GRAMMAR OF THE AFGHAN LANGUAGE. /L- GRAMMAR OF THE PUILHTO, PUSJJTO, OR LANGUAGE OF THE AFGHANS; IN WHICH THE RULES ARE ILLUSTRATED BY EXAMPLES EROM THE BEST WRITERS, BOTH POETICAL AND PROSE: TOGETHER •\VITH TRANSLATIONS FROM THE ARTICLES OF WAR, AND REMARKS ON THE LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND DESCENT OF THE AFGHAN TRIBES. BY i MAJOR H. G. .RAVERTY, BOMBAY AEMY, EETIEED LIST. AUTHOR OF A DICTIONARY OK THE PUS'HTO LANGUAGE ; THE GULSHAN-I-EOH, OR SELECTIONS, PROSE AND POETICAL, IN THE PUS'HTO OR AFGHAN language; THE POETEY OF THE AFGHANS, TRANSLATED FEOM THE ORIGINALS IN THE PUS'HTO LANGUAGE; THE GOSPEL FOE THE AFGHANS ; A THESAURI'S OF ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI TECHNICAL TERMS, ETC. ETC. __ THIED EDITION. LONDOjS" : WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN ; AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. CALCUTTA : W. NEWMAN AND CO. MDCCCLXVII. STEPHEN AUSTIN, -4'^'ri PRINTER, HERTFORD. TO THE MOST XOBLE JAMES ANDREW, MARQUIS OF DALHOUSIE, KT., GOVERNOR-CxENERAL OF INDIA, ETr. ETC. ETC. THIS GRAMMAR OF THE PUSHTO LANGUAGE IS, WITH THE GREATEST RESPECT. Br HIS lordship's 3I0ST 0BEDIE:NT humble SERVANT, H. G. RAVERTY, Captain 3rd Regiment, Bombay X. I. ?K. PEEPACB TO THE FIEST EDITION. In offering this Grammar of the Pushto to the Orientalist and the Student, as well as to those who may take an interest in the hardy, warlike, and inde- pendent race who speak the Af gh an language, I deem it necessary to state, that the idea of the following pages originated in my being under the necessity of making a Grammar for my own convenience, during the years 1849 and 1850, when stationed at Peshawer with my Eegiment, which formed part of the Bombay Division of the Army of the Panjab in the late campaign. Having a deal of leisure time on my hands, and imagining that by studying the peculiar and little known language of the Afghans, an Officer mi(/ht be considered in some measure qualified for employment where the Pushto is spoken, I determined to try to acquire some knowledge of this dialect, the mastery of which had never been attempted, except by the late Major Leech, of the Bombay Engineers, and (as I have since found) Professor Bernhard Dorn, of St. Petersburgh. Unable to obtain or discover anything like a guide to the grammatical rules of the language, a matter to which the A fgh ans of the present day appear to have paid no attention, I commenced my studies with the poems of Mulla ^abd- ur-Rahman. I did not find them very difficult, or even so much so as I had expected ; for I had the advantage — if such there be in knowing Oriental lan- guages — of possessing some proficiency in Persian, and some acquaintance with Arabic and other tongues. * Still there were difficulties to contend with ; and I was obliged to make a sort of outline Grammar, which was filled in as I advanced, and examples compared and selected. I had fortunately at the outset secured the services of an Afghan of Hasht- nagar, in the Doaba of Peshawer — a Molawi of the Muhammadzo'e tribe — a * By the Orders of the Government of India, I was awarded the sum of 1000 Rupees, by the Governor in Council of Bombay, for proficiency in the Urdu, Persian, Muratl, and Guzerutl languages ; in all four of which I have passed the Presidency Examination as Interpreter on four different occasions — somewhat superior, I flatter myself, to the so-called test for the " Higher Standard" Civil Examination in the Panjab. Duiiug twelve years' service, I have devoted ten to the study of the above, and to the Arabic, Pushto, Sindl, PanjabI, and Multanl languages. 156.3728 viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. man well acquainted with his mother-tongue, and a first-rate Arabic scholar, and who was for some time Lieut. E. F. Biu'ton's teacher. I had also in my service a clever Mlr/a,— a native of Kandahar, who is well acquainted with the Pushto dialect, having been born and bred in the Western capital. In 1850 1 was obliged to leave Teshawer with my Eegimcnt for the Dekhaii, but my teachers accompanied me, and have remained in my sersdce ever since. Although some portion of my time was taken up in preparing for the ordeal of the Presidency Examinations, as Interpreter in [Murati and GuzenltT, I continued to persevere in my Pushto studies; and by Midsummer, 1852, I had prepared a somewhat copious Grammar of the language. This humble efi'ort I had the honour of submitting to the Most Noble the Governor-General in July, 1852 ; and, by His Lordship's command, it was sent to the late Panjab Board of Administration for that body's opinion as to its pub- lication. From thence I believe it reached the late Commissioner of Peshiiwer (by the Board's order) to be reported on by "competent Judges." I was not aware that Pushto had been made the subject of general study at Peshawer, nor that any parties, with the exception of those I have referred to in a former paragraph — one of whom died some ten years since, and the other, a resident in the Russian capital — had ever turned their attention to, much less pretended to such a knowledge of the Afghan language, as to render them for a moment "competent judges." Who these " competent judges" were — wdio must have grown spontaneously in that district — and the opinion they arrived at, I have not yet discovered. AVhat became of the MS. may be easily imagined. The only cojjy which I had made was forwarded about the same time to the Government of Bomljay, and laid before the Ilon'ble the Court of Directors. Nine months afterwards I received a letter stating that the Hon'ble Court had been pleased to direct tliat my Grammar should be printed at Bombay at the public expense, provided no other work of a similar nature might liave been already undertaken by the Supreme Government. It appears that an GiPicer of the Bengal Army some time previously had offered to prepare a Grammar of the Pushto language, and had obtained a promise from one of the late Lahore Board to tlic effect that it should be printed at the expense of Government. In January, 1853, the Officer here referred to and raywlf chanced to be at tlie same station, at which time he first became aware that I had been in tlu; Held before liim ; aud, therefore, lie lost no time in sub- mitting his work lo the Lahrire Authorities. For the reasons above stated his work was printed, and has been before the public for some months;* and con- sequently the instructions of the ITon'])le Court as regarded my MS. could not be • "A Graamar of the Pooihloo Unguago, upokcu in the TruuH-Iudus Tcnitorits uiidpr Hritinb Rule," 8vo., 104 )«g««, pric« Fito Kopecs. Culmiu, 1854. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITIOX. IX carried out. His work, of course, had not to undergo the ordeal of the " competent judges." Blessed, however, with some patience, and a good stock of perseverance and industry, I was not to be disheartened by this strange and significant procedure of the Lahore Board, or, at least, of one of its members, neither at the loss of the labour of a couple of years, — in truth, I rather rejoice now, for it has made me go deeper into Pushto than I might otherwise have done ; and " he who entertains the hope of winning a decisive battle, will not mind the loss of a few skirmishes, in order to arrive at the end he aimed at." I again went to work with greater industry than before ; and during the six years which I have devoted to the study of the language of the Af^ans, the materials have naturally accumulated, and have now assumed a somewhat bulky volume. Whether these six years have been spent j)rofitably or not, remains to be seen. I have at least gained the satisfaction of having, I trust, rescued from oblivion, and shed some light on, the language of a manly race, "the literary exertions of whose authors, and some of whose odes, would stand the severest criticism of European judges."* A short time since, two gentlemen connected with the Asiatic Society of Bengal offered, in the most handsome manner, to undertake the publication of this Grammar ; and one of them (whose disinterested liberality I can never forget) volunteered to bear any loss that might be sustained, rather than the work should remain unpublished. The patronage of the Government of India, of the ISTorth-West Provinces, and of Bombay, who have subscribed for a number of copies ; as well as the great support, as the list of subscribers will show, of the Officers of the United Service and others, will, however, preclude the possibility of any loss in a pecuniary point of view. The work professes to be a Grammar of the language of the children of Afghanah — whether Eastern or Western — whether Sarraban, Ghar gh asht, or Kar- larmi — Bar Pukhtiin or Lar Pukhtiin — Panjpa'o or Ziruk ; and is not confined to the ''Pooshtoo of the Trans-Indus Territories under British Eule," but applies wherever the Pushto may be the medium of communication. I have endeavoured to lay down the clearest, and, at the same time, most simple rules, the whole of which I have illustrated by carefully selected examples from the works of the most elegant — as well as the most standard — authors, both poetical and j^rose, the greater number of whose works are seldom to be met -^-itli at the present day. I have adduced nothing but what has been proved by the extracts given, avoiding examples made up for the occasion, not wishing to make the work a mere category of provincialisms. Nothing has been advanced but what has been accounted for and explained, as well as tested and supported by the ^^dictum,^^ not only of a "Mulla," but of every writer in the Pushto language.t * Professor Dom. t This refers to some uncalled for remarks in the preface to the work before-mentioned. b X PREFACK TO THE FIRST EDITION. The Iiitrodiictiou contains some remarks on tlie origin and affinity of the Afglian to the dead hmguages of Asia, and the Hebrew origin of the children of Jlvibd-ur-Kashid, rattan ; together with remarks on the literature of the Afjihrms, and other matter regarding the language. lu tlie Appendix will be found a specimen translation of the Articles of War for the Native Army ; and a few difficult and idiomatical stories, intended to show the capabilities of the dialect, and the mode of construction. The character used is that peculiar to the language — the Naskh character of the Arabic ; and the types for the extra letters, exclusively Pushto, have been cut expressly for this volume. Tlie jiarticular parts of speech or matters referred to in the various examples in the following pages, are printed in small capitals in the English, and its corres- ponding Puslito word or words with a line over them. It was intended to have had these words jn-inted in red ink, which, although au easy matter to an European, is ;in insuperable difficulty to au Indian Press. 1 must crave the patience of my readers Avith respect to the long list of correc- tions ; and T fear I shall scarcely be credited, when I state that each sheet has been revised no less than three times, and which has been the principal cause of the great delay in the publication of the work. I propose giving a Persian translation of this Grammar, for the convenience of natives who may wish to acquire a knowledge of Pushto, should a sufficient number of subscribers be forthcoming. The opportunity for the renewal of friendly intercourse with the Afghans, as advocated in tlie Introduction, page 25, has happened sooner than expected, and ajipears to have been cordially embraced. It cannot fail to be highly advantageous to both nations. II. G. E. MtLTAN, 31»T March, I85fi. PEEFACE TO THE SECOl^D EDITION. The flattering manner iu whicli the First Edition of this work was receiA^ed by the public, and its rapid exhaustion, has rendered it necessary to print a New Edition, uniform with the Dictionar}^ and Text Book. I have taken the opportunit}' thus offered to correct the numerous press errors in the former edition, which was printed at Calcutta, and to improve the work materially. The Chapters on the !N'ouns and Adjectives have been considerably extended. H. G. E. Camp, Nasak, 21st Novembee, 1859. CONTENTS. mTEODUCTION. CHAPTER I.— THE ALPHABET. PAGE The Pushto Alphabet with the names of the letters 1 Changes of letters, and difference of pronunciation by some Afghan ti-ibes 3 The Vowels and other orthographical marks 4 CHAPTER II.— THE PARTS OF SPEECH. The different Parts of Speech o No Article in Puslito, it being inherent in the noun or expressed by a numerical adjective ih. CHAPTER III.— THE NOUN. The Nouns and their divisions 6 Numbers of Nouns, and formation of the various cases ib. The Genitive Case, with examples 7 The Dative ,, ,, ih. The Jxli or ' actor,' the l::-^U»i or ' attribute,' and the J^'*^ or 'object,' explained and illustrated 9 The Accusative Case with examples ih. The Vocative ,, ,, 10 j> The Ablative ,, „ ih. The Locative ,, ,, 11 The Agent or Actor 12 The Genders of Nouns ih. The Declensions of Nouns 13 The nine Declensions with their variations , ih. CHAPTER IV.— THE ADJECTIVE. The Adjective or Noun of quality ^1 Must always precede the Noun 22 Three forms — Nominative, Oblique, and Vocative, with examples ih. Some Adjectives undeclinable — examples ih- Nouns used instead of Adjectives to qualify other Nouns — examples 24 Adjectives sometimes used alone, the Noun being understood — examples ih. Declined in the same manner as Nouns '^• Derivative Adjectives 25 The Ordinal Numbers explained and illustrated - • • 26 xiv CONTENTS. PAGE 26 The Adjuncts of Similitude or ^^--JL;' ^^^j=>- Adverbs also used in construction to denote similarity ^^• The Comparative and Superlative degrees — examples 27 Adjectives of Plural signification only 28 The r**-^' z*-;^ or Xoun of Diminution 29 CHAPTER v.— THE PRONOUX. nie diflFerent classes of Pronouns in Pushto 30 The Personal Pronouns with their declensions and examples ih- The Personal Pronoun also used as the Remote Demonstrative 34 The Proximate Demonstrative Pronouns <5j: J , L\ J , ih. The Remote Demonstrative Pronouns 36 First letter of i>*^ lost by elision — examples 37 The Reflective or Reciprocal Pronoun jj^ '*• The Interrogative Pronouns '^^ (also used as an Indefinite) and ^^ ox S 40 '^ used as an Interrogative as well as an Indefinite Pronoun 41 The Indefinite Pronouns 42 Some Pronouns admitting of composition — examples 43 The Relative and co-Relative explained ih. Another form of Pronouns <^, *^, etc. used witli Transitive Verbs, with declension and examples 44 The second form, or pronominal dative affixes 46 The affixed Personal Pronouns with declension and examples 47 Three forms of Prepositions used as Demonstrative Pronouns, with examples 48 CHAPTER VI.— THE VERB. riie dilTercnt kinds of Verbs 49 'I'he Active Voice — how formed ih. Causal Verbs 50 Derivative Verbs ih. Compound Verbs ih. Intensitives ih. Passive Verbs 51 The Imperfect Auxiliary, ' to be,' with analysis, conjugation, and examples ih. The Auxiliary or Substantive Infinitive Jjc»~^^ 'to be,' or 'exist,' with analysis, conjugation, and examples 55 Analysis and Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verbs J-V^ and ^^^ 'to be,' or 'become,' used in forming the Passive Voice 57 The thirteen classes of 1 ntransitivc Infinitives explained 63 The twenty-four classes of Transitive Infinitives explained 66 The "^J «>- «*-)' the Present or Imperfect Participle 72 The J^*i^ *-»' the Past or Perfect Participle 75 Tlie JiU the Active Participle, Agent, or Noun of Action 79 ITif w-oU ^-j' or Noun of Fitness 81 The TcnfiCH ,7J Vorba onn be conjugated on Arabic and Hebrew model ih. CONTENTS. XV p. Key. Intransitive Verbs 82 The Past Tense — analysis and examples ib. The Imperfect Tense „ 89 The Compound Past Tenses „ 93 The Perfect Tense „ il. The Pluperfect Tense „ 95 The Doubtful Past Tense „ 97 The Past Conditional Tense „ 98 The Present Tense „ 100 TheAorist ' „ 103 The 1st Future or Precative Tense „ 105 The 2nd Future Tense „ 106 The Imperative Mood ,, 107 Transitive Verbs ,, 108 The Past Tense — ten classes „ 109 The Imperfect Tense — six classes „ 116 The Compound Tenses ,, 119 The Perfect Tense — two classes „ ib. The Pluperfect Tense „ ,... 120 The Doubtful Past Tense „ ib. >> Past Conditional Tense „ 121 The Present Tense, with twelve methods of formation 122 The Aorist Tense — four forms 125 First Future or Precative Tense — three forms 127 Second Future Tense — four forms 128 The Imperative Mood 130 The Potential Mood, with analysis and examples 132 The Passive Voice — first form, with examples 134 Second form of the Passive Voice formed from the Imperfect Tenses of Verbs, with examples 135 Conjugation of the Imperfect and Irregular Infinitive tJ^l; ' to come,' according to the Eui-opean model 137 „ „ J^ 'togo' 140 ,, ,, Irregular Intransitive iJ:;^ ' to ascend ' 143 „ ,, Regular Intransitive JaJ-cj 'to run,' according to the Hebrew and Arabic model 146 The Imperfect Transitive Verb J^ ' to do,' used as an auxiliary, with all its moods and tenses, according to the European model 148 The Regular Transitive Verb Jj^ ' to do ' used as an auxiliary, with all its moods and tenses — European model 150 ,, ,, Infinitive J jj[; ' to bring' 15<' The Transitive Infinitive J^^J ' to fill,' formed from an Adjective by the addition of J^ — Arabic and Hebrew model '. 158 The Causal Verb Jt^J^ 1 ' to cause to fly' — Arabic and Hebrew model 1 60 The Negative and Prohibitive forms of the diff'erent Infinitives, with examples of each 162 CHAPTER VII.— THE SEPARATE PARTICLES. Adverbs and their derivations 166 Conjunctions 170 Xvi CONTENTS. PAGE p,..,^..;f;.-,nc and Postpositions, with examples 171 1 72 1..: —example ^' CHAPTER VIII.— THE DERIVATION OF WORDS. n. r^v.rjon of Xouns 172 . : Nouns '*• . * of I ntensity 1 ' ^ Dcriration of Adjectives • '*• Adjcctircs of Intensity, etc 176 Patrouymical Adjectives 177 tives formed from the Past Participles of Verbs ih. riic iwca of the iZ"fi7 or Ism-i-Jfaxdar, and Ism-i- IJaliah 178 The Paat Tenses Uflod as Nouns in some instances 1 84 Nouns firom the Imperatives of Verbs ib. CHAPTER IX.— THE NUMERALS. The Cinlinal Numbers, with the names and Arabic figures 184 The Oniinal Numbers 186 The Numerals of Fractions ib. The Days of the Week ib. The Names of the Months 187 The Seasons ib. TheCardimil Points 188 CHAPTER X.— THE SYNTAX. On the Syntax — the arrangement of words in a sentence 188 Sj-ntax of the Noun 189 .. of the Adjective 1 90 ., of the Pronoun 191 ,. of the Verb 194 Words of similar sound used together 197 APPENDIX. 1. — Specimen translation from the Articles of War Hjy II — Stones in the Pushto character with the English 201 INTRODUCTION. " I am not willing that any language should be totally extinguished ; the similitude and derivation of languages afford the most indubitable proof of the traductiou of nations, and the genealogy of mankind ; they add often physical certainty to historical evidence of ancient migrations, and the revolutions of ages which left no WTitten monuments behind them." Dr. Johnson. In all investigations into the manners and customs of mankind, language has a strong claim to our attention and study. It will be found, in various ways, so unerring a guide that we may term it the barometer of a people's civilization or barbarity ; whilst, on the other hand, the derivation and affinity of diiferent tongues afford an indisputable proof of the origin and genealogy of the various families of the human race. It also adds a physical certainty to historical evidence ; and no authority can so indubitably determine the peculiar habits and pursuits of a people as the manner in which their thoughts and ideas are articulated and expressed ; for want of copiousness, or poverty of a language, as it may be termed, generally indi- cates an uncivilized state — ignorance and superstition. By oral means alone can a dialect be formed or extended, but its subsequent cultivation must depend on writing and literature ; and knowledge, on which civilization, refinement, and everything that tends to raise mankind above the level of the brute, depends, must naturally be confined within exceedingly narrow limits, until a written language has diffused it throughout all classes of mankind. Before venturing to offer an opinion as to the origin of the Pushto language, it will be necessary to make a few observations respecting the topography, as it may be termed, of the ancient languages of Asia, more particularly those from which we may naturally suppose the Pushto or Afghan language to have sprung : still all researches into high antiquity are more or less involved in darkness and per- plexity, and every argumentative inquiry, however ingenious, must at last rest on the uncertain basis of conjecture and fancy. We learn from the accounts given by Herodotus, and other ancient writers, that in certain countries of no great extent, various languages, totally distinct from each other, were used ; whilst, on the other hand, the same language, with slight varia- tions in its dialects, was spoken throughout vast regions. The first remarks are 9 INTRODVCTION. applicable to nearly all nioiintaiiious districts, inhabited, like Afgliruiistrin, by difterent tribes, for the most part independent of each other. Throu£^hout the boundless steppes of the Asiatic continent were spread the more prevalent hinguages. The limits of the various dialects also were the same stupen- dous ranges of mountains, and the same noble and mighty rivers, which formed the boundai-ies of the different territories. Between the Atjtak or Indus, the iEraan or Oxus, and the banks of the Dajlah or Tigris, one language appears to have pre- dominated ; a second from th(^ Tigris to the Ilalys or Kizil Irmjik ; and a third between the Ilalys and the iEgean sea. To commence with the language which appears to have been most widely preva- lent in ancient times, we find that, from tlic Caucasiau^:= range of mountains on the north to the Red Sea on the south, and from the banks of the Euphrates on the east to the Ilalys on the west, one mighty tongue was spoken, which, with some slight variations, retained a primitive and distinct character, known as the Semitic, and of which the Arabic, Assyrian, Chaldaic, Cappadocian, Ilcbrew, Sarmatian, and Phoenician were merely dialects. t From the Tigris eastward, as far as the mountain range which forms the western barrier of the Indus, and from the Oxus to the Indian sea, another great language prevailed, the various dialects of which, both in elements and construction, as also in vocabulary and phraseology, were so totally distinct as to preclude the possibility of their being of the same family as the Semitic. One peculiar feature of the ancient dialects of the immense tract which constituted the Persian empire is, that every vowel, whether short or long, has a distinct character. We are indebted to the lalxnirs of several eminent schohirs in Zend literature for much important infor- mation on this subject, particularly from the work known as the "Zend Avesta" — the sacred volume of the ParsTs or Gabrs, two English translations of which are about to be given to the world — one by a European Orientalist, the other by an Asiatic, and a disciple of Sapetiunn Zoroaster. From these researches we find that three different languages, wliicli followed eacli other successively, were spoken in Inint — the Zend, in which the sacred books of their religion were written; the Pehlavi ; and the ancient Persian, or ParsT. The date from which the Zend ceased to 1)0 the mt'dium of conversation is unknown; l»nt, as early as the reign of ]5ahman, the Pehlavi was consi*' Fi-rnnjr JoJi/inRiri, Hiihmrin aluo calleJ Ardaxhir, wuii son of Isfandlur, son of Kiwhtasib, son of Loh- '**'^' ***^' f"r liit ujirightiuiw anil jiiHticc; othcrn, that it was from his prccociousncss aa a child ; and '**'••'■ "-'"' ' • •'■ ' -Ml of liis iirn>.H, which wcni ho long that hin haiido rtailK'd liia kuoes. Therr •*••»"■ word in the work I have quoted. DaUmrm died a.u. 210. 1 He aMviulcti tho throne a.d. 420, and reigned twenty years. INTEODUCTION. 3 proscribed by edict, and soon after fell into total disuse. After this event the Pars! became the idiom of Persia. It was divided into two dialects — the Deri, or conrt language, and the Parsi, which was spoken by the people at large. The Shah Nilmah of Ferdousi is almost entirely written in the former tongue. If we compare these dialects with the modern Persian, divested of the Arabic and Turkish, which, during a period of several centuries have crept into it, we shall find them differing essentially in several respects ; but at the same time, in -phvn- seology and construction, bearing such a striking similarity, as to prove almost indubitably that the dialects themselves, as also the people who spoke them, must have sprung from one and the same original stock. It is a striking fact that no convulsions of Government, no efforts of literature, can so alter a language as to destroy every atom of similarity between the speech of the present day and that of most ancient and remote origin. Nothing but the total extirpation of the aborigines of a country appears capable of accomplishing so singular and wonderful a change. For a striking instance of this we have merely to look to the present dialects of the peninsula of India, or, for a still more conclusive proof, to the modern European languages, amidst the polish and refinement of Latin and Greek. It appears, therefore, that the principal languages of the Asiatic continent, or, of what was considered Asia by the ancients, were the Semitic, and the Iranian or Persian : * the last was spoken as far as the western bank of the Indus, beyond which the Sanskrit and Prakrit commenced, t In ancient times, as in the present day, the greatest diversity of language appears to have prevailed in mountain tracts, generally inhabited by a number of independent tribes, who may either have been aborigines of those mountains, or strangers com- pelled to seek in them refuge from powerful neighbours, or security from invasion and subjection to a foreign yoke. In the absence of facilities for communication with other races, the languages of these mountaineers have been less liable to be mixed up with other tongues ; but as their more numerous tribes separated into smaller septs, a variety of dialects was naturally formed, which, in many points, differed from each other. The ancient languages of Persia suggest other important facts not to be passed over without notice, and which also bring us to the point to which these straggling and imperfect remarks are intended to lead — that not merely in the modern Persian * Heeren, "Asiatic Nations." t " With regard to the affinity of the language from Bactria to the Persian Gulf, it would of course follow, that the country being that of the ancient Persians, the Persian language would be spoken in it, varied as to dialect, but radically the same. If the language of Persia was Zend, this would have been in use throughout Ariana; and its strong affinity ti> Sanskrit would justify the extension of Strabo's remarks even to the Indians of the Paropamisus and the west bank of the Indus. With all the other divisions of Ariana there is no difficulty, even if the Persian of ancient did not materially difter from that of modern times ; for Persian is still the language of the inhabitants of the towns of Afghanistan and Turkistun— Kabul and Bokhara." — Ariana Antiqua, pp. 122, 123. INTEODUCTION. territory do we find languages which still exist, mixed up with others, and only presei-ved from oblivion by a few written remains ; but that in the present day there is also a language spoken immediately west of the Indus, which is totally different in phraseology and construction from any modern tongue, and in all probability derived from the Zend, Pehlavi, and the Hebrew. The language to which I refer is the Puk'lito, Pushto, or A fgh an. Languages, though they may be cultivated by writing and literature, can alone be fashioned and extended by oral use ; and it is therefore certain that the dead lan- guages of the Asiatic continent must at one time have been generally spoken,* because several living languages are evidently derived from them.t They may have ceased to be the medium of oral communication in various ways : intercourse with foreigners, subjugation to the yoke of others, and such like circumstances, so affect a language as to produce various new dialects, which, as proved in the case of our own mother- tongue, are capable of undergoing still further transformation. There has, perhaps, never been a greater diversity of opinion respecting the descent of any people than in reference to that of the Afghans. Ferishtah X traces their origin to the Copts, whilst most Oriental WTiters are of opinion that they are of the Jewish family. According to Klaproth, Gatterrer considers the Af gh ans to be a Georgian race, and their language Georgian also. The Armenians hold the Afghans to be descended from themselves ; and Krusinsky, Eeineggs, and several other European historians, notwithstanding the want of proof, hold the same opinion. Major Keppel § (the late Earl of Albemarle) states that the people of Shirwan and the adjoining countries consider the Afghans are descended from them. St. Martin, || in his account of the Armenian Arghowans, is of opinion that the Afghans cannot be identified with them. Other authors have declared them to be descendants of the Indfi-Scythians, the Medians, the Soghdians, Turks, Tartars, and Monghols.lf The Afghans themselves persist in their descent from the Jews ; and their tra- ditions on the subject trace their ancestry to Saul, king of Israel.** The best account I have met with on the subject has lately fallen into my hands quite unexpectedly. It is contained in a history of the house of Saddo or Suddozo'e tribe of the Afghans. The work itself is written in 8vo., 640 pages of 17 lines to a page, and entitled Tazkirat-ul-Mulfik. It is very rare, and I imagine there is not a copy to be found east of the Indus, even if it has ever been heard of before by Europeans. Two-thirds of the entire work are occupied in the detail of events which have happened since the death of Ahmad Shrdi, Abdrdl. The commencement • I have lately heard of a seal having been found near Plnd Dudun Khun, in the Panjab, bearing an inscription in the aiTOw -headed character. t Heercn. + " Tarlkh-i-Ferishtah." § "Personal Narrative of Travels," vol. ii. page 194. II "Memoircs sur Armcnie," vol. i. page 213 to 226. IT See " TurTkli-ul-YamTnl of OtbT," " Matlaa-us-Salatin," and " Jami-ul-Tawarlkh." *• See Sir G. Rose's " Afghans, the Ten Tribes, and the Kings of the East," etc. London, 1852. INTRODUCTION. O alone is sufficient for my present purpose ; on some future occasion I may give a translation of that part which terminates with the death of the founder of the Durani monarchy. I may also add, that the work is written in Pushto. The account is as follows : — " The chief object of the author in writing this august work, was the compilation of a history of the ancestors of the tribe of Saddo, known as the Suddozo'es,* who, after the family of the last of the ProjDhets, (on whom be the blessing of the Almighty!) are the greatest and best, as well as the most generous and open-hearted of the children of Adam. " All traditions and histories agree, as to their exalted descent from the Ban-i- Isra-il, of whom their great ancestor is Malik Talut (Saul) of the tribe of Isra-il, who afterwards became the ruler of that people. From Malik Talut is descended Afghan, one of the greatest of God's creatures, and who in the reign of SdlTman, was, by that monarch, made sovereign of the Jinns and Dlws. " From Malik Afghan, ^abd-ur-Eashid bin Kais al Laik, who was a contemporary of the prophet of God, and one of his most honoured associates, is a lineal descen- dant. He is the ancestor of the Sarrabands, who are considered the first of the Afghan tribes, as also of the twelve dstimas or families who were formerly considered as hereditary devotees. t " His Highness Saddo chief of the Afghans, being the fruit of the tree of that garden, and a blossom of that rose tree, this account of his ancestry has been com- piled, to the end that their fame may be known to posterity. ' What can wo inherit but fame beyond the limits of the tomb ? ' " The following histories and authorities have been consulted in the composition of the work, viz. : — Tarikh-i-Salatin-i-Sureah ; Tabakat-i-Akbari ; Asen-i-Akbarl ; Mirat-ul-Afaghanah, which work was written by Khan Jehan, Lildi, in the reign of the Emperor Jehangir; Tarikh-i-Shahan-i-Safawiah, Irani; Shah Jehan N.amah; Tarikh Alamgiri ; Furukh Seori ; Tilrikh-i-Mahommed Shahi ; Nadir Namah ; Tarikh Ahmad Shahi; Eassalah Akbar, Khadakah; and other information has been collected from the narratives of trustworthy persons. I have entitled the work, Tazkirat-ul-Mulijk, of the ancestry of the tribe of Saddo, the chief of the Afghans. It consists of one mukaddamah (preface), two asah (originals), and one Jcjfatmah (epilogue)." % * From which the kings were chosen, as being the royal tribe. t Both Mr. Elphinstone (" Caiibul," vol. i. page 252) and Professor Dorn (" Neamut Ullah," Part ii. page 40) have fallen into error respecting this fourth grand division of the Afghans, called by them respectively the Betnee, and Botni, Baitni, or BiitinT. ^:Jblj is not the name of a tribe, but is derived from the Arabic ,.i<»^ batin, which means, hidden, or knowing the hiddcn'ov concealed ; y^Guca the Almighty is often termed ^JcX^} Al Batin. X The contents of the whole work are : — Mukaddamah. On the forefathers of Saddo, chief of the Afghans. First AsAL. On the subject of those of the tribe who have ever dwelt in Afghanistrm. This Asal is divided into two Faraee or Parts. 1st. Respecting that branch who have ruled over the whole tribe. 2nd. On the other members of the tribe, who still dwell in their native country. Second Asal. On that branch of the clan who left their country and took up their abode at 6^ INTRODUCTION. " MUK ADD AMAH. " Oi\ THE Forefathers of Saddo, Chief of the Afghan People. " Tlie great ancestor of this tribe is Malik Taliit (Saul) who is mentioned in the Kur an and other works, as descended from Binyamm bin Yasekub, bin Ish'ak, bin Ibrahim (may the blessing of the Almighty rest on them and on their house ! ) Taliit was celebrated amongst his countrymen for his wisdom, knowledge, and mightiness in war ; and the All- wise Creator of the Universe made him king over Isra-il, and commanded him to bring to perdition the infidel Jaliit (Goliath), the enemy of his people."^ "At this time Mehtarf Da'iid, who dwelt in the district situated between the territories of the rival princes, went and joined the army of his countrymen, t who were hard pressed by the superior army of Jaliit. § The king on this account issued a proclamation to the effect, that whoever would go forth to fight with Jaliit and kill him, should receive the hand of the king's daughter in marriage, and be declared heir to the throne. "When Tilliit went out to meet Jaliit, his troops being seized with a sudden panic, fled from the field with the exception of 313 persons, who by the will of Grod, took courage and remained with their king. 1| It was at this time that Da'iid Jfultaii. This is in five Faram or Parts. I. On the Khan Modud Khel. II. The history of the Bahadur Khel. III. Account of the Kamran Khel. IV. Account of the Znefaran Khel. V. The Khwajah Khizr Khel, who are generally known as the Sultan Khel, Khadakah. Kh.\timah. Account of the remaining branches of the Khwajah Khizr Khel, the de- scendants of Shah Dur-i-Duran, and their dispersion into various parts of India and the Panjab. *■ " And their prophet answered and said unto them. Verily God hath set Talut king over you, and hath enlightened hi.s mind, and strengthened his arm : they answered, How shall he reign over us, seeing that we are more worthy of the kingdom than he, neither is he possessed of gi-eat riches .^ Samuel said, Verily God hath chosen him before you, and hath caused him to increase in knowledge and stature." — Al Kur'an, chap. ii. " Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a mighty man of power. " And he had a son, whose name was Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly : and there was not ajnongst the children of Israel a goodlier person than he : from the shoulders and upwards he ivas higher than any of the people. — 1 Samuel, chap, ix., verses 1, 2. " So Saul took the kingdom over Israel, and fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines : and whithersoever he turned himself, he vexed them. " And he gathered an host and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them." — 1 S.\MUEL, chap, xiv., verses 47, 48. t A lord, a prince, a great chief, a title generally applied to Israelites by Muhammadans. X " ^^^lercforc Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. "And took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul." — 1 Samuel, chap, xvi., verses 19 and 20. § " Now Saul, and they and all the men of Israel, were in the valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines. " And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him ; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle." — 1 Samuel, chap, xvii., verses 19, 20. II " And Talut said unto liis soldiers. Verily God will prove you by the river, for he that drinketh thereof shall not be on my side (but he shall be on my side who shall not taste thereof) except he who drinketh a draught of the water out of his hand. And they drank thereof, except a few of them. And when they had passed over the river, he and those who believed with him, said, We have no strength this day against Jalut and his host. But they who considered that they should meet (iod at the resurrection, said. How often hath a small army, by the will of God, defeated a greater one and discomfited it, for God is with those who patiently persevere. And when they went forth to battle against Jalut and his forces, they said, Oli Lord, pour on us patience, confirm our feet, and help us against this unbelieving people. Therefore they discomfited them by the Almighty will, and Du'Cid slew Jalut."— Al Kuu'an, chap. ii. INTRODUCTION. 7 killed the infidel Jaliit in single fight, after which, the small but brave band that had stood its ground, fought with such determined courage, that the enemy were entirely defeated and put to the rout.* '' After this action on the part of Mehtar Da'iid, it became incumbent on king Talut to fulfil the terms of the covenant which he had made, and accordingly he gave his daughter to Da'iid in marriage, and a patent of succession to the throne. "During the life-time of king Talilt, Da'iid served him faithfully, and at his death succeeded him. Armiah (Jeremiah) and Birkiya, Taliit's sons, were raised to the highest honors, became the captains of his armies, and continued in his ser- vice during their life-time. " In the common course of events, Da'iid himself set out on that journey from which no traveller returneth, and was succeeded by his son Siiliman. He ap- pointed Afghanah, the son of Armiah, to the command of his armies, and the government of the Jinns and Diws ; whilst Asif, the son of Taliit's son Birkiya, was made his principal minister.t " One day king Sfiliman seated on his throne, and accompanied by his minister, was journeying through the air, J when they passed the district of Eildali, or Eoh, in which is situated the lofty mountain of Kaseghar, which lies between Peshawer and Kandahar, and Kabul and Multan. It is near the town of Daraban and west of the Sindhu (Indus) river. " Pleased with the spot, and the salubrity of the climate. The Wisest of Men directed his minister to form a seat out of a stone which was at hand. This being almost immediately done, Suliman sat in it for some time and enjoyed the beauty of the landscape which lay spread out at his feet. The mountain is known at present as the Takht, or Throne, of Suliman. § A portion of the throne still re- mains, to which the people of the surrounding districts are in the habit of making pilgrimages. * "And the men of Israel and of Judali arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until they came to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron. " And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled their tents." — 1 Samuel, chap, xvii., verses 52, 53. t " This statement will not appear so fabulous if we compare it with 2 Samuel, chap, xxi., verses 15 to 22, for Dlw and Jinn mean a giant as well as a demon or genii ; •J J dlw, a devil, a demon, genius, giant, spii'it, ghost, hobgoblin. The Dlws or Dives, Jinns, Genii, or giants of eastern mythology, are a race of malignant beings." See i^f^ also in Richaedsox. :j: " No name is more famous among Muhammadans than that of Solomon. According to their belief, he succeeded David his father when only twelve years old ; at which age the Almighty placed under his command all mankind, the beasts of the earth and the fowls of the air, the elements, and the genii. His throne was magnificent beyond description. The birds were his constant attendants, screening him like a canopy from the inclemencies of the weather, whilst the winds bore him whither- soever he wished to go. Every age and every nation have had their fooleries, and even many of the received opinions of modern times will not bear the touchstone of Truth, The sorcery laws of our country are a far more authentic disgrace to human nature, than all the wild, yet pleasing fables of the East." — Richardson. § " In the southern part of the Wuzeerce country, where this range is passed through by the river Gomul, it is low in both senses, and forms tlie lofty mountain of Cussay Ghar, of which the Takht of Suliman, or Solomon's Throne, is the highest peak." — Account of the Kingdom of Cabul, vol. i. page 164. " I was told that on the top there was a holy stone or rock, the seat of a Musalinan Fakir, whose name it bears ; but I venture to doubt the story." — Vigne's Ghuzni, C.\bul, etc., page 61. 8 INTRODUCTION. '' The mountain tract of Kaseghar, and the district of Eudah, were assigned in feudal tenure to Afghanah. " The original meaning of the word Afghanah is fighan — a Persian word, which means 'complaint,' 'lamentation,' because he was a cause of lamentation to the devil, the jinns, and mankind. From the constant use of the word, the vowel point {-T-) Jcasrah was dropped, after which the other letters could not be sounded without the aid of a vowel, and alif-i-wasl was placed before the gh^ and thus made Afghanah. "Malik Afghan having taken possession of his new territory (to use the expres- sive words of the author), ' irrigated the land of that mountainous country with the water of the sword, and planted in the hearts of its inhabitants the seeds of his own faith. He fixed his residence at a place named Pusht or Pasjit, situated in tlie mountains ; and from the name of this place the people have derived the name of Pushtun, or Pukhtiin, and their language Pushto, or Pukhto. Some traditions state that the Afghans acquired their language from the Diws ; and others, that it is the original dialect of the aboriginal inhabitants of Kaseghar, and that the Afghans were in the habit of carrying off the wives and daughters of those infidels, and intermarrying with them,* thereby learning from them the Pushto language, and in course of time forgetting their own Ibrahami tongue." t Again, to use the words of the author, "Malik Afghan having pui-ified the face of the mistress of that country from the filth of the wicked infidels by the pure water of the sword ; and having given unto her the rouge of beneficence, and decked her out in the bridal garments of religion and the ornaments of Islam, bestowed her in the marriage of possession to one of his sons ; after which he re- turned to the court of king Silliman, at Bait-ul-Mukaddas, % where at length he died at a very advanced age. His descendants, from generation to generation, and from tribe to tribe, continued to dwell round about the mountain of Kase gh ar, and to rule over it ; and were constantly at war with the infidels, as the neighbour- ing people were termed. "At length, during the chieftainship of ^abd-ur-Eashld bin Kais al Laik, an event happened which was the cause of shaking the world to its very foundations § — the joyful tidings of the last and greatest of the Prophets, resounded both in Arab and in Ajam too; and -^abd-ur-Eashid became desirous of making a pilgrimage to Makka for the purpose of seeing him : — ' Love ariscth not alone from seeing the object ; This wealth is often acquired by mere conversation.' " In company with several of his kinsmen and friends, he set out for the Hedjaz; and having arrived at Maldka, performed his pilgrimage according to the rites and * See the " Khullasat-ul-Ansab." f Ibrahami means the Hebrew language. + (_^k^AJU.\ t-::-~»J The Sanctified or Holy Temple— the Arabic name for Jerusalem. § Allowance will of course be made for religious prejudice INTRODUCTION. 