!^ * ^ -w^ %uwsoi Vft iffe Ayn Will. I ^ >*"^N THE LION T II E E L E P II A N T. THE LION AND THE ELEPHANT. CHARLES JOHN ANDERSSOX, AVTUOR OF LAKE NGAMI," " THE OKOVAXGO RIVER," ETC. EDITED BY L. LLOYD, AUTHOR OF "FIELD SPOUTS OF THE NORTH OF EUROPE," ETC. AY OXK VOLCMK. LUX DOX : HURST AND BLACKKTT, PUIILISIIKKS, 13, Gil K AT MARLBOKOL'GH STRIIKT, 1873. All n-h-5 n=,TM-,l. K l A 55 EDITOR'S PREFACE. late Charles John Anderssou, the well known traveller in Africa, and author of " Lako Ngami" and " The Okovango River," ended his days miserably, as so many other enterprising men have done before him, in the wilds of that continent, leaving behind him voluminous papers and notes, which are now in my possession. Amongst the rest, are materials for his contemplated great illumi- nated work, " The Ave Fauna of Southern Africa." of which an abstract has recently been published by his talented friend, Mr. John Henry Gurney, under the title of the " Birds of Damaraland, etc.," and as this valuable work has been very favourably received, and poor Andersson, in consequence, once more brought to the remembrance of his numerous friends both in England and Sweden, 1 am induced to give publicity to the present volume, 1 216910 11 EDITOR S PREFACE. which, as coming from the pen of one who pro- bably saw more than most men, of the animals therein spoken of, will not improbably interest both the naturalist and sportsman. Other notes of Audersson, relating not only to his more recent travels, but also to the natural history of various four-footed animals indigenous to Southern Africa, are still in my possession, and should the present work meet with the reception it is to be hoped and trusted it will, these also may probably be shortly published. L. LLOYD. GOTHEXliUKG, Muy 30, 1873. CONTENTS. THE LION. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION PLACES WHERE THE LION IS FOUND LION HUNTS IX AFRICA AND IN ASIA DISTINCT SPECIES NUMEROUS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA DESCRIPTION OF THE LION AND LIONESS THE FACULTIES OF THESE ANIMALS THE LION'S ROAR SIZE AND WEIGHT IMMENSE STRENGTH COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE BENGAL TIGER DOGS VERSUS THE LION THE L1ON\S PACES 3 CHAPTER II. NATURE OF THE LION*S PREY SAID TO EAT HIS MATE DESTRUC- TIVE TO CATTLE THE LION A " MAN-EATER "THE WHITE MAN VERSUS THE BLACK NATIVES COMPELLED TO LIVE IN TREKS MANNER IN WHICH THE LION SEIZES HIS PREY THE L1ON*H BOUND THE WOUNDS HE INFLICTS FOOT OF THE LION HIS GLUTTONY FAMILIARITY OF INFERIOR ANIMALS WITH HIM THE LION'S FLESH- AGE TO WHICH ME ATTAINS ATTEMPTS SUICIDE - -1 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THE LION MONOGAMOUS HIS GALLANTRY TO HIS MATE LOVE AND GALLANTRY AMONG LIONS THE LIONESS A JILT COMBATS OF RIVAL SUITORS THE PAIRING SEASON PERIOD OF GESTATION THE CUBS THEIR SIZE, APPEARANCE, AND COLOUR DISPARITY IN THE NUMBER OF THE SEXES THE YOUNG LION'S APPRENTICE- SHIP DEPRIVING THE LIONESS OF HER CUBS . . 10 CHAPTER IV. DARING OF THE LION SENTINEL CARRIED OFF BY A LION TERRIBLE TRAGEDY TWO FORMIDABLE " MAN-EATERS " BUSHMAN KILLED BY A LION UNSUCCESSFUL PURSUIT OF A " MAN-KILLER" BENEFIT CONFERRED ON THE CHILDREN OF THE DESERT BY THE DEATH OF THE LION APPALLING CATAS- TROPHE IRRUPTION OF A LION INTO A KRAAL DARING SHOT OF A LION-HUNTER AUDACITY OF THE LION. . . 61 CHAPTER V. INFLUENCE OF THE HUMAN EYE UPON THE LION DIEDRICH MiiLLER GERT SCIIEPER's ENCOUNTER WITH A LION MOF- FATT POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE OVER THE MONARCH OF BEASTS THE ALGERIAN ARABS GORDON CUMMING IN DANGER THE LION AFRAID OF RUSES CUNNING OF THE LION ILLUS- TRATIONS FROM GREEN, CUMMING, MOFFATT . . 75 CHAPTER VI. DAY AND NIGHT HAUNTS OK THE LION THE LION AND LAMB LYING DOWN TOGETHER LIONS HUNTING IN COMPANY AD- VENTURE IN PURSUIT OF GNOOS THE LION'S PREY BRINGING DOWN THE GIRAFFE A PRECONCERTED PLOT DOMESTICATION OF THE LION AN UNPROFITABLE CUSTOMER FOR THE BUTCHERS CAPACITY FOR INSTRUCTION RESPECT FOR HIS KEEPER TEMPER IN CONFINEMENT SCANDINAVIAN LYNX. 13 CONTEXTS. IX CHAPTER VIII. LION-HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA CHASE BY THE COLONISTS THE LION'S LAIR THOMPSON'S DESCRIPTION OF A HUNT A MAGNANIMOUS LION NAMAQUA MODE OF HUNTING NARROW ESCAPE OF MR. ORWELL A FIELD-OFFICER IN DANGER SALT-PANS A SPORTSMAN'S FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH THE MONARCH OF THE FOREST LIONS AND DOGS . .118 CHAPTER IX. LION-CHASE BY NATIVES HABIT OF THE LION WHEN SEIZING HIS PREY THE CAFFRE MODE OF KILLING THE LION THE SHIELD THE RING RING-HUNT ON A GRAND SCALE BUSHMAN METHOD OF KILLING THE LION RESCUE OF A LION-HUNTER DARING HUNTERS- PURSUIT OF THE LION BY THE AGGA- JEERS . . . 112 CHAPTER X. SHOOTING THE LION BY NIGHT A NOT VERY ENVIABLE SITUA- TION PERILOUS POSITION THE WOUNDED LION EXCITING HUNTING SCENE NIGHT-SHOOTING GORDON CUMMING's EXPE- RIENCESTHE LION IN THE DARK LIONS WATERING THE MELBODA-ARAB LION HUNTERS THE SPRING-GUN THE PIT- FALL . ... lo(J CHAPTER XI. LION-HUNTING IN INDIA ADVENTURES MAJOR CHARLES DELA- MAINE'S FIRST LION-STORY MARKERS BEATING THE PATCH LION AND ELEPHANT DESPERATE STRUGGLK DESPERATK POSITION OF A MAHOUT GALLANT CHARGE OF \\KI> LION MA.IOK DELAMAINK'S SECOND LION-STORY PKRII.OIS ADVENTURE LION-HUNTING BY ROYALTY IN INDIA 171) CHAPTER XII. NUMBER OF PERSONS KILLED AND MfTILATED BY LIONS IN AFRICA REMARKABLE ESCAPE FROM A LIO.N's JAWS MIGHTY NIMRODS PIET'S ADVENTURE WITH A LION DANGERS OF THE TRAVELLER IN AFRICA WONDERFUL ESCAPE OF A NATIVE FROM A LION MOFFATT THE MISSIONARY IN JKOPARDY BARBARITIES OF THE MATABILE -VARIors ADVKN-TUKES WITH LIONS THE PRISONERS H>-_> X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. ARMS BEST SUITED FOR LION-SHOOTING THE LION'S RAGE AT A BULLET TENACITY OP LIFE WOUNDS INFLICTED BY A DYING LION SAFEGUARDS CAPE-HORSES REFLECTIONS ON LION- HUNTINGSIGNS OF THE LION'S WRATH ALLEGED COWARDICE THE ALGERINE LION 215 THE ELEPHANT. CHAPTER I. COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE ELEPHANT IS FOUND TWO VARIETIES DIFFERENCE OF THE INDIAN AND AFRICAN SPECIES COLOUR, HEIGHT, AND WEIGHT THE PROBOSCIS THE TUSKS CARE WITH WHICH THE ELEPHANT GUARDS ITS TRUNK DENTITION MOVE- MENTS AND PACE WHEELING ABOUT ENORMOUS WEIGHT OF THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT THE SPOOR 239 CHAPTER II. VOICE OF THE ELEPHANT SENSES HEARING, SIGHT, AND SMELL NATURAL DISPOSITION MUTUAL AFFECTION CARRYING WATER TO A WOUNDED COMRADE SAGACITY FLESH OF THE ELEPHANT THE FOOT PROBOSCIS AND FAT HIDE AND EAR IVORY LONGEVITY 200 CHAPTER III. BREEDING HABITS PERIOD OF GESTATION THE CALF SIZE OF THE YOUNG ELEPHANT ITS GROWTH MATERNAL AND FILIAL AFFECTION TOUCHING STORY CALF OF THE RHINOCEROS INCAPABLE OF DOMESTICATION PET ELEPHANTS EMPLOY- MENT OF TIIK ELEPHANT IN WAR . 27*) CONTEXTS. XI CHAPTER IV. GREGARIOUS HABITS OP THE ELEPHANT LARGE HERBS -HAUNTS HABITS IMITATIVE FACULTIES A SQUADRON OF ELEPHANTS FOOD ON WHICH THEY SUBSIST TREES UPROOTED BY ELE- PHANTSNOT A RUMINATING ANIMAL QUANTITY OF WATER DRUNK BY THE ELEPHANT THROWING WATER OVER THE BODY PROTECTION FROM THE SUN .... 28(3 CHAPTER V. STALKING GENERALLY DESCRIBED THE AUTHOR'S OWN EX- PERIENCESTRACKING THE ELEPHANT FATIGUE OF ELEPHANT- SHOOTINGQUALITIES REQUISITE IN AN ELEPHANT-HUNTER PARTY OF OVAMBOES SUCCESSFUL STALKING NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF ELEPHANT-HUNTF.RS . . . . 3Ul CHAPTER VI. ELEPHANT-HUNTING ON HORSEBACK -HARRIS'S EXPERIENCES ADVENTURES OF GORDON GUMMING DANGERS TO WHICH THE MOUNTED ELEPHANT-HUNTER IS EXPOSED DOGS HARDSHIPS ENDURED BY THE HUNTER ON HORSEBACK . . . u27 CHAPTER VIT. ELEPHANT SHOOTING AT NIGHT AMBUSHING FOR GAME THE AUTHOR'S EXPERIENCES AT THE "SCREEN" DANGERS ATTEND- ANT ON NIGHT-SHOOTING PERSONAL ADVENTURES A CRITICAL POSITION A SUCCESSFUL NIGHT'S SHOOTING AN EVKNTKl'L EPOCH OF MY LIFE . . ... 3W CHAPTER VIII. HAMSTRINGING OF ELEPHANTS BY THE CAFFRES BRUCE's AC- COUNTTHE PITFALL USE OF POISONED JAVELINS THE RHINOCEROS, THE ELEPHANT'S ENEMY COMBATS BETWEEN MALE ELEPHANTS -STRUCK BY LIGHTNING THE CHASSE IN ARYS8INIA THE AGOAJEERS THEIR MANNER OF KILLING THE ELEPHANT -FREEMASONRY AMONG HUNTERS . '''>* Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. CASUALTIES TO ELEPHANT-HUNTERS DEATH OF WAHLBERG CAREL KRIEGER'S FATAL ADVENTURE REVENGE OF A WOUNDED ELEPHANT REMARKABLE ESCAPE OF LIEUTENANT MOODIE LIFE OF THE ELEPHANT-HUNTER DANGERS AND HARDSHIPS TO WHICH HE IS EXPOSED MAD WAGER AND ITS FATAL RESULT ELEPHANT-HUNTING, BLOODY AND UNDESIRABLE WORK 371 ILLUSTRATIONS, THE AFRICAN LION . . . FfontlspicfC LION ATTACKED BY DOGS . . . . . 1G3 THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT ..... 239 A FURIOUS CHARGE 309 THE LION. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION PLACES WHERE THE LION IS FOUND LION HUNTS IN AFRICA AND IN ASIA DISTINCT SPECIES NUMEROUS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA DESCRIPTION OF THE LION AND LIONESS THE FACULTIES OF THESE ANIMALS THE LION'S ROAR SIZK AND WEIGHT IMMENSE STRENGTH COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE BENGAL TIGER DOGS VERSUS THE LION THE LION'S PACES. A LTHOUGH both in " LakeXgami," and " Tlic -fj- River Okovango," many of my adventures with the Lord of the African wilds are recorded, much remains to be told of his habits, modes of life, &c., some of which, perchance, m$j uot have been noticed by other travellers and sportsmen. The number of lions actually killed by myself have not, it is true, been very great. Xeither in- clination nor circumstances permitted me to devote much time to their destruction. When leisure per- mitted, the chase of the Elephant probably the most exciting and hazardous of African sports was my favourite pursuit; i may however safely say, I never hesitated to attack the lion when he crossed my path. Still I have seen him lace to face when he has been infuriated by the anguish of mortal wounds, have felt his breath fanning my cheek in tho 4 THE LION. dead of the night, have assisted in depriving him of his prey when maddened with hunger, have met him in the ready swamp and in the dense jungle, have " stalked " the antelope in his company, have seen him pull down the stately giraffe, have roused him in the midst of his " children," and encountered him under many other circumstances and without taking undue credit to myself, I therefore think 1 am in some degree, at least, qualified to judge of the royal beast and his habits. The lion is found from within one hundred miles or so of the Cape of Good Hope to the shores of the Mediterranean, in short, through nearly the length and breadth of Africa. As regards the more southern portion of that continent, however, it is a very generally received opinion with both colonists and natives that there are two distinct species of this animal, viz., the so called " black-maned " and the " yellow-maned " lion; the former being de- scribed as the longest in the body, and the latter as the larger in regard to general proportions. The dark colour of the mane of the "black-maned lion " they furthermore say, is not attributable in any way to age the cause usually assigned by natu- ralists but it is of that hue from the first; and this, their view of the matter, is in some degree corroborated by a circumstance that came to rny personal knowledge, and for the correctness of which I can vouch. Two lions were shot on the same spot, and almost at the same instant of time, Both were full grown ; but one was young, whilst the other was so old that lie had merely the stumps SPECIES OF THE f.IOX. 5 of his teeth remaining, and yet the manes of both were similar that is blackish. Besides the so called black and yellow-maned lion, the Anna Zulu Caffirs, whose opinions are by no means to be despised, distinguish between the grey or white, the red and the grey-necked lion (called by the Boers the blue- necked), which they say is peculiarly savage ; and, in addition, both hunters and natives make mention of a maneless lion. In Damora-land again, the inhabitants speak of two kinds of lion. One of a whitish hue, maneless and very long in the body, and hence designated by them the Onkyama Omlaskv, that is the lion-giraffe ; and the other as of a brownish, or of the usual tawny colour, short in the body, and of a fierce disposition. This they call Onhyama Okomba. But the late Sir Cornwallis Harris (then captain), who, as the reader may be aware, spent some time in Southern Africa on a shooting excursion, alto- gether gainsays the notion of two species of lions being found there; for, after telling us "that, with the exception of the mane of the African lion being often larger and of a finer texture than that of the Indian, attributable probably to the less jungly nature of the country it infests, and to the more advanced age to which it is allowed to attain, it is in every respect (and often in this respect also), precisely similar to that found in (-Ju/erat in India." He goes on to say, " But I need hardly inform the well-instructed reader that both the colour and the size depend chiefly upon the animal's age, the O THE LION. development of his physical powers ; and of the mane also, being principally influenced by a like contingency. That, for instance, which has been designated the ' maneless lion of Guzerat,' is nothing more than a young lion whose mane has not shot forth ; and I give this opinion with the less hesita- tion, having slain the ' king of beasts ' in every stage from whelphood to imbecility." In Northern Africa, again, it would seem the general opinion that there is more than one species of lion. M. Gerard, the famous slayer of these beasts, tells us, indeed, " that no less than three species are found in Algeria, viz., the black lion (el adrea), the fawn-coloured lion (el axfar), and the grey lion (el zarzouri). He, moreover, goes into many details relating to each, but his story is too long for insertion in these pages. The lion also inhabits the hotter portions of Asia, amongst the rest, as said, certain districts in Ilin- dostan. In parts of Turkey, Persia, Syria, c., it is far from uncommon. What may be the case in the Holy Land at the present day, I know not; but from the frequent allusions made to this animal in the Bible, it would seem formerly to have abounded there.* In parts, at least, of Asia, as in Africa, the idea is likewise entertained that there is more than one species of lion. Layard, for instance, in his cele- brated work, " Nineveh and Babylon," after telling * Judges xiv. 5, f>; 1 Samuel xvii. -4; T.sahn civ. 21; 1 Kings xiii. 24, 25, 28; 2 Kings xvii. 25, 20; Jeremiah xlix. It); Nahum ii. 11, 12, 13. OPINION OF NATURALISTS. 7 us that, on the River Karoom, he had seen lions with a long black mane, goes on to say, " The in- habitants of the country make a distinction between them and the common maneless lion ; the former are * kqfir ' or infidels, the others Mussulmans, By a proper remonstrance, and at the same time pro- nouncing the profession of faith, a true believer may induce the one to spare his life, but the unbelieving lion is inexorable." Though the belief of there being two. or more kinds of lion, not only in Southern and Northern Africa, but in Asia, is, as shewn, pretty general, yet great naturalists, on the contrary, assure us there is only one species in the world, and that the difference observable amongst these^' animals, in regard to size, colour, &c., is solely attributable to the effects of climate, soil, food, age, or other circum- stances. " The lion," says Carpenter, the zoo- logist, " is much more disposed to exhibit varieties than most of the feline family, with the exception of the domestic cat," and he quotes many unmistak- able instances of animals originally of the same race, changing their habits and character by being removed to localities differing in physical condition from those pertaining to the place of their birth. But be there only one species of lion, or be there several, the subject is at all events deserving the attention of naturalists, and others who devote themselves to the advancement of science. To resume : lions, though generally distributed over the African continent, probably abound most 8 THE LION*. in countries bordering on the torrid zone. In parts of Southern Africa they are also very numerous, as what follows will shew : " These rocks and vales and picturesque scenes," says Moffatt, when describing one of his journeys in the interior, " were often vocal with the lion's roar. It was a country once covered with a dense population ; on the sides of the hills and Kashan Mountains were towns in ruins, where thousands once made the country alive, amidst fruitful vales now covered with luxuriant grass, inhabited by game. The extirpating invasions of the Mantaties and Matabele had left to beasts of prey the undis- puted right of these lovely woodland glens. The lion, which had revelled on human flesh, as if con- scious there was none to oppose him, roamed at large, a terror to the traveller, who often hears with dismay his mighty roaring echoed back by the surrounding hills." Elsewhere, when speaking of a wild and desolate region that he was traversing, the worthy Mis- sionary writes : " The number of lions hereabouts may be easily accounted for, when it is remem- bered how thinly scattered are the inhabitants ; and, indeed, the whole appearance of the country impresses the mind with the idea that it is only fit for beasts of prey." And further on, when speaking of the Chuenyane Mountains, he says : " The number of lions here was fearful. . . . During the night we heard their roar from every point of the compass " Then, again, we are told by M. Delegorgue, the MAJESTIC APPEARANCE. AfricaD traveller, naturalist, and sportsman, who spent a considerable time in the Caffir country. " that during the great migration or' the Dutch Boers from the Cape Colony to their present settle- ment, no fewer then 3SO lious were, killed by them." Harris, also, testifies to the groat number of lions in the country where he was then shoot- ing, in a letter to Colonel Delamaine, an equally enthusiastic and renowned sportsman as himself. He says : " They are nearly as numerous as the rhinoceros,* and used to visit our waggons by twos and threes by daylight, and every night they made a descent on our sheep and oxen, frequently killing them, and generally driving thorn out of the thorn fence into the wilderness to a distance of miles." The lion I here speak of the common type is a strikingly bold and majestic-looking animal ; his large and shaggy mane, which ho can erect at plea- sure, surrounding his awful front. His huge eye- brows, his round and fiery eye-balls, which, upon the least irritation, seem to glow with peculiar lustre, together with the formidable appearance of his fangs, exhibit a picture of terrific grandeur. which no words can describe. One must not, however, jud^o of the animal trom the specimens usually exhibited in menageries; tot- though these frequently equal in bulk those tound * Of which animals, as ho h:ul previously informed h:> friend. "ho on one- occasion, when bnnc'-'K t^ hU l>i\ vni.u- ^ diitaiuv ot about a milel the head of :i koodoo shot otv the pivcodini; da> . encountered no fewer than twenty-two, and was r.cccsMlated to shoot thive of them to clear the wav." 10 THE LION. in a wild state, yet being reared in confinement, and deprived of the milk of the mother of fresh air, so to say of liberty, &c., they too often acquire a sickly, emaciated, and melancholy look, which, coupled with the want of an ample mane, causes them to contrast very unfavourably with their fel- lows in a state of nature. Harris, who had ample opportunities of making the acquaintance of the lion in his native wilds both in Africa and India, would seem, like myself, to have been greatly struck by the different ap- pearance the beast presents when in a state of freedom from that when a wretched prisoner. His words are : " Those who have seen the monarch of the forest in crippling captivity, immured in a cage barely double his own length, with his sinews relaxed by confinement, have seen but the shadow of the animal which ' clears the desert with his roving eye.' " The lioness is a much less imposing-looking animal than the lion, being not only one-third smaller, but devoid of a mane. When roused, how- ever, either by rage or hunger, she has an even more ferocious aspect than her stately mate, whose countenance is often partially hidden by his flowing inane. It is said that, as a general rule, the lioness is more fierce and active than the lion, and that such as have never had young are more dangerous than those that have had families. The lion is possessed of a piercing sight, and his EOAli Ob 1 THE LION. 11 hearing is very acute, but his sense of smell would not appear to be very nice. Indeed, to judge by Gerard's adventures with the beast, which, by his account, often approached to within a very few paces of him. without being at all aware of his pre- sence, it would not seern as if his olfactory nerves served him in any very great stead. The roar of the lion perhaps one of the most remarkable characteristics, so to say, of the animal is fearful, and when heard in the night time, whether in the desert or the forest, impresses one with something like awe. It much resembles distant thunder. The Arabs of Northern Africa have, indeed, only a single word to express his voice, and that is Rad, or thunder. When, however, people speak of the roar of the lion, it is to be presumed they have in their mind's eye the low, hollow, and half suppressed sigh, or groan, that one so often hears in menageries. The roar of the animal in its wild state is something very different, and is truly terrific and appalling. But it is seldom heard in all its intensity ; indeed, a friend of mine, who frequently hunted the beast in Southern Africa, only remembers hearing it twice, and I, for my part, on not more than half-a-do/en occasions. The lion's roar, however, even under the mildest form, is most impressive and has not been inaptly likened to the efforts " to disgorge something from the throat." The impression made on my own mind by the lion's roar would seem to have been in great measure shared by other travellers, who, as my- 12 THE LION. self, have had ample opportunities of hearing it in