-NRLF LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF A List of Books for Teachers in tHe Seattle Public Library Compiled by Gertrude F. Hess Seattle Public Library Reference List No. 2 May, 1910 Seattle Public Library Hours of Opening Central Library Fourth Avenue and Madison Street Periodical, Reference, Open-shelf (or Circulation), and Newspaper rooms Week days 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundays and holidays 3 to 10 p. m. Circulating books are not issued on Sundays and holidays Children's room School days 2 to 9 p. m. Saturdays and during school vacations 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Closed Sundays and holidays Art department Week days 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Sundays and holidays On Sundays and holidays art books may be used in the Periodical room Branch Libraries Open from 2 to 9 p. m. except on Sundays and holidays Ballard 2026 Market St. Columbia Rainier Blvd. Fremont 705 Blewett St. Green Lake E. Green Lake Blvd. and 4th Ave, N. E. University 10th Ave. N. E. and E. 50th St. West Seattle College St. W. and 42d Ave. S. W. The use of the library for reading and reference is free to all. Any resident of Seattle may draw books from the library without charge on signing at the central library or at" one of the branches the proper application and agreement. A List of Books for Teachers in the Seattle Public Library Compiled by Gertrude F. Hess Seattle Public Library Reference List No. 2 May, 1910 Contents Education, theory , and practice Educational psychology Kindergarten and primary grades Special branches History of education Biography Periodicals Reference lists Lists similar to this, on special subjects or on topics of current interest, are published from time to time. They may be obtained free of charge by applying either at the central library or at one of the branch libraries. For a complete list of Seattle Public Library publica- tions, see inside of back cover, Books for Teachers This list of books and periodicals in the Seattle Public Library on educational subjects is printed in the hope of making the material listed more available and useful to teachers. The list is merely suggestive and does not comprise all that the library con- tains on any one of the topics in the list. Many valuable suggestions from Dr. E. O. Sisson, head of the Department of Education, University of Washington, regarding the titles to be included in this list are gratefully acknowledged. An "R" prefixed to the call number indicates that the book must be called for and used in the reference room; while "j" denotes books located in the children's room. All other books are in the circulation department. Upon request from a borrower at any of the branches, any book, except works of popular fiction, in the circulation department or children's room, will be sent to that branch and the person request- ing the book will be notified of its arrival. Education, Theory, and Practice Abbott, E. H. On the training of parents. Houghton. 1908. 173.5 Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. Appleton. 1898. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 21.) 377.2 Arnold, S. L. Waymarks for teachers, showing aims, principles, and plans of everyday teaching. Silver, Burdett. c!894. 371.1 Contents: Nature study. Language lessons. Reading. Spell- ing. Geography. Numbers. Seat work. Talks on school work. Especially helpful to the primary grades. Bag ley, W. C. Classroom management; its principles and tech- nique. Macmillan. 1908. 371 The same. R371 The educative process. Macmillan. 1907. 371 Contents: Functions of education. Acquisition of experience. Functioning of experience. Organization and recall of experience. Selection of experiences for educational purposes; educational val- ues. The transmission of experience and the technique of teaching. Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. Appleton. 1901. (In- ternational science series, v. 25.) 370 291847 Baldwin, Joseph. School management and school methods. Ap- pleton. 1907. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 40.) 371 Barnett, P. A. Common sense in education and teaching; an in- troduction to practice. Longmans. 1901. 371 Birdseye, C. F. Individual training in our colleges. Macmillan. 1907. 378.73 The reorganization of our colleges. Baker & Tay- lor. 1909. 378 Briggs, L. B. R. Routine and ideals. Houghton. 1904. 370.4 Series of papers and addresses to school children and college students with a twofold text, "Be thou faithful unto death," and "Where there is no vision, the people perish". School, college, and character. Houghton. 1901. 370.4 Brown, E. E. The making of our middle schools; an account of the development of secondary education in the United States. Longmans. 1905. 373.73 Bibliography, p. 481-518. "In 'The making of our middle schools' one sees how the edu- cational legislation and the school institution has grown out of the life of the people, and how with the change in that life there is a change in the legislation and in the school." Educ. Rev., v. 26, p. 532, Dec. 1903. Burbank, Luther. The training of the human plant Century. 1907. 575 Excellent little essay, should be read by every parent and teacher. Butler, N. M. Meaning of education. Macmillan. 1898. 370.4 Collection of essays and addresses of general interest. Chancellor, W. E. Our schools; their administration and super- vision. Heath. 1905. 