9 tenets of the religion of his forefathers, Isra-il, Tsh'ak, and Ibrahim. "^^ He now set out for Madinah, and on the road fell in with the celebrated Khalid-ibn-Walid, 'The Sword of God,' — to whom he explained the object of his journey. They travelled towards Madinah in company, and on his arrival there, ^abd-ur-Eashid became a convert to Islam. In the numerous struggles of that period, he became conspicuous for his intrepid bravery, which made the Prophet bestow on him the surname of i^\^ hatdn or (^l;;.j patan^-\ which in Arabic^ means the keel of a vessel, without which it cannot sail, neither can the ship of war sail along without the keel of battle. '' ^abd-ur-Eashid having acquired great renown, at length obtained his dismissal, and was allowed by the Prophet to return to his native land ; but was at the same time enjoined to publish and diffuse the doctrines of Islamism amongst his country- men. He departed from Madinah, and in due course reached his home in safety, after which he converted his family and tribe to the new faith, and taught them the Kur'an. He made war on the infidels with greater zeal than ever, and was celebrated for his piety. At length, finding his end approaching, he called his family and tribe around him, and enjoined them to keep their hearts fixed on the only true religion, and their feet firm in the path of Islam ; to show fi'iendship and obedience to the followers of Muliammad ; and to make war on the infidels, and convert them to the only true faith. After taking an afi'ectionate leave of all, the swallow of his soul, having escaped from the wintry cage of this world, took its flight towards the summer mansions of eternal bliss. "He was blessed with three sons — Saii, Ghaii, and Tabri. The first, known as Sarraban, or Sarrabarm, succeeded his father in the chieftainship, and gave name to one of the two great divisions of the Afghans, called Sarrabans. The second also, called Gharghasht, gave name to the Gharghashts. The descendants of these three sons constitute the whole of the different Afghan clans, with their numerous branches and ramifications. "The tribes which are included in the Sarraban division are: — AbdalT, Tarin, Barech, Mabanah, Gharshm, Shirani, Babarr, Kansi, Jamand, Katani, Kaliani, TarkanI, Khalll, Muhmand, Da'iidzo'e,§ and Yiisufzo'e. The twelve Astmahs, or families, who are considered sacred by the other Af^ans, from their progenitors * The temple of Mecca was a place of worship, and in singular veneration with the Arabs from great antiquity, and many centuries before Muhammad. Though it was most probably dedicated at first to an idolatrous use, yet the Muhammadans are generally persuaded that the Caaba is almost coeval with the world ; for they say that Adam, after his expulsion from Paradise, begged of God that he might erect a building like that he had seen there, called Bait-al-Mamur, or the frequented house, and al-Dorah towards which he might direct his prayers, and which he might compass, as the angels do the celestial one." — Sale's Introduction to the Kur'an, page 83. t He (Muhammad) conferred the title of Patan upon JEabd-ur-Eashid, as the angel Gabriel had revealed to him, that the attachment of the newly-converted Afghans to the Faith, would, in strength, be like the timber upon which they lay the keel when building a ship, which timber the seamen call Patan." — Mirat-ul-Ataghanah, of Khan Jehan, Ludl. (This is the work translated by Professor Dorn, under the title of "The History of the Afghans, of Neamet UUah.") X Written /^"^ i^ Arabic, and probably signifpng keelson instead of keel. § Zo'e in Pushto means "son" — zae is a corruption of the word, and most generally used. d 10 INTEODUCTION. having been devotees, are also included amongst the Sarrabans. The Abdali, Tarm, Babarr, Jamand, and Yiisufzo'e tribes have each one family ; the Khalils, three ; and the Miilmiands, four. " The different branches of the Ghar^asht division, or offspring of Ghari, are : the SuranT, Jailam, Worokzo'e or Orokzo'e, Afrldi, Chakani, Janki or Jangl, Keranl, Aormarr, Niwat, Kakarr, Naghir, Babl, Mashwani, and Tarm tribes. " The third son, Tabri, is the progenitor of the Ghalzo'e, LiidhT, Niazi, Lohani, SorbanI, Sarwani, and Klakpur clans, the whole of whom are styled Tabrins. It is said there was an illicit connection between one of the daughters of Tabri and Mast ^all, Ghorl;* and, after a short time, the fruits of this amour becoming apparent, the father, to make the best of a bad matter, gave her to him in marriage. Three sons were the offspring of this marriage — Ghalzo'e,t of whom she was preg- nant before the nuptial knot was tied, Lildi, and Sarwani. "The tribes above-mentioned are the whole of those who are of pure Afghan descent — the offshoots of the three sons of ^abd-ur-Eashid, Patau. He was buried at Kaseghar, and succeeded by his eldest son Sari, who was constantly at war with the Kafirs or infidels. He had two sons — Sharkabiin and Kharshabiin. The Sarrabans are the descendants of the former, and the Yusufzoe's, Muhmands, Khalils, and other tribes inhabiting the plain of Peshawer, are the children of the latter. "On the death of Sari, Sharkabun, his son, was acknowledged chief of the Af^anah. He was celebrated for his piety and wisdom. In his wars with the infidels he not only acquired great wealth, but also increased his territory, and brought many of the neighbouring tribes under his authority. During his chief- tainship Kandahar and Kabul were conquered by Hiijaj bin Yiisuf, Sakafi, who was governor of Khorasan for the Khallfah Abd-ul-Malik bin Mirwan, who reigned from the year of the Hijrah 73 to 79 (a.d. 692-698). This event greatly increased the authority of Sharkabun, and established his power more firmly than before. " He is said to have been succeeded by Abdal, his son. Some accounts mention that he was the son of Sharkabun, and others that he was his grandson, but neither of these accounts can be correct, as there is a space of three hundred years between them ; Sharkabun being a cotemporary of Hfijaj bin Yiisuf, Sakafi, before referred to, whilst Malik Abdal lived in the reign of Mahmud bin Sabuktagin, who suc- ceeded his father to the throne of Ghaziil in the year of the Hijrah 3S7 (a.d. 997). This great hiatus between the reigns of these two chieftains may be accounted for in the following manner. It often happens that the names of those chiefs who have been celebrated for their wisdom, bravery, piety, or numerous progeny, have been alone handed down to posterity, and those of mediocrity set aside and forgotten. * The ancestor of the Ghorian Sultans who conquered GhaznT, in 1152. t ^ ghal in Pushto means «a thief,' and ojj zo'e 'a son,' hence lJ above ; and those occupying the district of Eoh, which is near Hind (India), are called Lar Pukhtiin, or Lower Af gh ans, from *j heloiv. He describes Eoh — about which there has been great diversity of opinion — as ''bounded on the east by Suwat and Kashmir, west by the Helmund river, north by Kashkar or Chitral and Kafiiistan, and south by the river or sea of Bukker, called in Persian Nilab (the Blue Water), and Nil'aow or Aba-Sin (the Father of Eivers) by the Afghans." The author of the " Ferang-i-Jehangiri " gives a somewhat similar account of it. " Eoh," he says, " is the name of a range of lofty mountains, in length extend- ing from Suwat and Bajawarr to Slwni, or Siwa'i, which is in the district of Bukker, in Sind; and in breadth from Hasan Abdal (in the Sind Sagur Doaba, of the Panjab) to Kandahar : and in this highland range the latter city is situated." I have been told by Af^ans in the vicinity of Peshawer, and other places, that their ancestors first came from a district named Ghwari Mar^ab, which they said lies to the westward of Khorasan. This is, however, a mistake ; a small village, bearing that name, and the place referred to by them, is situated about mid-way between Kandahar, Shora'wak, and Girishk, which is one of the old seats of the Afghan tribes who now occupy the Peshawer valley. Ghor, supposed to have been the original district of the Af^anah, lies much to the north. It was from this latter place that the Ghorian tribe issued in the year 1152 a.d., when they over- turned the throne of the Ghazniwid Sultans. * "Baber's Memoirs" page 248, t "Although Bajour, Sewad, Peshour, and Hashnagar, originally belonged to Kabul, yet at the present time some of these districts have been desolated, and others of them entirely occupied by the tribes of Afghans, so that they can no longer be properly regarded as provinces," — Ibid, page 141. I The author of the " Khullasat-ul-Ansab." § Merely in substituting sh for Kh, z for gjz for/, etc. INTKODUCTION. 17 The diversity of opinion regarding the origin of the Afghrmah, is not greater than that respecting their language, of which, at the time I write, with the exception of a small brochure by the late Major E. Leech of the Bombay Army, no grammar exists.* It is to be hoped that the present work, together with the Dictionary which is published consentaneously with it, will enable the learned both of Europe and India, to give a better, and more decided opinion than heretofore on the affinity of the Afghan language to the languages of ancient Asia.t Sir William Jones's opinion was, that the Pushto or Pukhto language has a manifest resemblance to the Chaldaic, but Professor Klaproth vehemently denies this, and states, that nothing whatever is known regarding this dialect ; | that neither in words nor grammatical structure is there the slightest resemblance between Pushto and any Semitic language, and that it is unquestionably a branch of the great Indii-Germanic division of languages. I cannot refrain from remarking here, that it appears most astonishing that persons, who cannot possibly have had any opportunity of becoming practically acquainted with a language, or even with the correct pronunciation of its alphabet, can venture opinions, often very decided, as to its origin and similarity with other tongues, with which they may even be less acquainted, or of which they may have only a slight theoretical idea, derived at second-hand from translations alone ; for sui'ely no one would venture to give an opinion of a language from original MSS. which no one within a thousand miles can decipher ! "A little knowledge is a daugerous thing, Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring." Professor Dorn of St. Petersburgh — who some few years since published a work on the Pushto language § — in the preface to his translation of " Neamet Ullah," gives as his oj)inion, that the Pushto language bears not the slightest resemblance to the Hebrew or Chaldaic, either in its grammar or vocabulary ; || and he imagines the Af^ans may belong to the great Indu-Teutonic family of nations, and are abo- rigines of the country they at present inhabit. This latter opinion, however, is proved to be an erroneous one, from the writings of various authors, and many well authenticated facts. The Baptist Missionaries of Serampiir consider that the Pushto and the * Since writing the ahove, Captain Vaughan, of the Bengal Aimy, has published a short " Grammar of the Pooshtoo." t A copious Dictionary, and a Text-Book containing selections in prose and verse from the works of the most standard authors, is now published, uniform with this work, X It is to be hoped the Professor wiU change his opinion now as regards the latter part of this sentence. § " A Chrestomathy of the Ptjshtu Language, with a Glossary." St. Petersburg, 1847. The work consists of extracts from a few of the best known Pushto authors, amongst which the odes of Midla iEabd-ui--Eahmun predominate. The text appears to have been printed from a recent and incorrect MS., and consequently is full of errors. In the Glossary, the meanings of many of the Pushto words are merely guessed at (!) and are very wide of the mark. II If we are to take the Glossary of Prof. Dorn as a specimen of the vocabulary of the Pushto, I should say the language bears more than a strong resemblance to Hebrew, Chaldaic, and other Semitic dialects, seeing that this Glossary contain.^ ninety per cent, of pure Arabic words. See pages 388, 389, and 390, in which there is not one Pushto word ; with two or three exceptions, they are all pure Arabic. 18 INTRODUCTION. Beliicli* languages form the connecting link between those of Sanskrit and those~of Hebrew origin ;t but, if we are to take their so-called translation of the :N'ew Testament (see subsequent note) as a specimen of their knowledge of Pushto, they are not authorities in the matter. M. Adelung, in his " Mithridates." vol. i. page 225, considers Pushto an original and peculiar dialect, but at the same time acknowledges his acquaintance with it to be very slight. Mr. Elphinstone, in his work on Kabul, vol. i. page 302, with reference to the Afo'han languao;e, considers that its origin cannot be easily discovered. He remarks, " a large portion of the words that compose it, as also most of the verbs and particles, belong to an unknown root, and in this portion are included most of those words which, from the early necessity for designating the objects they repre- sent, must have formed parts of the original language ; yet some of this very class belong to the Zend and Pehlavi, such as the terms for father and mother, sister and brother." He also further states, that out of two hundred and eighteen Pushto words, not one had the smallest appearance of being deducible from any of the Semitic languages ; but that a resemblance (five out of one hundred and ten words) can be traced between it and the Kurdish, considered to be an Indii- Germanic tongue. J One of the most decided proofs against the erroneous idea that the Afghans are the aborigines of the territory they at present inhabit, and that the Pushto is the original dialect of those countries, consist in the facts brought to light in the deciphering of the Bactrian and Indri-Scythian coins. M. Lassen, in his interesting and erudite work§ on this subject, very truly observes; '^ I indeed know that some have pretended to recognize the Af gh ans in Eastern Kabul, even as early as Alexander's time; hot so Mr. Elphinstone, || who rather proves their immigration into Kabul at a much later period. This conjecture has originated with Professor Wilken,f who thinks he recognizes the Af gh ans in the Assakanes. If these were indeed Afghans, the Afghan language would have been spoken throughout Kabul, and the language of the coins must be the source of the Pushto. Without observing that neither ancient authorities nor modern Afghan history** admit or require this supposition, the correct assertion of the learned * The Beluchkl is a mixture of Persian, Sindlil, PanjabT, Hindi, and Sanskrit, with some apparently exotic words, and cannot properly be called an original language. t They also notice the numerous pure Hebrew roots to be found in Pushto, which is not astonishing, considering that those roots are alike cognate to the Arabic and other dialects of the Semitic, which, being the sacred language of Islam, has entered largely into every Muhammadau tongue, and for which words there is generally no equivalent in them. X This probably refers to the vocabulary contained in the work in question, in which about one quarter of the words, or more, may be identified with Arabic and its cognates, and many others with Persian and Sanskrit. § "Points in tut: history of the Greek and Indl-Scythian Kings in Bactria, K.vbul, and India," p. 116. II " Account of Caudul," vol. ii., pp. 10, 33, 44, 50, and oG. 1[ " Abhandlg. der Berlin Acad.," 1818-19, p. 261. ** Baber does not mention anything about Afghans at Kabul, when ho took that city in the month of October, 1504 ; but he notices the tribe of TarkolarmT Afghans in Lamghun, a district on the northern bank of the Kabul river, and im- mediately west of Jelrdabfid. The TarkolaiTni tribe now occupy the country of Bajawrr, much further to the west. INTRODUCTION. 19 Academician himself, that the Afghans belonged to the Medo-Persic tribe, is at variance with it : the Assakanes inhabited a country, where even, in the 7th century, a.d., an Indian language was spoken." As the learned Professor urges — if the Afghans were the aborigines of the counti'ies they at present inhabit, the Afghan language must, as a matter of course, have been generally spoken. Had such been the case, the language on the coins must have been the source of the Pushto ; but no similarity whatever exists between them. The Af gh ans, although subdivided into numerous tribes, are undoubtedly one race, and speak one original language. Had they been the aborigines of the country at present known as Afghanistan, we must have heard something of them from ancient writers, for we find that, even in the time of Herodotus, Darius had sent an exploring expedition under Scylax of Caryanda and others as far as the Indus.* That the whole of the regions west of Jelalabad, or even as far west as Kabul, were peopled by a Hindu race, most ancient writers agree to, as also that they were of different tribes and spoke different languages. Herodotus says : " There are many nations of Indians, and they do not speak the same language as each other; some of them are l^omades, and others not."t Again the father of history observes : '' There are other Indians bordering on the city of Caspatyrus and the country of Pactyica, settled northwards of the other Indians, whose mode of life resembles that of the Bactrians."i The country here referred to — the same as Scylax and his companions started from on their voyage down the river — is the present district of Pakli, north of Attak. The Indians here mentioned are, in all probability, the ancestors of the race who still occupy that district, — the Suwatis, and the people of Astor and Gilgitt. It is therefore evident that the Afghans have immigrated into their present territories from the westward ; § and that the aborigines — the Seah-posh Kafirs, * " A great part of Asia was explored under the direction of Darius. He, being desirous to know where the Indus, which is the second river that produces crocodiles, discharged itself into the sea, sent in ships both others on whom he could rely to make a true report, and also Scylax of Caryanda. They accordingly, setting out from the city of Caspatyrus and the country of Pactyica, sailed down the river towards the east and sunrise to the sea." — " Melpomene," iv., p. 44. t " Thalia," iii., p. 98. + Ibid, iii., p. 102. § The empire of the Great Cyrus extended, according to the best authorities, from the JEgcan to the Indus, and from the Euxine and Caspian to Ethiopia and the Arabian sea. As it was customary to transport a whole tribe, and sometimes even a whole nation, from one country to another, and as the Jews were ever a stiff-necked race, is it not possible that the Great King may have transported some of the most troublesome amongst them to the thinly-peopled provinces of the east, where they would be too far away from their native land and captive countrymen to give trouble in future ? Or, as I have remarked in another place, is it not probable, as well as possible, that those of the Jews who could effect their escape might have fled eastward, preferring a wandering life in a mountainous country, with independence, to the grinding tjTanny of Cyrus's suc- cessors and their Satraps ? In fact, there was no other direction to which they could have fled, except towards the north, inhabited by the Scythians, who would have massacred, or at least made slaves of them, or have sold them as such ; or east- ward, which, being mountainous and but thinly peopled, was likely to afford them a permanent and secure retreat. According to Nifematu-1-lah, Zohak's children, to escape the exterminating vengeance of Feridun, fled for refuge to the Kohistan of Ghor, and settled there ; and, at his time, its only inhabitants were some scattered tribes of the Israelites, Afghans, and others. There are a number of Jews to be found in the south-west parts of India, and in the Bombay Army there are a great number. Where did they come from ? and when did they come ? Again, in the fifth year of Darius (A.M. 3488; Ant. J. C. 516), Babylon revolted, and could not be reduced until after 20 INTRODUCTION. or Black-clad Pagans; the Suwatis ; and the people inhabiting the hills to the north-east of Suwat, on the one side, and possibly the Beluchls and Jatts, on the other — have been forced, by the gradual advance of this powerful race, to move to the north-east and south-west respectively. I formerly entertained an idea that some affinity might exist between Pushto and the language of that strange people, the Gypsies, but subsequent inquiries have convinced me to the contrary, and I find that no trace of similarity exists between them. Whether the A fgh an language be a dialect of the Semitic, of Zend, or Pehlavi orio-in or of the Indian stock, I will leave for others better qualified to decide. Before entering into any investigation on the subject, it must be borne in mind that "no efi'orts of the learned can ever so far alter a language, as to deface everv line of resemblance between the speech of the present day and that of even the remotest ancestry : nothing but the absolute extirpation of the aboriginal natives can apparently accomplish so singular a revolution."* As an instance of this, we have merely to examine the present language of Persia, and the diff*erent dialects of the continent of India ; or for a still more convincing proof, to look into the Gothic and Celtic original of the modern European languages, amidst the polish and refinement of the Greek and Latin. Before bringing these rambling remarks to a close, I must notice a few of the most striking peculiarities of the Pushto language, which will, in some measure, serve as a guide in investigations as to its origin and affinity to the other dialects of the Asiatic continent. It will, however, be well, first to point out the best and most efiectual method of ascertaining the real affinity of Oriental languages. Baron "William Humboldt, in an essay on this highly important subject, remarks : "I confess that I am extremely averse to the system which proceeds on the supposition that we can judge of the affinity of languages merely by a certain number of ideas expressed in the difi'erent languages which we wish to compare. I beg you will not suppose, however, that I am insensible to the value and utility of the comparisons ; on the contrary, when they are well executed, I appreciate all their importance; but I can never deem them suffi- cient to answer the end for which they have been undertaken. They certainly form part of the data to be taken into account in deciding on the affinity of a siege of twenty months. It is therefore probable that the Jews, of whom a considerable number remained at Babylon, went out of the city before the siege was formed, as the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah had exhorted them long before, and Zachariah very lately in the following terms : " Thou daughter of Zion, that dwellcst with the daughter of Babylon, flee from the country and save thyself."— Isaiah, chap, xlviii., verse 20 ; Jeremiah, chap. 1., verse 8, chap, li., verses 6,9-45 ; Zachariah, chap. ii. It also appears that Ochus, son of Artaxcrxes Mnemon, carried a number of Jewish captives into Egypt, and many others into Hyrcania, where he settled them on the coast of the Caspian (A. M. 3653, Ant. J. C. 351) ; might not some have been sent eastward also ?— See " Solin. C." 35, " Euseb. in Chron." etc. * Richardson's " Dissertation." INTRODUCTION. 21 languages ; but we should never be guided by them alone, if we wish to arrive at a solid, complete, and certain conclusion. If we would make ourselves acquainted with the relation between two languages, we ought to possess a thorough and pro- found knozvledge of each of them. This is the principle dictated alike by common sense and by that precision acquired by the habit of scientific research. "I do not mean to say that, if ive are unable to attain a profound hiotvledge of each idiom, we should on this account entirely suspend our judgment : I only insist on it that tve should not prescribe to ourselves arbitrarii limits, and imagine that we are forming our judgment on a firm basis, while in reality it is insufficient. "But further, I am convinced that it is only by an accurate examination of the grammar of languages, that we can pronounce a decisive judgment on theii- true affinities. " If two languages, such, for instance, as the Sanskrit and the Greek, exhibit grammatical forms which are identical in arrangement, and have a close analogy in their sounds, we have an incontestible proof that these two languages belong to the same family. " The difference between the real affinity of languages, which presumes affilia- tion, as it were, among the nations who speak them, and that degree of relation which is purely historical, and only indicates temporary and accidental connec- tions among nations, is, in my opinion, of the greatest importance. !N'ow it appears to me impossible ever to ascertain that difference merely by the exami- nation of words, especially if we examine but a small number of them. " But whatever opinion may be entertained with respect to this manner of considering the difference of languages, it appears to me at all events ■demonstrated : First, that all research into the affinity of languages, which does not enter quite as much into the examination of the grammatical system as into that of words, is faulty and imperfect; and, secondly, that the proofs of the real affuiity of languages, that is to say, the question whether two languages belong to the same family, ought to be principally deduced from that alone ; since the identity of words only proves a resemblance such as may be purely historical and acci- dental." There are nine letters of the Arabic alphabet which never occur in pure Af gh an words,— tJL.', 7", .i, (^, j^. Is, ]i, 9, and L-5 ; and therefore the language really contains but twenty -nine letters, including five peculiar ones, to which, after a careful comparison of six hundred alphabets, I find that there is no similarity as to form or sound, either in Arabic, Zend, or Sanskrit ; but characters similar in sound are contained in most of the Semitic, and some Tartarian dialects. The Pushto letters with the corresponding ones in the languages referred to are as follow : — 22 INTRODUCTION. A. ts or ts, pronounced ise or t^e, has an equivalent in the Chaldaic <^ ts, Hebrew ^ tsode, Samaritan ili tsdde, Syriac ^ tsode, Ethiopic and Amharic A tsa, Armenian '^ ^ tsa, Palmy ren & ts, Phoenician ^ or ^ ts, Punic X ^^5 Kufic ^ ts, Georgian Cj ts, Mongolish " ts, Mandchu 3 tsa, Thibetan k ts, Albanian. % I ts, Coreau X A ^^j ^'^^ ^^^ Japanese :P ^ > tse. f. dz or ds, pronounced dze or dse, similar to the Hebrew T dsain, Aramaic | ds, Palmyren I ds, Phoenician ~Z_ ds, Kufic J ds, Syriac 1 1. dzain, the Assyrian cunei- form 3 ^f dz or ffe, Armenian "o^ * <^^«, Greek ^ zeta, Georgian ^ ds, Mongolish ^ £- ds, Corean x A ^'^j Mandchu ^ ^ ds, and Japanese ^^' c?^. J iirray, or r/'c^, for which, with the exception, perhaps, of the harsh W "^ rli of the Armenian, there is no equivalent in any of the known dialects of the old world. Some persons, and among them Major Leech, have considered the Sanskrit lingual ^ as similar in sound ; * but it is merely necessary to hear it pronounced by an A fgh an mountaineer to convince any one of the total difference ; indeed it is almost impossible to give a proper idea of its sound in writing. ^j4s Wjun or shey, bears some similarity to the > ^ li''ch of the Chaldaic, and with this exception, no sound like it is to be found amongst the letters of the six hundred alphabets before referred to.t J or ^ urnin or rrlin, is a combination of the sound of urjyuj and ^ niin, the latter nasal. It is quite impossible to acquire the real pronunciation, except from an Afghan mouth when using such a Avord as ^yu hUrmah, the eye-lash, or i^S^ liarjnaeii, stone. The ^^j run of the Sindhian language is like it in sound. Pushto also, lilie the Semitic dialects, of which family I am inclined to consider it, has the Vli with a strong aspiration, to which sound the Persians have an unconquerable antipathy ; indeed, their mouths seem to be so formed as to be unable to utter it. Like the Jews and Egyptians, as well as the Arabs, the Af^ans uniformly give the hard sounds, tli, d''h, ds, dtz, dz, etc., to those characters which the Persians have ever softened to z and s. The pronun- ciation too, is somewhat difficult on account of the use of several gutturals, and the combinations of such letters as (w-w, ^, L^ii^, etc., which are difficult to enunciate. ^ In harshness of pronunciation, and in the declensions of its nouns, it bears resemblance to the Zend and Pehlavi ; and, like the former language, can be, and often is, written in old works, on which alone we can place dependence, by distinct letters in the body of each word, instead of introducing the short vowels. Of the affinity of the Zend and Sanskrit, at present there is no doubt ; but the * Pushto ^ is equivalent to Sanskrit ^ t See " Die ScHiiiFTZEicHEN DBS gesammten Erdkreises." Vienna. 1851. Also, " Alphabete orientalischer UND occiDENTALiscHER," Sprachen zum Gebrauch fiir Scliriftsetzcr luul Correctoren, Leipzig. 1850. INTRODUCTION. 23 Pehlavi appears to have a greater affinity to the Arabic, and to differ little from the present language of Persia.* In Arabic and Persian it is impossible to sound a consonant which may be the first letter of a word, without the aid of a vowel, whilst in Pushto there are numbers of words beginning with a consonant immediately followed by another ; as, ^JLishpa/i, 'night ;' ^jj rwach, 'day ;' \t> ghld^ 'theft ;' ^icX-* Mlmtah, ' below.' The vowels and consonants used in Pushto have the same powers as those of the Arabic, Hebrew, and other Semitic dialects. Like them, it has but two genders, — the masculine and feminine ; but the former have a dual form, which is wanting in Pushto. In this respect the Afghan also differs distinctly from the Zend and the Sanskrit, both of which have a neuter gender, but agrees with the Pehlavi, from which the modern Persian is derived. In common with the Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian, it has the peculiar separable and inseparable pronouns, the latter being invariably attached to some preceding word, whether a noun, verb, or particle. When attached to nouns they signify possession or propriety ; with intransitive verbs in the course of conjugation, they are used in the place of personal pronouns ; and, with transitives, point out the objective case, t This is also a peculiar feature of the Sindhian language, which has several letters in common with Pushto, besides its own peculiar ones. The inflections of the Afghan verbs too, are formed according to the Arabic and Hebrew system, from two original tenses only — the mcizi or past, and the miizdrice or aorist, the past participle being used in the construction of the compound tenses, with the aid of the auxiliary, to he. Another peculiarity is, that the intransitive verbs agree in gender with the nominative, whilst the transitives are governed, both in gender and number, by the objective case. In many respects the Pushto syntax agrees with that of the Hebrew; and I have no doubt but that much greater affinity will be found to exist between them, if compared by any one well versed in the latter language. The Pushto language is spoken with slight variation in orthography and pronunciation, from the valley of Pishin, south of Kandahar, to Kafiiistan, on the north ; and from the banks of the Helmand, on the west, to the Attak, Sindhu, or Indus, on the east — tliroughout the Sama or plain of the Yusufzo'es ; the mountainous districts of Bjijawrr, PanjkoraJ Suwat, and Buner, to Astor, on the borders of Little Thibet — an immense tract of country, equal in extent to the entire Spanish peninsula. The numerous convulsions to which the country of the children of Af^anah * Sir William Jones stated that " liaviug compared a Pehlavi translation of the inscription in the Gulistan on the diadem of Cyrus, and from the Pazend -words in the Ferang-i Jehrmgiri, he became convinced that the Pehlavi is a dialect of thf Chaldaic." — Asiatic Eesearches. t See "Hebrew Gramjiar," by Professor Lee, p. 80, Art. 153, p. 260, Art. 220. Loudon. 1827- X Kor is the Pui^to for ' house,' and Panj the Persian for ' five.' 24 INTRODUCTION. has been subjected for the last seventy or eighty years, have necessarily affected their language also ; hence the great variation observable in the orthography and mode of writing of modern Pushto works. On this account, no dependence what- ever can be placed on any manuscript of later date than the reign of the founder of the Durani empire, — Ahmad Shah, Abdali (one of their poetical authors), or, at furthest, of his son, Timiir Shah ; for it is almost impossible to find two copies of an author, unless written by one person, agreeing on these essential points. I have in my possession a rare prose work, which was written in the reign of the Emperor Aurangzeb, which I picked up in a most out-of-way place — a pawn shop at Bombay. The mode of writing and orthography in it, I have generally adopted, together with that of the Makhzan Afghani, one of the earliest works we know of, throughout the following pages. The assistance which I have derived from a knowledge of the dialects of the neighbouring territories, to six of which I have devoted many years, has been very great, indeed more than I can well express. It has enabled me to trace words of Arabic, Persian, Tilrki, Sanskrit, and Hindi origin, greatly garbled in orthography, and vitiated in pronunciation, which a person unacquainted with them in any way would, in all probability, set down as pure Pushto. As an example of this, I will mention one instance alone. M. Klaproth, in his apparent eagerness for classing the Beliich language, which is a mixture of Persian, Sindhi, Panjabi, Hindi, and Sanskrit, amongst the Indu-Germanic family of tongues, commits an error, from, I fancy, ignorance of the Persian language. He gives the following table : — * BELUCH. GERMAN. LATIN. GREEK. ENGLISH. Shash Hapt Sechs Sex Septem Hepta Six Seven Now the Persian for six is ^-i* shash^ and seven is C-.Ai» haft^ which two words, to all appearance, have a greater affinity to the Belilch words here men- tioned, than to either German, Latin, Greek, or English ; in fact, they are pre- cisely the same words, for cJ (/) is used for and pronounced ^ {p) indiscriminately, and would be written exactly the same in both languages. If we consider that Beliichistan is merely separated from the Persian province of Kirman by a range of mountains, the similarity is naturally accounted for, without leaving Asia for that purpose, as the learned Professor appears to have done, — '' Ea sub oculis posita negligimus: proximorum incuriosi, longinqua sectamur." I think it will be generally allowed that, at the present time, a knowledge of the language of Af^anistan is a desideratum, holding as we do the Derajat, * I am indebted for this to Thornton's "Gazetteer." INTEODUCTIOK. 25 Banu Tiik, Koliatt, Peshawer, and the Samali, or Plain of the Yusufzo'es, through- out which districts, with the exception of Dera Ghazi Khan, nine-tenths of the people speak no other dialect. By being acquainted with this language, an officer can communicate personally with the people of the country, and give ear to their complaints, without the aid of moonshees and others as interpreters. In respect to police officers, they can thereby communicate their secret orders direct, without fear of betrayal by a third party. Much discontent and heart-burning is enkindled in the minds of the Afghans, who are by nature a proud, fiery, and independent race, from having to come into contact with natives of Hindustan, whom they hold in supreme contempt ; and their former triumphs over whom, at Paniput and other places, they do not appear to have forgotten. We have also in Sindh and the Panjab seven local infantry corps,* which contain at least a proportion of one half Af gh ans or Rohilas, whose native tongue is Pus^to, and many of whom understand Hindiistani but imperfectly from the lips of a qualified interpreter. A translation of the Articles of War can be easily made, of which a specimen will be found in the apj)endix to this Grammar. At Courts Martial a colloquial knowledge is indispensable ; and all officers in those corj)S, as well as others holding appointments, of whatever description, beyond the Indus, should be expected to qualify themselves in the Pushto language. The plea hitherto has been the want of books, but I trust that my humble efi'orts during the last nine years will have removed that excuse. The Eussians appear to have paid considerable attention to, and to have made some progress in, the study of Pushto, if we may judge fr^om the work (although containing very numerous errors) published some time since by Professor Dorn, of St. Petersburg, who was the first to produce a work in the language. The age of Dost Muhammad Khan is now so great, that in all probability a year or two more must terminate the earthly career of that extraordinary man. His death will be the signal for the commencement of civil dissensions, and doubt- less many astonishing changes will take place in Afghanistan. Opportunities may offer themselves for the renewal of friendly intercourse between the two nations, which should not be allowed to pass ; and trade and commerce should be encouraged by all and every legitimate means. This effected, there is not much fear of the Russians establishing themselves in Afghanistan ; although, should they even succeed in debouching from the Khaiber Pass on the plain of Jamrud, there is not much doubt but that they will merely add other heaps to the bones which have already whitened on that scene of numerous conflicts. The object of Russia, however, does not appear to be Af^anistan alone :t for * This force has been very largely increased within the last two years, and now amounts to some thii-ty regiments, or even more, many of which, consisting entirely of Afghans, behaved nobly before Dehli and other places during the late rebellion. t " One of the principal objects he (Prince Gortschakoff, Governor- General of Siberia,) had in view, was the organization of a Russian settlement through the Kii-ghis Steppes, in the direct line to Thibet. The distance, as the crow flies, from Omsk / 26 INTRODUCTION. twelve years back we have heard of their having established a line of Cossack posts, provided with guns, and all the munitions of war, on nine of the twelve hundred versts of desert, which separates the city of Omsk, the capital of Western Siberia, from the Thibetan frontier. Peshawer, some fifty or sixty years since, was one of the principal seats of Muhammadan learning, and by many was considered a more learned city than even Bokhara itself. The custom is for boys and girls of from five to twelve years of age to go to the same school. After learning the letters, they immediately commence reading the Kuran in Arabic, but of course without understanding it. On its completion they begin to read some Pushto work, usually a commentary on the Kuran, or an explanation of the rites and ceremonies of their faith, such as may be found in the simple little work entitled Eashid-ul-By'an, or some such religious subject. After the twelfth year, the girls either attend a dame's school, or, if their parents can afi'ord it, are taught at home. Sometimes boys under twelve years of age, go to a dame's school with grown up girls of fifteen and upwards ; but this custom is only prevalent at a distance from towns, as in most large places there are sepa- rate schools for males and females. The scholars either pay a small sum monthly to their teacher, or make him a present after having completed the perusal of the Kuran, according to the position and means of their parents. Amongst some tribes a portion of land is allotted to the Mulla or Priest, who also acts as village schoolmaster. to the frontier of Thibet, is twelve hundred versts : through a part of this desert the natives are on fi'iendly terms with the Russians. So soon, therefore, as a permanent settlement is established through the whole distance, immense advantages will be gained to Russian commerce. At this moment this object is accomplished in nine hundred versts, or three quarters of the way. A line of Cossacks is permanently formed, provided with guns, ammunition, and aU the necessaries for a fixed residence, which may be liable to hostile incursions from time to time. The Kirghis, however, stand in such awe of the Cossacks, and the benefits they derive from trading with Russia arc so great, that the caravans now go as securely the whole nine hundred versts, as in any part of the empire. Every summer sees some fresh point gained; and there is no doubt, that in a few years, the Russian dominion will only end where that of Thibet begins. They were for some time stopped by a district more desert and in- hospitable than the rest, which was supposed to reach to the Thibetan frontier ; but it has been discovered by a Cossack, who was three years prisoner in the country, that it only extends about ninety versts, and he described the other side of it as being fertile, well watered, and altogether different from the other Steppes. There will, therefore, probably be no fiu-ther obstacle to their progress, and a glance at the map will show that they are much nearer to our Indian frontier here, than by any other road they can take. " Once established as far as the boundary of Thibet, the Russians wiU have no great difficulty in obtaining a footing in it, and a transit for their merchandize to India would be a matter of course. " There is at Omsk a military school where five hundred boys are educated, who are to become soldiers, most of them being soldiers' children, some few Kirghis, and the sons of exiles. The establishment is admirably conducted : we went over it several times, and nothing could exceed the regularity and order which prevailed. There is another military school for Cossacks only, and the boys are destined for a different career in some respects from the others. We may safely defy any country in the world to produce an establishment in any way superior to this ; our only doubt is, if it is not too good for those who are brought up in it, considering what then- future destination is likely to be. The boys are taught drawing, algebra, languages, history, and fortification ; the first class, who were aU under seventeen years of age, studied principally the Oriental languages, and arc intended for interpreters and agents in the East. We were told by General Schramm, who has the super- intendence of the school, that most of those Avho composed the fii-st class understood Mongolish, Arabic, and Persian, and have also native youths to teach them the patois of the nomadic tribes. "We cannot, however, wonder, when these pains are taken in the wilds of Siberia to educate boys for the services they ' are to perform as men, that Russian diplomatic agents should be so superior to our own ; and the habit of thinking such a preparation must have created, cannot fail to give them great advantages as negotiators and general agents." — Recollections OF Siberia in the Years 1840 and 1841, by C. H. Cottrell, Esq. London : J. W. Parker. INTRODUCTION. 27 Unlike most eastern nations, the Af gh ans appear to regard women in a great measure on an equality with themselves, in this world at least; and the latter generally receive some sort of education. Many of the A fgh an females are famous for their knowledge of Pushto, which they both read and write ; indeed most of the works on religious subjects, and the rites and ceremonies of the Muhammadan faith, appear to be perused by them more than by the men. The daughter of the late Dalll Khan, Arbab, or chief of Torii,* is justly celebrated for her learning, and general proficiency in the Afghan language. Another young person dwelling in the Yusuf-zi district, supports herself, and also assists her family, by copying Pushto books. She writes a nice hand, and copies very correctly : the MS. copy from which my Text Book is printed is chiefly from her pen. The custom with all copyists is, to write their names, and the date on which they complete a work, on. the last page ; but it being considered a breach of delicacy for a female to sign her own name, she inserts that of her father instead. The young woman to whom I now refer is unmarried, and declares her intention of leading a single life, and devoting herself to literature. Considering the abject state in which the Muhammadan women are kept, I think this a very favourable feature in the Afghan character. The Afghan language, taking all things into consideration, is very rich in literature. There have been numerous poets, of whom JEabd-ur-Eahman, who flourished in the reign of the Moghal Emperor, Aurangzeb, is, perhaps, the best known, and, consequently, most generally esteemed. He was a Mulla or Priest ; and his writings, which are of a religious and moral character, are collected in the form of a Diwan, — a Persian term, given to a certain number of odes ending with each letter of the alphabet, from a to ?/. The Dlwan is the mode in which most of the poetical works are arranged. The next most popular poet, whose poems would be the more highly esteemed if better known, particularly in Europe, is Khilshhal Khan, the celebrated chief of the powerful clan of Khattak, in the reigns of Shah Jehan and Aurangzeb. A warrior as well as a poet, he passed the greater portion of his life in struggling against the oppressive power of the latter Emperor; and defeated the Moghal troops in many an engagement, as he proudly mentions in his '' Ode to Spring." Some of his odes, written during his exile in India, are very beautiful, and evince a spirit of patriotism and love of home and country not usual in the Oriental heart, but such as we might look for in the Scottish Highlander or the Swiss mountaineer. The following verse from a poem, written during his confinement in the fortress of Gwalior, by order of Aurangzeb, is characteristic of the man : — Cheer up then heart ! I have by me, A healing balm for every thi-oe — That Khushhal Khan's an Afghan true, Aurangzeb's mortal foe. * Toru, or Tolu, is a to^vn or cluster of villages in the Yusufzo'e country, about eleven miles north of Nohshairah, and containing about 5,000 inhabitants. 