the animal's native wilds. " Each night," writes Delegorgue, " these grand carnivori disturbed by their roarings our sleep and the repose of the cattle, confined within a circular fence. There is something terrifying 1 in this O *J O noise, the only one that troubles the night in these solitudes, something which obliges me to acknow- ledge the lion as the ' master ' in them." " One of the most striking things connected with the lion," says Gordon Gumming, " is his voice, which is extremely grand and peculiarly striking. It consists at times of a low, deep moaning, re- peated five or six times, ending in faintly audible sighs ; at other times, he startles the forest, with loud, deep toned, solemn roars, repeated five or six times in quick succession, each increasing in loud- uess to the third or fourth, when his voice dies away in five or six low muffled sounds very much resembling distant thunder. At times, and not un- frequently, a troop may be heard roaring in concert, one assuming the lead, and two, three, or four more regularly taking up their parts, like persons singing a catch. Like our Scottish stags at the rutting season, they roar loudest in cold, frosty nights ; but on no occasions are their voices to be heard in such perfection, or so intensely powerful, as when two or three troops of strange lions approach a fountain to drink at the same time. When this occurs, every member of each troop sounds a bold roar of defiance at the opposite parties ; and when one roars, all roar together, and each BOAIl OF THE LION. 1 '> seems to vie with his comrades in the intensity and power of his voice. The power and grandeur of these nocturnal concerts is inconceivably striking and pleasing to the hunter's ear. The effect I may remark, is greatly enhanced when the hearer happens to be situated in the depths of the forest, at the dead hour of midnight, unaccompanied by any attendant, and ensconced within twenty yards of the fountain which the surrounding troop of lions are approaching. Such has been my situation many scores of times ; and though I am allowed to have a tolerably good taste for music, I consider the catches with which I was then regaled as the sweetest and most natural I ever heard." " Elsewhere," Gordon Gumming observes, " as a general rule, lions roar during the night ; their sighing moans commencing as the shades of even- ing envelop the forest, and continuing at intervals throughout the hours of darkness." According to Gerard, who had more opportu- nities than most men of studying the roar of the lion, " Jt is composed of a dozen sounds, com- mencing with sighs which rise in volume as they proceed, and finish as they began with an interval between each." " When a lion and a lioness are in company," Ge"rard further informs us, " the lioness is always the first to roar, and this at the moment of leaving the lair. " The lion alternates with the lioness. " In this manner they proceed on their way, roar- ing every quarter of an hour until they have ap- 14 THE LION. proached the Douar* which they propose despoiling, and when their appetites are satisfied they recom- mence roaring and continue until daylight. " The lion, when alone, also roars on leaving his den, and it often happens that he continues doing so until he reaches the Douar. " In the Summer, during the great heats, the lion roars less, and sometimes not at all ; but in the pairing season he makes ample amends for lost time." ''When the lion roars" says General Dumas, "people pretend one rnay readily distinguish the following words : * Ahna on bai el inerct, ' that is ' I and the son of the woman.' Moreover, that lie repeats twice ' len cl mcraj but 'Ahna' onty once, from which they conclude he dares not recognise any other creature than man besides himself." The natives of parts of South Africa, it is to bo remarked, assert they can readily distinguish be- tween the roar of a hungry lion, or one intent on mischief, and that of a lion whose appetite is al- ready appeased. When the beast is hungry, his roar, they say, is dull and stifled ; but when, on the contrary, his belly is full, it is rather loud. Moffatt testifies to the like dfect. " As we were retiring to rest one night " writes the Missionary, * Arab village, or rather encampment, as there, nomad people arc constantly on the move from one locality to the oilier, in accordance with the season of the year, and the state of the pasturage, itc. The "Douar" usually consists of from ten to fifteen tents pitched in a circular form; and in the Winter time, at least, is commonly situated on the western slope of a hill the whole being surrounded by a, high and strong fence with a single opening for the people and cattle. THE HOAR AT MIDNIGHT. 1 j when sojourning with some natives that he fell in with in his wanderings, who lived entirely on roots and the produce of the chase, and who seemed per- fectly versed in all the tactics of the lion " one of those beasts passed near us, occasionally giving a roar, which softly died away on the extended plain, and it was responded to by another at a distance. Directing the attention of these Balala, and asking if they thought there was danger, they turned their ears as to a voice with which they were familiar, and after listening for a moment or two replied. * There is no danger, he has eaten and is going to sleep.' They were right, and we slept also. Asking them in the morning how they knew the lions were going to sleep, they replied : ' We live with them, they are our companions.' ' Impressive and terrible as is the roar of the lion, cattle, unless they scent the beast, or have been previously wounded by him, would not appear to take so much notice of it as is generally repre- sented. I at least have known the lion to growl ay, to roar most savagely within gun-shot of my bivouac, and not an ox or sheep stirred.* * What Anderson here tells us seems somewhat contradictory to the experiences of other travellers, to that of MofTatt. at least, who at page lol says : " One night we were quietly bivouacked at a small pool in the Orep river, where we never anticipated a visit from his majesty; we had just closed our united evening worship, the hook was still in my hand, and the closing notes of the song of praise had scarcely fallen from our lips, when the territic roar of the lion was heard; our oxen, which before were quietly chewing the cud, rushed upon us, and over our fires, leaving us prostrated in a cloud of dust and sand; hats and hymn-books, our biblo and our guns, were all scattered in wild confusion. Providential 1}' no serious 16 THE LION. And as further evidence of the little dread that domestic animals entertain for the lion's roar, or even for the beast himself, I may mention that it is a usual practice with the South African hunters, after having killed and flayed a lion, to strap his skin behind the saddle, and the horse, even when untrained to the chase, is rarely or never known to shew symptoms of fear. Gerard indeed tells us, he carried his first lion strapped on two mules placed side by side. The length of a South African adult lion, from the nose to the extremity of the tail, I take to be from eleven to twelve feet, and its height from heel to shoulder, three and a-half feet and upwards. Indi- viduals are, however, said to attain to a still larger size. Delegorgue when speaking of the District ofMas- selica, on the Eastern coast, where he hunted for some time, and where, from circumstances, he injury was sustained; the oxen were pursued, brought b;ick, and secured to the waggon, for we could ill aflbrd to lose any. Africaner, seeing the reluctance of the people to pursue in a dark and gloomy ravine, grasped a fire-brand, and exclaimed, 'Follow me,' and but for this promptness and intrepidity we must have lost some of our number, for nothing can exceed the terror of oxen at even the smell of a lion. Though they may happen to lie in the worst condition possible, worn out with fatigue and hunger, the moment the shaggy monster is perceived they start off like race-horses, with their tails erect, and sometimes days will elapse before they are found." -El). * The length of the dried skin of a wild beast is not to my mind any criterion of its real size when living, because in my own country, Sweden (and the like is probably the case in Africa), when the skin of a bear or wolf, for instance, is nailed up to the wall to dry, it is not infrequently drawn to an unnatural length, and one altogether disproportioncd to its breadth. SI/E AND WEIGHT. 17 thought, with some reason, that lions should be the largest and strongest of the race, goes on to say. * The dried skin* of one of these animals measured from nose to tail (the latter one metre in length) three metres, fifty centimetres." The weight of the beast so far as I am aware has never been correctly ascertained, but it is very considerable ; and as I should imagine, cannot be less than from five to six hundred pounds. The lion inhabiting Northern Africa would seem to be fully as heavy as that common to the more southern portion of the continent. Gerard, when speaking of what he calls the "black lion," which he describes as a trifle less than either the "fawn-coloured" or the "grey," says: " The breadth of his forehead is a coudf'e, the length of his body from the nose to the insertion of the tail, which is a metre long, measures five coudces ; the weight of his body varies between two hundred and seventy-five and three hundred /,//<>.$.'' Elsewhere, and when speaking of a huge lion (but the species or variety he does not name), killed in a great ckassc at which he was present, he tells us that the beast must have weighed at least six hun- dred livres, or some six hundred and sixty-one and a-half English pounds. The strength of the lion is enormous ; in Algeria according to Gerard the Arabs say it is equal to that of forty men. Hans, my faithful attendant, told me he had known an instance where the beast had broken the back of a large ox whilst it was yet alive. This feat the lion accomplished when 18 THE LION. planted, so to say, on the poor animal's bind quar- ters; for striking his claws deep into the neck of the victim, he, by a violent effort, brought its fore and hind quarters into such close proximity that the spine, as a natural consequence, was at once separated. He (Hans) told me, moreover, that on a certain occasion a lion seized one of his largest oxen by the muzzle, and dragged it away bodily to a dis- tance, when he killed and devoured it at his leisure. Thunberg's testimony is to the like effect. " The lion," he says, "is possessed of such immense strength that he will not only attack an ox of the largest size, but will very nimbly throw it over his shoulders, and leap over a fence four feet high with it, although at the same time the ox's legs hang dangling on the ground." And Sparman tells us, " that he saw a lion in the Cape Colony take a heifer in his mouth, and though the legs trailed on the ground, ho carried it off as a cat would a rat, and leaped a broad dike without the least difficulty." But what Montgomery Martin relates as to the enormous strength of the lion, is still more extra- ordinary. After stating " that a young lion has been known to carry a good-sized horse a mile from the spot where he killed it," lie goes on to say : "An instance occurred in the Sneemoberg, where one of these beasts carried off a two-year-old heifer ; his " spoor " was followed by the hunters for five hours on horseback, and throughout the whole dis- tance, the carcase was ascertained to have touched the ground only once or twice !" STRENGTH AND PROWESS. 19 Notwithstanding the above proofs of the great strength and power of the South African lion, Englishmen who have hunted in India, where, as said, this animal also abounds in certain districts, are inclined to think that in these respects he is inferior to the royal tiger, who has been known to smash a bullock's head by a single blow of his paw! That the strength of the lion should be inferior to O that of the tiger can, however, hardly be the case, since their relative size is, I take it, much the same, and the structure of the skeleton (however different the outward form of the animal may be) is so nearly alike as to make it difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the one from the other. The notion CJ in question is not unlikely to arise from the tiger being in the habit of strik'uuj his victim ; whilst the action of the lion, when despatching his prey, is more cat-like scratching as it were. Speaking of the lion's strength and prowess, it may be proper here to remark that Knglish naturalists, after telling us that in the Cape Colony the lion is hunted with dogs, go on to say : " The hounds surround him ; and rushing upon him all at once, soon tear him to pieces." It is not, of course, for me to gainsay such high authorities; but. 1 strongly suspect that the reader, after perusing these pages, will agree with me in thinking that even if a score of dogs were simultaneously to attack the king of beasts, not only would a few of them bite the dust, but he himself' would corno out of the conflict all but, or altogether unscathed ! The usual pace of a lion is a walk, and though c 2 20 THE LION. apparently rather slow, yet, from the great length of his body, he is able to get over a good deal of grouud in a short time. Indeed, he has been known, in the course of the night, to cross a plain which, at that particular point, was, as the crow flies, forty-five miles in width. Occasionally he trots, when his speed is not inconsiderable. His gallop or rather succession of bounds is, for a short distance, very fast; nearly or quite equal to that of a horse. Indeed, unless the steed has somewhat the start when the beast charges, it will be puzzled to escape. Many instances are on record of horsemen who have incautiously ap- proached too near to the lion, prior to firing, who have been pulled down by him before they could get out of harm's way. Happily, however, the beast soon tires of the exertion of galloping, and unless his first rush succeeds, he, for the most part, soon halts and beats a retreat. CHAPTER II. NATURE OF THE LION'S PREY SAID TO EAT HIS MATE DESTRUC- TIVE TO CATTLE THE LION A " MAN-EATER " THE WHITE MAN VERSUS THE BLACK NATIVES COMPELLED TO LIVE IN TREES MANNER IN WHICH THE LION SEIZES HIS PREY THE LION'S BOUND THE WOUNDS HE INFLICTS FOOT OF THE LION HIS GLUTTONY FAMILIARITY OF INFERIOR ANIMALS WITH HIM THE LION'S FLESH AGE TO WHICH HE ATTAINS ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. lion preys on most of the animals inhabit- J- ing the African wilds that chance to fall in his way; but the antelope tribe would, seem to be the chief objects of his pursuit. It happens, how- ever, that the beast is beaten off by the powerful gemsbok, or oryx, on whose long and sharp horns, indeed, he is occasionally impaled, and in such wise that, being unable to extricate himself, both in con- sequence perish. Even the tall giraffe, as will here- after be seen, is not unfrequently his victim. At times, likewise, the young of the elephant becomes his prey. " He lies in ambush for it," says Delegorgue, " and pulls it to the ground ; and after strangling it, walks off without disputing his prize with its dam, being certain of recovering it at an after-period." Occasionally, moreover, he attacks and kills the 22 THE LION. buffalo, one of the fiercest and most formidable of African beasts but often has to pay dear for his temerity ; for should there be several buffaloes in company, or others near at hand, the probability is he will be gored to death. Delegorgue even goes so far as to say that the lion not unfrequently destroys the huge white rhinoceros, an animal which all but rivals the elephant in regard to strength and bulk. His words are : " Maintes fois trouvai-je des rhinoceros de la plus haute taille, que ni leur poids, ni leur force, ]ii leur fureur, n'avaieut pu preserver de la mort. La place de combat 6t.ait visible ; partout elle utait fouMe, et 1'empreinte du lion s'y lisait sur chaque point," This, however, is quite contrary to my own ex- perience, and that of somo of the most celebrated African hunters. As a rule, indeed, lions arc said to make themselves scarce where the rhinoceros abounds. Occasionally, it is true, the lion will surprise and destroy the young of this animal as well as that of the elephant ; but even the hyena is known to accomplish this feat. Unless the rhinoceros be previously wounded, 1 myself am doubtful if the lion ever ventures to attack the adult animal ; and even if it be maimed ) he would not always seem to prove the victor. 1 judge so because when on one occasion I was fol- lowing the spoor of a black rhinoceros (which is greatly inferior in size and strength to the white) that 1 had wounded on the preceding day, I came SAID TO EAT HIS MATE. 23 to a spot where one, if not two lions, probably taking advantage of bis crippled condition, bad evidently attacked biin, and, after a desperate scuffle, bad been compelled to beat a precipitate retreat. In this case, however, the wounded animal would appear to have been aided by a companion, who had evidently only left him when he could walk no further. This is the sole instance that has come to my knowledge of the lion having the daring to attack the rhinoceros, though I have seen it stated in print that he not only frequently assails, but even masters that horned monster. x Once iu a time, moreover, the lion kills and eats his brother lion. . On only a single occasion, how- ever, has an instance of the kind come to my know- ledge. This was when 1 was on my way to the Lake Ngami. On a certain night we had badly wounded a lion, which retreated growling into the busli, and shortly afterwards a whole troop of lions rushed on their disabled brother, and toj'e him to pieces. /And once in a time the lion makes a meal of his mate/an instance of which came under my personal notice ; it occurred thus : Early one morning a herdsman of ours came run- ning up to us in great fright, and announced " that a lion was devouring a lioness." We thought at first that the man must be mistaken, but on proceeding to the spot found his story to be perfectly true, and that only the skull, the large bones, and the skin of the animal were left. On examining the ground more closely, the fresh remains of a young spring- 24 THK LION. bok were discovered. We, therefore, conjectured that the lion and lioness being very hungry, and the antelope not proving a sufficient meal for both, they had quarreled, and that he, after killing his wife, had coolly eaten her also. And certainly, a most substantial breakfast it must have been. The lion is very destructive to the cattle and sheep of the colonists and natives, especially when several of them are in company, and many in- stances have come to my knowledge where a troop of these beasts have dashed into the fold and destroyed a number of oxen equal to their own. One night, indeed, when on my way from Damara land to the Cape, and close to my bivouac, five lions broke into a kraal belonging to a famous hunter, afterwards in my employ, and slaughtered no fewer than five cows. But great as are the ravages of the lion amongst the domestic animals of Southern Africa, they are trifling in comparison with those the inhabitants of Algeria have to complain of, which, as will hereafter be shewn, are something terrible. The lion, as is known, becomes occasionally a regular " man-eater," and when such is the case proves a dreadful scourge to the country. Happily, however, not one lion perhaps in fifty can properly come under the above denomina- tion. Various reasons are assigned for lions becoming " man-eaters." Some imagine they first acquire the taste for human flesh (which subsequently they are said to prefer to that of all other) to certain tribes MAN-EATEHS. 25 in the interior Dever burying their dead, but un- ceremoniously leaving the corpses of their friends exposed in the forest, or on the plain, as the case may be, a prey to wild beasts or the vulture ; and I can readily imagine that a lion thus " blooded," so to say, would have little hesitation, when oppor- tunity presented itself, of springing upon and carry- ing off the traveller or native thafc carne in his way. But the practice of getting rid of the dead in the way spoken of does not exist in all parts of the in- terior, where, nevertheless, " man -eaters " are to be found. I am therefore inclined to believe that the habit of certain lions making a meal of a man, when they can get hold of him, arises rather from incapacity on their part to secure their ordinary prey than from anything else ; and I have the greater reason to think this is the case, since young lions are seldom found to indulge in human food. When the beast becomes crippled, whether from wounds or old age, and is no longer able to grapple with the wild animals of his native haunts, it is only reason- able to suppose he will seize the first and most favourable opportunity of satisfying his hunger, and this the exposed situation of the native villages too often affords him. Strangely enough, the lion, it is confidently asserted, would rather dine off a black man than a white, and the cause assigned is somewhat singular. O "The beast in question," says Thunberg, "had much rather eat a Hottentot than a Christian 26 THE LION. perhaps because the Hottentot, being besmeared with fat, always stinks,* and because, as he never eats salt or spices, the juices of his body are not so acrid." In certain parts of Southern Africa that have been devastated and partially depopulated by bloody intestine wars, lions have become so numerous and daring, and from feeding on the bodies of the slain, have acquired such a taste for human flesh, that the remaining inhabitants, to escape their clutches, have been necessitated to erect their huts in most ex- traordinary situations. " Having travelled one hundred miles," says Moffatt, " five days after leaving Morega we came to the first cuttle outposts of the Matabele, when we halted by a fine rivulet. My attention was arrested by a beautiful and gigantic tree, standing in a defile leading into an extensive and woody ravine, between a high range of mountains. Seeing some individuals employed on the ground under its shade, and the conical points of what looked like houses in miniature protruding through its ever- green foliage, I proceeded thither, and found that the tree was inhabited by several families of Bakoues, the aborigines of the country. 