MSI imm m M* / MtoM rmri THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID 7/y,^ V^/f>> ir&i Wl L ? ftt^^tf;. 1K^4^^ INDEX ENTOMOLOGICUS; OR, A COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, CONSISTING OF UPWARDS OF TWO THOUSAND ACCURATELY COLOURED FIGURES OF THE LEPIDOPTEKOUS INSECTS GREAT BRITAIN. BY W. WOOD, F.R.S. & L.S. AUTHOR OF ZOOGRAPHY, GENERAL CONCHOLOGY, INDEX TESTACEOLOG1CUS, LINNEAN GENERA OF INSECTS, ETC. A NEW AND REVISED EDITION, WITH SUPPLEMENT, CONTAINING FIGURES AND NOTICES OF NEARLY TWO HUNDRED NEWLY DISCOVERED SPECIES, SYNOPTIC LISTS, ETC. BY J. 0. WESTWOOD, F.L.S. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, ETC. LONDON: G. WILLIS, GREAT PIAZZA, COVENT GARDEN, 1854. N vJr > 61 PRE FAC E TO THE PRESENT EDITION A RE-ISSUE of this work being required, it has been thought advisable not to alter either the names or numbers employed to distinguish the various species in the former edition, to which constant reference has been already made in works published since its first appearance, and of which the change or transposition would lead to much confusion. But inasmuch as during that period the nomen- clature and classification both of the diurnal and nocturnal species have undergone a very strict revision, especially by Messrs. H. Doubleday and J. F. Stephens, in order to arrive at a fixed and uniform system of names employed both by English and Conti- nental Entomologists, and as this revision has rendered necessary an alteration in the names of a great number of species, it has been considered that it would be more useful to add such revised names, when necessary, beneath the names employed in the former edition ; such names being, in fact, those which ought to be adopted ; and being in all such cases enclosed within brackets. Thus, PL I. fig. 4. instead of representing the Papilio Chrysotheme, as stated in page 1, is that of a variety of Papilio Edusa. Wherever it has also been necessary to alter the modern generic names in the third column, the names substituted in lieu thereof are also enclosed within brackets. It is further purposed to add a certain number of Supplemental Plates, illustrating species discovered since the publication of the former edition, together with a synoptic list of the whole of the species, in order to show their distribution into families, and the position of the supplemental species, and of those whose generic classification has been modified. J. 0. W. PEE FAC E TO THE FIRST EDITION. OUE object in the present undertaking is to incorporate in one Volume octavo a Catalogue of all the known Insects of the order Lepidoptera inhabiting Great Britain ; illustrated throughout with figures, reduced, where necessary, to a small size, but with a degree of accuracy that will enable the Entomologist to fix at once upon any particular species he may wish to define. The utility of such an undertaking, if properly conducted, will be readily acknowledged, as we have no Work that figures even a quarter of the species known at present to inhabit this country. Any book, therefore, must become important to the Entomologist, that will comprise an accurate figure of every species of insect included in the order to which it belongs. It may be objected, that to combine so much in so small a space it may be necessary to reduce the figures till we lose the essential character. This, however, has by no means been the case. None of the insects have been reduced to less than an inch, and some hundreds are of the natural size. With reference to the Plates, it may not be improper to remark, that they have been entirely executed by the same artist (Mr. W. Wood, Jun.), whose accurate figures are already before the public in the Illustration of the Index Testaceologicus, or Catalogue of British and Foreign Shells, which comprises 2780 figures of distinct species. No pains have been spared to make the figures perfectly accu- rate ; and to accomplish this most essential purpose, recourse (where possible) has always been had to the Insect, which has been drawn VI PREFACE. by the graver immediately on the copper, without the intervention of any copy. The Systematic Catalogue of British Insects by Mr. Stephens has been the guide throughout the Work ; but where the generic names have been subsequently altered in the Illustrations of British Entomology, the alterations are constantly noticed in the third column. It was originally intended strictly to confine the Work to one figure only of each species ; nor was this plan departed from till after the first Plate was finished, and the second and third in progress. It was then observed that the great dissimilarity between the Male and Female of several species amongst the Butterflies, made it quite necessary to figure some of the latter. This has caused an unavoid- able confusion in the numbering of the second and third Plates ; but it is presumed that the benefit arising from the deviation will more than counterbalance the apparent defect. It must be observed, that where the Male and Female are both figured, the number is always repeated. Thus, in PL II. 40 a + the male ; 40 the female : again, PL II. 58 a + the male ; 58 PL III. the female. Each page of the Work (as in the Index Testaceologicus) is divided into columns. The first column contains the Linnsean names, to be found in the twelfth edition of the Sy sterna Natures : the names printed in Italics mark the species discovered since the time of Linmeus. The second column contains the English names. The third, the synonyms of British Authors, and the new genera as adopted by Mr. Stephens and others. The high numbers preceding each generic name in small capitals refer to the Systematic Catalogue of British Insects, (where the Lepidoptera begin with No. 5794,)* and the name to the species in the first column : Thus Gonepteryx Rhamni of Stephens is the Papilio Rhamni of Linnaeus ; the Colias Europome of Stephens is not a Linnsean species, being printed in Italics ; the Colias Hyale of Stephens is the Papilio Hyale of Linnaeus, and so on. The fourth column gives the Habitat of the Insect, and the time of the year when it may be found. As a guide to the comparative size of the different Insects, a * Where no such number precedes the name, the Insect has been discovered since the publication of the Catalogue in 1829. PREFACE. Vll mark or a letter of the Alphabet is added after the number engraved on the Plate. Thus a indicates an Insect an inch and a quarter wide ; a + an inch and a half ; a + an inch and three quarters ; b two inches ; c three inches, and so on : n denotes Insects of the natural size ; and m such as are magnified. For example : in PI I, fig. 1. is three inches and three quarters wide when expanded ; fig. 2. two inches and a half ; fig. 70. PI. III. is the natural size, and all in PL XLIII. are magnified. The great expense attending works on Natural History, where the subjects are accurately drawn and coloured, has in a considerable degree confined the sale to persons of opulence, and prevented that general access to figures which is so essential to the promotion of the science. In the present Work this objection is removed, since the figures, (excepting those on royal paper,) though drawn and coloured with the greatest possible care, do not exceed one penny each ! It now only remains for us gratefully to acknowledge the ready assistance we have received from several scientific gentlemen, and most especially from J. F. Stephens, Esq., to whom we cannot suffi- ciently express our thanks for his unwearied assistance throughout the Work, and for the liberal manner in which he placed his invaluable Collection at our service, notwithstanding the risk of injury occa- sioned by the removal of the different Insects from Camberwell to London. To the kindness of J. G. Children, Esq., of the British Museum, we are much indebted, not only for a ready access to his Collection, but also for permission to refer to his valuable Entomological Library. To John Curtis, Esq., we are also greatly indebted for permission to make drawings from any of his rare and beautiful specimens we might require, and occasionally to use his most elegant work on the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland. We have sincerely to thank Messrs. Bentley and Chant for the loan of many very fine specimens of the British Lepidoptera from their valuable Cabinets ; and our acknowledgments are also due to Edward Newman, Esq., for the use of some of the very rare British species. Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. ABBREVIATIONS. A. Albin's Natural History of English Insects. C. Curtis's British Entomology. D. Donovan's Natural History of British Insects. H. Harris's Aurelian, or Natural History of English Insects ; namely, Moths and Butterflies. L. Lewin's Papilios of Great Britain. St. Stephens's Illustrations of British Entomology : Haustellata. W. Wilkes's English Moths and Butterflies. EEEATA AND ADDENDA. Page 2, No. 15. The specific name of Leptosia Lathyri was first proposed by Hiibner in his Verzeicbniss for the misnamed Papilio Sinapis, Linn. The insect called by the former name by modern French writers, is a distinct species. 11, Nos. 2, 3, and 4, according 1 to a note received from Mr. Henry Doubleday, belong- to Anthrocera Trifolii. The true A. Lonicerse, distinguished by its long-, slender antennse, and very narrow border to the posterior wings, is not figured. In this species the spots are seldom, if ever, confluent ; whereas, in A. Trifolii, the great majority of the specimens have them so, more or less. Whilst this Edition has been going through the press, a very distinct species, A. Minos, has been taken plentifully in Galway. 12. Reverse the numbers of Smerinthus Populi, (which should be fig. 9); and Tilise, which should be fig. 8. 22, No. 49, after Castrensis, add, M. & F. 27, No. 81. Mr. Henry Doubleday informs me this is Psyche intermediella of Bruand. Nos. 82, 83, 84, and 85. According to the same gentleman, these figures appear to be one species, Ps. pulla, of Esper, P. pullella, of Bruand's Monograph. The female of this species is vermiform, and widely differs from the same sex of intermediella, which has perfect legs and antennse. The small size and indistinct characters cf these four figures render their specific determination impossible. 31, No. 111. This figure represents a variety of Triphsena orbona, No. 110. The true sub- sequa, which is found in the New Forest, is very distinct, and has never been figured in this country. 32, No. 119. This represents the type of Lytaea agathina, and fig. 1661, (PI. 52), a variety of it. 34, No. 134. This is the female of Agrotis puta. 36, No. 149. Agrotis subgothica, according to Mr. Henry Doubleday, is an American species. 37, No. 155. This is a variety of sp. 156, according to Mr. H. Doubleday. 42, No. 189. This is the male of Myth, lythargyria, and fig. 190, the female. No. 192, for quereus, read quercus. 43, No. 193. Mr. H. Doubleday considers this as a variety of the preceding, Meristis quercus. 44, No. 204. Mr. H. Doubleday considers this to be a variety of Caradr. cubicularis, 45, No. 211. This, according to Mr. H. Doubleday, is the Orrh. spadicea, W. V., Hb., &c. (not our No. 210.) 48, No. 229. This figure represents the type of Xylophasia rurea, of which a variety is gi ven in fig. 230. Mr. H. Doubleday has reared both varieties from the same broods of larvse. No. 231, after Hepatica, dele the v. 61, No. 321. This figure, according to Mr. H. Doubleday, represents Acr. Rumicis, of which another figure is given in fig. 319. 66, No. 356, 357, 358. Mr. H. Doubleday considers these three figures as representing only one species, Non. lutosa, of Hiibner, of which a specimen from Mr. Curtis' cabinet is represented in fig. 1 668, (pi. 52.) The true N. cannae is represented in our Supplemental fig. 1712. 68, No. 373, for Gemini punctata, read Gemini puncta. 68, No. 375, is given under the name of Calamia Phragmitidis, bv Mr. Stephens, in Cat. Lep. Br. Mus. f. 138. 70, No. 889. This is the type and not a variety of Cucullia Gnaphalii, and add as a synonym, Cucullia Solidaginis, Steph. Trans. Ent. Soc. ii. pi. 3,f. 7. ^ Page 71, No. 398, add as a synonym, I. aureum, Engr. 74, No. 424. Add as a generic synonym of this imported species, Euphasia, Steph. Illustr. & Cat. Lep. Br. Mus. 75, No. 434, is the British Ophiusa Pastinum Treit. The true 0. lusoria, figured by Duponchel, as referred to in the text, is a native of continental Europe. 77, Nos. 444 and 446. Reverse these two numbers, No. 444 being Notha, and No. 446 the true Parthenias. ,, 78, 79. The incomplete females figured in pi. 18, having been much confused, we are indebted to Mr. H. Doubleday for the following notes concerning them. Fig. 459 n. is the female of progemmaria (fig. 461 a). Fig. 460 n. is the female of leucophearia (fig. 459 a.) Fig. 461 n. is the female of aescularia (fig. 460 a). Fig. 463 n. is the female of defoliaria, (fig. 464 a.} The true female of Aurantiaria has rudimentary wings, and closely resembles that of progemmaria. 89, No. 541. Represents the male of Aspilates gilvaria ; and f. 539, the female : see p. 252, No. 64. 91, No. 554. This is the typical salicata of Hiibner ; No. 555 being only a variety of ferrugata, No. 553, according to Mr. H. Doubleday. 106, No. 673, for Begranduria, read Begrandaria. ,, 108, No. 691, for flavicincta, read, flavicinctata. 112, No. 719 and 720. Reverse these two numbers , the variety of 718 being the figure 719, but numbered 720 in the text. ,, 144, No. 962, for nigromaculata, read nigromaculana. 155, No. 1057 and 1058, reverse the numbers of these two varieties of Peronea cristana. ,, 163 and 164, 3rd co\.for Argyrotosa, read Argyrotoza. 185, No. 1277 and 1278, reverse these two numbers. 189, No. 13Q6,for Elactrista read Elachista. 209, No. 1450. A variety of this species is given in fig. 1748. 244, No. 7 note, for Outhyiarazd Orithyia. ,, 255, No. 1689. This species belongs to the genus FUME A. 263, No. 1748. See also sp. 1450. Observe. The Systematic Catalogue of the Species at the end of the volume having, as stated, been compiled from Mr. Stephens's List of the British Museum Collection, does not contain the alterations required in the preceding list of Errata. CATALOGUE OF THE BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA FIGURED IN THIS WORK, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO ME. STEPHENS' LISTS OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM COLLECTION, [185052,] WITH THE SPECIES ADDED IN THE PRESENT EDITION, INSERTED IN THEIR PROPER PLACES. Sect. 1. RHOPALOCERA (DiTJRNA, Latr. PAPILIO, Linn.) Earn. 1. PAPILIONID^ PAPILIO Eig. Machaon 1 GrONEPTERYX Rhamni 2 COLIAS Edusa 5 var. Helice var. Chrysotheme, Sts. 4 Europome* 3 Hyale 6 APORIA Crataegi 16 PIERIS JBrassicse 7 var. Chariclea, Sts. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 var. Metra, Sts. Napi var. Sabellica3, Sts. Daplidi.ce EUCHLOE Cardamines LETJCOPHASIA sinapis (Lathyri, Hb.) Earn. 2. NYMPHALIDM ARGHE G-alathea 39 LASIOMMATA .^geria 36 Megsera 37 HlPPARCHIA Semele 38 Janira 41, m. Tithonus 40, m. ENODIA Hyperanthus 45 EEEBIA Ligea 42, m. fyf.& pi. 3, 8 43, &pl. 3, 7 44 Blandina Cassiope C(ENONTMPHA Davus 47 var. Polydama 46, m. $-/. Pamphilus 49, m. fy /. Hero 48 LlMENITIS Sibilla 35 (Camilla, Linn. E. &c.) APATURA Iris 34 CYNTHIA Cardui 33 . The Species the names of which are printed in Italics are doubtful Natives,' others in- serted above in the Supplement of doubtful Species, which have no real claim to be considered as British, are entirely omitted in this Catalog-ue. SESITD2E. VANESSA Atalanta lo Antiopa Polychloros Urtica3 C. album ARGYNNIS Paphia Aglaia Adippe Lathonia Selene Euphrosyne MELITJEA Cinxia Athalia Artemis Earn. 3. ERYCINID^. NEMEOBITTS Lucina Fam.4. LTCJENIDM THECLA Betulae Pruni W. album Quercus Rubi Spini 32 30 31 28 29 27 26 25, & pi. 3, 6 24, & pi. 3, 5 23 21, & pi. 3, 3 22, & pi. 3, 4 20, & pi. 3, 2 18, & pi. 3, 1 19 17 50 51, & pi. 3, 10 52, & pi. 3, 11 54 55 53 56 60. m. 57 Phljeas Yirgaurea3 Chryseis Hippothoe ? 58, m. pi. 2, /. pi. 3 Dispar 59. m. fyf. POLYOMMATTJS Argiolus 61 Alsus 62 Acis Arion 64. m. #/ Cory don 65 Adonis 66 Alexis 69, m. fyf. var. Icarius 38, m. $/. var. Eros 70, m. $/. (Argus, Sts.) 71 Agestis 72, & pi. 3, 9 Salmacis 73, m. fy /. & pi. 3, 12 Artaxerxes 74, & pi. 3, 13 Earn. 5. HESPERIIDJE. PYRGTJS Alveolus NISONIADES 75 76 77 79 78 80 81 82 CYCLOPIDES Paniscus PAMPHILA Action Linea Sylvanus Comma Bucephalus Sect. 2. HETEBOCERA. Sub. Sect. 1. CREPUSCTJLAEIA (SPHINX, Linn.) Earn. 1. ANTHROCER1DM. PROCRIS Statices Globularise p. 153, 19 ANTHROCERA Lonicerse 4 var. Meliloti Trifolii 3 Eilipendula? var. Hippocrepidis 6 Earn. 2. SPHINGID&. SMERINTHTIS Ocellatus 7 Populi TUiae 9 ACHERONTIA Atropos 10 SPHINX. Convolvuli 11 Ligustri Pinastri 13 DEILEPHILA Eupnorbia? 14 Galii ^ 15 Livornica 16 CHCEROCAMPA Celerio 17 Porcellus Elpenor 18 Nerii Earn. 3. SESIID^J. MACROGLOSSA Stellatarum 20 SESIA Euciformis Bombyliformis 22 TEOCHILIID^E BOHBYCID^. Earn. 4. TROCHILIID^. SPHECIA Apiformis 23 Bembeciformis 24 TEOCHILIUM (JEcKEEiA, Sts. Haust.) Vespiforme (Asiliformis) 25 Ichnemnoniforme 30 var. Philanthiforme 31 Chrysidiforme 26 Cynipiforme 29, m. fy f. Shsegiforme 27 Allantiforme 28 Tipuliforme 32 Myopseforme (Mutillaeforme) 33 var. Stomoxyforme 35 Culiciforme 36 Eormicaeforme 33 Sub. Sect. 2. NOCTUENA (PHAL^NA, Linn.} Earn. 1. HEPIALID^E. HEPIALUS Hectus 5, m. lupulinus 4, m. Humuli 1, m. fyf. Velleda 3, m. $ /. Velleda, var. (Garnus, Sts.) Sylvinus 6, m. fy f, ZEFZEEA .3sculi 8 PHEAGMAT^ICIA Newm. Arundinis. 1684 COSSTJS Ligniperda 7 Earn. 2. NOTODONTID^. PHALEEA bucepbala 2 CLOSTEEA reclusa 10 Anacboreta 11 curtula 12 CEEUEA bicuspis 1685 furcula 16 var. bicuspis, St. 14 var. integra, St, 15 bifida 20 var. arcuata, St. 17 var. latifascia 18 var. fuscinula, St. 19 vinula 21 var. Erminea, St. 22 STATJEOPUS Eagi 23 NOTODONTA Dromedarius ' 24 var. perfusca 25 Tritophus. 1686 Ziczac 26 PHJEOSIA dictaea 27 dicta3oides 28 LOPHOPTEEYX camelina 29 cucullina 30 Carmelita 31 PTEEOSTOMA palpina 32 PTILOPHOEA plumigera (variegata) 33 DEYMONIA cbaonia (E,oboris) 34 dodonea 35 GrLUPHISIA crenata. 1687 DlLOBA cseruleocepbala 13 PETASIA cassinea 36 PEEIDEA trepida (serrata) 37 ENDEOMIS versicolor 38 Earn. 3. BOMYBCID31. SATTJEJTIA Pavonia minor 39, m. fyf. LASTOCAMPA Eubi 40 Trifolii 41 var. Medicaginis 42 Quercus 43 var. Eoboris 44, m. fy f. EEIOGASTEE lanestris 47 P(ECILOCAMPA PopuH 43 TEICHIUEA cratasgi 45 ; m. fyf. CNETHOCAMPA Pityocampa 48 CLISIOCAMPA Castrensis 49 Neustria 50, m. */- PSYCHE ODENESTIS fusca 79 Potatoria 52, m. Iff. FUME A DEKDEOLIMUS margine-nigrella 1689 Pini 51 radiella & vars. 82, 83, 84 GrASTEOPACHA nitidella 81 Quercifolia 53 reticella 1690 Tarn. 4. ARCTIIDJE. pectinella 85 LYMANTEIA NUDAEIA monacha 55 mundana 86 HYPOGYMNA var. hemerobia 87 dispar 54, m. fr/ senex 88 DASYCHIEA HETEEOGENEA fascelina 56 asellus 89 pudibunda 57 LlMACODES DEMAS Testudo 90, $/. coryli 58 Fam. 5. LITHOSIID^. OEGYIA CALLIMOEPHA aritiqua 59, m. f/ Jacoba38D 91 gonostigma 60, m. f/ MlLTOCHEISTA LJSLIA miniata 92 csenosa 61 EULEPIA LETJCOMA graminica 93 Yau nigrum 2 cribrum 94 AECTTJEUS DEIOPEIA Sparshalii 63 pulchella 95 STILPFOTIA LITHOSIA salicis 64 aureola 96 ETJPEOCTIS helvola 98 Chrysorrhosa (auriflua) 66 flava 99 aurinua (chrysorrhoea) var. gilveola 97 65, m. / complanula (complana) 100 HTPEECOMPA lurideola doniimila 67 griseola 102 DlACEISIA var. plumbeolata 103 russula 68 muscerda 104 AECTIA complana (depressa) 101 caja vifiica 69 70 pygmseola (EincTis 1691 PAEASEMIA quadra 105, m. #/. Plantaginis 71 ATOLMIS PmiAGMATOBIA rubricollis 106 fuliginosa 72 CYBOSIA SPILOSOMA inesomella (eborina) 109 menthrastri 73 ENDEOSA Papyratia 75 irrorella 107 var. urticae 74 var. roscida 108 lubricepeda 76 Fam. 6. NOCTUID^. CTCNIA TEIPH-&NA mendica 77 m. & 78 / orbona 110 STEEEHOPTEEYX subsequa 111 nigricana 80 Pronuba 112 opacella 1638 var. innuba 113 NOCTUIDJE. interjecta 115 SP^LOTIS fimbria 114 cataleuca (renigera) 154 janthina 116 ravida (crassa) 157 THALPOPHILA texta 117 pyrophila distinguenda (latens) 156 155 SEGETIA augur 158 xanthographa 194 GrBAPHIPHOEA RTJSINA baja 163 ferruginea 125 brunnea 159 LYT^A festiva 165 umbrosa 118 Dahlii (erythrocephala) 164 agathina (leucographa) 119 var. caiidelisequa 160 CEEAPTEEYX rubi graminis 124 var. punicea 169 CHABJEAS rhornboidea (tristigma) 161 Cespitis var. confinis 120 121 ditrapezium triangulum 1693 162 lutulenta (fusca) 122 C. nigrum 166 JEthiops (nigra) 123 musiva 167 AGEOTIS depuncta pi. 54,45 Segetum 129 glareosa 205 corticea 127 plecta 168 valligera 132 CEEASTIS lunigera 126 leucographa 1694 suffusa 130 LYCOPHOTIA annexa 131 porphyrea 286 saucia 128 SEMIOPHOEA subgothica 149 gothica 170 obelisca (fern, pupillata) 137 PANOLIS aquilina 138 piniperda 287 var. hortorum 143 GL^IA Tritici 139 rubricosa 206 var. ocellina 140 OETHOSIA var. cuneigera 141 instabilis 171 var. lineolata 136 opima 1695 sagittifera 135 populeti (gracilis) 173 Cursoria var. intermedia 172 var. venosa 142 gracilis, "W. Y. BipgB var. sparsa, Steph. 175 var. fern, nebulosa 151 munda 174 nigricans 144 stabilis 177 var. fumosa 145 var. pallida 176 var. obeliscata 146 miniosa 178 var. ruris 147 cruda 179 var. dubia 148 var. pusilla 180 exclamationis 150, ? .$/ Lota 184 puta 133 macilenta (flavilinea) 185 var. radiola 134 neglecta 195 cinerea OPIGENA 152 congener, alpina (hyperborea, Z. ?) 1696 1697 fennica 1692 conflua (ruticilla, Sts.) 1698 CJENOPHILA ANTHOCELIS subrosea 153 litura 181 NOCTTJIDJE. pistacina 182 distigma 266 lunosa 183 var. oculea 267 DASTCAMPA var. I-niger 268 rubiginea 207 var. furca 271 OEEHODIA ophiogramma 272 vaccinii 209 MlANA var. spadicea 210 strigilis 274 var. polita 212 var. latruncula 275 ligula 1699 var. jEthiops 276 var. subnigra 211 furuncula (humeralis) 277 erythrocephala. 1700 var. terminalis 278 EUPSILIA var. rufuncula 279 satellitia 208 literosa 273 AMPHIPYEA fasciuncida 280 pyramidea 213 CEL^INA SCOTOPHILA Haworthii 284 Tragopoginis 214 var. lancea 284 var. Tetra 215 var. hibernica 285 TSJESIA. renigera 282 typica 216 HAMA DYPTEEYGIA basilinea 261 Pinastri 217 testacea 262 APOEOPHTLA Ypsilon 187 australis. 1701 connexa 1664 LITHOMOIA sordida (aliena) 260 Solidaganis 1667 furva 1702 XYLINA CEYMODES pulla 220 Templi 301 conspicillaris 218 ETJPLEXIA semibrunnea 221 lucipara 259 petrificata 222 MAMESTEA rhizolitha (lambda) 219 persicaria3 258 putris 223 Pisi 250 CALOCAMPA var. splendens 251 exoleta 226 oleracea 252 vetusta 224 suasa 253 XYLOPHASIA lithoxylea 225 Chenopodii nigricans albicolon 257 254 256 sublustris polyodon 227 238 Brassica? HADENA. 255 rurea arctica 264 var. combusta 230 satura 1703 hepatica var. (Epomidion) Scolopacina 229 231 232 assimilis adusta (var. satura St.) 1704 235 236 HYPPA thalassina 269 rectilinea 23 Genistae 270 HYDE^CIA contigua 238 leucostigma (fibrosa) 263 gemina (furva) 249 AJPAM^IA var. remissa 237 nictitans 264 dentina (plebeia) 240 Unanimis (aecalina) 265 var. leucostigma 241 KOCTUID^E. 7 glciuca 239 tridens 316 Protea (seladonia) 307 ACRONYCTA XYLOCAMPA Ligustri 313 lithorhiza 243 alni 314 NETJRIA strigosa 1667 Saponarise 246 auricoma 317 HELIOPHOBUS Menyanthidis 318 popularis 247 Eumicis 369 hispidus 1705 var. Euphrasise, St. 321 Dumerilii 1706 Salicis PACHETRA (Euphorbias, St.) 320 leucophaea 248 Euphorbias, Hb. 1708 DIANTHECIA megacephala 312 cucubali 244 APATELA capsincola 245 Aceris 311 perplexa (ochracea) albimacula 242 304 Leporina var. bradyporina 309 310 conspersa (compta) 294 BRIOPHILA EREMOBIA glandifera 312 ochroleuca 392 Perla 323 POLIA CERATOPACHA chi 308 fluctuosa 328 serena 306 duplaris 329 dysodea 305 diluta 330 flavicincta 302 Or 331 EUMICHTIS ocularis (octogesima) 332 Lichenea 1707 flavicornis 333 EUROIS ridens 334 advena 295 CLEOCERIS var. nitens 296 viminalis 338 tincta 298 EUGRAMMA occulta 303 Oo 339 nebulosa (bimaculosa) 297 IPTMORPHA herbida 299 subtusa 335 polymita 300 retusa 336 TRACHEA var. gracilis 337 atrip licis 289 COSMIA HAPALIA pyralina 342 praecox 288 diffinis 340 AGRIOPIS affinis 341 aprilina 293 EUPERIA VALERIA trapetzina 343 oleagina 290 fulvago 344 MlSELIA XANTHIA oxyacanthae ? bimaculosa 292 291 cerago (fulvago) var. gilvago 346 347 THYATIRA 326 flavago 345 Batis gilvago, "W. V. 1709 derasa 325 aurago 348 DlPHTERA citrago 350 orion 324 fimbriago 151 TRI^NA IODEA Psi 315 croceago 352 NOCTUIDJE. OBBONA rufina ferruginea (macilenta ATETHMIA centrago SCOLIOPTEEYX libatrix GOBTYNA micacea Petasitis MYTHIMNA turca conigera Lythargyria var. grisea MEEISTIS Quercus (trilinea) bilinea CAEADEINA blanda (superstes) var. ambigua var. redacta var. alsines var. implexa var. laevis Morpheus var. sepii Cubicularis exigua ACOSMETIA caliginosa var. lutescens arcuosa var. minima STILBIA anomala SENTA ulvse (sericea) flammea CCENOBIA rufa var. lineola fulva (fluxa) var. pygmina var. pallida var. neurica extrema Hellmanni neurica geminipuncta Cannae 1712 376 Typhse 355 St.) 186 crassicornis 357 var. pilicornis 556 349 LETJCANIA pudorina 374 327 impura 362 var. punctina 363 354 Comma 359 353 littoralis 360 .1710 obsoleta 361 straminea 188 pallens 365 191 var. arcuata 364 190 var. rufescens 366 189 var. suffusa 367 var. ochracea 368 192 CALAMIA 193 Phragmitidis 1716 , var. (musculosa, St.) 375 204 SlMTEA 196 venosa 395 157 OEIA 198 musculosa 412 199 PHLOGOPHOEA 200 meticulosa 380 201 CUCULLIA 202 Verbasci 378 203 Scrophulari93 377 1711 Lychnitis 1717 Asteris 379 430 429 Gnaphalii (Thapsipliaga) Absiuthii 389 387 433 Umbratica 381 281 var. Tanaceti 382 var. lucifuga 383 435 var, LactucsB 384 Chamomilla3 385 1439 var. fissina 386 1438 Artemisia 390 PEEIPHANES 431 Delphinii 388 432 CALOPHASIA Linaria3 391 369 ACTINOTIA 370 perspicillaris 249 371 ABEOSTOLA 372 Urtica3 394 1713 triplacea 393 1714 EUCHALCIA 1715 illustris 396 373 PLUSIA NOCTTJID^E GEOMETEIIXE. 9 Iota (percontationis) pulclirina (Iota) interrogationis 397 398 400 CATOCALA Fraxini 439 Nupta 440 Gramma 401 sponsa 441 chrysitis 402 promissa 442 orichalcea (aurichalcea) 405 var. conjuncta 443 bractea 406 BEEPHOS Festucaa 407 Parthenias 444 bimaculata 399 notha 446 aurifera 403 Puella 445 circumflexa 404 EUCLIDIA HELIOTHIS glyphica 447 marginata 408 mi 448 armigera 1718 peltigera 409 Fam. 7. GEOMETRID&. scutosa 1672 PSODOS dipsacea 410 trepidaria 449 ANAETA alpinata 450 myrtilli 411 SPEEANZA cordigera 1670 limbaria 452 melanopa 1719 brunneata 457 var. vidua 413 EUPISTEEA PANEMEEIA carbonaria, Linn. 1722 arbuti (heliaca) 414 carbonaria (atomaria var.) 455 ACONTIA FID ONI A luctuosa 415 atomaria 454 Solaris N 416 plumaria (ericetaria) 457 caloris 417 HALIA EMMELIA Wauaria 522 sulphuralis 419 BUPALTJS HYELA Piniarius m. $/. 453 uncana 420 MffiSIA Bankiana 421 favillacearia 458 EEOMENE ALSOPHILA ostrina 418 JEscularia, 460, m. fy f. TEOTHISA ANISOPTEEYX minuta (Haworthana) 423 leucophsearia, 459, m.fyf. EEASTEIA EEAKNIS venustula 422 progemmaria (capreolaria) fuscula 426 m. $/. 461 var. albidilinea 427 var. progemmaria 462 catena 424 aurantiaria (prosapiaria) apicosa 425 463 m. ty f. PEOTHYMIA defoliaria 464 m. fy f. senea 428 PHIGALIA OPHIUSA pilosaria 465, m. fy /. Pastinum (lusoria) 434 NYSSIA crassiuscula 436 hispidaria 466, m. fyf. fasciata 437 zonaria 1674, a. g n. OPHIODES BISTON lunaris 1720 hirtarius 469 MOEMO Betularius 468 maura 438 prodromarius 467 10 GEOMETEIDjE. HlMEEA TEPHEONIA pennaria 470 corticaria 1723 CEOCALLIS ALOIS elinguaria 471 roboraria 510 ODONTOPEEA consortaria 509 bidentata 472 Abietaria (sericearia) 508 ODOPTEEA repandata 504 alniaria pi. 54 / 58 var. destrigaria 505 Tiliaria 473 var. xnuraria 506 var. eanaria 474 var. conversaria 507 erosaria 476 rhomboidaria 511 var. ocliraria 475 var. consobrinaria 512 fuscantaria 485 var. fimbraria 513 angularia (quercinaria) 479 HEMEEOPHILA var. quercinaria 447 m.&f. abruptaria 514* var. Quercaria 478 m. Sff. BOAEMTA var. Carpiniaria 480 extersaria 520 lunaria 483 consonaria (tetragonaria) 515 var. delunaria 484 crepuscularia 517 var. sublunaria 486 var. consonaria 518 illustraria 487 var. strigularia 519 illunaria 481 Laricaria (abietaria) 516 var. Juliaria 482 punctularia 521 PERICALLTA CHAEISSA Svringaria 488 obfuscata 630 ANGEEONA GNOPHOS Prunaria 489 ' w./. pullata 628 OPISTOGEAPTIS var. serotinaria 629 Crataegata 490 obscurata 226 OUEAPTEETX var. dilucidaria 627 Sambucaria 491 ANAGOGE ElTDALIMIA pulveraria 523 margaritaria 492 CABEEA ELLOPIA pusaria 524 fasciaria 493 rotundaria 525 GEOMETEA exanthemata 526 Papilionaria 494 ALEUCIS JODIS pictaria 503 vernaria 495 EPHYEA PSEUDOTEEPNA omicronaria 527 Cythisaria 497 orbicularia 529 EUCHLOEIS pendularia 528 smaragdaria 496 porata 530 COMIBCENA punctaria 531 Bajularia 498 trilinearia 532 CLEOEA ocellaria pi. 54. 60 lichenaria 499 BEAD YE PETES viduaria 500 amataria 533 glabraria (teneraria) 501 subatomaria 1673 cinctaria 502 EPIONE PAEASCOTIA apiciaria 534 fuliginaria 456 GEOMETEID^E. 11 vespertaria 535 advenaria 536 dilectaria pi. 54. 59 PLAGODIS dolabraria 537 CLEOGEKE Le Peletieraria 1721 lutearia (tinctaria) pi. 54 f. 63 ASPILATES citraria 540 gilvaria 541 purpuraria 539 PEECONIA strigillaria (respersaria) 542 OETHOLITHA plumbaria 543 LOZOGEAMMA petraria 617 MESOGEAMMA lineolata 615 CELINA iinbutata 595 ANAITIS plagiata 596 pra3formata 597 EUBOLIA cervinata 544 mensuraria (chsenopodiaria) EUSEBIA bipunctaria EEINOBIA multistrigaria 548 VENUSIA Cambrica 1724 COEEMIA didymata 549 Salicata 555 var. latentaria 554 ferrugata 553 unidentaria 551 Ligustrata 552 fluctuata 559 montanata 558 olivata 557 Miaria 556 propugnata 560 munitata 550 ELEOTEA sagittata 1725 Chenopodiata (comitata) 589 Populata 590 545 547 Achatinata 593 var. testata 592 Pyraliata 594 marmorata 591 HAEPALYCE fulvata 561 ocellata 562 Galiata 562 var. unilobata 564 var. 4-ammlata 565 picata (biangulata) 570 Corylata 572 SHaceata 571 STEGANOLOPIIIA Prunata 581 LAMPEOPTEETX suffumata 582 var. piceata 583 badiata 584 AFTICLEA Berberata 585 rubidata 586 derivata 588 sirmata 587 APLOCEEA csesiata 690 flavicintata 691 CHLOEOCLYSTA miata 608 Psittacata 609 HYDEIOMENA impluviata 610 elutata 611 POLYPHASIA russata (centumnotata) 578 var. comma notata 577 var. saturata 579 var. perfuscata 580 var. concinnata 576 immanata 573 var. amoenata 574 var. marmorata 575 THEEA Juniperata 638 variata (coniferata) 687 simulata, Hb. (variata) 635 var. fulvata 636 firmaria (simulata, St.) 634 CHEIMATOBIA rupicapraria 641, a. & n. brumata 640, a. & n. boreata 1726 12 GEOMETBID^. OPOKABIA dilutata autumnaria filigramuiaria ACASJS viretata LOBOPHOBA polycommata lobulata fern, costsestrigata var. rupestrata hexapterata sexalisata EUPITHECIA Linariata pulchellata rectangulata var. nigro-sericeata var. sub&rata coronata debiliata pumilata rufifasciata pusillata, Hb. 639 1727 1728 646 642 643 644 645 647 648 1729 649 650 650 654 652 655 653 656 657 1730 Begrandaria (pusillata, St.) 673 plumbeolata 674 palustraria 1731 Callunaria 1732 subumbrata 664 subnotata (simpliciata) 672 Castigata (singulariata) 661 var. nebulata 662 albipunctata 663 subiasciata 665 austerata, (vulgata) 666 var. subfuscata 667 Sobrinata (Isevigata) 658 exiguata 659 abbreviata 660 innotata, Hb. 1763 lanceolaria 1733 tenuiata 1734 minutata (absinthiata) 669 var. innotata, St. 668 elongata 671 var. notata 670 indigata 1735 nanata (angustata) 680 piperata 678 centaureata 679 succenturiata 677 ultimaria 1736 cognata 676 subfulvata 675 irriguata (variegata) 681 Consignata 682 Venosata 683 PACHYCNEMIA Hippocastanaria 631 ETTCESTIA obliquata 633 spartiata 632 PHIBALAPTERYX tersata 612 vitalbata 613 lignata 614 polygrammata 1676 PLEMYEIA gemmata (fern, angustata) 616 lapidata (subrufata) 744 PHILEBEME Ehamnata 6] 8 vetulata 619 SCHIDAX Sparsaria 620 TBIPHOSA certata (cervinfita) 621 dubitata 622 var. cinereata 623 CAMPTO GRAMMA bilineata 624 CALOCALPE undulata 625 SlONA dealbata 598 GTPSOCHBOA niveata 1737 ABB AX AS Glossulariata 601 Pantaria 600 Ulmata 599 VEJSTILIA maculata 710 var. 4-maculata 711 COBYCIA punctata 689 taminata (bimaculata) 688 MELANIPPE hastata 602 MELAISTTHIA tristata 566 alchemillata (subtristata) 567 Eivata (sylvaticata) 568 amniculata (imangulata) 569 MESOLEUCA GEOMETEID^E PYEALID^E. 13 adustata 605 remutata (L. flos-lactata) 732 albicillata 603 var. lactata 731 procellata 604 caespitaria (immutaria) 721 rubiginata 606 fumata 731 var- plumb ata 607 immorata 1740 EMMELESIA STEENIA rivulata, w. v. (affinitata) 693 clathrata 709 var. turbaria 694 EUCHCECA hydrata (rivulata, St.) 695 heparata 708 decolorata 692 HYDEELIA albulata 698 sylvata 704 var. niveata 684 Blomeri 705 Blandiata 697 ASTHENA ? var. trigonata 699 luteata 707 ericetata 696 candidata 706 tseniata 700 NEMOEIA bifasciata 702 viridata 734 unifasciata 701 cloraria 735 COSMOEHOE THALEEA rusticata 703 a3stivaria (Thymiaria) 736 HYEIA putata 737 auroralis 685 TINAFDEA MINOA imitaria 738 euphorbiata 687 exemptaria (variegata) 739 ODEZIA emutaria 740 cna3rophyllata 686 MACAEIA LOMASPILIS notata 742 marginata 733 alternata 743 PTYCHOPODA liturata 745 reversata (dilutaria) 712 var. praaatomata 746 var. nmbriolata 713 unipunctata 747 var. cinereata 714 ANIA bisetata 716 emarginata 749 Scutulata (lividata) 715 limbata 748 ornata 717 ENNOMOS immutaria (incanata) 718 flexula 750 var. contiguaria 719, 720 virgularia 725 Fam. 8. PLATYPTERICID&. PLATYPTEEYX. EMMILTIS W W lacertinaria 751 rubricata 722 var. cultraria 752 ACIDALIA DEEPANA osseata 723 falcataria 753 marginepunctata obsoletaria 724 1738 sicula hamula 1741 754 perochraria (pallidaria) holosericearia 741 1739 var. uncula unguicula 755 756 subsericeata 726 CILIX inornata 727 compressa 757 degeneraria 719 Fam. 9. PYRALID&. aversata 728 HYPENA var. remutata, St. 729 proboscidalis 758 PYEALIDJE. rostralis 761 sambucalis 803 var. palpalis 760 EUREHYPAEA crassalis 762 urticata 805 obesalis 759 EBULEA MACEOCHILA Verbascalis (ochrealis) 820 cribralis 763 crocealis 824 POLYPOGON NASCIA barbalis 764 cilialis 821 PAEACOLAX UDEA tarsicrinalis 767 ferrugalis 822 nemoralis 766 var. fulvalis 823 derivalis 765 MECYNA COLOBOCHILA asinalis 808 Salicalis 769 NEMOPHILA ^ETHIA noctuella (hybridalis) 1476 emortualis 768 BOTYS SYNAPHA verticalis 810 angustalis . 770 perpendiculalis (centrostri- CLEDEOBIA galis) 811 albistrigalis 771 pandalis costsestrigalis 772 m. angustalis 815 undulalis 773 f. terminalis 816 bistrigalis 774 diversalis 807 HYPENODES hyalinalis 814 humidalis 1742 flavalis 819 GTLOSSA silacealis (glab rails) 817 pinginalis 775 lancealis 809 var. Streatfieldii 777 fuscalis 827 cuprealis dimidialis 776 pi. 54, 67 var. pulveralis var. fimbrialis 826 828 PYEALIS Terrealis 1743 farinalis 778 pallidalis 818 glaucinalis 780 EPICOESIA pictalis 779 cinctalis 812 HYPSOPYGIA SETOCHEOA costalis 781 palealis 813 marginatus pi. 54, 68 ElVULA AGEOTEEA sericealis 832 flammealis 782 MESOGEAPHE DOLYCHAETHEIA forficalis 806 punctalis (longipedali s) 825 EVEEGESTIS DlASEMIA margaritalis 831 literalis 798 PlONEA HYDEOCAMPA stramentalis 830 Potamogota 799 SPILODES Nymphaeata 800 sticticalis 834 Lemnata 801 SCOPULA PAEAPONYX a3tialis (institialis) 829 stratiotata 802 olivalis 835 DlAPHANIA Prunalis 836 lucernalis 804 alpinalis 833 PHYLCT^NIA CYN^EDA TOETRICIDJG. dentalis 837 1 EHODAEIA sanguinalis 1744 PTEAUSTA purpuralis 793 ostrinalis 795 punicealis 794 porphyrialis 796 cespitalis 791 t var. sordidalis 792 ENNYCHIA < cingulata 788 anguinalis 789 rufo-fascialis 790 ANANIA 787 8-inaculata 197 SlMAETHIS Di Fabriciana 783 pariana 784 var. lutosa 785 M angustana 786 var. punctosa 787 ] NOLA cristulalis (strigulalis) 838 (E strigula, w. v. (monachalis) 839 cuculatella 840 SA Fam. 10. TORTRICID&. HTLOPHILA prasinana 841 Quercana 842 EAEIS clorana 843 TOETEIX viridana 844 O2 palleana, Tr. 1764 ictericana (palleana) 846 viburnana 847 fern. Galiana 845 LoZOTjENIA Forsterana 848 Sorbiana 849 i Dumetana 1765 transitana (aceriana, St.) 869 Pi cinnamomeana 851 < heparana 850 Eibeana 852 var. Cerasana 854 var. Grossulariana 853 Corylana 855 unifasciana (croceana, St.) Piceana 856 1766 15 fulvana (oporana, St.) 860 m. Eosana, St. 861 Eoborana 864 fern. Branderiana, St. 862 Xylosteana 863 var. obliquana 865 Eosana (laivigana, St.) 857 var. nebulana 858 semialbana (Modeeriana, St.) 868 costaiia 866 Branderiana, Linn, (maurana, St.) 1033 subocellana 859 liustulana 867 Schreiberiana 875 CHELIA Grotiana 871 var. ochreana 872 IPHISA Gerningiana 876 prodromana, lib. (Walkerana) 877 'EA Pilleriana (luteolana) 1617 SAEEOTHEIPA Eevayana var. Afzelianus 1045 var. ramulanus 1046 var. Ilicanus 1044 var. Lathamianus 1042 var. dilutanus 1043 var. undulanus 1041 var. degenerarus 1040 OxiGEAPHA literana 1098 var. squamana 1099 var. irrorana 1100 var. tricolorana 1101 var. fulvomixtana 1102 Scotana 1767 scabrana 1097 Boscana (cerusana) 1096 E BONE A cristana 1060 var. albipunctana 1061 var. ruficostana 1062 var. subvittana 1059 var. profanana 1047 var. Desfontianana 1054 var. consimilana 1053 yar. albovittana 1056 16 TOETEICIDJB. var. fulvo cristana 1055 var. spadieeana 1052 var. substriana 1049 var. vittana 1051 var. fulvovittaua 1055 var. striana 1048 var. brunneana 1050 var. fulvo vittana 1057 var. cristalana 1058 Hastiana var. obsoletana 1074 var. radiana 1065 var. divisana 1064 var. ramostriana 1066 var. centrovittana 1067 var. albistriana 1069 var. combustana 1068 var. subcristana 1071 var. autumnana 1070 var. coronana 1072 var. Byringerana 1073 umbrana 1063 Maccana 1768 rufana var. albicostana 1079 var. bistriana 1078 var. similana 1080 var. Atomella 1181 Lipsiana 1769 favillaceana 1075 var. reticulana 1077 var. tristana 1076 Schalleriana 1085 var. rufana 1086 var. latifasciana 1081 comparana (costimaculana)1087 Caledoniana 1770 permutana 1771 variegana 1089 var. asperana 1088 var. borana 1090 tristana (trigonana) 1084 var. Logiana 1091 var. Boscana 1083 var. plumbana 1082 PAEAMESIA Shepherdana 1772 ferrugana (gnomana) 1093 var. tripunctulana 1094 var. bifidana 1095 aspersana (subtripunctu- lana) 1092 CHEIMATOPHTLA mixtana (castaneana) 1114 TEEAS caudana 1106 var. effractana 1104 var. emargana 1103 var. excavana 1104 DlCTYOPTEEYX eontaminana 1107 var. ciliana 1108 var. rhombana 1109 uliginosana 1773 Loeflingiana 1111 var. plumbana 1110 Eorskaliana 1112 CEOESIA Holmiana 874 Bergmanniana 1115 AEGTEOTOZA Conwayana 1117 var. HofFmanseggiana 1116 var. subaurantiana 1118 PTYCHOLOMA Lecheana 1034 var. obsoletana 1035 EOLIA ministrana 1 038 var. subfascianus 1039 BEACHYT(ENIA Semifasciana 885 Hartmanniana (scriptana) 884 ANTITHESIA corticana 886 Betulsetana 887 caprseana 1774 ochroleucana (tripunctana) 888 prselongana 1775 sororculana 1776 Cynosbatella (nubiferana) 896 Pruniana 890 var. pullana 891 dimidiana 1777 sauciana 1778 Grevillana 889 sellana, Hb. T./. 331 (pullana St. IU.) Gentianana 894 marginana 892 fern, oblongana 893 ustulana 912 PENTHINA Salicella 895 TORTRICID^E. 17 PARDIA tripunctana (Cynosbatella) 897 SPILONOTA Roborana (aquana) 898 Rosaocolana 1779 trimaculana 899 amsenana 1780 neglectana 1781 dealbana (sociana) 965 var. incarnana 966 var. Paykulliana 967 alnetana 1782 aceriana 1783 ocellana (comitana 1 ) 900 pauperana, II. S. (Paytiul- liana, Sts.) LlTHOGRAPHIA Paykulliana (fimbriana) 968 nisella (Pavonana) 941 var. rhombifasciaua 944 var. Boeberana 942 var. cuspid ana 943 var. stictana 945 cinerana 946 nigromaculana 962 var. albana 9 63 Campoliliana (subocellana) 971 var. asseclana 970 minutana 1784 trimaculana (Mitterbachi- 972 1785 947 949 939 1786 957 938 940 964 1787 ana excruciana Penkleriana (retusana) obtusana iiae vana (unipuiictana) geminana tetraquetrana var. angulana iininundana (triquetrana) Demarniana (nsevana) crenana ANCHYLOPERA ramella (harpana) Upupana Mitterbacheriaiia (subun- cana diminutana derasana (unculana) Lundana Myrtillana (Lyellana) var. de rasana, St. comptana biarcuana (cuspidana) 961 1788 948 955 950 951 959 960 1789 959 969 873 uncana 957 unguicella (fractifasciana) 953 siculana 954 BACTRA lanceolana (egenana) 990 var. pauperana 991 var. egestana 992 var. plagana 993 nigrovittana 1790 Dibeliana 1791 furfurana 1024 CARTELLA bilunana HYPERHECIA angustana (cruciana) DITULA angustiorana 879 var. rotundana 878 P(ECILOCHROMA profundana (Wellensiaiia) 80 var. Porphyrana 882 var. Aethiopana 883 var. nebulana 881 corticana (communana) 1029 ophthalmicana (maculana) 1032 oppressana 1792 occultana 1793 signatana 1794 Solandriana 1027 Brunnicnana (trapezana) 1028 m. ^ / var. funulana 956 stabilana 1795 picseana 1030 var. semifuscana 1031 HALONOTA bimaculana (Stra3miana) 903 Cirsiana 1796 scutulana m. Pflugiana 902 f. sticticana 906 novana 1797 Brunnichiana (rusticana) 904 var. quadrana 910 turbidana 1798 foeneUa 901 trigeininana 905 f. argyrana 908 Costipunctana 907 tetragonana 9 1 2 Populana 890 nigricostana 911 obscurana 914 18 TOETEICLD.E. ulmana (Hastiana, St.). 1132 SEMASIA Spiniana (Ephippiana) 929 Janthinana (Lediana) 934 rufiUana 1799 "Woeberana 977 COCCYX cosmophorana 1800 Strobilella 1801 splendidulana (fraternana) 915 argyrana (atro-margana) ,916 finitimana 1802 pygma3ana 1803 Hyrciniana (comitana) 1131 ustomaculana 958 nanana 1804 vacciniana 1805 HETJSIMEKE fimbriana 913 PAHPLTJSIA inonticolana (subsequana) 1021 alticolana 1806 BETIFIA Buoliana (gemmana) 1127 Pinicolana (Turionella,St.)1126 Turionella L. 1807 pinivorana (Besinellse, St.) 1130 Resinellce, L. sylvestrana 1808 CAEPOCAPSA. splendana 975 areolaiia 1679 grossana 9/6 Pomonella 974 aspidiscana 978 OPADIA funebrana 1809 EKDOPISA iiigricana 925 proximana EPHIPPIPHOEA Germarana (proximana) 926 puncticostana 927 Trauiriana 1810 regiana (Trauniana, St.) 930 nitidana 935 Weirana 1811 Lathyrana (Strobilella) 917 compositella 931 f. Gundiana 932 var. dorsana 933 internana 1812 perlepidana 983 Leplastriana 982 Hegeerana 1813 coniferana 1814 fissana 1815 dorsana 1816 DlCEORAMPHA Petiverella 919 var. lunulana 920 var. sequana 918 var. stelliferana 984 Sequana 1817 politana (sirapliciana) 921 alpinana(Jacquiniana) 922 var. strigana 923 simpliciana Catropurpuraua) 924 senectana 1818 acuminatana 1819 saturnana 1820 plumbagana 1821 ulicana 1822 consortana EUCELIS aurana 936 HEMEEOSIA Eheediella (Daldorfiana) 1119 GEAPHOLITHA Albersana (Ehediella, St.) 979 Ulicetana (lanceolana) 980 asseclana 1823 Juliana 1678 Hypericana 981 Wimmerana 1824 lacteana 1825 Seopoliana 988 Hohenwarthana (fulvana) 986 var. cana 987 ^Emulana 1826 csecimaculana 1827 expallidana 994 var. rufFana 989 pupillana 985 Hastiana 1132 THIODIA citrana 1828 SPHALEEOPTEEA ictericana 998 fern, longana 997 CNEPHASIA decolorana (conspersaiia, Dougl. Zool. iv. 1267) perterana 1829 TOllTEICID^E. 19 obsoletana (sinuana) 999 passivana 1830 subjectana (Logiana) 1002 virgaureana (interjectana) 1001 alternella (asinana) 1000 Perplexana 1831 sinuana (obsoletana) 1003 cretaceana 1832 octomaculana 1833 incanana, Sts. Cat. p. 101 Penziana 996 hybridana m. rectifasciana 1004 fern, aurifasciana 1005 nubilana 1006 m. perfuscana 1007 SYNDEHIS musculana (trifasciana) 870 PHTHEOCHEOA rugosana 1141 AEGYEOT^IISTA politana 1018 var. pulcliellana 1019 cognatana 1834 fuscociliana 1835 EEIOPSELA fractifasciana 1836 quadrana 1837 CAPUA ochraceana 1113 CLEPSIS rusticana 1838 ABLABIA pratana (quadripimctana) 995 TOKTEICODES hyemana (nubilea, St.) 1269 f. Tortricella 1268 AEGYEOPLOCE arbutella 1839 flavipunctana 1037 purpurana 1036 AEGYEOPTEEA Lathoniana 1120 OETHOTJSNIA Ericetana 1840 striana 1009 var. fasciolana 1010 antiquana (quadrimacu- lana) 1008 NOTOCELIA Udmanniana 1026 SIBERIA achatana (marmorana) 1025 SEIIIOOEIS conchana (undulana) 1014 Jlavo-fasciana, (fP. & H. B. M. 2. 99, f. 16.) herbana 1841 lacunana (micana, St.) ' 1016 var. obsoletana 1012 urticana 1011 alternana 1013 micana, Hb.(Haworthana) 1129 bistrigana 1123 fuligana 1020 latifasciana (aurofasciana) 1022 Dormoyana 1842 Euphorbiana 1843 bifasciana 1023 litoralis (dubitana) 1138 cespitana 1017 var. gramineana 1015 MIXODIA Schulziana (Bentleyana) 1128 palustrana 1844 tenerana 1845 EOXANA arcuana 973 LOBESIA reliquana (permixtana) 1137 CEEATA Servilleana 1846 simplana 1847 CHEOSIS tesserana . 1124 var. decimana 1125 Andouinana 1848 DAPSILIA rutilana 1849 AEGTEOLEPIA a3neana 1122 Schrebersiana 1850 Mussehliana, Tr., Sts. Cat. p. 79. Baumanniana 1154 badiana 1153 Cnicana 1851 Dubrisana 1148 var. marmoratana 1149 var. luteolana 1140 EUP(E CILIA atricapitana 1852 dubitana 1853 nana 1135 pygmoaana 1136 maculosana 1133 20 CRAMBIILE. sodaliana 1139 EURHODOPE Carduana 1S54 carnella ambiguella angustana 1288 1134 var. sanguinella PEMPELIA afimitana 1855 ornatella Yectisana 1856 dilutella griseana 1145 fern, obscura notulana 1857 hostilis rupicola 1146 fusca flaviciliana 1858 BetulsD B>oseana 1142 formosa var. subroseana 3143 Palmnbella subroseana (ruficiliana) 1144 ACEOBASIS ruficiliana 1859 consociella AEGYEIDIA var. fascia dipoltella (margaritana) LOZOPEEA 1121 tumidana var. advenella Francillana 1152 angustella dilucidana 1860 MTELOPHILA Smeathmanniana 1151 cribrum stramineana 1150 MTELOIS alternana 1147 suavella XANTHOSETIA Tl QVn QY1C1 marmorea advenella Ummttucl var. diversana 1158 Ceratoniella Zcegana var. ferrugana inopiana 1155 1156 1159 pinguis Arfcemesiella HOM(EOSOMA sinuella Fam. 11. CRAMBID^. nebulella nimbella ElJDOREA eluviella CembraB 1440 var. binsevella var. subfusca 1441 CRYPTOBLABES ambigualis 1442 bistriga pyralella 1443 GrYMNANCYLA var. tristrigella 1444 canella truncicolella 1745 EPHESTIA cratsegella 1746 elutella Portlandica 1747 var. rufa frequentella resinea 1449 1448 var. angusta semirufa murana 1447 PLODTA lineola 1446? interpunctella angustea 1748 HYPOCHALCIA alpina 1762 ahenella pallida 1445 AEAXES NEPHOPTEBYX Lotella Abietella 1472 var. miniosella Eoborella 1680 Farrella var. legatella 1682 ACHEOIA var. cristella 1681 grisella 1478 1479 1471 1453 1470 1467 1683 1473 1468 1474. 1464 1460 1459 1461 1749 1477 1463 1462 1465 1469 1466 1750 1475 1751 1752 1451 1452 1458 1753 1454 1455 1456 1457 1754 1483 1482 1481 1755 1483 CRAMBTDJE. 