H E DOCUMENTS DEPT. \. Ik ^ RETURNS; L. ^f) y». ^, t ^J J /^-.r <:•»?/ RAILWAY STATISTICS OF CAHADA, CAPITAL, TRAFFIC AND WORKING EXPENDITURE OF THE RAILWAYS OF THE DOMINION ; ALSO, INLAND REVENUE STATISTICS OF CANADA, FEOM JULY TO DECEMBEE, ISYS. ^■-^J^^^^ grint^d bg ®xi\x of |arlfamitnt. OTTAWA : PRINTED BY MACLEAN, ROGER * CO., WELLINGTON STREET. 1876. 'H EXCHANGE ^" "> / '0.M. ^ ^^^"^^r,*;^' Ih/iiiml In/ IIk .litllii'iili/ ol'lln lloii 77/i ^//r/r.r/r/■,||'Ii//l/lrftilr/l^■ l/lll/l■/■ iJii ilirftiim ,// -4 C^ P E N N/S Y L V A N 1 , REFERt.^>Ch: Int^ircoloniiil Railway Sj-st^iii ^^a^a^i-^— ^ ' Annapolis Railway Western Counties Junction Rail- way (under construction) Gibson, opp. Fredericton, to Cariboo, Me. Acker Brook to Woodstock From Junction at Tobique River to Ed- munton, under construction, {I'roposcd to be continued to Riviire du\ Loup, Province of Quebec) Province of Nova Scotia. Windsor to Annapolis • Yarmouth to Digby, and from Junction j to Annapolis , I 4-8^ 4-8^ 34f 2 91 114 127 10 53 3G3- 121 23 Railway System through dilT.Tcnt YroYinces.— -Concluded. Title of Railway. Description. Eastkrs Counties Railway Nova Scotia Coal Company Rail- way Gauge. Province of Nova Scotia. — Con. New Glasgow to Straits of Canso, about projected; subsidy offered by Local Gov- ernment Westville to Middle River, Pictou County of Railways owned isy Coal Mines. 6'. RETURN In pursuance of the Railway Statistics Act, by the following Railway Companies, of their authorised Share and Loan Capital, and the sums received in respect of their Ordinary Capital and Preferential Capital, ' and Debenture Stock, or Funded Debt, on the 31st December, 18 , specifying the rate per cent, of the Dividends for the year 18 , on each of the said Capitals, showing also the Loans outstanding on the 31st December, 18 , classified according to the several rates per cent, of interest, and the Capital subscribed to other undertakings, whether such undertakings are on lease to. or worked by the subscribing- Company, or are independent. 51-lJ Eeti'rn in pur.snaiico of the Euihvay Statistics Name of Company. Authorised Capital up to the 3l3t Deaember, 18 , including capital authorised as subscriptions to other undertakings, whether such undertakings are on lease to, or worked by the subscribing Company, or are independent. Ordinary. t By Shares. Bv Loans. Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Co. Massawippi Valley Railway Co.... Rkturn up to 31st July, 1875. Great Western Railway Co Rktcrn vp to 30th June, 1875. Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway Co. Grand Trunk Railway Co Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad (Leased by the Grand Trunk Railway.) $ cts. 2,500,000 GO [ 800,000 00 J 28,965.000 00 3,000,000 00 127,504,991 38 44,296 03 $ cts. 2,500,000 00 !1, 007, 609 07 1,600,000 00 S Cts. 281,389 95 400,000 00 49,972,609 07 i 25,724,508 84 54,075,< iForfeited. 4,600,000 00 181,580,958 05 44.296 03 75,240 00 53,469,034 12 44,296 03 £26,199,655 15 3 £11,111,500 |i.-37,31L155 15 3.£I0,986,787 16 8 9,101 18 6jForfeited |. Share Capital | '. First mortgage (City of Portland) I Sterlings Bonds, Bonds of 1853 2nd mortgage....! 3rd do Chicago, Detroit & Canada Grand Trunk Section Railroad (Leased by the Grand Trunk Railway.) Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway (Leased by the Grand Trunk Railway. Brockville & Ottawa Railway Co-i Cobourg, Peterboro k Marmora' Railway Cu. Canada Southern Railway Co Midland Railway Co | Northern Railway Co 1 Do (for half year ending 30t]i Jsnc, 1875.) Northern Extension Railway Co.. Share Capital. Bond Capital.. Share Capital converted into G. T. R. Shares... Preference Shares. Bonds $500,000 00 15,000,000 00 834,114 99 §500,000 00 8,760,000 00 2.360,333 32 23,760,000 00 3,194,448 31 ,101 18 6 £525,000 00 763,558 00 1500,000 00 130,440 00 10,174,750 CO 834,114 99 815,200 00 815,200 00 N,,TK.— This Return should be dated and signed by tlie officer or officers of the Conipanj • This should include all capital authorised to be raised by Acts of Parliament, or by Provincial abandonment or otherwise. t In cases where a subscription is authorised out of existing capital, no addition should be made Act, by the following Eailway Companies, &c. Paid up Stock and Share Capital at 31st December, 18 , including subscriptions paid up to other undertakings. Rate per cent, of Dividend. Guaranteed. Guaranteed Rate of Dividend. 1 1" Preferential. li "go Rate of Dividend paid. Total paid up Stock and Share Capital at 31st Dec, 18 . $ cts. S c!s. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. 281,389 95 3 00 400,000 00 2,161,267 20 27,885,776 04 And Bonus. 1,615,608 50 115,338,324 71 Bonuses. 1,340,368 50 f none ) 1 payable. } 61,869,290 59 Forfeited..! 44,296 03 £12,712.867 18 7 £23.699,655 15 3 1 9,101 18 6 5,000,000 00 787,000 00 484,000 00 1,499,916 00 713,084 00 8,484,000 00 2,169,736 33 6,270,982 90 1,074,736 33 1,095,000 00 •2,555.000 GO 3,715.982 90 480,740 00 $600,000 00 .... 730,440 00 10.174.750 00 834.114 99 815,200 00 815,200 00 1 1 .. 1 responsible for its correctness. Legislatures, but should not include capital authorised only for purposes which have lapsed by in respect of it to the sum entered in this column, but only to the sum entered in the last column. Return in pursuance of the Eailway Statistics Capital raised by Loans and Debenture Stock at 31st December, 18 . Name of Company. Rate of Interest. X Debentures. 1 Rate of Interest. Total raised by Loans and Debenture Stock at 3l3t Dec, 18 . Montreal, Portland & Boston Railway Co. Massawippi Valley Railway Co. Retcrn up to 31st July, 1875. Great Western Railway Co... Retcrn up to 30th Junk, 1875. Toronto, Grey & Bruce Rail- way Co. $ cts. ,000 00 Grand Trunk Railway Co. Brockrille & Ottawa Rail- way Co. mora Railway Co. j Canada Southern RailwayCo. 400,000 00 4,866 67 2,662,066 67 5,484,733 34 Debenture: Bonds. 1,150,833 67 445,200 00 29,316,866 11 6 p. c 5 p. c 5^ p. c. 6" p. c. 9,729,148 00 5 p. £3,111,500 2,912,513 11 8 8 p. c 7 p. c 4 to 8 p. c... 4 to 8 p. c. :=:} Stock. 