'':» 6455 39U5 n '.ij^ii THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UOTTED STATES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER For sale 113- the vSri'RKiNTENnKNT OP Documents Oovcrnnionl Printing Office Price 20c WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 L. C. card, 8-35010 • • • .* ••• • • ••*« * .•• .•• «• • « • • .*. • .* • •*! • • . •. • • .• ..• • • • *• . .* ••*• ••• • • *. • :• t .* J^U6 PKEFATOKY NOTE The purpose of this List is to supply material for a study of the Supreme Court of the United States. The List is in four sections: The first containing general works on the court; the two next, the reports and digests; and the last, bio- graphical material on the chief justices and associate justices. With this last section are noted some of the more important writings of the chief justices. It was found inexpedient at this time to include the pamphlet literature produced by the earlier justices. Should a second edition be called for it is hoped to include this material. The List does not attempt the completeness of a bibliography. A great number of unimportant United States documents, for instance, have been purposely omitted. They consisted mostly of reports, resolutions, etc., which affected the Supreme Court very slightly, if at all. To have included them would have cumbered the list with material of little moment, sufficiently indicated in the existing indexes to United States documents. The series of lists of which this is an example are undertaken in the Division of Bibliography and issued over the signature of the Chief Bibliographer. The responsibility for the inclusion or ex- clusion of titles rests, of course, with him. In all of the lists, how- ever, the division draws freely upon other divisions of the Library for information, and particularly upon its former chief, the present Chief Assistant Librarian, for criticism and suggestion. This aid is cordially given, of great value, and heartily appreciated ; and if it is not specifically acknowledged in the preface to each list, the omission is merely to save repetition of a fact familiar within the Library and a matter of administrative, rather than of public interest. H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Lihrarian of Congress Washington^ D. C, May 10, 1909 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Books relating to the Supreme Court 5-26 Articles in Periodicals 27-38 Reports 39^0 Digests of Reports 41-^5 Biographical material relating to the Chief Justices and Justices of the Supreme Court General 46-51 John Jay 52-55 Writings 55-56 Oliver Ellsworth 57-58 John Marshall 59-67 Writings 68-70 Roger Brooke Taney 71-73 Writings 73-74 Salmon Portland Chase 75-80 Writings 80-82 Morrison Remick Waite 83-84 Melville Weston Fuller 85 Associate Justices (arranged alphabetically) 86-117 4 LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Adams, John and William Brattle. The independence of the judi- cary. {In The works of John Adams, vol. 3, pp. 511-574. Boston, 1851. S°.) American bar association. Report of some members of the com- mittee of the American bar association, on the subject of delays incident to the determination of snits in the United States Supreme Court. New Haven^ Conn.: Tiittle^ Morehouse & Taylor^ 'printers^ 1882. 3k, {2) 'pv S' ?o Ames, Herman Vandenburg. The proposed amendments to the Constitution* of the United States during the first century of its history. Washington: Government printing ofice, 1897. 442 pp. 8°. (American historical association. Annual report for 1896, vol. 2.) " Amendments affecting the form of the Judiciary depart- ment," pp. 144-164. Resolutions proposing amendments which have regard to the choice of judges are noted by Ames as follows : 1808, Apr. 12, ■ - 10th Cong., 1st sess., Senate Journal, p. 273 ; Annals of Con- gress, cols. 356-358. 1867, Jan. 21, 39th Cong., 2d sess.. House Journal, p. 202; Globe, p. 616. 1868, May 18, 40th Cong., 2d sess.. House Journal, p. 703 ; Globe, p. 2527. 1881, Dec. 10, 47th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate Journal, p. 103 ; Record, p. 85. 1882, Jan IS, 47th Cong., 1st sess., Senate Journal, p. 198; Record, p. 471. 1883, Dec. 10, 48th Cong.. 1st sess., Senate Journal, p. 64 ; Record, p. 54. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis. The American federal state ; a text-book in civics for high schools and academies. New YorTc. London: The Macmillan co.^ 1902. xlv, 599 pp. 8°. Bibliography : p. x-xii ; list of " general references "' at head of each chapter except the last. The judicial department, pp. 316-325. Bailey, W. F. The law of jurisdiction, including impeachment of judgments, liability for judicial acts, and special rem- edies. Chicago: T. E. Flood (& co., 1899. 2 vols. 8°. 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Baker, A. J. Annotated Constitution of the United States. . Chicago: GallagJian and company, 1891. Ixxxvii, {!), 279 pp. 8°. Judicial department, pp. 119-151. Baldwin, Simeon Eben. The American judiciary. New York: The Century co., 1905. xiii, 403 pp. 12°. {The Arnerican state series.) Contents. — Tlie nature and scope of the judicial power in the United States; The organization and practical working of American courts; Part 1. English origin and early de- velopment of the American judiciary; The separation of the judicial power from the legislative and executive in American constitutions; The relations of the judiciary to the political departments of government; The force of judicial precedents; The judicial power of developing un- written law ; The judicial power of interpreting and de- veloping written law ; The judicial power of declaring what has the form of law not to be law. Part 2. The organization of the courts of the states; The organization of the courts of the United States; Relations of the state judiciary to the United States, and of the United States judiciary to the states ; Relations between the courts of different states ; Trial by jury; Formalities in judicial procedure; Trial courts for civil causes ; Probate courts ; Bankruptcy and in- solvency courts; Criminal procedure; The exercise of judicial functions out of court ; Appellate courts ; The enforcement of judgments and punishment of contempts of courts; Judicial proceedings in territories subject to mar- tial law ; Appointment, tenure of office and compensation of judges; The character of the bar and its relations to the bench ; The law's delay ; The attitude of the people toward the judiciary; Index. The American system of supreme courts and what it accom- plishes. {In La Follette, Robert M. cd. The making of America, vol. 2, pp. 76-92. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Neio York: D. Appleton and company., 1882. 2 vols. 8°. The federal judiciary, vol. 2, pp. 195-206. Bates, C. Lee. Federal equity procedure; a treatise on the pro- cedure in suits in equity in the circuit courts of the United States including appeals and appellate procedure. Chicago: T. H. Flood and co., 1901. 2 vols. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 7 Bates, C. Lee. Federal procedure at law ; a treatise on the procedure in suits at common law in the circuit courts of the United States; accompanied with, as a basis of federal judicial procedure, a statement of the dual system of government created by the federal constitution and the constitutional limitations imposed upon the state and federal govern- ments and the creation of the federal judicial system and the j urisdiction of all the federal courts. CMcago: T. H. Flood and company^ 1908. 2 vols. 8°. Beach, Charles Fisk, jr. Modern pleading and practice in equity in the federal and state courts of the United States, with particular reference to the federal practice, including numerous forms and precedents. Cincinnati: W. H. Anderson and company^ 1900. 2 vols. 8°. Bigelow, John. The Supreme Court and the Electoral commission ; an open letter to the Hon. Joseph H. Choate. A^ew York <& London: G. P. Putnarri's so7is, 1903. (2), 23 pp. 8°. " First appeared iu the New York Sun on the 19th of July, 1903." Black, Henry Campbell. Handbook of American constitutional law. St. Paid, Minn.: West publishing co., 1895. xxiv, 627 pp. 8°. Federal jurisdiction, pji. 114-148. Boutwell, George S. The Constitution of the United States at the end of the first century. Boston, U. S. A.: D. G. Heath <& co., 1895. xviii, J^12 pp. 8°. Judicial power, its extent, pp. 302-314; Jurisdiction of the Su])renie Court, original and appellate, p. 315. Brewer, David Josiah. Address : Two periods in the history of the Supreme court, delivered by Justice David J. Brewer . . . at the eighteenth annual meeting held at Hot Springs of Virginia, August 7th, 8th and 9th, 1906. Riclnnond, Va.: Richmond pj^ess, 1906. 24- pp. 8°. At head of title: The Virginia state bar association. Brown, Henry Billings. The judiciary. (In Walker, Duncan S. Celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the capitol of the United States, pp. 74-79. Washington, 1896. 4°.) 8 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS BroAvn, Timothy. Cominentaries on the jurisdiction of courts. 2ded. Chicago: Callaghan & CO. ^ 1901. ccxxxiii, 8£4 PP- ^°- Bryant, Edwin Eustace. The Constitution of the United States, with notes of the decisions of the Supreme court thereon, from the organization of the court till October, 1900. Madison^ Wis. : The Dernocrat printing co.., 1901. a?, J^IS pp. 12°. The judicial power, pp. 221-243. Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. 3d edition. Com- pletely revised throughout. New York: Macviillan and co., 1893-1895. 2 vols. 8°. Tlie federal courts, vol. 1, pp. 228-240; The courts and the constitution, pp. 241-260; The working of the courts, pp. 261-276. Bullitt, William Grigsby. Review of the Constitution of the United States; including changes by interpretation and amend ment ; for lawyers and those not learned in the law. Cincinnati: TJie R. Clarke co..^ 1899. xii, 360 pp. 8°. Organization of the judicial department, pp. 236-267. Butler, William Allen. The origin of the Supreme Court of the United States and its place in the constitution. {In Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 602-625. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) Carson, Hampton Lawrence. The Supreme Court of the United States: its history, by Hampton L. Carson; and its cen- tennial celebration, February 4, 1890. Prepared under direction of the Judiciary centennial committee. Philadelphia: A. R. Keller company.^ 1892. 2 vols. Por- traits. Ji.°. Contains biographical slietches with portraits of Jay, Rutledge, Cushing, Harrison, AVilson, Blair, Iredell, Thomas Johnson, Paterson, Ellsworth, Chase, Washington, Moore, Marshall, William Johnson, Livingston, Todd, Duvall, Story, Thomp- son, Trimble, McLean, Baldwin, Wayne, Taney, Barbour, Catron, McKinley, Daniel, Nelson, Woodbury, Grier, Curtis, Campbell, Salmon P. Chase, Clifford, Swayne, Miller, Davis, Field, Strong, Bradley, Hunt, Waite, Harlan, Woods, Mat- thews, Gray, Blatchford, Lamar. Fuller, Brewer, Brown, and Shiras. The history of the Supreme Court of the United States ; with biographies of all the chief and associate justices. A. D. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 9 1790-1902 . . . Avith portraits of the 58 judges engraved by Max and Albert Kosenthal. Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler and company^ 1902. 2 vols. Frontispieces. Portraits. 8°. Contains sketches of all the chief justices and justices as noted above with the following additional : Howell E. Jackson, Edward D. White, Rufus W. Pockham, Joseph :\IcKenna. Carter, Howard M. The jurisdiction of federal courts, as limited by the citizenshi^D and residence of the parties. Boston: Little, Broion, and company, 1899. xxviii, 303 pp. 8°. Centennial celebration of the organization of the Federal judiciary. held at New York, February 4, 1890. (In United States reports, vol. 134, J. C. Bancroft Davis, re- porter, pp. 711--762. New York, 1890. 8°.) Addresses of Chief Justice Fuller and Associate Justice Field, delivered at the Metropolitan opera house, together with the sjoeech of Associate Justice Harlan, made at the banquet in the evening. IVashington, 1890. 31 pp. ' 5°. Clark, Walter. The next constitutional convention of the United States. Some defects in the Constitution ; necessity for a constitutional convention to revise it. Address delivered before the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, April 27, 1906. {In The Albany law journal, vol. 68, May, 1906, pp. 145-153.) The -Supreme Court, pp. 151-152. Conkling, Alfred. A treatise on the organization, jurisdiction, and practice of the courts of the United States. 5th ed. Albany: W. 0. Little <& co., 1870. xi, 9^6, (2) pp. 8°. The Library of Congress also has the other four editions. Cooley, Tliomas M. The federal Sujjreme Court — its place in the American constitutional system. (In his Constitutional history of the United States as seen in the development of American law, pp. 28-52. New York, 1889. 8°.) — The general principles of constitutional law. 3d edition. Bv A. C. McLaughlin. Boston: Little, Brown c& co., 1898. li, 1^23 pp. 12°. {The students'* series, vol. 7.) The judicial department of the federal government, pp 52-54, 123-159. 65838—09 2 10 LIBKAEY OP CONGRESS Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union. 7th edition, with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases, by Victor H. Lane. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1903. cxxiii, 1086 pp. 8°. Judicial power of tlie United States. See Index. Cox, Joseph. U. S. Supreme Court. Part I. Part II. Sketches of the Supreme Court of the United States in the time of Chief Justice John Marshall, from 1801 to 1835. {In Ohio state bar association. Reports, vol. 11, pp. 245-275. Cleveland, O., 1890. 8°.) Coxe, Brinton. An essay on judicial power and unconstitutional legislation, being a commentary on parts of the Constitu- tion of the United States. Philadelphia: Kay and br'other, 1893. xvi, Jfl5 pp. 5°. Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. Jurisdiction, practice, and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States. 2d ed., rev. and enl. By Henry Childs Merwin. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1896. xxvi, 8^1 pp. " The Supreme Court," pp. 1-63. Curtis, George Ticknor. Commentaries on the jurisdiction, practice, and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States. Vol. I containing a view of the judicial power, and the jurisdiction and practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Philadelphia: T. c& J. W. Johnson, 1854. scxiv, 635 pp. 8°. All published. Constitutional history of the United States from their dec- laration of independence to the close of their civil war. In two volumes. New York: Harper c§ hrothers, 1889-1896. 2 vols. 8°. Construction of the Executive and the Judiciary, vol. 1, pp. 349-357 ; Formation of the judicial power, pp. 584-599 ; Function of the Supreme Court, vol. 2, pp. 71 et seq. Dabney, W. D. Outlines of federal jurisdiction and law procedure. Geo. W. Olivier, publisher. University of Virginia, 11897]. 260 pp. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 11 Davis, J. C. Bancroft. Appendix to the reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, from September 24, 1789, to the end of October term, 1888. New York and Albany: Banks c& 'brothers^ 1889. cclxxx, pp. 8°. {U.S. Reports, Vol.131.) " Thus it will be seen that the first century of the existence of this court expires between the close of the present term and the opening of October Term, 1889. In view of this fact, after consultation with friends in whose judgment I place confi- dence, I have gathered together several matters connected with the judicial history and decisions of the highest courts of the United States prior to the adoption of the Constitution ; and I have placed them in this Appendix, in order that they may be preserved in connection with the decisions of the highest court since its adoption, and in the belief that they will prove interesting and useful to the practising constitutional lawyer, as well as to the student of our judicial system." p. xii. Contents. — Justices of the Supreme Court commissioned dur- ing the period covered by this appendix, pp. v-x ; Federal courts prior to the adoption of the Constitution ; Omitted cases in the Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States ; List of cases in which statutes or ordi- nances have been held to be repugnant to the Constitution or Laws of the United States, in whole or in part, by the Supreme Court of the United States, from the organization of the court to the end of the October term, 1888. Index of the omitted cases reported in full. Desty, Robert. A manual of practice in the courts of the United States . . . 9th ed. Revised and brought to date ... by M. A. Folsom . . . together with n vohnne of forms, adapted and referring to this manuaL By C. H. Tebbs. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney co., 1899. 4 vols. 12 )o Dewhurst, William Whitwell, ed. The rules of practice in the United States courts, annotated. New York: The Banks law publishing company, 1907. v, {2), 775 pp. 8°. Du Ponceau, Peter S. A dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. Philadelphia: Abraham Small, 182 Jf. xxxiii, (5), 254 PP- 8°. Dwyer, John William. The law and procedure of United States courts. Ann Arbor, Mich.: G. ^yahr, 1901. xxi, 339 pp. 8°. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Elliot, Jonathan. The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia, in 1787. 2d ed. Washington: For the editor, 1836. 4 vols. 8°. Vol. 1 contains the Journal of tlie Federal Convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, and other illustrative material on the Consti- tution. Field, Stephen Johnson. The centenary of the Supreme Court. {hi Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 704-725. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) Foster, Roger. A treatise on federal practice, including practice in bankruptcy, admiralty, patent cases, foreclosure of rail- way mortgages, suits upon claims against the United States, equity pleading and practice, receivers and injunc- tions in the state courts. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Chicago: Callaghan and co..^ 1901. 2 vols. 8°. Froniageot, Henri. La jurisprudence de la cour supreme des fitats- Unis en matiere de prises pendant la guerre hispano- americaine; cl'apres documents ofRciels. Paris: R. Chapelot et c% 1901. 50, {2) pp. 8°. Extrait de la Revue maritime. Garland, Augustus Hill. Experience in the Supreme Court of the United States, with some reflections and suggestions as to that tribunal. Washingtoti, D. C: J. Byrne c& co., 1898. (4), 100 pp. Portrait. 12°. Garland, Augustus Hill, Eobert Ralston, and John H. Ingham. A treatise on the constitution and jurisdiction of the United States courts, on pleading, practice and procedure therein and on the powers and duties of United States commis- sioners, with rules of the court and forms. Philadelphia: T. & J. ~W . Johnson & co., 1898. 2 vols. 8°. Gauss, Henry Colford. The American govermnent, organization and officials, with the duties and powers of federal office holders; an original summarization by H, C. Gauss, with a compilation of data from official sources. New York: L. R. Hamersley <& co., 1908. xxiii, 871 pp. 8"". The Supreme Court of the United States, pp. 84-96. Gunckel, Patrick Henry. Taxation of costs in federal courts. St. Paid, Minn.: Keefe-Davidson company, 1904- xiv, 493 pp. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OP UNITED STATES 13 Guthrie, William D. Lectures on the fourteenth article of amend- ment to the Constitution of the United States, delivered before the Dwight alumni association, New York, April- May, 1898. Boston: Little^ Brown <& co., 1898. xxviii, 265 pp. 8°. Of the rules of practice of the Supreme Court, pp. 143-180. Hamilton, Alexander. Distribution of the authority of the judi- ciary. Federalist, no. 81. Extent of the powers of the judicial department. Federalist, no. 80. Some miscellaneous questions regarding the judiciary. Federalist, no. 82. Support and responsibility of the judiciary. Federalist, no. 79. Tenure of office of the judicial department. Federalist, no. 78. Harlan, John Marshall. The Supreme Court of the United States. {In Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 725-732. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) Hawes, Horace. The law relating to the subject of jurisdiction of courts. San Francisco: Sumner Whitney c& co., 1886. xvii, 550 pp. 16°. Herbert, Hilary A. The Supreme Court of the United States and its functions. {In Pennsylvania bar association. Report of the third annual meeting, 1897, pp. 155-178. Philadelphia, 1897. 8°.) Argues the authority of the decisions of the Supreme Court upon the Executive and upon Congress, briefly noting some decisions affecting this proposition. Hillhouse, James. Proposition for amending the Constitution of the United States providing for the election of President and Vice-President, and guarding against tlie undue exer- cise of executive influence, patronage, and power. Washington: Gales <& Seaton, 1830. Ifi p)p- 8°. . Pp. 7^0 give: Appendix. Propositions for amending the Constitution of the United States: Submitted by Mr. Hill- house to the Senate, on the twelfth day of April, 1808, with his explanatory remarks. New Haven : Printed by Oliver Steele & co., 1808. 14 . LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Appointment of judges of tlie Supreme Court to be by and with the advice and consent of both Senate and House of Repre- sentatives, p. 39. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. The American government, national and state. 4th ed. New York, Cincinnati [etc.l : American hook company, ['1905]. via, W3 pp. 1£°. " Bibliogi-aphical index " : pp. 485^88. Vesting the judicial power, pp. 292-296; The extent of the judicial power, pp. 297-300. Hitchcock, Henry. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. (In Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 626-664. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) Hoar, George Frisbie. The charge against President Grant and At- torney-General Hoar of packing the Supreme court of the United States, to secure the reversal of the legal tender decision, by the appointment of Judges Bradley and Strong, refuted. Letter to the Boston herald. Worcester, 31 ass.: Press of G. Hamilton, [1896 f]. Jf5 pp. 8°: Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. The constitutional and political his- tory of the United States. Translated from the German by John J. Lalor, Chicago: CaUaghandi CO., 1876-1892. 8 vols. 8°. Supreme Court, see Index, vol. 8, p. 302. Hughes, Robert Morton. Handbook of jurisdiction and procedure in United States courts. St. Paul, Minn.: West publishing co., 190Jf. xviii, 63 J/, pp. 8°. {The hornbook series, 30.) Jameson, John Alexander. A treatise on constitutional conven- tions; their history, powers, and modes of proceeding. 4th ed., rev., corrected and enlarged. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1887. xxix, (1), 68 If pp. 8°. Supreme Court, see Index, pp. 677-678. Jameson, John Franklin, ed. Essays on the constitutional history of the United States in the formative period, 1775-1789. By graduates and former members of the Johns Hopkins University. Boston and New York: Houghton, Miflin c& co., 1889. xv, 322 pp. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 15 Jefferson, Thomas. Writings. With explanatory notes, etc., by the editor H. A. Washington. Vol. VII. Washington: Taylor and Maury , 185 If. 8°. Danger to American system from encroachments of the Federal judiciary, pp. 192, 199, 216, 256, 278, 293, 321, 403. Landon, Judson S. The constitutional history and government of the United States. 2d revised edition. Boston and New York: Houghton^ Mijjiin and company^ 1905. ix, (1), U7 pp. 8°. The influence of the Supreme Court upon our constitutional development and growth, pp. 273-330 ; List of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, pp. 425-426. La"w association of Philadelphia. Report of the Committee ap- pointed December 5, 1882, " To consider the subject of the delays to suitors in the Supreme Court of the United States, and the various plans for the relief of that Court which have been suggested." {In American bar association. Report, 6th annual meeting, Aug. 22-24, 1883, pp. 313-3.34. Philadelphia, 1883. S°.) Loveland, Franklin Olds. Forms of federal practice, comp., ar- ranged and annotated by Frank O. Loveland. Cincinnati, 0.; The W. H. Anderson company, 1903. 2 vols. 8°. " In preparing this edition, I ha^-e carefully revised the forms contained in the first edition and have added very many new precedents." — Author's preface. McClain, Emlin. Constitutional law in the United States. New York, London [etc.'] : Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. xxxviii, 4^8 pp. 8°. {American citizen series, ed. hy A. B. hart.) The judiciary, pp. 219-255. Madison, James. Debates on the adoption of the Federal Constitu- tion, in the convention held at Philadelphia, in 1787; with a diary of the debates of the congress of the Confederation. ... . Revised and newly arranged by Jonathan Elliot. Complete in one volume. Vol. V. Supplementary to Elliot's Debates. Published under the sanction of Con- gress, Washington: Printed for the editor, 1845. xxii, 64I pp. 8°. Supreme Court, see Index, p. 637. 16 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Madison, James. Journal of the Federal Convention. Reprinted from the edition of 1840, which was published under direc- tion of the United States government from the original manuscripts. A complete index specially adapted to this edition is added. Edited by E. H. Scott. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and co., 1898. 2 vols. 8°. Supreme Court, see Index, vol. 2, p. 802. The papers of James Madison, . . . now published from the original manuscripts, deposited in the Depart- ment of State, by direction of the joint library committee of Congress, imder the superintendence of Henry D. Gilpin. Washington: Langtree <& 0' Sullivan, 1840. 3 vols. Fac- simAles. 8°. Debates in the Federal convention on clause regarding the judiciary, vol. 2, pp. 792-794, 809-812, 85.5, 1130-1139. 1171- 1175; vol. 3, pp. 1435-1440. See also Index, vol. 3, p. ccxxx. Massachusetts. General CDurt, 1808. Instructions from the Legis- lature of Massachusetts to their Senators and Representa- tives in Congress, to use their best endeavours to obtain an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. April 12, 1808. Printed by order of the Senate. Washington: Pnnted T)y R. G. Weightman, 1808. 4 pp. 12\ \V. S. 10th Congress, 1st session, 1807-1808. Sen- ate.'] In regard to the removal of judges by the President. Maury, William A. Federal jurisdiction and procedure, as modified by the Acts of Congress of March 3, 1891, and March 3, 1887, corrected by the Act of August 13, 1888. Washington, D. C: W. H. Lowdermilk <& co., 1896. 5Jf, (7) pp. 16°. The Supreme Court of the United States. A discussion of its wants and the remedy for them, with the draught of a statute embodying a plan of relief. Washington, D. C: William H. Moi^son, 1881. 31 pp. 8°. May, Heber J. A treatise on the practice and procedure of the United States Supreme court, common law, equity, ad- miralty, criminal law, Court of claims. Interstate com- merce commission, with rules and forms. ^^ ashington, D. C .: J. Byrne & co., 1899. Ixii, 933 pp. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 17 Meigs, William M. The growth of the Constitution in the Federal Convention of 1787. An effort to trace the origin and development of each separate clause from its suggestion in that body to the form finally approved. Containing also a facsimile of a heretofore unpublished manuscript of the first draft of the instrument made for use in the com- mittee of detail. PUladeliMa: J. B. Lippincott, 1900. {2), 37 Jf pp. 8°. The judicial power of the United States, pp. 234-250. Miller, Samuel Freeman. The Constitution and the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Addresses. New York: D. Appleton c& co., 11889]. 70 pp. 4°. An address delivered before the alumni of the Law depart- ment of the University of Michigan on the Supreme Court of the Unted States, June 29th, 1887, pp. 37-70. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. New York and Albany: Banks and brothers., 1891. xxi., (1), 765 pp. 8°. Vlir. The Supreme Court of the United States, pp. 373-418; Notes upon Lecture, VIII, pp. 419-432. Miyakawa, Masuji. Powers of the American people, Congress, President and courts, according to evolution of constitu- tional construction. Washington, D. C: The WilTcens-Sheiry co., 1906. xv, 260 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Paschal, George W. The Constitution of the United States defined and carefully annotated. With an appendix, supplement, and index thereto. [3d edition.] Washington, D. C: William, H. Morrison, 1882. xx, xxa- xxG, (1), \xxi]-lxxii, 6Ji.li. pp. 8°. The judicial power of the United States, pp. 36-38 ; 189-213. Patterson, Christopher Stuart. The United States and the states under the constitution. 2d ed., with notes and references to additional authorities, by Robert P. Reeder. Philadelphia: T. c& J. W. Johnson <& co., 1901^. xli, $1^7 pp. 8°. Peeler, A. J. A treatise on law and equity as distinguished and enforced in the Courts of the United States. Austin: Swindells printing house, 1883. xlvii, 4^25 pp. 8°. 65838—09 3 18 LIBRAEY OP CONGRESS Pennsylvania. General courts 1808. Eesolutions of the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Pennsyl- vania, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, relative to the terms of continuance in, and removal from office of the judges of the Supreme and other courts of the United States. February 24, 1808. City of Washington: A. <& G. Way, 'printers, 1808. 4 l^P- 12°. [U. S. 10th Congress, 1st session, 1807-1808. Sen- ate.'] Pepper, (ireorge Wharton. The border land of federal and state decisions. Philadelqyhia: T. d: J. W. Johnson & co., 1889. x, {2), 121 pp. 8°. Phelps, Edward J. The Supreme Court and the sovereignty of the peojjle. {In Carson, Hampton L. Tlie Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 692-702. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) Same. {Ill his Orations and essays, edited l).v J. G. McCullough, pp. 55-68. New Yorlj, 1901. 8°.) Phillips, Philip. Statutory jurisdiction and proceedings of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2d ed. Washington: W. H. di 0. H. Morrison, 1872. 512 pp. 8°. Same. Revised ed. Oct. 1875. Washington: W. II. & O. H. Morrison, 1876. 548 pp. 8°. The statutory jurisdiction and practice of the Supreme Court of the United States together with forms of process and rules established for the Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, the courts of equity, and the courts of admiralty. 5th edition. By W. Hallett. iVew York and Albany: Banks and brothers, 1887. xxvi, 648 pp. 8°. Pierce, Franklin. Federal usurpation. New Yo7'k: D. Appleton and company, 1908. xx, ^;?7 pp. 8°. " This book is a plea for the sacredness of the Constitution of the United States." The United States Supreme Court the absolute power, pp. 197-237. Pomeroy, John Norton. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Especially designed for students, general and professional. 9th ed. rev. and enl. by Ed- mund H. Bennett. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 19 Boston and New York: PuhlisJied hy Houghton^ Mi^in cfe CO., 1886. osxxviii, 709 fp. 8°. The judicial powers of the United States government, PP- 613-639. [Ramsay, David.] An enqiiiiy into the constitutional authority of the Supreme federal court, over the several states, in their political capacity. Being an answer to Observations upon the government of the United States of America : by James Sullivan, esq., attorney general of the state of Massachusetts. By a citizen of South Carolina. Charleston: PHnted hy IT'. F. Young., Broad-street.^ 1792. 49 pf. 8°. Signed : Hortensius. Ra-wle, William. A view of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2d. ed. Philadelphia: Philip H. Nicklin, 1829. 349 pp. 8°. Of the judicial power, pp. 199-208; Of general tribunals, and first of the Supreme Court, pp. 222-228. Rose, Walter Malins. A code of federal procedure. (Superseding Desty's Federal procedure.) Embodying enactments of Congress, constitutional provisions, established principles, and court rules, in force December 1, 1906, and the Bank- ruptcy act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a collection of forms and jDrecedents. San Francisco: Bav croft-Whitney company, 1907. 3 vfls. 8°. Schouler, James. Constitutional studies, state and federal. New York: Dodd, Mead and company^ 1897. xii, 332 pp. 12°. Federal constitution analyzed : The judiciary, pp. 169-177. Shiras, Oliver Perry, comp. Equity practice in the United States Circuit courts, A compilation of the provisions govern- ing the same as found in the statutes of the United States, rules in equity and decisions of the Supreme court. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1898. 226 pp. 12°. Simkins, William Stewart. A suit in equity in the federal courts. Austin: Vo?i B oeckmann-J ones company, pHnters, 190 4. vi. 665 pp. 8°. 20 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Simonton, Charles H. The federal courts. Their organization, jurisdiction, and procedure. Lectures before the Rich- mond law school, Richmond college, Virginia. RicTiTYiond^ Va.: B. F. Johnson 'publishing co.^ 1896. 120 ff. 8\ Smith, James Allen. The spirit of American government; a study of the Constitution : its origin, influence, and relation to democracy. New York: The Macmillan company, 1907. xv, 1^09 pp. m°. The federal judiciary, pp. 65-124. Spear, Samuel T. The law of the federal judiciary : a treatise on the provisions of the constitution, the laws of Congi-ess, and the judicial decisions relating to the jurisdiction of, and practice and pleading in the federal courts. New York: Baker, Voorhis <& go., 1883. xxvii, 872 pp. 8°. Stevens, C. Ellis. Sources of the Constitution of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history. New York: Macmillan and co.,1894. xiii, {1),277 pp. 12°. The judiciary, pp. 178-206. Stickney, Albert. A true republic. New York: Harper d; brothers, 1879. 271 pp. 12°. "The judiciary," pp. 204-205. Favors popular election, Stimson, Frederic Jesup. The American constitution ; the national powers ; the rights of the states ; the liberties of the people. New York: Charles Scribner^s sons, 1908. {8), 259 pp. Folded diagrams. 12°. Division of powers between legislative, executive, and judicial ; pp. 167-203. Story, Joseph, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the Constitution, 5th edition by Melville M. Bigelow. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1891. 2 vols. 8°. Judiciary — organization and powers, vol. 2, pp. 391-576. Sumner, Charles, Remodelling of the Supreme Court of the Unite'd States, Remarks in the Senate, on the bill to reorganize the judiciary of the United States, April 2, 1866. {In Ms Complete works. Statesman ed., vol. 14, pp. 30-32. Bos- ton, 1900. S°.) WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 21 Sutherland, William A. Notes on the Constitution of the United States showing the construction and operation of the Con- stitution as determined by the federal Supreme Court. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney company^ 190 If. xv,97S pp. 8°. Judicial department, pp. 496-550. ( ^ Taft, William Howard, llecent criticism of the Federal judiciary. {In his Present day problems, pp. 290-332. New York, 190S. 12°.) " Delivered before the American bar association, Detroit Michigan, August 28, 1895." Taylor, Hannis. Jurisdiction and procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States. Rochester: The Lawyers^ co-operative publishing company, 1905. Ixvi, 1007 pp. 8°. Thatcher, Erastus. A digest of statutes, rules, and decisions relative to the jurisdiction and practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2d ed., with an appendix of practical forms. Boston: Little. Brown, and company, 1883. xxiv, 602 pp. 8°. The Library has also the first edition published in 1882. Thayer, Amos M. Jurisdiction of the federal courts. St. Louis, Mo.: IF. TF. Brewer & co., \1895\. 1^8 pp. 8°. Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chicago: Callaghan <& company, 1901. 3 vols. 8°. The judiciary, see Index, vol. 3, pp. 617-620. Tiffany, Joel. A treatise on government and constitutional law. Albany, N. Y.: W. C. Little, 1867. 398, 179 pp. 8°. Of the judicial powers, pp. 356-369. Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Eeeve, with a critical and biographical introduc- tion by John Bigelow. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1899. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. {The world's great books.) The Supreme Court, vol. 1, pp. 136-146. ■• Appointive vs. elective judiciary, vol. 2, p. 458. Towle, Nathaniel C. A history and analysis of the Constitution of the United States. 3d ed. rev. and enlarged. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1871. ix, (3), JfUvV' ^°' The judicial power of the United States, pp. 18-20, 187-194. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Townsend, Edward Waterman. Our Constitution : why and how it was made — who made it, and what it is. New York: Moffat, Yard (& company, 1906. 322 pp. 8°. The Supreme Court, pp. 144, 148, 150, 1.58, 171, 194, 198, 227. Tucker, John Randolph. The Constitution of the United States. A critical discussion of its genesis, development, and inter- pretation. Edited by Henry St. George Tucker. Chicago: Callaghan & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8°. The judicial department, vol. 2. pp. 758-820. United States. Bureau of rolls and library. Documentary history of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1786-1870. Derived from records, manuscripts, and rolls deposited in the Bureau of rolls and library of the De- partment of State. Washington: Department of state, 1894-1905. 5 vols. F°. Published originally in parts, as Appendix I-V of Bulletin of the " Bureau of rolls and library " no. 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9, 1893- 97 (no. 9 issued 1900). Reprinted according to a concurrent resolution passed by the Senate Jan. 24, 1901, and by the House of representatives Feb. 9, 1901. Vol. Ill has an appendix (not included in the original ed.) "Additional notes by Madison for the introduction to his notes of debates in the Federal convention," pp. 796a-796o. Supreme Court, see Index, vol. 3, p. 894. 7th Cong., 1st sess., 1801-1802. Debates in the Congress of the United States, on the bill for repealing the law " for the more convenient organization of the courts of the United States;" during the first session of the Seventh Congress. And a list of the yeas and nays on that in- teresting subject. Albany: Printed for Collie?- and Stockivell, 1802. 796 pp. 8°. Debates in the Senate of the United States on the judiciary, during the first session of the Seventh Congress; also, the several motions, resolutions, and votes taken upon that momentous subject; and a complete list of the yeas and nays, as entered on the journals. Philadelphia: E. Branson, 1802. 321^ pp. 8°. 35th Cong., 2d sess. House ex. doc. no. 39. Letter from the Secretary of the interior, transmitting tabular statement of the expenses of the Supreme Court of the United States, &c. Jan. 11, 1859. 3 pp. 8°. WORKS RELATING TO SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES 23 United States. 5Gth Cong., 2d sess. House report no. 2707. Erec- tion of a court of justice building, etc. Report from the Committee on public buildings and grounds. Feb. 5, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. Favorable. 57th Coiif/., 2d 8es8. House report no. 21J17. Erection of a building for a court of justice. Report from the Com- mittee on public buildings and grounds. Dec. 19, 1902. 4 pp. 8°. Favorable. Court of claims. Rules of the Court of claims of the United States and rules of the Supreme court of the United States relating to appeals from the Court of claims. Washington: Cr ov eminent printing ofice., 1907. J^S jyp. 8°. Dept. of justice. Repl}^ of the Attorney-general, dated January 3, 1903, to a communication dated December 20, 1902, from the Hon. George F. Hoar, chairnuni of the Committee on the judiciary. United States Senate. Sherman antitrust law, and list of decisions relating thereto. Also an address delivered by Philander C. Knox on the commerce clause of the Constitution and the trust, at Pittsburg, Pa., October 14, 1902. Washington: CTOvernm£}it printing office, 1903. {2), 50 pp. 8°. {57the Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 73.) « Electoral commission. The Proceedings of the Electoral commission appointed under the Act of Congress ap- proved January 29, 187T, entitled "An Act to provide for and regulate the counting of votes for President and Vice- President, and the decisions of questions arising thereon, for the term commencing March 4, A. D. 1877." Washington: Government printing office, 1877. {Jf), 309 pp. F° . {C ongressional Record, Forty-fourth Congress, sec- ond session, part IV, vol. V.) Tlie following Justices of the Supreme Court were members of the Commission, and their part In the proceedings of the Commission can be learned onlj' from this work: Nathan Clifford, William Strong, Samuel F. Miller, Stephen .J. Field, and Joseph P. Bradlej-. Laws, statutes, etc., 1905-1906 {59th Cong., 1st sess.). A bill to revise, codify, and amend the laws relating to the ju- diciary. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Washington: Government printing office^ 1906.] 399^ {1) pp. 4°. {69th Cong., 1st sess. H. R. 1^71.) Introduced in the House, by Mr. Moon of Pennsylvania, Feb. 15, 1906. United States. Laws., statutes., etc. Title xvi. The judiciary. [Washington: Government printing office., 1907.'] 158-342 pp. r. Caption title. Revised by the Commission to revise and codify the laws, 1S97-1906, printed in connection with the work of the Joint committee on the revision of the laws. — Supreme Court. Breakfast to the justices of the Supreme court of the United States, in the American academy of music, Sept. 15, 1887, by the bar of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott co., 1888. 61 pp. Portrait. 12°. {Law academy of Philadelphia.) Same. {In Carson, Hampton L. History of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the promulgation of the Consti- tution of the United States, vol. 2, pp. 303-334. Philadelphia, 1889. 4°.) Proceedings of the bench and bar of the Supreme court of the United States; in memoriam. Matthew H. Carpenter. Washington: J. L. Pearson, printer, 1881. 29 pp. 8°. Rules of the Supreme court of the United States, adopted January 7, 1884, and the rules of practice for the Circuit and District courts of the United States in equity and admiralty cases and orders in reference to appeals from Court of claims. Washington: GovemTnent printing office, 1907. 101pp. 8°. Other editions in the Library of Congress. Van Tyne, Claude Halstead, and Waldo Gifford Leland. Guide to the archives of the government of the United States in Washington. 2d ed. rev. and enl. by W. G. Leland. [Washington] : Carnegie institution of Washington, 1907. xiii, 327 pp. 4°. {On verso of t.-p.: Carnegie institution of Washington. Publication no. 92. Papers of the Dept. of historical research. J. F. Jameson, ed.) " Supreme Court of the United States," pp. 250-251. WOEKS EELATING TO SUPEEME COUET OP UNITED STATES 25 Virginia. General assembly^ 1820-1821. House of delegates. Re- port and resolutions concerning the citation of the com- monwealth, to answer a complaint before the Supreme court of the United States. < Printed by order of the House of delegates. > RicJitnond: Pnnted hy T. Ritchie., 'printer for the common- wealth, 1821. ^4 pp. 8°. A discussion of the relative powers of tlie federal and state governments, and a denial of the right of the Supreme court of the United States to examine and correct a judgment rendered by the state courts of Virginia in a case arising fi'om an act of Congress empowering the corporation of the city of Washington to establish lotteries for effecting the improvement of the city, and the consequent vending and distributing of lottery tickets within the jurisdictional limits of Virginia, contrary to the laws of the state. A substitute proposed by Mr. Miller, of Powhatan, for the report and resolutions concerning the citation of the commonwealth to answer a complaint before the Su- preme court of the United States. < Printed by order of the House of delegates. > Richmond: Printed hy T. Ritchie., printer for the common- wealth, 1821. 12 pp. 8°. An inquiry into the jurisdiction of the Supreme court and a protest against its right to examine and correct a judgment rendered by the state courts of Virginia in a case arising from an act of Congress empowering the corporation of the city of Washington to establish lotteries for effecting the improvement of the city, and the consequent vending and distributing of lottery tickets within the jurisdictional limits of Virginia, contrary to the laws of the state. Webster, Daniel. Independence of the judiciary. (In Ms Works, vol. 3, pp. 26-32. Boston, 1S51. 8°.) Webster, Sidney. Two treaties of Paris and the Supreme court. New York and London: Harper <& hros., 1901. (4), 132, (1) pp. 12\ Wells, J. C. A treatise on the jurisdiction of courts. In two vol- umes. Saint Paul: West publishing company, 1880. 2 vols. 8°. Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. The Supreme Court of the United States: its history and influence in our constitutional system. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1890. (6), 124, (^) pp. 8°. {Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Extra vol. vii.) 65838—09 4 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Woodburn, James Albert. The American republic and its govern- ment, an analysis of the government of the United States, Avith a consideration of its fundamental principles and of its relations to the states and territories. - New York and London: G. P. Putnanfi's sons, 1903. v. (1), JflO pp. 8°. {American politics.) The judiciary, pp. 317-341. The making of the Constitution, a syllabus of " Madi- son's Journal of the Constitutional Convention," together with a few outlines based on " The Federalist." Chicago: Scott, Foresman, & co., 1908. (^), vii, S-Jfi {%) J)p. 8°. THE SUPREME COURT: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1830. The tribunal of dernier resort. Southern review^ vol. 6 {Nov., 1830) : Ji.21-513. 1838. Supreme Court of tlie United States. New York review, vol. 2 {Apr., 1838) : 372-^0^. 1850. Supreme Court of the United States. Living age, vol. 24 {Mar. 23, 1850) : 650-652. 1854. The Supreme Court of the United States in 1853-4. American law register, vol. 2 {Oct., 1864) : 705-712. 1868. The Supreme Court bills. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 6 {Jan. 30, 1868) : 85-86. 1868. The use of the Supreme Court to the Union. J. N. Pomeroy. Nation, vol. 6 {Feb. 20, 1868) : 11^6-147. 1868. Congress and the Supreme Court. George B. Butler. Harper''s new monthly magazine, vol. 36 {Apr., 1868) : 657- 662. 1869. The new United States judges. A. G. Sedgwick. Nation, vol. 9 {Dec. 2, 1869) : 477-479. 1870. The Supreme Court of the United States. Irish law times, vol. 4 {Jan. 1, 1870) : 2-3. 1870. The Supreme Court of the United States. Alhany law journal, vol. 1 {Mar. 12, 1870) : 188-189. 1870. The Supreme Court of the United States. Penn monthly, vol. 1 {May, 1870) : 161-172. 1871. The Supreme Court and its theory of nationality. J. N. Pomeroy. Nation, vol. 12 {June 29, 1871) : 445-446. 1874. How will the United States Supreme Court decide the Granger railroad case? David A. Wells. Nation, vol. 19 {Oct. 29, 1874) ' 282-284. 27 28 LIBEAKY OF CONGKESS 1875. The Supreme Court of the United States. Central law journal^ vol. 2 {Jan. 22^ 1875) : 55-56. Arguments against increasing the number of judges. 1875. The Supreme Court. American law review^ vol. 9 {July^ 1875) : 668-683. 1875. The delay of business in the Supreme Court of the United States. J. M. McCorkle. Central law journal, vol. 2 {Aug. 6, 1875) : 512-513. 1875. Delay of business in the Supreme Court of the United States — another suggestion. W. L. Nugent. Central law journal., vol. 2 {Aug. 20, 1875) : 5Ji5. 1875. The Supreme Court as a stepping-stone to something else. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 21 {Dec. 2, 1875) : 352. 1876. Supreme Court of the United States. Central law journal, vol. 3 {Mar. 31, 1876) : 216. Abstract of a paper by Job E. Stevenson, published in Ameri- can Law Record. 1876. United States Supreme Court — when causes will be taken up out of their order. Central law journal, vol. 3 {Nov. 17, 1876) : 732. 1881. Partisanship in the Supreme Court. John T. Morgan. North American review, vol. 132 {Feb., 1881) : 176-186. 1881. " The needs of the Supreme Court." 'Washington law reporter, vol. 9 {Apr. 20, 1881): 241-24-2. 1881. The needs of the Supreme Court. William Strong. North American review, vol. 132 {May, 1881) : 437-450. 1882. The Supreme Court. Pacific coast law journal, vol. 8 {Jan. 28, 1882) : 923-927. 1882. Relief of the Supreme Court. Albany law journal, vol. 25 {May 13, 1882) : 370-372. Extract from the Minority report of the Committee of the Amer. bar association. 1882. The plans for the relief of the Supreme Court. A. G. Sedg- wick. Nation, vol. 34 {May 18, 1882) : 418-419. SUPREME court: ARTICLES IN" PERIODICALS 29 1882. The Supreme Court of the United States. E. V. Smalley. Century raagazine^ vol. 25 {Dec, 1882) : 163-181. ^ 1883. The Supreme Court and state repudiation — The Virginia and Louisiana cases. John Norton Pomeroy. American law review, vol. 17 {/Sept.-Oct., 1883) : 68^-73Ji.. 1883. Professor Pomeroy and the United States Supreme Court — His arraignment of it not justified. James F. Mister. American law review, vol 17 {Nov.-Dec., 1883) : 933-9^7. 1884. The United States Supreme Court and the civil rights act. William W. Patton. New Eiiglander, vol. J,.3 {Jan., 1884) •' ^--?^- 1884. The relief of the Supreme Court of the United States. William M. Meigs. American law register, vol. 32 {June, 1884) ' 360-370. 1885. The Supreme Court of the United States and the influences that have contributed to make it the greatest judicial tribunal in the world. Thomas A. Hendricks. Chicago legal news, vol. 17 {July 18, 1885) : 380-382. 1887. The veto power of the Supreme Court. James R. Doolittle. Chicago law times, vol. 1 {Apr., 1887) : 177-186. 1887. A theory of sovereignty under the federal constitution. Robert Ludon Fowler. American law review, vol. 21 {May-June, 1887) : 399-417^ . . . " and that the general or Union government succeeded to the particular powers of sovereignty, classified by the writers of the last century under the Prerogatives of the Crown." " The facts of history then seem to declare that the govern- ment of the United States was Federal even before the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and to account for the federated sovereignty by inherent forces operating normally, not artificially." y 1887. Parties and the Supreme Court. E. P. Clark. Nation, vol. 44 {May 26, 1887) : 442. 1887. Remarks of Chief Justice Waite on " The Supreme Court of the United States." Albany law journal, vol. 36 {Oct. 15, 1887) : 318. 1888. " The Supreme Court of the United States." Response to toast. John M. Harlan. Chicago legal news, vol. 20 {Feb. 25, 1888) : 208. 30 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1888. How a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is installed. American law review, vol. 22 {Mar.-Apr., 1888) : 276. Installation of Mr. Justice Lamar. 1889. Relief for the Supreme Court. Alfred Conkling Coxe. Forum, vol. 6 {Feh., 1889) : 567-578. 1889. United States Supreme Court. Frank H. Brooks. Chicago legal news, vol. 21 {Mar. 23, 1889) : 257. 1889. Relief of the United States Supreme Court. Samuel Max- well. American law review, vol. 23 {Nov.-Dec, 1889) : 958-96^. 1889. The Supreme Court. Nation, vol. Jf9 {Dec. 19, 1889) : 489-^90. Same reprinted in The Advocate, vol. 2, Jan. 15, 1890, pp. 26-27. 1890. The Supreme Court of the United States. Edward J. Phelps. Jui'idical review, vol. 2 {1890) : 122-130. 1890. The Supreme Court and interstate commerce. Charles A. Culberson. American laio review, vol. 24 {Jan.-Feb., 1890) : 25-63. 1890. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. Henry Hitchcock. Advocate, vol. 2 {F&b. 18, 1890) : 77-82. 1890. The Supreme Court room. Current comment, vol. 2 {Feb. 15, 1890) : 95-99. 1890. The power of the Supreme Court. Eaton S. Drone. Forum, vol. 8 {Fel., 1890) : 653-661^. 1890. The Supreme Court of the United States. James D. Colt. New England magazine, n. .y H. DeF. Clark(>. Washington, 1888. 8°. Le-wis, William Draper. A United States Supreme court and United States Circuit court of appeals digest, comprising the Supreme court reports, volumes 142 to 163 inclusive, from October, 1891, to October, 1895, and the Circuit court of appeals reports, volumes 1 to 23 inclusive, vol- ume 27, and advance parts to June 15, 1896. New York, Albany, N. Y.: Banks and brothers, 1897. xciv, 802 pp. 8°. ^ SUPREME COURT: DIGESTS OF REPORTS 43 Michie, Thomas Johnson, ed. The encyclopedia of United States Supreme Court reports; being a complete encyclopedia of all the case law of the federal Supreme court up to and including volume 206 U. S. Supreme court reports (book 51 Lawyers' ed. ) under the editorial supervision of Thomas Johnson Michio. V. 1-3. • Cliadottenrille^ Va.: The Michie company, 1908-1909. 3 vols. 4°. Myer, William G. An index to the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, embracing all the reported decisions of the court from its organization to the present date. St. Louis, Mo.: 71'. /. Gilbert, 1878. 537 pp. 8°. An Obiter digest of the United States Supreme court reports (i Dallas to 197 U. S.) ; a collection of -the obiter statements of law found in the opinions of the justices; comp. by the Publishers' editorial staff. Northport, Long Island, N. Y.: E. Thompson company, 1906. 2 vols. J^°. Contents. — v. 1. Abandonmeut to Interpretation and construc- tion. — V. 2. Interstate commerce to Yachts. Peters, Richard. Full and arranged digest of cases decided in the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of the United States, from the organization of the government. Philadel2?hia, 1838-1839. 3 vols. <5°. Same. 1789 to 18-17. Philadelphia, 1838-1839. 3 vols. 8°. Phillips, W. Hallett. A manual of the cases decided in the United States Supreme Court and cited in other cases in the same court, with the points of reference. '2d ed. From 2 Dal- las to 113 U. S. reports. New York : Banks & brothers, 1885. (6) , 487 pp. 8°. Rose, AValter Malins. Digest of the United States reports from the beginning to the October term, 1902. V. 1 to 186 United States inclusive, Avith table of cases, table of citations of all non-federal cases cited by the Supreme Court, table of citations of constitutional and statutory provisions, state and federal, and the equity, admiralty, and general rules of the Supreme Court. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney company, 1903. 3 vols. 8°. CuNTENTS. — V. 1. Abandoned property act to Equitable title. — V. 2. Equity to Seal fisheries. — v. 3. Seamen to Yosemite Valley, and appendix. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Rose, Walter Malins. Notes on the United States reports; a brief chronological digest of all points determined in the de- cisions of the Supreme court. San Francisco: Bancroft-W hitney co.^ 1899-1901. 13 vols. * Russell, William Hepburn, and William Beverly Winslo-w. Eus- sell & Winslow's syllabus-digest of all the decisions of the Sujjreme court of the United States from 1 Dallas to 18G United States, inclusive. New York: The Banks law publishing co., 1900-1903. 4 vols. 4°- — Russell & Winslow's index-digest of all the deci- sions of the Supreme court of the United States from 1 Dallas to 202 United States, inclusive. Nedv York: The Banks law publishing co.^ 1907. io, 6603- 6169 pp. Jf\ ■' The index-digest liere bound separately was first publislied as a part of the larger worlc in four volnmes linown as ' Russell & Winslow's syll-ibns-digest of the United States Supreme court reports.' " Sutherland, W. A. An index to the first four volumes of Notes on United States reports [by W. JNl. Rose] embracing 2 Dall. to 10 How. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney co., 1900. xiii, 263 pp. 8°. Thompson, Charles Lawrence. Notes on the United States Supreme court reports, supplementary to Rose's Notes on United States reports, showing the present authority of each case as disclosed by the citations as found in all the reports both federal and state from the publication of Rose's Notes up to and including July 1, 1904, with parallel references to American state reports and the Reporter system. Supple- ment 1-3. San Francisco, Gal.; Bancroft-Whitney co., 1904-1905. 3 vols. 8°. United States. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports from the organiza- tion of the court in 1789 to October term, 1894. Rochester, N. Y.: Prepared and puMished by the Lawyers'' co-operative publishing co., 1894-1895. 3 vols. 8°. SUPREME COURT : DIGESTS OF REPORTS 45 United States. Supreme Court. Indexed digest of the United States Supreme court reports; supplement; all decisions of the October terms, 189J-1897, vols. 155-170, pp. 1-438. vol. 171. Federal court rules. Rochester., N. Y.: 'The Lawyers' co-operative pub. co.., 1898. 8°. ■ Indexed digest of the United States Supreme court reports; su implement, all decisions of the October terms, 1894-1901, volumes 155-186. Federal court rules. Rochester, A'. Y./ The Lawyer''s co-operative publishing company, 1903. (6), 696, {2), 13^ pp. 8". Morrison's Transcripts of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Vol. 1-5 [Oct. terms 1880-1882]. Washington, I). C: \V . II. \and 0. II. \ Monison, 1881- 1888. 6 vols. 8\ ■ — Shepard's citations of all cases in the United States Supreme Court repofts which have had a subsequent cita- tion. Showing by parallel references if the same has been affirmed, criticised, distinguished, explained, followed, harmonized, limited, modified, overruled, reversed, ques- tioned or same case. Also the exact point in the syllabus to which a citation refers. [3d ed. 1-183 U. S.] New York: TJie Frank Shepard company, 1902. 226 I. in- terleaved. 8'- oo Same. Cumulative supplement for volumes 184 to 210 [U. S.]. New York: The Frank Shepard co., 1908. 8". Wheaton, Henry. Digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789 to 1829. New York, 1821-1829. 2 vols. 8' oo BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL RELATING TO THE CHIEF JUS- TICES AND JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT GENERAL A. L. A. portrait index. Index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals, comp. with the cooperation of many librarians and others for the Publishing board of the American library association. Ed. by William Coolidge Lane and Nina E. Browne. Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. Ixxiv, (2), WOO, (2) pp. 4°. At bead of title : Library of Congress. For reference to the Chief Justices and Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court, see under individual names. Barnes, William Horatio. The American government. Washington: W. H. Barnes di co.. 1875-76. S vols. Fron- tispieces. Portraits. 4-°- The Supreme Court: Morrison K. Waite, Chief-Justice, vol. 1, pp. 65-72 ; Nathan Clifford, pp. 73-79 ; Noah H. Swayue, pp. 79-82; Samuel F. Miller, pp. 83-88; David Davis, pp. 89-94; Stephen J. Field, pp. 95-100; William Strong, pp. 101-lOG; Joseph P. Bradley, pp. 107-112; Ward Hunt, pp. 113-llG. The Supreme Court of the United States : a series of biogra- phies. With an introduction, by Samuel F. Miller. Washington, D. C: W. H. Barnes cG co., 1877. {2), 116 pp. Poi'traits. Ii° . Contents. — The American judiciary, by Samuel F. Miller ; John Jay ; John llutledge ; Oliver Ellsworth ; John ^Mar- shall; Roger B. Taney; Salmon P. Chase; Morrison R. Waite ; Nathan Clifford ; Noah H. Swayne ; Samuel F. Miller; David Davis; Stephen J. Field; William Strong; Joseph P. Bradley ; Ward Hunt. Batertian, Horatio. Biographies of two hundred and fifty distin- guished national men. 1st ed. New York: John T. Giles & co., 1871. 12°. John Jay, p. 32; John Marshall, p. 50; Josheph Story, p. 51; Roger B. Taney, p. 81; Salmon P. Chase, p. 172; Edwin M. Stanton, p. 195. 46 SUPREME COURT : BIOGRAPHIES OF JUSTICES 47 The Biographical cyclopaedia and portrait galler}' with an histori- cal sketch of the state of Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio: Western hiografhical puhlishing com- pany, 1 883-188 Jf. 2 vols. F°. \ John McLean, vol. 1. pp. 81-S2; Salmon P. Chase, pp. 91-92: Edwin M. Stanton, pp. 271-272 ; Moriisctn Keniick Waite, pp. 303-304; Stanley Matthews, vol. 2, pp. 497-498. The Biographical cyclopaedia of representative men of Maryland and the District of Columbia. BaltiTnore : National hiografhical jmhlishing company, 1870. Portraits. Jf°. Judge Samuel Chase, pii. 183-184; Roger Brooke Tanej-, pp. 128-130. The Biographical encyclopaedia of Kentucky of the dead and livino- men of tlie nineteenth century. Cincinnati, Ohio: J. M. Armstrong & company, 1878. I^°. John Marshall Harlan, pp. 31-32; Samuel F. Miller, pp. 46- 47; Thomas Todd, p. 195; John McKinley, p. 298; Robert Trimble, p. 354. The Biographical encyclopaedia of New Jersey of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia: Galaxy puhlishing company, 1877. Portraits. F°. Joseph P. Bradley, pp. 415^10: Bushrod Washington, in". 418-420: Henry Brockholst Livingston, pp. 427-428. The Biographical encyclopaedia of Ohio of the nineteenth century. Cincinnati and P/iiladdphia: Galaxy puhlishing company. 1876. Portraits. F°. Salmon Portland Chase, pp. 5-7 : Morrison K. Waite, pp. 235- 236; Edwin M. Stanton, pp. 256-258; John McLean, pp. ,512-513; Stanley Matthews,, p. 652. The Biographical encyclopaedia of Pennsylvania of tlie nine- teenth century. Philadelphia: Galaxy puhlishing company, 187 4. Portraits. F°. Robert Cooper Grier, pp. 266-267: William Strong, pr>. 409^ 410; Edwin M. Stanton, pp. .595-597. Brennan, Joseph Fletcher, cd. A biographical cyclopedia and por- trait gallery of distinguished men, with an historical sketch, of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati: Puhlished hy John C. Yorston <& company, 1879. F°. Salmon P. Chase, pp. 73-74; Morrison Remick Waite, pp. 80- 81 ; Edwin M. Stanton, pp. 88-89 ; Stanley JNIatthews, p. 97 ; Noah H. Swayne, pp. 101-102; John McLean, pp. 104-106. 48 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS The Chief Justices. (In Albany law jourual, vol. 7, May 24, 1873, pp. 323-324.) Curtis, William Eleroy. The seven Chief Justices of the United States. {In Chautauquaii, vol. 25, July, 1897, pp. 339-347.) John Jay, Oliver Ellsworth, John Marshall, Roger B. Taney, Salmon P. Chase, Morrison E. Waite, and Melville W. Fuller. Flanders, Henry. The lives and times of the Chief Justices of the vSupreme Court of the United States. [Rev. ed.] New York: James Cochcroft d; company^ 1875. 2 vols. Frontispieces. 8°. Contents. — 1. The life of John Jay, pp. 11^29; Life of John Rutledge, pp. 431-64.5. 2. The life of William Cushing, pp. 11-.51; Life of Oliver Ellsworth, pp. 55-276; Life of John Marshall, pp. 279-550. , Reviewed in The American law register, vol. 3, Aug., 1855, pp. 592-598 ; The North American review, vol. 81, Oct., 1855, pp. 346-361, [French, Benjamin Franklin.] Biographia Americana. New York: PuUished hy D. Mnllory. 1825. mi, 356 pp. 8". John Blair, page 48; Oliver Ellsworth, pp. 106-108; John Jay, VV- 179-180; John Marshall, page 228; John Rutledge, pp. 274-276. Headley, Phineas C. Public men of to-day. Hartford: S. S. Scranton <& company, 1882. ii\, 799 pp. Portraits. 8°. Justices of the Supreme Court: Morrison R. Waite, pp. 657- 602; Samuel F. Miller, pp. 663-068; Stephen J. Field, pp. 609-672; Joseph P. Bradley, pp. 073-675; Ward Hunt, pp. 676-677; John Marshall Harlan, pp. 678-680; William B. Woods, pp. 081-082 ; Stanley Matthews, pp. 683-684 ; Horace Gray, pp. 685-687. Johnson, Frances Benjamin. The Justices of the Supreme Court. iln American illustrnted magazine, vol. 01, Ajn-., 1906, pp. 0.S4-642.) "A series of photogi'aphs."' Jones, Abner D. The American portrait gallery. New York: J. M. Emerson and company, 1855. Portraits. 8°. John Jay, pp. 63-04 ; Chief Justice Marshall, pp. 97-98 ; Joseph Story, LL. D., pp. 141-142 ; Levi Woodbury, pp. 169-170. / SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF JUSTICES 49 The Justices of the United States Supreme Court. {In Harper's weekly, vol. 12, Feb. 1, 1868, pp. 72-74.) The Line of the Chief Justices. {In Legal intelligencer, vol. 21, Dec. 23, 1804, pp. 412-41,3.) McKinley, Andrew. The Taney bench. {In Green bag, vol. 16, June, 1904, pp. 369-372.) Maury, Nannie-Belle. Personnel of the Supreme Court. {In CosuK)politan, vol. 24, Feb., 189S, pp. .3G9-.374.) [Neale, Walter.] Autobiographies and portraits of the President, Cabinet, Supreme court, and fifty-fifth Congress, v. 1. [Anon.] Washington, D. C: The Neale co., J 899 11898'], Plates. Portraits. 8°. The Nine arbiters of American destiny. {In Current literature, vol. 43, Nov., 1907, pp. 500-509.) Parsons, R. C. Sketch of the bench and bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1866. {In Western reserve law journal, vol. 1, March, 1895, pp. 43-51.) Patterson, T. Elliott. History of three of the Chief Justices of the ^________— UTnited States. [Detroitf] 1897. 21, (!) pp. Portraits. 13°. Cover-title. " Written for the Law student's helper, Detroit, and first pub- lished in that magazine." Contents. — Marshall. — Taney. — Chase. History of three Chief Justices of the United States Supreme Court. {In Law student's helper, vol. 5, Sept., 1897, pp. 321-323; Oct., 1897, pp. 353-355; Nov., 1897, pp. 383-385.) I. John Marshall. II. Roger Brooke Taney. III. Salmon Portland Chase. Poore, Benjamin Perley. The political register and congressional directory : a statistical record of the federal officials, legis- lative, executive, and judicial, of the United States of America, 1776-1878. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and company, 1878. vi, (2), 716 pp. Frontispiece. 4°- The judiciary, pp. 243-247. 65838—09 7 50 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Proctor, L. B. John Jay and other Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. (In Michigan law journal, vol. 5, May, 1896, pp. 153-164.) Semmes, Thomas J. The personal characteristics of the Chief Justices. {In Carson, Hampton L. Tlie Supreme Court of the United States, part 2, pp. 664-G92. Philadelphia, 1892. 4°.) United States. Supreme Court. Biographical sketches of the Chief Justices [and Associate Justices] of the Supreme Court of the United States. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. ix-cvi. Rochester, N. Y. 1894. 8°.) Contents. — John J:iy; John Rutledge; Oliver Ellsworth; John Marshall; Roger B. Taney; Salmon P. Chase; ]\Iorrison Remick Waite; Melville Weston Fuller; William Cushing; James Wilson; John Blair; James Iredell; Thomas John- son; William Paterson ; Samuel Chase; Bushrod Washing- ton: Alfred Moore; William Johnson; Brockholst Liv- ingston; Thomas Todd; Joseph Story; Gabriel Duvall ; Smith Thompson ; Robert Trimble ; John McLean ; Henry Baldwin; James Moore Wayne; Philip Pendleton Barbour: John Catron ; John McKinley ; Peter Vivian Daniel ; Samuel Nelson ; Levi Woodbury ; Robert Cooper Grier ; Benjamin Bobbins Curtis ; John Archibald Campbell ; Nathan Clif- ford; Noah Hayes Swayne: Samuel F. Miller; David Davis; Stephen Johnson Field; William Strong; Joseph P. Bradley; Ward Hunt; John Marshall Harlan; William B. Woods; Stanley Matthews; Horace Gray; Samuel Blatchford ; Lu- cius Q. C. Lamar; David Josiah Brewer; Henry Billings Brown ; George Shiras, jr. ; Howell Edmunds Jackson ; Ed- ward Douglass White. The United States Supreme Court. (In Legal news, vol. 10, Sept. 3, 1887, pp. 285-288.) Short sketches of the members of the Supreme Court. United States Supreme Court judges. {In Legal news, vol. 9, Dec. 4, 1886, pp. 391-392.) Van Santvoord, George. Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. New York: Charles Scribner, 1854. ''^'^V, 533 pp. Frontis- piece. 8°. Contents.— John Jay, pp. ,3-88; John Rutledge, pp. 91-190; Oliver Ellsworth, pp. 193-291; John Marshall, pp. 20.3-456; Roger B. Taney, pp. 459-533. Reviewed in Law reporter, vol. 17, Nov., 1854, pp. 861-373; Law magazine, vol, 53, Feb., 1855, pp. 138-148; Southern quarterly review, n. s. vol. 11, Apr., 1855, pp. 331-371. SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF JUSTICES 51 Waterloo, Stanley, and John Wesley Hanson, jr. Famous Amer- ican men and women. {Chicago f 1895.] Portraits. S°. Melville W. Fuller, p. 6; Heury Billings Brown, p. 142; Ste- phen Johnson Field, p. 216 ; Horace Gray, p. 246 ; John Marshall Harlan, p. 256; George Shiras, p. 402; Erlward Douglass White, p. 468. Wheeler, David Hilton. The justices of the Supreme Court. (Ill Chautauquan, vol. 28, Aug., 1896, pp. 531-539.) Melville W. Fuller, Stephen J. Field, John M. Harlan, Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry B. Brown, George Shiras, jr., Edward D. White, Riifns W. Peckham. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF JOHN JAY Barre, W. L. John Jay. {In Jiis Lives of illustrious men of America, pp. 334-348. Cin- cinnati, 1859. 8°.) Baxter, Katharine Schuyler. John Jay; statesman and first Chief Justice of the United States. (In her A Godchild of Washington, pp. 87-94. New York, 1897. 4°.) Brooks, Elbridge S. The story of John Jay, of Bedford, first Chief Justice of the United States, {In his Historic Americans, pp. 146-160. New York, 1899. S°.) Gillett, E. H. The Christian statesmen of America. No. 5. John Jay. {In Hours at home, vol. 3, June, 1866, pp. 161-168.) Hackett, William H. Y. Sketch of the life and character of John Jay. (In American review, vol. 2, July, 1845, pp. 59-68.) Halsey, John J. A modern Eoman [John Jay.] (In Dial (Chicago), vol. 11, Sept., 1890, pp. 111-112.) Herring, James. John Jay. {In Longacre, James B. and James Herring, The National portrait gallery, vol. 2, pp. 47-62. Philadelphia, 1835. 4°.) Hildreth, R. John Jay. {In Spoflford, A. R. cd. The Library of historic characters, vol. 4, pp. 354-362. Philadelphia, 1894. 8°.) Hubbard, Elbert. John Jay. {In his Little journeys to the homes of American statesmen, pp. 327-361. New York, 1898. 12°.) Jay, William. The life of John Jay. With selections from his cor- respondence and miscellaneous papers. New York : J. & J. Harper, 1833. 2 vols. 8°. 52 SUPKEME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 53 Jenkins, John S. John Jay. {In his Lives of the governors of the state of New York, pp. 74-131. Auburn, 1851. 8°.) Jones, Francis R. John Jay. {In Green bag, vol. 13, Jan., 1901, pp. 1-4.) The Life and character of John Jay. {In Western monthly magazine, vol. 4, Sept., 183."'>. pp. 178- 186; Oct., 1835, pp. 211-223.) Life and opinions of Jolm Jay, {In American quarterly review, vol. 14, Dec, 1833, pp. 273- 308.) Life and writings of John Jay. {In New York review, vol. 9, Oct., 1841, pp. 273-336.) Life of John Jay. {In North American review, vol. 57, Oct., 1833, pp. 315-340.) Review of The Life of John Jay, by his son. Los sing, Benson J. John Jay. {In his Eminent Americans, pp. 171-172. New York, 1886. 12°.) Pellew, George. John Jay. [Large paper ed.] Boston and New York: Houghton, Mi-ffiin & co., 1898. Ix, {Jf) , 35Jf pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. {Amer- ican statesmen, v. 9.) Perry, Benjamin F. John Jay. {In his Biographical sketches of eminent American statesmen, pp. 393-102. Philadelphia, 1887. 8°.) Pierce, Edward L. John Jay. {In his Addresses and papers, pp. 350-361. Boston, 1896. 8°.) Ren-wick, Henry B. Life of John Jay. Edited by J. Renwick. {In Harper's family library, vol. 129, pp. 1-143. New York, 1841. 16°.) Renwick, Henry B., and James Ren^vick. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. New York: Harper & brothers, 18Ifi. (^), xv, IS-SJ^l pp. 16°. {Harper ci; hrothers. School district lihrary, no. 137.) 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Scott, James Brown. John Jay, 1745-1829. (In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 1, pp. 247-303. Philadelpliia, 1907. 8°.) Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. Why is Canada not a part of the United States? Kead before the U. S. Catholic historical society, Nov. 25th, 1889. {In United States Catholic historical magazine, vol. 3, pp. [1131-127. New York, 1890. 8°.) An attempt to show that the failure of the United States to win Canada during the revolution was largely due to the anti-Catholic activity of John Jay in Congress and elsewhere. Same. {New York, 1890.'] 15 pp. 8°. Caption title. Sketch of John Jay. {In Literary magazine and American register, vol. 2, Dec, 1804, pp. 651-652.) Thayer, William S. Jay. {In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 199-230. New York, 1858. 8°.) Tuckermaii, Henry T. Violations of literary property. The Fed- eralist. — Life and character of John Jay. {In Continental monthly, vol. 6, Sept., 1864, pp. 336-355.) Uhle, Jolin B. John Jay. {In Current comment, vol. 1, Nov. 15, 1889, pp. 411-415.) Vermilye, A. G, Memorial sketch of the Hon. John Jay. {In Huguenot society of America. Proceedings, vol. 3, pt. 1, pp. 22-36. New York, 1896. 8°.) Waite, Charles B. John Jay. {In Chicago law times, vol. 1, July, 1SS7, pp. 215-223.) Whitelock, William. The life and times of John Jay, secretary of foreign affairs under the Confederation and first chief justice of the United States, with a sketch of public events from the opening of the revolution to the election of Jef- ferson. New York: Dodd, Mead., and company., 1887. vi, 370 pp. Portrait. 12°. SUPKEME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 55 Zuver, John Plenry. The earthly pilgrimage of John Jay. Battle Creek, Mich.: The Associated lawyers'^ publishing company, 1901^. (j^), 62 pp. Portrait. 12°. {Earthly pilgrimages of the chief justices of the United States Supreme court) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 46. (Bateman, H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page' 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 48. (Flanders, H.) See also page 48. (French, B. F.) See also page 48. (Jones, A. D.) See also page 50. (Proctor, L. B.) See also page 50. (Van Santvoord, G.) WRITINGS OF JOHN JAY Jay, John. An address to the people of the State of New York on the subject of the Constitution, agreed upon at Philadel- phia, September 17, 1787. New York: S. c& J. Loudon, [17881. 19 pp. ^°. Signed : A citizen of New Yorli. Same. {In Ford, Paul L. Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, pp. 67-86. Brooklyn, N. T., 1888. 8°.) The charge to the grand juries on the Eastern circuit, 1790. Portsmouth,N.H.: G.J.OsUme,jr.,[1790?'] 15 pp. 16°. (Hazard pamphlets, vol. 102.) The correspondence and public papers of John Jay. Edited by Henry P. Johnston. New York (& London: G. P. Putnam's sons, [1890-1893]. 4- vols. 8°. Contents.— Vol. 1. 1763-1781; 2. 1781-1782; 3. 1782-1793; 4. 1794-1826. Letters, being the whole of the correspondence between the Hon. John Jay, Esq. and Mr. Lewis Littlepage ; a young man whom Mr. Jay, when in Spain, patronized, and took into his family. New York: F. Ghilds, 1786. {2), 76 pp. 4°. Same. New York: E. Oswald, 1786. 5Jt. pp. 4°. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Colburn, Jeremiah, comp. American independence. Did the Colo- nists desire it? Letters of John Jay and John Adams. Letters and docnnients of other actors in the American revolution. Boston: [Z>. Glafp & son^ printers]^ 1876. 18 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the New-England historical and genealogical register for July, ISK!. The Federalist. The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States; being a collection of essays written in support of the Constitution agreed upon September 17, 1787, by the Federal convention, reprinted from the orig- inal text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison; ed. by Henry Cabot Lodge. New York c& London: G. P. Putnain's sons., 1902. xlv, 586 pp. 8°. Bibliography: p. xxxv-xlii. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF OLIVER ELLSWORTH Biographical sketch of Chief Justice Ellsworth. (In American law magazine, vol. 3, July, 1844, i)i>. L'41J-2T2.) Brown, William Garrott. A Continental congressman; (Jli\er Ells- worth, 1777-1783. [New York: 1905.] 751-781 pp. 4°. Cover-title. Reprinted from the American historical revievv^, vol. x, July, 1905, pp. 751-781. The early life of Oliver Ellsworth. (In American historical review, vol. 10, Apr., 1905, pp. 534-564.) The life of Oliver Ellsworth. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1905. ix {2), 369 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Buel, Elizabeth C. Barney. Oliver Ellsworth. {In New England magazine, n. s. vol. 30, July, 1904, pp. 611-626.) Cook, Frank Gaylord. Oliver p:]lsworth. 1745-1807. {In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyi-rs, vol. 1, pp. 305-354. Philadelphia, 1907. 8°.) Oliver Ellsworth and federation. {In Atlantic monthly, vol. 89, Apr., 1902, pp. 524-536.) Daughters of the American Revolution. Connecticut. A memo- rial of the opening of the EllsAvorth homestead at Wind- sor, Connecticut, October eighth, nineteen hundred and three, under the auspices of the Connecticut Daughters of the American revolution. [Nevj Haven: The Tuttle, Moi'ehouse & Taylor company. 1907.] 109, (1) pp. Plates. Facsimiles. 4°. Committee on compilation : Elizabeth C. B. Buel, .Marie S. Pickett, Fannie M. Olmsted. Jones, Francis R. Oliver Ellsworth. {In Green bag, vol. 13, Nov., 1901, pp. 503-508.) 65838—09 8 57 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lossing, Benson J. Oliver Ellsworth. {In his Eminent Americans, pp. 102-103. New Yorli, 1886. 12°.) Mac Donald, W. The life of Oliver Ellsworth. By William Gar- rott Brown. [Review] (In The Nation, vol. 82, Apr. 19, 1906, pp. 329-330.) Memoir of Oliver Ellsworth. {In Port Folio, vol. 34, Sept., 1825, pp. 185-189.) Oliver Ellsworth. {In American literary magazine, vol. 1, Oct., 1847, pp. 195-202.) Perry, Benjamin F. Oliver Ellsworth. {In his Biographical sketches of eminent American statesmen, pp. 403-409. Philadelphia, 1887. 8°.) Shepard, Henry M. Oliver Ellsworth. {In Chicago law times, vol. 2, Apr., 1888, pp. 109-128.) Sigouriiey, Mrs. L. H. Oliver Ellsworth. {In Longacre, James B. and James Herring, The National portrait gallery, vol. 4, pp. 101-110. Philadelphia, 1839. 4°.) Uhle, John B. Oliver Ellsworth. {In Current comment, vol. 2, Feb. 15, 1890, pp. 65-76.) Verplanck, Julian C. Biographical memoir of Oliver Ellsworth. (In Analectic magazine, vol. 3, May, 1814, pp. 382-403.) iSee also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 48. (Flanders, H.) See also page 48. (French, B. F.) See also page 50. (Van Santvoord, G.) BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF JOHN MARSHALL Anecdotes of John Marshall. (In World's work, vol. 1, Feb., 1901, pp. 394-395.) Barre, W. L. John Marshall. (In Ms Lives of illustrious men of America, |ip. 42fi-4.~)2. Cincinnati, 1859. 8°.) Binney, Horace. An eulogy on the life and character of John Mm- shall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Philadelphia: J. Crissy <& G. Goodman^ 1835. 70 pp. 8°. Same. [In Waldie, A. Select circulating library, vol. 0, pp. 327-335. Pliiladelphia, 1835. 4°.) Binney's eulogy on Chief Justice Marshall. {In American jurist, vol. 14, Oct., 1835, pp. 462^05.) Black, John C. John Marshall. {In Illinois state bar association. I'rocei'diiigs, vol. 20, pt. 2, July 14-15, 1896, pp. 25-45.) John Marshall. {In Albany law journal, vol. .">4, .July 2.5, 1896, pp. 5.5-62.) Bradley, Joseph P. Saint Memin's portrait of Marshall. {In Century magazine, vol. 38, Sept., 1889, pp. 778-781.) Brooks, Elbridge S. The story of John Marshall, of Kichmond. called " The great Chief- Justice." {In his Historic Americans, pp. 161-174. New York, 1899. 8°.) Browne, Irving. John Marshall. {In his Short studies of greni lawyers, pp. 201-217. Alb.my, N. Y., 1878. 12°.) Bryant, James K. M. Eulogium on Chief Justice Marshall, delivered in the Unitarian church, Washington city, on the 34tli of September, 1835, at the request of the Uidon literary society. Washington: Printed hy Jacob Gideon^ jr.., 18S5. 10 pp. 8°. 59 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cassody, John B. John Scott and John Marsliall. (In Amorican law review, vol. 33, Jan.-Feb., 1899, pp. 1-27.) Tlic Centennial anniversary of the elevation of John Marshall to the ollice of Chief Justice of the Supreme court of the United States of America . . . Februai-y fourth, 1901. Celebra- tion in the citj'' of Philadelphia under the auspices of the Law association of Philadelphia [etc,]. I'hiladelphid: G. 11. Buchanan and co.^ 1901. 68 pp. Portrait. 8°. Oratiou by J. T. Mitchell. Chief Justice Marshall. (In American quarterly review, vol. 18, Dec, 1835, pp. 473- 489.) Chief Justice Marshall. (In (Jreen hair, vol. :;, Dec, IS!)], pp. 541-.542.) Chief Justice Marshall. (//( National quarterly review, vol. 33, Sept., 1876, pp. 229-242.) Chief Justice Marshall. (In New York review, vol. 3, Oct., 1838, pp. 328-361.) Chief Justice Marshall. (In North American review, vol. 42, Jan., 1836, pp. 217-241.) Review of The life of .John Marshall, by .Joseph Story. Chief Justice Marshall's public life and service. (/(/ North American review, vol. 26, Jan., 3828, pp. 1^0.) Cooke, John P^sten. Early days of Jolm Marshall. (In Historical magazine, vol. 3, June, 1859, pp. 165-169.) Craighill, Eobert T. John Marshall. (In his The Virginia "Peerage," vol. 1, pp. 231-284. Rich- mond, 1880. S°.) Dickinson, Marquis Fayette, jr. John ]\Iarshall. The tribute of Massachusetts; being the addresses delivered at Boston and Cambridge, February 4, 1901, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of his elevation to the bench as Chief Justice of the United States. Boston: Little, Brown.^ and company., 1901. xvii, 120 pp. Portraits. 8°. " This edition is limited to seven hundred and fifty copies, of which this is no. 612." SUPREME COURT: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 61 Dillon, John Forrest, ed. Jolm Msirslmll; life, character, and judi- cial services as portrayed in the centenary and memorial addresses and proceedings throughout the United States on Marshall day. 1901, and in the classic orations of Bin- ney. Story, Phelps, AVaitc, and Rawle; comp. and ed. with an introduction by John F. Dillon. [Centenarj^ ed.] Chicago: CallagJian & company, 1903. 3 vols. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. Dodd, William PI Chief Justice Marshall and Virginia, 1813-1821. {In American historical review, vol. 12, July, 1907, pp. 770- 787.) Finch, Francis Miles. Chief Justice John Marshall. Marshall day address, Cornell university, February 4, 1901 . [Ithaca, N. T., 1901.'] 11 pp. Portrait. 8°. " Reprinted from the Cornell alumni news." Flanders, Henry. The life of John Marshall. Philadelphia: T. & J . ^Y . Johnson & go., 1905. x, 278 pp. Portrait. 8°. "Originally issued in the author's 'Lives and times of llic chief justices of the United States.' " Fuller, Melville W. C^hief Justice Marshall. (In The Dial (Chicago), vol. 6, May, 1885, pp. 10-12.) Reprinted in The Dial, vol. 9, Oct., 1888, pp. 128-130. Gray, Horace. An address on the life, character and influence of Chief Justice Marshall, delivered at Richmond on the fourth day of February 1901 at the request of the State bar association of Virginia and the Bar association of the city of Richmond. Washington [D. O.} : Pearson print, office, 1901. {2) , Jfi pp. 8°. "Authorities consulted other than Supreme Court decisions:" pp. 45-47. A Great American judge [John Marshall]. (In Spectator, vol. 86; Feb. 9, 1901, pp. 198-199.) Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. John Marshall. {In his The prose writers of America, pp. S5-88. riiil.ideliihi:!. J 847. 8°.) Marshall. {In Homes of Amei-iean statesmen, pp. 263-274. New YorI<, 1858. 8^) 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hardy, Sallie E. Marshall. Chief-Justice John Marshall. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 12, July, 1884, pp. 62-71.) John Marshall, third Chief Justice of the United States, as son, brother, husband and friend. (In Green bag, vol. 8, Dec., 1896, pp. 479-492.) The ^vill of a great lawyer. How Chief Justice Marshall devised his estate. (In Green bag, vol. 8, Jan., 1896, pp. 4-6.) Houghton, AValter R. John Marshall. (In his Kings of fortune, pp. 437-456. Chicago, 1885. 8°.) John Marshall. (In Albany law journal, vol. 13, June 24, 1876, pp. 442-445.) Seme in Washington law reporter, vol. 3, July 1, 1876, pp. 156- 157, July 8, 1876, pp. 163-164. John Marshall. (In American law record, vol. 5, July, 1876, pp. 55-59.) John Marshall. I. Soldier, lawyer, statesman, and man. II. Judge and jurist. (In Green bag, vol. 13, Apr., 1901, pp. 157-195; May, 1901, pp. 213-267.) John Marshall day ; centennial proceedings of the Chicago bar, Feb- ruary 4, 1901 ; inchiding proceedings before the Supreme court of Illinois. [Ohicago: The Associated committees of Illinois, from the press of Hollister hros., 1901.] 194 PP- Portrait. Fac- simile. ^°. Jones, Francis R. John Marshall. (In Green bag, vol. 13, Feb., 1901, pp. 53-64.) Lehmann, Frederick W. John Marshall. An address before the Bar association of Des Moines, Iowa. \Pes Moines? 1900 f] ^6 pp. 8°. Libby, Charles Freeman. John Marshall; an address delivered at . . . [Bowdoin] college on February 4, 1901, the cen- tenary of the installation of John Marshall as Chief Jus- tice of the United States. Brunswick, Maine; By the College, 1901. 37 pp. 6'". At head of title : Bowdoiu college. .SUPUEiME COURT : BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 08 Life of Judge Marshall. {In Port Folio, vol. 13, Jan., 1815, pp. 1-6.) Lodge, Henry Cabot. An address upon Chief Justice Marshall. Delivered at the Auditorium in Chicago on the fourth day of February 1901, at the request of the Bar associations of the state of Illinois and of the city of Chicago. Washington: Pearson printing oiflce. 1901. 30 py. 8°. John Marshall, statesman. {In North American review, vol. 172, Feb., 1901, pp. 191-204.) Lossing, Benson J. John Marshall. {In his Eminent Americans, pp. 21G-218. New York, 1886. 12°.) McCabe, James D. John Marshall. {In ?iis Great fortnnes, pp. 417-434. Cincinnati and Chicaijo, 1871. 8°.) McClain, Emlin. Chief Justice Marshall as a constructive states- man. Iowa City, la.: The State historical society, \1903?'\ 42 pp. Cover-title. " Reprinted from tlie October, 1903, nnmber of tlie Iowa jonr- nal of history and politics." " The substance of this paper was delivered as an address before the Grant club, Des Moines, on February 19, 1903. In the form in which it is here published it was read in full before the Political science club, Iowa City, on March 9, 1903." MacVeagh, Wayne. John Marshall. An address, delivered upon the invitation of the American bar association and a joint committee of Congress, in the hall of the House of repre- sentatives, February 4, 1901. Washington, D. C: Judd and Detiveiler, pnnters, 1901. 86 pp. 4°- Cover-title. Magruder, Allan Bowie. John Marshall. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mijjiin and conopany, [^1885'\. viii, £90 pp. 12°. {American statesmen.) John Marshall. [Large pajjer ed.l Boston and New York: Houghton, Mi^An & co., 1898. viii, (6), 296 pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. {American statesmen, v. 10.) 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Marshall, Maria Newton. The Marshall memorial tablet. (In Green bag, voL^W, Aug., 1902, pp. 372-373.) Means, D. Mac G. Chief -Justice John Marshall. (In The Nation, vol. 72, Feb. 7, 1901, pp. 104-105.) Moore, Frank. John Marshall. (In his American eloquence, vol. 2, pp. 1-82. New York, 1862. 4°.) Moore, John Bassett. John Marshall. Boston: Ginn& company^ 1901. {2),393-Jfll pp. 8°. Address delivered before the Delaware bar, at Wilmington, Feb. 4, 1901. Reprinted from Political science quarterly, vol. xvi, no. 3. Moses, Adolph. How to celebrate " John Marshall day " Feb. 4, 1901 ; pub. by direction of the executive committee of the Illinois bar association. [OMcagoli: Illinois bar assoc, [lOOO]. 16 pp. 8°. Bibliography : pp. 11-16. " John Marshall day." Series of letters and endorsements in answer to circular advocating the celebration of " John Marshall day," February 4, 1901. \n. p.] 1899. 31^ pp. 4°. Olney, Ei(;hnrd. Chief Justice Marshall. {In Outloolt, vol. 67, Mar. 0, 1001, pp. 573-576.) Olney, Warren. Chief Justice Marsliall. (In American law review, vol. 34, Jiily-Aug., 1900, pp. 550- 561.) P., T. John Marshall. {In American law review, vol. 1, Apr., 1867, pp. 432-442.) Paulding, William I. A contribution to history [relating to John Marshall]. {In Lippincott's magazine, vol. 2, Dec, 1868, pp. 623-626.) Perry, Benjamin F. John Marshall. {In his Biogi-aphical sketclies of eminent American statesmen, pp. 467-477. Philadelphia, 1887. 8°.} SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 65 Phelps, Edward J. Annual address. [John Marshall.] (1)1 American bar association. Transaftions, vol. 2. ]ii). 173- 192. Philadelphia, 1S79. S°.) Chief Justice Marshall and the constitutional law of his time. An address before the American bar association at Saratoga, Auaust 21, 1879. Philadelphia: E. C. Markley d- son, 1879. 22 fp. 8°. (^over-title. Same. (In his Orations and essays, edited by J. G. McCullout!;li, \>[>. 27-53. New York, 1901. S'.) Proctor, L. B. Jefferson's contempt of Chief Justice Marshall's opinions. (In Albany law jonrnal, vol. 44, Oct. 24, 1891, pp. 342-343.) Rawle, William Henry. Unveilinir of the statue of Chief Justice Marshall, at Washington, May 10, 1884. Oration. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane (& Scotfs pi^inting house, 1884- 31 pp. Ji" V Rhode Island bar association. John jNIarshall day : celebration by the Rhode Island bar association and Brown university. February 4, 1901 : address by Le Baron Bradford Colt : in- troductory address by Francis Colwell. {Providence: Rhode Island printing co., 1901.] oS pp. Portrait. 8°. m Roane, Spencer. Roane on the national constitution. Reprints f lom the Richmond Chronicle and Richmond Enquirer. (In The John P. P.ranch historical papers, vol. 2, Juno, 1905, pp. 47-122. Richmond, 1905. 8°.) " No apology is offered for devoting so much space in the Branch papers this year to the life and work of Judge Spencer Roane. Henry Adams and the other historians of the period have but little to say of Roane or of the protest which he constantly made against Chief Justice Marshall, and the files of the Richmond Enquirer, which gave so much of the history of Virginia at the time, are not easily ac- cessible. " John Marshall and the Supreme Court of the United States, as will be seen, were subjects of lively attack." Intro. Russell, Alfred. John Marshall. (In American law review, vol. 35, Jan.-Feb., 1901, pp. 1-7. > 65838—09 9 66 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Scott, Henry W. Jolin Marshall. (In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 537-544. New York, 1S91. 8°.) Story, Joseph. An address by Mr. Justice Story on Chief Justice Marshall. Delivered in 1852 [1835] at request of the Suffolk (Mass.) bar. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers co-operative publishing co., 1900. 60 pp. Portraits. 8°. A discourse upon the life, character, and services of the Honorable John Marshall, ll. d., chief justice of the United States of America, pronounced on the fifteenth day of October, at the request of the Suffolk bar. Boston: J. Munroe and company, 1835. 7Jf, {£) pp. 8°. Published at the request of the Suffolk bar. Life, character, and services of Chief Justice Marshall. A discoursb pronounced on the 15th of October, 1835, at the request of the Suffolk bar. (In Ms Miscellaneous writings, pp. 639-697. Boston, 1852. 