E UC-NRLF B H S7b Em WBS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Gl FT OF U, S. Supt, of Documents. Class ^•^ LIBKART OF CONGRESS # A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO R A I LROAD S H THEIR RELATION^ TO THE GOYERMENT AND THE PUBLIC WITH APPENDIX LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE COMPILED U^IDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BI B LI O OR A PH ER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 Lf S, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS &^ A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO RAIL ROAD S n ^HEIR RELATION TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PUBLIC WITH APPENDIX LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 '\ PREFATORY NOTE This List is concerned with material in the Library of Congress upon railroads in the United States in their economic and political relations. It includes treatises on the theory and history of railroad trans- portation, discussions of the economic effects of railroad combinations, governmental investigations, speeches in Congress, and reports on interstate commerce, with references to some judicial decisions. The Appendix is devoted to the Northern securities case. Transportation in its historical and economic aspects receives scholarly treatment in Hadley's "Railroad transportation : its history and its laws;" and in Johnson's "American railway transportation." The latter work has the advantage of later investigations and of having the results of operations under the interstate commerce act to work upon. Hadley's work has not been superseded as an exposition of conditions up to the date of its publication. Ringwalt's "Develop- ment of transportation systems in the United States" is a popular compendium of traffic history in this country. General discussions of railroad yrohlems. — Larrabee's "The railroad question" is written to show that railroads "will not serve their real purpose until they become in fact . . . highways to be controlled by the government as thoroughly and effectually as the common road, the turnpike and the ferry, or the post-office and the custom-house." Adams's "Railroads: their origin and problems" is a criticism of existing railroad policies in the late seventies. Kirkman's "Railway rates and government control" in common with his other writings is devoted to commendation of existing conditions and argues against government interference. Hudson's "The railways and the republic" is devoted to a discussion of what he terms railroad abuses. Morgan's "The people and the railways" is a vehement rejoinder to Hudson's argument. Stickney's " The railway problem" is a study by a rail- road president with conclusions in favor of government control. Dab- ney in his "The public regulation of railways" favors government control. Newcomb's "Railway economics" is largely concerned with a discussion of the decline of rates. Pratt's "American railways" is a study by an English writer. McCain's "Compendium of transporta- tion theories " contains essays by experts representing all shades of opinion on railroad topics. 16520G II LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Railroads and trusts. — The subject of railroads as a part of the trust question is considered in Baker's "Monopolies and the people;" Bolen's "The plain facts as to the trusts;" Bonham's "Railway secrecy and trusts;" Cloud's " Monopolies and the people;" Cook's " The corporation problem;" Hardesty's "The mother of trusts;" and Moody's "The truth about the trusts." Railroad Goinbinations and pooling . — A detailed study is afforded by Langstroth and Stilz's " Railwaj^ co-operation" which is provided with a bibliog-raph3\ The writings of Albert Fink are held in high esteem among writers on railroad questions. The}^ afford much material on the subject of combination from the standpoint of a railroad expert. Among them there are to be noted, his "Argument before the Committee of com- merce of the House of Representatives," January, 1880; the "Argu- ment before the Committee of commerce of the Senate," February, 1879; the "Argument before the Committee on commerce of the United States House of Representatives," March, 1882; "Cost of railroad transportation;" "An investigation into the cost of transportation on American railroads, with deductions for its cheapening;" "Investiga- tion into the cost of passenger traffic on American railroads;" "The legislative regulation of railroads;" " Regulation of interstate com- merce by Congress;" "Report upon the adjustment of railroad trans- portation rates to the seaboard." The last named writing by Mr. Fink is not in the Librar}' of Congress but is to be found in the Library of the Interstate Commerce Commission, where are also to be found his "Argument before the Committee on commerce of the United States House of Representatives," January, 1884; "Relative cost of carload and less than carload shipments and its bearing upon freight classification," Chicago, 1889; and " Testimony before the Senate com- mittee on labor and education," September 17, 1883. Other discussions of combinations and pooling are to be found in : Alexander's "Railroad consolidation," and "Railway practice;" Blan- chard's "Argument before the Committee on commerce of the House of Representatives in opposition to the pending bill for the regulation of interstate commerce," and his "Shall railroad pooling be permit- ted ? " Cooley 's ' ' The interstate commerce act — Pooling and combina- tions which affect its operation," "Popular and legal view of traffic pooling," "The railway problem defined;" Hadley's "The prohibi- tion of railroad pools;" Hopkins's "Railroad combinations and dis- criminations;" Huntington's "A plea for railway consolidation;" Kenna's "Railway consolidation;" Knapp's "Equality of rights in transportation agencies," " Government regulation of railroad rates," "Railroad pooling," "Some observations on railroad pooling;" New- comb's "The concentration of railwa}'^ control," "The failure of legis- lation to enforce railway competition," "The necessity of limiting PREFATOKY NOTE III railway competition," "Railway economics," "The recent great rail- way combinations," and "Where competition is present discrimination can not be absent: an argument for the restoration of the pooling privilege with federal supervision;" Nimmo's "The American rail- road S3^stem and the trust question," "The apportionment of traffic among competing railroads," "Commercial, economic, and political questions not decided in the Northern securities case," "The commu- nit}^ of interests method of regulating railroad traffic in its historic aspects," "The limitation of competition and combination as illus- trated in the regulation of 'railroads," "Pooling and governmental control of the railroads," "The railroads as one system," "Some characteristics of the American railway system;" Peabody's "The necessity for railway compacts under governmental regulation;" Prouty's "The dependence of agriculture on transportation," " National regulation of railways," " Railway pooling — from the people's point of view;" Rice's "The proposed testimony of George Rice . . . par- ticularly relating to the Standard oil trust, railroad freight discrimi- nations, and unlawful pooling of rail and water lines; " Sterne's "Legis- lation concerning, and management of railways in the United States," "Railroad poolings and discriminations," "The railway problem;" Thurman, Washburne, and Cociley's "Report constituting an advisory commission on differential rates by railroads between the west and the seaboard;" and Walker's "The amendment of the interstate commerce law," " The pooling of railway earnings," "Railway associations," and "The Western traffic association." The official reports noted in this List under New York, State, and under United States contain material of vital importance. The works noted above under the headings Transportation, General discussions, etc., are necessary contributions to this phase of the railroad question. See also the Appendix con- taining references on the Northern securities case. The farmer and the railroad.- — Atkinson's "The distribution of products; . . . The railway, the farmer, and the public;" Dixon's "State railroad control, with a history of its developrnent in Iowa;" Hardesty's "The mother of trusts. Railroads and their relation to 'the man with the plow;'" Larrabee's "The railroad question; " Mar- tin's " History of the grange movement, or, the farmer's war against monopolies;" Me3^er's "Railway legislation in the United States;" Morgan's "History of the Wheel and Alliance, and the impending revo- lution; " Prouty's "The dependence of agriculture on transportation;" Robinson's "The octopus;" and Thompson's "The farmers' fight against the railroads." Federal reports and legislation. — The genesis of Congressional legis- lation is signalized by the "Report from the Committee on roads and canals" presented June 9, 1868, on the regulation and control of rail- roads, forming House report no. 57 of the Fortieth Congress, second IV LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS session. In 1874 a voluminous report known as the Windom report was published in two large volumes (-iSd Cong-., 1st sess., S. rept. no. 307). The so-called Reagan bill providing for a government commission to regulate interstate commerce was introduced in 1878. Debates in Congress on the bill are noted on page 43 of this List. Reagan's report forms House report no. 245 of Forty-fifth Congress, second session. The subject was before Congress in each succeeding session without resulting in legislative action until 1887 when the Interstate commerce act was passed. In 1882 an important hearing was given by the House committee on commerce when arguments were presented by Wayne MacVeagh, Albert Fink and others (47tli Cong., 1st sess., H. misc. doc. no. 55). In 1886 the Cullom report was presented (49th Cong., 1st sess., S. rept. no. 1571) which laid the foundation for the enactment of the Interstate commerce law. The speeches in Congress on this law are noted on pages 49-53 of this List. For the operation of this law see the reports of the Interstate com- merce commission, documents noted on pages 27-30 of this List. For discussions of the interstate commerce law -st^g H. C. Adams's "A decade of federal railway regulation;" Clough's "The efi'ect of the interstate act;" Cooley's "The interstate commerce act;" Dos Passos's "The inter- state commerce act, an anal3^sis of its provisions;" Hadle3^'s "The workings of the interstate commerce law;" Ingalls's "The railroads and the interstate law;" Johnson's "American railway transportation;" Lewis's "The standing of the interstate commerce commission before the federal courts;" Walker's "The amendment of the interstate com- merce law." Articles in periodicals discussing the effect of the law are listed in chronological order on pages 35-42 of this List; among these the following ma}^ be noted: Bacon's "The inadequate powers of the Interstate commerce commission" in "North American review," vol. 174, pp. 46-58; Davis's "The Interstate commerce commission and the public" in "Outlook," vol. 64, pp. 626-628; Hines's "The pro- posals of the Interstate commerce commission" in "Forum," vol. 33, pp. 3-13; McLean's "Federal regulation of railroads in the United States" in "Economic journal," vol. 10, pp. 151-171; Newcomb's "A decade in federal railway regulation" in "Popular science monthly," vol. 51, pp. 811-819; NewcomVs "American statistical practice: The Interstate commerce commission" in "Yale review," vol. 11, pp. 164- 197; and his "The Industrial commission on transportation" in "Political science quarterly," vol. 17, pp. 568-608; Prouty's "Powers of the Interstate commerce commission " in "Forum," vol. 27, pp. 223- 236; seeaho "North American review," vol. 167, pp. 543-557; Ripley's "The Industrial commission on transportation" in "Political science quarterly," vol. 18, pp. 313-320; Sedgwick's "Ten years of federal railway regulation" in "Nation," vol. m, pp. 219-220; Smith's "The powers of the Interstate commerce commission" in "North American PREFATORY NOTE review," vol. 168, pp. 62-76, and his "The inordinate demands of the Interstate commerce commission" in "Forum,'' vol. 27, pp. 551-563. Meyer's "Railway legislation in the United States" presents "a con- densed analysis of the private and public laws which govern railways in the United States, and of the important decisions relating to inter- state commerce." A chapter is devoted to the proposed "Cullom bill." An appendix contains the text of the "Elkins law" of 1902. State railway legislation.— C. F. Adams's "The regulation of all rail- roads through the state-ownership of one;" Clark's "State railroad commissions, and how they may be made effective;" Dana's "Federal restraints upon state regulation of railroad rates of fare and freight;" Dixon's "State railroad control, with a history of its development in Iowa;" Hendrick's"Railway control by commissions;" Hines's "Leg- islative regulation of railroad rates;" McLean's "State regulation of railways in the United States;" Meyer's "A history of early railroad legislation in Wisconsin;" Million's "State aid to railroads in Mis- souri;" New York, State, "Report of the Special committee on rail- roads, appointed under a resolution of the Assembly, Feb. 28, 1879, to investigate alleged abuses in the management of railroads" (Hep- burn report); Sterne's "The railway problem in the state of New York;" United States, Forty-eighth Congress, second session, Senate report no. 46, "Report of the Senate select committee on interstate commerce." See also chapters in Dabney's "The public regulation of railways;" Hadley's "Railroad transportation;" Johnson's "American railway transportation;" and Larrabee's "The railroad question." State railroad commissions.— Th& Library of Congress contains reports of railroad commissioners of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wis- consin. States having no railroad commissioners are: Arizona, Dela- ware, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Trans- Missouri decision.— Attorney General Harmon's brief for the Government in the case of the United States v. the Trans-Missouri freight association is given in the "Yale law journal" for January, 1897. The text of the decision of the Supreme court is given in 166 U. S. 290 and is reprinted in the '^ Railway age" for March 26 and April 2, 1897, and in Senate document no. 12, Fifty-fifth Congress, first session, entered in this List under U. S. Supreme court. The decision is discussed in "American law review," vol. 31, May-June, 1897, pp. 451-454; "Central law journal," vol. 44, Apr. 16. 1897, pp. 319-321; "Chicago legal news," vol. 29, Apr. 3, 1897, pp. 263-264; VT LIBRABY OF CONGRESS "Railway age," vol. 23, pp. 241-243, 271-272, and by George R. Blanchard in the "Forum" for June, 1897. Histories of great railroad corporations. — Chapman's "The Northern Pacific railroad;" Davis's "The Union Pacific railway;" Hollander's " The Cincinnati Southern railway" (Johns Hopkins university studies, 12th ser., nos. 1-2); Reizenstein's " The economic history of the Bal- timore and Ohio railroad, 1827-1853 " (Johns Hopkins university stud- ies, 15th ser., nos. 7-8); Robinson's "The octopus. A history of the construction, ... of the Central Pacific, Southern Pacific of Ken- tucky, Union Pacific, and other subsidized railroads;" Smalley's "His- tory of the Northern Pacific railroad; " Smith's "A history and descrip- tion of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road;" White's "History of the Union Pacific railway;" and W. B. Wilson's "History of the Pennsyl- vania railroad company." A series of articles by Edward S. Meade entitled " The great Amer- ican railways systems " appearing in the Railway World beginning in the number for Nov. 21, 1903, deals with the "The Wabash railroad," " The greater Wabash as an investment," " The Reading," " Commu- nity of interest among the anthracite roads," "The Lehigh valley," "The New York Central," "The New York Central: expansion and traffic results," " The Pennsylvania," " The Pennsylvania: its financial policy," "The Pennsylvania: its growth and expansion," "Future direction of railway traffic," "The Illinois Central," "The Missouri Pacific," "The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe," "The Atchison: its financial history," "The Baltimore and Ohio," and "The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy." These articles are to be published in book form when completed. The Library of Congress receives currently the ioWoy^mg periodicals relating to railroads: American engineer and railroad journal, New York; Bulletin of the International railway congress (English edition); Brussels; The Com- mercial & financial chronicle: Railway and industrial section. New York; International railway journal, Philadelphia and Chicago; The Official railway equipment register, New York; The Railroad employee, Newark, N. J.; Railroad gazette, New York; The Railwa}^ age, Chicago; Railway and locomotive engineering, New York; The Rail- way engineer, London; Railway line clearances and car dimensions, New York; Railway machinery, locomotive and car equipment. New York; The Railway magazine, London; The Railway news, London; Railway world, Philadelphia and New York; Roadmaster and foreman, the American railway track journal, Chicago. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, July i, 190 1{, LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS IN THEIR RELATION TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PUBLIC Acworth, W. M. English and American railways — a comparison and a contrast. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 139-147. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Government interference in English railway management. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 267-276. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The railways of England. 3d ed. Zondo'fi: J. Murray^ 1899. imi^ ^7, {Pj pp. <§°. The state in relation to railwa3's. {In Mackay, Thomas, ed. A policy of free exchange, pp. 163-210. London, 1894. 8°. ) Adams, B. B. , jr. The treatment of railroad employes. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 203-208. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Adams, Charles Francis. The interstate commerce law. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 178-174. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Railroads: their origin and problems. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1878. (^), ^1^6 2)p. i^°. The regulation of all railroads through the state-ownership of one. Boston: James P. Osgood and company., 1873. 39 pp. 8°. Speech on behalf of the Massachusetts board of railroad commis- sioners, made before the joint standing legislative committee on railways, February 14, 1873. Adams, Henry C. A decade of federal railway regulation. (in Atlantic monthly, vol. 81, Apr., 1898, pp. 433-443.) Service of a bureau of railway statistics and accounts in the solution of the railway question. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 129-138. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) 5 6 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Alexander, E. Porter. Long versus short haul. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 197-202. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Railroad consolidation. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 260-266. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) I^epl}^ to questions of the special committee on railroad trans- portation of the New York chamber of commerce. 1881. Bradley, Gilbert (& Mallory, Louisville, Ky. S8pp. 12°. Railway practice, its principles and suggested reforms re- viewed. New Yorh and London : G. P. Putnam's sons, 1887. (^), 60 2?J>- 1^°- {Questionsqfthe day.,no. 36.) A discussion of the railway problem as involving only the principles ujion which tariffs are formed and competition between water lines and rival railroads are conducted. Holds that railway tariffs must be based upon value of service rendered, and limited by a reasonable profit upon cost of service and investment employed; and, also, that stability, publicity, and uniformity of rates can only exist where there is a community of interest between the carriers, while such community can only exist under a pool or under consolidation. Atkinson, Edward. The distribution of products; or the mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange. Three essays: What makes the rate of wages ? What is a bank? The railway, the farmer, and the public. New York & London: G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1885. v, (3), 303 pp. 12"". Memorandum in regard to the equity in the case between the Government and the Union Pacific Railroad. lBoston,1871.\ <22 pjy. 8°. The railroads of the United States. A potent factor in the politics of that country and of Great Britain. Boston: A. Williams and company, 1880. Jf.8,'20])p. Folded sheet. 8°. Baker, Charles Whiting. Monopolies and the people. 3d ed., rev., and enlarged. New York cfe London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1899. xxiii, (=?), 368 pp. m-. Bald-win, Simon E. American railroad law. Boston: Little, Brown .^ and company, 190 1^.. lxxvi,770 pp. 8°. Barker, Wharton. The great issue. Reprints of some editorials from The American, 1897-1900. Philadelphia, 1902. 391 p>p. 12"". Pp. 32-69 contain editorials on aspects of the railroad question. BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 7 Beach, Charles F., jr. The problem of the vanishing profit. An address on railway and commercial trusts and combina- tions . . . before the Cono-regational club of the city of New York, January 19th, 1891. INew Yorh 1891.'] 16 j>p. m°. Black, William Nelson. Storage and transportation in the port of New York. An investigation into methods of handling merchandise, with special reference to questions of cost and convenience. G. P. Putnam's sons, JVeiv York, 1881^. 37 pp. Folded map. 12°. {Questions of the day, no. 12.) Blanchard, George R. Argument before the Committee on com- merce of the House of Representatives in opposition to the pending bill for the regulation of interstate commerce. Washington, D. C, March 14, 15, 16, and 17, 1882. m^v York: Martin B. Brown, 1882. 216pp. 8°. Reply to the Hon. S. M. Cullom. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 86-95. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Shall railway pooling be permitted? {In The Formn, vol. 5, Aug., 1888, pp. 652-665.) The Trans-Missouri decision. {In The Forum, vol. 23, June, 1897, pp. 385-395.) Bolen, George L. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the railroad problem and municipal monopo- lies. Mw York : The MacmiUan company, 1902. mii, 4^1 pp. 12"^. The railroad problem, pp. 44-90. Bonham, John M. Industrial liberty. New York and London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1888. ix, (i), J^Upp. 8°. The relations of the railway and the "trust" to industrial liberty, pp. 96-128. ■ Railwa}'^ secrecy and trusts. Mw York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1890. 138 pp. 12°. {Questions of the day, 7io. 61.) Bryce, L., and,l. J. Wait. The railway problem. 1. The legislative solution. 2. A mercantile view. \ {In North American review, vol. 164, Mar., 1897, pp. 327-348.) Chapman, W. W. The Northern Pacific railroad. Its different phases from 1864 to 1880. Land grant 63, 521, 450 acres. The great combination on the Columbia river. Washington: Josej)h L. Pearson, printer, 1880. 15pp. 8°. » LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Chittenden, L. C. Interstate commerce. Argument before the Com- mittee on commerce, House of Representatives, Jan. 29, 1884. ^Washington: Government printing office^ ISSJi^.^ 15 pp. 8^. Caption-title. Clark, Frederick C. .State railroad commissions, and how they may be made effective. \^Baltimore: Guggenhehner., Weil & cc.,] 1891. 110 pp. Folded map. Folded tables. 8°. {American economic association. Publications, ool. 6, no. 6.) Cloud, D. C. Monopolies and the people. Davenport., Iowa: Day., Egbert cfe Fidlar., 1873. (2), iv, Ji6'2 pp. 8°. "The Pacific railroad iniquity," pp. 19-28. Same. 3d edition. Davenport., Iowa: Day., Egbert & Fidlar^ 1873. BlJf.^ Hi pp. 8°. Clough, W. P. The effect of the interstate act. Has the interstate commerce law had any influence on the course of railway rates 'i {In Railway age, vol. 21, May 23, 1896, pp. 268-269.) Compendium of transportation theories. A compilation of essays upon transportation subjects by eminent experts. Publi- cation of series under direction of C. C. McCain. Washington, D. C. : Kensington puLhUsMng company., 1893. 295 pp. 8'^. {Kerisington series. 1st book.) Cook, William Wilson. The corporation problem. The public phases of corporations, their uses, abuses, etc. Neto York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1891. vi, 262pp. 12°. Cooley, Charles Horton. The theory of transportation. [Baltimore]: Am,erican economic association., 1891^. 1^,8 pp. 8°. {Publications of the American economic association. Monograp>hs., vol. 9, no. 3.) Cooley, Thomas M. The interstate commerce act — Pooling and com- binations which affect its operation. (In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 242-250. AVash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Popular and legal view of traffic pooling. ( In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 229-241. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) ■ The railway problem defined. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 7-19. Washington.. D. C, 1893. 8°.) BOOKS KELATING TO BAILROADS 9 Cullom, Stelby M. The federal control of railways. (J?i Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 80-85. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The public and the railways. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 89-50. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Dabney, W. D. The basis of the demand for public regulation of industries. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 2, Jan., 1892, pp. 433-449.) The public regulation of railways. iV^wj York (& Lo7idon: G. P. Putnam'' s sons^ 1889. v, (i), 281pp. 12^. {Questions of the day, no. 60.) The last two chapters are on the interstate commerce act and express traffic. Railway legislation. (/» Comi)endium of transportation theories, pp. 104-111. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Dana, William F. Federal restraints upon state regulation of raib road rates of fare and freight. {In Harvard law review, vol. 9, Dec. 26, 1895, pp. 324-345. ) Davis, John P. The Union Pacific railway. A stud}^ in railway politics, history, and economics. Chicago: S. C. Griggs and company., 189 J^,. 2Jf7 pp. Folded map. 8°. Dixon, Frank H. State railroad control, with a historj- of its devel- opment in Iowa. With an introdu(^tion by Henry C. Adams. JVew York: Thomas Y. Crowell (& company.^ [1896'\. ix., (i), 251 pp. Folded table. Folded map. 12^. {Library of economics and politics, no. 9.) Dos Passos, John R. The interstate commerce act; an analysis of its provisions. Wew Yorlc (& London: G. I*. Putnam'' s sons, 1887. xiii, 125 pp>. 12°. {Questions of the day, no. 38.) Eaton, James Shirley. Railroad operations; how to know them; from a study of the accounts and statistics. New York: The Railroad gazette, 1900. xix, 313 pp. 12°. Fink, Albert. Argument before the Conmiittee of commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the Reagan bill, for the regulation of interstate commerce. Washington, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1880. Mu) Yo7'k: Russell brothers, 1880. 55 jyp. 8°. Reprinted as "The railroad problem and its solution," New York. 1882. 10 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS Fink, Albert. Argument before the Committee of commerce of the Senate of the United States, on the Reagan bill, for the regulation of inter-state commerce. Washington, February 11, 1879. New Yorl-: Russell hrothers, 1879. m pj). <§". Mr. Fink's argument before the House Committee on commerce in 1882 is printed in House miscellaneous document no. 55, 47th Congress, 1st session. Cost of railroad transportation, railroad accounts, and govern- mental regulation of railroad tariJffs. Louisville, [Ky.]: J. P. Morton & co., 1875. JfS pjj. 8°. Extract from the Annual report of the Louisville & Nashville rail- road company. Also reprinted in New Yorli in 1882. ■ An investigation into the cost of transportation on American railroads, with deductions for its cheapening. Louisville, [Ay.].' J. P. Morton cfe cy>., 187 J^.. If^O, 16 jyp. 8'^. Investigation into the cost of passenger traffic on American railroads, with special reference to cost of mail service and its compensation. Louisville, [lu/.]: J. P. Morton c& co., 1876. viii, 59, 20 pp. 8^. The legislative regulation of railroads. {In Engineering magazine, vol. 9, July, 1895, pp. 623-634.) [Regulation of interstate commerce by Congress; testimony before the Select committee on interstate commerce of the Senate; New York, May 21, 1885.] {In U. S. 49th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 46, pt. 2. Report of the vSenate Select committee on interstate commerce. (Testimony), pp. 89-126. Washington, 1886. 8°.) Report upon the adjustment of railroad transportation rates to the seaboard. New York: Russellhrotliers, printers, 188'2. 59 j^P- Folded tables. 8°. Not in the Library of Congress, but to be found in the Library of the Interstate commerce commission. Fisher, James S. Railroads and the Government. {In American journal of politics, vol. 3, July, 1893, pp. 82-92.) Freund, Ernst. The police power. Public policy and constitutional rights. Chicago: (Jallaghamk company, 190 If, xcii,{2),819 pp. 8°. BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 11 Gladden, Washington. Social facts and forces: the factoiy, the labor union, the corporation, the railwa}^, the cit}", the church. New York p. 8-. Hassler, Charles W. Railroad rings and their relation to the railroad question in this country. JVew York: D. H Gildersleeve <& eo., 1876. 29pp. 8°. Hendrick, Frank. Railway control by commissions, G. P. Putnam's sons, Nexa York & London, 1900. Hi, {1), 161pp. 12°. {Questions of the day, no. 96.) BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 13 Hines, Walker D, Legislative regulation of railroad rates. (/n American economic association. Publications, 3d series, vol. 4, pp. 84-103. New York, 1903. 8°.) Hole, James. National railways: an argument for state purchase. 2d ed. London: Cassell <& co.^ 1895. xvi, Jf08 jyp. 12°. Hopkins, James H. Railroad combinations and discriminations. {In Congressional record, 44th Congress, 1st session, vol. 4, pt. 6. Appendix, pp. 111-114.) Hough, Emerson. The settlement of the West: a study in transpor- tation. {In Century magazine, vol. 63, Nov., 1901, pp. 91-107; Dec, 1901, pp. 201-216; Jan.,. 1902, pp. 355-369.) Hubbard, Gardiner G. Commerce by railroad. Memorial of Gardi- ner G. Hubbard, concerning commerce by railroad among the several states. Feb. 16, 1874. 25 pp. 8°. {IL S. JfSd Congress., Ist session. House miscellaneous document no. llfi.) Hudson, Henry. The Southern railway & steamship association. {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 5, Oct., 1890, pp. 70-94, 115-130.) Hudson, James F. The railways and the republic. Neio York: Harper & Irothers, 1886. (4), Ii89 j^p. 8°. Hull, Charles H. Railwaj^ alliance and trade districts of the United States. {In International monthly, vol. 3, June, 1901, pp. 703-718.) Huntington, Collis P. A plea for railway consolidation. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 251-259. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Ingalls, M. E, Address on railway ethics. {In Railway age, vol. 25, May 13, 1898, pp. 332-334.) The railroads and the interstate law. {In Iron age, vol. 62, July 7, 1898, pp. 19-20.) Jackson, Luis. Railways as factors in industrial development. {In Hatfield, Henry E., ed. Lectures on commerce, pp. 81-101. Chicago, 1904. 8°.) Jeans, J. S. Railway problems: an inquir}^ into the economic con- ditions of railway working in different countries. London: Longmans, Green., and co.., 1887. xxmii,560 pyp- 8°. 32016—04 2 14 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Johnson, Emory R. American railwa^^ transportation. JSfeiv York: D. Appleton and comjKvny^ 1903. xvi^ JfS^. pp. Illustrations. MajM. Folded chart. 12°. {Apjjletm^s hxisiness series.) Contents. — Introduction: Definition and scope of transportation. Parti. The American railway system: Origin of the American railway system; Origin of the American railway; Growth of the American railway net; The mechanism of the railway — Its tech- nical growth; The present railway system of the United States; The railway corporation and its charter; Railway capital; Earn- ings, expenses, and dividends. Part 11. The railway service: The freight service; The passenger service; The express service of the railways; The mail service of the railways; The organiza- tion of the service; The accounts and statistics of the railway service. Part 111. The railways and the public: Railway com- petition and agreements to maintain rates; Pools and traffic asso- ciations; The present situation; Monopoly and competition in the railway service; Theory of rates and fares; Rate making in practice; Railway charges in the United States and other coun- tries. Part IV. The railways and the state: Public aid to railway construction; Relation of the railways to the state in the United Kingdom and France; Relations of the railways and the state in Italy and Germany; Regulation of railways by the American State governments — The State commissions; Railway regulations by the federal government. The Interstate commerce commis- sion; The courts and railway regulation; Railway taxation; The problem of government regulation. Current transportation topics. {l7i American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 9, Feb., 1897, pp. 107-116; vol. 10, Sept., 1897, pp. 241-251.) ' The industrial services of the railways. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 5, May, 1895, pp. 897-914.) The principles of government regulation of railroads. (/n Political science quarterly, vol. 15, Mar. 1900, pp. 37-49.) — Relation of taxation to monopolies. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 4, Mar., 1894, pp. 764-789.) Johnson, Emory R., a?id Walter E. Weyl. The statistics of trans- portation. {In The Federal census; critical essays by members of the American economic association, March, 1899, pp. 246-256. New York, 1899. 8°. American economic association. Publications, n. s., no. 2.) Kenna, E. D. Railway consolidation. {Fa Hatfield, Henry R., ed. Lectures on commerce, pp. 111-128. Chicago, 1904. 8°.) BOOKS EELATING TO RAILEOADS 15 Sirkman, Marshall M. Economic theory of rates. Private versus government control of railroads. Nev) York and Chicago: The World railivay puhlishing coin- pany^l902. 355pp. 1'2'^. {Thesoienceof railways, vol. 8.) FQrmerly published 'under title " Railway rates and government control. ' ' Railroad legislation. The growth of our railway system and some of the mistakes attending it. Chicago: Charles N. Trivess., printer, 1886. ^6 pp. 8°. Railwa}^ rates and government control. Economic questions surrounding these subjects. Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally d; co., 1892. 