21 GULLERIA selasellus 1515 mellonella 1434 var. obtusellus 1516 APHOMIA tristellus 1512 sociella 1435, 1436 var. aquilellus 1518 MELISSOBLAPTES var. culmorum 1520 bipunctatus 1437 var. paleellus 1519 PLATYTES var. petrificellus 1517 cerussellus 1502 var. fuscelinellus 1521 var. pygmaea 1503 var. nigristriellus 1522 EROMENE furcatellus 1504 ocellea 1480 margaritellus 1505 CRAMBUS Pinetellus 1507 rorellus 1509 latistrius 1506 chrysonuchellus falsellus 1508 1510 perlellus var. dealbellus 1488 1489 tentaculellus 1490 var. arbustorum 1487 pratellus 1495 var. argyreus 1486 var. angustellus 1496 "Warringtonel lus 1485 var. Ericellus 1494 lithargyrellus 1759 Dumetellus 1493 SrTrmmmvm * Ericellus, Hb., W. & H. mucronellus 1760 M. ii. 116. f. 10. forficellus 1523 sylvellus 1756 var. fumeus 1524 hamellus 1491 var. caudellus 1528 pascuellus uliginosellus hortuellus 1492 1757 1497 gigantellus CHILD 1525 var. strigellus var. montanellus 1498 1499 phragmitellus fern, gigantellus 1526 1527 var. marginellus 1500 cicatricellus 1761 culmellus 1501 pedriolellus 1758 Pam. 12. TINJEIl inquinatellus geniculeus 1511 1513 The synopsis of this family is omitted for the reasons stated in p. aridellus 1514 169. CATALOGUE LEPIDOPTEKOUS INSECTS OF GEEAT BEITAIN, Section I. RHOPALOCERA (Butterflies.) (Genus PAPILIO Linnaeus.) I. PAPILIO. BUTTERFLY. Synonyms and Habitat, and t linn, names. Engl. names. ^ ^^ ^ ^^ 1 Machaon Swallow-tail W. t. 93. H. t. 36. D. 6, Fenny places. *. 211. L. t. 34. St. 1, Norfolk and p. 16. Cambridge- 5794 PAPILIO. shire. End of May. 2 Rhamni Brimstone W. t. 94. L.t.31. D.5, Woods and road- J.145. C.4,J.l73. St.l, sides. June to p. 8. Autumn. 5796 GONEPTERYX. 3 Europome Clouded Sul- St. 1, p. 10, 1. 1*,/. 1, 2, 3, Meadows, rare. [NotBri- phur 5797 COLIAS. [Alpine Europe.] tish] 4 ChrysotJie- Small Clouded St. 1, p. 11, t. 2*, /. 1, 2. Meadows in Nor- me Yellow 5799 COLIAS. folk. Sept. [Edusa, var.] 5 Edusa Clouded Yel- H. t. 29, /. n. m. L. t. 32. Meadows, &c., low D. 7, t. 238, /. 2. St. 1, near Ipswich p. 12. & 145. and Devonshire, 5800 COLIAS. &c. Middle of August. B PAPILIO. Linn, names. Engl. names. 6 Hyale Pale Clouded Yellow 7 Brassicae Large garden White 8 Chanclea Great White [Brassicse, var.] 9 Rapse Small White 10 Metro, Mr. Howard's [Rapse, White var.] 11 Napi Green-veined White 12 Sabellica Early green- . veined White 13 Daplidice Green-check- ered White 14 Cardami- Orange-tip nes 1 5 Sinapis White Wood [LEPTOSIA Lathyri Hub.] new genera. L.t.33. D.I, t.238,f. 1. C.M.242. St. I, p. 13. 5801 COLIAS. W.t. 96. L.t.25. D.13, t. 446. St. I, p. 15. 5802 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] A.t.l. St. I, p. 17, t.3*, / 1, 2. 5803 PONTIA. [PiERis.] A*. 51. JT.t.97. L.t.26. St. I, p. 18. 5804 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] St. 1, j9. 19. & App. 146. 5805 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] A. t. 52, /. d g. W. t. 98. . t. 27. D. 8, *. 280, /. 1. St. 1, p. 20. 5806 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] St. 1, j>. 22, *. 3*, /. 3, 4. 5808 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] L. t. 28. D. 6, t. 200. (7. 1, t. 48. Sf. 1, p. 2. 5809 PONTIA. [PIERIS.] W. t. 99. #. *. 32, /. f. i. L. t. 30. D. 5, t. 169. St. I, p. 23. & App. 147. 5810 PONTIA.[EUCHLOE.] H. t. 29, f. t u. L.t.29. D. 8, t. 280, f. 2. St. I, p. 24. & App. 147. 5811 LEUCOPHASIA. Habitat, and when found. Meadows on the S.E. coast, &c. August. Gardens. May to August. Meadows and gar- dens. April. Gardens. May to August. Gardens. End of March and April. Gardens, woods, and thickets. May to July. Gardens. April. Dover Cliffs. May and August. Woods and lanes. Suffolk and De- vonshire. End of May. Woods in Kent, Essex, &c. May to August. PAPILIO. Linn, names. 16 Cratsegi Black-veined White 17 Lucina Synonyms and new genera. A.t.2,f. 2, a d. W.t.95. H.t.9,f.gk. L.t.24. D. 13, .454. C. 8, .360. St. I, p. 27. 5812 PIERIS. [APORIA.] Duke of Bur- H. t. 27, /. n.o. L. t. 15. gundy Fritil- D. 7, *. 242, /. 2. C. 7, lary t. 316. St. 1, p. 29. & App. 147. 5815 NEMEOBIUS. 18 Aihalia. Heath, pearl- W. t. 112. H. t. 38, /. f. g. Underside, bordered L. 1. 1 4,/. 5,6. St.l,p.30. pi. 3, /. 1. likeness 5816 MELIT^A. 19 Artemis Greasy Fritil- W. Ml 4. H. t. 28, /. e i. lary L. t. 15. /&. 1, p. 32. 5819 MELIT^EA. 20 Cinxia, Glanville Fritil- W. 1. 1 1 1 . H. 1. 1 6, /. a f . Underside, lary L. 1. 14. D.I, t. 242, f. 1. ^Z. 3, /. 2. *. 1, p. 33. 5820 MELIT^A. 21 tfefewe. Small pearl- H. t. 31, /. i. k. L. t. 13. Underside, bordered Fri- St. 1, p. 34. pi. 3, /. 3. tillary 5823 MELIT^EA. [ARGYN- NIS.] 22 Euphrosy- Pearl-bordered H. t. 4.0, f. e. f. L. t. 13. ne. Fritillary D.ll, .312. C.8,*.386. Underside, St. l,p.35,& App. 1 47. pi. 3, /. 4. 5824 MELIT^A. [ARGYN- NIS.] 23 Lathonia Queen of Spain L. 1. 12. D. 3, *. 73. St. 1, Fritillary p. 36. 5825 ARGYNNIS. Habitat, and when found. New Forest, Hampshire, &c. June. Woods and hedges. Cam- bridgeshire, Suffolk, and Essex. May and June. Woods & heaths. End of May. Meadows in Suf- folk, &c. May. Isle of Wight, Dover. June. Heaths and woods. Essex and De- vonshire. May and June. Heaths and woods. Essex and- De- vonshire, &c. May. Woods. Cam- bridgeshire, Dover Cliffs, &c. June and July. PAPILIO. Linn, names. Engl. names. 24 Adippe. Underside, pi. 3, /. 5. 25 Aglaia. Underside, pi. 3, /. 6. 26 Paphia High Brown Fritillary Dark-green Fritillary Silver-washed Fritillary 27 C. Album Comma 28 Polychlo- ros 29 Urticae 30 lo 31 Antiopa Large Tortoise- shell Small Tortoise- shell Peacock Camberwell Beauty Synonyms and new genera. H. t. 21, f. a.d. L. t. 10. D. 13,*. 448. flU, p. 38. 5827 ARGYNNIS. W.t. 115. H.t.26.f.o.p. L.t.ll. D. 9, t. 302. fl*. 1, p. 39. 5828 ARGYNNIS. JT.*. 110. J7"..34,/.k u. L. t. 9. D. 7, t. 247. 5829 ARGYNNIS. A*. 54. JF.*. 109. H.t.l, /. a d. . *. 5. D. 6, *. 199. fl*. 1, p. 42. 5130 VANESSA. [GRAFT A.] A.t.55. IF.*. 108. L.t.2. D.8, *.278. fl*.l,p.42. 5831 VANESSA. A. t. 4,/.6. IF. *. 107. H. *.2,/.i n. Z.*.3. 7). 2, *. 55. fl*.j>.43.&148. 5832 VANESSA. -4. t. 4,/. 5. IF. *. 106. H. t. S,f. f k. L. t. 4. D. 6, *.206. fl*. 1,^.44. 5833 VANESSA. 32 Atalanta Red Admiral L.t.l. 1>.3,*.89. flU, ^.45. 5834 VANESSA. ^4. t. 3. TF. *. 105. H. t. 6, /.a h. . t. 7. D. 8, *. 260. St. 1, p. 46. 5835 VANESSA. Habitat, and when found. Woods in Suffolk, Essex, &c. July. Heaths, &c. Suf- folk, Essex, &c. Woods in Essex, &c. July. Gardens and thickets, Suf- folk. July and August. Roads and lanes. Essex, Suffolk. Gardens, hedges, &c. July to September. Woods, roadsides, &c. May to July. Woods in Surrey, on the oak ; also near Norwich. May. Woods, &c. Very common. June and July. PAPILIO. Linn. 33 Cardui 34 Iris 35 Camilla [SiUlla Fair.'] 36 JEgeria 37 Megasra Wall 38 Semele, M. and F. 39 Galathea 40 Tithonus, M. and F. 41 Janira, M. and F. Synonyms and mes. new genera. Painted Lady A. t. 56. W. t. 107, /. 1. H. II, f. a f. L.t.6. D.9,L292. St. 1, p. 47. 5836 CYNTHIA. Purple Emperor W. t. 120. H. t. 3, upp.fig. L.t.16. D.2,t.37. (7.8, t. 338. St. 1, p. 50. 5839 APATUEA. White Admiral H. t. 30, /. m. n. L. t. 8. Z>.8,*.244. C. 3, .124. St. 1, p. 52. 5841 LIMENITIS. Speckled Wood W. 1. 103. H. t. 41,/. f.f.K. L. t. 19. D, 14, t. 498. S*. 1,1?. 54.. 3843 HIPPARCHIA. [LA- SIOMMATA.] W. 1. 102. H. t. 27, f. a g. L. t. 21. D. 8, *. 279. St. 1, ^?. 55. 3845 HIPPARCHIA. [LA- SIOMMATA.] Grayling H. t. 44, /. d. e. L. t. 17. D. 8, t. 259. St. I, p. 56. 5848 HIPPARCHIA. [SA- TYRUS.] Marbled White TT.f.100. H.t. 11,/g k. Z. .28. D. 8,^.258. St. 1, p. 57. 5849 HIPPARCHIA. [ARGE Large Heath H. t. 44, /. f. g. L. t. 22. D. 12, t. 405. St. 1, j>. 58. 5850 HIPPARCHIA. [SA- TYRUS.] Meadow Brown A. t. 53, /. a e. W. t.101. ZT.*.32,/.a e. Z.J.I 8. Z>. 9, .320. &. 1,^.59. 5851 HIPPARCHIA. [$A- TYRUS.] Habitat, and when found. Fields and gar- dens. Middle- sex, &c. June and July. Woods : on the oak. Middle- sex, Essex, &c. July. New Forest, Hampshire ; woods in Sus- sex, &c. July. Woods and hedges. Suffolk, &c. April, June, August. Woods and road- sides. May, July, August. Heaths, &c. Suf- folk, Essex, Devonshire, &c. July. Moist woods. Essex, &c. July. ] Woods and com- mons. July. Woods and mea- dows. June. PAPILIO. Linn, names. Engl. names. 42 Ligea, Arran Argus M. and F. Underside, pi. 3, /. 8. 43 Blandina. Scotch Argus Underside, pi. 3, /. 7. 44 Cassiope Mountain Kinglet 45 Hyperan- Ringlet thus 46 Polydama, Scarce Heath M. and F. 47 Davus Small Ringlet 48 Hero Silver-bordered [Not Bri- Ringlet tish.] 49 Pamphilus, Small Heath M. and F. 50 Betulee Brown Hair- streak 51 Pruni. Dark Hair- Underside, streak pi. 3, /. 10. Synonyms and new genera. St. I, p. 61, t. 6,f. 1,2,3. 5852 HIPPARCHIA. [EREBIA.] D.l2,t.426. St. I, p. 62. 5853 HIPPARCHIA. [EREBIA.] St. I, p. 63, t. 8, /. 1,2,3. 5854 HJPPARCHIA. [EREBIA.] H. t. 35, f. f. h. L.t. 20. Z).8,*.27l. St. I, p. 60. 5856 HIPPARCHIA. [ENODIA.] St. I, p. 64, t. 7, f. 1,2. 5857 HIPPARCHIA. [CCENONYMPHA.] Z.*.23,/.5,6. D.7,t.lS6. St. 1, p. 67. 5858 HIPPARCHIA. [CCENONYMPHA.] C. 5, t. 205. St. 1, p. 68, & App. 149. 5859 HIPPARCHIA. [CCENONYMPHA.] H.t. 21,/.e h. L.t. 23, f. 3, 4. St. I, p. 69. 5861 HIPPARCHIA. [CCENONYMPHA.] 4.*. 5,/. 7. W.t. 117. #. *. 42, /. b. c. f. g. L. t. 42. D. 8, t. 250. 5862 THECLA. (7. 6, .264. #.2, p. 69, note 5862* THECLA. Habitat, and when found. Isle of Arran. July. Isle of Arran. June. Mountains. Cumberland. June. Woods. End of June. Marshes. York- shire. July. Marshes. July. Ashdown Forest. June and July. [? ?] Heaths, &c. De- vonshire, &c. June, Septem- ber. Woods. Suffolk, Devon, &c. August. Woods. Hunting- , donshire. June. PAPILIO. Linn, names. Engl. names. 52 W. album. Black Hair- Underside, streak pl.3,f.ll. 53 Spini Pale brown [Not Bri- Hair-streak tish.] 54 Quercus Purple Hair- streak 55 Rubi Green Hair- streak 56 Phlasas Common Cop- per 57 Chryseis Purple-edged Copper 58 Hippothoe, Dark under- M. pi. 2. winged F. pi. 3. Copper 59 Dispar, Large Copper M. and F. pi. 3. 60 Virgaurece, Scarce Copper M. and F. pi 3. 61 Argiolus Azure Blue Synonyms and new genera. L. t. 44. D. 13, t. 437. St. 2, p. 69. note. 5863 THECLA. St. 1, p. 78. 5864 THECLA. A*. 52, /.a c. W.t.116. H. t. 10, /. a-g. L. .43. D. 13,^.460. St. I. p. 76, & App. 149. 5865 THECLA. A.t.5,f.S. W.t. 118. H. t. 26, /. a. b. d. g. L. t. 44. D. 13, t. 443. 5866 THECLA. H. t. 34, /. p. L. t. 41. D. 13, t. 466. 5867 LYC^ENA. [CHRYSO- PHANUS.] St. 1, p. 80. 5868 LYOENA. [CHRYSO- PHANUS.] St. 1, p. 82. 5807 LYCJENA. [CHRYSO- PHANUS.] L.t.40. D.7,t.2l7. C.I, t. 12. *. 1, jt?. 81. 5869 LYC^ENA. [CHRYSO- PHANUS.] i.*.41,/l,2. Z>.5,*.173. ^. 1,^.83. 5871 LYC^ENA. [CHRYSO- PHANUS.] L.t.36,fA,5,6. D.14,*.481. 5872 POLYOMMATUS. Habitat, and when found. Gardens and hedges, rare. June. Norfolk [? ?] July. [South of Europe.] Tops of oaks. Essex, &c. July. Woods and hedges. June, August. Commons, road- sides, &c. April, June, and August. Marshes. Essex and Sussex. Autumn. [?] Marshes. Cam- bridgeshire. July. Marshes. Suffolk. July. Marshes. Isle of Ely. Meadows. Mid- dlesex,&c. May to August. 8 PAPILIO. Synonyms and Linn, names. Engl. names. new genera. 62 Alsus Small Blue L. t. 39, f. 3, 4. D. 9, t. 322. 149. 5873 POLYOMMATUS. 63 Ads Mazarine Blue L. t. 38, /. 6,7. St. I, p. 86, & App. 149. 5874 POLYOMMATUS. 64 Arion, Large Blue L. t. 37. D. 6, 1. 184. St. 1, M. and F. p. 87. pi. 3. 5875 POLYOMMATUS. 65 Cory don Chalk-hill Blue L. t. 36. D. 7, t. 236, /. 1. St. 1,4?. 88. 5877 POLYOMMATUS. 66 Adonis Clifden Blue L. t. 38, /. 1 -3. D. 4, t . 1 43, /. 1. St. 1,4?. 89. 5878 POLYOMMATUS. 67 Dorylas Light Blue St. 1, p. 90. [Adonis var.] 5879 POLYOMMATUS. 68 Icarius, Black-bordered St. 1,4?. 91. M. and F. Blue 5880 POLYOMMATUS. Habitat, and when found. Fields. Surrey, Kent, &c. May to July. Chalk soils. Kent. May to July. Commons. Kent, Surrey, &c. Chalk-pits near Dart ford, &c July. Dover Cliffs, and Chalky places. Kent. May to August. Hills in Wales. June and July. Kent. June. [Alexis var.] 69 Bite's, Common Blue W. tf. 119. M. and F. 70 Eros Pale Blue M. and F. pi. 3. '. t. 39, f. g. i. Pastures. Suffolk, L. t. 38. D. 4, t. 143. Devonshire, &c. St. I, p. 91. May to August. 5881 POLYOMMATUS. St. 1, ?. 93. 5882 POLYOMMATUS. Lanes. Surrey and Kent. July. 71 Argus Silver studded L.t.39,f.5-7. St.l,p.93. Fields and [JEgon W. Blue 5883 POLYOMMATU^ marshes. Suf- V.] folk. July. "fin 81 a \ f t'.VDJ'.R SIDES. 1(1 PAPILIO. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when found. 72 Agestis Brown Argus L. t. 39, /. 1, 2. D. 9, t. Chalky districts, Under- 322. /. 2. Kent, Surrey, side,/?/. 3. 5884 POLYOMMATUS. and other /. 9. Southern Counties. 73 Salmacis, Durham Argus St. 1, p. 94. Castle Eden M. and P. POLYOMMATUS. Dean, Durham, Underside, and near New- pi. 3./. 12. castle. [Probably a local va- riety of Agestis^] 74 Artax- Scotch Argus L. t. 39, /. 8,9. D. 16, t. Meadows. Scot- erxes. 541. St. 1, p. 95. land. June. Underside, 5885 POLYOMMATUS. pi. 3./. 13. 75 Alveolus Grizzled Hb., W. t. 104 ? H. t. 32, Heaths, &c. [MalvsB /. kn. L. t. 46, / 8,9. May and Au- pars, Linn. St. 1, ^. 97. gust. Boisduval, 5887 THYMELE. Curtis, &c.] [PYBQUS.] 76 Tages Dingy Skipper H. t. 34, / f. o. L, t. 45, Heaths, woods, /. 3, 4. St. 1, jo. 98. &c. Middle- 5889 THYMELE. sex, Suffolk, [NlSONIADES.] and Scotland, &c. May and August. 77 Paniscus Chequered D.8, *. 254, / 1. St. 1. p. Woody places. Skipper 160. End of May. 78 Linea Small Skipper 5891 PAMPHILA. [CYCLOPIDES.] H. t. 42, / 1. Z. *. 45,/. 5-7. D. 7, t. 236, /. 2. St. I, p. 101. 5893 PAMPHILA. C Margins of woods. July. 10 PAPILIO. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. HaUtat, and when found. Lulworth Skipper Esper, C. 10, t. 442. PAMPHILA. Dorsetshire. August. Linn, names. 79 Actceon 80 Sylvanus Large Skipper H. t. 42, /. h. L. t. 46, Woods. June f. 1-3. D. 8, t. 254,/. and July. 2. St. 1, p. 101. 5894 PAMPHILA. 81 Comma Pearl Skipper L. t. 45, / 1, 2. D. 9, 295. St. 1, . 102. 3895 PAMPHILA. 82 Bucepha- Large-headed lus. \_Vi- Skipper tellius Fabr. a North American insect.] St. 1, p. 102, 1. 10, /. 2. 5896 PAMPHILA. Chalky soils. Sussex, "Wilts, &c. August. Devonshire and Surrey. July. Section II. HETEROCERA (Moths.) Subsection I. CEEPTJSCTJLAEIA, Latr. Hawk Moths. (Genus SPHINX Linnaeus.) Linn, names. 1 Statices Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. Green Forester H. t. 34, /. a f. D. 6, t. 204, / 2. C. 9, t. 396. St. 1, p. 105. 5898 INO. [PEOCEIS, Fab.] 2 Meliloti \~Lonicerce. var.] 3 Trifolii Pale 5 -spot Burnet St. I, p. 107. 5900 ANTHEOCEEA. Broad-bordered St. 1, ^. 108. 5-spot Bur- 5902 ANTHEOCEEA, net 4 Loti 5-spot Burnet D. 9, t. 319. St. 1, p. 109. \Lonicerce.~] 5903 ANTHEOCEEA. 5 FilipendulaB 6-spotted Bur- JF. t. 91, upper fig. H. t. 1, net / e h. D. 1, t. 6. 6V. l,;p. 111. 5905 ANTHEOCEEA. 6 Hippocre- Narrow-bor- St. 1, p. 110. pidis [Fili- dered 6-spot 5904 ANTHEOCEEA. pendulae, v.] Burnet 7 Ocellatus Eyed Willow W. t. 24. A. t. 8. H. t. 5, /. a c. D. 8, t. 269. St. 1, p. 112. 5907 SMEEINTHTJS. Habitat^ and when found. Woods and mea- dows; Kensing- ton Gardens ; Essex, Hert- fordshire, &c. June. West Horsley Park, Surrey. June and July. 1 Middlesex, De- vonshire, near Newcastle, &c. June. Middlesex, Kent. June. Fields and mea- dows by wood- sides, in Middle- sex, Devon- shire, S. Wales, &c. June and July. Middlesex, Surrey, near Coombe Wood. June . Middlesex, in Bat- tersea-fields ; Essex, on Ep- ping Forest, &c. May and June. 12 SPHINX. Linn, names. 8 Populi Engl. names. Poplar 9 Tilia? Lime 10 Atropos Death's-head new genera. A. t. 57. W. i. 25. H. t. 33, / a-g. D. 7, t. 241. St. 1, |>. 112. 5908 SMERINTHUS. J. . 10. W. t. 23. JET. t. 20, / a g. D. 10, t. 325. S*. 1, p. 113. 5909 SMERINTHTJS. Habitat, and when found. Meadows in De- vonshire, Cam- bridgeshire, &c. June and July. Woods and mea- dows, Middle- sex, Essex, &c. May and June. A. t. 6. W. 1. 19. H. t. 37. Yorkshire, Cam- D.9,^.289. St.I,p.II4i. bridgeshire. 5910 ACHERONTIA. October. 11 Convolvuli Bind-weed 12 Ligustri Privet W. t. 20 & 21. H. t. 21, Kent, Sussex, a d. D. 7, t. 228 & Surrey. Middle 229. St. 1, p. 119. of September. 5913 SPHINX. A. t. 7. W. t. 22. H. t. 2,/ a h. D. 8, t. 248. St. I, p. 121. 5915 SPHINX. Hertfordshire, Cambridge- shire, &c. July. 13 Pinastri Pine 14 Euphorbise Spotted Ele- phant }5 Galii Gralium D. 9, t. 296. St. I, p. 121. Eivelston Wood, 5916 SPHINX. near Edinburgh; also near Colney Hatch Wood and Esher, Surrey. June. H. t. 44, /. a. c. 1}. 3, t. Sand-hills near 91 & 92. C. 1, t. 3. St. Barnstaple. I, p. 124. June. H. t. 44, / 6. (Cater* Middlesex, Corn- pillar). St. I, p. 125, wall and Devon. t. 12, f. 2. June. 5920 DEILEPHILA. SPHINX. 13 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. St. I, p. 126, t. 12, /.I. Lineata. 5921 DEILEPHILA. 16 Livornica Striped [Lineata, Eabr. Steph, IU.] 17 Celerio Sharp-winged D. 6, t. 6, 190 & 191. St. 1, p. 128. 5923 DEILEPHILA. [CHCEEOCAMPA.] 18 Elpenor Elephant A. t. 9. W. t. 26. H. t. 7, /. a h. D. 4, t. 122. St.l,p. 131. 5925 DEILEPHILA. [CHCEEOCAMPA.] 19 Porcellus Small Elephant W. t. 16. D. 9, t. 314. St. 1, p. 131. 5926 DETLEPHILA. [CnCEEOCAMPA.] 20 Stellatarum Humming-Bird#. t. 24, / i. 1 D. 5, 155. fifc. l,j>.133. 5927 MACEOGLOSSA. 21 Bombyli- Broad-border- formis ed Bee [Fuciformis, Linn.] D. 3, t. 87. S*. 1, p. 135. 5929 SESIA. 22 Fuciformis Narrow-bor- [Bombyli- dered Bee formis.] C. 1, *. 40. fife. l,ii. 134. 5928 SESIA. Habitat^ and whenfound. Norfolk, and near Kings- bridge, Devon. Oxfordshire, Cambridge- shire, and near Birmingham. August. Gardens in Middlesex, De- vonshire, Cam- bridgeshire, &c. June and July. Woods in Middlesex, Surrey, War- wickshire, &c. June. Gardens in Kent, Hertfordshire, Cambridge- shire, &c. End of April, June and August. Coombe Wood near Kingston, Surrey ; Da- renth Wood near Dartford, Kent. End of May. Middlesex, Berk- shire, Fens in Cambridge- shire. May and June. 14 SPHINX. Linn, names. Engl. names. 23 Apiformis Hornet 24 Crabroni- Lunar Hornet formis \_Bembeciformis, Hb.] 25 Asiliformis Clear under- \Fespiforme] wing 26 Chrysidi- Fiery Clear- forme wing 27 Sphecifor- Black and mis White horn- [Sphcegi- ed Clear- forme.'] wing 28 Allantifor- Two-belted me Clear-wing 29 Cynipifor- Golden-tail me Clear-wing M and F. 30 Ichneumo- Six-belted niforme Clear-wing 31 Philanthi- Many-belted forme Clear-wing [Ichneumoniforme, v.] Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. D. 1, t. 25. St. I, p. 137. Aspen trees on 5931 TEOCHILITJM. Epphig Forest ; [SPHECIA, Hb.] also Coombe Wood, &c. End of June. D. 13, t. 436. St. 1, p. Darenth Wood, 138. Kent, Norfolk, 5932 TEOCHILITJM.] Surrey, &c. July. D.ll, #.384. St. I, p. 139. On Poplar trees 5933 JSGKEEIA. near London ; [TEOCHILITJM.] also near Bex- ley, Kent. June. St. 1, p. 141. 5936 ^EGEEIA. [TEOCHILITJM.] Cabinet of Messrs. Haworth, Curtis, &c. St. l,jp. 140, *.! 5934 JEGEEIA. [TEOCHILIUM.] ,/ 1. In the woods of Southgate, Middlesex ; also in the Isle of Wight. July. Entom. Mag. No. 1, p. 79. Greenhithe, jEGEEiA. [TEOCHILITJM.] Kent : very rare. D. 4, t. 116. St. 1, p. 141. Coombe Wood, 5937 ^EGEEIA. Darenth Wood, [TEOCHILITJM.] &c. May and June. C. 2, t. 53. St. 1, p. 140. Sussex, Cornwall, 5935 ^GEEIA. and Devon. [TEOCHILITJM.] Entom. Mag. No. 1, p. 79. Devonshire : i. [TEOCHILITJM.] very rare. SPHINX. 15 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 32 Tipuli- Currant Clear- D. 2, t. 52 & 53. forme wing 5938 .^EGKEEIA. [TEOCHILITJM.] 33 Mutilla- forme. [Myopa- forme, Bork.] 34 Culici- forme 35 Stomoxy- forme. [Myopce- forme, v.] 36 Formici- forme. Eed Belted D. 6, t. 195. St. 1, p. 142. Clear-wing 5939 ^EGEEIA. [TEOCHILITJM.] Large Eed- St. 1, p. 143, t. 10, /. 3. belted Clear- 5940 .^EGKEEIA. wing [TEOCHILITJM.] Spotted Eed- St. I, p. 144, t. II, f. 4. belted Clear- 5941 ^EGKEEIA. wing [TEOCHILITJM.] Elaine-tipped St. I, p. 144, t. II, f. 3. Eed-belt 5942 ^EGEEIA. [TEOCHILITJM.] Habitat, and when found. Very common in gardens towards the middle of June. Gardens at Chel- sea, Highgate, Hackney, &c. June. Coombe and Da- renth Woods. June. Darenth "Wood, and Gravesend. July. Eare. Near London, at Little Chelsea, and Limehouse ; also in Lincoln- shire. Middle of June. Subsection II. NOCTUENA. Night Moths. (Genus PHAL^ENA Linnaeus.) Synonyms and Habitat, and Linn, names. Engl. names. new genera. when found. 1 Humuli, Ghost D. 8, t. 274, /. 1, & 2. St. Common in grassy MandE. 2,jp. 6. places. Middle 5946 HEPIALTJS. of June. 2 Carnus, Eosy Swift North of England, M. and E. St. 2. p. 7, t. 13, / 1. and near Bir- [Vetteda, v. not Carnus, 5948 HEPIALUS. mingham. June, which inhabits the Alps.] 3 Felleda, Beautiful Swift D. 10, t. 360, /. 3. St. 2, Darenth Wood, M. and E. p. 6. Kent ; near Al- 5947 HEPIALUS. derley, Che- shire ; Derby- shire. June. 4 Lupulinus, Brown Swift H. t. 22, /. 1. m. St. 2, Grassy meadows. M. and E. p. 5. End of May. 5945 HEPIALTJS. 5 Hectus, Golden Swift D. 8, t. 274, /. 3. St. 2, Open places in M. and E. p. 4. woods, Middle- 5944 HEPIALUS. sex, Devon, &c. June. 6 Sylvinus, Evening Swift H. t. 22, /. h m. C. 5, Borders of woods M. andE. #.185. St. 2, p. 7. and lanes, 5949 HEPIALUS. Surrey, Hert- fordshire, &c. August and September. 7 Cossus Goat A. t. 35. W. t. 31. H. t. Oak trees in \Ligniperda t E.] 23. D. 4, t. 114. C. 2, woods and t. 60. St. 2, p. 9. lanes, Kent, 5951 Cossus. &c. End of June and be- ginning of July. 28 b 36 n Linn, names. 8 jEscnli Engl. names. PHAL^NA. Synonyms and 17 Habitat, and when found. 9 Bucephala Buff-tip new genera. Wood Leopard D. 5, t. 152. St. 2,p. 8. Near London ; 5950 ZEUZERA. Essex,andCam- bridgeshire. Beginning of July. \.W.tA3. Middlesex, H. t. 39,/. a c. D. 1, Bucks, Cam- t.3. St. 2, p. 12. bridgeshire. 5952 PYG^RA. End of June. 10 Reclusa Small Choco- D. 4, f. 124 & 129,/.4. Darenth and late-tip St. 2,p. 13. Var. |3. Birch Woods. 1. 1 6,/. 1 . End of May. 5954 CLOSTERA. \\Anaclioreta Scarce Choco- St.2,p. 13. late-tip 5955 CLOSTERA. 12 Cur tula Chocolate-tip St. 2, p. 14. 5956 CLOSTERA. In the British Museum. Near London; Wan stead, Essex, on as- pen trees. End of April, or early in May. 13 Cseruleo- Figure of 8 A. t. 13, f. 17, a c. Very common cephala W. t. 12. H. . 30, in woods and /. a d. D. 3, 1. 100. hedges, Surrey, &.2, /7.15. &c. September. 5957 EPISEMA. 14 Bicuspis Pretty Kitten &. 2, p. 16, f. 13,/. 3. 5958 CERURA. 15 Integra Intire-barred St.Q,p.l6,t.l5 9t Kitten 5959 CERURA. D Darenth Wood, Kent. July. Rare. Coombe Wood, Surrey. 18 Linn, names. 16 Furcula 17 Arcuata PHAL^NA. Engl. names. Anonyms and new genera. Kitten JF..29,/.2. D.7,#.27! St. 2, p. 17. 5960 CERURA. ArchedKitten St.Qjp.l7. 5961 CERURA. Habitat, and when found. I. Frequent near London, in woods and mea- dows ; also in Kent, Essex, and Hertford- shire. July. Coombe Wood, Surrey. Rare. 18 Latlfascia Broad-barred Kitten CU.4, 193. St. 2, p. 18. 5962 CERURA. NearLondon ; and Linton, North Devon. Very rare. 1 9 Fuscmula Dusky Kitten St. 2, /;. 18, 1. 15,/. 1 . 5963 CERURA. Darenth Wood near Dartford; also on Epping Forest, in July. Rare. 20 Btfda Bordered Kit- St. 2, p. 19, t. lf>,/. ten 5964 CERURA. At Limehouse near London ; and Darenth Wood, Kent. 21 Vinula Puss 22 Erminca Pale Puss A.t.ll. W.t.29,f.l. HJ.38,/.a e. D.3, .85. &.2,/>.19. 5965 CERURA. St. 2, p. 20. 5966 CERURA, Marshy places nearAmesbury, Berkshire, &c. End of May, and sometimes again in August. At Birch Wood; also near Lon- don? PHALJENA. 19 Linn, names. Engl. names. 23 Fagi Lobster Synonyms and new genera. A. t. 58. St. 2, jo. 21. 5967 STAUROPUS. 24 Dromeda- Rusty Promi- rius Dent D. 10, t. 350, /. 1. p. 22. 5968 NOTODONTA. St. 2, 25 Perfnsca Dark Promi- [Drome- nent darius, var.] 26 Ziczac Pebble Promi- nent St. 2, p. 23, t. 14,/. 2. 5969 NOTODONTA. A. t. 14, /. 20, e h. W. t. 28. D. 4, t. 119. *. 2,^.23. 5970 NOTODONTA. 27 Dictaea Swallow Pro- minent St. 2, D. 7, *. 239, /. 1. p. 25. 5971 LEIOCAMPA. [PHEOSIA, Hb.] 28 Dictceoides Lesser Swallow St. 2, p. 25. Prominent 5972 LEIOCAMPA. [PHEOSIA.] 29 Camelina Coxcomb Pro- A. t. 69, /. a. c. d. e. D. 6, minent t. 183. St. 2, p. 26. 5973 LOPHOPTERYX. Habitat, and when found. Birch Wood, Kent ; New Fo- rest, Hants ; near Norwich, Bexley Wood, Kent, &c. Rare. In woods, Kent ; at Norwood, Surrey ; and at Alderley, Che- shire. June and August. Found near Dublin. Near London ; also in Daren th and Coombe Woods ; Holt, Norfolk. June and July. Woods and mea- dows, Kent, near Dartford, and at Dover ; also in Essex. Beginning of August. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. August. Common in woods round London, about the end of April and beginning of August. 20 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Emgl. names. 30 Cuculla [Cucul- lina.~\ Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. Maple Promi- D. 10, t. 338, /. 1. St. 2, Darenth Wood nent p. 27. and neigh bour- 5974 LOPHOPTERYX. hood ; alsoneur Eritk: but rare. June. 31 Carmelita February Pro- St. 2, p. 27, t. 14,/. 3. minent 5975 LOPHOPTERYX. 32 Palpina Pale Pro- minent 33 Variegata Feathered \_Plumi- Prominent Darenth Wood, WestWickham, &c. Very rare. Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods, &c. ; also near Ep- ping. June and August. C. 7, t. 328. St. 2, p. 29, Darenth Wood, t. 14,/. 1. the end of Oc- 5977 PTILOPHORA. tober. St. 2, p. 28. 5976 PTILODONTIS. [PTEROSTOMA, Germar.] 34 Roboris Lunar Mar- D. 9, t. 299. St. 2, p. 30. Darenth, Coombe, [Chaonia, bled brown 5978 CHAONIA. Birch, and W. V.] [DRYMONIA, Hb.] Colney Hatch Woods. June. Scarce. 35 Dodonea Marbled brown D. 10, t. 352, /. 2. St. 2, Darenth and p. 30. Coombe Woods; 5979 CHAONIA. also in Littleton [DRYMONIA.] Copse, Middle- sex. June. 36 Cassinia Sprawler D. 12, t. 397, /. 2. p. 32. 591 PETASIA. St. 2, Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; New Forest, Hampshire. End of October. 'LKKA. 72 a PHAL^NA. 21 Linn, names. Engl. names. 37 Serrata Great Promi- [Trepida, nent Fab.] 38 Versicolor Glory of Kent Synonyms and new genera. D. 10, t. 359. St. 2, p. 33. 5982 PERIDEA. W. t. 89. D. 5, t. 158. St. 2, p. 34. 5983 ENDROMIS. Habitat, and when found. Coombe, Darenth, and Birch Woods. Coombe and Dar- renth Woods ; also in Devon- shire, Suffolk, and Essex. 39 Pavonia- Emperor minor, M.andF. 40 Rubi Fox-coloured A. t. 25, / 37, a h. H. t. 25, a i. D. 1, t. 1 & 8, t. 254. St. 2, p. 37. 5985 SATURNIA. A. t. 81, a d. W. t. 54. D. 2, t. 69. St. 2, p. 39. 5986 LASIOCAMPA. On heaths and in marshy places. Common near London, and in several conn ties. April and August. Woody plains and heaths round London ; Hertfordshire, Surrey, &c. June. 41 Trifolii Grass Egger W. t. 47, upper fig. St. 2, New Forest, p. 39 Hants. July 5987 LASIOCAMPA. and August. 42 Medka- Medick Egger W. t. 47, lower fig. C. 4, New Forest, ginis [Trifolii, var.] 43 Quercus Oak Egger M81. St. 2, p. 41. 5988 LASIOCAMPA. St. 2, p. 40. 5989 LASIOCAMPA. Hants, and near Bristol ; but rare. August. New Forest, Hants ; and De- vonshire. Au- gust. 22 PHALJENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 44 Roboris, Great Egger M. and F. [Quercus var.] 45 Cratsegi, Pale Oak M. and F. Egger 46 Populi December 47 Lanestris Small Egger 48 Pityo- Procession British.] 49 Castren- Ground Lac- sis key 50 Neustria, Lackey M and F. Synonyms and new genera. A. t. 18. W.t. 46. H. t. 29, /. a f. D. 3, .104. St. 2, p. 41. 5990 LASIOCAMPA. A. t. 34, /. 54, a d. D. 4, t. 117. St. 2, p. 41. 5992 TRICHIURA. A. t. 85. W. t. 48. D. 9, t. 307. St. 2, p. 44. 5993 PCECILOCAMPA. A. t. 19, /. 26, a d. W. t. 53. H. t. 25, f. k o. D. 6, t. 210. St. 2, jo. 45. 5994 ERIOGASTER. St. 2, p. 48. 5996 CNETHOCAMPA. C. 5, t. 299. St. 2, p. 48, t. 13, f. 2. 5997 CLISIOCAMPA. A. t. 19,/.27, e 1. W.t. 45. H. t. 17, /. a f. D. 3, t. 95. St. 2, p. 49. 5998 CLISIOCAMPA. Habitat, and when found. Common near London ; also in Kent, Essex, Sussex, &c. June. Woody places near Epping ; and in Darenth, Birch, and Coombe Woods. September. In lanes, near woods, in Kent, Surrey, &c. December. In different places round London ; also near Hertford ; in Cambridge- shire and Essex February and March. Devonshire [? ?] Very rare. Coasts of Essex, Kent and De- vonshire. Au- gust. Very common about hedges and gardens. July and Au- gust. PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names 51 Pini Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. Pine-tree Lap- W. t. 61. D. 5, t. 177 Taken at Nor- pet &178. C.V-7. St.2, wich; but very p. 50. rare. July. 5999 EUTRICHA. 52 Potatoria, Drinker M. and F. 53 Quercifolia Lappet 54 Dispar, Gypsey M. and F. A.t.17. W.t.58. H.t.4%, Very common f. a. m.n. p. & t. D.5, in lanes, hedges 1. 148. St. 2, p. 51. and woods. 6000 ODONESTIS. July. A.t.16. W.t.57. H.t.43, f. a c. D. 7,*. 232. C.I, #.24. St. 2,/>.52. 6001 GASTROPACHA. W. t. 42. D. 5, 1. 163. 6004 HYPOGYMNA. 55 Monacha Black Arches W. t. 39. D. 7, t. 227. St. 2, p. 57. 6005 PSILURA. 56 Fascelina Dark Tussock A. t. 26, /. 39, e h. W.t.62. D.16 t t.576. 6006 DASYCHIRA. 57 Pudibunda Pale Tussock A. t. 26, /. 38, a d. W. t. 63. H. t. 15, /. e. f. D. 5, 1. 160. 6007 DASYCHIRA. Essex, Hertford- shire, Cam- bridgeshire. July. In the fens of Huntingdon- shire; also at Coombe Wcod. August. Near Brocken- hurst in the New Forest ; alsoatEpping, &c. July. Woody districts of Kent and Bedfordshire. July. Common in hop- gardens; also in the neigh- bourhood of London, &c. June. 24 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when found. 58 Coryli Nut-tree Tus- A. #.90,/. e h. TF.#.66. Coombe, Birch, sock D.9,#.309. St.V,p.60. and Darenth 6008 DEMAS. Woods; but rare. April and July. 59 Antiqua, Vapourer ^.#.89,/.a e. TF.#.64. Very common M. and F. H.#.20,/.h p. D.I, about London, #.16. St. 2, p. 61. &c. July to 6009 ORGYIA. October. 60 Gonostig- Scarce Va- ^.#.90,/.a d. TF.#.65. Coombe Wood, ma, pourer H. #.14,/.a g. D. 9, Lewisham, M. and F. #.316. St. 2,p.Gl. Erith, &c. 6010 ORGYIA. June to Au- gust. 61 Ccenosa Whittlesea C. 2, #.68. St. 2, p. 63. WhittleseaMere. 6011 L^LIA. July. 62 Vau-mgra Black V. St. 2, p. 64, #. 16,/. 2. Bromley? Kent; 6012 LEUCOMA. very rare. Au- gust? 63 Sparshalli SparshalTs C. 7, #.336. Arcturus. Taken by Joseph LEUCOMA. Sparshall,Esq. in a lane near Horning,Nor- folk, in Au- gust 1829. Cabinet of J. Curtis, Esq. 64 Salicis White Satin A#.84,/a d. TF.#.41. Abundant near H. #. 5,/. p. q. D. 1, London. July. #.30. St. 2,p.64. 6013 LEUCOMA. 65 Chrysor- Yellow-tail ^.#.87,/.e i. TF.#.59. Essex, Cam- rhcea, JT. #. 25,/. p s. D.I, bridgeshire, M. and F. #.10. S#.2,p.65. Yorkshire, &c. 6014 PORTHESIA. August. 32 a j iSUttff 53a^^ * ^^^^^^ ^^^^P^ l^^^r^Br^^^BH^ ^^ m ^^' W.WoodJii PHAL^ENA. 25 Linn, names . names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new geneva. when found. 66 Auriflua Brown-tail A. t. 87, /. a d. D. 16, Middlesex, Kent, [Chrysorrhoea Linn.] t. 555. St. 2, p. 66. Cambridge- 6015 PORTHESIA. shire, &c. [EUPROCTIS, Hiibn.] August. G7 Dominula Scarlet Tiger A. t. 22, / 31, a d. Whittlesea W. t. 38. H. t. 40, Mere ; also in /. a d. D. 4, t. 141. Cambridge- St. 2, p. 67. shire, and 6016 HYPERCOMPA. Devon, near Barnstaple, &c. June. 68 Russula, Clouded Buff M. and F. D. 6, t. 214. C. 1, t. 21. St. 2, p. 68. 6017 EUTHEMONIA. [DlACEISIA, Hb.] Common in the New-forest, Hants ; also near York ; in Cambridge- shire, and near Coombe Wood. June, 69 Caja Great Tiger 70 Villica Cream-spot Tiger ^..20, W.t.36. H.t.12, f. g-m. D. 1, t. 15. St. 2, p. 69. 6018 AECTIA. A. t. 21, /. 29, a d. W. t. 37. R. t. 4, g. g. D. 2, t. 71. St. 2, p. 71. 6020 ARCTIA. Common near London, and elsewhere. End of July. Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, &c. End of June. 71 Plantaginis Small Tiger W. t. 50. //. 1. 16, /. g m. Darenth Wood, D. 4, 1. 134. St. 2,p. 73. Kent ; Button 6024 NEMEOPHILA. [PARASEMIA, Hb.] Park, War- wickshire ; Westmoreland. June. E PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 72 Fuliginosa Kuby Tiger Synonyms and new genera. W. t. 49. H. t. 27, f. 1. n. D. 3, *. 80. tf*.2,. 84, t. 18, / 2. 6042 NTJDARIA. Habitat, and whenfound. Whittlesea Mere ; also near Lon- don, but very rare. July. 89 Asellus Plain Muslin St. 2, p. 85, t. 17, / 2. 6043 HETEHOGENIA. New Eorest, near Lyndhurst. Very rare. 90 Testudo, M. and F. Festoon 91 Jaqobsose Pink under- wing A. t. 68,/ e g. W. t. 88, D. 3, t. 76. St. 2, /;. 86, 6044 LlMACODES. A. t. 34, /. 55, e i. W. t. 55. H. i. 4, upper fig. D. 2, t. 45. St. 2, p.90. 6045 CALLIMORPHA. Darenth and Birch Woods ; also near Cbiselhurst and Sydenham, but not com- mon. End of June. Kent, Essex, Cambridge- shire, Devon, &c. May and June. 92 Miniata Eed arches 93 Gram mica Feathered Footman H. t. 30, f.p. D. 2,t. 40, lower fig. St. 2, p. 90. 6046 CALLIMORPHA. [MlLTOCIIRISTA, Hb.] D. 13, #.450. St. 2, p. 91, t. 17, / 3. 6047 EULEPTA. Norwood and other places near London, &c. July. Two specimens taken near "Windsor in October, 1815. 94 Cribrum Speckled Foot- C. 2, t. 56. St. 2, p. 92. Parley Heath, man 6048 EULEPIA. near King- wood, Hants. June. ff2a + Jr^U /;/; I b /;.<> l> \J 78 <> 70 h n 88 n 65 a + 73d + W.Wood Junr 82 90 n PHAL^NA. 29 Linn, names. Enyl. names. 95 Pulchella Crimson- speckled Synonyms and new genera. C. 4, t. 169. St. 2, p. 93. 6049 DEIOPEIA. 96 Aureola Orange Foot- St. 2, p. 94, t. 18, /. 1. man 6050 LITHOSIA. 97 Gilveola Pale Footman St. 2, p. 95. 6053 LITHOSIA. 98 Helvola Clouded Foot- St. 2, p. 94. man 6051 LITHOSIA. 99 Flam Straw-coloured St. 2, p. 95. Footman 6052 LITHOSIA. 100 Complana Common Foot- A. t. 70, /. e h. \Complanula man p. 95. Bdv.] 6054 LITHOSIA. St. 2, Habitat, and when found. Stubble-field near Christ - church, Hants ; and Brighton, Sussex. Very rare. Sept. Birch and Coombe Woods ; also near Kipley, in Yorkshire. Middle of July. A pair in the Cabinet of Mr. Stephens, taken either in Birch or Darenth Woods. Brockenhurst, in the New Forest ; but rare. Found with the above; also in Birch and Darenth Woods ; but very rare. Woods and shady lanes ; Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. Beginning of August. 30 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 101 Depressa Pale-edged [Complana Footinan Linn.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 96. 6055 LITHOSIA. 102 Griseola Dun Footman St. 2, p. 96. 6056 LITHOSIA. 103 Plumbeo- Leaden Foot- lata man [Griseola var.] St. 2, p. 96. 6057 LITHOSIA. 104 Muscerda Spotted Foot- C. 1, t. 36. St. 2, p. 97, man 6058 LITHOSIA. 105 Quadra, M. and F. Large Foot- man W. t. 52. D. 9, t. 306. St. 2, p. 97. 6059 LITHOSIA. , Hb.] 106 Bubricol- Black Footman H. #.43,/.p. D. 10, .350, lis /. 3. fifr. 2, p. 98. 6060 GrNOPHEIA. [ATOLMIS, Hb.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood and near Ripley by Mr. Stephens. Very rare. Middle of July. Common in a woody lane near Eipley ; also near Hertford. Beginning of August. Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. Specimens said to be found near London. Found in a marsh at Horning, Nor- folk, by Mr. Sparshall. Common in the New Forest ; found also in Kent, Essex, &c. Middle of July. Near Darenth Wood, Kent; Collingbourne Wood, Wilts. End of May. PHAL^ENA. 31 Linn, names. Ennl. names. 107 Irrorella Dew Moth Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 99. 6061 SETINA. [EKDROSA, lib.] 108 Roscida Pale Dew Moth St. 2, p. 100. [Irrorella v.] 6062 SETINA. 109 Eborina 4-spot Small [Mesomella, Footman Linn.] 110 Orlona Lesser Tellow underwing 111 Subsequa Dark lunar YeUow underwing 112 Pronuba Great YeUow underwing 113 Innuba [Pronuba var.] Pale-edged Tellow underwing St. 2, p. 100. 6063 SETINA. D. 10, *. 343,/. 2. p. 102. 6064 TRIPH^NA. St. 2, C. 8, t. 348. St. 2, p. 103, 6065 TEIPH2ENA. A. t. 72, f. a d. W. t. 1. H. t. 39, /. d f. D. 9, *.311. St. 2, p. 103. 6066 TRIPH^ENA. St. 2, p. 104. 6067 Habitat, and when found. Near Kochester, Birch Wood, and on Dartford Common. June. Eiddlesdown near Croydon. June. Darenth, Birch, and Coombe Woods ; also at Epping, &c. Beginning of August. Common in several coun- ties. End of June and early in July. Taken by Mr. Curtis in Scot- land. Common in gardens and hedges in many parts of England ; from the beginning of June to the middle of July. Pound at the same time and in the same places with the above. 32 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 114 Fimbria Broad-bordered //. t. 5, /. 2. D. 6, t. 208. Yellow St. 2, p. 105. underwing 6068 TEIPHJENA. 115 Interjecta Third Yellow underwing St. 2, p. 105. 6069 TEIPHJENA. 116 Janthina Lesser broad- bordered Yellow underwing 6070 TEIPHJSNA. 117 Texta Brown-border- St. 2, p. 107, ed Yellow 6071 CEEIGO. underwing [THALPOPHILA, Hb.] 118 TJmbrosa Six-striped Eustic St. 2, p. 108. 6072 LYT^A. 119 Leucof/ra- White-spotted St. 2, p. 199. pha Eustic 6072* p. 372 LYTJEA. [Agathina var.] 120 Cespitis Autumnal Eustie St. 2, p. 109. 6073 CHAB-EAS. He/bit at, and when found. Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, &c. Beginning of July. Darenth, Birch and Coombe Woods; also near Hertford and Epping. June. Lanes and bor- ders of woods in Essex, Suf- folk, Ac. Au- gust. Woods in Essex, Kent, and Nor- folk. June. Near Birch Wood ; also by Mr. Stephens in Sydenham Wood. Netley, Shropshire. End of July. Taken near York. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Near Bexley, and on Dartford Common. September. 99 a PHAL.ENA. Synonyms and Linn, names. Engl. names. ^ gm ^^ 121 Confinis Allied Eustic St. 2, p. 109. \_Cespitis, \sac.'] 6074 CHABJEAS. 122 Fusca Barred-feather- St. 2, p. 109. [Lutulenta, ed Eustic 6075 CHAR^IAS. W. F.] 123 J%ra Black Eustic St. 2, ;>. 110, t. 20, f. 2. [/Ethiops, Ochs.] 6076 CHARJEAS. 124 Graminis Antler D. 13, t. 458. C. 10, t. 451. 6079 CHAR^EAS. [CERAPTERTX, Curt.] 125 Fernyinea Feathered St. 2, p. 112. Eustic 6080 EUSIKA. 126 Lunigera Lunar Dart St. 2, p. 113, t. 20, / 3. 6081 AGKOTIS. 127 Corticea Heart and Club fitf. 2, jp. 114. 6082 AGEOTIS. 128 Mqua, P. Pearly under- St. 2, p. 115. [&zttcifl,Hb,] wing 6083 AGEOTIS. 129 Segetum Common Dart ^. 2, p. 115. 6084 AGBOTIS. Ilalitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Near Birch "Wood. Sep- tember. Mr. Stephens 's Cabinet. Coombe "Wood, "Whittlesea Mere, and in Devonshire, but rare. July. Hedges near Darenth "Wood, rare. End of June. Cabinet of Mr. Bentley. Found near Cork in Ireland. June. Kent, Sussex, Devonshire, &c. June. Taken near Epping; also near London and in Hert- fordshire, but rare. Septem- ber & October. Very common in fields and hedges in York- shire, Norfolk, &c, June. PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. 130 Suffusa Engl. names. Dark Sword- grass 131 Annexa, Tawny Shoul- P. der [A native of Georgia, N. America] Synonyms and new genera. D. 10, t. 345,/. 2, 3. St. 2, p. 117. 6085 AGEOTIS. St. 2, p. 117, t. 22, f. 2. 6086 AGEOTIS. 132 Valligera Archer's Dart D. 10, t. 340, /. 3. p. 118. 6087 AGKOTIS. 133 Radio Shuttle-shaped St. 2, p. 119. [Puta, Hb.] Dart 6088 AGEOTIS. St. 2, Habitat, and wli en found. Birch and Da- renth Woods ; also near Ep- ping. June and July. A single speci- men taken near West Ham, in Essex, now in Mr. Curtis' s Cabinet ; also in the Cabinet of Mr. Bentley. June. New Forest, Hants ; Teign- mouth, Devon, &c. ; but scarce. August. Near London, New Forest, and Derbyshire. Mr. Bentley 's Cabinet. July. 134 Radiola, Dark Shuttle- St. 2, p. 119, t. 20, / 1. St. James's and F. [Puta, var.] shaped Dart 6089 AGEOTIS. 135 Saffitti- Archer Dart /era [A native of Austria. A. Sagittifera of Stephens is a variety of Tritici.] St. 2, p. 119. 6090 AGEOTIS. Greenwich Parks ; also in Norfolk and Devon, rare. Mr. Bentley' s Cabinet. June. Neighbourhood of London [?] July. PHAL^ENA. 35 Linn, names Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 136 Lineolata Lineolated [Tritici var.] Dart St. 2, p. 120. 6091 AGEOTIS. 137 Pupillata Pupilled Dart St. 2, p. 120. [Obelisca, fern.] 6092 AGEOTIS. 138 Aquilina Bordered Dart St. 2, p. 121. 6093 AGEOTIS. 139 Tritici, White-line F. Dart 140 Ocellina Eyed Dart [Tritici var.] St. 2, p. 121. 6094 AGEOTIS. St. 2, p. 122. 6095 AGEOTIS. 141 Cuneiffera Wedge-barred St. 2, p. 123. [Tritici var.] Dart 6096 AGEOTIS. 142 Venosa Veined Dart St. 2, p. 123. [Cursoria Bork. var.] 6097 AGEOTIS. 143 Hortorum Garden Dart St. 2, p. 122. [Aquilina var.] 6098 AGEOTIS. 144 Nigricans Dark Garden St. 2, p. 123. Dart 6099 AGEOTIS. Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood. Middle of Au- gust. "Whittlesea Mere, Devon, and near London, but rare. July. Near London, and in Glamorgan- shire. Scarce. Middle of July. "Whittlesea Mere. Bare. July. Very rare. Taken in Darenth Wood, and near Dublin. June. Darenth Wood. Beginning of July. Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. Taken near "Edinburgh, July, 1824. Whittlesea Mere. August. Gardens near London ; also at Whittlesea Mere. End of July and begin- ning of August. PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 145 Fumosa Dark Eustic [Mgricans var.] 146 Obeliscata Square-spot [Nigricans Dart var.] 147 Ruris Eufous Dart [Nigricans v.] 148 Dubia White line [Nigricans v.] 149 Subgo- thica Gothic Dart Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 124. 6100 AGEOTIS. St. 2, p. 124. 6101 AGROTIS, St. 2, p. 125. 6102 AGROTIS. St. 2, p. 125. 6104 AGROTIS. St. 2, p. 126, t. 22, /. 3. 6104 AGBOTIS. 150 Exclama- Heart and Dart St. 2, p. 126. tionis, 6105 AGEOTIS. M. and F. 151 Nebulosa Clouded Dart \Uipa, fern.] St. 2, p. 127, t. 22, / 1, 6106 AGROTIS. Halitat, and when found. Pound at the same time and place aa the preceding. Darenth Wood ; Bipley in York- shire, and near London. Au- gust. Darenth Wood ; Whittlesea Mere. August. Near London. August. Near London, and Barnstaple, Devon ; but very scarce. June. Common in gar- dens, hedges, &c., near Lon- don. End of June. Two specimens taken by Mr. Haddon near Barnstaple, De- von, July, 1827. 152 Cinerea Light feathered St. 2, p. 127. Eustic 6107 AGEOTIS. Kent, Salop, Isle of Wight, &c. ; but un- common. June. !.'>'.' ^BPpHr ^PWBr 7J.5 a *< / --^- O- ~ C/ U vj, r ^. , |ii ^|p /.-;/,/ //.-;,/-(- ;i:^w .//,/ /.-yVit + /W a + P H A L M N A. 37 Synonyms and new genera. Linn, names. Engl. names. 153 Subrosea R/osy Dart [Rhomboidea, St. 111.] 154 Renigera Pine Dart \_Cataleuca, Bdv.] 155 Latens Dusky Dart St. 2, p. 129. [Distinguenda Steph. Cat. 6110 GRAPHIPHORA, Lep. B. M.] Habitat, and mlien found. St. 2, p. 128, t. 19, /. 1. Borders of Whit- 6108 GRAPHIPHORA, tlesea Mere. rhomboidea. Very scarce. [CoENOPHiLA,St.C.B.M.] July. St. 2, p. 129. 6109 GRAPHIPHORA. , Bdv.] 156 Pyrophyla Streaked Dart St. 2, p. 130. 6111 GrEAPHIPHORA. [SPJBLOTIS.] 157 Crassa Stout Dart \Ravida, W. V.] 158 Augur Double Dart St. 2, p. 130. 6113 GrRAPHIPHOEA. 159 Brunnea Purple Clay St. 2, p. 131. 6114 GRAPHIPHORA. [SPJSLOTIS.] St. 2, p. 131. 6115 GRAPHIPHORA. Derbyshire, Westmoreland. Rare. July. The only ex- ample Mr. Ste- phens has seen of this insect, was taken in the South of Scotland in the summer of 1827. Netley, Shrop- shire ; but rare. July. Bottisham, Cam- bridgeshire ; Netley, Salop. August. Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; Cambridge- shire, Essex, &c. July. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. Not un- common. End of July or be- ginning of Au- gust. 38 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 132. 6116 160 Candeli- Brown Clay sequa [Dahlii, Hb. var.] 161 Tristigma Triple spotted St. 2, p. 132. [Rhomboidea Esp. Clay 162 Triangu- Double wm Square-spot 6117 GRAPH IPHOEA. D. 16, t. 562. St. 2,p. 133. 6118 GEAPHIPHOEA. 163 Baja Dotted Clay St. 2, p. 134. 6120 GEAPHIPHOEA. 164 Erythro- Barred Chest- cephala nut [Dahlii] St. 2. p. 134. 6121 GSAPHIPHOEA. 165 Festiva Ingrailed Clay St. 2, p. IBS. 6122 GEAPHIPHOEA. 166 C. nigrum Setaceous He- St. 2, p. 136. brew Cha- 6123 GEAPHIPHOEA, racter Habitat, and ivJien found. Taken by Mr. Stephens in Darenth Wood. July. Darenth Wood, and near Rip- ley. July. Darenth "Wood ; also Coombe and Birch Woods ; near Dover, &c. End of July. Darenth, Coombe, and Birch Woods, &c. End of July. Darenth and Birch Woods. July. Darenth Wood, Cooinbe Wood, and near Hert- ford, &c. End of June. Darenth and Cooinbe Woods ; also in Yorkshire, Devon, &c. End of June and beginning of July. PHAL^ENA. 39 Linn, names. Encjl. names. 167 Musiva Light-edged [A native of Clay Austria.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 136. 6124 GRAPHIPHOEA. Habitat, and when/ound. Taken by Dr. Leach, and now in the British Museum. 168 Plecta Flame Shoulder St. 2, p. 137. 6126 G-EAPHIPHOEA. Hedges and woody lanes in Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, &c. June and September. 169 Punicea Small Square- [Rubi View.] spot St. 2, p. 135. 6127 GrEAPHIPHOEA. Darenth "Wood, Epping, &c. June. 170 Grothica Hebrew Cha- racter St. 2, p. 138. 6128 SEMIOPHOEA. Hedges and wood sides. Highgate, Hampstead, Epping, Bottis- ham, &c. Mid- dle of April. 171 Instabilis Clouded Drab A. t. 76, /. a d. p. 140. 6129 OETHOSIA. St. 2, Eichmond Park, Epping Forest, &c. Common. Beginning of April. 172 Interne- Connecting dia Drab [Populeti v.] St. 2, p. 140. 6130 OETHOSIA, A single pupa found by Mr. Stephens in Richmond Park. 40 PHALJSNA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 173 Gracilis [Populeti F.] Lead-coloured Drab Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 141. 6131 OETHOSIA. 174 Munda Twin-spotted St. 2, p. 141. Quaker 6132 OETHOSIA. 175 Sparsa Powdered [Gracilis,W, Quaker St. 2, p. 142. 6133 OETHOSIA. 176 Pallida Pale Quaker St. 2, p. 143. [Stabilisvar.] 177 Stabilis Common Quaker 178 Mimosa Blossom Un- derwing 179 Cruda Small Quaker 6134 OETHOSIA. A. t. 76, /. e h. St. 2, p. 143. 6135 OETHOSIA. St. 2, p. 144. 6136 OETHOSIA. A. t. 74, /. a e. St. 2, p. 144. 6137 OETHOSIA. Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods ; also in Epping Forest, but not common. Be- ginning of April. Epping, Leather- head, Dorking, &c. End of April. Middlesex, Essex, Kent, &c. End of April. Taken by Mr. Stephens in Richmond Park. Rare . End of April. Common in many parts of the country. Beginning of April. Darenth Wood, Epping, Lea- therhead. Not common. End of March . Middlesex ; Surrey ; oaks in Richmond Park, &c. Com- mon. End of March. iPppr ^Spg*' ^Pf^ ^P* PHAL^NA. 41 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 180 Pusilla Dwarf Quaker St. 2, p. 145. [cruda var.] 6138 OETHOSIA. Habitat, and when found. Eiclimond Park, &c. End of March. 