379.73 Treats of the Board of Education, superintendent, principal, su- pervisor, teacher, and other subjects of general interest, with an appendix giving programs, suggestions, and printed forms that may prove very helpful. Compayre, Gabriel. Lectures on pedagogy, theoretical and prac- tical. . .translated, with an introduction, notes, and an appen- dix, by W. H. Payne. Heath. 1898. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 2.) 371 Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle and the ancient educational ideals. Scribner. 1892. (The great educators, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 370 Bibliography, p. 249-51. "I know nothing in English that covers the field of Greek educa- tion so well." G. Stanley Hall. Rousseau and education according to nature. Scribner. 1902. (The great educators, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 370 Bibliography, p. 245-46. De Garmo, Charles. The essentials of method. A discussion of the essential form of right methods in teaching. Heath. 1907. 371 Herbart and the Herbartians. Scribner. 1896. (The great educators, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 370 Interest and education; the doctrine of interest and its concrete application. Macmillan. 1902. 370 Principles of secondary education. 2 v. Macmil- lan. 1907-08. 379.17 Dewey, John. The school and society; being three lectures... supplemented by a statement of the University elementary school [Chicago]. University of Chicago Press. 1900. 370 Dutton, S. T. School management; practical suggestions con- cerning the conduct and life of the school. Scribner. 1908. 371 Bibliography, p. 276-78. Social phases of education in the school and the home. Macmillan. 1903. 370 Extracts from lectures which deal with the broad phase of edu- cation. Eliot, C. W. Educational reform; essays and addresses. Cen- tury. 1898. 370 Valuable alike to the college professor and the public school teacher. More money for the public schools. Doubleday. 1903. 379.11 Elliott, E. C. Some fiscal aspects of public education in Amer- ican cities. 1905. (Teachers' college, Columbia university. Contributions to education, no. 6.) R370 Bibliography, p. 100-01. Felkin, H. M., and Felkin, Mrs. Emmie. An introduction to Her- bart's science and practice of education. Preface by O. Brown- ing. Heath. 1900. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 18.) 370.1 Fitch, Sir J. G. Educational aims and methods; lectures and addresses. Macmillan. 1900. 371 Lectures on teaching, delivered in the University of Cambridge during the Lent term, 1880, with a preface by an American normal school teacher. Macmillan. 1901. 371 Flexner, Abraham. The American college; a criticism. Cen- tury. 1908. 378 Forbush, W. B. The boy problem. Pilgrim press. c!901. 371 Best thing written on this subject. Gilbert, C. B. The school and its life; a brief discussion of the principles of school management and organization. Silver, Burdett. c!906. 371 Griggs, E. H. Moral education. B. W. Huebsch. 1905. 170 Bibliography, p. 297-341. Gulick, L. H., and Ay res, L. P. Medical inspection of schools. Charities Publication Committee. 1908. (Russell Sage foun- dation.) 371.7 Bibliography, p. 204-21. Harper, W. R. The trend in higher education. University of Chicago Press. 1905. 378 Hart, A. B. Studies in American education. Longmans. 1898. 370.4 Collection of essays which have previously been published in edu- cational and general magazines. Henderson, C. H. Education and the larger life. Houghton. 1902. 370 Valuable alike to the teacher and the parent. Herbart, J. F. Letters and lectures on education, translated from the German and edited with an introduction by H. M. and Emmie Felkin, and a preface by Oscar Browning. Son- nenschein. 1898. 370.1 The science of education, its general principles deduced from its aim and the aesthetic revelation of the world, translated from the German, with biographical intro- duction, by H. M. and Emmie Felkin, and a preface by Oscar Browning. Heath. 1895. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 19.) 370 Hinsdale, B. A. The art of study; a manual for teachers and students of the science and the art of teaching. American Book Co. 1900. 371 Schools and studies. Bardeen. 1894. 370 The same. R370 Home, H. H. The philosophy of education; being the founda- tions of education in the related natural and mental sciences. Macmillan. 1905. 370.1 Divides the field of education into the biological, the physio- logical, the sociological, the psychological aspects, with a short bibliography on each subject. Hughes, J. L. Dickens as an educator. Appleton. 1902. (In- ternational education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 49.) 370 Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. Ap- pleton. 1905. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 41.) 370 Hughes, R. E. The making of citizens; a study in comparative education. Scribner. 1902. (Contemporary science series, ed. by H. H. Ellis, v. 43.) 379 Hyde, W. DeW. The college man and the college woman. Houghton. c!906. 378 International Conference on Education. Proceedings, v. 1-4. London. 1884. R370.6 v. 1. Elementary education. Physical education. Teaching of music in schools, v. 2. Technical education, v. 3. Organization of university education, v. 4. Training of teachers. Organization of intermediate and higher education. Jenks, J. W. Citizenship and the schools. Holt. 1906. 370.4 Johonnot, James. Principles and practice of teaching, revised by S. E. Johonnot. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 39.) 371 Jordan, D. S. The care and culture of men; a series of ad- dresses on the higher education. Whitaker. 1896. 