UC-NRLF iL li iii .ill B 3 fiST bb3 f#?i!r'.':. THE TRUE LAW OF POPULATION. LONDON : PRINTED BY G, PUlUCIi, 310, STRAND. • TRUE LA W OF P P U L A.T I ON SHEWN TO BE CONNECTED WITH THE FOOD OF THE PEOPLE. By THOMAS DOUBLEDAY, Esq., AUTHOR OF THE ITALIAN WIFE — BABINGTON DIOCLESIAN— CAIUS MARIUS NORTHERN LIGHTS, &C. &C. . \ 6 K /^ -^T^^t " Old Families last not three oaks." OF T^'^. ^ , ^ ....,...--- - .-r-\/ 1 S>iR Thomas Browne. UNlvfc." >;iTY LONDON : 5IMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co., Stationeus'-iiall-couet. ^^t> % f{\ --s>i PREFACE. Of the following work, the author may jusstly athriii, that perhaps no treatise, embodying a theory of a novel, and, at first sight, somewhat singular nature, was ever begun with fewer pre- judices or preconceived notions relative to it, on the part of the writer. It was indeed purely by accident that the author was brought upon the train of thought, which being pursued in all its ramifications, resLdted in the present work. lie by no means intends, of course, to assert that he had not at one time or other examined the various theories that have been put forth on the puzzUng subject of Population, nor to deny that a 99452 Yl PREFACE. he may have been bewildered by some, and staggered by others. Still, for many years, this subject and the various views of it by various writers, had been put aside as it were by him, as matters with regard to which he was neither prepared to record an assent or dissent : nor was his scepticism lessened by the following admo- nition. Happening, many years ago, in th'^ presence of a late relative, long since deceased, remarkable both for tlie sagacity and extended benevolence of his general views on philosophical subjects, to draw some of those starthng, though not illogical, conclusions which seemed to flow from theoiies then recently broached as to this subject, and much in vogue at the time, the reply w^as this: — "Depend upon it, my dear nephew, that you and I may safely decline to yield an implicit assent, though we may not on the instant be able to refute them, to views, from which consccpiences such as you have drawn, legitimatelydow. Though I may not live to see it, nor you, a time will vet come when this mvsterv PREFACE. Vll will be unveiled; and when, a perhaps now myste- rious, but, beyond doubt, a beneficent law will be discovered, regulatinii' this matter, in accord- ance with all the rest that we see of God's moral government of the world:" This judgment, de- livered with a solemnity and earnestness rather unusual with the speaker, made a deep im- pression, and from that time forward, and for many years after, the author regarded the question of population as one of those insoluble problems which are put in his way to humble the intellec- tual pride of man, but at the same time to stimulate his inquiry into the laws of his own nature and of the creation around him, with a humble reliance that, as heretofore, everything which shall be unfolded will only show forth, more and more, the wisdom and benevolence of the great Architect of all things. Chance, the author of these sheets has already said, led him to stumble upon the chain of reasoning, which, with its results, he now ven- PREFACE. tares to lay before the Public. It may on that account probably be nioixj easy to be believed by his readers, that, entering upon his researches without any preconcerted opinions or views as to the shape which they were to take, or the goal at which they were to arrive, he followed the clue of evidence with the sole wish of arriving, if possible, at the truth, unembarrassed by any accompanying considerations as to the bearings of that truth when discovered ; being well convinced, where they are the bearings of truth, they must be good. In the course of this inquiry, however, be it begun under what circumstances it might, it has certainly been impossible for an inquirer not to perceive, from time to time, that the positions necessarily arrived at, sometimes as necessarily involved considerations connected with the general policy bf nations, and the acts of Governments. This could not be avoided, because this is involved in the nature of the subject itself. When, however, the author has deemed it proper to draw collateral PREFACE. IX conclusions, as requisite to the i'uli and complete elucidation of his subject, he has adhered to the rule of only deducing sucli general con- clusions as were plainly requisite for that purpose. Even of such conclusions he has drawn as few as possible, partly from the conviction that to load a general argument with minute collateral inference is ill-judged, in the reasoner who does so ; and partly from a wish to keep his essay clear of those party conclusions, or poUtical feelings, which, often as they have assisted to mar philosophical discussion, have never yet advanced it one single step. Although, however, he disclaims any regard foreign to that for the truth, which ought to ac- tuate all writers, as mingling itself with his pursuit of the truth as to this question, the author yet is not disposed to deny that he felt both strengthened and encouraged in this course by the discovery that, as he proceeded step by step, the facts, as they unfolded themselves, X PREFACE. accorded with his general convictions of the benevolence of the Deity, and the wonderful providence by which, under the agency of an unseen law, unrecognised and unthought of, the happiness of mankind is often regulated and achieved upon a scale of moral government, of which the human eye can only see portions, and which the human intellect can only compre- hend in part. It has, indeed, ever been his creed that the philosophy, which is in admitted accord- ance with that benevolence which is the first attribute of that great Being, whose ways, how- ever, are of necessity often inscrutable by His creatures, has at all events the weight of apriori recommendation in its favour — for although that which may, to imperfect observers, seem to militate against God's providence may be true, that which accords with it must, as far as such accordance is concerned ; and it must ever be the case with paradoxes which seem exceptions to the laws of Providence, that thev involve in themselves a contradiction PREFACE. XI which, on the first showing-, destroys tlieir own existence; because, upon the postulate ot the good- ness of God, all reasoning, moral or physical, is ultimately and proximately iounded, nor can such exist in connection with its denial. The concluding Chapter of this volume will be found to treat of a class of subjects, as to which the writer is avowedly unlearned. The considerations there detailed were rather forced upon than sought by him ; and being so, he did not deem there was either impro- priety or arrogance in describing views which may very possibly turn out to be erroneous and fanciful, provided they were uncontradicted by the writings of those versed in such know- ledge, and quaUtied to speak with authority on questions of physiology. As far as the author can ascertain, he has not, in entertaining the peculiar notions there detailed, run counter to any fact laid down and admitted by j)hysi()lo- gists or nosologists ; and, therefore, neither Xll PREFACE. coming, nor desirous to come in collision with any one, he may be readily pardoned for having, perhaps rashly, taken up views which, if they are unfounded, are at all events innocuous, inasmuch as, if not scientific in themselves, they do not seem to interfere with the science of others. If they do not help the author's argument, he trusts they may not hurt it, being in themselves perfectly extrinsic ; and if true, only calculated to account for facts which have been already demonstrated. Having commenced this work in a sph'it of calm and candid inquiry, the author has judged it proper, if not necessary, to keep his style somewhat in accordance with his subject matter, and to write plainly, upon a dry, though im- portant question. He is an inquirer, and not a partisan ; and therefore, haj^pily, as he deems it, excused from attempting either to recom- mend his theme by elo(|uence or the artifices of rhetoric, or to adorn it by the extraneous PREFACE. XUl ornaments of figurative or florid composition. He trusts the judicious reader will not permit this to operate to his disadvantage, but the contrary ; and whilst treating a subject like this now under discussion, he cannot but think that he who would judge of his hook from the ornaments of style it might or may not contain, is adopting a criterion little less strange, on such an occasion, than that of Heliogabalus, who is said to have formed his opinion of the City of Rome from the great quantity of cobwebs that were found in it. In fine, this book is not addressed to any persons professing any particular set of opinions, philosophical, religious, or political ; but to the thinking, the candid, and the good of all sects, persuasions, and parties, whosoever and where- soever they may be. In their hands the writer respectfully leaves it, assured that whatever the judgment of the Public may be as to its matter and argiunent, his motives will be respected and XIV PREFACE. his attempt nnblamed, even by those by whom its failure, if a faihue it be. may not be lamented. It may be proper, in conclusion, to add, that the present volume has in part owed its existence to the attention which an outline of the theory now attempted to be established, given in Blackwood's Magazine for March 1837, under the title of "A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Brougham," excited at the time of its publication. The author can only hope that the call which was at that time made for bis more mature opinions upon the subject, in an enlarged form, may not remain unechoed now that the call is responded to by him ; and that the attention which was awarded to the sketch of 1837, may not be refused to the volume of 1 84 1 . Newc((9tle-vpon-Tijnp, March 9 fit, 1641. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. A few introductory Statements and Reflections . .1 CHAPTER n. The Law of Increase and Decrease in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdom? . . , g CHAPTER HI. The Law of Increase and Decrease of the race of Mankind 1 9 CHAPTER IV. The Law of Increase and Decrease, as amongst limited bodies of Men, exemplified . . _ 3j CHAPTER v. The Law of Increase and Decrease as exemplified amon-'^t ^-^^'''''' \ G9 CHAPTER VI. Minor proofs, not included in the foregoing Chapters . i 33 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PAGE Argument from the Solution of some Historical Diffi- culties 144 CHAPTER VIII. Argument from the Revenue 181 CHAPTER IX. Argument from the recent Decrease of the quantity of Animal Food consumed in England , . .187 CHAPTER X. Argument from the cuiTent opinions of Mankind in past time 201 CHAPTER XI. Consideration of the Internal Evidence for this Theory . 241 CHAPTER XII. Some additional collateral Considerations, and Addenda . 268 THE TRUE LAW OF POPULATION. CHAPTER I. A FEW INTRODUCTORY STATEMENTS AND REFLECTIONS. The Law of Population is undoubtedly one of the most important questions that can be sub- mitted to human reason. On a cursory or superficial view, it may seem to be the contrary of this. Whilst so much of the earth remains uncultivated and untouched by the hand of man, and whilst that which is so touched is so imj)er- fectly dealt with, it may appear rather a curious than a natural anxiety to sum uj) the actual or probable numbers of mankind, and still more so 2 THE TRUE LAW to anticipate evils from a superfliix of population. To the near and patient inquirer, however, ap- pearances are diiferent. If it he true that the inhabitants of any country or of all countries tend perpetually by their in- crease to outstrip their means of subsistence, the evil consequences of such a state of things must, at all times and continually, be felt with more or .less« .of" severity ; it is of no avail to say that the earth can or will, if properly cultivated, afford ample subsistence for all that have ever yet lived upon its surface. It has not been so cultivated; the increase of food, so far from having been pushed up to those limits which some writers have, and perhaps not improperly, assigned as the highest possible, has in most countries been little better than stationary. The question is, there- fore, has the tendency of living beings rapidly to increase been existing through all this fore- gone period, unchecked by anything but the mere want of corresponding subsistence for those who should be born ? If it has, then, as it appears to the author, a constant state of suffering, more or less mitigated by various national circumstances, must have existed in all times past, or nearly so. If it has not (as the author of this volume affums it has not), the onus is to show what other OF POPULATION. 3 PRINCIPLE has operated to check population from time to time, to prove the existence of such a principle, and to point out the times, the places, and the mode of its operation. To estahlish and explain this principle is the ohject of the follow- ing sheets. The immense importance of the subject may, it is hoped, excuse and help to overcome the dryness of some of the details ; nor will the candid reader on a topic at once so mysterious, and hitherto unexplained, suffer himself to 1x3 startled or turned aside by the apparent strangeness of the first enunciations of views on this subject, (as the author conceives) nearly altogether new, and of facts certainly brought together and laid before the public in their present form for the first time. It can hardly be expected of any one writing of matters so abstruse, that he should extract from them other entertainment than such sub- jects are in themselves calculated to produce. He can only, as a matter of prudent adventure, attempt to place the different points in as clear a light as possible, and with as little waste as may be, of the time and patience of his readers : elucidating where he can, all that is naturally involved or dark, and curtailing where he can, all that is naturally diffuse or voluminous. b2 4 THE TRUE LAW It is not necessaiy, nor would it indeed expe- dite the purposes of clear arrangement or lucid reasoning, to state in this part of the present work the accidental causes which led the author to the following inquiry ; suffice it at present to say, these causes were the result of another inquiry, so far collaterally bearing upon the sub- ject now under discussion, as to throw a sudden light upon its fundamental principles, including as it did, a portion of the proofs of the reality of those principles ; nor was the author dissatisfied, but quite the contrary, with tlie manner in which he was thus accidentally led to the road which he has followed. In matters of reasoning, it is upon the whole better to discover a track acci- dentally than after search for it ; because in the former case the imagination is in abeyance, and unconcerned in the result. When men eagerly seek for a theory, they are too prone to hope they have found the true one, and it is needless to say that we are too ready to believe that which we earnestly wish. A dis- covery by accident, on the other hand, comes recommended only by itself; as no credit is sought for sagacity, and no reward for ingenuity expected, fancy, at all events, is not moved to interfere. The pleasure which alone is due to OF FOPULATION. 5 the discovery of triitli, is not so liable to be c;iven to that self-love which deceives us into the idea that such discovery is ours as matter of merit, because it has come unsought, and ol" course unanticipated ; such was the case with the con- templation of natural facts which led the author to attempt this exhibition of them, and being so, he trusts the remark is neither irrelevant nor useless. In order to come in the clearest and fairest manner to the subject of this essay, the author deems the following to be the most advisable course. To state, first, in the tersest and at the same time, most lucid manner he can, the law by wdiich he supposes population to be governed awd regulated ; next, to prove the existence and operation of this law from such facts as he has collected, which in his opinion tend to demonstrate either or both of these points. The great general law then, which, as it seems, really regulates the increase or decrease both of vegetable and of animal life, is this, that whenever a species or genus is endan- gered, a corresponding efibrt is invariably made by nature for its preservation and continuance, by an increase of fecundity or fertihty ; and that this especially takes place whenever such danger b THE TRUE LAW arises from a diminution of proper nourishment or food, so that consequently the state of deple- tion, or the deplethoric state, is favourable to fertility, and that on the other hand, the plethoric state, or state of repletion, is unfavourable to fertility, in the ratio of the intensity of each state, and this probably throughout nature uni- versally, in the vegetable as well as the animal world ; further, that as applied to mankind this law produces the following consequences, and acts thus : — There is in all societies a constant increase going on amongst that portion of it which is the worst supplied with food ; in short, amongst the poorest. Amongst those in the state of affluence, and well supplied with food and luxuries, a constant decrease goes on. Amongst |those who form the mean or medium between these two opposite states ; that is to say, amongst those who are tolerably well supphed with good food, and not overworked, nor yet idle, population is sta- tionary. Hence it follows that it is upon the numerical proportion, which these three states bear to each other in any society that increase or decrease upon the whole depends. In a nation where the affluence is sufficient to or POPULATION'. balance, by tbe decrease which it causes ainonjist the rich, the increase arisini;- from the poor, population will be stationary. In a nation highly and generally affluent and luxurious, population w'ill decrease and decay. In poor and ill-fed communities, population will increase in the ratio of the poverty, and the consequent deterioration and diminution of the food of a large portion of the members of such com- munities. This is the real and great law^ of human population, and to show that it unques- tionably is so, must be the aim of the fol- lowing pages. In bringing forward the great variety of i'acts bearing upon this inqjortant inquiry, the author will begin with those exhibited by the vegetable kingdom ; he wall next proceed to the animal creation, wdierein the same principle is more distinctly developed, ending with the human world, the numbers composing which he will prove to ebb and liow as one or other of tlie different states he has described more or less prevails ; offering, in conclusion, such general reflections as are necessary conqiletely to eluci- date his scheme, and to show not only its wonderful agreement with tlie state of the workl, as it is known to exist and to have existed, but 8 THE TRUE LAW its admirable unison with the wisdom and good- ness of that divine Providence which " saw all that it had made," and saw that all was "very good," until marred by the wickedness, the folly, the error, or the ignorance of man. li OF POPULATION. CHAPTER II. THE LAW OF INCREASE AND DECREASE IN THE VEGE- TABLE AND ANIMAL KINGDOMS. Turning now to the vegetable kingdom, the author would point to the acknowledged existence of this principle in the theory and i)ractice of all Horticulturists, Gardeners, and others engaged in the raising trees, shrubs, flowers, and vege- tables. It is a fact, admitted by all gardeners as well as botanists, that if a tree, plant, or flower, be placed in mould, either naturally or artificially made too rich for it, a plethoric state is produced, and fruitfulness ceases. In trees, the effect of strong manures and over-rich soils is that they run to surperfiuous wood, blossom irregularly, and chiefly at the extremities of the outer branches, and almost or entirely cease to bear fruit. 10 THE TRUE LAW With Howering shrubs and llowers the efliect is, first, that the flower becomes doable, and loses its power of producing seed ; next, it ceases almost even to flower. If the application of the stimulus of manure is carried still further, flowers and plants become diseased in the extreme, and speedily die ; thus, by this wise provision of Pro- vidence, the transmission of disease (the certain consequence of the highly plethoric state, whether in plants, animals, or in mankind,) is guarded against, and the species shielded from danger on the side of plenty. In order to remedy this state w^hen accidentally produced, Gardeners and Florists are accustomed, by various devices, to produce the opposite or deplethoric state ; this they familiarly denominate " giving a check." In other words, they put the species in danger in order to produce a correspondingly determined effort of nature to ensure its perpetua- tion, and the end is invariably attained. Thus, in order to make fruit trees bear plentifully, Gar- deners delay or impede the rising of the sap by cutting rings in the bark round the tree. This to the tree is the production of a state of depletion, and the abundance of fruit is the effort of nature to counteract the danger. The fig, when grown in this climate, is particularly liable to drop its fruit OF POPULATION. 1 1 when lialf" matured. This, Cardcneis now tind, can he prevented hy prunhig the tree so severely as to give it a check ; or, if £::rown in a pot, hy cutting a few inches from its roots all round so as to produce the same effect. The result is, that the tree retains, and carefully matures its fruit. In like manner, when a gardener wishes to save seed from a gourd or cucumber, he does not give the plant an extra quantity of manure or warmth. He does just the contrary : he sub- jects it to some hardship and takes the fruit that is least fine looking, foreknowing that it will he filled with seed, whilst the finest fruit are nearly destitute. Upon the same principle, it is a known fact, that after severe and long winters the har- vests are correspondingly rapid and abundant. Vines bear most luxuriantly after being severely tried by frost ; and grass springs in the same extraordinary manner. After the long and try- ing winter of 183G-7, when the snow lay upon the ground in the northern counties until June, the spring of grass was so wonderful as to cause several minute expcnments by various j)crsons. The result was, that in a single night of twelve hours the blade of grass was ascertained fre- quently to have advanced full three-{piarters of 12 . THE TRUE LAW an inch ; and wheat and other grain progressed in a similar manner. Aware of this beautiful law of preservation, the Florist, when he wishes to ensure the luxuriant flowering of a greenhouse or hothouse shrub or plant, exposes it for a time to the cold. The danger caused by the temperature, too low for the nature of the species of plant, is followed invariably by an effort of nature for its safety, and it flowers luxuriantly ; and if a seed-bearing plant, bears seed accordingly. There is another curious moditication of this law exhibited by the vegetable creation, and this is, that immediately before the death, or the sudden cessation of fruitfulness of a tree or shrub, it is observed generally to bear abundantly. This is remarkably the case with the pear and apple when the roots touch the harsh cold blue clay, or any other soil inimical to the health of the tree. It is a last effort to preserve and per- petuate the species, and is the effect of that state of depletion through which the tree passes to sterility and death. The singularly close analogy which these facts bear to that which can be proved, and indeed is well known to take place with the human OF POPULATION. 13 female, when fed on insufficient food, or when married too near to the usual ])eriod of cessation of fertility, will he more fully adverted to in the proper place. In the meantime, what can he more pleasing than to contemplate this heautiful provision of the Governor of all things, hy whicli fruitfulness is increased when the danger arises from insufficient nourishment for the plant or vegetahle, and, on the other hand, decreased when the peril springs from a surplusage oi" what is needful. Thus carefully is the species guarded from extinction hy want on one hand, and hy implanted disease and vitiated and irregu- lar vegetation on the other — a two-fold distri- bution of extremes, with a medium of average and moderate fruitfulness between them ; that happy mean being disturbed onh^ for a time to ensure as far as possible a return to it. Turning our attention now to the animal crea- tion, this law will be found to be still more distinctly developed, as well as more generally observed and acted upon. The practical evidence of the farmer, the grazier, and the breeder of horses, is here cor- roborated by, and, in its turn, he]|)s to ]U'ove, the theories of the Physiologist and Natural Historian ; whilst, with the human animal, these 14 THE TRUE LAW theories are again demonstrated, both by the theories and practice of the Physician and Pathologist. There cannot be a doubt that, with the animal creation — including in that term birds and quadrupeds (of the habits of fish we know little or nothing) — fecundity is totally checked by the plethoric state, when induced, and increased, and rendered doubly certain, by the existence of the deplethoric or lean state; whilst a mode- rated prolificness is the effect of the state be- tween the two. This is more or less the case even with the most prolific animals. The rabbit and the swine are extraordinary in this respect; yet every schoolboy knows that the doe, or female rabbit, and every farmer and breeder knows that the sow will not conceive if fed to a certain height of fatness ; and that the number of the progeny is generally in the ratio of the leanness of the animal. All cattle breeders know the same law to be especially true in the cases of the mare, the cow, and the ewe, with which leanness is indispensable to conception ; and upon their knowledge of this truth they inva- riably act. In the mare this is sometimes evinced in an extraordinary degree. A friend of the author, who, being of the medical })ro- OF POPULATION. 15 fession, is peculiarly observant of all cases of this nature, has assured him that he has known a liighly-bred blood mare, which, for a length of time, appeared to be incurably barren, and from which the owner was naturally very desirous to obtain a breed, rendered fertile, and ultimately the dam of a numerous progeny, by being put literally to the plough and cart, fed sparingly, and worked down to a state of extreme leanness and temporary exhaustion, by this unusual em- ployment. In the sheep, however, this principle of in- crease or decrease is most nicely developed. It is invariably found that, if over-fed, sterility is the consequence. On the other hand, in accordance with the leanness of the animal, a produce ol' one, two, or three lambs takes place. Upon their knowledge of this fact the improvers of tlie breed of this animal are accustomed to act. In order to afibrd the best chance of a perfect animal, it is believed that a produce of one lamb at a birth is desirable ; and this the breeders of sheep contrive to secure by apportioning the food of the ewe to such a nicety, that, avoiding sterility on one hand, and a double or trij)lc birth on the other, a single lamb is almost invariably the offspring of the animal so limited. Of the 16 THE TRUE LAW effect of "condition" upon the fertility of ani- mals, this seems to be one of the strongest of all possible proofs. The conflicts that take place amongst all wild grazing animals at the time of rutting or breeding are no doubt intended for the same end — to lower their condition to the prolific point. Upon birds the same state of plethora produces similar defertilising effects. This is well known to be the case with domestic poultry, of which the little familiar French fable of *' Une Femme et sa Poule" is an amusing evidence. The good dame, desirous of an increased supply of eggs, crams the poor pullet with double rations of grain. The hen, as well she may, becomes enor- mously fat ffort grossej, and the consequence is, that not another egg will she lay. With other domesticated fowls, similar causes are known to produce similar effects. Tame pigeons will not increase if pampered with an unlimited quan- tity of food ; and to stop the produce of the pigeon-house it is equally effectual to cram them with victuals, or to deny it altogether ; in which latter case, inexpert in the ai't of catering or feeding, they are compelled to wander so long and far in search of it, and are altogether so ignorant of their duty, that they cannot supply OF POPULATION. 1/ tlieir young- ones ; in tlie Ibi-niei- tlicy liavx" none to supply. Upon tlie wliole, there can hardly he a iloulit that, as far as tlie vegetahle creation and tlic lo\Yei' animals are concerned, the rule is palpahle and invariahle that ov^er-manuring and over- feeding check increase ; whilst, on the other hand, a limited or deficient nutriment stimulates and adds to it. In support of the truth of this law we have the united testimony of the cultivators of the ground, of all grades and descriptions, and of the numerous persons who make it the business of their lives to superintend the breeding of animals. The facts supported by these testi- monies do not appear in books, nor are much regarded, save by those whose livelihood depends upon their knowledge of them. They are, however, confirmed to be truths by a series of experience, suflicient to establish anything capable of being demonstrated by evidence. That they have not been thought to be of that value which they really are, is not extraordinary. The persons cognizant of them never dreamed of reasoning further, not having the slightest idea of the existence of any controversy upon which such facts might be supposed to be capable of throwing light. The long state c 18 THE TRUE LAW of abeyance as matter of reasoning, and as part of the foundations upon which conclusions more important were to be built, in which they have been held, does not however detract from their value. Many estimable things have been tossed about as rubbish for centuries, before their real bearings were discovered ; and such has been the fate of these — no uncommon fate. OF POrULATIOX. 19 CHAPTER III. THE LAW OF INCREASE AND DEC REASE OF THE RACE OF MANKIND. That the law of Increase or Decrease as above described, is that v.liicli acts throus',hout the vegetable creation, as well as the world of inierior animals, up to man, as the regulator of the num- bers of the different species, the author thinks he has shown abundant reasons for supposing. This supposition, however, is not meant by any means to shut out, nor does it at all necessarily shut out the truth of that assertion which affirms that to different species of animals or i)lants different capabilities of increase are assigned by Nature. The quantity of seed borne by one ])lant differs naturally from that boinc by another, under the most favourable circumstances. 'J'be ])ower of increase in some kinds of fish is calculated to be c 2 20 THE TRUE LAW far beyond tliat of any other animal or vegetable production of Nature. Birds and beasts of prey seem especially also to be more strictly limited by Nature in their powers of increasing their numbers, than those which feed, either in jiart or altogether, upon vegetables ; for which more than one probable reason shall be assigned in the proper place. All that is meant is, that, be the range of the natural power to increase in any species what it may, the jAethoric state invariably checks it, and the deplethoric state invariably developes it ; and that this happens in the exact ratio of the intensity and completeness of each state, until each state be carried so far as to bring about the actual death of the animal or plant itself. This law, then, being the reg-ulator of the numbers of all living or semi-living creatures, up to man himself, we now come to the great ques- tion of all, viz. : — whether this analogy is con- tinued ; and whether the race of mankind is subject to the same law of fertility with the rest of that creation at the head of which he seems to stand? The author is well aware of one objection, plausible indeed, but the reverse of solid, which will here be urged against him, and it may as well be stated at once, and disposed of. OF POPULATION. 21 "What folly is it (will the ohjeclor exclaim) to place animals acting on instinct merely, and destitute of mind, properly so called, upon a level with rational man, or to imagine there can he any such analogy as this hetween creatures so totally dissimilar, and so far removed from each other?" " Reason (it will he said) was given to man for the very purpose of checking and control- ling his propensities and passions ; and yet this is to he set at nothing— thrown out of the (pies- lion— a merely gross and animal check substi- tuted for that of the 'mens divinior ;^ and men and w^omen are to be fattened into sterility, or starved into fruitfulness, like the stock upon a farm !" Now, in reply to this, it is to be observed, that it is not here denied that reason was given to mankind as a "check" and "control" upon their passions, amongst other things. There is not the slightest intention to deny this directly or indirectly, provided the proper and obvious meaning of the term "check" be adhered to. What, then, is the meaning of this verb-active "to check" or to "control?" It is the })Ower to withstand an impulse—to hold it in a modified dominion — to regulate its direction and extent of course, as contradistinguished from the power 22 THE TRUE LAW to eradicate, to destroy, or totally to keep down or neutralize. This is the meaning of " check" or " control ;" and doubtless men's reason may, and does, in all cases, more or less, exercise this power over their passions. No man, however hungry, satisiies his soul at another's board, save by invitation ; no man, however thirsty, ever drinks at another's spring without leave given. But this is the regulation, not the extinction of passions co-existent with human nature itself. That the intercourse between the sexes must, in all civilized states of society, be regulated and bound down in various ways, is indisputable and undisputed. But still this is regulation, and not extinction. To be the husband of one wife is a precept salutary in itself; and which, in a state of imperfect civilization, is violated more in appearance than reality. It is a precept which religion teaches, nature encourages, and conmion sense ratilies. To modify further would be to ex- tinguish, not to regulate ; and against this Natm e rises at once in arms, and has decreed that such attempts shall be as vain in effect as they are foolish in imagination. There is every reason to believe that, by a special provision of natiue, all attempts to limit the number of children, by delaying to middle- OF POPULATION. 23 life the period of inania;j;e, are vain and futile ; inasmuch as the rapidity of conception, at all events, amongst those classes whose maimer of living presents no bar to fertility, may be shown to increase in the pro})ortion of the lalcncs.s of the lime when marriage has taken place. This shall be proved in the course of this essay ; in the meantime, the author trusts that he has drawn a distinction which no I'eader can fail to recognise : viz., that regulation is one thing, extinction, or total denial, another; that reason is competent to the lirst, but eschews the second, as a task not to be achieved, and an attempt at domination, against which Nature must ever revolt, and which no sophistry, however subtle, can render for a moment i)alatable to the com- monest, as well as best I'eelings of mankind. Having thus cleared the ground of these mattcis of objection, such as they are, it now remains to go at once into the important part of this treatise, into the i)ith and marrow of this " great argument," and to show that the law of i»opula- tion here described applies itself also to mankind, and regulates the numbers of human, as it does that of other created beings. The best method, as it appear.^ to the author, to effect this, in a manner the most clear and 24 THE TRUE LAW distinct, will be, tirst, to give those general, but striking instances of the existence of this law, which are to be observed in the general history of mankind, ancient and modern. Next, to demon- strate it by reference to limited bodies of men, as to whose exact history and circumstances we have accurate knowledge ; and then to prove that it is borne out by the actual differences in the condi- tion of nations existing at this day, as shown in the best statistical accounts of that condition. Thus, we shall first trace those general and striking lights which historical annals chance to afford, and which are the more valuable because they are wholly accidental. Next, we shall see these general views accu- rately borne out by more minute accounts of small bodies of men, the requisite minutia? of whose history we have in our power ; and these proofs again we shall find to be remarkably cor- roborated by the actual state of the nations of the world, as at present known — a body of evidence so varied in detail, and so overpoweringly tending ill one direction, as to constitute little short of positive or direct demonstration. One of the oldest traditions of facts j bearing evidence of the truth of this Law of Population, is undoubtedly that which attributes a remarkable OF POPULATION. 25 fecundity to the " Ictliyophagi," or those nations who hved chiefly upon fish. That this tradition has existed time inn\ieniorial, is quite nndoiihtcd, and upon it is built the mythological Action of Venus being- sprung from the Sea. Strange mix- ture of fancy with truth; to the latter of which, however, Aristotle bears testimony; and which, in point of fact, is admitted, and attempted to be accounted for by political economists of the present day. That a fish-diet is the cause of unusual prolificness no one can doubt, who knows anything of the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland, where the food of the inha- bitants is, in a great measure, derived from the Sea ; where even the eggs of sea-fowls are not eaten, but made an article of traffic ; and where the only animal food tasted by the poorer natives is an occasional " braxie," or sheep, which has died of the rot ? Amongst these poor people, a family of from ten to twenty children is by no means an uncommon occurrence, but the con- trary ; and instances of females who have borne above twenty children are far from rare. To suppose that a fish-diet is pecuharly the cans© of this is absurd; because, in Ireland, where the diet is vegetable chiefly, and that vegetable the hght and watery potato, the same results 26 THE TRUE LAW occur. It is notorious that from the Sister Island, as that country is quaintly termed, the great bulk of the cattle and stock of all kinds is exported, either alive or as salted prov^isions. It is notorious that such wheat as there is grown shares the same fate, and that the bulk of the people rarely even taste the luxury of a bit of bacon ; and that their exclusive food is the potato, with such sup- plies of lisli as their seas and lakes aUbrd them. The consequence of this is, that this beautilul grazing country, by nature intended to be pasto- ral, and which like- other pastoral countries would have been thinly peopled had the population been permitted by their landlords to live iq»on the produce of their own green and rich fields, is over-populated to extent only inferior to that to which China and India are so, where also the use of animal food is equally almost un- known, and where emigration is less frequent. It can indeed hardly be doubted that, but for the continual emigration from Ireland and the High- lands of Scotland, which is perpetually going on, the populousness of these countries would, at no remote period, ecjual that of India or even China, overflowing with human beings as this last named immense district has doubtless been for many ages. OF POPULATION. 27 It may probably here be objected by many readers that this is all "gratuitous assertion;" that the facts of" the populousness of Ireland, the Scotch Highlands, India, and China, may be in- controvertible. That it may be ecpially undoubted that the food of these countries is vegetable. Still, it will be demanded, where is the proof that this fecundity is the eficct of the poveity and scarcity of the food of the inhabitants? — that the child-murders of China, the famines amongst the millions of India, and Ireland, and the Hebrides, are the ultimate effects of rice anfl potatoes ? To this there is a general as well as a ])arti- cular answer; and the general answer should liist be given. That answer is a general apj)eal to the admissions of all medical and physiological authorities of modern, and many of ancient times, that such diet has, in fact, the prolific tendency here ascribed to it ; and a general appeal to existing populations, which are universally found thin in pastoral countries, where the food is animal food chiefly ; denser, where it is mixed partly with vegetable aliment ; denser still, where it is vege- table only, but with plenty ; densest of nil, where it is vegetable, but with scarcity superadded. The evidence of medical men is now uiiani- 28 THE TRUE LAW mous as to the effect of the plethoric state in checking fecundity in the human female, hoth hy preventing conception and occasioning miscar- riage ; but of the opposite effects produced by a poorer and lower diet, the proofs are commonly known to be perpetual. Dr. Cheyne, and the older dietetic writers all notice these facts ; but the accumulative evidence is now considered by medical persons as irresistible. There are numerous instances where the oc- currence of misfortune, and consequent privations, have given families to those who were childless in their prosperity ; and, as elucidating the same law, we may adduce another fact, well known to medical persons, which is the extraordinary ten- dencies to propagation evinced by both sexes when semi-convalescent, after enfeebling and attenuating epidemics, such as fevers, pestilences and plagues ; and the consequent extraordinary rapidity with which population recovers itself in those countries where the plague, the marsh fever, or famines, which cause many of these epidemics, have made havoc. A general glance at the map of the world, with a general statistical account, will show results corresponding with this law. Thus, in Russia, where butcher's-mcat is a drug, OF POPUATION. 