■i CERFUL So:^^% ttiPM J. K I Rl' PATRICK, mm m 1 ' i:'i / / ■' / l> / • ^ ■•I' Cheerful Songs. BY WILLIAM J. KIRKPATRICK, JOHN R. SWENEY, and L. L. PICKETT. LOUISVILLE, KY. : PICKETT PUBLISHING COMPANY, 165 Fourth Avenue. GoPYBiauT, 1891, BY L. L. Pickett. PREFACE. There are many books of song in the market, but the editors of this work hum- bly trust that it has a mission in the world. They send it out with the prayer tliat many souls may be helped on toward the blessed I-and of Song by it. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. Nearly all the songs and tunes in this book are copyrighted, and can only be used by permission of the owners. CHEERFUL SONGS. Glory to the Lamb. 1 Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the tlirone, Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, Bat ah their joys are one. Chonis. Glory to the Lamb ! Glory to the Lanil)! Gloi'v to the Lamb of God. Glory to the L.unb! Glory to the Lamb! Glory to the Lamb of God. 2 ''Worthy the Lamb that died," they crv, " To' be exalted thus!" "Worthy the Lami)!" our hearts reply, " For he was slain for us." 3 Jesns is worthy to receive Honor and pow'r divine; And blessings nii >re than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. 4 The whole creation join in one, To ble^^s the sacred name Of him that sits upon the throne. And to adore the Lamb. /■■iaao Watts. 2050237 CHEER F UL 8 ONGS. 4 The Fountain from the Rock. 1 I HAVE come to tlie fountain that flows from tlie Hock, The Rock that was smitten for me; For I heard a sweet voice gently speak to my soul: " come to the waters so free." Chorus. O wonderful fountain that flows from tlie Rock, What tide.-! of salvation outpour! 'Tis Cor you, 'tis for me, hallelujah! Take freely, and thirtt nevermore. 2 While I drink of the fountain that flows from the Ko;k, Sweet peace, like a beautiful dove, Nestles down in my heart, while the Spirit divine. Awakens the nnisic of love. 3 There is stren'j:th at the fountain (hat flows from the Rock, For lile ev'-rla^tiiig is there; And the soul gains a power that v.-ill victory win, In hours of temptation and care. 4 I'll abide by the fountain that flows from the Rock, And sink 'neath its bright, cleansing waves ; All its waters are sparkling Avith heav- enlv light; Our Je?us abundantly saves. E. E. Hewitt. CHEERFUL SOXGS. 5 Him That Cometh unto Me. 1 Listen to the blessed invitation, Sweeter than the notes (jf angel-song, Chiininizi^oftly with a heavenly cadence, Calling to the passing throng. Chorus. Him that comcth unto me, Him that cometli nnto me, Him that cometh nnto me, I will in nowise cast nut. 2 Weary toiler, sad and heavy-laden, Joyfiilly tlie great salvation see, Clo.-e beside thee stands the Burden- bearer, Strong to bear thy load and thee. -) Come, ye thirsty, to the living waters, Hungry, come and on his bounty feed, Not thy fitness is the ])lea to bring him, But thy pressing, utmost need. 4 " Him tliat cometh," bhnd or maimed or sinful, Cometh for his healing touch divine. For the cleansing of the blood so pre- cious, Prove anew this gracious line. 5 Coming humbly, daily to this Saviour, Breathing all the heart to him in ] )rayer ; Coming some day to the heavenly man- sions, He will give thee welcome there. E. E. Hewitt. 5 ( IJKERbUL iSO^aS. 6 Revive THE Hearts of All. 1 God is licro, and that to bless us With the 8i)irit'8 (luick'ninix power; See, the cloud already bendiiiir, Waits to drop the grateful shower. Chorus. Let it come, O Lord, we pray tliee, Let the shower of blessing fall; We are waiting, we are waiting, O revive the hearts of all. 2 God is here! we feel his presence In this consecrated place; But we need the sonl-re freshing Of his free, unbounded grace. 3 God is here! then, believing, Bring to him our one desire, That liis love may now be kindled, Till its flame each heart inspire. 4 Saviour, grant the prayer we offer, AVhile in simple faith we bow, From the windows of thy mercy Pour us out a blessing now. James L. Black. 7 How Are You Living? 1 How, O how are you living, my brother? Are you going the i>ilgrimage way? Are you doing the will of your Master? Are you living for Jesus to-day? 6 CHEERFUL SONGS. Rtjrain. Are you living for Jesus to-day, to-day? Are you living for Jesns to-day ? O tell me, my friend and my brother, Are you living for Je^us to-day? 2 Earth will offer you pleasures, my brother, Have you turned from these pleasures away ? Are you striving to work for the Master? Are you living for Jesus to-day ? 3 Sin will surely entice you, my brother, Quickly turn from temptation away; then give all your life to the Master, And be living for Jesus to-day. 4 You may grow cold and careless, my brother, And from Christ and his following stray ; Are you watching and praying and trusting? Are you living for Jesns to-day? Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 8 Trusting in the Name of Jesus. 1 In perfect peace I now can say, Tru-tiui; in the name of Jt-bus, 1 walk with Goil from day to day, Trusting in the name of Je>us; I walk by faith and not by sight, Trusting in the name of Jesus, His love my theme from morn till night, Trusting in the name of Jesus. 7 CHEERFl'L SONGS. Chonis. Trustinir in the name of Je?us, Only in the name of Jesiii^, I wallv with God from day to day. Trusting in the name of Jesus, 2 I came with guilt and sin oppressed, Trusting in the name of Jesu«, I t')ok his yoke and found sweet rest, Tru-^ting in the name of Jesus; How hght my huidens now ap''ear, Trusting in the name of Jesus! I liave no time for doubt or fear, Trusting in the name of Jesus. 3 Beneath the hallowed mercy-seat, Trusting in the name of Jesus, I sit enraptured at his feet, Trusting: in the name of Jesus; And when my span of life is o'er, Tru-ting in the name of Jesus, My ^oul shnll fly to yonder shore, Trusting in the name of Je'=us. Carrie M. Wilson. 9 Dear Saviour, Cleanse I\Ie Now. 1 A TREMBLING Roul I come to thee. And, if there yet is room for me In yoiidor fount so full and free, Dear Saviour, cleanse me now. Chnnis. Cleanse me now, cleanse me now, Blo^sed S iviour, cleanse me now; A tri'm1)ling soul I come to thee. Dear Saviour, cleanse me now. 8 CHEERFUL SOXGS, 2 I come in simple faith alone, To plead thy merits — not my own; I lay my heart before thy throne. Dear Saviour, cleanse me now. 3 I long to feel thy pow'r divine, To see thy light around me shine, And know henceforth that I am thine, Dear Saviour, cleanse me now. 4 My life and breath, my heart and soul, I glatily yield to thy control ; O let the healing waters roll, Dear Saviour, cleanse me now. Frank Gould. 10 Send Me. 1 Are there those around my door, AVhom I tlioughtless do not see. Sick, neglected, wretched, poor, From their sin and suff' ring sore? Here am I, O Lord, send me. Chonis. Send me. send me; Here am I, Lord, send me, Send me, send me; Here am I, O Lord, send me. 2 Are there those who're far from home, Far from home. O Lord, and thee? O'er the wilrls who lawless roam, 'Xeath the wldte Sierras' dome? Here am I, O Lord, send me. 9 cuKERFUL soyas. 3 Are tliero those. Avho wretched hide. Sunk in sin to low dctjrce, On ^ome city's snrginir tide, Lost to love and trntli and pride? Here am I, O Lord, send me. 4 Are there those who know thee not. On some island of the sea? In some lone, neglected siwt, Stained hy many a sin and blot? Here am I, O Lord, send nie, 5 Send me where thou knowest best, Where the ^rreatest need inay be; AVliere men are the mostunblest, • Tossed upon tlieir sin's unreat. Here am I, O Lord, send me. Rev. J. E. Rankin., D.D. W Good News. 1 Good news! good news of a soul re- d-eemed, A penitent forgiven! Good news! good news that another friend Is on the way to heaven ! Chorus. Rejoice! rejoice! there's joy to-day In the land beyond the river; Another gem for His diadem, A star to shine forever. 2 Good news! good news that another heart Has learned redemption's story ; 10 CHEERFUL SONGS. Good news! good news that another voice Will 5-ing his praise in glory. 3 Good news! good news that another life Will show tlie power of Jesus, Will prove the might of the saving grace Which daily, hourly frees us. 4 Good news ! good news that another hand AVill precious seed be sowing, Another guide to lead straying feet Where living streams are do wing. E. E. Hewitt. 1^ Eesting By and By! 1 Christiaxs are you growing weary? There'll be resting by and by; Is your pathway dark and dreary? There'll be resting by and by. Refrain. There'll be resting by and by, There'll be re.^tiug by and by. When the toils of life are over, There'll be resting by and by. 2 Have you many hour- of aniruish? There'll be resting by and by. Where your soul will no more languish; There'll be resting by and by. 3 Cheer up, then, no longer ft^aring. There'll be restino- by and by; When you see our Lord's ap;)earing, There'll be resting by and by. 11 CHEERFrL SONG'S. 4 Let us work, tiiid koop on praying, TluMo'll he re-ting by and l)y; If we come his word obeying? There'll be resting l)v lind bv. liev W. E. Penn. 13 Then Rejoice, All Ye Ransomed. 1 Theue's rejoicing in the presence of the angelrf Over sinners coming home, All the hcav'nly harpers, with a mighty chorus, Now are praising round the throne. Choi-US. Then rejoice, all ye ransomed, Let your i)raises reach to heaven's iiigiiest dome; For the dead's alive, the lost is found, and Wand'rers now are coming, coming home. 2 O how happv is the sinner w'ho has tasted Of the Saviour's wondrous love, Love that bringeth pe-ace and joy, which pas-^eth knowledge. Ever given from above. 3 In the home where once was strife and pain and sorrow, There'll be blessed peace and joy, 12 I CHE ERF UL S OS GS. Prayer and prai?e to God around the family altar Will the power of sin destroy. 4 We will rally 'round the standard of our Saviour, And to others loudly call: "Come, ye sinnei-s, and repent, believe in Jesus: He will freelv pardon all." E. F. Miller. ^4: Follow Me. 1 Hear you not the Saviour calling, Calling you so earnestly? Gently, too, the tones are falling: " Come, O conje, and follow me." Chorus. Let us round our Leader rally, Jesus bids us each to come; He will lead us through the valley, O'er the river, safely home. 2 Lay not up on earth your treasure, Transient, perishing 'twill be; Rather seek eternal pleasure; Would you find it, follow me. 3 In my Father's house in heaven, Let your henrts untroubled be, Glorious mansion will be given, Only come and follow me. 4 Be thy ]tathway bright or dreary Whither duty leadeth thee, "l3 Cll K K n Fl 'L ti < )Nas. Stronji thy steps, or faint and weary, I will ^'iiide thee: fallow me. 5 When thy days on earth are ending, And the close of life yon see, Even to the grave descending, Never fear, hnt lollow me. T. ('. (r Katie. 15 Gather Them Ix. 1 Gather them in at the ]Ma-ter's call To the hanquet of his love; Go hring tliem in, iheie's room for all In the r^ither's house above. C]ior)i!i. Go, then, and tell (i:em. go and compel them; Gather them out of the mire of sin; Go, then, antl tell them, go and compel them, Gather them in, () gather them in! 2 Gather them in, the halt and lame, By the winning word and deed; There is healing still in the wondrous name, And a help for ev'ry need. 3 Gather them in, there's none so low But the Lord shah bid him "Rise;" There is none so sunk in the deeps of woe But may climb tiie highest skies! 4 Gather them in, the young and old, For the Father's love is free; 14 CHEERFUL SO^GS. For each and all there's a harp of gold, And a house by the jasper sea. 5 Then as the blood-washed raise their songs To the Lamb upon the throne, As you hear the harps of the countless throngs Their joy will swell your own. Rev. Henry Burton, M.A. 16 All Bright Above. ) I SEE the bright, effulgent rays Outbeaming from the Saviour's face ; No dark'ning clouds obscure the sight Of his sweet smile — my life, my light. Refrain. I am mounting on wings, I am soaring on high. Where the sun's ever shining in un- clouded sky, In the joy of his presence, the smiles of his love ; O glory to Jesus! 'tis all bright above; 'Tis all bright above, 'tis all bright above, O glory to Jesus, 'tis all bright above! 2 O blessed vision! glad surprise! It breaks upon my wand'ring eyes — The Sun of righteousness divine, In whom the Father's glories shine. 3 Triumphant Christ! all conqu'ring King! Thy praises I delight to sing; Thy glory shines around me here, My path is bright, my sky is clear. Mrs. Mary D. Jones, 15 CHEERFUL SONGS. 17 According to Your Faith. 1 Blest Saviour, wliat a word is this! ]\Iv lii'art lc:ips as I read; 'Tis all tlie strength, the love, the bliss We weary sinners need. Refrain. "According to yonr faith" Is wliat the Saviour saith; Lnril, I believe, And now receive According to my faith. 2 It claims our Father's boundless store, The riches of his grace, Greater than angel's thought, and more Than angel's hand can trace, 3 Pardon and peace and holiness. Ami heaven's own reward — Saviour, astonished, we confess Never w^as such a word. 4 All, all is ours by simj^le faith, Nothing have we to do, But rest on wdiat the Saviour saith, And find his word is true. liev. J. L. Stakes. 18 Beautiful Day, 1 Beautiful day, lovely thy light; Holy each ray, banishing night; Cloudless thy skv; peaceful my stay Here in the snnliirlit of beautiful day. 10 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. Beautiful, beautiful day, Evermore shine on my way; Saviour, I pray, keep me alway Safe in this beautiful day. 2 Beautiful day, calm was thy dawn; Joyous the lay, blessed the morn, Wlien in my heart, over my way, First shone the noontide of beautiful day. 3 Beautiful day, perfectly bright; Jesus alway, boundless delight. Bliss all around, heav'n by the way, Shining in fullness, O beautiful day! 4 Beautiful day, haven of rest; Ev'ry one may come and be blest ; Glory to God! naught can dismay; Christ is the light of this beautiful day. 19 "What a Wonderfll, Savioue! 1 CiiplIst has for sin atonement made, AVhat a wonderful Saviour! We are redeemed, the jmce is paid, AVhat a wonderful Saviour ! Refrain. What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus ! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord ! 2 I })rai>e him for the cleansing Llood, What a wonderful Saviour! CHEERFUL SONGS. That reconciled my soul to God; AVIiat a wonderful Saviour! 3 He cleansed my heart from all its sins, Whiit a wonderfnl Saviour! And now he reigns and rules therein, What a wonderful Saviour! What a wonderful Saviour! And keeps me faithful day hy day, What a wonderful Saviour! 6 He L'ives me overcomino: power, What a wonderful Saviour! And lrium])h in ea'-h conflict hour, Wliat a wonderful Saviour! 6 To liim I've driven all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour! The W'lrld ^hall never share a part, What a wonderful Saviour ! E. A. Hoffman. 20 I Want to Be a Worker. 1 I WANT to b(^ a worker for the Lord, I want to love and trust his holy v\'ord; I want to sing and i)ray, and h^ busy every day In the vineyard of the Lord. Charms. I will work, I will pray, In the vineyard, in the vineyard of the Lord; 18 CHEE RFIL SONGS. 1 will work, I will pray, I will labor every day In the vineyard of tlie Lord. 2 I want to be a worker ev'ry day, I want to lead the erriiig in the way That leads to heaven above, where all is i^eace and love In the kingdom of the Lord. 3 I want to be a worker strong and brave, I want to tru-t in Jesus' power to save; All who will truly come shall find a happy home In the kingdom of the Lord. 4 I want to be a worker; help me. Lord, To lead the lost and erring to tliy word, Tbat points to joy on higb, where pleas- ures never die In the kingdom of the Lord. I. Baltzell. 21 "Whatsoever. 1 Whatsoever, in my name Ask, and thou receiv'st the same; AVhatsoever tbou do^t require, Faith in Christ gains thy desire. Chorus. In tbe Saviour's precious name All our prayers shall olleied be, And his graee shall answer give, If our faith but bring the plea. 19 CHEFAiFUL SONGS. 2 L' thy heart howed do-vn with sin? Jesus loners to enter in ; ].ongs to take thy load away, Longs to pui-ge thy soul to-day. 3 Hast thou wandered from thy God, And de^erv'st his ehast'ning rod? Go to liini on hended knee; Ask in faitli, he'll pardon thee. 4 Is thy s^onl with sorrow riv'n? And in vain with it hast ^triv'n? Carry all to God in piayer; Thou slialt 1)6 of heav'n an heir. 5 Is tliy life with care oppressed? Liv'st thou even in distress? Jesus Christ, the Man of grief, Gives, to all who seek, relief. 6 Wilt thou by his hand he led? And by waters still be fed. Drinking dranglits of grace divine? Live tlien always in the Vine. 7 May our trust from day to day Gleam, Lord, with brightest ray. Till we see thee face to face. Perfect in thy pow'r and grace. J. A. Holland. 23 Come Home. 1 TiiE Saviour invites you, poor wan- d'rer, to come, The Father is waiting to welcome you home; 20 CHEERFUL SONGS. Now cease from your wand'rings so lonely and wild ; Return' to vour Father, O prodigal child! Cliorus. Come home, come home, O prodigal child, come home ! 2 Return to the Father who holds yon so dear; Say, why will you perish when plenty is near? leave the lone desert where shadows are piled; Return to vour Father, O prodigal child ! 3 Poor wanderer, haste, for the night draweth nigrh; Say, why will you linger still? "Why will you die? Though poor and unworthy, with sin all defiled; The Fatlier will welcome his prodigal child ! 4 Come home, trembling mourner, O come and be blest. Here lay down your burdens that you may tind rest; Be cleansed from your sins, and to God reconciled ; Return to your Father, O prodigal child : TT'. F. Cosner. 21 CHEERFUL SONGS. 33 Trusting Only Thee. 1 1 AM trusting thee, Lord Jesus, Trii-^ting only thee TTustin'j: tliee lor full salvation, Great and free. Chorijis. I am trusting, trusting, Trusting only thee; Saviour, Saviour, Trusting oniy thee. 2 I am trusting thee for pardon, At thy feet I bow; In thy grace and tender mercy Trusting now. 3 I am trusting thee for cleansing In the crimson tlooil ; Tru-tiuir thee to make me holy By thy blood. 4 I am trusting thee to cuide me; Thou alone shalt lead, Ev(>ry day and hour su|)plying All my need. 5 I am trusting thee for power, These can never fail; Word-J that thou thyself shalt give me Must jirevail. 6 I am tru-^ting thee, Lord Jesus; Nev(^r let m.' fall; I am tnistiuir thee forever, And for all. Frrnicrx RhUini Ilavergal. 0'> ClIEEHFUL SOXGS. 34 Jesus Waits to Help You. 1 Brother, leave the path of sin, Jesus waits to help you; He can break the bands within, Jesus waits to help you. Chorus. Victory! victory! Gloriou-. glorious victory ! Christ will br^ak tlie tempter's power. Give you victoi-y from this hour. 2 Brother, be p- > more a slave, Je>us waits to help you ; Perfect freedom you may have, Jesus waits to help you. 3 Brother, come and join our band, Jesus waits to help you; He will lead you by the hand, Jesus waits to help you. 4 Brother, will you still delay? Jesus waits to help you; Take a stand for right to-day, Jesus waits to help you. liev. ^E. A. Hoffman. So The ^NIokning Light. 1 O THE night of time soon shall pass away. And the hapjjy, goMen day will dawn. When the pilgrim staff shall be laid aside. And the kingly crown put on. 23 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. We are watching now for the INIorning Li-ht, For the New Jerusalem to come; We are waiting still for the Saviour, Christ, AVho shall call his children home. 2 O the happy clay that shall gild the hills When the Lord shall come to earth again! O the happy hearts that shall welcome hiin When he comes once more to reign! 3 What a joyful time when the earth shall gleam In the light of an eternal day, When the saints sliall sing unto Christ, their King, In their golden, glad array! .4. S. Klcffer. 20 What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? 1 Are yt)u willinir, my sister, myhrother, To work in the field of tlie Lord? Would you gladly choose more than an- other, His service to gain Ids reward? Seek nut fur a prominent station, Your zeal or your talent to show; But ask in some humble relation: "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" 24 CHEERFUL SOXOS. Refrain. What wilt thou have me to do, Lord? What wilt thou have me to do? I aitling in the shadow. Have yiiu not a cmnib to snare? Can you not to those around you Sing some little song of hope, AS you look with longing vision Through faith's mighty telescope? 2 Cast thy bread upon the waters, Ye who have abundant store: CHEERFUL SONGS. It may float on many a billow, It may strand on many a shore; You may think it lost forever, But, as sure as God is true, In this life or in the other. It \\\\\ yet return to you. 4 Cast thy bread upon the waters, Far and wide your treasures strew. Scatter it with willing fingers, Shout for joy to see it go. For if you do closely keej > it, It will only drag you down ; If you love it more than Jesus, it will keep you from your crown. 5 Cast thy^ bread upon the waters. Waft it on with praying breath. In some distant, doubtful moment It may save a soul from denth; When you sleep in solemn silence, 'Xeatli the morn and eveni:ig dew, Stranger hands which you have strength- ened. May strew lilies over you. 3S Lost but Found, 1 O THE joy that fills my heart, O the grateful tears that start, When I think of Je-us' love! How he came that he might bear All my weight of sin and care. How he came from heaven above. 30 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Chorus. Endless praise, endless praise, To the Lord my boul shall raise; Loit bat found, O liapi)y :-train, Dead but now I live ai^ain. 2 Lost but found, O wondrous thought! To his fold in mercy brought; Saved by grace, his graco divine, Heir with him of bliss untold, Soon his glory I'll behold. What a blessed hope is mine. 3 Lost but found ! I now can sing Yict'ry through my Saviour Iving Yict'ry ev'ry day and hour; Vict'ry still will be my song When I join the ransomed throng, Vict'ry o'er the tempter's power. 4 that all the world would prove How a ])ardoningGo I can lovc, How he waits for all who come ! O that all the world might sje AVhat his grace hath done forme! How he welcomes wand'rers home. F. J. C. 33 Go Tell the World of His Love. 1 Heirs to the kingdom of Jesus the Lord, Go tell the world of his love; Publish the blessings that flow from his word, Go tell the world of his love; 31 CHEERFUL SONGS. Love that has purchased redemption from sin, Love that makes happy the spirit within Love that will help us our conquest to win, Go tell the world of his love. Chorus. Go tell tlie world, .so tell the world, Go tell the world of his love; Heirs to the kingdom of Jesus the Lord, Go tell the world of his love. 2 Think how he labored that we might have rest, Go tell the world of his love; Think how he suffered that we might be ble.-sed. Go tell the world of his love: Saved by mercy, uplield by his care, Tell of the goodness we constantly share; Filled with his fullness, no longer for- bear, Go tell the world of his love. 3 Plead to the lost ones to come while they may, Go tell the world of his love; Jesus is wnitiu'jr, he'll save them to-daj^ Go tell the woi-ld of his love; Love that is nearest when earth joys are p:ist. Lighting our pathway by clouds over- cast ; Love that will bring us to glory at last, Go tell the world of his love. Ahbie Mills. 32 CHEERFUL SONGS. 34: Home at Last. 1 Hark the song of holy rapture, Hear it break from yonder strand, Where our friends for us*are waiting, In the golden summer land; They have reached the port of glory, U'er the river they have pa.-sed, And with millions they are shouting, " Home at last, home at last; " And with millions they are shouting, " Home at la^^t, home at last." 2 tlie long and sweet reunion, AVhere the bells of time shall cease, O the greeting, endless gretting, On the vernal heights of pea* e; Where the hoping and desponding Of t!ie weary heart are past, And we enter life eternal, Home at last, home at last; Ani(le the golden landing, Waiting to receive me o'er, Precious ones who went before! 2 Often at the shades ofev'ning, When I sit me down to rest, One by one I count them over, They who are in glory blessed. 3 And I seem to see their faces, Beaming with celestial love. Shining as their blessed Master, White-robed, with the saints above. 4 And I think I hear them speaking, As they often spake to me, While I seem to hear them saying: " Pilgrim, heaven is waiting thee." 5 Brother, sister, faithful soldier, If our mingling here so sweet, What shall be our joyous rapture Wlien we at the landing meet! Edgar Page. 34 CHEERFUL SONGS. 36 WoEK, Vote, Pray. 1 "We will work, we will work for the tem- perance cause, For the sake of the land that we love; For the sake of the souls who are tempt- ed to sin, We will lilt up our banner above. Chorus. We vrill work and pray, we will vote alway For the n'ien who will make better laws; "\\ e will work and pray, we will labor night and day For the good of the temperance cause. 2 We will pray, we will pray for the tem- perance 'cause. To our God ever ruling on high ; He is mightier still than the hosts of the foe, Though they gather his power to defy. 3 We will vote, we will vote for the tem- perance cause. We will rally our strength at the polls, We'll remember the wives who are pray- ing at hoQie ; We'll remember the peril of souls. 4 As we work, as we pray, so we mean to vote ; Let our watch-word ring boldl)'^ again: Here are hearts, here are hands, here are courage and faith, And may God give his blessing. Amen. E. E. 'Hewitt. 35 CHEERFUL SONGS. 37 Joy in Heaven. 1 There is joy among the angels, There's a mighty shout of rapture; Far beyond the pearly gates the news has come Of a sinner now repenting, To the gospel-word consenting, Of a contrite soul that seeks its bett-r home. CJiorus. J<^y> Joy» Joy> joy i'"^ heaven. Souls are seeking now the living way ;. There is joy, joy, joy, joy among the an- gels; Join their hallelujah songs to-day. 2 There is joy amom; the angels By the shining, crystal rivor, For a wand'ring one is safe within the fold; For the Shepherd sought and found him, And the arms of love are round him ;: Hear the music gladly ring from harps of gold. 3 There is holy joy in heaven Higher, purer than the angels' ; 'Tis the Father's heart rejoicing in its love ; 'Tis the Saviour Shepherd singing O'er the lost one he is bringing, Bringing to the everlasting home above, E. E. JleiviU. CHEERFUL SONGS. 38 We Shall Walk the Realms op Glory. 1 We ?hall walk the realms of glory, Where eternal beauty reigns, There with seraph hosts unnumbered Join the grand immortal strains. Chorus. We shall walk the realms of glory, With the loved ones gone before, We shall sing the sweet old story, Over on the other shore. 2 Vv'e shall walk the realms of glory With the blood - washed, mighty throng, We shall join the angel harpers In their everlasting song. 3 We shall walk the realms of glory, And by Jesus' side sit down; Clad no more in robes of sc)rrow, We shall wear a fiideless gown. 4 We shall walk the realms of glory, Where no tears can ever eome,' Where the sunlight is not needed, In that sweet, eternal home. Emma Pitt. 39 Not Satisfied Here. 1 I know the joy of pardoned sin. The witness sweet and clear; But satisfied I have not been, E'en with that portion fair. 37 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. Not satifsfied here, not satisfied here, I am not satisfied here; Not satisfied here, not sutisfied here, I shall be satisfied theie, 2 I know the cleansing from all sin, The freedom from all eare; And yet I am not satisfied, Nor can be, brother, here. 3 I know the blessC' lieve; 1 haste as I am to the clear, flowing tide, Where, deep in its bosom, the past thou wilt hide. 3 I am weary of sin, and I pray to be thine, To lean on thy word, and its promise di- vine. To feel in my heart thy protection and care, And know 'tis thy yoke and thy burden I bear. 46 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 4 I am weary of sin, of its conflicts and strife, I sigh for a purer and happier life — A hfe that is filled with the fullness of love, Preparing my spirit for mansions above. Martha J. Lankton. 49 Hold On, My Soul, 1 Hold on, my soul, to the end hold out, With a faith no storm can shock; Stand firm, stand fast, for the Lord has said He will hide thee in the rifted rock. Choru&, Hold on, hold on With a faith no storm can sliock, Hold on, my soul ; for the Lord liath said He will hide thee in the rifted rock. 2 Hold on, my soul, though the lightnings flash, And thy sails all torn may be; For thy hope still points to the polar star, Brightly shining through the clouds for thee. 3 Hold on, my soul, though the waves run high ; For the night and storm sh dl cease, There is light beyond, 'tis the morning breaks, Tliou art coming to the port of peace. 47 CHEERFUL SONGS. Hold on, my soul, for the end draws near. And thy voyage is well-nigh o'er, And the welcome home thou hast longed to hear Soon will greet thee on the golden shore. W. H. Jones. 50 Teli. It to Jesus. 1 Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?* Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; Are you grieving overjoys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone. Chorus. Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known ; You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. 2 Do the tears flow doAvn vour cheeks un- bidden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, Have vou sins that to man's eyes are hidden? Tell it to Jesus alone. 3 Do you fear the gath'ring clouds of sor- row? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Are vou anxious what shall be to-mor- row? Tell it to Jesus alone. ■ 48 CHEERFVL SONGS. i Are vou troubled at the tliought of dy- ing? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; For Christ's coming kingdom are ybu sighing? TelHt to Jesus alone. J. E. Rankin, D.D. 51 I'm WAixrsG for Thee. 1 WHY dost thou linger so long Outside in the danger and cold? Come home to the shelter and warmtli; Come home to the joy of the fold. Chorus. Come home, come home, I am calling to-day; Come home, I am waiting for thee; Come home, come home, to the arms of my love ; I am waiting, waiting for thee. 2 The light streameth out from the door, Behold it, and enter and live! The service of love is most sweet; And life everlasting I give. 3 Who comes to the fold of my care Shall drink from the fountain of joy, And works of devotion and love His heart and his hands shall employ. 