GIFT OF CSu*->^^*^^^ ^ ' Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ABllUAI., HISTOHICAL pna MISC12LLAHB0US A D D K B 3 S E 3 Of jj, s, Chsrlea Dsns Bnrrsge. Grsna High priest of the Grand Boyel Arch Chapter of Msssachusetts daring the years 1910 - 1911 - 19 IE f^^ io I II D S X nnuel lUdress, 1910 Psges 1 to 47 Including Remerka before Mt, Lebsnon R. 1. Chspter, Mllford Pege 33 Before Massechusetts Convention of High Priests Psge 35 Reply to Toast "Toleration'^ before Aurora Grste Chepter of Rose Croix, Brooklyn, 11. Y Page 38 Before St. Paul's R. A. Chapter, Boston Page 41 Before Keystone R« A. Chapter Poxhorough Page 45 Annual Address, 1911 Pages 1 to 36 Including Remarks at One hundredth Anniversary of '78shlngton R* A« Chapter, Salem Page 25 At 25th Anniversary of Royal Arch Chapter of the Tabernacle, Maiden Page 29 At Constitution of Cambridge Council Page 33 KAnnual Address, 1912 Pages 1 to 55 r Including ■| Remarks on receiving flag H|i presented to St* John^s R. A* ^m Chapter, East Boston Page 26 ^K On meaning and Symbolism of Capitular Masonry Page 30 Before Grand Holy d» A. Chapter of Pennsylvania Page 51 es ^c^cj^riO s;tPi-0 ^to'in -mo Q10 VI 3 L ic to: ,i6^q"8ii* taa Jtlocf cTv:' V-l d- . XT . ft yv^-fj'^ ; Grand High Priest's Address Boston, December 13, 1910. To the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts : From lofty Greylock to the sand dunes of Nantucket; from the hills that face Monadnock to the waves that gently lap the shore at Swansea ; from the wooded sources of the Deerfield, high on Hoosac Mountain, to the bluff at Winthrop, overlooking Bos- ton's island-studded harbor, the last days of the year find the con- stituent Chapters of our beloved Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts generally thriving, prosperous, larger in numbers, stronger in zeal and purpose, with increased wealth and, above all, with heightened enthusiasm. From every viewpoint the year that closes to-night has been most prosperous, and we may well con- gratulate those who have labored so well in the past upon the fact that the harvest of to-day fully justifies and rewards their careful planting and attendant care. For not to me is the credit for the results obtained, even as I should not have deserved the blame, if, with equal labor on my part, the tides of general busi- ness had ebbed to disaster. The total membership of the subordi- nate Chapters on August 31, 1910 was 22,053, a net gain of 596 for the year. We have a right to be proud that harmony prevails in our Coun- cils, that men of such high character and standing in the com- munity head the various Chapters, and that officers and members are universally animated by an enduring devotion for our beauti- ful Rite. But in our rejoicing we cannot but remember that there are many vacant places in our membership ; that during the year we have seen many a loved Companion pass under the Royal Arch of Silence into the Life Eternal. In that high courage inspired by the sublime truths of Gorl taught before our altars, and exemplified in the daily lives of our members they have bravely fought the last great battle of life and now lie at rest. As we meet here to-day, let us recall their vir- tues, their merits, their high resolves, their achievements; and, with Sorrow's biting grief, etch upon the tablets of memory our tribute to their worth, the record of our affection, of that true fraternity we attain within the Chapter's guarded gates. They have, indeed, joined the *■' immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence ; live In pulses stirred to generosity, In urg, having a Patriot's Day engagement at St. Paul's Chapter, Boston, in the evening.) Dispensations granted to hold elections of officers to fill va- cancies : Feb. 9, 1910 To Bancroft Royal Arch Chapter, of Ayer, to elect Treasurer. May 7, 1910 To Union Royal Arch Chapter, of Athol, to elect Principal Sojourner. MISCELLANEOUS DISPENSATIONS GRANTED Dec. 10, 1909 To Sylvester Baxter Royal Arch Chapter, of West Harwich, to hold its regular annual meet- ing on Saturday, December 18, instead of on Saturday, Decemljer 25, a holiday. June 23, 1910 To Wareham Royal Arch Chapter, U.-. D.'