FORMATION RELATIVE TO ENLISTMENT AND PROMOTION IN THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. TltKAhUKY I>KrAKTMK.ST, United States Coaht Gtahd, Washington, August 10, 1916. 'I'lio following iufurmution h publiiihod rolutive to cnlutmonl nnd iiiiotiou in the Uuitod Stuteti Coaut Uuurd. E. P. Debtiiolt, Captain Commandant. ily the act of Congrww approved .laniiary 28, 1915, the Rovenue- il«'r S«rvi<'t' and the Lifi'-Saving .Service were conibineerforined l»y the Kevenue-<\itter 1 vicK and the Life-Saving S are now ]»erfonned by the ("oaMt lurd. Former revenue cutters and foniier life-?iaving statioas are u- called .('oast Guard cutters and Coast Ciuard stations, n-spoc- cly. The officers and men of the two servici-s were transferred to re»)|Minding ptwitions in the Coast Ciuani by the terms of the act. ENLISTMENT. I he tenn of enlistment for all enlisted men in the Coast Guard h year. Knlistinents are for general scn'ice and not for any Mlruiiir Viwsel or stiltioii. \ny mun or boy between the agen of 14 and .};> years, who can pas« re«|uired ph>'sictil examination, is eligible for enlistment in the list (tuartl. Preference Is given, first, to citizcas of the United iU>s; second, to aliens who have dedareil their inlentioas, and . to aliens. An alien c*n not .si-rve a sc»dd appl.v thi ke«>pers of the stations or the supt'rintendent.s of the districta i-emed. Application in person is pn>ferablo to ap)>li<'ution by !er, but in the applicant is at a considerable distance fn>m the in»st cutt«'r or station, he may nj)])ly by letter. It is not ni'cwwary •^now tlit< name of the officer to whom ap|>licatiftn is made. Lrtlent mIiI he address(>d to the "Commanduig Officer" of the ship or the »istrict Superintendent" i>f the district about which infonualion is ireil. 'i'hero m no special fonn for application. Letters of applica- n ahoulii be as short aa ])o«uble. at thosamo timegiring nocctseiary :r4rii7;i - DOCUMENIS DEPT. information as to age, nativity, fitizciisliip, cxpcTiciicc niul otlior qualifications. No record of vacancies in the enlisted force is kept at the Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENLISTMENT. No pei-son shall he enlisted without first passing tlie prescrihed phys- ical examination and agreeing to be vaccmated against smallpox and typhoid fever at such times as may be designated by Headquarters. No person shall be enlisted who does not read and write some language and readily understand and speak English. No person under the age of 21 shall be enlisted without the consent of his father, only surviving parent, or guardian. If the applicant has none of these in the United States he must so certify on the enlistment contract, after which he may be enlisted. No person who has been in the mUitary or naval service of the United States or of the several States shall be eidisted imless he produces an honorable discharge or an ordinary discharge with recommendation for reenlistment from each of the services in which he has served, and certifies m writing' that the discharge is or dis- charges are the latest received by him from said services. No person under 14 or over 35 years of age; no insane or intoxicated person; no person known to have committed a crime; no deserter from the Coast Guard, Revenue-Cutter Service, Life-Saving Service, Army, Navy, Marine Corps or the military or naval service of any of the several States, and no person under 5 feet 4 inches in height shall be enlisted. The requirement as to height does not apply to ship's writers, electricians (third class), stewards, cooks and boys, who must be not less than 4 feet 9 inches in height. No person shall be enlisted as surf man who is under 18 years of age, who weighs (without clothing) less than 135 pounds or more than 205 poimds, or who is not a good swimmer. Fraudulent enlistment is jmnishable hy a Coast Guard court. PROMOTION. The complement of a vessel or station includes such commissioned and warrant oflicers as may be assigned from time to time, together with a specified