P: o fe > i J K O fc H >N r g g o fc 2 h CO W i O o,a> . oo ob i ^ 6 a- ved 8 THE AMERICAN SCHOOL LIBRARY. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. " Knowledge it like the light of heaven : free, pure, pleasant, exhaustion. It invite* all to possession : it admits of no pre-emption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly." "Promote, as objects of primary importance, institu.ioni for the general diffusion of knotoUdge" Washington's Fartweli Addrest. NE W-YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, NO. 82 CLIFF-STREET. 1838. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. President : Honourable STKPHUN VAN RKNSSELAER. Vice-Presidents : His Excellency Gov.Marcy, Albany. H >n. Albert Gallatm, New York. Hon. Reuben H. Walworth, N. Y. Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, N. Y. Hon. Franklin Pierce, Francis Wayland, D.D., N. H. R.I. Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, N. .1. Hon. Samuel L. Southard, N. J. Hon. Robert C. Greer, Penn. Hon. Roger B. Taney, Md. Hon Windham Robertson, Va. Hon. William C. Rives, Va. General James Hamilton, 6. C. Hon. Henry Hitchcock, Ala. Hon. Alexander Porter, La. Hon. Felix Grundy, Tenn. Rt. Rev. Charles P. M'llvaine, Ohio. His Excellency (ov. Duncan, 111. Henry R, Schoolcraft, Esq., Mich, Board of Directors : His Ex. Gov. Everett, LL D, Mass. Hon. Dan. Webster, LL.D., Boston. James Milnor, D.D., New- York. His Excellency Gov. Dunlap, Me. Hon. Ruel Williams, Me. Hon. Horace Everett, Vt. Hon. Roger M. Sherman, Conn. Hon. Horace Binney, LL.D., Penn. Hon. James Hayard, Thomas Sewall, M D., Hon. William Gaston, Hon. John M. Berrien, Hon. Robert J. Walker, Hon. Thomas J. Lacy, Hon. Henry Clay, LL.D., John C. Young, D.D., Hon William Hendricks, Hon. Lewis F. Linn, Del. B.C. N. C. Geo. Miss. Ark. Ky. Ky. Ind. Mo. Alonzo Potter, D D., New- York. John Knox, D.D., Jacob Janeway, D.D., Rev. John A. Vaughan, Rev. Gorham D. Abbott, " Hon. Benj. F. Butler, LL.D., " Hon. Samuel T. Armstrong, Mass. Hon. Samuel Hubbard. LL.D., " Hon. John Sergeant, Pennsylvania. N. Y. Thomas M'Auley, D.D., New- York. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Thomas Dewitt, D.D., Rev. George Potts, Rev. John Proud fit, Prof. Benj. Silliman, LL.D., Conn. Peter G. Stuyvesant, Esq., Hugh Maxwell, Esq., Charles Butler, Esq., Hiram Ketchnn^, Esq., James Brown, Esq., Frederic A. Tracy, Esq Eleazer Lord, Esq., Thomas Cock, M D., John T. Gilchrist, Ksq., Samuel W. Setori, Esq., Isaac Collins, Esq., Pennsylvania. Executive Committee; JAMES BROWN, Esq., New- York, Chairman. Hon. Samuel Jones, Hon. Myndert Van Schaick, Hon. Heman Lincoln, Bradford Sunaner, Esq., N.Y. Mass. N.Y. David Graham, Esq.. Timothy R. Green, Esq., George S. Robbins, Esq., " Cornelius Baker, Esq., N. Y. John Griscom, LL.D., Anthony P. Halsey, Esq., " Robert Kelly, Esq., Isaac S. Loyd, Esq., Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Wharton, Esq., John Torrey, M.D., Med. Coll., N. Y. Alonzo Potter, D.D., U. Col., " Wilbur Fisk,D.D.,Wes.Uni., Conn, Rev. Jacob Abbott, Rev. Bela B. Edwards., Boston. Rev. Leonard Bacon, New-Haven. Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, Ohio. Charles Butler, Esq., New- York. Thomas Cock, M.D., New- York. Lewis C. Beck, N.Y. University, " William Cooper, Lye. Nat. Hist.,