., of Wareham, to hold regular convocation, falling on July 4, a holiday, on Tuesday, July 5. June 23, 1910 To Cambridge Royal Arch Chapter, of Cam- bridge, to appear in public in regalia, but wear- ing only collars and aprons, for the purpose of participating in the laying of the corner-stone of the new Masonic Temple, in Cambridge, on June 30. Aug. 22, 1910 To Sutton Royal Arch Chapter, of Lynn, to hold regular meeting on September 8, at East Saugus, their hall being under repair. Nov. 16, 1910 To Dorchester Royal Arch Chapter, of Dorches- ter, to attend divine worship at St. John's Uni- versalist Church, Virginia Street, Upham's Corner, Dorchester, on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 4, 1910, the occasion being that of the fifteenth anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of said church by the Grand Lodge of Masons of Massa- chusetts. Nov. 26, 1910 To St. Stephen's Royal Arch Chapter, Quincy, to attend divine service at Wollaston, Sunday, December 11, with regalia. With one exception (which I have since learned was unneces- sary), 1 have declined to grant any dispensations to Chapters to shorten the constitutional time between reception of application and ballotting, or to work the Past, Most Excellent and Royal Arch Degrees the same evening, when requested, for the purpose of enabling the candidate to obtain his Commandery Degrees at an earlier date, or for similar reasons. • I consider that the authority placed in the hands of the Grand High Priest to grant such dispensations should be reserved for emergencies. In this connection I would call attention to an increasing practice, particularly in and near Boston, for Chapters to work each other's candidates on different degrees so as to shorten the time between ballot and exaltation. I would make no recommendation, at this time, for legislation, but would caution all Chapters that such practices are an abuse of their privileges. The fundamental requirements should never be varied, that demand that the several degrees should always be worked with dignity, in full, with sufficient intervals of time between the degrees to permit the candidates to properly receive and digest their beauti- ful and impressive lessons. To rush the neophyte through all the degrees within a few days is not only to deprive him of a proper enjoyment and understanding of them, but, in many cases, results in wearied indifference on his part through the years that follow. The Grand Chapter may well take cognizance of the fact that the Scottish Rite in Massachusetts no longer confers the final Con- sistory, or 32d Degree, except after a considerable interval, thus appreciably increasing its dignity and importance. I would not be understood as criticizing the ordinary courtesies between Chapters, but only such practices as amount to a virtual violation of the Regulations in spirit, if not in letter. CONSTITUTION OF NEW CHAPTERS In addition to the Constitution of Gardner Royal Arch Chapter, already referred to, I constituted Wareham Royal Arch Chapter, of Wareham, on Monday, October 24, at a special convocation of this Grand Chapter, and with the courteous assistance of R.\ E.*. Warren P. Dudley, Deputy Grand High Priest, R.-. E.-. Edwin S. Crandon, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, W. H. H. Soule, Past Grand Scribe, and E.'. Lorenzo L. Green, Grand Lecturer, installed its officers. Forty-six names were upon the Charter roll. The spirit of love for Capitular Masonry shown by these Companions and the highly honorable record of the ancient lodges to which they be- long give every augury of a long and prosperous life for the new Chapter. The following letter speaks for itself : Wareham Royal Arch Chapter, Wareham, Mass., November 8, 1910. Mr. Charles Dana Burrage, Grand High Priest : — Most Excellent Companion, — At the regular convocation Nov. 7, 1910, by vote of Wareham Royal Arch Chapter the Secretary was instructed to convey to the Grand High Priest the thanks and appreciation of the Chapter for the beautiful and im- pressive service rendered at the constitution of Wareham Royal Arch Chapter and the installation of its officers, on the evening of Oct. 24, 1910. We were much pleased at that time to receive the Grand High Priest and so many of the Grand officers. The occasion and what it means will long be remembered by this Chapter. Fraternally and sincerely, Isaac N. Marshall, Secretary pro tern. NEW CHAPTERS It Has been the policy of this Grand Chapter to use extreme conservatism in forming new