A.B.GOUGH EMARE in O r~ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. # t I 7 (ftn/A^ . Opt Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/emareemaOOgougrich OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH TEXTS EDITED BY L. MORSBACH AND F. HOLTHAUSEN PROF. IN THE UNIVERSITY OP GOTTINGEN PROF. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF KIEL vol. II EMARE EDITED BY A. B. GOUGH LONDON SAMPSON LOW MARSTON & CO NEW YORK HEIDELBERG G. E. STECHERT 1901 C. WINTER ^±>s* r,^Tt r^r* r^Ti ,^rt r^SH rl*f> 'tf* '^» r<±f* r±r> fJj/» » . *|f« i^yi r ^t r^fr'* «^tf* «^f» *>%+- VII Preface. § 1. Manuscript. The only known MS. of the romance of Emare occupies ff. 71 — 76 (69 — 74 according to the old numbering) of the volume Caligula A II in the Cotton collection at the British Museum. The former and older of the two MSS. which are bound together in this volume is a miscellany of prose and verse, including nine metrical romances, besides Emare. It is written on paper in double columns, and is apparently all the work of one hand, with the exception of the last entries in a prose chronicle, which a later scribe has carried down to the reign of Richard III. Furnivall (Percy's Folio MS. II. p. 411) dates the MS. 1460, but Kaluza (Libeaus Desconus, Leipz. 1890, p. IX) assigns it to the 2nd quarter of the 15 th century. He calls the scribe 'extremely careful 5 (Lib. Desc. p. XXXIII); but, if this is so, the scribe must have followed a somewhat corrupt text of Emare, as not only is the dialect impure, but the rhythm is frequently destroyed by interpolated words &c. The scribe often writes ht for th, p for d, th for t, and iv for ew. § 2. Edition. The only edition is that by Joseph Ritson in his Ancient Engleish Metrical fcomance'es [sic], 3 vols. 8vo. London 1802. The text is in vol. II. pp. 204—247; original readings, vol. III. p. 222; notes, vol. III. pp. 323—333; glossary, vol. III. pp. 359—435; corrections, vol. III. p. 440; conjectural emendations, vol. III. p. 443. § 3. Bibliography. O. Wilda has examined the grammatical forms in his inaugural dissertation Uber die ortliche Verbreitung der zwblfzeiligen Schweifreimstrophe in England, Breslau 1887, pp. 26 — 31. E. Kolbixg has published a collation of the text in Englische Studien XV. p. 247 f., with which my own collation almost exactly agrees. The first part of my inaug. diss. On the Middle English Metrical Romance of Emare, Kiel 1900, deals chiefly with the grammatical and metrical aspects of the text. Short notices of the poem will be found in Warton, History of English Poetry, ed. 1840, III. p. 123, and A. Braxdl, Mittenglische Litteratur, in Paul's GrundriB, 1st ed. 1893, II. 1. p. 670. § 4. Source. Emare is a form of the wide-spread Constance- saga, literary forms of which exist in most European languages. For the relation of Emare to the other versions cf. H. Suchier, Tiber die Sage von Off a und Dry do, in Paul & Braune's Beitrage, IV. pp. 512—521. H. Suchier, (Euvres poetiques de Philippe de JRemi, sieur de Beaumanoir (soc. d. anc. textes fr., no. 18), Paris 1884, tome I. pp. XXIII— LXXX, CLIXf. VIII Preface. A. B. Gough, On the Constance Saga, in Brandl & Schmidt' 8 Palaestra, Berlin 1901. [Not yet published.] The last is the second part of my dissertation. Following Suchier's suggestions, it deals with the connection of the saga with history, and the mutual relations of the several versions. Emare follows a form of the saga which appears to have arisen in Northumbria, and to have attached itself to the tra- ditions respecting 2EUa and Eadwine (y). A French version of the story, of a half-learned character (8), may have arisen in Touraine during the period of Anglo-Norman rule (1154—1203). This hypothetical French version, which connects the Northumbrian and Byzantine houses, appears to have been ihe source of many of the existing variants, including Emare. \ Of the immediate source of Emare nothing is known. It seemlf to be alluded to in v. 1032 under the title of "pe Egarye\ The analogy of other romances, and the fact that the names are French (note especially the form Segramoivres in v. 876) point to the conclusion that Emare is a translation or paraphrase of a French romance. In the following table an attempt is made to indicate the connection of the poem with other closely related versions. Primitive folk-tale. Mercian saga of Offa. French half-learned type. Touraine (?). Popular type. Helene de Trivet: Constantinople. Story of Con- stance in French Chronicle *Em French source. Emare. Cower: Conf. Amant. II. 38. Chancer : Man of Law's Tale. Mai u. Beaflor. Beaumanoir: Manekine. Euikel: Weltchronik. Regina Oliva. Basile : Pentamerone, HI. 2. Preface. IX § 5. Date, author and dialect. Following Braxdl (Paul's GrundriB, 1893, II. 1. p. 670) we may assign the romance to the second half of the 14 th century, but there seems to be no ground for any closer approximation to the date of composition. Like most of the romances composed in the tail-rime metre, Emare is of a thoroughly popular character. From allusions in the text to wandering minstrels, esp. vv. 13 — 17, the author would seem to have belonged to that class 1 . The dialect is that of the N. E. Midland, mixed with occasional N. forms. It may therefore be supposed that the author's country was not far S. of the Humber, i. e. N. Lines, or Notts., a district which seems to have been the original home of the romances of this type (cf. Wilda, p. 66). The language of Emare frequently resembles that of Torrent of Portyngale, and that of one of the earliest romances of the group, Amis and Amiloun. § 6. Manner of editing. The methods adopted by Prof. Holthausex in his edition of Havelok, the first number of this series, have been followed, and it has not been thought necessary to repeat his explanations, which will be found on pp. X, XI of that volume. The original dialect has evidently been corrupted, as in the case of Havelok, by one or more scribes, and accordingly the editor has attempted to restore the text. The authors of textual emendations are indicated by their initials, as follows, H : Holthausen, M : Morsbach, R : Ritson. My sincere thanks are due to Prof. Holthausex, to whom I am greatly indebted for constant help and advice in the pre- paration of this edition ; to Prof. Morsbach, who has very kindly read the proofs, and made some valuable suggestions ; to Prof. Sarrazin, who aided me in my dissertation upon this text; to Dr. Jas. Murray of Oxford ; and to the Rev. Prof. Skeat. A. B. Gough. 1 Brandl however is inclined to think he was a clerk. List of General Alterations of the MS. Spelling. I. Vowels. 1. a for: a) e in hadde 723. spdkke 546. pan 780. tTiare 204. — b) o in aZawe 693. anawe 359, 777. bane 33. bygane 696. crapawtes 94. Kadore 751. Tcnawe 320. Zawe 323. ware 636. nawie 27, 923. wane 30, 36. sare 633. — e) u in shall 922. 2. e for: a) a in cZedcZe 525. merle 376, 504. wes 463. — b) o in ge 922. ~ c) m in a/Yer 76, 845. bulles 239. car- ZwwfceZZ 127. chamber 230, 426, 528, 531. drery 808. fader 221, 906. kurtell 392. Zi/teZZ 845 - moder.576. mykell 987. rcofceZZ 268, 393, 433, 509, 806, 849, 877. popes 239. shyppes 823. sympell 632. fcifceZ/ 830. trommpes 389. weder 348. — d) y in a/ter 191, 434, 890, 1025. berep 924. 6o«?m 28. certes 647, 880. chawmber 368. doZes 826. dowbell 504. dowgter 159, 248, 952. eZZes 105. er/e 285. er/% 701. euer 732. /ader 25, 172, 208, 949, 990. flotores 29. fydellyng 390. aenteZZ 73, 391, 513, 635. Goddes 327, 675, 757, 779. halles 28. heddes 786. ftewm 7. kurtell 848. hnygtes 972. Zowdes 756. Zordes 485, 962, 994, 1002. • lytell 591, 649. menstrelles 132. wwder 315, 434, 452, 902. mychel(l) 69, 131. wyfaZZ 20, 341, 747, 749, 829. ne 301, 320, 593, 610, 873. nobell 85, 172, 187, 989. rychely 88. shyppes 305. *eZZe£ 903. water 324. we*7i 866. 