. Pitman (Benn). The Assassination of President Lincoln, and the Trial of the Conspirators. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1865. Pits, or Pitseus (John). De Peregrinatione. i2mo. Duss., 1604. Pits, or Pitseus (John). Relationes Historicse de Rebus Anglicis. 4to. Paris, 161 9. Pitt (Christopher). Translation of Vida. In British Poets. Pittsburgh Reports. Containing Cases decided by the Federal and State Courts of Pennsylvania, chiefly at the City of Pittsburgh. By Boyd Crumrine. 185 3-1 87 3. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872, 1873. Pius (Thomas). Epistola ad Johannem Housonum de Judaeorum Divertiis. [Tracts, Vol. 72.] 4to. 1603. Placa a MoRAgA (Pet. k). Epitomes Delictorum Causarumque Crimin- alium. 8vo. Lugd., 1560. Placita de quo Warranto. R.C. Folio. i8i8. Placita Generalia et Specialia. Being a Collection of Precedents of Declarations, Plaints, Demurrers, Pleas in Barr, Abatement and Disability. Together with the Stiles and Forms of Entring Pleadings, as well in Superior Courts as Inferiour, and Limited Jurisdictions. 8vo. London, 1674. 6S7 Placitandi Liber ; or, Thompson's Entries. Folio. 1674. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservatorum, Abbreviatio; R.C. Folio. 181 1. Plain Pattern of a Perfect Protestant Professor, from Thomas Morton. [Tracts, Vol. 82.] 4to. Planche (James Robinson). Remarks on Inigo Jones's Sketches. S.S. 8vo. 1848. Planerus (And.) De Methodo Medendi. 8vo. Bas., 1583. Planerus (And.) De Methodo Medendi. 8vo. Bas., 1585. Planis-Campy (David de). La V^roUe Recognue. 8vo. Paris, 1623. Planis-Campy (David de). Bouquet Chimique. 8vo. Paris, 1629. Planta (Joseph). History of the Helvetic Confederacy. 3 vols. 8vo. 1807. Planta (Joseph). See Catalogues : Cottonian. Plantarum Historia, cum earum Imaginibus. 8vo. Lugd., 1567. Plateanus (Petrus). De Usu Moralis Philosophiae. 8vo. 1587. Plater (H.) Law of County Courts. 8vo. 1851. Platina (Baptista). Historia de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum. Folio. Col. Ag., 161 1. Platina (Baptista). Historia de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum (English). By Rycaut. Folio. 1685. Platina (Baptista). De Honesta Voluptate, et Valetudine. 8vo. Col., 1587. Plato. Opera Omnia, cum Annotationibus Imm. Beckeri. II vols. 8vo. 1826. Plato, Opera Omnia, per Janum Cornarium, cum Marsilii Ficini Argumentis, &c. Folio. Basil, 1561. Plato. Opera Omnia. See Libumius. Platt (Thomas). On the Law of Covenants. 8vo. 1829. Platt (Thomas). On the Law of Leases. With Forms and Precedents. 8vo. 1847. Platus (Hier.) De Bono Statu Religiosi. 4to. Ingol., 1590. Plautus (Marc, Accius). Comediae. 4to. Ven., 1595. Plautus (Marc. Accius). See Maittaire. Plautus (Marc. Accius). See Valpy. 688 Pleader's Guide (The). A Didactic Poem. i2mo. 1826. Pleicrus (Cornelius). Medicus, Criticus, Astrologus. Svo. Nor., 1627. Pleicrus (Cornelius). Examen Tractatus Guil. Adolph. Scribonii. [Tracts, Vol. 156.] Svo. Erp., 1617. Plinius (Caecilius Secundus Caius). Historia Mundi Naturalis {English). Folio. 1601. Plinius (Caecilius Secundus Caius). Panegyrick to Trajan. Translated by Robt. Stapylton. [Tracts, Vol. 38.] 4to. Oxf., 1644. Plinius (Caecilius Secundus Caius), Epistolse et Panegyrici. i2mo. 1 6 10. Plinius (Caecilius Secundus Caius). Fragmenta. See Maittaire. Plinius (Secundus Caius). Historia Mundi Naturalis. Folio. Franc, 1582. Plinius (Secundus Caius). Naturalis Historiae Liber Secundus, k Goclenio. 12 mo. Marp., 16 12. Plinius (Secundus Caius). Plinianae Exercitationes in Solinum. See Salmasius. Plot (Robert). Natural History of Staffordshire. Folio. Oxford, 1686. Plot (Robert). Natural History of Oxfordshire. Folio. Oxford and Lond., 1705. Plowden (Edmund). Commentaries or Reports. Folio. 1588, Plowden (Edmund). Commentaries or Reports. Abridgment of {French). 12 mo. 1607. Plowden (Edmund). Commentaries or Reports. Translated into English. To which are added the Queries of Mr. Plowden. Folio. London, 1779. Plowden (Edmund). Commentaries or Reports. 2 vols. 8vo. 1816. Plumptre (Claude C. M.) The Law of Simple Contracts. i2mo. London, 1879. Plumtre (Charles John). King's College Lectures on Elocution. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1876. Plutarchus. Opuscula ab Erasmo. With Quintillian. 4to. Bas., 15 14. Plutarchus. Opuscula ab Erasmo. With Fernandus Speculum, Folio, Asc, 15 14, Plutarchus, De Educandis Liberis {Gr. et Lat.), cum Scholiis Suffridi Petri Leovardiensis. Svo. Bas,, 1561. 689 Plutarchus. Vitae lUustrium Virorum, interp. Herm. Cruserio. Folio. Bas., 1573. Plutarchus. Opera Ethica, H. Cruserii. Folio. Fra., 1605. Plutarchus. See Philelphus. Plutarchus. Opera Omnia {Greece et Latin^\ cum Annotationibus Jo. Jac. Reiskii. 12 vols. 8vo. Lips., 1774. Plutarchus. Vitae Illustrium Vororum {English). By John and Wm. Langhorne and Fra. Wrangham. 6 vols. 8vo. 1826. Plydell (Master). Speech concerning the Church. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1641. PocATERRA (Annib.) Due Dialogi della Vergogna. 8vo. Fer., 1592. PocQUET DE LivoNNiERE (Claudc). Regies du Droit Francois. i2mo. Paris, 1768, Podagra (Laus). With Agrippa : Monogamia. 8vo. Arg., 1570. POETiE Minores Graeci. Edited Tho. Gaisford. 4 vols, in 3. 8vo. Oxon., 18 14. PcEZOLD (Rev. Mr.) and Simpson (William). A Malabar and English Dictionary. Second Edition. Vepery, 1809. PoGET (Nic.) Touchant le Probleme sil est possible d'envenimer des Balles d'Arcbouse. With Rossellet. 8vo. Avi., 1578. PoiNTZ (Robert). Testimonies for the Real Presence, out of Six Ancient Fathers. i2mo. Lovain, 1566. POLACCUS (Geo.), Polacco. Vacation Epidemical. With Bucellius. 2 parts. 4to. Ven., 1631-1633. PoLACCUS (Geo.), Polacco. Pratiche per Discerner lo Spirito Buono dal Malvagio. With Scioppius : Consultationes. 8vo. Bols., 1638. PoLANCUS (Joh.) Methodus ad eos juvandos qui Moriuntur. i2mo. Dil., 1578. PoLANCus (Joh.) De Vera Sapientii. 8vo. Ber., 1604. Poland (Harry Bodkin), Trade Marks. The Merchandise Marks Act, 1862, 26 and 25 Vict., c. 88. i2mo. London, 1862. PoLANus (Amandus). Partitiones Theologicae, juxta Naturalis Methodi Leges. 8vo. Basil, 1590, POLANUS (Amandus) De Concionum Sacrarum Methodo. 8vo. Basil, 1604. Pole (Sir J. W. de la). Sir W. Pole's Collections towards a Description of the County of Devon. 4to. London, 179 1. (44) 690 Pole (Reginald). Pro Ecclesiasticge Unitatis Defensione. Folio. 1555- Pole (Reginald). De Summo Ponlifici Christi, in Terris Vicario. i2mo. Lov., 1569. Pole (Reginald). Discorso di Pace. 4to. PoLEMON (Athen.) Natura Signorum. With Meletius. 4to. Ven., 1552. PoLEUR (Jn.) See Oviedo. Police (La). Discours concernans la Police de I'Eglise, et de I'Estat. [Tracts, Vol. 162.] 8vo. Par., 1615. PoLiPHiLE. See Columna. PoLiTiANUS (Aug.), Politian. Opera. Folio. Paris., 15 12. PoLiTiANUS (Aug.), Politian. Orationes, With Beroaldus. 4to. Bono., 1520. POLITIANUS (Aug.), Politian. Panepisteraon. With Picus : Conclu- siones. 8vo. 1532. POLITIANUS (Jo. Jas. Aug.) Politicse Christianse vel potius Sophisticae Bellarmini. [Tracts, Vol. 53.] 4to. Amb., 1614. Political Catechism out of the King's Answer to the Nineteen Propo- sitions. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History composed during the Period from the Accession of Edward III. to that of Richard III. Edited by Thomas Wright. Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1861. Politic (Hier. k). Expositio in Regulam Sancti Francisci. 8vo. Neap., 1606. PoLiTus (Alex.) De Patria in Testamentis Condendis Potestate. 8vo. Flor., 171 2. PoLLEXFEN (Sir Henry). Reports, temp. Car. II. Folio. 1702. PoLLEXFEN (Sir Henry, Knt.) The Arguments and Reports of Sir Henry Pollexfen, late Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, in some Special Cases by him argued during the time of his Practice at the Barr. With divers Decrees in the High Court of Chancery, upon Limitations of Trusts of Terms for Years. 4to. London, 1702. PoLLio. See Trebellius. Pollock (Chas. Edwd.) Practice of the County Courts. 8vo. 185 1. 691 Pollock (Chas. Edwd.) On Inspection and Recovery. In Holland and Chandless. izmo. 1854. Pollock (Chas. Edwd.) On Merchant Shipping. See Maude. Pollock (Chas. Edwd.) and Nicol (Henry). Practice Rules and Forms of the County Court. 8vo. 1859. Pollock (Chas. Edwd.) See Lowndes. Pollock (Charles Edward) and Nicol (Henry). Practice of the County Courts. With the Decisions of the Superior Courts, and Tables of Fees and Costs. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Pollock (Charles Edward) and Nicol (Henry). Equitable Juris- diction of the County Courts. Supplement to Pollock's County Court Practice; containing the Act 28 and 29 Vict., c. 99, Orders, Forms and Tables of Costs and Fees. With the Trustee Acts, &c. i2mo. London, 1865. Pollock (Charles Edward) and Nicol (Henry). Practice of the County Courts, including Equity Jurisdiction. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Seventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Eighth Edition. By Henry Nicol and Arthur Wilson. 8vo. London, 1876. Pollock (Frederick). Principles of Contract at Law and Equity. Being a Treatise on the General Principles concerning the validity of Agreements, with a special view to the comparison of Law and Equity, with reference to the Indian Contract Act, and occasionally to Roman, American, and Continental Law. 8vo. London, 1876. Pollock (Frederick). A Digest of the Law of Partnership. 8vo. London, 1877. PoLLOT (Laur.) Dialogues centre la Plurality des Religions et I'Athdisme. 8vo. Rochel, 1595. Pollux (Julius). Onomasticon. Lat. k Rod. Gualtero donatum. 4to. Basil, 1541. Polo (Marco). Travels. In Pinkerton. Polo (Marco). Travels. By Thomas Wright. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1856. PoLONiA. Polonige Regem Rationes ob quos Defensioni in Hungaria, non Adversari, neque Committere Delect. With Ingenuis. 4to 1 6 1 9. PoLus (Mat.) Synopsis Criticorum S. Scripturae. 5 vols. Folio. Ultrajecti, 1624. ■ PoLWHELE (Rd.) The History of Cornwall. With Illustrations from Devonshire. 7 vols, in 2. 4to. 181 6, &c. PoLWHELE (Rd.) A Cornish-English Vocabulary, and Cornish and Devonshire Provincial Vocabulary. 410. Truro, 1808. 692 PoLWHELE (Rd.) Translation of Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtaeus. In British Poets. PoLWHELE (R.) The History of Devonshire. Folio. 3 vols, in i. Exeter, 1793-1797- PoLYANDER (Jo.) Rcsponsio ad Interpolata Anastasii Cochetii Sophis- mata. 8vo. Dord., i6io. PoLYANDER (Jo.) Dc Sanctse Prophetiae Prsestantia. [Tracts, Vol. 50.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 16 19. PoLYBius. Ex Historiis, Liber de Militia Romana et Castrorum Metatione excerptus, a Jano. Cascare editus. 4to. Ven., 1529. PoLYBius. Extraicts de ses Livres. With Schardius. Folio. Par., 1549. PoLYBius. Historia, cum Adnotationibus J oh. Schweighaeuseri. 10 vols. 8vo. Lips., 1789. PoLYBius. Historise, cum Notis Isaac Casauboni. 8vo. Han., 16 10. PoLYBius. Historise, cum Notis Isaac Casauboni. Translated by Edw. Grimstone. With Hobbes : Thucydides. Folio. 1634. PoLYCARius (Jo.) Tractatus Tragicus de Poenis Omnium Delictorum, 4to. Lips., 1 61 5. PoLYCARP. Epistolse. With Dionysius : Areop. Folio. Paris, 1498. PoLYCHRONicoN, Coutineus Gesta Digniora, ab initio Mundi, ad hoc usque Tempus. Folio. Neu., 1493. PoMEROY (John, LL.D.) Remedies and Remedial Rights by Civil Action, accordingly to the Reformed American Procedure. 8vo. Boston, 1876. PoMFRET (John). In British Poets. PoMPONATius (Petrus). Opera Philosophica et Theologica. 8vo. Basil, 1567. PoMPONius. Lsetus. Pons (Jacobus). De nimis licentiosa Sanguinis Missione. 8vo. Lugd., 1600. PONTANUS (Geo. Barth.) Scanderbegus {Ital) Per P. Rocha. 8vo. Ven., 1580. PoNTANUS (Geo. Barth.) Scanderbegus, seu Vita Castrioti. 8vo. Han., 1609. PONTANUs (Hier.) De Immortalitate Animse. 4to. Rom., 1597. 693 PoNTANUS (Jacobus). Progymnastica Latinitatis. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Fran., 1620. PoNTANUS (Jacobus). Charon. See Drudo. PoNTANUS (John Isaac). Rerum et Urbis Amstelodamensium Historia. Folio. Amst, 161 1. PoNTANus (John Isaac). Disceptationes Choro^aphicae de Rheni Divortiis, &c. 8vo. Amst., 16 14. PoNTANUS (John Isaac). Rerum Danicarum Historia. Folio. Amst., 1631. PoNTANUs (John Isaac). Discussionum Historia, de Mari Libero. 8vo. Hard., 1637. PoNTANUS (John Isaac). Historica Gelrica. Folio. Hard., 1639. PoNTANUS (Jo. Jovianus). De Lapide Philosophorum. With Ripley.'* Svo. Franc, 15 14. PoNTANUs (Jo. Jovianus). Opera. 4 vols. Svo. Bas., 1556. PoNTANUS (Ludolv.) Singularia. FoUo. Ven., 1475. PoNTAS (Jean). Dictionnaire de Cas de Conscience. 3 vols. Par., 1726. PoNTE (Jo. Franc, de). De Potestate Proregis. Folio. Neap., 161 1. PoNTiFiciA. Pontificiae Jurisdictionis Historia. 4to. Paris, 1625. PONTiFiciA. Pontificiarum Corruptelarum Specimen. [Tracts, Vol. 83.] 4to. 1626. PoNTiFiciA. De Authoritate Pontificis Summi. 4to. Ven., 1562. PoNTiFiciA. Pontificum Speculum. See France-Turquie. 8vo. PoNziNiBius (Jo. Fr.) De Lamiis, et Excellentia Juris utriusque. With Grillandus. 8vo. Franc, 1592. Pope (Alex.) Works. By Joseph Warton. 9 vols. Svo. 1797. Pope (Alex.) Homer's Iliad. By Gilb. Wakefield. 6 vols. Svo. 1796. Pope (Alex.) Homer's Odyssey. Gilb. Wakefield. 5 vols. Svo. 1796. Pope (Alex.) Poetical Works. In British Poets, Pope (The). The Pope's Election. [Tracts, Vol. 123.] 4to. 1605. ' Pope (The). The English Pope ; or, Mystical Intelligence between England and Rome. 4to. 1643. Pope (The). The Pope's Brief; or, Rome's Inquiry after the Death of their Catholiques. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. 694 PoPELLiNiERE (Jean de la). Des Trois Mondes. 4to. Paris, 1582. PoPELLiNiERE (Jean de la). Des Trois Mondes. 8vo. Paris, 1582. Popery. Arraignment of Popery. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 1669. Popery. Tracts on the Popish Plot. Folio. PoPHAM (Sir John). Reports, temp. Eliz. With Additions. Folio. 1702. Population. Abstract of Answers and Returns according to the Population Act. Contained in Parliamentary Reports. Vol.114, 1821; Vols. 115 & ii6, 1821 j Vols. 118, 119, & 120, 1831. 6 vols. Folio. 1811-1831. Population. Comparative accounts of Population for the years 1801, 18 1 1, 182 1, 1831. Contained in Vol. 117 of Parliamentary Reports. i vol. Folio. 183 1. Population. Returns, 1841. Folio. 1841. Population. Census, 185 1, 1861, 1871, and Indexes. 3 parts. Folio. 1852. PoRCACCHi (Tho.) L'Isole piu famose del Mondo. Folio. Ven., 1605. PoRPHYRius. De Abstinentia ab esu Animalium. 4to. Ven., 1547. PoRPHYRius. See ^lian. PoRPHYRius. Introductio in Ptolomaeum de Affectibus Astrorum With Proclus. FoHo. Basil, 1559 Porta (Conrad). Adhortatio ad Lectionem Scriptorum Lutheri. With Neander : Theologia. 8vo. Isle., 1526 Porta (Jo. Bapt.) Phytognomonica. Folio. Neap,, 1588, Porta (Jo. Bapt.) Villa. 4to. Fran., 1592 Porta (Jo. Bapt.) De Refractione. 4to. Neap., 1593 Porta (Jo. Bapt.) De Occultis Literarum Notis. With Geo. Fabricius 8vo. Mon., 1593 Porta (Jo. Bapt.) Physiognomonia Caelestis. 8vo. Arg., 1606 Porta (Jo. Bapt.) De Distillationibus. 4to. Arg., 1609 Porta Leonis (Abr. de). De Auro. 4to. Ven., 1584 Portenarus (Aug.) Apologia della Liberta delle Popoli Veneti Antichi. With Finiti. 4to. Pad., 1629 Porter (George R.) See Long. Porter (J. L.) Handbook for Syria. See Murray. PoRTEUS (Beilby). In British Poets. 695 Fortius (Christ.) Super Institutiones Justiniani Cotnmentaria, cum Jasonis Annotationibus. Folio. Lugd., 1550. Fortius (Sim.) De Humana Mente. [Tracts, Vol. 59.] 4to. Flor., 1554. Fortius (Sim.) De Rerum Naturalium Frincipiis. 8vo. Mar., 1598. FoRTRAiT de I'Heresie. [Tracts, Vol. 137.] Fortraits. Catalogue of the National Gallery of Fortraits. FoRTUGAL. Diversi Avisi dall' Indie di Fortogallo. Svo. Ven., 1565. Portugal. Declaration du Droit de Succession sur le Royaume. Svo. Anv., 1582. Portugal. De Jure Successionis Regige. i2mo. Mad., isgi- Portugal. Confutatis Duardi Nonii Leonis. Svo. Tici., 1594. Portugal. Speculum Tyrannidis Philippi Regis Castellae. Svo. Paris, 1595. Portugal. Le Mirroir de la Procedure de Fhilipe, Roy de Castile. Svo. Paris, 1595. Portugal. Discours du Droit de la Succession au Royaume. Svo. Paris, 1607. Portugal. Ordenagoes e Leys do Rayno confirmadas pelo Senhor Rey D. Joao IV. 6 vols, in 4. Folio. Lisb., 1747. Portugal. Impertorio das Ordena9oes e Leys do Reyno. 2 vols. Folio. Lisb., 1749. Portugal. Repertorio Geral das Leis Extravagantes. See Thomaz. 2 vols. 4to. Coimb., 1S15. Portugal. Codigo Commercial Fortuguez seguido de um Appendice que contem a Legislacio que tem alterado alguns de sense artigos. Svo. Lisboa, 1S62. Portugal, Carta Constitucional da Monarchia Portugueza e Acto addicional. Svo. Lisboa, 1866. Portugal. Codigo Penal approvado por Decrets de 10 de Dezembrode, 1 85 2. 4a. EdiQao official. Svo. Lisboa, 1867, Portugal. Codigo Civil Fortuguo approvado por Carta de Lei, de i de Julho de 1867. Segunda Edigao official. Svo. Lisboa, 1868. Portuguese Law. Ordena9oes e Leis do Reino de Portugal recopi- ladas per mandalo del rei L. Filippe O. Primeiro. 3 vols. 4to. Coimbra, 1824. Posarel (Jo. Bapt.) Quadriga Heroum Errantium. [Tracts, Vol. 138.] Svo. Col. Ag., 1531. 696 PossELius (Jo.) Syntaxis Graeca. 8vo. Witte., 1599 PossELius (Jo.) Apophthegmata (Gr.-Lat.) 8vo. Franc, 1616 PossEVlN (Jn. Bapt.) Dialogues d'Honneur. 4to. Paris, 1555 PossEViNUS (Ant.) Judicium de quibusdam Scriptis Bodini. 8vo. Lugd., 1594 PossEviNus. Bibliotheca Selecta. Folio. Romae, 1593 PossEviNus. Moscovia, et alia Opera de Statu hujus Seculi. Folio. Col., 1587 Post Magazine, Vol. XIII., No. 8. 4to. 1852 Post Office London Directory, from 1859. [Continued.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1859-1861. Post (Hoyt.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, from April 20th, 187 1, to June 12th, 1877. [Vols. 23-36, Michigan Reports.] 14 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1872-1878. Post (Truman A.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, October Term 1867 to May Term 1876. [Vols. 42-62, Missouri State Reports.] 21 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1869-1876. PosTEL (Guil.) De Magistratibus Atheniensium. 4to. Paris, 15 41. PosTEL (Guil.) Cosmographiae Compendium. [Tracts, Vol. 106.] 4to. Basil, 1 56 1. PosTEL (Guil.) De Humanitate ; seu de Cosmographia. 4to. Par., 1563. PosTEL (Guil.) De la Republique des Turcs. 4to. Poictiers. PosTE per Diverse Parti del Mondo. [Tracts, Vol. 151.] 8vo. Ven., 1598. PosTHUMus (And.) Ad Sarmatas Dialogus. With Dorncreilius. 4to. Vicent, 1600. PosTius (Lud.) Decisiones Rotae Bononiae ; a Franc. Jovio. Folio. Parm., 1694. PosTLETHWAYT (Malachi). Dictionary of Trades, Commerce, and Navigation. 3 vols, (including Maps). Folio. 1774. PoTERius (Pet.) Pharmacopoea Spagirica. 8vo. Colon., 1624. PoTESTATE Ecclesiastica et Politica (de). [Tracts, Vol. 127.] 8vo. Par., 161 2. PoTHiER (Rt. Joseph). Traite sur diffe'rentes Matieres de Droit Civil, et de Jurisprudence Frangoise. Seconde Edition. 4 vols. Folio. Paris and Orleans, 1781. 697 POTHiER (Rt. Joseph). CEuvres Posthumes. 3 vols, (numbered v., vi., vii., to form a series with the preceding). Folio. Paris, 1777-1778. PoTHiER (Rt. Joseph). Pandectae Justinianiae in Novum Ordinem digestae, &c. 3 vols. Folio. Lugd., 1782. PoTHiER (Rt. Joseph). On Obligations or Contracts. By Evans. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806. PoTHiKR (R. J.) On Maritime Contracts of Letting to Hire. Trans- lated from the French, with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Caleb Cushing. 8vo. Boston, 182 1. PoTHiER (R. J.) On the Contract of Sale. Translated from the French by L. S. Cushing. 8vo. Boston, 1839. PoTHiER (Rt. Joseph). On Partnership. By Tudor. 8vo. 1854. PoTiER (Mich.) De Vera Materia Lapidis Philosophici. With De Fluctibus : Tractatus Apologeticus. 8vo. Franc, ad Maen., 161 7. PoTiER (Mich.) Apologia Hermetico-Philosophica. 4to. Franc, 1631. PoTiER (Mich.) Apologia Hermetico-Philosophica. [Tracts, Case 79.] 4to. Franc, 1631. Potter (Chris.) Sermon. [Tracts, Vol. 114.] 8vo. 1629. Potter (Chris.) Mercy and Truth. A Reply to Dr. Potter. ,v 4to. 1633. Potter (John). Archaeologia Graeca ; or. Antiquities of Greece. 2 vols. 8vo. 1722. Potter (Robert). Translation of .^schylus. 2 vols. 8vo. 1773. PowEL, or Powell (Edwd.) Propugnaculum Summi Sacerdotii Evan- gelici. 4to. 1523. PowEL (Gab) Consideration of the Papists' Reasons for Toleration of Popery. [Tracts, Vol. 2.] 4to. Oxford, 1604, PowEL (Gab.) De Adiaphoris, Theses Theologicae 8vo. 1606. Powell (Edmund). The Law of Inland Carriers. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1861. Powell (Edmund). The Principles and Practice of the Law of Evidence. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1859. Third Edition. i2mo. London, 1868. Fourth Edition. By John Cutler and Edmund Fuller. i2mo. London, 1875. Powell (Jn. Joseph). On the Law of Mortgages. 2 vols. 8vo. 1799. Powell (Jn. Joseph). On the Law of Mortgages. 1826. Powell (Jn. Joseph). On Devises. By Jarman. 8vo. 1827. Powell (Rt.) On Courts Leet. 4to. 1642. 698 Powell, or Powel (Thos., Printer). Attorney's Academy. 4to. 1547. Powell (Thos.) Directions for Search for Records. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1623. Powell (Thomas W.) Analysis of American Law. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. Powell (Vavasor). Common Prayer Book no Divine Service. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 1 66 1. Powell (William). Law List from 1849 to 1858. Power (David). Nisi Prius. See Selwyn, Power (David), Rodwell (Hunter), and Dew (Edward I'Estrange). Reports of Decisions of Committees of the House of Commons in Controverted Elections. 2 vols. i2mo. 1853-1857. Power (David), Rodwell (Hunter), and Dew (Edward I'Estrange). Reports on Criminal Evidence. See Roscoe. Power (Tho.) Translations from Juvenal. In British Poets. Poynet (Jn.) Treatise of PoUtike Power. [Tracts, Vol. 24.] 4to. 1639. PoYNTZ (Robt.) Vindication of Monarchy. 4to. 1661. PozA (Jo. Baptist). Elucidarium Deiparse Virginis Mariae. Folio. Lugd., 1627. Practica e Nova Inventione di fare ogni Sorte di Conto. 8vo. Fior., 16 17. Practical Register of Common Pleas. See Register. Practice Reports. See Lowndes and Cases. Practique Spirituelle d'une Servante de Dieu. 12 mo. Lov., 1584. PRiEFECTUS Nettinus (Jac.) De Vini Natura. With Cenalis. 8vo. Ven., 1599. Pr^etorius (Joach.) Historia Elephanti. With Amelungius. 8vo. Ham,, 1607. Pr^etorius (Jo.) De Cometa Nuperrimb visa. With Locher. 4to. Lips., 1 619. PRiETORius (Steph.) Ordo Studiorum. 8vo. Wit., 1597. Pr^torius (Steph.) Ratio Formandorum Studiorum. i2mo. Witte., 1609. Praissac. Discours Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1622. Prasad (Dhaga). Guide to Legal Translations; or, a Collection of Words and Phrases used in Translation from UrdU into English. 8vo. Benares, 1869. Pratensis (Jason). De Arcenda SteriUtate. 4to. Antw., 1531. 699 Prateolus (Gab.) Elenchus Hsereticorum Omnium. 4to. Colon,, 1605. Prater (Hy.) On the Law of Husband and Wife. [Pamphlets, Vol. 2.] 8vo. 1834. Praxis (Guil. de). Epistola ad Becanum. Svo. 0pp., 161 1. Pratt (F. T.) The Law of Contraband of War. With the Reported Cases to the Present Time, and a Selection of Unreported Cases from the Papers of the late Sir G. Lee. Together with the Foreign Enlistment Acts, and the British and Foreign Proclamations respecting the Observance of Neutrality in the present War in North America. Svo. London, 1861. Pratt (Jn. Tidd). Savings Banks in England, Wales, and Ireland. With the Period of the EstabUshment of each. 4to. 1831. Pratt (Jn. Tidd). Supplement to Bott and Nolan's Poor Laws. Svo. 1833. Pratt (Jn. Tidd). Law of Savings Bank. i2mo. 1836. Pratt (Jn. Tidd). Savings Banks in England, Wales, and Ireland. With the Period of the EstabUshment of each. Svo. 1846. Pratt (Jn. Tidd). On the Law relating to Highways. Svo. 1S48. Pratt (J. T.) Law of Highways. Eleventh Edition. By J. C. S. Kynnersley. Svo. London, 1S70, Pratt (Wm. Tidd). Analytical Digest of Reports of Cases in 1849-1852. Svo. 1S52. Pratt (W. T.) Law relating to Benefit Building Societies. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1865. Pratt (W. Tidd). Friendly Societies, and Industrial and Provident Societies. Seventh Edition. i2mo. London, 1867. Praxis. Almae Curiae Cancellariae. 2 vols. Svo. 1725. Praxis. Bonarum Intentionum, h. Societatis Jesu Patri, i2mo. Col. Ag,, 1620. Prayer and Thanksgiving. Various Forms for Special Occasions. [Tracts, Vol. 15.J 4to. 1625-1640. Prayer, Daily Publick. Use of [Tracts, Vol. 94.] 4to. 1641. Preau (Gab.) See Tyr. Precedents in Chancery. From 16S9 to 1722. Folio. 1733. Predica deir Ammirabile Vocation delle Genti, della Penitentia Christiana. [No Title.] 4to. 700 Prelacy, Unlawfulness and Danger of Limited Prelacy. [Tracts, Vol. 73.] 4to. 1 641. Prelate. Rights of Prelate and Prince. 8vo. 162 1. Prelates, Considerations wherein they acknowledge that they stand by the Mercy of King and Parliament. [Tracts, Vol. 68.] 4to. Prelates, Petition for, Examined. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] Svo. 1641. Prelates. Petition for. Examined. [Tracts, Vol. 71.] Prendergast (Harris). Law relating to Ofificers in the Army. i2mo. 1855. Prendergast (John P.) The Tory War of Ulster. With the History of the Three Brennans of the County of Kilkenny, a.d. 1660-1690. In 2 parts. Part i. [Pamphlet] Svo. DubHn, 1868. Prentice (Sam.) Chitty's Archbold's Practice, Prentice (Sam,) Smith's Action at War. Prentice (Samuel, Q.C.) The Proceedings in an Action in the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Divisions of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. London, 1877. Presbvterial Ordination Vindicated. [Tracts, Vol. 33.] 4to. 1660. Presbyterian Endowments. See Wolverhampton, Presbyteriani Manes. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1661. Presbytery Displayed. [Tracts, Vol. 39.] 4to. 1663. Presbytery. Popish. [Tracts, Vol, 5.] 4to, 1661. Prescott (Wm. Henry). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Svo. 1845. Prescott (Wm. Hy.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. 3 vols. Svo. 1846. Prescott (Wm. Hy.) History of the Conquest of Mexico. With the Life of Hernando Cortes. • 3 vols. Svo. 1S47. Prescott (Wm. Hy.) History of the Conquest of Peru. With a View of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. Svo. 1847. Prescott (Wm, Hy,) History of the Reign of Philip II. of Spain. 2 vols. Svo. 1 85 5. Prescott (Wm. Hy.) History of the Life of Charles V. after his Abdication. With his Reign. By Robertson, 2 vols, Svo, 1857, Preservative to keep a Protestant from becoming a Papist, [Tracts, Vol, 137.] 8vo, Oxf, 1629, 70I Preston (Edward). Unclaimed Money. i6mo. London, 1878. Preston (Jn.) Sermons on the Sacrament. [Tracts, Vol. 93.] 4to. 1 63 1. Preston (Jn.) Saints' Daily Exercise. 4to. 1632. Preston (Jn.) Treatises about Covetousness, Spiritual Death, and Self- Denial. 4to. 1632. Preston (Jn.) Treatise of Mortification. 4to. 1633. Preston (Rd.) Tracts. On Cross Remainders. 8vo. 1797- Preston (Rd.) On Conveyancing. With a view to its Application to Practice. 3 vols. 8vo. 1819. Preston (Rd.) On Estates. With Observations on the QuaUty of Estates. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820. Preston (Rd.) Sheppard's Touchstone. 8vo. Preston (Rd.) On Abstracts of Title. 3 vols. 8vo. 1824. [N.B.— Shelley's Case in Vol. i.] Preston (Thomas). The School Board Guide and Teachers' Manual. Containing the Elementary Education Act, 1870; the New Code, 1871. i2mo. London, 1871. Preston (Thomas). The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873. With Rules of Procedure, arranged for Notes and Ready Reference, Introductory Epitome, and Complete Index. i2mo. London, 1875. Preston (William). Apollonius Rhodius. In British Poets. Preston (Wm. Scott). On the Law of Legacies. 8vo. 1824. Price (Dan.) Defence of Truth against Humph. Leech. 4to. Oxon., 16 10. Price (Dr.) Funeral Sermon on. With Puritanism. 8vo. 1633. Price (F. G. H.) Temple Bar; or, some Account of "ye Marygold," No. I, Fleet Street. 8vo. London, 1875. Price (Geo.) Reports of Cases determined at Law and Equity in the Court of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 54 Geo. III. — 5 Geo. IV. 13 vols. 8vo. 18 16-1828. Price (Geo.) Notes of Practice in the Exchequer. 8vo. 1832. Price (Guil.) Oratio Funebris in laudem D. White. 4to. Oxon,, 1624. Price (John Edward). A Description of the Roman Tessellated Pavement found in Bucklersbury. With Observations on Analogous Discoveries, 4to. Westminster, 1870. 702 Prichard (Iltildus Thomas). The Administration of India from 1859 to 1868. The First Ten Years of Administration under the Crown. 8vo. London, 1869. Pricke (Rt.) Doctrine of Superiority and Subjection. i2mo. 1609. Prideaux (Chs. Grevile). Practical Guide to the Duties of Church- wardens. i2mo. i860. Prideaux (Chs. Grevile) and Cole (H. T.) New Sessions Cases, Vol. 4. 8vo. London, 185 1. Prideaux (Charles Grevile, Q.C.) A Practical Guide to the Duties of Churchwardens in the Execution of their Office. Eleventh Edition. 12 mo. London, 1868. Twelfth Edition. 12 mo. London, 187 1. Thirteenth Edition. i2mo. London, 1875. Prideaux (Frederick) and Whitcombe (John). Precedents in Con- veyancing. With Dissertations on its Law and Practice. Third Edition (Prideaux only), i vol. 8vo. London, 1858. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Eighth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Prideaux (Fred.) Precedents in Conveyancing. 8vo. 1853. Prideaux (Fred.) Law of Judgment and Crown Debts, as they affect Real Property. i2mo. 1845. Prideaux (Humph.) Old and New Testament Connected. 2 vols. Folio. 1 7 19. Prideaux (Humph.) Parish Officers' Guide, Directions to Church- wardens, &c. By Tyrrhitt. 8vo. 1835. / Prideaux (Jo.) Christ's Counsel for ending Law Cases. 4to. 162 1. Prideaux (Jo.) Christian's Farewell Offering. 4to. 162 1. Prideaux (Jo.) Cowrie's Conspiracy. A Sermon. 4to. 1621. Prideaux (Jo.) The Discovery of the Powder Plot. A Sermon. 4to. 162 1, Prideaux (Jo.) Nine Sermons. [Tracts, Vol. i.] 4to. 162 1, Prideaux (Jo.) Doctrine of the Sabbath. [Tracts, Vol. 92.] Prideaux (Jo.) Perez Uzzah. A Sermon. 4to. Oxf., 1625, Prideaux (Jo.) Sermon at the Consecration of St. James's Chapel. 4to. Oxf., 1625. Prideaux (Jo.) De Religionis Capitibus Controversis. 4to. Oxon., 1626. 703 Prideaux (Jo.) Doctrineof the Sabbath. [Tracts, Vol. II.] 4to. 1634. Prieur (Claude), De la Lycanthropie. 8vo. Lon., 1596. Primaudaye (Pierre de la). L'Acad^mie Frangoise de la Philosophic. 8vo. 161 7. Primerose (Gilb.) Jacob's Vow opposed to the Vows of Monks. 4to. 161 7. Prince (Alex.) On Patents. ^Sif*? Billing. Prince (Rt.) See Covent Garden. Prince Edward Island. Acts of Assembly. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834-1845. Prince Edward Island. The Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from the Establishment of the Legislature in the Thirteenth Year of His Majesty King George III., a.d. 1773, to the Thirtieth Year of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, A.D. 1866, inclusive. 7 vols. 8vo. Charlottetown, 1862-1867. Prince's Chronicle. See Brut. Pring (Joseph). Papers and Documents respecting the Choir of Bangor Cathedral. 8vo. Bang., 1819. Prinsep (H. T.) The Code of Criminal Procedure (Act XXV. of 1861), and other Laws and Rules of Practice relating to Procedure in the Criminal Courts of British India. With Notes. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Prinsep (H. T.) Code of Criminal Procedure, British India. Third Edition. 4to. Calcutta, 1869. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873. Prinsep (H. T.) Code of Criminal Procedure (Acts X. of 1872 and XI. of 1874). With Notes. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1875. Prinsep (James). Useful Tables. Part i. Coins, Weights, and Measures of British India. Part 2. Indian Chronological Tables, Chronological and Genealogical Tables. Part 3. A Tabular View of the Generic Characters in Roxburgh's Flora Indica. 8vo. Calcutta, 1 834-1836. Prior (Jn. Venn). On the Construction of Limitations in which the words " Issue" and " Child" occur. 8vo. 1839. .Prior (John and Richard). See Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores. Prior (Herman Ludolphus). Manual of Short Conveyancing. 8vo. 1857. Prior (James). Memoirs of the Life and Character of Edmund Burke, 8vo. 1839. 704 Prior (James). See Goldsmith, Prior (Mat.) In British Poets. Priorata (Gualdo.) History of the Wars, from the King of Sweden's Entry into Germany to the Year 1640, FoHo. London, 1648. Priscianus. See Maittaire. Prise (Jn.) Historias Britannicae Defensio. 4to. 1573. Prises, Codes des, ou Recueil des Edits, Declarations, et Decisions, sur la Course et I'Administration des Prises, depuis 1400 jusqu'a present. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1784. Prisoner's (A) Letters to an M.P. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1646. Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad. Being the Transac- tions of the International Penitentiary Congress, London, 1872. Edited by Edwin Pears, LL.B. London, 1872. Pritchard (Robt. Albion, D.C.L.) and Pritchard (Wm. Tarn). Hand- book on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. 8vo. 1859. Pritchard (Robert A., D.C.L.) and Pritchard (William Tarn), A Digest of the Law and Practice for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, and with reference to Appeals from that Court. With Precedents, including Bills of Costs and Notes. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Third Edition, 8vo. London, 1874. Pritchard (Thomas Sirrel). The Jurisdiction, Practice, and Proce- dure of the Quarter Sessions in Judicial Matters, Criminal, Civil, and Appellate. 8vo, London, 1875, Pritchard (Wm, Tarn), Analytical Digest of Reported Cases determined by the Court of Admiralty. 8vo. 1847. Pritchard (William Tarn). A Digest of the Law and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. With Notes from Text Writers, and the Scotch, Irish, and American Reports. Second Edition, omitting Prize and Slave Cases. By Robert A. Pritchard, D.C.L., and WiUiam Tarn Pritchard. With Notes of Cases from French Maritime Law. By Algernon Jones. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Privy Council. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council, from TO Richard II. to 33 Henry VIIL, 1386-1542. Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. R.C. 7 vols. 8vo. 1834-183 7. Privy Council Appeals. Admiralty, Canada, Channel Islands, Colonial, East India, Adawlut, High Court, Sudder Dewanny, Supreme Court, Ecclesiastical, Isle of Man, Prize. 143 vols. Arranged in Subjects. Folio, 705 Prize Appeals during the American War. 12 vols. Folio. 17 78-1 789. Prize Cause Appeal Cases, 1 794-181 2. 48 vols. Folio. 1794-18 12. Prize. Notifications, Orders, and Instructions relating to Prize Sub- jects during the present War. 8vo. London, 1809. Problemata Collegii Conimbricenses. With Ot. Heurnius. i2mo. Mog., 1 60 1. Problemata Varia et Miscellanea. 8vo. 1630. Probus (Aim.) See Nepos. Proceedings in Chancery, temp. Q. Elizabeth. See Record Commis- sion Publications. 3 vols. Folio. 1827-1832. Proclus. Enarrationes in Ptolemaeum de Judiciis Astrorum. Folio. Basil, 1559. Proclus. See Bainbridge. Procopius Caesariensis. Historia Justiniani Augusti, ct aliorum. 8vo. Lugd., 1594. Procopius Csesariensis. Opera. See Corpus Byzantinse Historise. Procopius Caesariensis. See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores, and Muratori : Rerum Italicarum Scriptores. Professional Remuneration. Report upon Professional Remuneration. By the Society for Amending the Law. 8vo. 1858. Progenie of Catholicks and Protestants. By N.N. 4to. Rouen, 1633. Promissiones et Prgedictiones per Spiritum Sanctum. With Div. Claudian. 4to. Basil, 1538. Promptuarium Iconura Regum, ab Adamo usque ad Catharinam de Medicis. 4to. [No Title-page.] Propertius (Sextus Aurelius). See Maittaire. Propertius (Sextus Aurelius). See Valpy. Property Act, 43 George III., c. 150. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1803. Prophetiarum Revelationumque Liber. 8vo. Propos Memorables des Nobles et Illustres Hommes de Chriestient^. i2mo. Rouen. Propositiones Selectse in tota Mathematica. [Tracts, Vol. 106.] 4to. Muss., 1629. Prosperis (Joseph de). De Territorio Separato. Folio. Rom., 17 12. Prosperis (Joseph de). Decisiones Rotse Romanse. Folio. Rom., 1712. (45) 7o6 Protestants. The Reformed Protestant, tending directly to Atheism. 8vo. Protestants. Protestant's Letter to his Brother, a Papist. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 1603. Protestants. Overthrow of the Protestants' Pulpit Babels, &c. By J. R. 4to. 161 2. Protestants. Demonstration that they have neither True Bishops, Priests, nor none but Laymen. i2mo. Douay, 161 6. Protestants. English Protestant's Recantation. 8vo. 161 7. Protestants. Of the Author and Substance of the Protestant Church. By R. S. 8vo. 1621. Protestants (EngUsh). Plea for English Priests. [Tracts, Vol. 138.] 8vo. 1621. Protestants. Nonentity of Protestancy. 8vo. 1633. Protestants (Free). Complaint to Parliament. With their Resolution. [Tracts, Vol. 37.] 4to. Oxf., 1642. Protestants' Religion. Mystery of Iniquity working against. [Tracts, Vol. 40.] 4to. 1643. Protestants' Religion. Danger of the. [Tracts, Vol. 168.] 8vo. 1 701. Prototype de I'Art Chdmique. 8vo. Paris, 1635. Provident Counsellor's Companion. [Tracts, Vol. 121.] 4to. Hag., 162 1. Provinces Unies, les, Religion, et Privileges Maintenues par la Guerre. [Tracts, Vol. 122.] 4to. Midd., 1631. Prudentius (Aur. Clemens). See Maittaire. Prudentius (Aur. Clemens). See Valpy. Prussia Ducatus Jus Provinciale. Folio. 1620. Pryce (William). Archseologia Cornu-Britannica ; or, an Essay to Preserve the Antient Cornish Language. Containing the Rudi- ments of the Dialect in a Cornish Grammar and Cornish-English Vocabulary. 4to. Sherborne, 1790. Prvnne (Wm.) Survey of Dr. Cosin's Couzening Devotions. [Tracts, Vol. 46.] 4to. 1628. Prynne (Wm.) Survey of Cosin's Couzening Devotions. 1628. Prynne (Wm.) Anti-Arminianism. 4to. 1630. 707 / Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) Soveraigne Power of Parliaments. 4to. Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship Money. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1643. 4to. 1647. 4to. 1660. Prynne (Wm.) Opening of the Great Seale of England. Prynne (Wm.) Popish Royall Favourite. Prynne (Wm.) Rome's Masterpiece. Prynne (Wm.) Doome of Cowardisse and Treachery. . Prynne (Wm.) Antidote to Prevent Civil Wars. Prynne (Wm.) Levellers Levelled. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] Prynne (Wm.) Theological and Legal Queries. Prynne (Wm.) Subjection of Ireland to the Laws in England. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1658. Prynne (Wm.) Case of the Old Members. 4to. 1660. Prynne (Wm.) Vindication of the Old Members. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. 1659. Prynne (Wm.) Theological and Legal Queries. Prynne (Wm.) Signal Loyalty of God's Saints. [Tracts, Vol. 25.] 4to. 1660. Authority of Christian Kings over Prelates. [Tracts, 4to. 1660. Catalogue of his Printed Books and Papers. 4to. 1660. Minors no Senators. 4to. 1661. Vindication of Old Members. [Tract.] On the Fourth Part of Coke's Institutes. Folio. 1669. Exact Chronology, Vindication, and Demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and English Kings' Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, to the Death of Henry III. 2 vols. Folio. 1666, Prynne (Wm.) Vol. 46.] Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) Prynne (Wm.) History of King John, Henry III., and Edward I. Folio. 1670. Prynne (Wm.) Perpetuity of a Regenerate Man's Estate. [No Title.] 4to. Prynne (Wm.) See Cotton. PsALMi Davidici ad Certas Orationum Classes Reducti. [Tracts, Vol. 144.] 8vo. Vien., 1623. PsALMODiA Practica, Argumenta, Petitiones, et Usum Psalmorum Davidicorum Comprehendens. i2mo. Ingol., 1625. 7o8 PsALMORUM Enarrationes. [No Title.] 8vo. PsALTERiUM Davidici {Lat.) Cum Scholiis Wil. Damasi ct aliorum. 4to. PsEAUMES de David. See Beze and Marot. PsELLUS (Mich. Const.) Arithmetica, Musica, et Geometria. 