29 and vegetable food a luxury, the luinibers -tt) to the square leauue are tiilhnu-. In Poland, France, Italy, and llie l^ow Coun- tries, ^\here the diet is mixed, l)ut plentiful, population is moderately dense. In India, in Ireland, and in China, where no animal food almost is eaten, the population is excessively dense, and constant pauperism and periodical famines form decided features in the history of these countries. It is not, however, by mere general views like these that this nice and most im])ortant question can be decided ; it must be made minutely and particularly the subject of examination ; it must be shown to be true as regards countries and their population, taking each separately, country by country. Where different provinces of the same country differ from each other as to ]iopulation, it must be shown to be in accordance with this law. Where different bodic*? of men in the same com- munity retrograde, arc stationary, or increase in numbers, the same must be proved with regard to such bodies ; for it is only l)y being borne out and ])roved to be true, under ail these various modifications of societv, that the existence of a 30 THE TRUE LAW law, which is not only general but invariable, can be satisfactorily proved and demonstrated. To commence this proof shall be the business of the next chapter. OF POPULATION. 3] CHAPTER IV THE LAW OF INCREASE AND DECREASE, AS AMONGST LIMITED BODIES OF MEN, EXEMPLIFIED. Looking at bodies of men, one of the most striking facts of all history is the decay to which all systems of nobility, however widely extended these privileges may have been, seem to be sub- jected. " Old families (says that most erudite and curious of all observers. Sir Thomas Browne, in his ' Hydriotaphia') last not three oaks!'' Nothing can be more true. Let us take as an instance the IVers and Baronets of Great Britain, and nothing can he more striking than the perjielual decay of a hody of men, who, possessing large estates and privileges of the most enviable nature, have had ai)parently every means as well as every motive to transmit these desirable possessions to lineal 32 THE TRUE LAW •heirs. The pride of name, the pride of dominion, the pride of power, all seem to secure the cer- tainty of such transmission ; and yet what has been the reality? This it has been— that the Peerage of England, instead of being old, is re- cent, and the Baronetage, though comparatively of modern origin, equally so. In short, that few, if an)^ of the Norman nobility, and almost as few of the original baronets' families of King James the First, exist at this moment ; and that, but for perpetual creations, both orders must have been all but extinct. The following table shows that the great majority of the House of Peers has been created since the year 1760, that is to say, within eighty years of the present time, and since the commencement of the reign of George the Third, whose accession was in the October of that year ; a period within the memory of many now living : — e nvmher of Peers in 1337. Number created since 17G0 Dukes . . 21 . . . . .'i Dukes Marquises 19 . . . . 18 Marquises Earls . . 108 . . . . 58 Earls Viscounts 17 . . . . 13 Viscounts Barons . 185 . . . . 153 Barons 3:)0 24 7 Scottish Peers 161 28i- • 25 Irish Peers . Total . . 394 272 Total since 1700. OF POPULATION. 33 Thus it appears that, within the memory of man, 272 of the 394 Peers of Paiiianient in I.S3;, have heen created. The decay ol" the ordei- ol Baronets has been, perhaps, still mow rapid and extraordinary. The order itseh' was commenced only in IGll, by King James the First, as a means of raisine; money, ])iincipall\ ioi- the Irish War of that period. It w^as su2;2;ested as a clicaj) mode of raising supphes, by the celebrated Lord Bacon, one of wdiose name was in the original Baronetage, and is one of the few of those originally created, whose descendants remain. The sum paid I'oi- this honour was very large, and it is tlieretbre certain that the earlier Baronets were all wealthy men and of great estate. The results are as follows : — Since the creation of the order of Ijaronets, in 1611, seven hundred and fifty-three Baionetcies have become extinct. In short, the nund)er of extinct Baronets are more, in lofo, than the existing Baronets, up to the year Isli), when the Baronets were six hundred and thirty-fix e only. From 1011 to 1819, one hundred and thirty- nine Baronets had been raised to the Peerage, and thus taken out of the list of Baronets. Still, supposing all these Peerages to be now 34 THE TRUE LAW existing-, which is not the case, this would only make the whole numher, including those made Peers, seven hundred and seventy-four ; that is to say, the living Baronets and Baronet Peers would, in that case, only exceed the extinct Baronets by twenty-one ! Thus it is evident, that but for perpetual new creations, we should hardly have had a Baronet existing. Of James the First's creation, in a. d. 1611, only thirteen families now remain. Of all he created up to 1625, the year of his death, thirty-nine only remain ; a decay certainly extraordinary, and not to be accounted for upon the ordinary ideas of mortality and power of increase amongst man- kind. The author is not unaware that in the cases above quoted, there arise out of the nature of the institutions themselves, causes of extinction which do not apply to a population, or to society in general. A single failure of offspring makes a gap in the body, whilst even extra fecundity in another quarter is only allowed to keep up the line. For instance. Lord S., or Sir John S., dies childless: Lord R., or Sir John R., supplies a dozen or fourteen descendants. One would have sufficed to fill the place, and we cannot make use of the surplus to supply other defi- OF POPULATION. 35 ciencies. This is clearly cMiough one cause of the extinction of titles, Avhich, where there are many sons, is conferred upon one alone, but which is lost in case of failure of heirs. 13iit this one cause will not account for the rapid and j)er- petual decay of nobility as exhibited, not only in the English Peerage and Baronetage, but amongst the nobility and higher orders of other countries, both ancient and modern, where the cause above alluded to does not exist. We have the testimony of Addison (who quotes Amelot) as to the extraordinary decrease of the A^netian nobility, although all the sons are ennobled by birth. Chastellux and lleylin say the same of the French and Netherlandish Noblesse. Mr. Malthus himself, also bears wit- ness to the strange decrease ol' the bourgeoisie, oi- wealthy class of the town of Berne ; although the fact is strongly opposed to his preconceived opinions. Addison's i-emarks, as re])eated in the w^ork of the late Michael Thomas Sadler on this subject, are as follows, " Amelot reckoned in his time 2500 nobles that had voices in the Council ; but at present I am told theie aic not at most 1500, notwithstanding the addition of manv new families since that time. It is rcri/ D 2 Jb THE TRUE LAW strange, that with this advantage they are not able to keep up their numbers, considering that the nGhility spreads equally through all the Jjrothers, and that so very f etc are desti'oyed by the wars of the RepubUc." Mr. Malthus, at pag-e 278 of his " Essay on Population," gives the following statement as to the town of Berne. "From the year 1583 to 16.54, the Sovereign Council admitted into the bourgeoisie 487 families, of which 379 became extinct in the space of two centuries, and in 1783, only 108 of them remained! During the hundred years from 1684 to 1784, two hundred and seven Bernoise families became extinct. From 1624 to 1712, the bourgeoisie was given to eighty families ; in 1623, the Sovereign Council united the numbers of one hundred and twelve different families, of which fifty-eight only re- main." From these facts, it is apparent that the law of decrease is not only active amongst those included under the title of nobility, but amongst any class of men, however entitled, to whom the means of full and generous living are not de- nied ; the bourgeoisie of the comparatively poor and republican town of Berne being no more proof against it than the high-blooded nobles of Italv and France. The evidence of Tacitus, OF POPULATION. 37 hoAvever, as to tlie certain and wondcrriil activity of this principle of decay, anion L;st tho>;e to whom is allotted the pride of place, is perhap.^ the most extraordinary. Under the Emperor Clandius, it seems to have been necessary, hy an admission of the best families, who were not actually patrician, to renovate this powerful class; and this is the historian's brief but most instruc- tive account of this matter. " Jisdem diebus in numerum Patriciorum adscivit Caesar vetustis- simum quemque e Senatu, aid (|uil)us clari parentes fuerant. Pau'cis jam reliquis fami- liarum (pias Romulus Majorum, et Lucius Brutus jNIinorum Gentium, ad pellaverat : exhaustis etiam quas Dictator Cirsar Lege Cassia, et Princep.s Augustus Lege Sccnia, sublegere." — Annal: lib. xi. cap. XXV. " About the same time Claudius ejuolled m the Patrician order such of the ancient senator.^ as stood recommended by their illustriout* birtli and the merit of their ancestors. The line oi those families which were styled by Romulus ' the first class of nobility,' and by Brutus ' the second,' was almost extinct. Even those of more recent date, created in the time of Julius Csesar by the Cassian law, and under Augustus by the 38 THE TRUE LAW Sceiiiao, were well nigh exhausted." — Murphy's Translation. In his translation of this extraordinary account, Murphy has softened the directness of Tacitus. There is nothing in the original to answer to the words '' ivell nigh exhausted" in the last sentence. Tacitus says, in plain terms, that " even the Patrician families created by the Dictator Caesar, and by Augustus, ivere exhausted ;" meaning of course, not extinct ahsoliUely, but exhausted for all the purposes for which they were created into a class. This is an instance of Patrician decay exceeding those of modern times. That the nobility of Romulus and Brutus should in Claudius Caesar's time have been worn out, is hardly to be wondered at ; but that the new creations of the Dictator Julius, and his nephew Augustus, should also have perished, is a striking event. Supposing even their numbers comparatively few, it is still a startling fact, that in less than a century few of these families should remain. Yet such is Tacitus' assertion ; for, between the assumption of Dictatorship by Julius Ccesar and this period of the reign of Claudius, ninety-two years only elapsed. The instances already quoted will have given OF I'OrULATJON. 31) the reader reaaoii to tliiiik Ihal, iiol oiilvaiuon:;.sl those classes ol" men styled uobiUty, but even amongst classes not ennobled by name, bul enabled by fortune to imitate the full and luxu- rious habits of noblemen, the law of decrease is strongly developed. This law of plethoric de- crease, however, does not stop here. As it de- scends, it certainly mitigates. AVhat was j)higue under the Line and between the Tropics, becomes malignant fever in more temperate climates ; mitigates again into typhus as the cold increases, and disappears altogether beyond the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. Such is precisely the course of the principle of decrease. As men become lower in circumstances it diminishes; lower again, it becomes nothing, untU privation comes, and then the opposite principle immediately ajipears, and goes on growing in intensity, in the ratio of privation and consequent depletion and debihty, in all their varied forms of weakened and atte- nuated constitutions. As a proof of the prevalence of this principle of decrease amongst a class of men, lower in society than those already mentioned, but still well able by circumstances to induce the |)letho- ric or non-increasing state of constitution, tlie author will now adduce some facts derived from the archives of a more humble privilcrjcd claa-'i 40 THE TRUE LAW of men — the free burgesses of certain rich and exclusive boron gbs. The first example he will take from the ricli and ancient borough, within the precincts of which he is now writing, and of wliose corporate governing body he was recently a member. He will instance the free burgesses of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In doing this it is, in commencement, proper to state that the corpora- tion of Newcastle-upon-Tyne is, and has been for centuries, one of the richest incorporations of this or any other country. Of this wealth its burgesses of all ranks have, more or less, shared the benefits. Up to about the year 1760, the freemen or free biu'gesses enjoyed a complete and close monopoly of the trade of the town of Newcastle. With the exception of a small space called "the Castle-yard, or Garth," which, by a fiction of law, is supposed to be part and parcel of the neighbouring county of Northumberland, in order that the county assizes may be held there, no person, not free of the borough, was permitted to open a shop within its boundaries or liberties. Free artizans also exclusively en- joyed the privilege of being employed, at liberal wages, in all the operative business of this wealthy corporation. There were, and are, well-endowed hospitals for decayed freemen or their widows. They possessed the depasturage of extensive and OF POPULATION. 41 fine grazing grounds ot uiany hundreds ot acres. They had a complete niono|ioly of tlie carriage of goods from the quay, which was vested in an incorporate company of " Free Porters," \Yho were paid extravagant rates of carriage. As they enjoyed the exclusive privilege of electing mem- bers of Parliament, they also had a sort of patent for all local government-ofhces, for which members of Parliament reconnnend candidates. There is also an endowment for lending young tradesmen money, on bonded security, to assist their business, the benefits which they enjoyed exclusively ; and lastly, they were constant and welcome guests at all treats, feasts, and entertainments given at a Mansion House, kept always open for such visitors, at an enormous expense. Beyond all this, they had beneficial grants of quays for the deposit of ballast, from which both the corporation and the depositors rea]ied hand- some revenues, and the maritime part of their population also derived solid advantages from an endowed establishment called the Trinity House, where an endowed school ibr maritime purposes is provided. There are also other endowed schools for general education, gratis, for the children of free burgesses. Surrounded with such advantages, it required 42 THE TRUE LAW^ an unusual strain of imprudence indeed to pie- vent a Newcastle free burgess from doing well in worldly matters ; and the body as a consecpience were generally wealthy men in their different stations in society. That these enviable distinc- tions were carefully guarded from competitors need not be doubted. The freedom of the town was never sold, nor ever given, except as an honour to some few distinguished or illustrious strangers. There were only two ways of ac- quiring the franchise, viz., by inheritance or by servitude. Every son of a free burgess ivas free ; but if the father had not paid the necessary fees, and formally assumed the franchise, this barred the son, although the grandfather had been free. The servitude was a bona fide apprenticeship to a freeman of seven years ; and this was most scrupulously insisted upon. Under all these favourable circumstances, all the sons of a free burgess being free, it might be expected that they should go on rapidly increasing their numbers. With them the usual bar to marriage, poverty, was out of the question ; and their monopoly of trade directly encouraged an early settlement in life. The contrary, however, has indubitably been the case ; up to the time when they lost their trading monopoly, they seem hardly to have maintained their numbers ; and OF POPULATION 43 there is good reason lor siipposiiiL;- llicy miulil even have decreased, had it not been for the aid of those who became free by servitude ; which last seem to have i)robably exceeded in number those who acquired it by inheritance. Since the loss of their exclusive privileges as to trade, the increase has been un(|uestionab]y greater ; but the whole history of this body of men exemplifies, in a very extraordinary mamici-, the dilliculty with which a well-fed connnunity maintains its numerical strength. The lirst table is a statement of the numbers of claimants of the franchise for live years, dis- tinguishing the claimants by hirih from those by servitude. The latter, it will be seen, still predominate. The next table is the j)olls of all the contested elections from a. d. 1710, in- clusive, up to the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. This table })roves that the number of freemen at the period q^ the great contest of A. D. 1722 was nearly the same as the number existing at the periods of the subsequent contests, in 1841, 1774, 1777, and 1780. These tables are certainly correct, and were kindly extracted and calculated from the books of the Stewards ol the Incorporated Companies by their excellent Secretary, John Jirovvn, Esq., at the request of the Author. 44 THE TRUE LAW TABLE 1. CLAIMED THE FREUDOM OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Years. By Birth. By Servitude. Total. 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 43 Claimed. 40 . . 47 . . 86 . . 31 . . 83 Claimed. 57 . . 63 . . 88 . . 59 . . 247 350 597 Claimants. Of this table Mr. Brown remarks—" 311 per- sons only were admitted. 1 do not know the proportion of the parties admitted by birth or servitude, but conclude they are in the same ratio as the claimants." Thus, then, it is pro- bable that the additions to the burgess-roll by servitude have more than kept pace with those by birth. The principal cause of the non-admissions is unwillingness, or else inabihty, to 'pay the fees. These amount to a heavy sum for a young man in narrow circumstances. This obstacle, however, generally disappears before contested elections, when those whose claims are valid become all at once possessed of the means of assuming the franchise, or, as it is called, " taking up their freedom !" OF POPULATION, 45 TABLE IL >'UMBKnS OF VOTES POLLED AT THK CONTE«TFD KI.ECTIO> NICWCASTr.E-rPON-TYNE. Years. Votes. 1710 Sir William Blackett Mr. Wrightsen . Mr. W. Carr ^loi. \ Two days only. 1 700 voters 609 J i^-^^^'^^^y' 1715 Sir William Blackett Mr. Wrightsen . Mr. Clavering C391 5.")0 vNo time given. 203 J 1722 Mr. W. Carr Sir William Blackett Mr. Wright.^en . 1234-1 1158 1 2000 voters probably. 831 J 1727 Sir William Blaolett Mr. N. Fenwick . Mr. Carr . ItSqI Three days. 2000 voters 'Si probably. 1734 Mr. Walter Blackett Mr. N. Fenwirk . Mr. W . Carr 13.'i4-l 1083 lEitfht days. 1795 voters. 716j 1741 Sir Walter Blackett Mr. N. Fenwick . Mr. Mattliew Ridley- Mr. Will. Carr . . 1453] . 1231 1 A great contest. Si.v days. . 1131 f i:39l voters. . (;83j 1774 Sir Walter Blackett Sir Matthew Ridley Captain Phipps Mr. Delaval , 1432"] 1411 1 A great contest. 21t;2 795 [ voters. C77j 1777 Sir John Trevelyan A. R. Stoney Bowes ;;^^^} 2231 voters. 1780 Sir Matthew Ridley A. R. Stoney Bowes Mr. Uelaval 1408 1135 I 2245 voters. 1085 1820 SirMatthewRidley-j .^, Mr. Ellison I '^^^ Hon. Mr. S<'ott J iS*"^' A single day. 800 voter^:. In 1832, the number of freemen resident within seven miles of New- castle was ltil9 only.— (Mr. Brown's note.) 46 THE TRUE LAW From these results it is evident that, although it is certain that the population of Newcastle- upon-Tyne has been steadily, and of late even rapidly increasing, as may be proved by the results of the different enumerations, as well as by the greatly augmented amount of Custom- house receipts; yet the freemen, or free-burgesses, despite the aid of those acquiring freedom by servitude, have not materially helped that in- crease. It also singularly coincides with the law of increase here attempted to be demonstrated, that such material increase of numbers as has taken place in the body of free-burgesses, has occurred since the loss of their exclusive trading privileges, and the consequent diminution of the fulness of their means of living, by an influx of active com- petitors. The positive conclusions which the author has drawn from the foregoing results, he has not drawn without being well aware that they ai'e liable to certain objections ; inasmuch as, besides probable modes of living, there are other acci- dental circumstances likely to diminish and keep down the number upon the burgess roll, and to affect in other ways the validity of the strong conclusions come to. These objections he cannot OF roniLATioN. 47 state better than by (jiiotinu- tlie statement of tbeni made to bnn by one most eminently (|uali- fied to inquire into such evidence, tliat is to sav, the talented Town Clerk of the Borough, John Clayton, Es(j., who was at the kind ])ains to consider and silt much of that ])ortion of the documentary testimony npon which this theory is founded. The following- are Mr. Clayton's remarks as to this portion of the argument : - *' Newcastle, Sept. 3, 1837. " The conclusions wdiich you draw from the " past and ])i'esent state of the body of freemen " are open to some observations. 1 believe it to " be quite true, that during* the last century there " was very little increase in the number of that " privileged class. But it must be borne in mind, " that during the same period the freemen were " subjected to the severe check of the loss of " their privilege of exclusive trading, and became " a minority of the inhabitants of the town, in- " stead of being, as they were at the connnence- " ment of the last century, almost its sole " inhabitants. It will be found, 1 think, also, " that the town itself was not nearly so nuich " extended during the whole of last century, as " it has been during thirty-six years of this. 48 THE TRUE LAW " In the year 1731, the whole numher of free- " men polled at a contest, which drew toe;ether " the non-resident as well as the resident freemen, " did not exceed eighteen hundred. At present, " (1837) the number of registered freemen, resi- *' dent within seven miles of the borough, exceeds "eighteen hundred; and the non-resident, I " calculate, may be nearly equal in number. " There are also circumstances to be considered " which prevent this class having the full benefit " of the fecundity of the species. In the first " place, females and their descendants do not " assist us in keeping up our number (I speak in " the first person, as one of the body) ; and in " the next place, the rule (correctly stated in " your letter) by which the franchise is lost to " the children if the father omits the ceremony *' of admission, operates A'^ery greatly as a check " to our increase. I will put a case, within my " knowledge, and not an extreme case, which " will show the practical working oi" this rule. " A.B., a freeman, dies, leaving three sons. The " eldest remains in this country and dies, leaving " an only son, whom we retain as a freeman. " The two younger sons do not take up their " freedom at all. One of them goes abroad and " dies, leaving five sons. The other enters the OF POPULATION. 49 " army, and finally settles in a distant jiarl of " the country, \\ hei-e he leaves four sons. Thus, " if we had the full benefit of the natural increase " of the species, we should have had ten iVceinen " in the place of A.B., the grandfather. Now, " through the operation of our artificial restric- " tion, we have only one ! According to the " statement supplied to you, which 1 believe to " be correct, our gain by a^jprenticeship is " counterbalanced by the loss we sufler from " inability or disinclination of claimants to take " up the freedom, notwithstanding the generous " aid afforded them by candidates for their suf- " frages at elections." The objections which are embodied in these, at first sight striking and apposite comments, seem to the author to admit of satisfactory solution. That the loss of the female line must affect the actual numbers of the class of free burgesses most materially, is evident enough. In short, the pro- bable loss must be nearly one half; inasmuch as in an extended i)opnlation the nund)er of females born nearly equals that of males. But this effect upon actual number has nothing to do with ratio of increase. There is no reason adduced for sup- posing that if the franchise had been conferred E 50 THE TRUE LAW upon females also, and their descendants, and if such females, by marrying, conferred upon their husbands and families the same advantages and fruits of pi-ivilege and property, which freemen do upon their wives and famihes, that their fecun- dity would have been greater, or at all different, their circumstances of living being supposed to be the same. If increase there was, then the ratio would have been the same, though the numbers would have been greater. The start would indeed be made with double the number; but there is nothing to show why the ratio of prolijicness should be increased. That objection which ac- counts for the want of increase, by supposing that the loss caused by omission to take up the franchise counterbalances the gain arising from admissions earned by servitude, is less easy to pariy. That much loss may be and often is so caused, cannot be denied. The answer is, that upon the whole statement this loss is evidently insufficient to account for the whole failure of increase, though it may account for part of it. It is shown on ail the statements, that during the early part of the last century the increase was trifling, and that after the loss of the trading monopoly about 17G0,up to the present time, the OF POPULATION. 51 increase has been more. Now liad omission of taking up freedom been the clieck, the chrect contrary must have been tlie case, because the means of paying- the fees must have been dimi- nished — first by the lessened means ; next, by the want of contested elections, of which there were none from 1780 up to 1832, save the two days of 1820, and because the motives for emigrating must have increased ; and therefore this check of omission must have been rendered more strin- gent, and of augmented efficacy after 17G0. The event of the admitted increase since 17G0, how- ever, contradicts this ; and it follows that tiiere must have been some otuer cueck removed of more efficacy than the omission to claim; inasmuch as the effect of Its removal has been totally to overcome and neutralize the increased stringency of the other, as is proved by the growth of the burgess population during the last named })eriod. The cause of that effect, the author asserts, was the poverty created by the loss of the exclusive privileges ; the " severe check" to the prosperity having an inverted effect upon the prolificness of the burgesses ; or, in other words, the check to the prolificness of the burgesses ; or, in other words, the check to the accumulation of wealth, being the removal of a check, or rather a positive e2 52 THE TRUE LAW stimulus to increased population. In order, liowevei', to put this probable truth in a still clearer and more indisputable point of view, the author will instance the facts as to the increase ol" another body of freemen, obtaining their fran- chise in the same way as those of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, but not possessed of lucrative privi- leges lik'e those of the latter — the burgesses of Berwick-upon-Tweed . These facts were obtained through the instru- mentality of the kind friend, whose assistance has been already alluded to, and they may be entirely depended upon. The freedom of the borough of Berwick, it has already been remarked, is obtained upon the same conditions, or as nearly KO as possible, as those upon which depends the franchise of Newcastle, inheritance or servitude. The property and emoluments of the Mayor and Burgesses derived from the incorporation are trifling, however ; and the freemen of Berwick, compared with those of Newcastle, are a compa- ratively poor class of men. Here, then, are two bodies of men, selected in the same manner, under the same artificial cir- cumstances, differing only in point of wealth and endowments. Amongst these men the inability to take up the freedom must be as great as OF rorrr.ATioN- 53 amongst tlie Newcastle claimants, liecau-e they are less wealtliy. The indiftercnee about it imi-^t l)e L;;reatci-, because it confers no luci-ative privilej^cs, cxce|)t as far as the sale of votes for Members of l^ar- liament may be occasionally lucrative to tiie corrupt voter. The tendency to emii^ratc must also be fully e(|ual to the tendency in the Ibrmer place. Yet what is the result, on a comparison of facts? That the free burgesses of Berwick have increased durinir the last century in a ratio far beyond that of the increase of the Newcastle free biiri^esses, an effect only to be accounted for in the fact of their greater comparative poverty. The results for the last century, and the ratio of claims by birth or servitude, arc as follow :— TABLE I. M'MBER OF Cf-AlM.VNTb> OF Till; KRANCHISK OF nF,R\VICK-ON -TWEEn. From 1829 to 1836 By Birth. 123 Servitude. 29 Admitted by Ticket. Total. i:.7 TABLE H. COMPARATIVE NDMBER9 OF FRF.EMEV AFTER A CENTIRY. Year. 1737 1837 No. of Burgesses. o83 l.UG Xo division into rr.-idciit mid niiii-rc.si'ltnf. Of theae 450 were resid'.iit.fififi non-re.-iidpii*. 54 THE TRUE LAW TABLE in. NUMBERS POLLED IN RECENT ELECTIONS. 1831 1837 366 polled (before the Reform Bill). 393 polled (after the Reform Bill). Thus it appears that the freemen of Berwick- upon-Tweed have all but doubled their number in the course of the last hundred years, from 1737 to 1837 ; that the tendency to emigrate is greater here than in Newcastle, inasmuch as the non- residents much exceed the residents in 1837 ; and lastly, that during the last six years their numbers must have increased considerably, inas- much as some of the 366 polled in 1831 were probably non-residents ; whereas, all the 393 polled in 1837 must have been residents within seven miles. If we extend our examination to other corpo- rate bodies in various parts of the kingdom, the same tendency to diminution and decay of the numbers of the privileged classes, seems, more or less, to pervade them all. The various ways in which the franchise descends, or is acquired, of course varies the results ; but the general bearing and tendency are one and the same. Thus, in the City of Durham the freedom is acquired OF POPULATION. 55 by apprenticeship, in the same manner as it is in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and in J^erwicU-upon- Tweed, but the hercthtaiy descent is more limited. The franchise is enjoyed only by the eldest son of a free burgess of Durham, save and except in the United Com]iany of Grocers and Mercers, where all the sons inherit. This com- pany being composed generally of men with some capital, if the theory now advocated be true, would certainly require some extra aid to keej) their guildry in existence, and this it appears they have required. The result of an inquiry into the numbers of the freemen of Duiham, shoW'S that for some generations a diminution has been for the most part going on, though the admissions by servitude are numerous. The diminution of their numbers has, however, been less than the limitation of the inheritance would have led a hasty incpiirer to expect. When we Hnd, however, as is the case, that the mass of the free burgesses here arc generally nuicli poorer than are those of the boroughs ah'cady alluded to, the apparent anomaly is accounted for. In the year 1678, was the first election for Members of Parliament for this city, when cighl hundred and thirtij-cKjIil volcr6 polled. Between 56 THE TRUE LAW this time and 17G1, there was probably a small decrease in their number, for though one thousand and fifty persons voted as freemen, yet two himdred and sixty-four of these were created for the occasion, under a bye-law afterwards set aside. This reduces the actual number of free burgesses to seven hundred and eighty-eight, a diminution of the numbers in the election of 1678. In the year 1802 (a violent contest), a small increase seems to have existed, as nine hundred and eighty-two are stated to have polled. Since then they have decreased, the number resident within seven miles at this time (1841) being calculated at four hundred and fifty only ; the probable non-residents are about two hundred. What is a very striking fact, is, that the United Mercers and Grocers Company, in which alone ALL THE SONS inherit the franchise, comprises only THIRTEEN individuals, the numbers being kept up by the poorer companies. The average of admissions to the franchise of late years is twenty-nine. Thus, in fifteen years, a number equal to the present total number of resident burgesses has been admitted ; and }'et the num- bers, on the whole, decrease. In the borough of Richmond in Yorkshire, the franchise descends, as at Durham, through OF rori'LATiox. 57 the eldest son alone. IVuinni could, however, acquire the freedom hy servitude, and (heir apprentices accjuired the franchise. It does not appear, however, distinctly tliat their sons inherited, though prohahly this was the case. In the year 1713, the number of free persons of Richmond was three hundred and jiftij-nine, as was proved by the election of a Mayor at that l)eriod, which was bitterly contested. In 1727, however, the burgesses lost their right of voting for Members of Parliament, which was decided by the House of Conunons to vest only in the owners of certain "burgage houses." Haifa century after this, also, the trade of the town was taken out of the monopoly of the burgesses. From tliis the admissions by servitude declined ; and so rapid was the decay, that in a. d, 1820 tlie number of burgesses of Richmond was only ei(jhty ! In the city of Carlisle the franchise is inhe- rited by all the sons, and acquired by scr\ itude. The number of the burgesses is, however, not very different from what it was a century ago, notwithstanding constant and numerous achnis- sions by servitude. It is not a jich corpo- ration. To nudtiply examples would be needless, though very ea.-3y. 58 THE TRUE LAW Various other bodies of men may be referred to as exhibiting results precisely similar to the foregoing, and amongst these may be instanced the Society of " Friends" or " Quakers," as they were at first derisively, though now familiarly called. This sect is believed to be the most opulent, in proportion to its numbers, of all the bodies of dissenters. It keeps its own poor in so admirable a manner, that a destitute, or even apparently poor Quaker is not to be seen any- where. In the points of morality and sobriety, the Society of Friends is perhaps unecjualled by any other religious body ; consequently, the mem- bers of this wealthy and exemplary sect almost universally marry, and marry early. Yet not having been aided in modern times by con- versions to their body from any other divisions of Christians to any great extent, it is believed they have decreased during the last century. They do not, as far as the author's inquiries have gone, possess any means of ascertaining their exact numbers at different periods, but this is their impression ; some may deny or doubt the decrease, but none argue for any known or sensible increase of their numbers within memory. Those who marry out of tlie Society are indeed expelled, at least, until the stranger's partner OF POPULATION. 59 conform to the rules of their hody ; but tlie loss from such expulsions, and from expulsions for other reasons, is quite insuflicicnt to account for the non-increase of the sect. Free from intem- perance of any sort, they afi'ord one ol' the most striking proofs of the truth of the rule, that with generous and solid living superHuity of numbers is not to be dreaded. Similar results are observed to occur with the Slave Population of the North American United States. It is there observed that the slaves in- crease, whilst the emancipated negioes decrease and gradually decay. The first arc liard-worked and only moderately fed ; the second, destitute of taste for the most common luxuries, or even comforts of European or civihsed life, are en- abled, by a little labour, to indulge to the utter- most in the most vulgar sensualities of our nature, and hence the decay of this class wliicli the American writers describe. Having so far elucidated tlic law of decrease in such bodies of men as are possessed of means to continue that mode of living which tends to j)roduce the plethoric .slalo, it will be expected that some illustrations of the opposite tendency, the law of rapid increase, whicii exists amongst communities ill-fed and subjected to those priva- 60 THE TRUE LAW tions which superinduce the law of decrease, or deplethoric state, should be given. This is a much less easy task. Bodies of men enjoying ample means are necessarily not very extensive, and are, in a manner, insulated and marked out in society. The poor are scattered over the community, and to their circumstances, and to the effects of these circumstances on their fecundity, general references are much more easy than particular instances. Such references have already been given. The Scottish Highlands, and all Ireland, aiford striking proofs of this truth. The numbers of children in maritime villages, where fish is the principal food, have been adverted to by political economists, and at- tempted to be explained upon their principles — the cheapness and plenty of fish being set down for the causes. No people, however, are poorer than the inhabitants of fishing villages, and it would be easy to prove that they have by no means a constant plenty even of the edible in which they deal. It is poverty, and not plenty, that stimulates their growth. The surprise of travellers, who have been accustomed to thinly- peopled countries, such as Russia and most of her tributary pastoral kingdoms, at the swarms of children in all the poorer parts of our cities OF POPULATION. Gl and towns, is another strikinp; j^roof of lliis. Dr. Hamel, who travelled over England at the expense of the Russian Government, but who was, however, a German by birth, stronii;ly ex- j)ressed his astonishment at the difference, for which he could not account. The history of the world, however, is not without insulated instances of the truth of this law of increase. The most extraordinary and striking on record is, perhaps, to be found in the History of the Mutineer Colony, on the desolate island of Pitcairn, in the Pacific Ocean, about fifty years ago. This singular colony arose out of the nuitiny against Captain Bligh, the commander of the Bounty, on what was called the Bread Fruit Tree expedi- tion. The ringleader of the mutineers, Fletcher Christian, seems to have settled u)H)n Pitcairn's Island, after leaving most of his companions at the Island of Otaheite, about the year 1790. The first account of the existence of the colony is afforded by Lieutenant Shillibeer, of the Biiton, who was there about the year Is 11. Christian seems to have landed on the island with nine Europeans, six men of Otaheite, and eleven Otaheitan women. One of the women, Chris- tian's wife, died soon after their arrival, and Christian having appropriated to himself the wile 62 THE TRUE LAW of one of the Otaheitans, was shot by him in re- venge, together with two other Enghshmen. This led to the murder of all the Otaheitan males, so that the colony was at once reduced to sixteen adult persons in all, that is to say, six male Europeans and ten Otaheitan females. This number was afterwards lessened to fifteen adults by the fall of one of the men from a cliff. When visited by Shillibeer, they had increased .their numbers to forty-eight, and this was at most only twenty-four years after their reaching the island. During this period, then, they had tripled their population, and subsequent accounts seem to confirm the fact of this rapid increase having continued, it having been ascertained recently that the numbers upon the island had reached the extraordinary height of one hundred and eighty persons. Adams, one of the muti- neers, was still living, at the age of eighty. Thus, in about forty years, or a little more, this extraordinary colony seems to have decupled its population — a rapidity of increase probably hardly paralleled in the annals of the world. Let us now inquire into their mode of living, and in that mode will be found the true solution of this extraordinary fecundity. The Island of Pitcairn, when they landed upon it, seems to have been OF POPULATION. G3 almost devoid of tlic means of siistainina; lite, being destitute of trees bearing edible fruit, and of succulent vegetables. " Tbe Bread Fruit and Cocoa-nut trees (says Lieutenant Shillibeer,) were brought with them in the Bounty, and have since been reared with great success." Their agricul- ture he describes as being confined to the culli- vation of the yam, which they had brought to extraorcJinani perfection. Of grain thev were altogether destitute. They had some poultry, and the few goats and pigs on the island were neglected, and running wild in the woods. Beyond the cultivation of the yam, the principal business of these colonists is the pursuit oi fish, with which the coast abounds. It is, however, every way bounded with rocks, so that they are at all times obliged to carry their little boats to the village. Their light clothing was made from the bark of a tree. Here, then, we have a bird's-eye view of a mode of living singulaily adai)ted to fecundity forced upon a limited po})ulation, and its effects. Until their fruit trees grew, which w^ould not be for some years, fish, yams, and the eggs of their few poultry, and of wild birds, nuist have been their sole subsistence. This probably, together with the heat of the climate, was the foundation of the taste for the species of diet 64 THE TRUE LAW which has prevailed. There were, it is stated, a few wild rahhits on the island, but they had not domesticated any. Thus, then, these islanders afford a proof at how fearful a rate population will increase amongst a people obtaining their food only by constant exertion, that food being nearly altogether fish and vegetables, and the people being destitute en- tirely of grain of any sort, and also of the grape, and consequently ignorant of the pernicious habit of indulging excessively in the use of fermented or distilled liquors. To account for the growth of this colony in any other way, seems to the author to be out of the question. To attribute it to abundant food seems perfectly absurd ; for this is to assert that these poor people, whose ! only subsistence must frequently have been the i yam, and whose only drink is water, or the milk > of the cocoa-nut, lived more luxuriously, or ; better, not only than the free burgesses of New- ; castle J but also than the nobility of Venice and ; England ! or the magnates of Geneva ! To find f anything resembling it, we must resort to com- ' munities living in a manner somewhat similar, s On the coasts of Ireland, and amongst the { Highlanders of Scotland, there can be no doubt , that particular spots might be found where the i OF poprr.ATiox. b;» increase of llie people, und llio nunibi-i' ol' children conijiared to the adults, would show a very high ratio. A ))art of the result at Pit- cairn's Island, however, uius^t he douhtlcs-, attributed to the remote situation and gieat salubrity of the climate and of the place, wliich seems to have given to the inhabitants an innnu- nity from those infectious and epidemic diseases to which the poor of other counti-ies are so pecu- liarly and fatally liable. It must also be remem- bered that the colonists of Pitcairn's Island were never actually thinned by direct famine, as the thickly peopled countries always are ; a truth to w^hich the annals of China, Hindostan, Ireland, and the Scotch Islands bear horrible testimony. Another less well-authenticated instance of