Chapters, and not to approve such action except in a community that unmistakably evidenced its claims for consideration. But Massachusetts is prosperous, and increasing in population, and, with nearly 60,000 Blue Lodge Masons within her borders, there is increasing demand for ad- ditional Chapters. During the year a dispensation has been granted for a new Chapter at Ipswich. VISITATIONS Receiving many invitations to visit Chapters from all parts of the State, I have accepted all (with two exceptions, where I had previously accepted other engagements, and one to attend with Deputy.) As Grand High Priest I have made thirty-eight visits to Chapters and at exemplifications, attended six Grand Chaptei- (Convocations (including this annual and the constitution of two new Chapters) , and also attended on fourteen other occasions, in all fifty-eight, upon all of which (except seven only) formal ad- dresses were made, and, incidentally, thirty-three different Chap- ters out of the seventy-nine in Massachusetts were visited in ses- sion in their Chapter Halls. I have endeavored to have as large a suite as possible of Grand officers. Past High Priests and Coun- cils accompany me on visits to Chapters, and the cordial response of these Companions to my requests has doubled the value and the enjoyment of these occasions. I desire to express my gratitude in the warmest terms to all those who have shared these pleasures with me. To Excellent Wilfred D. Smith, of Waltham, Excellent Horace A. Carter, of Newton, Excellent Frank P. Rhoades, of Cambridge, Excellent E. O. Burton, of Clinton and Excellent Charles E. Moss, of South Boston, who have on various visitations acted as Grand Captain of the Host, I am especially grateful, as well as to R.-. E.-. Robert W. Browning, District Deputy Grand High Priest of the Sixth District, who joined me on every visit to Chapters except three. The list of visitations, including, also, most of the occasions where I have attended officially as Grand High Priest, is as fol- lows : — LIST OF VISITATIONS Dec. 21, 1909. Reception by home Chapter, Newton Royal Arch Chapter, Newtonville. Horace A. Carter, High Priest. Dec. 25, 1909. Christmas celebration by Chapter of the Sheki- nah, Chelsea. Alfred Anderson, High Priest. Dec. 28, 1909. Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts, Feast of St. John. M.-. W.-. Dana J. Flanders, Grand Master. Jan. 20, 1910. Waltham Royal Arch Chapter. Installed officers, with assistance of M.'. E.-. Harry Hunt, Past Grand High Priest. Wilfred D. Smith, High Priest. Jan. 26, 1910. Past High Priest's Association of First Capitular District. Annual Banquet, Jos. T. Paul, President. Jan. 28, 1910. Boston Commandery K. T. Ladies' Night. James S. Blake, Eminent Commander. Feb. 17, 1910. Somerville Royal Arch Chapter. In special honor to R.-. E.-. David T. Montague, District Deputy Grand High Priest for 8th District. R. Stanley Smith, High Priest. The sudden death, in the anteroom, of Arthur B. Cunningham, a member, caused the abandon- ment of the program and banquet, and turned the meeting into a Chapter of sorrow. The Recep- tion Committee of Past High Priests accompanied the body home, and the flowers intended for the Grand officers were laid upon the casket of the dead. d Feb. 22, 1910 Exemplification of 1st District at East Boston with St. John's Royal Arch Chapter. R.*. E.-. Frank F. Cook, District Deputy Grand High Priest. Feb. 22. 1910 Exemplification of 9th District at Natick with Parker Royal Arch Chapter. R.-. E.-. Albert H. Martin, District Deputy Grand High Priest. Feb. 24, 1910 Mt. Lebanon Royal Arch Chapter, Milford. Clarence A. Lilley, High Priest. Feb. 25, 1910 Exemplification of 10th District at North Adams, with Composite Royal Arch Chapter. R.-. E.*. John A. DeCarap. District Deputy Grand High Priest. Mar. 8, 1910 Order of High Priesthood. M.*. E.-. Warren B. Ellis, President. Address on '' Masonic Memories." Mar. 10,1910 Norfolk Royal Arch Chapter, Hyde Park. Home Chapter of E.*. E. J. Ellis, Grand Master Third Veil. Frederick C. Cobb. High Priest. Mar. 15. 1910 Newton Royal Arch Chapter, Newton ville. Past High Priests' Night. Horace A. Carter, High Priest. Mar. 19, 1910 Exemplification of 8th District at Somerville with Somerville Royal Arch Chapter. R.-. E.