28 INTRODUCTION. KliusKhal was unfortunate with regard to some of his children, of whom he had no less than fifty-seven sons, besides a number of daughters. One of these sons, named Bahram, several times attempted to obtain possession of his father's person to place him in confinement, and, on more than one occasion, even made attempts on his life, in order to get the chieftainship into his own hands. !N'otTsdthstanding all these troubles, however, he was a most voluminous writer, and composed no less (it is said by his family) than three hundred and sixty works, both in the Afghan and the Persian language. The names even of most of these are now lost ; but the following are a few which have come under my own obser- vation : — 1. A Diwan, or collection of odes ; 2. Kuliyat, containing an immense number of poems and odes ; 3. The Baz Namah, a treatise on the diseases of hawks and falcons, with their cure; 4. Hadayah, a work on religious jurisprudence, translated from the Arabic ; 5. JEinayah, on the same subject, and from the same language; 6. Dastar JN'amah, a treatise on the turban, and the various modes of wi'apping it round the head, and the prayers to be used on such occasions; 7. Silihat-ud-din, a medical work ; 8. Fazal ISTamah, a dispute between the sword and the pen, with the peculiar excellencies of both ; and 9. Eubaseiyat, a collection of stanzas of four lines. Khushhal also invented a sort of short-hand, or cipher, which was known only to himself and family. It is termed zanj'in^ or ' chained.' I have several speci- mens in my possession, but the key has been lost for many years. A History of the Af gh ans has been erroneously attributed to Khushhal Khian by Mr. Elphinstone, who is so generally correct ; as also a translation into Pushto, of Pilpay's Fables — the Anwari Suhaili of the Persian — and entitled ^ayar Danish, or ' Touchstone of Wisdom.' This is, however, incorrect. The author of the history in question, the only known copy of which I have now before me, is Afzal Khan, the son of Ashraf Khan, who, on the death of his father in the Dakhan, where he had been confined as a state prisoner for the last ten years of his life, succeeded his grandfather, Khushhal, in the chieftainship of the Khattak tribe. The work is very extensive, consisting of upwards of 1,600 pages in small folio, and is entitled, Tarildi-i-Murrassoe, or the ' Gold and Gem Studded History.' The translation of Pilpay's Fables is also by Afzal Khan, and was, as he states in the Preface, undertaken in his fifty-third year, from the abridgment of the Anwari SuhailT, by the celebrated Ab-ul-Fazal, minister of the Emperor Akbar, and made by direction of that monarch. It was entitled ' Kalilah-wo-Damnah;' and is a great improvement on the bombastic and long-drawn style of the original. Afzal Khan's work may have at first been named ^ayar Danish ; but in the Preface he says, that on a second revision, he determined to give his work the title of ^ilm Khanah-i- Danish, or the ' Science-house of Knowledge ;' or ' Kalilah-wo-Damnah' — the names of the two wise jackals mentioned in the work. This book is rare. INTRODUCTION. 29 Afzal Khan wrote a few other works, and made a number of translations from Arabic and Persian, chiefly historical, viz. : — Asesam-i-Kiifl, containing the prin- cipal incidents of the life of Muhammad; Si'ar-i-MuUa Masein; and Tafsir-i-Kur'an, a commentary on the Kuran. He left four sons, one of whom Kazim, surnamed Shaida, or ' The Lovelorn,' was the author of a Diwan, the original and only known copy of which, most beautifully written, with the author's own revisional marks, is in my possession. His style is not so simple as that of the Afghan poets generally — the great charm of their writings — but his poems are of a superior order. He uses many Persian words; and the odes approach nearer than any others to the polish of the poetry of the Persians. The literary talent, inherent, it would appear, in Khushh'l's family, is sur- prizing. Five of his sons are also the authors of many excellent works : — Ashraf Khan, the eldest son, appears to have passed a considerable portion of his life as a state prisoner of Aurangzeb, who probably imagined tha' KhushluiPs patriotism would be restrained as long as his firstborn should remain in his power. The name assumed by Ashraf, according to the custom of eastern poets, is ' The Severed or Exiled ; ' and, as might well be imagined, his poems are most pathetic in their style, but at the same time contain many admirable sentiments. The place of Ashraf's exile was Bijapur, a strong fortress in the Dakhan, and where his poem.s were composed : here, too, it was that he died, severed from home and friends. ^abd-ul-Kadir Khan, who wielded his sword as bravely as his pen, wrote a Diwan, or collection of odes, and the love tale of Adam and Durkhana'i, so cele- brated throughout the Af gh an country. He also translated into Pushto, Jaml's poem of Yiisuf and Zulikha ; and the Gulistan and Postiln of Shaykh Sasedi ; all three celebrated works in the Persian language ; and a little work entitled Museamma, or ' Enigmas and Eebuses.' Sadr Khan — another son — was the author of a Diwan, and a poem on the popular love tale of Adam and Durkhana'i, already referred to. He also translated into Af^ani the well-known Persian poem of Khusrau and Shirin of Nizami, the first of Persia's romantic poets. Another son — Sikandar Khan — wrote the poem of Mihr-wo-Mushtari ; and a collection of odes. A fifth son — Gohar Khan — also wrote a number of minor poems, together with numerous enigmas and chronograms. JEabd-ur-Eahim, ISTusrat Khan, Shahzadah Sikandar, ^ajab Khan, Kamgar Khan, and others of the family, were also gifted with the poetical genius, but their compositions are not to be met with in the present day. Another still more singular circumstance regarding this family, and 'pav- ticularly when we consider the condition of females in Eastern countries, is the fact that numbers of the ladies of Khushhal's family were also gifted with the 30 INTRODUCTION. cacoethes scrihendi, and composed numerous poems ! One of KhushliaPs own wives, the mother of Ashraf Khan, was a poetess of no mean powers ; and although the mention of the females of their families is a most delicate matter with all Af^ans, I have been so fortunate in my researches, that, with the aid of a friendly chief, to whom I am imder considerable obligations, I have been able to obtain some of the poetical effusions of the lady referred to, who, it must be remembered, wrote two hundred years since. These will appear in the Text-Book ; and also in the translations of some of the choicest of the Afghan poems, a selection from which, together with the memoirs of the different authors, I hope, in the course of next year, to offer to the public in an English dress. I have also been so fortunate as to discover, since the first edition of this Grammar was published three years since, a collection of poems of great merit, by Khwajah Muhammad of the Bangasli tribe, whose work has seldom been heard of, much less seen, in Af^anistan itself. The author lived in Aurangzeb's reign, and led the life of a recluse. The poems of Ahmad Shah Abdali, the great founder of the Durani monarchy, and the conqueror of the Murathi host at PanTpat, are principally in an amorous and metaphysical strain. His poetry is much esteemed, more so, perhaps, than its merit demands. The next author to be noticed is MuUa ^abd-ul-Hamid, who flourished in the time of Timur, the son and successor of Ahmad Shah, towards the latter part of the last century. His odes, which are mostly of an amorous or moral tendency, contain many admirable sentiments, which would be creditable to any European author. He is the cynical poet and Shaykh Satedi of the Pushto ; and I must say I prefer his poems to any of the others, except those of Khushhal, whose style, however, is very different. Up to the present day he has certainly never been, neither is he likely to be, surpassed ; and the beauty of his compositions is even acknowledged amongst a nation so rich in poets as the Persians, by whom he is styled 'Hamid, the hair-splitter.' The numerous extracts I have taken from his works, as examples in the Grammar, will give some idea of his poems. His odes are entitled, Dur-wo-Marjan — 'Pearls and Corals.' He is also the author of a poem called Kairang-i-seishk, or ' Love's Fascination.' It appears to have been translated from a Persian work of the same name, the author of which was a native of the Panjab. The next poet in point of popularity is Mirza Khan, a descendant of the notorious Bayizid Ansari, the founder of the Eoshanian sect, presently to be referred to. His odes are highly metaphysical in their strain, and in accordance with the mystical tenets of the sect ; but, at the same time, I must acknowledge that some of them are very sublime. He has been sometimes erroneously called Fat'h Khan, Yusufzi, which also led me astray in my remarks on the literature of the Afghans, in the first edition of this work. His poems are somewhat rare. INTRODUCTION. 31 Kasim ^li Khan, of the notorious tribe of Afridi, is the author of a Dlwan ; but his odes bear the stamp of mysticism, and are of no particular merit. He was, however, a Hindustani Afghan, a very different style of being to the real. He was born at Farrukhabad, in Hindustan, in the time of Nawwab Muzaffar Jang ; and, according to the account given of himself in one of his odes, he was acquainted with Afghani, Arabic, Tiirki, Persian, HindT, and a little English. He has devoted an entire ode to the abuse of the English, just arrived in India, whom — fore- stalling the first Napoleon — he denominates " A nation of shop-keepers, who, in Hindustan, have turned soldiers." There are other poetical works of great merit in the Pushto language, now rarely to be met with ; such as the Diwan of Shah Sharf, of Jelalabad, which is said to be superior to Hamid's ; and that of Pir Muhammad of Kandahar ; the Diwan of ^li Khan ; the poems of Dawlat, said to have been a Hindvi ; and those of Mian ^abd-ur-Eahim ; Meher ^li ; Arzani ; Ghulam Kadir ; Latarr ; ^li Khan ; Karim Khan ; Jan Muhammad ; Fazil ; Mukhlis ; Sahib Shah ; and Meher Shah. Shah Sharf also translated the Arabic poem, known as the Kasidah Bardah, into Pushto. Mulla Dadin, Khattak, who flourished in the reign of Ahmad Shah, Abdali, also composed a collection of odes, as well as a little work on theology, entitled Muntakhab-ul-eeakayid, from the Ai-abic. There are also a few living poets whose compositions are by no means deficient in merit, the chief of whom are Mi' an Muhammad Bakir, surnamed ^abd, and Mi'an Muhammad, surnamed Naghzi ; but their works have not been published. The romantic and interesting poems of Saif-ul-Muliik and Badri Jamal, by Ghulam Muhammad ; and Bahram Giir, by Fy'az, must not be overlooked. The authors were minstrels who sung their own compositions on festive occasions, much in the same manner as our bards of old. These effusions were frequently composed at the request of, or to be dedicated to, some chieftain who generally paid liberally for the honour. The other few works deserving of notice, are : The Tale of the Eose and the Pine ; The Jang Namah of Amir Hamzah ; Shah Gada, ' The King of the Beggars '; and a few others. There are some poetical works of less importance, pretty generally known, viz. : The Tale of Sultan Jumjumah, by Emam-ud-Din ; Mceraj Namah, by Ghulam Muhammad; Eashid-ul-By'an, by Akhiind Eashid, a sort of religious Text-book and Catechism for women and children ; Mukhammas, * of ^abd-ul-Kadir ; Majmiiseat-i-Kandahari, and a few others of a similar character. The works of many authors are little known, because all books have to be copied by the professional scribes chiefly, as was the case in the dark ages of * A kind of verse containing five lines. 32 INTRODUCTION. Europe before Guttenbui'g conferred his blessing on mankind; and the charge for transcribing is high. It follows, therefore, that only those in comparatively easy circumstances can afford to purchase such expensive luxuries as books. The prose wi'itings are also numerous, particularly on divinity. The most ancient author amongst the Eastern Af^ans, that I am able to discover, is Shaykh Mali, a chief of the Yiisufzis, who wrote a history of the conquest of Suwat, and other mountain countries north of the Kabul river, by that powerful tribe, between the years 816 and 828 of the Hijrah — a.d. 1413 to 1424 — and the account of the measurement by his orders of the conquered hmds, and distribution of them amongst the different clans and families of Yusuf and Mandarr, and the Kabulis, Lamghanis, and people of I^angrahar, who had accompanied them in their immigration into the Peshawer valley. It was Shaykh Mali who instituted the ivesli^ or interchange of land every three or four years, peculiar to the Yiisufzis and a few petty clans connected with them, referred to by Elphinstone in his "Account of Caubul,"* under the name oitoaish^ and which is, as in days of yore, rigidly observed in the present day. Some years subsequently, in the year of the Hijrah 900 — a.d. 1494 — Khan Kaju became chief of the Yusufzis ; and during his rule the conquest of Buner and Panjkorah was completed. Of these events he wrote an account, and included in it the history of the Yusufzi tribe, from the period of its departure from Kabul, during the reign of Mirza Ulugh Beg, grandson of Timur, down to his own time.t Both these works are extensive, but they are not procurable. They would be invaluable, as being likely to throw some light on the Suwati dynasty of the Johangirlan Sultans, claiming descent from Alexander the Great, and who, up to the conquest by the Yusufzis, held all the hill countries north of the Kabul river, as far west as the Indus, together with the Alpine Punjab as far east as the Jhilum or Ilydaspes. The other more important prose writings are those of Bazid, or Bayizid Ansari, the founder of the Eoshanian sect, whose tenets caused such a sensation throughout the Afghan countries, and some parts of India, during the reign of the Emperor Akbar. Bazid took to himself the name of Pir-i-Eoshan, or the 'Saint of Light,' from the Persian word ^ ro'shdn^ signifying 'light,' and hence the name given to the whole sect. One work is entitled Khair-ul-By'an, or ' Exposition of Good- ness,' written in four languages — Pushto or Afghani, Arabic, Persian, and Hindi, to which Akhiind Darwezah gave the title of Sharr-ul-By'an, or ' Exposition of Depravity ;' another, entitled Khurpan, the meaning of which word is not known at present, a burlesque on the word, "Furkan," as the Kuran is also called; and, * Vol. ii., p. 20. t This history is the one from which the Persian work, Tarikh Hafii; Eahmat KhanI, now in the East India House, was oomposed, a.h. 1184. INTRODUCTION. 33 like the others, is written in contempt of the Muhammadan faith; together with several pamphlets on the same subject. Copies of his works are exceedingly scarce, all having been burnt on which the Mullas could lay their hands during his lifetime, and at his death, and the subsequent dispersion of the sect. There are no doubt copies existing in the possession of those Avho still secretly follow his doctrines, and they are not a few, but they fear to produce them. Bazid or Pir Eoshan was principally assisted in his literary labours by Mulla Arzani, whose pen was a very sharp one. The latter was also the author of a Diwan, and other poetical works, which have now entirely disappeared. The Makhzan-ul-asrar, or Makhzan Af gh ani, as it is more commonly called, was written, as well as other works, by Akhiind Darwezah,* the venerated Saint of the Afghans, in refutation of the opinions of Pir Eoshan, who found a bitter an- tagonist in the Akhund, who conferred upon him the nick-name of Pir-i-Tarik, or the 'Saint of Darkness,' by which he is best kno^vn in Afghanistan up to the present day. Akhiind Darwezah is said to have been the author of upwards of fifty works, the greater number pamphlets probably ; but with the exception of the foregoing, and the Tazkirat-ul-abarar, in Persian, they are not known in the present day. His son Karim Dad appears to have assisted his father in the composition of these works. The other prose writings remaining to be noticed, are, the Fawa'id-ush- Shari'aea'h, or 'Advantages of the Laws Ecclesiastical,' a very valuable work, written in the year a.h. 1125, a.d. 1713, by Akhund Kasim, who was the chief prelate and the head of all the Muhammadan ecclesiastics of Hasht-nagar and Peshawer, which places, in those days, rivalled Bokhara itself, in learning ; the works of Babii Jan, a converted Si-ah-posh Kafir, who, having acquired a great name amongst the Muhammadans for his learning, again relapsed ; the Jang Namah, containing the history of Hasan and Husain, by Ghulam Muhammad ; another work on the same subject by Sayyid Hasan, written about a hundred years since ; the Nur Nama'h, by Jan Muhammad ; Adam and Durkhana'i, by Fakhr-ud-Din, Sahibzadah ; Gulistan-i-Eahmat, by Nawwab Muhammad Mustajib Khan, in the year 1800 a.d. ; Tafsir, a commentary and paraphrase of the Kur'an; Hazar Masa'il ; Hiyatu-l-Muminm ; Akhir Nama'h, and several others. Copious extracts from the choicest of the works mentioned in the foregoing pages, both poetical and prose, will be found in the Text Book, published at the same time as this work. Besides the translations into Pushto from the Persian and Arabic authors * Professor Dom in his " Chrestomathy " states that Akhund Darwezah was the first author who composed in the Afghan language ; but he neither states how he has arrived at this conclusion, nor his authority for such a statement. In the same manner he considers Khushhal Klian to be the author of Adam Khan and Durkhana'i. Both conclusions are entirely incorrect. Shaykh Mali, as shown in the preceding page, wrote his history about a century-and-a-half before. In the same manner, it is proved that two of Khushhal' s sons, each composed a poem on the love tale of Adam Khan and Durkhana'i. Another version, in prose, by one Fakhr-ud-DTn, was written about a hundi-ed years ago. 34 INTRODUCTION. already emimerated, both poetical and prose, there are a few others which have come under my own observation: — the Gulistan of Sasedl, translated by Amir Muliammad, Ansarl; Majniin and Laihl of Jam!, by Bai Khan, of Bimer; the Kasidah Sun'ani ; and the KasTdah Bardah, by Akhiind Darwezah.* There are two valuable lexicographical works, — the Ei'az-ul-Mahabbat, or ' Gardens of Friendship,' by the Nawwab Hafiz Mahabbat Khan, compiled at the request of Sir George Barlow in 1805-6. It is an extensive work, but is chiefly devoted to the conjugation of the Afghan verbs, which are exceedingly difficult from their irregularity. The author, however, was a native of Hindustan ; and many peculiarities regarding the verbs and tenses, of which he must have been ignorant, have been omitted. The vocabulary is valuable. The other work, entitled jEaja'ib-ul-Lughat, or 'Curiosities of Language,' was written about the year 1808, by Nawwab Allah Yar Khan of the Barech tribe, who was also a native of India, but it is very valuable. There is a host of ballad writers, and some of their compositions, sung by the wandering minstrels, are very spirited, and put me in mind of those of our own land. During my residence at Peshawer I had several of them written out. The following is a specimen of one which I have attempted to turn into English ballad style, retaining in some measure the metre of the original. The translation is almost literal. THE FIGHT AT N H S'H A I R AH.f In misery aud grief I'm plungVl, By nithlcss Fate's decree ; Alas ! that from its cruel laws There's no escape for me. He first did march to WuzTr Bagh, + "WTiere cypresses do wave ; And there he muster' d all his clan — They were like lions brave. What shall I say of Abbiis Khfui, That Khattak chief so bold ; At his sad fate I'm sorely grievM, And that by me 'tis told. He from Peshawer then did start, For ^azim Khan to fight ; And with five hundred Kliattaks true, He reached Nohshair that night. * The so-called translation into Pushto of the New Testament, made by the Serampore Missionaries in 1818, bears a very slight resemblance to the Sacred Writings ; in fact, it is quite painful to read. I will merely give one specimen— the well- known verso from the Sermon on the Mount—" Jiidffe not, that ye be not judged." The Pushto is in the following terms :— ''Do not justice unto any one, lest justice shall he done unto you ! !" Is this Christian doctrine.' Verily, if Infidels are to judge of our religion from such translations as this, it is not to be wondered at that they should scofi" at it, hold our faith in ridicule, and call us kafirs or blasphemers. It is quite evident that, in making this translation, the English has been merely transposed for the Pushto, without the slightest consideration as to difference of idiom, style, and arrangement of the languages. I trust the other translations of the Scriptures are bettor than the Pu-s^hto one, which is the most ridiculous thing I liavc^ ever met with. t The battle of Noh;;^iairah was fought in 1823, between the Afghans under Sirdar Muhammad JE-.vmn Khan, Burakzo'e, brother of Dost Muliammad Klian, and the Sikhs under Runjlt Singh, in which Abbas Kluln, Kluittak was slain, besides a host of Yusufzo'es. X The Wuzir Bagh, or Minister's Garden, lies outside the city of Peshawer to the south. It contains a residence, and was remarkable on account of the number of cypress trees it formerly contained. The garden was laid out by Sirdar Fat'b Khan, the celebrated Wuzir of Muliammad Shah, and the brother of Dost Muhammad Klian, Barakzo'e, ruler of Kabul. The garden has since been chiefly occupied by the other brother. Sultan Muhammad Khan, and his numerous Haram. INTEODUCTION. 35 When morning dawn'd, the Sikhs advanc'd The Afghan host to crush ; But GhazTs* they, on Nanak's sonsf Did like a torrent rush. On Khaiher's heights, when rains do pour. And wintry blasts do blow, The little riUs, to torrents swell' d. All Jamrud's plain J o'erflow. That day they kill'd of Singhs enough Of heads to raise a dome ; But 'twas decree'd Nohshairah's plain To them should be a tomb. At eventide, the chieftain's steed Fell midst a heap of slain ; By night, his band, oh ! where were they ? Dead on the bloody plain ! Night clos'd around him, still he fought, All faint and out of breath : A Houri's § hand the Sherbet gires ; The Martyr meets his death. To spare his life, the Sikhs they did Pledge every sacred word : No Heav'n they dread^deceitful foes ! They put him to the sword. In Akorra || when this tale was told, The people were dismay' d ; And when night came, the hero's corse They from the field convey'd. It seem'd the latter day was come. So sore aggricv'd were they ; And minstrels did their rebeks break, Deep sorrow to display. Next morning from Akon-a then Set out a mournful train ; And to Peshawer bore the corpse, Of him so basely slain. The people of Peshawer wept, When they his fate did hear ; And then they laid the body in The grave-yard of Panj Pir. H Hakim ! lament for Abbas Khan, That Khattak chief so bold ; Oh where ! the like of him, oh where ! Shall we as^ain behold ? * Ghazi — one who fights against infidels, a gallant soldier. t Nanak — the name of the Saint of the Sikhs, and the founder of the sect. J "Jamrud's plain"— "After heavy rains in the mountains, the rivulets, swelled to torrents, rush from the hills with violence, and carry everything before them." See my Account of Peshawer: On the rivers of the Province. "Bombay Geographical Transactions," 1851-52. § Hour! — a black-eyed nymph of the Muhammadan Paradise, of which every true believer is to have no less than seventy-two. II Akorra is a small town about ten miles west of the Indus or Attak : it is the chief town of the Khattak tribe. H " The grave-yard of Panj Plr" — the Zl'arat-i-Panj Pir, or the " Shrine of the Five Saints," is situated about a mile south-east of Peshawer. EERATA. IISrTUODTJCTION PAGE LINE roR 11 (note) 24 Ismsell, G K ^^ M M -A. K. 2 25 A 9 30 piercetli, 31 30 Jr^ 39 31 beliavetli, 41 27 ^J ^^, 76 20 ^' '^^ 96 13 ^V) 99 9 ^4X*~Jt 103 4 ~^y 113 14 from, )> 33 brother's, 121 11 liisown, 122 28 found, 123 10 called, >> 28 heard. 137 23 itcomes, 151 33 have done, 152 8 have done, 154 35 i^r'r 162 12 caused to fly, etc. 164 14 'Ji^j 177 15 yai-i-nishut, 193 25 my water-vessel, 200 16 ^} v^W "^ 204 18 ^^ «« 23 READ Ismaseil. piercest. behavest. > ^ < for. brothers'. his own. finds. calls. hears. it comes. have or has done. have or has done. Jyi. or^ caused to fly. ya-i-nisbut. MY water-vessel. ^3 L^V*^ d GRAMMAR OF THE PTJK'HTO OR PUS'HTO LANGUAGE. " In languages -wliicli have both a written and a spoken form, the usages of the former rather than the latter are held to detcnuinc the rules of grammar. The written is always more perfect than the spoken form of a language. The latter exhibits rtc^rta^ usage ; but the former exhibits also m«(;2om«/ and ?'(?;;! » V •lA *•* J V « pey P- 5) J> o •• -* • • • • tey t. " " [to the palate. ^ ;; • • • • ttcy tt. By reverting the point of the tongue iJJ • • • 9 ?PJ s. As th in thing, or lisped s. f. • * tzey ts or tz. As i?s or ^.^-j in Hebrew IJ tsodc. z. 4 • jim J- Asj m judge. ^ ^ L5^ chey ch. As in church. c ^ .ii- L5^ hey h. Strongly aspirated, as in donble h. * • • • • 4 yhey kh. Guttural, as ch in Scotch loch. 3 tX Jb Jli ddl d. As in dear. «^ <> ^ Jb dflal dd. Harsh, as double d, or Sanskrit ^. • 3 « * JV. zal z. As in zeal ; by Arabs dth. J ^ J. ':6 rey r. As in run. J J J ^J rrey rr. As broad Northumbrian r. • J • * J ^j zey z. As in Enghsh. ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ z. rs • •• • dzey ds or dz. As ds or dz would be in English, or J A J -J jzey jzey As s in pleasure, or soft French^'. ( By reverting the point of the tongue on the 1 palate. It is^a slight degree harsher than ( the Persian j . Lr ^WM> «Wh^ I^Jrt-^ sin s. As in sense. lP /. A shin sh. As sh in shell. u^ * * • Khln shey Idi (E.) ( sh (W.) J Peculiar to Pushto. Pronounced by bringing the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. UNCON- NECTED. MEDIAL. : INITIAL. NAMES. NAMES. ROMAN. EXAMPLES. U^ -^ -o :>\^ S7Vdd s. or ss. As ss in dissolve. l> • * :>[^ zwdd ?• As in English ; by Arabs drvd. 1. k k ^6^ toey t. English t with slight asi^iration. ]i \a li zoey z. [change of vowel points. ^ X. j:. C^^r"^ acein £B or a, Guttural ; becomes also i, o, u, by • • X. • Urr^ qhahi ^• Guttural. i a li 3 • fey f. English/. •• (J ii •« 3 4« kaf k or q. Guttural. cS ==.5r ^r cJb" hdf k. As in king. e/ / r ^i\/ 0^'f g- As in give. J 1 \ r^J lam 1. As English /. r '1^ ^^ r! mim m. )> )) * • • • niai n. TVW. ( Pronounced rritn, a combination of the sounds \ of and . Peculiar to Puslito and Sindlan. • J J J^J ndo w, ti, 0, ow. According to the vowel points. A, ^, ^ 4 jb ^ hey h. Slightly aspirated. lS s» J •• ** ycy ( J, e, 1, ai, ) iaeyja'iwey) According to the vowel points. s s- 5. y^^ ^ hamzah As another form of ali/. Eooks arc occasionally to be met with in whicli the letters peculiar to Pushto are rejected for others, either thi-ough the ignorance or affectation of the copyist. Thus, 1^ and I? for i^ ; ^ and ^ for ~; j for .^ ; j and j for ^ ; J for * ; and l_/ for lU or cJ* 5. The eastern Af gh ans, such as the tribes of Peshawer, the Ut-miin Khel, the Yiisufzis of the Sama'li, of Suwat, Panjkorah, and Buner, and many others, often change the ^ occurring in Persian words, used in Pushto, into ^, which they pronounce khln, and use the letter CJ instead of . In the same manner the western Afghans invariably give (^ the softer sound of shey, and use in place of CJ. The Damanis and Ghalzis substitute ^ for ~ ; and the Ivliaiberis alter the place of the letters so much that at first it is difficult to understand them. * The system of orthography followed for the last three centuries or more, with these exceptions, was first arranged by Akhund Darwezah, the celebrated saint of the Afghans, and the great antagonist of Plr llo>niun, tlie founder of the Ro.-ihnTun sect. ^ A GEAMMAR OF THE 6. Altlioiigli tlie different tribes are widely dispersed, and often hold little or no intercoiu-se with each other, no very considerable variation exists with regard to the pronunciation, beyond what has been noticed above. Where such cases occui", the ear will be fonnd a sm-e, and at the same time, easy guide, together with the knowledge of the powers of the Arabian letters, with which the student is sup- posed to be aheady acquainted. THE VOWELS. L2j[^^s>. harJcUt. 7. There are thi-ee vowels in Pushto, as in Arabic and Persian ; vi^. : (-^) jij zaba)\ or i^^ fat'hali ; ("T") jj zer^ or i^^J, Jcasrci'h ; and (— ) Ji^i^ ^jc^, or a^ zammci'k. 8. The consonants 1, j, ^, are often found in old manuscript works, used instead of these vowel points ; and, in this respect, the language bears a striking resemblance to the Zend and Sanskrit, which express all the long and short vowels b)' distinct marks. This will be more fully explained in another place. 9. The vowels, if not followed by the letters ^, j, ^j-, represent the short vowels «, 2, ?;, respectively ; thus <-_^ J«, c_; U^ and l-j hu ; but the consonant must invariably begin the syllable. 10. Should the vowels be followed by 1, j, t_c, respectively, then the syllable is long, as I; ha^ i hl^ J ha ; and these tlu'ee letters ^, ., ^', are then called quiescent and homogeneous with their preceding vowels. 11. When (-^) zabar is followed by ^ or ^^ the syllable then becomes a dipthong, asjj lau or hoiu^ ~ (sleep) is pronounced Wdh not khtvah^ and ij"^^ (a table) Wan, not khwim. It must, however, be borne in mind that it is quite the contrary in Pmhto, and all the letters must be sounded; for example — ^J"^^ kkwarl, 'humility,' ^4»^^^ khivalthcij or khvmshey, ' a wife's mother.' 13. ^ or ", ^j=>- jazm, or i^y>- jazma'h, placed over a consonant, shows that the letter is quiescent and the syllable ends there ; as Vj ;;ar-^«r, ' a wound,' ^r,^*J^ i±ar-man, ' leather.' 14. "-, if A^, or X*, maddali or madd, is another form of \ {alif\ and, placed over a letter, prolongs the sound; as ^^T as, 'a horse,' i^jiT aghzaey, 'a thorn,' and i^^iui^T dkhjch, ' alas ! ' PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 5 15. -, jj juLj ta^d'id., signifies that the consonant must be doubled ; but this remark has a reference more to Arabic words used in Pushto than Pushto itself ; thus, ^y taw alia ^ ' friendly.' 16. "^, J-.5. ivad^ serA^es to connect Arabic words, in which the Ai*abian article Jl (at)\^ lost in the pronunciation, if the letters be either c:j, clj, j, i,j, J, o^, (ji, ^^^, ^^ J or ^ ; as for example J^J^ JU Ml ar rasulu^ ' The Prophet said ;' jiw\ Jj Jcul-il haJcJca^ ' Speak the truth.' 17. *, ay^ hamza'li^ is another form of alif^ as V or i «, j^* or ^ /, \' or i w. The Persians call it softened hamza^h. 18. As the Pushto writings, particularly those on Theology and the like, contain a number of Arabic words, it is as well to mention the ^lyj tamvln, signifying nunnation. It is formed by doubling the terminating vowel, and expressed by double zabar^ zey\ and pesh C", ^, °) when they take the sound of an^ in,, and un respectiyely ; as '^i^j ^^^^i^j ra'etu rajulan,, ' I beheld a man ;' ^ J^j^ '-Hi/"* marartu hi-rajulin^ ' I went to a man ; J:?-j (^ V ,/^'<^''^'^^ rajulim,, ' A man came to me.' CHAPTEE II. THE PAETS OF SPEECH. - harf or particle. Those who have studied the Persian language, and are in some measure acquainted with the Arabic terms of grammar, will require no explanation of the above ; but as it may tend to puzzle Europeans unacquainted with the rules of Arabian grammarians, I shall subdivide these three parts of speech into those with which they are more familiar. 20. The Pushto language contains no article : the article is supposed to be inherent in the noun, or is expressed by the indefinite numeral jj yotv,, or the demonstrative pronouns, as in the following examples :— " He who sitteth on a throne, and may neither possess capacity nor understanding, Is either a lion, or a wolf, or otherwise account him an ox or an ass." — Khushhdl Khan, Khattak. Q A GRAMMAR OF THE ^,L1/ ;^3 ^_/-«*J ^J ,J^\l ciJ ^l^J ^^ C>1/-^ ^^ t^^^^J^ " From whence lias the spring again retiu-ned unto us, Which has made the Avhole country round a garden of flowers ? There is the anemone and sweet-basil; the lily and sweet-herbs ; The jasmine and white-rose ; the narcissus and pomegranate blossom." — Khushhdl Khan, Khattak. CHAPTER III. THE NOIJK *-ol Ism. 21. A noun denotes simply the name of an object, as ^j^ sarraei/^ 'a man,' j^ kor^ ' a house.' 22. The term ^\ (ism) inchides nouns substantive, nouns adjective, numeral nouns, pronoims, and the past and present participles ; but, for the reasons before stated, I have generally adopted the divisions and terms of grammar most con- venient to Em-opeans, and therefore the pronouns will be treated of separately, and the participles with the verbs. 23. IS'ouns may be divided into substantive and adjective. The former are either primitive or derivative. 24. A primitive noun is that which proceeds from no other word in the language; as, l1nIj& /lalak, 'a boy,' ^-^^ j'lna^l, 'a girl,' (^wT dSj 'a horse,' J kar, husbandry,' i^ bailda^h, 'abribe,'jbj u'ldr, 'jealousy.' 2o. Derivative nouns are those which spring fi-om other nouns, or from verbs; as, ijL'j t'ldra^h, 'blackness,' ^^-^^ beltun, 'separation,' \u:^2vamd, 'speech,' i^^ Jthegarra'h or shegarra^h, 'goodness,' \jj ramrfi,'' brightness,' ^^ i^j z^rrah, shvaey^ ' sympathy.' 26. Xouns are of two numbers or S\:s£.\ awddd^ as in Persian, — Ss^\» wdhid or singular, and ^^-^ jamace or plui^al ; and of two genders or ^l--:^ jinsdn ; viz., Ji's^ miimlilcar or masculine, and - hhlal-i-fdwlll ; the genitive, or c^iUl l:^U hdlat-i-izdfat ; the dative, or e^U JjxL, hdlat-i-mafamd ; the accusative, or d.- ^^ l^U hdlat-i-mafaceid Uhi ; the PUSHTO LANGUAGE. vocative, or \jj LzJi\s^ halat-i-nidd ; the ablative, or t_^ liJIs- halat-i-jarri ; and the Jjli family or actor ; or, as it may be termed, the instrumental case. 28. To form the various cases besides the nominative, several particles called j>- i-Jjj^ Imruf-i-jarr are used with the nouns in the inflected state. 29. J f/rt* or sometimes aJi claJi^ the particle governing the genitive case, must always precede the noun, as will be seen from the following examples :— "The heart lamenteth at the depredations op thy beauty, Like as the heart of the nightingale bewaileth when the autumn is come." — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. " Be not captivated by the friendship of the people of the world ! This shameless, faithless, immodest world." — J^abd-ul-Hamul. " Thou who seekest in the parterre after the rose or friendship. Be aware of the stump and the thorn tree of separation." — jEabd-iir- Rahman. 30. The particle is not subject to any change in prose more than in verse, as will be seen from the following extract. Akhund Kasim says :— " To make enquiry after the sick is also the law of the Prophet, and a regidation of the true orthodox faith; (and) whosoever enquireth after the sick, entereth into the mercy ny the Almighty. ' '— Fare a i d-ush -Sharice'ah . 31. In tliis manner I shall continue to give quotations from the various Afghan authors as I proceed : such examples will not only serve, in some measure, as specimens of the style, and be more easily retained in the memory than simple prose, but they will also show that the Pushto has a grammatical system as regular as that of most languages. 32. There are four particles governing the dative case, — aj' tah., or <0j watah, and <0j J wa-watah, one ^ of which is sometimes placed before the noun, and the ij after it ; ^ larah ; and i^ lah. The latter is less often used, as a particle similar in form governs the ablative ; but the meaning is unmistakable, as will be seen from the examples I shall give. ^ ^jy <^^- J^'^y ^ ^^j^ ^ } j/v 4 'U J^-^ ^ ^"^j" J 'y" ^ u^^^-^S ^^..^ 4jy * Alao l5 amongst the Khattaks and some other tribes. 8 A GRAMMAR OF THE " They then seized theii' fire-arms and ascended to the crest of the mountain, and from that position called out; 'Whoever are men amongst you, come to the sword;' but veneration for the Khan was so predominant with every one, that notwithstanding that WTctch had given them directions (to seize him), yet no one could carry them out." — Afzal Khan ; TdrlMt-i-Muras^acf. " He who ever scrutinizes (to) the faults of others, Why did the Almighty make him ignorant of his own." — JLabd-ur-Raliman. " The greatness and dignity of the great becometh not a particle less. Should they at any time say unto a child, ' Come here.'" — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. " They who are in love with the world are the greatest of all fools ; Like the baby, they show great eagerness for the flaming fire." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. " Since it was my good fortune to conquer Hind, I now go to Iran both with banner and drum," — Ahmad Shah, Abddl'i. The following prose examples are from tlie Fawa'id-ush-Sliari'cea'li, in which the various particles of the dative may be seen. " Fourth — alms also should be given to the slave who wishes to manumit himself, that he may repay (to) his proprietor, and by means of it release his neck from the yoke. The fifth is the debtor. Alms should also be given to the debtor, that by theh assistance he may pay off his debts. The sixth are Pilgrims, Champions or Soldiers of the Faith, and Devotees. Alms should also be given to these, that by means of them they may perform theu- pilgrimage, fight for the faith, and carry out the object of theh vows." 33. The particles of the dative case are often used to denote 'for,' 'for the sake of,' etc., and must be used or translated accordingly. Thus : — " If the breast of the partridge is for the falcon, For the spider is the breast of the fly." — j^abd-ur-Rahman. ^J '^ ^- 3 4 J3^'j ^^ 4^^ ^ ^J uT* iJ^O ^ -/-^^ The anguish of love hath no such injurious effect, That the afflicted one desireth a remedy for it." — yEabd-id-JIamld. " riM PUSHTO LAXGITAGE. 34. Aecordiug to the Arabic system, on which the Muhammadan languages are based, the noun has but two variations from the nominative, (terming the latter J-ili family or actor) ; the eu^iU) izafat^ or attribute] and the J^xL* mafaceul^ or acted upon, in which the datiA^e, accusative, and ablative cases are included. Pushto has another or second form, as it may be termed, of the J^xi^ mafawul, or dative, similar to the objective case of our own language, in which the particles a;-, s^, ^, etc. are not expressed, but are understood. For example : yj^3 "Vj ^ o^' ^•'^ ^1' u5^; '^'^^ '^•■j '^ y^ " iEuMAR strikes Zeid's horse." Here jEumar, as the Jxli or actor, is in the nominative case ; Zeid^s, as expressing the relation of the ownership, is in the ^j:^'ilj:\ attribute, or genitive ; and Jiorse, being the name of the object acted upon, is in the J^^ti^ ciJU- or dative. In the pre- ceding sentence, the actor must be placed at the commencement, or, in other words, the noun or pronoun at the commencement of the sentence is the actor. For instance, if we merely change the iioun JEumar for horse, and vice versa, the signifi- cation is, " Ze{d''s horse strikes ^umae," or exactly contrary. As all verbs in the language agree with the object in the past tenses in gender and number, it can be easily distinguished ; but tliis second form of the dative is one of the difficulties of Pushto, and is only to be got over by practice in the language. Examples of this case are contained in the following couplets : — " The prince of prudence and reason himself sinketli his own life, When he entertaineth a desire towards the taxes of the conntry of love." — ^'Ea bd-u I- Hamld. " All the injustice and oppression of the world is acceptable to me, If God separateth me not from the object of my love. — uEabd-ur-Rahman. " Eyebrows like bows, eyelashes like arrows — Thou pierceth the lover in the heart." — Ahmad Shah. 35. The next case is the accusative,* which remains the same as the nomi- native, or assumes the dative form, as : " I give thee much good advice, But I am not acting- on it myself." — Mirzd Khan, An^drl. * In old books, uouns may be found in this case inflected; as, .-. ., .j ' on a certain,' or ' on one day.' 10 A GRAMMAR OF THE f > " If I speak to the unworthy the words of the good, I Hamid shall become like Manstir,* on the stake." — JEiahd-ul-Hamid. ^ A,j>. jid- dj^ j j=sr^ ^ j b C^"^ U^ ^ 'V, '^j^ i-^^ (TJ j*:*. '"^^•^^ (♦^'^^ " With heart dried up, I sit all day long in the moisture of my tears ; In my own cell, love showed to me both ocean and land." — jEabcl-ur-Rahman. 36. The vocative case is denoted by the Ai'abic sign ^\ ai, sometimes pro- nounced wj^ together with ^\ ao and j 2vo ; but the latter signs are rarely used in wilting, and are peculiar to Afghani. The vocative sign, when used, must precede the noun, which, with but few exceptions, takes ( — ) zahar after the final letter, and sometimes adds \ or ^ instead, as will be seen from the examples, and the declen- sions of nouns.t " Oh Rahman, first learn the song of the nightingales ! Then commence to praise the rosy-bodied." — yEabd-tir- Rahman. ^\; lJ^ >rfjf"' Jl"^ t/"*^'' t-^T^ i<> LS^l? ^J ^' '3:' J "^^ u\^*-l "Ahmad Shah ! thou preachest a sermon to others; But why not, oh monitor ! caution thine own soul?" 37. Sometimes the noun takes the final (— ) \ or a without being preceded by any sign of the vocative, as : "Ravisher of hearts! Oh, unmerciful one! Why not give one glance?" — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. 38. The ablative case is governed by the particles ^ lah, or a;j dS lah nah, the <)J preceding, and the i,) following the noun. The noun in this case, in some instances takes (— ) or (— ) after the final letter, which will be seen on reference to the declensions. The other particles used in this case are J tar and J da or j di. The latter form is not common except amongst the Khattak tribe, who do not appear to make much, if any, difference between it and the 3 of the genitive, but it may generally be known from being followed by cO . The following are examples of the ablative case : * Al Mansur, a Suf! who was put to death for making use of the worcb ^I^'Ujl * I a™ God.' t It should be borne in mind that there is little or no difference made in Pushto between (-^), \, and i, and between (— ) and j_c. For example, J\^;i^^-;^^ ^■'•r^'*, i>Ji^, etc., the whole of wliich are in the vocative case. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 11 " In the garden from the branch of the same tree, Is produced both thorns and roses too." — jEahd-ur-RahndM. " Mention not the name of absence, Khushhal Khan ! Through separation my very bones are broken in pieces." * Khushhal Khan, Khattak. " He cutteth away the branch from beneath liis own feet, Who nurtureth in his heart malice towards his friends." — JEahd-ul-Hamld. 39. Examples of the ablative j di are contained in the following couplets : as previously stated, they are not often to be met with in the writings of standard authors. " I wiU consider the monitor the real cause of it, Should I suffer any injury from patience and long'-suffering." — /Eabd-ul-Hamld. " When they marched from the banks of the Ab-i-sind (the Indus), a panther suddenly made his appearance, which set up a roar and caused great confusion and perturbation amongst the horses. On this they assailed him on all sides with arrows, swords, and spears ; and the Emperor Babarr himself discharged an arrow at the animal, which plunged into the river, but he was drawn out." — Afzal Khan : Tdi-iMi-i-Murassace. 40. The locative, which I shall include in this ease, merely substitutes other particles in place of <);!, 4) a.!, andy. They are aj pah or lIj pa, wliich precede the noun, and have various significations, such as 'in,' 'on,' 'with,' 'through,' 'by means of,' etc. ; and ^^^ JcJtheij or kshet/, om^^Jdjhi or kshi,-f which usually follow a noun preceded by - ^>^ ^^-s- (-/>^ ^^=^ y^^ ^^J ^ j^-'^-^ '^ ^ " There is such deliciousiiess in the ripeness of thy lips, That it is impossible to find such sweetness even in the date grove." — Ahnad Shah, AhdaU. "How can my understanding remain in its proper place, Oh beloved one ? "When thou appliest to my lieart the viper of separation." — jEabd-zd-Hamul. 41. The whole of the particles governing the different cases jnst described, remain unchanged both before masculine and feminine nouns, and in the singular and plural number. 42. Before transitive verbs, in all past tenses of the active voice, the noun denoting the Jxli or 'agent,' takes the oblique form both singular and plural, if capable of inflection. Thus ^.-j sarraey^ ' a man,' becomes ^^j^ sany ; and As^ Jdiachali or .jha(h(i'h^ ' a woman,' ^s^ tchmhey or shadzeij. When the noun is iminflected, the agent remains the same as the nominative. The following are examples : — ai&j j Asr*?* ^^^ sarrl khacha'h nm-wahcda' h^ 'the man struck the woman;' iUblj J ^^ ^_^ Jrhachey sarraey wu-wdhah^ ' the tvoman struck the man ;' thus :— [' Since the dishevelled state of the roses became manifest unto it. The BUD placed its head on its knees, and smileth not." — JEabd-ur- Rahman. " Cruel fate hath scorched the heart of Eahman : Of its state no one hath any conception." 43. There are two genders in Pushto, ^ jv^n mumkkar, or masculine, and cU;^,* 7nmnna-% or feminine ; and they affect the terminations of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. 44. The genders of many nouns can be distinguished by attention to the different powers of the letters s and ^, in which a great number of them terminate. When the former occiu's at the end of a word, it may be either y&U? ^^U {hd-i- m-hir) apparent or perceptible A, as in ^Svx^j^jj weshtah or weJjhtah, ' hair,' and <^ijli kdr-ghah., ' a crow ;' or ^k.:>- ^-U {hd-i-khafi) imperceptible, secret, or concealed A, as in Ls^ shacha^h or khacha'h, 'a woman,' 'a female,' and &j.i^ w~ma'' h, 'blood.' All words terminating in the former are masculine, and those ending in the latter are feminine. 45. Words having yd-i-md-kahl-i-maf-tuh, that is ^ preceded by {—)fat-ha'h as the final letter, are all masculine, and take yd-i~mace-ruf\ or ^ preceded by (— ) kas-ra^h for the nominative plural; as, ^^ sarraey,'' n man,' ^_^..