-^ I ; 4> u AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1 5 Copyright hy Massachusetts Society OF THE Colonial Dames of America LoARA Standish's Samplfr. Plymoutli. Mass. Cir. 1G40 Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plate presented by Mrs. William L. McKee ^m27373^3^me^Q^iSr&^Qi^(S^(SS^Q^J^^^ AMERICAN SAMPLERS BY ETHEL STANWOOD BOLTON and EVA JOHNSTON COE T'?*^"9*f*'*1*' «r^lsA <;/(r\ri<^ilYnple ^ THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF THE COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA .'. 1921 fi^i?> jg^;^^;^^5^^;^Q^^;^^;^^;^^5;g^;^g5;^^^ ■ ^ , j» ^«^^. ',^^^S:! \ PLATE II Mary Hollingsworth's Sampler. Salem, Mass. Cir. 1665 Owned by the Essex Institute PLATE III Sarah Lords Samim.kr. 1^68 Owned hn 3/r... Thoma.^ ^innickxon. Jr. AMERICAN SAMPLERS v Although this volume comprises the work of many, the successful consummation of the plan is due to the administrative ability, enthu- siasm, and ready sympathy of Mrs. Barrett Wendell, President of the Massachusetts Society of Colonial Dames. Margaret Woodbridge Cushing, For the Committee. Newburyport, Massachusetts, December, 1920. Margaret Woodbridge Cushing Ethel Stanavood Bolton Georgianna West Perry " He errs who thinks those hands were set All spinster-like and cold Who spelt a scarlet alphabet, And birds of blue and gold, And made immortal garden plots Of daisies and forget-me-nots. "The bodkins wove an even pace. Yet these are lyrics too. Breathing of spectral lawn and lace. Old ardors to renew; For in the corners love would keep His fold among the little sheep." John Drinkwater, "Samplers. CONTENTS Prefatory Note List of Illustrations Seventeenth Century Samplers Register of Samplers, 1 GOO- 1700 Eighteenth Century Samplers Register of Samplers, 1700-1799 Nineteenth Century Samplers Register of Samplers, 1800-1830 Sampler Verse, Containing a Letter from Barrett Wendell, Esq. An Anthology of Sampler Verse, 1610-1830 Schools and Schoolmistresses A List of Early Schools . Materials, Designs, Stitches Embroidered Heraldry Register of Embroidered Arms Index Page iii vii 1 9 10 29 90 121 247 255 355 382 388 399 403 409 VI ,!^i^ ■•■•■ 'r'Vji'^-v /.i-rK >--;vi* yt.-'.-x YtA*-"^ '•'•y vi--"v--< ■. PLATE IV IsAKKi.iA Ercy's Sajipi.er. 1675 Oictu'd />(/ Daniel Penton Hitchner, Esq. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Cover. Sarah Bancroft's Sampler Frontispiece. Loara Standish's Sampler (Colored) Plate I. Anne Gower's Sampler Plate II. Mary Hollingsworth's Sampler Plate III. Sarah Lord's Sampler Plate IV. Isabella Ercy's Sampler Plate V. Elizabeth Robert's lace sampler Plate VI. Elizabeth Robert's Sampler (Colored) Plate VII. Portrait of Elizabeth Robert Plate VIII. Miles Fletwod Abigal Fletwood Plate IX. Mary Hudson's Sampler Plate X. Grace Toy's Sampler Plate XI. Mary Daintery's Sampler Plate XII. Mary or Martha Bulyn's Sampler Plate XIII. Katherine Holden's Sampler Plate XIV. Hannah Trecothick's Sampler Plate XV. Mariah Deavenport's Sampler Mary Parker's Sampler Plate XVI. Ruth Haskell's Sampler Plate XVII. Mary Ellis's Sampler Plate XVIII. Elizabeth Pecker's Sampler Plate XIX. Dorothy Lynde's Sampler (Colored) Plate XX. Mary Webb's Sampler Plate XXI. Catherine Van Schaick's Sampler Plate XXII. Sally Rea's Sampler Plate XXIII. Margaret Calef's Sampler Plate XXIV. Hannah Johnson's Sampler Plate XXV. Grace Welsh's Sampler Plate XXVI. Abigail Mears's Sampler Plate XXVII. Betsy Adams's Sampler Plate XXVIII. Sampler by an Unknown Girl Plate XXIX. Frances Brenton's Sampler Plate XXX. John Mason's Sampler Plate XXXI. Rocksalana Willes's Sampler Plate XXXII. Hannah Janney's Sampler Plate XXXIII. Ann Buller's Sampler Plate XXXIV. Margaret Ramsay's Sampler Plate XXXV. Sally Monro's Sampler Plate XXXVI. Jane Humphreys' Sampler Plate XXXVII. Mary Clark's Sampler Plate XXXVIII. Zebiah Gore's Sampler Plate XXXIX. Sally Baldwin's Sampler Plate XL. Loann Smith's Sampler Plate XLI. Ann Macomber's Sampler Plate XLI I. Patty Coggeshall's Sampler (Colored) Plate XLI 1 1. Lucy Warner's Sampler Plate XLIV. Mary Traill's Sampler Plate XLV. Eliza Cozzens's Sampler Plate XLVI. Lydia Stocker's Sampler (Colored) Plate XLVII. Susan Lehman's Sampler Plate XLVIII. Mary Hamilton's Sampler Plate XLIX. Clarissa Emerson's Sampler Plate L. Laura Bowker's Sampler (Colored) Plate LI. Lucy D. Stickney's Sampler Plate LI I. Elizabeth Funk's Sampler Plate LIII. Sophia Catherine Bier's Sampler Plate LIV. Maria Lamborn's Sampler Plate LV. Content Phillips's Sampler Plate LVI. Sarah Dole's Sampler Plate LVI I. Sarah Yeakel's Sampler Plate LVIII. Ann Sophia Beckwith's Sampler Plate LIX. Nancy Piatt's Sampler Plate LX. Betty Brierley's Sampler Plate LXI. Faith Walker's Sampler Plate LXII. Sarah F. Sweet's Sampler Plate LXIII. Picture of William and Mary College Sarah: Donna: Leonora: Saunders Plate LXIV. Emily Clark's Sampler Plate LXV. Ann Watson's Sampler Plate LXVI. Elizabeth Jane Hosmer's Sampler Plate LXVII. Eliza F. Budd's Sampler Plate LXVI 1 1. Sophia Stevens Smith's Sampler (Colored) Plate LXIX. Mary Gill's Sampler. Lace sam- pler by an LInknown Girl Plate LXX. Elizabeth Ann Goldin's Sampler Plate LXXI. Frances Wade's Sampler Plate LXXII. Sarah S. Caldwell's Sampler Plate LXXII I. Margaret Moss's Sampler (Colored) Plate LXXIV. Hannah Loring's Sampler Plate LXXV. Harriet Jones's Sampler Plate LXXVI. Lucy P. Wyman's Sampler Plate LXXVII. Elizabeth Mclntyre's Sampler vu Vlll AMERICAN SAMPLERS Plate LXXVIII. Hannah J. Robinson's Sampler Plate LXXIX. Louisa GauflFreau's Sampler Plate LXXX. Mary Ann Fessenden Vinton's Sampler Plate LXXXI. Eliza Pickets's Sampler Plate LXXXII. Susan H. Munson's Sampler Plate LXXXI 1 1. Margaret Kerlin's Sampler Plate LXXXIV. Fanny Rines's Sampler Plate LXXXV. Elizabeth A. Harwood's Sampler Plate LXXXVL The Down Family Record Plate LXXXVII. Eliza Crocker's Sampler Plate LXXXVIII. Sally Shattuck's Sampler Plate LXXXIX. Nancy Wright's Sampler Plate XC. Nabby Mason Peele Plate XCI. Sally Witt's Sampler (Colored) Plate XCn. C. Sanderson's Sampler Plate XCIIL Martha Heuling's Sampler Plate XCIV. Susana Cox's Sampler Plate XCV. Lydia Burroughs's Sampler Plate XCVL Julia Knight's Sampler Barberry Eagle's Sampler Plate XCVn. Ann E. Kelly's Sampler Plate XCVIII. Sarah Catherine MoflFatt Odiorne's Sampler Plate XCIX. Nancy Hall's Sampler Plate C. Nancy Winsor's Sampler (Colored) Plate CI. Lydia Church's Sampler Plate CII. Hetty Lees' Sampler Plate CHI. Caroline Vaughan's Sampler Plate CIV. Sally Johnson's Sampler (Colored) Plate CV. Elizabeth Stevens's Sampler Plate CVI. Sukey Makepeace's Sampler Plate CVII. Jane Merritt's Sampler Plate CVI 1 1. Nancy Baker's Sampler Plate CIX. Mary Russell's Sampler Plate ex. Ann Robins's Sampler Plate CXI. Sarah Howell's Sampler Ann Tatnall's Sampler Plate CXII. Abigail Pinniger's Sampler Ann Almy's Sampler Plate CXIII. Appha Woodman's Sampler Plate CXIV. Tryphenia Collins's Sampler Plate CXV. Patty Kendall Sterling's Sampler Plate CXVI. Julia Boudinot's Sampler Plate CXVII. "Indian Pink" Plate CXVIII. "Strawberries and Acorns" Plate CXIX. "Rose and Trefoil" Plate CXX. "Some Sampler Stitches" Plate CXXI. Hatchment of the Hon. George Boyd Plate CXXII. Hatchment of Governor Thomas Fitch Plate CXXIII. Embroidered Arms of the Gilbert Family Plate CXXIV. The Arms of E. Davis (Colored) Plate CXXV. Hatchment of the Ives Family Plate CXXVI. Arms of the Hon. Harrison Gray AMERICAN SAMPLERS SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SAMPLERS THOSE who go fishing for whales in the ocean of the past, some- times catch only sprats. Unfortunately, this is the result of fishing in the past for the origin of the sampler. Not only are sprats the only fish, but they are thin and very few. Just when samplers began to be worked no one now knows, for aside from a few rather casual remarks in literature, we have nothing to tell us. The earliest mention of a sampler so far found is in 1502, when Elizabeth of York paid 8d. for an ell of linen cloth for one. Her account book shows the entry on July 10, 1502: "an for an elne of lynnyn cloth for a sampler for the Queen viii d. To Thomas Fische." John Skelton, the poet, at about this same time in Norfolk, wrote, "The Sampler to sowe on, the lacis to embroid." In 1546, Margaret Thompson, of Freston-in-Holland, Lincoln- shire, left a will, in which she says, "I gyve to Alys Pynchebeck my syster's doughter my sawmpler with semes." This last item would seem to indicate that probably the Tudor sampler, of which we have no survival, was the same long and very narrow affair that the seven- teenth century shows. The loom of the day was quite narrow, and this accounts for the width of the sampler. Thus the "semes" may mean that several pieces were joined together, or perhaps, as one writer suggests, the word is used in an obsolete and transferred mean- ing, and shows that it was made in ordered rows, like the seventeenth century sampler. Much fine work was done to make beautiful the "open seam," which the narrow loom rendered necessary. Certainly toward the middle of the sixteenth century the sampler was growing in popularity, for an inventory taken in the fourth year of Edward VI's reign shows: "Item xii samplers "Item one sampler of Normandie Canvas wrought with green and black silk."* •Harleian Manuscript No. 1419. 2 AMERICAN SAMPLERS The raison d'etre of the sampler is most practical. Needlework and embroidery were practically the only relaxation of most women, and almost everything was embroidered. In the seventeenth century a book called "Needles Excellency"* gives a list of things for which a sampler was required. They include "handkerchiefs, table cloathes for parlours or for halls, sheets, towels, napkins, pillow-beares." A long period of peace had brought luxury to the household in the six- teenth century. Napery and drapery increased, and along with them the craze for embroidery. In fact, so great was the craze, that cloth- ing, household linen, and everything of the sort fell a victim. France had the same tendency, and in 1586 Catherine de Medici was petitioned to put a stop to it, on the plea that "mills, pastures, woods and all the revenues are wasted on embroideries, insertions, trimmings, tassells, fringes, hangings, gimps, needleworks, small chain stitchings, quilt- ings, back stitchings, etc., new diversities of which are invented daily." The need for the sampler lay in the fact that there were few, if any, books of patterns. Thus the sampler was the pattern-book, and long or short, contained the designs which appealed to each girl's taste. So we can imagine that each girl, as she gathered together her linen for filling one of those lovely old oak dower-chests, added a sampler to take with her on her new adventure in life. There have been many surmises as to just how these patterns grew up in England, and many experts favor the idea that most of them came from Italy and from other foreign sources. Certainly one did, for an Italian towel shows the same design as that on Mary Hudson's sampler. (See Plate ix.) One book tells us of "a tradition that Catherine of Aragon taught the Bedfordshire women cut-work or reticella made of linen, an art which we know to have been practised in Italy and Spain at the time, and which the early evidences of old English samplers prove to have been made, though with less taste, in England." t •"The Needles Excellency. A New Booke wherein are Divers admirable workes wrought with the needle, newly invented and out in Copper for the pleasure and profit of the industrious. Printed for James Boler and are to be sold at the Syne of the Marigold in Paules Churchyard. 1632." There were twelve editions before 1640, but the book is extremely rare. t " Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire Lace in Point and Pillow Lace," by A. M. S. 1899. :? ti...' — . -.;>„jL£.t4^~^ PLATE \ Elizabeth Robert's Sa.aipier. Cir. KUiS Oxciu'd hji Miss (feorjiidiina Welles Sarcjent AMERICAN SAMPLERS 3 Perhaps our ancestors did have "less taste," but I think there is no question that needlework on the older English samplers is most exquisite. The earliest samplers which we know were, as has been said, very long and narrow. The upper portion was nearly always given to elaborate running designs in color of conventionalized roses, tulips, strawberries, trefoil, "Indian pink," the "tree of life," and geometric designs, either alone or in combination. Sometimes human figures were inserted, but not often, the famous "boxers" being the most frequent. The lower half was often filled with lovely drawn- or cut- work designs in white. Occasionally an alphabet appeared, but in so subordinate a position that it is quite negligible, and was evidently included merely as a pattern for marking linen. So the sampler was really an "Examplar," as some of our modern American specimens still call it. Some early English references call them "samp-cloths" or "samplettes." A great deal of stress has of late been laid upon the affiliation of the sampler and the horn-book, but it seems as if the horn-book, if it had any influence upon the sampler at all, was distinctly toward its degeneration. Certainly the seventeenth century sampler shows not the slightest influence of the horn-book, for it was not until the early eighteenth century that the dismal sampler, containing merely rows of alphabet, appeared at all. But to return to the Tudor sampler, which lives only in our imagination, it is interesting to know that Sir Philip Sydney, in his "Arcadia," wrote: "O love, why dost thou in thy beautiful sampler set such a work for my desire, to set out which is impossible?" and that Shakespeare, in the "Midsummer Night's Dream," makes Helena exclaim : "We, Hermia, like two artificial Gods, Have with our needles created both one flower, Both on one sampler, sitting on one cushion." Shakespeare certainly reflected the state of mind of the children of a later date, who were doomed by stern schoolmistresses to sew on samplers, when he says : 4 AMERICAN SAMPLERS " Fair Philomela, she but lost her tongue, And in a tedious sampler sew'd her mind." * (Titus Andronicus) \ These first samplers had no names or dates upon them, for prob- abh^ they were a continuous performance, and so could never be dated. The early ones were kept on a roll as a convenience, for one English sampler done in 1664, while but seven inches wide, was three feet long. i The old samplers were always on linen, and were not done by children, but by girls and women, for very practical use. The earliest appear to be entirely of lace or drawn-work. Of seventeenth century sam- plers, it may also be said that the needlework in itself was more beautiful and the design more intricate and definite. One English writer goes so far as to say that the oldest were the best and the young- est the worst. That would not be entirely true of American samplers. As the sampler grew out of the lack of books on embroidery, it is interesting to know that there was a progressive soul, one Peter Quentel, who printed a book of patterns as early as 1527. No copy exists, so far as is known; but in 1701 a similar book "gives borders and corner pieces, some few of which, at least, are derived from those included in the book of patterns for various kinds of needlework published by Peter Quentel." The ubiquitous Germans also printed a book in Nuremberg, in 1748. There has been an amusing controversy between English and American collectors as to which nation ownied the oldest dated sampler. These many years we have held the palm, for Anne Gower's sampler is in the Essex Institute in Salem, Massachusetts. Now Anne Gower became the wife of Governor Endecott before 1628; and while it was embroidered, of course, in England, the sampler itself was here, and we claimed it as American. The English connoisseurs date it at about 1610. There is one other American claimant earlier than the earliest English one of 1643; this is Loara Standish's, now in Pilgrim Hall at Plymouth. Loara Standish, the daughter of Captain Myles Standish, was born in 1623 and died before 1656. It is prob- able that the sampler was made before she was twenty, so that it was * This verse is on the sampler of Anne Hathaway, 1797. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 5 done before or at nearly the same time as the punto in aria sampler of Elizabeth Hinde, in 1643. This latter sampler would be more convincing if the name and date were not on finer linen sewed to the bottom. Anne Gower's sampler was, of course, done in England, and is a good specimen of drawn-work, filet, and the flat white-stitch used on damask. So it is to Loara Standish's sampler that we must turn for our earliest American-made example. It is in the regular English style, done in blues and browns, soft now with time. The designs are intricate and beautifully done. Our Loara, besides making the first American sampler, worked upon it the first aphorism which appears upon any sampler. She began, poor Pilgrim maid, that long line of pious verse that decorates, even unto the end, both English and American samplers. "Lord Guide my Heart that I may do Thy Will And fill my heart with such convenient skill As will conduce to Virtue void of Shame And I will give the Glory to Thy Name." She worked upon her sampler, also, "Loara Standish is my name," and so was the forerunner of that long series of girls who so indicated the work of their hands. Evidently she did not know the whole verse as it later came into use. New England was the home of all but one of the seventeenth century samplers that have so far been reported. The next oldest after Loara Standish's was made by Mary Hollingsworth, of Salem. She was born in 1650 and married, in 1675, Phillip English, a Salem merchant. Her sampler, probably made about 1665, is typical of the time, but bears an alphabet and her name. Mary Hollingsworth English was accused of witchcraft in 1692, but escaped with her life to New York. She was so overcome by the shock of the accusation that she died soon after her escape. At about the same time another New England maid, Sarah Lord, made a lovely sampler in 1668. It is of extremely fine needlework, and shows a tendency, which was apparently developing in America, toward shorter and broader samplers. The workmanship had not 6 AMERICAN SAMPLERS degenerated as yet, nor had the patterns, but there are fewer of them. Sarah Lord made one pattern upon her sampler in which the petals of the roses are raised and free from the groundwork, done in button- hole-stitch. Some English samplers of the same time show this form of work, in the raised draperies of ladies' dresses and men's coats. Only two other American seventeenth century samplers have been reported, and both, perhaps, may be questioned. The first, done in 1675 by Isabella Ercy, is very attractive, though it shows the tend- ency toward less interesting and less elaborate design. It bears the inscription : "WORKE. ANd. LETTERd. 1676 WOULD. HAVE. MENDED. BOTH- MY. SKILL. HAD. BEN- BETTER. L ROUGHT. THE. SAME. BUT. IF. WITH. NEDEL. AND. SCILK. I. W. ISABELLA ERCY IS MY NAME." The owner of this sampler frankly acknowledges that he does not know who Isabella Ercy was, and so we cannot be sure that it is really American after all. The other sampler bears no name, but has the date 1698. It is long and narrow and is done in crewel in brilliant hues, which is not an especially common medium for either English or American sam- plers of the period. It is impossible to call this chapter complete without mentioning three samplers which were, of course, made in England, but which have been in this country for over two hundred years. About 1650, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Roberts, of London, was born in England. As a young girl, about to be married to a Mr. Breeden, she embroidered two samplers ; one contains designs in color, and one is of punto tagliato. The lace one is signed "Elizabeth Robert," and the other has her initials "E R" many times repeated. She was a widow in 1672, when she married Colonel Samuel Shrimpton, a wealthy mer- chant, and owner of Noddle's Island in Boston Harbor. When she came to Boston she brought her samplers with her, as all thrifty house- wives should. Later, a wealthy widow, she married Simeon Stoddard, '^mmmmme^ m: "<^^M^m^^ '-^^^^ -^ ^V-'%.^^^, h issK^^^^^mmm^^wm-^iSS'-^ss^s^ PLATE VI Elizabeth Robert's Sampler. Cir. 1665 Owned by Miss Georgianna Welles Sargent AMERICAN SAMPLERS 7 another Boston merchant, and she lived in Boston until her death in 1713. The chief interest that these two samplers have is this: that they are the earliest samplers, either in England or America, which were worked by some one whose portrait we also have. The portrait hangs in the rooms of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and for the benefit of the curious we will say that the eyes and hair are light brown, and the dress black and white. The third sampler, which was brought by the Quincys to New England before 1700, is signed: "Miles Fletwood, Abigail Fletwood 1654. In prosperity friends will be plenty, but In adversity not one in twenty." Mrs. Henry Quincy, who was Mary Salter and herself an expert needlewoman, gave this sampler to her daughter, with the remark that it was "an old family thing." Tradition says that a General Charles Fleetwood, of Cromwell's army, had a brother Miles who retained his allegiance to the King. His experience in those troublous times perhaps inspired the verse, if these two Miles's are the same man. The connection with the Quincys is not clear, but it is true that at this time the Quincys lived in Thorpe- Achurch and the Fleetwoods in Aldwinckle, in Northamptonshire, not thirteen miles apart. The sampler has the figures of three ladies in flowing skirts at the top. Over the central one are the initials "S. Q." The others are labeled, respectively, "A" and "E." The former owner thinks that these letters, added in steel beads, are a later addition when the sampler passed into the hands of the Quincys. The ladies themselves, as you see them depicted in the sampler, are Quincy ladies. The heads are stuffed and the dresses sewed on. Underneath the heads and the dresses are the heads of the Fleetwood ladies, and their much more archaic dresses. The back of the sampler discloses the substitution. Below the three ladies are a man and a woman on either side of an unrestful lion seated beneath a tree. The rest of the sampler is taken up with repeating designs of more or less elaborateness, and is unusual and lovely. 8 AMERICAN SAMPLERS So the seventeenth century ended, showing several distinct tenden- cies in sampler art. Samplers in America were broadening and shortening, they were becoming distinctly less interesting, and the elaborate embroidery of household linen had vanished from the land. Folk were too busy taming the wilderness to attach much importance to the frills and furbelows, and one can feel this distinctly as one realizes how very few samplers our American girls did in the seventeenth century. One may say that the sampler of that type became extinct, for while there were echoes of a design here and there in the next century, such as that of Grace Tay, it was a very feeble echo, and is more like the haunting of a ghost than anything else. The reason for the sampler had gone, and the revival was on different lines and for a different purpose. As one caustic writer says, "When meaning is gone, art and beauty vanish too." While they did vanish for a time, a purpose later crept in which gave our American samplers some art and much quaintness. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. «ijt^«w > u i wiif i iiii«jitqH f taHifHffw wi^y r rrrrrir" w^-^nm Mahy Leavitt. 1718 Owned by Miss A. B. Willson AMERICAN SAMPLERS 9 SAMPLERS— 1600-1700 Eecy, Isabeli^. 1676. 8" x 16". Line, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders of conventional- ized roses, carnations, urns, birds, animals, etc. Verse 128 (var.). Illustrated. Daniel Penton Hitchner, Esq. GoM'EB, Anne. [Cir, 1610.] 6" x 16". Alphabet. Eyelet, satin, and various kinds of lace stitches. Worked in bands across sampler. Illustrated. Essex Institute, Salem HoLLiNGswoRTH, Maey. [Clr. 1665.] 7" X 26". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. The patterns in the cross-borders are those used for shawl borders and the squares at the top those used for the corners. Illustrated. Essex Institute Hudson, Maby. 1700. 8 yrs. 7" x 29". Eyelet, outline, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross- borders of conventional leaves and rosebuds, also Italian designs. Illustrated. Miss Sarah Rebecca Nicholson Lord, Sabah. 1668. 9|" x 17f". Eyelet, satin, buttonhole, chain, outline, and cross-stitch. Wide bands of elaborate needlework and embroidery, with geometrical and floral designs. In band across center the flowers and figures are raised from linen and attached only at center of figure. Illustrated. Mrs. Thomas Sinnickson, Jr. Standish, Loara. [Cir. 1636.] Cross-borders like the others of this period. Verses 128 (1st line), 338. Illustrated in color. Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Unknown. 1698. 8^" x 33". 1 alphabet. Buttonhole, eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch, also hem- stitching. Long series of conventional flowers in brilliant crewel. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SAMPLERS HISTORY would be so much more comfortable for those who indulge in writing it if its terminations were more abrupt, and if its characters had a less ghost-like manner of melting into space — and lo! the place that knew them knows them no more. So it would be much more comfortable, in considering samplers, to say that when we meet a new century we meet a new style of sampler; but the truth is that it took about twenty years after the new century came in before the English sampler types became sufficiently ghostly to ignore in favor of the new and truly American development. The maiden to be married, on her outlying farm, in her frontier town, now happily freed from Indian terror, had no use for embroid- ery as an accessory for either her clothes or her linen ; she was thankful for either unadorned. Life in the towns, too, was hard and poor after the Indian wars had taken their toll of the Colonies' wealth. Even so, we have one beautiful specimen of the old English style which was done by Grace Tay, or Toy as she calls herself. She was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, May 18, 1704; married, in 1724, Benjamin Walker, and went with him to Andover to live. It is a beautiful example of colored and white work, a yard long; the looms were capable of making quite wide linen before this sampler was made, for the selvage is at the top and bottom. (See Plate x.) Having laid this last ghost, we can turn to other samplers made during the same years that Grace Toy wrought, and we see the begin- nings of the essentially American sampler. Let us look first at the English sampler, which also changed at this same period, but in a different way. The English sampler clung much longer than did -the American to the form of the seventeenth century. By the middle of the eighteenth century, by gradual stages, it had become square and had acquired a border. It soon had verses, alphabets, and numerals ; and then, toward the end of the century, more and more tended toward 10 -m PLATE YII Elizabeth Robert Owned bi/ the Massachusetts Historical Society AMERICAN SAMPLERS 11 a mass of unrelated designs ; so that in the end it looked more like a sale-sheet of a modern vender of cross-stitch designs than anything else. We may consider that we in America were more fortunate, for while many of the samplers contain little but alphabets, numbers, and verses, separated by rows of extremely debased patterns, yet as a rule they had form and coherence of design, which the English sampler lacks. In the first half of the eighteenth century, as in the entire seven- teenth. New England furnishes by far the largest number of samplers, followed by Long Island, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. It is, per- haps, inevitable that, as the material has been collected from Boston as a center. New England should have been more easily reached and more prolifically represented than are other parts of the coast. The girls of most of the great nations of Europe worked sam- plers, quite characteristic and differing in their basic essentials. The Spaniards brought the art to Mexico, but neither the early Dutch nor the early Germans seem to have brought their particular form to this country. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in certain localities — such as parts of Pennsylvania — a certain Dutch or German influence can be seen, but it is quite rare ; so we are really left with a very clear-cut result. We have first a century of imitation of the old English model, good but gradually degenerating, followed by a very distinct type of American sampler. It is the development of this second type with which we now have to do. It is inevitable, as one considers the schools of this century, to feel that the samplers, like the schools, fall into two classes. First came the Dame School, where the very young were taught, and where the samplers done by these small hands were very simple things indeed. And so we have the commonest form of sampler, that which contains merely alphabets and numbers. Not much from an artistic point of view, we shall all agree, but very much as an indication that our ancestresses got a little learning, meager though it was. This sampler must have been a wonderful assistance in driving home to the weary, childish brain 12 AMERICAN SAMPLERS the letter learned from her horn-book primer. And so we have poor little Mary Smith, in her sixth year, in 1714, working a simple form of the long sampler, with one large and one small alphabet. It was done on fine linen, and contained that most frequent of all verses, "Mary Smith is my name and with my nedel I wroght the same." She is not, by any manner of means, the only child of five who worked a sampler at this time. The other form, done by the older girl at her finishing school, was, as a rule, a more elaborate object. Quite early in the century, originality began to be shown. Take, for instance, Mary Leavitt's sampler, done in 1718. Having accomplished the stupid task of em- broidering four sets of alphabets separated by the simplest of cross- borders, she then, at the bottom, made a nice green hill, with one fair plant upon it, and "Ashur" and "Elisha" in long-tailed coats, white stockings, and black shoes, dancing and playing pipes thereon. ( See tailpiece, page 8.) Mary Leavitt was a Salem, Massachusetts, girl; and that same year Eunice Bowditch, another Salem girl, embroidered a sampler, but she did not have Mary's originality. By 1721 we may feel that the real American sampler is with us, for in that year Mary Daintery, aged eight, embroidered a sampler broader than it was long, and put a border all around it. This is the first example of a border as a frame which has come to our notice on an authentic American sampler, though of course there may be earlier cases. In the upper center stands the figure of Christ, and all around and beneath is "PUBLIUS LENTULUS his Letter to the Senate OF Rome Concerning JeSUS ChrlST (&c.)." (See Plate xi.) This fascinating sampler is owned on Long Island, but came from a farmhouse near New Haven, Connecticut. Until 1730, with this one exception, the samplers are, as a rule, alphabets separated by very simple cross-borders, with little or no design. A few had framing borders. The childish hands were not able to make the lovely, compli- cated "Indian pink," the rose, and "Tree of life" that the older girls of a previous century had done so beautifully. So we have simple strawberry, acorn, and Greek frets, varied occasionally with a vine AMERICAN SAMPLERS 13 made free-hand. One small girl, in 1724, Mary Frye, made a cross- border of hearts, and her biographer tells of her that "she was an orphan from infancy, but an heiress and a belle, if a devout Quaker maiden can be called a belle. When young Samuel Willis fell in love with her, he found he must win her from many competitors. But he had this in his favor, she was his father's ward and was dwelling under his father's roof." In 1730, Pennsylvania contributes a wonderful sampler; it is only saved from ostracism as a needlework picture by the fact that Mary or Martha Bulyn signed and dated it. Thus early in the century does the decision as to what a sampler is and what is a needlework picture have to be made. The needlework picture of the period, like many that preceded it, was done all over the linen canvas in either petit-point, cross-stitch, or, occasionally, tent-stitch. This form of needlework had been done in England since the days of the Conqueror. Our ancestors, lacking pictures and feeling the need for some form of wall decoration, used the needlework pictures and samplers in that way. The story has come down to us of one little girl who left out her middle name when she worked her sampler. She put the initial in up above, but her parents were so annoyed at the omission that as a punishment they refused to frame her sampler. Poor mite! she may have hated that middle name as many of us hate ours to this day. To return to our muttons, an arbitrary ruling was felt to be necessary to distinguish between these two forms, and so all needle- work signed and dated by the maker has been accepted as a sampler, j Thus we have had to eliminate much that was lovely and interesting. Mary Bulyn's sampler is of a shepherdess beneath a tree, surrounded by her flocks and dogs. The perspective is what one expects on a sampler of any age ; the flowers are much bigger than the sheep, and the birds that roost upon the tree inevitably, in any other world, would tear it limb from limb, so large and fat are they. But it is most charm- ing. (See Plate xii.) Just at this same time, Pennsylvania gave us another form of sampler. Two lines of verse and then a rather elaborate cross-border, in some cases returning to seventeenth century 14 AMERICAN SAMPLERS design ; then two more lines and another border, and so on, the whole framed in a simple border or not, as the case might be. ( See Plate xiii, Sarah Howell, Plate cxi, and Abigail Pinniger, Plate exii.) This pre- cise form appears but once after 1735, though the alternation of verse and cross-borders in other mixtures does appear spasmodically. The exception is Ann Tatnal's sampler, done in Delaware in 1785; and it is so like the Pennsylvania ones, both in form and detail, as to make us suspect that she copied an early one. Even from the beginning, when Loara Standish put her short verse upon her sampler, pious verse was always an adjunct. Verse was not inevitable; sometimes there were prose quotations of a religious nature, often the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, or a metrical version of the Ten Commandments. The Lord's Prayer and the Creed were most frequently done in a form to reproduce the tablets to be seen, during the eighteenth century, in the east end of English and American Episcopal churches. Hannah Trecothick, of Boston, did one such in 1738, and she had many followers. (See Plate xiv.) About this time some school, evidently near Boston, conceived the idea of using Adam and Eve and the apple as a subject for the religious enlightenment of its pupils. Two samplers, done in 1741, and one in 1753, are practically identical, design for design. The apple trees are laden with fruit of such a size as to make the modern farmer green with envy. Adam is accompanied by a goose and Eve '^ by a rabbit. Let us hope that there was no irony in the tender minds of those whose fingers wrought so well. And each of the six figures presses one hand upon man's dearest spot, as if already each felt the result of the coming indigestible meal. The serpent — he looks much more like a fat angle worm — embraces the tree with one or more coils, tempting our universal mother. The fig leaves are large and very modest. In 1745, we find another version of the story, for Adam and Eve face us ; and Adam has one of those lovely beards, now so little seen, running under the chin and up in front of the ears, which most Irish laborers of our early childhood fancied. Eve has an enormous quantity of hair, and the serpent has his eye on all comers. He is ir.: £Si- l(fr :|^" €HS^ *-9mj^^ mmmm » m mm» ^ ^^. .fc-^^^-V-qi *'• gh^ SI#St^^ J >ST;^t «'. . ...xJaX*AV^"■"~• SO WB.Q PLATE IX Mary Hudson's Sampler. 17UU Owned by 3Iiss Sarah Rebecca Robinson AMERICAN SAMPLERS 19 nearly as common as they were after 1800. These samplers are just as useful to the student as the Family Bible, and should be cherished for their information with equal care. It is just at this time that the little Dutch sampler of Catherine van Schaick was done in Albany. The border is difficult to place ; two birds stand on two unnameable objects, one of which may be a house. She signed it " C V S-OUT 10-J AER 1763 ". ( See Plate xxi. ) By 1766, the South had taken up Adam and Eve, and Sally Rea gives us a very interesting example. Adam and Eve, encircled in ballet skirts of fig leaves, stand in the attitude of the minuet, holding the apple together. The serpent coiled around the tree leans out and whispers in Eve's ear, while her accompanying rabbit stands in a scared attitude, ready to run at need. Adam, who looks a most courtly and smiling gentleman, is in this instance accompanied by two very inter- ested dogs, one white with black decorations, the other "counter- changed." The whole thing is adorable, and envy surges in your breast. (See Plate xxii.) The same year a child in Dighton, Massachusetts, Bath-sheba Searing her name, began that noble series of samplers which grew from picturing one's own house and yard to putting public buildings on the "carpet" of the sampler, and finally led to the delineation of whole towns. (See tailpiece, p. 254, the town of Crawford, New Hampshire.) Bath-sheba made a picture of her nice, hip-roofed brick house, and she pictured her mother in one window and her father in the other. Sarah van Forhies, of New Jersey, mentioned above, had made a house in 1742, but it seems to have been an isolated experiment and had no copiers until this later time. About this time, too, the girls in the Southern states began to make samplers. South Carolina has one as early as 1752, and Georgia in 1763. Sarah Jones, of Savannah, did the Ten Commandments in verse, the Lord's Prayer, and the Creed, surrounded it with a flowered vine, and added a basket and flowers. It was not only Puritan New England, but the South also, which mixed religion and samplers in- extricably. Philadelphia, in the person of Elizabeth Coleman, offers 20 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Pope's "Universal Prayer"; and so it is with relief that we turn to Margaret Calef and her wonderful scene, undisturbed by pious senti- ments. This Middletown, Connecticut, girl shows us the fruit of her imagination in most beautiful petit-point. There is a brick castle with high tower and many windows, with five straight poplar trees looking over the roof; on either side an apple tree, and on the lawn in front a lamb and a mottled dog. To the left, a wasp-waisted lady sits on a chair, with one dog behind and one with three white spots leaping up in front. She holds an enormous rose to her painted face. Before her stands her husband, long, buttoned coat, silk stockings, and shoes, all of the latest cut, his queue correctly tied, holding a parrot in his hand. And as a background, high hills, with poplar trees and deer, and a huge tulip plant, that dwarfs the trees. The sky is cloudy and contains one star. Each time you look you find some new delight. And if you love this sampler, doubly will you love Hannah Johnson's, made in 1768 in "Newbury Newton" (Newburyport) . Never before and never again will the mind of child conceive such a flirtatious and lovely cow as Hannah Johnson did. The deer with which she's flirting is almost as charming. ( Plates xxiii and xxiv. ) The next decade seems to have been given over to country scenes, to shepherds and shepherdesses, flocks and herds, houses and farm buildings. It also introduced a new stitch which was developed in two ways. At this period appears the crinkled silk, which looks as if it were unwound from larger and tight-twisted hanks. This silk is most commonly applied in long stitches as a background for vines or animals in a closer satin-stitch. Occasionally it is appliqued, when the embroidery represents the bricks of a house or something else appropriate. At one school in Essex County, Massachusetts, taught by Sarah Stivour, the children used long stitches in this crinkly silk to represent the grass and sky. The particular use is limited to that school, and to the years between 1778 and 1786. Work from her school can be identified at a glance. (See Plates xc and xci.) V I m » Guo Tot'* S^Hrua. Wobnm. Mui. Clr lli: On«rf Lf Mr,. ,V. J. Pmta, AMERICAN SAMPLERS 21 The scenes depicted become more elaborate during this ten years, and are saved from being classed as needlework pictures by a very narrow margin. This is true as far south as Georgia. But even in their elaboration, the feeling persists that if one could only really know their history, many samplers that are now far separated over the country were made under the same school-mistress's eye. These samplers are not always identical, but the whole action and design savor of the same controlling mind. Grace Welsh, Sukey Makepeace, Abigail Mears, and perhaps Elizabeth Pecker, who used a form of hunting scene, illustrate very well the probable common origin of a group. (See Plates xxv, cvi, xxvi, and xviii.) Now the stiff cross-stitch trees of a former decade give place to those with gracefully bending trunks, and tops that look like dejected and lop-sided feather dusters. This is well exemplified on Betsey Adams's sampler. She lived in Quincy, Massachusetts, as all the great Adamses did, but I'm sure that she never saw the prototype of those trees in Quincy. ( See Plate xxvii. ) The children of this decade abandoned cross-stitch and its kindred stitches more than their predecessors, and used satin-stitch increas- ingly. They also added queen-stitch, with very pleasing results, and often included punch- work fruit. It would be unfair to leave the time of the Revolution without mentioning the unknown child who embroidered Christ at the foot of a huge tree, with arms outstretched. From the branches hang fruit labeled "Peace," "Sanctification," "Election," "Refuge," "Repent," "Buffeting," "Temptation," "Reproach," "Everlasting Love," "Death," and many more. This and Mary Daintery's, earlier in the century, are the only representations of Christ on samplers so far known. (See Plate xxviii.) A form of sampler very common in England was little used in this country, though a few have been recorded — the map sampler. The earliest example which has come to light in the Colonies was a map of France done on an oval of satin by Frances Brenton, of New- port, Rhode Island, in 1775. Perhaps the education of the girls began 22 AMERICAN SAMPLERS at this period to include a knowledge of the world outside their own narrow horizon. Ann Smith made a map of Europe in 1787. Later, in 1793, Betty Scott, whose mother became John Hancock's second wife, made a beautiful map of England, very accurate, and beautifully worked. It was, perhaps, one of those stamped in England and brought to this country. At one time they were very popular with English damsels. Five years later, Leonora Louisa Spechet also made a map of England, and Frances Wade made a map of North and South America, which was of her own drawing, one might surmise. Her geography was almost as frenzied as that during the war, and even Mercator's projection looks far less queer. (See Plate xxix.) During the last years of the Revolution, the sampler began to increase in the land. Originality ran riot, and everything that the children saw was pictured with more or less fidelity to nature. Perhaps the most interesting pair of samplers done in the 1780's are two which come from Tuckerton, New Jersey. They are painted samplers done by John Mason, in 1780, and by Sarah Piatt, about 1784. ( See Plate xxx.) Sarah painted a picture of herself in an oval at the bottom, and we should guess that John tried to pprtray his father and mother. The pair of samplers is most interesting, and calls to mind that later, by some fifty years, pen and ink samplers were accomplished by some pupils in the schools. They are quite rare now, as, of course, paper is much more perishable than linen. There is a unique little sampler in Essex County, Massachusetts, which was cut in the form of a Liberty Bell, with a little ring at the top. It was done by "Rocksalana Willes," in 1783. What she put on the sampler was neither very artistic nor interesting, but it certainly was of the era. (See Plate xxxi.) Two years later, Hannah Janney made a sampler, and worked upon it a verse "On Education." One might almost feel that this was truly prophetic on her part, for later she became the mother of Johns Hopkins, who founded the University which bears his name. Just at this time began that most interesting series of pictures of Brown University which is discussed in the chapter on Schools. They :es"a ,- tl: sexm tK« C»sMim OF the R.OTUTI QO ..^.'^ s«Tu.fce aaa: FeoFX.e «!3r such Wdter^Jix, tUM^ i-^iuke 3 or •rtfceyiu^ cwai' the £:(Ti3? Foxxoiom* £?>ut)i'e to bK^ serate -:.jn..'?>ri.^.^'U/ sa V. i^Xf^^ -K«« ■h JT-rtV .• owinibm F\xu jape pum to ms s^yx ja^Keire -Jo^mh^^.. *t *s me^e war f moh put M^nv H;iu<'. ?««« wj» Ts^ees? Jf JwaK far fejs sin(?uxa) seal *^y sayi>3se.«TiG t>.e cwiDytJc or w«X( MAyy oatjcteyv sf«B. ^c«'i dwe in The y«AJ;^^^ S^^'^mra^ xi» lUAs »OJSJK »ecewBefu Yh« ti^eitty s«cok£> jtJiiaKOEK>Ki»i« \1 17X3 ^7^ ■^ PLATE XI Mary Daixtery's Sa:mi'i.er. New Haven, Coiiii.? Owned bi/ Mrs. G. H. Buek 1721 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 23 are so lovely that it is impossible to refrain from mentioning them again here. From the college on the hill at Providence to Pennsylvania is not so very far, so at the same time that our New England maidens were learning to embroider what they saw, little Ann Buller made her unique contribution in Philadelphia. She pictured scenes which never were on sea or land. One can almost see the child sitting in wrapt silence, drinking in the strange tales of some sailor-man who had been overseas and in far Eastern lands. He had told her of the Arab in his tent, of camels, and flocks, and herds. Perhaps she re- membered Abraham sitting in his tent door, with all his flocks around him. And then she constructed her amazing country. In the middle, at the right, sits her hero in the door of a large, white tent, while before him graze six of the leanest sheep that sampler-land has ever produced. Next a lean cow stands, wondering, with mournful eyes ; and then a woman and two men, in modern dress, one of whom holds a camel by its bridle. Below two camels, with protuberant necks, eat fruit from two trees, and a man and woman stand near a well-house. Desert camels and a typical New World well ! ( See Plates xxxii and xxxiii.) Then we come to the very modest era when Adam and Eve went clothed to their doom, and fig leaves were insufficient. In Salem, Massachusetts, there was a Quaker maid who pictured Adam and Eve in plain Quaker dress, with Cain and Abel standing beside them in knee breeches. The "tree of knowledge" is there and many animals, but Rebekah Hacker's childish heart was too tender toward the sin- ful pair to put in the serpent as a reminder of their fall. Margaret Ramsay (see Plate xxxiv) helped out our first parents in a different way, for she planted her tree of knowledge just outside the garden fence, and back of its flower-borders she put a comfortable cottage, with nice lace windows. From this time on, Adam and Eve again be- come a favorite theme, clothed or unclothed, fat or lean. JNIeanwhile, all through the period, we have lovely pictures of workless shepherds courting with pipes the equally workless shepherdesses; beside them bloom flowers as large as cabbages. Their houses are flanked with trees, or, as Lucy Cushing embroidered her home, set between two 24 AMERICAN SAMPLERS enormous sunflowers reaching the second-story windows. Newport and Sally Munro give us a wonderful doctor's gig with a horribly knock-kneed horse. ( See Plate xxxv. ) By 1790, the variety of sampler work was infinite. Two Phila- delphians, Jane Humphreys and Elizabeth Lehman, and one Dela- ware girl, Mary Clark, each made on fine linen a basket filled with flowers in the finest "hollie-point." These three samplers are exquisite things, and most beautifully wrought. By this time, sampler making seems to have become an art and many new stitches came in fashion, so Zebiah Gore made her lambs in bullion-stitch. One often wonders just how the child carried out the design which she or her teacher had conceived. Sally Baldwin, of Providence, never finished her sampler, and so our question is answered. A house and a cow stand stark in their nakedness of pen and ink. In one case, the needle and thread are left to this day in a child's unfinished work. (See Plates xxxvi- xxxix. ) At the end of the century, we are on the verge of several new methods of work. Again, alas ! the magic of a new century does not create the beginning of a new era sharply, though one may feel that the increasing prosperity of the country and the awakening interest in the education of girls elaborates and develops what has gone before. Pious verse is not always a sine qua non, and at times neither verse nor alphabet appear. The borders, done now as fancy wills, are not the old repeating designs which have held sway since first the sampler formed part of the maiden's outfit. The genealogical sampler had had no great vogue, and the new century was to develop that form most interestingly. Houses at this period begin to sit on terraces, each step of which displays a tree, and on many samplers the house is broader than this pyramid of green lawns. True to this pastoral era, sheep and a shepherd invariably disport upon the lawns. Beulah Hollinshead was the first girl, appar- ently, who started this fashion, which the new century adopted most enthusiastically. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 25 Ann Macomber, in the last year of the century, revived a fashion originally set by Miss Polly Balch, of Providence, Rhode Island, at her school. No one, apparently, had followed her idea of depicting public buildings, until Ann Macomber put Liberty Hall, Philadel- phia, upon her work. She set the building in more rural surroundings than we are used to associating with it, for a horse and two dogs run merrily about in the grass on either side. ( See Plates xl and xli. ) During the study of the records and pictures which make up the material from which these facts are drawn, certain small things obtrude themselves and give a human interest to all this needlework. We are struck, at first, by the number of surnames which have died out in the course of years. Perhaps some of them have only gone West, leaving no one in the East to carry on the family. Certain it is that many names are strangers to their east-coast homes now. Again, the names left by the Roundheads impress us, and we meet Constant Brayton, Content Silsbee, Content Wing, Faithy Trumbull, Desire Williams, Temperance Matthews, and Charity Peters. Our fore- fathers were greatly daring in their choice of names, as witness: Rosefair Brooks, Welthe Barker, Lucretia Creaton, Sarah Doubt, Perese Hopton, Leafea Ide, Maieson Howard, Rocksalana Willes, Robe A. Ormsbee, Lendamine Draper, Increase Githernon, Sibilah Moore, and Petheny Geer. The most amazing family as to names, however, was the Jones family, duly recorded with births and deaths in 1797. Perhaps the name Jones seemed too feeble in its appeal, and so "Pappa" and "Mamma" Jones named their children Thetis, Thisbe, Sabra, Atlas, the twins Mithra and Luna, and Andes. No one could ever brand that Jones family as commonplace. Another interest is in noticing just what each girl says about her work. They "wrought" it in many ways, according to their own testimony. One was "written by Tabitha Smith Feb IS**" 1713 being then aged 9 years." Sometimes they tell when they began, as did Sarah Troup, in 1738 ; and some are cryptic, like the child who says, "I made it in the year of January 1^* 1751." Most children tell you when they finished their work, and you can almost feel the pride with 26 AMERICAN SAMPLERS which they worked the date. There are, however, some rather odd ways of conveying their meaning : "In the year of our Lord, 1793". "Hannah Sanderson Her Exampler", 1789. "DrusiUa Tomlin Her Sampler and Work", 1793. But of them all, none gives the hustling American view of life so succinctly as did one child in the strained year of the outbreak of the Revolution : "Sarah Ann Souder worked this in great speed And left it here for you to read." Of the children who embroidered samplers, there were some who deserve mention because they themselves or their near relatives became well-knowTi. We have recorded the sampler of Abigail Williams, granddaughter of the "Redeemed Captive" of Deerfield, Massachu- setts, the Rev. John Williams. Abigail Wadsworth, of Hartford, whose sampler is dated 1730, was the daughter of Jonathan Wads- worth, the great Indian fighter, and granddaughter of Joseph, who hid the Charter in the "Charter Oak." Dorcas Gatcomb, who made a sampler two years later, became the wife of John Welch, who carved the original "Codfish" weathervane, now in the Old State House; and a sampler having a date somewhat later, 1751, bears the name of Dorcas Welch, daughter of the carver. Abigail Janney, as we have mentioned before, was the mother of Johns Hopkins. Mary Sterrett, of Baltimore, made a sampler when she was eleven; at sixteen, a famous beauty and belle, she had married Richard Gittings, of Long Green, Maryland. The Massachusetts Historical Society owns a pair, one done by the sister and one by the niece of Governor Thomas Hutchinson, of Massachusetts. Doubtless there were other famous people in this long list of girls, but their fame has not come down to us. Various other strange things may be noted in passing. Mary Studley, of Portsmouth, made two samplers in 1753, and so far as we know broke all known records by each one. The habit of sampler makers, as a rule, was to make the numerals from 1 to 9 and then to add a 0. Sometimes they go to 12, and once in a while to 20; but PLATE XII Mary or Martita Bulyx. Kensington, Pa. 1730 Owned by Mrs. Fri'derirk F. TlKinijisdii AMERICAN SAMPLERS 27 Mary Studley made one sampler with the numerals from 1 to 49, and another one marked from 1 to 50. One sampler bears two dates and two names, that of "Mary Wheatley, 1760," and "Isabella Thompson, 1797." Apparently, Mary Wheatley never finished her work, and Isabella Thompson used the unfinished linen to try her skill. Margaret Starr, in 1795, M^orked the name of William Cox with her design, and so helps us all to suspect a romance. Roman numerals were only occasionally used on samplers. Elizabeth Holyoke said that her age was xiii in 1784, and Susanna Holyoke confessed to x in 1790. The average age of the sampler makers after the seventeenth century was about thirteen, but we have a record of one made by a woman of sixty. At the other end of the scale we find Mary Smith, who was six years old in the year "17014." In her fifth year, Agnes Rust made one which was only three and a half inches wide, but sixteen inches long. Polly Fuller, in 1790, was only four years old; and Catherine Bispham, in 1755, was five. Phebe Cash, a Negro child belonging to the widow of Dudley Atkins, Esq., of Newbury, Massa- chusetts, worked her sampler in 1789. We might add that there are at least three in the collection done by boys. Lemuel Vose, of Milton, Massachusetts, worked one in 1773; and two years earlier, Gideon Freeborn, of Rhode Island, embroidered one. He covered the canvas with diagonal lines in black, with diamonds of yellow, purple, pink, green, blue, and red between. It would seem to be a rather garish sampler. Nicholas Bleecker, of Albany, worked one in 1790. And so the century ended which had seen the growth of a truly American handicraft, crude in many cases, but a real and sincere effort to develop artistically. Best of all, it was a growth along original lines, and no slavish copying of English models; for the American sampler, bound by no conventional type, is more varied and more interesting from 1740 on than its English cousin. Being a freer art, the result is generally pleasing and often quite beautiful. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. 28 AMERICAN SAMPLERS THE EARLIEST SAMPLER KNOWN IN THE VARIOUS STATES Massachusetts New York Long Island New Hampshire Connecticut Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont South Carolina 1630 New Jersey (1676?) 1720 Delaware 1713 Maine 1719 Georgia 1721 Virginia 1724 Maryland 1726 North Carolina 1728 Kentucky 1734 Ohio 1740 1747 1760 1763 1765 1766 1786 1800 1807 EARLIEST APPEARANCE OF VARIOUS DESIGNS Cir. 1610 Alphabet (part). Anne Oower. Cir. 1610 Name of maker. Anne Oower. Cir. 1610 Alphabet in eyelet-stitch. Anne Oower. 1630-40 Verse. Loara Standish. 1708 House and tree (doubtful). 1714 Church (doubtful). 1718 Pot of flowers. 1718 Use of "carpet." "Ashur" and "Elisha." Mary Leavitt. 1720 Numerals. 1721 First border used as a frame. Mary Daintery. 1730 Shepherdess. Mary or Martha Bulyn. 1738 Lord's Prayer and Creed in Tablets. Hannah Trecothick. 1738 Queen-stitch. 1741 Adam and Eve. 1742 House. Does not appear often until 1766. 1743 Multiplication Table. Mary Ellis. 1747 Grapes of Eschol. 1750 Appliqu^ dress and real hair. 1752 Abraham and Isaac. South Carolina. 1754 Heart. 1756 Eagle. 1763 Revival of lace-work, " hollie-point," "darned lace," and drawn-work. 1766 House. 1774 Genealogical sampler. 1775 Map. France. Frances Brenton. 1778 First Public Building. Brown University and the Old State House, Providence, Rhode Island. 1780 Painted Sampler. John Mason. 1791 Anchor. 1799 Public Buildings. Liberty Hall. Ann Macomber. REGISTER OF SAMPLERS, 1700 1799 Adams, Betsey. [1773.] Quincy [Mass.]. 8 yrs. Born in 1764. 17" x 22". 1 alphabet. Cross, satin, French knot, and stem-stitch. Borders of carnation, strawberry, Greek fret, vine, tree of life. House and trees. Verse 603. Illustrated. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Adams, Elizabeth. 1776. 3 alphabets. Cross and eyelet-stitch. Strawberry cross-border. • Mrs. Emma B. Hodge Adams, Elizabeth. [1791.] Red Hook [N. Y.]. 12 yrs. Born March 20, 1779. 8" x 104". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of cross-stitch blocks. Mrs. Hubert O. Rose Adams, Polly. 1779. 7^" x 8^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Conven- tional design, punch-work corners. Herbert N. Hixon, Esq. Adams, Sarah. 1786. Medway [Mass.]. 13 yrs. Born September 26, 1773. 6V' x 8". 1 alpha- bet. Cross-stitch. Plain border. Herbert N. Hixon, Esq. Afflick, Sarah. 1756. 6 yrs. Three vases containing vines which cover the whole sampler. Illustrated. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Akerly, Susan. 1797. 8" x 22". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. 2 small dogs, 2 small trees, large basket of flowers. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Akik, Mary. 1715. Born near Providence [R. I.]. 81" x 18i". 1 alphabet. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. Strawberry border. Flower and conventional cross-borders. Verse 491. Miss Alice Henderson Alger, Sally. 1782. [Providence, R. I.] 14^" x 12". Stem, satin, cross-stitch, and chain. House with figures above it. [Miss Polly Balch's School.] Verse 611. Mrs. Alfred H. Wilkinson Allen, Abby. [Cir. 1793.] Born September 6, 1782. 9" x 5^". 1 alphabet. Cross and chain- stitch. Unfinished. Miss Marie L. Hawkins Allen, Ame. 1791. Medfield [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Myra B. Whittemore Allen, Elizabeth. 1774. 19 yrs. 6" x 5". Cross-stitch. Mrs. William H. Gilbane Allen, Elizabeth. 1793. Smithfield. 7 yrs. 12" x 5". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Verse 377. The Misses Austin Allen, Lydia. 1796. 11^" x 16^". 1 alphabet. Carnation border. Hill surmounted with vase of flowers, also 2 trees with a bird on the top of each. Verse 343 (1, 7). Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Allen, Margarxt. [1728, Vermont.] 7 yrs. Born January 20, 1721. 9" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, chain, and eyelet-stitch. Plain hemstitched border. Conventional vine, leaves, and blossoms. Mrs. James H. Bailey Almy, Ann. 1783. 11 yrs. 8" x 19". 8 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Various cross- borders in rose, carnation, and strawberry designs. Verses 488, 489 (2, 3). Illustrated. Mrs. John H. Morison 29 80 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Almy, Katharine. [Cir. 1728.] 6" x 9^". 1 alphabet. French knot, chain, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various designs. Initials "H T" [Hannah Townsend] in lower corner. Verse 128. The Misses Kenyan Alsop, Maby. 1772. 9 yrs. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch and eyelet-stitch. Greek fret. Butter- flies, birds, flowers, animals. Verse 602. Mrs. A. E. Alsop Andrew, Elizabeth Ann Hereth. 1755. [Woodbury, Conn.?] 6 yrs. and 10 dys. 8^" x 13^". 3 alphabets; 1 alone, 3 grouped. Cross-stitch. Trefoil border. Conventional flowers and cross-borders. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Anthony, Ruth. 1797. 12 yrs. 6" x 6". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Walter Blade Gardner Anthony, Sarah. Verses 129 (var.), 182 (1, 2), 488, 490. Arnold, Elizabeth. 1737. 12 yrs. 9" x 9". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 184. Arthur H. Smith, Esq. Atkins, Hannah. 1758. Boston [Mass.]. 20 yrs. 7J" x 141". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. Cross-borders. Miss Helen L. Wells Atkins, Mary Russell. 1762. Newbury [Mass.]. 9 yrs. Born August 30, 1753. 7" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. Greek fret. The Misses Marquand Atkinson, Abigail. 12 yrs. 8" x 12". Cross-stitch. Carnation border. Miss Sarah C. Currier Atkinson, Judith. [Cir. 1735.] Newbury [Mass.]. 6^" x 11". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Miss Sarah Jackson Leigh Ayer, Patty. 1792. Haverhill [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 13" x 7". 2 alphabets and parts of 3 others. Cross, satin, stem, and eyelet-stitch. Strawberry and conventional border. Baskets of flowers. Verse 223. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Backler, Sarah. 1788. 17^" x 14". Cross and satin-stitch. Border of strawberry, rose, carna- tion, and other flowers. Trees, birds, butterfly, and rabbit. Verse 210. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Bain, Eliza M. 1796. East Nottingham [Md.]. 8 yrs. 15" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross and flat-stitch. Greek fret border. Verse 648. Mrs. A. G. Brandace Baker, Betsy. [Cir. 1789.] Ipswich [Mass.]. 12" x 18". Verses 371, 490. Mrs. H. C. Bunner Baker, Elizabeth. 1786. [Milton or Dorchester?] 11 yrs. 8^" x 18^". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Verse 40 (var.). Mrs. Lydia Bowman Taft Baker, Lydia. [Cir. 1790.] Born January 1, 1777. 8" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross, stem, chain, French knot, cat, hem, queen, buttonhole, and satin-stitch. Vine border and queen-stitch border. Mrs. Lydia Bowman Taft Balch, Betty. 1786. Bradford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. &i" x lOf". 1 alphabet. Satin-stitch. Verse 364. [Grandmother of General Greeley.] Mrs. Adolphus W. Greeley Balch, Polly. [Cir. 1788.] Born December 3, 1776. 8^" x llf". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of wild roses, thistles, clover. Name of Clarissa WaUingsford at bottom. Miss Lucasta J. Boynton Baldwin, Eliza. 1780. lOV' x 12". 2^ alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Baskets of fruit and conventional clover. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson /^•. -Get : woTLr> ' Learn "s*^\ iiiiiij: :/v^ yjliij'ii j/Tr-f-liijiifii^ S.'>, ; ^♦"*^'-' III iiiii]ll»4iiiiiiiii .^., /-•^ nr"^ M,„;, PLATE XIV Haxxah Trecothick's Sampler. BostDii. Mass. Ozcned by Mixs Jdiic E. C. Clia^nndn 1738 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 35 Brown, Polly. 1785. [Boston?] 15 yrs. Born May 19, 1770. 8^" x 12^". 2 alphabets. Cross and stem-stitch. Flowers and vines around panel with name ; also Hanked by Continental soldier. Verse 599. Thomas Munroe Shepherd, Esq. Browx, Sarah. [Cir. 1750.] Salem [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Hi" x 15i". 4 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Strawberry borders. Mrs. Elizabeth Babhidge Heald Bruce, Olive. 13 yrs. 8" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, and cat-stitch. Cross-borders. Verse 668. Fitchburg Antique Shop, 1917 Buck, Phebe. 1798. [Fairfield Township, N. J.] 10 yrs. Born November 4, 1787. 13|" x 17|". 5 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, eyelet, chain, queen, tent, and outline stitch. Cross- borders of rosebuds and strawberries; urns of flowers on sides; detached geometrical de- signs at bottom. Verse 662. Mrs. J. Ogden Burt Bucklin, Betsy. 1781. Providence [R. I.]. 12" x 16". Great variety of stitches. Strawberry border. House, trees, a man and two women, sheep, and angels. Verses 2, 366. Miss Elizabeth L. Betton Buckminster, Mary. [Cir. 1740.] Framingham [Mass.]. Born November 6, 1726. ^\" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. Greek fret cross-borders. Miss Frances M. Lincoln BuFFUM, Lucy. 1786. 14 yrs. 6" x 4". 1 alphabet. Chain and cross-stitch. The Misses Collins Buliod, Mercy. [Cir. 1770.] Born July 30, 1757. 7" x 13". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, queen, and cross-stitch. Queen-stitch border. Cross-stitch designs of strawberries, birds, roses, house, trees, man, and woman. Verse undecipherable. Miss Deborah Stoddard Bull, Martha H. 1795. 8" x 8". 2 alphabets. Eight lines and a serpentine border at bottom. Walpole Galleries, 1917 Bullard, Mar[y]. 1781. Oakham [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Cross and stem-stitch. Flowers. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Editha Keefe Buller, Ann. 1786. [Philadelphia?] 21" x 20". Fine cross-stitch, satin, eyelet, stem-stitch, buttonholing in scallops, chain-stitch. Strawberry border, trefoil and saw-tooth cross- borders. Man sitting in a tent, orange trees, camels, six lean sheep, a cow, and men and women. Also a well-house. Verses, top and middle, too indistinct to read. Illustrated. Mrs. Charles M. Oreene BuLYN, Mary or Mahtha[?]. 1730. Kensington [Pa.]. 9^" x 9V'. Petit-point and back- ground stitch. Tree, birds, shepherdess, sheep, and other animals. Illustrated. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Burgess, Mary. August 23, 1725. 10 yrs. 17" x 17*". 1 alphabet. Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders of carnation. Greek fret. Rose, vine, trefoil, trees, birds, and small designs. Verse 127. The Misses Kenyon BuHRAOE, Mehitabel. 1747. 6" X 1\". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Miss H. E. Cvmmings BuREiLL, Hannah. June 2, 1770. 11 yrs. "Born September 10, 1758." 14" x 18". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, flat-stitch. Floral border. At top, two couples sitting under a tree. In center, a lady and gentleman, each with a large bird on the hand, on either side of an urn. Oeorge L. Shepley, Esq. Butcher, Mary. 1740. [New Jersey.] 12" x 18". 1 alphabet. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Father and mother, John and Mary Butcher. Grandfathers and grand- 36 AMERICAN SAMPLERS mothers, John and Damaris Butcher, Peter and Sarah Harvey. Brothers and sisters, Sarah, John, Jonathan, Kathtura, Thomas. Chinese designs, trees, and birds. Verse 488 (var.). Miss Jessie Nicholson C , B . 179-. 4 yrs. Born February 17, [?]. 8i" x 11^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Strawberry and carnation border at bottom. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton C , E . 1796. 4" X 2|". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Parrots and baskets of flowers. Mrs. Miles White, Jr. Caldwell, Lyd:a. 1796. [11 yrs.] Born March 27, 1785. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Verse 386. Mrs. Oeorge F. Choate Caldwell, Ruth. [Cir. 1780.] Hartford [Conn.]. Born August 12, 1767. 8" x 9^". 1 alpha- bet. Cross-stitch. Trees, birds, fruit, flowers, and lambs. Fancy design below name. Mrs. Henry P. Brig g 8 Caldwell, Susanna. 1797. Ipswich [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 9". 1 alphabet. Chain and cross- stitch. Scroll border. Verses 10 (1), 128 (1, var.). Miss Martha A. Palmer Calef, Mahgaket. 1767. Middletown [Conn.]. 13" x 16". Cross-stitch. House, hill, trees, man, woman, birds, sheep, and flowers. Illustrated. Mrs. W. 8. Fulton Capen, Mahy. 1784. 11 yrs. 12" x 14^". 2 alphabets. Tapestry, eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Elaborate pastoral scene. Unfinished verse 43. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Carbutt, Mary. 1761. 13 yrs. 8" x 4". 2 alphabets. Satin, bird's-eye, and cross-stitch. Plain cross-borders. Birds and conventional designs. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Carleton, Sahah. 1789. Methuen [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 15" in length. 2 alphabets. Tent, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border. Trees, rose-bush, and bird. Miss Lucy W. Davis Carpenter, Abby. 1795. llf " x S\". 5 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Verse 620 (2). (Unfinished.) Edward I. Mulchahey, Esq. Carpenter, Eliza. 1797. 16J" x 16§". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine and straw- berry border. Houses, trees, man, woman, children, deer, birds, and flowers. W. R. Lawshe, Esq. Carr, Wait. 1737. 10 yrs. 20^" x 10^". 3 alphabets. Verses 186 (1), 343 (1, 2), 346. Carrell, Mehetable. 1773. [Near Salem, Mass.] 10 yrs. lOJ" x 16f". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. Bunches of strawberries. Verse 128. Miss Elizabeth B. Colles Carroll, Mary Clare. 1738. 12" x 24". 10 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Large vases of flowers, roses on each side, flower border below. Verses 130, 345 (1). Exhibited in National Museum, Washington, D. C, by National Society of Colonial Dames Carroll, Mary Clare. 1739. 18" x 9". Alphabets. French knot, chain, eyelet, stem, cat, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Flowers and cross-borders. Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames Cahvel, Patience. 1785. Middleborough [Plymouth County, Mass.]. 3 alphabets. Unfinished. Old Dartmouth Historical Society Cash, Phebe. 1789. Newbury [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 9J" x 11^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and quadruple cross-stitch. House, trees, and shed. Below, second design of birds and trees. Made by Negro child belonging to Mrs. Sarah (Kent) Atkins, widow of Dudley Atkins, Esq., of Newbury. The Misses Marquand AMERICAN SAMPLERS 37 Chace, Elizabeth D. 1743. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 189, 842 (var.), 390. "Value your time. The foundations of virtue and knowledge are laid in youth." Old Dartmouth Historical Society Chace, Maey. 1788. [North Paxton, Mass.] 11 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem-stitch. Rose border. Shield, eagle, and horn of plenty. "In God we Hope." Verse 2a. Mrs. George H. Davenport Chadwick, Chaelot. 1798. [Huntington or Greenport, L. I.] 12" x 14". Cross-stitch. Acorn border. Verse at top; scattered designs of trees, flowers, houses, etc., in center; row of conventional flowers at bottom. Verse 26. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Chalmeess, Katheine. 1796. 12§" x 17|". Cross-stitch, long and short. Strawberry border. Lady and gentleman in Colonial dress, also dogs, birds, trees, etc. Mrs. Oeorge C. Fraser Chambeblain, Hetty S. 1774. 9" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched border, plain cross-borders. Miss Eleanor 8. Hall Chandlee, Anna and Elizabeth. [Cir. 1774.] Gloucester [Mass.]. "A. Chandler born in York March 8th 1743 E. Chandler born in Gloucester May 2nd 1763". 16^" x 151". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and satin-stitch. Small triangular pattern cross-borders. Verses 128, 187, 490 (var.). Dedham Historical Society Chase, Sally. [Cir. 1790.] Newbury [Mass.]. Born September 5, 1779. 7" x 7". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. The Misses Tenney Chaveh, Elizabeth. 1758. 8" x 11". Mrs. H. E. Oillingham Chelton, Joanna. 1796. 10" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Tent, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Trees and scattered blossoms on a grassy slope. "J C. AC. TEC. W C. J C. E C." W. R. Lawshe Cheqtjiee, Ann Louise. 1799. Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 15" x 18". 4 alphabets. Cross, eye- let, and chain-stitch. Hemstitched edge with strawberry border. Verse 665. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Chesteb, Elizabeth. 1784. 11 yrs. 9" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Elaborate cross- stitch border. Rising sun in center. Elsie Schuyler Cram Child, Elizabeth. 1764. 12 yrs. 13^" x 11^". 2 alphabets. Satin, bird's-eye, and cross-stitch. Zigzag border. Basket of carnations. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Chuech, Hannah. 1747. 14 yrs. lOV' x 26^". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Conven- tional borders. Figures of persons and trees in pots. Verse 40 (var.) and Collect for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Edward R. Andrews, Esq. Chuech, Lydia. 1791. New Haven [Conn.]. "Mrs. Mansfield's School." 4 alphabets. Petit- point, stem, satin, chain, queen, eyelet, couching, and cross-stitch, also spangles sewed on. Vine and flower border rising out of vases at lower corners. Large flowers in upper corners. At bottom, scene with house, trees, fence, two men and a woman, and several small animals. Verse 217. Illustrated. Hartford Historical Society Chute, Judith. 1762. [Rowley, Mass.] 18 yrs. 8" x 13". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various stitches. Howard M. Chapin, Esq. Clap, Hannah. 1770. Dorchester [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 13i" x 16J". Stem, cross, and other stitches. Strawberry border. Conventional cross-borders. Fruit tree, birds, animals, etc. Verse 129 (var.). Miss Marion S. Abbot Clapp, Catheeine. 1793. Dorchester [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 16" x 16". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border and cross-borders. Flowers, lions, etc. Verse 616, Miss Anna Humphreys •^0T5C. 38 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Clabk, Mary. 1716. 13 yrs. 7i" x 18". Alphabet. Cross-stitch, very little satin-stitch. Part of sampler worked upside down. Mrs. Charles H. Atkinson Clark, Mahy. 1789. 19" x 16f". Floral and vine border in outline, chain, French knot, satin, stem, and cat-stitch. Center of sampler done in great variety of hollie-point lace. Illus- trated. Mrs. Caroline R. Patterson Clabk, Phcebe. 1798. Stony Brook [N. J.]. 14.^" x 20". Cross, satin, and stem-stitch. Carna- tion and tulip border. House on terrace, trees, flowers, cows, and sheep. Verse 236 (var.). Charles Clark Black, Esq. Clark, Ruth. [Cir. 1798. Vermont.] 11" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border across center. Initials of 13 persons with date of birth, and initials of 4 persons with date of death, probably the Clark family. Mrs. Oeorge O. Barnes Classen, Mary. 1725. [Newport, R. I.] 7 yrs. 10" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, and cat-stitch. Carnation, trefoil, and Greek fret borders. Birds and flowers at the bottom. Verse 342. Mrs. Charles K. Bolton Clayton, Mary. 1787. 18" x 25". Cross-stitch. Morning-glory border. Strawberry and other conventional designs across top. Verse 370. Sale of Boss H. Maynard, Esq., March, 1916 CoALE, Mary Abby. 1797. ["Morven" in Anne Arundel County, Md.] 8 yrs. [Born Febru- ary 4, 1789.] 7" X 10^". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders of difi'erent stitches. Mrs. Francis T. Redwood CoALE, Mary Abby. [1799 or 1800. "Morven," Anne Arundel County, Md. 10 or 11 yrs.] 7i" X 8^". 1 alphabet. Cross-borders. Mrs. Francis T. Redwood Coffin, Dorothy F. [Cir. 1785.] Born May 8, 1774, at Newburyport [Mass.]. 17" x 22". 4 alphabets. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. Strawberry border. Hill, trees, flowers, birds, animals, etc. Verse 368. Miss Helen Pike Coffin, Mary Johnson. 1799. Newbury [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 11" x 14^". 2 alphabets. French knot, stem, satin, outline, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched and rose borders. Cherry tree, bird, lamb, vase of roses, etc. Mrs. Edward O. Shepard CooGESHALL, Eliza. 1784. 10 yrs. 16^" x 12". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. House, people, birds, and dogs. "Duty to God Fear and Love we owe above." Miss Eliza A. Kaighn CoGGESHALL, Mary. 1774. Ncwport. 15" X 10^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Verse 602 (var.). Miss Eliza A. Kaighn CoGGESHALL, Patty. [Cir. 1790.] "Bristol New E." Born February 15, 1780. 15" x 20". 1 alphabet. Cross, split, satin, and queen-stitch. Border of various flowers at sides, and at top figures of men, women, animals, etc. In center, two scenes with men, women, chil- dren, trees, birds, animals, etc. Verse 594 (1, var.). Illustrated in color. Metropolitan Museum, New York CoGiLL, Martha. 1763. Philadelphia. 18 yrs. 18" x 12". Eyelet, satin, petit-point, drawn- work, and hemstitch. Drawn-work and buttonhole-stitch in border. Flower-pot with sprays of flowers. Flowers in drawn-work in 14th century embroidery. Name and date on pot. Mrs. Clarence North Cogswell, Abigail. 1792. Ipswich [Mass.]. 11 yrs. Born January 7, 1781. 8" x 9^". 3 alpha- bets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Plain hemstitched border. Conventional design in eyelet- stitch. Mrs. William C. West r. ::; ;."■■■ fe. :■■ ^!^ ^^ \.i; V ''^■^"■■- Si^Q^S^ > X ■"-Irs ^^ >-"k= "■* '\:-i.i..! '•-''. !e 2 >^^^- ■^ J f^ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 39 Cogswell, Betsy. [Cir. 1776.] Born August 25, 1764. 13" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Space left unfinished. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock Cogswell, Hannah. [Cir. 1778.] Born November 6, 1767. OJ" x 10". 1 alphabet. Cross and satin-stitch. Cross-borders. Trees. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock Cogswell, Sarah. 1773. Born June 8, 1763. 8" x Hi". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Cross-borders. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock CoLCOTT, Dorcas. 1796. Romsey. 16" x 24". 2 alphabets. Stem, petit-point, eyelet, cross, satin, and 2-sided line-stitch. Strawberry border. Darky stealing a chicken, bushes, birds, parrot on a tree, pillars of flowers, etc., in center; at bottom, parrot on a tree, house, fence, barn, deer, etc. Verse 631a. Mr. Colket Coleman, Ann. Verse 341. Coleman, Elizabeth. 1766. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 9 yrs. 12^" x 12^". Cross, satin, stem, and tent-stitch. Floral border. Verse, "The Universal Prayer," by Pope. Horace Wells Sellers, Esq. Collins, Ruth. [Cir. 1795.] Hopkinton, R. I. [Born May 2, 1784.] 7^" x 11". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral borders. Fruit trees topped by large birds. Verse 649. Miss F. R. Kenyan [Collins, Tryphenia. Cir. 1790.] 21" x 22". Cross-stitch. Rosebud border. Strawberry and conventional cross-borders. Large sprays of flowers and two butterflies in center. Verses 23, 34. Illustrated. Mrs. B. Osgood Peirce Conant, Charlotte. 1790. 4" x 6^". "Her Examplar." 1 alphabet. A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 Conant, Sarah. 1790. 6" x 4". "Her Exampler." 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. M. B. Lemon, Dealer CoocHE, Francis Elizabeth. 1735. 11" x 14". Large vase with handles, holding carnations, tulips, and rosebuds. Flowers scattered on grass. Mrs. E. A. Whelan and Miss Mary Zellar Cook, Morilla. 1714. [Date questionable.] 10 yrs. 9" x 7". Satin and cross-stitch. House, trees, and shrubs, also large detached rose in upper corner. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Cooper, Elizabeth. 1763. Woodbury [N. J.]. 11 yrs. 9" x 11^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Initials: J. C. A. C. T. M. M. M. D. C. S. C. A. C. A. C. P. C. A. C. W. C. Verse 697. Miss Sibyl T. Jones Cooper, Susanna. 1798. 12 yrs. 12-^" x 13^". Stem, satin, chain, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. In center, large basket filled with fruit. Mrs. O. H. Buek Copp, Ester. 1756. 11 yrs. 12" x 15". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Tree and tulips. "Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud." Oift of John B. Copp to the National Museum, Washington, D. C. Cowan, Eleanor. 1797. Salem [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 124" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Strawberry. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3). Miss Susan W. Osgood CowDREY, Eliza. 1787. 12 yrs. 13" x 17i". Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Border at top and bottom of carnations and vine; at sides of vine and triangular leaves. House, peacocks at each side of door, birds, children, men, and animals in upper half. Large tree, men, chil- dren, birds, flowers, and shrubs in lower half. Verse 41. Alice W. Belcher Cowing, Rachel. 1793. Born September 9, 1782. 8A" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. 40 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Cowing, Sarah. [Cir. 1793.] Born March 29, 1782. 8^" x 8^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Cox, Esther. [Cir. 1768. Near Boston.] Born March, 1759. 9i" x 14". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, chain, French knot, and buttonhole-stitch. Border of conventional flowers, which spring from a basket in middle of border across bottom; peacock in middle of border at top. "Nothing lovelier can be found in woman than to study household Good and good works in her Husband to promote." "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth," etc. Mrs. Henry E. Coe CozzENS, Eliza. 1795. Satin, split, eyelet, and stem-stitch. Border of vine and flowers. In center, basket filled with fruit and berries; birds flying above. Illustrated. Rhode Island School of Design Crane, Mehitable. 1793. 10" x 16". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple cross- stitch borders. Verse 641. Miss Hannah Weston Clap Creaton, Lucretia. 1790. Charleston [S. C.]. 16^" x 21^". Alphabet. Split, cat, tent, stem, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Cross-borders in Greek fret, diamond, and vase designs. Verses 92a (2, var.), 627. Mrs. John F. Bennett Cross, Betsy. 1799. Haverhill [N. H.]. 9 yrs. 12^" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Border design is little rings linked together. Mrs. Abram Whitcomb Crow, Elizabeth. 1747. 12^" x 16". Cross and satin-stitch. Double strawberry border. At bottom, trees, rabbits, basket of flowers, etc. Verse 131. Mrs. George E. Dadmun Crowninshield, Mary. 1748. Salem [Mass.]. "Union Academy." 8 yrs. 8" x 8". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Carl A. de Oersdorff CuMMiNGS, Nancy. 1799. Westford [Mass.]. 18^" x 20". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, satin, and stem-stitch. Border of strawberries, carnations, poppies, roses, and vines, also berries. Trees and vase filled with carnations, roses, etc. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3, var.). Mrs. Henry O. Mitchell CtJRTis, Lydia. 1799. 9 yrs. 10^" x 11^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Carnation border. Trees on mounds. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Curtis, Sarah. 1770. Salem [Mass.]. 8 yrs, 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border on three sides. Small, separate designs. Essex Institute CusHiNG, Hannah. [1796.] 10 yrs. 16" x 12". Cross-stitch. Flowers tied with a blue bow- knot. Miss Julia Gushing CusHiNG, Joanna. 1776. Hingham [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 12" x 14". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Grecian border. Verses 128 (1, var.), 607. Mrs. Frederick Gate CusHiNG, Lucy. 1792. Turner [Me.]. 13 yrs. 121" x 16". 3 alphabets and separate letters. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional border. House, grassy terrace, rose bushes, and sun- flowers. Verse 128 (1, var.). Tailpiece. Mrs. Paul B latch ford CusHiNO, Mary. 1799. Scituate. 9|" x 9|". 2 alphabets. Drawn-work and cross-stitch. Verse 627. A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 Cutter, Hannah. 1771. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 11 yrs. lOf" x 22i". 4 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, and eyelet-stitch. Trees and clover. Miss Mary Hale Wheeler Daintery, Mary. 1721. 8 yrs. [Born December 22, 1713. Near New Haven.] 12" x 11". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and strawberry blossoms, and cross-border of the same. "Publius Lentulus his Letter to the Senate of Rome concerning Jesus Christ." Illustrated. Mrs, O. H. Buek AMERICAN SAMPLERS 41 Davenport, Abigail. [Cir. 1760?] 11 yrs. 22" x 8". 2 alphabets. Two crowned lions on either side; two trees topped by birds; strawberries, baskets, etc. Verse 126 (1, 2). Massachusetts Historical Society Davis, Ei.Es. 1798. 10" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple line border. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Charlotte M. Smith Davis, Lydia. 1799. Concord [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 15^" x 17^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border on three sides. Conventional designs. Verses 142, 490 (var.). Mrs. Joseph B. Ross Davis, Mary. 1778. [Burlington County, N. J.] 8" x 12". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Mrs. Morris D. Wickersham Day, Deborah. 1777. Methuen [Mass.?]. 10" x 16". 1 alphabet. Stem-stitch. Border of carnations at top and vine with small flowers on sides. House, tree, birds, dog, two ladies, etc. Verse. Mrs. Charlotte C. Ames Deane, Sylvia. 1784. 17 yrs. 9" x 9". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Mrs. L. Earle Rowe Deavenport, Mariah. 1741. 12 yrs. 16" x 10". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Conventional cross-borders. Adam and Eve and Tree of Knowledge. Illustrated. Windham Library De Banc, Suzanne Louise. 1748. 8 yrs. 18" x 8^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Vine border. House, trees, birds, animals, woman, two angels, etc. Verse in French, 688. Mrs. Rebecca S. Price Deming, Hannah. 1786. Born November 16, 1776. 9^" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-lines. Verses 205, 206. Albert C. Bates, Esq. Deming, Sally. 1726. Bl" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Following additions probably put in by Florence Davis: Florence Davis, 1865 Born Dec 19 Francis Mead Davis 1845 Dec 1 Elizabeth Deyo Mead 1820 Jan 16 Sally Deming Deyo 1799 March 16 Mrs. Riley A. Vose Denny, Polly. 1786. Leicester [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 14" x 7". 2 alphabets. Cross, eyelet, and satin-stitch. Mrs. John A. Sweetser Derby, Elizabeth. 1774. Salem [Mass.]. 10^" x 14", 4 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Conventional border of vine and flowers. Conventional cross-border of flowers. "Idleness is the root of all Evil." " Modesty becomes the fair sex thro life." Essex Institute Dewey, Charlotte. 1796. 11 yrs. 8" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross, tent, and chain-stitch. Vine border. Tree design. Miss Mary Jeannette Tilton Dick, A[nna]. 1797. [Salem, N. J. 10 yrs.] 8i" x 11 J". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, buttonhole, and tent-stitch. Strawberry border. [Father and mother] Samuel Dick Sarah Dick. [Sisters and brothers] R. D. [Rebecca] M.D. [Maria] J. D. [Jane] S. D. [SaUy] A. D. [Anna] I. D. [Isabel] A. D. S. D. [Samuel] W.D. [William]. Verse 343 (1 var.). Miss Maria H. Mecum Dick, A[nna]. 1799. [Salem, N. J. 12 yrs.] lOf" x llf". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, and buttonhole-stitch. Conventional border. Cross-lines. S D [Dr. Samuel Dick, father] S D [Sarah Dick, mother] R D [Rebecca] M D [Maria] J D [Jane] S D [Sally] I D [Isabel] A D [Anna, who made sampler] S D [Samuel] W D [William] M D [Mary]. Verse 240. Miss Maria H. Mecum 42 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Dickinson, Polly. 1798. Hadley, Mass. 11 yrs. Born November, 1787. 8J" x 9". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Narrow hem. Verse 237. [The linen was woven by Polly Dickinson.] Mrs. H. H. Wells DiLLWYN, Ann. 1753. 8 yrs. [Born in 1745 at Burlington, N. J.] 8^" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch with hole in center. Miss Susan P. Wharton Dole, Elizabeth. 1752. 9 yrs. Born December 3, 1743. 10^" x 14". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Twenty-two cross-borders. Newburyport Historical Society Dole, Polly. [1793.] Newbury [Mass.]. 8 yrs. Born January 25, 1785. 7*" x 9". 2 alpha- bets. Chain and cross-stitch. Sides hemstitched, strawberry vine at top, picture at bottom. Basket of flowers. Miss Sarah Jackson Leigh DoLiBER, Anne S. 1767. [Marblehead.] 16 yrs. 7^" x 10". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Saw-tooth border. Carnation cross-border at bottom. Flower designs. Verse 357. Marblehead Historical Society Doubt, Sarah. 1764. 9 yrs. 12" x 20". 1 alphabet. French knot, buttonhole, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Cross-borders in various designs. Elaborate pastoral scene at bottom, with trees, birds, flowers, animals, man, and woman. Verse 188. Mrs. Richard Cobb Douglass, Peggy. 1796. [Kent County, Del. Worked at Mme. Capron's School, Philadelphia, Pa.] 15i" X 15i". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Roses, carnations, and white berry sprays in border. Strawberry wreath at bottom enclosing verse. Verse 488 (var.). Miss Harriet Clayton Comegys Dow, Ruth. 1792. 12 yrs. Born May 3, 1780. 18" x 21". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Double strawberry border. Cross-border of carnations. Scene with house, red lion, sheep, birds, etc. Verse 222. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Deapeh, Elizabeth. 1773. [Age worn off.] 12^" x 17i". 3 alphabets. Mostly cross-stitch. Plain border. Trees and animals. "Bless the Lord O My Soul," etc. Miss Sarah M. Draper Draper, Lendamine. [Cir. 1791. 11 yrs.] Born in. Dedham, March 30, 1780. 11" x 15". 1 al- phabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Double border of eyelet and cross-stitch. Birds, cats, vases, trees, etc. Verse 373. Mrs. George Marsh Draper, Lydia. 1742. 13 yrs. Born December 16, 1729. 10^" x 15^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. "Nothing is so sure as Death & nothing is so imcertain as the Time M^hen I may be to old to Live but I can never be to young to Die I will so live every hour as if I was to die the next." Mrs. Oliver Wyeth Draper, Susanna. 1778. [10 yrs.] 12J" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Mostly cross-stitch. Plain border. Trees and animals. " Bless the Lord O my Soul," etc. Miss Sarah M. Draper Driver, Elizabeth. 1795. Salem [Mass.]. 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Rose border across top. Cross and stem-stitch. Scene with man and woman gayly dressed, hill, dog, and butterflies. Essex Institute Dudley, Elizabeth. 1736. Roxbury [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 18". 3 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Plain border. Elaborate design with birds, etc. Verse 128 (var.), the Lord's Prayer, and "Remember thy Creator," etc. [Granddaughter of Governor Joseph Dudley.] Rev. Dudley Richards Child Dudley, Lucy. 1788. Concord [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 10" x 10". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Greek fret borders. Miss Gertrude Pierce 1 i"-:^t|^t;'i:^c^;'''i.!"i^\'::i.;.M.: .:;'.■■.'-*, ■'■ .''i.. ■■.''iv, ■«'''.• ■''"■■' ^'' ' v >' t* ;• ■■-"•', • ■? ■''■■■!■-■. ■'(■^'■■ 0^^ :^-^ -^ K- ' v> ■J' . -, ii ■ < ■ t^' •" V^*« r-' d -*?*- PLATE XVI -■^jA A, <•-;•?;■ Ruth Haskell's Sampler. Cir. 1760 Owned hi/ the Society for the Preservation of Xew Kiujlaud Antiquities AMERICAN SAMPLERS 43 DuxcAN, Esther. 1762. 8" x 21". Alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in scroll, vine, point, lozenge, and circle. Verse 495. Mrs. John H. Moriaon Dunn, Habriet. 1790. [New Jersey.] 10 yrs. 7" x 15". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Miss Katharine Harriet Oraham DuHBOROUGH, Patty Ringgold. [Cir. 1791. Ivy Hall, Kent County, Del.] Born in 1781. 8" X 8". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Mrs. Frederic Tyson Dyer, Patty. 1797. Providence [R. I.]. 8 yrs. 12" x 12". 4 alphabets. Chain and cross- stitch. Verse 47 (1). Miss Katherine C. Mitchell E , E. D. 8" X 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Two strawberry plants at bottom. Oroton Historical Society Earl, Esther. 1797. [Near Pemberton, Burlington County, N. J.] 11 yrs. [Born October 9, 1786.] 12|" X 17J". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, chain, queen, cat, flat, and stem- stitch. Strawberry border. "Esther Earl Daughter of Joseph and Theodosia Earl. Her work in her 11th year 1797. Sarah Shoemaker." [Teacher?] Verse 654. Miss Sarah Rowan Budd Earl, Mary. [Cir. 1765.] Born September 9, 175(?). 8^" x 20". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various designs. Verse 128 (var.). Mrs. Fred R. Oibbs Easton, Elizabeth. 1795. 10 yrs. Born June 8, 1785. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border, medley of flowers and birds. Square containing her name and date, part of border. In center a house, with a man on the left and a woman on the right. Verse 10 (1 and 2). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Eaton, Elizabeth A. 1797. Dudley [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 16^" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Greek fret border. In center, trees with birds ; at bottom, house in right-hand corner, basket in left-hand corner, verse in center. Verse 235 (1). [She lived to be one hundred years old.] Mrs. George M. Thornton Eddy, Sarah Ann. 1771. Milbury. 11 yrs. 20" x 20". Alphabets. Cross, satin, and outline- stitch. Vine border. House, trees, and birds. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Mrs. Augustus Hemenway Edglow, Jane. 1795. "Begun in the School of Industry, 1795." 16" x 20". Cross and chain- stitch. Strawberry border. Man and woman under tree, and various scattered designs such as houses, trees, animals, flowers, etc. Verse 521. Mrs. Richard H. Hunt Elkins, Jean. 1796. Marblehead [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 15V' x 15". 1 alphabet. Stem and cross- stitch. Rose, trefoil, and strawberry border. Stage scene with curtain, gentleman present- ing a flower to a lady, lamb in foreground and pots of flowers. Verse 188. Mrs. Arthur A. Bamford Ellery, Mary Gould. 1799. 6 yrs. 10" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders. Verse 609 (var.). Heirs of Mrs. Henry Rust Stedman Elus, Elizabeth. 1799. [Near Crosswicks, N. J. 14 yrs.] Born October 5, 1785. 10^" x 13". 3 alphabets. Cross and flat-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Sheep and lambs in corner, at bottom; also birds, trees, and large flower-pot between two green plots. Mrs. Rebecca 8. Price 44 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Ellis, Maey. 1743. Hem, cross, chain, stem, buttonhole, and lace-stitch. Chain-stitch border. Conventional flowers. Middle worked in small squares to leave canvas in rows of diamond shape. Some of these contain faint figures, probably intended for a multiplication table. Illustrated. Miss Ellen F. Vose Ellis, Maky. 1749. 11 yrs. 7f " x 12". Cross-stitch. Rosebud border. Large vase of flowers and small baskets of fruit. The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. H. de B. Parsons Ellis, Meeibah. 1793. [Crosswicks, N. J.] 14 yrs. [Born January 8, 1779.] 9" x 13J". 3 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Strawberry border. At bottom, two green mounds with two trees on each, flowers growing in grass, large flower-pot in center. Small designs of flowers, baskets, houses, fruit, and birds. Mrs. Rebecca S. Price Eljvier, Esther. 1798. [Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, N. J.] 13J" x 17^". 5 al- phabets. Cross, satin, stem, eyelet, queen, tent, and outline-stitch. Border, carnation and Greek fret. Strawberry and rosebud cross-borders. Urns of flowers at sides. At bottom, sprays of detached geometrical designs. Verse 660. J. W. E. E. [Esther Elmer, maker] D. E. [Daniel Elmer, brother] W. W. [William Westcott, half-brother] C. E. [Charles Elmer, brother] B. T. E. [Benjamin T. Elmer, brother]. Mrs. J. Ogden Burt Elmer, Sarah. 1787. [Bridgeton, N. J.] 7 jrs. 10" x 12". 3 alphabets. Fagot, cross, and satin-stitch. Strawberry plants and bird on branch. Mrs. Lewis P. Bush Emerson, Axne. 1799. 13" x 22". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, and outline-stitch. Hem- stitched edge. Conventionalized strawberry and carnation border. Rose cross-borders in flat-stitch. Birds and sheep under trees and strawberry plants; sketchy bird, good cow, etc., at bottom. Verse 634a. For sale at Koopman's Evans, Eleanor. 1797. 13 yrs. 19" x 19". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, and chain-stitch. Vine border in cross-stitch. In center a vase full of flowers, standing on a table. Names given on sampler, as follows: Samuel Evans, Ann Evans, Edward Morris, Eleanor Morris, Jacob Evans, Hannah Evans, Samuel Evans, Morris Evans, Jonathan Evans, George Evans, Enos Evans, Aaron Evans, Eleanor Evans, Nathan Evans, Elizabeth Evans. 1797 A. E. "Behold King David Tends his flocks A thousand little Lambs Down" . . . [needle with silk at end of this unfinished quotation]. Verse 503 (var.). Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel Farley, Elizabeth. 1767. 10 yrs. 8" x 9". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of different patterns. At bottom, conventional design in fancy stitches. Verse 133. Miss Florence Farley Caldwell Fahley, Sally. 1794. Hollis [N. H.]. 12 yrs. 15" x 19^". Cross, laid, and stem-stitch. Strawberry vine around three sides. At bottom, house, sky, and trees. Verse 645. Miss Elizabeth F. Kelly Fearless, Sallie. 1797. 15 yrs. 20^" x 24". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, French knot, double-stitch, and hem-stitch. Background, solid split-stitch. Border, Tree of Life, on either side changing into conventional wild rose design; strawberry design at base; three doves in conventional design at top. Figures of man and woman, etc., at base. Verse 40 (var.). Miss Josephine O. Keniston Finney, Eliza A. 1703. 13 yrs. 12i" x 95". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 600. Mrs. Hobart Fish, Mary Abrams. 10" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross, eyelet, and satin-stitch. Plain cross-stitch border. Fitchburg Antique Shop, 1917 FisK, Avis. 1790. Waltham [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 12" x 16". 1 alphabet. Stem and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Leah A. Nwnn AMERICAN SAMPLERS 45 Fitch, Elizabeth M. 1718. 9 yrs. 21" x 2U". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and queen-stitch. Strawberry border. Scattered designs at top of birds, flowers, baskets, etc. Line borders. Verse 340. Lord's Prayer. "Remember now thy Creator," etc. "Follow virtue and she will guide you to happiness." Mrs. H. de B. Parsons FiTHiAX, Rachel. 1756. [Cumberland County, N. J.] 12 yrs. 10" x 12*". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Trefoil border. Cross-borders of roses, tulips, and strawberries. "Samuel Fithian Phebe Fithian E P". Verse 591. Mrs. Helen Pancoast and Miss Anna C. Smith Fletcher, Ann. 1792. Chelmsford [Mass.]. Born July 20, 1780. 6i" x 51". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. Miss Elizabeth B. Heald Fletcher, Anna. 1792. Chelmsford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born July 20, 1780. 6i" x 6i". 1 al- phabet. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. Miss Elizabeth B. Heald Fletcher, Rebecca. [Cir, 1790. Hopkinton, N. H. Born in 1776.] Hi" x 12^". Cross-stitch. Narrow border of cross-stitch and laid-stitch. 4-inch strawberry vine at bottom. [Sister- in-law of Daniel Webster.] Miss Elizabeth T. Kelly Fletscher, Mary. 1740. 8" x 17V'. 185 letters in 14 rows. Mrs. Siegfried Wachsman Flint, Priscilla. 1784. Reading [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 16" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin- stitch. Border of conventionalized cross. Elaborate design at bottom. Verse 616. Harriet Parsons Abbott Flower, Rebekah. 1785. 12" x 14". [London Grove, Pa.] 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Catherine Wheel border, and cross-borders of roses, tulips, and strawberries. "C. M." "Richard and Alice." Verses 360, 622, 623. F. F. Sharpless, Esq. FoLsoM, Deborah. 1767. Exeter [N. H.]. 12 yrs. 17" x 21*". 3 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Borders of rosebuds and leaves, strawberry, Greek fret, vine and berries. At bottom, strawberries, fret, black and white dogs in corners. Verse 128 (var.). Mrs. Robert S. Morison Ford, Bethiah. 1793. [New Castle County, Del.] 12 yrs. 10" x 164". 1 alphabet. Cross- stitch. Verse 132 (1, var.), Mrs. J. Dale Dilworth Ford, Jane. [1797.] 14 yrs. 7i" x 15". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of tulips and strawberries. Strawberry border at bottom. Verse 488 (var.). Mrs. J. Dale Dilworth Foster, Hannah. 1743. Evesham [N. J.]. 15 yrs. 11" x 18". Eyelet, satin, cat, and cross- stitch. Vine border with odd designs. 6 different cross-borders. 2 verses, but not legible. "My Grandfathers and Mothers, Josiah and Amy Foster, Enoch and Sarah Core. My parents, William and Hannah Foster." Names of four sisters, but not legible. "Elizabeth Sullivan taught me." Miss Elizabeth C. Saunders Foster, Mehitable. 1786. 14 yrs. 15" x 18*". 3 alphabets. Cross, eyelet, stem, and satin- stitch. Border of baskets, flowers, birds, etc. At bottom, elaborate basket of flowers, with two large birds eating flowers. Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes Foster, Polly. 1787. [Canterbury, N. H.J 12 yrs. 16" x 17". Great variety of stitches. 3 alphabets. Saw-tooth border and nine different cross-border designs. At bottom, con- ventional baskets of flowers, birds, jind trees. Mrs. Vienna Dodge Pearson Freeborn, GroEON. 1771. 8" x llf ". Cross-stitch. Design is diagonal bands of black, forming diamonds in which are bright colors. If" in size. Miss Sophie Pierce Casey Freeborn, Mary. 1743. 13 yrs. 7" x 9". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Solid-line border. Rosettes and vases of flowers in center, in lower half. Verse 347. Mrs. George L. Miner 46 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Freeman, Deborah. 1774. Born September 13, 1763. 6" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin- stitch. Carnation border and conventional pine-cone border running across middle of sampler. J)r. Oliver W. Huntington French, Ann Heulings. 1797-1800. [Near MuUica Hill, Gloucester County, N. J.] 9 to 12 yrs. Born September 29, 1788. 12J" x 18f ". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, and queen- stitch. Border, two rows of satin-stitch. Cross-borders, conventional carnations, berries, roses, and strawberries. Verses 132 (1 var.), 666. " Uriah French was born the 13th of the 7th mo. 1770 Jacob French was born the 30th of the 4th mo. 1773 Agnes French was born the 24th of the 2nd mo. 1776 Charles French was born the 22nd of the 4th mo. 1777 Samuel French was born the 10th of the 4th mo. 1779 Nancy French was born the 12th of the 5th mo. 1781 Sarah French was born the 24th of the 11th mo. 1783 Joseph French was born the 20th of the 7th mo. 1786 Ann Heulings French was born the 29th of the 9th mo. 1788." Miss Mary H. Clark French, Elizabeth and Ann. 1793. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 13 yrs. and 11 yrs. 18" x 21". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, and stem-stitch. Border of vine and small flowers. Roses and violets in a vine and flower enclosure. Names on sampler: "Charles French, Rebecca French [father and mother] ; Mary French, Abigal French, Charles French, James French" [children]. Verse 226. Clara M. Lukens French, Sally. 1793. West Dedham. Born June 1, 1781. 8^" x 11^". 1 alphabet. Cross- stitch. Vine border. Verse [unfinished]. "Those Trifles That Amuse In Life Promote A higher ..." Mary E. Fisher French, Sarah. 1794. [Near MuUica Hill, Gloucester County, N. J.] 11 yrs. [Born Novem- ber 24, 1783.] lOi" X 15^". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, queen, flat, and cat-stitch. Border, double row of cross-stitch. Carnation, strawberry, and diamond cross-borders. Verse 343 (1 var.). Miss Mary H. Clark Frothingham, Betsy. 1784. » Newburyport [Mass.]. 17 yrs. 12" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and satin-stitch. Strawberry border. Large tree, vases of flowers, animals, birds, and green bank. Verse 43 (var.). Miss Oeorgie Bassett Fry, Mahy. 1724. 12 yrs. 9^" x 15^". [Born Jericho, L. I., in 1712.] 1 alphabet. Eyelet, cross, and satin-stitch. Cross-lines, conventional cross-borders. Names and initials on sampler: Mary Frye, M. W., H. W., I. W., William Willis, Mary Wil . . . Verses 581, 582. Mrs. E. G. Tyson Frye, Hdldah. 1747. Andover [Mass. 10 yrs. Born May 13, 1737.]. 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Bird, tree, and lion. "Time how short. Eternity how long." Verses 128 (1, var.), 248 (1, var.). Miss Charlotte Osgood Fuller, Abigail. 1775. [Warner, N. H.?] 19 yrs. 10" x 13". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Conventional cross-border. Verse 132 (1, var.). Mrs. William H. Woodberry Fuller, Polly. 1790. Needham [Mass.]. [4 yrs.?] 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Miss Emily F. Allen Fulton, Frances Burns. 1786. 7" x 14". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Plain cross-border. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Furlong, Elizabeth. 1775. 7" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, and hem-stitch. Hemstitched border, with a solid triangle design inside. Mrs. Sarah F. Bayley 4#^ PLATE XVII Mary Eli.is's Sampler. 1743 Owned by Miss Ellen F. Vose AMERICAN SAMPLERS 47 Gale, Maky. 1787. [Bangor, Me.?] 14 yrs. 16^" x 13^". Alphabet. Cross and satin-stitch. Border, Greek vine with leaves. Landscape, with flowers, birds, trees, etc. Verse 496. Mrs. S. Gale Treat Gansevoort, . 1791. 22" x 10^". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. "Vase with roses. "Leonard Gansevoort, Mary Gansevoort, Maria Gansevoort, Arietta Gansevoort, Catharine Douw, Eliza Richards, John Gansevoort, Rachel Douw." Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society Gansevoort, Maria. 1790. Albany [N. Y. Born February 17, 1778.]. 15" x 20i". Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. "Leonard and Mary Gansevoort, 1790. Maria Ganse- voort, Harrietta, Katharine Douw and John Gansevoort." Birds, butterflies, etc. Federal bower with II states of the Union, surmounted by gateway with birds. Mrs. Marcus T. Hun Garrison, Patience. 1796. Trenton [N. J.]. 13 yrs. Born [September 30] 1783. 16" x 18". Cross-stitch. Cross-border. House, trees, flowers, etc. Mrs. Oeorcje W. Yeandle Gatcomb, Dorcas. 1732. Boston [Mass.]. 7i" x 15i". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Elaborate 5-inch border of animals, trees, birds, and other designs. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Charles E. Cotting Gates, Mary. 1796. 17 yrs. 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Triple strawberry border. Trees, Adam and Eve, flowers and bucks. Verses 384, 385. Mr. G. H. Buek Gat, Euzabeth. 1787. 11 yrs. 12" x 10". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. L. A. Arnold Geer, Petheny. 1758. 10 yrs. 9" x 31". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, cross-stitch, and other stitches. Cross-border at top. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. C. S. Cobb Gehhish, Mary. 1798. 13 yrs. [Boscawen, N. H.] 12" x 11". Yellow canvas. 3 alphabets. Hem and cross-stitch. Flower borders, growing out of grass at the bottom. 14 Sumner Road, Cambridge Gerry, Catherine. 1796. 9 yrs. lU" x 20^". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and 6 kinds of fancy, open-work stitches. Triangular design. Miss Bessie H. Lyman GiBBS, Sarah. 1749. Newport [R. I.]. 11 yrs. 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Trefoil border, carnation cross-borders. Elaborate carnation and tulip design in center. Verse 343 (1). Mrs. J. West Roosevelt Gibson, Sarah. 1784. Pelham [Mass.]. 27 yrs. "Born Sept 26, 1757". 4" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 200. Mrs. J. A. Xoble Giddinge, Lydia. [Ipswich, Mass.?] 12 yrs. 19" x 23". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border, with roses in upper corners. Birds in corners, dog running after a deer. Mrs. Charles Kane Cobb GiFFiNG, Hariot. 1799. New York City. 7|" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Miss Estelle Clements GiLKEY, Sally. 1795. Born September 27, 1779. 14*" x 17^". 3 alphabets. All kinds of fancy stitches. Rose border. Divided into 10 sections. Trees, birds, vases, etc. Family names on sampler: "Betty Gilkey, Born July 29, 1775. Martha Gilkey, Born Au 23, 1777. Sally, Born Sep 27, 1779. Phebe, Born June 3, 1782. Ann, Born May 25, 1784. Mary, Born June 11, 1788. Wm & Isaac, Born May 17, 1790. My Daddy was born April 27, 1757. He dyed November the 13, Aged Forty 3 years. My Mamma was born April the 27, 1755. A E Forty 4 years." Verses 606 (1, var.), 609 (1, var.). Prof. George C. Chase 48 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Gill, Mary. 1767. 13 yrs. 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine, bird, and basket. Verse 343 (1, var.). Initials: I G. N G. MS, W S. S G. L G. R G. Mrs. Henry J. Irick GiLMORE, Keziah. 1799. 8 yrs. [Born April 26, 1790.] 11" x 17". 8 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Weeping willow, with verse in lower half and inscription, "Sarah Gilmore born Jan. 6th 1797", evidently a younger sister. Verse 628. Mrs. John V. Craven GiTHERNON, Increase. 1796. 19" x 16". Stem and cross-stitch. Carnation and tulip border. House, sheep, lambs, and trees. Verses 13, 395 (4). Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes Glassel, Jane M. Born November 17, 1786. 28" x 17". 3 alphabets. Strawberry border. Family tree in center. Record of family names and dates: "Andrew Glassel and Elizabeth Taylor were married October 21, 1776. Milly Glassel was born June the 25, 1778; John Glassel was born Oct. the 28, 1780; Mary Glassel was born May the 4, 1783; Helen B. Glassel was born (?) the 28, 1786; Jane M. Glassel was born November the 17, 1785; James M. Glassel was born January the 1, 1790; Andrew Glassel was born May 15, ( ? ) ; Robert was born May 18, 1795; William Glassel was born May the 17, 1797." Glazier, Elvira. [West Boylston, Mass.] 11" x 12". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry and alphabet border. Mrs. Melvin W. Longley Glover, Mary. 1760. [Marblehead.] 10 yrs. 11^" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Baskets of flowers and trees, also Caleb and Joshua carrying the grapes of Eschol. Verse 352. Estate of Miss Sarah Haskell Crocker GoDDARD, Hannah. [Cir. 1762.] Born October 10, 1750. 6" x 17". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. John Brooks Goodwin, Becky. 1774. Charlestown [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 8" x 12". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple cross-borders. Verse 128. Oroton Historical Society Goodwin, P[riscilla]. 1790. [Salem, N. J.] 8^" x 12". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Line border on sides; rosettes across top, Mrs. Oakford Woodnutt Acton Gore, Abigail. 1797. Boston [Mass. Born July 27, 1784.]. 144" x 104". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. House and lamb. Verse 233. Miss Mary H. Leeds Gore, Zebiah. 1791, Boston [Mass,]. 11 yrs. Born July 27, 1780. 16" x 17*". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch, and bullion-stitch for sheep. Eyelet-stitch border on three sides. Landscape with house, trees, dog, birds, sheep, and a shepherd and shepherdess. The background above is filled with black cross-stitch, and the bottom is completely filled with fine cross-stitch. "Now we are Caused to Live there's nothing I Esteem Worth learning but the way to Die." Illustrated. Miss Mary H. Leeds GoRHAM, Sally. 1796. 13 yrs. Born December 28, 1781. 11" x 12". 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry vine cross-border. Scene with house, trees, etc. Verse 228. Mrs. Herman Daggett Clark, Jr. Gould, Esther. 17[??]. [Cir. 1798.] "Agusta." Born 1786. 11" x 14". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Basket of flowers. Verses 128 (1, var.), 667. Miss Caroline F. Ware Gove, Polly. 9" x 13J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Unfinished. Verse 243. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Ghatz, Richea. 1789. [Philadelphia, Pa. Born in 1774.] 9^" x 20". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Verse 621 (1). Miss Laura Mordecai AMERICAN SAMPLERS 49 Geay, Elizabeth Cotjltas. [Before 1760. Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia.] 91" x 12^". Petit- point and cross-stitch. Design, bunch of flowers in basket, fills entire sampler. Mrs. Robert Bean Gray, Sally Ropes. 1796. Salem [Mass.]. 8 yrs. Born March 27, 1788. 7^" x 16". 2 alpha- bets. Satin and cross-stitch. Lambs eating strawberries. Essex Institute Green, Betsy. 1798. Alexandria [Va.j. 12 yrs. 17" x 20i". 6 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Border, festoons of eyelets and bunches of strawberries. Verse 202 (1, var.). Virginia L. Maury Greene, Catherine. 1785. 11 yrs. 16" x 12". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. House with tree on either side. Charles T. Howard, Esq. Greene, Mary. 1766. 11 yrs. 9^" x 13i". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Con- ventional strawberry border. Conventional rose, tulip, and carnation cross-border in middle, small border at bottom. Verses 488 (var.), 598. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Greene, Sarah. [1760-65.] Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 14" x 7*". 4 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, cat, and cross-stitch. Verse 593. Mrs. Roger Wolcott Greenleaf, Elizabeth. 1768. Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 8" x 13^". 1 alphabet. Cross- stitch. Fancy cross-border at top. "Deaths terror is the mountain Faith removes Tis Faith discovers destruction. Believe and look with triumph on the Tomb" Mrs. J. Lewis Stackpole Greenleaf, Elizabeth. 1788. Haverhill [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 18". Cross, satin, and chain- stitch. 2 alphabets. Leaves and flower border. Two girls, a boy or man with a parasol, a bird, a horse, trees and flowers. Verse 625. Francis B. Manning, Esq. Ghenell, Betsy. 1792. 13 yrs. 6" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. George Bird, Esq. Gridley, Anna. 1783. 13 yrs. 8" x 21". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Conven- tional birds and baskets. Verses 128, 508. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Grignor, Margaret. 1747. 9 yrs. 9" x 18". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of Greek fret, rose, cross, vine, strawberry. "Life is decietful and beauty is vain but a Woman that Feareth the Lord she shall" . . . Mrs. George A. Plimpton Grover, Elizabeth. July 16, 1784. Philadelphia, Pa. 17" x 17". Flat and cross-stitch. Car- nation border; rose, strawberry, and vine cross-borders. Verses 509, 615. Mrs. Charles Dickinson Hacker, Rebekah. 1786. Salem [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 13" x 16". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, French knot, long, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel in Quaker dress. Verses 128 (1, var.), 248 (var.). Miss Anna Hazen Howell Hackett, Euzabeth. [Cir. 1782.] SaUsbury Point [Mass.]. Born "Sept. 1771." 9" x 10^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional design. Mrs. Dolly C. Ames Hail, Mary. 1763. Born 1754. 10" x 20". 2 alphabets. Eyelets and cross-stitch. Plain cross- stitch border at top. Verse 498. Mrs. David P. Penhallow Hale, Polly. 1791. [Mass.] 11" x 7J". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Acorn design at bottom. Mrs. Edwin L. Thompson Hall, Elizabeth. 1750. Dorchester [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born 1738. 8" x 11", 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mi^s Marion Stanley Abbot .50 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Hall, Nanct. August, 1788. Providence [R. I. 12 yrs.]. 14" x 16". "Miss Polly Balch's School." Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border, rose, carnation, hyacinth, and myrtle. University Hall, Brown University, in center of oval; President's reception, above, and more people going to President's house, below. Verse 628. Illustrated? Mrs. W. C. Greene Hallen, Abigail. 1750. Mystic [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 11". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 191. Mrs. George A. Plimpton Hallman, Mary. Barren Hill, Pa. 13^" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch, plain and fancy. Border of diamond shapes. Conventional flower-pots, birds and animals. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Hamlin, Anne. 1790. Providence [R. I.], Born March 12, 1776. Probably "Miss Polly Balch's School." 9" x 9". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border, top and bottom; straight cross on sides. Strawberry plants. Verse 628. Miss Sarah 8. Mumford Hamlin, Mehitable. 1798. Providence [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 12". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Rosebuds. Verse 661. Mrs. H. M. Preston Hammond, Abigail. 1743. 7 yrs. 8" x 12". 8 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders, one conventionalized carnation. Debased carnation. C. E. Goodspeed, Esq., 1917 Hance, Maby. 1780. Shrewsbury [N. J.]. 12" x 12". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Trees. Robert H. Oakley, Esq. Hancock, Fanny. 1736. 11 yrs. 8 alphabets. Conventional designs. Hemstitched edge. In Machias, Me.? Harding, Prudence. 1795. 18" x 18". Partial alphabet. Cross, satin, stem, eyelet, queen, and cat-stitch. Rose-wreath border. Cross-border of single-stitch. Verse 647. Fitchburg Antique Shop, 1917 Hardyman, Henrietta Maria. 1765. 2 alphabets. Tent, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and strawberry blossoms and berries. Scene with large basket filled with fruit, trees, large deer, and two small dogs. Mrs. W. W. Richardson Hariman, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1789.] Born April 23, 1777. 12" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Colonial Dames of the State of New York Harris, Amee. 1767. 12 yrs. 9" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Trefoil border. Tulip cross-border. Verse 343 (1, var.). Harriet A. Barstow Harris, Betsy. [1790.] 16" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. F. A. Waterman Harris, Hitty. 1775. Concord [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 8" x 10". Mustard-colored canvas. 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret cross-border. Miss Annie Haven Thwing Harris, Polly. [1760. New England.] 9 yrs. 10" x 7^". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Horses, grass, shrubs, etc. Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse Hart, Lydia. February 4, 1731. 2 alphabets. Tent, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross- borders of strawberry, trefoil, scroll, and several different Greek fret designs. Verse 128 (var.). Hart, Mary Eliza. 1771. Charleston [S. C.]. 7" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, hemstitch, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and Greek fret borders. "Remember thy Creator," etc. Mrs. John F. Bennett 'j^\ ^j t 't rr ^* ^- I k ii A ti-/- i n" 11 /- -*- * ■" * ^*;.^ A A A A A '<^, ^A .^ .A. .A. y yVMVWIWAV «^w^nNlluw•MmnMf' AHvwwwnr ••VWVWVWAN'.v '■»;» -*-^*^'*^-*■-*-^'*-^.'^-'^