1 ascended by the notched trunk, and found, to my amazement, no less than seventeen of these aerial abodes, and three * This hint, it is to be hoped, will not be altogether thrown away by certain individuals of my acquaintance, not remarkable for their cleanly habits, so that, when they next visit the African wilds, they may be induced, if only in si'lf-difoncc, to take with them a, change of linen and a good supply of soap. HOUSES OF THE HAKONES. -V others unfinished. On reaching the topmost hut, about thirty feet from the ground, I entered, and sat down. Its only furniture was the hay which covered the floor, a spear, a spoon, and a bowl full of locusts. Not having eaten anything that day, and, from the novelty of my situation, not wishing to return immediately to the waggons, I asked a woman who sat at the door, with a babe at her breast, permission to eat. This she granted with pleasure, and soon brought me some locusts in a powdered state. Several more females came from the neigh- bouring roosts, stepping from branch to branch to see the stranger, who was to them as great a curiosity as the tree was to him. I then visited the different abodes, which were on several principal branches. The structure of these houses was very simple. An oblong scaffold, about seven feet wide, is formed of straight sticks. On one end of this platform a small* cone is formed, also of straight sticks, and thatched with grass. A person can nearly stand upright in it; the diameter of the floor is about six feet. The house stands on the end of the oblong, so as to leave a little square space before the door. On the day previous I had passed several villages, some containing forty houses, all built on poles about seven or eight feet from the ground, in the form <>f a circle ; the ascent and descent is by a knotty branch of a tree placed in front of the house. In the centre of the circle there is always a heap of the bones of game they have killed. Such were the domiciles of the impoverished thousands of the 28 THE LION. aborigines of the country, wbo, having been scattered and plundered by Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the chase, They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the lions which abounded in the country. During the day the families descended to the shade beneath to dress their daily food. When the inhabitants in- creased, they supported the augmented weight on the branches by upright sticks ; but when lightened of their load, they removed them for fire- wood." The lion, as with others of the feline family, seldom attacks his prey openly, and then only when compelled by extreme hunger. For the most part he steals upon it in the manner of a cat, or ambushes himself near to the water, or a pathway frequented by game. At such times he lies crouched on his belly in a thicket, until the animal appoaches sufficiently near, when with one prodigious bound he pounces upon it. In most cases he is success- ful, but should his intended victim escape, as at times happens, from his having miscalculated the distance, he either makes a second, or even a third bound, which, however, usually proves fruitless, or he returns disconcerted to his hiding-place, there to wait for another opportunity. The bound of the lion, when about to seize his prey, is terrific. Though I for my own part should not have imagined it to exceed twenty-five to thirty feet, yet others estimate it to be very ranch more. " From the spot where a noble male lion IMMENSE BOUNDS. 20 had lain to where he alighted," says Delegorgue, " measured eighteen* of my paces," and elsewhere the same author, when speaking of another of those beasts, accidentally disturbed by him from its slumbers, informs us : " He rose, gathered himself up, and bounded forward (presenting to us his broadside), to alight at fifteen paces distance, when he bounded again. He seemed to fly. His mane re- sembled a pair of wings ; but I and my companions were so confounded and amazed at the sight, as to put all thoughts of firing out of our heads. The rapidity of the animal's bounds would, indeed, have rendered the attempt useless an arrow from the bow, or the falcon when stooping on the quarry, are not more rapid in their flight." The height to which the lion can leap is also very great otherwise, why are the pit-falls in Algeria for the capture of this animal, as Gerard tells us is the case, ten metres in depth. Moffatt, indeed, speaks of the beast jumping on to a rock ten to twelve feet in altitude ; and Thomson, when describing a lion-hunt, says : " He (the lion) bounded over the adjacent thicket like a cat over a foot-stool, clearing brake and bushes twelve or fifteen feet high as readily as if they had been tufts of grass." Dele- gorgue's evidence is to the like effect. After tolling us that he had one evening killed & ('nfn l>!cl>"* Cujjir) killed by myself, four fearful furrows, four centimetres in depth, reaching from the shoulder to the insertion of the tail, caused by the claws of the beast in question." Sir Samuel Baker also mentions an instance showing the wonderful powers possessed by the lion. After telling us that Florian, a former hunting 1 associate of his, had been struck dead by a fearful \)low on the head from the paw of one of these beasts which he had previously wounded, lie goes on to say : " Great difficulty was experienced in extracting 32 THE LION. the claws of the animal, which had penetrated the skull of the unfortunate man." It is a common belief that the lion only feeds on animals he himself has slain ,' but such is not the case, for many instances have come to my personal knowledge that, when half-famished, he will not only greedily devour the leavings of other beasts of prey, but even condescend to carrion. Animals slain by lions, it is to be observed, are not unfrequently found all but untouched. In locali- ties where game abounds this is easy of explanation, but not so where it is scarce. By some it is con- jectured that this abstinence on the part of the beast arises from his having, while destroying his victim, torn open the paunch, or stomach, the contents of which have come in contact with the flesh, thereby imparting to the latter a disagreeable odour, and rendering it anything but palateable. If this be really the fact, the lion is a much more delicate feeder than the natives, whom I have frequently seen cooking their viands in the half liquid and disagree- able matter in question. The quantity of flesh that a lion in a wild state devours at a meal is something enormous. On more than one occasion, I have known him to dispatch the greater part of a zebra in the course of the night. The lion eating up the lioness, as related, is another proof of the extraordinary capabilities of his capacious and elastic stomach.* * The regular daily allowance for a full-grown lion at the Zoolo- gical Gardens, Regent's Park, London, is eleven pounds of meat, with which the animal would seem to be perfectly satisfied. But of GLUTTONY. 33 Moffatt also seems to have been " taken aback " by the gluttony of the lion. After describing an attack made on his party by one of these beasts, on which occasion it not only carried off a cow, but ate up the poor creature within gunshot of the bivouack fire, he oes on to say : "When -it was light we examined the spot, and found, from the foot-marks, that the lion was a large one, and had devoured the cow himself. J had some difficulty in believing this, but was fully convinced by the Baralongs pointing out to me that the foot-marks of the other lions had not come within thirty yards of the spot : two jackals only had approached to lick up any little leavings. The men pursued the " spoor,"* to find the fragments where the lion had deposited them, while he retired to a thicket to sleep during the day. I had often heard how much a large hungry lion could eat, but nothing less than a demonstration would have con- vinced me that it was possible for him to have eaten the flesh of a good-sized heifer, and many of the bones besides, for scarcely a rib was left, and some of the marrow-bones were broken as witli a hammer, "f coin-so the appetite of one in a state of nature, who can only cat his fill occasionally, cannot be compared with that of OIK- imprisoned. * Gerard, when speaking of the track of the lion, >ays : " Place your hand upon the foot-marks, and if the. claws of the animal are not covered by the fingers when spread our. it is a male and full grown; if your hand covers the track, it is a lioness or a young lion." t "The excrement ot the lion," pays (Ic'rard. " is white, and filled with large fragments of bone, If those are of tho thi'-kness of one's 34 THE LION. The lion in the Cape Colony, and other more in- habited parts of Southern Africa, frequently as shewn carries, or drags, his prey to a considerable distance before devouring it ; but in the interior of the country, where the population is scanty, and the beast subject to but little molestation, he, for the most part, either feasts on it where it fell, or removes it to some thicket in the immediate vicinity ; and after he has satisfied his hunger for the time being, which with a half-famished lion occupies no little time, he either crouches beside it, or in some retired spot near at hand. " Here," according to Delegorgue, " he keeps guard over the remainder of the carcase, from which both by night and day lie drives away all carnivorous animals that would share it with him. As regards quadrupeds, he lias little trouble, for they, knowing his po\vers, obey without reflection, and remain on the watch at twenty, thirty, and forty paces distance, waiting until such time as the ' Master ' leaves the spot with a firm and grave step, and abandons to them the residue of his royal repast ; but those who give him most trouble are the vultures,* who, alighting on the carcase, are always bearing away something in spite of the king of the forest, or the ilourish of his formidable paws." Notwithstanding the respect usually shewn to the wrist, they arc those of a full grown male lion ; if smaller, of a lioness or a young lion." * Elsewhere Dclegorgue, in his interesting work, tolls us "(hut on one occasion he came on the c.ircase of a newly slain elephant, so thickly covered with vultures that with a single ball he put no fewer than nine of these disgusting birds ]KH- ; cunibat.. STEAK AU l,tON. '"> monarch of the desert by his inferiors, they some- times have the impertinence to feed in company with him on the same carcase. I myself have known this to be the case with the dog, the jackal,* and the hyena. It happens occasionally, however, that the in- truder pays dearly for his audacity. It is indeed asserted by more than one experienced hunter that, when the hyena proves troublesome, the lion has been known to bite off all its feet,t and when thus mutilated, leave the poor animal to its fate. Though unable to vouch for the truth of the story, yet, as in some degree corroborative of it, T niav mention that I myself, on one occasion, f^ll in with a hyena walking on his four stumps. The flesh of the lion has a somewhat bad name with naturalists and others, who, though admitting that the natives of the countries inhabited by the beast occasionally partake of it, describe it as having a strong disagreeable smell and flavour. And M". Delegorgue, when speaking of a lion that he had recently killed, goes so for as to say "that the odour of it was so rank and disgusting that he had not the courage to taste it, but abandoned it to the vultures." Of course it is not for me to con- tradict great authorities, but, as stated in t lie " Ifiver * It is difficult to account for the popular notion a> to the jackal being the lion's provider. To my mind it would In- far ninn- rornvi to reverse the adage, and say that the lion cater.-* lor the jack;!!, as it is in great measure on the leavings of his roy.d friend that this pretty little animal subsists. t The same refined kind of cruelty has l>niv than sixty shots at the bush. The south-east wind blew strong, the sky was clear, and the moon shone very brightly, so that we could perceive anything at a >hort dis- i: _ 52 THE LION. tance. After the cattle had been quieted again, and I had looked over everything, I missed the sentry before the tent. We called as loudly as possible, but in vain, nobody answered, from which I con- cluded, he was carried off. Three or four men then advanced very cautiously to the bush, which stood right opposite the door of the tent, to see if they could discover anything of the man; but retired helter-skelter, for the lion, who was still there, rose up and began to roar. " About a hundred shots were again fired at the bush, without our perceiving anything of the beast. This induced one of the men again to approach it with a firebrand in his hand, but as soon as he neared the bush, the lion roared terribly, and leaped at him, on which he threw the firebrand at the animal, and the other people having fired about ten shots at him, he returned immediately to his former station. " The firebrand which the man had thrown at the lion had fallen in the midst of the bush, and favoured by the wind, it began to burn with a great flame, so that we could see very clearly into it, and through it. We continued our firing into it. The night passed away, and the day began to break, which animated everyone to fire at the lion, because he could not bo there without exposing himself entirely. Seven men posted at the farthest waggons watched to take him as he came out. At last, before it became quite light, he walked up the hill with the man in his mouth, when about forty shots were fired without hitting him. He persevered in retaining TERRIBLE TKACEDY. 53 his prey amidst fire and shots, and amidst it all carried it securely off." " When the day was more advanced," the Land- rost further informs us, " the lion was tracked to his lair and killed whilst lying over the mangled re- mains of the poor sentinel." Scenes of a similar nature to the above have occurred on two several occasions, in the encamp- ment of my friend, Frederick Green. The par- ticulars of the first is from his journal, kindly placed by him at my disposal. " October 21, 1858. Last night, a terrible tragedy was enacted in my cattle-fold by two daring lions. The night was intensely dark, with occasional rain ; and, fearing lions miofht select such a niiHit to sur- o o o prise their prey, I sat up watching until a late hour. I had just lain down, remarking to my friend that, in case of a visit from these brutes, the oxen would give the alarm, when on a sudden there arose an awful scream, followed by a death-like groan, such as I shall never forget ; the very recollection of it chills my blood. Two lions had entered tho enclosures, and succeeded in carrying away a poor fellow, whom they tore to pieces and devoured within a short distance of our camp. We neither could nor dared attempt a rescue. The unfortunate man was lying in his hut, with his wife and two little children, when one of the monsters forced his way through from the back, and sei/ed him, at the same time inflicting two wounds upon the woman. Tho poor wretch, in his hurried exit, had evidently, in endeavouring to save himself, laid hold of the poles 54 THE LION. of the hovel, for the whole back part of the tene- ment was carried away. "On making the terrible discovery, a scene ensued which defies description, and which must have been seen to be fully realized. Of course, sleep was afterwards out of the question ; and, in order to guard as far as possible against a similar occurrence, we kept up a constant discharge of firearms during the remainder of this woful night. " This morning, as soon as it was light enough to see, we took up the spoor of the lions, and, within about 200 yards of the kraal, discovered the spot where it was evident the poor man had been destroyed and devoured. The belt he had worn round his waist was alone left to tell of his dreadful fate, though in following up the trail some parts of his leg-bones were afterwards found. We chased the brutes for about twelve miles, when we were compelled to relinquish the pursuit, without having obtained a shot at them without, indeed, having caught more than one glimpse of them in the distance. I much regretted having started with- out my horse, which, though useless as a hunter, would undoubtedly have taken me sufficiently near to get a shot, and to lead the pack of dogs up to the enemy." On the second day after the fatal accident, I should add, Mr. Green bid farewell to the dreadful place, thinking thereby to get rid of his terrible foes; but they followed on his "spoor;" and on the evening of the third day one of the " man- eaters" once more entered his enclosures. On this FEARFUL CATASTROPHE. ')) occasion, however, the horrid monster passed by the oxen without molesting them, and entered the sheep kraal and carried off one of its inmates, putting the remainder to flight. " What with the screechings of the terrified women and children," writes my friend, "the hallooings of the men, the rush of the cattle and the sheep, firebrands whizzing through the air, the discharge of the firearms, the growls of the lious, and other discordant noises, the scene was one which baffles description. I levelled my rifle at the marauder as he was passing the waggon, not above five paces distant; but my gun unfor- tunately missed fire, and, when I again pulled the trigger, he had disappeared in the darkness. This lion was almost immediately joined by his com- panion, when they set up a roaring duet that lasted, with very little intermission, until break of day. Continued discharges of firearms kept them from doing further mischief." The particulars of the second catastrophe in my friend's encampment, which occurred at an after- period, he communicated to me by letter in the fol- lowing words : "At about ]] o'clock, P.M., 1 was startled out of my sleep by a fearful shriek, such as I had only once before heard uttered by a human being. The thought at once struck me that the two notorious 'man-caters,' who had enacted so horrible a, tragedy in my bivouac on a former occasion, were again prowling about, and had perhaps seized some of the Bushmen lately come to pay me a visit, and who were encamped at the back of my kraal. Snatching 56 THE LION. up my rifle and pistol, I bounded out of my bed, and soon found my suspicions confirmed by the dismal bowls and wailings of several terrified Bush- men, wbom I met bastening towards my waggon for protection ; and a poor youtb, wbom we bad cap- tured tbe day before, was giving vent to bis distress in piteous lamentations for tbe loss of bis fatber, tbe Busbman Cbief, wbom one of tbe lions bad, be said, destroyed. "Calling to some of my people to follow, I hur- ried away in tbe direction pointed out by tbe lad. The night, wbicb in itself was intensely dark, re- ceived an additional gloom from tbe shadow of a cluster of tbick-bougbed trees under whicb we were encamped. In order, therefore, to throw some light on surrounding objects, we set fire to the temporary huts, and commenced our search. M. Habn, the missionary, who was of our party, also came to our assistance witli a lantborn. Tbe dogs, meantime, kept up a furious barking ; } T et with the certain knowledge that the cowardly murderer was only a few paces from us, we could not obtain even a glimpse of him. " At length, to tbe horror of us all, we stumbled on the mangled remains of the unfortunate Bushman who had fallen a victim to the monster. One of bis arms was bitten off at tbe shoulder, whilst his hand still convulsively clutched a part of his dress. This, and some portions of bis intestines, was all that remained of a man, alive and quite unconscious of bis fate only a very few minutes before. The sight was both shocking and sickening in the extreme; A NOTORIOUS MAN-EATER. 57 but, as ifc was now useless to continue a further search in the dark, we returned to our respective bivouacs. Sleep was, of course, out of the question. The dreadful scene haunted my imagination un- ceasingly, and I resolved, as soon as the day should dawn, to pursue the horrible ' man-eater,' and, if possible, to terminate his existence. " Accordingly, on the following morning," my friend goes on to say. " Every man possessed of .a gun joined in the chase. At a short distance from the camp the brute was discovered ; but though wo followed him up for a long time, we could never get a shot at him. The cowardly night-prowler took care not to expose himself; and unfortunately only two dogs ventured to face him. Had the whole pack assailed the beast, he would certainly have been brought to bay and despatched. We were on several occasions close upon him, but the dense- ness of the bush always helped him to escape before we could get a good aim. At length we lost his track, and after endeavouring in vain to recover it, were compelled to face homewards without ridding the country of so dire a " pest." Though the lion in question escaped Mr. Green for the time, yet it is satisfactory to add that at an after-period this same animal (as there was every reason to believe) met its deatli at his hands, though this was at a considerable distance from the spot where the melancholy catastrophe, just related, occurred. It was further believed that this beast was one of the two notorious " man-eaters" that 58 THE LI OX. had some time previously carried off one of ray friend's people. These animals were very accurately described by the natives, who said that the smaller of them catered for the larger ; and that this daring monster had been known to enter a village arid carry off no fewer than three individuals the same night, returning in the day- time to feast on the remains of the victims. They told my friend, moreover, that upwards of one hundred human beings had already fallen a prey to the beasts in question, adding " that the Bushmen, located in the neighbourhood, had been necessitated to fly the country in consequence of so many of their kith and kin having been killed by them." "A Bushman, whom we found in the vicinity, on our way northward," Mr. Green further wrote, "fully corroborated this statement ; and on being interrogated as to whether there were any villages of his countrymen along the Omuramba to the east- ward, replied at once that they could not live there, as the lions destroyed so many of them." The Darnaras, moreover, when speaking of these formidable foes always said, " Those lions ! the smaller alone killing the people, are known through- out all this region, pointing at the same time to the north, south, east, and west, and are the dread of every one." " Now it was the lesser of the ' man-eaters,' ' my friend went on to say, " of which I had so happily rid the country, and I consequently felt more pleased than if I had killed the largest bull- elephant that roams the wastes of Africa. I had DREADFUL INCIDENT. 