^ sarn, ' men.' The masculine forms of the active and past participles of verbs also come under these rules, and will be found explained in their proper place. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 13 The above form of ^ is also used as the Pushto yd-i-nishat^ to express relation or connexion ; as, Jjl<' Jcd-hul, ' the city of Kabul,' jj-bli Jcd-hulaet/^ ' a man of Kabul,' jli kd-hdl, ' men of Kabul.' l^ouns terminating in yu-i-mace-ruf md-l^aU-i-hamza'h-i-khafl-i-maksur^ or ^_s preceded by (— ) hamza'li and (— ) Jcasra'h, are all feminine, and are both singular and plural ; as, ^s>- jlna'l, ' a girl or girls.' It is also used as the feminine yd-i- nishat; ' hd-tl, an elephant,' ,Jb f/rt'7, 'a nurse.' IN'ouns terminating in ijd-i-mau-kuf^ or silent ^ , are all masculine, and affix other terminations for the plural ; as, ^^ dzo'e, ' a son,' ^^ so'e^ ' a hare,' the rules respecting which will be seen from the following declensions. 46. The gender of some noims is distinguishable from the sex of those to whom they are applicable; as, s^^ merrah or "-^ mcrra^ 'a husband,' <^>jjU rndn- cUna'h, ' a wife.' In other instances they are expressed by words totally different from each other; as, jlt j9/«r, 'a father, 'j^ mor, 'a mother,' jj,jj 2v''ro7', 'a brother,' j^:>. khor, ' a sister.' 47. Feminine nouns are formed from masculines by the addition of s ijid-i- khafl) ; changing ^ into ^ ; and inserting ^ before the final letter ; as, ^JX.^\ tish or nkh, a w?ff/e camel,' ^^4,^^ nsha^h or ukka'h, ^ sl female camel;' ^j^j^ murghumaey^ 'a male kid,' ^J^4/'* mur^huma'l ^ '' a female kid;' a^^ melmah, ' a male guest, ^ ^uU-^ melmana'li^ ' a female guest.' 48. Pushto nouns have nine declensions, distinguished according to the various methods of inflection, and the formation of the nominative plural. Several declensions have two or more varieties. 1st Declension. 49. This comprehends all nouns which inflect the oblique cases of the sin- gular and nominative plural. It has two varieties. 14 A GRAMMAR OF THE 50. The first variety consists of noiins ending in ^^ (with fat-Mh and yd quiescent) wliich take (^) in the vocative, the whole of which are masculine ; as, ^^ sttiraeij, ' a man,' ^/r* m'charaey, ' a tiger,' ^^^ iiHrmjaey, ' a slave,' etc. 51. The oblique plural of all nouns in this language, with the exception of those of the 9th declension, is formed by substituting ^ or {-i.) for the final letter of the nominative plui'al, and therefore requires no further explanation. 52. The masculine noun J^ sarraey, ' a man,' is thus declined : jj--c sarraey, ' a man.' SINGULAR. Norn. ^5^ sarraey, Gen. k_l^ t: da sarri, f i^ or i.!, i3 i^jMi sarri tah, larah, or lah Dat. I ^ ov sj, d^j ^ r-j ^ wa sarri tah, larah, or lah ; or \ etc. a,jj ^-m: ^ /ra sarri watah, etc. ^.-j sarraey. or Ace. Voc. Abl. Act. Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc. Abl. Act. a man. a man's, or of a man. to a man. a man, or to a man. f^j^ or ^5^ J or ^5^ t_> ^j SrCr <^S ^ ai sarraey a, or ?z;6> sarraey a ; or sarraeya, i^ lah sarri, or /«/^ s«m ?i(z/^, ^cj^ sarri, PLURAL. J --J J c?« sarro, d^ or ij, ^' }.«: sarro tah, larah, or fe/^; or ^! or i^, <)ij ^w«j J i>i'« sc teA, larah, or /a/^; or etc. Aj'j j^ J ?ra sarrc* natah, etc. jc-u: sarri, J.-; orjij«j j or jij-j 4^1 «i sarro, or ?i'(? sarro ; or sarro, dj ^j^ a\ or jij-j ^1 fe/i sarro, or /a/^ S(*yr pldruna, oy plarunah, fathers. Obi. Jii J da pldr, of a father, etc. \^ij^^^ "^ dapldnlno, of fathers, etc. Voc. jL j or ^^1 «?', or 7co pjldra, father ! ^;^^^^ j o'' <-/^ tt'<, or /i^o pldruno, fathers ! Act. j^j />/«;% by a father. u^J^^. pl^'^'t^uno, by fathers. 56. The second varietv consists of those nouns which insert the two letters ^J before the final letter ; as, i^^L^ melmah, 'a guest,' ^^i ghohah, 'a cowherd.' A^L.* melmali^ ' a guest.' SINGULAE. PLTTKAL. Nom. (U:^^^ 7nelma/(, & gvtest. ajUL^ melmdnak, guests. Obi. (^^«1*^ J c/« melma/i, of a guest, etc. Jl^^ j c/a melmdno, of guests, etc. Voc. yhachali, a woman, ^5^^ lihadzey, women. 16 A GRAMMAR OF THE Obi. ^'i' 3 da Mackaey, of Siwoman, etc. ^s*** J da IJhadzo, of women, etc. Voces'*' j or ^\ at, or /r(9 Khadzey, woman ! ^s*** j or ^1 ai, or wo Macho, women ! Act. ^^ Wiadzey, by a woman. ^s*** JJkadzo, by women. 59. There is another variety which may be included in. this declension ter- minating in ya4-mawnifma-kal)l-i-mafcsur^ or perceptible ^ preceded by (-r)kasra'h which is changed into what is Qvlledi ya-i-7naw7%f ma-J(aU4-hamza' h4-]^afl4-mak^^ or perceptible ^_s preceded by (-^) liamzaJli and (— ) Jcasra''h, for the singular oblique, and nominative pliu*al ; as, fJyfy* mlt^-tsi, ' distress,' ^^j:^^ mlrtm'l, ' distresses ;' j,.^^ duJchmam or diishmanl^ 'enmity,' ^:-4«j.t.> dnlthmand)~i or t/ws^w;«w«'?, 'enmities.'* This form is rare with regard to pure Pushto words, but includes a number of Persian derivative nouns. ^j!^ mir-tfi, ' distress.' SINGULAR. "^ PLtHRAL. Nom. is*v^ tmr-tm, distress. L^yfr^ mir-tsai, distresses. Obi. Ls^yr?^ "^ damir-tml, of distress, etc. y^jr^ '^ ^^ mlr-ts'io, of distresses, etc. Voc. «a-^J or ^^1 ai,ovwomlr-tsal, distress ! yf^^-y^ J or ^^1 ai, or wo mir-tsw, distresses! Act. is^^ mir-tsal, by distress. y^i^ mlr-tslo, by distresses. 4th Declension. 60. In this declension are contained nouns which take (^) in the oblique, and vocative singular, and the nominative plural. They are of tAVo varieties, and generally masculine. 61. The &st variety merely add the (a.) sometimes i, for the singular ob- lique and nominative plm-al; as, Ji ghal, ' a thief,' J^ mal., 'a companion.' ^ ghal^ 'a thief.' t SINGULAR. PLURAL. Nom. Ji ykal, a thief. jJx or J,i yJilcB ov yh'lxBh, thieves. Obi. 3-i J da gJilce, of a thief, etc. Jx ^ da gJilo, of thieves, etc. Voc. J-£ j or i_f^ «?', or iro yJilcc, thief ! J,i j or ^^^ «i, or 7vo gjilo, tlueves ! Act. J«c gKlce, by a thief. J,i gK^o, by thieves. 62. The second variety consists of such nouns as ^^^j n^mnndz^ 'prayer,' ^y_ ylin, 'gait,' 'custom,' etc., CJf hog or^y>' Z-o;'.?, 'a hyena,' ^SJ:^ shhirm, ' a por- cupine,' which change the ^ or (^) of the nominative into \ and affix i or (— ) in the oblique and vocative singular and the nominative pliu^al. * In the first edition of this work, this termination, as warranted by the system of some Pushto authors, was written with (-^) over the ^— thus, \^^, but the above is the more correct mode of writing it. t The feminine form of this word ends in ha-i-khafi^—d^ ghla' h. It belongs to the first variety of the third declension, and shows how the feminines of such nouns are obtaincni. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 17 ^^ ti^ munch, ' prayer.' STNGTJLAE. PLURAL. Nom. '^^ n'mundz, ])ra,jev. <)^Uj or i-'Uj nmdn^aorn'?)idn^ah,Tpvaijers. Obi. i-'Uj j da Timdndza, of prayer, etc. i-'Uj J da nmdncko, of prayers, etc. Voc. S'UJ J or 1^1 ai,OTwo n'7ndn^a,0])ra,jer\ ^l*j j or ^1 a?, or wo n'nid?idzo, prayers ! Act. i-'Uj n'mdndza, hj -prsijer. 1->[aj ?^'?;^aw(fe(7, by prayers. 5th Declension. 63. The nouns of tliis declension are not subject to inflection except in the vocative singular, wliich, if masculine, take (^) fat-hali, and if feminine, (— ) hmrcDh, sometimes written with i and ^ instead. They may be divided into four classes — those which take ^1, ^l^, or ^b in the nominative plui-al, and those whose plurals are irregular. The nouns embraced in this declension are mostly names of human beings, or animals ; and contain a number of exotic words which have crept into Pushto from the languages spoken in the countries bordering on Af gh an- istan, together with numerous primitive nouns. They are both masculine and feminine, but the former predominate. 64. The fii'st variety includes nouns which take ^ in the nominative plural ; as t^y tut, 'a mulberrj^,' ^^ ti lth or uBh, ' a camel,' ^\jb hdtt, 'an elephant.' ^^\ ti lth or uih, ' a male camel.' SIXGULAH. TLUEAL. Nom. s^^ ul£i, or ush, a camel. ^J^}^ uWidn, or uskdn, camels. Obi. ^jl t) da uJch, of a camel, etc. uWj^ *^ ^^'' ulfhdno, of camels, etc. Voc. "^j^ j or ^\ ai, or ?vo ul^a, camel ! ^J^^ j or ^1 al, or wo uJfhdno, camels ! Act. i^^\ uWi, by a camel. u^W^^ uJchdno, by camels. 65. Nouns of the second variety take ^1/ in the nominative pliu'al ; as ^\sj^^ mcmdarmu, 'a churning stick,' 1)^ jola, 'a weaver,' ^ijli kdrghah, 'a crow,' ^L^ mllu, ' a bear.' jijljc^ mandmjno, or Jjljc.^ mandamm, 'a churning stick.' SINGTJLAE. PLUKAL. Nom. jj^jc*^ manddnmu, a churning stick. ^ISyljc^ matiddmiogdn, clim'ning sticks. Obi. y^'^'^^ '^ c?<2 manddrrmi, of a churning ^^^l^j^ju^ J da mandMrrnogdnu, of chum- stick, etc. ing sticks. Voc. jIjo^ j or t^l ai, or rco manddrrnu, ^^^\s:^lov^^\ ai, or wo manddrrnogdnu, churning stick ! churning sticks ! Act. ^Ijo^ manddrrnu, by a churning ^^\6:j^ manddnmogdnu, by chm'ning stick. sticks. 66. The third variety contains nouns which take ^b in the nominative plural ; as, 1^ mulla, ' a priest,' l^^U- (diarpa, ' a quadruped.' 18 A GEAMMAR OF THE ';T ' r, ■TM.lV.of ' 1^ nmlld, a priest. SINGtTLAK. PLTJEAL. Nom. iU muUa, a priest. J^t^ mulla-yan, priests. Obi. 1« 3 f/« muUa, of a priest, etc. ^}^ '^ da muUa-yanu, of priests, etc. Voc. 1^ j or ^\ ai, or wc> midld, priest ! (^V.^'* j oi* t/^ «i or wo midla-yanu, priests ! Act. 1^ mulla, by a priest. e;V.^-'-^ mnUd-yanu, by priests. 67. The fonrtli variety consists of nouns of consanguinity or connexion, whose phirals are inTgular ; as, ^^ mor^ 'a mother,' ^^ (ho'e, 'a son,' j^^j wWor, 'a brother,' ...• yor, 'a husband's brother's wife;' and a few adjectives, used substan- tively; as,^,j-j sor, ' a rider.' ,»^ mor. ' a mother.' SINGULAR. PLUEAX. Nom. jy^ mor, a mother. (^'^r^ or ';?^^r-^ mendi, or mendey, mothers. Obi. j»^ J ffe w/pr, of a mother, etc. su^ J fi?c? mendu, of mothers, etc. Voc. j^.« j or ^5! « (/rt ^()'^, of a son, etc. ^^U. J f/fl^ dzdmanu, of sons, etc. Voc. j^^ j or ^\ at, or /i-6> dzdea, son ! ^'•^^ j or ^5^ (7?, or wo dzdmanu, sons! Act. ^i'^i ^oV, by a son. c/*^ chdmanu, by. sons. 68. A fifth variety of this declension consists solely of nouns denoting sounds of whatever description, the whole of which take^b in the plm-al ; as, cL^^-J^ heng^ 'a groan,' ^ harnu 'a neigh,' (JJom" jz'rang^ 'clash,' 'ring,' , .J i ghuTrumb^ ' a roar.' C^is heng^ ' a groan. SINGTJLAE. PLTJEAL. Nom. <-^r^ heng, a groan. j^t^-^ hengahdr, groans. Obi. C^v^^ J c^a /^(3??y, of a groan, etc. ^,\^:.-.i> j da hcngahdro, of groans, etc. Voc. CJ^^^^ov^J\ ai, or ico henga, groan ! ^jl;Si:«.J& J or ^\ ai, ovwo hengahdro, groans ! Act. <-^^ heng, by a groan. ^jl^^ hengahdro, by groans. 6th Declension. 69. This declension contains nouns which remain unchanged in all cases but the oblique plural, which as before stated at page 14, para. 51, never varies in Pushto. They are of five different classes. 70. The first variety embraces all nouns terminating in a {ha-i-zahir, percep- tible or apparent A), and which, in direct contrariety to those of the 3rd declension, PUSHTO LANGrAGE. 19 arc all masculine ; for example, i.^\^ 2f>dJchah or waihali^ ' grass,' and ic^_^ weJjhtah or iveshtah, ' hair.' They chiefly ai3ply to a class, genus, or species. &.M>\^ vmltlmh or tmshak^ ' grass,' SINGULAR. PLTTEAL. Nom. •iLi.lj Tcafikah, grass. i^\^ wdJihah, grasses. Obi. f^ ; or ^\ ai, or ko kuchutti, female »^y^ J or l/^ <^h oi* ^^"^ kuchuttlo, female child ! " children ! Act. ls^^ kucjiuttl, by a female cluld. ^^ kudiuttlo, by female children. 9th Declension. 78. There are many nouns in Pushto, which neither change in the singular oblique, nor in the nominative or oblique plural or vocative, which I have in- cluded in this declension; thus, y^ gt-su, 'a ringlet,' jbj wi-dr, 'jealousy,' ^^b bdr-kho^ 'the cheek,' ^'Aj zdn-go^ 'a swing or cradle,' ^^ Idn-ho^ 'act of swimming.' There are many foreign words included in this form ; and they are both masculine and feminine. jbj wl-dr (masc.) 'jealousy.' SINGTTLAE. PLURAL. Nom. .1) J wl-ar, jealousy. jbj Kl-ar, jealousies. Obi. jIjj J da Wl-ar, of jealousy, etc. jIjj 3 da rcl-ar, of jealousies, etc. Voc. .1)^ J or ^\ ai, or wo wl-dr, jealousy ! jV.^ j or lJ^ ^^ or wo wi-dr, jealousies ! Act. jbj ;^'I-ar, by jealousy. jbj m-a/', by jealousies. C H A P T E H I Y. THE ADJECTIVE. ci^itf ^\ ism-i-sifat. 79. The Adjective, called the i-:^i^ ^\ ism-i-sifat, or noun of quality, denotes some property or attribute of the noun; as, ^y tor, 'black,' ^j^^ spin, 'white,' i^ Mah OY shah, 'good,' ^l^li ndkdr, 'bad,' j^ luwarr, 'tall,' ^i:^.A:-< mandaraey, 'short.' Example : — 22 A GRAMMAR OF THE ' " There is no such weak intoxication in the wine of love, As becometh quenched by the sourness of admonitions." — Yumf and Zullkha. 80. The adjective should in all cases precede the noun, as : << Suwat is intended to give sovereigns gladness, and delight ; But now m the time of the Yusufzis, it is a desolate caravansary. On the north it is bounded by the mountains of Bilauristan ; * To the east lies Kashmir ; to the west is Kabul and Badakhshan. Towards Hindustan it has black mountains and frowning passes, In the ascent of which, armies will get entangled, and confusion ensue." — Khushhdl Khan, Khattak. " If on a marriage day a person dresseth himself iu red coloured clothes, if that dress be of cotton which was originally red, then the wearing of such garments is right and lawful." — Fawaid-ush- Skari ceali. 81. The adjective admits of but three forms— the nominative, oblique, and vocative, in the same manner as the noun, although it has also seven cases. The actor is the same as the oblique, and the remainder are made up by the addition of the different particles. 82. Some adjectives are undeclinable, f and are not subject to change for number ; with this exception, they assume the same terminations in gender, number, and case, as the nouns they qualify. The following are examj)les : " Like as by applying jfire, one setteth dry grass in a blaze, So doeth love to devotion, and to piety." — J^ahd-ul- Hamid. " Those eyes, whether they be narcissuses or almonds, Became sharp swords for slaughtering me. — JEahd-ur-Raliman. * The country of 'crystal,' from p. Jj, so called from containing mines of transparent quartz or rock-ciystal, which is sometimes brought to Peshawar for sale. t Except in the oblique plural, which is always inflected. Sec ' Nouns,' Para. 51. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 23 The following is the mode of declension : wUX^ mashar zv''ror, 'an elder brother.' Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc. Abl. Act. Nom. Gen. JV3 J — SINGT7XAB.. j^j% jJL^ mashar wWor, «0, or ^, Aj" jjjj JL^ mashar roi'or tah, larah, or laky j^j^ JL^ mashar wror, j^j^ j/L^ j or t_s\ ai, or 7vo mashara wWora, L or j^j^ jJL^ aj lah mashara To'rora, or ^ j^jj y^ ^ lo-e-a' h jcel, 'a grown up gii-l.' SINGXTLAR. Nom. Obi. Voc. Act. Nom. Obi. Voc. Act. J^ AjjS lo-e-ahjcel, J^ ^.^ '^ (l(^ lo-e-ey jceli, J:?- jj^ j or ^_s^ ai, or wo lo-e-ey jceli, ^^ LS^J ^o-e-eyjali, PITTRAL. i, ? u J^ ^J lo-e-ey j(Bli, J,^ y jl J da lo-eo jcelo, )js- ^..^ \ or 4?^ ^^ or wo lo-eo jcelo, J^ ^l^ lo-eo j^v "^^ ^rf' rr^J^ ^ ^^ " That tooth by means of which iron-like pulse was masticated, God alone knoweth what acids have blunted it." — jEabd-td-Ham'id, a \ ^Jl^ Jcmrnaeij z'rrah, 'a hard (stone) heart.' SINGTJLAK. Nom. Obi. Voc. Act. s.\ i^Jl^" kdrrnaey z^rrah, s.\ ^j \^ J da kdrrni z'rrah^ ^ij ,^ Jl^ J or u?1 ai, or wo kdrrni z'rrah, i'j ^j l^ kdrrni z'rrak, a hard heart. of a hard heart, etc. hard heart ! by a hard heart. PLXTEAL. hard hearts. of hard hearts, etc. hard hearts ! by hard hearts. Nom. ^jJ.j or ^^.j ^?^ kdrrni z'rruna, or z'rrunah, Obi. U^jJ Jr*^ "^ ^^^ kdrrno z'rruno, Voc. uiiJ Jjr' ^ J °^ ^^ ^^' ^^ ^^ kdrrno z'rruno, Act. ij^ij J!/^ kdrrno z'rruno, 85. Adjectives may be, and often are, used alone, the substantive being understood ; thus : " Nor footstep nor breath hath the friend of the fair : Behold the candle, foot-bound, and head severed ! " — yEabd-td-Hamld. " The locks of the beloved are the desired objects of every one. Whether old or young, whether great or small." — JEabd-ur-Rahmdn. 86. Adjectives are declined in the same manner as substantives, as explained at paragraph 82. ^^ ghatt {m^i&G.) i^ ghatta} h {iem.) 'stout,' 'thick.' SrNGTJLAK. M. Nom. Obi. Voc. Act. Nom. Obi. Voc. Act. F. (^^£ ^att, or i.-^ ghattah, ^j..- khoj's, 'sweet,' pi. sj\^^ khivdjzah', j^ sorr, 'cold,' pi. ir.L sdrrah ; .^ tnotr, ' satiated,' pi. i^U mdrmli. For the feminine form the ^ is dropped, and i (Jid-i-khafi) affixed, which is changed to ^^ {yd-i-maj-liul) or (-r) kasra'h in the singular oblique and nominative plural ; but the pliu^al oblique cases are the same, in the plural, for both genders. sorr^ ' cold.' ^ j^^ sorr, *.Lj sdrrah. SINGTJXAK. PLURAL. Nom. 5 7 /-n ^ ( i^ sarrah KX .) j*^ °^ '^x^ sarrey, or sarri (F.) Ii ,L J da sdrrah, ) ^ . . } j^ J (/a saij:o (M. and F.) ^ or ^^ J da sarrey, or sarri (F.) ) / l-j j or ^\ at, or wo sarra, \ Voc. ] «-j or ^^ j or ^\ ai, or /vo sarrey, \ jj^ j or ^1 <:«', or tvo sarro (M. and F.) \ or sarri (F.) ) f s.Lo sdrrah, ) Act. • 1 ^>t**' s<2^(9 (M. and F.) ( .-J or ^^> sarrey, or sa/ri (F.) ) 88. There are a number of adjectives, principally the active and past partici- ples of verbs, which in the masculine, terminate like the nouns of the fii-st variety of the 1st declension in J {yd-i-md-kabl-i-maftuh), and whose feminines take ^ {yd-i- maj-hul\ or {—-) kasra^h in the singular ; as ,jX}^_^ vju-ymkaey, ' a sjDeaker;' ^j-O^jlJU mdtedmkaey^ 'brittle,' {lit. a breaker); ^jji^^j ii'Jihataeif, or n'^shataey, 'entrapped;' jjJoj^y.^.\» J da wa-yunhw, of sY>cakers. f or jc-^^.i J 0^ c/^ '^^ *^^ '^^ wa-yunkaeya, \ \ :'y. ' , , . _ ,■ ( ^^^.y« jo^o^ ^^^ "^J* ^^"^ wa-yunkio, Voc. > CSjyi^ j or ^^1 ai,orwona-yunki,or7va- , I ^ I sneakers - \ C^y'.i yfmkey, speaker ! (F.) Act. \S^^-i '^''(^-y^^^f^k'u by a speaker. y^^i^.; n-a-yunklo. by speakers. 4 26 A GRAMMAR OF THE 89. The ordinal munbers ^sz ^>U^1 asmW e-ceadad are declinable, and subject to the same changes by inflection as other adjectives ; thus, J^ ^_^j rrwibaey chal, ' the fii'st time,' Jl^ «j. j^j tor shan ds, ' a blackish horse ;' a^ ^[j^i ^-«-j spinah shdn dspa'h, ' a Avhitish mare ;' ,_5^ A4, ^Li aj U^ chcmid j^ah shdn Ichah or shah samieu, ' a good man like me ;' ^^^ J^^ '^j uJ^U j da halak pah shdnjlna^l^ 'a rompish giid.' Examples : " Like the grief of separation wliich raineth on me, Think ! hath any one ever seen such fire as this ?" — ^abd-ur- Rahman. " Thou becometh so changed from sHght hunger, That thou seizeth a beetle in thy avidity instead of a sloe."* — yEabd-td-Harmd. 91. There are several words used in Pushto to denote similarity, but they are adverbs, and not declinable, viz. : ■a:J: ghundi, JjJ dod^ j*L tser/^lS^ laJca or iS}i laJcah and ^_JJLuJ^ haseij or ^j^sa hasi, which generally go together, and may be translated, ' as,' 'so,' ' such,' etc., and the adjective ^ir* makhacjj (masc), or ^k.^ makha^i (fern.), but the latter are rare. Examples : u> They who like Majnun through love lose their reputation, Their names become renowned throughout the world." — JEabd-ul-Hamid. "^b^ * The sloe and blackberry grow in the Khaiber mountains, and in the hills north of Peshawer. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 27 ''Like unto Khushlial, at thy door fallen, there will be others Who have made thy tresses fetters on their iQ^i^ —KJmshMl Khan, Khaitak. " By lamentation and weeping I obtained a sight of my beloved : Like unto the dew, I am miited to the queen of flowers." — jEahd-ul-Hdimd. " The sorrows of absence reduced me to such extremity. As when a demon sitteth with one as a guest." — ^abd-ul-Hcmiid. " As sugar so is falsehood pleasant to the world : Like poison so it spitteth out truth." — jEahd-ul-IIamid. " There is no rose of such a beautiful colour as thy cheek : The rose shineth with one colour — thou art resplendent with a hundred." — jEabd-ul-Hamul. 92. The elder landd^ ' very small,' ^.^^ CJ^ tah spin, ' very white.' Examples : " Look for excellence from the good, Ahmad Shah ! Evil consider lighter than a feather." " Bahram said unto Shamas, go you to her : Sardasia too with her hand-maidens around her. All should dress themselves in royal robes ; And with them Euh Afzfi, more lovely than the rose." — Bahram Gur. 94. A mere repetition of the positive is commonly used in forming the com- parative ; thus— 28 A GEAMMAP. OF THE ^^ ^3 J}^ i^3i -^ii J}i ^J^ ^^-^ H ^ " He who miirmureth at that which hath happened, Talketh great nonsense : he beateth the froth bubbles on the water." — jEabd-td- Haniid. 95. In forming the superlative, such words as J^ Uol^ ' all,' j.^- had^ ' boun- dary,' i3j^j pahor-tah or aj\.j por-tah^ ' over,' ' above,' are used in addition to the particles employed to express the comparative ; as ^d ^j J^5 ^ Aij daghah lah Uolo We daey^ Hhis is the biggest of all^^ or, ' this is the greatest','' Lu\ij 3^^- <)J lah hada zi-dta, 'beyond bounds;' ^fJ ^Ui^Jb^.^ j, &j J^ or ^^ ttolo, or Uolu tah, larah or lalt ; or ) aj\ J^5 or j!j5 ttolo, or ttolu watah, etc. ) Ace. J^j ttol, all, or to all. Voc. J^ or j!^^ j or ^-^ ai, or wo ttolo, or #(?//«<, all ! . , , ^ or J^5 or J .J aI lah ttolo, or ^c/m ; or ) ' ^-^ J^ 01* jJ_j3 '^ 't?/^ ttolo, or ^c>/m wa/^, ) Act. J^ or ^l^j Uolo, or «^/?/, by all. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 29 (Fern.) c^J^j ttoMh. Nona. J^ or a!_jj ttola'k, or ttola. all, the whole. Gen. J^ J or ^^ J da ttolo, or da Uolu, of all, etc. I or ^ or ii, Aj J»j or Jjj ft6>/(? tak, larah or /aA ; or ) ^, , [ to all. etc. <).Jj J^ or j^ ttolo watah, etc. ) Ace. J^ or i\^ ttola h, or ttola, all, (?r to all, Voc. Jy or ^^ j or ^^1 ai, or ti;?^ ^cifo, all ! |,]j or J.;* <0 lah ttolo ; or ) r/ V . ' from all. AJ Jy or y^5 «y lah ttolo nak, ) Act. Jy or ^y ft(?/(9, by all. 97. The^^-juiJ (»-j1 ism-i-tasghlr used to lessen the importance of a word, or to convey contempt, is affixed to the noun. There are several of these particles in general use ; viz. ^^^ , ^^ , ^, v^^ , ^^^ , ^/j , ^/^ and the letters llj^ ^ , ^^ , thus : jjcj^j^ kusa'hrra'i^ ' a small goglet ;' ^^-^-^pr jwaka't^ ' a little girl ;' ^^^jV huzdrgaey^ ' a small market ;' ^j? r-j sarrptaeij^ ' a mean fellow (here the particle ^^^ is inserted before the final letter); ^j^^y>- chargorraey^ 'a young cock;' ^_/j^^ Manddukaey^ ' a small pond ;' ^^ majzak or (JjX» magak^ ' a mouse ' {lit. a small rat) ; cij^^V^ hahaduraejj^ 'a coward' (//^^. a small hero); and ^^jj^^^U muUdguUaey^ 'an illiterate priest.' Examples : " I once saw a mean scoundrel of a fellow, who was speaking 01 of a man of rank and respectabihty. I said to him : ' Oh master ! if thou art unlucky, what fault is that of a more fortunate man ? ' " — Gulistan. " The CHILD g-ambleth not in this manner with stones and shards. Like I stake on thee both my religion and my faith." — J^ahd-ul-Hanild. 98. The particle of diminution affixed to a noim is also used to express en- dearment, as will be seen from the following extract. " To me this is not death, neither is it hfe— than existence, the condition of the dead I look upon as preferable — through love I am become dry— from anguish I am consumed. Oh DEAR BROTHER Mini ! 1 must See Durkbana'i."— T'fi'/f? of Adam Khan and DurMidnal. 30 A GRAMMAR OF THE " When the priiice spoke these words, The kiiig and his family wept a great deal. The Idng said, ' Oh my dear boy ! What time is this that thou hast made this declaration ? ' " — Saif-ul-Muluk and Badrl Jamal. CHAPTER V. THE PEONOUN. j^ to us. i and "Ll^* or *d^:»^ mungah, or munga ; and ( ^^ and cLx)^ or a^j^^ mungah, ov munga {Ei.),Qxidi mujz {^.), Gen. j^'*^ ^^' A^:s^»^ dz mungah, or dzmiljz, our, of us. f \ etc. ^ ,^« J or ti^^i.^ J ^ya mungah, or ;?;« ?;?m_^ Katah, etc. Ace. _,»,4 or A^i.* mungah, or ?;m^, us, or to us. (or ^»^ or c's^:*^ (described at paragraph 135) with the verb, also marking the objective case. The following is an example : " The care and anguish which I suffer on account of my beloved, hath reduced me to skin and bone, Like as the tree becometh in the autumn without leaves." — jEabd-ul-Hamld. " Give you information to ouii spiritual guide, which is Pli' Sfdeh, that he should assist us ; and if he does not do this, we are tired and disgusted with his discipleship." — Adam Khan and Durlxhana^l. The follo^dng quotation contains examples of several pronoims : * l-L^*, or <5^!u^ as it is also written, is the Eastern or Pesjiaweri form of tlie first person plural, and jyt the Western dialect. I have already explained at page 3 that some tribes change the letters ^ for ^, and ^—J for^ and vice versa. 32 A GRAMMAR OF THE In the Sliaseb! it is thus stated : " A party of people in Paradise will thus say to another party in Hell — 'Through your instruction and exhortations we have entered into Heaven, By what evil destiny was it that you entered into Hell?' These will thus answer them : ' We gave good counsel to the world, but we did not act up to it ourselves. We interdicted others from evil, but we did not abstain from it ourselves.' " — Fawald-ush-Sharicea'h. 107. 2nd Person ^ tak, ' Thou.' SINGULAR. Nom. 'U tah, thou. Gen. \'J J or l:;--^ std. or da td, thine, of thee. !a! or .0, &j \: td tah. larah, or lah ; or ) ^ to thee, etc. t^;. ll' . or etc. ^ Ij ^ rca td tah, etc. ; or wa ta watah, etc. ) Ace. Ij td, thee, or to thee. Voc. b j or b' o'l ai td, or 7ro td, thou ! Abl. ij \j aJ or b' c\\ lah td, or lah td nah, from thee. Act. \3 td, by thee. PLURAL. Nom. jjwb or ^b or ^^^b, ^b tdsu, tdsu, or tdsey or tdsi, ye or you. or (j^l::uc, ^^ stasu, stasu, or Gen. J ,1 _ ! yours, of you. I (^u-: or 1^^ stdsey, or stasi, ) ( or aj iJ, ^' (^b or ^b tdsu, or tdsu tah, larah, lah ; or \ Dat. \ or ^ iJ, A3 (jwb or ^_^-b tdsey, or tdsi tah, larah, lah; or > to you. \ ajj ,jm\j or ^b, (j.ub, ^b tdsu, tdsu, tdsey, or i'asa 7vatah, etc. / Ace. ^jyjb or ^~ib and ;jwb or ^b ^asw, or tdsu ; and ^asey, or tdsi, you, or to you. Voc. <^^-'' ^-'^ j 01' tJ^ <" kaghah, he, she, or it. f dS /«/i haghah, or M haghah nah, from him, or it. Abl. < aj tUA aj or a^o c^J /aA higkih, or /a/^ /^^^27i wa/^, V aj |^> aj or ^^^jii. aj lah higkey, or /aA highey nah, Act. ^^^^ or c^ or aAj& haghah, or Mghih, or highey, by him, her, or it. PLUEAL (trSED FOK BOTH GENDEKS). Nom. i^ haghah, they. W"en. «-?;*^ "^ o^ f^ ^ <^^^ hugho, or c?a hughoey, of them. /" *^ 0^' f^ hugho, or hughoey, by them. aJ ^y a^ J if^^jb a^ ^^ lj«jy jjl i^t ij -^U ^^ ^">f. j j*lj aj Ij ^JX'-' '^\j 1^ *''^, " Before the time of the Prophet, this (woman) was married to ^tik bin ^Eamir, and she had a daughter by him : her name was W^^2^\s..—Fawaid-ush-Sharl'(jea:h. 110. The feminine form of this pronoun, of which the example just given is a specimen, is also written with a ^ instead of (— ), thus : The mother of the Faithful said thus to her, * Always remember death ; by means of it Pat. { aj" 4_f;*J& j or jxjb j wa hugho, or ma hughoey tah, etc. ; or > to them. ajj LJf^ J or yCb J wa hugho, or wa hughoey watah, etc. 34 A GRAMMAR OF THE meekness and gentleness of heart is produced.' The counsel of Lady JEa-Isha'h took effect on THAT woman, and she acted up to it"— Fawa id-ush-Shari (Ba' h. 111. The singular nominative is also used for the plural, but the inflected plural form is occasionally adopted ; as, "The Prophet said thus unto him — ' they are my vicars who act up to the rules and insti- tutions of my orthodox faith.' " — Fawald-ush- Shan cea' h . " After that he sat down beneath the couch, and did not draw his breath until such time as they had consummated their pleasure, and the black flag of night became inverted." — Kalllah wo Damnah. 112. This pronoun is also used as the remote demonstrative, or ^J\ ism-i- ishara'h^ and is declined in a similar manner, as will be seen from the following examples : " Whatever kind of seed thou sowest, that wilt thou reap : Every tree beareth each its own peculiar fruit." — JSabd-ur- Rahman. " No one in the whole course of his lifetime will have experienced Those sorrows which my beloYed every hour inflicts upon me." — jEahd-ur- Rahman. 113. The demonstrative pronouns are of two kinds, the proximate and the remote. The proximate demonstratives are ^ij daghah and b da^ which, when uninflected, are both masculine and feminine ; but in the oblique cases ^j becomes ^j dighih, or ^ij digheih for the feminine gender ; and the final letter of b is changed for ^ {yd-i-majhul) or — {kasrah) in the oblique cases, but is used for both genders ; as in the following declension : J , aji J dj /aA daghah, dey, or rfi ; or ^Y ( ^ J or ^-j, a.ij dj (fa/^ daghah, dey, or ^/i wa^, F, i c/*^ or 1^ J , a^ J dj /aA dighih, dighey, or ofej/ ; or ^^^^ ^^' ( aj ^-j or j^J, a.ij ^ M dighih, dighey, or c^ey ?2aA, . ^- ( «^ or ^J, ajij daghah, dey, or (^i, ) Act. i " \ by this. ^- ( ci't^ or j^ J , or^^j^ij dagho, or flf ha-ey. '' Everyone said unto her, ' Oh thou foolish one of little wisdom ! what resemblance beareth a camel to thee? and what similitude existeth between thee and a camel?' She said unto them, ' Be silent ! for if the envious, for their own designs, should say, "this is a camel," and I .should in consequence be seized, to whom is the concern and trouble for my release?'" — Gulistdn. 115. The remote demonstratives are grj daey for the masculine, and b da for the feminine. The latter, it will be noticed, is the same as one of the proximate demonstratives before described; but the difference is that the former is used for both genders, whilst the remote form is used only for the feminine gender. The ])orsonal pronouns of the third person, as already noticed at paragi'aph 112, are also used as remote demonstrative pronouns,* and vice versa. ^j daey, or b c?«, ' that' (persons or things). SINGULAR. Nom. tj or ^d daey, or da, that. Gen. ^_jj J or aj J da dah, or da dey, of that. T. , ( J , , , to that. \ ajj * J J or aj ^j or i j ^ roa dah, or dey tah, etc. ; or wa dah watah, etc. ) * These forms of the demonstrative — ^j ^j and j are apt to be used indiscriminately in conversation, particularly by the Eastern Af^ans. Those of the West conform more to the written form of the language in this particular. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 37 Acc. t J or ^^j daey, or da, those, or to those. . , , ( t^J or i J aj /c^A aaA, or dey nan, ' Act. j_f J or s>^ dak, or c/fj/, w f^jii^^ PLTJEAL. Norn. ^jj du-l, those. Gen. ^jj J or ^^Jt j c?a G?^z-^, or da du-lo, of those. r - c) 6?a Mipulo, of om'selves, etc. (aj, ^\, A'J ^:s- Tihpulo tah, larah, or /«A; or ) ,"-,,, , , \ to ourselves, etc. . or ^}^ Tihp)id, or l^pulo, ourselves, or to ourselves. Abl. Aj ^f>~ <5i or ^jL-5- id lah Mipulo, or /«/^ Mipulo nah, from om'selves, etc. Act. _jLr^ Mipulo, by ourselves. 118. The following are examples of this pronoun : " In the year one thousand and forty I relate, this occurrence. That on the people of Dakhan and Gujerat such tyranny and oppression is seen. In the whole of my life, since I could distinguish good from evil ; I never beheld after this fashion massacre with stones." — Mirzd Khan, Ansarl. The inflected form of the feminine may be written J^ khpuli. " The just claim which a wife has over her husband is this, that he should show proper love and affection towards his wife's brothers, her mother and father." — Fawaid-ush-Sharia:a'h. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 39 ''Afterwards Durkhana'l said to liim, ' I have a request to make: pray give ear to it.' Adam Khan answered, 'Whatever the command may be I agree to it with all my heart.'* She then related to him her own sorrows in the following manner." — Adam Khan and DurMana'l. 119. When no agent is expressed this pronoun denotes individuality and reciprocity, or may refer to either of the three persons, wliich is only discover- able by something that has preceded it, or comes after ; as it would be in the sentence i_?j JU J-ri- b. " "Whoever maketh a prostration before a tomb, or wisheth for anything from the defimct ; and he considereth the fulfilment of his wish to have been accomplished by means of the deceased, there is danger of blasphemy." — Fawald-ush Shariceah. " Concerning this my own hard fate. To whom shall I tell my sorrows ? from whom seek redi-ess ? " — Lay Id and Majniin. 4_f J U J^-^ .. 4?^ (*r^ ^1^3 ^^^-A~£> t_f J lobV. ^ ^ trvV. -^ -^ ^^ ^'^ J^ ^J L^L^ J ^^J^j isj\^ J_$' ^j-J_J-5 lJ'^ ^V J?^ - J'^ ^ ^J_! lSjJ " Those who show friendliness towards thee are not thy friends : The whole set of them are scorpions or serpents ! The whole of the sons are the plague and chagrin of their own father ! The daughters are all leeches — blood-suckers of their mother's brother ! Whether are they thy kinsfolk, or whether thy brother. They are all for their own selves, their own profit, their own house." — Khushlidl Khdn, KhaUak. " like as thou of thine own accord behaveth towards thine ownself ; No one ever acteth towards an enemy mth such iniquity and injustice." — ^ahd-ul-Hamul. 120. The interrogative pronouns, *lfb.-o^ oU-j1 {asma' e-i-isUfham\ are iJJ^ tsok, j»/ Jco7n^ and ^ ham or i-^ kamali. * Literally, ' on my eyes.' 40 A GRAMMAR OF THE CJ^ is applied to persons and rarely to inanimate objects. It is used both for the singular and plural, and masculine and feminine, and is thus declined : cS^ isok, ' who ? which ? what ? ' jSTqui. i^Cj^ tsok, who? which? what? Gen. U*- 3 dacha, of whom? which? what? / or d] , ij , iJ \^ chd tah, larah, lah, or \ Dat. ] or etc. aj' U- ^ wa chd tah, etc., or ) to whom? which? what? \ etc. ^ aj ^aA j^(9?;?«, or ^«»za ; or , or , ^ or , ^»^ jj /^A komey, or kamey ; or f „ , . Abl. < V ^ ^/ -^ -^ ' > from what? or <0 1*^ or *^ dl /aA koma, or /^«ma ?2aA ; or ij ^gy^ or j<^j^ ^ lah komey, or kamey nah, ( or *^ or *4^ /^()?w, or kam; or ) , , r, Act. i J • I ^J ^'^^^ • ( ^aS or (c^j^ komey, or kamey, ) EXAMPLES. " What wedding — what betrothal is there in the world, That cruel fate at last turneth not into wailing and lamentation ? " — jEabd-ur-Rahndn. " What horn? is it that the heart palpitates and beats ? It will be that horn* when the shadow of beloved faces falls on the heart." — Ahmad Shah, Ahddh. 124. The pronoun <^ hah is used both in an interrogative as well as in an indefinite sense. Its conjugation is as follows : (Masc. and Fem.) i^ tmh, ' "Wliat ?' or 'a, an, any,' etc. SINGTJLIR AND PLtJUAL, Nom. <{^ tsah, what ? — a, an, any, some, etc. Gen. ^ J da tsah, of what?— of a, an, any, some, etc. 6 42 A GRAMMAR OF THE f or i], bj, to what? — to a, an, any, some, etc. \ etc. ij^ iA. ^ wa tsah watah, etc, J Ace. Ji \Ji ^'^ jr' jy^ <4 Jj^ '^ _. " The decree of destiny reachetli unto every one — From its beginning the horseman is mounted, the footman on foot ; And man himself originaliy is of one race and origin ; Yet SOME rule empires, and some beg from door to door." — Mlrzd Khan, Anmn. 126. Several pronouns admit of composition ; thus, (Ji^y> har-tsolc, 'whoever,' -a> har-tsah, 'whatever,' jj^ har-yow^ 'every one,' y^ Icam-yow^ 'which one,' or whichever,' etc. They are subject to the same rules of inflection and change in termination for gender as the pronouns from which they are derived, j-^ kam-yow is declined in the following manner : ^ ^ Imm-yow (Masc), or i?^ 1 7 7 7,7 \ to which one. etc. «u, iJ, i3 ^_s^^ ,^^ kamey-yowey tafi, larah, tali ; etc. ) Ace. s^^ . " He quickly called the learned man to his house, and upbraided him, saying — ' Why turnest thou thy back on my daughter ? she is at all times a seeker after knowledge : since thou teachest her companions, which one of them is superior to her?'" — Adam Khan and DurJdidna'i. " Since she feareth not that God, who is the God of all. By the assistance of what Deity shall I divert my friend from the keepers ? " — JEabd-ul-Ha7n~id. 127. The only relative pronoun, J»**v« ^\ ism-i-mawsul^ which the Pushto language contains is ^ c^^7^,* which must not be confounded A^dth the interrogative * This particle has a great similarity to the Persian <- . 44 A GRAMMAR OF THE <^ tmh already explained, there being no connection between tbem. The co-rela- tive, J^j^« ^'^y=r jaivdh-i-mawsjil, is supplied by the demonstrative pronouns, as will be seen from the examples. 128. £^ may either precede or follow after its substantive : " They who have been well anointed with the ashes of liumihty, The mirror of their hearts becometh clear and bright." — JEahd-ul-Hamld. " Patience and continence fly from her on all fom'S, When she taketh between her finger and thnmb the arrows of her eye-lashes." — ^abd-ul-Hamld. " With one kiss merely, how shall I be contented ? Since from the world, good fortune is only to be obtained by degrees." — jEabd-ul- Hamid. 129. In addition to the regular form of the personal pronouns already ex- plained and illustrated, there are three other forms which requii-e a lengthened explanation. The first form of these pronouns is used with all past tenses of the active voice, to denote the agent in a sentence ; but they have no meanings separate from the verbs. With any other than active or transitive verbs they point out the object, or the possessive case, and have but these two inflections from the nominative. They are not affected by gender, and may be prefixed or inserted. FIRST FORM. SINGXJLAE. PLUEAL. 1st person, * or -^ ml or mi, I, mine, to me. ^« or or ^J dl or di, thou, thine, to thee. ^ or , jJ dar, dar tah, dar larah, or dar lah, to thee or you. ;3rd ' ' eats.' It may also of itself constitute a sentence, and unless it be expressed or understood, no sentence is complete.* 138. Verbs are of two kinds — primitive and derivative — which may again be divided into six classes, the cJUJl LjI^, or substantive; ^j^-, neuter or intransitive; ^j^ic^ , active or transitive, in which also are comprised causals ; the derivative, or fjJL^ Jjti ; and the passive, or J^^^s-* . 139. Some verbs have both an active and a neuter signification ; as J^l ' to burn.' " Then Ealiriim said, ' Oh sister Sardasia ! go unto Gul Andam ; Give unto her information respecting my name. Say, that consumed in the fire of thy love, Prince Bahram hath again returned from Eum, — Bahram Gur, " Majnun at that time acquired the dominion of love, When in the fire of affection he consumed all his worldly wealth." — ^abd-ur- Rahman . 140. The active voice may be obtained from some intransitives, by changing the J and the Jjj of the infinitive into Jj ; as Ja-L 'to take fire,' J A.' 'to set on fire ;' Jj»^^-j 'to become cool,' J^.^ 'to make cool ;' Jj^J^ ' to revolve,' Jy^^-^ ' to make revolve;' Ja-.^'j 'to swing,' Jj^Jj 'to make swing.' Example: '' As much as thou art able, pain not the heart of any one ; Since there may be very many thorns in this path. * As the student, now that we have advanced so far, may be supposed to have thoroughly mastered the sounds of the letters, vowels, and orthographical marks, there will be no necessity for giving the pronunciation of every word in the Roman character, and, in case of doubt, the Dictionary can be easily referred to. 50 A GRAMMAR OF THE Give assistance unto the poor and indigent in their affairs ; Since thou hast many matters in this world to be brought to conclusion." — Gulistdn. 141. The causal verb, also termed tj-jk*:;^,* mutaceadcU, may be formed from in- transitives and transitives, by adding Jj in place of J or Jj^j ; thus Jj^-iij 'to run,' J}yi^j 'to cause to run;' ^}su:>~ 'to laugh,' Jjijk:,j>. or J^J^:^ 'to cause to laugh;' JjJ 'to lament,' *Jjij'" or J^jJ 'to cause to lament.' Example : " If thou CAUSE one to laugh, or cause one to lament, thou art the cause of all : Of my own accord I do not make merry, neither do I mourn nor bewail." — JEabd-ur- Rahman. 142. The derivative verb, or ^A,* ^s ficel-i-mushtaM, may be formed from nouns, adjectives, or pronouiLS, either by alone adding the sign of the infinitive, as ijb^^ 'understanding,' Jo^-jj>jj ' to understand ; ' -^ 'dry,' J^^^^j 'to become dry,' J^j 'to make dry;' or by shortening the long vowel of the word, as ^j ' bright,' Jjj^jj 'to make bright;' ^^U 'a brink or side,' Jj^i 'to put aside ;' J-o- 'self, my- self;' J^LrL ' to make one's own,' 'to gain the affections of.' The following is an example : " It is necessary to practice every disguise to please the beloved : To GAIN THE AFFECTIONS of the fair, depeudeth on art and skill." — ^abd-ur- Rahman. 143. Pushto also contains a sort of compound verb, which may be divided into two classes — nominals and intensitives. The former are formed by the mere sub- joining of a verb regularly conjugated to a noun or adjective; as ijjl 'sleep,' iji^\ ^}^ 'to sleep;' ^j 'hunger,' ^dJ, ^j^ 'to become himgry;' C^:^ 'battle,' J^ CJ^-^ ' to fight.' These verbs being very commonly used, need no example, there being scarcely a sentence without one. 144. Intensitives are obtained by adding or prefixing to a regularly conjugated verb two adjectives or an adverb ; thus : " The arrows of thy eyelashes have pierced me in the breast : Verily they have passed right through unto my heart." — JEahd-ur- Rahman. * This method of using a letter instead of a vowel point, in ^^^i:S:,:i>- for Jtj«^^i^, is in accordance with the ortho- graphical system of the Zend language. See Introduction, page 22. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 51 " Sometimes a man may be cheerful and happy ; At times, through grief, troubled and distressed." — ^abd-ul-Hamld. 145. The passive voice is formed by the addition of the different tenses of the substantive or auxiliary verbs Jju^ and J^-i ' to be or become,' to the past participle or imperfect tense of a transitive verb, both of which are subject to the same changes in termination for gender as other verbs, to agree with the governing noun in the sentence. Examples : When the rose-tree is viewed without the beloved being at one's side. The eye-sight merely falleth on a place of thorns and brambles." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. " By the time the treacle is brought from Irak,* the snake-bitten person is dead." — GuUstmi. 146. It will be necessary now to show the inflections of the different auxiliaries, which are the models for the variations of the persons, and in forming the definite tenses of the verbs. 147. The following auxiliary or substantive verb, called the JUjS^ ^}j rahit- uz-zamam) is j^lj (naJcis) or imperfect, and has no known infinitive. It is very easy, and should be carefully committed to memory. "Want of space will compel me to content myself with a single example of each tense in the conjugations of the verbs, unless some peculiarity requires to be more fully explained. i To be or become.' — Infinitive unknown. JU. ^-^ Present Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. J ^j I am. j^. lL^j^ we are. oj i3 thou art. ic-^^V. ^^ t^ L/^^ J^^ ^^^' <)^ or ,^J iJCb he or it is. ^s^ix-l or ^d ajO> they are. i)wi» or jj Jo«j& she is. examples. Cupbearer ! bring the bowl of wine : I am overwhelmed in the ocean of grief." Ahmad Shah, AbdoJl. * The treacle of Irak is a celebrated antidote for venomous snake-bites. 52 A GRAMMAR OP THE jji) J')^ ^ "jj ^V-' iCj'?'^ '"^ ''^ '? lC^ ^"^ C_?'^^'>*' ^r*-^ i.OJ^ ij-^^ '^ i^i^ ^^ i^ '' Since to me love's anguisli is equal to its rapture, If this distress of mine be lost, I shall again become wretched." — JEa bd-u I- Hamid. " Since these crooked and left-handed revolutions are occasioned by fate; Mount Caucasus itself should not coquet about its own weight." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. The following form of the 2ncl person plural is to be found in ancient writings, but it is not commonly used. It, as well as ^ , is in all probability derived from an obsolete infinitive jl-j or jli . " You, oh faithful ! are the servants of the Most Hia-h. God liveth ! death affects him not ! Iceep firmly the tenets of your faith, oh people of God ! " — Fawaul-ush-Sharfceah. icli and ^i'j are sometimes used together, but the latter seems to be merely added by way of emphasis. The following is an example : " With the glance of her dark-grey eye she enchants and charms in this manner — There is no one eye equal to it in Hind, not another in Bengala'h. — yEahd-ul-Hamld. ^k* ^_j*sU Past Tense. SmaULAR. •• PLURAL. /♦J ij I was. Jj l^:.^ or ,^ we were. ^^ A'J thou wast. J^ ^[j or j^Jj you were. ij or j d.^j^ he or it was. M. j^ ^o they were. ij ^^StJi she was. F. j ^ they were. This tense with the prefix d<, is often used as the Conditional or Optative tense, of which examples will be found in their proper places. The following example shows both the masculine and feminine form of this tense, and both methods of writing the third person masculine, as above given. " There was a chief of the Yusufzis'— a Tahmuras*" in wealth— who was ycleped Ta'ous * The third Persian King of the Pishdadian dynasty, said to have been the founder of Babylon, Nineveh, etc., and the discoverer of fire, lie reigned about 830 b.c, although some carry him centuries beyond. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 63 Khan. There was also a daughter of this chieftain, named Durkhan,* and there was no equal to her in heauty." — Story of Adam Khan and Dm-Jthdna'l. " There was a learned man who was proficient in all the sciences contained in as many- books as required four hundred chests to hold them. — Fa?vaid-iish-Shar~tceah. The future tense of this auxiliary shows the very irregular and imperfect nature of many of the Afghan verbs. The 1st and 2nd persons are formed by prefixing the particle dj to the present, and the 3rd person by prefixing it to the aorist or future indefinite, which again has no 1st or 2nd persons. In the conjuga- tions of all other verbs, the 2nd future tense is formed from the aorist. ^}Jc.JJ^ Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. *:> i.i )i\ \ shall or will be. l? ^■•J ^-^ or ,yo we shall or will be. oj dj ct.j thou shalt or wilt be. or J aj ivjlj or ^^\j ) S? SS- • - / } you shall or will be. (w.)t L^^v. ^j u-^y \jj aj or .