8°.) Life of Chief Justice Marshall. (In American law magazine, vol. 1, July 1843, pp. 243-301.) Mr. Justice Story's eulogy of Chief Justice Marshall. (In American jurist, vol. 14, Oct. 1835, pp. 448^54.) John Marshall, ll. d. (In Longacre, James B. and James Herring, The National portrait gallery, vol. 1, pp. 103-120. Philadelphia, 1834. 4°.) John Marshall, ll. d., Chief Justice of the United States. (In Current comment, vol. 1, June 15, 1889, pp. 213-224; July 15, 1889, pp. 253-261.) Terhune, Mary Virginia H. The Marshall house. (In her Some colonial homesteads and their stories, pp. 84-103. New York, 1897. 8°.) Thayer, James Bradley. John Marshall; an address delivered in Sanders theatre, Cambridge, before the Law school of Harvard university and the Bar association of the city of Boston on February 4, 1901. Cambridge : J. Wilson c& son, 1901. 48 pp. 4°. John Marshall. (In Atlantic monthly, vol. 87, Mar., 1901, pp. 328-341.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 67 Thayer, James Bradley. John Marshall. Boston and New York: Houghton^ Mijfiin and company, 1901. (8), 157, (1) pp. Portrait. 1^°. {Riverside biographical series, no. 7.) Thomas Jefferson's opinion of John Marshall and his court. {In American law review, vol 35, Jan.-Feb., 1901, pp. 63-77.) United States. Congress. Exercises at the ceremony of unveiling the statue of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, in front of the Capitol, Washington, May 10, 1884. With the address of Mr. Chief Justice Waite, and the ora- tion of William Henry Rawle. Washington: Government printing office, ISSJf. 92 pp. Frontispiece. Ji.°. Waite, Catharine V. John Marshall. {In Chicago law times, vol. 1, Apr., 1887, pp. 109-121.) Waite, Morrison Remick. The orations of Chief Justice Waite and of William Henry Rawle on the occasion of the unveiling of the bronze statute of Chief Justice Marshall at Wash- ington, May 10, 1884. Chicago: T. H. Flood and company, 1900. 58 pp. Por- trait. 8°. Williams, George Henry. Address on John Marshall, delivered by Hon. Geo. H. Williams before the Legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, February 4, 1901. SaJsm, Ore.: W. H. Leeds, state printer, 1901. 19 pp. 8°. Wilson, John R. John Marshall. (In American law review, vol. 22, Sept.-Oct., 1888, pp. 706-780.) Wynne, James. Chief Justice Marshall. {In his Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of America, pp. 231-300. New Yorli, 1850. 12°.) See also page 40. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 46. (Bateman, II.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 48. (Flanders, H.) See also page 48. (French, B. F.) See also page 48. (Jones, A. D.) See also page 49. (Patterson, T. E.) See also page 50. (Van Santvoord, G.) 68 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS WRITINGS OF JOHN MARSHALL Marshall, John. The constitutional decisions of John Marshall; ed., with an introductory essay, by Joseph P. Cotton, jr. New York [etc.] : G. P. Putnairi's sons, 1905. 2 vols. Frontispieces. 8°. " Six hundred copies of this edition of the * Constitutional decisions of John Marshall ' have been bound for sub- scribers uniform with limited editions of ' The founders of the republic' " This copy not numbered. John Marshall, complete constitutional decisions, ed. with annotations historical, critical, and legal, by John M. Dillon. Chicago: Gallaghan c& company, 1903. a?«, (i), 799 pp. Portrait. 2 fold, facsimiles. 8°. A history of the colonies planted by the English on the con- tinent of North America, from their settlement, to the commencement of that war which terminated in their independence. Philadelphia: A. Small, 18U. «'y, [9]-486 pp. 8°. Originally published as an introduction to the author's Life of George Washington. ■ A letter of Marshall to Jefferson, 1783, by R. G. Thwaites. [New York? 1905^ [815^-817 pp. ^°." Cover-title. " Reprinted from the American historical review, vol. x, no. 4, July, 1905." Letters of John Marshall, Secretary of state, Aug. 23, 1800; Sept. 20, 1800; Dec. 2, 4, 1800. {In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, pp. 386-387, 388-389, 486-490. Washington, 1832. F°.) The life of George Washington. Compiled under the in- spection of the Hon. Bushrod Washington, from original papers. Philadelphia: G. P. Wayne, 1801^-1807. 5 vols. 8°. Atlas. 4°. Same. 2d ed. Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1832. 2 vols. 8°. Atlas. S°. Same. 2d ed., rev. Philadelphia: Orissy <& Markley, 1833. 2 vols. 8°. Atlas. 8°. SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 69 Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. Written for the use of schools. Philadelphia, 1838. 12°. Het leven van George Washington, uit deszelfs oorsprong- lijke papieren onder toezigt van Bushrod Washington. Uit het Engelsch door J. Werninck. Haarlem: A. Loosjes, 1805-1809. 10 vols, in 6. Plates. Maps. 8°. Message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting a report from the Secretaiy of state [John Marshall] with sundry documents relative to the subject of the resolution of the 24th instant. 27th February, 1801. 12 pp. 8°. — Same. (In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, pp. 345-347. Washington, 1832. F°.) Relating to the treaty of amity with Great Britain. The writings of John Marshall upon the Federal Constitu- tion. Boston: J. Munroe c& co., 1839. xix, 728 pp. 8°. A collection of Marshall's constitutional opinions. CONGEESSIOlsAL, DOCUMENTS RELATING TO MARSHALL IN FRANCE, AS EN- VOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY, 1798, INCLUD- ING THE X. Y. Z. CORRESPONDENCE Instructions to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to the French Republic, referred to in the message of the President of the United States of the third instant. Philadelphia: Printed hy Way rf? Groif, 1798. 20 pp. 12°. Instructions to the envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipoten- tiary from the United States of America to the French Republic, their letters of credence and full powers, and the dispatches received from them relative to their mis- sion. Published by the Secretary of state, in conformity with the resolution of Congress of the 22d June 1798. Philadelphia: Printed hy W. Ross ^1798']. 131 pp. 8°. France. [Message from the President] communicated to Congress, March 5, 1798. (In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, pp. 150-151. Washington, 1832. F°.) Transmitting communications from envoys extraordinary. 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS France. [Message from the President] communicated to Congress, March 19, 1798. (In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, page 152. Washington, 1832. F°.) Message of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress. April 3d, 1798. [Philadelphia, 1798.] 71 pp. S\ Same. {In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, pp. 153- 168. Washington, 1832. F°.) Message of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress. May 4th, 1798. 72 pp. 8°. Comnuinications from Envoys extraordinary. Same. {In American state papers. Foreign relations, vol. 2, pp. 169- 182. Washington. 18.32. F°.) Message from the President of the United States, accompanying the communications from the Envoys extraordinary to the French Republic, received since the fourth of May last, 5th June, 1798. Philadelphia: Printed by Way <& Groff, \1798'\. 17 pp. 12°. Message from the President of the United States, accompanying a communication. No. 8, from the Envoj's extraordinary to the French Republic. Received at the office of the Secre- tary of state on Thursday the 14th instant. 18th June, 1798. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Gales, [17981. '^'^ VV- ^°- Message from the President of the United States, accompanying a report of the Secretary of state, containing observations on some of the documents, communicated by the President, on the eighteenth instant. 21st January, 1799. Philadelphia: Printed by John Ward Fenno, 1798. (2), 45, {2) pp. 8°. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF ROGER BROOKE TANEY Baltimore. Bench and har. Proceedings of the bench and bar of Baltimore, upon the occasion of the death of the Hon. Roger B. Taney, chief justice of the Supreme court of the United States. Baltimore: Printed hy J. Murphy c& co., 186^. 28 pp. 8'^. ■ Buttre, Lillian C. Roger Brooke Taney. (In her The American portrait gallery, vol. 2, pp. 91-92. New York, 1877. 4°.) Chief Justice Taney. (In Albany law journal, vol. 7. Jan. 4, 1873, pp. 2-5.) / ' Chief Justice Taney. (In National quarterly review, vol. 10, Dec. 1864, pp. 50-71.) Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. Character and public service of Cliief Justice Taney. Remarks made at a meeting of the Boston bar, October 15, 1864. . (In his Memoir, edited by his son, Benjamin R. Curtis, vol. 2, / pp. 336-S42. Boston, 1879. 8\) Edwards, Isaac. Chief Justice Taney, a sketch and a criticism. [Albany, 1873.] 19 pp. 8°. Read before the Albany Institute, Jan. 7, 1873. / Chief Justice Taney. A sketch and a criticism. (In Albany law journal, vol. 8, July 19, 1873, pp. 33-38.) Ellis, Charles M. Roger Brooke Taney. (In Atlantic monthly, vol. 15, Feb., 1865, pp. 151-161.) Jones, Francis R. Roger Brooke Taney. (In Green bag, vol. 14, Jan., 1902, pp. 1-7.) McLaughlin, J. F. Chief Justice Taney and the Maryland Catholics. (In Catholic world, vol. 67, June, 1898, pp. 396^04.) Maury, Sarah Mytton. The honourable Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. (In her The statesmen of America in 1846, pp. 160-163. Lon- don, 1847. 12°.) 71 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney. {In Soutliern review, vol 12, Jan., 1873, pp. 235-243.) Mikell, William E. Eoger Brooke Taney. 1777-1864. (In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 4, pp. 77-194. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°.) ""' Patterson, T. E. Chief Justice Eoger Brooke Taney. (In Law student's helper, vol. 5, Oct., 1897. pp. 353-355.) Potter, Clarkson Nott. Roger Brooke Taney. The annual address delivered before the American bar association at its fourth •annual meeting. Philadelphia: E. C. Markley c& son, 1881. 26 pp. 8°. Same. {In American bar association. Report, vol. 4, pp. 175-198. Philadelphia, 1881. 8°. Roger B. Taney. (In Chicago law times, vol. 2, Oct., 1888, pp. .817-327.) Roger B. Taney, late Chief-Justice, U. S. (In Harper's weekly, vol. 8, Oct. 29, 1864, p. 693.) Roger Brooke Taney. (In Baltimore: past and present, pp. 499-501. Baltimore, 187L 8°.) V Schouler, James. Roger Brooke Taney. (In United States jurist, vol. 3, Jan., 1873, pp. 127-137.) Shauck, John A. Chief Justice Taney. (In Green bag, vol. 14, Dec, 1902, pp. 559-569.) Storey, M. Tyler's Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney. (In North American review, vol. 116, Jan., 1873, pp. 194-203.) Taggart, Joseph. Biographical sketches of the eminent American patriots, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton: Roger Brooke Taney; . . . Kansas City, Mo.: The Burton company, 1907. 299 pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. Bibliogx-aphy, pp. 7-8. Taney, Edward S. Roger B. Taney. {In Green bag, vol. 7, Aug., 1895, pp. 361-364.) Taney, Mary Florence. Roger Brooke Taney. {In American Catholic historical society. Records, vol. 11, Mar., 1900, pp. 33-42. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 73 The Taney fund. Proceedings of the meeting of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. Washington City: M'Gill cf; Witherow, 1871. 8 yf. 8°. Cover-title. Tyler, Samuel. Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2d rev. and enl. ed. y Baltimore: John Murphy <& co.^ 1876. 672 pp. Portrait. 8°. ^ Uhle, John B. Roger Brooke Taney. {In Current coniuient, vol. 2, Aug. 15, 1890, pp. ; Sept. 15, 1890, pp. 513-517.) The Unjust judge. A memorial of Roger Brooke Taney, late Chief Justice of the United States. New York: Baker <£ Godwin, 1865. 68 pp. 8°. Wallis, Severn Teackle. Address, with the reply of his excellency, Governor Whyte, delivered in the Senate Chamber, at Annapolis, at the unveiling of the statue of Chief Justice Taney, December 10, 1872. Baltimore: John Murphy (& co., 1872. 18 pp. 8°. /Same. (In Ms Writings, Memorial edition, vol. 1, pp. 139-150. Balti- more, 1S9G. 8°.) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 46. (Bateman, H.) See also page 47. (Biographical cyclopaedia.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 49. (Patterson, T. E.) See also page 50. (Van Santvoord, G.) WRITINGS Taney, Roger Brooke, Decision in the Merryman case, upon the writ of Habeas Corpus. Philadelphia, 1862. 8°. (Habeas Corpus pamphlets.) Letter of Chief Justice Taney. {In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, vol. 12. pp. 445-447. Boston, 1873. 8°.) Addressed to the Rev. Samuel Nott, of Wareham, Mass., who published in 1857 " A review of the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Dred Scott." This letter is in acknowl- edgment of a copy of the pamphlet, but not controversial in tone. 65838—09 ^10 74 LIBKAEY OF CONGEESS Taney, Roger Brooke. Mr. Taney's speech, in the Court-house yard, at the public festival given to him by the Jackson repub- licans of Frederick county, Md., 1834. Albany, 183 If. 8 pp. 8°. " Albany Argus . . . extra, Sept., 1834." U. S. Congress. Joint committee on the Library. In Senate of the United States. February 26, 1844. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Choate made . . . report: [Washington. 18 Jflt] S pp. 8°. {28th Cong., 1st sess. Sen- ate. Doc. no. 146) Correspondeuce between R. B. Taney, cbief justice of the Supreme court of the United States, and Alexandre Vatte- mare, relative to an exchange of sets of legal documents between the French ministry of justice and the Supreme court of the United States. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF SALMON PORTLAND CHASE Bancroft, Frederic. Some radicals as statesmen: Chase, Sumner, Adams and Stevens. (In Atlantic monthly, vol. 86, Aug., 1900, pp. 276-283.) Benson, John S. The judicial record of the late Chief Justice Chase. New York: Baker, Voorhis c& co., 1882. 37 pp. 8°. Reprinted from Harpers' magazine for October, 1873, by per- mission. * Bidwell, W. H. Salmon P. Chase. (In Eclectic magazine, vol. 81, Sept., 1873, pp. 37.3-374.) [Black, Chauncey Forward], ed. Some account of the work of Stephen J. Field, as a legislator, state judge, and justice of the Supreme court of the United States, with an intro- ductory sketch by J. Norton Pomeroy, ll. d. 1881. And an appendix containing his remarks on the life and char- acter of Chief Justice Chase ; his address at the centennial celebration of the organization of the federal judiciary, February 4, 1890 ; the memorial from senators from Cali- fornia, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho . . . requesting him not to change his circuit; and the story of his attempted assassination by a former associate on the supreme bench of California. By Hon. George C. Gorham. [New Yorkf] : 1895. 63, 622, 198, k pp. 8°. "Note by the editors" (p. 63) signed: Chauncey F. Black. Samuel B. Smith. Brockett, Linus P. Salmon Portland Chase. (In his Men of our day, pp. 179-200. Philadelphia, 1872. 8\) Brooks, Noah. Lincoln, Chase, and Grant. (In Century magazine, vol. 49, Feb., 1895, pp. 607-619.) Salmon P. Chase. (In his Statesmen, pp. 143-174. New York, 1893. 8°.) Chase and the constitutional amendments. (In North American review, vol. 144, Jan., 1887, pp. 74-78.) 75 76 LIBEAKY OP CONGKESS Chief Justice Chase. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 63, Oct., 1870, pp. 261- 264.) Chittenden, Lucius E. Secretary Chase and his financial policy. {In his Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890, pp. 90-100. New York, 1893. 8°.) Cox, J. D. Hart's Chase. [Review]. {In The Nation, vol. 70, Mar. 15, 1900, pp. 207-209.) Cutler, H. M. Tracy. Salmon Portland Chase. {In Chicago law times, vol. 1, Nov., 1886, pp. 1-10.) Denslow, V. B. Chief-Justice Chase. {In Putnam's magazine, vol. 12, July, 186S, pp. 111-112.) Didier, Eugene L. Personal recollections of Chief- Justice Chase. {In Green bag, vol. 7, July, 1895, pp. 313-317.) Salmon P. Chase, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. {In Chautauquan, vol. 11, May, 1890, pp. 182-186.) 'The Election of Salmon P. Chase to the Senate, February 22, 1849. {In Republic, vol. 4, Mar., 1875, pp. 179-183.) Evarts, William Maxwell. Eulogy on Chief -Justice Chase, delivered by William M. Evarts before the alumni of Dartmouth college, at Hanover, June 24, 1874. Pub. at their request. Hanover, N. H.: J. B. ParUr, 187 Jf. 30 pp. 8°. Eulogy on Mr. Chase, delivered before the alumni of Dart- mouth college, June 24, 1874. {In Schuckers, Jacob W. The life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase, pp. 635-662. New York, 1874. 8°.) Also pub. separately. Evarts' eulogy of the late Chief Justice Chase. {In Albany law journal, vol. 10, July 1, 1874, pp. 21-25.) Field, Stephen J. The late Chief Justice Chase. {In Overland monthly, vol, 11, Oct., 1873, pp. 305-310.) The First visit to Washington [Salmon P. Chase]. {In Atlantic monthly, vol. 13, Apr., 1864, pp. 448-457.) SUPREME COUET: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 77 Foraker, Joseph Benson. Address on the life, character, and public services of Salmon P. Chase, late chief justice of the United States, delivered before the Circuit court of the United States, at Springfield, Illinois, October 7, 1905. [SpHngfleU? 1905] 35 pp. 8°. Caption title. Foulke, William Dudley. Hart: Salmon Portland Chase. [Re- view.] {In American historical review, vol. 5, Apr., 1900, pp. 583-588.) Gallagher, William D. Salmon P. Chase. (In Coggeshall, William T. The poets and poetry of the West, pp. 167-169. Columbus, 1860. 8°.) Garfield, James Abram. Chief Justice Chase and Professor Agassiz. Remarks made in the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, December 19, 1873. (In Ms Works, vol. 2, pp. 92-95. Boston, 1883. 8°.) Graves, Harmon Sheldon. Chief Justice Chase. (In Yale law journal, vol. 4, Oct., 1894, pp. 27-31.) Hamlin, E. S. Salmon Portland Chase. (In International review, vol. 2, Sept., 1875, pp. 662-691.) Hart, Albert Bushnell. Salmon Portland Chase. Boston and New York: Houghton^ Mifiin and company^ 1899. ix, (2), 4^5 pp. 12°. {American statesmen.) Hoadly, George. Address at Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, on the occasion of the removal of the remains of Salmon P. Chase, to Spring Grove cemetery, Thursday, October 14, 1886. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & co., 1887. 24 pp. 8°. Hon. Geo. Hoadly's oration on Salmon P. Chase, October 14, 1886. (In Weekly law bulletin, vol. 16, Nov. 1, 1886, pp. 321-329.) The Home life of the late Chief Justice Chase. (In Albany law journal, vol. 8, Oct. 25, 1873, pp. 258-260.) Hon. Salmon P. Chase, secretary of the Treasury. (In Harper's weekly, vol. 5, Mar. 23, 1861, p. 189.) The Installation of Chief Justice Chase. (In Legal intelligencer, vol. 21, Dec. 23, 1864, p. 412.) 78 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS Jones, Francis R. Salmon Portland Chase. {In Green bag, vol. 14, Apr., 1902, pp. 155-165.) The Late Chief Justice Chase. (In Bench and bar, n. s. vol. 3, Oct., 1873, pp. 193-198.) The Late Chief Justice Chase. (In Republic, vol. 1, July, 1873, pp. 297-300.) Lloyd, Henry Demarest. The home-life of Salmon Portland Chase. {In Atlantic monthly, vol. 32, Nov., 1873, pp. 526-538.) Luckenbach, W. D. Salmon P. Chase. (In Current comment, vol. 2, Oct. 15, 1890, pp. 577-592; Dec. 15, 1890, pp. 705-724.) McCulloch, Hugh. Salmon P. Chase. {In his Men and measures of half a century, pp. 181-188. New York, 1888. 8°.) Nott, C. C. Chief -Justice Chase. (In The Nation, vol, 16, May 15, 1873, pp. 330-331.) Piatt, Donn. Salmon P. Chase. {In Jiis Memories of the men who saved the union, pp. 95-131. New York, 1887. 12°.) Salmon P. Chase. {In North American review, vol. 143, Dec, 1886, pp. 599-615.) Redfield, Isaac F. Chief Justice Chase. {In North American review, vol. 122, April, 1876, pp. 337-357.) The Removal of the remains of the late Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase from Washington to Ohio. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 19, Oct. 23, 1886, pp. 50-51.) Rice, Clinton. Salmon Portland Chase, Chief Justice of the United States. {In Rogers, Augustus C. Sketches of representative men, north and south, pp. 129-134. New York, 1872. 4°.) Salmon P. Chase. {In Monthly religious magazine, vol. 49, June, 1873, pp. 583- 587.) Salmon P. Chase. {In Weekly law bulletin, vol. 16, Oct. 11, 1886, pp. 256-258.) SUPEEME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 79 Salmon Portland Chase. (In Forum (Law), vol. 3, July, 1875, pp. 476-^81.) Savage, John. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio. ' (In Ms Our living representative men, pp. 102-113. Phila- delphia, 18G0. 12°.) Schuckers, Jacob W. The life and public services of Salmon Port- land Chase, United States senator and governor of Ohio; secretary of the treasury, and chief -justice of the United States. To Avhich is added, the eulogy on Mr. Chase, de- livered by William M. Evarts, before the alumni of Dart- mouth college, June 24, 1874. New York: D. Appleton and company, 187 J^. xv, 669 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Facsimiles. 8°. Scott, Henry W. Salmon Portland Chase. {In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 133-142. New Yorli, 1891. 8°.) Sto"we, Harriet Beecher. Salmon P. Chase. {In her Men of our times, pp. 241-266. Hartford, Conn., 1868. 8°.) Townshend, Norton Strange. Salmon P. Chase. {In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, vol. 1, pp. [lllJ-126. Columbus [1888], 8°.) " Read before the Ohio state archaeological society at its second annual meeting, February 24th, 1887." Wambaugh, Eugene. Salmon Portland Chase. 1808-1873. {In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 5, pp. 327-371. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°.) Warden, Robert Bruce. An account of the private life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase. Cincinnati: Wilstach, Baldwin <& co., 187 Jf. xxiii, [ll]-^38 pp. Port^mt. 8°. An appeal by the author of the " best abused book of the period." Washington, D, C. : " National Republican " printing house, 1876. 33 pp. 8°. Cover-title. A defence of his "Account of the private life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase." See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 46. (Bateman, H.) See also page 47. (Biogi'aphical encyclopredia) 80 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS See also page 47. (Biog. encyclo, of Ohio.) See also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 49. (Patterson, T. E.) WRITINGS OF SALMON PORTLAND CHASE Chase, Salmon Portland. Diary and correspondence. {In American historical association. Annual report for 1902. vol. 2, pp. 11-527. Washington, 1903. 8°.) Contents. — 1. Calendar of Chase letters heretofore printed, and list of letters now printed, compiled by S. H. Dobson. — 2. Diary, July 21, 1862, to Oct. 12, 1862.— 3. Selected letters, Feb. 18, 1846, to May 1, 1861.^. Letters from George S. Denison to Chase, May 15, 1862, to Mar. 21, 1865.