.ifc A j>. ^ ^ -«^> '-'^ •^S*'*^'^"'"^^^ ' ^v%:'/>K-^:V,. >^V■ PLATE XVIII Elizabeth Pecker's Sampler. 1733 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 51 Haskell, Ruth. [Cir. 1760.] 11 yrs. Alphabet. Eyelet, petit-point, and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border on three sides. Adam and Eve scene at bottom. Verse 9. Illustrated. Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities Haskell, Sarah. 1782. Lunenburg [Pa.?]. Born February 18, 1775. 10" x 14". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Conventional flowers, etc., in cross-borders. Verses 182 (1), 248 (1, var.), 490. Mrs. Frank S. Willock Hastings, Dorcas. 1793. Lincoln [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 7^" x 5". Alphabet. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Simple border. Baskets of fruit. Miss Caroline L. Manett Hathaway, Anne. 1797. 7 yrs. 12^" x 12J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Plain border. Cross-borders of carnations and acorns. Six deer and three flowers. I. "Books & needle both content to make a house wif and a friend" II. "Fair Philomel she lost her tongue and in a tedious sampler sewed her mind" Mrs. Siegfried Wachsman Hathaway, Rebekah. 1794. 11 yrs. Verses 238, 379. Miss Helen F. Kimball Haven, Anne. 1789. HoUiston. 9" x 8". 2 alphabets. Tree design. Verse 129o. Miss Laura Weeks Havens, Mary Catherine. 10 yrs. 8^" x ll^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. "Remember you are in the hands of God". Mm Cornelia Horsford Hawks, Polly. 1798. 13 yrs. Born November 4, 1785. 13" x 18". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, out- line, chain, cross, satin, and stem-stitch. Sides and bottom, border of vines and flowers; at top, diamonds. Verse 235. Miss Edith S. Hall Hawks, Sidney. 1794. 8 yrs. 8^" x lOl". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of flowers, trees, dogs, etc. Museum of Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Haynes, Anna. 1775. 8 yrs. 10" x llf ". 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, eyelet, chain, cross-stitch, and hemstitch. Border, strawberries, dogs, birds, flowers, plants, tree, and sunflower. Crosses at bottom. Verse 363. Dedham Historical Society H[aynes], A[nna] M[ahia]. 1762. Hamburg. 9 yrs. 5" x 16". Lace, and cross-designs in white. Mrs. O. Clem Goodrich Haynes, Sally. 1785. Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born in Boston, June 8, 1773. 9 J" x lOV'. 3 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, hemstitch, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verses 10 (1, var.), 92 (1, var.). Dedham Historical Society Hays, Slomey. 1788. Boston [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 7" x 17". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. Indian design with chickens, animals, basket of flowers, bush, etc. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Edward Cohen Hazard, Alice. 1764. [Little Neck, Narragansett, R. I.] 9 yrs. 13" x 16V'. 2 alphabets. Satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Cross-borders. Conventionalized house, tree, fence, bush, and birds. Verses 128 (1, var.), 499. Miss Mary A. Hazard Hazard, Sarah. 1740. 13 yrs. 8^" x 16^". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Elaborate flower designs with birds. Verse 489. Miss Susan Woodman Hazeltine, Abigail. 1777. [Salem, Mass.] 14 yrs. 15" x 17". 2 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberries, flowers, lambs in border, also Greek fret design. Dogs, trees, and birds. Mrs. Edward M. Vickery 52 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Heard, Nancy. 1794. [Stepney, Conn.] 13" x 16". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border, detached flowers of diflFerent varieties. Basket [unfinished] and 2 plants. Verse 644. Robert Fridenberg, Dealer Heath, Jane. 8 yrs. [Virginia.] 18" x 24". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Colonial brick house, pine trees, etc. Mrs. William W. Richardson Henderson, Jane. 1795. 10 yrs. "Chesterfield School." 17" x 21*". Cross-stitch. Conven- tionalized vine border. House on top of hill, also man, woman, bushes, trees, and animals. Verses 383, 694 (1). Miss Susan B. Minor Herbert, Elizabeth. 1764. Salem, Mass. 12 yrs. 15" x 15". 6 alphabets. Stem, French knot, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Landscape border, showing shepherdess with sheep, fisherman, pond, trees, animals, birds and butterflies, etc. Strawberry cross-border. Verses 194, 495 (var.). Miss Ellen H. Bailey Heywood, Hannah. [Cir. 1792. Royalston, Mass.] Born January 6, 1781. 8" x 10^". 1 al- phabet. Eyelet, feather, and cross-stitch. Slip-stitch border. Conventional design. Miss Mary Heywood Dean [Hill, Mary. Cir. 1770.] 7" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch and petit-point. Vine, carna- tion, and Greek fret borders. [Unfinished.] Verse 368. The Misses Kenyon Hill, Mary. 1773. 3*" x 6i". 1 alphabet; parts of others. Cross-stitch. Verses 128 (1), 342. The Misses Kenyon Holbrook, Aloua. [1796.] 12" x 7". 2 alphabets. Flat, chain, and cross-stitch. Chain-stitch border. Miss Edith R. Blanchard Holbrook, Edeny. 11 yrs. 7" x 14J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Trees in center. Miss Edna H. Barger Holbrook, Mella [Meletiah. Cir. 1791. Born in BeUingham, Mass., August 23, 1780.]. 8" X 14*". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Baskets of flowers. Benjamin Stafford Newton, Esq. HoLDEN, Katherine. 1733. 14§" X 10". 1 alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Rose and bell border. Verses 186, 343. Illustrated. Miss M. Frances Babcock and Mrs. Winslow Upton HoLLiNSHEAD, Bettlah W. 1797. [Moorcstown, N. J.] 13 yrs. [Born July 9, 1784.] 16" x 20^". Stem, tent, flat, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. "Joshua M. Hollinshead was born of July in the year of our Lord 1786. Jane M. Hollinshead was born the 29 September 1792. Departed this life July 31, 1798. Aged 5 yrs. 10 mo. 6 days." House on a terrace, with trees, sheep, and shepherd with his dog. Verse 234. Mrs. S. A. Cunningham Holmes, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1770.] 10 yrs. 10" x 12". 1 alphabet. Stem, cross, satin, eyelet, and hem-stitch. Simple cross-borders. Bird and strawberries. Verse 129 (var.). Miss R. Wiswell Ex. Deposited in the Old South Meeting House, Boston HoLTON, Mary D. 1796. Nortfifield [Mass.]. 16" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched edge. Large vase of flowers, rose bushes, trees, etc. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hubbard HoLYOKE, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1782.] Salem [Mass.]. xiii yrs. 10^" x 12^". Alphabet. Cross- stitch. Vine and cross-border. Miss Susan Ward Osgood HoLYOKE, Mary. 1741. 11 yrs. Born April 30, 1730. 8^" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Elaborate strawberry at top and bottom, with conventional adaptation of Greek fret. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. T'/WX >J?SM. 0. at fcfic I <>f0^w-a?*S#'"' PLATE XIX Dorothy Lyxde's Sampler. 1757 Old South Meeting House, Boston Plate presented bi) the Worcester members of the Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames AMERICAN SAMPLERS 53 HoLYOKE, Priscilla. 1752. 12 yrs, 9" x 17". 2 alphabets. Satin, feather, stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Inconspicuous cross-lines. Cross-stitch crosses. Verse 128 (var.). Estate of James L. Little, Esq. HoLYOKE, Susanna. [Cir. 1790.] Salem, Mass. 10 yrs. 8" x 11". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. "Idleness is the mother of vice." Miss Susan Ward Osgood Hooker, Hannah. 1728. 7 yrs. 6V' x 17^". Cross-stitch. Verse 492. Newport Historical Society Hooker, Ruth. 1773. Farmington. 5^" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Narrow cross- stitch border. Mrs. E. Morgan HooTON, Sarah. *i" x 12". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Greek fi'et border. M. B. Lemon, Dealer Hopping, Maria. [1796.] 17" x 17". Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Design, First Baptist Church in Providence, R. I. Verse 40. Miss Caroline E. Briggs HoPTON, Perese. 1786. 6" x 18". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Mrs. N. James Rouse Horner, Eliza. 1788. [Philadelphia.] 12 yrs. 16" x 20". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, queen, and cross-stitch. Floral border of stravi^berry, rose, forget-me-not, violet, etc. Beatitudes at the top. Verse 209. Edward Horner Coates, Esq. HoRNSBY, Sarah. [Cir. 1793.] "Williamsburg" [Va.]. Born October 17, 1780. Hi" x 15^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch, very fine. Ornamental vine border. Tree of Life, Adam and Eve, serpent holding apple, and detached figures such as birds, trees, castles, baskets of flowers, etc. Verse 610. Names on sampler: "Hannah Hornsby born March the 21st 1771, Mildred Hornsby born February the 20th 1774, Joseph Hornsby born March the 28th 1777, Thomas Hornsby born January the 12th 1779, Sarah Hornsby born October the 17th 1780." Mrs. James Henry Watson HoRTON, Polly. 1788. 10" x 14". 1 alphabet. Bird's-eye, satin, and cross-stitch. Plain border all around and three more elaborate cross-borders in center. Shepherds, sheep, and trees. Verse 629. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton [HoRWELL, Ann (May) J. 1798. [Alexandria, Va.] Made after her marriage to Richard Horwell. Initials: ' -u'^ ^^" ^ ^^"' Liberty Tree, flowers, and crowned hearts. Verse 3. Miss Frances H. Massoletti Howard, Maieson. 1787. Bridgewater [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 10^" x 12". 2 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, cross-stitch border, flat-stitch cross-border at bottom. Large tree, flowers, and various devices in lower corners. Verse 137. Mrs. John Rogers, Jr. Howell, Lydia. 1755. 12" x 9". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry cross- borders. Names on sampler: "Jacob Howell, Mary Howell, Mary Howell." Verse 42. Miss Sarah Rebecca Nicholson Howell, Sarah. 1731. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 12" x 14". Satin, cross-stitch, and other fine stitches. Carnation border, and rose, carnation, strawberry, and conventional leaf cross- borders. Names given: "Sarah Howell, Jacob Howell, Sarah Howell, Jane Howell." Verses 181, 183, 344 (1), 345 (var.). Illustrated. Mrs. Clayton McElroy Hubbard, Hephzibah. [1761. Middletown, Conn. About 6 yrs.] 5§" x 7^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple dividing lines. Mrs. Amos Bush McNairy 54 AMERICAN SAMPLERS HuBBS, Dorothy. 1790. 11^" x 16J". 4 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 343 (1). "Her heart the one thing needfull that good part witch Mary chose withall". Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Hughes, Phebe. 1796. Providence [R. I.]. 7 yrs. 11" x 13^". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Strawberry bed at bottom. To the right of verse, two tulips and two birds. Verse 231. Miss Mary Anne Greene Hughes, Susannah. 1793. 9 yrs. 14" x 18". 1 alphabet. Stem and cross-stitch. Vine border with morning-glories, rosebuds, and passion flowers. Large hearts and crowns. Verses 66 (1, var.), 226, 515 (1, 2, var.). Robert R. Jordan, Dealer Hull, Rachel. 1795. [14 yrs. Born at Morris (?), N. J.] March 11, 1781. 9" x 10^", 2 al- phabets. Eyelet, star, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at top. Diamonds. Mrs. J. S. Gale Humphreys, Ann. 1796. 10 yrs. 9i" x 16^". 5 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and chain-stitch. Verses 387 (1), 631. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Humphreys, Jane. 1771. 11 yrs. 15" x 12^". Hollie-point, lace, and drawn filet. Large basket with flowers occupies most of sampler. Illustrated. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Hunt, Content. 1799. Norton [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 16" x 22". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation and rose border. Man and woman, house, trees, birds, lambs, etc. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. H. J. Gilbert Huntington, Hannah. [1766.] 12 yrs. [Born in 1754.] 11^" x 14". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, single, and double cross-stitch. On either side, poles with grapevine running up it and conventionalized bunches of grapes at top; other flowers are growing on vine and the left-hand side is unfinished. Band across center, with conventionalized rose and rose- sprays. At bottom, row of conventionalized thistles, poppies, carnations, strawberry plant, etc. In center, at top, a conventionalized rose-tree. " Be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil." George H. May, Esq. Huston, Esther. 1782. 8 yrs, 6 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Taught by Mrs. Brunton." "Remember now thy Creator", etc. Helen C. Littlefield Hutchinson, Lydla. 1727. 13 yrs. 18" x 18". Cross-stitch. Strawberry, quatrefoil, and Greek fret cross-borders. Verse 128 (1, var.). Massachusetts Historical Society Hyene, Harriot. 1774. [Clear Spring Plantation on Ashley River, S. C] 9 yrs. Born July 28, 1765. 8" x 19". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Three roses in a medallion. "Remember thy Creator", etc. Mrs. Emma Drayton Grimk4 Hykne, Harriot. 1774. [Charleston, S. C] 9 yrs. 18" x 18^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Pomegranate border at bottom. "Remember thy Creator", etc. Mrs. J. Drayton Grimk4 Ide, Leafea. [1796?] 10 yrs. 15" x 15". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. House with tree on either side. "Let Virtue be made for her." Mrs. J. F. P. Lawton Ilsley, Charlotte. 1773. Portland [Me. Born 1763.]. 13" x 21". Satin and cross-stitch. Floral and vine border. Verse 355, and about sixteen lines of pious sentiment too faded to be read. Miss Clara Mossman Hill Ingall, Harriot. 1799. Taunton [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 7^" x 12". 2 alphabets. Tent, cat, and cross-stitch. Angular border of cross-stitch, with triangular trees and ornaments. Large tree, dog, elk, and bird at bottom; in center. Colonial house, trees, and birds, Mrs. J. 8. Rounds PLATE XX Mary W?;bb's Sa:\ipi.er. York, Pa. 1760 Owned by Mrs. Samuel C. Rum ford AJMERICAN SAMPLERS 55 Ingalls, Ruthy. 1786. 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Queen and cross-stitch. Cross and vine border. Carnation. Miss Caroline M. Burnham Inoell, Rebekah. 1791. Taunton [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 6^" x 8i". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Narrow border of cross-stitch. "Let Wisdom direct thy steps." Mrs. J. 8. Bounds Ireland, Phebe. 1793. [Cohansey, N. J.] 14. yrs. 12" x 9". 3 alphabets. Stem, tent, queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Geometrical designs and conventionalized flowers. Initials: "SBTE IV AI EI PI DI AI A I." Verse 490 (var.). Cumberland County, N. J., Historical Society IvEKs, Hannah. [Cir. 1780.] 1 alphabet. Cross, satin, stem, petit-point, and hem-stitch. Carnation border across top and on sides; rosebud and strawberry cross-borders. In lower section, two shepherds sitting on the ground beneath trees; birds flying above; dogs and sheep in grass. Verse 605. Mrs. A. Lawrence Lowell Ives, Betsy. July 31, 1778. [Hale Farm, Beverly.] "Sarah Stivour's School" [Salem, Mass.]. 11 yrs. 7i" X 10^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitcli and the long-stitch which was characteristic of this school. Hemstitched edge. Scene with 4 sheep standing in grass. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Robert Hale Bancroft Jackman, Emily E. Yorkshire, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. 12 yrs. lOJ" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border and cross-borders. House, tree, and fence. A. Stain forth, Dealer Jackson, Maria. 1790. Providence [R. I.]. 12 yrs. 12" x 15". Alphabet. Long, knot, cross- stitch, and laid-work. Vine border with ornamental-pink design. Strawberry plants, pinks, roses, and blue flower. Verse 630. Miss Ellen Chase Jacobs, Marcy. 177(?). [Ipswich, Mass.?] 11 yrs. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, French knot, satin, stem, chain, cross-stitch, and laid-work. Elaborate border in laid-work and stem-stitch of flowers, grass, vase with flowers, and birds on boughs. Verse 600. Miss Harriet Perkins Jacobs, Mary. 1776. Scituate [Mass.]. 24 yrs. Born January 27, 1762. 8" x 10^". Alphabet Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch lines. Verses 187 (var.), 490 (var.). Miss Edith Tilden Jacobs, Sarah. 1763. Scituate [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 6i" x 6^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched border. Verse 128 (1, var.). Miss Antoinette Clapp James, Mary. 1798. [New Castle County, Del.] 13" x 14^". Stem, satin, flat, and cross-stitch. Detached sprays of strawberries, tulips, roses, etc., and birds, in border. Verses 525, 526 (var.). Miss Elizabeth K. Clark James, Susannah. 1788, [New Castle County, Del.] 8 yrs. 12" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose, carnation, tulip, and strawberry border (worked in detached clusters). Verse 211. [Teacher, Mme. Abigail Giles.] Mrs. L. B. Rowley Jancy, Judith. 1786. 6 alphabets. Eyelet, feather, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch and feather- stitch border. Bird in lower right-hand corner. Verse 369. Mrs. Augustus Bailey Small Janney, Hannah. 1785. 2 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, tent, and cross-stitch. Rose and vine border rising out of vases at lower corners. Strawberry cross-borders, also vine and small blossoms, small figures of children and animals and insects. Verses 94, 96. Illustrated. [The mother of Johns Hopkins.] Mrs. Miles White, Jr. 56 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Jans, Dorothy. 1762. 17" x 22". Cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border outside and Greek fret inside. Scene with Adam and Eve with three children, and tree at bottom; at top, Abraham with his son and the ram at altar. Verses 41 (var.), 162 (1, var.). The Misses Laura and Lieze Oreer Jaquelle, Katherine Wallace. 1799. Wilmington [Del.]. 16 yrs. 22" x 18^". Stem-stitch and painted. Hector taking leave of his wife and child. Mrs. James C. Rogers Jaques, Elizabeth. [Newburyport, Mass. 12 yrs.] 8^" x 11^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Verse 203. Miss Ruth M. B. Macintosh Jaques, Martha. [1784. Newburyport, Mass.] "Born July 6, 1772.AE 12 yrs." 17i" x 22". 4 alphabets. Chain, tent, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate design of trees, flowers, birds, animals, basket of flowers, hills, diamonds, etc. Strawberry and rose vine around verse. Verse 202 (1, var.). Miss Ruth M. B. Macintosh Jahvis, Mary (called Betsy on sampler). 1780. Cambridge [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 7^" x 13". Alphabet. Stem, flat, and cross-stitch. Angular vine border. Horse, dog, etc., at bottom. Verses 490 (var.), 612? Nathaniel J. W. Fish, Esq. Jeffries, Sarah. [17]97. [Elsinboro Township, Salem Coimty, N. J., after marriage. 12 yrs.] 7j" X 185". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Vine border and Greek-cross vine at top. Miss Hannah Hall Acton Jenkins, Abigail. 1757. 8" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional flower and name at bottom. Verse 343 (1, 7, var.). Miss Susan P. Wharton Jennings, Mary. 1766. 8^" x 11". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional flower border at bottom. In center, large flower and animal on either side of it. Verse 488 (var.). Names on sampler: "Mary Jennings, Josiah Jennings, Temperance Jennings, David Jennings, Mary Jennings." Mrs. Richard H. Hunt Jewett, Nabby [Abigail]. 1797. Bradford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 14" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Cross-stitch border in diamond pattern. Diamond pattern in cross-stitch at bottom. Verse 388. Oeorge Savary Wasson, Esq. Johnson, Anna Greenleaf. 1787. Newburyport [Mass.]. Born March 18, 1780. 22" x 17". 4 alphabets. French knot, chain, eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose vine border. Land- scape with animals, birds, trees, urn with flowering plants, strawberries, and bees. Verse 627 (1). Mrs. Anne Greenleaf Johnson Roger son Johnson, Catherine. 1789. Newburyport [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Trefoil cross-stitch borders at bottom. Verse 627 (1). Miss Eleanor Reed Johnson Johnson, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1797.] Born September 9, 1784. Alphabets. Cross, satin, flat, stem-stitch, and French knots. Vine border with blossoms starting from two upper corners going down sides and across top. At bottom, tree in middle, with 2 birds on it, a flower- ing tree on either side, sheep and strawberries in grass. Verse 617 (var.). Mrs. Francis A. Goodhue Johnson, Emelea Jane. 1783. [Baltimore, Md.] 7 yrs. 9" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Carnation border. House, tree, children, and dog at top of sampler. Row of birds on pedestals. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Mary Winchester Johnson, Hannah. 1768. "Newbury Newton." 14 yrs. 18*" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Small geometric cross-borders. At bottom, cherry tree, birds, butterflies, cow, deer, and large baskets of flowers. Verse 490 (var.). Illus- trated. Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 57 Johnson, Mary. 1769. 9 yrs. 12" x 20". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch, "Pitch upon such a course as is excellent and praise worthy and custom will soon make it both easy & delight- ful." The Colonial Dames of the State of New York Johnson, Molly. [Cir. 1778. Maine. Born in 1767.] 10V' x 12i". 1 alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Hemstitched border and inside border in satin-stitch. Cross-border at top. Verse 128 (var.). Miss E. L. Alden Johnson, Sally^. 1799. Newburyport [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 27" x 19". 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, flat, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Elaborate design at bottom, with house, mill, ladies and gentlemen, servants, cattle, flowers, vine, trees, birds, etc. Verse 666. Illus- trated in color. Mrs. Francis A. Ooodhue Jones, Frances. 1789. Providence [R. I. Born February 10, 1782. "Miss Polly Balch's School."]. 7^" X 9i". Satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Border of rosebuds and star-flowers. At bottom. State House, Providence, and strawberries. Verse 95 (2). Mrs. William J. Dyer Jones, Luna. 1797. Great Barrington. 11 yrs. 33" x 24". 5 alphabets. Tapestry, queen, eyelet, chain, and cat-stitch. Names and dates: "Calvin Jones born 1775 April 2, Heman Aug 15, 1777, Horace Feb 15 1780, Atlas Jan 18 1782, Thetis Nov 25 1783, Mithra & Luna Apr 4 1786, Thisbe Feb 21 1790, Andes Apr 30 1792, Sabra May 20 1794, Died Sept 6 1796." "Ebnr Jones my pappa born April 12, 1752. Susanna Jones my mamma born Dec. 11, 1755." Verse 659. Mrs. William Shippen Jenks Jones, Martha. 1759. Medford [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 7i". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross- borders of strawberries and fruit trees. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Mary H. Hayes Jones, Mary. 1792. Vincentown [N. J.]. 9 yrs. 12^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border at top. At bottom, small trees with green leaves and red flowers. Verses 353 (1), 635. Mary Stretch Frick Drexel Jones, Mary. 1795. Vine border. Center bottom, a pot of flowers. Above, six lace circles around a seventh, with a vine interspersed. Stem and satin-stitch and twenty-seven differ- ent lace-stitches. Mrs. Robert W. de Forest Jones, Ruth. 1791. lOj" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, flat, and cross-stitch. Simple cross- stitch border. Mrs. Joseph W. Knight Jones, Sarah. 1763. Savannah [Ga.]. 7 yrs. 13" x 13". Cross-stitch. Flowered vine border. Basket and flowers at bottom. Verse 355 (var.). The Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Apostles' Creed. Mrs. O. N. Torian Jordan, Hannah. 1798. Scituate [Mass.]. 18 yrs. 16^" x 19^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Verses 187, 490 (var.). Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Keating, Ruth L. 1799. 11 yrs. 12" x 15". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, tent, satin, and cross- stitch. Cross-stitch border. Basket of flowers, birds and vines at bottom. 3Irs. H. C. Banner Keeler, Catherine. 1718. 8" x 11". Satin and cross-stitch. Simple border. At bottom, 2 baskets of fruit, bird between, large vase of flowers each side, candlesticks between birds, pine tree on each end. Verse 66 (1, var.). A. M. Barnes, Esq. Keith, Jemima. 1785. Bridgewater [Mass.]. 18 yrs. 5i" x 5*". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Miss Julia M. Howard Kellab, Betsy Otis Lewis. 1785. 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George T. Brown K[emp], a. M. Hi" X 9". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George B. Southwick 58 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Kemp, Harriot. 9 yrs. 12" x 15". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, large urn in middle, with conventional flowers. Four smaller vases of roses and two bowls of straw- berries. Verse 615 (var.). A. Piatt Andrew, Esq, Kent, Sally [Sara Evelina]. January 17, 1794. SuflBeld, Conn. 15" x 21". 3 alphabets. Cross and eyelet-stitch. Eyelet border and conventional flower. "Germanicus Kent Aged 4 years May 31. Arrates Kent Aged 7 months January 17, 1794. SaUy Kent Dec 24". Verse 601. Mrs. Richard Webb KiLLE, Bathsheba. 1790. 13" x 17". Satin and cross-stitch. Hemstitched, with Greek fret border of currants, clover leaves, forget-me-nots, rosebuds, strawberries, etc. Floral spray tied with bow-knot around verse. Verses 631 (1), 633. Names on sampler: "Father John Kille, Mother Mary KiUe." Mrs. John Tyler Kimball, Abigal. 1772. 10^" x 10^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. King, Elizabeth. 1788. 12 yrs. 12" x 14J". Alphabet. Laid-work, cross-stitch, and other fancy stitches. Narrow border outside, and inside border with set patterns of strawberries and animals. Elaborate pattern of animals and strawberries at bottom. Elizabeth King died soon after completing this sampler, and this fact is indicated on the sampler by a black letter E. Mrs. A. W. Hitchcock King, . [After 1795.] 12" x 24". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, and cross-stitch. Family names and dates on sampler: "Martha King born June 11, 1785; Miles King born Jime 9, 1786; Eliza King born July 29, 1788; Peggy Cara King born Oct. 6, 1792; Maria Custin6 born June 25, 1795." Mrs. John Southgate Tucker King, Mary. 1759. Boston [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 14" x 14". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Conventional border, with roses on top and sides. Dogs, squirrels, flowers, and peacocks at bottom. Essex Institute King, Rhoda. [Cir. 1780.] Taunton [Mass. Born October 10, 1767.]. 7" x 9". Alphabets. Cross, queen, and tent-stitch. Miss Emily C. Williams Kinsman, Lucy. 1768. Ipswich [Mass.]. 7" x 9^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Plain border in cross-stitch, also cross-borders. Miss Lucy S. Jewett Kitchin, Sarah. 1790. [Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pa.] 13 yrs. 11" x 15". 3 al- phabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders. The Misses Ely Kneeland, Lydia. 1741. Boston [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 10^" x 15i". Cross and satin-stitch. Vine border. Elaborate cross-borders of roses, strawberry plants, trees, birds, animals. Verses 8, 187, 490 (var.). Miss Charlotte Hedge Kneeland, Mary. 1793. 14 yrs. 14" x 16". Cross-stitch and petit-point. Conventional straw- berry border with fiUed-in background. Trees, birds, and flowers. Verses 40 (var.), 248 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Knight, Ales. 1737. 7" x 17". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry and con- ventional cross-borders in seventeenth century style. Verse 584. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Knight, Eunice. [Cir. 1752.] Newbury [Mass.]. Born July 2, 1741. 12" x 21". 3 alphabets. Rosette, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Hills, trees with fruit, and flowers, birds, baskets, sheep, etc. Mrs. Ann M. Ilsley Knight, Eunice. 1799. 13 yrs. 11" x 14}". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Cross-border of roses. Birds, trees, dogs, flower-pots, and large basket of flowers. Eunice Harriet Roery PLATE XXI Catherine Van Schaick. Albany, 1763 Owned by the late Mrs. Abraham Lansing AMERICAN SAMPLERS 59 Kkowles, Sabah. 1732 or 6. 12 yrs. 6^" x &J". Cross-stitch. Birds, trees, and the names, Gilpin and Knowles. "Verses 39, 92 (1, var.), 345 (1). Miss Elizabeth J. Hopkins Ladsok, Ma»y Smith. 1789. Charleston [S. C.]. 8 yrs. lOi" x Hi". Alphabet. Cross- stitch, eyelet, and satin-stitch. Eyelet-stitch border. Verse 212. Miss Isabelle Ladson Lake, Sabah. 7" x 12". 3 alphabets. Bird's-eye, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of roses, bachelor's buttons, birds, etc. Verse 343 (1, var.). Redwood Library, Newport LiAMB, Lydia. 1787. lOi" x 14". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Verse 343 (1, var.). Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes Lamson, Hannah. 1766. Medford [Mass.]. Born in 1756. 8" x 10^". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry cross-border. Names on sampler: "Susanna born Dec. 27 1763; Hannah Lamson born Jan. 2, 1756; Elizabeth Lamson born Dec. 4, 1760; Joseph Lamson born Feb. 2, 1760; Nathaniel [Lamson born] April 10, 1762; William [Lamson born] April 1, 1764." " Whilst we are here ..." Mrs. Thomas 8. Young Lane, Fanny. 1791. Bedford [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Border in eyelet-stitch. Cross-borders of strawberries and vine and strawberry blossoms and vine. Mrs. E. A. Rollins Langdon, Caboline. 1790. Portsmouth, N. H. Born December 31, 1780. 12" x 20". 4 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch and variety of fancy stitches. Vine border. Fancy design using dia- mond shapes. Verse 632. Mrs. William Oorham Rice Langdon, Caty [Catherine Smith]. 1797. Conventional flowers. Verse 128 (1, var.). [She married Amos Smith, and Washington Allston had his studio in her house.] Miss Catherine Langdon Rogers Lahkins, Suky. 1792. 12 yrs. 12" x 8". Stem and cross-stitch. 2 alphabets. Verse 362. Miss Larimer Latham, C. W. 13i" x 13". 4 alphabets. Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 616 (var.). Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Latham, Mabia P. 8" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Flowers. Verse 516 (var.). Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Lathbop, Lucy. 11 yrs. 13" x 14". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. In border, sprays of roses, pinks, heartsease, tulips, etc., also basket filled with different flowers. Miss Marian Hague Lawrence, Sally Clay. 1798. Exeter [N. H.]. 7 yrs. 10" x 16". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. Sheep, strawberry plants and blossoms. Mrs. Walter M. Lincoln Lawton, Mary. 1771. Portsmouth [R. I.]. 12 yrs. Born August 28, 1769. 9" x 10". 6 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Fred R. Oibbs Laycock, Hannah. 1787. 9 yrs. Cross-stitch. Hearts and hour-glasses. "Remember thy Creator," etc. M^«- John C. Munro Laycock, Sarah. 1787. 12 yrs. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Verses 198, 345 (var.). Mrs. John C. Munro Lea, Elizabeth. 1752. [Born at Concord, Pa., January 15, 1745. O. S.] 10" x 14". Cross and stem-stitch. Green grass and flowers. -M^w* -^^na Lea 60 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Leach, Betsy. 1789. Marblehead [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17^" x 18^", Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Vase with flowers, ram, birds, and flowers. Names and ages given on sampler: "Henry Leach aged 43 yrs, Betsy Leach aged 11 years, Richard Leach aged 6 years, Hannah Leach aged 3 years, Katharine Leach aged 42 years, Nathaniel Leach aged 9 years, Salle Leach aged 2 years. Mary Magery who died September 26, aged 22 years." Verses 128, 213. ' Marblehead Historical Society Leavitt, Mahy. 1718. 13 yrs. 8J" x I62". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch and tent-stitch. Simple cross-borders. Figures of "Ashur" and "Elisha" dancing on green momid and playing on wind instruments, also detached letters and figures. (See tailpiece, p. 8.) Miss A. B. Willson Leech, Mary. 1794. Hatboro [Pa.]. 9 yrs. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Houses, trees, and birds. Initials of the family. Verse 343 (1). Descendants of Mary Leech Lees, Hetty. 1799. 9 yrs. I65" x 20". Alphabet. Queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry vine border in satin-stitch. Design of barn, house, trees, etc. Verse 198. Illustrated. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Lehman, Elizabeth. 1790. 16" x 17^". HoUie-point lace. Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Lehman, Susan. [1799.] 9 yrs. [Born in Philadelphia in 1790.] 14" x 12". 6 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple cross-borders. Parrots and dogs and plant at bottom. Verse 239. Illustrated. Mrs. Charles Schaffer Lehman, Susan. [1799.] 9 yrs. [Born in 1790.] 16i" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border and, inside, saw-tooth border. Scene with house, barn, fence, and trees. "One Weeks Extremity May Teach Us More Than Long Prosperity Had Done Before Death Is Forgotten In Our Easy State But Trou pies Mind Us In Our Final Fate The Doing 111 Affects Us not with Fears But Suffring 111 Brings Sorrow Woe And Tears." Mrs. Charles Schaffer Lehman, Susanah. 1796. [6 yrs.] 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Carnation cross-borders. Mrs. Charles Schaffer Leigh, Marcy. [Cir. 1784. Newbury, Mass.] Born November 22 [1775]. 7V' x 9^". Alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. Miss Sarah Jackson Leigh Leonard, Fanny. 1774. 12 yrs. 13" x 8". 1 alpliabet. Cross-stitch. Verse 604. Charles H. Warren, Esq. Levistone, Olive. 1797. 11 yrs. 12" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Zigzag borders, with eyelets in between. Conventional trees and birds and man in baggy breeches. Verse 128 (var.). Miss Mary C. Wheelwright Lewis, Elizabeth. 18" x 18". Stem and cross-stitch. Rose border. Hill with flower garden, peacock, tall vases, sheep, lady with lamb, rose tree with white squirrel under it, white French poodle, rabbit, and bluebird between poplars. Verse 515. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Lewis, Martha. 1740. Charleston [S. C.]. 12 yrs. lOi" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, petit-point, cat, tent, and cross-stitch. Border of little trees at top; border of birds and geometrical designs at bottom. Mrs. John F. Bennett Lewis, Mary. 1790. Born November 8, 1780. H" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Narrow cross-borders. Conventional tree, etc. Annie Booth Law AMERICAN SAMPLERS 61 Lewise, Ank. 11 yrs. 16" x 17^". 2 alphabets. Tent, filler, cushion, French knot, and cross- stitch. Flowered vine border. Scene with house, barn, dovecote, doves, trees, fence, and two flower baskets. Verse 494 (1 and 2). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Lincoln, Eunice. 1794. 24*" x 20i". Stem, satin, tent, cat, cross-stitch, queen and petit- point. Strawberry border outside, next, wide conventional border in solid cross-stitch; vines and flowers on either side, and across top, scene with shepherd and shepherdess and black and white sheep; just below, angels, birds, trees, and animals; then house and trees, with picture of farmer and his wife in corners; inscription, "Let Virtue be a guide to thee"; and in lower section, lord and lady of the manor on either side of shield bearing name and date; and below that. Verse 646. Mrs. Miles White, Jr. LippiNcoTT, Rachel. 1793. 17 yrs. 11" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cat, queen, eyelet, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 876. Anna C. Scott LiPPiTT, Julia. 1797. 14" x 12". [" Miss Polly Balch's School."] Long and short, stem, satin, split, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Basket of fruit, flowers and birds inside of arch. Miss M. Frances Bdbcock LippiTT, Phebe. 1787. Cranston [R. I.]. 11 yrs. 9V' x 13". 2 alphabets. Tent, chain, eye- let, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border and strawberry and carnation cross-borders. Verses 187, 490 (var.). Mrs. L. C. Harper Little, Jane. 1786. Newbury [Mass.]. 12" x 13". Alphabet. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. SmaU letters in needlework frames. "General George Wash- ington the ornament example and defense of our nation". Miss Hannah M. W. Merrill Little, Ruth. 1766. Marshfield [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 10^" x 21". 1 alphabet. Cross and eyelet- stitch, Greek fret and trefoil cross-borders. Verses 182 (1, 3), 490 (var.). Miss Florence O. Ford L[ockwood], P[hebe]. 1786. Born December 9, 1778. 13^" x 7i". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 10 (1), 201, 617 (var). Mrs. Lorenzo Sears Lord, Hannah. 1764. li" x 9i". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, queen, tent, and cross-stitch. Conventional border of flowers and vines. Conventionalized flower in cross-border. "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name. Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name jah and rejoice before him A father of the fatherless and a judge of the widow is god in his holy habitation." Albert C. Bates, Esq. Loring, Lydia. 1794. Born August 31, 1781. "Derby School." 11" x 15". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Strawberry border, with different designs in corners. Verse 227. [Massachusetts.] Mrs. Frederick H. Tappan Loring, Polly. 1787. Born February 16, 1778. 1 alphabet. Cat-stitch. Strawberry border. Greek fret cross-border. Mrs. Frederick H. Tappan Lynde, Anna. 14 yrs. 10" x 14". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Conventional border at top. Verse 132 (1, var.). Worcester Art Museum Lynde, Dorothy. 1757. 12" x 14". 10 yrs. 1 alphabet and 2 parts of alphabets. Petit-point covering the entire canvas. Eyelet and satin-stitch. Border contains the sun at the top, cherubim at either upper corner, figures on pedestals at either side; below, a scene with house, trees, a black dog, one sheep, and a shepherdess. Verse 132 (1, var.). Illustrated in color. Old South Meeting House, Boston 62 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Lynde, Hankah. 7" X 12^". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 128 (var.). Worcester Art Museum Lynde, Mahy. 1751. 13 yrs. 6i" x 8^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Worcester Art Museum Lyon, Elizabeth. 1791. [New Haven, Conn.] 14 yrs. 18" x 21". 2 alphabets. Vine border. Vases in corners at bottom. Picture of an old girls' school on State Street, with ladies and gentlemen and sheep. Verse 218. Mrs. William Lyon Phelps Lyon, Polly. 1786. 5 yrs. 6" x 10". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Strawberry design. Mrs. William Lyon Phelps Lyon, Sophia. August 8, 1790. [New Haven, Conn.] 5 yrs. 10" x 11^". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. At top, bird in nest and flowers. Greek fret at bottom. Verses 216, 340. Mrs. William Lyon Phelps M., A. F. 1762. 9 yrs. Hamburg. 11" x 14". Twenty imitations of materials, from silk stockings to brocade. Even the selvage is imitated. Mrs. Q. Clem Goodrich Macombeh, Ann. 1799. 11" x 13". Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Scene with "Liberty Hall," Philadelphia, also house, fence, two gates, sidewalk, horse, trees, dog. Illustrated. Mrs. Lorenzo Sears Makepeace, Sukey. [1760.] 16^" x 23". Alphabet. Cross, split, satin, and knot-stitch. Pineapple and rose border. Landscape with peacock, birds, two dogs, and stag. Illus- trated. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Mann, Anna. - 1791. 12 yrs. 7" x 9". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Crude designs in center. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Mansfield, Betsy \ 1772. 1772-1799. 8|" x lOV'. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "1. Betsy Pierce, Eliza (. 1796. Mansfield 1772 aged 10. 2. Eliza Pierce 1796 aged 10. 3. Har- Pierce, Harriot ) 1799. riot Pierce 1799 aged 8." Mrs. Charles J. White Marqtjand, Ann. 1796. Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Born October 16, 1786. 11" x 11". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders: lozenge and diamond, scroll, heart, diamond, and Greek fret. Four baskets and two rose bushes. Verse 617. Miss Elizabeth Marquand Marshall, Betsy. 1799. [Bridgewater, Mass.] 9 yrs. 7^" x lOj". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Design of leaves and figures. Theodore P. Tower, Esq. Marshall, Elizabeth. 1724. 11 yrs. 7^" x llj". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Scroll, point, and strawberry borders at top. Bird perched on branch of leaves and flowers. ["From the West Indies."] Mrs. John H. Morison Marshall, Lydia. 11 yrs. 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border, saw-tooth and strawberry vine. In middle, a vase with small tree on either side. Verse 164. Mrs. Mabel Hurley Martin, Margaret. 1763. Charleston [S. C.]. 8^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, hem-stitch, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched and drawn-work border at top and bottom. Verse 356. Mrs. William Dunkin Martin, Nabby. 1786. 10^" x 15". Petit-point, split, stem, satin, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Brown University building at top, and at bottom. Old State House, also three groups of ladies and gentlemen. Large flowers on either side in border. Verse 97. ["Miss Polly Balch's School."] Rhode Island School of Design Mascarene, Euzabeth. 1762. 11 yrs. 6" x 9". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch design at top and bottom. Edmund M. Dow, Esq. PLATE XXII Sally Rea's Sampler. 1766 Ozt'iied by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 63 Masok, John. [Cir. 1780.] Painted sampler. "Son of Solomon Mason and Anna his wife, was born January the 3rd Anno Domini 1767." Floral design at top, and at bottom, figures of parents, with vase filled with flowers in between them. Verse 365. Illustrated. Maxcy Applegate, Esq. Mason, Mahy. 1797. [Salem County, N. J.] 12 yrs. 8i" x 17". 3 alphabets. Buttonhole, tent, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional borders. The Misses Holme Mason, Polly. 1798. Framingham [Mass.]. 9" x 6". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Unfinished. Lancaster Library, Massachusetts Mather, Mary. 1767. 12 yrs. 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation, strawberry, trees, and birds, and conventional cross-borders. Strawberry design. Mrs. J. Henry Small Matthews, Temperance. 1750. 10 yrs. 10" x 12". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Border of pine trees and crowns. Proverbs 31, verses 29-31. Robert P. Jordan, Dealer Mawney, Amey. 1787. Providence [R. I.]. 7^" x 14". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Design of strawberry vine, but incomplete. Verses 617 (var.), 626. Miss Amey Lemoine Willson May, Catherine. 1770. Boston [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 5^" x 19^". 6 alphabets. Tapestry, satin, and cross-stitch. Dog-tooth border. Landscape with house, sheep, figures, trees, etc. Dr. Zabdiel Boylston Adams May, Mary Ann. April 23, 1793. 11 yrs. 12" x 16". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, and stem- stitch. Strawberry border. Simple cross-borders. Tree, two baskets of fruit, and two butterflies. Verses 45, 92a (2). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Mayhew, Sally. 1787. Newburyport [Mass.]. 17" x 8i". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at top. Double lines of cross-stitch at bottom. "I'le praise my maker while I have breath." Miss Lillian Adams McCltjre, Nancy. 1795. 7 yrs. 17" x 15^". 3 alphabets. Chiefly stem and cross-stitch. Vine border. Mrs I. Tucker Burr McCullouoh, Elizabeth. 1787. Newcastle [Del.]. 11" x 15". 2 alphabets. Queen, flat, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine border. At bottom, tree on either side of a flower piece and medallion at right. Verse 511 (1, var.). Mrs. Edmund K. Qoldsborough McDonald, Mary. 1787. Albany [N. Y.]. 12 yrs. H" x 10^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Two peacocks, on either side of basket of flowers. Mary McDonald Vosburgh McGary, Lydla James. [1785.] 8 yrs. 7^" x 9". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George Thurber Brown McLean, Elizabeth H. 1785. [Near Gettysburg, Pa.] 2 alphabets. Outline, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Top border of strawberry; bottom border, old Indian basket pattern. Verse 619. Mrs. W. P. Stevenson McLean, Mary. [1773 or 1775.] Border and cross-borders. At bottom, pine tree with bird on top branch. Verse 197. Maxcy Applegate, Esq. McLellan, Eliza. 12 yrs. 11" x 17". 2 alphabets. Queen, tent, and cross-stitch. Cross- borders. Design, basket of strawberries and two plants on either side. A. Stainforth, Dealer Mears, Abigail. 1772. 16" x 19". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, imitation couching-stitch. Border of conventionalized flowers. Strawberry, saw-tooth, and Greek fret cross-borders. At bottom, a hunting scene with a stag and four dogs. Verse 359. Illustrated. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe 64 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Merrick, Maria. 1798. [Brookfield, Mass.] 8 yrs. Born October 14, 1790. 11" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Trees, birds, plants, flowers, fruits, animals, etc., divided by four cross-borders. Miss Frances M. Lincoln Merrill, Susanna [Sukey]. 1793. Newburyport [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 16^" x 21". 8 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, herring-bone, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border interwoven with flowers. Vase of flowers with bird on either side, also sheep, trees, and set designs. "Sickness may strip you of The bloom of the rose But the beauties of The mind will endear Beyond the grave, My young friend Prepare to meet Your God." Verse 601 (1, 2, 3). Mrs. F. D. Greene Messer, Nancy. 1798. New London [Conn.]. 8" x 8^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. MiCHENER, Deborah. 1774. [Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pa.]. 17 yrs. 8^" x 11^". Alphabet. Family initials: "W M [WiUiam], J M [John], S M [Sarah], B M [Barak], H M [Hannah], D M [Deborah], M M [Mordecai], H M [Hannah], E M [Elizabeth], R M [?], KM [Katharine], M M [?], S M [?]." Captain Capehart, U. 8. N. MicKLE, Sarah. 1763. 9" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders and small designs. Mrs. Edward Dillon Miller, [Anna] Elizabeth. 1797. [Kensington, Philadelphia, Pa.] 11 yrs. 16^" x 17". 1 alphabet. Queen, eyelet, stem, satin, cross-stitch, and other stitches. Border, Greek fret, strawberries or roses. Cross-borders. Trees, birds, houses, and fences. Initials of father and mother, "CM, M M." Verse 523. Miss Anna E. Murphy Miller, Lucretia. 1798. 14 yrs. 7" x 7i". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Narrow cross-stitch border. Cross-borders of Greek fret. Heart, crown, etc. Mrs. John F. Colder Miller, Mary. 1775. Savannah [Ga.]. 10" x 12^". Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Scene with ladies, children, servants, tree, fruit, flowers, and insects. Verse 606 (1, var.). Mrs. Arthur H. Wright Miller, Sally. 1783. Middletown [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 16^" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border, strawberry design on sides, vine with small ball at top and bottom. Verses 41 (var.), 182 (1, var.), 191 (1, var.). Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes Montgomery, Nancy. 1798. Middleborough. 9 yrs. 6" x 8". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George F. Seaver Moore, Sibilah. 1788. [Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, N. J.] 10 yrs. [Born February 8, 1778.] 12^" X 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, flat, queen, and cross-stitch. Borders across top and bottom of strawberries, roses, vines. Conventional carnations across bottom. Verse 343 (1). Family names and initials on sampler: father and mother, "Joshua Moore, Rachel Moore;" children, "H M, R M, AM, KM, S M, P M, M M." William F. Edwards, Esq. Morey, Betsy Jenkins. 1798. [Vermont. 7 yrs.] 12" x 4". 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Border of stem-stitch points. Carnation design. Mrs. James N. Bailey Morse, Cynthia. 1748. Foxboro. 3" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Ella G. Church AMERICAN SAMPLERS 65 Morton, Lydia. 1766. 12 yrs. 8" x 14". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Diamond border and plain cross-borders. Strawberry design. Verse 128 (1, var.). M. B. Lemon, Dealer Motley, Mary. 1796. 11 yrs. Born August 25, 1788. 1 alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Border of vine and strawberries. In center. Mason's square and compass with inscription, "Richard Driver departed this life July the 19 in the year of our lord 1792;" and on either side a large flowering plant, also the words, "Aged seventy seven." In upper part, "Richard Motley was married to Ann Wilson Driver the 14th of July in Year of our lord 1780. Ann Motley Born July 8 1781, Mary Motley Born Aug 25 1783, Sukey Motley Born March 6 1788, Elizabeth Motley Born February 4 1787, James Motley Born Aug 15 1789, William Motley Born October 6 1791, John Motley Born June 6 1794." Verse 613. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson MouNTFORT, Hakkah. May 22, 1736. [Boston, Mass.?] 12 yrs. Born February 6, 1724. 18" X 9". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders of carnation, straw- berry, Greek fret, rose, cross, vine, and trefoil designs. Verse 128 (var.). Mrs. Mary A. Rhodes Mtthlenberg, Hetty. 1797. Reading [Pa.]. 12 yrs. 211" x 21^". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry border and carnation cross-border at top. Round basket out of which are growing carnations, bluebells, rosebuds, and heartsease. Small parrot is perched on top spray. Verse 48. Mrs. John A. Hoogerwerf Muhlenberg, Susanna. 1790. Trappe [Pa.]. 11 yrs. 18" x 11". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders, Greek fret and strawberry. Cross in two upper corners. Verse 139. Mrs. John A. Kress Mulford, Sarah. 1794. [Alloway, N. J.] 10" x 14". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Vine and carnation border. Cross-border in vine and strawberry pattern. Two trees and grass. Verse 642. Mrs. William K. Andrews MuNRO, Sally. 12" x 17". Queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Border, vine rising out of vases in lower corners, also strawberries and various flowers. Scene 1, Adam and Eve beautifully dressed, and Tree of Knowledge ; Scene 2, President's house. Brown University, and people going to the reception. A doctor's gig in front of the house. Verse 4. Illustrated. Newport Historical Society Murray, Deborah. 1777. 6 yrs. Alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Rows of strawberries, crowns, and saw-teeth. "The Expectation of future Happiness is the Best Relief of Anxious Thoughts the most perfect cure of Milancholy the guide of Life and the Comfort of Death." "Remember thy Creator," etc. Verse 609 (2, var.). Mrs. I. Edwin Buggies Mutter, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1790. Granville County, N. C. 12 yrs.] 16^" x 17". Darning and cross-stitch. Floral border. Mary Sumner Kingsbury Nelson, Mary Ann. 1797. Augusta, Va. 12 yrs. 17" x 21". Flat, eyelet, stem, and satin- stitch. Simple borders. "The Message," St. Luke, Chapter 2, verses 13, 14, and 16. Verse 524. Mrs. H. C. Skaggs Newcomb, Edeth. 1795-96. Cohansey, N. J. 17" x 24". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Vine border. Cross-borders of flowers and vines. Potted flowers. Family initials: "T B, E B, E B, E B, A B, S B, R N, E N, E N, K N, E N, R N." Verses 187, 490 (var.). Mrs. C. May Neeld Newell, Mary. 1792. 10 yrs. 7" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Prof. F. P. Oorham 66 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Newhall, Lucy. 1793. Lynn [Mass.]. 11 yrs. [Born July 26, 1782.] 9" x 18". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verses 490 (var.), 639. Miss Bertha M. Larkin Nichols, Anna. 1778. 21 yrs. 7^" x 6". 2 alphabets. Herring-bone and cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border. Mrs. Emma Cheney Peabody Nichols, Sarah. 1794. Newbury [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 11" x 17". 5 alphabets. Laid-stitch, satin and cross-stitch. Diamond border. Design at bottom consists of trees, large and small birds, animals, baskets of flowers, etc. Verse 380. Mrs. Mary F. Hudson NiCKALLS, Susanne. 1792. Londonderry. 12 yrs. 9^" x 15i". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin- stitch. Hemstitched edge and strawberry border. Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve and Serpent. Verse 10 (1). Miss Lucasta J. Boynton NiLEs, Jane. 1791. Philadelphia [Pa. 18 yrs. Born July 7, 1773.]. 18" x 22". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry, rose, carnation, and vine border. Trees, birds, animals, and baskets of flowers. Verses 219, 490 (var.). Hannah Niles Freeland Miller NoRCROss, Polly. [Cir. 1791.] Pittston [Me.]. 7" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cat, rope, and cross- stitch. Cat-stitch border. "There is nothing of so much worth as a mind well instructed." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Norton, Abigail. 1775. 15 yrs. 21i" x 7". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Remember Thy Creator in the days of thy YoutH." Clarence A. Mathewson, Esq. NoYEs, Katy. 1787. Newbury [Mass.]. 14 yrs. Born August 17, 1773. 17" x 22V'. 4 alpha- bets. Eyelet, French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose and vine border on three sides. Landscape with hills, sheep, lambs, trees, sparrow, and parrot. Verse 368. Mrs. John F. Pearson Nugent, Sally. 1784. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 21 yrs. 7f" x 17". Alphabet. Buttonhole, stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Vase with unfinished flowers and cluster of flowers. Names of brothers, "Washington, Charles, James," and one too indistinct to make out. "Love best and honor thy mother." Miss Mary Hale Coffin Oliver, Sarah. 1755. Boston [Mass.]. Born in 1745. 8V' x 11". Alphabets. Conventional trees. Hutchinson Collection, sold at American Art Galleries, New York, April 11, 1918 Olmsted, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1736.] East Hartford [Conn.]. Born August 26, 1726. Cross- stitch. Conventional border. Family record: "Ashbel Olmsted born February 10, 1726; Hannah Newberry born October 3, 1729 ; Married November 3, 1737 ; Mabel Olmsted born January 21, 1759; died May 19, 1759; Mabel Olmsted born November 7, 1759; Ashbel Olmsted born March 12, 1761; Elizabeth Olmsted born August 26, 1762; Ursula Olmsted born January 29, 1764; Elihu Olmsted born September 7, 1765; Hannah Olmsted born January 21, 1768; Amelia Olmsted born August 19, 1769; Naomi Olmsted born October 13, 1772; Elizy Olmsted's Registry." Mrs. A. L. Fanning Ohmsbee, Robe A. 1790. 10" x 7". 5 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 617 (1). The Misses Peck Ohne, Lois. 1767. Salem [Mass.]. 8" x 11". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border. Strawberry vine design. Mrs. A. G. Bullock Or WIN, Margaret. 1786. SI" x 21". 6 alphabets. Tent and eyelet-stitch. Animals, man and woman, and many initials. Miss Anne Lee Osgood, Lydia. [Before 1800.] 12 yrs. 8 J" x 9". 4 alphabets. Border of Greek fret, straw- berry, cross, and chain patterns. Several hearts on right side. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. ^^ l-H S X! >. O = ""^ 1 ^ ^-1 <1J =5.. X s y. K < J '^ s. Ph X ■* \ '^ S 2 w S !2; 3 3 O "T _^ >;; /; "If, > ^^'V-S. X ^ -^ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 71 Rand, Lucy, 1770. [Born in 1762.] 9" x 10 J". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry, vine, and Greek fret borders. Verse 695. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith Rand, Mahy. 1788. 11 yrs. 11^" x 151". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders of double strawberry, birds, baskets, carnations, crowned passant lions, etc. Verses 22, 342. "Fear God and . . ." Charles W. Jenks, Esq. Rand, Susanah. 1798. 13" x 19". 4 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-border. Flower-pots, birds, strawberries, crowned lions, flowers, etc. Verse 128 (var.). Charles W. Jenks, Esq. Randall, Fanny. 1794. Annapolis [Md.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 15". 2 alphabets. Darning and cross- stitch. Hemstitched edge. Birds. Judge A. B. Hagner Rawson, Clara. 1795. Warwick [Mass.]. 10" x 14". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Branches of strawberries. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Edgar H. Bucklin Rawson, Hannah. [About 1799.] 16^" x 12". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border. Verse 5. Mrs. Fred A. Morse Rawson, Hannah. [About 1799.] 12g" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 630. Mrs. Fred A. Morse Rayner, Elizabeth. 1789. Newburyport [Mass.]. 12 yrs. [Born March 27, 1777.] 10^" x 9". Alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Double and triple strawberry border divided in sec- tions. Dogs, sheep, flowers, double strawberries, and birds. Verse 372. Mrs. B. S. Southard Rayner, Katy. 1793. [Newburyport, Mass.] 12 yrs. [Born July 19, 1781.] 10" x 18^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Dogs, cats, and strawberries. Verse 224. Mrs. R. S. Southard Rea, Sally. 1766. 16" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border, and cross-borders of carnations and strawberries. At bottom, Adam and Eve and Tree of Knowledge. " If women will not be inclined to seek the Information of the mind. Believe me Sally for its true, Parrots will talk as well as you." Illustrated. Mrs. Miles White, Jr. Reynolds, Clarissa. 1784. 10 yrs. 8" x 9^". 3 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Rhodes, Elizabeth. 1776. 8" x 7". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch, Mrs. Fred A. Morse Rhodes, Elizabeth. 1776. 7" x 5". 2 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Verses 186 (1, 2), 343 (1, 3, var.). Mrs. Fred A. Morse Rice, Fanny. 1782. Brookfield [Mass.], 13 yrs. Born October 29, 1779, 7^" x 91". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with narrow cross-stitch border. Strawberry cross-border. Miss Frances M. Lincoln Richards, Chloe. 1798. 13 yrs. Born December 8, 1785. 8^" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Simple border, hemstitched edge. Verse 187, Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Richards, Grace Ann, 1794. Verse 517. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Richards, Sally. 1797. 10" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch, Simple border, Mrs. H. C. Bunner Richardson, Anstis E. 1789. 8" x 12", 3 alphabets. Cat, chain, queen, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border with roses in corners, Charles E. Qoodspeed, Esq. 72 AMERICAN SAMPLERS RicHABDsoN, Jane. 1790. 9 yrs. 17" x 21^". Punch-work and cross-stitch. Greek fret and zigzag clover pattern in border. Cross-borders of geometric hearts and crowns, tree with birds, man and woman, flower vases and baskets, sailing vessel, fish, bird, etc. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Richardson, Mary. 1783. Salem, Mass. 12 yrs. ["Miss Sarah Stivour's School."] 20" x 20^". 6 alphabets. Carnation and vine border, with head of cherub in center at top. Man and woman standing in field of flowers and grass. Verses 128, 129 (var.). Illustrated in " Memories of Old Salem," p. 104. Mrs. Charles R. Waters Richardson, Mary. 1797. 7 yrs. 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and Greek fret border. Large tree, birds, and strawberries. Edmund M. Dow, Esq. Richardson, Sarah. 1780. 7 yrs. Born April 7, 1773. 6" x 10". 1 alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch cross-borders. Rose spray at bottom. Verse 199. C. E. Goodspeed, Esq., 1917 Richmond, Rhoda M. 1795. Providence [R. I.]. 6i" x 8". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Miss Alice L. Washburn Richmond, Ruth. 1791. 12 yrs. 10" x 4". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Sydney B. Burleigh, Esq. RmowAY, Abigail. 1795. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Conventional trees, flowers, and dogs, also elaborate carnation and rose through the center. Verse 229. Formerly one of the Drake Collection RoBBiNs, Jerusha. 1795. Williamstown [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 10" x 8". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Plain border. Verse 187 (var.). Mrs. Charles Bead Banks Robins, Ann. 1730. 12" x 16". Tent, satin, long and short, eyelet, rope, and cross-stitch. Carnation border and cross-borders of roses, strawberries, vines, etc. Verses 67, 181 (1, var.). Names: "Thomas Robins, Sarah Robins, Hester Chandler, John Chandler, Samuel Robins, Ann Robins, Thomas Robins, John Robins, Sarah Robins, Rebecca Robins, Mary Robins, Elizabeth Robins, William Robins, Jacob Robins, Mary Robins, Samuel Robins." Illustrated. Miss Susan P. Wharton Robins, Deborah. 1750. 10" x 13f". Alphabet. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Pastoral scene, with shepherdess, sheep, dog, birds, flowers, and trees. Verse 92a (var.). Mrs. Bobert O. Patten RoBsoN, Ane. 1768. 15 yrs. 5^" x 6". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret borders. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Gertrude Fuller Nichols Rogers, Hannah Cutter. 1793. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 12 yrs. 12^" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Trefoil and rose border at sides, scroU and satin- stitch border at top, wide floral design at bottom. Miss Mary H. Wheeler Rogers, Nancy. 1797. Gloucester [Mass.]. 7 yrs. [Born February 8, 1790.] 8" x 13". Alpha- bet. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 129 (var.). Miss Judith Bogers RoYLSTON, Dorothy. 1731. 12 yrs. 7£" x 13^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry, Greek fret, and geometrical borders. Verse 128 (var.). Theodore P. Tower, Esq. Rush, Agnes. 1797. 4 yrs. 3^" x 16". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch dividing lines. Mrs. Fred W. Smith Russell, Abigail. 1782. Very small. Cross-stitch. Only letters on it besides name. Miss Betty Bussell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 73 Russell, Elizabeth. 1719. Marblehead [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 6i" x 7^". 8 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. 9 different cross-borders. Tree, plants, and squirrels. Mrs. Frederick A. Whitwell Russell, Maky. 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Very plain sampler. Belonged to Delano Estate and sold at Libby's, Boston, March 1, 1916 Russell, Mary. 1784. Alphabet. Petit-point, stem, eyelet, French knot, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Hunting and milking scene. Very interesting. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Russell, Tabby. [Cir. 1789.] Born September, 1779. 19" x 20". 5 alphabets. Laid and punch- work and cross-stitch. 3 borders, outside point, black punch-work, vine of conventional- ized rose leaves and Greek fret. Trees, fruit, squirrels, birds, butterflies, turtle, ducks, deer, cow, flowers, etc. Verse undecipherable. Miss Harriet D. Perkins Sackett, Sally. [Cir. 1796.] Long Island. Born April 21, 1786. lOi" x 17". Cross-stitch. Vine border on three sides. Medley of flowers, baskets, and birds. Verse 65. "Stephen Sacket born May 23, 1752; Eunice Lovering Born December 28, 1748; Married Nob 25, 1776. Stepn Sacket jr born Aug 7, 1777; Eunice Sacket born April 25, 1779; Hannah Sacket born Aug 7, 1781; Sally Sacket born April 21, 1786; Daniel Sact born Sept. 23, 1790." Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Saltonstall, Anna. 1799. Haverhill [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 14^" x 16". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Grass, tree, and shrub. Verse 101. The Misses Ward Sandborn, Elizabeth Dearborn. 1786. Meredith Bridge [now Laconia, N. H.]. Born Octo- ber 18, 1773. 17" X 22". 3 alphabets. Stem, flat, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and trefoil border across top. Verse 182 (1). Mrs. Arthur F. Titus Sanderson, Hannah. 1789. 15" x 18". 2 alphabets. Long and short, satin, and cross-stitch. Double border of carnations and scrolls. Cherry tree and strawberry bushes. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Sanderson, Sibbyl. 11" x 7^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and simple border. A. Stainforth, Dealer Sanford, Bathsheba. 1783. Medway [Mass.]. 12 yrs. [Born February 14, 1771.] 8" x 9". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. Lyndon Sanford Macy Sanford, Sarah. 1786. 20" x 18". Long and short, stem, and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose and strawberry border. Shepherd and shepherdess and black slave under a tree. Bees, birds, animals, and flowers fill in spaces. Verse 363. Mrs. Maynadiere Browne Saunders, Sarah. 1789. [Salem.] Born March 6, 1779. 9" x 13^". Alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verses 44, 138. Mrs. H. A. Everett Saunders, Sarah Donna Leonora. 16V' x 16". Cross-stitch. Border of strawberry leaves. Picture of William and Mary College, Virginia, in center. Initials: "S B M, LAM, M L S, L A P, E J N, C N P, P A R, A C, F A B, M C H, E L B, C A M." These are probably the initials of friends and embroidered by them. Also the names: "John S. Mary Saunders." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Savage, Jane. 1747. 12 yrs. Born January 5, 1735. H" x 16^". Tent, chain, and cross-stitch. Dogs and flowers in top border. Verse 190. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Sawyer, Betsey. 1798. " Born August 24, 1786." 13" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cross, chain, stem, and flat-stitch. Trefoil and saw-tooth borders. Carnation cross-border. Tree, parrot, woman, vase of flowers, and birds. Verse 659a. 74 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Scott, Betsy. 1793. Very large. Map of England and Wales, showing counties. Wreath of flowers In upper right-hand corner, with name, etc. Work done in chain, satin, and cross- stitch. Mrs. E. L. H. Wood Scott, Elizabeth. 1741. Newport, R. I. 6 yrs. 8" x 10". Cross, satin, and back-stitch. Vine border. Verse 342 (var.). Also "Lord give me wisdom to direct my ways." Mrs. Emma J. Be Blots Seabikg, Bath-sheba. 1766. Dighton, Mass. 9 yrs. 10^" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Tent, stem, cross, and cat-stitch. Border of conventionalized strawberries and flowers. Brick house, tree, gate, bird, etc. Verse 128 (1, var.), and another illegible. Arthur P. Wastcoat, Esq. Sears, Hitty [Mehitable]. 1798. Dennis [Mass. Born October 21, 1788.]. 8i" x 10|". 3 alphabets. Star and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border and hemstitched edge. Verse 490 (var.). "This work above my needle wrought May I reflect my life is short." Mrs. R. F. Oraham Seaveh, Mahy G. 1709. 14 yrs. 7i" x 8". Alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Plain border. Rose design in stem-stitch. Mrs. E. Morgan Shaxahan, Mabgaeet. 3 alphabets. Petit-point, tapestry, stem, and cross-stitch. Border in tapestry-stitch, with diamond pattern at top and marigolds on sides. House and flower- pots. Verse 367a. Illustrated in "Memories of Old Salem," p. IO4 Shaepless, Eliza. 1797. Philadelphia [Pa. 8 yrs.]. 9^" x lOi". Eyelet, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Family initials: "J S, I S, E S, J S, E S, T S, J S, M S." Houses, baskets of flowers, plants, terraced lawn, trees, bushes, dogs, and conven- tionalized strawberry plant. The Misses Penniman Shaepless, Emily. 1796. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 9 yrs. 22^" x 21^". Satin and cross-stitch. Conventional vine border. Houses, terraced grass, trees, men, women, dogs, rabbits, birds, butterflies, conventionalized strawberry plant, etc. The Misses Penniman Shaw, Maby. 1754. 8" x 12". 5 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Vine with flowers across top. Heart. Miss Beulah A. Saunders Shaw, Peiscilla. 1771. Plymouth [Mass.]. 13 yrs. Born January 11, 1758. 7^" x 10". Alphabet. Stem and cross-stitch. Borders of rose, carnation, and strawberry designs. "Remember thy Creator," etc. Mrs. J. B. Shurtleff, Jr. Sheafe, Hetty. 1773. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 13 yrs. 11" x 20". Four alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. 16 border designs. Miss Lois Sheafe Joslyn Sheffield, Elizabeth. 1784. Born July 20, 1771. 10" x 14". 2 alphabets. Petit-point and cross-stitch. Border of roses, vine, and birds. Man and woman on each side of a house. Cross-borders of strawberries, and below, birds, dogs, and trees. Koopman's, Boston, for sale February, 1919 Sheebubxe, Saeaii. [Cir. 1761.] Born March 27, 1748. 6 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple cross-borders. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin Shebman, Maegabet. [1770.] Jericho [L. I.]. 7J" x 11|". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Very meager design. Mrs. Henry McAllister, Jr. Shiblay, Ann. 1776. 10" x 8". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. Arthur O. Beats Shoemakee. See also Stevenson. S1L8BEE, Content P. 20" x 17". 12 yrs. Full-blown rose design in border. Sold at Walpole Galleries, New York, June 29, 1917 ^ .a vBCDEFGHiK L BTI OPqR ST VV7X.Y2fiv^ >^ t H-< xa r'' rnKfar vi;.-.'-^ .x*^ PLATE XXV Grace Welsh's Sampler. 1774 The Emma B. Hodge Collect Inn AMERICAN SAMPLERS 75 SiMPKiNS, Mahy. 1757. 12 yrs. 11^" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Double strawberry border, also carnation and single strawberry. "Fear God and Love Him." Verses 202, 342, 350, 496. Charles W. Jenks, Esq. SiMPKiKs, SusANAH. 1745. 13 yrs. Si" x 13i". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders of carnation, strawberry, double and single, and tulip designs. Crowned lions, baskets, birds, etc. Charles W. Jenks, Esq. Simpson, Anne. [Cir. 1735.] Boston [Mass. Born 1720.]. 8" x 7". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Greek fret, strawberry, and conventional borders. Verse 128 (1, 2). Miss Margaret C. Wyman Simpson, Maegahet. 1755. Born in 1743. 8" x 22". 4 alphabets. Tapestry, stem, and cross- stitch. Narrow hem. Tapestry design in diamond-shaped figures. Verse 689. Mrs. James Tuckerman Simpson, Mary. 1725. Boston [Mass. Born October 18, 1714.]. 8|" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Borders of scroll and strawberry designs. Verse 128 (var.). Mrs. Mary W. Nichols SiNNicKsoN, Mahy. 1794. Salem [N. J.]. Born August 27, 1781. 10" x 12^". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Narrow cross-border at each end. Line of flowers. Estate of Maria H. Eakin Slim, Makian. 1780. [Chester Township, Burlington County, N. J. 11 yrs.] 8f" x 9J". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple border. Initials of father and mother: "PS, C S." [Her parents were Holland "Redemptioners."] Mr. Charles Lippincott Smith, . After 1797. Sutton [Mass.]. "Born March 11, 1778." "Born Dec. 24, 1797." Names given: "Samuel Smith, Sally Smith." 3 alphabets. 15^" x 10". Cross-stitch. Border in chain design. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. Smith, Abigail. 1755. Fairhaven [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born June 21, 1743. 7f" x 7f". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Miss Mary F. Gill Smith, Ann. 1787. 23" x 22". Map of Europe done in chain and cross-stitch. Festoon at top, bows, cord, and tassel in center, with conventional tulips and small flowers festooned from bow. Small flowers and leaves in lower corners. Miss F. M. Kerr Smith, Catharine. 1798. Born in 1788. [Chester, Orange County, N. Y.] 16^" x 12^". Alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple border. "Make the study of the Sacred Scriptures your daily Practice and principal Concern and Embrace the Doctrines contained in them, as the real Oracles of God and the Dictates of . . ." Mrs. George 8. Hamlin Smith, Elizabeth. 1794. Plainfield [Conn.]. A^" x 7". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Plain, double cross-stitch border. Mrs. Albert Babcock Smith, Esther. 1798. 14 yrs. 17" x 9". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Miss Alzada Sprague Smith, Loann. 1785. 13 yrs. Born September 27, 1772. 12" x 15". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Border at sides of vine and flowers ; at top. University Hall at Brown, with figures of man and woman, trees and animals; at bottom. Old State House, with woman, animals, etc. Verse 95 (2). Illustrated. Rhode Island School of Design Smith, Lucy. 1794. 12i" x 12^". 9 alphabets. Eyelet, buttonhole, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. Elaborate conventional carnations, strawberries, roses, and vines. Verse 618. Miss Lucy Dennis Holme 76 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Smith, Mauy. "17014". 6 yrs. 8^" x 21". Double alphabet. Chain, tent, and cross-stitch. Conventional cross-borders. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Charles M. Morse Smith, Mary. 1782. [Rowley, Mass.] 16 yrs. 16" x 18". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border of flowers, leaves, birds, vases, buds, or berries. Flower design. Miss Caroline M. Burnham Smith, Maey. 1783. [Salem County, N. J.] 13" x 13". Satin, chain, and French knot. Whole sampler is in drawn-work and fine embroidery. Basket filled with flowers in center. Open-work and embroidered circles in lower corners, with gathered ribbon around them. Fine hemstitched border. Mrs. Ella Maria Hamilton Smith, Polly. 1794. Salem [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12j" x 16|". 2 alphabets. Satin, chain, eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and roses. Farm scene. Verse 129 (var.). Miss M. Lizzie Bray Smith, Sally. Salem [Mass.]. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Border at top of carnations; at sides, vine with small flowers; in corners, bunches of lily-of-the-valley. Large flower-pot, with rose bush in full bloom. Mrs. John Pickering Smith, Sarah. 1794. Newburyport [Mass.]. 11 yrs. Born November 13, 1783. 20" x 20". Alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation, rose, and other flowers in border. Landscape, with trees, birds, cow, and sheep. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Smith, Tabitha. 1713. Smithtown [L. I.]. 9 yrs. 9" x lOJ". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Hemstitched edge. Cross-borders. Verse 180. Mrs. Charles E. Sherman Snow, Lucy. 1796. 8 yrs. 5" x 12". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross- borders. Verse 660. Charlotte M. Smith SouDER, Sarah Ann. [Cir. 1775. Born in 1760.] 12^" x 18". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 135. Mrs. H. C. Jones Spechet, Leonora Louisa. 1798. 13" x 17". Map of England. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Spencer, Phebe. 1763. 14 yrs. 7^" x 12". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Vine cross-border. Verse 68. The Misses Chadsey Spooneh, Hannah. 1785. 10 yrs. 7^" x 12^". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, cross, and two variations of buttonhole-stitch. Vine and flower border. Verses 41 (var.), 191, 620. W. M. Cooper, Esq. Spooner, Sarah. 1781. 11 yrs. 12" x 12i". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 345 (var.). Mrs. Sydney R. Burleigh Sprague, Polly. 1798. Petersham [Mass.]. 15 yrs. 8" x 6^". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Cocks standing on trees, two sets of two pulling worms apart. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Staats, Margaret. 1795. [Staats Homestead, Bound Brook, N. J.] 14 yrs. 8" x 11". 1 alpha- bet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border representing a fence with garden gate. At bottom, trees and baskets of flowers. "Remember thy Creator," etc. Eugene DuBois La Tourette, Esq. Staats, Phebe. 1788. 13 yrs. 8" x 11". 2 alphabets. Eugene DuBois La Tourette, Esq. Starr, Margaret. 1795. 11" x 14". Parts of alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Roman border with acorns. Pine trees, birds, dogs, and vase of flowers. Name "Wm. Cox" worked in with design. Verse 132 (1, var.). Miss Julia L. Muirheid AMERICAN SAMPLERS 77 Stebbins, Caroline. 1798. 9 yrs. li" x 13". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Casual arrangement of animals, birds, flowers, baskets, etc., grouped about a long me- dallion bordered with hearts. Museum of Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Stebbixs, Eunice. [Cir. 1787.] Springfield [Mass.]. Born January 14, 1775. 8i" x 22 J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Names and dates on sampler: "Daniel born April 2, 1766. Festus born March 5, 1768, Eunice born April 5, 1770, died August 27, 1771, Quartus born November 21, 1772, Eunice born July 14, 1775, Lois born March 31, 1777." Verse 128, unfinished. Mrs. Frederick N. Conner Sterett, Mary. 1783. Baltimore [Md.]. 11 yrs. 15" x 9". Cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Verses 612, 613, 614. Miss Mary Sterett Gittings Stevens, Henrietta. 1788. [Talbot County, Md.] 12 yrs. Born August 14, 1776. 16" x 20". Cross-stitch and other stitches. Four different cross-border designs. "A Silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord." Verses 70, 223. Edwin J. Stevens, Esq. ^ Mahy Stevenson, J Martha ( Harriet Shoemaker, Sarah. ' 1794. 13" x 18". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border, with roses in the four corners. Large urn in center, with roses; also strawberry vines, pine trees, cats, birds, etc. Verses 378, 381. Mrs. Harriet S. Earl Stocker, Lydia. 1798. 12 yrs. 17" x 16". 1 alphabet. Split, chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Wide and elaborate border, with flowers, butterflies, birds, etc. Scene with house, tree, deer, man, and woman. Verse 73. Illustrated in color. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Stokes, Martha. 1799. Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 16" x 21". 5 alphabets. Satin and stem- stitch. Vine border. Scene with Colonial house, tile walk, six flower-beds, fence, trees, diamond, heart, and birds, also English crowns. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3, var.). Mrs. Nellie Wightman Nason Stone, Mary Lightboubne. 1790. Charleston [S. C.]. 12^" x 18". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-design in border, doubled at top. Cross-borders in scroll design. Miss Anna Bell Bruns Stoodley, Mary. 1753. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 22". 7 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry design. The Lord's Prayer. Miss Mary L. Oilman Stoodley, Mary. [1753.] Portsmouth [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 20" x 22". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral design. The Lord's Prayer. Miss Mary L. Oilman Storer, Hannah. 1747. Groton [Mass.]. 8 yrs. llf" x 15". Alphabet. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate border, with roses and leaves. Two spies bearing the grapes of Eschol, two green trees, trefoil border, and other borders. Verses 65 (var.), 248 (1, var.). Massachusetts Historical Society Strobridge, Anne. 1764. Middleboro [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 8" x lOi". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border at top. Verse 128 (var.). Unfinished. Miss Harriet A. Barstow Strudibo, Ann. 1734. Charleston [S. C.]. 8*" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, stem, satin, cat, and cross-stitch. Conventional border at top and cross-borders at bottom in Greek fret, trefoil, tree, and strawberry designs. Verse 128 (var.). Mrs. John F. Bennett Summerill, Mary. 1788. [Upper Penns Neck, Salem County, N. J.] 16 yrs. lOi" x 16^'. 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Plain border. Urns, crowns, and heart. David C. Holton, M.D. 78 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Sutton, Ann. 1789. 17 yrs. 11^" x 17^". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Dividing lines in cross-stitch. Miss Hannah A. Sheppard Swain, Margaret. 1764. 8" x 15". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Family initials and dates: "MS Born ye 5 day of 4 month 1746 O S T S Born ye 3 day of month N S A S Born the day of 12 month 1749 L S Born ye 13 day of ye 6 month 1752 P S Died the 9 day of May in the yar 1764." Verses 343 (1, var.), 685. Rhode Island School of Design Swan, Ruth. 1785. Leicester [Mass.]. lOi" x 7". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders in geometrical design. Verse 14 (var.). Mrs. John A. Sweetser SwEETSEB, Polly. [After 1776.] "Born at Lynn, in the County of Essex, State of Mass." 7|" X 17f ". 3 alphabets. Flat, tent, stem, outline, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. Verse 494, Miss Harriet E. Cummings Symonds, Lucy. 1796. Boxford [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 21^" x 244". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Border of vine and flowers on three sides. Five hills ; on middle one, large vase of flowers, two trees on the next, baskets on remaining two, from which a vine covered with assorted flowers springs and continues as a border aroimd the sampler. Verses 141, 653. UPl;-: I Mrs. Henry E. Coe Tage [probably Montague], Sarah. 1794. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 18^" x 22". Satin-stitch. Landscape with man and woman and title, " Belville and Rosina." Mrs. Mary C. Cooley Talbot, Mary. 1796. Providence [R. I.]. 14" x 16". ["Miss Polly Balch's School."] Eyelet, chain, tent, queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Border at sides, rose vine, and at bottom, strawberry. Scene with State House, Providence, lambs, birds, figures of man and woman. Verse 630 (var.). Mm Helen H. Greene Talman, Kezia. 1788. 14 yrs. 11" x 13". [New Jersey.] Double alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Verse 343 (1, var.). 3Irs. 8. A. Cunningham Tappan [or Toppan], Martha. [Cir. 1721. Newbury, Mass. Born 1710.] 8" x 10*". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Miss Charlotte M. Smith Tatnall, Ann. 1786. 12 yrs. 12^" x 17". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation border, with strawberries in four corners. Cross-borders of strawberry, rose, elaborate vine with blossoms, and saw-tooth designs. Verses 132 (1, var.), 204, 344 (var.), 610. Names of paternal and maternal grandparents: "Edward Tatnall, Betty Tatnall, James Lea, Margaret Lea." Names of parents and children: "Joseph Tatnall, Elizabeth Tatnall; Sarah, Margaret, Elizabeth, Edward, Ann, Joseph, Esther, Edward, Thomas; Thomas Lea, Joseph Lea." Name of teacher: "Mary Askew." Illustrated. Henry M. Canhy, Esq. Tatnall, Elizabeth. 1766. Wilmington [Del.]. 11 yrs. 11" x 16". Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Border a combination of vine, strawberry, and Greek cross in corners. Two large carnations. Verses 132 (1, var.), 181, (1, var.), 192, 590. Initials of father, mother, 3 sisters, and brother: "E T, E T, M T, AT, J T, I T." Mrs. Alter Megear Tatum, Sybil. 1788. Woodbury [N. J.]. 26" x 26". Satin and cross-stitch. Thirty-three large bunches of flowers. Miss Sybil T. Jones Taylor, Alice. 1798. 10" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Verse 390. Mrs. William A. Spicer Taylor, Eliza. [Cir. 1796. Born in New York, July 14, 1786.] 12V' x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Conventional cross-lines in simple designs. Initials on PLATE XXVI Abigail Mears's Sampler. 1772 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 79 sampler: "IT, M T [John Taylor and Margaret Taylor, father and mother]; E, M T, 1ST, I B T, AT, IT, R L T, ST [brothers and sisters]." Verse 652. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Taylor, Isabel. 1794. [2 Liberty St., New York City.] 8 yrs. 19" x 23". Alphabet. Cross- stitch. 6 cross-borders in diflferent patterns. Birds, beast, trees, and heart. Verse 92. Mrs. Oeorge Thacher Taylor, Mary. 1740. 12 yrs. 9" x 16". 2 alphabets. Tulip border with minor borders. • Elaborate cross-borders. Verses 184, 489 (2, 3). Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Teacle, Rachel Birckhead. 1798. Hi" x 12i". 2 alphabets. Punch-work, queen and cross- stitch. Bits of fret-work and geometric patterns, "The higher character a person suports the more he should regard his minutest action." Mrs. James Fortescue Giffen Tenny, Sarah. 1794. 16 yrs. 12V' x 16i". 4 alphabets. Bird's-eye, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberries and sheep. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Thayer, Charlotte. 3V' x 4". 1 alphabet. Fine cross-stitch. Design of various figures. Lancaster Public Library Thomas, Mercy. 1797. Plymouth [Mass.]. 8 yrs. Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Carnation border at top. Mrs. J. B. Shurtleff, Jr. Thomas, Priscilla. [1795.] 7 yrs. Born in Plymouth [Mass.], August 23, 1788. 7i" x 8i". Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with rose, carnation, and strawberry border. Carnation design. Mrs. J. B. Shurtleff, Jr. Thompson, Isabella. 1771. 14 yrs. 19" x 22^". 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. 3 green hills covered with sheep, and trees set between the hills, also various birds. Verse 202 (1, var.). Miss Mary C. Wheelwright Thompson, Isabella. 1797. See Mary Wheatley. Thompson, Maky. 1749. 10 yrs. 8^" x 12". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, tapestry, tent, and cross-stitch. 7 cross-borders. Mrs. Theodore Yates Thomson, Margaret. 1793. 12" x 18". 4 alphabets. Buttonhole, stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border. Basket of flowers, crowns, and tree at bottom. Miss Alice Morton Thornton, Ann. 1798. 9 yrs. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Carnation, rose, and conventional cross-borders. At bottom, very uneven groimd with trees, large and small, animals, butterflies, birds, and detached baskets of flowers. Verse 389. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe Thtjrber, Sally. 1799. Born May 13, 1791. Ill" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Fir tree in each lower corner. Verse 4 (var.). Mrs. Richard Greene Davis Thurston, Mehitable. 1796. Born October 5, 1782, at Newbury [Mass.]. 17" x 21". 3 alpha- bets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation, rose, lily, and vine border. Vase of flowers on each side a hill topped by a tree, also bees, bird, goat, lamb, and dog. Verse 25. Mrs. Maria S. P. Humphreys Thwing, Sarah. 1771. Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. [Born in Boston, June 12, 1759.] 7" x 14". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret borders. Vine design. Verse 185. Mrs. Joseph M. Bright TiLDEN, Joanna. 1762. 8f " x 14". 2 alphabets. All kinds of stitches used. Sampler divided into seven sections. At bottom, 9 green mounds in three rows, with strawberries and strawberry blossoms growing among them. Mrs. Louise J. Home 80 AMERICAN SAMPLERS TippiT, Betty. 1774. 18 yrs. 6' x 10". Crewel, satin, and cross-stitch. Designs of ferns and flowers. The lettering is all in cross-stitch along the top, the foliage in sections reaching up toward it. Verse 128. Mrs. J. A. Noble, Dealer, 1917 Titus, Polly. 1797. 8" x 17". Alphabets. Cross, eyelet, and hem-stitch. Few cross-stitch designs and a tree. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Todd, Sakah L. 8 yrs. Hi" x 7f ". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border in cross-stitch, and cross-borders in eyelet and satin-stitch. Green wreath and two baskets of flowers. A. Stainforth, Dealer Tomlin, Drusila. 1793. 8^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border at top and sides, and tent-stitch border at bottom. /. Clifford Haines, M.D. ToMsoN, Lucy. 1787. 11 yrs. 7" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Mrs. C. M. Eddy ToppAN, Mary. 1762. 12 yrs. Born June 26, 1750. Newbury [Mass.]. 9" x 12". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek-fret border across top; triangles of flat-stitch out- lined in cross-stitch. Elaborate design in center. "Goodness and Mercy ever follow those that . . ." Newburyport Historical Society ToppAN, Sarah. 1756. Newbury [Mass.]. Born May 16, 1740. 14" x 20". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret, trefoil, and 3rd border on sides and top, also Greek fret cross-borders. At bottom, apple tree, two deer, two rabbits, two bumblebees, two eagles, and Scotch thistle in each upper corner. "Trust in God at all times." Mrs. Charles H. Atkinson TowNSEND, Hannah. 1794. 11 yrs. 14" x 17". 1 alphabet. Tapestry, satin, cross-stitch, and hemstitch. Hemstitched edge, with conventional triple strawberry and Greek fret border. Inside frame of saw-tooth and strawberry design, and several different cross-borders. Scene with house and two trees, topped by large birds. Verse 519. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton TowNSEND, Lydia. [Cir. 1750.] Oyster Bay [L. I.]. 7^" x 10". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border, with hemstitched edge. Greek border through middles, and two primitive-looking rods with vines on each side. Mrs. Henry M. A Ulster, Jr. Toy [or Tay], Grace. [Cir. 1717. Born in Woburn, May 18, 1704.] 7" x 36". 2 alphabets. Back, cross, and close rope-stitch, also darned and lace-stitch. Sampler consists of cross- bands done in various lace stitches and many different conventionalized flower and vine designs. Illustrated. Mrs. N. A. Prentiss Traill, Mary. 1791. [Marblehead, Mass.] 10 yrs. 12J" x 16^". Satin, stem, chain, outline, and cross-stitch. 2 scenes at top, man with rake, man with wife and child, each holding a parasol, and man with cow; below, pastoral scene with trees, house, birds, sheep, shep- herd, and shepherdess. Illustrated. Mrs. Fletcher Hodges Trecothick, Hannah. 1738. Boston [Mass. 10 yrs.]. 8*" x 18". Chiefly cross-stitch. Conventional cross-borders in Greek fret, vine, strawberry, and medley of baskets, hearts, birds in cages, etc. At bottom, figures of animals, birds, conventional trees, and flowers. In center of top border, a crown, with initials G R. Lord's Prayer and Apostles' Creed in cross-stitch frames. Verse 128 (var.). Illustrated. Miss Jane E. C. Chapman Tripp, Elizabeth. 1765. Providence, R. I. 12 yrs. Born December 20, 1753. 12" x 8". 3 al- phabets. Flat, tent, stem, petit-point, chain, and cross-stitch. Miss Jessie Tripp Troup, Sarah. 1738. 8 yrs. 9" x 11^'- 4 alphabets. Cross-borders with crowns, etc. Vases of flowers. Verse 186. Mrs. J. C. Fraser ^»M»»iMuM PLATE XXVII Betsy Adams's Sampler. Quincy. 1773 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 81 Trumbuli,, Faitht. 1781. Lebanon [Conn.]. 12 yrs. 8^" x 15V'. 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 367. Miss Henrietta W. Hubbard T[eumbull], M[ahtha]. 1775. [Said to have belonged to Martha Trumbull of Connecticut.] 5" X 7". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Miss Arabia C. Harris Tryon, Catherine. 1794. Lebanon Springs [N. Y.]. 12 yrs. Hi" x 9^". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Conventional border in geometrical designs. Mrs. Albert E. Smith Tufts, Susanna. 1789. [Charlestown.] 9 yrs. Born in Charlestown, Mass., December 8, 1780. 8^" x 9f". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 617 (var.). Miss Edith Johnson Turner, Irene. 1799. 8 yrs. 8" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with border of points in cross-stitch. Small tree with birds and other figures. Mrs. W. S. Rich Turner, Polly. 1786. Born February 15, 1775, at Warren [R. I.]. Wrought August 12, 1785, at Providence. Long and short, tent, satin, stem, queen, and cross-stitch. Floral border rising out of vases in lower corners, with birds flying about at top. In each lower corner, small inset, sheep and shepherdess in one, and sheep and shepherd in the other. In center, President's house, Brown University, and ladies and gentlemen going to the reception. Verse 624. ["Miss Polly Balch's School."] Mrs. Henry E. Coe TuTTLE, Rebecca. 1785. Brattleboro [Vt.]. 8^ yrs. 11" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Hearts and lozenges. Verse 618 (unfinished). [Linen spun by the maker.] Mrs. Charles E. Reed TuxBURY, Lydia. 1797. Born November 23, 1787. 8i" x 8^". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Landscape with two human figures and a very black goat, and an urn in the middle. Strawberries and initials "L. T." at the top. Verse 236. W. O. Bowdoin, Esq. Tyler, Deborah. 1756. 9 yrs. 8" x 20V'. 4 alphabets. Laid, herring-bone, catch, cross, and other stitches. Fine hem. Cross-borders in chain, Greek fret, vine, pyramid, cube, and diamond designs. Sampler worked in cross-strips, each section divided by difi'erent stitches. Verse 193. Mrs. Alpheus H. Hardy Tyler, Hannah. 1753. Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. About 23" x 101". 3 alphabets. Flat, eye- let, French knot, stem, satin, chain, and cross-stitch. Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden, surrounded by animals and flowers. Henry Preston Kendall, Esq., and others Tyler, Lydia. 1797. Methuen [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Born June 25, 1787. 18i" x 11^". 3i rows of capital letters. Cross-stitch. "This work I wrought when at School to Miss Sally Flint in the Year 1797." Charles H. Tyler, Esq. Underwood, Mary. 1777. Jamestown [R. I.]. 12 yrs. 10" x 15". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Trees, butterflies, etc., near center. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Edna D. Hammond Unknown. 10" x 8". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border at top. Mrs. Robert Bean Unknown. Washington, D. C. 17" x 27". 7 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Festoon border. Strawberry vine and baskets of berries at bottom. N. H. McRoberts, Esq. Unknown. 1704. 8" x 19". Double alphabet. 5 borders across sampler, with three figures, 2 men and a woman, repeated. 2 borders below and a dog. Francis H. Bigelow, Esq. Unknown. 1708. 3 alphabets and letters, M E L B E I W L C E, in very florid and com- plicated forms. Same on both sides. Miss Henrietta Paige 82 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Unknown. 1720. [Sampler came from the Sharpless family, but bears no name.] 8" x 18". 6 alphabets and part of a sixth. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders at top in horizontal designs, used for making card cases, needlebooks, etc. A bird, flower, and dish on lower half of sampler, which appears to be unfinished. F. F. Sharpless, Esq. Unknown. 1722. [Probably Marblehead.] 7" x 7". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border, with corners filled in solid. Blackbird with large tail, perched on vine of green leaves and blue blossoms. Mrs. B. F. Stacey Unknown. '35 [1735], March 18th. [This sampler was handed down to the present owner among papers dating as far back as 1649.] 14 yrs. 11" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Herring-bone, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Design in center, large blossoms of wild rose and strawberry. At bottom, basket of fruit, dogs on each side, large cedar tree and 2 small cedars, deer with horns, lying on his legs in an upright pose. Mrs. Anne Pritchett Richardson Unknown. 1773. 15" x 15". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border; also crown with cup. Flower- pot, roses, and animals. Verse 342. Mrs. T. Harrison Garrett Unknown. 1775. 17V' x 16". Cross-stitch and satin-stitch. Large tree with spreading branches, with leaves and fruit bearing all sorts of names; cow under tree and Christ standing in front of trunk. Verses from Revelation. Illustrated. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. [Cir. 1780. Sampler came from Springfield, Mass.] 12" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Saw-tooth design at bottom. Names and dates on sampler: "Phoebe, Born April 7, 1751 Lew bor feb. 23, 1753 Zebbo Au 29, 1755 Cal bor Jan 29, 1758 Lo. bo. Au 31 1760 L. 27 1763 T Au 29 1765 W Jan 24 1768 M Feb 2 1771" Mrs. Richard Jones Unknown. 1790. 9" x 11". 2 alphabets. Bird's-eye and cross-stitch. Conventional carnation border. Basket of fruit, birds, strawberries growing from pot, etc. [unfinished]. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. 1790. 81" x lOV'. 2 alphabets. Queen and cross-stitch. Carnation cross-border. Pot of strawberries and birds pecking at a basket of fruit. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. [Cir. 1790.] 16" x 16V'. Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Man, woman, animals, and birds. Verse 214. Mrs. George A. Plimpton Unknown. 75" x 12". 3 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 536. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Unknown. [Cir. 1799.] 18" x 7V'. Alphabet. Petit-point, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross- borders. Adam and Eve in the Garden. Verse 529. Miss Caroline Franklin Unknown. Many different designs done in lace stitches on net. Illustrated. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. Cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Simple cross-stitch border. Two little houses and trees. Verse 622. Unfinished. From Machias, Me. Unknown. A sampler of darned lace on net. Illustrated. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 83 Unknown. ["Kathehin Muhy"? Early 18th Century in design.] 1 alphabet. Satin, eyelet, chain, tapestry, flat, stem, back, buttonhole, two-sided line-stitch, queen, and rope-stitch. At bottom, a row of drawn-work filet containing the name. Mrs. William Cabell Brown Unknown. [Early 18th Century.] Upper half, white embroidery, including lace squares; lower half, lace designs and drawn-work. Flat, two-sided line-stitch, and raised button- hole stitch. Mrs. William Cabell Brown Van Buren, Elizabeth. 1785. New York. 12 yrs. Born August 30, 1773, at New York. 8" X 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Small pine tree at bottom. Verse 41 (var.). [Each word separated by single cross-stitch.] Mrs. O. H. Buek Van Forhies, Sarah. [Cir. 1742. Blawanburgh, Somerset County, N. J.] Born February 4, 1731. 8" X 11". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Zigzag border. Man, woman, trees, birds, house, and geometric figures. Initials: [father and mother] "C. v. F. A. v. F." [Children] "A. V. F.; M. V. F.; D. v. F.; K. v. F.; S. v. F.; C. v. F.; A. v. F." Mrs. A. F. Albertson Van Maater, Catherine. 1765. [Monmouth County, N. J,] Born April 5, 1756. 7" x 8". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Vine border, wider at top and bottom. Birds and trees. Names: "Daniel Van Maater [father], Mary Covenhoven [mother], Catherine, Sarah, Gilbert, Micah, Nelly" [children]. Miss Mary Voorhees V[an] S[chaick], C[atherine]. 1763. [Albany, N. Y.] "Out 10." li" x 9J". Buttonhole and cross-stitch. Conventional border of strawberries and baskets. House, two fowl, two signs, and many small objects not nameable. Illustrated. The late Mrs. Abraham Lansing Verien, Elizabeth. 1716. [Boston, Mass. 12 yrs.] Born April 16, 1704. 7i" x 18". 4 al- phabets. Eyelet, outline, cross-stitch, and one other stitch. Borders run across between the alphabets in rather simple conventional designs, fret, vine, and carnation. 5 conven- tional cross-borders like those mentioned above. Mrs. Charles Knowles Bolton Vickery, Ann. 1755. Taunton [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 10" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border in black. Verse 620. Miss Harriet A. Barstow Vickery, Sally Culey. 1787. Taunton [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 10" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 128 (var.). Miss Harriet A. Barstow Vila, Eliza. 1799. Belmont [Mass.]. 16|" x 21". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch, satin, stem, eyelet, chain, French knot, tent, and punch-work. Border, conventionalized leaf and flower done in pxmch-work and cross-stitch. Basket of flowers. Verse 669. Mrs. H. Mortimer Watson ViNAL, Sophia. [Cir. 1799.] Born at Scituate [Mass.], June 30, 1788. 16^" x 20V'. 3 alpha- bets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with bunches of roses, bluebells, and carnations. Sprays of strawberries. Greek cross-border. Verses 242, 663. Mrs. Lewis Nichols Curtis VosE, Lemuel. [Cir. 1774.] Born July 20, 1763. 9" x 10^". Parts of alphabet. Cross-stitch. Minor border. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. VosE, Naomi. 1781. Milton. The Misses Vase Wade, Frances. 1798. Savannah [Ga.]. 15 yrs. 17" x 20". Stem and cross-stitch. Sampler represents the Western Hemisphere. In upper right-hand corner are the outlines of Europe and Africa; in upper left-hand corner is a compass and spray of flowers; in lower left-hand corner, wreath of flowers with words, "North and South America"; and in lower right-hand corner, wreath with name of maker and date. Illustrated. Miss Fannie Bleecker Seaman 84 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Wadsworth, Abigail. 1730. Hartford [Conn.]. 12 yrs. lOJ" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Simple border. Verse 615 (var.). Mrs. Robert A. Wadsworth Wager, Margaret. 1794. Philadelphia [Pa.]. 8 yrs. 10^" x 15". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross and strawberry border. Strawberry design at bottom. Mrs. Margaret Wager Austin Waine, Mary. 1795. 12 yrs. Lazy-daisy, split, cat, French knot, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with roses, peonies, and other flowers. At top, houses, trees, stag, bush, and bird upside down ; at bottom, horse, cow, sheep, also huge bird on a tree, vase with flowers, man with a dog, and woman with a chained bird under a flowering arbor. Verse 92 (2, var.). Francis H. Bigelow, Esq. Wakefield, Deliverance. 1757. 10" x 12". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Garden design. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Sybil H. Friedley Wallas, Susannah. 1786. [Boston, Mass.] Born in 1773. \0l" x 11^". Alphabet. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Across center, 3 small shrubs, 2 large birds. Miss Gertrude Whiting Waring, Dorothy. 1774. Charleston [S. C.]. 6 yrs. 8^" x 11". Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 362. Miss Leila Waring Warner, Lucy. 1786. Middletown [Conn.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 16". 2 alphabets. Satin, stem, chain, French knot, queen, tent, and cross-stitch. Vine border with carnations, roses, and small flowers. Bird in each upper corner. Country scene with house, barn, fence, well, horse, trees, grass, and road. Verse 363 (1). Illustrated. Mrs. Clarence Weart Warren, Polly. 1798. Northborough [Mass.]. 12" x 12i". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Pine tree design. Verse 94. Mrs. John P. Reynolds Waterman, Phebe. 1760. Cross-stitch. Unfinished. Mrs. Lorenzo Sears Watson, Lucy. 1791. Marblehead [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 12" x 15". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Trefoil border. Sheep and small trees. Verse 98. George M. Cushing, Esq. Watson, Nancy. [1755.] 8^" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross and flat-stitch. Verse 248 (1, var.). Clarence A. Mathewson, Esq. Watts, Jane. 1776. 12" x 16". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Quatrefoil and tulip border, and cross-borders of tulips, strawberries, and quatrefoil. At bottom, two large blossoming plants in pots, and mound in center with 6 strawberry plants. Medallion with name and date. Verses 66 (1, var.), 608. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Wattson, Elizabeth. 1795. [Philadelphia, Pa.] 11 yrs. lOf" x 12^". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with roses, tulips, and carnations. Small spray of flowers. Verse 382. Mrs. Victor B. Woolley Wear, Ann. [Cir. 1792.] Norfold [Va.]. Born in 1782. 8i" x 18". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. House. Miss Ellen Coppuck Curtis Weaver, Mary. 1770. 7" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Plain border. Design of carna- tions and tulips. Newport Historical Society Webb, Mary. 1760. [York, Pa.] 13 yrs. 16" x 17". Tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation and vine border, with tulips in each corner. Inner border in chain design. Sampler divided into 9 squares, with sprays of different flowers in center and four corners, and verses in remaining four. Illustrated. Verses 361, 363, 354, 692. Mrs. Samuel C. Rumford :vy-' 'i- i-* '^' •5j}!l!!i!;»:'.' ;; f-rr, ;t;ion rf rr>i!= );%^ifei«!;' ■:m 5ip|iliip:t:ssi .. 1 .■j" SJF.rri :Ji.: * : > ■^■• PLATE XXVIII Sampler by ax Unkxown Girt.. 1775 Owned bi/ ^fr-s. Thomas A. Latcton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 85 Weeks, Hanxah. [1787.] Greenland [N. H.]. 9 yrs. [Born in 1778.] 7i" x 12". Alphabet and parts of others. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with trefoil and geometrical designs in border at bottom. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Hannah Bartlett Rollins Weeks, Hannah. [1787.] Greenland [N. H.]. 9 yrs. 6" x 8". Alphabet. Hemstitched. Satin and cross-stitch. Geometrical designs at the bottom. Miss Hannah Bartlett Rollins Welch, Dokcas. 1761. Boston [Mass.]. 7i" x 17". Cross-stitch. Elaborate border. Verse 490 (var.). F. C. Welch, Esq. Weld, H[ermione]. 1776. [Boston, Mass.] 9^" x 12". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Vine and floral border on three sides. Large conventionalized flower, birds, and small trees in cross-border in center ; also scroll and small floral cross-borders. At bottom, grass, trees, farmer with pole, sheep, and cows; flowers growing in grass. Robert Tracy Jackson, Esq. Weld, Sarah. 1774. Roxbury [Mass.]. 8i" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Cross-border of trees and birds at bottom. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Harrison F. Hunt Welsh, Gkace. 1774. 17" x 24". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral border. Scene with trees, hiUs, deer being chased by dogs, bird of paradise, butter- fly, and small birds. Verse 606. Illustrated. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Welsh, Mary. [Cir. 1770.] 12 yrs. 15" x 21". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Strawberry and Greek fret cross-borders. Elaborate pastoral scene, with trees, house, birds, animals, man, and woman. Verse 188. Mrs. N. A. Prentiss Wetherell, Sally. 1795. 11 yrs. 17" x 8". 3 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border of leaves and circles. "H.W. dyed February 21. in the year 1794 aged 5 years- 6 months." Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse { Wheatley, Mahy. 1760. Thompson, Isabella. 1797. Alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional border, in squares. Vase in center at bottom, with a duck on each side. Above Isabella's name, a basket, purple grapes, flowers, and a crown. Below Mary's name, design mentioned above. Verse 497. Miss Alice Morton Whipple, Abby. 1796. 12 yrs. 8" x 11". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Mrs. H. W. Bradford Whitacab, Sarah Leake. 1791. [Cumberland County, N. J.] 10 yrs. Born November 1, 1781. 10^" X 12". Cross-stitch. Border, double line of cross-stitch, with genealogical data between. Names on sampler: "Recompence and Martha Leake [mother's father and mother] ; N. M. Whitacar [father's father and mother, Nathaniel and Mary] ; Ambrose and Rachel Whitacar [father and mother]." Design in center, 2 carnations, 1 tulip, and little trees, with border of vine and strawberries. Verses 132 (1, var.), 220, 221, 634. The Misses Van Meter White, Ruth. 1765. Newburyport [Mass.]. Born in 1755. 7" x 10". Alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. "Remember I was born to die." Miss Oeorgiana Augusta Currier White, Ruth. 1774. Weston [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 12" x 10". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Simple dividing lines in cross-stitch. Verse 198 (var.). Rev. Olenn Tilley Morse 86 AMERICAN SAMPLERS White, Salla [Saeah]. 1787. [Born in 1778, at Longmeadow, Mass.] 8^" x 7i". Alphabet. Cross-stitch and various fancy stitches. Simple cross-stitch border. At bottom, oblong shapes, squares, and triangles. "Salla White her sampler worked by her own hand at Mrs. Horton's Sc. A.D. 1787." The Misses Edith and Buth White White, Sally. 1797. Pembroke [Mass.]. 8 yrs. Born July 13, 1789. 6" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. Louis B. Howe White, Sally. 1795. Portsmouth [N. H.j. 11 yrs. I2i" x 14". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine border. Two baskets of flowers, with elaborate flower design between them. Miss Hannah M. W. Merrill White, Sibel. 81" x 7f". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Plain saw-tooth border in cross-stitch and satin-stitch. A. Stainforth, Dealer White, Sophronia. Lexington [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 10" x 12". 1 alphabet. Border of leaves. A. Stainforth, Dealer Whiting, Abigail. 1784. 5" x 7^". Alphabet. Simple cross-stitch border. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Whiting, Abigail. 1787. Wrentham [Mass.]. 19 yrs. 13" x 13". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Verses 246, 490 (var.). Miss Annie Sanford Head Whitman, Jane. 1756. 10 yrs. 12" x 9". Alphabet. Flat, satin, chain, French knot, and cross-stitch. Mrs. Oeorge E. Miller Whitmore, Susan. [1799. Providence, R. I.] 15^" x 14^". Satin and stem-stitch. House and basket of fruit. [Probably from "Miss Polly Balch's School."] George L. Minor, Esq. Whitney, Hannah. 1795. Lunenburg [Mass.]. 8" x 10". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Conventional roses and small flowers. Verse 132 (1, var.). C. E. Goodspeed, Esq. Whitney, Patty. 1796. Boston [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 18" x 18". Alphabets. Satin, chain, and cross-stitch. Border, a series of Greek urns, with flowers in corners. Small flowers grow- ing out of three green mounds, with large roses between the mounds, at bottom. Verse 651. Pauline Emmons Tappan Brown Whitney, Sukey. 1794. Beverly [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 8". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross- border. Verse 643. Mrs. Charles Whitney Haddock Whittemore, Olive. 