8vo. Fran., 1592. PxoLEMiEUS (Claud.), Ptolemy. Opera Omnia (Geographia Excepta) {Latinl) Folio. Basil, 1541. Ptolem^us (Claud.), Ptolemy. Geographise Enarrationes. Folio. Nor., 1524. PxoLEMiEUS (Claud.), Ptolemy. De Judiciis Astrologicis. Cum Notis Joach. Camerarii. 4to. Norim., 1535. Ptolem^us (Claud.), Ptolemy. See Bainbridge. PucciNELLi (Placid.) Delia Fede e Nobilita del Notario. 4to. Milan, 1654. Puccini (Vine.) Vita della Madre Suor Maria Maddalena de Pazzi. 4to. Fior., i6og. Puccini (Vine.) Vita della Madre Suor Maria Madalena de Pazzi. {English). 8vo. 16 19. PucHTA (G. F.) Cursus der Institutionen. Sechste und vermehrte Auflage von Dr. Rudorff. 3 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1865, 1866. PucHTA (G. F.) Pandekten. Zehute Auflage von Dr. Rudorff. Svo. Leipzig, 1866. PuFENDORF, or Puffcudorf (Sam.) De Jure Naturae, et Gentium. 4to. 1672. PuFENDORF, or Puffendorf (Sam.) De Jure Naturse, et Gentium. With Jn. Barbyrac's Notes. Translated by Basil Kennet. Folio. 1 7 1 7. PuFENDORF, or Puffendorf (Sam.) De Jure Nature, et Gentium {French). 2 vols. 4to. 1759. PuFENDORF, or Puffcndorf (Sam.) Introduction to the History of Europe. By de la Martiniere and Sayer. 2 vols. Svo. 1764. PuFENDORF (Samucl). De officio Hominis et Civis. London, 167S. PuGHE (William Owen). Welsh and English Dictionary. 2 vols. Svo. Denbigh, 1832. PuGLisi (Giuseppe Carnazza). II Diritto Commerciale secondo il Codice di Commercio del regno d'ltalia. 2 vols. Svo. Milano, 1868. 709 PuGSLEY (William, A.B.) Cases determined by the Supreme Court of New Brunswick in Hilary Term, xxxv. Vict., 1872, to Michaelmas Term, xl. Vict, 1876. 3 vols. 8vo. St. John, N.B., 1874-1877. PuGSLEY (William, A.B.) and Burbidge (George, W., A.M.) Cases determined in the Supreme Court of New Brunswick in Hilary Term, xl. Vict., to Hilary Term, xlii. Vict, 1879. Vol. I, 5 parts. I Vol. 2, 4 parts. 8vo. Toronto, 187 7-1 87 9. PuLGAR (Hern. de). Coplas de Mingo Revulgo Glosadas. With Lopes: Proverbios. i2mo. Anvers, 1594. Puller (Chs.) Reports. See Bosanquet. Pulling (Alex.) Laws, Customs, Regulations, and Usages of the City and Port of London. 8vo. 1849. Supplement. 8vo. 1849. Pulling (Alex.) The Law of Attorneys and Solicitors. i2mo. 1854. Pulling (Alexander). Proposal for Amending the Law affecting Juries and Jurymen. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1863. Pulling (Alexander). Summary of the Law and Practice relating to Attorneys, general and special ; Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors, Notaries, Proctors, Conveyancers, Scriveners, Land-agents, and House-agents, and the Oflfices and Appointments usually held by them. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Pulling (Alexander). Crime and Criminals ; is the Gaol the only Preventative? [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1863. Pulling (Alexander). Our Law reporting System ; cannot its Evils be prevented? [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1863. Pulman (John). The Anti-State Church Association and the Anti- Church Rate League Unmasked. An Exposure of the Fallacies and Misrepresentations contained in Mr. E. Miall's "Title Deeds of the Church of England to her Parochial Endowments." i2mo. London, 1864. Pulman (John). On the Concurrent Jurisdiction of the Civil with the Ecclesiastical Courts of this Land to Inquire, Hear, Determine, and Punish Clergymen who have offended against the Rubrics, &c., of the Church of England and Ireland. [Pamphlet, 22 pages.] i2mo. London, 1867. Pulpit Conceptions, Popular Deceptions. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4to. 1662. 7IO PuLSiFER (Josiah D.) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1875. [Vol. 65, Maine Reports.] 8vo. Portland, 1876. Pulton (Ferd.) Calendar ; or, Abridgment of the Statutes. Folio. 1608. Pulton (Ferd.) De Pace Regis et Regni. Folio. 1609. Pulton (Ferd.) Collection of Statutes. With Notes. Folio. 1640. PuRBACH (Geo.) See Nonius in Theorias Planetarum. PURBiLiARUM (Jacobus Comcs). De Re Militari. With Corn, Agrippa : de Beata Anna. 8vo. Argent., 1527. PuRCHAS (Sam.) Pilgrims. Containing Voyages to the remotest Parts of the known World. Folio. 1625. PuRCHAS (Sam.) Pilgrimage ; or, Relations of the World, and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places. Folio. 1626. PuRD AY (Charles H.) Copyright. i2mo. London, 1877. PuRDON (John). A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700 to July loth, 1872. Tenth Edition. By Frederick C. Brightly. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. Purgatorie's Triumph over Babel. [Tracts, Vol. 2.] 4to. 1613. Puritanism the Mother, Sin the Daughter. 8vo. 1633. Puritanism. Discourse concerning Puritans. [Tracts, Vol. 68,] 4to. 1 641. PuRPURATUS (Joan Franc.) Consilia, 2 vols. Folio. Venet., 1579. PuRY (Tho.) Speech upon Deans and Chapters. [Tracts, Vol. 48.] 4to. Puteanus (Erycius). Le Comus ou Banquet Dissolu des Cimmeriens. 1 2 mo. Paris, 16 13, Puteanus (Erycius), De Cometa, 16 18. 8vo. Col., 16 19. Puteanus (Erycius). De Assumptione Virginis Matris. 8vo, Lov., 1620. Puteanus (Erycius). Circulus Urbanianus. [Tracts, Vol. 66.] 4to. Lov., 1622. Puteanus (Erycius). Historia Insubrica. 8vo. Oxon., 1634, Puteanus (Guil,) Defensio Jo. Mesne. 8vo. Lugd., 1537. PuTEG (Paris k). De Reintegratione Feudorum, Folio, Neap., 1544. Puteg (Zach. k). Officina Chymica. 4to. Van., 161 1. PuTEUs (Jac.) Decisiones. Folio. Venet, 16 10, 711 Putnam (Jn. Phelps). See U.S. Digest and Supplement. Pycroft (J. W.) Arena Cornubiae ; or, the Claims to the Sea-coasts, &c., in Cornwall, and Devon examined, 4to. 1856. Pycroft (J. W., F.S.A.) The Oxford University Commission. A Letter addressed to Sir Robert Harry Inglis. Second Edition. i2mo. London, 1851. Pycroft (J. W., F.S.A.) A Letter addressed to the Venerable Prin- cipal of St. Mary Magdalen Hall, John Macbride, Esq., D.C.L., F.S.A. [Pamphlet, privately printed.] i2mo. 1864. Pycroft (J. W., F.S.A.) Correspondence with the Right Hon. Spencer H. Walpole, M.P., in reference to Mr. Pycroft's Claims on the Bishops' Trusts Substitution Act, 1858. [Pamphlet, privately printed.] i2mo. 1864. Pycroft (J. W., F.S.A.) The Bishop of Oxford's Bishops' Trusts Substitution Act, Session 1858. A Correspondence with the President of St. John's (Baptist) College, Dr. Winter. [Pamphlet, privately printed.] i2mo. 1864. Pye (Henry James). Translation of Pindar. In British Poets. Pym (John). Speech in Guildhall. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. i6'42. Pym (John). Discovery of a Great Plot against London. 4to. 1643. Pym (John). Speech at a Common Hall. 4to. 1643. Pyrard (Fran.) Voyage des Fran5ois aux Indes Orientales. 8vo. Paris, 161 1. Pythagoras. See Poetse Minores. 712 QUADUS (Mat.) Compendium Universi, complectens Geographiae Enarrationes, 8vo. Co. Ar., 1600. ' Qu^RENGUS (Flav.) Institutionum Moralium Epitome. 8vo. Lu. Ba., 1639. Qu^RENGUS (Flav.) De Genere Dicendi Philosophorum. 8vo. Lu. Ba., 1639. QUiESTiONUM Politicarum Centuria. With Beringerus. Svo. Jen., 1620. Quakers. Call to come to the Way of the Quakers. [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to. 1670. Quakers. Relation of Sufferings inflicted on Quakers. [Tracts, Vol. 32.] 4to. 1670. Quarterly Review. [Continued.] 154 vols. Svo. 1809-1879. QuATTRANi DA GuBBio (Evang.) Dichiaratione delle Matafore, de gli Alchimisti. 4to. Rome, 1587. Quebec. Manual of Procedure. See Wotherspoon, Quebec, Canada. Statutes, 1868, 1869, 1870. Svo. Quebec, 186S-1870. Quebec Digest to 1877. By C. H. Stephens, D.C.L. 9 vols. Queen's Bench Reports. 18 vols. See Adolphus and Ellis. New Series. Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army. Horse Guards, War Office, 31st December, 1875. Small 4to. London. Queensland, Australia. Acts of Parliament. Folio. Brisbane, 1S60. Queensland. Acts of Parliament of, 25 Vict. 1861. Queensland. Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland to the Present Time. [Published by Authority.] Edited by Robert Pringle. 2 vols. Svo. Brisbane, 1862, 1863. Queensland. Statutes of the Colony of Queensland, 27 & 28 Vict. [Published by Authority.] Edited by Robert Pringle. Vol. 3. Svo. Brisbane, 1864. Acts of Queensland, 1867, 1872-1S76. Folio. Brisbane, 1867, 1S72-1S76. Querard (J. M.) Les Supercheries Ddvoilees. Troisieme Edition. Par M. Olivier Barbier. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1869, 1S70. 713 QuERCETANUS (Joscph). Du Chcsnc. Responsio ad Aubertum. 8vo. Lugd., 1575. QuERCETANUs (Joseph). Du Chesne. De Medicamentorum Spagyrica Preparatione. 8vo. Lugd., 1575. QuERCETANUs. Le Pourtraict de la Santd 8vo. Paris, 1606, QuERCETANUS. Dictetycon Polyhistoricon. Svo. Paris, 1606. QUERCETANUS. Pharmacopeia Dogmaticorum Restituta. 4to. Paris, 1607. QUERCETANUS. Responsio ad Veritatem Hermeticse Medicinse. Svo. Fran., 1609. QuESTiONES Rares et Curieuses Thdologiques, Naturelles, Politiques. Svo. Paris, 1630. QuESTiONES Inoyes, ou R^creationes des Scavans. Svo. Paris, 1634. QuESTiONES d'Amour, Naturelles, Morales et Politiques. Svo. Rouen. QuEVEDO (Fran. de). Politica de Dios, Govierno de Christo, Tirania de Satanas. Svo. Pamp., 1626. QuEVEDO (Fran. de). Suenos y Discursos. Svo. Rouen, 1629. QuEVEDO (Fran. de). Vida del Buscon. Svo. Rouen, 1629. QuEVEDO (Fran. de). Vida del Buscon. With Suares : Passagero. Svo. Ven., 1634. QuEVEDO (Fran. de). Visions. Svo. Paris, 1634. QuiNCY (Josiah, Jun.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Superior Court of Judicature of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1772. With an Appendix upon the Writs of Assurance. Svo. Boston, 1865. QuiNNUs (Gualt.) Corona Virtutum Principe Dignarum. Svo. 1613. QuiNONES (Juan de). Tratado de las Langostas. 4to. QuiNTESSENTiA Magistralis. i2mo. Lot., 1614. QuiNTiLiANi (M. Fabii). De Institutione Oratoria libri duodecim, ad Codicum veterum fidem recensuit et annotatione explanavit Georg. Ludovicus Spalding, A.M. 6 vols. Svo. Lipsiae, 179S-1S34. QuiNTiLiANUS (Marc. Quintus). Institutiones Oratoriae. 4to. Ven., 152 1. QuiNTiLiANUS (Marc. Quintus). Declamationes et Institutiones, cura Pet. Burmanni. 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1720. 714 QuiNTiLio (Alex.) Relacion de la Quinta Essencia del Oro. [Tracts, Vol. 6 1.] 4to. Mad., 1609. QuiR (Ferd. de). Narratio Australise Incognitse. With Hudson! Fretus. 4to. Amst., 161 2. Quixote (Don). Translated by Chs. Jarvis. 3 vols. 8vo. 1837. Quixote (Don). See Cervantes. 715 RABANUS Maunis. De Sacramento Eucharistiae. 8vo. Colon., 1551. Rabanus Maurus. De Institutione Clericorum. 4to. Phor., 1605. Racine (Jean). OEuvres. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond,, 1782. Raconis (Abr. de). La Confession du Foy des Ministres percde k Jour, et son Bouclier mis en Pieces ; centre du Moulin. Svo. Paris, 1620. Raderus (Mat.) Petri Canisii Vita. Svo. Mon., 16 14. Radford (Jn.) Directory to the Truth against the Heresies of this Time. Svo. 1605. RiEMOUND (Florimond de). L' Antichrist. Svo. Lyon, 1597. R^MUNDUS. Proverbia, et Philosophia Amoris. 4to. 15 16. RiEVARDUS (Jas.) Opera Juridica. SvOi Franc, 1601. Raguseius (Geo.) Epistolae de Divinatione. Svo. Par., 1623. Raie (C.) Gemitus Plebis, [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1646. Raikes (Hy.) Sketch of the English Constitution. 2 vols. Svo. 185 1. Railway and Canal Cases adjudged in the Courts of Law and Equity, 1835-1854. 7 vols. Svo. 1840-1855. Raimondi (Eugenio). II Dottissimo Passetempo. Svo. Ven., 1630. Raimondo (Han.) Opera d'Onomandia. 4to. Ven., 1540. Raine (James, M.A.) Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. See Brit., Gt., No. 60. 1S73. Raine (James, M.A.) Historians of the Church of York and its Arch- bishops. 6"^^ Brit,, Gt, No. 71. ' 1879. Raine (Rev, John, M.A.) The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in the Counties of Nottingham and York. With Intro- duction, Notes, and Appendix of Documents. 4to. Westminster, iS6o. Raines (F. R.) See Chetham Society's Publications, Nos. S, 14, 3.1, 45. 57. 59. 75, 81, 82. Raineval (Ch. de). Destruction de Babylon. [Tracts, Vol. 139.] Svo. 1 6 18, 7i6 Rainoldes (John). De Romanae Ecclesise Idololatria. 4to. Oxon., 1596. Rainoldes (John). Conference with Hart. 4to. 1609. Rainoldes (John). Defence of the Reformed Churches about Adultery. [Tracts, Vol. 19.] 4to. 1609. Rainoldes (John). Censura Librorum Apocryphorum Veteris Testa- menti. 2 vols. 4to. Oppen., 161 1. Rainoldes (John). Orationes, de Militari Gloria. [Tracts, Vol. 152.] 8vo. Oxon., 1 6 14. Rainoldes (John). Judgment concerning Episcopacy. [Tracts, Vol. 42.] 4to. 1641. Raithby (John). Index to the Statutes from Magna Charta to 49th of George III. Raleigh (Sir Walter). Works. 8 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1829. Ralph (Jas.) History of England, Charles II. to George I. 2 vols. Folio. 1744. Ram (Jas.) On Assets, Debts, and Incumbrances. Svo. 1833. Ram (James). The Science of Legal Judgment. A Treatise designed to show the Materials whereof, and the Process by which, the Courts of Westminster Hall construct their Judgments. 8vo. London, 1834. Rambaud (Hon.) La Declaration des Abus en Escrivant. Svo. Lyon, 1578. Ramesiensis Historia. See Gale. Ramigny (Ramael Triel de). La Vive Image de ITmpiet^ Calvinienne. Svo. Tur., 1622. Ramirez (Lor.) Consejo y Consejero de Principes. Folio. Mad., 161 7. Ramon. Letter to his Wife. [Tracts, Vol. 98.] 4to. 1603. Ramos (Jo. Fran.) Tribonianus. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1728. Ramsay (T. K.) Index to Reported Cases in Lower Canada, in the Reports of Pyke, Stuart, Revue de Legislation, Law Reporter, Lower Canada Reports, &c., to January 1864. Svo. Quebec, 1S65. Ramus (Pet.) Arithmetica. 4to. Par., 1555. Ramus (Pet.) De Religione Christiana, cum Vita k Theoph. Ranosio. Svo. Fran., 1577. Ramus (Pet.) Geometria, cum Praelectionibus Rud. Snellii. Svo. Fran., 1596. 717 Ramus (Pet.) Arithmetica, a Willeb. Snellio. 8vo. Ant., 1613. Ramusio (Gio. Bat.) Navigation! et Viaggi. 3 vols. Folio. Ven., 1563. Ranchinius (Guil.) Edictum Perpetuum Adrianeum. 8vo. Parm., 1782. Ranf (C. C.) Inscriptions Runiques du Sleswig Meridional. Publiees par la Socidte Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Svo. Copenhague, 1861. Ranger (Phil.) Almanacke for 1628. 8vo. Ranke (Leop.) History of the Popes in the i6th and 17th Centuries. Translated by Wm. Keating Kelly. 8vo. Ranke (Leopold). Englische Geschichte vornehmlich im sechszehnten und siebzehnten yahrhundert. 6 vols, 8vo. Berlin, 1859-1866. Rantzovius (Hen.) De Conservanda Valetudine. With Paracelsus : de Medicina. 8vo. Lips,, 1576. Rantzovius (Hen.) Catalogus Illustrium Virorum, qui Artem Astrolo- gicam Ornarunt, 8vo, Ant,, 1580, Rantzovius (Hen,) Catalogus Illustrium Virorum, qui Artem Astrolo- gicam Ornarunt, 4to, Lips,, 1584. Rantzovius (Hen.) De Gemmis. 4to. Lips., 1585. Rantzovius (Hen.) Genealogia Rantzoviana. With Ex Polybio Liber. 4to. Lips,, 1585. Rantzovius (Hen.) Calendarium Romanura, With Cagnatus : in Hippocraten, 4to, Wil,, 1593, Rantzovius (Hen.) Commentarius Belgicusj Praecepta, Concilia, Stratagemata Pugnse Complectens. 4to. Fran., 1595. Rao (Cses.) Trattati de i Meteori, 4to, Ven,, 1582, Rapin de Thoyras (Ren,) History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Revolution in 1688, By Tindal, 5 vols. Folio, 1732, Raptio Tatio : the Mirrour of His Majesty's Government, [Tracts, Vol, 117,] 4to, 1604. Rask (Erasmus). Anglo-Saxon Grammar. By B. Thorpe. 8vo, Copen,, 1830. Raspergerus (Christoph. ) Catholica de Librorum Canonicorum Numero, Authoritate, et Interpretatione, Explicatio, 4to, Ing,, 1572. Raspergerus (Christoph.) Interpretationes Christi verborum. Hoc est corpus meum. 4to. 1577. 7i8 Rastall (Jn.) Tables to the Grand Abridgment. [Imperfect.] Folio. 1517. Rastall (Jn.) Confutation of Juell's Sermon at Paul's Cross. 8vo, Antw., 1564. Rastall (Jn.) Reply against the false-named Defence of the Truth. By Jn. Rastall. 8vo. Antw., 1565. Rastall (Wm.) Collection of Entries, Declarations, &c. Folio. 1596. Rastall (Wm.) Collection of Statutes from Magna Charta to the 7th of James I. Folio. i6n. Rastall (Wm.) See Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. Rastell (Jn.) Pastime of the People, or Chronicles. 4to. 181 1. Ratisbonensi in Conventu Protocollum Consultationum. [Tracts, Vol. 120.] 4to. 1630. Rattigan (W. H.) Select Cases in Hindu Law, decided by Her Majesty's Privy Council and the Superior Courts in India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lahore, 187 1. Rattigan (W. H., M.A., Ph.D.) De Jure Personarum, on the Roman Law of Persons. 8vo. London, 1873. Rattigan (W. H.) Hindu Law of Adoption. 8vo. London, 1873. Rattus (Thom.) Decisiones Rotse Romanse, cum Indice. 4 vols. Folio. Rom., 1749. Raudensis (Alex.) De Analogis, Univocis et ^quivocis. Folio. Venet., 1587. Rauter. Code General de Commerce Allemand (Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch). [Pamphlet, 22 pages.] 8vo. Paris, n.d. Ravellin (Fr.) Ars Memorise. [Tracts, Vol, 156,] Svo. Franc, 161 7. Ravestein (Le Sieur de). Discours Militaires. Svo. Arra., 1596. Ravoire (Paul de la). Remonstrance tr^s humble de Ravoire. 4to. Leyd., 16 17. Ravoire (Paul de la). Esclaircissement des Fraudes des Chartreux. 4to. Haye, 1618. Rawle (Wm.) A View of the Constitution of the United States of America. 8vo. Phil., 1829. Rawle (William, Jun.), Penrose (Charles B.), and Watts (Frederick). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1829-1830. Second Edition. Vol. i. Svo. Philadelphia, 1843. 719 Rawle (William Henry). Equity in Pennsylvania. A Lecture delivered before the Law Academy of Philadelphia, February ii, 1868. With an Appendix, being the Registrar's Book of Governor Keith's Court of Chancery. 8vo. Philadelphia, i868. Rawle (William, Jun.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, December Term 1828 to April 1835. With Notes referring to Cases in the subsequent Reports by WilUam Wynne Wister, Jun. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. Rawle (William Henry). On the Law of Covenants for Title. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Rawley (Wm.) Resuscitation of Bacon's Civil, Historical, Philosophi- cal, and Theological Works. Folio. 1657. Rawlin (Wm.) Laws of Barbadoes. Folio. 1699. Rawlins (Ant. Hart). General Orders in Chancery. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 183 1. Rawlinson (Christopher). The Municipal Corporation Act, 5 and 6 Will. IV., c. 76 ; and the Acts since passed for amending the same, and otherwise in relation to Municipal Corporations. With Notes and References to the Cases thereon, and an Appendix of Statutes. First Edition. 8vo. London, 1842. Second Edition. By W. N.Welsby. i2mo. London, 1850. Fourth Edition. By W. N. Welsby. i2mo. London, 1863. Fifth Edition. By Thomas Geary. i2mo. London, 1868. Sixth Edition. By Thomas Geary. i2mo. London, 1874. Rawnsley (R. Drummond). Christian Diligence. A Sermon after the Funeral of Joseph Phillimore. [Pamphlets, Vol. 8.] 8vo. 1855. Ray (John), Wray, or Raius. Historia Plantarum. 2 vols. Folio. 1686. Ray (John). Collection of Proverbs. Ray (John). English Words not generally used. 8vo. 1768. Ray (John). English Words not generally used. 8vo. 1768. Ray (J.) On the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1853. Raymarus (Nic.) Fundamentum Astronomicum. 4to. Arg., 1588. Raymond (Sir Tho.) Reports, temp. Car. II. Folio. 1696. 720 I Raymond (Rt, Lord). Reports of Cases in the King's Bench and \ Common Pleas, William III. — George II. 2 vols. Folio. 1743 ( Raymond (Sir Tho.) Entries, &c. By Geo. Wilson. Folio. 1765 Raymond (Lord). Reports and Entries in the King's Bench and Common Pleas in the Reigns of William, Anne, George I. and II Fourth Edition. By T. Baily. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1790 Raymundinum Opusculum de auditu Kabbalistico. With Scarmi lionus. 8vo. 1601 Raynaldus (Jo. Dom.) Observationes Criminales, Civiles, et Mixtse. 2 vols. Folio. Ven., 1699 Raynaud (Theoph.) Theologia Naturalis. 4to. Lugd., 1622 Raynaud (Theoph.) Idiota Sapiens. 24mo. Lugd., 1634 Rayner (John). Cases concerning Tithes. 3 vols. 8vo. 1783 Raza, de Pestilentia. Per Jo. Guinterium. With Trallianus. 8vo. Arg., 1549 Razilli (Sieur de). Voyages d'Affrique, 1629 et 1630. 8vo. Paris, 1632 Razzi (Silv.) Delia Economia Christiana, e Civile. 8vo. Fior., 1568 Razzi (Silv.) Miracula della Virgine Maria. 8vo. Ven., 1590 Re, Della Souvrana Giuridittione de Re sopra la Politia della Chiesa, 8vo. Par., 1625 Re. Delia Souvrana Giuridittione de Re Sopra la Politia della Chiesa, [Tracts.] Reader (The). A Review of Literature, Science, and Art, January 1863 to December 1864. Vols. 1-4. Folio.^ London, 1863, 1864. Real Presence. Plea for the Real Presence. By J. O. [Tracts, Vol. 138.] 8vo. 1624. Real Property Commissioners, First and Second Report of, 1828 and 1 83 1. [Parliamentary Papers, Vol, 59, C. and D,] 2 vols. Folio, 1828-1831. Rebels, Discovery of certain Observations concerning the Rebels, [Tracts, Vol. 20.] 4to, 1659. Rebels' Plea; or, Baxter's Judgment on the late Wars. 4to. 1660. Rebels. The Grand Rebels Detected. [Tracts, Vol. 5.] 4to. 1661. Reboul, I'Apostat, ou il est Traite de la Nature de la Foy CathoHque et de I'Apostasie des Ministres. 8vo. Lyon, 1604. Rebuffus (Pet.) Ad Pendectas Explicatio. Folio. Lugd., 1589. 721 Rebuffus (Pet.) Praxis Beneficiorum. Folio. Lugd., 1590. Rebuffus (Pet.) De Verborum Significatione (cum Vita ejus). Folio. Lugd., 1 6 14. Rebuffus (Pet.) Repetitiones Variae. Folio. Lugd., 161 5. Rebuffus (Pet.) Responsa, &c. Folio. Lugd., 1618. Rebuffus (Pet.) Tractatus Varii. Folio. Lugd., 161 9. Rebuffus (Pet. et And.) Praxis Beneficiorum. 1620. Rebuffus (Pet.) In Constitutiones Regias Commentarius. Folio. Amst, 1668. Rechperger (Guil.) Astrolabium. 4to. Au. Vi., 1611. Records. Report of the Lords Committees appointed by the House of Lords to view and consider the Public Records. As also in what manner and place the same are now kept. Svo. London, 17 19. Records. Letters from Eminent Historical Writers relating to the Record Commission. Svo. 1836. Records. Papers relating to the Commission. 8vo. 1837. Records. Papers relating to the Commission. Svo. 1837. Records (Public). Index to. (Strachey.) Svo. London, 1739. Records (Public). Reports from Commissioners on Public Records. 2 vols. Folio. 1800-1812. Records (Public). Reports from Commissioners on. Folio. 1836. Records (Public). The First to the Thirtieth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. With Appendixes. vols. Folio. London, 1840- 1860. Vol. I. First to Third Reports. With Appendixes and Indexes to the Three First Reports. Vol. 2. Fourth to Sixth Report. With Appendixes and Indexes to the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Reports. Vol. 3. Seventh to Ninth Report. With Appendixes and Indexes to the Seventh and Eighth Reports. Vol. 4. Tenth to Twenth-second Reports. With Appendixes. Vols. 5-1 1, Twenty-third to Fortieth Reports. 14 vols. Svo. 1861-1879. Record Commission Publications. Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints, A.D. 1 466-1 494. Edited by F. Thomson. Folio. Edinburgh, 1S39. Acts of the Lords of the Council in Civil Causes, a.d. 1478- 1495. Edited by F. Thomson. FoUo. Edinburgh, 1S39. (46) 722 Record Commission Publications — continued. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, a.d. i 124-1707. Edited by F. Thomson and C. Innes. II vols. Folio. Edinburgh, 1 844-1 874. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from ^thelbirht to Cnut. With an English Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's ; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry L Also Munimenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the Seventh to the Tenth Century, and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With a compendious Glossary, &c. Edited by B. Thorpe. Folio. London, 1840. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales. Comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howell the Good, modified by subsequent Regulations under the Native Princes prior to the Conquest by Edward I. ; and anomalous Laws consist- ing principally of Institutions, which by the Statute of Ruddlan were admitted to continue in force. With an English Translation of the Welsh Text. To which are added a few Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. With Indexes and Glossaries. Edited by Aneurin Owen. Folio. London, 1841. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem sive Escaetarum, temp. Reg. Hen. HI. ad Ric. HI. ; cum Appendice de quamplurimis aliis inquisitionibus a regno Hen. HI., usque Jac. I. nuper repertis. Edited by J. Caley. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1 806-1 828. Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum, temp. Reg. loan ad Hen. VI. Edited by J. Caley. Folio. London, 1803. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi. With Indexes by S. Ayscough. FoHo. London, 1802. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. To which are prefixed F.xamples of earlier Proceedings of that Court, namely, from the Reign of Richard II. to that of Queen Elizabeth, inclusive, from the Originals in the Tower. Edited by J. Bailey. 3 vols. FoHo. London, 1827-1832. See also Kalendars. 723 Record Commission Publications — continued. Catalogue of the Manuscripts on the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. By Joseph Planter. Folio. London, 1802. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum, With Indexes of Places, Persons, and Matters. Edited by H. Wanley, D. Casley, Rev. R. Nares, and others. Index by the Rev. J. H. Home. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1808-18 12. Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum. In 2 parts. With Indexes and Preface. By Sir Henry Ellis. Folio. London, 1812-1819. Documents illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, and edited by Henry Cole. Folio. London, 1844. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, and the Transactions between the Crowns of Scotland and England, preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1837. Domesday Book. Seu Liber Censualis Wilhelmi primi Regis Anglias, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Weotmonasterii asservatus. Edited by A. Farley. 2 vols. Folio. 1783. Domesday Book. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday Book Indices. Accessit Dissertatio generalls de ratione hujusce Libri. By Sir H. Ellis. Folio. London, 18 16. Domesday Book. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday Book Additamenta ex codicis antiquissimis Exon., Domesday. Inquisitio Eliensis. Liber Winton. Boldon Book. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. Folio. London, 18 16. Ducatus Lancastriae. See Lancaster. Ellis (Sir Henry). A General Introduction to Domesday Book. Accompanied by Indexes of the Tenants in Chief, and Under Tenants at the time of the Survey, as well as of the Holders of Lands mentioned in Domesday anterior to the formation of that Record. With an Abstract of the Population of England at the close of the Reign of William the Conqueror, so far as the same is actually entered. Illustrated by numerous Notes and Comments. 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1833, 724 Record Commission Publications — continued. Fines, sive Pedes Finium ; sive Finis Concordiae in Curia Domini Regis 7 Ric. I. — 16 Joh., a.d. 1195-1215. Edente Jos. Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-1844. Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London, To which is added an Itinerary of King John. With prefatory Observations. Svo. London, 1835. Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatum, quae in Publicis Archivis Scotise adhuc servantur, Abbreviatio. From about 1546 to the end of the XVH. Century. Edited by T. H. Thomson. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1811-1816. Inquisitionum in officio Rotulorum Cancellariae Hiberniae asservatorum Repertorium. Edited by James Hardman. 2 vols. Folio. Dublin, 1826-18 2 9. Ireland. See Liber Munerum Publicorum. Kalendars (The Ancient), and Inventories of the Treasury of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Together with other Docu- ments illustrating the History of that Repository. Collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Lancaster. Ducatus Lancastriae. Pars i. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, &c., temp. Regum Edward I. ad Car. I. Partes 2, 3, 4. A Calendar to the Pleadings, Depositions, &c., from the Reign of Henry VII. to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. Edited by R. J. Harper, J. Caley, and W. Minchin. 4 parts in 3 vols. Folio. London, 1823-1834. Liber Munerum Publicorum Hiberniae ab an. 1152 usque ad 1827 ; or, the Establishments of Ireland from the Nineteenth of King Stephen to the Seventh of King George IV., during a period of Six hundred and seventy-five years. Being the Report of Rowley Lascelles. [Unfinished.] With a Preface by F. S. Thomas. 2 vols. Foho. Dublin, 1852. Magum Rotulum. See Rotulum. Monumenta Historica Britannica ; or. Materials for the History of Britain from the earliest Period. Vol. i, extending to the Norman Conquest, and containing : — Gildas ; Rennius ; Beda ; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ; Asserius de rebus gestis ^Ifredi ; Chronicon ^thelwardi ; Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon ; Simeonis Dunelmensis Historia ; Henrici Hun- 725 Record Commission Publications — continued. tendunensis Historia ; " L'Estoire des Engles ; solum la translation Maistre Geffrei Gaimar"; Annales Cambriae Brut y Tywysogion ; De Bello Hastengensi Carmen, Prepared and illustrated with Notes by the late Henry Petrie, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe. Completed with Index by J. D. Hardy. Folio. London, 1848. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Regis Edwardi HI. Edited by G. Vanderzee. Folio. Lond., 1807. Palgrave (Sir Francis). Essay upon the Original Authority of the King's Council. 8vo. London, 1834. Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons. Together with the Records and Muniments relating to the Suit and Service performed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of the Realm, or affording Evidence of attendance given at Parliaments and Councils. With Alpha- betical Digest and Index. Collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols, in 4 [vol. 2 in 3 divisions]. Folio. London, 1827- 1834. Pipe Rolls. The Great Rolls of the Pipe, for the Second, Third, and Fourth Years of the Reign of King Henry II., A.D. 1155-1158. Now first printed from the Originals under the care of the Rev. J. Hunter. Commenced under the direction of the Record Commission. 8vo. London, 1844. Pipe Rolls. The Great Roll of the Pipe, for the First Year of the Reign of King Richard L, a.d. 1189-1190. Now first printed from the Originals under the care of J. Hunter. Commenced under the direction of the Record Commission. 8vo. London, 1844. Placita de Quo Warranto, temp. Edw. I., II., &: III., in Curia Receptae Scaccarii Westm. asservata. Edited by W. Illing- worth. Folio. London, 18 18. Placitorum in domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asserva- torum abbreviatio, temp. Regum Ric. I. — Edw. II. Edited by Wm. lUingworth. Folio. London, 181 1. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, from 10 Rich. II., to 33 Hen. VIII., 1386-1542. Edited by Sir Harris Nicholas. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1 834-1 837. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis Publicis Asservatum, a.d. 1306-1424. Edited by T. Thomson. Folio. London, 18 14. 726 Record Commission Publications — continued. Registrum Vulgaritu Nuncupatum, " The Record of Car- narvon," e codice MS. Harleiano 696 descriptum. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. Folio. London, 1838. Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. i, Pars i, ab anno 1199 ad annum 1 2 16. Folio. London, 1837. Rotuli Curiae Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars, or Justices, from 6 Rich. I. to I John (inclusive). Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Rotuli Finium. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico Rege HI., a.d. 1216-1272; cura CaroU Roberts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835, 1836. Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. HI. et Edw. I. in Turri Londinensi et in Curia Receptee Scaccarii Westm. asservati. Edited by W. lUingworth. 2 vols. FoHo. London, 181 2-1 8 18. Rotuli de Libertate ac de Misis et Pisestitis, regnante Johanne; cura T. D, Hardy. Commenced under the direction of the Record Commission. 8vo. London, 1844. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ab anno 1204 ad annum 1227. Accurante T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1 833-1 844. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ab anno 1201 ad annum 1216. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. I, Pars I. Folio. London, 1835. Rotuli Normannise in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico quinto Angliae regibus. Accurante J. D. Hardy. Vol. I, de annis 1 200-1 205, necnon de anno 141 7. 8vo. London, 1835. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, tempore Regis Johannis. Accurante T. D. Hardy. 8vo. London, 1835, Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et Domo Capitulari West- monasteriensi asservati, temp, regum Angliae, Edw. L — Henrici VHL Edited by D. Macpherson, J. Caley, and W. Illingworth. With Indexes by T. H. Home. 2 vols. Folio. London, 18 14-18 19. Rotuli Selecti ad Res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes, ex archivis in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi deprompti; cura Jos. Hunter. 8vo. London, 1834. 7V Record Commission Publications — continued. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, temp, regum Hen. III. — Edw. III. Edited by Henry Playford. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1805-1810. Rotuli Patentium et Clausorum Cancellarige Hiberniae Calen- darium. Vol. i, Part i, Hen. II. — Hen. VII. Folio. Dublin, 1828, Rotulum (Magnum) Scaccarii, vel Magnum Rotulum Pipge, de anno tricesimo primo regni Henrici I. (ut videtur) ; quod plurimi hactenus laudarunt pro Rotulo quinti anni Stephani Regis. Nunc primum edidit Josephus Hunter. 8vo. London, 1833. Rymer (Thomas). Foedera, Conventiones, Litterse, et cujus- cunque generis Acta publica, inter Reges Anglise, et alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel communitates, ab ingressu Guliclmi I. in Angliam, a.d. 1066, ad nostra usque tempora habita aut tractata. Primum in lucem missa studio Thomse Rymer, Historiographi, et Roberti Sanderson ; denuo aucta, et multis locis emendata, accurantibus A. Clarke, LL.D., F. Holbrooke, et J. Caley. Vols. 1-3, in 6 parts. Folio. London, 1016-1830. Statutes of the Realms, from Magna Charta to the end of the Reign of Queen Anne. Printed from original Records and authentic Manuscripts. Edited by A. Luders, Sir T. E. Tomlins, J. France, W. B. Taunton, and J. Raithby. 9 vols. Folio. London, 1810-1828. Statutes of the Realm. Alphabetical Index, 1824. Statutes of the Realm. Chronological Index, 1828. Folio. London, 1824-1828. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglise et Wallise, auctoritate P. Nicholai IV. circa a.d. 1291. Edited by T. Astle, Rev. S. Ayscough, and J. Caley. Folio. London, 1802. Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. Edited by J. Caley and W. Illingworth. Folio. London, 1807. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII. auctoritate regia institutus, a.d. 1535, cum Appendice et Indicibus. Edited by Joseph Hunter. 6 vols. Folio. London, 181 0-1834. Reports (First and Second), from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom, &c. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 4th July, 1800. Folio. London, 1800. 728 Record Commission Publications — continued. Reports (First and Second), from the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to execute the Measures recommended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons, respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom, &c., 1 800-1 8 19. With Appendixes. FoHo. London, 1820. Reports (First to Nineteenth) from the Commissioners, respecting the Public Records of Ireland. With Supple- ments and Appendixes, 1810-1829. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. 3 vols. Folio. 1813-1829. General Report to the King in Council, from the Hon. Board of Commissioners on the Public Records, appointed by His Majesty King William IV. With an Appendix and Index. Folio. London, 1837. Report from the Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons "to inquire into the Management and Affairs of the Record Commission, and the present State of the Records of the United Kingdom." With Minutes of Evi- dence, Appendix, and Index. FoHo. London, 1836. Historical Notes relative to the History of England, from the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Death of Queen Anne (1509-1714). Designed as a Book of instant Reference for ascertaining the Dates of Events mentioned in the History and Manuscripts. By F. S. Thomas. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Records. See Reports. Recreation for the Working Classes on Temperance Principles. [Pamphlets, Vol. 9.] 8vo. Dub., 1857. Recueil de quelques Discours Politiques. 4to. 1632. Reddie (John). Inquiries in the Science of Law. 8vo. Lond., Edin., Glasg., and Dub., 1847, Reddie (John). Researches, Historical and Critical, in Maritime International Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin., Lond., and Dub., 1844. Rede (Leman Thos.) Laws of Hamburg. 8vo. Harab., 1805. Redfield (Amasa A.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York, 185 7- 1863. I vol. 8vo. New York, 1864. Redfield (Isaac F., LL.D.) The Law of Wills. In Two Parts. Part I, Making and Construction of Wills; Part 2, Legacies and Executors. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1866. 729 Redfield (Isaac F., LL.D.) The Law of Railways. Embracing Cor- porations, Eminent Domain, Contracts, Common Carriers of Goods and Passengers, Constitutional Law, Investments, and Telegraph Companies. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Redfield (Isaac F., LL.D.) The Law of Carriers of Goods and Pas- sengers, Private and Public; of Telegraph Companies, of Inn- keepers, and of Bailments. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1869. Redfield (Isaac F., LL.D.) Leading American Railway Cases. Svo. Boston, 1870. Redington (Asa). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1849-1853. [Vol. 31-35, Maine Reports.] 5 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1 851- 1854. Redington (Joseph). Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1577-1707, pre- served in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. See Calendar of State Papers. 4 vols. Imp. 8vo. London, 1868-1879. Vol. I, 1557-1696. I Vol. 3, 1702-1707. Vol. 2, 1697-1702. I Vol. 4, 1708-1714. Redington (Joseph). Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reign of George III., 1760 (25 Oct.) — 1765 (31 Dec.) The Calendar of State Papers. Imp. Svo. London, 1878. Redman (Joseph Haworth). The Law of Railway Companies as Carriers. i2mo. London, 1870. Redman (Joseph Haworth). The Law of Arbitrations and Awards. With an Appendix of Precedents and Statutes. 8vo. London, 1872. Redman (Joseph Haworth) and Lyon (George Edward). A concise View of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Embracing the Agri- cultural Holdings Act, 1875; the Alterations in the Practice of Ejectment under the Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 ; the County Courts Act, 1875. 8vo. London, 1876. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1879. Redmayne (Robt.) Vita Henrici V. See Henry V. Redoanus (Guil.) De Spoliis Ecclesiasticis. See Lutius de Callio. Redus (Car.) Institutiones Juris Civilis. 3 vols. Svo. Flor., 1822. Reed (William). Bibliotheca Nova Legum Angliae; or, a Complete Catalogue of Law Books. i6mo. London, 1809. Reed (W. B.) Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. 2 vols. Svo. Phil., 1847. Reehorst (Dr. K. P. Ter.) The Mariner's Friend and Technical Dictionary, in Ten Languages. Second Edition. Oblong Svo. London, 1865. 