in- crease, under somewhat similar circumstances, is to be found in the historical tradition of the Catheran, Sawney, or Donald Bane or Bean, This man is recorded to have lived about the yeai' 1600, in the reign of James the Sixth, of Scot- land (our James the First), on the coast of Gallow^ay. Immured, for the sake of conceal- ment, in an immense cavern, this man is suj)- posed to have carried on the trade of freebooter for a series of twenty-five years ; and (if the legends as to his Ufe are to be believed) to have lived, in some part, upon the flesh of his murdered F 66 THE TRUE LAW victims. That he and his famih' should, atlimes, have been driven by famine to such a resource is not incredible ; but that he should have pre- ferred this mode of sustenance is clearly a feature of the story which the atrocity of the entire circumstances would recommend to popular credulity. The facts seem to be, that, after living- this sort of life for a full quarter of a century, this wretch and his family were cap- tured and put to death at Edinburg-h ; when, it should seem, that the incestuous progeny of the atrocious couple were eight sons and six daughters, who again had produced eighteen grandsons and fourteen grand-daughters, the whole family being forty -eight, or twenty-seven males and twenty-one females ! The data of their numbers, and their general mode of life, are probably quite correct. The results are the same as those of the colony at Pitcairn's Island ; but it is difficult to believe that in tivenfy-fve years one couple could have been the origin of such a multitude. The probability is, that a somewhat longer time than twenty-five years had elapsed before their capture. The result, however, is extraordinary. With these examples the author must conclude this chapter. It would not be difficult to add to the number of such exemplifications. Enough, OF POPULATION. C7 hoAvever, has probably been (lone lo j)ro\'e, to llie satisfaction of the reader, tlie clear existence of the law of increase and of decrease amongst limited bodies of men, Avhcn under certain cir- cumstances. It- seems evident that where men are living; in a state of ease and plenty, their ten- dency certainly is 710^ to keep up their numbers, but the contrary. Thus we see that the nobility and very wealthy and highly privileg;ed classes of all nations are in a continual state of decay ; that such have been the facts with the En^^lish nobility and the English baronets — that such has been the case with the Venetian nobi- hty ; and again, that such was the case with the ancient Roman nobility. Going a little lower, we see the same rapid decay amongst the rich Swiss bourgeoisie, who are a sort of nobility. Going a little lower than that, we find the same tendency to a failure of the line amongst the wealthy free burgesses of the English boroughs. This, however, is in a mitigated degree ; and in the less wealthy boroughs, we perceive the de- creasing tendency lessening, and almost at a stay. Turning to the other side of the question, and contemplating the few examples attainable of limited bodies of men subjected to privation, we see the tendency to rapid increase most strikingly f2 C8 THE TRUF LAW developed. In Pitcairn'^ Island we discover, amongst the colony of Adams and his mutineer companions, proofs of a stride in population far exceeding- the most extravagant ideas of the most extravagant advocates for a reduplicating geo- metrical ratio. But then we find this accompa- nied with the absence of solid food, and with constant toil and exposure ^to the open air, and the vicissitudes of the climate. In the strange story of Donald Bean, the same results are de- veloped, living amidst all the vicissitudes of an outlaw, often in total want of food, and probably never well supplied, the increase of these wretch- ed beings seems to have been extraordinary, and certainly to be accounted for in the same manner as that of Adams' colony. It will be the business of the next chapter to apply the same method of inquiry to larger bodies of men ; to try to evolve the same results from the statistics of nations ; and to demonstrate that, if put into a certain state, a whole people may exhibit the same results as a more limited body exhibits, and that depletion and low diet, whether amongst nations or fami- lies, is followed by an overabundant fecundity ; whilst, on the other hand, luxury, solid living, and repletion, are the sure drag and stay to the onward progress of population. OF POPULATION. fiO CHAPTER V THE LAW OF INXREASE AND DECREASE. AS EXEMPLIFIED AMONGST NATIONS. The author would now draw attention to the statistical facts as to such nations of the i;lohe as are at all accurately known, with the view of inquiring how these facts bear out the foregoing theory — they will, lie believes, be found to do so with wonderful accuracy. It will be found, on examination, that such countries as are over- peopled are exclusively aLrricultural, and dependent upon vegetable food. That, on the contrary, the pastoral countries, where animal food and milk are the support of the people, their numbers are alwavs low. In countries where the two modes prevail the population is a medium as to number between the two extremes. The cultivation of the vine and olive, and the use of their rich pro- 70 THE TRUE LAW ducts as ordinary articles of diet, will also alwa^^s be found to be connected with a somewhat mode- rate population. Such are the general results wdiich are to be deduced from the following de- tails to w hich the author now proceeds. The statistics of the Russian empire, including as it does various races of people living in climates the most different, upon soils the most opposite in quality,, and all under one government, foreign to each other as they are in habits, customs, modes of life and language, afford perhaps the most striking and curious exemplification of the effects upon population caused by different modes of living. The immense area of the Russian empire — that is to say, all its Asiatic, and a large portion of its European dominions — is inhabited by a people the most truly pastoral of any existing in the world. Their wealth is cattle. Their exports are the tallowy hides, and horns. Their food is the flesh. Agriculture, as a means of subsistence, is of no value. Their summer is brief and sudden — it grazes and it fodders their herds of cattle, but beyond this is nothing. Vegetable ahment is a mere fraction in the food of the population — and w^hat bread is in countries less pastoral, beef is to the Russian boor and his scarcely more cultivated master. It is impossible OF POPULATION. 71 that the fact should have been otherwise. Wliere the cattle are slaughtered for the sake of the tallow and hides, the Hesh must, as a matter ol course, be the food of the people. It is so plenti- ful as to be almost valueless. In the capital of St. Petersburgh even, excellent beef is always to be had at about the price of an Enghsli penny per lb. Three halfpence per lb. is a rare price to anybody, and under any circumstances ; and yet the herds of cattle which supply the capital are driven from very great distances. Throughout not only the capital towns, but the whole empire, frozen game of all descriptions is plentiful in the extreme ; and the rich and oily flesh of the salmon and the sturgeon, pickled or salted, form an in- gredient of this rich dietary from which also the less delicate oil of the whale and seal are by no means excluded, though not prominently brought forward. The kingdom of Poland, however, and the Russian provinces bordering on Russian Poland, are essentially corn countries, and hence the food of their people is totally and altogether different. Wheat, rye, and barley arc the staple commodities of these countries : they are conse- quently the principal aliment of the inhabitants. Thus the food of the people of Russian Poland, Courland, &c., is the exact opposite of that ol 72 THE TRUE LAW the other inhabitants of the immense territories of the Czars; and from these opposite States, effects the most opposite have been produced. The consequence has been, that the population of the corn countries, compared with the rest, has been as five to one ! Nor have pohtical circum- stances in the shghtest degree interfered to bring about these results, but the contrary. The serfs being the most valuable part of the stock of an estate, the Russian landlord, so far from wishing to clear his lands, counts up his boors as he does his cattle, by the head, wishing both to increase and multiply ; and it is well known to all who know Russia, that the conscriptions for the army are felt to be more grievous when directed towards the two-legged, rather than the four-legged inha- bitants of" the lordship. Bearing, then, all these circumstances in mind, let us look at the broad facts, as stated in " M. Hassel's Tables of the Population of Russia," as represented by Malte Brun. These tables are beyond a doubt sub- stantially correct. They were compiled and pub- lished under the sanction and supervision of the i Russian Government, and if error there be, the "^ side of paucity of numbers is not that on which the error was likely to be made. In using these tables, it must be premised that the Russian OF POPULATION, squarr mile of M. Ilasscl is equal to ivrniy English square miles, or rather more than iirn English square leagues. RUSSIA. Grand Divisions. Square miles j Population, Number to a square mile. Ri^.-iAN E.MriRF. . . j 367,491 (divided into 1 European Asia .... 72,861 Kingdom of Poland . . 2,203 Asiatic Russia .... 1 268,331) American Russia . . . ' 24,000 59,263,700 44.118,600 3,541,900 11,663,200 50,000 161 606 1,544 43* 21 Here, then; taking the grand divisions alone into view, it results that, in the kingdom of Poland, where corn rather than animal food is the aliment of the people, but at the same time with an abundance of it, the numbers upon a Russian square mile are, uj^on the average, 1,544 individuals, or nearly tc7i times the average to the square mile, including the whole empire. If more minute divisions arc taken, similar results are exhibited. In the Ducliy of Cour- land and in Western Russia, for instance, the results are as follow : — These countries border upon Poland, and arc similarly circumstanced, being essentially corn countries, in order to show that this population i*> spread ecpially ovTr 74 THE TRUE LAW the surface of these countries, and not caused by masses of people collected by local circum- stances into large towns, the population of each government, as stated in the Russian statistical tables, is given. Thus, there is no room for doubt as to the population being the natural population of these countries. Division. Squai-e miles in each. Population. Persons to a square mile. COURLAND 509 581,300 1,142 Western Russia . 7,537 8,488,900 1,125 (including) Government ofWilna . . 1,081 1,357,400 1,255 . . Grodno 326 868.100 1.619 Bivlystock 158 224,600 1,422 Witejisk . 668 934,900 1,398 Mohileu . 918 985,400 1,073 Minsk . . 1,832 1,160,100 633 Volhynia . 1,394 1,496,300 1,072 PodoUa . 948 1,462,190 1,542 Such are the results of a comparison of the population calculated upon the square Russian mile, as afforded by the corn-growing countries of the Russian empire. With the single excep- tion of the government of IVIinsk, the peopling of each district is somewhere between (1,000) one thousand and (1,600) sixteen hundred to the Russian square mile. If these districts be so compared to the most fertile, pastoral, or cattle- OF POPULATION 75 feeding districts of tiie Muscovite dominion, tlie result will be found to be very striking. In short, it will be found that the regions most fertile in cattle, or, in other words, animal food, are the least so in men. Let us take, for example, the kingdoms of Astrakhan and of Kasan. They are amongst the finest pastoral provinces of Russia, and from the last (Kasan) comes a considerable portion of the tallow exported by the Russians. It is of fine quality throughout, though perhaps less skilfully dealt wdth than the tallow^ from the Southern provinces of the empire, properly so called. This is a proof, as far as it goes, that the cattle are not only completely, but slowly fat- tened, and that no exigencies of the population render it necessary to bring them prematurely to market, or to slaughter them when in imper- fect condition. Astrakhan is less ricli. Names of divisions. Square miles in each. Population. People to each mile. Kingdom of Kasa.v (including) Government of Kasan . . . . Vialka . . . . Perm . . . . Simbrisk . . . Pensa . . 11,521 2,221 5,996 1,402 111 5,746,250" 1,028,150 1,293,800 1,269,900 1,119,J00 1,035,000 498 915 582 212 798 1,331 76 THE TRUE LAW Names of divibions. Kingdom or Astrakhan (including) Government of Astraklian . . Sawtow . . . Orenburgh ""r,'';"", po.'"!"-- 13,823 3,899 4,297 5,626 2,598,700 222,700 1,333,500 1,043,500 People to each mile. 118 57 310 185 Such are the states of populousness of the districts or kingdoms of Kasan and Astrakhan — two countries both fertile and pastoral in a great degree. The most decidedly pastoral districts of the Russian empire are, however, those comprised in the fine region emphatically called Southern Russia. Upon these immense and beautiful plains, or undulating tracts, are the countless herds of cattle reared and fed from which is derived the greater portion of the tallow and skins which form the grand articles of export from the Russian empire. From these distant grazing lands a constant driving of herds of cattle goes on, and the expense of this driving fixes principally the value and price of the tallow. Hence, at high prices, it has been found that there is hardly a limit to the possible supply. The cattle are driven so slowly as to be fattened, and kept fat, OF ropuLATiox. 7';' as tliey move on towards the i)lace of >lau-htor, and some ol' the nobles over whose estates tliey pass, derive hirge revenues fioni this source alone. Some years ago Count Orloff received annually 30,000 roubles in tolls oi'this sort iVom a single estate— being upon 120,000 head of cattle at the rate of 25 copeaks per head. The ultimate destination of these herds is the town of Columna, or Kolumna, which is one immense slaughter-shop, the greatest in all Russia. Thence the tallow is brought to the coast for shipment. Let us now look at the population of Southern Russia, and also at the Slobodcs of the Ukraine, ■which also help to produce these countless herds. It is as follows : — Xame of District. Square Russian milex. Population. Numbers to a mile. Southern Ri'ssia, . . (iiu-luding) Government of Ichatiiinoslaw. . . Kersou . . Taurida . . Don Cossarkf Slobodcs of Ukraine . 8772 1417 1200 lOiO 3011 1118 2,310,000 820,100 459,400 340,200 309,800 914,400 265 583 380 211 102 817 Thus, in the most pastoral provinces, where the cattle are the sole produce, and the sole food 78 THE TRUE LAW almost of the people, the numbers are lowest. In short, in Southern Russia, the pastoral dis- trict, the population to the square mile is not one-sixth that of the corn country, Poland. With this state of population as existing throughout these immense pastoral districts, let us contrast the state of countries equally exten- sive, but pursuing a mode of life precisely opposite to that of the Russian serfs. The countries of China, Japan, and Hindostan present perhaps the most striking example of the the effects of a diet, nearly altogether vegetable, upon a people. In the first of these countries the people seem to have spontaneously for ages given the preference to agriculture, and neglected the rearing of animal food, until the density of the population has rendered it no longer practi- cable if a change were contemplated. In Japan the government itself interferes, and compels its people to cultivate vegetable rather than rear animal food. In Hindostan, the Brahminical religion interferes to prevent the shedding of the blood of animals. Hence in China, horned cattle and sheep are almost unknow^n, and in Japan totally so. In British India flesh -meat is only eaten by the European and Mahometan part of OF POPULATION. / [) the population. If we loolc at the statistical details ol' these countries, we shall find a redun- dancy of population to an enormous extent. With regard to the two first mentioned, we are certainly without those minute and highly ac- curate details which we possess as to Russia and some other countries. But enough is known to shew the certainty that such is the truth ; and the accounts of the population of British India fully bear out the more general statements as to the numbers inhabiting the two first mentioned. The area of China Proper, is in round num- bers one million two hundred and ninety-eight thousand square miles, or one hundred and forty- five square leagues — as to its precise popu- lation there is certainly some dispute. It was estimated by Father Allerstein in 1 743, and again by Lord Macartney in 1795, upon the testimony of the Chinese authorities. Roth of these esti- mates were sanctioned by men who had intimate or personal knowledge of the country in question ; both, however, have been disputed. Let us first take the estimates themselves, and then examine the grounds of objection : - 80 THE TRUF. LAW POPULATION OF CHINA. Provinces. Fongtain Petchili Kiangnan . . . . . Kiangsi Tchekiang Foxikien Hooquang Shanton Honan Chansi Chinese division Singan Kansoo Sc-tdiooen .... Koo-ang-Tong . . . Koo-ang-Si .... Yoonan ..... Koeicheoo. . . . . AUerstein, 17-J3, 068,852 15,222,940 45,922,439 11,000,004 15,429,090 8,003,671 10,910,423 25,180,734 10,332,507 9,768,189 7,287,443 7,412,014 2,782,976 0,782,975 3,947,414 2,078,892 3,402,722 Marartney, 1795. 38,000,000 32,000,000 19,000,000 21,000,000 15,000,000 27,000,001) 24,000,000 25,000,000 27,000,000 18,000,000 12,000,000 27,000,000 21,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 Total 198,213,713 333,000,000 These estimates are objected to by M. Malte Brun, who seems eager to depreciate the Chinese as a nation. He is one of those writers who seem to be thoroughly possessed with the notion that population is one of the tests of prosperity and industry, and he accordingly taxes his ingenuity to bring together objections to the probability of the accounts of the dense popula- tion of these regions. His objections are, first, that there are something like repetitions of the i OF POPULATION'. 81 names of the provinces, as given by Macartney and Allerstein : secondly, that the (Usprojiortion between the two as to numbers is incredible : lastly, that in the time of the Emperor Kienlong, the peasants liable to tribute were only twentv- five millions. It is curious enough that in the table giving the proportion of tax paid by each province, the same names exactly are given a^ those in Macartney and Allerstein's population tables. The result is as follows : — Number of Peasants sub- ject to the Tribute. Tribute in Wieat in Chinese bushels. Tribute of Silver in hand. 25,165,390 0,396,286 28,300,800 Bushel, 12,070 Cubic Inches, French. Lana, 709 Dutch A». He also gives the ancient statements as to population, which are certainly far below the modern statements. It is to be doubted, however, if these statements included the whole of what is mapped as modern China Proper. The ancient statements are as follow, and they exhibit, if at all accurate, some remarkable fluc- tuations in the rates of fecund it i/. G 82 THE TRUE LAW Census in the First Century A.D. 740, Tang Dynasty . A.D. 1393, Hong Yoo . . A.D. 1491, Hiao Tsoug. . A.D. 1578, Van Lie. . . 12,233,062 8,412,800 16,052,800 9,113,446 10,621,436 Mouths. 59,594,978 48,143,600 60,545,812 53,281,158 00,692,856 The author gives the above, not as bearing much upon the question of the present numbers of the Chinese nation, but as exhibiting remark- able fluctuations of population, resulting alto- gether from a change of fecundity amongst the same peo])le. The first census, on comparison of the mouths to the families, gives not quite j^'y^ to each family. In the year 740 the fecundity has increased to six the average family ; in 1393 the population has doubled, but from some cause a decrease takes place in the rate of fecundity, and the average family is under four ; in 1491 the people are again decreased nearly a half, but the average family is nearly six persons ; in 1 578 the average family is six, and population in- creasing. To what these changes of fecundity ai'e owing, it would now be difficult to trace ; but of the changes having taken place, there seems to be fair evidence. OF popri.ATio\. 83 Let us return, however, to the objections ol' M. Malte Brun. It seems clear enough that no faitli in the accuracy of Lord Macartney's ac- count can be entertained, the Mandarins havins; palpably arranged the numbers so as to g;ive 333,000,000. But it does not at all follow that the tmth does not lie between this account and that of Father AUerstein in 1 743. So far is the result of the tribute table from weakening Allerstein's account, that it confirms it. It is well known that if those capable of bearing arms in a country be selected, they Avill be found to amount only to about a sixth part of the people, but the persons or peasants liable to pay this tax were clearly only a portion of the adult male po])ulation. If any females were liable they must have been lew in number, there being few unmar- ried females in China ; and of the adult males, all the privileged orders, all the very ])oor, all the soldiery, all the seamen, all the other employes of government, and all those who in any way evaded the tribute, must probably be deducted. If then, as is not unlikely, the persons subject to, and paying this tribute, confined as it was to wheat and silver, were not more than a seventh or eicjhth j)art of the entire comnuuiity, Aller- stein's account is confirmed by the result. From G 2 84 THE TRUF. LAW 1743, the date of Allerstein's calculation, to 1 795, that of Lord Macartney's, is a period of half a century. What improbability is there then, in the supposition that during this period the population of this densely peopled region, as it is known to be, may not have reached 250,000,000 or 280,000,000 of persons ? Taking the area at 145,000 square leagues, this would give 1724 persons in the first case, and 1931 in the second case, to each league ; a result the reverse of improbable, when Ireland and some of the poorer European countries are looked at, where the food of the inhabitants is vegetable for the most part, as in China. Throughout the wdiole of the Celestial Empire this is certainly the fact. Rice is the principal aliment, and tea or water the beverage of the people. There are no fermented liquors, and fewer animals of any sort than in any other country, the Japanese Islands perhaps excepted. On the coasts fish is abundant, as weW as in the great rivers, upon which last two millions of people are believed to pass their lives in crafts of various kinds. The w^hole interior is known to be in a high state of cultivation, and early and universal marriages are enjoined by the State. The density of the popu- lation is admitted bv all travellers ; and it has OF rorrjATION* N.l long been known that in (lima, p\ crvthiivj; that that admits ol it is ukuIc available lor (bod, and that rats and other vermin are eagerly eaten by the natives. If to this is added the mortahty and exposure of children, which since Iword Macartney's embassy is undoubted, we liave every reason to believe that his general view of the immense extent of Chinese population accords with truth, though the folly of the Mandarins has thrown discredit upon their statements. Under any view, if China, where there is no animal food, be contrasted with Russia, where there is little else, it is impossible not to he struck with the difference of the two countries in this particular, similar as they are in some other essential points. In the Empire of Japan we find similar causes producing similar effects. In these Islands agriculture, to the total exclusion of pasturage, is enjoined by law, and the con:;e- quence is a total w^ant of animal food, as well as of the animals which might afford it. Thunberg states, that in his time there were proliably more horses in a province of Sweden than in all the Japanese Empire. Of tlie larger cattle tliere are none, and goats and sheep are totally l)anishcd. Cotton and silk supply the place of wool. There are a few swine in the vicinity of Nangasacki, and superstition has saved the lives of a few 86 THE' TRUE LAW dogs. Since the expulsion of the missionaries in 1630, the jealousy of the Japanese has ex- cluded the country almost from the knowledge of Europeans. It is quite certain, however, that the aliment of the people is vegetable, and the popula- tion is dense in the extreme for a country so mountainous and the reverse of fertile. Golownin, a Russian naval officer, who with his crew was imprisoned there in 1811, 1812, and 1813, bears general testimony to the immense population of such places as he saw during his detention ; his evidence as to diet is also decisive. The food he partook of was generally rice cooked in different ways, soup composed generally of radishes with wild herbs and seasonings, salted or fresh fish, and fruit. The beverage was water, tea, or a small beer, made by fermenting rice called sagi. He describes the Japanese as accounting not only all sorts of fish, but all marine vegetables, as eatable. The fish on the coasts seem to be very plentiful, and the modes of taking them wonder- fully successful. His detention lasted upwards of two years ; during that time he tasted of three or four fowls, eggs occasionally, and as a treat on his release, of ducks, geese, and game ; but of anything like butcher's meat there was a total absence. The Dutch writers confirm these accounts. They describe the soil as sterile, but OF POI'ULATIOX. ft? cultivated with prodic;iou>^ care even hip;h up the mountains. All accounts concur in describ- ing the population of the habitable parts as dense in the extreme. The capital city, Jeddo, is believed to be the largest in the world, and to contain 1,680,000 inhabitants. The armies maintained by the Keebo, or military dictator, and the federal tributary Princes, are said to amount to 468,000 infantry and 53,000 cavalry, for which purpose alone horses are bred by the jijovernment. They have little or no marine, and now are nearly without foreign trade. The most striking proof, however, of the " prodigious population " of these islands, is to be found m the amount of the revenue. This is stated by Varencies, a well-informed Dutch author, at the enormous sum of iivo Ihoumnd eight hundred and thirty-four Dutch tons of gold, which, valuing the ton at ten thousand pounds, will be upwards of twenty millions sterling. And this (says M. Malte Bmn) is without reckoning the provinces and towns which depend innnediately on tlie Emperor. It is impossible to conceive that sums so enormous should be levied diicclly irom a people destitute of ioreign couuncrcc, and in- habiting a country not exuberantly jich, unless that people were very numerous. The aiea of the empire is estimated to be 266,000 88 THE TRUE LAW square miles English, or 29,600 square leagues. MalteBrun, who admits its " prodigious" density, (as is usual with him in speaking of these regions) under-rates the amount of population, which he calls thirty millions. It is believed, however, to be about forty-five miUions, which gives in round • numbers 1,500 persons to the square league; a * wonderful proportion, when it is considered that these islands consist mostly of mountains ; that the soil is comparatively sterile, as compared with continental Asia, and the climate inclement, the highest peaks being covered with snow all the year. Many readers will, perhaps, hesitate as to what reliance should be placed upon the fore- going statements, relating as they do to regions as to which our statistical knowledge is con- fessedly very defective, and only general. Nor would such hesitation be improper, were it not luckily the case that ample and complete cor- roboration is at hand in the statistics of regions very similar in the habits of their inhabitants, and as to which our knowledge is perfect and undoubted. The regions in question are the British territories in India, and those of the allies and tributaries of the British Govern- ment, together with the few independent States, forming altogether the immense territory of OF rOrULATION. S!) Hindo=>tan. Ol' the larger portion ol tlic tiaiives of these regions, it is notorious that their reh- gion, which is Bralmiinical, forbids the use of animal food. The lieat of the climate conspires with their superstition to prohibit the resort to animal food. It is accordingly hardly eaten at all, excepting by the European residents, the richer Mahometans, and a few of the degra- ded native castes, who, however, cannot obtain much from the want of means. Rice, of which there are lirentj/scven Indian varieties, is the principal food, in })oint of fact, of all classes, Europeans hardly excepted. Upon it the native inhabitants depend lor subsistence ; and a failure in the rice crop occasions a famine, to which, for extent of suffering, no dearth in European countries can be compared. These famines are not unfrequent, and are thought, at times, to have caused the death of hundreds of thousands of persons. The dift'erent tribes are often in a state of warfare. The Asiatic Cholera, never wholly extinguished, from time to time, destroys its millions, yet all these causes of diminution have not sufficed to keep down the population of these regions, which, in the level and cultivated parts, is wonderfully dense. Of British India, indeed of llindostan, the finest portion is unquestionably the province 90 THE TRUE LA-\V of Bengal. It is situated on the lower part of the course of the great river Ganges, which divides into two parts nearly equal. It is fertile in the extreme, and highly cultivated- The climate, however, is very unhealthy, an insalubrity v^hich is increased by the mode of cultivating rice, which is irrigated from large standing pools of water, artificially embanked by the cultivator. Southern Bengal produces no other edible grain ; but as the country rises towards the north, wheat, barley, and the potato are also grown. The rivers, as well as the coasts, abound in fish. Such is the food of Bengal, and the following table will show its effects on the population ; of its general accuracy there can be no doubt :— POPULATION OF THE BENGAL PRESIDENCY FOR 1820. Territories, British square mile. Population. Numbers to the square league. Bengal, Bahar, and Benares Additions since 1765 . . Gurwal Kumaoon, and tracts between SuUedge and Jumna 162,000 148,000 I 18,000 39,000,000 18,000,000 500,000 2,166 1,094 250 Thus we see that in the old and completely cultivated territory of Bengal, where rice and fish are the food of the natives, the population has reached the enormous amount of two thou- OF POPULATION, ni sand one hunched and sixi\i-six portions to eaeh British square league, a strong corroboration of the truth of the alleged popiilousness of China, which has been for time immemorial under a similarly high state of cultivation. The two other Presidencies oi'^Iadras and Bom- bay are not only much more mountainous, and far less fertile, but are also far less completely cleared and cultivated. The territories of the British tributaries, and those of the allies and the inde- pendent States, are similarly circumstanced. Much of their surface is yet forest, mountain, swamp, and jungle, the habitation of the elephant and the tiger, the buffalo and the rhinoceros : yet even here the population to the square league British is not less, or much less, than one thou- sand on the average, an extraordinary one for a tract where cultivation is almost confined to the banks of the rivers. The following will shew the result : — Territory. British square miles. Population. Numbers to the square league. Madras Presidency . . Bombay Presidency . . Deccan 15-1,000 11,000 60,000 15,000,000 2.500.000 8,000,000 P82 2,049 1,201 Total 225,000 25,500,000 1,020 92 THE TRUE LAW The next table shews the population of some of the territories of the principal tributaries and allies of the British : — Terriloiy, The Nizam . . . . The Nagpoon Raja . . The King of Oude . . The Giiicowas . . . The Mysore Raja . . The Satanah Raja . Travancou and Cochen Kotah Biondu Bossaul British square miles. Population. 96,000 10,000,000 70,000 3,000,000 20,000 3.000,000 18,000 2,000,000 27,000 3,000,000 14,000 1,500, 000| 8,000 1,000,000 14.000 1,500,000 Number to the square league. 1,000 nearly. 390 1,363 1,000 1,000 937 1,100 937 Of the independent States, which are only five, the dominions of Scindia and Afghan territory are the most fertile and populous, and they give simi- lar results. Nepaul is the poorest, most rocky, and least populous. Such is the population of those portions of Asia, where climate, soil, religion, and manners have united to force a diet of vegetables only upon the inhabitants. If we turn to Europe, and examine those countries where poverty or any other cause has induced similar modes of living, we shall find the results to be similar. This populousness then does not arise from climate, or any peculiar physical constitution of the people, but from the nature of their food, OF POPULATION' . 93 and its restricted quantity ; in short, from poverty of diet in quality or in quantity, or in both. Ireland is beyond a question tlie poorest country, as to the destitute state of its poj)ula- tion, of all Europe, perhaps of the whole globe. Of a population of eUjlit millions of persons, it has been ascertained after an inquiry instituted by Parliament, that not less than two millions and a quarter are wandering and houseless mendicants, subsisting upon the charity of their hardly richer bi-ethren. The owners of the land to a great extent spend their incomes in other countries. There is no efficient Poor-law to oppose a check to destitution and starvation. The dignitaries of the Establishment do not reside on their benefices, and spend their tithes in many instances in England altogether, or on the continent '; whilst the Roman Catholic church is too poor to allow its ministers to alleviate by charity the sufferings of the people. In this state of jioverty the mode of living of a people so destitute may be easily conjectured. Dwelling for the most part in mud cabins, without window or chimney, save a hole in the wall or roof, and shivering ovei- a fire of ])eat, they live almost solely on the potatoes which they raise upon their little holdings ; tbcii children par- 94 THE TRUE LAW taking, perhaps, of the milk of their cow, if they posse&s one. Of clothing proper for the climate they are as destitute as they are of proper aliment, and the pig of the Irish' peasant is often as well fed, and little less profusely hedded and clothed, than himself. In point of fact, not only all the live stock of every description, but every edible, wiiether in the shape of cured provisions, wheat, barley, peas, beans, butter or lard, is exported from Ireland and consumed, the only exception being the potato. The cottager who tastes bacon four times a year is a lucky man, and a little whisky forms his sole departure from the beverage of nature, water. The money amount of Irish cattle and provisions of all sorts imported into the town of Liverpool alone in the year 1831, was estimated to be as high as £4,497,708. In 1832, the returns give £4,444,500 as the value. Nor is this state of things without its draw- backs upon the increase, real or apparent, of the Irish population. The poverty of the country and the prevalence of distress, cause a constant emigration of all who can find the means to leave it. Every year numbers ship themselves for the United States, or for the British settlements in OF POPULATION. 95 America. Greater numbers still cross the Irish Sea to the West of England and Scotland, and making their way to the Metroi)oli.s and to the great towns, continue there as labourers. Num- bers enter the army, and many the navy. In Ireland itself, constantly recurring scarcities of the potato crop, attended with the malignant fevers which ever accompany dearth, thin for a time whole districts. Civil wars and oppressions have also done much to keep down the numbers of this unfortunate race. From the time of the Reformation, under Henry VI II., to the Protec- torate of Cromwell, Ireland presents a scene of slaughters, rebellions, and bloodshed, under eveiy form. Again, at the Revolution of 1G88, Irish bbod flowed in torrents in behalf of the exiled family. Since that period the Orange Protestant party have held the Roman Catholics under constant persecutions and oj)i)ressions; yet has this miserable population gone on rapidly increasing, and making more and more rapid head against all these numerous apparent causes of diminution and extermination. At the close of Elizabeth's reign the Irish people remaining were estimated, probably erio- neously, to be no more than seven hundred thousand in all ! 96 THE TRUE LAW Sir William Petty conjectures the population, at the close of the wars in 1652, to have been about eight hundred and fifty thousand soids ; which he supposes increased to one million one hundred thousand persons in 1672. Subsequent investigators have arrived at the following con- clusions. They are no doubt founded on different data, and only amount to probable guesses at, or approximations to the truth. They prove that in the space of one hundred and thirty years the population of Ireland has more than quadrupled itself, and that it has increased, as distress and poverty and want of food increased, with an accelerated velocity, as if the pressure caused by its own densitv ureed it forward. ESTIMATED POPULATION OF IRELAND AT VARIOUS PERIODS. Persons. 1695 by Captain South, at . 1,034,102 1712 . Thomas Dobbs, Esq. . 2,099,094 1718 . The same . 2,169,048 1726 . The same . 2,309,106 1731 . The Established Clergy . 2,010,221 1754 . Hearth Money Collectors . 2,372,634 1767 . The same . 2,544,276 1777 . The same . 2,690,556 1785 . The same . 2,845,932 1788 . Gerv. Parker Eushe, Esq. . 4,040,000 1791 . Hearth Money Collectors . 4,206,612 1792 . Rev. Aug. Beaufort . 4,088,226 1805 . Thomas Newnham, Esq. . 5,395,456 1813 , Incomplete Parliamentary Census . 5,937,856 1821 , Parliamentary Census . 6,801,827 1831 . Parliamentary Census . 7.734.3G5 OF POPULATION. !l7 Of the wliolo number \hm asccrlaiiicd hv the census of l«21, whicli \vas the most careful I v taken, it was found that 1,138,00!) were em- ployed in agriculture; 1 , 1 70,044 in various trades, handicrafts, and manufactures ; and that 5*JS,702 were. em])loyed in other avocations, not included in the foregoing, making the total of einploved persons 2,836,815 only. If the rate on increase, as indicated by these returns be taken, the pre- sent population of Ireland cannot be calculated at less than eight millions and a half. Let us now see the propoition of people to the siptare British hayue upon the total area of the country. Ireland is held to consist, by one estimate as ordered by Parliament, of 19,441,944 statute acres, and by another of 20,399,008 statute acres. Its area in square British miles has been calculated at 31,875 square miles ; and i)y Wake- field and Arrowsmith, at 32,201 s(juare mik'S. Thirty-two thousand, in round numbers, is probably near the truth. Reducing this to scpiare leagues, and dividing the })opulation by their number, the result is as nearly as possible, two thousand three hundred and ninefi/-one persons to the s(/uare British lt'a(/ue ; a |)()|)ulati()n r;\alling tlio^r of India andC'liiiia---tho inicultivatid land, \nvj:. and H 98 THE TRUE LAW lake being to the cultivated land as I'oUows, in round numbers about six to fourteen. Cultivated. Mountain and Bog. Lakes. Total in Statute Acres. 14,003,473 .^340,730 455,399 20,399,608 When to this we add the fact, that the cultiva- tion of Ireland, owing to the poverty and ignorance of the inhabitants, is miserably defective, this result is certainly extraordinary. We now turn to England herself; and England, perhaps, of all countries of this globe, exhibits phenomena the most puzzling to an inquiry of the nature of that which forms the subject of this treatise. Manifesting as she does all the signs of external wealth and power, these mani- festations are yet accompanied by symptoms indicating a situation the reverse of prosperity ; an increasing and alarming poor's-rate, a growth of crime, and a too rapidly augmenting popula- tion. The question, then, to be solved is this '> does this increasing population, linked as it is with an increase of poor, with augmented poor- rates, and augmented crime, and with other OF POPULATION'. 90 evidence of a dcteriorntiim- condition of the labonrinii- classes, prove, in sj)ite ol' tlie conlrai-y indications ol" Avealth anionust otlier classes, the probable truth of tlie theory which lorins the subject of this essay? In the author's opinion it certainly does prove this tiuth. If it does so, it must certainly, however, jirove another collateral or correlative truth ; that is to say, that the i;on- dition of the niaJQrity of the Eii2:lish peo))le has, for a series of years, been dclerloniliny and still continues (o dclcrwriilc. That this is a con- sequence, according to the theory of population here propounded, the author willingly admits, believing it, as he does, to he indubitably true in point of fact. The proofs ol" this truth aj)j)ear to him to be apparent in the following statistical facts: — 1. The increased poor's-rate : 2. The increase of crime : 3. The diminished con- sumption of malt. In his general remarks upon these points he will not, in this division oi" his work, go far back ; he will contrast the sum levied for the pooi- in 1G70 with those levied since that time; but, upon the other points in question, he will merely avail himself of the evidence of the modern time, and content himsell with showing that it sulliciently accounts for the increased population of this countiy throughout 11 2 100 THE TRUE LAW the last half or three quarters of a century. Let us first see what has been the known progress of the population of Great Britain, and then com- pare with its increase that of poor's-rate and crime. As for the diminished consumption of malt, that is a fact of general notoriety, and is known to be certain from the different Excise returns of the duty. The following table shows the progress of the population of England, Wales, and Scotland, separately as well as jointly: — SUMMARY OF THE POPULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN. 1801. 1! 1811. 1821. 1^ 1831. England Wales . Scotland Army & ' Navy 8,381,434 541,540 I, 909,008 470,598 145 14 13 9,551,888 011,788 2,185,088 010,500 171 17 10 11,201,437 717,438 2,093,450 319,300 10 12 13,089,338 805,230 2,305,807 277,017 Total 10,942,040 m 12,989,804 14 14,391,031 15 10,537,398 Thus the population of England has, it seems, increased between 1801 and 1831 as 9 is to 14, and that Scotland has nearly kept pace with this. The following are the returns of the amount of poor's- OF rOPL'LATIOX. 101 rate levied in the dirt'cicnt years i:;iven. They are extracted from returns ordered by ParUanient : — Year. Amount of Poor Rate. iGr3 L 810,000 1698 819,000 1700 1,000,000 1776 1,720,316 1783 1 Average. 1784 i. 2,167,748 1785 J 1801 4,800,000 (probath). 