4 Then come without waiting or doubt. Bring all of j'our burdens to me; There's rest in'the shelter of home; There's rest and there's comfort for thee. 3frs. R. N. Turrier. 4 49 CHEERFUL SONGS. 52 Redeemed, Praise the Lorp. 1 O HAPPY day! what a Saviour is minel I am redeemed, praise tlie Lord! All to his pleasure I gladly resign, I am redeemed, praise the Lord! Jesus has taken my burden a'v\»ay; Jesus has turned all my night into day"', Jesus has come to my heart — come to stay — I am redeemed, praise the Lordl Chorus. O happy day! what a Saviour is mine! I am redeemed, praise the Lord! All to his pleasure I gladly resign, I am redeemed, praise the Lord! 2 clap your hands, all ye people of God, I am redeemed, praise the Lord! Let ev'ry tongue speak his mercy abroad! I am redeemed, praise the Lord! His loving-kindness is better than gold! He doth bestow more than my cup can hold! Wondrous salvation, that ne'er can be told— I am redeemed, praise the Lord! 3 Thanks be to God for the great vict'ry given, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Now I am free; ev'ry chain has been riven — I am redeemed, praise the Lord! 50 CHEERFUL SONGS. Oat of the pit and tlie mire and the clay, Je.-us has burn nie in triumph away; Safe on the Rock I am standing to-day — I am redeemed, praise tlie Lord! 4 " Glory to God! " I would shout evermore, I am redeemed, praise the Lord I fi>r a voice that could reacli ev'ry shore, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Help me, ye ransomed, awake ev'ry string, Let earth'rejoice, and the whole heavens ring, While we the chorus unitedly sing: " I am redeemed, praise the Lord!" Abbie Mills. 53 Come to Jesus While You May. 1 Come to Je.-us, trembling; sinner, With your load of guilt oppressed; Come to Je-jus, he will save you; Come, and he will give you rest. Chorum. Come to Jesus, come t/) Jesus, Weary sinner, come to Jesus while you may ; He will save you, he ^>ill save you. Weary sinner, he will save you; come to-day. 2 He is waiting, he is ready, Tender, loving words to say; Will you not accept his blessing? Give your heart to him to-day? 51 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 Time is flying, do not tarry, Haste while it is called to-day! Can you spurn his tender pleading? Can you turn this friend away? 4 Do not linger, do not trifle. Heed your loving Saviour's call; In his tender heart there's mercy, In his arms there's room for all. Mrs. C. N. Piclcop. 54 The Saviour Is My All in All. 1 The Saviour is my all in all, He is my constant tlieme! By simply trusting in his word He keeps me pure and clean. Chorus. Glory! O glory! Jesus hath redeemed me; Glory! O glory! He washed my sins away. 2 His Spirit gives sweet peace within, And bids all care depart! He fills my soul with righteousness, And purifies the heart. 3 And whatsoever I may ask, To glorify his name, The Father freely gives to me, Since Christ the Saviour came. 4 praise the Lord, my soul, rejoice, Give thanks unto thy God ! Who took thee in thy sinfulness. And cleansed thee by his blood ! P. Bilhorn. 52 CHEERFUL SONGS. 5o Free Waters. 1 There's a fountain free, 'tis for you and me: Let us haste, O haste to its brink ; "Tis the fount of love from the source above. And he bids us all freely drink. Chorus. Will you come to the fountain free? AVill you come? 'tis for you and me; Thirsty soul, hear the welcome call: Tis a fountain opened for all. ^ There's a living stream, with a crystal gleam : From the throne of life now it flows; While the waters roll let the weary soul Hear the call that forth freely goes. 3 There's a living well, and its waters swell, And eternal life they can give; And we joyful sing, ever spring, O spring. As we haste to drink and to live. i There's a rock that's cleft, and no soul is left That may not its pure waters share; 'Tis for you and me, and its stream I see; Let us hasten joyfully there. Mrs. M. B. a Slade. •56. Jesus Is Calling for Thee. 1 O COME, to Calvary turning, Jesus is calling for thee; His heart so tenderly yearning, Jesus is calling for thee. CHEERFUL SONGS. Come now, and enter the fountain, Fountain of mercy so free; Though sin arise Uke a mountain, Jesus is calling for thee. Chorus. Calling, calling, Jesus is calling for thee ; Calling, calling, Jesus is calling for thee. hark ! in life's sunny morning, Jesus is calling for thee; Sweet flowers thy pathway adorning, Jesus is calling for thee. He sends thee gladness and pleasure, Wilt thou not thank him to-day? Come now, and seek endless treasure, Joys that are brighter than day. O soul so burdened and weary, Jesus is calling for thee ; He'll lift the shadows so dreary, Jesus is calling for thee. In love thy troubles are given: Sorrow is only his voice. That bids thee look up to heaven; Look, and in Jesus rejoice! But still the Saviour is calling, Jesus is calling for thee ; Though now the night-dews are fall- ing, Jesus is calling for thee. 54 CHEERFUL SONGS. E'en though so long thou hast shght- ed— Slighted salvation so great, Yet liis own promise is pligiited, Come ; Jesus stands at the gate. Lidie H. Edmunds. 7 Purity, Whiter than Snow. 1 Into the fountain of cleansing we go, Down where the waters of purity flow, Tnjubled to-day is! that fountain, we know. Washing us whiter than snow. Refrain. Whiter than snow, whiter than snow, Come where the waters of purity flow, Wash and be whiter than snow. 2 O what a wonderful power is there, Saving the soul from its utter despair. Washing and cleansing we all now may share. Purity, whiter than snow ! 3 Here by this Fount of Salvation we stay, Open for sin and uncleanness to-day, Guilt and corruption are banished away, Parity, whiter than snow. 4 Christ has revealed his deep love to my soul, Xow by his merits my heart is made whole. AVide are the waves of his fullness that roll; Purity, whiter than snow. Rev. John O. Foster ' 55 CHEERFUL SONGS. 58 There^s a Beautiful Land, 1 There's a beautiful land on high. To its glories I fain would fly — When by sorrows pressed down, I long for my crown In that beautiful land on high. Befrain. In that beautiful land I'll be, From earth and its cares set free; My Jesus is there, he's gone to pre- A place in that land for me. [pare 2 There's a l)eautiful land on high, I shall enter it by and by, There, with friends hand in hand, I shall walk on the strand In that beautiful land on high. 3 There's a beautiful land on high. Then why should I fear to die, When death is tlie way to the realms of day? In that beautiful land on high. 4 There's a beautiful land on high. And my kindred its bliss enjoy ; Methinks I now see how they're wait- ing for me In that beautiful land on high. 5 There's a beautiful land on high ; And, though here I oft weep and sigh. My Jesus hath said that no tears shall be shed In tha*. beautiful land on high. 56 CHEERFUL SONGS. 6 There's a beautiful land on high, Wliere we never shall say good-byl When over the river we are happy forever, In that beautiful land on high. James Nicholson. 59 Gather the Reapers Home, 1 Have ye heard the song from the gold- en land? Have ye heard the glad new song? Let us bind our sheaves with a willing hand, For the time will riot be long. Refrain. The I^rd of the harvest will soon ap- pear, His smile, his voice we shall see and hear; The Lord of the harvest will soon ap- pear And gather the reapers home. 2 They are looking down from the golden land, Our beloved are looking down ; They have done their work, they have born their cross. And received their promised crown. 3 O the song rolls on from the golden land, And our hearts are strong to-day. For it nerves our souls with its music sweet. And we toil in the noontide ray. 57 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 O the sons; rolls on from the golden land From its vales of joy and flowers,' And we feel and know by a living faith. That its tones will soon be ours. Jennie JoJinson. 60 Meet Me There. 1 On the happy, golden shore, Where the faithful part no more, When the storms of life are o'er, Meet me there; Where the niyht dissolves away Into pure and perfect day, I am going home to stay. Meet me there. Chonis. Meet me there, Meet me there, Where the tree of life is blooming. Meet me there; When the storms of life are o'er, On the happy iiolden shore, Where the faithful part no more, Meet me there. * 2 Here our fondest hopes are vain, Dearest links are rent in twain; But in heav'n no throb of pain. Meet me there ; By the river, sparkling bright, In the city of delight, Where our faith is lost in sight, Meet me there. 58 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 3 Where thfe harps of angels ring, And the blest forever sing, In the palace of the King, Meet me there ; Where, in sweet communion, blend Heart with heart, and friend with friend. In a world that ne'er shall end. Meet me there. Henrietta E. Blair. ^1 Go Save a Poor Sinnee. 1 I'll sing of the story, how Jesus from glor_v Has saved a poor sinner like me ; That all who believe him, and all who receive him, His blessed salvation may see. Chorum. Then sing the glad chorus. His banner is o'er us, His mercy is boundless and free; From heaven descended, His love is extended, To save a poor sinner like me. . 2 His glorv immortal, bright over the por- tal, " Has banished the gloom from the grave; The Lord has ascended, the darkness is ended, And now he is mighty to save. 59 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 Though seasons of error, and moments- of terror, Like billows of sorrow may roll; In Christ I'm confiding, in him I am. hiding, With safet}' and rest to my soul. 4 My peace like a river flows onward for- ever, A tide to eternity's sea ; To swell the old story with voices in glory. He saved a poor sinner like me. Rev. John O. Foster, A.M. 62 The Lights of Home. 1 Steersman, steersman, the channel's- rough and dark, The waves roll high, the winds sweep by, Now whither speeds thy bark? Now whither speeds thy bark? Sailing, sailing, to reach a glorious home. Though storms assail, we dare the gale, For Jesus bids us come. Chorus. Sailing o'er the re^^tles^ tide. Sailing through the srale we glide, There beyond the billows' foam We see the lights of home. 60 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Steersman, steersman, the stars are wrapped in mi^t, The Polar star stiU beams afar On hills of amethyst, On hills of amethyst. Sailing, sailing, "to find a better land, No wind that blows our hope o'erthrows, While Christ waits on the strand. Steersman, steersman, how wild the tem- pest raves! The floods may swell, but all is well, AVhile Jesus walks the waves, While Jesus walks the waves. Sailing, sailing, to find a happier shore, A pathway bright shines through the night. Where friends have gone before. Friscilla J. Ouens. 63 Battling for the Lord. Semi- chorus. \ We've listed in a holy war, Battling for the Lord! Eternal life our guiding star, Batthng for the Lord! Full Chorus. We'll work till Je>us comes, We'll work tiil Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes, And then we'll rest at home. 61 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 We've girded on our armor bright, Battling for the Lord! Our Captain's word our strength a«d might, Battling for the Lord ! 3 We'll stand like heroes on the field, Battling for the Lord ! And nobly fight, but never yield, Battling for the Lord! 4 Though sin and death our way oppose, Battling for the Lord ! Through grace we'll contiuer all our foes, Battling for the Loid! 5 And when our glorious war is o'er. Battling for the Lord! WVll shout salvation evermore. Battling for the Lord! 04 In the Book of Life. 1 In thy book, where glory bright Shines with never-fading light. Where thy saved thou wilt lecord. Write my name, my name, O Lord. Chorus. Write my name in the book of Life, Lamb of God, write it there ; Where thy saved thou wilt record. Write my name, my name, O Lord. 2 In the book, who=e pages tell Who have tried to serve thee well, O'er my name let mercy trace: "Child of God, redeemed by grace." 62 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 In the book, where thou dost keep Record still of years that sleep, Let my name be written down, Heir to life's immortal crown. 4 O my Saviour, thou canst show What I long so much to know: Let my faith behold and see That my life is hid with thee, Lizzie Edwaids. Go Mansions All Bright. 1 O WHEN shall I dwell in a mansion all bright. And Jesus, my Saviour, behold? Or walk bv his side, like an angel of light, " In a city all garnished with gold. Chorus. Home of the blest! Home of the blest! When wilt thou ever be mine? Home of the blest ! Home of the blest! Soon shalt thou ever be mine. 2 No pearl from the ocean or gold from the mine Can pardon or purity buy : I'll trust in the blood of a Saviour di- vine. And cling to the cross till I die- 63 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 But while I am a stranger away from my home, I'll toil in the vineyard and pray ; I'll carry the cross while I think of the crown, And watch for the break of the day. 66 I Come to Thee. 1 From yonder cross what beams divine Of peace and hope and mercy shine! be each blessed promise mine! 1 come, dear Lord, to thee. Chorus. I come to thee, I come to thee; Thine outstretched arms I see; I come to thee, Dear Lord, who died for me. 2 Thy kind, inviting voice I know; Tiiy wounded hands new life bestow: Those hands will never let me go; I come, dear Lord, to thee. 3 As seeks the weary bird its nest When the sunset lingers in the west, So now for pardon, healing, rest, I come, dear Lord, to thee. 4 'Midst pressing care and daily need Thy overruling love I read, For help, thy "present help," I plead; I come, dear Lord, to thee. CHEERFUL SONGS. 5 In weakness be my mighty Tower, My Refuge in temptation's hour; My brightest joy when blessings shower; I come, dear Lord, to thee. E. E. Hewitt. 6 7 Speak to Me, Jesus. 1 Speak to me, Jesus, I'm far from thy fold ; Far from kind friends that so often have told That story so simple, so kind, and so free, speak to me, Jesus, I'll listen to thee. Chorus. Speak to me, Jesus, speak from above, Tell of thy hands, of thy side, and thy love ; Forget not thy blood that from sin makes so free; O speak to me, Jesus, I will come to thee. 2 Speak to me, Jesus, in tones that so oft, In sickness and sorrow, so tender and soft, Did gently admonish in Bethany's home, speak to me, Jesus, to thee I will come. 3 Speak to me, Jesus, O tell of thy power, Mighty to save when my wand'rings are o'er; 1 seek now for pardon, in penitence wait; speak to me, Jesus, before 'tis too late. 5 65 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Speak to me, Jesus, speak from above, Tell of thy hands, of thy side, and thy love ; Forget not thy blood that from sin makes so free; O speak to me, Jesus, I now come to thee. 4 Speak to me, Jesus, thy Spirit impart, To strengthen, to comfort and cheer my weak heart; Thy voice I have heard, and thy blood is applied, O help me, dear Saviour, to live at thy side. Chorus. Speak to me, Jesus, speak from above, Tell of thy hands, of thy side, and thy love ; Forget not thy blood that from sin makes so free ; speak to me, Jesus, I have come to thee. H. L. Gilmour. 68 Come Over. 1 Come over, lost one, come Over the line to-day, Where Jesus bids you stand; O come away. Chorus. Come over, O come over. Come over the line to-day; And heav'n delight, while men invite, And angels seem to say : 66 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Come over, come over, Come over the line to-day ; To Jesus bow, he calls you now, Come over the line to-day. 2 Only a step to God, One step to cross the line; Hasten, O dying one. Touch the Divine! 3 Moment of priceless worth, When God has drawn so near; His wondrous tenderness, Sinner, revere. 4 Dare not this call refuse, When duty is so plain; The Spirit long denied Comes not ^igain. 5 Lost one, this call to you May be the very last I Haste! e'er fore vermore Your day be past. F. A . Blackmer. 69 Entire Consecration. 1 Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to thee; Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of thy love. Chorus. Wash me in the Saviour's precious blood, Cleanse me in its purifying flood, Lord, I give to thee my'life and all, to be Thine henceforth, eternally. 67 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Take my feet, and let thera be Swift and beautiful for thee \ Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only for my King. 3 Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages for thee; Take my silver and my gold — Not a mite would I withhold. 4 Take my moments and my days. Let them flow in endless praise; Take my intellect, and use Ev'ry power as thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will, and make it thine; It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart — it is thine own — It shall be thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my Lord, I pour At thy feet its trea-ure-store ! Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for thee! 'Frances Ridley Havergal. Chorus \>\ W. J- Kirkpatrick. 70 Walking and Talking. 1 I AM saved through the blood of my cru- cified Lord, With his children my lot I have cast; I will lift up my voice, I will sing and rejoice That from death unto life I have passed. 68 CHEERFUL SO^GS. Refrain. I am walking, I am talking with my Lord and King In the shadow of the cross all the day, I am walking, I am talking with my Lord and King, He is leading me by faith all the way. 2 I am saved through the blood of my cru- cified Lord, And the glory to him will I give; For the grace he bestows, and liis good- ness that flows, I will praise hiui as long a^ I live. 3 Though the temi)ter assail, yet he can- not prevail, I am under my Saviour's control ; And the more I believe, still the more I receive Of his fullness of joy in my soul. 1 Through his wonderful love, my Ee- deemer above. Is preparing a mansion for me, Where from toil I shall rest with the happy and blest. And forever his face I shall see. Sallie Smith. Tl Sweet Day OF THE Lord.' I Sweet day of. the Lord, we hail thee with joy, We welcome thee gladly once more; Above all the cares and labors of life, Our songs of devotion shall soar. 69 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. Up to the presence of Infinite Love, We rise in our worship to-day ; Asking his blessing, his blessing divine, We joyfully bear it away. 2 O bright is the hour, when spent in his house, And precious the moments of peace; The flame of our hearts shall kindle anew, And love and devotion increase. 3 The Lord in his house abideth to-day, His Spirit gives comfort to all ; Then come, ask for mercy, pardon, and grace. Give heed to his sweet, loving call. 4 Sweet day of the Ijord, sweet Sabbath on earth, Thy hours of refreshment we love; Our songs shall ascend in rapture and praise. And soar in their fullness above. Mrs. R. N. Turner. ^2/ Glorious as the Light. 1 When the jewels of earth shall be gath- ered. They with glory effulgent shall shine. As they come to the gates of that city, Sweeping in through its portals divine. 70 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Glorious as the light of the kingdom, Glorious as the bright, rising sun ; what a rapt'rous sight, in that heav'nly home so bright — As glorious as the light of the kingdom. 2 What a host there will be of the saved ones ! Like the stars of the night, we are told, As they march in their strength and their grandeur, Through the bright, shining streets of pure gold. 3 They are those who have followed the Saviour, Out of every nation and tribe. Who have come through a great tribu- lation, Praises loud they to Jesus ascribe. 4 '•' Thou art worthy, O Christ," they are singing, " Who hath died, all our race to re- deem." "Hallelujah!" the grand swelling cho- rus, And his love everlasting their theme. L. W. Smith. 7 3 Stepping-stones to Jesus. 1 Stepping-stones to Jesus All our joys may be, Used with glad thanksgiving For his love so free. 71 CHEERFUL SONOS. Many, many blessings In our paths may fall, Stepping-stones to Jesus, AVe may find them all. Chorus. Looking for the stepping-stones Placed along life's way; Looking: for the stepping-stones, We find them every day; Stepping-stones to Jesus, Stepping-stones to Jesus, Looking for the steppinQ:-stones, We find them every day. 2 Stepping-stones to Jesus, Leailins^ to his feet, Are the little trials, Which we daily meet; Ev'ry need that presses, Ev'ry vexing care, Ev'ry disapi^ointment, Ev'ry cro?s we bear. 3 Stepping-stones to Jesus, All the pure delight. In his works of beauty. All things fair and bright. Ev'ry sweet affection. Tender human love Brought in consecration To the Friend above. 4 Stepping-stones to Jesus, BlessM means of grace; Prayer and sweet communion In the sacred place ; 72 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Ev'ry self-denial For the Master's cause, Each renewed obeying Of his holv laws! E. E. HewUL 74 Gathered Home. 1 Shall we all meet at home in the morn- ing, On tlie shore of the bright crystal sea, With the loved ones who long have been waiting? "What a meeting indeed that will be! Refrain. Gathered home, Gathered home, On the shores of the bright, cr^^stal sea; Gathered home, Gathered home, With the loved ones forever to be. 2 Shall we all meet at home in the morn- ing, And from sorrow forever be free? Shall we join in the songs of the ran- somed? What a meeting indeed that will be! 3 Shall we all meet at home in the morn- ing> There our blessed Redeemer to see? Shall we know and be known by our loved ones? What a meeting, indeed, that will be! Selected. 73 CHEERFUL SONGS. 75 Keep Me Ever Close to Thee. Source from whence the streams of mercy Like a river flow to me, With thy cords of love so tender Bind and keep me close to thee. Refrain. Keep me ever close to thee, Blessed Saviour, dear to me, With thy cords of love so tender Bind and keep me close to thee; Keep me ever close to thee, Blessed Saviour, dear to me, Bind and keep me close to thee. 2 There my life, my hope and comfort, There a refuge for my soul When the clouds hang darkly round me, And the distant surges roll. 3 There, in holy, sweet communion With thy Spirit day by day. Faith to realms of light and glory Bears my raptured soul away. 4 Clo«e to thee, Saviour, keep me. Till I roach the shining shore. Till I join the raptured army, Shouting joy forever more. Fanny J. Crosby. 76 and 77 SiNG On. 1 Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims. Nor think the moments long; My fiith is heav'nward rising With ev'ry tuneful song; 74 CHEERFUL SONGS. Lo! on the mount of blessing, The glorious mount, I stand, And looking o'er the river, I see the heav'nly land. Chorus. Sin? on, O blissful music! With ev'ry note you raise My heart is filled with rapture, My soul is lost in praise. Sing on, O blissful music! With ev'ry note you raise My heart is filled with rapture, My soul is lost in praise. 2 Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, While here on earth we stay Let songs of home and Jesus Beguile each fleeting day; Sing on the grand old story Of his redeeming love, The everlasting chorus That fills the realms above. Sin» on, ye joyful pilgrims : The time will not be long Till in our Father's kingdom We swell a nobler song, Where those we love are waiting To greet us on the shore, We'll meet beyond the river, Where surges roll no more. Carrie M. Wilson, 75 CHEERFUL 80XGS. 78 Up and Onward. 1 Up for Jesus! up and onward! Hear him saying " follow me;" In the noble Christian army- Faithful soldiers let us be. Chorus. Marching on with singing, Sweete>:t music bringing Unto him that shall reign; Let the world before us Hear the joyful chorus, Hallelujah, Amen. Up for Jesus! up and onward'J In the early morning bright, With the watch-word on our banner, Brave defenders of the right. 3 Up for Jesus! up and onward! Through the conflict firmly stand; For we cannot lose a battle With our leader in command. 4 Up for Jesus! up and onward! He will guide us with his eye; He has promised if we trust him, We shall conquer by and by. Sallie Martin. 79 No Shade Like This for Me. 1 Oppressed with noonday's searching heat, To yonder cross I flee ; Beneath its shelter take my seat, No shade like this for me. 76 9 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. No shade like this for me, No shade like this for me ; Beneath its shelter take my seat, No shade like this for me. Beneath that cross clear waters burst, A fountain sparkling free; And there I quench my desert thirst. No spring like this for me. Refrain. No spring like this for me, No spring like this for me; And there I quench my desert thirst, No spring like this for me. 3 A stranger here I pitcli my tent, Beneath this spreading tree; Here shall my pilgrim life be spent, No home like this for me. Refrain. No home like this for me, No home like this for me; Here shall my pilgrim life be spent, No home like this for me. 4 For burdened ones a resting-place Beside that cross I see ; I here cast off my weariness, No rest like this for me. 77 / CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. No rest like this for me, No rest like this for me ; I here cast off my weariness, No rest like this for me. Hev. Horatius Bonar. 80 Thine Forever. 1 Thine forever, thine forever, My Redeemer, will I be ; On the altar lies my ofl'ring. Consecrated now to thee; All my fervent soul's devotion To thy service, Lord, I give; For thv'honor and thy glory I will labor while I live. Chorus. Thine forever, thine forever, Saviour, I am resting in thy love ; Thine forever, thine forever, Saviour, I am resting sweetly in thy love. 2 Thine forever, thine forever — the raf)tnre of my heart ! Thou my refuge and my comfort, Thou my lasting portion art; Casting ev'ry weight behind me, 1 the Christian race will run. Trusting thee and taking courage, Till the race my soul has won. 78 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 Where thou leadest I will follow, Where thou bid'.-t me I will go; In the very front of battle Fearless will I meet the foe ; I shall conquer through thy mercy, I shall triumph through thy might, I shall see thee in thy kingdom; There will faith be lost in sight. Fanny J. Crosby. 81 Will You Come? 1 Hear the earnest invitation, Wand'rer from the path of right, Jesus offers his salvation ; Will you come to Christ to-night ? Chorus. Will you come? will you come? Come and at his altar bow ; Will you come? will you come? Jesus waits to save you now. 2 Christian souls are fervent praying. Holy Sjnrit, sand thy liglit, Whv afar in darkness straying? Why not come to Christ to-night? 3 Angels near u=!, eager bending, Friends beloved from homes of light. With our hearts their question blend- ing, Will you come to Christ to-night? 4 Hear the Saviour interceding, IS'or his gracious message slight ; Will you pass his cross nnhppding? O return to Christ to-night. Priscilla J. Owens, 79 CHEERFUL SONGS. 83 I Will Trust in My Saviour. 1 Though the shadows gather o'er my pathway here, And no sun comes with joyous ray, In the darkness not an evil will I fear, For my Saviour is leading the way. Refrain. I will trust in my Saviour, I will trust in my Saviour, I will trust in my Saviour alway; He willlead me through tlie night, By his ever-shining light, 1 will trust in my Saviour to-day. 2 In the tempeet when the winds around me roll. And the thunders my h'^art aflfright, Sweetly comes a loving whisper to my soul, Then the world is all beauty and light. 3 When the chilling blight of death is on my brow, And the earth passes from my view, Simply trusting in my Saviour then, as now, He will lead me in paths ever new. Mrs. Louia K. Rogers. 83 Come and Ask Jesus to Save You. 1 Would you find the way to heaven? Come and ask Jesus to save you; Would you know your sins forgiven? Come and ask Jesus to save you. 80 CHEERFUL SONGS. He will light and joy impart To your dark and weary heart, He will bid your sin depart, Come and ask Jesus to save you. Chorus. Come to the fountain of mercy to-day, Come and your sins shall be taken away; Come to the Saviour and earnestly pray, Jesus will certainly save you. Would you treasures have above? Come and ask Jesus to save you ; Would you know the wealth of love? Come and ask Jesus to save you. Come, your loving father meet; See, he' waits his child to greet; Hasten on with eager feet; Come and ask Jesus to save you. Would you from your chains be free? Come and ask Jesus to save you ; Would you cease a slave to be? Come and ask Jesus to save you. He is ev'ry captive's ft lend ; If on him you now depend. His right arm will you defend, Come and ask Jesus to save you. Would you gain yon heav'nly shore? Come and ask Jesus to save you; Would you join those gone before? Come and ask Jesus to save you. He that lives who once was dead Bore the cross ; for you he bled ; He CL.n soothe your dying bed, Come and ask Jesus to save vou. Abbie Mills. 6 81 CHEERFUL BONGS. S4 The Glory Land. 1 There's a land of love shining far above, In the endless glory of day, And I long to know all the good who go To that radiant land far away. Refrain. O the glories there are so bright and fair, Here no longer would I roam ; How my spirit sighs for the cloudless skies, Of that happy, heavenly home ! 2 01 love to sing of the hearts that cling To the light of that golden shore, Starry crowns they'll wear and its glo- ries share With the happy ones gone before. 3 And I love to dream of the crystal gleam Resting on the bright river there, Of the white- robed throng and the glad new song, And the fadeless flowers so fair. 4 There shall be no night ! O the blessed light That illumes the heavenly shore ! No more sorrow there, and no cross to bear ; All is joy and peace evermore. Mrs. Loula K. Rogers. 82 CHEERFUL SOXGS, So Glory, I'm Redeemed. 