A COMPLETE INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VOLS. I-VII. IN TWO PARTS 1 THE GENERAL INDEX 2 THE INDEX TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS A COMPLETE INDEX TO A VERY S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VOLS. I-VIL WILLIAM ABBATT TARRYTOWN, NEW YORK 1915 The compilation of an index is one of those useful labours for which the public are rarely so forward to express their gratitude as they ought to be. We feel the merits of the case. There might be a variety of good directions given for the compositions of these Tables (Indexes) which may be justly called the Soul of books. BAYLE. THE GENERAL INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VOLS. 1-7 Abercromby, Gen. James, 4: 119. autograph, 4: 158. called "Mrs. Nabbycromby," 4: 187. Acadia, unrest in, 4: 100-103. - map, 3: 313. - re-taken, 1654, 2: 348. Acadians, removal of the, 1755, 4: 93-112. Accault, Michel, explorer, 3: 176. Acland, Major and Lady Harriet, portraits, 6: 121. A coma, pueblo of, 1: 299. Act for Increase of Shipping, title-page of, 2: 30, page of text, 31. Act Prohibiting Trade, title-page of, 2: 29. Acts passed by first Congress, title-page of, 7: 35. Adams, Abigail, on the "White House," 1800, 7: 250. portrait, 7: 251. Adams, John, at the helm, 7: 180-193. averts war with France, 7: 212-216. diary, 1774, 6: 210. on Independence, 1776, 6: 391. "Our Colossus on the floor" 5: 392., on the Second of July, 5: 393. portrait and autograph, 7: 16, 250. his pamphlet, A Defence, etc., 7: 16. Adams, John, president, 175. review of troops on his birthday, 1799, 7: 213. Vice- President, 7: 16. Adams, John Quincy, minister to Holland: Prussia and Portugal, 7: 189. portrait, 7: 189. Adams, Samuel, portrait and autograph, 6, frontispiece. outfitted by friends to appear in the Con gress, 1774, 5: 214. outlawed, 6: 263. Adams and Independence, 5: 279. Adams, Rutledge and Franklin, peace Com mittee, 1776, 6: 22. Adet, P. A., French Minister to U. S., auto graph, 7: 139. French minister, mistake of, 7: 174. "A Dialogue", etc., first page, 3: 364. "Address to. . .North Carolina", 1746, title- page, 3: 349. Addington, Isaac, portrait, 3 : 279. Address to the People of England, by John Jay, 1774, 5: 223. "Administration of Justice" bill, 1774, 6: 194. Agawam (Springfield), Mass., autographs of founders, 1636, 2: 307. 336309 INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Ainsworth s Psalms, page of, 2: 110. Alamance, Battle of, 1771, 5: 129. Alaminos, Antonio de, 1: 252, 263. Alarcon, Heraando de, 1: 297. Alarm, The, No. 1, 5: 159. Albany, N. Y., plan of, 4: 122. Albany Convention, 1754, signatures of mem bers, 4: 52. Albany settled, 1630, 2: 223. Alden, John, signature, 2: 135. Alexander, James, letter, 1755, 4: 54. Alexander, Sir William, sends Kirke against Quebec, 1628, 2: 16. Alexander VI., Pope, 1: 153, portrait. Alexander s Map of New England, title-page, 2: 144. Alien Act, title-page of report on, 7: 226. Alien and Sedition Acts, the (1798), 7: 217- 233. Allen, Ethan, autograph, 6: 258. outlawed, 6: 258. captures Ticonderoga, 259. captured at Montreal, 5: 328. Allen, Richard, chief justice of S. C., 1721, 3: 232. Allen, Samuel, governor of N. H., 1692, 3 : 295. Allerton, Isaac, autograph, 2: 124. banished from Plymouth, 2 : 135. Alliance, in Jones fleet, 1779, 6: 263-269. Allouez, Claude, autograph, 3: 164. missionary, 1665, 3: 164. Alvarado, Pedro de, 1: 254. Amendments, first twelve, to the Constitu tion, 7: 34. America after the Treaty of Utrecht, 3 : 188. in revolt, 6: 98. name first used, 1: 236 Arabian voyagers, 1: 67. Icelandic voyagers, 1 : 65. Northmen voyagers, 1: 174. Senex s map of, 1721, 3: 338. American Uniforms, by German artist, 6: 167, 171. Americans, the first, 1: 1-21. mound-builders, 1: 36, el seq. neolithic, 1: 22-62. pottery of, 1 : 55, et seq. pueblo, 1: 26, et seq. Ames, Fisher, portrait, 7: 16. Amherst, Sir Jeffry, portrait and autograph, 4: 161. advances from Oswego to Montreal, 4: 313-14. captures Montreal, 315. destroys Ticonderoga, 1759, 4: 237. subsequent inactivity, 242. lands at Louisburg, 1758, 4: 161. captures it, 168. "A Modest Answer", 1706, first page of, 3: 255. Amusements, popular, 1800, 7: 228. Anabaptists, persecuted, 1651, 2: 380. Ancient (Fort) O., map of, 1: 45. Works, O., map of, 1: 47. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 2: 372. Andre, Major John, captors medal, 250. map of route, etc., 6: 251. papers found on him, 6: 250. pass from Arnold, 6: 249. pocket-book, 6 : 249. portrait by himself, 6 : 254. portrait by Copley, 6: 248. portrait, 1781, 6: 253. captured, 6 : 252. corresponds with Arnold, 6: 248. meets him, 6: 249. executed, 6: 253. portrait, 6: 175. returns towards N. Y., 6: 250. Andros, Sir Edmond, autograph, 3 : 146. broadside by inhabitants to, 3: 149. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Andros, Sir Edmond, broadside on his seiz ure, 3: 148. coat of arms, 66. - death, 3: 256. governor of New England, 3: 146. - of New York, 1674, 3: 64. - in Connecticut, 3: 152. Instruction for agents of Massachusetts Bay on removal of , 3 : 150. - letter of, 3: 76. - of Virginia, 3: 149, 253. - portrait, 3: 64. seal of New England while under him, 3 : 77. Auguelle, Antoine, explorer, 3: 176. Annapolis, Md., Des Barres view of, 4: 51. Annexation and Confederation, 2: 338-348. Appleton, Rev. Nathaniel, 4: 319. Appropriation Bill, the first general, 7: 33. Arapaho Indians, 1: 339. "Arbella," arrives at Salem, 1630, 2: 163. Arbuthnot, Admiral, blockades Newport, 6: 241. Archdale, John, autograph, 3: 219. governor of both Carolinas, 1695, 3: 219. "A Relation. . .Lord Baltimore s Plantation," (1634), title-page, 2: 204. Argall, Captain Samuel, destroys French settlements in Maine, 2: 6. portrait, 2: 54. Arlington, Earl of, portrait and autograph, 2: 196. "Armed Neutrality," the (1780), 6: 278. Armstrong, Major John, judge, 6: 411. Army, U. S., organization of, 1798, 7: 205. Arnold, Benedict (I), governor of R. I., 301, 2: 289. Arnold, General Benedict, attacks Quebec, 5: 335. - at Fort Stanwix, 6: 108. - at Saratoga, 6: 114, 121. at Ticonderoga, 6: 259. Arnold, General Benedict, broadside by, 1780, 6: 246. beginning of his treason, 6: 246. bravery at Compo, 6: 67. captures St. John s, 6: 260. charges made against, 6: 248. commands at West Point, 6 : 248. escape to the Vulture, 6: 252. first grievance, 6: 67. in Virginia, 6: 298. march to Cambridge, 6 : 258. march on Quebec, 6: 332. meets Andre, 6: 249. New London burnt by, 6: 312. position at Richmond, 1781, 6: 298. proclamation after treason, 6: 255. portrait, 5: 340; 6: 242. progress of his plot, 6: 248. reward for his capture, 6: 302. rewarded by British, 6: 253. treason discovered, 6: 243. wounded at Saratoga, 6: 123. at Quebec, 5: 338. watch, 5: 333. death, 1801, 6: 254. Arnold, Mrs. General, portrait, 6: 175. and child, 254. Arrowheads, Puzzle Lake, 1: 24. Art and Literature, 1763, neglected, 6: 24. Artaguette, Indians kill, 3 : 325. Artilleryman, Continental Line, 6: 15. Ashe, General John, defeated at Briar Creek, 6: 211. Assiento Treaty England a slave power, 1689, 3: 187. Atherton Company, the, acquire R. I. land, 1659, 3: 299. Atlantic, map. 1: 168. North, map, 1: 77. settlements, Charleston to St. Augustine, map, 3: 331. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 8 Attakullakulla, Indian chief, 4: 338, 342. saves Captain Stuart, 347. sues for peace, 348. Attucks, Crispus, killed in Boston Massacre, 6: 111. Aurora, The, edited by B. F. Bache, 7: 91. Austerfield, England, map, 2: 103. Bradford s Cottage at, 105. Avery, Rev. David, diary quoted, 6: 44. Avery, James, autograph, 3: 119. Avery house, Conn., 1656, 2: 324. - Dedham, Mass., 1675, 6: 2. Aviles, Pedro Menendez de, see Menendez. Axe, of 1750, 5: 4. Axes, one of Burgoyne s 6: 97. Ayllon, Lucas Vasquex de, 1: 273. death, 274. Bachiler, Stephen, Rev., 2: 341. Bacon, Nathaniel, autograph, 3: 30. coat of arms, 3: 45. death, 3: 37. Bagley, Col. Jonathan, 4: 121. Bainbridge, Captain William, letter, 7: 315. Baker, Brister, negro soldier holding the "Badge of Merit", 6: 368. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de, 1: 244, el seq. discovers the Pacific, 243. Balcarres, Earl of, portrait, 6: 123. Baltimore founded, 1730, 3: 360. - in 1752, 4: 19. Baltimore Coins, 3: 46. Baltimore, man of war, searched by British, 1798, 7: 211. Bank of New York, etc., 1798, 7: 276. Bank of the United States, the first, 7: 53-6. Barbary Pirates, 1783-7, 6: 383-4. Barbary Powers, treaty with, 7: 162. Barbastro, Luis de, in Florida, 1: 293. Barclay, Robert, autograph, 3 : 89. Barclay, Thomas, Consular Commission to Morocco, 1791, 7: 312. Barlow, Joel, autograph, 7: 282. title-page of his Hasty Pudding, 283. Barnwell, Colonel John, defeats Indians, N. C., 1712, 3: 237. builds fort on the Altamaha River, 1721, 3: 339. Barre, Isaac, speech in Parliament on America, 1765, 5: 55. originates the phrase "Sons of Liberty", 59. portrait, 6: 55. with Wolfe, 1759, 4: 251. Barren Hill, Lafayette at, 6: 86. Barron, Commodore Samuel, in command of Mediterranean squadron, 7: 321. Barrowe, Henry, author of "Marprelate" pamphlets (1588), 2: 99. Barry, Commodore John, autograph, 6: 317. first Navy Captain, 1775, 6: 317. portrait, 7: 161. Barton, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 166. "Battle of Montmorency", 1759, Wolfe de feated, 4: 267. "Battle of the Bluffs", 1781, Cherokees de feated at, 6: 413. "Battle of the Severn", 1655, 2: 215. Bayard, Nicholas, autograph, 3: 260. convicted of treason, 17C1, 3: 271. Bay of Fundy, map, 2: 4. Bayonet, Revolutionary, 6: 172. Beauharnois, de, governor of Canada, 1726, 3: 312. Beaujeu, Hyacinthe, M. L., de, 4: 67. portrait, 4: 68. killed, 72. Beaumarchais, 6: 135-6. Beausejour, Fort, captured, 1755, 4: 104. Bedford, Pa., captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Beginning (The) of Colonial Union, 6: 134- 153. Behaim s Globe, map, 1: 120. Belcher, Jonathan, portrait and autograph, 3: 392. - governor of N. J., 1747, 4: 13. death, 1757, 14. Beleaguered Boston, 6: 292-314. Bellingham, Richard, autograph, 2: 365. Bellomont, Earl of, coat of arms, 3 : 270. portrait and autograph, 3: 269. - governor of N. H., Mass, and N. Y., 1697, 3: 269. death, 270. fails to crush R. I., 1699, 3: 300. Bemis Heights, battle of, 6: 114-115, 120. battle of, map, 6: 122. Benincasa s map, 1476, 1: 1C4. Bennet, Richard, elected governor of Vir ginia, 1652, 2: 181. Bennington, battle of, 6: 99. battle of, map, 6: 100. Berkeley, Sir William, governor of Virginia, 1641, 2: 176. resigns, 1652, 180. - re-elected, 1659, 183. signature, 2: 194. in N. C., 3: 3. death, 1677, 3: 39. Berkeley and Carteret, lease by Duke of York to, 1664, 3: 80. seals of, 81. Berkeley s Plantation, Va., ruins, 3: 39. Bernard, Governor Francis, portrait and autograph, 6: 31. Thanksgiving proclamation by, 1766, 82. and Mass. Assembly, 33. dissolves the General Court, 1768, 6: 93. leaves America, 1769. 5: 105. Berry, Sir John, 1677, 3: 39. Berryer, , menaces Bigot, 4: 219. Bibliographical appendix at end of each volume. Biddle, Nicholas, Navy Captain, 1775, 5: 320. Bienville, Celoron de, explorer, 4: 26. defeated by Chickasaws, 1736, 3: 325. receives Tonty s letter to La Salle, 1699, 3: 317. commander general, 1718, 324. governor, 1733. 325. Bigot, Francis, chief rascal at Quebec, 1758, 4: 173. letter. 1752, 4: 184. Memoire pour title-page, 317. - banished, 1763, 4: 317. Bikker, Geirit, surrenders Fort Casimer, 2: 263. Billington, John, executed, 2: 135. Bills of Credit, 6: 326. Bjarni Grimolfson, 1: 88. Bjarni s Course, map, 1: 81. "Blackboard" (Teach or Thatch), pirate, 3: 228. portrait, 3: 239. killed, 240. Blackfoot Indian, 1: 352. Blackiston, Nathaniel, autograph, 3: 256. "Black-List" of Boston Tories, 1770, from the North Am. Almanack, 6: 114. Blackstone, William, first R. I. settler, 2: 164. "Black Watch" regiment at Ticonderoga, 1758, 4: 185. Blackwell, John, autograph, 3: 189. Bank of Credit, 3: 145. Bladen, Thomas, autograph, 4: 17. Blair, Rev. James, founds William and Mary College in Virginia, autograph, 3 : 255. Blake, Joseph, autograph, 3 : 219. governor of S. C., 1694, 3: 219. of both Carolinas, 220. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 10 Block, Adrian, builds first vessel, the Rest less, at New Amsterdam, 1614, 2: 85. "Blockade of Boston," 1768, Remick s view of, 6: 94. - 1774-75, 6: 193. "Bloody Morning Scout", the, 1755, 4: 86. Blount, William, governor S. W. Territory, 7: 117. title-page of Proceedings on Impeachment of, 7: 192. Blue Licks, the Indian Victory at, 6: 208. Board of Trade, Courts, etc., 1689-1745, 3: 211-216. Boasting, American, 1800, 7: 287. Bobadilla, Francisco, de, 1 : 199. Bogardus Farm, New York, 2: 236. Bohun, Edmund, Chief Justice of S. C M 1698, 3: 221. Bonaparte and Louisiana, 1800, 7: 328. Bonaparte, Joseph, autograph, 7: 214. Bond, Joshua, loss at Lexington, 6: 250. Bon Homme Richard, candlestick from, 6:271. - course of, 268. - engagement with Serapis, 267, 269. - flag of, 6: 261. - page from log of, 270. - position of ships, 1779, 266. Books published in Boston, 1703-21, 3: 386. Boone, Thomas, governor of S. C., 1761, 4: 348. Boonesborough, Ky., last siege of, 6: 200. "Boone s Trace", 6: 186. Border Warfare and the Conquest of the Northwest, 6: 184-208. Boscawen, Edward, autograph, 4: 161. medal, 169. - portrait, 167. Bosomworth, Thomas, 1748, rioter in Sa vannah, 4: 21. Boston, Committee of Correspondence, 6: 138-40. Committee of Correspondence, docu ment of, 5: 203. first Town-house, 2: 372. Harbor, Fitzhugh s Copy of Southake s Map, 1689,3: 147. Harbor, map, 3: 131. in 1765, map of, 6: 165. Massacre, 1770, Revere s view of the, 6: 108. monument of, 110. narrative of, title-page, 111. North Battery, 6: 313. North Square in, 6: 217. News- Letter, first issue, 3: 292. Newspapers, 1719-21, 3: 385. old and new, 2: 353. part first settled, map, 165. region about, map, 1630, 2: 164. Port Bill, 1774, 6: 191. repealed, 192. page of, 6: 191. Quincy s pamphlet on, 204. Boston Post Boy and Advertiser, page from, 1765, 6: 54. Boston, Pownall s view of, 5: 310. Revere s (1768), 6: 96. S. E. View (1743), 3: 395. prices, 1780, 6: 328. relieved by provisions from other Colo nies, 6: 207. siege begun, 1775, 6: 250. map, 295. "Boston Tea Party", Punch-Bowl of the, 6: 166. portraits of some, 167. Boston, town-meeting, 1764, Adams at, 6: 40. Concord route map, 6: 240. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 11 "Bostonians paying the Excise man", cartoon, 1774, 5: 190. Botetourt, Baron, governor of Virginia, 1768, autograph, and statue, 5: 97. Boudinot, Elias, proclamation by, 1783, 6: 363-366. Bougainville, Marquis and Madame, por traits, 4: 139. testimony on affairs in Canada, 1759, 4: 218. Boundary, between New England and New Netherland, 2: 238. - Negotiations of 1782, maps, 6: 350-51. - U. S., map, 1782, 6: 350. Boundaries of the U. S. by 1782 treaty, 6: 354. - and Territories of the U. S., 1789-99. map of, 7: 54. Bouquet, Col. Henry, cuts roads through Pennsylvania, 4: 196-7. defeats Indians at Bushy Run, Pa., 1763, 4: 369. his Indian Council, 4: 374. his march, 4: 372. - portrait, 4: 195. receiving English captives, 375. - relieves Fort Pitt, 4: 369. - secures the release of 200 captives in Ohio, 1764, 4: 375. death at Pensacola, 375. Bourgeoys, Margaret, at Quebec, 1653, 3: 159. Bourlamaque, de, 4: 117. on Lake Champlain, 4: 223. Bowdoin, Governor, James, desk, 5: 87. proclamation, 1787, 6: 395. minister to Spain, 7: 387. Bowls, from Arizona, 1: 55. Bowman, John, 6: 193. - takes Cahokia, 194. Boyle, Robert, 2 : 374. Braddock Expedition (The), 4: 60-79. Braddock, General Edward, 4: 59. arrives at Alexandria, 60. advances to Wills Creek, 63. his battlefield, 4: 71, 72. encampment, 69. - defeated, 4: 73. - death, 74. order for soldiers wives protection, 4: 65. orderly book, page in Washington s writing, 4: 64. men buried, 1758, 4: 211. route, map, 4: 67. Bradford, William (of Plymouth), autograph, 2: 124. Bradford s Plimoulh Plantation, page of, 2: 108. Bradford, William, first printer in N. Y., 3: 267. Bradford, William (Phila.), 1712, autograph, 3: 267. Bradstreet, Anne, death, 3: 135. portrait, 3: 135. title-page of her "Tenth Muse", 135. Bradstreet, John, autograph, 4: 188. Bradstreet, Lieut. Col. John, 1756, 4: 121. Bradstreet captures Fort Frontenac, 1758, 4: 189. mistakes in treating with Indians, 1764, 4: 373. Bradstreet, Simon, governor of Massachu setts, 1679,3: 136, 151. portrait and autograph, 3: 128. Brandywine, battle of, map, 6: 78. and Germantown, 6: 61-87. Brant, Joseph, letters, 6: 188; 7: 262. - portrait, 6: 101. Bray, Rev. Thomas, visits Md., 1700, 3: 256. autograph, 3: 256. Breaking-up of the Union, suggested, 1794, 7: 164. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 12 Brebeuf, Jean de, Jesuit Missionary, 2: 14. and companions, visit the Hurons (1634), 3: 158, 160. murdered (1649), 162. Breckenridge, John, attorney general, 1805, 7: 377. Brendan, Saint, 1: 103. Brent, Margaret, autograph, 2: 210. Brewster, William, autograph, 2: 113. - chair, 2: 396. - chest, 135. - sword, 132. - death (1643), 2: 396. Brewton, Miles, 3: 228. Brigadier Generals, 1775, 6: 282. British Colonial Policy Economic, 1689-45, 3: 192-205. - Political, 3: 106-216. British Defences at Philadelphia, 6: 173. British Diplomacy and the Northwest, 7: 92-113. British evacuate New York, 6: 346. - fleet at Charleston, 1776, 6: 366-8. forces in Boston re-inforced, 5: 262. - landing in Bergen Co., N. J., 1776, 6: 38. navy on R. I. coast, 1775, 5: 303. - "Orders in Council", 1793, 7: 123. - Possessions in North America, 1775, 6: 212. - posts in American Territory, 7: 92. surrendered, 1796, 167. - 17th Light Dragoons, uniform, 6: 85. - troops in Boston, and New York, 1766, 5: 84, 95. - Uniforms, 48th Reg t, 1742-64, 4: 224. - Uniforms, 17th Reg t, 1776, 6: 54. and American Prisons during the Rev olution, 6: 65. Broadside by Congress for first Presidential Election under new Constitution, 7: 14. on British and Hessian Outrages, 1776, 6: 40. on Monroe s Negotiations, 7: 394. of N. Y. Election, 1804, 7: 368. Brockholls, Anthony, 3 : 67. Brooks, John (General), sword, 2: 132. "Brother Jonathan", 6: 26. Brown, Colonel John, in Ticonderoga, 6: 258. "Brownists" the (1580), 2: 98. Brown University in 1793, 6: 132. in 1804, 6: 132. Browne, John and Samuel, banished to Eng land, 2: 156.. Browne, Robert, signature, 2: 98. Brule, Stephen, 2: 10. in Chesapeake Bay, 13. first European in Pennsylvania, 13. - visits Western New York (1618), 3: 157. Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Va., 5: 12. Bryan s Station, Ky., Indians attack, 6: 208. Buckman Tavern, Lexington, Mass., 5: 245. Buet, Hugh, Quaker, banished (1640), 2: 375. Buffalo, the, first picture of, 1: 284. Building the Ship, 6: 414-438. Building, The, of a Nation (Chap. 1), 5: 1-27. Bull, Henry, governor of R. I., 1690, 3: 298. Bull, William, autograph, 4: 340. - governor of S. C., 1760, 4: 343. ST., autograph, 3: 344. Bull, Lieut., Gov. of S. C., 6: 358. Bullet, Silver, enclosing Clinton s message, 6: 119. Bunker (Breed s) Hill, fortified, 5: 263. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 13 Bunker Hill, map of battle, 6: 267, 271. monument, 272. view of battle, 268, 270. Burgess, Elisha, governor of Mass., 1715, 3: 297. Burgoyne, Geneial John, coat of arms, 6: 127. - portrait, 6: 262. theatre of his campaign, 6: 90. - surrender, 6: 129. - map, 126. cartoon on, 128. - retreats, 6: 125. surrenders, 127. - death, 132. Burgoyne s Campaign plans, 6: 88-91. Burke, Edmund, portrait, 6: 255. - speech on American taxation, title-page, 5: 196. speech on Conciliation, 1775, 6: 255. Burner, William, coat of arms, 3: 371. - governor of N. Y. and N. J., 1720; 3: 371. - of Massachusetts, 1727, 3: 373. wrangles with the Assembly, 1727, 3: 391. - death, 1729, 392. Burns, David, and Washington, 7: 246. Burr, Rev. Aaron, death, 1757, 4: 13. Burr, Aaron, on Quebec expedition, 6: 331. portrait and autograph, 7: 369. defeated in New York, 1804, 7: 366. kills Hamilton, 369. indicted for murder, 370. Vice-President, 7: 289. Burr-Hamilton duel, 7: 369. Burras, Anne, first wife in the Jamestown Colony (1608), 2: 50. Burrington, George, governor of N. C., 1724, 1731, autograph, 3: 240. Burroughs, John, Navy Captain, 1775, 6: 320. Burwell, Lewis, governor of Va., 1751, 4: 26. Bushy Run, plan of battle, 4: 367. Busts, Etowah, Ga., 1: 54. Bute, Earl of, portrait and autograph, 4: 325. Bute rises to power, 4: 326, 331. detested, 333. Butler, Colonel John, autograph, 6: 102. invades Pennsylvania, 6: 185. massacres prisoners at Wyoming, 186. Butler, General Richard, autograph, 7: 96. Butler, Walter, and massacre at Cherry Val ley, 6: 186. Butler s Rangers, uniform button and belt- plate of, 6: 339. Butts Hill, battle of, 6: 183. Buzzard s Bay, Mass., 1775, British prizes re-taken at, 5: 300. Byllynge, Edward, buys half New Jersey, 3: 84. governor West Jersey, 92. autograph, 3: 84. Byrd, Captain Henry, leads British expedi tion into Kentucky, 6: 200. Byrd, Col. William, 4: 349. - satirizes, N. C., 1710, 3: 241. Byrd, William, of Westover, portrait, 3: 354. Mansion, Westover, Va., 5: 3. Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar, in Florida and Mexi co, 1: 281, et seq. Cabinet, the first, 7: 29. the, and Congress, 7: 31. Cabot, John and Sebastian, centennial post age stamp, 186. memorial tower, 1: 189. - portraits, 1: 187. Cabot s (J.) 1st voyage, map, 1: 185. Cabot s (S.) of 1544, map, 1: 184. Cabots, their voyages, 1: 180. Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, 1: 301. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 14 Cadet, Joseph, "grafter," at Quebec, 1758, 4: 175. fined, 1763, 4: 317. Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, at Detroit, 181. - at Mackinac, 1694, 3: 181. governor of Louisiana, 3: 319. Cadwalader, General John, 6: 51. autograph, 170. Cahokia, captured, 6: 194. Calaveras Skull, The, 1: 14. Caldwell, Rev. James, autograph, 6: 239. - at battle of Springfield, 6: 239. Caldwell, Mrs. James, murdered by British, 6: 239. Calef, Richard, 1692, resists witch-frenzy, 3: 287. Callender, James T., and Hamilton, 7: 191. "The Warmed Serpent", 307. Callieres, 3: 181, 190, 311. Calumet, 3: 168. Calvert, Benedict Leonard, autograph. 3: 257. governor of Md., 1726, 3: 360. Calvert, Cecilius (Lord Baltimore II), arms, 2: 203. - portrait, 202. signature, 2: 199. Calvert, Cecilius, death, 3: 49. Calvert, Charles (Lord Baltimore III), autograph, 3: 49. portrait, 50. governor of Maryland, 1720, 3: 359. death, 360, 1726, Calvert, Frederick, death, 1771, 4: 19, - last of the family, 1751, 4: 18. portrait and autograph, 4: 19. Calvert, George (Lord Baltimore I), portrait and autograph, 2: 198-199. - asked to leave Virginia, 1629, 2: 173. Calvert, Leonard, death of, 1647, 2: 109. Calvert, Philip, 2: 216. Camden, S. C., battle of, map, 6: 226. Campbell, Captain, held prisoner by Pontiac, 4: 359. killed by Chippewas, 362. Campbell, Lieut. Col. Archibald, captures Savannah and Augusta, 6: 209-11. Campbell, Lieut. Col. Archibald, letter to Gen. Lincoln, 6: 211. Campbell, Colonel William, 6: 228. at King s Mountain, 229. Campbell, Lord Neil, 3: 81. Campbell, Lord William, last royal governor of S. C., abandons office, 6: 359. Campaign of 1758, 4: 160-171. Campaign of 1759, the (Chap. 12), 4: 214- 226. Canada, expedition against, 1690, 2: 263. expedition against relinquished, 1746, 4: 2. expedition of 1775, map of, 6: 310, 326. failure of attempt against by Walker, 1711, 3: 275. invasion planned and fails, 1709. 3: 273. etc., map, 3: 310. overtures to, 1775, 6: 321. "Canada subdued", medal, 4: 318. Canada won by England, 4: 333. and Louisiana, 3: 309-326. Canadian Trapper on Snow-Shoes, 1753, 3: 164. Candle Mould, 6: 21. Cannon, 16th century, 1: 255. and powder seized by patriots, N. H. & R. I., 1774, 5: 232. Canonchet, executed, 3: 120. Canonicus, Sachem, 2 : 127. Canteen, Revolutionary, 6: 91. Cantino, map, 1502, 1: 210. Cape Cod Harbor, map, 2: 116. Cape Cod "restored", 1: 84. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 15 Cape Henry Tablet, 2: 42. Capitol, at Washington, east elevation of, 7: 248. Capital, National, removing from Phila. to Washington, 7: 248. - site of the, discussed, 7: 35. - and White House, 7: 247. Cardross, Lord, proposes Scotch settlements, inS. C. (1683), 3: 23. Carleton, Guy, Q. M. General, 1759, 4: 249. Carleton, Sir Guy, defends Quebec, 6: 337- 340. - portrait and autograph, 5: 330; 6: 5. Carlisle, Pa., captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Carlisle Peace Commission, The, 6: 144, 149. Carmichael, William, at Berlin, 6: 140. - autograph, 7: 120. Carolina, 3 : 1-27. - Act of Proprietors Surrender (1729), 3: 242. - Lawson s map of, 1709, 3: 224. "Lords Proprietors" of, 3: 3. - Morden s map of (1687), 3: 24. - map, 1670, 3: 9. - Moll s map of, 1715, 3: 227. - proposed system of government, 3: 7. - seal of Lords Proprietors, 3 : 2. - Company, medal of the, 3: 219. Carolinas, both under royal control, 3: 242. - reclamation of the 6: 282-297. Carpenter s Tools before 1775, 6: 8. Carr, Caleb, governor of R. I., 1695, 3: 300. Carr, Robert, autograph, 3: 129. Carroll, Charles, autograph, 5: 341. - coat of arms, 390. Carta Marina, map, 1548, 1: 281. Carter, Robert, governor of Va., 1726, 3: 352. Carteret, Lady Elizabeth, autograph, 3: 82. Carteret, Sir George, portrait, 3: 11. Carteret, George, first governor of New Jersey, autograph and seal, 3: 81. Carteret, Philip, autograph, 3: 82. governor of New Jersey, 1674, 3: 85. Cartier, Jacques, at Gaspe, 1: 305. - in North Atlantic, 1: 303. - at Quebec, 306. Cartridge Boxes, 5: 266; 6: 20, 95. Cartwright, George, autograph, 3: 129. Cartwright, Thomas, page of "Second ad monition", 1572, 2: 97. Carver, John, sword, 2: 132. Cary, Thomas, governor of N. C., 3: 234. autograph, 3: 235. Castine, the younger, taken prisoner to Bos ton, 1721, 3: 387. Castle William, Boston, 6: 90. Catharine II of Russia, portrait, 6 : 278. - and England, 6: 278. Cathcart, James L., Consul at Tripoli, 1801, 7: 313. Cavaliers seek refuge in Virginia, 1649, 2: 179. Cavate Lodges, open-faced, 1: 29. Cavendish, Thomas, portrait, 1 : 327. Cedar Rapids ("The Cedars") 1776, Ameri cans defeated at, 6: 342. Celeron de Bienville, map of route, 4: 27. one of his lead plates, 27. Census, the first, 7: 60. Cent, first U. S. copper, 7: 167. Cenlinel of the N. W. Territory, 1793, page of first number, 7: 104. Central American Coast, map, 1: 215. Cerf, cutter, 6: 263. Chair used in first National Congress, 7: 26. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 16 Champlain, Lake, map, 1740, 3: 379. (Lake) country, map, 3: 264. Champlain, Samuel de, account of voyage, 1603, 3. - death, 2: 18. fights Iroquois at Ticonderoga, 8. - founds Quebec, 2: 7. in Canada, 2: 3; governor, 17. - in New York State, 13. Champlain Medal, 1904, 2: 18. Champlain Monument at Quebec, 2: 19. Champlain and Ontario, 4: 227-242. and wife, signatures of, 2: 13. Champlain s attack on the Iroquois Fort, 2: 9, 10. flag, 2: 7. Champlain s Map, 2: 2. title-page of his "Des Sauvages", 3. Champlain s Map of Plymouth Harbor, 2: 6. of Port Royal, and view of fort, 2: 5. Champlain s View of the Fort at Quebec, 2: 11. Charles I, portrait, 2: 178. Charles II and American colonies, 2: 26. Charles II s commissioners to New England, 3: 129. Charles II forbids the persecution of Quakers (1661), 2: 389. portrait, 3: 134. Charles V., Spain, portrait, 2: 81. Charleston, S. C., besieged by Clinton and Parker, 5: 363. defeats French invasion, 1706, 3: 223. - in 1739, plan, 3: 344. order for laying out of, and map, 1672, 3: 16. siege of, map, 6: 217. - Harbor, 1670-90, 3: 14. Charlestown, Mass., from Beacon Hill, view of, 6: 265. Charon, British frigate, burnt, 6: 316. Charter, new, for Massachusetts, 1691, 3: 283. "Charter Oak", 3: 152. in 1855, 153. "Charter of Freedom", etc., 1630, title-page, 2: 219. Chastellux, Marquis de, portrait, 6: 241. Chastes, Aymar de, 2: 2. Chatham, death, 6: 147. Chatham s Bill rejected, 1775, 6: 253. Chauncey, Charles, 2: 394. Chauvin, Pierre, 2: 2. Cheever, Colonel Abner, pocket-book of, 5: 167. Cheever, Ezekiel, autograph, 2 : 334. Cherokee Campaign, 1759, map, 4: 341. country, map, by Timberlake, 4: 346. war, the, 4: 336-350. Cherokees attacked by S. C., 1760, 4: 343. invade Southern states, 6: 184. Cherry and Wyoming Valleys, map, 6: 185. Chesapeake Bay, 1781, map of operations on, 6: 300, 310. Chesebrough, William, 2: 324. Chew s House, Philadelphia, British defend, 6: 82. Chew House, the attack on, 6: 83. Chicheley, Sir Henry, 1678, 3: 40. Child, Robert, remonstrates against Church tyranny, 1646, 2: 375. Child-Labor broadside, in Newark, N. J., 1792, 7: 274. China Tea-Caddy, 6: 166. Christina, Fort, 2: 265. Christison, Winlock, autograph, 2: 387. Church, Captain Benjamin, defeats King Philip, 3: 121. ravages Acadia, 1704, 3: 292. Church, Col. Benjamin, autograph, 3: 121. sword, 2: 132. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S. ( VOLS. 1-7 17 Church, Dr. Benjamin, suspected, 6: 234. - sent to jail as a traitor, 1775, 6: 299. - lost at sea, 1776, 5 : 300. Church Discipline, Conn. Court order on, 3: 306. Church and State in Conn., 1690-1715, 3: 307. Church at Katorkok, Greenland, 1: 81. Cincinnati, Society of the, insignia of, 6: 364. - pamphlet on, by A. Burke, 364. - city, founded, 1790, 6: 411. Claiborne, William portrait, 2: 205. signature, 2: 171. - and Kent Island, 1633, 2: 205. Claiborne, William C. C., made governor at New Orleans, 1804, 7: 342. Clarendon, Earl of, 3: 3. Clark, George Rogers, 6: 190.. - his Western Expedition, 191-202. instructions to, by Patrick Henry, 6: 190. - letter to Henry Hamilton, 6: 199. - map of expedition, 195. - portrait, 202. services unrewarded, 202. - death, 202. - relics of, 203. Clark, William, portrait, 7: 346. do, by Harding, 351. Clarke, Elijah Colonel, at Musgrove s Mills, 6: 227. Clarke, George, governor of N. Y., 1736, 3: 377. Clarke, Mary, Quaker, whipped, 1657, 2: 384. Clarke, Walter, governor of R. I., 1695, 3: 300. Cleaveland, Colonel, at King s Mountain, 6: 228. Clergy, the, in New England, 1763, 6: 12. in the South, 13. Clergy Maintenance Act, of Connecticut, 1727, 3: 405. Cliff Dwellings, 1 : 28. Clinton, George, Admiral, governor of N. Y., 1743-53, 3: 377. resigns, 4: 11. Clinton, George, portrait, 7: 365. Clinton, DeWitt, portrait, 7: 370. Clinton, Sir Henry, ascends the Hudson, 6: 116. - captures Forts Clinton and Montgomery, 117. - captures Charleston, 1780, 6: 218. evacuates Philadelphia, 6: 175. Clinton and Arbuthnot, proclamation by, 6: 220. Clinton s fleet arrives at New York, 1776, 6: 347. Clinton s Message in silver bullet, 6: 119. Clockmaker s advertisement, 6: 6. Clymer, George, autograph, 7: 2. Coats for the army, 1775, order, with sample of cloth attached, 6: 294. Cobbett, William, autograph, 7: 219. caricature of, 221. first issue of his Gazette, 220. Coddington, William, autograph, 2: 297. banished, 2: 282. builds "first good house" in Boston, 2: 164. intrigue with Massachusetts, 2: 295. Coin, American, "Fugio", 1776, 6: 44. Coligny, Admiral, American Expedition of, 1: 312. College of N. J. (Princeton), founded, 1747, 4: 13. Colleges in 1763, six existing, 6: 22. Colleges, 1800, 7: 279. Colleton, James, autograph, 3: 23. Colleton, John, autograph, 3: 5. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 18 Colonial Commerce restricted in Va., 1660, 2: 188-194. Colonial System, Evolution of a, 2: 20-32. Colonies approve the work of Congress, 1774, 6: 233. Colonies in North America, 1660, maps, 2: 398. Colonies stand together, 1775, 6: 274. Colonies the United, 1643, 2: 344. Cotton, John, portrait and autograph, 2: 267. Columbia River, falls of the, map, 7: 353. - mouth of the, map, 354. Columbia, ship, attack on, 7: 160. - first carries the American flag around the world, 7: 1790. Columbian Cenlinel, containing "Publicola s" letter, 7: 72. Columbus, Christopher, story of, 1: 112, el seq. at Margarita Island, 1: 195. coat of arms, 151. - death of, 1: 223. - in Central America, 215. - fleet, 1: 132. in Hayti, 165, el seq. - in Trinidad, etc., 193. - landing of, 1: 140. - on Watling Island, 1: 141. - letter, 149. medal, 1892, 148. - portrait Front. Vol. 1, and autograph, sighting the light, 1: 138. - statue, Santo Domingo, 1: 222. Columbus Course, 1st voyage, 1: 137. - 1st and 2d voyage, 1: 163. - 3d and 4th voyage, 1: 191. - after land fall, 1: 141. - Gulf of Paria region, 3d, 1: 193. in West Indies, 1494, 1: 169. Columbus, Diego, governor of Hayti, 1: 241. - death, 242. Columbus, Luis, 1: 243. Colve, Captain Anthony, receives surrender of New York, 1673, 3: 63. Commerce, in 1763, 5: 14. Commerce, Restrictions of, 3: 195, 205. Commercial Convention, the first, 1786, 6: 416. Committee of Safety, Mass., 1774, 6: 228. "Common-Sense" by Paine, published, 1776, 5: 375. "Company (The), of Adventurers", &c. 1609, 2: 52. "Company of the West" (the Mississippi Co.), 1717, 3: 320. Concord and Lexington, 1775, 6: 244-252. Concord-Boston route, map, 5: 240. Conestoga Wagon, 6: 16. Conn.-R. I. disputed, territory, map, 3: 301. Congress abandons Philadelphia, 1777, 6: 80. Congress (1777), authority of, 6: 159. 1775, Declaration of, July 6, 5: 284. calls Constitutional revision convention, 1787, 6: 417. - finds its voice, 1774, 5: 218. flight of the, cartoon, 6: 58. manifesto to Peace Commissioners, 1778, 6: 148. "Voting Independence" (by Pine), 6: 397. needs coercive power (1783), 6: 379. replies to royal proclamation, 1775, 6: 321. representation in, 1787, 6: 424-8. - resolutions of, May 15, 1776, 6: 382. - the Sixth, assembles, 1799, 7: 235. the Seventh, 7: 303. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 19 Connecticut, Assembly of resolution to buy lead, 5: 386. charter, 1662, 2: 336. Church and State in, 3: 405. defeats Andros, 1687-89. 3: 303. founded, 1639, 2: 320. paper money in, 1774, 6: 230. people invade Long Island, 1640, 2: 230. three pence, 1737, 3: 404. towns founded, Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor, 1637, 2: 307. Western Domain of, 1750-53, 4: 9. Western Reserve Land, patent for, 1801, 7: 262. and Massachusetts men at siege of Hav ana, 1762, 4: 330. and Rhode Island, 3: 298-308. and the Pequot War, 2: 303-337. N. Y. boundary, 3: 305-6. and Rhode Island, disputed territory, map ,3: 301. Constellation and L Insur genie, diagram of action between, 7: 203. Constellation- La Vengeance, map of battle, 7: 203-204. Constitution, U. S., facsimile; 6: 436. Constitution revision Convention, 1787, meets in Philadelphia, 6: 419. its work, 420-437. the new, considered, 7: 1-11. adopted, 12. Constitution, frigate at present, 7: 186. page from her log book, 187-202. Constitutional Amendments, the first, 7: 34. the eleventh, 7: 159. - the twelfth, 7: 364. Continental Army (the), beginnings of, 6: 280. disbandment proclamation, 6: 366. discontent in, 374. half pay for life voted, 377. Continental Army, sends address to Congress, 374. Continental Budget for 1786, 6: 390. Currency, 1775, 6: 282, 380; 6: 327, 328. Finance, 6: 59; 6: 326. Infantry, 6: 13. Treasury, the, 1775, 6: 283. Unity, 5: 344. Continental Congress, the first assembles, 1774, 6: 211-225. its work approved by colonies, 1774, 5: 233. Contrecoeur, 4: 42. Convent of La Rabida, 1: 124. "Convention", the between Burgoyne and Gates, 6: 126. Convicts sent to Virginia, 1685, 3: 44. Conway, General Thomas, autograph, 6: 169. Conway s Cabal, 6: 169. Conyngham, Captain Gustavus, commands "Revenge" and "Surprise", 6: 259. Coode, Rev. John (Md.), 3: 51, 54. Cook, Captain James, at Louisburg, 4: 166. with Wolfe at Quebec, 253. Cooke, Elisha, goes to England, 1688, 3: 279. autograph, 3; 384. Cooke, Governor R. I., fast-day procla mation, 1776, 5: 380. Cooper, Anthony Ashley (Earl of Shaftes- bury), autograph, 3: 5; portrait, 3: 15. Cooper, Dr. Thomas, persecuted, 7: 225. Dr. Charles D., 368. Copley, Sir Lionel, first royal governor of Maryland, 1691, 3: 252. autograph, 253. Copper Com (rosa Americana), 1722, 3: 198. Corbin, Margaret, tablet, 6: 35. Cordova, Francisco Hernandez de, 1: 252. Cornbury, Lord, autograph, 3: 271. governor of N. Y., 1702, 3: 271. of N. J., 272. removed, 1708, 272. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 20 Cornwallis, Edward, autograph, 1749, 4: 94. Cornwallis, Lord, lands in New Jersey, 6: 37. army lantern, 6: 292. coat of arms, 303. - portrait, 319. retreating, broadside, 293. surrender of, 321. Cornwallis pursues Greene, 6: 289. - halts at the Dan river, 289. reaches Wilmington, 292. Cornwallis, Thomas, defeats Warren, 1635, 2: 206. Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 1: 296. autograph, 1: 298. in New Mexico, 298. - Kansas, 300. route of, 296. Corporation, first created in America, 1675, 3: 65. Cortereal, Gaspar, 1: 208. Cortereal, Miguel, 1: 211. Cortes, Hernando, 1: 225, 254. defeats Narvaez, 260. defeated in City of Mexico, 261. in Yucatan and Mexico, 225, 254, - portrait, 1: 260. - second letter, 261. Cory, Giles, judicially murdered as a witch, 1692, 3: 286. Cosby, William, governor of N. Y. and N. J., 1732, 3: 374. Cost of the Revolution, 6: 332. Cottineau, Captain, 6: 264-5. Cotton-gin, invented, 7: 272. Council for New England, records of, 2: 142. - seal, 2: 141. Council of Safety, Phila., broadside, 6: 39. Count Rumford, defeats Marion, 6: 324. Countess of Scarborough, captured by the Pallas, 6: 269. Country between the Gulf and the Valley of Mexico, map of, 1 : 256. Cowpens, battle of, and map, 6: 285. Coxe, Daniel (N. J.), agitator, 1713, auto graph, 3: 277. Coytmore, Lieut. Richard, killed, 1760, 4: 342. Cradock, Mathew, 2: 151-153. Cramahe, Lieut. Gov., pushes defenses of Quebec, 6: 336. Cranfield, Edward, autograph, 3: 140. Cranston, Samuel, governor of R. I., 1698- 1727, 3: 300. Craven, Charles, governor of S. C., 1712, 3: 224. Crawford, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 206. tortured to death, 6: 206. Cresap s War, 5: 180. Croghan, George, autograph, 4: 28. Cromwell, Oliver, portrait, 2: 181. signature, 214. fails to populate Jamaica from New Eng land, 1655, 2: 369. Crown Point abandoned by French, 1759, 4: 238. ruins, 4: 241. and Fort Edward, map of tract between, 4: 89. and Niagara, 4: 80-92. Crown Taxation of the Colonies, 5: 64-67. Crozat, Antoine, 3: 319. Culpeper. governor of Va., 1680, portrait, 3: 41. Currency, 1763, bad system, 6: 15. Currency, Decimal adopted, 1786, 6: 393. - in New England, 2: 370. Cushman, Robert, sermon, 1621, title-page, 2: 125. Cutt, John, president of N. H., 3: 138. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 21 Cutler, Rev. Manasseh, in the Ohio Com pany, 6: 405. "A master lobbyist", 408. Cuyler, Lieut., attacked by Indians. 1763, at Point Pelde. 4: 361. Dale, Richard, 6: 271. commands Mediterranean fleet against Tripoli, 1801, 7: 313. Dale, Sir Thomas, autograph, 2: 58. at Jamestown, 2: 58. Dalzell, Captain, attacks Pontiac s camp, - killed, 4: 362. ("Battle of Bloody Bridge") Dana, Francis, in Russia, 6: 139. Danforth, Thomas, autograph, 3: 286. 1692, resists witch-frenzy, 3: 287. Danger, thickens, 5: 240-242. Daniel, Antoine, missionary, murdered, 1648, 3: 162. Daniell, Robert (S. C.), 3: 222. and his council, autographs and seals of, 3: 226. Dare, Eleanor, Virginia, 1: 333. Dartmouth College founded, 1769, 6: 132. Dartmouth, Earl of, succeeds Hillsborough, 1772, 6: 137. portrait and autograph, 5: 137. "Dartmouth" tea-ship, 1773, 6: 162. Davenport, John, arrive at Boston, 1637, 2: 328. autograph, 1638, 2: 329. portrait, 332. called as pastor, Boston, 1667, 3: 135. Davis, John, buccaneer, destroys St. Augus tine, 1665, 3: 328. Davis and Pate rebel in Maryland, 1680, 3: 50. Davies, Rev. Samuel, death, 1761, 4: 13. autograph, 13. Dawes, William, portrait, 5: 242. Dawn of War, 6: 241. Daye, Stephen, autograph, 2: 358. Deane, Silas, in Paris, 6: 135-9. portrait, 6: 135. Dearborn, General Henry, Sec y of War, 7: 293. De Barras, Count de, 6: 307. Debates on the "Association Agreement", 1774, 6: 221-222. De Berdt, Denis, 6: 88. Decatur, Stephen, at siege of Tripoli, 7: 319. cannon taken by, 320. - portrait, 7: 317. - sword taken by, 1804, 7: 308. "Declaration of Former Passages", 1645, First page, 2: 346. Declaration of Independence, adopted, 5: 394. as first printed, 6: 395. how received by the country, 399-400. - Jefferson s draft of, 386. voting on, 392. table and chair used at signing of, 5: 396. "Declaration" of John Coode and the In surgents, 1689, 3: 54. De Courcelles, Daniel de Remy, governor of New France, 1665, 3: 163. Deed, the Quintipartite, 3: 86. Deerfield Massacre, 1675, 3: 116. Deerfield, Mass., attacked by French and Indians, 1704, 3: 291. Defence and Tamar, action at Charleston, 1775, 5: 359. Defence of the Constitutions, etc., John Adams pamphlet, 7: 16. Defense, preparations for, 1797, 7 : 188. Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, title-page of, 4: 331. De Gourgues, Dominique, massacres Span iards in Florida, 1: 321. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 22 De Grasse, Count, 6: 307. fights British fleet, 310. De Heister, General, 6: 14-18. De Kalb, Baron, portrait and autograph, 6: 71. De Krafft, Midshipman Frederick, sword captured by, 1803. 7: 318. De Lancey, James, governor of N. Y., 1753, 4: 11. De la Peltrie, Mme., at Quebec, 1639, 3: 157. De la Roche, Marquis, at Sable Island, 2:1. De Larme, Captain, at Quebec, 4: 282. Delaware Indian family, 2 : 261. Delaware, Lord, 3d, portrait and signature, 2: 56. reaches Jamestown, 2: 57. Delaware, Lord, Relation, 2: 57. Delaware, man of war, captures Le Croyable, 7: 200. Delaware, proprietary rule in, 3: 242-251. Delaware River, operations on the, map, 6: 86. Delaware Valley, river terraces of, map, 1: 16. Delaware and Maryland, lukewarm in pa triotism, 1776, 5: 350-1. De Luna, Tristan, in Alabama, 1 : 294. Demere, Captain Paul, killed by Indians, 1760, 4: 345. De Monts, Lieut., see du Guast. Denison, George, 2: 324. Denonville, autograph, 3: 179. governor of Quebec, 1685, 3 : 179. in Western New York, 180. Denny, William, autograph, 4: 203. De Peyster, Captain Abraham, at King s Mountain, 6: 229. De Peyster, Colonel Arent Schuyler, moves against Western posts, 6: 200. De Rasieres, visits Plymouth, 2: 134. Derby, Captain John, takes Lexington news to England, 6: 257. Desks used in first National Congress, 7: 18, 26. De Soto, Heraando de, portrait, 1: 285. route of, map, 287. in Florida, 1: 286. death, 292. D Estaing, Count, arrives with fleet, 6: 180. defeated at Savannah, 215. portrait, 180. Destouches, Chevalier de, in Virginia, 6: 300. Detroit, 1749, map, 4: 356. map of Detroit River, 354. surrendered to England, 1760, 4: 354. Deux-Ponts, Count William, captures York- town redoubt, 6: 317. De Vaudreuil, 3: 311. death, 1725, 312. De Villafane, Angelo, in Carolina, 1: 294. De Vries, David Pietersen, portrait, 2: 224. Dexter, Samuel, autograph, 7:241. Sec y of War, 7: 240. Sec y of Treasury, 240. Diaz, Bernal, 1: 252. Diaz, Melchior, 1: 301. Dickinson, John, against Independence, 6: 392. portrait, 6: 62. title-page of his Letters to a Farmer, 87. Dickinson, Jonathan, death, 1748, 4: 13. Dieskau, Baron, autograph, 4: 82. defeats Williams, 1755, 4: 59; 4: 87. defeated, 89. Digges, Edward, elected Governor of Va., 1655, 2: 181. Dighton Rock, 1: 93. Dinner-plate, used by Burgoyne, 6: 132. Dinwiddie, Robert, coat of arms, 4 : 26. letters by, 30, 43. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 23 Dinwiddie, Robert, portrait and autograph, 4: 25. on delay of Md. and Pa., 4: 61. Diplomacy, British, and the Northwest, 7: 92-113. Spanish and the Southwest, 114-122. Diplomacy and Discord, 7: 376-396. Diplomatic Relations with England, 1784, 6: 383. Disabled and Drifting, 6: 374-397. Disintegration, possible, 6: 157. Dobbs, Arthur, autograph, 4: 24. Dochet Island, map, 2: 5. Dolphin, cruiser, 6: 258. Dominion, the, of New England, 3: 125-154. Dongan Charter of New York City, 1686, 3: 73. - seal of, 75. Dongan, Thomas, Governor of New York, 1683, autograph, 3: 68. "Dorchester Adventurers", The, 1624, 2: 148. Dorchester Heights, monument, 5: 312. Doreil, colonial commissioner of war, 4: 217. "Dose for the Tories," poem, 5: 69. Dragoon Boot, 6: 132. Dragoon, Brunswick, 6: 98. - light, uniform of American, 6: 75. Drake, Sir Francis, in the Pacific, 1: 325. - in Florida, 327. Dress, civilian, 1789, 7: 24. Drucour, Chevalier de, at Louisburg, 4: 160. - surrenders, 168. Drummond, William, governor of N. C., 1664, 3: 3. - hanged, 1677, 3: 38. Drysdale, Hugh, governor of Va., 3: 352. Dubois de la Milletiere, Captain, brave officer, 4: 258. Dubois de la Motte, Admiral, 4: 59. Du Chambon, Commander of Louisburg, 1745, 3: 397. Dudley, Joseph, 3: 143. arrested, 149. autograph, 141. coat of arms, 3: 292. chief justice, 266. governor Mass., and N. H., 1702, 3: 290. portrait, 291. proclamation by, 291. sentences Leisler and Milbourne, 3: 265. Dudley, Thomas, signature, 2: 161. governor of Mass., 1634, 2: 347. 1640, 2: 365. Du Guast, Pierre (Sieur de Monts), in Canada, 2: 2-5. Dulany, Daniel, autograph, 4: 18. Duluth, Daniel Greysolon, in Canada, 3: 173. Dumas, Captain, 4: 68. Dummer, Jeremiah, autograph, 3: 389. Dunbar, David, governor of N. H., 1731, 3: 401. Dunbar, Jesse, Tory, 6: 235. Dunmore, Lord, autograph, and portrait, 6: 180. coat of arms, 181. Dunmore active in opposition, in Va., 1775, 5: 352. abandons his office, 353. Dunmore s War, 5: 180. map of, 6: 174. Duquesne, Fort, abandoned, 4: 211. Duquesne, Marquis, autograph, 4: 29. Durant, George, 1662, 3: 2. "Durant s Neck", 3: 2. Durell, Admiral, 4: 250. Dustin, Hannah, 1697, story of, 3: 287. Dutch Oven, 6: 21. house at Amsterdam, 2: 90. Tavern, N. Y., 1679, 3: 61. Windmill, 2: 88. Dutch retake New York, 1673, 3: 63. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 24 Dutch settle at Manhattan, 1614, 2: 85. Dutch West India Company formed, 1619, 2: 89. flag, 89. Dwight, Timothy, title-page of his Travels, 7: 282. Dyer, Mary, Quaker, hanged, 1660, 2: 387. Dyer, William, facsimile of letter, 1660, 2: 388. Early Coast-Towns in Mass., map of, 2: 361. Portuguese Discoveries, map, 1: 110. Eastchurch, Thomas, governor of N. C., 1616, 3: 11. Easy Plan. . .for Militia (Pickering s), title- page and diagram, 6: 228. Easton, Colonel James, nearly captures Carleton, 5: 337. Easton, John, governor of R. I., 1691, 3: 298. Easton, Pa., treaty at, with Indians, 4: 205. Eastern Confederacy, as proposed 1804, 7: 365. East Jersey, "A Brief account of", title-page, 3: 88. "Model of government of", title-page, 90. seal, 89. Eaton, Theophilus, 2: 328. autograph. 2: 330. Eaton, William, at Tripoli, 1803, 7: 322. captures Derne, 323. Ecuyer, Captain Simeon, commander at Fort Pitt, 1763, 4: 366. Eden, Charles, governor of N. C., 1713, 3: 238. - autograph, 239. "Eden, Virginia," map of, 1736, 3: 238. Education, 1763, New England leading, 6: 21. Edwards, Jonathan, death, 1758, 4: 13. Egede, Hans, 1: 90. Election, Broadside, N. Y., 1804, 7: 368. Election Map, 1796, 7: 175. Election of John Adams, 1797, 7: 175. Electoral College, the, established, 6: 434. Electoral System, 1787, 6: 435. Eliot, John, autograph, 2: 373. letter of, 3: 114. title-page of his Indian Bible, 2: 374. Elizabeth, Queen, and Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 2: 30. Ellsworth, Oliver, portraits of self and wife, 7: 164. Embargo, declared, 1794, 7: 126. Endecott s Humble Petition, title-page of, 3: 125-6. Endecott, John, attacks Pequots, 1636, 2: 310. autograph, 2: 149. governor of Mass. Bay,, 2: 134; 2: 150. government abolished, 163. England, France and our Shipping, 7: 380. England, public opinion in 1775, 6: 275. and Holland, 6: 277-280. England s Colonial policy, 5: 30. English capture New Netherland, 2: 251. Colonies, map, showing "Fall Line", 3: 155-156. expedition enters the Mississippi, 1699, 3: 318. French, and Spanish Possessions, map of, 3: 156. Prime Ministers, 3: xxxix-xliii. troops first landed in America, 1677, 3: 39. turn, on the Mississippi, 1699, 3: 318. Enlistment Blank, 5: 25. Enlistment, broadside, 6: 20. form, Continental Army, 5: 342. Enos, Lieut. Col. Roger, abandons Arnold s expedition, 5: 333. Episcopacy in Massachusetts, 1704, 3: 292. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 25 Episcopate, an American, 6: 41-43. Mayhew Controversy on, 42. Ericson, Leif, 1; 82. Eskimo, skinboat, 1: 87. Espejo, in New Mexico, 1: 301. Esquemeling s Sea-Rovers, 1678, title-page of, 3: 21. Essex, ship, seized by England, 1805, 7: 383. Etiquette in Washington s first adminis tration, 7: 24. European Complications, the "Armed Neu trality", 6: 274-281. European Nations, map showing attitude of, toward Am. Revolution, 6: 279. Eutaw Springs, battle of, map, 6: 295. Evans, John, governor of Pa., 3: 247. decamps, 248. Everard, Sir Richard, governor of N. C., 3: 240. Evertsen, Captain, captures New York, 1673, 3: 63. Executive Department in the Constitution, 1787, 6: 433. Exploring the New Domain, 7: 345-361. Eyre, Lieut. Col. Edward, 6: 312. Fabric from Ohio mound, 1 : 56. Fagundes, Alvarez, in Nova Scotia, 1 : 274. Fairfax, Lord, 4: 32. Fallen Timber, battle of, map, 7: 108. musket used in battle, 109. Fall of Fort Duquesne, 4: 192-213. - of New France, The, 4: 296-319. Falls of St. Anthony, discovered, 1680, 3: 176. Falmouth (Portland), Me., burned by Mowat, 1775, 3: 302. Fan (A) for Fanning, title-page, 5: 130. Faneuil Hall, Boston, 6: 40. Faneuil, Peter, portrait, 6: 39. Fanning, Edmund, Colonel of "King s Amer ican regiment", 6: 339. Farewell Address of Washington, Ms. of, 7: 406, 426. - of Winthrop, 1630, 2: 162. Farmer, the American, in 1800, 7: 272. Fast-Day Proclamation (R. I.), 1776, 6: 380. Faucitt, Colonel William, enlists Hessian aid, 6: 1-4. Federal City, the, 7: 245. Federal Hall, New York, 7: 21. railing of, 21. Federalist, The, first number of, 1787, 7: 10. Federalists, Democrats and Republicans, 1792, 7: 76. fall of the, 7: 234-259. party in distress, 362-375. Fendall, Josias, signature, 2 : 216. banished, 1680, 3: 51. Fenwick, George, settles at Saybrook, 2: 323. Ferguson, Colonel Patrick, killed at King s Mountain, 6: 229. Fennoy, General de, inefficient, in N. J., 6: 51. Ferrar, Nicholas, 2: 68. Ferrar s Copy of Va. Company Records, 2: 78. Ferrar, Nicholas, Jr., 2: 76. Filibustering, 1793, 7: 89. Final Blow, the, 6: 298-325. Finances, tangled, 1796, 7: 166. Fincastle, Fort, Va. (Fort Henry), 6: 190. Fire Bucket, 5: 20. Fire-engine, first in America, 2 : 370. Fire-Ships at Quebec, 4: 265. First (The) Attempt upon the South, Chap. 21, 5: 362-369. Colonial Congress, April 2, 1690, 3: 262. Continental Armed Vessels, 1775, 6: 300. (The) Continental Congress, Chap. 13, 5: 211-225. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 26 "First in War, first in peace", 7: 239. First (The) Months of War, 6: Chap. 15, 257-273. New York Assembly under royal control, 1691, 3: 265. - printing in New England, 1639, 2: 358. Stars and Stripes, 6: 67. Fisheries, in 1763, great extent, 6: 13. - of the U. S., by, 1782 treaty, 6: 355. Fiske, Dr. Joseph, Bill for attendance on British wounded at Lexington, 6: 251. Fitch, John, diagram and model of first steamboat, 7: 269, 270. - pamphlet in his defence, 271. pond where he experimented, 271. Five Nation Indians Covenant with English, 1684, 3: 71. Flag of Anspach Bayreuth regiment, 6: 320. Flag of the Bedford Minutemen at Concord, 6: 248. "Bucks of America," negro regiment, 6: 371. Colonel William Washington s Cavalry (the "Eutaw Standard"), 6: 296. First Pa. rifles, 6: 14. Flag, Fiist of Union, 6: 67. from which Endecott cut the Cross, 2: 349. of Second R. I. regiment, 6: 239. - of Third Connecticut, 240. - of Third New York, 6: 322. - of the 7th Fusiliers, 1775, 5: 329. of Third Maryland regiment, 6: 287. Flags, French destroy theirs at Montreal, 1760, 4: 315. of French Regiments, 1781, 6: 315-316. of Second New Hampshire Reg t, 6: 95. Flat roof and Terrace of Pueblo, 1: 31. Fletcher, Benjamin, governor of N. Y. and Pa., 1692, 3: 245. governor of N. Y., Del. and Pa., 3. 662: Fletcher, Benjamin, autograph, 3: 260. Lord s Day proclamation, 267. privateer proclamation, 268. Florida, 3: 327-328. Florida Blanca, Spanish Secretary of State, 6: 274. Florida coveted, 7: 362. and Texas, Napoleon s suggestion on, 18C5, 7: 385. Spanish Explorers of, 1: 272, et seq. Foot Stove, 5: 12. Forbes, Gen. John, autograph, 4: 192. death, 1759, 212. "Forbes" Road", 1758, 197-212. Forbes order appointing Washington on a Court-martial, 1758, 4: 208. Forbes, Rev. Eli, 4: 319. Foreign Affairs, Committee on, 6: 320. Foreign immigration into Pennsylvania, 1720- 45, 3: 367-370. immigration into Virginia, 1732, 38, 3: 353-4. Relations and the French Alliance, 6: 134-149. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving (A), two pages of, 4: 301. Forms of Government, map, 1620-1733, 3: 206. Fort Beausejour, plan, 4: 101. Fort Canso, N. S., 1745, Fulling s plan of, 4: 97. Fort Caroline, Fla., 1: 315, 318. Fort Christina, 2: 265. Fort Crevecoeur built, 1680, 3: 176. Fort Defiance, plan, 7: 106. Fort Dummer built, the first English settle ment in Vermont, 1724, 3: 389. Fort Duquesne, plan of, 4: 41. Fort Edward, N. Y., abandoned, 6: 96. map of vicinity, 1763, 4: 137. Fort Frederica, Ga., tablet on ruins, 3: 334. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 27 Fort Frederick at Albany, 4: 122. Fort Frontenac captured by Bradstreet, 4: 189. Fort Frontenac and Vicinity, 3: 171. plan of, 172. plan of, 1685, 172. Fort George, plan of, 4: 236. Fort Good Hope, 2: 225-241. Fort Gower, 6: 185. Fort Griswold, Conn., plans, 6: 312, 313. Americans massacred at, 6: 313. Fort Harmar, view, 1790, 7: 95. Fort Henry, Va., siege of, 1782, 6: 207. Fort Lawrence, N. S., plan of, 4: 100. Fort Le Boeuf, Pa., captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Ligonier, Pa., successfully defended against Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Loudoun, S. C., captured by Indians, 1760, 4: 345. Fort Louis de la Mobile, monument, 1902, 3: 318. Fort Loyal, Me., Indians attack, 1690, 3: 279. Fort Maurepas, 3: 317. Fort Miami, captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Michilimackinac, captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Necessity surrendered, 4: 46. Fort Niagara, 1758, 4: 81. - Pouchot s map of, 4: 229. Fort Ouiatanon (Lafayette, Ind.), captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Pitt attacked by Indians, 1763, 4: 366. Fort Presque Isle, captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort St. Frederic, Crown Point, 4: 82, 238. Fort St. Joseph captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Sandusky captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 364. Fort Stanwix (Schuyler), diagram, 6: 105. plan (1758), 4: 190. Fort Sullivan (Moultrie), Charleston, 1776, defence of, 6: 365. Fort Trinity, 2: 263. Fort Venango, captured by Indians, 1763, 4: 365. Fort Washington, action at, 6: 34. plan of, 35. Fort Wayne, 1795, 7: 111. Fort William Henry, plan attack on, 4: 141. vicinity of, 142. captured, 1757, 4: 146. massacre at, 147. campaign, 1757, 4: 133-150. Forts Clinton and Montgomery, plan of at tack on and map, 6: 117. Forty Fort, Pa., view, 6: 186. Fox, George, seal and impression, 3: 96. Fox, Henry, autograph, 4: 334. "Frame of Government", title-page, 3: 100. seal and signatures to, 103. France, arms of, 3: 160. Gerry negotiates with, 1798, 7: 197. Gerry, Marshall and Pinckney commis sion to, 1791, 7: 188. money demanded of them, 195. Ellsworth Henry, Murray, and Davies, commissioners to, 7: 212. make treaty with, 214. quasi- war with, 7: 194-216. treaty of 1800 with, page of, 7: 214. and England in America, 4: 51-52. and Spain allies, 6: 275. Franklin makes treaty with, 6: 142. Franchise, a limited, in Massachusetts, 2: 167. Franklin, Benjamin, autograph, 1724, 3 : 362. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 28 Franklin, Benjamin, autograph and portrait, 4:1. examined by Parliament, 1766, 6: 71. Grey- Wilson portrait of, 6: 157. - in Paris, 6: 137-143. - portrait, 7: 65. - settles in Philadelphia, 3: 364. Franklin, armed vessel, 5: 301. Franklin, the State of, 6: 389. Franklin s Articles of Belief, 3: 365. - device of the Divided Snake, 1754, 4: 55. first page of his "Short Hints", 56. - peace proposals, 1782, 6: 345. plan for Union, 4: 57. - printing press, and type-case, 6: 26. Fraser, Colonel, at Quebec, 4: 284. Fraser, General Simon, funeral, 6: 123. - letter to Riedesel, 6: 98. - portrait, 114. Frederick Last Lord Baltimore, portrait and autograph, 4: 19. Frederick the Great, defeated, 4: 321. - portrait, 4: 321. - refuses aid to America, 6: 140. Freeman s Farm, battle of, 6: 114-115. - map, 113. "Freeman s Oath" (Mass.), 2: 350. Free School in Charleston, 1710, 3: 224. French Card-Money, 1735, 3: 312. - colonial coin, 1722, 3: 325. - Creek route, map, 4 :29. - and Indian War, 4: 48-59. - and Indian War, region, 4: 230. - at Yorktown, 6: 317. - exploration of the West, 3: 155-181. - fleet threatens Mass., 1746, scattered, 4: 2. - Republic, sympathy with the, 1792, 7: 78-83. French uniforms, 1755, 4: 118, 216. French troops put under Washington s com mand, 6: 307. Freneau, Philip, affidavit by, 7: 75. subscription for his paper, 7: 73. Frey House, Palatine Bridge, N. Y M 1739, 3: 197. Freydisa, 1: 86-90. Friends expenses for aiding slaves, 1793-5, 7: 63. Fries, John, convicted of treason, 1799, 7: 234. Frigate, French, 4: 165. Frontenac, Count de, at Quebec, 1689, 3: 184, 309. autograph, 181. - death, 3: 181. statue at Quebec, 3: 167. Frontier Forts of Penn., Md. and Virginia, in French and Indian War, map of, 4: 78. Fry, Joshua, autograph, 4: 28. Fuller, Dr. (Deacon) Samuel, Salem, 2: 150. Fulton, Robert, title-page of treatise on Canal Navigation, 7: 271. Fundamental Constitution (Locke) page and half-title of, 3: 7, 8. Gage, General Thomas, 4: 235. amnesty proclamation, 1775, 6: 263. - at Ticonderoga, 1759, 239. coat of arms, 5: 202. governor of Mass., 1774, 6: 202, 227. - recalled, 5: 302. seizes powder, 209. Galissoniere, Marquis de la, portrait""and autograph, 4: 26. Gallatin, Albeit, 7: 165. financial plans, 7: 304. letter on alleged deserter, 7: 381. portrait and autograph, 7: 143. Sec y of the Treasury, 7: 293. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 29 Gallop (Gallup), John, 2: 309, 324. autograph, 3: 119. Galloway s Plan, 1774, 5: 217. Galvez, Bernardo de, at New Orleans, 1777, 7: 324. "Game Cock", the (Sumter), 6: 223. "Game of Grab", 1801, 7: 256. Gansevoort, Colonel Peter, commands at Fort Stanwix, 1777, 6: 102. muster-roll and portrait, 6: 103. statue, 108. Garay, Francisco de, governor of Jamaica, 1: 264. death, 265. Gardiner, Lion, autograph, 2: 323. "Gaspee" burning ot the, 6: 135. Chief- Justice Hopkins on, 135. inquiry into, 146-7. goblet from the, 5: 136. - ballad on, 146. royal instructions on burning of, 146. summons to Arthur Fenner on, 146. Gates, General Horatio, commission of, 6: 282. defeated at Camden, 6: 225. letter on Burgoyne s surrender, 6: 129. medal to, 6: 131. supersedes Schuyler. 6: 110. portrait, 6: 110. Gates, Sir Thomas, signature, 2: 54. in Jamestown, 2: 56, 58. Gatinois, Regiment of, flag, 3: 315. Generall Historic, Smith s, title-page of, 2: 47. "General Wolfe", tavern sign, 5: 18. Genet, Edmond Charles, portrait and auto graph, 7: 82. welcomed, 1793, 7: 83. Washington opposes, 87. - recalled, 89. Genet and Neutrality, 7: 78-91. "Gentleman of Elvas" (The) Relation, 1557, title-page of, 1: 286. George I, portrait and autograph, 3: 225. George III, coat of arms, 4 : 325. Navy Instructions, 7: 124. portrait and autograph, 4: 324. portrait, 6: 74. "George Washington, Esq.", 6: 10. George Washington, frigate, at Algiers, 1800, 7: 311. Georgia, Cession of, articles of, 7: 266. Georgia, first legislature in, 1751, 4: 21. becomes royal province, 21. map, and map of New Ebenezer, etc., 3: 334. paper money, 1776, 6: 326. Provincial Congress, 1775, 6: 360. trustees seal, 3: 330. and the Carolinas, 3: 329-349. Germaine, Lord George, portrait and auto graph, 5: 375. German Flats, old Church at, 6: 108. Germantown, battle of, 6: 82^83. map, 84 Germanus, map, 1492, 1: 119. Gerard, French Minister, autograph, 6: 180. Gerry, Elbridge, commissioner to France, 7: 188. negotiates with Talleyrand, 197. Gibault, Pierre, missionary, autograph, 6 : 193. Gibbes, Robert, autograph and seal, 3: 224. Gibson, John, "Logan s Speech", 6: 185. Gibson, Rev. Richard, 2 : 342. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, portrait, 1 : 328. Girty, Simon, 6: 184. sign manual of, 7: 98. Gist, Christopher, 4: 36; autograph, 4: 28. Glacier Age in North America, 1: 1-15. Glacier and Iceberg, 2: 5. rock waste at foot, 2 : 6. glacial striae, 2: 6. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 30 Gladwin, Major Henry, apprised of danger to Detroit, 1763, 4: 357. detects Pontiac, 359. Gladwin, schooner, 4: 360-1. attacked by Indians, 363. Glen, James, governor of S. C., 1743, 3: 345. proclamation, 1744, 4: 22. Globes : Hunt-Lenox, 1: 180. Mercatcr s, 1541, 239. Schoener s, 1520, 237. Glover, Colonel John, portrait and auto graph, 1: 31. Glover, William, governor of N. C., 1707, 3: 235. Glover s Rock, 6: 32. Godfrey, Edward, governor of Maine, 2 : 339. Godyn and Blommaert Patent, 1630, title- page, 2: 220. Goffe, the "Angel of Hadley", 1675, 3: 115. Gold Coin, first U. S., 7: 167. Gomez, Estevan, in North Atlantic, 1525, 1: 279. Gooch, William, autograph, 4: 24. governor of Va., 1727, 3: 352. Gookin, Charles, governor of Penn., auto graph, 3: 248. Gookin, Daniel, 2: 369. Gordillo, Francisco, 1: 273, et seq. Gordon, Lieut., burnt by Indians at Venan- go, Pa., 1763, 4: 365. Gordon, Patrick, governor of Pa., 1726, 3: 365. death, 1736, 366. "Gorgeana" (York, Me.), 2: 338. Gorges, Ferdinando, signature, 2: 139. title-page of his "America", 146. Gorges, obtains charter, 1620, 2: 140. Gorges, Robert, 2: 129, 143. Gorges, William, Captain, 2: 338. Gorton, Samuel, autograph, 2: 288. Gorton, Samuel, 2: 286, el seq. whipped and banished, 288. Gosnold, Bartholomew, on Cape Cod, 1602, 2: 33. death, 43. "Government House," New York City, 1790, 7: 22. Government, forms of, in Mass. (1630-40), 2: 359-61. written forms of, 6: 152. Governors, Colonial, 2: 401-2. "Gove s Rebellion," 1683, 3: 140. "Graft" in early Salem (1764), 6: 31. Graham, Colonel J. D., U. S. A., 1849, Md., Del., Pa. boundary, 6: 78. Graham, Patrick, governor of Georgia, 1753, 4: 22. Grand Pre Meadows, 4 : 107. Grant, Lieut. Col. James, 4: 343. defeats Cherokees, 1761, 4: 348. challenged by Col. Grant, 350. Grant, Major James, defeated near Fort Duquesne, 4: 201. autograph, 6: 16. Grape Island, Boston, skirmish on, 5: 262. Grasse, Count de, portrait and autograph, 6: 308. Grave (Pontgrave) Francois, in Canada, (16CO), 2: 21, el seq. Graves, Stone, 111., 1: 34. Gray, Captain Robert, discovers the Colum bia River, 7: 160. Gray, Thomas, banished from Charlestown, Mass., 2: 165. "Gray s Elegy" and Wolfe, 4: 283. Great Bridge, Va., "battle" of, 1775, 6: 353. Great Idea, dawn of a, 6: 371. Great Kanawha, battle of the, map, 6: 183. Great Revival in New England, 1729, 3: 393. Great Swamp Fight, 1675, map, 3: 117. Green, Thomas, signature, 2: 210. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 31 Green Mountain Boys, 5: 258. Greenville (O) Treaty, map of, 7: 112. Greene, General Nathanael, at battle of Springfield, N. J., 6: 240. at Cambridge, 6: 261. - autograph, 6: 369. - campaign of 1781, 6: 283. coat of arms, 6: 289. - death, 6: 325. in command of West Point, 6: 255. - in the South, 1780-81, 6: 282. - portrait and autograph, 6: 282. Savannah monument, to, 6: 325. services appreciated, 6: 325. - succeeds Gates in South, 6: 231. Greene, William, governor of R. I., 1743, 3: 404. Grenadier, 23d Foot, 6: 291. Grenville, George, 6: 36. Grenville, Sir Richard, 1: 330. Greyhound, frigate, 6: 9. Gridley, Richard, at Louisburg, 1745, 3: 396. - autograph, 3: 396. - chief Engineer, 6: 261. - succeeded by Knox, 306. Griffon, launching of the, 3 : 175. - place of building, 3: 174. - tablet, 174. Grijalva, Juan de, 1: 253. Griswold, Roger, Sec y of War, 7: 241. Groseilliers, Sieur des (Mdard Chonart), explorations, 1651, 3: 164. Guadeloupe, British frigate, 6: 316. Guilford Court House, battle of and map, 6: 291. Gulf of Paria region, map, 1: 193. Gulf of St. Lawrence, map, 1: 304. Gunpowder, making, 5: 231. treatise on, 232. Guzman, Nuno de, 1: 295. Habeas Corpus in S. C., 1733, 3: 343. privileges of, conferred on Virginia, 1710, 3: 259. Hadley, Mass., Indians attack, 1675, 3: 115. Halket, Sir Peter, portrait, 4: 63. Haldimand, Lieut. Colonel Frederick, at Oswego, 1759, 4: 227. Hale, Nathan, arrested, 6: 28. autograph, 6: 29. camp-basket, 27. execution, 29. family tombstone, 30. goes to Long Island, 27. hanged, 28. New London school-house, 5: 305. pays his own men, 1775, 6: 305. powder-horn, 305. route, 6: 27. "Half King", Indian chief, 4: 32, 36, 44. Half pay for life voted the army, 6: 377. "Half-Way Covenant", 1657, 2: 379. Halifax, N. S., settled, 1749, 4: 94. Halifax in 1764, 4: 93. town and fort plans, 94. Hamilton, Alexander, address to the States, 1786, 6: 416. captures Yorktown redoubt, 6: 317. Duel Monument. 7: 369. first report as Secretary of the Treasury, 7: 43. second, 52. his financial policy, 7: 42-59. letter in Fenno s Gazette, 7: 74. pamphlet on Treaty of Amity, etc., 7: 134. proposes a National Bank, 7: 52. portrait, 7: 43. portrait and autograph, 6: 70. report on National Bank, title-page, 7: 52. Report on Public Credit, title-page, 7: 43. unpopularity of, 1784, 6: 381; 7: 206. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 32 Hamilton, Andrew, autograph, 3: 92. portrait, 376. great victory in Zenger case, 1735, 3: 376. Hamilton, Andrew (II), governor of N. J., 1692, 3: 251. Hamilton, Fort (O.), view, 1791, 7: 100. Hamilton, Major Frederick, in S. C., 4: 345. Hamilton, Henry, th.e "hair-buyer" at De troit, 6: 190. takes Vincennes, 194. captured by Clark, 198. Hamilton, James, governor of Pa., 1748. autograph, 4: 16. Hampden, John, autograph, 2: 303. "Hampshire Grants", the, 4: 5. Hancock, John, his cane, 7: 6. clock, 7: 40. coat of arms, 7: 5. copper kettle, 7: 6. double chair, 5: 20. letter, 6: 398. money trunk, 6: 306. (he is) outlawed, 5: 261. his portrait, 6: 378. pride, 7: 40. sideboard, 5: 88. sloop "Liberty", 6: 98. velvet coat, 6: 214. waistcoat, 7: 40. Mrs. John, portrait, 5: 379. Hancock, armed vessel, 5: 301. Hancock-Clarke House, Lexington, Mass., 6: 242. Handbill, inducing British soldiers to desert, 5: 297. Hardships of Clark s campaign, 6: 196-8. Harford County, Maryland, early declara tion of independence in 1775, 6: 351. Harlem Heights, battle of, 6: 24. map, 6: 23. Harmar, General Josiah, autograph, 7: 96. court-martial, 98. map of defeat, 97. Harmon, Johnson, autograph, 3: 389. Harris, William, and R. I. troubles, 2: 299. Harrison, armed vessel, 5: 301. Harrod, James, 6: 187. Hart, John, governor of Md., 1715, 3: 257, 357. Harvard College founded, 1638, 2: 358. first printed theses of, 1643, 2: 357. seal, 3: 290; 6: 23. Harvard, John, autograph, 2: 358. statue, 2: 358. Haverhill, N. H., attacked by Indians, 1697, 3: 287. Harvey, Sir John, governor of Virginia, 1630, 2: 173. forced out, 1635, 175. returns, 1637, 175. Hat Exportation Act, 1731, 3: 200. Haviland, Brigadier General, 4: 309. Hawkins, Sir John, in Florida, 1565, 1: 316. in Mexico, 1568, 323. Haynes, John, governor of Conn., 1639, auto graph, 2: 322. governor of Mass, 1635, 2: 349. Hayti in Colonial times, map, 1: 166. Heath, General William, sword, 6: 246. Heath, Sir Robert, 1629, 3: 1. Helm, Captain Leonard, at Vincennes, 6: 194, 200. Henderson, Richard, founds "Transylvania," 1775, 5: 186. Hendrick, King, Indian chief, portrait, 4: 86. Hennepin, Louis, 3: 173, el seq. Hennepin s New Discovery, title-page, 3: 176. Henry, Fort, attacked by Indians, 6: 190. last battle of the Revolution at, 206. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 33 Henry, Patrick, great oration, March 23, 1775, 6: 239. portrait and autograph, 5: 58. the Virginia Resolutions, 1765, 6: 57. - tomb, 7: 235. Herkimer, General Nicholas, autograph, 6: 106. - death, 106. monument, 106. wins battle of Oriskany, 6: 106. Herman, Augustine, portrait, 3: 51. Hessian Cap, 1776, 6: 49. Hessian Grenadier, uniform, 6: 2. Hessians hired, 6: 1-4. Hewes, George R. T., portrait, 6: 167. Hicks, Willet, mayor of N. Y., 1770, proc lamation by, 5: 113. Higginson, Rev. Francis, ordained at Salem, 2: 155. Higginson s New England Plantation, title- page, 2: 155. Highways and Transportation, 1800, 7: 267. Hillsborough, Lord, portrait and autograph, 5: 91. Hitchcock, Colonel Daniel, death, 6: 55; watch, 56. Hitchcock, Rev. Gad, on prerogative, 6: 30. Hobkirks Hill, S. C., battle of, map, 6: 293. Hochelaga (Montreal). 1565, 1: 307. Hodgkins, Major W. C., U. S. A., Md.-Del.- Pa. boundary, 1892, 6: 79-80. Holbourne, Admiral, 4: 59. Holderness, Lord, portrait, 4: 328. Hollender, Peter, governor of New Sweden, 1640, 2: 258. Holies, Thomas Pelham, Duke of New castle, 3: 215. Holm, Thomas Campanius, Nya Sverige (New Sweden), title-page of, 2: 256 Holmes, Admiral, 4: 250. Holmes, Ensign, discovers conspiracy to take Detroit, 1763, 4: 357. Holmes, John, whipped as an Anabaptist, 1651, 2: 381. Hooker, Thomas, autograph, 2: 306. Hopi Indian Dancers, 1: 351. Hopkins, Esek, Commander in chief Navy, 5: 320. portrait and autograph, 5: 320. captures Nassau, N. P., 6: 257. dismissed, 257. Hopkins (Stephen) pamphlet ("The Rights of Colonies") title-page, 6: 52. his watch, 276. Horn-Book, 5: 22. Howard, Lieut. Colonel John Eager, 6: 288. Howard, Lord, governor of Va., 1683, 3: 43. portrait, 44. Howard, Martin, first Tory writer, 1764, 5: 53. Howe, Admiral Richard, 6: 10. Howe, Colonel, at Quebec, 4: 284. Howe, General Robert, defeated at Savannah, 6: 209. occupies Norfolk, 1775, 6: 353. Howe, George Lord Viscount, popularity, 4: 177. death, 180. Howe, Sir William, evacuates Boston, 1776, 6: 313. at sea, 6: 69. attacks Maxwell at Cooch s Bridge, Del., 74. coat of arms and portrait, 6: 9. in winter quarters in New Jersey, 6: 44. offers amnesty, 1776, 6: 39. takes Philadelphia, 81. Howe, the brothers arrive at New York, 6 : 9. Hubbardton, battle of, map, 6: 94. Hudde, Andries, autograph, 2: 260. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 34 Hudson, Henry, sails in the Half Moon, 1609, 2: 81. ascends the Hudson, 82. dies, 84. Hudson Bay Company, coat of arms, 3: 166. Hudson River, first map of, 1666, 2: 228. Huguenots settle in S. C., 1674, 3: 15. Huguenot settlements, map, 1: 316. Hughes, John (N. Y.), stamp distributor, resigns, 5: 61. Hulls, Jonathan, book on steam navigation, 1737. 7: 270. Humphreys, Colonel David, autograph, 7: 162. Hunt-Lenox Copper Globe, 1: 180. Hunter, Robert, governor of N. Y., 3: 274. Hutchins, Thomas, autograph, 6: 403. survey of townships, 406. Hutchinson, Anne, experiences in Boston, 2: 279. - banished, 281. killed by Indians, 2: 233. Hutchinson, Edward (son of Anne) , in Indian fight, 3: 113. Hutchinson, Governor Thomas, dinner-plate, 5: 149 gives way, 1772, 6: 135. house looted, 1765, 6: 60. letters, title-page of, 5: 152. portraits, self and wife, 5: 124. speech to the General Court, 1773, 6: 143. (answer to, 144) the Court, 1774, 5: 200. death, 202. Hutchinson-Oliver letters, and Franklin, 1773, 5: 150-157. Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon) , portrait, 3: 3. governor of N. C., 1710, 3: 235. Iberville (Pierre Le Moyne) on the Missis sippi, 1699, 3: 314, 318. death, 1706, 318. Illinois Company, the, 5: 180. Immigration into North Carolina, 1746, 4: 23. to New England, 1640-50, 2: 365. Impeachment, the first National (Blount), 7: 192. of Addison in Pa., 7: 371. of Chase in Md., 371-4. of Pickering in N. H., 371. Implements, Stone, Celt, W. Va., 53. Axe, O., 54. "Incidents of the (Whiskey) Insurrection", title-page, 7: 153. Independence, 5: 370-400. India, English victories in 1757-60, 4: 320. Indian Chief, 1: 350. medal of, 1693,3: 311. Indian depredations, 2: 246-7. - in N. C., 1759, 4: 338. on Mass, frontiers, 1745-6. 4: 5. on New Netherland, 1641, 2: 231. Indian hostilities in Virginia, 1676, 3: 30. - in the West, 1786-90, 6: 412-13. in 1789-95, 7: 95-113. Indian operations in the East, map, 6: 187. in the West, 192. Indian Palisaded Village, 1: 291. Indian Relations, 1805, 7: 377. Indian Trade, Act to Regulate the, page of, 3: 226. Indian Treaty, 1748, Ms. of, 4: 16. Indian Tribes, Eastern U. S. and Canada, 1700-1750, map, 3: 180. North Atlantic States, 2: 123. of the South Atlantic States, map, 2: 45. Indian Village, N. C. (1587), 1: 332. "Indian Walk" in Pennsylvania, 1737, 3: 366. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 35 Indian War in S. C., 1715, 3: 226. Indians as allies of the French, 4: 69-71. caricature on their employment by Brit ish, 6: 92. cede all Virginia lands, 1744, 3: 356. Christian, massacred at Gnadenhutten, 1782, 6: 205. Indians, efforts to educate, 2: 373. in Pennsylvania, alienated by Thomas Penn, 1742, 3: 367. massacre English in Virginia, 1621, 2: 73. 1644, 177. of North America, 1: 338, et seq. Indigo Act, 1748, 3: 194. "Infant Industries" in 1800 (Broadside), 7: 274. Ingersoll, Jared (Conn.), resigns as stamp distributor, 6: 61. Ingle, Richard, 2: 209-10. Ingoldesby, Richard, autograph, 3: 265. demands surrender of Leisler, 1691, 3: 265. governor of N. Y., 3: 273. Inner Wheel, the, 1775, 6: 345. Interest Account of U. S., 6: 390. Intolerance, in Maryland, 1694, 3: 253, 256. in New York, 1700, 3: 272. Iron foundry, at Lynn, 2: 370. Iron Mills Act, 1749, 3: 201. Iron-Works, first in America, at Falling Creek, Va., 1621,2: 72. Iroquois Lands, receipt for, 5 : 173. long-house, 344. warrior, 2: 8. Izard, Ralph, 6: 137. Jackson, Andrew, 6: 223. James I, grants first Virginia Charter, 1606, 2: 22. James II, oath of allegiance to, signatures to, 1685, 3: 22. portrait and autograph, 3: 52. Jamestown, Va., plan of buildings, 3 : 37, 38. church ruins, 2: 43. restored, 176. Jamestown Church, 2: 67. communion service of, 2: 73. Jamestown Exposition Co., seal, 2 : 44. Jameson, Lieut. Colonel John, 6 : 252. Jans, Anneke, story of, 3: 271. Jasper, Sergeant William, saves the flag at Charleston, 1776, 6: 368. killed at Savannah, 6: 215. Jay, John, mission to England, 7: 128. portrait and autograph, 7: 32. Jay s demand of peace, 6: 348. Jay s Treaty (1794), 7: 123-140. Boston protests against, 7: 131. title-page, 7: 130. Washington s action on, 7: 133. Jefferson against Adams and Hamilton, 7: 68-75. and Florida, 7: 384. and Louisiana, 1802, 7: 330-4. and the Declaration, 6 : 385-6. elected President, 7: 254. inaugural address, 1801, 7: 291. letter to Mazzei, 1797, 7: 184. on Secession, 7: 227. on the slavery clause in the Declaration, 5: 394. page of inaugural address, 7: 290. passport to ship, 1808, 7: 379. plan for the N. W. Territory, 6: 400. portrait and autograph, 7: frontispiece. portrait (Peale), 7: 289. - receptions, 301. seal, 7:68. second term, 7: 376. simple ways, 7: 299. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S. f VOLS. 1-7 36 Jefferson, summary of expenses, 1802-3, 302. - wishes to buy Florida, 7: 384. writes the Kentucky "Resolutions", 1798, 7: 228. Jefferson s theory of office holding, 7: 295. of removals, 297. Jeffersonian Simplicity, 7: 289-307. Jeffreys, Colonel Herbert, 1677, Lieut. Gov. of Va., 3: 39. - died, 1678, 3: 40. Jenckes, Joseph, governor of R. I., 1727, 3: 402. Jerseys, the two, united, 1702, 3: 251. Jervis, Sir John, portrait and autograph, 4: 281. Jesuit Missions in "Huronia", map, 3: 161. Jews in New Amsterdam, 1654, 2: 245. Jogues, Isaac, missionary to Iroquois, 1641, portrait and autograph, 3: 158. - death, 160. Johnson, Augustus, stamp distributor (R. I.), 5: 61. Johnson, Charles, General History of Pyrales, 1724, title-page of, 3: 229. Johnson, Lady Arbella, dies, 1633, 2: 168. Johnson, Francis, signature, 2: 101. Johnson, Rev. Gideon (S. C.), 3: 223. Johnson (Guy), map, Six Nations Country, 5: 292. Johnsons, Guy and John, and the Indians, 1775, 5: 324. Johnson, Rev. Jacob, toast to "King of New England", 1768, 5: 133. Johnson, Sir Nathaniel, governor of both Carolinas, 1703, autograph, 3: 222. Johnson, Robert, autograph and seal, 3 : 227. - royal governor of S. C., 1719, 3: 227; 3:341. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, opinion of Americans, 5: 119. Johnson, Sir William, commands attack at Fort Niagara, 1759, 4: 233. captures Fort, 234. commands Crown Point Expedition, 1755, 4: 80. letter, 4: 90. portrait and autograph, 4: 80. secures baronetcy, 90. settles in New York State, 1738, 3: 378. Johnstone, Chevalier, 4: 288. Johnston, Gabriel, governor of N. C., 1734, 3: 346. autograph, 4: 24. Jolliet, Louis, 3: 168. Jones, Judge Thomas, N. Y., portrait, 6: 334. Jonathan, and London Merchant, with women for marriage, reach Jamestown, 1620, 2: 71. Joncaire, Chabert de, 4: 32. and Washington, 36. Joseph, William, president of Maryland, 3: 53. Jones, John Paul, birthplace, 6: 260. broadside for enlistment under, 262. captures the Drake, 263. captures the Serapis, 271. commands the Providence, 260. commands the Ranger, 261. commission, 261. cruise-map, 264. enters Russian service, 272. first lieutenant in our Navy, 6: 320. hoists first flag on the Alfred, 6: 257. receives medal from Congress, 6: 272. remains brought to U. S., 1902, 272. sword from Louis XVI, 6: 272. death in Paris, 272. Joy, Thomas, architect in Boston, 2: 372. Judiciary Act, the, 1801, 7: 255. repeal of, 304. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 37 Judiciary, first National, 7: 32. Judiciary, the, in the Constitution, 1787, 6: 432. Juet s Journal of Hudson s Voyage, 2: 83. Jumonville, killed, 4: 44. Junius, title-page, 5: 102. Kaskaskia, Clark captures, 6: 193. Keayne, Robert, 2: 363, 371. Keith, William, governor of Pa., 1717, 3: 249. "Graeme Park" (his house), 3: 365. successful as governor of Pa. and Del., 3: 362. death, 1749, 3: 365. Kenton, Simon, portrait, 6: 412. with George Rogers Clark, 6: 193. Kentucky, act establishing, 7: 67. Kentucky admitted as a state, 7: 160. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the, 7: 217-233. Kentucky Pioneers: Boone Bullitt Cresap Croghan Clark Finley Gist Jones Kenton Mansker McAfee Neely - Smith Stuart Walker Zane, 5: 176, 188. Kentucky Resolutions, 1798, broadside, 7: 229. - first page of, 228. Kentucky saved, 6: 200. Kettle, 5: 21. "Key of Wealth" (1650), title-page of, 3: 144. Kidd, Captain William, hanged, 1701, 3: 270. Kieft, William, director general, 2: 227. Killick, Captain, at Quebec, 4: 253. King George s War, 1744-48, 3: 191. King Philip s letter to Governor Prence, 1663, 3: 113. samp-bowl, 121. King Philip s War, 3: 111-124. Benj. Tompson s poem on, 3: 123. title-page of earliest history, 3: 122. King Philip, killed, 1676, 3: 121. King William s War, 3: 190. King vs. Congress, 5: 290. King s American Regiment, button of, 6: 339. King s College, crown on Flagstaff, 4: 12. - seal, 1754-75,4: 12. view of, 1760, 12. King s Mountain, British defeated at, 6: 230. map, 230. Kirke, David, captures Quebec, 2 : 16. Kittanning, Pa., map of battle of, 1756, 4: 131. Knowles, Commodore Charles, autograph, 4: 3. Knowlton, Captain Thomas, at Bunker Hill, 5: 265. raids Charlestown Neck, 308. killed, 6: 25. portrait, 6: 25. Knox, Captain John, story of Wolfe s cam paign, 4: 250. Knox, General Henry, house at Thomaston, Mfe., 7: 29. portrait, 6: 363. Knyphausen, General, autograph, 6: 76. raid on New Jersey, 5: 238. Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, portrait, 6: 42. Kyrle, Sir Richard, governor of S. C., 1684, 3: 19. Lachine captured by Iroquois, 1689, 3: 180. Laconia Company, the, 2: 340. Lafayette, Marquis de, at Barren Hill, 6: 176. challenge to Carlisle, 146. commands in Virginia, 6: 301. defeated at Green Spring, 303. eludes Cornwallis, 303. enters American army, 6: 73. on American soldiers, 6: 304. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 38 Lafayette, Marquis de, overshoes, 6: 301. portrait and autograph, 74. recommendation by Congress, 6: 182. uniform of his infantry, 301. wounded, 6: 78. Lafayette s Visit in 1824, 6: 378. "La Friponne", shop, Quebec, 1758, 4: 174. La Jonquiere, Marquis de, governor of Can ada, 1745, 4: 26. Lake Champlain, Arnold fights British on, 6: 6. country, map, 4: 85. - map, 1740, 3: 379. region occupied by Americans, 1775, 6: 260. Lake Dwellings, restored, 1: 19. Lake George, Battle Monument, 4: 88. country, survey, 1756, 4: 87. plan of, 88. Lalemant, Charles, Jesuit missionary, 2: 14. Lamb, John, envoy to Algiers, 7: 311. Lamp, 1775, 6: 20. Landais, Captain Peter, autograph, 6: 264. dismissed from Navy, 269. - false to Jones, 6: 264, 267. Land Cessions by Mohawks and Iroquois, 1754, 4: 54. Land of War (Central America), map, 1: 268. Land Survey, the first national, 6: 403. Lane, Ralph, 1: 331. Langlade, Charles, expels English from Ohio, 1752, 4: 29. Lansing Skull and thigh bone, 1 : 15. LaSalle, Rene Cavalier de, coat of arms, 3 : 178. descends the Mississippi, 1682, 3: 177. explorations, 1667-87, 3: 170-179. murder of, 179. portrait and autograph, 3: 173. Las Casas, Bartolome de, 1: 266. befriends the Indians, 267, et seq. death, 270. portrait, 1: 266. Last Years of Washington s Presidency, 7: 156-179. Laud, Archbishop, 2: 24. Laudonniere, Rene, 1: 314. Launching the Ship of State, 7: 1-13. Laurence, Major Charles, autograph, 4: 100. Laurens, Henry, autograph, 6: 342. sent to France for aid, 6: 304. Laurens, Colonel John, autograph, 6: 324. killed in last skirmish of the Revolution, 6: 324. Lava Blocks, Round house of, 1 : 26. Laval, Bishop, portrait, 3: 162. Law, John, his bank, 3: 320-322. autograph, 322. bank-notes, 321. caricature of, 323. death, 1729, 323. medal, 1720, 323. portrait, 3: 321. Law, Jonathan, governor of Conn., 1741, 3: 405. Law, the clergy as judges of the, 6: 10. Lawrie, Gawin, autograph, 3: 90. Laws of the Mississippi Territory, title-page of, 7: 265. Lawson, John, "New Voyage to Carolina", 1709, 3: 236. Lawton, Polly, portrait, 6: 242. Laydon, Virginia, first white child born in the Jamestown Colony, 1609, 2: 50. Leaders, for and against Independence, 1775-6, 6: 380. Leah and Rachel, title-page, 2: 182. Leander, British frigate outrage by, 1806, 7: 393. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 39 Lear, Tobias, discreditable conduct at Tripoli, 1805, 7: 324. Ledyard, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 311. murdered by Bromfield, 6: 313. Leddra, William, Quaker, hanged, 1660, 2: 387. Lee, Arthur, in Berlin, 6: 141. - in Paris, 6: 136-8. - in Spain, 139. portrait and autograph, 6: 137. Lee, General Charles, at Charleston, 6: 364. captured by British, 6: 43. treason of, 61. caricature of, 6: 224. suspended from command, 6: 180. fights Laurens, 180. - death, 180. Lee, Henry, autograph, 7: 152. characterization of Washington, 239. Lee, Richard, arrives in Virginia, 1642, 2: 176. Lee, Richard Henry, coat of arms, 6: 138. - his resolutions, 1776, 5: 384. - portrait, 6: 384. - title-page of his pamphlet, 7: 4. Lee, Thomas, autograph, 4: 27. - governor of Va., 1750, 4: 25. Lee, William, 6: 139. Lee, armed vessel, 6: 301. Legardeur, killed, 4: 87. Legislative Caucus, the, 7: 168. Leisler, Jacob, autograph and seal, 3: 77. - in power in New York, 1689, 3: 260. - executed, 265. Le Jeune s Relation, title-page of, 2: 16. Le Loutre, priest, 4: 98. Le Moyne, see Iberville, Bienville. L Enfant, lays out city of Washington, 7: 247. Leonard, Daniel, Tory, 6: 235. L Epinay, governor of Louisiana, 3 : 320. Leslie, Colonel, expedition to Salem fails, 1775, 5: 236. Leslie, General, at Charleston, 6: 285. evacuates it, 324. "Lest We Forget", 5: 370; 7: 176. Letitia Cottage, Philadelphia, 3: 102. Letters from the Federal Farmer (R. H. Lee), title-page, 7: 4. Leverett, John (I), 1654, autograph; 2: 347. portrait, 3: 115. Leverett, John (III), 1708, autograph, 3: 291. coat of arms, 290. Levis, Chevalier de, 4: 117, 134. advances on Quebec, 1760, 4: 306. defeats Murray and besieges Quebec, 308. abandons siege, 309. Lewger, John, signature, 2 : 208. Lewis, Andrew, autograph, 4: 58. Lewis, Andrew, fights "battle of Point Pleas ant", 1774, 6: 182-84. statue, 3: 353. Lewis, Mrs. Betty, Washington s sister, por trait, 7: 37. Lewis, John, settler in Va., 1737, 3: 353. Lewis and Clark, Expedition, the, 7: 347- 361. map, falls of the Columbia, 7: 353. do. mouth of the Columbia, 354. Lewis, Meriwether, commission given, 7 : 346. - portrait, 7: 345. Lewis, Morgan, campaign circular for, 7: 367. Lexington, Battle of, 6: 243. battle monument, 6: 244-247. minuteman monument, 247. Lexington Bell of 1775, clapper of, 6:7: 244. Lexington, drum used at battle of, 6: 246. Lexington and Concord, 1775, 6: 244-252. the list of dead and wounded at, 6: 249. Lexington cruiser, 6: 258. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 40 Lexington and Reprisal, first Navy vessels, 1775, 5: 317. "Liberty Bell", myth, 6: 398. Liberty Pole in New York, cut down by troops, 1770, 5: 113. - tablet, 6: 26. Liberty Tree lantern, 6: 74. "Liberty and Property", 1726, title-page, 3: 241. "Liberty, property and no stamps", 6: 67. Library established at Charleston, S. C., 1700, 3: 221. Library of Congress established, 7: 306. Libraries, 1800,7: 278. Light Dragoon and Grenadier, 1744-60, 4: 261. uniform of American, 6: 75. Ligneris de, commands at Fort Duquesne, 4: 201-206. Lincoln, General Benjamin, at Ticonderoga, 6: 116. in S. C., 6: 211. letter of, 1779, 6: 210. portrait, 213. receives surrender of British at York- town, 6: 320. succeeds Arnold, 6: 119. wounded, 124. surrenders Charleston, 218. Lincoln, Levi, attorney general, 1801, 7: 257. L Imurgente, French frigate captures Re taliation, 7: 200. Literature in 1800, 7: 280. Livingston, Colonel James, autograph, 5: 328. Livingston, Robert, Secretary Indian affairs, 3: 66. Livingston, Robert R., negotiates Louisiana, purchase, 1803, 7: 336-340. portrait and autograph, 7 : 335. Lloyd, David, antagonist of Penn, 1701, 3: 246. Lloyd, Thomas, governor of Penn., 1689, autograph, 3: 243. Loans, domestic and forced, 6: 329. foreign, 6: 329. Local Government established in Massa chusetts, 1630, 2: 166. Locke, John, portrait and autograph, 3: 6. Logan, Benjamin, 5: 187; 6: 201. Logan, Dr. George, seeks to avert French war, 1798, 7: 209. Logan, Indian chief murdered, 6: 182. Logan, James, portrait, 3: 246. governor of Pa., 1737-8, 3: 366. London authorities petition Parliament, 1775, 6: 289. circular on Act of Parliament on Imports, 7: 305. London Company, the, chartered, 1606, 2: 34. makes settlement in Virginia, 1607, 40. London Gazette, 1759, first page, 4: 299. London Merchants Society, list of, 3: 251. Long Canes, S. C., massacre monument at, 4: 342. Long, Colonel, fights British at Fort Anne, 6: 94. Long Island, battle of, map, 6: 16. Loom, 5: 7. Lord North, in power, 1770, 6: 116. resigns, 6: 344. Loring, Deacon Joseph, loss at Lexington, 6: 250. Lottery Broadside, New York City, 7: 48. Lotteries, 6: 330. Lottery in New Jersey, broadside, 7: 268. Loudoun, Earl of, appointed American com mander, 1756, 4: 119. Louis XIV, portrait and autograph, 3: 185. Louis XVI, portrait, 6: 134; 7: 79. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 41 Louisburg captured, 3: 191; 3: 402 (1745). Louisburg expedition of, 1745, 3: 396-400. Louisburg expedition fails, 1757, 4: 136. Louisburg, expenditures repaid Mass., 1748, 4: 4. Louisburg (From) to Fort Necessity, 1745- 54, 4: 1-47. - map of siege, 1745, 3: 397. of 1758, 4: 161. - medals, of 1720, 3: 314. - of 1758, 4: 168. of 1895, 3: 399. - restored to France, 4: 3 (1748). - siege of, 1758,4: 162. ruins of, 170. view of, 4: 166. Louisiana, changes hands to Spain, 1767, 7: 325. changes hands, to France, 328. changes hands, to the U. S., 342. - Cession Treaty on, page of, 7: 337. - map, 3; 316. in 1753, 3: 320. Louisiana Purchase, the, 7: 325-344. proposed Constitutional amendment on, 7: 340. Lovelace, Colonel Francis, governor of N. Y.. 3: 60. autograph, 63. Lovelace, Lord John, governor of N. Y., 1708, autograph, 3: 273. death, 273. Lovewell, Captain John, campaign against Maine Indians, 1724-25, 3: 390. "Lovewell s Fight", 391; map, 390. Lovewell s Journal, page cf , 3 : 390. Lowther, Miss, portrait, 4: 246. Lucifer, Captain, of "The Cat", 1649, 2: 261. Ludlow, Roger, 2 : 359. Ludwell, Colonel Philip, governor of S. C., 3: 216. Ludwell, Colonel Philip, coat of arms, 217. sent to England against Effingham, 3: 45. Lyford, Rev. John, "mischief-maker", 2: 130. returns to England, 293. "Lygonia" province (Maine), 2: 339. Lyman, Phineas, autograph, 4: 83. Lynch, armed vessel, 6: 301. Lyon, Matthew, 7: 187. encounter in Congress, 7: 217. libels Adams, 224. Lyon-Griswold Affray, caricature of the, 7: 218.. Lyttleton, W. H., First Baron, autograph, 4: 338. governor of S. C., 1758, 4: 339. McCrea, Jane, murdered, 6: 98. McDonald, Major Angus, 6: 182. McDougall, Alexander, jailed in New York, 1770, 6: 113. McDougall, Lieut., held prisoner by Pontiac, 4: 359. escapes, 362. McDowell, Colonel Charles, at King s Moun tain, 6: 228. McGillivray, Alexander, Spanish agent, 7: 116-117. McHenry, Dr. James, portrait, 7: 157. resign as Sec y of War, 7: 240. McKee, Alexander, autograph, 7: 99. Mace-head, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1775, 5: 57. Machias, Me., naval fight at, 1775, 6: 300. Machinery and Labor, 1800, 7: 273. MacKellar, Major, 4: 254. Macon, Nathaniel, 7: 303. Madison, James, Sec y of State, 7: 293. writes the "Virginia Resolutions", 7: 228. Madoc, 1: 66. Magaw, Colonel Robert, autograph, 6: 35. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 42 Magellan, Ferdinand, in Patagonia, 1: 247. - in Philippines, 250. - killed, 250. portrait, 1: 247. - ship "Victoria", 1: 251. Magna Charta, 3: 70. Mail Bag, 1775, 6: 19. Mail Service, slow, 1763, 6: 18. Maine, province of, 2 : 339. Maine settlements, attacked by Indians, 1703-4, 3: 291. Maine and New Hampshire, map, 2: 340. Maisonneuve, de, at Quebec, 1641, 3: 159. Major-Generals, 1775, 6: 281. Mance, Jeanne, at Quebec, 1641, 3: 158. Manhattan Island in 1610, map of, 2: 84. letter on price of, 92. Manner of life, 1800, 7: 277. Manning, Captain, surrenders New York to the Dutch, 1673, 3: 63. Manufactures restrictions on, 1689-1745, 3: 198-201. Mansfield, Lord, portrait, 5: 128. Manuscripts, Saga, 1: 79. Marbois, Barbe, autograph, 7: 334. Marco Polo, portrait, 1: 108. Marcos, Fray, 1: 296. Marcou, Jules, 1: 240. Marie de 1 Incarnation at Quebec, 1639, 3: 157. Marin, Pierre Paul, Sieur de, builds forts in West, 4: 29. - death, 32. Marion, General Francis, leads partisan war fare in S. C., 6: 222. portrait and autograph, 6: 222. Markham, William, autograph and seal, 3: 99. governor of Delaware, 1691, 3: 243. of Penn., 244. deputy governor of Pa., 1693, 3: 267. Marquette, Jacques, 3: 168. burial, 170. voyage (1673), 3: 168, et seq. - death, 170. Marquette s Discovery, Thevenot s map of, 3: 169. "Marprelate, Martin", first tract, 2: 99. Marsh, Sec y of War, 7 : 240. Marshall, John, 7:256. Sec y of State, 7: 240. commissioner to France, 7: 188. country house, 7: 372. Chief Justice, 240. Martin, Josiah, last royal governor of N. C., 1775, 5: 354-55. Maryland, Alsop s map of, 1666, 3: 47. flag of, 3: 53. Maryland Charter, facsimile, 2: 200. Maryland Currency, 1745, 3: 361. Maryland Gazette, 1728, Heading of, 4: 17. Maryland, maps, 2: 201. of 1635, 207. mint in, 1661, 3: 47. money troubles, 1747, 4: 17. proprietary government overthrown, 1689, 3: 54. schools in, 1694, 3: 254. seal, 1649, 2: 210. Toleration Act, 1649, facsimile, 2: 212. and English law, 3: 359. and Virginia, Herman s map of, 3: 48. after the restoration (of proprietary power), 3: 46-56. before the Restoration (of Charles II), 2: 198-217. Maryland-Pennsylvania Boundary, disputes, 5: 76-77. map of region, 78. map of various surveys, 79. one of the stones, 6: 77. Penn s order about, 76. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Maryland and Pennsylvania and Virginia, map, 3: 355. Mary Washington Memorial Association, insignia of, 7: 38. Mason, Captain John, annihilates Pequots (1636), 2: 315. - arms, 2: 317. autograph, 2: 314. grant of Maine lands, 2: 143. statue, 317. Mason, Robert, 3: 137-9. "Mason and Dixon s Line", 6: 76-78. Mason claim sold, 1746, 4: 6. Massachusetts Acts and Laws, title-page, 3: 127. Massachusetts Bay, 2: 148-169. settlements, map, 2: 133. Massachusetts Bill, French and Indian War, 1690, 3: 262. Massachusetts Broadside, 1689, 3: 278. Massachusetts buys Maine, 1677, 3: 136. calls a Continental Congress, 1774, 6: 205. charter forfeited, 1684, 3: 143. charter resumed, 5: 293. charter, troubles about, 1634, 2: 350- 356. - Committee of Safety, 1774, 6: 228. currency of 1690, 3: 283. - early independence in 1665, 3: 130-133. - Government Bill, 1774, 6: 192-4. - great seal, 1715, 3: 384. - map of early coast-towns, 2: 361. opposes Governor Hutchinson, 6: 119- 126. paper money, 1750, 4:3. petitions George III, 5: 88. he ignores it, 91. - Pine-Tree Currency, 1652, 2: 371. - redeems "old tenor" bills, 4: 4. sullen over trade laws, 1766, 6: 18. Massachusetts troubles, 2 : 349-374. under Bradstreet and Phips, 3: 278-288. under Bellomont, Dudley and Stoughton, 3: 289-297. under new charter, 1725, 3: 389. and R. I. settlements, 1675, 3: 116. Rhode Island disputed territory, 3 : 402. N. H. boundary, disputes, 1744-52, 4: 7. Massacre at Long Canes, S. C., 1760, monu ment, 4: 342. Masse, Enemond, Jesuit missionary, 2: 14. Massey, Colonel, at Fort Niagara, 4: 233. Mather, Cotton, portrait and autograph, 3: 296. Mather, Increase, goes to England, 3 : 279. and Sir William Phips, petition against Andros, 1689, 3: 148. pastor of the North Church, Boston, 1664, 3: 278. portrait and autograph, 3: 279. president of Harvard, 1685, 3: 278. Richard, autograph, 3: 278. Matthews, Samuel, governor of Va., 1656, 2 : 182. Maverick, Samuel, autograph, 3: 129. remonstrates against church tyranny, 1646, 2: 375. settles at Noddle s Island, 2: 159. May, Cornelius Jacobsen, reaches New Amsterdam, 1614, and near Phila delphia, 1623, 2: 85. Mayflower, departure of the, 2: 115. passenger list of, 2 : 399. reaches Cape Cod, 120. Maynard, Lieut, defeats pirates, N. C., 3: 240. Mazzei, Philip, autograph, 7: 183. Mecklenburg Committee, 1775, signatures of , 5: 356. Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 1775, 5: 355-57. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 44 Medal given Indians, after Pontiac s Con spiracy, 1764, 4: 376. Medicine, in 1763, 5: 9. Meech, Lieut., 4: 253. Meigs, Return J., autograph, 6: 66. - destroys stores and shipping at Sag Har bor, 6: 66. Mellish, ship, captured by John Paul Jones, 6: 261. Melville, Major Thomas ("The last of the Cocked-hats"), portrait, 5: 167. Melyn, Cornelius, his "Broad Advice," 1649, title-page, 2: 239. - exiled, 2: 235. imprisoned, 240. Membre, Zenobe, missionary, 1682, 3: 177. Memorial to the People of the Colonies, 1774, by R. H. Lee, 6: 223. Menard, Father, missionary, death, 1661, 3: 163. Mendoza, Antonio de, 1: 295. Menendez Pedro, 1: 295. - massacres French in Florida, 1: 317-19. Menendez de Aviles, Pedro, portrait, 1: 319. Mercantile Ventures, 6: 330. Mercer, Colonel, killed, 1756, 4: 125. Mercer, General Hugh, autograph and sword, 6: 53. Mercer, Lieut. Col. Hugh, killed at Fort Duquesne, 4: 211. Mercer, James F., autograph, 4: 92. Merry, British Minister, and Jefferson, 7: 300. Miantonomo killed, 1643, 2: 319. - monument to, 2: 320. Michaelius, Dominie Jonas, first Dutch minister in New Netherland, 2: 93. Michaux, Andre, and the Northwest, 7: 345. Michigan invaded by Spain, 1781, 6: 276. Middle Colonies, the, 3: 363-382. Middleton, Arthur, coat of arms and portrait, 6: 218. a prisoner, 6: 219. Middleton, Col. Henry, of S. C., 4: 347. challenges Col. Grant, 350. Militia formed in Philadelphia, 1747, 4: 15. Mill at Chesterton, England, 1: 95. Miller, Thomas, N. C., 3:11. Miner, Thomas, 2: 324. Minuit, Peter, buys Manhattan from the Indians, 1626, 2: 91. - founds Wilmington, Del., 2: 229. signature, 2: 224. Mint in Maryland, 1661, 3: 47. - in Massachusetts, 1652, 2: 370. Mint, U. S., ordinance for establishing, 6: 392 "Minuteman" statue of, at Concord, 5: 247. Minutes of Eastern Conference, 1758, title- page, 4: 205. Miranda, Francisco, expedition against Spain, 7: 207. Miruelo, Diego de, discovers Pensacola Bay, 1: 264. Mischianza, the, at Philadelphia, 6: 174. Mississippi River, Jay s proposal to surren der navigation of, 1785, 6: 384. Mobile, Fort Louis de la, 3: 318. Mohawk Chief, portrait, 3: 273. Mohawk Chiefs taken to England, 3: 274. autographs of four, 3: 274. Mohawk-Oneida Route, map of, 6: 100. to Canada, map of, 4: 118. Molasses Act, 1731, 3: 203. "Moll" Pitcher s Table, 6: 179. tablet at Monmouth, N. J., 179. Monckton, Robert, portrait and autograph, 4: 102. Moncourt, French officer, killed by Indian, 4: 235. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 45 "Money", in Rhode Island, 1786, 6: 393. "Money by the wagon-load", 1780, 6: 327. Monetary System of the U. S., 1782-7, 6: 391. Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, auto graph, 3: 5. portrait, 18. Monmouth, battle of, 6: 177. - battle of, map, 6: 178. Monro, Lieut. Col. George, autograph, 4: 143. Monroe, James, at battle of Trenton, 6: 49. broadside on his negotiations, 7: 394. commits breach of honor, 7: 191. draft on Convention on French Debts, facsimile, 7: 336. minister to France, portrait, 7: 136. recalled, 139. his View of the Conduct of the Executive, 1797, 7: 190. Montagu, Admiral, his "hoggish manners", 5: 126. Montcalm appointed to Canada, 4: 116. - at Ticonderoga, 1758, 4: 127. death, 4: 294. headquarters, 4: 257. house where died, 293. in straits, 225. - neglected, 221. - portrait, 4: 116. Montcalm on Canada, 1758, "all the Knaves grow rich, and the honest men are ruined," 4: 217-219. Montezuma, 1: 254. held prisoner, 259. death, 261. portrait, 1: 257. Montgomerie, John, governor of N. Y., 3: 373. death, 374. Montgomery, Captain Alexander (brother of Gen. Richard), 4: 270. Montgomery, Colonel Archibald, in S. C., 1760, 4: 343. defeated at Cow s Creek, 345. Montgomery, General Richard, at Ticonder oga, 6: 325. captures St. Johns, 330. captures Chambly, 329. killed at Quebec, 5: 338. - interred at New York, 1819, 339. portrait and autograph, 5: 325. Montmorency Falls, Canada, 2: 6. Montreal, 1760, 4: 314. - "Montreal taken" medal, 1760, 316. Montreal Medal, 4: 355. Montresor s plan of New York, 1775, 5: 344. Moore, James, governor of S. C., 1699, 3: 222, 232. Att y General, 222. autograph and seal, 231. death, 340. Moore s Creek Bridge, N. C., Tories and Highlanders defeated at, 1776, 5: 357. Moravian Indians, taken to Philadelphia, 1763, 4: 370. massacred at Paxton and Lancaster, 371. Morell, Rev. William, poem on "New Eng land s Annoyances", 2: 129. Morgan, General Daniel, his riflemen at Boston, 6: 296. in S. C., 6: 231. medal, 288. - portrait, 6: 286. riflemen s uniform, 5: 296. Morgan, Henry, pirate, 3 : 19. destroys the Spanish Armada at Mara- caibo, 3: 20. Morgan, Dr. John, head of patriot hospital service, 1775, 6: 300. Morning Mists, 1775, 6: 372. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Morris, Gouveneur, autograph, 6: 379. - portrait, 7: 135. Morris, Lewis, autograph, 3: 276. - bookplate, 381. chief justice of N. Y., 1715, 3: 276. - governor of N. J., 3: 374. troubles with Assembly, 381. death, 382. Morris, Robert, Captain, 4: 64. Morris, Robert, "Signer." labors of, 6: 330. loan from Rochambeau, 331. portrait and autograph, 7: 28. Morris, Robert Hunter, letter, 1755, 4: 77. Morris, Commodore R. V., dismissed from Navy, 7: 315. Morris- Jumel House, 6: 24. Morse, Jedediah, on Cal. river, 1 : 278. Morton, Joseph, governor of S. C., 1682, 1685, 3: 18, 21. Morton, Thomas, "of Merry-Mount", ex pelled from New England, 2: 133. autograph, 2: 354. Moryson, Colonel Francis, 1677, 3: 39. Moscoso, Luis de, 1: 293. Moulton, Jeremiah, autograph, 3: 389. Moultrie, Colonel William, at Charleston, 1775, 6: 365-369. portrait and autograph, 6: 363. Mounds : Burial, Iowa, 1: 38. Burial, 111., 1: 38. Cahokia, 111., 1: 36. from De Bry s Collections, 1: 35. Grave Creek, W. Va., 1: 40. Little Island, S. C., 1: 25. Nelson, N. C., 1: 41. Ossuary, Wis., 1: 37. Serpent, O., 1: 37. Mount Vernon in time of Washington, 7: 18. Mount Vernon, mansion at, 19. Moving towards Union, 6: 200-210. Mugs, Arizona, 1: 55. Muhlenberg, General J. P. G., autograph, 7: 165. Mullens, Priscilla, 2: 135. Municipal Government in New Amsterdam, 1654, 2: 244. Murray, Captain Alexander, 4: 107. Murray, Brig. General James, 4: 248. Murray, Mrs. Robert, detains British officers, 6: 24. Murray, William Vans, minister to Holland, 7: 189. passport signed by Talleyrand, 7: 215. Musgrove, Mary ("Queen"), 1748, 4: 20. Musgrove s Mills, British defeated at, 6: 227. Mystic, Conn., settled 1659, 2: 326. Nampa Image, the, 1 : 14. Nancy, captured by the Lee, 1775, 6: 301. Nanfan, John, autograph, 3: 270. Napoleon, a disgraceful submission to, 1806, 7: 388. Narvaez, Panfilo de, autograph, 1: 282. defeated by Cortes, 1: 260. in Florida, 281. death, 284. Nassau Hall, Princeton College, 6: 54. Natchez founded, 1716, 3: 319. Nation, are we a, 6: 155. National and Pennsylvania Commissioners Conference, broadside of, 7: 151. National Bank, first one proposed, 7: 52. Naturalization Act, 1795, 7: 222. Naval Battle, English and French ships, 1703, 3: 302. Naval Committee appointed, 6: 317. Navy, a nominal, 7: 392. the colonies begin a, 1775, 5: 346. Navy.U. S., in 1798, 7: 205. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 47 Neal, Walter, 2: 340. Neale, Colonel William, 6: 222. Negro Slaves, first in S. C., 3: 13. Negro Slavery introduced into Virginia, 2: 60. Negro Soldiers in the Revolution, 6: 367- 371. Negro Soldier s Discharge, after Revolution ary War, 6: 368. Negro troops, distinguished at battle of Butts Hill, 6: 183. Nevill, John, letter, 7: 147. New Amsterdam, 1630, 2: 226. - first plan of (1640), 231. - fortified, 2: 242. - oldest records of, 1653, 2: 245. - seal of, 246. New Andalusia and Castilia del Oro, map, 1: 243. Newburgh, N. Y., Washington s head quarters at, 6: 363. Newburgh Letters, the, title-page, 6: 370. Newcastle, Duke of, autograph, 1745, 4: 50. Newcomerstown, O., Paleolith, 1: 17. New Century, on the threshold of a new, 7: 260-288. "New Description" Archdale s, title-page, 3: 220. New Domain, Exploring the, 7: 345-361. New England, 3: 383-406. (Alexander s map), 2: 144. - map of, 3: 280. - council for, 2: 138-147. "crowds the Dutch", 2: 248. - early settlements, 2: 308. 1634, 2: 351; 3: 112; 3: 130. - 1663, 3: 280. New England, flag of, 1686, 3: 146. forces almost annihilated by pestilence at Cartagena, 1741, 3: 395. Hack s map of, 1663, 3: 130. New England, map, 3: 112. map of early settlements, 2: 308. - orthodoxy, 1686, 3: 146. - (The) Restraining Bill, 1775, 6: 253. title-page of "An Act for the promoting . . .of the Gospel. . .in New England", 1649, 2: 373. - Wood s map of, 1634, 2: 351. "New Establishment" of the Army, 1775, 6: 304. New France and Louisiana, Hennepin s map of, 1683, 3: 315. New Governments, Staie and National, 6: 150-163. New Hampshire Currency, 1737, 3 : 400. New Hampshire, map of, frontiers, 1737-64, 4: 7. New Hampshire Merchants Note, 1734, 4: 8. New Hampshire, paper money, 1775, 6: 326. troops at Fort Anne, 6 : 94. and Maine annexed to Massachusetts, 1690, 3: 279. New Haven settled, 1638, 2: 331. "New Haven s settling" (1656) title-page, 2: 335. New Jersey, beginnings of, 3 : 79, el seq. insurrection in, 1672, 3: 83. map, 3: 84. one-half sold, 1674, 3: 84. surrendered to Penn, 88. proprietary rule in, 3: 242-251. East, sold to Penn, 3: 89. New London, Conn., Arnold s attack on, map, 6: 311. Fort Griswold, at, 313. Ms. map of, and Groton, 312. settled, 2: 328. New Mexico Inscribed Rock, 1: 94. New Netherland, 2: 218-254. articles of surrender, 1664, 2: 251. charter, 1614, 2: 86. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 48 New Netherland, maps, 1630, 2: 222. 1655, 2: 246. seal, 2: 91. Company formed, 1619, 2: 88. New Orleans, 1753, 3: 324. view, 1803, 7: 342. Newport in 1730, 6: 180. siege of, 182. Newport Tower (old mill), 1: 94. "New Somersetshire" (Maine), 1639, 2: 338. Newspaper, first, in America, 1704, 3: 292. Newspapers, first in S. C., 1731, 3: 343. New States, formed, 7: 66-67. New Sweden, 2: 255-266. map, 257. "New Voyage to Carolina", 1709 (Lawson s), title-page, 3: 236. New York Assembly, the first, 1683, 3: 69. takes high ground with Governor, 1737, 3: 377. New York Campaign, the, 6: 1-36. New York City in 1668, 3: 61. campaign around, of, 1776, map of, 6: 11. city in 1524 and 1904, 1: 277. fortified, 1776, 5: 347; 6: 10-12. New York City, maps of, 1: 277; 2: 242, 252; 3: 62, 67; 5: 83. and vicinity, 5: 344. harbor, 6: 180. merchants abandon non-importation agreement, 1770, 5: 123. Pearl and Chatham Sts. in, 2: 244. plan, 1664, 2: 252. plan, 1679,3: 67. plan, 1767, 6: 83. - "Duke s Plan" of. 1661, 3: 62. New York restored to Dutch, 1674, 3: 64. New York City, Walled Part of, 1653, 2: 242. Washington s proclamation to, 1776, 6: 12. Washington s arrival in, 7: 60, 62. New York, province of, seal, 3: 62. council of safety, 1777, proclamation, 6: 118. harbor, 1781, plan of, 6: 180. and vicinity 1775, Montresor s plan of, 6: 344. topographical map of, 346. New York State Bank Notes, 1802-4, 7: 276. Niagara Gorge, Bird s Eye View of, 1 : 12. Niagara River, map, 4: 232. Nicholson, Francis, autograph, 3: 252. lieut. governor of Va., 1691, 3: 45. royal governor of S. C., 3: 232, 338. governor of Virginia, 1692, turbulence of, 3: 258. Nicolet, Jean, explores far westward to Illinois, 2: 17. visits Wisconsin, 1634, 3: 157. Nicolls, Richard, assumes government of New York, 1665, 3: 58. autograph, 3: 58, 129. Ninety-Six, S. C., siege of, map, 6: 295. Greene besieges, 6: 294. raises siege, 295. Nobility, forbidden, 6: 154. Nonconformists, forced out of Virginia, 1643, 2: 177. Norfolk, British defeated at, 1775, 6: 353. burnt, 1776, 354. Norridgewock, Me., attacked, 3: 389. Norse Boat, 1: 83. ruins, Greenland, 1: 90. ship, 1: 74-75. North, War in the, 1779-80, 6: 233-255. North America, Popple s Map of, 1733, 3: 4. map of, claims in, 1754. 4: 49. map of Bowen and Gibson, 50. 1763, map, 4: 352. British, possessions in, 1775, 5: 212. after the Peace of 1783, 6: 362. North Battery, Boston, 6: 313. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 49 North Carolina Act, 1729, signatures to, 3: 240. North Carolina, beginnings of, 3: 8, et seq. - end of proprietary rule in, 3: 234-242. - end of royal rule in, 1775, 6: 354. - first to instruct delegates for indepen dence, 5: 381. - lack of prosperity, 1725, 3: 241. - 1737, map, 3: 348. - Indian wars, map of, 3: 237. paper money, 4: 23. popular representation in, 1734-46, 3: 347-49. - paper money, 1748,4: 23. title-page, first laws, 24. troops invade Cherokee country, 6: 185. Tuscarora Indians, ravage, 1711, 3: 236. - Precincts, 1663-1729, map of, 3: 236. North, Lord, portrait, 6: 86. - his overture, 1775, 6: 254. his "Conciliatory Resolution" considered by Congress, 1775, 6: 288. Northmen, Landing of the, 1: 82. Northern Campaign, The, 6: 323-343. "Northern Neck" of Va., granted to Lord Culpeper, 1673, 2: 196. North West, the, and British Diplomacy, 7: 92-113. North West Territory, Jefferson s plan of the, map, 6: 400. ordinance for government, 404. Norton, John, autograph, 2: 382. Norton, John, 2: 394. Notley, Thomas, deputy governor of Md., 1676, 3: 49. Nott, Edward, governor of Va., 3: 258. "Not Worth A Continental", 6: 328. Nova Scotia, colonizing, 4: 93-96. - seal of, 4: 98. - map of, 99. Nullification, germ of, 1764, 5: 53. Nullification, beginning of, 7: 230-32. inS. C., 1682, 3: 18. Oakes, Thomas, sent to England by Mass., 1688, 3: 279. O Brien, Jeremiah, at Machias, Me., 6: 300. O Reilly, Count Alexander, at New Orleans, 1769, 7: 325. Oconostota, Indian Chief, 4: 339-342. Office-seeking, 1789-90, 7: 169. in 1800, 7: 257. in 1801, 7: 294-6. Ogle, Samuel, governor Md., 1731,3: 361; autograph, 4: 17. Oglethorpe, James, 3: 329; portrait, 4: 20. defeats Spanish at Frederica, 3 : 337. Oglethorpe and Georgia, 3: 330-338. "Ohio Company" The, 1749, 4: 27-28. Land Contract, 6: 408. Ohio Company s advance guard of Colo nists, 1788, 6: 410. Ohio Country, map of, by Hutchins, 1765, 4: 374. Ohio River, trough of the, 2: 9. Ohio Valley, river terraces of, map, 1: 9. Ojeda, in Central America, 1: 225. Old Dominion, The, 2: 170-197. Old Glatz-Schultz House, 1734, 4: 18. Oldham, John, expelled from Plymouth, 2: 131. outwitted at Charlestown, 1629, 2: 158. - death, 1636. Old Panniers, 6: 14. Old South Meeting-House, Boston, 6: 163. State House, Boston, 1791, 5: 103. Swedes Church, Wilmington, Del., 3: 244. "Old Tenor", currency, Broadside on, 4: 4. "Olive-Branch", Petition, 1775, 5: 284. rejected by Parliament, 318. Oliver, Andrew, stamp distributor, 1765, 5: 60. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 50 Oliver, Peter, Chief Justice, impeached, 1774, 6: 201. Onate, Juan de, in New Mexico, 1: 30. One-horse Chaise, 1775, 6: 16. Oneida Indians, treaty with, 1788, 7: 94. Oneida Portage Forts, 1756, map, 4: 126. Ontario, Lake, map of eastern end, 4: 123. On the Sea, 6: 256-273. On the Way to Revolution, 5: 28-45. (Chap. 2.) Opechancanough, Indian chief, killed, 2: 178. Opening the West, 6: 398-413. Ordinance for 24 livres, 4: 311. - of 1787, the, 6: 398-413. Oriskany, battle of, 6: 106. Orme, Captain Robert, 4: 64. Ortiz, Juan, 1 : 287. Ortubia, Juan Perez de, 1: 263. Osborne, Sir Danvers, governor of N. Y., 1753, suicide of, 4: 11. Oswego, destroyed by French, 4: 125. - forts at, 4: 124. - growth of, 3: 372. - Montcalm s attack on, 4: 124. view of, 4: 90. Otis, James, coat of arms, 5: 48. insane, 1769, 6: 106. on writs of assistance, 5 : 32. - portrait, 5: 32. title-page of his pamphlet (Vindication), 34. Ouiatchouan Falls, Canada, 1:2. Ovando, Nicholas de, 1: 203-213. Over the Mountains, 6: 171-188. "Ox-hide" Map (de la Cosa s), 1500, 1: 208. Pacific Ocean, reached by Lewis and Clark, 7: 353. Paine, Thomas, autograph, 6: 41. page of "Crisis", 41. portrait, 5: 376. Paine s Letter to Washington, title-page, 7: 172. "Palatine", Communion Service, 1747, 4: 18. - shoes, 3: 196. Palatines in Pennsylvania, 3: 369. Palatines in New York, 3: 372. - develop Maryland, 1745, 4: 18. "Palinurus", the American (Adams), 5: 318. Pallas, in Jones fleet, 1779, 6: 263, 265. Palmer, Anthony, governor of Pa., 1747, 4: 15. Palmer, William, 2: 324. Palmes, Edward, 3: 63. Pamphlets, a period of, 1764, 6: 48-51. Pamunkey, plate given to Queen of, 3: 42. Paoli, Wayne defeated at, 6: 80. Papago Indian house, 1: 343. Paper Money, in Connecticut, 1774, 5: 230. in Connecticut, 1775, 40s, bill, 5: 230. - in Delaware, 1776, 6: 389. in Georgia, 1776, 6: 399. in Maryland, 1774, 1775, 6: 351. in Mass., 1690, 3: 295. in Massachusetts, 1775, 6: 308. in New Hampshire, 1776, 6: 387. in New Jersey, 1776, 388. - in New York, 1776, 6: 347; 6: 12. in Pennsylvania, 1728, 3: 367. - 1758, 4: 193. in North Carolina, 1776, 6: 381. in Pennsylvania, 1775, 6: 282, 349. in R. I., 1710, 3: 302. in Rhode Island, 1776, 5: 382. in South Carolina, 1775, 5: 319. in Virginia, 1776, 6: 383; 5: 388. Pappegoya, John, 2 : 262. Parker, Colonel, defeated at Lake George, 1757, 4: 140. Parker, Henry, governor of Georgia, 1751-3, autograph, 4: 22. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 51 Parker, Captain Jonas, monument to, 6: 244. Parker, Sir Peter, at N. Y., 6: 19. Parliament is Resolute, 5: 252. Parliament, opposition in, 1769, 6: 100. "Parsons Cause" in Virginia and Patrick Henry, 6: 44. Parsons, General Samuel H., in the Ohio Company, 6: 405. Partisanship in 1798, 7: 218-222. "Passport", for ship, 1808, 7: 379. Pastorius, Francis, protests against slavery, 3: 109. Patent of 1620, division of territory map, 2: 139. Patrick, Henry, "Red Hill," his home, 6: 151. Paugus, Indian chief, killed, 1725, 3: 391. Paulding, John, captor of Andre, 6: 252. Paulus Hook (Jersey City, N. J.), view of, 6: 238. Pauw, Michael, buys Staten Island and part of N. J., 2: 222. Peace, 6: 342-373. Peace (The) of Paris, 4: 320-336 (Chap. 17). Peace Commission, American, of 1782, 6: 343. Peace Commissioners (English), autographs of, 6: 144. caricature of, 149. pass given by, 145. letter to Congress, 146. Peace Treaty of 1783, documents, 6: 358- 62. Pean, Major, at Quebec, 1758, 4: 175. Pearson, Captain Richard, 6: 264, 271. - portrait, 6: 265. Peekskill, N. Y., stores destroyed at, 6: 66. Peele, Robert, musket carried by, at Lex ington, 5: 245. Pell s Point, N. Y., Glover defeats British at, 1776, 6: 31. Pemaquid, Fort of, 2: 145. Penn, Hannah, page from Expense Book, 3 : 245. Penn, John, "the American", 3: 245. Penn, Richard, autograph, 6: 289. and Thomas, receipt given for sale of Indian Lands, 5: 173. Penn, William, autograph, 3: frontispiece. clock, 3: 108. coat of arms, 3: frontispiece. death, 1718, 3: 249. grant of State, 3: 98. his plan of union, 1697, 3: 245. in youth, 3: 94. letter to his children, 3: 107. order for survey of boundary line, Pa. and Del., 3: 246; 5: 76. portrait, 3: frontispiece. - portrait, 3: 108. portrait in armor, 3 : 95. returns to Pennsylvania, 1699, 3: 245. seal, 3: 247. Penn, William, Jr., arrested, 1709, 3: 248. Pennsbury Manor, Harris map of , 3 : 107. Pennsylvania, beginnings of, 3: 94-110. Pennsylvania Currency, 1723, 3: 367. Pennsylvania, encroaches on Maryland, 1682, 3: 52. first Assembly of, 3: 102. "Some account of Pensilvania", title- page, 3: 98. Gazette, heading, 3: 364. in Louisburg Expedition, 1745, 3: 370. Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Adver tiser, 1765, 5: 66. Laws, 1714, page of, 3: 249. map of, 1717-45, 3: 368; of 1754, 4: 53. paper money, 1758, 4: 193. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 52 Pennsylvania, paper money in, 1775, 6: 282. province of, seal, 3: 105. proprietary rule in, 3: 242-257. Rifles, 1st flag of, 6: 14. - State-House, 1741, 6: 277. and Delaware boundary, map of, 3: 97. "Pennamite War", 1782, 6: 387. Penn.-Conn. claims in the Wyoming Valley, 1782, 6: 387. Penn.-Delawaie boundary, 6: 77-80. Penobscot Expedition, 1779, map, 6: 237. People against Governor, in Md., 1737-49, 3: 361-2. Pepperrell, Sir William, autograph, 3: 398. commission, 4: 171. - letter to, 4: 1. - portrait, 3: 396. - sword, 2: 132. - death, 1759, 4: 171. Pequot Country, map, 2: 311. Percy, Earl and "Chevy Chase", 5: 246. - portrait, 5: 238. Percy, Sir George, president at Jamestown, portrait and autograph, 2: 55. Perier, governor of Louisiana, 1724, 3: 325. Perpetual Union, proposed by Franklin, 6: 286. Perrot, Nicholas, 3: 162. Persecuting Quakers, 2: 375-391. Peters, Hugh, at Salem, 1635, 2: 278. Peters, John, draft paying his claim, 7: 384. Petition and Prerogative, 6: 134. to the House of Lords, page from, 5: 62. Petitions in Parliament, 1766, 6: 70. Philadelphia, beginnings of, 3: 103-6. - Light Horse Troop, uniform of, 6: 77. - standard of, 79. - map of campaigns about, 6: 76. - routes of travel from, map, 6: 17. seal of, 1701, 3: 246. Philadelphia, State House, 1776, 6: 419. - view, 1718, 3: 248. Philadelphia, frigate, captured by Tripoli, 1803, 7: 316. burnt, 318. Philip II, portrait, 1: 334. Philipse, Frederick, autograph, 3: 260. Phillips, General, William, autograph, 6: 91. death, 302. operations in Virginia, 6: 302. position at Petersburg, map of, 6: 302. Phillipsburgh, N. Y., map of American and French position at, 6: 306. Phips, Spencer, autograph, 3: 393. Phips, Sir William, autograph, 3: 280. death, 288. fails to take Quebec, 282. - governor of Mass., 1692, 3: 266, 284. - Order of Council on, 1690, 3: 282. - takes Port Royal, 1690, 3: 280. Pickens, General Andrew, autograph, 6: 285. - defeats Boyd s Tories, 6: 211. Pickering, Timothy, removed, 7: 240. "Picturesque View of the State of Great Britain", 1778, 6: 174. Pierce Patent, 1621, 2: 126. Pierson, Rev. Abraham, letter, 1667, 3: 83. statue, 307. Pig and Bar Iron Act, 1749, 3: 201. Pigot, General Robert, autograph, 6: 181. Pike, Lieutenant Zebulon M., title-page of his Account, 7: 358, 359. expedition up the Mississippi, 1805, 7: 358. - expedition to New Mexico, 359. Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, 2: 396. Pilgrim Monument, Plymouth, Mass., 2: 394. Pilgrim Tablet at Leyden, 2: 109. "Pilgrims going to Church," Boughton, 2: 136. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 53 Pilgrims, the, 2 : 103-137. at Amsterdam and Leyden, 2: 106-113. Pilgrims, Cope s painting of embarkation, 2: 114. routes of the, 2: 106. swords of the, 2 : 132. Pillory, the, 2: 283. Pinckney, Charles, autograph, 7: 363. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, autograph, 7: 242. - portrait, 6: 418. commissioner to France, 7: 188. Pinckney, Thomas, 7: 121. Pine-Tree Currency (Mass.), 2: 371. Pineda, Alonzo Alvarez de, probably dis covers the Mississippi, 1: 264. Pinkney, William, autograph, 7: 392. Pioneers of New France, 1: 303, et seq. Pirates in South Carolina, 1682, 3: 19-21. - 1717, 3: 228. Pistol, 1775, 6: 27. Pitcairn, Major, pistols, 6: 244. "Pitcher, Molly" (Mary Ludwig Hays), at Monmouth, 6: 179. Pitt, William, portrait and autograph, 4: 151-153. his American policy, 157. medal to, 82. - on the Stamp Act, 1766, 5: 71. plans campaign of, 1758, 4: 151-159. resigns, 1761, 4: 331. statue in N. Y., 5: 74. title-page of speech in House of Lords, 6: 253. Pittsburgh founded by Colonel Campbell, 1764, 4: 373. - in 1795, map, 7: 148. New Fort at, 4: 370. Redoubt as it now appears, 372. Pixley, David, Lieut., commission, signed by Dr. Warren, 6: 260. "Plain Truth," published by Franklin, 1747, 4: 15. - title-page, 1747, 4: 14. Plains of Abraham, battle of, 1759, 4: 292-5. Plow of, 1775, 6: 4. Plowden, Sir Edmund, coat of arms, 2: 260. "Plundering Time" in Maryland (1645-6), 2: 209. Plymouth, a glimpse at, 2 : 392-8. Plymouth Company, chartered, 1606, 2: 34. Plymouth Harbor, map, 2: 119. - Rock, 120, 122. Pocahontas marries John Rolfe, 2: 61. - death, 64. portraits, 2: 61. "Poems", first book printed in Virginia, 1736, 3: 357. Political Parties, emergence of, 7: 60-77. "Political Raree-Show, The" British car toon, 1779, 6: 235. "Politics and Pedigree", 1763, 6: 21. Politics, very general, 5: 26. Pollard, Anne, 2: 164. Pollock, Oliver, aids George Rogers Clark, 6: 204. death, 205. Pollock, Thomas, governor of N. C., 1712, 3:237. Polly, ship, test case, 1800, 7: 383. Pomeroy, Seth, Colonel, at Lake George, 4: 83. at Bunker Hill, 5: 268. Pompadour, Mme. de, portrait, 4: 115. Ponce de Leon, Juan, governor of Porto Rico, 1: 262. in Florida, 263, 265. Pontbriand, Bishop Henri de, 4: 223. Pontgrave, see Grave. Pontrincourt, Jean, Baron de, in Canada, 2: 4-6. Pontiac, at Fort Chartres, 1764, 4: 376. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 Pontiac, besieges Detroit, 359. conspiracy of, 356. sues for peace, 364. Pontiac and Rogers, 4: 353. Pontiac s War, 4: 351-376. Poor, General Enoch, his enlistment paper, 6: 120. "Poor Richard s Almanack" first edition, 1732, 3: 371. - 1733, title-page of, 4: 15. Pope s Bull of Demarcation, 1493, 1: 154. map, line of Demarcation, 160. Popham, Sir John, signature, 2: 35. Population of U. S., 1800, 7: 260. map of the U. S., 1790, 7: 61. map showing centre of, and distribution, 1800, 7: 261. Popular Amusements, 1800, 7: 278. Portages and French and English Forts, map, 4: 60. Port Royal (Annapolis), N. S., map, 2: 5; 3: 13, 281. - attacked, 1707, failure, 3: 293. - captured, 1710, 294. Portsmouth and Norfolk, Va., destroyed by British, 6: 235. Post, Christian Frederick, undertakes mis sion to hostile Indians, 4: 203-5. title-page of Second Journal, 4: 206. Postmaster s Bill, 1745, 3: 371. Post Offices in 1800, 7: 269. Pott, John, governor of Virginia, 1629, 2: 173. Potter, William, author of "Key of Wealth", 3: 145. Pouchot, Captain, at Ticonderoga, 4: 181. at Niagara, 1759, 4: 223. - surrenders Fort Levis, 1760, 4: 313. Powder-Horn, 1758, 4: 188. Selden s, 6: 23. Powder Magazine at Williamsburg, Va. 1714, 5: 352. Powers of Congress and of States, 6: 431. Pownall, Thomas, governor of Mass., 4: 120. his "view of Boston", 6: 31. "view on Hudson s River", 4: 11. prophesies the independence of America, 1760, 5: 371. Preble, Commodore Edward, commands in the Mediterranean, 1803, 7: 315. bombards Tripoli, 319. medal presented to, 7: 321. Prerogative, to cost George III the Colonies, 6: 29. exemplified, 34-35. Prescott, Colonel William, autograph, 6 :264., Prescott, General Richard, house where captured, 6: 167. President, troubles of a, 7: 394. President s Message, the first, 7: 42. Presidential Electors, first chosen, 7: 14. Presidential Power, the evolution of, 7: 32. Press-Gang thwarted in Boston, 1747, 4: 3. Preston, Colonel Thomas, autograph, 1767, 6: 107. indictment of, 109. acquitted, 6: 112. Prevost, General Augustine, autograph, 6: 209. captures Charleston, 6: 213-18. invades Georgia, 6: 211. Prideaux, Brig. Gen. John, 4: 226. killed, 231. Prince, Thomas, governor of Plymouth, 1635,2: 393. Prince, Rev. Thomas, portrait, 4: 2. Prince Henry, the navigator, 1 : 109. Princeton, battle of, 6: 53. Princeton University, seal, 4: 13. Pring, Martin, on Cape Cod, 2: 33. in Maine, 39. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 55 Printing in 1763, 6: 26. Printing Press and type case used by Frank lin, 5: 26. Printz, John, governor of New Sweden, 1643, 2: 258. Prisoners transported to Virginia, 2: 59. Prison Ships at New York, 6: 63. Prison Ship Stations, Brooklyn, N. Y., 6: 62. - Martyrs Monument, 61. Privateers, 6: 256. Proclamation (British), to people of Georgia, 1779, 6: 212. Prophecy, speculative, 5: 370. Province House Arms, Boston, 3: 383. Provincial Congress, Mass., 1774, 6: 229. Provincial Congresses in various colonies differ as to Independence, 6: 387- 392. Provisions, appeal for (Stoughton, Mass, 1775), 6: 272. Provost Prison, N. Y., tablet on, 6: 62. Public Lands, sale of, 1800, 7: 266. PuUick Occurrences (1690), newspaper, 3: 280. Pueblo region, map, 1 : 27. Pueblo of Acoma, 1: 299. - of Walpi (Hopi), 31. - of Zuni, 29. Pulaski, Count Casimir, banner of his Legion, 6: 72. - killed, 6: 215. - portrait and autograph, 6: 73. - letter, 1779, 6: 214. Puritan Costumes, 1620-40, 2: 157. Puritan government established in Maryland, 2: 215. - the, and the Heretic, 2: 375-391. Pury, Jean Pierre, and Swiss emigrants to S. C., 1733, 3: 342. Putnam, General Israel, at Cambridge, 1775, 5: 260. Putnam, General Israel, at Lake George, 4: 83. autograph, 4: 127. captured and nearly burned, by Indians, 4: 188. coat of arms, 6: 15. his tavern sign ("The General Wolfe"), 5: 18. on Long Island, 6: 15-16. portrait (Trumbull), 6: 261. portrait, 273. sword, 268. Putnam, General Rufus, in the Ohio Com pany, 6: 405. Pynchon House, 1660, 3: 118. Pynchon, William, condemned as heretic, 2: 380. portrait and autograph, 2: 379. Quaker Democracy in West New Jersey, 1677, 3: 86. Quakers oppose Revolution, in Pa. and N. J., 5: 349. persecuting the, 2: 375-391. Quarry, Robert, governor of S. C., 3: 19, 209. judge in Penn., 246. Quartering Act, of 1765, abandoned, 1770, 6: 118. Quartering (of soldiers) Act, 1774, 6: 197. Quebec, Battle of, 1759, 4: 292-5. captured by Kirke, 1629, 2: 116. expedition against, fails, 1711, 3: 294. Expedition, 1775, 6: 326, 332. horse-flesh eaten at, 1758, 4: 172. invested by Wolfe, 4: 260. in Winter, 4: 303. letter to the inhabitants of, 1774, 6: 224. map, 6: 326, 332. Lahontan s map of, 1703, 3: 282. 1758, 4: 254. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S. f VOLS. 1-7 56 Quebec, plan of battle, 1760, 307. relieved by the Navy, 4: 308. - taking of, 1759, 266. - view from Pt. Levis,l759, 278, (1906), 287. Quebec Bill, the, 1774, 6: 197. Quebec Sermon, by Dr. Cooper, 4: 303. "Quebec Taken", medal, 1759, 4: 300. Quebec Thanksgiving Proclamation, 4: 302. Quetzalcoatl, 1: 254. Quexos, Pedro de, 1 : 272, el seq. Queen Anne, portrait and autograph, 3: 189. Queen Anne s War, 3: 191. Queen Charlotte, portrait, 6: 74. Queen Elizabeth, 1 : 322. signature, 2: 95. Queen Mary (II), portrait and autograph, 3: 183. Quincy, Josiah, pamphlet on Boston Port Bill, 5: 204. "R. H." Delaware Tory, 6: 235. Radisson, Pierre Esprit, Explorations, 3: 164, et seq. Raleigh s Explorations, 1: 332. Raleigh, Sir Walter, in North Carolina, 1: 330. - portrait, 1: 329. signature, 335. Rail, Colonel Johann, autograph, 6: 47. death, 6: 50. Ramezay, holds Quebec, 4: 298. surrenders, 300. Ramseur s Mills, encounter at, 1780, 6: 223. Randolph, Edward, "the evil genius of New England", 3: 136. jailed, 149. letter, 1676, 3: 138. Randolph, Edmund, intrigues with French, 176, 7: 132. portrait and autograph, 7: 90. Randolph, John, and the Yazoo claims, 7: 385. opposes Jefferson, 1806, 389-91. portrait and autograph, 7: 236. silhouette, 7: 373. Ranger, man-of-war, map of cruise, 6: 263. Rasle, Sebastian, escapes, 1722, 3: 387. killed, 389. Rawdon, Lord, portrait and autograph, 6: 216. Rebellion open in Virginia, 1775, 6: 353. the Whiskey, 1794, 7: 141-155. Reclamation of the Carolinas, 6: 282-297. Red Bank (Fort Mercer), Count Donop re pulsed at, 6: 85. abandoned, 86. Red Hill, home of Patrick Henry, 6: 151. Reel, 5: 7. Regulation of Commerce, 1774, 6: 220. "Regulators" in the Carolinas, 1771, 5: 129. Relation des Avanlages, 4: 147. Regulators War, N. C., map, 6: 129. Relations of Colonies with Indians, map, 5: 285. Religion in 1800,7: 283. Religious Bigotry and Partisan Hate, 7: 306. Religious Tolerance in Maryland by Cath olics, 2: 202, 210. intolerance by Protestants, 215. Remick, Christian, his view of Boston, 1768, 6: 94. Repeal of the Stamp Act, 5: 64-80. (The) of the Townshend Acts, 5: 99-118. Representation, 6: 159. Reprisal, first Continental cruiser abroad, 6: 258. Resolute Preparations for War, 1775, 6: 286. Resolutions of R. H. Lee, 1776, 6: 384. Retaliatory Duties between the States, 1787, 6: 386. Revenue Stamp, 1765, 6: 55. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 57 Revere, Paul, Boston house of, 1676, 5: 217. copper tea kettle made by, 7 : 6. his bill for services, 5: 299. - his view of Boston, 1768, 6: 96. page of diary, 242. - pistol of, 218. portrait and autograph, 240. Revival, the great, 1799-1800, 7: 284-6. Revivals, in Conn., 1745, 3: 406. Revolutionary Coins, 6: 390. Revolutionary Relics (bullets, mould, cart ridges and paper, ladle), 5: 229. Reynolds, John, governor of Georgia, 1754, autograph, 4: 22. Reynolds-Hamilton Scandal, 1792, 7: 190. Rhett, William (S. C.), 3: 223. captures pirates, 229. - portrait, 3: 229. - "officeholder", 3: 338. death, 339. Rhode Island audacity, 1703, 3: 302. - Ballot, 6: 150. - Census, 1774, 6: 2. Convention on the Constitution, 1790, facsimile, 7: 50-51. - early map, 2: 286. - proposition to abolish, 1787, 6: 418. seal, 1672, 3: 299. - Conn, boundary, settled, 1703, 3: 301. Second regiment, at battle of Springfield, 6: 229. Ribault, Jean, landing of, 1: 312. pillar, 315. Rice in S. C., 3: 218. Richards, John, autograph, 3: 142. Richelieu, Cardinal, portrait, 2: 14. Riedesel, Baron, letter of Lord Suffolk to, 1776, 5: 343. Rigby, Alexander, 2: 339. "Right of Search" the, 6: 277. Right (The) to print, in Mass., 1718, 3: 384. Rights of Man, title-page, 7: 72. - (The), of Subjects, 5: 140-41. Rising, John, governor of New Sweden, 2: 263. Roanoke, 1: 331. abandoned, 334. fort at, 335. Robertson, James, pioneer, 5: 175. defeats Chickamauga Indians, 1794, 7: 118. Roberval, Jean Francois de la Roche, at Quebec, 1: 309-11. Robinson, Beverly, house of, 6: 246. Robinson, Rev. John, signature, 2: 11. Robinson, John, governor of Va., 1749, 4: 25. Rochambeau, General Count de, arrives at Newport, 6: 241. writes to Vergennes, 242. portrait and autograph, 6: 305. Rockingham, Lord, autograph, 6: 344. Rockingham Ministry, the, 6: 68, 6: 344. Rodgers, Commodore John, order to Lieut. Porter to go to Malta, 7: 391. Rodney, Admiral, captures St. Eustatius, 6: 281. portrait, 6: 276. Rodney, Caesar, attorney general, 1806, 7: 377. monument, to 6: 393. Rogers, Robert, at Lake George, 4: 121. destroys village of St. Francis Indians, 1759, 4: 240. his Ponteach, title-page, 4: 364. privations of his men, 4: 241. portrait and autograph, 4: 128. sent West to possess the new territory, 4: 353. reaches Detroit, 354. Rogers Concise Account of North America, 1765, title-page, 4: 362. page from, 363. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 58 Rogers-Clark, expedition, 6: 196. Roldan, 1: 197. Rolfe, John, cultivates tobacco at James town, 1612, 2: 58. marries Pocahontas, 2: 61. Routes of Travel from Philadelphia, 5: 17. Royal Arms, 1724, 4: 9. Royal Deux Fonts regiment, flag of, 3: 316. Royal interest in the slave trade, 1770, 6: 127. Royal Rule in Maryland and Virginia, 1690- 1715, 3: 252-259. in New York and New Jersey, 3: 260- 269. Royal Savage, schooner, 6: 6. "Royal Syntax", volunteers at Quebec, 4: 259. Ruggles, Timothy, Tory, protected by Brit ish, 1775, 6: 232. Rule of 1756, 7: 383. Rum Keg, 6: 55. Runaway Servant, advertisement for, 3 : 142. Runaway Slave advertisement, 5: 5. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, autograph, 6: 137. - portrait, 7: 63. Rutgers-Waddington Case, title-page, 6: 381. Rutgers College, established, 1770, 6: 132. Rutherford, Griffith, autograph, 6: 184. Rutledge, Edward, active at Charleston, 1776, 6: 365. St. Augustine, Fla., attacked by S. C., 1702, 3: 222. - city gate, 3: 328. - Oglethorpe fails to take, 1740, 3: 336. sacked and burned by Drake, 1586, 3: 327. St. Botolph s Church, Boston, England, 2: 268. St. Castine, Baron, in Maine, 1690, 3: 280. St. Clair, General Arthur, autograph, 6: 96. defeat of map, 7: 101. broadside on, 103. on Duquesne expedition, 4: 198-9. - governor of the N. W. Territory, 6: 410. portrait, 410. St. Clair, Sir John, 4: 63-67. St. Eustatius, W. I., colonies supplied from, 1775, 6: 317. captured by Rodney, 6: 281. St. James Church, S. C., 3: 218. St. John s Church, Richmond, interior of, 5: 239. St. Lawrence River, map, 4: 252. St. Leger, Major Barry, besieges Fort Stan- wix, 6: 102. raises siege, 108. St. Leger s Troops, order of march, 6: 102. St. Luc, La Come de, 4: 223, 229. defeated at Oswego, 228. St. Luke s Church, Smithfield, Va. ( 2: 174. St. Marys and vicinity, map, 3: 55. Sacagawea, "Bird Woman" great aid to Lewis and Clark, 7: 350. Saint Die, 16th Century, 1: 235. Saint Lusson, Sieur de, 1671, 3: 164. Saintonge, regiment of flag, 3: 315. Saint Pierre, Legardeur de, commander at Fort Le Boeuf, 1753, 4: 37. Salary Act, President and Vice President, 7: 33. Salem, Mass., in 1692, map, 3: 286. temporary capital of Mass., 69: 204. - 1765, Old North Bridge, in, 236. - Washington Street in, 5: 227. Salmon Falls, Me., Indians attack, 1690, 3: 279. Salt Act, 1730, 3: 194. Saltonstall, Dudley, Navy Captain, 1775, 6: 320. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 59 Saltonstall, Rev. Gurdon, governor of Conn., 1707-24, autograph, 3: 305. Salt Springs, Syracuse, discovered, 1654, 2: 248. Salzburger Costumes (early Georgia), 3: 333. "Sam Adams Regiments", the, 6: 105. Sandys, Sir Edwin, portrait, 2: 65. letter, 70. Sandys, George, portrait, 2: 72. San Miguel de Guandape, Spanish settle ment, 1: 274. Saratoga, 6: 88-133. Saratoga Battle, monument, 6: 132. battle of, pistol found on field, 6: 132. preliminaries, 6: 110-12. Saratoga, Indian massacre at, 1745, 3: 380. and Yorktown medal, 6: 320. Sargent, Major Winthrop, Secretary of the N. W. Territory, 6: 410. Saunders, Admiral Charles, portrait and autograph, 4: 249. Saunders and Wolfe reach Halifax, 1759, 4: 250. Sauvalle, 3: 317. - death, 318. Savannah founded, 1733, 3: 332. - captured by British, 6: 209. siege of, map, 6: 215. Say and Sele, Lord, autograph, 2: 361. Saybrook Platform, 3: 307. Sayle, William, governor of S. C., 3: 12. Scalp bounties in Mass., 1704, 3: 292. Scalps taken by New England Rangers at Quebec, 4: 259. Scalping forbidden by Wolfe, 4: 262. Schaghen, P., letter, 1626, 2: 92. Schenectady settled, 1664, 2: 248. - burnt, 1690, 3: 262. Schoner-Gore, map, 1523, 1: 248. Schools and school-books, 1800, 7: 278. Schuyler, Fort, siege of, 6: 107. (Stanwix), diagram, 6: 105. map of siege, 107. Schuyler, Hon-Yost, 6: 108. Schuyler, Captain John, attacks La Prairie, 1690, 3: 264. Schuyler, Peter, governor of N. Y., 1719, 3: 277. portrait, 3: 276. Schuyler, General Philip, at Ticonderoga, 1775, 5: 324. autograph, 6: 324. portrait, 6: 42. Science in 1763, 6: 24. in 1800, 7: 283. Scillacio, page of the, 1: 165. Scrooby, England, map, 2: 103. Brewster s house at, 104. Sea of Darkness, 1 : 68. Sea, On the, 6: 256-273. Sears, Isaac, committee of correspondence, 5: 67. Seat of Government of the U. S., amend ment to act establishing, 7: 57. Second attempt upon the South, 6: 209- 232. (The) Continental Congress, 6: 274-291. (The) Continental Congress (second ses sion), 6: 315-322. Second R. I. regiment, flag of, 6: 239. Sedgwick, Robert, autograph, 2: 347. Sedgwick, Theodore, autograph, 7: 236. Sedition Act, 1798, 7: 223. Seizure, Impressment and Non-Importation, 7: 388. Selden, Samuel, powder-horn, 1776, 6: 23. Senate Chamber, Philadelphia, 1795. - view, 7: 158. Senex (John), Map of America, 1721, 3: 338. Separatism, the Growth of, in England, 2: 94-102, INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 60 Sepulchral Urns, 1 : 34. Settlement (The) of Manhattan, 2: 80-93. Settlements from Charleston, S. C., to St. Augustine, Fla., 3: 331. Seven Ranges of Townships, Hutchins sur vey of, 6: 406. Seven Years War, ended, 1763, 4: 335. Seventh Fusiliers, flag of, 1775, 6: 329. Sevier, John, pioneer, 5: 175. - at King s Mountain, 6: 228. - autograph, 7: 118. - defeats Cherokees, 1793, 7: 118. Sewall, Samuel, portrait and autograph, 3: 287. Sewall House, Burlington, Mass., 5: 245. Seymour, John, governor of Md., 3: 256. Sharpe, Horatio, governor of Md., 1753, 4: 19. - letter, 1755, 4: 76. Shattuck, Samuel, 2: 385, 389. Shays, Captain Daniel, autograph, 6: 394. Shays Rebellion, 1786, 6: 396. Shelburne, Lord, autograph, 6: 345. Shelburne, Ministry, the, 1782, 6: 347. Shelby, Evan, pioneer, 6: 175. Shelby, Isaac, at Musgrove s Mills, 6: 227. - at King s Mountain, 229. Ship-building in the Colonies, 5: 8. Ship of State, launching the, 7: 1-13. - setting sail, 7: 14-41. Shippen, Edward, governor of Pa., 1702, 3: 247. Shippen family, 6: 243. Shipping Bill of, 1718, 3: 197. - of, 1764, 5: 31. Shirley, William, autograph and portrait, 3: 394. coat of arms, 4: 118. commands expedition against Niagara, 1755, 4: 81. death, 128. Shirley, William, plans Canadian Campaign, 1756,4: 119. - retreats to Albany, 1755, 4: 92. Shoe, worn before 1775, 6: 7. Short, William, autograph, 7: 120. Shute, Samuel, governor of Mass., 1716, 3: 297. - autograph, 3: 383. Signatures to oath of allegiance to James II, 1685, 3: 22. Silver Bullet, enclosing Clinton s message, 6: 119. Sinews of War, the, 6: 326-333. Skelton, Samuel (Rev.), ordained at Salem, 2: 155. Skene, Major Philip, 6: 98. Sketch of the Finances, etc., by Gallatin, title- page, 7: 166. Slater, Samuel, pioneer of cotton spinning, 7: 275. - portrait, 7: 275. spinning machinery, 276. Slave advertisement, New York City, 1789, 7: 60. Slavery and Anti-Slavery, 7: 62-66. Slavery in New Amsterdam, 2: 247. Friends expenses for aiding slaves, 1793-5, 7: 63. - Pennsylvania Quakers set their slaves free, 1758, 5: 5. Samuel Sewell, denounces, 1700, 5: 5. Slave-trade and navigation, 6: 429-30. Sloughter, Colonel Henry, governor of New York, 1691, 3: 264. autograph, 265. death, 266. Smith, Captain John, in Chesapeake Bay, 2: 4. and Pocahontas, 45. - his map of New England, 2: 121. - president of the Jamestown Colony, 2: 49. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 61 Smith, Captain John, portrait, 2: 40. - victory, 1608, 2: 31. - death, 2: 56. Smith, Joshua Hett, 6: 249-252. Smith, Melancthon, autograph, 7: 12. Smith, Ralph, 2: 394. Smith, Robert, attorney general, 1805, 7: 377. - Sec y of the Navy, 7: 293. Smith, Thomas, governor of S. C., 1693, 3: 218. - death, 219. Smith, William Loughton, at Lisbon, 7: 189. Smith s An Historical Account of Bouquet s Expedition, 4: 369. Society of the Cincinnati, insignia of the, 6: 364. - pamphlet by Burke, 364. Soldier s Buckles, found at Ticonderoga, 6: 94. pocket-knife, 96. pay receipt, 5: 308. pewter spoon, 6: 109. "Some account of Pensilvania", title-page, 3: 98. Some Observations on the Two Campaigns against the Cherokees, 1759, title-page, 4: 349. Somers, Midshipman Richard, portrait and autograph, 7: 320. Somers, Wadsworth, and Israel, perish at Tripoli, 1804, 7: 320. Somerset, negro set free in England, 1771, 5: 128. Sonmans, Daniel, carries N. J. records to England, 1713, 3: 277. "Sons of Liberty", phrase originated by Barre , 6: 1765. (Boston) warning by, 6: 161. Maryland, broadside by, 6: 59. Sothell, Seth, governor of N. C., 1688, 3: 12. and Council, 3: 26. South, the second attempt on the, 6: 209- 232. Southampton, Earl of, 2: 75. South Atlantic Coast, map, 3:1. South Carolina Act, 1717, signatures to, 3: 228. South Carolina Assembly, 1692, 3: 221. Church and State clash, 1706, 3: 223. 1730, 3: 341. Committee, 1775, 5: 358. - disorder in, 1686, 3: 25. foreign immigration into, 1733, 3: 342. Gazette, 1732, heading of first issue, 3: 342. - General Assembly, 1776, 6: 360. in possession of British, 6: 221. invades the Tennessee Valley against Cherokees, 4: 240. Lawson s map of, 1709, 3 : 224. legislative struggles in 1735-40, 3: 343, 345. map, 1730, 3: 341. map of 1670, 3: 9. - map of 1715, 3: 227. partisan warfare in, 222. proprietory government ended, 1690- 1721, 3: 217-233. revolution in, 1719, 3: 233. royal seal of, 3: 338. state seal, 1776, 6: 151. "State Sovereignty" in, 3: 233. Trott s Laws of, title-page, 3: 225. South West, the, and Spanish Diplomacy, 7: 92-113. Southern Campaign, 1780, map, 6: 210. detail map, 212. Sovereign, an American, 1774, 5: 224. Spain acquires Louisiana, 1769, 7: 325. and Portugal, 1: 143. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 62 Spain, claims of, 1784, 6: 384. invades Michigan, 1781, 6: 276. not an ally of America, 6: 275. - our claims on, 1803, 7: 363. - treaty made with, 1795, 7: 121. Spanish Coast, 1: 135. Spanish Cloud, the, 1805, 7: 378. - fleet defeated by Rodney, 6: 276. diplomacy and the Southwest, 7: 114- 122. - explorations, 1: 280, et seq. Spearhead, Obsidian, 1: 18. Spencer, Joseph, major general, 5: 261. Spectacles and Case, before 1775, 6: 10. Spinning Wheel, small flax, 2: 135. Spotswood, Alexander, portrait and auto graph, 3: 258. map of route, 351. - called "The Tubal Cain of Va.," 259. - "Horseshoe Expedition" of, 1716, 3: 350. - death, 352, 1740. SpiingSeld, N. J., battle at, 1780, 6: 239. map, 240. Stage-Coach, announcement, 1772, 6: 18. Stamp Act, The, 5: 46-63. broadside on repeal of, 6: 72. .Congress, 1765, autographs of delegates, 5: 60. Congress Declaration, 1765, 6: 401. passed, 1765, 6: 54. Standish, Myles, coat of arms, 2: 397. dinner- pot, 135. monument, 398. relics, 2: 392. - sword, 132. Stanton, Thomas, brave interpreter, 1636, 2: 324. Stanwix, Brig. Gen., 4: 227. Stark, Gen. John, at Lake George, 4: 83. monument, 4: 84. portrait, 6: 99. Stars and Stripes (the Union flag), Jan. 1, 1776, 3: 307. first displayed at Fort Stanwix (Schuyler), Aug. 3, 1777, 6: 103. Starved Rock, 111., 3: 176. State Claims and Cessions, 1780-1812, map showing, 6: 388. State House, Phila., 1776, 6: 419. State jealousy of Congress, 1787, 6 : 396-7. Staten Island, N. Y., advance of British from, 6: 241. Statues of Explorers: Leif Ericson, Boston, 1: 95. John and Sebastian Cabot, 1: 182. Columbus, 222. Steamboats, beginning of, 7: 270. Stede Bonnet, pirate, hanged, 1718, 3: 229. Steelyards, 5: 14. Steuben, Baron, at Valley Forge, 6: 170. discipline introduced by, 172. letter to Gov. Trumbull, 6: 234. portrait, 170. Stephens, William, governor of Georgia, 1748, 4: 19. autograph, 4: 22. Stewart, Colonel Alexander, 6: 295. fights Greene at Eutaw Springs, 296. Stillwater, battle of, 6: 114-115. Stirling, Lord, 2: 230. commission, 6: 348. portrait and autograph, 6: 17. Stobo, Robert, hostage to the French, 4: 46. at Quebec, 264. Stocks, The, 2: 283. Stone, Samuel, 2: 363. Stone, William, governor of Md., 1648, auto graph, 2: 210. Stonington settled, 2: 326. Stony Point, captured by Wayne, 6: 237. map of capture, 6: 236. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 63 Stony Point, Wayne s medal, 236. Stoughton, William, portrait and autograph, 3: 284. - governor of Mass., 1695, 3: 289. Stove, in Va. House of Burgesses, 6: 100. "Strawberry Bank" (Portsmouth, N. H.), 2: 341. Strengthening the Colonial Body, 6: 119- 133. Stuart, Captain John, saved by Attakulla- kulla, 4: 345. Stukeley, Capt. Thomas, title-page of his "Life", 2: 22. seal, 235. - signature, 240. - tomb, 253. Stuyvesant, Governor Peter, invades New Sweden, 1651, 2: 262-5. - fights Swedes in Delaware, 2 : 246. persecutes Lutherans and Quakers, 2: 247. - portrait, 2: 234; seal, 235. - signature, 240; tomb, 253. Submarine Warfare, 1777, 6: 259. Suffolk, Lord, letter to Riedesel, 1776, 6: 343. "Suffolk Resolves", 1774, 5: 216. Suffrage limitations, 6: 154. Sugar Act, 1764, 6: 37. Sugar-cane introduced, 1751, 3: 326. Sullivan, General John, commands Canada Expedition, 1776, 5: 342. - fails in Rhode Island, 6: 181. - invades the Genesee country, 6: 189. - portrait 6: 18, 189. - waistcoat, 6: 22. Sullivan s Island, S. C., map of British at tack on, 1776, 5: 367. Sumter, General Thomas, captures Hanging Rock, 6: 223. defeated at Fishing Creek, 227. - fails at Rocky Mount, 6: 222-3. Surprise, cruiser, 6: 258. Surgeon s Saw, 5: 9. Surveyor s Draft, line of 1684, 3: 305. Susquehanna Company, memorial of, 1755, 4: 9. Swamp Fight, the great, 1675, 3: 118. "Swamp Fox" the (Marion), 6: 223. Swartwout, Abraham, letter on flag, 6: 104. Symmes, John Cleves, judge, 6: 411. Table Mountain, Cal., section of, 1: 13. Tailer, William, autograph, 3 : 392. Tailfer s "Narrative" of Ga., 1741, title- page, 3: 331. Talcott, Joseph, governor of Conn., 1724-41, 3: 404. Talleyrand, autograph, 7: 194. portrait, 338. Tallmadge, Major Benjamin, and Andre, 6: 252. commission, 6: 252. flag of regiment, 252. family, portraits, 253. Talon, Jean, portrait and coat of arms, 3: 163. Tar and Feathers in Boston, 1775, 5: 238. Tariff, first American, 7: 27. Tarleton, Colonel Banastre, defeated at Cowpens, 6: 288. massacres Buford s detachment, 6: 221. portrait and autograph, 6: 219. Taverns, important, in 1763, 5: 18. Tas.es, 6: 330. Taxing America, 1764, 5: 46. Otis pamphlet on, 5: 48. Tea Duty, 6: 157-170. Tea Episode (The) (Chap. 9), 6: 154-170. Tea, of the "Boston Tea Party", some pre served, 6: 166. refused at New York, Charleston, etc., 5: 168. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 64 Temper of the Middle a.nd Southern Colonies (Chap. 20), 5: 344-361. Tennessee admitted as a State, 1796, 7: 119. Tenochtitlan, plan of, 1 : 258. Ternay, Chevalier de, arrives with fleet at Newport, 1780, 6: 241. - death, 307. Territorial Changes, 1800, 7: 264. Test Act of Maryland, 1716, 3: 358. Testimony, Cumulative, 6: 371. Thacher, Oxenbridge, publishes Sentiments of a British- American, 1764, 5: 50. Thacher, Rev. Thomas, portrait, 3: 136. treatise on medicine, 137. Thanksgiving Proclamation, by Gov. Liv ingston of N. J., 1789, 7: 36. Theses, first Harvard printed, 1643, 2: 357. "The Shot heard round the World", 6: 247. Third Connecticut regiment, flag of, 6: 240. Maryland regiment, flag of, 6: 287. New York regiment flag, 6: 322. Thomas, George, governor of Pa., 3: 367; 4: 15. arms and autograph, 3: 367. Thomas, Gen. John, Major General, 6: 261. Thompson, Benjamin ("Count Rumford"), defeats Marion, 6: 324. Threshold of a New Century, on the, 7 : 260- 288. Ticonderoga, Abercromby defeated at, 4: 185. Burgoyne captures, 6: 92. French, repulsed at, 1757,4: 133. General Lircoln surprises outposts at, 6: 116. map, 1758, 4: 182. of English advance, 179. of French works, 181. map of investment of, 6: 93. - and Fort Frontenac, 4: 172-191. Tienpont, Adrian Jorissen, reaches Albany (1623), 2: 90. Tilghman, Colonel Tench, autograph, 6: 322. "Tipis" ("teepees") Indian, 1: 344. Titcomb, Captain, Life Guard cap, 6: 309. Titcomb, Colonel Moses, at Lake George, 4: 83. Tobacco as currency, 1619, 2: 68. illustration, 2: 59. Proclamation, 1630, 3: 29. regulations in Maryland, 1747, 4: 17. - roller, 6: 3. vs. Souls in Virginia, 1691, 3: 255. Tonty, Henri de, autograph, 3: 177. - death, 1704, 3: 319. Tonty s LaSalle, title-page, 3: 180. Tooth forceps, 5: 9. Tories, British generosity to, after war, 6: 382. in New York City, 6: 338. in the South, 5: 341. in War-Time, the, 6: 333-341. watched, 6: 347. treaty obligations towards ignored, 1784, 6: 3.80. Tory prisoners, 6: 335. privateers, 6: 34C. - militia, 339. troops, 6: 338. Toscanelli, Paul, geographer, 1 : 115. map, 117. Townshend Acts, The, 5: 81-98. Townshend, Charles, 6: 35. Townshend s policy, 1763, 5: 35. Townshend, Gen. George, portrait and auto graph, 4: 248. Township, diagram of present system, 7: 267. Tracy, Marquis de, autograph, 3: 163. defeats Iroquois, 163. Transportation, 1763, few carriages, 6: 16. Transylvania refused admittance as a colony, 6: 315. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 65 Treat, Robert, autograph, 3: 117. Treaty of Peace, 1782, its liberal terms, 6: 356-360. Treaty preliminary of Peace, 1782, 6: 353. how received in U. S., 357. Trent, Captain William, expedition against French, 1754, 4: 38. Trenton, battle of, map, 6: 47. Fischer s map of, 48. and Princeton, 6: 37-60. and Princeton battles, map of, 6: 52. - Paleolith, 1: 15. Trial by Jury, first case in Virginia, 1630, 2: 173. Trinity, Fort, 2: 263. Tripoli Campaign, map of, 7: 309. - map of harbor cf Tripoli, 1804, 7: 316. - in 1803, 318. - sword taken in, 18C4, 7: 308. Tripoli, the War with, 7: 308-324. Troops and citizens clash in Boston, 5: 105- 107. Trott, Nicholas, attorney general, S. C., 1700, 3: 221. - chief justice, 222. power curbed, 226. Troubles of a President, 7: 394. True Relation, Smith, title-page of, 2: 46. Trumbull, Jonathan, portrait and autograph, 6: 26. proclamation by, 6: 161. Truxtun, Commodore Thomas, portrait and autograph, 7: 205. Tryon s Raid, 1777, map, 6: 66. Tryon s Connecticut Raid, 1779, map, 6: 235. Rebellion Proclamation, 1775, 6: 318. "Tuckahoes" Virginia (great planters), 6: 21. Turner s Falls Fight, 1676, 3: 120. "Turtle, American" first submarine vessel, 6: 258. Tuscarora Indians, N. C., invade settle ments, 1712, 3: 237. defeated, 237-8. "Twelve Good Rules" (The), 2: 393. "Twin heresies" (nullification and secession) [Madison], 7: 232. Two Highways to Canada, map of, 4: 228. Tyng, Captain Edward, at Louisburg, 1745, 3: 396. Tynte, Edward, governor of S. C., 1709, autograph, 3: 224. Umbrella, old-time, 6: 20. "Un Cadet" (lean horse), 4: 173. Uncas, and his squaw, marks of, 2: 314. Underbill, Capt. John, autograph, 2: 233. defeats Indians on Long Island and in Connecticut, 1644, 2: 234. plan of attack on Indian fort, 2: 316. title-page of his "Newes from America", 1638, 2: 315. Uniform cf Morgan s riflemen, 6: 296. Uniforms of the American troops, by a Ger man artist, 6: 167, 171. Union, breaking up of the, suggested, 1794, 7: 164. United States, 1: 356; 2: 7, 11. map showing Indian Reservations, 1: 354. amendment to act establishing seat of Government, 7: 57. arms of the, 7: 13. Constitution of, 6: 436. 1778, French map of, 6: 142. map, 1800-2, 7: 264. map, 1803-6, 348. map of boundaries, 1789, 54. population map, 1790, 7: 61. United States, frigate in action, 7 : 200. Unzaga, at New Orleans, 7: 325. Usselinx, William, portrait and autograph, 2: 255. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 66 Valcour Island, battle of, 6: 6-8. - map of action at, 6: 6. plan, 7. - view of battle, 8. Valley Forge, encampment plan, 6: 164. - "General Orders" hook, 6: 166. - sufferings at, 6: 87, 165-6. - Washington s bed at, 6: 168. Washington s proclamation at, 1777, 6: 165. Valley Forge, Monmouth and Newport, 6: 164-183. Valley of Mexico, 1519, map, 1: 259. Vambrace (arm-guard), 2: 74. Van Braam, Jacob, 4: 36. - hostage to French, 46. Van Cortlandt, Philip, autograph, 3: 260. Van Dam, Rip, governor of N. Y., 1731, 3: 374. Van Rensselaer Deed, 1630, 2: 221. Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, secures Albany patent, 2: 222. Van Tienhoven, Cornelius, autograph, 2: 240. Van Twiller, Wouter, signature, 2: 225. Van Wart, Isaac, captor of Andre, 6: 252. Vane, Sir Henry, governor of Mass. Bay, portrait and autograph, 1636, 2: 278. Varin and ether rascals punished, 1763, 4: 317. Varnum, General James M., judge, 6: 411. Vasco da Gama, portrait, 1: 179. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, portrait, 1: 244. Vases: - Prehistoric, Florida, 1: 43. - Davenport, Iowa, 1: 55. - Mound, N. C., 1: 58. Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de, 3: 312. - autograph, 4: 83. - cowardly conduct of, 4: 297-8, 304. - escapes justice in Fiance, 1763, 4: 318. Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de, portrait, 4: 176. and Montcalm, dissensions, 4: 177-214. - (II) Marquis de, 1755, governor of Can ada, 4: 59. Vaughan, Benjamin, messenger from Jay, 1782, 6: 349. Vaughan, General, burns Kingston, N. Y., 1777, 6: 119. Vauquelin, Captain, of the Arethuse, 4: 164. Velasco, Luis de, 1: 301. Velasquez, Diego, 1: 252. Vengeance, brig, 6: 263. Vergennes, Count de, autograph, 6: 59. - portrait, 6: 274. Vergor, incapable Canadian, 4: 279. Vermont, admitted as a State, 7: 160. map as Territory, 4: 6. - secession of, threatened, 1780, 6: 387. Vernon, Admiral, autograph, 3: 336. Verrazano, Giovanni, in N. C., 1: 275. in Mass., 276. - portrait, 278. Vespucius, Amerigo, autograph, 1: 226. portrait, 233. "Four Voyages", 227. - map 1st voyage, 228. - sails for the New World, 1: 228. in Mexico, 229. - death of, 234. Vetch, Colonel Samuel, and advance on Canada, 1709, failure, 3: 293. "View of the attack on Bunker s Hill," 5: 268, 270. Vigilance Committee of N. Y., handbill by, 5: 168. - of Phila. handbill by, 169. Vignan, Nicholas, 2: 12. Vigo, Francis, aids George Rogers Clark, 6: 195, 202, 204. Vigo, Francis, portrait, 6: 204. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 67 Villiers, Frangois Coulon de, portrait and autograph, 4: 46. Vincennes, tortured by Indians, 1736, 3: 325. Fort, articles of surrender, 6: 198. Vincent, P. title-page of "A True Relation", 1637, 2: 318. Vines, Richard, signature, 2: 145. Vinland, by Rafn, map, 1 : 92. Virginia, Beverly s History of, 1722, title- page, 3: 352. Virginia Charter, of 1606, map, 2: 36. Charter, 1606, part of, 2: 38. Charter, 1609, map, illustrating, 2: 53. Colonial map, 2: 186. Committee of Correspondence, 6: 148. Company, seal of, 2: 69. costumes, 2: 177. first settlements map, 2: 41. Gazette, first Va. paper, 1736, heading, 3: 356. - "home rule" in, 1707-10, 3: 258. House of Burgesses, Ms. Journal of, 1680, 3: 40. Jefferson s Constitution for, 1776, page, 5: 384. local government, 1660, 2: 184-187. map of first settlements in, 2: 41. map of operations in, 1781, 6: 299. records, first page of, 2 : 66. - resolutions, 1769, 5: 404. riflemen uniform, 5: 296. Smith s map of, 2: 48. under the Charter, 2: 33-79. Viscount George Howe, 4: 177. monument to, 180. where killed, 179. Virginia and Maryland, 3: 350-362. Visiting in the country, 1763, 6: 20. Votes and Proceedings of Freeholders of Boston, title-page, 5: 140. Waldenses, settle in Georgia, 1734, 3: 332. Waldo, Samuel, at Louisburg, 1745, 3: 396. Waldron, Resolved, envoy to Maryland, 3: 51. Waldron, Major Richard, in King Philip s War, 3: 122. Walker, Henderson, governor of N. C., death, 3: 234. Walker, Sir Hovenden, page from journal, 1720,3: 275. Wall, in Wall St., N. Y., 2: 252. Walley, John, Major, autograph, 3: 281. Wall Paper, Quincy house, 6: 11. Walpi, Arizona, 1: 32. Walpole, Robert (Earl of Orford), 3: 214. Wampum Belt, 1 : 348. Wanton, Gideon, governor of R. I., 3: 402. Wanton, John, governor, portrait, 3: 403. Wanton, Joseph, portrait and autograph, 5: 19. Wanton, William, governor of R. I., 1732, portrait, 3: 403. War (The) begun, 6: 226-256. between S. C. and Spanish Florida, 1686, 3: 23. in the North, 1779-80, 6: 233-255. with France, preparations for, 7: 199. Wars of William, Anne and George, 3: 182- 192. Ward, General Artemas, autograph, 6: 261. homestead, 264. Ward, Rev. Nathaniel, autograph, 2: 363. Ward, Richard, governor of R. I., 1740, por trait, 3: 404. Warner, Seth, outlawed, 5: 258. takes Crown Point, 260. Warming Pan, 5: 13. Warren, Commodore Peter, autograph, 1745, 3: 398. Warren, General Joseph, birthplace of, 5: 141. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 68 Warren, General Joseph, killed at Bunker Hill, 269. major general, 6: 263. - portrait and autograph, 237. - portrait, 5: 270. - title-page of 1775 oration, 238. Warren s oration at the Old South, March 6, 1775, 5: 237. Warren, Mercy, portrait, 7: 280. Warren, armed vessel, 6: 301. Washington, George, addressed as "Esq.", 6:10. advances through New Jersey, 5: 309. aid to Braddock, 4: 64. autograph, 6: frontispiece. - book-plate, 7: 177. British and French notices of death, 7: 237. bust, by Trentanove, 7: 237. - camp-bed, 6: 168. caricature of, 7: 188. coat of arms, 6: frontispiece. commander-in-chief, 6: 281. commission as commander in chief, 7: 204. - death, 7: 237. diary, last entry in, 7: 239. - dictator, 6: 58. - Duquesne Expedition, 1758 (in the), 4: 197. - epaulets, 6: 319. farewell address, title-page of, 7: 173. - Ms. of, 7: 406. - farewell to his officers at N. Y., 7: 426. - "father of his country", 7: 239. first inauguration, 7: 21. - Fort Cumberland, his sketch of, 4: 207. goes to West Indies, 4: 34. - headquarters, Newburgh, 6: 363. White Plains, 6: 30. in New York City, 7: 60. Washington, George, journal, 1754, 4: 39. last page of his account-book, 6: 372. letter to Col. Bouquet, 1758, 4: 209. Dr. Cochran, 6: 237. Gen. Greene, 6: 255. Lieutenant-Colonel, 4: 40. map of N. J., operations, 1776, 6: 52. retreat, 6: 38. route, 4: 35. showing birthplace, 4: 32. Trenton advance, 6: 46, 6: 52. memoranda on his Generals, 7: 104. - mission to the West, 1753, 4: 32. mission (second) to the West, 4: 41. on the Virginia frontier, 1755, 4: 75. opinions on necessity of union, 6: 414. inland navigation, 415. partisan abuse of, 1795, 7: 171. plan for advance, 1758, 4: 208. plan for Yorktown campaign, 6: 308. portraits of (Gibbs-Channing), 6: frontis piece;!: 170, 178. presidency, last years of, 7: 156-179. proclamation from Valley Forge, 6: 165. - to Canadians, 1775, 5: 334. to N. Y. City, 1776, 6: 12. proclamation on his death, 7: 238. program of first inauguration, facsimile, 7: 20. reaches Yorktown, 6: 310. rebukes Lee at Monmouth, 6: 178. resigns commission, 6: 390. retreats from Long Island, 6: 20. New York, 29. to North Castle, 33. seal, 5: 297. silver christening-bowl, 4: 33. Southern tour, 1791, 7: 58. strategy praised, 6: 56. surrenders to French, 1755, 4: 445. survey by him, 1750. 4: 34. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 69 Washington, George, takes command at Cambridge, 6: 293. tomb at Mount Vernon, 7: 237. - vacation tour, 1783, 6: 365. - Yale s diploma of LL.D., to him, 6: 308. Washington, John (g. g. father of George), arrives in Virginia, 1657, 2: 179. Washington, Lawrence, portrait and auto graph, 4: 28; 4: 37. Washington, Martha, in camp, 6: 168. - portrait, 6: 169. Washington, Mary, monument to, 7: 39. association, badge, 38. Washington, William, Colonel, at Trenton, 6: 49. - at Eutaw Springs, 6: 296. his regimental flag, 6: 296. taken prisoner, 6: 297. Washington City, plan of, 1792, 7: 246. Washington, schooner, 6: 6. Watauga, Commonwealth, the, 5: 176. Watch and chain, 6: 10. - of Stephen Hopkins, 6: 276. Wayne, General Anthony, his camp kettle, 6: 238. monument, 7: 113. orderly book, 111. - portrait, 6: 80. Wealth and Capital, 1800, 7: 277. Webb, Colonel Daniel, 4: 119. a failure, 144. Webster, John, 2: 327. Webster, Noah, portrait, 6: 415. Webster, Pelatiah. title-page of his pamph let, 6: 162. Wedderburn, Alexander (Baron Lough- borough), portrait, 6: 156. Wedderburn s speech against Franklin, 1774, 5: 156. Weiser, Conrad, 3: 356; 4: 76-77. Welles, Thomas, 2: 326. Welsh Fusiliers, uniform, 5: 273. Wentworth, Benning, governor of N. H., 1741, 3: 401. Wentworth, John, lieutenant governor of N. H., 3: 387. - death, 1730, 387. Wesleys in Georgia, 1737, 3: 334. West, Francis, governor of Virginia, 1627, 2: 172. West, Joseph, governor of S. C., 3: 12, 19. West, the, development map of, to 1787, 6: 410. settling of the, 1771, 5: 130. - State claims in the, 1780-7, 6: 398-408. - the new, 1800, 7: 262. Westbrook, Thomas, autograph, 3: 388. West Chester, N. Y., Howe held six days at, 6: 30. West Florida, map, 4: 351. West Indies, 1: 143. - map, 7: 201, 204. West Point, N. Y., L Enfant s map of, 178C, 6: 244. Villefranche s plan of, 247. Military Academy established, 7: 306. "Western Reserve" Land Patent, 18C1, 7: 262. Western settlements, 5: 171-188. Western Spy, 1799, first issue, 7: 262. Western States, proposed, 1776-86, 6: 402. Weston, Thomas, proposition to Pilgrims, 1620, 2: 112. sends worthless emigrants to New Eng land, 127. Weymouth, George, in Maine, 2: 34. Wheelwright, John, autograph, 2: 280. in New Hampshire, 2: 341. Whipple, Abraham, Navy captain, 1775,5: 320. commodore, 6: 260. Whiskey Insurrection, map of, 7: 142. troops subdue, 7: 152-5. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 70 White, John, "governor of Raleigh," 1: 333. White, Peregrine, born, 1620, 2: 118. autograph, 2: 129. White Plains, battle of, map, 6: 33. British headquarters at, 6: 33. Whitefield, Rev. George, and slavery, 4: 20. portrait and autograph, 3 : 335. death, 335. Whitehall St. (N. Y.), ferry, tablet at, 6: 371. Whitfield house, Guilford, Conn., 2: 333. Whites and blacks alike, oppressed in Va., 1660, 2: 188. Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel Nathan, 4: 87. Whitney, Eli, model of cotton-gin, 7: 273. portrait, 272. Wickes, Lambert, second Navy Captain, 1775, 6: 317. Wilkes, John, autograph, 6: 161. medal to, 116. attacks King s speech, 1763, 6: 56. fourth Election to Parliament, 1769,5: 101. Wilkins, Major, fails to relieve Detroit, 4: 363. Wilkinson, General James, 6: 385. at New Orleans, 7: 342. a Spanish subject, 6: 385. orderly book of, 1803, 7: 342. Willard, Samuel, autograph, 3: 286. resists the witch-frenzy, 3: 287. Willard, Major Simon, in Indian War, 3: 113. Willett, Colonel Marinus, prevents British from taking extra arms from New York, 5: 346. portrait and autograph, 6: 345. monument, 6: 107. takes Johnson s camp, 6: 107. William III, portrait and autograph, 3: 184. William and Mary College, 6: 23. Williams, Colonel Ephraim, at Lake George, 4: 83. killed, 4: 86. Williams, Colonel Ephraim, monument, 86. Williams, David, captor of Andr6, 6: 252. Williams, Colonel James, at Musgrove s Mills, 6: 227. Williams, Roger, arrives in Boston, 2: 168. arrives in Salem, 1631, 2: 268. autograph, 2: 297. compass and sundial, 2: 272. controversies, 268. deed of Providence to, by Indians, 1639, 275. document relating to recall, 2: 313. founds Providence, 1636, 2: 274. goes to England in behalf of Rhode Island, 2: 291. procures aid of Narragansett for English, 1636, 2: 312. statue, 2: 301. Williamsburg capital of Virginia, 1698, 3: 257. Williamsburg, Va., old powder-magazine at, 1714, 6: 352. "Union Flag" hoisted at, 1776, 6: 384. Williamson, Colonel Andrew, fights Chero- kees, 6: 184. Williamson, Colonel David, massacres Chris tian Indians, 6: 205. Willoughby, Sir Hugh, death, 1: 322. Wilson, James, autograph, 7: 3. Wilson, Rev. John, ordained, 1630, 2: 165. Windsor, Conn., "Ancient" map of Indian purchases, 2: 306. Winslow, Edward, governor of Plymouth, 1633, 2: 393. portrait and signature, 2: 130. Winslow, John, portrait and autograph, 2: 130. Winslow, Gen. John, 4: 119. portrait, 4: 103. sword, 2: 132. Winslow, Josiah, portrait and autograph, 3: 118. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 71 Winter in Boston, 1775-6, 6: 303-14. - quarters in 1778-79, 6: 233-4. - quarters at Morristown, troops suffer ings at, 6: 304. Winthrop (Gov.), farm "Ten Hills", 2: 355. Winthrop, Fitz John, governor of Conn., 1698, 3: 304. - portrait, 3: 304. Winthrop, John, portrait, signature and coat of arms, 2: frontispiece. - crest, 2: 161. - cup, 2: 167. elected first governor of Mass. Bay, 2: 160 (1629). - stone pot, 1630, 2: 163. Winthrop, John, 2 : 327. Winthrop, Mrs. John (Margaret), signature, 2: 169. Winthrop, John (the younger), monument to, 2: 327. - portrait and autograph, 2: 322. "Wise Men (the) of Gotham and their Goose", caricature, 6: 374. Wiswall, Ichabod, Rev., sent to England, 1688, 3: 279. Witches in New England, 1692, 3: 286. Wolcott, Oliver, coat of arms, 6: 399. - resigns as Sec y of Treasury, 7: 241. Wolcott, Roger, at Louisburg, 1745, 3: 396. Wolfe, General James, at Dettingen, 4: 244. - campaign, 4: 276. - details of, 247. death, 4: 293. - home, 4: 243. - lands at "Wolfe s Cove", 4: 284. - letter to Pitt, 1759, 245. monument, 4: 293-4. - portrait, 4: 248, 274. pistol, 4: 292. Wolfe, General James, premonition of death, 4: 281. Putnam s Tavern sign ("The General Wolfe"), 5: 18. Wolfe and Saunders before Quebec, 4: 242- 272. Wolfe s campaign, map, 4: 276. Wood s map of N. E. f 1634, 2: 351. World, Homer s, 1: 97. - Ptolemy s, 1: 98. Ptolemy s, maps, 1: 98. Wooster, Gen. David, arrives before Quebec, 1776, 5: 341. abandons the siege, 342. killed, 1777, 6: 66. portrait and autograph, 6: 329. Worley, Richard, pirate, hanged, 3: 229. Wright, Sir James, last royal governor of Georgia, 1776, 5: 360. Wyatt, Sir Francis, governor of Virginia, 1639, 2: 178. - 2: 71. Wynne, Thomas, autograph, 3: 104. Wyoming Massacre, monument, 6: 186. and Lackawanna Valleys, Pa., early map of, 5: 131. "X-Y-Z Letters", 1798, 7: 198. Yale College founded, 1716, 3: 308. Yale, David, remonstrates against church tyranny, 1646, 2: 375. Yale, Elisha, portrait, 3: 307. "Yankee Doodle" of the Revolution, 5: 298. Yazoo Claims, 1805, 7: 386. Yazoo Company, the, 1789, 7: 115. Yeamans, Sir John, governor of N. C., 1664, 3: 4. Yeardley, George, signature, 2: 62. appointed governor of Virginia, 1626, 2: 171. INDEX TO AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 72 Yeardley, George, dies, 1627, 172. Yellow fever in N. Y., 1702, 3: 271. in Philadelphia, 1793, 7: 91. in Phila, 1797-8, 7: 185. "Yellow" Journalism in England, 1775, 6: 252. Yonge, Francis, Narrative, 1726, title-page, 3: 230. Yorktown, map of Washington and Roch- ambeau s march to, 6: 306. monument at, 323. Moore house at, 318. Nelson house at, 316. siege of, map, 314. siege of plan, 315. Yorktown, siege of, 6: 314-320. various illustrations, 6: 305-323. Yrujo, Spanish Minister and Cobbett, 7: 219. protests against sale of Louisiana, 7 : 362. Zane, Elizabeth, heroism at Fort Henry, 6: 206. Zenger, Jfthn Peter, editor, N. Y., Weekly Journal, 1733,3: 375. sued for libel, 1735 and acquitted, 3: 375. Zeni, annals, the, 1: 69. map, 70. Zuni, terraces, 1: 297. Zwanendael (valley of Swans), Delaware, 1631, 2: 223. AN INDEX TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VOLS. 1 7 Abercromby, Gen., James, autograph, 4: 158. Acadia, etc., map 3: 313. Acland, Major and Lady Harriet, portraits, 6: 121 Acoma, pueblo of, 1: 299. Act for Increase of Shipping, title page of, 2: 30, page of text, 31. Act Prohibiting Trade, title-page of, 2: 29. Acts passed by first Congress, title-page of, 7: 35 Adams, Abigail, portrait, 7: 251. John, portrait and autograph, 7: 250. Samuel, portrait and autograph, 6: frontispiece. Addington, Isaac, portrait, 3 : 279. "Address to . . North Carolina", 1746, title- page, 3: 349. Adet, P. A., French Minister to U. S., auto graph, 7: 139. "A Dialogue", etc., first page, 3: 364. Agawam (Springfield), Mass., autographs of founders, 1636, 2: 307. Alarm, The, No. 1, 6: 159. Albany, N. Y., plan of, 4: 122. Albany Convention, 1754, signatures of members, 4: 52. Alden, John, signature, 2: 135. Alexander, James, letter, 1755, 4: 54. - VI, Pope, portrait, 1: 153. Alexander s Map of New England, title- page, 2: 144. Allen, Ethan, autograph, 6: 258. Allerton, Isaac, autograph, 2: 124. Allouez, Claude, autograph, 3: 164. Alien Act, title-page of report on, 7: 226. America after the Treaty of Utrecht, 3: 188. Senex s map of, 1721, 3: 338. American uniforms by German artist, 6: 167, 171. Amherst, Sir Jeffry, portrait and autograph, 4: 161. "A Modest Answer," 1706, first page of, 3: 255. Andre, Major John, captors medal, 250. map of route, etc., 6: 251. papers found on him, 6: 250. pass from Arnold, 249. pocket-book, 249. portrait by Copley, 6: 248. portrait by himself, 254. portrait, 6: 175. portrait, 1781, 253. Andros, Sir Edmund, autograph, 3: 146. broadside by inhabitants to, 149. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 74 Andros, Sir Edmund, broadside on his seiz ure, 3: 148. coat of arms, 66. letter of, 3: 76. portrait, 3: 64. seal of New England while under him, 77. Annapolis, Md., Des Barres view of, 4: 51. Ainsworth s Psalms, page of, 2: 110. Arapaho Indians, 1: 339. Archdale, John, autograph, 3: 219. "A Relation . . Lord Baltimore s Plantation" (1634), title-page, 2: 204. Argall, Captain Samuel, portrait, 2: 54. Arlington, Earl of, portrait and autograph, 2: 196. Arnold, Benedict, attack on Quebec, 6: 335. on Quebec, 6: 311. broadside by, 1780, 6: 246. map of position at Richmond, 1781, 6: 298. march on Quebec, 6: 332. portrait, 340. portrait, 6: 242. proclamation after treason, 255. watch, 5: 333. Mrs. General, portrait, 6: 175. and child, 254. Arrowheads, Puzzle Lake, 1: 24. Artilleryman, Continental Line, 6: 15. Austerfield, England, map, 2: 103. Bradford s cottage at, 105. Avery, James, autograph, 3: 119. house, Conn., 1656, 2: 324. house, Dedham, Mass. (1675), 6: 2 Axe of 1750, 5: 4. Axes, one of Burgoyne s, 6: 97. Bacon, Nathaniel, autograph, 3: 30. coat of arms, 45. Bainbridge, Captain William, letter, 7: 315. Balcarres, Earl of, portrait, 6:123. Baltimore coins, 3: 46. in 1752, 4: 19. Barclay, Robert, autograph, 3: 89. Barre, Isaac, portrait, 5: 55. Barry, Commodore John, autograph, 5, 317. Barton, Colonel William, autograph, 6:166. Bay of Fundy, map, 2 : 4. Bayard, Nicholas, autograph, 3: 260. Bayonet, Revolutionary, 6: 172. Beaujeu, Hyacinthe, M. L.de, portrait, 4: 68. Belcher, Jonathan, portrait and autograph, 3: 392. Bellingham, Richard, autograph, 2: 365. Bellomont, Earl of, coat of arms, 3 : 270. portrait and autograph, 3: 269. Bemis Heights, battle of, map, 6: 122. Bennington, battle of map, 6, 100. Berkeley, Sir William, signature, 2: 194. Berkeley and Carteret, lease by Duke of York to, 1664, 3: 80. seals of, 81. Berkeley s Plantation, Va., ruins, 3: 39. Bernard, Governor Francis, portrait and autograph, 6: 31. Thanksgiving proclamation by (1766), 82. Bigot, Francis, letter, 1752, 4: 174. "Memoire pour", title-page, 317. "Blackboard" pirate portrait, 3: 239. Blackfoot Indian, 1: 352. Blackiston, Nathaniel, autograph, 3: 256. "Black-List" of Boston Tories, 1770, from the North American Almanack, 5: 114. Blackwell, John, autograph, 3: 189. Bladen, Thomas, autograph, 4: 17. Blair, James, autograph, 3: 255. Blake, Joseph, autograph, 3: 219. "Blockade of Boston," 1768, Remick s view of, 5: 94. Blount, William, title-page of Proceedings on Impeachment of, 7: 192. Bogardus Farm, New York, 2: 231. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S.. VOLS. 1-7 75 Bon Homme Richard, candlestick from, 271. course of, 268. engagement with Serapis, 267, 269. flag of, 6: 261. page from log of, 270. position of ships, 1779, 266. Boscawen, Edward, autograph, 4: 161. portrait, 167. medal, 169. Boston Committee of Correspondence, doc ument of, 6: 203. Boston in 1755, map of, 6: 165. - first Town-house, 2: 372. Massacre, 1770. Revere s view of the. 5: 108. monument of, 110. narrative of, title-page, 111. North Battery, 6: 313. North Square in, 6: 217. part first settled, map, 2: 165. region about, map, 1630, 2: 164. Boston Post Boy and Advertiser, page from, 1765, 5: 54. Pownall s view of, 6: 310. Revere s (1768), 96. S. E. view (1743), 3: 395. siege of, map. 5: 295. Tea-Party, punch-bowl of the, 6: 166. portraits of some, 169. Harbor, map, 3: 131. Harbor, Fitzhugh s copy of Southake s map, 1689, 3: 147. News-Letter, first issue, 3: 292. old and new, 2: 353. Port Bill, the, page of, 6: 191. Quincy s pamphlet on, 204. "Bostonians paying the Excise-man," car toon, 1774, 6: 190. Botetourt, Lord, autograph, 97. statue, 5: 97. Boudinot, Elias, proclamation by, 1783, 6: 363, 366. Bougainville, Marquis and Madame, por traits, 4: 139. Boundary Negotiations of 1782, maps, 6: 350 351. Bouquet, Colonel Henry, his Indian Council, 4: 374. his march, 4: 374. portrait, 4: 195. receiving English captives, 375. Bowdoin, Governor James, desk, 6: 87. proclamation, 1787, 6: 395. Bowls, from Arizona, 1: 55. Braddock, Gen. Edward, his battlefield, 4: 71, 72. encampment, 69. order for soldiers wives protection, 4: 65. orderly book, page in Washington s writing, 4: 64. route, map, 4: 67. Bradford, William (of Plymouth), autograph, 2: 124. Bradford, William (Phila.), 1712, auto graph, 3: 261. Bradford s Plimoth Plantation, page of, 2: 108. Bradstreet, Anne, portrait, 3: 135. title-page of her, "Tenth Muse,", 135. John, autograph, 4: 188. Simon, portrait and autograph, 3: 128. Brandywine, battle of, map, 6: 78. Brant, Joseph, letter, 6: 188. portrait, 6: 101. Bray, Thomas, autograph, 3: 256. Brent, Margaret, autograph, 2: 210. Brewster, William, autograph, 2: 113. chair, 2: 396. chest, 135. sword, 132. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U S., VOLS. 1-7 76 British landing in Bergen Co., N. J., 1776. 6: 38. and American Prisons during the Revo lution, 6: 65. and Grenadier, 4: 261. - Defences at Philadelphia, 6: 173. 17th Light Dragoons, uniform, 6: 85. - Possessions in North America, 1775, 5: 212. - Uniforms, 17th Regt., 1776, 6: 54. - 23d Regt., 6: 291. - Uniforms, 48th Regt., 1742-64, 4: 224. Broadside on British and Hessian Outrages, 1776, 6: 40. by Congress for first Presidential Election under new Constitution, 7: 14. on Child-Labor, 7: 274. Cornwallis, 6: 293. Council of Safety, 6: 39. Enlistment, 6: 20: 262. Kentucky Resolutions, 7: 229. - Lottery, N. J., 7: 268. - Lottery, N. Y., 7: 48. National and Penn. Commissioners, 7 : 151. - Old Tenor, 4: 4. on Monroe s Negotiations, 7: 394. - of N. Y. Election, 1804, 7: 368. - St. Glair s Defeat, 7: 103. Sons of Liberty, 6: 59. - Stamp Act Repeal, 6: 72. to and by Andros, 3: 148-9. Brooks, John (General), sword, 2: 132. Brown University in 1793, 6: 132. Browne, Robert, signature, 2: 98. Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Va., 6: 12. Buckman Tavern, Lexington, Mass., 5: 245. Buffalo, the, first picture of, 1: 284. Bull, William, Sr., autograph, 3: 344. William, autograph, 4: 340. Bullet, silver, enclosing Clinton s message, 6: 119. Bunker Hill, map of battle, 6: 267, 271. monument, 272. - view of battle, 268, 270. Burgoyne, General John, coat of arms, 6: 127. portrait, 5: 262. theatre of his campaign, 6: 90. surrender, 6: 129. map, 126. " cartoon on, 128. Burke, Edmund, portrait, 6: 255. speech on American Taxation, title-page of, 5: 196. Burnet, William, coat of arms, 3: 371. Burrington, George, autograph, 3: 240. Bushy Run, plan of battle, 4: 367. Busts, Etowah, Ga., 1: 54. Bute, Earl of, portrait and autograph, 4: 325. Butler, Colonel John, autograph, 6: 102. Butler s Rangers, uniform button and belt- plate of, 6: 339. Byllynge, Edward, autograph, 3: 84. Byrd Mansion, Westover, Va., 6: 3. Byrd, William, of Westover portrait, 3: 354. Cabot (John and Sebastian), centennial postage stamp, 1: 186. Memorial Tower, 1: 189. portraits, 1: 187. Cadwalader, General John, 6: 51. autograph, 170. Calaveras Skull, The, 1: 14. Caldwell, Rev. James, autograph, 6: 239. Calumet, 3: 168. Calvert, Benedict Leonard, autograph, 3: 257. Cecilius (Lord Baltimore II), arms, 2: 203. portrait, 202. signature, 2: 199. Charles (Lord Baltimore III), autograph, 3: 49. portrait, 50. Frederick, portrait and autograph, 4: 19. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 77 Calvert, George (Lord Baltimore I), portrait and autograph, 2: 198-199. Philip, 2: 216. Camden, S. C M battle of, map, 6: 226. Campbell, Lieut. Col. Archibald, letter to Gen. Lincoln, 6: 211. Canada Expedition of 1775, map of, 6: 326. map, 3: 310. "subdued", medal, 4: 318. Canadian Trapper on snow-shoes, 1753, 3: 164. Candle mould, 5: 21. Castle William, Boston, 5: 90. Cannon, 16th century, 1: 255. Canteen, Revolutionary, 6: 91. Cape Cod Harbor, map, 2: 116. Cape Henry Tablet, 2: 42. Capitol at Washington, east elevation of, 7: 248. Carleton, Sir Guy, portrait and autograph, 6: 330. portrait, 6: 5. Carmichael, William, autograph, 7: 120. Carolina, Act of Proprietors surrender, 1729, 3: 242. Company, medal of the, 3: 219. Lawson s map, of 1709, 3: 224. - map, 1670, 3: 9. - Moll s map, of 1715, 3: 227. Seal of Lords Proprietors, 3: 2. Carpenters tools, before 1775, 6: 8. Can, Robert, autograph, 3: 129. Carroll, Charles, autograph, 5: 341. coat of arms, 390. Carteret, Lady Elizabeth, autograph, 3: 82. - George, autograph and seal, 3: 81. - Philip, autograph, 3: 82. Sir George, portrait, 3: 11. Cartier, Jacques at Gaspe\ 1: 305. Cartridge boxes, 6: 266; 6: 20, 95. Cartwright, George, autograph, 3: 129. Cartwright, Thomas, page of "Second ad monition", 1572, 2: 97. Carver, John, sword, 2: 132. Catharine II of Russia, portrait, 6: 278. Gary, Thomas, autograph, 3: 235. Cavate Lodges, open-faced, 1: 29. Cavendish, Thomas, portrait, 1: 327. Celeron de Bienville, map of route, 4: 27. one of his lead plates, 27. Cent, first U. S. Copper, 7: 167. Centinel of the N. W. Territory, 1793, page of first number, 7: 104. Chair used in first National Congress, 7: 26. Champlain medal, 1904, 2: 18. Lake country map, 3: 264. Lake, map, 1740, 3: 379. monument at Quebec, 2: 19. and wife, signatures of, 2: 13. attack on the Iroquois Fort, 2: 9, 10. flag, 2: 7. Champlain s flag, 2:7. map, 2: 2. title-page of his "Des Sauvages", 3. map of Plymouth Harbor, 2: 6. map of Port Royal, and view of fort, 2: 5. view of the Fort at Quebec, 2: 11. Charles I, portrait, 2: 178. II, portrait, 3: 134. - V., Spain, portrait, 2: 81. Charleston, S. C., in 1739, plan, 3: 344. Charleston Harbor, 1670-90, 3: 14. order for laying out of, 1672, 3: 16. siege of, map, 6: 217. Charlestown, Mass., from Beacon Hill, view of, 5: 265. "Charter of Freedom," etc., 1630, title-page, 2: 219. Charter Oak, the (1855), 3: 153. Chastellux, Marquis de, portrait, 6: 241. Cheever, Colonel Abner, pocket-book of, 6: 167. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 78 Cheever, Ezekiel, autograph, 2: 334. Cherokee Campaign, 1759, map, 4: 341. country, map, by Timberlake, 4: 246. Cherry and Wyoming Valleys, map, 6: 185. Chesapeake Bay, 1781, map of operations on, 6: 300, 310. Chew House, the attack on, 6: 83. Child-Labor, broadside, in Newark, N. J., 1792, 7: 274. China tea-caddy, 5: 166. Christina, fort, 2: 265. Christison, Winlock, autograph, 2: 387. Church at Katorkok, Greenland, 1: 81. Col. Benjamin, autograph, 3: 121. sword, 2: 132. discipline, Conn. Court order on, 3: 306. Cincinnati, Society of the, insignia of, 6: 364. pamphlet on, by A. Burke, 364. Claiborne, William, portrait, 2: 205. signature, 2: 171. Clark, George Rogers, instructions to, by Patrick Henry, 6: 190. map of expedition, 196. letter to Henry Hamilton, 6: 199. portrait and autograph, 202. relics of, 203. William, portrait, 7: 346. do, by Harding, 351. Clergy Maintenance Act of Connecticut, 1727, 3: 405. Cliff dwellings, 1: 28. Clinton, DeWitt, portrait, 7: 370. George, portrait, 7: 365. and Arbuthnot, proclamation by, 6: 220. Clinton s message on silver bullet, 6: 119 Clockmaker s advertisement, 6: 6. Clymer, George, autograph, 7: 2. Coats for the Army, 1775, order, with sample of cloth attached, 6: 294. Cobbett, William, autograph, 7: 219. caricature of, 221. Corbett, William, first issue of hisGazette, 220. Coddington, William, autograph, 2: 297. Coin, American, "Fugio", 1776, 6: 44. Colleton, James, autograph, 3: 23. John, autograph, 3: 5. Colonies in North America, 1660, maps, 2: 398. Colton, John, portrait and autograph, 2: 267. Columbia, ship, attack on, 7: 160. Columbian Cenlinel, containing "Publicola s" letter, 7: 72. Columbus, Christopher, at Margarita Island, 1: 195. coat of arms, 151. Columbus fleet, 1: 132. in chains, 1: 201. Columbus course, see MAPS. landing of 1: 140. letter, 149. medal, 1892, 148. portrait and autograph, Front. Vol.1. sighting the light, 1: 178. statue, Santo Domingo, 1: 222. Concord- Boston route-map, 6: 240. Conestoga wagon, 6: 16. Congress, 1775, Declaration of, July 6, 5: 284. first articles of association of, 6: 222. flight of the, cartoon, 6: 58. manifesto to Peace Commissioners, 6: 148. "Voting Independence" (by Pine), 6: 397. Connecticut, Assembly of resolution to buy lead, 6: 386. Charter, 1662, 2: 336. -Rhode Island disputed territory, map, 3: 301. three pence, 1737, 3: 404. Western Reserve Land, patent for, 1801, 7: 262. Constellation and L Insurgente, diagram of action between, 7: 203. La Vengeance, map of battle, 7: 203, 204. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 79 Constitution, frigate at present, 7: 186. page from her log book, 187, 202. Constitution, U. S., facsimile, 6: 436. Continental Army, disbandment procla mation, 6: 366. - budget for 1786, 6: 390. - currency, 1775, 5: 282, 380; 6: 327, 328. - Infantry, 6: 13. Convent of La Rabida, 1: 124. "Convention", the between Burgoyne and Gates, 6: 126. Conway, General Thomas, autograph, 6: 169. Cooke, Elisha, autograph, 3: 384. - Governor, R. I., fast-day proclamation, 1776, 6: 380. Cooper, Anthony Ashley (Earl of Shaftes- burg), 3: 5. autograph and portrait, 3: 15. Copley, Sir Lionel, first royal governor of Maryland, autograph, 3: 253. Copper coin (rosa Americana), 1722, 3: 198. Corbin, Margaret, tablet, 6: 35. Cornbury, Lord, autograph, 3: 271. Cornwallis, Lord, army lantern, 6: 319. coat of arms, 303. - portrait, 6: 292. retreating, broadside, 293. surrender of, 321. - Edward, autograph, 1749, 4: 94. Coronado, autograph, 1: 298. - route of, 296. Cortes, Hernando, portrait, 1: 260. - second letter, 261. Council for New England, records of, 2: 142. - seal, 2: 141. - of Safety, Phila., broadside, 6: 39. Cowpens, battle of, map, 6: 285. Coxe, Daniel, autograph, 3: 277. Cranfield, Edward, autograph, 3: 140. Crawford, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 206. Croghan, George, autograph, 4: 28. Cromwell, Oliver, portrait, 2: 181. signature, 214. Crown Point ruins, 4: 241. Point and Fort Edward, map of tract be tween, 4: 89. Culpeper, Lord, portrait, 3: 41. Cushman, Robert, sermon, 1621 (title-page), 2: 125. Dale, Sir Thomas, autograph, 2: 58. Danforth, Thomas, autograph, 3: 286. Daniell, Robert, and his council, autographs and seals of, 3: 226. Dartmouth, Earl of, portrait and autograph, 5: 137. Davenport, John, autograph, 1638, 2: 329. portrait, 332. Dawes, William, portrait, 5: 242. Daye, Stephen, autograph, 2: 358. Deane, Silas, portrait, 6: 135. Decatur, Stephen, at Siege of Tripoli, 7: 319. cannon taken by, 320. portrait, 7: 317. sword taken by, 1804, 7: 308. "Declaration of Former Passages" (1645), first page, 2: 346. of Independence, Jefferson s draft of, 5: 386. as first printed, 395. facsimile of, 397, 398. table and chair used at signing of, 6: 396. Defence of the Constitutions, John Adams pamphlet, 7: 16. Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, title-page of, 4: 331. DeKalb, Baron, portrait and autograph, 6: 71. DeKraft, Midshipman Frederick, sword cap tured by, 1803, 7: 318. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 80 Delaware Indian family, 2: 261. Lord (3d), portrait and signature, 2: 56. Lord, Relation, 2: 57. river, operations on the, map, 6: 86. - valley, 1: 16. Denny, William, autograph, 4: 203. Denonville, autograph, 3: 179. Desks used in first National Congress, 7: 18, 26. DeSoto, Hernando, portrait, 1: 185. route of, map, 187. D Estaing, Count, portrait, 6: 180. Detroit, 1749, map, 4: 356. map of Detroit River, 354. DeVries, David Pietersen, portrait, 2: 224. Dexter, Samuel, autograph, 7: 241. Dickinson, John, portrait, 5: 62. title-page of his Letters to a Farmer, 87. Dieskau, Baron de, autograph, 4: 82. Dighton Rock, 1: 93. Dinner-plate, used by Burgoyne, 6: 132. Dinwiddie, Robert, coat of arms, 26. letters by, 30, 43. portrait and autograph, 4 : 25. Dobbs, Arthur, autograph, 4: 24. Dochet, Island, map of, 2: 5. Dongan Charter, 3: 74. seal of, 75. Dongan, Thomas, autograph, 3: 68. Dorchester Heights, monument, 6: 312. "Dose for the Tories," poem, 6: 69. Dragoon Boot, 6: 132. Brunswick, 6: 98. light, uniform of American, 6: 75. Drake, Sir Francis, 1 : 324. Dress, civilian, 1789, 7: 24. Dudley, Joseph, autograph, 3: 141. coat of arms, 3: 292. portrait, 291. proclamation by, 293. Thomas, signature, 2: 161. Dulany, Daniel, autograph, 4: 18. Dummer, Jeremiah, autograph, 3: 389. Dunmore s War, map of, 5: 174. Dunmore, Lord, autograph and portrait, 5: 180. coat of arms, 181. Duquesne, Marquis, autograph, 4: 29. Dutch oven, 6: 21. house at Amsterdam, 2: 90. tavern, N. Y., 1679, 3: 61. windmill, 2: 88. West-India Company, flag, 2 : 89. Dwight, Timothy, title-page of his Travels, 7: 282. Dyer, William, facsimile of letter, 1660, 2: 388. Early coast-towns in Mass., map of, 2: 361. East Jersey, "A Brief account of", title-page, 3: 88. "Model of government of" title-page, 90. seal, 89. Easy Plan .... for Militia (Pickering s), title-page and diagram, 6: 228. Eaton, Theophilus, autograph, 2: 330. Eden, Charles, autograph, 3: 239. "Eden, Virginia," map of, 1736, 3: 238. Election Broadside, N. Y., 1804, 7: 368. map, 1796, 7: 175. Eliot, John, autograph, 2: 373, letter of, 3: 114. title-page of his Indian Bible, 374. Ellsworth, Oliver, portraits of self and wife, 7: 164. Endecott, John, autograph, 2: 149. Endecott s Humble Petition, title-page of, 3: 125-6. English Colonies, map, showing, "Fall Line", 3: 155. French and Spanish Possessions, map of, 3: 156. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 81 Enlistment Blank, 6: 25. broadside, 6: 20. form, Continental Army, 6: 342. Eskimo, skin boat, 1: 87. Esquemeling s Sea-Rovers (1678), title-page of, 3: 21. European Nations, map showing attitude of toward Am. Revolution, 6: 279. Eutaw Springs, battle of, map, 6: 295. Fallen Timber, battle of, map, 7: 108. musket used in battle, 109. Fan (A) for Fanning, title-page, 6: 130. Faneuil Hall, Boston, 5: 40. Peter, portrait, 5: 39. Farewell Address of Winthrop, 2 : 162. Address of Washington, Ms. of, 7: 406, 426. Fast-Day Proclamation (R. I.), 1776, 6: 380. Federal Hall, New York, 7: 21. railing of, 21. Federalist, the, first number of (1787), 7: 10. Fendall, Josias, signature, 2: 216. Ferrar, Nicholas, 2: 68. - Nicholas, Jr., 2: 76. Ferrar s Copy of Va. Company Records, 2: 78. Fire Bucket, 5: 20. Fiske, Dr. Joseph, Bill for attendance on British wounded at Lexington, 6: 251. Fitch, John, diagram and model of first steamboat, 7: 269, 270. pamphlet in his defence, 271. pond where he experimented, 271. Flag of Anspach-Bayreuth regiment, 6: 320. of Bedford minutemen at Concord, 6: 248. of "Bucks of America," negro regiment, 6: 371. of Colonel William Washington s Cavalry (the "Eutaw Standard"), 6: 296. Flag of First Pa. Rifles, 6: 14. first of Union, 6: 67. from which Endecott cut the cross, 2: 349. of Second R. I. regiment, 6: 239. of Third Connecticut, 240. of Third New York, 6: 322. of the 7th Fusiliers, 1775, 6: 329. of Third Maryland regiment, 6: 287. Flags of Second New Hampshire Reg t, 6: 95. of French Regiments, 1781, 6: 315, 316. Flat roof and terrace of Pueblo, 1: 31. Fabric from Ohio mound, 1: 56. Fletcher, Benjamin, autograph, 3: 266. Lord s Day proclamation, 267. privateer proclamation, 268. Foot stove, 6: 12. Forbes John, autograph, 4: 192. route of, 1758, 199. Forbes order appointing Washington on a Court-martial, 1759, 4: 208. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving (A), two pages of, 4: 301. Fort Beause"jour, plan, 4: 101. Canso, N. S., 1745, Polling s plan of, 4: 97. Christina, 2: 265. Caroline, Fla. (1565), 1: 318. Defiance, plan, 7: 106. Duquesne, plan of, 4: 41. Edward, N. Y., map of vicinity, 1763, 4: 137. Frederica, Ga., tablet on ruins, 3: 334. Frederick at Albany, 4: 122. Frontenac, 4: 189. Frontenac and vicinity, 3 : 171. plan of, 172. plan of 1685, 172. George, plan of, 4: 236. Griswold, Conn., plans, 6: 312, 313. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERTS HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 82 Fort Harmar, view, 1790, 7: 95. Henry, Va., siege of, 1782, 6: 207. Lawrence, N. S., plan of, 4: 100. Louis de la Mobile, monument, 1902, 3: 318. - Niagara, 1758, 4: 81. Pouchot s map of, 4: 229. Stanwix (Schuyler), diagram, 6: 105. plan (1758), 4: 190. St. Frederic, Crown Point, 4: 82, 238. Trinity, 2: 263. Washington, action at, 6: 34. plan of, 35. - Wayne, 1795, 7: 111. - William Henry, plan attack on, 4: 141. vicinity of, 142. Forts Clinton and Montgomery, plan of attack on and map, 6: 117. Forty Fort, Pa., view, 6: 186. Fox, George, seal and impression, 3: 96. - Henry, autograph 4: 334. "Frame of Government" title-page, 3: 100. seal and signatures to, 103. France, arms of, 3 : 160. Treaty of 1800 with, page of, 7: 214. Franklin, Benjamin, autograph, 1724, 3 : 382. portrait and autograph, 4: 1. the Grey- Wilson portrait, 6: 157. portrait, 7: 65. Franklin s Articles of Belief, 1728, page from, 3: 365. device of the Divided Snake, 1754, 4: 55. first page of his "Short Hints", 56. printing press and type-case, 5: 26. Fraser, General Simon, funeral, 6: 123. - letter to Riedesel, 6: 98. - portrait, 114. Frederick, last Lord Baltimore, portrait and autograph, 4: 19. - the Great, portrait, 4: 321. Freeman s Farm, battle of, map, 6: 113. French card-money, 1735, 3: 312. colonial coin, 1722, 3: 325. Creek route, map, 4: 29. - uniforms, 1755, 4: 148, 216. at Yorktown, 6: 317. and Indian war, region, 4: 230. Freneau, Philip, affidavit by, 7: 75, subscription for his paper, 7: 73. Frey House, Palatine Bridge, N. Y. (1739), 3: 197. Friends expenses for aiding slaves, 1793-5, 7: 63. Frigate, French, 4: 165. Frontenac, Count de, autograph, 3: 181. statue at Quebec, 3: 167. Frontier Forts of Penn., Md., and Virginia, in French and Indian War, 4: 78. Fry, Joshua, autograph, 4: 28. Fulton, Robert, title-page of treatise on canal navigation, 7: 271. Fundamental Constitution (Locke), page and half title of, 3: 7,8. Gage, General Thomas, amnesty procla mation, 1775, 5: 263. coat of arms, 6: 202. Gallatin, Albert, letter on alleged deserter, 7: 381. portrait and autograph, 7: 143. Galissoniere, Marquis de la, portrait and au tograph, 4: 26. Gallop, John, autograph, 3: 119. Gansevoort, Colonel Peter, muster-roll and portrait, 6: 103. statue, 108. Gardiner, Lion, autograph, 2: 323. Gaspee, ballad on, 5: 146. - goblet from the, 6: 136. royal instructions on burning of, 146. summons to Arthur Fenner on, 146. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 83 Gates, General Horatio, commission, 6: 282. letter on Burgoyne s surrender, 6: 129. - medal to, 131. portrait, 6: 110. Sir Thomas, signature, 2: 54. Gatinois, Regiment of flag, 3: 315. Generall Historic, Smith, title-page of, 2: 47. "General Wolfe" Tavern sign, 5: 18. Genet, Edmond Charles, portrait and auto graph, 7: 82. "Gentleman of Elvas" (The), Relation, 1557, title-page of, 1: 286. Georgia, map, and map of New Ebenezer, etc., 3: 334. cession of articles of, 7 : 266. paper money, 1776, 6: 326. - trustees seal, 3: 330. George I, portrait and autograph, 3: 225. George III, coat of arms, 4: 325. navy instructions, 7: 124. - portrait and autograph, 4: 324. - portrait, 5: 74. Germaine, Lord George, portrait and auto graph, 5: 375. German Flats, old Church at, 6: 108. Germantown, battle of, map, 6: 84. Gerard, French Minister, autograph, 6: 180. Gibault, Pierre, missionary, autograph, 6: 193. Gibbes, Robert, autograph and seal, 3: 224. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, portrait, 1: 328. Girty, Simon, sign manual of, 7: 98. Gist, Christopher, autograph, 4: 28. Glacier and Iceberg, 2: 5. rock waste at foot, 2: 6. - glacial striae, 2: 6. Glen, James, proclamation, 1744, 4: 22. Globes: Hunt-Lenox; 1: 180. Mercator s, 1541, 239. Schoener s, 1520, 237. Glover, Colonel John, portrait and auto graph, 6: 31. Glover s Rock, 6: 32. Godyn and Blommaert Patent, 1630, title- page, 2: 220. Gold com, first U. S., 7: 167. Gooch, William, autograph, 4: 24. Gookin, Charles, autograph, 3: 248. Gorges, Ferdinando, signature, 2: 139, title- page of his "America", 146. Gorton, Samuel, autograph, 2: 288. "Government House", New York City (1790), 7: 22. Grand Pre" Meadows, 4: 107. Grant James, autograph, 6: 16. Grasse, Count de, portrait and autograph, 6: 308. Graves, Stone, 111., 1: 34. Great Kanawha, battle of the, map, 6: 183. Great Swamp Fight, 1675, 3: 117. Green, Thomas, signature, 2: 210. Greenville (O), Treaty, map of, 7: 112. Greene, Christopher, autograph, 6: 369. Greene, General Nathaniel, campaign of 1781,6: 283-4. coat of arms, 289. portrait and autograph, 6: 282. Savannah monument to, 6: 325. Grenadier, 23d Foot, 6: 291. Grenville, George, 5: 36. Gridley, Richard, autograph, 3: 396. Griffon, launching of the, 3: 175. place of building, 3: 174. tablet, 174. Guilford Court-House, battle of, map, 6: 290. Gunpowder, making, 6: 231, treatise on, 232. Hale, Nathan, autograph, 6: 29. camp-basket, 27. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 84 Hale, execution, 29. family tombstone, 30. New London school-house, 6: 305. powder-horn, 305. his route, 6: 27. Halifax in 1764, 4: 93. town and fort plans, 94. Halket, Sir Peter, portrait, 4: 63. Holm, Thomas Campanius, Nya Sverige (New Sweden), title-page of, 2: 256. Hamilton, Alexander, Duel Monument, 7 : 369 letter in Fenno s Gazette, 7 : 74. pamphlet on Treaty of Amity, etc., 7: 134. - portrait, 7: 43. portrait and autograph, 6: 70. report on National Bank, title-page, 7 : 52. report on Public Credit, title-page, 7: 43. Andrew, autograph, 3: 92. portrait, 376. - Fort (O.), view, 1791, 7: 100. James, autograph, 4: 16. Hampden, John, autograph, 2: 303. Hancock, John, cane, 7: 6. clock, 40. coat of arms, 7: 5. copper kettle, 6. double chair, 5: 20. letter, 398. money-trunk, 306. portrait, 378. sideboard, 88. velvet coat, 214. waistcoat, 40. Mrs. John, portrait, 379. Clark House, Lexington, Mass., 6: 242. Handbill, inducing British Soldiers to desert, 5: 297. Harlem Heights, battle of map, 6: 23. Harmar, General Josiah, autograph, 7: 96. court-martial 98. - map of defeat, 97. Harmon, Johnson, autograph, 3: 389. Harvard College, seal, 3: 290, 6: 23. first printed theses of, 1643, 2: 357. John, autograph, 2: 358. statue, 2: 358. Hat Exportation Act, 1731, 3: 200. Hawkins, Sir John, 1: 323. Haynes, John, autograph, 2: 322. Heath, General William, sword, 6: 246. Hendrick, King, Indian chief, portrait, 4: 86. Hennepin s New Discovery, title-page, 3: 176. Henry, Patrick, portrait and autograph, 5: 58. tomb, 7: 235. Herkimer, General Nicholas, autograph, 6: 106. monument, 106. Herman, Augustine, portrait, 3: 51. Hessian Cap, 1776, 6: 49. grenadier, uniform, 6: 2. Hewes, George, R. T., portrait, 5: 167. Hicks, Willet, mayor of N. Y., 1770, proc lamation by, 5: 113. Higginson s New England s Plantation, title- page, 2: 155. Hillsborough, Lord, portrait and autograph, 5: 91. Hitchcock, Colonel Daniel, watch, 6: 56. Hobkirks Hill, S. C., battle of, map, 6: 293. Hochelaga (Montreal), 1565, 1: 307. Holderness, Lord, portrait, 4: 328. Holies, Thomas Pelham (Duke of New Castle), portrait, 3: 215. Hooker, Thomas, autograph, 2: 306. Hopi Indian dancers, 1: 351. Hopkins, Commodore Esek, portrait and autograph. 5: 320. Stephen, pamphlet ("The Rights of Col onies"), title-page, 6: 52. his watch, 276. Horn Book, 6: 22. Howard, Lord, of Effingham, portrait, 3: 44. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 85 Howe, Admiral Richard, 6: 10. Sir William, coat of arms and portrait, 6: 9. Hubbardton, battle of map, 6: 94. Hudde, Andries, autograph, 2: 260. Hudson, Henry, 2: 82. Bay Company, coat of arms, 3: 166. River, first map of (1666), 2: 228. Hulls, Jonathan, book on steam navigation, 1737, 7: 270. Humphreys, Colonel David, autograph, 7: 162. Hunt-Lenox Copper Globe, 1: 180. Hunter, Robert, autograph, 3: 274. Hutchins, Thomas, autograph, 6: 403. survey of townships, 406. Hutchinson, Thomas and wife, portraits of, 6: 124. dinner-plate, 149. letters, title-page of, 152. Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon), portrait, 3: 3. Implements, stone, Celt, W. Va., 1 : 53. Axe, O., 54. "Incidents of the Insurrection" (Whiskey), title-page. 7: 153. Indian Chief, 1: 350. medal of (1693), 3: 311. palisaded village, 1: 291. Village, N. C. (1587), 1: 332. Trade, Act to regulate the, page of, 3: 226. - treaty, 1748, Ms. of, 4: 16. tribes, Eastern U. S. and Canada, 1700-1750, map, 3: 180. Tribes, North Atlantic States, map, 2: 123. operations in the East, map. 6: 187. in the West, 192. Indians, caricature, on their employment by British, 6: 92. Indigo Act, 1747,3: 195. "infant Industries" in 1800 (broadside), 7: 274. Ingoldesby, Richard, autograph, 3: 265. Iron Mills Act, 1749, 3: 201. Iroquois lands, receipt for, 5: 173. "Long-House", 344. warrior, 2: 8. James II, portrait and autograph, 3: 52. oath of allegiance to, signatures to, 1685, 3: 22. Jamestown, Va., plan of buildings, 3: 37, 38. church ruins, 2: 43. restored, 176. church, plan of, 67. communion service of, 2: 73. Exposition Co., seal, 2: 44. Jay, John, portrait and autograph, 7: 32. Jay s Treaty, title-page, 7: 130. Jefferson, Thomas, page of Inaugural ad dress, 7: 290. passport to ship, 1808, 7: 379. portrait and autograph, 7: frontispiece. portrait (Peale), 7: 289. seal, 7: 68. summary of expenses, 1802-3, 302. Jefferson s plan for the N. W. Territory, 6: 400. Jervis, Sir John, portrait and autograph, 4: 281. Jesuit Missions in "Huronia", 3: 161. Jogues, Isaac, portrait and autograph, 3: 158. Johnson, Charles, General History of Pyrates, 1724, title-page of, 3: 229. Francis, signature, 2: 101. Guy, map, six Nations Country, 5: 292. Nathaniel, Sir, autograph, 3 : 222. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 86 Johnson, Robert, autograph and seal, 3: 227. - Sir William, letter, 4: 90. portrait and autograph, 4: 80. Johnston, Gabriel, autograph, 4: 24. Jolliet, Louis, 3: 168. Jones, John Paul, birthplace, 6: 260. broadside for enlistment under, 6: 262. commission, 261. cruise-map, 264. medal from Congress, 272. portrait and autograph, 264. - sword from Louis XVI, 272. - Judge Thomas, N. Y., portrait, 6: 334. Juet s Journal of Hudson s Voyage, 2: 83. Junius, title-page of, 6: 102. Keith s House, "Graeme Park", 3: 365. Kenton, Simon, portrait, 6: 412. Kentucky Resolutions, 1798, broadside, 7: 229. - first page of, 228. Kettle, 1763, 5: 21. - General Wayne s, 6: 238. "Key of Wealth," 1650, title-page of, 3: 144. King Philip s letter to Governor Prence, 1663, 3: 113. samp-bowl, 121. War, Benj. Tompson s poem on, 3: 123. title-page of earliest history, 3: 122. King s American Regiment, button of, 6: 339. College, crown on flagstaff, 4: 12. - seal, 1754-75, 4: 12. - view of, 1760, 12. - Mountain, battle of map, 6: 230. Kittanning, Pa., map of battle of, 1756, 4: 131. Knowles, Commodore Charles, autograph, 4: 3. Knowlton, Thomas, portrait, 6: 25. Knox, General Henry, house at Thomaston, Me., 7: 29. - portrait, 6: 363. Knyphausen, General, autograph, 6: 76. Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, portrait, 6: 42. Lafayette, Marquis de, at Barren Hill, 6: 176. challenge to Carlisle, 146. overshoes, 6: 301. portrait and autograph, 74. recommendation by Congress, 6: 182. uniform of his infantry, 301. Lake Champlain, map, 1740. 3: 379. Champlain country map, 4: 85. dwellings, restored, 1: 19. George, battle monument, 4: 88. - plan of, 88. George country, survey, 1756, 4: 87. Lamp, 1775 5: 20. Landais, Captain Peter, autograph, 6: 264. Lansing skull and thigh bone, 1: 15. Las Casas, Bartolome de, portrait, 1: 266. LaSalle, Rene" Cavalier de, coat of arms, 3: 178. murder of, 179. portrait and autograph, 3: 173. Laud, Archbishop, 2: 24. Laurens, Colonel John, autograph, 6: 324. Henry, autograph, 6: 342. Lava Blocks, roundhouse of, 1: 26. Laval, Bishop, portrait, 3: 162. Law, John, autograph, 322. bank-notes, 321. caricature of, 323. - medal, 1720, 323. - portrait, 3: 321. Lawrence, Major Charles, autograph, 4: 100. Lawrie, Gawin, autograph, 3: 90. Laws of the Mississippi Territory, title-page of, 7: 265. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 87 Lawson, John, "New Voyage to Carolina", 1709, 3: 236. Polly, portrait, 6: 242. Leah and Rachel, title-page, 2: 182. edyard, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 311. ee, Arthur, portrait and autograph, 6: 137. Gen. Charles, caricature of, 6: 224. Henry, autograph, 7: 152. characterization of Washington, 239. Richard Henry, coat of arms, 6: 138. portrait, 6: 384. title-page of his pamphlet, 7: 4. Thomas, autograph, 4: 27. Leisler, Jacob, autograph and seal, 3: 77. Le Jeune s Relation, title page of, 2: 16. Letitia Cottage, Philadelphia, 3: 102. Letters from the Federal Farmer (R. H. Lee), title-page, 7: 4. Leverett, John I (1654), autograph, 2:347. portrait, 3: 115. - John III (1708), autograph, 3: 291. coat of arms, 290. Levis, Chevalier de, 4: 134. Lewger, John, signature, 2: 208. Lewis, Andrew, autograph, 4: 58. statue, 3: 353. Mrs. Betty (Washington s sister), por trait, 7: 37. Meriwether, commission given, 7: 346. portrait, 7: 345. Morgan, campaign, circular for, 7: 367. and Clark, map, falls of the Columbia, 7: 353. do. mouth of the Columbia, 354. Lexington, Battle of, 6: 243. battle monument, 6: 244, 247. minuteman monument, 247. bell of 1775, clapper of, 5: 244. drum used at battle of, 6: 246. and Concord, the list of dead and wounded at, 6: 249. "Liberty and Property" (1726), title-page, 3: 241. bell, the, 6: 398. pole tablet, 6: 26. tree lantern, 6: 74. Light Dragoon and Grenadier, 1744-60, 4: 261. uniform of American, 6: 75. Lincoln, General Benjamin, letter of, 1779, 6: 210. portrait, 213. Livingston, Colonel James, autograph, 6: 328. Robert R., portrait and autograph, 7: 335. Lloyd, Thomas, autograph, 3: 243. Locke, John, portrait and autograph, 3: 6. Logan, James, portrait, 3: 246. London, circular on Act of Parliament on Imports, 7: 305. Gazette, 1759, first page, 4: 299. Merchants Society, list of 3: 251. Long Canes, S. C., massacre monument at, 4: 342. Long Island, battle of , map, 6: 16. Loom, 6: 7. Lottery Broadside, New York City, 7: 48. in New Jersey, broadside, 7: 268. Loudoun, Earl of, 4: 120. Louis XIV, portrait and autograph, 3: 185. XVI, portrait, 6: 134; 7: 79. Louisburg, map of siege, 1745. 3: 397. medals, of 1720, 3: 314. of 1758, 4: 168. of 1895, 3: 399. siege of 1758, 4: 162. ruins of, 170. view of, 4: 166. Louisiana, Cession Treaty, page of, 7: 337. map, 3: 316. in 1753, 3: 320. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 88 Lovelace, Francis, autograph, 3: 63. - Lord, autograph, 3: 273. Lovewell s Journal, page of, 3: 390. - fight, map of, 390. Lowther, Miss, portrait, 4: 246. Ludwell, Philip, coat of arms, 3: 217. Lyman, Phineas, autograph, 4: 83. Lyon-Griswold affray, caricature of the, 7: 218. Lyttelton, first Baron, autograph, 4: 338. Me Henry, Dr. James, portrait, 7: 157. McKee, Alexander, autograph, 7: 99. Mace-head, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1775, 6: 57. Magaw, Colonel Robert, autograph, 6: 35. Magellan, Ferdinand, portrait, 1: 247. - ship Victoria, 1: 251. Magna Charta, 3: 70. Mail Bag, 1775, 6: 19. Maine and New Hampshire, map, 2: 340. Maisonneuve, monument at Montreal, 3: 159. Manhattan Island in 1610, map of, 2: 84. - letter on price of, 92. Maps: Acadia, 3: 313. Alexander s New England, 2: 144. America, Senex s map of, 1721, 3: 338. Ancient (Fort) O., 1: 45. Works, O., 1: 47. Andrews route, 6: 251. Arnold s Position at Richmond, 6: 298. Route to Quebec, 6: 332. Atlantic, 1: 168. North, 1: 77. settlements, Charleston to St. Augus tine, 3: 331. Austerfield, England, 2: 203. Bay of Fundy, 2: 4. Maps: Behaim s Globe, 1: 120. Bemis Heights, battle, map, 6: 122. Benincasa s, 1476, 1: 104. Bennington, battle, 6: 100. Bjarni s Course, 1: 81. Boston, region about, 1630, 2: 164. siege of, 6: 295. harbor, 3: 131. Concord route map, 5: 240. Boundary, U. S., 1782, 6: 350. Braddock s Route, 4: 67. Brandy wine, battle, 6: 78. Bunker Hill, battle, 5: 267, 271. Burgoyne s Surrender, 6: 126. Bushy Run, battle, 4: 367. Cabot s (J.) 1st voyage, 1: 185. (S). of 1544, 1: 184. Camden, battle of, 6: 226. Canada, map, 6: 326. Expedition, 1775, 3: 310. Cantino, 1502, 1: 210. Cape Cod Harbor, 2: 116. "restored", 1: 84. Carta Marina, 1548, 1: 281. Celoron de Bienviile, route, 4: 27. Central American Coast, 1: 215. Champlain maps, 2: 2:5, 6; 3: 264, 379; 4: 85. Charleston, 1672, 3: 16. Harbor, 1670-90, 3: 14. siege of, 6: 217. Cherokee Campaign, 1759, 4: 341. Cherokee Country, 4: 246. Cherry and Wyoming Valleys, 6: 185. Chesapeake Bay, map of operations on, 6: 300, 310. Colonies in North America, 1660, 2: 398. Columbia River, falls of the, 7: 353. mouth of the, 354. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S. VOLS. 1-7 89 Maps: Columbus Course, 1st voyage, 1: 137. 1st and 2d voyage, 1: 163. 3d and 4th Voyage, 1: 191. Gulf of Paria region, 3d, 1: 193. after landfall, 1: 141. in Western Indies, 1494, 1: 169. Concord Boston route, map, 5: 240. Conn. R. I. disputed territory, 3: 301. Coronado s Route, 1: 296. Country between the Gutf and the Valley of Mexico, 1: 256. Cowpens, battle of, 6: 285. Crown Point, Fort Edward tract, 4: 89. Delaware, operations on the, 6: 86. Valley, river terraces of, 1: 16. De Soto s route, 1: 187. Detroit and Detroit River, 1749, 4: 354-6. Dochet Island, 2: 5. Dunmore s War, 6: 174. Early Coast Towns in Mass., 2: 361. Portuguese Discoveries, 1: 110. Eden, Va., map, 1736, 3: 238. English Colonies, 3: 155. French and Spanish possessions, 156. European Nations, map showing attitudes towards Am. Revolution, 6: 279. Eutaw Springs, battle of, 6: 295. Fallen Timber, battle of, 7: 108. Forbes route, 1758, 4: 199. Forms of Government, 1620-1733, 3: 206. Fort Niagara, 4: 229. Fort William Henry, Vicinity of, 4: 142. Freeman s Farm, battle of, 6: 113. French Creek route, 4: 29. Frontier Forts, 4: 78. Georgia, 3: 334. Maps: Germantown, battle of, 6 : 84. Germanus, 1492, 1: 119. Great Kanawha, battle of the, 5: 183. Great Swamp Fight, 3: 117. Greenville Treaty map, 7: 112. Guilford Court House, battle of, 6: 290. Gulf of Paria region, 1: 193. of St. Lawrence, 1: 304. Hale, Nathan, route of, 6: 27. Harlem Heights, battle of, 6: 23. Harmar s defeat, map 7: 97. Hayti in Colonial times, 1 : 166. Hobkirk s Hill, battle of, 6: 293. Hubbardton, battle of, 6: 94. Hudson River, 1666, 2: 228. Huguenot settlements, 1: 316. Indian Tribes, 1700-1750, 3: 180. Tribes in North Atlantic States, 2: 123. Tribes of the South Atlantic states, 2: 45. operations in the East, 6: 187. in the West, 192. Jesuit Missions, 3: 161. King s Mountain, battle of, 6: 230. Kittanning, Pa., battle of, 1756, 4: 131. Lake George, battle of, 4: 88. region, 1756, 4: 87. Land of War (Central America), 1: 268. Long Island, battle of, 6: 16. Louisburg, map of siege, 1745, 3: 397. siege of, 1758, 4: 162. Louisiana, in 1753, 3: 320. map of, 316. Lovewell s fight, map, 3: 390. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 90 Maps: Maine and New Hampshire, 2: 340. Manhattan Island, 1610, 2: 84. Maryland, Alsop s map, 1666, 3: 47. maps, 2: 201; 3: 48, 355; 5: 78.79. Massachusetts Bay, settlements, 2: 133. and R. I. territory, 3: 402. and R. I. settlements, 1675, 3: 116. Marquette s discovery (Thevenot s map of), 3: 168. Mohawk-Oneida route, maps, 4: 118, 6: 100. Monmouth, battle of, 6: 178. Montresor s plan of N. Y. City, 1775, 6: 344. New Amsterdam, 1630, 2: 226; 1640, 2: 231. New Andalusia and Castilia del Oro, 1: 243. New England (Alexander s map), 2: 144. early settlements, 2: 308. 1634, 2: 351; 3: 112. 1663, 3: 280; 3: 130. New France and Louisiana, 1683, 3: 315. New Hampshire, frontiers, 4: 7. New Jersey, 3: 84. New London, Conn., 1781, 6: 311-313. New Netherlands, 1630, 2: 222. 1655, 2: 246. Newport, in 1730, 6: 180. siege of, 6: 182. New Sweden, 1638-55, 2: 257. New York City, 1: 277; 2: 242, 252; 3: 62, 67; 6: 83. and vicinity, 6: 344. harbor, 6: 180.. Niagara River, 4: 232. Ninety-Six, S. C., map of siege, 6: 295. North America, 1: 3. 1733, 3: 4. Maps: 1754, 4: 49. Bowen and Gibson s map, 4: 50. 1763, 4: 352. 1783, 6: 362. British possessions in 1775, 6: 212. claims in, 1754, 4: 49. Popple s map, 1733, 3: 4. after 1783, 6: 362. North Carolina, 1737. 3: 348. Indian wars map, 237. precincts, 1663-1729, 3: 236. North- West Territory, 6: 400. Nova Scotia, 4: 99. Ohio Country, the, by Hutchins, 1765, 4: 374. Valley, river terraces of, 1 : 9. Oneida Portage forts, 1756, 4: 126. Ontario, Lake, eastern end, 4: 123. Oswego, N. Y., 4: 124. "Ox-hide" map (de la Cosa s), 1500, 1: 208. Patent of 1620, division of territory map, 2: 139. Pemaquid Fort, 2: 145. Pennsbury Manor, 3: 107. Pennsylvania, 1717-45. 3: 368. 1754, 4: 53. and Del. boundary, 3: 97. Penobscot Expedition, map, 1779, 6: 237. Pequot country, 2: 311. Philadelphia, map of campaigns around, 6: 76. routes of travel from, 5: 17. Phillips position at Petersburg, 6: 302. Phillipsburgh, N. Y., American and French positions about, 6: 306. Pittsburgh, 4: 370-2. Plymouth Harbor, 2: 6, 119. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 91 Maps: Pope s (the) line of demarcation, 1: 160. portages and Forts, 4: 60. population map, 1790, 7: 61. 1800, 7: 261. Port Royal, N. S., 2: 5. Portage Forts, 4: 60. Port Royal, N. S., 3: 13, 281. Pueblo region, 1: 27. Quebec Expedition, 1775, 6: 326, 332. Lahontan s map, 1703, 3: 282. Ranger, man-of-war, map of cruise, 6: 263. Rhode Island, early map, 2: 286. Raleigh s explorations, 1: 332. Roanoke fort, 1: 335. Rogers-Clark expedition, 6: 196. Routes of travel from Phila., 6: 17. St. Glair s defeat, map, 7: 101. .St. Lawrence River, map, 4: 252. St. Mary s and vicinity, 3: 55. Salem, Mass, 1692, 3: 286. Savannah, map of siege, 6: 215. Schoener-Gore, 1523, 1: 248. Schuyler, Fort, siege of, 6: 107. Scrooby, England, map, 2: 103. Senex s America, 1721, 3: 338. Seven ranges of townships, 6: 406. Smith s map of New England, 2: 121. South Atlantic Coast, 3:1. South Carolina, 1730, 3: 341. Lawson s map of, 1709, 3: 224. map of 1670, 3: 9. map of 1715, 3: 227. Southern Campaign, the, of 1780, 6: 210, 212. Spain and Portugal, 1: 143. Spanish Coast, 1: 135. Spotswood s route, 3: 351. Maps: Springfield, N. J.. battle map, 6: 240. State claims and cessions, map showing, 6: 388. Stony Point, capture of, 6: 236. Sullivan s Island, S. C., attack on, 6: 367. Tenochtitlan, plan of, 1 : 258. Ticonderoga, 1758, 4: 179, 181; 4: 182; 6: 93. Toscanelli s, 1: 117. Township system, 7: 267. Trenton, battle of, maps, 6: 47, 48, 52. Trinity, Fort, 2: 263. Tripoli, maps, 7: 309, 316. Tryon s Connecticut Raids, maps, 6: 66, 235. Two highways to Canada, 4: 288. Underhill s attack on Pequot fort, 2: 316. United States, 1: 356; 2: 7, 11. showing Indian Reservations, 1: 354. 1778, French map of, 6: 142. map. 1800-2, 7: 264. map, 1803-6, 348. map of boundaries, 1789, 54. population map, 1790, 7: 61. Valcour Island, map of battle, 6: 6. Valley of Mexico, 1519, 1: 259. Vermont, map as Territory, 4: 6. Vespucius, map of 1st voyage, 1: 228. Vinland, by Rafn, 1 : 92. Virginia, Charter of, 1606, 2: 36. Charter map, 1609, 2: 53. Colonial map, 186. first settlements, map, 41. operations in, 1781, map, 6: 299. Smith s map, 2: 48. Washington (City), map, 1792, 7: 246. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 92 Maps: Washington s, Fort Cumberland sketch, 4; 207. map showing birthplace, 4: 32. N. J. operations, 6: 38, 46, 52. route, 4: 35. survey by, 4: 34. West, the development, map, 1787, 6: 410. West Florida, 4: 351. West Indies, 1: 143; 7: 201, 204, 80. West Point, N. Y., 1780, 6: 244, 247. Western States, 1776-86, 6: 402. "Whiskey Rebellion", map, 7: 142. White Plains, battle of, map, 6: 33. Windsor, Conn., map, 2: 306. Winslow s Farm, 2: 355. Wolfe s campaign, 4: 276. Wood s map of U. S., 1634, 2: 351. World, Homer s, 1: 97. Ptolemy s, 1: 98. Wyoming-Lacka wanna Valleys, Pa., early map of, 6: 131. Yorktown, Va., map of march to, 6: 306. siege map of, 6: 314. siege plan, 315. Zeni, 1: 70. Mansfield, Lord, portrait, 6: 128. Manuscripts, Saga, 1: 79. Marbois, Barbe, autograph, 7: 334. Marco Polo, portrait, 1: 108. Marion, General Francis, portrait and auto graph, 6: 222. Markham, William, autograph and seal, 3: 99. Marquette, Jacques, 3: 168. - burial, 170. Marquette s Discovery, Thevenot s map of, 3: 169. "Marprelate, Martin," first tract, 2: 99. Marshall, John, country house, 7: 372. Maryland, Alsop s map of, 1666, 3 : 47. charter, facsimile, 2: 200. currency, 1745, 3: 361. - flag of, 3: 53. Maryland Gazelle, 1728, Heading of, 4: 17. map, 2: 201. of 1635, 207. seal of, 1649, 210. - Toleration Act, 1649, facsimile, 2: 212. Pennsylvania boundary, map of region, 6:78. - map of various surveys, 79. one of the stones, 6: 77. Penn s order about, 76. and Virginia, Herman s map of, 3: 48. - Pennsylvania and Virginia, map, 3: 355. Mary Washington Memorial Association, insignia of, 7: 38. Mason, Captain John, arms, 2: 317. autograph. 2: 314. - statue. 317. Massachusetts Acts and Laws, title-page, 3: 127. - Bill, French and Indian war, 1690, 3: 262. Bay settlements, map, 2: 133. - broadside, 1689, 3: 278. - currency of 1690, 3: 283. - great seal, 1715, 3: 384. - map of early coast towns, 2: 361. - paper money, 1750, 4: 3. Pine-Tree currency, 1652, 2: 371. - and R.I. settlements, 1675, 3: 116. Rhode Island disputed territory, 3: 402. Massacre at Long Canes, S. C., 1760, mon ument, 4: 342. Mather, Cotton, portrait and autograph, 3: 296. increase, petition against Andros, 1689, 3: 148. portrait and autograph, 3: 279. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 93 Mather, Richard, autograph, 3: 278. Maverick, Samuel, autograph, 3: 129. Mazzei, Philip, autograph, 7: 183. Mecklenburg Committee, 1775, signatures of, 6: 356. Medal given Indians, after Pontiac s con spiracy, 1764,4: 376. Meigs, Return J. autograph, 6: 66. Melville, Major Thomas ("The last of the Cocked-hats"), portrait, 5: 167. Melyn, Cornelius, his "Broad Advice", 1649, title-page, 2: 239. Menendez de Aviles, Pedro, portrait, 1: 319. Mercer, General Hugh, autograph and sword, 6: 53. James F., autograph, 4: 92. Miantonomo, monument to, 2: 320. Middleton, Arthur, coat of arms and por trait, 6: 218. Mill at Chesterton, England, 1: 95. Mint, U. S., ordinance for establishing, 6: 392. Minuit, Peter, signature, 2: 224. "Minuteman" statue of, at Concord, 6: 247. Minutes of Eastern Conference, 1758, title- page, 4: 205. Mohawk Chief, portrait. 3: 273. autographs of four, 3: 274. Oneida route, map of, 6: 100. Oneida route to Canada, map of, 4: 118. Molasses Act, The, 3: 203. "Moll" Pitcher s table, 6: 179. tablet at Monmouth, N. J., 179. Monckton, Robert, portrait and autograph, 4: 102. Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, auto graph, 3: 5. portrait, 18. Monmouth, battle of, map, 6: 178. Monro, Lieut, Col. George, autograph, 4: 143. Monroe, James, broadside on his negotia tions, 7: 394. draft on Convention on French Debts, facsimile, 7: 336. portrait. 7: 136. Montcalm, Marquis de, headquarters, 4: 257. house where died, 293. portrait, 4: 116. Montezuma, portrait, 1 : 257. Montgomery, General Richard, portrait and autograph, 6: 325. Montmorency Falls, Canada, 2: 6. Montreal, 1760, 4: 314. - "Montreal Taken" medal, 1760, 316. - medal, 4: 355. Montresor s plan of New York, 1775, 6: 344. Moore, James, autograph and seal, 3: 231. Morgan, Henry, pirate, 3: 19. destroys the Spanish armada at Mar- acaibo. 