1803 0,348,204 1812-13 3,610,842 1S20-21 8,411,893 1821-22 7,761,441 1823-21 6,898,153 1830 8,111,422 1831 8,279,217 •. . :. ■ The author has been unable to ascertain the amount of rate for 1801, but it was certainly not more than five millions, although the two years preceding had been years of scarcity, amounting almost to famine. The nominal increase of the rates then from 1801 to 1831 may be stated as from 5 to 8, but the real increase is much greater, inasmuch as allowance for the alteration in the value of money brought about by the Currency Bill of 1819, which is generally known by the title of Mr. Peel's Bill. What the exact en- hancement of the value of the currency was 102 THE TRUE LAW after 1829, when the Bill was carried into its fullest effect, the author will not here attempt to determine. It is sufficient that it is generally admitted to have been considerable ; and that, upon the lowest computation of the value added to money by the extinction of the Bank-notes under five pounds in 1829, the poor's-rate of 1831 must have been more than double that of 1801 in reality, though not in name. Of the increase of crime the evidence is not less decisive. In 1827 a Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into this subject, not only fully admitted in their Report the fact of this alarming increase, but adduced evidence unquestionable of it. The following table of commitments is extracted from the Appendix of the Report of 1827. It is appalling. COMMITMENTS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES FROM 1806 TO 1826 INCLUSIVE. (Exlractc(lfru)ii Ajipcudia; of Commons Report, 1827. 1806. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. ■1,346 5,UG 5,337 6,576 7,164 6,390 OF POPULATION. loa 1815. 1816. 181/. 1818. 1819. 1820. 7,818 9,091 13,932 13,507 11.251 13,710 1821. 1822. 1823. 1821. 1825. 1826. 13,115 12,211 12,263 13,698 11,137 10,117 That this enormous increase — the cominitmciits of 182() almost quadrupling those of 180G— has been caused by distress is evident from the table itself. The first great increase is in 1817, wlicn the revulsions in commerce caused by the end of the war produced excessive manufacturing pressure and difficulty, from which the pojuda- tion generally seem never to have recovered. In 1822, when, owing to the preparations for with- drawing the Country Bank paper below notes for five pounds, the prices of provisions were greatly lowered, an amendment in morals seems to have followed. This is again extinguished by the rise in prices and monetary crisis of ls25-(), and since that period, crime in England has gone on increasing year by year. 104 THE TRUE LAW The following table is extracted from OfficipJ Returns on this subject up to 1834 : — 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 17,924 1G,5G4 18,675 18,107 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 19,01/ 20,829 20,072 22,451 Thus the commitments of 1834 quintuple those of 1806; a growth prodigious, and only to be accounted for by the fact of an increasing pressure upon the loAver classes of this country ; for during this period general education and the building of places of worship have been greatly promoted. With respect to the diminished consumption of malt, the almost total disuse of domestic brewing amongst all classes, and the falling off in the malt duties of more than a half during the last three-quarters of a century, are facts so indis- putable as only to need to be stated. That these results, placed in juxta-position with the recent strides of pojnilatioii, are in strict accordance with the theory here propounded, is to the author OF POPULATION. 105 sufficiently apparent. Let us now see what the population of Eni2;lan(l is in proportion to its contents in square leagues. It will be found that these results accord with all that Ikls been laid down as probable to vary that proportion cither in one direction or another. It will be found to be less than the proportion in Ireland ; less than in China ; less than in the cultivated parts of Hindostan ; but greater than in most other parts of Europe. The area of England approximates to the con- tents of a triangle, the base of which is drawn from South Foreland in Kent to Land's-End in Cornwall. The sides by two lines commencing in these places, and meeting at Berwick- upon-Tweed. Of this figure the base is 340 miles : the eastern side 345 miles ; the western side 425 miles. This, however, gives an area below the truth. A more minute calculation has determined that the area of England is 37,78-1,400 acres, or 59,053 British square miles. The result is as follows :— ENGLAND. Area ill inilc-^. Pojiulation. Persons to a square league. 59,053 11,000,000 2.113 106 THE TRUE LAW It is to be observed, however, that the propor- tion of uncultivated land in England is less than in almost any country, and is believed not to exceed ten millions of acres ; and that agriculture is carried to a high pitch of perfection. In Scotland, where the greater part of the surface is absolutely barren, and from which a constant emigration goes on, the population is as high as seven hundred persons to the square league — an immense population for a country consisting principally of moor and mountain, and not much below that of the South of France, where all is fertility and beauty, and where the products of the soil grow almost spontaneously. We now turn to the European Continent, where we shall find similar causes producing similar results. Looking first at the North of Germany, we shall find the food of the people poor, the country varied and often barren, and the population great. As we approach the richer provinces of Bavaria, and the regions nearer the Rhine, we shall find the population more moderate. When we examine those countries which are eminently rich and fertile, and where the olive forms a portion of the food of the people, as in Italy and France, we shall find the population lowest of all. or I'OPULATION. 107 Takini;- Bohemia first olall, wc sec a iVL:;i()n hy no means naturally fertile and poorly eultivatod, often mountainous, and of variable and cold climate. The principal food of the inhabitants consists of barley, oatmeal, |)otatocs, and milk ; even beer not being a general beverage, and for the most part reserved as a luxury for holidays — and what is the population ? The proportion to the German square mile, which is equal to about twelve British square miles, is no less than 3,885. In Silesia, where the climate is much nulder, the country fertile, and the corn crops greater, but the people poor and j)oorly fed, a similarly heavy popu- lation presents itself; the population to the German- square mile being as high as 4,090. In Austria Proper, the greater part of which is much less fei- tile, the population is of course much below that of the fertile province of Silesia. It is, however, very high, amounting to no less tiian 2,837 per- sons to the German square mile. The pooi", and for the most part, arid and barren kingdom of Prussia, affords results precisely similar. The kingdom is divided into Eastern and Western Prussia, and each of these divisions contains two Governments. The population is as follows : — 108 THE TRUE LAW To the German milt' Government of Koninsberg . . . 1,342 iovernment of Gumbinncn . . . 1,495 Western Prussia' 4 ^°'''^'""™'^"*°*'^''""'^ .... 1,875 ^^^"^'^°^™^^'** I Government of Man««iwerden , . 1,244 Eastern Prussia. <^ Z'' -1)6,156 1,539 average. A dense population for the most bairen level country in Europe, and not much below that of the fertile and comparatively rich kingdom of Bavaria, the average population of wh'ch is 1,980 persons to the German square mile, according to M. Hassel's tables. We now arrive at a country, the statistics of which are accurately known, and the results of which statistics strongly confirm the truth of this theory — that is to say, France. Of this, on the whole beautiful and great country, the climate and soil both vary, and we have on one side the rich vineyards, the smiling fields and fertile plains of Languedoc, and on the other the poor soil and harsher climate of Brittany. As soil and climate vary, so in some degree does the living of the people. In the South of France there is nothing but the appearance of ease and wealth. In the North we detect something more like the rags OF POPULATION. 109 and wretchedness of Ireland ; though in no part of France is the food of the peojile reduced to potatoes and a total absence of butchers' meat, [n no part of France is the poor peasant debarred tlie use of the oil of the olive, the egg for his Diuelette, the pullet for his pot, and occasionally l)eef or mutton for his soup or bouille. As for ('U'i:s, the quantity produced in France is pro- digious. Of those imported into England, a large portion comes from France; and the import into England has amounted in a year to sixty- nine millions, which at two-pence per dozen duty, yielded £24,048. This was in 183G. Such being the difference between the southern and the less fienial departments of France, the same differences as to density of population which other countries exhibit, are exhibited also here. In the poorer Departments the population is considerable. In the rich departments it is low. At these results M. Malte Brun, who is one of those writers who constantly regard a dense and redundant population as evidence of the wealth and industry of the country where it exists, with- out adverting to its causes, is sorely scandali.sed. He rates the inhabitants of the South of France for their dearth of children, which he terms • poverty," though he admits tiiat tlie country is 110 THE TRUE LAW rich and fertile beyond description ; and not con- tent with this even, is inclined to blame the Government ; though as to the means by which a Government could cure such an evil as this is, he affords no clue ! His observations are as follow : — CMalte Brun, Geography, vol. viii. p. 27 3. J " We have had occasion to observe the mild " climate, the romantic sites, and the remains " of Roman power in the twenty-eight Depart- " ments that form the Southern region of France. " The inhabitants, it has been seen, are favoured " by nature: the different productions are admi- " rably suited for their country: with the excep- " tion of the mountains, the soil is everywhere *' fruitful. But if the population be compared *' with the surface, it will be found that the " results accord ill with the natural advan- " tages of the same vast region, which makes " up more than a third part of the kingdom. " The extent is equal to 9,000 square leagues, ** the population to 8,404,000 individuals; thus, " the number of inhabitants to every square " league does not amount to nine hundred and " thirty -four — a result below the mean number " in the other divisions of the same country. OF POPULATION. 1 1 1 " Such facts arc not without their value {tres " veritable— M. Malte Brun) : if the best and most " fruitful part of France is comparatively poor " and ill jieoplcd, it proves how much the numi- ** ficence of Nature may be surpassed by the *' industry and resources of man. Government, '■' too, may derive an important lesson from the " same fact. It may thus be taught to ap]ire- " ciate tlie elements of its wealth and powei-. " Thirteen Departments make up the Western " region ; the population relatively to the sur- " face is greater than the last, for 5,423,000 " inhabitants are scattered over a surface of " 4,200 French leagues ; consequently the average " number to every square league exceeds 1,200. " Still the advantages of education are little " known in the Western region : in that jioint " it is almost on a level with the ])rc(eding. " How much, then, might poi)uUition and wealth " be increased if ignorance no longer formed a " barrier to the expansion of industry." The truth is, that the really rich Departnu'iits are the least populous, and the poorest most populous— the riches in the one instance kee|)- ing down population, and the poverty in the other instance urging it onwards. Ul us con- 112 THE TRUE LAW trast the poorest and the richest provinces of all France, and the result will be strikingly apparent. The poorest of the French jirovinces is unques- tionably Bretagne, or Brittany. It is described by some travellers as reminding them of Ireland. It accordingly presents all the indications of poor living, squalor, rags, miserable habitations, mul- titudes of half-naked children, and numerous mendicants or vagrants. Let us see how Bre- tagne, or Brittany, stands with regard to popu- lation, and we shall find it giving what M. Malte Brun would call " indications of industry and wealth." Strange infatuation ! POPULATION OF BRETAGNE, OR BRITTANY. Departments. Population to the square league. 1 . Of Fiiiisterre 2. . Cote du Nord .... 3. . Le Mortchan 4. . Isle de Vilaine .... 5. . Eas de Loire 1,376 1,470 1,157 1,661 1,40J Average to the square leagxie 5 ) 7,069 . 1,414 The richest province perhaps of France is the beautiful province of Languedoc, with its well-known salubrious towns of Montpellier and OF POPULATION. 113 Thoiilousc. The climate is the finest prohaMy ill Europe. The soil is excessively fertile, and the vine and the olive vie with each other in exuherance of IVuit and heauty of i2;ro\vlli. Here is everything to sustain, to lengthen, and to cherish life ; everything to aHord plenty, ease, and comfort to the inhahitants of this favoured region. Yet, if we incpiire into the numhers of these inhabitants, we shall find them far he- low^ those of squalid, poor, and comparatively sterile and inclement Brittany. And what is the difference between them ? Wealth alone. The laws, the language, and the people are the same. POPULATION OF THE PROVINCE OF L.\NGUEDOC. Uepartuieiits. j People to the square league. T^ I 1. Of Ardesche I 1,120 2. . Aude 794 3. . Card 1,10:1 4. . llt-ranlt 1 .02'J 5. . Upper Claronne . . . . | l,l.j;j G. . Upp«'r Loin- I 1,I0J 7. . Lo;;ere I 521 H. . Tani i 1,083 8 ) 7,yOrt Average to the ?t|Uire league . . . y88 114 THE TRUE LAW The population, then, of the richest, or one of the richest of the French provinces, is not much more than two-thirds of that of the poorest, and thus will it ever be found, whether different countries, or different provinces of the same country, be compared with each other. Italy is unquestionably, in fertility as well as chmate, the finest country in Europe. But where God has been most beneficent, man has been least so ; and as Italy, in natural advan- tages, is the finest, so, in regard to its govern- ment, it is the most unfortunate of European States— divided and subdivided amongst a variety of petty tyrants, all hating each other, and hated by their own subjects, industry is paralysed, trade almost destroyed, agriculture depressed, and universal languor prevailing throughout an idle and ignorant, or a vitiated and enervated population. Yet such is the natural wealth of the country, that, though afflicted with all these political evils, the Italians cannot, in point of comforts of living, be fairly said to be badly off, or in a state of suffering. There is much ap- parent poverty, much squalidity, but little starva- tion, in the proper sense of the Avord. Its condition is to be deduced clearly iVom its un- fortunate political situation ; and under a good OF POrULATTOX. \ 15 and united Goveninicnt. no one doubts that Ita'y nii2:bt be made one ol ibr finest and happiest countries on earth. At present all i^ laziness, superstition, and (IcbaiitherN : a pohtical renovation would chan".c' this inlt) a(tivit\ and consequent wealth. It is difficult to say what is the population of Italy as a whole. Lookini;-, however, at the facts, as shown in the dirt'ei-ent States, it is not great, considerini; the immense adxantages of the country, which is a natural L!;arden throughout. It is quite certain that Italv could produce food for many luore inhabitants than are now, or probably e\Tr were, congregated upon her soil. The Loml)ar(IA'enetiau kingdom is one of the most i)opulous j)orti()ns of Italy. It contains the great trading mart of \'enice, and umny of the Universities — Milan, Favia, Padua, ..^c. ; and has been, therefore, more liable to increase by immigration than many other provinces. Its people are, however, by no means numerous, when compared with the surface, that surface being of unrivalled fertility, and under a climate the most delicious. The following table shows the proportion to the (jc'oyruphical square league, wliich, it must 116 THE TRUE LAW be remembered, is about one-seventh larger tban the ordinary square league : — LOMBARD-VENETIAN KINGDOM. Square geographical leagues. Population. Persons to the league. 2,3G8 2,237,301 1,840 This, when the difference of the geographical league is taken, is a population a little above the average of France. This, however, is far above that of most of the other States ; indeed, above that of all the extended States. Lucca, San Marino, and Massa, are little more than toivns, with a small territory, and not States, The next great territory is that of the Church. Its population is shown in the following table : STATES OF THE CHURCH. Square geographical leagues. Population. Persons to the league. 2,2rj7 2,590,000 1,147 The next great territory is the Duchy of Tuscany. This fine country contains the beau- OF POPULATION 117 tiful cities of Florence and of Pisa, and the port of Leghorn. Its population is as follows :-- GREAT DUCHY OF TUSCANY. Surface in geographical sq. leagues. Population, 182(i. Persons to each league. '' 1,098 1,275,000 1,161. The dominions of the King of Sardinia, in- cluding Piedmont and the Island of Sardinia, is much more scanty. The two give the fol- lowing results : — PIEDMONT. Area in geographical eq. leagues. Population. [ Persons to each league. 3,399,600 I 1,260 ISLAND OF SARDINIA. Area in geogra|>lii(al sq. lengues. I'opulalion. Persons to the leaghe. 118 THE TRUE LAAV The island abounds in cattle, some of which only are domesticated, the rest running half wild over the mountainous part of the island. This is the case not only with horned cattle, but with the swine and even with the horses. The cattle upon the whole are supposed to be three times as numerous as the inhabitants. The population of the Duchies of Parma and of Modina give similar results : — PARMA. Area in geographical square leagues. Population. To the league. 288 440,000 1,180 MODENA. Area in geographical square leagues. Population. To the league. 260 350,000 1,346 1 Such is the truth as to the population of the fine and rich countries of t'rance and of Italy, and such is the state of the poptdation in all OF POPULATION 110 countries where the vine and tiie olive abound and where the juice of the i;rape and the rich oil of the olive form a portion of the daily food of the people, together with such animal food as they can procure, or are in the habit of using. Spain and Portugal being mountainous countries, and also countries where grazing is practised in a large proportion, as compared with agriculture, are still more thinly peopled. SPAIN. Area in square French leagues. Population. Persons to the league. 23,867 13,901,000 580 PORTUGAL. Area in square French leagues. Population. Persons to the league. 1,922 3,2H,000 G.j3 In Italy it has been ascertained that the average number of births to a maniage are three only, a low proportion, and below that of almost any other nowiAiy— Southern France, perhaps, excepted. 120 THE TRUE LAW We now turn to a country less favoured than the foregoing as to chmate, but fertile in a high degree, and cultivated with great care— Holland and Belgium — as constituting the former king- dom of the Netherlands. Of these countries it may be said, that as Italy is the natural, so they are the artificial, garden of Europe. Destitute of mountains or even hills, they present one vast plain, covered with alternate arable land, and meadow and pasture of inexpressible richness. The vine is cultivated, but the wine made from its fruit is indifferent ; wheaten bread, milk, cheese, and animal food, are the nutriment of the people ; with such a proportion of esculent vegetables as they themselves choose to add. Malt liquor is also in use, as well as the less wholesome distillation from grain, to which the country gives its name. The population of this wealthy country is, as nearly as possible, one person to each hectare of land. This, in English measure, is about two hundred to the square mile, or eighteen hundred to the square British league only ; and this in a tract, every foot of which is under culture. The number of births to a marriage are four upon the average, with a fraction more. Immigration here has done much to swell the population. The great OF POPULATION. 1 _' 1 trading- marts of Holland arc lilKd witli -tian 'x r-. In Belgium also foreign .settlcis are numeious, yet such are the results. Looking next at tiie coiiiitnes ni the Noitli of Europe, that is to say, at Denmark and Sweden, we lind the same law apparent. Both aie grazing countries more than agricultural, and in both the population is moderate, making pro|)er allowance lor the mountainous tracts which prevail in both. In Sweden, it has been j>roved by the Tables of Mortality that tiie population decreased rather than increased down to the year 1 703. Since that time agriculture has been pushed, to the exclusion of grazing cattle, especially in GothlamI, and there the population has increased decidedly since 1 703. In Denmark, agriculture is more ])revalent than in Sweden, and less animal food eaten upon the whole; the population, howevcj', is moderate, being nix hundred and aevenlij-seven onhj lo (he square learjue. Turning next to the Continent of America, we shall find the same law evidently prevailing. In the J3ra/ils and Mexico, where cattle are a large part of the wealth of the ((jiiiilry, the poi)ulation is thin and scattered. Nor is the rapid increase of the United States any dithcully, 122 THE TRUE LAW though much stress has been laid upon it. That it is the result of a constant immigration into that favoured land from all the European coun- tries is sufficiently evident ; and this may be proved by a comparison of the number of marriages and births in those towns where emigrants in great numbers do not resort, when it will be found that the increase is little or nothing. Thus, in Portsmouth, the capital town of New Hampshire, and not a rich town, the returns are as follow :— 1804 to 1809. Marriages. 381 Births. Proportion to a Marriage. 1,702 4 and a fraction. The return for the rich city of Philadelphia shows thus :— A.D. 1818. Marriages. Births. 792 2,221 Proportion to a Marriage, (Less tlian) 3. In addition to this, taking from Mr. Barbour's publication the ratio of population for the little parish of Hingham Massachusets, the result is nearly the same. In fifty-four years there were OF POPULATION. 123 2,247 births, 1,11,'^ deaths, and ;'>2l niarriages This makes the i^roportion of biilhs less than four to each niarriaj^e, from which must he de- ducted a large portion of tlic deaths. Looking at the results of the general American census both for 1800 and 1810 (before innnigration wiis so extensive), it appears that the number of adults above sixteen years of age was equal to the number of children below that age ; which, as Mr. Godwin observes, "shows no rapid increase by procreation ; as, if so, the children ought to have/ar outnumbered the adults." On the other hand, it is evident enough, surely, and needing little reflection, to see, that in a country where i^iiiy thousand emigrants enter one port alone in a year (New York), the progress of population must, from that cause alone, be rapid indeed ! / Upon a review of the whole statistical details of this chapter, the results aj)pear to be so striking that it is diflicult to avoid the conclu- sion, that as the Ibod of a people degenerates from a preponderance of animal nutriment to a vegetable diet, in that ratio the population in- creases and thickens; and that, as this descrip- tion of aliment is still reduced lower, lirst, by the denial of all animal lood ; uext, by the denial oi 124 THE TRUE LAW the products of the ohve and the vine ; and, lastly, by the change from a wheaten or barley diet to one consisting chiefly of rice, or of the potatoe— in that same ratio will the population still go on increasing and thickening, until it has reached the verge of constant starvation, and is perpetually thinned by periodical famines and epidemic fevers, the certain consequences of this state. Nor does it appear to make any differ- ence whether this mode of living is induced by climate naturally, as is perhaps the case in certain countries, or artificially by superstition, or by the relative position of one part of society to that of another part, as is perhaps the case in other countries. Thus, we see the most dense and redundant population in those immense regions, comprehended under the term China, in Japan, and generally throughout the penin- sula of Hindostan, where the climate has almost forced the natives upon a vegetable diet and upon the cultivation of rice almost solely, and wdiere superstition has completed what the climate probably originated. Next to this in density, however, we find the population of Ireland — whicl) is essentially and naturally a pastoral country, and where, were it not for an artificial and depraved state of society, which OF POPULATION. 125 lias gradually compelled the mass of the inhahi- tants to a poor manner of sustenance, not arisuig out of any necessity of soil and climate, the population Avould have been moderate instead of redundant, and wealthy instead of poor. Nor, as it seems to the autlior, is there the slightest difficulty in accounting for the growth of the population of the United States of America, if the circumstances of the last sixty years be impartially considered with a view to this question. It is true that, generally speaking, tlie circum- stances in which the inhabitants of the older and more settled portions of these regions are placed do not conduce to rapid increase ; and we have seen accordingly, that, looking at the statistics of such towns as have not been much subjected to the efiects of immigration, the increase has not been great, nor anything beyond what might be exj)ected, under the peculiar views of the pheno- mena ol' ])opulation now brouglit forward. To account for the population of the llepul)lic of the United States, we must look iirst to tlieir imi)orl- ation of Negro slaves, which went on throughout the Southern States during the whole |)eriod of their colonial existence ; next, to the emigration from the Mother Country to the Colonies, which was always in operation to a greater or less extent ; / 126 THE TRUE LAW and lastly, to the increased emigration which has, during the sixty years of their independence, been flowing into the territories of the Repubhc from almost every country in Europe. In addi- tion to the natural increase of the earlier settlers in Virginia, the Carolinas, and the Southern Planting States, a large coloured population has gradually been created, originating in the com- merce between the convicts and other European races and the Negroes ; and to this source of in- crease the influx of new free English and Irish settlers was constantly adding another and healthier cause of progress in numbers. At the time of the declaration of Independence, it was believed that the Republic contained fully three millions of persons, of all ages. If we calculate the effects of the constant immigration into the States, which has gone on throughout the whole sixty years that have elapsed since the conclusion of the American struggle, we shall find no cause to wonder that the numbers of the Republic have risen to their present amount. Taking the immigration drawn into all the States from all parts of the world in a lump — Enghsh, Irish, Scotch, Germans, Dutch, Mexican Spa- niards, and Frenchmen, not forgetting Jews, we can hardlv exceed in takino; an average of thirtv OF POPULATION. 127 thousand persons per annum. This alone is an addition of a million and three quarters, one halt' of whom may be still living-. When, however, it is considered tliat these emis:rants nearly alto- gether consist of youne: i)ersons, adults, of both sexes, and that they may be safely held to be placed under circumstances which would render them both desirous and fully capable of innne- diately and »ather rapidly adding to their numbers, all wonder ceases, for the stimulus to population in such a case is easily seen to be enormous. The persons emigrating are nearly altogether of that class, where fecundity is rendered certain by circumstances — young men and women in the prime of life, in full health, having suffered pro- bably some privations, and generally driven by narrow circumstances, and a hope of bettering their condition, to seek an active life of enter- prise and industry, with scanty means ; but in a bountiful, plentiful, and rich country. In a condition like this, each year of emigration would be felt not only in its mere addition, but in an immediate increase by propagation, stretching probably over the next ten years, or next fifteen years. Repeat this year after year, at the ave- rage rate assumed, or at a rate much below that, and the reduplication will be touuti to be cnor- 128 THE TRUE LAW mous. With these observations the author leaves this division of his subject in the hands of his readers. Upon the whole of the foregoing consider- ations, as detailed in all the preceding chapters, it can hardly be denied that we have now arrived at the proof of a high probability that the theory of population, which it is the aim of the present treatise to establish, is true. Examining, in the first place, the causes of the increase or decrease of limited bodies of men, of whose peculiar mode of living we have the means of obtaining indubitable general information, it appears to be clearly made out, that, wherever such men are kept in the plethoric state, they cannot Ivcep up their own numbers, much less increase and multiply. On the other liand, it seems equally clear, that, in the instances in which a great increase lias taken place, which, be it observed, are rare, this increase has invariably arisen out of a state of depletion, hardship, or low feeding. This is the state of the evidence as far as it has been practicable to collect it with regard to limited numbers of persons, with the routine of whose lives we have the means of being generally acquainted : in the statistics of nations the same law of Nature is equally and beautifully manifest. OF POPULATION. 129 Going through the principal nations oi' the glohe, of which we can he said to possess any- thing like intimate knowledge, we trace the same law through all its varieties as accompanied and caused hy the variations in the mode of living, arising out of the difference of climate, civiliza- tion, and religion. Beginning with those coun- tries in which the pastoral life, and suhsistence hy the feeding of cattle, form the characteristic of the people, we find the population thin in the extreme, as in the grazing ])ortions of the Russian empire, and those other countries where either soil or climate, or the customs of the inhahitants, or all three, discourage agriculture and tillage, and tend to the production of animal food. Passing from these to countries and nations where tillage and the growth of edihle grain are mingled with the hreeding and grazing of cattle, we see a uniform and most marked increase in the population, as measured hy the square league or mile ; hut we still see the population within hounds, and far helow that of those countries in which a food, scanty in itself, and almost wholly vegetahle, prevails. In many of those hotter climates, also, where the effect of the hurning sun upon the herhage is such as naturally to check in a great measure the fattening of sheep or K 130 THE TRUE LAW oxen, we discover that the deficiency of rich food is made up, first, h}^ the pecuhar fruits which encourage the breeding of swine and of poultry ; and, secondly, by the rich and oleaginous species of nourishment afforded to the nature of such regions by the fruits themselves which are pecuhar to the climate. Thus, in Spain, in France, in Italy, and in Portugal, though the fattening of oxen and sheep is less easy than in the more temperate climates, yet the immense quan- tities of poultry and of swine, and also the use of the rich and luxurious products of the olive and the vine, make amends for the partial deficiency of animal food. In these countries the produce of domestic fowls, and consequently of eggs, is known to be enormous, as indeed the extraordinary quantity of the latter imported from France and Belgium into this country amply proves ; and if to this we add the constant use of olive oil and of wine as articles of daily diet, we shall easily perceive that, though the fat beeves of more temperate countries are wanting, there is yet no want of rich nutriment to the inhabitants, nor of plenty of means to maintain that plethoric state of the frame which seems necessary to moderate the prolificness of all animals, man not excepted. Carrying round our i OF POPULATION. 131 gaze from one part of the globe to anotlicr, we at length discover that enormous po]nilation is attendant only upon a nutriment totally vegetable, and of the thinnest and poorest kind, and that not in abundance, but the contrary. We find enormous swarms of mankind covering certain regions : we mark these phenomena in Hindostan, in China, in Japan, and latterly in Ireland; and on inquiry we iind that these people are destitute of the olive and the vine ; and not knowing what the taste of animal food is, subsist for the most part upon the inunctuous fruits, upon fish, and the less farinaceous grain and roots — upon the products of the sea and rivers, upon rice, upon tea, upon the potato, and upon the more acid descriptions of fruit. Thus far, then, viewing the effects of diet upon all practicable scales — viewing them as exhibited in the condition of nations as well as of small bodies of men — we perceive the same laws manifesting themselves throughout, in all their various degrees and modifications, shade fol- ' low^ing shade. \Ve see luxury not only forbidding increase, but causing rapid decrease ; we see a more moderate, but still a gi-oss and luxurious mode of subsistence, producing the like effects in a mitigated way. Going further down the scale, K 2 132 THE TRUE LAW we find an imperfect supply of nutriment imme- diately followed, and always accompanied, by an increase of fecundity and numbers ; and, wben- ever we see this applied to an entire population, we witness rapid increase, and all the fearful effects of over-population going on together with increasing pressure. ki OF POPULATION. 133 CHAPTER VI. MINOR PROOFS NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING CHAPTERS. In prosecuting an inquiry like the present, it will always be found that there are minor facts and arguments bearing quite directly upon the question at issue, but which cannot easily be classed under any general head, or so managed as to be made a part of the main stream of the argument. Of some of these, which though they go directly, and, it is hoped, strongly, to prove the truth of the law regulating population here attempted to be established, are yet in their nature insulated and distinct, it is now intended to treat. In the first place, it may be remarked, as a proof of the continual care taken by Nature to preserve the species, that, though the prolific state may have apparently ceased for many 134 THE TRUE LAW years, yet immediately preceding its real and actual cessation, oftspring, as a last effort, are very frequently produced ; and hence, just as fruit-trees, on the year before they die, com- monly bear a large crop of fruit ; so women, frequently, who have been unprolific for many years, bear a child, many frequently twins, towards their advanced age. Upon this, as a fact familiar to all medical persons and physio- logists, it is needless to insist further. Another striking corroboration of the law here endeavoured to be established, is the fact, that childless couples, who have been accustomed to full and luxurious living, very frequently have children after being reduced in their circumstances, and unable to live as before. Of this undoubted fact every reader almost will, in his or her own experience, be able to point out examples ; and therefore it would be useless to dilate upon it. The constant occurrence of the fact, however, and its causes, may be shown in a different manner — it being a truth quite capable of proof upon an extended scale, that prolificness always is a concomitant of a change in the mode of hving from plenty to the contrary. It was probably from this being the case, that the observation took its rise, which asserts that " more children OF POPULATION. 135 are born in winter than in summer !" A singular remark, but not devoid of truth — applied, as it no doubt was, to Catholic countries. The cause is stated by Swift in one of his humorous allusions, as follows: — "We are told (says he) " by a grave author, an eminent French physician, " that fish being a prolific diet, there are more " children born in Roman Catholic countries " about nine months after Lent, than at any " other season." Now, although this is quoted by Swift in one of his ironical Treatises — (" A Modest Proposal to the Publick for preventing the Children of the Poor being a Burthen to their Parents." — vide Swift's Works, vol. ix.) — there is no reason to suppose that fact has not been observed ; and Lent falling always in Spring, the origin of the proverb as to the increase of births in winter is evident enough. The observation of the French physician is, in truth, only a repe- tition of the ancient notion as to a diet on fish being a cause of prolilicness ; which no question it is — not because the diet is fish, but because the diet is jwor. The best proof, however, that seasons of scarcity and seasons of prolihcness are almost synonimous terms, is supplied by the late Michael Thomas Sadler, in his work on Popula- tion. In volume ii. of that work, he has con- 136 THE TRUE LAW structed, amidst many others, the following tables, which certainly, if ever anything was demon- strated, demonstrate this beyond a doubt. The wonder is how the acute mind of Mr. Sadler could contemplate these results, without being led by them to discover what is really the law by which population is regulated. His failing to do this, is only one more example of how apt preconceived theories are apt to distort views of evidence, even in the strongest minds. Asa contradiction of the theory of Mr. Mai thus - whose views Mr. Sadler was eager to combat — the results, as stated by him, are conclusive and in- valuable. As a help to his own theory, they are quite nugatory. With the views of this question, now attempted to be estabhshed, they perfectly accord. Mr. Sadler, it will be seen, has taken three separate instances of years of plenty, either following or preceding years of scarcity ; and by taking the births through a certain consequent period after both years, the result is, in all, that the conceptions in the years of dearth exceed those of the plentiful years, although the mar- riages of the years of plenty, are, as might be expected, for the most part, more than those of the years of pressure. In each of the years com- pared, the number of marriages and conceptions, OF POPULATION. 137 and the prices of wheat are given . the reader \Yill remark how very curiously tlie results correspond. In the tirst Table, No. 1 , the year of scarcity precedes that oi" plenty. The marriages of the year of dearth are, very naturally, much fewer than those of the plentiful year, and yet the conceptions are more ; thus shewing that an increase in the means of comfortable and full living, immediately checks population. TABLE, No. 1. Years. Marriages. .-«■ Conceptions. Price of WTieat. 1796 1798 73,107 79,477 268,08H 266,769 £ s. d. 3 17 1 2 10 3 Difference + 6,370 — 1,319 1 6 10 In the next Tabic, No. 2, the year of plenty comes first, and is a precursor to that of dearth. In the year of dearth, it will be seen there is a striking diminution in the number of marriages. They fall off by a whole eighth. Despite of this, however, there is great increase of conce[)tions, amounting nearly to a twelfth additional ; thus 138 THE TRUE LAW proving that a diminution of the means of Uving comfortably immediately stimulates population. TABLE, No. 2. Years. Marriages. Conceptions. Price of Wheat. 1799 1801 77,537 67,228 254,870 273,837 £ s. d. 3 7 6 5 18 3 Difference — 10,329 -1- 18,967 + 2 10 9 In the Table, No. 3, the year of comparative plenty again comes first; and in the year of dearth the marriages again diminish^n number, though not in the ratio of the preceding table. The extraordinary part of this table is, however, the proof which it affords, that the conceptions accurately correspond with the prices of food. In this table the lowest price of wheat, sixty-one shillings and tenpence the quarter^ is really a high price. According to this theory, then, the stimulus to population is already in activity; and the conclusion, a priori, is, that an enhanced price ought not to be followed by an effect proportionately as great as would have been, or ought to have been, the case had the advance OF POPULATION 139 of price been from a lower average. This, it will be observed, is completely borne out in the result. The conceptions do increase, notwithstanding the diminution of marriages ; but in a ratio far below that of the former tables, where the starting point is from actual cheapness to dear- ness. The value of this result, as confirming the truth of the views now attempted to be estabUshed, must be evident to everybody. TABLE, No. 3. Years. Marriages. Conceptions. Price of Wheat. 1815 1817 99,944 88,234 330,199 331,384 .£' 6. (1. 3 1 10 4 10 7 Difterence — 11,710 + 1,185 -f 1 8 To the above tables it is hardly necessary to add any further remarks. They strongly prove the pervading description of the law of Nature, that any diminution of means which tends to endan- ger the species is immediately met by an in- creased sexual fertility. It may, however, be proper to observe, that the existence of this beautiful law of Providence is also proved by 140 THE TRUE LAW the admitted facts of the rapidity with which gaps in a population, caused by plague, or other pestilential visitations, are filled up ; and of the immensely nicreased tendencies to propagation which medical persons testify are always exhi- bited by persons recovering from plague, typhus, and other contagious disorders. Suffering the foregoing considerations to rest, as all such considerations must rest, upon the good old rule of " valeant, quantum valere pos- sunt," there is yet another proof to be adduced of the validity of the reasoning which they embody, and this of a nature at variance with all existing theories of population, and the maxims founded upon them. It has very gene- rally and very plausibly been set down as an obvious truth, that "late marriages" are a "check to population;" and if carried far enough, with regard to the im[)ortant point of delay, there can be no doubt that this is not only a truth, but a truism. Provident Nature has, how- ever, done all she could to secure the contmua- tion of the species against this danger ; and sin- gular to relate, but most indubitably true it is, that when marriage is delayed, fertility is in- creased, in the ratio of delay, until the point is passed after which the bearing of children be- OF POPULATION. 