1 On the Saviour I've believed, Gracious pardon I've received, And his blood now covers all my guilt and sliame; In my soul to dwell he designs, Without rival there he reigns. Glory hallelujah to his name ! Chorus. I'm redeemed, I'm redeemed, In his power the Saviour came. And from sin gave sweet release, Filled my soul with heavenly peace, Glory, glory, hallelujah to his name! 2 When I heard his loving voice, How it made my heart rejoice! Like sweet music to my longing soul it came; how wondrous, full, and free Was his pard'ning love to me! Glory, glory, hallelujah to his name! 3 All along my pilgrim way 1 will trust him and obey. And each day I'll seek to spread my Saviour's fame; To exalt, my aim shall be. Him who did so much for me, Glory, glory, hallelujah to his name! 4 Wondrous comfort does he send, Proving such a constant friend, For he comes to bless in ev'ry need the same; CHEERFUL SONGS. Empty turns me not away, But new blessings sends each day, Glory, glory, hallelujah to liis name! E. A. Blackmer. 86 Fire Away with Your Ballots. 1 You need not wait any longer For tlie temp'rance bugle to blow, The call is louder and stronger, You'll hear the trumpet I know. The long, deep roll has ])een sounded, A signal boom from the gun; The staff and banner surrounded. And vict'ry sure to be won. Chorus. Fire away, £re away with your ballots, Fire away, fire away on the field ; Fire away, lire away, fire away, fire away. Fire away, fire away, till they yield. 2 The judges made their decision, For the laws are wholesome and strong ; No longer any division. For Hquor selling is wrong. The work is squarely before us, The great decree handed down; "We'll fire a thundering chorus In ev'ry city and town. 3 March on and go for a levy, Break up the horrible crime; Give law and gospel heavy, A double barrel at a time. 84 CHEERFUL SO^GS. Take aim awhile, be steady, Be sure your aiming is low; And shoot whenever you're ready, And then the. saloon will go. Mev. John O. Foster, A.M. 8 7 Gentle ?hepheed, Save Me Now. 1 Far away my steps have wandered, On the rugged mountain's brow ; But to thee my heart is crying, Gentle Shepherd, save me now! Chorus. Save me now, save me now! Gentle Shepherd, save me noW' ! Unto thee my heart is crying, Gentle Shepherd, save me nowl 2 Thou hast borne my weight of sorrow, At thy feet I humljly bow ; And my heart with thee is pleading, Gentle Shepherd, save me now! 3 Though thy love I long have slighted, Though ungrateful I have been, To thy fold my faith has brought me; Let my weary soul come in. 4 Though thy love I long have slighted. O'er my wasted years I weep ; In thy blessed arms of mercy Shield and save thv wand'ring sheep. Henrietta E. Blair. 85 CHEERFUL SONGS. 88 Songs in the Calm, Still Night. 1 'Tis the Lord who leadeth me still, 'Tis he who controls and governs my will, Crowns my life with holy delight, And giveth me songs in the calm, still night. Chorus. O my soul, how favored thou art, Thus to come so near his lieart; There by faith I walk in his light. Who giveth me songs in the calm, still night. 2 'Tis the Lord w ho whispers to me, " I offered myself a ransom for thee; Say, what mean thy doubtings and fears? I carry thy sorrows and count thy tears." 3 Safe in him, I will not repine, Though trials and cares may sometimes be mine ; He I know will guide me aright Who giveth me songs in the calm, still night. 4 Safe in him, ray hope and my all, Who tenderly hears whenever I call. Safe in him, my burden is light, He giveth me song in the calm , still night. Jennie Garnett. 89 In the Hush op Early Morning. 1 In the hush of early morning, When the breeze is whisp'ring low. There's a voice that gently calls me, And its accents w^ell I know! CHEERFUL SONGS. Here I am, O Saviour, waiting, For thy will alone is mine, This is all my crown and glory, I am thine and only thine! 2 When the noontide falls upon me, With its fervid lightning ray^ There's a voice divinely earnest, Bids me work while it is day; Open, Saviour, now before me All thy will for me to do, Only help me, watching, working. Still to keep my Lord in view 1 3 As the dewy shades steal downward. O'er the earth at ev'ning mild, There's a voice I love that whispers: "After labor rest, my child! " my Saviour, loving, tender. Help me to account it blest Thus to work within thy vineyard, Till thou callest me to^ rest. Mrs. R. N. Turfier. 90 Ship of Zion. 1 There's a wail from the islands of the sea, There's a voice that is calling you and me, In the old ship of Zion, The strong help of Zion, The good news of Zion, carry ye ! " Come over and help us! " is the cry; " Come over and help us! or we die,*' 1 see the woe falling, I hear the voice calling, O ship of salvation, thither fly. 87 CHEERFUL HoyUiS. 2 Tliere's a moiin from the desert, full of pain, There's a si>,'h over Afric's sunny phiin, In the old sliij) of Zion, Tlie strong help of Zion, Bear good nt'ws of Zion o'er the main. " Come over and lielp us! " is the cry ; "Come over and lielp us, or we die ! " Across the wide waters Hear Afrie's dark daughters! U ship of salvati(^n, thither fly. 3 There's a groan from the Ganges where they fLill, At tlie fet't of the idols in their tlirall ; In the old ship of Zion, The strong help of Zion, The good news of Zion hear them all. "Come over and help us! " is the cry; " Come over and help us, or we die!" I see idols falling, And India calliiii:, () ship of salvation, thitluT llv. .1//-.S. M. b: C. Slade. 91 Clixg to the ^Iighty One. 1 CuNc to the Mighty One, Cling in thy grief; Cling to the Holy One, He gives relief: Cling to the (iracious One, Cliui; in thv pain ; Cling to the Faithful One, He will sustain. 88 viii:i:in'rL s(>.\(,s. 2 CWuiZ to tho Living Oiw, CliMi; in thy woo; Clint; to the Loving; Ono, Throui;!! all lu low; Cling to tho I'aid'ninLr Ono, llo sjHMkotb j>o;UH'; Clinii to tho llealin-r Ono, Anguish shall oeat>o. 3 Clini; to tho r^leodin-r One, Clin-: to his sido; Clin<: to tho Rison ( )m\ In llini ahido; Clini: to tho oojning Ono, IIopo shall ariso; ClinLT \o tlu> KoiLrnini: One, ,loy lights tliino I'vos. O'Z T\\\: Cl.I.AK LltiUT (»!• Ul'AVKN. 1 In (laiknoss 1 wandiMod till .I(>sns I tbnnd. And thon, praiso his nanio 1 and ihon, piaiso his naiiio! Tho cloar lii:ht of hoavon my j-athway shono ronnd. And i>oaro [o my spirit thori' oamo. ( 'lionts. And now I'm contidinir, And swootly ahi«lin,ir In Josns, my Siivitmr, Companion, and (Jnido; His namo I'm oon^o^^sinir. Ho tills mo with l)los>inir; To mo ho's far dcaror Than all olso hositlo. 89 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 The birds over my head seemed to sing a new song, So wondrously sweet, so wondrously sweet ; All nature seemed praising in notes loud and long, My Saviour, when first we did meet. 3 And now we are walking together along. My Saviour and I, my Saviour and I ; He blesses and leads me with hand kind and strong, And freely his grace does supply. 4 wonderful Brother, Redeemer, and Friend! 1 love him I know, I love him I know, This blessed companionship, never to end, Grows sweeter as onward I go. F. A . Blackmer. 93 Sing Hallelujah. 1 When Jesus washed my sins away, Sing hallelujah ! My happy heart besan to say, Praise ye the Lord. Chorus. Sing hallelujah! sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah ! praise ye the Lord. 2 He makes my wounded spirit whole, Sing hallelujah ! He satisfies my longing soul, Praise ye the Lord. 90 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 I find him present everywhere, Sing hallehijah ! ' I cast on him my ev'ry care, Praise ye the Lord. 4 He keeps me safely by his side. Sing hallelujah'! I take him as my guard and guide, Praise ye the Lord. 5 No other good do I possess. Sing hallelujah ! He is my constant happiness, Praise ye the Lord. 6 And thus I journey day by day, Sing hallelujah ! Rejoicing on my heavenward way, Praise ye the Lord. G. E. Lovelight. 94: One by One. 1 One by one we cross the river, One' by one we're passing o'er; One by one the crowns are given On the bright and happy shore. Youth and childhood oft are passing O'er the dark and rolling tide, And the blessed Holy Spirit Is the dying Christian's guide; And the loving, gentle Spirit Bears them, o'er the rolling tide. 2 One by one we come to Jesus, As we heed his gentle voice; One by one his vineyard enter, There to labor and rejoice. 91 CHEERFUL SONGS. One by one sweet flowers we gather In the glorious work of love, Garlands for the blessed Saviour Gather from the realms above; And the loving, gentle Spirit Bears them to our home of love. 3 One by one the heavy laden Sink beneath tlie noontide sun, And the aged pilgrim welcomes Ev'ning shadows as they come; One by one, with sins forgiven, May we stand upon the shore, Waiting till the blessed Spirit Takes our hand and guides us o'er; And the loving, gentle Spirit Leads us to the shining shore. Adapted from Mrs. Lydia Baxter 95 The Scarlet Line. 1 The blood of the Saviour for sinners was shed. In love and compassion divine ; And' now through the mercy of him who has bled We follow the scarlet line.' Our lives are protected with Passover blood, Our walls with his covenants shine; While Mercy and Pardon forever have stood In love by the scarlet line. 2 When Christ was uplifted, and mortals were shown Jehovah's far reaching design, 92 CHEERFUL SONGS. How Justice and Mercy were called tu his throne, And bound by the scarlet line, Then hope came to earth with a heart- cheering word, And sung of this life-giving sign; And Faith quickly shouted her triumph in God, That came through the scarlet line. 3 Xo more will the altars of victims arise, Or flames from the offerings shine; For life from the Lord has come down from the skies. That ran through the scarlet line. O holy, compassionate Lamb that was slain, We live in this blessing of thine, And, bound by the cords that forever remain, We trust in the scarlet line. liec. John. O. Foster, B.D. 96 The U:n-clouded Day. 1 THEY tell me of a home far beyond the skies, O they tell me of a home far away; O they tell me of a home where no storm-clouds rise, tliey tell me of an unclouded day; the land of cloudless day, the land of an unclouded sky; they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise, O ti.ev tell me of an unclouded day. ' 93 ■ CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 O they tell me of a home where my friends have gone, O they tell me of that land far away ; Where the tree of life in eternal bloom Sheds its fragrance through the un- clouded day; O the land of cloudless day, O the land of an unclouded sky ; O they tell me of my friends by the tree of life, In the land of an unclouded day. 3 O they tell me of the King in his beau- ty there, And they tell that mine eyes shall behold Where he sits on the throne that is whiter than snow. In the city that is made of gold ; O that land mine eyes shall see, O that land of an unclouded sky ; they tell me of the King in his snow- white throne, In the land of the unclouded day. 4 O they tell me that he smiles on his children there. And his smile drives their sorrows all away ; And they tell me that no tears ever come again; In that lovely land of unclouded day ; O that land of lovely smiles, O the smiles of his love-beaming eye; O the King in his beauty invites me there, To the land of the unclouded day. Hev. J, K. Alwood, 94 CHEERFUL SONGS. *! AVhosoever. 1 I piL\isE the Lord that one like me For mercy may to Jesus flee ; He says that "Vhosoever will" May seek and find salvation still. ChoriLs. My Saviour's promise faileth never; He counts me in the " whosoever." 2 I was to sin a wretched slave, But Jesus died my soul to save; He says that " whosoever will " May seek and find salvation still. 3 I look by faith and see this word, Stamped with the blood of Christ my Lord, He says that " whosoever will " May seek and find salvation still. 4 I now believe he saves my soul, His precious blood hath made me whole ; He says that " whosoever will" May seek and find salvation still James Nicholson. 98 I Will Shout His Praise in Glory. 1 YoL' ask what makes me happy, my heart so free from care. It is because my Saviour in mercy heard my prayer; He brought me out of darkness, and now the light I see ; O blessed, loving Saviour! to him the praise shall be. 95 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. I will shout his praise in glory, And we'll all sing hallelujah in heav- en by and by ; I will shout his praise in glory, And we'll all sing hallelujah in heav* en by and by. 2 I was a friendless wanderer till Jesus took me in ; My life was full of sorrow, my heart was full of sin ; But when the blood so precious spoke pardon to my soul; O blissful, blissful moment! 'twas joy beyond control. 3 I wish that ev'ry sinner before his throne would bow ; He waits to bid them welcome, he longs to bless them now; If they but knew the rapture that in his love I see, They'd come and shout salvation, and sing his praise with me. 4 I mean to live for Jesus while here on earth I stay, And when his voice shall call me to realms of endless day. As one by one we gather, rejoicing on the shore, We'll shout his praise in glory, and sing for evermore. P. H.Dingman. 96 CHEERFUL SOyGS. 99 Have You Something Good to Tell? 1 Have you something good to tell us, My Christian friend to-day ? Tell how the Lord has met you, And helped you on your way. Choiiis. Tell of the loving Saviour Who keeps us day by day ; tell of the precious Saviour^ 'Twill help us on our way. 2 Have you something good to tell us Of Jesus kind and true? Of hopes that reach to heaven? Of mercies ever new? 3 We are waiting now to heai* you Proclaim his grace so free; Speak out and tell each shiner "His love h-as pardoned me." J^riscilla J. Owens. 100 The Whole WidI' World. 1 The whole wide world for Jesus, This shall our watch-word be, Upon the highest mountain. Down by the widest sea. The whole wide world for Jesus, To him all men shall bow, Tn city or on prairie. The world for Jesu> n<»w. 7 97 CHEERFUL SONGS, Chorus. The whole wide world, the Avhole wide world, Proclaim the gospel tidings through the whole wide world, Lift up the cross for Jesus, his banner be unfurled, Till ev'ry tongue confess him, througli the whole wide world. 2 The whole wide world for Jesus Inspires us with the thought That ev'ry son of Adam Hath 1)V the blood been bought. The wliole wide world for Jesi:s, O faint not by the way! The cross shall surely conquer In this our glorious day. 3 The whole wide world for Jesus, The marching order sound, Go ye and preach the gospel Wherever man is found. The whole wide world for Jesus, Our banner is unfurled, AVe battle now for Jesus, And faith demands the world. i The whole wide world for Jesus, In the Father's home above Are many wondrous mansions. Mansions of light and love. The whole wide world for Jesus, . Ride forth, conquering king, Through all the mighty nations. The woi'ld to glory bring. Her. J.' Dcmster Hammond. 98 CHEERFUL SONGS. 101 Eternity I — Where? 1 "Eternity! — where I" It floats in the air; Amid clamor or silence it ever is there! The question so solemn— "Eternitv 1— where?" The question so solemn — " Eternity 1— where ? " 2 '"Eternity I — where?" Eternity — where? With redeemed ones in glory ? or fiends in despair? With one or the otlierl — " Eternity — where?" With one or the other — "Eternity I — where? ' 3 "Eternity I — where?" how can you share The world's giddy pleasures, or heed- lessly dare Do aught till you settle — "Eternity I — where?" Do aught till vou settle — "Eternitv I — where?" 4 "Eternity I — where ? " friend, have a care: Soon God will no longer his judgment forbear : This day may decide your "Eternity I — where?" This day may decide your " Eternity I — where? '' 99 CHEERFUL SONGS. 5 ''Eternity !— where?" O Eternity! — where?" Friend, sleep not nor take in the world any share, Till you answer this question — ''Eterni- ty I — where?" Till vou answer this question — " Eterni- ty"!— where?" 102 Sing, O Sing the Love of Jesus. 1 Sing, O sing the love of Jesus, Boundles:^, deep, unmeasured love; Let the soul-inspirino; chorus Ring through all the courts above. Chorus. Sing, O sing the love of Jesus, Heav'n and earth repeat the strain. Sing. O sing, till ev'ry nation Echoes on the sweet refrain. 2 Sing, O sing the love of Jesus, Render hearty thanks and praise; AVhile he gives us life and being. Praise him on through endless days. 3 An^el lips will join our anthem, Through the sky the sound prolongs Heav'nly hosts take up the chorus, And with rapture swell the song. 4 Pow'r and might and blis-^? eternal Now and evermore shall be L^nto him who loved and saved us With a love so full and free. May Clifton. 100 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 103 The Beautiful Land. 1 There's a beautiful land far beyoii-i the And Jesus my Saviour is there; He has gone to prepare nie a home on high — O I Tong, O I long to be there ! Chorus. In tliat beautiful land Where the angels stand, AVe shall meet, -sve shall meet, We shall meet in that beautiful land. 2 I have friends who have gone to that land on high. They are free from all sorrow and care; And I trust I shall meet them above the sky — O I long, O I long to be there! 3 We shall meet in that beautiful land on high. And be with the bright and the fair; Where the waters of life sweetly mur- mur by — O I long, O I long to be there! 104: Abiding and Confiding. 1 I HAVE learned the wondrous secret Of abiding in the Lord ; I have found the strength and sweetness Of confiding in his word ; 101 CHEERFUL SOXOS. I have tasted life's pure fountain, I am drinking of his blood, I have lost myself in Jesus, I am sinking into God. Cliorus. I'm abiding in the Lord, And confiding in his word, And I'm hiding, safely hiding, In the bosom of his love. 2 I am crucified with Jesus, And he lives and dwells in me; I have ceased from all my struggling, 'Tis no longer I, but he; All my will is yielded to him, And his Spirit reigns within, And his precious blood each moment Keeps me cleansed and free from siiir 3 All my sicknesses I bring him, And he bears them all away; All my fears and griefs I tell him. All my cares from day to day. All my strength I draw from Jesus, By his breath I live and move; E'en his very mind he gives me, And his faith and life and love. 4 For my words I take his wisdom. For 'my works, his Spirit's power; For my waj'S, his gracious Presence Guards nnd guides me ev'ry hour. Of my heart he is the Portion; Of my joy, tlip censele.'^s Spring; Saviour, Sanctifier, Healor, Glorious Lord and coming King! Bpv. a. B. Simpson. 102 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 105 Another Year. 1 Another year is dawning; Dear :\Iaster, let it be, In working or in waiting, Another year with thee: Another year of leaning Upon thy loving breast, Of ever deep'ning trustfulness, Of quiet, happy rest. 2 Another year of mercies, Of faitfif ihiess and grace; Another y. ar of gladness • In the shining of thy face. Another year of progress, Another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence "all the days." 4 Another year of service. Of witness of thy love; Another year of training For holier work above. Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be. On earth or else in heaven, Another vear for thee. Prances Ridley Havergal. 106 There's a Blessing for Me. 1 There is perfect cleansing in the pre- cious blood That flows for all so fi'ee, 103 CHEERFUL SONGS. There is full salvation in its crimson flood; There's a blessing from the Lord for me. Chorus. There's a blessing for me, there's a bless- ing for me, A blessing from the Lord for me ; There is full salvation in the crimson flood: There's a blessing from the Lord for me. 2 I am saved each moment through the cleansing blood That now by foith I see ; I am sweetly resting at the cro:-:s I love; There's a blessing from the Lord for me. 3 O the blood that keeps me from the power of sin My constant theme shall be; I have laid my burden at the Saviour's feet; There's a blessing from the Lord for me. 4 There is life eternal in the precious blood That still is flowing free. And my soul shall glory in the Saviour's cross ; There's a blessing from the Lord for me. Henrietta E. Bhtir. 104 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 107 The Beautiful Light. 1 Jesus is the light, the way, We are walking in the light, we are walking in the light; Shining brighter day by day. We are walking in the beautiful light of God. Refrain. We are walking in the light, We are walking in the light. We are walking in the light, We are walking in the beautiful light of God. 2 We who know our sins forgiven, We are walking in the light, we are walking in the light — Find on earth the joy of heaven. We are walking in the beautiful light of God. 3 As we journey here below, AVe are walking in the light, we are walking in the light; what joy and peace we know ; We are walking in the beautiful light of God. 4 We will sing his power to save, We are walking in the light, we are walking in the light; W^e will triumph o'er the grave; We are walking in the beautiful light of God. H. Kelso Carter. 105 CHEERFVL SOyOS. 108 The Precious Love of Jesus. 1 SING the power of love divine, The precious love of Jesus; That bids the light in darkness shine, And wins the lost to Jesus. Chorus. O precious, pure, unchanging love — The boundless love of Jesus — It binds our hearts in union sweet, And makes us one in Jesus. 2 'Tis love that conquers ev'ry fear. The precious love of Jesus; And now by faith has bi-ought us near The bleeding side of Jesus. 3 'Tis love that tills the joyful heart. And draws it up to Jesus, Where neither life nor death can part The sacred bonds from Jesus. 4 When faith and hope have ceased to shine, And we are safe with Jesus, We'll praise the power of love divine That brought us home to Jesus. Fanny J. Crosby. 109 More About Jesus. 1 More about Jesus would I know% More of his grace to others show; More of his saving fullness see, More of his love who died for me. 106 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Refrain. More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus ; More of his saving fullness see, More of his love who died for me. 2 More about Jesus let me learn, More of his holy will discern, Spirit of God, ru}- teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me. 3 More about Jesus; in his word. Holding communion with my Lord, Hearing his voice in ev'ry line, Making each faithful saying mine. 4 More about Jesus; on his throne, Riches in glory all his own ; More of his kingdom's sure increase; More of his cominsr. Prince of Peace. E. E. HciLitt. 110 WoNDEOus Glory. 1 On the mount of wondrous glory, Borne aloft by faith, we stand, While we drink the crystal waters Flowing down from Eden's land. Chorus. How the heart its toil forgets, In the joy we there behold; In the fullness of his love. That is better felt than told. 2 On the mount of wondrous glory Where so oft 'tis ours to be. In the brightness of his presence, Christ our Lord revealed we see. 107 r 7/ a; /<; /.' ii 'l honos. '.\ On fill! inoiiiit of woiidrouH j^lc)ry, WIk^H! he bi(lH uh coiih! and rest, .IcHus Kj)r(!ii(lH a fi'jist before mh, Making' (^acli a wc^lcornc gueHt. 4 If oil cartli our houIh are honored With siK'h viwions of d(!h^ht, Who (;an t(^ll our heirovide; It may not he my tim(;. It may not he thy time, And vet in his own time, "The Lord will provide." 3 Despond then no lon^rer. The Lord will ])rovi(le; And this he the token — No word he hath spoken Wafl ever y(>t broken — "The Lord will j)rovide." los CHEER FUL S OXGS. 4 March on, then, right boldly, The sea yluill divide; The pathway made glorious, Witli shoutings victorious, We'll join in the chorus, *' The Lord will provide." Mrs. M. A. W. Cooke. 11^ Words of Jesus. 1 "Come unto me," the Saviour said, " Come unto me," the Saviour said; " Come unto me," the Savi<>ur said, "And I will give you rest." Chorus. O the blessed words of Jesus! Precious words ! hallowed words! the blessed words of Jesus! Words of life to me. 2 I am the way, the truth, the life; I am the way, the truth, tlielife; I am the way, the truth, the life; 1 am the light of the world. 3 Take up tlie cross and follow me, Take up the cross and follow me, Take up the cross and follow me. And thou shalt have treasure in heav'n. 4 Ask and it shall be given you. Ask and it i-hall be given yon. Ask and it shidl be gi\en you, Seek and ye shnll find. 109 CHEERFUL SONGS. 5 He that believeth on the Son, He that beUeveth on the Son, He that beheveth on the Son Hath everlasting life. 6 Look unto me and be ye saved. Look unto me and be ye saved. Look unto me and be ye saved, All the ends of the earth. 7 Blessed are the pure in heart, Blessed are the pure in heart, Blessed are the pure in lieart. For they shall see God. 8 Rejoice and be exceeding glad, Eejoice and be exceeding glad, Rejoice and be exceeding glad, For great is your reward in heaven. 9 I will not leave you comfortless, I will not leave you comfortless, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come unto you. 10 If any man thirst let him come unto me, If any man tliirst let him come unto me, If any man thirst let him come unto me, And drink of the water of life. 11 Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little cliildren to come unto me, Suffer little children to come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven. 110 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 12 I go to prepare a place for you, I go to prepare a place for you, I go to prepare a place for you. In my Father's house. ' E. E. Hewitt. 113 Xo Night Over There. 1 No -night shall be in heaven; no gath- ering gloom Shall o'er that glorious landscape ever come; Xo tears shall fall in sadness o'er those flowers That breathe their fragrance through ce- lestial bowers. Chorus. No night over there, In the cloudless realm of day, Xo night over there, Through the ages of eternity. 2 Xo night shall be in heaven ; forbid to ?leep, Tiiese eyes no more their mournful vigils keep ; Their fountains dried, their tears all waslied away, They gaze undazzled on eternal day. 3 Xo night shall be in heaven, l)ut endless noon ; No fast declining sun, no waning moon; But there the Lamb f«hall yield perpet- ual light, 'Mid pa-tures green and waters ever bright. Ill CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 No night shall be in heaven; no darkr ened room, N.o bed of death, nor silence of the tomb, But breezes ever fi-esh with love and truth Shall brace the frame with an immortal youth. 114: A Perfect Salvation. 1 With a perfect salvation through Jesus our Lord, We are saved by his grace, and our faith in his word; Tis a gift he has purchased — his blood it has cost; ^Tls a light in the darkness for souls that are lost. Refrain. Hear the song of rapture swelling, while the ransomed ones are telling Of the precious blood of Jesus, that will cleanse from every sin ; Hear them shout the wondrous story: there is room enough in glory. There is room enough in glory for the world to enter in. 2 O this perfect salvation is boundless and free, *Tis a pledge of God's mercy to you and to me ; Then awake out of bondage, come forth at its voice, O'er a sinner returning let angels re- joice. 112 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 On the cold, barren mountains O why- will yon roam From the warm, loving smile of a dear Father's home. Are you willing to trust him? then why not, believe That a perfect salvation you now may receive? 4 this perfect salvation is waiting for With a garment of praise it will clothe ycu anew; It will give you a comfort no other can bring, It will seal you the children and heirs of the King. Anna C. Storey. 115 My Home Is in Heaven. 1 My home is in heaven, Blest city above. Summer land of delight, Of peace and of love ; Summer land of delight, Of peace and of love. 2 God reigns in that city, All glorious and fair, And its people are pure, Xo sin enters there ; And its people are pure, Xo sin enters there. 3 Th' redeemed of all ages In heaven shall meet, 8 113 CHEERFUL SONGS. And we all shall unite To bow at his feet, And we all shall unite To bow at his feet. 4 Who made an atonement, And died on the tree To purchase salvation For sinners like me, j To purchase salvation ' For sinners like me. 5 Ah ! then I shall praise bim — My Saviour and God— AVho bought my soul's pardon With his precious blood, Who bought my soul's pardon Y/ith his precious blood. L. L. Pickett. 116 Aee You Washed in the Blood? 1 Have you been to Jesus for the cleans ing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are vou washed in the blood of the Lamb? Chorus. Are you washed in the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? 114 CHEERFUL SOXOS. 2 Are you walking daily by the Saviour's side? Are vou washed in the blood of the Lainb? Do YOU rest each moment in the Cruci- 'fied? Are YOU washed in the blood of the Lamb? 3 When the Bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white, Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb? Will your souls be ready for the man- sions bright, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb? 4 Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb ; There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, be washed in the blood of the Lamb ! Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 117 Come, Ye Blessed. 1 AVhen our Saviour in his glory With the angel host shall come, When in clouds from heaven descending He shall call his children home; When before him shall be gathered All the nations far and near, What a shout of joy will greet him When the welcome words we hear. 115 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Come, ye blessed of my Father, Come, ye blessed of my Father, Inherit the kingdom prepared for you From the foundation of the world.' 2 To the well of living water If the thirsty we have led. If the stranger we have sheltered. And the hungry we have fed, If a weary, fainting brother We have tried to help and cheer, O the rest that we shall enter When the welcome words we hear. 3 If we give our lives to Jesus And delight to do his will ; If we follow out liis teaching, And his great commands fulfill. If our light is seen by others, Like the noonday, bright and clear, What a joyful, joyful meeting When the welcome words we hear. Fanny J, Crosby, 118 There's a Great Day Coming. 