— 5. Mis- cellaneous letters to Chase, 1842-1870. " Hon. S. P. Chase's speech on the improvement of the falls of the Ohio. May, 1851." {In Improvement of navigation of the falls of the Ohio: May, 1851, pp. 5-12. Cincinnati, 1851. 8°.) How the South rejected compromise in the Peace conference of 1861. Speech of Mr. Chase, of Ohio. New York: W. G. Bryant (& co., printers, 1863. 11 pp. 8°. {Loyal publication society, Publications, no. 37.) Published from the notes of a member. Letter from Hon. S. P. Chase to the Loyal National League. {In Owen, E. D. The conditions of reconstruction, pp. 22-24. New York, 1863. S°.) Maintain plighted faith. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 3, 1854, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36° 30'. Washington: J. T. (& L. Towers, 185Jf. 30 pp. 8°. Same. {In The Nebraska question, pp. 47-61. New York, 1854. 8°.) On the Kansas-Nebraska bill ; Senate, Feb. 3, 1854. {In Johnston, Alexander, ed. Representative American orations, vol. 2, pp. 183-211. New York, 1884. 16°.) Politics in Ohio. Senator Chase's letter to Hon. A. P. Edgerton. [Cincinnati, 1851^?^ 16 pp. 8°. SUPEEME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF CHIEF JUSTICES 81 - A preliminary sketch of the history of Ohio, [1750-1833]. (In Ohio. The statutes from 1788 to 183.3, vol. 1, pp. 9^8. Cincmuati, 1833. S°.) - The radical democracy of New York and the independent democracy. Letter from Senator Chase to Hon. B. H. Butler. [Washington, 1852.] 8°. - Reclamation of fugitives from service. An argument for the defendant, submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States, at the December term, 1846, in the case of Wharton Jones vs. John Vanzandt. Cincinnati, 184.7. 8°. - A sketch of the history of Ohio. Cincinnati: Corey and Fairhank, 1833. {2), kO pp. 8°. Reissue of " Preliminary slvetch of the history of Ohio " from Chase's edition of "The statutes of Ohio," 1833. v. 1, p. 9-48. - Speech, delivered at the Republican mass meeting in Cin- cinnati, Aug. 21, 1855, with extracts from his speeches in the Senate on kindred subjects. Columbus: The Ohio state journal co., 1855. 20 pp. 8°. (Slavery pamphlets, a'oI. 47: 6.) - Speech of Salmon P. Chase, in the case of the colored . . . Matilda. Cincinnati, 1837. 40 pp. 12°. - The statutes of Ohio, and of the Northwestern territory, 1788-1833. Cincinnati: Corey & Fairhank, 1833-1835. 3 vols. 8\ - Union and freedom, without compromise. Speech, on Mr. Clay's compromise resolutions. [In Senate, March 26, 185Q.] [Washington: Buell & Blanchard, 1850.] 16 pp. 8°. - Same. [Washington: Congressional glohe office, 1850.] 24 pp. 8°. - U. S. A. " going home to vote." Authentic speeches, during his visit to Ohio, with his speeches at Indianapolis, and at Baltimore, Oct., 1863. Washington: W. H. Moore, 1863. 36 pp. 8°. (Miscellaneous pamphlets, vol. 451.) 65838—09 11 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Chase, Salmon Portland, a7id Charles D. Cleveland. Anti-slavery addresses of 1844 and 1845. London <& Philadelphia: S. Low^ son c& Marston, 1867. 167 pp. n°. O'Connell, Daniel. Liberty or slavery? Daniel O'Connell on Amer- ican slavery. Reply to O'Connell by Hon. S. P. Chase. {GincinnatifA^ Chronicle prints 1863. 15 pp. 8°. Cover-title. / BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF MORRISON REMICK WAITE. Baker, William. Memorial of Hon. Morrison Remick Waite. (///- Ohio state bar association. Reports, vol. 9, July 11-12, 1888, pp. 173-188.) Bidwell, W. H. Chief-Justice Waite. {In Eclectic magazine, vol. 82, May, 1874, p. 631.) Chief Justice Waite. (In Chicago legg,l news, vol. 20, Mar. 24, 1888, pp. 245-246; Mar 31, 1888, page 253.) Chief Justice Waite. (In Harper's weekly, vol. 18, Feb. 7, 1874, p. 12.o; vol. 32, Mar. 31, 1888, pp. 233-234.) The Chief Justiceship of the Supreme Court. (/// Public opinion, vol. 4, Mar. 31, 1888, pp. 597-600.) Comments on Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite and the office vacated by his death. Coudert, Frederic K. In menioriam — Hon. Morrison R. Waite. {In his Addresses, historical, political, sociological, pp. 226- 229. New York, 1905. S°.) Jones, Francis R. Morrison Remick Waite. {In Green bag, vol. 14, June, 1902, pp. 257-262.) Lamb, Martha J. Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite, his home in Washington. {In Magazine of American history, vol. 20, July, 1888, pp. 1-16.) Lovell, Arthur Thonuis. Richard and Gamaliel Wayte and some of their descendants. (In New England magazine, vol. 4, Jan., 1886, pp. 48-59.) :srorrison R. Waite, pp. 50-52. Morrison Remick Waite. {In Forum (Law) vol. 2, Oct., 1874, pp. 268-270.) 83 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS New York {City) Bar association. Chief Justice Waite. Born Nov. 29, 1816; died, March 23, 1888. Memorial before the association of the bar of the city of New York. Pro- ceedings at a meeting of the bar, held March 31, 1888. [^New York'] : For the association, 1890. 1^0 pp. Portrait. 8". On cover : lu memoriani. Uhle, John B. The opinions of Chief Justice Waite. {In Current comment, vol. 2, May 15, 1890, pp. 257-261.) Waite, Charles B. Morrison E. Waite. {In Chicago law times, vol. 2, July, 1888, pp. 205-212.) See also page 46, (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 47. (Biographical cyclopedia.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ohio.) See also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF MELVILLE WESTON FULLER. Chief Justice Fuller. (In Green bag, vol. 1, Jan., 1889, pi^. 1-3.) Chief Justice M. W. Fuller. (In Cliicago legal news, vol. 20, May 5, 1888, p. 561.) A Chief Justice nominated [Melville W. Fuller]. (In Public opinion, \ol. 5, May 5, 1888, pp. 79-81.) Justice Fuller: A sketch. (In American lawyer, vol. 11, Apr. 1903, pp. 153-154.) Melville W. Fuller. {In Chicago law times, vol. 2, July, 1888, pp. 213-215.) Melville Weston Fuller. (In Case and comment, vol. 2, Nov., 1895, pp. 1-2.) Melville Weston Fuller. (In Chicago legal news, vol. 28, Jan. 4, 1S96, pp. 153-154.) Melville Weston Fuller. {In Harper's weekly, vol. 32, May 12, 1888, p. 340.) Melville Weston Fuller. (In U. S. Official Congressional directory, 60th Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 315. Washington, 190S. 8°.) Public opinion concerning the new Chief Justice [Fuller], t-*"""^ (In American law review, vol. 22, May-June, 1888, pp. 470- 479.) Robs on, Charles, ed. Melville W. Fuller. (Ill A Biographical encyclopedia of Illinois of the nineteenth century, pp. 34-3-5. Philadelphia, 1875. 4°.) Scott, Henry W. Melville Weston Fuller. (In Jiis Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 387-392. New York, 1891. 8°.) Seidle, Thomas C. Melville W. Fuller. (In his Photographs, p. (68). Reading, Penn,, 1894. 4°.) White, Matthew, jr. Chief Justice Fuller. (In Munsey's magazine, vol. 11, Apr., 1894, pp. 80-82.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Curtis, W. E.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) 85 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES HENRY BALDWIN Brown, David Paul. Henry Baldwin, ll. d. {In his The Forum, vol. 2, pp. 7(3-90. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°.) Henry Baldwin. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed. vol. 1, pp. xlvi-xlvii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) The Late Mr. Justice Baldwin. {In Pennsylvania lavp journal, vol. 6, Nov., 1846, pp. 1-14.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) PHILIP PENDLETON BARBOUR Carson, Hampton L. Philip P. Barbour. {In tiis The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 296-298. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) Philip P. Barbour. Obituary notice. {In Law reporter, vol. 3, Apr., 1841, page 465.) Philip Pendleton Barbour. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. xlviii-xlix. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 111. (Story, Joseph.) JOHN BLAIR Luckenbach, W. D. John Blair. {In Current comment, vol. 3, Feb. 15, 1891, pp. 65-76.) Uhle, John B. John Blair. {In Current comment, vol. 3, Apr. 15, 1891, pp. 193-194.) See also page 8. (Carson, H, L.) See also page 48. (French, B, F.) See also page 50. (IJ. S. Supreme Court) 86 SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 87 SAMUEL BLATCHFORD Hall, A. Oakey. Justice Samuel Blatchford. (In Green bag, vol. 5, Nov., 1893, pp. 489-492.) Honors to the memory of Mr. Justice Blatchford. (In Albany law journal, vol. 48, Nov. 18, 1893, pp. 415-416.) Mr. Justice Blatchford and his successor. (In American law review, vol. 27, Nov.-Dec. 1893. pp. 886-891.) United States. /Supreme Court. Memorial addresses. In me- moriam. Samuel Blatchford. [n. p. 1893.'] 39 pp. Portrait. ^°. See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) JOSEPH P. BRADLEY Bradley, Joseph P. Miscellaneous writings of the late Hon. Joseph P. Bradley . . . and a review of his " judicial record." by William Draper Lewis . . . and an account of his " dissent- ing opinions," by the late A. Q. Keasbey . . . ed. and comp. by his son, Charles Bradley. Newark^ N J. : L. J. Hardham., 1902. xii, ^35 pp. Portrait. 8°. Hackett, Frank W. Mr. Justice Bradley. (In Green bag, vol. 4, Apr., 1892, pp. 145-152.) Justice Joseph P. Bradley. (In New Jersey law joiirnal, vol. 20, Sept., 1897, pp. 259-269.) Justice Joseph P. Bradley dead. (In Chicago legal news. vol. 24. .Jan 30, 1892, p. 171.) Keasbey, A. Q. Joseph P. Bradley — A tribute. (In New Jersey law .ionrnal, vol. 15, Mar., 1892, pp. 65-69.) Mr. Justice Bradley. (In New Jersey law journal, vol. 15, Feb., 1892, pp. 58-62.) Parker, Cortlandt. Justice Joseph P. Bradley. (In American law review, vol. 28, July-Aug., 1894, pp. 481-509.) Mr. Justice Bradley of the United States Supreme Court. (In New Jersey historical society. Proceedings, 2d ser., vol. 12, pp. 143-177. Newark, N. J., 1894. 8°.) Read before the Historical society of New .Jersey, January 24, 1893. 88 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Late Mr. Justice Bradley. (In American l:nv revitnA', vol. 2G, May-June, 1892, pp. 438-439.) Worth, George C. Hon. Joseph P. Bradley. The passing of a great lawyer. (In New Jersey law journal, vol. 20, Oct., 1897, pp. 299-304.) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of N. J.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) See also page 23. (U. S. Electoral comm.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) DAVID JOSIAH BREWER David Josiah Bre"wer. {In Case and coinmeut, vol. 3, June, 1896, pp. 1-2.) David Josiah Brewer. (In U. S. Official Congressional directory, 60th Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 315. Washington, 1908. 8°.) Mr. Justice Brewer. Appointment. (In American law review, vol. 24, Jan.-Feb., 1890, pp. 137-140.) Watson, Warren. David Josiah Brewer. (In Scott, Henry W. Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 75-88. New York, 1891. 8°. See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) See also page 51. (A^^ieeler, D. H.) HENRY BILLINGS BROWN Butler, Charles H. Mr. Justice Brown. (In Green bag, vol. 18, June, 1906, pp. 321-330.) Henry Billings Bro-wn. (In Case and comment, vol. 2, Mar., 1896, pp. 1-2.) Henry Billings Brown. (In Green bag, vol. 3, Feb., 1891, pp. 91-92.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 89 Henry Billings Bro-wn. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of tlic United States Supreme Court reports, 4th od., vol. 1. pp. c-cii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson. IT. L.) /See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) jSee also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) JOHN ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL Carson, Hampton L. John Archibald Campbell. (In his Tlie history of the Supreme Court of the United States. vol. 2, pp. 351-354. Philadelphia, 1902. S°.) John Archibald Campbell. {In Appleton's annual cyclopfedia, 18S9, n. s. vol. 14, pp. G22- 623. New York, 1890. 8°.) John Archibald Campbell. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United ^tates Supreme Court reports, 4th ed.. vol. 1. . pp. Iviii-lix. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8\) JOHN CATRON Foote, Henry S. Judge Catron. {In his The bench and bar of the South and Southwest. pp. 145-153. St. Louis, 1876. S".) Ingersoll, Henry Hulbert. John Catron. 1781-1865. {In Lewis, William Draper, rd. Great American lawyers, vol. 4, pp. 241-276. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°.) John Catron. {In Green bag, vol. 5, Mar. 1893, pp. 126-127.) Livingston, John. Biographical letter from Justice Catron. {In Ms Portraits of eminent Americans now living, vol. •_'. pp. 805-812. New York, 1853. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) 65838—09 12 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SAMUEL CHASE (For references relating to impeachment of Samuel Cliase, see " Select list of references on impeachments," published by the liibrary of Congress in 1905.) Dwight, N. Samuel Chase. {In his The lives of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, pp. 245-252. New York, 1876. 12°.) Ford, Worthington C. The " Publius " letters attacking Samuel Chase. {In The Nation, vol. 85, Nov. 14, 1907, pp. 441-442.) Groodrich, Charles A. Samuel Chase. {In his Lives of the signers to the Declaration of Independence, pp. 338-346. New York, 1829. 12°.) Hunt, William. Samuel Chase. {In his American biographical panorama, [). .59. Albany, 1849. 8°.) Judson, L. Carroll. Samuel Chase. {In his A biography of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, pp. 236-248. Philadelphia, 1839. 8°.) Samuel Chase. {In his Tbe sages and heroes of the American Revolution, pp. 68-77. Philadelphia, 1851. 8°.) Lossing, Benson J. Samuel Chase. {fn ?iis Lives of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, pp. 146-150. Philadelphia, 1870. 12°.) Mayer, C. F. Samuel Chase. {In Longacre, James B. and James Herring. The National portrait gallery, vol. 4, pp. 175-178. Philadelphia, 1839. 4°.) Samuel Chase. {In Baltimore: past and present, pp. 233-235. Baltimore, 1871. 8°.) Sanderson, John. Chase. {In his Biography of the signers to the Declaration of Inde- pendence, vol. 9, pp. 185-235. Philadelphia, 1827. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supr-eme Court) NATHAN CLIFFORD Bradbury, James Ware. Memoir of Nathan Clifford. (In Maine historical society. Collections, vol. 9, pp. 235-257. Portland, 1887. 8°.) SUPKEME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 91 Hunt, William. Nathan Clifford. (In his The American biographical sketch book, pp. 128-129. New York, 1848. 8°.) Mr. Justice Clifford. (In Americau law review, vol. 15, Oct., 1881, pp. 686, 746-748.) Nathan Clifford. (/n United States magazine and Democratic review, vol 21, Oct., 1847, pp. 360^64.) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 23. (U. S. Electoral comm.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) BENJAMIN ROBBINS CURTIS Benjamin Robbins Curtis. (In The Forum (Law), vol. 3, Apr., 1875, pp. 284-290.) Curtis, Benjamin R. ed. A memoir of Benjamin Robbins Curtis, LL. D., with some of his professional and miscellaneous writings. Edited by his son, Benjamin R. Curtis. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1879. 2 vols. Por- traits. 8°. The memoir which constitutes vol. 1 is written by George Ticknor Curtis. Mr. Justice Curtis. (In Albany law journal, vol. 20, Oct. 25, 1879, pp. 324-326; Nov. 22, 1879, pp. 404-405.) Mr. Justice Curtis. (In Central law journal, vol. 1, Sept. 24, 1874, pp. 477-478.) Morse, J. T., jr. Benjamin Robbins Curtis. (In Atlantic monthly, vol. 45, Feb., 1880, pp. 265-270.) Review of George T. Curtis's " Memoir of Benjamin Robbins Curtis." Robbins, Chandler. Memoir of the Hon. Benjamin Robbins Curtis, LL. D. (In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, vol. 16, pp. 16-35. Boston, 1879. 8°.) Scott, Henry W. Benjamin Robbins Curtis. (In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 277-282. New York, 1891. 8°.) 92 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Sedgwick, A. G. Benjamin Bobbins Curtis. (In Nation, vol. 29, Dec. 11, 1879, pp. 405-407.) United States. Circuit court {1st circuit). Proceedings of the bench and bar of the Circuit court of the United States, district of Massachusetts, upon the decease of Hon. Ben- jamin Eobbins Curtis, September and October, 1874. Boston, 1875. 60 pp. 8°. Cover-title : A tribute to Hon. Benjamin Bobbins Curtis by the Circuit court of the United States, district of Massachusetts. /Supreme Court. Proceedings of the bench and bar of the Su- preme Court of the United States on the occasion of the death of Benjamin R. Curtis, formerly an Associate justice of the said Court, at the October term, 1874. Washington: Joseph L. Pearson.^ 1871}. 2 If. pp. 8°. Warner, Joseph Bangs. Benjamin Robbins Curtis. 1809-1874. (In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 5, pp. 421-458. Pliiladelpbia, 1908. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) ^N^ See also page 50. (U. S. SuprcTne Court) WILLIAM GUSHING Carson, Hampton L. William Cushing. (In his The bistory of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 144-145. Pbiladelpbia, 1902. 8°.) William Cushing. (In U. S. Supreme Court". A complete indexed digest of the United States Sui)reme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, PI), xxv-xxvi. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. S°.) PETER VIVIAN DANIEL Carson, Hampton L. Peter V. Daniel. (In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 301-303. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) Obituary: Peter V. Daniel. (In Historical magazine, vol. 4, July, 1860, pp. 220-221.) Peter Vivian Daniel. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. li-lii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) SUPREME COURT : BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 93 DAVID DAVIS Brockett, Linus P. David Davis, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S. (In his Men uf our day, pp. 346-351. Philadelphia, 1872. 8°.) Death of Judge David Davis. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 18, July 3, 1886, pp. 353-354.) Linder, Usher F. Da\ id Davis. {In his Reminiscences of the early beuch and bar of Illinois, pp. 181-188. Chicago, 1879. 12°.) The Resignation of Judge Davis. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 9, Mar. 24, 1877, p. 221.) See also page 40. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) WILLIAM R. DAY Character of Mr. Justice Day. {In American law review, vol. 37, May- June, 1903, pp. 402- 403.) Recent federal judicial appointments [William R. Day). (/«, American law review, vol. 37, Mar.-Apr., 1903, pp. 27S-279.) William R. Day. {In U. S. Official Congressional directory, GUth Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 317. Washington, 1908. 8°.) William R. Day. Appointment. {In Albany law journal, vol. 65. Feb., 1903, page 33.) GABRIEL DUVALL Carson, Hampton L. Gabriel Duvall. {In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 233-234. Philadelphia. 1902. S°.) Gr-abriel Duvall. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed. vol. 1 i>p. xli-xlii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) STEPHEN JOHNSON FIELD The Attempt to assassinate Mr. Justice Field. {In Legal intelligencer, vol. 23, Jan. 26, 1866, p. 29.) 94 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Black, Chauncey Forward, ed. Some account of the work of Stephen J. Field as a legislator, state judge, and judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. With an introduc- tory sketch by John Norton Pomeroy. [New Torlcf] 1881. 63, m pp. 8°. "Note by the editors" (p. 63) signed: Chauncey F. Black. Samuel B. Smith. Some account of the work of Stephen J. Field as a legisla- tor, state judge, and justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, with an introductory sketch by J. Nor- ton Pomeroy, ll. d., 1881. And an appendix containing his remarks on the life and character of Chief Justice Chase; his address at the centennial celebration of the organization of the federal judiciary, February 4, 1890; the memorial from senators from California, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho . . . requesting him not to change his circuit; and the story of his attempted assassination by a former associate on the supreme bench of California. By Hon. George C. Gorham. [New Yorkf] 1895. 63, 522, 198, 4 pp. 8°. "Note by the editors" (p. 63) signed: Chauncey F. Black. Samuel B. Smith. Durfee, Calvin. Stephen Johnson Field. (In his Williams biographical aunals, pp. 503-504. Boston, 1871. 8°.) Field, Stephen J[ohnson]. Personal reminiscences of early days in California, with other sketches. By Stephen J. Field , . . Added the story of his attempted assassination by a for- mer associate on the supreme bench of the state. By Hon. George C. Gorham. Printed for a few friends. Not published. [Washington, D. C, 1893.] viz, 4O6 pp. 12' /Same. [Washington, D. C, 1893.] 6, 1^72 pp. 8' >o ?o [Gorham, George Congdon] comp. Biographical notice of Stephen J. Field. Taken partly from the Record of the family of the late Eev. David D. Field, of Stockbridge, Mass., com- piled by his youngest son, Henry M. Field, and partly from documents in the possession of different members of the family. [WasMiigton, D. C] Not jmMished, hut printed only for the use of the family [1892?] 112 pp. 8°. Issued anonymously. SUPREME COURT : BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 95 Judge Field. Sound in doctrine, brave in deed. An ardent view of his fitness for the Democratic candidacy. [n. p., 1880] 8 pp. 5°. Caption title. At head of title: L'roni the Lancaster (I'.t.) intelligencer. Judge Field's resignation. {In Michigan l:iw juiivnal, vol. 6, Nov., 1S07, [ip. 262-268.) Justice Field's resignation accepted. (Iti Alhany law jonrnal, vol. 56, Oct. 23, 1897, pp. 295-298.) Mr. Justice Field resigns. (In Chicago legal news, vol. 30, Oct. 16, 1897, p. 68.) (Tn Law student's helper, vol. 5, Nov., 1S97, pp. 399^01.) The Retirement of Mr. Justice Field. (In American law review, vol. 31, Nov.-Dec, 1897, pp. 924- 928.) Scott, Henry W. Stephen Johnson Field. (In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 373-378. New York, 1891. 8°.) Stephen J. Field arrested for coiispiracj^ and murder of the Hon. David S. Terry. Some of the reasons why he did not dare stand an investigation, but attempted to stigmatize the judge's wife in an application to Governor Wateruiau of California begging to be released. Fresno, Cal, 1889^ 21 pp. 8°. " The above is compiled and published by the friends of the late Judge David S. Terry."'— p. 21. Stephen Johnson Field. (In Case and comment, vol. 2, Jan.. 1896, pp. 1-2.) Turner, William R., comp. Documents in relation to charges pre- ferred by Stephen J. Field and others before the House of assembly of the state of California, against "William R. Turner, district judge of the Eighth judicial district of California. 1851. San Francisco: Printed at the Franklin hook and job of- fice, 1853. 29 pp. 12°. Field was fined and disbarred by Turner for contempt of court. See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) See also page 23. (U. S. Electoral comm.