759 M5 3 111 o MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS Edited by CHARLES A. BENNETT Professor of Manual Arts, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois SERIES A NUMBER 1 THE CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES CHARLES M. MILLER Assistant Supervisor of Manual Training Los Angeles, California THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PE^RIA, ILLINOIS COPYRIGHT THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS 1909 TL n M MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. The persistent demand for certain numbers of the Manual Train- ing Magazine has led to the conclusion that some of the articles in these numbers ought to be reprinted. Moreover, it is believed that from time to time in the future the Magazine will publish articles which owing to their special value ought to be reprinted soon after they appear in the Magazine. To supply this evident need the Manual Training Reprints have been planned and will be issued at irregular intervals as the demand may warrant. The Reprints will be arranged in two series, as follows: Series A. Illustrated articles of special practical value for class use. Series B. Discussions having special permanent value, or such as supply needed data to students preparing to become teachers. 3 284607 INTRODUCTION. MANUAL training teachers generally believe that good school instruction in the manual arts stimulates in the pupils the de- sire to do construction work out of school, but very few teachers have attempted to direct and develop such outside work. They have often encouraged pupils to bring home projects into the school, but they have seldom differentiated between problems especially adapted to school work and those which are preeminently home problems. Yet such a differentiation is practicable and it suggests a broadening of the teacher's influence and the enrichment of the handwork of the pupils. Sometimes the manual training teacher has been striving to stimu- late pupils to spontaneous effort in school when he would have done better to have held the pupils down to organized, systematic work in the school and reserved the spontaneous work for home problems. But even the wisest teacher, in order to insure the greatest value in such home work, must give his pupils encouragement and suggestions. Some- times he must even supply the motive to effort. It is this point of view with reference to home work that has led Charles M. Miller of Los Angeles, California, to develop kite-making and organize the annual kite tournament which has been so remarkably successful during the past three years. Mr. Miller does not claim that kite-making is an especially good form of work for the school shop, but he does consider it an excellent form of "home occupation work," as he likes to call it. It has furnished him a means of stimulating sponta- neous effort in his pupils and has opened the way to a large field of simi- lar work. The completeness of the success of the kite tournament is shown by the following statement made by Dr. E. C. Moore, Superintendent of Public Schools, Los Angeles : I regard our kite day as the best school undertaking that we have. It is a splendid institution, and nothing that we do calls forth more inventiveness, more skill, and more of the spirit of clean sport. Mr. C. M. Miller, who started it here, has invented something which may be used to advantage by every school department in the land. Kite Day is a school festival which we all look forward to and which, when it comes, is enjoyed by thousands of adults as well as thous- ands of children. " t :"\To enable .qther teachers and supervisors to profit by the data Mr. if iller lias used* witlv such success, we present his article published in tjhe| ljUfitntoat ^nt*nin& Magazine, Volume X, Number 3, as the first number of the Manual Training Reprints. To this article Mr. Miller has added suggestions to teachers concerning the kite tournament, and we have appended his account of the tournament of 1909 just as it ap- peared in the Manual Training Magazine. -THE EDITOR. August 10, 1909. A TOURNAMENT WINNER. FIG. G. THE CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. KITE flying dates back to very ancient history. The Chinese, both children and grown people, have been flying kites for ages. In this amusement the people of China and Japan are unques- tionably far ahead of us in .many respects, but judging by the progress made in two years by the boys of Los Angeles, California, it may be safely predicted, that in a short time we may expect to see some wonder- ful aerial crafts of Yankee invention that will far excel the Oriental. Kite making and kite flying has received a great impetus the last few years as the result of the efforts of some of the boys who have "older grown.' 1 Men of science have found some very practical uses for the frail structures of the air. These men have not only performed certain experiments by means of kites, but have developed considerable aerial craftsmanship. All these developments have been of decided advantage to the small boy, for boys keep their eyes open and are apt scholars when interesting possibilities. come their way; so they are no longer limited to the English bow-kite with its long suspended tail ; they have turned kite- surgeon, and amputated this appendage. The kites of to-day are more scientific and more difficult of con- struction as well, but when a boy sees they are possible to construct, and that other boys have constructed them, he is tempted to try. "What an- MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. other boy has done, I can do." It is an old saying, and one not suffi- ciently used, "It is good to put temptation to work in the boy's way." In kite making the boy has an incentive to do some good, hard, original thinking in working out plans already prepared, and as he works on these, new suggestions, vague perhaps at first, pass