1 There's a great day coming, a great day coming. There's a great da}^ coming by and by, When the saints and the sinners shall be parted right and left. Are you ready for that day to come? 116 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Are you ready? are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready? are you ready For the judgment day? 2 There's a bright day coming, a bright day coming, There's a bright day coming by and by, But its brightness shall only come to them that love the Lord. Are you ready for that day to come? 3 There's a sad day coming, a sad day coming, There's a sad day coming by and by, When the sinner shall hear his doom, *' Depart, I know you not." Are you ready for that day to come? W. L.' Thompson. 119 Meet in the Morning. 1 We are marching onward to the heav- enly land. To meet each other in the morning; We are pressing forward to the golden strand, Where joy will crown us in the morn- ing. Chorus. In the morning, in the morning, We will gather with the faithfiil in the morning; 117 CHEERFUL SONGS. Where the night of sorrow shall be rolled away, And joy will crown us in the morn- ing. 2 We are trav'ling onward from a world of care, To meet each other in the morning; O the time is coming, we shall soon be there, And joy will crown us in the morn- ing. 3 We are trav'ling onward, and the way growls bright,' We'll meet each other in the morning. Where our friends are waiting at the gate of life. And joy will crown us in the morning. 4 Where the hills are blooming on the other shore, We'll meet each other in the morning! Where the heart's deep longing will be felt no more, And joy will crown us in the morning. 5 In the boundless rapture of a Saviour's love. We'll meet each other in the morning; Then we'll sing his glory in the realms above. And joy will crown us in the morning, H. E. Blair. 118 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 120 The City of Light. 1 There's a city of light 'mid the stars, we are told, Where they know not a sorrow or care; And the gates are of pearl, and the streets are of gold, And the building exceedingly fair. Giorus. Let ns pray for each other, nor faint by the way, In this sad world of sorrow and care, For that home is so bright, and is almost in sight, And I trust in my heart you'll go there. 2 Brother dear, never fear, we shall tri- umph at last If we tru«t in tiie word lie has giv'n; "When our trials and toils and our weep- ings are past. We shall meet in that home up in heav'n. 3 Sister dear, never fear, for the Saviour is near. With his hand he will lead you along; And the way that is dark Christ will graciously clear, And your mourning shall turn to a song. 4 Let us walk in the light of the gospel divine; Let us ever keep near to the cross ; 119 < iii.Kinri. ,\n\(jH. I,«'|, iiH l«»vy me. no CHEEEFUL SONGS. 3 Lord, I beseech thee for wis-dom and grace, In winning lost souls unto tliee; That many may be in that beautiful place, A crown of rejoicing to me. Rev. J. H. Martin. 131 He Is My Portion Forever. 1 All, all to Jesus, I consecrate anew, He is my portion forever ; Only his glory henceforth will I pursue, He is my portion forever. Refrain. Take, take the world, with all its gilded toys ; Take, take the world, I covet not its joys. Mine is a wealth no moth nor rust de- stroys ; Jesus 'my portion forever. 2 All, all to Jesus, my trusting heart can say. He is my portion forever ; Led by his mercy, I'm walking ev'ry day. He is my portion forever. 3 Though he may try me, this blessed truth I know: He is my portion forever. He will not leave me, his promise tells me so, He is my portion forever. 131 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 All, all to Jesns I cheerfully resign, He is my portion forever; I have the* witness that he, my Lord, is mine. He is my portion forever. Lizzie Edwards. 132 Marching on to Victory. 1 The temperance cause is moving on, Our State and nation shall be free; A better day begins to dawn ; We're marching on to victory. Cliorus. We're marching on, we're marching on, We're marchinor on to victory; A better day begins to dawn. We're marching on to victory. 2 Thy kingdom come, O Lord, we pray; Tis coming soon, the world shall see; God save our homes, we cry to-day, AVhile marching on to victory. 3 The temperance banner soon shall wave From north to south, from sea to sea; With earnest step, ye true and brave. We're marching on to victory. 4 We soon shall join the glad refrain; "The land we love at last is free! Hosannal swell the joyful strain! " We're marching on to victorv. 5 The crowning work will soon be done; God speed the coming jubilee! Behold, the day is almost won ! We're marching on to victory. Xathan Dun, B.D. 132 (JHEERFUL SONGS. 133 Home to Mothek in Heaven. 1 O FATHER, come kiss me once more, And watch by my bed just to-night, Your Xettie wili walk through the Val- ley of Death Ere dawn of the sweet Sabbath light. Oiorus. father, I'm going to mother so dear; I dreamed that I saw her last night; A.nd over the river sweet voices I hear, They call me to mansions of light — Home, home, home to my mother in heaven. 2 fiither, what news shall I take To Jesus and mother for you? I'll tell him to send holy angels of light To bless and to comfort yuu too. 3 Our home here is lonely and dark, And oft we are hungry and cold; But I shall go home to my mother to- night, Where pleasures are purer than gold. 4 father, dear father, once more Of Jesus I ]iray you to think; And when I am gone to my mother in heaven, father, please give up your drink. 5 O father, dear fother, once more Please read in my Bible and think: "Xo drunkard shall enter the kingdom of heaven." God, keep my father fiom drink! A. S. Kieffer. 133 CHEERFUL SONGS. 134 Touch Not kor Taste. 1 Say, who hath sorrow, contentions, and woe? They where the wine-cup is flowing who go. Look not upon it, a serpent its head Hides in the glow of the glittering red. Refrain. Touch not nor taste, touch not nor taste; from the adder that stingeth you haste! Tarry nor stay, tarry nor stay There when a serpent \mi hides to be- tray. 2 Say, who in spirit are wounded, in pain? Thej" who go seeking the wine-cup again, Tarrying long till the sparkle is past; Lol it shall sting like an adder at last. 3 Say, who is stricken until he must be Like as one tossed in the midst of the sea? They who are beaten and sickened and sore, They who have fallen on the wine-cup before. 4 What shall we tell them, O what can we say ? How can we turn them from sinning away ? Lovingly give them the brotherly hand, Tenderly helpinsf the fallen to stnnd. Mm. M. B. C. Slade. 134 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 13o The Wages of Six. 1 I HAVE labored for tliee, O sin, AVith energy ni,n, And ere thou art scarce aware. The day of thy life may be gone. 151 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Delay not to come, DeLiy not to conic, While Jesus invites, Delay not, delay not to come. 2 Delay not to come to Christ ! Thy heart will grow hard as steel. Until, though the Saviour calls, Thy spirit no longer can feel. 3 Delay not to come to Christ! For soon it may he too late. And thou niay'st bo loft in sin, Unpardoned at sweet mercy's gate. E. A. Hoffman. 154: Sunshine in the Soul. 1 There's sunshine in my soul to-day, More glorious and bright Than glows in any earthly sky, For Jesus is my light. Refrain. there's sunshine, blessed sunshine. When the peaceful, happv momenta roll; When Jesus shows his smiling face There is sunshine in the soul. 2 There's music in my soul to-day, A carol to my King, And Jesus, listening, can hear The songs I cannot sing. 152 CHEERFUL SUAUS. 3 There's spring-time in my soul to-day, For when the Lord is near The dove of peace sings in my heart, Tlie flowers of grace appear. 4 There's gladness in my soul to-day, And hope, and praise, and love, For blessings which he gives me now, For joys " laid up " above. E. E. IlewiU. ^55 Breathe upon Us. 1 Revive, O Lord, our waiting souls. Renew our altar fire! And every heart, for thy ])lest work, With sacred zeal inspire ! Refrain. Come, Loid, and breathe upon us, With thine own soul divine, And o'er thy waiting Church below In strength and glory shine! 2 Help us to consecrate ourselves Anew to thy dear will; With living words and earnest deed Thy blessed law fulfill ! 3 O light the fires of fervid love Within each breast to-day, And draw us closer now to thee, And bless us while we i)ray. 4 Imbue us with thy Spirit, Lord, And purify each heart; Baptize us with tlie jiower we need ; New life and streiiirih impart! Mrs. R. y. 7 in-twr. Alt.) CHEERFUL SONGS. 156 Beautiful Robes. 1 We shall walk with him in white, In that country pure and bright, Where shall enter naught that may defile; Where the day-beam ne'er declines, For the blessed light that shines Is the glory of the Saviour's smile. Chorus. Beautiful robes, beautiful robes, Beautiful robes we then shall wear. CJarnients of light, lovely and bright. Walking with Jesus in white, Beautiful robes we shall wear. 2 We shall walk with him in white, Wliere faith yields to blissful sight, When the beauty of the King we see; Holding converse full and sweet. In a fellowship complete; AVaking songs of holy melody. 3 We shall walk with him in white, By the fountains of delight, Where the Lamb his ransomed ones shall lead, For his blood shall w^ash each stain. Till no spot of sin i-emain, And the soul for evermore is freed. E. E. Hervitt. 157 The Golden Key. 1 Prayer is the key For the bending knee To 0})en the morn's first hours ; 154 CHEERFUL SONGS. See the incense rise To the starry skies, Like perfume li'om tlie flowers. 2 Not a soul so sad, Nor a iieart so glad, When Cometh the shades of night, But the day-break song Will the joy prolong, And some darkness turn to light. 3 Take tlie golden key In your hand and see, As the night tide drifts away, How its blessed hold Is a crown of gold Through the weary hours of day. 4 When the shadows fall. And the vesper call Is sobbing its low refrain,. 'Tis a garland sweet To the toil-dent feet. And an antidote for pain. 5 Soon the year's dark door Shall be shut no more ; Life's tears shall be wiped away, As the pearl gates swing. And the gold harps ring, And the sun unsheathe for aye. 158 TnE Haven of Eest. I My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea, So burdenc4 with sin, and distressed, Till I heard a sweet voice saying, " ^lake me vour choice ; " And I entered the " Haven of Rest ! " 155 CHEERFUL SONGS. CJiorm. I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I'm safe evermore. 2 I yielded myself to his tender embrace. And faith takin<^ hold of the word, My fetters fell off, and I anchoi-ed my soul ; The haven of rest is my Lord. 3 The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole. Has been the old story so blest, Of Jesus, who'll save whosoever will have A home in the " Haven of Rest ! " 4 How precious the thought that we all may recline. Like John the beloved and blest, On Jesus' strong arm, where no tempest can harm, Secure in the " Haven of Rest ! " 5 O come to the Saviour, he patiently waits To save bv his power (Uvine; Come, anchor your soul in the haven of rest. And say: " My Beloved is mine." H. L. Gilmour. 156 CHEEiiFUL soyas. lo9 Home OF THE Soul. 1 I WILL sing you a song of that beautiftil land, Tlie far away home of the soul, Where no storms ever beat on the glit- tering strand, While the years of eternity roll, While the years of eternity roll; Where no stomis ever beat on that ght- tering strand, While the years of eternity roll. 2 that home of the soul, in my visions and dreams Its bright, jr.sper walls I can see; Till I fancy but thinly the veil inter- venes Between tlie fair city and me, Between the fair city and mc ; Till I fancy but thinly the veil inter- venes • Between tlie fair city and me. 3 Tiuit unchangeable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands; The King of all kingdoms forever is he, And he holdeth our crowns in his hands. And he holdeth our crowns in his hands; The King of all kingdoms forever is he, And he holdeth our crowns in his hands. 157 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 O how sweet it will be in that beauti- ful land, So free from all sorrow and pain; Witli songs on our lips, and with harps in our hands, To meet one another again. To meet one another again; With songs on our lips, and with harps in our hands, To meet one another again. Mrs. Ellen H. Gates. 160 His Blood Washes Whiter Than Snow. 1 Jesus saves me and keeps me from sin, By the blood that he slied on the tree ; Through his Spirit and Word I am clean, For his grace is abundant and free. Refrain. I believe Jesus saves, And his blood washes whiter than snow ; I believe Jesus saves, And his blood washes whiter than snow. 2 It is blessed his presence to feel, And his faithful disciple to be; For his love he deligiits to reveal. And his grace is abundant and free. 3 In his care I am happy and blest, And his perfect peace flows unto me, And my spirit is always at rest. For his grace is abundant and free. 158 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 4 When in glory the Saviour we meet, AVhen the King in his beauty we see, "We'll confess, as we fall at his i'eet, That his grace is abundant and free. Joshua Gill. 161 Jesus of Nazareth Died for Me. 1 I'm helpless Lord, to thee I fly, ■ In mercy hear me when I cry, While now I urge one only plea: Je=us of Nazareth died for me. Chorus. Jesus of Nazareth died for me, Died to redeem and set me free; This is my hope, my only plea: Jesus of Nazareth died for me. *2 I know thou wilt my sin-? forgive. For thou hast bid me turn and live, With longing heart I come to thee: Je^us of Nazareth died for me. 3 My Saviour now is lifted up, I look to him, my only hope, I trust thy word, and press the plea: Jesus of Nazareth died for me. 4 And now I hear thy pard'ning voice, That bids me in thy love rejoice, ]My soul doth triumph in the plea: Jesus of Nazareth died for me. Wm. II. Clark. 16^ Jesus Is Precious to Me. 1 Sweet is the name of my Lord, Happy his servants must be, 159 CHEERFUL SONGS. Singing in joyful accord : "Jesus is precious to me." Chorus. Jesus is precious to me, Jesus is i)recious to me, Saved by his grace, so full, so free, Jesus is precious to me. 2 Precious his love that sustains, Precious in joy and delight. Precious in conflict and pains, Precious in sorrow and night. 3 Precious in days of my youth, Precious in age and decline; Precious the voice of his truth. Precious the hope that is mine. 4 Precious the blood that he shed. Precious the tears that he wept; Precious the ransom he paid. Precious the grave where he slept 5 Precious the cross that I bear. Sent as a token of love ; Precious the crown I shall wear, Kadiant with glory above. PrisciUa J. Owens. 163 Take Hold, Hold on. 1 O TURN not back in the Christian race Till the prize is won we know; Reach up to Christ for abounding grace, Take hold and never let go ! 160 CHEERFUL S0N08. Chorus. Take hold, hold on, Hold fast and never let go! No matter how the wind in the tempest may blow, Take hold and never let go ! 2 O turn not back on life's battle-field, Though the world's a mighty foe; God's arms are round thee as a shield, Take hold and never let go! 3 Truth's anchor firmly, surely clasp, As the billows near thee flow, God's hand will close o'er thy feeble grasp. Take old and never let go ! 4 Though danger threatens or death alarms, In each rising flood of woe, Still cling to God's everlasting arms, Take hold and never let go! Priscilla J. Oicens. 164 Praise the Lord for His Love to Me. 1 On the cold, barren hills I had wandered afar, I was weary as weary could be. When the kind, loving voice of the Sav- iour I heard. And I knew he was seeking for me. 11 161 CHEERFUL 80NG8. Refrain. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord; O my soul, rejoice and sing; Praise the Lord for his love to me. He redeemed me with his blood, the precious, cleansing flood ; Hallelujah! praise the Lord. 2 O the depths of his love that my sin could remove When so long I had turned from his call! But my guilt I confessed, for my heart was oppressed, And he freely forgave me for all. 3 O the joy that I feel I can never reveal: Theie'is light where my pathway was dim; I was lost till he came; now, by faith in his name, 1 am trusting my future to him. 4 Praise the Lord, O my soul, for the work he has done, For his goodness and mercy to me. For the hope of a rest in the land of the blest. Where forever with him I shall l)e. Henrietta E. Blair. 165 He Saves to the Uttermost. 1 I WAS once far away from the Saviour, And as vile as a sinner could be; 162 CHEERFUL SONGS. I wondered if Chri;?!, the Redeemer, Would save a poor sinner like me. I wandered on in the darkness, Not a ray of light could I see; And the thought filled my heart with sadness, There's no hope for a sinner like me. 2 But there in that lonely hour A voice sweetly whispered to me, Saying: "Christ the Redeemer hath power To save a poor sinner like thee." I listened, and lo! 'twas the Saviour That was speaking so kind to me. I cried : " I'm the chief of sinners; Thou, cans't save a poor sinner like me." 3 I then fully trusted in Jesus, And O what a joy came to me I My heart was filled with his praises, For he saved a poor sinner like nie. No longer in darkness I'm walking, For the light is shining on me, And now unto others I'm telling How he saved a poor sinner like me. Charles J. Butler. 166 In the Morning. 1 We are pilgrims looking home, Sad and weary oft we roam. But we know 'twill all be well in the morning ; When, our anchor firmly cast, Ev'ry stormy wave is past. And we gatlier safe at last in the morning. 163 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. When we all meet again in the morning, On the sweet blooming hills in the morning, Never more to say good-night in that sunny region bright, When we hail the blessed light of the morning. 2 the^e tender broken ties, How they dim our aching eyes! But like jewels they will shine in the morning. When our victor palms we bear, And our robes immortal wear. We shall know each other there in the morning. 3 When our fettered souls are free. Far beyond the narrow sea, ■ And we hear the Saviour's voice in morning; When our golden sheaves we bring To the feet of Christ our King, What a chorus we shall sing in the morning! 4 Through our pilgrim journey here. Though the night is sometimes drear, Let us watch and persevere till the morning ; Then our highest tribute raise For the love that crowns our days, And to Jesus give the praise in the morning, Lizzie Edirards. 164 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 167 Help Just a Liti'le. 1 Brother, for Christ's kingdom sighing, Help a little, help a little; Help to save the millions dying, Help just a little. Oiorus. O the wrongs that we may righten! O the hearts that we may lighten! O the skies that we may' brighten I Helping just a little. 2 Is thv cuj) made sad bv trial? Help a little, help a little; Sweeten it with self-denial, Help just a little. 3 Though no wealth to thee is given, Help a little, help a little; Sacrifice is gold in heaven. Help just a little. 4 Let us live for one another. Help a little, help a little; Help to lift each fallen brother, Help just a little. 5 Though thy life is pressed with sorrow, Help a little, help a little; Bravely look toward God's to-morrow, Help just a little. Hev. W. A. Spencer. 168 Leaning on Jesus. 1 Weary with walking alone, Long heavy laden with i^in; Toiling all night without Christ,. Eest for my soul shall I win? -i 16o CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Leaning on Jesus, I walk at his side ; Leaning on Jesus, I trust him, my Shepherd and Guide. 2 Fearing to stand fur my Lord, TrembUng for weakness in prayer; Yet on the bosom divine Losing eacli sorrow and fear. 3 Anxious no longer for self. Shrinking no longer from pain, Leaning on Jesus alone, He all my care will sustain. 4 Leaning, I walk in " the way ; " Leaning, "the truth" I shall know; Leaning on heart-throbs of Christ, Safe into " life " I mav go. Rev. W.E. Crafts. 169 Trusting in the Promise. 1 I HAVE found re}X)se for my weary soul, And a harbor safe when the billows roll, Trusting in the promise of my Sav- iour; I will fear no foe in the deadly strife, I will bear my lot in the toil of life. Trusting in the promise of the Sav* iour; Refrain. Resting on his mighty arm forever, Never from his loving heart to sever, I will rest by grace in his strong em-J brace, j Trusting in the promise of the SaviourJ 166 CHEERFUL SONGS. ^ I will bing my i^ong as the days go by, And rejoice in hope, while I live or die, Trusting in the j^rotnise of the Sav- iour; I can smile at grief, and abide in pain, And the loss of all shall bs highest gain, Trusting in the promise of the Sav- iour. 3- O the peace and joy of the life I live, O the strength and love only God can give, Trusting in the promise of the Sav- iour; Whosoever will may be saved to-day. And begin to walk in the holy way, Trusting in the promise of the Sav- iour. Rev. H. B. Hartzler. I O'er the hills and adown the snowy dells, As the echoes ring of the Christmas hells. Angel songs in our hearts resound again, Singing peace on earth and good-will to men ! Chorus. Bring pine and fir tree, weave the gar- lands bright; Gladden the temple of the King to- night I Christmas, is here! Fill it with cheer! Make it glorious with joy and light. 167 CHEERFUL SONGS. O'er the hills and adown the snowy dells, As the echoes ring of the Christmas bells, Angel songs in our hearts resound again, Singing peace on earth and good-will to men! 2 Bring good -will to the suffering and sad; Speak the tender word that shall make them glad; Tell them how, o'er the hills of Bethle- hem When the angels sang, 'twas good news for them. Chorus. Bring pine and fir tree, weave the gar- lands bright ; Gladden the temple of the King to- night! Christmas is here! Fill it with cheer! Make it glorious with joy anrl light. Bring good-will to the suffering and sad: Speak the tender words that shall make them glad; Tell them how, o'er the hills of Bethle- hem When the angels sang, 'twas good news for them. 3 Peace on earth! bid all strife and tu- mult cease : For this night again gives the Lord his peace, 168 CHEERFUL SOXGS. While our hands shall his temple beau- tify, Carol, glory be unto God most high. Chorus. Bring pine and fir tree, weave the gar- lands bright; Gladden the temple of tlie King to- night : Ciiri.stuias is here^ Fill it with cheer! Make it glorious with joy and light. Peace on earth! bid all strife and tu- mult cea«e: For this night again gives the Lord his peace. While our hands shall his temple beau- tify, Carol, glory be unto God most high, 4 So glad hearts on this happy Christmas night Bring your gifts of love, make his altar bright, Sing glad songs that shall sweetly sound as when Angels sang of peace and good-will to men. Chorus. Bring pine and fir tree, weave the gar- lands bright; Gladden the temjde of the Kiiig to- ni'jht: ' ■ Christmas is here ! Fill it with clieer! Make it glorious with joy and light. 169 CHEERFUL SONGS. So glad hearts on this happy Christmas night Bt-ing your gifts of love, make his altar bright, Sing glad songs that shall sweetly sound as when Angels sang of peace and good-will to men. Mrs. M. B. C. SHade. 171 I Am Saved. 1 I AM saved, the Lord hath saved me, Help me shout the glorious news! I have taj^ted God's salvation, And 'tis sweet as honeyed dews. Chorus. Glory, glory, hallelujah! I rejoice salvation came; Glory, glory, hallelujah! I am saved in Jesus' name. 2 Loud I sing my exultation. Hoping it will reach the skies. Keep, dear Lord, my soul forever LTnder thy protecting eyes. 3 Free salvation! glad salvation! Let us shout from pole to pole, Until each diseased nation Feels that God hath made it whole. 4 When at last the days are gathered Into thy great judgment one. May I find my name deep written, In the records of thv Son. Mrs.^8. L. Oherholtzer. 170 CHEERFUL SONGS. 172 A Song of Trust. 1 God has given me a song, a song of trust, And I sing it all day long, for sing I must; Ev'ry hour it sweeter grows, Fills my soul with blest repase, Just how restful no one knows but those who trust. Chorus. Ye who trust in the Lord, O sing a glad refrain; Raise your songs on high. His mighty love proclaim ; For his promise is sure, Ye shall not be put to shame, Ye shall never be confounded again : Praise his name! 2 1 sing it on the mountain, in the light, Where the radiance of God's sunshine makes all bright; All my path seems bright and clear, Heav'nly land seems very near; Why, I almost then appear to walk by 'sight. 3 And I sing it in the valley dark and low, When my heart is crushed with sorrow, pain, and woe; Then the shadows flee away, . Like the night when dawns the day; Trust in God brings light alway, I find it so. 171 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 When I sing it in the desert parche^l and dry, Livinw streams begin to flow, a rich sup- ply; Verdure in abundance grows, Deserts blossom like a rose, And my heart with joy o'erflows at ^ Gpd's reply. 5 For I've crossed the river Jordan, and I . stand In the blessed land of promise, Beulah Land : Trusting is like breathing here, Just as easy — doubt and fear Vanish in this atmosphere, in Beulah Land. , , ''Beulah." 1 < 3 S(' RRENDERED. 1 I HAVE surrendered to the Lord, ; The world no longer pleases; I'm yielding all to his control. Accepting only Jesus. 2 How tenderly he holds my hand! Through pastures green he leads me; My thirsting soul he satisfies, With heav'nly manna feeds me. 3 By day by night he's always near> . ' Sweet joy and comfort bringing; O how my soul exults anew When praise to Jesus singing. 4 ]jip noonday drousfht affects my soul, in Jesus I'm confiding; 172 CHEERFUL SONGS. constant, sweet comi>a.nionship, With Christ in me abiding. 5 O victory that's always sure! blesl emancipation! O vanquished tempter of my sonl! O free and full salvation ! " Dr. H. L. Gilmour, 174: Are You Drifting? 1 Are you drifting down life's curient, Drifting on a dang'rop.s tide? Xear the rapids' fearful peril All unconscious do ye glide? Down the stream of sin and folly — Heeding not the danger near, Drifting on in self-complacence, . Feeling no remorse or fear? Chorus. Hark the voice of yonder pilot; Cease your drifting, seize the oar; Make the blest, celestial harbor. Steer your bark for Canaan's shore. 1 )own the stream of worldly pleasure, . Drifting, drifting evermore '.Ooward the great unfathomed ocean. Bound for yon eternal shore. Drifting, drifting — going — whither? Aimless, purposeless— how vain! To the d.ark and dread forever ! What, O what have you to gain? 3 Heed, O heed the kind monition! Give your aimless wand'rings o'er; CHEERFUL SONGS. Cease to seek in earth your pleasure, Head your bark for heav'n's bright shore, Take on board the skillful pilot, Use the oars of faith and prayer; Then you'll make the port of glory, God will guide you safely there, Mary D. James. 175 Give Me Jesus. 1 When I'm happy, hear me sing, When I'm happy, hear me sing, When I'm happy, hear me sing: "Give me Jesus." Chorus. Give me Jesus, ' Give me Jesus ; You may have all the world: Give me Jesus. 2 When in sorrow, hear me pray, When in sorrow, hear me pray, When in sorrow, hear me pray: " Give me Jesus." 3 When I'm dying, hear me cry, When I'm dying, hear me cry, When I'm dyinsr, hear me cry: " Give me Jesus." 4 When I'm rising, hear me shout, When "I'm rising, hear me shout, When I'm rising, hear me shout: "Give me Jesus." 5 When in heaven, we will sing, When in heaven, we will sing, 174 CHEERFVL SO^GS. When in heaven, we will sing: " Blessed Jesus." Chorus. Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, By thy grace we are saved, Blessed Jesus. 176 He Will Gather the Wheat. 1 When Jesus shall gather the nations Before him at last to appear, Then how shall we stand in the judg- ment. When summoned our sentence to hear? Chorus. He will gather the wheat in his garner. But the chaff he will scatter away; Then how shall we stand in the judg- ment? O how shall it be in that day? - Shall we hear, from the lips of the Sav- iour, The words, "Faithful servant, well done;" Or, trembling with fear and with an- guish, Be banished away from his throne? 3 He will smile when he looks on his children, And «ees on the ransomed his seal; H,' will clothe theui in heav'nly beauty. As low at his footstool tliey kneel. 1"5 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 Then let us be watching and waiting, Our lamps burning steady and bright, When the Bridegroom shall call to the wedding Our spirits made ready for flight. 5 Thus livi-ng with hearts fixed on Jesus In patience we wait fnr the time. When, the days of our pilgrimage ended. We'll bask in his presence divine. Harriet B. M'Keever. 1 7 7 Jesus Wilt, Forgive. 1 Come, ye sinners, come to-day: Jesus will forgive you freely. All your sins he'll wash away: Jesus will forgive you freely. Chorus. O (;ome to-day ! Why longer stay away? He will not siy you nay: Jesus will forgive you freely. 2 Come unto the mercy-seat: Jesus will forgive you freely. Huinhly falling at his feet, Jesus will forgive you freely. 3 Lay your treasures up above: Jesus will forgive yon freely. Trust the riches of his love: Jesus will forgive you freely. , 4 Earnestly a blessing s^ek: ■; Jesus will forgive you freely. 176 CHEERFUL SO^'GS. Trembling sinner, faint and weak, Je«us will forgive you freely. 5 He is able all to save : Jesus will forgive you freely. For your love his blood he ga've: Jesus will forgive you freely. 6 Then, ye sinners, come to-day: Jesus will forgive you freely. All your sins he'll wa>^h away: Jesus will forgive yon freely. Mrs .'Lo Ida K.' Rogers. 178 Beulah Land. 1 I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. Chorus. Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on thy highest mount I stand, 1 look aw^ay across the sea, AVhere mansions are prepared for me, .' And view the shining glory shore. My heav'n, my home for evermore I 2 My Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by his hand. For this is heaven's border land. 