4,380,000 00 S cts. 52,000 00 ■100,000 00 17,880,814 69 ,j 1,596,033 67 5 p. c. £000,000 00 5 p. c. Midland Railway Co... Northern Railway Co . Do (for half year ending 30th June, 1875.) 8,429,000 CO IstMorfgeB'd 1.630,333 32 2dMort'geB'ds 730,000 00 I p. c From GoTt. ] I 2,311,666 66 ) C 7 p. c. 6 p. c. f 556,00000 J at 5 p.c. I 292,00000 ( at 7 p.c. J 1 1 I No. 1 I 200,000 00 I 8 p. 0. 2 I ,000 00 I 8 p. c. I 200,C 1 No. 2 [ 231, ( Northern E.xtension Railway Co. p.c, 1st Pref.l 1,216,666 66 \] " 2ndPref.| 1,381,646 68 " 3rd Pref.l 730,000 00 I- 6 p 3,328,313 34 6p.c.,lstPref.! 1,216,666 66 2nd Pref.l 1,381,646 68 3rd Pref.l 730,000 00 p. c. I 3,328,313 34 J The Northern Railway Co., haying since Junej last, been amalgamated with the Northern! Extension R. Co., the bonds of the latter! on 30th June, 1875, amount to $864,320 1 6 p. c. Which with the paid-up stock amounting! to $13,8001 Will hereafter be included in the Northernl Railway Co.'s half yearly return. 1 131,000 00 ,333 32 i Care should be taken not to confound debenture stock with ordinary debenture loans, and not Act, by the following Eailway Companies, ttc. — Continued. Total Stock and Share Capital paid up, aud Capital raised by Loans and Debenture Stock at 31st Dec, 1874. ig cts. 971,389 95 800,000 00 45,766,590 72 3,211,642 17 149,079,486 85 £30,632,771 5 5 1,161,440 00 18,603,750 00 3,194,448 31 6,455,180 00 6,455,180 00 864,320 00 13,800 00 Subscriptions to other I Companies. REMARKS $ cts. Nothing. 878,120 00 This road is now under construction, only fifteen miles being^ i completed, consequently the report is necessarily incomplett in many respects. (Signed), N. A. Smith, Sec. viz Treaa. Road leased to the Conn. & Pass. Riv. RR. of Vermont, who pay the same dividends they do to their own shareholders, and pay the interest on the Bonds. The last dividend was in February, 1875. (Signed), S. Foster, Sec. & Treas., Rock Island, P.Q. Note. — Heading same as above, with the exception that in^lieu of the 31st Dec, 1875, wherever it occurs, the 31st July, 1875, is to be substituted therefor. (Signed), N. J. Power, Acct., Hamilton, Ont. (Signed), H. Sutherland Taylok, Sec. & Treas. The sterling figures are given in addition to the currency amounts in order to facilitate reference to the company's half yearly report. (Signed), J. Hickson, Treas. The amount of paid up Share Capital is liable to be increased by the conversion into paid-up shares of the old debentures of the Company up to $500,000 and over, by Act" of re-organization passed in 1866. (Signed), C. F. Redhead, Secretary. (Signed), U. B. Chambliss, Sec. & Man. Director. (Signed), M. W. Layson, Treasurer. (Signed), F. Whitehead, Secretary, Port Hope. j- (Signed), Thos. Hamilton, Secretary. , i(Signed), Jno. Foreman, Secretary. to enter the same sum under both heads. RETURN To an Address of the House of Commons, dated 29th of March, 1876 :— For returns of the Capital, Traffic and Working Expenditure of the Railways of tlie Dominion, in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Law in that behalf By Command. R. ^Y. SCOTT, Secretary of State. Department of the Secretary of State, Ottawa, 6th April, 1876. . Eailway Department, Montreal, 13th Mai'ch, 18Tb*. Sir, — In compliance with the instructions contained in your lotlor of the 12th November last, I have ol.)tained returns from the different Railway Companies, in accordance with the form of return which I forwarded to you in my letter of the 16th Xovember; and having now received the returns from the different railway companies, I proceed to give a summary statement of the results shewn by these i-eturns. These summaries are divided into 11 statements : — No. 1. — Is a statement shewing the capital raised and expended on the oj)ened railways of the Dominion. No. 2. — Statement shews the characteristics of the railwa^^s thus opened, the extent of rolling stock and other information. No. 3. — Statement shewing the train mileage and number of ])assengers and tonua;ivcs the totjil c:ii-nin<,^s of the difforent i"iil\v:iys — the total' um(»uiit hvhnj; $V.),41U.y.V.)X)l tor the yeai-, divicKHl :is follow.- :— Passenger tratiic S(),410,934 57 Freight traffie 12,073,570 51 Mails and Express freight 093,250 41 Other sources : 292,7S4 42 Two of the railways being leased to the Passuinpsie Railway, in the United States, viz., the Massawippi Valley and the South Eastern Railway, tio returns of traffic are given by those two companies. Statement No. 7, shows the total expenses of operating the different railways — amounting to the sum of ^15,775,532.50, divided as follows:— Maintenance of line and buildings 83,548,585 13 Working and repairs of engines 4,679,270 95 do cars 1,543,(507 84 General and operating expenses 5,653,079 00 Expenses of European and North American Railway not classitied 350,989 58 These two last returns are more accurate than many of the others, and if the statement of train mileage is correctly given in future, valuable and important comparative information can be obtainetl from these returns. From these two last statements it a])pears that the total cai-nings of all the rail- ways was §19,470,539.91 ; and the total operating expenses $15,775,532.50 ; showing a profit of 83,695,007.41. This gives an average of rather more than 81 per cent of the gross receipts as the cost of operating all the railways in the Dominion. The above profit of $3,695,007, is equal to an interest of five per cent per annum on a gross capital of about $74,000,000, which is the equivalent of about $15,000 a mile for each mile of railway constructed. The total amount of bonded debt shown by statement No. 1, is rather more than $72,000,000, so that the present net aggregate earnings are about sufficient to pay five per cent on the total bonded debt, leaving nothing for share capital, or loans from the different Governments or the Municipalities. The rate of interest