181 Litura Brown-spot St. 2, p. 145. Pinion 6139 OETHOSIA. [ANCHOSCELIS, G-uen.] Darenth "Wood, Hertford, Ep- ping. Septem- ber or October. 182 Pistacina Pale-bearded Chestnut St. 2, p. 146. 6140 OETHOSIA. [AtfCHOSCELIS.] Darenth and Birch Woods. September. 183 Lunosa Lunar Under- wing C. 5, t. 237. St. 2, p. 147. 6141 OETHOSIA. [AmmoscELis.] Birch and Coombe "Woods, &c. September. 184 Lota Eed-line Quaker St. 2, p. 147. 6142 OETHOSIA. Hertford; also near Waltham- stow, Darenth "Wood, &c., but not common. September and October. 185 Flavilinea Yellow-line [macilenta, Quaker Hb.] St. 2, p. 148, t. 19, /. 2. 6143 OETHOSIA. Near Caen Wood, Harnp- stead; Brocken- hurst, and De- vonshire. End of September. 186 Macilenta Brick St. 2, p. 148. [ferruginea, 6144 OETHOSIA. W. r.] [OEBONA, Hb.] G Hertford, Coombe Wood, the NewEorest, &c. End of September. 42 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 187 Upsilon Dingy Shears St. 2, p. 149. 6145 ORTHOSIA. [HAMA, Steph.] Habitat, and when found. Marshes near Hertford; also near London, in Battersea Fields, &c. June. 188 Turca Double-line St. 2, p. 150. 6146 MYTHIMISTA. Chigwell-row, Essex, and near Bristol ; also in the hollow of Coombe Wood, by Mr. Stephens. Bare. July. 189 Grisea Bright-eyed [Lythargyria, Clay var.] St. 2, p. 150. 6147 MTTHIMKA. Darenth Wood ; JN"ew Forest ; Hants and De- von, &c. End of June. 190 Lythar- Ochraceous gyria brown St. 2, p. 151. 6148 MTTHIMNA. In the Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. Taken near Brockenhurst, in the New Forest. July. 191 Conigera Brown-line bright-eye St. 2, p. 151. 6149 MYTHIMNA. Darenth and Coombe Woods ; Essex, Hert- fordshire, &c. 192 Trilinea [Quereus, Fab.] Equal Treble- lines St. 2, p. 152. 6152 GRAMME SIA. [MEEISTIS, Hb.] Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. June. PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 193 Bilinea Dark Treble- lines 194 Xantho- grapha 195 Neglecta Square-spot Rustic Neglected Rustic 196 Ambigua Dotted Rustic \blanda, var.] 197 Redacta Lesser dotted \blanda, Rustic var.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 152. 6153 GEAMMESIA. St. 2, p. 153. 6150 SEGETIA. St. 2, p. 154, t. 21, f. 2. 6151 SEGHETIA. [OETHOSIA ?] St. 2, p. 155. 6154 CAEADEINA, St. 2, p. 155. 6155 CAEADEINA. 198 Alsines [blanda, var.] Garden Rustic St. 2, p. 156. 6156 CAEADEINA. Habitat, and when found. In Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. One taken by Mr. Stephens in Coombe Wood, July 1815 ; others near Birch Wood, but very rare. June. Common in Mid- dlesex, Kent, Surrey, &c. August. Taken near Ring- wood by Messrs. Bentley and Chant ; also by Mr. Stephens at Birch Wood ; and by Mr. Dale in the New Forest. Sept. Lanes near Da- renth Wood, &c. June. Found with No. 196. near Darenth Wood, &c. June. Frequents gar- dens, Middle- sex, Surrey, Kent, &c. June. 44 PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 199 Implexa Clouded Gar- St. 2, p. 156. [blanda, v.] den Eustic 6157 CAEADEINA. Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood, &c. July. 200 Lcevis Grey Rustic [blanda, v.] St. 2, p. 157. 6158 CAEADEINA. Darenth Wood, and near Lon- don. July. 201 Morpheus Bordered Eustic St. 2, p. 157. 6160 CAEADEINA. Devonshire ; also one taken at Hertford by Mr. Stephens. June. 202 Sepii Mottled Eustic St. 2, p. 157. [Morpheus, 6161 CAEADEINA. Gardens, shady lanes, &c. Common. June. 203 Cubicu- Pale mottled St. 2, p. 158. laris Willow 6162 CAEADEINA. Gardens and meadows. Common. Mid- dle of June. 204 Superstes Powdered [blanda, Kustic W. V.] St. 2, p. 159. 6163 CAEADEINA. Habitat the same as No. 203, but not so common. June. 205 Glareosa Autumnal Eustic St. 2, p. 159, t.2I,f. 2. 6164 CAEADEINA. [GEAPHIPHOEA.] Birch Wood, New Forest, and Devon- shire, but rare. September. 206 Rubricosa Bed Chestnut St. 2, p. 160. 6165 GLJQA. Darenth Wood, very rare. End of March, PHAL^NA. 45 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 207 llubiginea Dotted Chest- St. 2, p. 161. nut 6166 GL.ZEA. [DASYCAMPA, Guen.] Habitat, and when found. Taken by Mr. "Walton in Nor- bury Park, near Dorking, Mid- dle of October to the begin- ning of Novem- ber. Bare. 208 Satellitia Satellite D.5, .168. St. 2,jp. 163. 6167 GLJSA. [EupsiLiA, Hb.] Middlesex, Sur- rey, Kent, Essex, &c. Common. Mid- dle or end of September. 209 Vaccinii The Chestnut A. t. 23, /. 34. e h. St. 2, p. 161. 6168 GL^JA. [ORRHODIA, Hb,] 210 Spadicea Dark Chestnut St. 2, p. 162. [Vaccinii, v.] 6169 GLJEA. [ORRHODIA.] Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, &c., in woody places. September. Found with the preceding. 211 Subnigra Black Chest- C. 6, t. 268. St. 2, p. 162. Woody places [ligula, var.] nut 6170 GLJEA. near London; [ORRHODIA.] and in Kent, Surrey, &c. Not common. September. 212 Polita [Vaccinii, var.] Netted Chest- nut St. 2, p. 162, 6171 GLJSA. Found at the same time and in the same places as Nos. 209, 210 & 211. 46 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 213 Pyramidea Copper under- D. 6, t. 193. St. 2, p. 164. wing 6172 AMPHIPYRA. 214 Tragopo- Mouse gonis 215 Tetra [Tragopo- gonis, v.] Mahogany St. 2, p. 165. 6173 PYROPHILA. [SCOTOPHILA, Hb.] A. t. 27, /. 41. h k. St. 2, p. 165. 6174 PYROPHILA. 216 Typica Dark Gothic A. t. 15, /. 21. a d. U. t. 22, /. d g. St. 2, p. 166. 6176 217 Pinastri Bird's wing. D. 10, t. 347, /. 2. St. 2, p. 168. 6175 DlPTERYGIA. 218 Conspicil- Silver Cloud laris D. 13, t. 453. 169. 6181 XYLINA. St. 2, p. Habitat, and when found. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex ; oaks in Coombe Wood, Bich- mond Park, &c. August. Darenth Wood, Hertford,Coles- hill, &c. June, Middlesex, Essex, Devon- shire, &c. Pound in gar- dens, in the month of June. On nettles near London, and other places. Common. End of June. Mr. Stephens found this in- sect on palings near Coombe Wood; and Mr. Bentley on ~N"ewington Green. June. Mr. Stephens has a pair taken in BulstrodePark; they have also been taken be- tween Birch Wood and Bex- ley ; but very rare. End of May. PHAL^ENA. 47 Linn, names. Engl. names. and new genera. 219 Lambda Grey Shoulder- St. 2, p. 170, \Rhizolitha, knot 6177 XYLINA. W.V.] 520 Ash. Shoulder- knot St. 2, p. 170. 6178 XYLINA. 221 Semibrun- Tawny Pinion S*. 2, p. 170, t. 21, / 3. wea 6179 XYLINA. 222 Petrificata Pale Pinion 223 Putris Flame 224 Vetusta Eed Sword- grass ITaUtat, awl mlten found. Coombe Wood, Netley, Epping, Hertford. The autumn. A specimen taken in the autumn at Woodside, near Epping, in 1817; now in the Bri- tish Museum. Coombe Wood. Eare. Septem- ber. A pair in the British Museum. One in Mr. Ste- phens' s Cabinet, taken near Teignmouth, Devon. June. A. t. 79, /. a d. St. 2, Hedges, gardens p. 172. and woody 6183 XTLINA. places. Middle- sex, Surrey, Essex, Kent. Middle of June. D. 6, t. 187, exoleta St. Mr. Bentley's Ca- fifc.2,j.171, t. 23, / 1. 6180 XTLINA. 2. p. 174. 6185 CALOCAMPA. 225 Lythoxy- Light Arches St. 2, p. 175. lea 6186 XYLOPHASIA. binet, &c. Da- renthWood,&c. Eare. October. Darenth and Coombe Woods, Epping Forest, &c. July. 48 PHALJENA. Linn. )tatncs. Enyl. names. 226 Exoleta Sword-grass Habitat, and new genera. when found. D. 6, t. 187, the Larva. Gardens and C. 6, t. 25(5. St. 2, woody places. p. 173. Darenth Wood, 6184 CALOCAMPA. &c. Autumn. 227 Sublustris Beddish Light St. 2, p. 175. Arches 6187 XTLOPHASIA. Taken near Brighton. July. 228 Polyodon Dark Arches St. 2, p. 176. 6188 XTLOPHASIA. Common in hedges, gar- . dens, woods, &c. June and July. 229 Hepatica Clouded-bor- dered Brin- dle St. 2, p. 176. 6189 XYLOPHASIA. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex, &c. Beginning of July. 230 Combusta Dark Tawny [Rurea, P. var.] St. 2, p. 177. 6192 XTLOPHASIA. Coombe, Birch and Darenth Woods ; but very rare. June. 231 Epomidion Clouded Brin- St. 2, p. 178. [Hepatica, v.] die 6191 XTLOPHASIA. Derbyshire, Yorkshire, De- von ; shady lanes near Bip- ley. End of June. 232 Scolopa- Slender cloud- St. 2, p. 178. dna ed Brindle 6193 XTLOPHASIA. Taken by Mr. Chant near Sheffield; and by Mr. King at Coombe Wood. June. /Y. // 205 a P H A L M N A. 49 Synonyms and Linn, names. JBttgl, names. new genera. 233 Rectilinea, Clouded Bro- St. 2, p. 179. E. cade 6L91 XTLOPIIASIA. [HYPPA, Dup.] 234 Arnica Barred Arches St. 2, p. 180, t. 23, /. 2. Arctica, Bdv.] 6195 HADENA. 235 Dark Brocade Sf. 2, p. 181. 6196 HADENA. 236 Satura Dingy Bro- S*. 2, p. 181. {Adusta, cade 6197 HADEFA. var.] 237 Remissa Gothic Bro- [Gemina, cade Hb. var.] fl*. 2, j>. 181. 6198 HADEKA. 238 Contigua Beautiful Bro- ^. 2, jj. 184. cade 6202 HADENA. 239 Glauca Glaucous Sheers 240 Plebeia The Sheers [Dentina, W. V.] St. 2, p. 185. 6204 HADENA. St. 2, p. 185. 6205 HADENA. Habitat, and when found. North of Eng- land. Taken by Mr. Mar- shall in Traf- ford Park, Lan- cashire. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Yery rare. Birch Wood ; but rare. June. A pair in Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet, from the late Mr. Mar sham's Collection. Yery rare. Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; also near Eip- ley, Hertford, &c. June. Coombe Wood. June. Near London, Cheltenham, and Matlock. June. Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Devon, &c. June. H 50 P-HALJS.tfA. Linn, names. Encjl. names. 241 Leuco- Pale Sheers stigma [Dentina, v.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 186. 6206 HADENA. Habitat, and when found. Habitat the same as No. 240. June. 242 Ochracea Tawny Sheers St. 2, p. 186, t. 23, f. 3. [Perplexa, W. V.] 6207 HADENA. [DlANTHECIA, Bdv.] Near London, Brighton, and in Norfolk ; but rare. June. 243 Lithorhiza Earl Grey St. 2, p. 187. 6208 HADENA. [DYLOCAMPA, Guen.] Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, Kent, &c. ; on trunks of trees. End of April. 244 Cucubali Campion C. 7, t. 308. St. 2, p. 187. Darenth "Wood ; 6209 HADENA. [DlANTHECIA, Bdv.] Bedfordshire, &c. ; but un- common. Mid- dle of June. 245 Capsincola Lychnis St. 2, p. 188. 6210 HADENA. [DlANTHECIA.] Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. ; in gardens, and waste ground. End of June or begin- ning of July. 246 Sajponarice Bordered Gothic St. 2, p. 188. 6211 HADENA. [NETJEIA, Guen.] Darenth "Wood ; also near Brigh- ton and Dover ; in Norfolk and Cambridge- shire. End of June or begin- ning of July. PHAL^NA. 51 Linn, names. Engl. names. 247 Popularis Feathered Gothic Synonyms and new genera. D. 15, t. 505. St. 2, p. 189. 6212 HELIOPHOBTJS. Habitat, and when found. Near London, and in several counties ; not uncommon. June. 248 Leuco- phtzus, F. Feathered Ear St. 2, p. 190. 6213 HELIOPHOBUS. [PACHETBA.] 249 Furva Dusky Brocade St. 2, p. 191. [G-emina, 6214 MAMESTEA. Hb. See fig. 237, ante] Mr. Stephens has seen but two indigenous females, taken near Bristol, July 1816. Near Hull in Yorkshire ; also near Dover, and at Coombe Wood. June. 250 Pisi Broom A. t. 32, /. 51, c f. W. Near London ; t. 7. D. 2, t. 51. St. 2, p. 192. 6215 MAMESTEA. Hampstead Heath, Epping Forest, Coombe Wood, &c. June. 251 Splendens Purple Brocade St. 2, p. 192. [Pisi, var.] 6216 MAMESTEA. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Taken in Cumberland, July, 1827, by Mr. Weaver. 252 Oleracea Bright-line Brown-eye A. t. 27, f. 40, a d. St. 2, p. 193. 6217 MAMESTEA. Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, &c. ; common in gardens. End of May. 52 P H A L M N A. Linn, names. Linn. Names. Synonyms and new genera. 253 Suasa Dog's tooth St. 2, p. 193. 6218 MAMESTEA. Habitat, and mlien found. Taken near Lon- don : one also in Norfolk, and another in Birch "Wood, in July, 1818. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. 254 Nigricans Dusky Nutmeg St. 2, p. 193, t. 24, / 2. 6219 MAMESTEA. A specimen taken at Christ- church, Hants, by Mr. Bentley ; another found at Darenth Wood. End of June. 255 Brassier Cabbage A. t. 28, /. 42 and 43, a e ; also t. 29, /. 45, e h. t, 67, a d. and *. 78,/. a a. St. 2, p. 194. 6220 MAMESTEA. Very common in gardens, hedges , banks, &c., in several coun- ties. End of May. 256 Albicolon White Colon St. 2, p. 195, *.24,/. 3. 6222 MAMESTEA. Cumberland ; taken in August, 1827, by Mr. Weaver. Mr. Stephens 's Ca- binet. 257 Chenopodii Nutmeg A. t. 29, /. 44, e d. 2, p. 195. 6224 MAMESTEA. St. Common in gar- dens in and near London, &c. June. 133 n + v j> ^**%>: 23J.'> /> PHAL.ENA. 57 Linn, names. 288 Pra>cox Engl. names. Portland 289 Atriplicis Wild Arrach Synonyms and new genera. D. 6, t. 213. St. 3, p. 21. 6254 ACTEBIA. [HAPALIA, Hiibn.] W. 3, t. 2. D. 8, t. 262, / 1. St. 3, p. 22. 6255 TRACHEA. Habitat, and when found. Coast of Devon- shire, &c. June and Sep- tember. Wisbeach, Chel- tenham, &c. ; but rare. End of June, and in September. Richmond Park ; also near Bristol, and in Scotland, &c. but very rare. 291 Biniacu- Double-spotted C. 4, t. 177. St. 3, p. 24. Taken near losa Brocade 6257 MISELIA. Bristol in July 1815 : now in the British Museum. 290 Oleagina Green-brindled D. 13, t. 439. St. 3, p. 23. Dot 6256 VALERIA. 292 Oxyacan- Green-brindled A. t. 14, /. 19, a d. th Crescent Ealing, Middle- sex ; also in "Warwickshire, Cheshire, &c. End of Septem- ber to the beginning of November. 293 Aprilina Marvel du D. 10, t. 354, /. 1. St. 3, Coornbe and W. t. 27. H. t. 43, /. d f. D. 5, t. 165. St. 3, p. 24. 6258 MISELTA. 294 Compta \Compersa, W.V.] Jour Marbled Coronet p. 25. 6259 MISELIA. [A&Riopis, Bdv.] St. 3, p. 26. 6260 MISELIA. [DlANTHECIA.] Darenth Woods, &c. October. Darenth Wood and near Brighton. June. [Obs. The true Compta is not British.] 58 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and 295 Advena 296 Nitens [Advena, Var.] Pale-shining brown Tawny and silver 297 Bimacu- Grey Arches losa [Nebulosa, Hufn.] St. 3, p. 28. 6262 POLIA. [EuROis, Hlibn.] St. 3, p. 28. 6263 POLIA. [EUROIS.] D. 10, t. 345, / 1. 67.3, p. 28. 6264 POLIA. [EUROIS.] 298 Tincta Silvery Arches St. 3, p. 29. 6266 POLIA. [EuEOis.] 299 Herbida Green Arches St. 3, p. 30, t. 27, f. 3, 6267 POLIA. [EUKOIS.] Habitat, and when found. Coombe Wood, &c. End of June. Near London, and in Norfolk. End of June. Darenth and Birch Woods, Epping, &c. End of June. Darenth and Coombe Woods ; but rare. End of June. Darenth Wood ; also in Norfolk, Tunbridge, Kent, Lanark, &c. June. 300 Polymita White Arches [Obs. A native of South Europe.] St. 3, p. 31, *. 26,/. 2. 6269 POLIA. In the Cabinets of Mr. Stephens and Mr. Vigors . 301 Templi Brindled Ochre St. 3, p. 31, t. 26, /.I. 6268 POLIA. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. [CRYMODES.] [Yorkshire, Lancashire, in iron stone heaps.] 302 Flavi- cincta Large Eanun- culus W. t. 14, upper fig. D. 10, .334. St. 3, p. 32. 6270 POLIA. Hertford, York, Epping, &c. ; gardens and hedges. End of September. Linn, names. Engl, Names. Synonyms and new genera. 303 Occulta Great Brocade St. 3, p. 29. 6265 POLIA. [EUBOIS.] 304 Albima- White-spotted St. 3, p. 26. cula Coronet 6261 MISELIA. [DlANTHECIA, Boisd.] Habitat, and when found. Taken in Epping Forest by Mr. Hatehett, and also near Dover, and at Alderley, Cheshire, by the late Bishop of Norwich. Very rare. July. British Museum ; near Birch Wood, Kent. 305 Dysodea Bammculus W. t. 14, lower fig. St. 3, Darenth Wood, p. 32. 6271 POLIA. 306 Serena Broad-barred White 307 Seladonia Brindled [Protect, Green W. V.] 308 Chi July Chi 309 Leporina Miller D. 10, #.338, /. 3. St. p. 33. 6272 POLIA. St. 3, p. 33. 6273 POLIA. L, Schr.] ^Hert- ford, &c., gar- dens and hedges. Middle of July. Near Dartford, &c. End of June. Darenth, Birch and Coombe Woods, &c. End of Septem- ber. A. t. 83, /. C.D. D. 12, Derbyshire, Cum- t. 406. St. 3, p. 34. berland, North 6274 POLIA. Wales, &c. July. D. 10, t. 327, /. 1. St. 3, Darenth, Coombe p, 35. and Birch 6275 APATELA. Woods ; but not common. Middle of May, 60 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. 310 Brady - porina [Leporina,Var.] Engl. names. Ashy Miller Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 36, t. 26, f. 3. 6276 APATELA. Habitat, and when found. Birch and Da- renth "Woods, &c. Beginning of June. 311 Aceris Sycamore A. t. 83, /. a d. W. t. 67. D. 10, t. 330. St. 3, p. 36. 6277 APATELA. Essex, Cambridge, &c. End of June. 312 Megace- Poplar Grey phala St. 3, p. 37. 6278 ACRONYCTA. Darenth Wood, Hertford, Cam- bridge, &c. Be- ginning of June and in the autumn. 313 Liyustri Coronet St. 3, p. 38. 6279 ACRONYCTA. Darenth Wood ; also near Croy- don, &c. End of June. 314 Alni Alder D. 10, t. 327, /. 2. p. 38. 6280 ACRONYCTA. St. 3, Found in several counties ; but rare. Beginning of June. 315 Psi Dagger A. t. 86. W. t. 60. H. t. 15. D. 4, t. 133. St. 3, p. 39. 6282 ACRONYCTA. , H. C.] Very common on pales, &c., near woods, in dif- ferent counties. End of June. 316 Tridoiia Dark Dagger St. 3, p. 40. 6283 ACRONYCTA. "Woods and shady places, Middle- sex, Essex, &c. June. ^ PHAI.MNA :> ii> . 44. 6291 BRYOPHILA. St. 3, p. 45. 6292 BRYOPHILA. H. t. 42, / e. D. 10, *. 347, / 1. C.9, . 404. S*. 3, p. 46. 6295 DIPHTIIERA, Habitat, and when found. Birch trees in Coombe Wood and Bichraond Park. Begin- ning of June. In the neighbour- hood of Man- chester, and in the north of England. June. Common in Middlesex and other counties. Middle of May. Near London, and in the New Forest ; but rare. Beginning of May. Mr. Stephens' s specimen was taken near Lon- don in June. Walls near Lon- don, &c. End of June. Common on old walls near Lon- don, &c. End of July. Birch Wood, &c. Beginning of June. PHALJ5NA, Linn, names. 325 Derasa E)ujl. names. Buff Arches Synonyms and new genera. D. 7, t. 223, / 1. p. 47. 6296 THYATIRA. 326 Batis Peach Blossom St. 3, p. 48. 6297 TIIYATIKA, 327 Libatrix Herald Habitat, and when found. St. 3, Darenth Wood, Epping Forest, &c. Eare. End of July. Darenth and Coombe Woods, Epping Forest, &c. ; but not common. Mid- dle of June to the end of July. A. t. 32, / 50, a c. D. 6, #.216. St. 3, p. 50. 6299 CALYPTEA. [SCOLIOPTERYX, Germ.] Common near willow-trees, and under bridges, &c. End of July. 328 Fluctuosa Satin Carpet St. 3, p. 51. 6300 CERATOPACHA, Darenth and Birch Woods, &c. ; not com- mon. Middle of June. 329 Duplaris Lesser Satin St. 3, p. 52. Carpet 6301 CERATOPACHA. Epping, Darenth Wood, &c. Middle of June. 330 Diluta Lesser Lute- H. t. 35, / 68. St. 3, Darenth Wood, string p. 52. theNew Forest, 6302 CERATOPACHA. &c. ; but rare. End of August. tm Or Poplar Lute- D. 10, t. 347, /. 3. St. 3, Epping Forest, string p. 53. Darenth Wood, 6303 CERATOPACIIA. &c. ; but rare. End of June. PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 332 Octoge- Figure of 80. C. 6, t. 272. St. 3, p. 53, Taken near sima t. 27, f. 2. Birmingham, [Ocularis, Linn.] 6304 CEBATOPACHA. Bristol, Netley, &c. End of May or beginning of June. 333 Flavicor- Yellow horned D. 10, t. 352, / 3. St. 3, Coombe and Da- ms p. 54. renth Woods ; 6305 CEBATOPACHA. but rare. End of February or beginning of March. 334 Ridens Frosted-green 335 Subtusa Olive St. 3, p. 55. 6306 CEBATOPACHA. St. 3, p. 56. 6307 TETHEA. [IPIMOBPHA, Hb.] Epping Forest, Coombe Wood, &c. Eare. Middle of April. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. ; not com- mon. June. 336 Eetusa Double Kidney D. 10, t. 350, / 2. p. 56. 6308 TETHEA. [IPIMORPHA.] 337 Gracilis Slender bodied St. 3, p. 57. [Eetusa, var.] 6309 TETHEA. [IPIMOBPHA.] St.. 3, 338 Viminalis Minor Shoul- der-knot St. 3, p. 58. 6310 BOMBYCIA. [CLEOCEBIS, Bdv.] Frequents the same place as the preceding ; but not com- mon. End of July. The same time and place as the preceding. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. June and July. 64 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. 339 Oo 340 Diffinis Enyl. names. Heart Synonyms and new genera. W. t. 11. D. 5, t. 179. St. 3, p. 59. 6311 CYMATOPHOEA, [EUGRAMMA.] White-spotted St. 3, p. 60. Pinion 6312 COSMIA. Habitat, and when found. Epping Forest, Darenth Wood, &c. Beginning of June. Middlesex, Essex, &c. Frequents elm-trees. Mid- dle of August. 341 Affinis Lesser-spotted Pinion A. t, 31,/. 49, f-i. p. 61. 6313 COSMIA. St. 3, Near London, &c., on elm- trees. End of July. 342 Pyralina Lunar-spotted Pinion St. 3, p. 61. 6314 COSMIA. Taken near Birch Wood, Epping, Barham ; but rare. End of July. 343 Trapet- Dun-bar zina H. t. 10, /. n r. St. 3, ^.62. 6315 COSMIA. [EUPEBIA, Guen.] Very common in woods and lanes in several coun- ties. End of July. 344 Fulvago Angle-striped Sallow St. 3, p. 62. 6316 COSMIA. [ElJPEEIA.] Taken on the borders of Birch Wood; but very rare. End of July. 345 Flavago Pink-barred Sallow A. t. 68,'/. a d. p. 64. 6317 XANTHIA. St. 3, Woods at Syden- ham ; Darenth Wood, &c. Be- ginning of Sep- tember. 358 a + ;;,.,, 367 a. PHAL^NA. 65 Linn. Engl. names. 346 Fulvago Sallow [Cerago, W.V.] Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when found. A. t. 33, f. 52, a d. D. Common among 10, t. 338, / 2. St. 3, birch trees, in p. 64. 6318 XANTHIA. woods and plantations. Middle of Sep- tember. 347 Gilvago Lemon Sallow St. 3, p. 65. [Cerago, var.] 6319 XANTHIA. With the preced- ing. E/are. Middle of Sep- tember. 348 Aurago Barred Sallow St. 3, p. 65. 6320 XASTTHIA. Darenth "Wood. Beginning of September. 349 Centrago Centre-barred C. 2, t. 34. St. 3, p. 65. North of Eng- Sallow 6321 XAKTHIA. land, Dorset- [ATETHMIA, Hb.] shire, Norfolk, &c. ; but rare. 350 Citrago Orange Sallow St. 3, p. 66. 6322 XANTHIA. 351 Fimbriago Scarce bordered St. 3, p. 67. [Most pro- Sallow 6323 XANTHIA. bably a native of N. America.] 352 Croceago Orange Upper- A. t. 15, /. 22, e h ( wing St. 3, p. 67. 6324 XANTHIA. [IODIA, Hubn.] 353 Micacea Eosy Eustic St. 3, p. 69. 6326 G-ORTYNA. K Epping Forest, &c. Middle of August. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Oak woods of Surrey ; Kent, &c. September. Near London ; New Forest, &c. Middle of July. 66 PHALJEJ5TA. Linn, names. Ennl. names. 354 Flavago Frosted Orange Synonyms and new genera. H. t. 35, / a e. D. 10, t. 340, / 1. 6327 GORTYNA. Habitat, and whenfowul. In different counties, by way sides, among the common Bur- dock. Middle of September. 355 Typha Bullrush St. 3, p. 71. 6329 NONAGKTA, Among bull- rushes at Ed- monton, Ep- ping, &c. Mid- dle of August. 356 Pilicornis Hairy-horned St. 3, p. 72, t. 29, /. 1. [Crassicor- "Wainscot 6330 NONAGRIA. nis, var.] Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. Taken in September, 1826, near Croydon, &c. 357 Crassi- cornis Large Wain- scot St. 3, p. 72. 6331 NONAGRIA. Taken in Nor- folk, and in the marshes near Hammersmith. 358 'Canna Spotted "Wain- scot St. 3, p. 73. 6332 NONAGRIA. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. Taken near Scar- borough. 359 Comma Shoulder-stripe St. 3, p. 73. "Wainscot 6333 LETTCANIA. Gardens near Epping; also near Dartford, &c. Beginning of July. PHAL^ENA. 67 Linn, names. Engl. names. 360 Littoralis Shore Wain- scot Synonyms and new genera. C.^t. 157. St. 3,^.74. 6334 LEUCANIA. Habitat, and when found. Coast of Hamp- shire and Cum- berland. Bare. 361 Obsoleta Obscure Wain- St. 3, p. 74. scot 6335 LEUCAFIA. Taken in the City Road, and in various marshes near London. 362 Impura Smoky Wain- scot A. t. 33, /. 53, e h. St. 3, p. 75. 6336 LETJCANIA. Very common in several parts of the country. Middle of July. 363 Punctina Dotted-bor- St. 3, p. 75. [Impura, dered Wain- 6337 LETTCANIA. var.] scot Taken near London, with No. 362. 364 Arcuata [Fallens, var.] Bowed Wain- St. 3, p. 76. scot 6338 LEFCANIA. Two specimens taken by Mr. Stephens at Kipley. Begin- ning of July, 1827. 365 Fallens Common Wainscot St. 3, p. 76. 6339 LEUCANIA, Gardens, hedges, Ac. ; not ^un- common. Mid- dle of July. 366 Rufescens Eed Wainscot St. 8, p. 76. [Fallens, var.] 6340 LETTCANIA, The same time and place as the foregoing. 367 Suffusa [Fallens, var.] Clouded Wain- St. 3, p. 77. scot 6341 LEUCAKIA. Isle of Dogs. June. PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 368 Ochracea Ochreous St. 3, p. 77. [Pallens, Wainscot 6342 LEUCANIA. var.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood and Whittlesea Mere. Eare. End of August. 369 Fluxa Tawny Wain- St. 3, p. 77. [Fulva, var.] scot 6343 LEUCANIA. Whittlesea Mere. End of July. 370 Pygmina Small Wain- St. 3, p. 78. [Fulva, Hb.] scot 6344 LEUCANIA. Battersea Fields, &c. Middle of September. 371 Pallida Pale Wainscot St. 3, p. 78. ,var.J 6345 LETJCAKTA. Taken in the marshes near West Ham, Essex. 372 Neurica White Wain- St. 3, p. 79. \Fulva, var.] scot 6346 LEUCANIA. Marshes near Lea Bridge, and at Whittlesea Mere. 373 Gemini- Twin-spotted St. 3, p. 79. punctata Wainscot 6347 LEUCANIA. In the Hackney and Hammer- smith marshes. 374 Pudorina Striped Wain- St. 3, p. 80. scot 6348 LETTCAKEA. 375 Musculosa Glossy Wain- ^.3,^.81. [Venosa, scot 6350 SIMYKA. Bork.'] 376 Kufina Flounced Rustic St. 3, p. 68. 6325 XANTHIA. , Hb.] Whittlesea Mere and New Forest. June. Whittlesea and Yaxley Meres. June. Woods in Kent, &c. Middle of September. \ *~ ^BPWB^ , 4 , r ._ ( _ . . 392 a /:'/ a 43$ n /.-;/ '> . 182. 6488 CLEOEA, Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood, Waldershare, Kent, &c. Middle of July. Darenth Wood ; but rare. End of July. Mr. Parsons' s Cabinet ; taken near South Church, Essex. Heaths near Lon- don, Epping, Coombe Wood, &c. End of July. Darenth and Birch Woods. Beginning of July. Brockenhurst in the New Forest, Coombe Wood, &c. End of July. Near Lyndhurst in the New Forest ; but rare. June. 501 Teneraria Dotted Carpet St. 3, p. 182. \_Glabraria, Hb.] 6489 CLEOEA. New Forest, &c. End of June. 84 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 502 Cinctaria Einged Carpet C. 2, t. 88. St. 3, p. 183. 6490 CLEOEA. Habitat, and when found. Near Lyndhurst and Brocken- hurst in the New Forest. May and June. 503 Pictaria Grey Carpet C'. 10, #.447. St. 3,p. 183. 6491 CLEORA. [ALEUCIS, Ghien.] Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens, taken between Eltham and Birch Wood in the spring. 504 Eepandata Mottled Beauty D. 10,*. 333,/. 1. p. 184. 6492 ALOIS. St. 3, "Woods and forests. End of July. 505 Destriga- Light Mottled St. 3, p. 185. ria Beauty 6493 ALOIS. [Eepandata, var.] 506 Muraria Dark Mottled St. 3, p. 185. [Repandata, Beauty 6494 ALOIS. var.] Woods near Lon- don. July. Old walls in the North of Eng- land. 507 Conver- Large Carpet sana [Eepandata, var.] D. 10, t. 333, /. 2. p. 186. 6495 ALOIS. St. 3, Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods. Middle of July. 508 Sericearia Satin Carpet C. 3, t. 113. [Abietaria, W.Y.] 6496 ALOIS. New Forest, be- tween Lynd- hurst and Brockenhurst. July. Mr. Chant's Cabi- net. /'/. %f^5' PHAL.ENA. 85 Linn, names. Engl. Names. 509 Consor- Pale Oak taria Beauty Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. D. 10, t. 333, / 2. St. 3, Coombe, Birch, p. 186. and Darenth 6497 ALCIS. "Woods. Middle of June. 510 Roboraria Great Oak Beauty A. t. 93, /. a d. D. 15, Birch and t. 527. St. 3, p. 187. CoombeWoods. 6498 ALOIS. End of June. 511 Rhomboi- Willow Beauty St. 3, p. 187. daria 6500 ALOIS. Common in gar- dens near Lon- don, &c. Be- ginning of July. 512 Consobri- Tawny Beauty St. 3, p. 188. naria 6501 ALOIS. [Rhomb oidaria, var.] New Forest and Devonshire. July. 513 Fimbriaria Bordered [Rhomboi- Beauty daria, var.] St. 3, p. 188, #.30, /.I. 6502 ALOIS. Mr. Stephens possesses a single specimen, which he be- lieves was taken in Suffolk. 514 Abrupta- Waved Umbre D. 7, t. 251, / 1. St. 3, On walls in gar- ria p. 189. dens ; also in 6503 HEMEEOPHILA. woods,&c. May. 615 Tetrago- Square-spot naria [Consonaria, Hb.] C. 6, t. 280. St. 3, p. 190. Birch Wood. 6504 BOAEMIA. Eare. Begin- ning of July. 516 Abietaria Ingrailed [Laricaria, Dbd.] St. 3, p. 191. 6505. BOAEMIA. Coombe and Birch Woods, &c. March and April. 86 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 517 Crepuscu- Small Ingrafted St. 3, p. 191. laria 6506 BOAEMIA. Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Birch Woods, Epping, &c. Middle of May, and in June. 518 Consona- Brindled Grey St. 3, p. 192. ria 6507 BOARMIA. [Crepuscularia, var., not Consonaria, Hb.] Darenth "Wood, &c. ; but rare. July. 519 Strigula- Streaked ria Beauty [Crepuscularia, var.] St. 3, p. 192. 6508 BOAEMIA. Darenth Wood, &c. ; but very rarely. July. 520 Extersaria Brindled St. 3, p. 192. "White-spot 6509 BOAEMIA. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. Beginning o f June. 521 Punctu- laria Grey Birch St. 3, p. 193. 6510 BOAEMIA. Common in Coombe, Bircb, and Darenth Woods, &c. Middle of May. 522 Yauaria Common V Moth A. t. 47, /. 78, a d. W. Common in gar- .86. H. t. 34, /. g i. D. 6, t. 196. St. 3, p. 194, Halia. 6511 GrEAMMATOPHOEA. dens in many parts of Eng- land. June and July. 523 Pulveraria Barred Umber A. t. 96, /. d f. E. t. 42, Woods near Lon- /. a. St. 3, p. 194. Numaria. 6513 AZINEPHOEA. [ANAGOGE, Hb.] don, Epping, &c. Beginning of June. PHALJ2JSTA. 87 Linn, names. Engl. Names 524 Pusaria Synonyms and new genera. Common "White A.t. 118, /. e h. H. t. 44, Wave /. h. St. 3, ^?. 196. 6514 CABEEA. 525 Rotunda- Eound-winged St. 3, p. 196. ri Wave 6515 CABEEA. 526 Exanthe- Common Wave A. t. 92, /. e h. & t. 99. mata f. a d. Stf. 3, p. 197. 6516 CABEEA. 527 Omicro- Mocha nana 528 Pendula- Birch Mocha ria 529 Orlicu- laria Dingy Mocha St. 3, p. 198. Ephyra. 6517 CYCLOPHOEA. [EPHYEA.] A. t. 85, / a d. St. 3, p. 199. Ephyra. 6519 CYCLOPHOEA. [EPHYEA.] St. 3, p. 199. Ephyra. 6521 CYCLOPHOEA. [EPHYEA.] 530 Porata False Mocha A. t. 49, /. 82, a d. St. 3, p. 200. Ephyra. 6518 CYCLOPHOEA ocellaria. [EPHYEA.] Habitat, and when found. Common in woods and copses in May ; and also in August. Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods ; not common. May and August. Abundant in woods and bushy lanes, Epping, &c. May and Au- gust. Darenth Wood, Epping, &c. End of August.: Woods in Mid- dlesex, Kent, and Essex, &c. May and Au- gust. Coombe Wood ; also woods near Erith, &c. ; but rare. Beginning of June. Common in Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods. May and August. 88 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 531 Punctaria Buff Argus 532 Trilinea- Clay Triple- lines na 533 Amataria Blood vein 534 Apiciaria Bordered Beauty new genera. W. t. 74, lower fig. D. 13, t. 456. St. 3, p. 201. Ephyra. 6522 CTCLOPHOEA. [EPHTEA.] St. 3, p. 201. Ephyra. 6523 CTCLOPHOEA. [EPHTEA.] Habitat, and when found. "Woods, lanes, &c. Middlesex, Kent, Essex, &c. May and August. New Forest, and occasionally at Birch Wood. July. D. 2, t. 33, / 2. St. 3, Lanes near Rip- p. 202. ley, Darenth 6524 BEADTEPETES. Wood, &c. End of June. D. 7, t. 233, /. 3. St. 3, p. 203. Epione. 6527 BEADTEPETES. [EPIONE.] 535 Vesper- Dark-bordered St. 3, p. 204. Epione. taria Beauty 6528 BEADTEPETES. 536 Advenaria Little Thorn St. 3, p. 204. Epione. 6525 BEADTEPETES, [EPIONE.] Epping Forest, a marshy lane near Eipley, &c. End of July. Taken in York- shire ; but very rare. Middle of July. Found, but rarely, in the woods between Hampstead and Highgate. Mid- dle of June. 537 Dolabra- Scorched Wing D. 10, t. 341, /. 1. St. 3, ria p. 205. Eurymene. 6529 BEADTEPETES. [PLAGODIS, Hb.] Richmond Park, Coombe and Darenth Woods, Epping, Dover, &c. End of June. PHALJSNA. 89 Linn, names. Engl. names. 538 Vibicaria Purple-bar [A native of Continental Europe.] 539 Purpu- Purple-barred raria Yellow [A native of Continental Europe.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 3,^. 207. Pellonia. 6735 PTYCHOPODA. Habitat, and mlien found. Mr. Swainson's Cabinet. C. 10, t. 467. St. 3,p. 207. Mr. Swainson's 6530 ASPILATES. Cabinet. 540 Citraria TeUow Belle St. 3, p. 208. 6531 ASPILATES. 541 Gilvaria Straw Belle St. 3, p. 208. 6532 ASPILATES. 542 Respersa- Grass Wave St. 3, p. 209. ria 6534 ASPILATES. [Strigillaria, Hb.] [PERCONIA, Hb.] 543 Plumba- Belle na 544 Cervinata Mallow St. 3, p. 209. Phasiane. 6533 ASPILATES. [OBTHOLITHA, Hb.] St. 3, p. 211. 6535 LARENTIA. [ETJBOLIA, Duponch,] 545 Chenopo- Small Mallow diata [Memuraria, W.V.] H. t. 33, / n. p. 211. 6536 LAEENTIA. [EUBOLIA.] St. 3, Clover fields, Kent, Hertford- shire, &c. June and August. Grassy fields east of Dover Castle; abundantly. August. Heaths ; Coombe Wood, and near Brockenhurst in the New Forest, &c. Middle of June. Common on heaths by the sides of woods. June. Darenth and Coombe Woods ; also near London, &c. Middle of October. Common in several counties. End of June and in August, 90 PHALJENA. Linn, names. Enyl. names. Synonyms ant new genera. 547 Bipunc- Chalk Carpet St. 3, p. 212. taria 6537 LAKENTIA. [ElJSEBIA, Hb. Duponch.] Habitat, and when found. Chalky places, fields near Darenth Wood, &c. Middle of June. 548 Multi- strigaria Mottled Grey St. 3, p. 212. 6538 LAEENTIA. , Steph.] Hampstead- Heath, and Ep- ping, &c. ; but rare. March. 549 Didymata Twin-spot Carpet C. 7, t. 296. St. 3, p. 214. 6539 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA, Gueil.] Westerham, Kent ; also near Ripley; and in Devonshire, &c. June. 550 Munitata Hufous Carpet D. 13, t. 461, /. 2. p. 214. 6540 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] St. 3, North of Eng- land ; also at Epping, and near London ; but rarely. End of June. 551 Vnidenta- Dark-barred ria Twin-spot A. t. 97, / e h. p. 215. 6541 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] St. 3, Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. ; common. Beginning of June and again in August. 552 Quadri- Large Twin- fasciaria spot [Ligustrata, Hb.] ^.3,^. 215. 6542 CIDAEIA. [COBEMIA.] Darenth Wood ; also at Hertford, and Bipley. End of July. P H A L M N A. 91 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 553 Ferrugata Eed Twin- St. 3, p. 216. spot 6543 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] Habitat, and when found. Common in Middlesex, Es- sex, Kent, &c. May and August. 554 Latentaria Northern St. 3, p. 217. [Salicata, Twin-spot 6545 CIDAEIA. var.] [COEEMIA.] North of Eng- land; neigh- bourhood of Ambleside. July. 555 Salicata Striped Twin- St. 3, jo. 217. spot 6544 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. June. 556 Miaria Green Carpet St. 3, p. 218. 6546 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] Abundant in se- veral counties. Middle of June. 557 Olivata Beech Green D. 14, t. 479, /. 1. St. Carpet p. 218. 6547 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] Darenth Wood ; the NewForest, &c. June. 558 Monta- Silver ground nata 6548 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] Very common in Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, &c. Mid die of June. 559 Fluctuata Garden Car- pet A. t. 99, /. e h. p. 219. 6549 CIDAEIA. [COEEMIA.] St, 3, Common in gar- dens near Lon- don ; also in Surrey, Kent, &c. April till September. 92 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. En(jl. names. Habitat, and when found. Synonyms and new genera. 560 Propug- Flame Carpet D. 10, t. 349, /. 3. St. 3, Near London ; nata p. 220. Hertford ; 6551 CIDARIA. Coombe and Darenth Woods ; &c. June. 561 Fulvata Barred Yellow 77. t. 35,/. 1. St. 3, p. 221. Borders of 6552 HARPALYCE. woods Mid- dlesex, Essex, &c. End of June. 562 Ocellata Purple-bar St. 3, p. 222. 6553 HARPALYCE. Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods, &c. 563 Galiata Galium Carpet St. 3, p. 222. 6554 HARPALYCE. Near Dover, and Dublin, &c. Beginning of June, and mid- dle of August. 564 Unilobata Blue-angled [Galiata, Carpet St. 3, p. 223. 6555 HARPALYCE. Taken near Scar- borough in Yorkshire. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. June. 565 Quadri- Necklace Car- annulata pet [Galiata, var.] St. 3, p. 223. 6526 HARPALYCE. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. 566 Tristata Small Argent St. 3, p. 223. Found in Devon- and Sable 6565 HARPALYCE. shire, &c. ; [MELANTHIA, Duponch.] common at Bae Hills. June. .' PI 5620, 93 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when J'ound. 567 Substri- Common Car- D. 15, t. 510, / 2. St. 3, Bushy lanes ancT ata pet p. 224. [Alcbemillata, Linn. 6564 HAEPALYCE. Sabtristata, Sfceph. olim.] [MELANTHIA.] borders of woods. June and August. 568 Syloati- Wood Carpet cata \Rivata, Hb.] St. 3, p. 225. 6563 HAEPALYCE. [MELANTHIA.] Darenth Wood, &e. July. 569 Unangu- Sbarp-angled lata Carpet [Amniculata, Hb.] St. 3, p. 225. 6562 HAEPALYCE. [MELANTHTA.] Bircb, Darenth, and Coombe Woods. End of June. 570 Biangu- Cloaked Car- lata pet [Picata, Hb.] St. 3, p. 225. 6561 HAEPALYCE. 571 Silaceata Small Phoenix D. 14, t . 487, /. 2. St. 3, p. 226. 6566 HAEPALYCE. 572 Cory lata Broken-barr'd A. t. 98, /. a d. D. 14, Carpet t. 479, /. 2. St. 3, P. 227. 6567 HAEPALYCE. Darenth Wood and neighbour- hood, Epping, &c. June. Dover, Epping, Newby Cross, &c. End of July or begin- ning of August. Common at Coombe Wood, Ac. Middle of July. 573 Immanata Dark Marbled St. 3, p. 228. Woody places, Carpet 6570 HAEPALYCE. Epping, &c. [POLYPHASIA, Steph.] Beginning of July. 574 Amcenata Pretty Mar- St. 3, p. 228. \Immanata, bled Carpet 6571 HAEPALJCE. var.] [POLYPHASIA.] Taken near Ash- burton in Devonshire. 94. PIIAL^NA. Linn, names. 575 Mar mo- rat a \Immanata, var.] Engl. names. Marbled Car- pet Synonyms and 11 ew genera. St. 3, p. 229. 6572 HARPALYCE. [POLTPHASIA.] Habitat, and fallen J'ound. Woods in Kent, Essex, &c. June. 576 Concin- Beautiful Mar- St. 3, p. 229. nata bled Carpet 6573 HARPALYCE. [Russata, var.] [POLTPHASIA.] Taken in Scot- land. Mr. Ste- phens'sCabinet. 577 Comma- Yellow Mar- St. 3, p. 230. notata bled Carpet 6574 HARPALYCE. [Russata, var.] [POLYPHASIA.] Woody places in Middlesex, Sur- rey, Kent, Es- sex, &c. July. 578 Centum- Common Mar- notata bled Carpet [Russata, W.V.] St. 3, p. 230. 6575 HARPALYCE. [POLYPHASIA.] Yery common in woody places. End of July. 579 Saturata Dusky Mar- [Russata, bled Carpet var.] St. 3, p. 231. 6576 HARPALYCE. [POLYPHASIA.] Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, &c. July. 580 P erf us- Brown Mar- cata bled Carpet [Russata, var.] St. 3, p. 231. 6577 HARPALYCE. [POLYPHASIA.] Darenth, Birch, and Coombe Woods. July. 581 Prunata Clouded Car- pet D. 7, t. 233, /. 1. St. 3, p. 232. 6579 STEGANOLOPHIA. Gardens at Ep- ping ; also at Eipley, Hert- ford, &c. End of July. 582 Su/umata Water Carpet St. 3, p. 234. 6578 HARPALYCE. [LAMPROPTERTX.] Epping, Eae Hills, Hertford; but not com- mon. July. PHALJENA, 95 Linn, names. E/igl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 583 Piceata Glossy Carpet St. 3, p. 234. [Suffumata, [LAMPEOPTEEYX.] W.Y. var.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens has seen but three of this variety, taken in the North of Eng- land. 584 Badiata Shoulder D. 14, t. 493, /. 1. St. 3, Stripe p. 235. 6608 PHIBALAPTERYX. [LAMPEOPTEEYX.] Woody places in Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. February, and again in June or July. 585 Berberata Rasberry Car- pet St. 3, p. 236. 6560 HAEPALYCE. [AtfTICLEA.] Found in Berk- shire ; and at Strand on the Green, Middle- sex, &c. Mid- dle of June. 586 Rubidata Flame St. 3, p. 236. 6559 HAEPALYCE. [ANTICLEA.] Darenth and Birch Woods ; also at Epping, &c. End of June. 587 Sinuata Eoyal Mantle fifc. 3,j>. 237. 6557 HAEPALYCE. [AtfTICLEA.] Taken in a lane between Da- renth and Birch Woods ; but very rare. End of June. 588 Derivata Streamer St. 3, p. 237. 6558 HAEPALYCE. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, Epping, &c. Beginning of June. 96 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 589 Comitata Dark Spinacli [Chenopodiata, Linn. ?] 590 Populata Poplar 591 Spinachi- Spinach ata [Marmorata, Hb.] 592 Testata Chevron [Achatinata, Hb. var.] Synonyms and new genera. A. t. 47, /. 79, f i. W. t> 71. St. 3, p. 239. 6581 ELECTEA. St. 3, p. 239. 6582 ELECTEA. St. 3, p. 240. 6580 ELECTEA. St. 3, p. 240. 6583 ELECTEA. 593 Achati* Agate nata St. 3, p. 241. 6584 ELECTEA. Habitat, and when found. Middlesex, Essex, &c. Beginning of July. Common in the North of Eng- land, and in Scotland. July. Gardens near London; abun- dant at Ripley, in Surrey. Middle of July. Middlesex, Es- sex, Devon, Cheshire, &c. May and September. The New Forest. End of June. 594 Pyraliata Barred Straw 695 Imbutata Manchester Treble-bar 596 Plagiata Slender Tre- ble-bar A. t. 14, /. 75, a i St. 3, p. 241. 6585 ELECTEA. St. 3,^.242. 6586 ELECTEA. [CELMA.] H.t.2S,f.k. Z>.7,*.233, / 2. C. 7, t. 324. St. 3, p. 243. 6624 APLOCEEA. [ANIATIS.] Gardens and bushy lanes in several coun- ties. End of July. Heath in the North of Eng- land. July. Coornbe and Da- renth "Woods, Epping Forest, &c. June. w^w &.. 537 a + ..." 589 a, 607 n nil n /J 616 TL S91 PHAL^NA. 07 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 597 Prsefor- Purple Treble- St. 3, p. 244. Amiatis. mata bar [ANAITIS, Dup.] 598 Dealbata Black veined St. 3, p. 245. Scoria. 6587 ID^EA. , Dup.] Habitat, and ml ten found. Coombe Wood ? June. Kent, near Tun- bridge Wells, and Charing ; but rare. June. 599 Ulmata Scarce Magpie D. 9, t. 293, /. 1. C. 11, t. 515. St. 3, p. 249. 6589 ABRAXAS. Rare near Lon- don ; but com- mon in several counties. Mid- dle of June. Dr. Bromfield found it near Bath, in May. 600 Pantaria Panther St.S,p. 246, #.32, /I. 6588 ABRAXAS. Near Oakhamp- ton Park, Somersetshire ; but very rare. 601 Gross ula- Magpie riata A. t. 43, /. 71, d g. W. t. 85. H. t. 12, /. f k. D. 1, t. 4. St. 3, p. 247. 6590 ABRAXAS. Very common in different parts of the country. Middle of July. 602 Hastata Argent and Sable H. t. 15. D. 4, t. 129. St. 3, p. 248. 6592 XERENE. [MELANIPPE, Dup.] Darenth and Coombe Woods; not common. Beginning of June. 603 Albicil- lata Beautiful Car- D. 6, t. 202, / 2. St. 3, pet p. 249. 6593 XERENE. [MESOLEUCA, Hb.] O Kent and Nor- folk ; rare near London. End of June. PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and token found. 604 Procel- lata Chalk Carpet D. 6. t. 202, f. 3. St. 3, p. 250. 6594 XEEENE. [MESOLEITCA.] Darenth and Birch Woods ; near Dover, &c. June. 605 Adust at a Scorched Car- pet St. 3, p. 250, 6595 XEEEKE. [MESOLETJCA.] Darenth and Coombe Woods, Ac. Middle or end of August. 606 Rubiffi- nata Blue-bordered Carpet St. 3, jo. 251. 6596 XEEENE. [MESOLEUCA.] Surrey, Middle- sex, Kent, &c. End of June and August. 607 Plumbata [Rubiginata, var.] Dark Blue bordered Carpet St. 3, p. 251. XEEENE. Forfar shire. July. 608 Miata Autumn Green A. t. 50, /. 86. D. 14, Middlesex, Essex, 609 Psitta- cata Carpet t. 479, /. 3. St. 3, p. 253. Euthalia. 6568 HAEPALYCE. [CHLOEOOLYSTA, Hb.] Eed-green D. 14, t. 485, /. 3, St. 3, Carpet p. 253. Euthalia. 6569 HAEPALYCE. [CHLOEOCLYSTA.] Cambridge- shire, Kent, &c. The Autumn. Essex, Cam- bridgeshire, Surrey, &c. September. 610 Impluvi- May Highflyer D. 14, t. 499, /. 2. St. 3, Darenth and ata p. 254. Euthalia. 6598 TPSIPETES. [HYDEIOMENA, Hb.] 611 Elutata July Highflyer A. t. 44, /. 73, e h. St. p. 254. Euthalia. 6599 YPSIPETES. [HYDEIOMENA.] Coombe Woods, &c. ; not common. End of May. Very common in many counties. July*. PHAL J3NA. 99 Linn, names. Engl. names. 612 Tersata Fern Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 256. 6601 PHIBALAPTERYX. Habitat, and when found. Near Darenth and Birch Woods ; Hert- ford andRipley. June. 613 Vitalbata Small waved Umber St. 3, p. 256. 6602 PHIBALAPTERYX. Darenth and Birch Woods ; &c. June. 614 Lignata Oblique Car- pet 615 Lineolata Oblique Striped D. 14. t. 485, /. 1 $ 2. St. 3, p. 257. 6603 PHIBALAPTERYX. St. 3. p. 257. 6605 PHTBALAPTERTX. [MESO GRAMMA, Steph.] 616 Angustata Narrow-bar- St. 3, p. 258. [Gemmata ? red Carpet 6607 PHIBALAPTERTX. Hb.] [PLEMTRIA, Hb.] 617 Petraria Brown Silver lines fife. 8, p. 259, 6623 Lozo GRAMMA. Near Cambridge ; the New Forest, and inBattersea Fields. Begin- ning of July. Near Brighton and Lewes. End of June or beginning of July. Taken in a gar- den at Camden Town. The end of Septem- ber. Yery rare. Heaths near London, Coombe Wood, &c. End of June. 618 Rhamnata Dark Umber St. 3, p. 260. 6609 SCOTOSIA. [PHILEREME, Hb.] Darenth Wood, Epping, &c. End of May or beginning of June. 100 PHAL JENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 619 Vetulata Brown Scollop St. 3, p. 260. 6610 SCOTOSIA. [PHILEEEME.] 620 Sparsaria Small Scollop St. 3, p. 261. 6611 SCOTOSIA. [SCHIDAX, Hb.] 621 Cervinata Scarce Tissue St. 3, p. 262. [Certata, Hb.] 6614 TEIPHOSA. Habitat, and whenfound. Darentli and Coombe Woods ; Ep- ping Forest, . 275. 6635 CHEIMATOBIA. land ; also nearNewcastle, Epping, &c. Epping, &c.; very common. End of November. ?. 3, Epping, Ac. End of January. 642 Polycom- Spring Carpet C. 2, t. 81. St. 3, p. 276. Near Dartford, mata 6636 LOBOPHOEA. and in a lane between El- tham and Birch Wood. March. 643 Dentistri- Early Tooth- gata striped b. m.] St. 3, ^. 277. 6638 LOBOPHORA. Birch and Da- renth Woods June. PHALJENA. 103 Linn, names. Engl. names. 644 Costa- Twin-striped strigata Pinion \Lobulata, var.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 3,^9. 277. 6637 LOBOPHOEA. 645 Rupes- Double lined St. 3, p. 277. LOBOPHOEA. trata \Lobulata, var.] Habitat, and when found. Near London. July. Mr. Stephena's Cabinet. Taken in Devonshire, in June. 646 Viretata Brindle-barred Yellow 647 Hexapte- Prominent rat a D. 14, t. 499, /. 1. St. 3, p. 278. 6339 LOBOPHOEA. [ACASIS, Dup.] Birch "Wood and Epping ; but rare. June. D. 6, t. 192. St. 3, p. 278. Birch Wood, Ep- 6340 LOBOPHOEA. ping, &c. June-. 648 Sexalisata Small Sera- phim St. 3, p. 278. 6641 LOBOPHOEA. 649 Linariata Beautiful Pug C. 2, t. 64, St. 3, p. 279. 6642 EUPITHECIA. 650 Pulchel- Pretty Pug lata St. 3, p. 280. 6643 EUPITHECIA. Coombe "Wood, and in the New Forest. June and August. Near Darenth and Birch Woods ; also near Dover. August. Near Coombe and Birch Woods. July. 651 Kectan- Green Pug gulata St. 3, p. 280. 6644 EUPITHECIA, Common in gar- dens near Lon- don, Epping, &c. Middle and end of June. 104 PHAXJE.XA. Linn, names. Encjl. names. 652 Subarata Green Pug [Eectangulata, var.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 280. 6645 EUPITHECIA. Habitat, and when found. Taken in Devon- shire by Messrs. Chant and Bentley. June. 653 Nigro- punctata [Debiliata^. ?] Little Pug Entomol Mag. 1. p. 184. .24 St. 3, ^.392. EUPITHECIA. Mr. Chant's Ca- binet. Taken near Ashbur- ton, Devon- shire, in June. 654 Nigroseri- Black-silk Pug St. 3, p. 281. ceata 6646 EUPITHECIA. [Eectangulata, var.] Pound near Lon- don ; but rare. 655 V. ata. V. Pug [Coronata,Hb.