^ xj ) This tense implies continuity, and, with a conditional conjunction or adverb of wishing, expressed or understood, is used as the Conditional or Optative, which is its most general form. Examples : " The utility of the ocean would be great, were there no apprehension of the waves ; The intimacy of the rose would be considerable, were there no fear of the thorn." — Gulhtan. It is also frequently used after interjections, as in the following couplet : '' Alas ! that there were no such thing in the world as anxiety on account of absence—^ That the heart were not overwhelmed in the ocean of separation." — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. The following is an example of the simple past tense, with the prefixed particle ij used in a hypothetical sense,* as referred to at page 53. " Oh joy of thy father's heart ; if thou hadst been asleep, it would be far better, than that thou hadst commenced searching after the defects of others." — Gulistdn. There is no imperative mood of this auxiliary, and that of Ja---jj1 'to remain,' etc., is used for it. 148. The following, as well as the preceding verb, is also used generally to * This should not be confounded with the 1st Future, which see. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 55 denote mere existence. It is like all auxiliary verbs in this language— j^U or im- perfect. Its conjugation is as follows : jjt-A^ Infinitive. Jju--j.l aosedal^ to be, exist, continue,' etc. c:^!*^ ^\ Noun of Fitness. SINGULAR AND PLURAL. j^^^\ J or Ju.-jj1 J of, or for being, existing, etc. Jili »^\ Active Participle. SINGULAR. M. ^^s^j\ or ^jJojjk^jl F. ^^x^^\ or CSjjS^^S ; or o^^s^^\ or oCjj>-^-.\ oxister. PLURAL. M. and F, ^^s^^ or Xj^a*-jj^ existers, etc. JU. iju^ Present Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. *-jjl }i\ I exist. 'y^%\ l^« or jj,c we exist. ^^ Aj tliou existeth. ^^s^3^ U^^' oi' j*^^J' je, w you exist. ^^~.;^1 i3cb he, she, or it exists. ^^ iksb they exist. example. '' I am so pleased with the pain and grief inihcted on me by my beloved, Like as the Salamander existeth contented in the red fire." — yEabd-ul-HamuL The following tense is used mth a conjunction, as the Conditional or Optative tense. It implies continuity, and may also be understood as the simple imperfect. ^j\ja::^\ ^c«^U Conditional or Optative Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. f>s^^\ ij were I X j a^j^ ^^ were we \ ^jk-.-jjl ^ wert thou / s* (Y/.) l::-^-j1j*--jj1 or ^<::s^^\ o^lj' were you f ^ iju.-:.! or Ju-j.1 ^ were he, wit I -q M. Jj^— j^ ^^ were they \ 'p^ ' ,, I ^ .' 1 *-• ^ju-^j^orifjL»«jj^ axa were she / F.* ojj^^^lor Jj»-»~jj1, ^ju-<:jl or jk--<^^ example. " Were i remaining (or going to remain here), I would repair this house." * Instead of giving both forms of feminine words ending in ci [ya-i-mnjhTd) or (-:r) {kasra'h), I have generally adopted the latter throughout this work by way of distinction, and as it'is— as I have already noticed at paragraph 63 and note f page 10 — most generally used. 56 A GRAMMAR OF THE JJoww*^ Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. »^^ ij or Jt^j\ j dj ifj I will exist. y^j\ aj or y:j\ J ^^jy* we will exist. ^j\ dj or ^j\ J ^ iO' thou wilt exist. ts^^^ ^- ^^' lS^^^ J ^ '^^'^ ^°^ ^'^■^ exist. ^^^t iijor >.-^l J ,^^\ J ^ I may, shall, etc. exist. i-.jl or 'y^<^\ J jy* we may, shall, etc. exist. °^»\ or o^-^l J ^ thou mayest, etc. exist. ic-**;;^ o^ l?**"!^^ j U^^" ^^^^ ii^^7> ^t^* exist. ^_5-jjlor^^-^l j '^■^ ^i^j s^e, or it may, etc. exist. ^^\ or ^^\ J AiJi) they may, etc. exist. ••' m*/ aa/ aa/ EXAMPLE. " Existence dependeth on the drawing of a breath. Therefore you should be repentant on each respiration." — jEabd-ul-Hamld. ft j^\:>. j^S PrECATIVE, or IST FuTURE TeNSE. SINGULAR. PLURAL. o ^^^\ or ^*\ J ^J I should exist. y,^\ or l-.^\ '^jy* '^^ should exist. ^^\ or ^j\ j Xj thou shouldst exist. ^^^^ ^'^' ^^*"U^ j U^^ J^^ should exist. ^^\ Jov^j\ j J ^ he, she, 6^ it should exist. ^^ j or -^-^1 j j tL they should exist. ••/ ■•/ aa/ ,»/ EXAMPLE. " When the priest reads with a solemn voice, the congregation, being silent, should REMAIN standing. To listen to the reading of the priest is necessary and correct." Fawaul-ush-Shari'cecbh . j^\ Imperative Mood. SINGULAR. PLURAL. i^^ aj" exist thou. ic-^?^ L^^^ exist you. -' "■' ^ ^^^ J let him, her, or it exist. ^^^ j ijc& let them exist. EXAMPLE. " If thy mistress treat thee with asperity, Ahmad ! Be thou resolute in adversity and affliction. — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 57 The verbs ^js^ and J^-- , used in forming the passive voice, are conjugated as follow. The fii'st is ^U or imperfect, and has but three tenses. fjxS 'To be or become.' Noun of Fitness. Ju^ J or JA-^ J of 07' for, being or becoming. Jls- dJu^ Present Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ji^ or ^j^ sj I become. j£^ or j^-^ l^.* we become. ^o^ or ^j^ or sJi ^sJCb] % / - ^ " .(he, or it was becoming. M. jA-.i i^ or jA-i tt^ they were becoming. i^ jy or jL«i i^ AxJb > or aJx^ or :>sJ ) , „ I she was becoming. F. " " ' " ^ ^\ they were becommg. examples. " In every place there were different kinds of food being cooked, For the guests of Sardas were a numerous crowd." — Bahram Gur. "After that time, every Jirga'h* that was in the habit of meeting, Durkhana'i used to say to Narma'i, ' bring me news from it.' " — Story of Adam Khan arid Durlxhdna^t . JJii.u*^ 2nd Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. p JJ ^ or *jJi ''^ ^J I will become. _^ ^ or j^ ^ j^ we will become. ^^J iU or ^^J^ ij aj" thou wilt become. l5"^ '^ ^^ t-S"^ ^ c/^^"* ^^°^^ ^^^^^ become. ^^i^ ij or ^j^ we become. ^-i thou becomest. ^1^ you become. -i djcb he, she, or it becomes. J^i or a^ I was becoming. jJ^ or j^ <^ or J^^ we were becoming. ^yJ:i or 1^^.^ ^'J or ^^^^ thou wast becoming, ^y^ or ^Jy^ ^ or ^5^-^ you were becoming. <)w or hyL we had become. ^^J jj^) thou hadst become. ^^^ ^y^ you had become. F. ij yL or ij ^yJ^ he, she, or it, had become. F. j -^ or J^ ^yi) they had become. * Harani, the sacred plain of MakLa, with the sanctuary. 60 A GRAMMAR 0¥ THE EXAMPLE. " The horses of our young' men had been also wounded, and the youths themselves were tired out from exertion. They seized the bridles of the horses and went to the water, and, having drank some, they set out for their own homes." — Afzal Khan. jJ\:^ j.*\ 1st Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^ j or ♦-i I should become. li J or i-i, we should become. o-i j or o^ thou shouldst become. -^ j or ^J:,^ you should become. J^ J Jor^^ J ijcb he,she,; or *^ Aj j I will become. ^ J <)j l^:,^ or i-i ^ j we will become. o^ j or ^ J I may, shall, will, etc. become. ii or ^ J we may, shall, will, etc. become. ^ or j^i j thou maycst, etc. become. ^^ or J.-i> J you may, etc. become. ^ or J^ j «Ui» he, she, it may, etc. become. J^ ^^t<^ ] ^ t^^^y may, etc. become. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 61 EXAMPLES. "A certain king had a difficult matter to perform. He said, if the upshot of this should TURN OUT according to my wishes, I mil give so many dirhams to devotees and holy men." — Gulistan. " The offspring of wolves will still be wolves, Even though they may be grand and powerful in the sight of men." — GtUistdn. iJ^M Conditional, or Optative Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. o^^ >j c^ if I became. ^^y^ ^* ^ ^^ ^^ became. ^^t^-ij 6j ^ if thou becamest. <-fV-' u^ ^ ^^ ^^^ became, o^^ ^^j^ ^ if he, she, or it, became. i-/^^*' ''-'^ ^ ^^ ^^®7 became. EXAMPLE. " No one, oh Kahman ! would take the name of the Almighty, If his works became accomplished by either father or brother." — jEabd-ur- Rahman . aJt^ ^^U Past Conditional Tense. SINGULAR. " PLURAL. F. M. M. AND F. ^^ ^ or ^^ ^^ ij d if I had become. ^^ .^ l^« ^ if we had become. ^j ^ or ^j jj^) dJ Ai if thou hadst become. oj ^y- u^^' ''"^ i^" yo^^ ^^'■^ become. ^jj ^ or ^i;^ jj^ JiiS) ^ if he, she, or it, had ^^j ^^ dJca c-^^ if they had become. become. EXAMPLE. - '' Alas that I had not become enamoured when I fell in love ! Whatever has happened endure mth cheerfulness, for now it is face to face." — /Eahd-ul-Jlarnid. iJSJjLJ j^U Past Future Tense.* SINGULAR. " PLURAL. F. M. M. AND F. J ij yL or (jyi) I shall, or will have become. ^_ ^ ^y- we shall, or will have become., j^ tU ^1 or jj^ thou shalt, or wilt have J ^ .^ you shall, or A\'in have become. become. .J he, she, it, shall, or will .^ J or -i) j J ^ let him, her, or it, become. ^ J or ^ J J iJub let them become. example. " In the blackest darkness, if thou desirest light. Become a spectator of the curls and countenance of the beloved." — j^abd-ul-Hamid. The prefixed j of this mood, like the u-> of the Persian imperative, is often omitted as redundant, as in the example above given. TEANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS. ^_^djc^ ^ L5^J^ J^'^^ afceaal-i-lazimi wo mutaceaddi. jcX.^2.^ Infinitive. 150. All infinitives in the Pushto language end in J /, JSj edal^ or Jj wul\ as, Jjjli. shdrhal, 'to churn,' J^^ (/addedal, 'to mix,' ^}sijj\ arwedal, 'to hear,' J^^"^ ddakedal, 'to fill,' Jjjy tawdmml, 'to make hot,' etc. Verbs which merely take J in forming the infinitive are both transitive and intransitive; those which take Jli are, without exception, intransitives ;t and those ending in Jj are all transitives. * An Indian gold coin. t The ^^J of some verbs are radical letters, and therefore should not be confounded with the aflixed Jjl) of some intransitives; as, for example, Jjk..>jjT 'to hear,' in which the J only is the sign of the infinitive, and '^\jj\j its past tense, or root of the verb. Again, in Jj^-:^,jj 'to ask,' in which Ju^X^v) J is the past tense; whilst the sign of the infinitive in ^}^J^ 'to fill,' is Jjj and Jj_j ^J iliijlj " This SPEECH was exceedingly acceptable to the king, and that night he came to his house." — GuUstdn, " In the first place, what use is it paining the heart with love? Again, of what advantage is turning back from it at a slight obstacle?" — jEabd-ur- Rahman . 151. There are in the Pushto language no less than thirty-seven classes of verbs, the whole of which vary in some way or other in the formation of the different inflections.* Of this number thirteen are intransitive, and twenty-four transitive. Five of the thirteen classes of intransitives are imperfect ; and, of the transi- tives, nineteen classes contain perfect and imperfect verbs ; and the remaining classes are entirely imperfect. INTRANSITIVES. CLASS I. 152. Changes the last radical letter, after di-opping the J of the infinitive, for another letter, in the present tenses and the imperative mood, but retains it in the past tenses and the past participle ; as, Jj*-j&jj poh-edal, 'to know,' J:^T dhuatal, to fly,' J:i4^j ii'khatal, or Ti'shatal, 'to be enti-apped,' Jj^:^ Vwedal^ ' to fall.' Infinitive. ^^.} Present. Aorist. l5^' J ^. ^ J Imperative. Imperfect. ijo ej Past. ajjj j Past Part. ^^.^ * There appear to be two eras, if I may so term it, in the Pushto language. The first, of words which are evidently pure Afghan, and probably those used by the Afghiinah, when they first settled in their present couutry. The second, when Arabic, Persian, and Sanscrit became engrafted on the original stock. This is particularly apparent with regard to the conjugations of the verbs. t The past and imperfect tenses of some verbs, as above, may be written with (— ) instead of S (ha-i-zahir), particularly in poetry. The feminine termination is S {ha-i-Miafl), which is generally affixed to the infinitive itself; as .-jU-.4^ Jc^ khendstal^ or k^shenastal^ ' to sit.' Infinitive. CLASS IV. 155. Drops the last radical letter and loses the long vowel by elision, in the present, future, and imperative, but retains it in the past ; as J Jjl^- chmv-dal, ' to split.' Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. ^"^ L::.-^«;li-..,i»^ Infinitive. Present Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. ^jV j Past Part. ^^ 'y^ CLASS V. 156. Changes the last radical letter for two others in the present, future, and imperative, similar to Class XIX of transitives ; and merely rejects the J of the infinitive for the past; as Jixru khatal, 'to ascend.' Infinitive. Present. cj- Aorist. ^.J- Imperative. ^>-j Imperfect. Past. Past Part. CLASS VI. 157. Merely rejects the J of the infinitive throughout; as J^ ni'rral^ 'to die.' * The past participle is shortened. In the present, aorist, and imperative, the , of this verb is changed to Infinitive. Present. ^^ J' Aorist. L^r'j Imperative. ^^j Imperfect. x* Past. JT) Past Part. * This, as well as many other verbs, often retains the (J of the infinitive in all the inflections, merely afiixing, inserting, or prefixing the necessary pronouns and particles to form the various tenses. The past participle may be considered an adjective. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 65 CLASS VII. 158. The verbs of this class take a letter after the last radical letter iu the present, fiitui'e, and imperative, and reject both of them in the past ; as J^ swcd^ ' to bum.' Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part ^pj (w.)3^j ^ - CLASS VIII. 159. The verbs of this and the following classes of the intransitives are imperfect. They change the last radical letter for another, like Class I., in the present tense, and retain it in the imperfect and the past. The auxiliaiy Jp) shivaly 'to become,' is required in forming the other tenses of the verb with which the adjective, or shortened past participle is used; as JjujU matedal^ 'to break,' Jj^j'j pdtedal, ' to remain,' etc. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. Infinitive. Present. cT jU (LyJ ?u >Jk-Jt* aSj w 1 Past. Past Part, or,-; ■J CLASS X. 161. This class, of which Jy*^j'i drumal^ 'to go,' is an example, is similar to Class YI. as far as it goes ; but it is just the reverse of the preceding, having a present, future, and imperative, but no past tenses or past particijDle, wliich are taken from other imperfect infinitives. Infinitive. Present. Aorist. ^V"^ i Imperative. Imperfect. Past, 7 Past Part. ,liv CLASS XL 162. Jj^J Idrral^ 'to go or depart,' is another of the imperfect verbs. It has merely an infinitive mood and a past tense. By using the aorist and imperfect 9 66 A GEAMMAR OF THE of the auxiliary Jy- shtval, ' to become,' with its past tense, the aorist and impera- tive are formed. The other tenses are wanting. Infinitive, 16? Present. Aorist, cr-> Imperative. CLASS XII. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. Jj or ^- >d. J\j fled, ' to go,' is the only verb of tliis class, and has only an infinitive, and an imperfect tense, formed by rejecting the J of the infinitive; as tdj, or by rejecting the radical J altogether, as &j . The pronouns );, jJ, andjj are also used Avith it. It has a regular past participle. Infinitive. Present. LS- Aorist. ^ Jk ^ Imperative. Imperfect, dlo or ^j Past. Past Part. ^v or ^ CLASS XIII. 164. Jiilj rdghlal, ' to come,' is the only verb of this class, and has merely a past tense and past participle. The pure infinitive was doubtless JJl , to which the pronouns referred to in the former class have been added, but without them it conveys no meaning. It differs from the preceding inasmuch as it adds \j to the imperfect tense of JIj to form its own imperfect tense, and has a regular past. In other respects it is similar. Infinitive. liil 'J Present. L5-'J Aorist. l4-^V Imperative. d^ y Imperfect. C01 V Past. ^b Past Part, or (jAlilj ■>b The whole of these imperfect verbs use the tenses of others to supply the want of their own, as will be seen from the conjugations. The latter have been marked by a dash over them. TRANSITIVES. CLASS I. 165. The verbs of this class are the most numerous in the language. They reject the J of the infinitive for the present, future, and imperative, and lengthen the first vowel from (-^) to \ for the past tenses. The past participle is regular ; as J^' tarral, ' to bind,' Jjbj wahal, 'to strike,' ^}^jJ garsmvul, 'to turn.' afinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part Ji- ^J -^J) !^-J > >j ^^ L>J ^^ ^^^i -^j j iJti\j 'Jli/ 'j!i/J J,)J PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 67 CLASS II. 1G6. The verbs of this class are also very numerous, but are iiTegular. In forming the present tense and imperative mood, they reject the J of the infinitive, and sometimes form the latter by affixing the imperative of J"^ Jcrral^ ' to do,' to the shortened past participle. The aorist, futm-e, and past tenses are alone formed by the aid of the shortened past participle prefixed to the same tenses of J^ respec- tively. The middle vowel of the root is lengthened from (-^) to t for the imperfect tense ; as Jj4*rs^ Jchakhawul, or khashawul^ ' to biuy.' Infinitive. Present. Sr^r^ Aorist. ^. Ijf U^ Imperative. ij^ Ui*^ Imperfect. ^^•U»£i> Past. Past Part. 4J U^ CLASS III. 167. Changes the two last radical letters of the root for two others in the present, future, and imperative; as s.::.^*^ for^l in J:^.^ ghoMtal, or ghoshtal, 'to desire ;' c:.---.- for jj in J-i-^^iT aghiistal, 'to clothe ;' l:^^^ ^^^' J ^^ JxtiX-j s/calchtal, or skashtalj ' to clip ;' ^ for j^ or j^ in J^-j*jy pre-Jihowul., ov pre-showul, 'to abandon,' etc. Imperative. Infinitive. i)JK«4M>«^:^^ for J in ^^ Vtvastal, ' to read;' and J-.uu.^:^^'y' > '^i j ^Aj^i 9 • • J'^i^, ^.Jf. Sr^V^. J 'j^.':^ 'Vv ^I^J J-^-J/ ^.ij'^ Sr^V^J hh ^.J?/ ^^j^-? CLASS XII. 176. Eejects the last radical letter of the root in the present, futui'e, and imperative, but retains it in the past. The middle vowel is also lengthened from (_!.) to \ for the past tenses: the past participle is regular; as Jj^J>j i-fcjzandal^ ' to know.' Infinitive. J^>: Present. ^M Aorist. C^J^J Imperative. Imperfect. Past. JJI 'j^.a Past Part. CLASS XIII. 177. Lengthens the first vowel from (-:^) to \ for the present, futiu'e, and imperative, and uses the simple infinitive of the verb for all the inflexions of the imperfect and the past, with the addition of the prefixed j in all three persons, singular and plural ; as Jja:>- khandal^ ' to laugh.' The past participle is regular. Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. CLASS XIV. 178. The verbs of this class exchange the last radical letter for another in the present, futiu'e, and imperative, and retain it in the past ; as ^ into j in j^^ mulchal, ' to rub.' Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. 3 Past. - 9 Past Part. (J^'< 9 V^i or ^ji^,* 9 4^'* 70 A GRAMMAR OP THE CLASS XV. 179. The verbs of this and the following classes are all imperfect. The infinitive JI-j yeJchal or yeshal^ 'to place,' is an example. It has no present, future, or imperative, but the imperfect tense is regularly formed. It is generally used with the two following infinitives, which are of the same meaning and have no past tenses. o; Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. J^£ o S//-V 1^ ^^^ L/**^. CLASS XVI. 180. J^4«^ JceJihwaU 'to place,' is a specimen of this class. It has but one tense, which is used both for the imperfect and the past. J^V^ kejs-dal^ which again has no past tenses or past participle, is used with it to supply the tenses which the former infinitive requires. Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. ^.^J-^ .u*.< kUhenawul, or kshenmvul^ ' to cause or make to sit.' The past participle is regular. Infinitive. Present. \^. Aorist. 4^. Imperative. ^^AMW 'rt. Imperfect, or ijL»4^ 33 Ummwsmw Past, or i'jl:--«i' A? Ut^MMW Past Part. i^i 'r/->'^ CLASS XXI. 185. These infinitives are the most regular in the language, merely rejecting the J of the infinitive, and affixing the diiferent pronouns for the present tense, taking the root for the imperfect, and prefixing j to it for the past ; as JjL scl-fcd, ' to nourish,' JjLj pl-a-?/al, ' to graze.' Infinitive. Present. ^ J'L; Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. CLASS XXII. 186. Eejects the last radical letter, and the sign of the infinitive for the pre- sent and imperative, and retains it in the past. The past participle is regular ; as Jjjij n^gharrdal, 'to swallow,' J^^^ sparrdal, ' to undo or unravel.' Infinitive. Present. Aorist. S:^J~ J Imperative. Imperfect. J>J6 Past. Past Part. CLASS XXIII. 187. The infinitive J^Ji swal, ' to bum,' which is a specimen of this class, is used both as a transitive and intransitive. The sign of the infinitive is dropped and 72 A GRAMMAR OF THE an extra letter taken for the present tenses and imperative. The past tenses reject the extra letter, and are regular in their formation. Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part. o J^-^ CLASS XXIV. j-j or ^w j^- j or ^ , ^ i^ <-j ^^ 1 j-i j~< i-M exceedingly irregular in the formation of the different tenses. The most regular form of the present is obtained by rejecting the J and the last radical letter (of which there are but two) for the masculine singular. It is also written l^ and Jjl^ for the third person, but the radical letter, lost in the third, is retained in the first and second. The past tenses are also irregular, and there is no change in termi- nation for gender. Infinitive. Present. Aorist. Imperative. Imperfect. Past. Past Part J/ y/ J.'^ »/ j^l^ or .Njl^ ^j 4i THE PAETICIPLES. JjxL* J ^U- i^U-jl asmal hdllah wo mafceul. 189. Pushto verbs admit of inflexion to form the participles, which may be termed imperfect or present, and perfect or past, as they notify whether the action of the verb be unfinished or complete. These participles partake of the properties of the verb, the adjective, and the noun ; and are intransitive or transitive according to the verbs from which they are derived. The participles of intransitive and transitive verbs are formed according to the same rules. 190. The present or imperfect participle is formed from the infinitive in six different ways. I.— First by dropping the J of the infinitive, and adding ^ for the masculine, and ij for the feminine; as Jjjjl:^ ' ^o turn away,' i'-^^j\s>- 'tui-ning away;' Joi 'to see, to behold,' i^ 'seeing;' ^\^j 'to run,' ^j^J^j 'running;' J:S^ 'to read,' j^"^^ or d^zS^ ' reading.' Examples : ^J i.^J iJ V^jr^'* J^ 'V Jw» ,1 J ^\ J iZ^'Jl:L^ ^ J3 ^y^ ^ ^5J ^\i^\j O tljJ^j.U- ^j)^jW ^ PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 73 " The lover is not to be separated in any way whatsoever from the beloved, Whether his dwelling be sacked and pillaged, or filled with wealth and goods. Though one would give him the sovereignty of this world and the next, He would not accept it, for the beloved one is of gTeat price : Therefore he turneth not away, for tukning back is the act of a fool." — Kas'tm j^all, Afrldi. ''Again : repeating is incumbent on thee in both of the first genuflexions ; and shouldest thou repeat in the last, and neglect the first, thou art not devoid of sin." — Makhzan Afghani. 191. II.— In the second form the J of the infinitive is dropped and re- placed by i {hd-i-zahir) or (— ) {fafhali), if masculine, and i {ha-i-khafi) if feminine ; as JJj 'to wash,' ^j or Jj 'wasliing ;' J):^\j 'to sit,' &i-;l3 or l::^-.Ij 'sitting.' The follo\ying are examples :— ^j*^ axi aL j^ ijys:. i^^ j|^:>;^^ ^ CJ^J ^ ^ '■^jy" ^'^ '^^ C^J ^ \j CJj^ ^J - ij ^{s>. " Alas, oh chief ! when I look towards thee, death to me is an abyss, and this form I make a PKECiPiTATiON of into it." — Adam Khan and DurManai. 193. IV.— The fourth class is obtained by lengthening the vowel of the first letter from (— ) to \ after cutting off the J of the infinitive as usual, and aflSxing (^) or a to the final consonant of the root ; as Jiuuj ' to draw forth' or ' eject,' il::-wjb or dz^\i^ ' drawing forth ' or ' ejecting ;' J:uu.)jU- ' to change,' ' alter,' or ' turn round,' G:.-v-;l»jU- and scJ^jKs^ 'changing,' 'altering,' 'turning round.' Example : ''At the time of making salutation (at prayer), turning the head to the right side and the left is desirable." — Fawald-ush-Sharicea^h. ** Tenth : knowing Muhammad is a divine command, in this manner ; that he is the Pro- phet of God, on whom we have placed our faith." — Fawa Id-ush- Shaft (sa'h. 194. Y.— The present participles of the fifth class are obtained from intransi- tive infinitives, formed fi-oni adjectives by dropping the Jjj of the infinitive and adding ^j; as Jjo^ 'to mix,' ^^^ 'mixing;' Jj.-^4 'to fill,' ^/^ 'filling.' They may also be obtained from pure transitives having J as the sign of the infinitive ; thus Jji' 'to bind,' ^jj^ 'binding.' They can also be formed from the intransitives above referred to, by merely rejecting the J and adding the ^j; as Jju^^ 'to fill,' ^^jju^^ ' filling.' These forms are rare, the former particularly so. * Tte name of a prophet who, according to Oriental tradition, was Wuzir to Kaikobud, king of Persia. He is said to have discovered and drank of the water of life, and that in consequence he will not die until the Day of Judgment. t tOlj and aJl^ ^j may also be translated, exit and entrance. See Chapter VII., On the Derivation of Words. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 75 "The ASSOCIATING (mixing) of the beloved with a rival is, As if a person were to mix together purity and defilement." — jfEabd-ul-Hamtd. 195. VI. — The sixth, class, wliicli consists of transitive and causal verbs, is foiined by dropping tlie J of the infinitive and inserting \ before the final letter of the root, to which ^ or S" mixing,' and ^^j^ 'binding,' which are also masculine, as nouns of the 9th Declension. 198. The present participle is also used as a noun ; thus i3^.f\ signifies 'flight,' as well as 'fleeing;' ^"^yj 'falling,' also 'a fall;' and ^j^^^-j 'knowledge,' as well as 'knowing:' this will be more fully noticed under the head of ^,ju2^ J-tfU- hdsil-i-masdar, or Verbal I^oun. The Perfect or Past Participle. JjxL* *-jl ism-i-mafceid. 199. The perfect or past participle denotes that the action of the verb is complete, and is obtained in three different ways both from transitives and intransitives. 200. I.— The fii'st method is by adding ^ {ija-i-m(l-kahl-i-maftuh)*' to the infinitive for the masculine, and ^ {yd-i-majhul) or {-r) (kasrah) for the feminine singular; as Jj.4^ 'to place,' ^yi«;^T ' to be dressed,' ^^i:i-jy:T or ^^y^ 'dressed;' J^\:i 'to sit,' ^ix-cU or ^-j^U 'seated;' J:^,jT 'to turn back,' ^jj^o,/ or ^«,jT ' turned back.' Examples : PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 77 aj " Consume and enjoy, oh ! thou of good disposition, and true man, What that one of inverted fortune collected together, but did not expend." — Gulistdn. " Notwithstanding I summon back this stag-eye captured heart. Yet like the deer it heedeth not my calling." — jEahd-ul-Hamid, ''This Sata'i,* who consumeth herself, her intention is this — That CONSUMED in the fire I am content ; but not without honour." — /Eabd-ur- Rahman. " In outward dress a beggar, in words a niggard — Like a bright spark of fire enveloped in dust and ashes." — Allrzd Khan, Ansdrl. Examples of the pliu'al masculine and feminine. Cr' ^'^/jy ^^:^~ iJ^JJ err- Sr^j^ ''^'^ b c;-*^ J^rr (*^ " The whole world pluck away their vestments from near me : I am become like a smoke-blackened pot, though clothed in white garments." — jEabd-ur- Rahman ■. " ? "Another man appeared to him in hell, who was alike weeping and wailing. Clothed in garments of fire from head to foot, they tormented his every vein and artery— every nerve and bone." — Majmuceat-i-Kandahdri. ^^j J\/i ^^\ ^U- *!.] ^^.4 ^ Jp i^bb ^• 1.0 ^ l:^>JU At the Last Day they will, like an empty almond, become ashamed and confounded ; For many dressed out in the garments of the True Faith are infidels and blasphemers." — jEabd-ur- Rahman . The eyes of the beloved are intoxicators, turned round upon the lover to-day : They are balls ready prepared for striking; observe for whose spoil and plunder they are." — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. * Sata'T — a woman who burns on her husband's funeral pyre. 78 A GRAMMAR OF THE 202. III.— The third class of past participles is formed from the irregular and defective verbs, such as Jj^^^ ' to fall,' and Ja-^jj ' to rot,' and those similar to ^}JJ 'to stand,' and J::^\j or ^jx^\u^ 4o sit,' which have no regular past tense of their own. The past tense of the auxiliary J^-i ' to become,' is sometimes used in form- ing it. They appear to have originally been adjectives from which these infinitives have been formed, particularly those ending in Jjj . The terminations for the masculine and feminine are also different to the other participles,* being subject to the same changes for gender and number as the classes of adjectives described at paragraphs 86 and 87. The masculine singular is formed by dropping the Jjj of the infinitive; as ^^,Jij 'to stand,' jlij 'stood;' Jj^.y 'to fall,' ci^ji^j 'fallen;' Jj--;Ij 'to sit,' u:^wjU 'seated;' Jjk-:u^jj 'to rot,' l::^w^jj 'rotten.' Examples: " Hungry and thirsty, on tliy own mat fallen thou art well off; But not so, SEATED OH the dais in the house of another." — /Eabd-ul-Hamid. " Fallen over and over in red blood with fame, I am fortunate ; But not so without honour, even seated on the throne of red gold." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. At times, some of the participles of this class assume the form of the first class, by adding ^ to the infinitive, as in the following : ^J }j^^ y^3^ ^^j^'^ '^^ is^^-j", J=r^ j^r- H 4/ Oh mine eyes, you should bid farewell ! you, oh palms of my hands, and arms of my shoulders, too, should take leave of each other ! Finally, you, oh my friends, should pass over (the grave) of this poor and humble fallen one !" — GuUstdn. To form the feminine singular, s {ha-i-Miafi) or (-^) {fat' ha' h) is affixed to the masculine. Examples : "Though thou environ thyself with a fortress of iron, Thou wilt not escape from the tent of death erect in every court." — Aflrzd Khan, Ansdri. * strictly speaking, the participles are not parts of the verb, as they do not apply affirmation, but are merely adjectives, particularly this form. PTJSHTO LANGUAGE. 79 " A waist BROKEN through the toil of industry and labour is good ; But not a purse of the money of unlawfulness round a man's ^^\^iy—jEabd-ur-Rahman, The plural masculine form of the third class of these past or perfect participles is the same as the singular, but the feminine plural changes the a and (^) of the singular into ^ {ya-i-majhul) or {-^) (kasrah). Examples : To-day we are proud of our existence : To-morrow the world will count us amongst the departed."— ^A^waf/ Skdk, Abdall. " I know that thou merely perfectest thyself in bloodshed, Seated in this manner like the falcon, with eyes veiled." — ^ahd-ul-Hamld. 203. The past participles are capable of inflexion, and are subject to the same general laws as nouns ; as in the following extracts : " Notwithstanding I searched both in deserts and ia hamlets, I did not again obtain any information of those departed ones." — ^abd-ur-Rahman. " I know not what is written on my account : I, Kahman, am in anxiety concerning these written things." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. The Actor or Noun of Action. ^\ ism-i-fdwHl. 204. The active participle, agent, or noun of action, denotes the performer of any action, and is an inflection of the verb, as in Arabic and Persian. It is transitive or intransitive, according to the verb from which it is derived ; is both singular and plural ; masculine and feminine ; and is capable of inflection in the same manner as described at paragraph 88. 205. There are two methods of fomiing it — by dropping the J of the infini- tive and adding jjijj unJcaey or ^^ unaey for the masculine, and ulioj unki or ^» unJcey^ or ^^ mi or ^^ liney, for the feminine singular. Examples : ■• •• " ••/ " Detriment and advantage, good and evil, are from God, who is the giver of kingdoms, and the taker of dominions : all is from God." — Fawald-ush-Shancea'A, so A GRAMMAR OF THE " I shall be a departer from tliis world, As rapidly as the English discharge a cannon." — Kdshn jEali, Afridi. " In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man- servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger a dweller within thy gates." ~ Translation of the Pentateuch. " The day of judgment is also a comer ; doubt this not, oh my friends ! On that day, Avhat terrors and what fears will descend upon men ! " — Fawald-ush - Sh ariceah. '^ In the ' Jamise-i-Saghir' it is thus stated : ' Prostration (in prayer) is the cause of grief and affliction to the devil ; is als6 the corrector of any error or inadvertency (in prayer); and, moreover, is the will of Almighty God." — Fawald-ush- Sharl'ceah . The plural form of tliis participle is both masculine and feminine. It is obtained, in the same manner as the plui-al form of the past participles of the first and second classes, by rejecting the final jJ, ^, or (^r-) of the singular for ^ {yd-i-nwceruf) ', as ^j^^ or -^yx^j 'a reader,' ^y^) or ^y-^) 'readers.' Examples: *' I perceive all are travellers, there are no tarriers behind : The journeying on this road is both for young and for old." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. The following extract contains examples of the plural, both masculine and feminine : " Five things are breakers of prayer, and all are common. First, words are breakers of prayer, whether they may be in sleep or in waking moments, whether intentionally or inad- vertently, whether few or mMij."—Fawa'id-iish'Shari(Ba'h. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 81 NorN or Fitness. t.::--3U *-j^ hm-i-liyakat. 206. The noun of fitness is merely the infinitive in the genitive case ; as, ''Some one knocked at the door, on which lady J^^a'esha said: 'Who art thou? do not come in ; for this is not a fit time foe coming.'" — FarcdJul-ush-Blmri cEaJh . " They who lament out of season, slumber at the proper time : The beards of those persons are only fit to be pulled." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. There is an actiA^e participle or noun of action of intransitive verbs, but it is alone used as a noun of fitness. The following is an example : " Waste not uselessly on me thy breath and thy medicine, oh physician ! For I am not one to eecover, but one to die from the pangs of love." — jEabd-ul-Hanvid. j_^^ Or THE Tenses. 207. As there is considerable diff'erence in the formation of the inflections of the verbs intransitive and transitive, they will require to be separately explained. According to the system of the Arabian grammarians, on which the gram- matical rules of Pushto, as well as other Muhammadan languages are based, verbs have properly but one conjugation, and two changes of tense — the preterite or simple past, and the aorist ; the other tenses being formed by the help of several particles, and the auxiliary verbs, 'to be,' 'to become,' 'to exist,' etc., already explained and illustrated. With the exception of the infinitive, the verbs have two numbers, — the singular and the plural. There are also three persons, as in other languages ; but the third person precedes the second, and the second the first person. Verbs are also divided into perfect and imperfect, regular and irregular ; tlie latter, and the imperfect verbs, being exceedingly numerous. Much variation occurs in the formation of the different tenses of the last men- tioned verbs, and there is also a change in termination for the feminine gender. 208. The paradigm of a regular intransitive verb in the active and passive voices, according to the Arabic system just referred to, given at paragrajjhs 405, 407, 408, and 409, shows the original tenses from which all the others can be formed. The active participle denotes the agent, and the passive participle the object acted on. 11 82 A GKAMMAR OF THE INTEANSITIYE VEEBS. ^^j^ j^-j^ ({fa(eal-i-lazimi . ^Ua^ ^^ Past Tense. 209. The j^ast being antecedent to the present, according to the Oriental grammarians, must be first noticed. The past tenses of intransitives are tolerably regular in comparison Avith trausitives ; still there are seven methods or rules regarding them which require some explanation. I.— Most intransitives form the past tense by merely rejecting the J of the infinitive and prefixing the particle j, the peculiar sign of the past, which is also written ij and sometimes j,j ; but the j of this tense, like the c_j of the past in Persian, is often omitted as redundant. The last radical letter is moveable ; that is to say, it takes (-^) {fafha'h), or i (ha-i-zaliir) after the final letter, for the masculine; as JwUifc^ 'to know,' I*i&j^ j or ^a-jd^ j 'he knew.' From the third person five other inflections are formed, by the application of the afiixed personal pronouns (c^i^-;.,,. j>y^) which have been abeady described. II. — Are infinitives which form the past after the same manner as the pre- ceding, but whose final characteristic letter is quiescent; as JlJjIj- 'to split,' j^U- j 'it split;' J-4,lij 'to run,' ci^^^Uj j 'he ran.' III. — Some infinitives ending in a quiescent consonant insert a j for the third person masculine singular, which is changed into \ for the pliu'al ; as J:;;^ ' to 'ascend,' c:->j^ j 'he ascended.' The other persons are regular; as ♦ixrk j 'I ascended,' etc. IV.— A few infinitives reject the last radical letter as well as the sign of the infinitive in the past; as J^ 'to burn,' a..ij ^' '--^■^ Jl-^ '^ J-slaw i t ij ^'^ <■ '' In short, the youth attained the summit of strength and skill, and no one had the power of vying or competing with him." — Gulistdn. ^ ^j '' For some time thou madest a captive of me : Thou didst plunge me into inexpressible grief: I ABANDONED for thee both name and fame. I constantly beat my head against the stones." — Yusiif and ZuViTxha. 210. There is an exception to the above general rule in the formation of the inflexions of this tense; for the J of the infinitive is sometimes retained, and the afiixed j)i*onouns (except for the third person plural) added to it, as may be seen in the following couplet : " Notwithstanding that I went according to the precepts of custom and usage, I ATTAINED not to the knowledge of certainty and truth." — Mirxa Khan, Ansdri. 211. To form the feminine singular of this tense, a (Jia-i-Miafl) must be affixed to the final J of the infinitive ; but sometimes the ha-i-khafi is substituted for the > of the masculine. The former is the most generally used. Examples : '^ It is the consequent result of love that the eye weeps : And also, that from weeping, my eye became swollen." — ^abd-ul-Hamld. " She took a tray in her liand and set out ; And with great expedition beached the -prison." — Saif-ul-Muhl/^. 212. The thiixl person singular and pliu'al of the past tenses of intransitive verbs is alone subject to change in termination for gender, and the first and second persons merely take the j)lural form of the affixed personal pronouns for the plural number; as j-J^---, j 'we arrived,' J_ju-^ j 'you arrived.' The following is an example : 84 A GEAMMAR OF THE " The hand of destiny lowered the veil of imprudence before the eye of my judgment, and detained behind the obscure curtain of ignorance and incapacity my far-seeing prudence ; and suddenly we all became entrapped in the talon of misfortune and sorrow." — Kalilah wo Damnah. The following extract coutains an example of the plui^al form of the past tense, in which, as explained in a preceding paragraph, the pronoun is affixed to the infinitive. " A holy man repudiated the feigned manner of the Darweshes, and was entirely unac- quainted with their sorrows and atihctions. In this manner we arrived at the palm-grove of Ban! Hillal." — GuUstdn. 213. The third person masculine plm-al of verbs wMcli do or do not take the prefixed j in the past tense, whether the tense be formed by rejecting or retaining the J of the infinitive or otherwise, is generally the simple infinitive with the J prefixed for the former, and the infinitive unchanged for the latter; thus Jj^.^l^ 'to tremble,' Jjk.^j^.j^, j ' they trembled ; ' Jlilj 'to come,' J}!i.i.\j 'they came.' The pliu'al form of those which reject the ^ or drop it as redundant, will be explained in its proper place. The following is an example of the regular verbs : " When iEali Akbar and Kasim fell, their families were standing by, and were melting with grief; for such had been written from all eternity." — Muham7nad Hamfah. 214. There is another form of the past tense for the masculine plui-al of the third person, which may be easily mistaken for the third person feminine singular, as it is wi'itten with the same consonants as the latter. There is, however, a differ- ence in the pronunciation ; yet it is difficult to describe it in writing, and even when uttered by an Afghan tongue, it is almost imperceptible, and requires an Afghan oar to distinguish it. The nearest approach is by writing (^-) over the final i, which vowel points give a sound equivalent to the diphthong ce^ and similar to that wliich occurs in the plm-al form of the nouns of the fifth variety of the 6th declension. It is sometimes TVTitten with (-^) only. This form of termination is used both for transitive as well as intransitive verbs.* The following is an example : * The author of the " JEjaib-uI-Lughat," in the preface to that work, remarks on this very subject in the following 7nanncr : — " I have adopted the lexicographical system of the Persian to express the A fgh ani in this work, in order that it may be more easy to those acquainted with the former language ; yet, notwithstanding this, the perfectness of sound and (•ompleteness of enunciation is alone to be acquired by oral practice. The word Alih is an example of this. When written with simple r, Ti, quiescent (jh, I with the short vowel a, and unaspiratcd h, or ha-i-lhafi^ it is the third person feminine singular — ' she goes ; ' and when written with simple r, a, quiescent ^A, I with a short vowel approaching to a and i slightly soimded, and unaspirated A. it is the third person masculine plural." PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 85 " The Imam's head remained in Saleh's court. Behold the Yazidis completely deceived ! Saleh, having hidden the head under his skirt, carried it away and buried it in Hasan's tomb." — Hasan and Husain of Muhammad Hamfah. 215. ^ or ^ is sometimes affixed to the third person singular and plm-al of this as well as other tenses, for the sake of euphony, and as a respectful form in religious works. Examples : "When the light of my glory shook itself with force, a hundred and twenty-fom' thousand drops of perspiration fell from it." — Nur Namah. " Ten drops of sweat were diffused from my left hand. From the first drop, ten thousand rivers of pure wine flowed like torrents through Paradise ; from the second, a river of honey ; and from the third, a thousand sweet streams." — Malthzan Afghani. To form the third person feminine plural of this tense the i or {^ of the singular is changed to ^ or (~:^), as will be seen in the following extracts : " An old and respectable man who dwelt at Baghdad, gave his daughter in marriage to a shoemaker. The hard-hearted rascal bit her lips so, that the blood immediately flowed from them." — Gulistdn. " The other devils said unto Mm, ' Oh, master ! wherefore art thou become so sorrowful, that the cries of thy grief have gone out into different lands?'" — Famald-ush- Shan (2a' k . 216. I have already observed at paragraph 209, that a great many verbs at times reject as redundant the prefixed j, the sign of the past tense of regular verbs, both transitive as well as intransitive, without any apparent reason ; thus : " Bishr said, ' It is my solemn oath, by God ! that the mouthful which I put into my mouth I KNEW was poisoned.'" — Fawald-icsh- Shanceah . SQ A GRAMMAR OF THE In the following extract, whicli is an example of the same infinitive as the preceding one— J Juj^jj ' to know,' etc.— the j of the past is retained. "The family encamped on the very place, and they recognized the spot of martyrdom." — Muhammad Hamfah. 111. There are also a number of defective as well as irregular verbs which entirely reject the j : in fact, to add that particle would render the word meaningless. In other respects these verbs are subject to the same changes for inflection as the others already described, as will be perceived from the following examples : " The companions of the Prophet came to him and represented : ' We have no water that we may drink, neither that we may perform oiu^ ablutions.'" — FaTvaid-ush-S/iarVcea'/i. " When love-making- and love-accepting came between, authority and dependence arose and departed." — Gulistan. 218. When the verb has a radical J, as well as the J of the infinitive, as in Jiilj, JJj, etc., one is generally rejected as redundant in the inflections for the different tenses, with the exception of the third person feminine singular and plural of a few, in which both are retained. In the third person masculine singular both are dropped. Example : " The nightingales sing both in garden and in meadow— * The flower of the spring, the Chosen One,* has come into the parterre.' " — Kdshn JEall, Afridl. Sometimes both J 's are retained in this, as well as in other tenses of the verb. Example : " One was Nakir, the other Munkir— the whole torment was on my devoted head. At length they came forth— they stood before me, lookers-on." — Story of Jumjumah. * a name of Muhammad. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 87 219. The tliii'd persons of the past tense of some verbs, in which the letter c precedes the sign of the infinitive, are somewhat irregular. In the third person singular they take j before the c:-? ; thus, Jx:^ 'to ascend,' instead of becoming l::^:^^ j, becomes ci-yi. J : " The prmce ascended to a rising g'round to obtain a view. On both sides the warriors were falUng from their steeds." — Bahrdm Gur. For the plural, the j is changed into \ ; thus c:-?^:>- J becomes l:J\:>. j. Some- times, however, the past masculine pliu-al is written J:;^ j . An example of the former is contained in the following extract : t ij\^ J ^jo\=>. ^ C^ ^ {J^'y*^ ^'^ j \J^ (j;^ (♦t^T (_j4^ U'V.'^ ^"^ ^ " At this sight Adam Khan laid waste his heart ; and all solicitude for name and fame WENT OUT of it." — Story of Adam Khan and DurMianat. 220. There are several compound + verbs, both intransitive, as well as transi- tive, such as Jjjjjj 'to fall,' Jjj--i*^ 'to fall into,' J:;.