number of petty officers and other enlisted men. PETTY OFFICERS. Wlien a vacancy occurs in the grade of petty officer it is filled by ratuig an enUsted man of inferior ratmg as acting petty officer for a probationary period of tln-eo months, which may be extended three months more in case the man is not deemed fully qualified for pro- motion. An acting rating may be revoked at any time. If, at the end of a probationary period, or extension thereof, an acting petty officer is deemed -qaalified for promotion and his commanding otiiccr or ilistrict HU[MTUiti'ii(lent nTonnuvntlit hiiu fur pruiitotiuii Hi-uii(|Uurt«>rH will isHUi' a |M'ruiauifti'nt !.t<'iM>j;mph«'r» and typo- writtTH ami matt Im< al)li< to write a t;ooil humi. A railio ojM'rator'rt licciut*', comm«'nial, I'Xtra or lir>il p^*'''. i-'«u<'d by tlu' Di'piirtmi'iit of Comiut'rw, will Ik- acwpletl an a wrtilicatr of tt'oh- niiul iiiiiililiiutiiiu fi.r tiin'Jit in tin- lowi'st ^radi' uf cli-ctricmu. Whi-ni-viT pru»ti('ul)lt', vac4incii'» in tlu' IukIht pra«i«'s of |x'tly i.HiiuT art' fdlfil by advancing jM'tty oIlirorH of lower jjradit*. tliiw providing; a gradual tlow of promotion. WARMANT omrEBM. The next grade above p«'lty ollicen* Is that of warrant ollicerH. A warrant ollicer w ap|M>inted for life and ean bi« separated from the fierviee only by iiiltr. Hy j.r-"'' f deserving petty oflieers. hifprr. - By promotion of surfmen. When there Is uo jx'tty ofliter c|ualitieii for proniotinn t<> ih< ;;nide of i-ariMiiter or maehini>t, lleatlijuarters may auihorize tin- enltst- nient of a comix'tent (>enM>n in a lower rating tlian petty otiicer and ihn nor more than 42 years of age when rated as acting warrant otlicerH, and must Ih> de«iiie«l lapable of pa.<m|M>tent authority an acting warrant ollicer will be examined for promotion, and if he puAM-s he will bo apptniited. c-<>M.MUwioMt» iirrM-ni.H. All commi.'wionetl uffio'rs except district i»up«'rintendents and constructors must enter the (\iast (iuard om ciulets. Vacanrieti in the grade of district sujx'rintendent an- IIUimI by promotion of kee|>.'ni of stations. Nacancies in the griwie of constructor are lilletl by the appointment of sp«'cialist» in that line of work. There an- 13 tlLslrict »U|tenntendents and 2 constructors in the Coast liuard. A uncial IMiinphUt U inmuti upon Uu mjuirrmfnU for apinnntmrnt at cadet* and cadtt rmjinttrt. PRIVILEGES. Conditions permitting, an onlistod man may be granted leave of absence on full pay for 15 days each year. In addition, for reen- Ustment immediately after discharge, he is credited with 10 days, making 25 days a year on full pay for aU enlisted men serving con- tinuously for more than one year. Warrant officers may be granted 30 days' leave on full pay in one year. Permission to go on shore for periods of less than 24 hours may be granted to aU warrant officers and cnHsted men with good records whenever their duties permit, and such shore liberty is not cheeked against their leave. A person who has received an honorable discharge is entitled to reenlistment on the day following his discharge in the vacancy caused by his discharge, without regard to age and without physical examination, unless it is evident that he is suffering from a disa- bility not incident to service. Each person upon first enlisting in the Coast Guard (provided he has never served in the Revenue-Cutter Service) has credited to his account the sum of $45, and upon each subsequent enlistment the sum of $20 for uniform clothmg, and such amount will be paid to him upon discharge, if he receives an honorable discharge. All warrant and petty officers are allowed, in conformity with law, 10 per cent increase of the pay of their grades or ratings for every five years' creditable service, such increase not to exceed 40 per cent- In computing longevity pay all service in the Coast Guard, Revenue- Cutter Service, Life-Saving Service, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps shall be included, except service as a cadet or cadet engineer subse- quent to