on the bonded debt of the railways, varies from six to eight ])er cent. The gross earnings per mile of railway opened, are equal, to an average receipt of $4,000^ ar.d the total operating expenses are equal to an average of $3,270. Statement No. 8, gives a return of the Accidents during the year properly classified. Unfortunately this statement is not complete. The following Companies state that they have kept no record of the accidents- that have occurred, viz:— Canada Southern and Toronto, Grey and Bruce. Several others make no return, but do not say distinctly whether it was because there were no accidents or because there "s^ as no recoril kept. These Companies have therefore not complied with the law which requires infor- mation to be forwarded to the Board of Works within 48 hours of the occurrence oi' every accident, and a statement duly sworn to, of all the accidents that have occurred during every six months. From the returns that have been received the following information is obtained : — KILLED. Passengers 11 Employes 10 Other persons 41 Total killed 92 12 IiVJURED. Passengers -^ Env.loyes 22b Other persons -^ Total injured 279 The total number of passeni^ers carried is ^iven in Stat-eraeni No. 3, as 5,190.416, so that one out of every 471,856 passengerrt carried has been killed and one out of •every 207,616 passengers carried has been injured. Statement No. !• shows the ditferent collieries in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, which have small lines of railway, enabling them to ship coal by \vater, the gauge of the ditlereiit lines, and the rolling stock which is employed for this purpose. From this, it appears that in Nova Scotia six mines are in operation, having an aggregate length of 41^ miles of railway; 16 miles of this are 5 feet 6 inches gauge ; and 25^ miles, 4 feet 8^ inches gauge. On these branch railways 14 engines are employed, and 557 coal cars. Three of the companies viz :— The Vale Colliery, the Acadia and Spring Hill do not own any coal cars, the Intercolonial supplying the coal cars and shippin<< the coal over parts of the railway. In Cape Breton there are nine mines having railways for shipping and other purposes, with an aggregate length of 68^ miles. The gauge varies from 2 feet 8^ inches to 4 feet 8^ inches. There are 16"engines employed on these lines and 873 coal cars. The aggregate length of all these branch railways is 109| miles, using 30 engines .and 1,430 cars. Statement No. 10 shows the railways actually under construction and not opened on the 30th June, 1875. This includes all i-ailways being constructed by i)rivate companies as well as by Governments. The total mileage is 2,275|, of which 2,177 miles are of the gauge of 4 feet 8^ inches; and 98 miles of the gauge of 3 feet 6 inches. The statement shows, according to the returns sent in by the companies, the amounts subscribed both on account of shares and bonds, and also gives information in regard to the amounts of loans, bonuses, subscriptions to shares and bonds by the Dominion and Provincial Governments; also the amount of loans, bonuses and sub- • scriptions to shares and bonds by Municipalities. It shows also the total amount subscribed as well as the floating debt wherever that ha-s been given. The return in many cases is necessarily incomplete, as the figures of course are constantly varying, as the works are proceeded with. The statement shows the railways that are being constructed by the Dominion Government, viz., the balance of the Intercolonial unopened, and the ditferent sections of the Pacific Railway which were under contract on the 30th June, 1875. A ffood many other lines, besides those shown in this statement, have been chartered by the Legislatures of the different Provinces and promises of great 7 2,589|066 66 825,000 00 I 400 000 00 inn nnn nn 400,000 00 1,834,733 32 6 6 1,749,000 00 170,000 00 610,000 00 610,000 00 610,000 00 170,000 00 170,000 00 6 21,184 00 4 19'^ 633 34 t IQO CQO O 1 4,192,633 3i4 6 :...;:::::: :".:::::":: 100,000 00 100,000 00 7 6 7 ct 8 6 19,466 00 486,666 00 3,200,000 00 789,909 20 789,909 20 789,909 20 346,993 33 894,000 00 346,993 33 894,000 00 1 1 691,000 00 691,000 00 1,322,533 67 6to8 7to8 1 :;. 1,600,000 00 973,333 33 300,000 00 1,460,000 00 957,273 33 160,000 00 973,333 30 6 6 160,000 00 97.3,333 30 68,442,177 64 72,075,391 56 51—2 16 No. 1. — Summary Statement of Capital, Government Loans or Bonuses. «o. Name of Government. Loan. Bonus. Subscription to shares or Bonds. Paid Up. Loan. Bonus. 1 2 $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. S cts. % % cts. 186,825 00 147,858 65 75,000 147,858 65 322,500 00 4 18,740 00 18,740 00 113,500 00 5 8 9 New Brunswick.. Dominion f 230,000 00 230,000 00 80,000 00 15,142,633 33 15,142,633 33 82,500 00 * ' '" 1 1 10 J : ; i:::::::::::::;::;:::: 11 12 13 I , . 1 I 1 1 241,276 00 67,000 00 18,173,800 25 3,496,739 50 :::::^:::::::::. 241,276 00 67,000 00 18,173,800 25 3,496,739 50 682,000 00 165,000 00 15 16 i 19 20 21 22 23 Ontario Dominion 40,800 00 8.5,000 00 325,0(tO 00 17,500 00 40,800 00 1 132,000 00 25.000 00 14,000 00 592,500 00 New Brunswick.. 1 250,000 00 47,500 00 Ontario 196,188 00 2,507,854 67 241,980 00 2,311,666 67 24 Dominion 3,114,735 11 48,171 00 .3.114,735 11 48,171 00 ■23 2§ ■ ::.::.;■;:::"■":.!; 1 :::::::::::::;;:;::::'::::::::: Quebec 443,000 00 166,355 00 6,000 00 29 104,860 00 374,182 00 2,266 00 104.860 00 1 366.500 00 31 376,448 00 96?!, 920 50 Dominion | 32 i ::::::::;;:::::;: 40,000 00 1,090,974 40 40,000 00 J) 7, 094 93 34 1,090,974 40 17,454,300 00 28,444,915-91 250,000 00 45,614,745 91 75,000 3,345,495 43 11 Mileage, &c., of Opened Railways. — Comluded. Loans ok Bonuses. Total Capital. Pi.oatin(; Debt. 1 Tot.al cost of Ksrilway and Rolling ritock Rkmauks. Subscription to shares or Bonds. Paid Up. Subscribed. Paid V\>. Amount. Rate oflnt. $ cts. $ cts. % cts. 1,331,980 00 i cts. 1,331,980 00 1,338,000 00 19,847,372 38 94,000 00 1,132,240 00 3,957,450 00 713,160 00 149,101,986 83 8,484,000 00 $ cts. ^-ct. 1 $ cts ;:::::::::;::::::;r""""i . 