3. o for: a) a in pon 106. wowes 658. — b) e in anamored 400, 997. /bte 211. swote 212. — c)m in sholde 252. 4. u always for v without marking it. 5. y for : a) e in Ct/syZe 80, 181. godely 503. fa/ssed 995. ryghtwys 17. thynketh 798. — b) o in #2/n#e 704. wt/Z? 248, 821. List of General Alterations of the MS. Spelling. XI II. Consonants. 1. d for p in dowgter 226, 422, 952, 1008. hynder 654. lyflode 803. syde 692. under (always). 2. f for u in lyfe 43. 3. ht for tft (always). 4. tfj for Tit in myrgth 20. 5. ^ for d in erpfejly 396, 701. /e 450. /o 533. worpy 250, 366, 447. ivorpyly 83. III. Inflexions. 1. 3 rd sg. pres. indie, -e^ for -es in 6ere/> 924. dwellep 721. fcZZc/i 115, 903. 2. Present part, -end(e) for -yng(e) in glysterend 350. fcon- wentfes* 427. rydende 750. walkende 692, 1017. Emare. jV\ o *-^ 0- 1. Jesu, J)at ys kyng in trone,^ [Fol. 71] As J)ou slioope bof)e sonwe awi? mone, And all snail dele and dyghte, Now lene us grace such dedes to done, 5 In {)£ blys ]pat we may wone, Men calle hyt heuen-lyghte; And moder Mary, heuen-qwene, Bere our arunde so bytwene, That semely ys of syght, 10 To ]>y sone |>at ys so fre, In heuen wyth hym J)at Ve may be, That lord ys most of myght! 2. Menstrelles £at walken fer and wyde ~K' Her and J)er in euery syde, 15 In rnony a dyuerse londe, Sholde[n] at her bygynwyng Speke[n] of J)at ryghtw?/s kyng That made both see and sonde. 3Vho-so wyll a stomide dwelle, 20 Of mykell myrgth y may gou telle, And mornyng J>er a-monge, Of a lady fayr and he, Her name was called Emare, As I here synge in songe. 1 Jhu. 3 all H. ] all £dt. 7 And H. ] And |)y. 14 euery a. Gough, Emare. 1 2 Emare, V. 25-57. , 25 3. Her fader was an emperour Of castell and of ryche towre, Syr Arty us was hys name ; He hadde bojDe halles and bmvivs, Frythes fayr, forestes wyth flowres, 30 So gret a lord was nane. Weddedde he had a lady, That was both fayr and semely, Whyte as whales bane; Dame Erayne hette J)at empires, 35 She was full of loue and goodnesse, So [fre] lady was nane. 4. Syr Artyus was ]?e best[e] manne In ]?e worlde f)at lyuede Jmnwe, Both hardy and Jperto wyght. 40 He was curta} r s in all |)yng, . Bothe to olde and to jynge, > And well kowth dele and dyght. He hadde but on chyld in hys ly/e Begeten on hys weddedde wyfe, 45 And |?at was fayr and bryght. For sol>e as x ma y telle J>e, They called J>at chyld Emare, That semely was of syght. 5. When* he[r] Md born her moder [fre] 50 fe fayrest creature was she\ That yn J)e lond was ])6o. The empires, |)at fayr ladye, ^ Fro her lordje] gan she dye^ Or hyt kowfte speke or goo. 55 The chyld J>at was [so] fayr and gent, , To a lady was hyt sente That men kalled Abro. 36 fre H. ] curtajs. 49 her . . . nioder H. ] she was of her m. born. 50 She was J)e fayrest creature borne. -V A Emare, V. 58—86. She thawgftf hyt curte[y]sye ««rf the we, Golde and sylke for to sewe 60 Amonge maydenes moo. 6. Abro tawjte J)ys mayden small Nortar J>at men usedenw in sale, Whyle she was in her bowre. She was curtays in all thynge 65 Both to olde and to jynge, And why the as lylye-notvre. Of her honde3 she was slye. All he[r] loued |>at her sye, Wyth menske and mychel honour. 70 At |)e maydene leue we, And at ]be lady fayr and fre, And speke of ]?e emiperdur. pet] {/ 7. The emperour of gen tell blode Was a curteys lorde and gode 75 In all maner of thynge. After when hys wyf was dede, [He] ledde hys lyf yn v?yddwe[h]ede, And myche loued pla[y]ynge. Sone [I>er-] after yn a whyle 80 A ryche kynge [out] of Cysyle To |>e emperour ganw wende; A ryche present v»yth hym he browght: [71b] A cloth |)«t wor^ylye was j^ro[w]ght; He wellcomed hym as pe hende. w85 8. Syr Tergaunte, |>at nobell knyjt, Presented J>e emperour [a-]ryght — 58 curteysye H. 72 speke H. ] speke we. 74 and ] & a. 77 And ledde || weddewede. 79 per H. 80 A H. ] The. 83 was wordylye. 85 after knygt stands hy^te, which appears to be erased. 86 He presented. l* 4 Emare, V. 87—120. And sette hym on hys kne, — Wyth £at cloth [e] rychely dyght, y Full of stones £er hyt was pyglit, 90 As thykke as hyt myght be, Of topaze and rubyes And 5|>er stones of myche prys, That semely wer to se, Of crapawtes and nakette; 95 A[l]s[6] thykke ar J)ey sette, For sothe, as y say |>e. 9. The cloth [hyt] was dysplayed sone: The empercwr lokede |>er upone And myght[e] hyt not se. 100 For glysteryng of |)e ryche ston, Redy syght [ne] had he none, And sayde: c How may |>ys be? 5 The emperour []pan] sayde on hygh: c Sertes |)ys ys a fayry, 105 Or elles a vanyte.' The kyng of Cysyle answered |>on : c So ryche a j[e]well ys ]>er non In all Crystyante.' 10. The amerayle dowjter of HeJ)enwes 110 Made ]?2/s cloth w«/M-outenw lees, And wrowjte hyt all wyth pri/de, And pwrtreyed hyt wyth gret honour Wyth ryche golde and asowr And stones on ylke a syde. 115 And as l?e story telle|> in honde, The stones £at yn $ys cloth [e] stonde, Sowgte £ey wer full wyde. Seuen wywter hyt was yn makynge, Or hyt was browght to [hys] endynge; 120 In herte ys not to hyde. 95 Also M. 97 hyt H. Emare, V. 121-153. 5 Y !!• I* 1 1? a t on korner made [|>er] was [Dame] Idoyne and_Amadas, Wyth loue ])at was so trewe. For J)ey lowedenw hem wyth honot7r 125 Powrtrayed ]?ey wer wyth trewe-loue-flowr Of stones bryght of hewe: With carbunkell and safere, Kassydo?/ws and onyx clere, Sette in golde newe; 130 Deamondes and rubyes, And 6J)er stones of mychell pryse, And menstrelles wyth her gle[w]. 12. In ])at o|)er corner was [y-]dyght Tristram and Isowde so bryjt, 135 That semely wer to se. And for £ey loued hem [a-]ryght, As full of stones ar |>ey dyght, As thykke as |)ey may be: Of topase and of rubyes 140 And 'of)er stones of myche pryse That semely wer to se. Wyth crapawtes and nakette Thykke of stones ar |)ey sette, For sothe, as y say J>e. 14513. In |>e thrydde korner wyth honour Was Florys and dam Blawncheflo?7r, As loue was hem be-twene. For ]>ey loued [hem] wyth honour, Purtrayed |)ey wer p wyth trewe-loue-flcwr, 150 Wyth stones bryght and shene. f Ther wer knyjte-s and senatowres, Emerawdes of gret vertues, To wyte wyth-outen wene; 121 |)er H. 124 lonedenu. 128 kassydonys || clere ] so clere. 145 honour R. ] gret h. 148 hem H. 6 Emare, V. 154—184. Deamouwdes and koralle, 155 Perydotes and crystall, And gode garnettes by-twene. V" 14. In |)e fowrthe korner was [J>er] oon, Of Babylone £e sowdan sonne, The amerayles dowjtfr hym by. 160 For hys sake |)e cloth was wrowght, She loued hym in hert and thowght, As telletb. J>ys storye. The fayr[e] may den here by-forn [72] Was portrayed an unykorn 165 Wyth hys horn so hye; Flowres and bryddes on ylke a syde, Wyth stones |)at wer sowght [full] wyde, Stuffed wyth ymagerve. 15. When J>e cloth to ende was wrowght, 170 To |>e sowdan hyt was browgt, That semely was of syjte. c My fader was a nobell man, Of I>e sowdan he b^/t wan Wyth maystrye and wyth my %ht. 175 For gret[e] loue he jaf hyt me; I brynge hyt {>e" in specyalte: This cloth ys rychely dyght.' He jaf hyt |>e emperour, He receyued hyt wyth honcwr, 180 And |)onkede hym fayr and ryjt. [in.] 10. The kyng of Cysyle dwelled J>er As 16ng[e] as hys wyll[ej wer Wyth J)e emperour to play. And when he wolde [horn hym] wende 162 telleth H. ] testynioyeth. 167 full H. 170 hyt ] sone hyt. 179 honour H. ] gret h. 183 for to. 184 horn hym H. Emare, V. 185-216. 