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever vernal trees. And flowers, that never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. 12 177 CHEERFUL SONGS., 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet redemption song. Edgar Page. 179 He Hideth My Soul. 1 A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Saviour to me, He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see. Chorus. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of his love, And covers me there with his liand, And covers me there with liis hand. 2 A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away, He holdeth me up, and I shall not be moved, He giveth me strength as my day. f ^^ith numberless blessings each moment he f-rowns. And filled with his fiillness divine, [ sins in my rapture: "O glory to God For such a Redeemer as mine! '' 178 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 4 When clothed in his brightness trans- ported I viae To meet him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, his wonderful love, I'll shout with the millions on high. Fanny J. Crosby. 180 I Hope to Meet You All in Gloey. 1 I hope to meet you all in glory, Wlien the storms of life are o'er; I hope to t jU the dear old story, On the blessed shining shore. Chorus. On the shining shore, On the golden strand, In my Father's home. In the happy land, I hope to meet you there, I liope to meet you there, A crown of vict'ry wear In glory. 2 I hope to meet you all in glory. By the tree of life so fair; I hojje to praise our dear Redeemer For the grace that brought me there. 3 I hope to meet you all in glory. Round the Saviour's throne above; I hope to join the ransomed army Singinsr now redeeming love. 4 I hope to meet you all in glory, When my work on earth is o'er; I hope to clasp your hands rejoicing On the bright eternal shore, Emma PiU. 179 CHEERFUL SONGS. 181 Trusting in Jesus. 1 Trusting in Jesus, my Saviour divine, I have the witness that still he is mine ; Great are the blessings he giveth to me : I am happy as mortal can be. Chorus. 1 am redeemed, I know it full well, Saved by his grace, I with him shall dwell; I am redeemed, and the child of his love, Heir to a gloriovi&; crown above. 2 Once I was far from my Saviour and King, Now he has taught me his mercy to sing ; Peace in believing he giveth to me : O I am happy as mortal can be. 3 Trusting in Jesus, O Avhat should I fear? Nothing can harm me when he i-^ so near ! Sweet is the promise he giveth to me : I am happy as mortal c^n be. 4 If while a stranger I journey below. Filled with his fullness such rapture I know, What will the bliss of eternity be, When in his beauty the King I shall see? Frank Gould. 183 and 183 When the Mists Have Cleared Away. 1 When the mists have rolled in splendor From the nummitof the hills, ISO CHEERFUL !S(jy(Jfs. And the sunshine warm and tender, Falls in beauty on the rills, "We may read love's shining letter In the rainbow of the spray; AVe shall know each other better AVhen the mists have cleared away. Refrain. We shall know as we are known, Never more to walk alone; In the dawning of the morning When the mists have cleared awa}^ In the dawning of the morning When the mists have cleared awav. 2 If we err in human blindness, And forget that we are dust; If we miss the law of kindness, When we struggle to be just, Snowy wings of love shall cover All the faults that cloud our daj', When the weary watch is over, And the mists have cleared away. 3 When the mis-ts shall rise above us, As our Father knows his own, - Face to face with those that love us, We shall know as we are known; Lo! beyond the orient meadows Floats the golden fringe of day ; . Heart to heart we hide the shadows Till the mists have cleared awav. Annir Hr'rbcrU 181 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 184 His Anger Is Turned Away. 1 O Lord, I will praise thee; For though thou wast angry, Thine anger is turned away ! By grace now is pardoned This heart that was hardened; Prom sin I am ransomed to-day. Chorus. Hosanna! hosanna! Tiie Lord is my banner, ^ His anger is turned aw^ay! ^ ^ ^| My chains have been riven, ^ My sins all forgiven ; O Lord, I will praise thee to-day. 2 O Lord, I will praise thee, mk Because thou hast saved me, ^ And welcomed thy prodigal home: Thy great love abiding Hath healed my backsliding; From thee I will never more roam. 3 O Lord, I will praise thee. For great is thy mercy, To pardon transgressions like mine. Though summer had ended. Thine angels defended. And kept this late trophy of thine. 4 Lord, I will praise thee, For though thou wast angry. Thine anger is turned a\\^y ! Thy comforts now cheer me, Thy presence is near me, Thou lovest me freely to-day! F. u. Burroughs., 182 CHEERFUL SONGS. 185 Welcome for Me. 1 Like a bird on the deep, far away from its nest, I had wandered, my Saviour, from thee; But thy dear loving voice called me home to thy breast, And I knew there was welcome for me. ChoriLS. Welcome for me, Saviour, from thee ; A smile and a welcome for me: Now, like a dove, I rest in thy love. And find a sweet refuge in thee. 2 I am safe in the ark; I have folded my wings. On the bosom of mercy divine; I am filled with the light of thy presence so bright, And the joy that will ever be mine. 3 I am safe in the ark, and I dread not the storm, Thouijh around me the surges may roll'; I will look to the skies, where the day never dies, I will sing of the joy in my soul. 'Fanny J. Crosby. 183 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 180 Abiding in Him. 1 Abiding, O so wondrous sweet! I'm restino' at the Saviour's feet; I U'ust in him, I'm satisfied, I'm resting in the Crucified! CJioru.s. Abiding, abidinong. 2 Watch and pray: the tempter may be near us ; ' Keep the heart with jealous care, Lest the door, a moment left unguarded, Evil thoughts may enter there. 3 Watch and pray, nor let us ever weary; Jesus watched and prayed alone: Prayed for us when only stars beheld him, AVhile on Olive's brow they shone. 4 Watch and pray, nor leave your post of duty. Till we hear the Bridegroom's voice; Then, with him the marriage feast par- taking. We shall evermore rejoice. Fanny J. Crosbi/. 188 At the Cross I'll Abide. 1 O Jesus, Saviour, I long to rest Near the cross where thou hast died ; For there is hope for the aching breast, At the cross I will abide. Chnrus. At the cross I'll abide, At the cross I'll abide, At the cross I'll abide, There his blood is aj>plied ; At the cross I am sanctified. 185 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 My dying Je^ui^, my Saviour God, Who hast liorn my guilt and sin, Now wasli me, cleanse me with thy own blood, Ever keep me pure and clean. 3 O Jesus, Saviour, now make me thine, Never let me stray from thee; O wash me, cleanse me, for thou art mine, And thy love is full and free. 4 The cleansing pow'r of thy blood apjjly, All my guilt and sin remove; O help me, while at thy cross I lie, Fill my soul with perfect love. /. BaUzell. 189 Happy in the Love of Jesus. 1 Bright is the day-star shining for me, Happy in the love of Jesus; Now from my bondage grace makes me free, Happy in the love of Jesus. CllOTUS. Praise from my full heart loudly shall ring. Born of the Spirit, child of a King; Heir to his glory, now will I sing, Happy in the love of Jesus. 2 He has redeemed me, I am his own, Happy in the love of Jesus; Drawn by his mercy near to his throne, Happy in the love of Jesus. 1S6 CHEERFUL HONGS. 3 How I am honored, how I am blest! Happ)^ in the love of Jesus; Under his banner sweetly I'll rest, Happy in the love of Jesus. 4 Firm is my anchor, steadfast and sure, Happy in the love of Jesus ; All things with patience I can endure, Happy in the love of Jesus. Henrietta E Blair. 190 The Kingdom Coming. 1 From all the dark places Of earth's heathen races, O see how the thick shadows fly! The voice of salvation Awakes ev'ry nation, " Come over and help us," they cry. Chorus. The kingdom is coming, O tell ye the story, God's banner exalted shall be! The earth shall be full of his knowl- edge and glory, As waters that cover the sea. 2 The sunlight is glancing O'er armies advancing To conquer the kingdoms of sin; Our Lord shall possess them, His presence shall bless them, _ His beauty shall enter them in. 3 With shouting and singing. And jubilant rin'jfing, Their arms of rebellion cast down; 187 CHEERFUL SOXGS. At last ev'ry nation The Lord of salvation Their King and Redeemer shall crown. Mrs. M. B. C. mode. 191 The Half Has Never Been Told. 1 I KNOW I love thee better, Lord, Than anj'- earthly joy, For thou hast given me the peace Which nothing can destroy. Chorus. The half has never yet been told, Of love so full and free; The half has never yet l)een told, The blood— it cleanseth me. 2 I know that thou art nearer still Than any earthly throng, And sweeter is the thouglit of thee Than any lovely song. 3 Thou hast put gladness in my heart; Then well may I be glad ; Without the secret of thy love, I could not but be sad. 4 O Saviour, precious Saviour mine! What will thy presence be If such a life of joy can crown Our walk on earth with thee? Frances K. Havergal. 193 A Blessing in Prayer. 1 There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master's feet, There is favor now at the mercy-seat, 188 CHEERFUL S(fX(rS. For atoning l>loo(l has been sing from you and from me; Shaduws are gatliering, death-beds are coming, Coming for you and for me. 4 for the wonderful love he has prom- ised! Promised for you and for me; Though we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. Will L. Thompso7i. 301 Stay Xot. 1 Jesus is waiting to save you. Bring him your l.urden of sin; Knock at the portals of mercy, Jesus will welcome you in. Chorus. Stay not, s-tay not, Faithful his promise and true; Stay not, stay not. Now there is pardon for you. 2 Come when the morning is brightest, Come in the spiing-time of youth. Come in the vigor of manhood, Drink at the fountain of truth. 3 Come, and the Saviour will give you Lire and its pleasures untold, Come, and his mercy ^vill keep you Guarded and safe in his fold. 197 CHEERFUL SOXaS. 4 Come, for the momciitt^ iire flyinj/, Come, ere tliey vanish away; Trust not the dawn of to-morrow, Jesus is waiting to-day. Ilchrietta E. Blcdr. 202 Praise and Magnify Ouu King. 1 Cheat is the Lord, who ruleth over all! Wake, wake and sing, wake, wake and ^ing; Down at his feet i;i alorntion fall; Praise and magnify our King. Chorus. O ye redeemed above, Strike, strike your harps of love, Hail the Ble.^sCd One, Hail the IMighty One, Sweetly his wonders tell, Loudly ]ii-i glory swell, Prai.^e and magnily our King. 2 Great is the Lord, who spake and it w^is done ; Wake, wake and hing, wake, wake and sing ; Honor and strength, dominion he has won ; Praise and magnify our King. 3 Great is the Lord! O come with holy mirth ; Wake, wake and sing, wake, wake and sing; 198 CHEERFUL SONGS. Come and rejoice, ye nations of the ear til ; Praise and magnify our King. 4 Great is the Lord, and holy is his name! Wake, wake and sing, wake, wake and sing; Angels and men his wondrous works proclaim ; Praise and magnify our King. Lizzie Edwards., 303 MoKi: Like Thee. 1 Jesus, Saviour, great Example, Pattern of all purity, I would follow in thy foot-steps, Daily growing more like thee. Chorus. More like thee, more like thee, Saviour, this my constant prayer shall be — Day by day, where'er I stay — Make me more and more like thee. 2 Lest I wander from thy pathway, Or my feet move wearily, Saviour, take my hand and lead me, Keep me steaclfast: more like thee. 3 When temptations fiercely lower, And my shrinking soul would flee, Change each weakness into power, Keep me spotless : more like thee. 199 CHEERFUL 80JVGS. fiWhen around me all i.-* darkness, And thy beauties none may see, May thy beams, O glorious Brightness, In effulgence shine through me! 5 When death's cold, rej^ulsive finger Leaves its impress on my brow, May thy life, within me swelling. Keep me singing tlicn as now. IC J. KirJcpatrick. 204 Treasures in Heaven. 1 There's a crown in heaven for the striv- ing soul. Which the blessed Jesus himself will place On the head of each who shall faithful prove. Even unto death, in the heavenly race. Refrain. O may that crown in heaven be mine, And I among the angels shine! Be thou, O Lord, my daily guide, Let me ever in thy love abide. 2 There's a joy in heaven for the mourn- ing soul, Though the tears may fall all the eartiily night; Yet the clouds of sadness will break away, And rejoicing come with the morning light: 200 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. O may that joy in heaven be mine, And I among the angels shine! Be thou, O Lord, my daily guide, Let me ever in thy love abide. 3 There's a home in heaven for the faith- ful soul, In the many mansions prepared above, AVhere the glorified shall forever sing Of a Saviour's free and unbounded love. Refrain. O may that home in heaven be mine. And I among the angels shine! Be thou, Lord, my daily guide. Let me ever in thv love abide. T. C. O'Kane. 205 Showers of Blessing. 1 Here in thy name we are gathered. Come and revive us, O Lord ; "There shall be showers of blessing," Thou hast declared in thy word. Chorus. graciously hear us. Graciously hear us, we pray ; Pour from thy windows upon us Showers of blessing to-day. 2 that the showers of blessing Now on our souls may descend. While at the footstool of mercy Pleading thy promise we bend! 201 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 There shall be showers of blessing — Promise that never can fail; Thou wilt regard our petition; Surely our faith will prevail. 4 Showers of blessing— we need them, Showers of blessing from thee; Showers of l)lessing — grant them; Thine all the glory shall be. Jennie Garnett. 206 Until Ye Find. 1 Alas! alas! a wayward sheep Had wandered from the fold, . Far o'er the mountains rough and stee[), AVhere howling tempests rolled; The Shepherd, with a burdened mind, Went forth the missing one to find, The missing one, far, far away, The missing one to find. Chorus. Go seek until ye find; Go seek until ye find; The missing one must not be lost. Go seek until ye find. 2 He sought with many a footstep sore. From early morn till night : Through rocky waters where torrents roar, All pathways but the right; 202- CHEERFUL SOXGS. Then cried with ^^ad and burdened mind : " The missing one I have failed to tind, The missing one, far, far away, Alas! I've failed to find."' How long, O Lord, must I still go? How long search for the sheep? They've wandered far away, I know, Discouraged, lo, I weep; How long thus go, with burdened mind? "Go," Jesus saith, "until ye find: The missing one must not be lost, Go, seek until ye find I " I've sought my friends for many a day, Have prayed for many a year: Yet still they wander far away, O'er mountains dark and drear; How long thus seek with burdened mind? " Seek," Jesus saith, " until ye find: The missing one must not be lost, Go, seek and ye shall find ! " Lord, at thy word I go again. Believing I shall find: I listened, and a low refrain Came to me on the wind ; Led by the sadly joyful sound I rushed, and, lo, the lost was found ! Joy ! joy I O blessed joy divine I The lost one I have found. 203 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Joy! joy! the lost is found; Joy ! joy! the lo-it is found; Tlie missing one no longer lost, The missing one is found. Bev. E. II. Stokes, D.D, ' i Consecration. 1 My body, soul, and spirit, Jesus I give to thee, A onsL'crated offering, Thine evermore to be. Refrain. My all is on the altar, I'm waiting for tiie fire; Waiting, waiting, waiting, I'm waiting for the fire. 2 O Jesns, mighty Saviour, I trust in thy great name, I iDok for thy salvation, Thy promise now I claim. ?i li-t the fire, descending Ju-t now upon my soul. Consume my humble offering. And cleanse and make me whole. 4 I'm thine, O blessed Jesus, Washed by thy precious blood, Now seal me by thy Spirit, A sacrifice to God. Mrs. Mary D. James. 204 CHEERFUL SONGS. ^08 The Firm Foindation. 1 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faiih in his excellent word ! What more can he say, than to you he hath said. To vou, who for refuge to Jesus have fled, To vou, who for refuge to Jesus have fied? 2 " Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dis- mayed. Fur I am thy God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand, Upheld by. my gracious, omnipotent hand. 3 " When through the deej) waters I call thee to go. The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For 1 will be with thee, thy trials to bless, And sanctify to thee thy dee] -e^tdi^^tress, And sanctify to thee thy deepei^t distress. 4 " When through fiery trials thy path- way shall lie. My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy sup- ply, 205 CHEERFUL SONGS. The flame f^hall not hurt thee; I only- design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine, Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 5 "E'en down to old age all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love : And when hoary hairs shall their tem- ples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 6 "The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeav- or to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake! " George Keith. 209 Let the Blessed Saviour In. 1 Who stands outside the closed door? Rise and let him in. Who is it knocking, o'er and o'er? Rise and let him in. 206 CHEERFUL SONGS. lief rain. Let him in, Let him in, Let the blessed Saviour in; He is standing at the door, He is knocking o'er and o'er. Let the blessed Saviour in. 2 It is the Saviour calls to thee, Itise and let him in. He will come in and sup with thee, lli.-e and let him in. 3 In patient love he pleading stands, liise and let him in. The nail prints still are in his hands, Ri^e and let him in. 4 All night he kept his vigils true. Rise and let him in. B?hold his locks are wet with dew; Rise and let him in. 5 O why should he be waiting now? Rise and let him in. Thy Lord, with glory-circled brow. Rise and let him in. 6 Beware, beware! undo the door; Rise and let him in. Lest he should leave thee evermore, Rise and let him in. E. E. Hewitt. 210 Aei! 'Tis the Old, Old SxoaY. 1 Ah !• 'tis the old, old story, Tempted and led astray. Leaving the path of duty, Choosing the evil way, 207 CHEERFUL SONGS. Breaking the hearts of mothers, Slighting their fervent prayers. Sowing the seed which bringeth Only a wealth of tares. Chorus. Ah ! 'tis the old, old story, Ah ! tis the old, old story, Ah ! 'tis the old, old story. Tempted and led astray. Robbing the heart of lightness, Losing the bloom of youth. Dimming the eyes' glad brightness^ Stilling the voice of truth. Missing the pride of manhood. Missing a noble aim, Gaining a shipwrecked nature. Gaining a sullied name. But, in an old, old story. Full of grace divine. There is abundant pardon. Even for sin like thine, Now with a contrite spirit. Turn from the ways of sin, Knock at the gate of heaven, Entrance thy soul shall win. Chorus. Yes, 'tis the old, old story. Yes, 'tis the old, old story. Yes, 'tis the old, old story. Full of grace divine. MvK. C. L. Shacklock. 208 CHEERFUL SONGS. 011 Jesus, I Come to Thee. 1 Jesus, I come to thee, Longing for rest ; Fold thou thy weary child Safe to thy breast. Cliorus. Rocked on a stormy sea, O be not far from me. Lord, let me cling to thee, Only to thee. 2 Jesus, I come to thee. Hear thou my ciy; Save, or I perish, Lord, Save or I die. 3 Now let the rolling waves Bend to thy will, Say to the troubled deep, Peace, peace be still. 4 Swiftly tlie parting clouds Fade from my sight; Yonder thy bow appears. Lovely and bright. Fanny J. Crosby. 2i\2i Waiting for Me. 1 I came to the fountain that cleanseth from sin, The life-giving fountain, where miWons have been; I came in my weakness, o'erburdened with care. To find my Redeemer and Saviour was there. 14 209 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Waiting for me, waiting for me, Jesus, mv Saviour, is waiting for me; Still at the fount oft would I be. Where Jesus, my Saviour, is waiting for me. 2 He saw me approaching, and tenderly- said : "To purchase thy ransom m}'- blood I have shed, And if thou art willing just now to be- lieve. The light of my Spirit thy soul shall re- ceive." 3 I flew to his mercy, O joyful surprise! For lo ! my Redeemer had opened mine eyes ; I flew to the refuge no other con Id give, And faithfully promised for Jesus to live. 4 And now in his presence I walk with delight. And feel his protection by day and by nicjht; I think of the fountain, so precious and free. Where Jesus, my Saviour, was waiting for me. Frank Hendricks. 213 Rest, Sweet Rest. 1 Thank God for a perfect salvation, That makes me to-day what I am ; 210 CHEERFUL SOXGS. A sanctified child of his ineicy, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Chorus. O rest, sweet rest! 1 rest in tlie arms of his love; O rest, sweet re?tl I rest in the arms of his love. _ He lifts me above the temptations That once could allure me to sin, He saves me from all my transgressions, And cleanseth my spirit within. 3 I live in the constant enjoyment Of peace that no language can tell; Should trials in future await me, I know with my soul 'twill be well. 4 Praise God for a perfect salvation I My faith is unclouded and bright, My iiope, like an anchor, is steadfast, My mansion of glnry in sight. Marihn J. LcDikton. V 1 4 The Cri.msox Stream. 1 I STAND beside the crimson stream That flows from Calv'ry's mount, And long to wash away all sin. Within its cleansing fount. Chorus. Now wa«h me, now wash me. And cleanse me from sin; Tow wash me, now wash me. And I shall be clean. 211 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 The blood of Christ alone will yave From guilt and fear and care; His blood will sweetly purify, When sought in earnest prayer. 3 I claim the promised blessing now: Freedom from ev'ry sin, The power to lead a holy life, With Christ in God shut in. 4 I sink into the crimson stream, Christ's blood is now applied; I rise asain, redeemed by him, And wholly purified. Chorus. Hallelujah! hallelujah! I'm washed from all sin; Hallelujah! hiilk-lujah! Yes, now I am clean. Rev. W. J. Stevenson. 215 I'M Saved! 1 I'm saved! I'm saved! O blessed T^ord, I'm sweetly saved in thee; Saved by thy blood and by thy word, And thine henceforth will be. Chorns. I'm saved! I'm saved! I'm saved! I'm washed in the blood of the T.-mb. I'm saved! I'm saved! I'm saved! I'm washed in the blood of the 'amb. 2 I'm saved! I'm saved! O jo)^ sub'me! I'm saved from self and sin ; 212 CHEERFUL SONGS. I'm saved! I'm saved! O bliss divine ! And love has closed me in. 3 Saved at the cross, the blessed cross ; Saved without and saved within; I'm saved! I'm saved! O what a loss Who fail this joy to win. 4 I'm saved! I'm saved! I'll tell it here, I'll sing it o'er and o'er; I'm saved in Jesus, O how sweet! I'll sing it evermore. Rev. E. H. stokes, D.D. 216 Blessed Be the Name. 1 All praise to him who reigns above, In majesty supreme; W ha gave his son for man to die. That he might man redeem. Chorum. Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord. 2 His name above all names shall stand, Exalted more and more; At God the Father's own right hand, "Where angel hosts adore. 3 Eedeemer, Saviour, Friend of man Once ruined by the fall, Thou hast devised salvation's plan, For thou hast died for all. 213 CHEERFUL SOXGiS. 4 Hi?- name shall be the Counselor, The mighty Prince of Peace, Of all earth's kingdoms Conqueror, Whose reign shall never cease. 5 The ransomed hosts to thee shall bring Their praise and homage meet; With rapturous awe adore their King^ And worship at his feet. 6 Then shall we know as we are known, And in that world above Forever sing around the throne His everlasting love. W. H. Clark. 317 He Has Come. 1 He has come! He has come! My Ee- deemer has come! He has taken my heart as his own chosen home. At last I have given the welcome he sought ; He has come, and hi>5 coming all glad- ness has brought. Chorus. He has come! He has come! My Redeemer, my Redeemer has rome. His presence is heaven, my heart is his home! My Redeemer has come! 2 He has come! He has come! My Love and my Lord! Every thought of my being is swayed by his word. 214 CHEERFUL fiOyOS. He has come, and he reigns in the realm of my soul, And his scepter is love! blessed con- trol ! 3 He has come! He has come! happiest heart I He has given his word that he will not depart. What tTouble can enter, what evil can come To the heart where the God of all peace has his home? 4 He has come to abide: and holy must be The place where my Lord deigns to ban- quet with me. And this i< my prayer: "Lord, since thou art come. Make meet for thy presence my heart as thy home! " Mrs. J. Knowles. 218 While the Years Are Rolling On. In a world so full of weeping, While the years are rolling on. Christian souls tlie watch are keeping, While the years are rolling on. While our journey we pursue, With the haven still in view, There is work for us to do, AVhile the years are rolling on. 215 CHEEItFUL SOXGS. Chorus. Are rolling on, Are rolling on, O the joy that we may scatter, While' the years are rolling on. There's no time to waste in sighing, While the years pre rolling on ; Time is flying, souls are dving, While the years are rolling on. Loving words a soul may win, From the wretched paths of sin; We may bring the wand'rers in. While the years are rolling on. 3 Let us strengthen one another. While the years are rolling on; Seek to raise a fallen brother. While the years are rolling on. This is work for ev'ry hand Till, throuofhont creation's land. Armies of the Lord shall stand, While the years are rolling on. 4 Friends we love are quickly flying, While the years are rolling on; No more partincr, no more dying, While the years are rolling on. In the world beyond the tomb Sorrow never more can come, When we meet in that blest home. While the years are rollinir on. Harriet B. McKeever. 216 CHEERFUL SONGS. 219 Grace Is Free. 1 There's nothing like the old, old story, Grace is free, grace is iree I Which saints and martyrs tell in glory, Grace is free, grace is free! It brought them through the flood and flame, By it they fought and overcame, And now they cry through his dear name, Grace is free, grace is free I Chorus. There's nothing like the old, old story, Grace is iree, grace is free I Which saints and martyrs tell in glory Grace is free, grace is free! 2 There's only hope in trusting Jesus, Grace is free, grace is free ! From sin that doomed he died to free us, Grace is free, grace is free! Who would not tell the story sweet Of love so wondrous, so complete. And fall in rapture at his feet, Grace is free, grace is free ! From age to age the theme is telling, Grace is fi'ee, grace is free ! From shore to shore the strains are swelling, Grace is free, grace is free I When that time shall cease to be, And faith is crowned with victory, 'Twill sound through all eternity, Grace is free, grace is free! Emma J/. Johnstan. 217 CHEERFUL SONGS. 230 Abide with Me, 1 All the day in sweet rommnnion, Jesus, I have walked with thee: Do not now witlidraw thy presence, From this hour abide with me. Chorus. Thou my life, my only guide, There is naught inheav'n or earth I ask but thee; Hear my prayer, my soul's petition: Go not hence, abide with me. 2 One by one the ev'niniif sbadoM's Gather darkly o'er the lea, Yet the light of peace rcmaineth If thou still abide with me. Frank Gould. 231 O TO Be Like Him. 1 O TO be like him. Tender and kind, Gentle in spirit, Lowly in mind; More like to Jesus, Dav after dav ; Filled with his Spirit, Now^ and alway. Chorus. Yes, to be like him, AVe must abide Near to our Saviour, Close to his side. 218 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 to be like him, Quick to obey, Child-like andVuthful, Ready to say ; "I and my Father Purpose have one, Thine, not my will, Ever be done." 3 to be like him, Tempted in vain. Dwelling with sinners, Yet without stain; Giving our life-work Sinners to save, Triumphing over Death and the grave. Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth. ■^ -i ^ What a Gathering That Will Be. 1 At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered liome. We will greet each other by the crys- tal sea_, With the friends and all the loved ones there awaiting iis to come, What a gath ring of the faithful that win be! CJiorv.s. What a gath'ring, gath'ring, At the sounding of the glorious jubi- lee! What a gath'ring^ gath'ring, What a sath'ring of the faithful that will be! 219 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 When the angel of the Lord proclaims that thne shall be no more, AVe shall gather, and the saved and ransomed see. Then to meet again together, on the bright celestial shore. What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! 3 At the great and final judgment, when the hidden comes to light. When the Lord in all his glory we shall see ; At the bidding of our Saviour, "Come, ye blessed, to my right," What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! 4 When tlie golden harps are sounding, and the angel bands proclaim In triumphant strains the glorious jubilee; Then to meet and join to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be ! J. H. Kurzenknahe. 233 By Grace I Will. 1 Will you go to Jesus now, dear friend? He is calling you to day ; Will you Keek the bright and better land, By " the true and living way? " 220 CHEERFUL aOSGS. Refrain. I will, I will! bv the grace of God, I will; I will go to Jesus now; I will heed the gospel call, For the promise is for all; I will go to Jesus now^ 2 Would you know the Saviour's bound- less love, And his mercy rich and free? Will 3^ou seek the saving, cleansing blood, That wa:^ shed for you and me? 3 Will you consecrate your life to him, To be ever his alone ? And your loving service freely yield To the king upon his throne. 4 Will you follow where the Master leads, Choosing only his renown? Will you daily bear the cross for him. Till he bids' you wear the crown? E. E. Heuitt. 