~\ St. 3, p. 281. 6648 EUPITHECIA. Near Bipley, at Darenth Wood, and Epping. July. 656 Strobilata Double- St. 3, p. 282. [Pumilata, striped Pug 6649 EUPITHECIA. Hb.] Eir plantations near Eipley ; j also, but^not common, near London. June. 657 Rufifas- Bed-barred data Pug 658 Lcevigata Juniper Pug [Sobrinata, Hb.] St. 3, p. 282. 6650 EUPITHECIA. St. 3, p. 282. 6651 EUPITHECIA. Near London, and in Devon- shire. April. "Woods in Kent. July or August. 659 Exiyuata Mottled Pug St. 3, p. 283. 6652 EUPITHECIA. Woods in the neighbourhood of London. End of June. 6 -53 n ^IP^IP 654 n W 655 n PHAL 663 n 66+ n 611 n 672 n O n 681 666 n 658 n 667 n 676 n 685 n 659 TV III! I II 668 n 677 n 678 n n W.lVbodJunr 673 n 686 n 687 n PHAL^ENA. 105 Linn, names. Engl. names. 660 Abbre- Short Pug viata Synonyms and new genera. St. 3. p. 283. 6655 EUPITHECIA. Habitat, and roTien found. Taken at Da- renth, also at York. June. 661 Singula- Grey Pug rial a [Castigata, Hb.] St. 3, p. 283. 6656 EUPITHECIA. Eound near Da- renth "Wood ; but rare. June. 662 Nebulata Brindled Pug St.3,p.2S3. [Castigata, var.] 6657 ETJPITHEOIA. 663 Albipunc- Speckled Pug St. 3, p. 284. tata 6658 EUPITHECIA. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex, &c. ; in woody places. June. "Woods in Mid- dlesex, &c. June. 664 Subum- Small Brindled St. 3, p. 284. brata Pug 6659 ETJPITHECIA. Woody places ; but not com- mon. June or July. 665 Subfasci- Barred Pug at a St. 3, p. 284. 6660 EUPITHECIA. Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen, taken at Da- renth "Wood in June. 666 Vulgata Common Pug St. 3, p. 285. [Austerata, Hb.] 6661 EUPITHECIA. Common in gar- dens round London, &c. June. 667 Sub/us- Brown-grey cat a Pug [ Austerata, var.] St. 3, p. 285. 6662 EUPITHECIA. In the same place as the last, but not so com- mon. June. 106 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. new genera. 68 Innotata Simple Pug St. 3, p. 285. [Minutata, var., not Innotata, Hb.] 6663 EUPITHECIA. 669 Absinthi- Wormwood St. 3, p. 286. ata Pug 6664 EUPITHECIA. [Minutata, "W.V, ?] 670 Notata Spotted Pug St. 3, p. 286. [Elongata, var.] 6665 EUPITHECIA. Habitat, and when found* Taken in a garden near Darenth "Wood in June. Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. Common in gar- dens round London, &c. June. Found near Lon- don in June. Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. 671 Elongata Long-winged St. 3, p. 286. Pug 6666 EUPITHECIA. Taken in gar- dens. End of June. 672 Simplici- Plain Pug ata [Sulnotata, Hb.] 8t. 3, p. 287. 6667 EUPITHECIA. Busby lanes near Darenth "Wood, &c. Beginning of July. 673 Pusillata Small Grey St. 3, p. 287. \Eegrandu- Pug 6668 EUPITHECIA, na,Bdv.,not Pusillata,IL}).'] Near Birch Wood, &c. June. 674 Plumbeo- Lead-coloured St. 3, p. 287. lata Pug 6669 EUPITHECIA. 675 Subful- Tawny Speck St. 3, p. 287. vata 6670 EUPITHECIA. Lanes near Da- renth "Wood. End of May and beginning of June. Darenth and Birch Woods. Beginning of August. PHALJENA. 107 Linn, names. Engl. names. 676 Cognata Scarce Tawny Speck Synonyms and new genera. St.S,p.28S. 6671 EUPITHECIA. Habitat ', and wJien/ound. Taken near Edinburgh ; rare. July. 677 Succen- Bordered Lime St. 3, p. 288. turiata Speck 6672 EUPITHECIA. 678 Piperata Speckled Pug 679 Centau- reata Lime Speck St. 3, p. 288. 6674 ETJPITHECIA. St. 3, p. 289. 6675 EUPITHECIA. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. July. Taken on Kid- dlesdown, near Croydon, &c. Beginning of July. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex, &c. in gardens. June. 680 Angus- Narrow- St. 3, p. 289. tata winged Pug 6675 EUPITHECIA. Darenth and Birch Woods, &c. August. 681 Fariegata Marble Pug [Irriguata, Hb.] St. B,p. 290. 6676 EUPITHECIA. Darenth and Birch Woods ; but rare. June. 682 Consiff- Pinion Spotted St. 3, p. 290. nata Pug 6677 EUPITHECIA. 683 Fenosata Netted Pug D. 8, t. 266, /. 3. p. 290. 6678 EUPITHECIA. jSff.8, Taken near Lon- don and Birch Wood; but rare. End of June or begin- ning of July. Lane near Da- renth Wood. Beginning of June. 108 PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. Enyl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 684 Niveata Snow St. 3, p. 291. [Albulata, var. No. 698.] 6682 CLEOGKEKE. [EMMELESIA.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Ee- ceived from Scotland. 685 Auroraria Purple bor- C. 11, t. 523. St. 3, ^. 292. Near Croydon ; [Auroralis, dered Gold 6706 HTEIA. also in Norfolk. W.V.] June. 686 Chaero- Looping Chim- H. t. 30, /. o. D. 7, t. 253, phyllata ney-sweeper /. 4. St. 3, p. 293. 6679 MINOA. [ODEZIA, Bdv.] Richmond Park, Kensington Gardens, &c. ; very common. Beginning of June. 687 Euphor- Drab looper D. 1. 153,/. 1. St. 3, p. 294. biata 6680 MINOA. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. End of May. 688 Bimacu- "White Pinion lata Spotted [Taminata, W.Y.] St. 3, p. 294. 6683 BAPTA. [COBTCIA, Dup.] Lanes between Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 689 Punctata Clouded SHver St. 3, p. 295. 6684 BAPTA. [COEYCIA.] Darenth Wood, Epping, &c. June. 690 Casiata February Car- St. 3,j9. 295. pet 6625 APLOCEEA. On old walls. North of Eng- land, &c. June. 691 Flam- Yellow ringed St. 3, p. 296, t. 30, /. 3. cincta 6(126 APLOCEEA. North of England. June. _&hf %IM^ <;:>;' n ZW n 713 n 109 Linn, names. Enrjl. names. 692 Deeolo- rat a Sandy Carpet Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 297. 6685 EMMELESIA. [TBICHOPTEBYX, Hb.] Habitat, and when found. Hedges and lanes between Pen- tonville and Highgate. End of June. 693 Affinitata Allied Rivulet St. 3, p. 297. [Rivulata^ .V '.] 6686 EMMELESIA. Copenhagen Fields ; also near Hertford, Epping, &c. June. 694 Turbaria Middle Eivulet St. 3, p. 298. [Rivulata, var.] 6688 EMMELESIA. Middlesex, near Kentish Town, &c. End of June and be- ginning of July. 695 Rivulata Small Eivulet St. 3, p. 298. \_Hydrata, Prey., not 6689 EMMELESIA. Rivulata of W.V.] Grassy places near woods. Middle of June. 696 Ericetata Heath Eivulet St. 3, p. 298, t. 32, f. 2. 6690 EMMELESIA. North of Eng- land and in Scotland. June. 697 Blandiata Barred Eivu- St. 3, p. 299. let 6693 EMMELESIA. North of Eng- land. June. 698 Albulata Grass Eivulet St. 3, p. 299. 6691 EMMELESIA. Battersea Fields, Epping Forest, Meldon Park, near Morpeth, &c. End of June or begin- ning of July, 110 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 699 Trigonata Small Blue- [Blandiata, border var.] new genera. #*. 3,^.299. 6692 EMMELESIA. Habitat, and when found. Near "Wester- ham, Kent; and in Cumberland. June. 700 Taniata Banded Eivu- St. 3, p. 299, t. 32, / 3, let EMMELESIA. 701 Unifasci- Single-barred ^.3,^.300. ata Eivulet 6694 EMMELESIA. Mr. Stephens has seen but four specimens, all taken in Cumberland in, July, 1827. Westerham, and Birch "Wood ; but rare. June. 702 Bifasciata Double-barred St. 3, p. 300. Eivulet 6695 EMMELESIA. Birch "Wood ; also near Dover, &c. ; but rare. June. 703 Rusticata Least Carpet St. 3, p. 300. On palings near 6696 EMMELESIA. Eltham and [CosMOBHOE, Hb.] Bexley, in Kent. June. 704 Sylvata Waved Carpet D. 14, t. 487, / 1. St. 3, Coombe "Wood. 705 Blomeri Blomer's 706 Candidata Small white Wave p. 301. 6699 EMMELESIA. [HYDBELIA, Hb.] C. 9, 416. EMMELESIA. [HYDRELIA.] St. 3, p. 301. 6700 EMMELESIA. [ASTHENA ? Hb.] June. Castle Eden Dene, Durham. July. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Kent, &c. ; very common. June. PHALJENA. Ill Linn, names. Engl. names. 707 Luteata Small yellow "Wave Synonyms and new genera. D. 9, t. 386, / 1. 2. St. 3, p. 301. 6701 EMMELESIA. [ASTHEBTA ?] Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch "Woods ; near Dover, &c. June. 708 Heparata Dingy shell St. 3, p. 302. 6702 EMMELESIA. [EUCHOECA, Jib.] Coombe and Da. renth Woods ; beginning of July. 709 Clathrata Latticed Heath D. 7, t. 248, /. 2. p. 303. 6703 HEECYNA. [STBENTA.] St. 3, Darenth, Ep- ping, Hertford, &c. End of May, and mid- dle of July. 710 Maculata Speckled Tel- low H. t.2S,f.f. D. 7, .251, /. 3. S*. 3,^>. 304. 6704 HEECYNA. , Dup.] Common in woods about London and elsewhere. End of May. 711 Quadri- Pinion-spotted St. 3, p. 304. maculata Yellow 6705 HEECYNA. [Maculata, var.] [VENILIA.] In a wood near Colney Hatch, Middlesex. Beginning of May. 712 Dilutaria Small fan- St. 3, p. 305. [Reversata, footed Wave 6713 PTYCHOPODA. Tr.] Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; Epping, &c. May. 713 Fimbrio- Bordered lata Wave [Reversata, var.] 6714 PTYCHOPODA. Near London. June. 112 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 714 Cinereata Ashy Wave [Reversata, var.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 306. 6712 PTTCHOPODA. Habitat, and when found. Found in woody places about London. June. 715 Lividata Small dotted [Scutulata, "Wave W.V.] St. 3, p. 306. 6710 PTTCHOPODA. "Woods and hedges near London, &c. June. 716 Bisetata Treble Twin- St. 3, p. 307. spot 6711 PTTCHOPODA. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 717 Ornata Lace border St. 3, p. 307. 6727 PTTCHOPODA. Darenth Wood ; the New "Forest, &c. June. 718 Incanata Mullein Wave St. 3, p. 308. [Immutaria, Kb.] 6722 PTTCHOPODA. Coast of Norfolk ; also near Dover, &c. End of June. 719 Deoene- Portland rib- C. 8, t. 384. Isle of Portland. raria bon Wave PTTCHOPODA. June. [ACIDALIA.] 720 Contiffu- Tooth-striped St. 3, p. 308. aria Wave 6723 PTTCHOPODA. [Immutaria, var.] Norfolk and near Dover. End of June. 721 Immutata Lesser Cream St. 3, p. 308. [CtBspitaria, Wave 6729 PTTCHOPODA. Bdv., not Immutaria, Hb.] [ ACID ALIA.] Marshy places in Norfolk; also on the borders of YaxleyMere. End of June and beginning of July. 76O a, + P II A L 113 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 722 Rubricata Eeddish Wave St. 3, p. 308, t. 31, / 1. Ptychopoda. 6697 EMMELESIA. [EMMILTIS, Hb.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens 1 s specimeiTwas taken near York ; another was captured near Dover. 723 Osseata Dwarf Cream Wave St. 3, p. 309. 6707 PTYCHOPODA. [ACIDALIA.] Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. June. 724 Margine- Dotted Bor- St. 3, p. 310. punctata deredWave 6709 PTYCHOPODA. [ACTDALIA.] Brockenhurst in the New Forest. June. 725 Pirff-ula- Small Dusty ria Wave St. 3, p. 310. Acidalia. 6715 PTYCIIOPODA. Common in gar- dens, &c., near London. June. 726 Subseri- ceata Satiny Wave St. 3, p. 311. 6716 PTYCHOPODA. [ ACID ALIA.] Hedges near Da- renth Wood. June. 727 Inornata Plain Wave St.Z,p. 311. 6717 PTYCHOPODA, [ACIDALIA.] Darenth Wood. June. 728 Aversata EibbandWave St. 3, p. 311. 6719 PTYCHOPODA. [ACIDALIA.] Woods near London; Ep- ping, &c. June. 729 Eemutata False Bibband ^. 3,_p. 311. Acidalia, [Aversata, Wave 6718 PTYCHOPODA. var., not Eemutata, Linn.] Q Woods in Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. June, PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. 730 Fumata Engl. names. Smoky Wave 731 Lactata Pale Cream [Eemutata, "Wave var.] 732 Floslac- Cream Wave tata [Remutata, Linn., but not of Stephens.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 312. 6721 PTTCHOPODA. [ACIDALIA.] St. 3, p. 313. 6724 PTTCHOPODA. [ACIDALIA.] St. 3, p. 313. 6726 PTTCHOPODA. [ACIDALIA.] 733 Marginata Clouded-bor- St. 3, p. 314. Pcecilo- der phasia. 6731 PTTCHOPODA. [LOMASPILIS, Hb.] Habitat, and, when found. North of Eng- land, and Scotland. June. Woods in Mid- dlesex and else- where. June. Woods and hedges. June. Very common in woods and hedges, &c. Prom May to August. 734 Viridata Small Grass A. t. 48, /. 80, a c. C. 7, New Forest. Emerald t. 300. St. 3, p. 336. Chlorissa. 6483 HIPPAECHUS. [NEMOEIA, Hb.] 735 Cloraria Middle Grass St. 3, p. 316. Chlorissa. [Doubtfully Emerald 6484 HIPPARCHTJS. British.] 736 Thymia- Common ria Emerald [Linn. ? ^Estivaria, Hb.] Middle of June. Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. A. t. 48, /. 81, d g. II. t. 3. D. 9, t. 310. St. 3, p. 316. Chlorissa, 6733 PTTCHOPODA. [THALEEA, Hb.] Woods and hedges round London; very common. June. 737 Putataria Little Emerald St. 3, p. 317. Chlorissa. 6732 PTTCHOPODA. [THALERA.] Yery common in woody places round London, &c. End of May. PHAL^NA. 115 Linn, names. Engl. names. 738 Imitaria Small Blood- vein Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, jo. 318. 6737 MACAEIA. [TlMANDEA.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood ; New Forest, &c. June. 739 Fariegata Subangled [Exemptaridj Wave Hb.] St. 3, p. 318. Timandra. 2738 MACAEIA. Mr. Stephens' s specimens were taken in a lane near Darenth, in June. 740 Emutaria Dusky Wave St. 3, p. 318. Timandra. 6739 MACAEIA. New Forest, near Lyndhurst. July. 741 PaUida- Pale Wave ria [Perochraria, Tisch.] C. 8, p. 384. Acidalia. MACAEIA. [ACTDALIA.] Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. The only specimen Mr. Curtis has seen he received from Kent. 742 Notata Peacock St. 3, p. 319. 6740 MACAEIA. Darenth, Birch, and Coombe Woods. Begin- ning of June. 743 Alternata Sharp-angled Peacock St. 3, p. 320. 6741 MAOAEIA. Darenth Wood ; but rare. June. 744 Subrufata Slender- St. 3, p. 320. Mr. Bentley'i [Lapidata, striped Eu- 6742 MACAEIA. Cabinet. Hb.] fous [PLEMTEIA, Hb.] 745 Liturata Tawny-barred Angle C. 3, t. 132. St. 3, p. 320. 6743 MACAEIA. Near Brocken- hurst in the New Forest. June. 116 PHALJENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 746 Praato- Dingy Angled St. 3, p. 321. Mr. Bentley's mata 6744 MACAEIA. Cabinet. [Liturata, var.] 747 Unipunc- White spot St. 3, p. 321, t. 31, /. 3. Mr. Stephens'^ tata 6745 MACAEIA. Cabinet. [A North American species.] 748 Limbata Bordered [A North Chequer American species.] St. 3, p. 322. Ania. 6746 MACAEIA, Mr. Chant's Ca- binet. 749 Emargi- nata Scalloped Double-line D. 14, t. 493, /. 3. p. 322. 6747 MACAEIA. St. 3, Woods and hedges round London, &c. End of July. 750 Flexula Beautiful Hook-tip 6748 ENNOMOS. Woods in Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. ; but not common. End of July, 751 Lacertula Scallop Hook- D. 7, t. 251, /. 2. St. 4> } p. 4. Coombe and Da- [Lacertina- tip 6749 PLATTPTEETX. renth Woods ria.] among birch- trees, &c. May. 752 Cultraria Pale Scallop [Lacertina- Hook-tip ria, var.] St. 4, p. 5. 6750 PLATYPTEEYX. Monks Wood, Huntingdon- shire. June. 753 Ealcataria Pebble Hook- St. 4,^. 6. tip 6751 DEEPANA, Coombe, Da- renth, and Birch Woods, &c. End of May or beginning of June, 77/> n 77.9 n PL. 2 788 n 771 n 7 SOn 789 n 763 a 772 n 7:U n 764 a 773 n 782 n 7!U n 765 a 783 n 766 n 78-f n 767 a 77 6 TV 777 a 787 n 77:: ,, w.w,,,,,] Ju,, r PHAL.ENA, 117 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found, 754 Hamula Oak Hook-tip A. t. 65, / a d. //. L 41, Coombe "Wood, /. a. b. St. 4, p. 7. the New Forest, 6752 DREPANA. &c. End of May. 755 Uncula [Hamula, var.] Pale Oak Hook-tip St. 4, p. 7. 6753 DEEPANA. 756 Unguicula Barred Hook- St. 4, p. 7. tip 6754 DKEPANA. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Epping. Begin- ning of June. 757 Compressa Chinese Cha- A. t. 65, /. e h. D. 7, Common round [Spinula, racter t. 239, /. 2. St. 4, p. 9. London, &c. W.V.] 6756 CILIX. End of May. 758 Probosci- Snout Eggar dalis likeness H. t. 31, / f h. St. 4, Woods, hedges, p. 11. gardens, &c., 6757 HYPENA. 759 Obesalis Pinion Snout [A native of Continental Europe.] 760 Palpalis Dark Snout [A native of North America.] 761 Eostralis Buttoned Snout 762 Crassalis Beautiful Snout ^.4,^. 11. 6758 HYPENA. St. 4, p. 12. 6759 HTPENA. St. 4, p. 12. 6759 HTPENA. near London ; Epping, Hert- ford, &c. End of June to the middle of August. Mr. Chant's Ca- binet. Mr. Chant's Ca- binet. Gardens at Chel- sea, Battersea, &c. June and July. C. 6, t. 288. St. 4, p. 13. Taken by Messrs. 6760 HTPENA. Chant and Bentley in De- vonshire. June. 118 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names* 763 Cribralis 764 Barbalis Dotted Fan- foot Common Fan- foot 765 Derivalis Clay Fan-foot Synonyms and new genera. C. 11, #.527. Sfe.4,jp. 14. 6761 POLYPOGON. [MACEOCHILA, Hb.] A. t. 74,/. e h. H.t.4, f. 1, t. 6762 St. 4, p. 16, t. 33, / 2. 6763 POLYPOGOI*. [PAEACOLAX, Hb.] Habitat, and when found. Whittlesea Mere. End of June or beginning of July. Very common in woody places in the neigh- bourhood of London. Mid- dle of May to the beginning of July. Bexley and Da- renth Wood ; near Woolwich and at Dover. June. 766 Nemoralis Small Fan-foot St. 4, p. 16. 6765 POLYPOGOW, [PAEACOLAX.] 767 Tarsicri- nalis Fan-foot St. 4, p. 17. 6764 POLYPOGON. [PAEACOLAX.] 768 Emortu- Olive Crescent St. 4, p. 18. ^Ethia. alis 6766 POLYPOGON. [A native of Dalmatia,] 769 Salicalis Lesser Bell St. 4, p. 18. 6767 MADOPA. [COLOBOCHYLA, Hb.] Woods in Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Essex, &c. June. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, Epping, &c. Middle of June. Taken in Devon- shire ? ? End of May. Very rare. Neighbourhood of Bexley in Kent ; but very rare. End of June. P H A L M N A. 119 Linn, names. Engl. names. 770 Angusta- Small Snout Us Synonyms and new genera. St.4<,p. 19. 6768 CLEDEOBIA. , Hb.] Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Da- renth Woods. Middle of July. 771 AlUstri- White-line galis Snout St. 4, p. 20. 6769 CLEDEOBIA. At Darenth, also in Norfolk ; but rare. 772 Costa- strigalis Dark-line Snout St. 4>,p. 21. 6770 CLEDEOBIA. Whittlesea Mere ; but rare. Mr. Bentley's Cabi- net. June. 773 Undulalis Waved Tabby [Probably a North Ame- rican species.] St. 4, p. 22. Camptylo- chila. 6771 CLEDEOBIA. Very rare. Mr. Stephens pos- sesses a single specimen. 774 Bistriga- Twin-striped Us Tabby [A North American species.] St. 4, p. 22. Camptylo- chila. 6772 CLEDEOBIA. Mr. Stephens has seen but two, one of which is in his Cabinet. 775 Pingui- nalis Large Tabby St. 4, p. 23. 6773 AGLOSSA. Common in the neighbourhood of London, &c. End of July. 776 Cuprealis Small Tabby St. 4, p. 23. 6774 AGLOSSA. Near London, Hertford, Eipley. 777 Streat- Streatfeild's feildii Tabby [Pinguinalis, var.] C. 10, t. 455. St. 4, p. 24. AGLOSSA. Taken at Comp- ton Bishop, Somersetshire. Mr. Curtis' s Cabinet. 120 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 778 Farinalis Meal Moth St. 4, p. 25. 6776 PTEALIS. Habitat, and when fonnd. Common in houses, &c. End of August. 779 Pictalis Painted Meal C. 11, t. 503. St. 4, p. 395. Found in a house [A native of Moth - PYEALIS. near Poplar. India.] July. 780 Glaucina- Double-striped -St. 4, p. 26. lis 6778 PYEALIS. Taken near Lon- don, &c. June. 781 Costalis Gold Fringe St. 4, p. 27. 6779 AGEOTEBA. [HYPSOPYGIA.] Houses and gar- dens near Lon- don, &c. July and August. 782 Flammea- Eosy Flounced St. 4, p. 28. Us 6780 AGEOTEEA. Coombe, Da- renth, and Birch "Woods. End of June. 783 Fabriciana Autumn Net- St. 4, p. 29. tie-tap 6781 SIMAETHIS. Common on flowers from April to Octo- ber. 784 Pariana Double-barred St. 4, p. 29. Nettle-tap 6782 SIMAETHIS. Birch and Da- renth "Woods ; also near Rip- ley, &c. June. 785 Lutosa [Pariana, var.l Early Nettle- tap St. 4, p. 29. 6783 SIMAETHIS, In the neighbour- hood of London, &c. ; but rare. March and June. PHALJEKA, 121 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 783 Mjllerana Myller's Net- C. 7, t. 320. St. 4, p. 30. [Anyustana, tie tap 6784 SIMAETHIS. Hb.] 787 Punctuosa Narrow Sil- [Angustana, ver dotted var.] 788 Cingulata Silver-barred Sable 789 Anyuina* Wavy-barred Us Sable 790 Eufofas- Flounced cialis [A native of N. America.] 791 Cespitalis Straw-barred 792 Sordidalis Dingy Straw- [Cespitalis, barred var.] 793 Purpura- Crimson and lis Gold St. 4, p. 30. 6785 SIMAETHIS. C. 3, t. 128. St. 4, p.M. 6788 ENNYCHIA. St. 4, p. 32. 6787 ENNYCHIA. St. 4, p. 33. 6789 ENNYOHIA. St. 4, p. 34. 6795 PYBATJSTA. St. 4, p. 34. 6796 PYBATTSTA. Habitat, and when found. Birch Wood and near London, &c., on nettles. June and October. Ashdown Forest ; also in Devon- shire. July. In Devonshire and the North of England, &c. June and Au- gust, Darenth and Birch Woods, &c. June. Mr. Chant's Ca- binet. Darenth and CoombeWooda, Dover, &c. End of June and middle of August. Habitat the same as above. H. t. 28, /.m. D. 10, .339. Coombe, Birch, /. 2. St. 4, p. 35, 6791 PYBATJSTA. and Darenth Woods; also at Hertford, Ep- ping, &c. May and the middle of August. 122 PHALJ2NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 794 Punicealis Purple and Gold Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 35. 6791 PYRATJSTA. 795 Ostrinalis Scarce Purple St. 4, p. 36. and Gold 6793 PYRATTSTA. Habitat, and when found. Common on grassy banks near London and elsewhere. Beginning of June and mid- dle of August. Eeigate, fiipley, and the New Forest. June. 796 Porphy- Porphyry rails [A native of Hungary.] 6794 PYBAUSTA. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Kent, , p. 47. 6807 MAEGAEITIA. Habitat, and when found. British Museum. Taken near Bristol in July, 1815. 808 Minalis Dingy Pearl St. 4, p. 47. MAEGAEITIA. , Guen.] Mr. Stephens'* Cabinet. 809 Lanceali* Long-winged Pearl 810 Verticalis Mother of Pearl 6808 MAEQAIIITIA. [BoTYS, Latr.] Birch Wood, Charlton, &c. ; but rare. End of June. A. t. 72,/. a d. W. t. 51, Abundant among ff / 3% f V 1 71 Ifi noffloc in n-flv. H. t. 33,/. h 1. D. 16, t. 556. St. 4, p. 48. 6809 MAEGAEITIA. [BOTYS.] nettles, in gar- dens, fields, &c. June. 811 Centra- Central- St. 4, p. 49. strigalis striped-Pearl 6811 MAEGAEITIA. [Perpendiculalis, Dup.] A single specimen in Mr. Ste- phens' s Cabi- net. Taken in Devonshire. 812 Cinctalis Lesser Pearl St. 4, p. 49. 6812 MAEGAEITIA. [EPICOESIA, Hb.] Darenth Wood and Bipley,&c. ; also in clover- fields and hedges. End of June or begin- ning of July. 813 Palealis Sulphur St. 4, p. 50. 6810 MAEGAEITIA. [SlTOCHEOA, Hb.] Near Dover, and in Norfolk ; but rare. Julv. PI. '< 801 8O9 A 818 n 827 n ,','.':/ a Linn, names. Engl. names. PHALJiNA. Synonyms and new genera. 814 Hyalina- Scarce Pearl St. 4, p. 51. /es 6813 MAEGAEITIA. [BOTYS.] 815 Angusta- Narrow-winged St. 4, p. 51. /w Pearl 6815 MABGAEITIA. [Pandalis, Hb.] [Boirs.] 125 Habitat, and when found. Near Darenth Wood. June. Darenth Wood. Beginning of June. 816 Termina- Bordered Pearl 51.4^.51. Us 6816 MAEGAEITIA. [Pandalis, fern.] [BoTYs.] Darenth Wood, and near Do- ver ; but rare. June. 817 Glabralis Dingy Pearl [Silacealis, Hb.] St. 4, p. 52. 6814 MARGABITIA. 818 Pallidalis Delicate Pearl St. 4, p. 52. [A doubtful native.] 6817 MABGAEITIA. 819 Flavalis Gold China- mark St. 4, p. 52. 6822 MAEGAEITIA. [BOTYS.] 820 Ochrealis Small Straw St. 4, p. 53. [A native of China-mark 68 L9 MAEQAEITIA. Hungary.] Mr. Stephens' a Cabinet. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Woody places near London ; but rare. Mid- dle of July. Darenth Wood, and near Lon- don ; also at Hertford and Eipley. June. 821 Cilialis Orange Cloud C. 12, t. 559. St. 4, p. 53. Mr. Curtis's Ca- 6830 MAEQAEITIA. binet. Curt.] 822 Ferruga- Eusty Dot Us St. 4, p. 53. 6823 MAEGAEITIA. [UDEA, G-uen.] Xear Darenth Wood and Herne Bay ; but rare. Julv 126 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 823 Fulvalis Fulvous Dot St. 4, p. 54. (Eerrugalis, var.] - MAEGAEITIA. 824 Ferbasca- Eusty China- St. 4, p. 54. Us mark 6821 MAEGAEITIA. [EBTJLEA, Ghien.] 825 Longipe- Long-legged dalis Pearl [Punctalis, W.V.] 826 Pulveralis Dusted Pearl [Fuscalis, var.] 827 Fuscalis Cinereous Pearl 828 Fimbrialis Edged Pearl [Fuscalis, var.] 829 Institialis Pale Straw \_Mtialis, Guen.] 830 Stramen- Chequered tails Straw 831 Margari- Clouded Yel- St. 4, p. 57. tali* low Pearl 6832 MAEGAEITIA. [EVEEGESTIS, Hb.] St. 4, p. 55. 6820 [DOLTCHAETHEIA, Steph.] St. 4, p. 55. 6824 MAEGAEITIA [BOTTS.] St. 4, p. 56. 6825 MAEGAEITIA cineralis. [BOTTS.] St. 4, p. 56. 6826 MAEGAEITIA. [BOTTS.] St. 4,^.56. 6828 MAEGAEITIA lutealis [ScoPULA, Schr.] St. 4, p. 57. 6833 MAEGAEITIA elutalis. , G-uen.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens' 3 Cabinet. Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. July. Taken near Teignmouth, by Captain Blomer. July. Darenth Wood. June. Birch, Darenth, and Coombe Woods, &c. June. Darenth Wood, and near Dover. June. Woods and hedges in Kent, Cambridge- shire, &c. End of June. Marshy places in Norfolk. July. Bristol; near Bedford, and in Berkshire. June. PHALJENA. 127 Linn, names. Engl. names. 832 Sericealis Straw Dot Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 58. 6831 MAEGAEITIA. [BIYULA, G-uen.] Habitat, and when Jound. Woods, hedges, and shrubby places, in Mid- dlesex, Kent, &c. July. 833 Alpinalis Alpine Pearl St. 4, p. 58. 6827 MAEGAEITIA uliginosalis. [SCOPTJLA.] 834 Sticticalis Diamond Spot St. 4, p. 59. 6829 MAEGAEITIA tetragonalis. [SPILODES, G-uen.] Taken by Mr. Dale on the summit of Ben Lawers in July, 1827. Mr. Stephens' 3 Cabinet. Near Coombe Wood ; Dover, and B/ipley ; but rare. July. 835 Olivalis White H. t. 29, /. p s. St. 4, Common near Brindled p. 59. Margaritia. London, &c. 6836 SCOPULA nivealis. End of June. 836 Prunalis Clouded Pearl St. 4, p. 63. Margaritalis. Common in 6834 SCOPTTLA. hedges in Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Kent, &c. End of June. 837 Dentalis Starry Brindle C. 12, t. 563. St. 4, p. 61. 6838 SCOPTJLA. A single speci- men in Mr. Stephens's Cabinet; also another in Mr. Bentley's Col- lection. 128 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 838 Strigula- Least Black- lis arches [Cristulalis, Hb.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 62. 6840 NOLA. Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Da- renth Woods. End of May or beginning of June. 839 Monacha- Small Black- lis arches [Striffula, "W.V.] C. 9, t. 428. St. 4, p. 62. 6839 NOLA Near London, also at Coombe and Colney Hatch Wood ; but rare. June. 840 Cuculla- Short-cloaked tella 841 Prasinana Green Silver linea St. 4, p. 62. 6841 NOLA. W. t. 30. H. t. 30, / i_ m . D. 8, t. 280, fa- gana. St. 4, p. 66. 6843 CHLOEPHOBA. [HTLOPHILA, Hb.] Common in gar- dens and hedges in several parts of the country ; about the mid- dle or end of June. Coombe, Da- renth, and Birch Woods, &c. June. 842 Quercana Scarce Silver lines //. t. 30, /. e h. D. 2, Woody places in t. 40. St. 4, p. 67. 6844 CHLOEPHOBA prasinana. [HTLOPHILA.] Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Essex, &c. Middle of June. 843 Clorana Small Green Oak W. t. 5. 8t. 4, p. 68. 6845 TOBTBIX. S, Hb.] On willows in marshy places, Battersea Fields, Plum- stead, &c. June. 833 a -2 a, + 851 n 860 n 834- n 861 TL S3ff n 845 n 054- 862 n I 855 863 n 838 n 856 n 864- rv S39 n 84-8 n 857 n 865 n #40 n 84-ft a w.w.K,,l J,,,,r 858 n Bffff n PHAL^ENA. 129 Linn, names. Engl. names. SM Viridana Pea Green. Synonyms and new yenera. Habitat,, and when found. A. t. 72, f. e h. H. t. 10, On Oak trees, /. 1. 2. D. 4, t. 144. &c., in several St.4i,p. 68. parts of the country. End of June. 6846 TOKTBIX. 845 Galiana Glossy Golden- St. 4, p. 396. [Fiburnana, brown TOKTKIX. W.V.] Whittlesea Mere. July. 846 Palleana Plain Yellow 847 Fiburnana Vibumian 848 Forster- Forsterian ana St. 4, p. 69. 6847 TORTRIX. St. 4, p. 69. 6848 TOBTBIX. Near Dover. July and August. Whittlesea Mere but not com- mon. July. A. t. 72, /. a d. St. 4, Coombe and Da- p. 70. renth Woods, 6850 LOZOTJENIA. also in the New Forest. June. 849 Sorbiana Hazel Tortrix St. 4, p. 70. Darenth and 6851 LOZOT^NIA avellana Birch Woods. June. 850 Heparana Dark Oblique- St. 4, p. 71. bar 6852 LOZOT^NIA. 851 Cinnamo- Cinnamon St. 4, p. 71. Very common in woods and shrubby places in several parts. June and July. A single speci- men in Mr. Ste- phens's Cabi- net. Taken by him in Coombe Wood, in June, 1832. S 130 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new fjenera. 852 Ribeana Common St. 4, p. 72. Oblique-bar 6853 LOZOTJEISTIA. Habitat, and when found. Common in woods and gar- dens. June. 853 Grossula- Gooseberry riana [Ribeana, var.] St. 4, p. 72. 6854 LOZOTJENIA, Woods and gar- dens, Middle - sex,Essex,Kent, &c. June. 854 Cerasana Hollow St. 4, p. 72. [Ribeana, Oblique-bar 6855 LOZOTJSNIA. var.] Coombe, Birch, and Darenth Woods. End of June. 855 Corylana Great Chec- St. 4, p. 73. quered 6857 LOZOTJENIA. Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, &c. End of June or begin- ning of July. 856 Croceana Saffron [Unifasciana,Dup., not Crociana, Hb. nor Curt.] St. 2, p. 73. 6875 LOZOT^ENIA. Woods and hedges in seve- ral parts ; but not common. June. 857 Lavigana Glossy St. 4, p. 74 [Kosana, Obliqne-bar 6856 var.] Hedges and gar- dens near Lon- don, and else- where. Middle of June. 858 Nebulana Rose [Hosana, var.] St. 4, p. 74. 6858 LOZOT^NIA rosana Common with the last, towards the end of June. PHAL.ENA. 131 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 859 Subocel- Ocellated St. 4, p. 75. lana Oblique-bar 6861 LOZOTJEBIA. [Probably a native of North America.] 860 Oporana Great Hook- [Fulvana, tipped Frol. fern.] A. t. 86,/.38, f 1. W. t. 34. St. 4, p. 75. 6864 LOZOT^NIA. Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens has seen two speci- mens only, taken either in Devonshire or Cornwall. Hedges and gar- dens near Lon- don, &c. Mid- dle of June. 861 Eosana M. and F. Great Brown St. 4, p. 75. 6862 LOZOT^ENIA fhscana. Gardens near London. End of June. 862 Brande- riana Branderian St.^p. 76. 6863 LOZOTJJNIA. Near Brocken- hurst in the New Forest ; but rare. End of June. 863 Xyloste- Forked Eed- St. 4, p. 76. ana bar 6866 LOZOT^NIA. 864 Roborana Oak Red-bar 865 Obliquana Oblique- [Xylosteana, barred var.] St. 4, p. 77. 6867 LOZOT^ENIA. St. 4, p. 77. 6868 LOZOTOTIA, "Woods round London, &c. End of June or beginning of July. Taken at Da- renth Wood and occasion- ally near Lon- don. Beginning of July. Dareiith and Goombe Woods ; but very rare. June. 132 PHAL.ENA. Linn names. Engl. names. 866 Costana Straw Oblique-bar Synonyms and new (/en era. D. *.369,/2. St.4>,p.78. 6869 LOZOT^NIA. 867 Biustu- Double Spot- St. 4, p. 78. lana ted Oblique- 6870 LOZOT^NIA. [Probably a bar native of North America.] Habitat, and tvhen found. Near London, Battersea Fields; Coombe "Wood, &c. ; but not common. June. Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens, taken, he thinks, in the West of England. 868 Modeeri- Modeerian ana [Semialbana, Guen.] St. 4, p. 78. 6871 LOZOT^NIA. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. Beginning of July. 869 Acer ana Maple [Transitana, Guen.] St. 4, p. 79. 6872 LOZOT^NIA. Coombe and Da- renth Woods. June. 870 Trifasci- Afternoon ana [Musculana, Hb.] St. 4, p. 79. 6873 LOZOT^NIA. , Hb.] Found with the above, and also in the New Forest. 871 Grotiana Grotian St. 4, p. 79. 6874 LOZOT^NIA. [DICHELIA, Guen.] Darenth Wood and the New Forest. End of June. 872 Ochreana Saffron [Grotiana, var.] St. 4, p. 80. 6874 Near London ; but rare. End of June. PI. 30 867 n 885 n 834 n #77 n 886 n 869 n 878 n 887 n, 896 n 87O n 87t> n 888 n 871 n 88O n 889 n 89 8 TV 872 TL 881 n 89 O rv 899 n 873 n, 882 891 n 874 883 n, 901 n 884 n W. Wood JiuvT #.93 n 9O2 THALJENA. 133 Linn, names. Engl. names. 873 Cruciana Eed Cross [Augustata, Hb.] 874 Holmiaua Holmian 875 Schrebe- Schreberian riana [A native of Germany.] 876 Gernin- Gerningian giana Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 80. 6876 LOZOTJENIA. [HYPEKMECIA, Guen.] St. 4, p. 81. 6878 LOZOT^NIA. [CKOESIA, Hb.] St. 4, p. 81. 6879 LOZOT^NIA. St. 4, p. 82. Philedone. 6880 AMPHISA. Habitat, and when found. Near London ; also at Coombe, Darenth, and Birch "Woods. Middle of June. Common in gar- dens and hedges near London. End of June. Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens, both taken in Corn- wall. Near Birming- ham. June. 877 Walkeri- Walkerian ana [Prodromana, Hb.] 878 Rotun- Eound-tipped dan a Red-bar [Angitstiorana, var.] St. 4>,p. 82. Philedone. 688 L AMPHISA. St. 7, p. 84. 6883 DITULA, 879 Angustio- Narrow- winged St. 4, p. 83. rana Red-bar 6882 DITULA. 880 Porphy- Bright Oblique- St. 4>, p. 84, rana barred 6884 DITULA. [Profundana, W.V. var.] [P^ECILOCHROMA, St.] Found by Mr. Walker near New Lanark, in Scotland. Near London, Dover, &c. ; but very rare. July. Common in Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Kent, &c. June and July. Darenth and Birch Woods ; but not com- mon. End of June and be- ginning of July. 134 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 881 Nebulana Clouded Iron [Profondana, var.] Synonyms and new genera. D. 13, t. 364. St. 4, p. 85. 6885 DITULA. [P^ECILOCHBOMA.] 882 Wellensi- Barred Blotch- St. 4, p. 85. ana back 6887 DITULA Asseclana. [Profundana.] [P^ICILOCHEOMA.] St. 4, p. 85. 6888 DITULA. [P-&CILOCHBOMA.] St. 4, p. 86. 6889 DITULA. 883 ^Ethiopi- Negro ana [Profundana, var.] 884 Scriptana Short-barred [Hartmanni- White ana, L. ?] 885 Semifas- Short-barred ciana Grey 886 Corticana Marbled Long- St. 4>,p. 87. cloak 6891 ANTITHESIA. Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods, New Forest, and, though rarely, in the neighbourhood of London. June. Darenth "Wood, New Forest, &c. June. Taken with the above in June. St. 4, p. 86. 6890 DITULA. Middlesex, Es- sex, Surrey; also , Steph.] in Devonshire. July. New Forest ; also occasion- ally in Kent. July. Coombe and Da- renth Woods. Middle of July. 887 BetulfK- Birch Long- tana cloak 888 Tripunc- Common tata Long-cloak [Ockroleucana, Hb.] St. 4, p. 87. 6892 AtfTITHESIA. St. 4, p. 88. 6893 ANTITHESIA. Very common in Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, &c. June and July- Woods in Surrey, Essex, &c. End of July. PHAL^ENA. 135 Linn, names. Engl. names. 889 Grevil- Grevilleian leana Synonyms and new genera. C. t. 567. [ANTITHESIS.] 890 Pruniana Lesser Long- St. 4, p. 88. cloak 6894 ANTITHESIS. 891 Pullana Dingy Marbled St. 4, p. 88. [Pruniana, var.] 6895 ANTITHESIS. Habitat, and when found. Taken in Sutber- landshire in July by Dr. Greville. Mr. Curtis' s Cabi- net. Wood in Surrey, &c End of July. Near London ; but very rare. June. 892 Margi- Bordered St. 4, p. 89. nana Long-cloak 6896 ANTITHESIS. Darentli Wood ; but very rare. July. 893 Oblonga- Narrow Long- St. 4, p. 89. na cloak 6897 ANTITHESIS. [Marginana, fern.] Woods near London; but rare. July. 894 Gentia- Gentian nana St. 4, p. 89. 6898 ANTITHESIS- 895 Salicella White-backed St. 4, p. 89. 6899 ANTITHESIS. [PENTHINS, Tr.] 896 Nubife- Cloudy White St. 4, p. 91. rana 6900 SPILONOTA. [Cynosbatella, var.] [ANTITHESIS.] Near Waltham- stow, also in Devonshire ; but very rare. August. Battersea Fields, &c. End of July or beginning of August. Hedges near Darenth Wood ; very rare. Mid- dle of June. 136 P H A L M N A. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 897 Cynosba- Black cloaked St. 4, p. 91. tella 6901 SPILONOTA. 898 Aquana Brown-cloaked fitf.4,_p.91. \_Roborana, W.V.] 6902 SPILONOTA. 899 Trimacu- Triple lana Blotched St. 4, p. 91. 6903 SPILONOTA. Habitat, and when found. Gardens near London, &c. July and August. Gardens in Mid- dlesex, Kent, Surrey, Essex, &c. End of June. Hedges, woods, &c., with the last. 900 Comitana Cream Short- [Ocellana, cloak W.Y.] St. 4, p. 92. 6914 SPILONOTA. Common in hedges and woods near London, &c. Middle of June. 901 Fcenella White-foot D. 2, t. 65,/. 1. St. 4, p. 92. Epping Forest ; 6904 SPILONOTA. very rare, [HALONOTA, Steph.] August. 902 Sylvana Eed Blotch- \Profunda~ back na, var.] St. 4, p. 84. 6886 DITULA. [P^CILOOHEOMA.] Darenth Wood, and in Norfolk ; but rare. June. 902 Pfiugiana Pflugian PI. 31. \_Sr.utulana, W.V.] 6906 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA] Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 903 Strcemi- Strcemian ana [Bimaculana, Don.] St. 4, p. 93. 6907 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA.] Darenth and CoornbeWoods, &c. End of July. PHALJ2NA. 137 tiim. names. Engl. names. 904 Rusticana Tawny Blotch- [Brunnichi- back ana, W.V., not of Linn.] Synonyms and new genera. 6905 SPILONOTA. [HALOXOTA.] 905 Trigemi- Three-spotted St. 4, p. 94. nana 6908 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA.] 906 Sticticana Brown Blotch- St. 4, p. 94. [Scutulana, back 6909 SPILONOTA. W.Y., fern.] [HALONOTA.] 907 Costipunc- Lesser Blotch- St. 4, p. 95. toa back 6910 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA.] 908 Argyrana Silver Blotch- St. 4, p. 95. [Trigemi- back - SPILONOTA. , fern.] [HALONOTA.] 909 Quadrana Highland St. 4, p. 95. \_Brunnichi- Blotch-back -- SPILONOTA. ana, W.V., var.] [HALONOTA.] 910 Tetrago- Four-angled St. 4, p. 96. nana Blotch-back 6911 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA.] 911 Nigricos- Black-edged St. 4, p. 96. tana Marble 6912 SPILONOTA. [HALONOTA.] 912 Ustulana Scorched St. 4, p. 96. Blunt-wing 6913 SPILOFOTA. [AKTITHESIA.] T Habitat, and when found. Near London. June. Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen, which he caught at Ripley, in July, 1827. Hedges at Peck- ham, and also at Coombe "Wood. End of July. Near London ; but rare. July. Highlands of Scotland. Au- gust. Taken in Scot- land in July. Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; but very rare. July. On Elm trees near Hertford. June. Coombe "Wood, Norfolk, &c. June. 138 PHALJSNA. Linn, names. . names. 913 limbriana Brown Bor- dered Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 97. Heusimene. Habitat, and when found. Taken by Mr. Stephens at Coombe Wood, in March. 914 Obscurana Obscure St. 4, p. 98. Blotch-back 6916 PSETJDOTOMIA [HALONOTA.] Yery rare. Taken near London. 915 Frater- Cinereous Sil- nana ver-barred [Splendidulana, Guen.] St. 4, p. 98. 6917 PSETJDOTOMIA. [COCCYX, Tr.] Found in the spring, at Coombe Wood ; rare. 916 Atromar- Black Bor- gana dered [Argyrana, Hb.] St. 4,j9. 99. 6918 PSETJDOTOMIA. [COCCYX.] Darenth, Birch, and Coombe Woods ; among Oaks, &c. June. 917 Strobilella Light Silver- \_Argyrana, striped fern.] St. 4, p. 99. 6919 PSEFDOTOMIA. [COCCYX.] 918 Sequana Silver Blotch- St. 4*,p.Q9. [Petiverella, back 6920 PSETJDOTOMIA. var., not Sequana, Steph.] [DICEOEAMPHA, G-uen.] Fir Woods, of May. End Woods in Mid- dlesex and in Norfolk. Be- ginning of June. 919 Petiverella Petiverian St.*, p. 100. 6921 PSETJDOTOMIA. [DICEOEAMPHA.] Woods near London, also in the New Forest, Devon- shire, &c. End of May, or be- ginning of June. PHAL^NA. 139 Linn, names. Engl. names. 920 Lunulana Crescent [Petiverella, var.] Synonyms and new genera. &.4,i>. ioa 6922 PSEUDOTOMIA concinnana. DlCEOEAMPHA.] Habitat, and when Jound. Taken in Hamp- shire by the Eev. G. T. Rudd. June. 921 Simplid- Plain Silver- ana fringed 922 Jacguini- Jacquinian ana \_Alpinana, Tr.] 923 Strigana Plain Gold- [Mpina*a t fringed var.] 924 Atropur- Purple Black purana [Simpliciana, Haw.] St. 4, p. 100. 6923 PSEUDOTOMIA. [DlCEOEAMPHA.] St. 4, p. 100. 6924 PSEUDOTOMIA. [DlCKOEAMPHA.] St. 4, p. 101. 6025 PSEUDOTOMIA. [DlCEOEAMPHA.] St. 4, p. 101. 6926 PSEUDOTOMIA. [DICEOEAMPHA.] 925 Nigricana Black Striped- St. 4, p. 101. edge 6927 PSEUDOTOMIA. [ENDOPISA, Guen.] 926 Proximana Pale Brown St. 4, p. 101. Striped-edge 6928 PSEUDOTOMIA. [ENDOPISA.] 927 Puncti- Sector -spotted St. 4, p. 102. costana 6929 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA, Dup.] 928 Populana Pygmy T St. 4, p. 102. 6931 PSEUDOTOMIA. [HALONOTA.] Norfolk. Middle of June. Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; the New Fo- rest, &c. June. Coombe Wood, Hertford, Brockenhurst, &c. June. Coombe Wood. End of July. Darenth and Coombe Woods, &c. Middle of June. Devonshire, &c. Middle of June. Eipley, in grassy places ; but rare. June. Norfolk, &c., on Nettles ; but scarce. Autumn. 140 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 929 Ephip- Three-angled pana Blotch-back [Spiniana, Fisch.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 102. 6932 PSEUDOTOMIA trigonana. [SEMASIA, Steph.] Habitat, and when found. Birch and Da- renth "Woods. June. 930 Trauniana Traunian [Regiana, Zell., not Trau- niana,W.V.] St. 4, p. 103. 6930 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA.] Near Holt in Norfolk ; but very rare. June. 931 tella i- Triple-striped Blotch-back St. 4, p. 103, t. 37, / 2. 6936 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA. Birch and Da- renth "Woods. June. 932 Gundiana Gundian [Composite! la, fern.] St.^p.lOB. 6935 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA.] Same time and place as 931. 933 Dorsana [Composi- tella, var.] Single-striped Blotch-back St. 4, p. 103. 6937 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA.] Birch and Da- renth "Woods ; but very rare. June. 934 Lediaua Ledian [Janthinana, Dup.] St. 4, p. 104. 6933 PSEUDOTOMIA. [SEMASIA.] Woods in Nor- folk, Devon- shire, &c. June. 935 Nitidana Dark Silver- striped St. 4, p. 104. 6939 PSEUDOTOMIA. [EPHIPPIPHOEA.] Darenth Wood, the New Fo- rest, &c. June. 936 Aurana Double D. 2,f.57,/.2. StA,p. 105. Near London, Orange-spot 6938 PSEUDOTOMIA. Ripley, and [EucELis, lib.] Hertford, &c. June. 902 TV 920 n 929 n 903 TV 912 n 921 n 93071 913 n 922 n, 931 v. 905 n 914 923 n. 932 n 906 TV 916 n 925 n 934-n 908 n, 911 926 n 986 909 n 927 n 936 n 937 n PHAL^ENA. 141 Linn, names. Enyl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 937 Tetraque- Square-barred St. 4, p. 105. trana Single-dot 6940 STEGANOPTYCHA. , Guen.] Habitat, and when found. On the margin of Darenth and Coomb e "Woods ; but rare. June. 938 Angulana Angle-striped St. 4, p. 106. [Tetraque- Single-dot 6943 STEGANOPTYCHA. trana, var.] 939 Unipunc- Marbled tana Single-dot [Ncevana, Hb.] St. 4, p. 106. 6941 STEGANOPTYCHA. [LlTHOGEAPHIA, Steph.] Darenth Wood. June. Near London, and in the New Forest. June. 940 Trique- Angle-barred trana [not of Single- dot Hb.] \_Immundana, Fisch.] St. 4, p. 106. 6942 STEGANOPTYCHA. [PHL2EODES.] Middlesex, the "West of England, and in the New Forest, End of June. 941 Pavonana Blotch-backed \_Nisella, Grey Clk.] 942 Bceberana Breberian [Nisella, var.] 943 Cuspidana Pointed Bar \Nisella, var.] 944 Rhombi- Square Bar fasciana [Nisella, var.] D.2,.58,/. 3. ^.4,^.107. 6945 STEGANOPTYCHA rubiana. [LlTHOGEAPHIA.] St. 4, p. 107. 6944 STEGANOPTYCHA. [LlTHOGEAPHIA.] St. 4, p. 107. 6946 STEGANOPTYCHA. [LlTHOGEAPHIA.] St. 4, p. 108. 6948 STEGANOPTYCHA. [LlTHOGEAPHIA.] Epping Forest, Darenth Wood, &c. August. Woods near Lon- don, also in the New Forest. August. Darenth and Coombe Woods. Beginning of August. Darenth Wood ; but rare. End of July. 142 PHAL^NA. St/nonitms and Habitat, and Linn, names. Engl. names. J J new genera. when found. 945 Stictana Spotted Bed St. 4, p. 108. Taken near Lon- [Nisella, var.] 6947 STEGANOPTYCHA. don ; but very [LrraoGEAPHTA.] rare. August. 946 Cineraria Mottled Grey St. 4, p. 108. Taken near Lon- 6949 STEGAITOPTYCHA. don. [LlTHOGEAPHIA.] 947 Retusana Variable Eed St. 4, p. 108. Steganopty- Common in [Penkleriana, W.Y.] cha. hedges near 6950 ANCHYLOPEEA. Darenth Wood, [LTTHOGEAPHIA.] &c. June. 948 Subuncana Eed Hook-tip St. 4, p. 109. Steganopty- Woods in Mid- [Mitterbacheriana, W.V.] cha. dlesex, Kent, 6951 ANCHTLOPEEA. Surrey, &c. June. 949 Obtusana Blunt-winged ^.4,^.110. Darenth and Elotch-back 6952 ANCHTLOPEEA. Coombe Woods. [LITHOGEAPHIA.] Beginning of June. 950 Unculana Hook-tipped St. 4, p. 110. Birch and Da- [Derasana, Blotch-back 6953 ANCHTLOPEEA. renth Woods, Hb. ?] Ac. June. 951 Lundana Lundian D. 11, t. 374, /. 1. St. 4, Darenth and p. 110. ' CoombeWoods. 6954 ANCHTLOPEEA. End of May. 952 Lyellana Lyell's C.fol. 376. St. 4, p. 111. Taken at Kin- [Myrtillana, Tr.] ANCHTLOPEEA. nordy in Scot- land, by C. Lyell, Esq. Mr. Curtis 's Cabinet. PHAL^NA. 143 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonywt and new genera. 953 Fracti- Broken-barred St. 4, p. Ill, t. 34, /. 3. fasciana 6955 ANCHYLOPERA. [Unguicella, L.] 954 Siculana Hook-tipped St. 4, p. 111. Streak 6956 A^CHYLOPERA. 955 Diminu- Festoon Tor- St. 4, p. 112. trix 6957 ANCHYLOPERA. Habitat, anil when found. Brockenhurst, in the New Forest. June. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. End of May. In woody places near London, also at Coombe and Darenth Woods ; but rare. June. 956 Funulana Dark Festoon [Brunnichana, L. var.] 957 Uncana Bridge St. 4, p. 112. 6958 ANCHYLOPERA. [PffiCILOCHROMA.] St. 4, p. 112. 6959 ANCHYLOPERA. Mr. Stephens mentions it as being once ta- ken at Coombe Wood in June. Mr. Chant's Cabinet. Darenth and Coombe Woods. Beginning of June. 958 Ustoma- culana Loch Eanoch C. 8, t. 376. St. 4, p. 112. ANCHYLOPERA. [COCCYX.] Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet, taken in the Black wood of Loch Ean- noch, in June. 959 Cuspidana Sharp-angled [Biarcuana, St.] St. 4, p. US. 6960 AKCHYLOPERA. Taken in May, by Mr. Chant at Coombe Wood. 144 PHAL^ENA. Linn*, names. Ennl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 960 Derasana Naked-winged St. 4, p. 113. AtfCHYLOPERA. 961 Harpana Hooked [Ramella, Marble L.?] 962 Nigroma- Beautiful culata Marble 963 Albana Light Mar- [Nigromacu- bled lana, var.] 964 Navanq Spotted Short- [notofHb.] cloak [Demarniana, Eisch.] 965 Sociana White Short- [Dealbana, cloak Fr.] 966 Incarnana Marbled Short- [Dealbana, cloak var.] 967 Paykul- Paykullian liana \Dealbana, var.] 968 Fimbriana Double cres- [Paykulliana, cent Eab.j 969 Bilunana Hoary Double- crescent St. 4, p. 114. 6961 AFTICLEA. [A^CHYLOPERA.] St. 4, p. 114. 6962 ANTICLEA. [LlTHOGKAPHIA.] St. 4, p. 114. Anticlea. 7135 EUPCECILIA. St.^p. 115. Anticlea. 6963 [PHL2EODES.] St. 4, p. 115. Anticlea. 6964 [SPILONOTA.] St. 4, p. 115. Anticlea. 6965 [SPILONOTA.] St. 4, p. 116. Anticlea. 6966 [SPILONOTA.] St. 4, p. 116. Anticlea. 6967 [LlTHOGKRAPHIA.] St. 4, p. 116. Anticlea. 7134 EUPCECILIA. [CABTELLA, Guen.] Habitat, and when J'onnd. Taken at Spitch- week, in Devon- shire, by Mr. Chant, in June. Darenth Wood. June. Tunbridge Wells, &c. ; but very rare. Begin- ning of July. Darenth Wood ; but rare. End of June. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. Darenth Wood, &c. June. Darenth Wood, &c. August. Darenth Wood. End of March. Birch, Darenth and Coombe Woods. June. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. /y./;/ 938 n 947 n 956rt 965 n 939 n 948 n 966 n 940 n 949 n 958 n 967 n 941 n 959 n 96 8 n 942 n 951 n 960 n 969 n 943 n 952 n 961 n 970 n 944 n, 953 n 96 2 n 971 n 945 n 946 n 954 n 963 n 972 n PHAL^ENA. 145 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Halitat, and new genera. when found. 