320,052 11 19,849,820 27 100,000 00 1,132,240 00 "■"7i3,'i6o'o6 1,510,055 9b 16,000 00 7 |"l8y4'29,783'32 113,500 00 1,400' 042 ,561 12,398,674 501115 miles of 80,000 00 82,500 00 ••••/ 147,404,943 23 8,484,000 m in the Unhed Stales. Ac- counts not separated. 1 1 2 169,736 33 6,2TO,982 20 45,769,024 05 868,950 00 3,733,542 66 1,199,241 00 18,173,800 25 3,496,739 50 800,000 00 2,83:^,648 31 320,789 95 2,598,000 00 2,169,736 33 6,270,982 20 39,8;26,622 22 1,038,939 00 46,790,280 54 868,950 00 3,733,542 66 1,203,400 00 682,000 00 165,000 00 79,012 45 .055,000 00 -• * C ve r e d br Stg. bonds. 18,173,800 25 3,496,739 50 Uivi (\f\f\ An 800,000 00 "'^TlV677 26 52,000 00 28,000 00 Leased to Pag- snmpsic R.R., II S 123,000 eo 25,000 00 47,500 00 7 1 3,724|205 74 32,000 00 486,300 00 7 1 3, 506, boo 00 1 :::::.:..i-: :•;■•:•■ 241,980 00 7,778,852 01 279,294 32 1 3,114.735 11 244,;'i81 00 42.100 00 1,136,902 53 1,893,606 00 3,114,735 11 244,501 00 60,000 00 1,359,070 06 10,000 00 10,000 00 Not working. 42,100 00 1,136,902 53 3,249,160 00 261,049 .36 * •Bank rates. 578,000 00 438,000 00 sumpsic R.R., U.S. Leased to Cen- tral Vermont. 375,072 59 963,920 50 1,379,460 00 2,987,902 17 1,364,282 59 2,938,142 17 272, '.'91 12 730,595 4G 7 to 10 l,60O,(X)0 00 3,668,737 63 1,75.5,985 36 407,616 82 3,531,607 73 1,236,390 91 486,242 09 3,717,917 19 10,000 00 107,094 93 466,081 07 3,531,607 73 122,823 75 538,978 46 5 630,000 00 ' 3,7^4,620 13 298,501,854 75 51—24 18 No. 2. — SUxMMABY Statement of Characteristics of Name of Railway. Total Length Laid. ,Iron Rails. iSteelRai Length of I Sidings. Weight of Rails in lbs. per j-ard. Iron Rails. iSteel Rails I Brockville and Ottawa Canada Central Canada Southern Carillon and Grenville Cobourg, Peter]).)ro' and Marmora European and North American Fredericton Grand Trunk Great Western London and Port Stanley Wellington, Grey and Bruce Hamilton and Lake Erie jlntercolonial do Northern Division Massawippi Valley JMidland JMontreal, Portland and Boston | |New Brunswick and Canada I New Brunswick R.R. Construction Co'y....l Northern I Prince Edward Island I Quebec and Lake St. John ' St. Lawrence and Industry | jSt. Lawrence and Ottawa South Eastern. Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Toronto and Nipissing iToronto, Grey and Bruce Welland Whitby and Port Perry Windsor and Annapolis 9Ui 5-l| 7 18 331 14 U 208" 178i 33 162 Wood. 36^ 129 15 120 99 167i^ 198| Wood 25^ 12 50 44 43 76i 191 161 20 84 2,746} 25A 2,0543 1 15 3- G55J 60 I 60 60 I 65 I 56 I 56 56 50 k 66 56 56 Number of level road crossings. % H Owned. ©ired. Guarded by Watchmen. Not Guarded. P 1 r 2,<3 ?« 2.600 2,113 2,112 2,650 2,400 2,6i0 : :::z::x^::z::.z::z:. J -^7 28 29 do and chairs _ do . • 2 23 29 74 3 30 31 do 1 1 1,050 12 126 4,655 3ILS 21 Tloads and Rolling Stock of opened Railways. — Concluded. > o St a oj .2.3 P5 Gauge of Railway Feet. 19 17 19 16 15 6in. to : 18 18 22 15 7in. to 30 19 Sin. 19 18 ein. 18 18 20 18 Feet. 1J32 1,?10 573 1 15 41 14 1 1 3 3 1 I' 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 58 1,100 1,910 1,146 1,146 694 1,320 442 900 1,368 1,910 573 1,432 400 1,M6 819 462 1,930 1,4^8 52 Feet. Feet in. 52| 115 miles in Un^ed States Leased to Passumpsic Railway, U. S. Leased to Passumpsic Railway, U. S. Leased to Central V^mont. GAUGE. Ft. in. Miles. 5 6 778^ 4 8h , 3,47a| 3 6 =. 568| Total 4,826J 22 No. 3. — Summary Statement of the No Name of Railway. Mile- age. Train Mileage. Engine Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Mixed Trains. Total Train Miles. Mileage. 1 Brockville and Ottawa 57i 70| 47 280 ^23 '797! 235 093 2 Canada Central ;::::::: ::::.! :: 3 4 5 Canada Southern ... ^ 272,987 18,500 490,879 3,000 6,400 353,988 *24,006 1,117,854 21,500 30,400 1,117,854 22,500 31,600 Carillon and Grenville Cobouro-. Pcterhoro and Marmora... 6 European and North American V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fredericton 43,684 529,511 43,684 8,043,063 3,091,295 45,000 10,801,730 4,103,931 2,240,995 1,259,633 5,272,557 1,831,662 Great Western London and Port Stanley 33 370 ?i 129 15 120 99 167| 198| 12 59 44 43 80 191 16] 20 84 32,086 367,135 21,658 53,744 792,759 28,191 53,744 Intercolonial . 425,624 1,790 1,031, lo2 32,964 Intercolonial (Northern Division)... Massawipi Vallev 26,401 16 Midland : 375,972 1,261,368 42,019 1,637,340 115,634 38,750 494,289 31,331 286,583 liV,744 17 18 Montreal, Portland and Boston 73.615 38,750 68.681 28,787 19 New Brunswick Ry. Constr'n Co.... HO 173,756 2,544 251,852 714,107 35,555 :^1 '>,7, Quebec and Lake St. John ;:... -m St. Lawrence and Industry 9.600 29,590 9,600 145,838 75,668 1.354.336 300.315 54:021 21,240 179,926 24 104,424 ' '""32.'390 230,517 11,824 ""42,678 1.123^19 122^48 20,321 1,640 198,863 25 ?6 South Eastern Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly... '?,1 214.979 ?8 177.567 1.200 19,600 117.012 366i387 1,336 24,175 29 30 Welland Whitby and Port Perry 32,500 31 Windsor and Annapolis 62,914 197,729 Totals 4,826J 5,206,353 10,910,181 1,563,644 17,680,178 2S ^ Operations of the Year and Mileage. Total Number of Pas- sengers carried. Tons of Freight of 2,000 lbs. handled. Average rate of Speed of Passenger Trains. Average rate of Speed of Freight Trains. Average Weight of Passenger Trains in motion. Tons. Average Weight of Freight Trains in motion. Tons. 70,231 101,098 Miles per hour. 20 20 32 25 15 Miles per hour. 12 12 15 18 12 98 98 144 360 360 366 40 952 390,798 5,813 42,184 1,385 80 80 27,009 2,034,469 1,430,934 12,000 1,892,193 1,408,175 24 24 26 20 12 13 140 383 I Included in G.W.R. returns. 7l,'i56 566,735 14,359 46,018" 360,224 6,533 30*" 24 16 if" 13 16 100 > 300 For 8 montlis. 15 Line'not opened till 1st July, 1875. 34,167 12,003 237,460 17,976 84,042 15,542 252,449* 4,811" 20 18 25 14 12 18 14 105 130 63* 691 310 69* Ncrt worliing. 