35 If, pp. 8°. The relation of the railroads of the United States to the peo- ple and the commercial and financial interests of the country. Chas. N. Trivess.^ printer, Chicago. [1885.^ 5 If pp. 8'^. Knapp, Martin A. Discrimination by railways. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 185-190. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Equalit}^ of rights in transportation agencies. {In Chicago conference on trusts, pp. 2.34-237. Chicago, 1900. 12°.) Government regulation of railroad rates. {In New York bar association. Proceedings, 1895., pp. 9.3-104. New York, 1895.) Railroad pooling. {In Railway review, vol. 36, July 25, 1896, pp. 408--109; Aug. 1, 1896, pp. 422-423.) Some observations on railroad pooling and the conditions upon which pooling contracts should be authorized by law. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 8, July, 1896, pp. 127-147. ) Langstroth, Charles S. and Wilson Stilz. Railway co-operation; an investigation of railway traffic associations and a discussion of the degree and form of co-operation that should be granted competing railways in the United States. With an introduction by Martin A. Knapp. Philadelphia: Published for the University, 1899. xv, 210 pj). 8°. {Publications of the University of Pennsyh^ania. Series i7i political economy and puhlic lata, no. 15.) Larrabee, William. The railroad question; a historical and practical treatise on railroads, and remedies for their abuses. 10th ed. Chicago: The Sckulte ptihlishing company, 1898. 4^'8 p>p. Frontispiece {jjortralt). 12^. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Le'wis, George H. National consolidation of the railways of the United States. New Yorl-: I)odd, Mead ds CO., 1893. xv, 3^6 pp. i^°. Le'wis, flohn. Interstate commerce act — long and short haul clause. {In American railroad and corporation reports, vol. 7, pp. 493^97. Chicago, 189.S. 8°.) Le-wis, William Draper. The standing of the interstate commerce commission before the federal courts. {In American law register, vol. 32, Mar,, 1893, pp. 272-278.) McCain, C. C. The development of railway freight classification. {In Compendium of transportation theories., pp. 170-177. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Report upon changes in railway transportation rates on freight traffic throughout the United States, 1852 to 1893. ( In United States. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1394, pt. I, pp. 397-658. Washington, 1893. 8°.) Appears as Appendix K to part 1 of the Aldrich report on "Whole- sale prices, wages, and transportation." ed. Compendium of transportation theories. A compila- tion of essays upon transportation subjects by eminent experts. Washington, D. C. : Kei^slngton 2)'ublishing company, 18 295 j)^). 8°. {Kensingtmi series. 1st hook.) McCrea, Roswell C. Taxation of transportation companies. A report prepared under the direction of the Industrial com- mission. Washington: Ooternment j)''^^'^i^^9 ({ffce, 1901. (2), 1005- 1091 ])p. 8^. - Reprinted from vol. 9 of the Reports of the Industrial commission, Washington, 1901. McKinney, William M. atid Peter Kemper, J7\ The federal statutes annotated. Vol. 3. Edioard TJiompson company^ Northp)ort, Long Island, Neio York, 190 Jp. iv, 901^ pp. JfF'. " Interstate commerce, " pp. 808-856. McLean, Simon J. Federal regulation of railways in the United States. {In Economic journal, vctl. 10, June, 1900, pp. 157-171.) Reports upon railwa}^ commissioners, railway rate grievances, and regulative legislation, Ottaiva: Printed hy S. E. Dawson^ 1902. 79 pp. 4F\ {Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers, i-^, Edmmrd YTL no. 20a.) State regulation of railways in the United States. {In Economic journal, vol. 10, Sept., 1900, pp. 349-369.) BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 17 Martin, Edward Winslow. History of the grange movement, or, the farmer's war against monopolies. National publishing emnpany, Philadelphia [etc.], [187S\. Portraits. 539 pp. 8"^. Mather, Robert. Constitutional construction and the commerce clause. {In American bar association. Report of the twentieth annual meeting, pp. 279-305. Philadelphia, 1897. 8°.) Meyer, Balthasar Henry. Advisory councils in railway administration. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19, Jan., 1902, pp. 74-88.) A historj^ of early railroad legislation in Wisconsin. Madison: State historical society of Wisconsin., 1898. [206]- 300 pp. 8^. From State historical society of Wisconsin. Collections, vol. 14. Railway legislation in the United States. JVeio Yrrrk: The Macniillan company., 1903. xiii., (i), 329 pj). 12^-". {The Citisen\s lihrary.) Micheli, Horace. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. Tr. by John Cummings. New York: Puh. fo7' the American economic association hy the Macmillan company; London: S. So7inenschein da co.., 1898. (.^), [353yj^20 jjp. 12"". {American economic asso- ciation. Economic studies., vol. 3^ no. 6.) Midgley, John W. Railroad-rate wars: their cause and cure. {In The Forum, vol. 20, Jan., 1896, pp. 519-530.) Million, John Wilson. State aid to railroads in Missouri. ( /re Journal of political economy, vol. 3, Dec, 1894, pp. 73-97.) State aid to railways in Missouri. Chicago: The University of Chicago press., 1896. .«v, (i), 26Jt.pp. Folded map. P- ^-^°- Cover title. ■ State. Legislature. Assemhly. Special committee on rail- roads. Proceedings of the Special committee on railroads, appointed under a resolution of the Assembly to investigate alleged abuses in the management of railroads chartered by the state of New York. Weio York: Evening Post steam presses, 1879. 5 vols. Tables. 5°. A. B. Hepburn, chairman of the committee. The Proceedings, the report of the committee, and the supplemental report of the com- mittee relating to deviated railroads, have been made up into a set of eight volumes. The report and the supplemental report are noted below. Report of the Special committee on railroads, ap- pointed under a resolution of the Assembl}^ February 28, 1879, to investigate alleged abuses in the management of railroads chartered by the state of New York. Jan. 22, 1880. 78, 25 pp. 8°. {Assembly document, no. 38.) Known as the Hepburn report. Report of the minorit}^ of the Special committee on railroads, submitted to the Assembly, Feb. 17, 1880. (2), 17 pp. 8°. [Assembly document, no. 61.) Signed by Thos. H. Grady. Supplemental report relating to the elevated railroads of the City of New York. March 2, 1880. 33 pp. 8- {Assemhly document, no. 66.) Nimmo, Joseph, jr. The American railroad system and the trust question. A discussion of the political, commercial, and economic aspects of the subject. October 14, 1902. Washington, D. C: The Darby printing company, 1902. 2 If, pp. 8°. The apportionment of traffic among competing railroads. {In. Compendium ®f transportation theories, pp. 222-228. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) 20 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Nimmo, Joseph ;';■, A commercial and political danger. Review of the fifteenth annual report of the Interstate commerce com- mission and of the policy pursued by the Commission from the beginning, [ Washington f 1902.] Upp- S°. Commercial, economic, and political questions not decided in the Northern securities case. Washington, D. C: The Darhy printing company, 1903. 38 pp. 8°. ■ The community of interests method of regulating railroad traiEc in its historic aspects. Washington, D. C. : The Rvfus II. Darby printing co. , 1901. 1^6 p2?. i^°. The evolution of the American railroad system. An address before the World's congress auxiliary of the World's Columbian exposition of 1893. Delivered at Chicago, 111., June 22, 1893. 42 pp. 8°. The limitation of competition and combination as illustrated in the regulation of railroads. {In Chicago conference on trusts, pp. 156-164. Chicago, 1900. 12°. ) Pooling and governmental control of the railroads. Decem- ber 26th, 1888. Washington: Gibso7ihros., 1888. 11 2)p. 8'^. {The relation of the railroads to the public interests, no. 1.) The railroads as one system. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 67-79. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) ■ Some characteristics of the American railway system. ( hi Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 164-169. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Noyes, Walter Chadwick. A treatise on the law of intercorporate. relations. Boston: little, Bronm, and compa.ny, 1902. xlviii, 703 jyp- 8^. Contents. — Parti. ConsoHdation of corporations. Part II. Corpo- rate sales. Article 1. Sales of corporate property and franchises. Article 2. Sales of railroads. Part III. Corporate leases. Article 1. Leases of corporate property and franchises. Article 2. Leases of railroads (including trackage contracts). Pari iF. Corporate stockholding and control. Pari V. Combinations of corpora- tions. Article 1. Combinations as affected by principles of cor- poration law. Article 2. Combinations as affected by principles of common law and public policy. Article 3. Legislation affect- ing combination. I. Federal anti-trust statute. II. State anti- trust statutes. BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 21 Peabody, James. The necessity for railway compacts under govern- mental regulation. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 216-221. Wash- ington, D. G., 1893. 8°.) Pendleton, John. Our railways, their origin, development, incident, and romance. Cassell and cornpa7iy, London \_etc.\ 1896. 2 vols. Illustra- tions. Plates. Plans. Tahles. 8°. On English railways. Potts, Joseph D. The railroad problem. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 31-38. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Pratt, Edwin A. American railways. Reprinted (with additions) from "The Times." London: HacmiUan and co., 1903. viii, 209,pp. 13^. Prouty, Charles A. The dependence of agriculture on transportation. {In Michigan political science association. Publications, vol. 4, July, 1902, pp. 438-449.) National regulation of railways. {In American economic association. Publications, 3d series, vol. 4, pp. 71-83. New York, 1903. 8°.) Railway pooling — from the people's point of view. {In The Forum, vol. 24, Dec, 1897, pp. 446-460.) Raymond, A. C. The relations between Canadian and American railways. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 153-163. Wa.sh- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Rice, George. The [proposed] testimony of George Rice [to be] given before the Industrial commission, at Washing- ton, D. C. Particularly relating to the Standard oil trust, railroad freight discriminations, and unlawful pooling of ail and water lines, with the important facts, figures, statements, and statistics freely sustaining the same. [n. p.] 1899. 77 pp. <§^. The words in brackets are written in ink upon the title-page. Ringwalt, John Luther. Development of transportation systems in the United States. Philadelphia: Published by the author, 1888. 398 pj). Plates. Portrait. F°. Robinson, John R. The octopus. A history of the construction, conspiracies, extortions, robberies, and villainous acts of the Central Pacific, Southern Pacific of Kentucky, Union Pacific, and other subsidized railroads. Ban Francisco, 189^. 116 2>P- l^""- 22 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Sanborn, John Bell. Congressional grants of land in aid of railways. MadiSon, Wis., 1899. 130 pp. 8°. {Bulletin of the Univer sity of Wisconsin^ no. 30.) SaTvyer, Nat. The Brotherhood of engineers and its relation to the railroads. [In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 209-215. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Schonfarber, J. G. Corporate ownership of railroads the backbone of the trust; protective tariff its right arm. {In Chicago conference on trusts, pp. 343-349. Chicago, 1900. 12°. ) Schoonmaker, Augustus. Discriminations from the use of private cars of shippers. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 191-196. "Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Limitations upon railway powers. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 96-103. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The railroad malady and its treatment. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 20-30. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Comment of Aldace F. Walker, pp. 29-30. Unity of railways and railway interests. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 57-66. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Seligman, Edwin R. A. Railway tariffs and the interstate commerce law. {In Political science quarterly, vol. 2, June, 1887, pp. 223-264; Sept., 1887, pp. 369-413.) Smalley, Eugene V. History of the Northern Pacific railroad. JSFew YorJc: G. P. PutnanHs sons, 1883. xxiv, JfS? pp. Plates {woodcuts). Folded map. 8°. Squire, William P. The political problems of national ownership of railroads. Will it benefit the farmers? Washi7igton, D. C: Press of Hartman t& Cadick, 189 If. 8 2}p. 5^. Sterne, Simon. An address on interstate railway traffic, at the 10th annual meeting of the National Board of trade. Dec. 11, 1879. • Boston: Tolman & White, 1880. ^'2 pp. 5^. Argument before the Assembl}^ connnittee on railroads, Albany, March 5th, 1878. Nevj York: Douglas Taylor, 1878. 22 pj). 8^. BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 23 Sterne, Simon. Arg-ument of Simon Sterne, delivered at Albany, March Tth, 1878, before the Committee on railroads, on "Bill to create a Board of railroad commissioners, and to regulate their powers." \ii. p:\, 187Sf If-Opp. 8'^. No title-page. Closing argument on behalf of the Chamber of commerce, and Board of trade and transportation of New York, delivered on December 2d and 3d, 1879, before the Special assembly committee on railroads appointed under a resolu- tion of the assembly, to investigate alleged abuses in the management of railroads. JS^ew York: Evening post steam presses, 1880. mil, 156 pj>. Legislation concerning, and management of railways in the United States. {In Lalor, J. J. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, vol. 3 pp. 512-531. Chicago, 1884. 8°.) Railroad poolings and discriminations. Information by Simon Sterne in answer to questions propounded by the Chief of the Bureau of statistics. Treasury Department of the United States, 1879. [71. p. \ 1879. 19-28 pp. 8°. The railway problem. New Yor'k: Thompsom^ Moreau, 1880. 3If.pp. 8°. Reprinted from the "National quarterly review," Apr., 1880. The railway problem in the state of New York. Opening statement by Simon Sterne, counsel for the Chamber of commerce and Board of trade and transportation, before the Assembly special committee on railroads. New York, June 12, 1879. New York: Evening post steam, presses., 1879. '23 pp>. 8°. Railway reorganization. [?i. p.]^ 1890. 37-53 pp. 8°. Eeprinted from the "Forum," Sejit., 1890. Recent railroad failures and their lessons. [n. p.], 1894. 20pp. <§°. Reprinted from the "Forum," Mar., 1894. Stickney, A. B. The future of the railroad problem. (/?i Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 51-56. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The railway problem. With many illustrative diagrams. St. Paul., Minn.: D. D. Merrill company^ 1891. vii^ {!), 249 pp. 12''. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS S'wain, H. H. Economic aspects of railroad receiverships. ( In American economic association. Economic studies, vol. 3, pp. 53-161. New York, 1898. 8°.) S-wayne, Wager. The legal aspect of railroad strikes. — The Ann Arbor decision. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 121-128. Wash- ington, D. C. 1893. 8°.) Taussig, Frank William. A contribution to the theory of railway rates. {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 5, July, 1891, pp. 438-465.) Teisberg, A. K. Report of the Committee on government ownership, control, and regulation of railways. {In United States. Interstate commerce commission. Proceedings of a national convention of railroad commissioners. May 19 and 20, 1896, pp. 66-78. Washington, 1896. 8°.) The report is also signed by Isaac B. Brown and Olin Merrill, and is followed by a minority report signed by S. O. Wilson. Thompson, J. E. The farmers' fight against the railroads. An im- partial review. Published hy J. E. Thompson <& co.^ Indianajpolis, Ind.^ [187J^\. 16p]). 5°. Thurman, Allen G., and others. Report of Messrs. Thurman, Wash- burne, and Coole}^, constituting an advisory commission on differential rates by railroads between the west and the seaboard. Presented to both houses of Parliament by com- mand of Her Majesty. 19 pp. F°. (Jn Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1882, vol. 61.) Report dated New York, July 20, 1882. Same. {In the Railroad gazette, vol. 26, July 28, 1882, pp. 453-457.) Todd, Marion. Railways of Europe and America; or, Government ownership. With notes from official sources Boston: Arena publishing company ., 1893 . W3 pp. W°. Tunell, George G. Railway mail service: a comparative study of railway rates and service. Chicago: The Lakeside p)T ess., 1901. '211^ pj). 8°. United States. Census office. 10th cetisus. Report on the agencies of transportation in the United States, including the statis- tics of railroads, steam navigation, canals, telegraphs, and telephone. Washington: Government printing office^ 1883. 869 pp. I/P. {U.S. Tenth Census. 1880. vol. J^.) Contents. — Statistical report of the railroads in the United States, by Armin E. Shuman; Report on steam navigation in the United States, by T. C. Purdy; Report on the canals of the United States, by T. C. Purdy; Report on the statistics of telegraphs and tele- phones in the United States, by Armin E. Shuman; Report on the postal telegraph service in foreign countries, compiled by Robert B. Lines. Addendum: Note on express companies. BOOKS EELATING TO RAILROADS 25 United States. Census office. 