141 comes impossible. In order to prove this extra- ordinary and very instructive fact, the follo^Yinii; table is adduced. It was constructed by Doctor Granville, and ]\Ir. Finlayson, the well-known accountant, and is based upon the particulars of eight hundred and seventy-six cases, which that eminent practitioner attended as " Physician to the Benevolent Lying-in Institution, and West- minster Dispensary." It will be observed that the cases were, in all human probability, those of females in the same station of life ; all pro- bably suckling their own children, and exposed to none of the causes of partial sterility on one hand, or stimulated fertility on the other, to which females in the more artificial stations of life are subjected. TABLE. SHOWING THE EFFECT THAT THE POSTPONEMENT OF MARRIAGE IX FEMALES HAS UPON THEIU ANNUAL FFCt'NDITV. Ages w hen mar ied. A verage of births to the year. 13 to 10 16 .. 20 21 .. 24 25 .. 28 29 .. 32 .33 .. 30 37 . . 39 . . . . •450,700 ■503,010 •520,227 •545,103 •589.811 •770,806 M 25,000 142 THE TRUE LAW The results in the above table are given in decimals ; but the general results may be de- scribed as follows : — When females marry at, or before twenty years of age, their average off- spring is not quite a child in two years. From twenty to thirty-two, females marrying produce on an average somewhat faster than a child in two years. If married from thirty-three to thirty-six years of age, females will average more than two births in three years ; and from thirty- seven to thirty-nine, about a birth in each eleven months, being rather more than one each year. All these results, it may be safely affirmed, tend one way. That is to say, they go directly to confirm the existence of that great natural law which provides that the power of increase shall itself grow with the exigencies of the occasion ; and that, as the continuation of the species may be endangered, in that exact pro- portion the facility and power of continuance shall be enlarged and extended. That this law extends to the human race, as well as being the regulator of the fecundity and produce both of the inferior animals and the vegetable king- dom, seems to be abundantly clear, as far as the proofs derived directly from physiology as well as statistics are concerned. There are, however, OF POPULATION. 143 of course, other and more circuitous roads by which we may arrive at other proofs, and to the same conchisions ; and to these the natural course and current of the argument next incline us to turn, H 144 THE TRUE LA^V CHAPTER VII. ARGUMENT FROM] THE SOLUTION OF SOME HISTO- RICAL DIFFICULTIES. In the treatment of a subject lilve tliat under review, in addition to the more direct arguments on which the proofs needed are to rest and be embodied, there are also evidences of an indirect kind, which though perliaps not of themselves conclusive as to the issue, are yet, if joined to other and more simple evidence, strongly corro- borative of the truth which, upon the whole, is sought to be established. If, for instance, we can point out one or more historical facts, undoubted as facts, but of which a satisfactory explanation has never been given ; and if the theory as to po])ulation, and the laws which regulate it, which is now sought to be established, shall afford an easv, natural, and self-evident OF POPULATION. 145 explanation of these lioretoforc liistorical puzzles or mysteries, than this solution, so arrived at, though not in itself a direct evidence that the theory itself is true, is yet presumptive evidence that it probably may be true; and if this presump- tive proof is corroborated by direct proof, then is the argument upon the whole strengthened by such coincidences ; the direct and the indirect testimonies mutually confirming each other. That there are more than one historical fact of this inexplicable nature, but which, admitting the theory now treated of to be true, are rendered easily explicable, it is the business of this chapter to show ; and it is hoped that the few preliminary remarks which he has thought it proper to make will avail to show that no improper weight is intended by the author to be laid upon testimony of this kind ; and that this part of the argument, though strictly logical as intended to be applied, is given likewise as a matter of curiosity, as it bears, in the reflex, upon the historical points in question. The first point to which the author would advert occurs in the history of his own country. It is that decay in population which was sup})osed to have been in progress from about the year fourteen hundred and eighty-eight, up to a period 14G THE TRUE LAW probably ending about sixteen hundred and fifty -, that is to say, from the commencement of Henry the Seventh's reign up to that of Charles the Second. That such a decay was supposed by those living at the time to be going on, is a fact quite unquestionable. It may be proved not only from the writers of the period, but from the Statute Book, where it is not only frequently alluded to, but where it forms the subject of one or more actual and entire statutes. The most remarkable circumstance, however, is, that this decay of population, real or supposed, singular as it may seem in itself, went on in company with increasing luxury for the greater portion of the time, on the part of the whole people, and especially on the part of the labouring people. Nor is there the slightest reason to suppose that during any part of the period, save and except during some years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, anything like want existed, in any extended sense, anywhere in England ; and of this not only the writings of the time, but the Statute Book also, affords proof in abundance. Let us now look at the evidence of the first of these facts, that is to say, of the general belief of a decay of the people which prevailed at the OF POPULATION. 147 period referred to. That such a belief existed, no man who has looked at tlie Statutes of these remote periods can doubt. Sir Frederick M. Eden, in his " History of tlie state of the Poor," (vol. 1, p. 73,) says, " from 1488, and for a century and a half after this period, depopulation con- tinued to be the theme of the Legislature 1" That this assertion of Sir Frederick Eden is founded on truth and actual facts, a very cursory inspection of the Acts passed during the period he refers to, and during the periods of about half a century before and after, will afford sufficient testimony to the inquirer. The strongest proof of the evident decay in population, as evinced by " the pulling down of houses and towns," is perhaps the Statute of the fourth year of Henry Vn., chapter 19. This act, it will be seen, after asserting and describing the decay of houses all over the country, especially in the agricultural parts, where cbanges in trade do not shift or draw together masses of people, absolutely em- powers the authorities to repair any ruinous house, which shall have twenty or more acres of land attached, out of the rents, without or against the owner's consent, and levies heavy penalties for neglect of the provisions of such statute. L 2 148 THE TRUE LAW The following Extract will, in some measure, put the reader in possession of the intent as well as the grounds of this extraordinary Act, which prove incontestibly the rapid decay of popu- lation at the time of its enactment, though the remedies proposed be inapplicable and absurd. The Act itself extends over many folio pages, and is extremely rare. That its great length has been one cause of its exclusion from the ordinary editions of the Statutes is probable ; but it is also quite as likely, that the singular nature of its preamble and enactments must have contributed to its banishment from all modern collections of Acts of Parliament. Under the views we are at this time accustomed to take of the subject of population, the whole seems an inexplicable farra2:o, and more like a hallucination of Leds- lative insanity, than an enactment of sane men. The theory, however, now in course of being proved, aftbrds a key to the whole mystery ; and the causes which no doubt influenced the Legis- ture are at once apparent and certain. OF POPULATION. 149 CHAPTER 19th, HENRY 7th— Anno Ql'arto. The penally for deearjiuy of Houses of Husbandry, or not layi'iy of convenient Land for the maintenance of the same. Item, the King our Soueraigne Lord, having a singular pleasure above all things to avoide such enormities and niischiefes, as be hurtfull and pre- judicial! to the common wcale of this his laud and his subiects of the same, remembreth that, among all other thhigs great inconveniences daily doe increase, by desolation and puUmg downe and wilfull waste of houses and tovrns within this Realme, and laying to pasture lands, which customably have beene used in tillage, whereby idlenesse, which is the ground off, and beginning of all niischiefes, daily doth encrease. For where in some towns two hundred persons were occupied and lieued by their lawful! laboui-s, now there arc occupied two or three heardmeu, and the residue fall into idlenesse, the husbandrie which is one of the greatest commodities of tliis Realme, is greatly decayed. Churches destroyed, the service of God withdrawen, the bodies there buried not prayed for, the Patrons and Curates wronged, the defence of this land against our enemies outward, feebled and impaired, to the great displeasure of God, to the subuersion of the pollicie of, and good rule of this land, if remidie be not provided : Wherefore the King our Soueraigne Lord, by the advice of the Lords spiritual! and temporal!, and the commons of this said Parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, hath ordained, enacted, and stablished, that no person, of what estate, degree, or condition that he be, that hath any house or houses, that at any time witliin three years past, liath beene or that now is, or that hereafter shall be lette for fcrme, with XX. (20) acres of land at least, or more, lying in tillage and liusbandrie, tliat the owner or owners of every such house or houses, or land, doe keci)c, sustaine, mamtaine houses and buildings vpon the said ground, and land convenient and necessarie for maintainmg and vpholJing of the said tillage and husbandrie. And if any such owners or owner of any such houses, or houses and land, take land and occujiie any such house or houses, and keep in his or their owne hands, that the saidc owner or owners, by the saide authoritie be 150 THE TRUE LAW bound in likewise to keepe and maintaine houses vpon the saide ground and land, convenient and neccssarie for the maintaining and vpholding of the saide tillage and husbaudrie. And if any man doe contrary to the pre- misses of any of them, that then it be lawfuU to the King, if any such lands or houses be holden of liira immediately, or to the Lords of the Fees, if if any such lands be holden of them immediately, to receive yeercly halfe the value of the issues and profits of any such lands, whereof the house or houses be not so maintained and sustained. And the same half deale of the issues and profits to have, holde, and keepe to his or their ovvn vse, without anything therefore to be payed or given, till such time as the same house or houses bee sufficiently builded or repaired againe. And that no manner of freehold be in the Kmg, nor any such Lord or Lords, by the taking of any such profits, of or in any such lands in no manner of forme : but ouely the King, and the saide Lord or Lords, have power to take, receive, and have the saide issues and profits, as is above saide, and therefore the King, or the saide Lord or Lords to have power to distrauie for the saide issues and profits, to be had and perceived by them, in forme above sayde, by authoritie of this present Acte. This Act is, however, borne most amply out by many others, which demonstrate that the decay which caused all this alarm extended into boroughs and cities, as well as rural villages and townships. Thus the Act of the third year of the next reign (Henry VIIL), chapter 8, recites in the preamble, that " Many, and the most PART, of cities, boroughs, and toivns corporate, be fallen to ruin and decay." That this decay of houses followed a progressive diminution of the population, the statutes of the same period prove. Thus, in another Act of the fourth year of Henry the Seventh, being chapter 16, it is OF POPULATION. 151 asserted, that there is "a great decay of people 111 the Isle of Wight." This Act was passed ill the year 1488, referred to by Sir Frederick Morton Eden, as the time when the alarm of "depopulation" begins to be evident in the Statute Book. It is a most preposterous mode of argument to endeavour to throw doubts upon the facts, because, up to this period, no one has had any true knowledge of the causes. They will neither admit of denial nor of being ex- plained away. It will not do to say that the population were, by the operations of trade, drawn into the towns ; because we see that the decay was equally evident in the cities, boroughs, and towns, in spite of any tendency of the people to draw to the towns, a tendency which to some extent certainly did exist; and the causes of which shall be pointed out afterwards, existing, as they do, in that same Statute Book which describes the diminution of the numbers of the people. As might be expected from persons legislating in profound ignorance of the real causes of the phenomena, wiiich they could not help seeing, the causes assigned, and the remedies prescribed in these Acts, arc highly absurd. "Monopoly" was the bugbear mostly relied on by the alarmists, and the consolidation 152 THE TRUE LAW of farms, and monopolies of live-stock, and dif- ferent trading monopolies, are inveighed against and limited by various Acts, which fix a maxi- mum of the acres, cattle and sheep, apprentices, &c. &c., to be occupied, or owned, or employed, by the individual. These laws were doubtless sufficiently absurd and impracticable ; but they afford proof indubitable of the existence of the state of things which they were intended to remedy. Such being the facts as tp the state of the population during the period of English history referred to, it next remains to be shown that this decay of towns and their inhabitants cannot be explained upon any hypothesis built upon any supposed law of population hitherto attempted to be established. Upon such theories as those wdiicli depend upon the assertion that exuberance of food stimulates population, the extraordinary facts alluded to by Sir Frederick Morton Eden must be held to be absolutely preternatural ; for, during the entire period throughout which they manifested themselves, it may be proved beyond the possibility of a doubt, that luxury amongst the middling, and exuberant plenty amongst the very lowest classes, universally prevailed. Of this truth there is not only copious, but various proof. Not only do the writers of the time b OF POPULATION. 153 describe, in a way not to be misunderstood, the amazing ease and plenty which then pre- vailed throughout England, but the Statutes of the period teem with testimonies of a siniihu' sort. These statutary proofs arc of more than one sort. First, there are Acts distinctly against luxury of certain sorts ; next, there are Acts to limit the wages of labour and keep down luxuriousness of living amongst the people at large ; and, lastly, there are statutes which, in their preamble, describe the plenty then existing. It is necessary for the purposes of this argument to advert to all these in detail, and in their turn, taking them, as nearly as possible, in the order in which they are now mentioned. First, as to the writers. Of the few writers touching upon the subject in question who flourished at the early periods now referred to, the highest in point of authority stands probably Chief Justice Sir John Fortescue. His celebrated treatise, " De Laudibus Legum Angliae," contains evidence the most indubitable of the flourishing state in which England was at the era when it was written. This evidence is the more incontestibly strong, because it is in some degree indirect. Fortescue was not, in- tentionally, writing a statistical statement of the 154 THE TRUE LAW wealth and mode of Uving of the English people — quite the contrary. His book is a book of law, and the intention of the learned and vene- rable writer was to exalt the law and consti- tutional Government of England above those of other countries. In order to do this effectu- ally, he compares the well-known state of the English people, at the time of his writing, with that of the people of France, where he then was as guardian to the Prince, the eldest son of Henry VI. (afterwards killed at Tewkesbury,) during the civil wars of Lancaster and York ; and he deduces the wealth and ease of the one, compared with the poverty and wretchedness of the other, from the comparative perfection and imperfection of the laws under which each lived. This part of Chief Justice Fortescue's book is, therefore, an appeal to facts notorious to the world, in corroboration of a legal argu- ment ; and, as such, it becomes the best possible evidence of the state and condition of the English people at the time when its distinguished author wrote. The following passages contain inva- luable testimony of the wealth, independence, ease, and comfort, which existed in England when they were written. Under the head en- titled, *'Why inquests are not made by juries OF POPULATION. 155 of twelve men in other realms as well as in England?" Fortescuc thus writes: — " Moreover, the same countrie is so filled and ' replenished with landed men, that therein so ' small a thorp cannot be found wherein dwcUetli ' not a Knight or Esquire, or such a householder ' as is there commonly called a Franchelayne, ' enriched with great possessions ; and also other ' freeholders {libere tenentcs) and many yeomen ' (valecti), able for their livehhoods to make a ' jury in form aforementioned ; for there be in ' that land divers yeomen which are able to ' dispend by the year above a hundred pounds ' (sexcenta scuta), (i. e., a hundred pounds of the ' money of Selden's time, 1640 to 1G50, when ' he translated Fortescue ; p'ohahly six times or ' seven times the value of the money of the ' present time.) Wherefore juries, afore-declared, ' are then very oft made, specially in great ' matters, of Knights and Esquires, and others ' whose possessions, in the whole, amountcth ' yearly above the sum of five hundred marks ' {duo millia scutorum). Wherefore it cannot ' be thought that such men can be suborned, or ' that they will be perjured ; not only for that ' they have before their eyes the fear of God, ' but also for that they have a careful regard 156 THE TRUE LAW " to the preservation of their honours, and to " the eschewing of reproach or dammage there- " upon ensiieing, and also that their heirs be not " impeached through their infamie. After this " manner, O mighty Prince, are none other " reahiis of the world disposed and inhabited !" — Fortescue de Laudibus, p. 65, chapter 49. Under the head of *' the Commodities that proceed of the joint Government Politique and Royal in the Realm of England," he proceeds thus : — " Hereby it cometli to passe that the men of " this land are riche, having abundance of gold " and silver, and (all) other things {cunctis " necessariis) for the maintenance of man's life. " They drink no water, unlesse it be so that " some for devotion and upon a zeale of pe- "■ nance do abstain from other drink. They eat " plentifully of all kinds of flesh and fish. They " weare fine woollen cloth in their apparell. " They have also abundance of bed-coverings " in their houses and of all other woollen stufFe, " they have great store of all hustlements fhos- " tilimcntisj and implements of household. They " are plentifully furnished with all instruments " of husbandry, and with all other things that '' are requisite to the accomplishment of a quiet OF POPULATION. 157 " and wealthy life accord iiip; to their estates and " degrees." — Fortcscuc de Laudibus, page 85, chapter 30. Here we have a descvi])tion of national wealth and comfort unmatchable, as Sir John Fortescue justly says, in any country or age, of which we know anything. He makes it a matter of reproach to the French, that they only eat bacon, and the heads and entrails of oxen and sheep, and that whilst their masters get the pullets, the eggs only are left for them; thus making a hardship of a diet of "eggs and bacon." This famous book was probably written about the year 14G0— certainly not later. From this period up to the battle of Bosworth Field, and the accession of Henry the Seventh, is exactly a period of twenty-five years ; during which the kingdom was at peace at home and abroad until the Earl of Richmond's enterprise, which after one battle made him king. A quarter of a. century of quiet and security must have tended to increase the wealth and luxury which Fortescue so graphically describes ; and yet, at this very time, we find a general alarm of the decay of population and the ruin of towns per- vading the Statue Book, and continuing for a century and a half, until the seizure of the 158 THE TRUE LAW possessions of the Church first caused beggary and pauperism in England. After Chief Justice FortescuC; the most valu- able testimony as to the state of society in remoter times, is, perhaps, to be found in Fleet- wood's " Chronicon Preciosum," or History of Prices from the earliest known records. Fleet- wood's statements were probably in a great measure compiled from Acts of Parliament, County Rolls and Records, and other similar archives. Be that as it may, his statements, both as to wages and the prices of food and clothing, are generally borne out by the statutes passed by Parliament from time to time to regu- late both the wages and dress of labouring per- sons; and the perusal of the whole must impress the most careless reader with a strong convic- tion of the ease and plenty which must have been felt . throughout all society in these ages. The following table, which is compiled mostly from Fleetwood, but partly from the Statutes, gives a comparative view of the rules of wages and prices of necessaries from a.d. 1400 to A.D. 1G50. The whole indicates a highly pro- sperous state, extending throughout all classes of society. OF POPULATION. TABLE OF PRICES AND WAGES, 159 A.D. 1400. s. d. \Mieat, per quarter « . 8 Barley, ditto 5 4 Fat sheep 1 Ditto . . , . lOA An ox carcass . 7 G A goose .... 4 A lamb .... 8 Best beer, per gallon li Claret ditto 8 1450. W'hesit (plentiful) , per quarter 5 4 Finest ditto ditto . 8 Oats ditto . 2 1 A lean ox . . . 13 A veal or calf . 2 A goose . . . . 3 A lamb . . . . 1 Eggs, per hundred . 5 Red wine, per gallon . 1 1454. Malt (plenty), per quarter . 2 8 Ditto ditto 1 4 An ox . , 12 Ale, per gallon 1 1480. "Wlieat, per quarter . 4 4 Oats, ditto 2 1500. Wheat, per quarter . 1 4 Malt, ditto 2 8 A cow 8 A lamo . 1 A pig . 5 Eggs, per hundred . 9 Wine, ))er gallon 1 Ditto, ditto 8 Carcass of a neat . 10 A.D. 1400. s. Threshing grain, per qr, . A master mason's wages, per " day . Making 100 faggots . Reaping grain, per acre . Sawing per 100 ft. of deal 1 A labourer's wages, per day }» 1450. A tiler and mto, per day . 1 A mower, with diet, ditto A reaper, with diet, ditto . A tiler, ditto . . .0 A man and cart, ditto . 1 A master carpenter, ditto . A sawyer, ditto A labourer, per three days A weeder, per day . 2 4 3 G 1 8 10 6 1 4 2 1500. A carpenter, with diet, per 1 q day . . . .J A plumber, ditto, ditto A tiler or joiner, ditto Lesser crafts, without diet, per day . . A mower, ditto, ditto A reaper, ditto, ditto A carter, ditto, ditto A woman labourer, ilitto , G 160 THE TRUE LAW 1550. Wheat, per quarter . Ditto (scarcity), ditto Barley ditto A steer, fat Mutton, per carcass • A :\vedder 1570. Wheat (scarcity), perqr 1575. Wheat, per qr. £ s. 14 1 5 1 5 :} 4 IGOO. Wheat, per quarter . Bailey, ditto A sheep . A goose . Six pigeons IGlOto 1G50. A fat ox . Mutton, per of stone 81b. A veal A lamb Tongues, cui-ed, per doz. A chine of beef Wheat, per quarter . Ditto, ditto 1585. Wheat (scarcity), per qr. 1 4 A calf or veal . . 7 Barley, per quarter . 13 16 1 9 10 2 17 G 12 18 1 14 2 1550. A mower's statute wages, with diet, per day A mower, without diet, do. A binder and shearer, witli diet, per day A shearer, without diet, do. A journeyman tailor, with diet, ditto . 1570. Labourei-s, without diet, per "1 q day . . . . J s. (1. ■0 4 10 ■ 2 5 .0 4 IGOO. A labourer, per day lC10tolG50. A master mason, per day . A mason, with diet, ditto . Apprentice masons, ditto . Apprentices, with diet, do. Millwrights, ditto . Plough-wrights, ditto Labourers, ordinary, ditto Journeymen arlizans, ditto Reapers, ditto Women shearers, tUtto Plumbers, ditto Glaziers, dilto Collar-makers, dilto Armourers, ditto Knackers, ditto 1 G 1 10 OF POPULATION. IGl III reading the above table, it must abvays be remembered that the wages quoted by Fleetwood were regulated lor the most part by statute, and not by supply and demand. The labourers, being few comparatively, would not bind them- selves to work, excepting for ample wages ; and this disposition to force exorbitant wages, as it was called, on the part of the labouring people, was attempted to be put down by statutes, which professed to regulate the rates of hire to be paid to difierent handicrafts. As trade increased, however, it was found that this maximum could not be enforced in the walled towns, and especially at the sea-ports, where there was a growing demand for labourers. Hence there was a constant struggle on the part of the young husbandmen to get to the sea-ports. They crossed the country in bands of a dozen together, carrying quarter-staffs, begging their way, and threatening those who would not give alms; and hence arose the terms " sturdy beg- gar" and " staff-striker" in the old statutes. To sto}) this. Acts were passed to forbid husband- men entering walled towns: they were all, how- ever, evaded, and the foolish attempt foicibly to regulate wages was gradually abandoned. All this, however, goes to prove the great comfort iM 1G2 THE TRUE LAW with which at this period the common people mi question ably lived. We see an artizan earn- ing in three or four days as much as would buy a sheep, a calf, or a quarter of barley or malt. We see wine and beer the common drink of the people ; and when we come to examine the statutes relative to food and apparel, we shall find that butchers' meat was the ordinary food of all, and that their dress was of the best and costliest description. To these statutes let us now turn. The Acts, in which the sort of food upon which the English people lived is most distinctly described, are those which were passed during the reign of Henry the Eighth, against mono- polies of grazing stock and the consolidation of grazing farms ; the mention being incidental, and by the way, adds to the value of the evi- dence, the facts being alluded to as being well known, and indeed perfectly notorious. The cause of the Acts was the great and steady rise in the prices of all sorts of commodities, which took place during this reign, and has gone on down to our own time. The cause of this rise was the discovery of the gold and silver mines of Mexico and Peru, and the constant addition to the quantity of money in circulation that was, OF POPULATION. 163 as a consequence, going on. At the time, how- ever, this was not understood. The rise of prices, instead of being attributed to the depre- ciation of the value of money, and its increased quantity, was held to be caused by monopoly, and " forestalling and regrating," as it was termed, and hence Acts were passed to prevent graziers accumulating enormous stocks of cattle and sheep, or holding more than a limited num- ber of acres of grass land. The Acts themselves were futile, but the testimony as to the quality of the food of the people, which they inciden- tally embody, is invaluable. Thus the statute passed in the twenty-fifth year of Henry the Eighth, chap, xiii., has for its object to limit the number of cattle and sheep held by any individual ; but in the preamble, it complains that such has been the rise in the prices of " corn, cattell, wooll, pigs, geese, hens, chickens, and egges," the ordinary articles " in use by all subjects," that (says the Act) " many have not been able to buy them." In like manner, the Act passed in the twenty-fourth year of the same reign, chap, iii., declares " beef, mutton, pork, and veal " to be the food in ordinary '' of the poorer sort." Thus, then, it is past a doubt that, throughout the whole period referred to by M 2 \G [ TITE TRUE LAW Sir Frederick Morton Eden, animal food was the common and daily fare of the people ; and when, in addition to the evidence of Chief Justice For- tescue, we look at the laws for regulating the prices of the cloth to be worn by labouring men, we are forced upon the conclusion that, whilst the population was going back, an abundance, bordering on luxury, was reigning and prevalent throughout England. It may be proper to remark also, that both fruit and vegetables, and, to a certain extent, grain, seem to have been, up to a late period, neglected, and hardly to have constituted an article of diet. Butchers' meat, with a little bread, and poultry and eggs, was their food. On fast days, fish must have been the resource ; as it is well known that most of the fruit and vegetables now in use were of com- paratively modern introduction. The English seem to have left it to the Dutch to cultivate the arts of gardening aud planting ; and Holland was the great mart both for trees, garden vege- tables, and flowers, down to a late period of English history. The strong testimony of Fortescue as to the costly apparel worn in his time by the English universally, has been already quoted. It is, how- ever, abundantly corroborated by the Statute I OF rorLLATlON. 165 Book, if corroboration were necessary. From the reign of Edward the Third, to tiial of Ehzabeth, not less than ten distinct statutes for regulating the apparel of servants and labourers were passed ! To all these it would be unneces- sary to recur, but a recapitulation of tlie objects of some of them is both instructive and curious. In the third year of Edward III., chapter iv., is an Act against luxury in apparel. It limits the wearing of furs to persons of a certain rank, and in certain offices. In the thirty-seventli year of the same king's reign, was passed another long Act, of many distinct sections or chapters, regulating dress from that of the gentleman down to that of the day-labourer. In year iii. of Edward the Fourth, chapter v., a similar statute was enacted, and in the fifth year of the same reign, chapter xiii., another statute to prohibit gilding, and wearing gold and silver lace, except by certain ranks, and this at a period when gold and silver were twenty times their present value ! That this wonderful amount of wealth and comfort, distributed throughout an entire people, had been of long growth, seems not to be doubtful. The truth seems to be, that the Norman Invaders and their power — like the Tartars, and other Tribes, that from time 166 THE TRUE LAW to time overran and subdued China — were swal- lowed up and submerged amidst the greater numbers of the people whom they nominally ruled. Feudalism was, after the lapse of two centuries, only a name, and real independence and wealth seem to have grown, during the lapse of a few reignS; to a height hardly to be sur- passed. As early as the period a.d. 1300 complaints of the luxury of the people begin to appear both in the Chronicles and Histories of the time, and in the Statute Book; and as the best proof of the actual wealth and comfort of the people, may be cited the provisions of an Act of Parliament, passed in 1363, that is to say, towards the end of the splendid and prosperous reign of Edward the Third, the greatest of the extraordinary family of the Plantagenets. In this Act, tradesmen and artificers, being master- men, are allowed to wear fine woollen cloth, as high as one shilling and sixpence the yard. Ploughmen, hinds, pig-drivers, and others are limited not to wear cloth of a greater price than one shilling the yard. Now, as in the reign of Edward the Third, it is certain that money was of nearly twenty times its present value, this is equivalent to prohibiting tradesmen and artizans from wearing cloth, if at or about the price of OF POPULATION. 167 thirtij shillings the yard, and labourers Ironi wearing it if it cost more than ciijhlccn or Iwcnhj shillings the yard — a prohibition at which both tradesmen and labouring men of the present day would stare ! Upon a review of ail these facts, the conclu- sion seems to be undeniable, that a decay or diminution of the population was an observable and admitted fact, from about a.d. 1480, until the expiration of about a century and a half after that time ; that both prior to, and during the whole period, ease, comfort, and plenty were predominant in England ; that the food of the people w^as chiefly animal food ; and that beer, ale, and wine were so plentiful that every man brewed his own beer, and such was the use of French wines, that, according to Froissart, in the reign of Edward III., "a fleet of more than " two hundred English merchantmen was seen " at the single port of Bourdeaux, to import wine " alone :" that fine woollen stuffs, as well as gold and silver lace, and embroidery, were not uncommonly worn ; in short, that the Statutes against luxuiy went hand in hand with those complaining of the decay of towns, and decrease of the people ! And what is still more remarkable, this decay of towns, villages, and mansions of all 16S THE TRUE LAW sorts, throughout the country, was gouig on at the very period when architecture, both ecclesi- astical and civil, had attained in England — as witness the noble chapel of Henry the Seventh — the highest pitch of gorgeous magnificence to which it ever rose in these Islands, and from which it was fated speedily, that is to say, in the course of another century, to decline, perhaps, for ever. That this extraordinary state of things is easily explicable upon the theory of popula- tion now attempted to be established, is sufficiently apparent ; but the author submits that it must remain a difficulty insuperable under any other hitherto brought before the world. The gross and plentiful diet of the period above refered to, as compared with the present mode of living in England, by all ranks, is cer- tainly a curious subject for contemplation. Up to the end of Elizabeth's reign, tea and coffee seem to have been totally unknown even to the households of the Nobility, and sugar an article of great luxury. In the household book of Philip, the third Lord Wharton, of which the entries for one year are preserved in the Archseologia ^Eliana, vol. ii., commencing OF POPULATION. 169 with October in the twenty-seventh year ot" the reiiin of Ehzabeth, neither tea nor coHec aje ever mentioned. Sugar, in small quantities, at an enormous price, appears classed amonust the spicery, but so dear that a pound is set down as costing eighteen and nineteen-pencc— about half the jnice of the carcass of a sheep, or mutton, as given in the same page, which are rated at three shilUngs and threepence per sheep, whether with or without the skin does not appear. In point of fact, animal food, with wine or beer, seems to have been the food of the whole people, and eaten at all meals and all times of day — saving on fast days, when rish was used. In Lord Wharton's household book oatmeal is only twice mentioned. The warm drinks, called possets and hot tankards, were spiced compositions of wine or ale, eggs, and seasonings ; and the gruels and frumeties were similarly enriched. Fish seems to have brought very high prices ; and a porpoise, under the title of a " porpus piggc," is rated at two shiUinfja, and a " saltc salmon" at the same rate, an immense price in these days. Poultry and wild-fowl seem also to have sold high, as compared with orchnary meat, a hen being set 170 THE TRUE LAW down at fourpence, or six shillings lor eighteen. In short, it is clear that beef, mutton, veal, and pork were the chief and ordinary food of the people, with bread and ale, or wine, or sometimes cider. Culinary vegetables and fruits seem to have been totally neglected; so much was this the case, that Katharine of Aragon, when queen, sent to Flanders for a salad ; and carrots, turnips, parsnips, and celery were imported from Holland ! To show how cheap solid living was, and how easily the rates of wages given enabled the people to procure it, it may be w^orth while to quote the allowance made to the Lady Anne, daughter of King Edward the Third, married to Lord Howard, son of the Earl of Surrey. To keep herself, one gentlewoman, one w^oman, one girl, one gentleman, one yeoman, and three grooms, she was allow^ed one pound eleven shillings per week, this including clothing, wages, &c. ! For the support of seven horses, horse furniture, &c., the allowance was twenty- five pounds ten shillings and fourpence per annum ! This w^as a princess's allowance, and occurred probably about fifty years before Chief Justice Fortescue wrote his book describing the state of England. In twenty-five years after I OF POPULATION. 171 that, in the midst of all this plenty, the decay of population and towns is the suhject of national alarm ! One other truth we learn from the foregoing considerations, and that is, how absurd the idea is, that increase of buildings is necessarily a sure sign of prosperity in a district. It is clear it is often the contrary. As the poorer part of the population becomes more dense, the old buildings are let into small tenements, and it becomes necessary to build other houses for the more wealthy — a consequence not of increased pros- perity, but of an increased poor and needy population. Leaving now the history of his own country, in times comparatively modern, the author would direct the reader's attention to the annals of a time much more remote, that is to say, to the earlier period of the decline of the Roman Empire. When we look at the great cause of this decline from its beginning to its end, we see an Empire of enormous power and amazing extent gradually brought to the ground by a long succession of attacks by unknown foreign barbarian tribes, whose course may be described in general terms as tending from the north-east to the south-west. As these attacking tribes 172 THE TRUE LAW succeeded each other, they brought with them different names, and different and most vague accounts of their origin and original country. The Cimbri, the Teutones, and Ambrones, were considered to belong to Germany, and in all likelihood properly so considered. Yet it seems to be probable that the battles of the Consul Marius w4th these tribes, w^re only some of the first symptoms of a gradual movement south- westward, passing through Germany and France towards Italy, and precursors of those various incursions which continued by various tribes, under the names of Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Huns, and the more polished and familiar name of Persians, Ottomans, Moors, and Saracens, at last brought the empire of the Cciesars to the dust, and broke up the very form and image into which Roman greatness had moulded Europe, and much of Asia and Africa. On a calm review of this mighty movement, it seems difficult, almost impossible, to believe that a continuity of action, spreading over so many centuries, should have its origin in the mere capricious ambition of many various tribes acci- dentally taking one general direction ; or that, in fact, it originated, properly speaking, in ambition or caprice at all. The love of country and locahty 01- rOPULATION. 173 is universal. Ambition leads nations lo extend their empires, and inerease their j)OAver and name, but not to leave their seats and migrate to other climates. Caprice never did this, neither did ambition, though both have done strange things. On the contrary, the more we look at the course of the world, as it is known since the latter times of the Roman Commonwealth, down to the extinction of the empire, the more we must feel convinced that some great and pervading cause must have been at the bottom, and constituted the source of this great south-western movement, of which, i)erhaps, the earliest European pulse may have been the first rush of the Gauls u])on the young Republic of Rome, and the last, the sack of Constantinople by Mahomet the Second. The first great stride of this movement was made by the Goths. Of their origin all the accounts ai"e involved in obscurity. Gibbon, upon the authority of Jornandes and others, seems inclined to give some credit to their own almost unin- telligible traditions, which assigned to their nati\e country the Ancient Scandinavia, or the region which is now known as Sweden. This strange account is, however, highly imj)robablc on the face of it; and how a remote country north of the Baltic, to this hour thinly peopled, shoidd 174 THE TRUE LAW send forth to overrun Poland and Prussia and the countries bordering on the Danube, a multitude sufficient to alarm the Roman armies stationed in Dacia, and looking on the Danube as a great boundary, those who believe it may describe or account. Upon a calmer view it seems more rational to esteem the tribes known as Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and Vandals, as the ad- vanced guard of that innumerable and unknown horde of nations living in the more northern parts of Asia and the eastern parts of Europe, which, by causes to be explained, were gradually driven westward, and precipitated, in the lapse of centuries, one after the other upon the boundaries of the Roman Empire. That this is the almost certain truth, is evident in what is known of the history of their successors in spoliation and con- quest, the Huns. These barbarians, from their fea- tures as described by all the historians, were clearly Calmucks ; the small eyes, the strange features, and the different bodily formation, clearly refer them to the regions now known as the borders of China and Hindostan. Gibbon places their country to the north of the Cbinese wall, and it is evidently his opinion, that it was not until a long series of conflicts with the enormous and growing multitudes inhabiting what is now termed OF POPULATION. 