730 Reehorst (Dr. K. P. Ter.) The Merchant's Friend and Lawyer's Assistant. A Commercial and Legal Dictionary in Ten Languages. Second Edition. Oblong 8vo. London, 1865. Reeves (Jn.) History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. 4 vols. Bvo. 1787. Reeves (Jn.) History of the English T>aw, from the time of the Saxons to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. 5 vols. Bvo. 1814-1829. Reeves (Jn.) Law of Shipping and Navigation. Bvo. 1792. Reeves (Jn.) History of the Government of Newfoundland. With the Acts of Parliament respecting Trade and Fishery. Bvo. 1 793. Reeves (Jn.) Collation of the Psalms. Bvo. 1800. Reeves (Jn.) Bible. Large paper. 9 vols. Bvo. 1802. Reeves (Jn.) Bible. 9 vols. Bvo. 1B02. Reeves (Jn.) Bible. 5 vols. Bvo. 1B02. Reeves (Jn.) New Testament in Greek. Bvo. 1B03. Reeves (John). History of the English Law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. Edited by W. F. Finlason. 3 vols. Bvo. London, 1B69. Reeves (Thomas). On American Aliens, &c. With Chalmers : Opinions. Bvo. 1B14. Reform. The I^egitimate Consequences of Reform, and an Exposure of Abuses in Church and State. With a Detailed Account of the Chief Acts of the Grey Administration. Bvo. Edin., 1B34. Reform, Parliamentary, under Whig Auspices. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] i2mo. London, 1B62. Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum ex Authoritate Regum Hen. Vin. et Edw. VI. 4to. 1640. Regemorterus (Pet.) Sermones Politici. Bvo. Leov,, 1609. Regicides. Trial of Twenty-nine Regicides. 4to. 1660. Regicides. Their Speeches and Prayers. 4to. 1660. Reginal (Val.) De la Prudence des Confesseurs. Bvo. Lyo., 1614. Reginal (Val.) De la Prudence des Confesseurs {Latin). i2mo. Col. Ag., 1622. Regio (Paolo). Vida y Milagros de San Francisco. i2mo. Cara., 1588. Regiomontanus (Jo.) De Compositione Metheoroscopii. 4to. 1544. Regiomontanus (Jo.) Tabulae Directionum, et Profectionum, et Sinuum. 4to. Au. Vi., 1551. 731 Register (Practical) of Common Pleas. Containing Select Cases in points of Practice, Anne to Geo. II. 8vo. 1743. Register and Magazine of Biography. A Record of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, and other Genealogical and Personal Occurrences. 2 vols. 8vo. Westminster and London, 1869. Registration. Report of the Commission on the Registration of Title with reference to the Sale and Transfer of Land. Folio. 1857. Registrum Omnium Brevium, tam Originalium quam JudiciaHum. Folio. 1643. Registrum Omnium Brevium, tam Originalium quam JudiciaHum. With Appendix. Folio. 1687. Regnier (Mathurin). Les Satyres. 8vo. Paris, 1609. Regul^ Ordinum SS. Benedicti, Basilii, Augustini, et Francisci. 4to. Regum Majestas Sacrosancta. [Tracts, Vol. 16.] 4to. 1644. Rehearsal (Nos. 55 to 60). Containing Lesley and Lock's Con- troversey on Nature and Government. [Tract.] Folio. 1705. Reiche (Fran. Arn.) De Vi Investiturse Eventualis. With Blankensee. 4to. Got, 1797. Reid (Richard Tushill). Bombay High Court Reports. Vols. 2-4. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Bombay, 1864- 1867. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1868. Reilly (Francis S., M.A.) x^lbert Arbitration. Lord Cairns' De- cisions. Parts I, 2. 8vo. London, 1873. Reilly (Francis S., M.A.) European Arbitration. Lord Westbury's Decisions. Part i. 8vo. London, 1873. Reineccerus (Fid.) Thesaurus Chimicus. 8vo. Lips., 1609. Reiner (Oer.) De Purgatorio Calvinistarum. 8vo. Mog., i6io. Reinesius (Tho.) Chemiatria. 4to. Ger. Ruth., 1624. Rkinhold (Erasm.) Prutenicae Tabulae Cselestium Motuum. 4to. Tub., 155 1. .Reinhold (Tho.) Theorise Novae Planetarum ; h. Geo. Purbach. 8vo. Witte., 1553. Reitenberg (Justin.) Monita, Exempla, Consilia PoHtica. With Beringer. 8vo. Fran., 16 19. Reitenberg (Justin.) Historia Religionis Pacatse in Belgicis Provinciis. With Ingenuis. 4to. 732 Religion. Of Resisting the Magistrate, under colour of. [Tracts, Vol. 13.] 4to. Religion. Affairs of. Discourse concerning superior Power in Affairs of Religion. [Tracts, Vol. 54.] 4to. 1606. Religion (Established). Seasonable Discourse on the Necessity of Established Religion. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1673. Religious Demurrer. [Tracts, Vols. 46.] 4to. Remboldus (Jo. Bapt.) Decisiones Rotse Romanse. Folio. Rom., 1676. Remembrancia. Analytical Indices to Vols. 2 and 8 of the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia. Preserved among the Archives of the City of London, a.d. 1580-1664. Vol. 2, 1593- 1692. Vol. 8, 1613-1640. 8vo. London, 1870. Remembrancia. Analytical Index to the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia. Preserved among the Archives of the City of London, a.d. 1579-1664. 8vo. London, 1878. Remocampius (Nic.) De Coadjutoriis, &c. With Chokier : de Commutationibus. FoHo. Rom., 1700. Remonstrance ; or, a Detection of Faults in a Book intituled a Demonstration of Discipline. 4to. 1590. Remonstrance aux Eglises Reformees de ce Royaume. [Tracts, Vol. 137.] 8vo. Paris, 1613. Remonstrance (New). Declaring who are the Malignant Party. [Tracts, Vol. 4.] 4to. 1642. Remonstrantium Ministrorum Secunda Remonstrantia. [Tracts, Vol. 76.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 161 7. Remonstrantium in Federato Belgio Confessio. [Tracts, Vol. 87.] 4to. Hard., 1622. Remonstrantium. See Vedelius Rhapsodus. Remundus. Contemplationes. Folio. Paris, 1505. Renaudot (Theophrast). Premiere Centurie des Questions Traitees et Conferences du Bureau d'Adresse, 1633, 1634. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1639. Renazzi (Fil. Mar.) AnaHsi delle Elementi di Diritto Criminale. Renazzi (Fil. Mar.) Elementa Juris Criminalis. Renazzi (Fil. Mar.) Opera. 5 vols. 8vo. Siena, 1794. Renazzi (Fil. Mar.) Synopsis Elementorum Juris Criminalis. 8vo. Sen., 1804. 733 Rennecherus (Herm.) Pontificis Romani Antichristi Descriptio. 8vo. Herb., 1589. Rennecherus (Herm.) Onomatologia tou Meschiah. 8vo. Lisb., 1598. Rennell (Thos., Master of the Temple). Discourses on Various Subjects, 8vo. 1801. Rensinck (Jo.) Manuale Franciscanorum. i2mo. Colon., 1609. Repertorium Juridicum ; an Index to Reports, &c., in Law and Equity, beginning with Edward I., to this time. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple. [Kennett Freeman.] Folio. 1742. Replique a la Response de quelques Ministres sur leur Vocation. 8vo. Reports of Cases adjudged in Chancery, Charles I. to 20th Charles II. 2 vols. 8vo. 1693. Reports of Cases taken and adjudged in Chancery. Charles I. — Anne. Being Special Cases, and most of them decreed with the Assist- ance of the Judges. To which are added, learned Arguments relating to the Antiquity of the Court. 3 vols, in i. Folio. 1 736. Reports in the Reign of Anne, temp. Holt. See Modern Reports, Vol. II. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench (Wm. III.) See Modern Reports, Vol. 12. Folio. 1741. Reports of Cases in Equity, temp. Geo. I. See Gilbert. Folio. 1742. Reports of Select Committee on Public Records. See Parliamentary Reports of Committees. Folio. 1800. Reports from Commissioners on Public Records. Folio. 1800. Reports of the Commons' Committees. With Index. 142 vols. Folio. 1803-1830. Reports of Commissioners on Public Records. Folio. 1806. Reports from the Lords' Committee on the Dignity of a Peer. 4 vols. Folio. 1823. Reports from' Commissioners on Courts of Common Law. See Par- liamentary Reports, Vol. 59, B. Folio. 1829. Reports of Commissioners on Public Records. Folio. 1837. Kepp (Thorl. Gudm.) On I'rial by Jury, Wager of Law, and other Institutions formerly in use in Scandinavia and Iceland. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1832. 734 Reresby (Sir Jn.) Memoirs. 4to. 1734. Resendius (Ang. And.) Delicige Lusitano-Hispanicse. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1 6 13. Resendius (Ang. And.) Epitome Rerum Gestarum in India k Lusitanis. [Tracts, Vol. 112.] 4to. Lov., 1631. Response d'un Gentilhomme Frangois a I'Advertisement des Catholiques Anglois. 8vo. 1587, Restoration. The Condition of the King's Party since the Restoration. [Tracts, Vol. 43.] 4to. 1661. Retorna Brevium. With Articuli. i2mo. 1539. Retorna Brevium Nova. By R. G. 8vo. 1707. Retz (J u. Frs. Paul de Gondi de). Memoires du Cardinal de Retz ; de Guy Joli ; et de la Duchesse de Nemours. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Reuchlin (Jo.) De Verbo Mirifico. 8vo. Colon., 1532. Reuchlin (Jo.) De Cabala, seu de Symbolica Receptione. With Galatinus. Folio. 1603. Reuchlin (Jo.) De Accentibus et Orthographia Linguae Hebraicae. 4to. Reusner (Elias). Septem Questionum Historicarum Enucleatio. 4to. Senae., 1609. Reusner (Elias). De Tempore Anni quo Mundus Conditus, Sexque aliae quaestiones Historicae. 4to. Sense., 1609. Reusner (Nic.) Partitio, sive CEconomia Juris utriusque Civilis et Canonici. 4to. Arg., 1585. Reusner (Nic.) De Italia. 8vo. Arg., 1585. Reusner (Nic.) Sylloge ^nigmatum, et Gryphorum Convivialium. 8vo. Fran., 1599. Reusner (Nic.) De Urbibus Germaniae Liberis. 8vo. Urs., 1602. Reusner (Nic.) Rerum Memorabilium in Pannonia sub Turcarum Imperatoribus Narrationes. 4to. Franc, 1603. Reusner (Nic.) Virtus Romana. 8vo. Fra., 1604. Reusner (Nic.) Germaniae Descriptio. 8vo. Urs., 1605. Reusnerus (Hier.) De Scorbuto. . 8vo. Fran., 1600. Reusnerus (Hier.) See Willich. Reuter (Adam). Questiones Juris Controversi. 4to. Oxon., 1609. Reuter (Adam). De Consilio. With Reinesius. 410. Oxon., 1626. 735 Revelatio Summi Boni, Cselestis et Terrestris. 8vo. Franc, 1634. Revenue. Abstract of the King's Revenue. [Tracts, Vol. 29.] 4to. 1 65 1. Reychersdorffer (Geo. a). Transilvanise, Moldavige, &c., Descriptio. With Broniovius. Folio. Col. Ag., 1595. Reynell v. Lewis. Considerations on the Case, Reynell v. Lewis. [Pamphlets, Vol. 3.] 8vo. 1846. Reynolds (R. O.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Errors and Appeals for State of Mississippi, October Term 1864 to October Term 1869. [Vols. 40-42, Mississippi Reports.] 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1867-187 1. Rezzonicus (Car.) Decisiones Rotse Romanae. 3 vols. Folio. Rom., 1759. Rh^.sus (Jn. Dav.), Rhese. Cambro-Britannicae Linguae Institutiones. Folio. 1592. Rhedonensis Collegii Orationes. i2mo. Rhed., 1611. Rhegino Abbas. See Germanicarum Rerum Descriptio. Rheims. Catechisme de. With Bresil. 8vo. Par., 1561. Rhellicanus (Jo.), MuUer. Stockhornias qua Stockhornus Mons in Bernensium Helvetiorum Agro Versibus Heroicis Describitur. With Gesner : de Herbis. 4to. Tig., 1536. Rhenanus (Jo.) Dissertationes Chymiotechnicse. 4to. iranc, 1623. Rhenanus (Jo.) Dissertationes Chymiotechnicae. [Tracts, Vol. 61.] 4to. Marp., 1610. Rhktorique Franfoise. 8vo. Rouen, 1600. Rhianus. See Poetae Minores. Rhinghier (Inn.) Cinquante Jeus Divers d'Honn^te Entretien. Folio. Lyon, 1550. Rhode Island General Statutes, 1872. Rhode Island. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, 1828 to 1874. Angell (i R.I.), 1828-1851. i vol. Durfee (2 R.I.), 1851-1853. i vol. Knowles (3 R.I.), 1853-1856. i vol. Ames (4-7 R.I.), 1854-1863. 4 vols. Ames, Knowles, and Bradley (8 R.I.), 1864- 186 7. i vol. Tobey (9-ro R.I.), 1868-1874. 2 vols. Arnold Green (11 R.I.), 1874-1876. i vol. II vols. 8vo. Boston and New Providence, 1847- 1878. 736 Rhodius (Amb.) Optica. 8vo. Witt., 1611. Rhodius (Jo.) Trina Theologica Philosophica et Jocosa, ex Diversis Scriptoribus Observata. 8vo. Erf., 1584. Rhodoman (Laur.) See Stephanus de Tyrannis. With Micquellus. RiBADANEiRA (Pet.) Vita Ignatii Loyolse. i2mo. Antw., 1587. RiBADANEiRA (Pet.) Vita Ignatii Loyolae. With Chamier : Epistola. 8vo. Gen., 1598. RiBADANEiRA (Pet.) PHnceps Christianus adversus Machiavellum. 8vo. Mog., 1603. RiBADANEiRA (Pet.) Vitae Laynis et Salmeronis. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1604. RiBADANEiRA (Pet.) De Tribulationibus hujus Seculi. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1604. RiBADANEYRA (Marcel de). Historia de las Islas, del Archipelago y Reynos de la Gran China, Tartaria, Cuchin China, &c. 4to. Bare, 1601. RiBEMONT (Pomp. de). Conviction des Fautes de Casaubon. [Tracts, Vol. 154.] 8vo. Chal., 1614. RiBiER (Jas). Charge des Chanceliers. 410. Par., 1629. RiBiER (Jas.) Gouvernement des Monarchies. [Tracts, Vol. 52.] 4to. Par., 1630. RiBOT (Alexandre). Biographic de Lord Erskine. Discours prononce k rOuverture de la Conference des Avocats, le 8 Decembre, 1866. 8vo. Paris, 1866. RiCARDus, de Cirencestria. Edited by John E. B. Mayor. See Brit., Gt., No. 30. 1863. j RiccAMATi (Giacopo). Dialogo delle Astutie Lutherane. 8vo. 1558. j RiccAMATi (Giacopo). Sonima Brevissima della Dottrina Christiana. I 8vo. 1558. Ricci (Mat.) Annua della Cina. 8vo. Roma, 16 10. RiCCiULLUS (Ant.) De Jure Personarum extra Ecclesiae Gremium Existentium. Folio. Rom., 1562. Riccius (Barth.) De Modo Recte Meditandi, Lat. a Joh. Busseo. i2mo. Mog., 1605. RiccoBONUs (Ant.) De Gymnasio Patavino. 4to. Pata., 1598. Rice (William). Reports of Cases in Chancery argued and determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, December 1838 to May 1839. [Vol. 14, South Carolina Equity Reports.] 8vo. Charleston, 1839. 737 Rice (William). Reports of Cases at Law argued and determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, December 1838 to May 1839. [Vol. 22, South Carolina Law- Reports.] 8vo. Charleston, 1839. Rice (William). A Digest of the Cases decided in the Superior Courts of I^aw of the State of South Carolina, from the earliest period to the present time, 1783-1827. With Tables of the Names of Cases and of Titles and References. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1838, 1839. RiCERius DE Marchia. De Agnitione Veritatis. With Vincentius : de Vita. 1 2 mo. Lov., 1554. Richard I. Chronicles and Memorials. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No. 38. 1864, 1865. Richard IL His Memorable Parliament and Character. [Tracts, Vol. 34.] 4to. 1641. Richard IIL A Tragedy. Edited by Barron Field. S.S. 8vo, 1844. Richard IIL His Ghost. A Poem. Edited by J. Payne Collier. S.S. 8vo. 1844. Richardson (Chs.) English Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. 1836. Richardson (Chs.) English Dictionary. 8vo. 1839. Richardson (D.) The Damathat; or, the Laws of Menoo. Translated from the Burmese. 8vo. Rangoon, 1874. Richardson (John). Les Reports de Sir John Savile, Chevalier, Nadgairis Baron de I'Exchequer, de divers Special Cases cybien en le Court de Common Bank, come I'Exchequer, en le temps de Royne Elizabeth. 4to. London, 1688. Richardson (John, M.A., F.S.A.) A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. 2 vols. Folio. Oxford, 1 777-1 780. Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases in Equity argued and determined in the Court of Appeals in Equity and Court of Errors of South Carolina, December 1844 to May 1846. [Vols. 18, 19, South Carolina Equity Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Columbia, S.C., 1845-1847. Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases at Law argued and deter- mined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, December 1844 to May 1851. [Vols. 28-31, South Carolina Law Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. Columbia, S.C, 1845-185 1. Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases in Chancery argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, May Term 1 83 1 to May Term 1832. [Vol. 9, South Carolina Equity Reports.] 8vo. Charleston, 1853. (47) 738 Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases in Equity argued and deter- mined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South CaroHna, November 1850 to May 1868. [Vols. 24-35, South Carolina Equity Reports.] 12 vols. 8vo. Columbia, S.C, 185 2-1 869. Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases at Law argued and deter- mined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, November 185 1 to May 1868. [Vols, 37-47> South Carolina Law Reports.] II vols. 8vo. Columbia, S.C, 1852-1869. Richardson (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases heard and determined in the Supreme Court of South Carolina, November Term 1868 to November Term 1869, inclusive. [Vol. i. South Carolina Reports New Series.] 8vo. Columbia, S.C, 187 1. Richardson (Rt.) Attorney's Practice, King's Bench and Common Pleas. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1792. RiCHE (Barnaby). His Farewell to Militarie Profession. S.S. 8vo. 1581. RiCHEBOURG (Chs. A. Bourdot de). Coutumier de France. 8 vols. Folio. Paris, 1724. RiCHEL (Dion.) Monopanton. With Corroy. 12 mo. Lugd., 1549. Richelieu (Cardinal). Jugement sur la Preface, et diverses Pieces qu'il pretend de faire servir h. I'Histoire de son Cre'dit. 4to. 1635. Richeome (Louys). Le P^lerin de Lorete. 8vo. Lyon, 1603. Richeome (Louys). Expostulatio Apologetica ad Henricum IV., pro Societate Jesu. 8vo. Lugd., 1606. Richeome (Louys). L'Idolatrie Huguenote. 8vo. Arr., 1608. Richeome (Louys). Valedictio Animae Devotse. 8vo. Colon., 1610. Richeome (Louys). Peregrinus Lauretanus. 8vo. Col., 161 2. Richeome (Louys). Examen du Libelle Anti-Coton. 4to. Bour., 16 1 3. Richeome (Louys). Apologia pro Sacris Peregrinationibus. With Desiderius. i2mo. Col. Ag., 16 19. Richeome (Louys). Holy Pictures of the Mystical Figures of the Eucharist. 4to. 1629. Richerius (Edmd.), Richer. Obstetrix Animorum. 8vo. Par., 1600. Richey (A. G.) Lectures on the History of Ireland, down to a.d. 1534. Second Series, 1534-1611. 2 vols. i2mo. Dublin, 1869, 1870. 739 Richmond. See Gale. RiCHTER (Greg.) Judicia Florentis Scholse Melancthonis. 8vo. Witte., 1592. RiCHTER (Greg.) Editio Nova Axiomatum Politicorum. 4to. Gor., 1604. RiCHTER (Greg.) Editio Nova CEconomicorum. 4to. Gor., 1604. Ricius (Paul.) De Cslesti Agricultura. Folio. Au. Vi., 1541. RicoBALDUS Ferrariensis. See Gothicarum Rerum Scriptores. RicoLDUs (R. P. F.) Propugnaculum Fidei ad versus Mendacia Alcho- rani. 4to. Ven., 1607. Rid DELL (John). On Scotch Peerage Law, as connected with the Case of the Earldom of Devon. To which are added Observations upon the Nature and Descent of Scotch Peerages. 8vo. Edin., 1833. RiDDELL (John). Law and Practice of Scotch Peerages, before and after the Union. Together with an Exposition of our Genuine Original Consistorial Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1842. RiDDELL (Hy.) and Rogers (John Warrington). Index to the Public Statutes, from 9 Henry IIL to 10 and 11 Victoria (excepting those relating exclusively to Scotland, Ireland, the Colonies, and Dependencies). Analytically arranged, and affording a Synoptical View of the Statute Book. Part i. 8vo. 1848. Rider (Jn.) Friendly Caveat to Ireland's Catholicks. 8vo. Dub., 1602. RiDGEWAY (Wm.) Cases, temp. Hardwicke, in the King's Bench and Chancery. 8vo. 1794. RiDGEWAY (Wm.) Cases in Parliament, in Ireland, since the Restora- tion of the Appellate Jurisdiction, 3 vols. 8vo. Dub., 1795. RiDGEWAY (Wm.) Lapp (William) and Schoales (John). Irish Term Reports. Cases in the King's Courts, Dublin, 34 and 35 George III. 8vo. Dub., 1796. RiDGWAY (Jas.) Erskine's Speeches. Ridley (Tho.) View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Laws. 4to. 1607. RiDOLFi (G. B.) II Diritto Marittimo della Germania Settentrionale comparato col Libro Secondo del Codice di Commercio del Regno d' Italia. 8vo. Firenza, 187 1. RiGALTius (Nic), Rigault. Aftemidori et Achmetis Oneirocritica, cum Notis. With Artemidorus. 4to. Paris, 1603. RiGALTius (Nic), Rigault. Observationes. See Finium Regundorum Auctores. 740 Riley (Henry Thomas, M.A.) Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, a.d. ii88 to a.d. 1343. The French Chronicle of London, a.d, 1259 to a.d. 1343. 4to. London, 1863. Riley (Henry Thomas, M.A.) Chronica Monasterii Sancti Albani. I. Thomoe Walsingham Historia Anglicana, Vol. i, 1272-1381; Vol. 2, 1 381-142 2. 2. Willielmi Rishanger Chronica et Annales, 1 259-1307. 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blandforde Chronica et Annales, 1259-1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406. 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, a Matthceo Parisiensi, Thoma Walsingham, et auctore quodam anonymo Conscripta. See Brit., Gt., No, 28. 1863-1867. Riley (Henry Thomas, M.A.) Memorials of London and London Life in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries. Being a Series of Extracts, Local, Serial, and Political, from the Early Archives of the City of London, a.d. i 276-141 9. 8vo. London, 1868. Riley (Henry Thomas, M.A.) Liber Albus ; the White Book of the City of London, Compiled a.d. 141 9, by John Carpenter, Common Clerk. Richard Whittington, Mayor. From the Original Latin and Anglo-Norman. Riley (Henry Thomas). See Gildhallae Munimenta. Riley (William). Reports of Cases at Law argued and determined at Charleston, in the La\v Court of Appeals of South Carolina, January Term 1836, April Term 1836, and February Term 1837. [Vol. 20, South Carohna Law Reports.] 8vo. Charleston, i860. Riley (William). Reports of Cases in Equity argued and determined at Charleston, in the Equity Court of Appeals of South Carolina, April Term 1836 to February Term 1837. [Vol. 12, South Carohna Equity Reports.] 8vo. Charleston, S.C., i860. RiMBAULT (Edward F., LL.D.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 105. Riminaldus (Hip.) Commentaria in Secundarn Codicis Partem. Folio. Basil, 1560. Riminaldus (Joan. Maria). In Digestum vetus et Codicem Com- mentaria. Folio. Lugd., 1659. Rinaldi (Giov. de). De i Colori e delle Herbe et Fiori. With Pellegrino. i2mo. Fer., 1588. Rinaldi (Giov. de). De i Colori e delle Herbe et Fiori. With Pocaterra. 8vo. Ven., 1592. Ring (Dav. Babington). Action at Law. See Smith. RiNGELBURGius (Joach. Fort.) Opera Grammatica, Dialectica, Rhe- torica, et Mathematica. 8vo. Lugd., 1556. 741 RiNGWooD (Richard, B.A.) The Principles of Bankruptcy. 8vo. London, 1879 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Ad Libros FerneHi de Abditis Rerum Causis. Svo. Paris, 1598 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Comparatio Veteris Medicinge cum Nova. 8vo. Paris, 1605 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Ad Libavii Maniam Responsio. Svo. Paris, 1606 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Gigantologie. 8vo. Paris, 16 18 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Apologia pro Hippocrate et Galeno. 8vo. Paris, 1603 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Brevis Excursus in Battologium Quercetani Svo. Paris, 1604 RiOLANUS (Jo.), Rioland. Ad Turqueti Apologiam Responsio. ^ Svo. Paris, 1630 Ripley (Geo.) Medulla Philosophise Chemicae. Svo. Franc, 1614 RiSEBERG (Laur.) Rerum Turcicarum Relatio. 4to. Helm, 1596 RiSHANGER (Willielmi). Chronica. See Brit, Gt., No. 28. RiSNERUs (Frid.) Optica. 4to. Cass., 1606. RiSPOLis (Jo. Mat.) Status Controversige Praedifinitionum et Praede- terminationum, cum Libero Arbitrio. Svo. Paris, 1609. RiTius (Mich. Neapolitanus). See Hispanicarum Rerum Scriptores. RiTSON (J.) The Jurisdiction of the Court Leet, exemplified in the Articles which the Jury or Inquest for the King in that Court is Charged and Sworn, and by Law enjoined to inquire of and present. Second Edition. With great Additions. Svo. London, 1809. And the Office of Bailiff of a Liberty. 2 vols, in I. Svo. London, iSii. RiTSON (Joseph). Northern Garlands. 12 mo. iSio. Rivers (Wm.) Almanacke for 1628. Svo. ■Rives (William C.) History of the Life and Times of James Madison. Second Edition. 3 vols. Svo. 1 866-1 868. Rivet (And.) Response aux Demandes de Jean Cristi. Svo. Tours, 1 601. Rivet (And.) Eschantillon des Paradoxes de la Papautd. With Pierre Girard. Svo. Roc, 1603. 742 Rivet (And.) Remarques sur la Response de Coffeteau au Livre de Ph. de Mornay, intitule le Mystere d'Iniquite. 4to. Saum., 1615. Rivet (And.) Critici Sacri Specimen. 8vo. Dord., 1619. Rivet (And.) De Scriptis Patrum. With Bellarmin ; de Scriptoribus. 8vo. Dord., 161 9. Rivet (And.) Isagoge ad Scripturam Sacram. 4to. Lu. Ba., 1627- RivET (And.) Oratio. [Tracts, Vol. 50.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1632. Rivet (And.) Dissertatio de Origine Sabbati. i2mo. Lu. Bat, 1633. Riviera (Ces. della). Del Magico Mondo de gli Heroi. 4to. Man., 1603. Riviere (Alphonse). Introduction Historique au Droit Romain. Manuel-programme pour servir atfx Cours Universitaires et 'k I'etude privee, comprenant une Chrestomathie elementaire, et quelques Liniments d'Histoire litteraire et biographique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. Rivius (Jo.) Quo se pacto Juventus in hisce Religionis Dissidiis gerere debeat. 8vo. Basil, 1546. Rivius (Jo.) De Stultitia Natalium. 8vo. Fran., 1582. Rivius (Jo.) De Luctu Christiana. 8vo. Fran., 1582. Rivius (Jo.) De in Terris Gaudio Piorum. With Lemnius de Herbis. 8vo. Fran., 1582. Rivius (Jo.) Justiniani Defensio. i2mo. 1626. Rivius (Jo.) De Dei Concilio. With Ostroroganus. 4to. Basil. RizzACASA (Giov.) Della Fizionomia. [Tracts, Vol. 59.] 4to. Carmag., 1588. RoA (Mart. de). Estado de los bien Aventurados en el Celo, de los Ninos en el Lin bo, de los condenados en el inferno. i2mo. Sev,, 1624. RoBARDS (W. A.) Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, 1848 to 1850. [Vols. 12, 13, Missouri State Reports.] 2 vols. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1849- 1850. RoBBiNS (N.) Abridgment of Irish Statutes, 3 Edw. II. — 23 Geo. XL 4to. Dub., 1736. RoBBio (M. Pelegro). Discorsi de' Servigi de' Gentilhuomini. 8vo. Genova, 1585. Robert (Jn.), or Robertus. Metamorphosis Magnetica Calvino-Gocle- niana. 8vo. Leod., 1618. 743 Robert (Jn.), or Robertus. Metamorphosis Magnetica Calvino-Gocle- niana. With At. Serranos. Robert (Jn.), or Robertus. Goclenius Heautontimorumenos. 4to. Lux., 1618. Robert (Jn.), or Robertus. Historia Sancti Huberti. 4to. Lux., 162 1. Roberts (Charles). Calendarium Genealogicum for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward L 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865, Roberts (Dav.) On the Law of Personal Succession in different Parts of the Realm ; and on the Cases regulating Foreign and Inter- national Succession, decided in the British Courts, 8vo. Edin., 1836. Roberts (David). On Admiralty and Prize. With Suggestions for the Guide and Government of U.S. Naval Commanders in Maritime Wars. 8vo. New York, 1869. Roberts (G.) See Camden Society's Papers, No. 41. Roberts (Tho. A.) Principles of the High Court of Chancery, and the Powers and Duties of its Judges. Designed as the Student's First Book on Equity Jurisprudence. 8vo. 1852. Roberts (Thomas Archibald). The Principles of Equity, as ad- ministered in the Supreme Court of Judicature and other Courts of Equitable Jurisdiction. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Roberts (Wm.) On Fraudulent Conveyances. 8vo. 1880, Roberts (Wm.) On the Statute of Frauds, as it regards Declarations in Trust, Contracts, Surrenders, Conveyances, Wills, and Codicils. To which is prefixed a Dissertation upon the Admissibility of Parole and Extrinsic Evidence to Explain and Control Written Instruments. 8vo. 1805. Roberts (Wm.) On the Law of Wills and Codicils. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826. Third Edition, Including the Construction of Devises, and the Office and Duties of Executors and Administrators, With Precedents. 2 vols, 8vo, 1826, Roberts (William Henry), New County Court Cases. .Robertson (Alexander, M.A.) Lectures on the Government, Consti- tution, and Laws of Scotland, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878. Robertson (Andrew, Q.C.) A Digest of all Reports published in Lower Canada, to 1863. 8vo. Montreal, 1864. Robertson (Dav.) Scotch Appeal Cases decided in the House of Peers, from the Union to the Commencement of the Reign of George II. ,. 8vo. 1807, 744 Robertson (James Craigie, M.A.) Materials for the History of Thomas a Becket. See Brit., Gt, No. 67. Robertson (Jn. Elliot Pasley). Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, 1 844-1 853. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850-1853. Robertson (Wm., D.D.) History of Scotland during the Reigns of Mary and James VI., till his Accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of Scottish History previous to that period. 2 vols. 4to. 1760. Robertson (Wm., Deputy Clerk Registrar). Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scotland. 4to. Edin., 1790. Robertson (Wm., D.D.) Historical Works. 9 vols. Svo. 1824. Robertson (Wm., D.D.) Charles V. See Prescott. Robertus (Annaeus). Res Judicatae. 4to. Paris. 161 1. RoBERTUS DE MoNTE. See Germanicarum Rerum Descriptio. Robinson (Benj. Coulson). Law of Warrant of Attorney, Cognovits, and Consents to Judges' Orders for Judgment. With Forms. 8vo. 1844. Robinson (Christ.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Admiralty, 1798- 1808. 6 vols. 8vo. 1812. Robinson (Christopher, LL.D.) Collectanea Maritima. Being a Col- lection of Public Instruments tending to illustrate the History and Practice of Prize Law. 8vo. London, 180 1. Robinson (Conway). Practice of the Courts of Justice in England and the United States. 4 vols. 8vo. Richm., 1854. Robinson (Edwd.) Biblical Researches in Palestine and the Adjacent Regions. A Journal of Travels in 1838 and 1852. By Edwd. Robinson, Eli Smith, &c. 3 vols. Svo. 1856. Robinson (Geo.) Scotch Appeal Cases decided in the House of Lords, 1 840- 1 84 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. and Lond., 1840. Robinson (Geo.) Appeal Cases. See Maclean. Robinson (Jn.) Observations Divine and Moral. 4to. 1625. Robinson (John). Dictionary of Law and other Terms, commonly employed in the Courts of Bengal, including many Commercial Words, and Idiomatic Phrases. In English and Bengalee. 8vo. Calcutta, 1869. Robinson (J. C) &ondon, 1877. 932 WooLSEY (Theodore D.) Introduction to the Study of International Law. Designed as an Aid in Teaching and in Historical Studies. Third Edition. 8vo. New York, 1872. Fourth Edition. Svo. New York, 1874. Fifth Edition, 8vo, London, 1879. WooLWORTH (James M.) Cases decided in the United States Circuit for the Eighth Circuit, 1 863- 1 869. 8vo. Chicago, 1870. WooLWORTH (James M.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Nebraska. 2 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1871-1873. WoRCESTRius (Wilh.) See Liber Niger. Word of Comfort ; or. Discourse concerning the Fall of a Room in Blackfriars, London. [Tracts, Vol. 83.] 4to. 1623. Wordsworth (Charles). On Scotch Elections. 8vo. 1832. Wordsworth (Charles, Q.C.) Common Law Reports. Wordsworth (Charles). On the Law of Elections and Election Petitions. With Statutes and Forms. 8vo. 1835. Wordsworth (Charles). Law of Railway, Canal, Water, Dock, Gas, and other Companies, requiring express Authority of Parliament. With the Law of Abandonment and Winding-up, and of Parliamentary Costs. With Forms and Statutes. 8vo. 185 1. Wordsworth (Charles). The Law of Joint Stock Companies not requiring express Authority of Parliament. 8vo. 1842. Sixth Edition. 8vo. 1854. Wordsworth (Charles). Joint Stock Companies' Act, 1856. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 1856. Wordsworth (Charles). The Joint Stock Companies' Act, 1857-1858. Seventh Edition. 8vo. 1859. Wordsworth (Charles, Q.C.) The New Joint Stock Company Law. Comprising the Companies' Act, 1862, and other Statutes. With Instructions how to Form a Company. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1862. Wordsworth (Charles, Q.C.) The Law of Compensations, by Arbitration and Jury, under the Railway Clauses and Lands Act. With an Appendix of Statutes and Forms. 8vo. London, 1863. Wordsworth (Charles, Q.C.) The Law of Joint Stock Companies, as altered by the Act of 1862. Including Banking, Insurance, Mining, and General Companies, with the whole Law of Winding- up. With an Appendix, General Rules, and Forms in Chancery. Tenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1865. Wordsworth (Chris.) Who wrote Eikon Basilike? Svo. 1S24. 1 2 mo. 1842 ols. i2mo. 1843 8vo. 1850 Folio. Haf., 1643 Folio. Haf., 1642 Folio. Haf., 1643 933 ' Wordsworth (Chris.) Who wrote Eikoii Basilike ? Charles I. its Author, further proved. 8vo Wordsworth (Chris.) Who wrote Eikon Basilike? Documentary Supplement. 8vo. 1825 Wordsworth (Wm.) Poems, chiefly of Early and Late Years. Wordsworth (Wm.) Poetical Works. Wordsworth (Wm.) The Prelude. World. In British Essayists. I WoRMius (Olaus). Danica Monumenta. 1 WoRMius (Olaus). Regum Daniae Series. WoRMius (Olaus). Fasti Danici. WoRMrus (Olaus). Museum. Folio. Amst., 1655 Worms. Der Statt Worms. Reformacion Statuten. Folio. 1509 Worms. Kayserlicher Camergericht Ordnung. Folio. Meintz, 1521 Worms. Der Statt Worms, Statuten. With Brandt. Folio. Franc, 1534 Worrall (John). A Methodical Treatise of Replevins, Distresses Advowries, &c. 8vo. London, 1739 Worrall (John). Bibliotheca Legum. A List of Law Books. i2mo. 1746 Worrall (John). Bibliotheca Legum. A List of Law Books. 1763 Worrall (John). Bibliotheca Legum ; or, a Compleat List of all the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, from their first publication to Michaelmas Term 1768. Small 8vo. London, 1768. Worship. Directory for Public. [Tracts, Vol. 27.] 4to. 1644. Worsley (Fras.) An Examination of Mr. Pitt Taylor's Thesis, "On the Expediency of passing an Act to permit Defendants in Criminal Courts, and their Wives or Husbands, to testify on Oath." 8vo. 1 86 1. Worthington (John). The Protestant Nunnery of Little Gidding. By Tho. Heanie. With Caius : Vindicise. 8vo. Oxon., 1730. Wotherspoon (Ivan, M.A., LL.B.) A Manual of the Practice and Procedure in the several Courts having Civil Jurisdiction in the Province of Quebec. i6mo. Montreal, 1870. Wotton (Ant.) Trial of the Romish Clergie's Title to the Church. 4to. 1605. 4to. 1606. 4to. 1608. 4to. 1612. 4to. 1624. Paris, 1552. 934 WoTTON (Ant.) Defence of Perkins' Deformed Catholick. WoTTON (Ant.) Answer to a Popish Pamphlet. WoTTON (Ant.) Reply to Ant. Wotton. By A. D. WoTTON (Ant.) Run from Rome. [Tracts, Vol. 83.] Wotton (Edw.) De DifFerentiis Animalium. Folio. Wotton (Edw.) Insectorum Theatrum. See Moufet. Wotton (Sir Henry). Elements of Architecture. [Tracts, Vol. 105.] 4to. 1624. Wotton (Sam.) Answer to the Common Prayer Book Unmasked. [Tracts, Vol. i.] 4to. 1661. Wotton (Thomas). The English Baronets. Being a Genealogical and Historical Account of their Families. First Edition. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1727. Wotton (T.) The English Baronetage. Containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of all the English Baronets now existing. To which is added an Account of such Nova Scotia Baronets as are of EngUsh Families now resident in England. 4 vols, in 5. 8vo. London, 1741. Wotton (Wm.) Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae et Civiles Hoeli Boni et aliorum Wallise Principum. Folio. 1730. WowERius, or Wower (Jo.), a Wouwer. De Polymathia. 4to. Fro., 1604. WowERius, or Wower (Jo.), a Wouwer. Epistolarum Centuriae duo. 8vo. Hamb., 1608. WowERius, or Wower (Jo.), a Wouwer. De Bibliorum Interpretibus. 8vo. Hamb., 1608. WowERius, or Wower (Jo.), a Wouwer. Ad Tertulliani Opera Emen- dationes. 8vo. Hamb., 1608. WowERius, or Wower (Jo.), a Wouwer. Dies vEstiva. 8vo. 16 10. Wratislaw (Wm. Ferd.) Memoirs of the Wratislaw Family, of Rugby. 4to. 1849. Wren (Mat.) Of the Abandoning the Scottish Covenant. [Tracts, Vol. 36.] 4to. 1662. Wrenfordsley (Henry T.) Public Expenditure considered in con- nection with Public Works and Buildings. 8vo. 1861. Wright (Andrew). Court-hand Resorted ; or, the Student's Assistant in reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, &c. Eighth Edition. 4to.' London, 1846. 935 Wright (Edw.) Description of the Sphere. [Tracts, Vol. 67.] 4to. 1 6 13. Wright (Jas.) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Folio. 1684. Wright (Martin). Introduction to the Law of Tenures. 8vo. 1734- Wright (Martin). Introduction to the Law of Tenures. 1792. Wright (Robert E.) Pennsylvania State Reports. Vols. 37-50. Com- prising Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennyslvania, 1860-1865. 14 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861-1866. Wright (Robert E.) An Alphabetical and Analytical Index to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports, from ist Dallas to 20th P. F. Smith, inclusive. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. Wright (R, S.) Law of Criminal Conspiracies, and Agreements. 8vo. London, 1873. Wright (Thomas). Queen Elizabeth and her Times. A Series of Original Letters from most of the Distinguished Persons of the Period. 2 vols. 8vo. 1838. Wright (Thomas). Early Travels in Palestine. (Bohn.) 8vo. 1848. Wright (Thomas). Gaimar, Havelok, Emulf, and Hereward. 8vo. 1850. Wright (Thomas). Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, Edward III. to Richard II. See Brit. Gt., No. 14. 8vo. 1859. Wright (Thomas, M.A.) Alexandri Neckam de Naturis Rerum Libri duo. With Neckam's Poem, De Laudibus Divinge Sapientise. See Brit., Gt, No. 35. 1863. Wright (Thomas, M.A.) Pierre de Langtoft's Chronicle. See Brit., Gt, No. 47. Wright (Thomas, M.A.) Satirical Poems of the Twelfth Century. See Brit., Gt, No. 59. Wright (Thomas, M.A.) See Camden Society's Papers, Nos. 3, 6, 16, 24, 26, 50, 102. Wright (Tho. Guthrie). Report to the Judges of the Jury Court, Edinburgh. 8vo. Edin., 1827. WuRM (C. F.) Funf Briefe iiber die Freiheit der Fluszschiffahrt und iiber die Donau-Akte vom 7 Novr., 1857. 8vo. Leipzig, 1858. WvATT (Alfred) and Webb (George H. F.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Michaelmas Term, 25 Vict., 1 861— Hilary Term, 27 Vict, 1863. 2 vols. 8yo. Melbourne, 1 863-1 865. 93^ Wyatt (Alfred) Webb (George H. F.), and A'Beckett (Thomas). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Easter Term, 27 Vict, 1 864-1 869. Vols 1-3. [Vol, 4, imperfect. Vol. 5, wanting. Vol. 6, unfinished.] 5 vols. 8vo. Melbourne, 1866-187 1. Wyatt (Jn.) Practical Register in Chancery. With the Addition of the Modern Cases. 8vo. 1800. Wyatt (Mat. Digby). Report of the Eleventh French Exposition of the Products of Industry. Folio. 1849. Wyclif (Joh.) Se£ Wickliffe. Wynman (Nic.) De Arte Natandi. With Bonaciolus. 8vo. Aug. Vi., 1538. Wynn (Sir Rd.) Journey of Prince Charles's Servants into Spain. Per Thomas Hearne. With Hearne : Richard II. 8vo. Oxon., 1729. Wynne (Edwd.) Law Tracts. 8vo. 1765. Wynne (Edwd.) Observations touching the Degree of Serjeant-at-Law. 8vo. 1765. Wynne (Edwd.) Eunomus; or. Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. By W. M. Bythewood. 2 vols. i2mo. 1822. Wynne (Wm.) Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins. 2 vols. Folio. 1724. Wytfliet (Corn.) Histoire Universelle des Indes Orientales et Occidentales. Folio. Dovay, 1605. 937 I XAVIER (Fra.) Epistolse. With Ceparius : Gonzaga. 8vo. Mog., 1600. Xavier (Fra.) Relatio Facta super Vita ejus et Miraculis. [Tracts, Vol. 99.] 4to. Rom., 1622. Xenophon. Opera {Gr.-Lat.) Cura Jo. Lewenklaio. Folio. Basil, 1572. Xenophon. De ^quivocis, Historia Antiqua. 8vo. 1599. Xylander (Guil.) In Antonini Metamorphoses Notse. 938 Y ALDEN (Thos.) In British Poets. Yale (Gregory). Legal Titles to Mining Claims and Water Rights in California, under the Mining Law of Congress, July 1866. 8vo. San Francisco, 1867. Yates (James). Letter to the Vice-Chancellor on the Case of the Attorney-General v. Shore, relative to the Unitarian Society. [Pamphlets, Vol. i.] 8vo. 1834. Yates (Jasper). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. With some Select Cases at Nisi Prius and in the Circuit Courts, 1791-1808. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-1819. Yates (Richard, D.D., F.S.A.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey of St. Edmund's "Bury. With Views of the most considerable Monasterial Remains. By the Rev. William Yates. Second Edition. 4to. London, 1843. Year Books of the Reign of Edward the First, Years 20, 21. Edited and translated by Alfred J. Horwood. See Brit., Gt., No. 31. 1866. Year Book of the Reign of Edward the First, Years 30-33. Edited and translated by Alfred J. Horwood. 2 vols. 1863, 1864, Year Books, or Reports. 7 odd vols. Folio. 1562-1591. Year Books, or Reports. 11 vols. Folio. 1596-1678. Year Books, or Reports. 7 vols. Folio. 