11th. census. Keport on transporta- tiou business in the United States at the eleventh census: 1890. Henry C. Adams, special agent. Washington: Government printing office., 189Jt.-1895. 2 pts. Folded niaps. ip. Part I. Transportation by land, 1895. Part II. Transportation by water, 1894. This report also appears as 52d Congress, 1st session, House mis- cellaneous document 340, part 21, vol. 50, part 11. Ifith Congress., 'Bd session. House report no. 57. Regulation and control of railroads. Report from the Committee on roads and canals. June 9, 1868. 20 pp. 8^. "The committee are instructed, if, in their opinion. Congress has the power under the Constitution to provide by law for the regu- lation and control of railroads extending from State to State, to report a bill which will secure: First. The safety of passengers. Second. Uniform and equitable rates of fare. Third. Uniform and equitable charges for freight or transportation. Fourth. Proper connections with each other as to transportation of pas- sengers and freight." The minority report, pp. 8-20, ' ' concludes that the measures referred to and proposed can not be constitutionally enacted by Congress and ought not to be entertained; and that, if the power existed, its exercise would be inexpedient. ' ' JfSd Congress., Ist session. Senate report no. 307, pts. 1 and 2. Report of the Select committee on transportation routes to the seaboard, with appendix and evidence, April 24, 1874. 2 vols. 8°. Known as the Windom report. Contents. — Parti : Protection; Home consumption and foreign expor- tation; Freights and prices; The course of trade; Foreign markets; Actual competition between water and rail transport; Defects and abuses of existing systems of transportation; The constitutional power of Congress to regulate commerce among the several states; Competition between railways and its promotion by the construc- tion of additional lines; Direct regulation by Congress; Indirect regulation and reduction of charges through the agency of one or more railway lines to be owned or controlled by the Government; The improvement of natural and construction of artificial water- ways; Summary of conclusions and recommendations. Part 2: Testimony. House report no. 28. Commerce by railroad pmong the several states. Report from the Committee on rail- ways and canals. Jan. 19, 1874. 13 pp. 8^. JtSth Congress., 2d session. House report no. 245. Regula- tion of inter-state commerce. Report from the Committee on commerce. Feb. 26, 1878. 16 pp. 8°. Presented by John H. Reagan. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. It,5tK Congress, 2d session. House report no. 379. Cheap transportation between East and West. Report from the Committee on railways and canals to provide for cheap transportation of freight between tide-water on or near the Atlantic ocean, and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. Mar. 18, 1878. 20 pp. 8°. ^7th Congress, 1st session. House. Committee on coinmerce. Argmnents and statements before the Comyiittee on com- merce in relation to certain bills referred to that committee proposing Congressional regulation of interstate commerce. Feb. 23, 1882. Washington: Government 2yifinting office, 188%. 269 pp. 5°. {Ji!7th Congress, 1st session. House miscellaneous document 710. 55.) Contains arguments of Wayne MacVeagh, Albert Fink, and others. House report no. 1399. A bureau of inter-state com- merce. Report from the Committee on commerce. June 13, 1882. 3 pp. 8°. Majority report presented by Amos Townsend. House report no. 1399, pt. 2. Same. Views of the minority. June 12, 1882. 7 pp. Minority report by John H. Reagan. JfSth Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1571. Prelim- inary report from the Committee on transportation routes to the seaboard. Mar. 3, 1885. 43 pp. Folded map. 8°. ^9th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 46, pts. 1 and 2. Report of the Senate select committee on interstate commerce. (With appendix.) Wasiiington: Government printing office, 1886. 2 vols. 8^. Presented by Mr. Cullom. Contents. — Parti: The railroad system of the United States — Its evolution and extent; The internal commerce of the United States; The power of Congress to regulate commerce — A review of the declarations of the United States Supreme court on the subject; The relations of the railroad to the community and to the gov- ernmental authority; The various methods of railroad regula- tion; The course of railroad legislation in England; Railroad legislation in the United States; Summary of the provisions of the state statutes — The work of the State commissions; The comparative volume of state and interstate traffic — Returns from leading railroads; Competition between waterways and rail- roads — ^Water routes the most effective regulators of railway charges; The necessity of national regulation on interstate com- merce; The causes of complaint against the railroad system; Rail- road rates — The principles upon which they should be established, and the limitations within which discrimination may be justifi- able; Publicity the best remedy for unjust discrimination; A national commission — Its establishment reconunended for the enforcement of the legislation proposed; The conunittee's bill. Part 2: Testimony. BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 27 United States. Ii9th Congress^ 1st sessio/i. House report no. 902. Interstate commerce. Report from the Committee on commerce. Mar. 8, 1886. 3 pp. 8'^. House report no. 902, pt. 2. Same. Views of the minority. Apr. 9, 1886. 3 pp. 8 JiOili Congress., 2d session. Senate. Conference report on the amendment of the House to the bill "(S. 1532) "to regulate commerce.'' Dec. 15, 1886. 10 pp.* 8^. {If.9th Congress^ '2d session. Senate miscellaneous document no. 13.) olst Congress^ 1st sessio?). Senate report no. SIT. Report by Mr. Cullom, from the Committee on interstate commerce. May 2, 1890. 671 pp. 8°. On the transportation interests of the United States and Canada, with reference to Canadian ownership or control of railroad lines located in the United States, and the diversion of commerce to Canadian lines, etc. Senate report no. 829. Report of the Select com- mittee on the transportation and sale of meat products. May 1, 1890. 40 pp. S'-. Bound with this is: Testimony taken by the Select committee of the United States Senate on the transportation and sale of meat prod- ucts. 1889. 615 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. S2d Congress., lid session. House report no. 3278. Alleged coal combination. Report of Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Jan. 18, 1893. viii, (2), 261 pp. 8"^. Testimony taken in regard to the alleged combination of the Phila- delphia and Reading railroad company and other railroad and canal companies and producers of coal, pji. 1-261. 53d Co7igress.) 3d session. Senate. Committee on Interstate commerce. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, U. S. Senate, in relation to the bill (S. 3577) to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved February -1, 1887. Washington: Government printing office., 1895. 30 pp. 8^. {53d Congress, 3d session. Senate miscellaneous document no. 126.) 54th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 115. Letter from the Interstate commerce commission, transmitting, the oral testimony taken by the Interstate commerce com- mission in the investigation of grain rates at Missouri river points. February 8, 1897. 531 pp. 8^. « 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. 55th Congress, 1st session. Senate. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Act to regulate commerce. Report, hearings, and arguments in regard to amendment to "Act to regulate commerce," relating to railway pools. April ]5, 1897. 179 pp. 8°. {55t'k Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. 39.) Committee on interstate commerce. Hearing in relation to the agreement of the Joint traffic association. Washington: ■ Government printing office., 1897. 35 pp. 8^. (55th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. Glf.. ) Senate document no. 98. Uniform classification of freight. Letter from the Secretary of the ninth annual convention of railroad commissioners, transmitting copy of report of the committee on uniform classification of freight. May 25, 1897. 6 pp. 8°. Senate report no. 151. Limiting the effect of regula- tions of commerce between the states, etc. Report from the Committee on interstate commerce. June 14, 1897. 5 pp. 8^. 55th Congress., '2d session. Senate document no. 43. Amend- ments to interstate-commerce law. Memorial of L. B. Bos well, of the Quincy (111.) freight bureau, relative to proposed amendments to the interstate-commerce law. Jan. 5, 1898. 5 pp. 8°. 56th Congress., 1st session. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Hearing before the Committee on interstate commerce of the United States Senate (Dec. 17, 1896) in relation to the agreement of the Joint traffic association. June 1, 1900. 33 pp. 8°. {56th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. J^^lf..) Report of hearing before the Committee on interstate commerce on the bill (S. 1770) contemplating the nationalization of the railways of the United States. May 31, 1900. 59 pp. 8^^. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. J^W.) Senate document no. 409. Alleged violations of the interstate-commer,ce law. Open letter, addressed to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. May 26, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. V^vpjjLfFO: BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 29 United States. 57th Congress, 1st session. Seriate. Committee on interstate commerce. " Railway freight rates and pooling." Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, United States Senate, having under consideration the bills (S. 3521) "To enlarge the jurisdiction and powers of the Interstate commerce commission," introduced in the Senate February 4, 1902, by Mr. Elkins; and (S. 3575) "To amend an act entitled 'An act to regulate commerce,' approved Februar}^ -1, 1887, and all acts amendator}" thereof," intro- duced February 5, 1902, by Mr. Nelson. Vol. 1. Washington: Oovernment 'printing office, 1902. xix, (1), 210 (2), 28 pp. 8°. The appendix of 28 pp. has separate title-page: The Act to regulate commerce as amended, together with acts supplementary thereto. Washington: Government printing office, 1895. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 73. Reply of the Attorney -general dated January 3, 1903, to a communi- cation dated December 20, 1902, from the Hon. George F. Hoar, chairman of the Committee on the judiciar}', United States Senate. Sherman anti-trust law, and list of decisions relating thereto. Also an address delivered by Philander C. Knox on the commerce clause of the Consti- tution and the trusts, at Pittsburg, Pa., October li, 1902. Washington: Government jwinting office, 1903. 50 pp. 8°. Senate document no. 1-1:7. Bills and debates in Con- gress relating to trusts. Fiftieth Congress to Fifty-seventh Congress, First session, inclusive. Prepared by direction of the Attornej^-General. Washington: Government printing o^ce, 1903. xi, 1113 jyp. Edited by James A. Finch, librarian of the Department of Justice. Senate document no. 207. Letter from the chair- man of the Interstate commerce commission, transmitting, a report showing rates tiled with said commission bj^ common carriers subject to the act to regulate commerce on import and domestic traffic of like kind carried between ports of entry in the United States to interior points which show material differences, if an}^, in favor of through shipments of imported articles, etc. ; also showing actual rates applied during the iirst six months of 1902 on import and domestic traffic as distinguished from the published or tariff rates, etc. March 2, 1903. 3-1 pp. 8^. 32016—04 3 30 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS United States. o'Uh Congress^ 2d session. House report no. 3375. Bill requiring- returns from corporations, prohibiting- re- bates, etc. Report from the Committee on the judiciary, January 26, 1903. 36 pp. 8°. House report no. 3375, pt. 2. Same. Views of the minority. January 29, 1903. 8 pp. 8°. House report no. 3375, pt. 3. Same. Views of R. Wayne Parker. January 31, 1903. 4 pp. 8°. House report no. 3375, pt. 4. Same. Views of R. M. Nevin. January 31, 1903. 2 pp. 8°. House of Representatives. Hearing before the sub- committee on trust legislation. Dec. 13-16, 1902. 67pp. 8°. Caption-title. S. 6659. A bill for the regulation of trusts and corporations engaged in international or interstate commerce. 10 pp. 4:^. Introduced by Mr. Hoar, Dec. 17, 1902; read twice and referred to the Committee on the judiciary. Congress. House. Committee on hntefr state and foreign com- merce. Hearings before the Committee . . . [April 8- June 17, and February 4, 1902] on the bills to amend the interstate commerce law (H. R. 116, 273, 2040, 5775, 8337, and 10930). Washington : Government printing office, 1902. 573])]). 8°. Running title: Interstate-commerce law. Depart //lent of commerce and lal>m\ Bureau of statistics. Trunk line traffic and differential rates. Including tables of traffic receipts and shipments, and freight rates on grain, flour, provisions and live stock from interior cities to sea- board. {In Monthly summary of commerce and finance, no. 10, series 1903- 1904, April, 1904, pp. 3959-4006. Washington, 1904. 4°.) Department of state. Report on the relations of the govern- ments of the nations of Western Europe to the railways, prepared by Simon Sterne. Feb. 17, 1887. 45 pp. 8°. {Jidth Congress^ 'Bd session. Senate miscellaneous document no. 66.) Industrial commission. Reports. Washington: Government printing office, 1900-1902. 19 vols. Maps. Facsimiles. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. Vols. 4 and 9 are devoted to transportation and include evidence on the government ownership of railroad.s. In the final report of the Commission, vol. 19, pp. 481-484, recommendations on the subject of transportation are made. Vols. 12 and 17 are partly concerned with the subject. BOOKS KELATING TO EAILKOADS 31 United States. Interstate commerce coimnissioii. Annual reports. 1-17. Washington: Government printing office, 1887-1903. 17 vols. 8°. Changes in transportation charges, etc. Letter trans- mitting statement respecting cases in which it has ordered any change in transportation charges, in the classification of freights, or in practices affecting such charges, as directed by resolution of the Senate adopted March 18, 1896. Dec. 21, 1896. 36 pp. S^. (S^th Congress, 2d session. /Senate document no. 30.) Complaints against railroad companies. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate commerce commission trans- mitting a statement of complaints made to it against rail- road companies. April 30, 1900. 6 pp. 8^. {56th Con- gress., 1st session. Senate docmnent no. 319.) Joint traffic association. Letter from the Interstate commerce commission, transmitting, so much of the testi- mony^ taken by the commission in the proceedings known as the New York produce exchange case and the grain investigation case of 1897 as relates to the Joint traffic asso- ciation agreement and any action thereunder in the pooling traffic or otherwise. Feb. 11, 1898. 160 pp. 8^. {55th Congress ., 2 d session. Senate document no. 133.) Letter from the Interstate commerce commission, transmitting the oral testimony taken b}^ the Interstate commerce commission in the investigation of grain routes at Missouri river points. Feb. 8, 1897. 531 pp. 8°. {5Jiih Congress, 2d session. Senate docuMent no. 115.) National association of railway commissioners. Pro- ceedings. Washington: Government jyrlnting office, 1889-1901. 13 vols. 8°. Railways in the United States in 1902. [Pts. II, lY, Y.] Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 3 vols. Jf> Pt. II. A forty-year review of changes in freight tariffs. Prepared by the auditor of the Commission. Pt. IV. State regulation of railways. Prepared by, the statistician to the commission-. Pt. V. State taxation of railways and other transportation agencies. Prepared by the statistician to the commission. Supreme court. United States v. Trans-Missouri freight association. Decision rendered March 22, 1897. 17 pp. 8°. {55th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 12.) 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. First annual report on the internal commerce of the United States, b}^ Joseph Nimmo, jr. For the year ending June 30, 1876. Wasldngton: Governnnent iwinting office., 1877. 216., (=?), iv., 257 fp. Folded maps. Folded charts. 