before his mental vision, which he pursues, sometimes to failure, but very often to success- ful construction and operation. All boys who have had some experience in kite flying probably know that It takes the wind to make the kite go; Just how, they don't quite know. Without going too deeply into the physics of the various problems of kite construction, the consideration of a few of the simpler ones may not be out of place. If a boy undertakes to fly a tightly stretched, plain-surface kite, he will soon find he has about as foxy a problem as he wants to tackle. He will soon discover that he needs ballast, but the ballast needed is not mere weight. A piece of lead suspended to a string will not answer the purpose will not give poise to a darting kite. It finds its vertical position too quickly. If we had a very steady breeze, we might work out the right attachment of bridle, and add just the right ballast here and there to make a partial success, but we must consider cross-currents, whirls and calms, and all such disturbances that a boy encounters in all kite-flying. The boys use a tissue paper tail for ballast. The tail steadies the kite, not so much by its actual weight, as by the pull due to the resistance it offers in being drawn through the air. It takes much longer for a tail of this kind to drop to its normal position and is a constant balancer during that time, being sufficient to carry the kite through a temporary disturbance, or to the adjustment of a contrary breeze. It is the same principle as the one employed by the rope walkers who poise themselves by the use of fans. So much for kites with tails. The tailless kite must have some recompense for the loss of its tail, and this is to be found in its construction. Instead of the tight-covered surface, the cover is put on loosely, Fig. A. The cross piece of the frame is bowed, and this throws the vertical stick, called the spine, well for- ward. The projection of the spine to the front, forms a ridge on the front surface, like the keel of a bird, and may be likened to the keel of a canoe, also. The first canoes were hollowed out of logs and were round on the bottom. Such a one would soon leave the uninitiated on the wrong side the under side but later there was a keel extending 8 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. down deep into the water which gave greater poise. Just so with the kite. The boat is not square to the front or to the rear, so the tailless, the best of all flyers, tapers at the top and bottom. The keel is some- times projected straight out from a flat surface, Fig. B. Kites with keels will ride a rather turbulent atmosphere, and very soon recover their equilibrium. Box kites have vertical or oblique surfaces that keep the kite in poise without the assistance of tail or special keel. What makes the kite rise? The same thing that causes the wind- mill to turn ; and this is true with a box kite, as well a plain one. The windmill fan turns at an angle to the breeze, and the surface of the kite FIG. A. FIG. B. FIG. C. does the same. Fig. C will help to demonstrate this principle. The air in moving against the kite, has a tendency to push the obstacle out of the way, and would carry it on away with it but for the fact that there is usually a boy attached to the other end of the anchor line. The air must then get by some way, as there is other air pushing from behind. The attachment of the bridle is such as to throw the upper part far for- ward and so cause most of the air to escape by the under route, as shown by the congestion of arrows, Fig. C. But the thickening of the arrows has a double meaning: it means compression, and compression means resis- tance ; but that resistance is nearly all on the under side of the kite and is just so much more of a lifting force. The force of gravity has all the while to be overcome, but in addition to the lifting power, if the kite is not well balanced, the air will pass too much to one side or the other, and if the bridle should not be well adujsted the kite will dodge and dive and cut up antics sufficient to try the most patient. One boy tried to make a "Foxy Grandpa" kite, but he said the grandpa proved so foxy that he would stand on his head. It lacked poise somewhere. The secret, then, if it may be called a secret, lies in the proper shap- ing and balancing of the kite in its construction, a proper tilting of the kite's surface to the breeze, and the use of keels or balancers sufficient to give additional poise in times of special disturbances. 9 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. T'tATC I. KITE- CONSTRUCTION Group l stick Q s P nie - ^'^ e - ss / C , C I S ^-r-rrr7 % '"*., % , % v, Curi/e >u ci tj '\ '"/Jfr b^i/*>* othe (ou/er ^5 f * .i ,.>:^B o >> p o u. n cl. Tail/ ess \ / \ A \ Kit K i te 5 x j,n "tan dlenx 10 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. The framework, which is usually made of wood, should be light and tough. Some frames have been made of aluminum tubing. Some- times a light wood of large dimensions is preferred to heavier wood of smaller size. Spruce is considered a very satisfactory wood, but yellow pine, basswood and white cedar are very good. In the large-sized kites, bamboo is excellent, but split bamboo for body construction lacks suffi- cient stiffness; it is very serviceable, however, in bending for forms, but not for bows in tailless kites. In California the boys use a three-foot redwood shingle, called a "shake." It is of uniform thickness and is split into sticks about -f^ or ^2 inch in width. In the plain kite, the sticks should be lashed together with string, as nailing weakens the stick. In lashing two pieces together, they should be wound diagonally in both directions, with a few rounds between the sticks and around the other windings, to tighten the whole lashing. See Fig. D. The covering is a very important part of the construction, not only in the material used but in