9,779 79,525 11,600 49,495 12 20 12 12 86 100 86 170 Leased to Passumpsic R.R. (U.S.) 411,020 104,257* 128,000" 94,892 42,525J 67,790 20 20 20 22 IJ 22 10 12 12 16 15 14 Leased to Central Vermont R.R. 88,685 103,950 78,054 15,616 107,983 40 95 125 280 365 400 100 200 ■ 5,190,416 5,670,836] 1 24 No. 4.— Summary Statement of Name of Railway. li Flour. Grain. Live Stock. i Barrels. Tons. Bushels. Tons. Number Tcms. 2I0 23 1,388* 797i 9,300* 860 ::;:;:;:;:::::: ::;::;:::;;; •:^ /\ . . . . 5 Cobourg, Peterboro' and Marmora. European and North American 1,803 180 5,982 179^ 7 15,000 1,650 3,000 50 100 80 g Grand Trunk q 1,336,464 153,646 10,640,353 278,626 774,325 136,934 London and Port Stanley [• Wellington, Grey and Bruce J 1 T) 33 370 ^4 129 15 120 99 167| 198| 4 59 44 43 80 191 1 " 1 ^^ Intercolonial . .. 213,395 2,521 21,340 252 243,039 3,210 4,860 58 18,767 55 7,633 14 15 do Northern Division Jfe 17 Midland 76,535 7,653 706,656 20,690 1^W Montreal, Portland and Boston w IH :::::;::::::i:.....;....i.....;..... 1"^ New Brunswick Railway Cons. Co. ! oo 129,744 14,015 1,267,362 35,808 Prince Edward Island •'3 ■''1 815J 9,48U •'5 •ifl Stanstead, Shefford and Cbambly.. 97 35,533 79,720 29,991 11,479 30,824 3,553i 7,972 3,533 1,148 3,083 518,565 12,559J 798,392 15,968 2,284,411 81,212 352,166 4,490^ 1,7«1 •?8 Toronto, Grey and Bruce 16,981 5,660 •79 Welland ' 30 Whitby and Port Perry 272 14,237 lAO ?] Windsor and Annapolis 2,450 I I 25 Description of Freight carried. Limnber of all kinds, except Firewood. Firewood. Totel Waight 1 Remarks. Feet. Tons. Cords. Tons. Tons. 1 Tons. 1 Tons. 66,280 24,773 2,885 104,098 "" "396,798" 5,813 51,170^ 160,080 12,000 Includes grain. « 5 dl3i _ 4,557,500 28,750 1,830 2,745 19,323* 115 miles in United States. 280,000 400 3,000 4,500 5,3«) 1,892,193 1 1,408,175 h 200,719 638,250 :••: included in G.W.R. returns. 46,018 360,224 6,533 46,988,326 58,735 130,200 163 8,028 1,370 2,J55 9], 425 3,564 164,761 414 For eieht months. Leasea to Passumpsie R'y, U.S. 55 648 4o6! ' 7fi 14« 6,113 24,774 136,376 ' Line not opened till 1st July, '75. ::::::::;::: ::::::::::::: 84,042 15,542 252,449J 4,811 '167,035 62l' ' 1,026 '"'34,'565J .■ ^ Not working ; 2,000 4,600 ■ 7,000 11,600 49,495 .' 9,755^ 24 081 ■ 1, Leased to Passumpsie R'y, U.S. do Central Vermont R'y, U.S. 1 11,773,532 19,238i 13,712 580 18,753 15,604 28,389^ 28,058 49,680| 56,116 1,500 3,750 2,205 8,690. 8,774^ 19,754' 8,731 1,130 7.137 104,257* 127,913" 94,892 42, 525 J 67,790 520,000 13,232,845 12,480,210 1,556 1,432^ 14,214 33,161 11,287 26 ^- a ^ 2 S 03 3 St- P^ 5a (M .05 5a m M CO in C^ M M M Ah o a B oc:)^Wfe,0 ^ cq CO Tj" in «> t- ( •- a — 1 c =^-- X ^ X o --1 in ^ i2 CO C^ O 1- X GO m CD C<1 • r-oo-Hcoc^'xicofo : o -* CO -in : ^ o CO Ci • o -o o o o ^ in in in 03 m CO o • ci '• CO r-i in CO - -* ci o -# Cl X 00 CD -* 03 o li": i~ o 00 o o in CO . CI a> CI : o : in c-i CO o : oo co o X — CO 00 — Cl CO d -(--t-co-ooi-c^u:) : o in CO ; CD . CO Th o ^ : -* ^ o c- 00 m 00 r-( o '^* oo'"u^''oo''irrrx~'o'~crio"i-'~ : o oo^-Tco : co" ; ^"i- -r-* : •nTb'o cTr-T— "d~crco" o" H c^ ri o < tc -* O CO CO oj^oo oo_cq_ j-ojt- :tr- :-< cot- : C^t- .-H^OO^O o ^w-s ^ 0-.0-CO- oT cfToT rn'o'cq" : cd" : co~ c? : cfir cTcT'^^r-T o: ~ CO" l=H !-. Cl t-C-1 C5 3 CO .-. CD 0-: CO 1- O lO O 00 CO CO o ;— icoo :oo :co-ioo :oo CD cq o 00 '^ X ^ +^ CD t- CT CO O -H in lO •* " I-OCDrt005COOCO :xcd-h :cq :. -1 030 in -^ c ^ u i2 r-i CO t- o 00 .-1 rt in in ^ CD CO CO 05 O CO C5 — 1 CO lo^co : r-H ;t-c:5Cico :CDin CO CD X OOO X in §c6 :a>M- 00 in CI Oi - 1 CO O —1 CD O -^ CO •aSuanK H -i 1 •3 : : ^ ': ■ 2 >> -1! Is! Ill ' * s g £ . O O O C 1 3iJ CO t- X 03 O r- ' iz; ■" "' " " " ■"" "' '" H -1 r- H r-l r- ^ ■" ■HC )C ec & Lake St. John St. Lawrence & Industiy St. Lawrence & Ottawa. 22 j Employes . 2.i 1 1 1 ::::::::: ;:::::;:: 25 26 Stanst^jad, Shefitbrd and Toronto ftud Nipissing... Toronto, Grey & Bruce.. iv I A 28 1 2 '' 30lWhithy and Port Perry.. f Passenger 1" 1 3llwindsor and Annnpolis. 2 15 33 1 ^ 19 47 36 2 26 1 1 . ,. 1 29 cr Accidents. " III Coupling cars Collision, or by trains thrown from track. I striking bridges. Other causes. Total. 1 '6 2 a is Killed. Injiired. 1 1 s -3 i p "3 1 -3 i 12 s 13 :: 1 1 , :::.:: i 1 ::::: 1 1 1 5 5 15 ....... 20 6 15 2 95 1 5 2 1 ';>?5 199 1 24 17 * •".j*^ 1 :..: 1 2 A. 3 1 2 2 1.... 2 2 2 3 9 :::::::;:|:::::::.: 1 10 _ 1 1 2 1 10 1 2 12 1 1 1 ■ ■•■••••••1 2"' 1 1 i" 1 i 1 I-::-::: 1 . 1 1 1 1 ...\ 1 1 j ::::::::: 3 1 1 2 } 2 1 ' 107 i ' 22 1 6 8 28 92 279 1 30 ri 3 O =3 111 H-5 S, •aST?9i!K ? ill! 52; J J 00 oo — IT! c: C5 rc_c t- C 00 r- C<1 O CI - m •^jti:- o M o ■g -0 Tf< o (M O t- CO ^0 00 «0 00 rt : o o o O C3 CC O C5 CO CO o O c-q CO t- O CO ( Tj< lO (M I pq cq t- li;- in 00 £ I OOO^' ; O O CO ■* I o t- CO ^ ^ CO Ul 00 c G0_0 "co'co" o r- t- -^ .Jt~ -* t- o ■ Ci O Cfl CO in o t 1 in 00 c* 00 05 — o^ C = — ' -So =■ o^.^t: ^1^=.^ ip^;5!:5hj:?S^ ^02 tt'S 5 5 J _ ... .I^iil 4 ; >'. 5^ a. Coj 'Jim m m «i t- » Ci ^ I in o i~ » o o -^ ri I •i5 o<3 o =^a-s ri e>5 M c^ c^ e^ CJ cs CO CO 31 No 9. — Lines of Eailw^ay owned by Coal Mines. Name. In Nova Scotia. Albiuii Mines Intercolonial Nova Scotia Coal Company. Vale Colliery Acadia Spring Hill Company In Cape Breton. Campbellton Glace Bay Glasgow and Cape Breton ., Sydney and Louisburg Gowrie International Lingan Sydney Victoria Length 1 of I Gauge. Railway. | No. ot I No. of Engines. Waggons. n 6 J 4 6 "41! ?! 19" 21 n 14 1 ft. in. 4 S^ 5 6 4 8J 5 6 404 75 78 557 45 134 204 80 140 100 170 Main Line. Branch. Gauge. Miles. 5 ft. 6 in. 16. 4 8| 25i Gauge. Miles. 2 ft. 8h in. 1^ 3 ft. 0" in. 40 3 ft. 6 in. 3i 3 ft. 7i in. l| 4 ft. 8| in. 2'i 51- 32 o O d ^ I i ; o CO ; o CO : lo CD c o o o c- O O "O o o o o ^ o o O C^ C<) --I o C CO O IM O cTaT'o'c-ror o c o o o O O O rl O O 03 O IM O o o o o o o o o o o oo o oo o o o o o O "O o o o o c^ o ■'I* o O O O O 01 : c o o c 00 o "O o o e-5 O 00 O O Oi O OS CO o — o''"O"00~O~r4~ • in -f in o C O '_ _ _ - _> o o o o : . o o o o o : I o o o o o o ■ O *^ O O O 4£1 (M r-T iO O lO N ' o CD r~ 00 C5 o 33 I o & ■aSn'BO Tj< •<}< Tf Tjl Tj) M -* • o o eo m t~ CO o o o ooooooocooo iooooococooo OOOOOOOCDOO o o -* < O lO < -S) Tf CO CD CD I o o o o o o o o o o o o • CO o o o o o t- o o o t- o c2 )CDTt(— lOOOOO ■ CQ C3 O O C O C' O O O 1 o_oo . ■ — I o t- ■ ■ ■ - "* O O t- •>;»< ^ I X, o •'"''"1 CO r^ a) 5^^<^' '^'3 o o ■- =-*** ° " - §^ log' 5 « O^ 13 O O a; O c £ £■ 'n Of" ci a< o 13 O ' O o o '^ ^;S.