7 185 He toke hz/s leue at the hende QjfJi-** And wente forth on hys way. Now remetteth |)«/s nobell kyng; The emperowr [he] hadde longywg To speke wt/tA i>at may. 190 Messengeres forth he sent After £e mayde fayr and gent, Was bryjt as someres day. 17. Messengeres dyjte hern in hye Wyih myche myrthe and melodye; 195 Forth [i>an] gon J)ey fare Both by stretes and by stye After l)[ylke] fayr lad# Was godely untfer gare. ^jlo^jl Her norysse |)at hy^te Abro 200 Wyth her she go[e]th forth also, And wer sette in a chare. To the emperour [ftan] gan I>e[y] go : He come hem jeyn a myle or two ; A fayr metyng was trmre. 205 18. The mayden, whyte as lylye-flowr, Lyjte ajeyen £e emperowr; Two knyjtes gan her lede. Her fader {mt was of renowne, That of golde w6red J>e crowne, 210 Ly^te of hys stede. Then £ey wer bothe on her fote, He klypped her and kyssed her s w ote, And bothe on fote ]?ey jede. They wer glad and made good chere, 215 To J)e pal[e]ys £ey jede in -fere, In romans as we rede. 187 reineueth H. ] remeneth. 188 he H. J after hya dowgter. 192 That was. 195 J>an H. 197 J>ylke ] j?at. 202 £an H. 203 hem ^eyn H. ] a ^evn hern. 206 |)e H. ] her fadyr |)e. 208 of gret. 8 Emare, V. 217—247. 19. Then £e lordes, hat wer grete, They wesh and seten do[ii]n to mete, And folk hem serued swy/>e. 220 The mayden bat was of semblawt swete Before her owene fader sete, The fayrest wommon on lyfe, That all hys hert on [her was] browght, Her to loue was all hys {xftfg&f; ■ 225 He by-helde her ofte-sybe. He was anamored hys dowdier tyll : Wyth her he bowjM to worche hys wyll, And wedde her to hys wyfe. 20. And when be mete-whyle was done, 230 In-to hys chamber he wente sone, And called hys counseyle nere. He bad bey shulde sone go and come And gete leue of be pope of Rome To wedde b«t mayden clere. 235 Messengeres forth bey wente, They durste not broke hys comwawdemewt, And erles vtyth hem yn-fere. They wente to be courte of Rome, And browjte |)e popes bulles sone 240 To wedde hys dowjter dere. 21. I*en be emperd?*r was gladde and blybe, And lette shape a robe swybe Of I)[ylke] cloth of golde. And when hyt her was don upone, 245 She semed non erbely wommon That marked was of molde. Then seyde be emperowr so fre: 218 doun R. 219 swythe B, ] swyde. 223, 224 hert .... powght ] hert and all hys pow^th Her to loue was yn browght. 226 So he. 241 ben was be emp. 243 pylke ] bat. 244 was don her. Emare, V. 248-280. 9 e Dow r 5ter, y wyll wedde fje; Thow art so fresh to be-holde. 5 250 Then sayde |>at wor^y under wede: [72 b] f Nay, God of heuen hyt for-bede Vat euer do so we sholde! 22. f gyf hyt be-tydde £at $e me wedde, And we shulde play to-geder in bedde, 255 Bo the we were forlorn e. The worde shulde sprywge fer and wyde: In all |)e worlde, on euery syde, Ve worde shulde be [y-] borne, ge ben a lorde of gret[e] pryce; 260 Lorde, lette neuer such sorow a-ryce, Take God 50T1 [ay] be-forne! That my fader shulde wedde me, God forbede £at I hyt se, Pat wered |>e crowne of J^horne !' 265 23. The empercwr [he] was ryght wrothe, And swore [full] many a [rayjty] othe That deed she shulde be. He lette make a nobell boot, And dede her t)er-yn, God wote, 270 In £e robe of [ryche] ble. C She moste haue wyth her no spendyng, No£er mete n[o|)]e[r] drynke, But shate her yn-to ]?e se. Now £e lady dwelled £ore 275 Wyth-owte[n] anker o[|)e]r ore, And ])at was gret pyte. 24. Ther come a wynd, y under-stonde, And blewe |)e boot [fer] fro |>e londe: Of her J)ey lost |)e syght. 280 The emperour [he] hym be-J>owght 251 Nay syr. 253 hyt so. 261 ay H. 263 so se. 266 mygty H. ] gret. 267 shulde she. 270 nobull ble. 10 Emare, V. 281—312. That he hadde all myswrowht, And was a sory knygte. And as he stode yn studyynge, He fell [a-] down in sowenynge, 285 To £e 4ffre was he dyght. Grete lordes stode |>er-by And toke [hym] up [full] hastyly, And comforted hym ryght. 25. When he of sownyng kouered was, 290 Sore he wepte and sayde: c Alas, For my dowhter dere ! Alas, J)at y was made [a] man! Wrecched kaytyf ]pat I am! 5 The teres rowne by h?/s lere. 295 I wrowght ajeyn[es] Goddes lay To her J)«t was so trewe of fay. Alas, why ner she here? 5 The teres lasshed out of hys yjen: The grete lordes |>at hyt syjen 300 Wepte and made yll chere. 26. Ther was no]?er old ne jynge That kowje stynte[n] of wepynge For |)«t comely un^er kelle.' In-to shyp[p]es faste ganw |>ey ]?rynge 305 For to seke ])at may den synge Was fayr of flesh and fell. They sowjt her ouer-all yn J)e see And myjte not fynde ]?at lady fre; Ajeyn |)ey come full snell. 310 At f)e eraperowr now leue we, And of |)e lady yn ]?e see I shall be-gymie to tell. 287 hym H. || up B. ] vn || full H. ] pe emperour. 288 ryght H. ] fayr & ryght. 293 i B. ] i hi/t. 306 pat was so fayr. 307 her sowgt. 310 now added in margin. Emare, V. 313-341. 11 [IV.] 27. The lady fleted for£) a-lone; To God of heuen she made her mone, 315 And to hys moder also. She was dryuen wyth wynde and rayn, Wyth stronge stormes her a-gayn Of |)e water bio. As y herd menstrelles sywg yn sawe, 320 Holvs ne lond my%ht she non knawe; A-ferd she was to go. She was so dryuen fro wawe to wawe, She hyd her hede and lay full lawe, For water she was woo. 325 28. Now I>?/s lady dwelled |)ore A good seuen-ny $ht and more, As hyt was Goddes wylle, Wyth carefull herte and sykyng sore: Such sorow was here parked jore, 330 And euer lay she styll. She was dryuen yn-to a lond Thorow J)e grace of Goddes sond, That all |)yng may fulfylle. She was [at] see so harde be-stadde, [73] 335 For thurste and hunger almost madde. Woo worth wederes yll ! \,/ 29. She was dryuen in-to a lond That hy %ht Galys, y untferstond, That was a fayr countre. 340 fe kynges steward dwelled by-syde In a kastell of mykell pryde; 318 bio H. ] so bio. 319 haue'herd. 320 knawe B. ] knowe. 324 full woo. After 331 That hyght Galys y vnberstond erased. 334 at H. ] on J)e. 335 hunger & thurste. 340 dwelled H. } dw. |)er. 12 Einare, V. 342—372. Syr. Kadore hyght he. Euery day he wolde go And take wyth hym a sqwyer or two, 345 And play hym by he see. On a tyme he toke |)e eyr Wyth two knyjtes gode and fayr; The weder was lythe of le. . 30. A boot [|>ey] fo[u]nd[e] by the brym 350 And a glysterend £yng h-er-yn, Ther-of J>ey hadde ferly. They went forth [up-]on |>e sond To J)e boot, y understond, And fo[u]nd[e] £at lady. , 355 She hadde so longe meteles be That hym howht gret dele to se; She was yn poynft] to dye. They askede her what was her name; She hyt chaunged her a-nane, 360 And [cald her] Jgar[y}e, 31. Syr Kadore hadde gret pyte: He toke |>e lady of £>e see, And hom [he] gan he[r] lede^ She hadde so longe meteles be,, 365 She was wax lene as a tre, That wor^y unafer wede. In-to hys castell when she came, In-to a chawmber |)ey her namm, And fayr f)ey ganw her fede 370 Wyth all delycyus mete and drynke That |>ey myjM[en] hem on hynke, That was yn all h«t stede. 343 he wolde H. ] wolde lie. 349 hey founde H. ] he fond. 354 founde hat H. ] fond her yn hat. 357 poynt R. 359 chaunged hyt. 360 cald her H. ] sayde she hette. 362 toke H. ] toke up. Emare, V. 373—403. 13 y 3£. When J>at lady fayr of face Wyth mete awd drynke keuered was 375 And had colour a-gayne, She\tawjte hem to sewe and merke All maner of sylky werke ; Of her J)ey wer full fayne. She was curteys yn all |)yng 380 Bothe to olde and to jynge, I. say jow for certeyne. She kow^e werke all maner {)yng That fell to empero*7r or to kyng, Erie, barowne, or sivayne. [v.] 385 33. Syr Kadore lette make a feste, That was fay[e]r and honeste, Wyth hys lorde £e kynge. Ther was myche menstrals[y]e, Trommpes, tabotfrs, and sawtr[y]e, 390 Bothe harpe and fydellyng. The lady, |)«t was gentell and small, In kurtell alone serued yn hall By-fore £at nobell kyng. I>e cloth upone her shone so bry%ht: 395 When she was |>er-yn y-dy %ht She semed non er^ly £yng. 34. The kyng [he] loked her up-one: So fay[e]r he syj neuer none; Hys herte she hadde yn wolde. 