970 Subocel- Retuse Marble D. 12, t. 381. /. 1. St. 4, Hedges near lana p. 116. Anticlea. London. End [Campoliliana,W.V.'] 6968 of June and be- [LITHOGEAPHIA.] ginning of July. 971 Asseclana Obtuse Mar- St. 4, p. 117. Anticlea. Darenth "Wood. [Campolili- ble 6969 July. ana, var.] [LITHOGEAPHIA.] 972 Mitterba- Mitterbachian D. 11, t. 369, / 1. St. 4, On Elm trees cheriana, [not of W.V.] p. 117. Anticlea. near London ; [Trimaculana, Don.] 6970 common in the [LITHOGEAPHIA.] summer. 973 Arcuana Arched D. 11, t. 364, /. I. St. 4, Near London, p. 118. also at Darenth 6984 and Coombe Steph.] Woods, &c. End of June. 974 Pomonella Apple-tree W. t. 9. St. 4, p. 119. 6971 SEMASIA. [CAEPOCAPSA, Tr.] Gardens and orchards, near London, &c. June. 975 Splendana Splendid St. &,p. 119. 6972 SEMASIA. [CAEPOCAPSA.] Epping Forest and Darenth "Wood; but rare. June. 976 Grossana Smoky Marble 6973 SEMASIA. [CAEPOCAPSA.] Birch Wood ; rare. June. 977 Weberana Weberian St. 4t,p. 123. Carpocapsa. Apple-orchards, 6974 SEMASIA. and the borders of woods. June. U 146 PHAL^ENA. Linn names. EnoL names. 978 Aspidis- Spotted Tor- cana trix [Tortrix Aspidiscana,Hb. is a French species.] 979 Rheediella Bheedian [not of Clerck] [Albersana, Hb.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 120. SEMASIA. [CARPOCAPSA.] D. 12, t. 377, / 1. St. 4, p. 121. Carpocapsa. 6975 SEMASIA. [GrRAPHOLITHA.] Habitat, and whenfound. Near London, and in the North of Eng- land, but very- rare. Near London ; the New Forest, &c. June. 980 Lanceolana Light-striped- St. 4, p. 121. Carpocapsa. Coombe "Wood ; [Ulicetana, edge 6976 SEMASIA. in hedges, Haw.] [G-RAPHOLITHA.] among nettles, &c. Spring. 981 Hyperi- Yellow- $. 4, p. 121. Carpocapsa. Coombe and Da- cana striped-edge 6977 SEMASIA. renth Woods. [GRAPHOLITHA.] June. 982 Leplas- Leplastrian triana 983 Perlepi- Beautiful dana Crescent C. 8, t. 352. St. 4, p. 121. Carpocapsa. SEMASIA. [EPHIPPIPHORA.] St. 4, p. 122. Carpocapsa. 6978 SEMASIA. [EPHIPPIPHORA.] 984 Stellife- Starry Tortrix St. 4, p. 122. Carpocapsa. rana SEMASIA. [Petiverella, L. var.] 985 Pupillana Wormwood Tortrix [DlCRORAMPHA.] St. 4, p. 122, t. 34, /. 2. Carpocapsa. 6979 SEMASIA. [GrRAPHOLITHA.] 986 Fulvana Fulvous Sealed ^.4,^.123. Carpocapsa. \Hohenwarthana, W.Y.] 6980 SEMASIA. [ GRAPH OLITHA.] Near Dover. Beginning of June. Darenth Wood, but rare. June. Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet. Taken in Perthshire. Coasts of Eng- land, especially Devonshire. June. Near London, in meadows ad- joining woods. June. PHAL^ENA. 147 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 987 Cana Hoary Sealed St. 4, p. 123. Carpocapsa. Coombe and Da- {Hohenwarthana, var.] 6981 SEMASIA. renth "Woods, [GrEAPHOLITHA.] &C. June. 988 Scopoli- Scopolian ana 989 Rufana Eed Sealed [Expallidana, var.] 990 Egenana Dusty Drab [Lanceolana, Hb.] St. 4, p. 123. Carpocapsa. 6982 SEMASIA. [GrEAPHOLITHA.] St. 4i,p. 124. Carpocapsa. 6983 SEMASIA. [GEAPHOLITHA.] 6985 APHELIA. [BACTEA.] 991 Pauperana Spotted Drab St. 4, p. 125. [Lanceolana, var.] 6986 APHELIA. [BACTEA.] 992 Egestana Lesser Drab [Lanceolana, var.] *. 4,j>. 125. 6987 APHELIA. [BACTEA.] 993 Plagana Broad-streaked St. 4, p. 125. {Lanceolana^ Drab 6988 APHELIA. var.] [BACTEA.] Near London ; the New Forest, &c. June. Darenth Wood. July. Moist places near Coombe Wood. June. Marshy places on Wimbledon Common, &c. July. Marshy places ; end of June. Near London, but rare, June. 994 Expalli- dana Pale Drab 995 Quadri- Dotted Drab punctata [Pratana, Hb.] 996 Penziana Penzian St. 4, p. 125. , Bactra. 6989 APHELIA. [GEAPHOLITHA.] St. 4, p. 126. 6990 APHELIA. [ABLABIA.] St. 4, p. 127. 6992 CWEPHASIA. Taken near Coombe Wood. June. Near Dover. August. North of Eng- land and Scot- land. Begin- ning of July. 148 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. JBngl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 997 Longana Long-winged St. 4, p. 127. [Ictericana, fern.] 6994 CNEPHASIA. [SPHALEEOPTEEA.] Habitat, and whenfound. Meadows and marshy places near London. June. 998 Ictericana Jaundiced Drab 999 Sinuana Waved Elm [Obsoletana, Steph.] St.4<,p. 128. 6995 CNEPHASIA. [SPHALEEOPTERA.] St. 4, p. 128. 6996 CNEPHASIA. Meadows near London. June. Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen, taken at Da- renth in June. 1000 Asinana Large Grey [Alternella, Elm W.V. St. 4>, p. 128. 6998 CNEPHASIA. Near London, and in the New Forest. Middle of June. 1001 Interjec" Lesser Grey tana Elm [Virgaureana, Tr.] 6999 CKEPHASIA. Near London, &c. June. 1002 Log; ana Logian [Subjectana, Guen.] 1003 Obsole- Obscure Elm tana [Sinuana, Steph.] St. 4, p. 129. 7000 CNEPHASIA. St. 4, p. 129. 6997 CNEPHASIA. Very common near London, and in other places. June. Taken by Mr. Stephens near Eipley in Sur- rey, in June, 1827. 1004 Recti- Straight- fasciana barred Elm \Hybridana, m. Hb.] D. 11, t. 370, /. 2. p. 130. 7001 CNEPHASIA. St. 4, Darenth and Coombe "Woods. June. yy. 3. 974 n 983 n 992 n 1OO1 n 975 n, 993 n 1002 n 976 n 98 A n 994 n lOOSn- 977 n 986 n 99 on 1OO4 n 978 n 987 rt 979 n 988 n 2006 n 980n 981 rv 990 n 1OO8 n 982 n 991 n wood junr 1000 n 1009 ti PHAL^ENA. 149 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1005 Curvi- Curve Barred St. 4, p. 130. fasciana Elm CNEPHASIA. [Hybridana, F.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods and near Dover. June. 1006 NuUlana Smoky Grey St. 4, p. 130. [var.] 7004 CKEPHASIA. 1007 Perfus- Deep Brown ^.4,^.131. cana 7005 CNEPHASIA. [Nubilana, m.] Common near London in meadows, &c. June. Taken at the same time and place as the above. 1008 Quadri- Blotched Drab St. 4, p. 131. Sericoris. maculana 7006 OETHOT^NIA. [Antiquana, Hb.] Near London ; also at Bipley and in Norfolk. June. 1009 Striana Straight Barred St. 4, p. 132. Sericoris. 7007 OETHOT^NIA fas- ciana. 1010 Faseio- Small Barred St. 4, p. 132. Sericoris. lana OBTHOT.ENIA. [Striana, var.] 1011 Urticaria Barred Nettle St. 4, p. 132. 7008 OETHOTJENIA. [SEEICOEIS.] "Woods and hedges near London ; at Coombe and Darenth "Woods, &c. June. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Common in June among nettles, &c., in Middlesex, Essex, Kent, &c. 150 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1012 Obsole- Dull Barred St. 4, p. 133. tana Nettle OETHOT^STIA. [Lacunana, W.V. 1013 Alter- Alternate nana Barred [SEEICOEIS.] St. 4, p. 133. ORTHOT^ENTA, [SEEICOEIS.] 1014 Undula- Silver-striped St. 4, p. 133. na 7010 OETHOT^NTA. [Conchana, Hb.] [SEEICOEIS.] 1015 Grami- Great Barred St. 4, p. 134. neana OETHOT^NIA. [Cespitana, var.] [SEEICOEIS.] 1016 Micana Silver-dotted St. 4, p. 134. [Lacunana, "W.Y.] 7009 OETHOT^NIA. [SEEICOEIS.] 1017 Cespita- Meadow na Barred 1018 Politana Ked-barred Grey 1019 Pulchel- Dark-barred St. 4, p. 135. Sericoris. lana Grey 7017 OETHOT^BNIA. [Politana, var.] [ St. 4, p. 134. - OETHOT^NIA. [SEEICOEIS.] St. 4, p. 135. Sericoris. 7015 OETHOT^INIA. St.] Habitat, and Token found. Near London and at Darenth and Coombe "Woods, &c. June. Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet. Taken at Loch Ban- nock in Scot- land. Birch and Da- renth "Woods, &c. June. Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet. Taken at Arthur's Seat near Edin- burgh. July. In the east of Norfolk ; rare near London. End of June. Taken in Devon- shire in June. The New Forest and Devon- shire ; but rare, June. Mr. Stephens has a specimen taken in the New Forest in June. PHAL^NA. 151 Linn, nances. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1020 Fuligana Smoky Barred St. 4, p. 135. 7016 OETHOTJENIA. [SEEICOEIS.] Habitat, and when found. Near London and in Norfolk ; but very rare. June. 1021 Subse- Faint Silver- quana striped [Monticolana, Mann.] St. 4, p. 136. Sericoris. 7021 OETHOT^ENIA. [PAMPLUSIA, Guen.] Mr. Stephens has a specimen found near Lon- don in June. 1022 Aurifas- Grold-barred ciana [Latifasciana, Haw.] St.&,p. 136, , 38,/. 3. 7019 OETHOTJGNIA. [SEEICOEIS.] Taken by Mr. Stephens on Clandon Com- mon near Rip- ley. July. 1023 Bifasci- Double-barred St. 4, p. 136. ana Orange 7018 OETHOT^NIA. [SEEICOEIS.] Taken at Da- renth Wood ; but very rare. June. 1024 -Furfu- rana Mottled Bran St. 4, p. 137. Sericoris. 7020 OETHOT^NIA. [BACTEA.] Mr. Stephcns's Cabinet, ob- tained from the late Mr. Haworth. 1025 Marmo- Marbled rana Dog's-tooth [Achatana, W.V.] St. 4, p. 137. Sericoris. 7011 OETHOTJENIA. [SIDEEIA, G-uen.] Coombe and Da- renth "Woods, &c. June. 1026 Udman- Udmannian niana D. 5,/.158,/l 8. St. 4, p. 138. 7024 PCECILOCHEOMA. [NOTOCELIA.] Woody places near London, and in Kent, &c. June. 152 P H A L M N A. Linn, names. 1027 Solan- driana Engl. names. Solandrian Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 139. 7026 PffiCILOCHBOHA 1028 Traps zana M.&E. [Brunnichana, L.] Marbled Dia- mond-back St. 4, p. 139. Psed. Spar- manniana. 7025 PCECILOCHEOMA. 1029 Commu- Cock's head St. 4, p. 139 nana 7023 OETHOT^NTA. [Corticana, W.V.] [PCECILOCHEOMA.] 1030 Piceana Shining Pitch St. 4, p. 140. 7029 PCECILOCHEOMA. 1031 Semifus- Half Brown St. 4, p. 140, t. 36, /. 1. cana 7028 PCECILOCHEOMA. [Piceana, var.] 1032 Macula- Black Double- Sf. 4,^?. 141. na blotched 7027 PCECILOCHEOMA. [Ophthalmicana, Hb.] 1033 Maurana Great Double- S*. 4, ^. 141. [Branderi- bar 7030 PCECILOCHEOMA. ana, L. var.] [LOZOTJENIA.] 1034 Lecheana Lechean St. 4, p. 142. 7031 PTYCHOLOMA. Habitat, and' when found. Middlesex, Es- sex, Surrey, Kent, &c. Ehd ; ef July, or beginning of August. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. August^ Very common in several coun- ties. June. Near Brocken- hurst in the New Forest. August. The New Forest, August. Darenth and Coombe Woods. Be- ginning of August. Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. Very rare. Darenth and Coombe Woods ; woody places near London, &c. End of June. /'//./A, /::, v./. 1010 n ion n 1O12 n 1O13 n 1014- n 1015 n 1O16 TV 1017 n HUH n 1020 n 10'21 n 1022 1023 n 1024 n 1025 n W28 n 1028 n 1030 n .1032 n 1036 n 1O37 n 1038 71 1039 7i 1040 n inn 103 3 n 1042 n K>!4 n PHAL.ENA. 153 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. JTaMtat, and wlien found. 1035 Obsole- Obsolete St. 4, p. 142. Mr. Stephens tana 7012 OETHOTJ3NTA. has seen but [Lecheana, v. Linn.] [PTYCHOLOMA.] one, taken at Birch Wood in June. 1036 Purpu- Purple St. 4, p. 143. New Forest, and rana 7032 EUCHEOMIA. in Norfolk ; [AEGYEOPLOCE, Hb.] but very rare. June. 1037 Fulvi- Tawny-dotted St. 4, p. 143. Near London punctana 7033 EUCHEOMIA. and in Norfolk. [AEGYEOPLOCE, Hb.] Very rare. June. 1038 Minis- Yellow-barred St. 4 ?j p. 144. Common in trana Iron 7034 LOPHODEEUS. several places, [EULIA, Hb.] especially near Dover. June. 1039 Subfas- Pale-barred St. 4, p. 144. Taken in the ciana Iron 7035 LOPHODEEUS. New Forest, in [Ministrana, var.] [EULIA.] June. 1040 Degene- Large Mar- ranus bled [Revayana, var. W.Y.] 1041 Vndu- "Waved Mar- lanus bled \_Revayana, var.] D. 11, t. 357, /. 3. St. 4, p. 146. 7036 SAEEOTHEIPUS. St.4,'p. 146. SAEEOTHEIPUS. Darenth and Birch "Woods. July to Decem- ber. Darenth and Birch Woods ; also in the New Forest. July to December. 1042 Latha- Lathamian mianus \_Revayana, var.] D. 10, t. 359,/. 2. St. 4, p. 146. 7039 SAEEOTHEIPUS. X Birch and Da- renth Woods. August. 154 PHALJSNA. Linn names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1043 Diluta- Large Brown St. 4, p. 146. nus 7037 SAEEOTHEIPUS. [Revayana, var.] 1044 Ilicanus Large Holly [Revayana, var.] St. 4, p. 147. 7040 SAEEOTHEIPUS. 1045 Afgelia- Afzelian nus [Revayana, var.] St. 4, p. 147. 7038 SAEEOTHEIPUS. Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods, &c. August. Birch, Darenth, and Coombe Woods. End of July and beginning of August. Taken at the same time and place with the above. 1046 Ramula- Twigged Bar C. 1, t. 29. St. 4, p. 147. Birch and Da- nus 7041 SAEEOTHEIPUS. renth "Woods ; [Rcvayana, var.] but very rare. July. 1047 Prof ana- Eusty Button D. 12, t. 377, /. 3. St. 4, Birch and na p. 149. Coombe Woods. .V., var.] 7043 PEEONEA. Autumn. 1048 Striana Brown Button St. 4, p. 149. [Crist ana, var.] 7044 PEEOKEA. Birch Wood, &c. July. 1049 Substri- Striped Button St. 4, p. 149. ana 7045 PEEONEA. [Cristana, var.] Birch Wood and the New Fo- rest. August. 1050 Brunne- Brown Button St. 4, p. 149. ana 7046 PEEONEA. [Cristana, var.] Darenth Wood and the New Forest. August. 1051 Vittana Streaked But- St. 4, p. 150. [Cristana, ton 7047 PEEONEA. var.] Near London ; but rare. Au- gust. PHAL.ZENA. 155 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1052 Spadice- Bay-shoulder- St. 4, p. 150. ana ed Button 7048 PEEONEA. \_Cristana, var.] Habitat, and when found. Coombe Wood. Autumn. 1053 Consimi- Pale Bay But- St. 4, p. 150. Una ton 7049 PEEONEA. [Cristana, var.] 1054 Desfon- Defontainian taniana [Cristana, var.] St. 4, p. 150. 7050 PEBOKEA. The New Forest and near Ripley in Surrey. Autumn. Birch and Coombe Woods ; also the New Fo- rest. Autumn. 1055 Fulvo- Tawny-crested St. 4, p. 151. cristana Button 7051 PEBOFEA. [Cristana, var.] The New Forest ; but rare. Autumn. 1056 Albovit- White-streak- tana ed Button [Cristana, var.] St. 4, p. 151. 7052 PEEONEA. 1057 Fulvo- Tawny-streak- St. 4, p. 151. vittana ed Button 7053 PEBONEA. [Crist ana j var.] Mr. Stephens has seen but one taken in the New Forest in August, 1821. The New Forest, and at Greenhithe. Autumn. 1058 Crista- Barred Button St. 4, p. 152. lana 7054 PEEOKEA. [Cristana, var.] The New Fo- rest, also Birch and Coombe Woods. End of August or beginning of September. 156 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. JEngl. names. 1059 Subvit- tana [Crist ana, var.] Obscure- streaked Button Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 152. 7055 PEEONEA. 1060 Cristana White Button St. 4, p. 152. 7056 PEEONEA. 1061 Albi- White-spotted St. 4, p. 152. punctana Button 7057 PEEOISDA. [Cristana, var.] 1062 Ruficos- Eed-edged tana Button [Cristana, var.] St. 4, p. 153. 7074 PEEONEA. 1063 Umbrana Dark-streaked St. 4<,p. 153. Button 7058 PEEONEA. 1064 Divisana Half-coloured [Hastiana, Button Linn., var.] 1065 Radiana Buff-edged [Hastiana, var.] St. 4, p. 153. 7059 PEEOKEA. ft. 4, jp. 154 7061 PEEONEA. 1066 Ramos- Branched But- St. 4, p. 154. triana ton 7063 PEEOKEA. [Hastiana, var.] 1067 Centra- Centre-streak- vittana ed Button [Hastiana, var.] St. 4, p. 154. 7062 PEEONEA. Habitat, and when found. The New Forest. August. Birch and Coombe Woods, Nor- folk, and the New Forest. August and September. The New Fo- rest. Autumn. The New Fo- rest. August to October. The New Forest, and Coombe Wood. August and September. The New Forest ; but rare. Autumn. Coombe Wood. September. The New Forest. Autumn. Near London, and Eipley ; also in the New Forest. July. PHAJLS&NA. j't... 2063 71 1072 TL 1046 n 1064 n 1073 n 1047 n 2065 n 1074 n 1048 n 1O75 n W76n 1050 n /<>.-,,. 185, *. 35, /. 1. Cochylis. 7136 Eupffi CILIA. Habitat, and when found. Isle of Wight, Darenth Wood, and near Dover; but rare. June. 1143 Sulrose- Dingy Eosy ana [Roseana, var.] St. 4, p. 186. Cochylis. 7137 EUPCEOILIA. Birch Wood. June. 1144 Rufici- Eed Fringe lietta [Subroseana, Haw.] St. 4, p. 186. Cochylis. 7138 Eupffi CILIA. 1145 Griseana Oblique- St. 4, p. 186. Cochylis. barred Grey 7139 EUPCECILIA. Meadows in Yorkshire ; also at Darenth Wood; but very rare. June. Near London, and at Darenth Wood. 1146 Rupicola The Chalk- cliff Tortrix 1147 Alter- nana Alternate- barred T C. 10,*. 491. St. 4, p. 187. Cochylis marginana. 7140 EUP(ECILIA. St. 4, p. 187, t. 35, /. 2. 7144 LOZOPEEA. Mr. Stephens' a specimen was taken near Lon- don in June. On the hills near Dover. July and beginning of August. 1148 Dubri- sana Dover Straw St. 4, p. 188. LOZOPEEA. [AEGYEOLEPIA,] Taken on the top of cliffs near Dover. Middle of August. 1149 Marmo- Marbled Straw St. 4, p. 188. ratana LOZOPEEA. [Dubrisana, var.] [AEGYEOLEPIA,] Taken near Dover. Middle of August. 168 PHAL^ENA, Linn, names. Engl. names. 1150 Strami- Short-barred nea Straw Synonyms and new genera. ^.4,^.188. 6145 LOZOPEEA. Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood, and near Dover. May and the end of August. 1151 Smeath- Smeathman- manniana nian St. 4,jp. 189. 7146 LOZOPEEA Fabri- ciana. [St. olim.] Near Darenth "Wood; but rare. Begin- ning of August. 1152 Fran- Francillonian D. t. 355, /. 1. St. 4, p. 189. 7147 LOZOPEEA. Near Darenth Wood. Middle of June ; and on the cliff below Dover Castle, middle of July. 1153 Badiana Chestnut Straw St. 4, p. 189. 7142 LOZOPEEA Smeath- mannia. [AEGTEOLEPIA, Ste.] Marshes near Whittlesea Mere,Battersea fields, &c. Be- ginning of July. 1154 Bauman- Baumannian mana St. 4, p. 190. Lozopera. 7126 AEOYEOLEPIA. Darenth Wood, &c. June. 1155 Zoegana Zcegian D.3, t. 106, /. 2. fife. 4, p. 191. 7148 XAITTHOSETIA. Darenth and Coorabe Woods ; the New Forest, &c. August. 1154 1155 n 1172 n I 1173 n. 1180 n 1175 n 11H1 n llff.9 r \ 1170 n it: i\;,,i .lunr 117.9 n lit', I n 1185 n 1187 n Jh'lfi n PHAL^ENA. 169 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1156 Ferru- Clouded Iron St. 4, p. 192. gana 7149 XAKTHOSETIA. [Zoagana, var.] 1157 Hamana Hook-marked St. 4, p. 121. Straw 7150 XANTHOSETIA, 1158 Diver- Crossed Straw St. 4, p. 192. sana 7151 XANTHOSETIA. [Hamana, var.] 1159 Inopiana Plain Drab St. 4, p. 192. 7152 XANTHOSETIA. Habitat, and when found. A single speci- men taken by Mr. Stephens at Darenth in August. Grassy places round London, &c. August. Not uncommon round London. Beginning of August. Mr. Stephens has taken but two specimens ; one in the JSTew Forest in June, the other at Eipley in July. Common in woods and gardens round London. August. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. July. Marshy places near Waltham- stow, &c. End of July and beginning of August. * The species numbered from 1160 to 1624 (with the exception of Nos. 14331528, which form the family Crambidse), constitute the family Tineidae at present under revision for the " Insecta Britannica," by Mr. Stainton, who has kindly supplied me with the Synonyms now added to the work. I. 0. W. z IlGQ*Quercana Long-horned D. 3, t. 106, / 3. St. 4, [Fagana.] p. 193. 7153 PHIBALOCEEA. 1161 Chris- Christiernian tiernana \_Christiernini.'] 1162 Venosa. [Spar g a- niellaJ] Veined Wainscot D. 2, t. 20, /. 1. St. 4, p. 194, t. 38, /. 2. 7154 HTPERCALMA. tf*.4,j.195, t. 35, / 3. 7155 ORTHOT^LIA. 170 PHAL^ENA, Linn, names. 1163 Hera- cleana Engl. names. Cow-Parsnip Synonyms and new genera. A. t. 38,/. 61. a d. 8'. 4, p. 197. 7156 DEPEESSAEIA. 1164 Umbella- Large-streaked St. 4, p. 197. na 7157 DEPEESSAEIA. [Ulicitella.] 1165 Venosa Wainscot Flat- St. 4, p. 198. bod^r 7159 DEPEESSAEIA. 1166 Nervosa Coarse Wains- fitf. 4,i>. 198. cot 7161 DEPEESSAEIA. ffabitat, and when jouml. The neighbour- hood of Lon- don ; Darenth Wood, &c. July. Near London, &c. July and August. Near London ; also at Dover ; but rare. July and August. Taken round London. July and beginning of August. 1167 Apicella Brindled Flat- [Pastina- body cella.] 1168 Badiella Brown Brin- dled Flat- body St. 4, p. 198. 7160 DEPEESSAEIA. St. 4, p. 199. 7162 DEPEESSAEIA. Bere Wood, near Dover ; but rare. August. Darenth Wood, Hertford, Do- ver, &c. July. 1169 Charac- Les3er Flat- terosa body [Chaerophylli.] 8t. 4, p. 199. 7163 DEPEESSAEIA. Found round London in the Autumn. 1170 Cardu- Thistle Flat- ella body St 4, p. 199. 7173 DEPEESSAEIA, Mr. Stephens has a pair of this species taken near Brockenhurst, in July, 1821. PHAL^ENA. 171 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1171 Gilvella Brindled Straw St. 4, p. 199. [Arenella.] 7170 DEPEESSAEIA. 1172 Spar Straw-coloured &?. 4,^. 200. manniana 7175 DEPEESSAEIA. [Liturella.] ffabitat, and rvhen found. Darenth, Hert- ford, &c., amongst "Wil- lows, &c. July. Bound London ; also at Dover, &c. August. 1173 Yatesana Yates's [Teatiana.] 1174 Imma- Spotless culana Flat-body [Arcuella, var.] 7177 DEPEESSAEIA. St. 4, p. 200. 7176 DEPEESSAEIA. Darenth and Coombe Woods; the New Forest, &c. July. The New Forest, near Brockenhurst ; rare. July. 1175 Ocellana Eed Letter [Characterella.] St. 4, p. 201. 7169 DEPEESSAEIA. 1176 Applana Common Flat- St. 4, p. 201. body 7166 DEPEESSAEIA. 1177 Curvi- Curve Dotted St. 4,^.201. punctosa 7167 DEPEESSAEIA. [Applana, var.] "Woods and hedges round London, &c. July and August. G-ardens and hedges round London, &c. End of August. Near London. August. 1178 Albi- Eufous Brin- St. 4, p. 202. Near London ; punctella died 7168 DEPEESSAEIA. but rare. [Applana, var.] August. 172 PHALJ2NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1179 Alstrce- Alstroemer's meriana Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 202. 7178 DEPEESSAEIA. Habitat, and when found. Bound London ; also in the New Forest, &c. The Autumn. 1180 Putrid- Brown-veined ella 1181 Atomella Powdered 1182 Costosa Dingy Straw 1183 Irrorella Dusted Flat- [Assimi- . body lella.] St. 4, p. 202. 7158 DEPRESSAEIA, St. 4, p. 202. 7174 DEPEESSAEIA, St. 4, p. 203. 7171 DEPEESSAEIA. St. 4, p. 203. 7172 DEPEESSAEIA. In Norfolk, and the New Forest ; but rare. August. Round London, and near Dover ; but rare. April and September. Near London, and in different parts of the country. Beginning of Autumn. In the New Forest, near Brockenhurst. July. 1184 Liturella Purple Flat- [Hyperi- body cella.] fl*. 4,j>.203. 7164 DEPEESSAIUA. Taken at Birch Wood ; but very rare. June. 1185 Blunlii Blunt's [Depresaana.] C.5,t.22I. St. 4, p. 193. 7165 DEPBESSAEIA. Taken at South- church, Essex. Mr. Curtis's Cabinet. 1189 n I L KNM. 1216 n 1208 n 1217 n 1191 12OO n 1209 n 1218 n 1192 n 1201 n 1219 n 1193 1211 n 1220 n 1194 n 1203 n 1212 n 12O4 n 1213 n 1222 n J196 12O5 n 1214 n 1206 n w.WoodJu 1223 n -^^f-j^r VP --^ ^T? ""^ PHAL^EJSTA. 173 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1186 Purpurea Lesser Purple St. 4, p. 204. 7179 DEPBESSAKIA, 1187 Juniper- Juniper ella [Populella.] 1188 Laticinc- Poplar tella [Populella, var.] St. 4, p. 205. 7180 ANACAMPSIS. [G-ELECHIA.] St. 4, p. 205. 7181 ANACAMPSIS Populella. [GELECHIA.] Habitat, and when found. Near Hertford ; the New Fo- rest, &c. April and Autumn. Gardens and hedges round London ; also near Dover, &c. July. Gardens round London. June and July. 1189 Hortu- Dark Brown St. 4, p. 205. ella 7182 ANACAMPSIS [Nigra.] Eusticella. [GELECHIA.] 1190 Listerella Lister's [Diffinis.] 7184 ANACAMPSI&. [GELECHIA.] 1191 Nebulea Dotted Brown St. 4, p. 206. [Yelocella.] 7185 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] 1192 Betulea Birch 1193 Zephy- Powdered rella Grey S*. 4,^.206. 7186 AKACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] St. 4, p. 206. ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] The same as above. The same as above. The same as above. Birch "Wood, and the New Forest. June. Mr. Stephens has two of this species, one taken by him- self near Lon- don, in June. 174 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1194 Rhom- Black-specked bella Grey [Proximella.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 207. 7187 ANACAMPSIS. Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 1195 Cinerella Cinereous [Terrella.] St. 4, p. 207. 7188 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Found round London ; at Coombe "Wood, and near Hert- ford. June. 1196 Subcine- Subcinereous rea [Terrella, var.] St. 4, p. 207. 7189 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Hound London, and in the JN"ew Forest. June. 1197 Lutarea Clay-coloured [Terrella, var.] SJ. 4,^.207. 7190 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Darenth "Wood ; but not com- mon. June. 1198 Longi- cornis Long-horned 1199 Annuli- Eing-horned cornis [DodeceUa.] C. 4, t. 189. St. 4, p. 207. 7183 AFACAMPSIS. -- ANAOAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] North of England, and Scotland. June and July. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Taken in the Isle of Wight, in June. 1200 Dode- Small Black- cella specked [Triparella.] Grey 7191 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Coombe Wood ; rare. Begin- ning of June. 1201 Mouffet- Dotted Grey tella S*. 4,^.208. 7193 ANAOHAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Darenth Wood ; but rare. PHAL^ENA. 175 Linn, names. 1202 Aspera Engl. names. E/ough Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 209. 7192 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] Habitat, and when jbund. G-ardens and shrubby places round London. June. 1203 Domes- Domestic tica St. 4, p. 209. 7198 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] Common in houses and gardens. June and July. 1204 Affinis Brindled [Sequax, Brown and see 1212.] St. 4, p. 209. 7199 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] Gardens and woody places, round London. June. 1205 Diffinis Great Brin- dled-brown St.4>,p. 209. 7200 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] The same as above ; but rare. 1206 Lacte- Cream- ed shouldered [Luculella.] St. 4, p. 210. 7196 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] 1207 Sarci- tclla \_Lacteella, var.] White-shoul- St. 4, p. 210. dered Wool- 7195 ANACAMPSIS, len [CEcopHOBA.] The only two Mr. Stephens has seen, are in his cabinet ; one taken at Dover, the other near London. July. Very common in houses about London and elsewhere. Beginning of Spring to the end of Autumn. 176 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. 1208 Rusti- cella [Gibbiferella.] Engl. names. Dusted Black Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 210. 7194 ANACAMPSIS. [ELACHISTA.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth "Wood ; the New Fo- rest, &c. June. 1209 Lanceo- Black-dotted lella 1210 Hubneri Hubner's [Gallinella.] St. 4, p. 211. ANACAMPSIS. St. 4, p. 211. 7197 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] A single speci- men taken in the North of England in July. Neighbour- hood of Lon- don and at Da- renth "Wood ; but very rare. June. 1211 Contigua Light Brin- [Maculife- dled-brown rella.] S*. 4,^.211. 7201 ANACAMPSIS. [GELEOHIA.] Gardens round London. June. 1212 Sequax Dark Brindled- St. 4, p. 211. [And see brown 7202 ANACAMPSIS. No. 1204.] [GELECHIA.] Common in gar- dens near Lon- don. June. 1213 Proximo, Beautiful St. 4, p. 212. [Nanella.] Brindled- 7203 ANACAMPSIS. brown [GELECHIA.] Gardens round London. June and July. 1214 Tricolo- Tricoloured St. 4, p. 212. rella 7204 ANACAMPSIS. [Albiceps, and see No. 1225.] [GELECHIA.] Darenth and Birch Woods ; but rare. June. 1215 Luctuella Crescent- [Tricolo- shouldered rella.] #*. 4,^.212. 7205 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] "Woody places round London, &c. June. PHALJENA. 177 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1219 Subrosea Little Blossom St. 4, p. 212. 7207 ANACAMPSIS. IfaMtat,and when found. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 1217 Decorella Neat St. 4, p. 213. 7206 ANACAMPSIS, Darenth Wood ; but rare. June. 1218 Marmo- Beautiful rea Marble St. 4, p. 213. 7208 ANACAMPSIS. Birch Wood and the New Forest; rare. June. 1216 Gutti- White-dotted St. 4, p. 213. fera Black 7209 ANACAMPSIS. [Marmorea, v.] [GELECHIA.] Found near Lon- don ; but very rare. June. 1220 Atra Little Black St. 4, p. 213. 7210 ANACAMPSIS. [ELACHISTA.] Woody places near London ; also in the New Forest. June. 1221 Subocel- Eylet lea St. 4, p. 214. ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Taken in the New Forest. June. 1222 Macu- Short-barred lella White [Nigrovittella.] St. 4, p. 214. 7211 ANACAMPSIS, [GELEOHIA.] Darenth and Coombe Woods. June. 1223 Tremella Horse-shoe [Scriptella.] St. &,p. 214. 7212 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Hedges near Birch and Da- renth Woods, &c. June and beginning of July. 2 A 178 PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1224 Nivella Black-dotted [Maculella.] White Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 214. 7213 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] 1225 Aleella Black-clouded St. 4, p. 214. [Albiceps, var., and see 7214 ANACAMPSIS. No. 1214.] 1226 Inter- St. 4, p. 214. ruptella Brown-Streak 7215 ANACAMPSIS. [Atrella, fern., and see [GELECHIA.] No. 1232.] 1227 Fulves- Tawny cens 1228 Fusces- cens 1229 Alter- nella [Aleella.] Faint-dotted Brown Black-spotted White St. 4, p. 214. 7216 ANACAMPSIS. St. 4, p. 216. 7217 ANACAMPSIS. St. 4, p. 21 . 7218 ANACAMPSIS. [GELECHIA.] Habitat, and whenfound. Darenth "Wood ; and near Dover. June. Gardens, on apple trees. June and beginning of July. Bound London, and near Lewes and Brighton ; but scarce. June. Near London ; also at Dover, and in Norfolk. June. Hound London ; but not com- mon. June. Darenth and Birch Woods. June. 1230 Angus- tella Black-spotted Brimstone St. 4, p. 216. 7219 ANACAMPSIS. [CECOPHORA.] 1231 Albima- White-spotted St. 4, p. 217. culea Black 7220 AKACAMPSIS. [CECOPHORA.] Near London ; Battersea fields, &c. Beginning of June. Bound London ; at Charlton, and Plaistow, &c. ; but scarce. Beginning of June. PHAL^ENA. 179 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1232 Quadri- Four-spotted puncta [Atrella, m., and see No. 1226,] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 217. 7221 ANACAMPSIS. [GrELECHIA.] Habitat, and when found. Near London ; rare. August. 1233 Bifas- Two-banded ciella [Deauratella.] 1234 Fascicu- Prominent lellus Tinea [Testaceella.] St. 4, p. 217. Anacampsis. Environs of 1260 Emargi- Notch-winged nella Tinea 1235 Bhorn- Lobster- boidella clawed [Conscriptella.] 1236 Silacella Dingy Straw [Lappella.] 1237 Rufes* cens Dwarf Wain- scot 7279 YPONOMETJTA. [CECOPHOEA.] g*.4,j>.2l8,t.39,/ 1. 7222 LOPHONOTTTS. [ELACHISTA.] D. 11, .392, /. 3. p. 219. ACBIA. 7223 St. 4, C. 8, t. 368. St. 4, p. 219. 7224 CHELARIA. [GrELECHIA.] St. 4, p. 223. Cleodora. 7225 [GrELECHIA.] St. 4, p. 221. 7226 CLEODOEA. London ; Chelsea, Ken- nington ; also near Dover. August. Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen ; taken in July, 1824, near Whittlesea Mere. Taken in Kent, according to Donovan. Cooinbe and Darenth Woods; near Dover, &c. Middle of August. The New Forest. End of July. Near London, and in the New Forest; but very rare. August. 180 Linn, names. Engl. names. PHALJENA. Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when found. 1238 Nebu- Clouded h If a Wainscot [Epilobiella.] St. 4, p. 221. Cleodora. Th e New 7227 Forest, near [ELACHISTA.] Brockenhurst ; also near Bipley in Surrey. July. 1239 Ockro- Pale-ochreous St. 4, p. 221. CLEODOEA. NearKipley; leucella Wainscot 7228 but very rare. End of July. 1240 Lucidella Lucid Wain- St. 4, p. 221. Cleodora. Near Brocken- scot 7229 hurst. July. [GrELECHIA.] 1241 Fold- Hook-tipped St. 4, p. 221. Cleodora. formis 7230 [Metzneriella.] [GTELECHIA,] Near London ; but very rare. July and August. 1242 Cinerella Asli-coloured St. 4, p. 222. Acompsia. Darenth Wood. 7232 Beginning of [GrELECHIA.] July.. 1243 Unitella Brown-gold 1244 Tinctella Tinted [Rufescens, v.] St. 4, p. 222. Acompsia. Near London. 7233 June to [CEcopHORA.] August. St. 4, p. 223. Acompsia. 7231 - [G-ELECHIA.] Darenth Wood. End of June. 1245 Fasciellus Long-winged St. 4, p. 223. 7234 MACBOCHILA. [YPSOLOPHTJS.] Hound London ; near Darenth Wood; but very rare. July. PL40 1225 7V 1243 TV 125 1226 n 2235 n 1253 n 1236 n 1245 n 125471 1229 n 1. J ..: .S 1237 rv 1238 f 1246 n 2255 n 1256 TV 1230 TV 2239 n 2257 n 2232 TV 1232 TV 2240 TV 1241 TV n 1249 TV 125O TV 1258 TV 1259 TV PHAL^ENA, 181 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1246 Parenth- Parenthesis esellus 1247 Margin- White ellus Bordered 1248 Bicos- tella Light Streak 1249 Palpella Dingy Streak 1250 Thun- bergana [Lobelia.'] Thunberg's Synonyms and new genera'. St. 4,i>. 224. 7235 MACEOCHILA. [YPSOLOPHTTS.] D. 3, t. 58, /. 2. p. 224. 7236 MACROCHILA. [YPSOLOPHTIS.] St.4>,p. 224. 7237 MACEOCHILA. St. 4, p. 225. 7239 MACEOCHILA. [APLOTA.] St. 4, p. 226. 7240 [GELECHIA.] Habitat, and when found. Shooter's Hill, Kent ; but rare. End of July or beginning of August. St. 4, Chalky places near Eaver- sham and Do- ver ; but very rare. End of June or begin- ning of July. The New Eorest ; Darenth Wood, and near Dover, July. A specimen taken by Mr. Stephens in a clover field near Eipley, in July, 1827. Gardens round London. June. 1251 Geof- froyella Geoffroy's St. 4, p. 227. Alabonia, 7241 ENICOSTOMA. [HAEPELLA.] 1252 Oliviella Yellow Ilnder- [Sulphu- winged rclla.] St. 4,jp. 228. 7142 DASTCEEA, [QECOPHORA.] Woods and hedges near London. End of May and beginning of June. Hedges, &c., round London- June and July. 182 PHAL^INA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 1253 Sulphu- Olivier's C. 9, t. 408. St. 4,^.228. Gardens and rella 7243 DASYCEEA. hedges near [Oliviella.] [CEcopHOEA.] London, &c. June. 1254 Latreil- Latreille's lella 1255 SuheUa Sultz's [Sulzeriella.] 1256DeGeer- DeGeer's ella 1257 Fasciella Copper Japan [Schiffermyllerellus .] St. 4, p. 229. 7244 ADELA. North of Eng- land. July. St. 4, p. 230. D. 8, t. 267, Hedges, &c., near f. 3. Darenth and 7245 ADELA. Birch "Woods. End of May and beginning of June. D. 8, t. 267, /. 1 # 2, St. 4, Common near p. 230. 7246 ADELA. St. 4, p. 230. 7247 ADELA. [NEMOTOIS.] London, and elsewhere. End of June and beginning of July. Near Darenth Wood; and several other places. July. 1258 Cuprella Scabious Long-horn 1259 Reau- Reaumur's murella [R/ufimetrella,] ISt.^p. 230. 7248 ADELA. C. 10, t. 463, St. 4, p. 231. 7250 ADELA. Very rare. Mr. Stephens has a specimen taken in Devonshire in June. Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens ; one taken in June near Lon- don; the other in Devonshire. PHALJEJSTA. 183 Linn, names. Engl. names* Synonyms and new genera. 1261 Viridella Green Long- St. 4, p. 231. horn 7249 ADELA. 1262 Fris- chellus Erischian St. 4, p. 231; 7251 ADELA. [NEMOTOIS.] Habitat, and whenfound. Yery common in hedges round London. May. Near Darenth Wood, &c. End of July. 1263 Swam- Swammer- merdammellus dam's 1264 Panzer- Panzer's ella [Schwarziellus.] St. 4, p. 232. 7252 ADELA. [NEMATOPOGON.] St. 4,jp. 232. 7253 ADELA. [NEMATOPOGON.] 1265 Eobert- Pale-brown St. 4, p. 232. ella Long-horn 7254 ADELA. 1266 Tessellea Pale chequered C. 11, #.487. St. 4, p. 233. M. and E. Brown Cochleophasia. [Pseudo-bombycella.] 7257 Coombe and Da- renth "Woods, &c. Middle of May. Darenth and Birch Woods, Dover, &c. End of June and beginning of July. Chalky places near Hertford, and Cotting- ham in York- shire. Begin- ning of June. Near London, also at Darenth Wood, Ac. End of May. 1267 Pubi- Pale downy- St. 4, p. 233. COCHLEO- cornis horned PHASIA. 7258 Of two speci- mens, one was taken near London ; the other in July, 1821, near Brockenhurst. 184 PHAL^ENA. Linn names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Jlabitat, and new genera. when found. 1268 Tortri- Pale Chequered St. 4, p. 234. OPOEINIA. Oak Woods near cella Brown 7255 Hertford; Coombe "Wood, &c. Spring. 12 C9 Nulilea Clouded Brown 1270 G-elatella Autumnal M. and F. Dagger 1271 Salicella Eosy Day. M. and F. 1272 Phry- ganella M. and F. Drab Day St. 4, p. 234. OPOEINIA. Woods round 7256 London. March. Oxypate. 7260 [EXAPATE.J St. 4, p. 236. Dasystoma. 7259 [EXAPATE.] St. 4, p. 237. Cheimo- phila. 7261 - [CHEIMABACCHE.] Epping Forest, Hertford, and in Hampshire ; but rare. December. Woods round London; also in the New Forest. Autumn. Coombe and Da- renth Woods, &c. End of October. 1273 Fagella March Dagger A. t. 36, /. 57. a e. fitf. 4, M. and F. p. 237. 7262 DIUENEA. [CHEIMABACCHE.] Very common in woody places round London. March. 1274 Novcm- November bris. Dagger F. [Phryganella, f.] St. 4, p. 238. 7263 DIUENEA. [CHEIMABACCHE.] On trunks of trees near Ken- nington ; also at Waltham- stow ; but very rare. Novem- ber. / 2269 n 1263 n 2264 n 2265 n 2266 71 2266 n 2270 n 227t> n 2272 n 2272 n 2272 n 2274 n 2283 n * 2275 TV 2284 n 1276 n 2 28 A n 2277 n 2286 n I 2278 n 2287 n 2273 n I 1288 n, 228 O rv 2282 n 2290 n 22f>2 n PHAL.ENA. 185 Linn, names. 1275 Avella- nella Engl. names. Hazel Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 239. 7264 EPIGEAPHIA. [SEMIOSCOPIS.] Habitat, and when found. Near Birch and DarenthWood; but very rare. Autumn. 1276 Stein- kellnerana Steinkelner's St. 4, p. 239. 7265 EPIGEAPHIA. [SEMIOSCOPIS.] Hedges near Coombe Wood, and at Hertford. End of March. 1277 Pusiella Bordered C. 9, t. 412, /.* St. 4, Mr. Stephens's [Lithosper- Ermine p. 240. Anesychia. Cabinet, and mella.] 7266 MELANOLETJCA. the British [PSECADIA.] Museum. 1278 Echiella Beautiful Ermine C. 9, t. 412, /. 2.** St. 4, p. 240, t. 39,/. 3. Ane- sychia. 7267 MELANOLEUCA. [PSECADIA.] Mr. Stephens's Cabinet, found near Graves- end ; also in the British Museum, from a Chalk-pit near Darenth Wood, in June, 1812. 1279 Dodocea Scarce Ermine St. 4, p. 241. Anesychia. [Decemguttella.] 7268 MELANOLETTOA. [PSECADIA.] Coombe and Birch Woods, among fir-trees j but very rare. June. 1280 Funerella Funereal St. 4, p. 241. Anesychia. 7269 MELANOLETJCA. [PSECADIA.] 2 B Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet. Taken at Clifton. 186 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1281 Evony- Full-spotted mella Ermine Synonyms and new genera. D. 11, t. 355, / 4. St. 4, p. 242. 7270 HYPONOMEUTA. Habitat, and when found. Hedges and gar- dens near High- gate ; also near Darenth Wood, &c. End of June. 1282 Irrorella Surrey Ermine St. 4, p. 242. 7271 HYPONOMEUTA. Coombe and Birch "Woods ; but very rare. June. 1283 Cogna- tella Allied Ermine St. 4, p. 243. Hedges and gar- dens near Lon- don, and at Darenth, &c. End of June and beginning of July. 1284 Rorella Few-spotted [Padella, Ermine var.] A. #.20, /a d. St. 4, p. 243. 7272 HYPONOMETFTA. The same as above. 1285 Padella Common W. 4, t. 5. H. t. 3,/. k m. Ermine D. 1, t. 9. St. 4>,p. 243. 7273 HYPONOMEUTA. Extremely com- mon round London, and elsewhere. June and July. 1286 Plumbella Kent Ermine St. 4, p. 244. 7274 Near London, Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. July. PHALJENA. 187 Linn, names. 1287 Curtis- ella Engl. names. Curtis's Synonyms and new genera. D. 2, t. 65, /. 4. St. 4, p. 245. Telea. 7275 HYPONOMETJTA. [GECOPHOEA.] Habitat, and when found. Hedges and gar- dens round London, &c. June and July. 1288 Ambi- Small Brown- St. 4, p. 245. Telea. guella bar 7277 HXPONOMEITTA. 1289 Cratse- geUa Whitehorn Bar St. 4, p. 245. Telea. 7276 HTPONOMEUTA. [TOEA.] Near Brocken- hurst ; also near Darenth and Coombe Woods ; but rare. July. Near Lyndhurst, in the New Forest. July. 1290 Leuca- tella Small White- bar St. 4, p. 246. Telea. 7278 HYPONOMEUTA. [GrELECHIA.] Gardens near London, &c. July. 1291 Comptella Peacock's feather 1292 Lutarella Muddy Er- mine 1293 Subfas- Slight-barred delta [CsieUa.J D. 2, t. 57, /. 3. St. 4, p. 246. Telea. 7280 HTPONOMETTTA. [TINEA.] St. 4, p. 247. Telea. 7281 HTPONOMEUTA. St. 4, p. 247. Telea. 7282 HYPONOMEUTA. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet, Da- renth Wood, and hedges near London. End of June. Woods and gar- dens round London. End of June and beginning of July. Darenth Wood. June. 188 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. JEngl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1294 CcBsiella Purple-edged St. 4, p. 247. Telea. [Cerasiella.] 7283 HYPONOMEUTA. [TlNEA.] 1295 Semi- Long-winged fusca White-back [Conjugella. D. 2, t. 58. St. 4, p. 248. Ismene. 7284 HYPONOMEUTA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] 1296 Mendi- Purple White- St. 4, p. 248. Ismene. cella back 7285 HYPONOMEUTA. [Spinosella.] [AEGYEESTHIA.] 1297 Albistria Purple White- St. 4, p. 248. Ismene. [Semitesta- streak 7286 HYPONOMETJTA. cella.] [AEGYEESTHIA.] Habitat, and when found. Near London, and at Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. June. Hedges round London. End of May and beginning of June. Frequent in gardens, &c. in the suburbs of London, and elsewhere. June. Darenth and Coombe Woods. June. 1298 Pruniella White-back [Nitidella.] 1299 Tetra- Blotched podella White-back [Ephippella.] St. 4,j9. 249. Ismene. 7287 HYPONOMEUTA. [ARGYEESTHIA.] St. 4, p. 249. Ismene. 7288 HYPONOMETJTA. [ AE GYEESTHI A.] Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, the New Forest, &c. June and July. Gardens, &c. round London. June. 1300 Semi- Half purple purpurella White-back [Semifusca.] St. 4, p. 249. Ismene. HYPONOMEUTA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] Mr. Stephens has a pair of this species taken in the New Forest, in June. Pf.4'2 1293 n 1302 n 7.577 TZ/ 1294- 71 1303 rt 1312 1313 n 1322 m 1296 n- 1323 m 1297 13O6 n 1315 TTL 1324 m 1307 n 1325 71 129S n 13O8 71 1317 PHAL^NA. 189 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1301 Semites- Testaceous tacella White-back [Albistria.] 1302 Curvella Brindled Er- mine 1303 Clema- tella [Arcella.] 1304 Ossea [Nitidella, var.] Barred White Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 249. Ismene. HYPOFOMEUTA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] St. 4, p. 250. Ismene- 7292 HYPONOMETJTA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] St. 4, p. 250. Ismene. 7293 HYPONOMEUTA. [TlNEA.] Cream-coloured St. 4, p. 250. Ismene 7291 HYPONOMEUTA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] 1305 Ocellea Eyed White- back 1306 Subo- cellea [PolHnariella.J 1307 Gcedar- Gcedart's tella St. 4, jo. 251. Ismene. 7289 HYPOKOMEUTA. St. 4, p. 290. APHELOSETIA. [ELACTEISTA.] D. 2. t. 65, /. 2, 3. fife. 4, jp. 252. 7294 AEGYEOSETIA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] 1308 Semifas- Short Gold- ciella bar [Pygmseella.] St. 4, p. 252. 7295 AEGYEOSETIA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] Habitat, and when found. In the environs of London, and in the New Fo- rest. June. Gardens and marshy places round London. June and July. Darenth Wood, and E/ipley in Surrey, Be- ginning of July. Coombe Wood ; also near Do- ver, &c. June and July. Mr. Stephens caught a pair at Darenth Wood in June. Eipley, in June. Common in Coombe, Birch and Da- renth Woods, Ac. End of June and be- ginning of July- Woods and gar- dens round London. End of June. 190 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1309 Brockella Gold I W Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 252. 7296 AEGYEOSETIA. I. W-ella. [AEGYEESTHIA.] Habitat, and whenfound. Coombe, Da- renth, and Birch Woods; but rare. June. 1310 Literella Greek-lettered St. 4, p. 253. Gold 7298 AEGYEOSETIA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; but rare. June. 1311 Aurivit- tella [Brockella, var.] Golden Ki- band St. 4, p. 253. 7299 AKGYEOSETIA. [AEGTEESTHIA.] Taken at Da- Tenth Wood in June; but very rare. 1312 Aurifas- Gold-banded ciella St. 4, p. 253. 7300 AEGYEOSETIA. Mr. Stephens' s specimen was taken at Da- renth, in June. 1313 / V-ella Gold I V [Andereg- giella.] St. 4, p. 254. 7297 AEGYEOSETIA. [AEGYEESTHIA.] Taken at Da- renth Wood ; but very rare. June. 1314 Blancar- Blancard's delta St. 4, p. 255. 7301 ABGYEOMYGES. Coombe and DarenthWood. End of May. 1315 Schrebe- Schreber's rella St. 4<,p. 255. 7302 AEGYEOMYGES. Coombe Wood. End of May. 131B Cydoni- Bright- St. 4, p. 255. ella speckled Gold 7303 AEGYEOMYGES, In gardens near London. End of May. PHAL^ENA. 191 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1317 Kleman- Kleman's nella [Ulmifoliella Synonyms and new genera. 7304 ABGYBOMYGES. [LlTHOCOLLETIS.] Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Da- renth Woods ; but very rare. End of May. 1318 Mespi- Silver- spotted St. 4, p. 256. lella Gold 7305 AEGYBOMYGES. In the neigh- bourhood of London. End of May. 1319 "Rayella Bay's [Schrebe- rella.] St. 4, p. 256. 7306 AEGYBOMYGES. [LlTHOCOLLETIS.] Common in gar- dens, &c. round London. End of May. 1320 Tristri- Treble Gold- gella stripe [Emberizae- pennella.] St. 4, p. 256. 7307 ABGYBOMYGES. [LlTHOCOLLETIS.] Darenth and Coombe Woods. End of May. 1321 Trifasci- Tawny Treble- St. 4, p. 257. Coombe and ella bar 7308 ABGYBOMYGES. Darenth [Corylifo- [LITHOCOLLETIS.] Woods. End liella.] of May. 1322 Harris- Harris's ella St. 4, p. 257. 7310 ABGYBOMTGES. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex, &c. End of May and beginning of June. 1323 Cramer- Cramer's ella St. 4, p. 257. 7311 ABGYBOMYGES. [LITHOCOLLETIS.] G-ardens, hedges, &c. round Lon- don. End of May and be- ginning of June. 192 PHALJilNA. Linn, names. Engl. names. new genera. 1324 Hortella Porcelain St. 4, p. 257. [Cramerella, 7312 AEGYEOMYGES. Var.] [LlTHOCOLLETIS.] Habitat, and when found. Grardens near London. End of May. 1325 Sylvella Dark Porcelain St. p. 4, 258. 7313 AEGTEOMYGES. "Woody places near London. End of May. 1326 Cuculi- Cuckoo's pennella Feather [CratsDgi.] St. 4, p. 258. 7314 AEGTEOMYGES. [BUCCULATEIX.] Coombe "Wood End of May. 1327 Corylifo- Hazel Eed liella [Trifasciella.] St. 4, p. 258. 7315 AEGYEOMYGES. [LlTHOCOLLETIS.] "Woods round London. End of May and be- ginning of June. 1328 Ulmifoli- Elm Eed ella St. 4, p. 259. AEGYEOMYGES. Neighbourhood of London. June. 1329 Alnifoli- Alder Eed ella St. 4, p. 259. 7316 AEGYEOMYGES. Darenth Wood. End of May and beginning of June. 1330 Obscu- Dull Eed St. 4, p. 259. rella 7317 AEGYEOMYGES, Coombe Wood. Beginning of June. 1331 Rufipunc- Eed and White St. 4, p. 259. Darenth Wood ; tella Barred 7318 AEGYEOMYGES. but very rare. [TJlmeUa.] [BUCCTTLATBIX.] End of May. 2328 7337 m 1346 Tn 1355 m 133S TV 1347 1356 1330 m 133 ff 1343 m, 1357 rrv 134O 1343 1358 m 1332 Tn /.;-// in 1350 1359 m 1333 m 1342 1351 Tn 136O m 1334 nv 1343 nv 1352 m. 1361 m 1335 m, 1344 n J353 1362 m 1345 nv 1363 PHAL^NA. 193 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1332 Autum- Autumnal nella [ClerckeUa.] 1333 Nivella Snowy [ClerckeUa, var.] 1334 Semiau- Pale Gold rella Dot [ClerckeUa, var.] Synonyms and new genera. C. 6, t. 284. 8t. 4, p. 260. AEGYEOMYGES. [LYONETIA.] St. 4, p. 60. Argyromyges. 7325 HEEIBEIA. [LYONETIA.] St. 4, p. 260. Argyro- myges. 7328 HEEIBEIA* Habitat, and when found. Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet ; taken at Glanville's "Wotton, Dor- setshire ; and in the New Fo- rest. Begin- ning of Octo- ber. Darenth "Wood and the New Forest. Be- ginning of June. Eipley in Surrey, and the New Forest. June. 1335 Unipunc- Simple Dot tella [Saligna.] St. 4, p. 260. Argyro- myges. 7327 HEEIBEIA. [PHYLLOCNISTIS.] Coombe "Wood. End of May and beginning of June. 1336 Spartifo- Golden Dot liella 1337 Clerck- ella [SciteUa.] Clerck's Argyro- myges. 7326 HEEIBEIA. punctaurella St. 4, p. 261. Argyro- myges. 7324 HEEIBEIA. [CEMIOSTOMA.] 2 C Very common in the Broom- field at Coombe Wood. End of May and be- ginning of June. Darenth "Wood ; but rare. End of May and be< ginning of June. 194 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1338 Haworth- Haworth's ella Synonyms and new genera. S*. 4,_p. 262, *. 39,/. 2. 7319 HEEIBEIA. Habitat, and when found. Neighbourhood of Birming- ham. June. 1339 Burner- Shoulder- ella stripe [Equitella.] St. 4, p. 262. 7320 HEEIBEIA. Darenth and Birch "Woods. End of May. St. 4>,p. 262. 7321 HEEIBEIA. 1340 Forster- Forster's ella [Fischeriella. ] 1341 Simplici- Simple Shoul- St. 4, p. 263. ella der-stripe 7322 HEEIBEIA. 1342 Cogna- Allied Shoul- tella der-stripe [Fischeriella.] *.4,j>. 263. 7323 HEEIBEIA. Coombe and Da- renth "Woods ; also the New Forest, &c. End of May. Hertford and Coombe Wood, &c. End of May and be- ginning of June. Mr. Stephens's specimen was taken at Da- renth Wood in June. 1313 SubUstri- Double Silver- St. 4, p. 264. bar 7329 MICEOSETIA. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. Beginning of June. 1341 Obsole- tdla Obscure Dot St. 4, p. 264. 7330 MICEOSETIA. Taken by Mr. Stephens at Ripley in Sur- roy. PHALJENA. 195 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1345 Exiguella Small Dot 1346 Cinereo- Grey-dotted punctella Brown Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 264. 7331 MICEOSETIA. St. 4, p. 265. 7332 MIOEOSETIA, Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Darenth Woods. End of May and beginning of June. Darenth Wood. End of May. 1347 Stipella Triple Gold- spotted St. 4, p. 265. 7333 MIOEOSETIA. ear Darenth Wood. May. 1348 Guttella White-spotted St. 4, p. 265. Sable 7334 MICEOSETIA. St. 4, p. 265. 7335 MICEOSETIA. [El/ACHISTA.] 1349 [Albifron- tella.] Sable 1350 Sequella Silver-blotched St. 4,j>. 266. [Argentima- 7336 MICEOSETIA. culella.] [TINEA.] 1351 Pulchella SmaU Argent and Sable 1352 Bella Beautiful Ar- gent and Sable St. 4, p. 266. 7337 MICEOSETIA. [ELACHISTA.] St. 4, p. 266. MlCKOSETIA. Darenth Wood. End of May and beginning of June. Darenth and Coombe Woods; also in gardens at Chelsea. End of May. Hedges near Woods. End of May and be- ginning of June. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. June. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Taken in Scotland in June. 19G PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new gen era. when found . 1353 Nigrella Small double St. 4, p. 266. Darenth Wood, Silver-bar 7338 MICEOSETIA. &c. June. 1354 Trimacu- Cream-spotted St. 4, p. 267. lella Sable 7339 MICEOSETIA. 1355 Subbima- Twin-spot culella Sable St. 4, p. 267. 7340 MICEOSETIA. [NEPTICFLA.] Gardens in the neighbourhood of London ; but rare. Begin- ning of June. Gardens and hedges round London. Be- ginning of July. 1356 Nigroci- Black- edged liella Sable [Subbima- culella, var.] St. 4, p. 267. 7341 MICEOSETIA. [NEPTICTJLA.] Near London. July. 1357 Unifasci- Silver-barred St. 4, p. 268. ella.~\ Brown 7342 MICEOSETIA. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Taken at Darenth. Wood in June. 1358 Media- Central Silver- St. 4, p. 268. fasciella bar 7343 MICEOSETIA. Taken near Lon- don ; but very rare. 1359 Posticella Pygmy Silver- St. 4, p. 268. bar 7345 MICEOSETIA. ISTear London ; also near Eipley in Surrey. July. 1360 Aurella Diamond-bar- red Pygmy St. 4, p. 268. 7344 MICEOSETIA. Gardens and hedges round London. June. yy./v 1364 Tit 1373 7i 1382 n 1391 n 1365 m 1374 m 1383 n 1392 n 1366 m 1375 m 1384 n 1393 n 1367 m 1376 n 1385 n 2394 1368 m 1377 1386 n 1395 n .^\^ 1369 1378 m 2387 n 1396 71 13 7 O TV ^f^l^*- I ^P^H> 1379 1388 2372 ft 238O 1389 n 2398 n 1372 m 1382 n ;i:mw .,, w ,, 1390 n j 3 iW n PHAL^ENA. 197 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1361 Floslac- Creamy tella Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 268. 7347 MICEOSETIA. Habitat, and when found. Hedges near London, and at Coombe "Wood. End of May. 1362 Atricapi- Black-headed tella Pygmy St. 4, p. 269. 7348 MICEOSETIA. Gardens and hedges near London. Be- ginning of June. 1363 Ruficapi- Red-headed tella Pygmy St. 4, p. 269. 7349 MICEOSETIA. Near London. June. 1364 Fiolace- Violet Pygmy ella St. 4, p. 269. 7346 MICEOSETIA. Gardens round London; but rare. June. 1365 Pygma- Least Pygmy ella St. 4,, p. 269. 7350 MICEOSETIA. Near London ; and at B-ipley. June. 1366 Sericiella Satin Pygmy St. 4, p. 270. 7351 MICEOSETIA. Near London ; also at Coombe and Darenth "Woods, Ac. June. 1367 Aurofas- Gold-banded ciella [Nseviferella.] St. 4, p. 270. 7352 MICEOSETIA. [GELECHIA.] Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen, now in his Ca- binet, and taken by him at Da- renth Wood, in June. 198 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1368G/ezcMaGleiche's Synonyms and new genera. .4,^.270. 7353 MICEOSETIA. [ELACHISTA.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. June. 1369 Pfeifer- Four-spotted ella Gold ft. 4, j>. 270. 7354 MICEOSETIA quadrigut- tella. [ELACHISTA.] Darenth Wood; but rare. End of May. 1370 Linneella Linneus's C. 4, t. 152. St. 4, p. 271. Common on 1371 Kcesella Eoesel's [Locuple- tella.] Glyphipteryx. 7355 (EcoPHOEA. [ELACHISTA.] St. 4, p. 212. Glyphi- pteryx. 7356 (ECOPHOEA. [ELACHISTA.] lime-trees in St. James's Park ; also at Battersea, Chelsea, &c. End of July and beginning of August. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. Middle of July. 1372 Zinckella Zinck's [Herman- nella.] 1373 SchaBffer- Schseffer's eUa [Herman- nella, var.] St. 4, p. 272. Glyphi- pteryx. (ECOPHOEA. [GELECHIA.] Mr. Curtis' s Ca- binet; taken near Norwich, in Devonshire in June. D. 5, t. 175. St. 4, p. 272. Darenth and Glyphipteryx. 7357 (ECOPHOEA. Birch Woods ; the New Fo- rest, &c. End of May and be- ginning of June. PHALJENA. 199 Linn, names. Enyl. names. 1374 Bimacu- Orange- lella blotched Black Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 272. Glyphi- pteryx. 7358 (ECOPHOEA. Habitat, and when found, Devonshire. June. 1375 Eximia Nonpareil [Zieglerella.] 1376 Mettal- Metallic lella 1377 Subcu- prella Coppery St. 4, p. 273. Glyphi- pteryx. 7359 (ECOPHOEA. [COSMOPTEETX.] St. 4, p. 273. Glyphi- pteryx. 7360 CEcopHOEA. St. 4, p. 273. Glyphi- pteryx. (ECOPHOEA. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet; taken by him in Holme- wood lane, near Eip- ley, in July 1827. Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens ; taken by him- self at Bipley, in July 1827. A single speci- men in Mr. Stephens's Ca- binet. Taken near London. 1378 Auroffut- Gold-dotted tella St. 4, p. 274. Glyphi. pteryx. 7584 . [GEACILAEIA.] Mr. Stephens has a pair ; found at Da- renth Wood in June 1818. 1379 Variella Variable [Inspersella.] St. 4,^.274. pteryx. [(ECOPHOEA.] Glyphi- Taken by the Eev. G. T. Eudd, in a sand pit, near Lynd- hurst, in June 1834. 200 P H A L & N A. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1380. Lewen- Lewenhoek's hoekella Habitat, and when found. Synonyms and new genera. C. 7, t. 304. St. 4, p. 275. Darenth Wood, 7361 PANCALIA. and the New [CEcopHOEA.] Forest. June. 1381 Latreil- Latreille's lella St. 4, p. 275. PANCALIA. [CECOPHOEA.] Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet ; taken in Cumberland, and near Lon- don ; but rare. End of June. 1382 WoocKellaWood'n C. 8, t. 304. St. 4, p. 275. Mr. Curtis's Ca- PANCALIA. binet ; taken, [CEcopHOEA.] says Mr. Curtis, on Kensall Moor, in the middle of June, byMr.B.Wood, of Manchester. 1383 Fusco- Brown-brassy cenea St. 4, p. 376. 7362 PANCALIA. Darenth Wood; but rare. June. 1384 Fusco- Brown-copper St. 4, p. 376. cuprea 7363 PANCALIA. 1385 Merian- Merian's ella St. 4, p. 376. 7364 PANCALIA. Near London, and at Ripley ; but very "rare. June. Near London, and in the New Forest. June. 1386 Guttea, White-spotted St. 4, p. 277. Callisto. Brown 7365 . [OENIX.] Darenth Wood, and other places round London; but rare. End of June. PHAL JENA. 201 Linn, names. JEngl. names. 1387 Fyeslella Fuesly's [Thrasonella.] Synonyms and new genera. D. 11, t. 382, /. 1. St. 4, p. 277. Oallisto. 7366 JIabitat, and whenfound. Marshy places on Wimbledon Common, and near Brocken- hurst. June. 1388 Fusco- Brown-copper cuprella [Thrasonella, v.] St. 4, p. 277. 7367 - Callisto. Near London ; but very rare. June. 1389 Fuseo- viridella Brown-green 1390 Cinctella Silver-barred [Tamiolella.] Sable S*. 4,^. 278. CaUisto. 7368 [ROSLEESTAMMIA.] St. 4, p. 279. Harpagus. 7369 [GELECHIA.] Heaths and com- mons round London. June and July. Taken by Mr. Stephens at Eipley in Surrey. June. 1391 Albistri- White-striped St. 4, p. 279. Harpagus. gella Sable 7370 [Ligulella.] [GTELECHIA.] Mr. Stephens has seen but two specimens ; taken near Lon- don in June. 1392 Grandi- pennis Great Raven- feather St. 4, p. 280. Astyages. 7371 [CECOPHOEA.] .1393 Cylin- Buff-blotched St. 4, p. 280. Astyages. drella Slender 7373 [Chenopodiella.] [CEcopHOEA.] 2 D Near London, and in the New Forest; but very rare. June. On poplar trees near London, and in Devon- shire, &c. June. 02 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1394 Coraci- Small Eaven- St. 4, p. 280. Astyages. Hedges in Mid- Habitat, and when found. pennella feather [Fuscedinella.] 7375 [COLEOPHOEA.] dlesex, Kent, Surrey, Essex, &c. June. 1395 Serra- Notched-Horn St.4,p.'2SO. Astyages. tella 7374 [Modestella.] [ELACHISTA.] Taken, but rarely, round London, and near Eipley in Surrey. June. 1396 Obscu- Brown- rella feather St. 4, p. 281. Astyages. Darenth Wood, 7376 Hertford, and Bipley. June. 1397 Gryphi- Vulture- pennella feather St. 4, p. 281. Astyages. Darenth Wood. 7377 Middle of June. 1398 Lutarea Shining Clay St. 4, p. 281. Astyages. Taken near [And see No. 1411.] 7378 - Croydon in [COLEOPHOEA.] June. 1399 Ochro- Pale-shining St. 4, p. 281. Astyages. Darenth Wood. leucella Clay 7379 June. 1400 Nigri- Black-fringed St. 4, p. 281. Astyages. Darenth Wood, cella Clay 7380 and near Dover. [COLEOPHOBA.] June. 1401 Flavica- Yellow-headed St. 4, p. 282. Astyages. Common in put Black 7381 woody places [ELACHISTA.] round London. June. PHALJENA. 203 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1402 Angusti- Narrow- pennella winged [Festaliella.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 282. Chryso- corys. [ELACHISTA.] Habitat, and when found. West side of the warren at Coombe Wood. Middle of June. 1403 Spissi- Thick-horned St. 4, p. 283, t. 41, /. 1. cornis Green Metallosetia. [Alcyonipennella.] 7383 [COLEOPHOEA.] 1404 Trifolii Trefoil [Alcyonipennella, v.] C. 9, .391. 57.4, Metallosetia. 7384 [COLEOPHOEA.] Damp places, near Glanville's Wootton ; also in the fens near Whittlesea Mere, and at Camberwell. July. Eipley, Hertford, &c. On the flowers of Trefoil July. 1405 Anati- Goose-feather St. 4, p. 284. pennella 7385 POEEECTAEIA. [Currucipennella.] [COLEOPHOEA.] Darenth and Coombe Woods ; also in gardens near London. June. 1406 Otidi- Bustard- St. 4, p. 285. Darenth Wood, feather POEEECTAEIA. June. 1407 Anseri- Duck-feather St. 4, p. 285. pennella POEEECTAEIA. Near London, and in the New Forest; rare. June. 1408 StrutMo- Ostrich- nipennella feather St. 4, p. 285. POEEECTAEIA. Darenth Wood, the New Fo- rest, and near Dover. June. 201 PHAL.ENA. Synonyms and Linn, names. Ennl. names. 1409 Ornati- Silver- pennella streaked [Onosmel- Hook-tip la.] new (jenera. *. 4,^.285. 7386 POEEECTAEIA. [COLEOPHOEA.] Habitat, and 7 , when found. Birch and Da- renth "Woods ; but very rare. June. 1410 Ochrea Silver- streaked St. 4, p. 286. 7387 POEEECTAEIA. [COLEOPHOEA.] Darenth Wood. June. 1411 Galli- Cock's-feather St. 4, p. 286. pennella 7388 POEEECTAEIA. [Lutarea, v. ; and see No. [COLEOPHOEA.] 1398.] Darenth and CoombeWoods, &c. June. 1412 Lineolea Ked-specked St. 4, p. 286. 7389 POEEECTAEIA. Woody places near London ; Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. June. 1413 Allicosta White-edged St. 4, p. 286. 7390 POEEECTAEIA. Near London, and at Darenth Wood. June. 1414 Leuca- Lead-coloured St. 4, p. 287. pennella 7391 POEEECTAEIA. Coombe and Darenth Woods, Hert- ford, Eipley, &c. June. 1415 Aryen- Silvered tula St. 4, p. 287. 7392 POEEECTAIIIA, Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. June. Pl.46 2418 ri 1401 n 1419 n 1428 n r 1402 n 2431 n 1420 TJ 142 ff n 1412 n 1421 n 1430 n 14O4 n 1413 1422 n 1431 n 14O5 n 1414 n 1423 n 1432 n 1415 n. 1424 n 1433 n 241fi a 142.5 n 14O8 n 1417 n n'.HVW. /,/.' 142 fi 71 J4M ? PHAL^ENA. 205 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1416 Auritella Eared [Crepusculella.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 288. Aphelo- setia. 7393 [Opostega.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet. Taken in June, at Monk's Wood, in Hunting- donshire. 1417 Cygni- Swans'-feather St. 4, p. 288. Aphelo- Dover. June. pennella setia. [Salaciella.] 7394 [Opostega.] 1418 Semial- Half-white bella [Cygnipennella.] St. 4, p. 288. Aphelo- setia. 7395 [ELACHISTA.] Eipley in Surrey. June. 1419 Triato- Treble-atomed St. 4, p. 288. Aphelo- mea White setia. 7396 1420 Flos Cream- lactis coloured [Eufocinerea.] St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- setia. 7397 [ELACHISTA.] 1421 Rufoci- Eed-brindled St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- nerea setia, 7398 1422 Olelella Small Shining St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- [Obscure- Brown setia. punctella.] 7400 Norfolk, and near London ; but very rare. June. In the neighbour- hood of Lon- don. June. Eound London. June. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. June. 1423 Lucidella Lucid St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- Taken near setia. Eipley, and at 7399 Hertford. June. 206 Linn, names. Engl. names. PHAL^NA. Synonyms and new genera. 1424 Rufipen- Bed-feather St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- nella setia. [Complanella.] 7401 [TlSCHEEIA.] Habitat, and whenfound. Darenth and Coombe Woods. June. 1425 Fulves- Tawny cens [Complanella, v.] St. 4, p. 289. Aphelo- setia. 7402 [TlSCHEEIA.] Eound London, and in the New Forest. June. 1426 Margined Bordered Straw St. 4, p. 290. Aphelo- setia. 7403 [TlSCHEEIA.] Darenth "Wood, Bipley, and the New Forest. June. 1427 Lamb- Tawny Ores- D. 2, t. 57, /. 2. St. 4, Darenth Wood, delta cent p. 291. Batia. the New 7404 Forest, &c. [(ECOPHORA.] June. 1428 Lunaris Lesser Tawny- St. 4, p. 291. Batia, Crescent 7405 [CECOPHOEA.] Chelsea, and Batterseafields, &c. June, 1429 Lutarella Clay [Aristella.] St. 4>,p. 291. Batia. 7406 [CECOPHOEA.] Near London ; but very rare. June. 1430 Satura- Dark-clay tella St. 4,^.291. Batia. 7407 Darenth Wood. June. 1431 Panzer- Panzer's tUa St. 4, p. 292. Batia. 7408 [CECOPHOEA,] Mr. Stephens possesses a pair found near London about June. PHALJ2NA. 207 Linn, names. j.432 Flam- front ella Engl. names. Yellow-head Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 292. Batia. 7409 [CECOPHOBA.] Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood, and near Cam- berwell ; but rare. July. 1433 Alvearia Honey [Grisella, Fab.] St. 4, p. 294. 7410 GrALLEKIA. [ACHROIA, lib.] Near London, and in Devon- shire ; but rare. June. 1435 Sociella M 1434 Cereana Honey-comb C. 13, t. 587. D. 8, t. 283. Birch Wood, [Mellonella, Linn.] St. 4, p. 295. Epping, Devon- shire and Nor- folk. End of June, or begin- ning of July. 7411 GALLEBIA. D. 8, t. 263, /. 2. St. 4, Darenth Wood, p. 296. and Eipley. June. 1436 Sociella Pale-shoulder- 7413 ILTTHIA. F ed [APHOMIA.] 1437 Anella Twin-spot [Not indigenous.] 1438 Flammea Flame St. 4, p. 297. Taken, says Mr. 7414 ILI'THIA bipunctata. Stephens, by [MELISSOBLAPTES.] the late Mr. Hatchet in the Jews' burying- ground at Stepney. C. 5, t. 201. St. 4, p. 297. Near Lewisham. Senta. July. 7415 1439 Sericea Silky St. 4, p. 298. 7416 Senta. Mr. Curtis's Cabinet. 208 Linn, names. Engl. names. PHAL^NA. Synonyms and new genera. 1440 Gem- Large Grey St. 4, p. 299. brella 7421 EUDOEEA. [Cembrse.] Habitat, and when found. Trunks of fir- trees round London, &c. July. 1441 Sulfusca Drab Grey St. 4, p. 299. [Cembrse, var.] 7422 EUDOEEA. Taken with the above. 1442 Dubi- Hoary Grey tails [Ambigualis, Dup.] St. 4, p. 299. 7420 EUDOEEA. On the trunks of trees in woods and gardens round London. June and July. 1443 Pyralella Yellow-stig- St. 4, p. 299. maed Grey 7418 EUDOEEA. Very common in woods, &c. round London, during the Summer. 1444 Tristri- Three-streaked St. 4, p. 300. gella Grey 7419 EUDOEEA. [Pyralella, var.] Bound London, and in the New Forest. June. 1445 Pallida Pale Grey St. 4, p. 300. 7417 EUDOHEA. Near Whittlesea Mere, and in Monk's Wood, Huntingdon- shire. June; 144G Lineola Striped Grey St. 4, p. 300. 7424. EUDOEEA. Hound London, and in the North of Eng- land. June. 2441 n 1450 n 1442 TV 1461 n 1443 TV 1452 n 1461 n /I/,-; /, PHAL^ENA. 20D Linn, names. Engl. names. 1447 Murana Wall Grey 1448 Resinea Besin Grey 1449 Mercu- Small Grey rella [Frequentella, Staint.] Synonyms and new genera. C. 4, #.170. St. ^ p. 7423 EUDOREA. St. 4, p. 301. 7425 EUDOKEA. St. 4, p. 302. 7426 ETJDOEEA. Habitat, and when found. 301. North of England* and in Scot- land. End of June and be- ginning of July. On the trunks of fir-trees round London; also in the New Eorest, and near Dover. June and July. Very common on trunks of trees round London, ,p. 320. 7465 CBAMBUS, Darenth "Wood ; the New Fo- rest, Epping, &c. June. 1492 Pascu- Inlaid Yeneer St. 4, p. 320. ellus 7467 CBAMBUS. Yery common near London, &c. June. 1493 Dume- tellus "Wood Yeneer St. 4, p. 321. 7468 CBAMBUS, New Forest ; but very rare. End of June, 1494 Ericellus Heath Yeneer St. 4, p. 321. 7469 CBAMBUS, Mr. Stephens' s specimen was taken in June, in Cumberland, 216 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1495 Pratel- lus Dark inlaid Veneer Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 321. 7470 CEAMBTJS. Habitat, and ralien found. Very common in fields, woods, and gardens round London, and elsewhere. Summer. 1496 Angus- Narrow-wing- St. 4, p. 322. tellus ed Veneer 7471 CEAMBUS. Gardens, meadows, &c. near London, and elsewhere. Summer. 1497 Hortu- ellus Garden Veneer 7472 CEAMETJS, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, &c. Very common during the Summer. 1498 Cespi- Straw-colour-^ tellus ed Veneer [Hortuellus, var.] St. 4, p. 322. 7473 CEAMBTJS. Very common round London, and in the New Forest, during the Summer. 1499 Monta- Dark Moun- nellus tain Veneer [Hortuellus, var.] St. 4,^.323. 7474 CEAMBTJS. Mountains in the North of England. July* 1500 Margi- Bordered nellus Veneer [Hortuellus, var.] St. 4, p. 323. 7475 CEAMBTJS, In the neigh- bourhood of London. July. 1 :,/>;* a J.'Jfl 1527 a yy.-// U36 n op t^MZe 15W n 1. -,!.'> ,t 1528 n 1537 n , PHAL^EJSTA. 217 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1501 Culmel- Small straw- lus coloured Veneer Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 323. 7476 CEAMBUS. Habitat, and when found. Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, &c. Summer. 1502 Cerusel- lus Dark dwarf Veneer St. 4, p. 324. 7478 CEAMBUS auri- ferellus. [PLATTES, Guen.] Darenth Wood, and Devon- shire ; but very rare. July. 1503 Pygmaus Pygmy [Cerusel- Veneer lus, var.] St. 4, p. 324. 7479 CEAMBUS. [PLVS.TYTES.] Isle of Wight. July. 1504 Radiellus Streaked [Furcatel- mountain lus, Zett.] Veneer C. 3, t. 109. St. 4, p. 324. Mountains of 7480 CEAMBUS. Cumberland, &c. Julv. 1505 Marga- Pearl-streaked St. 4s, p. 325, t. 40, /. 2. Very common ritellm Veneer 7481 CEAMBUS. near Birming- ham. June. 1506 Lati- strius Broad-streak Veneer St. 4,^.325. 7482 CEAMBUS, Darenth Wood, and the New Forest. June. 1507 Pinetel- Pearl Veneer D. 8, t. 263, / 1. St. 4, Darenth Wood, lus p. 325. &c. June. 7483 CEAMBUS. 1508 Chryso- Powdered nvchellus Veneer ft* 4, > 825. 7484 CEAMBUS. 2 F Chalky places round London, &c. June. 218 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1509 Borellus Chalk hill Veneer Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 326. 7485 CRAMBTTS. Habitat, and nhenfound. Near London ; but very scarce. June. 1510 Falsellus Chequered Veneer St. 4, p. 326. 7486 CRAMBITS. Bound London, the New Forest, and Devonshire. June. 1511 Luteellus Barred [Inquina- Veneer tellus,W.V.] St. 4, p. 327. 7487 CEAMBTJS. Grassy places, about Darenth and Birch "Woods, &c. June. 1512 Tristis Dingy Veneer St. 4, p. 327. [TristeUus.] 7476 CRAMBITS, Darenth Wood, and Epping Forest. June, 1513 Inguina- Elbow-striped tellus Veneer [G-eniculeus, Haw.] St. 4, p. 327. 7488 CBAMBUS. Darenth Wood, &c. June. 1514 Aridellus Chalk Veneer St. 4, p. 327. 7489 CRAMBTTS. Darenth Wood. Beginning of July. 1515 Selasel- Dark-edged lus Veneer St. 4, p. 328. 7490 CRAMBUS. Near London, at Eipley, and in the New Forest. July. PHALvENA. 219 Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1516 Obtusel- Blunt-winged St. 4<,p. 328. lus Veneer 7492 CBAMBTJS. [Selasellus, var.] 1517 Petrifi- Common cellus Veneer [Tristellus, var.] St. 4, p. 328. 7493 CBAMBTTS. 1518 Aquilel- Dusky-yellow St. 4, p. 329. lus Veneer 7495 CEAMBTTS. [Tristellus, var.] 1519 Paleellus Large Yellow St. 4, p. 329. [Tristellus, Veneer 749G CBAMBTTS. var.] 1520 Culmo- Brown-edged St. 4, p. 329. rum Veneer 7497 CEAMBTJS. [Tristellus, var.] 1521 Fusceli- Brown Veneer St. 4, p. 329. nellus 7491 CBAMBTTS. [Tristellus, var.] 1522 Nigri- Black-streaked St. 4, p. 330. striellus Veneer 7491 CBAMBTTS. [Tristellus, var.]! 1523 Forficel- Aquatic lus Veneer St. 4, p. 331. 7498 CHILD. [SCHCENOBITTS.] Habitat, and when found. Near Bipley in Surrey. June. Bound London. June. Meadows and lanes, near woods round London. June and July. Very common in meadows, &c. round London. End of June, and all July. Fields and meadows, &c. round London. June and July. The same as above. Meadows near Eipley. July. Banks of the Thames, Whit- tlesea Mere, marshy places in Epping Fo- rest, &c. June, 220 PHAL^ENA. Linn, nvmes. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1524 Fumeus Smoky Veneer St. 4, p. 331. [ForficeUus, var.] 7499 CHILD. [SCHCENOBIUS.] HaUtat y and when found,. Near London ; also at "Whittle- sea Mere, &c. ; but rare. June. 1525 Puncti- Dark-wainscot gerellus Veneer [Gigantellus, var. W.V.] St. 4, p. 332. 7500 CHILD. [SCHOGNOBITTS.] Taken near Whittlesea Mere. In July. 1526 Phrag- Wainscot mitellus Veneer *.4,j>.332. 7501 CHILD. Near Whittlesea Mere. June. 1527 Gig an- Gigantic tellus Veneer [Phragmitellus, var.] St. 4, p. 332. 7502 CHILD. [SOHCENOBIUS.] Marshes about Hackney, and at Whittlesea Mere ; very rare. July. 1528 Caudel- Hook-tip lus Veneer [Forficellus, var.] St. 4, p. 332. 7503 CHILD. [SCHCENOBIUS.] Marshes near Dartford and Erith. June. 1529 Acinati- Narrow-winged St. 4<,p. 333, t. 40, /. 1. della Veneer Theristis. [Cultrella,] 7504 PLTJTELLA. In a lane at the bottom of Da- renth Wood. August and September. 1530 Nemo- Pale Hook-tip St. 4, p. 334. Theristis. rella Veneer 7504 PLUTELLA. On the borders of Darenth and Birch Woods. August. PETAL JENA. tt.49 25J4 n 2571 n 2545 n 2554 n 2563 2572 n 2546 n 2547 n 2548 71 2543 7t 2550 n 2555 n 2556 2557 2558 n 2559 n 2564 7i 2565 2566 n 2567 TV 2568 71 2573 7i 2574 n 2575 n 2576 71, 2577 n 2551 n, 1552* rv 25 6O n 25 G9 n j- ua r 2570 n> 2578 n 2579 n Linn, names. Engl. names. ISZlDentetta Tooth- PHAL^ENA. Synonyms and [Harpella.] streaked ryx. Hook-tip 7506 PLTJTELLA. 221 Habitat, and St. 4, p. 335. Harpipte- Gardens in Surrey, Kent, Essex, &c. August. 1532 Falcella Dark Hook- St. 4, p. 335. Harpipte- New Forest. [Horridella.] tip ryx. June and July. 7508 PLTJTELLA subfalca- tella. 1533 Scabrel- "Wainscot St. 4, p. 335. Harpipte- The same as la Kook-tip ryx. above. 7507 PLTJTELLA. 1534 Asperella Chequered Hook-tip D. 10, t. 355, /. 5. Hypso- Taken by Mr. lopha. Dale, at Glan- 7509 PLTJTELLA. ville's "Wootton, in August. 1535 Anten- Netted Hook- St. 4, p. 336. Hypsolo- nella tip pha. 7510 YPSOLOPHUS. [PLTJTELLA.] Coombe and Darenth Woods; the New Forest, &c. July and August. 1536 Pern- Double-barred St. 4, p. 337. Hypsolo- Found, but rarely, cellus pha. in the New [Alpella.] 7511 YPSOLOPHTJS. Forest. June. [PLTJTELLA.} 1537 Costella White-shoul- St. 4, p. 338. Ch&tochi- dered lus. 7512 YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTJTELLA.] Very common near Darenth "Wood; the New Forest, &c. August and September. PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new geneva. 1538 Fissella Broad-streak St. 4, p. 338. Ch&tochi- lus. 7521 TPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTJTELLA.] 1539 Radia- Badiated tellus [Fissella, var.] 1540 Variellus Variable [Fissella, Autumn var.] D. 3, *. 77,/4. St. 4, p. 338. ChsBtochilus. 7522 YPSOLOPHTTS. [PLTJTELLA.] St. 4, p. 339. ChsBtochi- lus. 7516 YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTJTELLA.] Habitat, and when found. Birch, Darenth, and Coombe "Woods, &c. August and September. Birch and Da- renth "Woods ; also in the New Forest. Autumn. Very common in the woods round London, &c. Autumn. 1541 Sylvella Wood Autumn St. 4, p. 339. Chaetochi- Darenth "Wood, lus. &c. September YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTTTELLA.] 1542 Eufimi- Eed-headed trellus Autumn [Fissella, var.] St. 4, p. 340. Chaetochi- "Woody places lus. round London. 7520 YPSOLOPHTJS. Autumn. [PLTJTELLA.] 1543 Maurel- Dingy Autumn St. 4, p. 340. Chsetoehi- The same as the lus [Fissella, var.] 1544 Vittellus Black-back lus. 7523 YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTTTELLA.] above. St. 4, p. 340. Chaetochi- "Woods and lus. hedges near 7524 YPSOLOPHTJS. London, in the [PLTJTELLA.] New Forest, and in Devon- shire. Autumn, PHAL^NA. 223 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1545 Sequel- lus Small Marvel du Jour Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 341. Chsetochi- lus. 7525 TPSOLOPHTIS. [PLTJTELLA.] JIabitat, and when found. Taken in a lane leading to Da- renth "Wood ; also at Bipley, &c. ; but rare, July. 1546 Porrec- Gray Streak *. 4,^.342. Cerostoma. tella 7526 YPSOLOPHTJS Hesperidellua. [PLTJTELLA.] Gardens and woody places near London, &c. June and August. 1547 Annula- Annulated tellus [Maculipennis.] C. 9, t. 420. St. 4>,p. 342. Cerostoma. YPSOLOPHTTS. [PLTJTELLA.] North of England, and in Scotland. July and August. 1548 Maculi- Spotted- pennis winged [Annulatella.] St. 4, />. 342. Cerostoma. YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLUTELLA.] Taken near Lon- don ; and in the New Forest, &c. July, 1549 Xylo- Honey- stella suckle [Cruciferarum.] St. 4, p. 342. Cerostoma. 7527 YPSOLOPHTJS. [PLTJTELLA.] Very common in woods and gardens in several coun- ties. In the Summer. 1550 Tapet- Black-cloaked zella Woollen [Tapetiella.] 7531 TINEA. Very common, in the Summer, in houses and gardens near London, 161O n 1011 n 'M II 1591 n 1592 n i Iff O2 n ////? 7. V>V II I fit n 1615 n 2585 n . 1606 n t; n 1596 n 1686 n 159S n 1M7 n 1617 n JMtt n 1608 TV PHAL^ENA. 229 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1583 Capi- tella Triple- spotted Black Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 356. 7565 LAMPEONIA, [TlNEA.] Habitat, and when found. Orchards and gardens round London. End of May and beginning of June. 1584 Praia- Spotted Violet St. 4, p. 356. tella 7566 LAMPEONTA. [TlNEA.] Hedges near Coombe and Darenth "Woods. End of May and beginning of June. 1585 Luzella Barred Violet [Prcelatella, var.] St. 4, p. 357. LAMPEONIA. [TlNEA.] Near London, and in the New Forest ; but rare. June. 1586 Flavi- punctella [Luzella.] Four-spotted Brown St. 4, p. 357. 7568 LAMPEOFIA. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. End of May and beginning of June. 1587 Rupella Pour-spotted [Fulvimi- Black trella.] St. 4, p. 358. 7567 LAMPEONIA, [TlNEA.] Near Darenth "Wood and "Westerham in Kent ; also in the New Forest. June. 1588 Margine- Dotted-border St. 4, p. 358. punctella 7569 LAMPEOFIA. [TINEA.] Mr. Stephens' s Cabinet; in which is a pair taken at Bipley in June, 1827. 230 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1589 Mela- nella White- speckled Black Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 358. 7570 LAMPRONIA. [TitfEA.] Habitat, and when found. On Elm trees near London, &c. June. 1590 Atrella Dingy Black- [Melanella, speckled var.] St. 4, p. 359. 7572 LAMPRONIA. [TlNEA.] The neighbour- hood of Lon- don. June. 1591 Corti- cella [Variella.] Golden- speckled Black St. 4, p. 359. 7571 LAMPRONIA. [GLYPHIPTERYX.] Gardens near London, &c. End of May and beginning of June. 1592 Subpur- Purple Under- purella wing St. 4, p. 359. 7573 LAHPRONIA. [MlCROPTERYX.] Woody places round London, &c. June. 1593 Semipur- purella Purplish Upperwing St. 4, p. 359. LAMPEO^IA. [MlCROPTEEYX.] Darenth Wood ; rare. June. 1594 Purpu- Purple Upper- St. 4, p. 360. rella wing 7574 LAMPRONIA. [Unimaculella.] [MICROPTEKYX.] Taken occasion- ally round London. June. 1595 Auro- Gold-brindled purpurella Purple [Sparrmanniella.] St. 4, p. 360. 7575 LAMPRONIA. [MlCROPTERYX.] Taken but rarely near London, on flowers. Be- ginning of June. PHALJENA. 231 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1596 Rubro- Bed Gold aurella 1597 Helwi- Bed-barred gella Gold [Bubrifasciella.] Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 360. 7576 LAMPEONIA. St. 4,^.360. 7577 LAMPEONIA. [MlCEOPTEEYX.] Habitat, and when found. Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. Summer. On flowers in the vicinity of London, &c. In the Sum- mer. 1598 Sangui- Scarlet-barred nella Gold St. 4, p. 361. 7578 LAMPEOKTA. Mr. Stephens's Cabinet. 1599 Calthella Small Gold 1600 Concin- The Neat nella [Seppella, male.] St. 4, p. 361. 7579 LAMPEONIA. St. 4, p. 361. 7580 LAMPEONIA. [MlCEOPTEETX.] Very common in meadows, &c., round London, in the Summer. Darenth Wood, &c. June. 1601 Seppella Sepp's [Ammanella.] St. 4, p. 362. 7581 LAMPEOETA. [MlCEOPTEEYX. The same as above. 1602 Amma- Single-spotted nella Gold [Fibulella.] 1603 Bistri- gella Silver-striped Gold ^.4,^.362, t. 41, /. 2, 7582 LAMPEONIA. [ADELA.] St. 4, p. 362. 7583 LAMPEONIA. [TINEA.] JNTear Hertford ; Colney Hatch, Darenth Wood, and the New Forest. May. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. June. 232 PHAL.ENA. Linn, names. 1604 Auro guttella [Quadruplella.] Engl. names. Gold-dotted Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 363. Euspilapte- ryx. 7584 [GEACILLAEIA.] Habitat, and when found. Mr. Stephens has seen but one, which he found at Ripley, in June, 1827. 1605 Nebulea Nebulous Slender St. 4,^.364. 7585 GEACILLAEIA. Hedges, &c., round London. Spring. 1606 Melea- Turkey's gripennella Feather [Anglieella.] St. 4, p. 364. 758(5 Darenth Wood. June. 1607 Syrin- Confluent C. 10, t. 479, St. 4, gella Barred p. 364. 7587 GEACILLAEIA. Very common in gardens near London, &c. June. 1608 Cinerea Double-barred St. 4, p. 364. Coombe Wood, Slender 7588 GEACILLAEIA. &c. June. 1609 F-flava Yellow V St. 4, p. 365. 7589 GEACILLAEIA. [ELACHISTA.] Taken by Mr. Stephens near Kipley,in June, 1827. 1610 Fersico- Changeable St. 4, p. 365. lor 7590 GEACILLAEIA. Near London and Ripley. June. 1611 Substriga Obscure- striped St. 4, p. 365. 7591 GEACILLAEIA. [COEISCIUM.] Hedges round London ; but very rare. June. M20 n 1038 n I <147 n ^r / | Iff 39 rv 1648 n : ^IPf^r : \ 1643 n 1652 n 1653 n ' < '^'/^-' : '' Jt >.'>/ n PHAL^ENA. 233 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1612 Semi- Semi White- St. 4, p. 365. fascia bar 7592 GEACILLAEIA. Habitat, and when found. The same as above. 1613 Purpurea Triangle- [Stigma- marked tella, var.] Purple St. 4, p. 366. 7593 GEACILLAEIA. Eound in the neighbourhood of London. June. 1614 Stigma- Triangle St. 4, p. 366. Near London. tella marked Bed 7594 GEACTLLAEIA. Autumn. 1615 Ochra- Triangle cea marked Ochre St. 4, p. 366. 7595 GEACILLAEIA, The same as above. 1616 7%ww6er-Thunberg's gella \Franckella\ Sfc.4,j>. 366. 7596 GEACILLAEIA. Gardens round London, and among oak trees in woods, &c. Autumn. 1617 Hemidac- Mottled Bed St. 4, p. 367. tylella 7597 GRACILLAEIA. [Inconstans, var.] Hedges and woody places round London. August. 1618 Rufipen- Dull Eed nella [Inconstans, var.] St. 4, p. 367. 7598 GEACILLAETA. The same as above. 1619 Elongella Plain Eed [Inconstans, var.] St. 4, p. 367. 7599 GLACILLAEIA. In the neigh- bourhood of London. Au- gust. 1620 Violacea Violaceous Slender St. 4, p. 368. 7600 GEACILLAEIA. 2 II Near Darenth Wood. July. 234 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl. names. new genera. 1621 Rosci- Livid Slender St. 4, p. 368. pennella 7601 GEACILLAEIA. [Falconipennella] Habitat, and when found. Darenth and Coombe "Woods, &c. June. 1622 Leuca- Pale Slender St. 4, p. 368. pennella 7602 GEACILLAEIA. [Sulphurellum] [CosisciUM] 1623 Sulphu- Sulphur; rella [Stramentella] [Q-EACILLAEIA] 1624 Prcean- Poplar Slender St. 4<,p. 368. ffusta 7603 GEACILLAEIA. [COSMOPTEETX] The New Forest. June and July. New Forest. July. Hedges, and on the trunks of poplars near London. End of May. 1625 Bennetii Sea-side Plume C. 10. t. 471. St. 4, p. 370. ADACTYLUS. Mr. Curtis's Ca- binet. Taken, says that gen- tleman, on plants on the Salterns at Tollsbury, Essex. End of July. 1626 Penta- Large White H. t. I,/, a q. D. 5, dactylus Plume t. 110. St. 4, p. 371, 7604 PTEEOPHOETJS. Very common in hedges and lanes near London, &c. 1627 Spilodac- Wormwood tylus Plume C. 4, t. 161. St. 4, p. 371. 7605 PTEEOPHOETJS. The coast of Suffolk and Devonshire. June. PHAL^ENA. 235 Linn, names. Engl, names. Synonyms and new genera. 1628 Galacto- Spotted "White St. 4, p. 371. dactylus Plume 7616 PTEROPHORUS. Habitat, and fallen found. Near Andover, Reading and Birmingham. End of May and beginning of June. 1629 Bipuncti- Grey "Wood St. 4, p. 372. dactylus Plume 7606 PTEROPHORUS. Woods round London. June and July. 1630 Fusco- dactylus [Fuscus] Brown Wood Plume 8t.4 t p. 372. 7607 PTEROPHORUS. Woods and gardens near London. All the Summer. 1631 Ptero- Common H. t. 30, /. i 1. St. dactylus Plume p. 372. 7608 PTEROPHORUS. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Kent, Essex, Hert- fordshire, &c. The Summer. 1632 Mono- Hoary Plume dactylus [Tephra-dactylus] St. 4, p. 373. 7609 PTEROPHORTIS. Near Croydon, and at Darenth Wood. June. 1633 Tephra- Plain Plume dactylus St. 4, p. 373. 7610 PTEROPHORUS. Near Brocken- hurst, at Ripley in Surrey, and in Norfolk ; but rare. July. 1 634 Tridac- Dotted-bor- St. 4, p. tylus dered Plume 7611 PTEROPHORUS. [Caliodactylus] Darenth Wood, and near Brighton; rare. June. 236 PHAL^ENA. Linn, names. Engl names. Synonyms and new genera. 1635 Niveidac- Snowy Plume St. 4, p. 373. tylus 7612 PTEROPHORUS. [Tetradactylus, var.] 1636 Tetra- "White-shafted St. 4, p. 373. dactylus Plume 7613 PTEROPHORUS. Habitat, and when found. Darenth Wood. July. Darenth "Wood, Ripley and Dover. June. 1637 Carpho- Citron Plume St. 4, p. 374. dactylus 7614 PTEROPHORUS. [Mierodactylus] Citridactylus. 1638 Ocho* Ochreous St. 4, p. 374. dactylus Plume 7615 PTEROPHORUS. 1639 Leuco- Lemon Plume St. 4, p. 374. dactylus 7617 PTEROPHORUS. Whittlesea Mere. August. Darenth "Wood. July. Darenth "Wood ; but rare. End of June. 1640 Luna- Crescent dactylus Plume [Pha3odactylus] 1641 Pallidac- Pale Plume tylus 1642 Migadac- Chalk-pit tylus Plume [Ochrodactylus, var.] St. 4, p. 374. 7618 PTEROPHORUS. 7619 PTEROPHORUS. St. 4, p. 375. 7620 PTEROPHORUS. Common in grassy places near Darenth "Wood, &c. June and be- ginning of July. Darenth "Wood, Hertford, Do- ver, &c June. Near Darenth "Wood; but very rare. June. 1643 &i*7i- Dusky Plume 67. 4,jo. 375. dactylus 7021 PTEROPHORUS. [Mouodactylus] Pha?odactylus. Dorsetshire, De- vonshire, the New Forest, &c. PHAL^NA. 237 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1644 Trigono- Triangle dactylus Plume 1645 Rkodo- dactylus Hose Plume 1646 Calodac- Beautiful tylus Plume [ Acantliidacty lus .] 1647 Tessera- Marbled dactylus Plume [Punctidactylus.] 1648 Puncti- dactylus 1649 Cosmo- dactylus Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 375. 7622 PTEEOPHOEUS. St. 4, p. 375, t. 41, / 3. 7623 PTEEOPHOEUS. St. 4, p. 376. 7624 PTEEOPHOEUS. #.4,^.376. 7625 PTEEOPHOEUS. Brindled Plume Dark Brindled Plume 1650 Didac- Spotted rusty tylus Plume [Pilose!!*.] 7626 PTEEOPHOEUS, St. 4, p. 377. PTEEOPHOEUS. D. 9, t. 318. St. 4, p. 377. 7627 PTEEOPHOEUS. Habitat, and when found. Coast of Hamp- shire, &c. During the Summer. Near Coombe "Wood, and Hackney; but rare. May and June Found occasion- ally round London ; also in the New Forest. Au- gust. Hare near Lon- don ; but com- mon in the New Forest. The Summer. Near London, and in Devon- shire, June and July. Taken by Mr. Stephens, near Eipley, in June 1827. Woody places round London ; also in the New Forest, &c. June and July. 238 PHAL^NA. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1651 Hetero- Spotted black dactylus Plume 1652 Micro- Small Plume dactylus [Parvidactylus.] 1653 Hexa- Six-cleft dactyla Plume [Polydactyla.] 1654 Polydac- Many-cleft tyla Plume Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 377. 7628 PTEBOPHORTJS. St. 4, p. 377. 7629 PTEROPHOKUS. D. 4, t. 136. St.4>,p. 378. 7630 ALITCITA. [ALTJCITINA.] 7631 ALTJCITA. 1655 Pcecilo- Dark six-cleft St. 4, p. 379. dactyla Plume 7632 ALUCITA. Habitat, and when found. Found with the above. Darenth "Wood ; but very rare. June. Very common in gardens round London, . 384. DAPHNIS. Entom. Mag. I. p. 525. 1658 Epheme- Beltless Clear- Entom. 10, /. 1. raformis wing THYKIDOPTERYX. [Plumifera, Ochs ?] [A native of 1ST. America.] PHAL^ENA. 1656 Suffusa Dark Choco- [Reclusa, late tip var.] St. 4, p. 16, /. 1, Clostera. 1657 Eadiata Eayed Ermine St. 2, p. 77. [Lubricepeda, var.] 6030 SPILOSOMA. Remarks. Mr Stephens has an English specimen. Taken in Sutton Park, near Bir- mingham. Taken near Lon- don in 1803. A reputed indi- genous speci- men of this insect was in Mr. Plastead's Collection. Taken in a draw- ing-room at Dover, in Sep- tember, 1833. Taken by the late Mr. Bolton, in Yorkshire. In Mr. Stephens' s Collection. Near London ; but very rare. End of May. Mr. Stephens has seen but one specimen, taken in York- shire, now in Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. 240 ADDITIONS. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1659 Cursoria Busty dart AGEOTIS. [Cursoria, var. Steph. Cat. Br. Mus. 72.] 1660 Plaga Striped Dart St. 4, ;>. 388. AGEOTIS. \_Exclamationis, var. ?] 1661 Albima- White-spotted St. 2, p. 199. LYT^A. cula Clay [Agathina, Bdv.] 1662 Birivia Double- [A native of striped Hungary.] Clay 1663 Obscura Dingy Bro- [Gemina, cade var.] St. 4, p. 388. PHOEA. St. 2, p. 184. 6203 HADENA. 1664 Connexa Union Eustic HAMA. St. iii. p. 6. 1665 Strigosa Streaked Dagger St. 3, p. 39. 6281 ACEONYCTA. 1666 Cuspis Large Dagger [A native of Hungary. Cuspis St.=Psi, var.] Remarks. Near Bristol. Whittlesea Mere. Whittlesea Mere. 1667 Solida- ginis Golden Eod Brindle St. 3, p. 40. 6283 ACEONTCTA. Curtis, 14, pi. 683. Xylina. [LlTHOMIA, Curt.J 1668 Lutosa Clay Wainscot Subtler, t. 48, /. 232. [Crassicornis, var.] St. 4, p. 390. Nonagria. From Mr. Haworth's Ca- binet. Eormerly in Mr. Haworth's Cabinet. Sup- posed to have been taken in Norfolk. Norwood ; in Mr. Hatchett's Collection. Mr. Bentley's Cabinet. Taken by Jo- seph Eveleigh, Esq., near Man- chester,^ 1837, in abundance. Mr. Curtis has a specimen taken in Derbyshire. ADDITIONS. 241 Linn, names. Engl. names. 1669 Vectis Southern [Straminea, Wainscot Tr.] Synonyms and new genera. C. 10, t. 451. St. 4, p. 390. Nonagria. [LiETJCANIA.] Remarks. Mr. Curtis tions this in- sect as inhabit- ing Black-gang Chine, Isle of "Wight, and Whittlesea Mere, in July. 1670 Cordi- gera Small Dark Yellow- underwing St. 3, p. 112. 6391 ANAETA. Scotland. Mr. Curtis' s Cabinet. 1671 Aprica The ISTun St. 3, p. 113. [Regarded as a doubtful 6394 ACONTIA. British species. Steph. Cat. Br. Mus. 293.] A single speci- men, according to Mr. Ste- phens, taken nearly half a century since by Mr. Tinley. 1672 Scutosa Spotted Clover Curtis, 13, pi 595. Moth HELIOTHIS. Carlisle. 1673 Subato- Dotted Angle Haworth. TIMANDEA. Mr. Bentley's maria Cabinet ; from Mr. Haworth's. 1674 Zonaria Belted Brindle St. 4, p. 391. Entom. Taken at the May. 2, p. 437. NYSSIA. Black Eock, near Liverpool, in September, 1832, and February, 1833. 2 I 242 ADDITIONS. Linn, names. Engl. names. 1675 Tauaria Tau Brindle [Hispidaria, var.] 1676 Poly- grammata Many-striped new genera. St. 4, p. 391. Entom. Mag. 1, 431. NYSSIA. S*. 3, ^. 256. 6606 PHIBALAPTEEYX. Remarks. Mr. Newman's Cabinet, to whom we are indebted for the use of the spe- cimen. Taken at Leominster, in June, 1832. Said to have been taken in Norfolk. 1677 Luteo- Striped Clay St. 4, p. 395. Tortrix. lana Tortrix. [(EKECTEA.] [Pilleriana.'] 1678 Juliana July Tortrix St. 4, p. 396. Lozotsenia. [GrEAPHOLITHA.] 1679 Areolana Streamlet Carpocapsa. 1680 Roborella Dotted Knot- Horn St. 4, p. 309. 7448 PHYCITA. [NEPHOPTEEYX.] 1681 Cristella Purplish St. 4, p. 310. [Eoborella, Knot-horn 7449 PHYCITA. var.] [NEPHOPTEEYX.] 1682 Legatella Plain Knot- [Roborella, horn var.] 1683 Fusca Brown Knot- horn St. 4, p. 310. 7450 PHYCITA. [NEPHOPTEEYX.] St. 4, p. 310. 7451 PHYCITA. [PEMPELIA.] Whittlesea Mere. In June. New Forest. In July. Devonshire, Yorkshire, and Norfolk. Middlesex, Sur- rey, Essex, &c. End of June. Hedges near Coombe and Darenth Woods, &c. End of June. Found with the above ; but not so common. Darenth Wood ; but very rare. June. DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. Engl. names. PAPILIO. 1 Podalirius Scarce Swal- low-tail Synonyms and D. 4, pi. 109. St. 1, p. 6. 5795 PAPILIO. Remarks. Not authenti- cated as British. 2 Palaeno Hub. t. 86, / 434. St. 1, Introduced as p. 11. British by 5798 COLIAS. Martyn in his Aurelian's Vade-Mecum. 3 Apollo Crimson- ringed D. 13, t . 433. St. 1, p. 25. 5813 DOBITIS. Introduced by Donovan as British, but without suffi- cient authority. 4 Mnemosyne St. I, p. 26. 5814 DOEITIS, Marked by Turton as British in his Translation of the Systema Naturae. 5 Maturna St. 1, p. 33. 5821 MELIT^A. Not authenti- cated as British. 6 Niobe St. 1, p. 37. 5826 ABOYNKTS. In the indige- nous collection of the late Dr. Abbot of Bedford. 244 DOUBTFUL BEITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 7 Hampstedi- Albin's Hamp- St. 1, p. 48, t. 5 } f. 3 $ 4. e?m'$ stead Eye Vanessa. [Considered by the late 5837 CYNTHIA. E. Doubleday as a variety of the Eastern Cynthia Outhyia.] 8 Huntera St. 4, p. 381. [A North American species.] 9 Levana St. 1, p. 49. Vanessa. 1838 CYNTHIA. Remarks. The only speci- men of this insect is figured by Petiver, who says it was found by Albin at Hampstead. Said to be taken in Pembroke- shire by Capt. Blomer. Considered by Turton as a native species. 10 Populi 11 Sibffla St. 1, p. 51. 5840 LlMENITIS. St. 1, p. 52. 5842 LIMENITIS. Said by Stewart to be British, and found in July. Also said by Stewart to be British. 12 Ma>ra 13 Ph&dra St. l,p. 55. 5844 HIPPAECHIA. St. 1, p. 56. 5846 HIPPABCHIA. Introduced as British, pro- bably by mis- take for H. JEgeria. Noticed as Bri- tish by Turton. 14 Alcyone St. I, p. 56. 5847 HIPPAECHIA. Said by Stewart to inhabit Scotland. BMITISM SJPMr DOUBTFUL BEITISH SPECIES. 245 Linn, names. 15 Mnestra Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. St. 1, p. 63. 5855 HIPPAECHIA. Remarks. Admitted as British by mistake. 16 Alcon 17 Malvae [Malvarum, Ochs., distinct from Malvse.] SPHINX. 18 Sylvius St. 1, p. 88. Polyom- matus. Fabricius. St. 1, p. 98. 5888 THTMELE. St. 1, p. 100. 5892 PAMPHILA. Introduced by Haworth in the old Entomolo- gical Transac- tions. Mr. Stephens does not believe that this insect has ever been taken in England. Said to be English, but not satisfactorily ascertained. 19 Globularice 20 Scaliosa St. 1, p. 106. 5899 INO. St. 1, p. 108. 5901 ANTHEOCEEA. Introduced in the Syst. Cat. in mistake for a var. ^of Statices. According to Mr. Haworth, this insect was taken near London by Capt. Linde- gren. 21 Peucedani St. 4, p. 383. 5906 ANTHEOCEEA. Mistaken by Wilkes for An. Filipendulce. 246 DOUBTFUL BEITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. 22 Carolina Engl. names. Tobacco Synonyms and new genera. C. 5, t. 197. St. 1, p. 118. 5911 SPHINX. Remarlts. Taken in Eng- land, but im- ported from America. 23 Quinque- Yellow-spot- D. 11, t. 361. St. 1, ted Unicorn p m 119. 3912 SPHINX. Also a North American in- sect, but has been taken at Chelsea. 24 DrurcBi D. 14, t. 469. St. 1, A native of Ame- p. 120. rica ; but taken 5914 SPHINX. at four different times in Eng- land. 25 Pleleia St. 1, p. 122. 5917 SPHINX. Introduced into the old Eng- lish Cabinets in mistake for Pinastri. 26 Pcecila St. 1, p. 122. 5918 SPHINX. Mr, Stephens doubts the authenticity of this insect, said to be British. 27 Daucus St. 1, p. 126. 5922 DEILEPHILA. Taken near Lynn in Nor- folk ; but a native of America. DOUBTFUL BEITISH SPECIES. 247 Linn, names. Engl. names. 28 Argent at a Synonyms and new genera. St. 1, p. 130. 5924 DEILEPHILA. Remarks. Found in some old Cabinets ; but not con- sidered as British. 29 Thysbe St. 1, p. 135. biciformis.. Sesia Cim- A native of North Ame- rica ; but ob- tained from Plastead's Ca- binet as British by Mr. Ste- phens. PHAL^ENA. 30 Anasto- mosis St. 2, p. 13. 5953 CLOSTERA. Mr. Stephens has never seen an indigenous specimen, though Stewart has it in his Elements of Natural His- tory as British. 31 Quernea St. 2, p. 31. 5980 CHAONIA. Haworth sup- posed this to be British. 32 Tau Tau Emperor St. 2, p. 37. 5984 AGLAIA. Mentioned as British by Martyn only in his Aure- lian's Vade- Mecum. 248 DOUBTFUL BEITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. 33 Dumeti Engl. names. St. Synonyms and new genera. 41. 5991 LASIOCAHPA. Remarks. Mentioned by Stewart as British ; but doubtful. 