59 by this acfc conferred a benefit on my friends, ' tho children of the desert,' and had doubtless been tho means of saving many from the horrible fate that had of late fallen to the lot of numbers of their intimates and relatives." Gordon Gumming, again, very graphically de- scribes a like dreadful incident to those just named, and of which, like Mr. Steneberg and Mr. Green, he was himself, so to say, a spectator. " Having outspanned, we at once set about making a ' kraal ' for the cattle, and that of the worst description of thorn trees, as I had now become very particular since my severe loss by lions on the first of the month. I had yet, however, a fearful lesson to learn, as to the nature and character of those beasts, of which I had at one time entertained so little fear; and on this night a horrible tragedy was to be enacted in my little lonely camp of so very awful and appalling a, nature as to make the blood curdle in my veins. I worked till near sundown at one side of the ' kraal ' with Hendrich, my first waggon-driver, I cutting / O O down the trees with my axe, and he dragging them to the spot. When the 'kraal' was completed, and tho cattle secured within it (as were also my two waggons, the horses being made fast, to a trekton stretched between the hind wheels of the vehicles), [ turned my attention to preparing a pot of barley-broth. Kor this purpose, I light oil a fire outside of the 'kraal,' between it and the water, close on the river-bank, and under a dense bush grove of shady trees, but made no kind of 60 THE LION. fence around this, our sitting place for the evening 1 . " The Hottentots, without any reason, made their fire about fifty paces from mine; they, according to their usual custom, being satisfied with the shelter of a large dense bush. The evening passed away cheer- fully. Soon after it was dark we heard elephants breaking the trees in the forest across the river; and once or twice I strode away into the dark- ness some distance from the fireside, to stand and listen to them. I little, at that moment, imagined * O the imminent peril to which I was exposing my life, or thought that a blood thirsty ' man-eater ' lion was couching near, and only watching his opportunity to consign one of us to a most horrible death. About three hours after the sun went down, I called my men to come and take their coffee and supper, which was ready for them at my fire, and after supper three of them re- turned before their comrades to their own fireside and lay down : these were John Stofolus, Ilendrich, and Ruyter. In a few minutes an ox came out by the gate of the 'kraal' and walked round the back of it, Hendrich got up and drove him in again, and then went back to his fireside and lay down. Hendrich and Ruyter lay on one side of the fire under one blanket, and John Stofolus lay on the other. At this moment I was sitting taking some barley-broth, our fire was very small, and the night pitchy dark and windy. Owing to our proximity to the village the wood was very scarce, the Bakalahari having burnt it all in their fires. " Suddenly the appalling and murderous voice DEATH OF HENDRlC'Il. 61 of an angry, blood-thirsty lion burst upon my car within a few yards of us, followed by the shrieking of the Hottentots; again and again the murderous roar of attack was repeated. We heard John and Ruyter shriek, ' The lion ! the lion !' Still for a few moments we thought he was chasing one of the dogs round the kraal : but next instant John Stofolus rushed into the midst of us almost speech- less with fear and terror, his eyes bursting from their sockets, and shrieked out, ' The lion ! the lion ! he has got Ileudrich, he dragged him away from the fire beside me, I struck him with the burn- ing brand upon the head, and he would not let go his hold. Hendrich is dead ! God ! Hendrich is dead ! Let us take fire and seek him.' On hearing this the rest of my people rushed about, shrieking and yelling as if they were mad. I was angry with them for their folly, and told them that if they did not stand still and keep quiet the lion would have another of us, and that very likely there \vasatroop of them. I ordered the dogs, which were nearly all fast, to be made loose, and the fire to be increased as far as could be. T then shouted Hendrich's name, but all was still. I told my men that Hendrich was dead, and that a regiment of soldiers could not now help him, and, hunting my dogs forward, had every- thing brought within the kraal, when we lighted our fire and closed the entrance as well as we could. "My terrified people sat round the fire with guns in their hands till the day broke, still fancying that every moment the lion would return and spring again into the midst of us. When the dogs were 62 THE LION. first let go, the stupid brutes, as clogs often prove when most required, instead of going at the lion, rushed fiercely on one another, and fought des- perately for several minutes ; after this they got his wind, and, going at him, disclosed to us his posi- tion. They kept up a continued barking until the day dawned, the lion occasionally springing after them and driving them in upon the kraal. The horrible monster lay all night within forty yards of us, consuming the wretched man whom he had chosen for his prey. He had dragged him into a little hollow at the back of the thick bush, beside which the fire was kindled, and there he remained until the day dawned, careless of our proximity. "It appeared that when the unfortunate Hen d rich rose to drive in the ox, the lion had watched him to his fireside, and he had scarcely lain down when the brute sprang upon him and Kuyter (for both lay under one blanklet) with his appalling murderous roar, and roaring as he lay, grappled him with his fearful claws, and kept biting him on the breast and shoulder, all the while feeling for his neck ; having got hold of which, he at once dragged him back- wards, round the bush into the dense shade. "As the lion lay upon the unfortunate man, lie faintly cried, 'Help me, help me! O (Jod! men, help me !' After which the fearful beast got a hold of his neck, and then all was still, except that his comrades heard the bones of the neck crashing between the teeth of the lion. John Stofolus had lain with his back to the fire on the opposite side, and on hearing the lion he sprang up, and, seizing a THE "MAN-EATER" SLAIN. G3 large flaming brand belaboured him on the head with the burning wood ; but the brute did not take any notice of him. The Bushman had a nar- row escape, the lion having inflicted two gashes in his seat with his claws. " The next morning, just as the day began to dawn, we heard the lion draor o the company with which we might have to spend the night, we took a fire-brand, and examined the edges of the pool, to see, from the imprints, what animals were in the habit of drinking there, and with terror discovered many 'spoors ' of lions. We immediately collected the oxen, and brought them to the waggon, to which we fastened them with the strongest thongs we had, having discovered in their appearance something which indicated that, either from scent or sight, they knew danger was near. The two Barolongs had brought a young cow with them, and though I recommended their making her fast also, they very humorously replied * that she was too wise to leave the waggons and oxen, even though a lion should be scented.' We took a little supper, which was followed by our even- ing hymn and prayer. I retired only a few minutes to my waggon to prepare for the night, when the whole of the oxen started to their feet. A lion had seized the cow in question only a few steps from their tails, and dragged it to the distance of thirty or forty paces, where we distinctly heard it tearing the animal and breaking its bones, whilst its bellow- ings were most pitiful. When these were over, 1 F GO T1JE LION. seized my gun, but as it was too dark to see any object at half the distance., I aimed at the spot where the devouring jaws of the lion were heard. I fired again and again, to which he replied with tremendous roars, at the same time making a rush towards the "waggons, so as exceedingly to terrify the oxen. The two Barolongs engaged to take fire-brands, advanced a few yards, and threw them at him so as to afford me a degree of light that I might take aim, the place being bushy. They had scarcely dis- charged them from their hands when the flame went out, and the enraged animal rushed towards them with such swiftness that I had barely time to turn the gun and fire between the men and the lion, and providentially the ball struck the ground immediately under his head, as we found by examina- tion the following morning. From this surprise he returned, growling fearfully. The men darted through some thorn-bushes, with countenances indicative of the utmost terror. It was now the opinion of all that we had better let him alone if he did not molest us. " Having but a scanty supply of wood to keep up a fire, one man crept among the bushes on one side of the pool, while I proceeded for the same purpose on the other side. L had not gone far when, look- ing upwards to the edge of the small basin, I dis- cerned between me and the sky four animals, whose attention appeared to be directed to me by the noise I made in breaking a dry stick. On closer inspection, I found that the large, round, hairy- headed visitors were lions and retreated on my A FOKMinAIM.K UoN. <) hands and foot towards the other side of the pool; when, coming to my waggon-driver, to inform him of our danger, I found him looking, with no littlo alarm, in an opposite direction, and with good reason, as no fewer than two lions, with a cub, were eyeing us both, apparently as uncertain about us as we were distrustful of them. They appeared, as they always do in the dark, twice the usual size. We thankfully decamped to the waggon, and sat down to keep alive our scanty fire, while we listened to the lion tearing and devouring his prey. When any of the other hungry lions dared to approach, he would pursue them for some paces, with a horrible howl, which made our poor oxen tremble, and produced anything but agreeable sensations in ourselves. We mf had reason for alarm, lest any of the six lions we saw, fearless of our small tire, miofht rush in amonu: * i-J O us. The two Barolongs were grudging the lion his fat meal, and would now and then break the silence with a deep sigh and expressions of regret ' that a vagabond lion should have such a feast on their cow,' which they anticipated would have afforded them many a draught of luscious milk. Ho fore the day dawned, having deposited nearly the whole of the carcase in his stomach, he collected the head, backbone, parts of the legs, t he paunch, which lie emptied of its contents, and the two clubs which had been thrown at him, and walked oil, leaving nothing but some fragments of bones, and one of inv balls, which had hit the carcase, instead of himself." Again, "It is now more than two years ago, G8 THE LION. and in the very place where we now stand," said Van Wyk, the Dutch colonist, to Professor Lich- tenstein, " that 1 ventured to take one of the most daring shots that ever was hazarded ; my wife was sitting within the house near the door, the children were playing about her; and I was without, near to the house, busied in doing something to a waggon, when suddenly, though it was mid-day, an enor- mous lion appeared, came up and laid himself down in the shade, upon the very threshold of the door. My wife, either frozen with fear, or aware of the danger of any attempt to fly, remained motion- less in her place, while the children took refuge in her lap. The cry they uttered attracted my atten- tion, and I hastened towards the door; but my astonishment may well be conceived when I found the entrance to it barred in such a way. Although the animal had not seen me, unarmed as 1 was, escape seemed almost impossible, yet I glided gently, scarcely knowing what I meant to do, to the side of the house, up to the window of my chamber, where I knew iny loaded gun was stand- ing. By a most happy chance I had set it in the corner close by the window, so that I could reach it with my hand ; for, as you perceive, the opening is too small to admit of my having got in ; and still more fortunately the door of the room was open, so that I could see the whole danger of the scene. O The lion was beginning to move, perhaps with the intention of making a spring. There was no longer any time to think; I called softly to the mother not to be alarmed, and, invoking the name of the A DAI; INC SHUT. GO Lord, fired my piece. The ball passed directly over my boy's head, and lodged in the forehead of the lion immediately above his eyes, which shot forth, as it were, sparks of fire, and stretched him on the ground, so that he never stirred more. Had [ failed in my aim," Van "Wyk went on to say, " mother and children were all inevitably lost. Had the boy moved he would have been struck, the least turn in the lion and the shot had not been mortal. To have taken an aim from without was impossible, as the shadow of anyone advancing in the bright sun would have betrayed him, and in addition to all these chances against me, the head of the creature was in some sort protected by the door-post." Freeman tells a somewhat similar story. " A native was fearful," says he, " that ere long he himself would be the victim of a lion that haunted the neighbourhood, and had already preyed on more than one of his family, unless he succeeded in getting him killed. He therefore placed a kid near to the door of his house to attract the beast, intending to shoot him while he was attacking the animal. The lion, however, leaped over the kid, as if of no value, or not sufficiently dainty to satisfy his wishes, and then walked deliberately into the house. The man, however, had taken higher views ; ho had climbed up outside, and was wait- ing with his loaded gun on the roof, and on the beast walking out of the house lie aimed his gun well and shot him dead on the spot, thankful, no doubt, at having saved himself and his kid." 70 THK LION. However fabulous it may appear that a lion should actually make his way into a dwelling house, there can be little doubt that this has happened. Once, indeed, as recorded in " Lake Ngarai," one of these beasts actually found its way into the church at Richterieldt. The alarm being given, the Damaras, assegai in hand, rushed to the spot, and seizing- him by the tail and ears, dragged him o / J o o bodily out of the sacred edifice. The poor brute was actually dying of starvation, and offered but a very feeble resistance. I myself saw his skin. In further proof that the lion is not at all times shy of approaching the abodes of men, I may men- tion, in parenthesis, that I was informed by Mr. Rath, the Rhenish missionary at Richterfeldt, in Damaralaud, that lions, as well as other beasts of prey, not seldom harboured in a tamarind grove near at hand, and that it was no uncommon tiling even for lions to proceed from thence into his gar- den, and to approach to within a few paces of the dwelling-house itself. In corroboration of Mr. Rath, I may here state that when, many years ago, Mr. Galton and myself were encamped near to the tamarind grove just spoken of, the men on a certain occasion asked and obtained permission to spend the evening with an acquaintance whose kraal was not far distant, and as Mr. (jail on was then absent at the Mission House and the dogs had followed our people, 1 was thus left quite, alone. The night, though somewhat warm, was delightfully bright and still. To enjoy the beautiful weather 1 had takrn my bedding out GRAND A1TEAKAXCE OP THE LION*. 71 of the waggon and placed it on the ground along- side the wheels of the vehicle, which stood not more than twenty paces distant from the brake hi question. Being a bad sleeper I lay awake until a very late hour. All nature was hushed and silent, and the night so calm that I might have heard the falling of a leaf. Suddenly my attention was drawn to the tamarind clump, whence proceeded a low rustling noise, like that of some animal cautiously making its way through its mazes. Thinking it probable that a hyena or a jackal was about to pay me a visit, 1 sat up in my bed, and seizing my gun, which I invariably kept within reach, prepared to give the intruder a warm reception. Imagine my surprise, however, when, instead of one or other of these skulking animals, a stately lion stood sud- denly before me ! In an instant my gun was pointed at his breast, but hoping he would presently turn his broadside towards me, which would have given me a much better chance of destroying him, I refrained from firing. In this expectation, how- ever, 1 was disappointed, for on perceiving the waggon, he retreated a step or two, and uttering a low growl, vanished the next moment amongst the bushes. There is something so grand and imposing in the appearance of the king of the beasts in his native wilds, more especially when he stands in an atti- tude of surprise or defiance, that it is impossible not to be more or less awed in his pivsi'nce. To proceed with my story, and further to show the great daring of the lion, 1 may mention an 72 THE LION. incident that occurred when Mr. Galton and myself were travelling in company in Damaraland. "With the exception of resting an hour or two by the way, we had pushed on with the two waggons (each, as is usual in Africa, drawn by twelve oxen) during the night, when at day-break, and just as we had reached the Swakop river, we were suddenly startled by the most tremendous roaring of lions, which, evidently, were close at hand. In a few moments afterwards, two of those magnificent beasts male and female emerged from the bushes at about one hundred and fifty paces a-head of us. On perceiving the cavalcade, they gave another terrific roar, of so anarv a nature as to cause the O \i greatest consternation amongst the cattle. Those attached to the foremost waggon wheeled round o o instantaneously ; and, before it was possible to prevent them, ran right into the midst of the after- most team, and I expected every moment to see the vehicles capsized or smashed to atoms. What with the bellowing of the oxen, the shout- ing and screaming of the men, the smashing and breaking of yokes, &c., and the continued roar of the lions, the scene was such as to baffle all de- scription. The lion, himself, after having approached very near to us, again retreated into the bushes ; but the lioness seated herself quietly within less than a hundred yards of the waggons, growling most furiously. Throwing the reins over the saddle of ' Spring,' who, by-the-byo, had nearly unseated me on the first appearance of the lions, I sprang DAMARA CHASED BY A LIONESS. 73 to the ground, and seizing a double-barrelled gun, which I always kept loaded for emergencies, I made towards the beast, intending to punish her for her audacity, when Hans imploringly begged me to desist. " For," said he, " if you do not shoot her dead on the spot, she will be down upon us in an instant." Allowing myself to be guided by his advice, I refrained from firing, but, nevertheless, took up my position within about fifty paces of, and op- posite to, the lioness, as well to draw off her atten- tion from the men, and thus enable them to put the cattle and vehicles to rights, so as to be in readi- ness to give her a warm reception, should she think proper to charge. A short time before we were thus unceremoniously attacked, one of the draught oxen, which had always been very wild, managed to escape from the yoke, and a fleet-footed Dainara was left behind to bring him on. In the midst of our confusion, we heard cries of distress and loud shouting behind us ; and, on looking round, we saw, to our horror, tho lion in full chase both of the refractory ox and of the man, who was trying to keep off his fierce pursuer by violently waving the fire-brand which he carried in his hand.* Telling Hans to mind the lioness as well as he could in my absence, I immeditely ran to the rescue of the Damara and his charge ; but, before I had proceeded far, the ox, catching sight * In the nights the Damaras invariably carry a fire-brand, which they hold close to their bodies, in order to shelter themselves, in some degree, from the wind and cold. /4 THE LION. of the remainder of the herd, made a successful dash right across the lion's path, and fortunately rejoined us in safety. The object of the lion was clearly more the beast than the man ; for, upon find- ing himself thus suddenly baffled, lie stopped short, and, with a savage look at us, and an angry growl, bounded out of sight as quick as thought ; and by the time I returned to the waggons, the lioness had thought fit to follow her lord's example. Thus, almost without any effort on our side, we were providentially saved from this most extraordinary and dangerous attack. At the first appearance of the lions, the men took refuge in the waggons, and, long after the danger was over, they trembled violently from fear and apprehension. As a general rule, a lion, unless previously molested, will seldom attack an ox in the yoke, or when attended by man, but long abstinence makes him desperate. After considerable trouble and difficulty, wo succeeded in re-arranging the oxen, which had become excessively scared. Two or three hours' further travelling brought us, without other mishap, safe to Richterfeldt, where our hair-breadth escape was listened to with the deepest interest. 