400 He was an-amored of ]?at sy%ht, Of £e mete non he my%ht, But faste gan her be-holde. She was so fay[e]r and [eo] gent, 377 after sylky a letter erased. 397 he H. 398 fayer H. ] fayr a lady. 400 was go. 403 fayer H. \\ so If. 14 Emare, V. 404—434. The kynges loue on her was lent, 405 In tale as hyt ys tolde. And when ]?e mete-whyle was done, In-to ]be chamber he wente sone, And called hys barouns bolde. 35. Fyrst he calle[d] Syr Kadore 410 And o|)er knyjtes £>at |>er wore, Hastely come hym tyll. Dukes and erles wyse of lore Hastely come f)e kyng be-fore And askede what was hys wyll. 415 Then spakke |)e ryche yn [a]ray, To Syr Kadore gan he sa) r Wordes fayr and stylle : e Syr, whenws ys l>at louely may [73 b] That yn J>e halle serued l>ys day? 420 Tell me, &yf hyt be |)y wyll! 5 36. Then sayde Kadore: C Y unrferstonde, An erles dow%ter of ferre londe, That semely ys to sene. I sente after her certeynlye 425 To teche my chylderen curte[y]sye, In chamber hem wyth to bene. She ys ]?e konnendest wommon I trowe |>at be yn Grystendom, Of werk that y haue sene. 5 430 Then sayde |>at ryche [yn a]raye: C I wyll haue £>at fayr[e] may, And wedde her to my quene.' 37. The nobell kyng [full] verament After hys moder [sonej he sent, 409 called B. '411 inserted in the margin. 415 aray H. 421 syr Kadore. 422 An H. ] Hyt ys an. 426 hem wyth H. ] wyth hem. 430 araye H. 434 sone H. Emare, V. 435—466. 15 435 To wyte what she wolde say. They browse] forth [full] bastely That fayrfe] maydefn] Egarye Was bry %ht as someres day. The cloth [up-]on her shon so bryght, 440 When she was ]?er-yn [y-]dyght, Her-self a gentell may. The olde qwene sayde anon? : C I sawe neuer [any] wommon Haluen-delJ so gay.' j£ 445 38. The olde qwene spakke wordes unhende And sayde: c Sone, j>ys ys a /ende In fyys wor^y wede. As J)oil louest my blessynge, Make J>ou neuer |)?/s weddynge ! .450 Cryst hyt pQ for-bede!' Then spakke £e ryche [yn a]ray: f Moder, y wyll haue |)?/s may; 5 And forth [he] gan her lede. The olde qwene for certayne 455 Turnede wyth Ire horn a-gayne And wolde be at £at dede. 39. The kyng wedded £at lady bryght, Grete pwru[e]yance £er was dy %ht In ]?at semely sale. 460 Grete lordes wer serued a-ryght, Duke [and] erle, baro[u]n and knyj/^, Both of grete and sin ale. Myche folke for so|)e J)er wes, And |)er-to an huge prese, 465 As hyt ys tolde in tale. Ther was all mamerfe] l)yng 436 full H. 438 She was. 441 Her H. ] And her. 443 any H. 446 fende Sarrazin ] sende. 451 aray H. 453 he H. 456 nolde H. 1 wolde not. 461 and H. 16 Emare, V. 467—496. That fell[e] to a kynges weddyng, And mony a ryche menstrall. 40. When ]i>e mangery was done, 470 Grete lordes departed sone, That semely were to B6. The kynge be-lafte wyth |)e qwene, Moch[e] loue was hem be-twene, And also game and gle. 475 She was curteys and [full] swete, Such lady herde y neuer of jete, They loued wyth' herte fre. The lady J)at was meke and mylde, [She] conceyued and wente wyth chylde, 480 As God wolde hyt sholde be. [VI.] 41. The kyng of France, yn "fcaVtyme Be-sette wyth many a Sarezyne And cumbered all in tene^ v ; After £e kyng sente of Galys 485 And 6J)er lordes of myche prys, That semely were to sene. The kyng of Galys in £at tyde Gedered men on euery syde In armowr bryght and shene. 490 Then sayde |)e kyng to Syr Kadore And 6|>er lordes |)at ther wore : 'Take good hede to my qwene! 5 42. The kyng of Fraunce spared none, But sent[e] for hem euerychone, 495 Both kyng [and] kny%hte and clerko. The st[e]ward [he] by-lah at home 475 fall H. 476 such H. } such a. 477 both wytfc. 478 both meke. 482 Besette H. ] Was be sette. 484 After be kyng sente H. ] And sente after be kyng. 495 and H. 496 he H. Emare, V. 497—528. 17 To kepe J>e qwene whyte as fome; He com not at |>at werke. She wewte wyth chylde yn [J)ylke] place 500 As longe as Goddes wyll[e] was, That semely under serke, Thyll £er was borne of her body A fay[e]r chyld and a godeh/, Hadde a dowbell kynges merke. 505 43. They crystened hyt wyth grete honottr, And hym called SegrammZr.; Frely was £at fode. ^ Then |>e steward Syr Kadore A nobell letter made he thore, 510 And wrowjte hyt all vtyth gode. He wrowjte hyt yn [gret] hyjynge And sente hyt to hys lorde J)e kynge, That gentell was of blode. The messenger forth gan [he] wende, 515 And wz/tft £e kynges moder lende ; Yn-to £e castell he jode. 44. He was resseyued rychely, And she hym askede hastyly How the qwene hadde spedde. 520 • 'Madame, fter ys of her y-borne A man-chylde, y tell jou be-forne, And she lyth yn her bedde. 5 She hym jaf for fat tydynge A robe and fow[e]rty shy[l]lynge, 525 And rychely hym eledde. She made hym dronkew of ale and wyne, And when she sawe £at hyt was tyme, Tho chamber she hym led[d]e. 502 Thyll |)er was borne ] borne stands after chyld in v. 503. 505 hyt crystened. 506 called hym. 511 gret H. 514 he H. 515 gan lende. 516 And yn. 521 A fayr. 523 gaf hym. 528 wolde hym. Gough, Emare. 2 \S 18 Euiare, V. 529-560. 45. And when he was on slepe browjt, 530 The qwene, ]?at was of wykked i>owjt, Tho chamber gan she wende. Hys letter Qpan] she toke hym fro, In a fyre she brente hyt pb, Of werkes she was unhende. 535 Ano|)er letter she made wyth euyll, And sayde ]be qwene had born a deuyll, Durste no raon come her hende. Heddes thre he hadde there: A lyon, a dragon, and a beere, 540 A fowll [y-]feltred fende. 46. On £>e morn, when h?/t was day, The messenger wente on hys way, Bothe by stye and strete, In tr[e]we story as y say, 545 Tyll he come |)er as |>e kynge laye, And spake wordes swete. He toke |)e kyng |)e letter yn honde, And he hyt redde, y unr?er-stonde, The teres downe gan he lete. 550 And as he stode yn [hys] redyng, Downe he fell yn sowenyng, For sorow hys herte gan blede. 47. Grete lordes, |)at stode hym by, Toke up {>e kyng [full] hastely, 555 In herte he was woo. Sore he grette and sayde : c Alas, That euer y man [y-]bor[e]n was! That euer hyt shullde be so! Alas, |)at y was made a kynge, 560 And wedded syfli J)e fayrest {)yng 529 he B. ] she. 538 Thre heddes hadde he. 540 y-feltred H. 550 hys H. 554 full H. 555 full woo. 557 y euer. 558 That hyt euer so shullde be. 560 wedded syth H. ] sygh wedded. Emare, V. 561—590. 19 That on er|>e myght go! That euer Jesus self wolde sende Such a fowle [and] loply fende To come by-twene us two !' [VII.] 565 48. When he sawe hyt myjt no better be, An-oper letter made he, And seled hyt wyth hys sele. He commanded yn all £ynge To kepe well ])at lady jynge, 570 Tyll she hadde her hele, Bothe gode men and ylle, Her to serue[n] at her wylle, Bothe yn wo and wele. He toke |)?/s letter of hys honde 575 And rode ]?orow J)e same londe, By £e kynges moder castell. 49. And |)en he dwelled per all nyjt; He was resseyued and rychely dyjt, And wyste of no treso[u]n. 580 He made hym well at ese a-fyne, Bothe of brede, ale and wyne, Vat rafte hym hys reso[u]n. When he was on slepe [y-Jbrow^t, The false qwene hys letter sowjte, 585 In fyre she kaste hyt downe. An-oJ)er letter she lette make: That men sholde |)e lady take, And lede her out of towne, 50. And putte[n] her yn-to £e see 590 In ]bat robe of ryche ble, 562 Jhu hym self. 563 and H. 564 two ] too. 566 pen made. 572 To serue her. 580 and fyne. 582 And |)at be rafte. 585 In H. ] In to J)e. 589 putten H. 2* 20 Emare, V. 591—622. The lytell chylde her wyth; And lette her haue no spendyng, [74 b] For no mete ne for drynke, But lede her of {)at ky£h; 595 'Upon payn of chylde and wyfe And also upone %dilr owene lyfe Let her haue no grythf The messenger [he] knewe no gyle, But rode horn [full] mony a myle, 600 By forest and by fryth. 51. And when |>e messenger come home, The steward toke |)e letter sone And by-gan to rede. Sore he syght and sayde: c Alas! 605 Sertes J)z/s ys a [wykked] case, And a de[l]full dede! 5 And as he stode yn [hys] redyng, He fell [a-]downe yn so«;[e]nynge, For sor9w hys hert gan blede. 