1 678-1 680. Yeatman (J. Pym). The Mayor's Court of London Procedure Act, 1857. With Notes. i2mo. London, 1870. Yeatman (J. Pym). An Introduction to the Study of Early English History. 8vo. London, 1874. Yeatman (J. Pym). The History of the Common Law of Great Britain and Gaul, from the Earliest Period to the time of English Legal Memory. 8vo. London, 1874. Yelverton (Sir Henry). Reports of Divers Special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, as well in the latter end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth as in the first ten years of King James. With Two Tables ; one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Yelverton (Sir John). Reports, temp EHz. et Jac. I. By William Wylde. Folio. 1661. 939 Yepes (Diego de). Historia de la Persecucion de Inglaterra, 1570. 4to. Mad., 1599. YooL (George V., M.A.) Essay on Waste, Nuisances, and Trespass, chiefly with reference to Remedies in Equity. Treating of the Law of Timber, Mines, Lights, Water, Support, the Construction of Pubhc Works, &c., &c. 8vo. London, 1863. YooL (George V., M.A.) Compensation to Landowners. Being a Practical Digest of the Law of Compensation. Svo. London, 1864. York. Guild of Corpus Christi. See Surtees Society's Publications, No. 57. York. The Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops. Edited by James Raine, M.A. See Brit., Gt., No 71. 1879. York and Antwerp Rules, as agreed upon at the Antwerp Conference of the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations, September 1877. With an Explanatory Introduction on the Law of General Average. By Henry D. Jencken. 8vo. London, 1877. See also Lowndes on Average. Appendix. Yorke (Hon. Chs.) Some Considerations on the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason, &c. 8vo. 1746. Yorke (Hon. Chs.) Some Considerations on* the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason, &c. Svo. 1795. Yorke (Phil.) See Hardwicke. Young (Alexander). Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1605. Now first collected from Original Records and Contemporaneous Printed Documents, and illustrated. With Notes. 8vo. Boston, 1841, Young (Alexander). Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from Original Records and Contemporaneous Manuscripts, and illustrated. With Notes. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Young (Anthony). Travels in France. In Pinkerton. Young (Archibald). An Historical Sketch of the French Bar, from its origin to the present day. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. Young (Sir Charles) Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1834-1843. Young (C. G.), "York Herald." Catalogue of Works on the Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in his Library. Svo. London, 1826. 940 Young (C. G.), "York Herald." Catalogue of the Arundel Manu- scripts in the College of Arms. [Privately printed.] 8vo. London, 1829. Young (Edw., Barrister-at-Law). Tithe Cases. See Eagle. Young (Rev. Edw., LL.D.) In British Poets. Young (Murdo). The Bill of Costs : its Pains and Penalties. [Vol. 13, Pamphlets.] lamo. London, 1863. Young (Thos.) See Smectymnuus. Younge (Edwd.) and Jervis (John). Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, at Law, in Equity, and in Error, 7 to 11 Geo. IV. 3 vols. 8vo. 1828, &c. YouNGE (Edwd.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, 11 Geo. IV. to 2 Will. IV. 8vo. 1833. YouNGE (Edwd.) and CoUyer (John). Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, 4 Will. IV. to 5 Vict. 4 vols. 8vo. 1836. YouNGE (Edwd.) and CoUyer (John). New Cases in Chancery decided by Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice-Chancellor, 1841-1844. 2 vols. 8vo. 1842. YouNGE (Edwd.) See M'Cleland. Younger Brother's Apology. [Tracts, Vol. 7.] 4to. Oxf., 1634. Yvo (Paul.) Circulum Quadrandi Modus. [Tracts, Vol. 105.] 4to. Rup., 1669. 941 ZABARELLA (Francis, Cardinal). Commentaria in Clementinarum Volumen. Folio. Venet., 1579. Zabriskie (A. O.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme and in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, from January Term 1847 to March Term 1855. [Vols. 20-23, New Jersey Reports.] 4 vols. 8vo. New Brunswick, N.J., 1850-1856. Zabriskie (James C.) The Public Land Laws of the United States. With Instructions and Decisions appertaining thereto. And all the Congressional and Legislative Acts relating to the Public Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, Kansas, and Nebraska, and the Territories of Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Dakota, New Wyoming, and Arizona. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870. Zacchias (Paul.) Questiones Medico-Legales. 4to. Rom., 162 1. Zacchias (Paul.) Del Vitto Quaresimale. 8vo. Rom., 1637. Zacutus (Lucitanus). Praxis Medica. 8vo. Lugd., 1637. Zanardus (Mich.) De Triplici Universo. 4to. Col. Ag., 1620. Zanchius (Basil), 2^nchy. In Omnes Sacrge Scripturge Libros Nota- tiones. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1602. Zanchius (Hier.) De Religione Christiana Fides. 4to. Neust, 1585. Zanchius (Hier.) De Spirituali Connubio inter Christum et Ecclesiam, &c. 8vo. Herb., 1591. Zanchius (Hier.) De Scriptura Sacra. 8vo. Heid., 1593. Zanchius (Hier.) Compendium Doctrinae Christianae. 8vo. Neust., 1598. Zanchius (Hier.) Miscellanea. Folio. Neust, 1603. Zanchius (Hier.) Epistolae et Orationes. 8vo. Heid., 1609. Zapata (Gio. Bat.) Secret! di Medicina e Chirurgia, Raccolti da Gioseppe Scientia. 8vo. Ven., 1592. Zappullo (Mich.) Historic di Quattro Principali Citta del Mondo, Gierusalemme, Roma, Napoli, e Venetia, con un Discorso del Indie. 4to. Vicen., 1603. Zara (Ant.) Anatomia Ingeniorum. 4to. Ven., 1615. 942 Zarate (Agost. di). Historic dello Scopprimento et Conquista del Peru. 4to. Vin., 1563. Zasius (Udal.) In Ciceronis Rhetoricam Commentaria. 8v6. Zebelis Interpretatio quorumdam Accidentium Secundum Lunse Motum. With Rulandus : de Dente. 4to. Fra., 1592. Zecchius (Lselius). De Indulgentiis et Jubilaeo Anni Sancti. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1601. Zecchius (Lselius). Politica. 8vo. Col. Ag., 1607. Zenus (Ant.) In Concionem Periclis et Lepidi. With Quintilian. 4to. Ven., 1569. Zephyrius (Ernest.) Speculum Jesuiticum. Svo. Witteb., 1607. Zepperus (Wilh.) Legum Mosaicarum Forensium Explanatio. Svo. Herb., 1604. Zeschlinus (Jo.) Cofessio Fidei et Peccatorum CathoHco-Romana. [Tracts, Vol. 83.] 4to. Del. Seq., 161 7. Ziegenbalg (Barth.) Grammatica Damulica seu Malabarica. 4to. Hal. S., 1 7 16. Ziegler (Adr.) Pharmacopeia Spagyrica. 4to. Tig. Ziegler (Hier.) Illustrium Germanise Virorum Historise Singulares. 4to. Ingolst., 1562. Zieglier (Jac.) Syria, Palsestina, Arabia, Egyptus. Cum Tabulis. Folio. Argent., 1532. ZiMARA (Marc. Ant.) Antrum Magico-Medicum. 2 vols. 8vo. Fran., 1625. ZiNANUS (Gab.}, Ziznano. L'Arte del Segretario Politico e Famigliare. With Bragaccia. 4to. Fer., 1627, ZiNANus (Gab.), Ziznano. De Ratione Imperandi 8vo. Franc, 1628, ZiNN (Peter). Leading and Select Cases on Trusts. With Abstracts, Notes, and Citations. Svo. Cincinnati, 1873. ZiZANiORUM Fasciculi Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. Ascribed to Tho. Netter. Edited by Wm. Waddington Shirley. Rolls Edition. Svo. 1S58. ZoBOLUS (Alph.) In Joan. Ant. Magini Librum Prosthema. Folio. Vincent., 1620, ZoESius (Hen. Jac.) Institutiones Juris CiviHs. 4to. Venet., 1757. ZoESius (Hen. Jac.) Commentarius in Jus Canonicum Universum. 4to. Venet., 1757. 943 ZoESius (Hen. Jac.) Ad Digesta seu Pandectas ; h Martin Naurath. 2 vols. 4to. Venet., 1757. ZoNARA (Giov.) Historia delle cose de gli Hebrei, deir Origine de' Romani, &c. 4to. Vinet., 1560. ZoNARA (Giov.) See Corpus Byzantinae Historise. ZoNiGERA Sodalitas. See Maigret. Zoologist (The). No. 163. 8vo. 1856. ZoucH (Rd.) Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England Asserted against Sir Edward Coke. Wih Malynes : Lex. Folio. 16 16. ZoucH (Rd.) Elementa Jurisprudentise. Svo. Oxon., 1629. ZouCH (Ricardus). Juris et Judicii Fecialis, sive Juris inter Gentes, et Quaestionum de eodem explicatio. i6mo. Hagae Comitis, 1669. ZoucH (Ricardus). Descriptio Juris Ecclesiastici. See Mocket. ZuccoLO (Vit.) Dialogo delle Meteorologiche. [Tracts, Vol. 67.] 4to. Ven., 1590. ZuiNGER (Jac.) Principiorum Chymicorum Examen. Svo. Basil, 1606. ZuiNGER (Theod.) Similitudinum Methodus. With Lycosthenes : Similia. Svo. Basil, 1575. ZuiNGER (Theod.) Methodus Rustica Catonis atque Varronis. Svo. Basil, 1576. ZuiNGER (Theod.) Theatrum Humanse Vitae. 5 vols. Folio. Basil, 1604, ZuiNGER (Theod.) Physiologia Medica; k Jac. Zuingero. Svo. Basil, 1 6 10. ZuiNGLius (Huld.) Petri Pictaviensis Chronologia continuata. Folio. Basil, 1592. ZuiNGLius (Huld.) Vie de Zuingle. See Myconius. [Imperfect.] i2mo. ZuMPT (A. W.) Das Criminal-Recht der Romischen Republik. Vols. I, 2, 3. Svo. Berlin, 1 865-1 869. ZuMPT (A, W.) Der Criminal-Process der Romischen Republik. Svo. Leipzig, 187 1. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABBOTT'S JOURNAL. Soc, No. 6i. ABBREVIATIONS. Chassant (French). Waltherus. Wright. ABERDEEN CALENDAR. Cheth. 1864. 3rd Ed. 1866. 1756. 8th Ed. 1846. UNIVERSITY 1868-69. ABINGER, LORD, MEMOIR OF. Scarlett. 1877. ABRIDGMENT OF THE LAWS. Bacon. 1st Ed. 1736-70. 7th Ed. 1832. Brooke. Editions 1573, 1576, 1586. Comyns. 1st Ed. 1762-76. Sth Ed. 1822. Danvers. ist Ed. 1705-27. 2nd Ed. 1725-37. Fitzherbert. 15 16. Hughes. 1660, 1662. Petersdorff". 1841-44. 2nd Ed. 1861-64. Rastall. Tables. 15 17. Rolle. 1668, Statham. n.d. Viner. 1742-58. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Preston. 1824. ABYSSINIA. Godignus. 161 5. ACADEMICA MUNIMENTA. Anstey. Brit. Gi., 50. 1868. ACCESSORIES. Maunsell. 1850. ACCIDENTS. Hay {Scotch). i860. ACCIDENTS, RAILWAY. Simon. 1862. ACTION, PARTIES TO AN. Dicey. 1870. ACTION, PROCEEDINGS IN AN. Prentice. 1877. ACTIONS AT LAW, Boote. 1823. Chitty. 4th Ed. 1825. 7th Ed. 1844. Foulkes. 1879. Holthouse. 1839. Kerr. 1861. Smith, J. W. 3rd Ed. 1848. 6th Ed. 1857- Sth Ed. 1863. 9th Ed. 1866. loth Ed. 1868. 1 2th Ed. 1876. ADAM OF MURIMUTH. E.II.S., No. 10. Hog. 1846. ADMIRALTY, BLACK BOOK OF THE. Twiss. Brit. Gt., 55. 1872-76. ADMIRALTY, COURT OF. Jiules, Orda-s, &'c. i860. Rules for Appeal in Mar.and Ecc. Cases. 1865. Slave Trade Instructions. 1 865. ADMIRALTY INSTRUCTIONS. 1879. ADMIRALTY LAW. Browne. Clerke. Godolphin. Zouch. ADMIRALTY PRACTICE. Benedict (Ainer.) 2nd Ed. Betts(A^. K) Boyd (Ireland). Conkling(i/^.) 2nd Ed. Coote. Coote. Coote. Desty (Amer.) Dunlap(t/.6-.) Edwards. Etting (Amer.) Hall (Maryland). Holt. Lowndes. Marriott. Pritchard. Roberts (U.S.) Roscoe. Williams and Bruce, 2nd Ed. Supplement. 2nd Ed. Supplement. i8o2. 1829. x66i. 1616. 1870. 1838. 1868. 1857. i860. 1868. 1869. 1879. 1850. 1847. 1879. 1809. 1867. 1867. 1809. 1865. 1869. 1878. 1869, 1869. ADMIRALTY. Reports of Cases (American). Abbott (A^.K) 1847-50 Bee (S. Car.) 1 792- 1809, Betts (see Blatchford and How- land). 1827-63 Olcott. 1843-47 Abbott. 1847-50. Blatchford. 1861-63 Blatchford (A^.F.) 1861-65 Blatchford and Howland. 1827-37 Brown (U.S.) 1876, Browning and Lushington. 1863-65 Crabbe (Penns.) 1836-46 Curtis (U.S.) 1839, Davies (Maine). 1839-49, Hopkinson (Fenns.) (see Bee and Van Ness). 1789 MacAlister (California). 1855-59, ADMIRALTY. Reports of Cases (American) — continued. Newberry (Michigan, ^'c.) 1842-57. Olcott (N. Y.) - 1843-47- Peters (C/. a;) 1792- 1 802. Sprague (Mzjj.) 1841-61. Ware (Maine). 1822-55. Reports of Cases (English). Marriott. 1776-79. Robinson, C. I 799- I 808. Edwards. 1808-10. Dodson. 1811-22. Haggard. 1822-37. Robinson, W. 1838-52. Swabey. 1858-59. Lushington. 1860-63. Browning and Lushington. 1864-66. Index of Cases (Greene) . 1 8 1 8. ADOPTION (INDIA), LAW OF. Rattigan. 1873- ADULTERINE BASTARDY. Nicolas. 1836. ADVOCATE, PROFESSION OF (Fr.) Duchaine and Picard. 1869. ADVOCATES. Cox. 1852. Forsyth. 1849. ADVOWSONS. Mirehouse. 1824. ^NEIDIA. James. 1873. AFFILIATION. Saunders. 4th Ed. 1862. AFGHANISTAN. Elphinstone. 1842. AFRICA. Aldrete. 1614. Alvarez. 1557- Belzoni. 1822. Bruce. 1805. Cimi. 1560. Leo. 1556. Mocquet. 1617. Ogilby. 1670. Park. 1799. Razilli. 1632. Shaw (in Pinkerton). 1808. Sionita. 1619. Stella. 1551- AGENCY. Paley. 2nd Ed. 1819. 3rd Ed. 1833. Story (Amer.) 1839 6th Ed. 1869 7th Ed. 1869 8th Ed. 1874 AGENCY AND AGENTS. Wharton (Amer.) 1876. AGREEMENTS, CRIMINAL, AND CONSPIRACIES. Wright. 1873 AGRICULTURAL COMMUNI- TIES, MIDDLE AGES. Nasse. 1872 AGRICULTURAL DECISIONS (Scotland). 1800-1878. Anderson. 1878. AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS ACT. Winch. 1875. AGRICULTURAL TENAN- CIES. Cooke. 1851. AGRICULTURE. Bonardo, i593- Csesar (Const.) i540. Camerarius. 1547- Cato (in Finium Auctores). 16 14. Columella (in Finium Auctores). 1614. Crescentio. 1 543* Ducket. 1659. Estienne. ^Sl^' Falcone. ^S9^- Gallo. 1571. Hartlib. 1651. Palladius (in Rusticse Rei Auc- tores). IS9S- Tarello. IS^T- Tatti. 1560. Varro yin Rusticse Rei Auctores). 1595. Zuinger. i576. AGRICULTURE, AND PRICES IN ENGLAND. Rogers. 1259- 1793. AL SIRAJIYYAH. Rumsey. 1869. ALABAMA CLAIMS. Lond. 1872. ALABAMA, CODES OF. 1852-67. ALABAMA, CRUISE OF THE. 1864. ALBERT ARBITRATION. Lord Cairns' Decisions. Reilly. 1872-75. ALBIGEOIS. Chassanion. I59S- ALCHEMY. Amelungius. 1607. Antarvetus. 1604. Calid. 1615. Deane. 1630. Dulco. 1602. Flamel. 1628. Fludd (Rob. de Fluctibus). 1617-33. Gassendi. 1630. Gratarolus. I56i. Guibert. 1603. Helias. 1614. Pantheus. I550- Pontanus (Jo.) 1514- Potier, 1631. Quattrani. 1 587- Rulandus. 161 2. Tanckius. 1605. Thurneisserus. 1583' Villa Nova. 1602. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Arrian. I5S2. Curtius. Plutarch. ALEXANDER VII. No. 92. Cam, Soc. , 1757- 1573- 1573- 1867. ALFRED THE GREAT. Asser. 1848. Astle. Will. 1788. Pauli. 1853. Spelman. 1678. Turner (Sharon). 1807. ALGEBRA. Follenus. Harriot. Nonio. Salignack. Scheubelius. ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS. Hargreave. ALGIERS. Hsedo. Breves. 1622. 1631. 1552. 1593- 1552. 1866. 1628. 1612. ALIEN PRIORIES. Gough. 1786. ALIENATION, VOLUNTARY AND FRAUDULENT. May. 187 1. ALIENS. Hansard. 1844. Reeves {Anier.) 18 14. ALL SOULS', WORTHIES OF. Burrows. 1874. ALL SOULS' COLLEGE, OX- FORD. Catalogue of Archives. Martin. 1877. ALLEN'S (CARDINAL) DE- FENCE OF THE SURREN- DER OF DEVENTER. Cheth. Soc, Vol. 25. 1857. 1862-77. 1862-77. ALMASOR. Ashley. 1627. ALSACE, LAW OF. Otto. 17 13. AMALGAMATION IN LEGAL PROFESSION. Saunders, C. T. 1870. AMBASSADORS. K\t {Germ.) 1870. Bragaccia. 1626. Colazon. 1604. Gentilis. n.d. Paschalius. 1645. Wicquefort. 17 16. AMENDMENT OF THE LAW. Tapping. 1868. AMERICA. Tocqueville. 1839. Codes. Alabama. 1852-67. Arkansas. Gould. 2 vols, 1858. California. 1850-67. Columbia. 1857. Connecticut. 1866. Georgia. 1 86 1. Illinois. Gross. 1868-74. Indiana. 1852. Gavin and Hord. 1862. Davis. 1870. Iowa. 1860-73. Kansas. 1868-72. ALMANACS. De Gotha. Thom. AMERICA. Conm— continued. Kentucky. 1867. Myers. 1866-77. Stanton. 1867. Maryland. Mackall. 2nd Ed. i860. Maryland. Supplement. 1861-67. Massachussetts. Crocker. 1869. Massachussetts. Supplement. 1872. Minnesota. 1866. New Hampshire. 1867. New York. First Report of Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. Code of Procedure- 1848. Fourth Report. Code of Criminal Procedure. 1849. The Code as it is. 1864. Draft of a Civil Code. 1865. Civil Code, complete. 1865. Penal Code, complete. 1865. Book of Forms. 1865. Code of Procedure. April 2$. 1867. Ohio. i860. South Carolina. 1866. Texas. 1870. Virginia. 2nd Ed. i860. Wisconsin. i860. Constitution. American Constitutions. 1864. Brightly [Penns.) 1874. Chipman. 1833. Cooley. 1868. Elliott. 1854-59. Farrar. 1867. Hough. 1877. Jameson. 1867. New York Convention Manual. Official Opinions of Attorneys- General. Hall and Andrews. 1852-66. Rawle. 1829. Sedgwick. 1857. Story. 1833. Wedgwood. 1866. Digests of Law. Brightly (1789-1857). 1858. Brightly (1857-68). 1867. Gordon. 1851. Digests of Reports. Abbott (iV.Ki?.) 1873. Abbott (^7. 6-.) 1874. Abbott [Indiana). 1 87 1. Abbott. 1869. Baldwin [Connecticut). 1785- 1869. Barclay [Missouri). 1821-59. Bennett and Heard [Mass.) 1804-69. Bicknell and Hawley ( i \,Nevada). 1867. Brightly. Federal Decisions. 1 789- 1 862. Brightly (AA.F.) 1794-1875. Brightly (A/; F.) 1875. Conner [S. Carolina). 1835-54, Eastman [Maine). 1849. AMERICA. DiGESTSOF Reports— cw. Freeman (l-lS, Illinois). 1819-54. Gholson and Okey {Ohio). 1821-64. Hennen {Louisiana). 1809-60. Law. Patent Cases. 1789-1862. Littleton and Blatchley. Fire Jnsuraiue. 2nd Ed. 1868. Nash [Ohio). 1816-51. Parker [California). 1850-62. Peters (f/. 6".) 1789- 1847. Purdon (^Pennsylvania). i873- Rice [S. Carolina). 1783- 1827, Simonton and Conner (6". Caro- linay. 1 785- 1 856. Smedes [Mississippi). 1818-47. Stone [N. Y.P.) 1869. Thompson (1-24, Am. L. Rpts.) 1870-79. Tiffany [N. Y.R.) 1847-63. Virgin (Maine). 1847-69. Walker (15-21, Louis. Ann.) 1860-70. Withrow and Stiles [Iowa). 1839-72. Wood and Long (1-68, ///.) 1819-73. Wright [Penns. St.) 1839-72. Gkography and Travel. Hall (Basil). 1825-40. Hudson. 1612. Levett. n.d. Sagard. 1632. Villegaignon. 1557- History. American Archives. i\th Series. 1774-76. American Archives, ^th Series. 1876. American Stale Papers. 1833-34. Bancroft. 15th Ed. 1854-56. Bibliographica Genealogia. ^American). Durrie. 1868. Diplomatic Correspondence. 1863. Old Indian Chronicle. Drake. 1870. War of \%\2. Armstrong. 1840. Law Periodicals. Law Register. 1861-78. Law Review. 1866-77. Law Treatises. Abortion. Storr and Heard. 1868. Admiralty, Benedict. 2nd Ed. 1870. Betts. 1838. Conkling. 2nd Ed. 1857. Desty. 1879. Dunlap. 1850. Etting. 1879. Hall. 1809. Roberts. 1869. Agency. Story. 6th Ed. 1863. Story. 1839. 7th Ed. 1869. 8th Ed. 1874. Wharton. 1876. American Law. Bouvier. 1854. Hilliard. 1835. Hoffman. 1824-36. AMERICA. Law Treatises — con. Kent. 1826-30. 8th Ed. nth Ed. By Comstock. 1 2th Ed. By Holmes. Minot. Amer. Stat. 1845-55. Noyes. Robinson. Sedgwick. Arbitration. Morse Attorneys-General, Official Opinions of. 185 Average. Marvin. Banking. Morse. Bankruptcy. Brightly, Bump. Bills. Parsons. Story. Bailments. Story. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. 7th Ed. 8th Ed. Bounty. Carriers. Hannon. Angell. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. Redfield. Chancery. Story. 9th Ed. Church Law. Hoffman. Clerk's Assistant. Abbott. Commentaries. Kent, by Comstock. I ith Ed. By Holmes. 12th Ed. Commerce and Maritime Law. Conkling. 2nd Ed. Duer. Jacobsen. Parsons. Story. 6th Ed. Upton. Conflict of Laws. Redfield. 6th Ed. Story. 7th Ed. By Bennett. Wharton. Consular Regulations. 3rd Ed. Contracts. Hilliard. Parsons. Sth Ed. Story. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. By Bigelow. Bishop. Contracts, Maritime. Pothier, by Cushing. Conventional Constitutions. Jameson. Conveyancing. Abbott. Copyright. Law. Drone. Corporations. Abbott. Corporations, Private Aggregate. Angell and Ames. 8th Ed. Courts- Martial [Naval). Harwood. Covenants for Title. Rawle. CriminalLaw. Bishop. 3rd Ed. Wharton. 6th Ed. AMERICA. Law Treatises— f(7«. Criminal Pleading. Heard. Criminal Procedure. Bishop. 2nd Ed. Damages. Sedgwick. 6th Ed. Dictionary, Law. Bouvier. 1 2th Ed. Divorce. Bishop. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. Domestic Relations. Schouler. Dower. Scribner. Easements. Washburn. 2nd Ed. Ecclesiastical Law. Hoffman. Tyler. Equity, Bigelow. Equity in Pennsylvania. Rawle. Equity jfurisprudence. Story. 9th Ed. loth Ed. nth Ed. 1 2th Ed. 1879. 1866. 1872. 1874. 1843. 1868. 1864. 1873- 1870. 1867. 1867. 1868. 1866. 1879. 1868. 1867. 1870. 1873- 1877. 1875- Willard. Equity Pleadings. Story. 7th Ed. 1865. Equity Precedents. Curtis. 4th Ed. 1869. Estoppel. Bigelow. 1872. Evidence. Greenleaf. Vol. I, I2th Ed. ; Vol. 2, loth Ed. ; Vol. 3, 8th Ed. 1866-68. 13th Ed. Executors. Redfield. 2nd Ed. Federal Citations. Desty. Forms. Abbott. Freedom and Bondage. Kurd. 1858, Fraud. Bigelow. Game Laws [U.S.) Fin, Fur, and Feather. Government. Wedgwood. Injunctions. Milliard. Insanity. Hammond. Insurance, Non- Maritime. May. Insurance, Marine. Parsons. Phillips. International Law, Wheaton. By Boyd. yustices [N. Y. ) MacCall. Liens, Mechanics' . Life Assurance. Bliss. 2nd Ed. Limitations. Angell. 5th Ed. Mandamus. Moses. Maritime Insurance and General Average. Parsons. Maritime Law. IngersoU. Parsons. Marriage and Divorce, Bishop. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. Duer. Sth Ed. Halleck. Sth Ed. 3rd Ed. Phillips. 876. 866. 878. 866. 862. 877. 868. 866. 865. 867. 873- 845. 868. 867. 861. 866. 873. 872. 874. 869. 866. 868. 809. 860. 859- 864. 873. AMERICA. Law Treatises— f<7«. Married Women. Bishop. 1871-75. Mechanics^ Liens, Phillips. 1874. Medicine, Ordronaux. 1869. Mining Claims. Yale. 1867. National Register [Amer. Year Book). Camp. 1869. Nations, Law of. Halleck. 1 861. Wheaton. Sth Ed. 1866. By Boyd. 1878. Navigable Rivers. Houck. 1868. Negligence. Shearman and Red- field. 3rd Ed. 1874. Neutrality {U.S. v. Meteor). 1866. New Trials. Hilliard. 1866. Parliament. Cushing. 2nd Ed. 1863. Jameson. 1S67. Parliamentary Law, Wilson. 2nd Ed. 1S69. Partnership. Parsons. 1867. Story. 6th Ed. 1868. Patent Cases Digest. Law. 1868. Patents. Curtis. 3rd Ed. 1S67. 4th Ed. 1873. Law. 1866. Whitman. 1871. Pensions. Harmon. 1867. Pleadings, Equity. Story. 1S44. 7th Ed. 1865. Prize. Upton. 3rd Ed. 1863. {Peterhoff V. U.S.) Betts. 1864. Promissory Notes. Parsons. 1867. Story. 1845. 6th Ed. 1S6S. Property, Real and Personal. Kent. Vol.11. Comm. nth Ed. 1866. Property Episcopal Church, Hoffman. 1850. Public Land Laws, Zabriskie. 1870. Railways. Redfield. 3rd Ed. 1867. Real Property. Washburn. 3rd Ed. 1 868. Remedies for Torts. Hilliard. 1867. Remedies, and Remedial Rights by Civil Action. Pomeroy. 1876. Sales of Personal Property. Hilliard. 3rd Ed. 1S69. Langdell. 1872. Story. 4th Ed. 1871. Salvage. Marvin. 1858. Sett off. Waterman. 1869. Slander and Libel. Townsend. 1 868. 3rd Ed. 1S77. Slave Marriages. Bradwell. 1866. Torts. Hilliard. 3rd Ed. 1866. Bigelow. 1878. Cooley. 1S79. Trade Marks. Browne. 1873. Trespass. Waterman. 1875. Trusts. Perry. 1872. 2nd Ed. 1874. War Pffwers {.U.S.) Whiting. 43rd Ed. 1 87 1. Watercourses. Angell. 6th Ed. 1869. Wills. Redfield. 2nd Ed. 1866. Wreck, Marvin. 1858. AMERICA. Reports of Cases. Abbott. Beits' Admiralty Dec. Disct. N. y. 1847-50. I vol. Abbott. National Digest, U.S. 1867-74. 7 vols. Abbott. Circuit and Distrt. Cts. U.S. 1863-71. 2 vols. Abbott. Digest to Indiana Re- ports. 1 87 1. 2 vols. Adams, l, New Hants. 1816-19. Addison. Penns. {see Alden Cond.) Addison. Penns. 1 79 1 -99' i vol. Aikens. Vermont. 1826-27. 2 vols. Alden. Condensed Penns. : containing Dallas, Yeates, Binney, and Addison. 1754- 18 14. 3 vols. Allen. 83-96, Afffjj-. 1861-67. 14 vols. Allen. Telegraph Cases, 1873. I vol. American Rpts. Thompson. 1868-78. 26 vols. Ames. 4-7, Rhode Island. 1854-63. 4 vols. Angell. I, Rhode Island. 1828-51. I vol. Apple ton. 19-20, Maine. 1 84 1. 2 vols. Archer. 2, Florida, 1848-49. i vol. Ashmead. Penns. 1808-41. 2 vols. Bailey. 1 5- 1 6, 6". Carolina, Law. 1828-32. 2 vols. Banks, i-^, Kansas. 1862-69. 5 vols. Barber. 14-24, Arkansas. 1853-67. II vols. Barbour. Supreme Court. N. V. 1847-76. 66 vols. Barclay. Missouri Digest, 1821-59. I vol. Barr. i-io, Pennsylvania State. 1845-49. 10 vols. Bay. 5-8, Missouri, 1837-45. 4 vols. Bay. 1-2, S. Carolina, Law. 1 783- 1 804. 2 vols. Beasley. New Jersey, Chan- cery. 1859-62. 2 vols. Bee. U.S, Dist. S. Carolina. 1792-1805. I vol. Benedict. U.S. 2nd Circuit Court. 1865-76. 8 vols. Bellinger. 4-6, &r^^,Mississippi. 1834- 43. 7 vols. Howard, Jun. Court of Appeal. N. Y. 1847-48. I vol. Hubbard. 45-51, Maine. 1858- 61. 7 vols. Hughes. Kentucky. 1785- 1801. I vol. Hun. 8-25, N. Y. Supreme Court. 1874-79. 18 vols. AMERICA. Reports of Cases — con. Jennison. 14-18, Michigan. 1865-69. 5 vols. Johnson. 1-4, Maryland, Chan- cery. 1847-54. 4 vols. Jones, H. M. 22-30, Missouri. 1855-60. 9 vols. Jones, J. P. II, Pennsylvania State. 1849. I vol, Jones, Barclay, and Whittelsey. 31, Missouri. 1860-62. I vol. Jones and MacMurtrie. 12, Pennsylvania State. 1849. I vol. Jones and Spencer. 33-44> N. Y. Superior Court Reports. 1871-79. 12 vols. Kernan. 11- 14, NY. Reports. 1854-56. 4 vols. Keyes. Couj-t of Appeal, N. Y. 1864-68. 4 vols. King. 5, 6, Louisiana Annual. 1850-51. 2 vols. Kirby. Connecticut. 1785-88. I vol. Knowles. 3, Rhode Lsland. 1853-56. I vol. Lalor. Supplement to Hill and Denio. Supreme Court, N. Y. 1842-64. I vol. Lansing. Supi'eme Court, N. Y. 1869-73. 7 vols. Lathrop. Supreme Court, Mas- sachussetts. 115- 125, Mass. Reports. 1874-78. 11 vols. Lawrence. 20, Ohio. 1 851. i vol. Linn's Index. Penns. Repts. 1754-1856. I vol. Littell. 9-13, Kentucky. 1822- 24 5 vols. Littell. Kentucky Select Cases. 1 795- 1 82 1. I vol. Lock wood. Reversed Cases. N. Y. 1 799- 1 847. I vol. Louisiana. 1830-41. 19 vols, in 10. Louisiana Annual. 33-59, La. Reports. 1846-75. 27 vols. Lowell. Distr. Cou?-ts, Massa- chussetts. 1865-77. 2 vols. Ludden. 43-44, Maine. 1857- 58. 2 vols. McAllister. U.S. Circuit Court. 1855-59. I vol. McCahon. Supre??ie Court, Kansas. 1858-68. I vol. McCarter. 14, 15, New Jersey, Chancery. 1861-63. 2 vols. McCook. I, Ohio State. 1852-53. i vol. McCord. 6, 7, S. Carolina, Equity. 1825-27. 2 vols, in I. McCord. 10, 13, S. Carolina, Law. 1821-28. 4 vols, in 2. Maclean. U.S. Tth Circuit Court. 1829-55. 6 vols. Macmullan. 16, South Caro- lina, Equity. 1827-42. I vol. Macmullan. 24-25,6". Carolina, Lazv. 1835-42. 2 vols, in i. AMERICA. Reports of Cases— con. Magruden. i, 2, Maryland. 1851-52. 2 vols. Manning, i, Michigan. 1847- 50. I vol. Marshall, A. K. 6-8, Ken- ttuky. 1 81 7-2 1. 3 vols. Marshall, J. J. 22-28, Ken- tucky. 1829-32. 7 vols. Martin. 54-64, Indiana. 1876- 78. II vols. Martin. Louisiana, o.s. i8og- 23. 12 vols, in 6. Martin. Louisiana, n.s. 1823- 30. 8 vols, in 5. Mason. U.S. Circuit Court. 1816-30. 5 vols. Matson. 22-24, Connecticut. 1852-56. 3 vols. Meddaugh. 13, Michigan. 1864, 1865. I vol. Metcalfe. 56-59, Kentucky. 1858-63. 4 vols. Mill. 6, 7, S. Carolina, Law. 1817-18. 2 vols. Miller, i-^, Louisiana, 1830-33. 5 vols. Miller. 3-18, Maryland. 1852- 62. 16 vols. Monroe, B. 38-55, Kentucky. 1840-57. 18 vols. Monroe, T. B. 15-21, Ken- tucky. 1824-28. 6 vols. Moore. 28-32, Arkansas. 1872- 78. 5 vols. Morris. Iowa. 1839-45. ^ vol. Morris. 43-48, Mississippi. 1870-73. 6 vols. Nevada. Helm, Helm and Hittel, Bicknell and Haw- ley. 1865-76. • II vols. Newberry. U.S. District of Michigan, ^'c. Admiralty. 1842-47. I vol. Norris. 82-86, Penns. 1878. 5 vols. Nott and Hopkins. 8, 9, U.S. Court of Claitns. 1872-74. 2 vols. Nott and Huntingdon. 1-7, U.S. Court of Claijus. 1863- 72. 7 vols. Nott and McCord. 8, 9, S, Carolina, Latv. 1817-20. 2v0ls.ini. Officer. 1-9, Minnesota. 1851- 64. 9 vols. Official Opinions of Attorneys- General. U.S. 1791-1874. 14 vols. Ogden. 12-15, Louisiana An- nual. 1 857 60. 4 vols. Ohio. Happan, Hammond, Wilcox, Stanton, Griswold, Lawrence. 18 16-21. 21 vols. Ohio State. McCook, Warden, Critchfield, Granger, De Witt. 1852-74. 25 vols. Olcott. U.S. District, N.Y. Betts' Admiralty Decisions. 1843-47. I vol. AMERICA. Reports of Cases— <■(?«. Oregon. Wilson. Supreme Court. 1853-72. 3 vols. Otto. 91-99, U.S. Supreme Court. 1875-78. 9 vols. Paine. U.S. 2nd Circuit Court. 1810-40. 2 vols. Papey. 5-8, Florida. 1853-59. 4 vols. Parsons. Pentisylvania, Equity. 1841-50. I vol. Pennsylvania Stipreme Court. Alden, Sergeant and Rawle, Rawle, Penrose and Watts, Watts, Wharton, Watts and Sergeant, Grant. 1 7 54- 1 863. 72 vols. Pennsylvania State. Barr, Jones, Harris, Casey, Wright, Smith, Norris. 1844-76. 82 vols. Pennington. 2, New Jersey. 1806-13. I vol. Penrose and Watts. Pejtns. Supreme Court. 1829-32. 3 vols. Peters. Admiralty Decisions. U.S. Pennsylvania District. 1 792- 1 802. 2 vols, in I. Peters. U.S. Supreme Court. 1828-43. 17 vols, in 16. Peters. U.S. Supreme Court. Condensed Reports. 1 79 1 - 1 827. 6 vols. Peters. Digest of U.S. Su- preme Court and District Court. 1 789- 1 847. 2 vols. Peters. Lf.S. T^rd Circuit Court. 1803-18. I vol. Pike. 1-$, Arkansas. 1837-44. 5 vols. Post. 42-64, Missouri. 1867-77. 23 vols. Post Hoyt. 23-36, Michigan. 1871-77. 14 vols. Pulsifer. 6^^,^%, Maine. 1873-78. 4vols. Quincy, Superior Court, Mas- sachussetts. 1761-72. i vol. Randolph. 7-ii, Louisiana Annual. 1852-56. 5 vols. Rawle. Pennsylvania State. 1828-35. 5 vols. Redfield. New York Surro- gate. 1857-63. I vol. Redington. 3i-35» Maine. 1849-53. 5 vols. Reynolds. 40-42, Mississippi. 1864-69. 3 vols. Rhode Island. Angell, Durfee, Knowles, and Ames. 1828- 74. 7 vols. Rice. 14, .S". Carolina, Equity. 1838-39. I vol. Rice. 22, S. Carolina, Law. 1838-39. I vol. Richardson. 9, 18, 19, 24-35, S. Carolina, Equity. 1831- 61. 15 vols. Richardson. 28-31, 37-47, S. Carolina, Law. 1844-68. 15 vols. 2 10 AMERICA. Reports of Cases — con. Richardson. i, S. Carolina Reports. New Series. 1868- 69. I vol. Riley. 20, S. Carolina, Law. 1836-37. I vol. Riley. 1 2, S. Carolina, Equity. 1837. I vol. Robards. 12, 13, Missouri. 1848-50. 2 vols. Roberts. 6 1 -63, Louisiana An- nual. 1877-78. 4 vols. Robinson. 21-32, Louisiana, 1841-46. 12 vols. Robinson. -^2>, California. 1869. I vol. Root. Connecticut. 1789-98. 2 vols. Rowell. 45-50, Vermont. 1-6, n.s. 1872-78. 6 vols. Runnells. 38-47, Iowa. 1873- 78. 10 vols. Sandford. 3-7, N. Y. Supreme Court. 1847-52. 5 vols. Sawyer. ^''..S'. Circuit Court. 1870-71. I vol. Saxton. New Jersey, Chancery. 1830-32. I vol. Selden. 5-10, N.Y.R. 1851- 54. 6 vols. Sergeant and Rawle. Pennsyl- vania Supreme Court. 1814- 28. 17 vols. Shepley. 13-18, aW 21-30, Maine. 1836-41, and 1842- 49. 16 vols. Shirley. 49-55, New Hants. 1869-75. 7 vols. Sickells. Court of Appeal, 46- ^Z, N.Y.R. 1871-78. 28 vols. Skinker. 65-67, Mo. 1877-78. 3 vols. Smedes and Marshall. 9-22, Mississippi. 1843-50. 14 vols. Smedes and Marshall, i, Mis- sissippi, Equity. 1840-43. I vol. Smith, E. B. 61-64, Maine. 1867-75. 4 vols. Smith, P. F. 51-80, Pennsyl- vania State. 1865-76. 30 vols. Smith, P. F. Court of Ap- peal, 15-27, N. Y.R. 1857- 63. 13 vols. Sneed. Kentucky. 1801-5. i vol. South Carolina, Chancery. De- saussure. 1784-1819. 4 vols. Southard. New Jersey. 1818- 20. 2 vols. Spears. 26-27, S. Carolina, Law. 1842-44. 2 vols. Speers. 17,6". Carolina, Equity. 1842-44. I vol. Spencer. New Jersey. 1842-45. i vol. Spencer. 10-15, Minnesota. 1865-70. 6 vols. Spragne. U.S. District, Massa- chussetts. Admiralty and Ma- ritime. 1841-61. 2 vols. Stanton. \\-\-^,Ohio. 1841-44. 3 vols. AMERICA. Reports of Cases— <:. Griffith and Holmes, 1867, ■ Henley. 1832. and Holmes, 186Q, Holmes, Supplemetit to Griffi-th and Holmes. 1869. Kinnear (Scotch). 1862, Jemmett, 1861, Johnes. 1866, Montagu and Gregg, 1827. Montagu and Ayrton. 1844. Murdoch (Scotch). 1879, Nicholl. 1861, Sauterius. 1615, Shelford. i860. Wise. 1849. 2nd Ed. 1853. BANKRUPTCY ACT. Baldwin. 1879. Bigg. n.d. , Bulley and Bund. 1870. Gilmour. 1872. • Lee. 1871. \- Livesy. 1870. Ringwood, 1879. Robson. 1870. 2nd Ed. 1872. 3rd Ed. 1876. Roche and Hazlitt, 1870, Smith, J. W. 1870. Williams. 1870. '* Williams and Hardcastle 2nd Ed, 1876, BANKRUPTCY REPORTS, COM- . PLETE. Rose. 1810-16. ). Buck. 1816-20. Glyn and Jameson. 1821-28. . Montagu and McArthur, 1828-30. Montagu. 1830-32. Montagu and Bligh. 1832-33. Montagu and Ayrton. 1833-38. Montagu and Chitty. 1838-40. , Deacon and Chitty. 1832-35- , Deacon. 1836-39. Montagu, Deacon, and De Gex. 1840-44, De Gex, 1845-48. , Fonblanque, 1849-52. De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon. 1851-57. , De Gex and Jones. i860. De Gex, Fisher, and Jones. i860. De Gex, Jones, and Smi th. 1862-65. BAPTISM OF INFANTS. . Church. 1652. Taylor. 1652. i6 BAR. Smith, P. A. i860. Spence. 1864. Stephen. 1851. BARBADOES, LAWS OF. 1646- 1876. Rawlin. 1699. BARBARIAN LAW. Cancianus. 1781. BARNES, AMBROSE. Diary. XVII. Cent. Surtees Soc, No. 50. 1868. BARNES, BISHOP. Surtees Soc, No. 22. 1850. BARONAGE. Banks. 1807-37. Brydges. James I. 1802. Collins. 1st Ed. 1709. Collins. 2nd Ed. 17 10- 16. Collins. Extended Scale. 2nd Ed. 1 741. Collins. Extended Scale. 3rd Ed. 1756. Collins, by Longmate. Sth Ed. 1779. Collins, by Brydges. 6th Ed. 1812. Collins. 1729. BARONETAGE. Collins. 1720. Kimber and Johnson. I77i- Wotton. 1727. Wotton. 2nd Ed. 1 74 1. BARONETAGE, EXTINCT. Courthorpe. 1835. BARONIES. Madox. 1741. Nicolas, 1829. BASTARDY. Saunders. 4th Ed. 1862. BATH, ORDER OF. Anstis. 1725. Burke. 1858. Dod. 1850. BAVARIA, LAW OF. Schmid. 1695. BEAULY PRIORY, HISTORY OF. Grampian Club. iSjy. BECKET, THOMAS A. Stapleton. 1588. Robertson. Brit. Gt., No. 67. 1875-76. BECON. Parker Soc, Vols, g, 1^. 1843. BEDE. E.H.S., Nos. i, 6. Stephenson. 1841. BEDELL, BISHOP. Life. Camden Soc. Papers, No. 4, n.s. BEDFORD LEVEL. Dugdale. Elstobb. Wells. Fisher. 1872. 1772. 1792. 1830. 1812-36. 1806. BEDFORDSHRE Lysons. "BEGINNING, IN THE." Sandys. 1876. BEKYNTON, THOMAS. Cor- respondence. Temp. Hen. VI. Williams. Brit. Gt., No. 56. 1872. BELGIUM. History. Heuter. Leganes. Meteranus. Reitenberg. Untenbogardus. Wippo. Law. Bodel {Printer's), Topography. Andreus. Murray. Ortelius. Secundus. Language. Mylius. BELGIUM {see Flanders and Ne- therlands). BELLARMIN. Cervino. Fuligate. Gretzer. I6CX3. 1628. 1597- n.d. 1618. 1564. 1819. 1643. 1849. 1584. 1618. 1620. 1625. 1626. 1607. 1 801. BELLIGERENTS. Ward. BENEDICT OF PETER- BOROUGH. Stubbs. Brit. Gt., No. 49. 1867. BENEFICES. Ecton. 3rd Ed. 1728. Willis, Browne. 3rd Ed. 1763. BENGAL ACTS UNREPEALED. Clarke. 1878. BENGAL CODE. Field. 1875. Sutherland. 1862. Sutherland. Appendix to the Regu- lations of the Code. 1864. BENGAL LAW. Elberling. Inhtritatice. 1843. Knox. Crimitial. 1873. Maulik. Rettt. 1875. Rousseau. Dictionary. 1802. BENGAL. Reports of Cases. Bourke. 1865-67. Hyde. 1864. Marshall. 1862-64. Morton. 1774-1841. Sevestre. 1863. Law Reports. 1868-75. Supplement to. 1863-68. BENGAL RURAL ANNALS. Hunter. 3rd Ed. 1868. Fainine Aspects. Hunter. 1874. BENGAL UNREPEALED ACTS. Clarke. 1878. BENGALEE DICTIONARIES Carey. Robinson. Law Terms. BENTLEY. Monk. BERKSHIRE. Ashmole. Hearne iin Aubrey). Hughes. Lysons. Murray. BERMUDA, LAWS OF. BESANgON. Chifflet. 2nd Ed. 1825. i860. 1830. 1719. 1812. 1859. 1806. i860. 1690- 1877. 1618. 17 BEVERIDGE, BP. Lib. Angl- Cath. Theo. 1844-48. BEZA. Bolzec. 1584. Fayus. 1606. BIBLE. Calmet. Dictionary. 1722. Middendorpius. Ancient Versions. 1578. Polus. Commentaries. 1624. Sacro-Bosco. Ancient Versions, 1605. Sharp. Ancient Versions. Smith. Dictionary. 1860-63. Usher. Old Test. Hist. 1650. Weemse, On Translation. 1623. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brunei. 5th Ed. 1860-65. Barbier. 1872-73. Walther. Legal. 1854. BILBAO, ORDINANCES OF. House of Trade. 1787. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Bayley. 1822-30. Byles. 1843. 5th Ed. 1847. 7th Ed. 1857. 9th Ed. 1866. loth Ed. 1870. nth Ed. 1874. 13th Ed. 1879. Chalmers. 1878. Chitty. 7th Ed. 1827. nth Ed., by Russelh 1878. Marius. 1684. Parsons {Amer.) 1867. Ross (Scotch). 1852. Story (Amer.) 1843, 4th Ed. i860. Thomson. 1836. 1865-68. BILLS, NOTES, CHEQUES, &c. Clarke (Canadian). 1875. BILLS OF SALE. Beaumont. 1855. Butler. 1878. Byrne. 2nd Ed. 1869. Millar and Collier. 3rd Ed. 1870, Millar. 4th Ed. 1877. Lyon. 1873. Wilson. 1879. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTION- ARIES. Gesner. iS5S- Granger and Noble. English. 1824, Haydn. 1870. Lempriere. Classical, 1828. Moreri. I759- Rose. 1857- Smith. Classical. 1844. Watt. British. 1824. BIOGRAPHY. Abinger, Lord. Scarlett. i860. Adrian VI. Jovius. "^SS^- All Souls', Worthies of. Burrows. 1874. Brougham, Lord. Autobiography. 1871. Brougham and Lyndhurst, Lord CampbelVs Misrepresentations in Lives of. Lord St. Leonards. 1869. BIOGRAPHY— (ro«//M«^ Bruce, / Parker, and Stuart. Younge & Collyer. Collyer. De Gex & Smale. Smale & Giffard. Giffard. Hare. Kay. Kay & Johnson. Johnson. Johnson and Hemming. Hemming and Miller. Wood. \ Temp. I Wigram, ) Turner, and J Wood. ' 1860-65. 1841-43. 1844-45. 1846-52. 1852-57. 1857-65. 1841-53- 1853-54- 1854-58. 1859. 1860-62. temp. 1862-66. CHANCERY, COURT OF. Temp. Hen. VI. Corner. 1865. CHANTRIES IN LANCASTER, HISTORY OF. Chet. Soc, Nos. 59, 60. 1862. CHAPEL ROYAL. Book of Re- membrance. Rimbault. Cam, Soc, n,s., No, 3. 1872. CHARITABLE TRUSTS. Cooke and Harwood. 2nd Ed. 1867. Finlason. i860. Tudor. 1862. CHARITIES, LAW OF. Carlisle. 1828. Duke. 1676. Moor (with Duke). 1676. Whiteford. 1878. Wood. i860. CHARLEMAGNE. Turpin, in Schardius. 1566 Ubaldini. 1599 CHARLES I. Bruce. Catn. Soc, No, 63. Bruce and Hamilton. 1625-40. 1856. Cal, St. Pa, Cook. Eikon Basilike, by Gauden. Franklin. Nalson. Starkey. Strafford. Wordsworth. 1862-77. 1649. 1648, 1824. 1681. 1684. 1660. 1641. 1824-28. 1685. 1863-66. 1857. 1662. 1828. 1792. CHARLES II. Anderson. Green. 1660-67. Cal, St, Pa. Hughes. Ogilby. Pepys. Somerville. CHARLES v., EMPEROR. Carion. 1580. Davila. 155°- Merus. 1661. Prescott. 1857. Robertson [with Prescott). 1857. Vera. 1624. CHARLES IX., OF FRANCE. Castelneau. 1 62 1. CHARLES, THE BOLD, OF BURGUNDY. Barland. 1585. CHARTER PARTIES. Lawes. 1813. CHARTERS. Ayloffe. 1774. Blackstone. I759- Jeake. 1729. Madox. 1702. CHAUCER. Godwin. 1804. CHEKE, SIR JOHN. Strype. 1821. CHELSEA COLLEGE. Darley. 1662. CHEMISTRY. Avicenna. 1572. Bernardus. 1697. Cullen. 1789. Culpeper. 1651. Dariot. 1582. Dorncreilius. 1600. Fallopius. 1565-70. Ferro. 1606. Geber {see Avicenna). 1572. Gerhard. 1595- Greiffius. 1641. Guerand. 161 8. Gunther. 1621. Guzman. 1603. Hollyngus. 1610. Kernerus. 1618. Keslar. 1619. Khunrath. 1605. Lacinius. 1554- Lagneus. 161 1. Lalamantius. 1578. Lankester {see Water). 1852. Laurenbergius. 1624. Libavius. i59S- Lisset. 1587. Lombardus. 1617. 24 CHEMISTRY- continutd. MacoUo. 1622. Maier. 1617. Monardes. 1574' Mylius. 1618. Nardius. 1634. Nollius. 1613. Obendorfferus. 1610. Oribasius. IS33- Penotus. 1616. Philiatrus. 1554. Puteo. 161 1. Reineccerus. 1609. Reinesius. 1624. Rhenanus. 1623. Ripley. 1 6 14. Rondelet. 1561. Rosmarin. n.d. Rubens. 1582. Rulandus. 1 607-11, Ryff. 1542. Sala. 1628. Schwenckfelt. 1630. Sennertus. 1619. Sneeberger. 1 592. Tourrete. 1575- Tovar. 1586. Vallensis. 1593. Vidua. 1613. Vigenere. 16 18. Zuinger. 1606-10. CHEQUE BOOK OF CHAP. ROYAL. Rimbault. Cam. Soc, No. 3, n.s. 1872. Shaw. 1 87 1. 1656. 1673- 1806. 1819. 1826. CHEQUES, BANKERS'. CHESHIRE. King. Leycester. Lysons. Ormerod. Wilbraham. Dialect. CHESTER. King. CHESTER CIRCUIT PRACTICE. Abbott. 1795- CHESTER'S TRIUMPH. Cheth. Soc, No. 3. 1656. 1844. CHETHAM, DR. FARMER, MS. Chetk. Soc, Nos. 89, 90. 1873. CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Cheth. Soc, Nos. 24, 37, 57, 83, 96. 1851-75. CHETHAM SOCIETY'S PUB- 1851-76. LICATIONS. CHICHELE. Duck. 1617. CHICHESTER. Dallaway. 1815. CHILI. Hall. 1825. CHILI. Code. Lasteria. 1865. CHINA. Baudier. 1631. Feynes. 1630. Mendoza. 1587. Morin. 1625. Ogilby. 1669. Pidding. 1844. Pinto. 1620-28. Ribadaneyra. 1601. Staunton. Laws. 1810. CHOATE, RUFUS. Addresses. 2nd Ed 1878. CHRIST, JESUS, LIFE OF. Leovalla. 1594- Paleotti. 1607. Perion. 1571- Stengelius. 1622. Thaulerus. 1572. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1874. CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES, DICTIONARY OF. Smith and Cheetham. 1875. CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHY, DICTIONARY OF. Smith and Wace. 1877. CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Grotius. Mosheim. Ramus. Rogers. Sacro Bosco. Saramiento. Sherlock. Venatorius. Watson. Zanchius. Bull 1703- 1627. 1722. 1577. 1854. 1604. 1591- 1755- 1529. 1816-18. 1585- CHRONICA JOC. DE BRAKE- LONDA. Rokewode. Cam. Soc, No. 13. 1840. CHRONOLOGY. Alfragan. 1590. Art de Virijier les Dates. 1820-21. BeyerHnck {with Opmeerus). 161 1. Blair. 1754- Bond. 1866, Calvisius. 1605. Curio. 1557. Fregeville. 1582. Genesius. 1547- Hales. 1830. Isaacson. 1633. Mercator. 1577- Moltherus. 1617. Nauclerus. 15 16. Nicolas. n.d. Opmeerus. 1611. Pawell. 1627. Scaliger. 1629. Seville. 1586. CHRONOMETRICAL CHART. Nasmith. 1862. CHRYSANTHEMUM. Broom. 1861. Dale. 1 861. 25 CHRYSOSTOM, ST. Lib. of the Fathers, Vols. 4-7, 9, ii, 12, 14, 15, 27, 28, 33-36. 1839-52. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Articles, Injunctions, &'c. Sparrow. 4th Ed. 1864. Canons and Constitutions. Cardwell. 3rd Ed. 1852. Gibson, Bishop. 