=i 2^3 OS o *^'2 CO 35 o o o O t- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o_o o o_o a g S * o •"» o o 1 36 "a I o o c •^ o 1=^ -£ ' o o o o m oooooooo ______ oooooooo oinooooooooo o__o o^c^ irrio'in"o"irro~io"o"o'o"o~oro ^. O t^J= o o o -a -3 3 f^ o o 03 143 o o pg • J d > O ci >ir> CO ^^-rs t> = -S £ 37 oooooooooooo oooooooooooo I o o : O O o o oooooooooo oooooooooo o o o o o^o o_o^o_o o" ifT irT o" o~ oo" o" oo" oo~ o" ss sgsssg §§S go 8||§g| o o o oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o"o'o"o~o~o" ^ lO lO o o o o o o o in o H o •£ O 03 .sill !tg:^fe -5 OH ~sa§= iCC a> aj o --■■ u t. — I a> o 03 OS !3m o o-o c„-a o o o o o ^^ .- o OEh 2a> §§ <*- o •- o OE- 38 CO J oooooooooooo O O C O O O O O O O O O O O I o o o o o o o o I O O O C: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) O O O O O O rv ; -CU TJ 13 1= T3 _000 CO ill : o OS !6° be ^5 1) ^ S^ r2 "5: -^ r< * bo ° H ^ ^ ^ o. o o o ■ ' o'"o P3 o o o o o ^ to. 39 8 32,000 00 15.000 00 12,000 00 5,000 00 50,000 00 50,000 00 03,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 2,5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 30,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 8 1 1:- 8 1 5 8 8 1 1 i o o 75,000 00 110,000 00 135,000 00 200,000 00 100,000 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 35,000 00 75,000 00 50,000 00 8i II 40,000 00 30,000 00 20,000 00 25,000 00 ,50,000 00 10,000 00 10.000 00 g "2 o o ©■ 8 «5~ 8 of 8 B C I p. ' E 0. c -c = 'C ^ _c c c c 'C c -^ c c a^^o 3 O 0^ .t; C4 32 CLh 4^ S& i S «' ;6l' .2 a OS O 3 r., o o o o 40 8 SSSg88gS8 SB o o c o o c o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o O O O IM < o o >0 --H . O IM r-l o o o c SS888 25,000 20,000 6,000 10,000 5,000 o o o o o o o o o o 9 fQ -a rQ 'O ra TS -a "O "O °= Qooooooooo c o CO p o3 5§ OH g2 1) 2:=« o o s ^ b£2^ tc 'a'^rh p oj r cs ♦i o^ o •- ^'5 O OS 6hCh — o i I 0,03 O! 02O '6 41 S S 8 §S OOOOOOOOOO" OOOOOOOOOO" o o o o o o o o_o^o < o" ifTio" o" cT o" cT «n" cT in" 1 «Oe September J October ) November > December J 180,632] 572,558 j 228,701 57 267,641 81 296,912 53 305,420 37 359,929 74 2,875 00 753,190 373,247 1,501,788 1,875,035 1,690,409 44 ^Statement of Malt Liquor manufactured and paid Dut}'", for six months ended 31st December, 1875. July August September. October .... November . December . Malt Liquor, Manufactured. On Li Totals. Galls 1.606,217 2,986,045 Total Duty Collected on Malt Liquor. Galls. , Ml. 4,856 51,867 59,666 56,954 22,449 4,592,262 5 CIS. Nil. 157 82 1,685 69 1,939 15 1,851 01 729 61 7,450 00 13,813 28 Statement of Malt manufactured and paid Duty, for six months ended 31st December, 1875. i Malt ^^'^'^^ M.„„fact„„d. .P'iVcS;, Malt paid l)uty, Ex-Warehouse Total Qunntityof Total Duty Malt Collected, paid Duty. July ] August September J October ' November \ December J Lbs. 535,040 j 16,593,961 1 Lbs. 32,040 6.887 170,928 1,368,192 1,954,949 1,677,876 Lbs. 945,544 1,147,140 1,742,249 1,172,686 1,524,281 1,608,711 Lbs. 977,584 1,154,027 1,913,177 2,540,878 3,479,230 3,286,587 S cts. 9,775 84 11,540 27 19,131 77 25,408 78 34,792 30 32,865 87 19,750 00 17,129,001 5,210,872 8,140,611 13,351,483 153,264 83 52— U 46 :=: 0-. t^ O CO O Ci fO C C' -• — . CO 00 -J- CO coco 1 -5 1 "?"= oiomccoo c;o oi . ^ •* cr> en CO C5 00 -T i -' 1 "E 3 IC^OOOOOOOIM OOC CO fc «3 OS c-1 -~ cc CO C = -=t (M -T CJ 0-. --- '='~C m -*< 1 1 S|SSE2 IS'-*"|S ~±. £^~ 1^ H^ ^00 cc ■t; "5 '"' 1" - 1 1 E-i ^ i r- r^'cToTco 1 cb ■ -J ^ — 1 -M O ^ ^ l^ C^ rf 1- C5 O 1 IC f (X> > -I- -)■ r- in CO CO : hJ Q 00 -*• 00 I- 9 r^ T- — 1 ,_ ;£ UO w CO Ci 00 '^ Ig ^ o~-+'c.f I- ^"l-" S ' en o t- m ^ < t- 5 ' - t- CO 00 CO c-1 t~ 00." ^f C5 OICO 00 -1 — _ 5i i^; Jg tciin t^ -^ i dk .5 -T -^ 0_ _ ^ cr (M C «o 03 ji g ^ h:; co'.-'T.-r oc~ I TOO II 5 -1- -t- 1- in CO CO T— ( 3 00 05 00 c> »n 'i* 05 c 00 5 _>^ -f- — t- c H ^ O 5 "3 i , r-i^*cT^ " '-^ i2 wi C^ 00 O rt> CO c^ t~ ^ ;< S ci 1 to 1 ^ c S 1 J r-H Oi '-' -d ji c 1 oo" oT m 1 _ CO G m 1 g . < 1 5 J CD g^" 2 in ^ i 1 jr o' MiT s_ s >5 5 ^ t>^ oT ►J S 5^ H -, ^ c •5 = rrb o c -="000 < ,X ?? C 1 < y - 'it c \ ii 41 Statement of Manufactures in Bond for six months ended December 3l8t, 1875. '• Vinerrftr Methylated 'Manufa<^.ured.';,,^^X;Un-ed. Vinegar paid Duty, Mpthylated Spirits paid Duty. Total Duty Collected. July August , September October NoTember , J)ecember. Licenses., Totals. Galls. Galls. 39,954 4,060 48,252 3,667 44,35.3 4,120 52,022 \.r, 20 Railwav ties a I 3,800 1 2,960 3 800 Fence poles 2,960 Total 118,903 67,582 7,260 6,772 200 467 50 Statement of Timber, Lmnher, tS:c., Measured, Culled and Counted through the oihce oi' the Supervisor of Cullers, at the Ports of Quebec and Mon- treal, for the six months ended the 31st December, 1875. Desciiiition of Timber, &c., &c. Measured, Culled, or Counted. July. i August. 1 September. 1 1 October. November Decem- | ber. 1 1 i Measured \ do ! do .lo do do do do do Tons. 80.057 7.0.-.7 26.440 0,004 3, t37 676 262 18 294 517 1,473 83 180 1 Tons. 139.774 19.900 14.472 .5,467 1 1,645 143 152 9 :i 3,193 41 135 Tons. 39,822 8,410 16.073 1.814 549 1 91 28 3 35 77 107 1 31 Tons. 10.230 2,237 10.341 5,408 1,084 574 157 33 191 16 81 43 5 1 1 Tons. 4 304 1.059 1,900 8 5 Tons. Nil- do do do do do do do do do I do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Pieces. Nil. do do do 1 do 147.038 13,053 46,489 1,846 Red Pine 1 Oak l^lm 'Vsh Birch 229" White Wood Walnut Tamarac do 255 11 Cherrj' . ... do do Balm of Gilead Cotton Wood Beech JIr.i)lo do do 67 'I 25 12 7 2 Sycamore do do . . .. do do 19 to 24 in... 24 in. upw'ds 12 to 10 in... 19 to 24 in... 12 to 19 in... Culled 28 6,910 148 61 73 2 37 Pieces. 