610 Ther was no|)er olde ne jynge That myjte for-bere[n] of wepynge For J>at wor|>y un^er wede. 52. The lady herde gret dele yn halle, On the steward gan she calle 615 And sayde : 'What may |>«/s be? gyf any I>yng [£er] be a-mys, Tell[e] me what |)rtt hyt ys, And lette not for me! 5 Then sayde |)e steward verament: 620 r Lo, her a letter my lord hath sente, And |>er-fore woo ys me ! 3 She toke |>e letter and gan to rede, 594 out of || kyth B. ] kygh. 597 gryth R. ] gryght. 598 he H. 600 fryth M. ] fryght. 605 wykked H. ] fowle. 607 hys H. 608 ewonynge. 622 by gan. Emare, V. 623—653. 21 Then fonde she wreten all |)e dede, She moste yn-to £e see. 625 53. c Be stylle, syr', []?an] sayde £e qwene, Lette syche [heuy] mornynge bene! For me haue J)ou no kare ! Loke J)o>u be not [y-]shente, But do my hordes commaundemewt ! 630 God for-bede Jjou spare! For he weddede so porely On me, a sympell le[ue]dy, He ys a- shamed sare. Grete well my lord fro me! 635 So gentell of blode yn O^styante Gete he neuer mare. 5 54. Then was |)er sorow and myche woo, When he[r] lady to shype shulde go, They wepte and wronge her honde. 640 The lady f)at was meke and mylde, In her arme she bar her chylde And toke leue of |>e londe. When she wente yn-to J>e see In ]>at robe of ryche ble, 645 Men sowened on |)e s6nde; Sore |>ey wepte and sayde: c Alas, Certes |h/s ys a wykked kase! Wo worth dedes wronge!' 55. The lady and J)e lytell chylde 650 Forth fleted on £e water wylde Wyth full harde happes. Her surkote "feat was large and wyde, Ther-wyt/i her vysage she gan hyde, 624 She H. J How she. 625 ban H. 626 heuy H. 632 lady. 635 blode R. ] blolde. 638 her H. ] be. 639 honde E.jhondes. 650 Forth fleted H. 1 Fleted forth. 22 Emare, V. 654-684. Wyth £e r^ncZer-lappes. 655 She was a-fer[e]de of |>e see And layde her grtif upone a tre, The chylde [un]to her pappes. The wowes |)at were grete and strowg, On {)e bote [full] faste l)ey J)[r]6nge 660 Wyth mony unsemely rappes. 56. And when jpe chyld [by-]gan to wepe, Wyth sory hert she songe hyt a-slepe And putte l>e pappe yn hys mowth. And sayde: c My%M y ones gete lond 665 Of £e water £at ys so strorcge, By nor [t] he or by sowthe : Wele ow^ y £>e to warye, see, I haue myche shame yn the. 5 And euer she lay on grow/. 670 Then she made her prayer To Je'sus and hys moder dere In all[e] J)«t she kow])e. [VIII.] 57. Now J)«/s lady dwelled thore A full seuene-nyght and more, 675 As hyt was Goddes wylle, Wyth karefull herte and sykyng sore; Such sorow was her parked jore, And [euer]' she lay full stylle. She was dryuen toward Rome [75] 680 Thorow £e grace of God yn trone, That all fryng may fulfylle. [At] see she was so hard be-stadde, For thurste and hunger all-most madde; Wo worth chawnses ylle ! 657 un H. 659 full H. || thronge B. 666 northe JR. ] noI)he or norhe, partly erased and altered. 667 y he H. ] y to warye he. 669 on growf H. ] and growht. 671 "jhu. 682 At H. J On he. 683 hunger and thurste. Emare, V. 685—716. 23 685 58. A marchaunte dwelled yn £at cyte, A ryche mon of golde and fee, Jurdan was hys name. Eeuery [mornyng] wolde he Go to playe hym by J)e see, 690 The eyer for to tawe. He wente forth yn I>[ylke] tyde, Walkentfe by J)e [water-] syafe, All hym-selfe alane. A bote he fonde [£er] by £e brymme, 695 And a fayr lady ther-ynne, That was ryght wo-bygane. 59. The cloth [up-]on her shon so hxyht, He was a-fer[e]de of £at syght, For glysteryng of J>at wede. 700 And yn h?/s herte he |)OW5^ [a-] ryght That she was none er^ely wyght; Sawe neuer non shuch yn leede. He sayde: c What hette ge, fayr ladye ?' c Lord, y hette Egarye, 705 That lye her yn drede. 5 Up he toke £at fayre ladye And |)e jt/nge chylde her by, And horn he gan hem lede. 60. When he come to h?/s byggynge, 710 He welcomed fayr J)at lady jynge That was fayr and bryght; And badde h«/s wyf yn all[e] |)yng Mete and drynke for to brynge To J)e lady ryght. 715 'What £>at [euer] she wyll craue, And her mowth hyt wyll[e] haue, 688 mornyng H. ] day. 690 tame. 691 £ylke ] £at. 692 water ] see. 694 J)er H. 704 Lord H. ] Lord she sayde. 715 euer H. 716 wyll hyt. 24 Einare, V. 717—746. Loke hs/t be redy dyght ! She hath so longe meteles be That me £ynketh grette pyte. 720 Conforte her, jyf J)ou myght! 5 61. Now J)e lady dwelled ther; 'Wyth alle mete[sj |)at gode were She hadde at her wylle. She was curteys yn all t>yng 725 Bothe to olde and to jynge, Her loued bothe gode and ylle. [Segramour] by-gan to frryfe, He wax {)e fayrest chyld on lyfe, Whyte as flowr on hylle. 730 And she sewed sylke-werk yn bowr, And tawjte her sone nor[i]towre; But euer she mornede stylle. . / 62. When |>e chylde was seuen jer olde, He was bothe wyse and bolde, 735 Wele made of flesh and bone. He was worJ)y under wede, And ryght well kowJ)e pn/ke a stede; So curtays chylde was none. All men louede Segramowre 740 Bothe yn halle and yn bowre, Where-euer he gan gone. Leue we |>e lady clere of vyce, And speke of |>e kyng of Galys, Fro |>e sege when he come home. [IX.] 745 63. Now I>e sege broken ys, The kyng come home [un-]to Galys 727 Segramour ] the chylde || for to. 730 shewed. 735 And wele. 738 a chylde. 741 where H. ] where so. 742 J>e H. ] at £e. Emare, V. 747—778. 25 Wytfc mykell myrthe and pryde. Dukes and erles of ryche a-syce,^ -' Baro[u]nes and knyjtes of mykell pryse 750 Come rydende be hys syde. Syr Kadore x hys steward ]>arme A-jeyn hym rode w«/t/i mony a man, As faste as he myght ryde. He tolde £e kyng [of] aventowres, 755 Of hys halles and hys bowres, And of hys londes wyde. 64. The kyng [he] sayde: f By Goddes name, Syr Kadore, J)ou art to blame For |>y fyrst tellynge. 760 Tolde thow sholdest fyrst haue me Of my lady Egare, I loue most of all £yng.' Then was £e stewardes herte wo, And sayde : f Lorde, why say [je] so? 765 Ar[e je no] trewe kynge? Lo her |>e letter je sente me, [75 b] gowr owene self |)e so|>e may se, I haue don jowr byddynge. 5 65. The kyng |)e letter toke to rede, 770 And when he sawe |>at ylke dede, He wax all pale and wanne. Sore he grette and sayde: c Alas, That euer [on er|)e] born y was, Or euer made was manne! 775 Syr Kadore, so mote y the, Thys letter neuer come fro me, I telle ]>e her a-nane.' Bothe ]pey wepte and jaf hem ylle; 757 he H. 760 Tolde thow H. ] Thow sh. fyrst haue tolde. 764 say ] sayst ])ou. 765 Art not |)ou a. 769 toke |)e letter. 774 was made. 776 come neuer. V 26 Emare, V. 779-807. c Alas! 5 he sayde, f Sa[u]f Goddes wylle! 780 And both J>e[y] sowened £an. 66. Grete lordes stode by, And toke [hym] up [full] hastyly, Of hym was grete pyte. And when J>ey both[e] keuered were 785 The kyng hym toke |)e letter ]?er Of |>e heddes £>re; C A lord', he sayde, c be Goddes grace, I sawe f)7/s letter neuer in place. Alas! how may ])?/s be? 5 790 After J>e messenger ]?ey sente, The kyng askede what way he wewt; c Lor[d], be %oilr moder fre.' 67. c Alas! 5 then sayde £e kynge [so gent], c WheJ)er [she] wer so unhende 795 To make £ys treso[u]n: By my krowne, she shall be brent Wf/t/i-owten 6|)er jugement, That thynketh me best reso[u]n. 5 Grete lordes toke hem be-twene, 800 That £ey wolde exyle |>e qwene And refe her hyr renowne. Thus |)ey exiled £>e false qwene, And rafte[n] her hyr lyflorfe clene, Castell, towre and towne. m 805 68. When she was fled ouer £e fome, The nobell kyng dwelled at homm Wyth full heuy chere; 780 they B. ] he. 782 hym up full H. ) up he kyng. 783 hem. 785 toke hym. 788 hys letter neuer H. ] neuer hys letter. 790 her hey. 792 Lord R. 794 she H. ] my moder. 797 any oher. 801 be refe. 803 by rafte. 804 towne & annulled before towre. 805 see fome. Emare, V. 808-838. 