1761. Discipline. Cartwright. n.d. Hart. 1833. Mason. 1625. Taylor. 1839. Wilkins. 1721-37. Doctrines. Cade. 1630. Crackanthorp. 1625. Jacob. 1599. Jewel. 1606. Documentary Annals. Cardwell. 1839. CHURCH AND STATE (ENG- LAND). MacMahon. 1874. CHURCH AND STATE HANDY BOOK. Chambers. 1866. CHURCH ACT (IRELAND), 1869. Atkins. 1869. CHURCH AND CIVIL POWER. Joyce. 1869. CHURCH BUILDING. Oliphant. 1853. Trower. 1869. CHURCH, CANONS OF. 1604. Davis. 1869. CHURCH CEREMONIAL, ENG- LISH. Goode. 1 85 1. CHURCH DICTIONARY. Hook. roth Ed. 1867. CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Hooker. 1666. Michaelis. 1564. Molinaeus. 1659. Nicolson. 1659. Pighius. 1558. Prynne. 1660. CHURCH LAW. Blunt, by Phillimore. 1872. CHURCH LAWFUL ORNA- MENTS. Perry. 1857. CHURCH ORNAMENTS. Wilson. 1 76 1. CHURCH OF OUR FATHERS. Rock. I849-S3- CHURCH RATES. Attree. Braintree Case. i853' CHURCHWARDENS. Prideaux, C. G. i860, nth Ed. 1868. I2th Ed. 1871. 13th Ed. 1875. Prideaux, H. 1835. CICERO. LIFE, &c. Angelus. 1581. Bellendenus. 1608-12. Ferrerius. 154°' CICERO. LIFE, &c.- —continued. Grifolus. 1548. Junius. 1594- Majoragius. 1569. CICERO. WORKS. Gruter and Servelius. 1661. Valpy. 1830, De Legibus. Bakius. 1842. De Republica. Maiu; 1846, CINQUE PORTS. Boys. 1792, Jeake. 1727, Lyon. 1^13- CIRENCESTER, RICARDUS DE. Mayor. Brit. Gt., No. 30 . 1863. CITY OF GLASGOW BANK DIRECTORS' TRIAL. Couper . 1879. CIVIL ACTIONS, PLEADINGS IN. Williams. 1857. CIVIL ENGINEERS. Charters J &c. 1867. CIVIL OR ROMAN LAW. Code of Justinian. Aretinus. 1506. Brunnquellius. 1725- Butrigarius. 1516. Cormerius. 1602. Corpus Juris. 1618. Cujacius. 1751- Cungno. 1512. Cynus. 1528. Ferriere. 1724. Penna. 1557- Perezus. 1720. Riminaldus. 1659. Rosate. I 518-34. Saliceto. 1560. Ubaldis. I 579-80. Dictionaries. Brissonius. 1587. Budjeus. 1555- Calvinus. 1645. Ferriere. 1771. Oldendorpius. IS49- Digests, or Pandects. Alciatus. 1550- Aretinus. 1506. Arndts. 6th Ed. 1868. Ayrault. 1615. Bocking. 5th Ed. i86r. Brenkman. 1722. Bronchorst. 1656. Budaeus. IS35- Butrigarius. 1606. Cagnolus. 1586. Corpus Juris. 1618. Cumanus. 1554. Faber. 1631. Ferriere. 1667. Fulgosius [with Cumanus). 1554. Girtanner. 4th Ed. 1869. Goudsmit, by Gould. 1873. Gronovius. 1730. Leyser. 1717. Mommsen. 1870. Miihlenbruck. 1838. Pothier. 1782. Puchta. loth Ed. 1866. 26 CIVIL OR ROMAN \JC^— continued. Rebuffus. 1589. Riminaldus. 1659. Rosate, Alb. de. 1534. Thibaut. 1846. Ubaldis. 1579-80. Vigelius. 1571- Voet. 1734. Voet, by Wilson. Contract of Sale. 1876. Voet, by Hoskyns. Servitudes. 1878. Wesenbecius. 1665. Widmont. 1698. Windschied. 4th. Ed. 1874-75. Zoesius. 1757- English Treatises. Abdy. Civ. Proc. 1857. Abdy and Walker. Inst. Just. 1876. Ayliffe. I734' Bever. 1781. Bowyer. 1848. Bowyer. 1874. Browne. 1802. Butler (m Coke upon Littleton). 1594. Clark. 1872. Colquhoun. 1849. Cumin. 1854. Duck. 1724. Greene. Inst. 1 870. Hadley {Amer.) 1874. Hallifax. 1795, 1856. Harris. Translation. 181 1. Holland. Inst. Just. 1873. Holland and Shadwell. Digest. 1874-76. Holloway. 1867. Hunter and Cross. 1876. Irving. 1837. Long. 1847. Mackenzie. 1862. 3rd Ed. 1870. Phillimore. 1848. Phillimore. Priv. law. 1863. Pritchard and Nasmyth. Ortolan. 1870. Ridley. 1607. Sandars. Inst. Just. 5th Ed. 1874. Savigny, by Brown. 1872. Taylor. 1 769. Wilson. Voefs Pand. 1875. Wood. 1730. History. Bachius. 1 796. Brokes. 1732. Nettlebladt. 1774. Savigny. 1839. Struvius. 1 720. Tigerstrom. 1838-41. Iiutitutes of Justinian. Abdy and Walker. 1876. Agambilionibus. 1609. Begerus. 1767. Contius. 1560. Corpus Juris. 16x8. Costa. 1719. Damangeat. 2nd Ed. 1866. Du Caurroy. 8th Ed. 1851. Cumin. 1854. Gaius. 1829. CIVIL OR ROMAN \.KSN— continued. Giraud. 1873. Gneist. 1858. Greene. 1870. Grotius. 1643. Harris. Translation. 1811. Hermanus. I73i' Holland. 1873. Hopper. n.d. Hunter and Cross. 1876. Klenze. Lagrange. I2th Ed. 1869. Mathasus. 1672. Merillius. 1739- Oinotomus. 1683. Ortolan, 1854. 7th Ed. 1863. 8th Ed. 1870. Ostermannus. 1625. Pellat. 1870. Portius. 1550. Puchta, by Rudorff. 6th Ed. 1866. Russardus. 1 567. Sandars. 5th Ed. 1874. Theophilus. 1733- Vinnius. 1755- laws before Justinian. Balduinus. ISS4' Christius. 1727. Fenzonius. 1636. Forget. 1577. Gothofredus. 1653. Gutherius. 1628. Jurisprudentia Vetus. I7i7- Lipsius. 1607. Lydus. 18 1 2. Mannuccius. 1585. Marsilius. 1613. Otto. 1733. Pancivolus. 1610-31. Ranchinius. 1782. Schineman. n.d. Schulting. 1717- Siculus {in Fin. Reg. Auc ) 16 14. Sigonius. 1609. Tayler. 1742. Novels, or New Constitutions of Justiniati. Coffini^res. 1805. Duarenus. 1 567. Ferriere. 1688. Miscellaneous Treatises. Apellus. 1580. Arumseus. 161 5. Averanius. 1832. Ayrault. 1610-42. Azon. 1690. Bachovius. 1688. Balduinus. 1612-55. Barbeyrac. I73i- Belluga. 1655. Bondam. 1 746. Bondenus. I7I5> Bossius. 1566. Bozius. 1600. Bronchorst. i6o2. 27 CIVIL OR ROMAN -LkW—conHnued. Budseus. 1546. Caevallos. 1604. Calgagninis. 1544- Carnin. 1620. Carpzovius. 1650-1710. Castrensis. 1682. Cepparellius. 1609. Cerboni, 1766. Cerdan. 1604. Chartarius. 1587. Coccejus. 1720. Connanus. 1553- Constantinus. 1606. Contzen. 1630. Coras. 1614. Cormerius. 1602. Coscia. 1651. Costa. 1676. Cremani. 1802. Daoys. 1742. Decius. 1567-1610. Domat. 1737-77- Duker. 1711. Durand. 1585. Eberlinus. 1595- Elenus. 1576. Engau. 1751. Everhardus. 1648. Faber. 1628. Fachinoeus. 1609. Fano (luith Herculanus). '592. Fatinellus. 1708. Fellenburg. 1760. Ferrarius. 1 601. Fons. 1607. Forcatulus. 1 549. Francis. 1613. Freigius. iS7i- Gain. 1 72 1. Gobius. 1673. Gomez. 1672. Gothofredus. 1653. Gregorio. I597> Gretzer. 1606. Groningius. 1701. Haloander. 1575- Henelius. 1654. Hensing. 1 742. Herault. 1650. Herculanus. 1592' Hopperus. n.d. Hoppius. 1 772. Hotman. 1587. Huber. 1678. Justellus. n.d. Krigel. Corp.Jur. Civ. 14th Ed. 1872. Krueger. Code. 1877. Landus. 1713- Lauterbegus. 1578. Leewius i^see Van Leeuwen). I74i' Leonhardus. 17 10. Limpus. 1608. Luzac. 1768. Macchicavelli. l8i8. Machelard. Accretion. i860. CIVIL OR ROMAN \.PC^— continued. Machelard. Lex Catonia, 1862. Mascovius. 1776. Mackeldy {^German). 1832-1851. {Latin). 1847, Mattheacius. IS9I' Maynz. 3rd Ed. 1856-74. Menagius. 1738. Molitor. Obligations. 2nd Ed. 1866. Molitor. Possession. 2nd Ed. 1868. Montelaticus. 1777- Onciacus. 1 581. Pancirolus. 1637. Passeribus. 1685. Pfaffrodius. 1597- Pinel-Grandchamp. 1821. Pontanus. IS56. Ponzinibius. 1592. Rebuffus. 1668. Redus. 1822. Reuzner. 1 585-1605. Renter. 1609. Robertus. 161 1. Rocca. 1697. Roxas. 1669. Russardus. 1567. Savigny. 1831-53. Savigny. Obligations, by Gerardin and Gozon. 1 863. Savigny. Obligations,hy Bxovm. 1872. Slevogtius. 1724. Stephanus. 1580. Struvius, G. A. 1677, Struvius, B. G. 1720. Tabor. 1688. Tebaldus. ^T^Z- Tiraquellus. 1559- Trubach. 1638. Tuldenus. 1702. Typotius. 1595. Ulpianus. 1845. Valentiis, 1612. Velvod. 1594- Vincentius. 1624. Wenck. 1820. Walther. 1854. Wolfius. 1584. Zoesius. 1757' Collected Works ofyurists, Albericus de Rosate. 1534' Augustinus. 1584. Baro. 1562. Bartolo. 1603. Bynkershoek. 1767. Castillo. 1667. Clarus. 1586. Contelmannus. 1763. Costa. 1576. Covarruvias. 1688. Cujacius. 1637. Donellus. 1828. Duarenus. 1765. Farinacius. 1622. Feltman. 1764. Ferraris. i77o« Gentilis. 1598. 28 CIVIL OR ROMAN l^ASN— continued. CIVIL OR ROMAN "LKW -continued. Gomesius. 166 1. Cravetta. 1589. Gravina. 1758. Decianus. 1602. Heineccius. 1744. Decius. 1581. Lipsius. 1607-37. Dynus. 1727. Luca. 1527. Farinacius. 1619-28. Maynus. 1579. Feretti. 1572. Michalorius. 1709. Grammaticus. 1566. Moulin. 1658. Imola. 1578. Noodt. 1724. Menochius. 1609. Otto. 1733. Natta. 1584. Panormitanus. 1539- Oldradus. 1570. Parladorius. 1677. Peregrinus. 1608. Perez. 1733- Purpuratus. 1579- Perezus. 1827. Rebuffus. 1618. Rsevardus. 1601. Rosa. 1699. Rosate (Albericus de). 1534- Ruinus. 1557- Saliceto. 1615. Schomaker. 1736. Thesaurus. 1733-63. Suarez. 1559. Valasco. 1735. Typotius. I59S- Valentibus. 1744. Ubaldis. 1551- Separate Treatises, Valle. 1571- Actiones. Donellus. 1584. Wesenbecius. 1577- Advocati. Ala. 1610. Consultationes. Fidelis. 1628. Manzius. 1742. ContrabandcB. Mausonius. 1654. Analogi, Raudensis. 1587. Contractus. Alderisius. 1675- Appellatio. Scaccia. 1642. ControversicE. Vigelius. 1579. Archivce. Bonifacius. 1632. Conventiones, Mantica. 1615. Wenckerus. 1715- Creditorufn jfus et Frivilegia, Assecuratio. Roccus. 1708. Acosta. 1739- Auctiones. Mathseus. 1653- Rodriguez. 1664. Beneficia, Chokier. 1700. Datarius. Amydenius. 1654. Cceci, Surdi, etMuti. Michalorius . 1646. Debitor. Schullvcn. 1632. Gambia, Baldasseroni. 1805. Decisiones. Baitellus. 1761. Scaccia. 1648. Belmonte. 1667. Cantelce, Cepola. 1742. Bonfinius. 1770. Census. Bonius. 1569. Borrellus. 1618. Cessio Jurum. Olea. 1673. Camunicula. 1645. Clausula Codicillaris. Turrettus 1609. Christinseus. 1626. Coadjutorii. Remocampus. 1700. Dunozzettus. 1673- Collecta. Balmaseda. 1692. Dynus. 1 7 14. Colonia, Frontinus {in Fin. Grassis. 1590. Reg. Auc.) 1614. Gratianus. 1621. Commercium, Ansaldis. 1698. Guido. 1667. Cotrugli. 1573. Massa. 1730- Mercado. 1569. Mella. 1555- Sauterius. 1615. Monachus. 1619. Scaccia. 1648. Nerus. 1769. Straccha. 1576. Novarius. 1656. Commissiones. Marchesanus. 1604. Peiia. 1648. Conciliatio Legum. Passeribus. 1685. Peregrinus. 1623. Struvius {in Pinel-Grand Postius. 1694. champ). 1821. Puteus. 1610. Confusio Jurum, Rubeus. 1697. Surdus. 1597- Ccttnubium, Arnisseus. 1613. Trivisanus. 1695. Consilia et Responsa. Alciatus. 1560. Trivisianus. 1595- Anania. 1540. Vinciolus. 1713- Ancharano. 1585. Delictum. Angelis. 1736. Balser. n.d. Divitia. Marstallerus. 1628. Barbatia. 1581. Doctoratus. Brancaccinus. 1689. Bertazzolius. i6o2. Emptio. Vespinianus. 1835- Bertrandus. 1503- Fictiones Juris, Alteserra. 1659- Binius. 1636. FidcEi Commissa, Oddus. 1622. Beroius. 1567. Padilla. 1568. Brunus. 1579- Peregrinus. 1596. Csepola. 1541- Petra. 1588. 29 CIVIL OR ROMAN l.kVf— continued. Fines. Monte. i556. Rigaltius (m Fin. Reg. Auc.) 1614. Fractus. Carocius. 1584. Fugitivi. Villosa. 1674. Honiicidiujn. Gribaldus. 1582. Infortiatum. Imola. 1502. Rosate, A. de. iS34' Ubaldis. 1579-80. Inspectio. Tittmann. 1796. Instrumenta. Parexa. 1668. InsulcE. Gryphiander. 1624. Indices. Cavalcanus. 1604. Chapeauville. 1596. Menochius. 1630. Juramentum. Mancinus. 1601. Jurisfrudentia Forensis. Schilter. 1678. yus Criminalis, Bonfidius. 1573- Cremani. 1834. Damhoudere. 1558. Decianus. 1614. Farinacius. 1606. Guazzini. 1 7 16. MathjEus. 1772. Oldefops. 1664. Paleotti. 1596. Pla9a. 1560. Raynaldus. 1699. Renazzi. 1 794. Villalpandus. 1618, Jus Privatum. Warnkoenig. 1834. Legati. Barbosa. 1662. Bordonfus. 1688-89. Chokier. 1624. Limites. Hygenus {in Fin. Reg. Auc.) 1618. Liyellarius. Manentus. 1620. Locatio. Pacionus. 1700. Magistratus. Beccaria. IS90. Labonfaye. 1845. Lipsius. 1607. Piso. 1614. Majestatis Lex. Arnisseus. 1635. Matrimonium. Brissonius. 1662. Fontanella. 1659. Hotman. 1662. Justis. 1 69 1. Monnerus. 1603. Nevizanus. 1592. Sanchez. 1690. Nobilitas. Escobar. 1678. Notoriatiis. Puccinelli. 1654. Vignolo. 1789. Partitiones. Ayora. 1677. Partus Naturalis. Cananza. 1629. Pascendi Jus. Otero. 1677. Pensiones. Carocius. 1584. Personarum Jus. Ricciallus. 1562. Pignora. Merlinus. 1742. Possessio. Argelus. 1655. Savigny. 1845. Prcecedentia. Alciatus. 1601. Prcelatio. Corradinus. 1688. Prcescriptiones. Balbus. 1565. PrcEstatio, Venentus. I594. CIVIL OR ROMAN "LKVf— continued. PrcBsumptiones. Menochius. Principes. Groningius. Privilegia Miserabilium. {Novarius. Velasco. Probationes. Lenneps. Mascardus. Prorex. Ponte. Protestatio. Iranco. Prothomisis. Afflitto. Reditus. Rodericus. RegulcB Juris. Albericus de Rosate. Decius. Dynus. Faber. Gothofredus. Monthaen. Renuntiatio7ies. Donadeus. Representatio. Robles. Resolutiones. Carena. Rustici. Choppinus. Sagce. Melander. Servitus. Monthaen. Pecchius. Sodalitia. Bassus. Sortiarii. Donaeus. Guillandus. Statuta. Gregory XIII. Rodenburgh. Subhastatio. Mangilius. Subsidia. Waremundus. Substitutiones. Alesmius. Successiones. Bottilierius. Suffi-agium. Schlozer. Supplicatio. Salgado. Tenuta. Paz. Testamenta. Baitellus. Bersanus. Farinacius, Melander. Politus. Salmasius. Te77ipus Legale. Cravetta. Transactiones. Urceolus. TutelcB. Montanus. Triboniani Emblamata. Ramos. 1728. Universitatum Jus. Cohellius. 1656. LosscEus. I7i7« Mendus. l6S5» Vasselli. Novarius. 1656. Vei'borum Significatio. Rebuffus. 1614. Viduce. Bersanus. 1699. CIVIL LIBERTY AND SELF- GOVERNMENT. Lieber {Atner.) 3rd Ed., by Woolsey. 1874. CIVIL PROCEDURE. Knox {Ind.) 1877. Roscoe. 1876! CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE, INDIA. Act X. of 1877. Broughton. jgys. CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS- SIONERS' REPORTS. 1858-76. 1614. 1701. 1739- 1739- 1768. 1597. 1611. 1673. 1696. 1672. 1543. 1570-1610. 1569. 1566. 1653- 1603. 1652. 1667. 1661. 1575. 1597. 1600. 1698. 1739- 1521. 1580. 1766. 1628. 1606. 1540. 1680. 1795- 1792. 1739- 1671. 1707. 1644. 1597. 1712. 1653. 1549. 1685. 1656. 30 CIVILIZATION. Buckle. 1857. Harris. 1861. CLARENDON CONSTITUTIONS. Lyttleton. 1767. Wilkins. n.d. CLARENDON, EARL, CHAN- CELLOR. Ellis. 1827. Singer. 1828. CLARENDON STATE PAPERS IN BODLEIAN. 1523-1657. Ogle, Bliss, Macrae, Coxe. 1869-76. CLAUSES CONSOLIDATION ACTS. Bigg. 1866. CLERGY. Cripps. 4th Ed. 1863. Sth Ed. 1869. Supplement by Fisher. 1872. Dale. 4th Ed. 1866. Hodgson. 8th Ed. i860. 9th Ed. 1871. Urlin. 1878. CLERGYMAN'S VADE-MECUM. Johnson. i 723. CLERICAL SUBSCRIPTION. Napier. 1865. CLERKS' AND CONVEYANCERS' ASSISTANT. Abbott Bros. Mw^.) 1866. CLEVELAND DIALECT. Atkinson. 1868. CLEVELAND, HISTORY OF. Graves 1808. COBDEN, RICHARD. Political Writings. 1867. COCKBURN'S, SIR ALEXAN- DER, OF LANGTOUN, CLAIM. 1743-45- COCKBURN'S, SIR ALEXAN- DER, CHARGE. 1867. COCHIN-CHINA. Borri. 1631. CODE, ENGLISH. Amos. 1873. CODE DE COMMERCE ALLE- MANDE. Foucher. 1862-64. CODE NAPOLEON. Demolombe. 2nd Ed. 1860-62. Mourlon. 7th Ed. 1866. St. Joseph. 2nd Ed. 1856. CODRINGTON, SIR EDWARD, LIFE OF. Lady Bourchier. 1873. COGGLESHALL, RALPH DE. Stephenson. Brit. Gt., No. 66. 1875. COINS. Arbuthnot. I7S4- Balbus. 1656. Bude. IS55- Clarke. 1767. Groningius. 1 701. Gronovius. 1656. Kelly. 1835. COKE, SIR EDWARD. Campbell. 1845. Prynne. 1669. Tyrwhitt. Reports, Index to. 1827. Woolrych. 1826. COKE UPON LITTLETON Davenport. COLDRINGHAM PRIORY. Surtees Sac, Nos. 9, 12. 1839-41 COLDSTREAM PRIORY CHAR- TULARY. Gramp. Soc. Pub, Rogers. COLE FAMILY. Cole. COLET, DEAN. Knight. COLLECTANEA, ANGLO POETICA. Chet. Soc, 52, 55, 71, n, 91. 1685. 1879. 1867. 1724. Nos. 1860-73. COLLECTANEA CURIOSA. Gutch. 1 78 1. COLLECTANEA TOPOGRA- PHICA ET GENEALOGICA. Nichols. 1834-43. COLLECTIONS OF A CITIZEN. 15th Cent. Cam. Soc, No. IT, n.s. 1876. COLLIERIES. Fowler. 1869. Fowler. 2nd Ed. 1869. COLLISIONS AT SEA. Lowndes. 1867. COLONIAL LAW. Anguilla. 1711-1851. Antigua. 1662-1875. Australia, South. [1857, 1862-64 wanting.] 1837-78. Australia, West. 1837-78. Bahamas. 1864-78. Barbadoes, 1 646- 1 876. Bermuda. 1691-1877. British Columbia. 1858-71. British Guiana. [1875 wanting.] British Guiana, Laws of. Arrott. British Honduras. Canada. Statutes- Canada, Lower. Reports of Cases. Canada, Upper. Reports of Cases. Cape of Good Hope. Acts. Reports. Ceylon. Reports. Columbia, British. Dominica. Acts. Laws. Fiji. Gambia. Gibraltar. Grenada. Griqualand, West. Guiana, British. Honduras, British. Hong Kong. Jamaica. Labuan. Leeward Islands. Malta. Index Laius. Laws. Mauritius. Montserrat. 1811-76. TO 1864. 1869-76. 1862-79. 1862-76. 1850-67. 1862-76. 1824-77. 1865-78. 1879. 1857-75- 1796. 1833-63- 1858-77. 1867-78. 1818. 1875-78. 1843.67. 1868-78. 1766-1872. 1873-75- 181 1-74. 1869-77. 1844-77. 1685- 1878. 1849-65. 1872-75,1877,1878. 1863-73. 1861-73-76. 1867-74. 31 COLONIAL 'LAyR— continued. Natal. 1836-75 Nevis. 168 i- 187 i New Brunswick. Lazvs. 1853-73 Reports of Cases. Allen, Han- nay, Pugsley, Stephen's Digest, and Pugsley and Burbidge. 1853-79, New South Wales. Acts. 1824-78 Reports, Chancery. 1862-75 Newfoundland. 1847-79, New Zealand. 1845-78, Local and Personal Acts. 1877-78 Nova Scotia. Statutes. 1758- 1879 Reports. 1834-63 Cochran. 1859 James. 1853-55 Oldright. 1860-67 Thomson. 1834-41 Thomson. 1856-59 Russell and Chesley. 1875-77 Prince Edward's Island. 1773-1S ' Queensland. 1864-1878 St. Christopher. 1711-1876 St. Helena. Laws. [Imp.] 1868-78 St. Lucia. 1861-78 Civil Code. 1879 St. Vincent. 1772-1878 Sierra Leone. 1868 Straits Settlements. 1867-78, Tasmania. 1825-79 Tobago. 1867-77 Trinidad. 1831-78 Turks and Caicos Islands. 1862-76 Victoria. 1867-78 Virgin Isles. 1867-70, COLONIAL QUESTIONS, DISCUSSIONS ON. 1872. COLONIES, AMERICAN AND WEST INDIAN. 1776. Stokes. 1783. COLONIES OF ENGLAND. Bell. 1859. Brougham. 1803. Burge. 1838. Clark. 1834. Howard. 1827. Mills. 1856. COLONIES, OLD ENGLISH IN AMERICA, CHARTERS OF. Lucas. 1850. COLUMBIA, REVISED CODE. 1855. COLUMBIA, BRITISH, LAWS OF. 1858-71. Consolidated Statutes. 1877. COLUMBUS. Irving. 1848, Uloa. 1571. COMMANDMENTS, THE TEN. Tudor. i860. COMMERCE. Bouninsegni, Collins. 1765. Cotrugli. 1573 Dafforne. 1684, Fletcher. i§44. COMMERCE— continued. Gorges. Hevia. Hunt. James. Kelly. McCulloch. Malynes. Mercado. Misselden. Parker. Postlethwayt. Sarava. 1611. 1619. 16—. 1855. 1835. 1837. 1622-86. 1569. 1623. 1648. 1774- 1561. COMMERCE, BRITISH, HIS- TORY OF. Levi. 1872. COMMERCE, HISTORY OF. Anderson. 1 789. COMMERCE, LAW OF. Bedarride. 1854-64. Casaregis. 1740. Chitty. 1820-24. Endemann {German). 2nd Ed. 1868. COMMERCIAL BLOCKADES. Westlake. 1862. COMMERCIAL CODES. Colfavru {France). 1861. Foucher {Germany), 1862. Pardessus {France). 6th Ed. 1856. COMMERCIAL DICTIONARY. Reehorst. 1865. COMMERCIAL LAW. Beames. Translation of Glanville. 1812. Chitty. 1850. Hevia. 1619. Holt. 1824. Holt. Reports. 1818. Houston. 1866. Levi. 1850-52. Levi. International. 2nd Ed. 1863. Longland. 1840. Malynes. 1622-86. Smith. 1834. 7th Ed. 1865. 8th Ed. 1 87 1. 9th Ed. 1877. COMMITMENTS. Beames. 1827. COMMON ASSURANCE. Anderson. 1868. Sheppard. 1869. COMMON LAW. Bacon. Broom. 3rd Ed. 1864. 4th Ed. 1869. 5th Ed. 1875. D'Anvers. 1725-37. Hale. 1716. Hale. 1820. Napier. 1839. Nelson. 1725-26. Smith, J. W. 2nd Ed. 1864. 3rd Ed. 1867. 4th Ed. 1870. 8th Ed. 1878. 32 COMMON LAW PRACTICE. Archbold. New Practice, 1853. 2nd Ed, 1855, Archbold. Personal Actions and Ejectments. 8th Ed., by T. Chitty. 1845. 9th Ed., by Chitty and Prentice. 1855. lOthEd., by Chitty and Prentice. 1858. 1 1 th Ed ., by Chitty and Prentice. 1 862. 1 2th Ed., byT. Prentice. 1866. Forms. 8th Ed. 1858. Broom. 1856. 2nd Ed. 1861. Chitty. Sth Ed. 1846. 6th Ed. 1847. 8th Ed. 1858. 9th Ed. 1862. loth Ed. 1866. Day. 1 86 1. 2nd Ed. 1863. 3rd Ed. 1868. 4th Ed. 1872. Finlason. i860. Francis. 1854. Greening. 1853. Gude. 1828. Holland and Chandless. 1854. Kime. 1848. Lush. 1840. 3rd Ed. 1865. Markham. i860. Morris and Finlason. 1853. Napier {Ireland). 1839. Pearson. 1852. Pollock and Nicol. 1859. Robinson {Kent). 1829. Tidd. 1824-40. COMMON LAW PROCEDURE ACTS, 1853, 1856, 1870. Bewley and Nash {Ireland). 187 1. COMMON PLEAS. Gilbert. 1779. COMMON PLEAS, COURT OF Temp. Henry VL Comer. 1865. COMMON PLEAS. Reports of Cases. Benloe and Dalison. i486- 1580. Anderson. 1 534-1605. Brownlow and Goldesborough. 1 569- 1624. Saville. " 1580-94- Hutton. 1612-39. Bridgman, Sir J. 1613-21. Winch. 1621-25. Littleton. 1626-32. Hetley. 1627-39. Bridgman, Sir O. 1660-67. Carter. 1664-76. V:iughan. 1665-74. Lutwyche. 1682- 1 704. Lutwyche. Translation. 17 18. Cooke. 1706-47. Willes. 1737-60. Blackstone, H. 178896. Bosanquet and Paller. 1796- 1807. Taunton. 1808-19. COMMON VUEAS)— continued. Broderip and Bingham. 1819-22. Bingham. 1822-34. Bingham. New Cases. 1834-40. Manning and Granger. 1840-44. Common Bench. 1845-56. Comvion Bench. New Series. 1856-65 Harrison and Rutherford. Marshall. Moore and Payne. Moore and Scott. Scott. Scott. New Reports. King James I., MSS. 1866-68. 1814-16. 1828-31. 1831-34. 1834-40. . 1840-45. Sherland. 1604-17. 3rd Ed. 1852. 2nd Ed. 1859. 1870. 1850. 1877. 1867. 1880. 1835- AND Elton. WASTE COMMON PRAYER Cardwell. Lathbury. Meddand Bright (Z«/'/«). 2nd Ed. 1869 Edward VI., and Ordinal, 1549 Watson and Medd. Stephens. 184c COMMONS. Chambers. Peek Prize Essays. Williams. Woolrych. COMMONS LANDS. Finlason. COMMONS' Gardiner. 6, n.s. COMMONS, TORY OF. Hellyer. Suckling. Townsend. COMMONS, RIGHTS OF. 4th Ed. Green. 1649-50, COMMONWEALTH, ENGLISH. Bisset. COMPANIES' ACT, Browne. 1867. 1862, 1867 DEBATES, 1625. Cam. Sac. Pub., No. HOUSE OF, HIS- Chandler. Cooke. COMMONWEALTH. Cal. St. Pa. 1868. 1867. 1873. 1742. 1828. 1641. 1843. 1864, 1867. 1862. Browne. Buckley. Buckley. Palmer. 1867. 1867. 1870. 1873. 2nd Ed. 1875. 3rd Ed. 1879. 1877. COMPANIES, TWELVE GREAT LIVERY, OF LONDON. Herbert. 1837. COMPENDIUM, BRITISH. 1721-45- COMPENSATION. Ingram. 1864. 2nd Ed. 1869. Lloyd. 1867. 2nd Ed. 1870. 3rd Ed. 1875. 4th Ed. 1877. , Wordsworth. 1863. . Yool. 1864. 33 COMPENSATION TO TE- NANTS {Ireland). Butt. 1871, COMPOSITION DEEDS. De Gex and Smith. 1867, Griffith. 1865. Holland. 1864. Wetherfield. 1868. CONCENTRATION OF COURTS OF JUSTICE. Reports. 1865-67. CONFESSIONS. Joy. 1842. CONFLICT OF LAWS. Hosack. Lloyd. Okey. Story {Anier.) Westlake. Wharton, CONNECTICUT STATUTES. Burge. 1838. 1847. 1602. 1829. 1835- 1865. 1872. 1858. 1872. 6th Ed 7th Ed GENERAL 1866. CONNECTICUT COLONIAL RECORDS, 1636-1750. Turn- bull and Hoadley. 1858-76. CONNECTICUT REPORTS. Kirby. Kirby (Co««.) 1785-88. Root. Root {Conn.) 1789-98. Day. Day {Conn.) 1802-13. Day. ) 1814-52. Matson. \ {Conn.) 1852-56. Hooker, j 1855-77. Digest of Reports, 1785- 1869. Baldwin. 1 871. CONSANGUINITY. Blackstone. 177 1. CONSCIENCE CASES. Alstedius. 1628. Cordova. 1 586. Graffiis. 16 16. Maldonat. 1605. Pedraza. 1567- Perkins. 1606. Pontas. 1726. Rodrigues. 1604. CONSISTORIAL LAW {Scotland). Ferguson. 1829. CONSPIRACY. Wright, 1873. CONSTABLES. Lambarde. 1602. CONSTANTINOPLE, Dousa, 1599, Gyllius. 1632, Rosaccio. 1606. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERN- MENT OF ENGLAND. Amos, 1857. Bowyer. 1841. Brougham. 1861. Cox. 1863. Creasy. 1856. Delolme. 1822. Digges. 1642. Fischel {German). 1862. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERN- MENT OF ENGLAND— co«/w«e-ecedents. Coppinger. 1871. CONVEYANCING. Companies' Acts, 1862, 1867. Palmer. 1877. CONVICTIONS. 1856. Paley. 1827, 5th Ed. 1866. 6th Ed. 1879. CONVICTS, Crofton. 1864. CONVOCATION. Cardwell. 1842. Lathbury. 1853. COPYHOLD. Blackstone. Calthrop. Coke. Elton. Gilbert. Rouse. Scriven. 1771. 1650. 1650. 1874. 1825. 1837. 1833. 5th Ed. 1867. Watkins. 1825. COPYHOLD ACT. Cuddon. 1865. COPYHOLD ENFRANCHISE- MENT. Cook, G. W. 2nd Ed. 1853. Tapping. 1852. COPYHOLDER, COMPLEAT. 1735. COPYRIGHT. Blaine. Artistic, 1853. Chappell and Shoard. 1863. Copinger. 1 870. Drone {Amer.) 1879. Eraser. i860. Lowndes. 1840. Macfie. 1879. Maughans. 1 828. Phillips. In Design, 1863. 35 COPYRIGHT— coniinued. Purday. 1877. Shortt. 187 1. Turner. In Design. 1851. Underdown. /« Design. 1863. COPYRIGHT, ENFRANCHISE- MENT BILL. J?e/ort 1851. COPYRIGHT AND PATENT LAW, Law [Amer.) 1866. CORAL. Gansius. 1630. CORINTHIANS, EPISTLE TO. Valdes. 1 556. CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. Brady. 1864. CORNHILL, ST. MICHAEL'S. Overall. n.d. CORNHILL, ST. PETER'S, REGISTERS, 1538-1666. Gower. Har. Soc. Pub,, Register Section, Vol. i. 1877. CORNWALL. Borlase. 1758. Borlase. 1769. Carew. 1602. Carew. 181 1. Domesday Book, 1861. Gilbert. 1838. Lysons. 1806. Murray, 1850, Norden. 1728, Polwhele. 1816. Polwhele. Language. 1808. Pryce. Language. I790. Pycroft, Sea Coast. 1856, CORNWALL, VISITATION OF, 1620. Harl. Soc. Pub., No. 9. 1874. CORONERS. Bray. 1831. Impey. 1831. Jervis. 1829. Jervis, by Welsby. 1854. Jervis, by Lovesy, 3rd Ed. 1867. Umfreville. 1822. Wilkinson. 1618. CORPORATIONS. Brice. 1874. Glover. 1837. Grant, 1850, Kyd. 1793. Merewether and Stephens, 1835, Rawlinson, 1842-50, Willcock, 1827. CORPORATIONS, PRIVATE, Abbott Bros, (Amer.) 1869. Angell (Amer.) 1866, CORPUS CHRISTI, REG, OF GUILD OF. Sur. Soc. Pap., No. 57. 1872, CORRUPTION AT ELECTIONS. Christie. 1864. CORTES, FERNANDO. Prescott. 1847. Vega. 1 60 1. COSIN, BISHOP. Lib. Ang.-Cath. Theo. 1843-53. COSTS. Adair (Ireland). 1865. Beames. Equity. 1822. Bewley. Co7n. Law (Ireland). 1867. Dax. Common Law. 1847. Gray. Coimnon Law. 1853. Hullock, Common Law. 1810. Marshall, Common Law. i860. Morgan and Davey, Chancery. 1865. Sayer, Common Law. 1768. Scott. Common Law. 3rd Ed. 1868. Webster. Parliamentary. 3rd Ed. 1867. COULTHART FAMILY. Knowles. 1855. COUNCILS, GENERAL. Carranza. 1600. Cossartus, with Labbseus. 1671. Cusanus, with Flacius, n,d, Labbseus. 1671, Spelman. 1639. COUNCILS, HISTORY OF. Hefifele, by Goschler, 1869-77. COUNCILS AND ECCLESI- ASTICAL DOCUMENTS RE- LATING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Hadden and Stubbs. 1869. COUNTY COURTS. Anderson. 1830. Archbold. 1858. Blundell ( Wolverhampton). 1852-53. Broom. 1858. Cox and Lloyd. 1850. Falconer. 1873. Lloyd. 1857. Plater. 185 1, Pollock. 1 85 1. Pollock and Nicol, 1872. Shortt and Jones. 1868. COUNTY COURTS ACTS, 1867. Davis. 1868. Gilmour. 1868. Rumsey. 1867. Will. 1868. COUNTY COURTS' EQUIT- ABLE JURISDICTION. Batten and Ludlow. 1866. Supplement. 1872. Davis. 1865. Davis. 1867, Davis. 1872. Gibbons and Harvey. 1865. Pollock and Nicol. 5th Ed. 1865. 6th Ed, 1868, 7th Ed, 1870. 8th Ed. 1876. Rumsey. 1867. COUNTY COURTS' EVIDENCE AND PRACTICE, Davis, 2nd Ed, 1857. 4th Ed. 187 1. Sth Ed, 1874. Supplement. 1876. Heywood. 2nd Ed. 1876. 36 COUNTY COURTS IN EQUITY, ADMIRALTY, AND BANK- RUPTCY. Davis. 1872. COUNTY COURT JUDGES. Falconer. 186$. COUNTY COURT ORDERS. 1875. COUNTY COURTS' REPORTS. Austin. 1867. COUNTY GOVERNMENT, ENGLAND. Lloyd and Smith. 1879, COUNTY HISTORY. Upcott. 1818. COURTHAND. Wright. 8th Ed. 1846. COURTS OF JUSTICE. Crompton. 1637. COURTS OF JUSTICE COM- MISSION. 1867. COURT LEET RECORDS OF MANCHESTER. Chet. Soc. Pub., Nos. 63-65. 1864-65. COURTS LEET, BARON, &c. Jacob. 1819. KitGhin.- 1856. Kitchin. ; , . 1663. Powell. 1642. Ritson • 1809. Scroggs. 1 702. Wilkinson. 1618. COURTS-MARTIAL. Adye. 1810. D'Aguilar. 1866. Harwood (Amer.) 1867. James. 1820. McArthur. 1813. Simmons. 5th Ed. 1863. 6th Ed. 1873. Tytler. 1800. COVENANTS. Piatt. 1829. COVENANTS FOR TITLE. Copinger. , 1875. Rawle [Amer.) 4th Ed. 1873. COVENTRY, HISTORY OF. Sharp, by Fretton. 187 1. COVENTRY, WALTER DE, CHRONICLES OF. Stubbs. Brit. Gt., No. 58. 1872. COVERDALE, BISHOP. Park. Soc, Pub. 1844-46. COWPER. Southey. 1833-37. CRANKENTHORP. Lib. Ang.- Cath. Theo. Pub. 1849. CRANMER, ARCHBP. Park. Soc. Pub. 1844-46. Strype. 1840. CRIME IN ENGLAND, HIS- TORY OF. Pike. 1873, 1876. CRIMES. Beccaria. 1823. Eng. Ed. 1807. Boaresco. 1857. Russell. 1826. Russell, by Greaves. 3rd Ed. 1843, 4th Ed. 1865. Russell, by Prentice. 5th Ed, 1877, CRIMINAL CASES, REVIEWS IN {Scotland). Moncrieff. 1877. CRIMINAL LAW. Alison (Scotland). 1832. Archbold. 1853. 15th Ed., by Welsby, 1862, 1 6th Ed., by Jones. 1867. 17th Ed., by Bruce. 1 871. 19th Ed. 1878. Arnot {Scotland). 1812. Atkinson [India], 1870. Bennett and Heard {Amer.) 2nd Ed. 1869. Bishop (Amer.) 3rd Ed. 1865. Burnett {Scotland). 1 8 1 1 . Carerius. I579' Carrington, 1828. Chitty, 1851. Cole, 1843- Cox and Saunders. 3rd Ed, 1870. Eden, I77i- Foster, 1762. Gabbett, 1835. Greaves, in Russell, 1843, 1865, Hammond. 1826. Harris. 1877. Hayes (Ireland). 1843. Herbert. 1820. Hume (Scotland). 1829. Knox [Bengal). 1873. Lewis. Codification. 1878. Macdonald [Scotland). 1869. Mead. Digests 1878, Romagnosi, 1807, Roscoe, 1857. 6th Ed, 1862. Russell. 2nd Ed. 1826. 3rd Ed., by Greaves. 1843. 4th Ed, 1865, 5th Ed,, by Prentice, 1877, Saunders, 1858, Starkie, 1824-28, Stephen, Summary.' 1834, Stephen, Principles. 1863, Stephen, Digest. 1877. Thonissen [Ancient). 1869, Walton (/iw^r.) 1868, Woolrych, 1862, CRIMINAL LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1871, Foot, 1872, CRIMINAL LAW REPORTS. Clayton. 1651, Cox, 1843-78, 1846-79, Denison and Pearce, 1844-52, 1850-52. Foster. Rebels. 1746, 1762. Leach, 1740-18CX), 181 5, Lewin. 1832-38, 1 834-39- Mew, 1848-51. 1849-52, Moody, 1824-44. 1837-44. Russell and Ryan. 1 799-1824. 1825. Temple, with Mew. 1849-52. CRIMINAL MANAGEMENT. Cartwright, 1865. 37 CRIMINAL PLEADING. Archbold, by Bruce. i6th Ed. 1867. 17th Ed. 1871. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Bishop {Amer.) 1867. 2nd Ed. 1872. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE {India). Cunningham and Newberry. 1870. Currie. 3rd Ed. 1869. Prinsep. 2nd Ed. 1868. 3rd Ed. 1869. 4th Ed. 1873. 5th Ed. 1875. CROKE, SIR GEORGE. Judg- ment in Case of Ship Money, 1638. Gairdner. No. 14, n.s., Cam. Soc. Pub. 1875. CROMARTY. Miller. 1857. CROMWELL, OLIVER. State Papers. Nicholls. 1748. Acts passed. 1648-57. Letters and Speeches. Carlyle. 2nd Ed, 1846. CROSS REMAINDERS. Preston. 1797. CROWN CASES RESERVED {see Criminal Law Reports). CROWN LAW. Hale. Pleas. Foster. 3rd Ed. 1809. 1716-36. CROWN OF ENGLAND. Attwood. 1704. Hay ward. 1624. CRUSADES. Fuller. 1840. Joinville. 1617, 1807. '^r- 1573- Vmesalvus, in Gale. 1691. CUMBERLAND. Featherston. Har. Soc. Pub,, No. 7. 1872. Ferguson. 1856. Hutchinson. 1794- Lysons. 1806. Murray. 1862. Nicholson and Burn. I777- West. 1784. Pipe Rolls. Henry II., Richard, John. 1847. Heraldic Visitation of, 1 61 5. CURRAN. Davis. 1845. Phillips. 185a CUSTOMS, LAWS OF THE. Cruikshank. 1734-75- Hamel. 1854. Hamel. 1876. Walford. 1846, CUTHBERT, ST. Surt. Soc. Pub., Nos. I, 9. 1835-39- CYCLOPEDIA, GEOGRAPHY. C. Knight. 1854-55- CYPRIAN, ST. Lib. of the Fathers, Vols. 3, 17. 1839-44. CYRIL, ST. Lib. of the Fathers, Vol. 2. 1838. DAMAGES. Mayne. 1856. Mayne. 2nd Ed. 1872. Mayne and Smith. 3rd Ed. 1877. Sayer. i77o- Sedgwick. 1852, 4th Ed. 1 868. 6th Ed. 1874. DAMATHAT. Richardson. 1874. DANIEL, BOOK OF. Pererius. 1591. DANISH LAWS FOR ENGLISH INHABITANTS OF DANISH SETTLEMENTS IN AME- RICA. 1756. DANTE. Boccaccio. n.d. DATES. Bond. 1866, Haydn. lOth Ed. 1861. nth Ed. 1868. DATTAKA CHANDRIKA. Stokes. 1865. DAVIES, DEAN. Caulfield. Cam. Soc. Pap., No. 68. 1857. DAVY, SIR HUMPHREY. Correspondence. 1865. DAYA BAGHA. Bumell. 1869. Colebrooke. 3rd Ed, 1867, Cochrane, 1872. Stokes. 1865. DE ANTIQUIS LEGIBUS. Staple- ton. Cam. Soc. Pap., No. 34. 1846. DEAN, FOREST OF. Wood. 1878. DEATH. Philonius. 1553. Polancus. i578- Serre. 1631. DEBATES IN HOUSE OF LORDS, 1621. Gardiner. Ca?u. Soc. Pap., No. 103. 1870. DEBATES IN HOUSE OF COM- MONS, 1625. Gardiner, Cam. Soc. Pap., No. 103. 1870. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. De Gex and Smith. 1867-68. 2nd Supplement. 1869. Cooke. 1827. 2nd Ed. 1839, Forsyth, 1854. Gilbert. 1760. Moseley. 1845. Trower. i860. DECEIT AND FRAUD. Bedarride {French), 2nd Ed. 1867. DECLARATIONS. Brownlow, 1852. DECREES IN EQUITY. Seton. Seton. 3rd Ed. 1862-63. 6th Ed. 1877-79. DEE, DR., DIARY OF. HalH- well. Cam. Soc. Pub., No. 19. 1842. DEER, BOOK OF. Stuart, 1869. 38 DEFOE, Chalmers. 1841. DEMURRER. Manuel. 1828. DENMAN, LORD. Arnould, 1873- DENMARK. Coxe. 1792. Koldingensis. 1594- Krantz. 1583- Moryson. 1617. Murray. 1848 Parvus. 1560. Pontanus. 1631. Saxo. 1645. Suanengius. 1650 Wormius. 1642-43 DENMARK. Law. Ancher. 1783 Hagemeierus. 1677 Repp. 1832 Tetens. Code of Christian V. 1756 Language. Hickes. 1705 DERBYSHIRE. Bray, in Pinker- ton. 1808 Glover. 1831-33 Lysons. 1808 Mander. 1 82 1 Manlove. 185 1 Tapping. 1851-54, DERBYSHIRE DIALECT. Mander. 1 82 1. Tapping. 1 851. DERBYSHIRE LEAD MINING TERMS. Houghton. 1861. Manlove, by Tapping. n.d. Maw^e. 1802. {See English Dialect Soc. ) DESCENTS. Blackstone. 1772. Watkins, by Vidal. 1819. DEUTERONOMY, BOOK OF. Luther. n.d. 1773- 1827. DEVISES. Gilbert. Powell, by Jarman. DEVON PEERAGE. Nicolas. 1832. Riddell. 1833. DEVONSHIRE. De la Pole. Lysons. Murray. Polwhele. Polwhele. Pycroft. DEVONSHIRE DIALECT. Phillips, Polwhele. DEVONSHIRE ECCLESIASTI- CAL ANTIQUITIES. OUver. 1846. DEVONSHIRE, • HERALDIC VISITATION OF, i860. Colby. Har. Soc. Pub., No. 6. 1872. DEVONSHIRE, WORTHIES OF. Bruty Tywysogion. i860. 1791. 1808. 1850. 1793-97- 1816. 1856. 1839. 1808. D HARM AS UTRA AP ASTAMB A. By Buhler. 1868. DICTIONARIES. Academie Fran- '(aise. 6th Ed. 1866. A rch itecture. 1853-67. Viollet-le-Duc. 1870-75- Bengalee. Carey. 2nd Ed. 1825. Bengalee Law Terms. Robinson, i860. British and American Author's. Allibone, 1859. CanoTi La7v. Maillone, 1789- Christian Antiquities. Martigny. 1865. Smith and Cheetham. 1875. Christian Biography. Smith and Wace. 1877- Church. Hook. loth Ed. 1867. Commercial. Reehorst. 1865. Early English. Stratmann. 1867. English. Latham, 1866-70, Etymology, English. Wedgwood, 1872. Franco-Normand. Metevier. 1870. French. Littre. 1873. French and English. Smith and Hamilton. 1866, French Dictionnaire Universel du XlXe. Siicle. Larousse, 1866-78, Gaelic Etymology, Mackay. 1877. Gnjarati. Edalji, 2nd, Ed, 1868, Geographie {French). Deschamps, 1867. Hindustani. Fallon. 1879. Forbes. 2nd Ed, 1866, Shakespeare, 1861. Icelandic. Cleasby. 1869, Judges'. Foss, 1870. Latin {Barbarous). Maigne-d'Arnis. 1866. Noltenius, 1714-60. Law. Bouvier {Amer.) 12th Ed, 1868. Brown. 1874. Mozley and Whiteley. 1876. Wharton. 4th Ed. 1867. 5th Ed. 1872. 6th Ed, 1876. Bell {Scotch). 5th Ed. i860. Holtzendorff ( German). 1 867. Mobillier. Viollet-le-duc. 1870-75. Laru Terms, and Indian Glossary. 1866. Malabar and English. Poezold and Simpson. 1809-62. Marathi. Molesworth and Candy. 1847-57- Marine. Falconer. 1830. Medical. Dunglisson. 1876. Persian. Palmer, 1876. Persian, Arabic, and English. Richardson, 1777-80. Sanscrit. Monier-Williams. 1851-72, Sects, Heresies, &=c. Blunt, 1874. Science and Art. Brande and Cox, 1867, Scottish. Jamieson, 1879. Tamil. Rottler, 1839-41, Technical. Reehorst, 1865, Telegu. Brown, 1853. Typography. Southward. 2nd Ed. 1875. Welsh. Walters. I794' 39 DIDSBURY AND CHORLTON. ANC. CHAPEL OF. Cheth. Soc. Ptcb., No. 42. 1875. DIGESTS. Abbott (£^.^.) 1776-1867. Archibald. Laws of Newfound- land. 1847. Baillie. MoJmmmedan Law. 1865. Baldwin {.Connecticut). 1785- 1869. Barclay. Missouri Reports. 1821-59. Barclay. Scotch Law. 3rd Ed. 1865. Brightly. U.S. Laws. 1809-65. Brunker. Irish C.L. 1865. Burn. Ittdex. Mod. Rpts. 1804. Clark. H.L. 1814-65. Conner [S. Carolina). 1835-54. Cooley (Michigan). 1838-65. . Cox. Eng. Crim. Law. 1870. Curtis. U.S. Adtn. 1838. Duncan. Entail Cases (Scotland). 1866. Fisher. 1870. Gholson and Okey. Ohio Reports. 1821-64. Hennen (Louisiana). 1809-60. Higgins. Patent Cases. Kinnear (Scotch). H.L. Appeal Cases. 1 706- 1 864. Law (American). Patent and Copyright Cases. 1868. Mead. Criiiiinal Law. 1878. Moore's Indian Appeals. 1836-72. Nash. Ohio Reports. 18 16- 51. Peters. U.S. Reports. 1789- 1847! Pritchard. Adm. 2nd Ed. 1865. Pritchard. Divorce. 2nd Ed. 1864. Purdon (Pennsylvania). 1 700- 1862. Rice (S. Carolina). 1783-1827. Robertson. Lower Canada Re- ports. 1863. Roscoe. Building Ca. 1879. Row. Madras High Court Re- ports. 1862-70. Saint. Pari. Reg. Ca. 1879. Shaw (Scotland). 1800-68. Simonton and Conner (S.Ca^-olitta). 1785-1856.- Sleigh. Crim. Law. 1871. Smith. Poor Law (Scotland). 1867. Sutherland. Iitd. Lazv Rpts. 1877. Tarrant. (1-14, Mo. Ind. App.) 1874. Tiffany. Court of Appeal (N.Y.) 1847-63. West and Buhler. Hindu Law. 1867. Withrow and Stiles (Iowa). 1839-72. Woodman. Vols. 1-15, Bengal L.R. 1878. DIGBY'S, SIR K., VOYAGE, 1628. Bruce. Cam. Soc. Pap., No. 96. 1868. DIGNITIES, HEREDITARY. Cruise. 1823. Finlason. 1869. DILAPIDATIONS. Bruton. Ecclesiastical. 1 871. Grady. Ecclesiastical and Lay. 1866. Morris. Ecclesiastical and General. 1871. DINGLEY, THOS. Nichols. Cam. Soc. Pap., Nos. 94, 97. 1867-68. DIPLOMACY. Archives Diplo- matiques (French). 1861-75. Bernard. i868. Ghillany. 1855-68. Mabillon. 1681, 1704. Martens. 1837. DIRECTORY, ENGLISH. Thorn. DISCOVERY. Hare. Kerr. Pollock. Wigram. 1862-77. 1836. 2nd Ed. 1876. 1870. 1854. 1836. 2nd Ed. 1840. DISSERTATIONS, POLITICAL. Mill. 2nd Ed. 1867. DISTRESSES. Bradley. 1808. Bullen. 1842. Gilbert. 1823. DIVORCE. Bishop (Amer.) 3rd Ed. 1859. 4th Ed. 1864. Brandt. 1858. Brown. 2nd Ed. 1868. 3rd Ed. 1876. Browning. 1862. Honsonus. 1602. Macqueen. 1858. 2nd Ed. i860. Ntiptim. 1 82 1. Phillimore. 1859. Pritchard. 1859. 2nd Ed. 1864. 3rd Ed, 1874. Shelford. 1841. Tidswell and Littler. i860. DIVORCE CASES. H.L. DOCTORS' COMMONS. Foster. 1868. DOMESDAY BOOK. Bucks, Gloucester, Herts, Middle- sex, and Oxford. Bawd wen. 181 2. Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. Hen- shall and Wilkinson. I799- Waiiuickshire. Reader. 1835. Wiltshire. Wyndham. 1788. DOMESDAY BOOK, EXTEN- SION AND TRANSLA- TION OF. Cornwall. 1861. Essex. Marsh. 1864. Hampshire. Moody. 1862. Kent. Larking. 1869. Leicester and Rutland. 1864. Middlesex. 1862. Norfolk. Munford. 1858. Northampton. Moore. 1863. Shropshire. Wright. 1865. Surrey. 1862. Wiltshire. Jones. 1865. Worcestershire. Sanders, 1864. 40 DOMESDAY BOOK, INTRO- DUCTION AND INDEX TO. Ellis. 1833. DOMESDAY BOOK, ILLUS- TRATED. Kelham. 1788. DOMESTIC RELATIONS. Schouler [Amer.) 1870. DOMICIL. Cole. 1857. Dicey. 1879. Phillimore. 1847. DOMINICA, LAWS OF. 1867-77. Five Acts. 1818. DORSETSHIRE DIALECT. Barnes. Hutchins. 3rd Ed. 1861-70. Murray. 1856. DOVER, Darell. 1797. Lyon. 1813. DOWER. Park. 1819. Scribner (^ /««'.) 1867. Sugden. 1852. DRAINAGE. Thring. 1862. DRAMA. Haywood. Northbrooke. 1843. Schlegel. 1835. Scudery. 1639. DRAMATIC AUTHORS, &c., LAW RELATING TO. Coryton. 1873. DRYDEN. Scott. 1808. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY CALEN- DAR. 1873-79. DUDLEY, ROBERT. Bruce. Cai>i. Soc. Pap., No. 27. 1844. DUELLING. Alciatus. 1544. Brantome. 1787. Conradus. 1553- Floroni. 1610. Marcucci. 1835- Sharp. 1790. Voel. 1646. DUFFERIN, EARL OF. Leggo. 1878. DUMBARTONSHIRE. Irving, i860. DUNELMENSE REGISTRUM PALATINUM. Hardy. Brit. Gt., No. 62. 1878. DUNSTAN, ST. Stubbs. Brit. Gt., No. 63. 1874. DUNSTAPLIA, ANNALES DE. Luard. Brit. Gt., No. 36. 1866. DURHAM. Hutchinson. 1785. Raine (North). 1852. Surtees. 1816-40. DURHAM AND BEVERLEY SANCTUARIES. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 5. 1837. DURHAM, ACTS OF HIGH COMMISSION COURT. Snrt. Soc. Pud., No. 34. 1857. DURHAM BURSAR ACCOUNTS. Su7-t. Soc. Pub., No. 18. 1844. DURHAM CHURCH RITUAL. Stirt. Soc. Pub., No. 10. 1840. DURHAM COURT OF CHAN- CERY RULES. Fleming. 1878. DURHAM, DEPOSITIONS, EC- CLESIASTICAL COURT. Surt. Soc. Piib., No. 21. 1845. DURHAM,ESTATES OF PRIOR OF CONVENT OF. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 58. 1872. DURHAM HISTORIANS. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 9. 1837, DURHAM LIBER VIT^. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 15. 1841. DURHAM MONASTIC LIBRARY. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 7. 1838. DURHAM MONUMENTS, &c. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 15. 1842. DURHAM PALATINE REGIS- TER. Hardy. Brit. Gt., No. 62. 1873-75. DURHAM, PIPE ROLLS OF. Henry II. , Richard I. , John. 1 847 . DURHAM WILLS. Surt. Soc. Pub., Nos. 2, 38. 183s, i860. DUTCH CHURCH. Catalogue of Library. 1879. DUTCH LANGUAGE. Sewel. 1766. DWELLINGS OF THE POOR. Hardwicke. 1 865. Hare. 1865. EASEMENTS. Gale. 3rd Ed. 1862. 4th Ed. 1868. 5th Ed. 1876. Gale and Whatley. 1839. Goddard. 1871. 2nd Ed. 1877. Washbume {Amer,) 1863. 2nd Ed. 1867. EAST INDIA. Acts. Theobald. 1834-69. Sconce. 1870-75. Fagan. 1834-61. Rugnoohath. Index. 1867. Acts in Council. 1862-78. Administration in 1859-68. Pritchard. ^ ^ 1869. Adoption. Dattaka Mimansa and Chandrika, by Sutherland. 1825. Rattigan. 1873. Bengal Code. Sutherland. 1862. Civil Law, Mohamadan. Charloo. 3rd Ed. 1872. 41 EAST I^DIK— continued. Civil Procedure. Broughton. 2nd Ed. 1867. 4th Ed. 1871. Macpherson. 4th Ed. i860. Sth Ed. 1871. Bond. 1871. Knox. 1877. Lewis. 1871. Nelson. and Ed. 1878. Civil Procedure Code. Act X., . 1877. Broughton. 1878. Codes, 1859-70. Grady. 1871. Company, History of Constitution of. Auber. 1826-28. Company, Law of 5th Ed. 1855. Contract Act, 1872. Cunningham and Sheppard. 1873. 2nd Ed. 1875. 3rd Ed. 1878. Macrae. 1874. Contracts. Macpherson. i860. Field. 1866. Criminal Law. Atkinson. 1870. Bayne [Madras). 1848. Field. 1866. Knox {Bengal). 1873. Mayne. 2nd Ed. 1865. Starling. 1868. Criminal Procedure. Cunning- ham and Newberry. 1870. Currie. 3rd Ed. 1869. 4th Ed. 1872. Prinsep. 2nd Ed. 1868. 3rd Ed. 1869. 4th Ed. 1873. 5th Ed. 1875. Starling. 1869. Criminal Procedure Act. 1861. Nelson. 1873. Newberry. 