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HORACE GRAY Adams, Charles Francis and Solomon Lincoln. Tribute to Horace Gray. {In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 2d ser., vol. 16. pp. 251-268. Boston, 1902. 8°.) Hoar, George F. Memoir of Horace Gray, ll. d. {In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 2d ser., vol. 18, pp. 155-187. Boston, 1904. 8°.) Horace Gray. {In Case and comment, vol. 2, May, 1896, p. 1.) Jones, Francis K. Horace Gray, an encomium. . {In Green bag, vol. 14, Sept., 1902, pp. 403^07.) Proceedings of the bar and of the Supreme judicial court of Massa- chusetts in memory of Horace Gray, January IT, 1903. Boston, 1903. 5k pp. Portrait. 4°. Thayer, Ezra E. Horace Gray. {In Harvard graduates' magazine, vol. 11, Mar., 1903, pp. .345-350. ) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler. D. H.) ROBERT COOPER GRIER Brown, David Paul. Eobert Cooper Grier, ll. d. {In his The Forum, vol. 2, pp. 91-101. Philadelphia, 1856. 8".) Hon. Robert Cooper G-rier. (In Legal intelligencer, vol. 27, Oct. 7, 1870, pp. 316-317.) Jones, Francis E. Eobert Cooper Grier. {In Green bag, vol. 16, Apr., 1904, pp. 221-224.) The Late Eobert Cooper Grier. (In Alhatiy law journal, vol. 2. Oct. 15, 1S70, pp. 294-295.) Livingston, John. Hon. Eobert C. Grier. {T7i his Portraits of eminent Americans now living, vol. 2. pp. 813-817. New York, 1853. S\) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Pa.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (United States. Supreme Court.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 97 JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN. Dinner to Mr. Justice Harlan in celebration of his completion ot twenty-five years of judicial service. (/n American law review, vol. .37, Jan.-Feb., 1903, pp. 92-9r>.) John Marshall Harlan. {In Case and comment, vol. 2, Apr., 1890, pp. 1-2.) John Marshall Harlan. {In U. S. Official Congressional directory, 60tli Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 315. Washington, 190S. 8°.) Willson, Augustus E. John Marshall Harlan. {In Levin, H. The lawyers and lawmakers of Kentucky, pp. 151-155. Chicago, 1897. F°.) /See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ky.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) iSee also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) ROBERT HANSON HARRISON Carson^ Hampton L. Eobert Hanson Harrison. {1)1 his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 145-147. Phila., 1902. 8°.) OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES Adams, Edward B. Oliver Wendell Holmes. {In Green hag, \o\. 15, Jan., 1903, pp. 1-9.) Holt, George C. The new justice of the Supreme Court. [Oliver Wendell Holmes.] {In Independent, vol. 54, Oct. 2, 1902, pp. 2361-23G4.) Jones, Leonard A, Oliver Wendell Plolmes, the jurist. {In American law review, vol. 36, Sept.-Oct., 1902, pp. 710- 722.) Morris, George Perry. Oliver Wendell Holmes, jurist. {In American monthly review of reviews, vol. 26, Sept., 1902, pp." 307-309.) 65838—09 13 98 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Oliver Wendell Holmes. [In U. S. Official Congressional directory, GOth Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 316. Washington, 1908. 8°.) Post, A. C. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In McClure's magazine, vol. 19, Oct., 1902, pp. 523-.524.) Reid, Sj'dney, and George P. Morris. Oliver Wendell Holmes, a biographical sketch ; Jurist and stylist. (In Independent, vol. 54, Aug. 28, 1902, pp. 2057-2059.) WARD HUNT The Old judge and the new. [Mr. Justice Nelson, and his successor, Ward Hunt] (In Albany law journal, vol. 6, Dec. 14, 1872, pp. 400-401.) Ward Hunt. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. Ixxvi-lxxviii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headle3^ P. C.) JAMES IREDELL Davis, Junius. Alfred ]\Ioore and James Iredell, revolutionary j)atriots, and associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. An address delivered in presenting their portraits to the Supreme court of North Carolina on behalf of the North Carolina society of the Sons of the revolution. [Raleigh: Puhlished hy the Society], 1899. 37 pp. 8°. Title page in red and black. James Iredell. {In Green bag, vol. 12, Apr., 1900, pp. 165-172.) James Iredell. {In Cyclopedia of eminent and representative men of the Carolinas of the nineteenth century, vol. 2, pp. 38-39. Mad- ison, Wis., 1892. 4°.) Luckenbach, W. D. James Iredell. {In Current comment, vol. 3, Mar. 15, 1891, pp. 129-141.) SUPREME COURT : BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 99 McRee, GrifFith J. Life and correspondence of James Iredell, one of the Associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1857. 2 vols. Por- trait. Plates. 8°. See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) HOWELL EDMUNDS JACKSON Clark, E. P. The Supreme Court vacancy. [Death of Justice Jack- son.] (In Nation, vol. Gl, Aug. 22, 1895, pp. 129-130.) Doak, H. M. Mr. Justice Jackson. {In Green bag, vol. 5, May, 1893, pp. 209-215.) Hovrell Edmunds Jackson. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. ciii-cv. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. S" .) Mr. Justice Jackson. {In American law i-eview, vol. 27, Mar.-Apr., 1S93, pp. 205- 269.) Mr. Justice Jackson dead. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 27. Aug. 10, 1895. p. 427.) United States. Supreme court. Jn memoriam. Howell Edmunds Jackson. IWashington: Government printing office ., 1895} ^6 pp. Portrait. 1^° . See also page 9. (Carson, H. L.) THOMAS JOHNSON Boyle, Esmeralda. Thomas Johnson, the first governor of the state of Maryland. {In her Biographical sketches of distinguished Marylanders. pp. 43-75. Baltimore, 1877. 12°.) Reminiscences of Thomas Johnson. {In American historical record, vol. 1, Mar.. 1S72, pj). 100-102.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) 100 LIBKAEY OP CONGRESS WILLIAM JOHNSON O'Neall, John Belton. William Johnson. {In his Biographical sketches of the bench and bar of South Carolina, vol. 1, pp. 72-79. Charleston, S. C, 1S59. 8°.) William Johnson, jr. {In Cyclopedia of eminent and representative men of the Carolinas of the nineteenth century, vol. 1, pp. 510-511. Madison, Wis., 1892. 4°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Cou7't.) LUCIUS Q. C. LAMAR Hill, Walter B. L. Q. C. Lamar. {In Green bag, vol. 5, Apr., 1893, pp. 153-165.) Sketch of Mr. Justice L. Q. C. Lamar. {In Georgia bar association. Report, vol. 11, 1894, pp. 149-169.) Knight, Lucian Lamar. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi. {In his Reminiscences of famous Georgians, pp. 176-193. Atlanta, Ga., 1907. 12°.) Mayes, Edward. Lucius Q. C. Lamar: his life, times, and speeches, 1825-1893. Nashville^ Tenn.: Methodist Episcopal Churchy Souths 1896. 820 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Miller, Stephen F. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. {In his The bench and bar of Georgia, vol. 2, pp. 133-150. Philadelphia, 1858. 8°.) Morris, Clara. Some reminiscences of L. Q. C. Lamar. {In Cosmopolitan, vol. 36, Mar., 1904, pp. 566-573.) United States. Supreme Court. Memorial addresses. In memo- riam. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. [n. p., 1893.] 72 pp. Portrait. 1^°. See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) HENRY BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON Brockholst Livingston. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed. vol. 1, page xxxviii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) SUPREME COUIIT: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 101 Carson, Hampton L. Brockholst Livingston, {In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 229-231. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) Henry Brockholst Livingston. {In The Biographical encyclop:t!dia of New Jersey of the nineteenth century, pp. 427^28. Philadelphia, 1S77. F°.) JOSEPH McKENNA Joseph McKenna. {In Case and comment, vol. 4, Mar., 1898, p. 1.) Joseph McKenna. (In U. S. Official Congressional directory, 60th Congress, 2d session, 1st ed. page 316. Washington, 1908. 8°.) JOHN McKINLEY John McKinley. (7m U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. .- 1-li. Rochester, N. Y., 1S94. S°.) Levin, H. John McKinley. {In his The lawyers and law makers of Kentucky, page 150. Chicago, 1897. F°.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ky.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) JOHN McLEAN Force, Manning F. John McLean. {In New England historic genealogical society. Memorial biographies, vol. 4, pp. 270-279. Boston, 18S5. 8^) Livingston, John, Hon. John McLean. {In his Portraits of eminent Americans now living, vol. 2, pp. 789-796. New York, 1853. 8°.) Longacre, James B., and James Herring. John McLean. {In their The National portrait gallery, vol. 4, pp. 257-262. Philadelphia, 1839. 4°.) Maury, Sarah Mytton. The honourable John M'Lean, Associate- Justice in the Supreme Court of the United States. {In her The statesmen of America in 1846, pp. 164-182. Lon- don, 1847. 12°.) 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Savage, John. John McLean, of Ohio. (/» his Our living representative men, pp. 373-381. Phila- delphia, 1860. 12°.) Sprague, William Bnell. A. discourse delivered Sunday morning, April 7, 1861, in the Second Presbyterian church, Albany, in commemoration of the late Hon, John M'=Lean, ll. d., one of the justices of the Supreme court of the United States. Albany: Printed by G. Van Benthuysen, 1861. Slf. pp. 8°. Veritas [pseud.']. A sketch of the life of John McLean, of Ohio. Washington, 1846. 15 pp. 8°. Caption title. /See also page 47. (Biographical cyclopaedia.) /See also page 47. (Biog. encyclo. of Ohio.) See also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) STANLEY MATTHEWS Justice Stanley Matthews. (In Green bag, vol. 1, May, 1889, pp. 181-183.) The Late Mr. Justice Matthews. (In American law review, vol. 23, May-June, 1889, pp. 451- 455.) Stanley Matthews. {In American bar association. Transactions, vol. 12, 1889, pp. 360-367.) Stanley Matthe"ws. {Iti U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed. vol. 1, pp. Ixxxvi-xci. Rochester, N. Y. 1894. 8°.) See also page 47. (Biographical cyclopaedia) See also page 47. (Biog. encyclo of Ohio) See also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 103 SAMUEL FREEMAN MILLER The Chief Justiceship. {1)1 Legal gazette, vol. 5, Oct. 24, 1S73, pp. 340-341.) Advocating Mr. Justice Miller to fill vacancy caused l.y the death of Chief Justice Chase. The Chief Justiceship. Mr. Justice Miller. {In Legal gazette, vol. 5, May 23, 1S73, p. 1G4.) Clute, O. Justice Samuel F. Miller. (In Iowa historical record, vol. 7, Apr., 1891, pp. 90-95.) Gregory, Charles Noble. Samuel Freeman ISIiller. Iowa City: The State historical society of Iowa. 1007. xii. {Ji),217 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. {Iowa hiographical series, ed. by B. F. Shamhaugh.) Appendixes a-c [Addresses by S. F. Miller] On the formation of the Constitution (p. [S3]-120) On the use and value of authorities (p. [121]-140) On the conflict between social- ism and organized society (p. [141]-171) d. A calendar of the opinions of Justice S. F. Miller (p. [173] -208) Samuel Freeman Miller, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. {In Yale law journal, vol. 17, Apr., 1908, pp. 422-442.) He frightened the lawyers. Some recollections of the late Justice Samuel F. Miller. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 25, Oct. 8, 1892, p. 52.) Justice Miller. {In Current comment, vol. 2, Dec. 15. is'io, [»[>. 725-727.) Lathrop. H. W. Judge Millers appointment to the Supreme Court. {In Iowa historical record, vol. 7, Jan., 1891, pp. 16-17.) Levin, H. Samuel F. Miller. {In his The lawyers and law makers of Kentucky, page 151. Chicago, 1897. F°.) Mr. Justice Miller. {In Central law journal, vol. 5, 1877, pp. vii-viii.) Mr. Justice Miller dead. {In Chicago legal news, vol. 23, Oct. 18. 1890, p. 55.) 104 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Strong, Henry. Justice Samuel Freeman Miller. {In Annals of Iowa, 3d ser., vol. 1, Jan., 1894, pp. 241-2.57. Des Moines, 1894. S°.) United States. /Supreme Court. Proceedings of the bench and bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, in memoriam. Samuel F. Miller. Washington: Government printing oflce^ 1891. 91 pp. Porti'ait. 4°- See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo, of Ky.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) See also page 23. (U. S. Electoral comm.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) WILLIAM H. MOODY Coolidge, L. A. The new secretary of the navy [William H. Moody]. {In Independent, vol. 54, Mar. 27, 1902, pp. 744-746.) Marcosson, Isaac F. Attorney-General Moody and his work. {In World's work, vol. 13, Nov., 1906, pp. 8190-8194.) Men we are watching : Mr. Justice Moody. {In Independent, vol. 61, Dec. 27, 1906, pp. 1564-1565.) Morrow. James B. The Hon. William H. Moody, the new justice of the United States Supreme Court. {In Law student's helper, vol. 15, Feb., 1907. pp. 42-46.) William Henry Moody. {In U. S. Official Congressional directory, OOtli Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 317. Washington, 1908. 8°.) ALFRED MOORE Alfred Moore. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. xxxvi-xxxvii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. S".) Carson, Hampton L. Alfred Moore. {In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 189-191. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) SUPREME COURT: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 105 Davis, Junius. Alfred Moore and James Iredell, revolutionary . patriots, and associate justices of the Supreme court of the United States. An address delivered in presenting their portraits to the Supreme court of North Carolina on be- half of the North Carolina society of the Sons of the revolution. [Raleigh: Published by the Society'], 1899. 37 pp. 8°. SAMUEL NELSON Carson, Hampton L. Samuel Nelson. (In his The history of the Supreme Court of the rnited States, vol. 2, pp. 3.39^41. Philadelphia, 1002. 8°.) The Old Judge and the new. [Mr. Justice Nelson, and his successor, Ward Hunt.] {In Albany law journal, vol. G, Dec. 14, 1872, pp. 400-401.) Samuel Nelson. {Ill U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. lii-liii. Rochester, N. Y.. 1894. 8".) WILLIAM PATERSON Parker, Cortlandt. Alexander Hamilton and William Paterson. {In American bar association. Report, vol. 3, pp. 149-lOC. Phil- adelphia, 1880. 8°.) . William Paterson. 1745-1806. {In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 1, pp. 223-245. Philadelphia, 1007. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (IT. S. Supreme Court.) RUFUS WHEELER PECKHAM Hall, A. Oakey. The new Supreme Court justice [Rufus Wheeler Peckham]. {In Green bag, vol. 8, Jan., 1896, pp. 1-4.) Proctor, L. B. Rufus W. Peckham. {In Albany law journal, vol. 5.''). May 1, 1897, pp. 2S0-288.) Rufus W. Peckham. {In Case and comment, vol. 2, Dec, 1895, p. 1.) 65838—09 14 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Rufus W. Peckham. (In U. S. Offieinl Cougressional directory, 60tli Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., page 316. Washington, 1908. 8°.) See also page 1). (Carson, H. L.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) JOHN RUTLEDGE Barre, W. L. John Kutledge. {In /?is' Lives of illustrous men of America, pp. 408-425. Cin- cinnati, 1859. 8°.) Cook, Frank Gay lord. John Riitledge. {In Atlantic uioutlily, vol. 67, Feb., 1891, pp. 225-230.) Hartley, Cecil B. Life of Governor John Rutledge. {In his Heroes and patriots of tlie south, pp. 291-301. Phila- delphia, ISGO. 12°.) John Rutledge. {In Cyclopedia of eminent and representative men of the Carolinas of the nineteenth century, vol. 1, pp. 55-57. Madison, Wis., 1892. 4°.) Lossing, Benson J. John Rutledge. {In his Eminent Americans, pp. 153-154. Xew York. 1881. 12°.) O'Neall, John Belton. John Rutledge. {In his Biographical sketches of the bench and bar of South Carolina, vol. 1. pp. 17-27. Charleston, S. C, 1859. 8°.) Perry, Benjamin F. John Rutledge. (hi his Biographical sketches of eminent American statesmen, pp. 254-258. Philadelphia, 1887. 8°.) Ramsay, Dr. John Rutledge. {In Longacre, James B. and James Herring. The National portrait gallery, vol. 4, pp. 57-62. Philadelphia, 1839. 4°.) Uhle, John B. John Rutledge. (In Current comment, vol. 1. Dec. 15. 1889, pp. 443-446.) Waite, Charles B. John Rutledge. {In Chicago law times, vol. 1, Oct., 1887, pp. 305-311.) See also page 46. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Flanders, H.) See also page 48. (French, B. F.) See also page 50. U. S. Supreme Court.) See also page 50. (Van Santvoord. G.^ SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 107 GEORGE SHIRAS George Shiras, jr. (In Case and coujiiieiit, vol. 2, Fetf., 1896, ijp. 1-2.) George Shiras, jr. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A coiuijlqte indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed. vol. 1, pp. cii- ciii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) Mr. Justice Shiras. (In Green bag. vol. 4. Dec. 1892. pr». .553-.554.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) EDWIN McMASTERS STANTON Bates, Samuel P. Edwin M. Stanton. {In }m ^Martial deeds of Pennsylvania, pp. 976-981. Phila- delphia, 1875. 4°.) Benjamin, Charles F. Kocollections of Secretary Stanton. {In Century magazine, vol. 33, Mar., 1887, pp. 758-768.) Black, Jeremiah S. Letters to Henry Wilson [relating to Edwin M. Stanton] . {In his Essays and speeches, pp. 245-292. New York, 1885. 8°.) Carnegie, Andrew. Edwin M. Stanton; an address by Andrew Carnegie on Stanton memorial day at Kenyon college. New York: Douhleday., Page c§ company., 1906. 35 pp. 8°. Dawes, Henry L. Recollections of Stanton under Johnson. {In Atlantic monthly, vol. 74, Oct., 1894, pp. 494-504.) Recollections of Stanton under Lincoln. {In Atlantic monthly, vol. 73, Feb., 1894, pp. 162-169.) District of Columbia. Supreme court. Eulogies deli\ered on the occasion of the announcement of the death of E. M. Stan- ton, by members of the bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia and the LTnited States Court of Claims. Washington: Judd & Detweiler., 1870. 56 pp. Portrait. 8°. 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Edwin M. Stanton. {In Encyclopaedia of contemporary biography of Pennsylvania, vol. 1, pp. 170-176. New York, 1889. 4°.) Edwin M. Stanton. (In Atlantic monthly, vol.. 25, Feb., 1870, pp. 234-246.) Edwin M. Stanton. (In Harper's new monthly magazine, vol. 45, Oct., 1872, pp. 737-745.) Flower, Frank Abial. Edwin McMasters Stanton, the autocrat of rebellion, emancipation, and reconstruction. Akron, 0.: New York [etc.']. The Saalfield publishing com- pany, 1905. {12),[19]-425,[20] pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. Gorham, George C[ongdon]. Life and public services of Edwin M. Stanton. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mi^in and company, 1899. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Facsimiles. 8°. Kelley, William Darrah. Lincoln and Stanton; a study of the war administration of 1861 and 1862, with special considera- tion of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. New York d; London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1885. (2), 88 pp. 2°. {Questions of the day. 29.) Piatt, Donn. Edwin M. Stanton. {In his Memories of the men who saved the union, pp. 50-94. New York, 1887. 12°.) Edwin M. Stanton. {In North American review, vol. 142, May, 1886, pp. 466-^77; June, 1886, pp. 540-548.) Stowe, Harriet Beeclier. Edwin M. Stanton. {In her Men of our times, pp. 363-377. Hartford, Conn., 1868. 8°.) Union League of New York. Proceedings in reference to the death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Dec. 30, 1869. [New York] : Club house, 1870. 8°. Viele, Egbert L, A trip with Lincoln, Chase, and Stanton. {In Scribner's monthly, vol. 16, Oct., 1S7S, pp. 813-822.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 109 Wilson, Henry. Jeremiah S. Black and Edwin M. Stanton. [In Atlantic luouthly, vol. 20, Oct., 1870, pp. 463-475.) See also page 4(3. (Bateman, H.) See also page 47. (Biographical cyclopaedia.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ohio.) See also page 47. (Biog. encyclo. of Pa.) Se& also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) JOSEPH STORY Bacon, Ezekiel. A lecture delivered before the Young men's associa- tion of the city of Utica, December ir>, 184H. Utica, N. Y.: R. W. Roherts, ISU- 48 pp. 8°. '• Notice of some distiugnished American public characters and writers, of the past and present century, — James Madison, Albert Gallatin, Joseph Story, and John Pierpont." Banks, N. Huston. Abby Folsom and Judge Story. A curious incident. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 10, Nov., 1883, pp. 427^29.) Browne, Irving. Joseph Story. (In his Short studies of great lawyers, pp. 289-300. Albany. N. Y., 1878. 12°.) Buttre, Lillian C. Joseph Story. (In her The American portrait gallery, vol. 2, pi). 45-10. Nuw York, 1877. 4°.) Death of Mr. Justice Story. (In Law reporter, vol. 8, Oct., 1845, pp. 241-258; Dec, 1845, pp. 382-383.) Death of Judge Story. (In Western law journal, vol. 3, Oct., 1845, pp. 44-48.) Gould, Elizabeth Porter. Joseph Story. An additional word. {In Chicago law times, vol. 3, July, 1889, pp. 231-236.) Greenleaf, Simon. Biographical sketch of Joseph Story, ll. d. (In American law magazine, vol. 6, Jan., 1846, pp. 241-268.) Joseph Story, ll. d. (In Longacre, James B. and James Herring. The National portrait gallery, vol. 3, pp. 251-264. Philadelphia, 1836. 4°.) 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G-riswold, Riifiis Wilmot. Joseph Story. {In his The prose writers of America, pp. 138-139. Phila- delphia, 1847. 8°.) Hillard, George S. Memoir of Joseph Story, ll. d. {In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, vol. 10, April, 1868, pp. 176-205. Boston, 1869. 8°.) HoAvland, Francis. Story. {In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 427-445. New York, 1858. 8°.) Hunt, William. Joseph Story. {In his The American biographical sketch book, page 302. New York, 1848. 8°.) Joseph Story. {In Current comment vol. 2, July 15, 1890, pp. 385-401.) Joseph Story. {In Green bag, vol. 9, Feb., 1897, pp. 49-54.) Joseph Story. {In United States jurist, vol. 1, Sept., 1871, pp. 90-91; Oct., 1871, pp. 102-105.) Mathe-ws, William. Recollections of Judge Story. {In his Hours with men and books, pp. 97-116. Chicago, 1879. 12°.) Memoir of the public life and service of Mr. Justice Story. {In New England magazine, vol. 3, Dec, 1832, pp. 433-448.) Moore, Frank. Joseph Story. {In his American eloquence, vol. 2, pp. 422-437. New York, 1862. 4°.) Peabody, Andrew P. Joseph Story. {In his Harvard reminiscences, pp. 56-60. Boston, 1888. 32°.) Schofield, William. Joseph Story. 1779-1845. {In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 3, pp. 121-185. Philadelphia, 1907. 8°.) Scott, Henry W. Joseph Story. {In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 627-636. New York, 1891. 