378 Kellogg, A. M. How to be a successful teacher. Kellogg. c!900. 371 Kern, O. J. Among country schools. Ginn. c!906. 371 The same. R371 King, H. C. Personal and ideal elements in education. Mac- millan. 1904. 377 Klemm, L. R. European schools; or, What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. Appleton. 1897. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 12.) 379.4 Laurie, S. S. The training of teachers and methods of instruc- tion; selected papers. Cambridge University Press. 1901. 371 Lewis, R. E. The educational conquest of the Far East. Revell. c!903. 370 Bibliography, p. 215-20. Contents: Government education in Japan. Government educa- tion in China. Scholastic and religious problems. Locke, John. Some thoughts concerning education ... with intro- duction and notes by Rev. R. H. Quick. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 1899. (Pitt press series.) 370 "A classical work." Compayre. Luckey, G. W. A. The professional training of secondary teach- ers in the United States. Macmillan. 1903. 371.12 McMurry, C. A. The elements of general method, based on the principles of Herbart. Macmillan. 1905. 371 Course of study in the eight grades. 2 v. Mac- millan. 1906. 375 McMurry, C. A., and McMurry, F. M. The method of the recita- tion. Macmillan. 1905. 371.32 "Practical application of the principles of method to the various problems of class-room instruction." Preface. MacVannel, J. A. The educational theories of Herbart and Froebel. 1906. (Teachers' college, Columbia University. Contributions to education, no. 4.) R370 A very suggestive study of the "evolution of educational ideas" from Herbart to Froebel, with a short bibliography at end of each chapter. Magnus, Laurie, editor. National education; essays towards a constructive policy. Murray. 1901. 370 Bibliographical note, p. 254-78. English ideas only. Mann, Horace. Life and works of Horace Mann. 5 v. Lee & Shepard. 1891. 370 v. 1. Life of Horace Mann, by his wife. v. 2. Annual reports of the secretary of the Board of Education of Massachusetts. . .1837-8; to which are prefixed lec- tures on education. v. 3. Annual reports. . .1839-44. v. 4. Annual reports. . .1845-8, and oration. v. 5. Educational writings. . .with an appendix containing a re- view of Horace Mann's work and writings by Felix Pecaut. Meriam, J. L. Normal school education and efficiency in teaching. 1906. (Teachers college, Columbia University. Contribu- tions to education, no. 1.) R370 Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. Appleton. 1897. (In- ternational education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 42.) R016.37 Moral training in the public schools; the California prize essays by Charles Edward Hugh, T. P. Stevenson, Edwin Diller Starbuck, Frank Cramer, George E. Myers. Ginn. c!907. 377 National Education Association of the United States. Addresses and journal of proceedings, 1873-77, 1879-82, 1884-date, with index 1871-97, 1857-1906. R370.fi Report of the Committee of Fifteen on elemen- tary education, with the reports of the sub-committees: on the training of teachers; on the correlation of studies in elementary education; on the organization of city school sys- tems. American Book Co. 1895. 371 Report of the Committee of Ten on secondary school studies with the reports of the conferences arranged by the Committee. American Book Co. 1894. R375 Report of the committee on salaries, tenure, and pensions of public school teachers in the United States. Pub- lished by the Association. 1905. R370.6 Report of the committee on industrial education in schools for rural communities. 1905. Bound with their Report of the committee on salaries of teachers. R370.6 Yearbook, 1903-09. R370.6 July 1906 June 1907 missing. Department of superintendence. Proceedings. 1902-08. R370.6 Newsholme, Arthur. School hygiene. Heath. 1901. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 14.) 371 Oppenheim, Nathan. Mental growth and control. Macmillan 1902. 374 O'Shea, M. V. Dynamic factors in education. Macmillan. 1906. 371 Bibliography, p. 301-12. Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching. Hinds & Noble. c!895. 371 Goes into detail on the practical side of teaching. Palmer, G. H., and Palmer, A. F. The teacher; essays and ad- dresses on education. Houghton. 1908. 370.4 Parker, F. W. Notes of talks on teaching. Kellogg. 1896. (Kellogg's teachers' library, v. 3.) 371 Patridge, L. E. The "Quincy methods" illustrated. Pen photo- graphs from the Quincy schools. Kellogg, n.d. (Kellogg's teachers' library, v. 8.) 371.47 Perry, A. C. The management of a city school. Macmillan. 1908. 371 Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude, translated and abridged by Eva Channing. Heath. 1897. 371 Prince, J. T. Method of instruction and organization of the schools of Germany. Lee & Shepard. 1897. 371 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 17.) 370.4 Raymont, Thomas. Principles of education. Longmans. 1906. 370 Takes up the everyday problems that must be met by the teacher and treats them in a helpful way. Rice, J. M. Public school system of the United States. Century. 1893. 379.73 Dr. Rice's opinions of the school systems in many of our large cities as formed by an examination of them during a journey ex- tending- over five months. Richter, J. P. F. Levana: or, The doctrine of education, trans- lated from the German, preceded by a short biography of the author and his autobiography. Bell, Lond. 1897. 370 Rosen kranz, J. K. F. The philosophy of education, translated from the German by A. C. Brackett. Appleton. 