1797. Sharon [Mass.]. Born February 27, 1784. 14" x 18". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry border, with Greek cross in two upper corners. House, trees, and shrubs at bottom. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Frederick N. Prescott Wicks, Elizabeth. March 6. 15 yrs. 12^" x 12|". Cross and satin-stitch. Vine border. "Tree of Life" in the center, with four small baskets of flowers, birds, etc. "Be zealous to" . . . William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas WiGGiN, Mary. 1797. New Market [N. H.]. 22" x 18". 3 alphabets. Tent, satin, and cross- stitch. Conventional border on three sides. At bottom, two apple trees with fruit, con- ventional rose tree in vase, and two green hills with three lambs at foot of each. Verse 657. Mrs. Ernest Lovering Wiggins, Hannah. 1730. 12 yrs. 16^" x 16i". Eyelet, stem, satin, tent, queen, outline, cat, tapestry, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various designs of conventional flowers, crowns, crosses, urns, etc. "Ames Wiggins Hannah Wiggin." Verses 182 (1), 343 (1, var.), 493, 683. "Remember thy Creator," etc., and other sayings now undecipherable. Miss Kate 8. Harris PLATE XXIX Frances Brenton's Sampler. Newport, R. I. 1775 Mrs. Thomati ^l. Latctuii AMERICAN SAMPLERS 87 Wilder, Martha. 1794. Lancaster [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 9" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Irregular border, with small crosses on sides and scroll at bottom. Small trees and fancy squares. Verse 639 (var.). "Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Mrs. Edward H. Kelly Wildes, Elisey [Elizabeth. Cir. 1777. Danvers or Topsfield.] Born in 1767. 8" x 15". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Samuel Hammond Wilkinson, Hannah. 1747. Smithfield [R. I.]. Born February 1, 1733. 7" x 7". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Miss Alice A. Razee Willahd, Elizabeth. [Before 1799.] 8" x 17". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross- border at bottom. Verse 128 (var.). Lancaster Public Library Willaed, Sophronia. [Cir. 1785.] Still River [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born in 1774. 8^" x 16". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Verses 183 (1, 3), 187 (var.), 490 (var.). Lancaster Public Library Willes, Roxalana. 1783. Sampler in shape of the Liberty Bell. Cross-stitch. 2 alphabets and single letters. Illustrated. Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse Williams, Abigail. 1740. [Deerfield, Mass.] 10 yrs. 51" x 164". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various designs, carnations, trees, squares, etc. At bottom, baskets of fruit, tree, and two crowned lions. Verses 128 (var.), 185. "Favour IS Deceitful And Beauty is Vaine But A Woman That Feareth The Lord She Shall Be Praised." Museum of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Williams, Desiee. 1754. 10" x 15^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, knotted, and cross-stitch. Elab- orate pattern of conventional flowers, two birds, etc. Cross-border of vine and flowers. Verse 349. "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee. Bind them about thy neck. Write them upon the tables of my heart." Mrs. Frederick Danforth Williams, Hannah. 1783. 9^" x I22". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple border. At top, Noah's Ark, trees alternating with urns filled with flowers. Mrs. Samuel A. Cunningham Williamson, Anna. 1788. Albany [N. Y.]. 12^" x 13^". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. "John Williams, Marry Williams, Anna Williams." Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Wilson, Euza. 1791. "Concord, County Rockingham" [N. H.]. 7" x 124". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, stem, chain, eyelet, cross-stitch, and hemstitch. Simple cross-borders. 3 con- ventional plants at bottom. Verse 132 (1, var.). Mrs. Arthur Williams Wing, Anne. 1739. Boston [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 7" x 11". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border, with strawberry in middle of sides and corners and rest of leaves. Conventional flowers, sheep, birds, trees, etc. Verses 8 (var.), 187 (var.), 490 (var.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Wing, Content. 1770. Smithfield. 5" x 13". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Dr. Eugene P. King Wingate, Mary. [Cir. 1719.] Hampton [N. H.]. Born June 7, 1708. 8" x 15i". 2 alphabets. Animals and birds. Mrs. Frederick A. Whitwell WiNsoR, Nancy. 1786. Providence [R. I. "Miss Polly Balch's School."]. 14" x 14". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation border. Ship in center, between two points of land. Verse 69. Illustrated in color. Mrs. John H. Mason 88 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Winter, Hannah. 1796. Tamworth [N. H.]. Border, wreath of vines and flowers. "The noblest employment of the mind of Man, is the study of the works of the Creator. To him whom the science of nature delighteth, every object bringeth a proof of his GoD. Every thing that prayeth it giveth cause of adoration." Rutherford L. Coerr, Esq. Wire, Euza. [Cir. 1800. Philadelphia.] 8" x 8". In each upper corner, beisket of fruit, strawberries, house, lawn, trees, rose bushes, and bird. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell WisTER, Sarah. 1773. Cross-stitch. Carnation border, with cross-borders of carnations, straw- berries, and tulips. Verses 342, 361. Pennsylvania Museum Witt, Sally. 1786. Lynn [Mass. Made at "Miss Sarah Stivour's School".]. 14 yrs. 16" x 17". Alphabet. French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate border of flowers, with birds, arbor, trees, and figures of a man and woman. Verse 129 (var.). Illustrated in color. Mrs. Charles Pearson Coker Wood, Anna. 1795. Uxbridge [Mass.]. 7" x 8J". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. "C [Cynthia] Wood." E. W. Erving, Esq. Wood, Dolly. 1796. 10 yrs. 10?" x 7^". 2 alphabets. Satin, outline, tent, French knot, hem- stitch, and cross-stitch. Trees and flowers. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Wood, Lydia. 1793. 11 yrs. 14" x 18". 2 alphabets. Single and cross-stitch. Floral border. Birds and basket full of flowers. Verse 640. Mrs. Francis Blake Wood, Mary. 1784. Roxbury [Mass.]. 14 yrs. lOi" x 7^". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Con- ventional cross-borders. Verse 490 (var.). Christ Church Parish House, Cambridge, Mass. Woodbridge, Mary Oilman. 1779. Salem [Mass. Made at "Miss Sarah Stivour's School".]. 9 yrs. 16" x 20". Alphabet. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Wide border with flowers on either side; arbor, birds, and basket of fruit at top; tree, man and woman, and sheep at bottom. Verse 503 (var.). Frank B. Dow, Esq. Woodman, Appha. 1787. 14 yrs. [Born May 2, 1773, at Sanbornton, N. H.] 18" x 20". 3 alphabets. French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border made up of flower, tree, bird, and strawberry designs. Vine, strawberry, and Greek fret cross-borders. Illustrated. Miss Anne B. Hamilton Woodndtt, Mary. 1740. Salem [N. J.]. 13 yrs. 7|" x 10^". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. Henry J. Jrick WooDNUT, Sarah. 1792. Salem [N. J.]. 14" x 16". 3 alphabets. Seed, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border, vine with flowers intersecting, passion flowers, roses, and tulips. In center, spray of roses, 2 birds with branch of cherries in their mouths, and 2 butterflies. Verse 374. Mrs. I. Oakford Acton Woodruff, Elizabeth. 1786. [Born at Princeton, N. J., May 10, 1779.] 8" x 13". 2 alpha- bets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry, tulip, fret, and rosebud cross-borders; at bottom, two trees. Verse 207. Mrs. John J. Stubbs WooDWELL, Alice. 1760. Newburyport [Mass.]. Born December 16, 1746. 8^" x 8". Done in crewels. Mrs. George B. Pettingell WooDWELL, Hannah. [Cir. 1754.] Newburyport [Mass.]. Born October 3, 1742. 9" x 6". Cross-stitch. Cross-border of vine and flowers. Names on sampler: "Gideon and Hannah Woodwell [father and mother]." Mrs. George B. Pettingell Wray, Emzaetta. 1767. 14 yrs. 9^" x 18". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 93, 134, 196. Mrs. George A. Plimpton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 89 Wright, Azubah. 1772. 12 yrs. 7" x 9". 6 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. Lucy Wadsworth Leavenworth Wyatt, Sarah. 1742. [Salem County, N. J.] 9 yrs. Born June 8, 1733. 12$" x 21g". Flat, outline, queen, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek cross border and cross-borders. A band of tape, one inch wide, with tiny stitches overcast all around. Upper center, gorgeous conventionalized flowers. Initials and names on sampler: "I T H, IT, ST, DT, ET, DT, IT, SR, IS, SS, RS, ES, EE, IS, DS, ES, KS; bartholomew wyatt, sarah wyatt, Joseph tomlinson, elizabeth tomlinson [grandparents] ; bartholomew wyatt, elizabeth wyatt [father and mother]; robert smith, elizabeth smith; John ann richason, ephraim s tomlinson, Joseph I tomlinson, John mary tomlinson; william r tomlinson, ebenezer e tom- linson, othmel richard tomlinson, edward margret batton; samuel mary sharp C E H, bartholomew wyatt, ITITETMTSTITMTL T." Verses 344 (var.), 346 (var.), 346a, 585 (var.), 686 (1), 687. Miss Hannah Carpenter Reeve Wyman, Issac. 1796. Charlestown [Mass.]. 16^" x 17^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek border. Miss Mary J. Maguire WY3IAN, Rhoda. 1708. Bedford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. H" x 16;J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. House and tree. Verse 490 (var.). Miss Mary J. Maguire Wyman, Sarah Augusta. 1792. Ashby [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 10" x 12". 2 alphabets. French knot, stem, and cross-stitch. 2 geometric and strawberry borders. Fruit tree with bird on it, also bowl of fruit. Vert>e 614. Mrs. Sidney Harris Yeomans, Mary. 1790. 16" x 12". Two birds at top; figures of man and woman at bottom. Miss Harriet L. Sheldon Zane, Mary. 1798. Born October 6, 1778. 18" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross- stitch. Border, vine and carnations all around, with rose corners. Vine and various other designs at bottom. Family names and dates: "The ages of the Children of William Zane and Sarah and Alice his wives: "William Zane was Born The 6th of the 3 month 1765 Sarah Zane was Born The 21 of the 10 month 1767 Martha Zane was Born The 7 of the 2 month 1770 Jane Zane was Born The 2 of the 9 month 1776 Mary Zane was Born The 6 of the 10 month 1778 Ester Zane was Born The 29 of the 4 month 1780 Alice Zane was Born The 17 of the 11 month 1781 Rebecca Zane was Born the 15 of the 6 month 1783" Verses 132 (1, var.), 343 (1, var.). "Fear God and Kep his Commands". Miss Helen Botsford Clark NINETEENTH CENTURY SAMPLERS IN looking over a large number of American samplers, we find the dates between 1800 and 1810 occurring with such frequency that we begin to realize that when embroidery revived with the other arts of peace after the Revolution, it was considered high time to show the mother country that our daughters could produce specimens of fine needlework which were not merely copies of old designs. In the preceding centuries, when England was producing her most beautiful work, life in the Colonies had been too hard and too serious to allow of much attention to the gentle arts except in rare cases, and the few samplers produced at that time were generally direct copies of English models. But with the opening years of the nineteenth 'century, our independence and originality were shown by the branch- ing out on quite different lines; and if, at times, we find these early conceptions a trifle crude, it must be remembered that these samplers may not be judged as critically as those of a more mature civilization. Indeed, even in the nineteenth century, Colonial life was no bed of roses. The old Pryor Mill, in Bergen County, New Jersey, the birth- place of the little sampler maker, Sarah Van Home, 1827, was run by tidewater, and we are told that her father often had to arise in the middle of the night to grind the grain. In England, the early nineteenth century brought a type of sampler not highly esteemed by English collectors. The specimens abound in small figures and objects not well adapted to needlework, especially when worked in the ubiquitous cross-stitch, and contrast unfavorably with the wonderful samplers of an earlier day, so rich in beautiful designs adapted from all that was best in the patterns brought from Italy and elsewhere. The funny little houses and figures, neat and tidy, but so evidently copied from pattern books, seem trivial compared to the fine, early embroideries, though there is nothing to criticize in the quality of stitchery exhibited. It is wonderfully fine — 90 o X -it p - I: o >-5 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 91 we do not like to let our minds dwell on the fearful strain to those young eyes ! It was just the reverse with the American sampler of the same period. Those whose interest is centered entirely on the fine stitchery done on delicate fabrics will find comparatively little to admire, for although fine work does exist, it is, however, not a general character- istic. Such critics should learn to view these youthful efforts from a completely different standpoint, appreciating the liandicaps under which they were made, watching the development of the design which reflected the life of that day, and thus getting at the spirit and true character of the American work; or else they would do well to con- fine themselves to the study of the better regulated sampler of the English schools. It is important to realize the conditions and influ- ences that made the English and American samplers of the nineteenth century so unlike. For one thing, pattern books were exceedingly scarce on this side of the Atlantic, and although the practice of mak- ing samplers in schools grew with the years, many children lived in remote villages far away from such advantages, and were forced to draw on their own surroundings for inspiration. Aid in composing the design must have been frequently sought from older friends or members of the family, and as they were not past masters in the art of drawing, it led to many amusing inaccuracies in perspective and proportion. For instance, notice Rebecca Slim's gigantic mouse, 1830. He would have had great difficulty in squeezing through the door of her little house. Another difficulty lay in the materials available, which did not lend themselves especially well to very fine work, much of the linen being of a coarse, loose weave, with threads that were apt to pull together awkwardly when cross-stitch was used. Occasionally a child was lucky enough to procure fine muslin or tiffany for a groundwork; the latter lends a peculiar lightness and richness to the background, the colors stand out well upon it, but unfortunately it cracks and disintegrates easily. The silk, much of it home-dyed, must have been originally in a very thick twist, which had to be unraveled before being 92 AMERICAN SAMPLERS used, for this is the only way we can account for the crinkly floss we see so often in the embroidery of the flowers, lawns, animals, and figures, as well as in the backgrounds, and which lends itself particu- larly well to the petals of the flowers worked in satin or split-stitch. But when it comes to embroidering a church, where the stitches extend the entire distance from the steeple to the ground without a break, the result is fragile, and such a piece of work should be preserved under glass. Silk of this variety is practically never seen in foreign em- broideries. It is different from the floss used occasionally on the English samplers, and is quite peculiar to our country. The kink is very close and not a general wave, and was probably considered pleasing in its effect. If it was a product of China and Japan, and brought home by the old American sea captains, it is strange that the English captains did not do likewise. Why were they less thoughtful of their families' needs? Usually the designs were drawn directly on the linen with pen or pencil, but sometimes the back of a sampler shows, by the bits of paper still sticking to it, that the outline was drawn on thin paper and placed under the linen, the design showing through, and the paper being torn away after the embroidery was finished. The sampler of Julia Ann Hoffner, where a vivid green bird is to be seen enjoying a meal of scarlet berries growing on an oak, was worked in this way. From time immemorial, stitchery has been found a difficult medium for the portrayal of the human face. Undoubtedly even the mature embroiderers of the seventeenth century gave sighs of relief as they traced the last eyebrow or curved the final smile on the placid face of the king or queen in their needlework pictures. How much more difficult the problem for the American sampler maker, usually a little girl under twelve years of age ! When the canvas was small and the figures so tiny that a black cross-stitch could stand for each eye and a long stitch for the mouth, they could cope with the difliculty; but in the larger and more ambitious scenes, where ladies reclined under a tree or stood in front of a sylvan altar, it was a different matter. It was felt that these pictured people should wear the bland, almost r% .-X. ^-;;;^ ^^ X^*v . N 1^ ■ 14 ■•■'^•.. €" Z) PLATE XXXI ROCKSALAXA WiLI.ES's SaMPLER. 1783 Owned by the Rev. Glenn Tillcy Morse AMERICAN SAMPLERS 93 simpering expression considered ''comme il faut" for females of the period, and so the custom arose of helping out the embroidered design by painting the face and hands. Wilamina Rine, 1813, and Mary Hamilton, 1812 (Plate xlviii), used watercolor, which possibly gave a satisfactory effect at the time, but their tints have become somewhat faint with the lapse of years; perhaps the tiffany or fine muslin of their samplers would not allow of any other method. Clarissa and Sophia Emerson (Plate xlix), who may have been sisters or relatives, since their work is similar in style and date, used oil paint on the heavy linen, but the effect is a little hard. Laura Bowker (Plate 1), 1817, showed a good deal of ingenuity in painting a face for her shepherdess, for she cut it out of paper and pasted it on the linen, and she did the same with some lambs made of kid, and added richness to her cedar trees by embroidering them in chenille. Ann E. Kelly (Plate xcvii) , 1825, gives an ethereal look to her damsel, devoutly offering a sacrifice on an altar, by insert- ing the painted face under the thin muslin. The effect is very good ; in fact, this is the most successful of all these experiments. In other cases the distant view is helped out by paint, as in the Loring family record, or in the reflection in the water which we see in Lucy Stickney's sampler (Plate li), 1830, showing the house and trees on Charles- town Neck, near Boston. A most realistic effect was sometimes given by applying small squares of mica to represent glass in the windows of houses, the frames being indicated by criss-cross threads, but this idea was borrowed from our English cousins. So we find that our ancestresses evolved ideas of their own for surmounting difficulties, though the paint and other extra touches may not have been applied by the same hands that worked the samplers. In some sections of the country, quaint old ribbons were used as borders, making a neat and pretty edge. Sometimes two ribbons of different widths and contrasting colors were elaborately quilled, one on top of the other, with rosettes at the corners. Again, loops of the embroidery silk were sewed on in clusters, making tufts or rosettes as a further embellishment. Elizabeth Funk (Plate lii), 1813, uses 94 AMERICAN SAMPLERS a narrow lute-string ribbon, gathered and shaded darker at the bottom, giving a pretty effect. The custom of using quilled ribbon as an edging was much in vogue among the German sampler makers, and the name of Funk suggests Pennsylvania Dutch parentage, although the sampler is thoroughly — rather peculiarly — American in design. Elizabeth evidently wished to make the date symmetrical, so, regardless of accuracy, she embroidered the 3 backward in order to make it balance with the 8. Some of the floral wreaths encircling the verses and names of the less elaborate samplers are very pretty and graceful, as in Sophia Catherine Bier's work (Plate liii), 1810, and one does not regret the absence of the more ambitious scenes. In this same category is one made by Sophia Lamborn (Plate liv), whose design is very similar to those used in the lamp-wick embroidery or tufted bedspreads of that day ; perhaps she may have appropriated the pattern from her mother's bed linen. There is no doubt that the practice of making samplers ran in families. In one case, five successive generations embroidered them, the first dating back to 1750, and the fifth a production of the last decade. Most of the examples of the nineteenth century were made by rather young children, the average age being eleven, though some poor tots mark theirs as having been made at a much earlier age, even as young as six or seven. On the other hand, many girls put off the task , until they were almost grown. But, on the whole, we think of them as a product of youth, and it comes as a distinct surprise to find Hannah Crafts, at the ripe age of sixty, embroidering a rather elab- orate sampler, with a picture of her own home at the bottom labeled, "Sweet Home, the dearest spot on earth to me." Her heart probably reverted to the days of her youth, when samplers were even more prevalent, and she doubtless reproduced those she remembered, instead of copying the work of the young people about her. She started to cover the canvas like tapestry, but failing eyesight or some other ill prevented its completion, for this was years ago^ — before the era of AMERICAN SAMPLERS 95 giddy grandmothers, when a woman of sixty was considered old and was often crippled with rheumatism. The girls' names appearing on the samplers are a study in them- selves, and very different from those now in vogue. Submit Weyman, Remember Emmerton, Electe Phillips are reminiscent of Puritan days. Achsa Clark, Asenath Holman, Keturah Moore, Tamson Mulford are Bible names. Philadelphia Webb suggests a connection with the Quaker city; Lovey and Nabby (the latter occurring rather frequently) are probably nicknames; Britannia Holbrook proclaims her English parentage. But where did Amersha Arnold, Lucinthia Cone, Emirancy Howe, Roxa Tainter, Anzolette Hassan, Oceana Harris, Freelove Turner, Waite Phetteplace, and, most sonorous of all, Amorena D. T. Roberts, acquire their names? One wonders if in large families the stock of names became exhausted and the parents were obliged to draw on their imaginations. In the Field family register, the mother's maiden name was Miss Piana Petty. On a sampler dated 1827, we find the following statement: "Brooksania Waters is my name Milford is my station Milford is my place abode And Christ is my Salvation." Another delightful name is Parley Bates, who in 1811 made a record, with one of the pretty, bright red berry-like borders that were popular in the vicinity of Providence; the berries done in a sort of coarse and effective cat-stitch. Parley's twin brother's name was Nahum, and we come across other men's names that are strange to our ears, such as Mickel Trufry and Friend Collens. A great many fanciful ways are used for inscribing samplers, the American child not being constant to the expression "Wrought by," so in vogue in Great Britain. Sarah Baker, 1811, uses the expression "marked her sampler"; Anna Brown says, "This I did in the year 1824"; Ruth Davis's sampler, 1817, was "performed in her eleventh year" — she was evidently a motherless child, as her verse runs: "This work I did to let you see What care my Papy took of me." 96 AMERICAN SAMPLERS One finds the expression, "Lydia Barcalow's sampler work"; also, "This completed." A sad, little faded specimen was begun by Mary Dealy, 1806, who died before its completion, a friend evidently finish- ing it for her, and adding this inscription : " She was a blessing here below The only child of a widow Subscribed by Sally Parker." One very human inscription, showing that sampler makers did not always consider their tasks entirely congenial, is found on Patty Polk's work. She states: "Patty Polk did this and she hated every stitch she did in it. She loves to read much more." After all, the youngsters of those times were probably, at heart, pretty much as they are now, only terribly repressed, and this inscription opens a more intimate door than we usually happen upon. She has the letters G. W. inscribed on a tomb in the distance, and as the embroidery was done about 1800, these letters undoubtedly stood for the Father of our Country. Occasionally we find the word "Exampler"; sometimes short didactic axioms are thrown in, such as "Imitate the Best"; "Sweet is the Counsel of a Friend"; "May Liberty, Peace, and Prosperity ever prevail in America". A pleasing verse and one of the few that bears a sentiment most admirable for modern as well as bygone days, barring its spelling, is found on Ariadne Hackney's sampler made at Mercer, Virginia: "Believe not each aspersing tongue As most week persons do But still believe the story wrong Which ought not to be true." But this is venturing too far into the realm of the verses, and must be left for another chapter. Elizabeth, the daughter of Captain Peter Harwood, sea captain and Revolutionary soldier, combines many unusual features on her sampler. The central part is a register, in which she makes use of rather unusual phraseology. She adds after her parents' names : "They married Jan. 22nd, 1787, He hath by her eleven children, viz: — " PLATE XXXII Hannah Janney's Sampler. 1785 Owned by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 97 and below are the names of the eleven. On either side she has tall, slender pedestals surmounted by a pair of celestial and terrestrial globes, such as were used in the schools of that period. Directly over the register is a very elaborate lambrequin, similar to those used over the tops of windows. The globes and the lambrequin fore- shadowed the Victorian Era that was so soon to come. At the bottom, Elizabeth has a landscape. The largest house which she depicts was erected by her father, and was the first brick house built in North Brookfield, Massachusetts. A smaller building in the very corner represents a store, with its swinging sign near by. In 1803, two little New York girls of eight and ten, named Caroline and Elizabeth Grimes, each worked a sampler and sent them across the ocean as gifts, to give pleasure to their English grandmother. Caroline, the younger, worked a quaint poem beginning, " The broad Atlantic rolls between fair England's Isle and me," and made per- fectly lovely portraits of "Nero" the dog and "Tiger" the cat on the canvas. Elizabeth had a more ambitious huntsman and some didactic poetry headed £^^J]^S ' ^^ script capitals. This is not the only case in which such a piece of work was embroidered as a token of affection to be sent across this "Broad Atlantic," for in 1799 a sampler signed "Hannah Wilson Bradford, Yorkshire, Old England to Phebe Speakman, Concord, North America" was dispatched from the other side. If the address outside the package was equally vague, the postman of those days must have had clever brains to have enabled it to reach its destination. Still another instance of a sampler taking a long journey is that worked by Lydia Austin, a little Hindu girl. Though made in British India, it is a typical New England sampler, which leads us to the conclusion that she had a model from the New World to copy, and the deeply religious verse confirms the belief that she had been brought up as a Christian. We know that she was supported and educated by Miss Lydia Austin, who lived and died in New Haven, Connecticut, and who bestowed 98 AMERICAN SAMPLERS her name upon her little protegee. It was probably a token of grati- tude sent to the benefactress. Two specimens from Virginia indicate that a custom may have prevailed there of making samplers and giving them as betrothal or wedding presents to a relation or some particularly dear friend. One of these was made for a sister, and the design is rich with turtle doves, a wedding bell, and is marked "an emblem of love". Still another one from Virginia is the handiwork of "Content Phillips, aged 12 October" (Plate Iv). Her alphabets are inscribed on an unmistakable memorial tablet, but this does not interfere with her little dream of romance. For the urns at the four corners of her floral border contain rosebuds tied with true lovers' knots, while under the vines of the lower border the true lovers approach each other with arms outstretched. The antlered animal just between them in the picture, but evidently climbing a hillside, seems utterly oblivious of the proximity of the lovers. Content has succeeded in giving him a sublimely unbiased expression. This charming sampler is Avorked in bright colors on rich tan linen, and the outline of the tablet gives it distinction. Many of the sampler makers were descendants or relatives of illustrious people, some of them American patriots, some English nobility. Two cousins of John Adams are on the list. Mary Ann Fenno had as ancestor Governor Thomas Dudley, of the Massachu- setts Bay Colony; Sarah Jane Fletcher came of Mayflower stock; Jane Arthur was descended from James Dalrymple, Lord Stair of Scotland. Rebecca Old, born 1808, was the granddaughter of Elizabeth Stiegel and great-granddaughter of Henry William Stiegel, "Baron Stiegel," the pioneer Pennsylvania glass maker. The list of these notables could go on indefinitely. In 1819, the great-great-great-granddaughter of "Marchant" Richard Dole, the builder of the first public wharf in Newburyport, embroidered a charming sampler, which is still clierished by the family. This little Sarah Dole (Plate Ivi), aged nine, certainly did herself proud in her choice of soft and harmonious colors, perhaps having ' ^^ ..' ■« , •H^' PLATE XXXIII Axx Buller's Sampler. 1T86 Owned by Mrs. Charles M. Greene AMERICAN SAMPLERS 99 inherited this good taste from her mother. The story runs that when Washington visited Newburyport he was entertained at a house where the guest-chamber bed and windows were draped with a beautiful orange-yellow India print. In those days, neighbors and friends were often called in to assist and criticize the arrangements made for hous- ing illustrious guests ; and Sarah's mother, happening to see this room, found the effect so charming that she secured the pattern of the curtains, bought the goods in Newburyport, and reproduced them for her daughter's bed when she was married in 1831. Sarah's sampler still hangs in the room adorned by these draperies, and the sprightly bird which she embroidered in the lower left-hand corner, while keep- ing a watchful eye on a stag facing him from the further side of a basket of flowers, has an air of casting an occasional wink across the room at these cheerful-looking curtains, as much as to say, "You and I are in very good taste, are we not?" Caroline Maria Welch, the maker of a sampler in 1827, was the descendant of John Welch, the carver of the sacred Codfish so much revered by all Bostonians, which once occupied the proud position of weathervane. It is now preserved in the museum inside of the old State House. This disposes of the story that it fell from Heaven into the Frog Pond. It gives one real pleasure to find family samplers, long separated by the breaking up of homes, brought together again at last between the covers of this book. This is the case with the work of the Rine sisters, probably Pennsylvania Dutch, who both attended Mrs. Arm- strong's school at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where they did the em- broidery. Fanny, having rather the best of it, was twelve years old, while Wilamina had to struggle through hers at the tender age of six. No wonder that the younger child's flowers and vines are a bit clumsier in workmanship. We know that the Pennsylvania Dutch, as the early German settlers of that region were called, produced many samplers, for the children's names betray their Teutonic origin. Their fathers and mothers must have inspired or exacted awe, for the children often 100 AMERICAN SAMPLERS "Respectfully present" the finished product to their parents. A cer- tain sort of weeping willow must have been indigenous to that part of the country, as it frequently appears on these samplers. Sarah Yeakel (Plate Ivii), 1806, shows one growing beside her hilltop house, evidently buffeted by a strong easterly wind. A velvety lawn in different shades of green sweeps down to the bottom of the hill, where some sheep are browsing in the shade of a large tree, while in the distance others are seen. But unfortunately the perspective fails here and the meadow stops at the nearer sheep, leaving the others suspended in mid-air. Near the house, a thoroughly English peacock suns himself — a rather unusual variety, however, boasting only eight large feathers to his tail. Poplar trees, owing to their contour, always lend themselves well to embroidery; but Anna Sophia Beckwith (Plate Iviii), 1829, makes it distinctly understood that her farmhouse stood in a "Poplar Grove", and has labeled it accordingly. It conveys the impression that farmers of that day understood the art of placing their houses happily, for although in a valley it looks well swept by breezes, and the dark shutters tightly closed seem calculated to keep out the heat. Nancy Piatt (Plate lix), 1804, presumably lived in a house on a terrace, above a row of poplars. Whether or not she moved, later on, to the home of many windows pictured below the terraced one, outdoor life was evidently to her taste, for we find a cow and a dog of almost equal size ; and can it be Herself on horseback ? Another pair of sisters reunited in these pages are Betty and Sally Brierly. They each cut a generous piece of pale blue linen as a ground- work — a departure from the usual white or cream color — which very possibly may have been spun, woven, and dyed in their home, not an imusual task and sometimes done by the maker of the sampler. Both girls were inspired by English ideals, especially Betty (Plate Ix), as her chief ornament is "A Representation of the Temple of Solomon or the House of the Lord", a curiously thin-walled edifice which frequently appears on English samplers, but which is rarely seen on those made in this country. Betty's five fruit trees below are very PI, ATK XXXIV Margaret Ramsay's Sampler. Albany. irsf) Orcned hi/ the Xew York Societif of the Coloninl Dames, Van Cortlandt Manor, Setc York AMERICAN SAMPLERS 101 ornamental, and her "Evening Meditation on the Crucification", though serious, is a less lugubrious poem than we usually find. Sally Brierly, two years later, copied her sister's complicated strawberry border and also some of the detached roses, but contented herself with a much smaller and more practical church, which, strange to say, appears unmistakably in an earlier sampler by Sarah Bancroft. How interesting it would be if we could identify it ! Still another child of this period, Faith Walker (Plate Ixi), erects a Solomon's Temple on her sampler, but makes up for the absence of the usual court by an ornamental fence with arched gate- ways. It does not appear that either child tried to follow very clearly the description given in the Bible. Below is a most original repre- sentation of Adam and Eve, the latter overshadowed by a huge rooster, and the "grand old gardener and his wife" both sadly in need, not only of clothes, but also of a course in physical culture. Those spindle shanks must have made the journey out of Eden very arduous. The same couple are much more fully clothed in Elizabeth Rowe Terry's handiwork ; as a matter of fact, she goes to the other extreme and has dressed them in the fashion of 1828. Fortunately, as the serpent has been omitted, they are labeled, so one is saved from the error of mistaking them for Elizabeth's relations. Eve's train is very stiff and heavy, as if whaleboned. Adam shows no enthusiasm for the proffered apple. In the nineteenth century, however, our first parents are not often depicted. They evidently did not appeal to our little countrywomen's taste for original design, though it is amusing to note a decided lack of originality in two samplers of 1820, worked by sisters, Abigail and Mary Harding. They are precisely alike; perhaps the younger girl tried to emulate her sister in everything, as little sisters are apt to do. The Reding sisters, Mary A. and Harriet Biron, embroidered pictures of the same house and distant landscape, simply viewed from a differ- ent angle. Another copy was the sampler of Phebe Esther Copp, 1822, which was almost a facsimile of that of her grandmother and namesake, Esther Copp, worked in 1765. 102 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Not only temples and churches, but all sorts of public buildings are found on the samplers of this century. The architecture was fre- quently curiously modified to suit the whim of the maker or to meet the exigencies of embroidery, but we must not be too critical so long as these scenes bear a sufficient resemblance to the original or are labeled. Unfortunately this is often not the case, and many imposing buildings depicted may be real structures and not merely flights of fancy, although, alas, they cannot now be identified. The earliest samplers of this kind show the public buildings at Providence, Rhode Island, and for those, undoubtedly, our thanks are due to old "Marm" Balch's Select Female Academy, a description of which will be found in the chapter on schools. On many of these samplers stand the old State House and the buildings of Brown University; some ambitious children combine the two. The First Congregational Church of Providence also proved popular. Sarah F. Sweet has embroidered it with great attention to detail and with the inscription that it was destroyed by fire on June 14, 1814. On another unsigned piece of work we see the same church, minus the towers. The child undoubtedly meant to add them, but my theory is that she started to use too many alphabets above, and realizing when she reached R that she had encroached too far on the space required, she stopped short in discouragement, leaving a long, loose end of silk running down and then upward through the linen, to prevent it from tangling. ( See Plate Ixii. ) A still more ambitious undertaking is that of Maria Hopping, who essayed the First Baptist Church of Providence. We should be devoutly thankful that this church in real life did not share the fate of its Congregational brother, for in its lovely setting of green it still remains, a delight to the eye. She has erected a rather ungainly arch over the church, with curious bases and capitals, in the nature of some of the Family Record arches or those used in the Balch school samplers, only less graceful. Another sampler (Plate Ixiii) bearing many names, but with that of Saunders predominating, shows the building of the College ■«'*««&fe PLATE XXXV Sai.i.y Munro's Sampler. Cir. 1790 Probably clone at Miss Polly Balch's School Owned by the Newport Historical Society AMERICAN SAMPLERS 103 of William and Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia. This college shares with Harvard the honor of being a pioneer institution of learning in this country, and dates back to 1681, though it did not receive its charter till 1693. Many illustrious men received their education in this historic place. Their parents may have especially approved of sending their sons to a college whose rules forbade any student keep- ing a race horse, and ordered that drinking be confined to the modera- tion that becomes a prudent and industrious student. It is truly appropriate that this college should appear as chief ornament on a piece of needlework, for one of the officials appointed in 1761 was a stocking mender, who received the munificent salary of twelve pounds a year. The buildings are pictured as standing on the banks of a river or lake, upon which float several boats. This must be taken as poetic license, as both the York and James Rivers are some miles away. The "Old Brick Row" of Yale University, which was the chief feature of the college until about thirty years ago, when all but Connecticut Hall was demolished, is to be found on a most interest- ing sampler by Emily Clark (Plate Ixiv). The whole scene, though so tiny, is unmistakable, for every building is there, as well as some of the elms which in those days overshadowed them. As the colors are beautifully harmonious and the stitchery quite wonderful, this is a specimen which leaves very little to be desired. "Princeton College" (Plate Ixv) is the imposing label at the top of an early nineteenth century sampler. But what a different scene from the Princeton we now know! If the child meant to show Nassau Hall, Princeton's oldest building, she altered the architecture very materially. Whatever building is represented is probably still standing, but at present we cannot discover its identity. Sally Whittington, who lived at Annapolis, chose St. Ann's Church, a notable bit of early architecture, as the chief ornament of her work made in 1819 ; and the New York City Hall proved equally decorative as embroidered by Elizabeth Jane Hamil (Plate Ixvi) in 1828, with the tall trees on either hand and the charmingly shaded 104 AMERICAN SAMPLERS lawn in the foreground — a far cry, indeed, to the same building in the midst of the seething business crowds of today. Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, birthplace of our Declara- tion of Independence, lends great dignity to Ann Macomber's ( Plate xli) work, 1799, and below it, with only half of the building on the canvas, she gives us a glimpse of Carpenter's Hall, where our First Congress met. As the two views stand alone, without border or alpha- bet, this sampler has a rather unusual appearance. Eliza F. Budd (Plate Ixvii), 1808, crowned a delightful hillside landscape with the courthouse of Mount Holly, New Jersey. There is some effort at perspective in the broad path leading up to the build- ing on the hill, planted with trees alternating in shape, and with one neat tree on each step of the terrace. There, strange to say, David guards his sheep on one side of the slope and Ruth gleans on the other; though why these Biblical characters should appear in the vicinity of Mount Holly, history does not tell. This form of sampler, where a building stands directly in the center on a hilltop, with trees or jardinieres outlining the slope on either side, is quite characteristic of the period. Sometimes the build- ing looks like a castle or church, sometimes a more humble, homelike structure. A group, consisting of a man and woman and strange varieties of domestic animals, generally occupies the foreground. Little "E. T.'s" sampler man looks as if he had donned an Indian suit and headdress for the occasion. He is shown offering a flower to a lady. Julia Ann Nivers tastefully arranged on her canvas all the public buildings of the main street of Crawford, New Hampshire, and added a long poem entitled "The Young and Giddy", and in smaller letters, "Invited to Christ". (See tailpiece, p. 254.) Palmyra M. Keen gives us a large church, a schoolhouse, and two other buildings ; not in a row, as in a village street, but detached, with a grapevine wandering between. Sophia Stevens Smith (Plate Ixviii), 1818, shows the white church at North Branford, Connecticut, a near-by red farmhouse, and a bridge over which an imposing coach AMERICAN SAMPLERS 105 is passing. The whole scene, well composed and crowned by a grace- ful garland of flowers and bowknots, was easily recognizable until a few years ago, when the church was burned to the ground. Though beyond the period dealt with in this book, it is interesting to note that by 1839 the custom of sampler making had penetrated as far west as Missouri, for a child from Brunswick, in that state, embroidered one with a picture of the "Methodist Episcopal Church." Two varieties of sampler, much in vogue in England at the period of which I write, never became popular in our country. I refer to those showing the darning stitches and to the embroidered maps. The Dutch were probably the originators of the darned samplers, those fine pieces of work where squares of the linen groundwork are cut out and the holes filled in with different damask patterns worked in contrasting shades of silk; where "barn door" and "winklehawk" tears, purposely made, are darned so as to be almost invisible unless a colored thread is used. The English embellished this work of "stoppage" still further by using baskets or bunches of flowers as a central ornament, with a different darning-stitch in each flower and leaf. For some unknown reason, verj'- little of this work was pro- duced here. It is distressing to reflect that even at this early period our national sin of extravagance betrayed itself in our failure to train the young in the art of repairing and conserving. One of the happy exceptions is the work of Julia Boudinot (Plate cxvi) , 1800. It is a real darned sampler, giving about thirty different designs of darned damask-stitch, the colored silk threads running only in one direction, and the pattern made by picking up the threads of the groundwork which has not been cut away. This resembles the only French darned sampler which has been brought to my notice, so one is not surprised to learn that the Boudinots were French Huguenots. They lived in Newark, New Jersey, and when Julia's sister married a Baltimorian she was one of the six bridesmaids who accompanied the happj^ pair to their home in Baltimore, where they all spent a most delightful winter, society being especially gay that season, because of the visit of Jerome Bonaparte and his officers. 106 AMERICAN SAMPLERS The charming Northern girls were evidently a great success, for the story of their merry pranks and many festivities is still remembered by their descendants. Mary Gill (Plate Ixix), of Wilmington, Delaware, 1814, made a similar sampler, but she used white cotton and only made six squares, filling the seventh square in the center with a sort of knitting-stitch, such as could be used for repairing stockings. Hannah Bennet, of Hubbardston, 1800, in addition to a panel in which three boats are being rowed up hill, worked a border across the bottom with some damask patterns, but, following Mary Gill's example, the groundwork is not cut out and the threads run only one way. It is easier to understand the rarity of our map samplers, as an embroidered map of our whole country would, indeed, be an under- taking. The English children turned out maps of "England, Scot- land and Wales" by the dozen, some of which are interesting because of the originality of the geography, embellishments in the way of pretty boats or ships in the surrounding waters, or a figure of Britannia in the corner, guarding a coat of arms. Some are so exact in design as to recall the fact that they were sometimes printed on silk and could be bought in shops ready to embroider, with an inscription such as "A New Map of Scotland for Ladies Needlework, 1797". Mr. Huish, in his book, gives an illustration of a Map of North America made in 1738, but implies that it was an English production. It is amusing as an example of the general conception of our country at that time, the "parts unknown" occupying a very large area. Only about a dozen maps of American origin have come to light, among them the State of New Jersey; the State of Maryland, by Elizabeth Susannah Bowie; and also one of Massachusetts, by Elizabeth Stevens (Plate cv), made in Public School No. 13 hi New York. Elizabeth Ann Goldin (Plate Ixx) exercised her utmost skill, which was considerable, on a map of the State of New York ; not only is her stitching wonderful — it is hard to guess how she procured silk fine enough for the curls and tendrils that ornament her capitals — ■.mv.i^v- .^v^^^-^T-^ 5 O *^ 'Z < ft AMERICAN SAMPLERS 107 but she had a turn for statistics and gives vahiable information, namely, that the population of New York State in 1829 was 1,392,812 and that "Long Island is the most important Island belonging to the State of New York, 140 miles in length and from 10 to 15 broad, contains three counties and numerous flourishing towns, population 87,000". She gives also this bit of history: "Lake Erie is the cele- brated scene of Perry's victory over a British fleet, September 10th, 1813", and "Lake Champlain is celebrated for the victory gained by Macdonough over a British fleet of far superior force, September, 1814". So many of our little sampler makers seemed to have died in earh^ life that it is refreshing to know that Elizabeth Ann lived to a ripe old age and is buried in the cemetery at Watkins Glen, New York. Betsy Scott made a very large, clear map of England and Wales, and we have also a very pretty little "New Map of France" embroid- ered by a small American child. But the most original of all is the map of North and South America, by Frances Wade (Plate Ixxi), 1798, for the "Great War" has not played such havoc with the map of Europe as did the little needlewoman with the countries of oin- hemisphere. Chili and Patagonia have changed places ; the "Amazon country" occupies a big section of Brazil; Florida is more than half as large as the portion marked "United States". New Mexico is even larger, and Louisiana is tucked in snugly above, right in the heart of the Continent ; while Canada, a detached section toward the top of the map, does not touch the United States at all. Altogether it would be difficult to find a more unusual conception of the Western Hemi- sphere, and one wonders if it was due to a vivid imagination or to ignorance on the part of her instructors. Two less imaginative but even more courageous children actually embroidered charts of the world, one of them being an ambitious affair, embellished at the corners with allegorical figures of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. (See Plate xcii.) I imagine that many of these samplers took many years to work, and in most cases one such effort was considered sufficient to estab- lish a reputation for proficiency in needlework; but cases have been 108 AMERICAN SAMPLERS found where one child made two samplers in one year, or two a year or so apart. Mary Hatch, in 1808, set an example in industry by embroidering a sampler and in the same year completing a most elaborate pen-and-ink drawing of the State of New York, the counties being outlined, the rivers and even the turnpikes traced; altogether a most laborious task. Here and there we find a child incorporating useful bits of infor- mation from other branches of learning on her work, such as the "Boundaries of the State of Connecticut" on Lucy Ann Johnson's sampler, 1822, and Frances Parker's multiplication table done at Piny Grove, Charles City County, Virginia, in 1800. Frances did not waste any time on ornamentation, not even as much as did the earlier arithmetical sampler maker mentioned in a previous chapter, but contented herself with marking off the squares in plain cross- stitch and placing a numeral in each. It was not until the nineteenth century was well on its way that the American Eagle took his place in embroidery as an emblem of patriotism, and even then his appearance is so rare as greatly to / enhance the value of any specimen on which he is found. His rarity, however, is less surprising when we reflect that on all the thousands of English samplers we see, the British Lion is generally conspicuous by his absence. South Carolina contributes the first of the species in a truly patriotic form, for the pennant in the eagle's beak is inscribed with the word "Independence" and he is surrounded by stars. On those of Sarah S. Caldwell, 1806, and Ann Eliza Eyre, 1829, he is suspended in the sky above a rural landscape, his wings outspread and the shield upon his breast. (See Plate Ixxii.) Mary Hallowell, at the very end of this period, made her eagle look so singularly like a dove of peace — even giving him an olive branch to carry — that it requires the surrounding stars and a study of ornithology to identify him positively. However, in those peaceful days he could afford to cultivate this resemblance. Margaret Moss (Plate Ixxiii), 1825, makes him resplendent; bearing two American *^ « I-H O a, X! X 2 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 109 flags in his claws and an E pluribus unum streamer in liis beak. He hovers over an animated scene, in which we see a red house, sheep and shepherd, cows and beehive (around which the bees fly most symmetri- cally), while the father and mother stroll in the sunshine, watching their three children at play. In a wreath in the upper corner, sup- ported by cherubs clad in dark undershirts, Margaret's name and the date of her work are recorded; and in the pendant the death date, presumably of a grandmother, aged eighty. This sampler came from the vicinity of Philadelphia, and the house is said to represent William Penn's little brick home which stands in Fairmount Park. To be sure, it is a story higher than the original, but that is an un- important detail. Can it be that the male figure is intended for William himself? It would not be an anachronism to have his wife gayly clad, as she was not a Quakeress. Another heraldic animal, a cross between a dog and a lion, and wearing a crown, a frequent figure on English work, peeps out from the corner of Emmeline Ivins's attractive house at Mechanicks Town. A crown is another Tory emblem which is rare in this country, and usually indicates an English origin. Lucy P. Wyman, 1810, uses the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades in her design, which strikes one as rather odd in a day when cards were usually taboo in a respectable community. Other bits of design characteristic of European countries often crop out in American samplers in most unexpected places and appar- ently without reason, such as the spies bearing the grapes of Eschol or the gnarled pear trees on one of the Brierly samplers, both of which patterns might have been transplanted from the Dutch samplers, where they were favorites. The "West Town" School, near Phila- delphia, and "Nine Partners" School, near New York, frequently used the geometric figures characteristic of those from the Vierlande, in Northern Germany. Still others, composed entirely of detached motives — baskets of flowers, wreaths, etc. — need only the addition of a broken column or two, and a Temple of Love or a grotto, to make them resemble the rare early French samplers covered with patterns to be used on embroidered waistcoats. 110 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Early in the last century, the custom arose of making samplers serve the double purpose of decorative needlework and a record of the family births, marriages, and deaths. This idea, in its simplest form, originated perhaps fifty years before, but was never fully developed till later, when it gained rapidly in favor and very many were made. , They are generally inscribed, "Genealogy", "Family Register", or "Family Record" (in one case spelled Rechord), and seem to have been a purely American specialty. Many of the records are simply worked on straight lines in cross-stitch, with only a narrow border for decoration — very dull affairs except for the immediate descendants, or where there is some historical interest attached, as in the sampler of Sophia Smith, the founder of Smith College. Another type manages to be decorative as well as genealogical, for many of them have architectural pillars at the sides and an arch over the top, frequently beautified with garlands of flowers. Dorcas A. Kelly, who was born and lived at Mendon (called Men on the sam- pler), Massachusetts, and also Betsy Cleveland, inscribed on their floral arches, " Keep sacred the memory of thy Ancestors". On several others, one of them the Loring Family Record (Plate Ixxiv), the following lines are found carefully stitched in the lower corners : The duty of parents in bringing up their children is great and important no one will deny that good example set before children will induce them to follow the like example and may lay a founda- tion for their usefulness in the world and a blessing to their parents. The duty of children to- wards parents is e- qually great and impor- tantthegreatgod of heaven and earth has given a com- mand to children to honour their parents that their days may be long upon the land children would do well to observe this great commandment. ♦ ^ * One can imagine that enumerating the duties of parents to their children was a far more congenial as well as important task to the childish mind than the dry recital of their duties to their parents. Usually these genealogies only give the names of two generations, those of the parents and children, but occasionally the grandparents' names also appear. PLATE XXXVIII Zebiaii Gore's Sampter. Boston. 1791 Owned by 3Iis.9 Mary H. Leeds AMERICAN SAMPLERS 111 Harriet Van Wart, in 1822, at the age of thirteen, embroidered a most elaborate Family Record, thirty inches square. It would seem almost the work of a lifetime, as she gives the names of her grand- parents, both paternal and maternal, her parents, also those of her thirteen brothers and sisters, with dates of birth and deaths, all of these without abbreviation. Chain-stitching in human hair separates the groups of genealogical data. Second and third marriages seem to have been very general, and the children bestowed equal care in recording the names of mother and stepmother. Eliza Ann Hunt, in 1824, does this in a pretty way by entwining three hearts. The upper left-hand heart is devoted to the father's name and date of birth; the upper right-hand heart has one lobe assigned to the mother, the other to the stepmother; while the lower inverted heart gives the two marriages, one on each lobe. In addition to the genealogy, this sampler shows an unusually tall house of four stories, surrounded by spacious grounds and lofty trees. Jane E. Blatchford, 1814, records the birth of seventeen children between the dates of December, 1788, and March, 1811. With so many brothers and sisters, one would think that she, as well as the mother, would have had their hands too full to embark on such a piece of needlework. In our utilitarian age, we do not attempt elaborate phraseology; but a century ago, parents were "United in INIarriage" or "Departed this Life", and children occasionally listed under the head of "Progeny", with little economic regard for the number of stitches. One of the earliest and handsomest of these family registers is that made in 1802 by Harriet Jones (Plate Ixxv), the daughter of William Jones, governor of Rhode Island from 1811 to 1817, a man who could boast of a varied career previous to that time. During the Revolution, he first held a commission in Babcock's regiment, then became Captain of Marines on the frigate Providence, and M^as after- wards the bearer of dispatches to Benjamin Franklin in Paris and the first delegate from the United States to be received at the French court. The record is a pathetic one, because of the fact that of his six 112 AMERICAN SAMPLERS children only two survived. Four little urns in a row surmount a tomb on which their names are inscribed, with this verse below the dates of their deaths : "These tender blossoms of the opening year, Secure from harms still claim a parents tear." Another sampler records the birth of a still-born child. It is sad to find how great was the mortality among the young children of large families. From Geneva, New York, comes the cry of poor little Catherine Meach, who in 1824 bewails the loss of four small brothers and sisters "all removed from this world in the course of five months" ; she adds, "This little tribute of affection is recorded by a sister who deeply mourns their loss". In many of these genealogies, below the lines of names and dates, willow trees are to be seen shading elaborate monuments, inscribed with the names or simply the initials of departed members of the family. These closely resemble the tombs so often found on the em- broidered pictures of the period, or recall the designs of the mourning rings and brooches which were so popular with our ancestors. Little Betsy Cook may have been naturally of a gloomy disposition, or perhaps was depressed by the verse she embroidered, so common on samplers : "This work in hand my friends may have. When I am dead and laid in grave." In either case, she was feeling pretty pessimistic about her future when she placed a little tomb, surmounted by an urn, under the usual willow tree, and carefully labelled it "Miss B.C." Ruthy Trufry, of Port- land, 1807, embroidered a row of little tombstones under her weeping willows, all ready for the inscriptions should any one of the family pass away. But only one stone, bearing the parents' initials, evidently was needed in her lifetime. Poor little Ruthy had a hard time with the corners of her rather unusual border and, after all, failed to make the ends of the vine meet at the bottom. Mary A. Gale, 1825, beauti- fied her symmetrical record by placing a tiny wreath of fiowers about each name and date. The little Sawyer girl evolved a rather ingenious PLATE XXXIX Satxy Baldwin's Sampler. Cir. 1794 Owned by Edzcard li. Trowbridge, Esq. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 113 idea for working in a little genealogical information. She makes a border of elongated, interlacing wreaths, in which she places the births of her brothers and sisters. Her name and date, done in black, have gone the way of most of the black silk of those days, which was dyed in iron rust and disintegrated sooner than the colored threads. Chariot Chadwick recorded the birth of a little brother in slightly different colored silk (probably her silk had given out), just after she had finished the sampler. One finds, frequently, that deaths have been added to the records years after their original completion. In a few instances, the records take the form of a real tree, with the names inscribed on the pendant fruit, such as Lydia Russell's tree, 1809, which grows in a meadow surrounded by an elaborate landscape, and flanked by two large pedestals or tombs on either side, bearing the parents' names and supporting jardinieres, from which admirably trained rose vines wander to the top of the sampler, where, in a thoroughly Lord Lovell and Lady Nancy Bell manner, "they en- twine in a true lover's knot for all lovers true (of samplers) to admire — mire — mire". Lydia's apples, as well as the names thereon, are painted. Lucy Wyman (Plate Ixxvi), 1807, kept strictly to embroidery. Her tree springs from entwined hearts bearing her parents' names, and she provides for such a contingency as the arrival of a baby brother or sister by supplying an upper branch with one extra apple, left blank. Another quaint and somewhat lugubrious tree has branches bearing portrait heads of the different members of the family instead of fruit. The Rice family genealogy, and that embroidered by Eliza F. Parker, 1818, can be mentioned in the same category. The former is on dark linen, and the tree grows poetically out of two hearts that form a sort of jardiniere. The latter has some delightful shading on the wiggly tree trunk. One wishes that the records more often took this truly decorative form. Finally, there is a type of register where the genealogical data (generally rather brief) is squeezed into some vacant corner, occa- 114 AMERICAN SAMPLERS sionally seeming the result of an after-thought, as in the work of Elizabeth Mclntire, 1807, where the names and dates crowd a pastoral scene, in which we see cows grazing under a double row of trees on the banks of a canal or river, with a row of houses on the farther side. ( See Plate Ixxvii. ) The record of the Lamborn family (undated), formerly in Mr. Alexander Drake's collection, is of this same type, and very elaborate and beautiful. A large jardiniere filled with flowers stands on the top of a grassy knoll, while three white lambs reposing in the fore- ground seem rather overawed by the size of the flowers growing in the meadow about them, the whole being gracefully bordered with flowers at the sides and a grape vine winding across the top. Considering that so much of this American needlework came from states bordering on the Atlantic, it is astonishing that ships and boats did not figure more often in the designs. We occasionally see them in distant views, but rarely with such fine effect as on Susan Munson's skillful work, 1824. Her unique contribution is the good ship Potosi, in black with white sails, American flag and ensign, on a light green sea. Behind it she shows a blue and white sky, with a rainbow, moon, and star. She has placed the ship in the center of the sampler, and on either side of it the words : From Rocks O God Shoals and Protect the Stormy Potosi Weather ever. A Is a Rainbow Sailors at night delight. (See Plate Ixxxii.) As we have seen, the samplers of the nineteenth century were used for all sorts of purposes and to commemorate many different events, having traveled far from their original purpose of simply preserving^ valuable patterns in convenient form. Sarah Hillhouse, 1810, chose a long poem entitled "The Plermit" as the piece de resistance of her work, one utterly devoid of interest to a child. Let us hope she did not realize how dull the poem was. Another sampler, depicting a rural scene, eulogizes Washington: rw" PLATE XL 1785 LoANX Smith's Sampler. Providence. Done at Miss Polly Balch's Sdiool Ozctied by the Rhode Island School of Denujti AMERICAN SAMPLERS 115 "Mourn Hapless Brethern Deeply mourn, The source of every joy is fled. Our Father dear, the Friend of Man, The Godlike Washington is dead." It was made by Eliza Thomas, in 1804, but probably was begun nearer the time of Washington's death. Still another one of much later date commemorates the death of McPherson, with a poem of seventeen lines bidding "Columbia mourn". Hannah J. Robinson (Plate Ixxviii), 1818, embroidered what we might call a missionary sampler, in which "every prospect pleases", man, fortunately, being omitted. An eagle perches upon a tablet inscribed with a verse, "The Spread of the Gospel"; flowering vines on either side entwine around tall stakes, making a novel border, the whole surrounded by a solid black band of cross-stitch, on which is Hannah's name in white. This border resembles the black mats painted on glass and edged with gold, so often used in framing old prints and memorial pictures. In 1821, Lucinda Brooks's sampler took the form of an embroid- ered Marriage Certificate of herself, aged sixteen, and Ruben Dade, aged twenty- two, on one side, and on the other these words : "May the cares that bind the covetous never disturb our peace. May we yield therefore one to the other and be equally yoked together in the command of God. May neither of us seek basely to through an undue weight on the other's shoulders. Suffer no interference from any other to interrupt our harmony. We are connected for life, nothing can separate our fate in this world. Oh, let nothing divide our affections. May we regard each other with the fullest confidence, the least spark of suspicion from either might forever blast the com- fort of both. There can be no harmony where there is no faith." Sixteen seems a very early age to commit matrimony, but we find that Elizabeth Floyd, also a sampler maker, was married at Smithtown, Long Island, at the age of fifteen. A curious effusion is found on the handiwork of Catherine Snyder, of Clarkstown, New York, made in 1800. It reads: "DIALOGUE" Men "Tell us O Woman, we would know Whither so fast we move Women We called to leave the World below Are seeking one above Men W^hence came ye, sa — " 116 AMERICAN SAMPLERS There it ends, unfortunately, as we would greatly enjoy knowing whence they came. A romantic interest attaches itself to the three samplers made by a son and two daughters of the Gauffreau family (Plate Ixxix), who immigrated to New York from St. Barthelemey, one of the Leeward Islands, in 1815. The oldest girl lived to be eighty-seven, and her account of the family's terrible experiences in San Domingo, handed down from her mother, is still remembered. During the slave insur- rection of 1791, the members of the family had a narrow escape, having been saved by a faithful slave, who hid them in an abandoned chicken house and then conducted them by night to the coast, whence they fled to Philadelphia. All these sampler inscriptions are in French, and, indeed, the one embroidered by the boy Fortune was made before coming to this country, and is therefore not strictly American. It is interesting as being the only one of this period made by a boy, although boys' samplers are sometimes found in Europe and Mexico. The girls, Louisa and Celestine, dated theirs from New York. Louisa seems to have been especially fond of her mother, for she dedicated her work to ''Ma Mere" and accompanied it with some pretty verses and emblems of affection. Speaking of boys' samplers, the signature of a boy, George Terrell, is found with her name on the work of Margareta Whann, but one cannot tell whether or not he helped with the embroidery. Possibly he furnished the design, but if so he was not a very skillful draughts- man, for the vine border wanders aimlessly about and the central oval containing the house and landscape is oddly irregular. We forget, however, these shortcomings in the charm of the coloring of the grass, the trees, and the pretty draperies above, held back by little cords and tassels. This feature, i. e., the draperies, is generally reserved for the sampler scenes where it is desired to indicate that the action takes place indoors. We see it on a choice English sampler of 1767, around a group of charming ladies clad in stump-work dresses, with real lace fichus and headdresses, who are sweeping their voluminous trains across a tessellated floor, as though on their way to a repast. In this X «i ■ =c ^ o II 1* *-, 9J < X ^T -3 -= AMERICAN SAMPLERS 117 case the curtains are also in stump-work. Though never used in as elaborate a way, the American samplers made at Providence quite often resort to this effect, as in the President's Inaugural Reception shown on Nancy Hall's (Plate xcix) sampler. Among other unusual touches that add interest to different sam- plers we may mention the coach and four horses on Priscilla Ward's ; Melissa Marsh's collection of sampler stitches; a branch of autumn leaves lending a note of color to the background of Sally Oliver's work; the hemstitching and fringing done by Nancy Merrill, and bands of openwork on some others. Several unusual samplers of a very distinctive type have come to light, consisting of a groundwork of white net, without any border, on which are patterns of needle-run lace, such as was in vogue about 1825 (Plate Ixix). One of these samplers, which is in the Philadel- phia Museum, though unsigned, has a piece of paper sewed to the net on which a name is written. It would be interesting to know more about these samplers, but very little information is forthcoming. We have to content ourselves with believing that the facts point to their probably being of American production some time between 1820 and 1830. Having touched on most of the varieties to be seen in the examples of the nineteenth century, one comes to what is perhaps the most attractive type, the design which shows the little girl's own home. Such is the sampler of Sophia Cutter, 1801, where a particularly cosy farmhouse nestles against a hillside shaded by a fine tree, enlivened by three large birds perching near by, all seeming to indicate a happy home in the country; the effect only marred by a dreadfully gloomy verse, which "like a worm i' the bud preys on" the peaceful scene. Usually the little needlewomen were not ultra-realistic, but allowed a playful fancy to improve upon every-day life; especially on the- sampler lawns do we meet most delightful, unusual tilings. There gigantic strawberries grow in orderly rows; beside them graze many strange animals, such as antlered dogs and sheep; sometimes two white horses make a meal of strawberries. Perhaps a gentleman 118 AMERICAN SAMPLERS advances across the lawn, hat in hand, to greet a lady with a fan, or a man is seen fishing from a pond set in the midst of the grass, but all has a charming air of "make-believe"; and it is only occasionally that we come upon a scene such as Polly Parker, of Bradford, em- broidered in 1802, which is truly pastoral, and more like the "petit- point" pictures of a far earlier period. In this sampler, the shepherd's expression as he pipes to his lady-love, seated in a bosky dell, is almost too sweet to be borne, and we, as well as the sheep dog, share her embarrassment. We often find incongruities in color as well as in perspective and proportion. A lovely border of pink roses admirably shaded in natural colors will suddenly break out into a bright blue rose at the top. Did the child weary of pink, and take liberties in the absence of her mother or teacher; or had she, perhaps, heard of the legend that a blue rose means happiness or love — or, at least, some- thing pleasant to dream of? Mary Ann Fessenden Vinton (Plate Ixxx) , 1814, makes her work as nearly like a memorial picture as possible, and yet keeps it a true sampler, and has cleverly arranged the alphabet and numerals in different styles, so as to form a narrow inner border around the tomb and the weeping female, the ornate rose border being quite different in character from the earlier conventionalized pattern. Olive E. Hewins, of Boston, 1829, has done very much the same thing, except that there is no note of sadness about her wide-awake young lady, clad in the dress and coiffure of the period, and the landscape is en- riched with chenille. Elizabeth Williams, of Baltimore, uses a similar border, and depicts a very spacious Colonial house set in a lawn, across which the sun casts shadows that are lovely in coloring. The proverbial Southern hospitality had its influence on the young sampler makers, and nearly all of their productions show generous-sized mansions, capable of housing many guests. Eliza Picket's (Plate Ixxxi) canvas has given us a particularly spacious house of this type, with wings on either side ; in fact, it is so large that she has not left room for any- thing else except a rose border and her name and age, even the date being omitted. PLATE XLII Patty Coggeshall's Sampler. Bristol. Cir. lT9o Owned hii the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Plate presented bi/ Mrs. Bai/ard Thayer AMERICAN SAMPLERS 119 Aimena Sherman shows an amusing scene. The imposing liouse does not take up as much room on the sampler as usual (some of its shutters are invitingly open, showing pretty curtains, while other windows are tightly closed ) , so there is space for ample grounds, with a barn at one side, a long stretch of fence and a road in front, where a procession is passing. We see a man leading a horse and driving three cows, a nurse pulling a very archaic baby carriage, a laborer going to work, and a woman leading a dog, all combining to make an ani- mated scene, the proportions throughout being surprisingly good. But of these pictured houses, the one above all others in which I would choose to live is that created by Hannah Kibbes, 1806. It is embroidered on dark green tammy, which gives a mellow, warm tone. The house, viewed from a slight angle, is approached by a winding path leading up to the door, on which hangs an engaging knocker. On one side, an arbor, shaded by a sturdy grape vine, forming the border across the top of the sampler ; on the other, a well, with hang- ing bucket, offers refreshment — how many pleasant days could be spent in such a spot ! To be sure, the well is very near the house, and in real life might be infected with typhoid and other noxious germs; but sampler-land has its advantages — disagreeable things simply do not exist. The poets of this happy country are, one nmst confess, a rather gloomy band, but no doubt their morbid lines have but little effect on the peaceful atmosphere of the embroidered scenes, where large families can live happily in small houses, where flowers never fade, where there is always leisure and every one looks happy. If laborers rest on their rakes it does not trouble us, as the crops are never spoiled; the sunny summer afternoon is just comfortable for sitting out of doors in pretty clothes; though flies and insects sometimes assume large proportions, they never molest. Long live this happy sampler-land, a delightful refuge for the imagination in times of stress and worry ! Soon after 1830, a general deterioration may be noticed in both the quality of workmanship and the number of samplers produced; perhaps the demand for a slightly wider education for girls may have 120 AMERICAN SAMPLERS led them to devote less time and care to the art of needlework; but more probably it was due to the craze for Berlin wool-work, with its garish colors, coarse cross-stitch, and banal designs, which spread across the ocean, the mothers and teachers thinking the new patterns and methods more modish, and wishing their daughters to be up-to- date. Whatever the cause, the custom gradually died out, and so ended the most prolific and characteristic period of American samplers. Eva Johnston Coe. Lucy Cushing's Sampler. 1792 Owned by Mrs. Paul Blatchford REGISTER OF SAMPLERS, 1800-1830 AcKERMAN, EuzABETH. 1808? [Bom ill 1799.] 8" X 16i". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Cross-borders, with tree, birds, dog, chair, woman, and small floral designs. Verse 348 (1). Mrs. Lucien Lee Kinsolving Adams, Ellen E. 11 yrs. 16i" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem, cross, and satin-stitch. Rose and grape borders. House with trees and grass. "Under instruction of C. Rockwood." Verses 179, 394. Miss Mary C. Wheelwright Adams, Lydia. 1814. [Newington, N. H.] 14 yrs. 8" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Strawberry cross-border. [Parents, Samuel Adams and Lydia Cole- man.] Mrs. Paul H. McMilUn Alden, Cynthia. 1802. Claremont, Mass. Born August 10, 1784. 13" x 14^". 4 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Cross-lines and cross-borders in simple designs. Verses 40, 247. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper Aloee, Abby. 1802. 11 yrs. 12" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 676 (1). George H. Havens, Esq. Allen, Chloe. 1802. 6 yrs. 17" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 343 (1). The Misses Austin Allen, Elizabeth W. 1821. 10 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Queen and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Verse 90. The Misses Austin Allen, Mary. 1824. 14" x 15^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 472. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Allen, Polly Ann. 1821. Born in 1810. Connecticut. 7f" x 7|". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. Harry Hale Goss Allen, Sarah. 1823. 11 yrs. 8" x 11^". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Vernette R. Mowry Allen, Waity. 1802. 9 yrs. 18" x 18^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 343 (1). The Misses Austin Alleyne, Dorothy Deborah Foster. 1800. 12*" x 8". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched edge. Mrs. R. M. Chickering Almy, Ruth. 1803. 9 yrs. 17" x 17". 5 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Verses 612, 614. Mrs. Howard I. Gardner Almy, Ruth. 1810-1811. 19" x 17". Cross-stitch. Birds and flowers. Ovals containing initials and dates, Mrs. Howard I. Gardner Anderson, Catherine. 1808. [Stockton, N. J. 12 yrs.] 15" x 16". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border, a single line of cross-stitch with short branches on either side, inclosing a vine on which are leaves, rosebuds, and carnations. In center, at top, is a basket of flowers, and on either side of basket is a square inclosing two initials: "J A" [Joshua Anderson, father], "E A" [Elizabeth Anderson, mother]. Row of birds standing on vine at bottom. In four other squares are the initials: "C A" [Catherine Anderson], "E A" [Eliza Anderson, sister], "J H A" [John Hoppock Anderson, brother], "S A A" [Sarah A. Anderson, sister]. The Misses Anderson 121 122 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Anderson, Elizabeth. 1814. 8 yrs. 11" x 14". Alphabet. Cross-stitch and padded-stitch. Strawberry border. Scene with house, lambs, dog, rose bushes, and man, basket of apples, vases and conventional flowers, trees and birds. Verse 343 (1). Initials: "A A, H A, AA, 8 A." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Anderson, Mahy A. E. 1802. 18" x 17". Satin, cat, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Scene with house, weeping willow tree with crow, and red tree with robin. Verse 398. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Anderson, Mary Aletta. 1814. 10 yrs. 12i" x 21". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Conventional cross and strawberry vine border. Design at bottom of baskets, peacocks, blue strawberries, and vines. Verse 488. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Anderson, Nancy. 1804. [Hamilton Township, N. J.] 20" x 24". Flat, chain, and cross- stitch. Carnation border. Scene with house, lawn, strawberries, trees, and vines. "George Anderson" [father], "Sarah Anderson" [mother]. Verse 594 (1, var., 3). Mrs. John H. Scudder Anderson, Rachel. 1803. 10 yrs. 16" x 17". "Andrew Anderson, Jane Anderson, Andrew Liburn, Jane Liburn, Robert Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Jane Anderson, James Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Ann Anderson, Robert Anderson, Anna Anderson." Verses 252, 403. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Anderson, Rebecca Ann. 1809. Salem [N. J. 11 yrs. Born September 26, 1798.] lOi" x 14". 2 alphabets. Outline, stem, and satin-stitch. Vine border with brilliant clusters. Wreath incloses name. Green mounds surmounted by birds, also baskets of flowers, sprays of pansies, carnations, roses and rosebuds, pine tree and weeping willow. Mrs. John V. Craven Anear, Thomasin Painter. 1828. 12 yrs. 10" x llj". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Two hearts intertwined. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. Angell, Sally. 1804. 12^" x 7J". 3 alphabets. Cross and eyelet-stitch. Verse 18. Mrs. H. W. Bradford Antrim, Elizabeth S. 1827. 12 yrs. 16" x 16". Cross-stitch in worsted. Strawberries and leaves, 2 bunches of roses, at top; 2 bunches of carnations, pitchers with an aster in each, blue vase with red tulips, 2 birds, at bottom. Verse 482. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Appleton, Betsy. 1806. Ipswich [Mass.]. 17" x 20". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Floral border. Willow sprays at bottom. "Family Record. Oliver Appleton Married Sarah Cogswell Dec. 19th 1790. Births of Children. 1st Child a daughter born & died Nov. 21, 1790 Harry Appleton born Jan. 25, 1793, & died Aug. 18, 1793 Betsy Appleton born Nov 17, 1794 Harriet Appleton born July 9th 1796. Mr. Oliver Appleton died Dec. 11th 1797 aged 40 yrs and 18 days." Verse 268. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock Appleton, Harriet. 1806. Born July 9, 1796, at Ipswich. 15" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Conventionalized clover border. Verse 538. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock Archer, Lydia. 1807. Salem [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 16" x 24". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate border, with clump of strawberry vines alternating with clumps of violets or white flowers. Grass, huge vase of roses flanked by a strawberry vine, large and small trees. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Francis H. Russell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 123 Armstrong, Mary Ann. 1824. 9 yrs. Baltimore, Md. 20" x 25". Split, petit-point, cat, tent, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border outside, and running design in flat-stitch inside. Three-story brick house, lawn, fence, driveway, dogs, weeping willow trees, and birds. Verse 526 (1). Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Elmer Armstrong, Mary Ann. 1824. Baltimore, Md. 9 yrs. 16" x 18". 3 alphabets. French knot, queen, tent, cat, petit-point, split, stem, chain, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Divided into 8 sections. Tree and vase on either side of verse. Verse 526 (1). Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Elmer Arnold, Amersha. [1818. Born December 7, 1809, in Somers, Conn.] 9 yrs. 12^" x 9^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Heart design. Miss Julia Amersha Carpenter Arnold, Ann L. 1802. Providence. 17" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 676. Miss Rosamond W. Austin Arnold, Juliana. [Before 1830. Born in 1815.] Troy, N. Y. 18" x 18". Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched edge, with border of vine and carnations. Verse 177. Mrs. William H. Walker Arnold, Marcy. 1801. 13 yrs. 15" x 15". 3 alphabets. Stem, cat, and cross-stitch. Basket of flowers. "Favor is deceitful and Beauty is vain. But Woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised". Mrs. William A. Spicer Arnold, Mary Elizabeth. [After 1825.] 20i" x 18". Long and short and hem-stitch. Arch with landscape at bottom, also monument, "Family Register: Mr. Welcome Arnold born Nov. 15th, 1777; died Feb. 15th, 1821; Miss Mary Peirce born Oct. 22nd, 1779; Married August 8th, 1803. Christopher Bentley Arnold born May 13th, 1804; Sally James Arnold born Dec. 4th, 1805; died Aug. 14, 1825; Welcome Arnold born March 23rd, 1809; William Peirce Arnold born Sept. 3rd, 1811; Mary Elizabeth Arnold born April 4th, 1816." "Sacred to the best of Fathers. May angels guard thy sleeping dust." Frederick W. Arnold, Jr., Esq. Arthtjh, Jane. 1804. 9 yrs. 11^" x 161". 3 alphabets. Cat, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. In center, 2 cross-borders of flowering bushes. Verse 408. Miss Anna Dunbar AsHBURNER, Fanny. 1811. 17" X 19". Outline, stem, tent, and cross-stitch. Border of flowers and vine. At top, spray of flowers; in center, 3 flowering rose bushes; at bottom, roses and other flowers in urns at each end. Verse 515 (1, var.). Mr. William Bayer Atkinson, Mary C. 1810. Newbury, Mass. 12" x 16*". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. " Michael Atkinson, born, Feb. 14, 1774. Joanna Lunt born Feb. 14, 1775. Married April 17, 1794. Benj'n Atkinson, born May 28, 1795. Joana' C. Atkinson, born Dec. 22, 1799. Mich'l Atkinson, born Dyed Josh' Atkinson, born Eliza Atkinson, born Dyed Eliza Atkinson, born Mary C. Atkinson, born Dyed Mary C. A" [unfinished] Randolph Haigh, Esq. Mar'h 18, 1801. Mar'h 22, 1801. Aprl, 18, 1802. Mar, 6, 1804. Sept. 1, 1805. June 5, 1806. Dec. 25, 1808. March 27, 1810. 124 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Atwood, Esther. [Cir. 1820.] Born October 23, 1807. 12" x 16". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Pine tree, cherry tree, and 2 birds. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Austin, Martha. 1811. [Buckingham, Berks County, Pa.] 10 yrs. 11^" x 14". Cross-stitch. Border of carnations, flowers, and buds, also 2 birds at top. Charles Clarke Black, Esq. Austin, Mary. [Cir. 1819.] 7 yrs. 13^" x 16". 3 alphabets. Fine cross-stitch. Strawberry border. "Remember thy Creator," etc. Verse 458. Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse Austin, Sarah. 1822. 15" x 8". 6 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. The Misses Austin Ayer, Abigail. 1808. Haverhill [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 19" x 16". 3 alphabets. Petit-point, tapestry, bullion, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Green grass at bottom, with basket of flowers in either corner, from which springs a vine covered with flowers, extending all around sides and top; baskets with fruit, and small trees on grass, and strawberries growing in grass. Conventional borders around verse, alphabets, etc. Verse 144. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Ayer, Harriet. 1829. 10 yrs. Haverhill [Mass.]. 17" x 12i". 4 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, French knot, cross-stitch, and running cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border. 2 pine trees in lower corners. Mrs. J. W. Hunter Bagg, Mary. 1811. West Springfield [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 13" x 18". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Trees. Verse 291. Miss May Bliss Dickinson Baggs, Elizabeth. 1811. [Queen Anne's County, Eastern Shore, Md.] 9 yrs. Alphabet. Cross, satin, and stem-stitch. Carnation border with birds. House and trees. "This is my Verse. She maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth the goods unto the merchant." Verse 424. Mrs. Frank Rea Baily, Rachel P. [Cir. 1800.] Born August, 1783. 12^" x 17". Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. 2 alphabets. Vine and pointed flat-stitch borders. Wall of Troy at bottom. Conventional flowers at top. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Baker, Nancy. 1808. Warren [R. I.]. 8 yrs. 19" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. House with terrace; also figures of men, women, and children walking about. Verse 710. [Same style as those done in Miss Polly Balch's School.] Mrs. Thomas W. Aldrich Baker, Sarah. 1811. Gorham [Me.]. Born May 4, 1800. 17^" x 17". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple border. Conventional design. Mrs. William Tenter Baldwin, Martha A. 1820. Newark [N. J.]. 8 yrs. 15" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and carnation border, with rosettes in lower corners. Cross- borders in Greek fret and double hemstitching. House, tree, hedge, and flower-bed. Verse 560. Miss Martha C. Pollock Bancroft, Eliza A. [1815.] Chelmsford [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 10". 3 alphabets. Satin, cat, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and simple inner border. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Heald Baecalow, Lydia. 1825. [Butler County, O.] 11 yrs. 10" x 14". 4 alphabets. Outline, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross-border of trees, also dividing lines in various stitches. Mrs. Harvey S. Oruver Barker, Mary Jane. 1818. Portland [Me.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 23". Outline, chain, satin, cross, and an odd cluster-stitch. Rose-vine border. Green wreath around verses. Names and dates of children of "Thomas and Sarah Barker": "Susan M. Barker born at Hiram Aprilth 3, 1790; Thomas Barker born at Hiram Oct. 27, 1791; died N 3; Sarah Barker born at Limerick Oct. 18, 1792; Thomas A. Barker born at Cornish Oct. 28, 1794; Pamela Barker born at Cornish Julytli 17, 1796; Asenath Barker born at Cornish Septh 23, 1798; Sophia PLATE XLIII Lucy Warxer's Sajipler. Middletown, Conn. Cir. 1786 Owned by Mrs. Clarence Wenrt AMERICAN SAMPLERS 125 Barker born at Hiram Julyth 10, 1800; Noah Barker born at Hiram Augth 10, 1802; Elizabeth P. Barker born at Hiram Augth 27, 1804; Peleg Barker born at Cornish Mayth 29, 1807; Mary Jane Barker and Flavilla Ann Barker born at Hiram Julyth 8, 1809; Caroline Barker born at Hiram Julyth 29, 1812." [Mary Jane went to Mme. Niel's School in Port- land with Henry W. Longfellow, hand in hand. They were playmates and near neighbors.] Verse 515 (1, var.), Mrs. Jesse B. Thomas Barnes, Sarah E. 1812. 5i" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross and hem-stitch. Small motifs. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Barnhott, Margaret. 1831. 12 yrs. Cross-stitch. Rose-vine border on three sides. At bottom, church with conventional tree on either side, lawn, fence, shed, animals, and men. Adam and Eve scene. Scene with tombstone, weeping willow, man, woman, and children, and initials "R W" and "E B" on stone. Large basket of flowers. Trees with birds on top, and animals and men and women underneath. Detached flowers, birds, animals, and angels are scattered all about. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Barnum, Abigal. 1822. 12 yrs. 7" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Barrett, Charlotte C. 1805. 14" x 11". Chain and cross-stitch. "Family Register: John Barrett Esq. Born Aug. 16th 1756; Miss Martha Dickinson Born Oct. 13, 1761; and were married Oct. 29th 1790. Mary Barrett Born July 19th 1791; Eliza E. Barrett Born Dec. 18th 1792; Martha D. Barrett Born Sept. 12, 1794; Died July 18th 1804; Charlotte C. Barrett Born Feb. 27th 1796; Sarah P. Barrett Born Dec. 3rd 1804; John Barrett Born Feb. 21st 1802; Charles Barrett Born Jan. 6th 1804." The Misses Vose Barrett, Elizabeth. 1814. Doddington. 9 yrs. 12^" x 13". Chain, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Floral border. Large bunch of flowers in lower half. Verse 306. Mrs. S. A. Cunningham Barrett, Elizabeth E. After 1816. 16i" x 12V'. Cross-stitch. Rose and vine border. "Family Register: John Barrett Born Aug. 16th 1756; Martha Dickinson Born Oct. 18th 1761 ; and were married Oct. 29th 1790. Mary Barrett Born July 19th 1791 ; Elizabeth E. Barrett Born Dec. 18th 1792; [ ] D. Barrett Born Sept. 12th 1794; Died July 18th 1804; Charlotte C. Barrett Born Feb. 27th 1796; Sarah W. Barrett Born Jan. 5th 1798; Louisa W. Barrett Born Dec. 3rd 1799; Died May 24th 1804; John Barrett Jun'r Born Feb. 21, 1802; Charles Barrett Born Jan. 6th 1804; Died Dec. 2, 1816; Died May ; Died June 19th 181[-]." The Misses Vose Bartlett, Elizabeth. 1818. Newburyport [Mass.]. 16" x 10". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of flowers under an arbor of flowers. Miss Margaret Bartlet Bartlett, Emily. [Cir. 1818.] Born June 28, 1807. 18" x 22". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Fine strawberry border. Weeping willows over a tomb and urn. Roses growing in the grass. Names and dates: "Daniel Bartlett, Born August 15, 1778 Jemima Smith, Born June 26, 1785 They were married April 10, 1806 and have issue Emily Bartlett, Born June 28, 1807 Daniel Bartlett, Born April 7, 1809 Eliza Bartlett, Born March 21, 1810 Adaline Bartlett, Born May 6, 1812 Stephen S. Bartlett, Born August 6, 1816." On the tomb is inscribed: "Daniel Bartlett Died May 2 1809 Altho dead not forgotten." Miss E. B. Batchelder 126 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Bartlett, Hannah. 1804. Newburyport [Mass. Born September 25, 1791.]. 13 yrs. 17" x 22". 6 alphabets. Queen, French knot, eyelet, stem, tent, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border and 8 cross-borders. Scene with shepherd, sheep, and fruit trees. Verse 601 (1, 2). Newburyport Historical Society Bartlett, Peggy. 1801. "Haverhill, County Essex." 10 yrs. 12" x 11^". 4 alphabets. Eye- let, stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border on sides. At bottom, solid bluish ground on which strawberries are growing, and on tops of mounds are small trees and large basket of flowers. Verse 94. Mrs. Richard H. Hunt Barton, Betsy. 1813. "Bloomsburg, Columbia County, State of Pennsylvania." 12 yrs. 71" x 10". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional border. Mrs. Frederick E. Barber Barton, Bettlah. 1814. "Laurelgrove School. Hannah Barton, Preceptress." 14|" x 14". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border at sides. At bottom, green hill with trees, dogs, and bird. Flowers scattered over whole sampler. Verse 742. Mrs. Richard H. Hunt Barton, Harriet. July 4 [1809. 9 yrs.]. " Shirleysburgh." 7*" x 17". Cat, buttonhole, and eyelet-stitch. 2 alphabets. Strawberry border. A curious medley of eyelet stitches, wavy lines, bars, and an urn done in black, green, and yellow. The eflFect is that of a lot of Indian signs. W. J. Kennedy, Esq. Basset, Rachel. [Cir. 1807.] 12 yrs. 8" x 10^". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Geometrical designs in border. Geometrical design in center, and on each side a branch with fruit. Mrs. Henry J. Jrick Bassett, Elizabeth. 1802. 11 yrs. 12|" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Conventionalized carnation border. Cross-lines in different stitches. Frances D. Smith Bates, Parley. 1824. 13 yrs. 16" x 17". Chain and cross-stitch. Family Register: Nathan Bates, born April 7, 1773; Parley Ballou, born July 9, 1778; married June 4, 1797; Varnum G. Bates, born Feb. 28, 1798 ; married Dec. 2, 1821 ; Whitman Bates, born Jan. 21, 1800; died Dec. 21, 1802; Calvan Bates, born July 5, 1802; Married Nov. 24, 1824; Whitman Bates, born Mar. 9, 1805; married Dec. 13, 1827; Julia Bates, born Oct. 9, 1807; married Aug. 14, 1827; Parley Bates; Nahum Bates, born Mar. 6, 1811; William W. Bates, born Nov. 15, 1813; Sylvia W. Bates, born Dec. 15, 1818. Francis H. Anthony, Esq. Bayley, Mary King. 1810. Boston [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 8" x 18". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret design. Essex Institute Baylies, Amelia F. July 26, 1826. [Born in 1817.] Taunton [Mass.]. 16i" x 16i". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Conventional border. Verse 786. Mrs. William Brewster Beach, Anna Maria. 1825. 9" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Miss Anna M. Scholfield Beach, Eliza. [1812.] 10 yrs. 10" x 7". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Miss Anna M. Scholfield Beakes, Lydia. [Cir. 1804.] Trenton. [Born April 3, 1791.] 171" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Chain design in border. Small basket of flowers and 2 darning designs. "Remember thy Creator," etc. Verse 611 (1). Miss Anna Morgan Rossell Beall, Harriet. 1801. Georgetown [D. C.]. 3 yrs. 16" x 22". Stem and buttonhole-stitch. "A chart of the World." Jane E. Beall Bean, Mary A. After 1820. Brookville [Mass.]. Born August 21, 1807. 17 J" x 25". French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Trees, birds, and baskets of flowers. Family record: Pl9.ry Trmi ^mk '^-^^^ ^^^"S year of Mtr m^e PLATE XLIV Mary Traill's Sampler. Marblehead, Mass. • 1791 Owned by Mrs. Fletcher Hodges AMERICAN SAMPLERS 127 "Simeon Draper, born March 27 1755. Mary Lewis born Jan. 29, 1770. Were married August 24, 1785. Their Children: Abagail born March 12, 1787; Betsy born Sept 6, 1789; Henry born June 10, 1790; Lorenzo born Mach 27, 1792; Horace born Jan. 30, 1794; Mary born Dec. 5, 1796; Sophia born Feb. 14, 1799; William F. born April 2, 1801; Francis born Dec. 26, 180 ; William B. born Feb. 15 1804; Simeon born Jan 19, 1806; Mary A. born Aug. 21, 1807; Benjamin H. born May 9, 1810; Sally A. born Feb. 27, 1812; Joshua born Sept. 3, 1814; Theodore E. born June 15, 1816; Abagail died July 27, 1788; Mary died June 16, 1800; William F. died June 20, 1801; Francis died Dec. 30, 1802." . Miss S. Ross Beckwith, Ann Sophia. 1829. "Poplar Grove." 11 yrs. 3 alphabets. Petit-point, satin, and cross-stitch. Solid cross-stitch border. House in a valley, with trees on the hillsides, name "Poplar Grove", and poplars on left. Illustrated. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Bedford, Mary Ann. 1817. 13 yrs. [Born at Old Boonton, Morris County, N. J., August 9, 1804.] 8" X 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border in point design. Miss Frances A. Force Beecher, Sarah P. 1822. New Haven [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 20^" x 17J". 7 lines of alphabets. Cross-stitch and single-stitch. Carnation border. Cross-borders. Verse 467. Mrs. H. Croswell Tuttle Bennett, Ann Margahet. 1820. Charleston [S. C.]. 17" x 22". 4 alphabets. Split, flat, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge with Greek fret border, with stars in corners. Baskets of flowers and stars. "We are in nothing more unhappy than in not being truly sensible of our own happiness in the favor of God under free and easy admin- istration" ". . . . according to the real want of advantage of a liberal Education". Verse 120. Miss Anna Bell Bruns Bennett, Hannah. [Cir. 1811.] Born at Hubbardston, July 27, 1800. 17" x 12". 4 alphabets. Catch, darning, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border across middle. Satin- stitch border in a variety of designs. Sea with boats in one section at bottom, name and date in middle, and carnation, bird, hen, and cat in the third. At the bottom, darning stitches. Verse 292. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Bennett, Jane. 1813. Bridgeton [Cumberland County, N. J.]. 8 yrs. 12V' x 17V'. 4 alpha- bets. Eyelet, stem, satin, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret borders. Urns of flowers. "Jane Bennett did this work in the 9th year of her age 1813 being the 38th year of American Independence Modesty is one of the chief ornaments of youth. A Contented mind is an inestimable treasure." Verse 736. Initials: "J B" [Jeremiah Bennett], "J B" [Joanna Bennett, nee Fish, mother], "R S B" [Ruth S. Bennett, sister], "M B", "J B" [Jeremiah Bennett, brother], "S F B" [Samuel Bennett, brother], "J B" [Jane H. Bennett]. Cumberland County Hist. Society, Bridgeton, N. J. Bentham, Mary Ann. 1820. [Charleston, S. C] 8 yrs. 101" x 16", 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Scroll cross-border. Rose bush in bloom, with tree on each side; bird on mound on each side of trees. Miss Leila Waring Bentham, Mary Ann. 1830. 22" x 23". [Charleston, S. C] Satin, stem, eyelet, and cross- stitch. Carnation border. Tree in a basket; moss roses in an urn; tree in center, with flowers; design repeated. Miss Leila Waring Berr, Sarah Montgomery. 1804. 10 yrs. "Only child of AVilliam and Sarah Berr." 22" x 19". Petit-point, eyelet, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Carnation and tulip border, alternating. At bottom, house with four steep terraces; path in front; barn, fence, and trees flanking house; variety of trees surmounting each terrace edge; man and two ladies with animals 128 AMERICAN SAMPLERS on lawn. Conventionalized carnations in vases on either side of picture. Basket of fruit on either side of verse. Wreath around name, age, etc., and trees on either side; tiny birds in each corner. Verse 343 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Berry, Betsy. 1802. Rye [N. H.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 18". Alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Cross-border of flowers and vines. Hannah M. W. Merrill Berry, Sarah. 1813. 13 yrs. 12" x 12". Cross-stitch. Scroll design in border. Conventional scroUs and flowers in cross-borders. Verses 488 (var.), 737. Robert P. Jordan, Dealer Bethuem, Ltjcy Greek. September 6, 1804. 9 yrs. llj" x 4|". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Narrow hem with simple border in cross-stitch. Maltese cross. " Let Virtue be thy guide." Mrs. H. E. De Yermand BiCKFORD, LovEY. 1800. 8 yrs. 8i" x 12". 2 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Mrs. George C. Fraser Bier, Sophia Catherike. 1810. 17^" x 22". French knot, eyelet, stem, tent, satin, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. 4 alphabets. Verse 722. Mrs. Miles White, Jr. Billings, Susanna. 1805. 11 yrs. 16§" x 21". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border; inside border, vine with flowers issuing from flower-pots in lower corners. House in center; trees; basket of flowers and birds above house. Verse 410. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Bingham, Mary Spragtje. 1823. Andover [Conn.]. 10 yrs. 15" x 15". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Simple border. Trees, birds, and baskets of fruit. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper BiNNS, Martha E. 1829. [Silver Hall, New Kent County, Va.] 18" x 17". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch and eyelet. Strawberry border. At bottom, Greek key, vine, and cross. Mrs. F. B. T. Hollenherg BissETS, Eliza. 1817. lOV' x 13". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Mrs. George Plimpton BiXBY, Jane. July the 1 [1812]. 13 yrs. 15V' x 21". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Floral border. Small flowers. Names and dates: "James F. Bixby, Born September 10, 1784; Sarah Bixby Born November 6, 1786; William Bixby, Born February 6, 1788; John Bixby Born September 18, 1789; Thomas Bixby, Born May 12, 1791 and died November the 30 1793 aged 2 years; Phebe Bixby, Born April 30, 1793; Polly Bixby, Born January 11, 1796; Thomas Bixby, Born October 15, 1797; Jane Bixby, Born Febru- ary 1, 1799; Parker Bixby, Born April 9, 1801; Lydia Bixby, Born August 12, 1803." Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Black, Rebecca. 1803. West Town School. [Born in 1792.] 13" x 13". 5 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Vine border. Verse 406. Elizabeth Butcher Page Blackhall, Ann. 1817. 10 yrs. 11" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitcJi. Flower-pots, flowers, lions, birds, and strawberry, done in crewel. Fitchburg Antique Shop, 1917 Blanchard, Adeline. 1813. [Billerica, Mass.] 8 yrs. lOi" x 13^". 4 alphabets. Rose border at top and bottom, and vines on sides. Chain, flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Verse 162 (1). Miss Adble Blanchard Randall Blanchard, Adeline. August, 1817. [Billerica, Mass.] 11 yrs. 17^" x 17J". 3 alphabets. Chain, flat, satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Rose border on three sides. House in center and flowers across top. Family record: "Jeremiah Blanchard born July 10th, 1764; Marj^ Gowen born July 22nd, 1769; Married June 17, 1776; Jeremiah Blanchard, junr, born January 29, 1797; John G. Blanchard born January 30, 1799; Mary Blanchard born September 7, 1801; PLATE XL\ Eliza Cozzexs's Sajipler. Providence. 1795 Done at Miss Polly Balch's Sciiool Owned by the Rhode Island School of Design AMERICAN SAMPLERS 129 Sophia Blanchard born November 27, 1803; died June 22nd, 1816; Adaline Blanchard born December 8tli, 1806; Catherine Blanchard born June 2th, 1810; Rhoda Blanchard born February 19d, 1815; died May 6th, 1817." Miss Adele Blanchard Randall Blatchford, E. Jane. June 8, 1814. [Lansingburgh, N. Y.] 8 yrs. Born November 23, 1805. 20i" X 16i". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch. Names and dates: "Samuel Blatchford, August 1, 1767. [father] Alicia Blatchford, Nov. 19, 1767. [mother] [Children] Henry Blatchford, Dec. 4, 1788. Mary M. W. Blatchford, Jan. 24, 1790. Alicia W. Blatchford, Feb. 14, 1791. Sarah Blatchford, April 23, 1792. Samuel Blatchford, May 3, 1793. Thomas W. Blatchford, July 20, 1794. Harriet P. Blatchford, Oct. 25, 1795. Samuel M. Blatchford, Jan. 6, 1797. R. Milford Blatchford, April 23, 1798. John Blatchford, May 24, 1799. Sophia Blatchford, Aug. 21, 1800. Frederick Blatchford, Dec. 7, 1801. George Blatchford, Jan. 7, 1803. Charles B. Blatchford, Sept. 6, 1804. E. Jane Blatchford, Nov. 23, 1805. George E. Blatchford, Aug. 1, 1807. Edgecumbe Blatchford, March 24, 1811." Mrs. Alicia Blatchford Judson Bliss, Rebecca. 1824. [Marblehead?] 8 yrs. 10^" x 17^". 4 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Strawberry and clover borders. Flower. "O virtue how amiable thou art". Verses 616 (1, var.), 645. Marblehead Historical Society Bliss, Sakah Ann. 1823. 12 yrs. 12" x 16V'. 4 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Border in conventional clover leaf. Verses 188, 601 (1, 2). Marblehead Historical Society Blood, Lucinda. 1816. Concord [Mass.]. Born November 18, 1805. 11 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border on sides and across top. At bottom, two houses, with flowering shrubs between and vines at the side. Verses 308, 691 (var.). Miss Helen A. Whittier Bloomfield, Eunice. 1803. "Weston School." 13^" x 13*". Cross-stitch. Conventional border, with roses at corners. Groups of flowers. Initials of schoolmates in wreaths. ["West Town School"]. Eleanor A. Bloomfield BoLiER, Harriot. 1802. 10 yrs. 9V' x 12". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border and cross-borders. Verse 248. Mrs. De Forest Danielson Bond, Joann. 1810. 12 yrs. 19" x 21". 5 alphabets. Bird's-eye, stem, French knot, satin, and cross-stitch. Double strawberry border, with inside border in chain pattern. Vine and flowers on either side of upper half, and a weeping willow tree on either side of lower half. Verse 718. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Booth, Fannie. 1807. 9 yrs. 11" x 6i". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Charles F. Smith, Esq. 130 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Booth, Mary. 1814. 10 yrs. 18" x 18^". Cross-stitch. Border of fern and autumn leaves, foxgloves, and roses. Basket of flowers. Verse 160. Mrs. John H. Hall BoRTOK, Lydia. 1811. 12" X 16". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of fruit, pair bluebirds, basket of flowers, rose, 3 carnations, tulip plant, rosebuds, urn with 3 flowers. Initials: "R L E". Mrs. Bradbury Bedell BoswoRTH, Angelina. 1818. 11 yrs. 8" x IO2". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Verse 88. Miss Emetine B. Butts BouDiNOT, Julia. April 23d 1800. 10" x 7i". Twenty-five parallelograms of darning-stitch, imitating damask. Mrs. Theodore Weston Bourn, Celia Sophia. 1822. 12 yrs. 16" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. House. Verse 121. 3Irs. J. F. P. Lawton ti" BowEN, Rachel S. 1818. [Alloways Creek Township, Salem County, N. J.] 12^" x 13i' Alphabet. Outline, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with Oriental design. Willow tree at bottom. "Behold fond man thy pictured life". Verses 119, 448. Richard W. Ware, Esq. BowEN, Sahah. 1824. 14 yrs. 17" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 663. Old Ladies' Home, Providence Bower, Mary. 1808. 18" x 16". Ci'oss-stitch. Double carnation border. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper Bowie, Elizabeth Susannah. 1800. [Howard Grove or Mulberry Hill, Anne Arundel County, Md.] 15 yrs. Chain and cross-stitch. Map of Maryland. Allen Bowie Howard, Esq. Bowker, Laura. 1817. 11 yrs. 21^" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Landscape witli trees, woman, lambs, and gigantic basket of flowers. Woman's face painted on paper and glued on. Some of trees are embroidered in chenille. Lambs are cut out of kid and pasted on. Illustrated. Verse 515 (1, var.). Mrs. Henry E. Coe Bowman, Harriet Carpenter. [Cir. 1820.] Cambridge [Mass.]. Born August 25, 1811. Cat, stem, and cross-stitch, and drawn-work. 3 alphabets. Bands of cross-stitch and straw- berry vines. Large white house with a porch at either end, with weeping willows; barn and poplar trees. Verse 703 (1, 3). Mrs. B. Percy Mincher BowNE, Elizabeth. 1805. [Near Trenton, N. J.] 11 yrs. [Born September 2, 1794.] 12" x 17". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, cross-stitch, and other stitches. Rose border. Crown, stars, and dogs at bottom. Mrs. Henry P. Mason Boyd, Catharine Willsey Van Cleve. 1829. Born May 30, 1819. "Made at Mrs. Haywood's School, Hackensack." 13^" x 14^". 3 alphabets. Cat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Vine border. "Honor thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long . . ." "Dilligence, Industry and proper improvement of time are material duties of the young and the acquisition of Knowledge is one of the most honourable occupations of youth." "Remem- ber thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Verse 94 (var.). Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Boyd, Margaret. 1827. Baltimore [Md.]. 7 yrs. 18" x 18". Cross-stitch. Vine border. Basket of flowers. Landscape on either side under verse. Below, larger landscape. Verse 515. Mrs. Bertram North Stump Boynton, Abigail L. 1810. Newbury [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Born August 19, 1800. 8" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitclied edge. Cross-borders of vine and strawberry. Charlotte M. Smith PLATE XLVI Lydia Stocker's Sampler. 1798 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 131 Brace, Mahy. 1809. Salem [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 18" x 20". 2 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Border of spreading vine, with vase at lower corners. Pillars with double arch, also Horn of Plenty and vine with various flowers. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Charles W. Ward Bradford, Anna. "September the 8, 1811." Plymouth [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17*" x 17i". 2 alpha- bets. Two-sided line-stitch, flat, ej^elet, stem, and cross-stitch. Border in conventional design of diamond and octagon-shaped units around three sides, with festoon of knots and tassels across the top. Basket with flowers, trees and birds, at bottom. Verses 673, 725. Miss Bertha Sumner Johnson Bradford, Maria. 1828. Providence [R. I.]. 9" x 13". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "The United States of America, The Eden of the World and the Best of the Nations." Mrs. William C. H. Brand Bradford, Nancy. 1817. Charlestown [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 20". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Honeysuckle border. "Youth is the time for Improvement and Instruction." Verse 754. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Bradford, Sarah Greenough. 1802. 12" x 14". 2 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose border, with bowknot in center at bottom. Verse 144. Bradley, Rebecca L. 1807. 9 yrs. 2" x 2V'. 3 alphabets. Vine border, with leaves and flowers in corners. Verse 203. D. A. R., "Spalding House," Lowell Bradway, Sabah. 1820. [Port Elizabeth, Cumberland County, N. J. Born in 1809.] 13" x 20". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, stem,- satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and buds. Vase with flowers. Verse 511 (1), Mrs. Elmer Griscom Braithwaite, Emma. 1809. 7 yrs. 20" x 16V'. French knots and cross-stitch. Vine border. Scene with houses, trees, bushes, lambs, dog, etc. Verse 425. Mrs. Frank Thompson Brannum, Almira Bates. 1828. "Groton Female Seminary." 9 yrs. 19" x 18". 5 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose vines rising out of cornucopias at the side. Groton Historical Society Brannum, Mary Eliza. 1825. "Groton Female Seminary." 10 yrs. 19" x 18". 5 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Groton Historical Society Bray, Susan. 1809. 171" x 17i". Outline, fine and heavy cross-stitch. Border of floral and geometrical designs. Cornucopia of flowers. Trees and birds, sprays of carnation and bluebells. Verse 426. Family initials. Wilmer Moore, Esq. Brickett, Abigail T. September 27, 1827. West Newbury [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 16" x 17". 5 alphabets. French knots, stem, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border of vines rising from vases at lower corners, with roses and other flowers at top. Grass, trees with fruit, basket of flowers, etc. Verse 692. Mrs. Lizzie Huntington Sargent Bridges, Delia. 1820. [Warren, Mass.] 12 yrs. 16" x 18". 2 alphabets. Satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Vine border. Divided into sections; 1st, alphabets and numerals; 2d, trees, birds, and dogs; 3d, trees, birds, two houses, basket of flowers; 4th, trees, flowering plant, birds; 5th, trees, birds, lions, and name-plate in center. Mrs. William N. Eaton Brierly, Betty. 1826. 18 yrs. 26" x 26". Blue linen. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. In center, reproduction of Solomon's Temple, surrounded by various kinds of trees and sprays of flowers. Verse 567. ^Irs. Renwick C. Hurry Brierly, Sally. 1828. [Delaware.] 