75 CHAPTER V. INFLUENCE OF THE HUMAN EYE UPON THE LION DIEDRICH Mi'lLLER GERT SCHEPElt'S ENCOUNTER WITH A LION MOF- FATT POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE OVER THE MONARCH OF BEASTS THE ALGERIAN ARABS GORDON GUMMING IN DANGER THE LION AFRAID OF RUSES CUNNING OF THE LION ILLUS- TRATIONS FROM GREEN, GUMMING, MOFFATT. IF the human eye be intently fixed on the lion, it is believed to have great influence on him. Numerous instances, indeed, are on record where, owing to a man having determinedly looked the o *J beast in the face, he has not only been deterred from attacking him, but has become so cowed as to have slunk away with his tail between his legs. Diedrich Miiller, one of the most intrepid and successful of South African Nirnrods, for example, was one day hunting alone in the " weldt," when he suddenly came upon a lion, which, so far from giving way to him, seemed disposed, from 1 he angry attitude it assumed, to dispute with him the dominion of the desert. Diedrich instant Iv alighted, and, confident in his unerring aim, levelled his mighty roer* at the forehead of the beast, then couched at some fifteen paces' distance, apparently * The heavy !;un in u. come on game, the oldest or ablest creeps up to the object, whilst the others crouch on the grass. If he be successful, as is generally the case, he retires from the victim, and lies down to breathe and rest, lor perhaps a 102 T1IF. LION. quarter of an hour. In the meantime, the other lions draw around him, and lie down at a respectful distance. When the chief one, or leader, has had his rest, he commences feeding on the abdomen and breast, and after making sad havoc with these, and the tit-bits of the carcass, lie will take a second rest, none of the others in the interim presuming to move. Having had a second gorge, he retires finally from the victim. The other lions, intently watching his movements, then rush on to the re- mainder, and it is soon devoured. At other times, if it happens to be a young lion that seizes the prey, and that an older one afterwards comes up, the younger at once retires until the elder has dined. " This," the worthy Missionary adds, " was what Africaner called 'better manners than those of the Namaquas.' ' Lions, if captured when quite young, and treated with kindness, become readily domesticated, and greatly attached to their owners, whom they will follow everywhere like dogs. On entering, one day, the temporary hut of a trader, in the vicinity of Lake Xgami, I imagined I saw two fiery eyeballs glancing at me from under the bed, but at the time L took no further notice of the circumstance. A short while afterwards, how- ever, some natives made their appearance, when, to my surprise, a lion, about eight or nine months old, suddenly sprang forward with a growl, in making a similar movement from a waggon, some little time previously, the beast had the.' misfortune to tumble off the vehicle, and so injured his spine as to become a cripple for life. He was much attached CAPABILITY OP INSTRUCTION. 10^) to his master, and lived on the most affectionate terms with the dogs and other domestic animals. Again : " On my first visit to Omer Pacha of Hallah," says Layard, in his " Nineveh and Ba- bylon," " he presented me with two lions. One was nearly of full size, and was well known in the bazaar and thoroughfares of Hillah, through which he was allowed to wander unrestrained. The in- habitants could accuse him of no other objectionable habit than that of taking possession of the stalls of the butchers, who, on his approach, made a hasty retreat, leaving him in undisturbed possession of their stores, until he had satisfied his hunger and deemed it time to depart. He would also wait the coming of the large ' kuffax,' or wicker boats, of the fishermen ; and, driving away their owners, would help himself to a kind of large barbel, for which he appeared to have a decided relish. For this act of depredation, the beast was perhaps less to be blame. I than the Pacha, who rather encouraged a mode of obtaining daily rations which, although of question- able honesty, relieved him from butchers' bills. When no longer hungry, he would stretch himself in the sun, and allow the Arab boys to take such liberties with him as, in their mischief, they might devise. lie was talltT and larger than a St. Ber- nard's dog, and like the lion generally found on the banks of the rivers of Mesopotamia." The lion, when in confinement, is very capable of instruction. The performances on the stage of Van Amburgh's pet beast we have all witnessed. Other lions have also shown a deirree of lameness and 104 THE LION. familiarity that is quite wonderful ; DOUG more so, perhaps, than the one shown in a travelling mena- gerie at Amsterdam, some years ago. " After he had been pulled about, and made to show his teeth," says an eye-witness, " he was required to exhibit. Two young men in fancy dresses entered the spacious cage; and, in the meantime, the lion, apparently perfectly aware of what he had to do, walked composedly round. He was now made to jump over a rope held at different heights ; next through a hoop and a barrel, and again through the same covered with paper. All this he did freely, compressing himself to go through the narrow space, and alighting gracefully. His next feat was to repeat the leap through the hoop and barrel, with the paper set on fire. This he evidently disliked, but, with some coaxing, went through it. The animals were now all fed, but the lion had not yet completed his share in the night's entertainment, and was required to show his forbearance by parting with, his food. The keeper entered the cage, and took it repeatedly from him, with no further resistance than that expressed by a short clutch and growl ; his countenance had, how- ever, lost its serenity, but how long his good temper would have continued, after being so far tampered with, is somewhat doubtful." A remarkable instance of the fear or rather, perhaps, respect that lions, such at least as are publicly exhibited, entertain for the men who feed and tend them, is related by Major Hamilton Smith : "A keeper of wild beasts at A'ew York," says the AFFECTION FOU HIS KEEPER. 105 gallant officer, " had provided himself, on the ap- proach of winter, with a fur-cap. The novelty <>f the costume attracted the notice of the lion, wliich, making a sudden clutch, tore the cap off his he;nl, as he passed the cage; but, perceiving that tlio keeper was the person whose head he had thus un- ceremoniously uncovered, he immediately lay down. The same animal," the Major adds, " once hearing some noise under its cage, passed its paw through the bar, and actually hauled up the keeper, who was cleaning beneath ; but, as soon as lie perceived that he had thus ill-used his master, he instantly lay down upon his back, in an attitude of complete sub- mission."* Independent of the fear and respect the lion usually entertains for the man by whom he is fed and cared for, he would seem at times to entertain a real affection for him, and, when occasion offers, to evince his gratitude in an unmistakable wav. A remarkable instance to this effect is related by Montgomery Martin, in the case of a " huge pet lion," to which he himself was an eye-witness. "This was on board II. M.S. 'Ariadne.' The animal, who was named ' J'rince,' had been reared from a cubby Captain Marshall, the com- mander ot the irigate, and as lie was quite tame, he was allowed the run of the ship. lie was good friends with the sailors, and in particular wi:h the marine drummer, whom he delighted to seize by the shoulder-knot and pull on his back. "Things went on thus pleasantly fora while; but * Griflitlis Cinit.T. 106 THE LION. a slave-ship having been captured, and some of its unfortunate inmates transferred to the 'Ariadne ' for conveyance to the Mauritius, ' Prince's ' manners be- came quite altered. He soon tore one of the slaves down, and, until they were disembarked, it was necessary to keep him in durance vile, instead of al- lowing him to scamper about the deck like a huge playful cat. " ' Prince ' had a keeper to whom he was much attached ; the man got drunk one day, and as the Captain never forgave this crime, was ordered to be flogged ; the grating was rigged on the main deck, opposite ' Prince's ' den, a large barred-up place, the pillars very strong and covered with iron. When the keeper began to strip, ' Prince ' rose gloomily from his couch and got as near to his friend as possible ; on beholding the man's bare back he walked hastily round the den, and when he saw the boatswain inflict the first lash, his eyes sparkled with fire, and his sides resounded with the strong and quick lashings of his tail ; at last, when the blood began to flow from the unfortunate man's back, and the clotted ' cats ' jerked their gory knots close to the lion's den, his fury became tremendous. lie roared with a voice of thunder, shook the strong bars of his prison as if they had been osiers, and finding his efforts to break loose unavailing, he rolled and shrieked in a manner the most terrific that it is possible to conceive. The Captain, fearing he might break loose, ordered the marines to load and pre- sent at 'Prince;' this tin-cat redoubled his rage, and at last the Captain, (whether from fear or A NORLB ANIMAL. 107 clemency I will not say) desired tlie keeper to be cast off and go to his friend. It is impossible to describe the joy evinced by the lion ; he licked with care the mangled and bleeding back of the cruelly treated seaman, caressed him with his paws, which he folded around the man as if to defy any one re- newing a similar treatment, and it was only after several hours that 'Prince 1 would allow the keeper to quit his protection, and return among those who had so ill-used him." The lion, moreover, on meeting a^ain after lengthened absence with his former master or keeper, not unfrequently evinces the greatest possible plea- sure. This was remarkably shown in the case of an animal named " Hubert," reared from infancy by M. Gerard, but from whom he had been hmir sepa- rated. The touching scene that occurred when they again met, which was at the J'x /'/-, I was surprised at the state of the cages in which the animals are condemned to live in fatal inactivity. I was painfully impressed, especially by the pestilential odour they exhale, causing a corrupt atmosphere, which the hv;enas, dirtv and impure beasts if ever there were anv, mav perhaps endure, but which must necessarilv destroy the lions and panthers, those splendid animals, with their neat, well polished coats, who are cleanliness itself. " While still under the painful influence which had oppressed me at my entrance, I was slowly progressing towards my lion's cage. 108 THE LION. " He was lying down, lialf asleep, staring vacantly on the persons who had preceded me. All of a sudden he raises his head ; his eyes are dilated ; a nervous movement contracts every muscle of his face ; the tip of his tail trembles ; he has seen the spahi uniform, but he has not yet recognised his old master. In the meantime his anxious glance was surveying me from head to foot, as if he was striving to recall some remembrance. I came close to him, and, unable longer to contain my emotion, I stretched out my hand to him through the bars of his cage. " This was indeed a truly touching moment for me and for all those present. Without ceasing to devour me with his eyes, Hubert applied his nose to my hand and began to inhale deeply, while at each inspiration his eye became more clear, more soft, more affectionate. Under the uniform, which he had at once recognised, he was now beginning to recognise the friend ; and I saw that one word would suffice to dispel every remaining doubt. " ' Hubert,' I said, caressing him, ' my old soldier.' "It was enough. With one furious bound ho sprang against the iron bars of his prison, which groaned arid shook again under this powerful shock. "My 1'riends, frightened at the movement, had drawn back hastily, entreating me to do the same. " Noble animal ! who spreads terror and awe even in the rapturous bursts of affection ! " Hubert was standing up, clinging to the bars, endeavouring to break the obstacle whicli separated CAPRICIOUS TEMPER. 109 us. In this position ho looked truly magnificent, roaring with mingled joy and anger. His powerful tongue was licking in blissful happiness the hand I had given up to him, whilst his enormous paws were softly trying to draw me towards him. " If anyone else attempted to come near, Hubert broke out into a most appalling fury ; but as soon as they retired he became calm and affectionate as before. " I cannot express how painful our parting was on that day. Twenty times I returned to try to mako him comprehend that he should see me again, and every time I withdrew he shook the whole gallery with his tremendous bounds and roars." When in confinement, however, the temper of the lion is somewhat capricious ; and submissive as ho may be, as a rule, to his master or keeper, but little at times would seem to rouse his anger, when, from the most docile, he all at once becomes the most savage and ferocious of beasts, of which many lamentable instances are on record. Labat, for instance, makes mention of a gentle- man who kept a lion in his chamber and employed a servant to attend it, but the latter, as usual, mixed his caresses with blows. This ill-judged association continued for some time. One morning the gentle- man was awakened by an unusual noise in his room, and drawing the curtains, he perceived it to ju. coed from the lion, which was growling over the ' y of the unhappy man, whom he had just killed, and \ hose head he had separated from his body. The terror and confusion of the gentleman may be readily conceived ; 110 THE LION. he flew out of the room, and, with the assistance of some people, had the animal secured from doing further mischief. Capriciousness of temper is not, however, con- fined to the lion. There is probably no wild beast more amusing than the bear when young, and yet I have seen him, under the impulse of sudden fits of passion, striking and injuring his best friends. As stated in " Lake Ngami," when at Hull, on my way to Africa, I had with me a collection of birds and four-footed animals from Scandinavia, which, through the kindness of the Secretary, I was permitted to place in the Zoological Gardens there. Amongst other animals were two brown bears twins somewhat more titan a year old, and playful as kittens when together. Indeed no greater punishment could be inflicted upon these beasts than to disunite them, for however short a time. Still there was a marked contrast in their dispositions. One of them was good-tempered and gentle as a lamb, while the other frequently ex- hibited signs of a sulky and treacherous character. Tempted by an offer for the former of these animals, I consented, alter much hesitation, to his being separated from his brother. It was long before I forgave myself this act. On the following day, on my proceeding, as usual, to inspect the collection, one of the keepers ran up to me, in the greatest haste, exclaiming, " Sir, I am glad you are come, for your bear has gone mad !" He then told me that during the night the beast had destroyed his den, and was found A BEAU IX A FURY. Ill iu the morning roaming wild about the garden. Luckily the keeper managed to seize him just as he was escaping into the country, and, with the help of several others, succeeded in shutting him up again. The bear, however, refused his food, and raved in so fearful a manner that, unless he could be quieted, it was clear he would do some mis- chief. On my arrival at his dt>n, I found the poor brute in a most furious state, tearing the wooden floor with his claws, and gnawing the barricaded front with his teeth. I had no sooner opened the door than he sprang furiously at me, and struck me repeated blows with his powerful pa\vs. As, however, I had reared him from a cub, we had too often measured our strength together lor me to fear him now, and I soon made him retreat into the corner of his prison, W!HTO he remained howling in the most heart-rendir -nanner. It was a most, sickening sight to behoh: the poor creature with his eyes bloodshot, and protruding from the sockets, his mouth and chest while -with loam. and his body encrusted with dirt. I am not ashamed to confess that at one time I ielt my own eyes moistened. Neither blosvs nor kind words were of any effect ; they only served to irritate 1 and infuriate him ; and I saw clearly that the only remedy would be, either to shoot him or restore him to his brother's companionship. 1 chose the latter alternative; and the purchaser of the other bear, my kind friend, Sir Henry llunloke, on being informed of the circumstance, consented to take this one also. 112 THE LTON T . The temper of the northern lynx, again, like that of the bear and lion, is not always to be depended on. Once I reared three beautiful specimens of this animal. As they were very tame and playful, I and my deceased brother were accustomed to take them into the room, where they performed the most extravagant antics. One day, whilst thus amusing ourselves, I observed one of the young brutes seize my brother by the neck, but as he kept laughing, 1 at first imagined it was only merely playing with him. All of a sudden, however, my brother became silent, sighed, uttered sounds of distress, and at length burst into tears. Rushing up to him, I discovered, to my horror, that the lynx was clinging like a leech to the back of the ear of the poor boy, and rapidly drawing away his life-blood. Happily, however, and before the brute had inflicted any serious mischief, I succeeded in separating him from his intended victim. The natives of Southern Africa, I may here remark, entertain many very singular notions, or superstitions if you will, regarding the lion. Amongst the rest, that when that beast finds himself unable to bear away his victim to some solitary place where he can satisfy his hunger in quiet, he repairs to a certain bush, at the root of which bulbs, possessed of peculiar virtues, are said to grow; and after partaking of these wonderful succulents his strength and vigour are believed to be increased tenfold, and he is enabled to accomplish his task with the greatest possible ease and facility. AFRICAN LEGENDS. 113 Another of their notions is that though the lion from its great strength is enabled to bear away on his back an ox, or one of the larger of the antelope tribe, in like manner as the fox a goose yet, if it happens to be a sheep that he has slain, he is inca- pable, from some unexplained cause, of thus remov- ing the animal from the spot, but is necessitated to drag it along the ground. Singularly enough, the like belief prevails amongst the Arabs of Algeria, who, according to General Dumas, account for this peculiarity in the following amusing manner : " In relating what his strength enabled him to effect, the lion said one day : " ' An cha Allah /' that is, if it pleases God, ' I shall carry off the horse without inconvenience. " * An cha Allah ! whenever I please I shall bear away a heifer, and her weight will not prevent me from bounding or running.' " When, however, he caught the sheep, he put it so under him that he forgot the religious formula : ' // it pleases God /' and God, to punish him, decreed that he should never be able to carry away the sheep otherwise than IHJ dragging it along fln> ground." During his journey ings in Great Namaqua-land, Sir James Alexander was told by thonatives that tl.e Bush-women have it in their power to change their forms into lions, hyaenas, and other beasts of prey. The following legend illustrates this superstition : O O i "Once on a time, a certain Xamaqua was travel- ling in company with a Bushwomau carrying a child on her back. They had proceeded some distance i 114 THE LION. on their journey, when a troop of wild horses (zebras), appeared, and the man said to the woman, ' I am hungry ; and as I know you can turn yourself into a lion, do so now, and catch us a wild horse, that we may eat.' " The woman answered, ' You'll be afraid.' "'No, no,' said the man. 'I am afraid of dying of hunger, but not of you.' " Whilst he was speaking, hair began to appear at the back of the woman's neck, her nails assumed the appearance of claws, and her features altered. She set down the child. " The man alarmed at the change, climbed a tree close by, while the woman glared at him fearfully ; and, going to one side, she threw off her skin petti- coat, when a perfect lion rushed out into the plain. It bounded and crept among the bushes towards the wild horses; and, springing on one of them, it fell, and the lion lapped its blood. The lion then en me back to where the child was crying, and the man called from the tree, ' Enough ! enough ! Don't hurt me. Put off your lion's shape. I'll never a>k to see this again.' " The lion looked at him and growled. ' I'll remain here till I die,' exclaimed the man, ' if you don't become a woman again.' The mane and tail began to disappear, the lion went towards tho bush where the skin petticoat lay; it was slipped on, and the woman in her proper shape took up lb< child. The man descended, partook of the horse's flesh, but never again asked the woman to catch game for him." BECHUANA LEGEND. 