1900. (Inter- national education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 1.) 370.1 Rosmini, S. A. The ruling principle of method applied to edu- cation, translated by Mrs. William Grey. Heath. 1902. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 8.) 371 Rowe, S. H. The lighting of school rooms; a manual for school boards, architects, superintendents, and teachers. Longmans. 1904. 727.1 The physical nature of the child and how to study it. Macmillan. 1908. 371.7 Bibliography, p. 188-200. Sabin, Henry. Common sense didactics for common school teachers. Rand. c!905. 371 One of the most useful books to the grade teacher. Sadler, M. E., editor. Moral instruction and training in schools; report of an international inquiry. 2 v. Longmans. 1908. 377 v. 1. The United Kingdom, v. 2. Foreign and colonial. Schaeffer, N. C. Thinking and learning to think. Lippincott. 1904. (Lippincott's educational series, ed. by M. G. Brum- baugh, v. 1.) 371 Scott, H. M. Organic education; a manual for teachers in pri- mary and grammar grades. Heath. 1899. (Heath's peda- gogical library, v. 35.) 371 Books of reference, p. 320-37. Theory of organization and outlines of practical work, taking mythological and real characters and analyzing them. Shaw, E. R. School hygiene. Macmillan. 1902. (Teachers' professional library, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 371.7 Bibliography, p. 253-55. Sisson, E. O. The high school's cure of souls. 1908. (Bulletin of University of Washington, Occasional papers, no. 1.) R379.17 Snedden, D. S., and Allen, W. H. School reports and school efficiency. Macmillan. 1908. 371 The same. R371 Spalding, J. L. Education and the higher life. McClurg. 1903. 370.4 Means and ends of education. McClurg. 1903. 370 Things of the mind. McClurg. 1903. 370 Spencer, Herbert. Education, intellectual, moral, and physical. Appleton. 1900. 370 Strayer, G. D. City school expenditures; the variability and interrelation of the principal items. 1906. (Teachers' col- lege, Columbia University. Contributions to education, no. 5.) R370 Suzzallo, Henry. The rise of local school supervision in Massa- chusetts. 1906. (Teachers' college, Columbia University. Contributions to education, v. 1, no. 3.) R370 Bibliography of works consulted, p. 150-54. 10 Thwing, C. F. College training and the business man Apple- ton. 1904. 378 A history of higher education in America Apple- ton. 1906. 378 If I were a college student. Crowell. 1902. 170 U. S. Bureau of Education. -Annual reports, v. 1-4 6-date* 1870-73 1875-date. Walker, F. A. Discussions in education. Holt. 1899. 370.4 Author discusses technical and manual education in both the public school and the college. Warner, Francis. The study of children and their school train- ing. Macmillan. 1899. 612 White, E. E. The elements of pedagogy. American Book Co. c!886. 371 School management. American Book Co. c!893. 371 Wilson, Mrs. E. C. (Handy). Pedagogues and parents. Holt. 1904. 370 Youmans, E. L., editor. The culture demanded by modern life; a series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scien- tific education. Appleton. 1895. 370.4 Educational Psychology Baldwin, J. M. Mental development in the child and the race; methods and processes. Macmillan. 1900. 150 Social and ethical interpretations in mental devel- opment. A study in social psychology. Macmillan. 1902. 150 The story of the mind. Appleton. 1904. 150 Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary psychology and education. Apple- ton. 1899. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 6.) 150 Psychology applied to the art of teaching. Apple- ton. 1898. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 19.) 150 Bosanquet, Bernard. Psychology of the moral self. Macmillan. 1904. 150 Bibliography, p. 129. Com pay re, Gabriel. Development of the child in later infancy; being part 2 of "The intellectual and moral development of the child." Appleton. 1902. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 53.) 150 The intellectual and moral development of the child. Part 1. Appleton. 1901. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 35.) 150 11 Hall, G. 8. Adolescence; its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion, and education. 2v. Appleton. 1905. 150 Youth; its education, regimen, and hygiene. Ap- pleton. 1907. 150 Condensed from the author's "Adolescence" published in 1904. Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of education. Appleton. 1898. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 37.) 150 Henderson, C. H. The children of good fortune; an essay in morals. Hough ton. 1905. 170 James, William. The principles of psychology. 2v. Holt. 1890. (American science series, advanced course.) 150 Talks to teachers on psychology. Holt. 1906. (C1899.) 150 Psychology applied to teaching. One of the older standard books for teachers. King, H. C. Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology. Macmillan. 1907. 150 King, Irving. The psychology of child development. University of Chicago Press. 1904. 150 Bibliography, p. 249-55. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Fundamentals of child study. Macmillan. 1907. 150 "Child study literature," p. xix-xxi. "Alphabetical list of books named in the suggestions of reading," p. 371-77. Lange, Karl. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy, edited by Charles DeGarmo. Heath. 1902. 150 MacCunn, John. The making of character. Macmillan. 1900. 170 Morgan, C. L. Psychology for teachers. Scribner. 1898. 150 Oppenheim, Nathan. The development of the child. Macmillan. 1899. 