the way it is put on. Probably more kites are covered with tissue paper than any other material. If a good grade of tissue paper is used, it makes a very satisfactory covering for our Southern California breezes. There is a great deal of difference in the grades of tissue paper. A much stronger paper is the Japanese or Chinese rice paper, which usually has to be pasted together, as it comes in rather small sheets in this part of the country, although it is possible to get larger sheets. With large tailless kites, a network of string is some- times strung over the surface to be covered, to give support to the paper. For box kites and large surface plain kites, lining cambric is very serv- iceable. It comes in all colors, is inexpensive and durable. Some pre- fer silk, and some don't, because it squeezes the pocketbook too hard. A flimsy covering is not as good as one with a little stiffening. In draw- ing on the cloth cover, care must be taken to avoid getting the goods on the kite too much on the bias, as there will be more sagging on one side than the other. ( For folding kites see the bibliography at the end of this article. ) The string is an essential part, for if the string breaks !! For small kites of about three feet a four-ply cotton string is about as good as any. A well twisted cotton string is much to be preferred to a hemp string. The seine twine, running from 6 ply to 72, is a very serviceable kite-line. For very large kites, small rope and wire are used. The string should be about twice as strong as the kite usually pulls in order 11 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. to meet emergencies. Remember your string is as only as strong as its weakest point, and a string soon loses in strength if it is allowed to get wet more so, if it is not thoroughly dried afterward. Fig. 7 of Plate I, shows the best way to let in the string at the end of the sticks of the framework. A saw is used to make the cuts, as the knife is liable to split the wood. Directions for stringing a tailless kite might be of value here. We will present our framework with two pieces lashed together, the bow in the middle, the spine at one-fifth the Tb FIG. D. FIG. E. FIG. F. distance from the top, and with the saw-cuts as indicatd above at the end of each stick. Start by tying string around top of spine at a, Fig. E; pass around b, c, and d. Draw it fairly tight through a and tie again. Now, b in this illustration is a little higher than d. This should not be so. We now measure and make ab exactly equal to ad. As soon as they are equal, take string and wind securely b and d. See Fig. F. Now measure and secure be and cd, for the spacing of ab and ad will not necessarily bring be equal to cd, as the spine may be bent. Some kind of a classification of kites seems necessary before taking up the modes of construction. We will first separate them into two general classes, each large in itself: A. Plain-surface kites. B. Box kites. A can be subdivided as follows: (1) kites with tails, (2) tailless kites, (3) figure kites. B may be divided thus: (1) square or rectan- gular, (2) triangular, (3) cylindrical, (4) tetrahedral. It is possible to combine not only the A and B features, but each may be used in tan- dem, as shown on Plate I, Fig. 5, or they may be compounded, as shown on Plate I, Fig. 2, and Plate II, at the lower corner. Constructions belonging to kitology, but not exactly kites in themselves, are the mes- sengers, parachutes, signaling devices, wireless aerials, photographic ap- paratus, and many other appliances. 12 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. 7a~t Mess Tu/o or more -s/>/es, it /ca.(tons of G-rotl Keet \ '' Bo* 13 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. PLAIN-SURFACE KITES. 1. Kites with tails have a representation in the group on Plate III. The English bow-kite was quite a familiar figure to our fathers. The construction is simple and can be easily understood from the drawing. (The horizontal stick may be omitted.) The tail is long and is made of short pieces of paper folded or rolled up, and tied about the middle with the string of the tail. A piece of cloth usually is found on the end. The star kite, Plate III, admits of considerable variety. The cover may extend over the entire figure, making a hexagonal kite, or may cover just to the string shown by the dotted line, and both may be made, with or without the fringe. Again, each point of the star may be of i contrasting color, or there may be a star within a star. The star and crescent is a production of one of. the school boys. A crescent frame is made of split bamboo; two sticks of the star are long enough to cross the crescent, giving strength to the whole structure. The five pointed star kite also has three sticks of equal length. They must be securely lashed together at the point of crossing. The hori- zontal stick can be bowed a little to good advantage. A further devel- opment of this kite would be the addition of a light circular band around the outside for the support of a fringe, which should add much to the beauty of the structure. The kite considered the most artistic by a very competent set of judges at last year's tournament was a large six pointed star kite with fringe, and smaller stars of contrasting colored papers on the inside. The tail was made up of a graded series of duplicate kites, running down to a small one at the tip end. See photograph, Fig. G. The Japanese rectangular kite shown at the top of Plate III is made entirely of split bamboo. The vertical and two oblique sticks should be heavier than the horizontal. The two tails are of heavy cord (twisted doth can be used) with long tassels on the ends. The circular kites need little explanation, but the horizontal sticks should bow a little the upper one more than the lower. The small circles of the lower kite should extend a little beyond the large circle in order to allow good lashing. If the card