115 With the Bechuanas, legends regarding the lion are especially rife : " ' How dare you roar ?' said one day that beast to the ostrich. * Why, because I can kill game like yourself!' was the proud rejoinder. * I should like to see that,' said his offended majesty. ' Very well, you shall ;' and pointing to a herd of zebras just then appearing in view, he continued : ' You see those animals ?' and with that the ostrich set off at full speed, and ere many minutes had elapsed, the brave bird was in the midst of the troop kicking violently to the right and left, and with such a good will that he laid two of his victims prostrate with so many blows. On seeing this, the lion felt both sur- prised and annoyed, and, in his turn, attacked the zebras ; but all his efforts proved vain. Notwith- standing his bad luck, however, he did not despise partaking of his rival's spoils, who, however, ab- stained from eating. ' How,' said the lion ; * don't you eat meat ?' ' Oh, I am not particularly fond of it ; nevertheless, if you have any to spare, just hand me a piece of the liver.' Having at last satis- fied his hunger, the lion laid himself down, feigning to sleep. In this position he perceived the ostrich picking away, and gulping down sundry buds and gravel pebbles. ' Aha,' thought he, * you have got no teeth ; now we shall soon see who is master !' with that his Majesty sprung to his feet, and pouncing on his unsuspecting acquaintance, he endeavoured to slay him. But he had reckoned without mine host, for the ostrich laid about him so lustily with his powerful legs, that ere long he suc- I 2 116 TI1E LION. ceecled in dispatching his treacherous acquaintance. " The low booming, so peculiar to the ostrich, and which even experienced ears are apt to mistake for the subdued growl of the lion, is supposed to have been the consequence of this successful victory over the most dreaded of the denizens of the forest." Amongst other curious legends treasured up by the Bechuanas is that relating to the lizard and the chameleon, which runs as follows : " Thus spoke Morimo, the great spirit, to Chame- leon, viz. : ' Go to men and say, As I die and am born again, so shall you die and be born again ;' but JMorimo feeling impatient to have his message speedily delivered, sent for the lizard, charging him with the same errand. The lizard soon overtook the sluggish chameleon, and passing him on the road came and said to man : ' You shall die.' Soon after- wards the chameleon also reached his destination, and delivered his friendly message; but man refused to credit it, saying: 'We are bound to believe the first word.' But in revenge t hey killed both the lizard and the chameleon ; the former on account of his unfortunate message, and the latter because he was ,so slow; and this is the reason why they always destroy these animals, whenever encountered." Another of their legends runs thus : " The stein- bock once took the liberty to ridicule the tortoise, on account of its sluggish movements, when the latter indignantly exclaimed : '1 can get on just as well as you, and challenge you to try your speed with me.' Though, of course, incredulous as to the truth of the bold assertion, the swift antelope agreed SINGULAR NOTION. 1 1 7 to the match, and a certain day and place were ap- pointed for the rendezvous. In the meantime, the tortoise sent to all her friends and acquaintances, informing them of the pending match, and requested that they and their kindred would place themselves, at short intervals, all along a certain line of country that agreed upon as the scene for the coining race. The match was begun ; after a while, the antelope, after proceeding at the top of his speed for a time, came to a halt, at the same time calling out: 'Where are you, friend?' 'Here, here!' screamed the tortoise from amongst the grass. Off started again the astonished steinbock at even greater speed, and on repeating his question at intervals, he always receives the same reply ' Here, here !' On, on went the puzzled beast, until at last it dropped dead from exhaustion, and thus the sluggish tortoise easily overcame his immensely more swift but less strategic antagonist." There is also another version of this story, in which the steinbock, after having run some distance, and not perceiving his friend, lay down to sleep the sun at the time being very hot in which situa- tion the sluggish tortoise passed him ; and when tho antelope awoke, his opponent had already reached the end of their common journey. Regarding the sun again, certain of the Bcchuanas entertain very singular notions, they believing that the luminary which sets in the evening so suddenly is during the course of the ensuing night, transferred to the eastern hemisphere; but no one has yet seen the phenomenon. 118 CHAPTER VIII. LION-HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA CHASE BY THE COLONISTS THE LION'S LAIR THOMPSON'S DESCRIPTION OF A HUNT A MAGNANIMOUS LION NAMAQUA MODE OF HUNTING NARROW ESCAPE OF MR. ORWELL A FIELD-OFFICER IN DANGER SALT-PANS A SPORTSMAN'S FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH THE MONARCH OF THE FOREST LIONS AND DOGS. A WORD now as to the manner in which the lion is killed in South Africa. Speaking generally, however, the value of the beast's skin is so trivial, and the danger of attacking him far from slight, that unless he be a notorious " man-cater," or has committed depredations amongst the cattle, he is, comparatively speaking, but little sought after either by the Boers or natives. With the colonists, the chaste of the lion is con- ducted both on foot and on horseback ; and the latter, being considered the safer and better plan, is, for the most part, adopted. But whether mounted or not, the hunters are almost always accompanied by a number of dogs, who not only materially aid in discovering the retreat of the beast, but by per- severingly attacking him, tend, in great measure, to draw off his attention from the men. Several individuals usually take part in the hunt. CHASE BY THE COLONISTS. 110 The " spoor" of the beast having been discovered, it is followed up to its lair, which, though at times amongst reeds, rank grass, and the like, is, for the most part, in a dense thicket. When the hunters have approached to within easy gun-shot of where the beast is crouched, or at bay to the dogs, they, if on horseback, dismount, and after wheeling their steeds about, and " knee-haltering" them, draw up in line, and, at a given signal, pour a broadside into the luckless animal. If they are good shots, and the distance inconsiderable, as is generally the case, the lion is usually killed outright or at least placed lor* dt' combat ; but should their aim have been so for erring that he has still the nse of his legs, he is said almost invariably to " charge." In this case, the hunters themselves find a pretty safe refuge behind the horses which the lion almost invariably attacks in the first instance, and one or other of which are commonly either severely lacerated, or, it may be, pays the penalty of its life; and whilst the enraged beast is thus occupied with his victim, the hunters, who usually escape scot-free, put an end to his existence. The better, however, to show the manner in which the lion is hunted by the colonists, I will give Thompson's description of a chase after that animal, in which he himself took part : " I was then residing," he writes, " on my farm, or location, at Barion's Uiver, in the neighbourhood of which numerous heads of large game, and conse- quently beasts of prey, are abundant. One night a liou, who had previously purloined a few sheep out 120 THE LION. of the kraal, came down and killed my riding-horse about a hundred yards from the door of my cabin. Knowing that when he does not carry off his prey, he usually conceals himself in the vicinity, and is, moreover, very apt to be dangerously prowling about the place in search of more game, I resolved to have him destroyed, or dislodged, without delay. I there- fore sent a messenger round the location, to invite all who were willing to assist in the foray, to repair to the place of rendezvous as speedily as possible. " In an hour, every man of the party, with the ex- ception of two pluckless fellows, who were kept at home by the women, appeared ready mounted and armed. We were also reinforced by about a dozen of the bastard Hottentots, who resided at that time upon our territory as tenants or herdsmen ; an active and enterprising, though rather an unsteady race of men. " The first point was to track the lion to his covert. This was effected by a few of the Hottentots on foot, commencing from the spot where the horse was killed. They followed the spoor through grass and gravel, and brushwood, with astonishing care and dexterity, where an inexperienced eye could discern neither foot-print nor mark of any kind, until, at length, we fairly tracked him into a large ' bosch,' or straggling thicket of brushwood and evergreens, about a mile distant. " The next object was to drive him out of this retreat, in order to attack him in a close phalanx, with more safety and effect. The approved mode, in such cases, is to torment him with dogs till he THOMPSON'S DESCRIPTION. 121 abandons his covert, and stands at bay in the open plain. The whole band of hunters then inarch forward together, and fire deliberately one by one. If he does not speedily fall, but grows angry, and turns upon his enemies, they must stand close to- gether, and turn their horses rear outward somo holding them fast by the bridles, while the others kneel to take a steady aim at the lion as he ap- proaches, sometimes up to the very horses' heels, crouching every now and then, as if to measure the distance and strength of his enemies. This is the moment to shoot him fairly in the forehead, or somo other mortal part. If they continue to wound him ineffectually, till he waxes furious and desperate, or if the horses, startled by his terrific roar, grow frantic with terror, and burst loose, the business becomes rather serious, and may end in mischief, especially if all the party are not men of average coolness and experience. The frontier Boers are, however, generally such excellent marksmen, and withal so cool and deliberate, that they seldom fail to shoot him dead as soon as they get within a fair distance. " In the present instance, we did not manage matters quite so scientifically. The Bastards, after recounting to us all these and other sage laws of lion-hunting, were themselves the first to depart from them. Finding that with the few indiflereut hounds we had made but little impression on the enemy, they divided themselves into t\vo or three parties, and rode round the jungle, firing into the spot where the dogs were barking round him but 122 THE LION. without effect. At length, after some hours spent in tli us beating about the bush, the Scottish blood of some of my countrymen began to get impatient, and three of them announced their determina- tion to break in and beard the lion in his den, pro- vided three of the Bastards (who w r ere superior marksmen) would support them, and follow up their fire, should the enemy venture to give battle. Ac- cordingly, in they went (in spite of the warnings of some more prudent men), to within fifteen to twenty paces of the spot where the animal lay con- cealed. He was couched among the roots of a large evergreen, but with a small space of open ground on one side of it ; and they fancied, on approaching, that they saw him distinctly lying glaring at them under the foliage. Channno- the Bastards to remain O O O firm, and level fair, should they miss, the Scottish champions let fly together, and struck, not the lion, as it afterwards proved, but a great block of red stone, beyond which he was actually lying. Whether any of the shot grazed him is uncertain; but with no other warning than a furious growl, forth he bolted from the bush. The rascally Bastards, in place of pouring in their volley upon him, instantly turned and ran helter-skelter, leaving him to do his pleasure on the defenceless Scots, who, with empty guns, were tumbling over each other in their hurry to escape the clutch of the rampant savage. In a twinkling ho was upon them, and with one stroke of his paw dashed the nearest to the ground. The scene was terrific ! There stood the lion, with his foot upon the prostrate foe, looking round in FORTUNATE FORBEARANCE. 12 conscious pride upon the bands of bis assailants, and with a port the most noble and imposing that can be conceived. It was the most magnificent o sight I ever witnessed. The danger of our friends, however, rendered it at the moment too terrible to enjoy either the grand or the ludicrous part of the picture. We expected, every moment, to see one or more of them torn in pieces; nor, though the rest of the party were standing within fifty paces, with their guns cocked and levelled, durst we fire for their assistance. One was lying under the lion's feet, and the other scrambling towards us in such a way as to intercept our aim upon him. All this passed far more rapidly than I have described it ; but, luckily, the lion, after steadily surveying us for a few seconds, seemed willing to be quit of us on fair terms ; and, with a fortunate forbearance, turned calmly away ; and, driving the snarling dogs like rats from his heels, bounded over the adjoining thicket like a cat over a footstool, clearing bushes twelve or fifteen feet high, as readily as if they had been tufts of grass; and, abandoning the jungle, retreated towards the mountains. " After ascertaining the state of our rescued com- rade, who fortunately had sustained no other injury than a slight scratch on the back, and a severe bruise on the ribs, from the force with which the animal had dashed him to the ground, we renewed the chase, with Hottentots and hounds in full cry. In a short time we again came up with the eneniv, and found him standing at bay under an old mimosa tree, by the side of a mountain stream 124 THE LION. which we had distinguished by the name of Douglas Water. The dogs were barking round, but afraid to approach him, for he was now beginning to growl fiercely, and brandish his tail in a manner that showed that he was meditating mischief. Some of the Hottentots, by taking a circuit between him and the mountain, crossed the stream and stationed themselves on the top of a precipice overhanging the spot where he stood at bay, whilst others of them took up a position on the opposite side of the glen, and whilst the poor fellow was thus placed between two fires, which occupied his attention and prevented his retreat, we kept battering at him until he fell covered with wounds and glory." The Namaqua Hottentots who border on the Cape Colony, and amongst whom there are many half-breeds, when they hunt the lion are usually on foot, and, as with the Boers, several in company. But the cliaxxe with these men is, I am assured, conducted in so extraordinary and cautious a manner as to be utterly devoid of either danger or excitement They never dream of firing until a distant, safe, and convenient position has been found, when they all sit down comfortably together, so that the attack, or rather the defence, is only made from one side. Though the colonists and their neighbours the Xamaquas usually hunt the lion, as shown, in large parties, and are thus enabled to oppose to the beast a regular battery, yet at other times only a single individual most commonly a foreigner who has visited Africa for the sake of sport takes part PUUSU1T OF A LIONESS. 125 in the chasse. Indeed, provided the country be tolerably open, and the man well mounted, he ought to make pretty sure of his game. On these occasions the hunter usually reserves liis fire until such times as the lion crouches, or stands at bay to the dogs, which if he be hard pressed soon occurs. The man then reins up within easy distance of, and in a parallel line with the beast, and, without dismounting, discharges his piece, taking care at the same instant to dig his spurs into the sides of his steed, and lo ride off at full speed, for if life be left in the lion he is pretty sure to " charge." Hence the Chasseur must be careful not to ap- proach the brute too closely when he is about to deliver his fire, for its speed is such, for a short distance at least, that unless the horse has a pretty good start, the issue becomes somewhat doubtful. Indeed, from being in too close proximity to the lion, when he made his rush, more than one of my friends have been plaeed in the most dangerous and critical positions. Mr. Oswell, for example, was one day pursuing a lioness, who after a while took refugj in a dense thicket. The dogs attacked her gallantly, but though her growls were loud and many, the bushes prevented my friend from obtaining a sight of her. Presently, however, having passed some little dis- tance beyond the brake where she was couched, he- was attracted by a noise behind him, and mi looking round, saw the enraged beast bounding towards him Being on .Mr. Os well's right side, lie was, unfor- tunately, unable lo fire ; but even had it been oilier- 126 THE LION. wise he would hardly have had time, for in a second or two he felt his horse stagger under him, and, on turning his head, saw the lioness perched on the hind quarters of the poor animal. Happily for my friend, the horse, at the instant of the attack, swerved to one side, and coming in contact with a thick thorn-bush, both the rider and the furious brute were swept from off its back to the ground. The concussion stunned Mr. Oswell, and he had no recollection of what afterwards occurred. As the lioness, however, did not molest him in any way, the presumption is that, what with the fall and the onset of the dogs, she became confused, and again betook herself to cover. Another friend of mine, a distinguished field- officer in Her Britannic Majesty's Service, but whose name I am not at liberty to mention, had also a very narrow escape from a lioness, and that under very extraordinary circumstances. He had fired at the beast (having previously killed its mate), but from the unsteadiness of his horse he was unable to take a correct aim, and the ball had merely grazed her shoulder. She instantly charged with the usual demonstrations of fury, and though he urged his jaded steed to the utmost of its powers, the lioness gained rapidly upon him ; at last, indeed, she ap- proached so near that lie was prepared to strike her on the head with the butt end of his rifle. At this critical moment, however, to his great surprise and delight, the enraged brute suddenly stopped short in her course, and lay down on her belly, for which singular freak my friend was utterly unable to BATTLE WITH A LION. 127 account. He conjectured, however, that she was so exhausted by the severe chase that, when about to make her last bound, which might not im- probably have proved fatal, her strength utterly failed her. " Returning one afternoon with Maphooh," says Harris, (than whom no man more frequently at- tacked when alone the lord of the Indian and African wilds,) " to a koodoo that I had shot, in order to take up the head, which I had concealed in a bush, I was surprised to find an enormous lion feasting upon the carcass ; an odious assemblage of eager vultures, as usual, garrisoned the trees, wait- ing their turn when the gorged monarch should make way for them. Immediately upon my appear- ance he walked heavily off, expressing, by a stiHed growl, his displeasure at being thus unceremoniously disturbed at dinner. It was not destined, however, that our acquaintance should cease here ; for, passing the scene of this introductory interview the following morning, Richardson and myself were suddenly made aware of the monster's presence by perceiving a pair of gooseberry eyes glaring upon us from beneath a shady bush ; and instantly upon reining up our horses, the grim savage bolted out with a roar like thunder, and bounded across the plain with thr ability <>' a grey- hound. The luxuriant beauty of his shaggy black mane, which almost swept the groun-l, tempted us, contrary to established rule, to !_;ive him battle, with the design of obtaining posse.-sion of his spoils; and he no sooner felt himself hotly pur- sued than he faced about, and stood at bay in a 128 THE LION. mimosa grove, measuring the strength of his assailants with a port the most noble and im- posing. Disliking our appearance, however, and not relishing the smell of gunpowder, he soon abandoned the grove, and took up his position on the summit of an adjacent stony hill, the base of which being thickly clothed with thorn-trees, we could only obtain a view of him from the distance of three hundred yards. Crouched on this fortified pinnacle, like the sculptured figure at the entrance of a nobleman's park, the enemy disdainfully sur- veyed us for several minutes, daring us to approach, with an air of conscious power and pride which well beseemed his grizzly form. As the rifle-balls struck the ground nearer and nearer at each dis- charge, his wrath, as indicated by his glistening eyes, increased roar, and impatient switching of his tail, was clearly getting the mastery over his prudence. Presently a shot broke his leg. Down he came upon the other three with reckless im- petuosity, his tail straight out and whirling on its axis, his mane bristling on end, and his eyeballs flashing rage and vengeance. Unable, however, to overtake our horses, he shortly retreated under a heavy fire, limping and discomfited, to his strong- hold. Again we bombarded him, and, again ex- asperated, he rushed into the plain with headlong 1 fury, the blood now streaming from his open jaws, and dyeing his mane with crimson. It was a gallant charge, but it was to be his last. A well- directed shot arrested him in full career; lie pitched upon his skull, and throwing a complete summer- sault, subsided amid a cloud of dust." SALT-PANS. 129 In certain parts of Southern Africa, the face of the country is studded with pit-like hollows, or basins, called, " salt-pans." Though many of these are of limited extent, others, again, occupy a vast extent of ground.