175 China Proper, that they turned their arms west- ward, and following the course of the Goths towards Germany, at last pushed, hy their mo- mentum, their predecessors the Goths over the Danuhe, upon the Dacian provinces of Rome, in the reign of the wealv Emperor Valens, who consented to the passage of his now suppliant barbarian enemies. Still the cause of the continued human pressure westward, through so many centuries, seems altogether mysterious and inexplicable upon the ordinary motives that actuate masses of people. To read the latter portion of Roman history as it stands, gives the idea of large masses of barbarians from the north-east being smitten, like the animal called the " lemming," with an indescribable love of movement in a certain direction, and precipitating themselves, in spite of slaughter and defeat, by millions after millions upon the western world. For all this there must have existed some great continuous and per- vading cause ; and this cause is probably to be sought and found in the state and condition of the races of people inhabiting those vast and now thickly-peopled regions, known in modern times as China, Ava, Cochin China, Chinese Tartary, Hindostan, Delhi, and the 176 THE TRUE LAW countries west of the Indus, includins; A%ha- nistan, Caubul, Lahore, and the Punjaub, until we come to the frontiers of Persia, and the hilly countries lying towards the Caspian and Euxine. If there is any remote historical truth esta- blished by a mass of evidence that may be called undeniable, it is that the countries above enumerated have been in the state of semi- civilization, in which they now are for a very long, though probably, undefinable period. Without giving much of implicit or unlimited credence to their own chronicles, traditions, and annals, it is yet evident that their state of society bears the general impress of age. Everything we can see and learn tends to establish this. The disposition of the peoi)le themselves, their singularly great, though to us imperfect progiess in literature and the arts ; their histories, their religion, and their monuments, all irresistibly lead to this conclusion ; and it appears to be imjiossible not to believe that the state of society which at present exists amidst the hundreds of millions which swarm over the districts of China and Hindostan, has not so existed, or nearly so, for very many centuries ; and that of most of the arts of life they possess a knowledge long anterior to that of even the oldest countries of OF POPULATION. 177 Europe. Hence we are conijielled to tliink tliat the modes of life and manner^! wliieli to this hour are in full force over tliesc thickly-])coj)led regions, must have been of ancient and slow formation ; and though we ma}^ not, with the Chinese, date their empire beyond the time tixed by Christians for the creation of the world, we can hardly deny, that, as a iieople, they are probably the most ancient existing. Here then we see, growing gradually through many and very distant centuries, a system of society which has been proved by the facts to have been so wonder- fully favourable to the growth of an enormous and dense population, that, in the regions enumerated, though their area is but a small fragment of the habitable globe, are probably congregated a full fourth ])art of all mankind. Nay, perhaps, the third ])art would be the more judicious position, if the estimated numbers of mankind are not held to exceed two thousand millions of persons. For, taking the population of the Chinese Empire at about three hundi-ed millions, which is generally believed to be the fact ; Japan, Cochin China, the Burman Knipire, Correa, and the other dependencies of China at seventy millions; the peninsula of Hindostan, from the Indus to the Ganges, at one hundred N 178 THE TRUE LAW and sixty millions ; and making allowance for the numei'ous population that lies between the Indus westward, and the Frontiers of Persia, we attain to a multitude of beings hardly to be conceived, though not difficult to be numbered, and probably amounting to nearly one-third part of all the human beings now living upon this globe. Now, in the growth and extension of this enormous population over the regions which they inhabit, but in which they are still as it were cooped up — for a population so dense exists in no other parts of the known world — we see the continuous cause of the gradual and progressive migration of all the more scattered tribes which this vast population must have gradually dis- placed. That the extension of the vast popula- tion of China went on amidst perpetual wars with the Calmuck tribes, who were their neigh- bours, we have light enough from history to show. The same light, however, discovers to us the very natural fact, that the conquerors of China were eventually swallowed up in the jnormous multitudes of the conquered ; and that hence hostilities were useless as any per- manent check to the extension of these myriads throughout such climates as permitted the con- tinuation of their peculiar mode of hfe. Hence I b OF POPULATION. 179 the Huns, after ovcrriinnins; Cliina again and again, ^Ycre at last pushed westward upon tlie Goths, whom they, in tlieir turn, precipitated upon the Roman Empire in the first instance, and then followed. In fact, climate was the only stay to the extension of a jieople, who had neither animal food, nor the olive, nor the vine ; and it was not until China and India ex- tended their dense hordes to colder and more hilly climates — to Tartary, to Thibet, to Nepaul, and towards the Indian Caucasus — that their numbers began to thin, and the limit that we now see as bounding their empire, was esta- blished. What the Huns and Tartars could not do, climate has effected. As soon as the pastoral life was forced upon them, and rice was no longer the staple of subsistence, their numbers ceased to grow, and extended boundaries became no longer a matter of paramount and physical necessity, uncontrollable by the surrounding nations. In the long process of the growth of this immense eastern population we obtain a clue to the cause which must through many centuries have disturbed, and driven from their seats, the tribes that last, forced westward, trod down and eventually subverted the Roman Emi)ire. How long the enormous populations of China and Hin- N 2 180 THE TRUE LAW dostan were in attaining their present extra- ordinary extent, it is impossible to say ; their conflicts with the different Calmuck tribes must no doubt have lengthened the term ; but in the growth of these rice-fed millions we have an explanation of historical phenomena, which seem otherwise to be inexplicable, and which have hitherto puzzled all inquirers. Upon the whole, the author flatters himself that the solution of the two historical difficulties in question, which is afforded by this theory, are strong collateral proofs of the soundness of the theory itself. They are insoluble upon any other hypothesis that has come under the author's notice, and are of too striking and singular a nature not to have perplexed most readers of history. OF POPULATION. 181 CHAPTER VIII ARGUMENT FROM THE REVENUE. If it were true that population hac, a natural tendency to increase equally amongst all classes, unchecked by anything but the inability to pro- cure subsistence, the diseases which arise out ot a deficiency of nutriment, and the abandonment of marriage caused by poverty and the fear of it ; if this were true, then this is only affirming, in another form of words, that the decrease of a people must take place at the bottom of society, and not in the middle or at the top ; for amongst the higher or middle classes there can be neither a want of subsistence, nor such a stringent fear of poverty as to produce general celibacy. From this it should seem of necessity to follow, that, as a people increase in numbers, that increase being from the richer, and not the poorest classes 182 THE TRUE LAW of society, the power to contribute taxes must of course go on in nearly the same ratio with that of the increase of the numbers of the people. At all events it follows, upon this supposition, that one must increase with the other. This conclusion ceems unavoidable when it is con- sidered, that though the heads of a family may not make their children as rich as themselves, yet it cannot be supposed that their offspring do not contribute more or less to the taxes of the state. It is impossible to conceive this to be the case in a country like England, where almost all articles of ordinary consumption even are taxed, and where no man can escape indirect taxa- tion, live as he may, not even the miserable Irish serf who exists upon potatoes; in short, if the population of England has increased in all classes, it seems impossible to doubt that taxation must have grown with the power of paying it, inas- much as the consumption of tea, coffee, spirits, soap, tobacco, wine, and beer must, as a matter of course, have in a greater or less degree fol- lowed such an increase. The increased and added numbers amongst the higher and middling ranks must have derived from their parents, in the shape of saved capital, credit, and education, the ability to consume a share of taxed articles ; OF POPULATION. \R'A and therefore this sort of increase, if it really took place in a country, must be followed by an increase of ability to pay taxes, arising out of the added numbers to the wealthier classes. If, on the contrary, a population be increased by addition from the poorer classes alone, then it is evident that this addition may not be followed by any increased power of paying taxes, because the wages of labour may fall in such a proportion that the power to consume taxed articles may not be increased. If, therefore, in any country the productive- ness of the revenue is found to be at a stand- still, whilst the numbers of the people are in- creased, it seems inevitably to follow, as a conclusion, that the increase must be altogether amongst the poor ; for had it been equally dif- fused, the power of consuming taxed articles must in some degree, whether more or less, have been also increased, at all events for a time. The reader need hardly be told that this sort of proof, as how and whence population grows and increases, cannot be very visible save and except in countries very highly taxed, because it is the extreme of poverty only that can debar any portion of a people from using some of the comforts and luxuries of life. That the state of the revenue 184 THE TRUE LAW of Great Britain, however, at this moment aftbrds this particular description of proof, the author is well convinced ; and it now remains to be shown that such is the case. If there is to be any faith placed in tlie returns of the numbers of the population which have from time to time been published and put forth under the sanction of Government, the popula- tion in the year 1811 were twelve millions five hundred and ninety-six thousand, eight hundred and three persons. In 1839 they are estimated at eighteen millions five hundred and twenty-four thousand and thirty-six persons, with a probable increase since that time. Such are asserted to be the ''numbers of the population of Great Britain at these two periods : what was the amount of taxa- tion at each period ? In 1 8 1 1 the gross amount of taxation was sixty-six millions, three hundred and sixty-live thousand, five hundred and thirty- five pounds. In 1839 the gross amount is only fifty-four millions, one hundred thousand four hundred and nine pounds, and of this last sum a small portion is Irish taxes, the exchequers being now blended ; and yet it is notorious that even this lesser amount in money cannot be con- tinued to be paid by the increased millions of population, as in spite of an addition of five per OF POPULATION. 185 cent, added to the taxes in 1840, the revenue has abt^olutely decreased and not increased. Tiic anthoi 16 not unaware that as it stands, and upon the face ol it, this is an unfair statement and a lalse comparison, because unquestionably the value of money in the year first named, 1811, was less than in 18o9 and 1840. But even deducting one-tiiird, or thirty-three per cent. Ibi depreciation, the value of the taxes in 1811 still stands at forty-four millions. If, then, twelve millions of people could pay in 1811 forty-four millions of pounds in taxes, eighteen millions ought, if the increase was diffused equally over all classes, to be able to pay, with the same case, sixty-six millions ; but it is i)roved that they can- not, with Ireltuid aiding, pay fifty-four milliono , therefore the increase has been chielly amongst the poor, or this could not have haj)pened; q. c. d. In stating this result, it ought not to be lorgotten that the [)Oor's-rate has been forcibly depressed below the level at which it stood in 1811, by a severe and stringent law; and yet the saving arising from this operation of the New Poor Law has not caused an ability to pay taxes at all commensurate with that of 1811, which adds greatly to the force of the reasoning aheady adduced, and to the high probability of the truth 186 THE TRUE LAW of the conclusion to which it leads. The great increase of poor-rates which had in 1S33-4, not- withstanding the difference in value of money caused by the Currency Bill of 1819, touched nearly the highest amount at the end of the war in 1815, and which caused " the Poor Law Amendment Bill," is also a strong corroborative testimony of the same truth — that increase of population is ever amongst the poor ; and that, as is the poverty of living, so is the tendency to multiply. OF roruLATiON. 187 CHAPTER IX. ARGUMENT FROM THE RECENT DECREASE OF THE QUANTITY OF ANIMAL FOOD CONSUMED IN ENG- LAND. Although in preceding portions of this essay the mode of living in the earlier times of England has been described, and proved to be a diet of beef, mutton, veal, and pork or bacon, it is not inexpedient to show that a great alteration for the worse in that diet is at this moment going on in this country, where an increase of the population is yearly taking place to a greater or less extent. We have seen that, when butchers' meat was the grand staple of subsistence the numbers of the people tended to diminish. We shall now see, that whilst the number of inha- bitants are swelling yearly, their use of butchers' meat is receding ; that wine is drank only by the rich ; that even malt-liquor is comparatively 188 THE TRUE LAW scarce , and that the consumption ot potatoes has grown rapidly ui modern times. To show the actual dinunution of the use of animal food throughout England is no easy matter. There are no returns m existence, probably, which would give the slaughter of cattle annually throughout the country at large , and those for London exhibit a false result, from the increased numbers of people daily, by the operation of artificial causes, located per- manently or temporarily in the metropolis. Steam is increasing the number of visitants by thousands, and their increase, of course, causes an increase of permanent inhabitants ; for inns, taverns, lodging-houses, &c., must be found for these erratic tribes, according to their demand for increased accommodation. Still there is a means of approximating to the facts, generally speaking, as to the national increase or decrease of animal diet. The calculation was made by the author of this treatise in the course of two letters to Lord Althorp, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, which were reprinted in " Cobbett's Political Register," 13th of April and 25th of May, 1833. The object of the author was to show the increase of fraud m the Excise duties on soap , but in the course of his proof, it be- OF POPULATION 189 came necessary to sliow tliat the amount oi tallow prodnced in England had greatly de- ci'eased, and a decrease of tallow is a decrease of butchers' meat. The mode taken was as follows, and the result, the author has reason to believe, is near the truth. Two years were taken between which to insti- tute a comparison ; and on account of some of the documents ior these years being more j)erfect than those of other years, the })eriods of 1815 and 1829 were selected. Tlie process of cal- culation is as follows. It was computed by those most conversant in the tallow. trade, that, in the year of 181;"), the produce of tallow from cattle slaughtered in England was from 50,000 tons to 53,000 tons in all. This estimate was, however, of tallow in the rough state, before being melted and refined. To get the (juantity of merchantable tallow, a fifth of the whole weight must be deducted as refuse ; and there- ibre the quantity of available tallow produced in Great Britain in 1815 may be safely set down at forty-one thousand tons at least, and certainly at no less a quantity. Now then, it was known that in the year 1815 the tallow produced in England made all the candles manufactured in England, and left a surplus- This was a noto- 190 THE TRUE LAW rious fact to all whose interest it was to know it. Almost every chandler in England, after making his year's candles, had a small remanet of tallow ; and this he was in the hahit of selling to the soap-makers, who used it for making hard soap along with imported foreign tallow from Russia or Buenos Ayres. The tallow consumed in the manufacture of candles of all sorts in 1815 was thirty-eight thousand tons only, leaving, as the surplus or remanet, the quantity required to make up the forty-one thousand tons produced. The population, at that period, may be safely estimated at thirteen millions in round numbers at the most. This was the state of things in 1815 as to this question. Let us now jump to 1829, a period of fourteen years; and sub- jecting it to the same examination, note down the results. The year 1829 was a year of consi- derable plenty, as far as the seasons, both for tillage and grazing, were concerned ; and it was also a year of comparatively low prices, for, in the April of this year, all bank-notes under five pounds were v>ithdrawn from circulation, and the depression of prices which naturally followed this measure, happened accordingly. Tlie con- sequence was, that the consumption of butchers' meat was, in all probability, above that which OF POPULATION. 191 would have taken place under ordinary circum- stances ; and yet it was far from commensurate with the increase of the people, whose numhers had hy this time reached the amount of sixteen millions of persons. Such was the population : the amount of home-produced tallow was great, though not great in proportion, and reached, hy the hest calculations, nearly as far as forty- seven thousand tons of good, merchantahle, available tallow, being an increase of six thousand tons upon the produce of 1815. The demand for candles had, however, after the end of the war, increased in a greater ratio. The manu- factories had, owing to the throwing open of the continental field, been enormously multiplied. The night was made to supply its relays of workmen as well as day ; and hence, though gas was now beginning to be generally used, and also oil lamps of superior manufacture, the necessity for candles had rather outstripped the growth of the people, and the amount of tallow made into candles in 1829 is very large, amounting, as it did in that year, to fifty-two thousand tons of tallow. Thus, then, with an increased demand for labour, but also with an increased pojiulation, the result is, that in 1829 the tallow produced in this country was so far 192 THE TRUE l.\W from makino; all the candles wanted, and leaving a surplus, that it was actually deficient by the amount of five thousand tons of tallow. Tliis statement admits of being verified to some extent, and this verification was exhibited as follows. It has been stated that the surplus home- produced tallow, after the making of all the candles in the kingdom, was sold by the tallow- chandlers and candle-makers to the manufac- turers of hard soap. This was the case up to the end of the war in 1815 ; but after that time the case was gradually reversed, and the makers of tallow candles, instead of having an annual surplus to sell, became, after a few years, buyers of foreign tallow to supply the deficiency, which now began to be felt, of the produce at home. This foreign tallow was, throughout the country, naturally supplied to the candle-makers by the soap-makers, v>dio were always, of necessity, holders of foreign tallow, and who, being dis- persed throughout all the large towns, were at hand to supply it. Here then Avas a datum or calculus supplied. The makers of soap cultivated this tallow trade in proportion to their means and ca])ital ; and if; therefore; it was ascertained what ])roportion OF POPULATION, 193 of the soap of the kingdom was made in any one large town, the amount of tallow supplied by the soap-makers to the tallow-chandlers might safely be calculated to be in the same ralio, as to the trade in tallow of this sort throughout the country. This calculation was accordingly gone into, and the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne taken as the criterion. In the year 1829, the hard soap made in Newcastle-upon-Tyne was one-fourteenth of the whole known to be made in the kingdom of Great Britain. The number ol' casks of tallow supplied by the soap-makers to the tallow-chandlers was then accurately ascer- tained ; and they amounted to within a trifle of nine hundred casks of Russian yellow candle tallow. Nine hundred casks multiplied by fourteen gives twelve thousand six hundred casks ; these twelve thousand six hundred casks would as nearly as possible amount to five thou- sand tons of tallow ; and this, curiously enough, agrees exactly with the difference between the weight of candles made, and the home produce of tallow in 1829. It is probable that the greater strictness as to the collection of the Revenue in 1829 would increase the amount of candles made, more than the tenth as compared with the returns of 1815; still, however, it 194 THE TRUE LAW cannot be doubted that the calculations on the whole approximate tolerably closely to the actual truth. Thus, then, it appears that, if to the excess of three thousand tons, in 1815, be added the deficiency of five thousand tons of tallow, pro- duced at home in 1829, the whole falling off is eight thousand tons of tallow. The proportion that tallow bears to lean in cattle is averaged as one to ten. Here then we have proof of a diminution in one year, 1829, of eighty thousand tons in the consumption of beef alone ; Avhich, at the rate of half a pound per day for the individual, would be a fair supply for a million of persons, or two hundred thousand families. If to this we add the diminution to a corre- sponding extent in the consumption of mutton, the tallow of which does not, in any great degree, enter into the composition of tallow candles, and some diminution even in the use of bacon, we cannot but doubt that the addition of three millions of persons to the population, during the fourteen years intervening between 1815 and 1829, was made in company with a vast decrease in the consumption of animal food ; and that, therefore, the probability is, that the increase of people was nearly altogether amongst OF POPULATION. 195 the poor, Tlial tliis was certainly the case, there is, however, other corroborating evidence. First, we have the rapid increase of the poor's- rates, which, ever since the population was known to be decisively upon the increase, have gone on, in spite of all the efforts of Ministers and Parliaments to narrow the amount of relief, with redoubled strides, and since the accession of George the Third, in 17G0, when their amount was under two millions annually, luue more than tripled themselves ! Again, we have the decreased consumption of malt, which, before the passing of the first Act to impose a tax on it, in the year 1GG2, was used by the people, it is believed, to three times its present extent. Since then the population has gone on growing, and the consumption of the nutritious beverage of malt liquor has gone on diminishing. Even up to the middle of the last century, and later than that, not only most of the persons inhabit- ing, towns, but all the agricultural labourers, brew^ed their own beer. The knowledge of brewing all over England was as universal as is the knowledge of making biead all over the North of England at this hour. Every Northumber- land, Cumberland, Durham, Yorkshire, Lanca- shire, and Westmoreland servant could^ not o 2 19G THE TRUE LAW only bake but brew ; and the same knowledge of beer-making extended all over England. Such now is the disuse of malt liquor, that this general knowledge is now at an end, and con- fined to a trade. If increased population, with decreased means, goes on, the art of bread-making will soon be similarly lost even in the North, where the cheapness of fuel has hitherto pre- served it. In addition to this proof of decreased solidity of subsistence having marched step by step with the march of population, is the increased cultivation and use of the potato as an article of staple diet. It is confidently stated in agri- cultural reports, and by practical farmers, that the culture of the potato in England itself (leaving out Ireland and Scotland) has quadrupled during the last hundred years. This is asserted as a known and admitted fact in the Mark Lane Express in 1837, and the htoivn consumption of potatoes in London alone, for the preceding year, is afiirmed to be as high as one hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and fifty tons weight ! A plain proof that great numbers even of the metropolitan populace must subsist almost entirely upon this miserable root ; for, at the rate of three pounds of potatoes per day, this v>'ould subsist three hundred and fifty thousand OF POPULATION. 107 grown persons, which is equal to a full third ot the pojiulation of the metropolis ! The Jaiown consumption must, however, be under the real consumption ; and if this be true of luxurious London, what must be the case in other poorer parts of the country ? Such are the facts , and yet, with these facts, we find, in companion- ship, the fact that English population is steadily upon the increase. There is one other observation to be made, which, though it does not apply to England, is yet not out of place here. It is this, that almost the only spot on the inhabited globe where sys- tematic cannibalism has been incontestibly proved to prevail, is all but destitute of animal or even nutritious vegetable food, and when first disco- vered was even more so than it is at this time. This place is New Zealand, which, until a colony was planted there by the English from Australia within the last twenty years, was in this condi- tion. From what is now known, it seems clear that when first rhscovcrcd by Tasman in 16-12, these Islands were nearly destitute of any quad- ruped whatever, and that even of nutritive vegetables their produce was nearly 7iil. Ot indigenous quadrupeds, there were a few of a species of wild dog or fox, some rats, a species 198 THE TRUE LAW of bat, and perhaps the alhgator ; but this is still uncertain, and wall probably, from the nature of the streams, not turn out to be the case. The birds principally were wild pigeons, wild ducks, and some parroquets and sea-gulls. In fact, the natives lived chiefly upon the root of a wild fern, and upon fish, which are plentiful on the coasts, until their numbers probably at last induced the hideous practice of subsisting upon each other. That constant wars were followed by feasts on human ilesh, until the custom of eating each other at last became perfectly common and habitual, is now ascertained. This is ascribed by some to superstition ; and superstition may have been a cause or pretext, but it is probable that sheer hunger had nmch to do with the establishment of a taste so utterly revolting and horrible. It may be said that the numbers of this people are not great in comparison with the area of the islands. This is true, but then it must be remembered, they have been kept down by perpetual slaughter, both on a large and small scale ; that they have no great extent of land lit for cultivation ; and that they were, until Cook visited them, destitute of anything worth cultivation. Of the roots and seeds which he left, only the potato and turnip are remaining ; and they are grown 01' POrULATION. 100 in the rudest way only in scattered plots round the coast. In fact, the interior ol" the whole hnid is lofty Alpine mountains, washed by rapid streams, with snowy sunnnits at the greatest elevations, and the lower valleys and ravines covered with gigantic and inexhaustible timber ; but these regions are totally sohtary and \min- habitcd forests, growing little or nothing for the food of man ; in short, umbrageous deserts. The way in which the natives lived is evident in their few arts ; they were expert in making lines of wild liax, in catching fish, and in cooking them ; and an occasional whale or the seal were great delicacies. They could also snare birds, but their epicurism was in human flesh ; the roasted or baked thigh of a girl of fourteen or fifteen being described by them as the greatest known delicacy, and in terms according exactly with the language of Swift's ironical "proposal for eating the children of the poor in Ireland !" To the author, it appears hardly jjossible to conceive that so shocking a state of life and society could have arisen from anything short of a surplus population totally destitute of food. In the winter, which is stormy in that latitude, vegetables nuist have been scarce, and lish ibr a length of time oltcn unattain- able by a people who had not the art of curing them 200 THE TRUE LAW for keeping. That upon such diet, their numbers would soon outstrip their powers of obtaining food, seems to the author sufficiently proved ; and to a people so placed, with neither religion nor morality to plead against it, the palpable and necessary, and only resource, was cannibalism. The " Arreoys" of Otaheite were the step next to this. Upon the whole, the author trusts he has made it abundantly apparent, that where a population rapidly increases, it will be found to do so always in company with poverty of living , that the increase will be amongst the poor, and will march at the exact pace of the advance of the hardship and meagreness of living amongst those who so increase. OF POPULATION. 201 CHAPTER X. ARGUMENT FROM THE CURRENT OPINIONS OF MAN- KIND IN PAST TIME. If mankind had been in a constant universal and invariable state of increase from the be- ginning, save and except only when and where such increase was violently stopped by starvation or the intense dread of it — by slaughter, whctlier of war or domestic — by pestilence, or by elemental convulsion, this law could hardly have failed to become apparent to mankind in general. It is hardly possible to conceive of such a state of natural arrangement, and at the same time to conceive that this constant and universal increase, or tendency to it, should have remained undiscovered from one age to another , and mankind to have lived under such a striking natural dispensation as this, century after cen- 202 THE TRUE LAW tury, for thousands of years, all the time bUiid to and unconscious of it. If, however, we look at the opinions of former times as to this momentous matter, as far as such can be collected from the writings that survive, we shall find the current of opinion setting generally in the contrary direction, and a constant recurrence of traditions amongst the old authors that the world, or particular districts of it, had been much more populous formerly than it was at the period when they v>Tote, or near to that period. The best " bird's-eye view" of the notions and traditions of the Greek and Roman writers as to the population of various countries at diflerent periods is, perhaps, given by David Hume in his elaborate and learned essay " on the Populous- ness of Ancient Nations." In this essay he has collected, with much pains, the opinions of a great number of classic and other authors as to the state of population at various times and places ; and these opinions he examines after his usual acute method. Hume was at all times sufficiently disposed to be sceptical, but here he is perfectly excusa^ble. Being himself destitute of any notion of the law which regulates population, and having apparently no theory, good, bad, or indifierent, as to the question, it OF POPULATION. 203 is amusing to sec how completely even Ins sagacious, cool, penetrating, and patiently in- quiring mind is bewildered by the maze of evidence which, when brought together, the ac- counts of" these writers may be proi)erly styled. Hume's inclination is, as usual, to combat the generally received opinion. iVJany of the ex- aggerated statements as to numbers, of which the loose method of estimating nmltitudes, conunon to all times, but most conmion to ancient times, has been sufficiently proliiic, he doubts, and successfully disproves. His grand puzzle, however, seems to lie in the various accounts of periods of depopulation which he adduces from different writers. These occur at the periods, and under the circumstances, when, if the theory now attempted to be established be founded in truth, they might be expected to occur, and of course to be placed by histoi-ians. The periods assigned, however, appear to Hume precisely those when no such phenomena ought to be ex[)ected ; and after (juoting and dis- believing various accounts of the decay of nations, he, at last, fairly confesses his complete bewilderment, and leaves this i)art of tlic ([ues- tion where he found it. In o])posing what he deems exaggerated stories of population, and to 204 THE TRUE LAW explain the causes of periods of depopulation, which he is compelled to admit, he relies chiefly on the greater cruelty practised in former ages, the bloodiness of the battles, the massacre of prisoners, the harshness to slaves, and the devastations of conquerors ; and the proneness of early annalists to the exaggeration of all ac- counts hinging upon considerations of number. Such are the general features of this celebrated and elaborate essay : let us now come to par- ticulars. In order to prove the prevalence of the opinion that in former times the numbers of mankind were greater than at subsequent periods, it is only requisite to quote the names of the principal authors whom Hume feels himself called upon to combat, in various ways, on the score of their statements as to the population of various nations and places, at various periods of time. Amongst the offenders in this way he enumerates Thucy- dides, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, Herodotus, Plato, Theocritus, Polybius, Appian, Herodian, Athen?eus, Demetrius Phalareus, Justin, Dionysius Halicar- nassa^us, Phny the Elder, Plutarch, and Tacitus. Amongst the moderns he only mentions Vossius and Montesquieu ; which last seems, from passages both in his '''Persian Letters" and "Spirit of Laws" OF POPULATION. 205 to have held stout opinions upon this subject. In his treatment of tlic exaggerated statements oi these writers as to numbers, Hume is often in- genius, and sometimes in all human probability right. With their testimonies as to the decay and depopulation of different states at different periods, he finds it more difficult to deal. In fact, he is completely puzzled by them ; and as the writers who give them do not attempt to explain them, they stand before the sceptical eye of Hume as a set of unaccountable anomalies and contradictions, incapable of explanation or of reconciliation with any known facts. Let us look at one or two of these passages. " The laws, or as some writers call them, the " seditions of the Gracchi, were occasioned by " their observing the increase of slaves all over " Italy, and the diminution of free citizens. " Appian ascribes the increase to the propagation " of the slaves ; Plutarch to the purchasing oi' " barbarians, who were chained and imprisoned " liapliupiaci Ss^ixuflvipix. It is to be presumed " that both causes concurred." — I^ssays, vol. i. p. 387. Here is an instance of partial depoi)ulati()n in one class, with perhaps some increa^^e in tlie other class, with which Hume is clearly puzzled. He 206 THE TRUE LAW does not attempt to explain it, and the explana- tions wliich he quotes are no explanations at all. The propagation of slaves to ^Yhich Appian (Hist. Rom. lib. i.) refers, of course went on ; but what prevented the provincial free Roman citizens from propagating at the same rate? Plutarch, in his "Lives of the Gracchi," attributes it to the purchase of more slaves. As their wealth in- creased this would probabhr be in accordance with the fact ; but to account for so marked a dispro- portion, and for that disproportion being used as an argument by Caius and Tiberius Gracchus for their " Agrarian laws," for a veiv distribution of lands amongst those who had served, was their object, we are compelled to admit a great and real diminution in the numbers of the Roman citizens, who held the provincial estates under the Republic. The facts, as stated by Appian and Plutarch, agree exactly with the statement made by Tacitus of the complete decay of the old Roman Patrician nobles in the time of Augustus; and upon the theory here insisted on, the whole is natural and probable in the highest degree. These men were the aristocracy of the provinces, and their decay only accords with the history of all aristocracies. Again — " Polvbius (Lib. ii.) savs, that the Romans, OF POPULATION. 207 " between the first and second Punic Wars, " being threatened with an invasion from the " Gauls, mustered all their own forces and those " of their allies, and found them to amount to " seven hundred thousand men able to bear " arms ; a great number, surely, and which, " when joined to the slaves, is probably not less, " if not rather more, than that extent of coun- " try aftbrds at present. The enumeration, too, " seems to have been made with some exactness ; " and Polybius gives us the detail of the parti- " culars. But might not the nmnber be magni- " fied, in order to encourage the people? Dio- " dorus Siculus makes the same enumeration " amount to near a million. These variations " are susj/icious. He plainly, too, sup])oses that " Italy in his time was not so populous ; another " suspicious circumstance. For who can believe " that the inhabitants of that country Oimiiushed " from the time of the first Punic War to that " of the Triumvirate?" — Essays, vol. i., p. 41,'^ Of the foregoing passage, it may be with pei-- fect fairness observed, that Mr. Hinne's eftbrts to throw suspicions on the statements of Polybius and Diodorus, are not very ha])py. Polybius, who was especially a writer of military kitow- ledge, iroes more into the nihuitut' of the muster 208 THE TRUE LAW than does Diodorus Siculus. After all, the difference is only between " more than seven hundred thousand" and a "million." As for the charge of exaggeration, it may be brought at any time, against anj^thing, or anybody. Hume's especial bewilderment is apparent, how- ever, in the concluding sentence. " Who can believe," he asks with astonishment, " that the population of that country diminished between the first Punic War and the Triumvirate ?" Now, if this theory of population which we are considering, be true, this is very easy to be believed. The Roman territory, at the time referred to by Diodorus and Polybius, was still narrow. The country that supplied these fight- ing men consisted, as Hume admits, of what now is the Pope's dominions, Tuscany, and a portion of the kingdom of Naples. At the time referred to, the inhabitants • were the whole Roman people and their tributaries, and the population must accordingly have been of that miscellaneous sort which forms the average of a young nation, which has neither acquired great wealth nor great power. Of such a people the poor would be the majority; and if in the Repub- lic there was then little wealth, we may be sure there was no luxury. Here are all the requisites OF POPULATION. 20*j for an increasing and somewhat dense poi)ula- tion. If with this we compai-e the period of the Triumvirate, we shall find the veiy reverse state of things. Rome was then mistress almost of the known world. The wealth drawn into and about the city was enormous ; and the whole regions alluded to belonged, past a doubt, to wealthy Roman citizens of all classes, from the patrician to the provincial free citizen. Here was a state of society precisely calculated to limit a population ; w^ant there could be none, generally speaking, and the chances are, there could hardly be a superfluous man in the whole district, save the household slaves of the land- lords. Thus, then, narrowly looking at the statements of Polybius and Diodorus, and keep- ing in view the law of population now sought to be established, there seems every reason to believe them to be faithfully correct ; and also that the belief of Diodorus Siculus that these districts were more populous then than in his time, is perfectly just, and in strict accordance with the probabilities deducible from known facts. The next passage is still more curious, from the bewilderment of all the writers as to the real causes of the decay or increase ol a people. 210 THE TRUE LAW " Were I (says Mr. Hume) to assign a period " when I imagine this part of the world might " possibly contain more inhabitants than at " present, I should pitch upon the age of Trajan " and the Antonines ; the great extent of the " Roman empire being then civilised and culti- " vated, settled almost in a profound peace, both " foreign and domestic, and living under the " same regular police and government. But we " are told (by Montesquieu, I'Esprit de loix, " 54, xxiii., cap. 19) that ail extensive govern- " ments, especially absolute monarchies, are " pernicious to population, and contain a secret " vice and poison which destroy the effect of all " these promising appearances ! To confirm this " there is a passage cited from Plutarch {De " Orac. clefectus), which, being somewhat singu- " lar, we shall here examine it." " The author, endeavouring to account for the " silence of many of the oracles, says that it may " be ascribed to the present desolation of the " world, proceeding from former wars and fac- " tions ; which common calamity, he adds, has " fallen heavier upon Greece than on any other " country ; insomuch that the whole could *' Scarcely at present furnish three thousand war- " riors ; a number which, in the time of the OF POPULATION. 211 " Median war, was suj^plied by llie single city of " Megara. The gods, therciore, who affect works " of dignity and importance, have suppressed " many of their oracles, and deign not to use so " many interpreters of their will to so diminutive " a people." " I must confess that this passage contains so " many difficulties that I know not what to " make of it ! You may observe that Plutarch " assigns for a cause of the decay of mankind, " not the extensive dominion of the Romans, but " the former wars and factions of the several " States, all of which were (juieied by the Roman " arms. Plutarch's reasoning is, therefore, di- " rectly contrary to the inference which is drawn " (by Montesquieu) from the fact he advances." Mr. Hume " does not know what to make of this passage," and it must doubtless have ap- peared sufficiently perplexing and contradictory. To the author, it seems to be (upon his own principles) susceptible of a full and complete explanation. Montesquieu, it appears, had ar- rived to full and sufficient knowledge of the fact that extensive and settled governments, and espe- cially monarchies, which tend to encourage luxury, and did not, in ancient times, fiscally op})ress the mass of the people, so as to drive p 2 212 THE TRUE LAW them to a poor and famishing manner of sub- sistence, are not favourable to population. This fact the author of *' The Spirit of Laws" had satisfied himself was true ; and therefore he quotes Plutarch for the fact, that the population of Greece had diminished from the period of its conquest by the Romans down to his own time, notwithstanding Plutarch himself attributes the diminution to an opposite reason. That Plutarch should reason differently is not surjDrising, though his reason is a very unreasonable one, even upon his own notions. It is difficult to bring men in general to be convinced that a nation cannot be permanently lessened by devastations through war, so rapidly are the gaps in the population filled up under such circumstances. In more modern times we have seen the history of the attempts to extirpate the Irish, and have it recorded how rapidly their numbers were recruited after a few years of res23ite and repose. Plutarch, however, was not aware that a people cannot be extinguished, unless by being, as the Carthaginians were, brought into utter slavery, and lost amid their conquerors ; and having also no conception of the truth which President Montesquieu so confidently and pro- perly enunciates, he had nothing for it but to OF POPULATION. 