Tr \ >.1V ■ > ' . < I .' >.) iim^M Mason Ode to the Honourable .dlliain Pitt THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND n o D E T O THE HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT. [ Price I s. ] O D E T O THE HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT. By W I L L I A M M A S O N, M. A. M'/ir' dosTxy 'utots a-iyxrx 'urxr^xxvj Mr,^s Tm$ v[/.ViiC' FiNDAR. Ifthm. Ode :. LONDON: rUINTF.D rOR j. DODSLEY, PAL.L-MALL. M.DCC.LXXXII, jn- O D ' E. I. ^^ J "MS May's meridian rclgn; yet Eurus cold •*• Forbids each llirinklng thorn its leaves unfold, Or hang with filver buds her rural throne ; No primroic lliower from her green lap fiie throws *, No daify, violet, or cowflip blows, And Flora weeps her fragrant offspring gone. Hoar froft arrefts the genial dew ; To wake, to warblej and to woo No Linnet calls his drooping love : Shall then the Poet ftrike the lyre, When mute are all the feather'd quire, And Nature fails to warm the Svrcns of the grove ? * This cxpreirion is ukcn from Milton's long on May IVIorning, to which this ftanza in general alludes, and the 4th verlc in the next. 8652'M ,5 II. He [ ^ 3 II. He iliall : for what the fullen Spring denies The orient beam of virtuous youth fupplles ; That moral dawn be his infpirlng flame. Beyond the dancing radiance of the Eaft Thy glorv, Son of Cfiatham ! fires his breaft, And, proud to celebi'ate thy vernal fame, Hark, from his lyre the ftrain afcends. Which but to Freedom's fav'rite friends That lyre difdains. to found. Hark and approve^ as did thy Sire* The Lays which once with kindred fire His Mule in Attic mood made Mona's oaks rebound. <• The poem of Caradlacus was read in MS. by the late Earl of Chatham, who honoured it with an approbation Vv'hich the author is here proud to record. ^ ILL Lono^ [ 7 ] III. Long filent fince, fave when, In Keppel's name, DctratSllon, murd'ring Britain's naval fame, Rous'd into founds of fcorn th' indignant ftring *. But now, rcplenilli'd with a richer theme, The \-afc of Harmony ihall pour its ft ream, Fan'd by free Fancy's rainbow-tinftur'd wing. Thy Country too Ihall hail the fong, Her ecchoing licart the notes prolong ; While they alone w 1th t envy fgh, Whofe rancour to thy parent dead Aim'd, ere his funeral rites were paid. With vam Nindiaive rage to ftarve his progeny. * See Oilc to the Naval Officers of Great Britain, written 1779. •]• See the motto from Pindar. B 2 IV. From [ 8 ] IV. From Earth and Thefe the Mufe averts her view. To meet in yonder fea of Ether blue A beam to which the blaze of noon is pale ; In purpling circles now the glory fpreads, A hoft of angels now unveil their heads, While Heav'n's own mufic triumphs on the gale. Ah fee, two white-rob'd Seraphs lead Thy Father s venerable fliade ; He bends from yonder cloud of gold. While they, the minifters of light. Bear from his breafl: a mantle bright. And with the Heav 'n-wove robe thy youthful limbs enfold. V. *< Receive [ 9 ] V. " Receive this myfllc gift, my Son !" he cries, " And, for fo wills the Sov'relgn of the ikies, " With this receive, at Albion's anxious hour, " A double portion of my patriot zeal, " A£live to fpread the fire it dar'd to feel " Thro' raptur'd Senates, and with awful power " From the full fountain of the tongue " To roll the rapid tide along " Till a whole nation caught the flame. ** So on thy Sire iliall Heav'n beflow " A blefllno: TuLLY fail'd to know, " And redolent in thee dihfufe thy Father's fame. VI. " Nor [ 10 ] • VI. *' Nor thou, ingenuous Boy ! that Fame defpife *' Which lives and ipreads abroad in Heav'n's pure eyes, *' The laft bed: energy of noble mind * , " Revere thy Father's (hade; like him difdain *' The tame, the timid, temporizing train, *' Awake to kit] to Ibcial intereft blind : " Young as thou art, Occafion calls, " Thy Country's fcale or mounts or falls "As thou and thy compatriots flrive ; *' Scarce is the fatal moment paft " That trembling Albion deem'd her laft, " O knit the union firm, and bid an Empire live. * In allufion to a fine and well-known paflage in Milton's Lye Idas. VII. " Proceed, [ II ] VII. " Proceed, and vindicate fair Freedom's claim, " Give life, give ftrength, give fubftancc to her name ; " The native rights of iVIan w ith Fraud conteft ; '* Yes, fiiatch them from Corruption's baleful power, " Who dares, in Day's broad eye, thole rights devour, " While Prelates bow, and blefs the Harpy fcaft. " If foil'd at firft, rcfume thy courfe, " Riie ftrengthen'd with Antoean force, " So fliall thy toil in conqueft end. " Let others court the tiniel thinjrs " That hang upon the fmile of Kings, " Be thine the Mufc's wreath; be thou THEPEorLE'spRiEND." AsTOff, May nth, 17S2. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. THE^ LIBRARY univerritV of Caufornia LOS ANgfTI^S n pAMPHUT DINOfB ,•' ( ^^/^...n>f .7':)^^, WM^ Mz^^mwA