15 yrs. 20" x 22". Blue linen. Satin and cross-stitch. Triple strawberry border. Two jardinieres in lower corners with tulip plants, and tulip sprays in between. Just above, church flanked by birds on branches. Verse in upper half, flanked by conventionalized rose sprays and flowering trees. Verse 484. Mrs. Henry E. Coe 132 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Briggs, Anna. 1802. Scituate. 9 yrs. 12^" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Conventional cross-stitch border. House with fence, trees, and bushes. Verse 609. Miss Antoinette Clapp Briggs, Elizabeth. 1805. Salem [Mass.]. 10 j'rs. 3 alphabets. Satin-stitch made with crinkly silk, couching, French knot, stem, eyelet, split, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with flowers starting from vase in center at bottom and ending in large conventional blossom in center at top; the whole border is solid satin-stitch. Bird on either side of blossom at top. Verse 40 (var.). Essex Institute, Salem Briggs, LAtmENTiA. September 11, 1801. Pembroke [Mass.]. 9 yrs. Born September 20, 1792. 8" X 12i". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Miss Adeline Collomore Young Briggs, Sarah Ann. 1828. Dighton [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 15" x 17^". Cross, satin, stem, eyelet, tent, and two-sided line-stitch. 3 alphabets. Verse 279. Mrs. Albert Paull Briggs, Sarah Jacob. 1805. 10 yrs. 13" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. House, fence, garden, and trees. Verse 269. Mrs. Charles J. White Brigham, Susan B. 1814. Grafton [Mass.]. 10 yrs. lU" x 12". 3 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Flowering-vine border. Albert C. Bates, Esq, Brooks, Lucinda. 1816. Gloucester [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cross- stitch, and solid embroidery. Greek fret border, with hemstitched edge. Verse 166. Mrs. W. R. Beecher Brooks, Lticinda. 1821. 16" x 16t". Cross-stitch, hemstitch, and solid embroidery. Hem- stitched edge and Greek fret border. Large bunch of roses in right-hand corner. "Mar- riage Certificate between Reuben Dade and Lucinda Brooks, She, 16 yrs, He 22 yrs." "Mutual happiness our mutual object." "May the cares that bind the covetous never disturb our peace." "May we yield therefore one to another and be equally yoked together in the com- mand of God. May neither of us seek basely to throw an undue weight on the others shoulders. SufPer no interference from any other to interrupt our har- mony. We are connected for life — nothing can separate our fate in this world. Oh let nothing divide our affections. May we regard each other with the fullest confidence — the least spark of suspicion from either might forever blast the comfort of both. There can be no harmony where there is no faith." Verse 166. Mrs. William R. Beecher Brouse, Eleanor. 1816. [Hillsboro, O. Born in Berkley Springs, Va., March 8, 1803.] 18" X 17". 6 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. House with pump at one side, also trees, birds, and a number of conventional designs. Mrs. Charles P. Lesh Brown, Abigail. 1821. Seabrook [N. H.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 18", 5 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, stem, French knot, cat, flat, solid stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. At bottom, scroll, rose and vine, with conventional designs of trees, pyramids, and basket of flowers. Verse 763. Dr. A. B. Cha^e [Brown, Ann Carter.] Providence [R. I.]. 5" x 10". 6 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hon. John Carter Brown Woods Brown, Anna. 1804. Dover [N. H.]. 8 yrs. Born May 19, 1796. 13" x 15". 3 alphabets. Fi}'elet, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional strawberry border with flowers in corners. Verse 685. Miss Anna H. Howell PLATE XLVII Susan Lkhman's Sampi.kr. Philadelphia. 1799 Owned by Mrs. Charles Schiiffer AMERICAN SAMPLERS 133 Browk, Elizabeth. 1813. Seabrook [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 9" x TV. 2 alphabets. Hemstitch, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Double hemstitched border witii cross-stitch inside. Greek fret border at bottom. Mrs. George L. Greene Bkown, Elizabeth A. 1820". 10 yrs. 11^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret bor- der. Verse 787. A. Stainforth, Dealer, rjl7 Brown, Elizabeth M. 1818. [Hartford County, Md.] 16V' x 15^". Alphabet. Solid stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Wide border with roses, pineapples, and trees with birds. Verse 767. Mrs. John Butterfield Brown, Martha. 1829. 11 yrs. 8" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. 2 baskets of piled fruit. A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 Brown, Nancy. 1808. 10 yrs. 16" x 19". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Cornucopias at lower corners, out of which rise vines with roses, tulips, strawberries, etc. 2 trees at top. Verse 503. Mrs. H. Russell Perkins Brownell, Mary Ann. 1816. 11 yrs. 16" x 17". 5 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Verse 245. Mrs. Boswell B. Burchard Brownell, Pamela. 1808. Westport [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 9^" x 17". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional designs in border of squares and trefoils, also cross-border of the same. Verse 343 (1). "Westport School", Mrs. S. Frank Hammett Browning, Rebecca T. 1825. 7" x 14^". 4 alphabets. Queen, flat, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Flowering trees, birds, and dog. Mr. Joseph C. Street Brownrigg, Mary Ann. July 18, 1805. Warrenton [N. C.]. 8 yrs. 15" x 12". 2 alphabets. Fine cross-stitch. Conventional borders. Birds, trees, and various decorations. Verse 411a. James Hardy Dillard, Esq. Bryant, Cynthia. 1815. Lexington [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 11" x 16". Born October 7, 1806. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Simple cross-borders. Strawberry plant, bird, insect, and conventional designs. A. Cynthia Shurtleff Bryant, Lusanna Tucker. 1815. Lexington [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 11" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch borders. Spray of strawberry blossoms and leaves, with bird and bee in opposite corners, also small designs on each side. Conventional flowers across top and bottom. Mrs. Charles C. Goodwin Bryant, Mary. 1812. Portland [Me.]. 4 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, stem, buttonhole, and cross- stitch. Rose border. Verse 144 (var.). Ross H. Maynard, Dealer Bryant, Mary P. 1815. Boston, Mass. 10 yrs. 10" x 13". 2 alphabets. Scroll borders. Verse 749. Mrs. Edward D. Brandegee Bryarly, Elizabeth. 1812. Winchester [Va. 11 yrs. Born March 4, 1801.]. 18" x 18". Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border at top of strawberries and at sides of vine. At bottom, turtle doves, harebells, fuchsias, roses, blackberries, and carnations, also baskets of fruit. Names of father and mother: "Robert and Sarah Bryarly." Verse 436. Mrs. Worthington Hopkins BuDD, Eliza F. 1808. 9 yrs. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border outside and saw-tooth border on the inside. In center. Mount Hollj-, N. J., Court House, with terraced steps and lawn, each terrace surmounted by a pine tree; birds flying about. Large sprays of carnations in four corners, and small designs of birds, trees, berries, flowers, etc., on saw-tooth borders, above and below scene. On the left, Ruth gleans the sheaves of Boaz, and on the right, David tends his father's flocks. Verses 422, 708. Miss M. Eliza Smalley 134 AMERICAN SAMPLERS BuFFiNGTON, Mahy. 1801. 9 jTS. 6" X 5^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Verse 10. Miss Amey L. Willson BuoBE, Mary. 1803. [Bristol.] 10 yrs. 11" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Scroll of flowers and leaves, also conventional flowers in pots. Verse 526 (last six lines altered). Mrs. Mary Chapman Stetson Bull, Esther M[earia]. 1813. Hartford [Conn.]. Satin and cross-stitch. Wreath of vine and flowers, open at the bottom, where there is a basket of flowers. Sampler filled in with names and dates of Esther's maternal grandfather's family: "William Whetten born Dec. 12, 1730. Margaret Amy Whetten born July 4, 1739. Were married September 7, 1756. William Whetten Junr born July 10th, 1757. Sarah Whetten born June 16th, 1758. Margaret Whetten born August 23d, 1760. ' Jane Whetten born January 27th, 1763. William Whetten born June 2d, 1766. Samuel Whetten born January 6th, 1768. Mary Whetten born October 23d, 1771. Ann Whetten born February 3d, 1773. Joseph Whetten born August 23d, 1776. WilUam Whetten Sr. died June 7th, 1778. Margaret Whetten Sr. died April 21st, 1809. William Whetten Jr. died September, 1801. Samuel Whetten died 1789. Joseph Whetten died May 1778." William W. Huntington, Esq. Bull, Margaret Ann. April 23, 1811. Hartford [Conn.]. 8 yrs. 10" x 16i". 11 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch borders, in chain design. Verses 431, 433, 631, William W. Huntington, Esq. Bunker, Elizabeth. 1812. 14 yrs. 17^" x 204". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of pop- pies, tulips, and carnations. Verse 733 (2, var.). Newport Historical Society Bunting, Jane Elizabeth. 1818. 7 yrs. 15" x 10". 3 alphabets. Chain, cat, and cross-stitch. "Give me o Lord thy early Grace to guide me in the paths of life and fit me for celestial scenes where Peace and joy forever reign." Mrs. David S. Seaman Burden, Mary. [Cir. 1814.] Born February 25, 1801. 16^" x 18". Queen, cat, stem, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Inn, with swinging sign on post; another house, three storied, and fences. Bound with tape. Verses 333, 554. Miss Jennie Allen Burns, Eliza. 1808. Gilmanton [N. H.]. 8 yrs. 14" x 174". 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Vase of flowers, with birds and flowers on either side. Verse 110. Mrs. Edward V. Shepard Burr, Keziah. 1807. 11 yrs. Mt. Holly, N. J. Born July 31, 1796. 18" x 23". Cross and satin-stitch. Vine and pink satin rose quilling. House, lawn, trees, men and women, dogs, birds, and flowers. Verse 278a. Mrs. Hervey Muhlenburg Sperry Burroughs, Lydia. 1809. 9 yrs. and 6 mos. 16^" x 204". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Alter- nate strawberry, rose, and lily border. Initials: " F B, MR, MB, A R." Mrs. William, Howard Crosby AMERICAN SAMPLERS 135 BuRROuoH, Lydia. 1814. " Chesterf ord School." IG" x 26". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. In upper section, wreath inclosing verse, and on either side detached sprays of flowers and birds. In lower section, a picture of the Chesterford schoolhouse, with poplar and willow trees on either side, path directly in front, lawn, fence, small trees on either side of gate, also swans. Verse 746, Mrs. Bradbury Bedell BuHEOUGHS, Mary Ann. 1825. "Red Bank School." lOf" x 7". 3 alphabets. Cat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Fancy cross-stitch between alphabets. Miss Annie Middleton BiTHROUGiis, Maryann. 1825. 19" X 15". Satin and cross-stitch. Border of roses and rosebuds. At bottom, rose, carnation, lilies of the valley, tree with birds, etc. In center, rose bush, vine with flowers, and tulips. At top, two baskets of flowers and two birds. Miss Annie Middleton Burton, Abigail. 1829. [Unfinished.] 9 yrs. Trumbull [Conn.]. 12" x 8^". 2 alphabets. French knot, cat, and cross-stitch. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. Butcher, Ruth. 1804. Salem County [N. J.]. 12 yrs. 16" x 15i". 2 alphabets. Outline, herring-bone, flat, tent, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border with rose- buds. At bottom, band of Greek fret, trees, strawberries, Greek cross, and birds. Verse 683. Initials: "BB, R B, H B, R B, E B, M B, S A B B." Mrs. John Ogden Butler, Hannah. 1812. 13 yrs. 12" x 13", 2 alphabets. Bird's-eye, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Trefoil and scroll cross-borders. Large basket of flowers and butterfly. Verse 157. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Butman, Sally. 1801. [Marblehead.] 1 alphabet. Tulip border. Cross, satin, eyelet, and other stitches. Man, woman with a fan on either side of a rose bush. Four sheep at the bottom. Verse 188, Miss Martha D. Howes Buttrick, Lucretia. 18 — (?). Concord [Mass.]. 12" x 14", 3 alphabets. Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Unusual strawberry border. Basket and two trees. Verse 92. Concord Antiquarian Society Buttrick, Miriam. [Cir. 1805. Concord, Mass.] 8" x 10". 1 alphabet and part of a second. Cross and satin-stitch. Scroll and saw-tooth borders. Mrs. W. C. Dunton Buttrick, Miriam. 1812. Concord [Mass. Iff yrs.]. Satin and stem-stitch and French knots. Charity with a child in her arms. Flowering trees. Five Lombardy poplars and three clipped yews. Farmhouse and fence. Mrs. W. C. Dunton Buxton, Alice. 1805. 10 yrs. 12" x 8". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 132. Mr. James W. Craig Buxton, Lydia. 1814. 10 yrs. 13|" x 14", 3 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Cross-stitch dividing lines. Verse 553. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas C , T, \ 1800, 17" X 32", Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation and tulip border. C , M. C Birds, trees, butterflies, and large conventionalized flower cross-borders. Verse 530. P , E. I Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Caise, Mary H. 1805. [New England.] 9 yrs. 13" x 16". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, chain, and cross-stitch. Border of unfinished flat-stitcli points. Green lawn with rose bushes and conventional flowers. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Calder, Agnes Elizabeth. 1817. 15" x 11". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Ralph V. Hadley 136 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Caldee, Olivia Caroline. 1820. Charleston [S. C.]. 13 yrs. 8^" x lOi". 3 alphabets. Greek fret border. Cross-stitch. "May I govern passions absolute sway." Miss Marie Lebby Caldwell, Sarah S. July 7, 1806. Barre [Mass.]. 15 yrs. 17" x 21". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Scene with house, barn, fence, trees, birds, owner, American eagle, and colored man. Verse 187 (var.). Illustrated. Mrs. W. F. Allen Canadey, Clara. 1802. 9 yrs. Stem and cross-stitch. Verse 24 (3, var.). Mrs. Christine Thayer Calderwood Canfield, Cornelia C. 1825. New Haven, Conn. 8 yrs. 16^" x 16^". 5 alphabets. Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Cluster of roses at top. Conventionalized roses in each corner. Verse 325. Miss Marion Belden Cook Caeleton, Caroline. 1819. "Miss Moody's School." 8 yrs. 14^" x 17". 5 alphabets. Eye- let, tent, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of fruit, pine tree, jardinifere, etc., in row at bottom. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper Cabman, Martha. 1826. Bordentown. 8 yrs. 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. House, trees, birds, and basket of flowers. Verse 480. Mary F. Wilgus Caemichael, Almiea Martha. 1829. Born October 21, 1814. Sandlake [Rensselaer County, N. Y.]. 13" X 13". 3 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. At top, house, pine trees, weeping willows, rose, basket of flowers, etc. Verse 703 (1, var.). Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Carson, Ann. July, 1818. Alexandria [Va. 10 yrs.]. Cross and one other stitch. Straw- berry border. Colonial house, and two cornucopias filled with flowers. Miss Ursula Carson Greene Carter, Eliza. 1811. Peterboro [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and cherry border. Verse 33. Mrs. George Plimpton Carter, Joanna S. 1821. 10 yrs. 16^" x 17^". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Border, Greek fret and rose vine. Birds, pots of carnations and leaves. Charles S. Henry, 2d, Esq. Carter, Mary Ann. 1818. Danville [Ky.]. 8 yrs. 17^" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Tree, baskets, beehives, bees, butterfly, and dogs. Verse 515 (1, var.). Miss Louisa S. Baird Carter, Polly. 1828. Killingworth [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 17" x 13^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Trees. Verse 40 (var.). Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Cartys, Martha Ann R. [Cir. 1810.] 10 yrs. 17" x 25^". Cross-stitch, eyelet, and tent- stitch. Acorn border. House, lawn, trees, birds, butterflies, deer, dogs, etc. Verse 716. Mrs. Siegfried Wachsman Caby, Hannah. 1821. Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Born April 28, 1811. 8" x 8". 8 al- phabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Abby A. Newman Case, Cijuiissa. April 14, 1824. Canton [Conn.]. 10 yrs. Teacher, Miss Lucy W. Case. 18" X 20". 4 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Verses 128 (var.), 187 (var.). H. W. Erving, Esq. Chace, Elizabeth. 10 yrs. 21" x 8". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 342. Mrs. Daniel Beckwith Chace, Elizabeth Jones. 1816. 8 yrs. 15" x 11". Cross and stem-stitch. Strawberry design. Mrs. William C. Greene AMERICAN SAMPLERS 137 Chadwick, Nancy. 1811. 13 yrs. 10" x 14". Petit-point, cross-stitch. Conventionalized carnation border. Landscape with house, trees, man, lady feeding hens, 2 cows lying down, sheep, dog; and below, large basket with conventional flowers, topped on each side by a bird and conventional tulip and pot, with carnation on eitlier side. Verse 726. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Champion, Ann W. 1816. 8 yrs. 8" x 15f". 4 alphabets. Flat, queen, eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Trees, dogs, flowers, and birds, also initials. Mrs. Elizabeth, Kay Champney, Mahy Ann. 1822. Roxbury [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 6" x 6". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Elizabeth N. Champney Champney, Sally. 1801. New Ipswich [N. H.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 12i". 2 alphabets. French knot, stem, and cross-stitch. Conventional border in scrolls and points, also vine cross- borders. Fence, flowers, trees, and birds, also large urn holding leaves and flowers, and on either side a basket of flowers. "May virtue mark my footsteps here. And point the way to Heaven." Mrs. John H. Morison Chandler, Sally. [1805.] Bedford [N. H.]. 9 yrs. [Born March 3, 1796.] 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional borders. Mrs. Sarah C. Baldwin Chapel, Mary. 1819. 4 alphabets. "Lydia Sata Lee Instructress." Verse 132 (1, var.). Alexander W. Drake Collection, 1913 Chapin, Sarah. 1816. 18" x 17". 2 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Verse 603. Mrs. Louis W. Downes Chaplin, Eliza C. 11" x 13". Cross-stitch. Verse 64. Groton Historical Society Chaplin, Harriot. 1803. 13 yrs. 10^" x 12". 2 alphabets. Flat, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Three urns, one with flowers and two with fruit. Groton Historical Society Chapman, Charlotte. 1814. Greenfield, Mass. 17^" x 16i". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Tree, dogs, birds, and baskets of flowers. Verse 647. Mrs. Arthur Clark Nason Chase, Mary. 1814. Chester [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 12" x 16". 4 alphabets. Tent, cross-stitch, and much solid work. Rose and vine border. Verse 609. Jennie P. Hazelton Chase, Sally. 1800. Saco [Me.]. Born May 10, 1793. 16f " x 18". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Elaborate design of flowers and basket. Verse 606 (1). Miss Caroline Manett Chase, Sally. 1810. [Hopkinton, N. H.] 12" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cat, feather, tent, satin, herring-bone, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and saw-tooth border. Verse 182 (1, var.). Arthur Chase, Esq. [Chattin, Elizabeth. 1813.] Born April 5, 1804 [at Chattinville, near MuUica Hill, N. J.]. 16^" x 20". 2 alphabets. Greek cross-border. Squirrel seated on branch eating a nut, and flanked on either side by large full-blown rose, bud, and green spray. Names and dates: "The age of Clark Chatin and wife and children he was born July the first 1770. Anne his wife was born April forth 1780. James Chattin was born may the 11 1798. Sarah Chattin was born September the 29 1800. John Chattin was born february the 5 1802. Elizabeth Chattin was born april the 5 1804. Jonathan Chattin was born february the 1 1806. Benjamin Chattin was born november the 4 1807, Mary and Anne was born March the 28 1810." Clark Chattin Hewitt, Esq. 138 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Cheever, Mahy a. 1812. 10" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. C. W. Ooodspeed, Esq. Cheeveb, Mahy A. 1817. Attleborough. 11 yrs. IG" x 17". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Oak-leaf border. Family Register: "Samuel Blackinton born March 7, A.D. 1753 George Cheever born Oct. 10, 1771 Mehetabel Richards born Nov. 1, 1755 Sally Blackinton born March 7, 1779 They were Married May 23, 1778 They were Married April 27, 1800 Sally Blackinton born March 7, 1779 Samuel B. Cheever born Nov. 18, 1801 Nabby Blackinton born October 26, 1763 George W. Cheever born Augt 19, 1803 Was Married to Henry Maxey Jan. 1, 1806 Mary A. Cheever born Sept. 30, 1806 And Died Dec. 26, 1807 Sally Cheever died 1816" Samuel Blackinton Died March 14, 1816 "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." Verse 310. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper Chefton, Maria. 1810. 16" x 18". Satin and cross-stitch. Double strawberry border. Scene with house, trees, gateway, and flowers. Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry Chew, Frances. 1808. 8 yrs. 9" x 7^". Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. H. C. Bunner Child, Harriot. 1802. Roxbury [Mass.]. 9 yrs. llf" x 17^". 6 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Hemstitched on sides, strawberry border at top and bottom, but unfinished. Cross- borders with birds, animals, trees, fruit, etc. Verse 396. Miss Cornelia P. Stone Choate, Clarissa. 1821. Essex. 9" x 12". 4 alphabets. Cat, cross, and hem-stitch. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. Church, Sarah Louise. 1824. 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Tulip border, and dividing lines in scroll pattern. Verse 515. Old Dartmouth Historical Society Clapham, Mary. 1813 or 15. li" x 10^". 6 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. "Done this 20th day of March by Mary Clapham for Mary Robertson 1813." Miss Fanny G. Crenshaw Clark, Achsa. 1810. Woodbury [N. J.]. 14 yrs. 17" x 21". Cross-stitch. Flowers and birds. Names and dates: "Thomas Clark was born the 18th of the first mo. 1767. Achsa Clark was born the 26th of the first mo 1767 and departed this life the 10th of the fifth mo. 1808. The ages of their children are as follows: Hannah Clark was born the 18th of the tenth mo. 1787. Thomas P. Clark was born the 17th of the fifth mo. 1789. Mary B. Clark was born the 23rd of the fifth mo. 1791. Beulah Clark was born the 25th of the seventh mo. 1793. Achsa Clark was born the Gth of the second mo. 1796. Eliza Clark was born the 2nd of the fifth mo. 1798. Edith Clark was born the 15th of the ninth mo. 1800. Ann Clark was born the 10th of the third mo. 1804. Achsa Clark wife of Thomas Clark was a Pan- coast." ♦ Miss Eliza W. Knight Clark, Clara. 1816. Pelham [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Born in 1804. 18" x 18". Alphabets. Cross- stitch. Cross-borders. Verse 308a. Mrs. Mary A. Fisher Clark, Sarah. 1811. Bridgeton [N. J.]. 10" x 12". [10 yrs.] 3 alphabets. Chain, queen, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Basket of conventionalized fruit; 3 trees on each side; bird on central tree. Names: "Arthur Clark, Mary Clark [father and mother]; James C X John C x Susanna C x Elisabeth C x Sarah C x Nicolas C x Thomas D C [children]." Mrs. I. Smith Reed Clark, Sarah. 1811. Bridgeton [N. J. 10 yrs.]. 14" x 17". 1 alphabet. Buttonhole, queen, chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Borders in Greek fret, rose, and conventional AMERICAN SAMPLERS 139 geometrical flower designs. House surrounded with floral design. Verse 432. "Sarah Clark was born November 10th 1801." Mrs. I. iSmith Reed Clahk, Sophhonia. [Cir. 1800.] Southampton [Mass.]. 18^" x 16V'. Cross-stitch. 3 alpha- bets. Flower basket, dogs, trees, and geometrical figures. Edward Clark Bridgman, Esq. Clahke, Martha Ann. January 22, 1808. [Westmoreland County, Pa.] Born May 21, 1792. 17" X 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Figures of children at bottom. Verse 707. Mrs. W. H. Udall Clarke, Rachel. 1816. Stony Brook [N. J.]. 18 yrs. Born November 10, 1798. 17" x 21^". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Rose border with two carnations. Initials: "C C [Charles Clarke, father]; M C [Mary Clarke, mother]; TFC [Thomas F. Clarke, brother]; RN C [Robert N. Clarke, brother]." Verse 558. Charles Clarke Black, Esq. Clarke, Ruth. 1809. 10 yrs. 17" x 12". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 223 (var.). E. C. Williams, Esq. Clarke, Susanna. October 16, 1800. 8^" x 12". 2 alphabets. Petit-point, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional tent-stitch border, strawberry cross-borders. Terrace in center, with urn, 2 baskets of flowers, flower-bed, bird on tree, 2 swallows flying. Verse 46. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Cleaver, Hannah. May 9, 1814. 11 yrs. 14" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Conventional designs. Verse too faded to decipher. Robert P. Jordan, Esq. Cleihent, Hannah Ann. 1823. [12 yrs.] 13" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Beulah A. Saunders Clement, Isabella. 1812. Philadelphia. About 7 yrs. 6" x 61". 2 alphabets. Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Grapevine border, also saw-tooth border. The Misses Jennie and Helen Gwynne Clement, Mary. 1807. Amesbury [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 12^" x 12^". 2 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Border in stem-stitch. Pointed design at bottom. Miss Carrie W. Keniston Cleveland, Mary S. 1823. 14 yrs. 25" x 21". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Realistic straw- berry border. Verses 94 (var.), 469. Mrs. Charles Cleveland C[lews], E[lizabeth] A[nn]. 1820? Amherst Court House [Amherst County, Va.]. 4" x 17". 3 alphabets. Great variety of stitches used. Border has been cut off. Mrs. Clementine Watson Boles Cloutman, Sally H. 1807. Marblehead [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 13i". 1 alphabet. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Scene witii men, women, dog, etc. Verse 188. Mrs. Theodore Parker Oooding Cobb, Esther G. 1813. Springfield [Vt.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Border design a cross alternating with strawberry on a criss-cross vine. Urn with flowers, woman, two large trees, two dogs, two cats, and a bunch of roses at bottom. Verse 732. Mrs. John DeLoss Underwood Cocke, Ann Blaws. 1822. Bremo. 10" x 12". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Hem- stitched border. Mrs. Richard K. Campbell Coffin, Apphia. 1819. Boscawen [N. H.]. 8 yrs. 175" x 15J". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, salin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and carnation border. Pine trees on either side at bottom. Verse 279 (var.). Miss Mary F. Sawyer 140 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Coffin, Mary. 1801. Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Cross, satin, flat, and stem-stitch. Saw- tooth and vine borders. 2 incomplete alphabets. At the bottom a grape arbor, and in front a lady with a train, followed by a Negro slave holding a parasol over her head. In the center, a pond with four ducks, a man fishing, and two women under an orange tree. There are two weeping willows by the pond. Verse 666. Miss Helen Pike Cohen, Bella H. October 10, 1806. [South Carolina.] 14 yrs. 1 mo. Cross, eyelet, and satin- stitch. Rose border. American eagle with pennant, with word "Independence" on it, surrounded by stars. At bottom, house, tree, two lambs, rose vine, baskets of flowers. Verse 609 (var.). Mrs. M. C. Hammond CoiT, Fanny. 1801. 9 yrs. 7^" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Small basket, birds, and animals. Mrs. H. C. Bunner CoiT, Harriet. 1829. [New York.] 9 yrs. [Born in New London, Conn.] 16^" x 161". Cross, stem, queen, cat-stitch, and petit-point. Carnation and strawberry cross-borders. 2 cornucopias with roses and grapes. Verse 515. Mrs. John Lester Keep CoiT, Susan. 1806. 7 yrs. 10" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 46 (var.). Mrs. H. C. Bunner Colby, Elizabeth. 1803. Haverhill, County Essex. 8 yrs. 8" x 9". Trees and urn. Mrs. O. C. Fraser Cole, Brooksey. 1817. Sutton [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 17" x 18". 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with carnations and roses. Verse 168. Miss Mary Lavey Riley Cole, Caroline. [Cir. 1800.] Fayetteville [Oneida County, N. Y.]. 9V' x 6^". Eyelet and cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Plain border. Mrs. Siegfried Wachsman Cole, Laura Margaret. 1814. 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 734. Reported by Mrs. A. A. Lawrence Cole, Mary Ann. 1816. Providence. 9^" x 10", Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Miss Ellen Chase Cole, Zilpha. 1828. "Carve." 8" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Borders of Greek fret and trees. Basket of flowers and other conventional designs. Fitchhurg Antique Shop, 1917 Coles, Mary. 1818. EUisburg School [near Philadelphia]. 22" x 21". Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Floral border on three sides, with name, date, and small birds in center at top. At bottom, house, queer conventionalized trees, and small animals. Detached designs of flowers, baskets, birds, etc., fill in remainder of space. Verse 758. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Collamore, Adeline. 1829. Pembroke [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 9" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Adeline Collamore Young Collamore, Laura Ann. 1829. Pembroke [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 9" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Adeline Collamore Young CoLLENs, Harriot. 1804. 14 yrs. 18" x 16". Stem and cross-stitch. Unusual conventional flowers in border at top and sides; at bottom, basket of fruit in center, with baskets of carnations and poppies on either side. Family record : " Friend Collens born September 16, 1726; Philana Norton born September 12, 1761; Married February 20, 1785. John Collens born October 1, 1785; Mary Ann Collens born March 21, 1787; William Henry Collens born Nov. 3, 1788; Harriot Collens born September 2, 1790; George Lemon Collens born Oct. 23, 1792, George Lemon Collens died Sept. 10, 1793; Sophia T. Collens born Sept. 23, 1794, died 1795; Sophia Theresa Collens born June 16, 1797; Jonathan Collens born December 19, 1799; Emily Collens born March 6, 1801." Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe PLATE XLVIII Mary Hamii.tox's Sajipi.er. Maytown. 1812 Done in Mrs. Welchan's School O'mned by Mrti. Hcnrii E. Cue AMERICAN SAMPLERS 141 Collins, Ann S. 1801. 174" x 19". Cross and satin-stitch. Carnation border. Elaborate rose cross-border at bottom, and also cross-border of roses and tulips. Verses 132 (1, var.), 246 (var.), 359 (1). Mrs. Algernon Sydney Sullivan Collins, Eliza. 1807. 8 yrs. Verse 606 (1, var.). Names and dates: "John Collins Born Aug. 80, 1771. Rebeckah Collins Born May 1, 1773. Married July 3, 1798 Their offspring. Eliza Born Mar 3rd 1799. George Born Mar 23rd 1801. Caroline W. Born Ap 22d 1803. Charles Born Aug 8th 1807." Miss Susan Varney Collins, Eliza M. 1828. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Rose border. House. Verse 792. The Misses Collins Collins, Sarah Ann Marhiott. 1824. 9 yrs. 12" x 12". 4 alphabets. Chain, stem, queen, and cross-stitch. Verse 60. The Misses Collins CoLQUHOuN, Rebecca Bolling. [Cir. 1800.] Petersburg [Va.]. 12" x 16". 7 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Simple designs. Verse 393. Mrs. James N. Edwards Colton, Betsey. 1807. Hartford [Conn.]. lU" x 15". Stem and cross-stitch. Ornamental cross-stitch border. Large design at bottom of fruits, leaves, etc. Design at top, bow- knot and festoon of moss roses, buds, and leaves. Verse 277. Names and dates: "Aaron Colton Born December 5, 1758. Elizabeth Olmsted Born August 26, 1762. Married April 6, 1787. Laura Colton Born May 2, 1788. Betsey Colton Born March 18, 1794. Anson Colton Born December 23, 1797. Nathan Colton Born May 27, 1799." Miss Bessie Colton Farr CoBiBs, Abigail. 1820. 15" x 17". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border and conventional strawberry along 3 sides. Design in center of star, fruit, flowers, birds, and animals. Initials: "SC, AC, EC, RC, SC, MC, LC." Verse 395 (4, var.). Miss Anna Bell Weatherby CoMPTON, Hannah B. 1826. Port Elizabeth [Cumberland County, N. J.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 18". 1 alphabet. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Greek cross and Greek fret border. Trees, birds, flowers, fruits, sprays of strawberries, cats and dogs, urn of flowers, basket of flowers, crowns, swan, doves, etc., at sides and at bottom. Verse 172. Mrs. Japhet M. Fox CoMSTOCK, E. 1822. 9" x 11". 3 alphabets. Mrs. C. D. Owen Cone, Lucinthia. 1808. Westchester [Conn.]. 11 yrs. 9V' x 7". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Cross-border. At bottom, rosebuds and some large flowers. Eveline W. Brainerd CoNGDON, Mary I. 1821. New Bedford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Rose border; cross-borders in strawberry, vine, and other designs. Two cornu- copias, filled with flowers, in center, at bottom. Verse 515. Old Dartmouth Historical Society CoNGDON, Rebecca H. 1812. 13 yrs. 11" x 9^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Miss Eliza B. Hnzie 142 AMERICAN SAMPLERS CoNKLiN, Agkes Mary. 1805. Jamaica [L. I.]. 9 yrs. 13" x 16". Trefoil border. House, tree, and fence at bottom; dog and tree in center. Verse 693 (1). F. C. Thomas, Esq. CoNOVER, Alice. 10 yrs. 18" x 17". 2 alphabets. Design at bottom, replica of Mechanicstown, also 2 baskets and lions. Verse 576. Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry CoNOVER, Sarah Ann. [Cir. 1809.] Born July 8, 1797. 16V' x 21". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Triple strawberry border on sides. Flowers and bird across top and baskets of fruit and animals at bottom. Scene with Adam and Eve and Tree. "Abraham, Abra- ham here am I and he said lay not thine hand." Verse 515 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton CoNOVER, Leah. 1826. 16 yrs. Middletown [now Holmdel, N. J.]. 15" x 18". Made at Middletown Academy. 1 alphabet. Trees. "Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord She shall be praised. Give her the fruit of Her hands and let her own "Works praise her in the gates." Miss Anna Lawrence Crawford Conway, Elizabeth. 1807. Marblehead, Mass. 11 yrs. 13" x 11". French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Basket of flowers with a spray in each corner. Miss F. P. Hammond Cook, Mary Ann. 1823. Newburyport, Mass. 9 yrs. 6" x 12". 4 alphabets. Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Verse 150 (1). Elizabeth B. Myrick Cook, Mary Maria. 1820. 10 yrs. Born July 16, 1810. 16" x 20". Alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, cross, and flat-stitch. Strawberry border on three sides; cross-borders in trefoil, heart, carnation, and vine designs. At bottom, weeping willow trees, with tombstone in center bearing inscription: "Sacred to the Memory of Humphrey Cook who died May 18, 1812 Aged 24." Names and dates: "Humphrey Cook was Born March 21st 1788. Died May 18, 1812. Harriet Cook was Born August 8, 1790. Mary Maria Cook was Born July 16, 1810. Humphrey Cook was Born Novr 6, 1811." Verse 315. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Cook, Nancy. 1823. Lyme [N. H.]. 18" x 18". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border in pointed design. Large candlestick design. Cross-borders in diamond, candlestick, or flower tree designs. "S. M." Verse 511 (1). Louise Mears Cook, Sally. 1809. 14 yrs. 5 alphabets. Verses 155, 286. Cook, Sarah. 1814. 7^" x 13^". Pineapple border. Scene with house, trees, and deer, also detached birds, trees, butterflies, large dog, and leopard. On sale at Walpole Galleries, June 29, 1917 Cooke, Elizabeth. 1818. 16" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 150. Mrs. Harold W. Oatley Cooke, Francis Rebecca. [Cir. 1810.] Schenectady [N. Y.]. Born April 7, 1798. IIV' x 22". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitcli. Greek fret border. Medallion design at bottom. Verse 31. Mrs. Quincy O'M. Gillmore Cool, Abigail. 1810. [14 yrs.] Born February 6, 1796. 14" x 14". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and queen-stitch in a square. Zigzag border. Verse 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Coombs, Eliza Ann. 1818. Newburyport. 8 yrs. 26V' x 20". Chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Flowery hillside. Family record: "The family of Philip and Ann Jewett Coombs. Philip Coombs was born Dec. 16th, 1779; Ann J. Morse was born May 11th, 1782; (children) Mary, April 6th, 1807; Eliza Ann, July 15th, 1809; John, Sept. 17th, 1812; Philip, July 26th, 1815." Verse 513. Mrs. .John F. Pearson Cooper, Ann P. September 4, 1816. 19" x 23". Cat, outline, stem, tent, satin, and cross- stitch. Vine border in double outline with flowers and buds. Scene with terrace, flowering AMERICAN SAMPLERS 143 tree, squirrel seated between limbs of tree, at bottom; in center, green bank with 2 weep- ing willows. Pleated satin ribbon around sampler, with rosette at each corner. Mrs. Walter Hunt Cooper, Martha Ann. 1826. Baltimore [Md.]. 8 yrs. 18" x 20". Split, chain, cat, stem, tent, queen, satin, and cross-stitch. True lovers' knot with tassels, also carnations with leaves at top; vine with birds and flowers alternating at sides. House with i)eaked roof, two and one-half stories high; large flower urn on one side; flower boxes and cedar trees on the other side; front lawn inclosed with panel fence and iron gate. Verse 536. Mrs. Lewis Stewart Elmer Copp, Phebe Esther. 1822. 8 yrs. 18" x 24". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Double zigzag and strawberry border. Trees and rose bushes, also hearts, tulips, etc., scattered about. Verses 41, 553. National Museum CoRBiN, Jane Virginia. 1825. The Reeds, Caroline County. 12" x 16". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Eyelet border. " Conscious virtue is its own reward." Fitchburg Antique Shop, 1917 Corey, Sarah. [Cir. 1800.] Born in 1787. 12" x 15". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Conventional border. Vases, trees, flowers, birds, grass, etc. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Cornell, Elizabeth Baldwin. 1810. White Plains [N. Y.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 12". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders of vine, rose, fret, and cross-stitch designs. Beautiful bouquet of forget-me-nots, jonquils, and roses, also a spray of moss roses, harp in wreath, pot of flowers, and rabbit. Mrs. Thomas W. Strange Corning, Patty [Martha Corning]. 1803. Londonderry [N. H.]. 12 yrs. Born July 14, 1791. 17" X 17". 4 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Border in tree and diamond designs, and outlined with fancy hemstitching. Verse 679. Miss Louisa A. Orbeton CoRNSTocK, E. 1822. 9" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. C. D. Owen Cortland, Lucy Maria Randall. 1828. 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Zigzag border. National Museum CoRTWRiGHT, Hannah. 1807. [Wilkcs-Barrc, Pa. Born February 7, 1798.] 9 yrs., 6 mos., and 14 days when finished. 7^" x 8h". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Robert Miner Abbott CosTiLL, Rebecca. 1817. 7V' x 7^". Cross-stitch. Vine border. Flowers and birds. Louise Burr Taylor Covell, Lydia. [Cir. 1808 or 10.] Glastonbury [Conn. Born in 1800.]. 11" x 11". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Greek border. Verse 163. Mrs. Eugene C. Stratton Cox, SusANA. [Cir. 1802.] "West Town Boarding School." 14" x 13*". [Born in 1785.] Very fine cross-stitch. 28 designs of flowers, fruit, wreaths, and baskets of fruit and flowers. Illustrated. Miss Susan P. Wharton CozzENs, Anne. [Cir. 1804.] Sherborn [Mass.]. 9 yrs. [Born in 1795.] 9" x 12". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-border. Lines of feather-stitching between rows of letters. Augusta Barber Crawford, Elizabeth. 1822. Cape May [N. J.]. 8 yrs. 18*" x 15*". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, outline, and queen-stitch. Silk fringe, vine, and flower design in border. Births of chil- dren of Jonathan and Hannah Crowell Crawford: "Jonathan and William Crawford were born May 15th, 1811; Elizabeth Crawford was born July 22nd, 1814, and did this work April, 1822; Rebecca Crawford was born Sept. 4th, 1818; Barnabas Crawford was born Aug. 27th, 1820; Sarah Crawford was born May 7th, 1823; Isaac O. Crawford [no date given]." Mrs. Thomas Stevem 144 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Ceawford, Rebecca. 1829. Cape May [N. J.]. 11 yrs. Born September 4, 1818. 12^" x 18". 2 alphabets. Star, eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Border of links and diamonds, also Walls of Troy. Vine design. Verse 553. Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith Crespin, Jui-i Ann. 1830. West Chester School. 16" x 15". Satin, couch, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border on three sides. Heart-shaped border of pink rosebuds and leaves in- closes verse. In center, at bottom, brick house, trees, lawn, etc. In upper left-hand corner, an aster and rosebud within border; outside border, in upper corners, are stars. Verse 338. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Crocker, Eliza. 1803. "At Mrs. Dobell's Seminary in Boston." 16" x 18". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. In center, picture with house and tree in background and two children under tree in foreground. Picture surrounded by elaborate floral design of roses, carnations, and tulips. Odd conventional strawberry band above picture, forming sort of arch, sup- ported by solid cross-stitch pillars. Verses in lower corners and name, date, etc., in upper corners. Verse 634. Illustrated. Susan P. Peabody Crocker, Leonice H. 1806. 16" x 20". Eyelet, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. 4 alphabets. Con- ventional design in border. Verse 412. Miss Lucy O. Peabody Croft, Sarah Eliza. 1829. Charleston [S. C.]. 9 yrs. 18" x 18". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Primrose border. Primrose vine and flowers. "No trees bear fruit in autumn X unless they blossom in the spring X to the end that our age may be profitable and laden with ripe fruit X ^^^ us all endeavour that our youth may be studious X ^^^ flowered with blossoms of learning and ob- servation." " Virtue is the greatest ornament of youth, it is the foundation of honor and esteem and the source of all beauty, order and happiness in Nature. Beauty and wit will die, learning will vanish away and all the arts of life will soon be forgotten, but virtue will remain forever." "The flower of youth never appears more beautiful than when it bends toward the sun of Righteousness." Verse 126. Miss Georgie L. Oready Crosby, Elizabeth H. 1812. Born August 12, 1804. 8 yrs. 10" x 11". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose and vine border. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Mrs. Horace N. Fisher Crossman, Nancy. [Cir. 1823. West Boylston, Mass.] 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Miss Pamelia H. Parker Crowninshield, Maria Louisa. 1825. Salem. 9 yrs. 17" x 17". 4 alphabets. Single, double, and quadruple cross-stitch. Conventionalized strawberry and leaf design around verse. "Do as you would be done by." Verses 123, 645 (2). Mrs. Helen Suzette de Gersdorf CuMMiNGs, Judith. 1805. Topsfield [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 12i" x \5l". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Rose border at sides and strawberries in center at top and in each lower corner. Fuchsias and other flowers in fancy vase in center. Pine tree and grass on each side of vase. Verse 270. Mrs. Horace Plumer Cunningham, Susannah. [Before 1813.] "August 27th." 14 yrs. 15V' x 18i". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional design of leaves and flowers in border. Various designs in cross-borders. Verse 649. Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright CuHRiER, Abigail A. 1830. Newbury, Mass. 19 yrs. 10" x 16". 5 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, satin, tent, cross, and hem-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Rose border. 14 cross-bands. Roses, leaves, and bow. Verses 178, 236. [Her hands were lame and every stitch was drawn through with her teeth.] Newburyport Historical Society PLATE XLIX Clarissa Emerson's Sampler. Lancaster, Mass. Formerly oxcned by Divlyht M. Prouty, Exq. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 145 Currier, Charlotte. 1806. Methuen [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 12" x 5". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Geometrical designs in border. Rose design at bottom. Miss Bessie M. Swan Currier, Charlotte. 1808. Methuen [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Vine border. Miss Bessie M. Swan Currier, Sally. 1806. Methuen [Mass.]. Born March 7, 1796. 12" x 10". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Flat-stitch design in border. Miss Bessie M. Swan Curtis, Elisabeth. 1826. Beverly [Mass.]. 16" x 16". Born August 1, 1815. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of ivy leaves and berries, also saw-tooth border. Family record: "Mr. William Curtis was born in Beverly, Mass. Sept. 18, 1792. Miss Betsey Dodge was born in Wenham Mass. Nov. 25th, 1792. They were married 1812. Mr. Curtis died in Cape Henry, West Indies, Feb. 17, 1820. Blest be the tie which binds our hearts in nuptial love, Lucy Ann Curtis born May 3, 1813. Elisabeth Curtis born Aug. 1st, 1815. Mary S. Curtis Born Nov. 9th, 1817. Abigail Curtis Born Feb. 17, died 20, 1820." Verse 61. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell CusHiNG, Jane L. 1825. Hull [Mass.]. 9 yrs. Born December 20, 1816. 12" x 12". 3 alpha- bets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Triangular design in border. Verse 515. A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 CusHiNG, Mary. July, 1820. Hull [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 10" x 9^". 3 alphabets. Petit-point and cross-stitch. Elaborate vine in the form of a Greek fret in border. Birds, beast, and plants. A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 CusHiNG, Mary Ann. 1822. Newburyport [Mass.]. 6 yrs. 15" x 16^". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Cross-borders with heart, Greek key, trefoil, and triangular designs. Tree on either side of name. Miss Ellen Gtlliss Todd CusHiNG, Nancy. 1816. [Probably Hingham, Mass.] 9V' x 5^". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Two diamonds and one heart. Initials "S C B" in left-hand corner. Miss Margaret W. Gushing Cutler, Abigail Bigelow. 1808. Rockingham [Vt.]. 8 yrs. 11" x 12". 3 alphabets. Tent, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and double tent. Verse 515 (1, var.). Arthur Chase, Esq. Cutler, Harriet. 1808. Rockingham [Vt.]. 11 yrs. Born November 15, 1796. 12" x 16". Cat, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Verse 279 (var.). Names and dates: "Samuel Cutler and Jennett Caldwell were married July 15th 1786. Maria Ann and John Lenox Cutler born April 23rd 1788. James Iredell Cutler born May 20th 1792. Harriet Cutler born Novr 16th, 1796. Abigail Bigelow Cutler born Jany 7th 1799. Abigail B. Cutler died March 15th 1806." [All were born at Hartford, Conn.] Lawrence Brainerd, Esq. Cutler, Lydia. 1818. Royalston [Mass.]. 11" x 13". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Rose border. Basket of roses and several other flowers. Plants in each corner. Wreath of roses. Mrs. John Brooks Cutler, Sophia. [Cir. 1807.] Rindge [N. H.]. Born January 30, 1794. 20" x 17". 3 alpha- bets. Satin and cross-stitch. Three borders, one of solid work and two in Greek fret. Verse 511 (1, var.). Mrs. Charles E. Atkinson Cutler, Sophia. 1801. 8 yrs. 17^" x 21". Wide vine border on three sides. Scene with house, bridge over a river, birds, baskets, etc. Verse 222. The Emma B. Hodge Collection 146 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Daggett, Maria. 1819. Providence [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 57. Mrs. Joseph H. Jewett Daggett, Mary M. 1813. Holmes Hole [Mass.]. [8 yrs.] 17" x 15". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Rose border. House. Verse 94 (var.). Mrs. Rebecca D. Oetchell Dallas, Ann. 1810. Salem [N. J.]. 10 yrs. Born March 11, 1800. 17i" x 22i". 7 alphabets. Buttonhole, outline, tent, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border. Sam- pler divided into 3 panels, running lengthwise. Designs of blooming plants and buds. "See that ye fall not out by the way." Verses 54, 82, 511 (1, var.). Miss Adaline Sinnickson Dana, Mary. 1812. 10" x 8". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Verse 515. Mrs. B. Bay Phelan Danford, Elizabeth Parker. 1805. 16 yrs. 17" x 12". Flat and cross-stitch. 4 alphabets. Realistic vine border. Verses 220a, 688. Mrs. William Henry Gilbane Danforth, Rebecca Brown. 1820. Newbury [Mass.]. 9 yrs. Born January 8, 1811. 17" x 17". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, tent, flat, cat, French knot, satin, and cross-stitch. Trefoil bor- der. Vase of flowers, trees, lambs, butterflies, and other ornamental designs. Verse 515 (1, var.). Etta T. Lovett Daniels, Nabby Shilaber. Danvers [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 19" x 25". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Vine border with tulips, carnations, and marguerites. Vase with flowers and vine running upward. Verses 40 (var.), 128 (var.). Miss Annie S. Symonds and Mrs. Frank M. Ooss Daniels, Sally. 1810. Danvers [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 22" x 24". 3 alphabets. Stem, French knots, and cross-stitch. Rose and tulip border. Elaborate cornucopia design at bottom. Verse 615 (var.). Mrs. Lucy F. Caller Daniels, Sarah P. 1814. Born October 22, 1802. 16" x 20". 5 alphabets. French knots, chain, stem, satin, double and single cross-stitch. Carnation and vine border. Large basket in center, holding roses, pansies, tulips, and forget-me-nots ; at left, a smaller basket of fruit; at right, a pitcher with sprays of berries. Verse 609. Sara Adeline Thompson Dare, Jane. 1821. Bridgeton [Cumberland County, N. J.]. 11 yrs. Born January 11, 1810. 17" x 18". 5 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, queen, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth bor- der done in flat-stitch. Sprays of flowers and buds on either side of rectangle inclosing verse. Verse 319. Initials: "D D [David Dare, father]; R D [Rebecca Dare, mother, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Fithian] ; E F D [Enoch Fithian, brother] ; S D [Sarah, sister]; W D [William, brother]; E D; M H D [Mary Hay, sister]; J F [Jonathan Fithian, maternal grandfather] ; M F [Mary Fithian, maternal grandmother]'; A F [Ann, daughter of J. & M. F.] ; E F [Elizabeth, daughter] ; D F [Daniel, son] ; M F [Mary, daughter] ; J F [Joel, son] ; E F [Emily, daughter] ; M F [Mary, daughter] ; S F [Sarah, daughter]." Mr. Charles E. tSheppard Darling, Elizabeth. 1823. Henniker [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 16". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine, roses, carnations, and berries, in clusters. Verse 645 (2). Julia B. Park Davenport, Eliza. 1818. New Bedford [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 18". 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 104 (2). Francis O. Allen, Esq. Davenport, Joanna C. 1826. 15 yrs. 165" x 16J". Saw-tooth and rose borders. Family register: "Jerenie Davenport Born Feb. 1781; Polly B. Davenport Born Aug. 2, 1784. Were married Sept. 19, 1806 and had the following children: — ^ *•'■# J 'i t « >y|'^"^ J0^ WWV-'*aA'l/W'WX '!4''>rous!« ^.-i ,!'jitv, iV .-'"'«•». •.., S»>»fie«o%r. <3^ ol»^w W f«fi «vii»-'V ^-^ r^^^ v^ /t:' "^^ .^.f^^'^^Sl^i «ti -^ ^ ^•\/l i;,.-# it'" . f- -^ -•f ; /4 ^ /. . , /• ./■ c ' 1 ■) - PLATE LII Elizahetii Funk's Sajiplek. 1813 Oicned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 155 Evans, TuLLANiA. 1809. Pinegrove School. 9 yrs. Born October 6, 1799. "Daughter of Jakob and Rachel Evans." 15^" x ITi". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, eyelet, and tent-stitch. Car- nation and acorn borders. Trees, flowers, baskets of fruit, birds, dogs, etc. Verse 255. Mrs. Siegfried Wachsman Everett, Hannah. 1800. Wareham [Mass.]. 12" x 13". 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross- stitch. Plain, double strawberry border. "Beauty as the flowers blossom, soon fades but the divine excellence of the mind like the medicinal virtues of the plant remain in it when all those charms are withered." Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton EvERS, TiRZA. 1827. 14 yrs. 20" x 17". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 569, 788. Mr. Arthur W. Seavey Eyre, Ann Eliza. 1827. 8 yrs. 22" x I62". Feather, stem, satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Rose border on three sides. Vine around verse in upper section. At bottom, scene with brick house, trees, lawn, ducks, cat, horses, birds on trees, men and women. Large sprays of flowers in pots at either side; detached sprays of flowers fill in remainder of space. Verse 515 (var.). "Daughter of James and Margaret Eyre." Mrs. Henry E. Coe F , A . 1804. 18" x 13". Cross-stitch. Border of large green leaves. Scene with house, trees, yard, duck, and hens, street with cow, and 2 horses. Sold at Libbie's Auction Rooms, Boston, Decem,ber, 1915 F[reas], C . (A fragment, 6" x 6".) Outline, chain, stem, and satin-stitch. Peacock surrounded with flowers, wild roses, strawberries, and conventionalized flowers. [Secured from Freas family near AUoway, Salem County, N. J.] Mrs. William Johnson F , S. & M[abia]. "Begun by S. F and made by Maria." 1806. 12" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberrj^ border. Verse 413. Robert P. Jordan, Dealer Fabens, Sarah. 1806. Salem [Mass.]. 13 yrs. [Born in Salem, October 9, 1793.] 16" x 23". Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. 4 alphabets. Border of flowers starting from cornucopias in lower corners and broken at top by boat-shaped pot of erect strawberries, with bird at each end, and at bottom by spray of carnations; 2 white animals and 4 strawberry clusters also appear in bottom border. Below verse is conventional floral design. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Elizabeth B. Putnam Fabens, Sarah. 1807. Salem [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 9^" x III". [Born October 9, 1793.] Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border, starting from cornucopias in lower corners. Carna- tions in upper corners. Large spray of carnations in center and cluster of flowers at each side. Oblong wreath of leaves incloses name and date. Verse inclosed between pillars sup- porting double arch; carnation sprays in each arch. Verse 40 (var.). Mrs. Elizabeth B. Putnam Farley, Lucy Mary. 1807. Ipswich [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 10" x 10". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border on three sides. Strawberry plants and blossoms with grass at bottom. Mrs. Henry War dwell Farra, Sussannah. 1809. 22" x 23". Cross-stitch. Conventional border on three sides. At bottom, maple tree in pot and smaller potted maple trees on either side, also baskets of flowers. Vine with carnations and strawberries surrounds name. Family names: " [grand- parents] Christianna Ann Dunnet, Samuel an Hannah Dunnet; [parents] John and Sus- sannah Farra [worked in hair] ; [brothers and sisters] Daniel, Ann, Sussannah, John, Chalter, Carter, Benjamin, Christian, Hannah, Farra Dunnet." Verses 187 (var.), 226 (var.). "Hannah Hollingswort." Mrs. Edward Twaddell Fay, Maria. 1811. 9 yrs. 16*" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, satin, cross-stitch, and a long cross-stitch that runs over 2 squares. Greek fret border. Vase with 2 flowers; 156 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 2 vases with strawberry plants; 3 birds and a crowned lion, in design at bottom. Verse 92 (1, var.). A. Stainforth, Dealer, 1917 Feaster, Rachel. 1823. 17" x 17". Rose border. Scattered flowers, with birds, at bottom. "The Wish I sigh not for beauty nor languish for wealth", etc. Mrs. H. E. Gillingham Fekno, Mary Ann. 1801. Salem, Mass. 11 yrs. 8" x 11". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Then let my heart at once attend Thy all sufficient" — Frank B. Dow, Esq. Fenwick, Teresia. 1802. "St. Mary's County in Maryland." 15" x 18^". 4 alphabets. Cross- borders. Urn with strawberries; eight-pointed star in each corner; 2 flowers below; Calvary cross above. "I glory in the Cross of Jesus Christ." "When this you see. Pray for me." "Virtue is the sweetest jewel that can adorn the fair." "Eleanor Morland" [governess]. Verse 128 (var.). Miss Madge Fenwick Field Family Register. [Cir. 1816.] Northfield [Mass.]. 11" x 13". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional border. "Family Register" "Mr. Walter Field Born November 24th 1758 Miss Plana Petty Born June 26th 1762 Married May 12th 1782 Nancy Field Born July 14th 1783 Paul Field Born Jan. 22nd 1785 Died Sept 28th 1810 Roxana Field Born July 2nd 1787 Mrs. R. Janes Died Nov. 5th 1810 Philana Field Born Sept 17th 1789 Died June 22nd 1813 Erastus Field Born Dec. 24th 1791 Sarah Field Born Dec. 4th 1793 Died Oct. 23rd 1794 Sarah Field Born Sept. 11th 1795 Gratia Field Born March 3rd 1798 Plana Field Born April 20th 1800 Died Aug. 15th 1803 Eloiza Field Born Sept. 19th 1802 , Born Aug. 19th 1803 Walter Field Jun'r Born June 30th 1804 Died July 1st 1804 Walter Field Junr. Born Oct. 22nd 1805 Eloiza P. Field Born June 4th 1808 Lucretia F. Janes Born Dec. 17th 1808 Roxana Janes Born Sept 28th 1810 Died March 20th 1811 " Mrs. Frank A. Hubbard FiEiJ), Zilpha. 1812. Bridgewater [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 7V' x 6^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Julia M. Howard Fillmore, Harriot. 1814. Franklin, New London Count}', Conn. 14V' x 8^". 3 alphabets. Bird's-eye and cross-stitch. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Fisher, Eliza. 1824. 24" x 24". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Elaborate carnation and straw- berry border. In one top corner, white dove, 2 stars, bunch of carnations in vase, 2 large butterflies, conventional bunch of flowers. Directly under this, 2 birds picking a straw- berry; baskets of strawberries on each side; on either side of baskets, one large red rose with buds; below, bunches of bluebells; on either side, pot of carnations; under these, bunches of strawberries; under berries, elaborate baskets of strawberries, and on either side the name a half-wreath ; on either side of wreath a little pine tree in triangle of lawn on which stands a little dog. Large Colonial house with fence, gate, 2 weeping willows, and lawn. Bunches of grapes and strawberries are also in design around house. Verses 132, 778. Initials: "J S, M S, W S, V S, J S, J D, E D, S S, J S, R S, J S, G S, S A F, S F, E W F, M D, J F, H F, S D, E F, M F, E D, W S F, M F, J D, J C F, J A F, J D, R F." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 157 FisHEH, Maria Akn. 1811. Franklin [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 13". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Miss Annie San ford Head Fisher, S. 1804'. 18" x 17". 1 alphabet. Queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Double strawberry border. Basket of flowers just above border. Verse 682. Miss H. L. Parrish FisK, Elizabeth T. 1830. 8" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Verses 28, 609, 700. Miss Kate Simmons FisK, Mary. November 2, 180[5?]. [Cambridge, Mass.] 8" x 12". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. [Probably the work of the grandmother of John Fiske the historian.] Verse 689. Albert C. Bates, Esq. FisK, Susanna. Cambridgeport [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 12V' x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 578. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Fitch, Caroline M. 1816. Boston. 8 yrs. 7" x 9". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Charles W. Jenks, Esq. Fitzgerald, Sarah. 1810. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Vine, with clover-leaf border. Conventional cross-borders. " Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. A. Fitzgerald. In memory of an aifectionate mother, who died March 1st 1808, aged 40 years." This inscription is overshadowed by weeping willow, and on either side are small trees, dog, bird, large basket of tall flowers, all on a straight green base. "Wrought by her daughter Sarah Fitzgerald under the inspection of Mary E. Hill." On either side of verses, basket of fruit, with bird perched on spray above. Verse 289. Harriette E. Jones Flagg, Georgianna. 1811. Charleston [S. C.]. 8 yrs. 15" x 15". Alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. At bottom, Greek fret border, with a carnation at each end. Verse 547. Mrs. St. John P. Kimloch Flagg, Sally. 1802. 10 yrs. 11" x 16". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Wide design at bottom. Verse 60. Lancaster Public Library Fletcher, Sarah Jane. 1829. Albany [N. Y.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 17^". 5 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Great variety of cross-lines. Verse 475. Mary McDonald Vosburgh Flitcraft, Ann. 1831. 32" x 20". Vine and rosebud border. In each corner conventional floral design, with birds, dog, urns, basket of fruit, etc. Brick house just below center, with willow trees on either side; also 2 little dogs, 2 chickens in the grass, and scattered through the sampler are rosebuds and butterflies. Three-sided border of leaves around verse, and above verse is a vine with a bird at each end. Verse 392. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Flitcraft, Mary. 1800. Eldridge's Hill [N.J.]. 21"x21". Satin and cross-stitch. Vine, coral, and honeysuckle border. Large bunch of flowers, with smaller spray at corners; tulips at top and roses at bottom. Averse 132 (1, var.). Mrs. William T. Flitcraft Floyd, Elizabeth. 18" x 154". Cross-stitch. Rose and tulip border. Vases of flowers, squir- rel, duck, butterfly, 2 small dogs, house, and other detached designs. Verse 579. Mrs. Thomas S. Young FoLLEN, Mary. 1812. Needham [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 12" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. House and flowers, at bottom; 2 large birds and conven- tionalized plant, at top. Verse 410. Mrs. James Y. Soyes Ford, Clarissa. 1801. 10 yrs. 12V' x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George Plimpton 1.58 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Ford, Elizabeth M. "Miss Damon's School, Boston." 13 yrs. 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Odd flowers on vine in border. Flower-pots, trees, and stars. Verse 677. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Ford, Sarah. 1810. Philadelphia, Pa. 13" x 12". Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Verse 647. Mary Hall Pennock Foster, . 1808. 14" x 13V'. Satin and split-stitch. Figures of weeping man and woman dressed in mourning, leaning over two urns; weeping willow tree in background. "To the memory of Samuel Foster. He was born July 9th A.D. 1789 and died Nov. 24th A.D. 1803"; also, "To the memory of Mary Foster. She was born May 8th A.D. 1799 and died Aug. 30th A.D. 1803." Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Foster, Sabra. 1811. 5" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Sabra Batchelder Harwood Fowi^R, Mary Ann. 1817. 11 yrs. 12" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry design. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Louise Cranston Fowler, Mehitable. 1809. Pembroke [N. H.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 16". 4 alphabets. Back- stitch, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Basket, trees, and birds. Miss Clara Fowler Fox, Marion. 1802. 10 yrs. 11" x 15". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Green bush in center, with smaU dog on each side, at bottom ; in center, 2 bay trees on either side of name, with bird at top; underneath, 2 baskets of flowers. Verse 343 (1, var.). Mrs. William Holland Wilmer Fox, Mary. 1826. Hartford [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 18" x 16". 8 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Strawberry design at bottom. Verse 356. Names and dates: "Gurdon Fox, born Jan'y 30th 1791; Sophia Kendall, born Feb'y 4th 1796; Married Oct'r 27st 1814; Edward Fox, born May 2, 1828; Mary Fox born Sept'r 21st 1816; Henry Fox, born March 8th 1826." Albert C. Bates, Esq. Fox, Nancy. 1824. "Woodstoc." 12 yrs. 17" x 15". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Lozenge border. Elaborate conventional design of branches, topped by diamond-shaped figures; underneath, row of sheep, dogs, and basket with rose branches. On topmost branch is large pigeon and bird's nest ; on another branch, a small bird ; in center of basket, a bird's nest with egg; above basket, row of 5 conventional figures. Verse 465. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Fox, Sophia M. 1827. "Waterford, Washington, Ohio." 9 yrs. lOf" x 12^". 4 alphabets. Herringbone, queen, French knot, chain, and cross-stitch. Vine, strawberry, and rose bor- der. Fir tree, with jardiniere on either side, holding rose vines. Mary Allen Taylor Franklin, Asielia. 1818. [Berlin, Worcester County, Md. Born in 1802.] 18" x 17", Split, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border. Scene with house, grass, ducks, geese, men feeding them, and flowering shrubs; on either side of house are tall, pointed trees topped by birds. Verse 733 (2, var.). Mrs. J. W. Mcllvain Franklin, Amelia. 1818. [Maryland.] 18 yrs. 18" x 19i". Split, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with leaves. Landscape with house, tall trees, gate, fence; dark strip of silk inserted, with man and two women feeding ducks, cow, and pig. Flowers around house and birds flying above it, also butterflies. Verse 733 (2, var.). Miss Louisa Amelia Covington Franklin, Miloch E. 1818. 18" x 18". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Scene with house, trees, man, children, cows, geese, and dogs. Verse 733 (1, var.). Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry AMERICAN SAMPLERS 159 Fkazek, Rebekah. 1816. Duxbury [Mass.]. 8 yrs. [Born September 23, 1808.] 10" x 9". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Narrow hemstitched border. At bottom, small rectangle of solid cross-stitch and initials "F F". Mrs. A. McK. Qifford Frederick, Deborah. 1830. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Satin, queen, and cross-stitch. Conven- tionalized strawberry border. Scene with house with railing in front, large rose bush on one side and 2 queer colored birds on the other side. Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry Freeborn, Haxnah. 1817. 11 yrs. 12i" x 17^". 4 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, and cross- stitch. Double trefoil border. "H. L. F, Born 1st mo. 9th 1806", inclosed in wreath with strawberry below, and on either side two triangular conventional designs. Verse 453. Rhode Island School of Design Freeborne, Mary G. 1826. 10 yrs. 15" x 13". Chain and cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 784. Herbert O. Brigham, Esq. French, Hannah. 1805. 13 yrs. [Born in West Dedham, Mass., in 1792.] 121" x 12". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 609 (var.). Miss Mary E. Fisher French, Hannah. 1822. [Mullica Hill, N. J.] 9 yrs. 8" x 19". 4 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. One dog. Mrs. John Gill Whit all Frink, Isabel. [Before 1830.] Rutland [Mass.]. 10^" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Stem-stitch. Vine border. Verse 660 (1). Miss Isabella H. Dana Frost, Harriet. [1820.] 6i" x 9^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Herbert E. Maine Frothingham, Betsy. 1801. Newburyport [Mass.]. Born July 28, 1790. 11 yrs. 10" x 15^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 667. Miss Georgie Bassett Frothingham, Debby. 1803. 15^" x 20V'. 3 alphabets. Chain, cross, long and short-stitch. Vine, roses, carnations, and other flowers in border. Wreath around inscription. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Fudge, Sally. [Cir. 1801. Born in 1790.] 11" x 11". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Hemstitched border with rosebud design at top and bottom. Edmund M. Dow, Esq. Fuller, Cornelia. 1809. New York City. 7 yrs. 12" x 18". 3 alphabets. Satin, chain, French knot, and cross-stitch. Strawberry, flower, and vine border. Village scene, with church, several houses, trees, stream, and boats. Verse 94. Mrs. C. H. Nelson Fuller, Esther G. August, 1823. Charlestown [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 18" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, and buttonhole-stitch. Cross-borders. House, vine with blue flowers, and 3 small trees. 4 sprigs of pink flowers below. Verse 515 (var.). William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Fuller, Susannah. [Cir. 1817.] 14 yrs. [Born in Francestown, N. H., June 4, 1804.] 23" x 20". 3 alphabets. Satin stitch. Border of roses, pansies, strawberries, and carnations. Basket of flowers and vine at bottom. Lillie Fisher Brokaw Funk, Elizabeth. 1813. 17" x 21^". Satin and cross-stitch. Border of flowers and leaves at top and bottom. Large flowering plant in pot takes up most of space, the remainder filled in with flower sprays and animals. Quilled ribbon border and rosettes on corners of the sampler. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Furlong, Mary. 1806. 10 yrs. 20" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Verse 19. Otemer not recorded 160 AMERICAN SAMPLERS G , C . 1802. Boston. 4^" x 3f". Partial alphabet. Cross-stitch. Miss Marette Longley G , H. M. 1800. m" X 12". 2 alphabets. Long and short, and tent-stitch. Done in memory of the birth of Lovey Bickford. Mrs. George C. Fraser Gailliahd, Emma Anna. 1823. Charleston [S. C.]. 9 yrs. 11" x 18". 3 alphabets. Flat, cat, eyelet, cross-stitch, and hemstitch. Hemstitched edge with scroll border. Various cross- borders. Verse 773. Mrs. J. Waring Witsell Galbeaith, Jane Elizabeth. [Cir. 1830.] Birmingham [Pa.], Born June 17, 1818. 18" x 20^". 3 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at sides and vine at top. Scene with two houses, fence, trees, vases of flowers, lion, and birds. Verses 490 (var.), 796. Carolyn Scribner Barnes Gale, Eliza W. 1813. 12 yrs. Worked at Mrs. Tuft's School, Charlestown [Mass.]. 18" x 22". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Elaborate rose and carnation border. Verse 741. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Gale, Maky A. 1825. 11 yrs. Great variety of stitches. Elaborate floral border on sides. At bottom, basket of flowers in center, and on either side, trees and small sprays of flowers. Verse at top. Verse 780. 9 wreaths, 5 of which contain family register in rows of three, and between rows and in 2 end wreaths sprays of flowers. "Mary Richards Born Dec. 17, 1790; Samuel Gale Born Apr. 7, 1793; Were married May 15, 1814; Mary A. Gale Born Oct. 27, 1814 (sic); Samuel Gale Born Nov. 12, 1821; Eliza E. Gale Born June 8, 1824; died Oct. 30, 1824." Mrs. H. de B. Parsons Gale, Sally J. 1810. 13 yrs. 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Straw- berry cross-border at top. Trees, man, and woman. Birds, flowers, and baskets of fruit, at bottom. Verse 287a. Mrs. Daniel Webster Sanborn Gano, Eliza. 1814. 9 yrs. Pattenburg [N. J.]. 20" x 20". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border and cross-borders. Large and small trees, and baskets of flowers. Verse 745. Ella Felmly Gahdiner, Esther. 1813. Evesham [N. J.]. (12 yrs.) 19" x 23". Satin and cross-stitch. Vine and floral border. Plot of grass, sheep and lambs, geese, weeping willow and poplars, numerous small plants. Clumps of flowers all around. 8-pointed star at top. Verse 442. Abigail E. Willitts Gardiner, Hannah. 1820. 12 yrs. "Evesham School" [N. J.]. 19" x 23". French knot, chain, tent, queen, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border with leaves ; upper corners filled with flowers and baskets of flowers. Grape vines and grapes, in center; roses, white half-moon, baskets of flowers, and bunches of flowers fill in remainder of space. Verse 316 (var.). Esther G. Evans Garner, Catherine. 1805. 15 yrs. 12" x 19". 4 alphabets. Outline, chain, satin, knot, loop, chrysanthemum, and cross-stitch. Greek floral border. Verse 271. Names: "John Garner, Frances Garner, Hendly Garner, I. Garner, E. Garner, J. Garner." Mrs. D. D. Cameron Gaskill, Mary Ann. 1810. 12 yrs. 12" x 15". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of fruit; rosebud and strawberries. Josephine B. Osmond Gauffreau, Celestine. 1822. New York. 8 yrs. 16V' x 17". 2 alpliabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. House, dogs, cows, baskets of flowers, and several small birds. "Celes- tine Gauffreau ag^e de 8 ans fait le 2 d'aout 1822 a New York." Mrs. J. Herbert Johnston PLATE IJII Sophia Catherine Bier's Sampler. 1810 Owned by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 161 Gauffreau, Fortune. 1816. 12 yrs. St. Bartholomew (an island of the West Indies belong- ing to France). 13" x 14". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Small cross-stitch border. House, birds, dogs, cows, vases of flowers, and clover. " Fortune Gauffreau ag6 de 12 ans fait a St. Barth'my le 24 de Juillet 1816" (a boy). Mrs. J. Herbert Johnston Gauffreau, Loxhsa. 1821. New York. 8 yrs. 15" x 13". Cross-stitch. Rose border. House, peacock, vases of flowers, pitcher, and dog. "Louisa Gauffreau ag6e de 8 ans. New York 1821." Verse (in French) 68. Illustrated. Mrs. J. Herbert Johnston Gay, Mary. 1808. 9 yrs. 16" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Trefoil border. House, weep- ing willow, cow, lion with curly tail, and baskets. Verses 153, 511 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Gay, Mary Otis. 1809. Hingham [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 8" x 12^". Cross-stitch. Conventional border. "Apply thine heart unto instruction and thine ears to the words of knowledge." Mrs. Oliver Fiske George, Isabella. 1826. Baltimore. 8 yrs. 9" x 17". 6 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, satin, cross, cat, tent, hem-stitch, and two-sided line-stitch. Strawberry, Greek fret, cross, and vine borders. Elizabeth C. Lee George, Isabella. 1827. Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, chain, queen, tent, and cross-stitch. Borders of Greek fret, cross, vine, and strawberry designs. Elizabeth C. Lee George, Maria Louisa. [1827.] 8 yrs. Newburyport [Mass.]. 8J" x 8V'. 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. "Be virtuous and you will be happy." Miss Charlotte M. Smith George, Mary Elizabeth. 1817. Newburyport [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 18" x 22". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border, with 2 willow trees. Trees, bush, leaves, and flowers. Verse 515 (1, var.). Mrs. Emma F. Stephenson Gerrish, Caroline. 1809. 11 yrs. 17" x 21". 4 alphabets. Satin, catch, crow-foot, and cross- stitch. Hemstitched edge. Design at bottom like steps to courthouse. Miss Caroline L. Manett Gerry, Sophia. 1810. Stoneham. 13 yrs. 19" x 24f ". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. House, yard, trees, sheep, and fowl. Verse not given. Mrs. B. C. Hall Gibbon, Sarah Ann. 1825. Salem [N. J.]. 10 yrs. 9" x 16^". 6 alphabets. Queen, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. Short vine with tree and 2 strawberries. Mrs. Robert D. Hughes GiBBS, Elizabeth. 1812. [Near Crosswicks, N. J. Born October 26, 1798.] 14 yrs. 10V' x 14". 4 alphabets. French knot, tent, chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Fancy cross- border at bottom of strawberries, trees, and flowers, with hearts in each corner. Rebecca S. Price GiBBs, LuciNDA. 1814. Sturbridge. 9 yrs. 18" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Henry Lowell Hiscock GiBBS, Mercy. 1808. Birmingham [N. Y.]. 14 yrs. 9" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Twelve rows of different stitches at bottom. "Love the path of truth." Mi^s Bertha Oibbs GiBBs, Rachel B. 1812. 11 yrs. Born May 14, 1801. 10^" x 16". 4 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Vine border. Double row of strawberries at bottom. Verse 94 (var.). Rebecca S. Price 162 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Gibson, Elizabeth. 1800. Farmville [Va.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 15". 3 alphabets. Weaving, eye- let, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Wide floral design at bottom. Verse 66. Mrs. Wallace Delafield Gibson, Hannah. [1815.] 12 yrs. 14" x 19^". Born August 11, 1803. Hemstitch and cross- stitch. Triple strawberry, rose, and carnation border, on top and sides. Verse 307. " Regis- ter of Mr. Barnabas Gibson and family. He was born July 12, 1767 and married Miss Hannah Tate Feb. 26, 1788. She was born 17— and died Aug. 31, 1801. He married Miss Betsy Chase July 16, 1802. She was born June 24, 1770. By him they have the following children : — Names Born Died Samuel Gibson April 26, 1794 July 30, 1864 Mary Gibson Sept. 6, 1796 Robert Gibson Nov. 4, 1797 Hannah Gibson Aug. 31, 1801 Dec. 2, 1801 Hannah Gibson Aug. 11, 1803 Luther Gibson March 1805 April 16, 1806 Elizabeth Gibson April 6, 1806 David Gibson March 24, 1809 Sept. 16, 1866 Sarah Gibson Nov. 12, 1810 William Gibson July 12, 1812 May 4, 1864" (Dates of three of the deaths filled in later on.) Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Gibson, Maby. 1800. Lexington [Ky.]. 14 yrs. 16^" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Carnations at bottom. Verse 665 (var.). Mrs. O. W. Cain Gilbert, Hannah. 1811, [Near Doylestown, Pa, 12 yrs.] 22" x 22". Cross-stitch. Waving line of cross-stitch as a border. In top corners are octagons inclosing swan and vines, also small bunches of roses and carnations, with squirrel in center of top row. Two doves above name. Small detached bunches of roses and carnations and sprays in baskets here and there on sampler. Mrs. Bryan H. Taylor Gilbert, Nancy. 1800. 10 yrs. 101" x 14". 1 alphabet. Cross and satin-stitch. Double straw- berry border. House, hillside, tree, sheep, and people. Verse 595 (var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Gilbert, Nancy. 1806. Born September 20, 1793. 13 yrs. 15^" x 12". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Greek fret and strawberry borders. 2 vases at the bottom and 3 at the top. Verse 46. Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse Gilbert, Rebecca Swiss. 1825. 10 yrs. 12" x 10". 3 alphabets. Chain, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Miss Bassell Giles, Narcissa. 1802. 11 yrs. 12" x 13". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straight-line border. Cross-borders of strawberries, hearts, vines, diamonds, etc. Arthur Leslie Green, Esq. Gill, Elizabeth. 1805. Boston. 9 yrs. lOi" x 17^". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vase of flowers in center, a double strawberry on either side, then 2 trees, 2 shrubs, and 2 potted plants. Border patterns between alphabets. Verse 128 (1, var.). Miss Marette Long ley Gill, Mary. 1809. Clarksboro [N. J.]. 12 yrs. 17" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation and vine border. "See the time for sleep is before sun rise." Mrs. Joseph W. Merritt Gill, Mary. 1814. Wilmington [Del.]. 10" x 10". Cross-.stitch. Seven square white designs worked in cotton, six of darning and one of knitting-stitch. Illustrated. Mrs. Charles C. Jessup I- 3-^ -^ 1-1 ** M TS «> 5i O ^^;»dBaMMgs"^-t'gM>a3C jf - «'«- AMERICAN SAMPLERS 163 GiLLET, Mahy Ann. 1827. 10 yrs. 8i" x li". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. House, dog, figures, and double hearts at bottom. Mrs. Wallace Holcomb GiLMAN, Sarah Hidden. [1826.] Meredith [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Mrs. George H. Williams GiLSON, Mahy. 1826. IT-h" x 15i". 2 alphabets. French knot, outline, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose border. Roses in pots. Verse 328. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. GiTHENS, Mary. 1814. [Moorestown, Burlington County, N. J.] Born in 1806. 12" x 12^". Stem, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and floral border. Grass with dog and sprays of roses above and birds on each side. In center, a vine wreath with tiny flowers inclosing the following: "J.G., J. G., J.G., Mary Githens 1814." The rest of sampler filled in with floral designs. Mrs. Henry I. Budd Gladding, Susan Cary. 1805. Providence, R. I. (5 or 6 yrs.) 13" x 16". 4 alphabets. French knot, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border, with tulip and leaves in one corner. At bottom, very correct (though unfinished) representation of First Congregational (Uni- tarian) Church in Providence. Verse 40 (var.). ["Miss Polly Balch's School," perhaps.] Mrs. Charles W. Lippitt Glasier, Abigail. 1806. 13 yrs. Born August 26, 1793. 18*" x 21". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border has elaborate design of vine, flowers, and fruit start- ing from two vases and meeting in true lover's knot. Basket of flowers, at bottom. Verse 538 (var.). "Family Record: Benjamin Glasier married Deborah Pinder October 20, 1792. Births of their children: Abigail Glasier born June 26, 1793; Lydia and Mary Glasier born January 9, 1796; Lydia died January 25, Mary, February 25, 1795; Mary Glasier born February 8, 1799; Salome Glasier born Sept. 4, 1800, died Sept. 17, 1801; Edmund H. and Elizabeth O. Glasier born April 25, 1802; Elizabeth O. died July 19, Edmund H. August 25, 1802; Lydia H. Glasier born July 19, 1804; Wil- liam P. Glasier born November 19, died December 6, 1806." Ipswich Historical Society Glass, Sally. 1823. 14 yrs. 16" x 16". 4 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Border of conventional flowers and strawberries surrounds verse. Verses 18S, 601 (1, 2, var.). "Praise ye the Lord all his Works". Mrs. Bradbury Bedell GoDARD, Mahcy. 1811. Born November 7, 1803. 6" x 15V'. 3 alphabets. Plain border. Newport Historical Society GoDARD, Mary. 1803. Cambridge, Mass. 11 yrs. 11" x 14^". 2 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine border with conventional flowers. Verse 259. Mrs. Thomas G. Kent GoDMAN, Margahetta ARABELLA. 1808. [Baltimore.] (8 yrs.) 16V' x 20". Satin and cross- stitch. Wreath of flowers, and below verse small green wreath. Design copied from brocade of her mother's wedding gown. Verse 709. Mrs. Davis C. Buntin Godwin, Rachel, 1808. 20" x 16". Cross-stitch. Entire sampler, except oval in center, coh- ered with running rose design coming out of a cornucopia at the bottom. Oval of green vine and leaves around verse. Verse 416. Mrs. Marguerite du Pont Lee GoLDiN, Elizabeth Ann. 1829. New York. 20" x 17V'. Stem, back, and cross-stitch. Map of the state of New York. "Lake Erie is the celebrated scene of Perry's victory over a British fleet, September 10, 1813." "Lake Champlain is celebrated for the victory gained by Macdonough over a British fleet of far superior force, Sept. 11, 1814." "Long Island is the most important island belonging to the state of New York 140 miles in length and from 10 to 15 broad, contains three counties and numerous flourishing towns, populations 164 AMERICAN SAMPLERS ?7,000." "population of the State of New York in 1820 was 1,372,812. Albany is the Capital." Illustrated. Mrs. Henry E. Coo Goodman, Eliza. 1821. 11 yrs. Born April 18, 1809. 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Simple bor- der. Scene with farmhouse with two ells, birds, and conventional tree. Verses 41 (var.), 764. The Emma B. Hodge Collection GooDRiDGE, Jane. 1813. Lynn [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 16^". Alphabets. Seed, outline, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Wreath of forget-me-nots. Other vines of forget- me-nots elsewhere. Verse 129 (var.). "Family Register" "Mr. Moses Goodridge, born Nov. 27, 1768. Miss Hannah Graves, born Jan. 22, 1774. Married Aug. 7, 1796. Childrens names Hannah Goodridge Polly Goodridge Jane Goodridge Rand G. Goodridge Sally B. Goodridge Eliza Goodridge Moses Goodridge Joseph B. Goodridge Eliza G. Goodridge Births April 6, 1797. Dec. 18, 1798. Dec. 3, 1801. Feb. 25, 1804. Feb. 12, 1805. Dec. 29, 1806. May 12, 1808. March 20, 1810. March 23, 1812." Deaths Sept. 10, 1821. [d. 1906, 104 years old.] March 17, 1804. Jan. 7, 1807. Mrs. Frederick C. Leslie Goodwin, Eliza. 1801. [South Berwick, Maine.] 7 years. Born September 21, 1794. 18"x24''. 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, chain, French knot, and cross-stitch. Rose and vine border, starting from small baskets on either side and ending in large basket in center at top. Trees and birds across bottom. Rows of fancy stitches and narrow bands in strawberry designs. Verse 601 (1). Mrs. William 8. Whitney Goodwin, Elizabeth. 1805. Salem [N. J. 16 yrs.]. West-Town Boarding School. 9|" x 12i". Satin and outline stitch. Vine border. Verse 515 (var.). Miss Anna Elizabeth Woodnutt Goodwin, Sarah. 1824. Marblehead [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 6 mos. 18" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Panel at bottom with figures of boy and girl, also sunflower plant with bird flying about. Verse 776. Mrs. Robert B. Dixon GoRHAM, Lucy Taylor. 1801. Boston. 12" x 15". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Design in shape of peaks. Initials "G. W." underneath verse. Verse 5a. Mrs. Shepherd Brooks Gould, Lucy H. [After 1803.] 9 yrs. 12" x 16". Cross, satin, stem, eyelet, long and short- stitch. 3 alphabets. Flowering vine border on solid embroidery. At bottom, two urns with willow branches, and under both "Eliza Gould M 9 Ys Died August 6, 1803." Verse 261. Owner not recorded Graham, Sophia. 1803. Mobile [Ala.]. 7^" x 9". 2^ alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. John Adams Dix GKAVT.S, Mary McNehan. 1810. Philadelphia. 7 yrs. Born March 9, 1803. 8" x 18". Cat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Verse 342 (var.). Miss Ellen Coppuck Curtis Gray, Susan (Young). 1803. Boston. 13 yrs. 164" x 18". 2 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Strawberry design at top and bottom, inside border. Verse 718, The Misses Sophia and E. Frances Morton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 165 Greely, Mahy Ank. 1814, Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 16". 5 alphabets. Chain, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberries and grass at base. "The family of Stephen and Betsy Greely; Benjamin born Dec. 11, 1793; Nathaniel born Nov. 11, 1795; John born June 19, 1798; Alice born Nov. 14, 1800; John B. born July 20, 1802; Mary A. born Nov. 19, 1804; Elizabeth born July 20, 1810." Lucius H. Oreely, Esq. Gheen, Eliza. 1805. Stoneh — . 10 yrs. 16" x 23^". 4 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral border in satin-stitch. Picture of a house with trees and two little dogs. Verse 147. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Geeen, Mary. 1813. 7 yrs. 15" x 14". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 615 (var.). The Rhode Island School of Design Green, Mary. 1814. Cambridge, New York. 14 yrs. 9^" x 16". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Marguerite Emery Greene, Martha. 1807. Born the 23rd of June, 1797, at Coventry, R. I. 8" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border, two designs in cross-stitch, also cross-borders in different designs. Verse 92a. Emma A. Davis Greenleaf, Dolly. 1804. Newburyport [Mass.]. Born March, 1796. 11" x 15". 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Border of saw-tooth design. Vase with flowers ; tulips, roses, and bachelor buttons. Mrs. Francis R. Allen Greenleaf, Eliza Ann. 1808. Newburyport [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 18" x 17". 4 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Garland of flowers around verse, also 2 lines of Greek key pattern. Verse 202 (1, var.). Mrs. Francis R. Allen Greenough, Eliza. 1809. Essex County, Haverhill. 10" x 14". 3 alphabets. Stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Grape-vine border, with rosebuds. Tulip design at bottom. Verse 111. Mrs. Edward Webster Greenwalt, Eliza. 1822. Cumberland [Md.]. 14^" x 16". Flat, chain, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Flat-stitch border. Pastoral scene. Verse 435. Mrs. Lloyd Lomndes Griffin, Frances Louisa. 1810. Boston. 8 yrs. 4 alphabets. Hemstitch and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with scroll border. Narrow cross-border designs. Miss F. L. Smith Grimes, Caroline. 1808. New York. 8 yrs. 14" x 16". Cross-stitch. Border design some- thing like a sweet-pea. At bottom, house, 2 fir trees, man, weeping willow, and monument; detached designs on sides, birds on branches, sprays of bluebells, and rosebuds, dog, "Nero," cat, "Tiger," with basket of flowers in between. Made and sent to Grandmother in Eng- land. Verse 16. Marshall Cutler, Esq. Grimes, Elizabeth. 1803. New York. 10 yrs. 14" x 16". Cross-stitch. Narrow border in diamond design. At bottom, house with tree on either side, bird on one side and dog on the other, baskets of flowers at each end. Detached designs around verse of man shooting at birds, with a dog at his side, conventional tree, sprays of flowers, colored man, etc. Initials above verse: "LINE S." Sent to maker's grandmother in England. Verse 145. Marshall Cutler, Esq. 166 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Geoff, Deborah. 1807. Woodstown, N. J. 10 yrs. 18" x 20". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross- stitch. Border, Walls of Troy with carnations. Names: "John and Deborah Grofif (parents) ; Thomas Groff (deceased), Asa, Sarah, Letice Martha, John, William, Benjamin (brothers and sisters)." Verse 62. Mrs. I. Oakford Acton Gross, Eliza. 1820. 18 yrs. 20" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 317. Mrs. Arthur Durfee Grow, Eliza. 1810. Ipswich [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 161" x 22i". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vines running up each side and across top and starting from flower- pots at lower corners. Verse 538 (var.). Family names and dates: "John Grow born Sept. 3, 1772; Elizabeth Caldwell born Aug. 17, 1772; Married June 19, 1798. Eliza Grow born April 3, 1799." Mrs. Charlotte M. Jones Guild, Abigail. 1802. Dedham [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 10^" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch, Vine and rose border. Rose trees at bottom. Verse 249. Miss Isabel Russell Brown Guild, Lucy. 1802. 10 yrs. 14" x 9". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Strawberry bor- der. Verse 250. Miss Louise Cranston Guild, Mabiann. 1819. Dedham [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 17^" x 16^". 4 alphabets. Satin and cross- stitch. Verses 152, 249. Mrs. Howard M. Chapin Guild, Rebekah. 1801. Dedham [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 12" x 13", 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Design at top of trees, flowers, and bouquets. Verse 532. Annie B. Thayer Hackney, Ariadne. May 8, 1817. Mercer [Pa.]. 12" x 12". French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with pink flowers. Four bunches of roses, an urn, and wreath of roses in center around verse. Verse 755. Miss Addie Venable Hackney, Maria. April, 1819. Mercer [Pa. J. 10" x 10". Satin, flat, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Sprays of roses in each corner with 2 blocks in between; roses at top and bottom and 1 block on each side. Verses 733, 761. Miss Jane Beid Venable Hackney, Maria. 1819. Mercer [Pa.]. 10" x 10". French knot, chain, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Tulip border. Four bunches of roses, with verse between. Verse 733. Miss Jane Beid Venable Haines, Jane. 1807. 18" x 17". Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. 2 alphabets. Oval incloses verse and alphabets; initials aroimd the border. Verse 415. The Misses Chdce Hall, Abby D, 1821, 11 yrs. 11" x 11". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose border, with violets in corners. Mrs. William U. Bradford Hall, Eliza. [1801?] Westmoreland [N. H.]. 9 yrs. [Born December 21, 1792, in Rayn- ham, Mass.] 10" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cross, and hem-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of flowers, trees, and birds. Miss Cora E. Pierce Hall, Lucy Jones. 1820. Medford [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 14" x 15f ". 2 alphabets. Satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Narrow cross-borders with trees and hanging fruits. Mary H. Hayes Hall, M. [Cir. 1820.] 10" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Two strawberries. Initials: "M.W.H. and S.S." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Hall, M. H. [Cir. 1812.] [Ann Arundell County, Md.] [Born in 1799.] 5^" x 6^". 2 alpha- bets. Hem and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Miss Stockett PLATE LV Content Phillips's Sampler Owned by Florence C. McKenny AMERICAN SAMPLERS 167 Hall, Margaret. 1823. 14" x 19". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral border, with pineapple at top, large red poppy at bottom, roses, poppies, tulips, and carna- tions on sides. Large weeping willow on lawn, two large butterflies, and tulips in grass. Grape vines on either side of verse. Verse 774. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Hall, Martha. 1808. Medford [Mass.]. 16" x 21". 3 alphabets. Vine and flower border. Cross-borders. Basket of flowers in each corner and circular design of flowers and leaves in center. "Friendship is like a debt of honour, the moment it is talked of it loses its name and assumes the ungrateful form of obligation.'' "Virtue is the noblest ornament of humanity and a true sense of sublime pleasure. It is a solid foundation of honour and esteem." Mary H. Hayes Hall, Nabby L. 1804. Pembroke [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 21V' x 16i". 3 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Vine and rose border at sides and basket of roses at top and bottom. Charles H. Tyler, Esq. Hall, Phebe. 1812. 11 yrs. 7J" x 17i". 2 alphabets. Chain and stem-stitch. Trefoil border at top; small alternating squares, containing conventionalized trees and flowers across bottom. Verse 441. W. O. Bowdoin, Esq. Hall, Prudence. 1805. Salem [N. J.]. [16 yrs.] 7f" x 8f". Cross-stitch. Dove inclosed in wreath tied with bow-knot. Detached designs of birds, flowers, and fruit on balance of sampler. Miss Adal'me Sinnickson Hall, R . 1813. 10" x 8". Cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Mrs. I. Oak ford Acton Hallet, Mary. 1803. 8 yrs. 13" x 15". Alphabet. Queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Cross-borders. In upper corners, crowns and rabbits; across center, house, trees, deer, bushes, and chickens; underneath, flowers in vases, design with name and date; in lower corners, bowls of roses, and in center of bottom, 2 trees. Verse 535. Mrs. Frederic R. Kellogg Hamil, Jane. 1802. 10^" x 17V'. 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. 2 small ships and 2 baskets of fruit. Verses 41 (var.), 128 (1, var.), 447, 534. Mrs. Day Brookmire Hehard Hamilton, Catherine. 1808. 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Tulip border. Wreath around name. Narrow borders across. 2 flowers in the lower corners. Verse 424. Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Hamilton, E . 1819. 12" x 16V'. 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Narrow cross- borders. Verse 29 (2). Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Hamilton, Mary. 1812. Maytown, Mrs. Welchan's School. 18 yrs. 17" x 17". Satin and cross-stitch. Border made up of series of squares, containing different designs of baskets and sprays of flowers. Oval picture in center, with woman standing under tree; her face and arms are painted. Inscription in center square at bottom: "Mary Hamilton a daughter of John and Catherine Hamilton was born in County Antrim February the 1 in the year of our Lord 1794 and made this sampler in Maytown in Mrs. Welchan's School in the year of our Lord 1812." Illustrated. Mrs. Henry E. Coe 168 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Hamilton, Sakah. [Cir. 1800.] Philadelphia. 7J" x 10". Alphabets. Variety of stitches. Cross-borders. On sale by American Art Association, December 12, 1917 Hammond, Ann J, [Cir. 1805.] 17" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Unusual strawberry border. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Algernon Sydney Sullivan Hammond, Elizabeth H. September 3, 1823. Ashford [Conn.]. 9 yrs. Il"xl5i". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth design in border. Conventional cross- stitch design at bottom. Flower-pot and bird. Verse 772. Mrs. Grace Buchanan Reynolds Hammond, Lydia A. October, 1829. Wickford [R. I.]. 17i" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Rosebud border. "Hope Eternal Hope! Where yonder Spheres sublime." Abby C. Bullock Hamson, Ann, 1808. IT'xlSJ". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch. Border has strawberries on the outside and cherries on the inside, with interesting corners. Eyelet- work borders. 4 pine trees separated by conventional stalks of flowers; rose tree in center. Verse 418. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Hancock, E. C. 1826. Salem [N. J.]. 14 yrs. 8J"x9i". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Flowers and animals. Mrs. James F. Barr Hancock, Emilea. 1800. 8 yrs. Cross-stitch. Carnation border and strawberry cross- border. Scene with house, trees, butterflies, and below, trees, stags, birds, lady, dog, and gate. Verse 515 (var.). . The Emma B. Hodge Collection Hannebs, Elizabeth Jane. 1812. 18" x 14". Design at bottom. New York City Hall. Mrs. Arthur Curtis James Harden, Eliza. October 12, 1803. Portland [Me.]. 11 yrs. 17"x24". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Scene at bottom with house, garden, trees, birds, sheep, fence, shrubs, and girl. Spray of roses around verse. Verse 404. Mrs. Pearl Wight Hardenbrook, Rebekah. Decbr the 20, 1800. 7 yrs. 4 mos. 7" x 12". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Waving line border. " Margaret Hardenbrook, William Hardenbrook X 1800." Mrs. Samuel A. Cunningham Harding, Abigail. 1820. Medway [Mass. Born October 24, 1808.]. 10|" x 11". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. 3 baskets of flowers, with 2 trees between, at bottom. Verse 616 (var.). Mrs. Mary U. Wilder Harding, Mahy. 1820, Medway. [Born March 17, 1811.] 10|"xll|", 3 alphabeTsT" Cross- stitch. Simple border. 3 baskets of flowers and two trees, at bottom. Verse 616 (var.). Mrs. Mary H. Wilder Hakdman, Ann. 1816. 6" x 10", 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Sold at Libbie's, March 1, 1916 Hardy, Clarisa. 1816. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral design starting from cornucopia in center at bottom. In center is the "Family Register: William Hardy Born Aug th 2 1779; Clarisa Worcester Born January th 5 1786; They were married November the 30 1803. A list of the name birth and deaths of their children: Clarissa W. Born Dec. th 11 1804; William Born May th 20 1806; Hannah W. Born Oct 12th 1808, AMERICAN SAMPLERS 169 William the husband of Clarlsa Hardy died Oct 2, 1808. Ebenezer Hunt the second husband of Clarissa Hardy Born March th 3. They were married Dec th 29 1809." " Now hear you read that death has call my parent Dear and may we all for that day prepare." Verse 56. Mrs. Thomas A. Laxvton Hahforth, Hannah. 1808. 13 yrs. Alphabets. Flowers and urn. Verses 41a, 420, 541. Mrs. J. F. Under Haehington, Hannah. 1815. Worcester [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12J" x 13". 2 alphabets and other letters. Cross-stitch. Verse 490 (var.). Philip Hope Baker, Esq. Hakrington, Mary. 1812. Worcester [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 3 alphabets. Cross and eyelet stitch. Zigzag border. Philip Hope Baker, Esq. Harrington, Ruth, 1809. 9 yrs. 12" x 7£". 2 alphabets. Satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Rose border. Several conventional figures. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Harris, Adeline Eleanor. 1816. Cranston [R. I.]. Born December 3, 1803. 17" x 18". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Flower design at bot- tom. Verse 680. Adeline Harris Sears Harris, Elizabeth. 1806. Born July 27, 1796. 10" x lOi". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Flowering branches and small trees in bloom. Mrs. Lyman Daniels Harris, Henrietta C. 1829. 13^" x 13^". 5 alphabets. Cat and cross-stitch. Zigzag border. Cross-borders in conventional designs. " C. L. A." W. O. Bowdoin, Esq. Harris, Maria L. 1816. 3 alphabets. Two hillocks with pine trees. " B. C. Harris. A. E. Harris." "Daughter of Joseph and Sussina Harris." Verse 515 (var.). Owner not recorded Harris, Oceana. May 8, 1805. Providence [R. I.]. 8 yrs. 8" x 19". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch and satin-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. Pyramid design at bottom. Verse 637. Miss Emma A. Taft II Harris, Polly. Before 1830. 10 yrs. 6" x 10". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Two white horses eating strawberries. Rev. Qlenn Tilley Morse Harris, S. 1808. 13" x 15". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border around lower half. Two doves with branches in mouths. Verse 421. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Harrison, Ellzabeth. [Cir. 1800.] "Born August the 5, 1791." 8i"xl6J". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Verse 187. Mrs. H. B. Leary, Jr. Harrison, Mary. 1822. 9 yrs. 3 alphabets. Cross, eyelet, and satin-stitch. Strawberry border. Vase of flowers, log hut, and an animal under a tree. Birds. Verse 561. Mrs. Mary Harrison Snow Harth, Caroline. 1824. 10 yrs. 8" x 10".- 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Straw- berry and Greek key borders. The Misses Laura and Lieze Oreen Harwood, Elizabeth A. 1814. [Massachusetts.] 17 yrs. 15J"x20". Cross, satin, chain, stem, cat, and tent-stitch. Rose-vine border. The Register is framed between two posts, with balls at the top. Between them is a draped curtain with tassels. 170 AMERICAN SAMPLERS " Register Capt. Peter Harwood was born Sept 16 AD 1766. June 12 AD. 1770. They Married Jan 22 1787. children. Viz. Names Thomas Airmet Fanny Russell Sarah Ann Esther Brazier Elizabeth Airmet Clarisse Ebenezer William Brazier Ebenezer Peter Branscome Clarisse Branscome Births Feb 6th 1789 Feb 7th 1791 May 27th 1793 May 3,th 1795 May 28, th 1797 June 16, th 1799 Dec 21th 1801 April 21th 1803 June 28th 1805 May 21th 1807 June 16, th 1812^ Miss Elizabeth Airmet was born He hath by her the following Deaths Died June 15th 1803 Died Feb 13th 1807 Died April th 22 At the bottom two houses, trees, and a garden. The right-hand house was built by Captain Peter Harwood, and was the first brick house in North Brookfield, Mass. Verse 744. Illustrated. Mrs. Grace Craig Stork Haskell, Hannah Priest. "March 2." [Cir. 1815. Boston.] 6 yrs. 16"x20". 4 alpha- bets. French knot, satin, and cross-stitch. " Modesty and Truth To Piety add Modesty and Docility Show reverence and submission to those who are your superiors in Knowl- edge or Station and note that Dependance and obedience belong to youth. Modesty is one of the chief ornaments and tokens of piety. Truth is a precious adornment." Mrs. Dela/no Wight Haskell, Lucy S. 1816. 12 yrs. 18^" x 17". 8 alphabets. French knot, stem, and cross- stitch. Conventional strawberry-vine border with potted strawberry plant in center at bottom, flanked by sprays of star flowers. Detached spray of strawberries and baskets of flowers. Conventional cross-borders. Verses 194 (var.), 751. Miss Mary O. Longfellow Haskell, Sarah K[idder. 1811. Boston. Born September 28, 1805.]. 6 yrs. 18" x 16". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 724. The Late Miss Sarah Haskell Crocker Haskins, Mary Ann. 1828. Rehoboth [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 16"x20". 3 alphabets. Flat, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. House and flowers. Verse 794. Sara Lawrence White Hassen, Annzelette. 1821. 8 yrs. 24" x 20". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border with flowers. Large basket of flowers in center at bottom, and on either side an octagon inclosing name and dates; garland and tassels hang from inside of each octagon, and underneath are solid cross-stitch pyramids. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Hatch, Mary. 1808. Paris [N. Y.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 9". 5 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Eyelet and cross-stitch border. Sprays of roses in corners. Verse 154. Ella M. Russell Hatfield, Emeline. [Cir. 1823 New York.] 14 yrs. 22^" x 22A". Cross, satin, queen, flat, and split-stitch. Grape and diamond border. Two cornucopias and a basket of roses. Verse 515. Mrs. John Lester Keep . -a. A« lit' §,^ ^>u,jj^ J, ' 3t§ sao^ecf tK^it^ls-i obey PLATE LVI Sarah Dole's Sampler. 1819 Owned by Leonard Smith, Esq. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 171 Hatfield, Mary. 1828. [New York.] 11 yrs. 17*" x 16i". Cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Large basket at the bottom. Mrs. John Lester Keep Hatfield, Sarah. [New York.] 22^" x 22J". Cross, satin, queen, flat, and long-stitch. Grape- vine and diamond border. Large basket of fruit. The handles are gracefully curved. Mrs. John Lester Keep Hathaway, Betoey. 1828. Freetown, Assonet Village. 14 yrs. 16" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cat, eyelet, queen, stem, tent, and cross-stitch. Rose border at bottom and on sides, and poppies across top. Cross-borders in variety of designs and stitches. Verse 483. Mrs. Mary B. Pierce Hathewey, Lttct. Freetown [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 19"x20". 3 alphabets. French knot, chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Carnation border at sides. House, two figures, basket of flowers. sprays of flowers, etc. Verse 109. Hawkes, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1815.] Windham hem-stitch. Strawberry and vine border, family: Births Ebenezer Hawkes April 25, 1766 Rebecca Legrow September 9, 1772 Married November 20, 1794 in Windham, Maine Their children born in Windham Mrs. Charles A. Clark [Me. Cir. 20 yrs.]. 20"x29". Cross and Births, marriages, and deaths of Hawkes Elizabeth Hawkes July 27, 1795 Ebenezer Hawkes February 23, 1797 Sarah Hawkes October 8, 1798 Joseph Hawkes July 7, 1800 Anna Hawkes May 1, 1802 Deaths Rebecca Hawkes July 12, 1819 Mary Hawkes Lydia Hawkes William Hawkes Elias Hawkes Jeremiah Hawkes March 29, 1804 March 29, 1806 February 12, 1809 April 6, 1811 April 17, 1815 Sarah Purrington Elias Hawkes Hawthorne, Rhoda and cross-stitch. Aged 46 July 28, 1825 Aged 26 September 23, 1825 Aged 14 Mrs. Franklin P. Shumway 1806. Born November 21, 1791. 12" x 15*". 2 alphabets. Bird's-eye Plain border. Verse 105. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Hayben, Harjriot F. 1812. Fitzwilliam [N. H.]. 8 yrs. 17" x 16J". 3 alphabets. Cat, stem, flat, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at top and bottom, with vine on sides. Verse 107. Mrs. Roger Johnson Hays, Ellen. 1808. Philadelphia, 8 yrs. 16" x 18". 11 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border with strawberries. Miss Rosa Mordecai Hays, Rosa Elizabeth, 1813. Philadelphia. [10 yrs.] 13" x 13^". 6 alphabets, Greek fret border with conventional designs. 3 flower-pots with flowers, also small sprays, at bottom. Miss Rosa Mordecai Hazwell, Feances. 1828, House. Verse 515. 12 yrs. 18" x 12". 6 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Mrs. W. B. Vine [Heacock, Evaline. (?) Bucks County, Pa.]. 8"xl3". Alphabets. Variety of stitches. Cross-stitch border. At bottom, dog, bird on flowering plant; bird on plant in upper 172 AMERICAN SAMPLERS left-hand corner and conventional flower in upper right-hand corner; in center, con- ventional design with two birds, beak to beak, bell flower, carnations, and crown. Mrs. J. Baufinann Heath, Rachel A. 1829. Pittsfield, 111. 11 yrs. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. F. Maude Smith Heaton, Rosamond P. 1824. Berlin [Vt.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem, chain, and cross-stitch. Tree and flower design. Miss M. Louise Gladding Hebbahd, Hakeiot. 1812. 10 yrs. 17" x 14^". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Small zigzag border. Conventional trees and baskets at bottom. Miss Mary C. Wheelwright Hempsted, Caroline. 1823. New London [Conn.]. 9 yrs. 13" x 13". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Greek fret and strawberry border. Rose in fancy square in corners at bottom. Verse 515 (var.). Dr. Elmer Hempstead Ames Hendrickson, Alice. 1807. [Monmouth County, N. J. Born March 18, 1795. Daughter of John and Alche.] 12 yrs. 12^" x 17". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of flowers, birds, rosebuds, berries, and diamond-shaped designs, etc. Verses 10 (1), 395 (4). Mrs. Elwood Davis Hendrickson, Gertrude. 1805. [Monmouth County, N. J. Born December 28, 1792.] 13 yrs. 15^" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Basket of flowers with branches and berries on each side. Letitia E. Davis Hepburn, Ann. 1828. 10" x 9". Back-stitch and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. House, fence, trees, and sheep. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Herrher, Elizabeth. 1824. 8 yrs. "Done in Ruth H. Redman's School, Strawsburg." 12J" X 17". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Flower-pots, birds, and two dogs at top. Charles S. Henry, 2d, Esq. Herrick, Eunice. 1801. 11 yrs. 5J" x 6^". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Variety of cross- stitch designs in border. Two hearts at bottom. Mrs. E. L. Mark Heuling, Martha. 1806. Moorestown [N. J. 13 yrs. Born October 27, 1793.]. 21" x 22^". Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of roses, baskets of fruit, birds, stars, and car- nations. Picture of the West Town School, with tree on either side and birds above it. Verses 77 (var.), 399 (var.). Illustrated. Hannah F. Gardiner Heulinos, Mary C. 1821. Burlington [N. J.]. 10 yrs. 21" x 18J". 4 alphabets. Outline, chain, and cross-stitch. Rose border. 13 bunches of flowers and several small flowers; also 2 large baskets of flowers. Verse 765. Miss Margaret S. Bedell Hewins, Olive E. 1829. Boston. 4 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Wide and elab- orate rose border. Picture in center, with tree and lady in foreground, and house, trees, pond, cow, grass, etc., in background. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Hewlino, Rebecca Ann. 1826. 15^" x 17i". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, cat, queen, satin, buttonhole, two-sided tent, and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Large diamond in four parts, pair of love birds, baskets of flowers, dogs, hearts, tree, and rosebud. Frances D. Smith Hibbard, Elizabeth. 1813. 15 yrs. 18"x22i". French knot, flat, outline, petit-point, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and rose border. Baskets of flowers, trees, birds, etc. Verse 132 (var.). "My parents, William and Jane Hibbard; My Brothers, Walter, Thomas & William Hibbard; My Grandparents, Caleb and Phebe Hibbard, John and Elizabeth Williamson; My Sisters, Esther, & Phebe Hibbard." Miss Josephine Parry Amos AMERICAN SAMPLERS 173 HiGGiNs, Sahah. 1803. Cape May City, N. J. 9i" x 17^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Top border of crowns and trees. Rose trees, bunches of flowers, and dog. Verse 256. Mrs. Henry B. Diverty HiLDRETH, Adaline S. 1820. Hopkinton [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 10". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Simple pyramid border. [Lived in the house where Sir Harry Frankland and Agnes Surriage once lived.] Mrs. H. O. Stearns HiLLHOusE, Sarah G. 1800. 16" x 7^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 673. Sarah G. F. HiUhouKfi HiLM, Abigail. 1802. New Bedford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 13" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. The CaTiandaigua Historical Society HiifCHMAN, Martha Engle. 1821. [Mannington Township, Salem County, N. J.] 13 yrs. 14|"xl9J". Queen, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine and strawberry. Vase with large bluebird, sprays of strawberries, rosebuds, tulips, birds, baskets of flowers, horses, lions, goose, etc. Initials: " [father, mother, and children, E.H. done in black, had died] L.H. C.H. M.H. T.H. E.H. A.H. M.H. R.H. M.H. R.H. C.H." Verses 399, 617. Miss Martha Richman Hinckley, Elizabeth K. 1816. Hingham [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 10" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. " Let Virtue be my Guide." Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel Pupils of Sally Hiksdale. [Cir. 1825.] New Hartford and Harwinton [Conn.]. 7 to 15 yrs. 16 small samplers, 4^"x6" to l|"x3". Alphabets on some of them. Cross-stitch. Simple borders. Names of difl'erent children. Albert C. Bates, Esq. Hitchcock, Abagail M. A. 1809. 9 yrs. 13i"xl5J". 3 alphabets. French knot, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret border. Festoons of roses at top; trees, cornucopias, and basket of flowers at bottom. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. David P. Coffin Hodge, Lydia. 1770. 3"x8i". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Eugene C. Stratton Hoes, Catherine Ann. 1827. 7 yrs. Kinderhook. 10" x 14". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 175 (1). National Museum, Washington HoLBRooK, Ann P. 1810. Medfield [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 16J" x 16i". 3 alphabets. Loop, stem, and cross-stitch. Geometrical design in border, with row of tassels at top. House, fence, garden, potted plants, weeping willow trees, and two tombstones. Mrs. Abby Alice Bishop HoLBROOK, Britainia. 1819. 14 yrs. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Queen and cross-stitch. " Honour thy Father and Mother that it may be well with thee and thou live long on the Earth." Verse 119. Mrs. William Henry Gilbane HoLBROOK, Julia. [Cir. 1801.] Born May 7, 1790. 10^"xl5f". 4 alphabets. Satin, cross, and fagoting-stitch. Block pattern in border. Benjamin 8. Newton, Esq. HoLBROOK, Mary W. [Cir. 1813.] Grafton [Mass.]. Born May 6, 1800. 8" x 18". 3 alpha- bets. Eyelet, chain, and cross-stitch. Fitchburg Antique Shop, July 1, 1917 Hollingsworth, Rebecca H. 1827. 7 yrs. 7|"x93". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border at bottom. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Hollister, Polly. 1808. [Born in Glastonbury, Conn., 1798.] 10 yrs. 10^" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. Robert A. Wadsworth 174 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Hollow AY, Margaret. 