^J j ; but the affixed pronouns are indis- * This writer is said to have been a Si'ah Posh Kufir, who, after having been converted to Islamism, again relapsed. For specimen of his writings, see ' Text Book.' PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 89 pensable, as in the language just referred to, as well as in Arabic and Hebrew, to whicli, in this particular, Pushto bears a remarkable similarity.* j\jX:^\ s^U Imperfect Tense. 223. This tense denotes some incomplete past action, either near or remote ; and is obtained by dropping the prefixed j of the past; as, — " I USED TO ELY to deserts and mountains from the society of men, that I might not be occupied save in the worship of God. Only imagine then what my state must be at this hour, that, in a tether with brutes, I must endure their society." — Gulhtan, 224. The plural is formed, as in the past tense, by changing the different affixed personal pronouns to the plural form ; and the third person masculine plural is the same as the simple infinitive. The following are examples : " The wrestler saw that the whole of the caravan were trembling for their lives, and had resigned their hearts to destruction." — GuUstdn. 225. The same observation regarding the personal pronouns being sometimes affixed to the infinitive without dropping the J , as in the past tense, described at paragraph 212, is equally applicable to the imperfect, except for the third person masculine plural, which, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, remains un- changed. For the feminine plural, the a or (^-) of the singular is changed to ^ or (--), and affixed to the simple infinitive. Exami)les : " Through excess of sorrow King Saf 'wan fell into despair, And grief and aifliction returned to him with increased force. Again he said, ' In the first place I was not conceiving for a moment, That this fire would blaze up in my dwelling.' " — Saif-ul-Muluk. * The custom of affixing this class of pronouns probably sprung from the Semitic languages. In Sindhi they are also much used ; for a Sindhlan can scarcely utter a sentence without prefixing them to nouns as well as verbs. They are also used in Pehlavi, the mother of modern Persian. 12 90 A GRAMMAR OF THE " The Cliikor* for this reason is sunk up to the knee in blood, That SHE WAS WONT TO VIE with her in walking." — jEahd-ul- Hamid. 226. As I have already remarked at paragraph 220, the imperfect tenses of those verbs which do not take the prefixed j in the past, or drop it at times as redundant, are, in nine cases out of ten, written precisely the same as the past ; and the signification in many instances is only to be discovered from the context. In conversation, too, the difi'erence is scarcely perceptible ; and it is only by practice in the language that the difficulty is to be overcome. Examples : JLj i'jj^« J^jij jUa^ -^ j^^ U^^ ^^ ^ ^^ JJ^*^ " The agreement that thou hadst made with me, thou now desirest to break. I was THINKING, that in the present day, fidelity is a medicine which is not to be found in the shop of the druggist of the world." — Kalilah wo Damnah. " When this picture used to fall under people's observation. They were wont to be drawn towards it, on viewing it, as if fascinated." — Saif-ul-Mulilk. 227. The third person singular and plural of this, as well as of the other past tenses, is alone subject to change in termination to agree with a feminine governing noun, whatever be the class of verb, regular, irregular, or defective, and will not require a separate explanation, as it has already been referred to at paragraph 210. I shall, however, give a few extracts as examples. ** In tears she came to the house, and went out after him with her head bare. She was WONT TO WANDER about ui great distress ; and, on account of separation, used to reel and STAGGER." — 7(:«ya//M<:Z Ndmali. "The Wuzir said, 'Two pigeons were dwelling in the same nest. The name of one was Bazindah,]: the other Naw^azindah.'"§ — Kalilah ko Damnah. * The Bartavclle or Greek partridge (Perdix chukar). It is found in great numbers in the hills north of Peshawer. It has red legs, and is much larger than the common bird. t See ^ly^ in the couplet at paragraph 220, which is written in the same manner as the above word, although the first person singular of the past tense of the same verb. X Player. § Flatterer. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 91 " From the eyes of those which used not to become satiated with the treasuries of the world, the red tears of blood have now flowed like rain." — Babil Jan. 228. The following extract contains an example of the masculine plural of the imperfect tense, formed according to the rules I have already explained for the past at paragraph 214, as being similar in mode of writing to the third person feminine singular, without the vowel points. " God became pleased at the victory of the Yezidis, and distorted the revolutions of destiny. His (Husain's) family were becoming sadly afflicted through anguish, and rivers of tears were flowing from their eyes." — History of Hasan and Husain, 229. Although the class of imperfect verbs, such as Jju^^j, J'V''^? J'H-^' JixJol) , etc., have no regular past tense, and require the past of J^ ' to become,' to form it ; yet they have a regular imperfect, as other verbs. Examples : " The prince placed his shield under his head and then stretched himself on the ground ; After which, the thought of this danger was passing in his mind." — Bahrdm Gur. " Understanding and intelligence he possessed beyond bounds. In the same manner in his childhood, the signs of his future greatness, used to be apparent on his forehead." — Gulistan. 230. Another form of this tense is obtained by prefixing the particle ~ j^^^ij ay L» ^\:>. j^j c:^/4c».» O /• j)jiA--^i j^j Utfj J >» PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 95 " Shouldst thou look towards my servants, they (have) comb to my house in a state of affliction and distress, covered with dust from the blowing of the winds ; searchers after my wHl; seekers of my mercy : they (have) come solely on my account." — Fawald-ush Shancea'h. 241. The following are examples, both masculine and feminine, of tlie perfect tense obtained from the third class of the past participles of verbs, which are either imperfect, irregular, or have a preposition or postposition prefixed. Examples : " If thy face is concealed with curls, there is no cause of apprehension ; For the waters of immortahty, too, are concealed in total darkness." — jEahd-ur-PMliman. i^J ^^J^ ls^^ ^ ^'^ ^ i.::^»jU (^J ^^j^ ^^ <^->- (_?; ^. ^- S lf.j ul^ dJ j^ ^j^ \>. jb ^^ ^^^ £^>- " Some were saying, ' This is caused by demons who have seated themselves on this fair one's spirit : When a fiend takes possession of any one, he then sits alone, and apart fi-om others.' " — Yusuf and ZullMd. *,:oj JUj^ ^^jlui" jb J *ijj JUj |^_g4^ <-r'^=^ ^^ ^'-^ " I AM SUNK into doubt and pei'plexity as to whether I am awake or whether I am asleep. Do I see the fulfihnent of my desires, and the exceeding beauty of my beloved, merely in a dream ? " — Yusuf and Zulikha. jc»*j ^^ Pluperfect Tense. 242. The pluperfect tense is formed in the same manner as the perfect, from the three classes of the past participles, to which is affixed the past tense of the auxiliary ' to be.' It is subject to the same changes in termination for gender and number as the preceding tense. 243. Examples of the singular masculine and feminine : <)dJ j \^ JLi^ J jj (jaL2J5 <0 :fj -AJ (jwU-s vj ^Li ^_Sl^ iol) <5„>- j^^jckr; ^ ij^ j-^-i^ ^ ^ ^^ " The feet of those who had taken up a place in the midst, had stuck fast in the honey ; and when they wanted to fly away, their wings also became smeared with it, and they fell into the net of destruction and perdition."— KaMah wo Damnah. J"-^ j^ J^ J j^fT ^ 4/, i^^'V c-?jJ eJrj^-Hj ^'^^^!^ ^^ J^j^ '^^ '' Around the walls of the palace there were silken lines fastened ; And splendid dresses of all sorts and kinds had dropped on them."— Saif-ul-Muhik. * The name of Muhammad's nurse. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 97 245. As I have already remarked respecting the use of the past participle for the perfect tense by some writers, they are in the same manner partial to the use of the participle for the pluperfect, the auxiliary being understood. Example : " N. is the splendour of Muhammad, which has shone and which has been diffused on the whole world. It was the dark night of chaos and inexistence when he Hke a sun had arisen in it."' — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. CSsJjLJ ^\^ Doubtful Past Tense 246. This tense is also formed from the different past participles by the addition of the aorist tense of the auxiliary ' to be,' which may precede or follow the participle, and is not subject to change in termination for gender and number, the participle being alone affected. He who MAY HAVE FALLEN from mountains again ariseth ; But he cannot arise again who may have dropped from hearts." — J^abd-itr- Rahman. i^jj\ t^ ^ji^ '~?y^ J,i^ ^j^ J3 (^ iLiiJu " The eighth is that man whose rank and employment an enemy may have sought ; and having outstripped him, may have attained that ofiice, and gained the confidence of the sovereign who giveth ear to his tales," — Kalllah wo Damnah. " Before the first night as yet may have passed over a dead person, it is a regulated in- stitution that alms should be given on his account," — Fa7VCi~id-ush - Shanceah . 247. Examples of the plural : " The cattle which for the most part of the year may have been kept in thine own house, and may not have grazed in the wilds, there is no portion of alms to be given on their account," — Fanobld-ush-Shariceoih. " Their eyes will have become raised towards the road of those Who may have in their hands charitable gifts and alms." — J^abd-nr-EahndJi. 13 98 A GEAMMAE OF THE 248. There is another form of this tense obtained by adding the 2nd future tense of the auxiliary ' to be,' to the different past participles. The following are examples : He MAY HAVE LAUGHED heartily, or may not. His heart's grief may have become beguiled, or may not. He may have chosen tranquillity and ease, or may not. Some one may have inquieed about the matter, or may not." — jEabd-ul-Hamld. ^^^ jjj\ £j^ J.*! uj3 ^^ '•^jji, ^^. ^ ^_fi^ 3j^ y-r^ ^i 'V^ S^-? ^- '*^^-~*'^ b/ " See ! he may have become seated, aggrieved, amongst some asses, Or MAY have fallen like a ruby amongst dust and ashes." — yEabd-ul-Hamld. " May God confound thee, thou fly of human nature ; For no mouth may have been left free of thy kiss." — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. ^Ij l5*^, i4/ "^ '^--^ ^"^ " That very hour Zen Zenah sent men after Muttahb and called him ; and he entertained him like a brother." — Tawallud Ndmdh. 120 -A. GEAMMAK OF THE " The NURSES SAID to her, * Oh daughter ! What is thy condition ? relate thy affairs unto us.' " — Saif-ul-Muluk. 293. The first and second persons plural are the same as the third person masculine singular, with the plural form of pronouns prefixed ; but the third person masculine plural is formed by merely prefixing the j to the simple infinitive, as in the two examples just given. 294. Another form of the third person plural, applicable to all classes of verbs, is written with the same letters as the feminine singular, and is also the case with regard to intransitive verbs ; * but the final letter is preceded by the vowel {±. ), which conveys a shorter soimd than that of the feminine i, and is equivalent to the diphthong m. The following extract is an example : — " Quickly she gave her own clothes to the king's daughter, And CLOTHED herself in the royal robes. — Saif-ul-Mulak. 295. The feminine form of the past tense of transitive verbs is obtained in the same manner as that of intransitives, by affixing i [hd-i-khafl) to the infinitive itself, which is changed to ^ or (— ) in the plural. 296. Some verbs also drop the J of the infinitive in the feminine singular, and substitute a (hd-i-khafl) for the i [hd-i-zd-hir) of the masculine; but not the verbs of this form. Examples of the feminine : " The HAND of desthiy and death struck the drum of departure, therefore, oh my eyes, you should hid adieu to the head." — Gulistdn. "This matter was e2:ceedingly difficult for Moses; nevertheless when he cast it (his staff) down, it became a fcerpent. This happened by the power of the All Powerful." — BaJju Jan. " The sage directed them to throw the slave mto the river. After he had sunk several times, they caught hmi by the hair and cast him back into the boat, which he seized firmly with his hand." — Gulistdn, * Sec paragraph 214 and note. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. HI 297. Example of the plural : " It was in the middle of the day that they arrived near the fort. The brave fellows laib their hands on it by the way, and in the short space of three hours they gained the victory."— Afzal Khan. 298. Some infinitives have more than one method of forming the past tense, and applicable both to masculine and feminine; as in Jjj 'to speak' or 'to say.' Examples : " When he (Mirmaml) delivered up Durkhana'l to him, a man who was a servant of Gujar Khan's was stanchng by, to whom he eelated the circumstance, on which Gujar Khan dis- charged an arrow at Mli'maml, but it did not take eSeci.—Adam Khan and DurMclnai. " The Queen spoke to her mother clandestinely; And with this circumstance, also, she acquainted Badri.' — Saif-ul-Muluk. '' Nohshadah said — ' Oh, King of the Universe ! In this manner I discover from the books.' " — Saif-ul-Muluk. 299. Form II. consists of the infinitives of Classes III., IV., and X., which form the past tense by merely rejecting the J of the infinitive and prefixing the particle j, as exemplified by the following extracts: " In my life-time thou didst thus put me out of thy remembrance, Like as one forgetteth a deceased person of a hundred years." — jEabd-ul-Hamld. " When Abu Baki- made an exhortation, they all took liis advice, acted up to it, and became resolute in it." — Fawald-ushShari (Ba h. 300. The plural of Form II. of the past is derived in the same manner as Form I. Examples : (J * This latter form is more properly speaking the imperfect tense, but used for the past. See paragraph 323. 112 A GRAMMAR OF THE " After forty days they came into the presence of the King, And made their statement to him in a humble manner — 'We have seaeched through seven eegions with great care, And seven generations of every person has been inspected. There will be a daughter born to Shahbal, son of Shah Eukh : Her name is Badrl Jamal — the Sovereign of the Fair.' " — Saif-ul-Muluk. 301. Some of the infinitives of Classes III. and X. ending in clj, which are contained in Form II. of the past tenses, insert a ^ before the final letter for the third person masculine singular, which is changed to \ for the j)hu'al, the c:j then taking an affixed (—) or ^ ; as J.i^ 'to behold,' cj/ J 'he beheld,' <)ijl^J ' they beheld.' Examples : " Saseid saw that the prince was not seated on the throne ; And in his mind this matter he passed over." — Saif-ul-Muluk. "The Goldsmith saw that his sweetheart cometh, and He went out to receive her, delighted and overjoyed." — Saif-ul-Mtduk. 302. The infinitives which constitute Form II. of the past use n for the feminine singular termination, affixed to the masculine or to the J of the infinitive indiscriminately, which is changed to ^ or (— ) in the plural. "With all speed he there kepeated the invocation, And he breathed on the fair face of the beloved." — Saif-ul-Muluk. " My mother said unto me — 'Thy grandfather divides the propitiatory offering of dates; ffo there : ' therefore I came and took up a date. — Fawaid-ush-Shari- i»-i " When the nurse heard from her such singular and uncommon words, She became amazed at the circumstance, and perplexed as to its remedy." — lusii/andZullMd.. 305. By far the greater number of infinitives in the language form their past tenses according to one of the three Forms already explained, for which reason I have given pretty numerous examples of them. The infinitives of the remaining Forms, being few in number comparatively, will not require so many examples to illustrate them. 306. Form TV. These obtain their past tenses in a similar manner to the verbs of Form II. by rejecting the J of the infinitive, the last characteristic letter being im- movable or quiescent, but with this difference, that they altogether reject the j of the past, by which there is no difference in the mode of writing between the past and the imperfect; thus J:u]^^ 'to unloose,' l:^)/^ 'he unloosed;' Jij^ 'to take away,'* clj^ 'he took away.' "With hands folded on navel he stood before him in a respectful manner, And in commendation of the king his tongue he v^LOOSE-D.—Saif-ul-Mulu/c. " Sardasi'a unloosed her brother's bonds, which Bahram with much skill had fastened.' — Bahrdm Gur. * This infinitive is used for animate objects, and ! . , for objects inanimate. 1.5 J 14 A GRAMMAR OF THE ^U> ^_^_j^i. ^jf lSj^ ^^J ^ iJ^'^'-jy y^'j^- ^j^j ^J^^ H u " With mucli distress and siiftering' they took us away to the prison, And treated us with much impropriety and disrespect." — Saif-ul-Muluk. 307. The feminine is obtained in the same manner as that of the infinitives of the preceding Form. 308. Form V. drops the J of the infinitive in forming the past, the final characteristic letter being movable, and merely differs from Form I. (which see), inasmuch as it altogether rejects the prefixed j ; as ^}y^^^ ' to seat,' or ' make sit.' " The young woman took the prince by the hand, And with much pomp and grandeur seated him on the throne." — Saif-ul-Muluk. 309. The simple infinitive of this as well as other classes of verbs is often used for the past tense, but, in such cases, an afiixed personal pronoun in the objec- tive case is used with it, as in the following : " He called the whole of them into the assembly, And with much kindness seated them near himself." — Sarf-ul-Muluk. 310. The feminine termination for this class of infinitives in the past is the same as for the preceding Forms. Example : " When suddenly that beautiful one, the beloved of the whole world, Was summoned to her father's presence, and seated by him at his side." — Yusuf and Zullkha. 311. Form YI. consists of the infinitives which wholly reject the sign of the infinitive and last or final letter in the past, as J^ ' to burn' or 'consume,' jIj J or^L- j 'he bound,' ^^l; orjlj ' he was binding.' The follo^ving extracts are examples : " He WAS searching about for him every here and there. Until at last he found the prince quite beside himself" — Sa\f-ul-Muluk. " One of the kings of old was extremely negligent in affairs of state, and used to keep jiis army in arrears." — Gidistdn. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 117 323. Jjj 'to say,' which is of the above class, has a second form of the im- perfect, which is also obtained by rejecting the prefix. "All "WERE SAYING, ' This is a very vu-gin of paradise indeed, Sent out of heaven into this world ! ' " — Bahram Gur. 324. The plural is formed according to the same rules as the past tenses already described. Example : " All round the heavens he was viewing flames which were taldng Ih'e from the stars, and his idols too had fallen, and were turned upside down." — Tawallud Ndmah. 325. The feminine termination is formed in the same manner as for the past tense. Examples : " Oh thou ignorant heart of mine I take example from the dead ! For they that used to amass wealth, went from this world, and left it behind. To-day is conjunction : to-morrow is separation." — MuMammas-i-^abd-ul-Kddir. " Stones were falling on the heads of my rivals. When I WAS sprinkling the dust of thy door on my forehead." — /Eabd-ul-flamld. 326. 11. The imperfect tenses of the four classes of infinitives which do not take the prefixed j are the same as the past in every way. Examples : ^^ ^^^^ *' The king said, ' By this command an error has been committed by me, and in a moment of anger an expression has escaped me ; but under such circumstances it is necessary that thou wouLDST BRING* into play sucli reflection as may be suitable to the condition of a wise counsellor.' " — Kalllah wo Damnah. " He had no inclination for eating or for drinking. Neither did he open his eyes in any manner." — Saif-ul-Muluh. 327. III. Two classes of verbs, III. and XXIV., lengthen the short vowid (_) preceding the last characteristic letter of the past for \ in the imperfect ; as * The imperfect tense is often used in a potential as well as an habitual sense, as in this example. 118 A GRAMMAR OF THE J^:^^ 'to bury,'/ ^^ 'he buried,' jU^ or ijUri. ' he was burying;' J/ 'to do,' c>S 'he did,' ijl^ 'he was doing.' Examples: " Since they were bringing me up to suffer the pangs of love for the Fair, Would that in my childhood my father and mother had been childless !" — jEabd-ul- Hamid. "When thou didst make Fir'seawn* a ruler, who in Misrt laid claim to divinity ; the river Nil^ became obedient unto him, and thou for his sake didst afflict thy chosen people." § — Bahu Jan. 328. lY. The imperfect tense of J^^ ' to take away' or ' remove,' which forms its past by prefixing ^j, and which differs from all the other infinitives in the language in this respect, is formed by rejecting ^^ in the same manner as the j in the fu'st form. " I saw a learned man who had become enamoured of a person, and his secret became known. Indeed he used to endure no end of injustice and cruelty, and show great forbear- ance and resignation." — GuUstdn. 329. Y. Another form of the imperfect, used in a continuative sense, is obtained by prefixing the particle ^ to the past tense, as exemplified by the following extracts: (!»L»Ij i .Xsyij ^^ (j-'^J *-^^ ^ '^'^ (*r J,J ^"^^ " Notwithstanding I constantly weep and wail, I found no other partner in my grief than the nightingale. I WOULD SPEAK of the circumstauces of my beloved, and he would lament on account of the rose." — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. ^| aj Lj ^1 c:,-w.-^ \j aj j^ J^:>. aj ^] <^\^^j j j^\ ^ J^ ^jJjj&Li. j u:^^ Jci- jU««..>- ai*AR51 " In short, the shoemaker accepted the young prince's service, and without apprehension he used to bring him to his own house, and take him back to the palace." — Kalllah wo Damnah. 330. This prefixed .u appears to be used indiscriminately with both the im- * Pharoah. f Egypt. + The Nile. \ The Israelites. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 119 perfect and past, as in the following extract, in wliich it is prefixed to the simple imperfect of one verb, and to the past of another, both forms conveying a continua- tive meaning. " Howmuchsoever a person was diseased, or his sickness were even the plague or ulcers, yet he would become cured of that malady when Musa would touch him with the rod ; and when he would strike dried up trees with it, they would become fresh, and fruit would hang from them." — Babtl Jan. 331. A few imperfect verbs, which have no past tense, form the imperfect, when they have one, in a similar manner to those which take J in the past. 332. The terminations for the feminine gender already explained are the same for all classes of verbs. THE COMPOUND TENSES. t-^jyj ;^^ Perfect Tense. 333. The compound tenses of transitive verbs are obtained in the same manner as intransitives, by adding the different tenses of the auxiliary, ' to be,' according to the gender and number of the governing noun, to the past participle of the verb conjugated. 334. Transitive verbs have but two forms of the past participle, which differ but slightly from each other — one affixing ^ with its variations for gender and number to the infinitive, whilst the other rejects the J of the infinitive and affixes it to the root; thus Js^^^j^ 'to ask,' -^Is^^y^ 'asked ;' J^-o ' to burn,' ^^ ' burnt' 335. There are consequently but two forms of the perfect tense formed by adding the present tense of the auxiliary ' to be,' to the past participles, and there- fore a few examples will serve to illustrate it. ' "The scorpion said. Oh brother ! the fear produced in my heart from crossing this water, HATH THROWN ME iuto the whirlpool of perturbation.' " — Kal'dah wo Damnah. ** This unembellished fh^mament became adorned with ornaments and embellishments ; Which the diamonds of omnipotence and power have carved." — Mirza Khan, Ansdrl. I have perused a hundred volumes on patience, and endm-ancc, But what shall I do ? I am out of patience, and distracted in heart." — Saif-ul-Mulu^ . 120 A GRAMMAR OF THE 336. The participle and auxiliary assume the feminine form and number to agree with a governing noun of that gender ; as — " That from which even Majnun was appalled in the grave, Love HATH ASSIGNED such a grievous calamity unto me." — jEabd-ul- Hamid. " I HAVE ENTEUSTED mito thee both my destiny and inclination ; In every way I will be the most humble of thy lovers." — Kdsim ^ali, Afr-ldi. 337. The auxiliary is often rejected in this tense, as in the following extract : * " Thou art the apple of my eyes, and that camel on which thou art mounted, together with the goods loaded on it, I have given unto thee." — Tawallud Ndmah. s^'tj ^5^^^ Pluperfect Tense. 338. This tense is formed in the same manner as the preceding, from the past or perfect participle, to which it adds the past tense of the auxiliary ' to be.' Examples : " I HAD not as yet taken the name of friendship When separation again assembled an army against me." — jEabd-ur-RaJmdn, At any time whatsoever, the Prophet had never performed any acts of enchantment, neither had he ever spoken falsehoods in his life-time." — Fawald-ush- Shari (Eah . 339. Examples of the feminine : " Damnah said, ' A certain tortoise had acquaintance with a scorpion, and one with another used to breathe the breath of unity and concord ; and they had moreover laid the foundation of friendship and affection.' " — Kalilah wo Damnah. aj ' At this dialogue Muttalib became much terrified, for by unseen liands swords had been DRAWN, and were gleaming all around him." — Tawallad Ndma'h. CSSjIjH j_^U Doubtful Past Tense. 340. This tense is also obtained from the past participles and the aorist tense * Also see paragraph 240. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 121 of the auxiliary, ' to be,' for wliicli there is but oue form, which remains unchanged, in all six inflections, for both genders. Examples : > J' " What inquiry makest thou respecting Durkho and Adam Khan ? A person in his life-time may have clad himself in a shroud.— Aasm /Eall, Afnd'i. a Until he may not have been shod with the shoe of madness, The foot of every noble steed becometh rubbed on the ground of love." — JSabd-ul-Jlamld. '' The amoimt of my sorrows will be within the computation of that man, Who MAY HAVE COUNTED OVEE every hair of hisown body." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. 341. Another form of this tense is obtained by using the 2nd future tense of the auxiliary, ' to be,' afhxed to the past participle, as in the following examples : " No one in the whole course of his life will have beheld The trials imposed upon me every horn* by my beloved." — jEabd-ur- Rahman. " The learned man by way of apology gave answer unto him, saying, ' My notice has never been drawn towards Durkhilna'i. If I knowingly may have acted unkindly towards her, may the Almighty make my eyes sightless.'" — Ada?n Khan and Durlshanal. aJUf Ji ^U Past Cootjitional Tense. 342. The inflections of the conditional tense of the auxiliary ' to be,' with the past participle and a conditional conjunction or adverb of wishing, gives the past conditional or optative tense. The auxiliary is not subject to change in termination for either gender or number, but the participle is liable to both. Examples : " If thou also hadst seen in the same manner what I have beheld, perhaps thou too wouldst have fled from their oppression into the desert." — Kalllah wo Damnah. If thy heart had found any quiet in truth and sincerity. Thou wouldst not have bestowed adulation or flattery on any oney—^abd-ul-IIamid. 1« 122 A GRAMMAR OF THE ** Had my heart but been awake of such sorrows as these, I would never have taken even the name of friendship," — yEabd-ul- Hamld. " I would not for a moment have selected absence, Had any one placed death and separation for me to choose between." — /Eabd-ur- Rahman. JU^ iL%^ Present Tense. 343. The twenty-four classes of transitive verbs have twelve methods of form- ing the present tense, the whole of which differ materially from each other. 344. Form I. This consists of the infinitives of Classes I., II., Y., XVII., XYIII., XX., XXI., and XXIV., and constitutes the greatest number of verbs in the language, which obtain the present by merely rejecting the J of the infinitive and affixing the necessary personal pronouns. Examples : " A pampered son taketh not to discipline and morality. And a shaded palm giveth not ripe dates." — ^Eabd-ul- Hamld. " I profitlessly place a load on my head for the sake of carnal desires, But my waist never becometh bent for devotion or for prayer." — Kdshn jEah,' Afndi. 345. Form II. comprises the infinitives of Class III., in which the two last radical letters are rejected and two others taken in lieu of them ; as ^y:^^^s: ' to demand' or 'desire,' ojUi 'he, she, it demands;' Jix^X-: 'to rive' or 'cleave,' ^j-^-^ ' he, she, it cleaves.' Example : ef>cj ^cx^*^ iJ *j-'V i^-^ s/^-i iJ ^^V3 <4J^ H c;'^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^' -J i 'to find,' ^^y 'he, she, it found.' Examples : " oi She made this request to her father, saying, ' All those of my own age learn to read, give directions that I may learn to read aho."— Adam Khan a7id Durkhanal. *^J "^ ^^'^^ J^^j ^y ^'■i Jj ^_^ ^h^ ^. s^^^ls) ^Ux«.J& ^1)^^ fT/ There are many extrinsic friends in the world, But Rahman findeth not a friend of the \iQQxi."—yEabd-ur-Eahman. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 123 347. Form IV. includes the infinitives of Classes VI. and XIII., which lengthen the first short vowel (■^) into \ for the present ; as Jj . ' to speak,' J^ he, she, it, etc. speaks;' J^j 'to weep,' ^j\j 'he, she, it, etc. weeps;' J ' to laugh,' ^_jj.3U. ' he, she, it laughs.' Example : " If any one asks, ' What hath happened to thee, ! mad Afridi ?' I LAUGH and WEEP, but I DO not tell my perplexed state to any one"—KasimyEati, Afndl. 348. Form V. This includes the infinitives of Class VII., and is something similar to the one immediately preceding. It changes the short vowel (— ) for ^ in the present ; as JL 'to call' or 'name,' ^^i ' he, she, it, etc. called.' Example: " Thou CALLEST God the giver of daily bread, nevertheless consider it acquired by employment ; Yet with all this knowledge, thou termest thyself grateful." — /Eabd-iir-Rahman. 349. Form VI. comprises Classes VIII. and IX. of infinitives, which reject the last radical letter and take another in place of it ; as Jij^ ' to kill,' ^Jj ' he, she, it kiUs ;' J:ijU> ' to unloose,' ,^^)^ 'he, she, it unlooses.' Example : " What between thy eyes and thy eyelashes, I am perplexed and bewildered ; For one kills me with red fire, the other with sparkling glsinces."—yEabd-ul-IIamid. 350. Form VII. The infinitives of Class X. form the present by rejecting the three last radical letters and taking another in their place ; as ^J:;^J^» ' to discharge,' Jj ' he, she, it, etc. discharges.' Example : " So true doth she dlscharge the arrows of her eyelashes, That no one escapeth with safety from the battle with her." — yEabd-ur- Rahman. 351. Form VIII. The present tense of Class XL of infinitives is obtained by rejecting altogether the two last characteristic letters of the root, and the J of the infinitive ; as Jw\;^jT ' to hear,' ^^jT ' he, she, it, etc. heard.' Example : "When I hear the sound of her dog's voice, I become as delighted. As one becometh merry and glad at the melody of the veheck"—jEabd-ur- Rahman. 352. Form IX. The verbs of Class XII. contained in this form of the present reject the last radical letter and the J of the infinitive ; as J^^o. 'to recognize,' jj-j ' he, she, it, etc. recognizes.' Example : 124 A GRAMMAR OF THE '' And if the other sayeth unto him, ' I do not recognize the will of the Almighty ; ' or, ' In this place the will of God availeth not ; ' or, ' The influence and power of God extendeth not here ; ' he becometh a blasphemer." — Fawaul-2ish-Shariceah. 353. Form X. The infinitives constituting Class XIV. of transitive verbs change the final letter for another in forming the present tense, similar to those of Form VI., but so far differ inasmuch as the former contain but two letters in the root and the latter three. Example : " The grass which moveth not from its proper place acquheth moisture ; Then wherefore scourest thou the world in search of thy daily bread?" — ^ahd-ur- Rahman. 354. Form XI. Class XIX. of infinitives form the present tense by rejecting the last radical letter of the root for two others; as Ju,! 'to knead,' i,i\ 'he, she, it, etc. kneads;' J»-j 'to take' or 'bear away,' JLj 'he, she, it, etc. takes.' Example : '* If I TAKE the steed of the heart on the road of carnal desire, He goeth not along, for my heart's reflection made him lame." — Ahmad Shah, Abddli. 355. Form XII. The verbs of Class XXIII. form the present tense by affixing an extra letter to the root, after rejecting the sign of the infinitive ; as J^ ' to birrn,' ^y-^ ' he, she, it burns.' Example : " Fire burns whatever may be cast into it ; In the same manner, a seeker after this world will not become satiated." — JEahd-ur-Raliman . 356. It is here necessary to mention that the infinitive J/ ' to do,' included in the above, has two other forms of the third person, besides the regular one, viz. j>3l<' and l^ or <*.^, examples of which are contained in the following extracts : ^^-j>- ^^^>~ (_jiy-i)l j,3o ^.^jt) ^^ ^lu^-^wUi> iU j^'L-j \i ^'^^ " Alas ! Christians exercise dominion over Hindtistan ! Oh ! where are those valorous swordsmen gone ? Shopkeepers are now becoming soldiers in India, And ihe great and noble of the land ask for alms." — Kdsim jEali, Afndl* * The Afrldis of the present day do not seem to have a more favourable opiuiou of the " shopkeepers" than our friend Kasim iEali in the last century. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 125 " Whosoever placeth his hopes on the fabric of this world, VoYAGETH on the ocean in a paper boat." — yEabd-ur- Rahman. 357. The above form is often wiitten with c/, thus — " If the monarch maketh a boast of the imperial treasure, Lovers will make a boast of the cheeks of their beloved." — jEahd-ur-RaJiman. 358. The affixed ^ or Jij, already described as being occasionally added, by way of euphony at the end of a line for the other tenses, is also used with the present. Example : ''Act not as he says, for the whole of his advice and counsel is delusive and wTong. Sin is his snare — the fowler of the Faithful — and maketh them slip and slide in many ways." — Fafvald-ush' Shariceali, c iLit AoRisT Tense. 359. The aorist or future indefinite tense of transitive verbs is formed in a similar manner to that of the intransitives already described, but they have also some peculiarities of their own. 360. I have before remarked respecting the intransitive verbs, that, properly speaking, this tense is an original one, and that the present is formed from it by rejecting the prefixed J, whilst the present tense of those which reject this particle is the same as the aorist itself. 361. There are four different forms of the aorist, which I shall describe separately. 362. I. Thirteen out of the twenty-four classes of transitives — L, III., IV., VI., VII., VIII., XL, XIL, XIIL, XIV., XIX., XXL, XXIL, and XXIIL, merely difi'er from the present by taking the prefixed j , as will be seen from the following examples : " Every recluse who may begin a life of devotion without a guide or director, In the imagmation of Khushhal Khat;_ak, is but an empty ^od."—JUms/ihdl Khan. "Though I MAY BEHOLD with mine eyes an hmidred wrongs at thy hand, Yet I shall never become convinced of thy injustice and CTueltj."—^abd-u?'-IiahmdN. 126 A GEAMilAR OF THE "The world is a place of filthiness and impurity. You should keep your minds at a distance from it, that you may never fall head downwards into it." — Farvald-usk-SharicBaJh. 363. The prefixed J of this class of infinitives is often rejected as redundant, like the <— ' of the Persian. The following is an example : "We are hopeful that, through the blessing of veracity and candour, both of us may OBTAIN redemption from the talon of grief and anxiety." — Kalilah wo Bamnah. 364. II. Six classes of infinitives — Y., IX., X., XYL, XYII., and XX., entirely reject the prefixed j in the aorist, and therefore this form of the verb does not differ from the simple present in mode of writing. Examples : If I SHOULD stake and lose my head on love, then what blame is it of mine ? If THEY SHOULD STAKE theu' heads on thy esteem, what cause of grief is it to them?" — Ahmad Shah, Abdali. " Come now, that we may abandon the sorrow and trouble of the world ! That after a good fashion we may warm this companionship with wine !" — Saif-ul-Muluk. 365. III. The transitive infinitives of Class II., which are formed from adjec- tives by the addition of Jj,t require the aorist tense of J^ and J^ 'to do,' 'to per- form,' to complete them ; as in the following examples of Jj^^ ' to fill,' and JjjIjj ' to prove : ' " Like the moon, fate breaketh on the head to-morrow, The wallet of any one which it may fill to-day." — yEabd-ul-Hamid. " That friend and companion of mine, alas ! is now no more. That by him I might prove the sincerity and truth of friendship." — JEabd-ul- Hamid. 366. The verb J^ ' to do,' as before mentioned, besides the regular form, has two other forms of the present for the third persons singular and plural. One of these, written d^ ^ cJ, or 1$", is also used with the addition of the necessary affixed * The second person plural in some works is written as above, instead of with simple ^1 t See paragraphs 166 and 285. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 127 pronouns and the prefixed j in all the inflections of the aorist, both singular and plural, as well as the regular form of the tense. Example : " He who MAY CONFESS mth his tongue, and may truly venerate in his heart, Saying, ' I have acknowledged the One God, and the holy Prophet has been sent'— Verily, he becometh a Musalman, and the Musalnian is an orthodox man." — Rashid-ul-Byd7i . 367. Ajli, the other form of the third person present, is also used for the aorist, but merely in the third persons, and with or without the prefixed j. Examples : " The Mu'setazilas* have said, that Musalmans who may coboiit an enormous sin, will doubtless depart from their faith, but it will not constitute blasphemy, and they cannot be termed either Infidels or BelieYers. " —Fawaid-ttsk-S/iaricsa/L ^JoLi^\ J^^ SSuj\j d^ ^^:>- .Sb ^J^i c— .*l:xiT 'u^l ^-/ JU ^J <--:\j » l^\ " The brightness and lustre, will become world-conquering like the sun, Of every brow, which candour and probity may illumine." — jEabd-ul-Hanvid. ^\s^ y\ 1st Future or Precative Tense. 368. This tense, like the corresponding one for the intransitives, merely differs from the aorist in the mode of writing the third persons singular and plural, which take the prefixed j, the peculiar sign of the 1st future, and the third persons of the imperative mood. 369. There are three forms of this tense, which differ slightly from each other. 370. I. The regular verbs which take the prefixed j in the aorist, merely prefix the j to it for the 1st future. Example : "He should perform the ablutions anew; still, washing the whole body is much better. He should also take two clean cloths, which may be either quite new or washed, one of which he "should wi'ap round the loins, and the other he should throw over liis shoulders."— Fatvald-ush- Shan (Ba h. 371. II. Those verbs formed from nouns and adjectives by adding Jj as already described, t which require the assistance of J/ or J^ ' to do,' in forming * a sect of Muhammadan schismatics. t See paragraphs 166 and 285. 128 A GRAMMAR OF THE tlieii- different tenses, do not generally take the prefixed j in this tense, as in the following example : ^ ^^ J, ^^ . ^j ^yy^ ^^ *p Ji ^ > ** " Moreover, it is incumbent on every believer, that he should leabn by heart these few words, that he may thereby strengthen his faith." — MaM^cin Afghani. 372. III. The different forms of the aorist of J/ 'to do,' are nsed with the prefixed >^ of the third persons, for the 1st future also, either with or mthout the prefixed J ; as — '' Day and night he should worship and adore ; he should abandon all sin and disobedience ; He should ever give good counsel to his heart ; and should keep himself according to the law. He should make observation to-day, for to-morrow is separation." — ^luMiammas of yEabd-ul-Kddir. »»y mm/ " If a man in the constant habit of praying may become afflicted with sickness, and it may be difficult for him to stand up. This is the order unto him, that he should say his prayers sitting." — Rashid-ul-Bfdn. 373. The second person of the imperative is sometimes used with the J pre- fixed for the 1st future, as in the following extract : " In the hope of what pleasant thing art thou in the time of youth free from care ? May the Almighty remove thee ! oh thou ignorant Panjabi Jatt." — Mlrzd Khdn, Ansdri. 374. The termination ^ or ^, previously described, is added to this as well as the other tenses of verbs for the third person, for the sake of euphony. Example : " It is stated in tlie Sharah Tanbih, that it is right on the part of the relations and neigh- bours of the defunct person, that they should send victuals to his family." — Fawald-ush- Shari(Ea'h. (J-ih^u-M 2nd Future Tense. 375. The 2nd future tense of transitive verbs, of which there are four classes, is obtained from the different forms of the aorist by the addition of the pre- fixed -u , and are as follow : — It -tr PUSHTO LAJ!fGUAGE. 129 376. I. Regular infinitives which take the prefixed j for the aorist ; as — You brothers will go in search of game, and will be so much taken up with your sport, That YOU WILL PUT him altogether out of your minds, and will become mcautious regarding liim. Then some old wolf will whet his fangs on him, and will tear his tender limbs asunder," — Yusiif and ZuhTihCi. 377. The regular infinitives in this as well as in the aorist sometimes reject the prefixed J ; as— " The nurse said, * Oh, daughter ! now God forbid That I SHOULD MENTION such a secret matter to any one.'" — Sa\f-ul-Muluh. 378. The J ^yu-s^ Sjf ^^i. ^- J J.;l/ J-^ J ^ J^ y " Agam, for the second time, Badra'h Khatun said, ' Oh sister ! If thou hast any gratitude for thy mother's milk, One time, at least, show thy face unto thy afflicted lover ; Tor he has performed many toils and troubles both by sea and land." — Saif-ul-Muluk . 388. Some of these infinitives have also another form of the imperative, for the second person plural, in which the last radical letter of the regular imperative is changed into^l , as will be seen in the folio-wing examples : I.. A ij j\p cO^^y^ Uy J J^.\j ^V^Ji ^^Ahj^ 4 ^ Go to him quickly, and transmit information regarding him ; And with all possible speed bring him into my presence." — Sa\f-ul-Miduk. 132 A GEAMMAR OF THE '' The king commanded, saying, ' Bring you some more victuals, And SATIATE tliis demon in a proper manner.' " — Saif-ul-Muluk. 389. IV. The infinitive Jj^ ' to do,' is somewliat irregular in the imperative, having aS", c1^ j, or a^i for the second person singular, and ^^^ witli the necessary per- sonal pironouns, for the third person singular and plural, i^ is changed into ^^ for- the plural of the second person. Examples : " Brmg tidings, oh fragrant zephyr of the morning ! Gladden the rose of my heart in the blooming garden ! " — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. " Do battle with the enemy,' oh my son ! do not retreat from them, so it behoveth." — Hasan and Husain, 390. The prefixed j is sometimes retained and at times rejected. THE POTENTIAL MOOD. iJLC*^ ^k^ fighah-i-mikdnl. 391. The Pushto has no regular potential mood, and the passive form of the verb is used instead, with a slio;ht diiference in the construction. 392. There are but three tenses — the present, past, and future. INTRANSITIVES. 393. Intransitive verbs have no passive voice, but a passive form — the dif- ferent past participles with the auxiliary ' to be ' — is used for the potential of in- transitives. The verb agrees with the agent, and the masculine or feminine form of the past participle must correspond accordingly ; but the third persons of the past tense of the auxiliary, like all intransitive verbs, alone has a different termination for the feminine gender. 394. Therefore, whenever the passive form of an intransitive verb is met with in a sentence, it can be instantly recognised as the potential mood. The following are examples : JU^ Present Tense. " From the waves of thy love I cannot escape by any road : Both my hands have become powerless for the swimming of wisdom." — jEahd-ur- Rahman. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 133 i^U Past Tense. " I COULD NOT OVERLOOK even a straw or a splinter; But love hath made me disregard both life and goods." — J^abd-ur- Rahman. J-iiii.^^* Future Tense. " If, tlirough your rank, some mode of livelihood be established for me which may cause peace of mind, I shall not be able to emerge from the debt of gratitude as long as I live." — GuUstdn. TRANSITIVES. 395. The transitive form of the potential is easily distinguished from the passive voice, as both the agent and the object must be expressed for the former ; whilst, in the latter, the agent is never expressed, or remains unknown. The verb also agrees with the object in gender and number for the former, and the agent must be in the instrumental or agent case in the past tense. The object is sometimes put in the dative, as is also the case with regard to a few infinitives which require it. J la- Present Tense. " In the same manner as an armless sleeve cannot do anything. So without grace and favour, man is confounded and ])ev]Aexed."—'yEabd-id-Ha}?ild. j^U Past Tense. " A holy man hath said, ' To-day that you are able to do, you do not understand ; and when you understand, you are unable to perform : and in the same maimer, when I could do, I did not comprehend ; and when I comprehended I could not perform.' "— Kalllah wo Damnah. Ur Juii::-u-^ Future Tense. Thou WILT not BE ABLE TO BEAR the burthen of trust. Therefore travel light on the road of integrity, thou inexperienced one ! " — Mi7'za Klian, Ansdri. 134 A GRAMMAR OF THE THE PASSIVE VOICE. J^j^-^ Ax^ slffh ah-i-majhul. 396. The passive voice of a verb is called J^-*, from the Arabic word signify- ing ' unknown/ as the agent is never mentioned. 397. Transitive verbs, alone, have a proper passive voice, which is obtained by prefixing the different forms of the past participle to the auxiliaries Jp. or Ja^^ ' to be' or 'become,' as in the following examples : JU. iJi^ Present Tense. />_ " It is stated in the Hujjat-ul-Islam, that if a person lig-hteth a place of worship with lamps, HE IS ever forgiven the sins of seventy thousand years." — Faivaid-ush - SharicBah . *' Every stone and every clod of earth of this world which is seen, All are skulls, some of kings and some of beggars." — jEahd-ur- Rahman. j\y^:xJ\ ^.N^U Imperfect Tense. " One day the Shah Nama'h of Ferdowsi was being read in his assembly, on the subject of the decline of the dominion of Zohak, and on the prosperity of that of Feridun." — GuUstdn. j;lk^ ^_5^^'* Past Tense. "It so happened that they were apprehended at the door of a certain city on suspicion of being spies, and were placed together in a chamber, and its door was closed up on them." — Gulistdn. <^,ji 1^^ Perfect Tense. j-ic>- (^,^t^lj *j^J ^^, lJji^ ^CJy* ^ {J^ {J ^ ^y^ r^ AJUb Ji " If thou hast not become dead to the world before death, Count, oh fool ! as false and futile, all thy devotion and austerity." — Kdsim jtEali, Afndl. ^^ c-S^^'* Pluperfect Tense. w^/ I' ^ ^3} J^ cr^^ ^ uVj ^ ^3 ^ ^3^ ^J J3 ^3J i^^ j^^ C^wjJ ^^3'* ^'^- ^^^^^^ ^ ''>>• jj ^^^ Jy^ ^j^j^'^ jj\> hari ceali. ^j^ ^_5^^ Past Conditional Tense. " Before friendship ariseth, were but absence to be seen, No servant of God would become mixed up in the matter." — jEahd-ur-Eahndn. 399. Both forms of the j)assive are occasionally to be met with in the same sentence; thus — " Or if he thus sayeth, ' In buying and selling until falsehood is not spoken no profit is PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 13 0/ OBTAINED,' or if he sayeth that 'there is no expedient save in falsehood and perfidy,' in order that that which is unlawful in the sight of God be considered trivial and trifling, he becometh a blasphemer." — Fanald-iish- Shari cea h. 400. After this lengthened analysis of the Pushto verbs, it will be advisable to give a table of the moods and tenses according to the arrangement with which the European learner will be best acquainted ; although the Arabic method, which is the same as the Hebrew, is by far the most simple ; and I imagine that few will commence Pushto who are unacquainted with Persian, and the primary rules of the Arabic Grammar which are necessary in the study of it. 401. It will be more particularly requisite to give a table of all the moods and tenses of a few imperfect and irregular intransitive verbs, on account of the varieties which they assume, and in order that they may serve as models for others ; but I shall retain the simpler method in the conjugations of the regular transitives and intransitives. 402. Conjugation of the irregular imperfect intransitive verb Jii^ raghlal, ' to come.' jX.2^ Intinitive. Ji-b 4o come.' JU- ^■^■ya Present Tense. SINGULAE. PLTJfiAL. tX^j 1 come. '^j we come. °J>yj thou comest. ^^^j you come. ^J-\j he, she, itcomes. A.^j they come. j1/^^' v^^ Imperfect Tense. SINGTJLAH. PLXJEA.L. JLij or ^3\j I was coming. jlJjtj or '^\j we were coming. ^\j or ^\j thou wast coming. jlLij or ^\j you were coming. M. " ij\j or l:u\j he, or it was coming. M. iij1j or Jbij they were coming. F. .j Ji|^ or ^s^\j *J Li-^L» -I- li^^^ come. 1> ^J-c-^; we have come, oj JiJ^ or ^^i^]; iV i^i^b ^^°^ ^^^^ come. J lJ^^J J^^ ^^^e come. ij JjiU or i^Lcj^ i_^j ,jIi-\; he, she, it has come. ^_^J ^i]; they have come. Jujt> ,^U Pluperfect Tense. SINGULAE. rLUEAL. F. M. f*J J^b^^i^-^b (*J Ls^-^b ^ ^^^ come. j^ cS^b ^^ ^^^ come. <^J Ji)^or oLc^ ^^ ijli|^ thou hadst come. ^^ t<^b you had come. ifj Jjilj or olilj ^J iJ-^-^b liC, she, it had come, F. _j JJi\j M.j^ ls^I; they had come. j^\s>. y\ 1st Future Tense. SINGTJLAE. PLTJEAL. * o^' Lj^b ^ if you had come. M. 1 if they had come. ^\j or JJ|^ i^ ) ^<1 Imperative Mood. SINGULAK, PLUEAL. ^^j or n^Sj, ^^, - Present. SINGTJLAE. PLUEAL. F. M. M. AND F. jU> JJ^; j«-^ ^[) I can come. j^ ^\j we can come, j^ ijj\j ^ (J-^'b tlio^i canst come. *^ Jj"|^ you can come. ^ J^'b j^-^ (J^'b ^®' ^^®' ^* ^^^ come. ^ 1j\j they can come. ^U Past. SINGTJLAE. " PLUEAL. F. M. - *yj^ Jj\j ^y^ (J^'b ^ could come. l^ lP\j ^^ could come, ^^y* Jjij i^^ (J-^b ^^°^ couldst come. ^^ L5^b ^^^ could come, if^ Jj\j