27 Wyth karefull hert and drery mone Sykynges made he many on 810 For Egarye {>e clere; And when he chylderew sawe [hem] play He wepte and sayde: ? Well-a-wey For my sone so derel 5 Such lyf he lyued mony a day, 815 That no mon hym stynte may, Fully seuen ^ere; 09. Tyll a thowght yn hys herte come, How hys lady, whyte as fome, Was drowned for hys sake; 820 'Thorow ]?e grace of God*yn trone I wyll to |)e pope of Rome, My penans for to take. 3 He lette ordeyne shy[p]pes fele, And fylled hem full of wor^/s wele, 825 Hys men mery to make. Doles he lette dy%ht and dele, For to wynwen hym sowles hele; To shyp he toke ]pe gate. 70. Shypmen J)at wer so mykell of pr^ce 830 Dyght her takell on ryche a-cyse, That was fayr and fre; They drowj up sayl and leyd out ore, The wynde stode as her lust[es] wore, The weher was lyj)e on le. 835 They sayled ouer J)e salt[ej fome, Thorow ]pe grace of God in trone, That most ys of powste. To-frat cyte when J)e[y] come, 811 chylderen sawe hem H. } sawe chylderen. 825 to H. ] wyth to || be annulled after to. 828 To he shyp. 838 they B. 28 Emare, V. 839—870. At J>e burgeys hous hys yn he nome 840 Ther as woned Emare. 71. Emare called he[r] sone Hastely to here [to] come Wyth-owte ony lettynge, And sayde: c My dere sone so fre, 845 Do a lytell after me, Pou sha[l]t haue my blessynge. To-morowe J)ou shalt serue yn halle In a kurtell of ryche palle By-fore ])?/s nobell kyng. 850 Loke, sone, so curtays [f>at] £ou be, [76] That no mon fynde chalange to J>e In no manere £yng. 72. f When |>e kyng ys serued of spycerye, Knele f>ou downe hastylye, 855 And take hys hond yn thyn; And when jdou hast so [y-]done, Take |)e kuppe of golde sone, And serue hym of |>e wyne; And what J)at he speketh to £e, 860 Cum a-none and tell [hyt] me, On Goddes blessyng and mynef The chylde [he] wente yn-to |>e hall Among f)e lordes grete and small, Wer lufsumme under lyne. 865 73. Then J>e lordes J>at wer grete Wesh and wente to her mete, Men[s]trelles browjt yn J)e kowrs; The chylde hem serued so curteysly, All hym loued ]?«t hym sy, 870 And spake hym gret honowres. 889 After this line v. 837 has been repeated, and annulled. 840 Emarye. 841 her E. 846 And £011 || shalt R. 847 shall. 862 he H. 864 That lufsumme wer. 867 Menstrelles M. Emare, V. 871-900. 29 Then sayde all |)at loked hym upon, So curteys sawe J>ey neuer none In halle[s] ne yn bowres. The kyng [he] sayde to hym yn game: 875 ? Swete sone, what ys {)y name? 5 f Lorde, y hy%ht Segmmowres. 5 74. Then ])at [ylke] nobell kyng Toke up a [heuy and] grete sykynge, For hys sone hyght so; 880 Certes wyth-owten [any] lesynge The teres out of hys yen gan wryng, In herte he was full woo; Neuer-|)e-lese he lette [hyt] be, And loked on |>e chylde so fre, 885 And mykell he louede hym J)5o. The kyng sayde to J)e burgeys sone: c Swete syr, ys ])ys J>y sone? 5 The burgeys sayde : f goo. 5 u 75. Then |>e lordes f)«t wer grete 890 Whesshen a-jeyn [hem] after mete, And |)en com spycerye; The chyld ]?at was of chere swete, On hys kne [a-]downe he sete, And serued hym curteyslye. 895 The kynge £e bz^rgeys called hym tyll, And sayde: c Syr, [j]yf hyt be ]?y wyll, gyf me l>ys [sma]ll body. I shall hym make lorde of towr[s], Of_hye halles and of bowre[s], 900 1 loue hym specyally. 5 872 curteys H. ] c. a chyld. 873 halles H. 876 Lorde he seyd y hy^th. 878 heuy and H. 886. sone H. ] a none. 890 hem H. 895 f>e b. called H. ] called J>e b. 897 small H. ] lytyll followed by chylde annulled. 898 towrs H. ] town & towr. 899 bowres H. 30 Emare, V. 901-931. 76. Whew he had serued |)e kyng at wylle, Fayr he wente hys moder tyll, And telle^ her how hyt ys. 'Sone, whew he shall to chamber wende, 905 Take hys hond at |)e grece ende, — He ys J>y fader y-wysse — And byd hym speke wyth Emare, That changed her name to Egare In |>e londe of Galys.' 910 The chylde [hym] wente ajeyn to halle A-monge £e grete lordes alle, And serued on ryche a-syse. 77. Whew £ey wer well at ese a-fyne, Bothe of brede, ale and wyne, 915 They rose up more and myn. To chamber whew J)e kyng shulde wende, He toke hys hond at £e grece ende, \^^x^> And fayre he helpe[d] hym yn, And sayde: f Syr, yf jowr wyll[e] be, 920 Take me jowr honde and go wyth me, For y am of jowr kynne; ge shall come speke wyth Emare, That chau'wged her name to Egare, That bere^ |>e whyte chywne. 5 925 78. The kyng yn herte was full woo, Whew he herd[e] mynge £o Of her £at was hys qwene, And sayde: c Sone, why sayst |)ou so? Why me umbmydest of my wo? 930 That may neuer bene. 5 Neuerheles wyth hym he wente, 904 Soone. 905 grete. 906 For he. 907 come speke. 910 hym H. 916 To chamber .... shulde H. ] Whew he k. shulde to chamber. 917 grete. 918 helped JET. 929 Why me umbraydest H. ] wherto u. hou me. Emare, V. 932—960. 31 A-jeyn hem come J>e lady gent In J>e robe bryght and shene. He toke her yn hys armes two, 935 For joye |>ey sowened both[e] t[h]o, J^ovv Such loue was hem by-twene. 70. A joyfull metywg was J)er J)5re, Vat lady goodly under gore Frely in armes to folde. 940 Lorde! [rygt] gladde was Syr Kadore, And 6{)er lordes £at £er wore Semely to be-holde, Of [her] |>at was put yn J)e see, Thorow grace of God in trinite, 945 Keuered of cares colde. Leue we £e lady whyte as flowr, [76 b] And speke we of £e emperowr, That fyrste J)e tale of tolde! [XI.] 80. The emperowr her fader £an 950 Was [y-]woxen an olde man, And thowjt [up-]on hys synne, Of hys dow%ter Emare, That was putte yn-to J)e see, That was so bryght of skynne. 955 He t)owjt[e] that he wolde go For h?/s penance the pope to, And heuen for to wynne. Messengeres he sente forth sone, And £ey come to |)e kowrt of Rome 960 To take her lordes inne. 938 of I>at. 943 of J)e lady || was B. j wat. 945 |)at was keuered. 946 pe H. ] at pe. 947 of her fader J)e. 948 y tolde. 950 was B. ] wax. 956 the pope to H. ] to the pope |)o. 32 Emare, V. 961—991. 81. Emare prayde her lord {>e kyng: c Syr, a-byde J)«t lordes komyng That ys so fayr and fre ; And, swete syr, yn all[e] i>yng 965 Aqweynte [J)e] wyth |>at lordyng: Hyt ys worshyp to f)e.' The kyng of Galys seyde £an : 'So grete a lord[yng] ys J>er nan In all Crystyante.' 970 f Now, swete syr, what euer be-tyde, Ajayn J)at grete lord [J)6uj ryde, And all J)y knyjtes wyth £e! ? 8£. Emare thawjte her sone jynge A-jeyn |>e emperour komynge 975 How £at he sholde done. f Swete sone, yn allje] J)yng Be redy mjth my lord |>e kyng, And be my swete sone; Whew |>e emperowr J)y fader fre 980 Kysseth, loke jyf he wyll the, A-bowe |>e to hym sone, And bydde hym speke wyth Emare That was putte yn-to J)e see! Hym-self [he] jaf £e dome. 5 985 83. Now kometh ])e emiperour of pryse, A-jeyn hym rode J)e kyng of Galys Wyth full mykell pryde. The chyld was wor|)y under wede, A[nd] satte upon a nobell stede, 990 By hys fader syde; And when he mette J)e emperour, 965 he] 3011. 968 nan B. ] non. 971 J>ou ] ge. 979 sq. altered by H., the MS. reads Whew J)e e//?p. kysseth py fader so fre Loke ^yf he wyll kysse the. 982 come speke. 984 he H. 989 And E. Emare, V. 992—1022. 33 He ualed hys bode wyth gret honowr, And kyssQd hym yn J)«t tyde; And o]ber lordes of gret ualowre 995 They also kissed Segramowre; In herte ys not to rryde. 84. The emperowr anamored [hyra] gretlye Of |>e chylde J)at rode hym by Vfyth so louely chere. 1000 Segramowre be say[s]de hys stede, Hys owene fader toke good hede, And lordes £at |>er were. The chylde spake to |)e ewperour And sayde: 'Lord, for Jryn honour 1005 My worde £at |)oii wyll here; [Pou] shalt come speke wyth Emare, That changed her name to Egare, That was J)y dowjter dere. 85. ^Syr, and [£>6u] wyll go wyth me, 1010 I shall J)e brynge ]>at lady fre Ys louesom on to loke.' The emperour sayde and wax all pale: e Sone, why umbraydest me of bale, And |)c»u may se no bote? 5 1015 Neuer-]be-lesse vryth hym he wente, A-jeyn hym come J)«t lady gent Walkend§_ on her fote; And ]pe empercwr a-lyjte J)0 And toke her yn hys armes two 1020 And clypte and kyssed her sote. 86. Ther was a [right] joyfull met vnge Of |>e emperour and of ]?e kynge, 997 emperowrs hert. 1000 saysde H. 1002 And oper. 10065eshulJ. 