1807. Waynesville, O. 8 yrs. 18" x 18". Cross-stitch. Birds and ros€S in border. At top of sampler, " Waynesville School," and beneath two baskets of fruit and blue paraquat on small flower-pot. At bottom, four conventional designs, resembling houses with vines over them. Verse 704. Mrs. Charles R. Miller HoLLTDAY, Anna Maria. [1814. " Radcliffe" near Easton, Md.] 9 yrs. [Born in 1805.] 16i" X 16|". Alphabet. Cross, stem, eyelet, French knot, queen, tent, and double cat- stitch. Strawberry border. In center at bottom, bird on tree in wreath of roses, and on either side, basket of flowers with bird flying over. Verse 693. Clara O. Holly day Holman, [Cir. 1814.] 13" X 14". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border on three sides. Tomb, willow tree, and two smaller trees at bottom. "Sacred to the memory of Polly Holman who died May 31, 1814, aet. 24." Verse 289 (1). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Holman, Aseneth. 1804. 10 yrs. Ilj"x2r'. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional design in border. Trees and birds in two rows. " Teach us to live." Lancaster Public Library Holman, Aseneth. [1806.] 12 yrs. 15" x 18". 2 alphabets. Fine cross-stitch. Border of vine and flowers. Verse 274. Lancaster Public Library Homer, Almera. [1826.] Boston. 24" x 18". Satin and cross-stitch, also slanting-stitch used for dividing lines. Rose border, saw-tooth border. " The family record of Eleazer and Mary Homer. Eleazer Homer born March 22, 1761; Mary Bartlett born Jan. 8th, 1770. Eleazer Homer and Mary Bartlett married Nov. 12, 1786." " Names Births Marriages Deaths Jacob Homer Aug. 18, 1787. Aug. 13, 1816. Sept. 10, 1829, Eleazer Homer Mar. 6, 1789. Sept. 18, 1795. Mary C. Homer Apr. 21, 1790. Jan. 8, 18— Sarah M. Homer June 17, 1792. July 27, 1814. Harriet Homer July 16, 1794. May 26, 1816. Eleazer Homer 2nd June 28, 1796. June 8, 1828. Eliza B. Homer Sept. 16, 1798. June 1st, 1821. Abraham B. Homer Oct. 18, 1800. Dec. 2, 1821. William F. Homer Nov. 12, 1802. Sept. 1, 1831. James B. Homer Sept. 16, 1804. Apr. 14, 1833. Henry Homer Jan. 24, 1807. Charles S. Homer Mar. 7, 1809. Almira Aug. 1, 1811. Oct. 26, 1811. Almira Oct. 26, 1812." Orenville Norcross, Esq. Homer, Sally S. 1804. 6 yrs. 7i"xl7J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. ScroD border. Trees and a flower-pot. Sold at Libbie's, Boston Hooper, Elizabeth. 1814. Marblehead [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 15i^". 2 alphabets. Cross and hem-stitch. Vine and carnation border. Verse 445. Mrs. C. O. Betton Hopkins, Eliza. 1810. 17"xl5i". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine, straw- berry, carnation, and rose border on top and sides; conventional flower in vase in each lower corner and tiny trees in between. Verse 604. Mrs. Miles White, Jr. -- '-: -j !3S^ ,.v 1 ■•."/■ (**^ ^-•r ^ CO o > '***■*,*-,... *^-i**«, '^(^ )<^ >< St'x ^ :s '^>^ jft X X 2 < . '*•• 14 ■* w"- ^ <»-• <" ~~ ^, w £ CO ^ >4: n3 5^ <^' CO AMERICAN SAMPLERS 175 Hopkins, Sarah. 1816. [Baltimore, Md.] Born December 8, 1805. 10 yrs., 4 mos. 18i" x 17". 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Floral border outside and saw-tooth design on inside. Verse 515 (var.). Miss Fanny G. Crenshaw Horner, Susanna. 1830. 16 yrs. 18" x 24". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Basket of flowers across top with birds above it. Little dog in alphabet row. House, weeping willows, lambs, and dog. On right of house, 2 turtle doves inclosed in octagon surmounted with vase of strawberries and columbine. On left of house, swan floating on water and a vase of flowers near by. Bowl of flowers. Names and dates: "Susanna Horner, Daughter of Elijah Horner and Elizabeth his wife, was born in the year 1814." Verse 337. Mrs. I. Oakford Acton HoRSFtiL, Rebecca. 1814. AUentown [N. J.]. About 12 yrs. 10" x 17^". 4 alphabets. Eye- let and cross-stitch. Vine border. Hannah S. Cook HoRTON, Mart Elizabeth. 1815. Newburyport [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 9^^" x 8". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders. Mrs. Eben Bradbury [HoRWELX, Ann. 1819. Alexandria, Va. Made for her sister, Sarah May Horwell, on her marriage in 1819.] Petit-point and cross-stitch. Tulip and strawberry border; cross and trefoil borders at top and bottom. Scattered flowers, hearts, baskets, etc. " An emblem of love." Miss Frances H. MassoUtti Horwell, Sarah M [ay]. 1807. Alexandria [Va.]. 8 yrs. 9J" x 15". 5 alphabets. Tapestry, four-sided line-stitch, rope, star, queen, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Strawberry cross-border. Verse 702. Miss Frances H. Massoletti [Horwell, Sarah May. Before 1819. Alexandria, Va.] 16" x 19". Petit-point, stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Tulip border. Trees, flowers, vines, baskets, etc. Miss Frances H. Massoletti HosMER, Elizabeth Jane. 1828. Cross-stitch. Narrow conventional outside border, and rose and vine border on inside. Picture of " City Hall," New York City, and grounds. Above building and repeated on either side: "EDUCATION." "It is a com- panion which no misfortunes can depress, no clime destroy, no enemy alienate, no des- potism enslave. At home a friend, abroad an introduction, in Solitude a Solace and in Society an ornament. It chastens vice, it guides virtue it gives at once a grace and government to genius." Illustrated. Mrs. Arthur Curtis James HousTOON, Eliza. 1819. 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple cross-border designs. Communicated by Mrs. A. A. Lawrence H[owARD], C[aroline] B[lanche] and J [ttliana] W[est]. 1808. [About 11 and 10 yrs., respectively.] " Sherwood" [Baltimore, Md.]. 22" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cat, stem, cross, and other stitches. Row of cat and cross-stitch combined for border. Various objects such as chairs, birds, cats, crowns, trees, flowers, etc. Family initials. Miss Victoria Elisabeth Oittings Howard, Eliiiabeth. 1824. 8 yrs. 8" x 9". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, French knot, and cross- stitch. Small flower designs. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. George born April 9,th A. D. 1795 Amos April 2, th A. D. 1797 Francis March 14, th A. D. 1799 Oliver August 22, th A. D. 1801 Charlotte Sept. 17, th A. D. 1804 Charlotte A Jan. 18, th A. D. 1807 176 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Howe, Charlotte. 1818. 11 yrs. 16" x 17". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Trees, stars, and baskets of flowers. " Family Register " "William Howe Born Nov. 15, th 17 — Abigail Crosby born May 27, th 1762(59) were married Nov. 2, 1780 Sally born August 8, th A. D. 1782 Nancy " Nov. 5,th A. D. 1784 Jabez " Feb.ry 5, th A. D. 1787 Otis " Oct.r 27, th A.D. 1788 Otis C. " June 26, th A.D. 1790 William " Nov.r 20, th A.D. 1792 Mrs. Abigail Howe Obt. Feb, 14th, 1816. Otis Obt. Mar. 15, 1790. Charlotte Obt. Sept. 19, 1708." Mrs. Wolcott Howe Johnson Howe, Emiramcy. 1821. Vernon, Vt. 12 yrs. 10" x 14". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Chain design in border. Small trees and fancy motifs. " Win gold and wear it." Mrs. Hiram W. Moore Howe, Louisa. 1816. Strawberry border. Trees. Miss Abbott Howe, Sally G[ED>rEY]. 1807. 2 alphabets. Miss Abbott Hugo, Eliza. 1806. Camden [N. J.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Across bottom, grass and picket fence; woman and dog in front; tree and shrubs in back. Mrs. Joseph W. Merritt Hugo, Lucy. 1806. Camden [N. J.]. 10 yrs. 8|"xl8". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border on three sides; cedar trees in top corners. Grass, picket fence, dog, trees, flowering shrubs, and vine with flowers. Mrs. Ella P. Housell HuGGiNS, Sally. 1809. Granby [Conn. 9 yrs. Born at Branford, Conn., February 2, 1800.]. 12" X 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Verse 711. Herbert M. Lloyd, Esq. Hughes, Mary Ann. 1825. Cape May. 12 yrs. 16^" x 15^". 3 alphabets. Outline, eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. At bottom, jars of flowers and honeysuckle vine. " Daughter of James Hughes and Tryphena his wife was born Sept. 20th in the yr of our Lord 1813." Verse 564. Miss Tryphena Blake H[uGHEs], M[ary] V. [1821.] Greenwich School. 8" x 16i". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, tent, cat, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Miss Helen Botsford Clark Hughes, Rosana. 1824. Gerraantown. 13 yrs. 22"x21". Queen, chain, stem, and cross- stitch. Carnation and strawberry border. 2 dogs and a basket. Mr. Charles Willing Hull, Evelina. 1806. Charlestown [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 16J" x 16i". 1 alphabet. Cross, satin, and tent-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Vine border with large flowers. Verse 695. Mrs. Joshua M. Van Cott Humphrey, Lucy. 1800. Weymouth [Mass.]. Born December 31, 1789. 7J" x 12^'. 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch borders. Dove in center with flower- pot on each side. Mrs. Susan C. Humphrey AMERICAN SAMPLERS 177 HuMPHHEY, R. 1807. 7i"x9|". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at bottom. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park HujTPHREYs, Eliza [Elizabeth, from family record.]. 1807. Sharptown [Salem County, N. J. 11 yrs. Born February 3, 1796.]. 8" x 10". Satin and cross-stitch. Vine border. Upper part of sampler filled in with floral designs, birds, and little dogs; lower half filled in with stars, birds, baskets of flowers, and cornucopia filled with flowers. Miss M. Elizabeth Hilliard HuNNEWELL, Cakoline E. 1826. 13 yrs. 17" x 17". 3i alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Two garlands of flowers meeting at top, and below, simple arch supported by columns; grapevine runs across from tops of columns, dividing alphabets from "Family Register." Names and dates: "Mr. William Hunnewell Born Sept. 28th 1782; Mrs. Anna Hunnewell Born May 8th 1787; Married Apr 6 1809. Sarah A. Hunnewell Born March 5th 1810; Caroline E. Hunnewell Born June 12th 1813; Harriot C. Hunnewell Born June 17th 1816; Susan M. Hunnewell Born June 1st 1820." Mrs. Henry E. Coe Hunt, Eliza Ann. 1824. 9 yrs. 17"xl5'i". 4 alphabets. Split, back, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Simple conventional border. Across bottom, row of single strawberries and strawberry plants. In lower left-hand corner, house with fence in front and 6 trees; in lower right-hand corner, large willow tree drooping over tombstone with inscription, "Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Eliza Hunt who died Jan. 6, 1817; Mrs. Sarah Hunt died Sept. 28, 1823." Two large rose sprays on either side of three hearts twined together inclosing inscriptions, "Reuben Hunt bn Jan. 11, 1783; Eliza Tuft bn June 27, 1788; Sarah Snow bn Dec. 14, 1785; Married to E T Oct. 27, 1814; to S S March 10, 1819." Below, "Eliza A. Hunt bn Sept 20 1815; Reuben Hunt Jr bn Dec. 19 1816; Sarah Hunt bn Feb 8 1820; Martha A. Hunt bn Nov 7 1822. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Eliza Hunt wl)o died Jan 6 1817. Mrs. Sarah Hunt died Sep. 26, 1823." Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Henry E. Coe Hunt, Mabia L. 1814. 10 yrs. [Date said to have been pulled out and reworked later to make Maria appear younger.] 14" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret, strawberry, and carnation cross-borders. Large house, bird, vase, tree, flowering plant, and small animal. Verse 515 (var.). Albert C. Bates, Esq. Hunt, Sarah. 1804. [1804. Salem?] 9 yrs. 18"x22". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Floral and vine border. Flowers from a satin-stitch base. Miss M. E. Stanley Hunt, Sarah. 1812. Woodstown [N. J.]. 13 yrs. 16|"x21|". Queen, satin, flat, and cross-stitch. Border of Greek fret, rosebuds, leaves, and carnations. Upper half, star, large spray of carnations. Another spray in a cornucopia, strawberry plant, baskets of fruit and flowers, birds, trees, etc. Lower half, names and dates: "William, January 14th, 1761; Mary Hunt, April 15th, 1774; Margaret Hunt, January th 1st, 1798; Sarah Hunt, Nov. 6th, 1799; Jacob Hunt, November 16th, 1801; William Hunt, June 20th, 1804; Mary Hunt, January 7th, 1807; Eliza Hunt, June 11th, 1809; James B. Hunt, William Hunt, March 17th, 1811." Mrs. Sarah Hunt Bridgman Hunt, Sarah Ann. 1818. Providence [R. I.]. 13 yrs. 15^"xl7". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border at bottom of vine, trees, and strawberry. Trees. Verse 759. Irene Borden Butler Huntington, Ann M. 1824. New London [Conn.]. 11 yrs. 7^" x lOi". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Trees and vines at bottom. Cross-borders. Mary Saltonstall Hebard 178 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Huntington, Anna. Feb. 1816. Snowdon Hill, New Hartford [Conn.]. "Worked at Miss L. P. Mott's School." 14" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Herringbone-stitch in border. Verse 87a. Miss Cornelia Horsford Huntington, Catherine. 1807. 9 yrs. 9|" x 14^". 2 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Buttonholed edge, with vine and flowers on sides. Turkey work in gay colors at bottom. " Honor thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Miss Cornelia Horsford Huntington, Frances. 1807. 7 yrs. Ili"x9'|". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch and turkey- stitch. Outer border in cross-stitch and inner border in turkey work. Alphabets and numerals inclosed in heart-shaped design. Turkey work at top. Sprays of roses on each side. Border patterns. " Be religious, be virtuous, be industrious and be happy." Miss Cornelia Horsford Huntington, Gloriana. " June 2.5, 1818. Miss Orpha Crane's School, Rome." 10|" x 16". 4 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Border, two rows of herringbone-stitch. Edge bound with green ribband mounted on paper. " Let Virtue be a guide to thee." Verses 617 (var.), 756. Miss Cornelia Hqrsford Huntington, Lucy. 1818. "Miss Orpha Crane's School, Rome." 10.|" x 16". 4 alphabets. Bound with green silk ribband. Two rows of herringbone-stitch all around. Tent and cross-stitch. Verse 202. Miss Cornelia Horsford Huntington, Nancy. July 8, 1814. 8|" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. House, barn, and man on horseback. Mrs. H. C. Bunner HusE, Joanna. 10 yrs. " Under the tuition of Maria S. Aiken." 18" x 15". 4 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border all around and cross-borders. Frederick W. Huse, Esq. HuTCHiNs, Persis. Oct. 4, 1814. Bath [N. H.]. 13 yrs. 17" x 17^". 5 alphabets. Eye- let, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Two trees. Verse 94 (var.). Mrs. Edward W. Hutchins HuTTON, Elizabeth Helen. February 18, 1823. [New York City.] 10 yrs. 7i"x8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Strawberries at bottom. " Great minds conquer difficulties by daring to attempt them." Mrs. H. H. Colburn Hyde, Elizabeth A. H. 1812. 17^" x 20". 4 alphabets. Cushion, long and short and cross- stitch. Double border, geometric and floral. Strawberry panel around verse; two flower urns and tablet. Verse 438. The Emma B. Hodge Collection H\T)E, Mary. 180-. 10 yrs. 17" x 20". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Carnation and strawberry border. Strawberry vine around verse. Verse 162. Mrs. Thoma^ W »i»M>iii ') \ff n t uM m u m u m A wm v w m ■ i " w <,o>^^^,i,j^^;;,J„; .j^ ^ ^^- -;;-— ^^■PWOg.^M U J Jf I MI I BIII I I ■ I t,^^,^..^.^ I J.. II J IIIII bs^jaijI^j^.-jgfT,^ #* PLATE I.VIII AxN Sophia Beckwith's Sahipi.kr. 1829 The Emma B. Hochje Collection AMERICAN SAMPLERS 179 IsLEY, Ann. 1810. Newburyport. 11 yrs. 17J" x 18*". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret border. Verses and trees unfinished. Ipswich Historical Society Inoeaham, Mart A. 1811. 12 yrs. 9" x 10". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Clarence A. Mathewson, Esq. Ingham, Marilla S. 1825. Amherst [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 3 alphabets. Strawberry border. Columns with drapery between; two baskets of flowers. Verses 124, 326. "The liberal Arts and Sciences are seven: Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music." "Important branches of a polite Education: Botany, Chemistry, History, Philosophy, Mineralogy, Drawing, Painting." "Mr. John Ingram was born May 28, 1788; Miss Lucy Hubbard born April 11, 1788; married Feb. 4, 1813. Marilla Sophia born Jan 18, 1814; Cordelia Maria born Jan 15, 1815; Austin born Feb. 27, 1818; died March 2, 1819; Harrison born April 8, 1820. Mrs. Ingram died June 28, 1822." Frederick Smith Richards, Esq. Irwin, Elizabeth. 1814. 14 yrs. 8" x 17". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch line-border. Verse 444. Mrs. George L. Miner IviNS, Emmeline. July 4, 1823. Mechanicks Town. 12 yrs. 22" x 21". Queen, chain, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, house, fence, trees, barn, dogs, and birds. Large basket of flowers between verses at top, and conventional baskets of fruit with birds and animals on either side of third verse. Verses 468, 591 (var.). Mrs. Henry E. Coe J , A. C. 1820. Charleston [S. C.]. 11" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Simple border. At bottom, church, parish house, and trees. Detached designs of baskets of flowers, vase of flowers, lion, dog, andiron, windmill, woman, cradle, chair, etc. Mrs. George Mofett Jackman, Emilt E. December 21. Yorkshire, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. 12 yrs. 10|" x 12^". 3 alphabets and the vowels. House with green blinds, tree, fence, etc. A. Stainforth, Dealer Jackson, Sarah Dubois. 1811. Rockaway, N. J. 11 yrs. 10" x 15". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. Medallion in cross-stitch, also medal- lions in stem-stitch and in strawberry design. Strawberry vine below. Verse 728. Mrs. F. R. Kellogg Jacobs, Elizabeth Cutler. 1817. 7 yrs. 17" x 17". 4 alphabets. Cross, stem, and satin- stitch. Rose border. Verse 387 (1). Mrs. Robert C. Root Janvier, Mary Fries. 1828. Pittsgrove [Salem County, N. J.]. 10 yrs. 13" x 18". 5 alpha- bets. Vine and strawberry border. Flower baskets, strawberry plant, little birds, and various conventional designs. Verse 486. Miss Louise Janvier Janvier, Mary Gaw. 1824. [Wilmington, Del.] "Wilmington Boarding School." 13 yrs. 10" X 12". Miss Mary F. Janvier Jaques, Anna. 1810. Newbury [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 8V'x8^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Mrs. W. O. Doums JAauEs, Anna. 1812. [Newbury, Mass.] 12 yrs. 13" x 18^". Satin, French knot, and cross-stitch. Floral border all around, starting from vase in center at bottom, and in lower corners. Row of trees and baskets of fruit at base. Vines cross sampler in center. Verses 114, 298. "Enoch Jaques born February 18th, 1763; Joanna Plumer born June 18th, 1768; Married February 9th, 1797; Their children, Joseph born September 22, 1798; 180 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Anna born May 8th, 1800; Enoch born January 19th, 1802; Eliza born July 11th, 1804." Mrs. W. W. Downs Jaques, Eunice. [Cir. 1805.] Newbury, Mass. [Born in 1795.] 8i" x 13". Partial alpha- bets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Two trees with urn in center. Verse 617 (var.). Mrs. David T. Woodwell Jakrett, Alice. 1810. Jarrettown, Pa. Worked at West Town Boarding School. 10^" x 13". Flat, outline, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine border. " From purity of thought all pleas- ure springs and from an humble spirit all our peace." Verse 723. Mrs, William Stokes Jarvis, Elizabeth Hart. Before 1816. 10 yrs. 18" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Double strawberry border. Verses 115, 450. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Jefferis, Akn. 1804. Wests Chester, Pa. 11 yrs. 17" x 19i". Cross and over-and-over stitch. Rosebuds and vine on sides, and conventionalized carnations across- top and bot- tom. Conventionalized pine and willow trees, vases and baskets of flowers, wreath of flowers, basket of fruit with birds nibbling at it, and fragment of tulip border fill in spaces across top and bottom, sides, center, etc., between verses. " My Parents Jacob Jefferis & Elizabeth; My Brother & Sisters Joseph Sarah Hannah & Rachel Jefferis; My Grandparents James Jefferis & Ann Joseph Coope & Ann." Verses 132 (1, var.), 226 (var.), 536. F. F. Sharpless, Esq. Jenks, Lydia. 1802. Born May 13, 1793. 8" x 17J". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, satin, stem, long, short, and cross-stitch. Hemmed edge on two sides and two rows of cross-stitch all around Elaborate design; house, large trees, strawberries and blossoms, etc. Verse 401 (1). Mrs. Harrison F. Hunt Jewett, Elizabeth. 1805. [Elm Street, Northampton, Mass.] 9 yrs. 11" x 12". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Trees, flowers, and animals. Verse 687. Mrs. George D. Jewett Jewett, Hitty Jane. 1818. Newburyport, Mass. 9 yrs. 17"xl8". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Broad base in satin-stitch; vine on each side and between' alphabets. " The family of William and Hitty Hobson Jewett. William Jewett born Aug. 13, 1773. Hitty H. Dole, June 15, 1778. Married 1797. William Jewett, Feb. 21, 1798. Clarissa Jewett, Sept. 29, 1803. Mary A. Jewett, June 14, 1807. Ebenezer Jewett, Jan. 31, 1808. Hitty Jane Jewett, April 20, 1809." Lucius H. Oreely, Esq. Johnson, Eliza R. 11" x 13i". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 798. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Johnson, Fannt. June 8, 1823. Hollis. 12 yrs. 18" x 19". 6 alphabets, not complete. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border with bunches of grapes in each corner. Across bottom, house, fence, and 4 trees. Wreaths around name, age, and " Sweet is the counsel of a friend." Mrs. Henry E. Coe Johnson, Lucy Ann. Oct. 8, 1822. 11 yrs. 17i"xlH". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Three houses separated by trees and bushes. " Connecticut bounded north by Massachusetts east by Rhode Island south by Long Island Sound west by New York." Rhode Island School of Design Johnson, I^ydia. 1819. Salem [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 8"x8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Love Learning." " Wrought at L. Johnson's School." Mrs. Davis P. Coffin Johnson, Sally. 1813. 13 yrs. 14" x 17". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Border of conventional squares. Flowers at bottom. "The names and births of Mr. William and Mrs. Lucy Johnson's children. Lucy born April 17, 1791; Rebecca born May 16, 1793; PLATE LIX Naxcy Pi.att's Sampler. Wrightstown, N. J. 1801 Owned by Miss' F rocks dd rtnd. And Msli'f •i "-i*'<^ ^' t«M. Al sijlA of ««*« «W- »»> *»««• '??* ^w My «)«^i<.- ^«w. Y'hy t-^pTKv.fesiof-d. And d«lh sn-J l^'i' subdvd. S? lii? Uwnrphsnl ,tord ?a off th? mou rnmf seed. ^f;-f ^^ t%i 5rws feiji'i M) !»/' f,- -■ ; * ^'^ ji6, .^ ..iM?. tiSw l-'"^i«iL 'i^'^ ^ ^/ T^' 7 ~ <; -: ' ' ^■| l,.,,.^; ^ t- .... fifoj |i?j^ >g^^^^s^.>^^^$^^^^ PLATE LX Betty Brierley's Sampler. 1826 Owned by Mrs. Renivick C. Hurry AMERICAN SAMPLERS 183 Keioue, Sarah. [Cir. 1809.] Carlyle, Pa. Born in 1796. 10" x 17". SJ alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Chain design in border. Narrow cross-borders. William D. Pratt, Enq. Keith, Deborah. 1810. Grafton [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 17J". 2 alphabets. Satin, stem, chain, and cross-stitch. Rose and carnation border on three sides, and at bottom a basket with vine. Verse 112. Miss Emma A. Taft Kelcey, Caroline. 1814. " Huntington Academy." 8^" x 12i". 2 alphabets. Cat and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, picture of Huntington Academy and church. Verse 743. Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes Kelley, Mary Ann. July 31, 1826. Portland [Me.]. 11 yrs. ISJ" x 15". 3 alphabets. Chain, flat, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border with flowers in between. Trees and birds. Mrs. J. H. Kimball Kelly, Ann E. 1825. 11 yrs. 18" x 18". Chain, buttonhole, satin, and cross-stitch. Border made up of series of squares containing different designs, such as birds, sheep, sprays of flowers, strawberries, bunches of wheat, etc. In center, woman with garland of flowers in her hands standing beside pedestal; pitcher at her feet; her face is painted and inserted under the muslin. Border of wheat sprays around this picture. In one of the lower squares is the inscription: "Ann E. Kelly was born in Halifax April 20 in the year of our Lord 1814 and made this sampler in Mrs. Leah Meguier's School in Harrisburg January 21, 1826." " O may the Lord instil good principles in me and make me a good and faithful servant." Illustrated. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Kelly, Dorcas A. 1830. Men[don, Mass.]. 11 yrs. 16" x 17". Cross, satin, stem, and a very close cat-stitch. Wide conventionalized strawberry border, with rose sprays in upper corners. Arch supported by columns. Inscription on arch, " Keep Sacred the Memory of thy Ancestors." Family names and dates: "David Kelly Bn. Men. 12 mo. 13, 1781; Amy Comstock Bn. Providence 8 mo. 19, 1788; They were married Men. 1 27 1807. Their childrens Births Deaths Marriages: Eliza A K Born 4 mo. 1 1809; Mar. 10 mo. 20 1821; William A K Born 12 mo 31 1812; Dorcas A K Born 10 mo. 30 1818." Weeping willow tree in center. In lower section between columns, vine with large leaves inclosing verse. Verse 674. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Kelter, Cecilia. 1829. 17 yrs. 25"x21". Fine cross-stitch. Trefoil and strawberry borders. Large basket of flowers in upper corners. Circle of flowers at top containing name, date, etc. Scene with house, perspective lawn, sheep, rabbits, dogs, men, bushes, trees, flowers, birds on trees, and cornucopias of flowers. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Kemp, Sophia. [Cir. 1800.] 8 yrs. 8|" x 11|". 4 alphabets. Herringbone and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Mrs. William E. Black Kempton, Emily Maria. 1824. Fairhaven [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 777. " Remember thy Creator." Old Dairtmouth Historical Society Kendal, Tryphena. 1816. Woodstock, Conn. 12 yrs. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Strawberry. Verse 656a. Edward L. Child, Esq. Kendall, Sarah A. 1810. [Billerica, Mass.?] 10 yrs. 8" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. At top, cross-stitch frame around Verse 617 (1, var.), and on either side a plant in a basket. At bottom, a house, tree on either side and tops of two others showing above roof, and a large spray of flowers in basket at either end. Mrs. Charles J. Whits 184 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Kennedy, Mart Ann. 1823. Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 12"x21". Split, chain, cat, tent, stem, satin, cross, queen, and liem-stitch. Verse framed by border of hem-stitching. Strawberry border at bottom. Two-thirds of sampler consists of a town mansion of brick, two stories and a half high; also large weeping willow trees, lawn inclosed by iron fence; outside on walk two neighbors talking together (man and woman), with dog and goose beside them; moth or butterfly between trees. Lower third of sampler con- tains framed dates, etc, on either side of which are large urns filled with blooming flowers. Verse 23. Mrs. Hugh P. Mohler Kennedy, Rebecca. 1817. 12^" x 13J". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry tree, birds, lily, and basket of flowers at bottom. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Kenney, Eltzabeth. [Cir. 1808.] " Born May 15, A. D. 1797, North Yarmouth." 12i" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 423. Elizabeth B. Hutchins Kenney, Lydia. [Cir. 1815.] 9 yrs. 17i"xl7". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch. Zigzag and moss-rose border. Flowering trees, basket, parrot, dog, and birds. Verse 516 (var.). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Kent, Judith. 1809. Cape May. 12 yrs. [Born August 29, 1797.] 12" x 17". 3 alphabets. Outline, queen, and cross-stitch. Vine and honeysuckle border. At bottom, pots of flowers. The Misses Hannah and Jane Smith Kerlin, Margaret. 1801. Burlington. 17^"x20J". Long, tent, and cross-stitch. Carnation border; carnation and strawberry cross-borders. At bottom, house with terraced lawn; willow and pine trees on terraces, birds on trees and on ground; sheep grazing on lawn. Detached sprays of flowers, baskets of flowers, and trees here and there, filling in spaces between verses, etc. Verse 395. Illustrated. Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson Keyes, Elizabeth. 1806. 14" x 18". 2 alphabets. Italian open-work stitch and cross-stitch. Zigzag and clover border. Pine trees and basket of flowers at bottom. Verse 79. The Emma B. Hodge Collection KiBBE, Margaret. 1806. 17"x22". 3 alphabets. Green linen. Rope, French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Scene with brick house, well-house, fence, gate, tree, animals, birds, and large grapevine. Verse 698. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Kimball, Lydia. 1818. 7 yrs. 10" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Border at bottom of little pink flowers and leaves. Saw-tooth border around name. Vers«s 455, 652. " Wrought by her ingenuity and industry in the 8th year of her age by my superintendency N. L." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Kimball, Sarah. 1806. 13 yrs. 11" x 16". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, vine and flowers in vase. Verse 538 (var.). Mrs. Frank Keyes Kino, Experience. 1805. Suffield [Conn.]. 10 yrs. 7J" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Eyelet and stem-stitch border. Charles L. Spencer, Esq. Kino, Harriet. [Cir. 1813.] Boston [Mass. Born in 1801.]. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional border. Verse 272 (var.). Mrs. M. O. Ooodwin Kingsbury, Susan. 1811. Walpole [Mass.]. Il"x94". 2 alphabets. Vine border. Verse 128 (2, var.). Mrs. Oeorge Plimpton KiRKi.ANi), Eliza. October 13, 1802. ir'x9i". 2 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Plain cross-stitch border. House and small tree at bottom. Verse 677. Mrs. Stanley H. Lowndes AMERICAN SAMPLERS 185 KiTTREDGE, Sally. " Scpt th 3 1804." Walpole [N. H.]. 10 yrs. Born April 27 [1794]. llj"xllj". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Name and dates in border around three sides. Irregular figures across bottom. Small birds at intervals. Mrs. Francis B. Austin KiTTREDGE, Sarah. 1811. 10 yrs. 17" x 15". 1 alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose border. Basket of roses and tree at bottom. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs, J. Fred Temple Knapp, Julia. [Cir. 1823.] Stamford. [Born in 1816.] 9" x 11". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Verse 41 (var.). Initials "J. aA. K." Mrs. William H. Walker Knight, Julia. 1808. "Pleasant Hill Boarding School." 14i"xl2". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Spray of flowers in each corner. Irregular oval line, with here and there a small leaf inclosing alphabets, name, date, etc. Small wreath on either side of verse, one inclosing a bird and the other the initials *' SK and MK." Verse 185. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Knight, Margehet. August 21, 1805. Boscawen [N. H.]. 12^" x 15^". 5 alphabets. Cross and flat-stitch. Saw-tooth border and simple cross-borders. Owner not recorded Knight, Mary L. January 1st, 1880. New Haven [Conn.]. 8 yrs. 18" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional diamond pattern in border. Flowers and baskets alternating at bottom. Verses 335, 615 (var.). Mrs. Mary Knight Staples Knowles, Harriet. [Cir. 1829.] Eastham. Born July 8, 1816. 17i"x7J". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross and vine border. Stars and hearts. Mrs. R. Chapman Ladd, Sophia B. July 18, 1827. Haverhill [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 13" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross, stem, outline, flat, and solid stem-stitch. Floral border. In lower right-hand corner, a tree in full leaf. Verse 329. Mrs. George Wright Briggs Laing, Martha. 1810. Verse inclosed in oval with birds at top, and 2 animals drinking from vessel at bottom ; in four corners are initials "JLMLPCH C." Initials around outside of oval are"MCPEECMTLPHWMHA L." Verse 226. Maxcy Applegate, Esq. I.AiRD, Barbara L. [Cir. 1807. Georgetown. Born in 1795 at Bladensburg, Md.]. 15 J" x 17^". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, double and single cross-stitch. Rose border. At bottom, vase in center with fuchsia, and vases on either side with roses; terrace with pine trees; bashes on either side with birds. Verse 80. Mrs. William Laird Dunlop Laird, Margaret. [Cir. 1809. Born in 1797 at Bladensburg, Md.] 17" x 18". 5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Rose border. At bottom, 3 vases with flowers and 2 baskets with flowers; above, wreaths with birds-. Strawberry vine above verse, with large trees topped by birds on either side of verse and 2 smaller trees below. Verse 274. Mrs. William Laird Dunlop Lake, Margaret. "May the 1817." "Great Eggharbor School." 2 alphabets. Cross, eye- let, and queen-stitch. Line of stitching across top and bottom. Initials "JLxAxAJx DMxSxSAxLJxH L." Miss 8. N. Doughty Lake, Fabiily Record. [After 1818.] 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. De- signs outside of border. Urn of fruit in each corner. Tree on each side and sheaf of wheat on one side. Bird on branch on each lower side. Names and dates "John Lakes wosBorne 21 of December the 1773. Abigail Lake Wos Born 11 of January 1775. Armenia Lake Wos Born 26 of April 1797. John Lake Wos Born the 12 of Jenuary 1799. Aseneth Lake Wos Born the 24 of Dec 1801. Daniel Lake Wos Born the 6 of 186 AMERICAN SAMPLERS May 1803. Margaret Lake Wos Born the 30 of November 1804. Sarah Lake Wos Born the 23 of March 1808. Jesse Lake Wos Born the 16 of December 1810. Simon Lake Wos Born the 3 of September 1813. Lucas Lake Wos Born the 2.5 of April 1814. David Lake Wos born the 17 of Oct 1818." Verses 343 (1), 800. Miss S. N. Doughty Lamberson, Catherine. 1803. Jamaica, Long Island. 10 yrs. 7^"xllJ". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Eyelet border across bottom. Mrs. C. E. W. McDonald Lambert, Hannah D. 1812. "North-School, Philadelphia." [Born January 4, 1796.] 16J" X 13J". 7 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch all in black. Vine with leaves; inverted tulip hanging from center at top. The Misses M. L. and H. C. Anderson Lamborn, Maria. 1827. 21^" x 17". Queen, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Basket in center at bottom, out of which grow elaborate rose vines; sprays of roses joined together at top; small baskets of fruit on either side of verse. Verse 790. Illustrated, Mrs. Henry E. Coe Lamson, Susanna. [Cir. 1805.] Charlestown [Mass. Born in 1792.]. 16" x 16". French knot, satin, chain, cross-stitch, and hem-stitch. Cross and satin-stitch border. At bot- tom, house (unfinished), tree on either side. In center, conventional flowers and birds. Wide band on top and sides of diagonal chain and conventional flowers or ornaments. Verse 691. James M. Hunnewell, Esq. Lancaster, Euza. [1802.] Born January 11, 1786. 16 yrs. Alphabet. Basket of flowers with verse on either side. Verses unreadable. Mrs. W. M. Tenney Lane, Judith. 1811. 7 yrs. 9" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, back-stitch, and cross-stitch. Band of flowers across bottom, vine border across top, and other cross-borders of rose, strawberry, carnation, honeysuckle, and Greek designs. Tall tree on either side of verse. Below, three panels, one with name and age, second and third with pine tree, dog, and birds. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. John F. Calder Lane, Lucy A[nn. 1824.] Boston. 8 yrs. 12" x 16". 2 alphabets. Hera-stitch and cross- stitch. Trefoil and conventional cross-borders. " 'Tis Education forms the common mind." GrenvUle Norcross, Esq. Larned, Eunice. 1801. Conway. 10 yrs. 8" x 13". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Green vine with red flower or berry in border. At bottom, house with tree on either side, also woman and other trees. Below this is a basket of flowers with potted plant on either side, and in each corner a sheep. Mrs. Jane Allen Crawford Lathhop, Lucy. 11 yrs. 13" x 14". 2 alphabets. Wide border of tulips, pinks, and other flowers. Cross, satin, and eyelet-stitch. Background covered with black cross-stitch. Mrs. Marian Hague Laurence, Laura Matilda. [1822. Born in 1815.] 7 yrs. 13" x 18". 2 alphabets. Vine border. Two cups of flowers, tree on either side; 2 wreaths with a bird above; lovingcup on a pyramid. Mrs. A. W. Whitaker Laverty, Mary. 1802. [Chester County, Pa.] 16 yrs. 18"x23". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Vine border. Clusters of strawberries and flowers at bottom. Initials of 9 brothers and sisters. Three parallel panels, first with fruit, second with trees, and third with flowers. Miss Mary Hutchin Lawrence, Eliza. 1808. Groton [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 13i" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem, chain, satin, and cross-slitch. Vine and flower border. At top, 3 flower-pots; at bottom, 2 flowers. Verse 690. Massachusetts Historical Society J-i^i£is^iV;=,sUi^^^^Htiaiiv-^- -v.r PLATE LXII Sarah F. Sweet's Sampler. Providence, R. I. After ISll Owned by Miss M. Frances Babcock AMERICA]^ SAMPLERS 189 Lindsay, Mary T. 1828. Hillsboro [N. C, at school; home at Greensboro, N. C. About 14 or 16 yrs.]. 17" x 19". 8 alphabets. Eyelet, buttonhole, stem, satin, queen, two-sided line-stitch, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in Greek fret and cross designs. 2 ribbon scrolls. Mws Emma Morehead Whitfield LipPiNCOTT, Ann FfoLWET.i,]. 1828. [Near Bridgeport, N. J. 16 yrs.] 16" x 16". 4 alpha- bets. Eyelet, chain, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in various stitches. Basket of fruit and flowers, rose sprays, and blackbirds. Verse 571. Initials: "NYL [Nathan Yarnall Lippincott] ; SL [Samuel Llppincott] ; GL [George Lippincott] ; [brothers]." Mrs. Lydia Davis Lippincott, Anna. 1820. Riverton [N. J.]. 19"x22". Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and rose border. At bottom, farmhouse with weeping willow tree on one side and pine on the other. In the yard are sheep, a mouse, swan, bird, horse, rooster, duck, etc. Verses 430, 460, 544. 8. Frances Moore Lippincott, Mary. 1828. 10 yrs. 17" x 17". Cross and solid stem-stitch. Vine border with leaves and flowers on three sides. Conventional scene at bottom, with brick house, fence, six trees, terraces, and animals. Just above house, two hearts enclosing initials "C P L" and " A L." Wreath in center at top inclosing name and age, and on either side baskets of fruit. Sprays of flowers fill in remainder of space. Mrs. Fred W. Smith Lippincott, Sarah. 1810. " Westfield School" [N. J.]. 13" x 14". Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border, with bunch of strawberries in each upper corner. At bottom, lawn with trees and flowers. In center, lake with swan sitting under over- hanging bush. Vine around verse. Verse 395 (1, 2). Mrs. Lewis D. Horner LippiTT, Mary. 1804. Cranston [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 9J" x 18". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched on two sides. Conventional flower and bird design at top, and narrow border at bottom. Flower and bird design above verse. Verse 92a (1). Mary Lippitt Mason LiTHGOw, Mary. 1807. Augusta [Me.]. 9 yrs. 13" x 15". 5 alphabets. French knot, tent, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret borders. Vase of flowers, birds on tdp of pine trees, and large strawberry plants. Verse 81. Mary Devens Little, Abbie N. 1829. Georgetown [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 16^" x 16 J". 4 alphabets. Satin, stem, flat, tent, cat, and cross-stitch. Morning-glory vine on two sides and halfway across the top. Wreath of strawberries in center at top. Across bottom, basket of flowers in center; on each side two mounds, one with two trees on top, and in corners two larger trees. Verse 515 (1). Mrs. Charlotte H. Howard Little, Mary. 1800. Newburyport [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 22^" x 18J". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret and floral borders. At bottom, trees, fruit, flowers, children, lady, gentleman, colored servants, dog, large insect, arbor, and vine. Verse 666 (var.). Mrs. Charles H. Atkinson Little, Rutha. 1801. West Newbury [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 13"xl6r'. 3 alphabets. French knot, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross and satin-stitch border. At bottom, solid satin- stitch. Verse 674. Mrs. J. B. Nutter Livingston, Jane. August, 1813. Born September 4, 1804. [Livingstone, N. Y.] 13" x 13". 2 alphabets. Bird's-eye, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Vers? 611 (1, var.). Mrs. Harold Wilson Llewellyn, Rachel. [Cir. 1816.] 10i"xl3i". Lace stitches on fine net. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton 190 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Locke, Eliza. 1813. 13 yrs. Satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Floral border. Elaborate landscape at bottom. Verse 305. Mrs. J. Hamilton Woodsum Locke, Susanna Brown. 1814. Woburn [Mass.]. 11 yrs. ll"xH". 4 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Narrow hemstitched edge with pointed border. At bottom, spray of roses with leaves, and two little birds and two urns at each. Mrs. Albert F. Swaine Locke, Susanna Bkown. 1819. Woburn [Mass.]. 16 yrs. 17" x 20". Locke family record: "Mr. Josiah Locke Born Mary Locke Born December the 23rd 1779 May the 13tli 1808 Mrs. Susanna Locke Josiah Locke Born August the 27th 1779. Aug the 20th 1810 Names and Births of their Children Louisa Locke Born Susanna Brown Locke Born Sept the 18th 1811 November the 16th 1803 Rebekah Ann Locke Born Elizabeth Locke born July the 13th 1813 May the 8th 1806 Frances Frost Locke Born Cherry Adams Locke born October 27th 181-5 January the 13th 1807 Lucy Frost Locke Born February 9th 1818 Deaths Mr. Josiah Locke Died August 21st 1818 Aged 38 years Josiah Locke Died October 11th 1810 Aged 7 weeks." Mrs. Albert, F. Swaine Looan, Sarah B. 1826. 7i" x 9". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. Hampton L. Carson Lombard, Elsa. 1800. [Springfield, Mass.] 10 yrs. 10|"xll|". 4 alphabets. Herringbone and cross-stitch. Border, double row of cross-stitch. " Improve in virtue and be happy." Mrs. Edward W. Hutchins Long, Fanny. 1801. Newburyport [Mass.]. 11 yrs. [Born July 8, 1790.] 22"xl8", 4 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Vine of wild roses around verse; below verse are violets, tulips, roses, butterfly, and goldfinch. Verse 515 (var.). Miss Oeorgiana Augusta Currier Longfellow, Eliza. 1828. Machias [Me.]. 9 yrs. 4 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, petit-point, and cross-stitch. Arch supported by two columns, and twined around it are vines and roses. Verses 148, 705. Sold. Owner unknown Longfellow, Sarah. 1813. Machias [Me.]. 15 yrs. 7i"x8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. W. B. Parlin, Esq. LooNT, Martha. 1828. [Charleston, S. C] 8 yrs. 17" x 16". Cross-stitch. Border of clover, leaves, and vine, with roses in each corner. In center, large house, grass, fence, trees, and two dogs. " Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Eph. Chap VI, 1 verse." Miss Mary Miller Lord, Hannah. 1816. Ipswich, Mass. 12 yrs. 10" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hem- stitched edge and Grecian border inside. Verse 116. Miss Lucy 8. Jewett PLATE LXIII Sarah : Donna : I>eonora : Saxndkrs View of William and Mary College, Virginia Owned by Mrs. Bradbury Bedell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 191 Lord, Hannah Noble. 1804. South Berwick, Me. 11 yrs. 20A" x 14". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Modified Greek fret border. Verse 601 (1, 2). Mrs. Ellen Rollint LoRiNO [Familt Record]. 1804. 19"x22". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with brilliant flowers and leaves. At bottom, 2 black weeping willows and a black wreath. Verse 262. " Jerom Loring and Mary Hodgkins were married November 6th 1787 at Bath." " Progeny " " John Loring was born August 16th 1783 Jerom C. Loring was born October 28th 1789 Mary Loring was born October 11th 1791 Rachel Loring was born November 25th 1794 " " Death " " John Loring died February 25th 1804 " Estate of James L. Little, Esq. Loring, Ann M. 1822. Boston. 11 yrs. 13^" x 19^". 2 alphabets. Fine cross-stitch. 14 rows of rainbow design. Verse 769. Mrs. Henry P. Briggs Loring, Hannah. 1812. Made " At Miss Perkin's Academy, Boston." 12 yrs. 17" x 26". French knot, satin, and cross-stitch; part of background painted. Arch supported by tall pillars; clock set at six o'clock in center of arch; funeral urn flanked by weeping willows in center at base, and birds on pedestals close to pillars. Two circles at base, one bearing dissertation on " The Duty of Parents in bringing up their children " and the other on " The Duty of children towards parents." Under urn is inscription "Sacred to Memory of Ebenezer Loring Obt. July 22, nd 1791, AEt 19 mo; Mrs. Nancy Loring Obt. March 28, th 1798, AEt 31 yrs; Mrs. Sarah Loring Obt. Oct. 30, th 1800, AEt 37; Mrs. Sarah Newcomb Obt. Jany 11, th 1812, AE 24." In center of sampler are the names, births, and marriages of "The Family of Matthew Loring & Nancy, Sarah & Mercy Loring Matthew Loring Born Hull Jan 17, 1751 Nancy Floyd Born Boston May 18, 1767 Married by the Rev. Doct. Stillman Boston January 1st 1768 Sarah Blake Born Boston April 4, 1763 Married by the Rev. Doct. Baldwin Boston June 17th 1799 Mercy Bates Born Bath June 16, 1765 Married by Rev. Doct. Baldwin Boston June 6th 1801 Sarah Loring Born Boston October 20th 1787 Ebenezer Loring Born Boston January 23d 1790 Nancy Loring Born Boston Sept 11th 1792 William P. Loring Born Boston January 28th 1795 Jane B. Loring Born Boston Mav 15th 1797 Hannah B Loring Born Boston October 22d 1800 Joseph B Loring Born Boston May 15th 1802 Caroline M Loring Born Boston Decem 8th 1806 Francis M Loring Born Boston Aug 27th 1811 437. Illustrated. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper 192 AMERICAN SAMPLERS [LouKs, Rachel.] 1830. [Pennsylvania.] 10J"xll". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine at top. Carnations, birds. Mrs. Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey LovEJOY, Sally C. 1811. Born March 10, 1801. 5i"x6i". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 295. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton LovELL, Lydia D. 1820. East Medway. Born February 27, 1810. 10 yrs. 8J" x 12|". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Verse 377 (var.). Mrs. E. C. Butler Lowe, Abigail. Ashburnham [Mass.]. lOf" x 12i". Cross-stitch. Border of vine and Greek fret designs, with flower-pots on each side. At bottom, an inn with swinging sign, trees, and bird. Verse 797. Mrs. Edwin L. Thompson LtJMESs, Patty N. 1810. n"x20". 5 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Verse 717. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Lynde, Eliza. 1807. 8 yrs. 14" x 17". 5 alphabets. Cross, chain, eyelet, French knot, and satin-stitch. Simple border design. Floral design at bottom. Miss Helen Lynde Sullivan Lyok, Mary W. 1821. Milton [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 17" x 17". Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Heavy vine border, springing from two large vases in lower corners; third large vase filled with flowers in center at bottom. Verses 320, 767. " Family Register Reuben Lyon was born November 7tli 1785 Abigail W. Dalie was born August 23rd 1789 Married April 22d 1810 Mary Willis Lyon was born July 16th 1811 Catherine Manly Lyon was born Sepptm 8th 1813 Charles Reuben Lyon was born Octbr lOth 1816 Susan Abigail Lyon was born September — 1819 Charles Lyon died Jany 26th 18 — ." Miss Anne F. Randall Lyons, Sally. 1800. New Haven [Conn.]. 10 yrs. 8 mos. 12i" x 12J". Alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross, vine, and strawberry border. At top of sampler is a large house with fence and trees on either side. Verses 24 (2, 3), 245. Mrs. George A. Hill M , A. 1810. Cross-stitch. Scattered conventionalized flower and Greek fret designs, with wreath in center, inclosing initials and date; bird at lower left-hand corner of wreath. Made at a Pennsylvania school. Metropolitan Museum, of Art, New York M , I. R., also I. C. S. 1803. 12^" x 19". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-borders in tiefoil, strawberry, double strawberry, and several Greek fret designs. At top, isolated animals, flowers, etc. Delano Estate. Sold at Libhie's, March 1, 1916 Mack, Esther Clarke. 1820. 8 yrs. 18" x 17". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, and cross-stitch. Verse 129. Miss Esther Stone Mackubin, Elizabeth. [Cir. 1801.] Born April 29, 1788. 22" x 16". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine border. House, and fence across bottom. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowsiiij) of llic Holy Ghost l)e with us ever mo." Verse not legible. Miss Caroline Franklin AMERICAN SAMPLERS 193 [Malcolm, Maria K.] 1800. [Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. Born in 1792.] 6i"x23". 3 alphabets. Chain, satin, and cross-stitch. 7 cross-border designs. John Taylor, Esq. Mannixo, Haknah p. [Cir. 1818.] 14i" x lOV'. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. House and birds. 2 willow trees with an urn under each, and initials: "Mr. A. P. Mrs. H. M." Mrs. Eva R. Greeley Manning, Sarah H. [Cir. 1818.] 15" x 11". Cross-stitch. 2 alphabets. Vine border. House with a cupola. One willow tree and a conventional tree with tablet: "Died in 1818. Mrs. H. M. AD 31." Mrs. Eva R. Greeley March, Lydia. 1806. Salisbury [Mass. 7 yrs.]. 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross- stitch. Cross-borders of vines and forget-me-nots. At bottom, meeting house and trees. Names and dates: "Mary March born Dec. 25, 1785; Lydia March born March 25, 1799; Susanna March born Feb. 6, 1802; Samuel March born June 21, 1804." Newburyport Historical Society Mareford, Abby. Jencks Street School, Providence. 21" x 17^". 5 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 127. Mrs. John H. Mason Magarge, Susanna. 1827. "Bristol School." 12" x 15". Petit-point, stem, and cross-slitch. Greek fret border inside and strawberry border outside. Verse 511. [Made at Quaker School at Bristol, Pa.] Mrs. Arthur M. Waitt Maeoarge, Susanna. 1827. " Bristol School." 17" x 18". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Baskets of flowers and sprays of flowers in upper and lower corners; wreath in center at bottom, with bird standing on twig inside. Mrs. Arthur M. Waitt Maris, Alice. Marple. 20"x21". Floral border. Arbor, animals, etc., at bottom. Mrs. H. E. GilUngham Marsh, Elizabeth Hannah. 1823. 11 yrs. 11" x 12i". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Roses and garland in border. At bottom, deer, birds, trees, pots and baskets of flowers; hearts, squares, and diamonds complete end of lines. Verse 59. "Under her mother's tuition." Mrs. Blanton C. Welsh Marsh, Melinda. 1812. 10 yrs. 9J"x9^". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, buttonhole, line, and satin-stitch. Cross-border. Collection of sample stitches. Mrs. Blanton C. Welsh Marsh, Rebecca. 1803. " West Town School." 15" x 12". 4 alphabets. Stem-stitch. Verse 405. Initials: "MB, A L, R B, MS." Anthony Morris Tyson Marshall, Elizabeth Pilsbuhy. 1823. "West Newbury [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral border. Verse 562. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Marsters, Hannah. 1818, Manchester [Mass.]. Born October 8, 1818. 16" x 17". 4 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Conventional border. At bottom, small trees and birds, also four peacocks. Verse 104. Miss Helen L. Marsters Martin, Cordelia. 1830. 7 yrs. 13"xll". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. 2 houses, trees, jardiniere on table; 2 female figures, etc., at bottom of sampler. "Youth is the season for improvement." ■ Albert C. Bates, Esq. Martin, Mary Ann. 1806. Verona [N. J.]. 15"xl8". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Three kinds of strawberry designs in border. At bottom, large basket of flowers, small basket of flowers, 6 fancy trees, 3 sprays of flowers, black dog, peacock with spread tail, etc. Vers* 150 (1). M. Anna Sickley Mathewson, Amy Ann. 1828. 11 yrs. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross- stitch. Strawberry border. " A record of the family of Mr. Obediah and Mrs. Susannah 194 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Mathewson: George Mathewson was born January 3, 1816; Amy Ann Mathewson was born July 9, 1817; Brockholst L. Mathewson was born October 2, 1818; Charles R. Mathewson was born October 28, 1820. Mr. Ofbediah] Mathewson was born Jan. 22, 1793; died April 27, 1822 Mrs. S[usannah] Mathewson was born Oct. 22, 1796; died Aug. 27, 1824." Mrs. George M. Smith Maxwell, Ann. 1808. Carlisle [Pa.]. 13" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, chain, flat, and cross-stitch. Conventional border design resembling daisies done in eyelets. Fancy bands across in hemstitching. Verse 706. Maxwell Cathcart, Esq. Mathew, Sarah. 1825. Daretown [Salem County, N. J. 23 yrs.]. 19J"x26i". 1 alphabet. Variety of stitches. Greek fret and carnation borders. Peacocks, birds, bowl of fruit, geometrical figures, branches of strawberries, urns with sprays of flowers, fruit, branches of roses and forget-me-nots. Verse 662 (var.). Owner not recorded McAltioneh, Rachel E. 1830. [Pilesgrove Township, Salem County, N. J.] 10 yrs. 17" X 16". Flat, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border across top and on sides. Band of flat-stitch across bottom. In center, large basket of fruit and flowers; on right side, tulip plant; and on left side, rose bush and small tree. Bunch of roses in center at top. In right corner, carnation plant in urn; in left corner, bouquet of droop- ing flowers. On each side of verse, basket of fruit and flowers, small basket, and a tulip. Verse 573. Mrs. Elizabeth McAltioner Coles McCarthy, Sarah. 1802. 15 yrs. 16" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, tapestry, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate carnation border. Estate of James L. Little, Esq. McClain, Mary. 1820. 18"x22J". Chain and cross-stitch. Acorn border. At bottom, flowers dotted around. Wreath around name. Verses 79, 532. Mrs. Benwick C. Hurry McCluhe, Emily Jane. 1816. Baltimore. 7 yrs. 27" x 15". 2 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, cat, queen, and cross-stitch. Greek fret and strawberry border. House, trees, and birds. Verse 515 (var.). Miss Ella Howard Hardie McClure, Lucretia. 1800. 7 yrs. 9i" x 9J". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse (unfinished) 670. Mrs. I. Tucker Burr McGiluard, Elisa. 1816. 17" x 13". 3 alphabets. Japanese stitch, crewel and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border, and cross-borders in varied patterns. Lower left-hand corner, pot containing flowers. " The things unseen do not deceive us." Verse 526. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell McIntire, [Elizabeth P.] 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, cat, French knot, and cross-stitch. Elaborate grapevine and rose border on sides and across top. Village scene (Fitchburg), trees, and animals in foreground, a village street with church; across a pond houses, men, women, etc., and several boats on pond. Detached spray of flowers and willow tree in center section. Verse 760. Names and dates: "Mr. Elijah McIntire Jr born Wedny Feb th 10 1784; Miss Sophia Cowdin born frid Sept th 24 1779; Married in Fitchburg by Rev" T. T. Barton May 28 1806; Elizabeth P. McIntire born frid April th 24, 1807; Farrington McIntire born tuesd Feb th 4, 1818. Died 21st." Verse 461. Illustrated. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton McKelij^, Catherine Wyhes. 1828. Machias, Me. 3 alphabets. Vine and flower border at sides. Verse (unfinished) 606 (1, var.). Owner not recorded McKm, Margaret. 1827. [Fairfax Court House, Va.]. 12J"xl2i". Cross-stitch. 2 alphabets. Vine across top. Church with weathervane in center at bottom; remainder of sampler filled in with detached baskets, flowers, wreaths, angels, two men carrying {u;miiu,_Jiiii||.,5 1 ill Vi iii t llilli ^ ^ till , •-,/ -?^^ '"^^^^V^v^ ii&m^ h$ ■I : I ! PLATE LXIV 1 ^P E:mii.y Clark's Sampler View of Yale College Oxc-ned l>i/ Mrs. A. J. Dozens AMERICAN SAMPLERS 195 large bunch of grapes on a pole, small house and part of fence, and small scene with houses and trees. Mrs. William Ay res Cook McLellan, Mary Ank. 1816. Portland. 112 yrs.] 164"x21i". Eyelet, satin, cross, and various other stitches. Conventional border design, also inside floral border with bunches of flowers in each corner. Genealogy : " Stephen McLellan born at Portland Feb. 26, 1766. Charlotte Ilsley wife of Stephen McLellan born at Portland Jan. 25, 1763; died Sep. 22, 1802. Hannah Ilsley wife of Stephen McLellan born at Portland Jan. 19, 1771. The Births of their Ofspring: Mary Ann McLellan born at Portland Nov. 27, 1803; Isaac Ilsley McLellan born at Portland Feb. 6, 1806; Augusta Ilsley McLellan born at Portland March 16, 1808, died August 16, 1812; Charlotte Ilsley McLellan born at Portland Oct. 28, 1810." Verse 703 (var.). Miss Clara Mossman Hill Mead, Hakrtet. 1804. 12 yrs. 12" x 16". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Conven- tional flower design in border. At bottom, rose bush with conventional pot of flowers on either side. Mrs. William D. Eaton MeCrackin, Margaret. 1815. 16" x 21". Stem, satin, split, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Two large willow trees, one pine tree, and two lambs at bottom. Flowers in pots, baskets of fruit, and sprays of flowers scattered around. " Parents Names, George and Mary A. Mecrakin; William Rebecca Mecrakin, James Margaret Bodly, Brother and Sisters, Rebecca, Mary Ann, William, Hannah Sidney, Susanna Mecrakin." Verses 448, 557. Mrs. H. de Berkeley Parsons Medham, Mary Ann. 1802. Lynnfield [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 16" x 14^". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek design in border. Jars and plants at bottom, and flower in center. Mrs. Frederick W. Hatch Melton, Mary Ann. [Early 19th Century.] 9 yrs. 12" x 15^". Cross-stitch. Carnation and vine border. Basket of flowers, deer, and pine trees. Verse 515. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Mendinhall, Hannah, 1810. Westown [Pa. West Town School.]. 16 yrs. 12" x 13". Cross-stitch and pen-and-ink lettering. Vine around verses. Verses 430, 544. Mrs. A. D. Warren Merrill, Mary W. 1817. Portland [Me.]. 14 yrs. 18"x20J". Chain, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Verse 753. " The Genalogy of John and Martha Merrill. John Merrill born July 9, 1769; Martha Merrill born Oct. 16, 1775; Lydia Merrill born Dec. 2, 1799; Died June 22, 1802. So fades the lovely blooming flower. Mary W. Merrill born Mar. 15, 1803; Lydia Merrill born Feb. 19, 1805; John M. Merrill born Dec. 5, 1807; Martha Merrill born July 9, 1810; Susannah Merrill born July 9, 1810." Two geometrical designs in lower corners, with initials " L M " and " P W." Sv^an I. Merrill Merrill, Nancy. 1813. Born in 1796. 5i"x3". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched and fringed edge. Elizabeth C. B. Bradbury Merritt, Jane. 1803. 12^" x 141". Sampler is an all-over design of plants, flowers, and birds. Mrs. James Richardson Mehseilles, Hannah Smith. 1812. Bridgeton [N. J.]. 13 yrs. 14" x 19". 3 alphabets. French knot, eyelet, stem, satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, 2 baskets of flowers. Verse 236 (1). Mrs. H. B. Pierce Metcalf, Frances Calder. 1817. 10 yrs. 21"x20". Eyelet, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Columned arch inclosing family register. "Mr. Samuel Metcalf, born Dec. 29, 1783; Miss Frances Calder, born Sept. 10, 1785. They were married in Provi- 196 AMERICAN SAMPLERS dence by the Rev. Stephen Gano July 13, 1806. Their first child Frances Calder Metcalf, March 31, 1807; their second child Julia Metcalf, April 29, 1809; died January 31, 1823; their third child Samuel Augustus Metcalf, March 21, 1811; their fourth child Sophia Perin Metcalf, February 18, 1813; their fifth child Harriet Newell Metcalf, February 28, 1815; their sixth child Sarah Calder Metcalf, Sept. 12, 1816; died Dec. 13, 1822; their seventh child Eliza Gray Metcalf, Dec. 20, 1818; their eighth child Albert Met- calf, January 31, 1821; died August 16, 1822; their ninth child Caroline Julia Metcalf, Dec. 25, 1824; their tenth child Cornelia Sarah Metcalf Dec. 25, 1824 (twins) ; their eleventh child Levi Lincoln Metcalf, June 11, 1825." Verse 309. Miss F. G. Ormsbee and Mrs. E. C. Harrington Metcalf, Melia. 1801. Franklin [Mass. Born in 1783.]. 18" x 18". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Cross-stitch borders. Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Lena Fisher Wyman Metcalf, Rhoda. 1811. [Ashburnham, Mass.]. 12 yrs. lOi" x 12". 3 alphabets. Mostly cross-stitch. Conventionalized flower bands around register of names. Family names and dates: " Mr. Ezekiel S. Metcalf born Oct 13th 1769 Mrs. Eunice Metcalf Oct 20 1768 Eunice Metcalf Oct 10 1782 Ezekiel Metcalf Nov 7 1784 Joseph Metcalf Jan 21 1786 Dinah Metcalf June 7 1787 Jeremiah Metcalf May 24 1789 Lucy Metcalf July 26 1791 Asa Metcalf June 8 1793 Rhoda Metcalf May 4 1799 Asa Metcalf died Sept 8th 1794" Mrs. C. E. Cortvin Mettiss, Matilda Catherine. [Cir. 1829.] 18" x 22". Born November 10, 1817. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional flower border with two yellow stars. Green lawn with long, low, red building with belfry, 2 spruce trees, and steps on to lawn. Verse 331. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell MiCKLE, Keziah. 1800. [West Town School.] 10" x 13". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine at top with flowers in center. Mrs. Edwin Dillon MiDDLETON, Mary. 1804. Worked at "Southern Boarding School." 13J"xl6". Verse 264. Genealogical data: "Robert Middleton and Mary Armitage were married the 19th of the 8th month 1788. Dorcas Middleton was born the 8th of the 10th month; Mary Middleton was born the 30th of the 6th month 1791; John Middleton was born the 14th of the 11th month and deceased the 25th of the 4th month 1795; Robert Middleton was born the 19th of the 1st month 1796; Marianne Middleton was born the 14th of the 7th month 1798; William Middleton was born the 11th of the 11th mo. 1801; Joseph Middleton was born the 22nd of the 8th mo. 1804; Mary Middleton was deceased the 31st of the 8th mo. 1804; Robert Middleton wiis deceased the 2nd of the 1st month 1805." Mrs. Eleanor Armitage Whelan and Miss Mary B. Zellar Miles, Maria. 1804. 9 yrs. [New Haven.] 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge with simple cross-stitch cross-borders. Double strawberry border across top. Verse 340. Mrs. Jack Ross Bowdre Mil Es, Mary D. 1807. Leicester [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 8"x73". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. John A. Sweets er AMERICAN SAMPLERS 197 Miller, Anne. 1815. [Near Greenwich, N. J.] 15 yrs. 17" x 17". 2 alphabets. French knot, chain, eyelet, tent, stem, satin, cross, and other stitches. Vine border. At bottom, house and grounds. Mrs. H. B. Pierce Miller, Euphemia. 1823. [Near AUentown, N. J. Born November 12, 1812.] 11 yrs. 14" X 16". 2 alphabets. Chain, long and short, outline, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. House, tree, flowering bushes, butterflies, man, woman, dog, and double terrace of grass. Verse 775. Ewphemia Augusta Orover Miller, Excy. 1816. 9 yrs. 16i" x 17". 2 alphabets. Variety of stitches. Strawberry, rose, leaf, and other flower designs in borders. Verse 452. Albert C. Bates, Esq. Miller, Hannah. July 14, A. D. I8[25]. 11 yrs. Born 18[14]. Middlefield [Conn.]. 12* " X 7J". 5 alphabets. Cros«-stitch. Cross-borders. Mrs. Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey Miller, Hannah. [1826. Middlefield, Conn.] 12 yrs. 10" x 9^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. House, basket of flowers, birds, and trees. Worn and frayed. Mrs. Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey Miller, Hannah Mary. August 30, 1830. Middletown [Conn. 16 yrs.]. 17" x 19". 2 alphabets. French knot, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Divided into three sections: upper section, inverted cornucopias of flowers in each corner; middle section, " Register " with births and deaths, also verses ; lower section, landscape with four houses, pine, maple, weeping willow, and fruit trees, fence, gates, and tombstone bearing letters " C S M." "Register: Seth Miller born November 2nd 17 77; Charity Birdsey born May 9th 1779; United in marriage December 16th 1802 and have the following children: Mila born October 1st 1803; Alma born September 18th 1808; Hannah Mary born June 21st 1814; Caroline Sarah born December 15th 1818; Deaths: Caroline Sarah died March 7th 1819; Mila died January 16th 1856*; Hannah Mary died August 17th 1865; Alma died July 27th 1877. Mr. Seth Miller died April 7th 1831; Mrs. Seth Miller died Nov. 15th 1845." Verse 334. Mrs. Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey Miller, Hannah N[iles]. 1808. Philadelphia. 10 yrs. 13" x 17". 2^ alphabets. Eyelet, cross-stitch, and hem-stitch. Strawberry border. The Niles was omitted by the child. As punishment her sampler was never framed. Hannah Niles Freeland Miller Miller, Maria. 1820. [Near Deerfield, Cumberland County, N. J.] 13 yrs. 10" x 12". 4 alphabets. Flat, outline, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. At bottom, small basket of flowers with 2 birds on it. Mabel H. Turner Miller, S[arah] \V[yatt]. 1802. Salem [N. J. 11 yrs. Born September 24, 1791.]. 6^"x8". Cros-s-stitch. Vine border. Verses 77, 399. "West-town School" inscribed at top. "S. W. Miller to E. W. Miller" [her mother]. Miss Hannah Hall Acton Mills, Sarah. [Cir. 1800.] 11 yrs. 16^" x 16|". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with roses in corners; roses and carnations alternate with leaves in rest of border. Carnation cross-border. Basket of flowers on either side of verse. Basket of flowers in lower section. Verse 108. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas MisKEY, Elizabeth. 1822. Philadelphia. 11 yrs. 24" x 16". Chain, stem, queen, and cross- stitch. Carnation border. Large basket of grapes embroidered in crewel in center, with spray of flowers on either side. Vine and flowers around panel containing verse. At bottom, " Respectfully presented to Anthony and Elizabeth Miskey by their affectionate daughter Elizabeth Miskey." Verse 720. Mrs. Henry E. Coe These dates are evidently a later insertion. 198 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Mitchell, Marie Sutheuland. 1818. [Charleston, S. C] 8 yrs. 10^" x 8". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Two small houses at bottom connected by fence; trees at either end. Verse 454. Mrs. Robert Bee Lebby Mitchell, Mary. 1803. Bridgewater [Mass. 7 or 9 yrs., indistinct.]. I6"x21". 3 alpha- bets. Stem and cross-stitch. Conventional cross-stitch border. Rosebuds in stem-stitcb at bottom. Verse 6,47. Miss 8. Lizzie Dunbar MoxKS, Susanna. 1822. 16" x 14". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Carnation border at top and strawberry on sides; saw-tooth border inside. Sprays of carnations and wild roses, baskets of flowers, large vase with conventional carnations, bunches of lilies of the valley, bunches of strawberries, sprays of tulips, crowns, and green wreath. In one corner, Wall of Troy design with conventionalized design. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Montgomery, Harriot. 1804. Middleborough. 11 yrs. [Born in 1793.] 12" x 15". 4 alpha- bets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Stem-stitch border. At bottom, vine with flowers in lower corners. Mrs. George F. Seaver Moody, Family Record. [Cir. 1830.] 15" x 18". Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Border of heavy green stem with roses, etc., held at top center by large, true lovers' knot with small ones on ends. Across bottom, 2 paths in a hilly lawn, one leading to 3 poplars and one to 3 pines. In center, a huge basket of flowers. "Family Rechord: Cutting Moody born November 6, 1780; Mary Penny born June 10, 1781; Mary A. born April 20, 1808; Moses V. born April 30, 1818 [Married May 1807]. Faith, Hope, Charity." Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Moore, Fanny. 1826. New Town. 10 yrs. 17" x 17". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry-vine border. Verse 173. Mi^s Frances Moore Dickinson Moore, Hannah E. 1822. " Easton School." 28" x 30". Stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border on three sides. House, trees, path, fence, birds and sheep on terraced lawn. Wreath of flowers around verses, and flowers in pots and detached sprays in remainder of space. Initials E. M., D. M., E. M., J. R. M. Verse 387. Mrs. F. Leonard Kellogg Moore, Keturah. 1800. [MuUica Hill, Gloucester County, N. J. 12 yrs.] lOJ" x 17". 3 alphabets. Flat, queen, and cross-stitch. Cross-border. Cross-borders of strawberry and carnation, strawberry and rose. In each corner there is a tulip spray. "Joshua Moore and Rachel Moore" [parents]. Verses 49a, 244. Elizabeth G. Borton Moore, Lauhinda. 1819. Acworth. Born November 22, 1810. 20" x 20". 4 alphabets. Eye- let, tent, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Saw-tooth border. Flower-pots, hearts, trees with birds, etc. " Remember thy Creator," etc. Verse 314. Fitchburg Antique Shop, July 1, 1917 Mooee, Lydia. 1807. [Lumberton, N. J.] 9 yrs. 14J" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border at top and Greek fret on sides. At bottom, 2 pine trees, 2 birds, 2 tulips, 2 roses, also basket of flowers. Initials of brothers and sisters: "MM, HM, LM, AM, MM, S M, AM." Verse 343 (1). Mrs. Adelaide Joyce Moore, Mary A. 1828. 7 yrs. 18" x 17". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Carnation border at top and bottom. Verse 37. Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry Morse, Lucy. 1810. Boston. 12 yrs. 5 alphabets. Petit-point, cat, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry cross-border and wreath. Formal garden with trees and peacocks. " There's no dependance upon a mind that wants feeling and ... of nature." Verse 720 (var.). The Emma B. Hodge Collection t 'fe^ ^ Ok ♦HI J •a- -J -I ■f-^.- . ■ ; 1' -■ ^ '^ 7 ^- ^2/B^^^ ■ci-^^'^ ;^ XI o X AMERICAN SAMPLERS 199 Morton, Mary. 1809. 9 yrs. 13" x 17". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Rose and saw-tooth cross-borders. Baskets of flowers and fruit, sprays of flowers, deer and dogs in cross rows; a lion in each lower corner. Verse 198. Canandaigua Historical Society Moss, Margaret. 1825. [Philadelphia.] 11 yrs. 26"x27i". Tent, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Elaborate conventionalized passion-flower border. In center, scene with brick house, weeping willows on either side, and tops of pine trees showing above roof; beehive, boy guarding sheep, 2 girls, ducks, dog, cows, man, and woman. Above scene, American Eagle with wreath on either side, inclosing name and age of maker in one and inscrip- tion "Elizabeth Wiert, aged 80, died 1825" in the other. Words "E Pluribus Unum " above eagle, and detached figures of angels and stars in rest of space. Illustrated in color. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe MowRY, Alcy. 1826. Providence. 8"xll". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. "Let Virtue be a guide to thee." Mrs. Nicholson Muhlenberg, Susanna. 1790. Trappe [Pa.]. 11 yrs. 18"xll". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border on three sides, also fret border, and a cross in upper corner. Verse 139. Family record: " Henry M. Muhlenberg born 1711, died 1787; Ann Mary Weifer born 1727. Phillip Hall B. 1733 and Catharine Seckel Born 1728; Henry Muhlenberg Born 1753; Catharine Hall Born 1756; Catharine Muhlen- berg Born 1776; Susanna B. 1779; Henry Born 1782; Phillip B 1784; Peter Born 1786; Maria Born 1789; Elisabeth Born 1791; F. Augustus B. 1795." Mrs. John A. Kress Mulford, Emma. 1806. [Cumberland County, N. J.] 10 yrs. [Born in 1796.] 13V' x lU". 3 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek cross and Greek fret borders. Line of flat-stitch all around. At bottom, floral spray, 2 pine trees, 2 fir trees, small geometrical designs. Initials of father and mother and brothers and sisters: "HM [Henry Mulford]; PM [Phebe Mulford]; HM [Henry]; CM [Charles]; EM [Edward]; E M [Emma]; ISM [Isaac]; D M [record lost]." Verse 540. William C. Mulford, Esq. Mulford, Phebe. 1803. Roadstown [Cumberland County, N. J.]. 8 yrs. 11" x 15". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. At bottom, apple tree, rose bush; in center, urn of mixed flowers. " When Abraham's servant To procure a wife for Isaac, went. He met Reckah, Told his wish Her parents gave Consent Then 'twas for ten days urg'd the man his journey to delay Hinder me not I must be " Verses 253, 254. Family names: "Isaac Mulford [father]; Phebe Ludlum [mother]"; other names and initials: "J. S. Mulford L. H. Polin, L M., S. M., W. B., T. B., G. Washington, John Adams." Mrs. Edgar Haas Mulford, Tamson. 1803. Salem [N. J.]. 13 yrs. 11" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch line-border. Band of trees and stars across center. Verses 255, 488 (var.). Family initials: "F R M [Furman and Rhoda Mulford, parents]; H M [Hannah] ; L M [Lewis] ; I M [Isaac] ; D M [David] ; T M [Tamson] ; W M [record lost]; FM [Furman]; TM [Thomas]; FM [Furman]; RM [Rhoda]; [brothers and sisters]." "Remember now thy Creator," &c. Mrs. Clark H. Thompson 200 AMERICAN SAMPLERS MuNSON, Grace. August 14, 1803. 10 yrs. 16" x 21". Dark green linen. .3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Border of grapes and flowers. At bottom, house, fence, trees, birds, butterfly, man, and sailboat on small pond. Verses 78, 260. Mrs. Douglas C. Despard MuNSON, Susan H. 1824. 15 yrs. 18" x 17". Cross and satin-stitch. A ship in full sail, called the " Potosi." " From rocks and shoals and stormy weather O God protect the Potosi ever." "' A rainbow at night Is sailor's delight." George S. McKearin, Esq. MuHDOcK, Beulah. 1800. Newton [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 8" x 12J". 2| alphabets. Hemstitch, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross and vine borders. At bottom, flowers and vase with rosebud. Verse 182 (1, var.). Mrs. Edward F. Jackson McTRDOCK, Beulah. 1812. Newton [Mass.]. 24 yrs. 22"x24". 2 alphabets. Petit-point and cross-stitch. Borders of strawberry and conventional rose, scroll, and Greek fret designs. Design of blue crescent with sun, moon, and planets; below is a landscape [unfinished, she evidently intended to make a church]. Verse 729. Mrs. Edward F. Jackson Murphy, Rhoda. 1803. Born October 25, 1787. 16 yrs. 8"xir'. 2 alphabets. Queen, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and Greek fret borders. At bottom, two pots of tulips with leaves. Rhoda Lee Murray, Addelaide M. 1825. Providence [R. I.]. 16" x 12". 3 alphabets. Stem, cat, satin, and cross-stitch. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. W. G. Angell Nash, Nancy K. July 18, 1821. Williamsburgh, Mass. 11 yrs. 8" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border design. Basket of flowers, two ornaments, dog, and water- ing-pot. Verse 162 (1, var.). Mrs. Lorenzo Sears Neal, Sarah C. 1826. Newmarket, N. H. 18 yrs. 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, chain, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Conventional borders. Three jardinieres at base, out of which grow archaic rose vines; two birds also at bottom. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Nealon, Isabella. 1816. Paradise Row, St. John, N. B. 11 yrs. 8" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch and other stitches. Narrow cross-borders. " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. While the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, ' I have no pleasure in them.' " Anna W. Jordan Newbold, Ann. 1810. 13|" x 18". Cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. At bottom, scene with house, trees, and shrubs. Verse 32. Mrs. George C. Eraser, Formerly in the Drake Collection Newbold, Ann T. 1813. [Springfield Township, Burlington County, N. J.] " Weston School." 13 yrs. [Born November 17th, 1799.] 9^" x 9J". Darning and cross-stitch. Blocks done in difl'erent stitches. Mrs. John B. Atkinson Newell, Elmina. Shirley Shaker Community. 14 yrs. 17^" x lOJ". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Mrs. William E. Barnard Newhall, Mary. [1815.] 12 yrs. 3 alphabets. Solid stem, satin, French knot, long and short, and cross-stitch. Roses, other flowers and leaves, and bleeding hearts in border. Family register: "Mr. David Newhall born May 13, 1757; married Miss Elizabeth Goss Sept. 1, 1779; Died Sept. 19, 1807. Childrens' names: Elizabeth born May 23, 1780; AMERICAN SAMPLERS 201 died June 17, 1814; Thomas Goss born May 15, 1782; Frances born Feb. 13, 1784; Gustavus born April 11, 1786; Nancy born March 27, 1789; Abigail born May 10, 1791; David born Feb. 22, 1795; Susan born March 2, 1797; Samuel Coats, born Sept. 23, 1799. Mr. David Newhall married Miss Mary Holraan Sept. 19, 1802; died Sept 11, 1815. Mary born Oct. 18, 1803." Mrs. George B. Walton Newman, Maky Hale. 1820. Newbury [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 8i" x lOJ". 3 alphabets. Flat, cat, chain, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Etta T. Lovett Newman, Phebe. 1815. Newbury [Mass. Born April 9, 1804.]. 11 yrs. 12" x 17". 5 alpha- bets. Eyelet, satin, chain, flat, tent, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Trees, vase of flowers, and other ornamental designs. Verse 449. Edith D. Newman Newman, Sarah. 1806. 9 yrs. Born November 2, 1797. lOJ" x 15^". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Flowers with true lovers' knot at bottom. Verse 538 (var.). Miss Abby Newman Newton, Sophia. 1807. Woodbridge. 12 yrs. 10" x 16". 3 alphabets. Verse 278. Annie B. Law NicHOLL, Lucy E. 1826. Salem [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 16J"xl6i". Chain, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Elaborate cross-borders; around edge, solid chain and cross-stitch; inside, two rows of detached 8-pointed stars and a Greek fret border. Two plants. " Sincerity and truth form the basis of everything." Verse 94 (var.). A. Stainforth, Dealer Nichols, Eliza Aenold. 1829. [Providence, R. I.] 12 yrs. 17" x 15J". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. House and trees in lower section. Verse 332. A. W. Claflin, Esq. Nichols, Lydia. 1802. Salem [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 1 mo. 22 dys. 18"x20J". 3 alphabets. Stem, cross-stitch, and long, loose stitches. Rose border. Vase with flowers on green base. Design like a pineapple in each lower corner. Verse 40 (var.). Mrs. W. H. Varney Nicholson, Rebecca. 1801. 14 yrs. 14" x 28". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Carnation border with two designs at top; carnations growing in pots. At bottom, 2 trees, bowl of flowers, spray of rosebuds, strawberries and plant. Upper center, 2 doves in circlet with names under them, " Abel and Mary Nichoson." Verses 132 (1, var.), 143, 226 (var.), 617. Names and dates: " Rebecca Nicholson was Born the 18th of 12 month 1787 Isaac Nicholson was born the 18th of 2 month 1790 Samuel Nicholson was Born the 18th of 4 month 1793 Abel Nicholson was Born the 11th of 10 month 1795 Joseph Nicholson was Born the 18th of 5 month 1798 Mary Nicholson was born the 15th of 12 month 1801 " Miss Sarah Rebecca Nicholson Nightingale, Susan Elizabeth. 1820. 11 yrs. 5^"x8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Charles H. Warren, Esq. Noble, Mahy. 1808. South Berwick [Me.]. 11 yrs. 23|"x22". 2 alphabets. Stem-stitch. Modified Greek fret border. Rose bushes, a memorial urn and weeping willow, under which is inscription, " An afi'ectionate child pays this tribute of respect to the memory of her father who died 19th June 1808. Aet 48." Verse 542. Mrs. Ellen Rollins Nokris, Elinor. [Early 19th Century.] Born March 20th, 1789. 8" x 15". 2 alphabets. Cross-borders. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas 202 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Norwood, Hahhiet G. 1822. Camden [Me.]. 11 yrs. llj" x ISJ". 4 alphabets. Hemstitch, eyelet, stem, queen, tent, chain, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched border. House in lower center, with trees, pots of flowers, and tulip plants on either side. Mrs. Nathan Atherton Middleton NouRSE, Abigail. Before 1830. 6" x 6". 3 alphabets. Petit-point and cross-stitch. Elab- orate hemstitched border. Cross-borders. " Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruit of all thine increase." A. Stainforth, Dealer Oakes, Sarah B. 1826. [Probably Cohasset, Mass.] 7 yrs. 12" x 17". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Two willows drooping over monuments, separated by a rose and leaves with love knot above. " Josiah Oakes Born Aug. 20, 1789; Mary C. Oakes born Jan. 6, 1798; Their daughter, Sarah B. Oakes Born Aug. 18, 1819." Verses 62, 782. Heirs of E. S. Remington Oakley, Eli^za. 1803. White Plains [N. Y.]. 14 yrs. [Born December 5, 1789.] 17" x 18". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Border of flowers, leaves, apples, and birds. Apple tree and vases. Verse 27. Robert H. Oakley, Esq. O'Brien, Cynthia. 1807. 12^" x 19^". 3 alphabets. Stem, tent, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Vine and floral border. " Lean not on earth, twill pierce the to the heart. A broken reed at best but oftn spear. On its sharp point, peace bleeds and hope expires." Mrs. George E. Claplin O'Brien, Julia. 1812. Washington City. 20" x 20". Cross-stitch. Border of convention- alized tulips and roses. At bottom, large brick house with garden, trees, woman, duck, etc. Verse 436. A. Piatt Andrew, Esq. Odiorne, Sarah Catherine Moffatt. 1802. Portsmouth, N. H. 12 yrs. 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, petit-point, tent, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border in waving design and dots. In upper half, 2 vine wreaths inclosing verses, with flower sprays under verses and birds perched on twig at top; the Ten Commandments in between. In lower half, funeral urn on pedestal in center, with initials " S C M " ; and underneath, " In memory of Mrs. Sarah Catherine Moffatt Obiit. December (?) 1802 A E (.' ?)." On either sides wreaths of leaves, with flower on mound at bottom. In one is the name and date of maker, also the inscription, "Worked at Miss Ward's School New Hampshire; Fear God Honor your Parents." In the other is a verse. Above urn is a short band of loops and tassels. Verses 190, 397, 647. Illustrated. Mrs. John Fremont Hill Odiorne, Ellen Maria. 1822. 9 yrs. 16i"x21". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Elaborate grapevine border on three sides. Large basket of flowers in center at bottom, with two trees on either side topped by birds. Verse 770. Mrs. Henry Eugene Coe OFay, Eliza. 1818. 11 yrs. Ilj"x8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. W. O. Bowdoin, Esq. Ogden, Elizabeth. 1810. Swedesboro [N. J.]. 9 yrs. 16i" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine border with trees and other designs. In center an eight-sided design with two birds. Initials: " S O, M A O, J T, E T, J O, S O, D O, S O, E O, J O, M O." Miss Sibyl T. Jones Ooden, Laura E. [Cir. 1828. New Germantown, N. J., at " Barnet Hall."] 16" x 18". 3 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border. Grape- vine cross-border. Verse 516 (var.). Laura Ogden Ross X X i?; ? AMERICAN SAMPLERS 203 Oliver, Sally. 1801. 14 vrs. 2U"x229". 2 alphabets. French knot, stem, satin, and cross- .^ciLcn. Satin-stitch border in saw-tooth design. Border at bottom of trees, vine, tulips, carnations, fruit, and other flowers. Also at bottom, trees with fruit on lower branches, rose tree in center; on one side a man, dove, and two lambs; on the other .side a woman with bouquet of roses, and behind her a bough of colored leaves. " Establish unto Thyself Principles and See that Thou Ever Act According to Them." Mrs. John Walker Olmstead, Akjinette. [Cir. 1819. Bridgewater, Conn.] Born June 13, 1809. 6"x6". 2 alphabets. Mrs. J. Herbert Redding Oecutt, Adeline. [Cir. 1820.] 13 yrs. Born in 1807. 20"x24". Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Scroll border with long satin-stitch leaves. Willow trees, tablet, and woman weeping. " Record of Jonathan Orcutt family. He was born Oct. 2, 1769 and married May Humphrey 1783. She was born Nov. 14, 17()6 and they hath the following children: Names Births Deaths "Rebecca Feb. the 16, 1783 Sophia June the 20, 1786 Mary May the 4, 1789 George March 9, 1791 June 6 Silvia Oct. the 24, 1793 David Sept. the 19, 1796 Silence May 11, 1802" " Mrs. Orcutt died June 20, 1805. Death where is thy sting o grav." "Capt Orcot Miss Alice Graves Married Oct 1806." " Adeline Abner G. Alice A. Azuba Abner G. Jonathan OsBORN, Sophia B. 1829. berry border. Two April 13, 1813 July 6, 1807 Feb. 20, 1808 April 8, 1809 Dec. 9, 1811 March 5, 1815 Dec. 26, 1816." Pitchburg Antique Shop, July 1, 1917 Ware [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 16" x 16". Satin and cross-stitch. Straw- baskets of flowers with weeping willow tree. "Family Register Names John Osborn, Jr. Eunice Bemis John H. Osborn Eliza B. Osborn Thomas D. Osborn Sophia B. Osborn James Osborn David W. Osborn George C. Osborn Births Sept. 29, 1783 April 23, 1790 Sept. 11, 1809 Sept. 27, 1811 Sept. 8, 1816 Nov. 7, 1819 July 31, 1822 Sept. 24, 1828 Marriages May 9, 1808 Deaths Jan. 16, 1813 Sept. 28, 1830" Qraydon Stetson, Esq. Newburyport [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 15" x 16". 5 alphabets. Flat, Verse 601 (1, 2). Family record: " Alfred Osgood Born March 7, 1773; Mary Osgood Born April 4, 1778; Nathaniel Osgood Born April 23, 1801; John Osgood Born Sept. 1, 1803; Charlotte Osgood Born Jan. 30, 1806; Alfred Osgood Born June 1, 1809; William H. Osgood Born Sept. 5, 1811; Mary Ann Osgood Born Dec. 14, 1814." Mrs. H. Anthony Dyer Osgood, Charlotte. 1817 chain, and cross-stitch 204 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Osgood, Lydia. 1823 12 yrs- Rnrn n<>npinhpr 19, 1811 9"x83". 4 alohabets. Chain- stitch. Greek border at top, strawberry at bottom. 2 hearts, panel and simnx, pattern alternating, W. O. Bowdoin, Esq. Owen, Ada. 1809. 9J" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 377. Mrs. Daniel BeckwUh [Oxiy], Nancy. 1814. 25"x21i". Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verses 10 (1), 40, 556. Mrs. Arthur Barker Pain, Laura. 1826. 16^" x 8". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. House and tree at bottom. Verses 125, 692. A. Stainforth, Dealer Palmer, Elizabeth C. [1820-25.] Boston [Mass. 9 to 12 yrs.]. 8" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Stars in corners. Mrs. William B. Stevens and Miss Mary Foster Light Palmer, Susan M. 1826. Boston [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 18" x 18". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Grapevine border. At bottom, house, trees, and grass. On each side, flower-pots with flowering plants, and wild rose design in between. Verse 515 (var.). Miss Martha A. Palmer, Mrs. William B. Stevens, Miss Mary Foster Light Parker, Ann. 1815. 7 yrs. 16" x 8|". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Double line of cross- stitch all around. Small detached design. Anne Parker Appleton Parker, Catharine. [1826.] 9 yrs. Il"xl3". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3). Anne Parker Appleton Parker, Eliza E[leanor]. 1818. [Lexington, Mass.] 16^" x 19J". Satin, stem, and cross- stitch. Wreath of vine and flowers around edge. Large tree in center, with fruit inscribed with names and dates. At base of tree, two hearts with the inscriptions: " Robert Parker born April 15, 1771 " and " Elizabeth Simonds born July 4, 1772." Under- neath, "Married Oct. 25, 1793." Apples bear names of children: "Mary born Dec. 25, 1794; Josiah born July 6, 1798; Thomas born March 16, 1800; Eliza E. born Sept. 20, 1804; Almira born Aug. 30, 1806; Jonathan S. born Aug. 8, 1808; Jonathan S. born July 30, 1812; William B. born Jan. 13, 1817." The Misses Bobbins Parker, Elizabeth T. 1819. 8 yrs. 16"x8|". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple-line border. " Life is but a dream." Anne Parker Appleton Parker, Harriot. 1808. [Pepperell, Mass.] 10 yrs. 22"x26". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, chain, cat-stitch, and petit-point. Clover vine and Greek fret. Three-story house with Captain's walk, fence, gate, weeping willow, and many birds. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3, var.). Miss Harriet E. Freeman Parker, Marie Antoinette. 9 yrs. 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge and nar- row floral border. Verse 129 (var.). Parker, Mary Morse. 1826. Keene [N. H.]. 9 yrs. 17J" x 12J". 3 alphabets. Cat, satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Strawberry border; trefoil and conventional cross-borders. In center of lower half, a standard basket of fruit flanked by trees, an evergreen and a flowering fruit tree. Below basket, an oblong space containing name and date, and guarded on each side by small black dog with yellow collar. Mrs. Oeorge Sheffield Parker, Polly. 1802. Bradford [Mass. 15 yrs.]. 22^" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Garland of flowers around upper section, tied at top corners and in center at bottom with bowknots. In center at top, drapery with fringe and tassels, on which is inscribed name, date, etc. In lower part of sampler is pastoral scene, with lovers in one corner sitting under tree and playing on instruments; sheep and dogs are wandering around in front of them. Verse 601 (1, 2, 3, var.). Mrs. Alice C. Savory and Miss Elizabeth Parker AMERICAN SAMPLERS 20.5 Partridge, Catherine. 1813. Boston [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 12" x 18". Cross-s-titch. Straw- berry border. Basket of flowers and two peacocks at bottom. Verse — . [Not on description.] Dr. James C. White Parvin, Lydia. 1809. Deerfield [N. J.]. 9 yrs. 6i"x8J". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, outline, and cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. Initials: "J. P. [Jerry Parvin, father]; S. P. [Sarah Parvin, mother]; [Children], L. P. [Lydia]; J. P. [Jerry]; A. R. P. [Anna R.] ; H. P. [Harriet]." Anna M. Jaquette Patterson, Sarah Ann Ewalt. 1819. "Pittsburg." [13 yrs.] 18" x 17". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. House, trees, fence, birds on trees, and cat on fence. Upper verse flanked by basket of fruit and bushes in flower; lower verse flanked by jar of flowers and basket of flowers. Verses 226 (var.), 511 (1, var.). Elzeria Allen Payne, Sarah Ann. 1825. 14 yrs. 20" x 20". 3 alphabets. Cross and queen-stitch. Rib- bon border. Verse surrounded by flowers. Basket of flowers with parrots on either side; growing flowers and bowknots. Verse 565. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Payson, Abigail Welsh. 1808. Chelsea. 8 yrs. 6^" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border across top. Verse 30. Mrs. N. A. Prentiss Peabody, Lucretia. [1810?] 10 yrs. 13" x 16". 5 alphabets. Tapestry, petit-point, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Solid tapestry all around. Cross-borders. At bottom, urn of flowers flanked by two baskets of fruit. " Just as the twig is bent the tree inclined." Mrs. William 8. Eaton Peabody, Mary. 1800. Ipswich. Il"x20". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Mrs. H. C. Lazelle Peabody, Roxcena. 1808. Bradford [Mass.]. "Bradford Academy." Born March 6, 1793. 17"x22". 4 alphabets. Stem-stitch. Outside border of triangular design; inside border, vine with bunches of flowers. Verse worn away. The Misses Eleanor and Grace Kimball Pearce, Susanna Stevens. [Cir. 1804. Born about 1793.] Il^"xl2". 4 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Vine border. Verse 265. Mrs. D. P. Penhallow Pearse, Hannah S. April 15, 1814. 10 yrs. 12i" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Double strawberry border. At bottom, tree, birds, and flower-pots. Verse 515. Mrs, Thomas A. Lawton Pearse, Mary. July 22, 1810. Portsmouth. 8 yrs. 8J" x 16". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross- stitch. At bottom, basket of strawberries, and four strawberries growing on mounds. Verse 516 (var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Pearse, Mary. 1812. Portsmouth. 11 yrs. 8^" x 8V'. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. At bot- tom, birds, baskets, and strawberries in pots. Verse 731. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Pearson, Abigail. 1802. 10 yrs. 7|"x95". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional rose or strawberry-vine border. Mrs. George C. Eraser Pearson, Eunice. 1813. [Newburyport, Mass.] "Born January 23. 1801, AE 12 yrs." 9 J" X 121". 3 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. " Let virtue be your guide." Ruth M. B. Macintosh Pearson, Lydia. 1802. Born in Newburyport, Mass., June 24, 1791. 11 yrs. 12" x 16i". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Clover border. At bottom, vase with flowers. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Mrs. George F. Poor 206 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Pease, Emily. 1806. Suffield [Conn.]. 10 yrs. ll"xl7J". .5 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Eyelet border. Verse 696. Mrs. E. A. Fuller Peck, Amanda M. 1828. 10 yrs. 8" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. E. A. Cary Peck, Harriet. 1825. Coventry. 11 yrs. 12" x 8". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 779. Mrs. Willis H. White [Peck], Lybia. 1807. 15" x lOf". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. [Verses too indis- tinct to read.] Mrs. Ralph V. Hadley Peck, Lydia Wickes. 1822. Coventry. 11 yrs. 12" x 8". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross- stitch. Verse 91. Mrs. Willis H. White Peck, Martha E. 1819. 11 yrs. 4 partial alphabets. Petit-point, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose border. Design is Town of Ipswich, Mass. Verse 144 (1). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Peck, Mary Ann. 1825. Coventry. 10 yrs. 12" x 8". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 171. Mrs. Willis H. White Peckham, Esther. 1806. 10 yrs. 12" x 17". Tent, chain, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and rose-vine border. At bottom, strawberry and rose design in tent-stitch. Verse 273. Names and dates: "Augustus Peckham born January 1, 1761; Esther Peckham born March 21, 1762; married June the 10 1792. Their issues is as foUoweth: James Hervey Peckham born May 22, 1793; Esther Peckham born May 6, 1796; Sarah Peckham born March 12, 1797; Augustus Peckham born October 28, 1798; George Peckham born November 8, 1800." Antoinette S. Peckham Peirce, Hannah. 1814. Somerset. 13 yrs. 8" x 16". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Mrs. Stephen O. Metcalf Peirce, Rebecca B. 1813. Philadelphia, Pa. 17"x21". Stem and cross-stitch. Elaborate floral border of roses, carnations, lilies, and leaves. At bottom, cornucopia and floral designs. Verse 85. Emily Haines Penniman, Mary Olive. [1813. Machias, Me.] 10 yrs. I5i" xl6i". 3 alphabets. Tent, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. Verse 735. Owned in Machias, Me. Perkins, Nancy S. 1821. 14 yrs. 16" x 17". Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Landscape in center. Verse 766. Mrs. Philip B. Sumner Perkins, Nancy S. 1821. 14 yrs. 17" x 18". Satin, stem, queen, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Square in center of sampler containing scene with shepherdess tending flock of sheep. Verse 766. Mrs. Edith M. Noble Perkins, Sarah. 1808. South Kingston. 14 yrs. 9" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Emily J. Anthony Perry, Alice H. 1807. "Nantucket" [Mass.]. "Born Novr the 28, in 1797." 15" x 19". Satin and cross-stitch. Vine and floral border. Carnation cross-border. Floral design in center, with birds and trees. Verse 345 (1, var.). William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Perry, Ann Catherine. [Cir. 1800.] 8 yrs.' 13" x 16". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Vine border with flowers. Ornamental cross-borders. Border of flowers around verse. Lower section, pastoral scene with trees, gate, lambs, and shepherds. Verse 594. William. B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas y. 2x: « r. - ^• r. - '- ^. =» — £ "^ ■ C ^ i, ^ -s N t: i ^4 ■« '^ ^ ^ o AMERICAN SAMPLERS 207 Perry, Jerttsiia, Mary, akd Sarah. Before 1830. Miss Pierce's School in Litchfield, Conn. 19" X 19". Lonp-stitch and French knots. Oak leaves and acorns in border. At bot- tom, 3 girls with man and woman standing by tombstone; hands and faces painted; big urn on top of stone. In background, weeping willow tree, house, stream, waterfall, grass, and sky (painted in). Inscription on stone: "In memory of Florilla daughter of the Rev. David and Mrs. Jerusha Perry, who died May 28th 1807 aged 16 years. Although dead she still forcibly yet silently repeats her dying admonition ' Prepare for Death.'" Mrs. Lewis 8. Rice Perry, Syrena. 1811. Putney [Vt.]. 12 yrs. 12^" x 15^". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. At bottom, conventionalized tree, houses, bowls of flowers, and smaller trees. "Verse 490 (var.). Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman, Jr. Peters, Hannah. 1818. Marlborough [Mass.]. "Under the care of L. Brigham." 14 yrs. Born April 25, 1804. 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Broad vine and flower border on three sides; three baskets filled with flowers across base. Verse 56. Mrs. Charles J. White Peterson, Elizabeth. 1824. [Mlllville and Port Elizabeth, Cumberland County, N. J.] 11 yrs. 16f"x21|". 5 alphabets. Chain, outline, petit-point, flat, stem, and cross- stitch. Rosebud and carnation border. At bottom, house, birds, pheasant, peacocks, flowers, and vase. " Make good use of your time for this life will not be long. The Lord is good and Kind to us and we must pray to him for help." Verse 594 (1, var.). Names and dates: [father and mother] " Hollingshead Peterson was born September the 24, 1789; Elcey Peterson was born January the 29, 1795; [children] Elizabeth Peterson was born December the 14, in the year of our Lord 1813; Aaron Peterson was born January the 31, 1816; Mary Peterson was born May the 31, 1818; William Peterson was born November the 25, 1820; Hollinshead Peterson was born July the 6, 1824." Mrs. John H. BaUinger Peterson, Rebecca. 1813. "Haines Neck School." [Born in 1798.] 10" x 17". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Triangles in solid cross-stitch in lower corners. Cross- border. At bottom, 2 urns of flowers, rose in center with small rose on either side. Space left unfinished. Miss Rebecca Webber Austin Petit, Rachel. 1813. 9 yrs. 22f " x 18|". Carnation, strawberry, and rose border. Basket of fruit at top corners; strawberries in lower corners; flower in pot at sides. Six trees at bottom. Verse 299. Initials in circles, doves facing them, and words " Emblem of love 1813," " W P, S P " and "MS, S P." Mrs. Warren W. FUtcraft Pettengell, Charlotte. [Cir. 1820.] Newburyport [Mass.]. 9l"-s.9V'. 5 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border at top, vine at bottom. Mrs. John Wheeler Pettingill, Oijve. 1828. Newburyport [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 17J" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross and satin-stitch. Saw-tooth design in border. Two bunches of roses. Verse 572. "Family Record: Cuttin Pettingill and Olive Smith were united September 1808. Cuttin Pettingill born July 4, 1809; died December 7, 1810, Age 17 months; Cutting Pettingill Jr. born July 16, 1812; Olive Pettingill born Nov. 14, 1815; Moses Pettingill born Oct. 14, 1818; Lydia S. Pettingill born Nov. 9, 1821; Lucy S. Pettingill born July 5, 1823." Mrs. E. C. Pearson Peyton, Mary Dent. 1822. 12" x 15". Partial alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border, top and bottom; side border in scroll design. At bottom, lawn with 7 large and 10 small fir trees in distance. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Kensey John Hammond 208 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Phetteplace Family. [About 1818.] 17"xl7". Cross-stitch. "We feel to lament yet we will silence every murmur that our first born brother before he was three years of age fell asleep in the arms of death, also our much beloved brother Riley while in his 25th year of age to our great distress he fell in her cold icy arms. It has so pleased our Savior to call for these in the bloom of life we would wish not to recall thee thoughg (sic)." "Record of the children of Eber and Waite Phetteplace. The former was born 1765; the latter 1775. Dexter Phetteplace was born . . . . ; Clarke Phetteplace was born . . . . ; Amy Phetteplace was born Nov. the 18 .... ; Celia Phetteplace was born Jan ; Riley Phetteplace was born April 18th . . . . ; Miranda Phette- place was born June 8th 1811; Dexter S. Phetteplace was born April 28, 18 — ; .... A. Phetteplace was born April 30, 18—." Mrs. P. R. Kendall PHiiiiPS, Amt Ann. 1811. Waterford [Va.]. 12 yrs. 18"x24". 1 alphabet. Chain and cross-stitch. In border, cross-stitch forming running monogram A. P. Vase with flowers, strawberry design, and a drooping fuchsia. T. P. [Thomas Phillips, father] ; S. P. [Sarah Phillips, mother]. Names of two teachers Amelia Hough and Mary Lawrence. Verse 413 (var.). Miss Amy P. Miller Phillips, Electe. September 1st, 1803. Bridgewater [Mass.]. 10 yrs. Born February, 1793. 12" X 16". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Vine of rosebuds and leaves, starting from a basket at the top and falling down two sides. Two robin redbreasts on a large bough of a small tree looking at each other. Verse 606 (1, var.). ~^ Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Phillips, Harriet Jane. 1817. Portland [Me.]. 9 yrs. 17i" x 16J". 3 alphabets. Rose border. House with tall trees. Verse 752. Fanny L. Emerson Phipps, Sally. [1813.] 10 yrs. [Born in Framingham, Mass., November 25, 1803.] 12J" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Hemmed all around. Greek design in border. Elaborate scroll design around verse. Verse 739. Mrs. Harrison F. Hunt Pickering, Eliza C. 1815. 9 yrs. 13" x 16". 3 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Pillars with arched top rising out of vases, flowers along the side. C. E. Goodspeed, Esq. Picket, Eliza. 1823. Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 24" x 17". 6 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Greek fret and rose and vine borders. Sprays of flowers and leaves, rose spray. Verse 36. Miss Lida Bartlett Picket, Eliza. 1825. Baltimore, Md. 11 yrs. 21" x 18". Chain, stem, tent, satin, and cross- stitch. Border of acorns and oak leaves. Large brick house, fences, and flowering trees. Illustrated. Miss Lida Bartlett Pidgeox, Hannah Sophia. 1813. [Born at Chews Landing, N. J., May 11, 1803. Lived at 5th St., below Washington Ave., Philadelphia, where Wharton School now stands.] 10 yrs. 17J" X 17|". Cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. In center, three-story brick house showing front and back doors; on lawn below, a lady, an armchair, 2 dogs, 3 lambs, 6 bees, birds on trees, chicken, etc. Other designs are urns, baskets of flowers, and border around name. Mrs. Edward Ogg Pierce, Mary. 1824. Newburyport [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 13" x 8". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Double cross-stitch border. At bottom, large basket of flowers in center, with two smaller baskets and two bushes in bloom; also grass and flowers. Five rows of em- broidery. Old Newbury Historical Society Pierce, Silvia. [Cir. 1809.] 23"x29". Satin, stem, cross, and many other stitches. Large tomb with funeral vase on top bearing verse, willows drooping over it and woman in \) V -■k "2v. \ SoPKi*. $tevcn« $r!TritK..ACe ,■■1 Xl.k.-.<. ■- V.^v' '/ OCEAH CAB,tBi5 7*>.I< -SEA ^f**f ^*,' "^l coy "^ '^ ^ PLATE I.XXI Frances Wade's Sa.^ii'i.er. Savaiiiiali, C!a. 1798 (hi'iu'd l>ii Mis.f Ftnniie Bleeker Seaman ^ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 219 and emulation would make them, schoolars." " The best school for a good life, is the frequent meditation upon a happy death." Miss Mary H. Deane Sage, Emmei.ine. 1816. [Middletown, Conn., or Northampton, Mass.] 8 yrs. Hi" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Vine border. At bottom, 2 baskets of flowers with tree in between. Verse 515 (1, var.). Elizabeth Huge Saker, Susan and Elxzabetii. 1826. 10 yrs. 18" x 24". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. 3 borders of Greek fret, strawberry, and zigzag designs. Two small baskets of flowers. " Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them." Louise Salter Codmise Collection, National Museum Saltonstall, Sarah. 1810. Haverhill, Essex County. 18" x 15". 3 alphabets. Petit-point, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Dark green grass, with strawberries, 3 trees, and baskets of apples. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oarcia Sanders, Anna. "September the 1, 1801." Warren [R. I.]. "Born April 20, 1701 at Warren." 13" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, flat-.stitch. Vines growing up the sides from flower-pots. At the top, two birds holding a heart in chains perhaps. Under the arch is a house, with steps down right and left. A tree stands on either side, with a woman under one and a man under the other. In front, a group of men, women, and children. A shepherd, shepherdess, and lambs. The verse is labeled, " An acrostic Pre- sented To Miss Anna Sanders by her very affectionate friend Luther Bayer." Verse 675. [Taught by the same teacher who instructed at Polly Balch's School.] Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Sanders, Martha. March 25, 1825. Central Falls [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 16i"xl7i". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Verses 150 (last 2 lines of verse 1), 476, 566, 655. Miss Harriet L. Smith Sanderson, C. 1809. " Frankford School." Stem, cross-stitch, and needle etching. Design is the World showing 2 hemispheres. In four corners are figures representing America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Illustrated. Mrs. Robert Garrett Sanderson, Mary. 1818. 16" x 16^". 13 yrs. Variety of stitches. Elaborate border con- taining house, trees of various kinds, and serpentine floral side-borders. " A Family Record " containing the birth dates of her father, mother, and their six daughters. Sold at Walpole Galleries, New York, June 29, 1917 Sanforo, Eleneh. [Cir. 1800.] Berkley [Mass. Born in 1791.]. 12" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. George W. Colby Sarish, Abigail Ann. 1828. [Salem County, N. J. Born March 31, 1814.] 17"xl4^". 1 alphabet. Eyelet, flat, outline, queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret and Greek cross borders. At bottom, meetinghouse with weeping willow tree. Lines of drapery with hanging tassels. Miss Sarah Krom Sari.e, Julia Ann. 1814. 14" x 10". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Verse 747. Miss A. C. Westcott Saunders, Frances Respass. 1803. Leesburg [Va.]. 12 yrs. 18" x 24". 5 alphabets. Eye- let and cross-stitch. Tulip and vine border. House with trees on each side. Jeannette R. White Saunders, Lucy D. [Cir. 1810.] 11 yrs, Newburyport [Mass.]. 16i" x 17". 3 alphabets. French knots, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with leaves and berries. A figure with six curved rays in all four corners. Verse 113 (var.). Lucie A. Peabody 220 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Saunders, Sarah. 1789. Salem [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 10" x 14". 3 alphabets. Hem-stitch, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 44. (This sampler went through the Salem fire in 1914. The frame is scorched by great heat.) Mrs. H. A. Everett Saunders, Sarah Donna Leonora. 16^" x 16". Vine leaves framing a circle, in which is a representation of William and Mary College, Virginia. There are two boats in the stream in the foreground. The names " John S. Mary Saunders " and the initials "S. B. M. L. A. M. M. L. S. L. A. P. E. J. N. C. N. H. P. A. R. A. C. F. A. B. M. C. H. E. L. B. C. A. M." Illustrated. Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Sawyer, Mary. 1815. Sterling [Mass.]. 12 yrs. Cross-stitch. Floral border. Verse 748. Mr. George T. Tilden ScHRACK, Elizabeth. 1802. 9 yrs. 18" x llj". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation border all around. Scene with house, trees, shepherd, dog, sheep, barn, etc. Verse 132 (1, var.). Mr. H. L. Stowell ScHRACKs, Catherine. 1812. 15^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Rose and tulip border. Verse 187 (var.). Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Pairmount Park Scot, Masy A. 1808. Winchester [Va.]. 8 yrs. 13" x 18". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Car- nation and Greek fret borders. Trees and plants at bottom. Mrs. Harry B. Mayhin Scot, Mary A. 1808. Winchester [Va.]. 13" x 18". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross- stitch. Cross-border. At bottom, birds, geese, trees, vine, tulips, and roses. Mrs. Harry R. Maybin Scot, Mary A. 1808. Winchester [Va.]. 10" x 18". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine and Greek fret border. Strawberry design at bottom. Mrs. Harry B. Maybin Scot, Mary Ann. [Cir. 1810.] Winchester, Va. Born April, 1799. 18"x24". Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Across top and bottom, tulips, birds, strawberries, vine, and leaves. Elaborate wreath of roses and morning-glories around verse. Verse 545. Mrs. Harry R. Maybin Scott, Hannah, [Cir. 1807.] Newburyport [Mass.]. Born September 1, 1796. 18" x 16^". 5 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Rose tree, other trees, plants, butterflies, birds, and other designs. " Names of the family of Joel and Mary Scott. John born Jan. 8 1790; Mary born Jan. 6, 1792; Elizabeth born Dec. 1, 1794; Hannah born Sept. 1, 1796; Sylvanus born Sept. 1, 1798; Sylvanus born July 7, 1799; Sylvanus died Oct. 21, 1799; Sally A. born Jan. 27, 1801; Abraham Tyler born Oct. 1, 1803; Sally born Sept. 12, 1805; Caroline born Aug. 16, 1807; Rufus born July 11, 1809; Sally A. died Oct. 18, 1803; Rufus died Jan. 29, 1810." The Misses Sarah, Annie, and Efjie Tenney Scripture, Sarah. 12 yrs. 13" x 16". 4 alphabets. Bird's-eye, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Flower design at bottom. Verse 150 (1). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Seaver, Hertilla. 1817. Taunton [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 13" x 8|". 3 alphabets. Stem, chain, and cross-stitch. Cat-stitch border top and sides, and chain-stitch across bottom. De- sign at bottom of sprays of flowers, tree, and pot of flowers. Mrs. W. H. Boynton Seavey, Rebecca. 1811. 12J" x 16". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border with pink flowers. " From purity of thought, all pleasure springs. And, from an humble spirit, all our peace." Mrs. Willis N. Allen Sellman, Ann. 1807. [Ann Arundel County, Md.] 8J" x llj". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, tent, and cross-stitch, initials: " A S. A S. A S. J S. J. H. Sellman, . . . . [Har]wood." (Harwood was mother's family name.) Mi^s Stockett AMERICAN SAMPLERS 221 Sergeant, Sarah. 1830. [Philadelphia. 10 yrs.] Il"xl3". 8 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Strawberry border across top, and smaller twin berries on longer stem.9 at bot- tom- Mrs. W. T. Oppenhimer Sewall, Mary. 1804. 7 yrs. 12J" x 14". 4 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Border of vine and conventional rose design. Grass at bottom, out of which border-vines seem to spring. Mrs. Herbert A. Coffeen Shanahan, Margaret. 2 alphabets. Tapestry. Cross, stem-stitch, and petit-point. Tapestry diamonds top and bottom. Plouse and flower-pots at bottom. Verse 580. " Reminiscences of Old Salem," page II4 Sharp, Jan. 1827. "Northern Liberty School." 22" x 18". Cross-stitch. Tulip border, with rosebud and bird in middle. Vases of flowers and sprays scattered about; also 2 butterflies. Mrs. Renwick C. Hurry Sharp, Keziah. 1825. 23i" x 24". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. At bottom, large house with 2 men and 2 women, sheep, ducks, birds, trees, dogs, swan, and man on horseback. " K. S. daughter Isaac Sharp and Hannah Sharp his wife was born 12 day 12 month." Verse 132 (1, var.). Mrs. Bradbury Bedell Shattuck, Mary Ann. [Cir. 1824.] West Cambridge [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 17". Alpha- bets. Stem and cross-stitch. Two-inch embroidered space with rose in the center, straw- berry plants on each side, and pot of flowers in each lower corner. Alphabets and genealogical matter inclosed in an arch 11 inches wide, supported by a Corinthian Column 8 inches high. Over the arch are 2 sprays of wild roses and leaves. "Family Record: Isaac Shattuck April 9, 1778; Hannah Shattuck Oct. 21st, 1788; Isaac Shattuck April 17, 1809; Hannah Shattuck May 10, 1812; Mary A. Shattuck April 18, 1814." Col. A. L. Varney Shattuck, Saixy. 13 yrs. 20i" x 22". 4 alphabets. Feather-stitch, petit-point, satin, stem, cat, and cross-stitch. Floral border on three sides. Scene with house, barn, and shed all joined together, trees in background, fence at one end, lawn and path in front. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Illustrated. Rhode Island School of Design Shaw, Abigail. [1808.] Chester [N. H.]. 11 yrs. Born April 8, 1797. 10" x 14". 3 alpha- bets. Greek fret border. Jennie P. Hazelton Shaw, Charlotte. 1819. 17" x 26". Alphabet. Satin and cross-stitch. Half Greek cross, border design. At bottom, weeping willow tree behind and above garden wall, also gray house with gold roof, flower pots. "Motto: In youth the tear of sympathy is graceful." Verse 432 (1st 2 lines of 2d verse). Charles S. Henry, 2nd, Esq. Shaw, Lucy [Woods]. 1822. Denmark, Lewis County, N. Y. 10 yrs. 8i" x 10". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Simple line border. Three weeping willow trees. Lucy Shaw Maxwell Sheapard, Hannah Wood. 1830. 10 yrs. 17J" x 16^". 7 alphabets. Verses 515, 647. Shearman, Peace. 1822. 14 yrs. 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional diamond design in border. Verse 488 (var.). Old Dartmouth Historical Society Sheldon, Ceija. 1806. Cranston. 12 yrs. 2r'x21". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 28, 609, 700. Mrs. Kingman Sheldon, Mary. 1808. Deerfield [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 9" x IG^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Most of sampler given up to well-balanced arrangement of birds, hearts, flowers, baskets, and trees, that surround an oblong framed by a heart border, containing the name and date. Museum of the Pocumtuck Valley Association 222 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Sheldon, Mary. 1810. Suffield [Conn.]. 