  • ^j-ij'l^ he, she, it could come. F.j-i Jj\j M. J^-i orl^ L^b ^^^^y could come. J-Ji::-*^ Future. SIKGFLAE. F. M. F. M. *^ dj JjJ^ or ^jJj')^ or *i) Jj'L or (j-ij'\; '^J ^J I will come. ^^ ^ ^\j or ^j-b'l^ or o-i> Jj1j or ,j-ij"^ 'O '^' ^^^^ "^* come. ,^ aj Jj|^ or (j-ij')^ or .JL Jjl^ or ,jJj]^ ^'l^; ''^^ ^ they will come. ••/ ••/ ••/ ••/ * "What I have here termed the Potential Mood is really the Passive form of the inti'ansitive verbs, which is alone used to express power, will, or obligation. I have already described the peculiarities of the Passive and Potential form of the verbs in the analysis of the different moods and tenses, which see — page 132. 140 A GRAMMAR OF THE Jxli *«j1 The Agent. SINGTJIAE. PLUBAX. M , or aj he, or it was going. i^ or ajj she, J • -^ • Uhey used to go. ^ii^ J ^ or ^y ^ * JJ j ^ or Jj^ «U PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 141 Jpia^ ^^ Past Tense. SINGULAR. (^J j or (*J J ^J or ^J I went. (^j^ j or ^J J 1^^^ or ^j'i thou wentest. M. j^ j or^^ he, or it went. PLUKAl. F. Jjjil j or 4i^J ij^J j or :ij Jj^jor Jj^ she, shall, cir will go. or wilt go„ wi) j^ he, she, it may, shall, \^ j^ ^^^^7 ^^y> shall, or will go. c>r will go. SINGULAE. PLTJKAL. M. F. ' ^ " ,,o " ,^(1 may have gone. j^. JJ or aLl j^ go thou. ^ji or ^j-i. jj or ^^ j^ go you. . ^ J J or , Ji ,13 J * ^r^-»- .Met them go. J . ^ or . ^ J ajcfcj it go. " '"" ' J ^ or ^a. o ajdbj JUUl .U^ POTENTIAL MOOD, JU- Present. SINGULAE. F. M. *^ Jill *-ij 15-^' I can go. (^ Jij* (^ jjJij' thou canst go. ^^ Jij -^ ^JJj he, she, it can go. PLTTRAL. 1^ JJj' we can go. ^ JJj you can go. ^ lb' they can go. M PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 143 ^^U Past. SINGTTLAE. "'' PLTTEAL. F. M. (•r^ JL' 1*^ ^j\}j I could go. jy, ^^ we could go. ^r^ Jij ^^^ jlij thou couldst go. ^ ^^ you could go. *p» Jb' a-i jjJJj he, she, it could go. F. ^ iij M. ii "llj they could go. tJ*ic^*M . i> Future. SIJfGTJLAE. PLTJEAL. M. AND F. jU. i^ ^jJij or jji, jJJj ^ ij W shall be p ^o ^ or p JJJ .u l^ we shall be F. p-i ij Jij' or jU> i^llJ" aj irj ) able to go. able to go. M.^ ^ ijUj or ^ ■JiJ ^ they will be F. ^ aj JiJ" or j^ Jii aj a^iji) she, (9r it will be able to go. able to go. JxU ^\ The Agent. SINGTJLAE. PLTJEAL, 1, 1- ./.,-" ,o ^/,o the goer. M. and F. J^ or J:i^ goers. I' ^ •• •• J^jtL* *-j1 Past Participle. SINGXTLAK. PITTEAI,. F. j5 or Jij M. '^ or ^-UJ? gone. M. and F. ^ or ^^' gone. iU *«sl Noun of Fitness. ^, O x' ^, , o •- , o / JJ" J or Jb" J ; ^" J or ^L" J of, or for going, etc. 404. Conjugation of the irregular intransitive ^i^ khatal^ ' to ascend.' jjua^ Infinitive. Jiisi- ' to ascend.' Jls^ Present Tense. SINGTTLAR. PLTJEAX. *.sari- or ^-^ I ascend, y^^ o^ )y^ "^^ ascend. ^ys^ or Cs'yP^ thou ascendest. ,J?^ <^^' lJJ^ ^^^ ascend. ^^^snj>. or ^cjs^ lie, she, it ascends. ^^^^ or ^^j:ri>■ they ascend. 144 A GRAMMAR OF THE j\j*:-^\ ^\^ Imperfect Tense. SINGITLAK. or *:ir5- I was ascending. PLtmAL. oL^ or °^J>- tliou wast ascending. M. c:j^>- he, or it was ascending. F. i\zj>. or iz^ she, or it was ascending. *^s>- or '^:J>. we were ascending. ^ or you were ascending. M. F. ^yxd^ or 2nd Form as Continuative Tense. ^'Iri^ or J-:.ri- they were ascending. ^r^ or o:irU ^ ' , i they were ascending. SINGXJLAK. PLTTRAL. j Jw< or ♦:;Lr^ j ''^ I used to ascend. 1::.^;- I Aj or °^:>~ j thou usedst to ascend. M. F. Aiir iliri- J iU or 'j:J>. j dj we used to ascend. ^Ic^ J ij or (j::^ J ^ you used to ascend. :^ j dj he, cr it used to ascend. M. ^'l^ J ij or Jj^rJ- J jj they used to ascend. F. ^^ or |j::>r^ J ^ J:i£^ or ci aj or icj>- j ^ she, or it used to ascend. or^^ j ^1 they used to ascend. (jXl:i^ ^U Past Tense. SINGTJLAK. PLITEAL. ♦i::^ 5 or * :U J I ascended. * or i:xj^ j we ascended. J or o:xiw j thou ascendedst. M. F. '^^ j he, or it ascended. dkrU j or aj^ri- j she, or it ascended. M. F. 3^j «L>- j or ^j::^ j you ascended. <0'l>. J or J:^^ J they ascended. J::^ or i.::.^^- J they ascended. FLTJEAL. 4-^j^j j^'^* Perfect Tense. SINGULAE. F. M. *j Jixri.- *.j LC-^'^^^ I ^^^^^ ascended. V (cJ'^=>^ we have ascended. tV J-^^^ lV Li^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ascended. J ^.J^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ascended. sJ J:;d- t_?j (ji.:xri- he, she, it has ascended. ^_^J lJ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^® ascended. j^^ (^-^^ Pluperfect Tense. SIN^GTJLAE. *■ rLUEAL. F. M. (♦j Jiiri- |*j jjl'.i>- I had ascended. Jj ^_5i«;:^ we had ascended. ^^^ J:iri- ^j (J-^^ t^^ou hadst ascended. ^^ lS^^^^ you liad ascended. i>} J:i:>- ij tj-^-^^^ ^^' she, it had ascended. F. j f)^^^ ^^- jj ■s^'^'^ ^^^7 ^^^^ ascended. SINGXJLAE. ^ U.- t-*\ 1st Future Tense. y ♦.sari. J or AJ:?^ j I should ascend. PLUEAL. jrs^rk J or Jjr:^ J we should ascend. ^rsn.ri. l^' or ^>^ J thou shouldst ascend. cl5^-^ j or ^-r^ J you should ascend. jcj:?^ '^^ J or ^j:^i>- j <^ 'Uto I he, she, it should^j-^ <::? J o^ i_?j^ j ':^ ^^ 1 ^^^^7 should J or ^^^.sn^ J l3 aijb ) ascend, ^5^^^jor^5^>jt?'^ ascend. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 145 J.Jb^.< Second Future Tense. SINGULAR. 9 PLTJEAL. Cjrr . J cj^ ^ '^\\ will ascend. ,,»^:>- - J ^ 'i^ I lie, she, it will ^5s^>. J (jwlj ) ascend. ^yp- ''^ j or ^'y^ j . j or ^U:>- 3 thou mayest, or shalt ascend. ^v?ar^ j or ^U^ j you may, or shall ascend. ^sn.:>. j or ^tr^ j he, she, it may, or shall ascend. ^^^^.:>- J or ^j^ j they may, or shall ascend. {JSSAj , <^U Doubtful Past Tense. SrNGTTXAE. PLTJEAL. F. M. M. AND F. *j ~ *j aj ,^l:i:>- I may have ascended. V. . a^ had I ascended. a«^ hadst thou ascended. M. *-K>^ ^ ^^^ ^^' '^'^ ^^ ascended. F, adiiri. a.^ or aori- i^ had she, or it ascended. PLUEAL. ^ had we ascended. or^^ jbri. a^ or ji. ^jb^ a^ or ^d^ a^ had you ascended. M. al;l:5^ ao or J:ir^ aj had they ascended. F. ^^ or ^ri~ ^~) J:;:>- or L::.-^r^ a^ ^ Miad they ascended. r» ^ Imperative Mood. aL:sks- or a^r*^ j ; i SINGULAR. PLTJEAL. or ij. ascend thou. «rsari. J or ^'r^ J ascend you. i^ ^ j or j:^ J J ^|let him, her, U^ J j or j^ j j ^4| y-^ ^ "T^ ^ V , ^ ^ T^ .Met them ascend, -^ri. J j or jr^^ j ^ ''^■51'' it ascend. itfSa:>> J J or jc^-=^ j ^ '^-' JIL,1 iU-.^ POTENTIAL MOOD. J'o>. Present. F. SINGULAR. M. Ji J.i>. *Ji Li-^<^=>^ I c^^ ascend. ^^ J:;^^ ^-1 lt^'-^^ t^ou canst ascend. J^ fjs^^ J^ lt^-^ ^^> ^^^' i*' ^^^ ascend. PLURAL. M. AND F. 1^ ^::^ wc can ascend. *. or j*^ rc^^^^^ I could ascend. J^ i.J^^'^ ^^ could ascend. ^p, J::c>- or ^^!i Li-^-^i^ ^^0^^ couldst ascend. J.y- ^"-^^ you could ascend. M. aJi, jji:;^:^- lie, or it could ascend. M. ^ ,,j^^^=^ or Jj-^ cS^"^^^ ^^^^^ could ascend, F. ipi) Jc^ she, or it could ascend. F. yi J:^:?- tliey could ascend. J-Ji::-.U'« Future. SINGTILAK. PLtTRAL. M. AND F. M jj^ <0 iJ-^^^=^ or ^ (J-^-^=^ ^'^ ij ) I shall, or will be j-i lj^-^^^ '^ j^'^ | '^o shall, or will be F. *i r^ <0 ^j ) able to ascend. 1^ <0 ,J^i^ or ) able to ascend. M. ^ ^ lJ"^-^^^ ^^' (^ (J-^^ ''^ '^' I tlioushalt, or wilt ^.i ^.^^-^^^ ''^. U^^' 1 yo^^ shall, or will F. o-i <0 Ju^ or o^ J:;«^ ^u tO" ) be able to ascend. ^j^ ^ <„J^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^-^^ ^^ ascend. , , - \ he, she, it shall, ^ lid- tU AjO) ) they shall, or will M. ^ Jj ^1;^ or ^ -I:;^ ^) dAib ^ ^rf^ ' "^ ^ ../ Sr* • ^ I ^^, ^yjll l3g able -^ Aj , li>^ or ) be able to ascend. F. ^^ ^ j::.:>~ or Jij J:;Lri- aj AxJb k c5. • i-?^ to ascend. Jxli wl The Agent. SINGXTLAR. PLTJRAX. F. M. M. AND F. ,ju^ or uli^j^:;^ ^'yx:^- or ^Jliy:^ the ascender. ijy^^ or iX'j-^ ^^^^ ascenders. J^xjU ,*-c1 Past Participle. SINGULAR. * PLtTRAL. F. Jc^d- M. iJ-i^^ ascended. M. and F. ,)^^-^ ascended. c:-iU >-ol Noun of Fitness. M. and F. c:„-v=i^ "I) or ^x6-~ j ; Ju^i- j or ^l^d- J of or for ascending. S. and P. 405. The following is a paradigm of a regular intransitive verb, according to the system of the Arabian and Hebrew GrammarianSj as referred to at paragraph 208. The active participle denotes the agent, and the passive jDarticiple the object acted on. The method of forming the different compound tenses by the aid of the auxiliary has already been explained in the analysis of the moods and tenses, which see. jj^^ Infinitive. Jji-iij zghaledal, * to run.' uJ^y^ i^ ACTIVE VOICE. ^^U Past Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. ^'Nt^J J or JuLi; j he, or it ran. M. *'^^^; J or J>A-iij J they ran. F. ^'^•^j j or iJ^-iij j she, or it ran. F. J'^:^) J or J^-lij j they ran. M. and F. ^^0)Szj J or ^^^A-lij j thou didst run. M. and F. AslJ^j j or ^^-sA-i) J yoi-^ ran. M. and F. jJwV-Uj j or^jJ,ij j I ran. M. and F. '^-^j j or jjJxj j we ran. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 147 9j^"* AoRiST Tense. SINGULAE. rLUEAL. ^_^Uj J he, she, it runs, or may run. ^j j they run, or may run. ,^J j thou runnest, or may est run. ^U; I you run, or mav run. jj-ij J I run, or may run. jUj j we run, or may run. j^\ Imperative Mood. SINGTJLAE. PLtrBAL. ^^ , sT >' ^ " (let him, her, it run. ^ ' ' i^ ^T^ -J ' J let them run. J J^J or JJ^j c3.Ua) J lij or li ; o ^ ) Jij or aiij, Jij J or aiij j run thou, or do thou ^jUj or AJ^j j run you, or do run. you run, J-cli ^^ Active Participle. SINGULAE. ' PLTJEAL. ST^ "J lTJJ •• J j-j^g runner. M. and F. "^^ " ^ the runners. F. ^^.xJLcj or (Jjsjjjuiij ; ' JjjJ.ij ) J^^-» .U-,.^ PASSIVE VOICE (used as the POTENTIAL MOOD). ^^ Past Tense. SrNGTTLAE. " PLTJEAL. M.
  • , djuii; oricjJ.r;; he, or it could run. M. i^ or J»-w ^cjjj:;") ^ ;■ f ", -T .-I ^ " ''they could run. F. ^.^ Jjk-«lij or A-Iij she, or it could run. F. .-i or J^ JaJ-cj.) M. j^j-i, djJ.i; or,JjJ.i;) ^(orjcjJji;) ' o" '■ , " ", thou couldst run. M. and F. %»,^\ '"' " ^ > you could ran. F. ^^y- Jj..U; or j.-Iij) '^^ \ JjJ^jr M. ^^ ,dA-Lc; oriJjJ.i;i ^ (or^^sJ^;) r^ y •• ^ '• ■• ^ I could run. M. and F. J»-i -" " ^ we could run. F. M^ Jjk-iij or juUj) ^^ ( ^JjJxj) f;Ui'< AoRisT Tense. SINGULAE. PLUEAL. M. AND F. M. --i) ^jJjuic) or (JJ^J he, or it can run. ^ ^Jl.Uj or t^J^J they can run. F. Ji J-^r^; or A-i£j she, or it can run. M. ,o-i) ,-djk-li.; or i^jJ^j ) ,, , , , . , ^ ^ ■• J »w •• > ) thou canst run. «-i) JjJ-r.; or icjulc; y F. ^ Jj^Aij or jJ^j ) , l;, U I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. i^f etc. l^ M. uX a^, l^, ijl^ ^iJ5> or (j^l:-, l^;^^ we, you, they were doing. {^Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. J^ etc. U M. J^ A-ifc or ^t>, b", U I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. J^ etc. ^^ M. J^ ^xa> or [jj^, jy% we, you, they were doing. Second Fokm — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. ^^ etc. ^ M. li/or a^, l^, ^jl^ ^| or ^, ^ I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. ^^ etc. "y* M. cl/or <^, 1^, ijl^ ^| or y$, y* we, you, they were doing. {Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. J^ etc. ^ M. J^^ ^1 or o, ^ I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. Jj^" etc. y* M. Jj^ ^ or yt, y* we, you, they were doing. ImPEEFECT irSED AS CONTINUATIVE. (M. AND P.) SINGULAR. cl/ j or l^ j, ^ J ^ etc. U or 'c/or l^, <^ <5j a^ or ^, b, U I, thou, he, it, she used to do. PLURAL. "cl/ j or l^ j, <^ j , ^^ j J ) they should l^ jj or Ji3l^ JJ, ^ JJ ) do. l^ jj or jJl^ jj, 1^ J J i do. J-Jb.*«^ 2nd Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. p ^ dj I or jS I <)j sj I will do. j^ '• - -^ -'^^ • they will do. l^ j, ^ '), ^ ^^ yo"- l^ j ^ or ^l^ j o, ^ J ^ ax^ j let him, her, ' l^ j /or ^l^ J ^, J'] ^ ^v.. j ^^^ ^^^^^^^ \^ J j or Jol^ J j, ^^ Jj) it do. ir J j or jJli J j, ^^ j) ^Jxlj *-;l The Agent. SINGULAR. ' PLURAL. F. ,^^/ or cl5:3^/ ) ^../ ^ • The j (the sign of the past) is omitted at times in this tense ; but only when the verb is used as an auxiliary. 50 A GRAMMAR OF THE LI j^^\ JSTouN OP Fitness. *^ J OTj^ J, J^ ^^ or ji^ J of, or for doing. iJuA^ Infinitive. jy k^rraly 'to do.' Jl^ ajt^ Pefsent Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^J I do. jj^ we do. ^^ thou doest. ^^^ you do. ^J he, she, <7r it does. ^J they do. j\j.4::^\ ig-^^ Imperfect Tense — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. jJj^ or j^ or M.^^ ^ or ajtfc, Ij", U I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. (jJi^ or i^ or M. j^ ^ijfc or ^jwb', ^^ we, you, they were doing. {Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. o!/ or a/ or M. ^}J> ^u^ or or iS 01' ^- j^ (J 01' j^> V* we, you, they were doing. Second Form — {Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. A J, or ^f or M. J^ ^] or J, ^^ I, thou, he, it, she was doing. PLURAL. F. AJ, or ^^ or M. ^]J ^] or^, y« we, you, they were doing. Second Form of Imperfect as the Continuatite — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. , ^^ ^ I, thou, he, it, she used to do. PLURAL. F. 4/ j or i/ j etc. y. .0 M. / j J or ^•, j^ ^ we, you, they used to do. {Noun plural). SINGULAR. ^' djf 3 ^^" ^jf J ^*^- wT^V ^^- J/ J Li or t?' L5^ '^ I' thou, he, it, she used to do. PLURAL. ^- dJ J °^ 4.-^ j ^^^- r* 'V M. J/ J J or J.,, j^ ^ we, you, they used to do. ^jiia^ i^***-^ Past Tense — {For a noun singular). SINGULAR. F. a!^ j or ij^ j or M. ^ j ^ or <^, b, U I, thou, he, it, she did. PLURAL. F. aJ^ j or *^ j or M. ^ J ^ or ^jj3,jy^ we, you, they did. [For a noun plural). SINGULAR. F. ^^ j or 4{^ j or M. J/ J ^ or ^, \j, U I, thou, he, it, she did. PLURAL. ^- dJ J °^ 0/ J '^^' M- J/ j ^ or u^'^yj^ we, you, they did. Second Foem — {For a noun singular). SINGULAR. F. , \J, U I, thou, he, it, she have done. PLURAL. P 9 ^ M. and F. ^j^ la/^ °^ <->^^' ^* ^^' ^^^^ *^^'^^ ^^^'*^ ^^^^^' 152 A GRAMMAR OF THE Second Foem — {For a noun singular). SINGULAB. F, n^ jf or M. i^J y^S, (J or J, ^ I, thou, he, it, she have done. PLURAL. F. n^^ Ji or M. ^?J ^5^, ^J or^, y» we, you, they have done. {For a noun plural). SINGULAR. M. and F. ^J -/ ,J or *_% ^ I, thou, he, it, she have done. PLURAL. M. and F. ^^J ^i* ^| or fc^, ^ we, you, they have done. JukXj LS*^^ Pluperfect Tekse — {The noun singular). SINGULAR. F. s^J> or M. ij ^.$' dJ*^ or , U, U I, thou, he, it, she had done. PLURAL. F. i^ J, or M. i*J ^<, ^ or j^l-, j^-* we, you, they had done. (The noun plural). SINGULAR. M. and F. jj ^J ^ or or M. ij (Jj^ ^J or^, y* we, you, they had done. {The noun plural). SINGULAR. M. and F. jj ^J, ^ or J, ,^ I, thou, he, it, she had done. ^^ at PLURAL. M. and F. J^ ^^ ^ or y#, L* we, you, they had done. j^\s=^ y*\ First Future Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. 1*^ J I should do. j^ j we should do. ^^Ji j thou shouldst do. ^S J you should do. ^J ^ J or .^ j Ji iJcb he, she, it should do. ^£ j j or ^J, j J / ^ 3 °^' L^j^ j ** °^' U^^> jy* we, you, they may have done. {JVoun plural) . SINGULAR. M. and F. .^ J ^ iJ^ or ^J(^ \J , [^ I, thou, he, it, she may have done. PLURAL, ^ P p P M. and F, ^^ .^ ^j yCb or jj.ub", ^^ we, you, they may have done. Second Form — {Noun singular). SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^' L^3 J^ ^^^* j"* ^- °^' ^' L.^^ ij>/ "J *^^' J'*' 3^ 'V W6, you, they may have done. SINGULAR. ^c_j (c/ (J 0^' 9' ^5"* "^ ■'■' ^^0^' ^^^' i^' ^1^6 may have done. PLURAL. s^-J L^>/ iJ or^^, j^ aj we, you, they may have done. ^^jJ^ LS*^^* ^^^^ Conditional Tense — {Noun singular). SINGULAR. F. ^\^ or ^jj, etc. U a^ M. 4^\j or ^^^ (J^^ &Jub or aoi.a, Ij', U ^ if I, thou, he, it, she had done. PLURAL. F, ^\% or ojj^ etc.j^.-. i^ M. ^J\^ or ^ij yj^J yCb or ^Ij",^^^ a^ if we, you, they had done. {Noun plural). SINGULAR. M. and F, ^\^ or ^^ ^J dk^ or ,J or^, j^ a.^ if Ave, you, they had done. 154 A GRAMMAR OF THE ^' Imperative Mood. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ii" or ij j do thou . ^^ J j or ^J, j J i^xk let him, her, it do. Srfci' < J or ^.S" 1 J tUJs let them do. Uli *-j1 The Agent. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. F. i . ,^ or , -'S:! . ,^"" Li^vj Li- -?>I fthe doer. ^JU' i or M. aud F Tor '^^ ^^ Khe doers. L^^/-^ JtSL,* F. / M. ^j done Past PAETicirLE. SINGULAR. PLURAL. u j*->!l M. and F. ^^ done. j1 !N'oti]N' of Fitness. M. and F. .$' j or j i" j J^ j °^^li^ J of c»r for doing. S. and P. ^^^ 63^ PASSIVE VOICE. J Is- Peesent Tense. F. SINGULAR. M. ♦ij ^5^<' I am done, o-i ^JJ$' thou art done. ^ ^^ he, she, it is done. PLURAL. M. AND F. i-i ^^ we are done, '-i ^^ you are done. -..i ^^ they are done. \ ^-^ ^jt« Impeefect Tense. SINGULAR. j!/*' M. F. A.' PLURAL. M. AND F. j*^ ^ i^ I was doing'. i^y^ ci/ ^^^ou wast doing. a. he, ^r it was doing. M. .^^-i) i^ she, <9r it was doing. F. J »Jj or j-i ^^i Seconb Fokm for Contintjative Tense. J^ ^^ we were doing. _^^Jb ^S> you were doing. ' * or t ■'■ ^"^ J^ ^ ^-* 'they were doing. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. M. AND F. ,i I used to be doing. J^ -c/ j '^ ^'® ^^^^ *'*^ ^^^ doing. ^yij ^J j aj thou usedst to be doing. i^ ^^j^" J ^; you used to be doing. r it used to be doing. J^i ^ ^_g^ J cU J (J^^ 15**^* ^^^"^ Ten fSE. o '• C ' SINGULAR. M. *j^ ^^ j 1 was done. PLURAL. M. AND F. j^j-i ^^ j thou wast done. jJi) ^j^ J he, 6>r it was done. or i^ J J she, cr it was done. jj-i txr j we were done. lJj*' tAJ j 3^°^ were done. '5-i or J»^ ^/ n ^o c '^ ^[- they were done. J. r '.^- e/J^ PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 1^5 SINGULAR. ^ PLURAL. ^st* Peefect Tense. F. M. M. AND F. ^' y^ J (*^- ^3-^ <4J ^ ^^^^ ^®*^^ ^0^®- JtI ^5L^^ ^f/ we have been done. ^y^J ^ S^J-^ 4/ ^^^°^ ^^^^*^ ^^^° ^°^^- iJ ls3'^ ^jf you ^^'''e been done. c_?j 4_$-^-i ^5^ he, or it has been done. j^j ^^-i ^^ they have been done, i J ^ ji she, w it has been done. wV--*.' j<«*^ Plupeeeect Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. j*j^ ^ *j tj'^-w ^5^ I had been done. M. and F. j. ^^^ ^J we had been done. ^ . »-i ji j^j ^yJ:> ^jf thou hadst been done. M. and F. j.^ .^ ^J, you had been done. il i-i>^ ij/ he, (?r it had been done. M. j» ^yL ^J> they had been done, s. ^-i^i' she, (9r it had been done. F. * ^^ ^J they had been done. -sis- ^\ 1st Futuee Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. AND F. F. *1^ j M. *2 ^J ^ I should be done. ji ^^ j we should be done. F. iV^xJ ^^- ^ Jj^ j thou shouldst be done. J-^ c^/ j you should be done. M. , -i lJ/ o ^ or , -J:, ^/ ^ w^ ^•i.fe he, or it should be , c-^ ^/ W ''"-^ ) ^ , , , , , L^ Srivl" - ^ lT" ^?J ^ ' ^, ^s :> ^ ^l^gy should be done. done. ^- ^/ J J or ) ^- ls^ j "^ ^ °^* ls"^ J i - '^^^ she, «9r it should be done. J}^h.^jj^^ 2nd Ftjttjee Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. AND F. r^ • y^r ; J ..^ J ^ ) I ^vlll be done. ^ ^ \. > we will be done. F. ^-i ^^ j or jU. j^ j ^u .J ) p ^o ^/ j or ) M. ^ ^ 4/^ - ^^ 0/ J ^ '^^^ I ^^-- -il^' ^^ 4- ^i V ^^^ ! you -ill be done. F. ^j aj ^^ ^J I may have been ^ ^ .^2, ^J we may have been done. done, oj ^^'* Past Conditional Tense. SINGULAR. ■• PLURAL. M. AND F. M. ^\j or ^j ^^ y^^ ij ii\\i \ had been ,J\^ or ^^ ^^ .^ l^« J.^ If we had been F. t_f ^j or ^^ y^ ^ i\ ^ ) done. done. M. yj\^ or t_ij tjji ^J, aj a^ ) If thou hadst ^\^ or t_fj ^^ ^^ ^Ij a^ If you had been F. 4^1j or tjrj j-i) J> a.: ^i^ ) been done. done. M, ^J\^ or cs^ t/j-i ^5^" <)jt& d^" If he, or it had ^\^ or ^jj ^^ ^^ ^Jcb i^ If they had been been done. done. F. ^-Ij or tJj yii J> ) ^ '^^/ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^-^Z ^ let them be done. F. ^ ^ J j or -1 y j J aAj> let her, or it be done. ^^ .^ J J or ) Jyti^ »,J\ Past Participle. SINGULAR. ' PLURAL. Y. ^ J M. ^^1 ^J^^" become done. M. and F. .^JL ^J, become done. 407. Conjugation of a transitive verb which rejects the prefix J, )Xn^ Infinitive. Jj] ^j mw-rr^^, 'to bring.' i_i^y^ Ai.^ ACTIVE VOICE. ^jt* Past Tense — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. i^j^]\j or ij^j\j M. j_jlj U or I:, ^x&, iScb he, she, it, thou, I brought. PLURAL. F. i^j^]\j or ij\\j M, j^''^\j jy^ or ^^Ij, ytL they, you, we brought. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 157 ( Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. Jj^^j ^^ JLi^J ^' ^J.i'J ^^ Jj^b ^ °^ ^^ > ^^> ^^ ^®> ^^®' ^^' thou, I brought. PLURAL. F. Jj;|; or j^U M, i(^^|^ or Jj^|^ l^:^« or j^b" , ^a they, you, we brought. Second Form — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. ^j^^ or ij^t\j M. j^]\j ^ or J, ^J he, she, it, thou, I brought. PLURAL. F. 'Jjib or ij^\j M. j^lj ^ or ^^, ^J they, you, we brought. ' ( Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. Jj^b or jjlj M. Jj^l^ 1^^ or J, ^ he, she, it, thou, I brought. PLURAL. F. Jjj\; or j.^ M. Jj^l^ j^ or j^, ^^, they, you, we brought. cjLi^ AoEiST Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ..^1^ he, she, it may bring, or brings. ^vh ^^^7 ™^y bring, or bring. ^li^J ^^^^ mayest bring, or bringest. (Ai.?!; 7°^ ^^7 bring, or bring. ^j^l^ I may bring, or bring. ^^^i^ we may bring, or bring. j^\ IMPEEA.TITE MoOD. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Li'J-J - b ^^ tXi-^b - ''^ ■^^^ ^^^ ®^^' ^^^^S- cjjb t;'' ''""^ ^^t ^^^°^ bring, ^^b ^^ ^j-jb ''^ bring thou. ^J,3^J u^^ bring you. Jj:li f^\ The Agent. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^' ^-'-^o ^ f" ''-''^'!^ I the bringer. M. and F. ^/ '^i-' the bringers. J^^-» Ax^ PASSIVE VOICE. SINGULAR. LS^^ I*AST TrNSE. PLURAL. F. M. " F. M. ^j^ ov s^li j^^\j ^ (Jj^b he, etc. was brought. Jj-i or^j ^^^^^ j-i> (_£i.jb they were brought. Apj j)^ v^yi> Lij^b ^^°^ "^^^t brought. M. and F. ^^i ^j^b i^'°" ^^^^'"^ brought. *yj j'^\j j*^ s5j5b ^ ^^^ brought. M. and F. j^ uxi^b ^^® ^^'^^^ brought. SINGULAR. Second Foeji. plural. F. M. F. M. i^ ^j^\)OTSj^\j '^jjb he, etc, was brought. J^ JiJb*^^J^b j-^ Jx*b they were brought. Api 4i.5b°^^J^b ^^ jib ^^^^ ^^^^ brought. ^^2 Jjib^^J^b u^^ <-li.^b 7°^^ ^^^^^ brought. ^_ji ^^jj\j OT !(jj\j pi jjlj I was brought. j^ Jj^^ or^^l; j^-^ Jj^b ^^ ^^^^ brought. 158 A GEAMMAR OF THE cjUi^ AoRisT Ten-se. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. M. AND F. \J^ ih (_j^ L5i?j ^^^' ^^^•' ^^ ^^°^8'^^' ^'' ^ ^j^\; they are brought, ormay be brought. may be brought. Lj--" J^b lV-* sli-^b ^^^^ ^^"^ brought, or ^ L/J^b you are brought, (prmay be brought. mayest be brought. >-ii j^^j *-ij cSj^b I ^"^ brought, or may j-i ti^jb ^^® ^^^ brought, or may be brought. be brought. Second Form. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. r. M. ^ 4i^b^i'^j)b i5*^J^b lie, etc. is brought, etc. ^ Jjib^^J^l; c5^ Ji^b they are brought, etc. ^ 4i?l'°^'^j-jl' (>^Jjb *^°^ ^^^ brought, etc.^ Jj^^^^Jy'b l^ Jjib you are brought, etc. ♦-i ''^jjL' ^^' ^J^b H' jib -^ ^^ brought, etc. i^ Jj;b ^^ jjb j-^ Jj^'b ^^'^ ^^® brought, etc. y%\ Imperative Moob. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. AND M. M. -i J s^Jjb ^^ (_?*" S^J-^b '^ ^ -^^*^ ^^™' '^^ ^^ ^^ brought. ^^ ^jjb - ''^ ^^'^ them be brought. F. J:^ "^ j,^j or ic-i* j^^_; 9 ^^ let her, (9/'it be brought. -i J i^jv'b let them be brought. F. ^ j,^j ^ M. «iLi tii^«\; ^ be thou brought. ^ uSivb t^^" ^^e you brought. J^jxi^ *«j1 Past Participle. F. _j^ j^^ M. t_^yi (Jjjb l^rought. M. and F. .yi ^^*\j brought. 408. Conjugation of a derivative transitive verb, formed from an adjective by the addition of Jj, which requires the aid of the verbs J^ or J/ 'to do,' in forming its different inflections. See paragraph 285. • Jk^^ Infinitive. J^4 ddakawul^ ' to fill.' ^ij^ ^i--* ACTIVE VOICE. , ^t* Past Tense. SINGULAR. F. i^< or i^ i^S"^ M.y cl>4i U or Ij' cs^, ^ he, she, it, thou, I filled. PLURAL. F. d<>^ M.^ l1,<^ l^'* or ^^Ij', ^ they, you we filled. {^Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. ^}J ovj CS^ M: ^J lI/^ l„ or Ij, you fill, or may fill. Cl ^^ (tr ^^ ^ fi^^' ^'' ^^y ^^- ]j ^'^ 1/ '^'^ we fill, or may fill. j.^«^ Imperative Mood. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. .J J CJ^ or ^^^ ul/^ J ^ let him, or it fill. M. ^^ j ul/^ or ^ l!/^ j ^-i^ let them fill. F. ^<. J c^^ or ^^ c^^ J ^^ she, or it was filled, F. J^ or yL ^i^ l1^^ they were filled. F. ^^^i^ i^^ M. ^^^ ^^^ C/^ thou wast filled. ^^ ^J lI/^ you were filled. F. j,^ J d^^ M, j*p, ^J/ u/^ I was filled. "jy^ ^^^ e/^ we were filled. Second Fokm. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. F. M. *^ i^J^ jJi, ijlS'^ he, etc., was filled. Jpi Jj^>i J_j-ij J/^ tliey were filled. ^yJi) ^J^ ^^yi yjl^^ thou wast filled. j^ J^^ ^Jpj J/,^ you were filled. *^ i]J^ *yi, ijl^4 I was filled. jy- J/.^ j^- J/.^ we were filled. 160 A GRAMMAR OF THE ^■jl.^ AoEisT Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. F, M. ^j< you are filled, etc. J:^ < 6^^ ^ ^^J CS^ I am filled, etc. ^ ^^ l!/^ jJi, -^ lI/^ we are filled, etc. Second Form. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. F. M. -i dJ^,^ 1^ yjl<'^ he, etc., is filled, ajtj&\ let them be SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^ ^^J ^^^ ) fiUed. l5^ ^ a/ ^'^ ' ^^^^- "^^ ^ be thou filled. sT '/-^ i^ be you filled. F, or .Li / <^^ ^j ) F. or , ---i .i Cili , J^ \ ^ , , be thou filled. ^ ^^ . ^ be you fiUed. J»>tL* ^«;^ Past Paeticiple. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Y.^J ^^ M. ^^i ^^ d/^ become filled. F. ^^ ^J ^^ M. ^^ ^ d/>i become filled. 409. Conjugation of a regular causal verb JjjJ^T dlwuzawul^ ' to cause to fly,' formed from the present tense of the infinitive JJ^T ' to fly.' ^<5^^ iJ^^ ACTIVE VOICE. ^-it* Past Tense — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. 4jJ^^^ ■^^- ^Jli^l? U or Ij", , he, she, it, thou, I caused to fly. PLURAL. 9 9 9 F. 4?;^\? 1'^- ^'h^^^ jy* °^ U^^' -^'^ ^^^y* ^^^' ^^ caused to fly. {Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. ^- JjlJ^^J ^' J>''>*'!^ ^ 0^ ^'' ^' ^ 1^^' ^1^®' ^*' ^^°^^' -^ caused to fly. PLURAL. F. Jjjjj!^^ M. J^ijjl^j l^ or ij-jb", ^ they, you, we caused to fly. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 161 Second Poem — {Governing noun singular). SINGULAR. F. 4jj^^J -^^- '^jb^b ^* ^^ '^j iJ 1^^' ^^^» it' t^^oii, I caused to fly. PLURAL. F. 4jJ^Ij -'^^- '^Jli^l? 3"* '^■'" -^*' iJ t^^J' y°^' ^^ caused to fly. {Governing noun plural). SINGULAR. F. Jj;J^\j M. Jj«J^^_j ,^ or J, (J he, she, it, thou, I caused to fly. PLURAL. F. JjiJ^jH^ M. JjiJ^^j y* or _j-*, ^ they, you, we caused to fly. 4jLi« AoEisT Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^^j^^i he, she, it causes to fly, 6>r may cause to fly. ^^j}^^ they cause to fly, or may cause to fly. ^ijy"* thou causest to fly, or mayest cause to fly. J.«j^!^j you cause to fly, or may cause to fly. j*j5JjSlj I cause to fly, or may cause to fly. hj^^i ^^' ^^^^^ **^ %' ^^ ^^7 *^^^^^ t° ^7- y*\ ImPEEATIYE MoOD. SINGULAR. PLURAL. or ^M^l^ J a^) .;J j !. or , c?'*^^' ^^ ^ let them cause to fly. ^'^^^ ^ let him, etc. cause to fly. S/^-^-^ ^ . ^^.r . ^ J }s^j^ or ^^J^\j do thou cause to fly. ^ijP^ ^^ J'J'J^l' ^° ^^^ cause to fly. Jxli A-wol The Agent. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ci-^i'7_ Li- >>-^-r r ti^e causer to fly. M. and F. ^^^-'■'^ Jthe causers to fly. F. ^^.j^\ orul^^^j^O J^ij)^) J^^.s^ .U-^ PASSIVE VOICE. ^jU Past Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. T C ' ' ~^ ^^ "4/^^ Hhey were caused to fly. F. i^^ or i^ ^,\f\) to fly. F. J^-i or ^^ J_.j^ I ) M. ^»i , :iJ.;JT) ^ M. & F. ^-^Ji ^ J.-JT you were caused to fly. "c ^"-^^ [thou wast caused to fly. ^^ 4/^^ F. ^^ J^j^O M. ^»1 .ijJj^T")^ , ^ ^ M. & F. jpi J^jjJ''^ we were caused to fly. I -^ o " - ( I was caused to fly. ^ -"^ F. j*^ Jj;J.j^'3 * Infinitives similar to the one now conjugated, wMch have \ as the first letter, add that letter to the prefixed • in the second form of the imperative mood, and the j follows immediately after. In the same manner with regard to the other inflections, the prefix takes a (— ) instead of (— )• See paragraph 284. 21 162 A GRAMMAR OF THE Second Fokm. SINGULAR. PLURAL. r. M. p. M. ^^ b y iy '« he, she, it was caused to fly. ^^ (■thou wast caused to fly- ^^ i ^jj^lj) ' o '^ fl was caused to fly. r. J_j-i) or _jvl JjJ^b - Jj!J^ they were caused to fly. •you were caused to fly. we were caused to fly. O F. F. ^ ^}ji^ SINGULAR. M. t. \j:..* AoEisT Tense. \ ^» ;^T he, she, it is caused to fly, etc. o-i ^j^*j^'\ thou art caused to fly. ^ ijJjjj^T I am caused to fly. PLURAL. M. AND F. \ L_s^ i^v '^' ' ^^^^y^ ^^^ caused to fly. ^ Jjjj^lT you are caused to fly. 1^ tJ*)^^ we are caused to fly. Second Form. SINGULAR. M. PLURAL. F. M. L^ ij)j_jlT he, she, it is caused to fly. -i) Jjvij^'i' <_r^ Ja3^^'^ ^-^^^^^ ^^^ caused to fly. ^ o-i ij^j^ 1 thou art caused to fly ♦..i ^j^j^l I am caused to fly. SINGULAR. J ^\ Imperative Mood. *ii Jjij^lT you are caused to fly. 5*^ JjjJ^T we are caused to fly. PLURAL. M. or ^^* J^ Jvf^ ^ '^ let them be caused to fly. M. & F. -i J M. F. M. &F. »i (J*)^^ b^ yo^^ caused to fly.
  • |let her, or it be ic*^ o ijjjj>\ ) caused to fly. they may L^J J '^ o,-J. 3 not fall. not fall. .^\ Imperatiye Mood. singular. plural. M. & F. ^j^„ji_ <^'« do not thou fall. M. & F. ^j^.y ^« do not you fall. J^i,« ♦..jI Past Paeticiple. SINGULAR. PLURAL. F. M. M. AND F. Jj'^_^j ^ orti-?y,^j cU jjJ.jjj^ t)j or ^-J'j:>_/^ ^ not fallen. ^J^^i.j^ ^■^ or ^*j,j <^ not fallen. 413. Eegular verbs, whether transitive or intransitive, take the aj after the prefixed J , but the participle cu as before stated, invariably precedes. jXj2y4 Infinitive. JjJ.ij z' gh aledal, ' to run.' Jpia^ 15"^^'* Past Tense. SINGULAR. •• PLURAL. M. iJ^-icJ Aj J Ju.lij a.; j he, or it did not run. M. iJ^lij aJ ^ JJ^-^,' '^^ j they cUd not rim. F. ^Juiij ^0 j iA-J-ijiXJj she or it did not run. F. Jj^ij they may not run, etc. j^\ Imperative Mood. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. & F. a^Lcj iU do not thou run. M. & F. ^jlij a.,* do not you run. i^yis.,-* j,J\ Past Participle. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. AND F. F. Jj^ij <0 or J^i-cj 'NJ M. ^j^-ii; .0 or (Jwulij ^0 not run. ' j^-iij nj' or yj^-Uj .0 not run. 164 A GRAMMAR OF THE iJk*i2.« Infinitive. cli^b ' ^^ bring.' ^ii^« c-it* Past Tense. SINGULAR. •• PLVRAL. bring. bring. F. ^>\jt Aj \j or ^^ isj \j cbtfe") she or it did not F. ^jj Aj \j or Hj^ <^ \j yCb')thej did not aJjj ^ b iJ ^^ 'U) "^ b iJ^ bring. ")she, ^ritdid F. ^J aj a<'^ or aj aj ai'^ yji")they did not a]J Aj a^^ or iJ AJ a^^ J; not fill. <^J aj a^^ or ^ aj a^^ jj; fill. cjLi^ AoRisT Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. -^ aj CS>^ ^Jcb he, cr it may not fill, etc. M. .J aj CSi^ ajt& they may not fill, etc. F. ^^ aj a^^ ajtjs, she, or it may not fill, etc. F. ^^ aj CSii autib they may not fill, etc. y*\ Imperative Mood. SINGULAR. PLURAL. M. & F. if;^ a^ do not thou fill. M. & F. J./^ a.^ do not you fill. J^*A^ ♦^jI Past Participle. SINGULAR. * PLURAL. M. ^i or 4/ cr, ^ I ^^^ ^jj^^^ M. ^/ or ^/ C/^ ^ j _^^^ ^^^^ F. J/ or^ A^^ A3) F. ^j or ^^^ l1^^ aj M. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 165 415. In the passive voice, the past participle or the imperfect tense used with the auxiliary as a second form (already described at paragraph 398) may precede, and the ^ precede the auxiliary, or the particle of negation and auxiliary may precede, and the past participle and imperfect tense follow ; as will be seen from the following paradigm. jS<2.^ Infinitive. J-;>Aj»j ivlsh-tal, ' to thi'OW.' ^_^2,* fe-^^* Past Tense. SINGULAR. •• PLURAL. Aj^ j-i or Jyij A'l ^ijb' thrown. i}y^ or i^ ^ l)^.^ '^ ) she, or it was not ^-ij or J^ xa>.' thrown. cjLi^ AoKiST Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ji» Jj ijJjjIjj dj , ) do not you be F. J-^Jj a..^ Ajj) be thrown. i^^^li iV^ '*"• ^ thrown. J.xi,« >-j^ Past Participle. SINGULAR. ' PLURAL. M. (jliAj^ (jyii tO or ^5^ ^J-i-^,^ '^ ) iiot become -^^ (^--^rli ^ ) iiot become F. J^.j %-- ''^ 01" _j-^ u^i^ ^'■> ' thrown. ^J-^i} ^^ ^' ' thrown. 416. The positions which the particles of negation and prohibition assume will also be seen from the following extracts : " I WILL NOT BEAR with this Moghla'l (tyranny) of thy g-uardian, If I am really born of an Afghan woman." — jEahcl-ul-llamid. " Every terrestrial bemg who pbactises not humility, acteth not rightly : Every one will be excellent according to his own manners and customs."— j€abd-ul-I{a7md. " Who DOES NOT CONSUME himself, and does not give to others, look not towards him ; That sitteth like a serpent on a hidden trename. "—JEabd-id-I{a))iid. F. 166 A GRAMMAR OF THE '' Pious persons have said that the devil's g-reat snare is, that you should put off repentance until the last hour; but postpone it not, oh, children of the true MthV'— S/?anceak. CHAPTER Y 1 1. THE SEPAEATE PAETICLES. < ? . ,=- huruf. 417. Under this head are included adverbs, postpositions, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. They contain, besides pure Afghan, a number of Arabic and Persian words. ADYEEBS. 418. The Adverbs may be divided into fourteen different classes; of place, time, number, quality, similitude, collection, separation, demonstration, interroga- tion, dubiation, exclamation, affirmation, negation, and prohibition. 419. The}^ serve to qualify nouns, and are for the most part undeclinable ; thus, " Since thy ringlets have pierced the very heart of Rahman, Therefore, from his eyelashes the white tears flow." " If thy face becometh tm-ned from God unto the world, it will be also turned from heaven unto hell : Thou wilt for ever wander driven from door to door : thou wilt nowhere find a resting or a dwelhng-place." — JLahd-ur- Rahman. " When one degenerate being appeareth in a family. He bringeth disgrace on his lineage both present and ^k^ir—J^ahd-ul-Hamid. 420. A number of adverbs are subject to the usual change in termination for the ablative case ; as in the following example : " The Wuzir said, ' As yet this boy has not eaten any of the fruit from the garden of his own existence." — GuUstdn. 421. A few adverbs derived from nouns and adjectives are liable to the same PUSHTO L-iNGUAGE. 1( W chauge in termination for gender, number, and case, as the nouns they qualify. Thus ^;^ 'much,' becomes i^;^ in the feminine singular, and ^j^ or ^^ in the feminine plui-al and the oblique cases of the singular. The masculine plui-al is tlu' same as the singular, and the oblique plural for both genders is j j.^ " In love the (lover's) suit is an exceedingly diiBcult one — The object can only be obtained after many twists and turnings." — Kdsim ^ali, Afrldi. 4:22. The adverbs of most frequent occurrence in the language, whether simple or compound, are as follows : Adverbs of Place. ^ILi]^ 1^. Js zuruf-ul-makan. ...o^^ behind, after. ^y>- c^J or i.h.^ this side, hither, tjd- iJOi that side, thither. ^ ijd, or Ijri- ^vxi beyond, there, on that side. \^s>. ay \^ side by side. L^ ij^jj on both sides. ^\L, Jj or 'i^j r>- Jj elsewhere. a^ijs a,:Jj here and there. so far, to this degree. ,o or j^ or <^j^^^ } 01' lj^J ^1'^^' ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ place. ».;jt^ secondly. .:>-T at last, at length, finally, at the end. ciVi yesterday. Ltf ^J shortly, soon, to-day or to- morrow. Ljj Jj the day after to-morrow. jjiri-j early in the morning, be- times, early. Aj J, or JJ always, ever. Jj or aii" i3 Jj AA-,„iJb or ;-=- ^j^ sometimes. always, continually, ever. Adverbs of Quantity. J \ss^\ '4/- .^«^, i^^y&j or ir^^jis so much. J jjj ij^^ii that much. jj»l« .v^-.,*jij this much. ^^.-^^^^y^ as much as. J^y .& howmuchsoever. huruf-ul-mikdar . I; -I J gratuitously. ^ ^ a great number, several. j,^ much, in a great degree, by far. ^jj-O or }, lL^ a little, a few. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 169 or 1^ dij, ^^^.u^ tlms, so, in this manner, -•1j or ^A*Jblj, ^« for example. f^J^. that is to say. ^IJL ^yj^ thns, in this manner. Adyhrbs of Similitude. ''>*-A:Jl c_it.=- Imruf-ut-tashhlh. (jU) <^ij or 1j thus, in this manner, tl^j^i cLiJ or Ij thus, in this way. JjJ, a:^, i^Li, a.^Hike, as, as if, just as, ^ or ^^, jjj ^^ ) for all the world. ^U) tUi^ so, in that manner. cLx^ ijcb so, in that way. Adverbs of Admonition, etc. 'U*-:;!! ( •• ,=>. huruf-ut-ta7ibih. "^•-J J °^' c;:'.^' J ^^ ^J^ J ^ook out ! have a care ! d^ i^j know ! recollect ! ^ ,Lv-j be cautious ! Adverbs or Society and Separation. ij:^ij\iUi\ » c:.^^x^!\ uJj^=»- huruf-ul-macei-yat wo mufdrajcat Ajj jL^^-^ri- take care! mind! ojl^^ alone. •f* Ur* face to face. J 01' <_f;5 apart, at a distance. ijiji ^_sj far away, very far off. ~j^ at the side. jj aj ^^ singly, individually, l-i) aj l.i back to back. J-j J-j or A^_, J-j apart, separately. ^ tog-ether. a! i^jr^j 4? J .J besides, except. t_> J td djji or t^_^ jlj" c'j j\i separately. d^j ^^ H ^J^ shoulder to shoulder. Adverbs of Extremity and Termination. ti:^;*.!*!! <— ^jT*^ Imruf-ul-gha-yat. ij:j^_ or jj to, up to, until. ^_sj^_ ^^^ J till now, as yet. ^5^l^ ax J or (_^j Ji hitherto, up to. i^ ^ or ^ until, up to. Ss^ 4iJ or I=- 1^ I •• [ beyond bounds. lJj^^ J^i>- y to the last degree. t_^l^ ajO) y so far as. ^_Sj^ i<]^ J till when ? how long ? fc_^i^ ^^1 y to the end. ijj^ ''^-^^r'.^j J> to the last, to the extreme. 22 170 A GRAMMAR OF THE Adverbs of Interrogation. (♦I^a:;-.-!^^ uJtjS- Imruf-id-htifaham. or j^ > ^Tt ' ^'J^ where ? whither ? a.^^ how ? in what manner ? ^f*^ or ^_^;r^^ how much ? l::^j j*4^ or 1^ ^ since when ? r r > Avhence ? <)yl^ or t^U.) aK when ? at what time ? /♦^ ^' ^ how much longer ? '^■^' ^' ^ ' ^ I until when ? how long ? ^ or ^^^^ ^^y ) how much ? 1 hSj i' ..w^ a iS^ ^ how often ? AiS^or Jkj^, JU perhaps, haply ^j ^J ^ perhaps not. ij; ^IjcL God knows. ^ dj - merely, only, exactly. fjs- right or wrong. Sj^ or ij^ A, t_?r?^ by no means, never. Us>- or L:;^^ aj really, truly. aI^ <^ ^^ ov (j»-\j }j) i-5^ '^^ by God ! Adverbs of Prohibition and Negation ^jj or iiJctb, or ^j^ J^ altogether, wholly, entirely. ^ or j^>jj) never^ by no means. kiii only, simply. 2s\ykr ^\j^ at all events, whether or not, nolens volens. yb ^ y^ or jjk-j exactly, quite, the very same. jjj-s- huruf-un-naffl no un-nalil. (*^ ^Iso, even, likewise. ^J\ although. Jj or ^^ but, yet, however. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 171 djji or Ij^^ besides, except. aJ then, therefore. aj i^ notwithstanding". ^^, Jc^ unless. di^ or ^j^i therefore, then. d.>- that, because, since. aS ^; unless, if not. L::-^f5»- ^ J cU , Ax^ I V or b or then, because, therefore. J or j\ and, also. EXAMPLE. "The Darweshs' calling is to forsake all carnal and worldly desires; but they, through spitefulness, desire to rush on each other with swords and with arrows." — Makhzan Afghani. PREPOSITIONS AND POSTPOSITIONS. ^yj^-* V. y?'' '— ir/*- huruf-uj-jarr yd macenawi. 424. Besides the simple prepositions and postpositions used in forming the cases of nouns and pronouns, already described in Chapter III., there are other particles used in the same manner which require the noun, adjective, or pronoun, to be used in the genitive or ablative case when capable of inflection. Examples : "The Law is like unto a tree whose roots have gone undek the ground; and (if thou shouldst make use of understanding and argument) the topmost branch of it has gone up into THE HEAVENS." — MaMza7i Afgkdm, " The moth casteth away its life but once in its life-time ; But the candle doeth this several times in one ^mwi."~yEabd-id-Hamid. The chief prepositions and postpositions are : J of. or \) ^ , ^ HO. ajj J or id _. J ^yc^ aj or 1^^ in. X)'i J or AJ^J jj below, under. ^-^ with. for, for the sake of. ij J or -^ or aj aj or aJ from. J J to, until. jjb^ ory on, upon. ^ J or J from him, her, it or them. a^-cbj or j^b l) over, above. alas ! alas ! Vjjw> sorrow ! alas ! t^jsf^ avaunt ! get away ! LS-^J or ^\, j\ oh ! St^^J s>>j ^^^^ • ^^^^ • r-T ^L c/^j c_>^^ woe ! woe ! ijM^^\ lackaday ! Jlli or Sjl^ would to God ! (_i■^J^ (_f U, 1 ^~ strange ! good God ! d,ib indeed ! really ! d^ ^j\^_, cLii ^Ji begone ! get away ! cLi) k—^^^, ^^ hush ! silence ! A^^i hollo ! oh ! ! EXAMPLE. These loved ones are like unto the flowers of spring, For in the autumn they wither and fade. Alas ! alas !" — Ahmad Shah, Ahdall. CHAPTER Y 1 1 1. THE DEEIVATION OF WOEDS. 426. There are a number of derivative aud compound words in the Pushto language, formed from nouns, adjectives, and verbs, by prefixing, affixing, or inserting certain words or letters. They may be considered pure A fgh an. NOUNS. 427. Abstract nouns may be obtained from adjectives in eight different ways : I. — By rejecting the final letter of the adjective and prefixing another ; as, ^j» 'himgry' ij^ ^"^^ji" 'hunger.' Example: ^ly Lz-^JJlL? (Li) aj cijIj jj ^"--^jy^ ^ ^J^ '--^o "^"^ ^^^ j^. ^'^■^■' ■^0^ " Hunger and thirst all at once overpowered him : In his body no power or strength remained." — Saif-ul-Muluk. II.— Forms the noun by rejecting two letters of the adjective for three others ; thus ^jj 'thirsty,' a^^ or luj 'thirst.' " In the contentment of the contented man, there is neither hunger nor thirst ; And they who acquire this alchemy will be nobles, tho' clad in rags." — uEahd-ur- Rahman . PUSH TO LANGUAGE. . 173 III.— Shortening the word by the rejection of . for (— ), and affixing \ ; as, j^V 01' gjj ' bright,' \yj or Ij^ ' brightness.' " By the light of it the business of this hfe cannot be perfiected; For this world is as the Hghtning and the light of the sky." — jEabd-ul-Hamld. Sometimes the word takes J , as in the following example : " As when the sun riseth on the world, light, and brightness cometh, So doth friendship and aifeetion g-ive life to both breath and hot^te^ "—yEahd-ul-Hamul. IV.