2nd Ed, 1873. Customary Lata. Rattigan. 1878. Cyclopedia of Balfour. 1871-73. Deceased Persons^ Property, Broughton. 1872. Dictionary of Law Terms. 1866. Divorce. Macrae. 187 1. East Indian and East India Com- pany's Law. 5th Ed. 1855. Evidence. Field. n.d. Goodeve. 1862. New Ed. 1 87 1. Norton. 1858. By Pillay. 4th Ed. 1870. 7th Ed. 1869. Sth Ed. 1873. Evidence Act, 1872, Cunningham. 1872. 3rd Ed. 1875. By Branson. 4th Ed. 1878. Fink. 1872. Goodeve. 1872. Stephen. 1872. Examination Manual. Currie. 1873. Hastings', Marquis of Adminis- tration and Treaties. 1824. EAST mBlA—continued. Hedaya. Hamilton. ^19^' Hamilton, by Grady. 2nd Ed. 1870. Hindu Law. Cochrane. 1870, Grady. 3rd Ed. 1869, Macnaghten. 2nd Ed. 1865. 3rd Ed. 1874. Stokes. 1865. Strange. 1856. 4th Ed. 1864. Thompson. 1867. West and Buhler. 1867. Hindu and Mahommedan Law, Houston. 1863. Index to Acts, 1834-66. Rug- hoonath. 1867. India and East India Company. 1840. Inheritance. Baillie [Mohummedan). 1832. 2nd Ed. 1874. Burnell. • 1868. Colebrooke {Hindu). 1810. Elberling {Bengal). 1843. Do. do. 1865. Grady {Hindu). 1868. Rumsey {Mohummedan). 1866. 2nd Ed. 1871. Inheritance {Leading Cases). Norton. 1870-71. Inheritance and Contract. Grady {Mohummedan). 1869. Injunctions. Collett. 2nd Ed. 1867. Jtidicial Maxims. Lautour. 1859-61. Landlord and Tenant. Act VIII. i860. Bell. 1870. Bell, by Millett and Reilly. 2nd Ed. 1874. Latv. Lyon. 1872-73. Leading Cases on Inheritance. Norton. 1870-71. Legal Maxims. Steenevasrow. 1873. Legal Translations. Prasad. 1869. Limitation. Bourke. 3rd Ed. 1870. Thomson. 2nd Ed. 1870. Limitation. Act IX, 1871. Thomson. 1871. Limitation Acts. Shephard. 1878. Magistrates' Duties. Maxwell. 187 1. Mahratta Wars. Marquis of Hastings. 1 824. Manava Dharma Sastra. Sir W. Jones. 3rd Ed., by Perceval. 1863. Marriage. Bonnerjee. 1879. Marriage and Ftmeral Ceremonies. Kearns. 1868. Minority. Trevelyan ( Tagore Law Lectures, 1877). 1878. Mohummedan Law. Baillie. 1865. Baillie. 1869. 2nd Ed. 1875. Macnaghten. 2nd Ed. i860. 4th Ed. 1870. Mohummedan Law of Inheritance. Baillie. 2nd Ed. 1874. Rumsey. 1866. Mohummedan Law of Sale. Baillie. 1870. 42 EAST INDIK— continued. Mortgage. Elberling {Bengal). 1865. Macpherson (Bengal). 1868. Penal Code. Currie. 1868. Cutler and Griffin. 1869. Le Fanu. 1869. Lewis. 1870. Macpherson. 1867. Mayne. 5th Ed. 1867. 6th Ed. 1869. 8th Ed. 1874. loth Ed. 1878. Morgan and Macpherson. 1861. Privy Council Practice Appeals. Michell and Michell. 1876. Records, Home Dept. Stephen. 1872. Registration Act, 1871. Stephen, 1871. Registration Act, i^T], Carr Ste- phen. 1877. Rent Digest. Irvine. 1869. Specific Relief Act, 1877. Suther- land. 1879. Stridhan-Bonnerjee. 1879. Succession Act, 1865. Stokes. 1865. Reports. Appell. Ct. Decisions. 1862-63. Arbuthnot. Cr. Ca. Fouj. Ud., Madras. 1826-50. Bellasis. Sud. Fouj. Ad., Bom- bay. 1827-46. Bengal L. Reports. 1868-75. Bombay H. Ct. Reports. 1862-73. Borradaile. Ct. of Sudur Uda- lut, Bombay, 1800-24. 1825. Bourke. H. Ct. fud.. Ft. Wm., Bengal. 1863-65. Branson. Vaheefs Digest Madras Sudt. 18 10. Carraw. Summ. Ca. Pres. Sud. Ct. 1834-53. Coghlan. Hindu L. Ca. 1876. Coryton. H. Ct.Jud., Ft. Wm., Bengal. 1864-65. 2nd Ed. 1873. Cowan and Woodman's Digest. 1870. 2nd Ed. 1873. Dunbar. H. Ct. Ca., Bombay. 1863-64. Goodeve. Full Bench Rulings, H. Ct. Beng. 1863-65. Hyde. H. Ct.Jud., Ft. Wm. 1863-64. Law Reports. 1875-77. Macnaghten. Nizamut Adawlut. 1827. Macnaghten. Sud. Dnv. Adaiv- lut. 1827. Madras H. Ct. Reports. 1862-75. Marshall. App. Ca., Ft. Wm., Bengal. 1862-63. Montriou. Supreme Ct., Bengal. 1846. Morris. Sud. Dew. Ad., Bombay. 1854-57. Morton. Supr. Ct., Ft. Wm., Bengal. 1774-1841. N. W. P. Nizamut Ad. iSq^-i;? N. W.P. H. Ct. Reports. 1869.74! Norton. L.C. Inheritance. 1870-71. EAST liHTilK— continued. Notes of Ca. Supr. Ct. Jud., Madras. 1798-1816. Perry. Sup. Ct., Bombay. 1853. Rattigan. Selt. Ca. Hindu Law. 1835-71. Reid. H. Ct. Reports, Bombay. 1868. Rev. Civ. &= Crim. Reporter. 1866-68. Row. Digest of Madras H. Ct. Reports, 1871. Row. Digest of Madras H. Ct. Reports. 1871. Select Reports, Index to. 1849. Sevestre. Sud. Dewan and Nizam. Adazulut Appeal. 1859. Sevestre. App. Ca., Bengal. 1863. Sevestre. Su7?im. Ca. Sud. Deiv. Ad., Calcutta. 1870-72. Sud. Dew. Ad., Bombay, Selt. Ca. 1820-40. Sud. Dew. Ad. Decisions. 1845-62. Sud. Dew. Ad. Dec. , N. W. P. 1 848-56. Sud. Deiv. Ad. Dec, N. W.P., Selt. Ca. 1850-53, Sud. Niz. Ad. 1835. Sud. Pres. Ct. Rep07-ts. 1853. Sutherland. P.C. App. Judg- ments. 1831-74. Sutherland. Weekly Reporter. 1864-76. Taylor & Bell. Supr. Ct.Jud., Ft. Wm., Bengal. 1849-51. Resumption and Settlement of Estates. Marshman. 1842. Revenue Regulations and Acts, 1802-69. Williams [Madras). 1870. Special Commissioners' Report on Itidian Laiv. 1842-47. Statutes, Index to,\%T,\-']0. Field. 1870. Stibstantive Law, First to Seventh Report 071. 1864-70. Succession Act, 1865. Stokes. 1865. Tables, Useful. Prinsep. 1834-36. Torts. Collett. 2nd Ed. 1866. 3rd Ed. 1872. 4th Ed. 1877. Treaties and Engagements. Aitchison. 1862-64. Vyavastha Darpana. Sircar. 2nd Ed. 1857. Vyavahard Muyookhu. Borradaile. 1827. Wills, Acts XXI. 1870. Bonnergee (Hindu). 187 1. Montriou. 1870. EAST INDIA.— For History, Geo- graphy, &c., see India. EBCHESTER AND BURNLEY. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 31. 1857. ECCLESIASTES, BOOK OF, Moringus. 1533' Serranus. 1580. ECCLESIASTICAL BENE- FICES. Ecton. 1728. Ecton. Valuation, 1728. 43 ECCLESIASTICAL COMMIS- SION. 1865. ECCLESIASTICAL Adair. Baronius. Beda. Bingham. Curio. Dupin. Fernandez. Fontaine. Lendanus. Mannus. Mecralius. Mosheim, Niem. Osiander. Picus. Sarpi. Sleidane. Severus. Spondanus. Strype. Sulpitius. Tursellinus. Tympius. ECCLESIASTICAL MENTS. Brodrick mantle. ECCLESIASTICAL Atkins. Ayliffe. Bacon. Brice. Bruce. Burn. Confettio. Cosin. Cripps. Dale, Degga. Doderidge. Duncan {Scotland), Ferguson. Gibson. Godolphin. Hale. Hart. Hodgson. Johnson. Nelson. Oughton. Peterkin {Scotland). Phillimore. Ridley. Rogers. Saunders. Stephens. Taunton. Tyler {America). Washington. Watson. Zouch. HISTORY. 1579. 1612. 1612. 1843. 1617-28. 1710, 1611. 1588. 1566-83. 1612. 1632. 1826. 1617. 1604. 1533- 1676. 1557- 1541- 1678. 1822-24. 1573- 1631. 1614. JUDG- and Free- 1865. LAW. 4th Ed 4th Ed, 2nd Ed 1734- 1786. 1875. 1850. 1 763- 1 842. 1619. 1593- 1845. 1863. 1866. 1820. 1641. 1869. 1851. 1713- 1761. 1687. 1847. 1833. 1845. 1720. 1715- 1728. 1836-40. 1873. 1607. 1840, 1685. 1848. 1848. 1866. 1689. 1712. 1725- ECCLESIASTICAL LAW REPORTS. Lee. 1752-58. 2 vols. Haggard. Consistory. 1 789-1 821. 2 vols. Phillimore. 1809-21. 3 vols. Addams, and Vol. 3., Part i. 1822-26. 2 vols. Haggard, and Vol. 4, Parts I & 2. 1827-33. 3 vols. Curteis. 1834-44. Notes of Cases in the Ecclesias- tical and Maritime Courts. 1841-50. 7 vols. Robertson, and Vol. 2, Parts i, 2, 3. 1844-51. I vol. Spink. Ecclesiastical and Admi- ralty. 1853-55. 2 vols. Deane. 1855-57. i vol. ECCLESIASTICAL REFORM. Shipley. 1873. ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVIL REGISTER. Kennett. 1728. ECCLESIASTICAL DOCU- MENTS. Hunter. Cam. Soc. Pub., No. 8. 1840. EDGAR, SCOTTISH HOUSE OF. Grampian Club. Pub. 1873. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. 1872. EDUCATION. Alstedius. 1610-49. Austriacus. 1603. Berartius. 1593- Bonnoeus. 1619. Bruxius. 1610. Bullenger. 1595- Chy trcEus. 1 57°. Domavius. 1604. Freigius. 1582. Frisius. 1592. Gesualdi. 1592. Graverus. 16 19. Gribaldus. 1566. Gruberus. 1625. Herd. . 1603. Lectius. 1594- Lombardelli. 1603-30. Marafiotus. 1601-3. Melancthon. IS37- Mulcasteo. 1581. Naude. 1633. Nollius. 1615. Plutarch. 1561. Prsetorius. • 1597-1609. Ravellin. 161 7. Sacchini. 1615. Schenckelius. 16 10. Scioppius. 1636. Willis. 1618. EDUCATIONAL ACT, 1870. Glen. 1870. 44 EDUCATION ACTS, 1870, 1873, 1874, and 1876. Owen. 13th Ed. 1877. 14th Ed. 1879. EDWARD I. Calendarium Gene- alogicum. Roberts. 1865. EDWARD I. Year Books. Hor- wood. Gt. Brit., No. 31. 1863-66. EDWARD I. Wardrobe Accounts, 1 299- 1 300. Archceologia. 1787. EDWARD II. Trokelowe. 1729. EDWARD III. Avesbury. 1720. Longman. 1869. EDWARD III. TO WILLIAM AND MARY. Household Ac counts. Archceologia. 1787. EDWARD IV. Habington. .1640. Hearne. I7i9- EDWARD IV., ARRIVAL OF. Bruce. Cam. Soc. Pap., No. i. 1838. EDWARD IV., CHRON. OF. Halliwell. Cam. Soc. Pap. , No. 10. 1839. EDWARD V. More, in Kennett. 1719. EDWARD VI. Hayward. 1630. Lemon. Cat. St. Pa. 1865. Tumbull. Cal. St. Pa. 1861. EDWIG. Allen. EGBERT, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. Surt. Soc. Pub., No. 27. 1853. EGERTON PAPERS. Collier. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 12. 1840. EGYPT AND EGYPTIANS. Anglois. 1584. Baumgarten. 1 594. ELECTIONS, LAW 0¥— continued. Belzoni. 1822. Breves. 1628. Lane. 1846. Lepsius. 1853- Manethos. 1599- Marsham. 1672. Palerne. 1606. Perizonius. 1736. Sandys. 1621. Scortia. 1617. Wilkinson. 1847. Ziegler. 1532. EJECTMENT. Adams. 1818. 4th Ed. 1846. Cole. 1857. Gilbert. 1734- ELDON. Campbell. 1845. Twiss. 1844. ELEANOR, QUEEN, MEMO- RIALS OF. Abel. 1864. ELECTIONS, LAW OF Banks. 1838. Chambers. 1837- Clerk. 1855. Finnelly. 1830. Heywood. 1812. Hutcheson. 1723- Leigh and Le Marchant. 1870. 2nd Ed. 1874. Lestrange. Orme. 1812. Roe. 1819. Rogers. 1835- 7th Ed. 1847. 9th Ed. 1859. loth Ed. 1865. nth Ed. 1868. Sharkie. 2nd Ed. 1866. Warren. 1852-53- Whitlock. 1766. Wight (Scotland). 1784. Wolferstan. Supp. to lith Ed. 1876. i2thEd. 1876. Wordsworth. ' 1835. Wordsworth (Scotland). 1832. ELECTIONS. Reports of Cases. Glanville. 1624. I vol. Douglas. 1774-76. 4 vols. Eraser. 1776-77. 2 vols. Luder. 1785-90. 3 vols. Peckwell. 1802-6. 2 vols. Corbett and Daniell. 18 1 9. I vol. Cockburn and Rowe. 1832. i vol. Perry and Knapp. 1833. I vol. Knapp and Ombler. 1834. I vol. Falconer and Fitzherbert. 1837. I vol. Barron and Austin. 1842. I vol. Barron and Arnold. 1843-46. i vol. Power, Rodwell, and Dew, 1847-56. 2 vols. Wolferstan and Dew. 1856-58. I vol. Wolferstan and Bristow. 1859-65. i vol. Lutwyche. Registration Cases. 1843-53. _ 2 vols. Keane and Grant. Registration Cases. 1854-62. I vol. Hopwood and Philbrick. Registra- tion Cases. 1863-67. I vol. Hopwood and Coltman. Registra- tion Cases. 1868-72. I vol. Vol. 2, Parts 1-6. 1873-78. O'Malley and Hardcastle. 1870-75. 2vols. ELECTIONS, PARLIAMENT- ARY. Cox. 1868. ELECTIONS, PARLIAMENT- ARY AND MUNICIPAL. Cunningham. ^877^ ELECTION PETITIONS. Hardcastle. 1874- ELECTION AND SATISFAC- TION. Stalman. 1827. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. T. Fothergill Cooke. 1867-68. ELIOT, SIR JOHN FORSTER. 1864. ELIZABETH, QUEEN. Greene. 1591-1603. Cal. St. Pa. 1856-72. 45 ELIZABETH, QVEEN— continued. Dom. 1867-72. Hall. 1558-68. 1865. Monson. ' 1682. Nichols. 1823, Norreys. 1589. Savile. 1675. Stephenson and Crosby. Cal. S^. Fa. 1558-74. 1863-76. Williams. Cam. Soc, 79. 1861. Willoughby. 1589. Winwood. 1725. Wright. 1838. ELIZABETH OF YORK. Nicolas. 1830. ELIZABETH AND JAMES VI. Letters. Bnice.' Cam. Soc. Pa., No, 46. 1849. ELOCUTION. Plumptre. 2nd Ed. 1876. ELSINGE DEBATES, H.L., 1 62 1. Gardiner. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 103. 1870. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Alstedius. 1649. Britannica. 1823. 7th Ed. 1852. Chambers. 1743- Collier. 1701. Penny. 1833-46. Metropolitana. 1845. ENDOWED SCHOOLS COM- MISSION {Ireland). Stephens. 1858. ENGLAND, 'ANNALS OF. 1876. ENGLAND, EARLY HISTO- RIANS OF. Camden. 1603. Gale. 1691. Sparke. 1723. Twysden, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1652. Westmonasteriensis. 1 60 1. ENGLAND, GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF. Glover. Brit. Gt., 42. 1865. ENGLAND, HISTORICAL MAPS OF. Pearson. 1869. ENGLAND, HISTORY OF. Andrews. 1 796. Baker. 1733' Barlow. 1 742. Baxter. 17 19. Beverley. 17 16. Bisset. 1641. Blancford. 1729. Brady. 1684. Brodie. 1822. Brompton, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Broughton. Ecclesiastical. 1633. Bulkley. Ecclesiastical. 1608. Burnet. 1724-33. Camden. 1603-29. Capgrave. 1858. Carte. 1747. Chamberla)nie. 1679. Cole, 1844. ENGLAND, HISTORY O^— continued. Collier. Ecclesiastical. 1 845. Cooke. 1836. Cotton. 1859. Cox (Homersham). 1863. Coxe. 1798-1847. Creasy. 1869. Dalrymple. 1790. Daniel, 2w Kennett. I7I9- D'AnisyetDeSte. Marie {Frettch). 1842. Diceto, in Gale. 1691. Dowinge. Ecclesiastical. 1634. Dugdale. 1681. Eadmer. 1623. Echard. 1720. Eddius, in Gale. 1691. Ellis. 1825-46. Ethelwerdus, in Ang. Rer. Scrip. 1601. Translation by Giles. 1848. Fabyan. 1811. Fletewode. 1579. Florentius (j^^ Westminster). 1601, 1853. Freeman. 1868. Froissart. I504< Froude. 1 858. Fuller. Ecclesiastical. ^^SS' Gaimar, in Mon. Hist. Brit. 1848. Galfredus. 1 508. Gervas, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Gildas, in Gale and Monumenta. 1691, 1848. Giraldus. 1861. Gloucester. 1724. Gneist [German). 1863. Gneist [German). 1867. Grafton. l8l2. Green. 1875. Groningius. 170X. Grose. 1787. Guthrie. 1744' Hales. Ecclesiastical. 1819. Hall. 1809. Hansard. Sess. 1863-77. Hard wicke. 1778. Hardy. 1862-65. Hardyng. 181 2. Harpsfeld. Ecclesiastical, 1622. Haydon. 1863. Hearne. I703-73- Hemingford, 1848. Henry. I77i- Higden, in Gale. 1691. Holinshed. 1587, 1807. Hoveden, in Ang. Rer. Scrip. 1601. Translation, 1853. Hume. 1759-62. Hume and Smollett. 1789-90. Huntingdon, in Ang. Rer. Scrip. 1601. Inett. Ecclesiastical. 1 851. Ingulphus, in Ang. Rer. Scrip. 1601. Translation by Riley. ^854. Johnston. 1655. Kennett. 1719. Knighton, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Langtoft. 1723. Leland. 1715. 46 ENGLAND, HISTORY 0¥— continued. Lingard. 1837-39- Luttrell. 1678-1714. Macpherson. 1776. Mahon. 1853. Malmesbury. 1840. Margan, in Gale. 1691. Martin. 1638. Massey, 1760-1801. Matthew of Paris, by Sir F. Madden. Brit. Gt., 44. 1866. May. 1861. Merlin. i6o8. Milton. 1818. Monument. 1848. Moor, in Camden. 161 5. Morgan. 1858. Nalson. 1682-84. Naunton, in Harl. Miscellany. 1808. Nennius, in Gale and Monumenta. 1641, 1848. Nicolson. 1714- North. 1740. Oldmixon. 1706-30. Otterbourne. 1732. Palgrave. 1 831. Paris. 1640. Translation by Giles. 1852. Pauli. 1853-69. Pearson. Historical Maps. 1869. Phillimore. Geo. III. 1863. Phillips, witk Baker. 1833. Pits. 161 9. Prise. 1573. Ralph. 1744. Ranke. \6tk and i^th Centuries {German). 1859-66. Rapin, by Tindal. 1732. Rastell. 181 1. Reresby. 1734- Ross. 17 1 6. Rushworth. 1682. Sandford. 2nd Ed. 1707. Selden. 161 5. Simeon, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Smith, Sir Thomas. 1630. Smollett. 1820. Somers. 1809. Speed. 1623. Sprott. 1 7 19. Stanhope, Earl. 1870. Stillingfleet. Ecclesiastical. 1685. Stow. 1592. Stubbs, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Thomas. 1853. Thomas of Walsingham, by Riley. Brit. Gt., 28. 1863-64. Thorn, in Ang. Hist. Scrip. 1601. Tindal, with Rapin. 1 732. Turner. 1814. Tyrrell. 1697. Usher. Ecclesiastical, 1639. Vergil. n.d. Vierstegan. 1673. Wallingford, in Gale. 1691. Walpole. Since 181 5. 1878. ENGLAND, HISTORY OY— continued. Walsingham, in Camden. 1602. Washington. Ecclesiastical. 1689. Wend over. 1640. Translation by Giles. 1849. Whethamstede. 1732. Whitelock. 1732. Wilkins. Ecclesiastical. 1737- Yeatman. 1874. Yepes. Ecclesiastical. i599- ENGLAND, 1500. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 37. 1847. ENGLAND, GOVERNMENT OF. Kemble. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 45. 1849. ENGLAND. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Brand. 1844. Miller. 1859. ENGLAND. SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Brand. 1849. Strutt. 1834. ENGLAND, TOPOGRAPHY OF. Boarde. 1735. Barton. 1658. Camden. English Ed., by Holland. 1620. Latin Ed. 1616. English Ed., by Gibson. 1695. Cox. 1855. Grose. 1786-87. Long and Porter. 1850. McCulloch. 1847. Miller. 1859. Moritz, in Pinkerton. 1808. Moryson. 1617. Walker. Atlas. 1849. ENGLAND AND GERMANY. Gardiner. Cam. Soc. Pa., Nos. 90, 98. 1865-68. ENGLAND'S BLACK TRIBU- NAL. 1737. ENGLAND. Self - Government. Gneist {German). 1858. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH LAW, DIFFERENCES BETWEEN. Paterson. 2nd Ed. 1865. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION {see Constitution). ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Skeat. 1874. ENGLISH EPISCOPACY. Lathbury. 1836. ENGLISH GOVERNMENT. Cox. 1863. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Brady. Glossary. 1 684. Crabb. 1826. Johnson. Dictionary. 1827. Junius. 1743. Latham. 5th Ed. 1862. 47 ENGLISH I.ANGV AGE— continued. Latham. Dictionary, 1866-70. Pegge. 1839. Richardson. Dictionary. 1836-39. Sharp. 1801. Skinner. 1671. Tooke. 1829. Tyrrwhit. Glossary in Chaucer. 1831. Webster. Dictionary. 1856. ENGLISH LAW, MODERN. Wilson. 1875. ENGLISH LAW, PRAISES OF. Fortescue. 1672. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Allibone. 1859-71. ENGLISH METRICAL RO- MANCES. Robson. Cavt. Soc. Pa., No. 18. 1842. ENGLISH PEOPLE, HISTORY OF. Green. 1875. ENTAILS {Scotland). Duncan. Di- gest of Case. 1856. Duncan. 1858. Sandford. 1842. EPHREM, ST. Lib. of the Fathers, Vol. 41. 1847. EPISCOPACY. Almoni. 1641. Barlow. 1606. Benson. 1848. Scultetus. 1 64 1. Smyth. 1550- EPISTOL^ OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. Miinch. 1827. EQUITABLE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTY COURTS. Batten and Ludlow. Gibbons and Harvey. Pollock and Nicol. Rumsey. Costs. Adair. EQUITY. Beames Drafting. Lewis. Elements. Jurisprudence. Stoiy (Amer.) Hughes. Bigelow (Amer. 9th Ed. loth Ed. nth Ed. 1 2th Ed. Willard. Taylor [Canadian). Pleading. Story (Amer.) 7th Ed. Precedents. Curtis (Amer. ) 4th Ed. Hughes. Van Heythusan, by Hughes. Whitworth. Principles. Beames. Cox. Fonblanque. 1866. 1865. 1865. 1867. 1865. 1822. 1828. 1865. 1879. 1867. 1870. 1873- 1877. 1875. 1875. 1865. 1869. 1855. 1828. 1848. 1818. 1862. 1799. Francis. Goldsmith. 5th Ed. 1820. 1746. Sth Ed. 1862. 6th Ed. 1871. EQVITY— continued. Griffith. Haynes. Hunter. Kames. Lewis. Molyneux. Pemberton. Roberts. Roberts. Seton. Smith, J. S. Smith, J. W. Snell. 4th Ed. Sth Ed. Story (Amer.) Watson. EQUITY REPORTS. Index. Gamble and 1868 1858 2nd Ed. 1865, 3rd Ed. 1873 3rd Ed 4th Ed, Sth Ed, 3rd Ed. 1865. 1867. 1871. 1800. 1865. 1839. 1867. 1852. 1877. 3rd Ed 3rd Ed. 1862-63 4th Ed. 1877. i8s6. 1849. i8s6. 1861. 1864. 1866. 5th Ed. 6th Ed. 7th Ed. 8th Ed. 9th Ed. loth Ed. 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed. , by Brown. , by Brown. 9th Ed. loth Ed. nth Ed. (Ireland). Barlow. 1870. 1868. 1872. 1874. 1878. 1880. 1866. 1870. 1873. 1873. 1868. 1874. EQUITY, UNDER JUDICA- TURE ACT, 1873. Chute. EQUITY, UNDER JUDICA- TURE ACTS, 1873, 1875. Trower. ERASMUS. Jortin. ERSKINE, LORD, LIFE OF. Ribot (French). ESSAYS. Froude. 2nd Series. Macaulay. Maseres. Peek. ESSEX. Clark. Dialect. Fuller. Marsh. Domesday, Mozart. Suckling. Visitation of, 1552, 1558, IS70, 1612, 1634. Metcalfe. Harl. Soc. Pub., No. 13. ESTATES. Preston. ESTATES, REAL, CONVEY- ANCE OF. Bruce. ESTOPPEL. Bigelow Mw^r.) ESTRY, HISTORY OF. Shawe. 1870, ETHICS {see Moral Philosophy). 1876. 1758. 1866. 1866. 1871. 1851. 1809. 1867. 1839- 1864. 1865. 1878. 1820. 1862. 1872. 48 ETHIOPIA. Alvarez. Castellus. Language. 1669. Lepsius. Translation, by L. and J. R. Horner. 1853. ETYMOLOGY, ENGLISH. Wedgwood. 1872. ETYMOLOGY, GAELIC. Mackay. 1877. EUCHARISTICA NOTITIA. . Scudamore. 1872. EUROPE. History of. Alison. 1 789- 18 1 5. 1842. 1815-52. 1852-59. Eysinger. 1 59°. Jansonius. I597' Johnston, in Gazetteer. 1851. Lazius. Languages. I572. Lindeberg. 1586-90. 1591. Russell. 1833. Sleidane. iS57- Surius. 1500-74. - 1586. Ubaldini. 1599. Ulloa. 1570. Vives. 1538. Modern Laws of. Spence. 1826. Political System of. Heeren. 1834. Travels in, &c. Chytraeus. iS94- Ingram. 1807. Pinet. 1564. ZappuUo. 1603. EVESHAM, CHRONICLE OF. Macray. Brit. Gt., 29. 1863. EVIDENCE. Bentham. 1827. Bert. 1849. 3rd Ed. 1869. 4th Ed. 1866. 5th Ed. 1870. 6th Ed. 1875. QMLwaLm^z.ra {East Indies). 1872. 3rd Ed. 1875. 4th Ed., by Branson. 1878. Davis. 2nd Ed. 1857. Dickson [Scotland). 1855. 2nd Ed. 1864. Erichsen. Surgical. 1878. ¥ig\6. [East Indies). n.d. 2nd Ed. 1873. Fink [East Indies). 1872. Gilbert. 1801. Goodeve (East Indies). 1872. Greenleaf {Amer.) 1850. 1 2th Ed. 1866-68. 13th Ed. 1876. Gresley. 1836. Joy. 1836. Lowndes. 1843. Norton {East Indies). 1858. Peake. 1822. Phillimore. 1850. YNIDE'^CE— continued. Phillipps. Pillay (East Indies). Powell. Roscoe. 1824. 5th Ed. 1843. loth Ed. 1852. 4th Ed. 1870. 2nd Ed. 1859. 3rd Ed. 1868. 4th Ed. 1875. SthEd. 1875. Nisi PHus. 4th Ed. 1836. 6th Ed., by Smirke. 1844. 8th Ed., by Smirke. 1851. 9th Ed., by Smirke and Prentice. 1858. lothEd. 1861. nth Ed., by Mills and Markby. 1866. 1 2th Ed., by Day and Powell. 1870. 13th Ed., by Day and Powell. 1875. 14th Ed., by Day and Powell. 1876. Saunders. 1851. Starkie. 1824. 3rd Ed. 1842. 4th Ed. 1853. Stephen, Fitzjames. 1876. Tait (Scotland). 1834. Taylor. 1848. 2nd Ed. 1855. 3rd Ed. 1858. 4th Ed. 1865. 5th Ed. 1868. 6th Ed. 1872. 7th Ed. 1878. Tozer. 1844. Waddilove. 6th Ed. 1845. Wigram. 1835. 4th Ed. 1858. Willis. 1 8 16. Wills. 1850. Worsley. 1861. EVIL, ORIGIN OF. Lubin. 1601. EX PARTE WARING. Eddis. 1876. EXCERPTA HISTORICA. 1836. EXCHEQUER CALENDARS. Corner. Temp., Hen. VI. 1865. Palgrave. 1836. EXCHEQUER, COURT OF. Corner. Temp., Hen. VI. 1865. Brown. 1699. EXCHEQUER, HISTORY AND PRACTICE OF. Fowler. 1817. Gilbert. 1758. Madox. 1769. Manning. 1827. EXCHEQUER (Ireland). Howard. i759-6o. EXCHEQUER RECORDS, IN- DEX TO. Jones. i793- EXCHEQUER. Reports of Cases. Jenkins. 1220- 1623. I777- Lane. 1605-12. 1657. Hardres. 1655-69. 1792. Banbury. 1713-42. i793- Parker. 1743-67. I79i. Anstruther. 1792-97. 1817. 49 EXCHEQUER— 'E^~ continued. Mercantile and Maritime Law. Tudor. i860. 2nd Ed. 1868. Hare and Wallace {Amer.) 4th Ed. 1857. 5th Ed. 1 87 1. Real Property and Conveyancing. Tudor. 1856. 2nd Ed. 1863. 3rd Ed. 1879. LEASES. Bacon. 1798. Edge {Ireland). 1875. Finlay {Ireland). 1829. Harcourt. Lyne {Ireland). 1837. Lyne. Church Leases. 1838. Piatt. 1847. LEASES AND SALES OF SETTLED ESTATES. Brickdale. 1861. LEECHDOMS, WORTCUNNING, &c. Cockayne. Br. Gt. 1864-66. LEEWARD ISLANDS, LAWS OF. 1872-75. 1877-78. LEGACIES. Gwynne. 1836. Preston. 1824. Roper. 1828. 4th Ed. 1847. Shelford. 1855. 2nd Ed. 1 86 1. Ward. 1826. LEGACY DUTIES. Hudson. 3rd Ed. 1869. LEGACY DUTY ACTS. Hanson. 1865. 2nd Ed. 1870. 3rd Ed. 1876. LEGAL JUDGMENTS, SCIENCE OF. Ram. 1834. LEGAL MAXIMS. Broom. 4th Ed. 1864. Streenevarow {India). 1873. LEGAL REMEDIES, EXTRA- ORDINARY. High {Amer.) 1874. LEGAL RITUAL JUDGMENTS. Dale. 1871, LEGISLATION. Bentham. 1864. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES {Amer. U.S.) Gushing. 2nd Ed. 1863. LEGITIMACY. Le Marchant. . 1826. LEICESTERSHIRE. Burton. 1822. Evans. Dialect. 1844. Throsby. 1795- LEICESTERSHIRE, VISITATION OF, IN 1619. Bar. Soc. Pub., No. 2. 1870. LELAND'S ITINERARY. By Heame. 1744-45. 72 I.EO X. Jovius. iSSi- Roscoe. 1827. L'ESTRANGE. Lib. Ang ■Caih. Theo. 1846. LETTERS PATENT. Agnew. 1874. Coryton. 1855- Goodeve. Abstract. 1876. Higgins. Digest. 1875. LEVANT. Beauvau. I6I5. LEVITICUS, BOOK OF. Lorinus. 1620. LIBEL AND SLANDER. 1620. Almon. I77I. Borthwick (Scotland). 1826. Cooke. 1844. Holt. I8I6. Starkie, by Folkard. Townshend (Amer.) 3rd Ed. 1869. 4th Ed. 1876. 1868. 3rd Ed. 1877. LIBER FAMELICUS. Bruce. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 70. 1858. LIBERTY. Mill. 1864. LIBERTY, CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS. Hakewill. 1635. Hawles. 1 764. Sharp. 1776-78. LIBERTY, SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL. Ellys. 1765. LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, AND EQUALITY. Fitzjames Stephen. 1873. LIBERTY OF THE SUBJECT. Paterson. 1877. LIBRARIANS, CONFERENCE OF, OCT. 1877. Nicholson and Bidder. 1878. LIBRARIES. Edwards. 1859. 1864. LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS, LAW. Chambers. 2nd Ed. 1879. LIBRARIES, PUBLIC {America). Warren and Clarke. 1876. LICENSING ACT, 1872. Oka. 1872. Whiteiey. 1874. LICENSING ACTS, 1828, 1869, 1872-74. Lely and Foulkes. 1875. LIDDELL AND WESTERTON. Moore. 1857. LIEN. Cross. 1841. Guernsey. Alec hanics^ {New York). 1876. Montagu. 182 1. Phillips. Mechanics'' {Amer.) 1873. Whi taker. 1812. LIFE ANNUITIES. Baily. 1810. LIFE ASSURANCE. Bliss {Amer.) 1872. 2nd Ed. 1874. Bunyon. 2nd Ed. 1868. De Montluc {French). 1870. Scratchley. 1867. LIGHTS. Cox. 2nd Ed. 187 1. Pamphlet. 1869. 1867, Latham. LIMITATION. Of Actions. Angell {A??ier). 1869. Banning. 1877. Bourke {India). 3rd Ed. 1870. Gibbons. 1835. Of Estates. Brown, W. 1869. Hayes. 1824. LIMITATIONS, STATUTE OF. Darby and Bosanquet. 1867. LIMITED LIABILITY. Browne. 1867. Clark {Scotland). 1866. Cox. sth Ed. 1862. Shelford. 1863. Tapping. 6th Ed. 1867. Thring. 2nd Ed. 1867. Wordsworth. 9th Ed. 1862. loth Ed. 1865. LINCOLN, HISTORY OF. Allen. 1833-34- LINCOLN, PRESIDENT, TRIAL OF ASSASSINS OF. Pitman. 1865. LINCOLN'S INN. Cooper, with Melmoth. 1849. Spilsbury. 1 850. LINDISFARNE AND RUSH- WORTH GOSPELS. Surtees Soc, Nos. 28, 39, 43, 48. 1854-65. LISLE PEERAGE. Nicolas. 1829. LITERARY PROPERTY. Maugham. 1828. LITERATURE. Hallam. 1837. Schlegel. 1818, 1835. LITERATURE, ENGLISH, XIII. CENT., GLOSSARIAL INDEX TO. Coleridge. 1859. LITURGIES. Palmer. 1845. Park. Soc. Publ. 1844-47. LIVY. Ciccarelli. 1598. TomSsinus. 1630. LLOYDS', HISTORY OF. Martin. 1876. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Chambers. 7th Ed. 1875. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. Glen. 3rd Ed. 1865. LOCAL MANAGEMENT ACTS, METROPOLIS. Woolrych. 2nd Ed. 1880. LOCAL TAXATION. Goschen. 1872. LOCOMOTIVE ACTS, 1861, 1865, 1878 (AMENDMENT). Foot. 1879. LOCUS STANDI. Smethurst. 1866. 2nd Ed. 1867. 73 LOCUS STANDI REPORTS. Clifford and Rickards. 1873-76. Clifford and Stephens. 1867-72'. LOCKE. King. 1830." LOGARITHMS. Maseres. 1791. Napier. 16 ig, LOGIC. Alstcdius, 1614. Brerewood. 161 9." Cohellius. 1656. Keckerman. i5o-5 Mill. 1856. Piccolomini, 1603, Smith (Sam.) 1649.' LOLLARD DOCTRINES, APOLOGY FOR. Todd. Cam. Soc. Pa., No. 20, 1842. LOMBARDS, LAWS OF THE. Landus. 17 13. LONDON. Archaological Society Chronicle, 1083- 1483. Nicolas. 1827. Companies. Herbert. 1837. Dialect. Pegge. 1839. Environs of. Lyson. 1 796. History of. Cooper. 1849. Cunningham. 1850. Howell. 1657. Maitland. 1739- Malcolm. 1803-7. Newcourt. Parochial, 1708-10. Norton. 3rd Ed. 1869. Pennant. 1796. Stow. 1633. Laws and Customs of. Arnold. Blount. 1679. Brandon. 1 861. Carpenter and Whittington. Cooke. 1687. Greene. 1 708, Harrison. i860. Locke. 1853. Norton. 1829. Pulling. 1849. Maps of. Cruchley, 1852. Stanford. 1862. Municipal Governtnent. Firth. 1876. Port of Pulling. 1849. P. O. Directory. 1859-80. Remcmbrancia, 1579- 1664. 1878. Roman Pavement. Price. 1870. Rulers. Orridge. 1867. Tower of. Bayley. 1825. Visitation of. Howard and Army- tage. Har. Soc, No. i. 1869. LONDON, AND LONDON LIFE. 13th to isth Cents. Riley. 1868. LONDON, CHRONIQUES DE. Aungier. Cam. Soc, No. 28. 1874. LONDON, RICHARD, BISHOP OF. 1303. Executors' Accounts. Hale and Ellacombe. Cam. Soc Pa., No. 10, n.s. 1874. LONGf. BISHOP OF CAPE TOWN. LORD MANSFIELD. Goodeve. 1865. LORD MAYOR'S COURT. Brandon. 1861. Daly. 1 86 1. Locke. 1853. Yeatman. 1870. LORDS AND COMMONS. Standing Orders. 1864-76. LORDS', HOUSE OF, JURIS- DICTION. Hale. 1796. Lilburne. 1653. Macqueen. 1842. LORDS, PROTESTS OF. Rogers. 1875. LORDS' APPEAL PRACTICE. Denison and Scott, 1879. LOUIS IX. Joinville. 1617. LOUIS XIII. Bougeant ( ^arj). 1767. Dupleix. 1635. Gaufridus. 1635. LOUISIANA. Criminal Juris- prudence. Livingston. 1873. Laws of. Las Siete Partidas. Lislet and Carlton. 1820. Penal Law. Livingston. 1833. Practice in Civil Cases. Fuqua. 1869. LOUISIANA REPORTS. Digests. Hennen. 1809-60. Walker. 1860-69. Reports of Cases. Martin. 1809-23. Martin {n.s.) 1823-30. Louisiana. 1 830-4 1 . Robinson. 1841-46. Louisiana Annual. 1846-78. LOYOLA. Maffei. 1589. Morin. 1622, Nigronus. 1630. Ribadaneira. 1598. Valderame. 161 1. LUBY, TRIAL OF, FOR FE- NIANISM. 1865. LUDLOW. Clive. 1541. LUDLOW CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Wright. Cam. Soc, No. 102. 1869. UNACY. Archbold. 1854 2nd Ed. 1877. Aston. 1849. Collinson. 1812. Cooper. 1849 Elmer. 1857. Sth Ed. 1872 Fry. 2nd Ed. 1877 Hammond (Amer.) 1867. Phillips. 1858. Shelford. 1833 2nd Ed, 1847 10 74 LUTHER. Chalmers. Maierus. 1617. Melancthon. 1555- Neander. 1581. Porta. 1526. LUTTRELL'S, NARCISSUS, DIARY, 1678-1714. 1857. LYTTELTON, LORD, LIFE OF. R. Phillimore. 1845. MAC AULA Y, LORD. Biographies, i860. Speeches. 1863. MACHYN, HENRY. Nichols. Ca7n. Soc., No. 42. 1845. MADISON, JAMES, LIFE OF. Rives. 2nd Ed. 1866-68. MADRAS. Acts, 1726-1875. Cunningham. 1875. Index to Acts, \%-]\-'J2f ^^1^- Laws of. Clarke. 1848. Bayne. 1848. Mutticipal Act. 1878. Reports. Arbuthnot. 1826-50. Digest{High Court Reports), 1862-70. Row. 187 1. High Court. Stokes, O'SuUivan, Mills, Branson, Strange. 1798-1816. Vakeets Digest, by Branson. i860. Revenue Regulations, 1802-69. Williams. 1870. Rulings, Civil and Criminal. 1869. Statutes, 1875. Cunningham. 1875. MADRID. Davila. 1623. M^CENAS. Meibomius. 1653. MAGISTERIAL FORMULIST. Oke. 3rd Ed. 1862. 4th Ed. 1868. MAGISTERIAL SYNOPSIS. Oke. 9th Ed. 1866. nth Ed. 1872. 1 2th Ed. 1876. MAGISTERIAL AND POLICE GUIDE. Greenwood and Martin. 1874. MAGISTRATES [see Justice of the Peace). Giffard. 1878. MAGISTRATES' CASES. Carrow, Hamerton, and Allen (New Sessions Cases), and Vol. IV., Pts. I to 4. 1844-51. MAGISTRATES, ETC., CASES RELATING TO. Cox. 1870. MAGISTRATES' COURT. Saunders. 3rd Ed. 1867. MAGISTRATES' LIST. Thorn. 1878. MAGNETISM. Cabeus. 1629. Croker. 1 761. Gellibrand. 1635. Gilbertus. 1600. Goclenius. 16 13. Norman. 1614. MAHAMADAN LAW. Macnaghten. 1825. Rousseau. Law Terms. 1802. Sadagopah Charloo. Civil, 1872. MAHOMET. Alcoran. 1547, 1734- Ricoldus. 1607. Sale. 1734- MAHRATTAS, HISTORY OF THE. Duff. [Reprint.] 1863. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S COLLECTIONS. 1847-77- MAINE, U.S. Reports OF Cases. Greenleaf (1-9, Maine). 1820-32. Fairfield (10-12, Maine). 1833-35. Shepley (13-18, Maine). 1836-41. Appleton (19, 20, Maine). 1841. Shepley (21-30, Maine). 1842-49. ' Redington (31-35, Maine). 1849-53. Heath (36-40, Maine). 1853-55. Adams (41, 42, Maine). 1855-56. Ludden (43, 44, Maine). 1857-58. Hubbard (45-51, Maine). 1859-64. Virgin (52-60, Maine). 1865-71. Smith, (61-64, Maine). 1871-75. Pulsifer (65-68, Maine). 1875-78. Eastman's Digest. 1820-47. Virgin's Digest (27-56). 1847-69. MAINTENANCE. Tapp. 1861. MALABAR AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Poezold and Simpson. 1809. MALCOLM, SIR JOHN. Kaye. 1856. MALMESBURY, WILLIAM OF. Hamilton. Brit. Gt., 52. 1870. MALMESBURY, REGISTER OF. Brewer. Brit. Gt., 72. 1879. MALTA. Gentil. 1567. Javara. ^S^S- Murray. 1845. Pantaleon. 1 581. MALTA. Code and Organisation of Civil Procedure, 1865. Ordinances. 1863-68. MAMCESTRE. Chet. Soc, Nos. 53. 56, 58. 1861-62. MAN, ISLE OF. Burman. 1853. Chalmer. 1656. Cell. 1848. Geneste. n.d. Jeffcot. 1837. King. 1656. Lamotte. 1862. Lex Scripta. 18 19. Mackenzie. 1861. Mills. 1821. Stowell. 1798. Notes of Cases. Bluett. 1847. Principal Courts, View of. 18 17. Statutes, 1860-65. 1872. Statutes and Ordinances, 1792, 1 82 1, 1837, 1848, 1853, 1862. Stowell. 1792. 75 MANCHESTER. 68, 72. Whitaker. Chet. Soc, Nos. 1866-67. 1771. MANCHESTER COURT OF RECORD. Femby. 1857. Urquhart. 1859. Mountain. 1879. MANCHESTER SCHOOL, REGISTERS OF. Ckei. Soc, Nos. 69, 73, 93, 94. 1866-74. MANCHESTER DEAF AND DUMB SCHOOL. Crompton. 1862. MANCHESTER'S QUARREL WITH CROMWELL, 1644. Bruce and Masson. Cam, Soc, No. 12, n.s. 1875. MANDAMUS. Moses i,Amer.) 1866. Tapping. 1848. Willcock. , 1827. MANIPULUS VOCABULORUM. Langton. Cam. Soc, No. 95. 1867. MANKIND. Bartholinus. 1626. Baubin. 16 14. Capella. 1533. Casman. 1624. Combachius. 1620. Constantinus. iS4i. Donius. 1 58 1. Durer. 1591. Gardinius. 1629. Gigantologie. 161 8. Gratarolus. 1854. Habicot. 1617. Hartley. 1791. James. 1858. Jossius. 1603. Klemfeldius. 1598. Lselius. 1588. Laurence. 1596- 1620. Licetus. 1635. Majirus. 1603. Manzineus. ^S^7- Martius. 15 17. Meletius. 1552. Nemesius. ISS^- Riolan. 16 18. Sanches. 1 598. Vives. 1555. MANNINGHAM, JOHN, DIARY OF. Tite. Cam. Soc, No. 99. 1868. MANSFIELD, LORD. Goodeve. 1865. MAPES' POEMS. Wright. Cam. Soc, Nos. 16, 50. 1841-50. MARGAN, ANNALES DE. Luard. Brit. Gt., No. 36. 1863. MARGARET OF ANJOU. Monroe. Cam. Soc, No. 86. 1863. MARINE DICTIONARY, Falconer. 1830. MARINE INSURANCE. 4th Ed. Baldasseroni {Hal.) Benecke. Crump. Duer (Amer.) Marshall. Parsons (Amer.) MARINERS' FRIEND. Reehorst. MARITIME LAW. Azuni {French). Baldasseroni (ital.) Caumont {French). Cussy {French). De Burgh. Hautefeuille {French). Heineccius {German). Ingersoll {Amer.) Jacobsen {Amer.) Ortolan {French). Parsons {Amer.) Ward. Wendt. Reports of Cases. Aspinall. Cox. MARKETS. Macgachen. MARLBOROUGH, DUKE OF. Coxe. MARRIAGE. Bishop {Amer.) Arnould. 3rd Ed. 1866. 4th Ed. 1871. 5th Ed. 1877. 1 80 1 -4. 1824. 1875- 1845. 1861. 1868. 2nd Ed. 1865. 1805. 1810-13. 1867. 1856. 1868. 1858. 1730- 1809. 1818. 3rd Ed. 1856. 1859. 1801. 1868. 2nd Ed. 1 87 1. 1870-77. 1860-68. 1859. 1847. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. Krakevitz. NtipticE SacrcB. Parker {Priests'). Roxburgh. Waddilove. Weightman. MARRIAGE LAW. Aspland. Bonnerjee {Hindu). Croke. Dwight. Gentilis. Pritchard. Shelford. Stoddart {Ireland). Swinburne. MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS. Atherley. Peachy. MARRIAGE, SACRAMENT OF. Gilbert. MARRIED WOMEN. Bishop {Amer.) MARRIED WOMEN'S PERTY ACT. Griffith. 1859. 1864. 1873. 1606, 1821. n.d. 1879. 1864. 1871. 1836. 1879. 1800. 1836. 1614. 1859. 1841. 1841. 1686. 1813. i860. PRO- 3rd Ed. 1725. 1871. 1871. 1875. 4th Ed., by Walker. 1878. 7^ 1844- 1 866. 1867. MARSHALL, DR. Lib. Ang.-Cath. Theo. MARTIAL LAW. Finlason. MARTIN V. MACKONOCHIE. Chambers. 1869. MARTINDALE, ADAM, LIFE OF. Cheth. Soc, Vol 4. 1845. MARTINIQUE CODE. Durand-Molard. 1807. MARTYROLOGY. Fox. 1641. MARY, OF ENGLAND. Godwin, in Kennett. I7I9' MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Crosby and Bruce. Cam. Soc, No. 93. 1866. Hosack. 1869-74. Turnbull. Cal. St. Pa. 1861. MARYGOLD, YE. Price. 1875. MARYLAND, CODE. Mackall. i860. Supplement. 1861-72. Mayer. 1868. MARYLAND CONSTITUTION. Hinckley. 1868. MARYLAND REPORTS. Harris and McHenry. 1700-99. Harris and Johnson. 1800-26. Harris and Gill. 1826-29. Gill and Johnson. 1829-42. Gill. 1843-51- Magruder (i, 2, Md.) 1851-52. Miller (3-18, Md.) 1852-62. Brewer (27, Md.) 1862-66. Stockett {27-47). 1867-77. "Bland. Chancery. 181 1-32. Johnson. Chancery. 1847-54. MASSACHUSETTS. Latvs. Metcalf. 1843. Reports of Cases. Quincy. Quincy. 1761-72. Pickering. Pick. (Mass.) 1822-40. Metcalf. Mete. (Mass.) 1840-47. Gushing. Cush. (Mass.) 1848-53. Gray. Gray (Mass.) 1854-60. Allen. Allen (Mass.) 1861-67. Lathrop. (115-125, Mass.) 1874-78. Sprague. 1861. MASSACHUSETTS. Statutes. Crocker. 1869. General. i860. Supplement. 1872. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. History of Colony, 1623-36. Young {Anier.) 1846. MASSACHUSETTS. Historical Society's Publica- tions. 1806-77. MASSACHUSETTS. Judicial History. Washburn. 1840. MASTER OF THE ROLLS, FORMS OF PROCEEDING IN COURT OF. Cox. 1857. 2nd Ed. 1858. 3rd Ed. 1868. MASTER OF THE ROLLS, JUDICIAL AUTHORITY OF. Hardwicke. 1727- MASTER AND SERVANT. Davis. 1868. Hertolet. 1850. Smith, C. M. 1852. 2nd Ed. i860. 3rd Ed. 1870. MASTER'S OFFICE, CHAN- CERY. Bennett. 1834. MATHEMATICS. Anderson. 1616. Bacon. 1614. Beda. 1626. Benedictis. 1553- Besson. 1596. Bordinus. 1573- Chesne. 1617. Christmannus. 1595- Curtius. 1616. Dariot. 1598. Dasypodius. 1579- Digges. 1573. Euclid, by Clavius. 1607. By Rhodius. 1609. Fernelius. 1528. Finasus. 1556. Herigo. 1644. Horcher. 1605. Locher. 1614. Munster. 1551- Napier. 1619. Newton. 1713- Oughtred. n.d. Ringelbergius. 1556. Salicetus. 1608. Savile. 1621. Taisnier. I 559-62. Tanner, 1589. Tozer. 1859- Terrentius. 1630. Ursinas. 1619. Yvo. 1669. MAXIMS OF LAW. Bacon, in Works, by Montague. Vol. 13. 1825. Broom. 1848. 3rd Ed. 1858. 4th Ed. 1864. MAYOR'S COURT. Brandon. 1864. Yeatman. 1870. 1876. 1873- MECHANICS' LIEN. Guernsey {New York). Phillips {Amer.) MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Beck. 1829. Brady. 1839. Guy. 1844. ;; MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE— UY.YilClN^r—contimied. continued. 1 Brucioli. 1544' Orfila. 1836. Burserus. 1621. Taylor. 1849. Csesalpinus. 1605. 1865. Cagnatus. 1591. 2nd Ed. i87^ Caius. 1608. Wharton and Stelle. 1855- Cajetan. 1618. Zacchias. 1621. Calestani. 1570. MEDICAL MEN, LzVWS LATING TO. Glenn. RE- 1871. Campolongus. Caneparius. 1 Canonherius. 1592. 1619. 1618. MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS' ! Caranta. . Carcanus. ' Cardan. 1627. 1581. 1 554-1638. GUIDE. Weightman. 1870. MEDICAL REGISTER. 1874-77. Cardosus. Carrichters. 1602. 1551- MEDICAL SCIENCE, DIC- Carvinus. 1562-1605. TIONARY OF. Dunglisson. 1876. Castelli, Celsus. 1619. 1587- MEDICI FAMILY. Boissat. 1613. Champerius. 1536. Napier. 1846-47. Chanvel. 1610, Pigafetta. 1572. Chappius. 1556-98. Roscoe. 1824. Chrysogonus. 1528. Claudinus. 1620. MEDICINE. Abanus. Clement. 1626. Achilini. 1565- Clusius. 1582. Acosta. 1594- Codronchus. I59I-97- ^gineta. 1542. Colin. 1558. Alberius. 1585- Colle. 1628. , Albertus. n.d. Collinus. 1574- Albucasis. 1541- Copland. 1858. Alpini. 1591. Cordseus. 1586. Amatus. 1564. Cordus. 1578. Anselmus. 1606. Cornacchinius. 1619. Anthonias. 1610. Comarus. n.d. Arnold. 1562. Cornax. 1564. Arquati. 1618. Costseus. 1604. Auberi. 1604. Crivellati. 1600. Augenius. 1579. Crusius. 1615-16. Ayala. 1562. Cullen. 1789. Ayrer. 1594- Damascenus. 1543- Bacchanelli. 1554- Daneau. 1579- Bacci. 1622. Dariot. 1582. Barnivetus. 1496. Deodatus. 1629. Bartholinus. 1628. Dessennius. 1573- Barzizius. 1518. Diodes. 1561. Bauhin. 1614. Dioscorides, with Aubert. 1579- Baverius. 1542. Donatius. 1580, Benedictus, 1539- Donatus. 1546. Binder. 1506. Doring. 1611. Blondus. 1545- Droet. 1572. Bonaciolus. n.d. Durante. 1632. Bonvinius. 1610. Durastans. 1567. Bordingus. 1605. Duval. 1611. Botallas. 1565. Emericus, 1537. Bonneus. 1605. Erastus. 1572. Bourgeois. 1609. Esculapius, with Hildegarde. 1533- Borillus. 1510. Faber. 1617. Brachelius. 1532-38. Fabricius. 1616. Brasavola. 1599- Farvacius. 1637- Bratti. 1592. Ferrand. 1623. Bravus. 1588. Ferrandus. 1570. Bright. 1588. Ferrarius. 1577- Brisianus. 1591. Ferrerius. »S77- Brissot. 1529. Ferrius. 1547. Browne. 1871. Fienus. 1592. 78 MEDlCmEr—confinued. MEDICINE— continued. Fioravanti. 1571- Liebant. 1616. Flacius. 1584. Lodovicus. 1608. Flavius. 1596. Lomnius. 1560. Floridus. 1612-13. Lonerus. 1596. Fogeroles. 1610. Lopius. 1564. Follinus. 1622. Loppesius. 1635- Fonseca. 1603. Lorichius. 1587. Fontaine. 1608. Lucius. 1583- Forestus, 1589-1606. Lullius. 1562. Forte. 1544- Magninus, tvitk Albertus Mag. 1499. Fracastor. 1547- Manardus. 1549. Franco. 1569- Mannius. 1617. Frascalus. 1575. Marinello. 1574. Freitag. 1616-32. Marsilius. 1514- Fridaevallis. 1568. Martinez. 1597- Frisius. 1530- Massa. 1563- Fuchsius. 1530. Matenesius. 1611-13. Fumanellus. 1557- Matthiolus. 1560-61. Gabucinus. 1549. Maynwaring. 1696. Gaizus. 1539- Mercatus. 1588. Galeatius. 1514- Messua. 1561. Galen. 1536-78. Meverillius. 1613. Ganivetus. 1550. Minadois. 1573. Garetius, wilA Campolongus 1592. Mizaldus. 1562. Gazius. 1549- Mollerus. 1579- Gellius. 1613. Monacius. n.d. Gesner. 1577. Montanus. 1556-57. Giachinus. 1534- Montuus. 1556. Gordon. 1570. Moreau. 1625. Gramannus. 1593- Morescotti. 1588. Guargantus. 1595- Moufet. 1584-88. Guastavinius. 1616. Mouthaen. 1611. Guillemeau. 1620. Nuanare. n.d. Guntier. 1565- Nunez. 1601. Guybert, 1632. Obicius. n.d. Habicot. 1617. Ordronaux (Amer.) 1869. Hafenreflferus. 1629. Palmarius. Hartman. 1586-1614. Pansa. 1615. Hawkins. 1633- Paracelsus. I 506- 1603. Hebenstreit. 1672. Paschetti. 1615. Helepyr. 1582. Patemus. 1581. Heumius. 1592-1607. Paulinus. 1 589- 1 604. Hierovius. 1595- Persona. 1603. Hippocrates. I537-7I- Pichotus. 1577. Hochstetten. 1586. Pictorius. 1554-61. Hollerius. 1587. Pinaeus. 1597. Holtzenius. 1605. Pisanelli. 1577. Horstius. 1628. Pistorius. 1568. Hovel. 1573. Planerus. 1585. Hucherus. 1602-10. Planis-Campy. 1623-29. India. 1600. Pleierus. 1617-27. Ingrassia. 1576. Porphyrius. 1547. Jacchseus, 1624. Pratensis. 