August 24, 1912. Warrant officers, petty officers, and other enhstcd men are retired from active service upon reaching the age of 64 years and when foimd by a retiring board to be incapacitated to perform active duty, the incapacity being incident to service. Thej' may also be retired upon their own request after 30 years' service in the Coast Guard, Revenue-Cutter Service, Life-Saving Service, Army, Navj^, and Marine Corps. Retu'ed warrant officers, petty officers, and enlisted men receive 75 per cent of the full pay of their grades or ratings. Whenever a warrant officer, petty officer, or other enlisted man on the active list dies by reason of perilous service or any wound or injury received or disease contracted in the line of duty leaving a widow, or a child or children under 16 years of age, or a dependent mother, such widow and child or children and dependent mother shall be entitled to receive, in equal portions, during a perio» during the Mid two vars, the portion of such chihl shall coa-so to !>«• paid to such rhihi from the date on which such age shall In- attainetl, but it ahall be addi-d to the amount to In' paid to the remainiug beneticiariert, if there be any. I'AV «)K WAKKANT OKKH EKM. Tho baso rat«ovo, all warrant oflTieoni and acting warrant ofhc'iirH r<>c*ivo commutation of rations at the rate of 30 cont« a day. VuntAiy pan of fttty ofiem and otker mbtUd men. PETTY OrriCKRS. oiiw, nm ri I Aartrtanlnu^ QnvMniMiiio' fl«r«i1rtan. .~ iL«> I «».M MOO > M.OB OTBBII BNUrntD MBH. I tw i«> I luT^. nnt'i,*'.!!!!;!;;;!";;;!;;. r«o lloT, M>-nfcl rlHi ■ .... 3\.tO Enlisted man who are not aub(iMt«d by the Government reoeire commutation of ration:* of tho rate of 30 cents a day. iAttoJ cfuUiliff viiseU of the Coatl Ovard. Name. Post-omce address. Name. Post-omce addiees. Osslpee Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. WoodsHole, Mass. Baltimore, Md. South Baltimore, Md. Norfolk, Va. Newbern, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga. Tamnn Kej-^W»t^^ria. Androscoggin tXp.;.^':: IVelloi shli). fsfa^- Algonquin Astoria, Oreg. Sao Franolso) Cal For information as to vacancies on any cutter, address the com- manding officer, thus: Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Cutter Osslpee, Portland, Me. LIST OF DISTRICTS, UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. First District, coasts of Maine and Now Hampsliiro. Address Dis- trict Superintendent, Portsmouth, N. H. Second District, coast of Massachusetts. Address District Super- intendent, Provmcetown, Mass. Third District, coasts of Khode Island and Fishers Island, N. Y. Address District Superintendent, Wakefield, R. I. Fourth District, coast of Long Island. Address District Superin- tendent, Bay Shore, N. Y." Fifth District, coast of New Jersey. Address District Superintend- ent, Asbury Park, N. J. Sixth District, coast from Cape Henlopen to Cape Charles. Address District Superintendent, Lewes, Del. Seventh District, coast from Cape Henry to South CaroUna. Address District Supermtendent, Elizabeth City, N. C. Eighth District, coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and cast coast of Florida. Address District Superintendent, Jacksonville, Fla. Ninth District, coast of GuK of Mexico. Address District Super- intendent, Galveston, Tex. Tenth District, coasts of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and station at Louisville, Ky. Address District Superintendent, Buffalo, N. Y. Eleventh District, coasts of Lake Huron and Lake Superior. Address District Superintendent, Port Huron, Mich. Twelfth District, coast of Lake Michigan. Address District Super- intendent, Grand Haven, Mich. Thirteenth District, Pacific coast, including station at Nome, Alaska. Address District Superintendent, San Francisco, Cal. For information as to vacancies at any station, address the appro- priate district supiirintondont, thus: District Superintendent, First District Coast Guard, Portsmouth, N. H. WASHINGTO.V : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1916 J2" II