*. David T. Montague, District Deputy Grand High Priest. Mar. 24, 1910 Aurora Grata Chapter Rose Croix, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Brooklyn, N. Y. Feast of Paschal Lamb. Response to toast " Toleration." Apr. 6, 1910 Royal Arch Chapter of the Shekinah, Chelsea. Past High Priests' Night. Acceptance of elec- tion to Honorary Membership Home Chapter of Rev. and E.*. R. Perry Bush, Grand Chaplain. Alfred Anderson, High Priest. Apr. 8, 1910 Franklin Royal Arch Chapter, Greenfield. In especial honor to R.-. E.'. Edward J. Reece, Dis- trict Deputy Grand High Priest for 5th District. John B. Clark, High Priest. 10 Apr. 15-, 1910 Exemplification of 5th District at Springfield, with Morning Star Royal Arch Chapter.. R.-. E.'. E. J. Reece, District Deputy Grand High Priest. Apr. 19, 1910 Exemplification of 2d District at Beverly, with Amity Royal Arch Chapter. R.-. E.*. Charles H. Preston, District Deputy Grand High Priest (afternoon). Apr. 19,1910 St. Paul's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston (evening), Patriot's Day. W. M. Farringtou, High Priest. Apr. 25, 1910 Dorchester Royal Arch Chapter, Dorchester. Dedication of flag. Harry J. Baker, High Priest. Apr. 29, 1910 Houghton Royal Arch Chapter, Marlborough. Charles S. Thomson, High Priest. May 9, 1910 St. Mark's Royal Arch Chapter, Taunton. In especial honor to R.'. E.'. Lewis M. Witherell, District Deputy Grand High Priest for 3d District. Enos D. Williams, High Priest. May 11, 1910 Holten Royal Arch Chapter, Dan vers. In espe- cial honor to R.-. E.-. Charles H. Preston, District Deputy Grand High Priest for 2d District. Arthur E. Perkins, High Priest. May 17, 1910 Eureka Royal Arch Chapter, Worcester. Arthur H. Parker, High Priest. (Unable to accept invitation from Menotomy Royal Arch Chapter, of Arlington, for same even- ing, on occasion of visit of Past High Priests' Association of 8th District, and election to honor- ary membership. R.*. E.*. Warren P. Dudley, Deputy Grand High Priest, went in my stead.) May 18, 1910 Thomas Royal Arch Chapter. Fitchburg. In especial honor to R.*. E.*. Charles W. Godfrey, District Deputy Grand High Priest for 11th District. Clarence L. Trowbridge, High Priest. May 23, 1910 Walden Royal Arch Chapter, Concord. In espe- cial honor to R.*. E.*. Robert W. Browning, Dis- trict Deputy Grand High Priest for 6th District. Harry A. Douglass, High Priest. 11 May 27, 1910 Winthrop Royal Arch Chapter, Winthrop. In special honor to R.*. E.-. Frank F. Cook, District Deputy Grand High Priest for let District. Guy H. Maynard, High Priest. June 1, 1910 Dalhousie Lodge, Newton ville. Fiftieth Anni- versary. Charles E. Hatfield, Worshipful Master. June 9, 1910 Pentalpha Royal Arch Chapter, East Weymouth, In special honor to R.-. E.*. Eben H. Cain, Dis- trict Deputy Grand High Priest for 7th District. Gardner R. P. Barker, High Priest. June 14, 1910 King Solomon Royal Arch Chapter, Warren. Fiftieth Anniversary. John B. Canfield, High Priest. June 15, 1910 Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, Foxborough. Fiftieth Anniversary. Ladies' Night. Home Chap- ter of E.'. Charles W. Bemis, Grand Steward. Henry E. Fairbanks, High Priest. June 22, 1910 Northampton Royal Arch Chapter, Northampton. Ralph H. Clark, High Priest. June 30, 1910 Escorted in procession by Cambridge Royal Arch Chapter, Irving C. Langley, High Priest, at lay- ing of corner-stone of new Masonic Temple at Cambridge. Assisted in laying corner-stone by the courtesy and at the request of M.\ W.*. Dana J. Flanders, Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts. July 14, 1910 Clambake of Fall River Royal Arch Chapter, Fall River (informal). William J. Gardner, High Priest. Sept. 1,1910 Concord Royal Arch Chapter, South Framing- ham. Social meeting. Blue Lodge members specially invited. C. E. B. Chase, High Priest. Sept. 12, 1910 Royal Arch Chapter of the Shekinah, Chelsea. Alfred Anderson, High Priest. On the occasion of visit of delegations from Carleton Chapter, St. John, N. B. and Union Chapter, Yarmouth, N. S. 12 Sept. 20, 1910 Newton Royal Arch Chapter, Newton ville. C. Arthur Boutelle, High Priest. Public installation of officers by E.-. Charles W. Delano, Grand Lecturer. Ladies' Night. Ac- ceptance of election to Honorary Membership. Sept. 22,1910 Waverly Royal Arch Chapter, Melrose. Public installation of officers by M.'. E.'. Harry Hunt, Past Grand High Priest. Ladies' Night. Willis O. Chapman, High Priest. Home Chapter of Rev. and E.