UC-NI SEfi IDE REESE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. , igoC . Accession No. % C ^ / ^ Class No. From the collection of the z n m o Prelinger v Jjibrary San Francisco, California 2006 TABLES FOR FACILITATING THE COMPUTATION OF STAR-CONSTANTS \ \ V ^ AS ARRANGED BY E. J. STONE, M.A., F.R.S. FORMERLY HER MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE LATE RADCLIFFE OBSERVER AT OXFORD MODIFIED AND REVISED BY H. H. TURNER, M.A., B.Sc. SAVILIAN PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. 1897 Price Two Shillings TABL ES FOR FACILITATING THE COMPUTATION OF STAR-CONSTANTS AS ARRANGED BY E. J. STONE, M.A., F.R.S. FORMERLY HER MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE LATE RADCLIFFE OBSERVER AT OXFORD MODIFIED AND REVISED BY H. H. TURNER, M.A., B.Sc. SAVILIAN PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. 1897 Co Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY of. INTRODUCTION TO TABLES FOE THE COMPUTATION OF STAB-CONSTANTS 1 . THE general arrangement of these tables is that of Mr. E. J. Stone, formerly H.M. Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope, now Kadcliffe Observer at Oxford. His tables were printed as an Appendix to the Cape Observations, 1874: some separate copies being struck off for distribution. They were adopted for use at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in 1886 ; being found to save much time compared with the old method of computing star-constants. But after experience of their use there I could not help thinking that the time spent in such calculations might be still further reduced. In the years 1885-1893 inclusive, during which I was Chief Assistant at Greenwich, I saw this work grow until it was occupying steadily the whole time of two computers. Since then the number of stars observed has considerably increased, and the work must be heavier still. It is clear that any device which shortens the process of calculating a ' star- correction ' is economically valuable. 2. When in 1890 Miss Bruce generously offered a large sum towards satisfying the miscellaneous and minor wants of astronomers all over the world, I applied for a sum of 100 with which to experiment in shortening the labour of calculating star-corrections. My idea at that time was to form certain tables, which would necessitate a heavy outlay of computing initially, but which would save every-day labour. After proceeding some distance with this particular scheme, it was found unprofitable and was abandoned : but at the same time the idea of calculation by mechanical devices was suggested, and several of these were constructed with various degrees of precision. (See Monthly Notices E.A.S. LIV. pp. 369-367, LV. 290.) Mr. W. E. Cooke of Adelaide joined in this work. I have not yet quite perfected an apparatus of this kind. 3. Meanwhile my attention was accidentally drawn back to Mr. Stone's original tables. It seemed to me that though the general form of the tables a 2 iv Introduction to Tables for was excellent, too many figures were used : and on careful examination of this point it appeared that three figures were sufficient where Mr. Stone had tabulated five. The evidence for this conclusion is reprinted at the end of this Introduction from The Observatory, Vol. XVIII. p. 424 ; Dec. 1895. 4. Accordingly it seemed to me that Miss Bruce's grant, of which a considerable portion still remained, could not be better employed than in reprinting these tables in 3 -figure form. Moreover, the original supply of copies of Stone's Tables had been used up, and it was necessary to reprint them in some form. On application to the Astronomer Royal, he consented to the following plan : I was to rearrange the tables and have proofs struck off; and the tables were to be tested by actually using these proofs in one of the (duplicate) calculations of star-corrections at the Royal Observatory before proceeding to print them or others finally. This has been done, and the result is sufficiently satisfactory, both as regards saving of time, and retention of all needful accuracy. I therefore publish the tables in this new form. For clearness I may state that though Mr. Stone's name is on the title-page, he has not sanctioned the modifica- tion of the tables, for which I am entirely responsible. But much of his original introduction is necessarily incorporated (with alterations) in what follows. 