1531. Jamot. 1573- Prieur. 1596. Jessenius. 1605-18. Quercetanus. 1575- 1609. Joubert. 1566-1601. Raza. 1549. Junckerus. 1614. Reusnerus. 1600. Kamitus. n.d. Riolanus. 1598- 1630. Knoblochius. 1606. Rodion. 1632. Langius. 1605. Rolandus. 1 541. Laurentius. 1596-1625. Rubequensis. 1538. Le Bon. 1577- Sala. 1628. Lemosius. 1592. Salvianus. 1587. Libavius. 1599- Sanctorius. 1630. Licetus. 1612-37. Savanorola. n.d. 79 MEDICINE— continued. Scacchi. Schenck. Scherbius. Schirnhagius. Scholzius. Schroterus. Schultius. Scipio. Scribonius. Seidelius. Serenus. Severinus. Smetius. Smithson. Socius. Solenander. Sonnet. Sorapan. Soriano. Sporischius. Stephanus. Strobelberger. Stupanus. Susenbetus. Susio. Sylvius. Taurellus. Tentzelius. Textor. Theodorus. Trallianus. Turnerus. Ulmus. Untzer. Valla. Valleriola. Vallesius. Vega. Velsius. Venierus. Verderius. Victoriis. Vinshemius. Vigirius. Weckherlinus. Willich. Wittichius. Zacutus. Zapata. Zimara, Zuinger. MEETINGS, PUBLIC. Arnold. 1833. MELSA, CHRONICA DE. Bond. Br. GL, 43. 1866-68. MENOO LAWS. Richardson. 1874. MENTAL DISEASES. Laycock. 1863. MERCANTILE AGENCY. Russell. 2nd Ed. 1873. MERCANTILE LAW. Beames. Trans, of GlanviUe. 18 1 2. Chitty. 1850. Hevia. 1619. 1596. I 584- I 609. 1614. 1606. 1610. 1585. 1606. 1570. 1584. 1593. 1533- 1581. 1611. 1849. 1555. 1558. 1610. 1616. 1635. 1582. 1624. 1620. 1612. n.d. 1578. 1577. 1581. 1629. 1558. 1533- 1549- 1628. 1603. 1615. n.d. 1605. 1582. 1553- 1543- 1579- 1600. 1562. 1612. 1620. 1613. 1582. 1594-96. 1637. 1592. 1625. 1610. MERCANTILE I.KW— continued. Holt. 1824. Holt. Reports. 1818. Houstin. 1866. Levi. i8';o-!;2. Levi. International. 2nd Ed. 1863. Longland. 1840. Malynes. 1622-86. Smith, J. W. 1834. 3rd Ed. 1843. 4th Ed. 1848. 6th Ed. 1859. '^ 7th Ed. 1865. 8th Ed. 1871. 9th Ed. 1877. MERCHANTS' FRIEND. Reehorst. 1865. MERCHANT SHIPS. Abbott. 1st Ed. 1802. 2nd Ed. 1804. 5th Ed. 1827. 7th Ed. 1844. 8th Ed. 1854. nth Ed. 1854. Maclachlan. 1st Ed. i860. 2nd Ed. 1875- Maude and Pollock. 1853- 2nd Ed. 1861. 3rd Ed. 1864. O'Dowd. 1863. MERCHANT SHIPPING, HIS- TORY OF. Lindsay. 1874-77. MERCHANT SHIPPING ACT, 1876. Maclachlan. 1876. MERCHANT SHIPPING LAWS Boyd {Ireland). 1876. MERCHANT TAYLORS' GUILL ). Clode. 1875. MERGER. Mayhew, 1861. METALS. Agricola. 1561. Albertus. n.d. Artistas. 1608. Aubert. 1575. Bauhin. 1613. Cosalpinus. r 1602. Encelius. »SS7. Hoghelande. 1604. Moresinus. 1593- Picus. 1697. 1584. Porta. Quintilio. 1609. Rovenzon. 1613. " METEOR " STEAMSHIP. Re . PORT OF Case {Amer.) Balch. 1866. METEOROLOGY. Boccatius. 1608. Brerewood. 1631. Halberst. 1608. Longiano. 1542. METROPOLIS LOCAL MA- NAGEMENT ACTS. Woolrych. 2nd Ed. 1880. So METROPOLIS VALUATION ACT, 1869. Glen. 1869. METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT. Woolrych. 1856, 2nd Ed., by Paterson. 1877] METROPOLITAN ELECTIONS. Hare. 1865. METROPOLITAN LOCAL MA- NAGEMENT. Woolrych. 1863. METROPOLITAN POOR ACTS, 1867, 1869. Glen. 1869. METZ. History of the Parliament. Michel. 1845, MEXICO. BeleSa. 1787. Lopez. 1554. Prescott. 1847. Ordinances and Decrees. 1829-31. MEXICO AND SPAIN. Civil Law. Schmidt. 1851. MICHIGAN. Reports of Cases. Chancery. Harrington. 1838-42. Walker. 1842-45. Reports of Cases. Common Law. Clarke. 1870-71. Cooley. 1858-64. Cooley. Digest of Reports. 1838-65. Douglas. 1843-47. Gibbs. 1848-58. Hoyt-Post. 1871-77. Jennison. 1865-69. Manning. 1847. Meddaugh. 1865. MIDDLE CLASSES. Cole. 1866. MIDDLE TEMPLE. 1879. MIDDLE TEMPLE LIBRARY, ARTICLE ON. Law Maga- zine, Vol. 7. May. J859. MIDDLEHAM. Atthill. Cam. Soc, No. 39. 1847. MIDDLESEX. Lysons^ 1800-6. MIDDLESEX. Coroner's Report. Lankester. 1864. MILITARY DICTIONARY. James. 18 16. MILITARY AND MARTIAL LAW. Clode. 1872. Coterseus. 1539- Crispoltus. 1635. Hough. 1855. Napier. 1837. Samuel. 1816. Thomson. 1854-55. Tulloch. 1873. Tytler. 1800. MILITARY FORCES OF THE CROWN. Clode. 1869. MILITARY HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. Frontinus. 1574- Isaba. 1594- Salmasius. i657- Stewart. 1825. Thomas. 1855. MILITARY PROCEEDINGS DURING CIVIL WAR. Cheth. Soc, Vol. 2. 1844. MILITIA ACTS. Saunders. 4th Ed. 1855. MILL, JOHN STUART. Autobiography. 4th Ed. 1874. Taine. 1870. MILTON. Hamilton, Cam. Soc, No. 75. 1859. Harwood, Cam. Soc, 16, n.s. 1876. Salmasius. 1660. Symmons. "-d. MILTON, MRS. Marsh. 1855. MILTON'S PORTRAITS. Marsh. 1866. MINERALOGY Buckland. Buffin. Clave. Erasmus. Guidius. Rantzovius. Boethius. MINES. Bainbridge. 1609. 1857. 1785-88. 1635- n.d. 1625. 1585- 3rd Ed. 1867. 4th Ed. 1878. Clayton. Collier. 1855. De Gamboa. Spanish Law. 1830. Delebegue {Fr.) 1838. 2nd Ed. 1876. Mander. 1821, Manlove. 185 1. Rogers. 1864. 2nd Ed. 1876. Tapping. 1861. MINING {Victoria). McFarland. 1870. MINING CLAIMS. Yale [Amer.) 1867. MINING DECISIONS. Copp {Amer.) i873-74- MINNESOTA REPORTS. 1851-70. Officer. 1851-64. Spencer. MINNESOTA STATUTES. MISCELLANEA. Surt. Soc, No. 37. 1858. MISSALE EBOR. Surt. Soc, Nos. 59, 60. 1874. MISSISSIPPI REPORTS. Law. 1818-78. Walker. Miss. (Walk.) 1818-32. Howard. Miss. (How.) 1834-43. Smedes and Marshall. Miss. (Smed. & M.) 1843-50. 1865-70. 1866. 8i MISSISSIPPI REPORTS— continued. Cushman. \ ['1851-55. 1855-63. (23-55 J 1864-69. Miss. ) George. Reynolds. Morris. Harris and Simrall. Brown and Hemingway- Freeman. Chaiicery. Smedes and Marshall. Chan Digest. W. C. Smedes. MISSOURI REPORTS. Macbride. Edwards. Napton. Bay. Stringfellow. Robards. Gardenhire. Bennett. Jones. Barclay and Whittelsey. Whittelsey. Post. Skinker. Digest. D. R. Barclay. MISSOURI STATUTES. 1870-73. 1873-76. 1876-78. 1839-43- 1840-53. 1818-47. Mo. 1821-79. 1821-28. 1828-35. 1835-37- 1837-45- 1845-48. 1848-50. 1851-52. 1852-55- 1855-60. 1860-62. 1862-67. 1867-77. 1877-79. 1859. 1866. METAKSHARA {see Stokes). Colebrooke. 3rd Ed. \\ MODERN ENGLISH LAW. Wilson. MODERN ENTRIES. Mallory. MODERN STATE TRIALS. Townshend. INHERIT- 1875. 1734-35- 1850. MOHUMMEDAN ANCE. Baillie. 1832. 2nd Ed. 1874. Grady. 1869. Rumsey. 1867. MOHUMMEDAN LAW. Baillie. 2 parts. 1865-69. 2nd Ed. 1874. Macnaghten. Inheritance. Baillie. Grady. Rumsey. Sale. Baillie. 2nd Ed. 4th Ed. 2nd Ed. i860. 1879. 1832. 1874. 1869. 1867. 1850. 1620. 1595- 1609. MOLDAVIA. Baret. Reyschersdoflfer. MOLUCCAS. Argensola. MONASTERIES, SUPPRESSION OF. Wright. Cam. Soc, No. 26. 1843. MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS. Dugdale. 1718, Tanner. 1744' Willis. 17 18, MONASTIC LIFE. Choppinus. 1650. Dabreul. 1604. Lezana. 1629. Sancto-Andomaro. 1583. Smaragdus. 1610. Stengilius. 1 62 1. Sutor. 1572-1622. MONASTICON HIBERNICUM. Archdall. 1786. MONEY. Dornitius. 1608. Gallianus. 1750. Rowe. 1640. Scaliger. 1 6 16. Scioppius. 1656. MONEY SECURITIES. Cavanagh. "879. MONKWEARWOUTH. Stirt. Soc, No. 29. 1854. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Williams. 1796. MONTSERRAT, ORDINANCES OF. 1867-74. MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES. Stothard. 18 17. MONUMENTAL REMAINS. Weever. 163 1. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES (Scottish). Grampian Club. 1872. MOORE RENTAL. Chet. Soc, No. 12. 1847. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Argyropilus. 1514- Bacon. 1733- Bentham. 1823. Casa. 1588-97- Gasman, 1602. Caurres. 1584. Cieglerus. 1613. Cortes. n.d. Doni. 1588. Deruschi. 1628. Dupleix. 1 6 10. Flaminius. 1563- Funes. 1610. Garrimberto. 1549- Goulart. 1594- Loryot. 1 6 14. Paschetti. 1581. Plateanus. 1587. Plutarch. 1605. Quarengus. 1639- Rojas. 1612. Schotten. 1535- Scultetus. 1614. Seneca. 1515- Torres. 1622. Urfe. 1594-1620. Vergil. 1553. Viscardo. 1600. Vives. 1555- Whewell. 1848. 11 82 MORE, SIR THOMAS. Roper. 1716. Stapleton. 1588. MORTGAGE. Coote. 1821. 3rd Ed. 1850. Coventry. 1836. Fisher. 1856. 2nd Ed. 1868. 3rd Ed. 1876. Ghose. 1877. Hughes. 1848. James. 1855- Macpherson (India). Sth Ed. 1869. Powell. 8th Ed. 1874. MORTMAIN. Highmore. 1809. Shelford. 1836. MOSES. Gaulmyn. 1629. Rosenbach. 1633- Warburton. 1811. Zepperus. 1604. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ACT. Rawlinson. 4th Ed. 1863. 5th Ed. 1868. 6th Ed. 1874. MUNICIPAL LAW, LOWER CANADA. Harrison. 1874. MUNICIPAL RIGHTS. Payne. 1813. MUNICIPAL AND PARLIA- MENTARY REGISTRATION. Nicoll and Flaxman. 2nd Ed. 1878. MUNIMENTA ANTIQUA. King. MUNROE, SIR THOMAS. Gleig. MUSIC. Bannius. Butler. Kircher. Lmcs et Guiternes. Marino. Psellus. Rossi.. 1799-1805. 1830. 1637. 1636. 1650. 1557- 1618. 1592. 1618. MUSULMANS, Hunter. OUR INDIAN. 2nd Ed. MUSEUM ITALICUM. Mabillon and Germain. 1872. 1724. MUTINY ACT, OF WAR, &c. ARTICLES MUTINY AND DESERTION. 1810-13. MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHY. St. Martin. MYTHOLOGY. Lempriere. Montfaucon. Smith. NAMES. Brady. Lower. Falconer. 1863. 1828. 1721-22. 1844. 1822. 1844. 1862. NAPLES. Decisions of Royal Council. AiBitto. 1596. Ageta. 1692. Capycius. 1600. Ganaverius. 1655. Minadons. 1629. Rovitus. 1634. Thoro. 1615-47. Vivius. 1592. History of. Carafa. 1 572. Collenutius. 1572- Giannoni. I7S3- Turpin. 1 630. Latu of. Altimarus, i7iS' Caravita. 1 572. Giannoni. 1753" Topography of. Bacco. 1626. Capaccio. 1607. Falco. 1589- Mazzella. 1606. Tarchagnota. 1566- Zappullo. 1603. NAPOLEON I. Scott. 1834. NATAL. Blue Books. 1864-75. Laws. 1856-75. Ordinances. 1836-55. Votes and Proceedings. 1874. NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS. James. 1865. NATIONALITY. Cockburn. 1869, NATIONS, HISTORY OF THE LAW OF. Wheaton. 1843. NATIONS, LAW OF {see Law of Nations). NATURA BREVIUM. Fitzherbert. 1730. NATURAL HISTORY. Barbarus. I534- Bartholomaeus, 1 5 ' 9- Benedictis. 1539- Berga. 1589. Bodin. 1596. Bonaventura. 1593- Borrius. X576. Buffon. 1749-89- Camerarius. i577' Campos. 1575' Canon. n.d. Chambre. 1634. Contareni. 1548. Cureus. 1572. Cuvier. 1 798- 1844. Dorneus. 1603. Dupleix. . 1603. Duret. 1605. Fran9ois. • 1 621, 1632. Franzius. 16 13. Gansius. 1630. 83 NATURAL HISTORY— eontinued. Garcia, 1567. Guarinonius. 1606. Kornman. 1611. Laurence. 1620. Maggio, 1675. Mersenne. 1644. Pictorius. I5S4> Pindemontius. 1619. PHnius. 1582, 1601. Fortius. 1598. Scarmilionus. 1601. Titelmannus. 1544- Vicentinis. 1634. Vicentius. 1624. NATURAL LAW (see Law of Nature). NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Basso. 162 1. Chassinas. 16 19. Cremonini. IS96. Grove. 1842. Hiemerus, 1613. Hildegarde. IS33- Hippius. 1600. Johnston. 1848. Morus. 1586. Pernumia. 1570. Peronneus, with Clem. Alex. 1504, 1826. Timplerus. 1605. Turcus. 1576. Tympius. 1612. Valderama. 161 7. Valeurio. I59S' Vicemercato. IS96, 1598. Watson. 18 1 6- 18. Widdowe. 1631. NATURAL THEOLOGY. Alstedius. 161 5. NATURALIZATION. Cutler. 1870. Hansard. 1844. NAUTICAL SURVEYING. Laughton. 1872. NAVAL COURTS-MARTIAL, U.S. Harwood (Amer.) 1867. NAVAL HISTORY. Burchett. 1720. Earp. 1857. James. 1847. O'Byrne. 1849. NAVAL AND MARITIME LAW. Heinneccius. 173° NAVIGATION. Barlow. I597 Bayfius. 1536 Figueyredo. 1608-9. Jorbedrit. 159°' Keckerman. 1637 Nonio. 1552 Postlethwaite. 1774 Wilcock. 1863, NAVY, CRIMINAL LAW OF, Thring. 1861 U.S., History of. Cooper. 1840, NE EXEAT REGNO. Beames. 1824. NEBRASKA REPORTS. Woolworth. Vols. I, 2. Crounse. Vol. 3. NECKHAM, ALEXANDER. Wright. Br. Gt., 34. 1855-72. 1873-74. 1863. NEGLIGENCE. Campbell. 1871. 2nd Ed, 1878. Saunders. 1870. Shearman and Redfield {Amer.) 1869. 3rd Ed. 1874. NEGOCIABLE SECURITIES, Jencken, 1880, NELSON, Nicolas, 1835, Southey. 1849. NENNIUS. E.H.S., No. 4, Stephenson, 1838, NETHERLANDS. Grimestone. 1627. Guicciardini. 1568. Moryson. 16 17. Motley. i860. Servilius. 1542. Stubbes, 1672-73. NEUSTRI^ YPODIGMA. Br. Gt., No. 28. Riley. 1876. NEUTRALITY OF GT. BRITAIN DURING AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Barnard. 1870. NEUTRALS. Gessner. Hall. Hautefeuille. Tetens. Clark. 1864. 1865. 1874. 1858. 1805. 1861-67. NEVADA LAWS. Reports of Cases. — (I, Nev.) 1865. Helm (2-4, Nev.) 1866-68. Helm and Hittel (5-9, Nev.) 1868-74. Bicknell and Hawley (10-13, Nev.) 1874-78. NEVIS. Acts. 1870-71, Laws. 1681-1861. NEW BRUNSWICK. Reports of Cases. Kerr, 1843 Allen, 1850 Hannay, 1867-71 Pugsley, 1872-76 Stephens, Digest. 1825-73, Statutes. 1854-73. NEW BRUNSWICK SUPREME COURT RULES, Botsford, 1865. NEW ENGLAND GENERAL GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY. Savage. 1860-62. NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. 1860-75. S4 NEW ENGLAND, HISTORY OF. Palfrey. 1865. NEW HAMPSHIRE REPORTS. 1816-75. (Vols. I to 20, N.H.) 1816-50. Foster. (N.H., Fost.) 1855- Fogg (32-37, N.H.) 1855-59- Chandler (38-44, N.H.) 1859-68. Hadley (45-48, N.H.) 1863-69. Shirley (49-55, N.H.) 1869-75. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATUTES. 1867. NEW JERSEY, LAW OF. Baldwin. Repoiis. 1837. NEW JERSEY. Reports of Cases (Chancery). Saxton (I, N.J. Eq.) 1830-32. Green (2-4, N.J. Eq.) 183846. Helsted (5-8, N.J. Eq.) 1845-52. Stockton (9-1 1, N.J. Eq.) 1852-59. Beasley (12, 13, N.J. Eq.) 1859-62. McCarter (14, 15, N.J. Eq.) 1861-63. Green, C.E. (16-27 N.J. Eq.) 1863-76. Stewart (28, 29, N.J. Eq.) 1877-78. Reports of Cases (Common Law). Coxe (I, N.J.L.) 1790-95. Pennington (2, 3, N.J.L.) 1806-13. Southard (3, 4, N.J.L.) 1816-20. Halstead (5-11, N.J.L.) 1821-31. Green (12-14, N.J.L.) 1831-36. Harrison (15 18, N.J.L.) 1837-42. Spencer (19, N.J.L.) 1842-45. Zabriskie, (20-23 N.J.L.) 1847-55. Dutcher (24-28, N.J.L.) 1855-63. Vroom (29-38, N.J.L.) 1863-77. NEW PARISHES ACT. Traill. 1857. NEW REPORTS. 1862-65. NEW REPORTS. New Series. Bosanquet and Puller. 1804-7. NEW SOUTH WALES. Digest of Magisterial Cases. Connell. 1866. Insolvent Law. Barton. 1842. Private Acts. 3 Will. IV. to 26 Vic. 1832-62. Reports. Supreme Courts. Wilkinson and Owen (1-3, N.S.W.) 1862-64. Wilkinson and Paterson (4-8, N.S.W.) 1865-70. Paterson and Murray (9-10, N.S.W.) 1870-72. Fitzhardinge and Paterson (11-14, N.S.W.) 1872-76. Index, Supreme Court Reports. Vols. I -10. n.d. Reserved and Equity Judgments. 1 845 . Statutes, Public and General. 1824-62. Statutes, Public and Private. 26 Vict, to 40 Vict. 1862-67. NEW TRIALS. Grant. 1817. NEW YORK. Book of Forms adapted to Code of Procedure. 1865. Civil and Criminal Code. Edwards. Civil and Criminal Justice. McCall. 1866. Civil Code, Complete. 1865. Civil Code, Draft of a. 1865. Code as it is. Townshend. 1864. Code as it is. Townshend. 1867. Code of Civil Procedure. Ap. 25, 1865. Code of Procedure, 1 871. Code, Penal, Complete. 1865. Convention Manual. 1867. First Report of Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. Court of Procedure. 1848. Fourth Report. Court of Criminal Procedure. 1849. Revised Statutes. 1859-63. NEW YORK. Reports of Cases (Law). Coleman and Caines. Col. & C. (N.Y.) Cas. 1794-1805. Caines's Reports. Cai. (N.Y.) 1803-5. Caines's Cases. Cai. (N.Y.) 1804-5. Johnson's Reports. Johns. (N.Y.) 1806-23. Cowen's Reports. Cow. (N.Y. ) 1823-29. Hill's Reports. Hill (N.Y.) 1841-44. Lalor's Supp. to Hill. Hill & D. Supp. (N.Y.) 1842-44. Lockwood's Reversed Cases. Lock. Rev. Cas. 1799-1847. Barbour's Sup. Court Reports. Barb. (N.Y.) 1847-75. Hun's Sup. Court Reports. Hun (N.Y.) 1873-76. Chancery. Johnson's Chancery Reports. Johns. (N.Y.) Ch. 1814-23. Hopkins's Reports. Hopk. (N.Y.) 1823-26, Paige's Reports. Paige (N.Y.) 1828-45. Edward's Reports. Edw. (N.Y.) 1834-50. Hoffman's Reports. Hoffm. (N.Y.) 1839-40. Clarke's Reports. Clarke (N. Y. ) 1839-41. Sandford's Chancery Reports. Sandf. (N.Y.) Ch. 1843-47. Barbour's Chancery Reports. Barb. (N.Y.) Ch. 1845-48. Court of Appeal. Comstock (1-4, N.Y.) 1847-51. Kernan (11-14, N.Y.) 1854-56. Smith (15-27, N.Y.) 1857-63. Tiffany (28-39, N.Y.) 1863-68. Hand (40-45, N.Y.) 1869-72. ^5 NEW YOK^—conHntfed. Sickels (46-62, N.Y.) 1871-76. Howard. How. Cas. (N.Y.) 1847-48. Keyes. Keyes (N.Y.) 1863-68. Surrogate. Bradford. Bradf. (N.Y.) 1849-57. Redfield. Redf. (N.Y.) 1857-63. Tucker. Tuck. (N.Y.) 1864-69. Superior Court. Hall. Hall (I, 2, N.Y.) 1828-29. Sandford. Sandf. (3-7, N.Y.) 1847-52. Duer. Duer (8-13, N.Y.) 1852-57. Sweeney. Sweeney (31, 32, N.Y.) 1869-70. Jones and Spencer (33, 34, N.Y. Sup. Ct.) 1871-79. Digests, Statutes, &c. Abbott. 1873. Brightly. 1794-1875. Tiffany [Comstock, Kernan, Sel- den. Smith (1-27, N.Y. R.)]. 1847-63. NEW YORK CITY. Mechanics'' Lien Law. Guernsey. 1873. NEW YORK, COLONIAL HIS- TORY OF. Broadhead, by O'Callaghan. 1856-68. NEW YORK LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 187 1. NEW ZEALAND. Terry. 1842. Thomson. 1859. NEW^ ZEALAND. Acts. Coroners' Act. 1868. Court of Appeal Reports, 1867-74. Johnson. 1872-75. District Court Rules. 1859. Local and Personal Acts. 1877-78. Statutes. [1864 wanting.] 1860-76. Statutes, Practical. Wilson. 1867. Supreme Cdurt Practice. Johnston. 1873. Supreme Court Rules. 1856. NEWCASTLE, HISTORY OF. Bourne. 1736. NEWCOMBE, REV. HY., DIARY OF. Chet. Soc, Vol. 18. 1849. NEWFOUNDLAND CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES. 1874. NEWFOUNDLAND, GOVERN- MENT OF. Reeves. 1793. NEWFOUNDLAND, LAWS OF. Archibald. 1847. Legislative Acts. 1868-76. NEWHAVEN {America). 1838-56. Hoadley. 1857-58. NEWMINSTER CHARTULARY. Surt. Soc, No. 66. 1878. NEWTON. Brewster. 1857-58. NEXT OF KIN. Chambers. 3rd Ed. 1872. 4th Ed., by Preston. 1878. NICANDER NUCIUS. Cam. Soc, No. 17. 1841. NICHOLSON, BP. Lib. Ang.- Cath. Theo. 1848. NINEVEH. Layard. NISI PRIUS. Buller. Gordon. Harrison and Edwards. Roscoe. Selwyn. NISI PRIUS. Peake. Espinasse. Campbell. Holt. Starkie. Gow. 1856. 1772. 1785. 1850. 1838, 1836. 6th Ed. 1844. 8th Ed. 1 85 1. 9th Ed. 1858. 1810. loth Ed. 1842. 13th Ed. 1869. Reports of Cases. 1790-1812. 1 793- 1 807. 1808-16. 1815-17. 1815-22. 1818-20. Dowland and Ryland. 1 part. 1822-23. Ryan and Moody. 1823-26. Carrington and Payne. 1823-41. Moody and Malkin. 1827-30. Moody and Robinson. 1831-40. Carrington and Marshman. 1840-42. Carrington and Kirwan, and Vol. 3, Pts. I and 2. 1843-50. Foster and Finlason. 1858-67. NOBILITY. Tiraquellus. 1559. NOBILITY AND GENTRY, LAWS RELATING TO. Bridall. 1679. MONJURORS. Cosin. 1862. NORDEN. Park Soc. Pub. 1847. NORFOLK. Blomefield and Parkin. n.d. Forby {Dialect). 1830. Nevyllus. IS75- NORFOLK ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. 1847-68. NORFOLK DOMESDAY BOOK. Munford. 1868. NORMAN AND ANGLO-SAXON CHARTS. D'Anisy {French). 1834-35. NORMAN CONQUESTS. Freeman. 1867-76. B6 NORMANDY. Antiquities. Bourgeville. 1858. Taillepied. Eds. 1587, 1589, 1601. History. Blondel, by Stephenson. Br. Gt., 32. 1863. Depping {French). 1066-1205. 1835. Duchesne. 1619. Palgrave. 1851-64. Stapleton. 1844. Laws of. Basnage. I778- Forget. IS77- Howard. 1780. Reville. 1551. Parliament of. Y\o(\uei (French). 1840. NORMANDY, EXCHEQUER. Floquet [French). 1840. NORMANDY, EXCHEQUER ROLLS, 1 183. Petrie. n.d. NORMANS, ENGLAND UNDER THE. Morgan. 1834-35. NORRIS PAPERS. Chet. Soc, Vol. 9. 1846. NORTH COUNTRY WORDS. Brockett. 1846. NORTH DURHAM. Raine. 1852. NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, INDIA. High Court Reports. 1869-74. NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, INDIA. Elliot. 1869. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Baker. 1822-30. Baker. Glossary. 1864. Morton. 17 12. Sternberg. Dialect. 1851. NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES' PROCEEDINGS. 1857-61. NORTHERN NATIONS. Hickes and Wanley. 1705' Krantz. 1583. Magnus. 1567- 1658. Mallet, by Percy. 1847. Mullern. 1595- Roslin. 161 1. NORTHERN REGISTER. Raine. Br. Gt., 61. 1873. NORTHINGTON, LORD. Henley. 1 831. NORTHUMBERLAND. Hodgson. 1820-58. Hutchinson. 1778. NORWAY. Language of . Hickes. 1705. Lazvs of Hagemeierus. 1677. Repp. 1832. Topography of. Murray. 1848. NORWICH. Index Monasticus. Taylor. 1821. NOTANDA. Digest. Edwards, T., Boddam, and Greenwood. 1867-77. NOTARY. Brooke. 1848. 3rd Ed., by Levi. 1867. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Newark. 1642. Thoroton. 1677. Visitation of 1569 and 1614. Harl. Soc. Pub., No. 4. 187 1. NOVA SCOTIA. Jones. Icthyology. 1863. NOVA SCOTIA. Laws of. Tournal of House of Assembly. J J ' 1865-67. Tournal of Legislative Council. •^ 1865-67. Murdoch. 1832-33- Statutes. 1858-79. 4th Series. 1873. Reports of Cases. ^\&vizx\. [Vice-Adm. Ct.) 1803-13. Thomson. 1834-41- James. Vol. I. 1883-55. Thomson. 1856-59. Cochran. 1859- Oldright. Vols, i, 2. 1860-67. Russell and Chesley. 1875. NO WELL. Park. Soc. Pub. 1853. NUISANCES. Lumley. Keane. 1612. 1613. Gibbons. 1838. i860. SthEd. 1866. 6th Ed. 1870. NULLITIES. Macnamara. 1842. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. Warmington. Widdrington. OATHS. Braithwaite. ' 1876. Cole. 1859. Gauden. 1662. Soto. 1589- OBLIGATIONS. Larombiere {French). 1862-63. Savigny, par Gerardin et Gozon. 1863. Savigny, by Brown. 1872. Vernet [French). 1865. OBSERVATIONS AND INSTRUC- TIONS. Chet. Soc, No. 76. 1869. GECOLAMPADIUS. Capito. 1555. Grynseus. ^SSS- OFFICERS IN THE ARMY. Prendergast. 1855. OFFICIAL OPINIONS, ATTOR- NEYS-GENERAL, U.S. 1791-1874. OHIO. Reports of Cases. Tappan. Common Pleas. 1816-19. Hammond.^ f" 1821-39. Wilcox. 1840-41. Stanton. V Ohio Reports.- 1841-44. Griswold. | 1845-50. Lawrence. J (.1851. 87 OHIO — continued. State Reports, Mac Cook. 1852-55. Warden. 1853-55. Crichfield. 1856-71. Granger. 1871-73. De Witt. 1873-77. Digests. Gholson and Okay, Ohio Reports, and Ohio State Reports. 1821-52. Nash. Ohio Reports. 1821-51. OHIO REVISED STATUTES. Swan. 1868-69. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORICAL BOOKS. Kelly. 1874. OLERON, LAWS OF. Garsia. 1661. Miege. 1686. OLIVER CROMWELL. Carlyle. 2nd Ed. 1846. ONTARIO, CANADA. Statutes. 1867-70. Revised Statutes, 1877. OPTICS. Kircher. 1646. Newton. 1779- Niceron. 1638. Porta. 1593. Rhodius. 161 1. Risnerus. 1606. Skeiner. 161 7. Timplerus. 161 7. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 181 1. OREGON. Reports OF Cases. 1853-77, Wilson (1-3, Or.) 1853-72. Bellinger (4-6, Or.) [Vol. 5 missing.] 1870-77. ORIENTAL CHRISTIANITY. Brown. 1877 ORIGIN OF LAWS. Dawson. 1694, ORIGINAL LETTERS. Ellis. Ca)n. Soc. Pa., No. 23. 1843 ORISSA. Hunter. 1872 ORKNEYS. Barry. 1805 Brand, in Pinkerton. 1808 ORMOND, DUKE OF. Carte. 1736 ORNAMENTS, LAWFUL CHURCH. Perry. 1857 ORPHANS. Godolphin. 1677 OSWIN, KING, LIFE OF. Surtees Soc, No. 8. 1838 OUTLAWRY. Conroy. 1795 OVERALL, BP. Lib. Ang.-Cath. Theo. 1844 OVERRULED CASES, INDEX OF. Bigelow (Amer.) 1873 OVERSEERS. Owen. 4th Ed. 1878 OXFORD, HERALDIC VISITA- TION OF THE COUNTY OF. 1566, 1574, 1634. Nar. Soc Pub., No. 5. 1 87 1 OXFORD MUNIMENTA ACA- DEMICA. Anstey. 1868, OXFORD STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 1863. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. Bereblocus. 1729. Blackstone. Tract IV. I77i. 3rd Ed, 1776. Caius. 1730. Hearne. 1703-45. Hiitton. 16 10. Kennett. 1728. Murray. i860. Neale. i733« Plot. 1705. Wood. 1 786-1813. OXFORD UNIVERSITY CAL- ENDAR, 1826. 1846-79. OXFORD UNIVERSITY TEN- YEAR BOOK. 1863. Catalogue of Graduates, 1659-1850. 1851. Statutes. 1866. OXFORDSHIRE ANNALS. Davenport. 1869, OXFORDSHIRE LORDS LIEU- TENANTS AND HIGH SHERIFFS, Davenport. 1869. PAINTERS. Haydon. 1853. Vasari. 1850. Walpole. 1 798. PAINTING AND DRAWING. Accolti. 1625. Alberti. 1540. Bulenger. 1627. Durer. 1591. Fairholt. n.d. Lomatius. 1598. Marino. 1618. Waajen. 1854-57. PAL^OGRAPHIE. Chassant. 6th Ed. 1867. PANTOMIME, A NEW. Kenealy, 1863, PAPE, GUY, DECISIONS AT GRENOBLE. By Chorier {French). 2nd Ed. 1769, PAPINIANUS. Lectins. 1594, Otto. 1743. PARENT AND CHILD. Eraser (Scotch). 2nd Ed. 1866, PARIS. Corvozet. 1577, PARISH LAW. Archbold. 1852. Archbold and vShaw, 4th Ed., by Paterson. 1864. Connell (Scotland). 18 18. Supplement. 1823. Dunlop (Scotland), 1841. Prideaux. 1835. Smith, T. 1857. Steer. 1857. PARISH REGISTERS. Burn, 1862. PARISH SETTLEMENTS. Reports of Cases. Burrow. 1 768. Decisions, K.B., 1732-76. 1768. Caldecott. 1776-85. 1780. Sessions' Cases, K.B. I746- PARKER, ARCHBP. Park. Soc. Pub. 1853. Sharpe. PARLIAMENT AND CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Burrows. 1875. PARLIAMENT, BRITISH. Chronological Register. Beatson. 1807. PARLIAMENT. Debates. Bohun. n.d. Gardiner. 1610. 1862. Grey. 1667-94. 1763. Hansard. 1803-61. 1861. Johnson. 1787- History. Carew. 1755' Cooke. 1836. Dewes. 1682. Dod. 1848-79. Ephemeris. 1654. Gurdon. 2nd Ed. 1731. May. 1647. Petyt. 1 681. Smith, J. 1857-65. Timberland. 1742. Townshend. 1680. Wight. 1784- Willis. 1730. Law, Privileges, &'c. Atkyns. 1689. Bland. 1643. Bohun. n.d. Cooper. 1 85 1. Gushing (Amer.) 2nd Ed. 1863. Dugdale. 1685. Elsynge. 1685 -1768. Ferrall. 1837. Hardy. 1846. Harris. 1857. May. 1863. 6th Ed. 1868. 7th Ed. 1873. Prynne. 1643. St. Amand. 1725. Sharp. 1782. Smith, in Elsynge. 1685- 1768. Todd. 1840. Vicars. 1646. Walker. 1648. Wilson. 1869. Omnipotence of. Anstey. 1867. Orders. Husband. 1646. Parliamentaria Lex. n.d. Practice. May. 1863. 6th Ed. 1868. 7th Ed. 1873. 8th Ed. 1879. Practice on Private Bills. Bramwell. 1809-16. Brisbowe. 1859. Scobell, in Elsynge. 1685- 1768. Todd. 1867-69. PARLIAMENT— coMi'wK/ffl'. Precedent. Bourke. 1857. Hatsell. 1796. Writs. Palgrave. 1827. PARLIAMENTARY COSTS. Webster. 3rd Ed. 1867. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. Gardiner. Cam. Soc, No. 81. 1862. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS. Cox. 1868. PARLIAMENTARY GOVERN- MENT. Todd. 1867-69. PARLIAMENTARY RECORD. Ross. 1870-77. PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRA- TION. Davis. 1868. Glen. 1868. PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRA- TION CASES. Digest. Saint. 1879. PARLIAMENTARY AND MUNI- CIPAL REGISTRATION. Nicoll and Flaxman. 2nd Ed. 1878. PARTIES TO SUIT IN EQUITY. Calvert. 1837. PARTITION ACTS, 1868 and 1870. Walker. 1876. PARTNERSHIP. Bisset. Clarke {Scotch). 1866. Collyer. 1840. Dixon. 1866. Gierke [German). 1868. Lindley. i860. 2nd Ed. 1867. 3rd Ed. 1873. Montagu. 4th Ed. 1878. Parsons [Amer.) 1867. Pollock. 1877. Pothier, by Tudor. 1854. Story (Amer.) 1 841. 6th Ed. 1868. PARTY WALLS AND FENCES. Woolrych. 1845. PATENT CASES, U.S., REPORTS OF. Fisher. 1867-68. PATENT LAW. Agnew. 1874. Billing and Prince. 1845. Burke, Sup. to Godson. 185 1. Coryton. 1855. Curtis (Amer.) 3rd Ed. 1867. 4th Ed. 1873. Davies. 18 16. Drewry. 1838. Fraser. i860. Godson. 1 85 1. Hindmarch. 1846. Holroyd. 1830. Norman. 1853- Smith, J. W. 1836. Turner. 1849-50. Whitman (Amer.) 187 1. PATENT LAW COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. Wilson. 1865. PATENT OFFICE INDEX. 1866-67. 89 PATENT QUESTION UNDER FREE TRADE. Macfie. n.d. PATENT LAW. Reports of Cases. Davis. 1816 Webster. 1842-55 Digest. Goodeve. 1876 Higgins. 1875 PATENTEES' MANUAL. Johnson. 1879 PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. Abridgments, Woodcroft, 1859-64 PATRICK, ST. Hugo. 15 14 PAUL, FATHER. Brent. 1676 PAUL, ST. Conybeare and Howson. 1858 Daneau. 1595 CEcumenius. 1547 PAULI SENTENTIARUM LIBRI QUINQUE. Giraud. 1873 Gneist. 1863 Hsenel. 1848 PAUL'S, ST., CATHEDRAL. Cunningham. 1850, Dugdale. 1658 PAWN AND PAWNBROKERS. Cobbett. 1849. Turner. 1866. PAYMENT OF DEBTS. Brown. 1868. PEARSON, BP. Lib. Ang.-Cath. Theo. 1852. PEDIGREES, CATALOGUE OF. Coleman. 1867. PEDIGREES, INDEX TO. Bridger. 1867. G. W. M. 1867. PEERAGE, ENGLISH. Banks. 1807-37. Banks. 1844. Bolton. 1769- British Compendium. 4th Ed. 1721. 6th Ed. 1726. 7th Ed. 1 73 1. Brydges. Temp. Jac. I. 1802. Burke. 1840. Supplement. 1845. 1857- Burke {Extinct). 1831. 1841. Collins. 1727- 3rd Ed. 1756. 5th Ed., by Longmate. 1779-84. 6th Ed,, by Brydges. 1812. Debrett. 1825. Dod. 1850-79. Dugdale. 1675. Meekins. Life Peerages. 1856. Steele. 17 19. West. 1 7 19. Irish. British Compendium. 1735-45. Lodge, by Archdall. PEERAGE ENGLISH— <:^«/w«^^. Scotch. British Compendium. 1729. Douglas. 18 13. Riddell. 1842. Robertson. I790' PEERAGE CLAIMS. 1790-1876. PEERAGES (SCOTLAND), NA- TURE OF, AND DESCENT. Wallace. 2nd Ed. 1785. PEIRESC. Gassendi. PEMBROKESHIRE. Fenton. PENINSULAR WAR. Napier. Wellington. 1651. 1835-40. 1858-72. PENNSYLVANIA, CONSTITU- TION OF. Brightly. 1874. PENNSYLVANIA, EQUITY IN. Rawle. 1868. PENNSYLVANIA. Reports of Cases. Dallas. 1 754- 1 806. Alden's Cond. Reports. 1754- 18 14. Addison. 1 791 -1808. Binney. 1799-1814. Ashmead. 1808-41. Browne. 1806-13. Sergeant and Rawle. 1818-29. Baldwin. 1828-33. Rawle. 1828-35. Rawle, Jun., Penrose, and Watts. 1829-32. Watts. 1832-40. Wharton. 1835-41. Watts and Sergeant. 1841-44. Brightly. Nisi Prius. 1809-51. Grant's Cases. 1814-60. Parson's Select Eqtdty Cases. 1841-50. State Reports. Barr. 1845-49. Jones. 1849. Harris. 1849-55. Casey. 1855-60. Wright, 1860-65, Smith, 1865-76, Norris. 1876-78. Linn. Analytical Index, i^^/^- 1856. 1857. Wright. Analytical Index. 1860-65. Hopkinson. Admiralty, b. w. Bee. 1785-86. Index to Reports. Wright. 1874. PENNSYLVANIA STATUTES, 1700-1872. Purdon. 1873. PENSION LAWS (Amer.) Harmon. 1867, PENTWORTHAM, DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PRIORY OF, Chet. Soc, Vol. 30, 1853. PERILS OF THE SEA. Bailey, i860. 90 PERPETUITY, LAW OF. Lewis. 1843. PERSIA. History, dr'c, of. Bizarus. 1683. Contarini. IS43' Eastwick. 1864. Malcolm. 1829. Minadons. 1587. Pacifique. 163 1. Scheckardus. • 1628. Valee. 163 1. Language of. Castellus. 1669. Palmer. Dictionary. 1876. Richardson. Dictionary. 1770-80. PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1855. 2nd Ed. 1859. Smith, J. W. 3rd Ed. 1865. Williams. Sth Ed. 1864. 6th Ed. 1866. 7th Ed. 1870. 8th Ed. 1873. 9th Ed. 1876. PERSONAL PROPERTY, CASES ON THE SALE OF. Langdell {Amer.) 1872. PERSONAL PROPERTY. SALE OF. Benjamin. 1868. 2nd Ed. 1873. PERSONAL RELATIONS. Eraser [Scotland). 1846. PERTH, EARL OF. Jerdan. Cafn. Soc, No. 33. 1845. PERU. Cieza. 1560. Torres. 1622. Vega. 16 1 7. Zarate. '563. PETER, ST. Panvinius. 1591. Scioppius. 1605. Vedelius. 1624. PETER DE LANGTOFT. Wright. Br. Gt., 47. 1866-68. PETERBOROUGH. Hearne. 1719. PETERBOROUGH, BENEDICT OF. Stubbs. Br. Gt., 49. 1867. Hearne. 1735. PETERHOFF, CASE OF. Betts and Marvin {Amer.) 1864. PETITION OF RIGHT. Anstey. 1845. Irwin. 1863. PETROBURGENSE CHRONICON. Stapleton and Bruce. Cam. Soc, ^0. 47. 1849. PETTY SESSIONS. Stone. 7th Ed. 1863. PEWS, LAW OF. Billing. 1845. Heales. 1872, Oliphant. 1853.' PEYTON, J. L. Blundell. PHILIP II. Prescott. Veridicus. Herrera. i86g. 1604. 1855. 1519- PHILOSOPHY. Bacon. 1665. By Shaw. 1733- By Montagu. 1825. By Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. 1857-74- Basso. 1 62 1, Bernardus. '^S99> 1605. Besoldus. n.d. Boethius. 1496, 1522. Brucioli. 1544- Burgersdicius. 1 63 1 . Campanella. 1581, 1623. Carpenter. 1597' Denores. 1597- Diogenes. 1542, 1549. Donatus. 1588. Epicurus. 1649. Ficino. 1543' Foxius. 162 1. Fracastor. 1S9I- Frisius. 1592. Fridenreich. 1609. Gorlseus. 1620. Gothutius. 1605. Grutinius. IS9I- Hill. 1601, Hobbes, by Molesworth. i839- Jaucbliars. IS98. Jones. 1721. Keckennan. 1606. Kelhaimerus. n.d. Laertius. Lavatu. 1604. Lipsius. 1591. Meygretus. I5I4- Mocenicus. 1588. Morin. n.d. Mylius. 1622. Niphus. 1552. Pachymerius. 1560. Parker. 1666. Patricius. 1581-91. Schickfusus. IS97- Schramus. 1619. Scioppius. 1606. Stanley. 1656. Taurellus. 1617. Telesius, in Mocenicus. 1588, Themistius. 1533- Thomseus. I530. Tinnulus. 1594. Toletus. 1615. Tyard. 1587. Tympius. 1615. Ulstadius. 1578. Vallesius. 1582. Vetulius. 1589. Vieri. 1568. Wolfius. 1738. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Laughton. 2nd Ed. 1873. 91 PHYSIOGNOMY. Adamantius. Aristotle, with Albohasen. Cortes. Goclenius. Lemnius. Moldenarius. Pinzio. Porta. Rizzacasa. Scot, with Albohasen. Laurence. 1544 1485 1608 1620 1633 1616 1550. 1606 1588 1485 1822 1840 PHYSIOLOGY Roget. PICTS, CHRONICLES OF THE. Skene. 1867 PIEDMONT. Thesaurus. Murray. 1847. 1609. 1866-68. Soc. PIERRE DE LANGTOFT. Wright. Br. Gt., 47. PILKINGTON, BP. Park. Pub. 1842. PIPE ROLLS, CUMBERLAND, 1154-1216. 1847. PITT, WILLIAM, LIFE OF. Stanhope. 2nd Ed. 1862. PITTSBURG REPORTS. 1853-73. PLANTS. Bauhin. 1615. Brosse. 1628. Duret. 1605. Gesner. 1555. Johnson. 1629. Linocier. 1620. Lindley. 1848. Loudon. 1 84 1. Neander. 1622. Ray, or Raius. 1686. Rinaldi. 1588, 1592. Roget. 1840. Spigelius. 1606. Standish. 161 1. Thumeisserus. 1578. Winckler. I57i- PLATO. Foxius, Morzillus. PLEADING. Archbold, by Bruce. l6th Ed. Bosanquet. Bullen and Leake. Cary {French). Chitty. 2nd Ed. Cooper. Equity. Cunningham and Mattinson. Garde. Heme. Mitford. Equity. By Smith. Montagu. Equity. Saunders. Starkie. Criminal. 3rd. Ed. 1554. 1867. 1835- i860. 1863. 1601. 1847. 1867. 1809. 1878. 1841. 1657- 1827. 1847. 1824- 1851. 1828. Story, j^ Sykes, Tyrwhitt. Vidian. Warburton. Went worth. Williams. PLEAS OF THE CROWN. East. Hale. Hawkins. Staundford [French). Tremaine, by Rice. 1685, Gaguin. Gusarus. Vida. Vossius. ^l.Y.KDY^Q— continued. Stephen. 1824. 3rd Ed. 1835. 5th Ed. 1843. 6th Ed. i860. 7th Ed. 1866. 'uity (Amer.) 1844. 1846. 1684. Equity. 1850. 1797. 1857- 1803. 736, 1800. 7^16, 1824. 1607. 1723. PLESHY. Gough. 1803. PLUMPTON CORRESPONDENCE. Stapleton. Cam. Soc, No. 4. 1839. PLYMOUTH COLONY CHRO- NICLES, 1602-5. Young (^w^r.) 1841. POETRY, ART OF. Barter. 1855. n.d. 1620. 1722. 1547. Wart on, T. 1840. POETRY, SELECT DEVOTIONAL. Temp. Eliz. Farr. Park. Soc. Pub. 1845. POETS AND EPIGRAMMATISTS, ANGLO-SAXON. 12th Century. Wright. Br. Gt., 59. 1872. POISONS. Abanus. 1565. Christison. 1845. Grevin. 1568. Liebant. ^S77- Orfila. 1836. Poget. 1578. Taylor. 1848 POLAND, ACCOUNT OF. Coxe. 1792. Cromerus. I577. Guagnini. 1 578. Moryson. 1617. Vigenere. 1573- Law of. Chavalkowski. 1684. Herbrivtus. 1620. Vigenere. I573- POLICE OFFICERS' GUIDE. Snowden. 6th Ed. 1866. POLICE OF THE METROPOLIS. Arnold. 1856. Charnock. 1841. POLITICAL ECONOMY.. Smith, Adam. 1812. 92 POLITICAL SONGS. Wright. Cat7i. Soc, No. 6. 1839. POLITICAL TERMS. Lewis, by Wilson. 1877. POLITICS, SCIENCE OF. Von Mohl [German). 1855-58, POLITY, ECCLESIASTICAL. Mockett. 1725. POLLEXFEN, SIR HENRY. Arguments, Ss^c. 1702. POLLUTION OF WATER- COURSES. Higgins. 1877. POLYGAMY. Beger. 1679 Beza, 1610 POOR, HISTORY OF THE. Eden. 1796 POOR LAW. Archbold 1856 ilth Ed. 1863 Bott, by Const. 1807 Foley. 1739- Glen. 1859- 6th Ed. 1868. 7th Ed. 1871. Leigh. 1836. Moor, with Duke. 1676. Nicholls. 1854-56 Nolan. 1825. Page. 1 822- 1 830. Pashley. Pratt. 1833 Smith, J. G. (Scotland). 2nd Ed. 1867 Statutes. Glen. 1873, 1879 POOR LAW BOARD ORDERS. Glen. 6th Ed. 7th Ed. 8th Ed. POOR REMOVAL. Lumley. 2nd Ed. POPE, ALEXANDER. Ruffhead. 1769. Warton. 1772. POPE AND PAPACY. History of. Barns. Bower. Manvel. Niem. Platina. Ranke. Rycaut. Power and Supremacy of. 1871. 1865. n.d. 1748-61. 1566. 1609-17. 161 1, 1685. n.d. 1685. Albani. Amedeus. Bagshaw. Balduinus. Barclay. Bede. Bunny. Capistran. Carerius. 1558, 1561. 1626. 1641. 1630. 1609. 1615. 1595- 1580. 1601. 3 AND PAPACY- —continued. Carleton. i6ia Cooper. 1851. Crakanthorp. 1631. Draxe. 1614. Flacius. n.d. Gilpin. 1623. Hall. 1628, 1629. Kellison. 1629. Laval. 1611. Leo. 1609-22. Lindanus. 1566-80. Lonnerus. 1612. Lord. 1851. Lubbert. 1594. Luther. J54S. Marius. 1618. Mayerus. 1620. Mergiletus. 1607. Middleton. 1606. Molineus. 1633. Moresenus. 1594. Mornay. 1612. Morton. 1605-37. Nardius. 1618. Nilus. 1595- Osiander. 1600. Owen. 1610. Pareus. 1612. Perkins. 1604. Powel. 1604. Rainoldes. 1596. Reunecherus. Rivet. 1603-15. Rogers. 1621. Scot. 1604. Serranus. 1607. Sharpe. 1805. Stapleton. 1599. Sutcliffe. 1599. Szegedinus. 1602. Trousset. n.d., about 1620. Turnley. 1846. Turrianus. 1580. Ursinus. 1609. Viegas. 1632. Whitaker. 1583-88. Widdrington. 1613-41. Willet. 1603-14. Wotton. 1605-24. Zeschlinus. 1617. POPERY, TRACTS FOR AND AGAINST. Chef. Soc, Nos. 48, 64. 1859-65. PORT OF REFUGE. Hopkins. 1877. PORTIONS. Mathews. 1829. PORTUGAL. History of. Centallas. 1578- Conestaggius. 1592, 1602. Osorio. 1574-76. Resendius. 1613-31. Teixera. 1582. Language of. Vieyra. 1813. 93 VOKTV GAL— continued. Laws of. Gamma. 1683. Thomaz. 181 5. Carta Constitutional, 1866. Civil Code. 1868. Commercial Code, 1862. Penal Code. 1867. POSITIVISM. Mill. 2nd Ed. 1866. Taine, by Haye. 187 1. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Davidson. Vol. i. 4th Ed. 1874. POWERS. Chance. 1831. Farwell. 1874. Francis. 1746. Sugden. 4th Ed. 1826. 6th Ed. 1836. 7th Ed. 1845. 8th Ed. 1861. AT SUPERIOR Lush. 3i-d Ed. Card well. 1865. PRACTICE COURTS. PRAYER BOOK. Powell. 1661. Wheatley. 1857. Wotton. 1 66 1. PRAYERS. Park, Soc. Pub, 1842-51. PRECEDENTS. Brown. 167 1. PRECEDENTS, INDEX TO. Copinger. 1871. PRECEDENTS IN CONVEY- ANCING, &C. {see Conveyanc- ing, &c.) PREROGATIVE, ROYAL. Allen. 1849 Chitty, J. 1820 Egan. 1 85 1 Fortescue. 17 H James I. 1615-19 Poyntz. 1 66 1 Staundford. 1607 PRESCRIPTION. Gibbons. Napier {Scotch). 1839 1854 Chet, Soc. Pub., Best. 1876, 1844 1827 PRESTBURY. No. 97. PRESUMPTIONS Mathews. PREVENTION OF CRIMES ACT, 1871. Foot. 1872 PRIESTLY, DR. March. 1855 PRIMOGENITURE. Frend. [Pamphlet.] 1869 Kenny and Lawrence. 1878 PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND, LAWS OF. 1773-1867 PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. Evans. 1878 Paley. 3rd Ed. 1833 PRINTING, HISTORY OF. Noel Humphreys. PRISON DISCIPLINE. Smith. PRISONS ACT. PRISONS AND TORIES. Pears Glen. REFORMA- 1867 1858 1 865 1872 1863 PRIVATE ACTS. Index. Salt. PRIVATE ACTS, TABLE OF, 1727, 1834. Bramwell. 1813-35 PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Foote. 1878 Savigny, by Guthrie. 1869 PRIVATE LAW, ENGLISH. Nasmith. 1875 PRIVATE LAW AMONG THE ROMANS. J. G. Phillimore. 1863 PRIVATELY-PRINTED BOOKS. Martin. 1834 PRIVATEERS, &c. Martens. 1801 PRIVY COUNCIL, APPEALS TO, FROM INDIA. Michell and Michell. 1876. PRIVY COUNCIL PRACTICE. Lattey. Macpherson. 2nd Ed. iSt)9. i860. 1873- PRIZE BY SEA. Abion {Spanish). 1746. PRIZE CASES. Acton. 1809-11. 1811. Blatchford {Amer.) 1861-65. Van Ness {Amer.) 1814. PRIZE LAW. Katchenovsky, by Pratt. Lushington. Robinson. Story {Amer.) Upton {Amer.) Valin {French). PROBATE. Browne. Coote and Tristram. Sth Ed. 6th Ed. 7th Ed. Sth Ed. Dodd and Brooks. Foster. G Wynne. Jebb. Shelfo'rd. 1855. 2nd Ed. PROBATE, LEGACY, AND SUC CESSION DUTIES ACTS. Hanson. 3rd Ed. PROCEDURE, CIVIL, AMONG THE ROMANS. Abdy. PROFITS A PRENDRE. Hall. PROHIBITION. Lloyd. 1867. 1866. 1801. 1854. 1863. 1763. 1873. 1857. 1866. 1870. 1876. 1878. 1865. 1868. 1836. 1858. 1878. 1861. 1876. 1857. 1871. 1859. 94 PROMISSORY NOTES. Byles. 4th Ed. 1843. 5th Ed. 1847. 7th Ed. 1857. 9th Ed. 1866. loth Ed. 1870. nth Ed. 1874. Parsons (Amtr.) 1867. Story (Amer.) 1845. 6th Ed. i860. Thomson [Scotch). 1836. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Way. Ca??i. Sec, Nos. 25, 54, 89. 1843-65. PROPERTY. Hunter. i860. Langley. i860. Sugden. 2nd Ed. i860. Vaizy. i860. PROPERTY ACT. 1803. PROPERTY IN LAND. Leake. 1874. PROTECTORATE, ACTS PASSED BY THE. 1648-56. PROTESTANT CURATES. Field. 1870. PROTESTANT RELIGION. Montacutius. 1635. Morton. 16 10. Patersonne. 16 10. Pinet. 1564. Rogers. 1638. Smith, H. 1795. Tims. 1643. PROTESTS OF THE LORDS. Rogers. 1875. PROVERBS. Andrelinus. i';i6 Bohn. 1855- Bolla. 1604 Bovillus. 1531- Fajardo. 1614. Mendoza. 1532, 1594- Oudin. 1612. Raemundus. 1516. Ray. 1768 PROVINCIALISMS. Grose, by Pegge. 1839. Halliwell. 1852. Hearne, 1724-5, in Eng. Dial. Soc. 1874. North of England Glossary. 1782. Ray. 1768. PRUSSIA, LAW OF. VonKamptz. 1826. PRUSSIA, TOPOGRAPHY OF. Murray. 1849. PRYME, ABRAHAM DE LA, DIARY OF. Surt. Soc, No.SA- I'^IO. PRYNNE, W. Gardiner. Catn. Soc, No. 18., n.s. 1876. PSALMS, BOOK OF. Laval. 1630. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. Bucknell and Todd. 3rd Ed. 1874. PUBLIC HEALTH. Glen. 2nd Ed. 5th Ed. 6th Ed. 9th Ed. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS. Chambers. 7th Ed. Fitzgerald, G. Fitzgerald, F. V, V. Glen. Lawes. Lumley. Saunders. PUBLIC LAW, ENGLISH. Nasmith. PUBLIC MEETINGS. Arnold. 1862. 1869. 1872. 1875- 1875. 1875- 1858. 1851. 1876. 1875- 1873. 1833- PUBLIC OFFICES. Thomas. 1846. PUBLIC RECORDS. Thomas. 1853. PUBLIC RECORDS, INDEX TO. Strachey. I739' PUBLIC RECORDS, REPORT ON. 1719. PUBLIC RECORDS. i-37th Report of the Deputy Keeper. 1836-77. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Price. 1875. PUNISHMENT. Beccaria. 1823. Eng. Ed. 1807. Bentham. 1830. Boeresco. 1857. Carmignani. 1836. Goodricke. 1 766. Marcucci. 1835. Napier. 1837. PUNJAB LAW. Spitta. 1872. Customary. Boulnois and Rattigan. 1878. Inheritance to Chief ships. Griffin. 1869. Rajas. Griffin. 1869. PURITANS. Geree. 1646. PYRENEES, LAWS OF THE. Lagreze. 1867. PYTHAGORAS. Jamblicus. 1598. QUARANTINE. Baker. 1879. QUARE IMPEDIT. Mallory. 1737. QUARTER SESSIONS. Archbold. 3rd Ed. 1869. Dickinson, by Talfourd. 