* Some are covered with a saline incrustation (hence their desig- nation), whilst others, from the moisture of the soil for in the rainy season they are flooded are luxuriantly overgrown with rank grass, reeds, &c. These " salt-pans," provided there be game in the vicinity for them to prey on, are often the resorts and strongholds of lions. Hero they breed and rear their young, and if left undisturbed, not only multiply greatly, but become much attached to their wild home, from which, at times, there is great difficulty in dislodging them. It was from one of these, their fortresses, that- the field-officer, spoken of a few pages back, dis- lodged on one occasion, by the aid of a number of natives, the discharge of fire-arms, shouting, and the burning of the reeds, no fewer than thirteen lions, causing them to take refuge in the country beyond, which was pretty open, and here, single handed, when mounted, he shot six, that were full grown. The cubs, he, like a true sportsman, would not condescend to molest in any way. Gordon Gumming, as is known, also killed num- bers of lions single-handed, so to say. He thus describes his first encounter with the king, or rather queen, of beasts : * The Xwclvi, situated to the eastward of Lake Ntrami, in said to be a huudred miles long with an average breadth oHitiecu miles. Jv 130 TOE LION. " Suddenly I observed a number of vultures seated on the plain, about a quarter of a mile ahead of us, and close beside them stood a huge lioness, consuming a blesblok which she had killed. She was assisted in her repast by about a dozen jackals, which were feasting along with her in the most friendly and confidential manner. Directing my followers' attention to the spot, I remarked, ' I see the lion;' to which they replied, ' Whar ? whar ? Yah, Almaytig ; dat is he;' and instantly reining in their steeds, and wheeling about, they pressed their heels to their horses' sides, and were pre- paring to betake themselves to flight. I asked them what they were going to do? To which thev a/ O O / answered, ' We have not yet placed caps on our rifles.' This was true ; but while this short con- versation was passing, the lioness had observed us. Raising her full, round face, she overhauled us for a lew seconds, and then set off at a smart canter towards a range of mountains some miles to the northward ; the whole troop of jackals also started off in another direction ; there was, therefore, no time to think of caps. The first move was to brin^ her to bay, and not a second was to be lost. Spur- ring my good and lively steed, and shouting to my men to follow, I flew across the plain, and, beiii"- fortunately mounted on Colesberg, the flower of my stud, I gained upon her at every stride. This was to me a joyful moment, and I at once made up my mind that she or I must die. "The lioness having had a long start of me, we went over a considerable extent of ground before I ENCOUNTER WITH A LIONESS. lol came up with her. She was a full-grown beast, and the bare and level nature of the plain added to her imposing appearance. Finding that I gained upon her, she reduced her pace from a canter to a trot, carrying her tail stuck out behind her, and slewed a little to one side. I shouted loudly to her to halt, as I wished to speak with her, upon which she suddenly pulled up, and sat on her haunches like a dog, with her back towards me, not even deigning to look round. She then appeared to say to her- self, 'Does this fellow know whom he is after?' Having thus sat for half a minute, as if involved in thought, she sprang to her feet, and, facing about, stood looking at me for a few seconds, moving her o * o tail slowly from side to side, showing her teeth, and growling fiercely. She next made a short run for- ward, making a loud rumbling noise like thunder. This she did to intimidate me ; but, finding that I did not flinch an inch, nor seem to heed her hostile demonstrations, she quietly stretched out her mass- ive arms, arid lay down on the grass. My Hotten- tots now coming up, we all three dismounted, and drawing our rifles from their holsters, we looked to see if the powder was in the nipples, and put on our caps. While this was doing the lioness sat up, and showed evident symptoms of uneasiness. She looked first at us, and then behind her, as it to see if the coast was clear; alter which she made a short run towards us, uttering her deep-drawn murderous growl. Having secured the three horses to one another by their rheims, we led them on as it we intended to pass her, in the hope ot obtaining a K -2 132 THE LION. broadside. But this she carefully avoided to ex- pose, presenting only her full front. I had given Stofulus my Moore rifle, with orders to shoot her if she should spring upon me, but on no account to fire before me. Kleinberg was to stand ready to hand me my Purdey rifle, in case the two-grooved Dixon should not prove sufficient. My men, as yet, had been steady, but they were in a precious stew, their faces having assumed a ghastly paleness ; and I had a painful feeling that I could place no reliance on them. " Now, then, for it, neck or nothing ! She is within sixty yards of us, and she keeps advancing. We turned the horses' tails to her. I knelt on one side, and, taking a steady aim at her breast, let fly. The ball cracked loudly on her tawny hide, and crippled her in the shoulder, upon which she " charged" with an appalling roar, and in the twinkling of an eye was in the midst of us. At this moment Stofulus's rifle exploded in his hand, and Kleinberg, whom I had ordered to stand ready by me, danced about like a duck in a gale of wind. The lioness sprang upon Colesberg, and fearfully lacerated his ribs and haunches with her horrid teeth and claws ; the worst wound was on his haunch, which exhibited a sickening, yawning gash, more than twelve inches long, almost laying bare the very bone. I was very cool and steady, and did not feel in the least degree nervous, having fortunately great confidence in my own shooting ; but I must confess, when the whole affair was over, I felt that it was a very awful situation, and attended DEATH-STRUGGLES. Io3 with extreme peril, as I had no friend with me on whom I could rely. " When the lioness sprang on Colesberg, I stood out from the horses, ready with my second barrel for the first chance she should give me of a clear shot. This she quickly did; for, seemingly satis- fied with the revenge she had now taken, she quitted Colesberg, and, slewing her tail to one side, trotted sulkily past within a few paces of me, taking one step to the left. 1 pitched my rifle to my shoulder, and in another second the lioness was stretched on the plain. In the struggles of death she half turned on her back, and stretched her neck and fore-arms convulsively, when she fell back to her former position ; her mighty arms hung powerless by her side, her lower jaw fell, blood streamed from her mouth, and she ex- pired. At the moment I fired my second shot, StofuhiSj who hardly knew whether he was alive or dead, allowed the three horses to escape. These galloped frantically across the plain, on which lie and Klcinberg instantly started after them, leaving me standing alone and unarmed within a few paces of the lioness, which they, from their anxiety to be out of the way, evidently considered quite callable of doing further mischief. " Such is ever the case with these worthies, and with nearly all the natives of South Africa. No reliance can be placed on them. They will to a certainty forsake their master in the must dastardly manner in the hour of peril, and leave him in tin- lurch. A stranger, however, hearing these fellows 134 THE LION. recounting their own gallant adventures, when sitting in the evening along with their comrades round a blazing fire, or under the influence of their adored ' Cape smoke,' or native brandy, might fancy them to be the bravest of the brave. " Having skinned the lioness and cut off her head, we placed her trophies upon Beauty, and held for the camp. Before we had proceeded a hundred yards from the carcass, upwards of sixty vultures, whom the lioness had often fed, were feasting on her remains. " We led Colesberg slowly home, where having washed his wounds, and carefully stitched them to- gether, I ordered the cold-water cure to be adopted. Under this treatment his hurts soon healed, and he eventually recovered." Again writes Gordon Gumming, " Just as Swiut had milked the cows, and was driving them from the wooded peninsula in which we lay, athwart the open ground, to graze with my other cattle in the forest beyond, he beheld four majestic lions walking slowly across the " vley " a fe\v hundred yards below my camp, and disappear over the river's bank, at a favourite drin king-place. These mighty monarchs of the waste had been holding a prolonged repast over the carcases of some xebras killed by Present, and had now come down to the river to slake their thirst. " This being reported, I instantly saddled up two horses, and directing my boys to lead after me as quickly as possible ray small remaining pack of dogs, I rodo forth, accompanied by Carey carrying a BKIXGIXG LIOXS TO BAY. 1 .'55 spare gun, to give battle to the four grim lion*. As I rode out of the peninsula, they showed the;n- selves on the bank of the river, and, guessing that their first move would be a disgraceful flight, I determined to ride so as to make them think that I had not observed them, until 1 should be able to cut off their retreat from the river, across the open vley, to the endless forest beyond. That point being gained, I knew that they, still doubtful of my having observed them, would hold their ground on the river's bank until the dogs came up, when I could more advantageously make the attack. " I cantered along, holding as if I meant to pass the lions at a distance of a quarter of a mile, until I was opposite to them, when I altered my course, and inclined a little nearer. The lions then showed symptoms of uneasiness ; they rose to their feet, and overhauling us for half a minute, disappeared over the bank. They reappeared, however, directly a little further down ; and finding that their present position was bare, they walked majestically along the top of the bank to a spot a few hundred yards lower, where it was well wooded. Here they seemed half inclined to await my attack; two stretched out their massive arms and lay down in the grass, and the other two sat up like dogs on their haunches. Deeming it probable that when my do<_rs fame up and I approached, they would still retreat and make a bolt across the open vley, 1 directed Carey to canter forward and take up the ground in the centre of the vley about four hundred yards in advance, whereby the lions would be compelled either to give us battle 136 THE LION. or swim the river, which, although narrow, I knew they would be very reluctant to do. " I now sat in my saddle anxiously awaiting the arrival of the dogs ; and while thus momentarily disengaged, I was much struck with the majestic and truly appalling appearance which these four noble lions exhibited. They were all full grown immense males, and I felt, I must confess, a little nervous, and very uncertain as to what might be the issue of the attack. " When the dogs came up I rode straight in to- wards the lions. They sprang to their feet, and trotted slowly down along the bank of the river, once or twice halting and facing about for half a minute. Immediately below them, there was a small well determined bend of the stream, forming a sort of peninsula. Into this bend they disappeared, and the next moment I was upon them with my dogs. "They had taken shelter in a dense angle of the peninsula, well sheltered by high trees and reeds. Into this retreat the dogs at once boldly followed them, making a loud barking, that was instantly followed by the terrible voices of the lions, which turned about and charged to the edge of the cover. Next moment, however, I heard them plunge into the river, when I sprang from my horse, and running to the top of the bank, saw three of the'm ascending the opposite bank, the dogs following. One of them bounded away across the open plain at top speed, but the other two, iinding themselves followed by the dogs, immediately turned to bay. It was now my turn, so taking them coolly right GLORIOUS DOUBLE-SHOT. l'J7 and left with my little rifle, I made the most glorious double shot that a sportsman's heart could desire, disabling them both in the shoulder before they were even a\vare of my position. Then snatching my other gun from Carey, who that moment had ridden up to my assistance, I finished the first lion with a shot about the heart, and brought the second O to a stand-still by disabling him in his hind quarters He quickly crept into a dense, wide, dark green bush, in which for a long time it was impossible to obtain a glimpse of him. At length a clod of earth falling near his hiding-place, he made a move which disclosed to me his position, and I finished him with three more shots, all along the middle of his back. Carey swam across the river to flog off the dogs ; and when these came through to me, I beat up the peninsula in quest of the fourth lion, which had, however made off. Wo then crossed the river a little higher up, and proceeded to inspect the noble prizes I had won. Both lions were well up in their years. I kept the skin and skull of the finest specimen, but only the claws and the tail of the other, one of whose canine teeth was worn down to the socket with caries, which seemed very much to have effected his general condition." Paircs nii" - ht be filled wit.h somewhat similar ex- o O ploits to the above of Gordon dimming; but I shall confine myself to narrating two of his .<'>, as proving in a remarkable manner the truth of my statement in the first chapter, as to the little 1 elianee dogs, however numerous and courageous they may be, have against the lord of the lores.!. 133 THE LION. After telling us that " he was traversing the country beyond the Hart River, where the grass was tall and rank, and where copses of considerable size of thorn-trees and grey-leaved bushes were scattered over the landscape," he goes on to say : "It was a still and secluded spot! I observed several vultures soaring over one of the covers in question, within a quarter of a mile of the waggons, and thinking it very probable that they were attracted by some lion devouring his prey, I ordered a couple of horses to be saddled, and rode towards the place with one after-rider and about a dozen of my dogs. I was right in my conjecture ; for, as I cantered along, I had the satisfaction to behold a majestic old black-maned lion walking parallel to me, and within a hundred yards. He had not yet ob- served me; he looked so dark that at the first glance I mistook him in the long grass for a blue wildebeest ; next moment, however, he turned his large, full, imposing face to me, and I knew that it was he. Shouting to the dogs with all my might, I at once dashed towards him, followed by my after- rider at a respectful distance, carrying my rifle. " The lion, as I expected, was panic-stricken, and took to his heels, bounding through the long grass at top speed. The dogs wont at him in gallant fctyle, I following not far behind them, and yelling to encourage my pack. The lion, finding we had the speed of him, reduced his pace to a sulky trot, and the dogs came up and followed barking within a few yards on each side of him. In half a minute more I had passed ahead, and halted my horse for a LION AND DOGS. 139 shot ; but looking round for my after-rider, who carried my rifle, I beheld him slowly approaching with pallid countenance at least a hundred yards behind. The lion faced about, and springing on Shepherd, one of my favourite dogs, he lay for several seconds upon him, and having bitten him so that he could not rise, he continued his course. A few moments after he knocked over another dog> called Virgin, which escaped with a slight scratch. The lion had now gained the edge of a small cover, and Booi, coming up at a very easy pace, handed me my rifle. In another minute the noble beast came to bay in a thick bush, and, facing round, lay down to await our attack. I then rode up to within twelve yards of him, and halting my horse, I ended the grim lion's career with a single ball behind the shoulder, cutting the main arteries close to the heart. On receiving the ball his head dropped to the ground, and gasping for a moment, he expired. I dismounted, and, plucking a lock of hair from his mane, I placed it in my bosom and returned to camp, having been absent barely ten minute's. " After breakfast a party went to inspect the lion, and bring home his trophies. On proceeding to seek for Shepherd, the dog which the lion had knocked over in the chase, 1 found him with his back broken and his bowels protruding from a gash in the stomach; 1 was therefore obliged to end his miseries with a ball." Again, and after saying that information had been brought him by one of his people that a lion had been seen in the neighbourhood of his bivouack, 140 THE LIOX. the distinguished Nimrod in question writes as follows : " I rode directly for the spot where the beast was supposed to be, and drawing near to it, two savage lionesses sat up in the grass and growled fiercely at us. An unlucky belt of reeds, about sixty yards long and twenty broad, intervened between me and the lionesses, and on perceiving their danger, they at once dashed into this cover." Then followed the most woeful cutting up and destruction among my best and most valuable dogs (thirty in number) . The lionesses had it all their own way. In vain I rode round and round the small cover, endeavouring to obtain a peep of them, which would have enabled me to put a speedy conclusion to the murderous work within. The reeds were so tall and dense that, although the lionesses were often at bay within eight or ten yards of me, it was impossible to see them. At length one came outside the cover on the opposite side, when I fired a shot from the saddle. My horse was unsteady, nevertheless I wounded her, and acknowledging the shot with angry growls, she re-entered the reeds. " A number of the dogs, which had gone after a herd of blue wildebeests, now returned, and, coming down through the long grass, started a third lioness, which came growling down into the cover and joined her comrades. This was the signal for my united pack to make a bold sally into the centre of the lion's den, when they were savagely met by the three lionesses, who rushed furiously up and down, knocking the dogs about with just as much facility MASSACRE OP DOGS. 1-11 as three cats would have disposed of the same number of mice. For several minutes nothing was to be heard but the crashing of the reeds, the growling of the lions, and the barking and shriek- ing of the mangled pack ; it was truly a most painful moment to my feelings. Carey, who had come up to assist me, remarked to me that ' there was an awful massacre going on among the dogs ;' and he was right. Night now setting in put an end to this horrid work, and, with feelings of remorse and deep regret at my folly in not having at once called off my poor dogs, I wended my way to camp. On numbering the slain, three of my best hounds were found to have forfeited their lives in the unequal contest, and seven or eight more were very badly wounded, exposing the most fearful gashes, from which several of them never recovered." 142 CHAPTER IX. LION-CHASE BY NATIVES HABIT OF THE LION WHEN SEIZING HIS PREY THE CAFFRE MODE OF KILLING THE LION THE SHIELD THE KING RING-HUNT ON A GRAND SCALE BUSHMAN METHOD OF KILLING THE LION RESCUE OF A LION-HUNTER DARING HUNTERS PURSUIT OF THE LION BY THE AGAGEIRS. proceed. By the natives of Southern Africa of the interior at least the lion is gene- rally hunted on foot, and where fire-arms are want- ing, as is generally the case, the men are seldom otherwise armed than with the assegais and the bow and arrow. As with the Colonists and Euro- peans, however, they are for the most part accom- panied by numerous dogs, which are undoubtedly a great protection. Their manner of conducting the clmsxe. of this beast varies somewhat; and, in certain districts methods, both singular and curious, are adopted for the furtherance of his destruction. As said in the first chapter, it is the general belief among the natives that when the lion is in the act of seizing its victim, and until such times as he has deprived it of life, he, for some reason or other, closes his eyes. Of this fact, the Cadres, bordering CITASSE 1)Y THE NATIVES. 14 on the Cape Colony, Delegorgue tells us, are per- fectly well aware. And should the beast be met with at such times, they, presuming on his blind- ness, fearlessly attack him. Their plan of proceed- ing is as ingenious as daring : O CD O " One of them, carrying a large shield of a con- cave form, made of thick buffalo hide, approaches the animal boldly, and hurls at him an assegai, or javelin. The lion bounds on the aggressor, but the man in the meauwhile has thrown himself at full length on the ground, covered by his buckler. Whilst the beast is trying the effect of his claws and teeth on the concave side of the shield, where they make no impression, lie loses a favourable opportunity. He redoubles his efforts. And in the meantime the armed men surround him, and pierce his body with numerous assegais, all of which he fancies he receives from the individual lying beneath the shield. The assailants retire, the lion grows faint, and soon falls beside the CafFre with the buckler, who takes care not to move until the terrible brute has ceased to exhibit signs of life." In other parts of the country the natives form a ring, in the old Scottish fashion, around the lion, and attack him on all sides. Harris, when speaking of a hunt of this kind, says: " In accordance with African caprice, which assigns a parasol to the male instead of the female sex, the sons of the desert are on these occasions provided with a long pointed stall', surmounted with black ostrich feathers, which then prove very ser- viceable ; for being stuck in the ground at the 7 O O 144 THE LIOX. proper moment, tliey divert the attention of the charging beast from the object of his vengeance, and thus enable the rest of the party to rush on and destroy him with their assegais." By the native chieftains the " ring-hunts" in question are at times conducted on a very grand scale, both as regards the number of men taking part in them, and the extent of ground embraced by the cordon. " On these occasions," says Harris, when speak- ing of the redoubtable Moselekatse, " he is attended by a retinue of several thousands of his subjects, who extend themselves in a circle, enclosing many miles of country, and gradually converging so as to bring incredible numbers of wild animals within a small focus. Still advancing, the ring at length becomes a thick and continuous line of men, hem- ming in the game on all sides, which, in desperate efforts to escape, displays the most daring and dangerous exhibition of sport that can be conceived. As the scene closes, the spears of the warriors deal death around them, affording a picture thrilling to the sportsman, and striking in the extreme." The chieftain just named, I may mention in parenthesis, was possessed of enormous herds of horned cattle, many of which were pastured at long distances from his own residence, and, as with cattle everywhere else in the wilds of Africa, were not uri- frcquently attacked by lions. " When such was the case," says Harris (and Moffatt, at page 54'3, testifies to the like effect), " the death either of the beasts, or of one or more- of the guardians of the SINGULAR EXPEDIENT. 