board discs used on the tails are not sufficient balancers, they can be made double. See Fig. H. Before leaving this group, we must consider the bridle. Let us show the attachment of a bridle to a hexagonal kite. See Fig. I. Take a string long enough to reach from b to c with enough slack to reach out about half tr height 01 the kite away from the kite. Attach another 14 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. PL AT Kites, ur/f/i tatl-s r. f\ Kt-i/ect Jr ma.cfe. us>~tn /ica.c made of a stiff piece of paper. The antennae of light wire or small reed. A light yellow butterfly with dark markings makes a showy kite. The re- verse is also true. The owl may be made of tan paper with dark brown markings. The two horizontal pieces should be bowed, and if carefully made, the kite should fly without a tail. The bridle jshould be attached to both ends of the spine and both ends of the upper bow. The bat will surely need a tail, for he is too broad for the height to balance without one. Apply the bridle at a b c d. Tlv beetle is so near like the owl that it will not require separate attention. PLATE V. MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. BUTTERFLY Dark brou un't/% light spots. c a CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. I PLATE vi. SHIP KlTS 21 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. The ship kites with white sails and dark hulls, Plate VI, are very beautiJttl. The one to the right is about the construction given in the "Outdoor Handy Book," by Beard. I believe it will be possible to con- struct these carefully enough to fly them without tails. The tails should be in the shape of anchors when used. The brownies make interesting kites, but like Foxy Grandpas, are hard to fly. The construction of the banner kite is the same as Fig. 4, Plate I. The construction of the balloon kite is given on Plate III. The basket and cords take the place of a tail. The balloon should be dark color. This has never been tried to my knowledge, so he who succeeds with it may send word to the writer, 512 S. Boyle St., Los Angeles, Cal. BOX KITES. The second general division has more than ordinary interest these days, as out of this group has been developed the most important of the air ship inventions. The latest air ships are kites of large dimensions, combining compound box and plain kites with the addition of propelling apparatus. Reference to Plate IV should convince one that there is ample opportunity for variety in this class, too, the square or rectangular being perhaps the most familiar. The square kite is only square in cross sec- tion. It consists of a light framework of four long sticks, one in each corner, running lengthwise, and four short ones used as braces. Two bands of paper or cloth surround the kite, one at each end, with an open space L:"ween them. It is necessary to have these open spa ? as air vents. The baftu and space enclosed is Cirdof 'Lone cortr called a cell. The braces FIG. j. FIG. K. are fitted in about half the depth of the cell. The brace should be cut to fit the corner piece, as shown in Fig. K. The winding is to prevent splitting when the kite is suddenly wrenched by a whirl of wind. A good size for the long sticks is -f^x^x 34 inches set diagonally in the cor- ner as shown in Fig. K. The braces should be just long enough between ' CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. PLATE vn. 23 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. notches to necessitate their being sprung into place. Shallow notches should be cut in the long sticks to receive the braces. The covering we will suppose to be of cloth, the kite to be 16 inches square. It will re- quire a strip 64 inches long plus 1 inch for seam. The two edges should have a ] /2 inch hem, and the cell should be 9 inches wide ; so to allow for the two hems, the strip would need to be 10 inches. If paper is used, it should be turned back like a hem and pasted down with a string in- side to give strength to the edge. The cloth or paper should be glued fast to the outside edge of the long sticks. We start with two sticks first as shown in Fig. L, when dry the two sticks can be brought to- gether, and the other two glued as shown in Fig. M. This gives an even spacing that otherwise would be hard to get. Such a kite can be rolled into small space and is very serviceable. It is easy to see that directions cannot be given for all the box kite class, but many articles have been writen on this phase of the subject, and by reference to the bibliography, no great difficulty should be encountered. V/////A W///A FIG. L. FIG. M. The triangular box kite can be compounded to quite an extent, but the tetrahedral has been developed by Dr. Bell until it can be made of any size, which is not true of other box, kites. Some of the aeroplanes have a number of square cells in a series, with a number of adjustable planes for guiding purposes. The making of box kites requires more real construction, and their lifting power is greater. DRAGON KITES. I cannot leave the kites proper without mentioning the dragon kites. They are a series of plain surface kites. The Chinaman devised a set of harness to make a lot of single kites pull together. They are not com- pounded, and not in tandem, but belong in a class by themselves. The connecting string, traces, or whatever they may be called, at the top and side and sometimes at the bottom should all be the same length between kites, so that when the head is tipped to the proper angle, all the sec- tions of the body will be inclined the same amount. The Chinese drag- on kite has discs for the body kites, but a very successful plan was adopted last year by using tailless kites throughout. The head can be some 24 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. larger with the lower part of the covering (best of cloth) left loose and longer than the kite, like an apron, which blows back in the breeze like a beard. For