34 Proces- Processionary St. 2, p. 47. sionea 5995 CNETHOCAMPA. Pronounced British by Martyn and Stewart; but on no good foundation. 35 Ilicifolia St. 2, p. 53. [No longer doubtful. Taken 6002 GASTROPACHA. on Cannock Chase by the Eev. Mr. Atkinson, in 1851, and elsewhere.] 36 Populifolia St. 2, p. 53. 6003 GASTROPACHA. Introduced by Turton ; but not ascertained to be British. Martyn has given this as British. 37 Mori Silkworm 38 Matronula A. t. 12, /. 16. /. a f. St. 4 Bombyx. St. 2, p. 70. 6019 ARCTIA. H. t. 13, ?. 385. Figured in the British works of Albin and Harris; but not indigenous. Noticed as British by Dr. Turton. 39 Hebe St. 2, p. 71. 6021 ARCTIA. Reputed, but improperly, to be British. 40 Purpurea St. 2, p. 71. 6022 ARCTIA. Given, as British by Turton and Stewart. ^ DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. 249 Linn, names. 41 Aulica Synonyms and new genera. St. 2, p. 71. 6023 ARCTIA. Remarks. In Martyn's Aurelian's Vade-Mecum. 42 Rubea St. 2, p. 79. 6082 PENTHOPHERA. In Samouelle's Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects ; but without authority. 43 Depuncta St. 2, p. 133. 6119 GRAPHIPHORA. Entered as British by Mr. Haworth in his Prodromus. 44 Imbecilla Curtis' 's Guide, p. 180. GRAPHIPHORA. Supposed to be British by Mr. Curtis. 45 Perspicil- laris CALOPHASIA. Introduced by mistake for a var. of conspi- cillaris, in the British Museum. 46 Ludifica St. 3, p. 46. 6293 DlPHTHERA. Marked by Turton as British. 47 Pteridis St. 3, p. 49. 6298 DlPHTHERA. 2 K Mentioned as British by Samouelle. 250 DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. 48 Luteago Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. St. 3, p. 70. 6328 GORTYNA. Remarks. Inserted by Samouelle in the Entomolo- gist's Compen- dium. 49 Gnaphalii St. 3, p. 90. 6364 CUCULLIA. Introduced by mistake for Solidaginis. 50 Asdepiadis St. 3, p. 97. 6371 ABROSTOLA. Said to have been taken in England ; but Mr. Stephens has not seen an indigenous specimen. 51 Celsia St. 3, p. 99. Calotsenia. 6374 CELSIA. Introduced into the Vade- Mecum as Bri- tish by Martyn. 52 Chalcytis PLUSIA. Supposed to be British ; but not ascertained. 53 Ludicra Scarce Black- neck St. 3, p. 126. 6417 OPHIUSA. In Mr. Swain- son's Collec- tion. 54 Leucome- Large Four- las spotted St. 3, p. 128. 6420 CATEPIIIA. This insect was in the late Mr. Haworth't- Cabinet. DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. 251 Linn, names. 55 Elocata 56 Pacta Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. C. 5, #.217. St. 3, p. 132. 6424 CATOCALA. St. 3, p. 133. 6426 CATOCALA. Remarks. Obtained from the late Mr. Blunt's Cabinet by Mr. Curtis, but a native of Portugal. A native of Nor- way ; mistaken by Wilkes for British. 57 Triquetra 58 Alniaria Canary- [ Given as shouldered British in Thorn Steph. Cat. Br. Mus. 165.] St. 3, p. 139. 6434 EUCLIDIA. St. 3, p. 164. 6460 GEOMETRA. A native of Hun- gary ; inserted by mistake in the Entomolo- gist's Compen- dium. In Stewart's Elements of Natural History as British. 59 Dilectaria Small Thorn St. 3, p. 204. Epione. 6526 BRADYEPETES. Supposed only by Haworth to be British. 60 Ocellaria 61 Monilis St. 3, p. 200. EPHYRA. St. 4, p. 391. HYPSO- LOPHA. Of doubtful authenticity. Mentioned by Fabricius as inhabiting England ; but is a native of Georgia. 252 DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. Linn, names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 62 Melanaria Yellow-under- St. 3, p. 149. FIDONIA. winged 6591 Magpie. 63 Tinctaria St. 3, p. 291. Cleogene. 6681 MINOA. Remarks. The late Mr. Haworth, though he admitted this from report as British, had seen only foreign speci- mens. Locality not known. 64 Purpuraria Purple-barred Yellow St. B f p. 207. ASPILATES. A reputed Bri- tish specimen is in Mr. Swainson's Cabinet ; the reference in p. 89, No. 539, is to Asp. gil- varia ? . 65 Decoraria Curtis 's Guide, p. 194. ACIDALIA. Indicated as doubtful by Mr. Curtis. 6 Fascialis St. 4, p. 33. ENNYCHIA. Introduced by mistake. 67 Dimidiatus Tea Tabby St. 4, p. 24. 6775 AGLOSSA. 68 Marcfinatiis Haworth. Brought with the tea from the East In- dies ; not indigenous. Introduced by Haworth. DOUBTFUL BRITISH SPECIES. 253 Linn, names. Engl. names. 69 Magnified- Brindled Us 70 Nebidalis Dusky Brindled Remarks. Synonyms and new genera. St. 4, p. 395. CATACLYSTA. Stated by Hiibner to be found in England; a mistake, proba- bly, for New England. St. 4, p. 60. Margaritia. 6835 SCOPULA. Introduced by mistake as synonymous with Prunalis. 71 Anihfa- cinellus 72 Bracieella St. 4, p. 348. EUPLOCA- Introduced by MUS. Turton without authority. Curtis's Guide, p. 208, ENICOSTOMA. Supposed by Curtis to be British. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. NOCTURNA. (PHAL^NA, Linn.) 1684 Arun- dinis Engl. names. The Reed Leopard Synonyms and new genera. Hb., West. & H. Br. Moths, 1, t. 9. f. 7, 8. PHRAGMAT^ECIA, Newm. Habitat, and when found. Holme Fen, Cambridge. June. 1685 Bicuspis The Dark- Borlch., Hb., Westw. & H. Preston, Lanca- barred Kitten Br. Moths, 1, . 15, /. 2. shire. June. 1686 Trito- phus CERURA. The Dark- Wi. Verz., iron Promi- torva, Hb. Bo. f. 27. nent NOTODONTA. 1687 Crenata The Dusky- marbled Brown 1688 Opacella The Dusky Chimney- sweep Esper. iii. t. 47. /. 3, 4. West. $ H. Br. Moths, 1, t. 14, /. 15. GLUPHISIA, Bdv. Communicated by Mr. H. Doubleday. Bred by Mr. Douglas, in August, from Caterpillar taken in July, on poplar at St. Osyth's, Essex. Epping. Mr. H. Doubleday. June. H. Sch. ii. t. 19, /. 102. New Forest. Psyche fenella, Newm. Zool. viii. xcix. STERRHOPTERIX, Hb. 1689 Margine- The Dusky- Bruand. nigrella edged Sweep 1690 Reti- The Netted Newm. Zool. v. 1863, vii. cella Chimney- xciv. sweep FUMEA. Taken in Cam- bridgeshire, by Mr. F. Bond. Isle of Sheppy. June and July. Messrs. Ingall and S. Stevens. 256 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. EngL names. 1691 Pygmse- The Small ola Footman new genera. Wl. Verz., Hb. So. f. 92., H. Doubl. Zool. v. 1914. Luteola, Stephens, but not of the continental authors. LITHOSIA. Habitat, and when found. Sand hills, near Deal. Mr. Bouchard. 1692 Fennica The Beautiful Tausch., H. Sch.f. 106, 107. In a wood in Dart OPIGENA, Bdv. Derbyshire. Mr. Allis. 1693 Ditra- The Triple- BorTch., Hb. No.f. 113, 472. Leith Hill, near pezium spotted Clay Sigma, Goda, t. 71. /. 3. Dorking. GRAPHIPHORA. July. Bred by Mr. S. Stevens. 1694 Leuco- The Early grapha Chesnut Hb. Noct. f. 572. var. Noct. Lepetilii, Bdv. Ic. t. 83. /. 2. CERASTIS, Hb. Leith Hill, Doncaster, &c. April. 1695 Opima The Northern Hb. Noct. /. 424. York, Preston, Drab Orthosia biannularis, Curt. &c. in April. Gu. 1. 147. ORTHOSIA. 1696 Conge- The Allied ner Rustic Hb. Noct. f. 862 ? York, Preston, var. Carad. iners, Tr. &c. in July, var. N. suspecta, Hb. f. 633. ORTHOSIA ? 1697 Alpina The Mountain Drab 1698 Conflua The Reddish Drab West. $ H. Br. Moths, t. 23. /. 13. Hadena hyperborea, Zett ? ORTHOSIA ? Esp. Sch. 4. t. 157. Noct. serpylli, Hb. Noct. f. 488, 489. Orthosia ruticilla, Stephens Cat. B. M. Cairn-Gowr, Perthshire. Mr. Douglas. Derbyshire. Mr. Edlestone. 2GSH?. 2693. 2 J ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 257 Specific names. Engl. names. 1699 Ligula The Dark Chesnut Synonyms and new genera. Habitat, and when found* Esp. Sch. 4. t. 166. Common, var. Noct. spadicea, Hb. not our fig. 210. OEEHODIA, Hb. St. 1700 Erythro- The Ked- cephala headed Chesnut Wi. Fere. Near Brighton N.vaccinii, var. Esp. 4. 1. 162. in October, by OEEHODIA. Mr. Cooke. 1701 Australia The Feathered Bdv. y Frey. B. 3. t. 209. South Coast of Brindle Agrotis pascuea, Curt., England, in West, fy H. Br. M. t. 24. September. /2. APOEOPHTLA, Guen. 1702 Furva 1703 Satura The Dusky Brocade The Beautiful Arches Wi. V. p. 81. Mamestra anceps, Westw. & H. 1. t. 86, / 15. HAMA. Wi. Verz.,Hb.Noct.f. 75. Noctua porphyrea, Esp. t. 145. HADENA. 1704 AssimiliB The Northern Doubl. Zool. v. 1914. Arches HADENA. 1705 Hispidus The Beautiful Hb. Noct.f. 784-5, 6. Gothic Noct. hirta, Dup. vi. 90. 1706 Dumerilii The Pale- feathered- Rustic HELIOPHOBUS. t. 90, /. 4. HELIOPHOBUS ? 2 L Deal, Kent, and near Edin- burgh, in August. In Oxfordshire by the Eev. Mr. Bird; and at Yaxley by Mr. H. Doubleday. Perthshire. Taken by Mr. Weaver, in June. Isle of Portland, by Mr. S. Stevens, in September. Near London, by Mr. Kobert- son. 258 ADDITIONS' TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. Synonyms and new genera. 1707 Lichenea The Feathered Hb. Noct. f. 562-3. Bammculus EUMICHTIS. 1708 Euphorbias The Spurge 1709 Gilvago The Dusky Lemon SaUow 1710 Petasitis The Butter- burr 1711 Exigua The Small Mottled Willow 1712 Cannae The Eeed Wainscot 1713 Extrema The Tipped Wainscot 1714 Hellmanni The Mere Wainscot Habitat, and when found. Isle of Wight, Lytham, Lan- cashire, &c. in September. Wi. Ferz.,Hb.Noct.f.52Q, Scotland, near m.f. 12, fern. Bannoch, in Not our fg. 320 (Bumicis, May, var.) AOBONTCTA, Wi.Verz.; (notourfig.Sffl, Yorkshire and Cerago, v.) Derbyshire, in var. Noct. pallago, Sb.f. August. 192. XANTHIA. Doubl. Zool. v. 1914 Noct. Vindelicea, Frey. 13, t. 531. GrORTYNA. Hb. Noct.f. 3G2. var. Noct. fulgens, Hb. Noct.f. 796. CAEADEINA. Various parts of Lancashire, in August. Isle of Wight, by Mr. Mait- land, in June. Ochsenh. Westw. fy H. M. Yaxley, Hunts. I, pi 46, /. 11. July. Algas Esper Arundinis, Hb. NONAGEIA. Hb. Noct.f. 412. Freyer, N. B. v. t. 429. / 3. ? var. N. fluxa, Hb. Noct. f. 413. Yaxley, Hunts, and Cambs., in June. Yaxley fen, in July. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 259 Specific names. Engl. names. 1715 Neurica The Brown Veined Wainscot 1716 Phragmitidis The Fen Wainscot 1717 Lychnitis The Striped Lychnis Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. Hb. Noct. f. 381, not our Taxley, in July. fig. 372 (fulva v.) var. m.f. 659, 660. NONAGRIA. Hb. Noct. /. 330, Westw. fy Yaxley Fen, in H. Br. M. 1, *. 47, /. 16; July. *.48,/. 1. Noct. Semicana, Esp. 4, Suppl. 34, f. 189. CALAMIA. Rambur, Westw. $ H. Br. Bred from the Moths, 1, t. 48, /. 1314. larva, by Mr. S. CUCTJLLIA. Stevens, Arundel. 1718 Armigera The Scarce Bordered Straw 1719 MelanopaThe Broad- bordered White Hb. Noct.f. 370. Epping, Man- HELIOTHIS. Chester, Isle of Wight. Au- gust and Sep- tember. Thunb. I. 8. 42, t. 2, / 12. Perthshire, in N. Vidua, Hb. Westw. # H. May. Br. M. 1, t. 53, /. 9. Under wing. AN ART A. 1720 Lunaris The Lunar Wi. Verz. p. 94, Steph. Taken in Hamp- Double Stripe Noct. augur, Esp. Sch. 4, shire, by Capt. t. 87. Chawner. OPHIODES. 1721 Peletie- The Large Chimney Sweep raria 1722 Carbon- aria The Netted Mountain Moth Duponchel,Lep,FrancePhal. Taken by E. pi. 180, /. 2. Templeton, (CLEOGENE.) Esq., at Bally- mena, Ireland, in July. Linnceus, Faun. 1246, St. Perthshire, in Cat. 158. May. Geom. picearia, Hb. 552. G. EUPISTERIA. 260 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specif names.*. Synonyms and Habitat and new genera. when found. 1723 Corticaria The Dusky W. V. 100, Hb.f. 167. Wales, Dr.Leach,, Carpet Duponch. t. 162, /. 3, 4, St. in the British Cat. 172. Museum. G. TEPHEONIA. 1724 Cambrica The Welsh Curtis, B. E. pi. 759, W. fy. Wales, York- Wave H. pi. 63, /. 15, St. Cat. shire, in June. 186. Eub . erutaria, Bdv. In Meth. p. 203. (G. VENUSIA.) 1725 Sagittata The Marsh Fabritius, M. 2, p. 210, St. Yaxley and Carpet Cat. p. 189, Cambridge- G-. comitata, Hb.f. 310. shire fens, in (G. ELECTRA.) May. 1726 Boreata The Northern Hb.f. 413, 414, St. Cat. 198. Cheshire, &c. in Winter Moth (G. CHEIMATOBIA.) November. 1727 Autum- The Autumnal Bdv. MS. ? St. Cat. p. 198. Taken in Scot- naria Moth Opor. polata, W. fy. H. 2, land, by Mr. pi. 68, f. 9. Weaver, in (G. OPORABIA.) September. 1728 Filigram- The Small Au- Bdv. Ma. H. Schaefer, Schm. Isle of Arran, and maria tumnal Moth 32,/. 194, 195, St. Lancashire, in Cat. p. 198. September. OPORABIA. 1729 Togata The Cloaked Hb.f. 464, Newman in Zool. Black Park, Pug 3, p. 1086, St. Cat. p. 200. June ; and EUPITHECIA. Halton Woods, near Ayles- bury. Eev. J. Green. 1730 Pusillata The Diminutive W. V. Hubner Geom.f. 378, Darenth Wood. Pug Treitschke. Mr. Bond. (EUPITHECIA.) 27S2. iBrMiP ' ^ 3 %?-" : "- :::; I ^ 8P ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 261 Synonyms and Habitat, and Specific name. Engl. name. , . , new genera. rvhenjound. 1731 Palustra- The Marsh Pug Doubleday in Zool. 1850, cv. Yaxley and ria St. Cat. 2021. Cambridge- (EUPITHECIA.) shire fens, in June. 1732 Callunaria The Heath Pug Stainton MS. Doubleday in Common in Scot- Zoo/. 1850, cv.St.Cat. 202. land and the (EtrpiTHECiA.) North of Eng- land, in June. 1733 Lanceo- The Southern Rambur, Faun. Andal. Bdv. Sudbury, Suffolk, larm Pug C. 289, St. Cat. 204. and Isle of (EUPITHECIA.) Wight. Mr. Bond. 1734 Tenuiata The Slender Hb. Geom. f. 394, St. Cat. Epping and Black Pug 284. Park, on sal- (EtrpiTHECiA.) lows, in July. 1735 Indigata The Ochreous Hb. Geom. f. 399, St. Cat. Hornsey and Pug 204. Birch Woods, (ETJPITHECIA.) on fir trees. Mr. F. Bond. 1736 Ultimaria Eambur's Rambur, MS. Boisd. Ind. Dover, Mr. S. Pug Meth. p. 210. Stevens, in EUPITHECIA. September. 1737 Nivearia The Snowy W. V. 115, Hb. Geom.f. Taken at Thet- 217, St. Cat. 210. ford. GrYPSOCHEOA. 1738 Obsole- The Obscure Rambur, Faun. Andal, Bdv. Taken in Man- taria Wave C. 224, Duponch, St. Chester. Cat. 221, ACID ALIA. 1739 Holoseri- The Silky Wave Parr., Duponch fy Fr. Supp. Taken on Durn- cearia pi. 59, f. 7, St. Cat. 222. ham Downs, ACIDALIA. near Bristol. 262 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific name. Synonyms and Salitat, and new genera. when found. 1740 Inamorata The Barred Linnaus, S. Nat. i. 528. W. A very doubtful "Wave V. 107, Hb. Geom. f. 133, native. St. Cat. 223. ACID ALIA. 1741 Sicula The Scarce W. V. 64, Hb. Br. M.f. 41, Near Bristol, by Pebble Hook- St. Cat. 229. the Eev. Mr. tip DREPAFA. Turner. 1742 Humidalis The Marsh Doubleday in Zool. 1850, cv. Common in the Oblique- St. Cat. 234. North of Eng- barred H-JPENODES. land, and Ire- land, in boggy places. 1743 Ferrealis The Northern Treit. S. vi. 110, Freyer N. Taken in Scot- Pearl Beitr. v. pi. 450, St. Cat. land and 242. Wales. BOTTS. 1744 Sangui- The Scarce Linnaeus, S. N. ii. 882, Hb. New Brighton, nalis Crimson Gold Pyr.f. 33, St. Cat. 246. Lancashire, EHODARIA. June. 1745 Trunci- The Eustic Stainton, Cat. Tin. p. 2. New Forest and colella Gray Mercurellus, Linn. ? Fr. "West Wick- ix. i. 133. ham Wood ; Ambigualis, Dup. L. F. x. in August. In p. 229, /. 56, St. Cat. several Collec- Cramb. p. 3. tions. ETTDOREA. 1746 Cratsegella The Whitethorn #6. Tin. f. 231? Zeller, In chalky places Gray Linn. Ent. i. 296, Dup. at Mickleham, L. F. x. t. 229, /. 7, St. and near Edin- Cat. Cr. 4. burgh, in July Pusilla, W. f H. Brit. M. and August, ii. pi. 115, f. 2. In various Col- EUDOREA. lections. 1747 Portland- The Portland Dale MS., Curtis in Annals, Isle of Portland, ica Gray N. H. v. 115, West, fy in June and- H. Brit. 114, /. 32, August. St. Cat. p. 4. Messrs. Dale, EUDOREA. S. Stevens, &c. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 263 Specific name. Engl. name. Synonyms find Habitat, and new genera. when found. 1748 Angustea The Narrow- Curtis, Brit. Ent. iv. fol. At Exinouth, and winged Gray 170, Annals, N. H. v. 116, Arthur's Seat, W. $ H. Brit. M. 115, near Edin- /. ] , St. Cat. Cramb, p. 5. burgh, &c. in Coarctata, Zell Linn. Ent. August and i. 308. September. In (EuDOREA.) various Collec- tions. 1749 AngusteUa The Narrow- Hubn. Tin.f. 68, Zink. Somm. At Darenth winged Treit. ix. 195, Zeller, St. Wood, Kent, Knot Horn Cat. Cramb. p. 14. In July and ACBOBASIS ? October. Messrs. S. Stevens, Stan- dish, &c. 1750 Artemis- The Wormwood Steph. MS. Stainton, Proc. Amongst Arte- ella Knot Horn Ent. Soc. 1850, p. 6., St. misia, in Isle Cat. Cramb. p. 17. of Wight and (MYELOIS ?) Isle of Port- land, in July, 1751 NebulellaThe Clouded Knot Horn 1752 Nimbella The Small- clouded Knot Horn W. V. 140, Hb. Tin. f. 157, Taken on the Zink. Somm., Zeller, St. Ragwort, on Cat. Cramb. p. 18. the East Coast, HOMOEOSOMA. and at Lewis- ham and Bran- don, in July. Messrs. Stain- ton and Dun- ning. Zeller Isis, 1839, p. 178, In sandy places, Duponch, L. x. xii. t. 284, at Liverpool, f.I.,St. Cat. Cramb. p.lS. Dublin, the HOMCEOSOMA. Isle of Port- land, &c. in May and July. In various Col- lections. 264 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 1753 Canella Engl. names. The Hoary Knot Horn Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. wlien found. W. F. 135, Hb. Tin./. 289. At Hastings, Treit., Zeller, Cramb. p. 20. GYMKOTCILA. St. Cat. Southend, and Deal, in July and August. H. T. Stain- ton, &c. 1754 Inter- The Cloaked punctella Knot Horn Hb. Tin. /. 310, Treit., Taken on the Duponch, L. F. xii. t. 280, walls of fruit /. 5, Zeller t St. Cat. Cramb. warehouses at p. 21. Liverpool, in PLODIA. September, also in ware- houses in Lon- don. In various Collections. 1755 Farrella The Silver- edged Knot Horn Curtis in Annals N. H. 1850, Taken at Lowes- p. 114, Staint. Cat. Tin. Supp. 1, St. Cat. Cramb. p. 23. ABAGES. toft and Deal, in June and August, by Messrs. H. Doubleday and E. Shepherd. 1756 Sylvellus The Wood Veneer Hb. Tin.f. 369, 370, Zeller., New Forest, in St. Cat. Cramb. p. 34. Adippellus, Zink. Somn, Treit. Duponch, xii. pi. 269, /. 4. CEAMBTJS. August, by Messrs. Dale Boyd, Dun- ning, and others. 1757 Uligi- The Marsh nosellus Yeneer Zeller. Zeitsch. Bresl. Ver. In boggy and Staint. Proc. Ent. Soc. chalky places, 1850, p. 6, St. Cat. Cramb. "West of Eng- p. 35. land, Farnham, CBAMBUS. &c. in June. /j^ 1 ?'.r/u*n I PL J/ J763 n /76* ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 265 Synonyms and Habitat, and Specific names. EngL names. new genera, when found. 1758 Pedriolel- The Coast Duponch L. F. xii. t. 27, /. 6. At Yarmouth, in lus Veneer Gtienee, Zeller, Staint., St. August. Cat. Cramb. p. 37. Messrs. Paget SpurieUa ? Hb. Tin. f. 471. andH.Double- CBAMBUS. day. 1759 Lythargy- The Streaked Hb. Tin.f. 227, Zink. Somm. Near Guildford ? rellus* Satin Veneer Treit., Duponch t Zeller, in August, in (not ofSteph. Ill, Wood, the British /. 1485,) St. Cat. Cramb. Museum. 44. CBAMBFS. 1760 Mucro- The Dark Hook- Scop. C. 250, W. V. 136 ? Taken in the fens nellus .tip Veneer Treit., Fisch. v. R.pL 17, of Cambridge- f. 2, Duponch, St. Cat, shire, and in Cramb. p. 45. Wales, in July. Fern, acuminellus, Hb. Tin. In several Col- /. 284. lections. (SCHXENOBITTS.) 1761 Cicatri- The Striped Hb. Tin.f. 455, Treit., Du- Taken at Deal, in cellus "Wainscot Veneer 1762 Alpina The Alpine Gray ponch, St. Cat. Cramb. August, by Mr. p. 48. E. Shepherd. Treitschkeella, Freyer, N. B. 2, t. 138. Amplella, Hb. Tin.f. 300. CHILD. Dale, MS. Curtis, Annals, Taken in Scot- N. H. v. 116, St. Cat. land by Mr. Cramb. p. 5. Weaver. EFDOBEA. 1763 Innotata The Angle- Hufnagle, Berl. M. 4, 616, Taken in Lan- barred Pug Hb. Geom. f. 441, 442, cashire. In St. Cat. p. 204, not St. various Col- lll, nor Wood,/. 668. lections. EFPITHECIA. " The specimen in the British Museum is not this insect, but a variety of Argentellus ; and the insect, consequently, has no claim to be considered British." Mr. E. Shepherd. 2 M 266 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. 1764 Palliana* The Plain Yellow Tortrix Habitat, and new genera. when found. Treit., Sch. viii. p. 99, W. Near London, # H. Brit. M. pi. 79, Ac. /. 11, St. Cat. Tortr. p. 3. Flavana, El. Tortr. f. 157. TOETBIX. 1765 Dumetana The Thicket Tortrix Treit., Suppl. x. 3, p. 60, Taken at Lewes, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 4. in July, by Mr. Crategana, Freyer, N. B. 1, J. J. Weir. jrf.48,/4. 1766 Piceana The Pine Linn. Syst. N. 1, 531, Ratzb. New Forest, in Hook-tipped 2, t. 14, /. 6, 6, St. Cat. June. In Mr. Tortrix Tortr. p. 6. Male Xylos- teana, Hb. Tortr. 264, /. Fern. Oporana, Linn. LOZOT^ENIA. Edwin Shep- herd's Cabinet. 1767 Scotana The Scotch Tortrix Guenee, MS. Doubleday, L. Black Forest, 21, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. Perthshire. 12. OXIGEAPHA. 1768 Maccana The Marbled Button Tortrix Treit. ? E. S. x. iii. 133, St. Epping Forest, Cat. Tort. p. 16. in September, Marmorana, W.fy H. Br. M. and near Ean- pl. 94, /. 9. noch, Perth- PEEONEA. shire, by Mr. "Weaver. 1769 Lipsianat The Kindred Tortrix W. V. 129. Ho.]? Tortr. f. Taken in Perth- 180, H. Sch. Tortr. t. 3, shire, by Mr. /. 18, St. Cat. Tortr. p. Weaver. 17. PEEONEA. * The British specimens thus nanred are varieties of Tortrix vkidana. t Probably a variety of P. rufana. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 267 St/noni/ms find Specific names. Engl. names. new genera. 1770 Caledo- The Caledonian Bentley, MS. Doubleday, L. niana Tortrix 22, St. Cat. Tortr. p. 18. PEBONEA? 1771 Permu- The Buff Duponch. L. F. xi. pi. 262, tana Bough Wing /. 4, St. Cat. Tortr. p. 18. PEBOKEA ? 1772 Shepherd-TheShepherdianSte^w*' Cat. Tortr. p. 19, ana Tortrk $ 97. Eufana, Scop. Ent. Cam. 235 PABAMESIA. 1773 Illiginos- The Bog Tortrix Doubleday List, p. 22, ana Bentley, MS. W. fy H. Brit. M. ii. pi. 87. /. 12, St. Cat. Tortr. p. 22. DlCTYOPTEBYX ? Habitat, and whenfound. Near Edinburgh and Man- chester, by Mr. E. S.Edleston. At New Brighton, Wimbledon and Barnes Commons in September, on Eosa spinosis- sima. In various Collec- tions. Wicken Fen, Cambridge, . in July, by Mr. Edwin Shepherd. Yaxley Een, Hunts, by Mr. Bentley, in Mr- Edwin Shep- herd's Cabi- net. 1774 Caprge- ana The SaUow Long-Cloak Tortrix 1775 Prolong- The Narrow- ana Hiibner, Tortr. t. 40, /. 250, Sanderstead; Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 27, Larva on Sal- not of Duponchel. lows. May. (ANTITHESIA.) West Wick- ham Wood, June. In various Cabi- nets. Guenee, Ann. Soc. E. France, Taken in the winged Long- 1845, p. 152, Steph. Cat. cloak Tortrix Tortr. p. 27. . Betulaetana, _T. Schaff. not of Haworth. (ANTITHESIA.) Isle of Arran, in June : also at West Wickham Wood, in May. In various Cabinets. 268 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. 1776 Sororcu- The Allied lana* Long-cloak Tortrix 1777 Dimidiana The Dotted Long-cloak Tortrix 1778 Sauciana The Dark Long cloak Tortrix Synonyms and new genera. Zetterstedt, Faun. Lapp. 977, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 27. (AtfTITHESIA.) TreitsMe, E. S. Supp. x. 3, 46, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 28. Ochromelana, Guenee, Ann. Soc. Fr. 1845, .p. 152. (ANTITHESIA.) Hubner, Tortr. pi. 48, / 305, Steph. Gat. Tortr. p. 28. (AtfTITHESIA.) 1779 Eosse- The Bose Brown- colana cloak Tortrix 1780 Amamana The Pretty Short-cloak Tortrix H.Doubleday,Zool. viii. App. 106, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 30. (SPILONOTA.) Duponchel, Lep. Fr. iv. t. 84, /. 3, Hiibner, Tortr. f. 248, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 81. (SPILONOTA.) JIaMtat, and when found. Taken in the Isle of Arran, in June : also at West "Wick- ham Wood, in May. In va- rious Cabinets. Taken in the Isle of Arran, &c. in June. In several Cabi- nets. Taken in Lan- cashire, and near Leith Hill, Surrey, in July, by Mr. Standish, on Vaccinium. Near London, Epping, &c. in July. In various Cabi- nets. At Sanderstead, in July; and at New Brighton. In various Collec- tions. 1781 Neglect- The Neglected Duponchel, Lep. Fr. Supp. Various places ana Short-cloak xi. 509, pZ. 89, /. 3, Steph. near London, Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 31. Sociana, /3. Haworth. Dealbana, var. Guenee. (SPILONOTA.) * This is probably the female of A. prselongana. on Willows, in July. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION, 269 Specif c names. JEngl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 1782 Alnetana* The Alder Short- Guenee, Ann. Soc. Ent. FT. In the British cloak Tortrix 1845, p. 154 ? Steph. Cat. Museum Col- Tortr. p. 31. lection. (SPILONOTA.) Mann Cat. 3, Duponchel, Common among Lep. Fr. Suppl. iv. 418, poplars in pi. 83, /. 12, Stephen's July, Cat. Tortr. p. SI. Sociana, a. Haw., not of Stephens. (SPILONOTA.) 1784 Minutana The Brindled Hubner, Tortr. pi. 12, pi. Marbled Tor- 12, / 73, Steph. Cat. trix Tortr. p. 34. (LlTHO GEAPHIA.) 1783 Aceriana The Maple Short-cloak Tortrix Taken at Cam- berwell in July. In various Cabi- nets. 1785 Excru- The Dingy Bed Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 98. Taken in Devon- ciana Tortrix (LiTHO GEAPHIA.) shire in June. 1786 GeminanaThe Twin Spot Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 99. Taken atWhitle- SingleDot LITHO GEAPHIA. seamere, and in Tortrix Yorkshire. 1787 Crenana The Notched Single Dot Tortrix Hubner, Tortr. f.38,/242, In the Stephen- Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 36. sian Collec- Monachana, Fisch. v. Eos.? tion at the PHL^ODES. British Mu- seum, sup- posed to have been obtained from Mr. "Weaver. 1788 Upupana The Dark Hook- Treitschke, Eur. Sch. Suppl. Bare : Epping tip Tortrix x. 3, 127, Steph. Cat. Forest, Da- Tortr.f. 37. renth and Dul- TTstulana, Treit., H. Schaffer. wich "Woods, in ANCHTLOPEEA. June, on Oaks. * The specimens which have been thus named are most probably varieties of S. dealbana. 270 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 1789 Compt- The Delicate Frolich, Tortr. Wurt. 99, At Sanderstead ana Hook-tip Duponchel 4, pi. 66, /. 3, Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. ^.38. ANCHYLOPEEA. and Mickle- ham, in May and June. In most Cabinets. 1790 Nigro- The Scotch Drab Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 40, At Latham Moss, Vittana Tortrix 99. Stirlingshire. Lanceolana, var. ? H. T. Stain- BACTEA. ton, Esq. 1791 DibelianaThe Dark Drab Hiibner, Tortr. .43,/. 272, Damp places near Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 99. BACTEA. Gravesend and St. Osyths, by Mr. S. Ste- vens. Treit. E. S. Suppl. x. 3, 95, Locality un- H. Sch. S. Tortr. t. 29, f. known. In- 242, Steph. Cat. Tortr. serted on the p. 43. authority of (PCECILOCHEOMA.) Stephens. 1793 Occult- The Dingy Douglas in Zool. iv. 1267, Spruce firs and 1792 Oppres- The Obscure sana Blotch-back Tortrix ana Blotch-back Stephens's Cat. Tortr. p. Tortrix 43. Pinicolana, Zeller in Isis, 1846, 243. (PCECILOCHEOMA.) Birch Wood, &c. in July. In various Col- lections. 1794 Signatana The Black- blotched Tortrix Douglas in Zool. iii. 844, At Mickleham, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 43. in July. In Padana, Leinig, Zeller in various Col- Isis t 1846, 243, H. Sch. lections. Tortr. f. 383. (PCECILOCHEOMA.) 1795 Stabilana The Clouded Stephen's Cat. Tortr. pp. 45, Yaxley Ten, Willow Tor- 100. Hunts, in trix Brunnichana, v. ? August. On (PCECILOCHEOMA.) Myrica Gale. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 271 Specific names. Engl. names. 1796 Cirsiana The Lesser Double- blotched Tortrix Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. Zeller, H. Sch. Tortr. fig. Very rare. In 225, Stephen's Cat. Tortr. Mr.H.Double- p. 45. day's Cabinet. fern. Stictana, var. /3. Saw. (HALONOTA.) 1797 Novana The Smaller Guenee Annales, Soe. Ent. Very rare. In Single- Fr. 1845, iii. 176, H. blotched Doubl. List 25, Stephen's Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 46. (HALONOTA.) Mr.H. Double- day's Cabinet. 1798 Turbid- The Hippopo- Treit. E. S. Suppl. x. 3, 98, Near Manchester ana tamus Tortrix Logan in Zool. vi. 2034, and at Chud- fig. a 6, H. Sch. Tortr. /. leigh, and other 229, Stephen's Cat. Tortr. places, in June. p. 46. In various Col- HALONOTA. lections. 1799 Bufillana The Dark Zeller, MS. Doubl. List. p. At Dover, Charl- Purple-shade 25, Stephen's Cat. Tortr* ton, and Tortrix p. 49. Lediana,v. Haw. 459. (SEMASIA.) Sanderstead, Kent, in July. In various Cabinets. 1800 Cosmo- The Obscure Treit. E. S. Suppl. x. 3, 124, At Bannock, phorana Silver-striped Eats. F. I. ii. t. 14, /. 2, Perthshire. Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. 50. In various (COCCYX.) Cabinets. 1801 Strobi- The Large Linnceus, S. N. 539, Ratz. At Sanderstead, lella Dark Silver- T. I. 2, t. 12, /. 8, in May. In striped Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. various Col* Tortrix 50, (not Wood, 917.) lections. (COCCYX.) 1802 Mniti- The Bright Guenee MS., H. Doubleday Bannock, Perth- mana Silver-barred List, 25, Stephen's Cat. shire, in June. Tortrix Tortr. p. 50. In various (Coccyx.) Cabinets. 272 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Engl. names. Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. 1803 Pygmaj- The Dark Hiibner? Tortr.f. 69, Steph. Copied from ana .Silver-striped Cat. Tortr.p. 51. Tortrix Subsequana, Haworth, 448. (COCCYX.) Hiibner, on the authority of Mr. Stephens: locality un- known. 1804 Nanana The Dwarf Treit. E. S. Suppl x. 3, 80, At Wickham and Pine Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 51. Sanderstead, Tenebrosana, Douglas, Zool. in June. In iv. 1267. various Col- (CoccTX.) lections. 1805 Vaccini- The Whortle- Tiseh. Man. C. 2. 1843, Taken in Devon- ana berry Tortrix Stephen's Cat. Tortr. 51. shire, and in Myrtillana, Westw. fy H. the North of B. Moths, ii. pi. 89, /. 15. England, in (COCCYX.) June. 1806 Alticol- The Mountain Stephen's Cat. Tortr. 52, Scotland. ana* Silver-striped 100. Tortrix (PAMPLTISIA.) 1807 Turio- nella 1808 Sylves- trana The Pale Orange-spot Tortrix Linmsu*, S. N. 539, Ratzb. At West Wick- The Wood Pine Tortrix F. I. ii, pi. 14, /. 3, Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 53, not of Curtis, Steph., or Wood, 1126. (KETINIA.) hani, Birch, and Plumstead Woods, on Scotch firs, May and June. In various Col- lections. Curtis, Annals, N. H. 2nd West of England, Ser. v. iii., Stephen's Cat. and at Eulham, Tortr. 53. Middlesex, by Duplana, Hb. Tortr.f. 229, Major Shep- 230. herd. TiETINIA. * Probably a variety of P. subsequana. 1827 "ns ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 273 Specific names. 1809 Eune- brana Engl, names. The Plum-tree Moth Habitat, and new genera. when found. Treit. E. S. Suppl. x. 3, 116, At Lewisham, in Duponch. L. F. Suppl. iv. July. H. T. t. 66, f. 8, Steph. Cat. Stainton, Esq. Tortr. p. 64. Nigricana, Kollar, p. 232. (OPADIA.) 1810 Trauniana The Traunian Tortrix W. V. p. 132, (not of Near Woolwich, Stephen's III. nor Wood t Kent, in June. /. 930), Steph. Cat. Tortr. 55. Notata, Westw. #-. H. B. Moths, ii. t. 83, /. 20. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) 18 LI "Weirana The AVeirian Tortrix Douglas, Zool. viii. 2806, At Mickleham, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 56. in June. In (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) various Col- lections. .1812 Internana The Dark Crescent Tortrix Guenee, Ann. E. S. France, At Epping. In 1845, iii. 183, Steph. Cat. various Collec- Tortr. p. 57. tions. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) 1813 Hegee- rana The Heegerian Duponchel ? L. F. Suppl. Yaxley Fen, Tortrix iv. 195, pi. 66, /. 10, Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 57. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) Hants, in June. In Mr. Edwin Shepherd's Cabinet. 1814 Conife- The Small Saxs., Ratzeb. F. I. ii. 217, At "Wickham, in rana Crescent pi. 12, /. 1, Steph. Cat. July. In various Tortrix Tortr. p. 57. Collections. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) 2 N 274 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. 1815 Hissana The Dingy Crescent Tortrix Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera, when found. Duponchel, 1. F. xi. 542, Taken in Perth- Steph. Cat.Tortr.p.58. Dorsana, Hb. Tortr. /. 36. Divisana, Dup. L. F. xi. t. 264, /. 7. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) shire by Mr. Weaver. 1816 Dorsana The Scarce Crescent Tortrix Fabricius, S. E. 654, Steph. Also taken by Cat. Tortr. p. 58. Mr. Weaver, Lunulana, W. V. 127. in Perthshire. Jungiana, Frolich, T. W. 84, Duponchel. (EPHIPPIPHOEA.) 1817 Sequana The Silver Blotch-back Tortrix Hb. Tortr. f. 44, Steph. III. Taken at Sander- 1818 Senec- tana Westw. fy H. B. Moths, ii. pi. 83, /. 6, (not of Wood,/. 918.) (DICEOEAMPHA.) stead and Chudleigh, and various places near London, in May and June. The Dark Guenee, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Taken in various Silver-fringed 1845, iii. 185, Stephens' places near Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 59. London, in (DICEOEAMPHA.) May and June. 1819 Acumini- The Sharp- tana winged Tortrix Zeller? Isis, 1847, Steph. At Charlton, in Cat. Tortr. p. 59. June and Caliginosana, Duponch. ? L. September. F. Suppl. iv. t. 63, f. 4. In various (DICEOEAMPHA.) cabinets. 1820 Saturnana The Dingy Tortrix Guenee, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Taken in various 1855, iii. p. 186, Steph. places near Cat. Tortr. p. 59. London, in (DICEOEAMPHA.) June. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 275 Specific names. 1821 Plum- bagana Engl. names. The Leaden- fringed Tortrix Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. wlienjound. Treit. E. S. viii. 218, Steph. At Sanderstead, Cat. Tortr. p. 59. in June. In Strobilana, Duponch. (not different cabi- Linn. nor Wood.) nets. (DlCBORAMPHA.) 1822 tflicana The Furze Tortrix Guenee, Ann. S. E. Fr. 1845, Introduced from iii. 185, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 60. Zachana, Treit. Duponchel, xi. t. 250, /. 3. (DlCRORAMPHA.) the Stephen- sian Collect ion: locality un- known. 1823 Assec- The Banded- Hb. Tortr. f. 194, Steph. In the Stephen- laua] edged Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 61. sian Collection, (GrRAPHOLiTHA.) much worn. 1824 Wimme- The WimmerianTVezY. E. S. Suppl. x. iii. Ill, At Southend and rana Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 62. Sheppey, in Maritima, Dale MS. Westw. July. In $ H. Brit. Moths, ii. 238, various cabi- (G-RAPHOLiTHA.) nets. 1825 Lacteana* The Cream- Treit. E. S. Suppl. x. iii. In the Stephen- sealed Tortrix 113, Steph. Cat. Tortr. sian Collection. p. 62, (GrKAPHOLITHA.) 1826 JEmulana The Obscure- H. Schaef. S. vi. 248, sealed Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. 62. ( GllAPHOLITHA. ) Taken near Charlton and Southend by Mr. S. Stevens in July : rare. * Probably a pale variety of Wimmerana. 276 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific name*. Engl. names. new genera. 1827 C^cima- The False-sealed Hiibn. Tortr.f. 27, Steph. culana Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 62. Kollariana, Mann. Guen. Mi. 55. (GBAPHOLITHA.) Habitat, and when found. At Mickleham, in July. In various collec- tions. 1828 Citrana The Lemon Hiibner, Tortr.f. 185, Steph. Found at South- Tortrix Cat. Tortr. p. 63. end, by Mr. (TKIODIA.) S. Stevens, in July. In various collec- tions. 1829 Perterana The Dover Guenee ; DouUeday List, p. Taken on the Gray Tortrix 24, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. coast near 64. Deal, &c. (CNEPHASIA.) in July. 1830 PasciyanaThe Meadow Gray Moth Hiibner, Tortr.f. 99, Steph. At Lewisham, Cat. Tortr. p. 64. &c. in July. (CNEPBASIA.) In various collections. 1831 Perplex- The Allied Stephen's Cat. Tortr. p. 65, In the Stephen- ana* Gray Tortrix $ 101. (CNEPHASIA.) sian Collec- tion, locality unknown . 1832 Cretaceana The Chalk Curtis in Annals Nat. H. Taken in corn- Gray Tortrix 2nd Ser. vol. v. p. 112, pany with Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 65. Perterana. (CNEPHASIA.) * Probably a variety of Subjectana. 1831 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 277 Specific names. Engl. names. 1833 Octoma- The Eight- culana spotted Tortrk Synonyms find new genera. Haworth, MS. Curtis in Annals Nat. H. 2nd Ser. vol. v. p. 112, Steph. Cat. Tortr.p. 66. Penziana, Hubn. Tortr. /. 85. (CffEPHASIA.) Habitat, and when found. Taken in Stir- lingshire, in July. In various cabi- nets. 1834 Cogna- The Cognate Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 68 tana Gray Tortrk $ 102. Taken near Ban- nock, by Mr. Weaver. 1835 Fuscoci- The Brown- liana fringed Tortrk Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 68 jr 102. In the Stephen- sian Collec- tion. Near London. 1836 Eractifas- The Broken- Haworth, Lep. B. p. 466, Taken on the ciana barred Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. /. 68. coast near Queketana, Dale, Curtis Deal, &c. In Annals N. If. 2nd Ser. June. In vol. v. p. 112. various cabi- (ERIOPSELA.) nets. 1837 Quadrana The Brindled Tortrix Hubner,Tortr.f. 223, Steph. At Sanderstead, Cat. Tortr. p. 68. in June. In v. ? Hubneriana, Guenee in several collec- Ann. N. H. iii. 163. tions. (EBIOPSELA.) 1838 Eusticana The Eustic Tortrk Treit. ? E. S. viii. 95, Du- Taken in the fens ponch. Lep. Fr. xi. 104, t. of Cambridge- 240, /. 7, Steph. Cat. shire, in June. Tortr. p. 69. In various (CLEPSIS.) collections. 278 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. Engl. names. 1939 ArbutellaThe Mountain Strawberry Tortrix Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. Linn. S. Nat. i. 538, Hubn. Taken near Ran- Tortr.f. 195, Steph. Cat. nock by Mr. Tortr. p. 70. "Weaver. Orthotssnia ornatana, Westw. 4- H. ii. 172. (ABGYBOPLOCE.) 1840 Ericetana The Heath Tortrix (Bentley), Westw. and Taken in the Isle Humph. B. M. ii. 150, pi. of Wight, and 93, /. 3,4. near Bristol. In various cabinets. 1841 Herbana The Dark Silver- Guenee, Ann.E.Soc. Fr. iii. Near London dottedTortrix 157, Id. Mi. 23, Steph. and Dover, in Cat. Tortr. p. 73. June. (SEBICOEIS.) 1842 Dormoy- The Dormoyian Duponch. Lep. Fr. xi. 297, In the Stephen- ana Tortrix pi. 250, /. 10, Steph. Cat. sian Cabinet : Tortr. p. 74. locality un- (SEBICOEIS.) known. 1843 Euphor- The Spurge biana Tortrix Zeller > t. Duponch. Lep. Fr. Taken in Devon- Suppl. iv. 152, pi. 62, f. shire. In Mr. 2, Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. Edwin Shep- 74. herd's collec- (SEBICORIS.) tion. 1844 Palus- The Marsh Lienig, Isis, 1846, p. 230, At Torwood, in trana Silver-striped Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 76. Scotland, by Tortrix Cespitana, Curt. G. Mr. "Weaver, Juvenculana, Guen. MSS. in July : va- H. Doubleday. rious collec- (MIXODIA.) tions. ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. 279 Synonyms and Habitat, and .Specific names. Ennl. names. new genera. when found. 1845 Tenerana The Eatzebur- Duponch. Lep. Fr. xi. pi. In the North of gian Tortrix 266, /. 4, Steph. Cat. England, and Tortr.p. 76. at Sanderstead Eatzeburgiana, Sax. Rate. and "West 2, pi. 12, f. 3. Wickham Pinetana, Westw. fy H. 2, Wood, in July, pi. 99,/. 10. on Spruce firs. Errana, Guenee. (MlXODIA?) 1846 Servillana The Servillian Duponch. Lep. Fr. xi. pi. Epping Forest, Tortrix 262, /. 6, Steph. Cat. Yaxley Fen Tortr. p. 77. and Darenth Paykulliana, Westw. fy H. "Wood, in June; 2, pi. 85, / 22. rare. (CERATA.) 1847 Simplana The Least Short Fischer v R. pi. 22, /. 2, Taken at Darenth Cloak Tortrix Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 77. wood, in June ; Ambiguana, Duponch. Lep. rare. Fr. 262, /. 7. (CERATA?) 1848 Audoui- The Audouinian Duponch. Lep. Fr. xi. pi. Black Park, niana Tortrix 266, / 5, Steph. Cat. Bucks; and Tortr.p. 78. DarenthWood, Apicalis, Westw. and H. in June : rare. 2, pi. 98,/.8. (CHROSIS.) 1849 Eutilana The Scarlet- Hiibner, Tortr. f. 249, Steph. At Sanderstead, barred Gold Cat. Tortr. p. 78. in July. In Tortrix var. Sanguinella, Haw. 572. several collec- (DAPSILTA.) tions 1850 Schreber- The Schreber- Frolich. T. W. 53, Hb. Yaxley Fen, siana sian Tortrix Tortr. f. 306, Steph. Cat. Hunts. In Tortr. p. 78. Mr. Edwin Lediana, Hb. f. 151. Shepherd's (AEGYBOLEPIA.) Cabinet. 280 ADDITIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION. Specific names. 1851 Cnicana Engl. names. The Barred Thistle Tor- trix Synonyms and Habitat, and new genera. when found. H. Doubleday List, p. 27, Near Epping and Stephens' Cat. Tortr. p. Yaxley Een, in 79. June, on (AEGYBOLEPIA.) thistles. 1852 Atricapit- The Black ana Tortrix Stephens' Cat. Tortr. p. 80 Near Bristol, and fy 103. at Charlton, in ETJPCECILIA. July. Inseveral cabinets. 1853 Dubitana The Doubtful Tortrix Hiibner, Tortr. f. 71, Steph. Near Bristol. In III. iv. 183, not of this several collec- worJc,/. 1138. tions. (EUPCECILTA.) 1854 Carduana The Thistle Tortrix Zeller? Isis. teste H. Taken on the Doubleday List, p. 26, coast near Steph. Cat. Tortr. p. 81. Dover, &c. in (EUPCECILIA.) July, and near Gravesend. 1855 Affinit- The Allied Mar- Douglas in Zoologist, vi. p. At St. Osyth's, in ana* bled Tortrix 1268, /. 7, Steph. Cat. July; and in Tortr. p. 82. several cabi- (EUPCECILIA.) nets. 1856 Veitis- The Isle of Westw. and H. Brit. M. ii. Taken at Kyde, by anat "WightTortrix pi. 100, /. 15, Steph. Cat. Mr. S. Stevens, Tortr. and at Graves- (Eupff0 239 52 Fumata, -page 114 26 Adela Latreillella, Deilephila Argentata, Holosericearia, 261 56 page 182 . .40 247 . . 53 Immorata, 262 . 56 Panzerella, 183 41 Celereo, 13 .4 Inornata, 113 . 26 Reaumurella, 182 40 DaUcus, 246 . 53 Lactata, 114 .26 Robertella, 183 .41 Elpenor, 13 .4 Margin epunctata, Rufimetrella, 182 40 Euphorbiae, 12 . 4 113 . . 25 Scheft'ermyllerellus, Galii, 12 . .4 Obsoletaria 261 . 56 182 . . 40 Lineata, 13 . 4 Osseata, 113 . 25 Schwarziellus, 183 41 Livornica, 13 .4 Remutata and v. 113, Sulzella, 182 .40 Porcellus, 13 4 114 . . 26 Sulzeriella, 182 . 40 Ino Globulariae, 245 . 53 Subsericeata, 113 26 Swammerdammella, Statices, 11 .4 Virgularia, 113 . 26 183 . . 41 Macroglossa Stellata- Acleris Bifidana, 160 36 Viridella, 183 .41 rum, 13 . .4 Boscana, 160 . 36 -iEthia Euiortualis, Sesia Thysbe, 247 . 53 Cerusana, 160 .36 118 . . 27 Fuciformis, 13 . 4 Ferrugana & v. 160 36 Aglia Tan, 247 . . 53 Bombyliformis, 13 4 Gnomana, 160 . 36 Ajrlossa Cuprealis,119 27 Smerinthus ocellatus, Scabrana, 160 36 Dimidiatus, 252 54 11 . . 4 Subtripunctulana, Pinguinalis & v. Populi, 12 . 4 160 . . 36 119 . . 27 Tilise, 12 . .4 Tripunctulana, 160 36 Streatfieldii, 119 .27 Sphinx Carolina, 246 53 Acompsia Cinerella, Ag-rotera Flammealis, Convolvuli, 12 . 4 180 . . 40 120 . . 27 Drursei, 246 . 53 Rufescens, 180 . 40 Agrotis J3qua, 33 . 9 Ligustri, 12 . 4 Tinctella, 180 .40 Annexa, 34 . .9 Pinastri, 12 .4 Unitella, 180 . 40 Aquilina, 35 . 9 Plebeia, 246 . 53 Acontia Aprica, 241 52 Aquilina, var. 35 . 9 Pcecila, 246 . 53 Caloris, 73 . .17 Corticea, 33 . 9 Quinque-niaculatus, Luctuosa, 73 . 17 Cinerea, 36 . .9 246 . . 53 Solaris, 73 .17 Cuneigera, 35 . 9 Thyridopteryx Ephe- Acosmetia Arcuosa,75 17 Cursoria, 240 . 52 merseformis, 239 52 Caliginosa and v. 75 17 Cursoria var. 35. 9 Plumifera, 239 . 52 Lineola, 75 .17 Dubia, 36 . . 9 Trochilium Apiformis, Lutescens, 75 . 17 Exclamationis, 36 9 14 .4 Rufa and v. 75 . 17 Exclamationis, v. Bembeciformis, 14 4 Acria Ernarginella, 179 40 240 . . . 52 Crabroniformis, 14 4 Acrobasis Acgustella, Fumosa, 36 . 9 263 . 56 Hortorum, 35 . 9 PHAUENA. Acronycta Alni, 60 . 14 Lineolata, 35 . 9 Ablabia pratana, 1 47 33 Auricoma, 61 . 14 Lunigera, 33 . 9 Quadri-punctana,147 33 Cuspis, 240 . 52 Nebulosa, 36 9 Abraxas Grossulariata, Euphorbiae St. 61 14 Nigricans and vars. 97 .22 Euphorbia? W. V. 35 & 36 . 9 Pantaria, 97 . 22 258 . . 55 Obelisca, 35 . .9 Ultnata, 97 . 22 Euphrasiae, 61 14 Obeliscata, 36 . 9 Abrostola Asclepiadis, Ligustri, 60 . .14 Ocellina, 35 . .9 250 . . 54 Megacephala, 60 14 Plaga, 240 . 52 Illustris, 71 . . 16 Menyanthedis, 61 14 Pupillata, 35 . .9 Triplacea, 70 . 16 Psi . . 14 Puta and vars. 34 . 9 Urticse, 74 .16 Rumicis and v. 61 14 Radia, 34 .9 Achatia Piniperda, 56 13 Strigosa, 240 . 52 Rndiola, 34 . 9 Achroia Alvearia, 207 45 Tridens, 60 . 14 Ripae, 36 . . 9 Grisella, 207 . 45 Actebia Prsecox, 57 13 Ruris, 36. . 9 Acidalia Aversata, and AdactylusBennetii,234 51 Sagittifera, 34 . 9 v.113 . 26 Adela CupnUla, 182 40 Saucia, 33 . . 9 Decoraria, 252 54 De Geerella, 182 40 Segetum, 33 . 9 Floslactata, 114 26 Fasciella, 182 .40 Subgothica, 36 . 9 Fuliginata, 1H . 26 Frischella, 183 41 Suffusa, 34 . .9 INDEX. 285 PI. Agrotis, Tritici and vars. page 35 . 9 Yallig-era, 34 . .9 Venosa, 35 . .9 Alabonia Geoffrey ella, 181 . . . 40 Alcis Abietaria, 84 .19 Consobrinaria, 85 . 20 Consortaria, 85 .19 Conversaria, 84 .19 Destrigaria, 84 . 19 Fimbriaria, 85 .20 Muraria, 84 .19 Repandata and vars . 84 . . .19 Rhomboidaria and vars. 85 . .20 Roboraria, 85 . 20 Sericearia, 84. .19 Alucita Hexadactyla, 238 . . .51 Poecilodactyla, 238, 51 Polydactyla, bis,238 51 Amaurosetia Albifron- tella,228 . . 50 Albinella, 228 . 50 Atrella, 228 . 49 Cerusella, 228 . 49 Megerlella, 228 . 50 Minutella, 228 . 49 Oppositella and v. 227, 228 . . 49 4-Punctella, 228 . 49 Subdentella, 228 . 49 Amphipyra Pyramidea, 46 . . .11 AnacarnpsisAffinisl75 39 Albiceps and var. 176,178 . 39,40 Albimaculea, 178 40 Aleella, bis, 178 40 Alternella, 178 .40 Angustella, 178 . 40 Annulicornis, 174 .39 Aspera, 175 . .39 Atra. 177 . . 39 Atrella, 178, 179 .40 Betulea, 173 . .39 Bifasciella, 179 .40 Cinerella, 174 .39 Contigua, 176 .39 Deauratella, 179 .40 Decorella, 177 .39 Diffinis, bis, 173,175 39 Dodecella, bis, 174 39 Domestica, 175 .39 Fulvescens, 178 .40 Fuscescens, 178 .40 Gallinella, 176 .39 PI. PI. Anacampsis Gibbife- Anchylopera Biarcuana, rella, page 1 76 .39 page 143 . . 32 Guttifera, 177 . 39 Brunnichana v. 143 32 Hortuella, 173 .39 Comptana, 270 . 57 Hubneri, 176 .39 Cuspidana, 143 .32 Interruptella, 178 . 40 Derasana, bis, 142, Juniperella, 173 .38 144 . . . 32 Lacteella, and var. Diminutana, 143 . 32 175 . . . 39 Fractifasciana, 143 . 32 Lanceolella, 176 .39 Funalana, 143 . 32 Laticinctella, 173 .38 Lundana, 142 . 32 Listerella, 173 .39 Lyellana, 142 .32 Longicornis, 174 .39 Myrtillana, 142 , 32 Luctuella, 176 .89 Obtusana, 142 . 32 Luculella, 175 .39 Siculana, 143 . 32 Lutarea, 174 . .39 Uncana, 143 . .32 Maculella bis, 177, Unculana, 142 . 32 178 . . . 39 TJnguicella, 143 .32 Maculiferella, 176 . 39 Upupana, 269 . 57 Marmorea and var. Ustomaculana, 143 . 32 177 . . . 39 Anesychia Decem-gut- Mouffetella, 174 .39 tella, 185 . .41 Nanella, 176 . .39 Dodocea, 185 . .41 Nebulea, 173 . . 39 Echiella, 185 . .41 Nigra, 173 . .39 Funerella, 185 . 41 Nigro-vittella, 177 . 39 Lithospermella, 185 41 Nivella, 178 . .39 Pusiella, 185 . .41 Populella and var. Angerona Prunaria, 82 19 173 . . . 