-. Paul Sterling, Grand Chaplain. Sept 28,1910 Reading Royal Arch Chapter, Reading. Home Chapter of R.-. E.-. George O. Sheldon, Grand King. E. A. Wilkins, High Priest. Oct. 17, 1910 Clinton Royal Arch Chapter, Clinton. Home Chapter of E.-. E. O. Burton, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Oct. 24, 1910 Special Convocation of Grand Royal Arch Chap- ter. Constitution and Consecration of Wareham Royal Arch Chapter, Wareham. John Huxtable, High Priest. Installed officers, with assistance of E.". Lorenzo L. Green, Grand Lecturer, R.\ E.*. Warren P. Dudley, Deputy Grand High Priest, R.*. E.*. Edwin S. Crandon, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, R.-. E.-. W. H. H. Soule, Past Grand Scribe. Oct. 31, 1910 St. Mark's Chapter, Taunton. Public installa- tion of officers by M.*. E.*. Harry Hunt, Past Grand High Priest, with M.-. E.'. Samuel F. Hub- bard, Past Grand High Priest, 'as Grand Captain of the Host. Ladies' Night. Enos D. Williams, High Priest. Nov. 8, 1910 Miller Royal Arch Chapter, Franklin. Installa- tion of officers by E.*. Charles W. Delano, Grand Lecturer. Blue Lodge members invited. In special honor to R.'. E.'. Albert H. Martin, District Deputy Grand High Priest for 9th District. Ezra L. Blauchard, High Priest. 13 Nov. 25, 1910 Morning Star Royal Arch Chapter, Springfield. Installation by R.'-. E.'. W. W. Wallace, Past District Deputy Grand High Priest, assisted by Past High Priests. Ladies' Night. Charles E. Hamilton, High Priest. Nov. 30, 1910 Special Convocation of Grand Royal Arch Chap- ter. Constitution and Consecration of Gardner Royal Arch Chapter, Gardner. * William H. Wilder, High Priest. Installed officers with assistance of R.-. E.'. War- ren P. Dudley, Deputy Grand High Priest ; R.-. E.-. George O. Sheldon, Grand King; R.-. E.-. Fred H. Scott, Grand Scribe, and E.'. Lorenzo L. Green, Grand Lecturer. Dec. 1, 1910 Mt. Sinai Royal Arch Chapter, Lawrence. Fif- tieth Anniversary. Ladies' Night. Dean K. Webster, High Priest. Dec. 12, 1910 Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Massachusetts. Annual Session. Reception of M.-. P.*. Graff M. Acklin, General Grand Master of General Grand Council of the United States. M.-. I.-. Everett C. Benton, Grand Master. The various addresses made on public and other important occasions having been prepared with considerable care, upon special request, I append to this report a few of the principal ones, namely : Address to Mt. Lebanon Royal Arch Chapter, Milford, February 24. Address on " Masonic Memories " before Order of High Priesthood, March 8. • Response to toast " Toleration " before Aurora Grata Chapter Rose Croix, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Brooklyn, N. Y., March 24. Address to St. Paul's Royal Arch Chapter, Bos- ton, on Patriot's Day, April 19. Address • at Fiftieth Anniversary and Ladies' Night of Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, Fox- borough, June 15. 14 INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUESTS TO DEPUTIES Among others, the following special communication was sent to the several Deputies : — Right Excellent Gompanions : To you, chosen for your excellence, for pre-eminent love for the Capitular Rite, for having distinguished yourselves by doing accurate, careful degree work, to you as the particular personal representatives of the Grand High Priest 1 would say a few words personally. 1st. As 1 wisli to emphasize your appointment and its honor, I propose to visit the home Chapter of each District Deputy Grand High Priest at some time during the coming year. I leave the time and occasion to you, and as this visit is to be in your special honor, this should be at some time other than at your regular official visitation. Please advise me as to date most desired, and the nature of the occasion, what degree will be worked, etc., remem- bering that these visits must be distributed through the year. 2d. The following districts did not have any exemplifications last year, and, therefore, under the law, must have one this year of 1910. 1st District, R.-. E.