10 yrs. Si" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cro.ss- stitch. Hemstitched edge and cross-stitch border in conventional design. Miss Alena P. Owen Sherman, R. 1808. [Jericho, Long Island. Made at West Town School. 16 yrs.] 124"xl2i". Cross-stitch. Very elaborate floral and geometrical border on three sides. Individual designs of flowers, wreaths, birds, etc., in the manner of the Pennsylvania School. Mrs. Henry McAllister, Jr. Shermak, Sarah. November 3, 1811. 9 yrs. 8^" xS^". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. , Miss Lena H. Clarke Shinn, Adelaide H. 1827. New Egj'pt [N. J.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 12". 3 alphabets. Variety of stitches. Cross-stitch border. Flower in each lower corner. Dividing lines in dif- ferent stitches. Blanche S. Jobes Shikn, Martha N. 1801. [Near Pemberton, N. J.] 13 yrs. 9^" x 12". 5 alphabets. Stem, cat, flat, queen, eyelet, cross, and two-sided line-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, tree, basket of fruit, birds, and flowers. Mrs. William Wills Shurtleff, Abby Atwood. 1815. Boston [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 13" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Verse 734 (var.). Miss Eleanor Shaw Shute, Rebecca. 1830. 24" x 16". Tent and solid stem-stitch. Top border of strawberries with 2 birds; side borders of flowers; bottom border of flat-stitch. In upper half, roses, 2 butterflies, wreath around verse, 2 more butterflies, basket of roses, tulips, poppies, and basket of fruit. Wreath is made up of strawberries on sides and top, with birds and myrtle below. Verse 132 (1, var.). Mrs. Bradbury Bedell SiANiHo, Lucy A. 1819. " Stonington, State of Connecticut, U. S." 14 yrs. 8|"x8|". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. " Lucy Sianson." Verse 89. "DETH IS CERTIN AND ROOST THAT AN IF THE CAT AND DUST INDUSE" W. O. Boiodoin, Esq. SicKFBJTs, Ellzabeth. 1824. 10 yrs. 22" x 16". Chain and cross-stitch. Carnation border. Scene in center with brick house, fence, and large and small trees. Inscription: " Respectfully presented to Joseph and Sarah Sickfrits by their affectionate daughter . . . . " Mrs. Henry E. Coe Sippij:s, Eliza Tatkall. 1804. Wilmington [Del. Born in 1795.]. 10" x 12". Southern Boarding School. Cross-stitch done on one thread. Strawberry vine at sides; carnation in lower corners. Greek fret border around verse. Verse 263. William M. Canby, Esq. SissoN, Hannah. 1812. 10 yrs. 11" x 9". 2 alphabets. Flat, chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Flat-stitch border. House with man, two women, and a child. Verse 548. Miss Lois Anna Greene SissoN, Lois. [1819.] 15 yrs. 7" x 8". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, and cross-stitch. Verse 457. Miss Lois Anna Greene SissoN, SussANA. 1811. 9 yrs. 12" x 10". 2 alphabets. Flat, stem, cross, and queen-stitch. Flat-stitch border. House with man and woman standing on each side. Verse 294. Miss Lois Anna Greene Skelton, Judith O. [1819.] 18J" x 15". 1 alphabet and part of 2 other.s. Tulip border and simple cross-l)order. Cross and eyelet-stitch. At bottom 2 roses with birds perched upon them and a carnation plant in the center. Mrs. Walter Carter Moore -'vA,^^. :xr3cxrapEggs5?!3Er^ ./ T^rW^ -%rfr^^^.j#«-^'^ ^: ■ ■■■■..'■ACV.ShY''.'..- '■-■:'■ ■■■'yi-'::": ■;.H:;.-,3Si::iis:..v::-.-^:-:::":-^: ^t(;.'if:1-;;;: -,* I y s ^ e ars: jxii r'^ p )f sp/ 'll. ■;,:■- « ,i;x U If ;S Si n SI «a «« ■« :ut^m;» ia« oitt «N ■--■^ «« «» •* ^ -■- ■: ;^J^fe* y?^\c 7 ' ^'^>07^ ,\_^?»«%»,, "C PLATE LXXII Sarah S. Caldwell's Sajiplkr. Barri', Mass. 1806 Otciicd hij Mrs. W. F. .llirn AMERICAN SAMPLP:RS 223 Skinner, Mary HuRD. 1815. Charlestown [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 10"xll". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, cross, and hem-stitch. Simple zigzag border design. " Be virtuous while thou art young." Katharine French Skinner, Rebecca. 1824. Philadelphia. 8 yrs. 22" x 25". 5 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Vine and strawberry border, with flat-stitch inside. Near the base, a brick house with 2 rabbits and a dog in front; at one side, a boy and bush with birds; under a willow tree, a girl with crook and dog tending 5 sheep, 2 trees back of house; above house, 3 birds with twigs in bills, an eagle, the sun, pair of birds with strawberry between them, and other fancy designs. "God is love." Initials: "WES" [William and Esther Skinner, parents]. Miss Mable Adaline Stiles Skinner, Rebecca. 1826. Philadelphia. 10 yrs. 26" x 27". Outline, chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of heavy passion flowers. Wreath around name and age. Mrs. Clement Reeves Si-ADE, Rirxii G. August, 1806. " Swanzy " [now called Swansea]. Born in Swanzy, Jan- uary the 4th, 1796. 10" x 12". 4 alphabets-. Pineapple, feather, chain, eyelet, satin, cross, and over-and-under stitch. Cross-stitch border. At bottom, conventional trees and fruit. Dividing lines in different stitches. Anna H. Borden Slim, Rebecca. 1830. 25"x2U". Satin and cross-stitch. Vine border, with leaves and blos- soms on three sides; two birds nibbling at spray in center at top. At bottom, scene with brick house, trees, huge mandolin, lawn, cows, hens, dogs, geese, sheep, etc. Remainder of space filled in with detached birds and flowers. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Sluman, Mary. 1807. 13 yrs. 151" x 23". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Floral border in satin-stitch. Flowers, sheep, and a vase at bottom. Verse 703 (3). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Small, Sally D. July 28, 1818. Portland [Me.]. Born December 28, 1804. 17"x21". Flat, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. In lower left-hand corner, monument sur- mounted by bust and bearing inscription "A. Small" on the base; willow tree in back- ground and weeping woman in foreground. Remainder of sampler contains, " A Genealogy: Alexander Small born Dec. 27, 1777; Sarah Mariner born Apr 21, 1779; Married Sept. 16, 1799. Moses Mariner born June 17, 1742; Rebecah Parker born July 2, 1746; Married Nov. 27, 1766. Abagail Mariner born Sept. 12, 1767; Died Jan. 7, 1769. Abagail Mariner born Nov. 31, 1769. Joseph Mariner born Sept. 12, 1772. Hannah Mariner born Apr 21, 1775. Sarah Mariner born Apr 21, 1779. Moses Mariner Jun. born May 27, 1782. Joseph Mariner died Sept. 8, 1784. Rebecah Mariner born Jul 4, 1786. Joseph Mariner born Oct. 26, 1791. Joseph Mariner born Oct. 26, 1791. Moses Mariner Jun. died March 1, 1803. Arthur M. Small born Sept. 12, 1800. Alexander Small jr. born Dec. 3, 1802. Sally D. Small born Dec. 28, 1804. Alexander Small died Sept. 16, 1806." Marshall Cutler, Esq. Smith, Betsy K. 1818. 12 yrs. 17" x 17". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Realistic strawberry border. House with an animal on either side. Verse 118. Mrs. Leroy A. White Smith, Electra. 1809. Bristol [R. I.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 14J". Cross-stitch. Pointed cross- stitch design at bottom. Festoon of roses and bowknot. Family register: "John Smith born April 10th, 1764; Anna Smith born May 23rd, 1773; Married August 7th, 1791. George Smith born May 5th, 1793; Anna Cook Smith born April 23rd, 1796; Electra Smith born June 16th, 1799; John Smith Jr. born April 3rd, 1801; Richard Smith born Dec. 3rd, 1804; John Atwood Smith born Sept 29, 180?; Richard Dimoch Smith born September 224 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 20, 1808. John Smith Jr. Son of John & Anna Smith died Dec. 25th, 1801; Richard Smith Son of John & Anna Smith died Jan. 23rd, 1809." Miss Jane L. Anthony Smith, Esther. 1823. Born April 21, 1811. " Brookhaven, Long Island, Suffolk County, State of New York." Cross-stitch. Dividing lines in different designs. 4 partial alpha- bets. Large baskets of flowers at bottom, and smaller ones elsewhere. Verse 169a. Dr. James W. Walker Smith, Hannah H. [Cir. 1824.] Hampstead [N. H.]. Born April 6, 1813. 6"ii.6". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Three baskets at base, one with flowers and two with blocks. Miss Harriet M. Smith Smith, Isabel. 1811. 11 yrs. 7" x 12^". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Scroll design on three sides. Lancaster Public Library Smith, Lucy. 1806. Sterling [Mass.]. ll^"xll^". 2 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Narrow border with satin-stitch points. Strawberry design at bottom. Lancaster Public Library Smith, Lydia C. 1828. Holmes Hole [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 17" x 17". 4 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, satin, cross, and hem-stitch. Conventional rose-tree border. At bottom, picture of birthplace, showing house, garden, fence, and trees. Mrs. F. LeBaron Monroe Smith, Mary. 1821. 9|" x 9". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Birds, flowers, and acorn designs. [Found in Tarrytown.] Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Smith, Mary Amanda. 1813. Hanover [N. H.]. 10 yrs. 17^" x 11". 3 alphabets. Top border, heavy trefoil; side borders, outline trefoil; lower border, zigzag shell design. Mrs. Edward C. Wood Smith, Sophia Stevens. 1818. 14 yrs. 23" x 17". 3 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate scene with church, farmhouses, stream, boats, bridge, coach and horses on bridge, trees, etc. Scene represents the North Branford (Conn.) church, which was burned down recently. Elaborate garland of flowers across top, and caught up by bowknots. Verse 311. Illustrated in color. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Smithher (?), Emma. [Cir. 1810.] 8 yrs. 9^" x lOJ". Petit-point, tent, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. House, little girl, and dogs. Mrs. Siegfried Wachsmnn Snead, Sarah H. 1818. Worcester [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 94" x 13V'. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border outside, saw-tooth design next, and third border of Greek fret. Divid- ing lines in different designs. Mrs. D. W. Kuhn Snodgras, Mary. 1802. Harrisburgh [Pa.]. Born in Philadelphia, August 13 A D 1787. 14"xl4". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border has squares, with straw- berries, roses, bachelor buttons, and conventional designs. In center, lady under a tree writing; tree to the left with apples; at bottom, a house with a large bird on the right and tree on the left. An intertwined vine around central picture. Dr. Mary O. Hood Snively, Mary. 1814. [Cumberland County, Pa.] 13 yrs. Born May 13, 1801. 10" x 12". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Strawberry vine at bottom. Verse 20. Mrs. Frederick D. Rose Snyder, Catherine Stringham. 1800. [Clarkstown, Orange County, N. Y.] 16" x 18". Alphabet. Cross-stitch. Vine border. Geometrical figures at bottom. " Dialogue: Men: Tell us O women, we would know whither so fast we move. Women: We call'd to leave the world below are seeking one above. Men: When came ye, sa." Mrs. William H. Dickson AMERICAN SAMPLERS 225 SouTHWOHTir, MiRA. 1818. 7 yrs. 143" x 15". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 129 (var.). Mrs. Lewis Bass Spalding, Maria E. 1819. Brooklyn [N. Y.]. 10 yrs. 3 alphabets. Rope, satin, queen, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border across top, with solid pillars on sides. Two trees and lozenges. The Emma B. Hodge Collection Spaulding, Emeline. 1828. Hillsboro [N. H.]. 8 yrs. 10"xll". Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Mrs. Nettie Spalding Ferebee Spaulding, Mary. 1823. Lowell [Mass.]. 11 yrs. Born January 24, 1812. 13" x 13". 3 alphabets. Stem, French knots, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose and vine border. Mrs. Nettie Spalding Ferebee Speakman, Phebe Ann. 1820. "West Town School." 22"x21". Cross-stitch. Geometric figures cut in half-form border. Scattered vines at bottom. Verses 462, 762. Mrs. Edward H. Johnson Speer, Polly. 1804. [Near Gettysburg, Pa.] 12" x 12". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross- stitch. Top border of strawberries. Mrs. William Paxton Stevenson Spicer, Abigail. 1808. 11 yrs. 12" x 9". 4 alphabets. Flat, chain, and cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border. Verse 280. Mrs. C. B. Stark Spooner, Mary Ann. 1808. 9 yrs. Born in Boston, October 18, 1799. 16" x 21". 3 alpha- bets. Satin and cross-stitch. Rose border. Verses 162 (var.), 187 (var.), 419. Mrs. Frederick Cate Spraoue, Esther S. 1823. 9 yrs. 16" x 17". 4 alphabets. Chain, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Rose border. Verse 615 (1, var.). Miss Alzada J. Sprague Sprague, Mary. 1807. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Trees and birds. Verses 28, 609, 700. Mr. Arthur W. Ciaflin Sprague, Phebe. 1807. 11 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 28, 609, 700. Mr. Arthur W. Ciaflin Sprogell, Mary Catharine. [Cir. 1814. 10 yrs.] 17^" x 17". Birds, flowers, and baskets of flowers. Strawberry border. Verse 555. Mrs. J. F. Barr Squire, Abigail. 1821. New Bedford [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 4 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Roses and six-pointed stars inclosed in squares in border. Verse 104 (var.). Old Dartmouth Historical Society Staniford, Sarah. 1808. 11 yrs. 22"x22". 3 alphabets. Tent, stem, and cross-stitch. In center at bottom is a basket of roses, tulips, and leaves, from which a wreath of flowers tied with blue bowknots extends around the sampler. Family register: "Aaron Staniford born March 10th, 1754; Lucy Lord born October 4th, 1765; They were married March 18th, 1787. Aaron Staniford born January 4th, 1788; Lucy Staniford born May 22, 1790; Mary Staniford born July 22d, 1794; Sarah Staniford born October 15th, 1797; Mr. Aaron Staniford died July 22 1801 aged 47." Thomas Todd, Esq. Stanley, Ellza Matilda. 1829. Hamilton [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 16y'xl6i". 5 alphabets. Satin, eyelet, chain, and cross-stitch. Rose border; bouquets separated by triangular line. Charles T. Gallagher, Esq. Stanley, Phebe M[arie. 1828. Norton, Mass.]. 13 yrs. [Born October 21, 1815.] 17J" X 17^". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Hous« in Norton, Mass., with curving fence, unfinished. Ralph M. Messinger, Esq. 226 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Stanton, Mary. 1825. 11 yrs. 20" x 17". 4 alphabets. Flat, chain, and cross-stitch. House, with man and woman under a tree at one side. Verse 272. Mrs. Alfred H. Wilkinson Stahhy, Mary E. 1824. Charlestown. 18" x 17i". 7 alphabets. Queen, back, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border; larger pattern on sides. Cross-borders in crescent, scroll, and other conventional designs. At bottom, 2 roses, 1 clover plant, and 1 rose plant. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. S. E. Cunningham Stearns, Mary Hall. 1810. Lunenburg [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 18^" x 15^". 3J alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. Alexander 8. Porter Stearns, Nancy. 1805. 16" x 20". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Climb- ing rose-vine on three sides. At bottom, cluster of flowers with fruit trees on each side. Verse 645 (2). Miss Mary Louisa Adams Clement Steer, Rachel. 1800. Frederick County, Va. 9 yrs. Born in 1791. 14" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry border at bottom. Elma C. Collins Steer, Sarah. 1806. 9 yrs. 12" x 20". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and floral border. Floral border around verses. Verse 275. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Sterling, Patty Kendall. 1806. 12 yrs. 18" x 111". 3 alphabets. Herringbone and satin- stitch. Strawberry beds at bottom. Verse 107 (var.). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Stetson, Huldah. May 18th, 1809. Bridgewater [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 21"x21". 3 alphabets. Chain, cross, and flat-stitch. Conventional designs. The Misses Ford Stevens, Anne. [Cir. 1803.] Marblehead [Mass.]. 8"x8i". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple line border. At bottom, 2 girls with floral design between and birds perched around bottom. Fancy cross-borders. Mrs. Fletcher Hodges Stevens, Elizabeth. 1810. New York City. 9" x 12". French knots, chain, stem, tent, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Map of Massachusetts. " New York Public School No. 13." Mrs. F. E. Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth H. 1820. 16" x 17". Satin and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, house, trees, and grass. Verse 655 (2). Mrs. John Wahl Queen Stevens, Emma A. [Cir. 1825.] Salisbury [N. H.]. 21i"x21". Stem, satin, French knots, and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose border. Border and wreath around name. Verse 477. Shreve, Crump 4" Low, March, 1919 Stevenson, Mary Ann. 1829. Philadelphia. 13 yrs. 17i"x21J". Satin and cross-stitch. Greek fret border, also flower and tree border. Three white roses with leaves in upper center; cherries, grapes, currants, and basket of strawberries in lower center. Verses 515 (var.), 622 (var.). Mrs. Charles H. Tindall Stickney, Lucy D. 1830. Charlestown [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 23A"x25". 3 alphabets. French knots, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Elaborate rose border on three sides, caught up with bowknots in upper corners. At bottom, scene with Charlestown Neck House, trees, marsh, wharf, and water. Sky and reflection in water are painted. On either side of verse in center are sprays of flowers. Verse 38. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Stickney, Sarah Ann. 1813. Newburyport. 11 yrs. 18"x21i". Chain, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Clover border. At bottom, three tombstones with three weeping willow trees, bearing inscriptions: "In memory of Thomas Adams, Obt. Oct. 11, 1795, aged 37; In memory of Wm. Stickney Obt. Sept. 22, 1802, aged 20 months; Sacred to the memory of Thomas Stickney Obt. Sept. 6, 1803, aged 30." Family register: "Thomas Adams PLATE LXXIII Margaret Moss's Sampler. Philadelphia. 1825 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe Plate presented by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 227 bom December 22, 1758; Alice Moody born January 11, 1768; Married May 28, 1789. Thomas Adams born March 11, 1790; James Adams born January 27, 1794; Thomas Stickney born May 28, 1773; Alice Adams married September 22, 1798; David Stickney born June 24, 1799; William Stickney born January 7, 1801; Sarah Ann Stickney born Oct. 16, 1802; Silas Moody born Dec. 5, 1775; Alice Stickney married June 9, 1808." Verse 302. Mrs. Alice Oenn Stii-es, Erj^ABETH S. M. 1810. 15" x 17". 3 alphabets. Birds'-eye and cross-stitch. Small and queer strawberries in border. Unfinished vase of flowers at bottom. Verse 288. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Stites, RiiODA. 1826. [Beasley's Point, Cape May County, N. J.] 17" x 172". 4 alphabets. Flat, cross, and other stitches. Strawberry-vine border. Flowers in vase. Verse 781. Mrs. M. V. B. Scull Stockton, Ann. 1804. [Springfield Township, N. J.] 17" x 18". Cross, satin, stem, chain, solid stem-stitch. Flat-stitch border. At top a house with fence, two poplar trees, wil- low tree, and basket of plums. At bottom, fence, girl on horseback, dog, and cow. Tenant house in corner, with lambs, hill and trees. Miss Nancy Brown Stockton, Lydia. 1803. [Springfield Township, Burlington County, N. J.] 10 yrs. Born October 30, 1793. 8|" x 11 J", 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Miss Mary Taylor Black Stockton, Mahgaret. 1802. Marlton [N. J.]. 17"x23". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Rose, carnation, duck, and bird at bottom. Verse 633 (1, var.). Dr. J. C. Haines Stockweix, Ann C. 1802. 10 yrs. 9\" x llA". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. Small church in center. For Sale May 29, 1917, at The Walpole Galleries Stoddard, Ann. 1801. Hingham. 11 yrs. 12" x 12". 3 alphabets. Trefoil border. " In- dustry is the law of our nature, the indispensible condition of a possessing of a sound mind and a sound body." M. Anna Pierce Stokes, Caholine. 1818. 21^"x23". Edged with ribbon. (This sampler is very similar to Sarah Cole's.) Mrs. H. E. OilUngham Stone, Mary. August 20, 1806. Topsham [Me.]. 7 yrs, 19" x 17". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Strawberry border. Verse 693 (1). Mrs. George Plimpton Stone, Mary. 1808. Cambridge [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 13" x 14". 2 alphabets. Border of double cross-stitch, with drawnwork between all around, scroll design at top and sides; con- ventional border in cross-stitch and drawnwork also at top. Square in center with 5 trees, each with dove on top. Wide band of flat-stitch around square. Nathaniel J. W. Fish, Esq. Storer, Hannah. 1821. Waldoboro [Me.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 14". 3 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge with vine border. At bottom, basket, cross, urn with flowers, tree; also elaborate design of plant in receptacle, on which are leaves and flowers. Verse 515 (1, var.). Mrs. William H. Shurtlef Stratten, Sarah B. September 26, 1813. Northborough. 14 yrs. 3 alphabets. Great variety of stitches. Spray of flowers in each corner; then wreath of vine and berries, with inner circle of conventional pointed design. Basket of flowers at top and vase of berries and leaves at bottom. Dividing lines between alphabets and Greek fret border inclosing verse. Verse 40 (var.). Mrs. Richard H. Hunt 228 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Stretch, Ann W. [Salem County, N. J.] 13J" x 14". Cross-stitch. Grapevine border. At bottom, mound surmounted with vase containing carnation and 2 strawberries, and flanked on each side with vases of flowers and fruit. Design in center, 2 doves with branch in mouths surrounded by octagonal inclosure, with words " Emblem of Love." Trees, bowls of fruit, sprays of flowers, etc., scattered all over sampler. Verse 377 (var.). Miss Kate 8. Harris Strong, Frances. 1821. [Northampton, Mass.] 10 yrs. [Born February 4, 1821.] 18" x 13". 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Alternate squares in borders. At bottom, large basket of flowers in each lower corner and five trees in a row, three large and two small. Fancy stitches in dividing lines. Cross-stitch shield around name. Verses 321, 768. Miss Harriet J. Kneeland Sturges, Nancy A. 1830. Vassalborough, Me. 12 yrs. 9" x 19". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Two alternate rows of cross-stitch in border. Mrs. Charles Vose Sullivan, Elmira. 1818. Portsmouth [N. H.]. 10 yrs. 12" x 15". 3 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Beneath row of eyelets are the words, "Youth is the time to improve." Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Caroline Stavers Sweet, Sarah F. Before 1814. lOi" x 9". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Picture of the First Congregational Church in Providence. The Church was destroyed by fire June 14, 1814. Illustrated. Miss M. Frances Babcock Sweetland, Harriet. 1811. Heebson [Conn. Born November 20, 1798]. ir'xl2". 1 alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border at top. At bottom, house with a rose bush on each side, fence around green space, more rose bushes, white pot of roses, and green wreath around letters "SB" [initials of a cousin living with her]. Mrs. John L. Jerome SwEETSEH, Cornelia. February 22, 1807. Newburyport [Mass.]. 7 yrs. 18" x 13". 4 alpha- bets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Narrow saw-tooth border. Dividing lines in various designs. Miss Frances W. Sweetser SwEETSER, Mary Jane. August 28, 1813. 8 yrs. 13" x 9^". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. Verse 680 (1). Mrs. John A. Sweetser SwEETSER, Sally. April 18, 1808. Newburyport [Mass.]. 6 yrs. 18" x 13". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Narrow saw-tooth border. Verse 639. Mrs. John A. Sweetser Swift, Rosannah. September 10, 1817. 9r'x8". Chain and cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Various different cross-borders in conventional designs. Verse 182 (1). W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. T , E. 1810. 20" X 18". Cross-stitch. Elaborate carnation border. Hill with house on top; four trees on either side of hill; birds on first tree on either side; man in Indian costume and a woman standing with hands clasped, with deer and sheep around them; baskets of flowers hang in mid-air on either side of houSe. Verse 428. Wreaths inclosing single initials " E » and " T." Mrs. Henry E. Coe Tainter, RoxA. June 20, 1806. Leicester [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 8" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch and hem-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Verse 414. Myra M. Gilbert Morrill Talbot, Elusa. 1810. "West School." 16" x 17". Chain and cat-stitch. 3 alphabets. Verse 516 (var.). Mrs. Howard Gardner Tallman, Lydia. 1808. New Bedford [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 17"x2r'. 4 alphabets. French knots, stem, and cross-stitch. Tulip border. Verse 104 (var.). Miss Belle Skinner "f^^--^-- "7- ' ,i— r cyf'LrHiibv^e /?U'^. "2?oc' c>Mlhn«i Sorter, ^Miv^-y -' ^' -'-'^y^ \i ,-,.V.-. .•h.'..),i.T^'>'''^*"' -ifiia fc _^ I " ■ III! — u # ■ ■ ■-* ; itHn PLATE LXXIV Haxxah Lorixg's Sampler. Boston. 1812 Made in Miss Perkins's Academy, Boston Owned by Mrs. Lathrup C. Harper AMERICAN SAMPLERS 229 [Tawn, Mary Ank. 1812. Philadelphia, Pa.] 26" x 18", Long and cross-stitch. Scene at bottom with three-story brick house, tall poplars, bushes, groups of men and women on lawn at either side, sheep, and urn of flowers in front, and two flocks of birds. Mrs. Edward Twaddell Taixor, Eliza. September 1, 1804. Little Compton [R. I.]. 8 yrs. 17"xll". Cross-stitch. 3 alphabets. Scene with house and rose bushes. Miss Alice Martin Morgan Taylor, Elizabeth. 1812. Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 18"x20". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, tent, and cross-stitch. Double border, strawberry and crow-foot; also cross-borders. Miss Grace Evelyn Bouldin Taylor, Eunice. 1817. 11 yrs. 12" x 16". Alphabets. Cross-stitch. 2 lines of a proverb. Sold at American Art Galleries, N. Y., April 11, 1918 Taylor, Hester Dashiell. 1800. Alexandria [Va.]. 17" x 17". Alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. At bottom, house with trees and cornucopia of flowers. Verses 103, 671. Mrs. John Van Rensselaer Taylor, Julian. 1804. 10 yrs. 16i"xl0". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. House. Mrs. William H. Miller Taylor, Sally. 1800. Providence. 8 yrs. 21" x 8". 5 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Mr. Elisha H. Howard Teackle, Eliza Custis. January 12, 1804. Ili"xl4i". Satin and cross-stitch. Geometrical design in border and cross-borders. " Prepare to meet Thy God." Verses 266, 681. Mrs. James Fortescue Giffen Temple, Lydia Ann. 1821. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem, queen, long and short, two-sided line-stitch, and French knots. Verse 464. Rhode Island Tenches, Nancy R. S. [Before 1830.] 3 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Wide floral border. Wreath of roses around name and date. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Terry, Elizabeth Rowe. 1828. [Cutchogue, L. I.] 16" x 15^". Cross-stitch. Simple border. Sampler divided into 4 sections: at top, conventionalized basket of fruit in center, and baskets of flowers on either side ; 2d section, conventionalized " Adam and Eve " scene, flanked by huge plants and small trees; 3d section, odd-looking structure in center, with lady carrying flowers on one side and unfinished figure of man on the other side, and small trees topped by birds at ends, also small dogs following man and woman; at bottom, baskets of fruit, flowers, peacock, and small birds. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Thackrey, Ebna Ann. 1822. 21J"x21i". 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Vine and flowers on sides; green mound at bottom, topped by small trees and animals; birds and sprays of flowers at top; detached sprays of flowers and baskets of fruit and flowers, and birds scattered all about. Verse 466. " Joseph Tliackrey " and " Abigail Thackrey " inscribed across top. Mrs. H. de B. Parsons Thaw, Ann Mahoaret. May, 1819. 17"x21i". Satin, tent, and cross-stitch. Carnation and tulip border all around, and cross-borders of rosebud, carnation, and strawberry designs. In upper section, large pots with flowering plants, vines, etc. In lower section, houS€, fence, gate, trees, and sheep. Mrs. Lathrop C. Harper Thayer, Harriot A. [1811. Greenfield, Mass. Born in 1800.] Il"xl5". 3 alphabets. Flat and cross-stitch. Flat-stitch all around, with strawberry vine across top. Elizabeth DeKalb Peace Thayer, Levina K. [1824. Mendon.] &" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Mr. Francis H. Anthony 230 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Thomas, Eliza. 1804. Media [Pa.]. 16" x 18". Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry- border, with stars in the corners and a canopy above. Two baskets of fruit, with leaves at bottom. Scene with brick house on a hill bordered by trees, under which are two stags and a dog; also an arch bordered by trees and a fence. Verses 6, 684. Mrs. V. 8. Chirm Thompson, Ann. 1801. [Near Repaupa, N. J.] 17 yrs. 15"x]7". Cross-stitch. Straw- berry and vine border. Wild-rose design at bottom. " Love the Lord and he will be a tender father unto thee." (Children of Isaac and Ann Thomson as recorded on sampler) : "Margaret born Jan. 23, 1777; Benjamin born Aug. 18, 1779; Isaac born Nov. 21, 1782; Ann born Nov. 11, 1784; Mary born April 6, 1787; Charles born March 14, 1790; Nathan born Feb. 9, 1793; Jane born Dec. (?) 1798." Verse 343 (1). E. Arlington Jones Thompson, Ann. " Srd moth 9th 18010." 1810. 11 yrs. 18" x 16". Outline, stem, and satin- stitch. Conventional floral border, with roses and leaves. In center, basket of rosebuds and carnations. Miss Linda Lippincott Thompson, Hannah E. W. 1817. Stratham [N. H.]. 11 yrs. 8i" x 17". 4 alphabets. Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with conventional cross-borders. Miss Hannah Bartlett Rollins Thompson, Rachel. 1800. 8 alphabets. Simple cross-borders. Cross and eyelet-stitch. Mrs. Herbert E. Black Thornton, Diana. 1813. 19" x 17". Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and floral border. Verse 515 (var.). "In thy fair book of life devine." Mr. Arthur W. Claflin TiDEY, Mary Ann. 1830. 8" x 12". Cross-stitch. Floral border. Three divisions on sampler; upper third contains picture of Adam and Eve with serpent, tree, bushes, and birds; center division contains conventional pot of flowers, flanked by rose bushes and animals; lower third contains row of plants in pots, a cock, crowns, etc. Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer Thayer TiLESTON, . [After 1814.] Satin and cross-stitch. Conventional design on three sides. Three sprays of flowers at top. Names and dates: " Nathaniel Tileston born Feb. 16, 1764; Elizabeth Draper born Sept 10, 1767; Married Nov. 9, 1790. Nathaniel Tileston Junr. born June 14, 1798; George Tileston born Nov. 21, 1795; Eliza Tileston born May 10, 1793; Draper Tileston b. Jan 20, 1801; John Tileston b. Feb. 16 1803; William D. Tileston born Aug. 16, 1806; Charles Tileston born Nov. 1, 1810; Catherine S. Tileston born Sept. 30, 1814." The Emma B. Hodge Collection TiLTON, Amelia. 1814. Hopkinton [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 121" x 13". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Mrs. Charles M. Morse TisDALE, Rhoda. 1816. Taunton [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 7" x 12". Cross-stitch. Zigzag design in border. Emily C. Williams TisE, Sarah Ann. 1827. 10 yrs. [Born November 1, 1817, at Bergen, N. J.] 17" x 19". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret and strawberry borders. " Honor thy Parents." " Fear God." Verse 63. Mrs. Vincent R. Schenck Todd, L. [Cir. 1814. Born in 1800. Salisbury, N. Y.j 30" x 24". Quilting-stitch. Cornu- copia quilted all in white fruits and flowers. Grapevine at bottom and on sides. Name in circle of knots. Mrs. Edward 8. Isham ToPLiFF, Sarah. 1810. Dorchester [Mass.]. 12" x 12". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Pointed design in border. Verse 669 (var.). Harriet M. Cutler i ^. «rT •».rt ;r, '^iti.-to-,, y*)). 29. I7^s, j,i the «■.,£>.£•. 'iiTOXi*! 5i>u«n ^fonti, their ftr^t ^ify S^ur.vi ^oiifs. (i.t.iY ««cat ifo** Joncj 'htii- ihivil « bsrn ;:4usu*i ^; 'tt'ih tSn.iu vi>i» bi>rn :i!)»c. #0. i^*«- ^oipfnA ion<;-c thfrl'- C'lx^r, ''^hUd C-4tA ^ki.'-5.Vu- o* t^e ftp* "Secwi iiom Rc^r-.iii «;» claim i i^svtfiiia' ; ; _. -J PLATE I.XXV Harriet Jones's Sa,"mfi.er. 1802 Owned by Mrs. WiUiam J. Dyer AMERICAN SAMPLERS 231 ToppAN, Ei.LEN M. 1814. 8" X 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross borders In chain de- sign. Vers€S 515, 714 (var.). Miss L. Gertrude Wiiuhip Topping, Harriet Newell. 1828. Bridgehampton [L. I.]. 11 yrs. 18" x 13i". 3 alphabets. Herringbone, queen, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border. Verse 515. Helen Topping French TowKE, Elizabeth. 1820. Shepards Town, Va. 4 alphabets. Eyelet, herringbone, and cross-stitch. Border in cross-stitch and herringbone-stitch. Strawberry design in cross- borders. Mrs. Knox Taylor TowNSEND, Charlotte. 1827. ISeaville, Cape May County, N. J.] 11 yrs. [Born October 1, 1816.] 8J" X 16". 3 alphabets. Cat, eyelet, tent, queen, and cross-stitch. Diamond patterns. Cross design in border. Mrs. Isabelle Townsend Keeney Trask, Nabby. 1804. 8 yrs. 22" x 18". 3 alphabets. Leaves and flowers in border. Scene with house, fence, garden, and flower-beds. Verse of eight lines. On sale at Walpole Galleries, May 29, 1917 Theadwell, Lucy A. 1809. Ipswich. Born August 4, 1802. 7|"x8". Hem-stitch and cross- stitch. 3 alphabets. Greek fret border. Rows across of single and double cross-stitch. Miss Lucy S. Jewett Treat, Sally Ann. 1813. South Britain, Conn. 8 yrs. lOi" x 10^". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. At top, house, trees, flowers, and fence. Verse 303. Mrs. Pitts H. Burt Treat, Sarah. 1818. Milford, Conn. 10 yrs. 10" x 14". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch and eye- let. Verse 312. Mrs. Henry Champion Trufhy, Ruthy. 1807. Portland [Me.]. 12 yrs. 16"x21". Great variety of stitches. Conventionalized vine and flower border. Squares in lower corners, with pictures of tombs and weeping willow trees, one bearing initials " H T, P T " and the other " B T." " The Genealogy of Mickel and Mary Trufry. Mickel Trufry born dec. 25, 175 ; Mary Trufry born sept. 18, 1766; [Mic]kel Trufry born feb. 11, 1781; Polly Trufry born oct. 30, 1791; Ruthy Trufry born aug. 20, 1787; Sarah Trufry born oct. 9, 1789; Ruthy Trufry born jan. 22, 1795; Mary Trufry born Jan. 22, 1795; Mary Trufry born oct. 19, 1798; Eliza Trufry born nov. 10, 1801." Mrs. G. H. Buek Truman, Sarah. 1820. Providence [R. L]. 7 yrs. 4 alphabets. Long and short, eyelet, chain, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Verse 515 (var.). Frederick W. Arnold, Jr., Esq. Tubes, Mary. 1814. 12 yrs. 22" x 9". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Dividing lines in various designs. At bottom, basket of fruit flanked by birds and trees; below, three tiny dogs. Miss Mary Reading Scofield Tucker, Eli2;abeth Crosman. 1800. 11 yrs. Stem and cross-stitch. Border of buds, flowers, and birds. Mi^s Rebecca Tucker Tucker, Lydia. 1809. Andover [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 15^" x 18". 3 alphabets. Chain, seed, stem, French knots, and cross-stitch. Conventionalized rose border. Verse 616. Mrs. J. S. Andrews Tucker, Mary. 1807. Milton [Mass.]. 9 yrs. Verses 40 (var.), 151. "Virtue is amiable." Mrs. Stephen A. Tucker Tucker, Rhoda. [1818.] New Bedford. 12 yrs. "Born 27th 11th month, 1806." 18" x 17". 4 alphabets. Mostly cross-stitch. Conventional border with leaves. Various cross- 232 AMERICAN SAMPLERS borders. Leaves and flowers on either side of verse. "Benjamin Tucker born 1781 Lucretia Tucker Born 1778." Verse 2a. Mrs. George H. Davenport Tufts, Abigail. 8 yrs. 12" x 17". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Conventionalized floral border on three sides. Three houses in center; above, tree with birds and basket of flowers; below, wreath around name and date, with baskets of flowers and two birds nibbling at strawberry above it. " The fairest flower will soon decay." Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Turner, Freelove. 1823. 12 yrs. 17" x 15". 3 alphabets. Stem and cross-stitch. Cross- stitch border. " In all my past concerns with thee." Verse 470. Mrs. Q. Richmond Parsons Tukner, Louisa. 1811. Medway [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 20J"x21^". 3 alphabets. Outline, satin, and cross-stitch. Leaf border. Vine with small star-shaped flowers at bottom. Verse 293. Mrs. W. 8. Rich Turner, Lucy. 1806. Salem [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 21"x23". Alphabet. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vase with roses and vine in border. Verses 40 (var.), 128 (1, var.). Mrs. Lavinia T. Snow TuBNER, Mary. [Cir. 1803.] Fort Covington, N. Y. Born in 1792. 11" x 11". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. At bottom, tree, animal, and vase with plant. Sixty-six sets of initials beginning with "A T" [Alexander Turner], "S T" [Susan Turner, parents of maker]. Mrs. Samuel Elliott Perkins TuTtE, L. August 29, 1810. New Hampshire. 13 yrs. 13" x 12". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Pyramid design in border. Mrs. S. G. Stevens TuTLE, Lydia. 6i" X 17^". 3 alphabets. Cushion, long and short, satin, eyelet and cross- stitch. Six narrow rows of designs at top. Verse 40 (var.). 2%e Emma B. Hodge Collection Tyler, Maky. 1804. [Made in a Boston School.] 7 yrs. 14" x 13". 4 alphabets. Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. Strawberry design at bottom. Verse 274. Harvard Historical Society Tyxer, Nabby S. 1805. 14 yrs. 22" x 17i". Stem and cross-stitch. Rose vine at sides and across top. Three-story house, with trees and lamb. Verse 267. Charles H. Tyler, Esq. Tyson, R. C. 1825. [Germantown, Pa.] 16" x 17". Stem and cross-stitch. Vine border with leaves and tulips on three sides. Verse in center, with " J & K Tyson " just below it, and underneath this, wreath inclosing name of maker. Remainder of sampler filled in with detached sprays of flowers, trees, and basket of flowers. Verse 418 (var.). Mrs. Harley L. Stotvell Ulrich, Elizabeth. 1803. [She came from Hamburg, Germany, in 1795.] Baltimore [Md.]. 9 yrs. 8" x 17". 4 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Elaborate cross-borders in strawberry and other designs. Crown, and urns filled with flowers. Mrs. G. Clem Goodrich Unknown. 1801. 12" x 10^". Split and satin-stitch. Elaborate tombstone, with weeping willow tree in background. Inscription on stone: " M. T. OB. Oct. 19, 1801. AE 8." Verse 15. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Unknown. 1804. 11" x 13". Cross and tent-stitch. Fret border. Bird on a bough, flowers, leaves, deer, and a rabbit. William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas AMERICAN SAMPLERS 233 Unknown. 1818. Boston [Mass.]. 2 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Verse 363 (1, var.). The Emma B. Hodije Collection Unknown. 1820. 13 yrs. Alphabets. Stem, satin, chain, cross, long and short stitch. Elaborate floral border. Cross-borders. Verse almost completely worn oflF. Verse 538 (var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. 1821. 10" x 12i". Flat, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Conventional design in border. 4 alphabets. " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Eccl. 12th 1st." Mrs. John R. Varney Unknown. 1824. 5|" x 12^". 6 alphabets. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Unknown. 1825. 8|"x6|". Satin and cross-stitch. Tree, urn, and tombstone. "In Mem- ory of Miss Nancy Chamberlain who died May 12, 1825 aged 21 years." " Memento Mori." Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Unknown. 1829. Double strawberry and carnation border. Miss Abbott Unknown. [Before 1830.] 10" x 164". 2 alphabets. Mostly cross-stitch. Tent-stitch in border. Little pyramids in different colors between letters and numerals. Miss Elizabeth E. Dana Unknown. 6J" x 10". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. [Design unfinished.] Groton Historical Society Unknown. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Scroll design around edge with conventionalized rosebud sprays on sides- and at top, with basket of flowers in center at top. " There is a world where souls are free. Where tyrants taint not natures bliss. If in . . . . " Mrs. Henry E. Coe Unknown. 6i" x 11". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Conventionalized strawberry border. Straw- berry design at bottom in queen-stitch. " Remember Thy Creator in the days of thy Youth Before the Evil Days." Newport Historical Society Unknown. 16" x 15^". 3 alphabets. Bird's-eye, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Carnation cross-border. Basket of fruit in center, with a bird and spray of flowers on either side. Below, strawberry plant in large pot and small plants growing in grass. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Unknown. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch and satin-stitch. Hemstitched edge, with simple cross- stitch line-border. Saw-tooth design across sampler. Verse 536. Unknown. [Before 1810, in Vermont.] 12i"xl61". 2 alphabets. Tent, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border across top; geometrical design on sides; hourglass in upper corners. Basket of flowers in center at bottom, flanked by geometrical designs. Mrs. Amos Bush McNairy Unknown. [After 1812.] 16" x 13", 2 alphabets. Cross, satin, stem and tent-stitch. Border of detached sprays of flowers. At the bottom an unfinished picture of the First Con- gregational Church, Providence, R. I., which burned in 1812 or 14? [Value, Jane Catherine Louise. 1827.] 8" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Howard M. Chapin, Esq. Van Ai.u:n, Euphemia Antonnette. 1830. [Belvidere, N. J.j T yrs. 8A" x 17". 3 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Large strawberry border at bottom, with house, tree, flower in pot, basket of fruit, bird, butterflies, and daisies. Mrs. George A. Walter 234 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Van Doeen-, Mary. 1801. [Bedminster, Somerset County, N. J.] 10 yrs. 12" x 17". 2 alphabets. Outline, herringbone, and cross-stitch. Waving line in border, with straw- berries. Mrs. William Johnston Taylor Van Horn, Sarah. 1829. [Bergen County, N. J.] 11 yrs. 8"x6i". Cross-stitch. Cross and vine border. Miss Clara Post Van Rensselaer, Catherina Visschel. [1827?] Cherry Hill, Albany, N. Y. 7 yrs. 19" X 17". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. At bottom, house and barn with trees, and man with gun aiming at bird. Verse 515 (var.). Emma C. Bonney Van Rensselaer, Harriet Maria. 1826. Cherry Hill, Albany, N. Y. 8 yrs. 19" x 17". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. At bottom, house, barn, tree, and man shooting at bird. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Harriet V. R. Gould Van Wart, Harriet. 1822. 13 yrs. 30"x30". Chain, queen, satin, and cross-stitch. Cluster of roses and other flowers in center at top. Clover blossom, etc., at bottom. Chain- stitching, done in hair, separates different genealogical groups. " A record of the births and deaths of Isaac Van Wart and Forster Families." " Isaac Van Wart was Born October 25, 1762 " Isaac Van Wart died May 23, 1828. Rachel his Wife was Born June 4, 1760 Anna their daughter was Born March 24, 1782 Anna their first daughter died Oct. 30, 1820. Abraham their son was Born Aug. 12, 1785 Abraham their first son died May 15, 1823. Fanny their daughter was Born May 12, 1793 Fanny their second daughter died May 2, 1824. Alexander their son was Born Sept. 28, 1799 ' Marmaduke Forster was Born July 29, 1738 Marmaduke Forster died Aug. 13, 1825. Jemima his wife was Born June 29, 1743 Jemima his wife died July 20, 1825. Annah their daughter was Born Nov. 13, 1762 Annah their daughter died March 24, 1762 [-3.] John their son was Born March 27, 1764 Mary their daughter was Born May 6, 1766 Mary their daughter died Aug. 5, 1767. Elizabeth their daughter was Born Jan. 10, 1768 Elizabeth their daughter died June 19, 1772.. Jane their daughter was Born Sept. 17, 1769 Jane their daughter died Aug. 16, 1770. James their son was Born May 13, 1771 James their son died June 15, 1772. Elizabeth their daughter was Born Apr. 16, 1773 Rachel their daughter was Born Sept. 27, 1775 Rachel their daughter died March 1, 1828. William their son was Born Oct. 30, 1777 James their son was Born July 17, 1779 James their son died Jan. 5, 1790. Isaac their son was Born July 5, 1781 Isaac their son died Feb. 1819. c- ii. i 'III m V " '' f r _^ \ ,.?^' r „■>'■ .:C^ '.^l-^- l»?'r*)^l alkr^-^d.; / ^ 0:^Jn^^ )0mLfJ^ ^^^''^t X-^ *«yi. n?*-.: ;9' • ■■;- '5i' .-^,>>\. .Z^- "^^ 01 JL^I W^W^^i^^- PLATE I.XXVI Lucy P. Wyman's Sampler. 1807 Owned by Mrs. Bradbury Bedell >^ >v >s AMERICAN SAMPLERS 235 Jane their daughter was Born Aug. 29, 1783 Phebe their daughter was Born Aug. 16, 1785 Sarah their daughter was Born Oct. 9, 1788 A Record of the Births and Deaths of Abraham Van Warts family Abraham Van Wart was Born Aug. 12, 1786 Abraham Van Wart died May 16, 1823. Phebe Foster, his wife was Born Aug. 16, 1785 Adelia their daughter was Born June 5, 1808 Harriet their daughter was Born Jan. 11, 1810 Sarah their daughter was Born July 16, 1812 Jane their daughter was Born Oct. 21, 1815 Isaac Foster their son was Born Nov. 14, 1819 Anna their daughter was Born Sept. 21, 1821." Van Wyck, Elizabeth. 1807. Huntington. "Born March 16, Anno Domini 1796." 17"xl5*". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional border. Verse 10 (1, 2, var.). Miss Or ace Hewlett Vakzant, Jane. 10 yrs. 8^" x 21". Alphabets doubled and trebled. Cross-stitch. Verse 198 (var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Varney, Susannah. 1808. Danvers [Mass.]. 14 yrs. Verse 248, Miss Susan Varney Vaughan, Caroline. October 28, 1818. 10 yrs. " Worked at Mary Walden's School." 18" X 15^". 3 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, stem, tent, and cross-stitch. Conventional border of flowers and Greek fret. Basket with flowers on either side of verse, and below, small house, barn, trees, fence, birdhouse, and several birds. Verse 515 (var.), Mrs. Miles White, Jr. ViCKERY, Sally Amy. 1807. Taunton [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 8" x 12^". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Border in black cross-stitch. "Imitate The Best." Harriet A. Barstow ViNiNo, Emily. [Cir. 1827. Weymouth, Mass.] 10 yrs. Stem, cat, satin, couching, and cross-stitch. Floral border, with two small baskets of flowers in center at top. Funeral urns in each lower corner, one " In memory of Delia Vining who died Aug. the 1st aged 7 months," and the other " In Memory of James Vining who died June the 6th aged 38 years." "Family Register: James Vining was born Feb. the 10th A. D. 1779; Lucy Cushing was born Oct. the 27th A. D. 1781. Jared Vining was born July the 17th A. D. 1800; Elias Vining was born June the 24th A. D. 1802; Lydia B. Vining was born Nov. the 23rd A. D. 1804; Martin Vining was born Mar. the 20th A. D. 1806; Lucy Vining was born Oct. the 2nd A. D. 1810; Emily Vining was born Feb. the 8th A. D. 1814; Delia Vining was born Jan. the 2nd A. D. 1817." Mrs. Fifield Vinton, Esther E. 1813. llj"xll". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. At bot- tom, 2 houses and 5 small trees. Albert C. Bates, Esq. Vinton, Mary Ann Fessenden. 1819. 3 alphabets. Petit-point. Border of heavy rose- sprays repeated. Tomb, urn, weeping willow, and weeping lady. "MS of John Vinton Obt. April 14, 1813 Aged 43 years." Illustrated. The Emma B. Hodge Collection VosE, Elizabeth Eliot. 1820. 7 yrs. 13" x 10". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verse 515 (1, var.). The Misses Vase Vose, Eunice. 1807. Watertown. 11 yrs. Cross-stitch. Verse 104 (3). Mrs. John Emerson VosE, Sarah Ann G. 1808. Milton. 8 yrs. Verse 669 (var.). The Misses Vose 236 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Vreeland, Martha. 1800. Newark [N. J.]. 10 yrs. 18" x 18". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Mrs. Charles F. Lonergan WADI.EIGH, Mary Ann. 1824. Salisbury [Mass. 18 yrs.]. 22"x24". 4 alphabets. Stem, flat, cat, eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Outside border in cross design; inside border of flowers, worked in silk and chenille. Landscape with houses, trees, pond, and boat. Verse 475. Mrs. Oeorge H. Williams Wadsworth, Julia Ann. [1806.] Hartford [Conn.]. 23J" x 16^". French knots and stem- stitch. Design is the south front view of Lord Oxford's seat in England. Background is done in water-colors. Mrs. Robert A. Wadsworth Wadsworth, Mary. 1810. Milton [Mass.]. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Mrs. E. D. Wadsioorth Waldron, Betsy. 1816. Taunton [Mass.]. [Born February 22, 1800.] 16 yrs. Sf" x i3J". 1 alphabet. Cross-stitch. Ruth A. Tew Waldron, Hannah. 1810. 11 yrs. 14" x 10". 1 alphabet. Chain and cross-stitch. House. " O God I beg The to impart Thy Grace to sanctify my heart." Mrs. Frank L. Bowen Waldron, Lydia Dean. 1815. Taunton [Mass.]. 13 yrs. 17J" x 17". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, flat, and cross-stitch. Zigzag design in border. Verse in center, and on either side are figures of boys and girls, also birds on perches, shrubs, bowls, and squares in lower corners. Verse 515 (var.). Ruth A. Tew Walker, Elizabeth. 1813. Si" x 17". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Hearts, diamonds, birds, and trees worked at end of alphabets. Verse 440. Mrs. W. H. Walker Walker, Faith. [After 1800.] Design at bottom is a building marked " Solomon's Temple," and underneath picture of Adam and Eve. Verse 258. Estate of James L. Little. Esq. Walkley, Eliza. 1814. 10 yrs. 81" xT^". 5 alphabets. Cross-stitch. [Probably Hartford.] Wilbu/r M. Stone, Esq. Wallis, Caroline. 1827. Salem [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 19" x 16^". Alphabets. Satin, cross, and many fancy stitches. Greek fret border outside, with fancy inner border. Wreath of roses and purple grapes. Verse 330. Miss Carrie M. Lefavour Wallis, Eliza. June 23, 1817. Brookline [Mass.]. 16 yrs. 1 alphabet. Great variety of stitches. Elaborate vine border, with leaves and blossoms. At bottom, two trees, with huge sprays of roses in between. Verse 318. Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Walton, Caroline. November 18, 1806. Lebanon. " Polly Huntington, instructoress." 9 yrs. 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Walton, Elizabeth. 1825. 25" x 20J". Stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with leaves and blossoms. Thirteen different sprays of flowers occupy most of space. Mrs. Henry E. Coe Wandel, Sarah. 6'r'xl7i". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Pennsylvania Museum, Memorial Hall, Fairm.ount Park Ward, Matilda. 1808. [Washington, Ky.] 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. " Domestic Acad- emy." Names and initials: "Susan P. G; L C Keets; T Keets; HL; FB; CP; BE; PL; FD; GE; FE; BD." "A grateful mind by owing owes not, but still pays at once indebted and discharged." Mrs. Mary Ward Holton > t- 11 V w X T z a-i z^^z^-Z/^.^/^ *< l»piiiii«<««airt_Mjiii» ' » < <"' 'l '*''' "" I'liw n I , -f-,„ ^^,^^ ^^ ^j,„(^-^....-.'' PLx\TE LXXVII Elizabeth McIxtyre's Sajipi.er. Fitchburg, Mass. Cir. 1820 View of Fitc'liburg Owned by Mrt>-. Thomas A. Lawton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 237 Ward, Priscilla. 1812. Providence [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 26"x20". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Ivy and strawberry border. A coach and four horses, a road, and fruit trees. Once owned by Henry D. Sleeper, Esq. Ward, Sarah B. 1822. 11 yrs. 16" x 17". 3 alphabets. Stem, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine and flower border. House with trees, grass, and flowers. Verse 601 (1, 2, var.). Pennsylvania Museum,, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park Wahdell, Mary. 1812. 23" x 22". Satin and cross-stitch. Rose border on three sides. Central design of carnations in low basket, with pedestal flanked by trees, topped by birds; and below, yellow cowslips. Mrs. Sabin W. Colton, Jr. Ware, . [Cir. 1805.] 12^" x 16". Satin and cross-stitch. "A Register of the Family of Joseph Ware who was born October 15th 1753 and Esther Ware his wife who was born January 15th 1756." " Births Marriages Nov. 9tli, 1772 Aug. 3tli, 1774 Jan. 1, 1812 June 25, 1785 June 10th, 1789 Sept. 10th, 1791 July 19, 1793 April 12, 1795 Joseph Ware deceased Nov. 12, 1805 Esther Ware" Verse 50. Waring, Catherine Sophia. 1815. Charleston [S. C.]. stitch. Cross-stitch lines around edge. Joseph Ware William Ware George Ware Dolly Ware Abigal Ware Ralph Ware Marv Ware Deaths April 5, 1796 March 20, 1800 Miss Angelica C. Post n" X 10". 4 alphabets. Cross- Miss Leila Waring Warner, Polly. 11 yrs. 17|"x2r'. 2 alphabets. Satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Wide rose- border with wider border at bottom. Verse 168 (1, var.). Lancaster Public Library Warren, Betsy. 1805. Portland [Me.]. 14 yrs. 16"x21". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose-vine border, with rosebuds in corner. At bottom, three-story brick house, fence, garden, and tree; also two-story wooden house, fence, garden, and trees. (Made at a young ladies boarding school in Portland Me.) Verse 686. Mrs. Pamelia Washburn Crane Agry Warren, Sarah Curtis. 1828. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 175 (var). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Washburn, Latietia M. 1825. 8"x8V'. 9 yrs. [Born September 3, 1816.] 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and satin stitch. Conventional border. Verse 785. Mrs. J. W. Hawkins Washburn, Lateetia M. 1826. Orange. 10 yrs. 20A"xl7|". Cross-stitch. Elaborate border. Six varied conventional designs and three fancy division lines. Verses 7, 479. Mrs. J. W. Harokins Washburn, Louisa. 1818. Taunton [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 12" x 6". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, cat, tent, and cross-stitch. " Virtue the best treasure." Harriet B. Monroe Washburn, Mary A. 1818. Middleborough [now Lakeville, Mass.]. 14 yrs. 8" x 15". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Mrs. George F. Seaver Waterman, Betsy. 1808. 12 yrs. 17" x 17". Cross-stitch. Strawberry-vine border. " Family Record: Eliphalet Waterman born January th 15, 1764 aged 44 years; Silvina Waterman 238 AMERICAN SAMPLERS born June 19th, 1772 aged 37 years; Married November th 25, 1790; Sophronia Waterman born December th 16, 1791; died January th 17 1792 aged 4 weeks, 4 days; Martin Waterman born October th i, 1793 aged 15 years; Betsy Waterman born July th 12, 1796 aged 12 years; Ela B. Waterman born November th 24, 1803; died January th 20, 1804 aged 1 year 2 months; Thomas H. Waterman born October th 9, 1807 aged 2 years." New England Historic Genealogical Society Watkinson, Mary. [Cir. 1815.] New York City. 9" x 13". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Greek border. Scroll design at bottom. " The Golden Rule Be unto others just and true, As you would have others be unto you. Think twice before you speak once." William H. Walker, Esq. Watson, Axn. 1808. Cross, satin, and stem-stitch. Greek fret border. Representation of Princeton College. Miss Anna Reed Watson, Betty. 1803. Leicester [Mass.]. 11 yrs. lOJ" long. 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Conventional cross-border, and another with dogs, birds, plant, etc. Mrs. E. T. Draper Watson, Caroline B. 1824. Leicester [Mass.]. lOi". 2 alphabets. Tent and cross-stitch. Hemmed edge. Two-story house with fence, trees, and paths. Strawberry cross-border. Mrs. W. A. Dick Watson, Hannah. 1803. Jamestown [R. I.]. 11 yrs. 16J" x 18". 4 alphabets. Tent, satin, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Flowers and conventional figures at bot- tom. " In all thy desires let religion go along with thee. Fix not thy hopes beyond the bounds of possibility nor the reach of thy fortune." " Every one should mind their own business for we only torment ourselves with that of other people." Hannah Watson Teft Watson, Lydia. 1813. Princeton [Mass.]. 11 yrs. [Born December 17, 1802.] 17J"xl5|". Stem, buttonhole, laid, and cross-stitch. Conventionalized pinks in border. At bottom, house, fruit tree, willow tree, and 3 small trees. Mrs. A. B. Curtis Watson, Mary. October 6, 1804. Jamestown [R. I.]. 10 yrs. 17" x 16". 2 alphabets. Eye- let, satin, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Wreath. Mrs. O. A. Clarke Watson, Sabra B. May 30, 1821. Barrington [R. I.]. 10 yrs. 17i"x22". 2 alphabets. Chiefly cross-stitch. Rose border. Verse 94. Mrs. W. E. Byerly Watson, Susanna M. 1809. [Bristol, Pa.] 10 yrs. 12" x 15". 4 alphabets. Satin and cross-stitch. Greek fret border at top, and strawberry border across bottom. Mrs. 8. H. Shearman Webb, Philadelphia. 1818. 13J"x8". 4 alphabets. Triangle, darning and cross-stitch. Cross-border. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind. This is the first and great Commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self." "St. Matthew, Chapter 22nd, Verse 37th, 38th and 39th," also, "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them." " St. Matthew, Chapter 7th, Verse 12th." Woman's Club, Elizabeth, N. J. Webster, Abigail. 1802. 11 yrs. 24" x 17". Alphabets. Elaborate border filled in to represent grass, through which runs a serpentine pattern in leaf and flower. Five lines, worked by another hand, state the death of Adelaide and her little brother. Sold at Walpole Galleries, June 29, 1917 Webster, Eliza Anne. 1816. 12 yrs. [Born December 31, 1804.] 2"x\l". 2 alphabets. Eyelet, satin, catch, and cross-stitch. Verse 87. Mrs. Charles T. Upton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 239 Webster, Lydia B. 1819. [12 yrs.] Woodbury [N. J.]. 17" x 19". Flat and cross-stitch. Rose border on three sides. At bottom, mound with 3 trees topped by birds, r.nd 2 bushes. Sprays of flowers, vases of flowers, birds, duck, basket, etc., fill in spaces around verse. Verse 459. Sara Webster 8toke» Weeden, Sai.ly. 1803. Jamestown [R. I.]. 12 yrs. 16" x 17^". 3 alphabets. Tent, stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Wreath around name and date. " Endeavor to be first in thy calling, let not any one go ahead of thee in well-doing. Envy not the merits of another, but improve thine own talents. In the practise of piety is satisfaction on earth and its reward is on high, in the regions of bliss and immortality." Carr Homestead Welch, Caroline Maria. 1827. Boston [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 15i" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Strawberry, Greek fret, and scroll borders. Trefoil design across bottom. Mrs. Carl A. de Oersdorff Wentworth, Eliza. 1807. Bridgewater [Mass.]. " Bridgewater Academy." 10 yrs. 15^" X 17^". 3 alphabets. Queen and cross-stitch and drawnwork. Strawberry-vine border. Bands of queen-stitch and drawnwork. Verse 104 (3). Mrs. Cassander Gilmore Wetherby, Mary. 1813. Harvard [Mass.]. 10 yrs. 10" x 11". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Simple border. Verse 301. Harvard Historical Society Whann, Margereta. Satin, stem, chain, and cross-stitch. Strawberry and vine all around; outside vine, on sides, detached sprays of flowers, birds, and butterflies. Oval frame in center, with fringe at top inclosing picture of small house, four trees, fence, and lawn. Remainder of sampler filled in with detached baskets with fruit and flower.s, birds, etc. At bottom are the names, "Margereta Whann " and "George Terrell." Mrs. Henry E. Coe Wheaton, Mary. [Cir. 1804.] Cumberland County, N. J. [Born in 1789.] 9^"x9". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-design in border, with intersecting lines across. Mr. William C. Mulford Wheaton, Mary W. P. 1805. [15 yrs.] 17i" x 17". 5 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, cat, and cross-stitch. Rose border. Trees. Verse 135 (var.). Juliet Hammond Price Wheeler, Almira. 1828. 12 yrs. 17" x 16". 2 alphabets. Flat, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Flat-stitch border. Mrs. George Tilden Brown Whelden, Ruth M. 1812. 12 yrs. 18" x 17". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Conventional carnation border. Houses and trees at bottom. Verse 515 (1, var.). Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Whipple Family. [Cir. 1806.] 18"x23". 2 alphabets. Feather and cross-stitch. Verse 372 (1st two lines). Vine and flower border. "Family Record of Whipple Family: John Whipple born Octr tlic 11, 1743; Martha Cogswell born March the 30, 1742; they were United in marriage Jany the 8 1767; Martha Whipple born October the 11, 1768; John Safford born Octr the 15, 1750; United in marriage Dec'r the 30, 1785; Edward Whipple born Dec'r the 8, 1771; deceased Jan'y the 8, 1772; Susannah Whipple born March the 16, 1774; John Botang born Sept'r the 16, 1769; United in marriage Feb'y the 28, 17—; J. B. departed this life August the 14, 1797; Philip Cilley born August the 19, 1774; United in Marriage June the 21, 1801; Polly Whipple born Sept'r the 5, 1777; Isaac Warding born Dec'r the 10, 1770; United in marriage Nov'r the 29, 1796; I. H. [M.?] departed this life March the 27, 1801; Edward Whipple born June the 23, 1780; Clarissa Brimmer born Feb'y the 9, 1783; United in marriage June the 27, 1802; Bridget Whipple 240 AMERICAN SAMPLERS born April the 17, 1782; David Giddings born March the 18, 1771; United in marriage May the 28, 1804." " Is their ambition in my heart Search Gracious God and see." Ipswich Historical Society Whipple, Prusia. 1801. 10 yrs. 8J" x 8^". 2 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. Miss Emily B. Aulrich Whitaker, Jake Maria. March 3, 1814. 7 yrs. Tapestry and cross-stitch. Greek fret border. Verse 545 (var.). The Emma B. Hodge Collection Whitcomb, Nancy Ann. Before 1816. Keene [N. H.]. 7 yrs. 6" x 14". 4 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. Lucy H. Bucklin Whitcomb, Sally. [Cir. 1814.] Randolph [Mass.]. 15" x 14". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Verses 40 (var.), 490 (var.). Parents' names and births: "Moses Whitcomb was born April 8, 1789; Rachel Whitcomb was born June 80, in the year 1765." Names and births of children : " Bathsheba Whitcomb was born September 24, 1788 ; Moses Whitcomb was born January 3, 1791; Clarissa Whitcomb was born May 6, in the year 1794; Sally Whitcomb was born August 17, in the year 1800." " Robert Harris was married to Bathsheba Whitcomb April 30, in the year 1809." Mrs. Clara Wales Alden White, Ann. 1828. Taunton [Mass.]. 14 yrs. 16"x20". 4 alphabets. Stem and cross- stitch. Rose border. House and trees at bottom. Verse 794. Dora I. Tetlow White, Clarissa. [Cir. 1822.] Mansfield [Mass.]. 14" x 18". Stem, queen, and cross-stitch. Conventional flowers at bottom. Scene with house, trees, birds, sheep, flowers, man, woman, and angels. Verse 648. Mrs. Charles T. Hubbard White, Elizabeth. 1823. [Pilesgrove Township, Salem County, N. J.] About 8 yrs. 9|" X 9|". 4 alphabets. Queen, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Conventional strawberry and rose border. Gertrude W. Callahan White, Malvina. 1804. 9^"x8". Cross-stitch. Strawberry border on sides. Divided into three sections: at top, basket of flowers, strawberry plants, and trees; in center, con- ventional tree flanked by potted plants; in lower third, tall tree in center, with birds on fences at either side, also two insects flying about. Mrs. Florence 8. Babbitt White, Mary Elizabeth. 1828. Leesburg, Va. 12 yrs. 18"x20". 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Vine border. Pope's Universal Prayer on right side, and hymn on left side. Jeannette R. White White, Riba. 1806. Newport [R. I.]. 10" x 12". Queen, French knots, satin, stem, and cross-stitch. Rose border done in queen-stitch. Elaborate house, birds, trees, and people. Verse 606 (1, var.). Newport Historical Society Whiteley, Kitty. 1807. Newark [Del.]. 18;^"x21". 2 alphabets. Stem, satin, fagot, and cross-stitch. Elaborate border with bunches of roses in corners, bird and strawberries in center at bottom, basket and 2 large butterflies in center at top, and sprays of wild honey on sides. At bottom, 2 rabbits on grass and conventional tree. Sprays of lilies around verse. Verse 29 (1, var.). Mrs. Lewis P. Bush Whiting, Elizabeth. 1817. Billerica [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 16" x 163". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Conventional border. Verse 732 (1, var.). The Misses Cummings Whiting, Elizabeth. 1817. Billerica [Mass.]. 9 yrs. 12^" x 17i". 6 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Two trees with birds in each, and several border patterns. Mrs. Stephen H. Blodgett AMERICAN SAMPLERS 241 Whiting, Julia Akn. 1817. 10 yrs. 17" x 17". 4 alphabets. Flat, stem, satin, and cross- stitch. Realistic carnation border. Verse 515 (var.). Mrs. Thomas W. Aldrich WiiiTiNO, Sarah. May 8, 1818. Billerica [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 16|"xl5|". 3 alphabets. Cross- stitch, Conventional border. Verse 732 (1, var.). The Misses Cummxngs Whitney, Abigail C. 1821. 11 yrs. 19"x20". 1 alphabet. Darning, satin, chain, French knots, and cross-stitch. Vine and parrot border. Baskets and rosettes. Parrots and baskets scattered around the verses. Verses 463, 635 (var.). Initials of parents: " S W, B W." Mrs. Albert Caldwell Manning Whitney, Cynthia. [After 1800.] Winchendon [Mass.]. 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Heart and crosses. John H. Edmands, Esq. Whitney, Harbiot F. March 24, 1812. Roxbury [Mass.]. 15 yrs. 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Stem, tent, and cross-stitch. Border of diamonds on sides and top. Three-story house in center, with tree, plant, shrubs, and women. Dish of fruit at top. Vines and vases on each side. Verse 168. Mrs. Edward Mock Whitney, Lydia, 1807. Bolton [Mass.]. 11 yrs. 11^" x 12^". Cross-stitch. Line of squares inside a scroll border. Alphabets. /. V. Fletcher Library Whititey, Martha. 1815. Warwick. 11 yrs. 16" x 16^". 3 alphabets. Stem, cross, and four-sided line-stitch. Diamond design in border. Three-story house in center, with potted plants, trees, and women on each side; child and pet dog or cat on left side. Vase of flowers on each side of alphabets. Dish of fruit in center at top. Vine around verse. Verse 40 (var.). Mrs. Edward Mock Whitney, Permelia. 1812, Needham, Mass, 13 yrs, 17" x 12J", 2 alphabets. Eyelet, tent, cross, and hem-stitch. Hemstitched edge with rosebud border; also line of herring- bone design with narrow set designs; strawberry border with birds in between. Verse 40 (var.). Miss Emily F. Allen Whiton, Mary Ann. 1825. Hingham [Mass.]. 8 yrs. 13" x 14". 3 alphabets. Greek fret border. Spray of roses at the bottom. " Diligence, industry and proper improvement of time are the material duties of the young. The acquisition of knowledge is one of the most honorable occupations of youth." Mi^s Anna Pierce Whittier, Hannah. 1805. 14 yrs. 12" x 16". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Basket of flowers at bottom. Verse 149. M. B. Lemon, Dealer, Boston WurrriNGTON, Sally, 1819, [Annapolis, Md.] Born January 15, 1809. 13J" x 16^". 2 alphabets. Tent, stem, chain, and cross-stitch. Strawberry border. Scene at bottom, with church surrounded by stone wall and trees on either side. Mrs. E. C. Mallison Wicks, Elizabeth, March 6 [Cir. 1800]. 15 yrs. 12*" x 12|". Cross and satin-stitch. Vine border, with small pink and blue flowers. Tree of life in center, four baskets of flowers, birds, and flowers. " Be zealous to .... " William B. Thayer Memorial Collection, University of Kansas Wilcox, Francis. 1820. 14 yrs, 17i"xl6", 4 alphabets. Chain, eyelet, tent, and stem- stitch. Vine border. 4 rosettes in the corners. Verses undecipherable, 2 caskets. W. G. Bowdoin, Esq. Wilder, Lydia, September, 1813, Hingham [Mass,], 12 yrs. Born January 24, 1801. 3 alphabets. Eyelet, stem, and cross-stitch. Cross-stitch border. 3 bells or tassels at top. Mrs. Elliott Bradford Church 242 AMERICAN SAMPLERS WiUEY, Elizabeth W. 1812. Philadelphia. 10 yrs. 3^" x 16". Alphabet. Eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Cross-borders in vine, rose, and strawberry designs. Verses undecipherable. Elizabeth Wiley Cheney Wiley, Phoebe Louisa. September 24th, 1800. 13i" x 15". 3 alphabets. Very fine cross- stitch. Strawberry and vine border. Conventional border across bottom, with baskets of fruit, two plants, pyramid, and a section on each end of solid tapestry-stitch in con- ventional designs. Verse 631. Historical Society, Canandaigua, N. Y. WiLKiNS, Hester Ann. 1815. Baltimore [Md.]. 6 yrs. 18" x 18". Alphabets. Eyelet, cat, single and double cross-stitch, petit-point, and hemstitching. Greek fret border and strawberry vine. Verse 515. Mary Dorsey Davis Wilkinson, Lydia. 1817. Pawtucket [R. I.]. 9 yrs. 12^" x 17i". 2 alphabets. Cross- stitch. Verse 167. Mrs. Amory Eliot Wilkinson, Ruth. 1808. Walpole [Mass.]. 11 yrs. Cross-stitch. Verse 162 (1, var.). Mrs. Nathan Bill WiLLAED, Mary Ann. 1830. Cambridge [Mass.]. [Born October 21, 1821.] Il"xl2". 3 alphabets. Tent, flat, and cross-stitch. Simple cross-stitch border. Miss Elizabeth E. Dana WiLLAED, Phebe S. [Cir. 1817.] Francestown [N. H.]. 9 yrs. Born February 4, 1808. 21J"x21J". 3 alphabets. Stem, tent, chain, satin, and cross-stitch. Floral border with vine, beginning at lower corners; drooping spray in center at top; large roses in lower corners; above, strawberries with leaves and blossoms, pinks, pansies, etc.; in upper corners, conventionalized roses, peas, etc.; in center at bottom, a basket with roses and drooping sprays of strawberries and blossoms. On either side of verse a heavy stem, ending in drooping grasses. Verse 732 (1, var.). Edna A. Clark WiLLL\MS, Ann Elizabeth. June 5th, 1801. Baltimore. 27"x25". Petit-point, flat, and cross-stitch. Rose and geometric borders. Three-story brick house in center, with two weeping willow trees, two large flower urns, and one basket of fruit. The Emma B. Hodge Collection WiLLLOis, Anna. September 26th, 1815. Taunton [Mass.]. 12 yrs. 6i"xl4". 3 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Sarah B. Williams Williams, Marilla G. 1827. Plainfield [N. J.]. 15" x 17i". Cross and tent-stitch. 4 alpha- bets. House and cup. Verses 570, 789. Wilbur M. Stone, Esq. Williams, Mary Pain. 1816. 10 yrs. 12" x 14". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Border of run- ning vine with flowers. Mrs. Lettie Carlile Strader Williams, Matilda Ann. June 6, 1822. [Culpepper County, Va. 10 yrs.] 9" x 17". Eye- let, stem, and cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Alphabets. Elizabeth Hill Gentry Williams, Sarah. 1801. 16" x 8". Satin and cross-stitch. Battlemented border. Verse 515 (var.). Dealer Williams, Susan McPherson Sibley. 1820. Providence, R. I. 7 yrs. 9" x 8*"- 3 alphabets. Chain and cross-stitch. " Behold the child of innocence how beautiful is the mildness of its countenance and the diffidence of its looks." " Be good and be happy." Miss Emily H. Crouch Williams, Virginia F. [Lunenburgh County, Va.] 16" x 16". 3 alphabets. Eyelet and cross-stitch. Conventional border and cross-borders. Verse 594 (1, var.). /. E. Perkinson, Esq. HANMAH J ROBINSON 1818 PLATE LXXVITI Hannah J. Robinson's vSajii'i.er. 1818 Owned hy Mrs. Bradbury Bedell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 243 WiLLiNGTON, LucEETiA G. [Cir. 1814.] Worcester [Mass.]. Born January 4, 1803. 8i" X 17". 4 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Hemstitched edge. Vine and tree at bottom. Verse 401. Miss Dora Janette Brown Wills, Axn. 1812. Rancocas [N. J.]. " Rancocus School." [Born December 2.3, 1799.] 16"x21". Outline, stem, and cross-stitch. Vine border, with inner border of various designs, carnation, rose, birds, urns, baskets, etc. At bottom, basket of flowers, rose sprays, and lilies of the valley. Verse 730. Rachel A. WUliamt Wills, Rachel Ann. 1811. Rancocas [Burlington County, N. J. Born February 21, 1797]. 11" X 18". 4 alphabets. Eyelet, queen, and cross-stitch. Carnation border. Verse 725a. Rachel A. Williams Wills, Sahah. 1803. 12 yrs. 17^" x 15^". Alphabets. Tent, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Straw- berry border, with flowers and leaves. Love-birds, basket of flowers, tulip, strawberries, and diamond. Verse 399 (var.). Frances D. Smith WiLLsoN, Lydia a. 1803. Newark, N. J. Born September 2, 1797. 12" x lOi". 2 alphabets. Cross and vine border. Verse 402. Miss Frances C. Force WiLLsoN, Rachel. 1802. Windsor, N. J. [16 yrs.] 22"x24". 2 alphabets. Long and short, outline, chain, eyelet, stem, satin, and cross-stitch. Border of vine with flowers. At bot- tom, pine tree, house, flowering bush in vase, man, woman, children on see-saw, other children, deer, dog, butterfly, birds, and sheep. Verses 187 (var.), 400, 490 (var.). Mrs. L. W. O rover Wilson, Alicia Ann. 1812. [Clermont, N. Y.] 13 yrs. 16"x20J". Cross-stitch. Straw- berry border. At bottom, 2 vases with flowers, basket with fruit, birds, and ornaments. Verse 84. Miss Anne Lee Wilson, Clarissa. 1805. 10 yrs. Cross-stitch and eyelet. Verse 129. Mrs. Samuel Lord Wilson, Dovey Winslow. [Cir. 1805. Mecklenburg County, N. C. 14 yrs.] 9" x 12". Satin-stitch and oil painting. Vine border. Tree, figure of woman, with face done in oil painting, weeping at tomb; inscription on tomb done in ink, " M. W^. W. Born Oct. 26, 1804. Died Oct. 30, 1805"; also an oval space with verse done in ink. Verse 51. [Done at Salem Female Academy, Salem, N. C] Miss Violet Oraham Alexander WrLSON, Hannah. Canaan Family [Shakers]. Teacher, Emma Johnson. 7J"x3i". 2 alpha- bets. Cross-stitch. Mrs. H. C. Bunner Wilson, Mary. 1808. [Jewett City, Conn.] 9 yrs. 12" x 16". 4 alphabets. Stem, eyelet, and cross-stitch. Conventional border. Mrs. Oeorge B. Hatch Wilson, Rachel. 1812. 12 yrs. 16^" x 17J". 4 alphabets. Chain, knot, cushion, filling, and cross-stitch. Trees, houses, and wild roses in borders. At bottom, wreath, two houses, and shrubbery. Verse 242 (1). The Emma B. Hodge Collection WiNANS, Mary Frrz Randolph. 1810. Morristown [X. J.]. 9 yrs. 12" x 16". 2 alphabets. Cross-stitch. Cross-border. Verse 429. Mrs. Frederic R. Kellogg Wire, Eluza. [Cir. 1800.] Philadelphia. 8" x 8". Upper corners, baskets of fruit, straw- berries. House with pea-green front door, red door with knocker. Pink side of house, sky-blue door, blue lawn, and blue trees. Mrs. Bradbury BedouiSA Gauffrkah's Sami'i.kr. New York. 1821 Opened by Mm. ./. Herbert Johnston SAMPLER VERSE POETSMOUTH, 15 Juiie, 1920. My dear Mrs. Bolton : Fantastically enough, the first thought which comes to mind as I glance through the verses laboriously stitched into your century and !a half of samj^lers is one of devout thanksgiving that you did not submit them to me when I was still a practicing professor. For, while so employed, I might have been tempted to discern in them good material for a thesis tending toward the degree of Doctor of Philos- ophy; and, if such degree had thus been attained, the winner thereof would have been apt presently to offer, wherever he chanced to be employed, elaborate courses of instruction in Sampler Poetry. Nothing short of this intensive study could so deal with the matter as to result in any definite contribution to literary history. Were I a little younger, or a good deal stronger, your wish would tempt me to undertake it; except that, as it would demand patient months, if not years, it could hardly be completed in time for the first edition of your book. This consideration, which somewhat consoles me, nmst be my excuse for comments so cursory that you may rightly find them unworthy of place in your pages. To begin with, the evidence on which not long ago I based a message to you that, so late as 1812, the verses on a sampler in my possession were composed by the poetastic father of the rather weak- minded stitcher — whom I remember as an old woman — proves worth- less. I possess the draft in her father's handwriting: "Tell me, ye knowing and discerning few, Where I may find a friend both firm and true, Who dares stand by me in my deep distress. And then her love and friendship most express?" The normal answer, I suppose, would have been "My ^lother"; in this case, domestic circumstances altered it to "My Ant". Until I saw your collection of verses, I had supposed it original. To my dismay, 24.7 248 AMERICAN SAMPLERS I discover a version of it there as early as 1718 ; and it is repeated five times — last in 1827. The conclusion I draw from these incomplete premises I believe tenable: namely, that throughout the whole range of sampler-poetry the only trace of originality to be found is in the signatures and the dates. By far the most frequent of the rhymes tends to confirm this opinion. Among the examples you have sent me it is the only one which occurs frequently before 1700. So nearly as I can make out, it first appears in 1675, somewhat as follows: , "Isabel Ercy is my name And with my needle I wrought the same". With variations, you will find it repeated more than a hundred times before 1830, most frequently in some such form as this: "Hannah Weeks is my name. New England is my nation, Greenland is my dwelling-place, And Christ is my salvation". The next most usual, also with many variations, appears to be the familiar couplet, perhaps metrically based on the New England Primer : " When this you see Remember me," duly followed by signature and date, though generally lacking the precise local address. The two are more than once combined, by add- ing to something like the first a third couplet : "And which whenever you chance to see May kind remembrance picture me." These examples fairly indicate the general poetical and literary quality of the species of expression which they represent. To pass to the substance of these artless epigrams, a great many of them concern religion, mostly of Calvinistic shade, sometimes pretty deep. Whoever has classified them for you has put seventy-eight, of which a dozen or so are often repeated, under the head of Christ, and one hundred and ten, of which ten are repeated more or less, under that of the Old Testament. Among the latter, by the way, are two AMERICAN SAMPLERS 249 rhymed versions of the Ten Commandments, and among the former two of the Lord's Prayer, by no means so skillful as that in the Divine Comedy. For general purposes, the subdivision appears needless ; it were better to say that at least one hundred and eighty-eight of these rhymes directly concern the orthodox principles of New England religion, and that a great many more imply them. Death and Sorrow, for example, are represented by no less than one hundred and sixty- eight examples between 1730 and 1830; and Virtue, which appears to have become increasingly popular with the rise of Revolutionary sentiment, by two hundred and twenty-eight, between 1730 and 1829. Patriotism, though, was of late growth ; there are only nine classified examples, the first of 1770 and the last of 1826; and at least two of these might just as well have been placed under Death and Sorrow. The shorter runs thus : " Mourn, hapless brethren, deeply mourn ! The source of every joy is fled; Our Father dear, the Friend of Man, The God-like Washington is dead." A comparison of this quatrain, probably composed in 1799 or 1800, with the earlier verses I have happened to set down, instantly shows what is generally true : on the whole, the later verses — those which first appear after 1760, let us say — are apt to be a little smoother, a bit more sophisticated, than those formerly found satisfactory. Not many, however, display any memorable degree of literary culture. Quite possibly, to be sure, some of them might be traced by study to higher origm than I have happened to detect. Pope is often quoted: in 1785 occurs the couplet " 'Tis education forms the common mind ; Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined;" and in 1794, the following lines are specifically referred to him: "Virtue outshines the stars, outlives the tomb, Climbs up to heaven and finds a peaceful home". One could find many traces of him on later samplers, but none, I think, in contemporary ones. When the first of these couplets was stitched, he had been dead forty-one years, and the second was stitched nine 250 AMERICAN SAMPLERS years later. Of Johnson I have discovered no evident influence, and but a little of Goldsmith or of Gray. Minute scrutiny does reveal a gloomy ray or two from Young. And here are a few casual examples, from more or less similar origin. Whoever cares to find out where they came from can probably do so from the Anthology which follows, without excessive pains : 1. (1766) "Beauty and Pride we often find Betray the weakness of the mind ; He handsom is and merits praise '1 hat handsom does, the Proverb says." 2. (1787) "Teach me to feel another's wo, To hide the fault I see; That mercy I to others show That mercy show to me." 3. (1798) "So let me live, so let me die, That I may live eternally." 4. (1805) "Man wants but little here below", etc. 5. (1805) "My thoughts on awful subjects roll. Damnation and the dead," etc. 6. (1812) "Good when He gives, supremely good. Nor less when he denies. Even crosses from his sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise". 7. (1820) "Hark, from the tombs a doleful sound", etc. 8. (1824) " When I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I bid farewell to every fear And wipe my weeping eyes." 9. (1827) "Jesus, Lover of my Soul", etc. The familiar poets, though, seem chiefly to have been the native Yankee classics — Wigglesworth and the New England Primer — and the writers of popular hymns. I have been so careless as to mislay my reference to one sampler clearly based on Wigglesworth's "Day of Doom". The rhythm of the New England Primer reveals itself fourteen times between 1724 and 1821 in the lines "Let virtue be A guide to thee, And innocence Be thy defence." The 76*** Hymn, on the other hand — I know not from what collection — occurs twice, once in 1795 with six stanzas, of which the first begins, "Lo, He comes with clouds descending". -"/■:*% •. mws^^^^«?s^ 4 i' •J**; l^ -ft. -' ■ V *^j^ tJ^ ♦* in /^''' >,-,. f ■-■^ '•■\ f- .:.y \fe:: ^ ^ y \ -I^s^:, ■a" vV af>ci«({hijklmr,opv">'Vwx>3f.e4(l,4,^ e4,„„ £?■« j.^6:nJi»n ^'^in.o.i .fc^ ,c/ y... ."1 PLATE LXXX Mary Ank Fessenden Vinton's Sampler. 1819 The Emma B. Hodqe Collection AMERICAN SAMPLERS 251 As I have turned over your hundreds of slips, very few have im- pressed me as at all exceptional. Here are some of these : 1. (1757) "In Mother's womb Thy fingers did me make, And from the womb Thou didst me safely take ; From breast Thou hast me nurst my life throughout. I may say [that] I never wanted ought." 2. (1795) "I've been to church and love to go, 'Tis like a little heaven below; Not for my pleasure or my play Will I forget the Sabbath Day." 3. (1796) "Adam alone in Paradise did grieve, And thought Eden a desert without Eve, Until God pitying of his lonesome state Crowned all his wishes with a loving mate. What reason then hath Man to slight or flout her, That could not live in Paradise without her.'" (Mary Oates) (Incidentally, one may hope that the heavenly joys of Mary Gates, who stitched these germinal lines, are enhanced by the rapid growth of female suffrage nowadays.) 4. (1810) "God counts the sorrows of His saints, Their groans affect his ears. He has a book for their complaints, A bottle for their tears". (A hundred and ten years ago, of course, the deplorable view of stimulants implied by the Second Chapter of the Gospel according to Saint John had not yet been irradiated by the light of constitutional prohibition.) 5. (1817) " Father of light and life ! Thou God supreme ! O, teach me what is good ! Teach my Thj'self, Save me from folly, vanity and vice, From every low pursuit, and feed my soul, With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure. Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss." ( This is noteworthy as almost the only unrhymed verse in your whole collection.) 6. (1828) " Could we with ink the ocean fill, Nor could this scroll contain the whole Were the whole earth of parchment made, Though stretcht from sky to sky. Were every single stick a quill. Were the whole realm of Nature mine, And every man a scribe by trade. That were a present far too small; To write the love of God above Love so amazing, so divine. Would drain the ocean dry. Demands my soul, my life, my all." 252 AMERICAN SAMPLERS One might go on like this forever, remarking, for example, that in 1819 Mary Austin, at the end of a long celebration of the glories of God, reveals extensive knowledge of infant prayer in the lines " I lay my body down to sleep ; Let angels guard my head, And through the hours of darkness keep Their watch about my bed." We should never get away from where we began. It seems like an atmosphere of stiflingly priggish formalism, saved from hypocrisy only by unintelligence, and refreshed — if at all — only by occasional whiffs of lukewarm sentimentality. You will find counterparts of these verses in the commencement parts of our Yankee colleges throughout the generations when the faded lines were stitched. You will find epitaphs to match them on plenty of gray slate Yankee grave- stones. You will find dreary models for all these conventions in the long unread and no longer deeply revered Yankee sermons which make sleepy the shelves of our older libraries. You may smile, or chafe, as you choose, rejoicing that we breathe air more free than ever invig- orated our ancestors. But, after all is said and done, you can hardly deny that they bred a race earnest, strong, and — so far as humanity may be — pure of heart. In moods like this, the prayer on the seal of Boston city comes to mind : "Sicut patribus sit Deus nobis". (As to our fathers so be God to us.) It is impossible, you see, to plunge into old New England without falling to moralizing, which does no harm here; for until one begins flatly to moralize, one cannot imagine what manner of beings the dead and gone children were who stitched the samplers. Forgive me for not writing about them more learnedly, and believe me always Sincerely yours, (Signed) Barrett Wendell.^ • Mr. Wendell did not live to read the proof of the letter which he so kindly contributed to the book. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 253 Under the stimulus of Mr. Wendell's letter, it was almost impos- sible to refrain from delving into contemporary literature to see what a short digging in that unaccustomed soil would produce in the way of authorship for the verses following. The ordinary quotation books have proved themselves almost useless in the search. Moreover mis- quotation, quotations adapted to the youthful mind, and paraphrased quotations have proved a great stumbling block in the progress of the searcher. A girl in those days thought nothing of blending Pope and Edward Young in one uneasy whole, which it is hard for the would-be identifier to detect. But there is one result too evident to be ignored by any who study these verses, and that is the overwhelming influence of the Rev. Isaac Watts. He is by far the oftenest quoted writer, and if the local ministers or school-teachers wrote a verse to be put upon the children's samplers, they were sure to copy Watts as nearly as they dared — and sometimes nearer than they ought. The strange part is that the children in their quotations from Watts seldom chose his cheerful verse. "Hark from the tombs a doleful sound" was much more to their taste than one of his triumphal psalms. Truly the terror of the law and of death was early inculcated, in those days. After a prolonged contem- plation of these lugubrious expressions, one turns to our own time with a sense of relief, and the reflection that, though we may not be so intent on saving our own souls, we may contribute by joy and good cheer to the saving of others. Of secular authors, Alexander Pope leads all the rest. The same uneas}^ feeling again assails the searcher after knowledge, for one is entirely unable to distinguish at a glance or even after much study the real Pope from his close imitators. His style of verse and his some- what cynical outlook are imitated again and again. Edward Young, Goldsmith, Cowper, Congreve, Thompson, John Bunyan, Gay, and Milton all have their admirers, but only one girl so far quoted Shakespeare. She embroidered the famous sampler quotation from Titus Andronicus — perhaps because she hated doing her sampler so — and remains the only user of the works of the great poet. 254 AMERICAN SAMPLERS There are, of course, many crude verses which must have been the work of local poets, and in a few cases the tradition has come down that the sampler maker wrote her own. One and all, however, reflect the philosophy of the time. As Margaretta Arabella Godman wrote : " By virtue ripened from the bud The flowers angelic odors breathe, The fragrant charm of being good Makes gaudy vice to smell like weeds." Ethel Stan wood Bolton. "^m t S I I V B • I I ^ n • • J ■ Julia Ann Nivebs's Sampler. 1831 View of Crawford, New Hampshire '>^'3,(j:ft«i-', ^ij^'r- vi:*'- ''■ -'■■•■.5 ■— ^' • ^- 'iJ^f- ' --i:;,--^ " ■ ' ; . , -■--a«»afears on a sampler containing this verse, was a follower of King Charles, and his brother was a General in Cromwell's army. 264 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 66 1718 1. Tell me ye knowing and discerning few Where I may find a friend thats firm and true Who dares stand by me when in deep distress And then his love and friendship most express 2. Who by a secret sympathy can share My joy, my grief, my misery my care He must be prudent, faithful, just and wise. Who can to such a pitch of friendship rise. 67 1730 Despair of nothing that you would attain Unwearied diligence your point will gain Diligently practice what is good and then Great will be thy reward in Bliss — amen Refrain much talk, you seldom hear of any Undone by hearing, but by speaking many. Make spare in youth, least age should find thee poor When time is past and thou canst spare no more. Remember well & bear in mind A faithful friend is hard to find. 68 1763 [PRECEPT I] [HOW TO GET RICHES] In things of moment on thy self depend. Nor trust too far thy servant or thy friend. With private views thy friend may promise fair. And servants very seldom prove sincere. Printed in Nathaniel Low's Almanack for 1772. 69 1781 I. Look on these flowers 2. Honour and Renown So fade my Hours. Shall the ingenious crown 8. Your friend sincerely love And imitate the Dove. 70 1788 To each unthinking being, heaven, a friend Gives not the useless knowledge of its end; To man imparts it; but with such a view As, whilst he dreads it, makes him hope it too. The hour concealed, and so remote the fear Death still draws nearer, never seeming near. Alexander Pope. "Essay on Man." Epistle III. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 265 71 1792 Give me a House that never will decay Give me a Friend that never will depart And Garments that never will wear away — Give me a Ruler that can rule my Heart 72 Cir. 1794 Let Us Be Friends, In Tender Years To Share The Early Joys And Prove When Infant Genius First Appears, The New Born Votary Of Our Love. 73 1798 Happy is the man that hath a friend, Well may he feel and recommend Form'd by the God of nature, Friendship to his creator 74 1799 How much to be prized and esteemed is a Friend On whom we may always with safety depend Our joys when extended will always increase And griefs when divided are hushed into peace. 76 1802 The world my dear Mary is full of deceit And friendships a jewel! we seldom can meet How strange does it seem that in searching around The source of content is so rare to be foimd. 77 1802 Absent or dead still let a friend be dear A sigh the absent claim, the dead a tear 78 1803 Friendship outlives the stars survives the tomb Climbs up to Heaven & finds a peaceful home Joys beyond joys in endless circles rise Till thought can't follow and bold fancy dies. 79 1806 And what is friendship but a name A shade that follows wealth & fame A charm that lulls to sleep But leaves the wretch to weep. Oliver Goldsmith. "The Hermit." 80 1807 Friendship's a pure a Heav'n descended flame Worthy the happy region whence it came The sacred eye that virtuous spirits binds The golden chain that links immortal minds 266 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 81 1807 A generous friendship no cold medium knows, Warms with one love — with one resentment shows, One should our interests, one our passions be. My friend must slight the one that injures me. 82 1810 Farewell my friend a long farewell A mornful sad adieu I call to mind the happy hours So Sweetly Spent with you Your gayety inspir'd delight And made the moments fly quick as the radiant beams of light That Sparkle in your eye 83 1810 How pleasing t'is to view The only happy few Whom friendship's bands unite Brothers and sisters joined In social love refined Give and receive delight. 84 1812 Love is but a moving shade Oft [changing?] with the sun Valued friendship n'er will fade Till our earthly course is run 85 1813 A solitary blessing few can find Our joys with those we love are intertwined And he whose wakeful tenderness removes The obstructing thorn which wounds the friend he loves Smooths not anothers rugged path alone But scatters roses to adorn his own. 86 1815 Friendship's a name to few confin'd. The offspring of a noble mind. A generous warmth which fills the breast. And better felt than e'er exprest. 87 1816 Be thine those feelings of the mind That wake to honour friendship's call. Benevolence that unconfined Extends her liberal hand to all. 87a 1816 [I show thee] Friendship is delicate, as dear, [Of tender violations apt to die?] Reserve will wound it, and distrust, destroy. Deliberate on all things with thy friend. But since friends grow not thick on every bough Nor every friend unrotten at the core, First, on thy friend deliberate with thyself. Pause, ponder, sift; nor eager in the choice. Nor jealous of the chosen; fixing fix; Judge before friendship, then confide tiU death. Dr. Edward Young. "Night Thoughts." Night II, line 559. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 267 88 1818 Ann thou art fair divinely fair Nor can I in this work declare Near half the beauties of thine 89 1819 Except this posey from a Friend Whose Love will never end. 90 1821 Give me a mind to range the silvan scene While social joys and friendly intervene And taste the blessings of the vernal day To chase the gloomy cares of life away. 91 1822 Friendship of origin divine And lighten all my load of care O mayest thou warm this heart of mine Through this dark veil of doubt and fear So it shall cease to beat And give a blest retreat. IN PRAISE OF LEARNING 92 1732 or 6 1. Labor for learning before you grow old 2. When silver is gone and money is spent for it is better than silver or gold then learning is most excellent or 92a Learning is an ornament a portion never to be spent. 1750 When land is gone and money spent, then learning proves most excellent. 93 94 95 *" Common ' 1767 Adorn thyself with grace & truth And learning prize now in thy youth. 1785 I. Tis education forms the tender^ mind Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclin'd Alexander Pope. "Moral Essays." Epistle I, line 149. 1785 1. Vain are the hopes of those who think to gain This noble treasure without taking pains 2. Youth is the time for progress in all arts Then use your youth to gain the noblest parts. is correct. Evidently changed to " tender" and " youthful " to drive the lesson home. 268 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 96 1785 As diamonds rough no lustre can impart Till polish'd and improv'd by aiding Art So imtaught youth we very rarely find Display the dazzling Beauties of the mind Till art and science are with nature joined 97 1786 To Colleges and Schools ye Youths repair Improve each precious Moment while you're there 98 1791 If to learning you will attend, Dunces ever meet with shame Learning will be your surest friend And never rise to work or fame. 99 1797 Delight in Learning Soon doth Bring a Child to Learn the Hardist Thing. 100 1797 Each pleasing Art lends softness to the mind As soft refinements flow from works of Art And with our Studies are our lives refined Our virtuous Actions real Bliss impart. 101 1799 Rear'd by blest Education's nurturing hand Deep in her heart the seeds of virtue lay Behold the maid arise her mind expand Maturing age shall give them to the day 102 1799 Vain, very vain my weary search to find That bliss which only centres in the mind Why have I strayed from pleasure and repose To seek a good each government bestows In every government though errors reign Though tyrant kings or tyrant laws refrain How small of all that human heart endure That part which laws or kings can cause or cure 103 1800 O Praise thy language was by heaven designed As manna to the faint bewildered mind Beauty and diffidence whose hearts rejoice In the kind comfort of thy heavenly voice In this wild wood of life wert thou not nigh Must like the wandering babes lie down and die But thy sweet accents wake new vital powers And make this thorny path a path of flowers. PLATE LXXXIV Fanny Rixes's Sampler. Lancaster, Pa. 1808 Made at Mrs. Armstrong's Scliool Owned by Mrx. Frederick F. Thompson AMERICAN SAMPLERS 269 104 1805 1. Plain as this canvas was, as plain we find, Unlettered unadorned the female mind. No fine ideas fill the vacant soul. No graceful coloring animates the whole. 2. With close attention carefully inwrought. Fair education paints the pleasing thought, Inserts the curious line on proper ground. Completes the whole, and scatters flowers around. 3. My heart exults, while to the attentive eyes The curious needle spreads the enamell'd dyes, While varying shades the pleasing task beguile. My friends approve me, and my parents smile 105 1806 Learning do but try to love And then you surely will improve 106 1806 Get learning tis the grace of science fair Get Wisdom in her train the vertues shine That give the lib'ral mind its noblest air Thy guides with hope and faith to bliss divine 107 1806 The Youth with greatest talent born Is rough, while unrefined. Learning will every heart adorn And polish every mind. 108 Industry taught in early days Not only gives the teacher praise But gives us pleasure when we view The works that Innocence can do 109 Learning is a beauty bright. In learning take great delight, Cir. 1806 110 The Parents with exulting joy Survey it as no childish toj^ But as a prelude that each day A greater genius will display 1807 Beauty will soon fade away. But learning never will decay. 1808 Adorn your heart, adorn your mind With knowledge of the purest kind 111 While thus we practice every art To adorn and grace our mortal part 1809 Let us with no less care devise To improve the mind that never dies. 112 1809 Sweet is the morning of youth Inspired with knowledge and truth. 270 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 113 1810 As memory o'er this task shall wake Oft shall I wish but wish in vain And retrospective pleasure take To enjoy youth's careless hours again 114 1812 Youth if set right at first with ease go on And each new task is with new pleasure done But if neglected till they grow in years And each fond Mother her dear children spares Errour becomes habitual and you'll find Tis then hard labour to reform the mind 115 Before 1816 In this early life to me oh Lord And while my mind is early taught Thy pard'ning mercy show May I in knowledge grow 116 1816 Let the mind your noblest thoughts engage Its beauties last beyond the flight of age 117 1818 Delightful task, to rear the tender thought And teach the young idea how to shoot James Thomson. "The Seasons." Line 1149. 118 1818 Let solid sense her mind inform Let her be void of foolish pride Let gentle love her bosom warm And modesty her bosom guide. 119 1819 Let wreaths of laurel twine the brow But Education should endow Of him who strides in arms With grace the female charms. 120 1820 LEARNING From art and study true content just [must?] flow For 'tis a God-like attribute to know: He most improves who studies with delight And learns sound morals while he learns to write. 121 1822 Here the fair form by nobler views refind Shines the bright mirror of the faultless mind With pity's dew the eye of radiance flows With Learnings gem the breast of beauty glows. I I I- P^?^^Ia>[ born ^^ept **' eA4^. pa 'i'^'^'" ^'**beth - - .Airm^L. wa> Wn Ju-nc I2- <^^ "^^ ^l^-f- l-iaKiiJ* (b I 5une 2e\^l80^ ^d oipri 22 PLATE LXXXV Elizabeth A. Harwood's Sampler. Massaclmsetts. 1814. Owned by Miss Grace Craig Stork AMERICAN SAMPLERS 271 122 1822 Science adorns and virtue beams divine How bright their radience when they both combine. 123 1825 By degrees The human blossom blows and every day Soft as it rolls along shows some new charm Then infant reason grows apace and calls The kind hand of an assiduous care. 124 1825 The feast of reason which from reading springs To reasoning man the highest solace brings Tis books a lasting pleasure can supply Charm while we live and teach us how to die 125 1826 May improvement stamp each hour Each Month new stores of Knowledge jneld Well employed each Day be found With added worth each year be crowned 126 1829 True dress is this, be not to modes confined, True ornament's a well instructed mind. 127 CELESTIAL WISDOM How happy is the youth who hears A length of happy years Instructions warning voice And in her left a prize of fame And who celestial wisdom makes With honour bright appears His early only choice vShe guides the young with innocence For she has treasures greater far In pleasures path to tread Than east or west unfold According as her labours rise And her reward is more secure So her rewards increase Than is the gain of gold Her ways are ways of pleasantness In her right hand she holds to view And all her paths are peace. IN PRAISE OF SAMPLERS 128 Cir. 1630 1. is my name 2. And if my skil had been better And with my needle I rought the same I would have mended every letter. 129 1707 This needle work of mine can tell And by my elders I was taught When I was young I learned well Not to spend my time for naught. 272 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 129a 1789 This needlework of mine was taught not to spend my time for naught. 130 1738 Not pleasing objects which soon pass the sight, Or richest food that highest tastes delight. Not numbered music which captivates the ear, Or gayest dress that pleases much the fair, Witii virtue equal are, my greetings, maid, These clog our sense, this to the mind gives aid, This New Year's gift your sampler may adorn. And pattern be to others yet unborn. 131 1747 Behold the labour of my tender age And view this work which did my hours engage With anxious care I did these colours place A smile to gain from my dear parents face Whose care for me I ever will regard And hope that heaven will give a kind reward My little faults I hope you will excuse Then your commands on me I'll not refuse. 132 1752 1. This work in hand my friends may have When I am dead and in my grave 2. And which wheneer you chance to see May kind remembrance picture me While on this glowing canvas stands The labour of my youthful hands 133 1767 Blame not my work, if fault you see Few earn with -|- -[- you 134 1767 My friends I hope you are pleased & so shall I If this my work I may get credit by Much labor & much time it hath me cost I will take care that none of it be lost 135 Cir. 1775 [Sarah Ann Souder] worked this in great speed And left it here for you to read. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 273 136 Oft as thine eye shall fondly trace Those few lines I here exact 1784 Whate'er the time where'er the Place Remember me my Friends, 137 1787 Though young in age And small in stature Yet I have skill To form a letter. 138 1787 Behold when I try My needle can vie With my pen and my pencil to prove 139 1790 Behold this early sampler may Show Readers at a future day 140 1795 Olive Bosworth is my name and with my needle I work the same My very fond wish Is centerd in this To gain my dear parents your love That I was taught before too late All Sorts of idleness to hate A time to work my parents give I will ne'er forget it while I live 141 1796 These poUish'd arts, have humaniz'd mankind Soften'd the rude and calm'd the boistrious mind. 142 1799 Here you may see my work tho course' When I lie moulding in the dust. 143 1801 I cannot perceive This business design'd For anything more Than to pleas a raw mind 144 1. Of female arts in usefulness The needle far excels the rest In ornament there's no device Affords adornings half so nice 145 While I my needle ply with skill With mimic flowers my canvas fill O may I often raise 146 Betsy Lincoln is my name At ten years old I wrought the same ' Coarse. 1802 2. While thus we Practice every art To adorn and grace our mortal part Let us with no less care device To improve the mind that never dies. 1803 My thoughts to Him who made the flowers And gave us all that we call ours And render youthful prais 1804 Wliat days more happy mark lifes busy stagt Than those when education forms our age 274 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 147 1805 [ON THE INVENTION OF LETTERS— THE ANSWER] The noble art to Cadmus owes its rise The airy voice and stopp'd the flying sound Of painting words and speaking to the eyes The various figuers by his pencil wroght He first in wondrous maggick letters bond Gave colour form and body to the thought Nathaniel Low's Almanack. 1806. No author given. 148 1828 Whence did the wondrous mystic Art arise That we by tracing magic lines are taught Of painting speech and speaking to the eyes How both to colour and embody thought. 149 1805 This to my friends when I am gone Remember that I wrought the same I leave for them to look upon For underneath you find my name. 150 1806 1. When Youth's soft season shall be o'er 2. As memory o'er this task shall wake And scenes of Childhood charm no more And retrospective pleasure take My riper years with Joy shall see How shall I wish but wish in vain This proof of infant Industry. To enjoy Youth's careless hours again. 151 1807 Mary Tucker Is My Name And Practice Every Useful Art May I Excell in Deeds Of Fame That May My Happiness Impart. 152 1808 In fair proportion see the letters stand A beauteous equal and impressive band With eye of care we must their structure raise A point too much the hand unskilled betrays A thread misplaced their symmetry despoils And the fond hope of excellence beguiles So my sweet girl the path of life survey And tread with caution o'er devious way An erring step would blast thy budding fame And with dishonor stamp my Mary's name From rules of virtue shouldst thou careless stray Nor sighs nor tears can e'er the forfeit pay For female reputation wounded dies No blest Panaceas this wide world supplies. 153 1808 When I was young and quite untaught But when Im older and know more These letters I with needle wroght 111 make them better than before ••'^^'•^***>}<*»4W»w»»HJffl'> t{ H* !f% 't''^'""^ .,^ff».--t^*»V*>'**>*V<*^*^<*^* > '* " >*^- M » l . >> >*MI ■H^~>^^^>~^>*""^^■~>■^'^' ^ y> " '^♦^^^*f^_ — I i M iii u iti UH ii ^y iiy " . ;~ Oi^W-^ k > >\ k:.s^^, ifc^ i.», i*--!'''"''.,:^ ■"■ "i I 1 r X - Vi li i j '^ -i r55S>^>-' >^-' ^ v\ ^ V. i .\ ^ jCi»S «— Hfc^ .»fc.!f IS*^" PLATE LXXXVI The Dowx Family Record. 1828 Made by "M. D." Owned hi) Mrs. William D. Frishmuth AMERICAN SAMPLERS 27.3 154 1808 Thus when my draught some future time invades The silk and figure from tiie canvas fades A rival hand recalls from every part Some latent grace & equals art with art Transported we survey with dubious strife Each form & figure starts again to life. 155 When with the needle I'm imploy Or whatsoever I pursue 1809 Teach me O Thou Almighty Lord To keep my final end in view. 156 1811 Dear Mother I am young and cannot show Be pleased to smile upon my first endeavor Such work as I unto your goodness owe And 111 strive to be obedient ever 157 1812 Industrious ingenuity may find Noble employment for the female mind 158 1812 Parents and patrons of my age I now present to you This work in which I do engage for you to read and view. I ask your counsel seek your love and approbation too And beg a blessing from above on all the works I do. 159 In vain my sampler does assume To paint the garb of nature to the eye 1813 Art can imitate, tho she presume The noblest work of nature to outvie 160 1814 This sampler which appears in view, When first begun cost many a tear; The merit to my friends is due, Who taught me the right course to steer. The silken threads both long and fine Did often break and make me sigh ; At crosses oft we do repine. But still our hope's in him on high. Oh heavenly Father bless my friends Oh bless them with peculiar care For I can ne'er make them amends Oh heavenly Father hear my prayer. The thread of life may soon decay, The knot may slip — then all is o'er; Oh : may the needle ne'er give way, Until we reach the happy shore. 161 1814 Now while my needle does my hours engage And thus with care I mark my name and age Let me reflect though few have been my years Crowded with sins this narrow space appears 276 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 162 1808 While rosy cheeks their bloom confess And youth thy bosom warms Let Virtue and let Knowledge dress Thy mind in brighter charms 2. Daily in some fine page to look Lay meaner sports aside And let the needle and the book Thy useful hours divide. 163 In the soft scenes of life When cares are small and few 164 The book the needle and the pen Each hours of all will divide Cir. 1808 ril show to others of my age What busy hands can do. 1815 And Virtue with her Peaceful train Within my breast reside. V 165 166 1815 Please to survey this with a tender eye Put on good nature and lay judgment by. 1816 An idler is a watch that wants both hands. As useless when it goes as when it stands. William Cowper. "Retirement." Line 681. 167 1817 By this Exemplar I am taught How letters great and small are wrought So by the example of the wise May I true virtue learn to prize 168 1817 L Ye sprightly are whose gentle mind incline 2. Then let the needle whose unrivalled skill To all that's joyous innocent and fine Exalts the needle above the noble quill. With admiration in your works are read The various texture of the twining thread. 169 This little piece of work I've done And finished to my mind 169a These letters which you now behold May serve to guide a feeble hand 1821 And when I've this life's journey run I hope a heaven to find. When many years away have rolled These letters will securely stand 170 1824 This early labor of my hand A sacred monument shall stand And speak when years have flown away The efforts of an infant day. Should bounteous nature kindly pour Her richest gifts on me Still, O my God, I should be poor If void of love to Thee. O grant me then this one request And I'll be satisfied That love divine may rule my breast And all my actions guide. PLATE LXXXVIT Eliza Crocker's Sa.-mpler. 1803 'At Mrs. Dobell's Seminary in Boston" Owned by Miss Susan P. Peahody AMERICAN SAMPLERS 277 171 1825 This sampler wrought with so much care With like industry may it thou gain Adorned with colours rich and fair That Peace which will thy mind sustain My little friend let it impart In every trying time of need A moral lesson to thy heart Then wilt thou happy be indeed, 172 1826 In the glad morn of blooming youth When gay youth shall charm no more The varied thread I drew And age shall chill my blood And pleas'd beheld the finished piece May I my life review and say Rise glowing to the view Behold my works are good. 173 1826 May you dear Fanny with your needle trace, A small memorial of your youthful days. When learnings page, with useful arts combined, To engage your fancy and improve your mind, And from this source may you each pleasure know, Which from wise precepts and industry flow. And as through life's inconstant scenes you wave In duties pathway ever humbly move Of virtue, Innocence and truth possessed, By friendship cherished by religion blessed. 174 1826 Happy the maid whose artless mind The landscape on this canvass lay In works of innocence can find By which the blended colors may Amusement and delight Give charm and please the sight 175 1827 1. Accomplishments by heaven were first designed Less to adorn Than to amend the mind Each should contribute To the general end and all to virtue, as their centre bend. 2. Th' acquirements which our best esteem invite Should not project but soften mix unite In glaring light not strongly be displayed But sweetly lost and melted into shade. 176 1827 The canvas thus in colours laid Thus education good or bad Gives a just emblem of mankind Shows on the canvas of the mind. 177 Before 1830 INDUSTRY { Tho age may shew life's best pursuits are vain And few the pleasures to be here enjoy'd Yet may this work a pleasing proof remain Of youth's gay period. 278 178 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1830 Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be. Alexander Pope, "Essay on Criticism. Part II. 179 My youthful days will soon be o'er And time with me will be no more I>aid in the grave we all must be And this I have wrought for you to see REFLECTIONS ON DEATH AND SORROW 180 1713 DEAR CHILD DELAY NO TIME THE LONGER THOU DOST LIVE BUT WITH ALL SPEED AMEND THE NEARER TO THY END 181 1730 1. If All Mankind Would Live In Mutual Love This World Would Much Resemble That Above. 2. Remember Time Will Come When We Must Give Account To God How We On Earth Did Live. 182 1. The rose is red the grass is green The days are past That I have seen 1730 2. My friends when you Those lines do see In reading This remember me. 183 3. And when the bell begins to toll The Lord have mercy on my soul 1731 My Life Is A Flower The Time It Hath To Last Is Mett With Frost And Shook With Every Blast 184 1737 It is no wonder that men turn to Clay When Rocks and Stones and monuments decay 18.5 Remember time will shortly come When we a strict account must give. 1737 To God the righteous Judge of all How wc upon this earth do live. 186 1738 Did we but know our nearness to the grave What thoughts what cogitations should we have AMERICAN SAMPLERS 279 187 1739 When I am dead and in my grave And all my bones are rotten, When this you see, remember me That I mant be forgotten. 188 On earth let my example shine And when I leave this state, 1741 May heaven receive this soul of mine, To bliss divinely great. Bev. Isaac Watts. Hymn for his 39th sermon, verse 6. 189 No room for mirth or trifling here. For worldly hope or worldly fear, If life so soon is gone; 1743 If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before Tlie inexorable throne! 190 Our days begin with trouble here Our life is but a span. And cruel death is always near So strange a thing is man. 1747 Then sew the seeds of grace whilst young That when thou comest to die Thou'll sing that triumphant song Death where is thy victory. 