39 Ania Emarginata, 116 26 Proxima, 176 .39 Limbata, 116 .26 Proximella, 174 .39 Anisopteryx ^scularia, Quadri-punctata, 79 . . .21 179 . . . 40 Leucopbearia, 78 .21 Rhombella, 174 .39 Anticlea Albana, 144. 32 Rusticella, 176 .39 Asseclana, 145 . 32 Sarcitella, 175 . 39 Berberata, 95 . 22 Scriptella, 177 .39 Bilunana, 144 . 32 Sequax, bis, 175, Campoliliana, 145 . 32 176 . . . 39 Dealbana, 144 .32 Subrosea, 177 .39 Demarniana, 144 .32 Suboinerea, 174 .39 Derivata, 95 . .22 Subocellea, 177 .39 Fimbriana, 144 ,32 Terrella and var. Harpana, 144 .22 174 . . . 39 Incarnana, 144 . 32 Tremella, 177 .39 Mitterbacheriana, Tricolorella, bis,176 39 145 . . . 32 Triparella, 174 .39 Nsevana, 144 . 32 Velocella, 173 .39 Nigromaculana and Zephyrella, 173 .39 var. 144 . .32 Anaitis Plagiala, 96 . 22 Paykulliana,bis,144 32 Praeformata, 97 . 22 Ramella, 144 . .22 Anania8-maculata,122 28 Rubidata, 95 . . 22 Anarta Arbuti, 73 .17 Sinuata, 95 . .22 Cordigera, 241 . 52 Sociana, 144 . .32 Heliaca, 73 . .17 Subocellana, 145 .32 Melanopa, 259 . 55 Trimaculana, 145 .32 Melanopa, v. 73 .17 Antithesia Betuletana, Myrtilli, 73 . . 16 134 . . . 30 Vidua, 73 . .17 Caprseana, 267 . 57, 286 INDEX. PI. PI. PI. Antithesia Corticana, Araxes Ahenella, Argyromyges Unipunc- page 134 . .30 page 214 . . 47 tella,page 193 .43 Dimidiana, 268 . 57 Lotella,bis,213,214 47 Argyroploce arbutella, Gentianseana, 135 . 30 Miniosella, 213 . 47 278 . . . 59 Grevilleana, 135 .30 Ocellea, 214 . .47 Argyrosetia Andereg- Marginana and var. Arctia Aulica, 249 .54 giella, 190 . .42 135 . . .30 Caja, 25 . .7 Aurifasciella, 190 .42 Oblongana, 135 .30 Hebe, 248 . . 54 Aurivittella, 190 .42 Ochroleucana, 134 30 Matronula, 248 .54 Brockella, and var.j Praelongana, 267 . 57 Purpurea, 248 . 54 190 . . . 42 Pruniana and var., Villica, 25 .7 Goedartella, 189 .42 135 . . . 30 Argyrolepia JEneana, I. V-ella, 190. . 42 Pullana, 135 . .30 164 . . . 37 Literella, 190 .42 Salicella, 135. .30 Bistrigana, 164 . 37 Pygmaeella, 189 .42 Sauciana, 268 . 57 Cnicana, 280 . 59 Semifesciella, 189 . 42 Sororculana, 268 . 57 Decimana, 164 .37 Argyrotsenia Cogna- Tripunctana, 134 . 30 Dipoltella, 164 .37 tana, 277 . . 59 Connexa, 240 . 52 Lathoniana, 164 .37 Fuscociliana, 277 . 59 Apamea Didyma, and Margaritana, 164 . 37 Argyrotoza Bergman- v. 54 . . .12 Schrebersiana, 279 . 59 niana, 1 63 . .36 Fibrosa, 53 . .12 Tesserana, and var., Conwayana, and Furca, 54 . .13 J64 . . . 37 vars. 163 . .37 I-Nig-er,54 . .12 Argyromyges Alnifoli- Daldorfiana, 164 .37 Leucostigma, 53 .12 ella, 192 . .43 Hoffmanseggiana, Nictitans, 53 .12 Autumnella, 193 .43 163 . . . 36 Oculea, 54 . .12 Blanchardella, 190. 42 Rheediella, 164 .37 Ophiogramma, 54 . 13 Clerckella, and vars. Subaurantiana, 163. 37 Secalina, 53 . .12 193 . . . 43 Aspilates Citraria, 89 . 20 Unanimis, 53 .12 ClerkeJla, 193 .43 Gilvaria, 89 . .20 Apatela Aceris, 60 .14 Corylifoliella, bis, Purpuraria, 252 . 54 Bradyporina, 60 .14 191, 192 . .42 Respersaria, 89 . 20 Leporina and v. 59 . 14 Cramerella, and var. Strigillaria, 89 . 20 Aphelosetia Auritella, 191, 192 . . 42 Astyages Chenopodi- 205 . . 45 Cratffigi, 192 . . 42 ella, 201 . .44 Complanella and var. Cuculipenella, 192 . 42 Coracipeiinella, 202 44 206 . . . 45 Cydoniella, 190 . 42 Cylindrella, 201 . 44 Crepusculella, 205 . 45 Emberizapennella, Flaviciput, 202 . 45 Cygnipennella, bis, 191 . . . 42 Fuscedinella, 202 . 45 205 . . . 45 Harrisella, 191 .42 Grandipennis, 201 . 44 Floslactis, 205 . 45 Hortella, 192 . 42 Gryphipennella, 202 44 Fulvescens, 206 . 45 Klemanella, 191 .42 Lutarea, 202 . . 44 LucideUa, 205 . 45 Mespilella, 191 .42 Modestella, 202 . 45 Marginea, 206 . 45 Nivella, 193 . .42 Nigricella, 202 . 46 Obscurepunctella, Obscurella, 192 .43 Obscurella, 202 . 44 205 . . . 45 Rayella, 191 . .42 Ochroleucella, 202 . 44 Oleella, 205 . . 45 Rufipunctella, 192 . 43 Serratella, 202 . 44 Pollinariella, 189 .42 Saligna, 193 . .43 Bactra Dibeliana, 270 57 Rufipennella, 206 . 45 Schreberella, bis, Egenana, 147 .33 Rufocinerea, bis, 190, 191 . . 42 Egestana, 147 .33 205 . . .45 Scitella, 193 . .43 Expallidana, and v., Salaciella, 205 .45 Semiaurella, 193 .43 147 . . . 33 Semialbella, 205 . 45 Spartifoliella, 193 . 43 Lanceolana, and Subocellea, 189 . 42 Sylvella, 192 . .42 vars., 147 . .33 Triatomea, 205 . 45 Trifasciella,bis,191, Nigrovittaua, 270 .57 Aplocera Csesiata, 108 25 192 . . .42 Pauperana, 147 .33 Flavicinctata, 108 . 25 Tristrigella, 191 .42 Plagana, 147 . . 33 Aporophyla Australis, Ulmella, 192 . .43 Bapta Bimaculata, 10824 257 . . . 55 Ulmifoliella, bis, Punctata, 108 .25 Arages Farrella, 264 . 56 191, 192 . . 43 Taminata, 108 . 24 INDEX. 287 PL Batia Aristella, page 206 . . . 45 Flavifrontella, 207 . 45 Lambdella, 206 . 45 Lunaris, 206 . .45 Lutarella, 206 . 45 Panzerella, 206 . 45 baturatella, 206 . 45 Biston Betularius, 80 . 1 8 Hirtarius, 80 . .18 Prodomarius, 79 .18 Boarmia Abietaria, 85 20 Consonaria, 85 . 20 Oepuscularia, and vars., 86 . .20 Extersaria, 86 . 20 Laricaria, 85 . .20 Punctularia, 86 . 20 Strigularia, 86 . 20 Tetragonaria, 85 . 20 Bombycia Viminalis, 63 . . .14 Bombyx Mori, 248 .54 Botys Ferrealis, 262 . 56 Bradyepetes Amataria, 88 . . .20 Brepha Notha, 77 .17 Parthenias, 77 . 17 Puella, 77 . .17 Bryophila Glandifera, 61 . . .14 Perla,61 . .14 Bupalus Piniarius, 78 18 Cabera Exanthemata, 87 . . .20 Pusaria, 87 . .20 Rotundaria, 87 . 20 Caiamia Phragmitidis, 259 . . . 55 Calocainpa Exoleta, 48 . . .11 Vetusta, 47 . .11 Callisto Fuscocuprella, 201 . . . ,44 Fuscoviridella, 201 . 44 Fyeslella, 201 .44 Guttea,200 . . 44 Thrasonella and var., 201 . . . 44 Callimorpha Jacobseaj, 28 . . .8 Miniata, 28 . .8 Calophasia Linarise, 70 16 Perspicillaris, 249 . 54 Calotsenia Celsia, 250 54 Campaea Margarita ta, 82 . . .19 Camptogramma Bili- neata, 100 . .23 PI. Camptylochila Bistri- galis, page 119 .27 Undulalis, 119 .27 Capua Ochraceana, 163 . . .36 Caradrina Alsines, 43 1 1 Ambigua, 43 . .10 Blanda and vars., 43, 44 . .11 Cubicularis, 44 .11 Exigua, 258 . . 55 Glareosa, 44 . .11 Implexa, 44 . .11 Lzevis, 44 . .11 Morpheus and var., 44 . . .11 Redacta, 43 . .11 Sepii, 44 . .11 Superstes, 44 .11 Carpocapsa Albersana, 146 ... .33 Aspidiscana, 146 . 11 Areolana, 242 . 52 Cana, 147 . .11 Expallidana v., 147 33 Fulvana, 146 . 33 Grossana, 145 .33 Hohenwarthana and var. 146 . .33 Hypericana, 146 .33 Laneeolana, 146 . 33 Leplastriana, 146 .33 Perlepidana, 146 .33 Petiverella v., 146 . 33 Pomonella, 145 .33 Pupillana, 146 .33 Rheediella, 146 . 33 Rufana, 147 . . 33 Scopo liana, 147 .33 Splendana, 145 .33 Stelliferana, 146 .33 Ulicetana, 146 .32 Weberana, 145 . 33 Cataclysta Lemnata, 123 . . . 28 Magnificalis, 253 . 54 Catephia Leucomelas, 250 . . .54 Trifasciata, 76 .17 Catocala Conjuncta,'77 17 Elocata,251 . . 54 Fraxini, 76 . .17 Nupta, 76 . .17 Pacta, 251 . . 54 Promissa and v., 76, 77 . . .17 Sponsa. 76 . .17 Celsena Haworthii and vars. 56 . 13 PI. Celaena Hibernica, page 56 .13 Lancea, 56 . .13 Renigera, 56 . .13 Celma Imbutata, 96 . 22 Cerastis leucographa, 256 . . . 55 Cerata Servillana, 279 59 Simplana, 279 . 59 CeratopachaDiluta, 62 14 Duplaris, 62 . .14 Flavicornis, 63 .14 Fluctuosa, 62 .14 Octogesima, 63 .14 Ocularis, 63 . .14 Or, 62 . . .14 Ridens, 63 . .14 Cerig-o Texta, 32 . 8 Cerostoma Annulatel- lus, bis, 223 . 49 Cruciferarum, 223 . 49 Maculipennis, bis, 223 . . .49 Porrectella, 223 . 49 Xylostella, 223 . 49 Cerura Arcuata, 18 . 5 Bicuspis, 17 . .5' Bicuspis, 255 . . 55 Bifida and vars., 18 5 Errninea, 18 . .5 Furcula and vars., 17, 18 . .5 Fuscinula, 18 .5 Integra, 17 . . 5 Latifascia, 18 .5 Vinula and v., 18 . 5 Vinula v., 18 . .5 Chaonia Dodonea, 20 . 6 Roboris (Chaonia), 20 . . .6 Quernea, 247 . . 53 Charseas ^Ethiops, 33 . 8 Cespitis, 32 . .8 Cespitis v., 33 . 8 Confinis, 33 . .8 Fusca, 33 .8 Graminis, 33 . .8' Lutulenta, 33 . 8 Nigra, 33 . .8 Chaetochilus Costellus, 221 . . . 48 Fissellus and vars., -222 . . .48 Maurellus, 222 . 48 Radiatellus, 222 . 48 Rufimitrellus, 222 . 48 Sequellus, 223 . 49 Sylvellus, 222 . 48 Vuriellus, 222 . 48 288 INDEX. PI. Chsetochilus Vittellus, page 222 . . 49 Chariclea Delphinii, 70 16 Charissa Diluciduria, 101 . . . 23 Obfuscata.101 . 23 Obscuraria and var., 100, 101 . . 23 Operai-ia 101 . .23 Pullata and var., 101 . . . 23 Serotinaria, 101 .23 Cheimatobia boreata, 260 . . . 56 Brumata, 102 . 23 Rupicapraria, 102 . 23 Cheimophila Phryga- nel'la, 184 . .41 Cheimatophila Casta- neana, 163. .36 Mixtana, 163. .36 Chelaria conscriptella, 179 . . . 40 Rhomboidella, 179 . 40 ChesiasObliquaria,101 23 Spartiata, 101 . 23 Chilo Caudellus, 220 . 48 Cicatricellus, 265 . 57 Forficellus and v., 219 . . . 48 Fumeus, 220 . . 48 Gigantellus and v., 220 . . .48 Phragmitellus, 220. 48 Punctigerellus, 220 48 Chlorissa .ZEstivaria, 114 . . . 26 Cloraria, 114 .26 Putataria, 114 .26 Thymiavia, 114 .26 Viridata, 114. .26 Chrosis Audoniniana, 279 . . . 59 Chrysocorys Angusti- pennella, 203 . 45 Festaliella, 203 . 45 Cidaria Didymata, 90 21 Ferrugata, 91 .21 Fluctuata, 91 .21 Latentaria, 91 .21 Ligustrata, 90 .21 Montanata, 91 .21 Miaria, 91 . .21 Munitata, 90 . .21 Olivata, 91 . .21 Propugnata, 92 .21 Quadrifasciaria, 90 . 21 Salicata and var., 91 . 21 PI. Cidaria Unidentaria, page 90 . .21 Cilix compressa, 117 . 26 Spinula, 1.17 . . 26 Cledeobia Albistrigatus, 119 . . . 27 Costaestrigalis, 119 27 Cleodora Epilobiella, 180 . . . 40 Falciformis, 180 .40 Lappella, 179 .40 Lucidella, 180 .40 Metzneriella, 180 .40 Nebulella, 180 .49 Ochroleucella, 180 . 40 Rufescens, 179 .40 Silacella, 179. . 40 Cleogene Niveata, 1 08 24 Peletieraria, 259 . 56 Tinctaria, 252 . 54 Cleora Bajularia, 83 . 19 Cinctaria, 84 . .19 Glabraria, 83 . .19 Lichenaria, 83 .19 Pictaria, 84 . .19 Teneraria, 83 .19 Viduaria, 83 . .19 Clepsis Rustioana, 277 59 Clisiocampa Castrensis, 22 . . .6 Neustria, 22 . ,6 Clostera Anachoreta, 17 5 Anastomosis, 247 . 53 Curtula, 17 . .5 Reclusa, 17 . .5 Reclusa v., 239 . 52 Suffusa, 239 . . 52 Cnephasia Alternella, 148 . . .33 Asinana, 148 . . 33 Curvifasciana, 149. 33 Hybridana and fern., 148, 149 . . 33 Ictericana and fern., 148 . . . 33 Interjectana, 148 .33 Logiana, 148 . 33 Longana, 148 .33 Nubilana and var., 149 . . . 33 Obsoletana, bis, 148 33 Octomaculana, 277 59 Penziana, 147 . 33 Pascivana, 276 . 59 Perfuscana, 149 . 33 Perplexana, 276 .59 Perterana, 276 . 59 Rectifasciana, 148 . 33 Sinuana, bis, 148 .33 PL Cnephasia Subjectana, paye 148 . .33 Virgaureana, 148 .33 Cnethocampa Pityo- campa, 22 . 6 Processionea, 248 . 53 Cochleophasia Pseudo- bombycella, 183 . 41 Pubicornis, 183 .41 Tessellea, 183 .41 Coccyx cosmophorana, 271 . . . 58 Finitimana, 271 . 58 Nanana, 272 . . 58 Pygmseana, 272 . 58 Strobilella, 272 . 58 Vacciniana, 272 . 58 Cochylis Griseana, 167 37 Roseana and var., 167 . . . 37 Ruficiliana, 167 .37 Russicola, 167 .37 Subroseana, bis, 167 37 Colobochyla Salicalis, 118 . . . 27 Cosmia Afiinis, 64 .15 Diffinis, 64 . .14 Fulvago, 64 . .15 Pyralina, 64 . .15 Trapezina, 64 .15 Cossus Ligniperda, 16 5 Crambus Angustellus, 216 . . . 47 Arbustorum, 214 . 47 Argentellus, 215 .47 Argyreus, 214 .47 Aridellus, 218 .48 Aquilellus, 219 . 48 Cerusellus and v., 217 . . . 47 Cespitellus, 216 .47 Chrysonuchellus,217 48 Culmellus, 217" .47 Culmorum, 219 . 48 Dealbellus, 215 .47 Dumetellus, 215 . 47 Ericellus, 215 .47 Falsellus, 218 .48 Furcatellus, 217 .47 Fuscelinellus, 219 . 48 Geniculeus, 218 .48 Hamellus, 215 .47 Hortuellus and vars., 216 . . . 47 Inquinatellus, bis, 218 . , . 48 Intervibrellus, 215 . 47 Latistrius, 217 .47 Luteellus, 218 .48 INDEX. 289 PI. Crambua Lythargyrel- lua, page 214 . 47 Lythargyr.jbis, 265 57 Margaritellus, 217 . 47 Marg-inellus, -216 .47 Montanellus, 216 .47 Nigristriellus, 219 . 48 Obtusellus, 219 .48 Paleellus, 219 . 48 Pascuellus, 215 .47 Pedriolellus, 265 . 57 Perlellus, and vars. 214,215. . 47 Petrificellus, 219 .48 Pinetellus, 217 .47 Pratellus, 216 . 47 Pygmceus, 217 .47 Radiellus, 217 . 47 Rorellus, 218 . .48 Sylvellus, 264 . 57 Selacellus, and var., 218, 219 . . 48 Tentaculellus, 215 . 47 Tristella and vars., 218, 219 . . 48 Tristis, 218 . . 48 Uliginosellus, 264 . 57 Warringtonellus, 214 . . . 47 CrocallisElinguaria,80 18 Cucullia Absinthii, 70 16 Artemisiae, 70 .16 Asteris, 69 . .16 Chamomillse, and m. 70 . . .16 Fissina, 70 . .16 Gnaphalii, 70, 250 15, 54 Lactucse, 69 . .16 Lucifuga, 69 . .16 Lychnitis, 259 . 55 Scrophulariae, 69 . 16 Tanaceti, 69 . .16 Thapsipbaga, 70 .16 Verbasci, 69 . . 16 Umbratica and vars., 69 . . .16 Cymatophora Qo, 64 . 14 Cynseda Dentalis, 127 29 Dapsilia Rutilana, 279 59 DasychiraFascelina,23 6 Pudibunda, 23 . 6 DasystomaSalicella,184 41 Deiopeia Pulchella, 29 8 Demas Coryli, 24 . 6 Depressaria Albipunc- tella, 171 . .38 Alstrcemeriana, 172 38 Apicella, 170 .38 PL Depressaria Applana and vars., page 171 . . 38 Arcuella and var., 171 ... 38 Assimilella, 172 .38 'Atomella, 172 . 38 Badiella, 1 70 . .38 Bluntii, 172 . .38 Carduella, 170 . 38 Chserophylli, 170 .38 Characterosa, 170 . 38 Characterella, 171 . 38 Costosa, 172 . .38 Curvipunctosa, 171 38 Depressana, 172 .38 Gilvella, 171 . . 38 Heracleana, 170 .38 Hypericella, 172 .38 Immaculana, 171 .38 Irrorella, 172 .38 Liturella, bis, 171, 172 . . . 38 Nervosa, 170 . .38 Ocellana, 171 .38 Pastinacella, 170 . 38 Purpurea, 172 .38 Putridella, 172 . .38 Sparmanniana, 171 38 Ulicitella, 170 .38 Umbellana, 170 .38 Venosa, 170 .38 Yatesana, 171 .38 Diaphora Meridica, 26 7 Diasemia Literalis, 122 28 Dicrorampha Acuini- nitana, 274 . 58 Plumbagana, 275 . 58 Saturnana, 274 . 58 Senectana, 274 . 58 Sequana, 274 . 58 Ulicana, 275 . 58 Dictyopteryx Ciliana, 162 . . 36 Contaminana and vars. 162 .36 Forskaliana, 163 .36 Lceflingiana and vars. 162 . .36 Plumbana, 162 .36 Rhombana, 162 .36 Uliginosana, 267 .57 Diphthera Ludifica,249 54 Orion, 61 . .14 Pteridis, 249 . . 54 Ditula JEthiopiana, 134 31 Angustiorana andv. 133 . . 20 Hartmanniana, 134 30 PI. Ditula Nebulana, paqe 134 . . 30 Porphyrana, 133 . 30 Profundana and vars. 133, 134, 1S6 . 30 Rotundana, 133 . 30 Semifasciana, 134 . 30 Scriptana, 134 .30 Sylvana, 136 . 30 Wellensiana, 134 .30 Diurnea Fagella, 184 41 Phryganella, 184 .41 Novembris, 184 .41 Drepana Falcataria, 116 . . . 26 7 26 Sicula, 262 . . 56 - Uncula, 117 .26 Unguicula, 117 .26 Dypterygia Pinastri,46 11 Earis Clorana, 128 .29 Electra Achatinata and var. 96 . .22 Chenopodiata, 96 . 22 Comitata, 96 . .22 Marmorata, 96 . 22 Populata, 96 . 22 Pyraliata, 96 . . 22 Sagittata, 260 . 56 Spinachiata, 96 . . 22 Testata, 96 . .22 Ellopia Fasciaria, 82 19 Emmelesia Aflinitata, 109 . . 25 Albulata, 109 . . 25 Albulata, var. 118 . 25 Bifasciata, 110 .25 Blandiata and vars. 109,110. . 25 Blomeri, 110 . .25 Caudidata, 110 .25 Decolorata, 109 .25 Ericetata, 109 .25 Heparata, 111 .25 Hydrata, 109 . .25 Luteata, 111 . .25 Rivulata and var. 109 25 Rusticata, 110 .25 Sylvata, 110 . .25 Tseniata, 110. .25 Trigonata, 110 .25 Turbaria, 109 .25 Unifasciata, 110 .25 Endromis Versicolora, 21 . . .6 Bracteela, 253 . 54 Enicostoma Lobelia 181 40 Thunbergana, 181 . 40 Ennoraos Flexula, 116 26 290 I N D E X. Pi. Ennychia Anguinalis, page 121 . . 27 Cingulata,121 . 27 Fascialis, 252 . 54 Rufofascialis, 121 .27 Ephippiphora Conifer- ana, 273 . . 58 Dorsana, 274 . .58 Fissana, 274 . . 58 Hegeerana, 273 . 58 Internana, 273 . 58 Trauniana, 273 . 58 Weirana, 273 . 58 Ephyra Ocellaria, 251 . . 54 Omicronaria, 87 . 20 Orbicularia, 87 . 20 Penclularia, 87 . 20 Porata, 87 . .20 Punctaria, 88 . 20 Trilinearia, 88 . 20 Epione Advenaria, 88 20 Apicearia, 88 . 20 Dilectaria, 251 . 54 "Vespertaria, 88 . 20 Episema Coeruleoce- phala, 17 .5 ErastriaAlbiuilinea, 74 17 Apicosa, 74 . .17 Bankiana, 74 . .17 Fuscula and var. 74 17 Haworthana, 74 .17 Minuta, 74 . .17 Ostrina, 73 . .17 Sulphuralis, 74 . 17 Venustula, 74 .17 Uncana, 74 . .17 Eremobia Ochroleuca, 70 . . .16 Eriogaster Lanestris22 6 Eriopsela Fractifasci- ana, 277 . 59 Quadrana, 277 . 59 Eriopus Pteridis, 249 54 Euchromia Fulvipunc- tana, 153 .35 Purpurana, 153 . 35 Euclidia Glypliica, 77 1 7 Mi, 77 ' . .17 Triquetra, 251 .54 Eucosmia Undulata, 100 . . 23 Eudioptis Lucernalis, 123 . . 28 Eudorea Alpina,256 37 Ambigualis, 208 . 46 Angustea, bis, 209, 263 . . 46, 56 Cembrse and v. 208 46 PI. Eudorea Cembrella, page 208 . . 46 Cratsegella, 262 . 56 Dubitalis, 208 . 46 Frequentella, 209 . 46 Lineola, 208 . . 46 Mercurella. 209 . 46 Murana, 209 . . 46 Pallida, 208 . . 46 Portlandica, 262 . 56 Pyralellaandvar.208 46 Resinea, 209 . . 46 Subfusca, 208 . 46 Tristrig-ella, 208 . 46 Truncicolella, 262 . 56 Eulepia Cribrum, 28 . 8 EumichtisLichenea,258 55 Grammica, 28 .8 Euphasia Catena, 74 . 17 Eupisteria Carbonaria, 259 . . . 56 Eupithecia Abbreviata, 105 . . . 24 Absinthiata, 106 .24 Albipunctata, 105 . 24 Angustata, 107 .24 Austerata and var. 105 . . . 24 Begrandaria, 106 . 24 Castig-ata and var. 105 . . . 24 Callunaria, 261 . . 56 Centaureata, 107 . 24 Cognata, 107 . . 24 Consig-nata, 107 . 24 Coronata, 104 .24 Debilitata, 104 . .24 Elongata and var. 106 . . .24 Exiguata, 104 .24 Indig-ata, 261 . . 56 Innotata, 106 .24 Irriguata, 107 .24 Laevigata, 104 . 22 Lanceolaria, 261 . 56 Linariata, 103 . .23 Minutata and var. 106 . . 24 Nanata, 107 . . 24 Nebulata, 105 .24 Nigro-punctata, 104 24 Nigro-sericeata, 104 24 Notata, 106 . .24 Palustraria, 261 .56 Piperata, 107 . 24 Plumbeolata, 106 .24 Pulchellata, 103 .23 Pumilata, 104 .24 PusillataSt. 106 .24 PI. Eupithecia Pusillafa, W. V. page 260 56 Rectangulata and vars. 103, 104 .23 Rutifasciata, 104 . 24 Simpliciata, 106 .24 Singulariata, 105 .24 Sobrinata, 104 . 22 Strobilata, 104 . .24 Subserata, 104 .23 Subfasciata, 105 .24 Subfulvata, 106 .24 Subfuscata, 105 .24 Subnotata, 106 .24 Subumbrata, 105 .24 Succenturiata, 107 24 Tssnuiata, 261 .56 Togata, 260 . 56 Ultimaria, 261 . 56 Variegata, 107 .24 V-ata, 104 . .24 Venosata, 107 .24 Vulgata, 105 . .24 Euplexia Lucipara, 53 6 Euplocamus Antbraci- nellus, 253 . 54 Boleti, 226 . . 49 Mediellus, 226 . 49 Eupoecilia Angustana, 166 . . . 43 Atricapitana, 280 59 Aflinitana, 280 . 59 Carduana, 280 . 59 Dubitana, Sts. 166 . 43 Dubitana, Hb. 280 59 Dubrisana, 166 .43 Flaviciliana, 280 . 59 Literalis, 166 .43 Luteolana, 166 .43 Maculosana, 1C5 .43 Nana, 166 . .43 Notulana, 281 . 59 Permixtana, 166 . 43 Pygmseana, 1 66 .43 Reliquana, 166 . .43 Ruficiliana, 281 .59 Sodaliana, 166 .43 Vectisana, 250 . 59 Eurrhypara Urticata, 123 - . 28 Eurymene Dolabraria, 88 . . . 14 Euspilapteryx Auro- guttella, 232 . 50 Quadrupled, 232 . 5() Euthalia Elutata, 98 . 22 Impluviata, 98 . 22 Miata, 98 .22 Psittacata, 98 . 22 INDEX. 291 PI. PI. Euthemonia Russula, Glyphipteryz Metal- page 25 . .7 lella,page 199 .44 Eutricha Pini, 23 . 7 Roesella, 198 .44 Fidonia Atomaria, 78 18 Scheefferella, 198 .44 Atomaria, v. 78 .18 Subcuprella, 199 .44 Carbonaria, 78 . 18 Variella, 199 . 44 Ericetaria, 78 .18 Zieglerella, 199 44 Fuliginaria, 78 .18 Zinekella, 198 .44 Melanaria, 252 . 54 Gnophria Rubricollis,30 8 Plumaria, 78 . .18 Gortyna Flavago, 66 15 Fumea Bombyeella, 27 7 Luteago, 250 . . 54 Marginenigrella 255 55 Micacea, 65 . .15 Muscella,27 . . 7 Petasitis, 258 . 55 Nitidella, 27 . .7 Graeillaria Anglicella Pectinella, 27. . 7 232 . . 50 Pulla, 27 . .7 Cinerea, 232 . .50 Radiella and vars. 27 7 Elongella, 234 . 50 Reticella, 255 . 55 Falconipennella,234 51 Oalleria Cereana, 207 48 Franekella, 233 . 50 Mellonella, 207 . 48 Hemidactylella,233 50 Gastropacha IHcifolia, Inconstansandv.233 50 248 . . 53 Leucopennella, 234 51 Populifolia, 248 . 53 Meleagripennella, Quercifolia, 23 . 6 232 . . 50 Geometra Alniaria,25l 54 Nebulea, 232 . 50 Angularia and vars. Ochracea, 233 . 50 80,81 . . 19 Prsjangusta, 234 .51 Canaria, 80 . . 18 Purpurea, 233 . 50 Carpiniaria, 81 .19 Roscipennella, 234 51 Delunaria, 81 .19 Rufipenuella, 233 50 Erosaria and var. 80 18 Semifoscia, 233 . 5 Fuscantaria, 81 .19 Stigmatella & v. 233 50 Illunaria and var. 8119 Stramentella, 234 5 1 Illustraria, 82 .19 Substriga, 233 . 50 Juliaria, 81 .19 Sulphurella, bis, 234 51 Lunaria and vars.8 119 Syringella, 232 . 50 Ochraria, 80 . . 18 Thunbergella, 233 50 Quercaria, 81 .19 V-Flava, 232 . 50 Quercinaria, 80 .19 Versicolor, 232 . 50 Sublunaria,8l . 19 VioJacea, 234 . 51 Tiliaria and var. 80 18 Grammesia Bilinea, 43 10 Glaea Ligula, 257 55 Quercus, 42 .10 Ligula, var. 45 11 Trilinea,42 . . 10 Polita, 45 11 Graphiphora Augur, 37 9 Rubiginea, 45 11 Baja, 38 . .10 Rubricosa, 44 11 Birivia, 240 . 52 Satellitia, 45 . 11 Brunnea, 37 . 9 Spadicea, 45 . 11 Candelisqua, 38 . 9 Subnigra, 45 . 11 C-Nigrum, 38 .10 Vaccinii and vars. 45 1 1 Cataleuca, 37 . 9 Gluphisiacrenata,255 55 Crassa, 37 . .9 Glyphipteryx Aurogut- Dahlii and var. 33 9,10 tella, 199 44 Depuncta, 249 . 54 Bimaculella, 199 44 Distinguenda, 37 . 9 Eximia, 199 . 44 Ditrapezium, 256 . 55 Hermannella, 198 44 Erythrocephala, 38 10 Inspersella, 199 44 Festiva, 38 . .10 Linneella, 198 44 Imbecilla, 249 . 54 Locupletella, 198 44 Latens, 37 . .9 PI. Graphiphora Musiva, page 39 . . 10 Plecta, 39 . .10 Pyrophila, 37 . 9 Punicea, 39 . .10 Ravida, 37 . . 9 Renigera, 37 . .9 Rhomboidea St. 37 9 Rhomboidea Esp. 38 10 Rubi, 39 . .10 Subrosea, 37 . . 9 Triangulum, 38 .10 Tristigma,38 . 10 Grapholitha JScaulaua, 275 . . 58 Asseclana, 275 , 58 Caecimaculana, 276. 58 Lacteana, 275 . 58 Wimmerana, 275 . 58 Gypsocbroa Nivearia, 261 . . 56 Gymnancyla Canella, 264 . . 56 Hadena Adusta and v. 49 . . .12 Arnica, 49 . .12 Arctica, 49 . .12 Assimilis, 257 . 55 Capsincola, 50 .12 ontigua, 49 .12 Cucubali, 50 .12 Dentina&var.49,50 12 Gemina, 49 . .12 Gemina, v. 240 . 52 Genistae, 54 .13 Glauca, 49 . .12 Leucostigraa, 50 .12 Lithorhiza, 50 .12 Obscura, 240 . 52 Ochracea, 50 . .12 Plebeia, 49 .12 Remissa, 49 .12 Saponariae, 50 .12 Satura, Steph. 49 . 12 Satura, W. V. 257 55 Tbalassina, 54 .13 Halia Vauaria, 86 . 20 Halonota Cirsiana, 27 1 58 Novana, 271 . . 58 Turbidana, 271 .58 Kama Basilinea, 53 . 12 Connexa, 240 . 52 Furva, 257 . . 55 Testacea, 53 .12 Harpagus Albistrigella, 201 . . 44 Cinctella, 201 .44 Ligulella, 201 .44 Tamiolella, 201 . 44 2 Q 292 INDEX. . Harpalyce Alchemil- . Hipparchus Papiliona- lata, 93 . .21 riu8,page 83 . .19 Ainniculata, 93 . 21 Homceosoma Gemina, Biangulata, 93 . 21 213 . . . 47 Corylata, 93 . .21 Nebulella, 263 . . 56 Fulvata, 92 . .21 Nimbella, 263 . 56 Galiataand vars. 92 21 Sinuella, 203 . 47 Ocellata, 92 . .21 Hybernia Aurantiaria, Picata, 93 . .21 79 . . .18 Quadri-annulata, 92 21 Capreolaria, 79 .18 Rivata, 93 .21 Connectaria, 79 .18 Silaceata. 93 .21 Defoliaria, 79 .18 Subtristata, 93 .21 Progemmaria and v. Sylvaticata, 93 .21 79 . . .18 Tristata, 92 . .21 Prosapiaria, 79 .18 Unangulata, 93 . 21 Hydrocampa Nym- Unilobata, 92 .21 phseata, 123 . . 28 Harpipteryx Dentella, Potamogata, 122 .28 221 . . 48 Hylophila Prasinana, Falcella, 221 .48 128 . . .29 Harpella, 221 . 48 Quercana, 128 . .29 Horridella, 221 . 68 Hypena Crassalis, 117 27 Scabrella, 221 .48 Obesalis, 117 .26 Heliophobus Hispidus, Palpalis, 117 .26 ' 257 . . 55 Proboscidalis, 117 26 Dumerilii, 257 . 55 Rostralis, 117 . 27 Leucophseus, 51 . 12 Hypenodes huuiidalis, Popularis, 51 .12 262 . . 56 Heliothis Armigera, Hypercallia Christier- 259 . . . 55 nana, 169 . .38 Dipsacea, 73 .16 Hypercorapa Domi- Marginata 72 .16 nula, 25 . . 7 Peltigera, 72 . .16 Hypogymna Dispar, 23 6 Scutosa, 241 . 52 HypsolophaAlpella,221 48 Hemerophila Abrupta- Antennella, 221 .48 ria, 85 . . 20 Asperella,221 . 48 Hemithea Cythisaria, Monilis, 251 . . 54 83 . . 19 Persicella,221 . 48 Smaragdaria 83 .19 Hypsopygia Costalis, Vernaria, 83 .19 120 . . . 27 Hepialus Carnus 16 . 5 Hyria Auroraria. 108 24 Hecta, 16 . 5 Ilythia Anella, 207 46 Humuli, 16 .5 Sociella, 207 . . 45 Lupulina, 16 .5 Ismene Albistria, bis, Sylvina, 16 .5 188, 189 . . 42 Velleda, 16 .5 Arcella, 189 .42 Velleda, v. 16 .5 Clematella, 189 .42 Heribeia Cognatella, Conjugella, 188 .42 194 . . 43 Curvella, 189 .42 Equitella, 194 .43 Ephippella, 188 .42 Fischeriella, bis, 194 43 Mendicella, 188 .42 Forstereila, 194 .83 Nitidella, var. 188, Haworthella, 194 . 43 189 . . 42 Humerella, 194 .43 Ocellea, 189 . 42 Simpliciella, 194 .43 Ossea, 189 . .42 Heterogenea Asellus, Pruniella, 188 .42 28 . 7 Semi fusca, bis, 188 42 Heusimene Fimbriana, Semipurpurella, 188 42 138 . . 21 Semitestacella, bis, Hixnera Pennaria, 80 . 18 188, 189 . 42 PI. Ismene Spinosella, page 188 .42 Tetrapodella, 188 42 Incurvaria Masculella, and v. 22? . 47 Oehlmanniella and v. 227 . . 49 Pectinella, 227 . 49 Spuria, 227 .49 Tripunctella, 227 . 49 Lselia Ccenosa, 24 . 7 LamproniaAmmanella, bis, 231 . . 50 Atrella, 230 . . 50 Auvopurpurella, 230 50 Bistrigella, 231 . 50 Calthella, 231 . 50 Capitella, 229 . 50 Concinnella, 231 . 50 Corticella, 230 . 50 Fibulella, 231 . 50 Flavipunctella, 229 50 Fulvimitrella, 229 50 Hellwigella, 231 50 Luzella, bis, 229 50 Marginepunctella, '229 . 50 Melanella & v. 230 50 Prgelatella & v. 229 50 Purpurella, 230 . 50 Rubrifasciella, 231 50 Rubroaurella, 231 50 Rupella, 229 . . 50 Sanguiuella, 231 .50 Semipurpurella, 230 50 Seppella, bis, 231 . 50 Sparrmanniella, 230 50 Subpurpurella, 230 50 Variella, 230 . . 50 Unimaculella, 230 . 50 LampropteryxBadiata, 95 . . .22 Piceata, 95 . . 22 Suffumata and vars. 94, 95 . .21 Larentia Bipurictaria, 90 . . 21 Cervinata, 89 . 20 Chtnopodiata, 89 . 20 Mensuraria, 89 . 20 Multistrigaria, 90 . 21 Lasiocampa Dumeti, 248 . . 53 Medicaginis, 21 . 6 Quercus, 21 . .6 Quercus, var. 22 . 6 Roboris, 22 . .6 Rubi,21 . . 6 Trifolii, 21 . . 6 Trifolii, var. 21 .6 INDEX. 293 PI. Leiocampa Dictsea, page 19 .5 Dictseoides, 19 .5 Lepidocera Birdella, 226 . . . 49 Bisontellaandv.226 49 Chenopodiella, 226 49 Mediopectinella, 226 49 Taurella, 226 . .49 Vaculella, 226 . 49 Leptogramma Fulvo- mixtana, 161 .36 Irrorana and vars., 161 . . . 36 Literana, 161 .36 Squamana, 161 .36 Tricolorana, 161 .36 Leucania Arcuata, 67 . 15 Comma, 66 .15 Fluxa, 68 . .15 Fulva and vars, 68 15 Geminipuncta, 68 .15 Impura and var. 67 15 Littoralis, 67 . .15 Neurica, 68 . .15 Obsoleta, 67 . .15 Ochracea, 68 . .15 Fallens and vars. 67 15 PalliJa, 68 . .15 Pudorina, 68 .15 Punctina, 67 . .15 Pyg-miua, 68 .15 Rufescens, 67 .15 Suffusa, 67 .15 Leucoma Salicis, 24 7 Sparshalli, 24 . 7 Vau-Nigra, 24 . 7 Limacodes Testudo, 28 . .7 Lithographia exoruci- ana, 269 . . 57 Geminana, 269 . 57 Minutana, 269 . 57 Lithosia Aureola, 29 . 8 Cornplana, 29 & 30 8 Cornplanula, 29 . 8 Depressa, 30 . .8 Flava and v. 29 .8 Gilveola, 29 . 8 Griseola and v. 30 . 8 Helvola, 29 . .8 Muscerda, 30 . .8 Plumbeolata, 30 . 8 Pyg-rmpola, 256 . 5 Quadra, 30 . . 5 Lobophora Costaestri- gata, 103 . .28 Dentistrig-ata, 102 .23 Hexapterata, 103 .23 PI. Lobophora Lobulata and vars., page 102, 103 . . 23 Polycommata, 102 . 23 Rupestrata, 103 . 23 Ssxalisata, 103 . 23 Viretata, 103 . . 23 Lophoderus Ministra- nus and var. 153 35 Subfascianus, 153 .35 Lophonotus Fasciculel- lus, 179 . .40 Testacellus, 179 . 40 Lophopteryx Camelina, 19 . . .5 Carmelita, 20 . 6 Cuculla, 20 . .5 Cucullina, 20 . .5 Lozogramma Petraria, 99 . . .22 LozoperaAlternana,167 37 Badiana, 168 .38 Baumanniana, 168 38 Dubrisana and var. 167 . . . 37 Flag-ellana, 281 .59 Francillana, 168 .37 Marmoratana, 167 . 37 Smeathnianniana,168 38 Straminea, 168 .87 LozotseniaAcerana, 132 30 Ang-ustata, 133 . 30 Bipustulana, 132 .30 Branderiana, 131 .29 Cerasana, 130 . 29 Cinnamomeana, 129 29 Corylana, 130 .29 Costana, 132 . .29 (Jroceana, 130 . 29 Cruciaua, 133 . 30 Dumetana, 266 . 57 Forsterana, 129 . 29 Fulvana, 131 . .29 Grossulariana, 130 . 29 Grotiana and vars. 132 . . .30 Heparana, 129 .29 Holmiana, 133 .30 Juliana, 242 . . 52 Laevig-ana, 130 .29 Modeeriana, 132 .30 Musculana, 132 . 30 Nebulana, 130 . 29 Obliquana, 131 .29 Oporana, 131 .29 Ochreana, 132 . 30 Piceana,266 . . 57 Ribeanaandvars.130 29 Roborana, 131 .29 PI. Lozotaenia Rosana and vars. page 130, 131 . . . 29 Schreberiana, 133 . 30 Semialbana, 132 . 20 Sorbiana, 129 .29 Subocellana, 131 .29 Transitana, 132 . 30 Trifasciana, 132 . 30 Xylosteana and var. 131 . . . 29 Lytaea Ag-athina, 32 . 8 Ibid, 240 . . 52 Albimacula, 240 . 5 : 2 Leucographia, 32 . 8 Umbrosa, 32 . 8 Macaria Alternata, 115 26 Lapidata, 115 .26 Liturata and var. 115, 116 . . 26 Notata, 115 .26 Pallidaria, 115 .26 Perochraria, 115 .26 Praeatomata, 116 .26 Subrufata, 115 .26 Unifasciana, 130 . 29 Unipunctata, 116 .26 Maesia Favillacearia, 78 18 Macrochila Bicostella, 181 . . 40 Fasciella, 180 .40 Marginella, 181 .40 Palpella, 181 .40 Parenthesella, 181 . 40 Mamestra Albicolon, 52 12 Aliena, 53 . .12 Brassicse, 52 . .12 Chenopodii, 52 . 12 Furva, 51 . .12 Gemina, 51 . .12 Nigricans, 52 . 12 Oleracea, 51 .12 Persicariae, 53 .12 Pisi, and var. 51 . 12 Sordida, 53 . .12 Splendens, 51 . 12 Suasa, 52 . .12 Marg-aritia /Etialis, 126 28 Alpinalis, 127 . . 29 Asinalis, 124 .28 Angustalis, 125 . 28 Centrostrigalis, 124 28 Cilialis, 125 . . 28 Cinctalis, 124 . 28 Diversalis, 124 . 28 Ferrug-alis and var. 125, 126 . . 28 Fuscalisandvars.126 28 Fimbrialis, 126 . 28 294 INDEX. Pi. Margaritia Flavalis, page 125 . . 28 Fulvalis, 126 . .28 Glabralis, 125 . . 28 Hyalinalis, 125 . .28 Institialis, 126 .28 Lancealis, 124 .28 Longipedalis, 126 .28 Margaritalis, 126 .28 Nebulalis, 253 .54 Ochrealis, 125 .28 Olivalis, 127 . . 29 Palealis, 124 . .28 Pallidalis, 125 . .28 Pandalisandfem.12528 Perpendiculalis, 124 28 Prunalw, 127 . 29 Pulveralis, 126 .28 Punctalis, 126 .28 Sericealis, 127 .29 Silacealis, 125 .28 Stramentalis, 126 . 28 Sticticalis, 127 .29 Terminals, 125 . 28 Verbascalis, 126 .28 Verticalis, 124 .28 Mesographe Forficalis, 123 . . .28 Metallosetia Alcyoni- pennellaand v. 203 45 Spissicornis, 203 . 45 Trifolii, 203 . 45 Miana ^Ethiops, 55 .13 Arcuosa, 56 . .13 Fasciuncula, 55 .13 Furuncula and vars. 55 . . .13 Humeralis, 55 .13 Latruncula, 55 .13 Literosa, 55 . .13 Minima, 56 .13 Rufuncula, 55 .13 Strigilis and v. 55 . 13 Terminalis, 55 .13 Microsetia Albifron- .tella, 195 . .43 Atri-capitella, 197 . 43 Aurella, 196 . .43 Aurofasciella,197 . 44 Bella, 195 . .43 Cinereo-punctella, 195 . . 45 Exiguella, 195 . 43 Floslactella, 197 .43 Gleichella, 198 .44 Guttella, 195 . .43 Mediofasciella, 196 43 Njeviferella, 197 .44 Kigrella, 196 .43 PI. Microsetia Nigrocili- el\H,page 196 .43 Obsoletella, 194 .43 Pfeiflerella, 198 .44 Posticella, 196 .43 Pulcbella, 195 . 43 Pygmjeella, 197 .44 Quadrella, 195 . 43 Ruficapitella, 197 . 43 Sericiella, 197 .44 Sequella, 195 . . 43 Stipella, 195 . .43 Subbimaculella and var. 196 . .43 Subbistrigella, 194 43 Trirnaculella, 196 .43 Unifasciella, 196 .43 Violaeeella, 197 .44 Minoa Chserophyllata, 108 . 24 Euphorbiata, 108 .24 Miselia Albimacula, 59 13 Aprilina, 57 . .13 Bimaculosa, 57 .13 Compta, 57 . .13 Conspersa, 57 .13 Oxycanthse, 57 .13 Mormo Maura, 76 .14 Myelois Artemisiellse, 263 . . . 56 Mythimna Conigera, 42 . . . . 10 Grisea, 42 . .10 Lithargyria and var. 42 . . .10 Turca, 42 .10 Ntenia Typica, 46 .11 Nemeophila Plantagi- nis, 25 . . 7 Nola Cristulalis, 128 . 29 Cucullatella, 128 . 29 Monachalis, 128 .29 Strigula, 128 . .29 Strigulalis, 128 . .29 Nomophila Hybridalis, 213 . . . 47 Nonagria Cannae Ochs. 258 . . 55 Cannae St. 66 .15 Crassicornis and var. 66, 240 . 15, 152 Extrema, 258 . 55 Hellmanni, 258 . 55 Lutosa, 240 . 52 Neurica, 259 . 55 Pilicornis, 66 . .15 Stramnea, 241 . 52 TyphjE, 66 . .15 Vectis, 241 . .52 PL Notodonta Dromeda- rius, page 19 .5 Dromedarius, v. 19 5 Perfusca, 19 . .5 Tritophus 255 . 55 Ziczac, 19 . .5 Nudaria Hemerobia, 27 7 Mundana and v. 27 7 Stmex, 28 .7 NumeriaPulveraria,86 20 Nyssia Hispidaria, 79 18 Bispidaria v. 242 . 52 Tauaria, 242 . 52 Zonaria, 241 . .52 Odonestis Potatoria, 23 7 Odontopera Bidentata, 80 ... 18 (Ecophora Oliviella, bis, 181, 182 . 43 Sulphurella, bis, 181 r 182 . . . 43 Oncocera Cardui, 213 47 Carnellaand v. 213 47 Cribum, 213 . . 47 Sang-uinella, 213 . 47 Opadia Funebrana, 273 58 Ophiodes Lunaris, 259 56 OphiusaCrassiuscula,76 17 Ludicra, 250 . . 44 Lusoria, 75 . .17 Opigena Fennica, 256 55 Oporabia Autumnaria, 260 . . .56 Dilutata, 102 . .23 Filigrammaria, 260 56 Oporinia Nubilea, 184 41 Tortricella, 184 .41 Orgyia Antiqua, 24 . 6 Gonostigma, 24 .6 Orrhodia Erythroce- phala, 257 . . 55 Ligulav. Glaa?257 55 Orthosia Alpina, 256 . 55 Conflua,256 . . 55 Congener, 256 . 55 Cruda, 40 . .10 Cruda and v. 41 .10 Ferruginea, 41 . 10 Flavilinea, 41 .10 Graeilis and var. 40 . 10 Instabilis, 39 . .10 lntermedia,39 . 10 Litura, 41 . .10 Lota, 41 . .10 Lunosa, 41 . .10 Macilenta, 41 .10 Miniosa, 40 . .10 Munda, 40 . .10 Opima, 256 . . 55 INDEX. 295 PI. PI. PI. Orthosia Pallida, page Peronea Albipunctana, Phasiane Plumbaria, 40 ... 10 page 156 . . 35 page $9 . . 20 Pistacina, 41 . .10 Albovittana, 155 . 35 Phibalapteryx Angus- Populeti and var. Aspersana, 159 .36 tata, 99 . . 22 39, 40 . . 10 Auturrmana, 157 .35 Gemmata, 99 . 22 Pusilla, 41 . .10 Bistriana, 158 . 35 Lignata, 99 . .22 Sparsa, 40 . .10 Borana, 159 . 36 Lineolata, 99 . .22 Stabilis and var. 40 10 Boscana, 158 .36 Tersata, 99 . .22 Upsilon, 42 .10 Brunneana, 154 .35 Vitalbata, 99 . 22 Orthotaenia Bentley- Byringerana, 157 .35 Phibalocera Fagana, ana, 165 . .37 Caledoniana, 267 . 57 169 . . 38 Buoliana, 165. .37 Centrovittana, 156 . 35 Quercana, 169 . 38 Comitana, 165 . 37 Combustana, 157 . 35 Phiu-alia Pilosaria 79, 18 Ericetana, 278 .59 Comparana 159 . . 36 Philedone Gerningiana, Gemmana, 165 . 37 Consimilana, 155 . 35 133 . . 30 Haworthana, 165 .37 Coronana, 157 . 35 Prodromana, 133 . 30 Hyrciniana, 165 .37 Costimaculana, 159 . 36 Walkerana, 133 . 30 Micana, 165 .37 Cristalana, 155 .36 Phloeodes Crenana, Pinicolana, 165 .37 Cristana and vars. 267 . . . 57 Pinivorana, 165 37 154, 155, 156 . 35 Phlogophora Meticu- Resinella, 165 .37 Desfontaniana, 155 35 losa, 69 . .16 Schulziana, 165 . 37 Divisana, 156 .35 Phlyctoenia Sambuca- Turionana, 165 .37 Favillaceana & vars. lis, 123 . .28 Orthotselia Spargani- 157, 158 . . 35 Phragmatsecia Arundi- ella, 169 . .38 Fulvocristana, 155 . 35 nis, 255 . . 55 Venosa, 169 . .38 Fulvovittana, 155 .35 Phragmatobia Fuligi- Ourapteryx Sambuca- Has ti an a and vars. nosa,26 . . 7 ria, 82 . 19 156, 157 . . 35 Phtheochroa Rugo- Oxigrapha Scotana,266 57 Latifasciana, 158 .36 sana, 166 . .37 Oxypate Gelatella, 184, 41 Lipsiana, 266 . 57 Phycita Abietella, 212 47 Pachycnemia Hippoca- Log-iana, 160 . .36 Advenella, 211 . 46 stanaria, 101 . 23 Maccana, 266 . 57 Angustella. 210 .46 Pamplusia Alticolana Obsoletana, 157 .35 Betulaj, 213 . 46 272 . . 58 Permutana, 267 . 57 Binoevella, 209 . 46 Pancalia Fusco-senea, Plumbosana, 158 .36 Bistriga, 210 . 46 200. . . 44 Profanana, 154 .35 Ceratoniella, 212 46 Fusco-cuprea, 200 . 44 Radiana, 156 . 35 Consociella and var. Latreillella, 200 44 Ramostriana, 156 .35 212 . . . 46 Leuwenhoekella, 200 44 Reticulana, 158 . 35 Cristella, 242 . 52 Merianella, 200 . 44 Rufana, St. 159 . 36 Dilutella and f. 210, Woodiella, 200 . 44 Rufana, W. V. and 212 . . 46 ParacolaxDerivalis,118 27 vars. 158 . .35 Elutella and vars. Nemoralis, 118 . 27 Rufieostana, 156 .35 210 . . 46 Tarsicrinalis, 118 .27 Schalleriana and var. Eluviella arid v. 209 46 Paramesia Shepher- 158, 159 . . 36 Fascia, 211 .46 dana, 267 . . 57 Similana, 158 .35 Formosa, 212 .42 Parapoynx Stratiotata, Spadiceana, 155 .35 Fusca, 242 . . 52 123 . . . 28 Striana, 154 . .35 Hostilis,212 . 46 Pellonia Vibicaria, 89 20 Subcristana, 157 .35 Legatella, 242 . 52 Penthophera Nigri- Substriana, 154 .35 Marmorea, 211 .46 cans, 27 . .7 Subvittana, 156 .35 Nebulella, 209 . 46 Rubea, 249 . . 54 Trigonana) 159 .36 Obscura, 212 .46 Pericallia Syringaria, Tristana and vars. Obtusa, 212 .46 82 . . .19 158,159,160 35,36 Ornatella, 212 .46 Peridea Serrata, 21 .6 Umbrana, 156 . 35 Palumbella, 213 .47 Trepida, 21 . .6 Variegana and vars. Pinguis, 211 .46 Peronea Albicostana, 159 . . 36 Porphyrea, 211 .46 158 . . 35 Vittana, 154 . 35 Roborella and vars. Albistriana, 157' .35 Petasia Cassinea, 20. . 6 242 . . 52 296 INDEX. PI. PI. Phycita Rhenella, Polia Nitens, page 58 13 page 211 . .46 Occulta, 59 . .13 Rufa, 210 . . 46 Polymita, 58 .13 Seinirufa, 210 .46 Protea, 59 . .13 Suavella, 211 . .46 Seladonia, 59 . .14 Tristrijrella, 212 . 47 Serena, 59 . .14 Tumidana and var. Templi, 58 . .13 210,211 . . 46 Tincta, 58 . .13 Phytometra ^Enea, 75 17 Polyphasia Amcenata, Platypteryx Cultraria, 93 . .21 116 . . . 26 Centumnotata, 94 .21 Lacertinaria and var. Commanotata, 94 21 116 . . . 26 Concinnata, 94 .21 Lacertula, 116 . .26 Immanata and vars. Plodia Interpunctella, 93, 94 . .21 264 . . . 56 Marmorata, 94 .21 Plusia Aurichalcea, Perfuscata, 94 . 21 72 . .16 Russata and vars. Aurifera, 72 . .16 94 . .21 Bimaculata, 71 . 16 Saturata, 94 . .21 Bractea, 72 . .16 Polypog-on Barbalis, Chalcytis, 250 . 54 118 . . . 27 Chrysitis,72 . 16 Cribalis, 118 .27 Circumflexa, 72 16 Porthesia Auriflua, 25 7 Festucae, 72 .16 Chrysorrhoea, 24 . 7 Gamma, 71 . .16 Porrectaria Albicosta, Iota, bis, 71 .16 204 . . 45 Interrog-ationis, 71 16 Anatipennella, 203 . 45 Orichalcea, 72 .16 Anseripennella, 203 45 Percontationis, 71 16 Arg-entula, 204 . 45 Pulchrina, 71 .16 Currucipennella, Pcecilocampa Populi, 22 6 203 . . . 45 Pcecilochroma Brande- Gallipennella, 204 45 riana, 1 52 .34 Leucapennella, 204 45 Brunnichana, 152 .34 Lineolea, 204 . . 45 Communana, 152 .34 Lutarea, 204 . . 45 Corticana, i52 .34 Ochrea, 204 . . 45 Maculana, 152 .34 Onosmella, 204 . . 45 Maurana, 152 .34 Ornatipeunella, 204 45 Occultana, 270 .58 Otidipennella, 203 45 Ophthalmicana, Struthionipennella, 152 . . 34 203 . . 45 Oppressana, 270 .58 Prionapteryx Nebuli- Piceana and v. 152 . 34 fera, 214 . .47 Semifuscana, 152 . 34 Pseudotomia Alpinana Signatana, 270 . 58 and var. 139 31 Solandriana, 152 . 34 Argyrana and fern. Stabilana, 270 . 58 138 . . 31 Trapezana, 152 .34 Atromarg-ana, 138 31 Poecilophasia Margi- Atropurpurana, 139 31 nata, 114 . .26 Aurana, 140 . .31 Polia Advena and v. Compositella, fern. 58 . . 13 and v. 140 . . 31 Bimaculosa, 58 .13 Dorsana, 140 .31 Chi, 59 . . .14 Ephip.pana, 140 .31 Dysodea, 59 . .14 Fraternana, 138 .31 Flavocincta, 58 .13 Gundiana, 140 . 31 Herbida, 58 . .13 Jacquiniana, 139 31 Nebulosa, 58 .13 Janthinana, 140 .31 PI. Pseudotomia Lediana, page 140 , .31 Lunulana, 139 . 31 Nigricana, 139 .31 Nitidana, 140 .31 Obscurana, 138 . 31 Petiverella and vars. 138, 139 . . 31 Politana, 139 .31 Populana, 139 .31 Proximana, 139 . .31 Puncticostana, 139 . 31 Reg-iana, 140 .31 Sequana, 138 .31 Simpliciana, bis, 139 31 Spiniana, 140 .31 Splendidulana, 138 31 Strig-ana, 139 .31 Strobilella, 138 .31 Trauniana, 140 .31 Psilura Monacha, 23 6 Psodos Alpinata, 77 .18 Trepidaria, 77 .18 Psyche Fusca, 26 . 7 Pterophorus Acanthi- dactylus, 237 . 51 Bipunctidactylus,235 51 Brachydactylus, 280 59 Caliodactylus, 235 51 Calodactylus, 237 51 Carphodactylus, 236 51 Cosmodactylus, 237 51 Didactylus, 237 . 51 Fuscodactylus, 235 51 Fuscus, 235 . 51 Galactodactylus, 235 41 Heterodactylus, 238 51 Leucodactylus, 236 51 Luna?dactylus, 236 51 Mici-odactylus, bis, 236, 238 . . 51 Mig-adactylus, 236 51 Monodactylus, bis, 235,236 . 51 Niveidactylus, 236 51 Ochrodactylus and v. 236 . . . 51 Pallidactylus, 236 51 Paludum, 281 . 59 Parvidactylus, 238 51 Pentadactylus, 234 51 Phseodactylus, 236 51 Pilosellse,237 . 51 Pterodactyhis, 235 51 Punctidactylus, bis, 237 . . .51 Rhododactylus, 237 51 Similidactylus, 236 51 Spilodactylus, 235 51 I ]S T D E X. 297 PI. PI. PI. Pterophorus Tephra- Sarrothripus Degenera- Setina Eborina, page 31 8 dactylus, bis, page nus, page 153 .34 Irrorella and v.,31. 8 235 . . . 51 Dilutanus, 154 . 34 Mesomella, 31 .8 Tesseradactylus, 237 51 llicanus, 154 . .34 Roscida, 31 . .8 Tetradactylus and v. Lathamianus, 153 . 34 Sirnaethis Angustana, 236 . . . 51 Ramulanus, 154 .35 and var., 121 . . 28 Tridactylus, 235 .51 Revayana and v., Fabriciana, 120 .28 Trigonodactylus,237 5 1 153, 154 . 34, 35 Lutosa, 120 . .28 Ptilodontis Palpina, 20 6 Undulanus, 153 .34 Myllerana, 121 .28 Ptilophora Variegata Saturnia Pavonia (mi- Pariana and var., (plumigera), 20 . 6 nor), 21 . .6 120 . . . 28 Ptycholoma Lecheana, Schoenobius Mucronel- Punctosa, 121. . 28 and v. 152, 153 34 lus, 265 . .57 Simyra Musculosa, 68. 15 Obsoletana, 153 . 34 Scoria Dealbata, 97 .22 Nervosa, 73 . .16 Ptychopoda Bisetata, Scotophila Porphyrea, Venosa, 68, 71 1% 16 112 . . 25 56 . . .13 Speranza Brunneata, Csespitaria, 112 .25 Scotosia Rhamnata, 99 22 77 . .18 Cinereata, 112 .25 Sparsaria, 100 .23 Limbaria, 78 .18 Contiguaria, 112 .25 Vetulata, 100. .23 Spilonota Aceriana, Degeneraria, 112 .25 Segetia Neglecta, 43 . 10 269 . . .57 Dilutaria, 111 .25 Xanthographa, 43 . 10 Alnetana, 269 . . 57 Fimbriolata, 111 .25 Semasia Rufillana, 271 58 Amo3nana,268 . 57 Immutaria and var. Semiophora Gothica,39 10 Argyrana, 137 .31 112 . . 25 Semioscopis Avella- Aquana, 136 . .30 Incanata, 112 .25 iiella, 185 . .41 Bimaculana, 136 . 31 Lividata, 112 .25 Steinkelnerana, 185 41 Brunnichiana and Ornata, 112 .25 Senta Flaminea, 207 . 46 var., 137 . . 31 Reversata and var. Sericea, 207 . . 46 Comitana, 136 . 30 Ill, 112 . 25 SericorisAchatana, 151 34 Costipunctana, 137 . 31 Rubricata, 113 .25 Alternana, 150 .34 Cynosbatella and v., Scutulata, 112 .25 Antiquana, 149 .33 135, 136 . . 30 Pygaera Bucephala, 17 5 Aurofasciana, 151 . 34 Foenella, 136 . .30 Pyralis Dimidiatus,252 54 Bifasciana, 151 .34 Neglectana, 268 . f7 Farinalis, 120 . 27 Cespitana and var., Nigricostana, 137 .31 Glaticinalis, 120 .27 150 . . . 34 Nubiferana, 135 . 30 Pictalis, 120 .27 Conchana, 150 .34 Ocellana, 136. .30 Pyrausta Cespitalis Dormoyana, 278 . 59 Pflugiana, 136 .31 and var., 121 . 27 Euphoi-biana, 278 . 59 Quadrana, 137 .31 Fascialis, 252 . . 54 Fasciolana, 149 .34 Roborana, 136 . 30 Ostrinalis, 122 .27 Fuligana, 151 .34 Rosaecolana, 268 . 57 Porphyralis, 122 .27 Furfurana, 151 .34 Rusticana, 137 .31 Punicealis, 122 . 27 Gratnineana, 150 . 34 Scutulana and f., Purpuralis, 121 .27 Herbana, 278 . . 59 136, 137 . . 31 Sordidalis, 121 .27 Lacunaua and var., Sticticana, 137 .31 Pyrophila Tetra, 46 . 11 150 . . .34 Straemiana, 136 .31 Tragopogonis, and Latifasciana, 151 .34 Tetragonana, 137 .31 v.,46 . . .11 Marmorana, 151 .34 Trigeininana, bis, Retinia Sylvestrana, Micana, 150 . .34 137 . . .31 272 . . . 58 Monticolana, 151 .34 Trimaculana, 136 .30 Turionella, 272 . 58 Obsoletana, 150 .34 Ustulana, 137. 31 Rhodaria Sanguinalis, Politana and var., Spilosoma Lubrice- 262 . . . 56 150 . . .34 peda, 26 .7 Rhyacionia Hastiana, Pulchellana, 150 .34 Lubricepedav.,239. 52 165 . . . 37 Quadri-maculana, Menthastri, 26 . 7 Roxana Arcuana, 145. 32 149 . . . 33 Papyratia, 26 . .7 Rumia Cratsegata, 82. 19 Strianaand var.,149 33 Papyratia v., 26 .7 Rusina Ferruginea, 33 8 Subsequana, 151 . 34 Radiata, 239 , . 52 Sarrothripus Afzelia- Undulana, 1 50 .34 Urticse, 26 . .7 nus, 154 . .35 Urticana, 149 .34 Stauropus Fagi, 19 .5 298 INDEX. PI. PI. PL Steganolophia Pru- Theristis Nemorella, Venilia Maculata and nata, page 94 .21 page 220 . . 48 v,,parie 111 .25 Steganoptycha Angu- Thyatira Batis, 62 .14 Quadrimaculata, 111 25 lana, 141 . .32 Derasa, 62 . . 14 VenusiaCambrica,260 56 Boeberana, 141 .32 Tirnandra Eniutaria, Xanthia Aurago, 65 . 25 Cinerana, 142 .32 115 . . . 26 Cerago and var., 65. 25 Cuspidana, 141 .32 Exemptaria, 115 .26 Centrago, 05 . .25 Immundana, 141 .32 Imitaria, 115 . .26 Citrago, 65 . .25 Mitterbacheriaua, Subatomaria, 241 . 52 Croceago, 65 . .25 142 . . . 32 Variega ta, 115 .26 Fimbriago, 65 . 25 Naevana, 141 . .32 TineaAlbipunctella,225 49 Flavago, 64 . .15 Nisella and vars., Biselliella and v., Fulvago, 65 . .15 141, 142 . . 31 225 . . . 49 Gilvago, St. 65 .15 Pavonana, 141 .32 Carpinetella, 226 . 49 Gilvago, W.V. 258 . 65 Penkleriana, 142 .32 Cloacella, 225 . . 49 Rufina, 68 . .15 Iletusana, 142 . 32 Corticella, 225 . 49 Xanthosetia Diver- Rhombifasciana,141 32 Destructor, 225 . 49 sana, 169 . .38 Stictana, 142 . .32 Ferruginella, 224 . 49 Ferrugana, 169 .38 Subuncana, 142 .32 Flavescentella, 225 . 49 Hamana and var,, Tetraquetrana and Fuscipunctella, 224. 49 169 . . . 38 v.,141 . .31 Gammella, 225 . 49 Inopiana, 1 69 . . 38 Triquetrana, 141 . 32 Granella, 225 . . 49 Zoegana and v., 1 68, Unipunctana, 141 . 32 Lappella, 225 . . 49 169 . . . 38 Sterrhopteryx Opacella, Nigripunctella, 224. 49 Xerene Adustata, 98 . 22 255 . . . 55 Parasitella, 226 . 49 Albicillata, 97 . 22 Stilbia Anomalata, 75 . 17 Pellionella, 224 . 49 Hastata, 97 . . 22 Strenia Clathrata, 111 25 Rusticella, 224 . 49 Plumbata, 98 . .22 SynapheAngustalis,! 19 27 Semifulvella, 224 . 49 Procellata, 98 . . 22 Telea Ambiguella, 187 41 Spretella, 224 . 49 Rubiginata and var., Caesiella, bis, 187, Sulphurella, 225 . 49 98 . .22 188 . . . 42 Tapetiella, 223 . 49 Xylina Conspicillaris, Cerasiella, 188 .42 Tapetzella, 223 . 49 46 . . .11 Comptella, 187 . 41 Vestianella, 224 . 49 Lambda, 47 . .11 Oataegella, 187 .41 Ustella, 224 . . 49 Petrificata, 47 .11 Curtisella, 187 .41 Tortrix Clorana, 128 . 29 Pulla,47 . .11 Leucatella, 187 . 41 Galiana, 129 . . 29 Putris, 47 . .11 Lutarella, 187 .42 Luteolana, 242 . 52 Rhizolitha, 47. .11 Subfasciella, 187 .42 Palleana. bis, 129, Semibrunuea, 47 .11 Tephronia corticaria, 266 '. . 29, 57 Solidaginis, 240 . 52 260 . . . 56 Pilleriana, 242 . 52 Xylophasia Combusta, Teras Caudana and Viridana, bis, 129 . 29 48 ... 11 vars., 161, 162 .36 Viburnana, 199 .29 Epomidion, 48 .11 Effractana, 162 .36 Trachea Atriplicis, 57. 13 Hepatica and var., Emargana, 161 .36 Trichiura Cratcegi, 22. 6 48 . .11 Excavana, 161 .36 Triodia Citrana, 276 . 59 Lithoxylea, 47 - 1 1 Tethea Gracilis, 63 .14 Triphsena Fimbria, 32. 8 Polyodon, 48 . .11 Retusa and v., 63 - 14 Innuba, 31 . .8 Rectilinea, 49. .12 Subtusa,63 . .14 Interjecta, 32 . .8 Rurea, 48 . .11 Thera Coniferata, 102. 23 Janthina, 32 . .8 Scolopacina, 48 .11 Firmaria,101 . . 23 Orbona, 31 . .8 Sublustris, 48 . . 11 Fulvata, 102 . .23 Pronuba andv , 31 . 8 Yponomeuta Cogna- Juniperata, 102 .23 Subsequa, 31 . .8 tella, 186 . .41 Simulata, bis and Triphosa Certata, 100. 23 Evonymella, 186 .41 var., 101, 102 . 23 Cervinata, 100 .23 Irrorella, 186 . .41 Variata, 101 . .23 Cinereata, 100 .23 Padella, 186 . .47 Theristis Acinacidella, Dubitata and var., Plumbella, 186 .41 220 . . . 48 100 . . . 23 Rorella, 186 . .41 CultreLla, 220 . . 48 Valeria Oleagina, 57 . 13 Zeuzera ^Esculi, 17 .5 THE END. r ^vJV : s\ /> /^ ^ '* fa " /-) w* r AA^ ^ i/Y'/Mnuhi? f x ^ \ . : -