150 Perez, Bernard. First three years of childhood. Bardeen. 1894. 150 Preyer, Wilhelm. Mental development in the child, translated from the German by H. W. Brown. Appleton. 1901. (Inter- national education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 24.) 150 The mind of the child, part 1. The senses and the will; observations concerning the mental development of the human being in the first years of life, translated from the . . . German by H. W. Brown. Appleton. 1895. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 7.) 150 The mind of the child, part 2. The development of the intellect; observations concerning the mental develop- ment of the human being in the first years of life, translated from the... German by H. W. Brown. Appleton. 1896. (In- ternational education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 9.) 150 12 Roark, R. N. Psychology in education. American Book Co. C1895. 150 Royce, Josiah. Outlines of psychology. Macmillan. 1904. 150 Shinn, M. G. The biography of a baby. Houghton. 1900. 150 Notes on the development of a child. University of California. 1893-99. (University of California studies, v. 1, nos. 1-4.) 150 Sully, James. Children's ways, being selections from the au- thor's "Studies of childhood", with some additional matter. Appleton. 1902. 150 Studies of childhood. Longmans. 1903. 150 Bibliography, p. 515-18. Tanner, A. E. The child; his thinking, feeling, and doing. Rand McNally. 1904. 150 Taylor, A. R. The study of the child; a brief treatise on the psychology of the child, with suggestions for teachers, stu- dents, and parents. Appleton. 1900. (International educa- tion series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 43.) 150 Thorndlke, E. L. Educational psychology. Lemcke & Buechner. 1903. (Library of psychology and scientific methods.) 150 Notes on child study. Macmillan. 1901. 150 Tracy, Frederick. The psychology of childhood. Heath. 1896. (Heath's pedagogical library.) 150 Kindergarten and Primary Grades Bee be, Katherine. The first school year; for primary workers. Werner. c!895. 372 "Appeared as a series of articles in The Kindergarten Magazine for 1894-95." Preface. Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. Houghton. c!905. 372 "Sources for the story-teller," p. 254-60. Comenius, J. A. The school of infancy; an essay on the educa- tion of youth during the first six years, edited by W. S. Mon- roe. Heath. 1896. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 27.) 372 Bibliography, p. 91. Froebel, F. W. A. Education by development, the second part of the "Pedagogics of the kindergarten", translated by Josephine Jarvis. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 44.) 372 The education of man, translated from the Ger- man and annotated by W. N. Hailmann. Appleton. 1897. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 5.) 372 13 Froebel, F. W. A. Mottoes and commentaries of Friedrich Froe- mother plays, translated by H. R. Eliot and edited by S. E. Blow. Appleton. 1904. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 31.) 372.2 Pedagogics of the kindergarten; or, His ideas con- cerning the play and playthings of the child, translated by Josephine Jarvis. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 30.) 372.2 Student's Froebel, adapted from "Die erzieh- ung der menschheit" by W. H. Herford. Heath. 1896. 372.2 Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child-nature from the kindergar- ten standpoint. Chicago Kindergarten College. 1895. 372.2 Contents: The body. The mind. The soul. Herbart, J. F. A B C of sense perception and minor pedagogical works, translated by W. J. Eckoff. Appleton. 1896. (Inter- national education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 36.) 372 Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. Ginn. c!907. 371.74 Divides the child's life into five periods and gives excellent sug- gestions for each period. Bibliography, p. 223-28. Keith, J. A. H. Elementary education, its problems and pro- cesses. Scott. 1906. 372 Kilpatrick, Van Evrie. Departmental teaching in elementary schools. Macmillan. 1908. 371.3 McGovern, A. E. Type lessons for primary teachers in the study of nature, literature, and art. Flanagan. c!905. 372 Contents: Introductory discussion. Fall nature study. Winter nature study. Spring nature study. Language through literature. Picture study. McMurry, L. B. Nature study lessons for primary grades. Mac- millan. 1905. 372 Montaigne, M. E. de. Education of children, selected, translated, and annotated by L. E. Rector. Appleton. 1899. (Interna- tional education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 46.) 372 Poulsson, Em i lie. In the child's world; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools, and homes. Illustrations by L. J. Bridgman. Bradley. 1899. 372 The same. J372 Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, Concerning education, extracts con- taining the principal elements of pedagogy found in the first three books . . . translated by Eleanor Worthington. Heath. 1891. 372 Sage, Elizabeth, and Coo ley, A. M. Occupations for little fingers; a manual for grade teachers, mothers, and settlement workers. Scribner. 1905. 372 14 Smith, N. A. The children of the future. Houghton. 1898. 372 Tyler, J. M. Growth and education. Houghton. 1907. 372 Bibliography, p. 271-91. Washburne, Mrs. M. F. Study of child life. American School of Home Economics. 1907. 372 Bibliography, p. 170-74. Wilson, L. N. Bibliography of child study. 1898-1901. 3 pts. Clark University Press. 