1841. By Tyrwhitt. 1845. Deeming and Cross. 1858. 2nd Ed., by Lloyd and Thurlow. 1876. Pritchard. 1875. Robinson. 1836. QUEBEC PROCEDURE. Wotherspoon. 1870. QUEBEC. Statutes. 1868-70. Vice- Admiralty Reports. Stuart. 1875. QUEEN ELEANOR'S MEMO- RIALS. Abel. 1864. ^ QUEEN ELIZABETH, ANNALS OF. Bnice. Cam. Soc, No. 7. 1840. QUEEN'S BENCH {see King's Bench). QUEEN'S REGULATIONS. REGULATIONS, QUEEN'S NAVY. QUEENSLAND, ACTS OF. Pringle. QUINTILIAN. 1873- 1879. 1862-64. 1867. 1872-78. Spalding. 1 798-1834. QUO WARRANTO. Cole. 1843. Gurney. Case of John Humphrey . 1838. London Case. 1690. Tancred. 1830. Willcock. 1827. QUOTATIONS. Bartlett. 1869. RAILWAY AND CANAL TRAF- FIC CASES. Neville and Mac- namara. 1874-79. RAILWAY CASES (Amer.) Redfield. 1870. RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS, PRACTICE BEFORE. Balfour Browne. 1876. Junner. 1874. RAILWAY COMPANIES. Clifford [Steamboat Powers of). 1865. Godefroi and Shortt. 1869. Goodeve. 1876. RAILWAY REFORM. Chadwick. 1864. RAILWAYS. Bisset. Castle. Chambers and Paterson. Deas [Scotland). Frend and Ware. Hodges. Hodgson. Marshall. Redfield [Amer.) Shelford. Walford. Wordsworth. 2nd Ed. 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. 6th Ed. 3rd Ed. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. RALEIGH. Taylor. RATING. Castle. Penfold. Stucley. Balfour Browne. 6th Ed. 1847. 1863. 1848. 1873. 1846. 1866. 1847. 1855- 1863. 1865. 1869. 1876. 1851. 1862. 1867. 1846. 1853. 1869. 1845. 1851. 1618. 1875- 1869. 1869. 1870. RAWDON, Davies. Cam. Soc, No. 85. 1863. READER, NEWSPAPER. 1863-65. READINGS BEFORE MIDDLE TEMPLE, 1850. Bouger, 1851. REAL ACTIONS. Booth. 181 1. REAL ASSETS. Williams. 1861. REAL ESTATES. Dart and Barber. REAL PROPERTY. Cruise. Digby. Fearne. Hunter. I^ewis. Shelford. Chart. Statutes. Smith, J. W. Sugden. Tyrrell. Williams. 1870. 1876. 1856. 1824. 4th Eng. Ed. 1835. 1805. 2nd Amer. Ed. 1856. 1866. 1848. 1863. 1874. 1855- 1861. 1865. 1870. 1877. 1849. 1862. 1829. 1848. 1855. 1859. 1862. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. Burton. 7th Ed. 8th Ed. 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. Sth Ed. 2nd Ed. REAL PROPERTY Charley. 4th Ed. Sth Ed. 6th Ed. 7th Ed. 1865. 9th Ed. 187 1, loth Ed. 1873. ACTS, 1874. 1874. REAL PROPERTY STATUTES. Will. IV. and Victoria. Browell. REASON V. ROUTINE. Blundell. 1846. 1863. REBELLION, THE GREAT. Clarendon. 1704. Digges. 1647. Fairfax. 1647. Flowre. 1 651. Hume. 1759-62. Inchaquin. 1664. Lilbume. 1646-53. Ludlow. 1693, 1 75 1. Maseres. 1815. Mountnorris. 1641. Newcastle. 1643. Northampton. 1643. Parker. 1651. Pym. 1642-43. Sedgwick, J. 1642. Sedgwick, W. 1649. Stapleton. 1636-42. Thompson. 1643. Vox Borealis. 1641. 96 REBELS, TRIAL OF, 1746. Foster. 1767. RECEIVERS IN CHANCERY. Kerr. 1869. RECORDS IN EQUITY. Seton. 1842. RECORDS, PUBLIC. Ayloffe. i774- Cooper. 1835. Cotton, by Prynne. 1657-89. Jones. 1793- Powell. 1623. Thomas. 1853. RECORDS, PUBLIC, 1-37TH REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE. 1836-77. EC0VERIE5 5. Brown. 1704 Coventry, 1820 Cruise. 1794 Sheppard. 1761 West. REFEREES. Clifford and Stephens. 1870. Fawcett. n.d. Will. 1866. Court of . Reports of Cases. Stone and Graham. 1866. REFORM ACT, 1832. Russell. 1832. Scotland. Cay. 1837-42. REFORM ACT, 1867. Anstey. 1867. Cox. 1868. Wilkinson. r868. REFORM ACT, 1868 Ireland). Houston. and Ed. 1869, REFORMATION, HISTORY OF. Blunt. 1847. Burnet. 17 14. 1829. Heylin. 1670. Maitland. 1 849. Nichols. Ca7n. Soc, No. 77. 1859. Strype. 1824. REFUGE, PORT OF. Hopkins. 1879. REGINA V. GURNEY, ET AL. Finlason. 1870. REGISTRATION AND ELEC- TIONS. Grady. 1 843. Cox and Grady. loth Ed. 1868. Davis. 1868. Supplement. 1869. 2nd Ed. 1869. Elliott. 1843. REGISTRATION CASES. Hopwood and Philbrick. 1868. Hopwood and Coltman. [In pro- gress.] 1868-77. REGISTRATION OF ASSUR- ANCES. Humphry. 1853. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Flaxman. 1875. Glen. 1859. REGISTRATION OF DEEDS. Cooper. 1831. Hazlitt. 1851. Molesworth {Ireland), 1838. Sugden. 1852. Wilson. 1 8 19. REGISTRATION OF JUDGMENTS. Pask. 1859. 3rd Ed. 1866. REGISTRATION OF TITLES TO LAND. Bruce. 1862. REGISTRATION, PARLIAMEN- TARY. Glen. 1868. Saint. 1879. Wilkinson. 1868. REGISTRATION, PARLIAMEN- TARY AND MUNICIPAL. Flaxman and Nicoll. 2nd Ed. 1878. REGISTIUM PRIOR. WIGOR- NIENSIS. Hale. Cam. Soc, No. 91. 1865. REMEDIES FOR TORTS. Hilliard {Amer.) 1867. REMEMBRANCIA, 1580-1664. I 579- I 664. 1870. 1878. RENFREWSHIRE, JUDICIAL RECORDS. Hector. 1876-78. RENT LAW, BENGAL. Maulik, L. P. 1875. RENTS. Gilbert. 1758. REPARATION. Smith. [Scotland). 1864. REPLEVIN. Gilbert. 1823. REPLICATION DE INJURIA. Kime. 1843. REPORTERS, CURIOSITIES OF THE. Heard (Amer.) 1871. REPORTING. Daniel. 1865. Pulling. 1863. Rumsey. 1863. REPORTS, LAW. 1866-68. REPORTS, NEW. 1862-65. REPORTS, OLD, NEW EDITIONS OF. Andrews. 2nd Ed. 1791. Anstruther. 2nd Ed. 1817. Benloe. and Ed. 1699. Blackstone, Sir William. 1828. Brown. Chancery. 4th Ed. 1819. Banbury. 2nd Ed. 1793. Barrow. 5th Ed. 1812. Carthew. and Ed. 1741. Carey. Chancery. 1820. Cases in Chancery- Temp. Talbot. 3rd Ed. 1809. 97 REPORTS, OLD'-^cntmued. Finch. Chancery Precedents. 2nd Ed. 1786. Foster. 3rd Ed. 1809. Freeman. 2nd Ed. 1826. Hardres. 2nd Ed. 1792. Hobart. 4th Ed. 1678. 5th Ed. 1724. Hulton. 2nd Ed. 1682. Jenkins. 3rd Ed. 1771. Jones. 2nd Ed. 1729. Railway. 3rd Ed. 1688. Kalyng. 1873. Levinz. 3rd Ed. 1793-97. Mallory. Modern Entries. 1734-37. March. 2nd Ed. 1675. Moore. 2nd Ed. 1688. Mosely. 1744- Mosely. 1793- Noy. 2nd Ed. 1669. Parker. 1791. Peere- Williams. 6th. Ed. 1826. Plowden. 1779. Raymond, Lord. 4th Ed. 1790. Raymond, Thomas. 3rd Ed. 1793. Salkeld. 6th Ed. 1795. Sayer. 1790. Shower. 3rd Ed. 1740. 4th Ed., by Loveland. 1876. Siderfin. 2nd Ed. 17 14. Vaughan. 2nd Ed. 1706. Ventris. 4th Ed. 1726. Wilson. 3rd Ed. 1799. Yelverton. 4th Ed. 1792. REPORTS, CONTEMPORANE- OUS OR SPECIAL. Aspinall. Mar. L.C. 1870-75. Best and Smith. Q.B. 1862-70. Bond. 7 rial of Warren Hastings. 1859-61. Broderick and Freemantle. Eccle- siastical Judgments. 1 7 1 o- 1 864. Brougham, Lord. Mr. Blundell's Case. 1863. Browning. Lord Cairns' Judgment, Martin v. Mackonochie. 1869. Bullock. Herbert t-. Purchas. 1871. Celebrated Trials. Woodall. 1873. Chamney. Trialofjohn Warren. 1867. Chamney. Trial of F. F- Burke. 1869. Charley. Prac. Ca.Jud. Acts. 1876. Cockburn. Tichbome Trial. 1874. Coleridge. Saurin v. Starr. 1869. Concannen. Row v. Brenton, M.T.,g Geo. IV. 1830. Dale. Martin v. Mackonochie, Elphinstone v. Purchas, Herbert V. Purchas. 1 87 1. De Gex, Jones, and Smith. Bankruptcy Appeals. 1862. De Jex, Jones, and Smith. Chancery. 1862-65. Egerton v. Brownlow. H.L. 1853. Evarts. The Springbok. n.d. Finlaison. The Queen v. Eyre. 1868. Flamcuk v. Simpson. Phillimore. 1869. REPORTS— rwri««« SARMATIA. Guagnini. 1578. SATIRICAL POEMS. 12th Cent. Br, Gt., 59. Wright. 1873. SAURIN V. STARR. Coleridge {Speeches). 1869. SAVILLE CORRESPONDENCE. Cooper. Cam. Soc, No. 71. 1858. SAVINGS BANKS. Pratt. 1 83 1, 1836, 1846. SAVONAROLA. Neri. Pious. SAVOY. Murray. SAXON CHRONICLES. Thorp. SAXONY. Bochmerus. Chytraeus. Witichindus. Ecclesiastical History. Krantz. Language. ^Elfric. Henshall. Lye. Law of. Carpzovius, SCANDERBEG. Pontanus. Earle. 1564- n. d, 1846. 1865. 1865. 1758. 1591- 1621. 1574. 1590. 1659- 1798. 1772. 1660. Turchi. SCHILLER. Lodge. Lat. Ed. 1609. Ital. Ed. 1580. 1544. 1863. SCIENCE AND ART DICTION- ARY. Brande and Cox. SCIENCE, JOURNAL OF. SCIENCE OF LAW. Amos. SCILLY ISLES. Borlase. SCINDE. Napier. SCINTILLA JURIS. S.N.G. Darling. 2nd Ed. 1877. SCIOPPIUS. Barthius. 1612. SCIPIO. Bendinellius. SCIRE FACIAS. Foster. SCOTLAND, ACCOUNTS OF THE LORD HIGH TREA- SURER OF. 1473-98. Dickson. 1877. 1867. 1864-68. 1874. 1756. 1851. 1549. 1851. SCOTLAND, AGRICULTURAL DECISIONS, i8cx3-78. Anderson. 1878. SCOTLAND, BARONAGE. British Compendium, 3rd Ed. 1729- Douglas. 1798. SCOTLAND, CHRONICLES OF. Skene. SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. Baillie. Knox. SCOTLAND, DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF, 1286-1306. Stephenson. SCOTLAND. Exchequer Rolls. 1 264- 1 357. Stuart and Burnett. SCOTLAND. Historical Geography of the Clans. Johnson and Robert 1867. 1646. 1644. SCOTLAND, HISTORY OF. Ayseu. Beaugue [French). Bocce. Buchanan. Camerarius. Chambre. Dalrymple. Fordun. Hailes, in Dalrymple. Herrera. Home. Laing. Lockhart. Marshal. Monipennie. Monro, Nicanor. Palgrave. Parker. Pinkerton. Robertson. Scott. Vane. SCOTLAND, LAW OF, Balfour. Bell, 1870, 1875. 1872, Buchanan, Burton. Erskine, Jas. Erskine, John, Sth Ed, 6th Ed, 2nd Ed, 1607. 1556. 1846. 1594- 1631. 1579- 1797. 1722. 1797. 1590. 1802. 1804. 1817. 1643. 1612. '637. 1640, 1837- 1651, 1797, 1760, 1829. 1643. 1754- 1821, i860, 1872. 1584. 1847, 1828, 1747- 1827, i860. Forbes Lorimer, Lyon. Mackenzie. Paterson. Spotiswoode Steuart. By Guthrie Smith. 14th Ed., by Guthrie. 1870-71. 1732. 2nd Ed. 1862. 4th Ed., by Bell. 1879, 1851. 1698. 1850. 1706. 1762. 102 SCOTLAND, LAW OY— continued. Accidents. Hay. i860. Arbitratiofi. Bell. 2nd Ed. 1877. Bankruptcy. Bell. 1858. Kinnear. 2nd Ed. 1867. Murdock. 4th Ed. 1879. Bills. Thomson. 1865. Contract of Sale. Bell. 1844. Conveyancing, Bell. 1867. Menzies. 2nd Ed. 1863. Court of Session Practice. Mackay. 1877. Creeds. Innes. 1867. Criminal Cases, Revietvs in. Moncrieff. 1877. Criminal Law. Kames. 1800. Macdonald. 1867. Dictionary of Latv. Bell. 1838. 5th Ed. 1861. Digest of Cases. 1800-68. Shaw, by Bell and Lamont. 1868. Digest of Entail Cases. Duncan. 1856. Digest of H.L. Cases. Kinnear. 1865. Entail. Duncan. 1858. Evidetice. Dickson. 2nd Ed. 1864. Faculty Decisions. 1752-1841. Feudal Forms. Rodger. 1857. Fishery. Stewart. 1869. Husband and Wife. Frazer. 2nd Ed. 1876-78. Index to the Decisions of the Court of Session. 1823. Institutes. Erskine, by Nicolson. 1874. McDonall. I7SI. Stair. 1826-31. Stair, by More. 1832. Intestate Succession. Cameron. 1870. Joint Stock Companies. Clarke. 1866. Judicial Styles. 4th Ed. 1855-75. Land Rights. Cowan. 1869. Landlord and Tenant. Hunter. 3rd Ed. i860. Latin Maxims and Phrases. Frayner. 1876. Law Agents. Begg. 1873. Lectures on Law. More. 1865. Libel and Slander. Borthwick. 1826. Maritime Cases. Sheriffs' Court. Neill. 1878, Mercantile Jurisprudence. Bell. 7th Ed. 1870. Mercantile and Maritime Law. Bell. 1859. Parent and Child. Fraser. 2nd Ed. 1 866. Parochial Law. Duncan. 2nd Ed. 1869, Partnership. Clark. 1866. Poor Law. Nicholls. 1856. Smith, J. G. 2nd Ed, 1867. Prescription. Napier. 1854. Principles of Law. Bell. 1838-39. 6th Ed., by Guthrie. 1872. Erskine. 1827. By Guthrie Smith. i860. 14th Ed., by Guthrie. 1870. Railways. Dear. 1873. Preparaiion. Smith, J. G. 1864. SCOTLAND, LAW OY— continued. Senators of the College of Justice. 1849. Sequestration Statute. Bell. 1840. Sheriffs' Court. Macglashan. 1868. Styles. Hendry. 2nd Ed. 1862. Heniy, by Mowbray. 1878. Succession. Maclaren. 1 868. Teinds. Buchanan. 1 86a. Trusts. Maclaren. 1863. Wills. Maclaren. 1868. SCOTLAND. Leading Ecclesiasti- cal Cases. 1849-74. 1878. SCOTLAND. National MSS. Part I. 1867. SCOTLAND. Peei-ag€. Brit. Comp., 3rd Ed. 1729, Douglas. 181 3. SCOTLAND. Register of the Privy Council. 1545-78. Burton. 1877-78. SCOTLAND. Reports of Cases. House of Lords. Robertson. 1707-29. Paton. 1753-1821. Shaw. 1821-24. Shaw, Wilson, and Courtenay. 1825-35. Shaw and Maclean. 1835-38. Robinson, 1840-41. Bell. 1842-50. Paterson. 1851-73. Court of Session. First Series. Shaw and Dunlop, and Dunlop and Bell. 1832-34. Second Series. Dunlop and Bell. 1838-63. Third Series. Macpherson, Lee, et al. 1862-73. Fourth Series. Rettie, Craw- ford, et al. 1873-79. Morison's Dictionary of Deci- sions, with Synopsis and Indexes. 1540- 1 808. Agricultural Decisions. 1800-78. Index to Court of Session Cases. 1823. CONSISTORIAL CoURT. Ferguson. 1811-17. Jury Court. Murray. 1815-30, McFarlane. 1838-39. Criminal Cases. Arnst. 1536-1734, Justiciary Cases. Shaw. 18 19-31, Brown. 1842-45. Arkley. 1846-48. Shaw, 1848-51, Irvine. 1851-68. Couper. 1868-77. Couper. Glasgow Bank Directors. 1879. Leading Cases. Ecclesiastical. 1849-74. Land Rights. Ross. 1849-51. Bills of Exchange. Ross. 1852-57. Contract of Sale. Ross. 1852-57. Suretyship, Partnership, Agency, and Assurance. Ross. 1852-57. 103 S GOTLAND — continued. Digest of Cases in Supreme Courts and on Appeal, by Shaw, Macpherson, Bell, and Lamond. 1800-68, Digest of Cases in Supreme Courts, by Henderson, Gillespie, and Johnston. 1867-77, SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Lockhart, 1839, SCOTT, SIR WALTER, AND THE HALIBURTONS, GENEA- LOGICAL MEMOIRS OF, Rogers, Grampian Club. 1877, SCOTTISH DICTIONARY, Jamieson, 1879, SCOTTISH GLOSSARY, Duncan. 1 595 (j^^ Eng, Dial. Soc, ) 1874. SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. Jamieson. 1879. SCRIPTURES, STUDY OF THE. Home. 1846, Hyperius, 1563. Novicampianus. '^'i^S- Philo-Judseus. I593-99- Tamovius, 161 9, Webenis, 161 2. Zanchius. 1602. SCULPTORS. Vasari, Walpole, SCULPTURE, Bulenger, Gaffaral. Lomatius, SEA, LAWS OF THE. Boroughs, Casaregis. Consolato. Exton, Flanders. Garsia, in Godolphin. Grotius, Hale, in Hargrave, Jacobsen {Amer.) Justice, Malynes. Merula, in Grotius, Miege. Molloy, Laws of Oleron. Pardessus, Pontanus, Reddie, Selden. 1635. Translation. Targa, SEA, PERILS OF THE. Baily SEA-SHORE, Hall, 2nd Ed, Jerwood. Merewether. Phear. Pycroft. SEAMAN'S MANUAL. Dana. i ith Ed, 1850, 1795- 1593- 1629, 1598. 1651. 1788, 1579, 1788, 1664, 1852, 1661. 1599- 1787. 1818, n,d, 1622, 1599- 1686. 1686, 1828. 1637- 1844, 1663, 1755- i860, 1830, 1875- 1850, 1850. 1859. 1856, 1868. SEBASTIAN, DON, Freigius. 1580. SECRET SERVICE, 1679-88, Akerman, Cam. Soc, No. 52, 1 85 1. SECTS, HERESIES, ETC, DIC TIONARY OF, Blunt, SEISIN. Williams. SELBY HISTORY. Morrell. SEPOY WAR, INDIA, 1857-58. Kaye. 5th Ed. 1870, SERJEANTS-AT-LAW. , Manning. Wynne. Woolrych. Lives of. SESSIONS, COURT OF. Alexander. Darling. Macfarlane. Shand. SETT-OFF, RECOUPMENT, AND COUNTER-CLALM, Montagu, Waterman {Amer.) 1869. SETTLED ESTATES, Brickdale, 1861, SETTLED ESTATES' ACT, 1877. 1874. 1878. 1867, 1840. 1765- 1838, 1833. 1837-38. 1848. Middleton, SETTLEMENTS, Williams, J, PARISH, SETTLEMENTS, Symons, Reports of Cases. Burrow, Decisiones, K.B, 1732-76, Caldecott, 1776-85. Sessions Cases, K.B. SEWAGE UTILIZATION. Burke. SEWERS. 1878. 1879. 1846. 1768. 1768, 1780. 1746, 1872, 1686, 1824. 1830, 1864, Callis. 4th Ed., by Broderip. Woolrych. 3rd Ed. SHARES, TRANSFER AND SALE OF. Digby. 1868. SHELLY'S CASE. Preston. 1824. SHERIDAN. Moore. 1825, SHERIFF LAW, Atkinson, 5th Ed, 1868, 6th Ed,, by Melsheimer, 1877, Churchill and Bruce. 1879, Clark [Scotland). 1824, Dalton, 1670, 1700. Impey. Watkins. Wilkinson. 1831. 1848. 1618. SHERIFF'S COURT {Scotland). Macglashan. 4th Ed, 1878, Neil. Mai-itime Cases. 1878, SHILLINGFORD'S LETTERS, Moore, Cam. Soc, No. 2, n.s. 1871. SHIPMASTERS AND SEAMEN, Kay, 1875. SHIPPING, BRITISH. Lees. 1857. I04 SHIPPING CASUALTIES. Peile. 1877. SHIPPING AND ADMIRALTY. Desty {Amer.) 1879. Newsom. 1879. SHIPPING, MERCHANT. Abbott. 1st Ed. 1802. 2nd Ed. 1804. 5th Ed. 1827. 7th Ed. 1844. 8th Ed. 1847. 9th Ed. 1854. nth Ed. 1867. Dowdeswell. 1856. Holt. 1824. Maclachlan. 1862. 2nd Ed. 1875. Maude and Pollock. 1853. 2nd Ed. 1 86 1. 3rd Ed. 1864. O'Dowd. 1863. Parsons (^w^-.) 1867. Reeves. 1792. Roccus. 1708. Shee, in Abbott. 1827-67. Thomson. 1854. Wilkinson. 1843. 1787. 1869 1831 1844 1854-60 1837 I 68a SHORTHAND. Blanchard. SHREWSBURY SCHOOL. Davies. SHROPSHIRE. Blakeway. Duke. Eyton. Hulbert. Phillips. Salt. 18; SHUTTLEWORTHS, ACCOUNTS OF. Chet. Soc, Nos. 35, 41, 43, 46- 1856-59. SICILY, HISTORY OF. Baron. Carusius, in Muratori. Fazello. Turpin. Law of. Basilicus. 1691. Cutellus. 1632. SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Arcadia. 2nd Ed. 1593. SIERRA LEONE. Ordinances. 181 1-57. 1861-67. Ordinances, No. 3. 1868. SIGLARIUM ROMANUM. Gerard. 1792. SIGNING JUDGMENT. Walker. 1879. SILESIA. Boehmius, 1736. 1609. 1722-51. 1579- 1630. SIMONY. Bonacina. Cunningham. 1628. 1784. SLANDER AND LIBEL. Borthwick (Scotch). 1826. Starkie. 3rd Ed., by Folkard. 1869. 4th Ed., by Folkard. 1876. Townsend [Amer.) 1868. 3rd Ed. 1877. SLAVE MARRIAGES. Bradwell (Amer.) 1866. SLAVERY AND THE SLAVE TRADE. Admiralty Instruc- tions. 1865. Cobb. 1858. Howard. 1827. Sharp. 1776. Stephen. 1824-30. Wheaton. 1858. SLEEP Gaizus. 1539- SMITH, SIR THOMAS. Strype. 1820. SMYTH, R. Ellis. Cam. Soc, No. 44. 1849. SOLICITORS. Cooper. 1850. Cordeiy. 1878. Maugham. 1825. Powell. 1547- Pulling. 1854. Richardson. ^792. Stephen. 1851. SOMERSETSHIRE. Collinson. 1791. Exmoor Glossary. 1839. Jennings. Dialect. 1825. Murray. 1856. Phelps. - 1836-39. SOUL, HUMAN. Serres. Sirmond. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Acts. 1597- 1637. 1837-76. SOUTH CAROLINA. Reports. 1854-71. Law. Bay (I, 2, S.C.) 1783-1804. Brevard (3-5, S.C.) 1793-1816. Mill (6, 7, S.C.) 1817-18. Nott and McCord (8-13, S.C.) 1817-28. Harper (14, S.C.) 1823-27. Bailey (15, 16, S.C.) 1828-32. Hill (17-19, S.C.) 1833-37. Riley (20, S.C.) 1836, 1837. Dudley (21, S.C.) 1837, 1838. Rice (22, S.C.) 1838, 1839. Cheves (23, S.C.) 1839, 1840. McMullan (24, 25, S.C.) 1835-42. Spears (26, 27, S.C.) 1842-44. Richardson (28-31, S.C.) 1844-57. Strobhart (32-36, S.C.) 1846-50. Richardson (37-47, S.C.) 1851-68. Richardson ( I S.C., New Series). 1868, 1869. Equity. DeSassure(i-4, S.C. Eq.) 1784-1819. Harper (5, S.C. Eq.) 1824. McCord (6, 7, S.C. Eq.) 1825-27. 105 SOUTH CAROIANA— continued. Bailey (8, S.C. Eq.) 1830, 1831. Richardson (9, S.C. Eq.) 1831, 1832. Hill (10, II, S.C. Eq.) 1833-38. Riley (12, S.C. Eq.) 1836-37. Dudley (13, S.C. Eq.) 1837-38. Rice (14, S.C. Eq.) 1838-39. Cheves (15, S.C. Eq.) 1839-40. McMullan (16, S.C. Eq.) 1840-42. Spears (17, S.C. Eq.) 1842-44. Richardson (18, 19, S.C. Eq.) 1844-46. Strobhart (20-23, S.C. Eq. ) 1846-50. Richardson (24-25, S.C. Eq.) 1850-68. Digests. Rice. Equity. 1783-1827. Statutes. 1836-70. SPAIN, History of. Aldrete. 1 6 14. Alfonsus, in Hisp. Rer. Script. 1579. Antonius. 1550. Baudier. 1635. Berotius. 1547- Beuter. 1556. Campo. 1553. Casas. 1552. Cecil. 1626. Garcia. 16 17. Garrard. 1624, Guadalajara. 1613. Guzman. 1574' Herrera, A. 16 12. Herrera, P. 1604. Malvezzi. 1650. Mariana. 1605. Marineo, in Hisp. Rer. Script. 1579. Marmol. 1600. Morgado. 1587.. Prescott. 1846-55. Torres. 1586. Valles. 1570. Vasseus and Tarapha. 1577' Vaudemont. 1665. Language of. Aldrete. 1606. Baretti. Dictionary. I77i- Covarrevias. 1674, Martinez. 1850. Neuman. Dictionary. 1831. Oudin. 1 62 1. Sejournant. Dictionary. 1759- Law of. Abreu. 1746. Certiados. 1677. Fontanella. 1639. Gentilis. 1661. Johnston. 1655. Lopez. 1597- Marina. 1820-34. Merez. 1608. Molina. 1601. Codigo Civil. Herrera. 1872. Derecho Interncuial. Calvo. 1868. Pando. 1843. Droit Criminel. Du Boys. 1870. Ley Hipotecaria. Grain. 1867. Mining Laws, De Gamboa. ^1830. SPAIN — continued. Topography, Travels in, &c. Bourgourne, in Pinkerton. 1808. Dewes. 1729. Eichovius. 1604. Ford. 1847. Lopes. 1597. Nonius. 1607. Secundus. 16 18. Wynn. 1729. SPAIN, ANONYMOUS TRACTS AND TREATISES ON. 1590-1815. SPAIN. Negotiations with England. Bergenroth and Gayangos. 1485- 1530. Cal. St. Pa. 1867-79, Gayangos, P. de. 1825-30. Cal. St. Pa. 1873-79. SPAIN. Treaties, 1598-1748. Abreu. 1 740- 1 801. SPAIN AND MEXICO, CIVIL LAW OF. Schmidt. 1851. SPANISH AND MEXICAN MINING LAWS. Rockwell {Amer.) 1 851. SPANISH MARRIAGE TREATY. Gardiner. Cam. Soc, No. loi. 1869. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Fry. 1858. SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT, INDIA, 1877. Sutherland. 1879. SPECULI BRIT. PARS. Ellis. Cdm. Soc, No. 9. 1840. SPEECHES, COLLECTION OF. Brougham. 1838. Curran. 18 19. Erskine. 1840. Windham. 1812. SPIRIT OF THE LAWS. Montesquieu, by Nugent. 1823. STAATSARCHIV. 1861-71. STAFFORDSHIRE. Erdswick. 1844. Plot. 1689. STAMP DUTIES, TABLES OF. Copinger. 1878. STAMP LAWS. Chitty. 1850. Dowell. 1873. Fisher. 1847. Tilsley. Digest. 1850. 6th Ed. 1854. 7th Ed. 1859. 9th Ed. 1865. Tilsley, E. H. 3rd Ed. 1871. Vacher. Digest. 5th Ed. 1871. STANDING ORDERS, LORDS AND COMMONS. 1865-77. STANLEY PAPERS. CM. Soc., Vols. 29, 31, 66, 67, 70. 1853-67. io6 STANNARIES ACT, 1869. Batten. 1873- STANNARIES PROCEDURE, 1856. Batten. 1876. STANNARY COURTS. Hill. 1835. STANNARY LAWS. Pearce. 1725. STAR CHAMBER. Burn. 1870. STATE PAPERS. 1812-73. Bruce. 1625-40. 1862-77. Burghley. 174059- Green. 1591-1625. 1856-72. 1660-67. 1863-66. 1649-53- 1875-78. Granville. 1852. Hamilton {Scotland), i 509-73 i860. Hardwick. 1 501 -1726. 1778. Lemon. 1547-80. 1856. 1581-90. 1865. Macpherson. 1775- Malmesbury. 1845. Sadler. 1809. Sainsbury, 1574- 1660. i860. Thurloe. 1638-60, 1742. Thorpe. 1865. Tumbull. 1547-53- 1861. STATE TRIALS, 1327- 1660. Willis-Bund. 1879. STATE TRIALS, MODERN. Townsend. 1850. STATESMAN'S YEAR BOOK. Martin. 1867-80. STATUTE OF FRAUDS. Agnew. 1876. Barrington. 1879. STATUTES. Abridgments. Alexander (Scotland). 1841. Cay. 1766. Sabbett (Ireland). 1812-18. Kemplars. 1855- Lee (Ireland). 1734- Litton and Maclinia (to Hen. V I. ) 1481 Pulton. 1608 Thomas. 1878 Wingate. Alag. Cart. — 1689. 1689 Wise and Evans. 1849-57 Collections. Beavan, in Chitty. 3rd Ed. 1865 Chitty. 2nd Ed. 185 1 3rd Ed. 1865 Evans. 1829 Supplement. 1836 Keble. 16" Parkins. 1 8 Paterson. 1858-79, Pulton. 1640, Rastall. Mag. Cart. — 7 Jac. I. 161 1 Ruffhead. 1769-73 Sanders. 1845 Scobell. 164P-56. 1658 ^rCATlST'E.S—continMd, Stephens. Welsby, in Chitty. Indexes, H. L. Cay. Crabb. Farren. Ibbotson. 1846. 3rd Ed. 1865. 1801-65. 1759- 1841-47. 1837. i860. 3rd Ed. 1 87 1. Oulton (Irish, 1310-1843). 1844. Raithby. 4th Ed. 1878. Riddel] and Rogers. 1848. Stamp. 1848. and Ed. 1853. 3rd Ed., by Davis. i86z Vardon. 1798- 1 839. 1840. Revised Statutes, Hen. III. — 20 Vic. 1870-77. Table of References. Biddle. 1864. Treatises. Amos. 1859. Atkyns. Penal. 1689. Barrington. Mag. Cart.-^2ljac. 1769. Cooper. 1859. Dwarris, 1831. By Amyot. 1848. Hatton. 1677. Maxwell. 1875. STATUTORY LAW. Hardcastle. 1879. Sedgwick (Amer.) 2nd Ed. 1874. STEAMBOAT POWERS OF RAIL- , WAYS. Clifford. 1865. STEMMATA ILLUSTRIA. Bruges. 1825. STEPHEN, KING. E.H.S., No. 11. Sewell. 1846. STIFFORD, HISTORY OF. Palin. 1871. STOCK EXCHANGE. Keyser. 1850. Melsheimer and Laurence. 1879. Paterson. 1870. Royle. 1875. STONEHENGE. Charlton. 1725. Jones, Inigo. 1725. Webb. 1665, 1725. STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU. Houston. 1866. STORY, LIFE OF. Joseph W. Story. 1851. STOWAGE OF SHIPS. Stephens. 6th Ed. 1873. STRAFFORD, THOMAS, EARL OF, TRIAL. Rushworth. |686. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, ACTS OF. 1867-71. 1873, 1874. 1876-78. STRATHERN PEERAGE. Nicolas. 1842. STRIKES AND ARBITRATIONS. Kettle. 1866. Lovesy. 1867. 167 STYLES (Scoich). Hendry. 2nd Ed. BrvLnner {j4ng.-Nor.) (Germ.) STUDENT'S GUIDE TO THE BAR. Ball. SUCCESSION. Colin. Intestate (French). MacCullock. Maclaren (Scotland). Robertson (Scotland). Sandford (Scotland). SUCCESSION DUTIES. Hanson. Trevor. SUCCESSION LAWS, TIAN COUNTRIES. 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed. 2nd Ed. CHRIS- Lloyd. SUCCESSION, PERSONAL, TO THE CROWN. Craig. SUETONIUS. Groevius. SUFFOLK. Forby. Dialect. Gage. Suckling. SUITS IN EQUITY. Barton. Holthouse. Hunter. SUMMARY CONVICTIONS. Paley. 5th Ed. SUMMARY JURISDICTION ACTS, 1848-79. Cox. SUMMARY JURISDICTION ACT, 1879, EPITOMISED. Cheese. SUMMONS. Moseley. 1862. 1869. 1878. 1876. 1848. 1868. 1836. 1830. 1865. 1870. 1876. i860. 1877. 1703- 1691. 1830. 1838. 1846. 1796. 1839. 1858. 1866. 1879. 1880. 1845. SUPERIOR COURTS, PRACTICE AT. Lush. 3rd Ed. 1865. SUPPLEMENT AND REVIVOR. Pemberton. 1867. White. 1843. SUPREMACY OF THE CROWN IN RELIGION. Hale. 1867. SURETYSHIP. Burge. 1849. Fell. 1820. SURGERY, ^gineta. 1542. Cauliaco. 1537' Danus. 1560. Falloppius. 1561. Fioravanti. 15^2. Franco. 1569. Fregoso. 1573. Gilles. 1622. Guigonius. 16 19. Habicot. 1617. Marinellus. 1574' Pons. 1600. Rousset. 1 58 1 -9 1. Vesalius. 1569. SURGICAL EVIDENCE. Erichsen. 1878. SURNAMES. Falconer. 2nd Ed. 1863. SURRENDERS. Sanders. 1819. SURREY. Manning and Bray. 1804. Murray. 1858. SURREY ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. 1858-74. SURTEES, ROBERT, LIFE OF. Sui-t. Soc, No. 24. 1852. SURTEES SOCIETY'S PUBLI- CATIONS. 1835-77. SURVEYORS. Agas. 1596. Bartoli. n.d. Bedwell. 1631. Folkingham. 1610. Guybert. 1619. Norden. 1738. SUSSEX. Cooper. Dialect. 1853. Dallaway. 1815-52. Horsfield. 1835. Lower. 1876. Murray. 1858. SUSSEX ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICA- TIONS. 1848-73. Index, Vols. 1-25. Campkin. 1874. SUTHERLAND, GENEALOGY OF EARLS OF. Gordon. 1813. SWEDEN. History of. Harte. 1807, Messenius. 161 1. Typotius. 1605. Language of. Brunnmark. 1805. Hickes and Wanley. 1705. Ihre. 1769. Serenius. 1734- Law of Hagemeierus. 1677. vSoccenius. 1675. Repp. 1832. Stiernhook. 1672. Topography of. Coxe. 1 792. Murray. 1848. SWIFT, DEAN. Scott. 1824. SWINFIELD, RICHARD DE. Webb. Cam. Soc, Nos. 59, 62. 1854-55- SWITZERLAND. Constitution of. 1847-53 History of. Glareanus. 1552 Lanfranchi. 1627 Picket. 1606, Planta. 1807 Simler. 1577 Tschudi. 1736 Law of. Hencke. 1809 Snell. Public. 1839, io8 SWITZERLAND— S9i. TURKEY— conHnued. Lonicurus. Melancthon. Menavino. Minadous. Montalbanus. Moryson. Murray. Pelletier. Postel. Reusner, Riseberg. Rycaut, in Knolles. Sandys. Spandugino. Stella. Stephanus. Tarnovius. Vagetius. Vigenere. Villeharduin, in Byz. Corp. TURKISH LANGUAGE. Megiserus. 1578. n.d. 1551- IS»7- 1625. 1617. 1845. 1600. n.d. 1603. 1596. 1687. 1621. 1551- n.d. »594- 1595- 1611. 1585. Hist. 1729-33- 1612. TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, LAWS OF. 1862-76. TURNPIKES. Oke. 1854. TURTON AND GORTON, CHURCH LIBRARIES OF. Cket. Soc, No. 38. 1855. TUSCANY, HISTORY OF. Muratori. 1773- Napier. 1846-47. Law of. Nerus. 1769. TYNDALE. Park. Soc. Pub. 1848-50. TYNEMOUTH. Gibson. 1846-47. TYPOGRAPHY Herbert. Index. Southward. Ames and ULPIAN. Giraud. Gneist. Pellat. 2nd Ed. Abdy and Walker. ULSTER, TORY WAR IN. Prendergast. ULTRA VIRES. Brice. 2nd Ed. UNION ASSESSMENT ACT. Castle. 1785. 1566. 1875. 1874. 1873- 1858. 1870. 1868. 1874. 1877. 1863. UNITED STATES DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE. 1863-64. UNITED STATES. History. Bancroft. 1854-66. Laws. Digest. Brightly. 1789-1865. Ill UNITED STATES-^on^inued. Statutes at Large. 1789- 187 7. Digests. U.S. Digest. 1847-79. Abbott. 1861-62. Gordon. n.d. Law. 1789-1862. Putnam. Equity Decisions. 1851.56. Reports of Cases. Federal Courts. Peters. Digest. 1789- 1847. Brightly. Digtst. 1870. Supreme Court. Dallas. 1754-1806. Cranch. I 801 -15. Wheaton. 1816-27. Peters. 1828-43. Howard. 1843-60. Black (66-67, U.S. S.C.) 1861-62. Wallace. (68-90, U.S. S.C.) 1863-74. Myers {Digest. Cranch-Otto). 1878. Otto (91-98, U.S.S.C.) 1875-78. Peters' Cond. Rpts. 1792- 1827. Circuit and District Court Reports. Abbott, 1865-71. Circuit Courts. \st Circuit. Gallison. 1812-15. Mason. 1816-30. Sumner. 1829-39. Stoiy. 1839-45- Woodbury and Minot. 1845-47. Curtis. 1851-56. Clifford. 1858-73. Holmes, 1870-75. 2nd Circuit. Paine. 1810-40. Blatchford. 1845-78. Benedict. 1865-76. %rd Circuit. Peters, 1803-18. Wallace. 1801. Baldwin. 1828-33. Wallace, Jun. 1842-62. Washington. 1803-27. 4//^ Circuit. Broekenburgh. 1802-36. Taney, by Campbell. 1836-61. t^th Circuit. Woods. 1870-76. -jth Circuit. Bissell. 1851-78. Maclean. 1829-55. 2>th Circuit. Wool worth. 1863-69. Dillon. 1870-76. 9M Circuit. Hempstead. 1820-56. District Courts. Abbott [Ne^v York). 1847-50. Bee {S. Carolina). 1792-1809. Benedict {Ne^o York). 1865-76. Blatchford and Howland [New York). 1827-37. Blatchford. Prize Cases (Ne^v York). 1861-65. Bond (South Ohio). 1856-71. 'Brov/n (New York Adm.) 1856-75. Crabbe (Pennsylvania). 1836-46. Cranch (Columbia). 1801-40. Index. 1853. UNITED STATES— continued. Daveis (Maine). 1839-49. Deady (Oregon and Cali- fornia). i859'69. Gilpin (Pennsylvania). 1828-36. Hempstead (Arkansas). 1820-36. Hoffman (Californian Land Cases). 1853.58. Lowell (Massachusetts). 1865.77. McAlister (California). 1855-59. McCahon (Kansas). 1858-68. Newberry (Michigan, N. and S. Ohio, W. Pemtsyl- vania, W. Illinois, ^'c.) 1852-57 Olcott (New York). 1843-47 Peters (Pennsylvania), 1807 Sawyer (California, Oregon, Nevada). 1870-76, Sprague (Massachusetts). 1841-64 Van Ness (Ne%u York). 18 14, Ware (Maine). 1822-55 Washington Territory Rpts. 1854-64, Court of Claims. Devereux. 1856 Nott and Huntington. 1863.72 Nott and Hopkins. 1872-74 Patent Cases. Fisher. 1821-83 UNITED STATES, HISTORY OF THE NAVY OF. Cooper. 2nd Ed. 1840. UNITED STATES, OFFICIAL OPINIONS OF THE ATl^OR- NEYS GENERAL. 1852-74. UNITED STATES, WAR OF ENGLAND WITH, 1812. James. 1813. UNIVERSITIES. Middendorpius. UNREPEALED GENERAL ACTS. Biddle 1864. UPPER CANADA. Reports of Cases. Chamber Cases. 1848-53. Chancery. 1849-76. Chancery Chamber. 1852-71. Error and Appeal. 1846-66. Common Pleas. 1850-76. King's Bench. Taylor. 1824-28. King's Bench (O.T.) 1829-43. Practice Cases. 1850-60. Queen's Bench. 1844-66. Jurist. 1844-46. Digest, Equity. 1868-72. Digest, General. 1857-60. Statutes, Consolidated. 1866. USAGES AND CUSTOMS. Balfour Browne. 1875. USEFUL TABLES. Prinsep (Indian), 1834-36 USES. Bacon. 1806. Gilbert. 1811 Hayes. i860 Sanders. 4th Ed. 1824 5th Ed, 1844 112 USHER, ARCHBISHOP, Parr. 1586 USURY. Bentham. 1816 Binderus. 1616. Byles. 1845. Caesar, P. 1578. Capistrano. 1508 Comjm. 1817 Fenton. 1611 . Holmes. 1640 Lupus. 1577 Maffei. 1746 Mosse. 1595- VAKEEL'S DIGEST [Madras Sudr. Reports). Branson. 1869. VALUATION (METROPOLIS) ACT. Glen. 1869. VAUD CANTON. Code Civil. 1823. Code de Procedure Civil. 1825. VAUDOIS, CHURCH OF THE. Lucca. .1613. VENDORS AND PURCHASERS. Dart. 1 85 1. 3rd Ed. 1856. 4th Ed. 1870. Ross. 1826. Seaborne. 187 i. Sugden. 1826. 9th Ed. 1834. loth Ed. 1839. nth Ed. 1846. 1 2th Ed. 1851. 13th Ed. 1857. 14th Ed. 1862. VENETIAN LAWS, 1360- 1780. n.d. VENICE. Archives of, 1202- 1554. Rawdon-Browne. Cal. St. Pa. 1864-73. Documents in Archives and Public Libraries at. Hardy. Cal. St. Pa. 1866 History of. Baron. 1606. Bembus. I55i- Botero. 1605. Fougasses. 161 2. Giustiniano. 1608. Goldioni. 1624. Howell. 165 1. Marcello. {557- Portenarus. 1629. Law of. Contareni. 1 544- Grasswinkel. 1634. (Jriphius. 1606. Ingenuis. 1619. Pacius. 1619. Piso. 16 14. Topography of. Bardi. 1602. Gianotti. 1540, 1570 Sansovino. . 1604. Zappullo. 1603. VERBAL AGREEMENTS. Throop (Amer.) 1870. VERGIL, PQLYDORE. Ellis. Cam. Soc, Nos. 29, 36. 1844-46. VERMONT. Reports of Cases. Chipman, N. 1789-91. Chipman, D. 1789-1825. Tyler. 1801-3. Bray ton. 1 81 5- 19. Aikens. 1826-27.. Vermont Reports. 1826-54. Williams. [Vol. 2 wanting.] 1854-57. Shaw. 1856-63. Venzey. 1863-72. Rowell. 1872-77. VERNEY PAPERS. Bruce. Cam. Soc, Nos. 31, 56. 1845-53. VESTRIES. Wills. 1855. VICE, LAWS RELATING TO. Amos. 1877. VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT. Rules. 1842. VICE-ADMIRALTY REPORTS {Quebec). Stuart. 1875. VICTORIA. Digest of Reports. 1846-70 Kerford and Box. 1872. Reports. Jzistices^ Cases. Casey. 1872, Webb. 1875-79. Webb, a Beckett, and Wil- liams. 1869-70. Wyatt and Webb. 1861-69. Catalogue of Library of Supreme Coiirt. 1875. VICTORIAN STATUTES. [Im- perfect.] 1867-79. VIRGIL'S PLOUGH. Marsh. 1863. VIRGINIA CODE. i860. VIRGINIA, HISTORY OF. Bullock. 1649. Peyton, by Blundell. 1860-61. 1868. Smith. 1612. VIRGINITY. Gastius. 1544 Kornman. 1610 Pagenstecker. 1709 Pinseus. 1597 VISITATION OF LANCASTER, 1567, 1613, 1664-65. Chet. Soc, Nos. 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 98. 1870-76. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, COLLECTIONS OF. Cook. 1777. Hakluyt. 1589. Hawkesworth. 1773- Pinkerton. 1808. Purchas. 1625. Ramusio. 1563. VYAVASTHA DARPANA {see Sircar). 113 VYAVAHARA MAYUKHA. Borradaile. Stokes. WALES. Court of Great Sessions. Oldnall. Vaughan. Heraldic Visitation of. Meyrick. History of. Brut y Tywysogion^ by Williams ap Ythel. Br. Gt., 17. Laws of. Owen. Wotton. Topography of. Grose. Malkin, in Pinkerton Murray. Skrine, in Pinkerton. 1827. 1865. 1 8 14. 1672. 1846. i860, n.d. 1730. 1787. 1808. i860, 1868. 1808. WALPOLE, HORATIO. Coxe. 1820. WALPOLE, SIR ROBERT. Coxe. WALSINGHAM, THOMAS. Riley. Br. Gt., 28. WALTER OF HEMINGBURGH. E.H.S., No. 14. Hamilton. 18^ 1798. 1863-76. 3-49. WAR AND PEACE. Alaba. 1590. Aquaviva. 1578. Basta. 1606. Billon. 1617. Boyvin. 1610. Busbequius. 1594 1595- Bynkershock, by Ponceau. 1 8 10. Cicogna. 1583. Conradus. ISS3- Equiluz. 1595- Evoli. 1583. Ferretti. 1568. Fontaines. 1597- Frachetta. 1592. Gentilis. 1598. 1877. Grotius. 1650 , 1718, 1724 1751- English Ed. 1738. Guicciardini. 1629. Henniges. 1673. Isaba. 1594- Londoigno. 1589- Markham. 1622. Marozzo. n.d. Montagu. 1610. Nove. 1600. Polybius. 1529. Praissac. 1622. Purbilianim. 1527- Ranzovius. 1595- Ravestein. 1596. Rocca. 1566 (Frenc h). 1571- Ruscellus. 1572- Salmasius. 1657. Savorgnano. 1599- Tarducci. n.d. Tassis. 1612. Thomson. 1855. Upton. 1654. Urbino. 1583. WARBURTON. Hurd, in War- burton. 181 1. WARDROBE ACCOUNTS. Edward I., 1299- 1300. Archceo- logia. 1787. WARING, EX PARTE. Eddis. 1876. WAR IN LANCASHIRE. Chet. Soc, No. 62. 1864. WARRANTIES. Saunders. 1874. WARRANTS OF ATTORNEY. Robinson. 1844. WARREN, JOHN, TRIAL OF. Chamney. 1867. WARRINGTON, 1645. Chet. Soc, Vol. 17. 1849. WARRINGTON, LORDS OF. Chet. Soc, Nos. 86, 87. 1782-83. WARWICK, EARLS OF. Ross. 1729. WARWICKSHIRE. Dugdale. 1656. WARWICKSHIRE WORTHIES. Colville. 1869. WARWICKSHIRE, VISITATION OF, 16 19. Fetherston. Har. Soc, Pub., No. 12. 1877. WASHINGTON. Marshall. WASHINGTON, TREATY OF WASTE. Yool. Elton. 1872. 1863. 1868. 1867. WASTE LANDS. Finlason. WATER-COURSES. Angell {Amer.) 1854. Sth Ed. 1869. Phear. Woolrych. 1830. WATER-COURSES POLLU- TION. Higgins. 1877. WATER-RIGHTS. Yale {Amer.) 1867. WATER AND GAS SUPPLY. Michell and Will. 1872. 2nd Ed. 1877. WATERLOO. Siborne. 1844. Wellington. 1837-39. WAURIN, JEHAN DE. Hardy. Br. Gt., 36. 1865. WAVERLEIA, ANNALES DE. Luard. Br. Gt., 36. 1865. WEALTH. Daniels. 1866. WEALTH OF NATIONS. Adam Smith, by Rogers. 1869. WEEKLY NOTES. 1866-77. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Agricola. ^SSO- Cenalis. I547« Fannius. 1533- Jervis. 1835. Kelly. 1835. Tartaglia. 1556. Vicecomes. 1 58 1. 15 114 WELSH LANGUAGE. Davies. 1632. Pughe. 1832. Rhese. 1592. Walters. 1794- WERBURGE, SAYNT. Soc, Vol. 15. Chet. WESLEYAN METHODISM. Grindrod, 8th Ed. 1865. WEST AUSTRALIA. Statutes. Index. WEST INDIES. Figueyredo. Frobisher. Henera. Lact. Ovieda. Vargas. Wytfliet. Laws of. Henry. Howard. Stephen. Ens. 1832-66. 1862. 1612. 1608-9. 1580. 1622. 1633- 1556-57. 1599. 1605. 1821. 1827. 1824-30. WEST INDIES ENCUMBERED ESTATES ACT. Cust. 1865. Supplement. 1874. WESTBURY'S, LORD, DECISIONS. European Arbitration. Reilly. 1873. WESTERTON v. LIDDELL. Moore. 1857. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Neale. 1818. WESTMINSTER ABBEY REGIS- TERS. Chester. Har. Soc. Pub., No. ID. 1876. WESTMINSTER, ST. PETER'S, CHARTERS RELATING TO. Bentley. 1856. WESTMORELAND. Ferguson. 1856. Murray. 1866. Nicolson and Bum. 1777. Pipe Rolls. Henry II. — ^John. 1847. WESTPHALIA. Domannus. 1591- WHALLEY AND CLITHEROE. Whitaker. 4th Ed., by Nichols and Lyons. 1872. WHETHAMSTEDE, JOHN. Riley. Br. Gt., No. 28, 6. 1872. WHIRLWINDS {India). Baddeley. i860. WHITAKER, DR. Park. Soc Pub. 1829. WHITGIFT, ARCHBISHOP. Strype. -• 1821. WHITLOCK, LORD {see Chan- cellors). WIGHT, ISLE OF. Murray. 1858. WILLIAM I. Kelham. 1788-89. Pictavensis, in Chesne. 1619. Thierry. 1830. Wace. 1837. WILLIAM III. Guizot. Macaulay. 1849-61. Mackintosh. 1834. Somerville, 1792. WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY. E.H.S., 5. Hardy, T. D. 1840. WILLIAM OF NEWBURGH. E.H.S., 16. Hamilton. 1856. WILLIAMSON, SIR JOSEPH. Christie. Cam. Soc, No. 9, n.s. 1874. WILLS. Allnutt. 1852. Barbatias. I54l' Bissett, in Bythewood's Precedents, Vol. II. 1849. Deane. 1852. Flood. 1877. Hawkins. 1863. Hayes and Jarman. 1849. 5th Ed., by Badger, i860. 6th Ed., by Eastwood. 1863. 7th Ed., by Dunning. 1869. 8th Ed., by Dunning. 1875. Jarman. 1841. 2nd Ed., by Wolstenholme and Vincent. 1854. 3rd Ed., by Wolstenholme and Vincent. 1861. Maclaren {Scotland). 1868. Nicolas {Ancient). 1826. Peignot {French). 1829. Redfield {Amer.) 2nd Ed. 1866. Theobald. 1876. Walkem {Canadian). 1873. WILLS. Tymms. Nos. 49, 83. WILLS, DURHAM. Nos. 2, 38. Cam. Soc, 1850-63. Surt. Soc. 1835-60. WILLS, LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Chet. Soc, Nos. 33, 51, 54- 1854-61. WILLS, YORK. Surt. Soc, Nos. 4, 30. 45, 63. 1836-75. WILSON, BISHOP. Lib. Ang.- Cath. Theo. 1849-51. WILSON, REV. THOMAS. Mis- cellanies. Chet. Soc, No. 45. 1858. WILTSHIRE. Akerman. Dialect. 1842. Aubrey, by Jackson. 1862. Hoare. 18 10. Murray. 1856. 115 WIMBLEDON COURT ROLLS. I Ed. IV. 1864. WINCHESTER. Clarendon. 17 15. WINDING UP COMPANIES. Browne, G. Latham. 1867. Farren. 1850. Wordsworth. loth Ed. 1865. WINDOW ACTS. AND SERVANTS' 1753-58. WINDOW LIGHTS. Latham. 1867. WINDSOR. Ashmole. 1719. Tighe and Davis. 1858. WINE. Henderson. 1824. Palmarius. Prsefectus. 1 599. Texter. 1604. WINTONIA, ANNALES DE. Luard. Brit. Gt. 36. 1865. WISCONSIN. Revised Code, ^859. Revised Statutes. 1858. WITCHES. Boguett. Cicogna. Cotta. Delrius. Guaccius. Passi. Scott, R. Warren. Biasfeldius. 1589, 1591- 1610. 1605. 1616. 1612. 1626. 1 6 14. n.d. 1651. WITCHES, TRIALS OF, 1613. Chet. Soc, Vol. 6. 1845. WOMEN. Bosso. 1606. Brantome. 1787. Dubosq. 1639. Firenzuola. 1622. Gediccus. I595' Guillemean. 1620. Jenseus. 1544' Marconville. 1602. Marinello. 1574. Massinoni. 1599' Mercatus. 1588. Olivier, 1619. Pinseus. 1597- Rodion. 1632. Schurman. 1641. WOMEN, LAWS RELATING TO. Chambre. 1579- Choveronius. ^SSO- Davis. 1854. WOMEN, SUBJECTION OF. J. S. Mill. WOOLTON, BISHOP. Pub. Park. Soc. 1869. 1851. WORCESTERSHIRE. Nash. 1781. WORTHINGTON, DR. J., DIARY OF. Chet. Soc, Vols. 13, 16. 1847-55. WRECK. Marvin {Amer.) Palmer. 1858. 1843. WRIOTHESLEY'S ENGLISH CHRONICLE, 1485-1559. Hamilton. Ca7n. Soc. Pa., No. II, n.s. 1875. WRITING, HISTORY OF. Astle. 2nd Ed. 1803. WRITS. Brownlow. Fitzherbert. Hughes. Theloall. WRONGS. Addison. 1653. 1655. 1579. i860. 2nd Ed. 1864. 3rd Ed. 1870. 4th Ed. 1873. WURTEMBURG, LAW OF. Weishaar. 1831. XAVIER. Lucena. 1600. YEAR BOOKS. 20-21, 21-22, 30- 31, and 32-33 Edward I. Hor- wood, Brit. Gt., 31-1 — 31-4. 1863-73. YONGE, WALTER. Cam. Soc., No. 41. Roberts. 1848. YORK AND ANTWERP RULES. General Average. Jencken. 1877. YORK CASTLE DEPOSITIONS. Surt. Soc, No. 40. 1 86 1. YORK, GUILD OF CORPUS CHRISTL Surt. Soc, No. 57. 1872. YORK. Historians of the Church and Archbishops. Raine. Brit. Gt., 71. 1879. YORK MANUAL. No. 63. YORK MINSTER. No. 35. YORK MISSAL. No. 59. Surt. Soc , Surt. Soc. , Surt. Soc, 1874. 1858. 1874. YORK PONTIFICAL. Surt. Soc, No. 61. 1875. YORK VISITATION. By Dug- dale. 1665-66. Surt. Soc, No. 36. 1859. ii6 YORKSHIRE. Drake. 1736- Hunter. 1819-28. Ingledew. 1858. Ord. 1846. Thoresby. 1816. Whitaker. 1812-23. YORKSHIRE. 1641. Surt. Soc, No. 33. YORKSHIRE DIALECT. Bywater. Carr. Craven. Hunter. YORKSHIRE DIARIES. Surt. Soc, No. 65. 1857. 1839. 1824. 1828. 1829. 1877. YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. Boyne. 1869. YORKSHIRE REGISTRIES OF DEEDS. Dibb. 187 1. YORKSHIRE SURVEY OF FEES. Kirkeby. Temp. Edward I. Surt. Soc, No. 49. 1868. ZILLAH COURT DECISIONS {East Indies). 1854-56. ZU INGLE. Myconius. 1555- ZURICH LETTERS. Park. Soc Pub. 1847-48. .rth LONDON : PHIPPS & CONNOR, PRINTERS, 13 & 14, TOTHILL STREET, WESTMINSTER. $ RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO^- 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewls and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW : JUN 2 199 ) JAN 2 zoo; FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY CA 94720-6000 «.f^« No Copy Recordhd in America. 178 LAW LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bibliotheca Illustris Medii Templi Societatis, I in Ordinem juxta rerum naturam redacta ac digesta : V. Iduum Sept. MDCC. Auspicio & Sumptu Barth. Shower, Militis Hujus Aedis Quaestoris. Londini, 1700. 8vo, First Edition, crisp copy in contemporary calf from the library of Lord Cowper with his MS. note " Nov. 27, 1700, Given me by Bartholomew Shower, Wm. Cooper." £\4 14s S.T.C. Wing B 2830. Extremely rare. Wing records only 4 copies, none in U.S.A. Apparently no copy in the Bodleian or British Museum. ?^v»