213 attribute the dini'nution of the Greeks to I licit former wars ; which were constant cnoui^li, and cruel enough, and devastating enough ; slipping over the difficulty that, during the long period which elapsed between the Roman Conquest and his own time, that is to say, between the taking of Corinth by the Consul Mummius, and Plu- tarch's time, a period of two hundred and fifty- six years, during which there w^re no devasta- tions, a cure, upon his ouii theory, must have been surely wrought. This appears to the author to be a natural solution of the feelings and views under which both Montesquieu and Plutarch wrote. That the fact was as Montes- quieu states, the author does not doubt. Though the Greeks, after the Roman Conquest, lost their independence, they were not oppressed. The ingenuity and industry of the people were allowed, in peace, to reap their own reward — comfort and affluence, and occasional luxury. Taxation was moderate, and being nearly alto- gether direct, trenched little upon the comJorts of the mass of the inhabitants, and from the poverty and devastations caused by their own unruly passions, they were thenceforward exempt. Montes(iuieu is right, therefore, in attributing the thinner population to the Roman domi- 214 THE TRUE LAW nion ; and of the fact itself we cannot doubt, since Plutarch, who was himself a Greek, ex- pressly states it, though he gives the wrong reason for it. Their former numbers may have been exaggerated ; but of the general fact of the decay in their numbers, there seems to be no room for doubt. Such were the opinions of the ancients as to the numbers of mankind at different periods. They certainly seem by no means to lean towards the recognition of any overwhelming tendency to constant growth ; but expressly recognise periods for decay and diminution, as well as periods for enlargement and increase. Nor are their statements to be set aside on account of occasional exaggeration, to which all computations as to numbers of people are peculiarly liable. If we come nearer modern times, we shall find the same opinions prevail- ing to more or less extent, as to certain periods, both of this country and others ; and probably not without foundation in truth. Of all European countries, this opinion has been most prevalent with regard to Spain. If we are to believe the Roman writers, this fine and romantic country, when at last subdued by the wonderful military genius of Rome and her r '^■~ OF POPULATION. 215 sons, was highly populous. Ol" what race llie people were, is not at all clear. They are called by the Latin writers sometimes " Iberi," and sometimes " Hispani ;" but the general opinion is, they were principally of the tribe called " Celts," who, l,eaving Asia at some remote period, as the spreading south-eastern population of that quarter of the globe began gradually to drive the more scattered, less dense, and more Nomadic tribes to the westward, spread them- selves over Spain, then inhabited by the Iberi, Gaul, part of Germany, Belgium, and thence over to Great Britain and Ireland. From this singular race are supposed to be derived the Druidical monuments which exist in these islands; but the striking part of their character seems to have been their restless, untameable nature. Wherever they settled they seem to have been subdivided into small nations or clans, amongst which continued feuds and wars seem to have raged. This character seems to have attached to the Spanish part of them, who are always charac- terized by the Roman v.riters as a wrathful, quarrelsome, and ferocious race. " Impacatos Iberos" is Virgil's epithet for them, and the historians fully corroborate the Poet, jDainting them, one and all, as a bellicose race of savages, 216 THE TRUE LAW split into tribes, and making peipetual inroads upon each other's territory, much after the manner of the Highlanders of Scotland and the kings of Ireland, a very few centuries ago. Hume in his essay, as usual, takes this state to be one unfavourable to population ; but we have the direct testimony of history (Cicero de Haruspice, cap. ix.), that at this time the Iberian popula- tion was great. The Carthaginian inroads had not tended to alter the habits of the people ; and it was not until after they were completely sub- dued by the Romans, that their numbers began to decline. Nor is this wonderful, if we admit the truth of the theory here adduced. If, in modern times, we see a year of moderate dearness or scarcity, produce an immediate start in popu- lation (as has been shown in a preceding section), what must be the case when frequent devastations were producing artificial famines, and inducing perpetually recurring hardships amongst all classes of these people ? When Hispania, however, be- came a Roman province, it gradually became a rich country. That it was much cherished by the Romans, is a matter of history. Spain, until the discovery of Mexico and Peru, and the esta- blishment of an intercourse with India, was almost the sole source whence the precious metals OF POPULATION. 217 were obtained. Hence wealth flowed in, ho[\\ upon the Roman conquerors and the inliahi- tants. Quiet and civilization went hand in hand with wealth ; and after the spread ol' Christianity, Spain, owing to the romantic beauty of the country, became a favourite retreat for Chris- tians who wished to escape in solitude from the sneers of the world, or perhaps its persecution. It was here that Ausonius addressed his de- precatory epistles to St. Pauhnus, ^Ausonius, EpistolcCy xxiv. xxv.) who had retired to this now quiet, civilized, moderately peopled, but still romantic country : and the sites of otlier hermitages are still pointed out in various parts of Spain and Portugal. About the year a. d. 401), in the general disruption of the Western Empire, this line province was overrun l)y the Alanci, and other gothic hordes, who, following the early movement of tlie Celts, at last over- whelmed and trod to pieces the Roman Empire. To this succeeded the invasion and concpiest of liie Moors, until they again were (inally driven out of Spain about a. d. 1312. What might have been the population oi Spain at the era of the exi)ulsion of thr Moors it is impossible to say, but it seems tolerably certain that the Spanish people have been since 218 THE TRUE LAW that time declining in numbers rather than other- wise. From that time down to the present, this singular and fine people have retained not only their national habits, but their national privileges. Though united nominally in one monarchy, the Basque provinces have retained their language, their rights, and real indepen- dence. They have never paid taxes beyond the established faeros. Even Charles the Fifth, in the plenitude of his power was compelled to respect them, and their example has so far operated, that it has preserved the rest of Spain at all tinies from great Fiscal oppression, which operates beyond all other causes put together to alter the condition of a country long subjected to it. Hence wealth has been upon the whole equably diffused through Spain, especially in the Basque provinces, where nobility has no privi- leges. Thus we see in Spain, as described by Laborde and others, a fine and mountaiiibus country inhabited by a people for the most part leading the pastoral life, and grazing herds of cattle, sheep, goats, and swine, rather than em- ployed in tillage, but caring little for commerce or its products, save at the sea-ports and a few large towns. In such a country, divided for the most part amongst small proprietors, who hand down OF POPULATION. 219 their little estates from generation to i,Tncration, the mode oi" living:;, thoui;li rougli and simple, is plentiful and full. The vine sheds its blessings in the shape of the most nutritious wines over the whole region. The sugar of the raisin aids the fatness of the olive in producing a generous aliment for the cultivators of the soil and shep- herds of the flocks and herds, which depasture in rich and endless droves in the rich valleys of this favoured land. Poultry is in abundance, and eggs, cheese, and butter add their nutriment to that derived from the flesh of cattle, sheep, and goats, with which the kingdom everywhere abounds. Travellers who talk of the poverty of Spain mistake roughness for want ; and wonder at finding bad inns amongst a pastoral people who care nothing for travellers. This equably diffused plenty the Spanish Monarchs have never been enabled materially to lessen by exactions ; and the pohtrcal power of Spain, whilst she had ])olitical power, may be ascribed to the vast wealth wiiich for a series of years the government derived Iroin Mexico and Peru. That the influx of this wealth helped to check population still further, is evident in the lact, that Spain is now the least populous country in Europe ; and since the loss of the Indies, the most politically feeble, for with 220 THE TRUE LAW that loss the revenue of the Monarch perished ; and Spain, strong in herself, is powerless abroad. Whilst Spain retains the olive and the vine, her rich pastures and endless sheep-walks, her mag- nificent woods, and arable plains, she can never be populous, whilst peaceful and untaxed ; nor to reverse such a state of things will a mere ordinary warfare be sufficient, unless the devastations of the Celts, and the perpetual strategy of the Iberi, arise again to astonish modern times. If we turn our attention to our own country, we shall find the same notions of its former populousness existing, and similar reasons for believing them to be not unfounded in fact. It has been supposed by many that, at the period of the Norman Conquest, and during the times anterior to that event, England had more inha- bitants than she possessed some centuries after- wards ; nor are reasons wanting to prove the probabihty of this opinion. If we look into the details of the great battles fought, or armies raised, from the period of the Conquest to the time of Henry the Seventh, so far from finding any superiority in the numbers of the more modern armies, we discover the contrary, though the kingdom was, during the latter period, unquestionably richer, and the means for paying OF POPULATION. 22 and maintaining armies easier to l)e had. 1 tor instance, we arc to credit hi.story as to events so comparatively recent as the Norman Invasion, it seems undeniable that the armies commaiulcd by King Harold the Second at the battle ol Hastings, and the battle near York, which immediately preceded it, must have been more numerous than any army raised in England from that time down to the conflict at Bos worth Field, which gave the croAvn to Henry the Seventh. In the battle at Stamford Bridire, whicli immediately preceded that of Hastings, Harold is said to have brought not less tlian sixty thousand men to oppose Haifager, the Norwegian Prince ; and Tosti, Earl of Northum- berland, whose army, not much inferior to Harold's, was partly composed of Englishmen. In this bloody encounter, although victorious, the English king's loss must have been severe ; and yet eighteen days after this battle the fatal conflict at Hastings is fought. In this great conflict, it seems certain that the armies engaged were superior in number to those who fought at Stamford Bridge eighteen days before. Wilham, the Norman, had with him eight hiiiKhcd aiul ninety-six shi])s of ail sorts; which, at the rate of eighty soldiers to each transport, gives an 222 THE TRUE LAW armament of seventy thousand men. The Eng- lish army, it is certain, though inferior in disci- pline, was superior in numbers, and if the impa- tient Harold would have waited for a few days, it would have been much more so. Though no quar- ter was given by the Normans, the number of English said to be slain is beyond all credibility, they being stated at sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-four men. It is quite certain, however, from the immediate submis- sion that followed, that the slaughter must have been prodigious ; and it seems difficult to con- ceive that, on the English side, less than one hundred thousand men could have been engaged. If to these we add the numbers that must have been killed, wounded, and disabled, in many ways, at Stamford Bridge, eighteen days before, it makes the amount of Harold's disposable force very large ; and when in addition to this it is reflected .that Tosti's troops were also English- men, we must conclude that not less than one hundred and fifty thousand Englishmen must have been engaged in these two encounters ; an enormous force, and not equalled in any action fought for many centuries afterwards in or by England. If there be a period in which beyond all others or POPULATION. 223 we should naturally look ior a mii;lity prepara- tion, that period is the date of Edward the Third's Freneh expedition. Tlie nation was then in a state of prosperity and wealth, which has probably never really been exceeded at any i'uture time. As a proof of this, Rapin relates that a private citiz n of London, a wine-merchant, at the close of the war, entertained Edward, the King of Cyprus, and the two kings of France and Scotland, with all their attendants and the whole court, in a most sumptuous manner. To form an idea of what such of royal entertain- ment must necessarily have been we must turn to HoUinshed, who, in his Chronicle, states that, about this period, fifty-six different kinds of foreign wine were drunk in England ! The pay of Edward's army seems to have been upon a scale according with this state of things : he had introduced artiller}', and the pay of some of his gunners is put down at the enormous sum of a shilling per day of the valuable money of that time. The entire number of the army thai sailed with Edward was, however, only thirty- one thousand six hundred arid ninety-four men, exclusive of the nobility, splendidly equipped, no doubt ; but vet a small armament v.lien com- 224 THE TRUE LAW pared with those wlio fought at Hastings and Stamford Bridge. Later than this was the equally celehrated ex- pedition oi" Henry the Fifth. As to the numbers who attended him there seems to he less cer- tainty. Rapin says fifty thousand men, but this seems to include the sailors of the fleet, ibr Monstrelet makes the fighting men amount to only twenty-six thousand men. It seems clear, however, that the number was not great, if we are to believe the accounts as to the mere handful that fought soon after at Agincourt. The greatest battle after Hastings is however, probably, Towton, in the next reign. In this desperate conflict both sides were Englishmen ; the fate of the kingdom depended upon its issue ; the passions of both parties were roused to the highest pitch ; and it is probable that, as there was ample time, every nerve was strained to bring the greatest possible number into the field. Yet giving all latitude to the accounts, it does not seem that more than one hundred and eight thousand men of all sorts met at Towton, when both the North and South of England were di'ained of all their men-at-arms lor this grand conflict. Here there is no symptom of increased r OF POPULATION. 225 population, but the contiaiy. All the other Yorkist and Lancastrian battles were Joim:ht with very inlerior numbers, and tlie slaughter seems to have lallen most ujx^n the nobility and gentry, who were probably nujch more hearty in the cause than were the connnonalty, who would understand little, and care less, about the dispute. It is to be remembered too, that these wars were spread over a period of from twelve to fifteen years. Though the battle fought at Towton, in Yorkshire, w'as, in point of numbei-, the greatest that was fought by the partizans of the Roses ; yet both this battle, and that near Hexham, as well as at Hedgeley Moor, between Queen Margaret's forces and those of the Yorkists under Neville, Lord Montacute, and some others, of which part of the forces were derived iiom the North, show that, though there is no reason (or sup- posing the population to be more than equal, or indeed quite equal to what it Avas at the period of the Norman Conquest, still that it had not declined in the marked and visible way in which it diminished aftei- the reign of Edw^ard the Fourth, which ended in 1483. We see here considerable forces raised in this part of the country, as far down as 1470. That Q 226 THE TRUE LAW the population had rapidly decreased after that time, is proved, not only by the Statute Book, but by such enumerations as took place after that period, within one hundred and fifty years. In 1615, it appears in Surtees' History of Durham" (vol. i., Appendix I., page cxxxvii.) that a muster of all males in the county of Durham, between the ages of sixteen and sixty, capable of bearing arms, was made on St. Giles- gate Moor, near the City of Durham, by com- mand of the King, James I. The return is imperfect, the numbers for each parish being given for two of the four Wards only ; that is to say, for those of Easington and Chester. The totals, however, are given for the Wards of Darlington and Stockton ; so that we have the entire amount ; and the whole bears sufficient evidence upon it, that the muster and enumera- tion were made with an approximation to accu- racy. This return would, of course, exclude the Clergy ; but it does not appear that there were any other persons exempt. The document is as follows : — OF POPULATION. 227 Appendix XXXlX.—iRaiuJairs MSS.) THE NUMBER OF MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF SIXTEEN AND SIXTY, THAT APPEARED AT THE GENERAL MUSTER, ON ST. GILESGATE MOOR. A.D. ICl'). EASINGTON WARD. St. Gyles' Parish 84 St. Nicholas 21G Hesleden 66 Easington 140 Trimdon ami Kelloe 147 Aulton 51 Pittington 83 Houghton 289 Bishops-Weremouth 196 Lumley (part of Chester in Easington Ward) . 80 Castle Eden 13 Seham 36 N. Bailey 54 S. Bailey 10 1465 CHESTER WARD. East Bolden 36 Monk-Weremouth 87 Whitburne 63 Washington 40 Jarrow 294 Gateshead 365 Lamesley . • • • • • • 184 Ebchester !•> Carried forward .... 1084 Q 2 228 TH¥ TRUE LAW Brought forward . 1084 Ryton 277 Medomsley j3 Wliickham 360 Lanchester 138 Eshe 20 St. Margaret's ..... 187 St. Oswald's 119 Chester and Tanfield .... 239 Chapehy (qu. Satley) 72 Hunstonwortli .... 14 Muggleswick ..... 42 Wittoii Gilbert .... 44 Kibblesworth 8 (TOTAL.) Darlington Ward Stockton Ward "Easington Ward Chester Ward 2657 2946 1223 1494 2657 8220 persons. Without supposing this document to be accu- rate, for of course there must have been numerous absentees, for various obvious reasons, it cannot still be doubted that it is an approximation to the truth, a second muster, two years after, being nearly the same. Thus then we see, that in the space of about a century and a half, the * This disagrees with the particular return. OF POPULATION. 229 ■whole of the men capable of bearing arms whicli the county of Durham could furnish, would hardly make a fifth part of those who perished on the side of the Lancastrians at the grand conflict ot Towton, where the forces of Lancaster were drawn from the North. The slaughter of King Henry the Sixth's army at ToAvton, Dr. Lingard, a historian who is not disposed to exaggerate in these points, admits could not be much below thirty-eight thousand men, or nearly fi\'c times the Durham muster of 1615. A more decisive testimony of the diminution of the population through the period that inter- venes between the Norman Concjuest and the reign of Elizabeth is, perhaps, the comparison of the ecclesiastical distribution of the country, which has existed since the Reformation, with that wdiich had been made and existed for many centuries before that event. It is well known, that, let the distribution be made when it might, the parishes of England, up to the time of the Reformation, were nmch above thirteen thousand m number. In round numbers they may be stated at fourteen thousand. In each of these was resident a Rector or Vicar, who was not onlv maintained from the tithes, but was ex- 230 THE TRUE LAW pected to show hospitality, and also to take care that the poor of his parish, if any, were relieved out of the tithes, of which they were held to be entitled to a share. After paying the poor and the Priest, the remainder went to build or repair the Church, and in part to the Bishop. That the tithes of all parishes were held to be amply sufficient for these purposes, is evident in the Act passed in the fifteenth year of Richard the Second, to compel the Monasteries who held livings to provide better for their Vicars (for thus came Vicars into the Church), and also to pro- vide for the poor. The Statute enacts that " a convenient sum of money be paid and distributed yearly of the fruits and profits of the same Churches, by those that shall have the said Churches in proper use, and by their successors, to the poor parishioners of the said Churches, in aid of their living and sustenance for ever ; and also that the Vicar he well and sufficiently en- dowed.'' This Act, which is still law as far as vicarial tithes are concerned, was, as to the poor, of universal application to all parishes, and proves, as much as document can, that the thirteen thousand and odd parishes existing up to the time of Henry the Eighth, were cultivated, OF POPULATION. 231 inhabited parishes; maintaining a Churcli, how- ever small; and a priest, however poor; with some residue for destitute persons. When, after the Reformation, the Church was remodelled, was it found necessary, in conse- quence of an exuberance of people, to divide populous parishes into two benetices, as might naturally be expected, if the people had exhibited any increase ? Quite the contrary ! After the Reformation, the number of benefices of all sorts, by moulding two livings into one in many cases, were reduced below the number of eleven thou- sand, and arc at this moment only ten thousand seven hundred and forlij-lico, according to the return of the Government Commissioners, pub- lished "by connnand of his Majesty," in 1835. It is impossible to reconcile the new ecclesiastical distribution or division at the Reformation to common sense, unless upon the supposition that the hypothesis or sui)])osition that the jiopulation had visibly decreased since the old division had obtained full credence. Had the extensive parishes become more populous, the course in- dicated was to divide further, and si)lit the incon- veniently populous into two. J3ut the contrary course was taken. The conchision theiefore is, that a decreased population was apparent ; for tliis 232 THE TRUE LAW naturally leads to, and excuses a union of parishes. Upon a review of all these circumstances, it is not easy to escape the conviction, that, from the time of the Conquest up to Elizabeth's reign inclusive, the population had not only been stationary, but had at last declined visibly. From the time of the Act of Parliament quoted by Sir Frederick Morton Eden, up to the acces- sion of James the First, in 1603, it seems evident that the decay had been so visible as to cause great alarm, though it had been less palpable before that time. And, under the theory here argued for, this was the natural course of events. The country soon recovered the effects of the Conquest ; the feudal insti- tutions soon fell into desuetude ; and after the extinction of the immediate Norman line, there can be no doubt of the rapid progress of the nation in wealth, power, and freedom. The walled towns and sea-ports, one after another, obtained charters ; Ireland was added to the British dominions ; Wales was subdued ; France wa§ all but added to the Crown of England ; Parliaments were free ; the old and mild com- mon law of England was in full force ; trade grew apace, and the nation, being free from a OF POPULATION. 233 foreign invader, and almost lioni a civil bioil lip to the reign ot tlie Sixtli Henry, liad, beyond donbt, arrived at a pitch of generally difliiscd wealth, and even luxury, such as the world had not till then seen, nor perhaps dreamed of". Nor is it probable, on consideration calmly of the matter, that the general prosperity of the people suffered materially by the wars of the Roses. The parties unquestionably fought with great fury, and much blood was shed ; but the country was not devastated, as by a foreign invader. Neither party wished to injure nor exasperate the people, though they wished to put down each other ; hence, until the armies actually met, there was no hostility going on. They did not burn towns, nor lay waste tlie country, they only fought pitched battles in con- venient positions. It is only by depressing for a length of time the social condition o( large masses of people, that ])opuhation is to be, or can be stimulated ; but this can only be done by a long series of hostile devastations, or by a continuous and grinding fiscal tyranny, reducing the mass of a people to live uj^on the lowest amount of sustenance uj)oii which Imniaii life can be sustained. Hence, up to the |)eri()d when the Reformation deprived the few poor 234 THE TRUE LAW in England of their «hare of the Church lands and tithes, want was unheard of, and the name of pauper unknown. That this happy state of society was not attended with an increasing population, but the contrary, the author trusts he has now adduced abundant evidence to prove. That one of the causes of this happy and prosperous state, resided in the position of the Church at this period is, however, a truth that ought neither to be overlooked nor concealed. The Church was an easy landlord. It was her interest to attach the population to her ; and hence her lands were always let upon long leases of lives, and at rates most moderate. That this acted generally upon the rates of rent cannot be doubted, although the immense rates of profit which all trades then enjoyed also had their share in keeping down the rentals of landed estates within very moderate bounds, compared with those of modern times. Thus the rental of land being moderate, and the popu- lation being moderate, and taxes and rates being almost unknown, the pay of the labourer was ample at the same time that the profits of traders were extraordinary. This is evident in the fact that agricultural labourers, whose statute OF P0PULAT10i\. 23r) wages were from niuch/ lo itpirards of our hundred pounds a year, in the money of this day, made to the sea-ports and walled towns, where hii^her rates were given ! We can only judge of the profits of trade in these times by getting some idea of the numbers that were of one trade, and obtained a livelihood from it. To do this, there are no data remaining of the age of Elizabeth, as far as the author knows ; but, going back even a century, the results are strikingly indica- tive. By the returns of licenses, it appears that in 1736, there were in London, of licensed houses for the sale of liquors, liftecn thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. In 1835, only five thousand, with nearly three times the popu- lation. In 1785, the licensed soap-makers were nine hundred and seventy-one ; in 1834 only three hundred and two. The soap made in 1785 was only thirty-nine millions of pounds weight avoirdupois ; in the year 1835 one hundred and fifty-four millions of pounds weight were charged with, and the duty paid ui)on tbcfu. From this some judgment may be formed what the profits of trade must have been in the foui-- teenth and fifteenth centuries. The better, however, to assist this judgment, the author appends the following statement of the increase 236 THE TRUE LAW of the quantity, followed by a constant decrease in the numbers of manufacturers, which shews the rate at which profits have lowered and narrowed ever since 1785 ; and the reader may rest assured that the ratio upwards, is only the inverse of the ratio downwards. STATEMENT. ''ROM PAGE 10 OF RePOKT XVII. OF ExCISE COMMISSIONERS.) Date Hard Soap made. Soft Soap made. Number of Manufacturers. 1785 35,012,4121bs. 3,358,228 971 1790 42,074,309 3,671,425 772 1795 48,202,786 3,495,559 677 1800 54,233,311 3,528,432 652 1805 65,723,869 4,575,130 553 1810 72,636,296 6,146,529 510 1815 77,678,063 6,224,002 447 1820 82,379,891 7,099,297 398 1825 102,623,165 8,910,501 3 5 1830 117,321,321 10,209,519 309 1834 144,344,043 10,401,281 302 (The above was co npiled from yearly retui ns.) Another source of the ease and comfort of the people must not be passed over unnoticed ; and this source was comprised in the common lands. Up to the ])eriod of the Revolution of 1688, every township had its common, and every great town or borough its common, proportioned to the size and importance of the place. The use of these lands, it is clear, would fall mainly to OF POrULATTON. 237 the share of tlie poorei' inhabitants of llio town- ships and of the horouiih towns ; so tliat here was another safeguard against destitution, of im- mense importance, if contemplated in its magni- tude as a whole. It is im})ossible now to come at any correct account of tlie extent of the com- mon lands as they existed two centuries ago ; but some Avriters have not hesitated to estimate them as high in amount as six millions of acres. This may be, and probably is an over-estimate, but that it is greatly over, the author does not believe. If we take the parishes as they were anterior to the Reformation, and allow three townships to each country parish, this will give a probable result of forty thousand townships, after throwing off two thousand lor the town parishes. If each township had eighty acres ol common on the average, this would be three millions and two hundred thousand acres, exclu- sive of the lands attached in the shape of com- mon and moor to the great towns, the extents of which were unquestionably very great. The work of inclosing these commons under Acts of Parliament, called Inclosure Bills, began in the reign of Queen Anne, when three were i)assed. The numbers increased slowly at fiist. George the First assented to sixteen ; and Georgq the 238 THE TRUE LAW Second to two hundred and twenty-three. After the accession of George the Third, however, inclosure of commons went on apace ; and in his reign alone, three thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven Inclosure Bills (or thereabouts) were passed — (See Lords' Report, 1814, and other documents) — so that the accounts up to the accession of George the Fourth, stand thus : — Bills for Inclosure. Queen Anne 3 George I. 16 George II 223 George III 3,897 4,139 Considering the numbers that must have passed since, and considering the expenses of local Acts, it seems probable that on the average these bills must have alienated some hundreds of acres for each bill. The former great extent of the common lands, and the aid that the poorer classes must have derived from them, become then very apparent, and go to prove how impossible it was, under all these concurrent circumstances, that there should be anything like pauperism at that time in England ; yet it is only since these OF POPULATION. 231) circumstances have been altered that fears of over-population have succeeded to the terrors of a decay of tliat, the rapid increase of whicli is now so greatly dreaded. One more proof of the wealth of the times referred to, the author may adduce. This was the annual fairs, and the great importance attached to them. Every borough had by its charter one or two annual fairs, generally two ; one for cattle — one for merchandise. At these fairs it is known that the people universally not only bought their annual stock of many articles for ready money, but also cattle and swine to kill and salt for winter provision ; a fact which alone shows the ease in which they lived. These fairs exist in part now ; but the persons frequenting them are not the same, nor is the amount of lucrative traffic probably to be compared to that of former times, when all ranks bought and bought largely. Of such importance used these fairs to be, that when the City of Bath had Birton fair granted, the Burgesses of Bris- tol, out of jealousy, established a fair on the same day, and prohibited Bristol wares from going to Birton fair by a bye-law. On the Bathonians, however, petitioning the king (Ed- ward III.), the evil was redressed by the king 240 THE TRUE LAW and Council. (Warner's History of Bath, p. 174.) Thus everything seems to concur to prove, at the period referred to, luxury and over-plenty wrought decay in numbers, and that it became at once necessary to pass statutes against luxury, and statutes to repair houses that were falling down for want of inhabitants. OF POPULATION. 241 CHAPTER Xi CONSIDERATIONS OF THE INTERNAL 1<:\ IDENCE FOR THIS THEORY. The aullior of these sheets presumes that he may venture to lay down tlie following rule ; that is to say, that whenever any theory or liypothesis as to natural dispensation or arrange- ment is, or can he shown to he, at ap])ai-en( variance with the hencvolence of the Deity, that variance is strong internal evidence against its truth, upon whatever grounds of proof of oIIrt descriptions such hypothesis may rest ; whilst, on the other hand, it may he with equal fairness assumed, that when any hypothesis or scheme of natural arrangement or dispensation is in ac- cordance with, and illustratixe of, that hencvo- lence which we attribute to the Deity as his personal attribute, then such accordance is, K 242 THE TRUE LAW quantum valeat, internal evidence of its truth — that is to say, evidence as far as it goes — though requiring the corroboration of other and more direct evidence to amount to proof. Thus, for instance, when the existence of evil is supposed as part of a hypothesis, without sufficient cause in the shape of an ultimate beneficial result, or without an evident necessity to preserve other beneficial results already shown to be existing, then this is indirectly to attribute the gratuitous causation of evil to the Divine Being ; a position at variance with the benevolence at first predi- cated, Vv'hich admits of the existence of evil only because an imperfect state of being cannot admit of a perfect state of happiness, but not of evil, gratuitous, and arising neither from a necessity in nature, nor as a means to a compensating bene- ficial end. Having ventured these brief observations, the author will now proceed to show that the hypo- thesis here advocated, is not liable to the objection above stated, but is, on the contrary, entitled to the benefit of such presumption in its favour, as an accordance with the benevolence and wisdom of the Divine Author of the Universe is calculated to afford it, the natural arrange- ment it lays down being, if true and existing in OF popri.ATiox. 243 fact, apparently and ]>lainly tending- and intended to promote the happiness ol" mankind, witli the causation of as little of accompanyins; evil as can well be conceived. In order to do this clearlv and effectually, it is only necessary, first, to reca- pitulate the leading points or positions of the theory now attempted to be established ; and then, having done this, to show the results, moral and physical, which flow from the admission of its truth. In the first place tlien, if this theory of increase and decrease be true, it is true that when any species, whether of the vegetable or animal kingdom, is endangered, by a failure or diminution of its natural sustenance, and reduced to the deplethoric state, then, in such case, is an immediate stimulus given to increase, which con- tinues as -long as the state continues. Secoiu/ly, it is also true, that if on the contrary, sucii species shall receive immoderate natural aliment, and be brought into the extreme plethoric state, then, in that case, increase is immediately checked, and decrease takes place, which con- tinues as long as the state is continued. Thirdly, it is also true, that if moderate sufficient aliment, or a moderated plethoric state, is allotted to, and brought upon any species, then mere reproduction will be the result, without 244 THE TRUE LAW increase or decrease of existing nnmbers. Fourthly, that ii' equal portions of the same species be put into these different states, in equal degrees, it follows, as a true conclusion, that the decrease of one portion will be compensated by the increase of the other, and numbers remain as they were. Tliese foui' propositions, the author trusts he has in the foregoing- sections of this work given evidence to estabhsh ; and sujiposing the theory which they embody to be true, let us now^ inquire into the different results, natural and moral, which flow from them. The first consideration likely to attract the attention of the reader is, as it seems to the writer, that under this law of increase and decrease, a provision is made for the protection of any species that is endangered, which is efii- cient only ivhen it is wanted, and in the precise ratio in which it is wanted. This, upon the face of it, seems surely to be a more wise and provi- dential arrangement, than would be a law under which the tendency to increase is supposed to be always equal. It is so, because such a law as that presupposes an equal protection equally requisite at all times, which is absurd. If we take the evidence ol" facts, and look round us, we shall find that such is not the case. The OF rOPULATION. _M.') course of nature is one of constant chaimc and vicissitude ; and this beini:: so, it follows that whether we look at the vegetable or animal king- dom, there must be times when existing species are more endangered than they arc at other times. In times of deaitli, Hood, and pestilence, species must be more endangered than during genial and healthy periods. This seems unde- niable ; and being so, it follows that any unvary- ing law of increase would be ina[)plicable aur^ absurd ; because it might be barely sufficient for the exigence at one time, and ridiculously super- fluous at another. It is not easy to conceive, that the Creator should so order as to let a species be destroyed for want of a sufficient pro- tective law at one season or time, and at another force on a superfluity of existence, to be destroyed again from want ol sustenance, without the slightest conceivable reason for so doing. In short, the supposition of such a law is to suppose the api)li- cation of an invariable rule to ever-varying circumstances, which is an absurd supposition, and not in accordance either with the wisdom or benevolence of the Deity ; whilst a law that is efficient when wanted, and which is relaxed when not wanted, seems to be in strict accord- ance Avith a providential wisdom and benevolence, 246 THE TRUE LAW and equally well calculated for the protection and benefit of created beings, of whatsoever descrip- tion they may be. In short, as it seems to the author, a law such as he has described seems to unite the two desirable attributes of being, not only beautiful as an arrangement, but benignant as an instrument. If, looking at the opposite effect of the law of increase and decrease now enforced, we consider the consequences of an arrangement for diminu- tion and check at certain times, as well as for increase at others, we shall find them also to be plainly beneficial, and calculated to attain a de- sirable end. The author nmst admit, and he readily does so, that he is not prepared to state, with regard to the vegetable creation, what the effect of the highly plethoric state is upon the health of a plant. By analogy, however, it may be presumed to be probably injurious ; because if we look at the animal kingdom, as far as we have tolerably precise and minute knowledge, we find the highly plethoric state always injurious to the health of the animal. In the human animal, luxuriousness and over-feeding is generally ad- mitted by physiologists and physicians to be the root of most organic diseases. With regard to domestic animals the same truth is undeniable OF ropuLATiox. 247 and easily perceptible ; and if we seldom witness it in animals not domestic, it is because their food is in general probably only apportioned to the labour they must undergo to procure it, and because our opportunities for observation are also few. Reasoning, however, upon what we do know, it is not dithcult to perceive the wisdom of a check to propagation under circumstances of extreme luxuriousness, because by this pro- vision the transmission of organic disease is avoided. Thus, under this arrangement, let the danger come from which side it may, it is guarded against, and the species preserved from the risks of destitution or want of sustenance on one hand, and the perils ol' an unhealthy luxury on the other. Assuming this explanation of the providential benefit of the check here described to be the true explanation, it seems an inference highly probable, that to the vegetable tribes the high stimulus of over sustenance and the eH'ects of repletion are as injurious as to tlie animal. This is ])robable as an inference, because in tlic vegetable kingdom the check to i)rojjagation is as invariably and more rapidly applied when a state of repletion is induced in the plant, than it is to the living animal. Flowers, shrubs, and trees, planted in soils much too rich lor Ihcm, 248 THE TRUE LAW almost iiiiinediately suffer, and cease to bear. In the flowers the leaf becomes double, and the organs of reproduction are obliterated or injured. In trees the blobsom is deficient and unfruitful. To suppose so marked an effect as this without a reason for it; is much, the same as to suppose an effect without a cause, or that physical causes are not always accompanied by moral reasons — an idea faulty and untenable in itself, and re- pugnant to the infinite wisdom and prescience of the Creator. Such are the beneficial consequences, as to the preservation of created beings of every species, of tlie arrangement here insisted upon ; but if the author were to stop here, he would, as it seems to him, leave untouched a most interesting and extensive branch of this part of his subject, and fall short of the moral purpose which ought to form at least one of the motives to all sorts of literary composition. We have ascertained thus far how beneficially, as to the physical welfare of created existences, this scheme seems to be calcu- lated to work ; but on its tendencies and effects as to the well-being and government of nations, we have not touched. It comes next in order, to in- quire, if this theory be true in fact, how and in what manner its natural consequences may be sup- oi ropiJ.ATiON. '2\9 posed to act upon the social condition ol man- kind, and npon the welfare of man as collected into connuunities of individnals, wlio^e conduct separately, has a ceitain action upon the hap- piness of the whole. Let us make this incpiiry. If it he true, as the author is well convinced it is, that popidation is cliecked or increased according to varying or opposite circumstances, it follows as a plain conse([uence that a com- nuuiity may suffer in two different ways, or from two op})osite mistakes, as to their social condition. If, for instance, a nation he so circumstanced that its popidation has a general conunand, not only over the necessaries, hut also over the luxuries of life, it may still happen that, whether this command he the fruits of mild and good government, or of great industry, or of j)eculiar position, or a condiination of all or some of these advantages, this ai)i)arently fortunate situa- tion may in the end he unfortunate if these advantages he ahused. Evil may here arise out of a very superfluity of good; lor il" the hulk of a people indulge in luxiuy to an excess, the con- sequence must he, not only an effeminacy of mind and morals, and a decay of the i)ul)hc virtues which arc necessai-y to the existence ol states, hut, in addition to this, an actual physical 250 THE TRUE LAW decay and diminution of numerical strength, probably most rapid at the top of society, and extending downward as far as the luxury reaches in the ratio of its extent. Such States soon become the prey of other States, whose situation has not possessed the same tendencies towards national debility, or become the victims of some tyranny within themselves, w^hich, in either case, works a sharp and bitter cure to an insidious disease. Such, beyond a doubt, is the true history of the fall of many States. It was probably the too great luxury which grew up in England under the Dynasty of the Plantagenets, which lulled the English people into their sub- mission to the vices and tyrannies of the Tudors. Thus, if we knew the particulars, in all probability fell the Assyrian Empire ; and by this process most certainly came the ruin of that of Rome. Let us glance rapidly over the circumstances, and we shall soon be convinced of this. During the earlier period of the Republic the same severe simplicity of life pervaded all ranks ; and hence all ranks contributed their share to the strength and growth of the state. The consuls, generals, judges, and priesthood, were generally of the Patricians ; the soldiers, the cultivators, and the skilled in the useful arts and handi- I 01 POPULATION. 