5. In the original tables the constants m, n, and tan o> occurred. These are now taken out, and thus the tables will suit any epoch. A slight change in the Constant C, tabulated in the Nautical Almanac, is necessitated by this course, and the addition of two Constants / and log i, which are given in the N.A. on a subsequent page. There are two sets of tables, with arguments Right Ascension and Declination (or North Polar Distance) respectively. If a and d be the R.A. and Dec. of a star, put a = T V sec 6 . cos a b = T V sec 5 . sin a c = j 1 ^ tan 5 . sin a d = T V tan 5 . cos a a' = sin 5 . sin a If = sin 5 . cos a c' = . cos a df = . sin a aaf = cos 6. In tabulating these quantities no attention is paid to the algebraical signs which are supplied by general rules. The N.P.D. tables give the logarithms of T * T sec 8, under the heading a = b sin 5, a? = &' cos 5, saf. The R.A. tables are nothing more than tables of the logarithms of cosines and sines to time arranged in a convenient form for their intended use. The hours stand vertically over or under the minutes and seconds to the Computation of Star-constants v which they belong, and have between them, in a horizontal line, the headings which indicate the column from which a logarithm is to be taken in order to form any particular constant. It will be seen that the logarithms of the cosines and sines fall under the headings a and b respectively. The logarithms of the Star-constants a,b,c,d,ab' c' and d', are found by the addition of the corresponding quantities taken directly from the tables. The signs of the constants, applicable to N.P.D., are given by the follow- ing rules : STARS NORTH OF THE EQUATOR. K.A. a b c d a' b' c' d' sa' o h to 6 h + + + + + __ + _ 6 h to i2 h + + + + + + _ I2 h to l8 h + + _ _ i8 h to 24 h + + STARS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR. K.A. a b c d a' b' c' d' sa' o h to 6 h + + _ + _ + _ 6 h to I2 h + + + + I2 h to l8 h - + + + + _ i8 h to 24 h + - + - + + - - The star-corrections are computed with the day-numbers of the Nautical Almanac from the forms Correction to Mean R A. = Aa + B6 + (nC)c + "Dd +/. Correction to Mean N. P. D. = A cos 8 (when 5 = 90 nearly), then Aa , A6 are both finite and nearly independent of 5. And we have accurately (neglecting squares and products of aberration and precession) cos (5 + A 5) sin A a = p. A a cos (5 + A 5) cos A a = cos 5 /u, sin 5 A & . The first approximation is of course Aa = Aa sec5, A5 = A8 , Aa and A 8 being expressed in seconds of arc. In the second approximation, squares and products of Aa and A8 are to be neglected as usual, unless multiplied by sec 8. Hence the Computation of Star-constants vii Aa = Aa sec(S + A8) = A a sec 8 + ju A a A 8 sec 8 tan 8 A8 = A8 + /*(i-sec Aa)cotS = A8 ~ (A a ) 2 sec 8 cosec 8, where jut=sin i"= [4-6856]. These are substantially the formulae given by Fabritius (Ast. Nach. 2073). The corrections to A a and A 8 appear to be of the orders sec 2 8 and sec 8 respectively, but when expressed in arc they are seen to be of the same order : for the first equation may be written COS 8.Aa = A a + /u A 8 , A a tan 8. The magnitude of these corrections will be seen from an example. The maximum value of Aa or A8 is (say) 40". When 8 is nearly 90, let 8 = 90 p, where p is small and expressed in seconds of arc. Then /x, may be omitted in the auxiliary corrections, which become p 2,p If p = 3600" (or one degree), these are o"-44 and o"-22 respectively. At 2 from the Pole they are thus unlikely to exceed o"-2o. But the correction in declination, which is always of the same sign, is nevertheless worthy of remark. We may perhaps here examine the effect of using the apparent place of the star in calculating the star-correction by the ordinary formulae. We have 15 (Aa + B6 + Cc + T>d) = sec 8 [(A + D) cos.a + (B + Cn) sin a + Cm cos 8] A.a' + ~Bb' + Gc' + T>d'= - (A + D) sin a + (B + CTI) cos a + C tan a> cos 8. Let the values of A a and A 8 when the apparent place (a + A a and 8 + A 8) is used in calculating the members on the right of these equations be called A a' and A 8': and the values of Aa , A8 be similarly called Aa ' and A 8 '. Then Aa ' = (A + D) cos (a + Aa) + (B + Cn) sin (a + Aa) + Cm cos (8 + A8) A8 ' = (A + D) sin (a + Aa) + (B + Cn) 600 30 657 30 721 30 798 20 874 40 602 40 658 40 733 40 800 25 875 50 603 50 660 5 735 50 802 30 876 35 877 3 o 0*604 10 o 0-66 1 17 o 0727 34 o 0-804 4 878 10 606 10 663 10 738 10 806 45 879 30 607 20 664 30 730 30 808 5 88 1 3 608 30 666 30 73 30 810 55 883 4 609 40 667 40 734 4 8ia 5 6 1 1 50 '669 50 735 50 814 30 o 0-883 5 884 4 0*6 1 a II O 0-670 18 o 0-737 25 o 0-8 1 6 10 885 10 613 10 671 10 739 IO 818 '5 887 30 615 30 673 20 740 30 820 20 888 30 616 30 674 30 74* 30 833 25 889 4 617 4 676 40 