8°.) Story. {In Albany law journal, vol. 13, Feb. 5, 1876, pp. 90-94.) SUPREME court: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 111 Story, Joseph. The misceHaneous writings of Joseph Story, edited by his son, William W. Story. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown^ 1852. a?, (^), 828 pp. 8°. " Sketch of the character of Robert Trimble, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States," pp. 801-803; " Slvetch of the character of Bushrod Washington," pp. 801-811; " Sketch of the character of John Todd," pp. 817- 819; "Sketch of the character of Philip P. Barbour," pp. 825-828. Story, William Wetmore. Life and letters of Joseph Story. Boston : C. C. Little c& J. Brown, 185 J. 2 vols. 8°. Sumner, Charles. The scholar, the jurist, the artist, the philanthro- pist. An address before the Phi beta kappa society of Harvard university, at their anniversary, August 27, 1846. Boston: W. D. Ticknor and company, 181^6. 72 pp. 8°. {With The Dartmouth. Hanover, N. H., 18U- v. 5.) " Pickering, the scholar. Story, the jurist, Allston, the artist, Channing, the philanthropist." Same. 2d ed. Boston: W. D. Ticknor and company, 181^6. 72 pp. 8°. (Waterman pamjyMets, v. 39, no. 9.) Some account of Judge Story, of the United States. {In Bentley's miscellany, vol. 29, 1851, pp. 376-384.) Waite, Charles B. Joseph Story. (In Chicago law times, vol. 3, .Tan., 1889, pp. 1-13.) Ware, William. Joseph Story. (In hifi American Unitarian biography, vol. 2, pp. 175-186. Boston, 1851. 12°.) Waterston, Kobert Cassic. The character of Joseph Story, ll. d. A discourse. (In Monthly religious magazine, vol. 2, Nov., 1845, pp. 361- 370.) A discourse on the life and character of Hon. Joseph Story . . . delivered on the Sunday following his death, Septem- ber 14, 1845. . Boston: W. Crosby and H. P. Nichols; 1845. U pp. 8°. 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Webster, Daniel. Mr. Justice Story. (//( //i.s Writings aud speeches, National ed., vol. 3, pp. 295- .302. Boston, 1903. 8°.) Reuiai-ks made, at a meeting of the ^Members of the Suffolk b;ir, Sept. 12, 1S4.5, in the circuit court room, in Boston. Williams, Henry Clay. Joseph Story. (la his Biographical encyclopaedia of Massachusetts, vol. 2, pp. 4G;)-477. Boston, 1SS3. F°.) See also page 4(5. (Bateman, H.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) S(e also page 48. (Jones, A. D.) See also page .50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) WILLIAM STRONG Political portrait of William Strong. (In United States Democratic review, vol. 27, 1850, pp. 269- -.) The Retirement of Mr. Justice Strong. {Ill Washington law reporter, vol. S, Dec. 20, 1880, pp. 801- S102.) William Strong. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. Ixxi-lxxiii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. S°.) See aho page 40. (Barnes, W. H.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Pa.) See also page 8. (Carson. H. L.) See also page 28. (U. S. Electoral eomm.) NOAH H. SWAYNE Hon. Noah H. S^vayne. Memorial proceedings of the Ohio State bar association. (In Ohio State bar association. Reports, vol. 5, Dec, 30-31. 1884, pp. 41^8.) The Hon. Noah H. Swayne. {In American law record. vi>l. 13. Aug., 1884. \\\i. 112-114.) Mr. Justice Swayne. \n. p. 1881.] I'J pp. .S'^ " The sons of Mr. Justice Swayne have deemed it not improper to print what follows, for distribution to the members of the family and a few friends." SUPREME court: BKXiRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 113 Mr. Justice Swayne's retirement. (In, Washington law reporter, vol. 9, Feb. 2, 1881, pp. 66-68.) Noah H. S^vayne. {In American law review, vol. IS, July-Aug., 1884, pp. 693-695.) See also page 4G. (Barnes, W. H.) /See also page 47. (Brennan, J. F.) See also page 8. (Carson, II. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Siipreme Court.) SMITH THOMPSON Carson, Hampton L. Smith Thompson. {In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 272-274. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) Smith Thompson. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. xlii-xliii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) THOMAS TODD Levin, H. Thomas Todd. {In his The lawyers and law makers of Kentucky, page 149. Chicago, 1897. F°.) Thomas Todd. {In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp. xxxviii-xl. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ky.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 111. (Story, J.) ROBERT TRIMBLE Levin, H. Robert Trimble. {In his The lawyers and law makers of Kentucky, pp. 149-150. Chicago, 1897. F°.) Memoir of Judge Trimble. {In American jurist, vol. 1, Jan., 1829, pp. 149-157.) 65838—09 15 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Robert Trimble. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of tlie United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pit. xliii-xliv. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of Ky.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 111. (Story, J.) BUSHROD WASHINGTON Brown, David Paul. Bushrod Wasliingtoii. (Zn 7m The Forum, vol. 1, pp. 350-378. Philadelphia, 1850. 8°.) Hopkinson, Joseph. Biographical sketch of Bushrod Washington. (In American law magazine, vol. 5, July, 1845, pp. 249-207.) Hunt, William. Bushrod AVashington. (In his American biographical panorama, pp. 40^1. Albany, 1849. 8°.) Judge Washington. (In Journal of law, vol. 1, Sept. 15, 1830, pp. 88-91.) (In Jurisprudence, vol. 1, Oct. 30, 1830, p. 107.) Obituary notice of the Hon. Bushrod Washington, late one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. (In American jurist, vol. 3, Jan., 1830, pp. 150-158.) Uhle, John B. Bushrod Washington. (In Current comment, vol. 2, June 15, 1890, pp. 321-325.) Washington, Bushrod C. The late Mr. Justice Bushrod Washing- ton. (In Green bag, vol. 9, Aug., 1897, pp. 329-335.) See also page 47. (Biographical encyclo. of N. J.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 111. (Story, J.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) JAMES MOORE WAYNE Candler, Allen D., and C. A. Evans. James Moore Wayne. (In their Georgia, vol. 3, pp. 530-537. Atlanta, 1900. 4°.) Carson, Hampton L. James M. Wayne. (In his The history of the Supreme Court of the United ^ States, vol. 1, pp. 282-283. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°.) SUPREME COURT: BIOGRAPHIES OP ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 116 James Moore Wayne. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court i-eports, 4tli ed., vol. 1, pp. xlvii-xlviii. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) EDWARD DOUGLASS WHITE EdAvard Douglass Wliite. (In Case and comment, vol. 3, July, 1896, pp. 1-2.) Edward Douglass White. (In U. S. OfBcial Congressional directory, GOth Congress, 2d session, 1st ed., p. 316. Washington, 1908. 8°.) Edward Douglass White. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, 4th ed., vol. 1, pp cv-cvi. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 9. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 51. (Waterloo, S.) See also page 51. (Wheeler, D. H.) JAMES WILSON Alexander, Liicien Hugh. James Wilson, patriot, and the Wilson doctrine. [New York, 1906.] 10 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Reprinted from the North American review, mid-November issue, 1906, v, 183, no. 8, pp. 971-989. Cook, Frank Gaylord. James Wilson. (In Atlantic monthly, vol. 64, Sept., 1889, pp. 316-330.) Dwight, N. James Wilson. (In his The lives of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, pp. 214-218. New York, 1876. 12°,) Goodrich, Charles A. James Wilson. (In his Lives of the signers to the Declaration of Independ- ence, pp. 300-309. New York, 1829. 12°.) Harlan, John M. James Wilson and the formation of the Constitu- tion. (In American law review, vol. 34, July-Aug., 1900, pp. 481- 504.) Hunt, William. James Wilson. (In his American biographical panorama, page 160. Albany, 1849. 8°.) 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Judson, L. CaiToll. James Wilson. (In his A biography of the signers of the Declaration of In- dependence, pp. 126-131. Philadelphia, 1S39. 8°.) James Wilson. (In his The sages and heroes of the American Revolution, pp. 394-399. Philadelphia, 1851. 8°.) Klingelsmith, Margaret Center. James Wilson. 1742-1798. (In Lewis, William Draper, ed. Great American lawyers, vol. 1, pp. 149-221. Philadelphia, 1907. 8°.) James Wilson and the so-called Yazoo frauds. (Iti University of Pennsylvania law review, vol. 56, Jan., 1908, pp. 1-27.) Lossing, Benson J. James Wilson. (In his Lives of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, pp. 126-129. Philadelphia, 1870. 12°.) Nevin, David li. B. James Wilson, of Pennsylvania. (In his Continental slietches of distinguished Pennsylvanians, pp. 76-84. Philadelphia, 1875. 12°.) Pierce, James Oscar. James Wilson as a jurist. (In American law review, vol. 38, Jan.-Feb., 1904, pp. 44-60.) Sanderson, John. Wilson. (In his Biography of the signers to the Declaration of In- dependence, vol. 6, pp. 113-175. Philadelphia, 1825. 8°.) Simpson, Henry. James Wilson. (In his The lives of eminent Philadelphians, pp. 964-968. Philadelphia, 1859. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) LEVI WOODBURY Death of Judge Woodbury. (In Western law journal, vol. 9, Oct., 1851, pp. 43-44.) Ela, K. Levi Woodbury. (In Longacre, James B. and James Herring. The National portrait gallery, vol. 2, pp. 265-270. Philadelphia, 1835. 4°.) Hon. Levi Woodbury, of Portsmouth, N. H. (In New England historical and genealogical register, vol. 1, Jan., 1847, pp. 84-86.) SUPREME COURT: BIOGRAPHIES OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICES 117 Levi Woodbury. (In Current comment, vol. 3, .Tan. 15, 1891, pp. 1-7.) Levi "Woodbury. (In United States magazine and Democratic review, vol. 2, July, 1838, pp. 385^08; vol. 12, Mar., 1843, pp. 318-319.) Rantoul, Robert, jr. Mr. Justice Woodbury. (In Law reporter, vol. 14, Nov., 1851, pp. 349-3G1.) Sketch of the public life of Levi Woodbury. \ Printed at the G ongi'essioiml Globe offi.ce., WashingtoaJ). ('. n.d.] 8 pp. 8°. Caption title. Watterston, George. Levi Woodbury. (In his Gallerj' of American portraits, 3d ed., pp. 149-153. Washington, 1836. 12°.) Woodbury, Charles Levi. Levi Woodbury, (In New England historic genealogical society. Memorial bi- ographies, vol. 1, pp. 295-327. Boston, 18S0. 8°.) Memoir of Hon. Levi Woodbury, LL. D. (In New England historical and genealogical register, vol. 48. Jan., 1894, pp. 9-17.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Jones, A. D.) See also page 50. (U. S. Supreme Court.) WILLIAM BURNHAM WOODS The Ne-w associate justice of the Supreme Court [W. B. Woods]. (In Washington law reporter, vol. 8, Dec. 27, 1880, p. 818.) Justice Wm. Burnham Woods. (In Weekly law bulletin, vol. 17. May 23, 18.87, pp. 330-331.) Justice Wm. Burnham Woods. (In Washington law reporter, vol. 15, June 8, 1887, pp. 357- 359.) William B. Woods. (In U. S. Supreme Court. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court X'eports, 4th ed. vol. 1, pp. Ixxxii-Ixxxvi. Rochester, N. Y., 1894. 8°.) See also page 8. (Carson, H. L.) See also page 48. (Headley, P. C.) AUTHOR INDEX Adams, Charles Francis. Adams, Edward B Adams, John Alden, T. J. F Alexander, C. H Page 96 97 5 41 38 Alexander, Lucien Hugh 115 Allen, Lafon 32 American Bar Association 5 Ames, Herman Vandenburg 5 Arnot, Raymond H 34 Ash, Mark 41 ! Ash, William 41 1 Ashley, James M 32 Ashley, Roscoe Lewis 5 Bacon, Ezekiel 109 Bailey, W. F 5 Baker, A.J 6 Baker, William 83 Baldwin, Simeon Eben 6, 34 Baltimore. Bench and bar 71 Bancroft, Frederic 75 Bancroft, George 6 Banks, N. Huston 109 Barnes, William Horatio 46 Barre, W. L - 52, 59, 106 Bateman, Horatio 46 Bates, C. Lee 6,7 Bates, Samuel P 107 Baxter, Katharine Schuyler 52 Beach, Charles Fisk, jr 7 Benham, George A 32 Benjamin, Charles F 107 Bennett, Edmund H 18 Benson, John S 75 Bidwell, W. H 75,83 Bigelow, John 7, 21, 35 Bigelow, Melville M 20 Binney, Horace 59 Black, Chauncey Forward 75, 94 Black, Henry Campbell 7 Black, Jeremiah Sullivan 40, 107 Black, John C 59 Bordwell, Percy 36 Page Boutwell, George S 7,34 Boyle, Esmeralda 99 Bradbury, James Ware 90 Bradley, Charles 87 Bradley, Joseph P 59, 87 Brattle, William 5 Brennan, Joseph Fletcher 47 Brewer, David Josiah 7, 33, 34 Brockett, Linus P 75, 93 Brooks, Elbridge S 52, 59 Brooks, Frank H 30 Brooks, Noah 75 Brown, David Paul 86, 96, 114 Brown, Henry Billings 7 Brown, Timothy 8 Brown, William Garrott 57, 58 . Browne, Irving 59, 109 Browne, Nina E 46 Bryant, Edwin Eustace 8 Bryant, James R. M 59 Bryce, James 8 Buel, Elizabeth C. Barney 57 Bullitt, William Grigsby 8 Burd, Edward 33 Burgess, John W 34 Butler, Charles Henry 41, 88 Butler, George B 27 Butler, William Allen : 8 Buttre, Lillian C 71, 109 Candler, Allen D 114 Carnegie, Andrew 107 Carson, Hampton Lawrence 8-9, 86, 89, 92, 93, 97, 101, 104, 105, 113, 114 Carter, Howard M 9 Cassody, John B 60 Chase, Salmon Portland 80-82 Chittenden, Lucius E 76 Choate, Joseph H 35 Clark, A. Inglis 35 Clark, E. P 29, 99 Clark, Walter 9, 35, 37 Clarke, H. De F 41,42 Clute, 103 119 120 AUTHOR INDEX Page Cockran, W. Bourke 33 Colburn, Jeremiah 56 Coles, Walter D 31 Colt, James D 30 Colt, Le Baron Bradford 65 Colwell, Francis 65 Conkling, Alfred 9 Cook, Frank Gaylord 57, 106, 115 Cooke, John Esten 60 Cooley, Thomas M 9, 10 Coolidge, L. A 104 Corwin, Edward S 36 Cotton, Joseph P., > 39, 68 Coudert, Frederic R 83 Cox, Joseph 10 Cox, J. D 76 Coxe, Alfred Conkling 30 Coxe, Brinton 10 Coxe, R. S 41 Craighill, Robert T 60 Cranch, William 39 Culberson, Charles A 30 Curtis, Benjamin R 91 Curtis, Benjamin Bobbins. . 10, 39, 41, 71 Curtis, George Ticknor 10, 91 Curtis, William Eleroy 48 Cutler, H. M. Tracy 76 Dabney, W. D 10 Dallas, Alexander Jones 39 Danforth, Henry G 42 Daughters of the American Revo- lution. Connecticut 57 Davenport, Frederick M 37 Davis, Junius 98, 105 Davis, J. C. Bancroft 11 Dawes, Henry L 107 Denslow, V. B 76 Depew, Chauncey M 33 Desty, Robert 11 Dewhurst, William Whitwell 11 Dickinson, Marquis Fayette, .//• 60 Didier, Eugene L 30, 76 Dillon, John Forrest 61 Dillon, John M 40, 68 District of Columbia, Supreme Court 107 Doak, H. M 99 Dodd, William E 61 •Doolittle, James R 29 Dos Passos, John R 38 Drone, Eaton S 30 Du Ponceau, Peter S 11 Paffp Durfee, Calvin 94 Dwight, N 90, 115 Dwyer, John William 11 Edwards, Isaac 71 Edwards, Percy L 32 Ela, R : 116 Elliot, Jonathan 12, 15 Ellis, Charles M 71 Esterline, Blackburn 36 Evans, C. A 114 Evarts, William Maxwell 76, 79 Farrand, Max 37 Field, Frank Harvey 33 Field, Henry M 94 Field, Stephen Johnson. . 9, 12, 30, 76, 94 Finch, Francis Miles 61 Flanders, Henry 48, 61 Fleischmann, Simon 34 Flower, Frank Abial 108 Folsom, M. A 11 Foote, Henry S 89 Foraker, Joseph Benson 77 Force, Manning F 101 Ford, Worthington C 90 Foster, Roger 12 Foulke, William Dudley 77 Fowler, Robert Ludon 29, 32 French, Benjamin Franklin 48 Fromageot, Henri 12 Fuller, Melville W 9, 61 Gallagher, William D 77 Garfield, James Abram 77 Garland, Augustus Hill 12 Gauss, Henry Colford 12 Gerhard, Benjamin 39 Giddings, Franklin H 37 Gillett, E. H 52 Gilpin, Henry D 16 Godkin, E. L 27, 28 Goodell, Thomas D 31 Goodrich, Charles A 90, 115 Gorham, George Congdon 75, 94, 108 Gould, Elizabeth Porter 109 Graves, Harmon Sheldon 77 Gray, Horace 61 Greenleaf, Simon 109 Gregory, Charles Noble 103 Griggs, John W 38 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot 61, 110 Gunckel, Patrick Hemy 12 Guthrie, William D 13 Hackett, Frank W 87 AUTHOR INDEX 121 Page Hackett, William H. Y 52 Haines, Charles G 37 Hall, A. Oakey 87, 105 Hallett, W 18 Halsey, John J 52 Hamilton, Alexander 13 Hamlin, E. S 77 Hanson, John Wesley, jr 51 Hardy, Sallie E. Marshall 62 Harlan, John Marshall 9, 13, 29, 32, 34, 115 Hart, Albert Bushnell 77 Hartley, Cecil B 106 Hawes, Horace 13 Headley, Phineas C 48 Hendricks, Thomas A 29 Herbert, Hilary A 13 Herring, James 52, 101 Hildreth, R 52 Hill, Frederick Trevor 36 Hill, Walters 31,100 Hillard, George S 110 Hillhouse, James 13 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron 14 Hitchcock, Henry 14, 30 Hoadly, George 77 Hoar, George Frisbie 14, 96 Holcombe, J. P 42 Holland, Rupert Sargent 35 Hoist, Hermann Eduard von 14 Holt, GeorgeC 97 Hopkinson, Joseph 114 Hortensius [pseud.]. See Ramsay, David Houghton, Walter R 62 Howard, Benjamin C. 40 Howland, Francis . . 110 Hubbard, Elbert 52 Hughes, Robert Morton 14 Hume, F. Charles 33 Hunt, William 90, 91, 110, 114, 115 Ingersoll, Henry Hulbert 89 Ingham, John H 12 Jameson, John Alexander 14 Jameson, John Franklin 14 Jay, John 55-56 Jay, William 52 Jefferson, Thomas 15 Jenkins, J. G 33 Jenkins, John S 53 Johnson, Frances Benjamin 48 Johnson, J. Altheus 37 65S38— 09 16 Page Johnston, Henry P 55 Jones, Abner D 48 Jones, Francis R. . 53, 57, 62, 71, 78, 83, 96 Jones, Leonard A 97 Judson, L. Carroll 90, 116 Kales, Albert M 38 Keasbey, A. Q 87 Kelley , William Darrah 108 Kinney, Jonathan Kendrick 42 Klingelsmith, Margaret Center. . . . 116 Knight, Lucian Lamar 100 Knox, Philander C 23 Lalor, John J 14 Lamb, Martha J 83 Landon, Judson S 15 Lane, Victor H ." 10 Lane, William Coolidge 46 Lathrop, H. W 103 Lauck, H.J 42 Law Association of Philadelphia. . . 15 Lay, George C 37 Lehmann, Frederick W 62 Leland, Waldo Gifford 24 Le\'in, H 101, 103, 113 Lewis, William Draper 42, 87 Libby, Charles Freeman 62 Lieber, G. Norman 33 Lincoln, Solomon 96 Linder, Usher F 93 Littlefield, Charles E 35 Littlepage, Lewis 55 Livingston, John 89, 96, 101 Lloyd, Hemy Demarest 78 Lodge, Henry Cabot 56, 63 Longacre, James B 101 Lossing, Benson J. . 53, 58, 63, 90, 106, 116 Loveland, Franklin Olds. 15 Lovell, Arthur Thomas 83 Low, A. Maurice 35 Luckenbach, W. D 78, 86, 98 McCabe, James D 63 McClain, Emlin. . . .' 15, 63 McCorkle, J. M 28 McCulloch, Hugh 78 MacDonald, W 58 Macdonell, John 34 McKinley, Andrew 49 McLaughlin, A. C 9 McLaughlin, J. F 71 McRee, Griffith J 99 MacVeagh, Wayne 63 Madison, James 15, 16 122 AUTHOR INDEX I'age Magruder, Allan Bowie 63 Marcosson, Isaac F 104 Marshall, John 39. 40, 68-70 Marshall, Maria Newton 64 Marshall, Sallie Ewing. See Har- dy, Sallie E. Marshall Martin, Luther 12 Massachusetts. General court 16 Mathews, William 110 Maiu-y, Nannie-Belle 49 Maury, Sarah My tton 71, 101 Maiu-y , William A 16 Maxwell, Samuel 30 May, Heber J 16 Mayer, C. F 90 Mayes, Edward 100 Means, D. MacG 64 Meigs, William M 17, 29, 36 Merwin, Henry Childs 10 Michie, Thomas Johnson 43 Mikell, William E 72 Miller, Samuel Freeman ... 17, 40, 46, 103 Miller, Stephen F 100 Mister, James F 29 Mitchell, J. T 60 Miyakawa, Masuji 17 Moore, Frank 64, 110 Moore, John Bassett 64 Morgan, John T 28 Morris, Clara 100 Morris, George Perry 97, 98 Morrow, James B 104 Morse, J. T.,ir 91 Mosby, Thomas Speed 36 Moses, Adolph 64 Mowry, Ensminger 37 Myer, William G 39,43 Neale, Walter 49 Ne\an, David R. B 116 New York {City) Bar associatiov . . 84 Nott, C.C 78 Nugent, W. L 28 Ogden, Rollo 34 Olmsted, Fannie M 57 Olney, Richard 64 Olney, Warren 64 O'Neall, John Belton 100, 106 P.,T 64 Parker, Cortlandt 87, 105 Parker, Junius 32 Parsons, R. C 49 Paschal, George W 17 Page Patterson, Christopher Stuart 17 Patterson, T. Elliott 49, 72 Patton, William W 29^ Paulding, William 1 64 Peabody, Andrew P 110 Peeler, A.J 17 Pellew, George 53 Pennoyer, Sylvester 31, 32 Pennsylvania. General court 18 Pepper, George WTiarton 18, 31 Perry, Benjamin F 53, 58, 64, 106 Peters, Richard 39, 40, 43 Phelps, Edward J 18, 30, 65 Phillips, Philip 18 Phillips, W. Hallett 43 Piatt, Bonn .' 78, 108 Pickett, Marie S 57 Pierce, Edward L 53 Pierce, Franklin 18 Pierce, James Oscar 116 Pollock, Frederick 31 Pomeroy, John Norton... 18, 27, 29, 75, 94 Poore, Benjamin Perley 49 Post, A. C 98 Potter, Clarkson Nott 72 Powell, E. P 33 Powers, Frederick Perry 30 Proctor, L. B 50, 65, 105 Ralston, Robert 12 Ramsay, Da\-id 19 Ramsay, Dr 106 Rantoul, Robert, jr 117 Rawle, William 19 Rawle, William Henry 65, 67 Redfield, Isaac F 78 Reeder, Robert P 17 Reeve, Henry 21 Reid, Sydney 98 Ren wick, Henry B 53 Renwick, James 53 Rhode Island bar association 65 Rice, Clinton 78 Richardson, William A 31 Roane, Spencer 65 Robbins, Chandler 91 Robson, Charles 85 Rose, Walter Malins 19, 40, 43, 44 Rosenberger, J. C 32 Rowe, L. S 34 Russell, Alfred 65 Russell, William Hepburn 44 Sanderson, John 90, 116 AUTHOR INDEX 123 Savage, John 79, 102 Schofield, Henry 38 Schofield, William 38, 110 Schouler, James 19, 36, 72 Schuckers, Jacob VV 79 Scott, E. H 16 Scott, Henry W 66, 79, 85, 91. 95, 110 Scott, James Brown 54 Sedgwick, A. G 27, 28, 92 Seidle, Thomas C 85 Semmes, Thomas J 50 Shauck, John A 72 Shea, John Dawson Gilmary 54 Shepard, Henry M 58 Shiras, Oliver Perry 19 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H 58 Simonton, Charles H 20 Simpkins, William Stewart 19 Simpson, Henry 116 Smalley, E. V Smith, James Allen Smith, Samuel B Spear, Samuel T 29 20 94 20 Sprague, William Buell 102 31 20 20 20 72 111 111 108 Sterne, Simon Stevens, C. Ellis Stickney, Albert Stimson, Frederic Jesup Storey, M Story, Joseph 20, 66 Story, William Wetmore Stowe, Harriet Beecher 79 Strong, Henry 104 Strong, William 28, 31 Sumner, Charles 20, 111 Sutherland, William A 21, 44 Taft, William Howard 21, 32 Taggart, Joseph 72 Taney, Edward S 72 Taney, Mary Florence 72 Taney, Roger Brooke 73-74 Taylor, Hannis 21, 36 Tebbs, C. H 11 Terhune, Mary Virginia H 66 Thatcher, Erastus 21 Thayer, Amos M 21 Thayer, Ezra R 96 Thayer, James Bradley 66, 67 Thayer, William S 54 Thompson, Charles Lawrence 44 Thompson, Seymour D 33 Thorpe, Francis N 21 Pagp ; Thwaites, R. G 68 Tiedeman, Christopher G 32 I Tiffany, Joel 21 I Tocqueville, Alexis de 21 Towle, Nathaniel C 21 Townsend, Edward Waterman .... 22 Townshend, Norton Strange 79 ' Trickett, William 35, 37 I Trieber, Jacob 37 I Tucker, Henry St. George 22 Tucker, John Randolph 22 Tucker.nan, Henry T 54 Turner, William R 95 Tyler, Samuel 73 Uhle, John B. . . 54, 58, 73, 84, 86, 106, 114 Union League of New York 108 United States: Bureau of rolls and library 22 Circuit court 92 Congress 22-23, 67 Court of claims 23 Department of justice 23 Electoral commission 23 Laws, statutes, etc 23-24 Supreme Court. 24, 87, 92, 99, 100, 104 Van Santvoord, George. 50 Van Tyne, Claude Halstead 24 Veeder, Van Vechten 34 Veritas [pseud.] 102 Vermilye, A. G 54 Verplanck, Julian C 58 Viele, Egbert L 108 Virginia. General assembly 25 Waite, Catharine V 67 Waite, Charles B 54, 84, 106, 111 Waite, Morrison Remick 67 Wallace, John William 40 Wallis, Severn Teackle 73 Wambaugh, Eugene 79 Warden, Robert Bruce 79 Ware, William ill Warner, Joseph Bangs 92 Washington, Bushrod C 114 Washington, H. A 15 Waterloo, Stanley 51 Waterst on , Robert Cassie Ill Watson, Warren 88 Watterston, George 117 Webster, Daniel 25, 112 Webster, Sidney 25 Wells, David A 27 Wells, J. C 25 124 Whai Whe£ Wlie( Whit Whit Whit Willi Willi Willi Willc UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. [ MkR Z 2:^6© OtL rtl42.|S^|<>^ ■'*'"' HiC'd LD-Un .11) N 8 ^^""^ Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 ! HJhJ LlBKAKl UJNIVJKKSITY OF CALIFORNIA IX)S ANGELES UL oUuiHtnrj HtUnj'.AL 1 IBhiARY FACILITY AA 000 483 938 I PLEA§5: DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD— ^ Ml University Research Library 8 n H B S « a I* « s c 1 K 1