8^. Issued as ' ' Part second of the annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics on the commerce and navigation of the United States." Contains reports of investigations of economy of transport by rail; The competitive forces which exert a controlling influence over the commerce between the West and the seaboard with respect to the commercial interests of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; The regulation of the railroads by the state; The regulation of rail rates through the competition of water-lines; The regulation of railroads through the competition of one or more railroads owned and controlled by the national government or by cities or states; and The railroad question in foreign countries. Some. Annual report. December 1, 1879. Washington: Government p)f"^nting office., 1879. xi, (1), 250 pp. Folded map. 8°. Contains reports on The commerce of the cities of Saint Louis, Louisville, and Cincinnati with the states south of the Ohio river and south of the state of Missouri; Comparative growth of traffic on railroads and on the Erie canal in the commerce between the west and the seaboard; and The relations of the railroads to the public interests. Same. July 1, 1881. Washingtooi: Government printing office., 1881. mii.,'239pp. Folded map)s. 8°. Contains reports on Railroad confederations or pooling organizations; Governmental regulations of railroads; The competition between water lines and railroads and the competition of commercial forces; The commercial, industrial, and transportation interests of Cincin- nati, Chicago, Saint Louis, Louisville, and Kansas City. /Same. For the fiscal year 1881-82. Washington: Government p>rinting office., 188^,. vi, (^), 309 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Principally devoted to the commercial, industrial, and transporta- tion interests of Saint Louis. Same. December 31, 1884. Washington: Government printing offilce, 1885. vii, (3), 172 pp. Folded maps. 8°. "The present report relates especially to the transcontinental rail- roads of the United States and the railroads of the contiguous countries, the Dominion of Canada and the Republic of Mexico." BOOKS RELATING TO RAILROADS 33 United States. Treasury departinent. Sitreau of statistics. Annual report. May 6, 1885. Washington: Government j9?'^^^^^^w_<7 office., 1885. 562 pp. Folded maps. 8°. "The present report relates especially to the commercial, indus- trial, and transportation interests of the Pacific coast, to the movement of the cotton crop, and to the range and ranch cattle business of the United States." Same. Report by Wm. F. Switzler. December 20, 1886. The commercial, industrial, transportation, and other interests of the Southern states. Washington: Government pTintlng office^ 1886. xcii, 738 jyj). Folded ma2). Folded diagrams. 8°. Same. January 30, 1888. Special report on the com- merce of the Mississippi, Ohio, and other rivers, and of the bridges which cross them. Washington: Governnnent printing office.^ 1888. vii, 591 pp. JIaps. 8°. Same. For the fiscal 3^ear 1889. The commercial, industrial, transportation, and other interests of Arkansas, Colorado, Dakota, Indian Territory, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming-. Washington: GovernTnent printing office., 1889. xxxii, 897 pp. 8°. Same. Report for the jeav 1890, by S. G. Brock. The commercial, industrial, transportation, and other interests of Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Washington: Government printing office, 1891. xcix., 117 If. pp. Folded map. Folded tahles. 8°. — - — Same. For the vear 1891. The commerce of the Great Lakes, the Mississippi river and its tributariej. Washington: Government printing office, 1892. (2), Hi, (1), Ixi, (i), 96 pp. Folded map. 8^. Van Oss, S. F. American railroads as investments. A handbook for investors in American railroad securities. New Yorh: G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1898. xv, (1), 815, {2), vii P2J. Colored maps. 8°. Virtue, George Ole. The anthracite combinations. {la Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 10, April, 1896, pp. 296-323. ) 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Voorhees, Theodore. High speed railroad travel. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 148-152. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Walker, Aldace F. The amendment of the interstate- commerce law. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 112-120. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The pooling of railwa}" earnings. {In Railway magazine, vol. 2, Feb., 1897, pp. 113-123.) — Railway associations. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 277-295. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) The Western traffic association. (J/i The Forum, vol. 13, Aug., 1892, pp. 743-756.) Weyl, Walter E. The passenger traffic of railways. Published for the University^ Philadelphia^ 1901. '21^9 pp, 8°. {Publicatio7is of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in political economy andpuhlic laio., no. 16.) White, Henry Kirke. History of the Union Pacific railway. Chicago: The Univeimty of Chicago _/>res«, 1895. {J/), 129 pp. Diagrams. Folded tables. 8"^. {Economic studies of the University of Chicago., no. 2.) Wilson, James F. Extract from the argument of James F. Wilson, on the Reagan inter-state commerce bill, delivered before the Committee on commerce of the House of Representa- tives, January 20, 1880. A western view of the question. Washington, D. C. : National Republican pr'inting house.^ 1880. 10 pp. 8°. Wilson, S. Otho. Minority report [of the Committee on government ownership, control, and regulation of railways]. {In United States. Interstate commerce commission. Proceed- ings of a national convention of railroad commissioners, May 19 and 20, 1896, pp. 78-82. Washington, 1896. 8°. ) Wilson, William Bender. History of the Pennsylvania railroad company; with plan of organization, portraits of officials, and biographical sketches. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates db comp>any., 1899. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. 8^. RAILROADS IN THEIR RELATION TO THE GOVERNMENT, ETC.: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS [Principally in reference to interstate commerce.] 1879. Congress and interstate commerce. J. D. Potts. Nation, vol. ^8 {Jan. 30, 1879): 79-80. 1884. Popular and legal views of traffic pooling. T. M. Cooley. Railway review, ml. H i-^pr. 26, 1884): 211-213. 1884. The necessity for a classification of freight, and the principles upon which it is based. Edward P. Vining. Railway Temeio, vol. 21^ {Oct. 18, 188 li): 537-538. 1886. The inter-state commerce bill. H. White, Nation, vol. Ii3 {Dec. 23, 1886): 516-517. 1887. Text of the interstate commerce bill. An act to regulate commerce. American law revieiv, vol. 21 {Jan.-Feh., 1887): 89-103. 1887. The inter-state commerce bill. Charles S. Ashley. Nation, vol. U {Jan. 20^ 1887): 52. 1887. The interstate commerce bill. Public opinion, vol. 21, {Jan. 8, 1887): 21^-252. Press comments. 1887. The inter-state commerce act. American law record, vol. 15 {Apr., 1887): 618-627. 1887. The interstate commerce commission. PuUic opinion, vol. 2 {A2)r. 2, 1887): 537-51^0. Press comments. 1887. The interstate commerce law on trial. Rvblic opinion, vol. 3 {Api\ 23, 1887): 25-29. Press comments. 1887. The inter-state commerce act and the obligation of contracts. Charles Henry Phelps. Railway and corporation law journal, vol. 1 {Apr. 16, 1887): 362-366. 35 36 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1887. Railway tariffs and the interstate commerce law. Edwin R. A. Seligman. Political science quarterly^ vol. 2 {June., 1887): 223-'26Ji,; {Sept., 1887): 369-1^13. 1887. Is the railroad problem solved? W. A. Crafts. Atlantic luontJdy, vol. 60 {July., 1887): 76-8It.. 1887. The inter-state railway solvent. John C. Welch. North American revieio., vol. IJ/S {July., 1887) : 86-93. 1887. The inter-state commerce report. H. White. Nation, vol. 1^5 {Dec. 8, 1887): 4^4-. 1888. Inter-state commerce. James W. Craig. Illinois state har association. Proceedings, 11th annxiol meet- ing {1888): I^l-Ii3. 1888. Inter-state commerce as affected by the late Wabash decision. John W. Smith. Chicago law times, vol. 2 {Jan., 1888): 73-78. 1888. The workings of the interstate commerce law. Arthur T. Hadley. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. '2 {Jan., 1888): 162-187. 1888. The interstate " long and short haul. " Henry Wood. Popular science montUy, vol. 32 {Feh., 1888): 537-5}pl. 1889. The interstate commerce law. Horace Stringfellow. American law revieio, vol. 23 {Jan. -Feh., 1889): 84--99. 1889. Railroad business under the interstate commerce act. Arthur T. Hadley. Quarterly journal ojf economics, vol. 3 {Jan., 1889): 170-187. 1889. The Interstate commerce commission. John Totjd. Overland monthly , n. s., vol. 13 {Feb., 1889): 184-191. 1889. The social and economic effects of railroads. Charles Barnard. Ohauta.uquan, vol. 9 {May, 1889): 455-457. 1890. Inter-state commerce law. Some of its practical workings. John McNulta. Illinois state har association. Proceedings, 13th annual meet- ing {1890): 67-79. 1890. The Supreme court and interstate commerce. Charles A. Culberson. American lav) review, vol. 24. {Jan.-Feh., 1890): 25-63. railroads: articles in periodicals 37 1891. The West and the railroads. Sidney Dillon. ]Vo7'fh American revieic\ vol. 152 {Ap7\, 1891): Jf-IfS-IiB^. 1891. Operation of the interstate commerce law. Aldace F. Walker. Forum, vol. 11 {July, 1891): o2J^51fi 1892. The Interstate commerce commission before the Federal courts. Crawford Hening. American lavj register, 2d ser. , vol. 5 {Mar. , 1892) : 156-173. 1892. The inter-state law at the West. T. L. Greene. mition, vol. ok- {Mar. 17, 1892): 205-206. 1892. The railroad leases to control the anthracite coal trade. Are they void under the constitution of Pennsylvania 'i Sydney G. Fisher. American law register and review, vol. 31 {May, 1892) : 289- 301. 1892. Wanted — A railway court of last resort. Appleton Morgan. Popular science monthly, vol. J4.I {June, 1892) : 212-225. 1893. The interstate commerce act. E. W. Meddaugh. 3Iichigan political science association, vol. 1 {1893): 98. 1893. Nationalization of railroads. Solomon Schindler. Arena, vol. 7 {Jan., 1893): 209-212. 1893. The standing of the Interstate commerce commission before the Federal courts. William D. Lewis. ■ American laio register and review, 2d ser., vol. 6 {Mar., 1893^: 272-278. 1893. Interstate commerce law, its origin and administration. James A. Logan. Ajnerican journcd of politics, vol. 2 {Apr. , 1893) : Ifil-J^ll. 1893. The Interstate commerce commission again. The party rate question. William D. Lewis. American law register and review, 2d ser. , vol. 6 {Ajyr. , 1893) : 381-386. 1893. Railroads and the government. James S. Fisher. American journal of politics, vol. 3 {Jidy, 1893): 82-92. 1894. Has the interstate commerce law been beneficial ? Aldace F. Walker. Forum, vol. 17 {Apr., 1894): 207-216. 1894. The state ownership of railroads. American law review, vol. 28 {Jidy-Aug., 1894): 608-611. 38 LIBRAE Y OF CONGEESS 1894. The state and the railways. H. H. L. Bellot. Westj/iinster, vol. U2 {Jnly, 1891^): l-llp. 1894. Constitutional law: Interstate commerce act — Judicial power of the United States, i Ainerican laiD review., vol. 28 {Sept.- Oct.., 1894): 792-798. 1895. Government regulation of railroad rates. Martin A. Knapp. Neic York state har association. Proceedings, 18th annual meeting {1895): 93-101^. 1895. The case of Huntington. American law revieio, vol. 29 {Sept.-Oct.., 1895): 751-75Jf. 1895. The statistical division of the Interstate commerce commis- sion. Henry C. Adams. Citizen, vol. 1 {Wov., 1895): 203-206. 1896. State control of railways vs. the obligation of state protection. Railway review, vol. 36 {Feh. 22, 1896): 101-102. 1896. State ownership of railroads. Frank L. McVey. GuntorCs magazine, vol. 11 {July, 1896) : 5Ii.-63. 1896. The relation of the railroads to the state. Simon Sterne. Citizen, vol. 2 {Sept., 1896): 237-24.3. 1896. An unfeigned issue. George Bryan. Ainerican magazine of civics, vol. 9 {Nov., 1896): 352-364,. The enforcement of the interstate-commerce act. 1897. Texas & Pacific railway vs. the Inter-state commerce com- mission. John W. Judd. Utah state har association, 4'th annual Tneeting {1897): 76-92. 1897. Legislation in aid of railwaj^ regulation. Railway review, vol. 37 {Jan. 16, 1897): 39-40. 1897. The railway problem. 1. The legislative solution. L. Bryce. 2. A mercantile view. J. J. Wait. North American revieio, vol. I64, {Mar., 1897): 327-34B. 1897. Full text of the Trans-Missouri freight association decision. Mar. 22, 1897. Railway age, vol. 23 {Mar. 26, 1897): 259-270; {Apr. 2, 1897): 278-285. 1897. The Foraker bill. Full text of the new Senate bill for the legalization of railwaj^ pooling. Mar. 30, 1897. Railwwy age, vol. 23 {Apr. 9, 1897): 300-304. KAILEOADS : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 39 1897. Traffic associations and the law. A summary of the opinions of various courts on the legality of association agreements. Raihoay age, vol 23 {If ay 7, 1897): 375-376. 1897. The powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Public opinion, vol. 22 {June 10, 1897): 711-712. Press comments. 1897. Brief for the United States in the case of the United States v. The Trans-Missouri freight association. Judson Harmon. Yale lamjoimial, vol. 6 {June, 1897): 295-327. 1897. Interstate commerce. Thomas Kennedy Helm. University law review., vol. 3 {July, 1897) : 267-280. 1897. ' ' Railroads — the world's greatest benefactors. " W. S. Glover. Railway magazine, vol. 3 {August, 1897): 71fi-7]^8. 1897. The Interstate commerce commission and ratemaking. Joseph Nimmo, jr. Forum, vol. 24 {Sept., 1897): 92-106. 1897. The rights of the public over quasi-public services. Walter Clark. Arena, vol. 18 {Oct., 1897): 470-J^85. 1897. A decade in federal railway regulation. H. T. Newcomb. Popular science monthly, vol. 51 {Oct.., 1897)'. 811-819. 1897. The railways of America. What they have done for the nation, what they are, and what Beforms are needed. M. E. Ingalls. Railway age, vol. 21,. {B'ov. 26, 1897): 958-959. 1897. Railways and the public. A discussion of some of the mutual obligations of railroad corporations and the people. John W. Noble. Railway age, vol. 2 4 {Dec. 10, 1897): 992-996. 1898. Ten years of federal railway regulation. A. G. Sedgwick. Wat Ion, vol. 66 {Mar. 24, 1898): 219-220. 1898. A decade of federal railway regulation, H. C. Adams. Atlantic monthly, vol. 81 {Apr., 1898): 433-443. 1898. The dangerous demands of the Interstate commerce commis- sion. Milton H. Smith. Forum, vol. 25 {Apr., 1898): 129-143. 1898. Railroads and the government. B. W. Arnold, jr. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 15 {Aug., 1898): 125-133. 40 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1898. The powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Charles A. Prouty. North American review^ vol. 167 {JVbv. , 1898) : 51f3-657. 1899. The powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Milton H. Smith. North American review^ vol. 168 {Jan.., 1899) : 62-76. 1899. The federal taxation of interstate commerce. Henry C. Adams. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 19 {Feb. , 1899) : 193-198. 1899. Some phases of interstate commerce. Morris A. Spoonts. Amerlcmi law review., vol. S3 {Mar. -Apr.., 1899): 188-Wl. 1899. Powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Charles A. Prouty. Forum, vol. 27 {Apr., 1899): 223-236. 1899. The inordinate demands of the Interstate commerce commis- sion. Milton H. Smith. Forum, vol. 27 {July, 1899) : 651-563. 1899. Railways and industrial combination. H. T. Newcomb. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 17 {Nov., 1899): 31f.7-357. 1899. American railroads. Their relation to commercial, industrial, and agricultural interests. George H. Daniels. Scientific American supjjlement, vol. J^8 {Nov. 18, 1899): 19969-19970; {Nov. 25, 1899) : 19996-19997. 1900. Railway discriminations and industrial combinations. Charles A. Prouty. American academy of political and social science. Annals^ vol. 16 {Jan., 1900): 1^1-50. 1900. The railroad and the people. A new educational policy now operating in the West. Harper's magazine, vol. 100 {Feb., 1900): 1^79-JiBI^. 1900. The Interstate commerce commission and the public. Samuel M. Davis. Outlook, vol. 61p {Mar. 17, 1900): 626-628. 1900. The principles of governmental regulation of railroads. Emory R. Johnson. Political science qtiarterly, vol. 16 {Mar., 1900): B7-Ii9. railroads: articles in periodicals 41 1900. Tendencies in the taxation of transportation companies in the United States. Roswell C. McCrea. American academy of jwlltlcal and social science. Annals^ vol. 15 {May, 1900): 355-380. 1900. Federal regulation of railroads in the United States. S^mon J. McLean. Economic joiii'md., vol. 10 {June, 1900): 151-171. 1900. Government ownership of railroads. R. L. Richardson. Canadian magazine, vol. 15 {Sejyt., 1900): 1^.01^.-1^09; {Oct., 1900): 531-536; {Mv., 1900): 60-66; {Dec, 1900): 161^-171. 1900. State regulation of railways in the United States. Simon J. McLean. Economic journal, vol. 10 {Sept., 1900): 34.9-369. 1901. The recent great railwaj^ combinations. H. T. Newcomb. American niontldy review of revievjs, vol. ^^ {Aug., 1901): 163-171^. 1902. Government ownership of railroads. Martin A. Knapp. American academy of 'politiccd and socicd science. Anncds vol. 19 {Jan., 1902): 61^3. 1902. Advisory councils in railwaj^ administration. B. H. Meyer. American academy of 'political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {Jan., 1902): 7Jf-88. 1902. The concentration of railway control. H. T. Newcomb, American academy of 'politiccd and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {Jan., 1902): 89-107. 1902. The inadequate powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Edward P. Bacon. North American review, vol. 17 Jf. {Jan., 1902): Ji.6-58. 1902. The proposals of the Interstate commerce commission. Walker D. Hines. Forum, vol. 33 {Mar., 1902): 3-U. 1902. The amendment of the interstate commerce act and railroad pooling. William A. Robertson. Forum, vol. 33 {Apr., 1902): 11,3-150. 1902. American statistical practice: The Interstate commerce com- mission. H. T. Newcomb. Yale review, vol. 11 {Aug., 1902): 161,-197. 1902. Past and future of interstate commerce. B. H. Meyer. Political science quarterly, vol. 17 {Sept., 1902): 394- 42 LIBEAEY OF COJSTGEESS 1902. The report of the Industrial commission. II. Transportation. Henry C. Adams. Yale review, vol. 11 {Nov., 1902): 251-256. 