191 1750 Despise the world with all its fading joys Compared with Heaven are but trifling toys. (See also Verse 248) 192 1755 As One Day Goes Another Comes And Sometimes Shew Us Dismal Dooms As Time Rolls On New Things We See Which With us Seldom Do Agree Tho Now And Then a Pleasant Day, Its Long A Coming, Soon Away Wherefore The Everlasting Truth Is Good For Aged And For Youth For Them To Set Their Hearts Upon For What Will Last When Time is Done 193 1756 Remember man thou art but dust From Earth thou came to Earth thou must 194 1764 Awake, Arise, Behold. Thou hast thy life ; a leaf, thy breath, a blast. 195 1767 Redeem the mispent life that's past. Live each day as it were thy last. Then of thy talents take great care. For the last day thyself prepare. 280 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 196 1767 Nothing is so sweet and beautiful as a flower But yet it blows and fades all in an hour 1^'or life as fairest flowers soonest fades So God takes home the most beautiful maids Therefore in blooming youth pray now be wise 197 1773 or 5 How oft the laughing brow of joy And thro the cloisters deth in pain A sick heart conceals No sorrow feels 198 1774 Fragrant the rose is but it fades in time, the violet Sweet but quickly past the prime While lilies Hang their heads and soon decay and whiter Snow in minutes melt away such and so with'ring Are our early joys which time or sickness speedily Destroys. 199 1780 How soon the [wheel?] of Fortune turns they late who smiled in Sorrow mourns. 200 1784 Time cuts them all Both great and small. 201 1785 Why should I say 'tis yet too soon to seek for heaven or think of death, When I may fade before 'tis noon. 202 1771 1. Swift as the Sun Revolves the Day 2. 'Tis air that lends us life when first we hasten to the Dead The vital billows heave. Slaves to the wind we Puff away Our flesh we borrow of the dust and to the ground we tread. And when a mother's care has nurst The babe to manly size, we must With usury pay the grave. 203 1780 While God doth spare For death prepare. 204 1786 Aim not in gaudy cloathes to shine. Reflect how short must be thy stay, let dress take up but little time. How vain to deck a piece of clay. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 281 205 206 1786 Death is a debt to nature due that i must pay and so must you. 1786 When this you see Remember me. 207 1786 Make the Extended skys Your Tomb Let Stars record your Worth Yet Know Vain Mortals all must die As Nature Seeketh Birth. 208 209 210 1787 You whose fond wishes do to Heaven aspire Who make those blest abodes yr. sole Desire If you are wise & hope that Bliss to gain Live well yr. Time, live not an hour in vain Let not the Morrow yr. vain thoughts employ, But think this Day the last you shall enjoy. 1788 Sleep by night and cares by day Bear my fleeting life away 1788 Keep Death and Judgment always in y eye None's fit to live that is not fit to die. u Make much of precious time because y must Take up your Lodging shortly in the dust Its dreadful to behold the setting Sun And Night approaching e'er your work is done. 211 1788 Why should this Earth delight us so Why should we fix our Eyes On this low Ground where Sorrows grow And every Pleasure dies. While Time his sharpest Teeth Prepares Our Comforts to devour There is a Land above the Stars And Joys above his Power. Nature shall be dissolv'd and die The Sun must end his Race The Earth and Sea for ever fly Before my Saviour's Face. When will that glorious Morning rise When the last Trumpet sound And call the Nations to the Skies From underneath the Ground. Rev. Isaac Watts. Hymns. Book II, 144- 212 1789 Soft Sleep be thou companion of my bed And lull my senses in a sweet repose Tho' thou bear'st the image of the dead For oh ! how charming tims intranc'd to lie Oh lovely rest my weary eyes compose Live without life and without death to die. 282 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 213 1789 The wise the foolish and the brave, must try the cold and silent grave. 214 My soul come meditate the day And think how near it sta[n]ds Cir. 1790 When thou must quit this house of clay And fly to unknown lands. Rev. Isaac Watts. Hymnal. Book II, 61, verse 1. 215 1790 How vain are all thy earthly treasures The time diminishes at leasure Created beauty cannot long last — What human hands can form or cast. 216 There is an hour when I must die Nor do I know how soon 'twill come 1790 A thousand children young as I are called bv death to hear their doom 217 1791 Death like an over flowing stream sweeps us away Our life's a dream an Empty tale An empty tale, a moving flower Cut down and withered in an hour. "A Collection of Hymns . . . for the use of the West Society in Boston." 1803. (Hymn I46, verse S. No author given.) 218 The brightest beauty fades The fairest flowers decay 1791 The inevitable hour of death there is none can keep away 219 1791 My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyous sound Then burst the chorus with sweet surprise And to my Saviour's image rise 220 220a 1791 Life is uncertain Death is sure Life is short Death is sure sin is The death Christ The cure. 1805 Sin is the wound Christ is the cure. 221 1791 still a new spring shall Bless the earth Each year fulfils Some new event and a New harvest rise that Heaven long decreed Before. But the last year shall Never again Removes Unnumbered lives aWay revisit Mortal eyes and gives unNumbered more AMERICAN SAMPLERS 283 222 How like the fleeting wind away Whole years of joy depart 223 Lord when i Leave this Mortal ground and thou Shall bid nie rise and come 1792 [A THOUGHT] But oh how slowly does one day, Move to the mournful heart. Nathaniel Low's Almanack. 1778. 1792 Send a beloved angle down Safe to conduct my spirit home 224 225 1793 Death at a distance we but slightly fear He brings his terrors as he draws more near Through poverty pain slavry we drudge on The worst of beings better please than none No price too dear to purchase life & breath The heaviest burdens easier borne than death 1793 Remember maid for die thou must And all thy glory turn to dust. 226 May I with innocence and peace, My fleeting moments spend; 227 1793 And when this vale of life shall ceace. With calmness meet my end. "Hannah Hollingswort." 1794 When my short glass its latest sand shall run & Death approach to fright the lookers on Softly may I sigh out my soul in air Stand thou my pitying guardian Angels there. Nathaniel Low's A Imanack. 1770. 228 1795 Yet shall thy grave with rising flowers be drest And the green turf lie lightly on thy breast There shall the morn her earliest tears bestow There the first roses of the year shall blow 229 How can I weep or mourn at all For one that fell asleep 1795 Oh was I fit for that same call That I might cease to weep. 230 1796 Religion should your thoughts engage Amidst your youthful bloom. To fit yourself for And for the awful tomb. age 284 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 231 1796 When tides of youthful blood run high, Health presuming, beauty blooming. And scenes of greatest joy are nigh. Oh how dreadful 'tis to die! 232 1797 Gay dainty Flowers go Swiftly to decay we eat drink we sleep but lo anon Poor wretched Life Short Portion flies away old Age Steals on us never thought upon 233 1797 He that Knows how to Live say I Will easily learn the way to Die. 234 1797 Her Morning Sun Gone Down Her Noon Her Suffrin Time Is Oer She Shouts Salvation to her King On Zion's Peaceful Shore. Where All Our Toils Are O'er Our Sufifrin And Our Pain Who Meet On That Eternal Shore Shall Never Part Again. 235 1797 1. O God how swift my moments fly 2. O God of love almighty Power How great the thought that I must die May I improve this present hour How shorts a day a month a year Devote myself to thee in time How fast my moments disappear And ripen fast for joys sublime. 236 1797 This Life is like a morning Flower Cut Down & Withered in an hour. 237 1798 So let me live so let me die That I may live eternally 238 ]. Short is the longest day of life And soon its prospect ends. Yet on this days uncertain date Eternity depends. 1798 2. Yet equal to our beings aim The space to virtue given And every minute well improved Secures an age in heaven 239 1799 One Weeks Extremity May Teach Us More Than Long Prosperity Had Done Be Fore Death Is Forgotten In Our easy State But Troubles Mind Us In Our Final Fate The Doing 111 Affects Us not with Fears But Suffring 111 Brings Sorrow woe And tears PLATE LXXXVIII Sally Suattuck's Sampler Owned by the Rhode Island School of Des'ujn AMERICAN SAMPLERS 285 240 1799 To God above and to your frfends below Earnest of pleasure remedy for pain Still let your breast with zeal and duty glow Seize on the winged hours without delay Time well employed is a most certan gain Nor trust to morrow while we live to day 241 1799 Ah ! why so vain, though in thy spring, Thou shining, frail adored and wretched thing; Old age will come, disease may come before, Fifteen is full as mortal as threescore. Thy fortune & thy charms may soon decay. But grant those fugitives prolong their stay. Their bases totter, the foundation shakes Life that supports them in a moment brakes, Then wrought into the soul let virtue shine The ground eternal as the work divine. 242 1. Wlien death transfers me to the dust. May I be numbered with the just My soul ascend to World of bliss Where dwells immortal happiness 243 Lo the young tribes of Adam rise And thro all natur[e rove?] Fulfill the wishes of their eyes And taste the joys they love They give a loose to wild desires But let the sinners know The strict account that God requires Of all the works they do 1799 2. Ere here I leave my name behind, Forgetful mortals to remind. The Judge prepars his throne on high The frighted Earth and seas Avoid the fury of his eye And flee before his fall How shall I bear that dreadful day And stand the firey test I'd give all mortal joys away To be for ever blest. Rev. Isaac Watts. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Book I, XC. 244 Oh if my days should be but few Then I would freely bid adue 1800 To all things that are here below There is nothing surer than I must go 245 1800 When Spring appears when violets blow And shed a rich perfume How soon the fragrance breathes its last How short lived is the bloom Fresh in the morn the summer rose Hangs withering ere tis noon We scarce enjoy the balmy gift But mourn the pleasure gone 246 1787 When I am dead and worms me eat here you shall se my name complete 286 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 247 The eye findeth The heart chooseth 1802 The hand bindeth And death looseth 248 1747 1. Behold alass our days we spend 2. May useful arts employ my youth How vain they are how soon they end with love of vertue & of truth That when these fleeting moments end, A Crown imortal I may find. 249 We stand exposed to every sin While idle and without employ. Rev, Isaac Watts. 1802 But business holds our passions in And keeps out all unlawful joy. The Inscription on several small French Pictures, translated: 250 Great God how frail a thing is man How swift his minutes pass 1802 His age contracts within a span He blooms and dies like grass. 251 1802 These tender blossoms of the opening year Secure from storms still claim a parents' tear. 252 When I am dead And laid in Grave And all my flesh decayd 1803 When this you see Pray think on me A poor young harmless maid 253 254 1803 When the solemn mandate fly The Father and the infant die 1803 Death often nips the tender bloom And vows the blossom to the Tomb 255 And Must this body die This Mortal frame decay Rev. Isaac Watts. 1803 And Must these active limbs of Mine Lie mould'ring in the clay Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Book II, CX, verse 1. 256 Grant me O God A day of rest When time shall Cease may I be Blest 1803 In the Heavens Where Angels Dwell And not be Summoned Down to Hell PLATE LXXXIX Naxcv Wrights Sampler. Lower Penns Neck, N. J. 1800 Owned hi/ Mitts Maria H. Mecum AMERICAN SAMPLERS 287 257 Cir. 1803 As runs the glass Our lives do pass. 258 Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as little as my bed Cir. 1803 Teach me to die that so I may Triumphing rise at the last day Bishop Thomas Ken. 1709. 3d verse. {"Glory to Thee, My God, this night") 259 1803 O ! Death As those we love decay we die in Parts String after String is severd from the hearts Till loosend life at last but breathing Clay Without one pang is glad to fall away 260 1803 An hour will come when you will bless Beyond the brightest dreams of life Dark days of our distress 261 Earthly cavern to thy keeping We commit Eliza's dust After 1803 Keep it safely, softly sleeping Till the Lord demands the trust 262 1804 Rest lovely youth escap'd this mortal strife Tir'd with vain life, will close the willing eye Above the joys, beyond the woes of life 'Tis the great birthright of mankind to die. Yes we must follow soon, will glad obey 263 O God of Grace and God of truth Who formed me by thy power It is thine hand arrests my youth And nips the opening flower 1804 Reluctant nature thinks it soon But if my morning sun Must set in darkness ere its noon Thy sovereign will be done From thee I had my life at first 'Tis thou supports my frame At thy command I turn to dust And bless thy holy name. 264 1804 How loved how honored once avails thee not A heap of dust alone remains of thee To whom related or by whom begot Tis all thou art & all the proud shall be 288 265 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1804 To Thee, O Death, my fleeting moments tend, In Thee the hurricane of life must end. For the' the seas have leave to ebb & flow, The streams of life must always forward go. 266 Quickly will my glass of life be run And with it all my gain and sorrow gone 1804 No more shall I these Earthly Toys desire But cold and peaceful to the grave retire 267 1805 Happy the maid who privileged by fate Received but yesterday the gift of breath Too shorter labour and a lighter weight Order'd tomorrow to return to death 268 Farewell my friends who die so soon. My earthly friends adieu 269 Then mortal torn thy cares forgo. All earthborn cares are wrong. 270 Our life is ever on the wing And death is ever nigh 1805 No more to us will ye return But we must follow you. 1805 Man wants but little here below. Nor wants that little long. Oliver Goldsmith. "The Hermit." 1805 The moment when our lives begin We all begin to die. 271 My thoughts on awful subjects ran Damnation and the dead What horrors seize the guilty soul Upon a dying bed 1805 Lingering about these mortal shores She makes a long delay Till like a flood with rapid force Death sweeps the wretch away. 272 Seize mortals seize the transient hour Improve each moment as it flies 273 Life is the time to serve the Lord The time to improve the great reward And while the lamp holds out to burn 274 The fairest forms that nature shows Sustain the shortest doom 1805 Life's a short Summer, man a flow'r He dies, alas how soon he dies. 1806 The vilest sinner may return. He tells them of Gods service them regard The eternal crown of life is their reward. Rev. Isaac Watts. Hymn 88. 1804 Beauty is like the morning rose That withers in its bloom w <^ ■*k\ X"*''^ •« • . v^ PLATE XC Nabby Masox Peei.e, of Boston. 1778 Miss Sarah Stivour's Sfliool Ozimed bi) flic Essex Institute, Salem AMERICAN SAMPLERS 289 275 1806 ON THE DEATH OF A ONLY SON 4 Here drooping by thy lifeless side Pensive, retir'd, with grief o'erborne Lovely in death my darling pride, Thee, the long weeping Muse shall mourn. 2 Farewell thou dearest in my heart, Whom neither tears nor prayers could save: Tis death's redoubled pain to part. And leave such beauty in the grave. 8 Strong was thy wisdom wondrous child Active and bright its early ray Thy temper grateful, winning mild. And love rul'd all the smiling day. Ah rne: that once such sweetness gracd Those winning smiles that angel form Corruption's greedy train shall waste The mouldering dust the feasting worm. 6 By night my eyes the search repeat Sad to the glittering skies they roll Tell me, I say the happy fate Say where resides the blissful soul. 6 That day shall bring thee to my sight Thy presence shall my joys restore Fill me thou thought with vast delight When death shall never part us more. 276 1807 ON DEATH When we have once resigned our sinful breath for we can die but once then after Death the immortal Soul immediately goes to endless joys or everlasting Woes. Wise thens the Man who labours to secure His passage safe and his Reception sure. 277 1807 Our God how faithful are his ways! His Love endures the same: Nor from the promise of His Grace: blot out Thy Children's name: Thus to the Parents and Their Seed Shall Thy Salvation come and num'rous Households Meet at last, In One Eternal Home. 277a 278 278a 1807 This work in hand my friends may have When I am dead and in my grave. 1807 Youth you must not on numerous years depend, For unknown accidents your steps attend Some sudden illness soon may stop thy breath And prove an inlet to Eternal Death. 1807 From Stately Pallaces we Must remove The narrow lodgings of a grave to prove Leave this fair train of this Light guilded room To lie alone Beneathed in a tomb 290 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 279 1808 So fades the lovely blooming flower So our transient comforts fly Frail smiling solace of an hour And pleasure only blooms to die Belknap. In Middlesex Collection of Church Music. Boston, 1808. 280 1808 Death cannot make our soul afraid We may walk through her dark [est shade] If God be [with us] there And never yield to fear. Rev. Isaac Watts. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Book II, XLIX. 281 1808 Take comfort Christian when your friends in Jesus fall asleep Their better being never ends, why then defeated weep. Why inconsolable as those, to whom no hope is given. Death is the messenger of Peace, and calls the soul to heaven The saints of God from death set free, with Joy shall mount on high The heavenly hosts with Praises loud shall meet them in the sky A few short years of evil past, we reach the happy shore Where death divided friends at last shall meet to part no more. 282 Teach nie the measure of my days Thou maker of my frame 1808 I would survey life narrow space And learn how frail I am 283 1809 The wise, the just, the copious and the brave Live in their deaths, & flourish from the grave. Grain hid in earth, repays the peasants care And evening suns but set to rise more fair. 284 1809 "THE YOUTHS MANUEL, &C" In the short season of thy youth. Remember thy Creator God s For him thy powers employ In nature smiling bloom Maj^g hjm thy fear thy love Ere age arives & trembling Waits its Summons to the Tomb Thy hope thy confidence & joj'. 285 AH our gaiety is vain All our laughter is but pain 1809 Only lasting and divine Is an innocense like thine. 28G When with the needle I'm imploy'd Or whatsoever I pursue 1809 Teach me O Thou Almighty Lord To keep my end in view !^l^ fi PLATE XCI Sally Witt's Sampler. Lynn, Mass. 1786 Miss Sarah Stivour's School Owned by Mrs. Charles Pearson Coker Plate presented by Mrs. C. H. W. Foster AMERICAN SAMPLERS 291 287 1810 Dear Babe al rest We hope thee blest 287a 1810 B is a beauty all cheerful and gay But her beauty soon fades like a flower in May 288 1810 E'en while we speak the envious time Then seize the Present use thy Prime Doth make swift haste away Nor trust another day. 289 1810 [THE DEATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS] 1. Sweet is the scene when virtue dies 2. A holy quiet reigns around When sinks a righteous soul to rest A calm which nothing can destroy How mildly beams the closing eyes Nought can disturb that peace profound How gently heaves the expiring breast. Which their unfettered souls enjoy. ♦ ♦•♦»»♦ Printed in "The Clergyman's Almanack for 1814" 290 1810 This work in hand my friends may have To look upon when I am dead When days are short, but longer be our rest Our Saviour calls us home because he thinks it best 291 1811 The finest mould the soonest will decay May this a warning be to all Hear this ye fair for you yourselves are clay That God will judge both great and small. 292 1811 Death will desolve the tenderest tie That nature forms below Our dearest friends are call'd to die And we are left in wo 293 1811 ON TIME See see the moments how they pass O waste not then thy youthful prime How swift they speed away In folly's crooked road Louisa here as in a glass Be circumspect redeem the time Behold thy life's decay. Acquaint thyself with God. So when the pulse of life shall cease Its throbbing transient play Thy soul to realms of endless peace Shall wing its joyful way. 292 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 294 That awful day will surely come The appointed hour makes haste 1811 When I must stand before my judge And pass the solemn test. 295 Come now let us forget our mirth And think that we must die 1811 What are our best delights on earth Compared with those on high 296 1811 May day improve on day and year on year Till death unfelt this slender frame destroy Without a sigh a trouble or a fear. In some soft dream or extacy of joy. Alexander Pope. Epistle to Mrs. M. B. 297 1812 Why start men at death, so vain a thing. When Christ himself hath taken out the sting Live unto him in godliness and fear And then believe me there's no cause to fear It's but a passage and a step to be crown'd With a crown of immortality. 298 1812 Behold alas our days we spend But it is in vain they soon will end. 299 Make use of present time Because thou must Shortly take up thy Lodging in the dust 1813 Learn to avoid What thou believest is sin Mind what reproves Or justifies within 300 1813 *• IN MEMORY OF THREE SISTERS Cold is their form once fill'd with youthful bloom, They sleep alas within the lonely tomb. Commingling with the dust they wear away. Companion only for their fellow clay. 301 1813 Come Muse and lend your mournful aid Come mourn with mc a lovely flower Dressed in pale sorrow's sable shade The smiling comfort of an hour 302 Years like mortals wear away Have their birth and dying day 1813 Youthful spring and wintry age Then to others quit the stage AMERICAN SAMPLERS 293 303 When I have bid a long adieu To life and all things here below 1813 I^ook here my friend and think of me That I may not forgotten be. 304 1813 Why all this toil for triumph of an hour? Wliat though we wade in wealth, or soar in fame, Earth's highest station each in " Here he lies," And "dust to dust" concludes her noblest song 305 1813 When sin and sorrow fear and shame My trembling heart dismay. My feeble strength alas how vain It sinks and dies away. 306 307 1814 When the pure soul is from the body flown No more shall Night's alternate reign be known The sun no more shall rolling light bestow But from the Almighty streams of glory flow Oh may some nobler thought my soul employ Than empty transient sublunary joy 1815 Fate steals along with silent tread Lays the fond mother in the dead Two lovely babes 308 Behold the blooming rose Behold the fading flower 308« The fairest flowers of the Spring Has faded fled away 1816 The fairest prospect how it goes To vanish in an hour 1816 So blooming youth as time glides on Swift hastens to decay. 309 1817 These various branches rising from one root May soverign mercy bless, and guard the fruit; Till the great harvest when our souls shall be. Ripe, and prepared to live in Heaven with thee. 310 1817 ON THE TRUTH WE BELIEVE Gr[ant] rem[emb]ranc[e well t]o paint While they have gained we loose . The moment after death We miss them day by day The glory that surround the saint But thou canst ev'ry breach .... When yielding up their breath And wipe our tears away. 294 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 311 1818 Alas the brittle clay That built our body first 312 1818 Swept with a hasty torrent hence Like a vain dream we pass 313 1819 See the leaves around us falling, Dry and withered to the ground, Thus to thoughtless mortals calling, In a sad and solemn sound. 314. 1819 And am I born to die To lay this body down 315 1820 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up to death, And every month and every day Tis mouldering back to dust. Spring up and grow and wither soon As doth the short-lived grass On the tree of life eternal. Maid let all thy hope be staid, Which alone for ever vernal, Bears a leaf that will not fade. And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown. Rev. Charles Wesley. Rise then my thoughts to God on high. For we are mortals born to die. 316 1820 Enough had Heaven indulged of joy below. Enough had Heaven ordain'd of useful woe To tempt our tarriance in this loved retreat. To make us long for a happier seat. 317 1820 Hark from the tombs a doleful sound My ears attend the cry Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. Tate Sf Brady's Hymnal. Hymn 66. 318 1820 My days just hastning to there end Are like an evening shade My beauty does like wither'd grass With waning lustre fade 319 1821 The rising morn can't assure Tiiat we sliall end the day For death stands ready at the door To take our lives away. 320 1821 O'er thy grave shall friendship lingering pause And view the weeping flowerets there that bloom Shall heave the generous sigh in virtuous cause While resignation points beyond the tomb.' 'Tradition tells us that this verse was composed by the maker of the sampler, Mary W. Lyon. :J I S3 I X ^ J"- t -^ ?* c r. z Cc z E '^ z — X, >vw»nm\rtn'^ jv-v *• *« v v i§ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 295 321 1821 Ye whose fond wishes do to heaven aspire, Who make those blest abodes their souls desire If you are wise and hope that bliss to gain Use well your time spend not an hour in vain Let not tomorrow your vain thoughts employ But think this day the last you shall enjoy 322 1822 In the deep corners of the grave Love lingers tliough it cannot save. 323 1824 There is a calm for those who weep, A rest for weary Pilgrims found. Yes, of the dust Affection springs and ever must. They softly lie and sweetly sleep. Low in the ground. 324 1824 Time well employd is a most certain gain The chief of blessings on its course attends Earnest of pleasures remedy of pain Since on its use eternity depends 325 Life is short, the wings of time Bear away our early prime. Swift with them our spirits fly, The heart grows chill & dim the eye. Cir. 1825 Seize the moment, snatch the treasure. Sober haste is wisdom's leisure; Summer blossoms soon decay, Gather the rose-buds while you may. 325a 326 327 1824 Of joys in perspection how fondly you dreamed While the visions of fancy were ready to fade And the day star of hope how resplendant it beamed While swiftly descending to death's silent stream 1825 Youth is not rich in time, it may be poor Part with it as with money, sparing pay No moment but in purchase of it's worth And what its worth, ask death-beds, they can say Cir. 1826 "VERSES OF ANN MARIA ELWELL" Thou God of love thou ever blest Pity my suffering state When wilt thou set my soul at rest From lips that love — Hard lot of mine my days are cast Amongst the sons of strife Whose never ceasing brawlings waste My golden houi-s of life. Not from the dust affliction grows Nor troubles rise by chance Yet we are bound to care and woes A sad inheritance As sparks break out from burning coals And still are upward borne So grief is rooted in our souls And man grows up to mourn. Isaac Watts. Psalm CXX. 296 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 328 1826 Lord what is life Tis like a flower With all its beauty on That blossoms and is gone But death comes like a wintry day We see it flourish for an hour And cuts the pretty flower away 329 1827 The grass and flowers which clothe the field, 'J'ouched by the sythe defenceless yield And look so green and gay And fall and fade away. 330 1827 Mortal be wise, imProve the Present hour Thy time e'en while advancing speeds away, The last is gone the next beyond thy Power. Mortal be wise nor risk an hour's delay. 331 1829 My flying years time urges on My friends my young companions gone Who is human must decay Can I expect to stay. 332 1829 Sweet spring of days and roses made Thy days depart thy roses fade Whose charms for beauty vie Thou too alas must die. 333 Before 1830 Tis true twas long ere I began to seek to live forever But now I run as fast I can, tis better late than never 334 1830 THE UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE How short the connexions we form Tho' pleasure may charm with her breath In a world so uncertain as this And point to her magical bowers How soon will eternitys storm Yet she hides the keen dagger of death Sweep away all the phantoms of bliss In a sheath made of blossoms and flowers 335 1830 The Sun that Lights the World shall fade But I a Child imortal made The Stars shall pass away Shall Witness this decay. 336 1830 Here the beauteous slumberer bear Rosses I^ilies lend your bloom Soft ye zephyers smooth the air Yet no flowrets eer can shew Earth tliy fragrant breast unfold Half the charms that fade below Lightly lay the hallowed mould Feet imhallowed shun this shade Twine ye woodbines round his tomb Here an angel form is laid. 337 1830 Dear youth prepare tho in thy prime Death may be near and short thy time O dear youth prepare against the call For death does cut down, both great and small AMERICAN SAMPLERS 297 338 1830 Oh stranger let your melting heart, And eer you from this earth depart; Mark well this fresh, and verdant sod O let your soul, commune with God. RELIGIOUS VERSE— OLD TESTAMENT 339 Cir. 1636 Lord guide my Heart that I may do thy will As will conduce to Virtue void of shame And fill my hands with such convenient skill And I will give the Glory to Thy Name 340 1718 God loves the child whose words are mild 341 1723/4 Lord Thou from dust didst raise me and I in flesh to praise the when I no being had a living soul was made 342 1725 Lord give Me Wisdom to Direct My Ways I beg not riches nor yet length of days 343 1730 LOVE THOU THE LORD 1. O love the Lord and He will be, 4. Sweet slumbers come and chase away A Tender (faithful) Father unto Thee Tlie toyles and FoUys of the day. 2. His glories shine with beams so bright 5. On thy soft bosom let me lie No mortal eye can bear the sight Forget The world and learn to die. 3. Slep downey slep come clos my eyes 6. A Mother's Want God can Supply Tired with upholding vanityes And may he Guard You With a Watchful Eye. 7. Neglect not thou thy doing well But strive in virtue to excell. 344 1731 L The bed was earth the raised pillar stone 2. poor state of Jacob hear it seems to me whereon poor Jacob rested his head and bones his cattle found as souft a bed as he Heaven was his Canopy the shades of night yet god appeared their joy his crown were his drawn Curtains to exclude the light. god is not always found in beds of down 345 1731 1. See how the Lillies flourish white and fair see how the Ravens fed from Heaven are 2. then ne'er distrust thy God for Cloth and Bread whilst Lillies flourish and the Ravens fed. An adaptation of an "Epigram on Providence" by John Hawkins of Boston. 298 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 346 I Have A God In Heaven Who Care For Me Doth Take 1737 And If I To Him Constant Prove He Will Not Me Forsake. 346a 1742 That truth my tongue might alway tie that by each word, each deed, each thought from ever speaking foolishly glory to my god be brought That no vain thoughts might ever rest but what are wishes lord on the! or be conceived in my breast (2 lines undecipherable) 347 My heart resolve, My tongue obey While Angels shaU rejoice 1743 To hear thine Heavenly Maker praise Long from a feeble voice. 348 Adam and Eve in paradise that was their pedigree. 1745 They had a grant never to die, wold they obedient be. 349 But how my childhood runs to waste My sins how great their sum 1754 Ivord give me pardon for the past & strength for days to come 350 1757 In Mothers womb Thy fingers did me make And from the womb thou didst me safely take From Breast Thou hast me nurst my life through out I may say I never wanted ought. 351 - 1760 Let us my Friend all peevish self withstand And travel forward to the Holy Land, And in the meekness of the spotless lamb Where the Redeemed on Mount Zion stand, Lead one another gently by the Hand With Harps of living praises in their Hands 352 1760 MY CHILD TO YOVR CREATOR GOD YOVR EARLY HONOVRS PAY WHILE VANITY AND YOVTHFVL BLOOD WOVLD TEMPT YOR THOVGHTS ASTRAY THE MEMORY OF HIS MIGHTY NAME DEMAND YOR FIRST REGARD NOR DARE INDVLGE A MEANER FLAME [T]ILL YOV HAVE LOVED THE LORD ^_.'^?v:i-> ^■fv ^ -:$£^^^'^r4^^^:^^^'^=>^l^'^^ "" iBJijiiiiti lapWWIBiaBiSiffltJJX T i 'gr? ^ ■:<*■ i j ■■>'X \.^' . . -*• . . ^B^ ^ uii'iiiM-iiiiiiiitiVirii.i ^ 4S PLATE XCIII Martha Heuling's Sampler. Moorestown, N. J. 1H09 The West Town Boarding School, and containing a picture of tiie School Ozcned bi/ Hannah F. Gardiner AMERICAN SAMPLERS 299 353 Oh if My Mind Should be inclined This would increase my fear Lord from above Thou God of love Reveal thy counsel near 1760 2. That I may know That I may do Thy ever blessed will Ah ! thine alone And not mine own Great King! do thou fulfil 354 1. One look of mercy from thy eye One whisper of thy voice Exceed a whole eternity Employ'd in carnal joys 1760 2. Could I the spacious earth command Or move the boundless sea For one dear hour at thy right hand I'd give them both away. 355 1763 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I. Adore no other gods but only me. II. Worship not God by anything you see. III. Rever Jehovahs name swear not in vain. IV. Let Sabbaths be a rest for beast and men. V. Honour thy parents to prolong thy days. VI. Thou shalt not kill nor murdring quarrels raise. A"^!!. Adultry shun in chastity delight. VIII. Thou shalt not steal nor take anothers right. IX. In bearing witness never tel a ly. X. Covet not what may damnify. 356 1763 In life's gay morn when sprightly youth With vital ardor glows And smiles with all the fairest charms Which beauty can disclose Deep on thy heart before its powers Are yet by vice enslaved Be thy creator's glorious name And character engraved For soon the shades of grief shall cloud The sunshine of thy days And cares and toils in endless round Encompass all thy ways Soon shall thy heart the woes of age In mournful groans deplore v\nd sadly muse on former joys Tliat now return no more. .J.) / Lord let tlie Sonshine of thy face So clear mv Eves and Clense my heart 1767 That being seasoned with thj^ grace Mv soul mav tast how sweet thou art. 358 1769 Thine eye my bed and path survey My public haunts and privit ways. 300 359 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1772 From my beginning may the almighty powers. Blessing bestow in never ceasing showers; Oh, may I happy be and always blest, Of every joy, of every wish possessed. May plenty dissapate all worldly cares And smiling peace bless my revolving years. 360 1773 Give unto God the flower of thy youth take for thy guide the blessed word of truth Adorn thyself With Grace, Prize Wisdom more Than all the Pearls upon the Indian shore Labour to have a conscience Pure When all things fade that will endure. 361 Oh happiness our being end and aim Good pleasure e'er thy name 1773 Plant of celestial seed of dropd below Say in what mortal soul thou to grow 362 1774 1. Why should I love my sport so well, so constant in my play And lose the thoughts of heaven and hell and then forget to pray, 2. What do I read my bible for but Lord to learn thy will And shall I daily know thee more and less obey thee still 3. How senseless is my heart and wild How vain are all my thoughts Pity the weakness of a child And pardon all my faults 4. Make me thy heavenly voice to hear And let me love to pray Since God will lend a gracious ear To what a child can say. Rev. Isaac Watts, Divine Songs for Children. XXIV. 363 I. When we devote our youth to God 'Tis pleasing in his eyes A flower when oflfered in the bud Is no vain sacrifice 1775 2. To Thee, Almighty God, to Thee Our childhood we resign Twill please us to look back and see That our whole lives were Thine Isaac Watts. Divine Songs. XII, verses 2 and 5. 364 My soul lies cleaving to the dust Lord give me life divine — 1780 From vain desires and every lust, Turn off these eyes of mine. 365 Nothing I ask but which include Of all thy earthly power 1780 But let me kneel and pray That I may live today. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 301 366 1781 Care use with all thy power, To serve God every hour. 367 1781 Duty, Fear & Love We Owe to God Above 367a 178- Sweet are thy works my God, my King To show thy works by Morning Light To praise Thy name give thanks and Sing And talk of all thy truths at Night "Select Psalms and Hymns: Adapted to the use of Christians." Dublin, 1762. {No author given.) 368 Cir. 1785 It grieves me Lord it grieves me sore That I have lived to thee no more. Rev. Isaac Watts. Lyric Poems sacred to Devotion. 369 1786 All things from nothing to their Sovereign Lord Obedience tole at his commanding word. 370 Jehovah speaks the healing word And no disease withstands. 1787 Fevers and plagues obey the law And fly at his command 371 1789 O. Give my soul thy welfare to his trust Can raise thy sleeping dust He that hath raised the world He wil when nature 372 Is there ambition in my heart Search gracious God and see 1789 or do I act a haughty part Lord I appeal to the. 373 O God of Mercy, Grace and Truth Guard & Protect an Orphan Youth, 1791 Thro' Life's perplexing thorny road Conduct me safe to thine abode. 374 1792 still as Thro Life's Meanaring^ Path I Stray A Kind Conductor To The Blest Abode, Lord Be The Sweet Companion On My Way Of Light Of Life Of Happiness And God * Meandering. 302 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 375 1793 During the time of life alotted me grant me great God my health and liberty, I ask no more if more thou'rt please to give the overplus 111 gratefully receive 376 1793 First give to God the Flower of thy youth. Take for thy guide the blessed word of Truth. 377 Give me O Lord thine early Grace Nor let my soul complain 1793 That the young morning of my days Has all been spent in vain. 378 Oh keep in fear and lend an ear To what the Lord doth say 1794 Oh come retire and heal inspire Thy soul in Wisdom's Way 379 A few more rolling seas at most Will land me on fair Canaan's coast 1794 Where I shall sing my song of Grace And see my glorious Hiding Place 380 Get Thou the Lord & prize him more than shining gold & silver orr — 1794 for when thy worldly treasures past The fear of God will ever last? 381 1794 Read thou the scriptures let them be thy rule So shall the fear of God Reign in thy Soul 382 Adieu ye fanciful delights Ye fleeting vanities 1795 A nobler good my soul invites To soar above the skies. 383 I've been to church and love to go, Tis like a little heaven below; 1795 Not for my pleasure or my play. Will I forget the sabbath day. 384 1796 Adam alone in Paradise did grieve and thought Eden a desert Without Eve Until God Pittiing of his lonesome state Crowned all his Wishes with a Loveing mate What reason than hath Man to slight or flout her That Could not Live in Paradise without her. AMERICAN SAxMrLEKS 303 38.5 Adam and Eve whilst innocent in Paradise was placed 1796 but soon the serpent by his viles the happy Pair disgraced 386 Thus fair tis well you Read you Pray You Hear God holy word 1796 You hearken what your Parent say and learn to Serve the Lord. 387 1. Religion's sacred lamp alone, Unerring, points the way Where happiness forever shines With unpolluted ray: 1796 2. Oh ! may the everlasting truth, My staff, and standard, be. The best companion for a youth Join'd with humility. Anne Steele. "Searching after Happiness.' second verse appears not to be hers.) ( Verse 5 — the 388 Glittering Stones and golden things, Wealth and Honors that have wings Ever fluttering to be gone, I could never call my own ; Riches that the world bestows She can take, and I can lose ; 1797 But the treasures that are mine, Lie afar beyond her line ; When I view my spacious soul. And survey myself awhole, And enjoy myself alone, I am a Kingdom of my own. 389 1798 God give me grace I ask no more Contentment is a constant store 390 1798 Oh Heaven kind new form my mind. And give me view divine. 391 1798 Religion what treasures untold Reside in that Heavenly word 392 1800 Be it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with filial fear With loving gratitude That my small sum of days to come With nobler deeds may shine. More precious than Silver or Gold Or all that the world can afford. Superior sense may I display By shunning every evil way And walking in the good 393 1800 As pants the wearied hart for cooling streams That sinks exhausted in the summer's chase So pants my soul for Tiiee great King of kings So thirsts to reach Thy sacred dwelling place Bishop B. Lowth. 1753. 304 394 AMERICAN SAMPLERS After 1800 Fear & Love God above 395 1. Teach me oh thou ! that teacher art, Of every duty here below The number of my days impart Be thou my guide where'er I go 2. I ask no gold nor length of days I meet thy will thy will be done I know that time itself decays And gold but sparkles in the sun 3. When chastend let me kiss the rod I wish no transient joy to claim Be thou my portion oh my God Thro heavens eternal year the same 1801 4. The Lord can change the darkest skies Can give us day for night Make floods of sacred sorrows rise To rivers of delight 5. Let those that sow in sadness wait Till the fair harvest come They shall confess their sheaves are great And shout the blessing home 6. Adversity is virtue's school To those who right discern Let us observe each painful rule And each hard lesson learn. 396 1802 Give Glory unto God above He Only Doth Deserve Our Love 397 1802 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1 Thou Shalt have no God but me, 2 Before no Idoll bow thy knee; 3 Take not the name of God in vain : 4 Nor dare the Sabbath to prophane 5 Give both thy parents honor due 6 Take heed that thou no murder do 7 Abstain from words, and deeds unclean, 8 Nor steal, tho thou are poor, and mean 9 Nor make a wilful lie, nor love it 10 What is thy neighbours, dare not covet. Rev. Isaac Watts. Divine Songs for Children. 398 Thou art O Lord my only trust When friends are mingled with the dust And all my loves are gone 1802 When earth has teaching to bestow And every flower is dead below I look to thee alone 399 Almighty power ! whose tender care Did infancy protect, 1802 Let riper years thy favor share, And every step direct PLATE XCIV SusANA Cox's Sampler. Cir. 1802 The West Town Boarding School Owned by Mitss Svsan P. Wharton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 30,5 400 There is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign Eternal day excludes the night And pleasures banish pain There everlasting spring abides And never fading flowers Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours 401 1. To be resign'd when ills betide, Patient when favors are denied And pleased with favors given. Dear Lord, this is Wisdom's part. 1802 Bright fields beyond the flood Stand dressed in living green So to the Jews fair Canaan stood While Jordan rolled between But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross the narrow sea; And linger trembling on the brink And fear to launch away. Bev. Isaac Watts. 1802 2. This is that incense of the heart Whose fragrant silence is heaven 402 Though I am young, a little one If I can speak and go alone 1803 Then I must learn to know the Lord And learn to read his holy words. 403 1803 The Lord my pasture shall prepare And feed me with a shepherd's care His presence shall my wants Supply And guard me with a watchful eye Joseph Addison. 404 1803 May my fond genious as I [wjrite Seek the fair fount where knowledge lies On wings sublime trace heavens abode And learn ray duty to my God. 405 1803 Be sovereign grace the guardian of my youth While wisdom, honor, innocence, and truth May Heaven-born virtue in my breast preside Attend my steps, and all my actions guide. 407 The spacious firmament on high With all the blue etherial sky And spangled heaven a shiny frame The great original proclaim 408 1804 The unwearied sun, from day to day Does his creator's pow'r display And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Joseph Addison. 1712. 1804 Young children in their early days shall give the God of Abram Praise 409 1805 Grant I may ever at the morning ray Open with pray'r the consecrated day Tune the great praise and bid my soul arise And with the morning sun ascend the skies. 306 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 410 In Paradise within the gates An higher entertainment waits 1805 Fruit new and old laid up in store Where we shall feed and thirst no more 411 Not in thyself, in God confide Let reason all thy actions guide Thy prayers to heav'n be daily sent And with thy portion be content. Speak seldome but attentive hear 1805 Ever superior worth revere An equal without envy bear. Ne'er on inferiors look disdain Entrusted secret close retain. 411a 1805 O GOD! Not to my wish, but to my Want Unasked what good thou knowest grant Do thou thy Gifts apply What ill thou'rt asked deny "A Collection of Hymns" for "use of the West Society in Boston." 1803. {Hymn S5, verse 8. No author given.) 412 Parent of all! Omnipotent, In Heaven and earth below. Thro' all creation's bounds unspent, Whose streams of goodness flow. Teach me to know from whence I rose And imto what design'd; No private aims let me propose, Since linked with human kind. 1806 But chief to hear fair virtue's voice. May all my thoughts incline: 'Tis reason's law, — 'tis wisdom's choice, 'Tis nature's call and thine. Teach me to feel a brother's grief. To do in all what's best. To suffering man to afford relief. And blessing to be blest. 413 1806 Grant me great God, a heart to Thee inclin'd. And point my motions to the paths of Truth. Increase my Faith to rectify my mind Teach me betimes to tread Thy sacred ways Conduct the steps of my unguarded youtli And to Thy service consecrate my days. 414 .4 4*.- 415 1806 To wake the Soul by tender strokes of art, To raise the genius, and to mend the heart. 1807 Grant me to live and if I live, to find 'I'he dear lov'd portion of a peaceful mind 'i'hat health, that sweet content, that pleasing rest Which God alone can give, as suits me best. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 307 416 1808 MEDITATION Arise my soul, survey the morn, The grass, the shrubs, the flow-rets show, And purple beauties of the dawn Their maker all divine The herbs that with the dew-drops glow 417 The Lord my Shepherd is I shall be well supply'd Since he is mine and I am his What can I want beside 1808 He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows Where living waters gently pass And full salvation flows The stars which in their courses roll Have much instruction given But thy good word informs my soul How I may get to heav'n Rev. Isaac Watts. Psalm XIII. Short metre. 418 1808 Preserve me Lord amidst the crowd From every thought that's vain and proud And raise my wond'ring mind to see How good it is to trust in thee 419 God of my life and author of my days Permit my feeble voice to lisp my praise Teach me to quit this transitory scene 1808 With decent triumph and a look serene Teach me to fix my ardent hopes on high And having live'd to thee in thee to die. 420 My Thirteenth Year Of Age Is Past O Lord Point Me The Way 1808 To Anchor In Thy Narrow Path And Never From It Stray. 421 My God the steps of pious men Are order'd by thy will Tho they should fall they rise again Thy hand supports them still 1808 I choos the path of heavenly truth And glory in my choice Not all the riches of the earth Could make me so rejoice. 422 1808 Of all the sorows that attend mankind Nor think it chanc nor nuirmur at the Load, W^ith patience bear the lot to thee assign What man calls fortune if from God. 423 1808 Great God Create my Soul Anew Conform my hea[r]t to thine !Melt down my will and let it flu- 308 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 424 1808 When all thy mercies O My God, Transported with the view, I'm lost My rising soul surveys, in wonder, love and praise. Joseph Addison, 1712. 425 1809 Keep silence all created things and wait your Makers nod. My soul stands trembling while she sings the honours of her God. 426 1809 Lord let thy spirit witnefs bare Still make my precious soul thy care That I am all thy own And guard it to thy throne 428 1810 God counts the sorrows of his saints He has a book for their complaints Their groans affect his ears A bottle for their tears. 429 1810 Great is the Lord His works of Might, Great is the mercy of the Lord Demand our noblest songs. He givs his children food, Let His Assembled Saints unite and ever mindful of His [word,] their harmony of tongues [he makes his] Promise good His Son the great Red[eemer, came.] Rev. Isaac Watts. Psalm CXI. {Part 2, verses 1 and 4> and line 1 of verse 5.) 430 1810 Yield to the Lord with simple heart Renounce all strength, but strength Divine All that thou hast, and aU thou art And peace forever shall be thine 431 1811 " Live while you live," the Epicure would say And seize the pleasures of the present day "Live while you live," the sacred Preacher cries " And give to God each moment as it flies " Lord in my views let both united be I live in pleasure when I live to Thee "On Dr. Doddridge's motto, 'Dum vivimus vivamus.' By Himself." 432 1811 Though heaven afflict I'll not repine amid the various scene of ills Each heart felt comfort still is mine Each stroke some kind design fulfils Comforts that will oer deth prevail And shall I murmer at my god and journey with me through the vale when soverign k)ve directs the rod 433 1811 Conscience distasteful truths may tell Who ever lives with her at strife But mark her sacred lessons well Loses his better friend for life. ^^^"""•—W"^ * Cocdoi^i^Mjon 'O a^ KH^ «^)||A 4Mf,5W Mtiv.dKii At M M« iff tit WqpM «Bi if Wy ■ .%.,tJ]^ . 7 V PLATE XCV I.YDiA BrRRorcHs's Sampi.kr. 1811 The Chesterford School, and containing a ]iicture of the School Owned by Mrs. Brudlniry Bedell AMERICAN SAMPLERS 309 434 Long as I live I'll bless thy name My King and God of love 1812 My work and joy shall be the same In the bright worlds above Rev. Isaac Watts. Psalm CXLV. Part first, C. M. 435 Oh may I live to reach the place Where he unveils his lovely face 1812 Where all his beauties you behold And sing his name to harps of gold. 436 1812 "BLISS OF CELESTIAL ORIGIN" Restless mortals toil for nought That never wanders. Mortals try, Bliss in vain from earth is sought Then you can not; seek in vain Bliss a native from the sky For to seek her is to gain. 437 There is a land of pure delight Where friends once parted shall unite 1812 And meeting on that blessed shore With fond embrace shall part no more 438 Father of light conduct my feet, Through life's dark dangerous road Let each advancing step still bring Me nearer to my God. 1812 Let heavenly^ prudence be my guide And when I go astray Recall my feet from folly's path To wisdom's better wav. Smart. Hymn 57. Manning ^ Loring Collection. Boston, 1799. 439 1812 Good, when he gives, supremely good Nor less when he denies Even crosses from his soverign hand Are blessings in disguise. 440 I want a heart to pray To pray & never cease 1813 Never to murmur at thy , Or wish my sufferings less. Rev. Charles Wesley. 441 To thee again my gracious God I lift my heart and eyes 1812 Thou art my only safe abode Thou only just and wise 442 1813 Mj'sterious Heaven how wondrous are thy ways Let us not presume thy ways to scan Nor dare 'gainst God a murmuring thought to raise For resignation is the part of Man. ' heav'n ey'd. 310 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 443 Oh Source of wisdom! I implore Thy aid to guide me safely o'er The slippery paths of youth: O deign to lend a steady ray To point the sure, the certain way To piety and truth ! 1813 Let thy unerring influence shed Its soft blessings on Sarahs head, While piety and peace Thy genuine ofifspring round her wait And guard her through this transient state. To joys that never cease. 444 There is a land of pleasure Where streames of joy forever roll 1814 Tis there i have my treasure And there i hope to rest my soul. 445 Give thanks aloud to God To God the heavenly King 1814 And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. 446 Amidst my learning and my care Nothing can equal God most dear. Nor ought with him my heart to share Quick as my fingers move this thread Under just rules do act with speed 1814 In wisdom paths stiU may I tread Giving to virtue constant heed Love to be good and therefore wise Youth finds in these the greatest prize 447 Before 1815 I can be safe and free from care On any shore if Thou be there. 448 Bv Babels Streams we sat and we I When Zion we thought on I 1815 pt In the midst thereof we hung our The willow tree upon. harps 137th Psalm. 449 Grace is a plant Where eer it grows Of Pure and Heavenly root 1815 But Fairest in the Youngest Shows And Yields the Sweetest Fruit. 450 Before 181G In this early life, to me, Oh Lord And while my mind is early taught Thy pard'ning mercy show May I in knowledge grow. 451 Look gently down Almighty Grace Prison me round in thy embrace 1816 Pity the heart that would be thine And let thy power my love confine. dvo^^ 1 r^ ■X. ~ z r. a^^ S 2; 2 X ^ %..'' X __ ^ X X .^ '"' ■f ''w' X •■,■> j^ it ^ rt *^ ^ < ^ «« ^ / X ^ -r. f ^ „.^ '^. •£ M— ^^ y. , . ^' ^ ^ -^ •- £ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 311 452 1816 Then let me Love my Bible more By day To read These wonders o'er And take A fresh Delight And meditate By night. Rev. Isaac Wafts. Divine Son(/s for Children. VIT. Verse 7. 453 1817 STUDIOUS Father of light and life ! thou God supreme O teach me what is good ! teach me thyself. Save me from folly, vanity, and vice. From every low pursuit, and feed my soul With knowledge conscious peace and virtue pure Sacred substantial never fading bliss. 454 1818 Oh how unlike the Complex works of Man Heavens easy artless unincumbered plan Its meretricious graces to beguile No clust'ring ornaments to clog the pile From ostentation as from weakness free It stands like the Cerulean arch we see Majestic in its own Simplicity 455 Where'er I turn my ravish'd eyes new scenes of beauty round me rise and my heart exulting glows 1818 and while I view the wondrous whole to the creative power o'er flows my soul with gratitude 456 To distant lands thy Gospel send And thus thy empire wide extend 1818 To Gentile, Turk, and stubborn Jew Thy Almighty grace and salvation show. 457 [1819] Know God and bring thy heart to know The joys which from religion flow. 458 Cir. 1819 SONG XXV. My God who makes the sun to know his proper hour to rise and to give light to all below — Doth send him round the skies — When from the chamber of the east his morning race begins He never tires nor stops to rest. But round the world he shines; so like the Sun would I fulfill the business of the day Begin my work [betimes, and still] [March on my heavenly way] Young morning of my days has all been spent in vain 312 AMERICAN SAMPLERS SONG XXVI. And now another day is gone, I^ord give me pardon for tlie past I'll sing my Makers praise; and strengtii for days to come. My comforts every hour make known. I lay my body down to sleep His Providence and grace, Let angels guard my head, but how my childhood runs to waste, and thro the hours of darkness keep my sins how great their sum — their watch around my bed. Rev. Isaac Watts. Divine Songs for Children. 459 My God my all sufBcient good My portion and my choice In thee are all my hopes renewed And all my powers rejoice 1819 In God place all thy confidence And make his word thy guide He will protect thy innocence And for thy wants provide 460 1820 Behold the path that I have trod My path till I go home to God 461 O may their natal morn Be registered in heaven 1818 And they this life adorn Witii every blessing given 462 1820 God of my soul without thy strengthening grace How weak how blind is human race 463 Author of good, to thee I turn Thy ever wakeful eye 1821 Alone can all my wants discern Thy hand alone supply. Merrick. 464 1821 I read his awful name, emblazoned high With golden letters on th' illumined sky: Nor less, the mystic characters I see Wrought in each fiower; inscrib'd on ev'ry tree; In every leaf that trembles on the breeze, I hear the voice of God among the trees. 465 1821 Religion, fair descendant from above Grant me a heart obedient to thy laws Eternal source of happiness and love Incline to reverence and maintain thy cause Low at thy throne I fall and do implore () grant my steps to your celestial skies In my soft bosom all thy grace store Nor leave me here till I to them shall rise AMERICAN SAMPLERS 313 466 Be mine a calm a thankful heart l^'roni every murmur free The blessings of Thy grace iraj)art And make me live to Thee 1822 If thou my father Still art nigh Cheerful I live and peaceful die Secure when mortal comforts flee To find ten thousand worlds in Thee Anne Steele. 1760. 2nd and — verses. 467 1822 As heat increases with the rolling hours Draws up the vapours and expands the flowers So with my childhood may my follies cease So may my wisdom with my years increase So may religion early warm my soul Encourage, actuate and cheer the whole. 468 1823 A charge to keep I have A God to glorify A never dying soul to save And fit it for the sky To serve the present age My calling to fulfil O may it all my powers engage To do my masters will. 469 1823 Author of being sourse of light With unfading beautj^ bright Fullness goodness rolling round Thy own fair orb without a bound Whether thy suppliants call Truth or good or all or all God or father thee we hail Essense that can never fail Arm me with jealous care As in thy sight to live And O thy servant Lord prepare A strict account to give Help me to watch and pray And on thyself rely Assur'd if I my trust betray I shall for ever die. Rev. Charles Wesley. 1762. Grecian or Barbarick name Thy steadfast being still the same Thee when morning greets skies With rosy cheeks and humid eyes Then when sweet declining day Sinks in purple waves away Thee my lips shall still proclaim And teach the world to bless thy name. 470 In all my vast concerns with thee In vain my soul would try 1823 To shun thy presence Lord or flee The notice of thine eve. 471 I ask not gold or length of days, I ask for wisdoms brighter rays. 1824 O clasp me in thy arms when yours Accept hosannas from my tongue. 472 Ah lend me the wings of a dove. To fly from these regions of woe. 1824 My hopes and my joys are above And thither my spirit would go. 314 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 473 When I can read ray title cleai* To mansions in the sky 1824 I bid farewell to every fear And wipe my weeping eyes. Rev. Isaac Watts. Book II, Hymn LXV. 474 still the orphan & the stranger Still the widow owns thy care 1824 Screened by the in every danger Heard by the in every prayer 475 1824 Now in thy youth beseech of Him Who giveth upbraiding not That His light in thy heart become not dim And His love be unforgot And thy God in the darkest of days will be Goodness and beauty and strength to thee. 476 One day amidst the place where my dear god hath been is sweeter than ten thousand days of pleasurable sin 1825 My willing sould would stay in such a frame as this i sit and sing myself away to everlasting bliss. 477 Cir. 1825 HEAVEN BRIGHTER THAN EARTH. Those skies no night that wear Nor cloud nor tempest know Those flowers no blight that bear Those streams that stainless flow Are they not brighter far Than all that lures us here Where storms may fright each timid star From midnights lonely sphere. Here Hope of Sorrow drinks Here fades with care And Virtue from Temptation shrinks And Folly finds Despair But mid that world above No baneful step may stray The white winged seraphs glance of love Would melt each ill away. Friendship is there the guest Of chilling doubt no more And Love with thornless breast Whose Pangs and fears are o'er Tliere is no farewell sigh Throughout that blessed clime No murmuring voice nor severed tie No change of weary time Why plant the Cypress near The Pillow of the Just Why dew with murmuring Tear Thier calm and holy dus [t] Rear there the roses Pride Bid the green myrtle bloom Pic[k] emblems of their joys who bide Beyond the insateate tomb. Mid that celestial Place Our searing thoughts would glow E'en while we run this Pilgrim race Of Weariness and Woe. For who would shrink from death With sharp and icy hand Or heed the paths of while breath To win the glorious land. -...al..'-i .*•?:■ PLATE XCVII Ann E. Kelly's Sampler. Halifax. 1825 Mrs. I>eah Meguier's School, Harrisburg, Pa. Owned by Mrs. Hen r if E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 315 478 1825 Heaven notes the sigh afflicted goodness heaves, Hears tlie low plaint by mortal ear unheard. And from the cheek of patient sorrow wipes The tear by mortal eye unseen or scorned. 479 1825 When all thy mercies o'er me roll, Thy favors, Lord ! surprise my soul. 480 Now in the heat of youthful blood, Remember your Creator, God; Behold the days come hastening on. When you shall say, My joys are gone. 1826 When we give up our youth to God 'Tis pleasing in his eyes, A flower thats offer'd in the bud Is no mean sacrifice. Rev. Isaac Watts. Book I, Hymn XCI. 481 1827 Lift up thy Thoughts and let thine heart From the earliest mornings dawn a grateful seace To God impart To the latest setting sun 482 Prepare me Gracious God ! To stand before thv face. 1827 Thy spirit must the work perform For it is all of grace 483 1828 Tis useless that the fingers learn to draw If innate virtue's not a welcome guest And soaring reason scans all natures law And pure religion glows not in the breast. 484 [SUBLIME THOUGHT. Could we with Ink the Ocean fill Were the whole earth of parchme[n]t Were every single stick a Quill And every man a scribe by trade To write the Love of GOD above Would drain the Ocean dry 1828 Said to be written by nearly an idiot.] Nor could this Scroll contain the whole made Tho stretcht from sky to sky Were the whole realm of nature mine That were a present far too small I^ove so amazing so divine Demands my soul my life my all From The Clergyman's Almanack for 1812. 485 1828 Fountain of being ! Teach us to devote To Thee each purpose, action, word and thought ! Thy grace our hope, thy love our only boast. Be all distinctions in the Christian lost! Be this in every state our wish alone. Almighty, wise and good. Thy will be done! 316 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 486 Tis religion that can give Sweetest comfort while we live 1828 Tls religion must supply Solid comfort when we die. 487 Guide of my youth to thee I cry Great God to me be ever nigh 1829 Lighten mine eyes convert my heart Nor let me from thy ways depart 487a Save me alike from foolish pride Or impious discontent 1829 At aught thy wisdom has denied Or aught thy goodness lent. RELIGIOUS VERSES— NEW TESTAMENT 488 The loss of a father is much The loss of a Mother is more 1700 The loss of Christ is such a loss As no other can restore 489 1700 1. Love God, love not gold, 2. Arise, awake, your lamps to take Love God both young and old; And do no longer slumber; 3. You must them trim to wait on him, Unto his wedding chamber. 490 1708 — is my name is my nation is my dwelling place And Christ is my salvation 491 1715 Behold and have regard ye servants of the Lord which in his house of night do watch. Praise him with one accord. Lift up your hands on high unto his holy place. Give the Lord his praises due, liis benefits embrace. In every land there none shall stand and happy be indeed but only those whom God hath chosen That on Christ Jesus Feed. 492 Run thou Christs race be swift like to the sun 1728 liave not they work to do when ten is done etc. •■^'-.N,; s 1 A. ./t ftf- ^0-if Ivt ** . .^ • S"i~-?" .? i> ^;> 'Ti.-.l' k-iV" tK-J kv.f r ; '■■■■•• s ■ *v •? ; . La.a^ ♦L-. i ■«J^b^t,, W>^^ , ■ '\ h •■If / * ''''5., '^oe( ^3 -x- vi r... ,,;•.,'?' .^J'^ .i5^- ■«^'' ^»tf>wi^e»e4toffvo Our, ,•" !"? w ^j»» ^ . w^^tr* ' i * " r^' s ^"-. ^■'^»_,^'V^ --v^. ) PLATE XCVIII Sarah Catherine Moffatt Odiorne's Sampler. 1802 Miss Ward's School, Portsmouth, N. H. Owned hi/ Mrg. John Fremont Hill AMERICAN SAMPLERS 317 493 1730 Twelve tribes their were in days of old Twelve gates in new Jerusalem their be unto which city christ bring the and me Twelve Articles of faith we hold 494 Hosanna to Jesus our King Who comes in the name of the Lord 1750 By children he's welcom'd on Earth By angels in Heaven ador'd 495 1752 The Waikful Shepherds Hear Their Flocks But Better News from heaven Was Brought Where Watchful of The Morn Your Saviour Christ Is Born — 496 O may I always ready stand With my lamp within my hand 1757 May I in sight of heaven rejoice Whence I hear the bridegrooms voice Thomas Ken. "Midnight Hymn," verse 6. 497 1760 Christ when our nature He assumed redeemed the world from sin, & by his burial in the grave, to life we rise again. 498 1763 To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, Rev. Isaac Watts. Doxology in "Divine Songs for Children." Be honor, praise and Glory given Bv all on Earth and all in Heaven 499 1764 Cheer up my Soul redeem thy life with mine My soul shall smart ray heart shall bleed for thine Sinner, Oh Groundless deeds, O Love beyond decree the offender dies to set the offender Free 500 501 1770 Zaccheus short of stature fain would see his Saviour pass and climb into a Tree, if we by Faith would see this glorious King, Our thoughts must mount on contemplations Wing. 1770 Dear Saviour oh ! What ails this heart, sure tis of stone it cannot 'nor yet resent the death of thee whose death alone could ransom me. 502 Lord I address Thy heavenly throne Call me a child of Thine 1778 Send down the spirit of Thy Son To form mv heart divine. 318 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 503 In thy fair book of life divine My God inscribe my name Rev. Isaac Watts. 1778 There let it fill some humble Place Beneath the slaughtered Lamb Lyric Poems Sacred to Devotion. Verse XII. 504 1779 Father of all in Heaven and earth supreme Praisd blessed & hallowed be Thy awful name Thy Kingdom haste Thy soverign will be done Alike on earth as near Thy radient throne Give daily bread & may our sins receive Of Thee forgiveness even as we forgive From all temptation guard our steps we pray And turn from vice to virtues better way To Thy blest Kingdom every heart incline For goodness power & glory all are Thine. 505 Cir. 1780 While Shepherds watch'd their flocks by night All seated on the ground Tlie angel of the Lord came down And glory shone around "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind "Glad tidings of great joy I bring, To you and all mankind" etc. Nahum Tate. 1703. 506 1781 Who walk below In Light and Love Are sure to live With Christ above. 507 May works of nature and of art Combine to raise our thoughts to God 1781 And Jesus Christ his grace impart To guide us to his blest abode. 508 When our Nature he assumd Redeemd the world from sin 1783 and by his Burial in the grave to Life We rise again. 509 1784 Our Father who in Heaven art. All hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, Throughout this earthly frame. As chearfully as by those. Who dwells with thee on high, I<^ g^^s *|^ V #•* t. i<*- 'V C7.'' '-li I ( "^^/^ .*^ ^> >f* J^v -- PLATE C ,<%»- «' r Nancy Wixsor's Sampler. 1786 Miss Polly Balch's School, Providence, R. I. Oxvned by Mrs. John H. Mason Plate presented by the Rhode Island Society of the Colonial Dames AMERICAN SAMPLERS 325 550 1813 SHEPHERDS rejoice lift up your eyes, Go shepherds where the infant lies, And send your fears away, And see his humble throne, News from the region of the skies, With gladness sparkling in your eyes. The saviour's born to day. Go and behold the son. Tate ^ Brady's Hymnal. Hymn XXXIII. Verses 1 and //. 551 1813 May grace and truth preserve my youth And I be led by Christ my head From sin and danger free. To fountains rich and free. « 552 Cir. 1813 Attend dear Girl the words of truth Inclind to feel a Savior's love Let no false way deform thy Youth Rest not thy hope beneath the skies Make every thought obedient move A heart renewed to Heaven will rise. 553 1814 Let the sweet work of prayer & praise, Thus I am prepared for longer days, Employ my youngest breath. Or fit for early death. Isaac Watts. Divine Songs for Children. XII. Verse 6. 554 Tis true tis long ere I began To seek to live forever Cir. 1814 But now I run as fast as I can Tis better late than never 555 Cir. 1814 Jesus all hail, Thou risen Savior hail At thy command the seventh trump shall sound The sun retires, the moon, the stars turn pale And heaven and earth and sea no more be found etc. 556 1814 Break Forth into singing ye trees of the Wood for Jesus is bringing Lost sinners to God. 556a O, may I stand before the lamb When earth and sea are fled 1815 And hear the judge pronounce my name With blessings on my head 557 O Lord regard me from above And grant me my request 1815 And lead me on by faith and love To lean upon thy breast 326 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 558 May I now in the morning of my day Resolve to choose the narrow way The way that leads to life and peace Where all trouble and sorrow cease. 1816 Engage this frail and wavering heart Wisely to choose the better part To scorn the trifles of a day For those that never fade away 559 Some listen to the scripture's voice Its sacred truths obey 1819 With wisdom then ye shall rejoice In Christ the only way. 560 Behold the Savior at thy door He gently knocks, has knocked before Has waited long, is waiting still 1820 You treat no other friend so iU Admit him or the hour's at hand When at his door denied you'll stand. Hymn 326. John Dobell's Collection. Morristown. 1810. 561 1822 In Sharon's lovely rose Immortal beauties shine Its sweet refreshing fragrance shows Its origin divine 562 1823 Observe the rising lily's snowy grace; Observe the various vegetable race They neither toil nor spin but careless grow. Yet see how warm they blush how bright they glow ! Will he not care for you ye faithless say? Is he unwise? or are ye less than they 563 Now in thy youth attend to truth let Jesus be thy guide. 1824 Be always mindful of the lord Prepare to be his bride. 564 1825 O Render thanks to God above. The fountain of eternal love. 565 1825 In other men we faults can spy And blame the mote that dims the eye Each little spark and blemish find 566 1825 Welcome sweet day of rest that saw the lord arise Welcome to this reviving breast and these rejoicing eyes To our own stronger errors blind Ere we remark anothers sin Let oiir own conscience look within The king himself comes near and feasts his saints to day here we may sit and see him here and love and Praise and Pray Isaac Watts. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. XIV. Verses 1 and 2. PLATE CI LvniA Cjiurch's Sa:mi'i.er. New Haven, ("oiin. 1791 Mrs. Mansfield's School Owned by the Hartford Historical Society AMERICAN SAMPLERS 327 567 1826 EVENING MEDITATION ON THE CRUCIFIXION My Lord my Saviour died, For guilty sinners sake: The tokens of his love Oft keep mine eyes awake. I cannot chuse but mourn, That He should suffer so; And yet it is the source Whence all my comforts flow. I cannot chuse but mourn. Whose sin made him To bleed; And yet such sacrifice My soul from death hath freed. Twas not the treacherous Jews That did my Lord betray; It was heinous sins, More treacherous far than they. Twas not the soldier's spear That pierc'd my Saviour's side, Twas my Ingratitude. My unbelief, my pride. These were tlie bloody thorns That did his temples wound. And caus'd those sacred drops. That did bedew the ground. And when his Father's wrath Drew fortli that bitter cry. He yielded up his life For rebels such as I. And can I chuse but mourn. When skies and rocks did rend. And Nature veil'd her face. At sight of such an end. But haste My soul to view. Thy happiness restor'd. And death and hell subdu'd. By the triumphant Lord. Put off thy mourning weed. Thy Jesus reigns on high. Receiving gifts for men, For rebels such as I. 568 And must I Part with all I Have My dearest Lord for Thee. It is But right since Thou hast done Much more than this for me. 1826 111 Let It go, One Look from Thee Will more than make Amends For all the Losses I Sustain Of Credit, Riches, Friends. 569 Jesus lover of my soul Let me to thy bosom fly 570 Hopes vivid beams the fancy cheers As down the slopes of ills we stray 571 Mary loved her Master And washed his holy feet 1827 1827 While the billows near me roar While the tempest stiU is nigh. Rev. Charles Wesley. Smiles through the wilderness of tears The sunshine of a brighter day 1828 Here I am coming after His blessing may I greet 572 1828 Happy the soul where innocence does reign Where truth and piety its actions sway Where pure religion does its right maintain And all its pleasure is its God t'obey. 573 To God who guards us all the night And gives us length of days 1830 To God who sheds the morning light Be honour, love and praise. 328 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 574 Beyond the narrow vale of time. Where bright celestial ages roll, 1830 RELIGION To scenes eternal scenes sublime, She points the way and leads the soul. Finn as a rock elevated mind Stand [s] Faith the comforter of human kind. Against each earthly evil we endure She points at one an everlasting cure Soft smiling hope thou anchor of the mind And only comforter the wretched find All fly to thee when troubles wring the heart To soothe by future prospect present smart 576 Let all my thoughts & actions rise From innocence & truth & thou O Lord will not despise The Prayrs of early youth. 577 Jesus thy gracious name I will inscribe Be Thou my Counsellor, my Friend and guide Protect me from the dangerous snares of youth And write upon my heart thy word of truth. 578 To Thee my God will I devote The morning of my days Oh keep me from the snares of youth And I will sing Thy praise. 579 Lord how delightful tis to see A whole assembly worship thee Isaac Watts. At once they sing at once they Pray They hear of heaven & love the way Divine Songs for Children. XXVIII. 580 Sweet are thy works my God my King To show thy works by Morning Light To praise thy name give thanks and sing And talk of all thy truths at night Isaac Watts. Psalm XCII. (Not quoted quite correctly.) IN PRAISE OF THE VIRTUES 581 1724 Be not wise in thy own eyes. Be just and wise and virtue prize AMERICAN SAMPLERS 329 582 1724 Beauty and virtue when they do meet with a good education make a lady complete 583 1730 Vertuous Man Needs No Great Dangers Fear No troubled Conscience Nor Black Despair Can th[e]re Find Place Or Room to harbour there Vertue in Man guides him the safest way as the bright son that rules the gracious day Doth on his head as beauteous rays display 584 1737 VIRTUE AN[D] LOVE IS FROM A[BOVE] 585 The winter tree resembles me Whose sap lies in the root, 1742 The spring draws nigh; as it, so I Shall bud, I hope, and shoot. 586 1. O that Mine Eye Might Closed Be To What Becomes Me Not To See That Deafness might Possess Mine Ear To What concerns Me Not To Hear 1742 2. That Truth My Tongue Might Alway Tie From Ever Speaking Foolishly That No Vain Thought Might Ever Rest Or Be Conceived In My Breast 3. that by each word each deed each thought glory to my god be brought but what are wishes lord on the! 587 1742 Where The Contented Mind Is Known There Is As well Increas Of Solitude Where Thy Son Lies Down In Everlasting Peace True Peace And Joy Not To Be Found In Vain Thirristial Things True Holy Praises Doth B V The King of Kings 588 1748 Les enfants son comme des jeune plante Cest un devoir qui nous doit captivez Avec grand soint il faut les cultivez pour les remplire de vertus excellente 589 Force may indeed the heart invade but Kindness only can perswade 1755 Shun the - With the (rest undecipherable) 330 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 590 1755 Modest Attire And Meekness Signify Yea Modesty Doth Many Ways Express a Mind Composed of Native Purity To All Beholders Innate Comeliness. 591 1756 Lay All the Steps of Pride Aside Let All Thy Homage be To Wisdom Paid Let Truth And Wisdom Be Your Guide Seek Her Protection and In Love Her Aid 592 1760 Consider well some by past days And see if thou in all thy waj^s On former Times reflect Are truly Circumspect. 593 [1760-5] Make much of precious Time While in your power. Be careful well to husband every Hour or Time will come when you shall sore lament The unhappy minutes that you have mispent. 594 1761 "ON RELIGION" 1. If I [am right, O teach my heart] 2. Save me alike from foolish pride Still in the right to stay Or impious discontent If I am wrong thy grace impart At aught thy wisdom has deny'd To find that better way Or aught thy goodness lent 3. This day be bread and peace my lot AU else beneath the Sun Thou know'st if best bestowed or not And let thy will be done 595 1762 In books or work and healthful play, That I may give for every day. Let my first years be past, A good account at last. Isaac Watts. Divine Songs for Children. XX. Verse 4- 596 1763 To vindicate my Works and Tell Not one of all my thousend Faiths I'll make no more pretence Can bear a just Defence 597 1763 Let not thy mind be lifted high, but grace thy face with modisty. 598 1766 Beauty And Pride We Often Find He Handsom Is And Merit Praise Betrays The Weakness Of The Mind That Handsom Dos The Proverb Says ... y / 1 '- J ■■•-. •J,.: I r| Tir I'THIilJyM ■\:::^' .,/ 'im^. ■•- y ^•| ^Rc >.X-!)/ I' ^. ">1*. V ■% il:..^^ % ■^^^■'^■•^m;^^ / \ I PLATE CI I Hetty Lees' Sampler. 1T99 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe AMERICAN SAMPLERS 331 599 1770 Trust not to those who love What God doth disapprove GOO 177- Why Virtue dost thou blame desire, Which Nature hath imprest Why Nature dost thou soonest fire. The mild and Gen'rous breast COl 1771 1. How blest the maid who circling years improve Her God the object of her warmest love 2. Whose useful hours successive as they glide The book the Needle and the Pen divide 3. Who sees her parents heart exult with joy And the fond tear stands sparkling in their eye. 4. Blest with the hope when the lifes cares dismiss Of a Kind welcome to the realms of bliss 602 1772 Age does alas disclose the to wise A thousand troubles hid from youthful eyes 603 1773 Time has Wings and swiftly flies Youth and Beauty fade away 604 1774 O Youth thy Duty Observe So Ne'er shall thy Pleasures Decay Virtue is the only prize Whose sacred joys will ne'er decay Twill Prove the Best Honour to Serve The Glory Twil be to Obey. 605 1774 When Wild Ambition In The Heart We Find Farewel Content And Quiet Of The Mind For Glittring Clouds We Leave The Solid Shore And Wonted Happiness Returns No More 606 1. Let spotless innocence and truth All my actions guide And guard my unprotected youth From vanity and pride. 1775 2. Let truth and virtue guide my feet They are angelic charms They lead my steps to Jesus seat And waft me in his arms 607 1775 Know then this truth enough for man to know. Virtue alone is happiness below Alexander Pope. "Essay on Man.' 332 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 608 1775 Seek Virtue and of that Possest Early your thought to Virtue bend To Providence resign the rest Forgive your foe and love your friend. 609 17— (VIRTUE AND HONOR — 1806) 1. Virtue's the chiefest Beauty of the mind The noblest Ornament of Human-Kind 2. Virtues our Safe guard and our Leading Star That Stirs up reason though the senses err. 610 1780 Oh Heavenly Virtue Thine A Sacred Flame And Still My Soul Pays Homage To Thy Name. 611 1782 While idle drones supinely dream of fame The industrious actually do get the same. 612 1783 With early virtues plant your breast The spaciousi Arts of Vice detest ******* Learn to contemn all Praise betimes For flattery's the nurse of crimes. John Gay. Dedication of his Fables to William, Duke of Cumberland. 613 1783 [THE BULL AND THE MASTIFF] Seek you to train your Favorite Boy, Let his Preceptor's Heart be tried Each caution every care employ. Weigh well his Manners Life and Scope And ere you Venture to confide On these depends thy future hope John Oay. Fable IX. 614 1783 INDUSTRY Observe the Ant for she instructs the man And Preaching Labour gathering all she can Then brings it to increase her Heap at home Against the Winter which she knows will come And when that comes she creeps abroad no more But lies at home and Feasts upon her store 615 1784 In this wide world the scene of woe, From her clear stream, all comforts flow, let virtue be thy choice that can the soul rejoice. ' Specious. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 333 616 1784 stamp virtue's law upon thy youthful heart Then meek eyed innocence shall never thee desert; But thou shall imitate the rising sun, Increase thy virtuous splendor till life's glass hath run. 617 1784 1. Let Virtue be a guide to the 2. And Innocence Be thy defence 618 1785 d I blushe This Morn To See The Sun When I A Day His Work Is Done d And Min So Far Advance His Stage 619 1785 Excess of wit may often time beguile, Jests are not always pardoned by a smile — Men may disguise their malice at the heart, and seem at ease though pained with inward smart 620 1785 In Virtues ways I spend my days 621 1785 1. Let me O God my labours so employ 2. I ask no more than my life's wants supply That I a competency may enjoy. And leave their due to others when I die. 622 1785 Beauty Is a Flower That Fadeth Away But Virtue Is a Jewel That Will Never Decay. 623 1785 Cast oflf all needless and Distrustful Care Little is enough and much a Snare 624 1786 Honour and renown will the ingenious crown 334 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 625 1786 The maid who led by wisdom's guiding hand, Seek's virtue's temple and her law reveres: She, She alone in honour's dome shall stand, Crownd with Rewards and rais'd above her peers Recording annals shall preserve her name. And give her virtues to immortal fame. 626 1787 Cato doth say to Old and to Young The first steps to Virtue is bridle the Tongue. 627 1787 1. Beauty soon grows familiar to the eye Virtue alone has charms that never die 2. For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds And tho a late a sure reward succeeds William Congreve. "The Mourning Bride." 628 1788 O Heaven kind. New form my mind. That my small sum of days to come And give me views divine. With nobler deeds may shine. 629 1788 Whatever different path mankind pursue 'Tis thee in every action we intend Oh happiness 'tis thee we keep in view The noblest motive and superior end. 630 1790 Patience will wipe the streaming tear Content will always happiness supply And hope will paint the pallid cheek of fear And Virtue calls a blessing from on high. 631 1790 1. Conscience distasteful truths may tell 2. Whoever lives with her at strife But mark her sacred lessons well Loses his better friend for life 632 1790 The Charms of Beauty soon will fade To Time must yield their power But Virtues Charms tho' Time invade Live to the latest hour. Thy choice Be Virtue then thy Guide her Charms Listen attentive to her guardian Voice Her bright example keep in constant view And all her precepts steadily pursue. Let Modesty ("the females best defence) Sweetness of temper, Truth, Benevolence With all the virtues that true bliss impart Possess thy mind & ever rule thy heart. PLATE cm Caroline VAt'ciiAx's Sampler. 1818 Mary Waklen's Scliool Owned by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 335 633 1790 1. Let Youth To Virtue's Shrine Repair, 2. Borne Upwards On Seraphic Wing, And Men Their Tribute Bring Their Happy Souls Shall Soar, Old Age Shall Lose Its Load of Care, And There Enjoy Eternal Spring, Death Shall Lose Its Sting. Nor Fear A Winter More 634 1791 Tho Plunged In Ills And Exercised In Care For Blesings Always Wait On Virtous Deeds Yet Never Let The Noble Mind Despair And Tho a late a Sure Reward Succeeds. 634a 1799 d Tho plung in ills and Exercised with [care] When prest by dangers and beset Yet never let the noble mind desp[air] The gods their timely succor 635 1792 To crown both my Age and my Youth Since nothing but Virtue & truth Let me mark where Religion has trod Can reach to the Throne of my God. 636 1792 Constraint in all things makes the pleasure less Sweet is the love that comes with willingness. 637 1792 External Pomp and Visible Success Sometimes contributes to Our Happiness But that which makes us Genuine and Refined I A Good Conscience and a Soul Resigned. 638 1792 ON HUMAN GRANDEUR 'Tis not in Grandeur peace of mind to give, Nor are those happiest who in splendor live, Content alone those blessings can bestow. Which teach the mind with heart-felt Joy to glow. Banish vain care and all her dismal train. And give true pleasure unallay'd by pain. 639 1793 'Tis Virtue only makes our bliss below And all our knowledge is ourselves to know. Alexander Pope. Essay on Man. Epistle IV. 640 1793 The frowns of fortune ne'er regard Virtue shall meet her sure reward But trust Almighty Love In realms of bliss above. 336 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 641 1793 Be careful your innocence ere to maintain Since no other distress so deprives us of hope Be assured it is worthy your care Or so soon sinks the soul in despair. 642 1794 Let Virtue's lamp thy footsteps guide the peaceful vale the golden mean and shun the dangerous heights of pride, the path of life persue serene. 643 1794 For age & want save while you may No morning sun lasts a whole day. 644 1794 Our youthful passions soon will take their flight What flows from virtue gives sincere delight 645 1794 1. In all my behaviour, I try to do well In all my improvement I'll try to excel 2. May I govern my passions with absolute sway And grow wiser and better as life wers away. Dr. Walter Pope. "The Old Man's Wish."' -^ 646 1794 "Virtue outshines the stars, outlives the tomb Climbs up to heaven and finds a peaceful home. Mr. Pope." 647 1795 Count that day lost whose low descending sun Views from thy hand no worthy action done. Stamford's Art of Reading. 3rd Edition. Boston. 1803. 648 1795 Let virtue inosence and truth So where celistial virtue wind Bring reward to sorry youth Form an incomparable mind That lerning will direct the mind Crowns, scepters, beauties choice and aire The path of happiness to find. Stand out as shining servents there. 649 Cir. 1795 When Virtue's paths do first appear They lead the mind to be sin [cere] AMERICAN SAMPLERS 337 650 1796 Thrice blest is he who through lif s thorny road Can pass with pleasure and without a sigh Who views unmov'd this frailty of abode Who lives in peace, and never fears to die Who craves but little, and but little wants Whose aims are noble, and his vices few. 651 The Daily Labours of the Bee Awake my Soul to Industry 1796 And from the most minute and mean A virtuous mind can morals glean. 652 1. Be you to others kind and true As you would have others be to you 1796 2. Nor neither do nor say to men What you are unwilling to take again Isaac Watts. Divine Songs for Children. 653 Sweetly blooms the rose of may Glitt'ring with the tears of morn 1796 So insideous smiles betray While thev hide the treach'rous thorn 654^ 1797 Improve thy time Now in thy prime 655 1. I envy no other birth nor fame Their little train or dress Nor have my pride erestretch its aim Beyond what I possess 1797 I ask not, wish not to appear More beauteous, rich or gay Lord make me wiser every year And better every day 656 Sweet the roseate breath of morn Sweet the blossom of the thorn Sweet the incense violets raise 1797 Sweeter far the breath of praise Sweet and useful when it draws The tender mind to virtues cause 657 Remark this truth, enough to know "Virtue in youth, is bliss below. 1797 Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest. 658 1797 To lead the tender mind to virtue's bower Pluck out the weed & cultivate the flower 338 659 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1797 Reasons whole pleasure all the Joys of sense Lie in three wo[r]ds health peace and competence But health consists with temperance alone And peace oh Virtue peace is all thy own. Alexander Pope. "Essay on Man." Epistle IV. Line 79. 659a 1798 First Follow nature and you Judgment frame By her Just standard, which is still the same Art from that fund a Just suply Provides Work without Show and without PomP Presides 660 1798 1. Would you the bloom of youth should last 2. Time which all things else removes Tis virtue that must bind it fast Still heightens virtue and improves. 661 1798 How empty learning And how vain is art But as it mends the life And guides the heart 662 Virtue's sacred lamp alone Unerring points the way 1798 Where happiness forever shines With unpolluted ray 663 1799 Ye heavens from high the dewy nectar pour, And in soft silence, shed the kindly shower, The sick and weak the healing plant shall aid. From storms a shelter and from heat a shade All crimes shall cease and ancient fraud shall fail, Returning justice lift aloft her scale, Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend. And white rob'd innocense from heav'n descend. 664 1799 thy breast That seat of soft passion, that bosom of rest Where every bright virtue alternately glows In a form that is spotless and fair as my rose. 665 1799 Youth like softened wax with ease will take Those images that first impressions make If those are fair their actions will be bright, If foul, they'll clouded be with shades of night. PLATE CIV Sally Johxson's Sampijir. Newburyport, Mass. 1T99 Owned by Mrs. Francis A. Goodhue Plate irresented by Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith AMERICAN SAMPLERS 339 666 1799 Here in this green and shady bower Virtue shall dwell within this seat Delicious fruit and fragrant flowers Virtue alone can make it sweet 667 17— Youth's a s-t scenei Her minutes fly But trust her not More swift than thought. 668 17 Still let bright virtue shine confest Let mildness calm the peaceful breast With sweet discretion kind And wisdom guide the mind. 669 1800 I>et Virtue be thy constant guide Whilst knowledge gives to life a zest And truth in ev'ry word Preside And pure religion makes thee blest 670 1800 The little ant for one poor grain Labours & tugs & strives But we who have a Heaven to obtain (unfinished) 671 1800 O Praise thy language was by Heaven designed — As manna to the faint bewildered mind, Beauty and diffidence whose hearts rejoice — In the kind comfort of thy heavenly voice. In this wild wood of life wert thou not nigh Must like the wandering babes lie down and die. But thy sweet accents wake new vital powers And make this thorny path a path of flowers 672 1800 ODE TO PEACE Come peace of mind delightful guest For whom also dost thou prepare Return and make thy downy nest The sweets that I was wont to share Once more in this sad heart The banquet of thy smiles Nor riches I nor Power Pursue For thee I Panted for thee I Prized Nor hold forbidden Joys in view For thee I gladly sacrificed We therefore need not Part What ere I loved before Where wilt thou dwell if not with me And shall I see thee start away From avarice and ambition free And lielpless hopeless hear thee say And Pleasure's fatal wiles Fareweel we meet no more * Youth is a shadow. 340 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 673 1800 THE HERMIT 1. At the close of the day when the hamlet is still And mortals the sweet of forgetfulness prove When naught but the torrent is heard on the hill And nought but the nightingale's song in the grove Twas then by the cave of the mountain afar The hermit his song of the night thus began No more with himself or with nature at war He thought as a sage while he felt as a man 2. Oh why thus abandon to darkness and woe Why thus to . . . flows thy sad strain For spring shall return and a favor bestow And no trace of misfortune thy bosom retain. See truth, love and mercy in triumph descending And nature all glowing in Edens first bloom On the cold cheek of death smiles and roses are blending And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb, (last lines of 6th verse) Can be found in "The Songster's Companion." Brattleboro, Vt. 1815. No author given. Another hook gives the author as "Beattie.' 674 1801 Candour enrobed in spotless white appears Around her head a fragrant wreath she wears Indulgence uniformly marks her reign While information mingles in her train And as the spark of genius brightning glows The weed of merit gladly she bestows. 675 1801 AN ACROSTIC TO MISS ANNA SANDERS A virtuous life is surely worth So Anna you should lead your life No small expense or care And always keep in view Nor is the Ruby so Esteemd Never from virtue to depart As virtuous persons are Delightful is its due Even in youth be this thy care Religion always to revere So that its Blessing you may share "To Miss Anna Sanders by her very affectionate friend Luther Bayer' 676 1802 THE CONTRAST 1. Virtue alone has that to give 2. Now Vice can only that supply Which makes it worth our while to live Which makes it pain to live or die For if we live our life in peace For if we live tis' pain tomorrow And if we die our joys increase. And if we die tis' endless sorrow. -7 X A -i. ■r. X y. S: J'- -f ^' >_. i6Cf ;: 1^ «> f s = ^ s < A i /'^ "- '•(«. V j-^ 4« '^ 1 t.> Ctf V it.' •^ )> v" V aj «/ x' /,■) ■*;: ^ VS "**' 35L ^ v> * ■ « ^ :^>(}iy:>i?<^?^>o ! -^i W W«^ " J5(L SkS uv *:|»l#€ ate 'zA^^£igmm:^ r . "'^'^A L=^ T* -^<$^-^.:'. ■.-■> '• iCX *J^ * » -• « -^^ st^^^SS ;i^ *^ i, »_"■''»«•*■•" »• - >*< WUMtSl^j r* 2 [.;^;'!:r5 '^.r^-- ■a jK'F"<*'*"i?" >.rf.*,fc,W, .Sf2!S3Ha3 £S26S.*-g|*^.| U^wonKiso «sjcem«djlfe ^^irooyjierso ^ lesaaifureandqc 'A ■'«j'<;5 i^^h ♦? ^ ^:. c'-SCHS!'. */■ -I*' PLATE CVIII Naxcy Bakers Sampler. Warren, R. I. 1808 Owned bq Thomas W. AJdrlvh AMERICAN SAMPLERS 349 747 1814 Beauty makes virtue lovelier still appear. Virtue makes beauty more divinely fair. 748 Let Virtue be your guide Religion be your friend 1815 Then Mary you shall glide In safety to life's end. 749 By care alone we can attain The Age which slowly here we gain 1815 Then be resolv'd what so much cost By Indolence shall ne'er be lost 750 1816 May tenderness thy bosom warm And sorrow flow at other's harm May prudence every act attend And virtue be thy constant friend. 751 1816 The Pink will fade the tulip wither But a virtuous mind will bloom forever 752 1817 May happy hours, that roll through golden days Repressing every sad exciting praise Be thine, 'till that fair hour when all prepared Angels shall lead thee to a bright abode. 753 O resignation heavenly power Our warmest thoughts engage Thou art the safest guide of youth The sole support of age 754 1817 Teach us the hand of love divine In evils to discern 'Tis the first lesson which we need The latest which we learn 1817 With Gentle hand your daughters train The Housewifes various art to gain Or scenes domestic to preside The needle wheel and shuttle guide On Things of use to Fix the Heart And gild with every graceful art Teach them with neatest simplest dress A neat and Lovely Mind to express 7o5 Believe not each aspersing tongue As most week persons do 756 How blest is she among the fair, By gentlest stars inclined, Who cherishes with love sincere. The virtues of the mind. 1817 But still believe the story wrong Which ought not to be true. 1818 For these shall live when others die, And cease the heart to warm, Prove sweeter than the sweetest eye, And more than beauty charm. 350 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 757 1818 My care, my hope, my first request Are all compris'd in this 758 1818 No longer I follow a sound No longer a dream I pursue To follow where the Saints have led And then partake their bliss. O happiness now to be found Unattainable treasure Adieu 759 1818 Plant in thy breast oh lovely youth The seed of virtue love and truth They charm and bloom when beauty fades. 760 O may their natal morn Be register'd in Heaven, 761 In lifes gay morn what vivid hues Adorn the animating views By flattering fancies drawn After 1818 And they this life adorn, With every blessing given. 1819 No storms with gloomy aspects rise To cloud the azure of the skies No mists obscure the dawn. 762 1820 AN EXTRACT By love directed and in mercy meant Are trials sufFer'd and afflictions sent To stem impetuous passions furious tide To curb the insolence of prosperous pride To wean from Earth and bid our wishes soar To that best clime where pain shall be no more. 763 1821 Fair virtue, industry, and truth combined Adorn and elevate the female mind 764 1821 Convince the world that you are just and true Be just in all you say and all you do What soever be your birth your sure to be A man of the first Magnitude to me. 765 1821 Learn little maid each useful art Learn to improve thy tender heart Which may adorn thy youth In virtue peace and truth Tho age must show that life's best pursuits are vain, And few the pleasures to be here enjoyed: Yet may this work a pleasing proof remain Of youth's gay period usefully employed AMERICAN SAMPLERS 351 766 1821 If happiness be your pursuit Plane virtue and contents the fruit. 767 1821 O Modesty ! dear friend of truth revive your honoured day Without you all the charms of youth and beauty lose their sway 768 1821 Ye when forcd wishes do to heaven aspire Who made those blest abodes their souls desire If you are wise and hope that bliss to gain Use well your time spend not an hour in vain Let not tomorrow your vain thoughts employ But think this day the last you shall enjoy 769 1822 HAPPINESS Remember man, the Universal Cause Acts not by partial, but by general law[s] And makes what happiness we justly call Subsist not in the good of one but all, There's not a blessing individuals find But some way leans and hearkens to the kind No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride No caverned hermit rest all satisfied. Who most to shun or hate mankind pretend. Seek an admirer, or would fix a friend, Each has his share and who would more obtain Shall find the pleasure pays not half the pain. Alexander Pope. Essay on Man. Epistle IV. 770 1822 How various her employments whom the world Calls idle and who justly in return Esteems that busy world an idler too Friends, books, her needle and perhaps her pen, Delightful industry enjoyed at home. Can she want occupation who has these? 771 1823 Virtue has a thousand Charms Till beckoned by the hand of death Which vice can seldom see Then vice would virtue be. 772 1823 Source of wisdom I implore, O deign to lend a steady ray. Thy aid to guide me safely o'er, To point the sure the certain way. The slippery path of youth, To honor and to truth AMERICAN SAMPLERS 773 May virtue in your heart preside May prudence all your actions guide 1823 May peace attend your future hours May love your pathway strew with flowers. 774 Make an unguarded youth The object of thy care 1823 Help me to choose the way of truth And fly from every snare 775 1. We are a garden walled around, chosen and made peculiar ground A little spot inclosed by grace, Out of the worlds wild wilderness, 1823 3. Awake O heavenly wind and come, blow on this garden of perfume. Spirit divine decend and breathe, a gracious gale on plants beneath! Isaac Watts. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. LXXIV. Verses 1 and 3. 776 The blessings first of Heaven sent Nor trust your youthful heart 1824 You must Divine assistance have To act a prudent part. 777 Virtue, soft balm of every woe. Of every gift the cure. 1824 'Tis thou alone that canst bestow Pleasures unmix'd and pure. 778 1824 No other care than this I knew But perseverance brought me through. 779 Life is a gift by Heaven bestowed And if we rightly use the boon It is indeed a pleasant road That leads us to a blissful home 1825 And though some rugged steeps we find For our refinement doubtless given Yet resignation gives the mind A blessed e'en of Heaven. 780 I will my youthful mind improve In all that's good admire and love 1825 At Virtue's throne my homage pay And tread the path to everlasting day 781 We'll therefore relish with content What'er kind Providence has sent. Nor aim beyond our Pow'r 1826 For if our stock be very small 'Tis Prudence to enjoy it all Nor lose the Present hour. 782 1826 Let virtue guide this docile mind And to my heart its image bind. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 353 783 1826 Virtue is amiable, mild, serene Without all beauty & all peace within 784 1826 Let meek-eyed innocence her sceptre sway Thus Mary at ten years will prove And teach each wayward passion to obey A rich possession of unwed love, Refining every grace her lustre shines Justly reward her parents anxious care The brightest ornament of female minds. And the blest fruit herself will doubly share. 785 1826 To temper'd wishes, just desires, is happiness confin'd, And deaf to folly's call, attends the musics of the mind. 786 1826 While through this fleeting life's short various day An humble pilgrim here I plod my way May no ambitious dreams delude my mind Impatience hence be far & far be pride Whate'er my lot on Heaven's kind care reclined Be Piety my comfort Faith my guide. 787 1826 [THE LILY OF THE VALLEY] 'Tis not Beauty that we prize But humility will last Like a Summer flower it dies Fair and Sweet where beauty ['s] past. This can be found in a small collection of "Poems for Children," printed and sold by Jesse Cochran. 1815. Windsor, Vt. 788 1827 Tirza I have you near my heart O may you never from grace depart I have you in my mind But be to virtue's sway inclined. 789 1827 Hopes vivid beams the fancy clears Smiles through the wilderness of trees As down the slopes of ills we stray The sunshine of a brighter day 790 1827 When beautys charms decay as soon they must And all its glories humbled in the dust The virtuous mind beyond the reach of time Shall ever blossom in a happier clime 791 1828 Let all my vices be subdued Replace them Lord with gratitude 792 1828 The morning sun begins the day So virtue doth her beams display And warms all natures face And fill the mind with grace. 354 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 793 794 795 1828 Virtue should guard the tender fair From man's deceptive flattering snare 1828 Whilst in the morning of your days Renounce the world and sinful ways For learning ardently aspire And may virtue be your first and great desire. 1828 Auspicious Hope in thy sweet garden grow Wreaths for each toil a charm for every woe! 796 Let no one in tears pass my cot To whom I can render relief Before 1830 But may I make happy their lot And dry up the source of their grief. 796a 1829 From purity of heart all pleasure springs And from an humble spirit all our peace 797 A WISH Heaven Grant me this The utmost that I crave Tis to enjoy the good of what I have Accept my fortune either Good or bad And be content not say if I had had With less than this no happiness we know And more than this the world cannot bestow. 798 The modest snowdrop emblem of fair truth Convey this lesson to the thoughtless youth That unassuming worth will ever find A warm reception in a generous mind. 799 While through lifes various scenes I stray May virtuous friendship clear my way May wisdom strew my paths with flowers And blessings crown my fleeting Hours 800 Yesterdays past tomorrows not thine, today thy life to virtuous arts incline delight virtue vice be sure to shun Shes happy that a virtuous race doth run. The accuracy of these verses is due to the great care and interest of Miss Evelyn M. Coker, tvho copied and filed them . %ork^d hy Aar^ ^^-.^ '>^ < V^ ^rA'r-V PLATE CIX Mary Russell's Sampler. 1784- The Emma B. Hodge Collection Plate presented by the Illinois Society of the Colonial Dames SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLMISTRESSES "One did Commend me to a Wife Fair and Young Who had French, Spannish and Italian Tongue. I thank'ed him Kindly and Told him I love'd none such For I thought one tongue for a Wife too much. 'What love ye not the Larned?' Yes, as my Life A Learned scholar, but not a Larned Wife!" THIS Lydia Kneeland laboriously embroidered upon her sam- pler in 1743, in the Athens of America. She herself did not belong to the unlearned classes, for her brother married the daughter of President Holyoke, of Harvard College, and so she must have echoed the sentiment of the time. It seems to have been true throughout the Colonial life that the girls were never considered worth educating, except in the "graces." From Massachusetts south, there never seems to be any question during the first century of our country's life that the boy must be educated; so grammar schools, Latin schools, and colleges grew up. In fact, one writer says frankly that, at least in Massachusetts, the break with the past hardly existed, and that the earliest New England schools were best studied in Old England. This is also true in a large measure of the schools in New Jersey after the advent of the Scotch and English. The Swedes had founded a school at Bergen in 1664, but were not very energetic about founding more. This is not the place to write a history of education in the Colonies, but as no history of the education of girls is available, and as nearly all the samplers which have come down to us were probably made in the schools of the period, it may be interesting to know just how each of the Colonies met the situation. The records of New Hampshire schools are very meager, and we find that "no public provision for any regular school for the edu- cation of females" had been made up to 1815. That date approxi- mately marks the awakening of all the states to the claims of girls for 353 356 AMERICAN SAMPLERS an education such as a boy had received for some time. We are assured that New Hampshire had had good private schools for girls since the Revolution, though the first mentioned is that of Mrs. Montague, in Portsmouth, who had a private school for a year and a half, beginning in 1784. The samplers themselves give us two other Portsmouth schools. In 1802, Mrs. Ward had as her pupil Sarah Catherine Moffat Odiorne, whose ancestors had built the "Manor House" on Odiorne's Point, the first house in New Hampshire. Who Mrs. Ward was we have no means of knowing, nor do we know who Mary E. Hill was who taught a school in Portsmouth, in 1810, when Sarah Fitz- Gerald worked a sampler. ( See Plate xcviii.) Massachusetts, which of course at the time included Maine, is on the other hand very rich in material, but alas ! not much better in its treatment of the "female" within its border; for, until the Revolution, a girl's education was considered by most people finished when she could read the New England Primer. As early as 1642, there was compulsory education in Massachusetts for any town in which there were fifty families. This was frankly said, in 1647, in the Preamble to the Law concerning schools, to be the means of besting the Evil One. "The prince of darkness is shrewd enough to know that where the languages flourish there his power will be so rent and torn that he cannot readily repair it. Few of us per- ceive the craft and snare of the Devil." Children of that time were enveloped at home and at school, every day in the week, by an atmosphere saturated with religion. So in many places the Bible and the Catechism were almost the only text-books. The larger towns had English schools, Latin schools, and soon Har- vard College was founded. The smaller towns offered little to the boy and less to the girl; for, though the law decreed that every town of fifty families or more should maintain a school, many a toAvn felt that it was cheaper to pay the £20 fine for not doing so. Often the minister was also the schoolmaster, and often those men in the town who could read and write, taught in rotation. The girls had a very small chance of learning. Dorchester, for instance, left f 'V ■-..<— --^-Jl-' , ,/^jj . •« ^c •- "ifs I- ^fet^ PLATE CX Ann Robixs's Sampler. 1730 Owned by Miss Susan P. Wharton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 357 girls' education to the discretion of the selectmen, who decided against co-education. During these first seventy years of supreme indiffer- ence to education for girls, the history of the sampler in America is meager also. As we come to the eighteenth century, there is a distinct change for the worse as regards boys as well as girls. There is less enthusiasm for learning, and the reasons are not far to seek. "To one familiar with the early history of our state this decadence of the primitive ardor does not seem strange. It would seem more strange had the high level been maintained, for during these seventy years the little bark of state had been tossed on troubled waters. The educational history of Massachusetts is projected on a somber back- ground. Scarcely had the colonists become settled in their new homes along the bay before dissensions among themselves brought the whole enterprise into hazard — dissensions so sharp, differences of opinion so radical, as to reach down to the bed-rock both of their civil and ecclesiastical foundations. "During this same period heavier calamities had fallen upon them in the terrible struggle known as King Philip's War. Four years of anxious solicitude were followed by fourteen months of continuous and unmitigated horror. As the messengers came in quick succession to the patriarch Job, each telling of a new calamity, until he was stripped and desolate, so from north, east, south, and west, every day, sometimes almost every hour, brought news of villages burned and their inhabitants massacred, or of the troops sent to their rescue am- bushed and butchered. From one end of the colony to the other the people in their dreams heard the war-whoop of savages and the crack- ling of flames, and saw the tomahawk and the scalping-knife doing their bloody work. Happy were they if they w^ere not wakened to the reality. "When all was over, more than half a million dollars had been spent, thirteen towns had been destroyed, six hundred buildings burned, and six hundred men, the flower of the colony, had been killed. Some towns were so impoverished that their share of the 358 AMERICAN SAMPLERS colony tax was remitted, and for three years the smaller towns were relieved from the obligation to support the grammar schools. "Only six years later, and the gloom of the witchcraft delusion settled like a pall over the province, and swift upon the heels of this calamity came the war with the French, with Sir William Phipps's disastrous expedition against Quebec, and the new Indian atrocities upon the frontier settlements on the north and east. "Such is the record of these first seventy years, and in them all not one without some danger or some menace of danger. When a French statesman was asked what he did during the Revolution, he replied, 'I lived.' It was much that the schools of Massachusetts lived through the trying vicissitudes of this first period. "With the close of Queen Anne's War the province entered upon a new epoch, which brought with it changes in the school system whose influence we have not yet outlived. In the early days the fear of Indian invasion had served to hold the settlers somewhat closely together; indeed, in a part of the towns, as in Dedham, the people were for- bidden to build beyond a fixed distance of one or two miles from the meeting-house. But now that this danger seemed to be over, the people began to push out into the wilderness. "Outlying portions of the older towns were occupied, and new settlements made so rapidly that between 1700 and 1760 one hundred and twenty-three towns were incorporated, and during the next ten years forty-five more, chiefly west of the Connecticut."* Many of these new towns were spread out all over the farming lands, with no nucleus other than the isolated church, which was usually perched on a hill. Thus educational problems were more difficult than before, and led eventually to the town being "districted off" so that each small unit might solve its problems. There seems to be no doubt that throughout this period girls were entirely dependent on the Dame School and the "finishing school." The Dame School is hard to come at, because no records were pre- served of these little schools for very young children, kept in kitchens, or sometimes in little log schoolhouses. Early in the eighteenth cen- * George H. Martin. "Evolution of the Massachusetts Public Scliool System." *' . ^i X l^ ^ -3 •A o in a o 2^ , SB !<. 5^ ^ •^H X 1^ X 5^ o » ^ ^ fi — o X AMERICAN SAMPLERS 359 tury, in most towns, the horn-book was the only text-book used in these schools. This was a square, flat piece of wood with a handle. Upon the flat part was put a printed sheet containing the alphabet — per- haps the Lord's Prayer or something else, always religious ; over this was placed a piece of thin horn bound to the wood by brass strips and nails. These were the first primers, chained to the wall, like the books in a monastery library, and from these every child was taught to read. This was true of boys and girls alike, for boys did not go to public schools until they were seven years old, "having previously received the instruction usual at women's schools." This same scheme of edu- cation requires "that the children begin to learn arithmetic at 11 years of age; that at 12 years they be taught to make pens."* This was, of course, after the Revolution, when a slightly more lenient tone towards girls was adopted. Meantime, the finishing school flourished. It is hard to tell just when it began, but certainly it was "in our midst" as early as 1706. The Boston News-Letter for September 9th and 23rd advertised: "Mistris Mary Turfrey at the South End of Boston Intends to board Young Gentlewomen: If any Gentlemen desires their Daughters should be under her Education ; they may pleas' to agree with her on Terms." "Mistris Turfrey" does not say that she will teach the "Young Gentle- women " to make samplers. Perhaps it was because that was the period when samplers were least in favor, and such as were made seem to be the very simple kind, whose form somewhat resembles the horn-book from which girls learned their letters. If sampler art had begun with 1700, one might agree with those who think that the horn-book was the prototype of the sampler. That contention cannot be maintained, but the sampler was a very wonderful adjunct to the horn-book to educate the budding "female" mind. We have records of two quite early eighteenth century samplers made by girls of five, which must have been done at some school-dame's knee. Apparently Boston, Salem, and Newburyport were the Massa- chusetts centers for the finishing school, and by 1714, Boston had a real one. The Boston News-Letter for April 19th of that year con- • * System of Education Adopted by the Town of Boston." 