-. Frank F. Cook 2d " ' " Charles H. Preston 8th " " David T. Montague 9th " " Albert H. Martin 10th '*• '• John A. DeCamp 12th '' " William T. Swain Please arrange at once dates for such exemplifications, remember- ing that there are but two Grand Lecturers. Please arrange dates with them and then notify me, Tiie Giand Lecturers are Excellent Lorenzo L. Green, of Medford, and Excellent Charles W. Delano, of Worcester. ^ I am glad to note that nearly all of these exemplifications have l>een arranged for already by the several Deputies concerned. I gratefully acknowledge their zeal, energy, and promptness. 15 3d. r would earnestly request the Deputies of the remaining Districts, namely, 3d District, R.-. E.-. Lewis M. Witherell 4th « " Clifford B. Arnold 5th " " Edward J. Reece fith " " Robert W. Browning 7th " " Eben H. Cain 11th '' " Charles W. Godfrey to use their best endeavors to have their districts hold exemplifi- oations in the year 1910, believing that such exemplifications will be for the best ultimate good of the several Chapters, the District and the Gi .apter. 4th. Please remember that one of the Grand Lecturers will visit any Chapter at any time, for purposes of instruction, by the Chapter paying his expenses and services. (At exemplifications the Grand Chapter pays the Lecturer.) Please have your Chapters take full advantage of this. I would especially emphasize this matter. 5th. I expect prompt information and in full detail within your several districts. You are personally accountable for all Chapters in your districts, and are expected to visit them and keep informed in regard to them. You are especially requested to urge upon the Chapters the advantages of a permanent fund arid the wisdom of its establishment. 6th. Every District Deputy Grand High Priest is expected and personally requested by the Grand High Priest to prepaie himself to install the officers of any Chapter in his district so requesting. 7th. On every official visit to the several Chapters in your districts you are most earnestly requested to be attended with a suite of Grand officers. Past High Priests and members of the Councils of the Chapters in your district. This I regard as im- portant. Please send lists of your visitations as soon as arranged to all of the Grand officers. 16. 8th. Your commission reads : " He is also required to examine their Charters, Rec- ords, By-Laws and mode of work, and see that in all their doings they conform to the ancient customs of Royal Arch Masons and the rules and regulations of our Grand Chapter. He will carefully inspect their Books of Marks. " And it is hereby enjoined upon him to make return to me of his doings herein, by authority of this Commission, on or before Dec. 1, 1910." Please bear these things well in mind, especially to see that all Chapters main tain the dignity of the Order in all the degree work, particularly in the Past Master and Royal Arch Degrees. 9th. On your official visitation to each Chap' our District examine with particular care the Books of Marks and in your annual report to the Grand High Priest specify, as to each Chapter, the condition and use of its Books by answering the following questions : — 1. Whether any present members of the Chapters have been exalted to the Royal Arch Degree whose Marks have not been recorded in the Book of Marks. If any, give names and dates of receiving all degrees. 2. Are the Books of Marks well kept and in good condition? 3. Are the Marks accurately and artistically drawn and are they in accordance with the traditions and dignity of the Order ? 4. Do the Council of the Chapter understand that no can- didate should be exalted to the Royal Arch Degree un- til his Mark has actually been recorded in the Book of Marks ? 0. Does an intelligible description accompany each Mark ? 10th. Please use your utmost influence to cause the Chapters to use the several Lectures belonging to the Degrees and to re- (|uire all candidates to give them in open Chapter before receiving the succeeding degree. Two officers in each Chapter may well be designated as instructors in the Lectures, and give them at every exemplification and from time to time in the Chapter, espe- cially when there are no degrees to be worked. The Grand High Priest is an earnest believer in the value of the Lectures and unhesitatingly recommends their general use by the Chapters. 17 11th. Please remember that the Grand High Priest wishes to discourage all undue haste and " railroading " of candidates, and therefore please do not forward to him any requests for dispensa- tions unless the need is imperative. 