this reason it is cut in irregular shapes. Very light splinters of bamboo with tassels of tissue paper on the ends, extending a few inches to the outside of the kites, can be used as balancers. These should be very carefully spaced. A dragon kite with a 3 ft. head and 2 ft. body kites, will prove very satisfactory. All the way from 6 to 15 body kites may be used with about 2 ] /2 ft. spacing between kites. The tail piece may consist of a rod about the width of the body kite, with streamers floating out behind. It will require a sturdy boy or two to operate such a monster. See the "American Boy's Handy Book" for the Chinese dragon kite. The centipede kite is about the same in construction. The drawings of reels should require no special direction. A broom- stick makes a very good rod, but it is not large enough in diameter for the drum, so this must be built up. The signaling and experiments in photography have been well set forth in articles given in the bibliography. Two photographs here pre- sented, Figs. N and O, show what was accomplished' by a lad twelve years old with a kodak on a kite string. FiG. N. FIG. 0. The "Yacht Race in the Clouds," by Nugent in St. Nicholas for October, 1900, should inspire any boy to work hard to win success, but it is no easy matter to make a successful yacht. We used a little differ- ent mechanism last year for our yachts, but there is still room for im- provement. This year we used a beam for the yacht and a wire nail bent into the shape of a hook for the release of the sail. Some of the boys have attached light elastic, so that when the sail is released it will .'be pulled down quickly, thus expediting the return. 25 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. The tournament of 1907 was recorded in the MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINE of December, 1907. The tournament of 1908 was a much greater success. Fully five thousand people were present, and the exhi- bition was worth going to see. All the participants were not registered, but 39 schools were represented, and 216 registrations were made. The air seemed full of kites big and little, strong and curious. It was a sight to be remembered. Much might be said about the streamers, messengers, wireless opera- tion, etc., but we will close with just a word on the purpose and plan of the work. The kite undertaking is encouraged through the schools, but is a home occupation. The construction is not carried on in the manual training shop, but is used as a supplement to shopwork. The boy uses his knowledge developed in a manual training course in working out his own problems by himself. Mimeograph sheets were posted in each school with drawings similar to those presented here, for use as suggestions. The boys got their ideas, and worked them out dur- ing what would otherwise be idle hours. Many mothers have expressed their approval of the undertaking, and many teachers have been able to reach boys through this sport, that they were not able to understand be- fore. The kite problem is seasonal. The tournament is brought about for the purpose of recognizing the efforts and success of the home occupation. There are many similar projects having as great variety as this one, that might be used in a similar way. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KITES IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 1. Competition of Kite Flying Sci. Amer., June 13, 1903. 2. Craze About Kites Cur. Lit., June, 1901 ; Tindal. 3. Construction of Kites Sci. Amer. Supp., June 27, 1903 ; Bell. 4. Circus on a Kite String St. Nic., July, 1902; N''?ent. 5. Experiments with Kites Cent., 32:78; Wise. 6. Exploration of the Atmosphere at Sea Sci ., Jan. 19, 1907; Roth. 7. Excursion with Kites Cur. Lit., May, 1902. 8. Experiments by A. G. Bell Sci Amer., May 2, 1903. 9. Franklin Kite Experiments with Modern Apparatus Pop. Sci. Mo.,. 31:739. 10. Frost King (Tetrahedral) Sci. Amer. Supp., June 1, 1907; Bell. 11. Festival of the Lantern Kites Overland, March, 1907; Lorrimer. 26 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. 12. Folding Malay Kites Sci. Amer. Supp., Oct. 21, 1905. 13. Flexible Bridles on Kites Sci. Amer., Oct. 6, 1900. 14. Hargrave Box Kite and Tetrahedral Compared Sci. Amer. Supp., June 3, 1908. 15. How to Make Kites and Flying Gigs Worn. Home Com., April, 1904; Adams. 16. International Kite Ascensions Sci. Amer., Aug. 10, 1907; Ferguson. 17. International Kite Flying Contest July 25, 1903. 18. Kites; Their Theory and Practice Jo. Soc. Arts, 46:359; Baden-Powell. 19. Kite in Meteorological Research J. Franklin Inst., 148:241; Marvin. 20. Kite in War and Peace Chaut., 29:582; Welsh. 21. Kite Flying in 1897 Pop. Sci., 53:48; Varney. 22. Kites and Meteorological Observations Nat. 55:150; Clayton. 23. Kite Flying, Scientific McClure, 6:379; Moffett. 24. Kite as a Life Saver at Sea Engineer Mag., 7:213. 25. Kite Balloon, Captive Nat. 36:278. 26. Kite Flying as a Fine Art World Today, Oct., 1907; Zah. 27. Kite Flying in Life Saving Operations Sci. Amer., Mar. 9, 1907. 28. Kites in the Service of Meteorology Nature, May 10, 1906. 29. Kite Flying in the East Cur. Lit., April, 1901. 30. Kite Principles in Aerial Navigation Sci. Amer., June 27, 1903 ; Ser- viss. 31. Modern Kite and Government Experiments Outing, 30:43; Hunter. 32. Meteorological Phenomena on Mountain Summits Sci. Amer., July 3, 1907. 33. Meteorograph Construction and Operation Sci. Amer. Supp., Feb. 10, 1900; Marvin. 34. New Observation Kites Invented by S. F. Cody Sci. Amer. Supp., Apr. 11, 1903, and Sci. Amer., Feb. 20, 1904. 35. Observation War Kites Sci. Amer., June 13, 1903. 36. Photography from Kites Century, 32:86; Eddy. 37. Picturesque Chinese Kites Sci. Amer., Dec. 5, 1903; Beasley. 38. Scientific Kite Spec., 78:576; Woglom. 39. Scientific Kite Flying Century, 32:66; Millett. 40. Scientific Kite Flying Independent, Sept. 27, 1900; Eddy. 41. Scientific Kite Flying St. Nich., Oct., 1907; Claudy. 