744 40 8a 5 30 890 5 619 50 677 50 745 50 827 35 893 40 893 5 o 0*6 30 12 0-679 19 o o-747 26 o 0-829 45 894 10 631 10 680 10 749 10 831 50 895 20 623 ao 68 a 20 751 20 833 55 897 30 634 3o 684 30 '753 30 835 40 625 40 685 40 755 4 837 31 o 0*898 5 626 50 68 7 50 756 50 840 5 899 10 900 6 o 0-628 13 0-688 20 o 0-758 27 o 0-842 15 902 10 639 10 690 IO 760 10 844 ao 903 30 631 20 691 20 762 20 846 25 904 3> 632 30 693 30 764 30 8 4 8 30 '95 4 633 4 694 4 765 40 851 35 907 5 635 5 696 50 767 50 853 40 908 60 0-636 60 0-697 60 0-769 60 0-855 45 0-909 the Computation of Star-constants XI As an example of the use of the tables let us find the apparent place of A Ursae Minoris for 1897, December i. The mean place for 1897*0 is given in the Nautical Almanac (p. 301) R.A. = 19* 25^ 52. 9 o, 5 = 88 58' 5 4 "-34. To compare with the N.A. place, which is for transit at Greenwich, we must interpolate for the day-constants A B nC Dfi. The time of transit is Dec. i d 3 h ; and no further explanation of this interpolation is necessary. The values of A BwC D wC 1 and D 1 are obtained from p. 313 of the NJL, adding 1-3022 to the values of log C and logC 1 ; /and log i come from p. 321. The values of a, b y c, d are from the R.A. Tables here given, with argument i9 h 25 m 53 s ; and from pp. viii and ix of the Introduction with argument 8 = 88 58' 54". The signs are supplied by the rule given on p. v of the Introduction. The R.A. star-correction is only calculated to o s 'i ; for the terms can only be found from their logarithms to three figures, and the B and C terms cannot therefore be legitimately expressed to another place of decimals. But in this case o s -i corresponds to o B oo2 on the equator, so that the adopted accuracy is sufficient. Arrange the work as follows : A +0-813 (R.A.) a + 9-563 (Dec.) a 0.574 + Q'950 B +1-283 (R.A.) b -9-969 (Dec.) b 0-574 1.826 67-0 A +0-813 a 1 -9.969 oooo 0.782 6"- 0-846 -7-01 nC +1.380 (R.A.) c 9-969 (Dec.) c 0.574 -1-923 -83.7 nC + 1-380 c 1 -9-563 c 1 o.ooo D -0-618 (R.A.) d +9.563 (Dec.) d 0-574 -0-755 -5-7 D 0-618 d 1 -9.969 d 1 o-ooo + 0-587 + 37 % +0-450 i l -8.26 8.71 0.05 nC 1 +8.8 (R.A.) c -o-o (Dec.) c 0.6 -9.4 -0-3 nC 1 +8-8 c 1 -9-6 c 1 o-o -8.4 -0.03 D 1 -9.0 (R.A.) d +9.6 (Dec.) d 0.6 -9.2 D -9.0 d 1 -o-o d 1 o-o + 9-0 + 0-10 Sum - i44'-3 xii Introduction to Tables for The sign of the N.P.D. correction is applicable to N.P.D. and must be reversed for declination. Thus we have, T V A<*o sec 8 = - I44 8 3 A& = + i8"i5- If now we wish to correct these for terms of the second order (referring to p. vii of the Introduction), we must multiply the RA. correction by the factor i +M . A5 tan5 = 1-0050. Thus T V Aa becomes 144"-3 0'.;= i45"-o : and the apparent place is i9 h 25 5S 8 -9 2 m 25 -o= i9 h 23 m 2j*-(). That given on p. 329 of the N.A. is I9 h 23 m 28 8 -o3 : the difference o 8 -i3 corresponds to o 8 -oo2 on the equator. The correction to Afy> ^ B i/* (AO sec 8 ) 2 cot 6 = o"2i. Hence the apparent declination is 88 58' 5 4 "-34 + i7"-95 - o^-ai = 88 59' i 3 "-o8, the N.A. value being 88 59' ia"-n. the Computation of Star-constants xiii On the Number of Figures necessary in Reductions of Apparent Star-places 1 . IN the last number of this Magazine (p. 391) the Radcliffe Observer gave his reasons for retaining the use of 5-figure logarithms in computing star-corrections, whereas I was inclined to think 3-figure logarithms (and in some cases 2 -figure) are sufficient. Having examined the points in question with some care, I hold to this opinion, for reasons given below. The calculation of a star-correction as performed by Mr. Stone's tables is made by adding together five terms Aa + B6 + Cc + Dd + C . sc for the Right Ascension, and Aa' + B6' + Cc' for the Declination. It is more convenient to consider the second expression first, for its value in arc of a great circle does not alter with proximity to the Pole. Let us first see what is the maximum error in each term introduced by restricting the logarithm used to three figures. The term Aa' or A sin a sin d is found by adding the logs, of A, sin a and sin 8. If we restrict these to three figures, each log. may be in error by -0005 as a maximum ; and if all the errors are at their maximum and in the same direction (a very rare occurrence), the sum will be in error by -0015. Now this will produce the greatest error in the number when the number is large, as shown in the following short table : E= error in Aa' corresponding to error of -0015 in log (Aa 7 ). Aa'=o" 5" 10" 15" 20" E = o"-oo c/'.o2 ''.as o"o5 o".oy. It is unnecessary to go beyond 