360 AMERICAN SAMPLERS tains an advertisement which gives the ciirricuhim of one of these schools. "At the House of Mr. James Iters formerly call'd Bowling Green House in Cambridge Street Boston, is now set up a Boarding School, where will be Care- fully taught Flourishing,* Embroidery, and all Sorts of Needlework, also Filigree, Painting upon Glass, writing, arithmeticlc, and singing Psalm Times." This was frivolous, practical, and religious, but furnished not much real education. Perhaps the mixture of a girls' boarding school and the Bowling Green, "where gentlemen. Merchants and others, that have a Mind to Recreate themselves could be accommodated" was not a good one, for Mr. Ivers sold the Bowling Green the next month and so made the boarding school safe for girls. Mr. Ivers was followed by Mr. Brownell, who apparently wished to out-advertise the school at the Bowling Green House. "This is to give Notice, That at the House of Mr. George Brownell,\ late School Master in Hanover Street Boston, are all sorts of Millinary Works done; making up of Dresses, and flowering of Muslin, making of furbelow'd Scarffs, and Quilting, and cutting of Gentlewomens Hair in the newest fashion; and also young Gentlewomen and Children taught all sorts of fine Works, as Feather- Work, Filagre and Painting on Glass, Embroidering a new way, Turkey-Work for Handkerchiefs two ways, fine new Fashion Purses, flourishing and plain Work, and Dancing cheaper than ever was taught in Boston, Brocaded-Work for Handkerchiefs and short Aprons upon muslin, artificial Flowers work'd with a needle." These two men were not without their rival in Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence, who had a school in Boston for many years. The New England Weekly Journal for Monday, October 4th, 1731, gives a notice of her death. "On Saturday last died Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence, a noted and useful School- mistress in this Town." From 1741 to 1760, somewhere near Boston, if not in the city itself, some teacher set her children the task of making a semblance of the older type of sampler. There are five of these still in existence, three of which are so alike as to be as nearly identical as the person- alities of the makers allow. The cross-borders at the top are alike in sequence, and at the bottom are Adam and Eve, the Tree of Knowl- edge, and a wonderful fat worm of a serpent. J • p'lourishine thread was a flat linen thread used for darning damask and linen, and also used for netting. i News- Letter. Augrust 27, 1718. tMary Parker, 1741 ; Maria DavcnDort, 1741 : Ilebckah Owen, 1745 : Hannah Tyler, 1753 ; Ruth Haskell, 1760. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 36] Rebecca Owen made one four years later, but aside from the fact that the serpent has a family resemblance in its obesity, one could not be sure that it was the product of the same school. (See Plates xv and xvi. ) Just at this time Elizabeth Waldron had a boarding school at the foot of the Common. She advertised her removal in The Boston Weekly News-Letter for Friday, March 19, 1752. "Elizabeth Waldron who hath kept a Boarding School at the Bottom of the Common, purposeth next Monday to remove to Milton, Within half a mile of the Paper Mills: — Where young Ladies that intend to escape the Distemper may be accommodated as usual." There had been a universal and often fatal throat distemper in the thirties, and it was perhaps fear engendered by the remembrance that induced this flight. Salem, in point of time, contributes the next school for finishing young ladies, and it is interesting because it is the first instance that the word Academy is used to designate a girls' school. After 1790, the word became very common, and so it is interesting that in 1748 there was a "Union Academy" in which Mary Crowninshield* em- broidered a sampler. Just at this time the Boston papers were full of advertisements of boarding schools for girls. From February to May, 1748, a very clever person sought pupils, and if she could do well all that she advertised she surely deserved to be a very popular schoolmistress. "This may inform young Gentlewomen in Town and Country, That early in the Spring, Mrs. Hiller designs to open a Boarding-school at the House where she lives, in Fifth Street, at the North End of Boston, next Door to Doctor Wax-Work, Transparent and Filligree, Painting upon glass, Japanning, Quill- Work, Feather-Work and embroidering with Gold and Silver, and several other sorts of Work not here enumerated, and may be supplied with Patterns and all sorts of Drawing and Materials for their work." Mrs. Sarah Morehead, "at the Head of the Rope Walks, Fort Hill," also taught "Drawing, Japaning, and Painting on Glass." Certainly by the middle of the century, Boston had become quite prosperous, and was beginning to have most advanced ideas in the handicraft of the time. It is too bad that we cannot tell in which of •b. 1740 d. John and Anstus (Williams) Crowninshield. 362 AMERICAN SAMPLERS these schools of the period the Boston samplers were made, but the girls certainly had opportunities offered them to learn. It is impossible to tell now how long each of these schools flour- ished, since we have only the advertisements to rely upon. A cessation of publicity might mean either that the school had not paid, or had become so popular that it needed no further aid from the press. The next candidate for favor seems to be a shade less ambitious than her predecessors in knowledge, but more so in her stock of goods. The advertisements appear from 1751 to 1753. "ELIZABETH MURRAY Next door to Deacon Bouteneau's in Cornhill, Boston. Teaches Dresden, and other kinds of Needle Works, likewise accomodates young Ladies with Board, and half-Board at a reasonable Price; sells flowered and clear Lawns, Cambricks, Muslins, Gauze, newest Fashion Caps, Ruffles, Tippits, Stomachers, Solitairs, Necklaces, Ear Rings, Ivory, Ebony and Bone Stick Fans, Womens Slioes, Stockings, Gloves and Mittens, Canvas, Crewels, Floss, Flowering and Nuns Threads, Needles, Pins and Tapes, with Sundry other Arti- cles." (1761.) Miss Murray evidently had a deadly rival during her first year, but as the Misses Purcell advertised but once, and Miss Murray kept on advertising, the supposition is that one succeeded and the other did not; but on our former line of argument, the result is a good deal like "the Lady or the Tiger," and one guess is as good as another. Here is the Purcell announcement : "Taught by Elinor and Maby Purcell opposite the Rev. Mr. Checkley's Meeting House, Summer Street, Boston. Dresden on Lawn and Muslin, and Work in Imitation of BrusseU lace and all other Sorts of Needle Work and Shell Work, and Flower for the Head, in the- neatest Manner; Likewise accommodate young Ladies with Board and half Board, at a reasonable Rate. N.B. Likewise make up all sorts of Millinery Work; after the newest Fashion." (1751.) Miss Murray continued to call attention to her school : "Elizabeth Mvtrray" "Teaches Dresden and Embroidery on Gauze, tent Stitch, and all sorts of colored Work; takes young Ladies to board or half-board, at a very reasonable Rate; likewise sells Gold and Silver Gymp, Plate, Twist and Thread, Shades of Naples, Floss, and fine Silk, Cambrick and Cotton Thread, and Muslin for Dres- den, with a variety of Cambrick and Lawn and Gauze, with other Millinery Goods and white Gauze Shades." (1753.) IBWwyiMf Mtj, ii -PM i .M^"y. » »g- ' "y4SgJ ' i . ■ ?■■ ' V- ' g" ' ^ '' J»-' - ' -- ' " ' J ' * '' " " - W^^^^- fill- X r X .^ X -^ y. i X c i^ « t^ "^ f-H 5 _^ . n s u .5; 3. Vi r*. < ^ V) s X ^■^ Ui o ■;. y i; A -5: 5 -^ AMERICAN SAMPLERS 363 Miss Murray was followed in 1757 and 1758 by Eleanor Mcllvaine, who had a school opposite the Governor's. Her advertisement is modest and short and she does not wish to "board or half-board" her pupils. The following year a new person steps into the limelight, and thereafter, except for a few vague hints here and there, we hear little of Boston schools for nearly forty years. "Mrs. Jane Day opposite the Brazen Head in Cornhill, Boston, Has opened School, and teaches in the neatest and newest manner, Embroidering in Gold and silver, and all sorts of Shaded Work in Colours, Dresden and plain Work, etc. where also Ladies may be boarded or half-boarded as may be most convenient for Town or Country, and can supply her Scholars with Materials for Work. N.B. Maker in the newest Fashion all sorts of Millinary Work." About 1764, Mary Dedman made a most beautiful needlework picture in a Boston school, probably taught by a Mrs. Rawson, but no research has yet brought to light any more knowledge of her school. Newburyport has been mentioned as another flourishing center for girls' finishing schools, and certainly there were a large number of samplers of a very elaborate kind done in the town. The only specific mention of any school is on a sampler made by Eliza Reed, aged thir- teen, "under the tuition of Harriet Ellis." The sampler contains a picture of a large house, which was probably a view of the girl's own home, or the house in which the school was held. The sampler is un- dated, but is of the type more common after the Revolution ; in fact, common as late as samplers were embroidered. A little later appear three samplers worked by Newburyport girls, Sally Johnson (1799), Mary Little (1800), and Mary Coffin (1801), which bear the trade-mark of some teacher's imagination, stimulated by commerce with the tropics. Each shows one or more negro slaves waiting upon gentlemen and ladies, all have orange trees, and the most elaborate (see Plate civ) contains also banana and date palms. These samplers are not actually alike, but are too nearly so in spirit not to have been done under the same teacher's eye. Perhaps one girl a year was allowed to use this subject as a reward for her deftness with the needle. Joanna Huse of Newburyport in her undated sampler 364. AMERICAN SAMPLERS records that she did it in her eleventh year "under the tuition of Maria S. Aiken." The Revolution slowed down many activities which had to do with the amenities of life ; and girls' education of the period might certainly be called one of these. The only girls' school of which we have record during this period is Sarah Stivour's. This school was probably in Salem, since Beverly, Salem, and Lynn girls went there. Four sam- plers of her teaching have come down to us, and they are all distin- guished by a form of very long stitch in crinkly silk to designate the grass in dark green, and in blue and white overhead to indicate the sky. This stitch is often two inches long, and slants in parallel lines from the top, in the case of the sky. The lower edge is in long scallops or waves. The grass below in dark green has the same wavy edge at the top. Upon this precarious perch stand a man, a woman, sheep, and a spotted dog. A floral border surrounds three sides, and sometimes above the alphabets is an arbor.* This school lasted from 1778 to 1786 certainly, and if all the samplers there are could be gathered together we might find that it lasted longer still. (See Plates xc and xci.) Other Massachusetts schools are recorded before 1800. Miss Southerland had a school in Boston about 1785, where embroidery was taught. No sampler that can be identified has come from this school, but a piece of embroidery done by Hannah G. Gowen, when eleven years old, is still extant, as a proof. This embroidery is in Louis XVI style, a bunch of flowers tied with a bow, embroidered on black satin ; and to this is appended a certificate, in French, from her teacher. A rather simple sampler is inscribed, "Salla White her sampler, made by her own hand at Mrs. Horton's School. A.D. 1787." This school was probably either at Springfield or at Longmeadow, where "Salla" lived. It is a little sampler, about eight inches square, done in her ninth year. The next school that we know of was kept in Salemf by Mrs. Mehitable Higginson, the wife of Mr. John Higginson, Registrar of Deeds for Essex County. Mr. Higginson died just before the Revo- • Betsy Ives, 1778; Nabby Mason Peele, 1778 ; Mary Oilman Woodbridge, 1779 ; Sally Witt, 1786. t" Half Century in Salem." M. C. D. Silsbee. PLATE CXIII Ai'PiiA Woon.MAx's Samfi.kr. SanborntDii, N. H. 1787 Owned by Miss Anne B. Hamilton AMERICAN SAMPLERS 365 lution, and his wife and daughter Hetty were very outspoken and loyal supporters of King George. They were so unpopular that they went to Halifax, where they remained until 1782. Dr. Joseph Orne wrote of her to Colonel Timothy Pickering, on her return, "Your old friend, Mrs. Higginson, has returned, but as she is liable to be sent back and is quite as disagreeable to the people as any man would be, there is so great a ferment among them that she is obliged to live with her friends in Beverly." She and her daughter opened a school in Salem as soon as the war was over. After her mother's death, in 1818, Miss Hetty kept her school for many years, but for younger children, and was much beloved by her pupils. It is said that Miss Hetty could divide a large straw- berry among six or eight of her scholars, and that they were more pleased by this atom, given with her praise, than with a saucerful without lier approbation. William Bentley, in his Diary, says that this "was the school of fashion for many years, till the infirmities of the mother prevented her better energies." During this same period, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Rogers also kept a school for "young Ladies" in Salem. In the Holyoke Diaries is a very interesting and formal letter from them to Doctor and Mrs. Holyoke, dated November 6, 1794, in which they "inform them of their determination to relinquish the School which they have hereto- fore kept for the tuition of yoimg Ladies." The reason was the "injury done to Mrs. ROGERS health by a Sedentary Employment" and "the duties which she owes to her family." The school was re- opened in March, 1796. Salem did not have an entire monopoly of good schools in Essex County, it seems, for in 1802, William Bentley notes with surprise the fact that during a dinner with Captain Gibaut he "assured me that a Mrs. Saunders keeps a school in Gloucester for young ladies, where needlework will bear comparison with any of the work of our Schools not excepting Mrs. Rogers of Salem." Gloucester had another teacher for many years. She finished her earthly career in 1814, and our diarist notes "another among the many Examples of longevity in 366 AMERICAN SAMPLERS School mistresses. Widow Hanna Tucker of Gloucester died Jan. present at Gloucester, get. 91. For four generations school-mistresses. My school mistress, Madam Jenkins, lived many years over that age. Madam Babbidge of Salem, my next neighbor, lived & taught over 90 years of age. And a tag has been given me by M. Whitford, set 80, which belonged to Madam Jiggles, marked EI, who was born on the passage to America & lived in the first framed house in Salem & who lived to a very advanced age & was a school mistress." With the close of the eighteenth century the girl came into her own, and the "Female Academy" multiplied in the land. One of the earli- est was at Bridgewater ; it was founded in 1799. The building, burned in 1822, was fifty- four feet by twenty-seven, was two stories in height, and had a square tower which rose ten feet above the ridgepole. In 1807, Eliza Wentworth embroidered a sampler at the school, under Miss Martha Pullen, of Abington, who was then Preceptress. Bradford Academy opened in 1803, and "originated from the sense of want which was felt in relation to education, especially female education." Leicester Academy and many others followed, and edu- cation for girls was an established fact. Mr. Littlefield tells us that in Boston, in 1817, there were one hundred and sixty-four private schools, and two thousand two hundred and eighteen girls attending. There were so many girls to educate that the academies would not hold them all ; and as many of the conservative, distrusting advanced education, still sent their daughters to the finishing school, the two forms flourished side by side, as they have until this day. We are told that it was a mark of aristocracy in Salem to be admitted to one of these private schools. They were usually kept by some gentlewoman of diminished fortune, who taught the younger children of the better class reading, spelling, sewing, and, most of all, manners. Many a sampler was made in these schools, but the Salem samplers are so varied in their design as to render no grouping sufficiently sure to say that any two were made in the same school. The result of comparing the descriptions of the samplers sent in is most interesting and intriguing. Many times you feel sure that AMERICAN SAMPLERS 367 certain girls must have worked their samplers side by side in school — and yet one can never be certain, because there were vaguely indefinite styles in samplers which pertained over a large part of the country, as there were in clothes. Some years ago there was an exhibition of samplers in an old house in Lowell, Massachusetts; it was not large, and yet two samplers hung side by side which were almost alike. It transpired afterward, when the owners met, that the two as girls had lived in Concord, and that the same teacher had instructed them both. The teacher apparently drew the pattern on the linen in ink, and as there were no ways in those days of transferring patterns, she did them free-hand, and she often set free her imagination at the same time. This would account both for their similarity and for their divergence. Perhaps the most interesting example of this grouping of descrip- tions will be found in the samplers worked between 1785 and 1810 in Miss Polly Balch's Seminary in Providence, Rhode Island. It is a unique set of samplers ; thirteen it is possible to be sure of, and there are a few more which were quite possibly done there also. Five of these samplers contain a picture of the Old State Hous'e in Providence, or of old University Hall at Brown, and some contain both. The girls were always fairly accurate in the architecture of University Hall, but they were far less sure of the Old State House. The cupola rises and sinks in size, and the clock in the tower sometimes descends into the building itself. Nancy Hall and Sally Alger con- centrated on University Hall, and add to the picture of the building the President's House. Above, each has given her idea of the First President's reception at the College. The President stands under curtains, looped back on either side with cords and enormous tassels. Below are pictured the guests on their way to the festivity. The two samplers are not identical, for one incloses hers with an oval, and the other, Sally Alger, uses the pseudo-classic arch, so very common to the samplers made in Miss Balch's School. The arch was echoed by Miss Sarah Stivour's School in Salem, Massachusetts, which was giving us another interesting group of samplers of the same period. 368 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Miss Balch's School was responsible for the wonderful maritime scene done by Nancy Winsor, which is reproduced in color. ( See Plates xlv, Ixii, xcix, and c.) Miss Mary Balch, known later variously as "Polly Balch" or "Marm Balch," was the second child of Timothy Balch, a Boston man, who had gone to Newport early in his career, and there married Sarah, daughter of Captain Joseph Rogers, of that city. The daughter Mary was born in Newport, February 9, 1762. Before she was twenty- three she had started a school in Providence, sometime before 1785. At one time the school was in George Street, for a paper of the time says that "A prominent private-school whose influence lasted many years, was opened on George Street early in 1800 or late in the previ- ous century." The mystery is very puzzling as to just who the teacher was who made the delectable samplers coming from the school. Who- ever it was who was responsible, certain it is that she was with Miss Balch from 1785 to 1800. About 1800, the character of those made in Miss Balch's School changes, if, as is probable, the representa- tion of the First Baptist Church by Maria Hopping, and the two of the First Congregational Church, were the work of her pupils. The only other one which we are certain was done in her school, that of Eliza Pearce Jones, is a reversion to the usual type of sampler, hitherto not in the least characteristic of her school. Strangely, there are two samplers, those of Anna Sanders, 1801, and Nancy Baker, 1808 (see Plate cviii) , both made in Warren, which carry on the former tradition of Polly Balch's School. Therefore it seems probable that the sewing teacher was not Miss Balch herself, for Miss Balch's School continued in Providence till her death in 1831 ; and after that time it was carried on by one of her assistants. Miss Walker, for many years. In 1820, the school was at 427 and 429 North Main Street, in a building which is still standing. Miss Balch's gravestone in the North Burying Ground is still to be seen. "Consecrated to the memory of Miss Mary Balch the 1st to establish a female Academy in Providence Who departed tliis life Jan. 3rd, 1831, in her 69th year." AMERICAN SAMPLERS 369 Whoever it was who taught needlework at Miss Balch's School, she certainly had by far a finer sense of what the art was capable of than any one who was in a like position. She had a sense of color, form, and design, and she taught her pupils to use their silks so that they not only made harmonious color, but they were applied in such a way as to bring out the luminosity of the silk. The backgrounds in many cases are entirely covered with a whitish silk m split-stitch, which gives a most wonderful sheen to the whole. She had certain mannerisms and certain forms of design, of which each sampler con- tains one or two, so that they are very easy to identify, even though they are not marked, and they are never commonplace. Aside from the Old State House, usually depicted with five windows on the fa9ade, is a house with nine windows and a fence between the two chimneys. It has two dormer windows in the roof, and a long flight of steps on either side. Polly Turner, of Warren, made an example of this in 1786, at Miss Balch's School, and Anna Sanders made one in Warren in 1801. They are very alike all through, except for the style of dress in the people walking by the house and standing under the trees on either side. Nancy Baker again did it in Warren in 1808. Between these two extremes we find it on Susan Whitmore's sampler, which though undated was certainly made at Miss Balch's School. Again it appears on the funny little sampler of Frances Jones, 1789. Julia Lippit and Eliza Cozzens used the split-stitch background and the arch to frame baskets of fruit in wonderfully harmonious colors, and Susan Whitmore put a basket of fruit under her house and pseudo-classic arch. After 1800, the samplers which come from Miss Balch's School are less elaborate and have a less sure touch. None the less, nowhere else can so interesting a group of samplers be found as those coming from this school, where for many years the girls of the best Rhode Island families were taught. But Miss Balch's School was the flowering of a rather barren twig. Rhode Island had not paid great heed to education, as far as girls were concerned, but private schools helped there as they did elsewhere. In 1758: 370 AMERICAN SAMPLERS "Sarah Osborne, school mistress in Newport, proposes to keep a boarding school. Any person disirous of sending children may be accomodated and have them instructed in reading, writing, plain work, embroidery, tent stitch, samplers, &c. on reasonable terms." It is sad to think that no Newport sampler of the date has so far come to hand. About 1770, private schools were few and far between ; they were "but little thought of; there were in my neighborhood three small schools, perhaps about 12 scholars each. Their books were the Bible, spelling book and primer."* But in the end, Miss Balch and her numerous rivals changed all this, and gave the Rhode Island girls as good an education as the times considered necessary. Of Connecticut schools for girls we know but little, and yet there must have been A^ery good ones quite early, if we are to judge by Margaret Calef's wonderful scene which she worked in 1767. (See Plate xxiii.) The perspective and architecture might perhaps be considered odd, for certainly neither the man nor the animals could possibly get inside the house. But sampler land is a very different country from ours, and there the impossible happens every day; so why not enjoy the gorgeousness of a poppj^ bigger than a poplar tree, and consider it in the light of a perpetual sunset? Samplers come from all the towns which we of later days associate with seats of learn- ing — Middletown, Farmington, New Haven, Hartford. In 1791, Mrs. Mansfield had a school in New Haven, where Lydia Church embroidered a sampler. One is tempted to think that she made a picture of her school, for that same year Elizabeth Lyon also embroidered a "picture of an old girls school on State Street," and in both ladies and "gentlemen with crooked sticks" walk about, and in each is a flock of sheep. In Litchfield, Connecticut, "Miss Sarah Pierce opened a School in this town for the instruction of Females in the year 1792, which has very justly merited and acquired a distinguished reputation." The school was opened with one pupil in the dining-room of her house, but it soon grew. The diaries of two girls who went there as day scholars have been printed, and they give the impression of a rather •Samuel Thurber. Afi'iJj'V \ ■\jy ^w nj:^ ■^xx ^\:^yi^- 'T't.-:: mdttstnous be^e e:ctl'a-.» >A P - ^t- '-^^'^c* ^#"1 -e^Y* ^' V iN ^' '*^-. >*»i'CiaXC^ ,x *i ,.:-^ ^vt t^.' ':>;^ 'S;Sfe:/ ' . - ^ PLATE CXV Patty Kendai.i. Stertinu's Sa:\ii'ier. 1806 The Emma B. Ilodye Collection AMERICAN SAMPLERS 373 Society of Friends of the State of New York had opened a boarding school. The real name of the school was so long that, like other Quaker schools, it went by a nickname, and was called the "Nine Partners' Boarding School". There the same patterns were used as those at the other Quaker school at West Town, Pennsylvania. The designs are quite simple, and run to scattered flowers and geometric figures. These latter are most often in the form of half hexagons along the edge of the sampler, and have a Dutch or German effect. Another school in New York had the interesting name of "African Free School." Rosena Disery made a sampler at this school in 1820. The sampler was seen in a shop, and unfortunately nothing beyond the name of the girl and the name of the school were reported. New Jersey offers us the earliest sampler with a teacher's name upon it. Hannah Foster, of Evesham, records in 1743, "Elizabeth Sullivan taught me." The state also had so many schools that one might think that all education in the early nineteenth century centered around Philadelphia and the adjacent coasts of New Jersey. Though the schools were many and all of them enticed the girls on in the art of sampler making, the result as a whole was not thrilling. The samplers are nearly all very simple. In fact, only two of the collec- tion stand out as interesting. In 1808, Eliza F. Budd made an elaborate picture of the Court House at Mount Holly, New Jersey, and crowned the corners and the top of the hip roof with noble urns. Beneath, on the Court House terraces, Ruth gleans the sheaves of Boaz; and on the other side of the approach, King David tends his flocks. And overhead fly birds, quite undisturbed that they are living both in Palestine and New Jersey at the same time.* The reason for the great numbers of schools in Pennsylvania and New Jersey was that the Society of Friends believed in education; but again, alas ! in the early days, not in the education of girls. Female education was limited to the bare understanding of the rudiments. Many have deplored the lack of letters from Colonial women ; the lack was not in preserving them, for the absence of letters is the direct * See also Margaret Kerlin and Sarah Montgomery Blair. 374 AMERICAN SAMPLERS result of insufficient education. It is most amusing, as one reads the educational history of each state, to see how each author in turn calls the period of 1700-1750 one of "gloom and darkness." New Jersey- made a struggle in the right direction, but it apparently was a very real struggle. There was a young ladies' seminary in Elizabethstown in 1789, but it soon failed. Two years later a French school was opened to teach the fashionable accomplishments, but no permanent school resulted. In 1808, Red Bank, a farm belonging to Barnes Smock, was made into a school, whose first teacher was George Morford. In 1825, Mary Ann Burroughs embroidered a sampler at the school and marked it so. The school was made an Academy in 1830, and is or was the most important industrial school in Monmouth County. The Evesham School, which, as we know from the samplers, flourished from 1808 to 1820, at least, furnishes us with a very interesting example of the fact that the schools in Southern New Jersey and Eastern Pennsyl- vania used common designs. In 1808, Julia Haines, at the Evesham School, used the same flattened oval wreath, a single stitch in width, which the Bristol and Pleasant Hill Boarding Schools employed, and which the North School, Philadelphia, used in even simpler form. Outside this she embroidered a border which is distinctly reminiscent of many which are found on the samplers from the West Town School. Pennsylvania, very early, thanks to the Moravians, had schools which seem to have taught even the girls some sort of learning. In 1746, the sect founded a school at Lititz, near Bethlehem, in Lancaster County. The school was in the midst of the community, and one suspects was at first only for the children of the Moravians. It had early a national reputation, and was later known as Linden Hall Seminary. In 1799, Mr. John C. Ogden, "Presbyter in the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States," printed a book called "An Excur- sion into Bethlehem of Nazareth, in Pennsylvania." One is led by the title to expect other things, but our learned presbyter certainly PI. ATE CXVI Julia Boudixot's Sampler. 1800 Owned htj Mr.t. Theodore Weston AMERICAN SAMPLERS 375 took his expedition in almost the same spirit in which he might if he had gone to more sacred lands. He found things much to his taste in this Moravian settlement, and it may have been the seal of his approval which later led good little Episcopalians like our sampler maker to go to this school. Having gone to the boys' school, our traveler next visited the girls'. "The hour being convenient for visiting the girls school, so much celebrated, a pleasing groupe appeared in different rooms, under the care of their tutresses, where they learn reading, vi^riting, arithmetic, embroidery, drawing, and music. Since the application to receive pupils from abroad, have become so frequent and numerous, a new building has been erected for their use, upon a similar model, with the sisters house. A small courtyard, or grass plat, is between these buildings. In the rear of this, is another small enclosure, which forms a broad grass walk, and is skirted on each side by beds devoted to flowers, which the girls cultivate as their own." The visitor goes on to explain that the teachers are in no respect like nuns, but nevertheless the "instructresses are treated with due respect. All females are educated by them." Then when he has seen all that there was to see, read their books, and enjoyed their hospitality, he ends enthusiastically with these words: "The whole system is well calculated to make mankind wiser and better; to ameliorate the conditions of the untutored, and correct the devious: It softens the rugged temper, and expands the benevolent heart." With this seal of approval from a high dignitary of her church, is it any wonder that some twenty years later Catherine Jones Elder was sent there, so that the good influences of the place might be very strongly felt? Catherine was seven, and was sent to Lititz to recover from an unfortunate love affair ! A schoolmate had written her a love- letter, and the occasion was felt by her family to demand a separation of the lovers. She made two samplers at the school, one in 1826 and one in 1827. Tradition does not tell whether these very youthful lovers were faithful or not. Rather earlier than most, the Society of Friends discerned the great lack of education among girls and its consequent retarding force on the growth of the nation. Pennsylvania had had schools perhaps of the same sort that were prevalent farther north, but Philadelphia 376 AMERICAN SAMPLERS had no boarding schools until the Revolution. In 1770, Mr. Griscom advertised his private "Academy" at the North End of Philadelphia; but until Mr. Horton started the idea of a separate school for girls in 1795, education for them had been purely ornamental. The same yesLY, Poor's "Academy for young ladies" was at No. 9 Cherry Street. The Society of Friends carried Mr. Horton's idea out, but in a different form. The "Philadelphia Yearly Meeting" started a school in 1794, to give children "a guarded religious education." The land was purchased at West Town the next year, and in 1796 the school was founded, and the brick building a hundred feet long by fifty-six wide was built. It was three stories high, as Martha Heuling's sampler pictures it for us. In 1799, "5 mo 6", it opened with twenty pupils of both sexes, but by midwinter boasted a hundred of each. From that time on, the school was in continuous session for thirty-seven years, without a single vacation. Scholars entered at any time for a year or more. The sexes were kept strictly apart in the early years. It is somewhat of an indication of the popularity of the school that we have sixteen samplers which were known to have been made there between 1802 and 1820. Of these, ten are distinctly plain, usually showing a vine or conventional border, with a verse — true Quaker plainness. Two show a rather German influence, as they are covered with detached sprays of flowers, like Susanna Cox's (see Plate xciv). Martha Heuling portrayed the first building of the school. Her sampler is, unfortunately, dim with age, and as a consequence the reproduction is quite vague. There were other forms of samplers done in the school. One is in white blocks two inches square,* with the maker's name and the date in black; another is entirely in blue;t while a third has the lettering done with pen and ink. J (See Plate cxiii.) The game of matching descriptions is quite exciting when brought to bear on the Philadelphia collection, though the result is not very definite. From 1796 to 1828, some school in Philadelphia evidently •Hannah E. Deacon, IHie. t Phehe Ann Speakman, 1H20. t Hannah Mendinhall, ixio. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 377 specialized on houses and scenes. Two of the earlier, Susan Lehman's and Hetty Lees', both done in 1799, show half a house on the left, trees, a fence, and half a barn. Thereafter follows a somewhat long line of houses, with weeping willows, poplars, sheep, cattle, men, and women. The sky is sometimes filled with small flowers; one has the sun, one the stars with the sun, and three the American Eagle with outspread wings. They are none of them actually alike, but they give the impression that one mind, having conceived a general type,* used it in varying forms. Another interesting fact develops by this com- parison. The Pleasant Hill Boarding School and the Bristol School evidently exchanged patterns; and Mary Hamilton, who went to Mrs. Welchan's School at Maytown, Pennsylvania, in 1812, and Ann E. Kelly, who went to Mrs. Leah Meguire's School, in Harris- burg, in 1825, embroidered samplers whose form is almost identical. The North School, in Philadelphia, echoes in a much simpler form that used by the Pleasant Hill and Bristol Schools. William Penn provided for education in Delaware, which seemed to his mind most important in order that "all wicked and scandalous living may be prevented and that youth may be successively trained in virtue, and useful knowledge and arts." It was also agreed that all children of the age of twelve years "shall be taught some useful trade or skill to the [end that] none may be idle, so the poor could may be work to live and the rich if they became poor, may not want."t In his last lines to his wife, William Penn exhorts her to let his "children be husbandmen and housewives; it is industrious, healthy, honest and of good example." In order to gain this result, she is "to spare no cost" for their education. Penn's high ideals, like those of our Pilgrim and Puritan ances- tors, had no long duration in fact; and Delaware fell a prey, as did the other colonies, to the period of "gloom and darkness" which held sway until the middle of the eighteenth century. The Swedes founded schools early in the eighteenth century * Emily Sharpless, Hetty Lees, Susan Lehman, Eliza Wire, Mary Ann Tawn, Mary Magdalen Wolf, Rebecca Skinner, Margaret Moss, Mary H. Dwier. (See Plates xliv and cii.) t U. S. Dept. Interior. " Monograph on Education in Delaware." 378 AMERICAN SAMPLERS where they endeavored to educate both boys and girls. In 1717, a school was opened in the house of Johan Gustafsson, in Christiana, Delaware, and the schoolmaster examined the children sent to him. There were eleven scholars, of whom five were girls, whose capabilities were duly recorded by Mr. Gioding : Mary Geens, 9 years old, can read Swedish and say the Ten Commandments. Mans Gustaf s daughter Anika, 6 years old can spell Swedish tolerably well. Anders Gustafs daughter, Catherina, 12 years old, can read in a book, but must begin to learn to spell right. Margaretta, the late Peter Stalcop's daughter, 11 years old, reads Swedish in- differently well, but must learn to spell anew. Annika, Anders Gustafs daughter, 8 years old, can spell a little. The girls were not so far behind the boys in education, and when the school ended the next year, it was so wonderful a success as to bring tears to the parents' eyes. The English schools of the same time seem to have been in a much worse way. The Rev. George Ross, in a sketch of the history of his church at New Castle, Delaware, described the condition of education in 1727. "There are some private schools within my reputed district which are put very often into the hands of those who are brought into the country and sold for servants. Some school masters are hired by the year by a knot of families who in their turns entertain him monthly and the poor man lives in their houses like one that begged an alms, more than like a person in credit and authority. When a ship arrives in the river it is a common expression with those who stand in need of an instructor for their children, 'let us go and buy a school master.' The truth is, the office and character of such a person is generally very mean and contemptible here, but it cannot be other- wise 'til the public takes the education of children into their mature consideration."* This dismal period and dismal education eventually came to an end, and with it the girls' education arose to what was normal through- out the colonies. During the Revolution, John Thelwell had a famous school in Wilmington. His first school was at the foot of Quaker Hill, but he soon moved to the little Senate Chamber over the Market House,t at the corner of King and Third Streets. Most boys •"History of Public School Education in Delaware." Stephen B. Weeks. P. 16. t "History of Education in Delaware." Lyman Pierson Powell. «e Indi I an Pink;' CD '^ >Y<^l '>71^- IV40 - 1787. »8o6 wiH, trc^on. PLATE ex VII AMERICAN SAMPLERS 379 and girls were his pupils, at least during part of their school days. The attitude of the times toward girls' education is still quite evident, from the fact that the boys went in the front door, and the girls had to go through a side door up an alley. Miss Debby Thelwell, his eldest daughter, had charge of the girls. Her sister, Miss Polly, was too timid to teach, but after their father's death the two sisters carried on the school for many years. In 1785, Ann Askew had a school for girls in Wilmington, where Ann Tatnall embroidered a sampler, which resembles in a marked degree those of about 1730. Nineteen years later, her daughter, Eliza Tatnall Sipples, embroidered her sampler at the "Southern Boarding School" in Wilmington. Later the Wilmington Boarding School, which lasted from 1813 to 1824, taught the girls in that city the gentle arts. (See Plate cxi.) Again, we are disturbed because there is a definite bond of type between samplers. The first pair might easily be put down to family taste. Susannah James, in 1788, and Mary James, in 1798, embroid- ered their samplers, not entirely alike, but distinctly of the same sort. The other pair is more remarkable. Sarah Bancroft, in 1795 (see Cover), and Sally Brierly, in 1828, thirty-three years apart, each embroidered the same church upon her sampler. That coincidence would not be extremely remarkable except for the fact that the two are almost identical, stitch for stitch. Sally Brierly did not add the scene in front, with the pond, boat, and swans, but she made the groundwork of her sampler more ornate. On Second Street, Wilmington, from 1790 on, Mrs. Elizabeth Way kept a school. She "was a celebrated teacher of needlework, so important for misses in those times that even the art of shirt-making was strictly attended to ; the fitting and cutting were taught here with neatness and care. Most of the older females brought up in this town have been her pupils. Mrs. Way was a very respectable and worthy woman. She had received an education superior to most women of her day and was endowed with a strong mind and strict principles of morality; yet an irritable temper was a drawback to her usefulness 380 AMERICAN SAMPLERS and it was annoying to some of her pupils. She was a disciplinarian of the old school and strictly adhered to the wise king's advice. A bunch of switches of cat-o'-nine-tails were freely used to correct the naughty. "Leather spectacles were worn for slighted work. Much attention was paid to the position, for if the head leaned down Jamestown-weed burs strung on tape were ready for a necklace ; or if a person stooped a steel was at hand — this was the length of the waist — and held up the chin by a piece extending around the neck, and a strap confined it down. It was not very comfortable to the wearer, though fitted to make the 'crooked ways straight', but a morocco spider worn on the back confined to the shoulders by a belt was more usual. "The celebrated painter, Benjamin West, had been a companion of Mrs. Way's childhood and youth. As absent friends they kept up a correspondence and it seemed much pleasure to her to relate anecdotes of his early days." In 1797, Mr. Crips built the house called the "Old Boarding School." Here, a few years later, Mrs. Capron, who had had a school in Philadelphia, came and taught the young ladies of Wilmington. She was succeeded by Joshua Maule and Eli Hilles. After Mr. Maule died, Samuel Hilles joined his brother, and the school was continued by one or both until about 1832. Delaware and Maryland children, both boys and girls, we are told, were often sent abroad to English schools, and many must have had private tutors, because plantation life meant that there were, outside the cities, fewer towns than there were in the more northern states. The southern cities, however, furnished the same sort of "finish" to girls that the northern cities did. The following advertisement might as easily have emanated from Boston as from Annapolis: "Mary Salisbury proposes keeping school in Annapolis, at the house where Mr. Sparrow lived, near the church, to teacii young ladies French and all sorts of fine needlework, tapestry, embroidery with gold and silver, and every other curious work which can be performed with a needle, and all education fit for young ladies except dancing."* * "History of Education in Maryland." Bernard C. .Steincr. '-J AMERICAN SAMPLERS 381 The Chesterfield School seems to have existed quite early, for we have samplers marked with the school name from 1795 to 1821.* Teresia Fenwick had a governess, Eleanor Norland, and the sampler done under her care is the only one so far reported which has a Calvary Cross upon it. Mary Robertson may also have been a governess; certainl}'^ if the two samplers done under her care are any criterion, she was well beloved, for her pujjils gave her their samplers, and she recorded the gift with words of praise and affection. The childish heart is hard to know, and the childish mind is sometimes quite canny in its reading of adult character. Perhaps "the two dear girls" were flatterers, and had gauged Miss Robertson's gullibility. Only one other school in Maryland is known, Mary Walden's, in Baltimore, where, in 1818, Caroline Vaughan embroidered a sampler. Virginia samplers hardly exist before the nineteenth century, if the records so far gathered are of any value as proof, and there is no school recorded among them. We do know, however, that in 1811 Amelia Hough and Mary Lawrence were the teachers of Amy Ann Phillips, of Waterford, Virginia. North Carolina boasted a Female Academy at Salem, at least as early as 1805. It was a Moravian school, and, judging the rest of the education by the very elaborate sampler done by Dovey Winslow Wilson while a student, they must have given the girls a very fair knowledge. They allowed her to use not only embroidery, but pen and ink, and oil painting for the face of the mourning woman. And Hillsboro had a school in 1828, where Mary T. Lindsay, of Greens- boro, embroidered a simple sampler. The states to the south give us no inkling at all as to how their girls were educated, for they record neither teachers nor schools upon the rather meager collection of descriptive blanks which have come to hand. Perhaps the Pennsylvania schools received their share of pupils, and governesses and mothers taught the rest. Kentucky seems to have awakened to the academy idea when all the more northern states did, and Ohio had one school at least, at Waynesville, as early as 1807. •Jane Henderson, Abigail andjMargaret Decou. 382 AMERICAN SAMPLERS On the whole, it is quite surprising to find how large a contribution to the history of girls' education these samplers furnish. While the information is meager in itself, it still gives an impetus to the inquir- ing mind to find out the condition of our forebears ; and of course it increases our feeling of smug satisfaction that we of the present day are not as they were, but quite emancipated from the dominating intellect and erudition of man. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. A LIST OF EARLY SCHOOLS MAINE SAMPLER WORKERS 1799 Temperance P. Jackson, instructress, East Harpswell. Eunice Purinton 1805 Boarding School, Portland. Betsy Warren 1818 Mme. Neil's School, Portland. Mary Jane Barker NEW HAMPSHIRE 1784-5 Mrs. Montague's School, Portsmouth. 1802 Miss Ward's School, Portsmouth. Sarah Catherine Moffat Odiorne 1810 Mary E. HiUs School, Portsmouth. ' Sarah FitzOerald Canaan Family (Shakers). Emma Johnson, teacher. Hannah Wilson VERMONT MASSACHUSETTS 1706 Mistress Mary Trufrey, South End, Boston. 1714 James Ivers Boarding School, Bowling Green House, Cambridge Street, Boston. 17 1731 Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence, Boston. Died October 2, 1731. 1739-1741 No school named. ^nne Wing Lydia Kneeland 1742-1747 Mrs. Condy, embroidery school. 1747-1748 Mrs. Hiller, Sth Street, North End, Boston. 1748 Mrs. Morehead, Head of the Rope Walks, Fort Hill, Boston. 1748 Union Academy, Salem. Mary Crowninshield 1750 Susanna Babbidge, Salem. (Cir. aet. 90, 1804, "a superior woman".) 1761 Elinor and Mary Purcell, Summer Street, Boston. 1751-1763 Elizabeth Murray, Cornhill, Boston. 17— Elizabeth Waldron, near the Common, Boston. 1762, removed to Milton. 1767-1758 Eleanor Mcllvaine, opposite the Governor's, Boston. 1769 Mrs. Jane Day, opposite the Brazen Head, Cornhill, Boston. Tio^e and Trefoil, Kosa^Ioud. 1745- .-(^3 )f 1:1 Tulilo and Honqy^ua^ie. PLATE CXIX AMERICAN SAMPLERS 383 1764 Mrs. Rawson's School (?), 1769 Amy and Elizabeth Cumings School, Boston. 1778-1786 Sarah Stivour's School, Salem? SAMPLES WORKEBfl Mary Dedman 1778 Betsy Ives 1778 Nabby Mason Peele 1779 Mary Oilman Woodbridge 1779 Sarah Perkins? 1786 Sally Witt Hannah O. Oowen 1785 Miss Southerland's School, Boston. 1784-1800 Lydia Babbidge, Salem. 1800 "Died Lydia Babbidge aet. 67 who, with her mother now aged 86, has kept a school for little children. Her mother has been a School Dame above ^ a Century."* 1787 Mrs. Horton's School, Springifield? 1788 on Mrs. Higginson's School, later Miss Hetty Higginson's. Miss Higgin- son died in 1846.* 1790 Priscilla Gill, schoolmistress, Salem.* 1791 Madam Mansfield, Salem. "April 18. Last Saturday died suddenly Madam Mansfield a very aged Matron, who for many years has been a School-Mistress." (d. aet. 82, "the good habits suited to her times & her success."*) 17 to 1794 ) 1796 to 18 I ^^' ^"^ ^^^" ^^thaniel Rogers, Salem.* 1792 Sarah Knight, Schooldame, Ivers Lane, Salem.* 1792 Hannah Mascoll, Schooldame, Salem.* 1794 Derby School, Leominster? 1797 Miss SaUy Flint's School, Methuen. 1802 Mrs. Saunders, Gloucester.* 1803 Mrs. Dobell's Seminary, Boston. 1803 Westport School, Westport. 1803 "A Boston School." 1807 Bridgewater Academy, Bridgewater. 1808 Bradford Academy, Bradford. 1812 Miss Perkins Academy, Boston. Salla White Lydia Loring Lydia Tyler 1812 Miss Mary Cummings School, Westford. 1812 Mrs. Rowson's Academy, Boston. 1813 Mrs. Tufts' School, Charlestown. to 1814 Mrs. Hannah Tucker, Gloucester.* 1818 L. Brigham's School, Marlborough. 1818 N. L., " by my superintendency." 1819 L. Johnson's School, Salem? 1825-1828 Groton Female Seminary, Groton. 1825 1828 Eliza Crocker Pamela Brownell Mary Tyler Eliza Wentworth Roxana Peabody Hannah Loring Eliza Pratt (?) Mary Richardson Mary Ann Barry Eliza W. Gale Hannah Peters Lydia Kimball Lydia Johnson Mary Eliza Brannum Almira Bates Brannum 'William Bentley's Diary. 384 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1825 Mr. Thomas Cole, Salem. 1828 Salem Street Academy, Boston. Undated Harriet Ellis' School, Newburyport. Undated Miss Damon's School, Boston. Undated Maria S. Aiken's School, Newburyport. RHODE ISLAND 1785-1810 Miss Polly Balch's Seminary, Providence. SAMPLER WORKERS Sarah C. Rendols Eliza Reed Elizabeth M. Ford Joanna Huse 1801 Warren. 1810 West School, Providence? Undated Jenck's Street School, Providence. CONNECTICUT 1791 Mrs. Mansfield's School, State Street, New Haven. 1792 on Miss Sarah Pierce's School, Litchfield. 1816 Miss L. P. Mott's School, Hartford. 1824 Miss Lucy W. Case, teacher, Canton. 1825 Sally Hinsdale, New Hartford. 1785 Loana Smith 1786 Polly Turner 1786 Nabby Martin 1786 Nancy Winsor 1788 Nancy Hall 1789 Frances Jones 1789 Sally Alger 1790 Ann Hamlin? 1791 Sophie Packard Judith Paul 1796 Mary Talbot Phebe Hughes? 1797 Julia Lippitt 1798 Mehitable Hamlin? Eliza Cozzens [1799] Susan Whitmore 1810 Eliza Pearce Jones Undated Maria Hopping? Undated Unknown. 1st Congregational Church AfterWU Sarah F. Sweet? Anna Saunders 1809 Nancy Baker Eliza Talbot Abby Mareford Lydia Church Elizabeth Lyon? Jerusha, Mary and Sarah Perry 1820 Marian Lewis Anna Huntington Clarissa Case Sixteen small samplers NEW YORK 1800 The School of the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends, 1810 of the State of New York, nicknamed the Boarding School", New York City. School No. 13. 'Nine Partners 1800 Eliza Bowne 1805 Jane Merritt Elizabeth Stevens AMERICAN SAMPLERS 38.5 1814 Huntington Academy, Long Island. 1820 African Free School, New York City. SAMPLER WOHKEH8 Caroline Kelcy Rosena Disery NEW JERSEY 1743 Elizabeth Sullivan, teacher, Salem. 1797 Sarah Shoemaker, teacher, Pemberton. 1808-1820 Evesham School. 1810 Westfield School. 1812 Rancocus School. 1813 Haines Neck School. 1816 Greenville School. 1817 Great Egg Harbor School. Monthly Meeting of Friends. 1821 Greenwich School. 1825 Red Bank School. 1826 Middletown Academy. 1829 Mrs. Hayward's School, Hackensack. 1835 Mrs. Elmendorfs Seminary, Kingston. Hannah Foster Esther Earl 1808 Jane Haines 1820 Hannah Gardiner Sarah lAppincott Ann Wills Rebecca Peterson Henrietta Kay Margaret Lake Mary V. Hughes Mary Ann Burroughs Leah Conover Catherine A. Van C. Boyd Catherine De Wit Young PENNSYLVANIA 1746-1827 Linden Hall Seminary, Lititz, Lancaster County. (1826 and 1827.) 1796 Mrs. Capron's Boarding School, Philadelphia. 1796-1820 The School of the Yearly Meeting of Friends of the City of Philadelphia at West Town, called the "West Town Boarding School." (Quaker.) 1805 1806 1810 1813 1816 Catherine Jones Elder Peggy Douglas 1808-1827 Bristol School, Bristol. (Quaker.) 1808 Pleasant Hill Boarding School. 1808-1813 Mrs. Armstrong's School, Lancaster. 1800 Keziah Mickle 1802 Susanna Cox Mary Lea 8. W. Miller 1803 Eunice Bloomfield Rebecca Black Elizabeth Goodmn Hannah Ellet Martha Heuling Alice Jarrett Ruth Almy Ann Deacon Ann T. Newbold Hannah E. Deacon 1820 Phebe Ann Speakman 1808 Barbary Eagles 1827 Susanna Magarge Julia Knight 1808 Fanny Rice 1813 Willamina Rine 386 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 1812 North School, Philadelphia. 1812 Mrs. Welchan's School, Maytown, near Pottstown. 1813-1822 Easton School, Easton. 1814 Chesterford School, near West Chester. 1818 ElHsburg School, near Philadelphia. 1819 Mrs. Buchanan's School, Wrightsville. Dame School, Philadelphia. 1824 Ruth H. Redman's School, "Strawsburg" [Strasburg]. 1825 Mrs. Leah Meguire's School, Harrisburg. 1827 Northern Liberty School, Philadelphia? 1830 West Chester School. 1833 Mrs. D. H. Maundel's Seminary, 101 South 6th Street, Philadelphia. Victorine Delacroix SAMPLER WORKERS Hannah D. Lambert Mary Hamilton Hannah E. Moore Catherine Withcim Lydia Burroughs Mary Coles Mary Fitz Mary Magdalen Wolf Elizabeth Herrher Ann E. Kelley Jane E. Sharp Juli Ann Crispin DELAWARE 1776 on Miss Debby Thelwell, Wilmington. Taught first in her father's school. Later, she and her sister taught many years. 1785 Ann Askew, teacher, Wilmington. 1788 Mme. Abigail Giles, an Englishwoman, Newcastle County, 1790 on Mrs. Elizabeth West, Wilmington. 1798 "Old Boarding School", Wilmington, taught by 1797 Mr. Crips 1798-1809 Mrs. Capron of Philadelphia q.v. 1809 Joshua Maule and Eli Hilles Later, Eli and Samuel Hilles 1828 Samuel Hilles 1804 Southern Boarding School. 1809 Frankford School. 1813-1824 Wilmington Boarding School. 1827 Middletown Academy. Girls' School. Miss Isabella Anderson, preceptress. Ann Tatnall Susanna James Eliza Tatnall Sipples Mary Middleton C. Sanderson M. Woodnut Mary Oaw Janvier MARYLAND 1764 Mary Salisbury, teacher, Annapolis. 1795-1821 Chesterfield School. 1798 Easton Academy, Talbot County. 1802 Eleanor Norland, governess. 1811 Amelia Hough and Mary Lawrence, teachers, Water ford. Jane Henderson Abigail Decou Margaret Decou Teresia Fenwick Amy Ann Phillips AMERICAN SAMPLERS 387 SAMPLER WORKERS 1813 Mary Robertson, teacher. "Mary Clapham for Mary Robertson. 1813 or 1815 S.E.Z. and M.C. [Mary Clapham?] through the industry of two dear girls I have been made the proprietor of this very excellent sampler to whom I feel much indebted. M. Robertson, 1816." 1818 Mary Walden's School, Baltimore. Caroline Vaughan VIRGINIA 1809 Piney Grove School, Charles City County. Tulliania Evans NORTH CAROLINA 1806 Salem Female Academy (Moravian School), Salem. 1828 Hillsboro School. Dovey Winslow Wilson Mary T. Lindsay KENTUCKY 1808 Domestic Academy, Washington. Mrs. Keats, principal. 1810 Mrs. Mary Scotts' School, Louisville. Matilda Ward Martha Malvina Miledge Jones TENNESSEE 1832 Carthage Female Institute. Penelope C. Williams OHIO 1807 Waynesville School, Waynesville. Margaret Holloway UNIDENTIFIED Miss Brunton, teacher. "School of Industry." Mrs. Woodson's School. Laurel Grove School. Hannah Barton, preceptress. 1816 Polly Huntington, teacher, Lebanon. 1819 Miss Moody's School. 1819 "Lydia Sata Lee, Instructress." Esther Boston Jane Eg low Mary Elizabeth Porthress Doswell Beulah Barton Caroline Walton Caroline Carleton Mary Chapel Samplers probably worked in the same School: HuNTiKO Scene. Scene with Black Backgrounds. Sukey Makepeace Or ace Welch Abigail Mears Mary Russell Patty Coggeshall MATERIALS, DESIGNS, STITCHES IN 1738, Sarah Troup embroidered on her sampler, "Let none despise the criss-cross row." It is in this spirit that we would have our readers approach the consideration of the material, design, and stitchery of the sampler. For we are here not considering great works of art, but the spontaneous growth of a handicraft in a very- young civilization. Of the three subjects under discussion, the first is by far the easiest to approach, for we have a very solid foundation in the fact that the greater number of samplers in all periods were worked upon linen. The English writers on samplers tell us that the early hand-looms wov6 linen but eight or nine inches wide, and adduce from the fact the reason that the early sampler was long and narrow. Perhaps that may have been the case with those very earliest examples, which have so com- pletely disappeared, but a study of the seventeenth century sampler does not bear out the contention. Very many of the samplers of that period have the selvage at the top and bottom. The continental loorhs were much broader than the English, and the linen for these samplers was evidently imported. Perhaps the truth is that the narrow English loom, and the fact that eight inches was amply wide to acconmiodate the ordinary repeat pattern, set the style. So the English embroiderer was bound by convention to the narrow form, even though the wide continental linen allowed more freedom in shape and size. Gradually, as the English wove wider linen, the long sampler gave place to the square, and the latter quarter of the eighteenth century saw the final passing of the narrow type. In the latter part of the seventeenth cen- tury, the English began to use a mustard colored linen, not very attractive to our modern taste. Toward the middle of the eighteenth century it became quite common. This material was not so much used in America, though there are some examples. The American linen, of the same color, was coarser and rougher than the English, 388 ■A -A O AMERICAN SAMPLERS 389 which was often quite fine enough for the making of lace samplers. We^on the other hand, sometimes used a dark green linen, which is at times mournful and at times artistic. The two Brierly sisters used a light blue. We have the record of one sampler done on brown linen in differ- ent shades of brown and dark green. The result must be rather monotonous and subdued. The linen used was not always the plain homespun which forms the background of the great majority, for once in a while the more elaborately woven "bird's-eye" linen was used. Elizabeth Lea, who lived in Delaware, embroidered on this kind of linen in 1752. Some of the early samplers were bound with silk tape. Hannah Wiggins did it in 1730; and the habit was never quite abandoned, though the later ribbons were sometimes put on with gathers, and were generally wider than Hannah Wiggins's, which was only half an inch wide. Many put rosettes in the corners, and some children sewed their samplers to paper. Perhaps these were ancient forms of passe- yartout, and used when parents were too poor or too indifferent to frame the children's work. Another background was used in England, called "catgut," a kind of canvas, but whether we in America ever used it or not is quite difficult to answer. 1 fancy that the material is not well known, be- cause in the "Vicar of Wakefield," where a young lady was spoken of as "flourishing upon catgut," most people inferred that she played the violin. One critic, however, discovered that she did no such unmaidenly act. This was merely another way of saying that she did embroidery on canvas, with "flourishing thread," which is a flat, very shiny linen thread. "Flourishing" was advertised to be taught in Boston as early as 1716. The English began, about 1750, to use tammy cloth and, sad to say, some of our ancestors also used it. This, being of wool, did all the evil things it could: it shrank, it curled, and it furnished food for moths. The stuff itself resembles mohair in its sheen, and was prob- ably chosen because the threads were more even than in linen, and 390 AMERICAN SAMPLERS finer in quality. The sampler, when just finished, was probably much more symmetrical and perhaps more attractive than one done on linen. Cotton was sometimes used, but never imparted an elegant appearance. Canary canvas and Penelope canvas were used in the nineteenth century. The finest samplers were embroidered on bolting- cloth, a very transparent woolen gauze, used to bolt flour. This form of sampler was, of course, as useful as food for moths as were those on tammy cloth, and as a result many lovely ones have regrettable holes. Satin was sparingly used for samplers proper, being as a rule reserved for the "mourning pieces," with tombs, willow trees, and mourning shepherdesses. Satin was better for these doleful pictures because usually the tombs and their inscriptions were painted in, and satin was a better medium than anything else for the combination of paint and embroidery. One sampler at least was made on "lute- string" silk. A few of the samplers in Providence, Rhode Island, by a skillful running of blue silk thread from the back, give the effect of a combination of silk and linen that is very charming and quite misleading, if only the right side is seen. The thread that was used, whatever its nature — silk, linen, wool, or cotton — was always home dyed, and so the resulting color was dependent upon the taste and skill of the dyer. The colors were made from our native herbs, from log-wood, cochineal, and indigo from overseas, from saffron, from the planta genesta, which gave its name to a line of Kings, and which now runs wild in Essex County, Massachusetts. Linen thread was sometimes used, and crewels are known on samplers as early as 1686, but neither of these threads ever really rivalled silk as a medium. Crewels appear somewhat sporadically. Alice Wood well, of Newburyport, in 1760, used them, and so did Betty Tippit in 1774. This latter sampler is the most remarkable that has come to be recorded. It is about six feet long and ten inches wide, and done on rather heavy cotton. The whole is divided into squares, and on each is a crewel-worked flower, fern, or branch. Across the top, running the whole length of the sampler, is embroidered in PLATE CXXI Ar3is of the Hox. George Boyd, of Portsmoutli, X. 11., iiii}ialing Brewster Hatchment embroidered l)y Submit Boyd, cir. 1795 Owned bij Barrett Woidrll. Esq. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 391 cross-stitch the verse, "Betty Tippit is my name, and with my needle I wroght the same" etc., with her age, eighteen, and the year, 1774. Some of the silk thread on our American samplers shows a queer kinkiness, which looks as if it had been twisted in large hanks, and later ravelled to finer thread for use. Some of this silk is on samplers which can be traced back to Essex County, Massachusetts, particu- larly to the environs of Salem, whence ships went to all parts of the world. The hint has come to us that such silk can be seen in Japan and China, and so we wonder whether these Essex County maidens were not using early spoils from the Orient, brought overseas by Yankee captains. The Dutch of Pennsylvania also used it, and they were traders, too. The effect of this kinky silk is very attractive, and gives a more interesting surface than the smooth or tightly twisted silks. It is nearly always used in very long stitches,* couched sometimes, and sometimes left free. All the threads they used were wound on card- board "stars," or on those lovely ivory winders that our merchants brought from China. Most of our great-grandmothers used a gold thimble, which they had inherited, cherished, and handed down till the top was so worn as to let the needle through, instead of pushing it, as its duty was. Some of them had no top at all, like a tailor's thimble. Sometimes chenille was added to make the sampler more elaborate, but this was general only after 1800. As we turn to design we are already plunged into the midst of a controversy, which depends so much more on tradition than on fact, that it seems in a fair way to continue forever. This is the contro- versy as to the origin of English design. With a rather grim lack of confidence in English ability to evolve things artistic, the experts seek foreign influence for everything. Some say it is all Italian, and others, looking to broader fields, contend that Holland, Spain, France, Persia, and the other countries may also have contributed. Again some English experts agree that the purely lace sampler antedates those in colored work, while others maintain that those that have the *See Sarah Stivour's School. Sally Witt, Plate xci, and Nabby Mason Peele, Plate xc. 392 AMERICAN SAMPLERS isolated designs in color are the oldest of all. As there are none at all that can be dated with accuracy until about 1610, when Anne Gower, the wife of Governor Endecott, of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, made hers, neither side can prove its claim. So it will be better to say that these three kinds exist, separate often, and oftentimes all upon the same sampler. The lace sampler certainly was very early, and was the earliest to disappear. Tradition tells us that Catherine of Aragon taught the Bedfordshire women punto tagliato, and whether the tradition is true or not, that form appears very early, combined with punto tirato and some filet. Punto tagliato is lace made on linen, where both the warp and the woof are removed; punto tirato is also made on linen, where the threads are drawn, but part of the warp and woof remain to be used as a background. With filet we are all familiar. The lace sampler, of either kind, was always exquisitely done, par- ticularly about the middle of the seventeenth century, which seems to mark the crest of the wave of all sampler work. These lace samplers contained repeating designs, in almost every case, and so they were worked in bands across the linen. The punto tagliato was often en- hanced by raised petals of flowers,* and the coats and draperies on small human figures made separately and sewed on. This was not often done in America, but perhaps it is unfair to generalize too much on the few American seventeenth century samplers that remain to us. One always has the feeling that there must have been many more, but that the Indian wars, with their burning houses, and the destruc- tion which comes of careless and indifferent owners through two cen- turies and more, have diminished them most unfortunately. The lace sampler as developed by the English showed designs that were beautiful and varied, and had real distinction. We in America in the. seventeenth century fell rather below the best English level. Our samplers were somewhat shorter, and were not always as elaborate in design. Turning now to the embroidered design, we find that the seven- •See Sarah Lord, Plate iii, and the Fleetwood sampler, Plate viii. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 393 teenth and the early eighteenth centuries give us two kinds, one done in white, and one in color. The white embroidery was nearly always done in satin-stitch, in repeating geometric designs. Anne Gower's* sampler is a good example in the seventeenth century, and Grace Tay'sf in the eighteenth. This form fell into disuse about the time that the lace sampler did, so that its history in America was nearly over in 1720. We seldom find white thread used in the later samplers, except in darning or stocking stitch. Mary Gill'sJ sampler, done in white cotton, is an illustration of its later use. In the seventeenth century the designs in color w^ere most compli- cated and elaborate, and the stitches used were many. The designs\ were always conventionalized flowers or fruits, partly because the ) i^ angular cross-stitch and tent-stitch were the most common means of/ expression, and partly because a repeating motif demanded it. The ^ commonest designs were the rose, "Indian pink," trefoil, strawberry, acorn, and the " Tree of Life." These and others were mixed into most -^ complicated combinations. The designs are sometimes so conven- tionalized that their origin is lost in obscurity. In addition, there were patterns of a purely geometric character. The popularity of the acorn is supposed to have arisen from King Charles's adventure in the "Boscabelle Oak." Be this as it may, the acorn and strawberry were soon so distorted from their pristine form that it is a bold person who would say with definiteness which is which. Strawberry and acorn became so conventionalized that they resembled each other more than they resembled their original. Two other designs on these early sam- plers are worth a word, for both so suddenly disappear. The first are the famous "boxers," which can be seen on Elizabeth Robert's§ sam- pler. Of course, their pose is not the least like a boxer's, though their attitude is always the same. They vary only in what they hold in their upraised hand. They are akin in reality to the Greek Erotes, and the Renaissance Cupids. The second is a design which may be seen in Mary Hudson's || sampler near the middle, which resembles an S on •Plate i. t Plate X. t Plate Ixix. §See Plate vi II See Plate ix. 394 AMERICAN SAMPLERS a V-shaped running design. This is called by some the "Stuart S," but another critic, still grudging to England any originality, shows this same design on an Italian towel of an earlier period. These seventeenth and early eighteenth century samplers are less interesting from a pictorial point of view than many that succeeded them, but from the point of view of design, of use, and of needlework, they make the latter hide their diminished heads. (^ With the coming of the eighteenth century, many changes came ) to the American sampler. The original use had passed away, and the ' new sampler was an exercise for children, and had no longer a place ^in the maiden's dower chest. So both in England and America the complicated and lovely repeat designs were abandoned, and after a dreary period of alphabets, horn -book style, we emerge again with a new form, with new designs, founded on the old ones, but simplified for childish fingers. In the sampler which contained alphabets only, the cross-border lingered in a debased state, becoming a simple row of cross-stitch or Greek fret, a poor substitute for its former glory. So the sampler, originally made to fix and retain a pattern for later use, was now become a childish exhibition of skill. In England the result was what one writer calls a "thoroughly mixed affair," with isolated bits of pattern strewn across its surface. t' About 1725 the border became a frame, and matching the corners tortured the childish mind and fingers. So about this time the old English cross-borders reappear in simple form, and again strawberry, "Indian pink," rose, tulip, and the rest bloom modestly upon our sam- plers. It would be interesting to know whence these new patterns sprung, for they are entirely lacking in the elaborateness of the earlier century. Yet it seems as if they must, even in earlier days, have lingered somewhere in the background, for the English and American borders of this period resemble each other in their general appearance too closely not to have been developed from a common source. Perhaps after all it was only a combination of nature and the exigencies of an angular stitch which forced both nations to a common result. Drawings have been made from the many pictures which we have. PLATE CXXII Arms of Governor Thomas Fncir, of Connecticut, ini]i;ilinf;- Hall. Cir. 1773 Owned bif Mixs Maryaret W. CuxhiiKj AMERICAN SAMPLERS 395 and from available samplers, of the strawberry, "Indian pink," rose,* and other flowers as they appear chronologically iiyjon the samplers. This was done with the hope that in some way the series would show development, but the hope was an ignis fatuus. No particular evolu- tion is traceable in any of the various forms. Often the same type persists through a long period, and some are never even approximately repeated. The Rhode Island School of Design at Providence owns a sampler made in 1730 by Abigail Pinniger.f It is lovely, though unfinished, and is an example of the hesitation between the new eighteenth century and the old seventeenth century types. It has one cross-border of rose, which was echoed with marvelous exactitude fifty- three years later, when Ann Almyf made her sampler in 1783. More- over, she copied the earlier type of sampler, containing nothing but cross-borders throughout, and without the date to guide us it would inevitably be put in the earlier period. All of which goes to prove that those who would date samplers which have no date must not be too sure, but should add that saving clause with which we swear, "to the best of my knowledge and belief." This same amazing persistence in type may be seen if one examines the samplers of Sarah Howell, of Philadelphia, in 1731, and Ann Tatnall, of Wilmington, Delaware, in 1785. The arrangement is the same; both are framed by "Indian pink." While the cross-borders are not identical, they differ no more than would the borders on the samplers of two girls, embroidered under the same teacher. ( See Plate cxi. ) ^ The earlier borders, done in cross-stitch, follow the angular lines which the stitch demands, but very soon some of the children shook off the shackles of the stitch, and less stiff vines of a combined satin and stem-stitch came into favor. The cross-stitch border was, however, never abandoned. So passion-flowers and forget-me-nots rioted on the same vine, and blue roses vied with green pinks upon the same parent stem. We find lovely grapevines and morning glory borders in the nineteenth century; in fact, there were few flowers which were sufficiently simple to copy which were not used. The cross-border * See Plates cxvii, cxviii, cxix. tSee Plate cxii. tSee Plate cxii. 396 AMERICAN SAMPLERS of the olden time had entirely passed away in the nineteenth century, or survived only like a thin and tired ghost in the bare cross-stitch division lines between the letters of the alphabet. Just before the Revolution there was a revival of the lace sampler, this time in "hollie point." Jane Humphreys* (1763) and Mary Clark t (1783) are both good examples of this work. In 1783 we find, too, a drawn work sampler, and a little later "darned lace "J samplers came into vogue. At about this same time there was a tendency, shown best, perhaps, in Sarah Bancroft's sampler (see Cover), to outline the design in black or some dark color. Appha Woodman § did it, not in cross-stitch, but stem-stitch. Others who copied this method of accen- tuating the design were Mary J. Condon and Mehitable Foster. The custom never became popular. /"The nineteenth century designs echoed those of the century before and added some new ones. In a few instances they elaborated the common forms to almost the same degree that the seventeenth century workers did, but less elegantly. The stitches that were used throughout the whole period are few ; cross-stitch, tent-stitch or petit-point, satin-stitch, and eyelet pretty much comprise the list. Cross-stitch and tent-stitch, with their kindred tapestry stitches learned from the older embroideries, were the founda- tion. The seventeenth century added back-stitch, which is much like the hand-stitching that our grandmothers did, and rope-stitch, which is done in the opposite direction to stem-stitch, making a more solid line. All through the period the square eyelet-stitch vied in popularity with cross-stitch for making alphabets, and few indeed were the samplers which did not contain one alphabet worked in it. Satin- stitch, originally used mostly in white embroidery, had great vogue in the eighteenth century in making a saw-tooth border-frame for the alphabets, inside the more elaborate floral one. Queen-stitch next came into vogue, and was used, though rather sparingly, until the sampler perished. •See Plate xxxvi. tSee Plate xxxvii. tSee Plate Ixix. §See Plate cxiii. PLATE C XXI 1 1 Embroidered Arjis oi the Gilbert Family Owned by Mrs. Horatio J. Gilbert AMERICAN SAMPLERS 397 During about a decade, at the time of the Revolution, Sarah Stivour, who had a school near or in Salem, used a long-stitch to indi- cate sky, clouds, and grass.* These stitches were sometimes two or three inches in length, and were always placed diagonally. The outer edge was irregular, and upon this were perched men, women, and sheep. Sometimes the sheep disporting thereon have the aspect of drowning in a dark green sea. As one contemplates the millions of stitches worked by these young girls, one wonders what their thoughts were as they sewed them. Children are conventional and conservative beings, and so, perhaps, the universality of the employment kept most from boredom. But there must always have been a residuum of the discouraged, and of the rebels "who hated every stitch," and so made their samplers badly or left them unfinished if they could possibly shirk their task. A plodding schoolmistress, whose whole artistic horizon was bordered by alphabets and numerals, must have been torture to an imaginative child, who saw all natiH'e to mimic with her colored threads. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. SOME DESIGNS USED Tree of life 17th century Fleur-de-lis 17th century Indian Pink Pineapple 17th century Acorns, "Boscabelle oak" Stuart S 17th century Strawberry Rose Rosebud Greek fret and {rennictric-al designs "Wall of Troy" Trefoil Greek cross Tulip Honeysuckle Grapevine, after 1800 Morning glory, after 1800 Passion flowers Forget-me-nots Fuchsia, 1740 Vine with berries, 1763 Clover * See Plates xc and xci. 398 AMERICAN SAMPLERS SOME OF THE STITCHES USED Cross stitch Long and short stitch Tent stitch or petit point "Sarah Stivour's" stitch Satin stitch Tapestry stitch Rope stitch Darning stitches Stem stitch Stocking stitch Eyelet stitch Punch work Chain stitch Two-sided line stitch French knot Flat stitch Queen stitch Feather stitch 1716 Bullion stitch Chenille Van Dyke stitch "Lazy Daisy" (Mary Train) Cat stitch 1795 Hem stitch Knotted stitch (Desire Williams) Split stitch 1754 R EMBROIDERED HERALDRY EVENGEFUL LAERTES, speaking of his father's fu- neral, said that "No Trophee, Sword, nor Hatchment o'er his bones No Noble rite, nor formal ostentation, Cry to be heard." Wlien Shakespeare lived, respect for the dead was to be shown in no small measure by display at the funeral. The dramatist had not heard of the modern biographical dictionary which can assuage grief if one is willing to make a liberal expenditure for a memoir and engraved portrait. So it was that the "ordering and marshalling of funerals" had come to be a part of the ostentation of pride as well as of grief. So much so that strife between the two reapers of harvests in these endeavors — the Kings of Arms, on the one side (those who tried to regulate the use of heraldic devices), and funeral undertakers and heraldic painters, on the other — came to blows. Parliament sided with the Kings of Arms in their attempt at a monopoly of the funeral per- quisites, but their decision conflicted with the charter of the Painter- stainers Company, and the battle went on. Persons of standing often buried their dead in private, to avoid extortionate fees; while "others again" — to quote Edmondson — "under the notion of their dying seized of estates, had hatchments publicly affixed to the fronts of their houses." In the Netherlands the hatchment, or family coat of arms on a lozenge, was "sett upon theire doores for a yeare following, and the widowe so long kept her house." This custom was observed by Fynes Moryson in his "Itinerary of the Year 1617," and the Dutch of New Netherland may have brought the custom with them. Little, however, has vet been recorded of heraldic embroidery in New York or the South, although much has been written of social life there in Colonial times. Hatchments were often painted on wood, like those to be seen in English churches. At St. Chad's, in Shrewsbury, for example, there 399 400 AMERICAN SAMPLERS are said to be over one hundred of these memorials of the dead. An excellent example is that brought to this country by William Avery, and now in the rooms of the Dedham Historical Society. More often, no doubt, they were done on canvas stretched over a wooden frame, to be carried in a funeral procession and then hung for a time in the church. The account of the funeral of Colonel Samuel Shrimpton, in 1697/8, mentions heraldic hatchments and death's heads as part of the panoply of grief. The hatchment was in the form of a diamond or lozenge, painted black, with the arms in color upon it in a shield. For a married person it was the custom to divide the lozenge, as well as the shield, by a perpendicular line, and to blacken the half of the lozenge which included the arms of the deceased person. The hus- band's arms were in the left half of the shield, and the wife's arms in the right half, as seen by the observer. (Heraldry, it should be said, views the coat as on an owner's breast, and the side next his right hand is the dexter side of the shield. ) How far an embroidered hatchment was in actual use at funerals in America cannot be known until specific statements from contem- porary Colonial letters and diaries are brought together for study. Perhaps it was the reverential needlework of a gentle lady — an echo merely of an ancient custom, just as the giving of the right hand in greeting is a survival of the ancient sign of trust when one gave over the sword arm into the keeping of another, standing defenseless for the moment. We may be certain, however, that on both sides of the Atlantic embroidered heraldry was in vogue. In an old English romance, reference is made to the custom of embroidering heraldic devices on the gowns of ladies : "A Coronell on hur hedd set, Hur Clothys with bestes and byrdes wer bete all aboute for pryde.'' Hulme, in his "History of Heraldry," writes: "In the palmy days of heraldry ladies, if unmarried, wore the paternal arms embroidered on their robes, or if married, the paternal arms and those of their husband, one on either half of their dress, so that in old l)rasses, stained glass, etc., AMERICAN SAMPLERS 401 we may see the whole of the dexter half of the figure covered with certain devices, while the sinister half has entirely different forms and tinctures." In 1773, Rebecca Robins sent to her uncle, John Rowe, the Boston merchant and diarist, an heraldic embroidery which she did at Exeter, in old England. The three little paschal lambs still carry their silver staves and banners, as they did in Rebecca's day. As early as 1715, we find Elizabeth, daughter of Captain John Charnock, of Boston, doing a hatchment of the Charnock arms impaling the arms of King, her mother. One or two examples in the seventeenth century might be named, but the eighteenth century was the period of heraldic em- broidery in America. With many of these works of young hands there went stories of romance, if we could but conjure them back from the past. With more, perhaps, were tales of filial sorrow. It is strange that the custom of embroidering arms seems to have been limited to New England in the New World. So far, none have been found without its bounds, and the period from 1750 to 1770 was by far the most prolific. One advertisement in the Boston Chronicle tells us who may have been responsible for the many hatch- ments and coats of arms which are found in and around Boston : "Amy 8( Elizabeth Cumings" "Hereby inform the public, that they have This day opened their School for instructing young ladies in embroidery, Coats of arms, Dresden, Catgut, and all sorts of coloured work, at their house on Corn Hill opposite the Old Brick Meet- ing, where they have to see, a great variety of Goods suitable for the season. Also blue China and yellow ware." (May 1st, 1769.) Hatchments were most often done on a frame in what is known as ecclesiastical embroidery. They used gold and silver, and wonder- ful smooth silks. In nearly every case the whole surface was covered with silk, couched or done in long and short stitch, though some — such as Amy Davis's — were entirely worked in cross-stitch. A few combine the two forms. ( See Plate cxxiv.) Captain Nicholas Johnson, of Newburyport, in one of his voyages, in 1773, along the New England coast, came one day upon a deserted ship — perhaps "As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean" 402 AMERICAN SAMPLERS or as weird and unhuman as the schooner, with shivering sails, watched by the lad of "Treasure Island" from his unstable coracle. Climbing on board, Johnson took from the cabin an embroidered hatchment, described in heraldic language as "Vert a chevron argent between three leopards' faces of the second. Impaling argent a chevron sable between three columbines azure." Above was a leopard's face pierced by a cruel sword. These three silver leopards' faces proclaim the Fitch family, and the columbine is the symbol of the Hall family. We find that this is probably the hatchment — or, to use the original term, the achievement — of Governor Thomas Fitch, of Connecticut, who married Hannah, daughter of Richard Hall, of New Haven. Was it wrought by the fair Hannah or by a daughter? And where was it bound on its lonely voyage ? What a wealth of questioning a mystery like this may call forth ! Here and in other examples the mantling or foliage is gracefully and effectively embroidered, showing the color and form with delightful precision. In the case of heraldic pictures (not in a diamond-shaped frame), the decoration is sometimes even more delicate, as in the shields of the Norwood or Gilbert families. (See Plates cxxi, cxxii, cxxiii, cxxv, cxxvi.) Our ancestors knew little of the rules of heraldry and less about "the right to bear arms," a subject for endless controversy and of little profit. The distinguished Page family, of Virginia, complacently permitted the Pagit arms to adorn a Page family tomb. Thomas Jefferson, the great Democrat, sent to London, in 1771, for his family arms; and ordered his agent, in case none could be found, "to become a purchaser, haveing Sterne's word for it that a coat-of-arms may be purchased as cheap as any other coat." The love of symbolism is inborn, and "the right to bear arms" is only limited in our day by leisure to cultivate a taste for good design along heraldic lines, and a willingness to difference a coat so that it shall not give a false im- pression as to the ancestry of the user. Even these ideals our Colonial needle worker did not always take to heart. But, such as they are, these examples of heraldic embroidery have a human interest above and beyond that of most Colonial handicraft. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. PLATE CXXIV The Arms of E. Davis Owned by the Rev. Glenn Tilley Morse Plate presented bi/ Mrs. Perry, Miss Cushmg, and Miss Vaughan REGISTER OF EMBROIDERED ARMS BiLUNOS Gules a fleur-de-lis or, a canton argent. Crest: a buck trippant proper, an arrow in its breast. "Wrought by Mrs. Eunice (Minot) Glover, mother of John I. Glover, when 15 years old; born Sept. 28, 1781. Her mother's maiden name was Eunice Billings." Cross and Kensington stitches. Framed. C. F. Libbie & Co. auction, Boston, Dec. 6, 1915. Boyd Quarterly: 1 and 4, Argent a fess chequy gules and or; 2 and 3, sable a chevron ermine between 3 six pointed estoiles argent (Brewster). Tapestry hatchment, signed "Submit Boyd", daughter of George Boyd. Owned by Barrett Wendell, Esq., Portsmouth, N. H. Framed. Illustrated. Plate cxxi. Chahnock Argent on a bend sable 3 crosses crosslet of the field. Impaling: Sable a lion rampant between 3 crosses crosslet or (King). A hatchment, 1715, by Elizabeth, daughter of Captain John Charnock, of Boston. Mrs. Mary Charnock was daughter of Captain Ralph King, son of Daniel, of Watford, Herts, and Lynn, Mass. Cheever Per bend dancettee argent and azure, 3 cinquefoils, 2 in chief and 1 in base, counterchanged. Crest: a stag's head couped. Embroidered by M[ary] C[heever], 1700. Owned by Mrs. William S. Eaton. Chester Ermine on a chief sable a griflBin passant or. Miss Sarah Perkins, of Norwich, Conn., sold this embroidered hatchment to W. N. Andrews of that town. It was seen in his shop by Mrs. Coe. Coxey. See Foxchoft CUHWEX Argent a fret gules, on a chief gules a crescent argent. Impaling: argent a chevron sable between 3 crosses crosslet fitch^e (Russell). Crest: a demi unicorn erased. Embroidered hatchment, Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 403 404 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Gushing Quarterly: 1 and 4, [Gules] an eagle displayed [argent] (Cosyn) ; 2 and 3, [Gules] two dexter hands couped [argent] each bendways, fingers up, one in the 2d quarter, one In the 3d; a canton chequy [or and azure]. (Denvers, of County Norfolk.) Crest: Two lion's gambs erect erased [sable] supporting a marquis's cor. [or] from which hangs a heart [gules]. An embroidered hatchment 17 inches square, owned by the Misses Newman, Concord, Mass. Deborah Gushing m. Henry Newman, 1781. Gross-stitch and petit point. The same arms in a hatchment, but embroidered in satin and split-stitch, and with elab- orate mantling, is owned by the Misses Vose, of Milton, Mass., and Providence, R. I. CUTTS? Argent on a bend engrailed sable, 3 plates. Crest: a bird rising. Owned by Mrs. William S. Eaton. Davis Or a chevron azure between 3 pierced mullets sable. Crest: a swan rising proper. Also two supporters in liberty caps, brown coats, and blue boots. Signed Amy Davis, 1753, "being the arms of E Davis And is the Paternal Goat Armour of the Right Hon- orable Thomas Davis, Kt. Lord Mayar of London Anno 1677." On a stand and used as a fire screen. There was a Sir Thomas Davies, sherifiF, 1667. Owned by Rev. Glenn TiUey Morse, West Newbury, Mass. Illustrated in color. Plate cxxiv. DOANE Azure 2 bars argent [embroidered dark] ; on a bend over all gules 3 arrows points down- ward in bend argent [embroidered] dark. Impaling: sable [embroidered bluish] a chevron ermine [embroidered or] between 2 lions passant argent [embroidered dark]. (Rich.) Crest: a sheaf of arrows, points down, or, bound [gules]. Hatchment by Hope Doane, 1750-1830, later wife of Samuel Savage, of Barnstable, Mass. Embroidery, very elaborate. Henry Savage, Esq., Camden, S. G., from Samuel Savage Shaw, Esq., Boston. Hope Doane was the daughter of Colonel Isaiah and Hope (Rich) Doane, of Cape Cod, Mass, Duncan Gules a chevron or between in chief two cinquefoils and in base a hunting horn argent [garnished azure]. Crest: a ship with 3 sails spread on foremast, 2 on main and one on mizzen mast. Motto: Disce pati. Embroidered hatchment made by Isabella Duncan, daughter of Mrs. Isabella Caldwell Dimcan. Owned by Mrs. Richard Morgan, Plymouth, Mass., daughter of Judge Davis. The red has faded. Elus Per chevron sable and gules a chevron or between 3 fleurs-de-lis argent. Embroidery by Elizabeth Ellis, born 1732, daughter of Dr. Edward Ellis, of Boston. Owned by Henry W. Montague, Esq., Boston. I'LAIK (XW The Ivks Ar:ms Embroidered In Uehecca Ives, cir. 1770 Owned by Mrs. Robert Hale Bancroft AMERICAN SAMPLERS 405 FiSK [ ] three battle axes erect, turned to the sinister, and in chief a crescent. Crest: an arrow erect, point down. "The name of Fisk" below. Embroidered hatchment owned by a grandson of General John Fisk, of Salem. Possibly from a painting by John Coles. Gibbs arms (?), but not their crest. Owned by the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Fitch Vert (?) a chevron between 3 leopards faces argent. Impaling: argent a chevron sable between 3 columbines azure (Hall). Crest: a leopard's face of the field, pierced in the mouth by a sword bend-sinister ways. Embroidered hatchment found about 1773 at sea, in the cabin of a deserted ship, by Captain Nicholas Johnson, of Newburyport. Owned by his great-granddaughter, Miss Margaret W. Cushing, Newburyport. Arms of Governor Thomas Fitch, who married Hannah, daughter of Richard Hall, of New Haven. Illustrated. Plate cxxii. Forbes Azure a cross pattde argent between 3 bears' heads couped argent muzzled gules. Crest: a cross of the field. Hatchment embroidered in silk by Mary Forbes CoflSn, in Boston; born 1774, married Henry Phelps, 1795. Owned by Mrs. Charles C. Goodwin, Lexington, Mass. FOXCROFT Quarterly per chevron sable and azure a chevron between 3 foxes' heads or. Crest: A head of the arms. Embroidered framed arms about 40 by 32 inches. The arms of Coney, Sable, on a fess between 3 conies dormant or, as manj'^ escallops of the field, occupy the top of the above shield, the third coney being placed between the two foxes' heads. Elaborate roses and lilies surround the shield. Owned by the Misses Gertrude and Agnes Brooks, Marl- borough Street, Boston, daughters of William Gray Brooks. Francis Foxcroft, of Cambridge, married, 1722, Mehitable Coney. Their daughter married Lieutenant Governor Samuel Phillips, founder of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Gardner [Azure] a chevron [ermine?] between 3 griflans' heads erased [argent?]. Crest: a griffin's head. For Samuel Gardner (Harvard College, 1732), of Salem. Embroidered hatchment by Lois Barnard, made before 1769. Picture in Pickering Genealogy (1897), Volume 1, page 91. Same arms on a silver teapot owned, 1897, by Colonel Henry Lee, Brookline, Mass. Gerrish Argent a dart between 3 escallops sable. Embroidered hatchment by Elizabeth Gerrish. Owned by the late Mrs. Gordon Prince, Boston. 406 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Gilbert Azure a chevron ermine between 3 eagles displayed or. Crest: a lion rampant. "By the name of Gilbert" and palm branches (?) with pendant chains. An embroidery, framed, owned by Mrs. Horatio J. Gilbert, Milton, Mass. Illustrated. Plate cxxiii. Gray Gules a lion rampant argent within a bordure engrailed of the second. Impaling: sable a chevron between 3 trefoils slipped argent (Lewis). Crest: a stag trippant. Embroidered hatchment by Elizabeth Gray, who married Samuel Alexander Otis, in 1764. Her father, Hon. Harrison Gray, married Elizabeth Lewis, in 1784. Owned by Mrs. John H. Morison, Boston. Illustrated. Plate cxxvi. Ives Argent a chevron sable between 3 Moors' heads in profile erased proper. Embroidered arms of Robert Hale Ives, 22 x 15 inches, worked by his sister, Mrs. Rebecca Ives Oilman, 1746-1823. Owned by Mrs. Robert H. Bancroft, Boston. Illustrated. Plate cxxv. Jones Sable a stag statant argent attired or. No crest. "By the name of Jones". Embroidered hatchment, framed, arms of Colonel Elisha Jones, of Weston, Mass., great-grandfather of Henry D. Thoreau, writer. Owned by Concord (Mass.) Antiquarian Society. Norwood Ermine a cross engrailed gules. Crest: a demi lion rampant and erased argent, holding in his gambs a palm branch vert. "By the name of Norwood" and palm branches [not after Coles]. Framed embroid- ery by Judith Norwood, of Gloucester, Mass., who died in 1762. Owned by Mrs. J. L. Stevens, Milton, Mass. Peibce Argent a fess humett^e gules between tliree ravens rising sable. Crest: a raven or. Embroidered hatchment in the Nichols House, Salem, Mass., made by Sarah, daughter of Jerathmiel Peirce, in 1796. Arms of Peirce, of London. Pickering Ermine a lion rampant [azure] crowned [or]. Embroidered hatchment by [Mrs.] Sarah Pickering [Clarke], 1758. Picture in Pickering Genealogy, 1897, Volume 1, page 11. AMERICAN SAMPLERS 407 Phescott Quarterly 1 and 4: Salle a chevron between three owls argent. 2 and 3: Ermine a cross raguly argent [gules?] (Lawrence). Crest: Out of a mural crown a head (boar's?) erased. Embroidered hatchment, 24 x 24, framed, given to Groton (Mass.) Historical Society by Rev. F. J. Walton, whose wife is a descendant of the Rev. Daniel Chaplin, who m., 1779, Susanna (b. 1757), daughter of Hon. James and Susanna (Lawrence) Prescott, of Groton. QUINCY Gules 7 mascles 3, 3, 1 or. Impaling: Azure a chevron between 3 crosses crosslet fitch6e within a bordure engrailed or (Sturgis). Crest: A plume of ostrich feathers (?). Embroidered hatchment owned by Mrs. Josiah Quincy, Boston. An early Josiah Quincy married, 1733, Hannah, daughter of John Sturgis, of Yarmouth. Ripley Argent a chevron vert between 3 lions rampant or. Motto: Regard the end. Embroidered hatchment, 21 x 17 inches, done by Lucy Ripley, at the Hartford Female Seminary, in 1802. Signed L. R. Owned by Laura M. Ripley, of Connecticut. ROWE Gules 3 paschal lambs, 2 and 1, staves and banners argent. Motto: Libera nos Domine. Embroidered in Exeter, England, the shield surrounded by a wreath of flowers caught at the bottom with a bowknot of blue ribbons. Underneath the ribbon, "17 Rebecca Robins 73." Sent to her uncle, John Rowe, the Boston merchant and diarist, who used the paschal lamb as a crest on silver and seal. Owned by Mrs. Caleb L. Cunningham, Milton, Mass. Russell Argent a chevron between 3 crosses crosslet fitch6e sable. Impaling: Argent a lion rampant gules (Russell?). Crest: a lion rampant gules. Hatchment owned by Russell Gray, Esq., Boston. The foliage about the shield was done by Mrs. Horace Gray (born in 1807). Salter [Gules] 10 billets, 4, 3, 2, 1 or, a bordure engrailed argent charged with 8 [hurts and tor- teaux alternating]. Impaling: Or 3 piles meeting in the base [azure?] (Bryan). Crest: a unicorn. Needlework by Mary Salter (Mrs. Henry Quincy, of Boston), 1726-55. For picture, see "Earle's Home Life in Colonial Days," 1898, opposite page 266. Owned by Mrs. Frank Bolles, Cambridge, Mass. 408 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Sargent Argent a chevron between 3 dolphins embowed sable. Impaling: Sable on a chevron between 3 leaves argent as many crosses crosslet of the field (Norwood?). Crest: an arm erect, grasping a serpent. An embroidery marked "Nathaniel and Mary EUery, Anno Dom. 1745." Mary was Nathaniel's daughter by Abigail Norwood. His second wife was Anne, daughter of William and Ann Sargent. Heraldic Journal, Volume 4, page 42. Selby Azure a negro head sable, a chief bendy sable and argent. Sampler, 1678, owned by Mrs. Eugene Hale, Ellsworth, Me. Shebbttbke Quarterly: 1 and 4, V^ert an eagle displayed argent; 2 and 3, argent a lion rampant or. (Bayley.) Crest: a unicorn's head argent. "By the name of Sherburne". Embroidery on silk. Owned by Merrill Spalding, Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass. Colors not as in Burke. SOUTHWORTH Sable a chevron between three crosses flory [I. e., crosslet?] argent. Crest: a bull's head proper. Embroidered hatchment with elaborate mantling. Mentioned in Governor Bradford's inventory as "a crest". From Major William to David, to Lydia (Mrs. Lebaron), to Priscilla (Mrs. M. A. Hammett), to Elizabeth (Mrs. Isaac Goodwin), to J. A., to William Bradford Goodwin, of Lowell, present owner. Alice, widow of Edward South- worth, married Governor William Bradford. Fine fioss (?) silk on fine mesh canvas. Stedman Or a cross crosslet vert. Crest: a demi-virgin, gowned vert, her hair dishevelled, and holding in her dexter band a cross crosslet fitchde of the same. Owned by the Historical Society of Old Newbury, Mass. WiLLABD Argent 3 leopards' heads or. Crest: Leopard's head. Made about 1780-90. Miss Susanna Willard, the donor, calls this imaginary. Embroidered hatchment by Miss Mary Willard, daughter of Joseph, President of Harvard College. Owned by the Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames, Quincy Homestead, Quincy, Mass. Williamson Argent a chevron gules between three trefoils slipped sable. Crest: out of a ducal coronet gules a dragon's head. Motto: Constare in sententia. Embroidered hatchment, 11 J inches by 9 inches. Owned by Mrs. Henry H. Edes, Cam- bridge, Mass. INDEX Abraham and Isaac, 28 Acorn in design, 393 Adam and Eve, 14, 19, 101 Adam and Eve, clothed, 23 Adam and Eve first used, 28 Adams, Betsey, sampler, 21 Adams, Lydia, 218 Adams, Thomas, 226 Afflick, Sarah, sampler, 16 Ages of workers, 12, 27, 94 Aiken, Maria S., 364 Airmet, Elizabeth, 170 Alger, Sally, 367 Almy, Ann, 395 Alphabet first used, 28 American type, 11 Anchor used, 28 Annapolis, St. Ann's, 103 Anthology, 265 Aphorism, first, 6 Appliqu6 first used, 28 Architectural samplers, 102 Armitage, Mary, 196 Ashur and Elisha, 12 Askew, Ann, 379 Askew, Mary, 78 Atkins, Dudley, 36 Austin, Lydia, sampler, 97 Austin, Mary, 252 Axioms, 96 Babbidge, Madam, 366 Back-stitch, 396 Baker, Nancy, 368 Balch, Polly, teacher, 25, 367, 868, 369 Baldwin, Rev. Dr., 191 Baldwin, Sally, sampler, 24 Bancroft, Sarah, 379, 896 Barnard, Lois, 405 Bartlett, Mary, 174 Barton, Rev. T. T., 194 Bates, Mercy, 191 Bates, Parley, sampler, 95 Batton, Edward, 89 Bayer, Luther, 219 Beckwith, Anna, sampler, 100 Bennet, Hannah, sampler, 106 Bickford, Lovey, 160 Billings arms, 403 Bier, Sophia, sampler, 94 Birdsey, Charity, 197 Bispham, Catherine, age, 27 Blake, Sarah, 191 Blatchford, Jane, sampler, 111 Bleecker, Nicholas, sampler, 27 Bodly, James and Margaret, 195 Border first used, 12, 28, 894 Botang, John, 239 Boudinot, Julia, sampler, 105 Bouteneau, Deacon, 362 Bowditch, Eunice, sampler, 12 Bowie, Elizabeth, sampler, 106 Boxers, 3, 393 Boyd arms, 403 Boys, makers of samplers, 27, 116 Bradford, Hannah, sampler, 97 Bradford, William, 408 Bradford Academy, 366 Brenton, Frances, sampler, 28 Bridgewater Academy, 239 Brierly, Sally, 379 Brierly sisters, 100 Brigham, L., 207 Brimmer, Clarissa, 239 Bristol School, 377 Brooks, Lucinda, sampler, 115 Brooks, Mary, 154 Brown, Catherine, 245 Brownell, George, 860 Brunton, Miss, 387 Budd, Eliza, sampler, 104, 873 Buller, Ann, sampler, 28 Bullion-stitch, 24 Bulyn, Martha, sampler, 13; also Plate xii Burroughs, Mary Ann, 374 Cain and Abel, 23 Calder, Frances, 195 See also names on pages 29 and 121 409 410 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Caldwell, Catherine, 69 Caldwell, Elizabeth, 166 Caldwell, Sarah, sampler, 108 Calef, Margaret, sampler, 20, 370 Canary canvas, 390 Carthage Female Institute, 387 Cash, Phebe, sampler, 27 Catgut background, 389 Catlett, Elizabeth, 319 Chadwick, Chariot, sampler, 113 Chamberlain, Nancy, 233 Chandler, Hester, 72 Chaplin, Rev. Daniel, 407 Charnock, Elizabeth, 401 Charnock arms, 403 Cheever arms, 403 Chester arms, 403 Chesterfield school, 381 Church, Lydia, 370 Cilley, Philip, 239 Clapham, Mary, 246 Clark, Emily, sampler, 103 Clark, Mary, sampler, 24, 396 Cleveland, Betsy, sampler, 110 Codfish on Old State House, 26 Coffin, Mary, 363 Coffin, Mary Forbes, 405 Cogswell, Martha, 239 Cogswell, Sarah, 122 Coker, Evelyn M., mentioned, 354 Coleman, Elizabeth, sampler, 19 Comstock, Amy, 183 Condon, Mary J., 396 Coney arms, 405 Connecticut schools, 370, 384 Cook, Betsy, sampler, 112 Copp samplers, 101 Core, Enoch, 45 Cowdin, Sophia, 194 Cox, Susanna, 376 Cozzens, Eliza, 369 Crafts, Hannah, sampler, 94 Crawford, N. H., on sampler, 104 Creed, 14 Crewels, 390 Crips, Mr., 880 Crosby, Abigail, 176 Crown, 109 Crowninshield, Mary, 361 Cumings, Amy and Elizabeth, 401 Curwen arms, 403 Cushing, Lucy, sampler, 23 Cushing arms, 404 Custin6, Maria, 58 Cut-work, 2 Cutter, Sophia, sampler, 117 Dade, Ruben, 115 Daintery, Mary, sampler, 12; also Plate xi Dalie, Abigail W., 192 Dame schools, 372 Darned lace, 28 Darned samplers, 105 Dated samplers, 4 Davenport. See also Deavenport Davis arms, 404 Davis family, 41' Dealy, Mary, her sampler, 96 Death, poems on, 278 Dedman, Mary, 363 Delaware schools, 377, 386 Design, how made, 92 Designs, earliest, 28 Designs of samplers, 391 ; list of, 397 Deyo, Sally, 41 Doane arms, 404 Dole, Hitty H., 180 Dole, Sarah, sampler, 98, 99 Douw, Catharine and Rachel, 47 Draper, Elizabeth, 230 Draperies, 116 Driver, Ann Wilson, 65 Duncan arms, 404 Dunnet family, 155 E Pluribus unum, 199 Eagle, 108 Eagle first used, 28 Earliest samplers by states, 28 Education in America, 355 Eighteenth century samplers, 10 Elder, Catherine Jones, 375 Elizabeth of York's sampler, 1 Ellery, Mary, 408 Ellis, Harriet, 218, 363 Ellis, Mary, sampler, 15 Ellis arms, 404 Elwell, Ann Maria, 295 Embroidered heraldry, 399 Embroidery in France, 1586, 2 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 411 England to America, 97 English, Mrs. Philip, 5 English samplers, 19th century, 91 Ercy, Isabella, sampler, 0", 9 Evesham School, 374 Eyre, Ann Eliza, sampler, 108 Families as makers, 94 Famous sampler makers, 26, 98 Father, tribute to, 95 Filet, 392 Fisk hatchment, 405 Fitch, Thomas, 402 Fitch arms, 405 Fithian, Jonathan, 146 FitzGerald, Sarah, 356 Fleetwood, Abigail, 263 Fleetwood sampler, 7 Flint, Sally, 81 Flourishing, 389 Flowers, 394, 395 Floyd, Elizabeth, 115 Forbes arms, 406 Forhies, Sarah van, sampler, 18, 19 Forster family, 234 Foster, Hannah, 373 Foster, Mehitable, 396 Foxcroft arms, 405 Freeborn, Gideon, sampler, 27 Friends, Society of, 373 Friendship, poems in praise of, 26S Frye, Mary, sampler, 13 Fuller, Polly, age, 27 Funk, Elizabeth, sampler, 94 Gano, Rev. Stephen, 196 Gardner arms, 405 Gatcomb, Dorcas, parentage, 26 Gates, Mary, 251 Gauffreau family, 116 Genealogical samplers, 18, 28, 110, 111 Gerrish arms, 405 Gibaut, Captain, 365 Giddings, David, 240 Gilbert arms, 406 Gill, Mary, sampler, 106 Gilman, Rebecca Ives, 406 Gittings, Mrs. Richard, sampler, 26 Godman, Margaretta, 254 Goldin, Elizabeth, sampler, 106 Goodwin, Mrs. Isaac, 408 Goose and rabbit, 14 Gootch, Nabby, 215 Gore, Zebiah, sampler, 24 Goss, Elizabeth, 200 Gowen, Hannah G., 864 Gowen, Mary, 128 Gower, Anne, 4, 9, 392, 398 Grapes of Eschol, 15, 28 Graves, Alice, 203 Graves, Hannah, 164 Gray, Mrs. Horace, 407 Gray arms, 406 Great Egg Harbor School, 385 Grimes sisters, sampler, 97 Griscom's Academy, 376 Gustafsson, Johan, 378 Hacker, Rebekah, sampler, 23 Hackney, Ariadne, her verse, 96 Haines, Julia, 374 Hair first appliqudd, 28 Hale, Hannah, 372 Hale, Nancy, letter from, 371 Hall, Nancy, sampler, 117, 367 HaU, Philip, 199 Hall, Richard, 402 Hallo well, Mary, sampler, 108 Hamil, Elizabeth, sampler, 103 Hammett, Mrs. M. A., 408 Harding sisters, 101 Harris, Robert, 240 Harvey, Peter and Sarah, 36 Harwood, Elizabeth, her sampler, 96 Harwood family, 220 Hatch, Mary, sampler, 108 Hathaway, Anne, her sampler, 4 Hawkins, John, 297 Haywood, Mrs., her school, 130 Heart used, 28 Heraldry, 399 Heuling, Martha, 376 Hewins, Olive, sampler, 118 Higginson, Hettj', 365 Higginson, Mehitable, 864 Hill, Mary E., teacher, 856 See also names on pages 29 and 121 412 AMERICAN SAMPLERS HiEer, Mrs., teacher, 361 HiUes, Eli, 380 Hilles, Samuel, 380 Hillhouse, Sarah, sampler, 114 Hinde, Elizabeth, sampler, 5 Hobart, Elizabeth, 181 Hodgkins, Mary, 191 Hoffner, Julia Ann, sampler, 92 HoUie-point, 28, 396 HoUinshead, Beulah, sampler, 24 Hollingsworth, Hannah, 155, 283 Hollingsworth, Mary, sampler, 5, 9 Holman, Mary, 201 Holyoke samplers, 23 Hopkins, Johns, 22, 65 Hopping, Maria, sampler, 102, 368 Horn-book, influence of, 3 Horton, Mrs., teacher, 364 Hough, Amelia, 208, 381 House first used, 28 House of maker, 117 Howell, Sarah, 395 Hubbard, Lucy, 179 Hudson, Mary, her sampler, 2, 9, 393; also Plate ix Humphrey, May, 203 Humphreys, Jane, sampler, 24, 396 Hunt, Eliza, sampler. 111 Huntington, Polly, 387 Huse, Joanna, 363 Ilsley, Charlotte, 195 Ilsley, Hannah, 195 Independence Hall, 104 I vers, James, 360 Ives arms, 406 Ivins, Emmeline, sampler, 109 James, Mary, 379 James, Susannah, 379 Janney, Hannah, sampler, 22 Jenkins, Madam, 366 Jiggles, Madam, 366 Johnson, Hannah, sampler, 20 Johnson, Lucy, sampler, 108 Johnson, Nicholas, 401 Johnson, Sally, 863 Jones, Eliza Pearce, 368 Jones, Elnora, 218 Jones, Frances, 369 Jones, Harriet, sampler, 111 Jones, Sarah, sampler, 19 .Tones arms, 406 Jones family, 25 Keen, Palmyra, sampler, 104 Keets, L. C, 236 KeUy, Ann E., 377 Kelly, Dorcas, sampler, 110 Kent, Sarah, 36 Kentucky schools, 381, 387 Kibbe, Margaret, sampler, 119 King, Ralph, 403 Kneeland, Lydia, 355 Lamborn, Sophia, sampler, 94 Lamborn family, 114 Lamp-wick embroidery, 94 Lawrence, Mary, 208, 381 Lawrence, Rebecca, 360 Lea, Elizabeth, 389 Lea family, 78 Leake, Recompence, 85 Learning, poems in praise of, 267 Leavitt, Mary, sampler pictured, 8, 12 Legrow, Rebecca, 171 Lehman, Elizabeth, sampler, 24 Lewis, Elizabeth, 406 Liberty Bell, 22 Liberty Hall, 25 Linden Hall Seminary, 374 Lindsay, Mary T., 381 Lippit, Julia, 369 Litchfield Female Academy, 371 Lititz, school at, 375 Little, Mary, 363 Lord, Lucy, 226 Lord, Sarah, sampler, 5, 9 Lord's Prayer, 14 Loring family, 110 Love poems, 256 Lovering, Eunice, 73 Ludlum, Phebe, 199 Lynda, Dorothy, sampler, 16; also Plate xix Macomber, Ann, sampler, 25, 104 Maine schools, 382 Makepeace, Sukey, sampler, 21 Mansfield, Mrs., teacher, 370 Map first used, 28 /..:\ PLATE CXX\'I Arms of tiik Hon. Hakrisox CShav. 'laaMin r of tlie Province of Miissacluisetts, impaliiifr Lewis Ilatc-linieiit eiubroiclered by JOlizabetli Tracy Owned by Mm. John H. Morison AMERICAN SAMPLERS 413 Map samplers, 21, 105, 106, 107 Mariner family, 223 Marsli, Melissa, sampler, 117 Maryland, map of, 106 Maryland schools, 380, 386 Mascoll, Hannah, 383 Mason, John, sampler, 22 Massachusetts, map of, 106 Massachusetts schools, 356, 382 Mclntire, Elizabeth, sampler, 114 Meach, Catherine, sampler, 112 Mead, Elizabeth D., 41 Mears, Abigail, sampler, 21 Meguire, Leah, school, 377 Merrill, Nancy, sampler, 117 Materials of samplers, 388 Maule, Joshua, 380 Minot, Eunice, 403 Missionary sampler, 115 Missouri sampler, 105 Moffatt, Sarah C, 202 Moravian education, 374 Morehead, Sarah, 361 Morford, George, 374 Moss, Margaret, sampler, 108 Mount Holly, N. J., on sampler, 104, 373 Multiplication table first used, 28 Munro, Sally, sampler, 24 Munson, Susan, sampler, 114 Murray, Elizabeth, 362 Names, Christian, 25, 95 Nature poems, 258 Needlework pictures, 13 Needle's excellency, referred to, 2 Negro sampler, 27 Net samplers, 117 New England Primer, 250 New Hampshire schools, 356, 382 New Jersey schools, 373, 385 New York, map of, 106, 108 New York schools, 372, 884 Newberry, Hannah, 66 Newcomb, Sarah, 191 Newton, Rev. John, 319 Nickalls, Susanne, 266 Nine Partners Boarding School, 384 Nineteenth century samplers, 91 Nivers, Julia, sampler, 104 Norland, Eleanor, 881 North Branford, Conn., on sampler, 104 North Brookfield, Mass., house in, 97 North Carolina school, 381, 387 Norwood arms, 406 Numbers on, 27 Numerals first used, 28 Odiorne, Sarah, 356 Ogden, John C, 874 Ohio school, 887 Oliver, Sally, sampler, 117 Olmstead sampler, 18 Open seam, 1 Orne, Joseph, 365 Owen, Rebecca, 361 Painted samplers, 22 Pale, Mary, sampler, 112 Paper backs, 389 Parents, poems in praise of, 260 Parker, Frances, sampler, 108 Parker family, 113 Pastoral samplers, 118 Patriotic poems, 255 Pecker, Elizabeth, sampler, 15, 21; also Plate xviii Peirce arms, 406 Penelope canvas, 390 Penn, William, his house, 109 Pennsylvania samplers, 99 Pennsylvania schools, 374, 386 Perkins, Sarah, 408 Petty, Plana, 166 Phillips, Amy Ann, 381 Pickering arms, 406 Picket, Eliza, sampler, 118 Picture samplers, 19, 118, 119 Pierce, Sarah, 370 Pinder, Deborah, 163 Piney Grove School, 387 Pinniger, Abigail, 396 Piatt, Nancy, sampler, 100 Piatt, Sarah, sampler, 22 Playing cards, 109 Pleasant Hill School, 377 Plumer, Joanna, 179 See also names on pages 29 and 121 414 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Poets and samplers, 263 Polk, Patty, her sampler, 96 Pope, Alexander, 253 Poplars, 100 Prescott arms, 407 Princeton College, 103 Providence buildings in samplers, 102 PuUen, Martha, 366 Punch-work, 21 Punto in aria, 5 Punto tagliato, 392 Punto tirato, 392 Purcell, Miss, 362 Putnam, Ruth, 245 Queen-stitch, 21, 28, 396 Quentel, Peter, his book, 4 Quilled ribbon, 93 Quincy arms, 407 Quincy sampler, 7 Ramsay, Margaret, sampler, 23 Rancocas, N. J., 243 Reding sisters, 101 Reed, Diedamia, 217 Reed, Eliza, 363 Religious verse, 297, 316 Reticella, 2 Rhode Island samplers, 28 Rhode Island schools, 367, 384 Rice family, 113 Richards, Eliza, 47 Richason, John and Ann, 89 Ripley arms, 407 Roberts, Elizabeth, samplers, 6, 393 Robertson, Mary, 246, 381 Robins, Ann, sampler, 18 Robins, Rebecca, 401 Robinson, Hannah, sampler, 115 Rogers, Nathaniel, 365 Rowe arms, 407 Russell, Lydia, sampler, 113 Russell arms, 407 Rust, Agnes, sampler, 27 Salisbury, Mary, teacher, 380 Salter arms, 407 Samp-cloths, 3 Sampler verse, 247 Samplers, child hates, 96 Samplers, poems in praise of, 271 Samplers, 1600-1700, register of, 9 Samplers, 1700-1799, register, 29 Samplers, 1800-1830, register, 121 Sanders, Anna, 368 Sanderson, Hannah, sampler, 26 Sargent arms, 408 Satin-stitch, 396 Satin used, 390 Saunders, Mrs., teacher, 365 Schaick, Catherine van, sampler, 19 Schools and schoolmistresses, 355 Schools, list of early, 382-387 Scott, Betty, sampler, 22 Searing, Bath-sheba, sampler, 19 Seckel, Catharine, 199 Selby arms, 408 Seventeenth century samjilers, 1 Shakespeare, William, 3, 253 Sharp, Samuel, 89 Sheep, 24 Shepherdess first used, 28 Sherburne arms, 408 Sherman, Aimena, sampler, 119 Silk, crinkled, 20, 92 Silk thread, 391 Simkins, Daniel, 154 Simonds, Elizabeth, 204 Sipples, Eliza, 379 Skelton, John, refers to samplers, 1 Smith, Ann, sampler, 22 Smith, Betsy, 211 Smith, Jemima, 125 Smith, Mary, sampler, 12 Smith, Olive, 207 Smith, Robert, 89 Smith, Sophia, sampler, 104 Smith, Tabitha, sampler, 25 Smith College, 110 Smock, Barnes, 374 Snyder, Catherine, sampler, 115 Sorrow, poems on, 278 Souder, Sarah Ann, sampler, 26 Southerland, Miss, 364 Southworth arms, 408 Speakman, Phebe, sampler, 97 Spechet, Leonora, sampler, 22 Stalcop, Peter, 378 Standish, Loara, her sampler, 4, 9 Starr, Margaret, sampler, 27 AMERICAN SAMPLERS 415 states, earliest samplers in, 28 Stedman arms, 408 Steiner, Bernard C, 380 Sterrett, Mary, sampler, 26 Stevens, Elizabeth, sampler, 106 Stickney family, 227 Stiegel, Baron, and samplers, 98 StiUman, Rev. Samuel, 191 Stitches, 396; list of, 398 Stivour, Sarah, 20, 364, 367, 397 Stoppage, 105 Studley, Mary, samplers, 26 Sturgis arms, 407 Sullivan, Elizabeth, 373 Surriage, Agnes, 173 Swain, Margaret, sampler, 18 Swedes' schools, 377 Sydney, Sir Philip, on samplers, 3 Turfrey, Mary, 359 Turner, Polly, 369 Tyler, Abraham, 220 Unfinished sampler, 24 Universal prayer, 20 Vaughan, Caroline, 881 Van Home, Sarah, sampler, 91 Van Maater, Catherine, sampler, 18 Van Schaick, Catherine, 372 Van Wart, Harriet, sampler. 111 Verse first used, 28 Verse, sampler, 247 Vinton, Mary A. F., sampler, 118 Virginia schools, 381, 387 Virtues, poems in praise of, 328 Vose, Lemuel, sampler, 27 Tammy cloth, 389 Tatnall, Ann, sampler, 14, 395 Tay, Grace, sampler, 8, 10, 393; also Plate x Taylor, Elizabeth, 48 Ten Commandments, 19 Tennessee school, 387 Terrell, George, on sampler, 116 Terry, Elizabeth, sampler, 101 Thelwell, Debby, 379 Thelwell, John, 378 Thomas, Eliza, sampler, 115 Thompson, Isabella, sampler, 27 Thompson, Margaret, her sampler, 1546, 1 Thoreau, Henry D., 406 Thread, 390 Tippit, Betty, 390 Tomlin, Drusilla, sampler, 26 Tomlinson family, 89 Townsend, Hannah, 30 Train, Mary, 398 Treadway, Mrs. W. W., 246 Trecothick, Hannah, sampler, 14 Trees, genealogical, 113 Troup, Sarah, sampler, 25, 388 Trufry, Ruthy, sampler, 112 Tucker, Hanna, 366 Tucker, Mary, 274 Tudor sampler, shape of, 1 Tufts, Eliza, 177 Wade, Frances, 22, 107 Wadsworth, Jonathan, fighter, 26 Walden, Mary, 381 Waldron, Elizabeth, 361 Walker, Faith, sampler, 101 Wallingsford, Clarissa, 30 Ward, Mrs., teacher, 356 Ward, Priscilla, sampler, 117 Warding, Isaac, 239 Waters, Brooksania, sampler, 95 Watts, Rev. Isaac, influence of, 253 Way, Elizabeth, 379 WaynesviUe school, 387 AVebb, Mary, sampler, 18 Wedding samplers, 98 Weifer, Ann Mary, 199 Welch, Caroline, sampler, 99 Welch, John, carver, 26 Welsh, Grace, sampler, 21 WendeU, Barrett, letter by, 252 Wentworth, Eliza, 366 Westcott, William, 44 Whann, Margareta, sampler, 116 Wheatley, Mary, sampler, 27 Wheaton, Mary I., 178 Whetten family, 134 White, Salla, 364 Whiting, Hannah, 150 Whitmore, Susan, 369 See also names on pages 29 and 121 416 AMERICAN SAMPLERS Whittington, Sally, sampler, 103 Wiert, Elizabeth, 199 Wiggins, Hannah, 389 Willard arms, 408 Willes, Rocksalana, sampler, 22 William and Mary College, 103 Williams, Desire, 398 Williams, Elizabeth, sampler, 118 Williams, Rev. John, 26 Williamson arms, 408 Willis, Mrs. Samuel, 13 Wilson, Dovey Winslow, 381 Winklehawk, 105 Wolcott, Frances, 244 Woodman, Appha, 396 Woodson, Mrs., 149, 387 Woodwell, Alice, 390 Worcester, Clarisa, 168 Wyman, Lucy, sampler, 109, 113 Yale College, 108 Yeakel, Sarah, sampler, 100 t 5 1 5 1 jSft UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 8EC-0 LD-LRi JAN26l97|li OCT 18 W ; 1 IMAR^6«!^ ftja^ ^,\%^ ™' MAR 5 -1973 $^ .H H' 281 IB JUN 2 819W VRL 4JL 31974 »Rl »-fll Form L9-^yLt.444 '" i-t». V DISmRGE-fiRL KON-I^Ei^tWABLE JUE 2 vWeS FW)M DATE RECEIVED \j ^ mf UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELiiS LIBRARY I nil I 3 1158 00220 1043 I UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY f ACIl ITY AA 000 613 667 5