1902. The Industrial commission on transportation, H. T. New- comb. Political science quarterly, vol. 17 {Dec. , 1902) : 568-608. 1903. The despoilers of railroads our greatest industrial factor. Commercial <& financial chronicle, vol. 76 {Jan. -5, 1903): If-S. Attack on the Interstate commerce commission. 1903. The Northwestern railway situation. H. L. Wilgus. Michigan lavj review, vol. 1 {Jan. , 1903) : 251-276. 1903. The Industrial commission on transportation. William Z. Ripley. Political science quarterly, vol. 18 {June, 1903) : 313-320. 1903. Government ownership of railways. I. Introductory; II. Germany. Local and personal discrimination; III. Ger- many. Railway revenue and technical efficiency; IV. Germany. The Prussian canal bills of 1899-1901; V, VI. Austria-Hungary and the Danubian provinces; VII, VIII. Russia; IX-XIII. Australia. H. R. Meyer. Railway age, vol. 36 {July 10- Oct. 2, 1903): 32-Ji30. 1903. The distribution of stockholdings in American railways. Solomon Huebner. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22 {Nov., 1903): 1^75-1^90. 1903. The strangle-hold of labor: I. The rent rack; II. The problem of transportation; III. The influence of organized labor upon the cost of living and the price of food. John Keith. Harper's weeMy, vol. J^7 {Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 19, 1903): 1902, 19Ifi, 2062. 1904. Twenty-five years of bribery and corrupt practises, or, The railroads, the law-makers, the people. B. O. Flower. Arena, vol. 31 {Jan., 190Ii): 12-1,9. 1904. State monopolies of interstate commerce. E. P. Prentice. North American review, vol. 178 {Apr. , 1904) : 499-511. 1904. Evolution of the American railroad. George B. Waldron. Chautauquan, vol. 39 {June, 190Ii): 316-329. INTERSTATE COMMERCE: SPEECHES, ETC., IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 1878. Speech of John H. Reagan in the House of Representatives, May 8, 1878. {In Congressional record, 45th Congress, 2d session, vol. 7, pt. 4, pp. 3275-3280.) 1878. Speech of John M. Thompson in the House of Representa- tives, May 9, 1878. {In Congressional record, 45th Congress, 2d session, vol. 7, pt. 4, pp. 3325-3327. ) 1878. Speech of Richard W. Townshend in the House of Representa- tives, May 11, 1878. {In Congressional record, 45th Congress, 2d session, vol. 7, pt. 4, pp. 3397-3402. ) 1878. Bill to regulate interstate commerce discussed and passed, December 11, 1878. {In Congressional record, 45th Congress, 3d session, vol. 8, pt. 1, pp. 93-102.) 1880. Interstate commerce commission. Debate in the Senate, April 19, 1880. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 2d session, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 2506-2510.) Remarks by Senators Saulsbury, Conkling, Gordon, Beck, Cameron, and others. 1881. Speech of John H. Reagan in the House of Representatives, January 5, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 1, pp. 362-366.) 1881. Interstate commerce. Speech of Columbus Upson in the House of Representatives, Jan. 11, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 10-14.) 1881. Interstate freights and passengers. Speech of Joseph H. Acklen in the House of Representatives, January 15, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 5-9.) 1881. Interstate commerce. Speech of W. G. Thompson in the House of Representatives, Januarj^ 25, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 28-30.) 43 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1881. Interstate commerce. Speech of J. W. Singleton in the House of Eepresentatives, Februaiy 4, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 74-81.) 1881. Interstate commerce. Speech of W. J. Samford in the House of Representatives, February 10, 1881. {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, ai:)pendix, pp. 119-121.) 1881, Railroad wrongs in Nevada. Speech of R. M, Daggett in the House of Representatives, February 25, 1881, {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 181-198.) 1881. Interstate commerce. Remarks of P, V, Deuster in the House of Representatives, February 22, 1881, {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 211-213.) 1881, The duty and power of Congress to regulate railroad monopo- lies — their power and wealth dangerous to the republic. Speech of A. M, Scales in the House of Representatives, March 1, 1881, {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 251-254.) 1881. Interstate commerce. Speech of E, B, Finley in the House of Representatives, March 1, 1881, {In Congressional record, 46th Congress, 3d session, vol. 11, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 261-265.) 1884, Powers of Congress relative to interstate commerce. Speech of Senator James F, Wilson, April 25, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 1st session, vol. 15, pt. 4, pp. 3386-3391.) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of Senator Shelby M. Cullom, July 4 and 5, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 1st session, vol. 15, pt. 6, pp. 6045-6047. ) On a bill "to establish a commission to regulate interstate com- merce, and for other purposes." 1884. Speech of John H. Reagan in the House of Representatives, December 2, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. ], pp. 28-32. ) Accompanying, on pp. 26-28, is the text of the bill under discus- sion, with the substitute proposed by Mr. Reagan. SPEECHES IN THE COKGKESSIONAL EECOKD 45 1884. Speech of Edward W. Seymour in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 3, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 40-46.) 1884. Speech of Samuel R. Peters in the House of Representatives, Dec. 3, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 47-49. ) 1884. Speech of John A. Anderson in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 4, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 59-64. ) 1884. Speech of B. F. Shively in the House of Representatives, Dec. 4, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, £d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 64-66.) 1884. Speech of John V. L. Findlay in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 8, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 87-91.) 1884. Speech of Charles O'Neill in the House of Representatives, Dec. 8, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 91-94. ) 1884. Speech of A. J. Warner in the House of Representatives, Dec. 8, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 94-96. ) 1884. Speech of William W. Rice in the House of Representatives, Dec. 8, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 96-100.) 1884. Speech of Ethelbert Barksdale in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 9, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 112-116. ) 1884. Speech of George R. Davis in the House of Representatives, Dec. 9, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 116-119.) 1884. Speech of Roswell G. Horr in the House of Representatives, Dec. 9, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 119-124.) 32016—04 4 46 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1884. Speech of Charles E. Boyle in the House of Representatives, Dec. 9, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 124-129.) 1884. Speech of Archibald J. Weaver in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 9, 1884. [In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 130-132.) 1884. Speech of John P. Stewart in the House of Representatives, Dec. 10, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 161-166.) 1884. Speech of Oscar Turner in the House of Representatives, Dec. 10, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, jjt. 1, pp. 166-169.) 1884. Speech of James H. Budd in the House of Representatives, Dec. 10, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 169-174.) . 1884. Speech of John R. Glascock in the House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 188-192. ) 1884. Speech of Poindexter Dunn in the House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 192-196.) 1884. Speech of Gilbert M. Woodward in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 196-199.) 1884. Speech of William McAdoo in the House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 199-200.) 1884. Speech of Thomas J. Wood in the House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 200-202.) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of William P. Hepburn in the House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 8-10.) SPEECHES IN THE CONGRESSIOlSrAL RECORD 47 1884. Speech of Martin Linn Clardy in the House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 285-287. ) 1884. Speech of John H. Reagan in the House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 287-294. ) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of John B. Storm in the House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 6-7.) 1884. Interstate-commerce bills. Some discursive observations. Speech of Charles A. Sumner in the House of Representa- tives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 16-26.) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of Byron M. Cutcheon in the House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 47-49.) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of William E. English, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 63-64.) 1884. Interstate commerce. Speech of James Laird in the House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 192-197.) 1884. Interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 17, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 315-323.) Eemarks by Messrs. Crisp, Herbert, Breckinridge, Reagan, Reed, Henley, and others. 1884. Speech of Senator Shelby M. Cullom, Dec. 18, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, jjt. 1, pp. 328-330. ) 1884. Interstate-commerce bill. General debate in the House of Representatives, Dec. 18, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 333-345.) Remarks by Messrs. Reagan, Herbert, Keifer, Horr, and others. 48 LIBKAEY OF OONGEESS 1884. Speech of Senator James Z. George, Dec. 19, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 355-359. ) 1884. Interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 19, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 364-376. ) Remarks by Messrs. O'Neill, Hewitt, Dunn, Phelps, Cox, and Adams. 1884. Interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 20, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 397-400. ) Remarks by Messrs. Henderson, Reagan, and "Wilson. 1884. Interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 20, 1884. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 406-408. ) Remarks by Messrs. Springer, O'Neill, and others. .1885. Speech of Senator James F. Wilson, Jan. 5, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 436-440. ) 1885. Speech of Senator William J. Sewell, Jan. 5, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. IG, pt. 1, pp. 440-444. ) 1885. Speech of Senator Thomas F. Bayard, Jan. 7, 1885. (Jn Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 515-517. ) 1885. Interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Repre- sentatives, Jan. 7, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 519-537. ) Remarks by Messrs. O'Neill, Reagan, Phelps, Cannon, Horr, Budd, Hewitt, Keifer, Green, Hopkins, Browne, Clardy, Hammond, Perkins, and Hepburn. 1885. Speech of Senator Augustus H. Garland, Jan. 9, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 567-570.) 1885. Speech of Senator Zebulon B. Vance, Jan. 9 and 13, 1885. (In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 574-577, 654-655, 656-658, 658-659.) 1885. Speech of Senator Thomas F. Bayard, Jan. 13, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 655-656, 658. ) 1885. Speech of Senator William B. Allison, Jan. 14, 1885. {hi Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 690-692. ) SPEECHES IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 49 1885. Speech of Senator Charles H. Van Wyck, Jan. 16, 188.5. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 750-753.) 1885. Speech of Senator Joseph E. Brown, Jan. 16 and 17, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 758-762, 799-802. ) 1885. Speech of Senator Johnson N. Camden, Jan. 17, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1 pp. 802-804. ) 1885. Speech of Senator James B. Beck, Jan. 20, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 855-859.) 1885. Speech of Senator Samuel Bell Maxe}^ Jan. 20, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 1, pp. 859-861.) 1885. Speech of Senator Richard Coke, Jan. 21, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. I„ pp. 883-889. ) 1885. Speech of Senator James L. Pugh, Jan. 30, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2„ pp. 1079-1087.) 1885. SDeech of Senator Benjamin Harrison, Feb. 2, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2^ pp. 1152-1156.) 1885. Speech of Senator Zebulon B. Vance, Feb. 3, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2„ pp. 1194-1197. ) 1885. Speech of Senator John Sherman, Feb. 3, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2, pp. 1200-1206.) 1885. Speech of Senator John E. Kenna, Feb. 3, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2, pp. 1206-1210.) 1885. Speech of Senator Wilkinson Call, Feb. 4, 1885. {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 2d session, vol. 16, pt. 2, pp. 1246-1248.) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Speech of Senator S. M. Cullom, April 14, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3470-3478. ) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Speech of Senator Johnson N. Camiden, April 16, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4,, pp. 3553-8556.) 50 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS 1886. Speech of Senator Omar D. Conger, April 22, 1886. (Jn. Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3723-3725.) 1886. Speech of Senator Warner Miller, April 22, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3725-3728.) 1886. Speech of Senator Charles H. Van Wyck, April 26, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3824-3827. ) 1886. Speech of Senator Joseph E, Brown, April 26, 1886. (///. Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3827-3833. ) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated b}^ Senators Camden, CuUom, Edmunds, Gorman, Sherman, Miller, and Beck, April 27, 1886. [In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 3866-3879. ) 1886. Speech of Senator John C. Spooner, May 5, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 4178-4184. ) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated b}^ Senators CuUom, Wilson, Maxey, Ingalls, Hoar, Allison, Camden, and Vance, May 6, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 4223-4240.) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Cullom, Walthall, Piatt, Allison, Conger, Beck, and Sewell, May 10, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 4306-4323.) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Gorman, Piatt, Wilson, Morgan, Teller, Kenna, Edmunds, and Ingalls, May 11, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 4347-4352; pt. 5, pp. 4353-4370.) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Cullom, Camden, Harris, Aldrich, Allison, Piatt, Miller, Gorman, Ingalls, Edmunds, Palmer, Riddleberger, Call, McPherson, Sherman, George, Teller, Maxey, Wilson, Vest, Blair, Vance, Saulsbury, Morgan, and others. May 12, 1886. ( /n Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 5, pp. 4396-4423.) SPEECHES IN THE CONGEESSIONAL RECOED 51 1886. Speech of Andrew J. Caldwell in the House of Representa- tives, Ji% 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 7, pp. 7290-729.3.) 1886. Speech of Charles T. O'Ferral in the House of Representa- tives, July 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 7, pp. 7293-7296.) 1886. Speech of William W. Brown in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 7, pp. 7296-7298. ) 1886. Interstate commerce. Speech of Frederick A. Johnson in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1886. {I7i Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 313-314. ) 1886. Interstate commerce. Speech of Thomas Ryan in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1888. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 320-321.) 1886. Interstate commerce. Speech of Jonathan H. Rowell in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 442-444.) 1886. Interstate commerce. Speech of William P. Hepburn in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 455-458. ) 1886. Interstate commerce. Speech of Ransom W. Dunham in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 1st session, vol. 17, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 458-466.) 1886. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Cullom, Hoar, Aldrich, Piatt, Allison, and Ingalls, December 15, 1886. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 169-174.) 1887. Speech of Senator O. H. Piatt, January 5, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 359-365. ) 2 887. Speech of Senator O. H. Piatt, January 6, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 393-396. ) 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1887. Speech of Senator John T. Morgan, January 6, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 396-400.) 1887. Speech of Senator Richard Coke, January 11, 1887. [In Congressional record, 49tli Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 524-528. ) 1887. Speech of Senator Eli Saulsbury, January 11, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 530-532. ) 1887. Speech of Senator Wilkinson Call, January 12, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 565-571.) 