145 herd, whose lives are held of no account whatever, invariably ensued. Armed only with the assegai ami shield, these men rush on the marauder, and should they prove the victors, they retire from tho conflict, bearing the head and feet of the lion to their royal master. These are left to decompose within the fence of the imperial kraal, which, as I have already explained, is strewed with the bones of wild animals." Elsewhere the gallant officer tells us : " No om> dare present himself before this dreaded ruler who has been wounded in an ignoble part iu battle, or who has failed in his duty to the very letter." Again, the Bushmen, when they wish to be quit of the lion which is not always the case, as on tho remains of his victims they in certain districts depend in some measure for their food resort to a singular expedient to attain their ends. " It has been remarked by these men," says Dr. Phillips, the Missionary, " that the lion generally kills and devours his prey either at an early hour in the morning or at sunset. When, therefore, they purpose slaying the beast, they notice at sun-rise where the springboks are grazing, and if they then appear alarmed and run off, they conclude the animals have been attacked by the lion. Marking accurately the spot where the alarm took place, they, about eleven o'clock of the day, when the sun is powerful, and the enemy they seek is supposed to be fast asleep, carefully examine the ground, and finding the beast in a state of unguarded security, they lodge a poisoned arrow in his breast. The moment i. 146 THE LION. the lion is thus struck, he springs from his lair, and bounds off as helpless as the stricken deer. The work is done ! The shaft of death has pierced his heart, without even breaking the slumbers of the lioness, which may have been lyino- beside him. / / o And in the course of a few hours, or even less (the Bushmen knowing where to look for him) he is found either dead, or in the agonies of death." Another expedient adopted by the natives of cer- tain parts of Africa for the destruction of the lion, or rather in aid thereof, which, from its singularity, is deserving of notice, is thus related by Freeman, at page 336 of his interesting work : After telling us "' that when the beast has become accustomed to human flesh, he will not willingly eat anything else ; and that when a neighbourhood has been infested by a * man-eater,' the people form themselves into a band, and proceed in search of the royal foe, whom they beard in his very den," he goes on to say, " Standing close by one another, the lion would make his spring, every man ot course hoping he might escape the attack, when instantly others would dash for ward fnul wi;:r f/> /^v/.sf.s ia.il, liftiiuj it HJ> close, tn flu 1 In 1 1/ with- // the tail, was a fact ; that he himself knew the method to prevail; and that it was certainly not uncommon amongst the natives." Fabulous as what has just been related may appear to some, yet its truth is fully corroborated by Sir A. Alexander, who, after speaking of the wonderful intrepidity and desperate courage the N often display when attacking wild beasts, goes on to say : "Thus, I saw a man of the name of Lynx, who had had his hand crushed by a lion that had killed one of his cattle. Now, it is the custom in the land to let those beasts alone, unless they destroy persons or property; but if they do, it is always understood that a hunt must take place. So Lynx, with three of his cousins, went forth to attack the governor. " They tracked him to a bush, and were prepar- ing their guns for the encounter, when the lion rushed out unexpectedly on which the three cousins fled, leaving Lynx, who was immediately overthrown by the brute, to his fate. The monster seized the unfortunate man by the left arm, and was dragging him off to destroy him at his leisure, when i, -2 148 THE LION. the runaways, seeing his predicament, returned. One jumped on to the back of the lion, and pulled stoutly at his ears to make him let go his hold ; another hung on by the tail to stop him ; whilst the third, watching his opportunity, sent a ball through his forehead. The animal then quitted Lynx's arm, but, in his death agonies, crushed his hand with his teeth. The dying bite of a beast of prey," Sir A. Alexander adds, "is always the worst." In parts of Africa in Abyssinia at least the elephant, as will hereafter be shown, is circumvented (hamstrung) by certain famous hunters called Agga- jeers, with the sword alone, and that both on horse- back and on foot. This I can well understand ; but that these men, when armed only with that weapon, should be in the habit of thus attacking and slayingthe lion as that distinguished traveller and sportsman, Sir Samuel Baker, assures us is the case seems almost incomprehensible. He himself, however, when in company with several of these daring Ximrods, once took part in a chase of the kind ; and as his story is well and spiritedly told, I give it to the reader in his own words : " We had crossed the river, and, as we passed through an opening in the belt of jungle on the banks, and entered on a plain interspersed with clumps of bush, we perceived, at about two hundred yards distance, a magnificent lion, whose shaggy mane gave him a colossal appearance, as lie stalked quietly along the flat sandy ground towards the pin co of his daily retreat. The Aggajeers whispered " El Assut" (the lion), and instinctively the swords CHASSE BY AGGAJEKKS. 149 flashed from their sheaths. In an instant the horses were at full speed, sweeping over the level ground. The lion had not observed us, but on hearing the sound of the hoofs, he halted and raised his head, regarding us for a moment with wonder, as we rapidly decreased our distance, when, thinking retreat ad- visable, he bounded otf, followed by the excited hunters, as hard as the horses could be pressed. Having obtained a good start, we had gained upon him, and we kept up the pace until we arrived within about eighty yards of the lion, who, although he appeared to fly easily along like a cat, did not equal the speed of the horses. It was a beautiful sight; Aggahr was an exceedingly fast horse, and having formerly belonged to one of the llamran hunters, he thoroughly understood his work. His gallop was perfection, and his long steady stride was as easy to himself as to his rider ; there was no neces- sity to guide him, as he followed an animal like a greyhound, and sailed between the stems of the numerous trees, carefully avoiding their trunks, and choosing his route where the branches allowed ample room for the rider to pass beneath. In about five minutes we had run the lion straight across tin- plain, through several open strips of mimosa, and we were now within a lew yards of him, but unfor- tunately, just as Talier and Abou Do dashed forward in the endeavour to ride upon eit lu-r Hank, he sprang down a precipitous ravine, and disappeared in the thick thorns. "This ravine formed a broad bottom, which, covered with dense screen nubbuk, continued for a 150 THE LION. great distance, and effectually saved the lion. I was much disappointed, as we should have had a glorious fight, and I had long sought for an opportunity of witnessing an attack on the lion with the sword. O The Aggajeers were equally annoyed, and they explained that they should have been certain to kill him. Their plan was to ride upon either flank, at a few yards distance, when he would have charged one man, who would have dashed away, while the other hunter would have slashed the lion through the back with his sword. They declared that a good hunter should be able to protect himself by a back-handed blow with his sword, should the lion attack the horse from behind ; but that the great danger in a lion-hunt arose, when the animal took refuge in a solitary bush, and turned to bay. In such instances, the hunters surrounded the bush, and rode directly towards him, when he generally sprang out upon some man or horse, and was then cut down immediately by the sabre of the next hunter. The Aggajeers declared that, in the event of an actual fight, the death of the lion was sure although one or more men or horses might bo wounded, or perhaps killed." Though Sir Samuel Baker was never fortunate o enough to see the lion vanquished by the sabre alone, yet several of these noble beasts fell to his deadly rifle, and amongst them more than one that he "bearded in its very den," a feat not so very often performed even by the boldest of Ximrods. After telling us that on a certain night they were serenaded SIR SAMUEL UAKi;U. I -A in all quarters by lions, one of whom actually visited his camp, he goes on to say, " Being resolved to circumvent one or other of these beasts, I, on the following morning, therefore took Talicr Noor, with Hadji AH and Hassan, two of my trusty Tokrooris, and went straight to the spot where I left the carcass of the buffalo I had shot on the preceding day. As I had expected, nothing remained, not even a bone, the ground was much trampled, and tracks of lions were upon the sand, but the body of the buffalo had been dragged into the thorny jungle. 1 was determined, if possible, to get a shot; therefore, 1 followed carefully the track left by the carcass, which hail formed a path in the withered grass. Unfortunately the lions had dragged the buffalo down wind, therefore, after I had arrived within the thick uabbuk and high grass I came to the conclusion that my only chance would be to make a long circuit, and to creep up wind through the thorns, until I should be advised by my nose of the position of the carcass, which would by this time be in a state of putrefaction, and the lions would most probably be with the body. Ac- cordingly, I struck off to my left, and continuing straight forward for some hundred yards, I again struck into the thick jungle, and came round to the wind. Success depended on extreme cant ion, there- fore I advised my three men to keep close behind mo with the spare rifles, as L carried my single- barrelled Bcattic. This rifle was extremely accurate, therefore I had chosen it for this close work, when I expected to get a shot at the eye or the forehead 152 THE LION. of a lion crouching in the bush. Softly and with difficulty I crept forward, followed closely by my men, through the high withered grass, beneath the dense green nabbuk bushes, peering through the thick covert, with nerves strung to the full pitch, and the finger on the trigger, ready for any emergency. We had thus advanced for about half an hour, during which I frequently applied my nose to within a foot of the ground to catch the scent, when a sudden puff of wind brought the unmistakeable smell of decomposing flesh. For a moment I halted, and looking round to my men, I made a sign that we were near to the carcass, and that they were to be ready with the rifles. Again I crept forward, bending, and sometimes crawling, beneath the thorns, to avoid the slightest noise. As I approached the scent became stronger, until at length I felt that I must be close to the carcass. This was highly exciting. Fully prepared for a quick shot, I stealthily crept on. A tremendous roar in the dense thorns within a few feet of me suddenly brought the rifle to my shoulder; almost on the same instant I observed the three-quarter figure of either a lion or a' lioness within three yards of me, on the other side of the bush, under which I had been creeping, the foliage concealed the head, but 1 could almost have touched the shoulder with my riile. Much depended upon the bullet, and I fired exactly through the centre of the shoulder. Another tremendous roar, and a crash in the bushes as the animal made a bound forward, was succeeded by a similar roar, as another lion took the exact position ot the last, A FINE CHANCE LOST. Io3 and stood wondering at the report of the rifle, ami seeking for the cause of this intrusion. This was a grand lion with a shaggy inane; but I was unloaded. Keeping my eyes fixed on the beast, I stretched my hand back fora spare rifle; the lion remained standing, but gazing up wind with his head raised, snuffing in the air for a scent of the enemy. Xo rifle was put into my hand. I looked back for an instant, and saw my Tokrooris faltering about five yards behind me. Hooked daggers at them, gnashing my teeth and shaking my fist. They saw the lion, and Talier Noor, snatching a rifle from Hadji Ali, was just about to bring it, when Hassan, ashamed, ran forward the lion disappeared at the same moment. Never was such a fine chance lost through the indecision of the gun-bearers, and I made a vow never to carry a single-barrelled rifle again when hunting large game. If 1 had had my dear little Fletcher 24, 1 should have nailed the lion to a certainty. However, there was not much time for reflection. Where was the first lion ? So;ne remains of the buffalo lay upon my right, and I expected to find the lion most probably crouch- ing in the thorns somewhere near us. Having re- loaded, I took one of my Reillv Xo. 1" rifle, and listened attentivelv for a sound. Presently I heard within a few yards a low gro\vl. Talier Noor drew his sword, and with his shield before him. he searched for the lion, while I crept, forward towards the sound, which was repeated. A loud roar, ace >m- panied bv a rush in the jungle, showed us a glimpse oi the lion, as he bounded oil' within ten or twelve 154 THE LTON. yards, but I had no chance to fire. Again the low growl was repeated, and upon quietly creeping towards the spot, I saw a splendid animal crouched upon the ground, among the withered and broken grass. The lioness lay dying with the bullet wound in the shoulder. Occasionally, in her rage, she bit her own paw violently, and then struck and clawed the ground. A pool of blood lay by her side. She was about ten yards from us, and I instructed my men to throw a clod of earth at her, (there were no stones), to prove whether she could rise, while I stood ready with my rifle. She merely replied with a dull roar, and I terminated her misery by a ball through the head. She was a beautiful animal, the patch of the bullet was sticking in the wound, she was shot through both shoulders." But the most singular plan of circumventing the lion not practised in Southern Africa, it is true, and which, therefore, by rights, should not find a place in these pages is that described by Layard in his " Nineveh and Babylon." " The ]\Iaidan Arabs," says he, " boast of capturing the lion in the following manner, and trustworthy persons have assured me they have seen the feat per- formed. A man havingbound his right arm with strips of tamarish, and holding in his hand a strong piece of the same wood, about a foot or more in length, that has been hardened in the fire and sharpened at both ends, will advance boldly into the animal's lair. When the lion springs upon him, he forces the wood between its jaws, which will then be held open, whilst he can despatch the astonished beast at his GAGGING. 105 leisure with the pistol which he holds in his left hand." * With every submission to Mr. Layard, I take the above to be a fable. If the lion quietly walked up to a man on his hind legs, as the bear is at times said to do, it might be possible to gag him, bufc when we recollect that the lion is accustomed to bound on his prey, that is, with a force almost sufficient to upset the Monument, tho thing seems to mo all but impracticable. Besides, is a man's life to depend on a pistol, and that in his left hand ? Why, twenty to thirty balls, and those tolerably well placed, arc often insufficient, as has been already shown, or will be shown in these pages, to kill the beast. Layard, to my notions, had much better stick to his excavations rather than attempt to stick such fictions into tho public. ED. 150 CHAPTER X. SHOOTING THE LION BY NIGHT A NOT VERY ENVIABLE SITUA- TION PERILOUS POSITION THE WOUNDED LION EXCITING HUNTING SCENE NIGHT-SHOOTING GORDON CUMMING^S EXPE- RIENCES THE LION IN THE DARK LIONS WATERING THE MELBODA-ARAB LION HUNTERS THE SPRING-GUN THE PITFALL. BESIDES openly attacking the lion by clay, the colonists and others not unfrequently shoot him during the night season, either whilst devouring the remains of a deer or other animal that he him- self has slain, or the carcass of one laid out in the wilderness to decoy him, or it may be at the fountain when he repairs to it to quench his thirst. I myself have had more than one adventure with lions when watching during the hours of darkness in my " screen," (of a similar nature to that de- scribed in a note at page 81) for elephants and other large game. On one occasion, I must confess to having felt rather uncomfortable. I had posted myself in a dense mimosa brake, commanding the approach to a certain river at a point much frequented by wild animals and flanked by an immense pit-fall. The darkness was deepened by surrounding thick foliage and high river -banks. Indeed, so black was the night that 1 could not discern even the muzzle of NIGHT SHOOTING. 157 my gun. The gloominess of my solitude was in- creased by the occasional " Qua-qua !" of the night heron, which made the succeeding hush more dreary, during which even the falling of leaves and the rustl- ing of insects among dry grass were hailed as a relief to the oppressive silence. To a man in a savage wilderness, and without a companion, silence, espe- cially when combined with utter privation of light, is inexpressibly solemn. It strikes the mind not merely as a negation, but as a threatening presence. It seems ominous. I shall never forget the loneli- ness and sense of desolation I felt on this occasion. It was past midnight, and still no game appeared. Suddenly, I fancied I heard the purr and breathing of an animal close behind me; but, as no other indications of any living thing ensued, I attributed the sounds to a heated imagination. All at once, however, the dismal stillness was disturbed by the quick steps of a troop of pallahs, descending the stony slope leading direct to my ambush. Stooping as low as possible, in order to catch their outline, I awaited their arrival with my gun on full cock. Xearer and nearer they came, till at last I fancied the leader was on the verge of the pit-fall; but, just at that moment, there was a low, stifled growl, n rush, and then a faint cry as of some dying animal. All was again silent. Though the impenetrable darkness prevented me from seeing anything, I could no longer doubt that I was in the immediate vicinity of a lion. I freely acknowledge that I felt awed, well knowing that were he to attack me I should be completely at his mercy. My situation 158 THE LIOX. was critical in the extreme. Straining eyes and ears to discover the beast's whereabout, I held my breath in fearful suspense, whilst every nerve was strung to the highest pitch. Presently I heard, to my astonishment, the report of a gun within fifty paces of my hiding-place ; then a second and a third shot. This made matters worse; for I now became appre- hensive that the men, not aware of my presence, might direct their fire towards me. I therefore sprang to my feet, and vociferated " Who's there ?" "Sir! the lion the lion !" replied Eyebrecht, the interpreter, for it was no other. The next instant he stood trembling before me. He had it appears been sent by the chief Amral to call me back (he entertaining great apprehensions for my personal safety, several of his people having recently been either killed or cruelly mangled by lions, then un- usually numerous in the country, when on the watch in the night time for game) but had encountered the beast in his path, and fired in order to frighten him away. Early next morning a number of Hottentots came to examine the ground, when, as 1 had expected, we found the foot-prints of a lion at the very back of my "screen," and scarcely distant the length of the gun-barrel from where my own person had been, where lie had evidently been crouching previously to leaping on the palhih (whose cry 1 had heard in the night) ; but which, though wounded, had effected its escape. How far the beast intended me mischief is hard to say, but in any case my situation had not been an enviable one. IKYING POSITION. 1 09 At a subsequent period I was placed in an even more trying position. Journeying in a very lonely part of the country, and accompanied only by a single native, 1 arrived one day at a fountain situated in a defile, amongst some craggy rocks. The water issued from different places amongst these cliffs, forming little pools here and there; and though the place was difficult of access, elephants, and other large game, were in the habit of flocking to the water nightlv. As the stony nature of the ground afforded excellent ' ambuscades,' and being much in want of provision, I determined to watch the pools in question for a night or two. The first night was a failure ; but in the second, I succeeded in killing a white rhinoceros. After this, though 1 watched long and well, nothing appeared, and at last sleep overtook me. How long 1 slumbered J know not ; but all of a sudden I thought, or dreamt, that I was in danger. From much night -watching mv hearing and si^ht had Lrraduallv acquired such / ( O c- an acuteness that, even in sleep, 1 was able to retain a certain consciousness of what was passing around me; and it is probable that L was indebted to this remarkable faculty for the preservation of my life on the present occasion. At first, I. could not divest my.-clf of fear; and, for a while, my senses were too confused to enable me to form any accurate notion of ! lie imagined danger. (Jradually, however, consciousness returned, and 1 could dis- tinctly hear the breathing of an animal close to my face, accompanied by a purr like that of a cat. Onl one animal 1 knew existed in /7<'>v y/