2,112 9 1,169 310 13 1.284 83 Ilcinlcck 1,581 342 1,538 Hickory White Pine Masts .. do do ... Red Fine Spars ... do do ... Spruce Spars 1 ' 58 1 Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Birch 221 do do do do do do do do 4 12 2 394.069 380,530 23.224 56,465 Ash Pine Deals Spruce Deals Pine Plank 228,662 227,360 21.722 271960 203,405 75,404 9,468 17,148 1.50.799 244,520 2,727 23,366 1,525.646 97,303 27,760 27.092 1,200 6,727 M. Ft. Spruce Plank Hemlock Deals , 8,722 180 M. Ft. 363-5- .3-2 126-5-2-12 4-0-11 Pieces. 210,000 :u 19,615 .M. Ft. 179-3-3-12 283-5-0-22 9-3-11 1 Pieces. i 4,437 1 3.645 19,615 Lathwood (Cords). 1 do 1 Standard Staves ... do West India Staves.. do Barrel Staves : do 1 Pine Deals !(^/Min(f.ii M. Ft. 106-5-3-26 1 345-5-0-10 2-0-0-11 Pieces. 3,040 M. Ft. 213 6-2-13 j 27-2-1-26 M. Ft. Pieces. 1 Pieces. 121,502 Pieces. 433,054 Spruce Plank Spruce Boards Oak Boards do Spruce Deals Pine Plank -•pruce Plank Board.^ Flatted Lumber :- Willie Pine O ik 1 do 1 A,, 170,600 913 ' . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 331.800 14.123 61.085 107.500 Feet, do 1 2,360 do 1 (Jo 1 i j . do do . do 66.205 2.. 555 29,617 Fe,.t. 46.112 Feet. 1 1 Hemlock 1 136 i J, 742 51 Statement of Timber, Lumber, «&c., Measured, Culled and Counted through the office of the Supervisor of Cullers, &c. — Continued. Description of Timber, &c., &c. Measured, Culled, or Counted. July. August. September. October. November Decem- ber. Flatted Lumber:— Maple Counted do do do du •1<> do do do do Feet. 2,517 301) 7,097 70!) 977 25.601 6 506 Feet. Poe.. Feet. Elm 23 72 45 28 Birch Basswood Tamarac 46 L> Spruce 182 Cedars 40^040 29.681 Spars 6,882 263 Pieces 254,468 Ash ..• 3,493 1 Sawed Lumber for Exportation do Pieces. i Pieces. 540.877 1 92.061 -^ fC O CO f> e^ o ?5 r-. o" t-^ ff lO CO CO la o t~- cq co CO tj CO lO lO C' O O C' O O O o ^coiMcoinot-oo CioinocoGooooo 001>-CDt-t-x-00l:- w s ^ 54 '5 3 1 raaa^oj}oj '«,. o s 111 1 1! .2 3 "3 o ■| o J o "S «s c 1 -a W a CL, i CO s g i "§1 II il •joaa - :2 ?§ S ?. ?-: X § s :a 1 5 •^ 00 t~ 1- — O T C-. lO n o -2 1 ^|2S|S|pj S O U o, ^1 ^ ^1 ^1 re ro CO i 1 s IH^ppii? oinaiojiod 1 i SSgSg§^2 |3 •oDOuqox J : 5 g S 1 ~ : CM — fi r-1 S2| 1 p 0) ^ -.MOO 3 ; aipsSSs -: : ssigiiii \% H •siuids ri i iiillii .5 o o tnnapjpj to . CO '-£ O 1- O O CO ^ : o ^ O «p 9 i- ^- •oooTjqoj, ' 3 1 2ISi?3§ ? •■-1 "^ ■3UIAV 1 1 PliH •2 1 •joDa 1 \ slip ^ a:) z <= O ;5~ ■XJ o •sjuidg 1 i iiil %li 1 s |i 5" iun3[0.naj 1 i giiSip; o ■ODaBqoj, 1 i ii|f So^c? <^1 C^ CO cq ■^"!.W •i i 1? i>q c- iO 00 piss § C^ C^ Mf . ^ r- I- Tf o m — t- 1 CO ;5 i 5«:gg?^^S |g 1 oc c-i CO Tt 222 1 ? >^ 00 o 2 ■5 P4 t w M 54 r"\ .2 3 G luuoiojjoj 1 |_i r/; ^ sp^ssii 1! n ec, Nova Scotia Conic'dcration. •ODOiiqox 1 ■S)!.n>ls' 1 S S II X § 1 II 2 1 [1 2 3 5i ■^1 ~i c-i c-i c~i y^ TO $m-'fm II ll Is 1? 11 is .5 c8 tnnaioj^oj ssisiis — ( ^ ^ •oooiiqox 1 J 3 re c~5 r'J X i~ CO t- -T* L- iO -( rf c-i — ~i CM •^•1 r^ f 1 •'JuiA\ •.i3oa 6 llpSsSi '5 rt l.-^ l^ O"' 00 1;- |i CI C^ ^ f! 9 cp CM 1! 1? : S -}< S aj 1- 1- i •ooo^'qnx 1 ►J i ?ipi?p?i w 1 •auiAV 1 6 i §ii??P 9 CO t- ll •jooa "3 i |iig2?i as •siiJidg ^ CO CM CO Oi 5- lUtl3[O.U3J •03:)Bqox ij ±- ^ >o «D '-I CM ro f^ ^ : 00 S § 00 -* : ^ .In i.0 1.0 CO CO 'ccg : CMCMCMCO^^-^^'f : 5 ro i- CO t- CO T : ;^.i^;-,.i- — — c-1 — 2 00 1 -. 90 9 ® [:: fi f2 ,t ^ rxmSoOOOOOOC 1- — 1 r-l 1-1 r-< i-H i-H f-H O CO •< CO w <5 Statement showiug- Ihe quimtiiy of Excisable Goods, and ImporU' Avti:-le3 or a similar do: vodthoretVoin, mth. id Island, Manitoba and British Columbia, ^Ibi the luidermentioned years !l I iliL I 2,506,755 L J,7SJ,032 3,360,586 3,«3,T36 3,185,75! 23 | 5,303,171 4,870,326 jti i JiilftiiJi I ! I MM 1 3,861,669 1 1 I I I 2,315,«2 I 198,782 2,809,521 251,621 3,811,027 ■IP»"« I 1,129,673 271,332 I 4,2 9,245 nporu j 1,283,894 JTutul... 28i0e6,9l8 38,112,572 I 1,968,339 i }13.3 26,692,423 ■12,308,851 8,765,766 .40,040,025 im^^om I (JoiisumptiOD 11 I ofropSon. Ni ! |! I ft $ I S G.U., iMlflli I i { I III I J ' I 861,7 10,513,539 11,326,438 ;:;r III il III !lr!f!'i| I 151 i? 9,635,998 | 4,493,185 :* ^r V 1 Statemen T shewing he Quantity of Excisable Goods, and Imported Articles of a similar description. consumed, and the Revenue derived therefrom, in the Province of Ontario, during the undermentioned years. Ytara. PopnUUon. 1 1 i apiHU. 1 Mall .nd Mall Uq,,»,. | Wm.-.ll imp.n.d. _. Pet™,.... , 1 { 1 a 1 f 1 :.=..| 1 „.,, i i H="i« |;?H- 1 1 «nTlUw°Lraf.°' CigT.. 11 11 i of pop,J.t,o.. 1 .1 1 1 1 s i C.^»p.o. ■""- i . 1 1 i 1 it i 1 § 1 V 1 P if 5 1 5 1 1^ 1 , 1! Mt 1 i i. l! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i "1. GlllB. ■■impoctt. '■^6 ,■, » G.1U. So. 1 Lb.. "-I 0.11.. ■■■■imporu.;: 4,898,005 1 • ( O.U., 1 * Galll. Ko. - Lbs. Lb.. ■■'4,H9;s' Lb.. 1 Lb.. Lb.. *•■•{ Lb.. 4,549,669 1 Lb.. ...-. Gall.. $ * G.,1,. i.rsi,*i 1 ""'" 1 1,720,661 IS 3,262,820 4,958,066 6,6)7,0«9 Ill Si°2n Sir" 11 11 '■'Is 'I'iii 'l«9',878 :: 1846 1-B07 87 88 IS 22,778,579 24,078,434 32,240,006 837,738 1,146,769 5,673,119 W850 Si u;S;i43 13,742!e5e 17,260,883 19,471,233 22,792,037 6,873,300 1 6 780 441 ImpOTU... nil 6,965;964 i : 2 18G 112,446 30,536 34,613 49,884 71,635 67,666 : z 80 50 46 1,501,008 1,371,690 M -Si- '°Kl6- Import.,.. ■■toporu.:: 2,5461310 ■■iiipa™. '■imi;iVt;: loiporu. Import. 86,756 ii 96;016 i II 8o',061 ^'i4i;6TC ,: 1831 5? 46 38 2,S;;il 10,735,120 11,628,430 14,520,19- 75t9?2 '9°6?;,'':. ': 2-806 " 1 ''"'^'-i HS| 'ili l-;= toipon. ■■■inpiVu ....■^---- : :: .691 :;::;■■■ 1 -'•"-■■ ' 1 ^l;S^?S5 y.s '"■"IZ 1 "■«7;!tf ■■1!;5S 1 -S|??f SI?;S?t '■SI;S 'M^J?? '■1JS 16, 36,981,382 1,882,604 22,021,1,9 1,730 693 » 192,301,468 42,934,626 141,390,313 1 44,142,251 1 18,008 44,591,414 1,695,683 _» 3 ,11 964^70 322,3.8 ■024 _!1 471 113,434,657 _-!! ,2.1,156 897,146 267 1,374,046 3,617,485 23,385,201 ■276 f789 ^ 63,620,218 31,504,522 |2M47,9S9J 1,4,6,169 _™ '•^ CommissioneTt Inland Revenue. Statement ehewing the Quantity of Excisable Goods, and Imported Articles of a similar description, ecu 52 1 ■471 ■616 ■529 Lb., 1804 2879 No. 3 3 Oalls. GalU. Gulls. 