1887. Speech of Senator Joseph E. Brown, January 12, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 571-573. ) 1887. Speech of Senator J. H. Mitchell, January 12, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 573-578. ) 1807. Speech of Senator William M. Evarts, January 13, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 603-609. ) 1887. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Messrs. Crisp, O'Neill, Dunham, Butterworth, Scott, and Caldwell, Janu- ary 18, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 778-790. ) 1887. Interstate commerce bill. Debated by Messrs. Crisp, O'Neill, Weaver, Dunham, Adams, Anderson, Rowell, Bynum, Scott, Guenther, Nelson, Henderson, and Butterworth, January 19, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 806-823. ) 1887. The Interstate commerce bill. Debated by Messrs. Caldwell, Dibble, Hepburn, Crisp, Bragg, Cutcheon, Johnson, Long, Martin, Oates, and Findlay, January 20, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 838-851. ) 1887. Speech of Samuel Dibble, in the House of Representatives, January 20, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 8.39-842.) 1887. Speech of Edward S. Bragg, in the House of Representatives, January 20, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 842-843.) SPEECHES IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 53 1887. Speech of Byron M. Cutcheon, in the House of Representa- tives, January 20, 1887. {In Congressional record, 49th Congress, 2d session, vol. 18, pt. 1, pp. 8'43-844. ) 1888. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Messrs. Crisp, O'Neill, Anderson, Grosvenor, Butterworth, Farquhar, Cannon, Ryan, Lind, Macdonald, Wilson, and Nelson, September 13, 1888. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 1st session, vol. 19, pt. 9, pp. -8574-8586.) 1889. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Messrs. Crisp, Ba3^ne, Grosvenor, Stewart, and others, February 4, 1889. {In Congressional record, oOth Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 2, pp. 1474-1487.) 1889. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Sherman, Piatt, and others, February 5, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 2 pp. 1515-1518.) 1889. Speech of Senator John Sherman, Februar}' 27, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, pp. 2375-2378. ) 1889. Speech of Senator John H. Reagan, February 27, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, pp. 2378-2385.) 1889. Speech of Senator Shelby M. CuUom, February 27, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, pp. 2387-2391. ) 1889. Bill to regulate commerce. Debated by Senators Piatt, Sher- man, Cullom, and others, February 28, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, pp. 2434-2442. ) 1889. Speech of A. R. Anderson, in the' House of Representatives, March 2, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50tli Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, pp. 2666-2671. ) 1889. Interstate commerce. Speech of Charles H. Grosvenor, in the House of Representatives, March 2, 1889. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 20, pt. 3, appendix, pp. 181-184.) 1891. Speech of Senator Mati;hew S. Quay, February 17, 1891. {In Congressional record, 51st Congress, 2d session, vol. 22, pt. 3, pp. 2789-2790.) 54 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1892. Special rates to commercial travelers. The interstate-com- merce law a bad law and should be repealed. Speech of Elijah A. Morse in the House of Representatives, February 19, 1892. {In Congressional record, 52d Congress, 1st session, vol. 23, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 9-11.) 1892. Inquiry concerning railways. Speech of Senator Wilkinson Call, June 20, 1892. {In Congressional record, 52d Congress, 1st session, vol. 23, pt. 8, appendix, pp. 419-427.) 1893. Interstate-commerce law. Debated in the House of Represent- atives by Messrs. Patterson, O'Neill, Boatner, and others* January 19, 1893. {In Congressional record, 52d Congress, 2d session, vol. 24, pt. 1, pp. 709-715.) 1894. Amendment to interstate-commerce act. Debated by Messrs. Patterson, Terry, Stoekdale, Mallory, Cox, Northway, Cannon, and Boatner, December 5, 1891. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 62-71.) 1894. Amendment to interstate-commerce act. Debated by Messrs. Cooper, Patterson, Boatner, Henderson, Gresham, Morse, Daniels, and Reed, December 6, 1891. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 87-105.) 1894. Speech of Franklin Bartlett, in the House of Representatives, December 7, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 116-119.) 1894. Speech of William J. Bryan, in the House of Representatives, December 7, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 119-122.) 1894. Speech of Stephen A. Northway, in the House of Representa- tives, December 7, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 122-124.) 1894. Speech of George D. Wise, in the House of Representatives, December 7, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 124-126.) 1894. Speech of W. Bourke Cockran, in the House of Representa- tives, December 7, 1894. . {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 126-129.) SPEECHES IN THE CONGRESSIONAL EECORD 55 1894. Speech of John Dalzell, in the House of Representatives, December 8, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 135-142. ) 1894. Speech of Thaddeus M. Mahon, in the House of Represeftta- tives, December 8, 189-4. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 143-147. ) 1894. Speech of Joseph G. Cannon, in the House of Representatives, December 11, 1891. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 220-223. ) 1894. Speech of Joseph C. Sibley, in the House of Representatives, December 11, 1891. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 223-224.) 1895. Railroads between Chicago and the Atlantic seaboard. Speech of Senator William E. Chandler, January 29, 189.5. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 2, pp. 1479-1480. ) 1895. Speech of Senator Matthew C. Butler, February 15, 1896. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, .3d session, vol. 27, pt. 3, pp. 2208-2213. ) 1894. Interstate-commerce law. Speech of Thomas J. Geary, in the House of Representatives, December 8, 1894. {In Congressional record, 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 27, pt. 4, appendix, pp. 276-278.) 1898. Carriers engaged in interstate commerce. General debate in the House of Representatives, May 5, 1898. {In Congressional record, 55th Congress, 2d session, vol. 31, pt. 5, pp. 4638-4649. ) 1898. Arbitration between railroad companies and employees. Speech of William V. Allen, May 11, 1898. {In Congressional record, 55th Congress, 2d session, vol. 31, pt. 5, pp. 4790-4795.) 1898. Railroad arbitration. General debate in the Senate, May 12, 1898. {In Congressional record, 55th Congress, 2d session, vol. 31, pt. 5, pp. 4843-4850, 4851-4858. ) 1898. Carriers in interstate commerce and their employees. General debate in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1898. {In Congressional record, 55th Congress, 2d session, vol. 31, pt. 6, pp. 5046-5054.) 56 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. Debated by Messrs. Dalzell, Underwood, Hull, Littlefield, Cannon, De Armond, Overstreet, Grosvenor, Cockran, Sulzer, and Hepburn, February 13, 1903. ♦ (/n Congressional record, 57th Congress, 2d session, vol.* 36, pt. 2, pp. 2151-2159. ) LIST OF BOOKS ON THE NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE American Bar Association. Report on commercial law and modern commercial combinations. (In its Report of the 26th annual meeting, pp. 431-448. Philadel- phia, 1903. 8°.) Takes up incidentalh' the Northern securities case, and suggests state competition for the correction of trust evils. Nimmo, Joseph, jr. Commercial, economic and political questions not decided in the Northern securities case. Wccshington, D. C. : The Darhy j^miT^miy com/pany^ 1903. 38 pp. 8°. Randolph, Carman Fitz. Considerations on the state corporation in federal and interstate relations; the Northern securities cases. [JVew York, 1903.] 77 pp. 8°. Cover-title. From the Columbia law review, vol. 3, no. 3-5. Thorndike, John Larkin. The decision in the "Merger case," being a review of the decision of the United States circuit court at St. Paul in the case of United States v. Northern securi- ties CO. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1903. 36 pp. 5'^. United States. Supreme court. Supreme Court of the United States. The Northern securities company and others vs. the United States. Opinion delivered b}^ Mr. Justice Harlan, Avith concurring and dissenting opinions. Delivered March 14, 1904. 'Washington: Government printing office, 190 Jf.. 72 pp. 8^. {58th Congress, 'Bd session. Senate document no. 232.) Northern securities compan}" et al. , appellants, vs. the United States. Mr. Justice Harlan announced the affirm- ance of the decree of the Circuit Court, and delivered the following opinion. March 14, 1904. 31 pp. 8°. Majority opinion. Northern securities company et al., appellants, vs. the United States. Mr. Justice Brewer concurring. March 14, 1904. 3 pp. 8^: Concurs with the majority opinion, with exceptions. 57 58 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS United States. Sujpreme court. Northern securities company et al., appellants, m. the United States. Mr, Justice White, with whom concur Mr. Chief Justice Fuller, Mr. Justice Peck- ham, and Mr. Justice Holmes, dissenting. March 14, 1904. 26 pp. 8°. Minority opinion. Wilgus, Horace L. A national corporation law. I. Need of a national corporation law. IJ. A proposed national corporation law. \Ann Arhor, Mich.'], 190 J^. 13 If, pp. 5°. "Reprinted from the Michigan law review, February and April, 1904." NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1902. The anti-trust law vs. the Northern securities company. Commercial (& financial chronicle^ vol. 7 If. {Mar. i, 1902): I^50-Ii51. 1902. Northern securities company. Outlook, vol. 70 {Mar. i, 1902): 500. 1902. Supreme court and the railwa}^ merger. Outlook, vol. 70 {Mar. 8, 1902): 594.-595. 1902. The Northern securities company. Statist, vol. 4-9 {Mar. 1, 1902): 472. 1902. Northern securities company. Statist, vol. 49 {Mar. 15, 1902): 570. 1902. The Northern securities company and the Sherman anti-trust law. Robert L. Cutting. North American review, vol. 174 {Apr., 1902): 528-535. 1902. Security-holding company. World's work, vol. 3 {Apr., 1902): 1927-1929. 1902. War on the Northern Pacific. H. L. Nelson. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {May 25, 1902): 527. 1902. Un nouveau rouage financier aux Etats-Unis. "The security- holding company." G. N. Tricoche. Journal des economistes, vol. 50 {June, 1902) : 380. \/ 1902. The larger side of the Northern securities merger. Bradstreefs, vol. 30 {Oct. 25, 1902): 674-675. 1903. Considerations on the State corporation in federal and inter- state relations. The Northern securities cases. Carman F. Randolph. Columbia law review, vol. 3 {Mar., 1903): 168-197; {Apr., 1903): 221-240; {May, 1903): 305-329. Part I. The United States suit. Part 11. The Washington suit. Part III. The Minnesota suit. 1903. The Northern securities case. Railway age, vol. 35 {Mar. 20, 1903): 564. 59 v 60 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1903. The hearing- in the Northern securities case. Railway world, vol. 29 {Mar. 21, 1903): 3^-326. 1903. Northern securities case. Bailway world, vol. 29 [Mar. 21, 1903): 332-33^. 1903. Editorial comment on the Northern securities case. American lawyer, vol. 11 {Apr. , 1903) : 154-156. 1903. The Northern securities decision. Banling km journal, vol. 20 {Apr., 1903): 22 Gives the full text of the decision. 1903. Dissohition of the Northern securities company by the United States circuit court of appeals. Central law journal, vol. 56 {Aj)r. ^4, 1903): 321. 1903. The reach of the decision in the Northern securities case. Cominercial da financial chronicle, vol. 76 {Apr. 18, 1903): 834-836. V 1903. The first railroad merger in the United States. Earl D. Berry. Everybody's magazine, vol. 8 {Apr., 1903): 304-310. 1903. Decisions in the Northern securities case. Harper's weekly, vol. 4^7 {Apr. 25, 1903): 689. 1903. The railroad merger decision. Independent, vol. 55 {Apr. 16, 1903): 925-927. 1903. The Northern securities decision. Iron age, vol. 71 {Apr. 16, 1903): 36. 1903. A railroad merger disrupted. Literary digest, vol. 26 {Apr. 18, 1903): 565-566. 1903. Financial journals on the merger decision. Literary digest, vol. 26 {Apr. 25, 1903): 604-606. yj 1903. The merger case. Nation, vol. 76 (Apr. 16, 1903): 304. 1903. The Northern Pacific merger declared void: the facts. Outlook, vol. 73 {Apr. 18, 1903): 892-894- 1903. The merger illegal. Railroad telegrapher, vol. 20 {Apr., 1903): 528-530, 1903. The Northern securities decision. Railway age, vol. 35 {Apr. 17, 1903): 724-725. 1903. Northern securities company illegal. Railway age, vol. 35 {Apr. 17, 1903): 732-735. Full text of the decision. NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 61 1903. The Northern securities' decision modified. Railway age, ml. 35 {Apr. 2J^, 1903): 775. 1903. The merger decision. Railway and engineering review., vol. 43 {Apr. 11, 1903): '297. 1903. The Northern securities co. merger decision ; the Sherman anti- trust law construed to forbid all combinations in restraint of trade. Railway and engineering review, vol. JiJ3 {Apr. 11, 1903): 297-W9. 1903. [Northern securities co. merger case.] Railway and engineering revieio, vol. I^S {Apr. 18, 1903): 312. 1903. Developments in the merger case. Railway and engineering reviefio, vol. Jf3 {Apr. 25, 1903) : 323. 1903. [Decision against the Northern securities company.] Railway world, vol. 29 {Apr. 11, 1903): 405-406. 1903. Scope of the Northern securities decision. Railway world, vol. 29 {Apr. 18, 1903): 44O-44I. 1903. The merger case. [Press comments.] Railway world, vol. 29 {Apr. 18, 1903): 443-444. 1903. Extracts from the opinion of Judge Thayer in the United States circuit court of appeals in the Northern securities case. Railway world, vol. 29 {Apr. 18, 1903): 446-448. 1903. The Northern securities company. Statist, vol. 51 (Apr. 18, 1903): 834-836. 1903. [No merger of competing railroads.] Albany lav) journal, vol. 65 {May, 1903): 129-130. 1903. Railroad merger illegal. Albany law journal, vol. 65 {May, 1903): 137-14^3. 1903. Combinations in restraint of interstate commerce: Device of two competing railway companies transferring a majority of their shares to a " holding company " created under the laws of a remote state. The Northern securities case. American law review, vol. 37 {May-Jim e, 1903): 449-461. 1903. Northern securities decision. American monthly revievj of reviews, vol. 27 {May, 1903): 522-526. 1903. The Northern securities decision. The banker, vol. 15 {May, 1903): 4-5. 32016—04 5 62 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1903. The decision of the merger case. BoMker's magazine^ vol. 66 {May, 1903) : 605-606. 1903. The Northern securities decision. Banker's magazine, vol. 66 {May, 1903): 619-620. 1903. The Northern securities' case. Canadian law review, vol. 2 {May, 1903): 1^714.-1^81. 1903. Monopolies — combinations in restraint of interstate commerce under the Sherman anti-trust act. United States v. North- ern securities company. C'e7itral law journal, vol. 56 {May 1, 1903): 34-9-355. 1903. The merger decision. Gmito7i's magazine, vol. 24. {May, 1903): 383-387. 1903. The Northern securities compan}^ case. Law notes, vol. 7 {May, 1903): 29-30. 1903. The Northern securities decision. Transport, vol. 22 {May 1, 1903): 405. 1903. A check to railroad consolidation. World's tvo7'k, vol. 6 {May, 1903): 3382-3383. 1903. The Northern securities case. Canadian lavj times, vol. 23 {June, 1903): 221-222. 1903. The Northern securities case and the Sherman anti-trust act. C. C. Langdell. Harvard law review, vol. 16 {June, 1903): 539-554. Railway world, vol. 29 {July 25, 1903): 847, 850-852; {Aug. 1,1903): 875, 878-879. 1903. The importance of the merger decision. Harvard law review, vol. 16 {June, 1903) : 583-584. 1903. The Northern securities decision. Carman F. Randolph. North American review, vol. 176 {June, 1903): 846-855. 1903. The check to merging mergers. World's work, vol. 6 {June, 1903): 3485. 1903. [Criticism of Northern securities case decision.] Albany law journal, vol. 65 {July, 1903): 201-202. 1903. [Northern securities decision.] A. D. No3'es. F(yrum, vol. 35 {July, 1903): 39-42. 1903. Competition of Pacific coast hmiber in the Mississippi valley; railway consolidation. Radlway world, vol. 29 {July 4, 1903): 764-765. NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE: ARTICLES IN" PERIODICALS 63 ^ 1903. The railroad industry and general prosperity. Commercial & financial chronicle^ vol. 77 {Aug. 5, 1903): 271^-276. 1903. The latest Northern securities co. decision. Railroad gazette, vol. 35 {Aug. 7, 1903): 570. 1903. Northern securities company sustained in the suit of state of Minnesota. Bail way age, vol. 36 {Aug. 7, 1903): 160-163. 1903. Minnesota vs. the Northern securities company. Bailway wwld, vol. 29 {Aug. 8, 1903): 901,-905. 1903. The Northern securities decision. T. L. Stiles. American law revieiv, vol. 37 {Sept.- Oct., 1903): 791-792. 1903. "■ Control'' and restraint of trade. Chaxitauquan, vol. 38 {Oct., 1903): 111^-115. tx' 1903. The Great Northern of U'. S. — how to manage a railway. Statist, vol. 52 {Oct. 17, 1903): 686-688. 1903. Commercial law and modern commercial combinations. Wal- ter S. Logan. A?nerican laio review, vol. 37 {Nov. -Dec, 1903): 828-8 J,,!,.. 