1009— 11 follow 1012-14. 1009pou]3e. 1010 brynge M.] brynge wyth. 1011 £at ys. 1012 sq. altered by H.; the MS. reads The enip. wax all pale And sayde sone. 1021 right H. Gough, Emare. 3 34 Emare, V. 1023-1035. And also of Emare; And so ]>er was of Segramotfr 1025 That after [ward] was emperour, A full gode man was he. A [godly] feste £er was holde Of erles and baro[u]nes bolde, As teWeth ]bys story. 1030 Thys ys on of B^tayne layes That was used by olde dayes, Men call [h]y* fre [E]garye. Jesxx £at s^/ttes yn |)y trone, So graunte us wyth J)e to wone 1035 In perpetuall glorye! Amen. Explicit Emare. 1024 syr egramour. 1027 godly H. ] grette. 1029 telleth U. ] testymonyeth. 1032 call hyt ] callys playn || Egarye Suchier. 1033 Jhu || syttes E. ] settee. 1034 wone B. ] wene. 1035 In J>y.. 85 Notes. V. 3. dele and dyghte = judge and govern, as in v. 42. In v. 826 dygt and dele = administer and apportion (alms). V. 13 sqq. This seems to indicate the author's calling. V. 23. Emare = 0. Fr. esmarie: the bewildered, distressed woman. / V. 33. whales bane: walrus ivory. A frequent comparison. V. 34. Erayne possibly = Irene. V. 40. The uninflected pi. pyng, which occurs nine times in formulas, viz. vv. 40, 64, 75, 568, 712, 724, 762, 964, 976, is a survival of the 0. E. pi. ping, and is found as late as Chaucer {Legend, 11). Cf. New Engl. Diet. s. v. all. Vv. 70 sq. leue at = leue ])e story at (?). Cf. vv. 310, 742, 946. Or there may be a confusion with 'take leue at 5 , for w 7 hich cf. Sir Perc. 178 sq. (quoted in note on v. 415). Vv. 79—187. The visit of a foreign prince, and his gift of the cloth form the only incident peculiar to Emare, although the magic robe occurs in several other versions of the tale (e. g. La belle Helene, Mai und Beaflor, Enikel's Chronicle &c). Cf. my diss, on Emare, pp. 37 — 39. V. 84. as the hende: like a very gracious man. Vv. 94, 142. crapaictes: the toad-stone, Fr. crapaudine, which w r as supposed to be found in the heads of toads, and to possess magic qualities. nakette. This word, hitherto unexplained, possibly represents, as Dr. Jas. Murray suggests, achate or acate (agate), with n from an. V. 103. on hye: in haste. V. 109. The amerayle dowgter of hepennes. Cf. vv. 158, 576, 974. An uninflected gen. is common in M. E. with titles, especially, as here, with composite titles. Cf. Paul's GrundriB I, 2 ud ed. 1899, p. 1086. V. 115. as the story tellep in honde. Cp. mod. Engl. c the story in hand'. V. 122. For Amadas and Idoyne cp. Gaston Paris in An English Miscellany, Oxford 1901. Vv. 125, 149. treweloue- flour. The herb-paris or oneberry was used as a love-charm. In Bit Gatcayne 608 sqq. it is em- broidered, as a symbol, on an article of dress. Vv. 151 sq. As Prof. Holthausen suggests, the imperfect rime, and the mention of 'knights and senators', who are out of place in this connection, make it probable that v. 151 is corrupt. Perhaps it contained the names of some rare stones. 8* 36 Notes, V. 157-349. V. 157. For the pleonastic use of oon cf. Miitzner s Worterbuch s. v. an, one (1878, p. 78). V. 158. Read Babylone (Morsbach). V. 163 sq. The unicorn is said in the Physiologus to become tame in the presence of a virgin. Cf. Anglia VII, 456, and Engl Stud. XIV, 198. V. 201. chare = car, not 'chair'. V. 211 sq. on her fote . . . kyssecl her swote. The MS. has here fete . . . swete, but in vv. 1017, 1020 on her fote, kyssed her sote, riming with loke. The pi. obi. fote(n) = 0. E. fotum, survives in M. E. after at, on, to. Cf. Zupitza's note on Guy of Warw. (15th cen t. vers., E. E. T. S.) v. 598. Swote, sote is the adverbial form of stvete. V. 221. sete. This form of the pret. sg. of sitten is due to the influence of the pret. pi. seten. V. 223 sq. The original is restored by comparing Amis and Amiloun (ed. Kolbing) 571 sq. Sir knigt, on pe mine hert is brovgt, X>e to loue is al mi fiougt. V. 270. robe of [rychej ble. The repetition of nobull hi the MS. is awkward. The true epithet is restored from vv. 590, 644. V. 273. shate is pret. indie, of sheten, shoten in the^sense of "thrust, drive'. V. 329. Cf. v. 677. The meaning seems to be, 'such sorrow had been prepared for her from of old, in God's providence'. Cf. v. 332. V. 338. Galys is held to be Wales by Warton (Hist. Engl Poetry, ed. 1840, III, p. 123). Suchier maintains (Paul u. Braune's Beitrdge, IV, 517 and n.), probably rightly, that it is Galicia in Spain. He remarks that it cannot be Wales, because the word is oxytone. (It is however twice paroxytone in the middle of a line, viz. 487, 967.) From the language here used, Galys seems to be a comparatively unknown land. Also, if Wales were meant, one would expect the more usual English spelling Walys. Cf. note in my diss. p. 31 sq. Vv. 349 sq. As in about 32 stanzas of Emare the 1st, 2nd 5 4th and 5 th lines rime together, Wilda (p. 27) suggests that these stanzas may preserve the original rime-scheme of the whole, poem. Cf. my diss. p. 12 sqq. Possibly this stanza may be restored by reading c By the brym a boot he fand, p£r-yn a J)yng [all] glysterand', and in vv. 352,3 c sand', 'understand'. If tbis is so, a scribe altered the passage to get rid of the archaism glysterand. Similarly the original may have had, in v. 77 e wyddt0e[h]ode', in v. 314 *mayn" and in v. 665 '[depe]'. Notes, V. 415-1032. 37 V. 415. pe ryche yn [a] ray. In vv. 430 and 451 the MS. has ryche rayfej. All three lines as they stand in the MS. are metrically defective. Bay is a kind of striped cloth, 0. Fr. drap de ray (radius). So Piers Plow. B. V. 211 ryche rayes. If this is the word, such formulae as lufsumme under lyne v. 864, godely under gore v. 938, &c, may be compared. Another word ray = prince (O. Fr. m), unnoticed by Stratmann-Bradley, occurs in Sir Perc. 178 sq., Scho tube hit leve and went hir ivaye, Bothe at bar one and at raye, and Anturs of Arther XIY, Qwen, thou art ray richest. Biche rei is an O. Fr. formula. The scribe may have been misled by one of these words. V. 479. For [She] conceyued read with M. ConceyuedfeJ. V. 506. For the name Segramour cf. diss. p. 33. V. 605. The word wykked is restored from v. 647. V. 639. honde: an uninfiected pi. = O. E. honda. It occurs as late as Chaucer (O. T. B. 606). V. 669. she lay on groivf. Cf. v. 656. This emendation of Prof. Holtbausen's improves both the rime and the sense. The scribe intended the impossible form 'groivhf to be the pret. of grucchen : grudge, murmur. Lye on groivf = O. N. Uggja a grufu, to lie on one's face. For the assonance mouth : grblif cf. stanza 19 su-yfie : lyfe: syfie : wyfe. V. 689. The author seems to have imagined that Rome was by the sea. In Mai and Beaflor, La Manekine, and Enikel's Chronicle, which belong to an allied group, the boat drifts mira- culously up the Tiber. V. 799. toke hem be-twene: interceded. V. 822. The exposure of the king's wife and child, for which he was in no way responsible, is not a sufficient motive for his penance. We learn from Trivet and other versions that the sin for which he sought absolution was his harsh treatment of his mother. V. 824. For icorpys (MS. wordes) wele read icorfljdes uele (Skeat). V. 876. Segramowres. This French, nom. sg. form may have been taken from the assumed French original. V. 929. Cf. v. 1013. Vv. 1009—1014. The transposition of the lines in the MS. is obviously demanded by the sense. V. 1032. Ritson (Anc. Engl. Bom. Ill, p. 332 sq.) explains the MS. reading as 'playing 5 (i. e. reciting to music) c the garye', referring to the Cornish word guary, a drama. Suchier {Beau- manoir I. p. XIV) has undoubtedly given the right reading *pe Egarye", i. e. the name of the French poem was L'Egaree. — ■ <"> - — Glossary. a-fgn adv. to satiety; well at ese a. satiated, 580, 915. a-sf/se s. fashion, pomp, state, 748, 830, 912. be-Uuen v. to remain; pret. *be-lafte, 472, 496. chalange s. fynde c. to find fault with, 851. crapawte s. toad-stone, 94, 142. de[l]full adj. doleful, 606. [y-Jfeltred p. p. felted, having matted hair, shaggy, 540. grece s. stairs, 905, 917. [O. Fr. gres, pi.] griif, on growf adv. groveling, face downwards, 656, 669. [O. N. a grufu]. *haluen-dell adv. by half, 444. kassydoyne s. chalcedony, 128. [O. Fr. cassidoine.] kelle s. caul, kerchief, 303. [O. Fr. cale.] lent p. p. 404. Either from Jenen [O. E. hlionian], lean, incline, or lenen [O. E. Imnan] lend, bestow. lete v. to shed (tears), 549. lyne s. linen, 864. marke, merke v. to fashion, form, 246, to embroider, 376, 504. *niete-ivhf/le s. meal, 229, 406. *nakette s. agate (?), 94, 142. perydot s. chrysolite, 155. sonde s. dispensation, providence, 332. sylke-iverke s. embroidery, 730, (sylky-iv. 377). tre s. beam, thwart, 656. *treive-loue-flour s. herb-paris (used as a love-charm), 125, 149. *umbrayden v. to upbraid, 929, 1013. *vdlen v. to lower, let down, 992. [O. Fr. avaler.] wryng v. neut. to start (of tears), 881. List of Proper and Geographical Names. Abro f. 57, 61, 199. Amadas m. 122. Artyus 1 m. Arthur. 27, 37. Babylone 158. Cf. Branscheid in Anglia, Anzeiger VIII, p. 221 f. List of Proper and Geographical Names. 39 Blaimclifflour f. 146. Brytayne adj. Breton. 1030. Cysyle Sicily. 80, 106, 181. Cry st m. 450. Egare f. 761, 908, 923, 1007; Egarye 360, 437, 704, 810, 1032. Emare f. 23, 47, 841, 907, 922, 952, 961, 973, 982, 1006, 1023; Emarye 840. Erayne f. 34. Florys m. 146. Fra(u)nce 481, 493. Galys Galicia. 338, 484, 487, 743, 746, 909, 967, 986. (See note on v. 338.) Idoyne f. 122. Isowde f. Iseult. 134. Jesu m. 1, 562, 671, 1033. Jurdan m. 687. Kadore m. 342, 361, 385,409, 416, 421, 490,508, 751, 758, 775, 940. Mary f. 7. Borne 233, 238, 679,- 821, 959. Sarezyne Saracen. 482. Segramowre(s) m. 739, 876, 995, 1000; Segramour 506, 1024. . Tergaunte m. 85. Tristram m. 134. Anglistische Forschungen herausgegeben von Dr. Johannes Hoops a. o. Professor an der TTniversitat in Heidelberg. 1. C. Stoffel, Intensives and Down-toners. A Study in English Adverbs, gr. 8°. geheftet 4 M. 2. Erla Hittle, Zur Geschichte der altenglischen Priipositionen mid and witf, mit Beriicksichtigung ihrer beiderseitigen Be- ziehungen. gr. 8°. geheftet 4 M. 80 Pf. 3. Theodor Schenk, Sir Samuel Garth und seine Stellung zum komischen Epos. gr. 8°. geheftet 3 M. 4. Emil Feiler, Das Benediktiner-Offiziurn, ein altenglisches Brevier aus dem XL Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur YYulfstanfrage. gr. 8°. geheftet 2 M. 40 Pf. 5. Hugo Berberich, Das Herbarium Apuleii nach einer frtih- mittelenglischen Fassung. gr. 8°. geheftet 3 M. 60 Pf. 6. Gustav Liebau, Eduard III. von England im Lichte euro- paischer Poesie. gr. 8°. geheftet 2 M. 80 Pf. 7. Louise Pound, The Comparison of Adjectives in English in the XV. and the XVI. Century, gr. 8°. geheftet 2 M. 40 Pf. Kieler Studien zur englischen Philologie herausgegeben von Dr. F. Holthausen o. Professor an der Universitiit Kiel. 1. Otto Diehn, Die Pronomina im Fruhmittelenglischen, Laut- und Flexionslehre. gr. 8°. geheftet 2 M. 80 Pf. 2. Hugo Schiitt, The Life and Death of Jack Straw, gr, geheftet 2 M. 40 Pf., mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. prehension of the text will be facilitated as far as possible by the employment of marks of quantity and diacritical signs (especially for grammatical and metrical reasons), by suitable division of the matter into paragraphs, and by careful punctuation. As the separate volumes will be issued in a concise form, and consequently at a low price (2.9.6 — 5s.), it is hoped that the texts will obtain a wide circulation, and arouse extended interest in the study of the earlier English literature. Each volume can be bought separately. 1. Havelok. Edited by F. Holthausen. 2 M. 40 Pf. cloth 3 M. 2. Emare. Ed. by A. B. Gough. 1 M. 20 Pf. ctoth 1 M. 80 Pf. The following texts will also appear — the list being subject to change, and the order merely provisional. 3. CynewulPs Juliana. Ed. by F. Holthausen. 4. The Parlement of the 3 Ages. Ed. by L. Morsbach. 5. King Horn. Ed. by L. Morsbach. 6. The Avowing of Arthure. Ed. by K. Biilbring. 7. The Story of Genesis (M. E.). Ed. by F. Holthausen. 8. The Pearl. Ed. by F. Holthausen. 9. Old and Middle English Charms. Ed. by J. Hoops. 10. Sir Amadas. Ed. by K. Biilbring. 11. Owl and Nightingale. Ed. by L. Morsbach. 12. Poema morale. Ed. by L. Morsbach. 13. CynewulPs Elene. Ed. by F. Holthausen. 14. Beowulf. Ed. by P. Holthausen. 15. Gower's Confessio Amantis. Ed. by H. Spies. Prof. Alois Brandl, Prof. Max Foerster and Dr. E. Bjorkman contemplate further contributions. :£3£i2rai^;i^^ eWn e5AJf» riAJT* tWF> tWf* (U - t^g* «^f» «^f» *iflf» ri*/* c^j' > «W» ff J^ - : #^(» r^» tW* rMf* «W* Carl Winter's Uiiiversitatsbnchliandliing in Heidelberg. Sammlung germanischer Elementarbiicher. Herausgegeben von Dr. W. Streitberg, a. o. Professor an der Kgl. Akademie in Munster i. W. I. Reihe: Grammatiken. Erschienen sind: 1. Band. Urgermanische Gramniatik. Einfiihrung in das vergleichende Studium der altgermanischen Dialekte von Dr. W. Streitberg, a.o. Professor an der Kgl. Akademie in Munster. 8°. geheftet 8 M., geb. 9 M. 2. Band. Gotisches Elementarbuch von Dr. W. Streitberg, a. o. Professor an der Kgl. Akademie in Munster. 8°. geheftet 3 M., geb. 3 M. 60 Pf. 8. Band. Altislandisches Elementarbuch von Dr. B. Kahle, a. o. Professor an der Universitat in Heidelberg. 8°. geheftet 4 M., geb. 4 M. 80 Pf. 4. Band. Altenglisches Elementarbuch von Dr. K. D. Bfll- bring, o. Professor an der Universitat in Bonn. 1. Teil: Lautlehre. 8°. geheftet 3 M. 60 Pf., in Lwd. 4 M. 20 Pf. 5. Band. Altsachsisches Elementarbuch von Dr. F. Holt- hausen, o. Professor an der Universitat in Kiel. 8°. geheftet 5 M., in Lwd. 6 M. 7. Band. Mittelhochdeutsches Elementarbuch von Dr. V. Michels, o. Professor an der Universitat in Jena. 8°. geheftet 5 M., in Lwd. 6 M. In Vorbereitung ist: 6. Band. Althochdeutsches Elementarbuch von Dr. G. Holz, a. o. Professor an der Universitat in Leipzig. Die Sammlung soil zur Einfiihrung in das Studium der germanischen Dialekte dienen. Sie hat den Zweek, alles zu bieten, was dem Anfanger zur griindlichen wissenschaftlichen Kenntnis der hauptsachlichsten germanischen Sprachen von noten ist. . . . Wir freuen uns, daft die padagogische Seite in dieser ganzen Samm- lung zum Worte gekommen ist. Sie ist in der That vorzuglichausgefallen, und wir konnen nur wiinschen, dafi die iibrigen Bandchen ihren Vorgangem mcht nachstehen mogen. Was der Student beim Studium unserer alten Sprachen an Zeit gewinnt, das kaun er anderen Seiten der germanistischen Wissenschaft zuwenden, die ja nichts anderes sein will und sein kann als die Wissenschaft von unserer geistigen Entwickelung. Aber immerhin bleibt die Kenntuis der Sprache die notwendige Vorbedingung fur alles iibrige. Sie zu erleichtern und zu vertiefen, ist auch der Zweck dieser Sammlung, die wir auf das freudigste begriiCen, da sie alien Anforderungen , die man an sie stellen kann, auf das beste entspricht. (Allgem. Zeitung.) C. F. Winter'sche Buchdruckerei. '^.^T m ' LIBRAET, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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