9,0= I'isw ,L 0..U. ■■■■■■■■■ :::::. Imporu... Iraporu!! ImporL.... 7,743,006 8,608,789 7,426,158 9,010,166 6,631,032 imporu.... 1 7,254;647 J;| "■9,362;889' 54,000 8,021,973 1»M 1 110 00, ■11 '632 ■464 2,961,714 4,700,588 6137414 6,413,312 1 ua.sss 3,088 114,809 10,362 33,128 ^P' 384; 105 ■601 I.p„U ':;?;?;s;?i 5;SSl 1 ":"Sj 24,682,127 '8.8;073 1S;2J5 ! ; i:... "■S:S 495,199 ^J;S;S '■S;?™ '■S;J?5 94>2 ..dTo-l. 9,666,017 _!_ 1,066, IMS «,184 16,!64,01!3 10,6.1,778, ,1. 1..0, 13. 167 j 62,680,091 1,089,464 1 67,386,931 24,802,860 120,723 26,600,200 924,144 •096 2.66,4„87,„.„l..l,-T^ ■42, 226|37,001,923 2,190,831 22,163,610 511,627 3,078 2,008,379 24,171,989 1 3,988,856 ■4.6 2.520 21 306,126 468,161 2,842,116 204,640 ■021 ■237 rarerCDce to anf tbtng id the oolamns ii -hewme the qnaiiiify of Excisable Goods, and Imported Articles of a similar description, consumed, and the Revenue derived therefrom, in the Province of Nova Scotia, for the undenneationed years. h^ — Sririu. M.ll .»d M.lt Liquor Wio«-all iiDporl.d, j 1 i 1 j t i 11 mil M.„,„„o. 1. ^^ff» Ji JtiP 1 1 1 1 3h: '"■°""31w°'l;.? '""»■' 1 «^'"- 1 i- J . 1 f 1 ^ 1 ! :hs: ,..„ Pop.l..i»n 1 1 J 1 1 . i I I i i P , ; i i if 1 i p!l!ilp!.ii ill ^ :: ... ;■ - oporV.:::: G«lls. i $ i .i.«„. j »06 M3 1 780 1006 No. :i ..ri '■ ' -'" -'-' -' S S Gain. 1 G.ll!. "'"■85,270 11,300 $ j Gall!. •045 ! -231 Ko. 808,915 j "■ - "•J "' ! "',„! ^i:,. ,'.00 1 ' !";3 :: o.,u. «.,„ G.,„ 1 . : Gill Iiiii»ru ; :! ■-:-. ■' "■»»' 3 iii 11 z~. 11 IE z 1 1 ■ ^" 1 "'■°'" 1 " '- ^ ^ »«'''4^-i"^i-:i "-''^ M '-'H ;;:::- - 783 ^^,^ ; 0S3| »-« i II 1(7 25,1 25'>B41 1 2 6(l=.U«l 2 1SJ000 [ 1 »'jg;S 1 i ] =i:s;;;5 1 ^?;SS 1 1 i i j 1 i 1... ■,:;.,: ., ■,,:;>- - ■ : inodTolal. »,,2.,«| 4 29 «| »mj ,««| 2„»84, ,,3] »., « " '■""■"'\ '■»■■« 1 W»,3.3 «.«] V2.2,„U,j „,.K. «, I0:« 4,7.722 1,0,5m ,,«| ,33| 46 5,«4,«,,,n-.i| :,,:•. ..^ .--. , ........ ^.2.U24 -- ^ : ~ .,:::, ' ..:■:, .57 | -677 " f J Statement shewing the quantity of Excisal>le Goods, aiid Imported Articles of a similai description, consumed, and the Revenue derived therefrom, in the Province of New Bnmswick, for the und',rmentioned years. SpirUl M. .„.M.,.L qnor. imported. Tobacco. Pc„o>ea„. p L 1 1 Con„„p«.„ Slao»f...o,.d Tobacco t Co..on.p.ioa Coa,.„pfioa ^ ' p. ' g 1 of JSpuSion^ o,^;S.. ,1 s p.i head PP ' „ , " , ^ i 1 1 .. 1 ^ 1 It 1 1 i 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 - s i 1 if 1. '0 I = i . ^ el It is 1 1^ u 1 ^ 1 11 1 1 li II ■ 1 1^ H i i 1 1 ,11 I W " '^ 1 - s » ^o Lb Lb G c "'"„ G.U. Galls. G.lls. « G..1S, No. Lbj. Lb. ; L„= Lb,. Lb. -':.. L .u.. so. Galls. ..,. Galls. *,4 1 » G.,^ ■068 ■ » _J " 8 868 U al ' ■'™ 1 33,690 '■- ■035 ■080 169,363 : ■ 1734 3 ils l^i^ 1-,; ■532 « . J 40 2 js! 039 ■048 ■154 220,756 l'"i'. I- -. 2536 ^.. -22 .047 63 . » »| " 88 Upo. 5«) ' "sd ..« ■766 24,014 13,360 ■044 ■079 I.aponT , ; . 1 133 .„ 1 -111 IS 8% SIS} 1 1 1 4.023,3.10 „T 1 1 -1 ,5 1 1 38S 9 1 .04 « 364,132 1 117,429 ■001 86,053 5,095,527 32,752 1 "-'"M ■■■■■"'■! ""'' 1 ^ 1 ""'"1 - , "" Statement shewing the qttautity ol Excisubl • Goods, and Imporlcd Artick-s of isimi ir desi. liptioi sumcd, and the Ri Temie deiiTed thei .fvom, in theP ovine eofP. luce Edward Island, ib the undem entioned yea ^ '""■ Malt and Mult LJqaor. W,a.-allMpo«... Tobacco. i PColcn .. J 1 .1 1 i^7"SSJ°° i >,.lt..,a. 3 Of pop To??" tation ,| ofpopol.tion X raotured Tobacco, "- i .S£! 1 ^ 1 i I i s 3£ } 1 a j I 1 1 III • J 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 s i it 1 i J r 1 i i j ■j i 1 1 P j 1 1 1 I i i r 11 1 Itll : 1 1 1 i 1 1 K.. % G»U.. G.US. » S G.1,. No. ... LbB. u.. Lbi. GsllE. Galls. s s Galls S S Galls. Ko. Lbs 1 bs. ... Lbs. Lb., .... Lb.. $ $ d.. i Gal... s ^ Gall.. - '" «,5U .«6 3 356,300 10,797 332,097 111,817 111,817 6 116,2 51 451 136,617 1 138,517 23,316 11 j.... 1 ) j,„p.,a. 51,855 mporu. 2,880 Import, 10,486 1,214 J 5,609 2,733 Import. 271 Impo,!- 423 Ml j Imports. 49,841 7,470 J -' 12,8811 0,735 ] 3 268,586 276,868 83,685 6,661 77,024 3,510 1 6 108,1 7I 2,486 135,812 27,46! 1 ] 6,035 302 1 - 1 Im,,orU 68,638 -- 12,466 1,347 J 5,6:„ 3,422 i b- 1,075 I 1 Imports. 83,914 12,494 ' ..n. 1... iSSJiSS 1 ^ "IS ■g'oS is 1 j =';;-: 1 -ni "l:g^ '^:™| i i 1 ,31??? 19,9'6"5 J 1 — 41P = «->'- 10,797 611,835 195,502 6,661 J2„.,93 11,112 6,165 1 12 221, '"' '""" 1 20,266 ' ' ■ , Inlmid Revenue. 1 II STATEMENT>hcwing ho quaul tyc f Excisable Goods aud Impoitcd Avticlf oi-.sunilai- dosoriplio 1 consumed. ,1,1 the E vcnuu derived tl uiefrom, in th ProATince of Mai itoba. for the undermentioned year. -" j Sp„... Malt and Malt Liquor. ! Wl.-aIUmpo.t.. ...... ~... 1 1 ill 1 ili J In !. Mall. 1 MaltLi,oor 1 t"^" i _S£: ^ Mannraclotcd Tobacco, Cigar,. 1. SO i 1 1 1 ss ! 1 1 r 1 1 ! s: i .2 i 1 ! ' ^ } i V 1 i 1 1. 1 1 1 1 f 1 I 111 i. r- 1 1 s Is i 1 1 .1 t 1 ! 1 ! 1 So. mm a.,u.la.>.. $ S,020 ' 8,W3 5,084 17,111 S |Gall..|N». "; 44,684 111,541 Lte. Import. Imports 84,564 124,847 J 40,706 OalU. Galle. 35,787 4«i796 4,300 . 1 , aaii. 1,677 jl 3,2.7 !: Lbs. Lb.. b Lb.. 327,669 Lb,. } } Lb.. Lb.. ■■■;: Lb,. 328,424 = > Lb,. - Gal., 250 2,679 ],'., Gall,. I...,,orU 7,5J6 7,J« 17,048 } import, 4.:. i import. 27,829 2,370 ,.„.,. |,mpo.. - 322 1 681 ' 1 import,] 17,004 } 1 1 z 11,501) 8,704 28,704 1 1 - 98,460 } 77 583 '1" } i 1 1 1 1 3.e"2 } 32:: .4 1 ! ! J;;" - 2,903 } ! ':- ' i i 1 1 1 n«l 1 L " 150,325 333 581 ' -7 5«1 ,8,210 6,2,0 i 3.„.,i i 1 329,512 L- 4 3,ll i „ 3,271 _ _ _ ^ ^ _ I .Statement shewing the quantity of Excisable Goods, and Imported Articles of a similar description, consumed, and the Revemie derived therefrom, in the Province of British Columbia, for the undermentioned years. Mi. lilt ii I : 1 i| i i I ,1 I Galk., No. LbJ. IM I i I Pli^ll I til if |ll..I .b.. I Ml I" I I I No. I Qalla. GalU. «■ I M Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton. Calif. PAT IAN ?1 >908 ^1^