12th. Your attention is called to Art. XI of the Constitution of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, as follows : — " every Chapter of Royal Arch Masons under this Jurisdiction shall be represented by its High Priest, King and Scribe, or either of them, in person or by their respective proxies, at every Convocation of the Grand Chapter. If any Chapter under this Jurisilic- tion shall neglect to be represented in this Grand Chapter for two years in succession then the said Chapter shall forfeit its Charter, etc." The Grand High Priest would ask each Deputy to attend to this, use every endeavor to have every Chapter in his District repre- sented by a member of the Council, if possible^ at every convoca- tion, or by proxy to a member in any event. Please see what you can do, each in his own District, beginning at the next Quarterly Convocation, March 8. Trusting that these various recommendations will be approved and heartily followed by you, and wishing you the best of success during your service, I am Yours very sincerely, Charles Dana Burrage, Chrand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. Boston, Mass., Jan. 31, 1910. V LECTURES Recommendation No. 10, regarding lectures, in letter to Depu- ties, has been adopted by several Chapters, to whom I return warmest thanks. I was greatly pleased to find that large audiences received these lectures with applause and hearty approval. I urge every Chapter to rehearse the lectures whenever they have no work, and at all other convenient times. The custom distinctly adds to the dignity of the Chapter. 18 VISITS TO HOME CHAPTERS OF DEPUTIES AND GRAND OFFICERS My suggestion, in letter to the Deputies, that 1 would be glad to visit the home Chapter of each Deputy, was received with hearty approval, and the list of visits made, on special invitation from the High Priest in each case, will show that I have made such visits in every District, except the Twelfth or Cape District, where illness and resignation of the Deputy prevented. I have also made visits to the home Chapters of Grand officers, making a total of eighteen home Chapters of Deputies and other Grand officers visited. All these visits have proved exceedingly enjoyable, and I hope were of value to the Craft. I recommend to my successor to visit the home Chapter of every Grand officer during the next year, if invited, as one of the best methods avail- able of enhancing the importance and dignity of these positions. 1 would further emphasize to the Chapters the advantage of pro- viding simple refreshments on such occasions. These visits should always be a pleasure, not a burden, to the Chapter. NATIONAL FLAG The following suggestion as to the National Flag was made to the Chapters direct : — (granb Sogal Arrif (Hlfupttt nf Office of Grand High Priest, March, 1910. To all Roycd Arch Chapters in Massachusetts : — Believing that every Royal Arch Chapter is the home of deep, true and abiding patriotism, of love of country that is entwined with the heart strings of every member, the Grand High Priest earnestly urges and recommends to every Chapter to display the American flag in the Chapter hall at every convocation, regular, and special. If ever the angry and menacing heads of Anarchy and Disunion shall be raised to threaten the life of our great nation, in our ancient institution will be found one of the most important bulwarks of* national defence, a most potent force of conservatism and unyielding loyalty, founded upon and growing out of its profound love and reverence for God as the great architect of the universe. We shall do well, therefore, to inculcate at all times respect for the nation's emblem, to treasure and recount its honorable history, 10 with the glorious deeds of valor performed under its inspiration, and to teach lovingly and with grateful hearts the meaning of its silent, irresistible appeal to our souls and consciences, as it waves proudly in the free air of heaven, side by side with the Chapter's scarlet symbols. Fraternally yours, (haklks Dana Burrage, Grand High Priest. As I have visited the Chapters in all parts of the State, 1 have been pleased to find the beautiful flag of our nation in every Chapter hall, with but one exception, and in that case the delay in obtaining it was but temporary. I sincerely trust that tiie near future will see the Stars an