224 Wait, and Murmur Not. 1 The home where changes never come. Nor pain nor sorrow, toil nor care; Yes, 'tis a bright and blessed home; Who would not fain be resting there? Chorus. O w-ait, meekly wait, and murmur not, O wait, meekly wait, and murmur not, () wait, wait, O wait, and murmur :T.ot. 221 CHEERFUL SOyGN. 2 Yet when bowed down beneath the load By heav'n allowed, thine earthly lot; ThiDU yearn'st to reach that blest abode, Wait, meekly wait, and murmur not. 3 If in thy path some thorns are fonnd, O think who bore tliem on his biow; If .trrief thy sorrowing he:irt lias found, It reached a holier than thou. 4 Toil on, nor deem, thopgli sore it be, One sigh unhenrd, one prayer forgot; Tlie (lay of le-t will d.-iwn lor thee; Wait, meekly wait, and nniimur not. 235 A Shout in the Camp. 1 There's a shout in the camp, for the Lord is here, Hallelnjah ! praise his name; To the feast of ids love we again draw n(^ar, Praise, praise his name. CJionis. , Room for the millions! room for all! Hallelujaiil praise Ids name; Come to the banquet, great and small, Praise, O praise his name. 2 There's a shout in the camp like the shout of old, Hallelujah! prnise his name; For the cloud of his glorv we now be- hold. Praise, O i)raise his name. 999 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 There's a shout in the ranks of the King of kings, Hallelujah! praise his name; While we drink at the Rock from the living spring?;, Praise, O praise his name. 4 There's a shout in the camp while our souls repeat Hallelujah ! praise his name ; There is room for the world at the Sav- iour's feet, Praise, praise his name. Fanny J. Crosby. 226 Is Not This the Land of Beulah ? 1 I AM dwelling on the mountain, Where the golden sunlight gleams O'er the land whose wondrous beauty Far exceeds my fondest dreams; Where the air is pure, ethereal. Laden with the breath of flowers, They are blooming by the fountain, 'Neath the amaranthine bovvers. Chorus. Is not this the land of Beulah, Blessed, blessed land of light, Where the flowers bloom forever, And the sun is always bright? I can see far down the mountain. Where I wandered weary years, 223 CHEERFUL SONGS. Often hindered in my journey By the ghosts of doubts and fears, Broken vows and disappointments Thickly sprinkled all the way, But the Spirit led, unerring, To the land I hold to-day. I am drinking at the fountain, Where I ever would abide; For I've tiisted life's pure river, And my soul is satisfied ; There's no thirsting for life's pleasures, Nor adorning, rich and gay. For I've found a richer treasure. One that fadeth not away. Tell me not of heavy crosses, Nor the burdens hard to bear. For I've found this great salvation Makes each burden light appear; And I love to follow Jesus, Gladly counting all but dross, Worldly honors all forsaking For the glory of the Cross. tlie Cross has wondrous glory! Oft I've proved this to be true; When I'm in the way so narrow I can see a pathway through; And how sweetly Jesus whispers: "Take the Cross, tliou need'st not fear, For I've tried this way before thee. And the glory lingers near." Anon. 224 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 1 Come, O come to the ark of rest, Jesus will save you now ; Come with the weight of your guilt op- pressed, Jesus will save you now. Chorus. onie while your cheeks with tears are wet, onie ere the star of life is set, Jome. and the step vou will ne'er re- gret, Je?us will save you now. Come, O come to the ark of grace, Jesns will save you now; Haste to his arm and his dc ar emhrace, Jesus will save you now. 3 Come, come to the ark of love, Jesus will save you now ; Come, like the worn and weary dove, Jesns will save you now. 4 Who'll be first to arise for jjrayer? Jt sus will save you now; Who'll be the first the cross to bear? Jesr.s will save you now. Henriptta E. Blair. 5 ^ 8 Abiding. 1 My soul for light and love had earnest longings, O bow it longed for fellowship di\ ine! 15 225 CHEERFUL SONGS. I sonjrht it here and there, I soiiL'ht it ev'rywhere, At last, through faith, the holy boon was mine.. Choru8. I'm abiding, gracious Savionr, I'm abiding in thy precious love to- day; I'm abiding, ye*, abiding. In thy love, thy precious love, to-day. 2 O how enriching is this sacred treas'ire! Enriching to this soul, this soul of mine; : There's notliing anywhere i Can with this love compare. And I henceibrth, forever, Lord, am thine. 3 O yes, I rest, how blessed is the resting! i rest to-day, I'm resting all the time; "Conip," echoes through tlie air, " Come," and the resting share. And Jesus will be yours as he is mine. Rev. E. H. Stokes, D.D. 339 Resting at the Cross. 1 To the cross of Christ, my Saviour, I had brouirht my weary soul. Burdened, ftiint, and broken-hearted. Praying: " Jesus, make me whole." Oiorvs. Glory, glory be to Jesus, I am counting all but dross, 226 CHEERFUL SOXGS. I have found a full salvation, I am re5ting at the cnjss-; I'm resting, I'm resting, I'm resting at the cros^s. 2 At the cross, while meekly bowing, Jesus, smiling, bade me live: " I have died for 3'our transgressions, And I freely all forgive." 3 At the cross, while prostrate lying, Jesus' blood flowed o'er my soul, All my guilt and sin were covered. And he whispered: " Child, be whole." 4 At the cross I'm calmly resting, Ev'ry moment new is sweet; I am tastinw of his gloiy, I am resting at his feet. Will lam J. Kirkpatrick. 330 Rejoicing Evermore. 1 Though troubles assail, and dangers af- fright, Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite, Yet one thing secures us, whatever be- tide, The promise assures us, the Lord will provide. Chorus. Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice in the Lord Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice in the Lord Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice iu tlie Lord Will joy in the God of my salvation. 227 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 The birds, without barn or sto^e-holl^-e are fed,* From thein let us learn to tiu.st for our bread; His saints, what is fitting, shall ne'er be denied So long as 'tis written: the Lord will provide. 3 When Satan appears to stop up our path, And fills us with fears, we triumph bv faith; He cannot take from us, thougli oft he has tried, The heart-cheering promise: the Lord will provide. 4 He tells us we're weak, our hope is in vain; The good that we seek we ne'er shall obtain ; But wdien such suggestions our graces I have tried, This answers all questions: the Lord] will provide. 5 No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim; Our trust is all thrown on Jesus' great name ; In this our strong tow^er for safety we hide; The Lord is our power: the Lord will provide. 228 CHEERFUL SOyOS. When life «inks apace, and deatli is in view, The word of his grace shall comfort us through: Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting: the Lord will provide. John Neuton. 331 Washed W^hite as Snow. 1 Thol'gh my sins were once like crimson red, To the healing stream my feet were led; In the precious blood my Saviour shed He washed me white as snow. Chorus. O my joyful song henceforth shall be: 'Tis the blood of Jesns cleanseth me- Cleanseth, cleanseth, O j'es, it cleanr-eth me. 2 At the door of faith I entered in, And to him confessed my guilt and sin ; With his own dear hand he washed me clean, He washed me white as snow. 3 Though my heart was all I had to give. Yet he smiled and bade me look and live; What a calm, sweet peace did I receive! He washed me white as snow. 229 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 I will sing his pow'r from deatli to save; I will sing his triumph o'er the grave; I will sing, while crossing death's cold wave, He washed me white as snow. Fa nil}/ J. Crosby. So 3 Behold the Bridegroom. 1 Are yon n^ad}" for the Bridegroom When he comes, when he comes? Are you ready for tlie Bridegroom When he come-, wl;en lie comes? Behold, he comelh! behold, he cometh! Be robed and ready, for the Bridegroom comes. Cliorus. Behold the Biidcgroom! for he comes, for he comes, Beh< >ld the Bridegroom ! for he comes, f )r he comes ; Behold! he cometh I behold ! hecometh! Be robed and read}-, lor the Bridegroom comes. '2. Have yonr lamps trimmed and burning When he comes, when he comes; Have yonr lamps trimmed and burning When he comes, when he comes; He quickly cometh, he quickly cometh, O soul, be ready when the Bridegroom comes. 3 AVe will all go out to meet him When he comes, when he comes; We will all go out to meet him When he conies, when he comes; 280 CHEERFUL SONGS. * He surely coiiiethi lie surely comethi We'll go to meet him when tlie Bride- groom comes. We will chant allelilias Wlien he corner^, wlien he comes; We will chant alleluias When he come;^, when he comes; Lo! now he Cometh I lo! now hecometli! Sinir alleluia ! for the Bridegroom comes. R.E. HudHon. Won't Y(jv Love My Jesus? 1 I HAVE found a friend divine, Won't you love him, too? I am his and he is mine, Won't you love him too? Chorus. Won't you love my Jesus, My precious, precious Jesus? W^on't you love my Jesus? He is waiting now for you. 2 O how dear liis name to me! Won't you love him too? None can save your soul but he, Won't you love him too? 3 Heavy laden, care-oppressed, AVon't you love him too? How he longs to give you rest! Won't you love him too? 231 • CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 Cast your burden at his feet, Won't you love him too? There is pardon pure and sweet, Won't you love him too? Sallie Smith. 234 'Tis Wonderful. 1 Ix the gospel's sweet, old story, Lo! I read its golden tlieme: How the Prince of life and glory Came to suffer and redeem. CJiorus. O 'tis wonderful, wonderful! Yes, 'tis wonderful, wonderful! O 'tis wondeiful, wonderful! The story of his love. 2 Sin its secret work was plying, Addiniz guilt with ev'ry dav. Till I read that Christ, in dying. Died to take my guilt away. 3 To his love I was a stranger. To his call I gave no heed. Till at last I saw my danger. Found the Friend I stood in need. E. A. Barnes. 23o Open the Dook. 1 Jesus, the Saviour, is waiting and knock- ing, Standing to - day at the door of thy heart ; 232 I CHEERFUL SOXGS. Say, wilt thou open and gladly receive him? Or wilt thou bid him in sorrow de- part? Chorus. Open the door, 'tis the Saviour knock- ing, Patiently knocking to-day at thy heart; Open tlie door, 'tis the Saviour knock- ing, Knocking, knocking; must he depart? 2 Long he has called thee, and thou hast refused him, Long lie has waited thy answer to hear; Still he is knocking; how^ canst thou be silent? Now at this moment thy doom may be near. 3 What if the lamp of thy life should be darkened? What if the Saviour should call thee no more? Think of the anguish, thy spirit appall- ing, Knowing the day of probation is o'er. 4 While he is calling and waits to be gra- cious. Haste to admit him, the warning obey : While he is holding the scepter of par- don. Quickly receive him ; no longer delay. Henrietta E. Blair, 233 CHEERFUL SONGS. 236 I Am Glad. 1 I WILL tell the world around me, How my blessed Saviour found me, How lie broke the cbain:«tliat bound me, And my sins be washed away; my irrateful heart is glowing, And with joy is overflowing; I will })raise my dear Redeemer, I will i)raise him all the day. Clioras. 1 am glad, I am glad, I am glad that Jesus found me! AVitli his |)reeious Ijloi^d lie bought me; Hallehijali to his name! I enjoy a perfect blessing. And his constant love possessing, Ev'ry i)romisp he has left me For myself I now can claim. 2 From the old and barren mountain To the precious cleansing fountain How be led me like a she})berd. When my sonl was far away ; To the cross I now am clinging. And my happy song is ringing; I will praise my dear Redeemer, I will praise him all the day. 3 In his mercy T am hiding, In his shndow still abiding; He is teaching me with patience How to labor, watch, and j>ray. I am trusting and believing, 234 CHEERFUL SOyOS. I am asking and receiving; I will praise my dear Redeemer, I will praise him all the day. Lizzie Edwards. 337 Away to Jesus. 1 A LITTLE while to sow and reap, And then away to Jesus; A little while our watch to keep, And then away to Jesus. Chorus. To Jesus, to Jesus, Away, away to Jesus, To feast the soul, wdiile ages roll, And shout the love of Jesus. 2 A little while on earth to meet. And then away to Jesus ; To feel the bli>s of union sweet, And then away to Jesus. 3 A little while our crown to win, And then away to Jesus ; xl few more vict'ries over sin, And then away to Jesus. 4 A little wliile to part in tears, And then away to Jesus ; A few more days, a few more years. And then away to Jesus. Fanny L. Johnson. 338 Give Me Jesus. 1 Take the world, but give me Jesus, All its joys are but a name ; But his love abideth ever. Through eternal years the same. 235' CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. O the height and depth of mercy! the length and breadth of love! O tlie fullne-s of redemi)tion, Pledge of endless life above. 2 Take the world, but give me Jesus, Sweetest comfort of my sonl; With my Saviour v/atching o'er me 1 can sing though billows roll. 3 Take the world, but give me Je^ns, Let me view his constant smile ; Then throughout my pilgrhn journey Light will cheer me all the while. 4 Take the world, but give me Jesus, In his cross my trust shall be; Till with clearer, brighter vision Face to face my Lord I see. Funny J. Crosby. 239 My Spirit Is Free. 1 I FOLLOW the footsteps of Jesus, my Lord, His spirit doth lead me along; J walk in the pathway made plain by his word, And he fills all my soul with this song. Refrain. Glory to God, my spirit is free, Glory to God, he purifies me; I'm walking the thorn-path, but joy- ful I'll be, While following Jesus my Lord. 23G CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 A leper lie found me, pollutetl by sin, From which he alone can set fiee; He spake, in his mercy, " 1 will, be thou clean," And he instantly purified me. 3 A captive in woe to* my prison of night, The Piaster hath opened the door; Shout aloud of deliverance, ve angels of liirht, Praise his name, my soul, evermore. 4 Proclaim it, 'tis done, full salvation is wrouudit For sinners from sorrow and woe; Sing aloud of his grace, who my pardon has bought, For his blood washes whiter than snow. Rev. W. A. Spencer^ D.D. 24:0 WoNDERTUI. LoVE OF JeSUS. 1 In vain in high and holy lays. My soul her grateful voice would raise; For who can sing the worthy jiraise Of the wonderful love of Jesus? Chorus. Wonderful love I wonderful love! Wiinderful love of Je.-usI AVondcriul love! wonderful lu\e! V/underful love of Jesus! 2 A joy by day, a peace by night. In storms a calm, in darkne s light; In pain a balm, in weakne.-s might, Is the wonderful love of Jesus. 237 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 3 Mv hope for pardon when I call, My trust for lifting when I fall; In life, in death, my all in all, Is the wonderful love of Jesus, E. D. Mund. 341 Safe IN THE Glory Land. 1 In the jjood old way where the saints have irone, And the king leads on before us, We are traveling home to the heavenly hill, With tlie day-star shining o'er us. Chorus. Traveling home to the mansions fiiir, Crowns of rejoicing and life to wvar; O what a shout when we all get there, Safe in the glory land! 2 In the good old way like the ransomed tlirong, Unto Zion now" returning, We are tiaveling home at the King's command, And our lamps are trimmed and burn- ing. 3 In the t be won I 2 Lo! it whispers of the coming of a liet- t -r, l)righter day, And it l>ids us watch to see the glori- ' ons dawn; 16 241 CHEERFUL SOl^^GS. When the mists of sin and sorrow shall be driven iar a\v;iy, As the army in its triumph marches on. 3 Hear this army's heavy footfall, how it shakes the solid ^rroiind, As it gather- to do battle tor tlie right; Hear the riniring voice of captains, and tlie thrilling bugle sounes stood And view tne lands!*ape o'ei', Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood Shonld fright us from the shore. Isaac Watts. 34:0 Pray for the Fallex. 1 Pray for the fallen, O think of them kinlly, Take tliem to Je-ii-^, his mercy im- plore; Though they have wandered, and sad their condition, Prayer and our efforts their souls may restore. C}iorus._ Prav f )i- thorn earnestlv, prav for them 'faithfilly, Pi'ayers will be answered tlirough Jes is' d -ar n \\\.).2; Pray for the n fervently, loving, and tenderly, Prayer and our eff )rt.s the lost may reclaim. 243 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Pray for the fallen, do not forsake them, Slaves to the tempter who laughs at their pain; Fast in the fetters he forged to deceive them, Pity and help them again and again. 3 Pray for the fallen, tlie world has re- nounced them ! Keen are its glances, its censure is coM; Yet the dear Saviour will gently receive them, He will not tarn them a\va\^ from his fold. 4 Pray for the erring, O think of them kindly. They are our neighbors, though far they have strayed; They are our brotliers: go f(3rth to their resL-ue ; Give them our friendship, our com- fort, our aid. Martha J Lankton. 247 The Rum Saloon Shall Go. 1 A wwE is rolling o'er the land, With h 'avy under-tow; And voices sounding on the strand; The rum saloon shall go. Chorus. Shall go, we know, Shall go, we know; A cry is sonndinor o'er the land. The rum saloon shall go. 244 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Its doom is written on tlie sky, Above the siiiiiing bow; For indignation now ij^ high, The rum saloon ^^hall go. 3 AVe've stood the wretched, bitter moans Full Itjug enough, you know; And soon we'll speak in thumler tones^ Unless they close and go. 4 The land is tired of the curse, The people have said so; And if it halt- we'll make it worse, And help them soon to go. Rev. John O. Foster, A.M. 248 Is There Any One Here? 1 Is THERE any one here that is willing to- day On Jesus the Lord to believe? Is there any poor soul that is longingto day The gift of his grace to receive? Chorus. " Come unto me, cnme unto me;" Jesus is calling, calling now to thee, "Come, O come unto me." 2 Is there any one here that is trying to- day The ifetters of evil to break; Any ready to follow the Saviour to-day. And take up the cross for his sake? 245 CHEERFUL soyas. 3 Is tliero any one liere that is weary to- day Or laden, or sorrow oppressed? Is there any sad heart that is i^raying to- djiy To find in the Saviour a rest? 4 Hear the Saviour's sweet voice while he calls thee :igain, O come, and beheve and obey; He is waiting to bless, he wiU comfort thee now! He never turned any nwny. Martha J. Lankton. 3 49 Leading Souls to Jesus. 1 Leading souls to Jesns who are sad and lost, Who upon life's waters have been tem- l>e-t tossed; All the heavy laden, burdened with tlieir load, \Vh:s;»'ring of salvation through tlio Lamb of God. Chorus. Leading souls to Jesus! O may this be niiiic, Till I cros- the river to that home divine; Sowing by all waters, till the great day come. When with joy the reapers shout the harvest home. 246 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 2 Leav\ji.g souls to Jesus, telling them the way Out of nature's darkness into God's own day ; Kneelii.'.g with the sinner at the Sav- iour's feet, Even an-'els cannot know of work more sweet. ;] Leading <-:ouls to Jesus from their want and sin. Setting Ui his kingdom with its peace witliin; Till the S{ irit witness within them o'er and o'er, Cleansed are thy transgressions: go, and sin no more. 4 Lending souls to Jesus, as the stars to shine. In some humble station, ^Master, be it mine ; With forgiven sinners, not alone, to stand When I rise to glory in the better land. " J. E. Rankin, D,D. 350 The IJniversal Call. 1 The Spirit and the Bride say, "Comel And drink of the water of life." () blessed call, Good news for all, Who tire of sin and strife. 247 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. The Spirit says, " Come, " The Bride says, "Come," And drink of the wat^rof life; The Spirit savs, "Come," The Bride says, "Come," And drink of the water of life." 2 "0 come! " h^t ev'ry one who henrs To all who are near him now s;iy: " I heard the sound, The stream I found, Behold the living way." 3 Whoever will, come, taste and see! Your lonyiniis tiie Saviour can fill! The stream is free To you and me, • And whosoever will! Arthur T. Picrson., D.D. 251 Each Heart Thy Temple. 1 Thou chief anmno: ten thousand, More lovely far than all. Reveal thyself in glory. While on thy name we call. Chorus. Thou chief amoii-r ten thousand, Our only f dthfnl Guide, Now make eich heart thy temple, And there henceforth abide. 2 We come, as thou hnst taught us, Thy merits, Lord, we plead, Because thou livest ever, For us to intercede. 248 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 We know that thou art with us, We feel thy power divine; Thy Spirit beareth witness That we through grace are thine. 4 Our souls and all within us, We consecrate to thee, And pray that in our weakness Thine arm our strength may be. Laura Miller, '253 Companionship with Jesus. 1 BLESSED fellowship divine! O joy supremely sweet Companionship with Jesus here Makes life with bliss replete. In union with the purest one, I find my heav'n on earth begun. Chorus. O wondrous bliss! O joy sublime! I've Jesus with me all the time. O wondrous bliss! O joy sublime! I've Jesus with me all the time, 2 I'm walking close to Jesus' side, So close that I can hear The softest whispers of his love, In fellowship so dear, And feel his great, almighty hand Protects me in this hostile land. 3 I'm leaning on his loving breast. Along life's weary way; My path, illumJned by his smiles. Grows brighter day by day. No foes, no woes my heart can fear, With my almighty Friend so near. 249 CHEERFUL SONGS. I know his sbelt'ring winjr? of love Ar>':il\vays o'er me spread, And thongli tlie storms may fiercely rage, All calm and free from dread, ]\Iv peaceful spirit ever sings: " I'll trust the covert of thy wings." Mary D. James. 253 At the Cross. 1 O .Tesus, Lord, thy dying love H ith jnerced my contiite heart; No \ take my lifn, and let me prove How dear to me thou art. Chorus. At the cro-", at the cross, where I first saw the liirht, And the burden of my heart rolled awav. It \va~ there bv faith I received my si-ht, And now I am hai)py night and day. 2 Amid the night of sin and death Thv light hath filled my soul; To me thy loving voice now sailh: ''Thy faith hath made thee wh-^U." 3 I kiss thy feet, I clasp thy hand, I touch thy lileeding side; O let me here forever stand, VVliere thou wast crucified. 250 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 4 My Lord, my light, iny strength, my all, I count my gain but lo.~s; Forever let thy love enthrall, And keep me at the cross. H. Kelso Carter. 254 All fok Me, All for Thee. 1 Saviour, I have heard thee pleading, Pa-sionately intercedhig; Seen thy great heart broken, bleeding, All lor me, all for me. Ld! 1 come, the past lamenting, For the wasted years repenting, And my life henceforth p-resenting, All for thee, all for thee. 2 Thou didst stoop in thy compassion To be found in human fashion. And endure thy nameles:- passion All f )r me, all fur me; In thy name I come believing, Of tliy grace with joy receiving. And the world behind me leaving. All for thee, all for thee. 3 Moved by love divine and tender, Thou didst joyfully surrender Palaces of rest and splendor AH for me, all for me; Now my soul, to life awaking, Finds her liighest joy in br.nd^ing Bonds that bonnd her, and Ibr-aking All for thee, all for thee. 251 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 'Neath the cross I see thee l)ending, To the place of skulls ascendinij, None attending, none befriending, All for me, all for me; Now my heart, with thy life beating, To each cros- shall give glad greeting, While mv lips are still repeating: "All fol' thee, all for thee." 5 In thy Fatlier's ^lory sharinsr, And the crown of ages wearing, Thou art now a home preparing. All for me, all for me ; With the s »uls of thy befriending. Saved from sorrow never en ling Shall mv sono: be heard ascending: "All for thee, all for thee." Rcc. Alfred J. Hough. 255 Marc FUNG On. 1 With our colors waving bright in the blaze of gospel light We are marshaled on the world's great field; We are ready for the strife and the bat- tle-work of life. Ever trusting in the Lord our shield. Chorus. Glory to God! we are marching, march- ing on, Marchins: to a home above; Glory to God! we are marching, march' ing on, Happy in a Saviour's love. CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Oft the tempter we shall meet, but we will not tear del'eat, Tliouiih his arrows at our ranks may tiyT Tlirough a Saviour's miglity love, more than coiiqu'rors we Khali prove, Shoutii]g: "Glory bete God on] ligh! " 3 We have girded on the sword and the armor of the Lord, "We have tiikt^n up the cross he bore; O the trophies we sliall win, O the vic- t'ry over sin. When the battle aiKl the strife are o'er! 4 Soon we'll reach the pearly gate, v.here the ])lessed army wait. Soon their welciniie, welcome song may ring; When we lay our armor down, and re- c-eive a starry irown. Shouting: "Glory be to God, our King! " Jennie Garnett. 256 The Open Arms. 1 O WHY are you sligliting the Saviour, So patient, forgiving, and true? The arms of his mercy are open: He offers a welcome to you. Chorus. O come to the arms that are waiting, They long have heen waiting for you; O come to yo'.ir loving Redeemer, So gentle, forgiving, -md true. CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Once led as a lamb to the slnu^rbter, He suffered and Ir.ng-iiished and died; And now, in his tender compas-^ion, He shows you his hands and his side. 3 Ajrain the dear Savir.ur is calling, O turn ye, for why will ye die? Your sun may go down in a moment, Tlie arrow bf death may be nigh. 4 Again the dear Saviour is pleading, O look to his mercy and live! The i)leasures of time are but fleeting. Then trust not tlie promise they give. Ifoirid/a E. Blair. 257 Blessed Are the Pure in Heart. 1 Bi.RSsED are t!)e pure in heart, Soul and body holy, clean; Washed tlnonghout in ev'ry part, Saved and cleansed from ev'ry sin. Chorvji. Bless jd are the pure in heart, Tlicy shall see our lieav'nly King; Never from hl>^ side depart. Safely rest beneath his wing. 2 Sich shall see our God, we read; We believe this ]treci<>us word; He'll supply our ev'rv need, 'Tis the promise of our Lord. 3 Yes, we'll see him as he is W^hen this mortal veil is rent, 254 CHEERFUL SOyOS. Ill the beav'nly land of bliss, Wiieii our earthly life is spent. 4 Faith e'en sees him in this life, Walkin'j: in iiis glorious light; 'Mi l-t eartli's trouole, toil, and strife, He is with us day and night. L. L. Pickett. Standing on the Promises. 1 Standing on the promises of Christ, my King, Thro igh^ eternal ages let his praises rinj; "Glory in the highest!" I will shout and sing. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Stamling on the promises of God, my Saviour, Standin'jr, standing, I'm stanfling on the promises of God. 2 Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail. By the living Word of God I shall pre- vail. Standing on the promises of God. 3 Standing on the promises, I now can see Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me; 255 CHEERFUL SONGS. Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free, Standing on the promises of God. 4 Standing on the promises of Clirist the Lord, Bound to him eternally by love's strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God. 5 StaniUncc on the promises, I cannot fall, List'ning every moment to the Spirit's call. Resting on my Saviour as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God. li. Kelso Carter. ^i>0 Outside the Gate. 1 Poor, starving soul, there's room for thee, AVitliin thy Father's home; Why linger still? there's bread to spare: Come in, no lon-jer roam ; Come in; behold, thy Father calls; His love for thee is great; Come in, come in — he bid-^ thee come; AVhy stand outside the gate? Chorus. Outside the gate, out-ide the gate, soul, no longer wait; Come in, come in, there's room for thee, Why stand ont-id(» the gate? 25(> CHEERFUL SOyOS. 3 Thy Father Tt'aits ; what keeps thee back ? Behold his pleading face ! His circling arms would clasp thee now: O seek his dear embrace ; He longs to hear thee say, "Forgive ;" He mourns thy hapless state ; • Come in, come in— he bids thee come; Why stand outside the gate? 3 linger not, the time is short, Its sands are ebbing fast; This hour is thine, improve it well — This hour, perhaps thy last; Come in, vvhile yet thy Father pleads, Slight not his love so great; Come in, come in — he bids thee come; Why stand outside the gate? Henrietta E. Blair. "60 Let Me in the Life-boat. 1 Cheer up, weary sailor; your ship is adrift. You've lost all yoiir bearings ; your eyes upward lift; The shadows are breaking, and light through the rift Shows Jesus, swiftly coming with the life-boat. Chorus. Let me in the life-boat! let me in the life-boat ! See the storm it grandly braves ! Let me in the life-boat I let me in the life-boat! Jesus, bear me safely o'er the waves. 17 257 ' CHEERFUL SOXGS. 2 The SPas dark and heavy sweep over the deck, Your effoits no longer destruction can check, Your vessel is sinking, abandon the wieck! Let Jesus take and save you in the life-boat. 3 The good gospel life-boat, eternally })l;inned, "Was l)nilt by tlie Saviour and launched by his hand. Such wonderful love we can ne'er un- derstand, The love that seeks and saves us in the life-boat. 4 And now, Cliristian sailor, you're truly atloat. And heartily singing salvation's glad note. Reach out hands of mercy, help souls to the boat. And keep on getting others in the life-boat. 5 O hai)])v the course that no billows can thwart. And whether the voyage shall be I'^ngthy or sliort. Our Captain v.- ill bring us to heaven's Im'jht port: All praise to him who saved us in the life-boat. 258 CHEEiirz^L soya.^. 