— The middle letter of the adjective is rejected ; U inserted in its place ; and a {ha-i-ldiafi) or (— ) faflia^li affixed; as,jy 'dark' or 'black,' i^L; orjL; 'dark- ness ' or ' blackness.' '' The whole world became filled with darkness from this dust and vapour : In the heavens thunder rolled, and lightning flashed as from swords."— Sa?/-ul-MuhU\ v.— The final letter of the adjective is inflected from > or (— ) to ^ (/ja-i- majMil) or (— ) kasra^h, and i/ or ^ affixed; thns, ..^ 'good,' i^^, 'goodness.' "Journeying on this road is difficult to the field e and capricious : Consider him a man who layeth the foundation of goodness."— / j^ali, Afrldl. The whole of the nouns of the preceding classes are feminine ; and the follow- ing, with the exception of those formed by affixing Lj , \^^ , ^^, and J^ , which are feminine, are all masculine. YI. — This form is something similar to the foiu'th, being formed from the same adjective (which however remains unchanged) and merely takes the affix ^jJ!j ; thus, jy 'black,' ^\3jy 'blackness;' CS\^ 'hard,' ^U C^ 'hardness.' The final letter is changed to ^ in the plural, similar to the first variety of nouns of 1st declension. " Thy countenance was white lilve unto the sun — yea ! it was brighter than the orb of day : But now, alas ! it is become so black, that its blackness is like unto charcoal." — Yusk/ and ZuliMtd. YII. — The nouns of this class are formed by droi3piug the final ^ of the axljective, and affixing ^j ; as, ^^'^^j 'alive' or ' existing,' ^jJuj^ 'life,' 'existence;' 174 A GRAMMAR OF THE ^j-u^J 'captive,' 'prisoner,' ^-^^J 'captivity,' 'imprisonment.' They are cHefly verbal nouns. Example : ''When shall I entertain hope for my own existence? Since separated from her, life itself to me is infamous." — Kdsim jEall, Afridl. YIII.— This class is formed by the mere addition of the affixes ^'^ , u^y , and U ; thus, J-j 'separate,' ^^Lj 'separation;' ^irU. 'a place,' ^^l^L'a dwelling place,' 'a home,' 'a birthplace;' ^jJ^ 'affectionate,' <— j^--.^ 'affection,' ' love;' ^^J ' mad,' i-r-'j^ji^ 'madness;' j^^ 'satiated,' W"" jr* 'satiety;' j^^..^.^^ 'impudent,' L3" j^*u,*c5- ' impudence,' 'familiarity.' Those ending in ^y and c_-.y are masculine, and those in Lj feminine. " Suddenly she awoke from her slumbers, her heart filled with love and affection. She sat up and gazed around, but sighed ; for she beheld not her beloved one." — Yusiif and ZulXkha, " God forbid that separation should be caused between two lovers ; For in separation the lover, though healthy in body, is sick at heart." — Kdsim jEall, Afridl. "Whereas from her presence thou didst not acquire satiety. Grief on her account has now satiated thee." — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. The whole of these derivatives, when capable of inflection, are subject to the same changes as other nouns. 428. Abstract noims are obtained also fi'om primitive nouns, by the mere addition of the affixes jjlj, c_.y, U or L:-:, ;_f^l/and jj ; thus, CS\jb ' a child,' uila ^Jlj 'childhood;' ^5^ 'a man,' 'a human being,' L__jy ^5J-o 'manhood,' 'humanity;' lA^^ 'a guest,' \^p^A^ 'entertainment,' hospitality;' j^j^ 'a brother,' ^^ j^j^ ' brotherhood ;' j*l^ ' a clan,' J^ ^♦l^ ' clanship.' The following are examples : ''Whoever from childhood may not have walked in the path of modesty and morality, in the years of maturity virtue and piety departeth from him." — Gidistdn. " Oh son ! did not I say unto thee at the time of thy departure, that the hand of bravery, if empty, is bound, and the paw of lion-like intrepidity broken?" — GuUstdn. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 175 He said unto him, ' father I didst thou not eat of anything at the king's entertainment .'' ' The devotee said, ' In his sight I did not make use of anything of consequence.'" — Guiistdn. Arabic and Persian words, when used in this language, as may naturally be supposed, are generally governed by, and subject to, their own rules of grammar ; but in some instances the Pushto affixes and prefixes may be found used with the words of those languages ; thus, ^~ * generous, i^yi.^ ' generosity ;' j^j^ * niggard,' <-->y *j-l 'niggardliness;' ^'l£^ 'strange,' t__jy |^IsLj 'strangeness.' 429. IN^ouns of intensity are formed by prefixing adjectives to them ; thus, jy 'dark,' prefixed to ^j' 'darkness,' becomes [Jjy 'total darkness;' and in the same manner ^y prefixed to sjLj signifies ' total darkness.' y is not generally used without an adjective prefixed. Example : " Of what consequence is it though thy countenance is enveloped in curls ? For the water of immortality itself is hidden in total darkness." — yEahd-ur- Rahman. 430. The particles of exaggeration and diminution used with nouns have been already described under that head (page 27-29), and need no further notice here. ADJECTIVES. 431. Adjectives may be fonned from some nouns by the addition of ^ and i_f with its different modifications for gender, as described at paragraph 45 ; as, '^r: ' night,' Jl^j ' noctm-nal ;' ^^.y ' yesterday,' J^y^ ' yestern ' or ' yester.' The following are examples : " Dabshallm, after hearing these words, related his nocturnal dream to the Darwesh, and also mentioned this secret to his friend." — Kalllah rco Damnah. d^i\sij\ ^ *J JjJ ^ dJ ^j*J AiJ cC*^ l^ Ajjyz aL.i- ^J ^S " ^abdullah set out to see Musea'wiyah, and when he inquhed about the chcumstances of the preceding day (yestern), Musea'wiyah said, ' My daughter says— Oh father! the wife of this ^abdullah is very handsome. When shall I appear to advantage in his sight? I declare unto thee that I will not have ^abdullah under these circumstances ; but if he will divorce his wife, then I will accept him willingly.' "—Hasan and Husain. 432. Adjectives of intensity may be obtained in the same manner as nouns of 176 A GEAMMAR OF THE intensity by the use of particles either prefixed or affixed to the word ; thus, sj^j 'blind,' sj»j I 3 'totally blind;' ^^^^ 'white,' ^^^^ CS'j 'perfectly white,' ^^---j ^srfyr^ ' j)iire or spotless white.' They are subject to the same rules for gender and number as other adjectives. Examples : Lovers are totally blind to the defects and blemishes of the beloved ; But do not thou also become wholly blind to her virtues and merits." — ^abd-ur- Rahman. Since tliou hast pierced the heart of Rahman with thy ringlets, From his eyelashes the pure white water flows." — JEabd-ur-Bahmdn. J " Whoever may have washed his garments m his ow^i blood, Will, like the dew of the night, be ever spotless ^jii'V-E."—yEabd-ur-Rahman. 433. Several Persian, and a few Arabic adjectives also, are to be met with in Pushto, differing but slightly from the originals in pronunciation ; for example, ^'^~ 'aggrieved,' from the Arabic noim ^ 'grief,' and Persian ^j 'stricken;' and in the same manner ^j J--^ or ^^ J^* 'treacherous,' 'malicious;' ^J- ^^ 'feverish;' ■:.i\ OYjj^\ 'spoiled,' 'worthless,' from the Arabic word^^l and Hebrew ^H^, signifying 'cut short, etc. ;' j^ ij^j 'intrepid,' 'brave,' from the Pushto noim ij^j 'the heart,' and the Persian particle j^ signifying 'possession,' 'having;' ^j j jj' 'warlike,' 'gallant,' from the Afghan norm ^y^ 'a sword,' and ^j the active participle of the Persian infinitive ^jj 'to strike,' 'to smite.' Example : ^r^?" e^ -J (*"^' S i"^^^ ^ t^ j2i ^ ^sri^ <*.! Jy J 1.,; j^'J ^\ l-j ^-i) (^^•>- " The tongue again becometh liberated, like the warrior from the thickest of the fight ; Although I may seize it with my teeth that it should remain &i\eiii."—jEabd-ul-fIamid. 434. Another description of adjective is obtained by prefixing an adjective to a noun; as, ^^ru d^^j 'incomplete,' 'crude,' 'disappointed,' 'foiled,' etc., from the Persian adjective ^^ 'half,' and the Afghan noun \js^ 'desire,' 'inclination ;' thus,— " Behold the incomplete brightness of the lightning and be prudent ! The affairs requiring deliberation perform not with exceeding hsi^ieV'—jEabd-ul-Hamid. 435. A few adjectives arc obtained by afiixing the Persian particle jc.^ and the Pushto corruption ^,«, and the Pushto particle jl; to Persian and Arabic nouns; thus, jL:- indigence,' 'poverty,' ^jL3 or wU.*jLj 'indigent,' 'poor;' c^ljj 'wealth,'^Jjjorjc^ljj 'wealthy,' 'opulent;' cj^^r '^var,' 'battle,' Jbc-^^ 'warlike,' PU.SHTO LANGUAGE. 177 'martial;' cJ^ 'honor,' 'reputation,' Jlj cJ^;j 'honorable,' 'reputable' The letter ., IS also added to Persian and Pusjito nouns indiscriminately in the formation of adjectives; thus, ^J 'a worm,' ^.^J 'worm eaten;' ^j 'pus,' 'matter,' ^^;^. 'puru- lent,' 'mattery;' ^_ the Pushto for 'scab,' ^^j 'scabby;' ^.=l 'dirt,' 'filth,' ^^^ 'dirty,' 'filthy;' ^ 'blinking,' 'purblindness,' ^^i 'a blinkard,' 'purblind.' 436. A few adjectives can be formed by compounding two nouns, as in the Persian language, but they are not very common ; thus, ^'^ ^^ 'pretty,' 'delicate,' from , |j 'milk,' and »"• 'the face;' thus,— '' I once made inqiury from one of those who accounted himself amongst the Arabs of Ba gh dad, saying, 'What sayest thou in respect to the handsome ?' " — Gulistd?i. 437. Relative or patronymical adjectives are for the most part obtained by affixing the ditferent modifications of ^^, (described at paragraj^h 45) in the same manner as the Persian ^ yai-i-nishut^'' to nouns; thus, Aj\<> luihulaey^ 'a native of Kabul;' ,Jj^U»-j peldiaweraey or peshaweraey^ 'a native of Peshawer;' ^\::.,^^S kohistanaey , a native of the Kohistau.' The word ^^y-^o, now applied to the Afghans as a nation, is really an abstract noun, derived from ^^ the name of the old seat of the Afghans in the Siiliman mountains, west of the Indus, and ^y a residence, a place of birth. In the districts bordering on the Panjab and Kashmir, such as Buner and Pakli, the affix JU (a Hindi word) is generally used; thus, Jl^^-.:o Bunerwal^ 'a native of Buner;' J^^A-O PaJdhval^ 'a native of Pakli.' At the same time it must be remembered that this afiix cannot be always apiDlied, for we could not call a native of Peshawer, a Pesliaweriwal ; or a native of Kabul, a Kabuliwal, and vice versa. 438. The past participles of verbs are extensively used as adjectives in this language, both alone and with a conjimotion; thus, ^jjj^ 'pampered,' obtained from the infinitive J^jli 'to pamper,' formed by affixing J^, the sign of the infini- tive of active verbs, to the Persian noun ;U, signifying 'delicacy,' 'softness,' etc.; and jjJjij ^ 'of the same age,' 'cotemporary,' from the j)ast participle of the verb Jjj 'to be born,' with the Persian conjunction ♦a 'together,' 'with,' 'similar,' 'mutual.' The following are examples : J^ J3^^ ^^ ""^ iJ^i J3^^ ^ ^3J^ J j I' '■^'^- iju^ " Inverted destiny made me adverse and wayward, Since my sympathizing lover and friend became cruel and sangumary." — jEahd-ul-Hamld. 23 178 A GRAMMAR OF THE " Durkhana'l made a request to lier father, saying', "All those of my own age learn to read ; pray give directions that I also may learn to read.' " — Ada7n Khan and DurJdiana'l. It should he home in mind that these derivatives are siihject to the same changes for gender, numher, and case, as other nouns or adjectives under whose classes they may come. 439. The js^-* J-^l^ hUsil-i-masdar, called also the jX^.* »^\ ism-i-tnasdar, of the Pushto verbs, is derived from the infinitive (jX^^), the soui-ce or essence of the verb, by rejecting the J , the final letter of the former, and substituting ^ or ''^^. It is subject to the same changes as feminine nouns of the first variety of the thii-d declension, and changes the final i {ha-i-khafi)^ one of the signs of the feminine gender, into ^ {yd-i-majJml), in the oblique cases; as, JjJ^ 'to separate,' <^j juLj 'separation;' J wU^"^ ' to grow ' (as a plant or grain), aj li^ 'growth.' Infinitives terminating in J, are subject to the same rules. • The hasil-i-masdar of the preceding infinitives, which are intransitive, are used as nouns ; but in case of making them transitive by changing the neuter sign or intransitive JIj into the active or transitive termination of infinitives Jj, the hdsil-i- masdar can then only be construed as a mode of action or manner of being, indefi- nite as to time, place, and sometimes even of person; thus, J^Lj 'to separate,' dj jL.» 'causing separation;' J^^^ 'to make gTOw,' ij j^^ 'causing gro^vth or grow- ing.' The hasil-i-masdar of a transitive infinitive terminating in jl;, of which there are a few in the language and exceptions to the above rule, can be construed as a noun ; thus, Jj^-x^j 'to ask,' <)J xc^ 'inquiry.' 440. The ^U.*-.! ism-i-haliah or verb in its present state, similar to the present or indefinite participle of our language, is also occasionally used as a simple noun ; but chiefly in the place of the infinitive. It forms the imperfect tense with the affixed personal pronouns, and appears to be the source of that form of the verb, and is obtained from the infinitive by substituting ^ {hd-i-mhir) for the final J. It is masculine, and both singular and plural, and in the oblique cases the final b is changed to j or (— ), in the same manner as in the first variety of nouns of the 6th declension. Those infinitives, however, which lengthen the ism-i-hdliah by insert- ing \ in place of ( ^), drop it for the imperfect tense, and in the oblique cases ; as Ji-^T 'to fly,' i3\f\ 'flight' or 'flying,' ^^T 'he was flying.' This form of the verb cannot be obtained from infinitives terminating in Jj ; and a few infinitives on the other hand, such as ^\s:j 'to run,' and J:u-lj 'to sit,' form both the ism-i-hdliah and hdsil-i-7nasdar by prefixing s. In the former case, PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 179 hd-i-zahir which is masculine, and in the latter, hd-i-khafi which is feminine ; and both are subject to the same mode of inflection as nouns of the same description. The verbal nouns of a few infinitives, both transitive and intransitive, instead of affixing ^ or h add ^,j to the root of the verb; as Jj^^ 'to fill,' ^,/^ 'filling;' J^,^'to mix, ^^^>/ ' mixing ' or 'intercourse;' J^' 'to bind,' ^^J 'binding.' They can also be formed by merely rejecting the J of the infinitive ; as Jj^-i"^ 'to fill,' (^^j^^ 'filling.' Both forms are somewhat rare. They can be used both as the ism-i-hdlia\ and the hdsil-i-masdar^ and also as simple nouns. See page 173. The hdsil-i-masdar cannot be used as the imperfect tense. 441. These forms of the verb — the hdsil or ism-i-masdar, and the ism-i-hdliah^ are subject to certain rules in construction which, although appertaining more to the syntax of the language, require explanation here.* * " It now only remains to be observed that besides the infinitive, as above described, there is another species of noun in some measure resembling it, which the Arabian grammarians term j Ju:^.* *--j1 or the infinitive noun. Between these two nouns, namely, the i^Xii^ and the jJ^-^-* *~>.'l there is precisely the same distinction in point of sense as between the word 'drink' and the participial noun 'drinking,' when used as a general term in such an example as the following: — ' Bacchus, ever fair and ever young, Bacchus' blessings are a treasure, Drinking joys did first ordain ; Drinking is the soldier's pleasure.' "In which lines the word 'drink' might be substituted for 'drinking' without much detriment to the sense, for ' drink- ing joys' mean the 'joys of drinking,' or ' di-ink,' and the same may be observed of all other words of the same classes; as < grief,' 'grieving;' 'kiss,' 'kissing;' ' love,' 'loving,' etc. How, then, shall we ascertain the true character of these words? What, for instance, is 'love' as opposed to the general term 'loving?' It is certain that they are both general tcruLS descrip- tive of certain sensations of delight or modes of pleasure in the mind, and as such may become either the subject or predicate of a proposition ; but this explains nothing, and if we ask the Arabian grammarians for an explanation, they answer us by pointing out a mere distinction in their application. Thej^X-^^^ *~j1 they say, has no other government than that of any common substantive noun, but this again is controverted by the grammarians of Koofah and Baghdad, who bestow upon it the very same regimen as that of thejJuo^ ; and even admitting the fact, which I believe to be just, it differs nothing in this particular from the infinitive of a neuter verb. The essential distinction then, for some essential distinction there certainly is, between the infinitive and the infinitive's noun or ismo masdar, is not in my judgment simple abstraction, that is, making the one an abstract noun in opposition to the other ; for, as I have observed before, they are both general or abstract terms, but rather in the idea of action or energy conveyed by the infinitive; which action Locke observes, however various, and the efi"ects almost infinite, is all included in the two ideas of thinking and motion. These are his words, ' For action, being the great business of mankind and the whole matter about which all laws are conversant, it is no wonder that several modes of thinking and motion should be taken notice of, the ideas of them observed, and laid up in the memory and have names assigned to them ; without which, laws could be but ill made, or vice and disorder repressed. Nor could any communication be well had amongst men, without such complex ideas, with names to them ; and, therefore, men have settled names and supposed settled ideas in their minds of modes of action, distinguished by their causes, means, objects, ends, instruments, time, place, and other circumstances, etc' "The real distinction, then, between the masdar and the ismo masdar seems to be this. The ismo masefflr signifies simply the name of a mode, without any reference to action or energy ; the masdar denotes a more complex idea and indicates indefinitely the action, energy, or being of that mode. Love, for example, is a name assigned to a certain feeling of delight, but loving is something more, being another name by which we indicate the action or efficacy of tliat feeling called love ; and hence we perceive the real cause of its possessing an active or transitive government, in contradistinction to the ismo maidar, which, having no reference to action, has no other regimen than that of any common substantive noun. " Action, indeed, is applicable to every infinitive, and this the Arabian grammarians acknowledge by dividing all the verbs in the language into two general classes, which they term t_fijt;>"» and ^^*p , that is, verbs denoting actions transitively (the actio transiensoi Logicians) ; and verbs denoting actions inherent or inseparable {actio immanens) which we are accustomed to call neuter; and hence we perceive the propriety of the rule laid down in the Commentary, namely that the ^LiUJi j»-;l or active participle may be derived from either a transitive or intransitive verb, which is saying in other words that every action supposes an agent. " This idea of action is conveyed in other languages by terminations, as bcat-/w^, etc., but in Arabic, vvith a few particular exceptions, there is no distinguishing mark by which we can discriminate the infinitive from the infinitive's noun, so tliat wi> 180 A GEAMMAR OF THE These forms of the verb are constructed in no k^ss than nine different ways. I. — The ism-i-masdar^ as a noun, is connected as the i__;Li,« nmmf or governing word, in the relation of the genitive case with an agent, the object being at the same time expressed in the ablative case, and the verb agreeing with the governing noun. Examples : - ** Thus, the intercourse of the sweetheart with the rival is, As though one mix together pure and impure — holy and profane." — yEabd-ul-Hamid. " From destiny there is no escape for any one, Though he enter the sacred plain of Mekka itself." — JEahd-ur- Rahman. The entire construction changes, should the verb, which is intransitive in the preceding examples, be changed to a transitive in a past tense ; the hdsil-i-masdar then becomes the object, and jb and W^jj. the ^1 >_jL:^ muzaf-illeh^ or words governed in each of the above examples, become the agents in the instrumental case ; thus, ^^ jb J, j ^J^ ^ ijUl ^ " The beloved eorbied such intercourse with the rival." " Every one effected escape from destiny." II. — The km or hasil-i-mmdar is used as the L_iLi< or governing noun, and also as the agent connected with the .ult c-iLi* or word governed, in the genitive case, the object being expressed in the ablative, and the verb, which is intransitive, being governed by the agent ; thus, '' Although people be enclosed in armour or in helmets, or be defended by lofty fortresses; yet this protection of the Almighty hath surpassed all." — Mahhzan Afghani. In the event of a transitive verb in a past tense being used instead of an intransitive, as in the above example, the ism-i-masdar as the uJLi-< would become must trust entirely to the context for the sense of either. Every participle, however, in our language when used as a general term is the just representative of an ArahicjJ»-ii^ or infinitive, — I mean every active participle formed by adding the termination ing to the imperative of a verb, which seems in this case to possess a similar power to the characteristic to, and therefore it may perhaps be said that we have two infinitives; as — ' Drink-t«(7 is the soldier's pleasure, or to drink is the soldier's pleasure,' formed by annexing ing and prefixing to to the imperative in one sense, and the j^^-'^'* (*~J| 'drink,' in the other. See ' The Miut Amil,' by Capt. A. Lockett." Notes to page 207 to 211. Calcutta, 1814. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. l^X the agent in the instrumental case, connected mth a aJI ^JUu in the genitive, and the pronoun \^ would refer to the object ; as, " The PROTECTION of the Almighty protected him." The ism-i-haliah is also subject to the same rules as the ism-i-masdar, just explained ; and although generally used as a mode of action, in this particular instance it may be used as a noun also. Example : * tOi^:.; aJ'j lii.-; ^j^ ji_ i^ ^^ ^j^ jJi~>~ J\^o ^ j^ i'JCb J " May Khizr be the doorkeeper of that gate and wall, By which thy coming in and going out — thy entrance and thy exit take place." — JEabd-ul-Hamul. If the present tense of an active verb be substituted for ^-j^^, which is in- transitive, the ism-i-hrdiah, which was the i^\.J^, becomes a mere noun in construc- tion mth an auxiliary verb ; and the (Ull i_iLiUi< grammatically, — in the dative case, but really in the genitive. The agent is also expressed. Example : '' All who were on the face of the earth or in the heavens were hopeful of, and dependent on him ; and for his nourishment the aflfection of all men became manifest." — Tatvallud Ndviah. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 183 VIII. — The ism-i-haliah or ism-i-masdar, may be used as a noun in construc- tion with an auxiliary verb, the agent being expressed, and in the nominative case, if the verb be in any other than a past tense, and the object in the ablative ; thus, aj1_j!T ^iS*' - ij " When making thy supplication raise the hands, and recall to thy heart thy sins : Moisten both thy eyes by shedding tears of purity and innocence." — Rashul-id-By'an. 184 A GRAMMAR OF THE Third. — The ism-i-hdliah is (as I have already shown at pages 72—75) com- inonly used as a simple indefinite participle, at which time it is neither ^Li< nor jJ! _;Lu, neither inflected nor used Avith an auxiliary. The following are examj^les : "It is stated in the Siraji, that the putting aside of alms* is necessary and right, both to the freeman and to the rich." — FaKaid-ush-Shari cea h. " Although ASCENDING from earth to heaven is a weighty matter ; Yet this journey is attained with but one footstep of piety and sinceritj. "—yEabd-ut'-Iiahndfi. 442. — Another class of nouns is obtained from the third persons of the past tenses of verbs : as, ^5; -^*.^Mi iU« (C^^ j'^^ '^ ^'x« ii^s- ^j u:_-,sr dj cb JJ i^r:;:'.'^ J LTv-:'.'^ 32 rr 33 rr 34 Tr L/V"-'^ Jy^ 35 Tc lA^'''^ '^"'^ 36 ri ^^j,}^J:i or (Jjlj-i 37 rv 38 rA 39 ri 40 P* 41 f] 42 Pr 43 pr 44 Pr 45 Pt 46 PI, 47 Pv 48 PA 49 P^ 50 6- 51 o\ 52 cT 53 cr 54 cp 55 cc ^^U. ,-J:,or -,iiJ »1^ iSj L/^ »sr^. .J 56 « 1 ^_;^^js-^. J--W or (-L^--i) 57 cv w^-. ^3}" 5S cA ^j^^jsr^ ^^ 59 0*1 L/"-?^' '^^ 60 V .^^ 61 11 '^rrr-' Jrl 62 ir '•• -^ ' ■■V 63 ir 64 Tr 65 1c 66 11 67 IV 68 1A 69 1^ 70 V 71 v\ 72 vr 73 vr 74 vp 75 Vc 70 VI 77 vv 73 VA 79 y] 80 A- 81 Al 82 Ar 83 Ar 84 Ar 85 Ac SQ Al 87 Av 88 AA 89 A^ 90 V 91 ^\ 92 U 93 ^r ' r^*^ or ij^\ ^' to b.l ^/r- i or b ,1 ^t.l Ljij-Ji or C^-wi ^y y 24 186 A GRAMMAR OF THE IIOURES. FIOrRES. FIGURES. 94 ^P ^yj^ 97 'Iv ^^ 'jj^ 99 \\ ^^y '^ 95 '.0 ^y^^i 98 V \ ^y '^'^ 100 \" J- 96 ^1 800 5,000 J... 100 y* A" •-tf dji ty '^^ 200 r '♦ 900 V* ya &j 6,000 r- 300 r- Irf .-J or _;*? jti ],000 V" jj 7,000 y... bj b3^ 400 f'' y^3»^ or t<^ jyJi, 1,000 V" jj^. . 8,000 A"* Sjj >>- fourth. ^i fifth. r>^ or ^ sixth. i*jy' seventh *j! eighth. /»j or ^ ninth. »aJ tenth. NUMERALS OF FRACTIONS. jyjS ^^U-jI is-mae kusiir. .Ij a quarter. one and three-fourths. THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. <^.^\ isbuic or icl:i, haftah. 446. The Western Afghans call the days Of the week by the Persian names PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 187 only, except Friday, which is Arabic. The Eastern names are derived from Arabic, Sanskrit, and Persian. i^:J:i or ^Jl^ Saturday. ^-1 uJo ov j\^\, j\^\ Sunday. ^UjJi ^d ov j^, J^ Monday. . 'UjjJ The Third Sister. ,^ ^jjU- The Fourth Sister. -i,U« ^U<^ J God's Month. Li^.,i!L^ '■^1/^ •^) of Destiny, u^-il--^ ^i^jj J The Fast Month. l::^^1-wi. j^l *J, J The Lesser Feast Month. - j^ or jy East. tOi^j J -^ ov j^j West. " The parrot said, ' Oh, raven of separation ! would to God that between me and thee were as much distance as there is between the East and the West.' " — GuUstan, CHAPTEK X. THE SYNTAX. j^^ naho. 450. I have generally fully explained the different peculiarities and excep- tions of the various rules of each part of speech under theii- respective heads, and but little remains to be described beyond a few remarks peculiar to the idiom of the language. As regards the order of words in a sentence, the chief circumstances to be borne in mind are, that the nominative should, j^roperlj^, aj)pear first in the sentence, and the adjective precede the substantive. Nouns in the different cases, as required, and a participle or adverb may follow, but the verb should terminate the sentence. In poetry, and in some styles of prose also, greater license is taken and allowed, the Afghan poets, like those of other nations, varying the dispositions of the words as they consider most suitable to the numbers and tendency of theii' poems. The order and arrangement of words will be seen from the following extracts, as well as fi'om the numerous examples already given, and also in the idiomatical tales inserted in the Appendix for this purpose. " The nightingale opened the mouth of gratitude and gave thanks unto the Almighty. Then he said, * Thou hast acted kindly with me, and certainly the return of such goodness should also be goodness. Know that beneath this tree there is concealed a vessel full of gold — take it and spend it in thy necessities.' " — Kalllah wo Danmah. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 189 " Maiy'sarah by name, there was an old house-born slave of Miu'taza ^Eali, who was also called by the name of ^abd-us-Samad. When the relatives divided the goods and chattels amongst themselves, this (slave) fell to the lot of Husain in the distribution ; and he used to show great affection both towards the elders and the juniors of the family."— iTa-saw and Husain. NOUNS. 451. "When noims of diiferent genders occnr in the same sentence, the adjective, the verb, or the participle, governed by them in common, must take the masculine form ; as, " The Prince, Nashurbanu, the Queen— all these were seated together in one apartment, The WHOLE NIGHT they passed together in pleasure, until the light of bxy became APPARENT." — Saif-ul-Muluk. AVhenever a noun is to be used in the same sentence with another, which is more immediately acted upon by a verb, the former must be put in the accusative case,* which in Pushto is the same as the nominative ; thus, " These deceivers act in this manner— they give victuals unto the people, and they bias THE WORLD towards themselves." — Fawald-ush-Shari cea h. The particle j, which governs the genitive case, generally precedes the noun it governs, the ^^XJl^ or governing noun immediately preceding it likewise ; but it may also precede the governing as well as the noun governed. Example : " One day the owner op the garden was sitting amusing himself by viewing the BEAUTIFUL ROSES, when he beheld a nightingale, which continued rubbing its face on the leaves of a FLOWER, and uttering loud lamentations, was separating its golden leaves witli its sharp beak." — KaVilaJi wo Damnah. When two nouns in the ablative case come together in a sentence, the (-^) »ir 2r, the sign of the case, is only used with the last ; thus, * Called the /o ^\j%xL< L2^!U- by tlie Arabian Grammarians. 190 A GRAMMAR OF THE " Freedom and independence, and the affairs of the world, are far distant from each other : Take off thy hands from the business of the world, if thou doeth anything." — yEabd-ur-Rahmmi. In jDoetry, when the length of the rhyme requires it, the ablative sign may be ADJECTIVES. altogether omitted. 452. The adjective must always agree with its noun in gender, case, and number, excejDt with an uninflected masculine noun in the pliu'al number, when the adjective is used in the singular. Examples : " Black eyes ; sable locks ; dark eyebrows ; These are all gloomy calamities and man-devourers." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. " In the world the roses of spring are manifold in number, If thou lamentest like the nightingale, oh heart of mine ! — Ahmad Shah, Abddli, When any other than the fii*st numeral adjective is used with nouns in the masculine gender, it is most generally inflected, and takes (-^) or i ; but oc- casionally the noun takes the plural form, and both forms may even be used in the same sentence ; as in the following examples : " I then sent for the Khattak force, and the Muhmandis and Aoria Khels, to the amount of FOUR or FIVE HUNDRED PERSONS, Came to my assistance. It was my intention to bring along with me to Khwarr, the Shahi Mushak clan together with their families, so I went to Tliem and made them march off." — Afzal Khan ; Tarikh-i-Muraf^sace. " There were at a guess about seven hundred thousand horses and camels also ; One hundred thousand wild asses too, with buffaloes, cows, and deer." — Saif-ul-Muluk. When numeral adjectives are used with feminine nouns, the latter take the plural form without exception ; as, ^J L/*l? (* LZ-'-^f^ ''^ ^., ^Ji^ U^i^ ^J L/**^"* LS"*^ iS^i^l-w ij^J} lSv^ U*^ ■' In this manner for ten nights and days there was such a princely party : The whole tribe were greatly delighted at this assemhly"— Saif-ul-Muluk. When the first numeral adjective is used with nouns, it is subject to the same PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 191 changes for gender, number, and case, as the noun it qualifies. The remainder take the plural inflected form in the oblique cases; thus, " If she maketh a promise of one hour in any matter, I have no hope of the fulfilment of the affair in a year." — ^abd-ur-Iiahndn. PRONOUNS. 453. In the different tenses of intransitive verbs, and in the present, futm-e, and aorist of transitives, in Avhicli the afiixed personal pronouns (^vLii^^^Uj) are used, the separate personal pronouns (^&L!ia:^j\^) may be altogether omitted, as in Persian, Arabic and Hebrew, or may be used with them ; and when the meaning is clear vrithout them, they may be dropped in the thu'd person singular and plural of intransitives also. Example : " I AM lining merely on the recollection of my sweetheart : Alas ! I SHALL NEVER EXIST wlthout my beloved." — Ahmad Shdh, Abddll. In the following example, an affixed personal pronoun in the dative case has been joined to the past tense of a transitive verb, and the regular personal pronoun *j also used ; and although it refers to the same object in the sentence, it is not inflected. The meaning would be complete and clear without the sj , and to put it in the dative form aj U or ^J U would be incorrect, unless the affixed pronoun br removed. It must therefore be borne in mind, that in using a separate personal pronoun vnth. an affixed one in the dative case, which it naturally assumes when used mth the past tense of a transitive verb, the former must retain the uninflected form ; thus, " Grief on account of the beloved hath made me wretched ; ang-uish for her hatli made me ill indeed. Why should not my heart be sad? when in my mind I think of her flowmg tresses." — Ahmad Shah, Abddll. It should also be remarked that the last word of this example, ^J, is the first person singular of the loreunt tense^ although wi'itten precisely in the same manner as the past with affixed pronoun in the preceding line ; and the affixed personal pronoun > is in the nominative case. Personal pronouns may occasionally bo met with in the inflected form of the 192 A GEAMMAR OF THE dative case T^'itllout the governing particles, and written in the same manner as the instrumental form of the pronoim. They are, however, comparatively rare. " I show contrition, yet I commit sin ; but Thou seest me oh Creator! I am a poor weak mortal ; oh concealer of faults, become Thou my screen ! " — Khushhdl Khan, Khattak. A verb is often used in construction without any noun or pronoun expressed. Under these cii'cumstanccs some such word as jl=- or Jl>- 'point,' 'matter,' 'affair,' 'concern,' etc., is generally imderstood; as in the following example : " At all events, whatever hath been decreed by fate will happen ; Although a person may have never cast his eyes on destiny," — JEahcl-ur- Rahman. If speaking of one's-self with another, preference is given to the first person in the fii'st instance. The Afghans being a plain spoken race, too, use the singular and not the plural form of the pronoun, as in English, when referring to one person only. Example : >.' ^.s-^ ^ .^ il^ Jb I'i Aj *.« A'j ^J »j ^w*Ar^ a] i\ \ •• -y V V > > V i •• I V" ^ *'/and THOU are both the slaves of one master, and the dependents of the audience hall of the Sovereign. I am never at rest from my duty, for I am ever with my head in the desert." — GuUstan. When a third person is mentioned, the words of the speaker himself must be repeated instead of using the third person, as in English ; thus, ''"When he recollects that 'the Kaseda'h* has not been performed by me,' if he be near unto the sitting posture, he should return to that posture and perform the ^2,^^2i!\^.~-Fanaid- ush-Sharicbah. " They did not know at all in their minds as to 'where we G0,'t Neither did they distinguish what country it is, or what place." — Saif-ul-Muluk. The pronoun .s^ is used for the thii'd person, but generally in a demonstrative with reference to a distant object ; and by way of discrimination, the pronoun P A mode of sitting at prayer. f Meaning, " Where they go." PU8HT0 LANGUAGE. 193 ^50, J, or L> must be used, in the same way as we use this and that in English. The following is an example : Uj J !*_/ ^ ^'1^^ 6^ ^^^■•'^ 'O (*r^ji "Musea'wiyah said, * An arrow hath jDierced my heart, and in the end the wound will give forth bloody water. I have neither acquired this (world) nor that, and I know not what answer I shall make to the Giver of all good at the last day. — Hasan and Husain. When the use of a second pronoun is required to refer to the same thing as the subject of the sentence or nominative before the verb, the common or reflective pronoun J-^ must be used. Examples : i_5J Lz-^^_U£ ^ jj^ 'V is^^ *u^> «r ; (^Ui. (J'?^ ^jji^ " Oh ! Mirza, He himselp glorifieth himself, And unto Mirza His favour and beneficence is extended." — Mlrzd Khan, Ansari. i^^j Uri- J-^ ij l::.-vux,« J/ aj^j^ Hj ; aj JJj j " It is the season of spring ; the nightingale laments and bewails ; His heart is filled with anguish ; the rose is inebriated with its own intoxication." — Ahmad Shah, Abdati. When a pronoun in the second number of a sentence refers to the same subject or thing as the nominative or subject of the verb in the first, the personal and particular pronoun must be used instead of the reflective or reciprocal ; thus, "Alas! that before death I had once reached such a river, whose waves having flowed to MY knees, I had filled my water-vessel according to the wish of my heart. — Gulistan. The common or reflective pronoun may also be used in a substantive sense, as in the following : " The strangers and her own (relations) also said unto her, ' The sending away of the Prophet was not necessary on thy part.' They rebuked Khadija'h, and she stood reproved before him." — Tawallud Ndmak. J-:>- is also joined to nouns and pronouns by way of identity, peculiarity, or emphasis ; as in the following extract : y mm 7> •• •• 25 194 A GRAMMAR OF THE "God Almighty himself hatli said, 'Whoever hath placed his hand on the Kuran, con- gratulate hiin, oh Faithful ! ' " — MaMizan Afghani. The pronoun ^, used both as an interrogative and an indefinite, although not applicable to persons generally, is often used to express scorn or astonishment ; as in the following examples : " Inquire not of the vulgar concerning the anxiety and care of Hamid. AVhat knoweth the mat-weaver regarding the value of cloth of gold ? — JEabd-ul-Hamid. " What unfortunate hard grain I am, I cannot imagine ; Since I do not become ground in the mill-stones of absence." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. It may also be used in a discriminative or characteristic sense ; thus, " Whether ruler or subject, or whether foreign or strange; The whole world is mounted on the tail of calamity and evil." — yEabd-ul- Hamid. The adverb aj^s- is used emphatically to denote dissimilarity, contrariety, and non-existence between matters or things ; as, " Where the lips of the beloved ? where the sorrow of heart and soul ? Where the nightshade's red berry? and where the ruby of Badakhshan ? " — yEabd-ur-Bahma7iy " Since people barter their faith for the world's wealth, they are fools ; Where is fifty days? and where eternity and everlasting life?" — J^abd-ur- Rahman. YEEBS. 454. Transitive verbs in any past tense of the active voice must agree with the object in gender and number, whether it may or may not be put in the oblique case ; as in the follo^ving extracts : " Bahram released that damsel from confinement : He drew her out from inside the well." — Bahram Gur. " King Suliman opened the covering with his own hand : To him became apparent a portrait of his beloved mistress."— Saif-ul-Muh-ik. PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 195 lu the preceding examples, the objects are feminine and the verbs also. The agent, as already explained, is used in the instrumental case, and takes the inflected form when capable of inflection. The agents in the preceding extracts were not capable of change : in the following example the agent ^Uj becomes JU; . " He who yesterday commiserated and condoled with my sorrow and grief, Destiny to-day made that friend of mine sanguinary and cruel." — jEabd-ul-Hamid. Pushto nouns have no particular terminations for the objective case ; it is distinguished merely by its position, which j)roperly is after the agent and before the verb, when both agent and object are used in the third person. In all other instances the object may be known by the gender and number which the verb assumes to agree with it ; and by the affixed personal pronouns, which, as in the Semitic dialects, point out the objective case. Examples : '' When Aorang made Bahram acquainted with this circumstance, Care and anxiety excited him : he became perplexed and distracted. — Bahram Gur. " At the skirt of the mountain he perceived a dark cave ; and a man of enlightened mind was seated at the mouth of the cavern, free from the disquietude of strangers. — Kal'dah wo Damnah. " The slave previous to this had never beheld the sea, and had never experienced the annoyance and inconvenience of a boat. He commenced to weep and lament. — GuUstdn. Eeverse the order in these examples and the meaning is also reversed. Thus, in the first, *|^ would be the agent and (-L^3j^^ i^Q object ; and in the last, <— jIjjJ would be the agent and ^_yt the object. There are some transitive verbs, such as ^bj Ho speak,' and Jio 'to look at,' ' to observe,' mth which it is absolutely necessary that the object be put in the dative case, without which the sentence would convey no meaning. The folloA\'ing are examples : "The Queen spoke privately unto her mother. And with this circumstance she also acquainted Badrl." — Saif-td-Mulu/;. 196 A GRAMMAR OF THE " Adam Khan said to Balo, ' Go thou and bring him ; ' and when he went and brought him, the Mulla said unto him, ' Let the women go away, then I will come to thee.' " — Tale of Adam Khan and DurWianal. In sentences where there may be two objective cases, the one denoting the object and the other the person, the object of the transitive verb must be put in the dative case. Examples : •• " •• •• •• " Since I cast my eyes towards this rosy-cheeked one. With those eyes I shed tears of blood." — jEahd-ur-Rahnan. " When he caused Bahram to be decked out in a suit of clothes, The blaze of his beauty became greater than the sun." — Bahram Gur. The dative case is sometimes used instead of the genitive to express relation or possession ; as, " That curiosity which father had sent for me, Came to my recollection at that very hour and time." — Saif-ul-Muluk. " Oh thou for ever fascinated and distracted with the cares of the flesh ! Why awaken for thy life and soul sleeping calamity and misfortune?" — .Eabd-ul-I{a7nld. The infinitive form of the verb, besides its other uses already described, is also used to denote the absolute necessity of an action ; thus, ^^ J^ 1*5/^ ^1_^ Jj ^J J^;S^ JL^ Jks^ Jj " Moreover, that which is legal and right it is necessary to account lawful ; And that which is prohibited and unlawful it is necessary to account so." — Rash id-ul-By'dn . The past tense of a verb is often used in a future sense, as in the following extracts : " If absence shall make me sad, or giief on grief shall at night attack me ; I WILL make thy name my helper, oh ! thou Redresser of Wrongs ! oh ! thou Selected One ! " — Ahmad Shah, AbddlL PUSHTO LANGUAGE. 197 " Oh ! gentle gale ! if thou wilt bring news of the beloved ; Thou wilt remove the absence-burned spots from the heart." — Ahmad Shah, Abdall. The present tense in many instances may also be used in a future significa- tion ; as, " The rapture and bliss of Paradise will be nothing in his eyes, When the beloved displayeth one of the charms of her countenance." — jEabd-ul-Haiiud. *' Six brothers, together with the army, we will all go with thee ; And whatever tasks thou wilt impose, those we will perform." — Bahram Gur. " I SHALL HAVE uo coucem on account of the bitterness of death. If my beloved may be seated by the pillow at the head of my bed." —-jEabd-ul-Namld. 455. The past participles of Pushto verbs are sometimes used as past con- junctive participles, termed f' t A p J- I- General or District Court Martial V L/J lT •• •• -" -^ LS^J^ J ^ ^ ■• J ^^-^1^ Dismissal, Reduction, Cor- i_J^ i)J ^j^y jU t;;-^^ u::,^^^J b J/^^r "^ c^=^ poral Punishment, or Simple Imprisonment with or without Aj ^L^ J ^IL Aj .\ ^Jl> ^ j ^ ^^ ^3 aJ b ^ Solitary Confinement, or Loss of ,...., I . ^1 ,1 Standing on the Roll of Non- .. L^ SP^ J.. . .. t^^v J t/J^J- • -. ^^J J ^ Commissioned Officers and Sol- *^ ^nuixjj ^jt3 Article 22. ?• - shall, m operations m the held, Sj^ i^*uJ&l J JlcIS" j JX*;, a] jl 4?;:^ ^ ^j '"'^ ''^f^ 15*^ spread reports by words or letters calcidated to create unnecessary V. !r^j:^ V. k^'^liJ V. f^ 'V, '^ 4^ ^ ^ ^^i t*^^'* alarm among the troops, or in the ^ ^J^^ U^ V. ^J,3 ^.^ ^^-^ ^ ^7:^> ^^"^^^ ''' '" *^^ ''^' °^ *^' "^ "' ■• ' " army ; or JU. ^_j jj Article 23. " " - V V V ously to going into action, use l) ^j aj j^;-^ *Jt& ^ 'iLs- Jlj <-t^ ic-uJ&U ij lLJ:^ words tending to create alaim or despondency ; or J:^ ^liAjj^ Article 24. ^ b ^ u^i. ^ J .U J j/y J A:.- cir^ y> jl Who shall be drunk when on, " ■' ^r^ J . ^/J .. ^TT V r- ^ ^ ^^ ^^^, p^^^^^ ^^, ^^ Parade, or on -.^ J Lz^j ^ b Ja:l^« J l::-Jj > •• ^ ' ^ " f ^ " *jl_j J ^J A^JJ) a^ ij ^\j» Aj iJ J ^5^i ~ iO U Jo- i^ J ^^ iU j^si*^ JU- ^_5J aj ^5^Aj*j^ I* iyl^ ^5! J j aj' L5>>>jyl ^i 4*^ ^ {^^ ^5j^ JiJ U:^- ^5^3 ^|lAi djl, J ^ aj j^^li ajo> THE OLD MAN AND THE DOCTOR. An old man complained to a doctor of bad digestion. " Oli ! let bad digestion alone," said tbe doctor, " for it is one of the concomitants of old age." He then stated his weakness of sight. " Don't meddle with weakness of sight," replied the doctor, " for that also is one of the concomitants of old age." He complained to him of difficulty of hearing. "Alas ! how distant is hearing," said the doctor, " from old men ! diificulty of hearing is a steady con- comitant of old age." He complained to him of want of sleep. " How widely separated," said the doctor, " are sleep and old men : for want of sleep is certainly a concomitant of old age." He complained to him of a decrease of bodily vigour. " This is an evil," replied the doctor, " that soon hastens on old men : for want of vigour is a necessary concomitant of old age." The old man (unable to keep his patience any longer) called out to his companions — APPENDIX. 203 " Seize upon the booby ! lay hold of the blockhead ! drag along the ignorant idiot ! that dolt of a doctor, who understands nothing, and who has nothing to distinguish him from a parrot, but the human figure, with his concomitants of old age, forsooth ! the only words he seems capable of uttering." The doctor smiled, and said, " Come my old boy, get into a passion, for this also is a concomitant of old age." ^j