42. Signaling with Kites Sci. Amer., Oct. 13, 1900. 43. Tailless Kites; How Made Outlook, 58:1026; Briggs. 41. Scientific Kite Flying St. Nich., Oct., 1907; Claudy. 45. Tetrahedral Kite in, TTr ireless Telegraphy Sci. Amer., April 21, 1906 46. Tetrahedral Kite- .,ur. Lit., July, 1904. 47. Tetrahedral Kites of A. G. Bell Pop. Sci., Dec., 1903 ; Grosvenor. 48. Tetrahedral Princip'e in Kite Construction Sci. Amer. Supp., June 13, 1903; also Nat. Geog. V.ag., June, 1903. 49. Traction by Kites- -Sci. Amer. Supp., Sept. 29, 1900. 50. Use in Meteorological Observations at Sea Sci. Amer., Dec. 31, 1904; Rotch. 27 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. 51. Use in Meteorological Observations Sci. Amer. Supp., Dec. 21-28, 1901,. April 18, 1903; Oct. 13, 1900; Rotch. 52. Work with Kites by U. S. Weather Bureau Nat. 63:108; Nat. Geog. Mag., 11:55. 53. War Kites McClure, 12:543; B. Baden-Powell., 54. Yacht Race in the Clouds St. Nic., Oct., 1900; Nugent. WINDMILL KITE TOURNAMENT OF 1909. THE KITE TOURNAMENT. - In organizing a kite tournament some one person should take the responsibility of the undertaking as a whole. The supervisor of manual training would naturally be the best one to act as director. In case there is no manual training supervisor, the superintendent c.*v appoint some one especially interested in boys' sports. It is not ne sssary to have a manual training system to start kite construction. * ' u boys get their own material and do the work at home. In special c the sticks may be ripped out in the manual training room. Some six weeks or so before^ the tournament, tht irector should send out the announcement. At least on" copy of k i instructions should be sent to each school. In "Los Angeles four or more copies were sent to each school, and they had hard wear. If the occupation is en- couraged in selected schools, a co T of the instructions could be placed in each room. CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. The principal of the school is the proper person to encourage the work of that school, seconded by the manual training teacher, if there is one in the building. It is good policy to use the principals and manual training teachers as judges as they will do more than other teachers to get out a good representation. The first tournament should not be loaded down with too many feats. Perhaps eight or ten would be enough for a beginning. Los Angeles started with eight the first year, sixteen in three groups the sec- ond year, and thirty in four groups the third year. Each school might have a ' 'try-out" week before the tournament, but it should not be too near the tournament as the boys do not want to exhibit their kites then for fear they may be torn or that someone else may get their ideas and copy them. When the boys get to work in real earnest for contest, they work in barns, down cellar some place out of sight. No kites for the tournament may be looked for in the air the last week. t SUGGESTIVE PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST TOURNAMENT. Group I. a. Most artistic kite; b. best decorated kite; c. highest flyer; d. strongest puller (to be tested by spring scales) ; e. best boy kite. Group II. a. Bird, animal, of insect kite; b. best invention; c. quarter mile dash (in which a boy lets out 1320 feet of string and winds it in again. Reels may be used to wind in. String must be measured before the tournament) ; d. reels; e. suspended banners. Choose a place for the tournament that is free from wires, that has plenty of room, that is open to the breeze and is accessible to car service. See the street car officials that the car crews may give the kindest con- sideration to the kite boys. The street car company gets good returns out of it, so should be very considerate. A few policemen have a quiet- ing effect on boys with inclinations to do mischief, and are also very serviceable in keeping back the crowds from some of the contestants. Bulletin boards designating where the various feats are to take place, are of much service. These boards should be placed high enough to be well above the heads of the spectators. The registration should be taken at the various schools by the prin- cipals the day preceding the tournament and should be turned in to the director the same evening. It is quite difficult to get a complete regis- tration on the tournament grounds. 29 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. It seems best to so plan the tournament that all the kites may re- main up during the afternoon, as it will probably be impossible to get the kites of one entry pulled down to give way to another. Then, too, there is a much better showing if all the kites can remain up all the time. The boys should be encouraged to select the plain kites at the be- ginning, the tendency being just the opposite. The simple ones are much better for the study of the main principles of kite construc- tion and flying. Until some ability has been acquired, the kite flyer can- not properly diagnose a case of kite delirium; he does not recognize simple defects, and may give up a good kite that is nearly a success. If some grown up boys who are acting as principals or instructors, would make an up-to-date kite for their own pleasure and the encouragement of the boys, it would strengthen a bond of fellowship wonderfully. The foregoing sketch and notes on kite-making give enough to start the w r ork of construction, but leave something for the boys to work out for themselves. The article is intended for suggesion, but stops short of complete details. The greatest good is derived from the planning of the kites and the construction of the same, but the social gathering of the schools and the learning to abide by the judges' decision are valuable assets to the year's, work. Simple little diplomas, signed by the superintendent, chairman of athletic sports committee, and the director, recognizing superior exhi- bition of skill at the tournament, are much appreciated by the victors. It is possible that a silver cup might be used to good advantage as a trust to the school winning the greatest number of points, to be kept until the next tournament. LOS ANGELES KITE TOURNAMENT. The Third Annual Kite Tournament of the Los Angeles City School District was held April 3, 1909. It was a glorious day but the wind was quite uncertain, changing from a northerly direction in the morning to a southerly direction in the afternoon. The tournament be- gan at about 2 o'clock; some of the boys brought their lunch and were on the grounds by eight in the morning. There was not sufficient breeze at the beginning to support the large kites and it looked quite discour- aging, these kites only pulling about 2 Ibs., but by three o'clock some of the kites began to break away and our fears were removed. 