6 Our friends over j'onder, on glory's bright shore, Are sending out signals, and call o'er and e'er, Step into the life-boat, be saved ever- more, O come and trust to Jesus in the life- boat. 7 How grandly the life-boat is liding the waves, The shock of the tempest it fearlessly braves. Who trust it entirely will find that it saves, For Christ \z saving sinners in the life-boat. 8 When into th:; haven we joyonsly ride, The lights of the citv will brighten the tide, We'll an^^wer the shouts of the saints glorified, All glory be to Jesus for his life- boat. L. H. Edmunds. 361 Will the Waters Be Chilly? 1 Show pity. Lord, O Lord, forgive; Prepare me, Lord, to die, Let a repenting rebel live; Prepare me, Lord, to die. Chorus. Will the waters be chillv? Will the --.-aters be chilly? When 1 am called to die? 259 CHEERFUL SONGS. 2 Are not thy mercies large and free? Prepare me, Lord, to die; j\Iay not a sinner tru^-t in tliee? Prepare nie, Lord, to die. 3 My sins are great, but don't surpass. Prepare me, Lord, to die; The power and glory of thy grace. Prepare me, Lora, to die. 4 Great God, tliy nature hath no bound, Prepare me, Lord, to die; So let thy pard'ning love be found. Prepare me. Lord, to die. 5 wash my soul from ev'ry sin, Prepare me, Lord, to die; And make my guilty conscience clean, Prepare me, Lord, to die. 6 Here on my heart the burden lies. Prepare me^ Lord, to die; And past offenses pain my eyes. Prepare me, Lord, to die. Isaac Waits. 2G2 Blessed Jesus. 1 Kow the solemn shadows darken, And the dajlight slowly dies, Holy Saviour, tlioii wilt hearken When tliy children's prayers arise, Hefmiji. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Look on us with loving e5'es; Blessed Jesu«, bles^=ed Jesus, Look on us with loving eyes. 260 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 2 Some are tried with doubts and dan- ger^!, Some have found their hearts grow cold, Some are aliens now and strangers To the faith they loved of old. Refrain. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Bring theui back into the fold; Ble-'sed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Bring them back into the fold. 3 Some in conflict sore have striven, Witli temptation fierce and strong; Lord, to them let strength be given, If the battle should be long Refrain. Blesscd Jesus, blessed Jesus, Change their mourning into song; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Change their mourning into song. 4 By thy passion in the garden, 'By thine anguish on the tree, By that precious gift of pardon "^Won lor us alone by thee. Refrain. Blessed Jesus, biessCd Jesus, Set the sin-bound captives free; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Set the sin-bound -aptives free. 5 Wlien our eartldy day is closing. And the night grows still and deep, 261 CHEERFUL SOXOS. Let u«, in thine anns reposing, Feel thy power to save and keep. Refrain. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Give thine own beloved sleep; Blessed Jesus, blessed Je?us, Give thine own beloved sleep. John R. iSueney. 263 I'm Not Alone. 1 When darkening shadow round me falls, And light and hope seem gone. There is onethoutzht my heart upholds: It is, I'm not alone. Refrain. No, never alone, Can Jesus' followers be; He's ever near, why should vre fear, Our guide and hope is he. 2 His eye ean pierce the darkest cloud, His arm all dangei' stay ; He waits f(ir neither look nor word. Our troubles to allay. 3 When sorrow come with crushing blow O'er my defenseles-: head; I tremble not; for well I know Who V)y my side doth tread. 4 So cheerfully I travel on ThrouLdi life's dark, thorny way; I'll fear no ill, I'm not alone While Jesus is mv stav. 'Mary B. Peck. 262 CliEERFUL SOXGS. 2o4: Meecy is Boundless and Free. 3 Thanks be to Jesus, his mercy is free, Mercy is iree, mercy is free; Sinner, that mercy is flowing for thee, ?>Iercy is boundless and free. If thou art willing on him to believe, ]Mercy is fiee, mercy is frt-e; Life everlasting thy soul i))ay receive, Mercy is boundless and. free. Refrain. Jesus the Saviour is looking for thee, Lookin'^ for thee, l()!)king for thee; Lovingly, tenderly calling for thee, Calling and looking for thee. 2 Vv^Iiy on tlie mountains of sin wilt thou roam ? Mercy is frf e, mercy is free ; Gently the Spirit is calling, " Come libme," Mercy is f)0undless and free. Thou art in darkness,0 come to the iigh.t, "Mercy is free, mercy is free; Jesr.s is waiting, lie'll save you to-night, Mercy is boundless and free. ?> Think of liis goodness, h\< patience and love, Mercj" is free, mercy is free ; Pleading thy cause with his Father alcove, Mercv is boundless and free. CIIEERFIJ. SOSGiS. Come and repenting, O give him thy lieart, Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Grieve him no longer, but come as thou art, Mercy is boundless and free. 4 Yes. there is pardon for all who believe, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Come and this moment a blessing re- ceive, Mercy is boundless aiid free, Jesus is waiting, O hear him proclaim, IMercy is free, mercy i>< free ; Clin o'er the scene, And eternity's sea is all calm and serene. Chorus. Just ahead, just ahead, I see the pearly- gates unfold, And hear the liarps of shiuing gold, 9(17 CHEER F U L S (,V\' U S . Where blood -bought saints Xlvj new • song sing To him who redeemed us, our blessed King. 2 By the bank of life's river our loved we shall greet, With tliem shall rejoice in a rapture complete; Shall join in the song tbat the glorified sing. While the arches of heaven shall ircm- ble and ring. 3 There cherubs effulgent and seraphs that blaze May join in our anthem of rai'>turous praise ; And the Son that was given the world to redeem, Shall be of our joying and praising tlie theme. 4 As year after year shall fly swiftly away, And yet but begun is eternity's day; While springs of new pleasure delight- eth the soul, While onward, yet onward, the ages shall roll. 5 Prepare, then, ye faithful, to" enter your land, The mansion prepared by the Saviour's own hand. 'Tis ready, now w'aiting, so beauteous and fair, Then bind on your sandals, we soon shall he there. Edgar Page. fho. by H. L. Gilmour. 268 cheerful so^mjs. 269 On the Way. 1 O BLESS the Lord, what joy is mine! What perfect peace through grace di- vine ! And now to reuhns of endle^^s day, O bless the Lord, I'm on the way. OlOTLlS. I'm on the way, I'm on the way, In vain the world would hid me stay; A crown to wear in endless day, O bless the Lord, I'm on the way. 2 O bless *the Lord, he dwells with me, The voice I hear, the hand I see; Renew my strength from day to y the harvest, and the labor ended, "We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. 3 Go, then, ever weeping, sowing for the Master, Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves ; When our weeping's over, he will bid us w^elcome. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Words from " Songs of Glory." 274 Are You Ready? 1 Should the summons, quickly flying. On the slumb'ring nations fall, Lo! the heav'nly Bridegroom cometh, Would the sound your souls appall? 18 273 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Are you ready ? are you ready, Should you hear the midnight call? Are you ready? are you ready, Should you hear the midnight call? 2 What if now the startHng mandate Should the sleeping virgins hear? Are your lamps all trimmed and burn- ing, Should the Bridegroom now appear? C/ionis. Are you ready ? are you ready, Now to see your Lord appear ? Are you ready ? are you ready, Now to see:i^our Lord appear? 3 Is there oil in all your vessel^^? Are your garments pure and white? Are they washed in the cleansing fount- ain. Fit to stand in Jesus' sight? Chorus. Are you ready? are you ready. Are your lamps all clear and bright? Are you ready? are you ready, Are your lamps all clear and bright? 4 Rise, ye virgins; sleep no longer, Lest the call your soul surprise! Lest ye fail to meet the Bridegroom, When he cometli from the shies. 271 CIIEERFCL SONGS. Chorum. O be ready! O be ready, When lie cometh from the skies; O be ready ! O be leady, Hrsten, from your slmiibers rise! Mary D. James. ^75 Jesus Saves. 1 We have h^^ard a j«)yful souud, Jesu~ saves, Jesus saves; Spread tlie gladness all around, Jesus saves, Jesus save.- , Bear the news to ev'ry land, Climb the steeps and cross the wavea Onward, 'tis our Lord's command, Jesus saves, Je-us saves. 2 Waft it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves; Tell to sitmers far and wide, Jesus saves, Jesns saves; Sing, y3 islands of the sea; Echo back, ye ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 3 Sing above tb.e battle strife, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; By his death and endless life, Je-us saves, Jesus saves; Sing it softly through the gloom. Whim tlv- lieart of mercy craves, Sing in triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 275 CHEERFUL S'JXGS. 4 Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Let the nations now rejoice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves; Shout salvation full and. free, Highest hills ami deepest caves, This our song of victory, Jesus save.-, Jesus saves. Priacilla J. Ocuens. 276 Sinner, Turn. 1 Sinners, turn; why will ye 'lie; God your Maker asks you why; God, wljo did your being give. Made you with himself to live; He tlie fatal cause demands: Asks the work of his own hands. Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross his love and din? Chorus. Sinner, turn; O sinner, turn; Turn, O turn, why will you die? Sinner, turn; O sinner, turn; Turn, O turn, why will you die? 2 Sinners, turn ; why will you die? God your Saviour asks ye why,- He who <]id your souls retrieve. Died hiuT^elf that ye miirht li%=e Will ye let him die in vain? Crucify your Lord again? Whv, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight his grace and die? 270 CHEERFUL SOyGS. 3 Sinners, turn; why ^vill ye die? God the S])irit a^k< you \vhy; He who all your lives hath strove, AVooed you to embrace his lo\ e. Will ye not his grace receive? Will ye still refuse to live? Why, ye long sought sinners, "why Will ye grieve your God and die? Charles Wesley. 27 7 Welcome Home. 1 WHEN shall I sweep through the gates ? The scenes of mortality o'er, What then for my spirit awaits? Will they sing on the beautihd shore? lief rain. Welcome home! welcome home! A welcome in glory for me; Welcirth: "Glory to God in tlie highest! Peace and good tidings to earth." Chorus. Tell me the story of Jesu«, Write on my heart ev'ry word; Tell me the story most preciou'^, Sweetest that ever was heard. 279 CHEERFUL SONGS. Fasting, alone in the desert, Tell of the days that he passed: How for our sins he was tempted, Yet was triumi)hant at last, Tell of the years of his lal)or, Tell of the sorrow lie bore; He was despised and afflicted, Homeless, rejected, and i)Oor. Tell of the cross where they nailed him, Writhing in anguisli and |)ain; Tell of the grave where they laid him. Tell hov/ he liveth ajrain ; Love, in that story so tender, Clearer than ever I see; Stay, let me weep while you whisper. Love paid the ransom for me. Fanny J. Crosby^ 380 Draw Me to Thee. 1 Out on the midnight deep, Hear thou my cry; Come to my rescue. Lord, Save or I die. Let not the stormy waves Break over me ; Reach out thy loving arm, Draw me to thee. Cliorus. Draw me to thee. Saviour, Draw me to thee; Reach out tiiy loving arm. Draw me to thee. 280 CHEERFUL SONGB. 2 Hope of the desolate, Light of the soul, Now of my lonely bark Take thou control; Yonder the Ark of Grace Dindy I see; Reach out thy loving arm, Draw me to thee. 3 Lord, at the open door, Let me come in ; Heal thou my broken heart. Weary of sin ; Close to thy bleeding side Still would 1 be, Reach out thy loving arm, Diaw me to thee. Funny J. Crosby. 381 Harvest Time. 1 The seed I have scattered in si>ring- time with weeping. And watered with tears and with dews from on higli ; Another may shout when the harvesters, reaping. Shall gather my grain in the "sweet by and by." Chorus. Over and over, yes, deeper and deeper My heart is pierced through with life's sorrowing cry. But the tears of the sower and s(uigs of the reaper Shall mingle toaether in jov l)v and bv. • ' 281 CHEERFUL SONGS. By and \>y, by and by, By and by, by and by ; Y'e.-^, the tears of the sower, and songs of the reaper Shall minojle together in joy bv and by. 2 Another may reap what in spring-time I've i)lante(l, Another rejoice in the fruit of my pain, X(jt knowing my tears when in summer I fainted While toiling, sad -hearted, in sun- shine and rain. 3 The thoriis will have choked, and the summer sun blasted The most of the seed which in spring- time I've sown; But the Lord, who ha? watched while my weary toil laste*!, Will give nie a harvest for what I have done. Rev. W. A. Spencer. 38^ Tell It Git. 1 Tell it out among the nations that the Lord is Kinir; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out am.ong the heathen, bid them shout and sing; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out with adoration that he shall increase, 00.7 CHEERFUL iiOXG'S. Tliat the iiiighty King of Glory is the King ot Peace; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out with jubilation, let the songs ne'er cease; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the nations that the Saviour reigns: Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the heathen, bid them break their chains; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the weeping ones that Jesus lives; Tell it out among the weary ones what rest he gives; Teh it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the sinners that he came to save; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the nations, Jesus reiijns above; TeUitout! tell it out! Tell it out among the heathen that his reitrn is love ; Tell it out! tell it out! Tell it out among the highways and the lawns at home; Let it ring across the mountains and the ocean's foam; Tell it out! tell it out! Like the voice of many waters let our glad shout be: "Tell it out! tell it out!" Frances Ridley Havergal. 283 CHEERFUL SONGS. 283 What Must I Do To Be Saved? 1 O WHAT must I do to be saved From the gailt and dominion of sin? From its fetters and chains, From its manifold stains, Who will free me? who will cleanse me within? Chorus. what must I do? what must I do? what must I do to be saved? 2 what must I do to be saved? For tl'.e moments are fast gliding by; For eternity's near, The great jud'j:ment I fear, Soon the summons will come from on high. 3 what must I do to bo saved? Let me turn unto God's blessed book; For it bids me " believe," And salvation receive, While on Je.-us, Redeemer, I look. 4 this I must do to be saved : 1 will come to the Saviour this hour; 1 will come to his cross. And all else count but dross, I will yield to his life-givinsc power. E. E. Hexvilt. 284 Jesus, Lover OF My Soul. 1 Jesus, lover of my soul. Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters loll. While the tempest still is high. 284 CHEERFUL SONGS. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is ptist; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last, O receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpie-s soul on thee; Leave, O leave me not alone, SLiil support arid t-omiort me. All my trust on thee is staid. All my help from thee I bring; Cover m-v defenseless head With the shado'-v of tliy wing, "With the siiado'.v of thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, ait all I want; More than all in thee I find; Raise the fallen, ch'er iiide; Where never is heard the mournful cry: " My friend, my beloved, is le? i." 3 There is a place where my friends have Jesus? He's waiting to receive you, Why don't you come to Jesus fivi* be saved? ' Now, ye needy, come and welcome; God's free bounty dorify ; True belief and true repentance, Ev'ry grace that brings you nigh.* 288 ' ClIEKRFiL ,SoyGt^. 3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and inan^rle'd by the fall; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. 4 Lo! th' incarnate God, ascending, Pleads the merit of his blood; Venture on him, venture freely, Let no other trust intrude. Joseph Hart. 288 We'll Work Till Jesus Comes. 1 O land of rest, for thee I sigh, AVhen will the moment come, When I shall lay my armor by And dwell in peace at home? Chorus. We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes, And we'll be gathered home. * No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful, shelt'ring dome; Phis world's a wilderness of w^oe. This world is not my home. 3 To Jesus Christ I fled for rest; He bade me cease to roam, And lean for succor on his breast, Till he conduct me home. 4 I sought at once my Saviour's side, Xo more my steps shall roam; With him I'llbrave death's chilling tide, And reach my heav'nlv home. Mrs. ilizabelh Mills. 19 289 CHEKKFUL Su.\GS. 380 Happy Land. 1 There is a ha})py land, Far, far away ; Where saints in glory stand, Bright, briglit as day. O liow they sweetly sing, " Worthy is our Saviour King!" Loud let his praises ring. Praise, praise lor aye. 2 Bright, in that happy land. Beams ev'ry eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. On, then, to glory run; Be a crown and kingdom won; And bright, above tlie sun, Reign evermore. 3 Come to that happy land, Come, come away; Whv will you doubtino' 'tandV AVhy still delay? we shall hapi)y be, Wh(Mi from sin and sorrow free; Lord, we shall dwell with thee. Blest evermore. 290 Jesus Saves Me. 1 Prkcious Saviour, thou hast saved me? Thine, and only thine I am; O the cleansinu' itlood has reached me^ Glory, glory to the Lamb! 290 CHEERFUL SONGS. Refrain. Glory, glory, Jesus saves me, Glory, glory to the Lamb! the cleansing blood has reached me, Glory, glory to the Lamb! 2 Long my yearning heart was trying To enjoy this perfect rest; But I gave all trying over: Simply trasting; I was blest. 3 Trusting, trusting every moment; Feeling now the blood applied; Lying at the cleansing fountain, Dwelling in my Saviour's side. 4 Consecrated to thy service, 1 will live and die to thee; I \\\\\ witness to thy glory Of salvation fidl and free. 5 Yes, I will stand up for Jesus; He has sweetly saved my soul, Cleansed me from inbrrd co option, Sanctified and made mo \viiole. Glory to the blood that bouudit me, Glory to its cleansing power ! Glory to the blood that keeps me ! Glory, glory evermore ! Louise M. Rouse. 291 I Have Sought. 1 I HAVE sought round the verdant earth For unfading joy; I have tried ev'ry source of mirth, But all, all will cloy ; 201 CHEERFUL BONGS. Lord, bestow on me ^ Grace to set my spirit free; Thine the praise shah be, Mine, mine the joy. 2 I have wandered in mazes dark Of doubt and distress; I have had not a kindhng spark, My spirit to bless; Cheerless unbelief Filled my lab'ring soul with grief; What shall give relief? What shall give peace? 3 Then I turned to thy go;^pel, Lord, From folly away; Then I trusted thy holy word That taught me to pray; Here I found release, In thy word my soul found peace, Hope of endless bliss, internal day. 4 I will praise now my heav'nly King, I'll praise and adore; All my iieart's richest tribute bring. To thee, God of power; And in hea- ':i above. Saved by thy redeeming love, Loud the strains shall move For evermore. 293 I Am Coming to the Cross. 1 I AM coming to the cros", I am poor and weak and blind* I am counting all but dross, I shall full salvation find. CHEERFUL SOXGS. Chorum. I am trusting, Lord, in thee, Blest Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at thy cross I bow, Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for thee, Long has evil dwelt within ; Jesns sweetly sneaks to me: " I will cleai-se you from all >in." 3 Here I give my all to thee, Friends and time and earthly store ; Soul and body thine to be, Wholly thine for evermore. 4 In thy promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied: I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. 5 Jesus comes! he fills my soul! Perfected in love I am ; I am ev'ry whit made whole: Glorv, glorv to the Lamb I Bev. Williatn McDonald. ^93 Rest for the Weary. 1 In the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest; There my Saviour's gone before met To fulfill my soul's reque^-t. 293 CHEERFUL SOXG&. Chorus. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, Thfere is rest for the weary, There is re^^t for you ; On the other side the river, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of hfe is blooming, Tiiere is rest for yon. 2 Pain or sickness ne'er shall enter. Grief nor woe my lot shall share; But in that celestial center, I a crown of life shall wear. 3 Death itself shall then be vanquished, And his stine shall be withdrawn: Shout for gladness, O ye ransomed! Hail with joy the rising morn. 4 Sinir, O sing, ye heirs of ^rlory; Shout your triumph as you go; Zion's gates will oj^en for you, You shall find an entrance through. Jiev. iS. G. Harmer. 294 Revive Us Again. 1 AVe praise thee, O God ! for the Son of thy love, For Jesus who died and is now gone above. Refrain. Hallelujah! thine the glory; Hallelujah ! Amen ! Hallelnjaii! thine the glory; Revive us again. 9Q4 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 2 We praise thee, O God ! for thy Spirit of light, Who lias shown urf our Saviour and scattered our night. 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has l)orne all our sins, and has cleansed ev'ry stain. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us and sought us and guided our ways. 5 Revive us again; fill each heait with thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above! William P. Macky. 295 All for Jesus. 1 All for Jesus! all for Jesus! All my being's ransomed powers; All ray thoughts and words and doings, All my days anil all my hours. All for Jesus ! all for' Jesus! All my days and all my hours. 2 Let my hands perform his bidding, Let my feet run in his ways, Let my eyes see Jesus only, Let my lips speak f jrth his praise. All for Jesus I all for Je~us! Let my lips speak forth his praise. 21)5 CHEERFUL HONGS. 3 Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus, I've lost sight of all besides; So enchained my spirit's vision Looking at the Crucified. All for Jesus I all for Jesus ! Looking at the Crucified. 4 O what wonder! how amazing! Jesus, glorious King of kings; Deigns to call me his beloved, Let's me rest beneath his wings. All for Jesus ! all for Jesus ! Resting now beneath his wings. Mary D. James. 296 Come, Ye Disconsolate. 1 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye lan- guish ; Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that heav'n can- not heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the stray- ing, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure. Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly siyins:: "Earth hath no sorrow that heav'n cannot cure." 296 CHEERFUL SONUS. 3 Here see the bread of life; see waters tiowing Forth fniin the throne of God. pure froiji above. Come to the feast of love; come, ever kno^^ing Earth has no sorrow but heav'n can remove. Thomas Moore {alt.) And Thomas Hastings. 297 At the Fountain. 1 Of him who did salvation bring, I'm at the fountain drinking; I could forever think and sing, I'm on my journey home. Glory to God, I'm at the fountain drinking; Glory to God, I'm on my journey home. 2 Ask but his grace and lo ! 'tis given, I'm at the fountain drinking; Ask and he turns your hell to heaven, I'm on my journey home. 3 Though sin and sorrow wound my roul, I'm at the fountain drinking; Jesus, thy balm will make me whole, I'm on my journey home. 4 Where'er I am, where'er I move. I'm at the fountain drinking; I meet the object of my love, I'm on my journey home. 207 CHEERFUL SONGS. 5 Insatiate to this spring I fly, I'm atthe fountain drinking j I drink, and yet I'm ever dry, I'm on my journey home. Chorus. Glory to God, I'm at the fountain drinking; Glory to God, My soul is satisfied. 298 Happy Day. 1 O HAPPY day that fixed my choice On thee my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Chorus. Happy day, happy day, When Jesu-: washed my sins away ! He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing ev'ry day; Happy day, hai)py day, When Jesus washed my sins away. 2 O happy })ond tiiat seals my vows To him who merits all my love! Let cheerful anthems fill his house, While to that sacred shrine I move. 3 'Tis done"! the great transaction's done! I am my Lord's and he is mine: He drew me and I followed on, Charmed to confess that voice divine. 298 CHEERFUL SONGS. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart; Fixed on this blissful center, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart; With him of ev'ry good possessed. -5 High heav'n that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I Ijow, And bless in death a bond so dear. P. Doddridge. 299 He Came to Save Me. 1 When Jesus laid his crown aside, He came to save me; When on the cross he bled and died, He came to save me. Eefrain. I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm so glad that Jesus came; And grace is free, He came to save me. 2 In my poor heart he deigns to dwell He came to save me. O praise his name, I know it well. He came to save me. 3 With gentle hand he leads me still. He came to save me; And trusting him I fear no ill, He came to save me. 4 To him my faith with rapture clings, He came to save me; To him my heart looks up and sings, He came to save me. H. E. Blair. 299 CHEERFUL SONGS. 300 'Tis Glory in My Soul. 1 To thy cross, dear Christ, I'm clinging, All my refuge and my plea; Mati'hless is thy loving-kinchiess, Else it had not stooped to me. Chorus. O 'tis glory! O 'tis glory! 'tis glory in my soul, For I've touched the hem of his gar- ment, And his pow'r doth make me whole. 2 Long my heart hath heard thee calling, But I thrust aside tiiy grace; Yet, O boundless condescension. Love is sldning from thy face. 3 Love eternal, light eternal. Close me safely, sweetly in ; Saviour, let thy balm of healing, Ever keep me free from sin. Flora L. Best* 301 Come, Thou Fount. I Come thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streatns of mert-y, never ceasing. Call for soug-^ of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet. Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount— I'm fixed upon it, Mount of thy redeemiug love. 300 X CHEERFUL ;s(jxus. 2 Here I raise mine Ebenezer, Hither by tiiy help I'm come; And I hope by tliy gijod pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'rmg from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 3 O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let thy gos, i)lunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Chorus. O Lord have mercy, O Lord have mercy, O Lord have mercy, have mercy on me. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day, And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Tiiou dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shidl never lose its power Till ail the ransomed Church of God Are saved to sin no more. 311 CHEERFUL SDXG'S. 4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowino; wounds supply, Redjeminoj love ha* been my theme, And shall be till I die. Williayn Cowper. 314 Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed? 1 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimej= that I liave done, He groaned upon the tree? A m az i ng pity ! grace unknown! And love beyond degree! 3 AVell miglit the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty ^Maker, died. For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my bhishing face While his dear cross ap])ears; Dis=olve my lieart in thankfulness. And melt mine eyes to tears. 6 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away — 'Tis all that I can do. Tfianr Watts. 312 CHEERFUL SONGS, 315 Lord, I Believe a Rest REiiAiNa L Lord, I believes a rest remains To all tliy people kiiuwn ; A rest where pure enjoyment reigns, And thou art loved alone. 2 A rest where all our soul's desire Is fixed on tilings above; Where fear and sin and grief expire, Cast out by perfect love. 5 O that T now the rest might know, Believe, and enter in ; Now, Saviour, now the power bestow. And let me cease from sin. 4 Remove thi>j hardness from my heart; This unbelief remove; To me the rest of faith impart, The Sabbath of thy love. Charles Wesley. ^16 I Can, I Will, I Do Believe. I CAN, I will, I do believe, I can, I will, I do believe, I can, I will, I do believe That Jesus saves me now. 317 How I Love Jesus, 1 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as 1? 313 CHEERFUL SONGS, Chorus. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Je^us, Because he first loved me! 318 Rock of Ages. 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, Froni thy \\oun(lew. 6 The l)lessing by faith I receive from above ; O glory! my soul is made perfect in love. My prayer ha's prevailed, and this mo- nu-nt I know The blood is ai)plied : I am whiter than snow, 315 CHEERFUL SONGS. 320 What a Friend? 1 What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Ev'ry thing to God in prayer! what peace we often forfeit, v.hat needless pains we bear, All because we do not carry Every thing to God in prayer! 2 Have we trials and tem})tations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so I'aithful, Who will ail our sorrows share? Jesus knows our ev'ry weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer, 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge. Take it to tiie Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despi.-e, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer. In his arms hedl take and shield thee, Thou wilt tind a solace there. 321 Lord, I Care Not for Eiches. i 1 Lord, I care not for riches. Neither silver nor gold; 1 would make sure of iieaven, 1 would enter the foM: 316 CHEERFUL SOXGS. In the book of thy kingdom, With its pages so fair, Tell me, Jesus^my Saviour, Is my name written there? Chorus. Is my name written there, On tlie page white and fair? In the book of thy kingdom. Is my name written there? 2 Lord, my sins they are many, Like the sands of the sea; But thy blood, O my Saviour, Is sufficient for me ; For thy jiromise is written In bright letters that glow: " Though your sins be as' scarlet, I will mal^e them like snow." 3 that a beautiful city. With its mansions of light. With its glorified beings, In pure garments of white; Where no evil thing cometh To de-poil what is fair, Where the angels are watching, Is my name written there? 