1898-1901. R01 6.372 Special Branches Adams, C. K. Manual of historical literature, comprising de- scriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, together with practical suggestions as to meth- ods and courses of historical study. Harper. c!888. 016.9 The same. R016.9 Arnold, S. L. Reading; how to teach it. Silver, Burdett. c!899. 372.4 List of books "which have been tested and found helpful in the school room," p. 251-88. Bailey, L. H. The nature-study idea; being an interpretation of the new school movement to put the child in sympathy with nature. Doubleday. 1903. 507 Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics, free hand. Heath. 1902. 613.7 School gymnastics with light apparatus. Heath. 1901. 613.7 Berrigen, Edmund. Manual in reading. North-Western School Supply Co. 1906. 372.4 Bourne, H. E. The teaching of history and civics in the ele- mentary and the secondary school. Longmans. 1903. (Amer- ican teachers' series, ed. by J. E. Russell.) 371 Bibliography at the head of chapters. Breul, K. H. The teaching of modern foreign languages and the training of teachers. Cambridge University Press. 1906. 371.3 Bibliography, p. 102-14. Treats only of the teaching of German. Cajori, Florian. A history of elementary mathemetics with hints on methods of teaching. Macmillan. 1905. 510 Carpenter, G. R., Baker, F. T., and Scott, F. N. The teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. Long- mans. 1905. (American teachers' series, ed. by J. E. Rus- sell, v. 14.) 420.7 Contains bibliographies. 15 Chamberlain, A. H. Bibliography of the manual arts. Flanagan. 1902. R016.6 Compiler is "professor of education and principal of the Normal school of manual training-, domestic economy, and art, Throop Poly- technic Institute". Preface. Chahning, Edward, and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of Amer- ican history. Ginn. 1897. R973 pt. 1. Methods and materials. pt. 2. Topics and references in colonial history. pt. 3. Topics and references in United States history. Chubb, Percival. The teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. Macmillan. 1905. 372.4 Clark, S. H. How to teach reading in the public schools. Scott, Foresman & Co. 1908. 372.4 pt. 1. Criteria of vocal expression. pt. 2. Method of instruction, pt. 3. Literary interpretation. Good if not applied too literally. Colby, J. R. Literature and life in school. Houghton. 1906. 807 Bibliography, p. 180-220. Dopp, K. E. The place of industries in elementary education. University of Chicago Press. 1903. 372 "This work is an attempt to make clear that there is a closer relation than is usually recognized between the attitudes of the child and the serious activities in all ages." Introduction. Elliott, A. M., and others. Methods of teaching modern languages. Heath. 1896. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 17.) 407 Fling, F. M., and Caldwell, H. W. Studies in European and American history. Miller, Lincoln, Neb. 1897. 907 Reprinted from the Northwest Journal of Education. Freeman, E. A. Methods of historical study. Macmillan. 1886. 907 Lectures on methods of historical study in its broad sense. Frye, A. E. The child and nature; or, Geography teaching with sand modelling. Ginn. 1900. 372.2 Getchell, M. S. The study of medieval history by the library method for high schools. Ginn. 1898. R016.9 Good working list of references to medieval histories arranged chronologically under subjects, with a list of "Rulers of England, France. Germany, and the Holy Roman Empire". Gordy, W. F., and Twitchell, W. J. Pathfinder in American his- tory. Lee & Shepard. c!892. R973 Divides American history into minute periods and gives refer- ences to numerous histories under each period. Hall, G. S. How to teach reading and what to read in school. Heath. 1886. 372.4 Ham, C. H. Mind and hand; manual training the chief factor in education, being the third edition of "Manual training, the solution of social and industrial problems". American Book Co. c!900. 607 16 Hanus, P. H. Beginnings in industrial education and other edu- cational discussions. Houghton. 1908. 370.4 Harris, W. T. How to teach natural science in public schools. Bardeen. 1895. (School bulletin publications, School room classics xi.) 507 Hart, A. B. Source-book of American history. Macmillan. 1906. 973 Herrick, C. A. Meaning and practice of commercial education. Macmillan. 1904. 650.7 Select bibliography, p. 350-70. Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 25.) 907 Teaching the language-arts; speech, reading, com- position... Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 34.) 372.6 Bibliography, p. 203-05. Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. Ginn. 1902. 507 Holton, M. A., and Rollins, A. F. Industrial work for public schools ... with 80 illustrations in half-tone. Rand McNally. 1904. J372 Bibliography, p. 131-32. Howe, E. G. Advanced elementary science; being part 2 of Systematic science teaching. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 48.) 507 Systematic science teaching; a manual of induc- tive elementary work for all instructors. Appleton. 1897. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 27.) 372 Huey, E. B. The psychology and pedagogy of reading. Macmil- lan. 1908. 372.4 Kenyon, W. J. First years in handicraft. Baker & Taylor. 1901. 371.4 Contains full instructions as to materials, tools, and practice. King, C. F. Methods and aids in geography, for the use of teach- ers and normal schools. Lee & Shepard. 1905. 910.7 "One thousand books on geography," p. 456-507. Lalng, M. E. Reading; a manual for teachers. Heath. 1905. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 37.) 