3: 20. General Daniel, medal, 288. - portrait, 6: 286. riflemen s uniform, 6: 296. Morris, Gouverneur, autograph, 6: 379. portrait, 7: 135. Lewis, autograph, 3: 276. bookplate, 381. Robert, portrait and autograph, 7: 28. - Robert Hunter, letter, 1755. 4: 77. - Jumel House, 6: 24. Morton, Thomas, autograph, 2: 354. Moulton, Jeremiah, autograph, 3: 389. Mount Vernon, in time of Washington, 7: 18. mansion at, 19. Moultrie, General William, portrait and autograph, 5: 363. Mounds: Burial, Iowa, 1: 38. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 94 Mounds : Burial, III., 1: 38. Cahokia, 111., 1: 36. from De Bry s Collections, 1: 35. Grave Creek, W. Va., 1: 40. Little Island, S. C., 1: 25. Nelson, N. C., 1: 41. Ossuary, Wis., 1: 37. Serpent, O., 1: 37. Moving towards Union, 6: 200-210. Mugs, Arizona, 1: 55. Muhlenberg, F. autograph, 7: 165. Murray, William V., passport signed by Talleyrand, 7: 215. Nampa Image, the, 1: 14. Nanfan, John, autograph, 3: 270. Narvaez, autograph, 1: 282. Nassau Hall, Princeton College, 6: 54. National and Penn. Commissioners Con ference, broadside of, 7: 151. Naval Battle, English and French ships, 1703, 3: 302. Negro Soldier s Discharge after Revolution ary War, 6: 368. Nevill, John, letter, 7: 147. New Amsterdam, 1630, 2: 226. first plan of (1640), 231. oldest records of (1653), 2: 245. seal of, 246. Newburgh, N. Y., Washington s head quarters at, 6: 363. Newcastle, Duke of, autograph, 1745, 4: 50. Newburgh Letters, the, title-page, 6: 376. Newcomerstown, O., paleolith, 1: 17. "New Description" Archdale s, title-page, 3: 220. New England, map of, 3: 280. flag of, 1686, 3: 146. - Hack s map of, 1663, 3: 130. map, 3: 112. New England, map of early settlements, 2: 308. title-page of "An Act for the promoting . . of the Gospel . . in New England" (1649), 2: 373. Wood s map of, 1634, 2: 351. New France and Louisiana, Hennepin s map of, 1683, 3: 315. New Hampshire Currency, 1737, 3: 400. map of frontiers, 1737-64, 4: 7. merchants note, 1734, 4: 8. paper money, 1775, 6: 326. "New Haven s settling" (1656), title-page, 2: 335. New Jersey, map. 3: 84. New London, Conn., Arnold s attack on, map, 6: 311. Fort Griswold, at, 313, Ms. map of, and Groton, 312. New Mexico Inscribed Rock, 1: 94. New Netherland, maps. 1630,2: 222:1655, 2: 246. New Netherland, articles of surrender, 1664, 2: 251. charter, 1614, 2: 86. seal, 2: 91. New Orleans, 1753, 3: 324. view, 1803, 7: 342. Newport in 1730, 6: 180. siege of, 182. Tower (Old Mill), 1: 94. New Sweden, 1638-55, map, 2: 257. "New Voyage to Carolina", 1709 (Lawson s) title-page, 3: 236. New York City, Campaign around, of 1776, map of, 6: 11. (City) in 1524 and 1904, 1 : 277. Pearl and Chatham Sts. in, 2: 244. plan, 1664, 2: 252. plan, 1679, 3: 67. plan, 1767, 5: 83. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 95 New York City, "Duke s Plan of," 1661, 3: 62. - Walled part of, 1653, 2: 242. - (City), Washington s proclamation to, 1776, 6: 12. New York, province of, seal, 3: 62. - Council of safety, 1777, proclamation, 6: 118. - harbor, 1781, plan of, 6: 180. - and vicinity, 1775, Montresor s plan of, 6: 344. - topographical map of, 346. - State Bank Notes, 1802-4, 7: 276. Niagara Gorge, bird s eye view of, 1: 12. Niagara River, 4: 232. Nicholson, Francis, autograph, 3: 252. Nicolls, Richard, autograph, 3: 58, 129. Ninety-Six, S. C., siege of, map, 6: 295. Norse Boat, 1: 83. - ruins, Greenland, 1: 90. - ship, 1: 74-75. North America, Popple s Map of (1733), 3: 4. - map of claims in, 1754, 4: 49. - map of (Bowen & Gibson), 50. - 1763, map, 4: 352. - British possessions in, 1775, 6: 212. - after the peace of 1783, 6: 362. North Battery, Boston, 6: 313. North Carolina Act, 1729, signatures to, 3: 240. - 1737, map, 3: 348. - Indian Wars, map of, 3: 237. - paper money, 1748, 4: 23. - title page first laws, 24. - precincts, 1663-1729, map of, 3: 236. North, Lord, portrait, 6: 86. Northmen, landing of the, 1 : 82. North West Territory, Jefferson s plan of the, 6: 400. - ordinance for government, 404. Norton, John, autograph, 2: 382. Nova Scotia, seal of, 4: 98. map of, 99. Ogle, Samuel, autograph, 4: 17. Oglethorpe, James, 3 : 329. portrait, 4: 20. Ohio Co., The, land contract, 6: 408. - country, map of, by Hutchins, 1765, 4: 374. - River, trough of the, 2:9. Old Glatz-Schultz House, 1734, 4: 18. panniers, 6: 14. South Meeting-House, Boston, 5: 163. State House, Boston, 1791, 6: 103. Swedes Church, Wilmington, Del., 3: 244. "Old Tenor," broadside on, 4: 4. One-horse chaise, 1775, 6: 16. Oneida Indians, treaty with, 1788, 7: 94. - Portage Forts, 1756, map, 4: 126. Ontario, Lake, map of, eastern end, 4: 123. Ordinance for 24 livres, 4: 311. Oswego, forts at, 4: 124. Montcalm s attack on, 4: 124. view of, 4: 90. Otis, James, coat of arms, 6: 48. portrait, 6: 32. title-page of his pamphlet ( Vindication, etc.), 34. Ouiatchouan Falls, Canada, 1: p. 2. Paine, Thomas, autograph, 6: 41. page of "Crisis", 41. - portrait, 5: 376. Paine s Letter to Washington, title-page, 7: 172. "Palatine" Communion Service, 1747, 4: 18. shoes, 3: 196. Pamunkey, plate given to Queen of, 3: 42. Papago Indian house, 1: 343. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 96 Paper Money m Connecticut, 1775, 40* bill, 6: 230. - in Delaware, 1776, 6: 389. - in Georgia, 1776, 6: 399. - in Maryland, 1775, 6: 351. - in Massachusetts, 1775, 5: 308. - in New Hampshire, 1776, 6: 387. - in New Jersey, 1776, 388. - in New York, 1776, 6: 347. - in Pennsylvania, 1723, 3: 367; 1758, 4: 193. - in North Carolina, 1776, 6: 381. - in Pennsylvania, 1775, 6: 349. - in Rhode Island, 1776, 6: 382. in South Carolina, 1775, 5: 319. in Virginia, 1776, 6: 383. Parker, Captain Jonas, monument to, 6:244. Henry, autograph, 4: 22. "Passport" for ship, 1808, 7: 379. Patent of 1620, division of territory map, 2: 139. Patrick Henry, "Red Hill," his home, 6: 151. Paulus Hook (Jersey City, N. J.), view of, 6: 238. Peace Commission, American, of 1782, 6: 343. Commissioners (English), autographs of, 6: 144. caricature of, 149. pass given by, 145. letter to Congress, 146. Treaty of 1783, documents, 6: 358-62. Pearson, Captain Richard, portrait, 6: 265. Peele, Robert, musket carried by, at Lex ington, 6: 245. Pemaquid, Fort of, 2: 145. Penn, Hannah, page from Expense Book, 3: 245. R : chard, autograph, 6: 289. Richard and Thomas, receipt given for sale of Indian lands, 6: 173, Penn, William, clock, 3: 108. order for survey of boundary line, Pa. and Del., 3: 246; 6: 76. letter to his children, 3: 101. William, autograph, coac of arms, por trait, 3: frontispiece. portrait in armor, 95. William, portrait, 3: 108. seal, 3: 247. Pennsbury Manor, Hams map of, 3: 107. Pennsylvania, "Some account of Pensil- vania", title-page, 3: 98. currency, 1723, 3: 367. Gazette, heading, 3: 364. Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Adver tiser, 1765, 6: 66. Pennsylvania Laws, 1714, page of, 3: 249. map of 1717-45, 3: 368. of 1754, 4: 53. paper money, 1758, 4: 193. province of, seal, 3: 105. rifles, 1st flag of, 6: 14. State-House, 1741, 5: 277. and Delaware boundary, map of, 3: 97. Penobscot Expedition, 1779, map, 6: 237. Pepperrell, Sir William, autograph, 3: 398. commission, 4: 171. letter to, 4: 1. - portrait, 2: 132. sword, 4: 171. Pequot Country, map, 2: 311. Percy, Earl, portrait, 6: 238. George, portrait and signature, 2: 55. Peters, John, draft paying his claim, 7: 384. Petition to the House of Lords, page from, 6: 62. Philadelphia, map of campaigns, about, 6: 76. seal of, 1701, 3: 246. State House, 1776, 6: 419. view, 1718, 3: 248. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 97 Philadelphia, Light Horse Troop, uniform of, 6: 77. standard of 79. Philip II, portrait, 1: 334. Philipse, Frederick, autograph, 3: 260. Phillips, General William, autograph, 6: 91. - position at Petersburg, map of, 6: 302. Phillipsburgh, N. Y., map of American and French position at, 6: 306. Phips, Sir William, autograph, 3: 280. - Order of Council on, 1690, 3: 282. Spencer, autograph, 3: 393. Pickens, General Andrew, autograph, 6: 285. "Picturesque View of the State of Great Britain", 1778, 6: 174. Pierce Patent, 1621, 2: 126. Pierson Abraham, letter, 1667, 3: 83. - statue, 307. Pig and Bar-Iron Act, 1749, 3: 201. Pigot, General Robert, autograph. 6: 181. Pike, Lieutenant, Zebulon M., title-page of his Account, 7: 358, 359. Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, 2: 396. - monument, Plymouth, Mass., 2: 394. - tablet at Leyden, 2: 109. Pilgrims, Cope s painting of embarkation, 2: 114. - "Going to Church," Boughton, 2: 136. - route of the, 2: 106. - swords of the, 2 : 132. Pillory, the, 2: 283. Pinckney, Charles, autograph, 7: 363. Charles Cotesworth, autograph, 7: 242. portrait, 6: 418. Pine-Tree Currency (Mass), 2: 371. Pinkney, William, autograph, 7: 392. Pistol, 1775, 5: 27. Pitcairn, Major, pistols, 6: 244. Pitt, William, portrait and autograph, 4: 151, 153. Pitt, title-page of speech in House of Lords, 5: 253. statue in N. Y., 6: 74. medal to, 82. Pittsburgh, "new fort" at, 4: 370. redoubt at, 372. Pixley, David, Lieut., commission, signed by Dr. Warren, 5: 260. "Plain Truth", title page, 1747, 4: 14. Plow of 1775, 5: 4. Plowden, Sir Edmund, coat of arms, 2: 260. Plymouth Harbor, map, 2: 119. - Rock, 120, 122. Pocahontas, portraits, 2: 61. "Poems", first book printed in Virginia, 1736, 3: 357. "Political Raree-Show, The", British cartoon, 1779, 6: 235. Pompadour, Mme. de, portrait, 4: 115. Poor, General Enoch, his enlistment paper, 6: 120. "Poor Richard s Almanack", 1733, title-page of, 4: 15. Pope s Bull of Demarcation, 1493, 1: 154. map, line of Demarcation, 160. Popham, Sir John, signature, 2: 35. Population, map of the U. S., 1790, 7: 61. map, showing centre of, and distribution, 1800, 7: 261. Portages and French and English Forts, 4: 60. Port Royal (Annapolis), N. S., 3: 13, 281. Post, Christian Frederick, title-page of second Journal, 4: 206. Postmaster s Bill, 1745, 3: 371. Powder-Horn, 1758, 4: 188. Selden s, 6: 23. magazine at Williamsburg, Va., 1714, 6: 352. Pownall, Thomas, coat of arms, 4: 120. portrait, 4: 119. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 98 Pownall, Thomas, his "view of Boston," 6: 31. Pownall s View on Hudson River, 4: 11. Preble, Commodore Edward, medal pre sented to, 7: 321. Prescott, Colonel William, autograph, 6: 264. General Richard, house where captured, 6: 167. Preston, Colonel Thomas, autograph, 1767, 6: 107. indictment of, 109. Prevost, General Augustine, autograph, 6: 209. Prince, Rev. Thomas, portrait, 4: 2. Prince Henry, the Navigator, 1: 109. Princeton University, seal, 4: 13. Printing press and type-case used by Frank lin, 5: 26. Prison Ship Stations, Brooklyn, 6: 62. martyrs monument, 64. Proclamation (British), to people of Georgia, 1779, 6: 212. Province House Arms, Boston, 3: 383. Provisions, appeal for (Stoughton, Mass., 1775), 6: 272. Provost Prison, N. Y., tablet, 6: 62. Publick Occurrences (1690), (newspaper), 3: 280. Pueblo of Acoma, 1: 299. - Walpi (Hopi), 31. - Zuni, 29. Pulaski, Count Casimir, banner of his Legion, 6: 72. portrait and autograph, 6: 73. - letter, 1779, 6: 214. Puritan costumes, 1620-40, 2: 157. Putnam, Israel, autograph, 4: 127, coat of arms, 6: 15. portrait (Trumbull), 6: 261. portrait, 273. Putnam, Israel, sword, 268. tavern sign "The General Wolfe", 6: 18. Pynchon House, 1660, 3: 118. William, portrait and autograph, 2: 379. Quebec, 1758, 4: 254, - plan of battle, 1760, 307. taking of, 1759, 266. view from Pt. Levis, 1759, 278. 1906, 287. expedition against, 1775, map, 5: 326, 332. - Lahontan s map of, 1703, 3: 282. Sermon by Dr. Cooper, 4: 303. "Quebec Taken" medal, 1759, 4: 300. Thanksgiving Proclamation, 4: 302. Queen Anne, portrait and autograph, 3: 189. Charlotte, portrait, 6: 74. Elizabeth, 1: 322. signature. 2: 95. Mary II, portrait and autograph, 3: 183. Quincy, Josiah, pamphlet on Boston Port Bill, 6: 204. Raleigh, Sir Walter, portrait, 1: 329. signature, 335. Rail, Colonel Johann, autograph, 6: 47. Randolph, Edmund, portrait and autograph, 7: 90. - Edward, letter, 1676, 3: 138. John, of Roanoke, portrait and auto graph, 7: 236. - silhouette, 7: 373. Ranger, map of movements of, 6: 263. Rawdon, Lord, portrait and autograph, 6: 216. Red Hill, home of Patrick Henry, 6: 151. Reel, 6: 7. Regulators War, N. C., map, 6: 129. Relation des Avantages, 4: 147. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 99 Relations of Colonies with Indians, map, 5: 285. Remick, Christian, his view of Boston, 1678, 5: 94. Revenue Stamp, 1765, 5: 55. Revere, Paul, Boston house of, 1676, 5: 217. his bill for services, 6: 299. - page of diary, 242. - pistol of, 218. - portrait and autograph, 240. - copper tea kettle made by, 7 : 6. - his view of Boston, 1768, 5: 96. Revolutionary Coins, 6: 390. - Relics (bullets, mould, cartridges and paper, ladle), 5: 229. Reynolds, John, autograph, 4: 22. Rhett, William, portrait, 3: 229. Rhode Island Ballot, 6: 150. census, 1774, 6: 2. convention on the Constitution, 1790, facsimile, 7: 50-51. - early map, 2: 286. - seal, 1672, 3: 299. Ribault, Jean, landing of, 1: 312. - pillar, 315. Richards, John, autograph, 3: 142. Richelieu, Cardinal, portrait, 2: 14. Riedesel, Baron, letter of Lord Suffolk to, 1776, 5: 343. Rights of Man, title-page, 7: 72. Roanoke, fort at, 1: 335. Robinson, Beverly, house of, 6: 246. Robinson, Rev. John, signature, 2: 111. Rochambeau, General Count de, portrait and autograph, 6: 305. Rockingham, Lord, autograph, 6: 344. Rodgers, Commodore John, order to Lieut. Porter to go to Malta, 7: 391. Rodney, Admiral, portrait, 6: 276. - Caesar, monument to, 6: 393. Rogers, Robert, portrait and autograph, 4: 128. Concise Account of North America, 1765, title-page, 4: 362. page from, 363. his Ponteach, title-page, 364. Routes of Travel from Philadelphia, 6: 17. Royal Arms, 1724, 4: 9. Deux Ponts regiment, flag of, 3: 316. Rum Keg, 6: 55. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, autograph, 6: 137. portrait, 7: 63. Runaway Servant, advertisement for, 3: 142. slave advertisement, 6: 5. Rutgers Waddington Case, title-page, 6: 381. Rutherford, Griffith, autograph, 6: 184. St. Augustine, Fla., city gate, 3: 328. St. Botolph s Church, Boston, England, 2: 268. St. Clair, General Arthur, autograph, 6: 96. portrait, 410. defeat of, map, 7: 101. broadside on, 103. Sir John, autograph, 4: 66. St. James Church, S. C., 3: 218. St. John s Church, Richmond, interior of, 5: 239. St. Lawrence River, map, 4: 252. St. Leger s Troops, order of march, 6: 102. St. Luc, La Come de, 4: 229. St. Luke s Church, Smithfield, Va., 2: 174. St. Marys and Vicinity, map, 3: 55. Saint Die, 16th Century, 1: 235. Saintonge, regiment of, flag, 3: 315. Salem, Mass., in 1692, map, 3: 286. 1765, Old North Bridge, in, 236. Washington Street in, 5: 227. Salt Act, 1729,3: 194. Saltonstall, Gurdon, autograph, 3: 305. Salzburger Costumes (early Georgia), 3: 333. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 100 Sandys, Sir Edwin, portrait, 2: 65. letter, 70. George, portrait, 2: 72. Saratoga, battle cf, pistol found on field, 6: 132. battle, monument, 6: 132. - and Yorktown, medal, 6: 320. Saunders, Admiral Charles, portrait and autograph, 4: 249. Savannah, siege of, map, 6: 215. Say and Seale, Lord, autograph, 2: 361. Schaghen, P., letter, 1626, 2: 92. Schuyler, Fort (Stanwix), diagram, 6: 105. map of siege, 107. - Peter, portrait, 3: 276. - General Philip, autograph, 6: 324. - portrait, 6: 42. Scillacio, page of the, 1 : 165. Scrooby, England, map, 2: 103. Brewster s home at, 104 Sea of Darkness, 1: 68. Second R. I. regiment, flag of, 6: 239. Sedgwick, Robert, autograph, 2: 347. - Theodore, autograph, 7: 236. Selden, Samuel, powder-horn, 1776, 6: 23. Senate Chamber, Philadelphia, 1795, view, 7: 158. Senex, John, map of America, 1721, 3: 338. Sepulchral urns, 1: 34. Settlements from Charleston, S. C., to St. Augustine, Fla., 3: 331. Seven Ranges of Townships, Hutchins sur vey of, 6: 406. Seventh Fusiliers, flag of, 1775, 6: 329. Sevier, General John, autograph, 7: 118. Sewall House, Burlington, Mass., 6: 245. - Samuel, portrait and autograph, 3: 287. Sharpe Horatio, letter, 1755, 4: 76. Shays, Captain Daniel, autograph, 6: 394. Shelburne, Lord, autograph, 6: 345. Shipping Bill of 1718, 3: 197. Shipping Bill of 1764, 6: 31. Shirley, William, autograph and portrait, 3: 394. coat of arms, 4: 118. Shoe, worn before 1775, 6: 7. Short, William, autograph, 7: 120. Shute, Samuel, autograph, 3: 383. Signatures to Oath of Allegiance to James II, 1685, 3: 22. Silver Bullet enclosing Clinton s message, 6: 119. Sketch of the Finances, etc., by Gallatln, title- page, 7: 166. Slater, Samuel, portrait, 7: 275. spinning machinery, 276. Slave advertisement, New York City, 1789. 7: 60. Slavery, Friends expenses for aiding slaves, 1793-5, 7: 63. Sloughter, Henry, autograph, 3: 265, Smith s (John), Victory, 1608, 2: 31. Smith, Captain John, portrait, 2: 40. Melancthon, autograph, 7: 12. An Historical Account of Bouquet s Ex pedition, 4: 369. map of New England, 2: 121. Society of the Cincinnati, insignia of the, 6: 364. pamphlet by Burke, 364. Soldiers buckles found at Ticonderoga, 6: 94. pocket-knife, 96. pay receipt, 5: 308. pewter spoon, 6: 109. "Some Account of Pensilvania," title-page, 3: 98. Some Observations on the Two Campaigns against the Cherokees, 1759, title-page, 4: 349. Somers, Midshipman, Richard, portrait and autograph, 7: 320. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 101 Sons of Liberty (Boston), warning by, 6: 161. - Maryland, broadside by, 6: 59. Sothell, Seth, and Council, 3: 26. South Atlantic Coast, map, 3 : 1 . - Carolina Act, 1717, signatures to, 3: 228. - Carolina Gazelle, 1732, heading of first issue, 3: 342. - Carolina, map, 1730, 3: 341. Carolina, royal seal of, 3: 338. - Carolina, state seal, 1776, 6: 151. Carolina, Trott s Laws of, title-page, 3: 225. Southampton, Earl of, 2: 75. Southern Campaign, 1780, map, 6: 210. detail map, 212. Spearhead, obsidian, 1: 18. Spectacles and case, before 1775, 6: 10. Spinning wheel, small flax, 2: 135. Spotswood, Alexander, portrait and auto graph, 3: 258. - map of route, 351. Springfield, N. J., battle of map, 6: 240. Stage-Coach announcement, 1772, 5: 18. Stamp Act broadside, on repeal of, 5: 72. - Congress, 1765, autographs of delegates, 5: 60. Standish, Myles, coat of arms, 2: 397. dinner-pot, 135. monument, 398. - relics, 2: 392. - sword, 132. Stark, Gen. John, monument, 4: 84. - portrait, 6: 99. Starved Rock, 111., 3: 176. State Claims and Cessions, 1780-1802, map showing, 6: 388. House, Philadelphia, 1776, 6: 419. Staten Island, N. Y., advance of British from, 6: 241. Statues: Botetourt, Lord, 5: 97. Statues: Williams, (Roger), 2: 301. John and Sebastian Cabot, 1: 182. Columbus, 1222. Gansevoort, 6: 108. Lelf Ericson, Boston, 1: 95. Steelyards, 6: 14. Steuben, Baron, letter to Gov. Trumbull, 6: 234. portrait, 170. Stephens, William, autograph, 4: 22. Stirling, Lord, portrait, 2: 230. - commission. 5: 348. portrait and autograph, 6: 17. Stocks, the, 2: 283. Stone, William, signature, 2: 21C. Stony Point, N. Y., map of capture, 6: 236. - Wayne s Medal, 236. Stoughton, William, portrait and autograph, 3: 284. Stove, in Va. House of Burgesses, 6: 100. Stukeley, Capt. Thomas, title-page of his "Life", 2: 22. Stuyvesant, Peter, portrait, 2: 234. - seal, 235. signature, 240. - tomb, 253. Suffolk, Lord, letter to Riedesel, 1776, 6: 343. Sullivan, General John, portrait, 6: 18, 189. waistcoat, 22. Sullivan s Island, S. C., map of British at tack on, 1776,6: 367. Surgeon s Saw, 5: 9. Surveyors Draft, line of 1684, 3: 305. Susquehanna Company, memorial of, 1755, 4: 9. Swartwout, Abraham, letter on flag, 6: 104. Table Mountain, Cal., section of, 1: 13. Tailer, William, autograph, 3: 392. Tailfei s "Narrative" of Ga., 1741, title- page, 3: 331. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S.. VOLS. 1-7 102 Talleyrand, autograph, 7: 194. portrait, 338. Tallmadge, Major Benjamin, Commission, 6: 252. - flag of regiment, 252. - family, portraits, 253. Talon, Jean, portrait and coat of arms, 3: 163. Tarleton, Banastre, portrait and autograph, 6: 219. Tea, of the "Boston Tea Party", some pre served, 5: 166. Tenochtitlan, plan of, 1: 258. Test Act of Maryland, 1716, 3: 358. Thacher, Rev. Thomas, portrait, 3: 136. treatise on medicine, 137. Theses, first Harvard printed (1643), 2: 357. Third Connecticut regiment, flag of, 6: 240. Maryland regiment, flag of, 6: 287. - New York regiment, flag, 6: 322. Thomas, George, arms and autograph, 3: 367. Ticonderoga, map of investment of, 6: 93. - map, 1758, 4: 182. English advance, 179. of French works, 181. Tilghman, Colonel Tench, autograph, 6: 322. Tipis ("teepees"), Indian, 1: 344. Titcomb, Captain, life guard cap, 6: 309. Tobacco, illustration, 2: 59. - proclamation, 1630, 3: 29. - roller, 5: 3. Tonty, Henri de, autograph, 3: 177. Tonty s La Salle, title-page, 3: 180. Tooth forceps, 6: 9. Townshend, Charles, 5: 35. - Gen George, portrait and autograph, 4: 248. Township, diagram of present system, 7: 267. Tracy, Marquis de, autograph, 3: 163. Treat, Robert, autograph, 3: 117. Tienton, battle of, map, 6: 47. Trenton, Fischer s map of, 48. and Princeton, battles, map of, 6: 52. Paleolith, 1: 15. Trinity, Fort, 2: 263. Tripoli Campaign, map of, 7 : 309. map of harbor of Tripoli, 1804, 7: 316. campaign, sword taken in, 1804, 7: 308. in 1803, 318. True Relation, Smith, title-page of, 2: 46. Trumbull, Jonathan, portrait and autograph, 6: 26. proclamation by, 6: 161. Truxtun, Commodore Thomas, portrait and autograph, 7: 205. Tryon s Connecticut Raid, 1779, map, 6: 235. raid, 1777, map, 6: 66. Rebellion Proclamation, 1775, 6: 318. "Twelve Good Rules" (The), 2: 393. Two Highways to Canada, map of, 4: 288. Tynte, Edward, autograph, 3: 224. Umbrella, old-time, 5: 20. Uncas and his squaw, marks of, 2: 314. Underbill, Capt. John, autograph, 2: 233. plan of attack on Indian fort, 2: 316. title-page of his "Newes from America", 1638, 315. Uniform of Morgan s riflemen, 6: 296. of the American troops, by a German artist, 6: 167, 171. United States, arms of the, 7: 13. constitution of, 6: 436. 1778, French map of, 6: 142. map of boundaries, etc., 1789-99, 7: 54. map, 1800-02, 7: 264. map, 1803-6, on Louisiana Purchase, etc., 7: 348. population map, 1790, 7: 61. Usselinx, William, portrait and autograph, 2: 255. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 103 Valcour Island, map of action at, 6: 6. - plan, 7. view of battle, 8. Valley Forge, encampment plan, 6: 164. - "General Orders" book, 6: 166. - Washington s bed at, 6: 168. - Washington s proclamation at, 1777, 6: 165. Vambrace (arm-guard), 2: 74. Van Cortlandt, Philip, autograph, 3: 260. Vane, Sir Harry, portrait and autograph, 2: Van Rensselaer Deed, 1630, 2: 221. - Tienhoven, Cornelius, autograph, 2: 240. - Twiller, Wouter, signature, 2: 225. Vasco da Gama, portrait, 1: 179. 278. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, portrait, 1: 244. Vases : Davenport, Iowa, 1: 55. Mound, N. C., 1: 58. Prehistoric, Florida, 1: 43. Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de, 3: 312. - autograph, 4: 83. - portrait, 4: 176. Vergennes, Count de, autograph, 6: 59. - portrait, 6: 174. Vermont, map as territory, 4: 6. Vernon, Admiral, autograph, 3: 336. Verrazano, Giovanni, portrait, 1: 278. Vespucius, Amerigo, autograph, 1: 226. four voyages, 227. - portrait, 233. - map 1st voyage, 228. "View of the attack on Bunker s Hill", 5: 268. 270. Vigilance Committee of N. Y., handbill by, 6: 168. - of Phila. handbill by, 169. Vigo, Francis, portrait, 6: 204. Villiers, Frangois Coulon de, portrait and autograph, 4: 46. Vincennes, Fort, articles of surrender, 6: 198. Vincent, P., title-page of "A True Relation", 1637, 2: 318. Vines, Richard, signature, 2: 145. Virginia, Beverly s History of 1722, title- page, 3: 352. - Charter, 1606, part of. 2: 38. Charter, 1609, map illustrating, 2: 53. Colonial, map, 2: 186. Company, seal of, 2: 69. costumes, 2: 177. Gazette, heading, 3: 356. House of Burgesses, Ms. Journal of, 1680, 3: 40. Jefferson s Constitution for, 1776, page, 6: 384. map of first settlements in, 2: 41. map of operations in, 1781, 6: 299. records, first page of, 2 : 66. riflemen uniforms, 5: 296. Smith s map of, 2: 48. Viscount George Howe, 4: 177. monument to, 180. where killed, 179. Votes and Proceedings of Free-holders . . . of Boston, title-page, 5: 140. Walker, Sir Hovenden, page from journal, 1720, 3: 275. Wall, in Wall St., N. Y., 2: 252. Wall Paper, Quincy house, 5: 11. Walley, John, Major, autograph, 3: 281. Walpi, Arizona, 1: 32. Walpole, Robert (Earl of Orford), 3: 214. Wampum belt, 1: 348. Wanton, John, portrait, 3: 403. Joseph, Governor, portrait and auto graph, 6: 19. William, portrait, 3: 403. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 104 Ward, General Artemas, autograph, 6: 261. homestead, 264. - Rev. Nathaniel, autograph, 2: 363. Richard, portrait, 3: 404. Warming pan, 6: 13. Warren, Commodore Peter, autograph, 1745, 3: 398. - General Joseph, birthplace of, 6: 141. - portrait and autograph, 237. - portrait, 6: 270. - title-page of 1775 oration, 238. Mercy, portrait, 7: 280. Washington City, plan of, 1792, 7: 246. - George, book-plate, 7: 177. - bust, by Trentanove, 7: 237. camp bed, 6: 168. caricature, 7: 88. diary, last page of, 239. epaulets, 6: 319. - farewell address, Ms. of, 7: 406, 426. headquarters at Newburgh, 6: 363. headquarters at White Plains, 6: 30. his commission as Commander in chief, 7: 204. - last page of his account book, 6: 372. - letter to Dr. Cochran, 1779, 6: 237. - letter to Bouquet, 1758, 4: 209. - proclamation on his death, 238. The Gibbs-Channing portrait of, auto graph and ccat of arms, 6: frontis piece. tomb, 237. title-page of Farewell Address, 7: 173. Colonel William, flag of his cavalry, 6; 296. Washington, bust of, 7 : 237. - journal of, title-page, 1754, 4: 39. letter to Greene, 6: 255. map of N. J. operations, 1776, 6: 52. map of N. J. retreat, 1776, 6: 38. map of route, 4: 35. Washington, map of Trenton advance, 6: 46, 52. map showing birthplace, 4: 32. memoranda on his generals, 7: 104. portrait, 7: 170, 178. proclamation to N. Y. City, 1776, 6: 12. program for his first inauguration, fac simile, 7: 20. resigning his commission, 6: 370. seal, 5: 297. silver christening bowl, 4: 33. sketch of Fort Cumberland, 4: 207; 7: 237. survey by, 1750, 34. tomb, Valley Forge proclamation, 6: 165. Yale s diploma of LL.D., 6: 308. Lawrence, portrait and autograph, 4: 28. Martha, pcrtrait, 6: 169. Watch and chain, 6: 10. of Stephen Hopkms, 6: 276. of Daniel Hitchcock, 6: 56. Wayne, General Anthony, rus camp kettle, 6: 238. monument, 7: 113. orderly book, 111. portrait, 6: 80. Webster, Noah, portrait, 6: 415. Pelatiah, title-page of his pamphlet, 6: 162. Wedderburn, Alexander (Baron Loughbor- ough), portrait, 5: 156. Welsh Fusiliers, uniform, 6: 273. Wentworth, Benning, Ms. declaration of war against Indians, 1745, 4: 5. portrait and autograph, 6. - John, portrait, 3: 388. West, Joseph, autograph, 3: 14. Sir Thomas, portrait and signature, 2: 56. Westbrook, Thomas, autograph, 3: 388. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 105 "Western Reserve" Land Patent, 1801, 7: 262. Western Spy, 1799, first issue, 7: 262. West Florida, map, 4: 351. - Indies, map, 7: 201, 2C4. Point, N. Y., L Enfant s map of, 1780, 6: 244. - Villefranche s plan of, 247. Western States, proposed, in 1776-86, 6: 402. - the development map of, to 1787, 6: 410. Wheelwright, John, autograph, 2: 280. Whipple, Commodore Abraham, 6: 259. "Whiskey Rebellion", map of, 7: 142. White, Peregrine, signature, 2: 129. White Plains, battle of, map, 6: 33. British headquarters at, 6: 33. Whitefield, Rev. George, portrait and auto graph, 3: 335. Whitehall, St. (N. Y.), ferry, tablet at, 6: 371. Whitfield house, Guilford, Conn., 2: 333. Whitney, Eli, model of cotton-gin, 7: 273. - portrait, 272. Wilkes, John autograph, 6: 161. - medal to, 116. Wilkinson, General James, 6: 385. - orderly book of, 1803, 7: 342. Willard, Samuel, autograph, 3: 286. Willett, Marinus, portrait and autograph, 5: 345. monument, 6: 107. William III, portrait and autograph, 3: 184. and Mary College, 6: 23. Williams, Col. Ephralm, boulder at grave, 4: 86. Roger, autograph, 2: 297. compass and sundial, 2 : 272. deed of Providence to, by Indians, 1639, 275. statue, 2: 301. document relating to recall, 2: 313, Williamsburg, Va., old powder-magazine at, 1714, 6: 352. Windsor, Conn., "Ancient" map of Indian purchases, 2: 306. Winslow, Edward, portrait and signature, 2: 130. Winslow, John, portrait and autograph, 2: 130. Winslow, Gen. John, portrait 4: 103; sword 2: 132. Winthrop, Josiah, portrait and autograph, 3: 118. Winthrop, Fitz John, portrait, 3: 304. Gov. farm "Ten Hills", 2: 355. - John, crest, 2: 161. portrait, signature and coat of arms, 2: frontispiece. ~ cup, 2: 167. stone pot, 1630, 2: 163. (the younger), monument to, 2: 327. portrait and autograph, 2 : 322. Mrs. John (Margaret), signature, 2: 169. "Wise Men (the) of Gotham and their Goose," caricature, 6: 374. Wolcott, Oliver, coat of arms, 6: 399. Wolfe, General James, home, 4: 243. letter to Pitt, 1759, 245. monument, 293, 294. - portrait, 248, 274; pistol, 4: 292. Putnam s Tavern sign, "The General Wolfe", 6: 18. Wolfe s Campaign, map, 4: 276. Wood s map of New England, 1634, 2: 351. Wooster, General David, portrait and auto graph, 6: 329. Wynne, Thomas, autograph, 3: 104. Wyoming, massacre, monument, 6: 186. and Lacka wanna Valleys, Pa., early map of, 6: 131. Yale, Elihu, portrait, 3: 307. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS IN AVERY S HISTORY OF THE U. S., VOLS. 1-7 106 "Yankee Doodle" of the Revolution, 6: 298. Yorktown, Va., Nelson house at, 316. Yeardley, George, signature, 2: 62. siege of, map, 314. Yonge, Francis, Narrative, 1726, title-page, siege of, plan, 315. 3: 230. various illustrations, 6: 305-323. Yorktown, Va., map of Washington and Rochambeau s march to, 6: 306. Zeni Annals, the, 1: 69. Moore house at, 318. map, 70. monument at, 323. Zufii, terraces, 1 : 297. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 5 33 1 30 Avery, E.L Index Avery f s hi t e i nd ex t o story of the I; United Sta tes. 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