322 Work, for the Xigiit is Coming. 1 Work, for the nieht is coming; Work through the morning hours; Work, while the dew is sparkling; Work 'mid springing flowers; 317 CHEERFUL SONGS. Work, when the day grows brighter; Work, in the ^luwiiig f-iin; Work, for the niglit is coining, AV'hen man's woi'k is iione. 2 Work, for the ni«rht is coming; AViirk through liie sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with lal^or; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in ^•tore; Work, f(»r tlie night is coming, AVlien man works nu more. 323 O Think of the Home. 1 O THINK of the home over there, By the side of the river of life, Wheie the saints all immortal and fair, Are robed in their garments of white. Chorus. Over there, over there, O think of a home over there! Over there, over there, O think of the home over there. 2 think of the friends over there. Who before us the journey have trod, Of the song- that they bieathe on the air. In their home in the palace of God. Over there, over there, O think of the friends over there! Over there, over there I O think of the fiiends over there. ;J18 CHEERFUL SOXGS. o My Saviour is now over there, There my kindred and friends are at rest; Then away from my soitow and care^ Let me fly to the land of the Idlest. Chorus. Over there, over there, My Saviour is now over there! Over there, r»ver there, My Saviour is now over there ! 4 I'll soon be at home over there. For the end of my journey 1 see; Many dear to my heart, over there, Are watching and waiting for me. CJlOIVIS. Over there, over there, I'll soon be at home over there! Over there, over there, I'll soon be at home over there! 324 More Love to Thee, O Christ, 1 More love to thee, Christ, Move love to thee I Hear thou the prayer I make, On bended knee; This is my earnest plen, More love, O Chri-t. to thee, More love to thee ! 2 Once earthly j"y I craved. Sought peace nnd rest; Now thee alone I seek, Give what is best: 319 CHEERFUL SONGS. This all my prayer shall be, More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee! 3 Then shall my latest breath Whisper thy pi'aise; This be the ])artin mansions in tlie skies, I bid farewell to ev'ry fear, And wii)e my weeping eyes. 324 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And fiery darts be hurled, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, Let storms of sorrow fall, So I but safely reach my home. My God, my heav'n, my all. 4 There I shall bathe my weary soul In seas of heav'nly rest, And not a v>-ave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. Isaac Watts. 331 I'll Live For Him. 1 My life, my love I give to thee, Thou Lamb of God, who died for me; may I ever faithful be, My Saviour and my God I Clionis. I'll live for him who died for me. How happy then my life shall be! I'll live for him who died for me. My Saviour and my God! 2 I now believe thou dost receive, For thou hast died that I might live; And now henceforth I'll trust in thee, My Saviour and my God! 3 thou who died on Calvary, To save my soul and make me free, 1 consecrate my life'to thee, My Saviour and my God! 325' CHEERFUL SOXOS. 333 He Is Calling. 1 There's a wideness in God's mercy, Like the wideness of tlie sea; There's a kindness in his justice Which is more than liberty. Chorus. He is calling: "Come to me! " Lord, I'll gladly haste to thee. 2 There is a welcome for tlie sinner, And more graces for the good ; There is mercy with the Saviour; There is healing in his blood. 3 For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind; And the heait of the Eterual Is most wonderful and kind. 4 If our love were but more sim])le, We w^ould take him at his wf)rd; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. Faber. 333 O That IMy Load. L. M. 1 Othat my load of sin were gone! O that I could at last submit At Jesus' feet to lay it down — To lay my soul at Jesus' feet! 2 Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour of all, if mine thou art, Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp thine image on mv heart. 326 CHEERFUL SONGS. 3 Break oflf the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit iree; I cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wliolly lost in thee. 4 Fain vrould I learn of thee, my God, Thy light and easy buiden i»rove, The cro-s all stained with liallowed blood, The labor of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the pow'r; IVIy heart from ev'ry sin release; Bring near, brin^ near the joyful liour, And till me with thy i^erfeet peace. (harles Wesley, 334 I Will. Sprinkle. 1 Ye wdio know your sins forgiven, And are happy in the Loid, Have you read that gracious i-ron-iise Which is left upon record ? Refrain. I Avill sprinkle you with water, I will cleanse you from all sin. Sanctify and make you holy, I will come and dwell within. 2 Though you have much peace and com- fort. Greater things yon yet may find — Freedom from unholy tempers. Freedom from the carnal mind. 3 Be as holy, and as happy, And as useful hoi-e below, 327 CHEERFUL 80XGS. As it is your Father's pleasure ; Jesus, only Jesus know. 4 Spread, O s])read the jovful tidings, Tell, O tell what God 'has done, Till the nations are conformed To the image of his Son, 5 O mav every soul be filled With the Holy Ghost to-day! Ke is coming, he is coming; O prepare, prepare the way! 335 Sweet Land of Rest. 1 Sweet land of rest, for thee I sigh! When will the moment come, AVhen I shall lay my armor by, And dwell with Christ at home, And dwell with Christ athome. And dwell with Christ at home. 2 Xo tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful shelt'ring dome; This world's a wilderness of woe. This world is not my home, This world is not my home. This world is not my home. 3 To Jesus Christ I sought for rest, He bade me cease to roam; But fly for succor to his breast. And he'd conduct me home. And he'd conduct me home, And he'd conduct me home. 328 CHEERFUL tiOSG^. Weary of wand'ring ruuml and round This vale of sin and glouni, I long to leave th' unhallowed ground And dwell with Christ at home, And dwell with Christ at home, And dwell with Christ at home. 336 Only Trust Him. 1 Come, ev'ry soul \)j sin oppressed, There's mercy with the Lord, And he will surely give you rest, By trusting in his word. Clioru^. Only trust him, only trust him, Only trust him now; He will save you, he \\ill save you, He will save you now. 2 For Jesus shed his precious blood Rich blessings to l:)estow^; Plunge now into the crimson flood, That washes white as snow. 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest ; Believe in him without delay, And you are fully blest. 4 Come then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. 329 CHEERFUL SONGS. CJiorns. Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus now ; He will save you, he will save you, He will save you now. Jier. J. H. Stockton. 337 The Great. Physician. 1 The Great Physician now is here, The sympathizing Jesus; He speaks tlie drooping heart to cheer, O hear.the voice of Jesus. Cliorus. Sweetest note in sernph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. 2 Your many sins are all forgiv'n, hear tlie voice of Jesus ; Go on your way in peace to heav'n And wear a crown with Jesus. 3 All glory to the dying Lamb! 1 now believe in Jesus; I love the blessed Saviour's name, ■ I love the name of Jesus. 4 The children, too, both great and small, AVho love the name of Jesus, May now accept his gracious call To work and live for Jesus. 5 Come, brethren, help me sing his praise^ O praise the name of Jesus; 330 CHEERFUL SOXGS. Come, sisters, all your voices raise, O bless the name of Jesus. 6 His name dispels my guilt and fear, No other name but Jesus; O how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. 7 And when to that bright world above, AVe rise to see our Jesus, We'll sing around the throne of love His name, the name of Jesus. Rev. William H. Hunter, D.D. 338 It Is Good to Be Here. 1 While we bow in thy name, meet us again, Fill our hearts with the light of thy love. May the Spirit of grace, And the smiles of thy grace. Gently fell on us now from above! Refrain. It is good to be here, it is good to be here, Thy perfect love now drives away all our 'ear. And light streaming down makes the pathway all clear, It is good for us, Lord, to be here. 2 Onr souls long for thee, O may we now see A sin-cleansing blood- wave appear; 331 CHEERFUL SONGS. And feel, as it rolls, In power o'er our souls, It is good for us, Lord, to be here. 3 Thou art with us we know; We feel the sweet flow Of the sin-cleansing wave's gladd'ning tide; We are washed from our sin, Made all holy within, And in Jesus sweetly abide. Rev. I. N. Wilson. 339 O How Happy Are They. 1 O HOW happy are they Who the Saviour ol)ey, And have laid up their treasures above; Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love. 2 That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I received through the blood of the Laml) ; When my heart first believed. What a joy I received — What a heaven in Jesus' name! 3 'Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know, And the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat. And the Lover of sinners adore. 332 CHEERFUL SUXGS. Jesus, all the day long, Was my joy and my ^^ong; O that all his salvation might seel He hath loved me, I cried, He hath suffered and died, To redeem even rebels like me. 340 Take Me As I Am. 1 Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry Unless thou help me I must die; O bring thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I ami liefrain. Take me as I am. Take me as I am ; O bring thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am I 2 Helpless I am, and full of guilt. But yet for me thy blood was spilt, And" thou can'st make me what thou wilt, But take me as I am! 3 I thirst, I long to know thy love. Thy full salvation I would'prove; But since to thee I cannot move, O take me as I am I 4 If thou hast work for me to do. Inspire my will, my heart renew. And work both in and by me too, But take me as I am ! 333 CHEERFUL SOXGS. 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle o'er, tlie vict'rj^ won, Still, still my cry shall be alone: "O take me as lam!" Anon, 341 Just As I Am. 1 Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that tiiou bidd'st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come ! 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come! 3 Just as I am, thoucrh tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come! 4 Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind — Sight, riches, healing of the mind; Yea, all I need in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come ! 5 Just as I am — tliou wilt receive. Wilt wel-come, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! 6 Just as I am — thy love unknown Hath Ivoken every barrier down, Now, to be thine, yea, thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come! 334 CHEERFUL SONGS. 343 More Faith in Jesus. 1 While struggling through this vale of tears I want more faith in Jesus ; Amid temptations, cares, and fears I want more faith in Jesus. Chorus. I want more faith, I want more faith, * A clearer, brighter, stronger faith in Jesus ; And this my cry as time rolls by, I want more faith in Jesus. 2 To war against the foes witliin, I want more faith in Jesus; To rise above the pow'r.< of ^in, I want more faith in Je>us. 3 To brave the storms that here I meet, I want more faith in Jesus; To rest confiding at his feet, I want more iaith in Jesus. 4 I want a faith that works by love, A r-onstant faith in Jesus; A faith that mountains can remove: A Uving faith in Jesns. Henrietta E. Blair. 343 Hallelujah! Amen. 1 How oft in holy converse With Christ, my Lf»rd, alone, I S-^em to hear the millions That sing around his throne. 335 CHEERFUL SONGS. Chorus. Hallelnjali! Amen. Hallelujah ! Amen. Hallelujah I Amen. Amen, Amen. 2 They passed through toils and trials, And though the ^ ready, tlie Master s lid 43 All praise to him who reign-^ above. . 216 All the day in sweet connnunicjii 220 All the Way Long It Is Jesus 129 Always Abounding 242 Am I a soldier of the cross 328 Another year is dawning 105 A Perfect Salvation 114 Are there those around my door. ... 10 Are you drifting down life's current. . 174 Are You Ready? 274 Are you ready f >r the Bridegroom . . . 232 Are You Washed in the Blood? 116 -347 INDEX. NO. Are you weary, are you heavy-heart. 50 Are you willing, my sister 26 A Shout in the Camp 225 A Song of Trust 1 72 At the Beautiful Gate 180 At the Cross 253 At the Cross I'll Abide 188 At the Fountain 297 At the Golden Landing H5 At the sounding of the trumpet 222 A trembhng soul, I come to thee 9 A wave is rolling o'er the land 247 Away to Jesus 237 A wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my.. . . 179 Battling for the Lord 63 Beautiful Christmas 170 Beautiful day, lovely thy light 18 Beautiful Robes '. .... 156 Be earnest, my brother, in word 242 Behold the Bridegroom 232 Beulaii Land 178 Blessed are the pure in heart 257 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 147 Blf.ssed Be the Name 216 Bi.i:ssED Jesus 262 Blessed Light of God 40 Blest Saviour, what a word is 17 Breathe upon Us 155 Bright is the day-star shining for 189 Bringing in the Sheaves 273 Brother for Christ's kingdom 167 Brother, leave the path of sin 24 By Grace I AVill 223 By the Grace of God We'll 196 34« INDEX. NO. Cast thy bread upon the waters 31 Cast Thy Burden on the Lord 149 Cheer up, weary sailor, your sliip. . . . 260 Christ has for sin atonement made.. . 19 Christians, are you growing weary ... 12 Christ Is All.'. ' 152 Cling to the Mighty One 91 Come and Ask Jesus to Save You. . . 83 Come and See 141 Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed . . . 336 Come Home 22 Come, let us join our cheerfid 3 Come, O come to the ark of rest 227 Come over, lost one, come 68 Come, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing . . 301 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus '. 302 Come to Jesus, trembling sinner 53 Come unto me, the Saviour said 112 Come, Ye Blessed 117 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye. . . 296 Come, ye sinners, come to-day 177 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy.. . . 286 Coming Home 1 36 Coming Victory 234 Companionship with Jesus 252 Consecration 207 Day by day we journey here 40 Dear Jesus, I long to be perfectly 319 Dear Saviour, Cleanse Me Now 9 Delay not to come to Christ 153 Down at the cross where my Saviour. 303 DoxoLOGY 345, 346 Draw Me to Thee 280 349 INDEX. NO. Each Heart Thy Temple 251 Entire Consecration ... 69 Equip Me for the War 311 Eternity — where? it floats in the 101 Faithful Guide 197 Far away my steps have wandered. . 87 Father ail holy, bend we so lowly. . . 41 Fill Me Now 307 Fire Away avith Your Ballots ^Q Follow Me 14 FlIEE WATEIiS 55 Fi ieiids of yore have flown to 35 From all the dark places of earth's,. . 190 From Greenland's icy mountains 304 From yonder cross what beams ijQ Gathered 'Home 74 Gath r them in at the Master's 15 Gather the Reapers Home 59 Gentle Shepherd, Save Me Now 87 Give Me Jesus 238 Glorious As the Light 72 Glory be to the Father, and to the. . . 347 Glory, He Saves 195 Glory, I'm Redeemed 85 Glory to God, Hallelujah 140 Glory to His Name 303 Glory to Je!=us, he saves even me 195 Glory to Jesus, He Saves 143 Glory.to Jesus, who died on the 143 Glory to the Lamr 3 God be with you till we meet again.. 151 God has given me a song, a song 172 God is here, and that to bless us. 6 350 INDEX. NO. God loved the world so tenderly 42 God So Loved the World 42 Good news! good news of a soul 11 Go Tell the World of His Love 33 Grace Is Free 219 Great is the Lord, who ridetli 202 Hallelujah ! Amen 343 Happy Day 298 Happy ix the Love of Jesus 189 Happy Land 298 Happy Tidin'gs 272 Hark the song of holy rapture 34 Harvest Time ' 281 Have you heard the song from the. . . 59 Have you been to Jesus 1 Hi Have you something good to tell 9!) Healing at the Fountain li'3 Hear and Answer Prayer 2()7 Hear the earnest invitation SL Hear vou not the Saviour calliuw 14 He Came to Save Me ':.... 299 He lias come, he has come 217 He Hideth My Soul 179 Heirs to the kingdom of Jesus the. . . 33 He Is Calling 332 He Is My Portion Forever 131 Help Just a Little 1()7 Here in thy name w^e are gathered.. . 205 He Saves to the LVi'ermost 1<)5 He\s Mighty to Save 137 He AVill Gather the Wheat 176 Him That Cometh unto Me 5 His Anger Is Turned Away 184 His Blood Washes Whiter Than. . . 100 3.-1 INDEX. NO. Hold on, mv soul, to the end hold on. 47 Holy Spirit; fliithful Guide 197 Home at Last 34 Home of the Soul 159 Home to Mother in Heaven 133 Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit 307 How firm a foundation 208 How I Love Jesus 317 How oft in holy converse with 343 How, O how are you living 7 How sweet the name of Jesus 327 I am coming to the cros^ 292 I am dwelling on the mountain 226 I Am Glad 236 I am passing down the valley 139 I am praying, blessed Saviciir 267 I am safe -. 270 I am saved, the Lord hath saved me. 171 I am saved through the l)l«)od 70 I am trusting tliee. Lord Jesus 23 I am weary of sin 48 I came to the fountain that cleanseth. 212 I can, I will, I do believe 316 I Come to Thee 66 I entered once a home of care. 152 I follow the footsteps of Jesus my. . . 239 I have come to the fountain ". . . . 4 I have found a friend divine 233 I have found the Saviour jirecious.. . . 29 I have found repose for my weary.. . . 169 I have heard of a land, of a beautiful . 266 I have labored for thee, O sin 135 I have learned the wondrous 105 I have sought round the verdant 291 353 INDEX. NO. I have surrendered to the Lord 173 I hope to meet you all in glory 180 I know I love thee better, Lord llil I know the joy of pardoned sin 39 I'll Be There 245 I'll Live for Him 331 I'll sing of the story Gl I love my Saviour, *his heart is 145 I'm liappy, I'm happy, O wondrous.. 308 I'm happy, so happy 30 I'm helpless, Lord, to thee I fly Kil I'm Xot Alone 2G3 I'm saved, I'm saved, O blessed 215 I'm Waiting for Thee 51 In a world so full of weeping 218 In darkness I wandered till Jesus 92 In perfect p ,'ace I now can say 8 In some way or other, the Lord Ill In the Book of Life G4 In the Chri.-tian's home in glory 293 In the good old way where 241 In the gospel's sweet old story 234 In the hush of early morning 89 In the Morning IGB In the rifted rock I'm resting.. .• 27 In the secret of his presence 122 In thy book, where glory bright 64 Into the fountain of cleansing 57 In vain, in high and holy lays 240 I praise the Ix)rd that one like me. . . 97 I see the bright, effulgent rays 16 Is Not This the Land of Beulah 226 I stand beside the crimson stream. . . 214 Is there any one here that is willing. 248 I think I should mourn o'er my ISO 358 INDEX. NO. It Is Good to Be Here 388 It Just Suits Me 121 I've found a joy in sorrow 194 I've reached the land of corn and.. . . 178 I want to be a worker for the Lord. . . 20 I was once far away from my Saviour. 142 I was once far away from the Saviour. 165 I Will Shout His Praise in Glory.. 98 I will sing you a song of that 159 I Will Sprinkle 334 I will tell the world around me 236 I Will Trust in Mv Saviour 82 Jesus, I come to thee 211 Jesus Is Calling for Thee 56 Je-sis Is Good to Me 145 Jesus Is Precious to Me 162 Jesus Is Stronc; to Deliver 198 Jesus is the Light, the Way 107 Jesns is waiting hi- grace to bestow. . 137 Josns is waiting to save 'you 201 Jesns, Iv^ver of m v soul 284 Jesus, My Joy. . . .' 194 ,Ie-us, my Lord, to thee I cry 340 Jesus of" Nazareth Died for 161 Jesus Saves 275 Jesus saves me 290 Jesus saves me and keeps me 1()0 J(>sus, Saviour, great I'xample. 203 Je-us, the Saviour, is waiting and .... 2.'5"i Jksus Waits to He[,i' You 24 Jesus Will Forgive 177 JiNUs Will Save You Now 227 Joy In Heaven 37 8.54 IXDEX. NO. Just Ahead 268 Just as I am, without one jjlea ;j41 Keep Me Ever Close to Thee. to Leading souls to Jesus who are 249 Leaning ox Jesus 168 Leaning on the Everlasting 44 Let Me in the Life-boat 260 Let the Blessed Saviour in 209 Like a bird on the deep, far away 185 Listen to the blessed invitation. \ 5 Lord, I believe a rest remain-^ 315 Lord, I care not for riches, Neither.. . 321 Lord, I come repenting 243 Lord, in the strength of grace 312 Lost but Found 32 I\L\NsiONS All Bright 65 Marching on 255 Marching on to Victory 132 INIeet in the Morning 119 Meet Me There 60 ^Iercy Is Boundless and Free 264 'Mid the toil and the battle 1 268 Moments of Blessing 125 More about Jesus would I know 109 ^loRE Faith in Jesus 342 :^L)re Like Thee 203 :\rore love to thee, O Christ 324 31 y body, soul, and spirit 207 ]\Iy Father is rich in houses and 326 3IY Fatherland 285 My home is in heaven 115 My Jesus, I love thee 148 355 INDEX. NO. My life, Mv love I give to thee 331 My Spirit Is Free 239 My soil, be on thy guard 310 My soul for light and love had 228 My soul in sad exile was out on 158 Nearer, my God, thee ! 305 No BuitDExs Allowed to Pass 138 No NioHT Over There 113 No night s!i;dl be in heaven 113 No Shade Likr This for Me 70 Not Satisfied Here 39 Now the solemn shadows darken. . . . 2C2 O bless the Lord, what joy is 269 O come, to Calvarv turning 56 O'er the hill-i and^idown the 170 O father, come kiss me once 133 Of liim who did salvation ])ring 207 O for a clo-^er walk with God 325 O for a heart to praise my Go 1 271 Oft when tossed on ocean's f >am 270 O irooil oM way, how sweet thon 129 O luxpi)y day that fixed my choice. . . 208 O happy day! what a Savioiir is 52 O blessod fell<^wship divine 252 O bliss of the purified, bliss 320 O how ha]>py are they 330 O rally round the standard of. 100 O the cruel Esvpt bondnge 47 O the joy that fills my heart! 32 O the Lord is rich in mercy 124 O tlie ni'jfht of time soon shall 25 O til ink of the home over there 323 O 'Tis Glory in My Soul 300 356 INDEX. NO. O 'Tis Wonderful 234 O to be like him, tender and 221 O to have the mind of Jetus 46 O when shall I dwell 65 O when shall I Hweep thfdUgh the. . . 277 O why are you slighting the 256 O why should we wre.-tle with 146 O Jesus, Lord, thy dying Love 253 O Jesus, Saviour,'l lung to rest 188 O land of rest, for thee I sigh 288 O Lord, Have Mercy 313 O L'.rd, I will praise thee 184 One by one we cross the river 94 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand. . . 28 O.vLY Believe. . . 146 Only Trust Him 336 On the cold, barren hills 164 On the happy, golden shore 60 On tlie mount of wondrous glory 110 On the Saviour I've believed 85 On the AVay 269 Open the Door 235 Oppressed with noonday's searching. 79 O Rest, Sweet Rest 213 O sing of the power of love di\ine. . . 108 O tell me no more 306 O that my load of sin were gone ! 333 O the joy, the bliss divine 193 O they tell me of a home far beyond . 96 O thou in whose presence my soul. . . 344 O turn not back in the Christian 163 Our Cause Is Marching on 265 Out on the midnight deep 280 Outside the Gate 259 O vercomers 128 357 INDEX. NO. O what must I do to be saved ? 28:^ O why dopt thou Hnger so lon.i: 51 Poor, starving: soul, there's room 2.")9 Praise and Magnify Olr King 202 Praise God, from whom all blessings. 845 Praise the Lord for His Love. ..... 164 Praver is the key 157 Pray for the fallen, O think of 24(> Precious iSaviour, thou hast saved. . . . 290 Purity Whiter than Snow 57 Redeemed, Praise the Lord 52 Rejoicing Evermore 280 Rest for the Weary 293 Resting at the Cross 229 Resting By and By 12 Revive, O Lord, our waiting souls. . . . 155 Revive the Hearts of All fi Revive Us Again 294 Kiel) are the moments of blessing 125 Ring Out the Hallelujahs 144 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 818 Safe in the Glory Land 241 Saved to the uttermost: I am the 150 Saviour. Blessed Saviour 193 Saviour, I have heard thee pleading.. 254 Sav, who hath sorrow, contentions?.. 134 Send Me 10 Shall we all meet at home in 74 Ship of Zion 90 Sljould the summons quickly fly 2V4 Showers of Blessing ". 205 Show pity, Lord, Lord, forgive 261 358 IXDEX. NO. SiiniAy trusting every clay 45 Sing Hallelljah w.y Sing on, ye joyful pilgiini< 7t) Sing, O sing the love of Je.sus 102 Sing the song the ransomed sing, .-. . . 144 Sinners, turn, why will ye die?T l'7(> Sinner, Turn \ •21^^ Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling.. . 200 Songs in the Calm, Still Xight 88 Source from whence the streams /o Sowing in the morning, Sowing 273 Speak to me, Jesus, I'm far from 07 Standing on the promises of 258 Stay Xot 201 Steersman, steersman, the channel's.. 02 Stepping in the Light 278 Stejiping-stones to Jesus 73 Sunshine in the Soul 154 Surrendered 173 Sweet day of the Lord, we hail 71 Sweet is the name of my Lord 162 Sweet land of rest, for thee I sigh 335 Sweetly Eesting 27 Take Hold, Hold On 103 Take Me as I Am 340 Take my life, and let it he 69 Take the world, but give me Jesus. . . 238 Tell it out among the nations 282 Tell It to Jesus 50 Tell me the story of Jesus 279 Thanks he to Jesus, his mercy is 264 Thank God for a j^erfect salvation . . . 213 The Beautiful Land 103 The Beautiful Light 107 359 INDEX. NO. The blood of the Saviour for 95 Che City of Light 120 Che Clear Light of Heaven 92 The Crimsox Stream 214 The Crossings 47 The Firm Foundation 208 The Fountain from the Rock 4 The Glory Land 84 The Golden Key 157 The Great Phvsirian now is here 337 The Half Has Never Been Told. . . . 191 The Haven of Rest 1 58 The lioine where chanijes never 224 The Kingdom Coming 190 The Land Just Acri ss the River 28 The Lights of Home 62 Thk Lord is Rich in Mercy 124 The Mind of Jesus 46 The ^Iorning Draweth Nigh.. . 199 The Morning Light 25 Then Rejoice, All ye Ransomed 13 The Open Arms 256 The Precious Love of Jesus 108 There is a fountain filled with 313 There is a happy land 289 There is a land of pure deli'jht 245 There is a j)la('e where the antzels 285 There is healing in the fountain 123 There is joy among the angels 37 There is pardon sweet at tiie 141 There is perfect cleansing in the 106 There is rest, sweet rest, at the 192 There's a beautiful land far beyond. . 103 There's a beautiful land on high 58 There's a Blessing for Me 106 360 IXDEX. : o. There's a city of light amid the 120 There's a crown in heaven for the . . . 204 There's a fountain free, 'tis for you. . . 55 Tliere's a great day coming 118 There's a land of love \ 84 There's a murmur in the valley 244 There's a shout in the camp foV 225 Tiiere's a wail from the islands of 90 There's a wildness in God's mercy . . . 332 There's nothing like the old, old/ 210 There's rejoicing in tlie presence 13 There's sunshine in my soul to 154 The Rum Saloon Shall Go 247 Tiie Saviour invites you pooi- 22 Tlie Saviour is my all in all . 54 The Saviour Precious 29 The Scarlet Line 95 The seed I have scattered in 281 The Spirit and bride say " Come! "... 250 The temperance cause is moving 132 The Unclouded Day 9() The Universal Call 250 The Wages of Sin 135 The whole wide world for Jesus 100 Thine forever, thine forever 80 Though my sins were once like 231 Thocgh the Shadows Gather 82 Though troubles assail and dangers. . 230 Thou chief among ten thousand 251 Thousands stand to-day in sorrow 12() Through the gates of pearl and 196 Tidings, happy tidings 272 'Tis so sweet to trust in Je-us 127 'Tis the Lord who leadeth me still. . . 88 To Save a Poor Sinner 01 9p. 361 w INDEX. NO. To the cross of Christ mv Saviour 229 To thy cross, dear Christ, I'm 300 Touch Not, nor Taste 134 Treasures in Heaven 204 Trustinii in Jesus, my Saviour 181 TUUSTING IN THE NaME OF JeSUS 8 Trusting in the Promise 169 Trusting Jesus, That is All 45 Trusting Only Thee 23 Trying to walk in the steps of the 278 T'ntil ye Find 206 Up and Onward 78 Up for Jesus ! up and onward 1 78 Vale of Beulah 139 AVait and INIurmur Not 224 AVAuriNG AT the Pool 126 AVaiting for Me 212 (\\\LKIN'G AND TALKING 70 Washed White as Snow 231 Watcli and pray, that when the 187 We are marching; onward to the 119 We are never, never weary of the 140 We are pilo^rims lookinjj: home 166 Weary pilgrim on life's pathway 149 Weary with walking alone, long 168 We have heanl a joyful sound 275 We have wandered far away from ... 136 Welcome for me 185 Welcome home 277 We'll work till Jesus comes 288 We praise thee, O God! f )r the 294 AVe shall walk the realms of glory. . . 38 We shall walk with him in wiiite 156 362 INDEX. NO. "We've joined the glorious sister 265 We've listed in a holy war 63 AVe will work, we will work for 36 Wliat a fellowsliip, what a joy divine. 44 What a friend we have in Jesus 320 What a gath'riniz that will be 222 Wliat a wonderful salvation 1 121 Wliat a wonderful Saviour ! 19 Wluit nm.^ the pictures of several ncted evangelists and Christian workers whom you want to see. This is worth all the book will cost you. PREPAID. PREPAID. NOT PREPAID. M.-vxiLLA....20cts. 12.00 per doz. $15.00 per lOO Muslin 25 cts. 2.60 per doz. IS.OO per 100 Bo.ARDS 30 cts. 8.00 per doz. '22 50 per 1(H> Cloth 50 cts. 5 00 per doz, 40.00 per 100 STATE WHETHER YOU WANT ROUND NOTES OR SHAPES. F»1CKETX PUBI^ISHINO CO. 165 Fourth Ave., Louisville, Ky. 000 002 881 1 He GHRisiiAH sOLiDiej^ ILLS A PL vCE OF ITS OWN. . , . 'lad our heart set on the enlar o!" i:.! li.eiime has come, and so, . '.e'-ici ih r-ur friend-, ■■■? have launched c> I L. PicKett contu; . -5 ?s editor : 'lev. :e. Pica.- J qote.i^it new dep.tr ti- . will ii '.'.'e^t aiid he'p those \s . ... departmen; of Music v.'il! ^-.-nt.:.!- skL-tchcs of note^ nasician- , incidMi s .. .1 appropriate nrtic'ea co.uern ng chtirs, the :i!i,i i-.n.ircJ tI e:ries no io revivals vifVA cont^.'. i+io workeiv, articles .: . ._._ ^_ .t^n^ln^ ri.i'ivalc and i viv • 1 lie vVoiUri ■ b page is ia" c'"ii.s;e of WilTiore. Ky. Tiiose who kMO,\' h--. The Home Ci'de is in cha! •, oj A » t\y. We believe ■"-very '' i''iO lovers of the Ionic .. id ^ K,r-iv\v;ll ; • •„••- gementani ixtet. rultivai m- reports oi r -^ ^ .i-.en-ic>. .' . . Sa • ^ pat^e. •f, \ . aled, .«nd n day. Anv \i pud of no !nean abint; We alsc propose t>i Yw.iLs.. in eacl liioc "'•'•'vi reformer or.'" v.- ■ :-i.' ■ -ciier.'- ■-,0 c-,«l.-=. or ■ ^^^Mi^it V x-^r,>-c W,. .„.,. , ,^.. ,;e3rher- »-^ ■ aii minister.s a' o: .■efor$i.