30 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. It was a magnificent sight when all the various creations of color, shape and energy were exhibited. The interest is ever increasing with both the children and the parents and a great assembly was present to witness the contest. Larger kites and more complex construction were at- tempted than heretofore. A good start was made on trussed construc- tion and interest did not cease with the tournament. Many are planning to secure a prize next year. One kite had a windmill inside its frame which gave motor power to work a lever which caused a head to wag above the kite. One example of the sort is enough to start a whole new field of possibilities. Electricity will probably be used for a simi- lar purpose next year. Simple diplomas stating the feat in which the contestant excelled were given to the victors. The diplomas were 5 l /2 in. x 8^2 in., printed with brown ink on a light tan paper. SECOND PRIZE, ARTISTIC KITE TOURNAMENT OB 1909, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. A number of girls entered this year but do not like to compete with the boys except in artistic make-up and decorative features, so a num- ber of feats exclusively for girls will be added next time. The small boy too is hard pressed and so a place will be given for fifth grade and under. The spirit of the whole occasion was excellent no bitter strife of one school with another each child enthusiastic about the whole affair, and all the thousands of children, while excited, were genteel and happy. 31 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. Many a boy works on his kite for a month or more. At first, some of the members of the family will be very indifferent, but by the time the kite is finished, father, as well as the rest, is making suggestions, and they turn out in full force to see Bobbie win the prize. Sometimes the simpler kites with inexpensive materials are superior to the opposite. In nearly every case there is a very willing submission to the decision of the judges. In a race, one wins and the others must lose, so the children are learning valuable lessons for life in their own contests. The larger boys try for the difficult feats of skill and strong pull- ing. Two kites seemed almost alike, but when the scales were applied one pulled 34 pounds while the other registered but 28 pounds. This com- parison brought out further study in which it was found that one had a curve that the lighter puller did not have. Only two yachts were in condition at the time for the race, then one of the kites kept breaking away so the one left made its ascent of 400 feet where the sail was tripped and the yacht spun down to its proud owner, making the round trip in about 2^2 minutes. Perhaps the most exciting feat was the quarter mile dash. Out of ten entries but seven started ; the string was all measured and handed to the boys at the time for starting. Each boy was to start his kite, play out 1320 feet of string, and when it was all out he could attach it to a reel and wind it in as fast as possible. Each boy was entitled to one helper and they were timed by one of the judges. Policemen kept the crowd back from the lines. Very soon three kites were far in the lead, some getting mixed up, one failing to carry all the string, etc. See! one is at the end of his string and is winding in ; now another is wind- ing in ; the third, soon after starting to wind in, catches his kite way out in yonder tree, and snap goes the string! The other two are working to their limit, one winding in a little over a yard at each turn ; up the kites mount in the sky; now to this side, now to that; they are being pulled unmercifully. Now one is nearly overhead! Noisy? No; the excitement is too great to even yell. Here comes the first one right down with a bang on the heads of the spectators. It is not allowed to remain there, however, but is dragged right into the reel. The second follows hard after, and so the race is over. There was a prolonged yell about this time, Nat Stockwell of the Union Avenue School had won first place, and Elgin McNarry of McKinley Avenue second. The crowd about the boys shut off all breeze and to say that the boys per- spired freely is putting it very mildly. 