251 crafts, were the liee citizens of Rome and her RepubUc. Tlie gradual inroads of a more luxurious state of society, however, gradually altered this state of affairs, until, even in the time of the Gracchi, the decay of liee Roman citizens in the provinces, and the increase of the lower and slave population, induced the two brothers to struggle for a revival of the ancient Agrarian Laws, and a better allotment of the tributary lands and territories. The degenerate republic was at last subverted, but under the empire, luxury still grew ; and the end was, after many centuries, that the empire, both of the West and East, left to mercenaries for defence, crumbled under the blows of the Coths, Huns, and Ottomans, until there remained not even the shadow of a name. The fall of the luxurious Eastern Empire was characteristic. For years before the final doom, the entire popu- lation almost, of what was called the Eastern Empire, was gathered into a space consisting of the City of Constantinople, and a territory of about seven broad miles round the walls ! They had, when their mercenary soldiers failed tlicm, hought truce after truce, of their Ottoman invaders, until they had nothing left hut the city and its treasures, and themselves, to give. Mahomet 252 THE TRUE LAW the Second stormed the city, and one day (the 29th of May, 1453,) sufficed to tread out the last sparks of the Roman Empire and its once omnipotent people. In this, and in other catas- trophes of a similar kind, we see the origin of the notion of Montesquieu, that absolute monarchies contained in themselves some hid- den and mysterious principle of decay, which was sure in the end, to bring them to destruction. The assertion is correct, though he was ignorant of the steps of the process. He had failed to perceive the manner in which the exuberance of too great an abundance saps a population. It begins, like Tarquin in his garden, by thinning the tallest poppies, and so proceeds downwards through the whole diseased community. But the strength of monarchical and aristocratic governments lies in the upper and middle ranks. In these must reside the spirit of rule, which is to keep the empire together ; and when these decay, the empire itself decays with them, for the military and domestic serfs are nearly, at last, all that is left ; and deprived of their natural leaders they soon become inefficient or dangerous. So rapid was the decline in Rome, that though Julius Ciiesar, to recruit the extinct nobihtv, ennobled a vast number of families, it OF POPULATION. 253 was found requisite to repeat the operation hy tlie Emperor Claudius ; and soon after that time, we find Juvenal, in his Sixth Satire, hintinir, and more than hinting, that, were it not for the amours of the Roman ladies with their slaves, and the palming of suppositious children upon their husbands, many of the noblest families would be without an heir ! " Nobilis Euiyalum ^Mirmillonriii p\i)riiiKit infans !" is one of his hues. It requires two of English to do it justice, " How sweetly marked the noble infant shews, Euryalus the Swonler's mouth and nose !" Enough, however of this part of the subject. If in those portions of tliis theory wliich exlnl)it the ettect of luxury cariied to excess amongst a people, may be discovered a political lesson, by no means to be des])ised, we may derive one fully as important from tho-^c other portions ot it, which go to explain the effects , upon population of the opposite state of general destitution. From tbis o])eration of the Law of Poj)ulatioii mav be deduced one grand and salut axiom, 254 THE TRUE LAW and that is, that a long-continued depression, down to destitution, of a whole people, will, in the long run, he revenged on itself and those who caused it, hy the superfluous and unma- nageable pauper population which it is sure to generate. From the same facts, also, we may draw another axiom, not less important ; and this other axiom is, that no kind of misgovern- ment is so dangerous and fatal as a fiscal tyranny, Avhether such tyranny consists in the prostration of the poor cultivators before the rapacity of the owners of the soil, or before the united exactions of government and landlord. In either case the fruit is, at last, an overwhelming and starving population, for which society cannot find either room, food, or em])loyment, and who are, there- fore, perpetually urged, by necessity and the pangs of hunger and want, to overset the government which has been the means of creating and placing them in this dreadful situation. It is very clear that this description of oppression is infinitely more fatal and prolific of evil than were any of the ancient tyrannies, dreadful as some of them were. This is because their oppressions fell more upon individuals than upon classes. If a subject grew too rich, they robbed him ; if if he resisted, thev murdered him ; and what or popuLATinx. 255 they coveted, tliey took. \]\\t elaborate mis. government requires; civilization as well as elabo- rate good government ; and this point they never reached. Their taxation was direct and simple, not indirect and comj)lex. Hence, however heavy, it fell mostly upon the richer classes, and no extensive masses of men were or could be driven by it into destitution. To do this, the multiform pressure of indirect taxation is neces- sary, which, by laying its ini})osts upon the articles of daily consumption, causes a people to pay imperceptibly some tiscal tribute upon everv morsel, drop, or rag, which they eat, dnnk, and wear, as each article is consumed. The system of serfdom and vassalage also, with all its evils, interposed between the serf and the vassal and his lord, by the very act ol' making them an actual property; and the Persian satiap, the Roman patrician, knight, or laiidow iier, as does the Russian nobleman, reckoned his serfs amongst the number of his cattle, and took care of their welfare upon the same principle that he took care of his other live stock. Hence, slaves are fully led, whilst fiee labourers, as they are called, are often starved ; because the mastei- has a property in the first, which he has not in the last. If a man kills his slave, he has anothei- to 256 THE TUUF LAW buy, as well as to find him victuals when lie is bought. When a free labourei^ jMoes and dies, the master lias only to offer the same ^Yal>•es, and the place is tilled up. Who would care to lose a horse it" another walked into the stable free of cost, and was ready to serve for the same pasturage (how poor soever) as the last had. Thus, therefore, the very fact of being a distinct property, ameliorated the condition of the serf, and kept down their numbers ; and hence it is, that hateful as feudal tyranny may be called, fiscal tyranny is still worse ; both, ultimately, for those who oppress and those who are oppressed ; inasmuch as the few oppressing thousands must be perpetually in risk from the starving and increasing millions. Having gone into the foregoing considerations, as being the most obvious, first ; the author will now turn to another view of some of the conclusions deducible from this theory, which, placing as it does, the moral go^ ernment of God in the world in a new and original light, may be presumed neither to be uninteresting nor unim- portant. If we examine the infinite varieties, shades, and grades of the human chaiacter, we can hardly avoid coming to this conclusion, that there cannot (let theorists and visionaries dream OF POPULATION. 257 as tliey will) be possibly such a state as that of equality of conditions throughout a country, or throughout the world. As long as men are endued with various degrees of talent, courage, industry, perseverance, frugality, generosity, foresight, virtue, and prudence, so long, as it seems to the author, nnist their worldly con- ditions vary. The prudent man will save more than the dissolute ; the adventurous man grasp more than the limid ; the persevering man will succeed after the timid has failed ; the Airtuous man will retain what the vicious man will squander; the overreaching knave will rob the simply honest ; the cunning gamester will outwit the wild spendthrift ; the sagacious schemer will outstrip the simple plodder ; and the innate miser will save what the generous and humane give away. Thus, then, inequality of phy.sical con- dition seems a part, and no doubt a necessaiy part, of the scheme of Divine Providence ; for it is impossible to separate inequality of mental gifts from inequality of physical results and con- sequent conditions. Nor is this distribution difficult to be accounted for under the benevolent scheme of a Divine Providence ; when it is con- sidered that the stimulus of bettering our condi- tion may be one of the moti\ es necessary to the s 258 THE TRUE LAM' complete exertion of all our faculties, and be as requisite to the action of society as is the spring to the watch, or the oxygen of the blood to the motion of the heart. Still, after giving due weight to all these considerations, it cannot be denied, that, upon the ordinary view taken of this arrangement, there yet remained a ground for cavil and for repining. Still it was asked, why should so large a share of the goods of the earth be given to one class, and denied to those below them? It bore the appearance of an unfair monopoly. Here was a limited class of mankind handing down, as was commonly sup- posed, mimense possessions to their posterity, unless some strange and equally to be deprecated violence interfered to change the transit, and despoil the heir of his wealth. From this ob- jection it is difficult to escape, if the ordinary notion as to the progress of population be once admitted. Under the theory now brought for- ward, however, this objection vanishes, and the most equable distribution possible, under a system in which inequality at all is necessary, is proved to prevail. For if we look at society and its progress, as here described, we find that all increase is from beneath, and all decrease irom above. The holders of wealth cannot OF POPULATION. 2.')9 maintain a posterity long to wliich to (lansmit it. Even " old families," as is beaiitirully said by Sir Thomas Browne, "do not last thret' oah !" Hence the descendants of the poor, in an un- broken succession, are continually inherilint;- the possessions of the rich ; and instead ol being entailed upon a class, they in a perpetual routine fall to the lot of those to Avhom a country owes its increase of people — the poor, and the des- cendants of the poor. Thus, though there is individual inequality, there is no other ine(|uality. The offspring of the poor inevitably, in j)rocess of time, become possessed of the accumulations of the rich ; and then, in their turn, yield them, for want of heirs, to the children of those who have not yet become rich ; a distribution so beautifully equitable, in the midst of aj)j)arent inequahty, as to be calculated to excite the deepest admiration of all reflective minds. Whe- ther riches, as some suppose, give ha])piness, or, as others suppose, the reverse, it is clear the happiness or the misery is not the heirloom of a single class, but falls, in turn, to the lot of individuals of all classes ; an equal distribution, and worthy of that Creator who, out of seeming disorder, can ])roduce order, and is always found to do so, when man can scrutinise his ways. s2 260 THE TRUE LAW As some further corroborative proof of the truth of this view of the matter, the author may observe, that the estates which have most con- stantly descended in a long, unbroken, and direct line, from father to son or daughter, are supposed to be those small freehold farms, the property of the class known in England as the " yeomen," a class of men just wealthy enough to be happy^ but not to be luxurious nor idle. In Cumber- land and Westmoreland they were once nume- rous ; and some .exist still, which have been for centuries in the hands of one family. In Spain, especially in the Basque Provinces, they are numerous at this hour. Each possesses its substantial, but small, stone antique mansion ; and to see their fertile valleys, studded with these houses, in the midst of beautiful pastures, tilled lands, vineyards, orchards, and groves of olives, is a sight which, to the eye of reason, outvies all the splendour of this w^orld, and reahses, after the Fall, the nearest conception we can form of the Paradise before it. The author now concludes. It has been his aim throughout the foregoing sheets, not only to demonstrate what is the nature of the laws which regulate the increase and decrease of population, but also to show that these laws are beautiful in OF POrULATION. 261 their arrangement; that thcv are calculated lo promote the happiness of mankind in their action, that any deviation liom the course whicli they indicate to society as being proper to i)e pursued, is immediately or ultimately, but most assuredly, punished in its own after cfl'ects ; and that tlie whole theory of population, as it exists in l'act>, IS worthy of the benevolent wisdom of God, and in perfect accordance with His good providence as displayed in the other parts of our mundane economy. The accidental circumstances which led the writer of these sheets into the course of reasoning which he has attempted to follow out, he has detailed in a concluding chapter, deeming that method upon the whole, and for the reasons assigned, preferable to interweaving any account of them in the foregoing pages. His argument ends here ; and he w^as unwilling to embarrass it with anything extraneous, or of a merely collate- ral and perhaps questionable character. Whether he has succeeded or failed in his present attempt his readers will judge. If he be considered to have failed in his undertaking, he hopes to that failure will not be added the accusation of any- thing of arrogant assumption in his manner ol pursuing it. If, on the other hand, he may, happily, be judged to have succeeded, as he 262 THE TRUE LAW would fain flatter himself he has done, he humbly trusts he may be classed amongst those who are held to be not unworthy of the sympathy of their fellows, and may be esteemed to have passed through hfe not undeserving of the respect of mankind. OF I'OrULATION. 263 CHAPTER Xll. SOME ADDITIONAL COLLATERAL CONSIDERATION,?. AND ADDENDA. In writing this concluding cliapter the author would, in the first place, wish it to he distinctly understood that these paragraphs iorni no part of his argument, nor are they intended to (orni any part of it. Many of the topics now touched upon arc altogether extraneous : others have merely a collateral bearing upon the subject in question ; and many of them are in themselves, as the author is well aware, extremely doubtful and questionable. Notwithstanding this, it seemed to the writer of these pages, upon the whole, useful, and not improper to give some account of the accidental circumstances which directed his mind to that course of in(|uiry which it ultimately followed. These circumstances are in 264 THE TRUE LAW themselves not uninteresting, because they are somewhat singular; and though the considera- tions which arise out of some of them may not bear directly upon the question at issue, they yet bear upon it indirectly and collaterally, and, though in themselves doubtful, and only adduced as such in these pages, they are yet curious, and not unworthy, perhaps, of the attention of the physio- logist or general inquirer into nature, of whatever name or description. It is proper to add, how- ever, that in noting down, as he is now about to do, the peculiar circumstances which led him to the present inquiry, and the different views and con- clusions, arrived at with more or less of doubt, which forced themselves upon his mind during its course, the author by no means wishes to assume to himself credit for any general know- ledge of physiology or natural history. Quite the contrary. In truth, his knowledge of this class of subjects of human inquiry is extremely limited, and altogether imperfect ; and he conse- quently deems no other of the ideas that have occurred to him as worthy of preservation, than as notions rather forcing themselves upon, than sought by a mind accidentally engaged in a course of inquiry foreign to its usual pursuits. The particular circumstances which led to the first OF POPULATION. 265 conception, and ultimate comjtletioii ot tho forc- soing attempt, were as follows ; — Some 5'ears ago, the author of these sheets being (as has been already intimated) attached in some measure to gardening pursuits ; being also early compelled, by the nature of his trade, to have some general knowledge of chemistry, and its more ordinary results ; and having ample opportunities to put his inclinations into prac- tice, amused himself with a few experiments to ascertain, if possible, the substance or substances which constitute the basis or stimulating princi- ple of manures. It always was, and is still his opinion, that our knowledge of manures, and the modes of their appUcation in agriculture and horticulture, is completely in its infancy. He has long considered the knowledge of the moving principle of cultivation; that is to say, the accurate knowledge of the precise substances in which the vegetative stinudus actually resides, to be itself an uncultivated field ; and, this being the case, it was not extraordinary that he should break ground in a quarter, where, as so little had been done, so much might be expected. From a promising soil, where the surface has scarcely been broken, the cultivators, however unskilful, naturally expect good returns; and 266 THE TRUE LAW such, probably, was the reasoning, and such were the motives that led to a series of ex~ perimentings, which, if they have produced httle else, have, at all events, produced this book ! In pursuance of his course of experiments the author was, of course, led by the nature of his pursuit, to apply various substances which he either knew, or deemed likely, to contain in themselves, in combination, the active principle of manure, to various trees, plants, shrubs, and flowers, and to note the results. During this process, one result became, at last, strongly indicated to his mind ; and this was, that, what- ever might be the principle of manure, or the substance that contained it, an overdose of it invariably induced sterility in the plant, and, if the dose w^ere increased, disease and death. When trees were overstimulated by manures they made a superfluity of wood, blossomed extremely scantily, and only towards the extre- mities of the branches, in situations farthest from the root ; and Anally, the blossoms rarely set, or produced ripe and perfect fruit. In cases of flowering shrubs, the same defect of flowers followed, and with annuals and other flowers, the flower frequently became what is called OF POPULATION. 267 double, and ceased to seed. To recover trees treated in this way, it became necessary to put an end to the overstimuhis caused by the extra dose of manure by a reversed process. Tlie tree was to be debihtated to a certain extent, and ringing the bark, extreme lopping, and trencliing the roots, were the expedients. With plants and flowers a similar process of check or depletion, either by lojiping, or, if greenhouse plants, by exposure to cold, was successful. The checked and debilitated plant flowered plenteously alter a state of depletion ; and the tree, after being lopped and ringed, began to bear. That the perfect indication of this law, in the increase or decrease of the vegetable creation, should lead the writer onward to an extended in(]uiry, wa^ not only not unnatural, but almost inevitable. He was naturally induced to ask if the same regulation extended through animated nature, and pursuing the inquiry, he found that it did so ; that it pervaded the animal creation ; and finally, was applied by his Creator to man himscH. Still, in the midst of all the various i)henomena, either indicated by actual experiment, or nar- rated by the various writers on physiology or nosology, which the author was induced to read, he found little or nothing to indicate the modus operandi— i\n\i is to say, the manner 268 THE TRUE LAW or mode by ^Ylllch sterility in one case, or fecundity in the other, was brought about. That steriUty in the human female was the frequent consequence of plethora, whether positive or relative — for so medical writers divide it — and that fecundity constantly followed the opposite state, he met with abundant evidence to show. To physicians and anatomists, however, the immediate and proximate causes of sterility, or its opposite, appear to be as great a mystery as they are to the writer of the foregoing chapters. Thus, the writer of the article " Impotence," in the " Cycloppedia of Medicine," says, "In the city (Dublin), where misery, poverty, and starvation exist, to a degree perhaps unj^aralleled on the face of the globe, procreation proceeds with ex- traordinary rapidity ; and it has fallen to the writer's lot, through his connexion with the Coombe Lying-in Hospital, to witness the birth of numberless infants, whose unfortunate parents had not for years partaken of a wholesome meal." Here we have evidence of the fact of starvation and fecundity going on hand in hand ; on this point the writer is decisive ; but of the mode by which Nature causes prohficness in the female to be a consequence of a constant state of depletion, he gives no hint. The same knowledge of the fact, joined with the same ignorance of the OF POPULATION. 269 mode, is evinced hy tliose writers ^Ylu) adduce barrenness as one consecjuence of a state ol" plethoric in the human female. Tluis Doctor Combe, in his work " on Digestion and Dietetics," gives the following instructive statement : — " A young woman of a healthy constitution, brought up in all the simplicity of country liabits, passed at once, on her marriage, to a less active mode of //fe, and to a much more eJeyanl table. In a short time she began to complain of irritabihtv, lassitude, various spasmodic sensations, and habitual constipation. Hypochondria was soon added to the other symptoms. Her hope of be- coming a mother being always deceived, an addi- tional glass of wine, bark, and other tonics were ordered : the evil increased. Tiie patient became melancholy, and believed that she was always swallowing pins. In the course of tlie year she became so emaciated and yehow that her mother, wdio had not seen her for eleven months, could scarcely recognise hei". After an eighteen months' course of purgatives, and two courses of Marienbad water, she entirely re- covered.'" Here is evidence of the fact, and ol the strongest sort ; for the plethoric state here induced was "relative," and not "positive" The appearance of a liealthy obesity, wlucli is 270 THE TRUE LAW " positive plethora," was not induced. The functions of life were, however, disordered to a great extent — disordered and clogged ; the biliary, digestive, and excretory vessels could not act ; and, as it should seem, those more minute ducts, on the free action of which conception by the female seems to depend, were partakers of the general constitutional derangement, arising from this overloading of the system. And here the author would respectfully ask those qualified by education and knowledge to answer such a ques- tion, what is there extraordinary in this ? If a state of plethora can, as it is held it can, prevent the action of a gland or of a viscus, why should it not be a sufficient cause for the inaction of that finer and more minute apparatus upon the unimpeded state of which must, probably, depend the transit of the ovum from the ovarium to the uterus ; or what of improbability is there in the supposition, that, during a state of unnatural obesity and repletion, this must be the case, and vice-versa ? These are of course questions for the anatomist and physiologist alone ; and, in suggesting them, the author would only guard those who treat of this subject, from confounding with a state of true plethora, that apparent pinguetude, or bloatedness of fibre, OF POPULATION. 2/1 which is a frequent accoin])animent of dehiHty, especially in the strumous constitution, which most writers hold to orii;4nate in dehility — tlic consequence of deficient nourishment, and an unnatural state of deijletion. So much for the possible |)i-o\imale causes ot sterility in the female; but there is, perhaps, another cause of want of offspring, which may be referred to the male constitution as acted upon by diet, and to which, if indeed it be a cause, ti>e author was led by some of the results ol' those experiments to which he has already alluded. After submitting growing A'egetables to the action of various substances, known, or supposed to be ''manures," he at last arrived at one general conclusion ; and this was, that all substances that contain portions, that is to say, sensible or con- siderable portions of any of the alkalies in com- bination with their other constituents, maybe ex- pected to act, and will, generally s])eaking, act as manures. It is not intended to be argued that their effect as manures is in the exact ralio ol' the alkali present. The results are, and evidently must be, modified in mauy ways. One compound may be more easily decomposed than another when in contact with the loots of the plant. The com[)onents of the original >u\\ uki\ 272 THE TRUE LAW accelerate or retard this decomposition, as tlieiv nature may happen to l)e. The ])resence of hme, chalk, gypsum, or of strata, containing marine shells, or other marine deposits, is almost certain to produce some effect upon chemical action. To produce a manure there must be present one or more of the alkalies, and hence all ordinary substances in which soda, potass, or ammonia, are known to be constituents, chemically act as manures. Thus the dung of all animals ; the bodies of animals, wood ashes, the cinders and ashes of coal, bones, calcined sea-weed, the waste ashes of the soap-boiler, the suds of soap, common salt, saltpetre or nitrate of potass, nitrate of soda, the decomposed bodies of fish, and the horny parts of animals, as Avell as their skins, are all found to act as manures, with more or less of success according to the other accom- panying circumstances. Thus far the experi- ments made by the author invariably led, v/hen other circumstances occurred which took him one step further, that is to say, to the belief that the alkali when it acts as a stimulant is caustic, or in part so. To this conclusion he came fi'om observing the following circumstances : — In order to ascertain, if possible, the true efltcts of soda as a manure, he applied to the- roots of several OF POPULATION. 273 bulbous plants, by cliled, until in more than one instance the structure ul the flower, to an ordinary observer, was total I \ altered. A second set of experiments tried at another place, however, ))roduced no such results. The carbonate of soda, when in solution as before, hardly stimulated the plant, even when the quantity was increased, and it became evident that something remained to be accounted lor. The author at last satisfied himself that the dis- crepancy arose from the circumstance of the w^ater first employed holding lime in solution, whilst the water last employed was destitute of it, and in every way much ])urer and more free from extraneous substances. IJence the carbo- nate of soda, in the first experiment, gradually parted with its carbonic acid, and became caustic ; whilst in the last, nothing being present which had a greater chemical aHinity for carbonic acid, no causticity took place. Thus, then, the conclusion was arrived at, that caustic and pure alkali is the basis, or rather T 274 THE TRUE LAW stimulative principle of manure. It is the prin- ciple Avhicli causes the seed to expand, the plant to push, and the work of vegetable growth to proceed. Whether the plant itself possesses the property of slowly decomposing, and obtaining it from the substances which hold it in combination, is a question to be solved. One thing seems to be certain, that where it is present in quantity, if it be not in excess, vegetation is stimulated by it. Pursuing the inquiry upwards, from the vegetable to the animal kingdom, the next ques- tion is — may not that which stimulates the seed into life, stimulate the egg into life ; and may not one law, here, run throughout nature ? In answer to this inquiry, there are certainly some facts that speak strongly in the affirm.ative ; and these are, that alkali, that is to say soda, is found in the albumen of the eggs of birds, and also in company with ammonia in the " liquor seminalis" of animals, including man. Fourcroy, in his analysis of the " liquor seminalis" of a healthy man, detected both caustic soda, and ammonia in quantity ; and since his time the presence of active alkali in this secretion, has been placed beyond all doubt or question. Thus, then, there is ground for the supposition; at all events, that the neutralization, or absence of aljvali, in the OF rOPULATION. 27') male animal constitution, would be a diivct cause of sterility, and its decided presence, e conirario, a cause of fruitlulness ; supposint^, in each case, the female to be prolific by consti- tution. Thus then, we come, as it were insen- sibly, to the consideration of the final step of this question, which is, whetlier the states which have been proved to be favourable or unfavourable to fecundity amongst mankind, are favourable or un- favourable to the development, in tlic constitution of the male, of those substances which are i)robably necessary to procreation ? What is the tendency of an animal, or plethoric diet, as to the consti- tution ? What is the tendency of a vegetable, or deplethoric diet, as to the constitution ? In the answers to these questions will reside the proof of the probability or improbability of tlie fore- going considerations. Now, then, if we examine the writings of tlie principal medical and (hetetic authorS; such as Majendie and others, we shall find the prevalent opinion to be, that a plethoric diet, that is to say, a diet of animal food and wheatcn bread, witli wine and sugar in combination, li(|uid or solid, is accompanied by a develpj)ment of acid in the frame ; whilst, on the contrary, a poor, unwhole- some, deficient, or indeed mostly vegetable nu- 276 THE TRUE LAW triment, tends rather to an alhaJef^cent state of the body, from whicli acid is excluded. Of the' true plethoric liabit, the presence of severe and constantly recurrinp; gout, is perhaps the most unerring; symptom ; and in this disease the development of acid is so striking, as not to be mistaken. The urine is overloaded with it, both previously to, and during the tit. It forms deposits of chalkstones upon the joints, in combination with lime, which it obtains from the blood, or from the bone itself; and so pre- dominant is it, that in severe fits, the vegetable blues are turned red, when touched with the per- spiration of the inflamed part. On the contrary j sea scurvy, the most dreadful disease caused by deficient and imwholesome nutriment, is known in its last stages, to produce a highly alkalescent state ; so much so, that " the urine turns blue vegetable infusions to a green colour." It may be indeed objected, that fruits and vege- tables help to cure this disease ; but this is clearly from their containing more or less of acid, which at once neutralises the alkali. Thus citric-acid pure, if administered, produces innne- diate relief. The cure, however, is only to be performed by administering vdth acids, nutritious ?ind quickly digestive articles of diet. Hence or roiHLATioN. 277 sireef-irort is sovcrciiin in cases o\ scurvv, ;\> are whey and other (hUicnls conlainiiiu: .suj:;ar, which of all luitniiicnl is most coiicciiliatcd and ca.'^y ot digestion. Fresh animal food also is proper, lor it is only from the use ol' meat that has lo>t all its nutritious (|ualities that the disease is en,i;en- dcrcd, nicreased, pic)l)al>ly. i>y the >alt with wincli the meat is cured. Thus, then, a state ol" i)lethora. whether il is considered as acting mechanically or clienucally upon the human frame, is prohahly indicative ol" harrenness oi- paucity of oMsprini:. The >tate ol depletion and dehility, on the other hand, a|)])ear^ hotli chemically and mechanically to 1)c favourahle in its effects, hoth upon the male and iemalc organization, to fccuiuhly, or excess of orts|iring. That the considerations upon which this con- clusion is founded, are of a general and vague nature, the author readily admits. They do not however, seem to he contradictory to any received facts, cither of anatomy oi' nosology, hut arc upon the whole home out by the writings of tho.-^e versed in both. The conclusions which the author has deduced from them are in thcmselve.s general, and he trusts he has not laid ui)on them more weight than the premises arc calculated to 278 THE TRUE LAW carry ; at all events, it is by no means his wish that his readers should do so. If it should be the fortune of this book to lead to a further investigation of the question, to medical men and physiological inquirers this part of the subject will of course be left ; the author can only regret that it is not already in better hands. THE END INDEX. A Api^arel, statutes regulating, p. l(j(i. Acid, developed in the human frame, p. ^/fi. Addison, his account of the decay of the Venetum uobiluy, p. oj. Appiau ou Roman population, p. 205. Alkali, developed in the human frame, p. 2/6, Astrakan, population of, p. 75. Animal food, its effects on nations and individuals, p. 1(j(>, 171. Animals, effects of food ou the ])rolificness of, p. 11. Agrarian Law, the cause of demand for by the Gracchi, p. 2(16. Adams, the mutineer, his singular colony, p. Gl. Allerstein's account of the Chinese population, p. 80. B Belgium, its population, and the food of its people, ]>. 21'), Bean, the freebooter, and his family, p. Go. Bengal, its population, and the food of its people, p. W. Basque Provinces, state of, p. 218. Bai'onets, their numbers, &c., p. 32, 33. Berwick-upon-Tweed, burgesses of, their numbers, &c., p. 53. Beef, cheapness of at St. Peteraburgh, p. 71. Browne, bii- Thomas, his remark ou decay of lumilic:., p. •>! • China, population of, ami food of the people, p. 29, 80, 82. Constantinople, the fate of the Eastern Empire ami its causes, p. m. Combe, Dr., his account of plethora ami its ciftcts, p. 2()'>. Courland, poindation of, j). 7 I. Coombc Hospital, Dublin, the fecundity of t!ie starvinj^ poor, p. 268. Cheek to vegetation the cause of juoliticncss, p. 10. Carlisle, burgesses of, their numbers, &e., p. 57. Christian Fletcher, the mutineer, p. 02. CjGsar, Julius, renews the Roman nobility, p. o/. Claudius, Emperor, renews Roman nobility, p. 38. Cheyne, Dr., his opinion on the effect of diet, p. 28. D Decline of the Roman poi)ulation, p. 205. Diodorus Siculus, his accomits of the numbers of the Romans, p. 20/ . Depletion, its effects on the animal and vegetable creation, p. 10, 15, (52, 268. Durham, free burgesses of, their numbtis, p. 55. E Empire, Roman, decay of the, p. 250. England, population of, &c., p. .98, 100. English poor's rate, progress of, p. 101. English criminal tables, p. 102, 101. Eden, Sir Henry Morton, p. \47. Eggs contain soda, p. 27 J. F Fleetwood's Chionicon Preciosum, ]^. l.')S. Fiulayson ami Granville's table, ]). 111. France, its population, aiul I'ooil of its iiiliabitaiil>, i>. _' ', 111. Foureroy on the " liquor sc'uinalis," p. _7 1. Figs, mode of making them bear in Fnglaiid, p. ji'. Froissart, his account of the Bourdoan.x Hcct, p. I'i7. Fiscal oppression most pernicious, ji. -31. Forteseue, (.'hief-Justice, his account of the wealth of England, p. 1.35. Fruit trees rendered inulitic by cheeking the sap, p. K'. Fairs, chartered, their nature, p. '2'A'.}. French nobility, Chastellu.\ on the, p. 35. G Goths, causes of the invasions of the, p. 17-- Gibbon, his accounts of the Goths and Huns, p. 17'i Gout develoj)es acid, ]>. i'7'>. Germany, population of, and mode of living, p. 11". Golownin's account of Ja))an, p. Sd. Granville, Doctor, his comparative table of biitlis. p. HI . Growth of grass, rapid, p. 1 1 . Gracchi assert the decay of population, p. _'"•). U Ilamel, Doctor, Ins remarks on population, p. M. Holland, population of, and food of the people, p. 1>I. Hasscl's tables, p. 7- . Huns, their origin and cause of their inroiuls, p. 17^. Hindostan, jiopulation of, p. i^O. Hume's essay on the populousness of ancient nations, )). "202. HolUnshed on English hixury, p. 223. Hastings, battle of, numbers slain, p. 221. Heylin on the nobility of the Netherlands, p. 35. He.\ham, battle of, p. 225. I jornandes, his vague traditions of the origin of the Goths, p. 1 7o. Italy, population and food of the people, p. 29. India, poijulousness of, and its causes, p. 29, 92. Ireland, population and misery, p. 93, 96. Japan, population of, and food of the people, p. 85. Inelosure bills, amount of, p. 238. Jeddo, population of, p. 8/. Ireland, acres in cultivation, p. 98. Juvenal on the Roman nobility, p. 37, 253. K Katharine of Arragon and her salad, p. 170. Kasan, population of, p. 75. L Law of Increase Jtnd Decrease stated, )). 5, /• Luxury, statutes against, spread of, p. 1/2. Lands common, their former extent, p. 23/; Lent, effects of, p. 135. M Monopoly, statutes against, p. Ki.i. Mdcaitncy, Lord, his statements of the poimUiliuu uf Cluna, p. 80. Mutineers of the Bounty, p. (J2. Montesquieu, his opinions as to popuhition, p. '2\0, Majendic, his dietetic experiments, p. '2J5. Malte Brun on France, p. 112. Malthus, Rev. IMr., his account of the Swiss Bourgeoisie, p. 36. Malte Brun oh the Chinese, p. SO. Mvister on St. Gilesgatc Moor, returns of, p. 2_7. Malt, disuse of, p. 107. Mexico, population of, p. 121. Mercers and Grocers' Company of Durham, p. ofi. Manure, effect of, p. 9. Manure, princ iplc of, p. 27o. N Neu castle, free burgesses of, their numbers, 6ce., p. !'•. Newcastle, admissions to the freedom of, j). -11. Newcastle, privileges of the freemen of, p. 40. O Otaheite, the arreoys of, p. 200. P Potato, increased use of in England, p. IDtJ. Polls of elections for Newcastle, p. '15. Poland, its population and climate, kc, p. 2 *, 72. Petty, Sir "SViUiani, on Ireland, p. Dfi. Polylnus' statements as to numbers of the Romans, |). '20G. Plutarch, his account of the decay of population in Greece, &c., p. 20fi, 211. Pitcairn's Island, population of the colony, p. 'il. Parishes, distribution of, by Henry YIII., p. i.'il. Prussia, its population and their food, &c., p. ll'K Population, decay of in England, p. 1 15, 171. Profits, decline of in modern timers p. 2.'5. Provisions, prices of at certain periods, p. 153. Peru, effect of the discovery of, p. 162. Peerage, numbers of the, p. .'32. Peers created since 176(\ p. J2. Q Quakers do not intrease tlair numbers, p. oQ. R Russia, its population., and food of the people, p. 28, 75. Rice, effects of as an article of diet, \\ 185. Revenue and population compared, p. 185. Repletion, effects of on vegetables, p. 9. Repletion, effects of on animals, &c., p. 14, 52, 269. Richard the Second, statute of, p. '2'M. Rutting season of grazing animals, p. I'i. Richmond, free burgesses of, their decay, p. nj. Rise in prices, causes of iu the sixteenth century, p. 162, Roman Empire, chu^cs oi the fall of, p. IJo. Sailler, Air., his; oomparntivc tahlo-, of ooncpplionv; .iml prices of food, p. I-jT. Soai)-boilers, numbers of nt iliffereut periods, p. i.'.'l(j. StatF-strikers, origin of tho, p. Uil. Sliillibeer's account of Pitcaini's Islaiul, j), (11. Sea scurvv, origin of, ami extreme etfcets, p. 'JJCt. Swift on tlie effect of Lent, p. \'A5. Spain, state of in time of the Romans, j). 21-1. Statute of Henrj- YII., anno iv., cap 1!), p. 1-J!>. Swiss Cantons state of population of, p. '/At. Substances that are manures^ p. 272. Slaves in America, increase of, p. 59. Slaves manumitted, decrease of, p. 59. T Tullius Cicero, bis account of Spain, j). 21<). Towton, battle of, numbers slain, p. 22-1. Taverns, returns of number in London, p. 2^i5. Tacitus, his account of the decay of the Kouirui n()l)ihty, p. lij . Tea and coffee unknown in Lu^laud, p. l(il>. Tribute table, Chinese, p. Si. Tallow j)roduced in England, p. 18.'^ Tallow inii)ortcd into England, p. IfK). L' United States, population of, p. 1-lU. Ukraine, popidatiou of, p. 77- Use of animal food in Englaud declined, p. 1^8. Vegetables, little used formerly in England, p. 169. Vines bear best after severe winters, p. 11. Venetian nobility, decay of the, p. 35. Vandals and Visigoths, march of the, p. 1 72. W Walled towns, regidations as to, p. 161. Wars of the Roses, their nature, p. 233. Wages and prices, comparative table of, p. 159, Wages, statute regulations of, p. 161. Wine, quantity of drunk in England, p. 167. Wharton, Lord, his household book, p. 168. Y Yeomen, their wealth formerly, p. 154, Yeoinen's estates, longest hereditary, p. 260, Z Zealand, New, cannibalism of, p. 197. LONDON : Printed by G. PFIRCE, 310, Strand. LOAN DEPT* LD. '•^ ■rD21-40m-10,'65 ^?/7763sl0)476 fleaeral Library ?* 5!.>, UC BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3fiSDlDD7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY -,«v t ml''] '-.^m