1903. The Northern securities case under a new aspect. C. C. Langdell. Harvard law review, vol. 17 {N'ov., 1903): J^l-J^J^. 1903. The Northern securities case. Financial age, vol. 8 {Dec. 21, 1903): 1081^. 1903. The Northern securities case. Financier, vol. 82 {Dec. 21, 1903): 2688. 1903. Brief notes on the Northern securities case. Francis R. Jones. Green bag, vol. 15 {Dec, 1903): 563-561,. 1903. The power of Congress over combinations affecting interstate commerce. Augustine L. Hume. Harvard law review, vol. 17 {Dec, 1903): 83-103. 1903. The Northern securities case. Literary digest, vol. 27 {Dec 26, 1903): 889-890. 1903. The hearing in the Northern securities case. mtion, vol. 77 {Dec 2J,, 1903): 1,99-500. 1903. The Northern securities case. Pahlic opinion, vol. 35 {Dec 2 J,, 1903): 801,-805. 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. The Northern securities case before the United States Supreme court. Railway age, vol. 36 {Dec. 18, 1903): 836-8^. 1903. [Northern securities case.] The fundamental question at issue. Raihmy world, vol. 1^7 {Dec. 19, 1903): lJi33-mi. 1903. Editorial views on Northern securities case. Railway world, vol. ^7 {Dec. 26, 1903): U71-U73. 1903. The Northern securities company case: A reply to Professor Langdell. D. H. Chamberlain. Yale law journal, vol. 13 {Dec, 1903): 57-66. 1904. The merger case and restraint of trade. Sir Frederick Pollock. Harvard law review, vol. 17 {Jan.^ WOJf): 151-155. 1904. The Northern securities case. A. G. Hoyt. Rand-McNalhj lanl'ers' monthly, vol. 27 {Jan., 1901^: 5-11. 1904. Voting trusts and holding companies. Edward Avery Harri- man. Yale law journal, vol. 13 {Jan., 190 1^): 109-123. Contains incidental references to Northern securities case. 1904. The Northern securities litigation. American monthly review ofrevieios,vol. 29 {Feh.,190Jt): 137. 1904. Schemes to control the market. Bruce Wvman. Green hag, vol. 16 {Feh., 190}^): 80-89. 1904. Need of a national incorporation law. H. L. Wilgus. Michigan law review, vol. 2 {Feh., 190Ii): 358-395. 1904. The President and Wall street. Sereno S. Pratt. World's wo'rk, vol. 7 {Feh., 190 Jf): J,:m-U01. 1904. Northern securities decision. Bradstreefs, vol. 32 {3Iar. 19, 190]^): 178. 1904. The merger decision outcome. Bradstreefs, vol. 32 {3Iar. 26, 1904-): 19^. 1904. The Northern securities case. Central law journal, vol. 58 {Mar. 25 190 Jf): 2^-21^3. 1904. State police powers and federal property guarantees. Charles C. Marshall. Columhia law revietc, vol. ^ {Mar., 1901i): 153-170. 1904. Judge Brewer and the Northern securities decision. Commercial (& financial chronicle, vol. 78 {Mar. 19, 190 If): 1138-1139. NORTHERN" SECURITIES CASE: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 65 1904. Why the tone is more hopeful. (The Northern securities decision.) Commercial & -financial chronicle^ vol. 78, {Mar. 26 .^ 190 If): 119If.. 1904. Further features of the Northern securities decision. Commercial i& finaricial chronicle., vol. 78 {Mar. 26, 190 If): 1197-1198. 1904. Northern securities case. Dunus review, vol. 12 {Mar. 19, 190 If) : 6. 1904. The Northern securities decision. Economist {London), vol. 62 {Mar. 19, 190 k): 1^7 3-1^7 If. 1904. The dissolution of the Northern securities' merger. Economist {London), vol. 62 {Mar. 26, 190 If): 528. 1904. Restraint of liberty and restraint of trade. Financial age, vol. 9 {Mar. 21, 190If): If50. 1904. A good name versus great riches. Financier, vol. 83 {Mar. 21, 190If) :1105. 1904. The Northern securities decision. Financier, vol. 83 {Mar. 21, 190If): 1106. 1904. The Northern securities settlement. Financier, vol. 83 {Mar. 28, 190If): 1201. 1904. The merger decision. hidependent, vol. 56 {Mar. 2If, 190If): 679-681. 1904. The merger distribution. Independent, vol. 56 {Mar. 31, 190If): 752. 1904. The Northern securities decision. Lron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 17, 190 If): 26. 1904. Merger decision and opinion. Journal of commerce {N. Y.), vol. If2 {Mar. 16, 190If): If. 1904. Reasonable and unreasonable restraint of trade. Journal of commerce {N. Y.), vol. If2 {Mar. 23, 190If): If. 1904. How the merger decision is regarded. Literary digest, vol. 28 {Mar. 26, 190 If): If31-If32. 1904. The Northern securities merger decision. William Lindsay. Manufacturers' record, vol. If5 {Mar. 31, 190 If): 225. 1904. The merger decision. Nation, vol. 78 {Mar. 17, 190If): 201f. 66 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1904. The giant strength of the Sherman act. National corporation reporter^ vol. 28 {Mar. 2Ji,, 190 li) : 133. 1904. The Northern securities case. Outlook, vol. 76 {Mar. 19, 190 ip,: 667. 1904. The Northern securities case. Outlook, vol. 76 {Mar. 26, 1904): 725-727. 1904. The Northern securities case: the decision judged on its mer- its: what shall the government do next? Political bearings of the decision. Public opinion, vol. 36 {Mar. 2^, 1904): 356-358. 1904. Scope of the Northern securities decision. Raihvay world, vol. JfS {Mar. 19, 1901^): 322-321^. 1904. Majority opinion of Supreme court in the Northern securities case. Railway world, vol. 1^8 {Mar. 26, 190 4): 3^1-352. 1904. The Northern securities decision. Statist, vol. 53 {Mar. 19, 190 4): 565-566. 1904. The Northern securities case. Wall street journal, vol. J^3 {Mar. 15, 16, 17, 190 li): 1, 2, 2. 1904. Northern securities decision. Wall street journal, vol. JfB {Mar. 19, 190 J^: 5. 1904. Communities of interest. Wall street journal, vol. JfS {Mar. 2^, 1904): 1. 1904. Decision in the merger case. Albany law journal, vol. 66 {Ajyr., 190Jf): 97-98. 1904. Violation of anti-trust act: Supreme Court of United States: Northern securities co. et al., appellants, v. the United States. Alhany laio journal, vol. 66 {Apr., 190Jf): 100-117. 1904. The Northern securities decision and its bearings. Albert Shaw. American inonthly review of reviews, vol. 29 {Ajjr., 190 Ji): 387-392. 1904. The Northern securities aftermath. Bradstreefs, vol. 32 {Apr. 2, 1901^): 210. 1904. More Northern securities litigation. Bradstreefs, vol. 32 {Ajyr. 9, 190^): 227-228. NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE 1904 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 67 The merger litigation. Bradstreefs, vol. S2 {Apr. 16, 190 1^): ^1^2. 1904. The Northern securities decision. ColuDihia law review ., vol. ^ {Apr., 190 J^): 287-289. 1904. Aftermath of the Northern securities decision. Financial age, vol. 9 {Apr. Jf,, 1901/): 521. 1904. The bone of contention, Finmieier, vol. 83 {Apr. J,, 190 Ji): 1297. 1904. The actual decision in the merger case. Bruce Wyman. Green hag, vol. 16 {Apr., 1901^): 258-260. 1904. The second merger decision. Gunton!s magazine, vol. 26 {Apr., 190 Jf): 283-290. 1904. The proceedings in the Northern securities case. Harper's weeMy, vol. 1^8 {Apr. 2, 1901^): 1,36-1^97. 1904. Curious effect of the railway trust decision. Independent, vol. 56 {Apr. 21, 190J,): 918-919. 1904, Dissolving and reappearing mergers. Literary digest, vol. 28 {Apr. 16, 190^): 5^-51^2. 1904. The Brewer opinion and further prosecutions. Baihoay age, vol. 37 {Apr. 1, 190 Ji) : 711f.. \, 1904. The Harriman petition in the Northern securities case. Railway age, vol. 37 {Apr. 15, 190 J^): 783-78^. 1904. Dissenting opinion in Northern securities case, Railway xcorld, vol. 1^8 {Apr. 2, 1901,): 375-380, 387-390. 1904. Justice Holmes' views in the securities case. Railway world, vol. 1,8 {Apr. 9, 190 J,): J,07-J,09. 1904. Difficulties in the Northern securities dissolution. Railway world, vol. 1,8 {Apr. 9, 190J,) : 1,11,-1,15. 1904. The victory of Attorney-General Knox. Walter Crane Emer- son. World to-day, vol. 6 {Apr., 190 Ji): 539-51,1. 1904. Violation of anti-trust law: Northern securities company et al., appellants, v. the United States. Albany law journal, vol. 66 {May, 190J,): 1J,,1-158. 1904. Constitutional law: Regulation of interstate commerce. Valid ity and interpretation of the Sherman anti -trust act. American laio review, vol. 38 {May- June, 1901,): 1,21-1,31. Keview of the decision in the Northern securities case. 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. The Supremo court in the Northern securities case. Walter S. Logan. Arena, vol. 31 {May, 190 h): li,T2-]i,75. 1904. The Northern securities decision and the Sherman anti-trust act. George F. Canfield. Cohuiibia law revieio, vol. Jf. {May., 190 It. ) .• 315-337. 1904. The conflicting opinions in the merger case. Bruce Wyman. Green hag, vol. 16 {May, 1901i): WS-SOJ^. 1904. The merger case. J. C. Gray. Harvard law 7'eview, vol. 17 {May, 1901^: Jt.7Jf.-Ii78. 1904. Northern securities decision. A. Maurice Low. National revieu), vol. J^S {May, 190 1^): 4^^^--^^^. 1904. Anti-trust remedies under the Northern securities decision. Edward B. Whitney. Yale review, vol. 13 {May, 1901,): 3-15. 1904. The Northern securities decision. Henry Wolf Bikle. American law register, vol. 53 {June, 1901,): 358-380. 1904. The merger tangle. Frank Parsons. Arena, vol. 31 {June, 190 J,): 588-591. 1904. The anti-trust act and the merger case. Victor Morawetz. Harvard law revieiv, vol. 17 {June, 190 J,) : 533-51,2. 1904. Railway rates and the merger decision. Charles A. Prouty. Nortli American review, vol. 178 {June, 1901,) : 812-819. 1904. How the unmerged Pacific roads now stand. World's V3wh, vol. 8 {June, 1901,): Ip8J,6-I,8J^8. 1904. The Northern securities case. James Wilford Garner. GuntoiTiS magazine, vol. 27 {July, 190 J,): 1,3-56. AUTHOR INDEX Page Acklen, Joseph H 43 Acworth, W. M 5 Adams, B. B. , Jr 5 Adams, Charles Francis 5 Adams, George E 48, 52 Adams, Henry C . . . 5, 9, 25, 38, 39, 40, 42 Aldrich, Nelson W 50, 51 Alexander, E. Porter 6 Allen, William V 55 Allison, "William B 48, 50, 51 American loar association 57 Anderson, A. R 53 Anderson, John A 45, 52, 53 Arnold, B. W., ;> 39 Ashley, Charles S 35 Atkinson, Edward 6 Bacon, Edward P 41 Baker, Charles Whiting 6 Baldwin, Simon E 6 Barker, Wharton 6 Barksdale, Ethelbert 45 Barnard, Charles 36 Bartlett, Franklin 54 Bayard, Thomas F 48 Bayne, Thomas M 53 Beach, Charles F., jr 7 Beck, James B 43, 49, 50 Bellot, H. H. L 38 Berry, Earl D 60 Bikl^, Henry Wolf 68 Black, William Nelson 7 Blair, Henry W 50 Blanchard, George R 7 Boatner, Charles J 54 Bolen, George L 7 Bonham, John M 7 Boswell, L. B 28 Boyle, Charles E 46 Bragg, Edward S 52 Breckinridge, Clifton R 47 Brock, S. G 33 Brown, Isaac B 24 Brown, Joseph E 49, 50, 52 Brown, William W 51 Browne, Thomas M 48 Bryan, George 38 Bryan, William J 54 Bryce, L 7, 38 Budd , James H 46, 48 Butler, Matthew C 55 Butterworth, Benjamin 52, 53 Bynum, William D 52 Caldwell, Andrew J 51, 52 Call, Wilkinson 49, 50, 52, 54 Camden, Johnson N 49, 50 Cameron, J. Donald 43 Canfield, George F 68 Cannon, Joseph G 48, 53, 54, 55, 56 Chamberlain, D. H 64 Chandler, William E 55 Chapman, W. W 7 Chittenden, L. C 8 Clardy, Martin Linn 47, 48 Clark, Frederick C 8 Clark, Walter 39 Cloud, D. C 8 Clough, W. P 8 Cockran, William Bourke 54,56 Coke, Richard 49, 52 Conger, Omar D 50 Conkling, Roscoe 43 Cook, William Wilson 8 Cooler, Charles Horton 8 Cooley, Thomas M 8, 24, 35 Cooper, Charles M 54 Cox, Nicolas N 54 Cox, Samuel S 48, 54 Crafts, W. A 36 Craig, James AV 36 Crisp, Charles F 47, 52, 53 Culberson, Charles A 36 Cullom, Shelby M 9,26, 27, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53 Cummings, John 17 Cutcheon, Byron M 47, 52, 53 69 70 AUTHOR INDEX Page Cutting, Robert L 59 Dabney, W. D 9 Daggett, R. M 44 Dalzell, John 55, 56 Dana, William F 9 Daniels, Charles 54 Daniels, George H 40 Davis, George R 45 Davis, John P 9 Davis, Samuel M 40 De Armond, David A 56 Deuster, P. V 44 Dibble, Samuel 52 Dillon, Sidney 37 Dixon, Frank H 9 Dos Passos, John R 9 Dunham, Ransom W 51, 52 Dunn, Poindexter 46, 48 Eaton, James Shirley 9 Edmunds, George F 50 Emerson, Walter Crane 67 English, William E 47 Evarts, AVilliam M 52 Farquhar, John M 53 Finch, James A 29 Findlay, John V. L 45,52 Fink, Albert 9-10, 26 Finley, E. B 44 Fisher, James S 10, 37 Fisher, Sydney G 37 Flower, B. 42 Freund, Ernst 10 Garland, Augustus H 48 Garner, James Wilford 68 Geary, Thomas J 55 George, James Z 48, 50 Gladden, Washington 11 Glascock, John R 46 Glover, W. S 39 Gordon, John B 43 Gorman, Arthur P 50 Grady, Thomas H 19 Graham, Robert S 11 Gray, J. C 68 Great Britain 11 Greeley, S. H 12 Green, Wharton J 48 Greenbaum, Milton D 12 Greene, Thomas L 12, 37 Gresham, Walter 54 Grosvenor, Charles H 53, 56 Guenther, Richard 52 Hadley, Arthur T 12,36 Hammond, N. J 48 Hardesty, Jesse 12 Harriman, Edward Avery 64 Harris, Isham G 50 Harrison, Benjamin 49 Hartshorne, F. C 12 Hassler, Charles W 12 Helm, Thomas Kennedy 39 Henderson, David B 48, 52, 54 Hendrick, Frank 12 Hening, Crawford 37 Henley, Barclay 47 Hepburn, A. B 19 Hepburn, William P 46, 48, 51, 52, 56 Herbert, Hilary A 47 Hewitt, Abram S 48 Hines, Walker D 13,41 Hoar, George F 30, 50, 51 Hole, James 13 Hopkins, A.J 48 Hopkins, James H 13 Horr, Roswell G 45, 47, 48 Hough, Emerson 13 Hoyt, A. G 64 Hubbard, Gardiner G 13 Hudson, Henry 13 Hudson, James F 13 Huebner, Solomon 42 Hull, Charles H 13 Hull, John A. T 56 Hume, Augustine L 63 Huntington, Collis P 13 Ingalls, John James 50, 51 Ingalls, M. E 13, 39 Jackson, Luis 13 Jeans, J. S 13 Johnson, Emory R 14, 40 Johnson, Frederick A 51,52 Jones, Francis R 63 Judd, John W 38 Keifer, Joseph Warren 47,48 Keith, John 42 Kemper, Peter, jr 16 Kenna, E. D 14 Kenna, John E 49, 50 Kirkman, Marshall M 15 Knapp, Martin A 15,38,41 Knox, Philander C 29 J^aird, James 47 Langdell, C. C 62, 63 Langstroth, Charles S 15 Larrabee, William 15 Lewis, George H 16 AUTHOR INDEX 71 Page Lewis, John 16 Lewis, William Draper 16, 37 Lind, John 53 Lindsay, William 65 Lines, Robert B 24 Littlefield, Charles E 56 Logan, James A 37 Logan, "Walter S 63, 68 Long, John D 52 Low, A. Maurice 68 McAdoo, William -46 McCain, C. C 8,16 McCrea, Roswell C 16, 41 Macdonald, John L 53 McKinney, William M 16 McLean, Simon J 16, 41 McNulta, John - 36 McPherson, John R 50 MacYeagh, Wayne 26 McVey, Frank L 38 Mahon, Thaddeus M 55 Mallory, Stephen R 54 Marshall, Charles C 64 Martin, Edward Winslow 17 Martin, John i\I 52 Mather, Robert 17 ]Maxey, Samuel Bell 49, 50 Meddaugh, E. W 37 Merrill, Olin 24 Meyer, Balthasar Henry 17, 41 Meyer, H. R 42 Micheli, Horace 17 Midgley, John W 17 Miller, Warner 50 Million, John Wilson 17 Mitchell, J. H 52 Moody, John 17 ]Morawetz, Victor. 68 Morgan, Appleton 17, 37 Morgan, John T 50, 52 ]\Iorgan, W. Scott .*. 18 Morse, Elijah A 54 Morton, Paul 18 Mott, Edward Harold 18 Mundy, Floyd Woodruff 18 National board of trade 18 Nelson, Henry Loomis 18, 59 Nelson, Knute 52, 53 Nevin, R. M 30 Newcomb, Harry Turner 18-19, 39,40,41,42 New York 19 Nimmo, Joseph, jr . . 19-20, 32, 33, 39, 57 Page Noble, JohnW 39 North way, Stephen A 54 Noyes, A. D 62 Noyes, Walter Chadwick 20 Gates, William C 52 O'Ferral, Charles T 51 O' Neill, Charles 45, 48, 52, 53, 54 Overstreet, Jesse 56 Palmer, Thomas W 50 Parker, R. Wayne 30 Parsons, Frank 68 Patterson, Josiah 54 Peabody, James 21 Pendleton, John 21 Perkins, Bishop W 48 Peters, Samuel R 45 Phelps, Charles Henry 35 Phelps, William Walter 48 Piatt, O. H 50,51,53 Pollock, Sir Frederick 64 Potts, Joseph D 21, 35 Pratt, Edwin A 21 Pratt, Sereno S 64 Prentice, E. P 42 Prouty, Charles A 21 , 40, 68 Pugh, James L 49 Purdy, T. C 24 Quay, Matthew S 53 Randolph, Carman Fitz 57, 59, 62 Raymond, A. C 21 Reagan, John H . . 25, 26, 43, 44, 47, 48, 53 Reed, Thomas B 47, 54 Rice, George 21 Rice, William W 45 Richardson, R. L 41 Riddleberger, Harrison H 50 Ringwalt, John Luther 21 Ripley, William Z 42 Robertson, William A 41 Robinson, John R - 21 Rowell, Jonathan H 51, 52 Ryan, Thomas 51, 53 Samford, W. J •44 Sanborn, John Bell 22 Saulsbury, Eli 43, 50, 52 Sawyer, Nat. 22 Scales, A. M ---- 44 Schindler, Solomon 37 Schonfarber, J. G 22 Schoonmaker, Augustus 22 Scott, William L 52 Sedgwick, A. G - - 39 Seligman, Edwin R. A 22, 36 72 AUTHOK INDEX Page Sewell, William J 48, 50 Sej'mour, Edward W 45 Shaw, Albert 66 Sherman, John 49, 50, 53 Shively, B. F 45 Shuman, Armin E 24 Sibley, Joseph C 55 Singleton, J. W 44 Smalley, Eugene V 22 Smith, John W 36 Smith, Milton H 39, 40 Spooner, John C 50 Spoonts, Morris A 40 Springer, William M 48 Squire, William P 22 Sterne, Simon 22-23, 30, 38 Stewart, John P 46 Stewart, John W 53 Stickney, A. B 23 Stiles, f. L 63 Stilz, Wilson 15 Stockdale, Thomas R 54 Storm, John B 47 Stringfellow, Horace 36 Sulzer, William 56 Sumner, Charles A 47 Swain, H. H 24 Swayne, Wager 24 Switzler, William F 33 Taussig, Frank William 24 Teisberg, A. K 24 Teller, Henry M 50 Terry, William L 54 Thompson, J. E 24 Thompson, John M 43 Thompson, W. G 43 Thorndike, John Larkin 57 Thurman, Allen G 24 Todd, Clarion 24 Totyl, John 36 Townsend, Amos 26 Townshend, Richard W 43 Tricoche, G. N 59 Tunell, George G 24 Page Turner, Oscar 46 Underwood, Oscar W 56 United States — Census office 24-25 Congress 25-30 Department of commerce and labor 30 Department of state 30 Industrial commission 30 Interstate commerce commission. 31 Supreme court 31, 57, 58 Treasury department 32-33 Upson, Columbus 43 Vance, Zebulon B 48, 49, 50 Van Oss, S. F . 33 Van Wyck, Charles H 49, 50 Vest, George G 50 Vining, Edward P 35 Virtue, George Ole 33 Voorhees, Theodore 34 Wait, J. J 7,38 Waldron, George B 42 Walker, Aldace F 34,37 Walthall, Edward C 50 Warner, A.J 45 Washburne, E. B 24 Weaver, Archibald J 46 Weaver, James B 52 Welch, John C 36 Weyl, Walter E 14,34 White, H 35,36 White, Henry Kirke 34 Whitney, Edward B 68 Wilgus, Horace L 42, 58, 64 Wilson, James F 34, 44, 48 Wilson, S. Otho 24,34 Wilson, Thomas 50,53 Wilson, William Bender 34 W^ise, George D 54 Wood, Henry 36 Wood, Thomas J . . . .' 46 Woodward, Gilbert M 46 Wyman, Bryce 64, 67, 68 Yorke, H. A 11 o )U o//^ /l't/02 r \ (;520« ' . i ^1 It ^1 '7 .""'^'i ^y^'>] ,. ^ •, :