32 CONSTRUCTION AND FLYING OF KITES. A real glider was brought on by one of the boys; it was very inter- esting at the time, and also instructive for next year's construction. An attempt was made to glide for a short distance but a gust of wind caught the aeroplane and forced one corner to the ground, snapping off a post. One event looked very serious for a time but had no serious conse- quences. A lad had entered the wireless competition and had laid good plans; he had aluminum wire for a conductor from his kite and had the ground wire attached to a water hydrant. A gust of wind, however, snapped his kite loose and let the wire drop across the trolley wire. AN OLD BICYCLE BROUGHT INTO SERVICE IN THE LOS ANGELES TOURNAMENT. When the kite broke loose he became confused and got tangled in his wire. The current was sufficient to stun him and he fell. As soon as he was removed he revived and was taken home immediately. The boy claims he did not have any bad effects from the schock. This is re- ported that others may be cautious how they handle w r ire kite lines near trolley systems. The program of the tournament \\as as follows: Group I. a. Bird kite; b. Insect kite; c. Artistic kite; d. Best decorated kite; e. Animal kite; f. Man kite; g. Suspended figures; h. Star kite. Group II. a. Strong puller (over 3^ feet) ; b. Strong puller (under 3 T / 2 feet) ; c. Yacht race; d. Quarter mile dash; e. Parachutes; f. Kite antics; g. High flyer. Group III. a. Balloon ascension (endurance) ; b. Balloon ascen- sion (beauty); c. Wireless operations; d. Photograph from kite; e. Dragon kites ; f. Aeroplane as kite ; g. Real glider. 33 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. Group IV. a. Smallest plain kite; b. Smallest box kite; c. Quick construction of kite; d. Kites with moving parts; c. Best invention; f. Reels; g. Windmill kites. A few of the winners are shown by the photographs, but the colors are missing, a very important feature in the kite's appearance. 34 Books on the Manual Arts Beginning Woodwork, At Home and in School. By CLINTON SHELDON VAN DEUSEN; illustrated by Edwin Victor Lawrence. A full and clear description in detail of the fundamental processes of elementary benchwork in wood. This description is given through directions for making a few simple, useful articles suitable either for school or home problems. Even without a teacher a bright boy, by following this book faithfully, may acquire considerable skill. It is a safe guide for farmers' boys as well as for city boys, and is especially well suited for use in rural and village schools in which the teacher has had but little experience in the use of woodworking tools. The book is illustrated by more than one hundred figures, including ten plates of working drawings. Each of these figures is an original drawing made expressly for this book. Price, $1.00. Essentials of Woodworking. By IRA s. GRIFFITH; illustrated with numerous pen drawings by Edwin V. Lawrence. This is a comprehensive textbook on woodworking tools, materials and processes, to supplement, but not to take the place of, the instruction given by the teacher. The book contains three parts; I Tools and elementary processes, including laying-out tools and their use, saws, planes and their use, boring tools, chisels, grinding and whetting, form work, laying out duplicate parts, scraping, sandpapering, and fastening parts. II Simple joinery, including directions for making the common joints, elementary cabinet work involving drawer construction, paneling, rabbeting, and door construction. Ill Wood and wood-finishing, including a great amount of information that should be given to a student along with his work in wood. The book does not contain a course of models. It may be used with any course. Price, $1.00. Problems in Woodworking. By M. w. MURRAY. A convenient collection of good problems ready to place in the hands of the pupils. It consists of forty plates bound in heavy paper covers with brass fasteners. Each plate is a working drawing, or problem in bench work that has been successfully worked out by boys in one of the grades from seven to nine inclusive. Many of the problems can be worked out in various ways according to 1 the individual ability, interest and taste of the pupil. Price, 75 cents. Board covers, 20 cents extra. Problems in Furniture Making. By FRED D. CRAWSHAW. This book consists of 32 plates of working drawings suitable for use in grammar and high schools and 24 pages of text, including chapters on design, construction and finishes, and notes on the problems. Price, in heavy paper covers, $1.00. Board covers, 20 cents extra. Problems in Mechanical Drawing. By CHARLES A. BEN- NETT. With drawings made by Fred D. Crawshaw. This book consists of 80 plates and a few explanatory notes, and is bound in heavy paper covers with brass fasteners. Its purpose is to furnish teachers of classes beginning mechanical drawing with a large number of simple, practical problems. These have been selected with reference to the formation of good habits in technique, the interest of the pupils, and the subjects usually included in a grammar and first-year high school course. The book covers simple projection straight lines and circles, problems involving tangents, planes of projection, revolution of solids, develop- ments, intersections, isometric projection, lettering and working drawings. Each problem given is unsolved and therefore in proper form to hand to the pupil for solution. Price, $1.00. Board covers, 20 cents extra. 35 Books on the Manual Arts Woodwork for Schools on Scientific Lines. By JAMES THOMAS BAILY and S. POLLITT. This ; the e ' .ling iroblems designed to cor- relate r them u- ling. , 75 cents. Clay W . v. ,y CATHERINE MORRIS LESTER. This book covers the whole range of clay work for the elementary school technique of clay modeling, study of plant forms, human figure, story illustration, simple architectural ornament, the making of tiles and ornamental pottery. Price, $1.00. Classroom Practice in Design, By JA$IES PARTON HANEY. A concise, up-to-date, richly illustrated booklet on the teaching of applied design. Very sug- gestive. Price, 50 cents. The Wash Method of Handling Water Colour. By FRANK FORREST FREDERICK. Tip ; "This little book is a helpful guide and affords a stimulus to the use of water-color as practiced by the earlier painters, whose beautiful work is 'unexcelled." Price, 50 cents. ManMl training Magazine. ~ \ * ' * An illustrated, bimonthly publication devoted to the interests of the Manual Arts in Education. Subscription priqj ,>$L50 a year; single copies, 35 cents. In foreign countries, including Canada, $1.75 a year; single copies, 40 cents. 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