372.4 "Discusses the psychology underlying the reading process and illustrates the discussions with examples drawn from practical teaching work." Preface. Langlois, C. V., and Seignobos, M. J. C. Introduction to the study of history, translated by G. G. Berry. Holt. 1903. 907 17 MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the elementary school. Uni- versity of Chicago Press. 1908. 372.4 Wonderfully helpful. Mace, W. H. Method in history for teachers and students. Ginn. 1898. 907 Emphasizes the idea of teaching- history by cause and effect and by showing the spirit of the times. McMurry, C. A. Special method in elementary science for the common school. Macmillan. 1904. 507 Bibliography, p. 252-75. Special method in history; a complete outline of a course of study~ in history for the grades below the high school. Macmillan. 1908. 907 "List of books," p. 271-91. Special method in primary reading and oral work with stories. Macmillan. 1907. 372.4 "List of choice reading matter for the grades," p. 192-98. Special method in the reading of complete English classics in the grades of the common school. Macmillan. 1905. 372.4 List of books suggested for use in grades, p. 216-46. Marenholtz-Bulow, B. M. von. Handwork and head work; their relation to one another and the reform of education accord- ing to the principles of Froebel, translated by A. M. Christie. Sonnenschein. n.d. 372 Munsterberg, Hugo. The principles of art education; a philo- sophical, aesthetical, and psychological discussion of art edu- cation. Prang Educational Co. 1905. 707 Parker, F. W. How to study geography. Appleton. 1899. (In- ternational education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 10.) 372.8 Person, H. S. Industrial education; a system of training for men entering upon trade and commerce. Houghton. 1907. 371.4 Being the Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essay. Redway, J. W. The new basis of geography; a manual for the preparation of the teacher. Macmillan. 1905. (Teachers' professional library, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 910.7 Bibliography, p. 227-29. Rice, E. J. Course of study in history and literature, with sug- gestions and directions. Flanagan. 1898. 371 Outline of a course in history and literature arranged for each of the eight grammar grades. Rouillion, L. Economics of manual training. Derry. 1905. 371.4 Salomon, Otto, and others. Teachers' handbook of Slojd as prac- ticed and taught at Naas. Silver, Burdett. 1898. 371.42 18 Sherman, E. B., and Reed, A. A. Essentials of teaching reading. University Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb. 1906. 372.4 TJie same. R372.4 Smith, D. E. The teaching of elementary mathematics. Macmil- lan. 1905. (Teachers' professional library, ed. by N. M. Butler.) 510 Stubbs, William. Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects. Clarendon Press. 1900. 907 Tadd, J. L. New methods in education. Orange Judd. 1901. 371.4 Work on manual training with many illustrations. U. S. Bureau of Education. Education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States, parts 1-4, by Isaac Edwards Clarke. 1898. U. S. Bureau of Labor. Eighth annual report, 1892. Industrial education. Seventeenth annual report, 1902. Trade and tech- nical education. Ware, Fabian. Educational foundations of trade and industry. Appleton. 1901. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 54.) 370 Wheeler, C. G. Woodworking for beginners; a manual for ama- teurs. Putnam. 1900. J694 Williams, M. E., and Fisher, K. R. Elements of the theory and practice of cookery; a textbook of household science for use in schools. Macmillan. 1908. 641 List of publications referred to, p. xiii-xv. Wilson, L. L. W. Domestic science in grammar grades; a reader. Macmillan. 1900. J640 Nature study in the elementary schools; a manual for teachers. Macmillan. 1898. J500 History of Education Boone, R. G. Education in the United States; its history from the earliest settlements. Appleton. 1900. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 11.) 370.973 Short bibliography at end of each chapter. Butler, N. M., editor. Education in the United States; a series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris exposition, 1900. 2v. Lyon. 1900. R370.9 Chamberlain, W. I. Education in India. Macmillan. 1899. (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychol- ogy, and education, v. 7, no. 3.) 370.954 Of this monograph of 106 pages, 24 are devoted to an introduc- tion on the civilization and indigenous education of India, the re- maining pages to education under British rule. Bibliography, 1 p. 19 Compayre, Gabriel. History of pedagogy, translated by W. H. Payne. Heath. 1899. (Heath's pedagogical library, v. 1.) 370.9 Cubberley, E. P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of educa- tion, with selected bibliographies. Ed. 2. Macmillan. 1904. (C1902.) R370.9 Davidson, Thomas. The education of the Greek people and its influence on civilization. Appleton. 1903. 370.9 A history of education. Scribner. 1900. 370.9 Bibliography, p. 277-82. Dutton, S. T., and Snedden, David. The administration of public education in the United States. Macmillan. 1908. 370.9 Bibliography at end of each chapter. Lexis* W. H. A general view of the history and organization of public education in the German empire; translated from the German. . .by G. J. Tamson. Asher, Berlin. 1904. 379.43 From "Das unterrichtswesen im Deutschen reich", Berlin, 1904, comp. by W. Lexis and others for the St. Louis exposition... Is- sued only in English. Prefatory note. Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. Harper. 1901. 370.938 Monroe, Paul. Source book of the history of education for the Greek and Roman period. Macmillan. 1906. 370.9 Textbook in the history of education. Macmillan. 1906. 370.9 One of the best one-volume histories of education. Parsons, J. R. Prussian schools through American eyes. Bar- deen. 1891. 372.943 "Prepared at the request of .. .Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion for the State of New York, and appears in his thirty-second an- nual report, transmitted to the Legislature Jan. 6, 1891." Preface. Sonnenschein, Adolf. Educational codes of foreign countries, being standards prescribed by the Australian (South), Aus- trian, Belgian, German, Italian, and Swiss governments. Ed. 2. Sonnenschein. 1888. 372.9 Wilkins, A. S. Roman education. Cambridge University Press. 1905. 370.937 Manners and customs as well as education. Biography Bardeen, C. W. A dictionary of educational biography. Bar- deen. 1901. R-B.3 Gives short sketch and portrait of most of the great educators from 1000 B. C. to 1901 A. D. Arrangement chronological with a comprehensive index. Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. Scribner. 1903. (The great educators, ed. by N. M. Butler.) B-F923B 20 Duncan, David. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer. 2v. Ap- pleton. 1908. B-8p34D List of Herbert Spencer's writings, v. 2, p. 366-81. Elliott, Mrs. M. H., and Hall, Mrs. F. M. H. Laura Bridgman, Dr. Howe's famous pupil, and what he taught her. . .with illus- trations from drawings by John Elliott. Little. 1903. B-B7664H ''Bibliography of Laura Bridgman and the blind deaf-mutes of her time," p. 383-84. Fiske, John. Edward Livingston Youmans, interpreter of science for the people. Appleton. 1894. B-Y847F Includes his "Mental discipline in education". Fitch, Sir J. G. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influ- ence on English education. Scribner. 1897. B.3 Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. Scribner. 1900. (The great educators, ed. by N. M. Butler.) B-M313H Holman, Henry. Pestalozzi; an account of his life and work. Longmans. 1908. B-P437H Keller, H. A. The story of my life. Doubleday. 1903. B-K285 TJ\e same. JB-K285 Parkin, G. R. Edward Thring, headmaster of Uppingham school; life, diary, and letters. Macmillan. 1904. B-T415P Quick, R. H. Life and remains of the Rev. R. H. Quick. Mac- millan. 1899. B-Q4S Royce, Josiah. Herbert Spencer, an estimate and review. Fox. 1904. B-8p34R Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. Ward. 1890. B-Ar6515S Periodicals Current numbers in periodical room; bound volumes in reference department. Education; a monthly magazine devoted to the science, art, philosophy, and literature of education. Library has v. 1 date. 1880 date. Educational Review; monthly. Library has v. 1 date. 1891 date. Elementary School Teacher; monthly. Library has v. 5 date. 1904 date. Journal of Education; weekly (Boston). Library has v. 45-50, 53-54, 57 date. 1897-99, 1901, 1903 date. Kindergarten-Primary Magazine; monthly. Library has v. 14 date. 1901 date. v. 4-19 called Kindergarten Magazine. Kindergarten Review; monthly. Library has v. 11, 17 date. 1901, 1906 date. Northwest Journal of Education; monthly. Library has v. 11, 13-14, 17 date. 1899, 1901-03, 1905 date. Pedagogical Seminary; a quarterly international record of edu- cational literature, institutions, and progress. Library has v. 8 date. 1901 date. Popular Educator; monthly. Library has v. 19 date. 1901 date. Primary Education; a monthly journal for primary teachers. Library has v. 9-10, 12 date. 1901-02, 1904 date. School Review; a [monthly] journal of secondary education. Library has v. 6 date. 1898 date. Publications of the Library Sent free of charge on application to the library, Annual reports. 5th-9th, 13th-19th. 1895-1899, 1903-1909, The 1st, 2d and 3d reports were published in "Seattle municipal reports" for 1891, 1892, and 1893; the 4th, 10th, llth, and 12th were never printed; the 5th, 6th, and 17th are out of print. Monthly bulletin, v. 1-4, 5-7. Nov.1896-Dec.1900, Jan.l905-Dec. 1907. None were published Jan.1901-Dec.1904; discontinued Dec. 1907. v.l, no.l, v.2, no. 5, v.3, nos.1-12, v.4, nos. 1, 2, and 6 are out of print, Proceedings at the opening of the Seattle Public Library build- ing, December 19, 1906. 32 p. Out of print. Periodicals currently received by the Seattle Public Library and by the Library of the University of Washington. Ed. 1. 1909. 30 p. Ed. 2. 1910. 31 p. Scheme of library service. 1909. 4 p. FINDING LISTS English prose fiction. 1903. 126 p. Natural science. 1905. 34 p. Useful arts. 1905. 45 p. Fine arts. 1908. 64 p. REFERENCE LISTS These lists have been compiled and printed to render easily accessible the material in this library on the various subjects. Subject list of Catholic books in the Seattle Public Library. January 1909. 45 p. Published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus, Seattle Council. Obtainable also at the library. Books relating to engraving. April 1909, 8 p. List of books about birds. July 1909. 11 p. Books of interest to Sunday-school workers. 1910. 16 p. Published by the King County Sunday-school Association. Ob- tainable also at the library. Municipal plans; a list of books and references to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. April 1910. 13 p. Pacific Northwest; a brief descriptive list of books, with sug- gested outline of study. May 1910. 12 p. In preparation: A list on municipal government. H 201847