20", for Aa' is never so large as 20", its greatest value being about 18". The case of B&' is precisely similar, the maximum value of the term being 20"- 5. The terms Cc', Do", and A . sa f are products of two terms only, viz., C cos a and D sin a. The greatest error in their logs, is thus only -ooio ; but the term Cc' may be as great as 30" nearly. The greatest possible error in Cc' from restricting the logs, to three figures is (/'-of ; in Do" or A . sa' is o"-O3. Now in the extremely unlikely case when all these errors were at their maximum and all in the same direction, we should get a resultant error in the star-correction of But such a case of accumulation of errors is so rare as to be quite negligible in practice like holding 1 3 trumps at whist. The vast majority of errors are less than one-tenth of this quantity. To find the law of distribution is a complicated business, but a rough estimate may be made without much trouble. Let us recur to the original logarithms of, say, A, sin a, and sin 8. If each of 1 Reprinted from The Observatory, No. 234. XIV Introduction to Tables for these is restricted to three figures, it may be in error by -0005 in excess, or -0004 in defect. Thus '3845 would be written -385, but -3844 would be written -384. Between these limits the error may have any value indiscriminately. The average error is thus + -00005 ; and when three logarithms are added together the average error of the sum is +-00015. This is a small quantity, but is a systematic error, and as such is worthy of attention. It corresponds to an error of -04 per cent, in the number A sin a tan 6\ Thus when A sin a tan 8=20" the average error is o"-oi and not o"-oo. In an actual example given below we shall see the significance of this systematic error. But putting this aside for the moment, let us assume that the errors are symmetrically distributed about zero, from -0005 to + -0005, and suppose in the first place we add together two logs., and let the errors be x and y, where x and y may have any value from -0005 to + -0005 indifferently. If we represent them as Cartesian co-ordinates, the point (*, y) will lie within a square K, L, M, N. The X h y. EH extreme error of the sum -ooio corresponds to the positions K and M, when x and y are both + -0005 or -0005. The error is zero along the line LN, and constant along lines parallel to it. If we take as the * probable ' error that which is as often exceeded as not, then we must draw lines P Q, P'Q' so that the area PLP'Q'NQP is half that of the square ; and then the ' probable ' error is that represented by the lines PQ or P'Q'. This gives at once 2KP 2 =KL 2 ; and the ' probable ' error bears to the extreme error at K the ratio LP to LK ; or \^2 i to \/2 ; or 414 to 1-414 ,* or -34. The extreme error being -ooio, the 'probable' error is thus -0003. Had we added three logs, together we should have got for the ratio of ' probable' to extreme error about -30 or less 1 . And the extreme error being -0015, the ' probable ' error is -0005. 1 The calculation for three or more terms added together becomes somewhat complicated. I have followed it sufficiently to get a rough notion of the ratio of the probable to extreme error up to five terms ; but the details are far too long to give here. the Computation of Star-constants xv It follows that the maximum ' probable ' errors of the five terms, Aa', B6', Cc', Dd', and Asa' are respectively o"-O2i ; o"-O2i, o"-O23, o"-oio, and o"-oio. To dete rmine the ' probable ' error of the sum of the five terms is more difficult, for the terms differ in character. But as a rough approximation let us assume that each term has an error which may have all numerical values indifferently from c/^ooo to o"-o5o (the mean being o"-O2 5, which is greater than all the above probable errors). Then the ' probable ' error of the sum will bear to the extreme error 5Xo"-o25 or o"-oi25, a ratio of about -20; or the ' probable' error of the result is about o"-O25. Rough as is this estimation, I think it is sufficient to show that an accumulation of errors, owing to a restriction to 3-figure logs., amounting to anything like o"'io, would be of very rare occurrence. There are other circumstances tending to diminish such accumulations which have not been yet noticed such as the fact that Aa' and B6' cannot have their maximum values simultaneously. Turning now to the star-corrections in R.A. we are confronted with the factors tan 8 and sec 8. One form of the correction is Aa = /+ g sin (G + a) tan 8 + h sin (H + a) sec 8. But we may write Aa cos 8 = /cos 8 + g sin (G + a) sin 8 -f h sin (H + a), and Aa cos 8 is now expressed in arc of a great circle, instead of the misleading unit which changes its value as we approach the Pole. In this form the correction closely resembles the Declination correction AS = i cos 8 + g cos (G + a) + h cos (H + a) sin 8, and all that has been said above about limiting errors applies to it almost exactly. Hence, though we may appear to be making large errors in R.A., they are not really larger in arc of a great circle than those above determined. If this reasoning is correct, by using 3-figure logarithms we may expect half our errors to be less than o"-o2. The majority of the other half exceed o"-O2 only slightly, the number of errors of any given value diminishing very rapidly as this value exceeds o"-O2. By using 2 -figure logs, we may expect half our errors to be less than o"-2O. The majority of the other half exceed o"-2O only slightly. In both cases the errors are of the same character as accidental errors, and when we consider the probable error of an observation, it seems to me that nothing much would be lost by restricting the calculations to 2-Jlgure logs., allowing the errors introduced to rank as accidental. Certainly ^-figure logs. ought to suffice. Theoretical reasoning about such a matter is not, however, wholly satisfactory, unless supplemented and confirmed by experiment. When I had written thus far, I applied to the Astronomer Royal for permission to examine some actual star- correction books and try the effect of restricting the figures in practice. He kindly sent me two books at once : the calculations in these books have been already made with 4 -figure logarithms, and each contains the calculations for a good many miscellaneous stars observed near the end of the year 1893. I purposely asked for xvi Introduction to Tables for books of date near the end of a year because the star-corrections are then largest (owing to the effect of precession) and discrepancies would be also largest. Taking the first 100 stars in one of these books, and restricting the logs, to three figures, and comparing the results with those obtained previously, I find differences in Declination corrections as follows : Error. Number Error. Number of cases. of cases. 0-05 i +0-01 5 0-04 6 + 0-02 9 0-03 u 4-0-03 6 0-02 ii +0-04 3 o-oi 32 +0-05 i o-oo 15 Total .... 100 The small systematic error previously mentioned is conspicuous in this example. Many of the star-corrections about this period have values near 20", and the errors are thus grouped about a mean somewhere near o"oi. Also it will be noticed that about half the errors (viz., 52 out of 100) are less than o"-O2. It would perhaps be fairer to count not those which differ from zero by less than o"-O2 numerically, but those which differ from the mean value o"-oi by less than this amount : i.e. those which have values o"-O2, o"-oi, and o"-oo, and of these we have 58 cases out of 100. Thus the rough estimation of probable error above made is confirmed in this example. Proceeding to the R.A.8, I considered the errors in two ways : Firstly, taking them as they stand, without reduction to the equator. The stars selected are particularly unfavourable to this method, being mostly Groombridge stars of high declinations some within 10 of the Pole. The 100 errors are distributed as follows : Error. No. Error. No. 8 8 0-003 3 +0-004 13 0-002 O -f 0-005 JI o-oo i 5 +0-006 9 o-ooo i +0-007 J 5 + 0-001 8 +0-008 4 + 0-002 7 greater 10 + 0-003 14 Total .... 100 Of these 49 out of the 100 exceed O 8 -OO4, and thus rank as o s -oi by 'raising.' It does not, however, always follow that a difference of (say) o s -oo7 would alter the star-correction in the second place of decimals. Thus 43-835 and 4 s -835 + o s -oo7 both rank as 4 8 -84. On the other hand, a difference of o fl -ooi is sometimes sufficient to alter the second place : thus 4 8 -835 o s -ooi ranks as 4 s -83. On re-examining tie individual cases, however, I found that the number altered by o e -oi was very nearly the same as above, viz., 48 out of the 100 remained exactly the same to the two places of decimals as before: 47 were altered by +o s -oi, two by o 9 -oi, two by the Computation of Star-constants xvii o-02 (decinations +71 and +83), and one by o s -O3 (decimation +79). The largest actual error found was + o b -O23 at declination +79, equivalent to o 8 -oo5 at the equator. Reducing all these to arc at the equator they become as below : Error. Number Error. Number s of cases. s of cases. .003 i +-003 1 8 002 i + -004 6 _ .001 5 +-005 15 -ooo 3 +-006 13 + 001 13 +-007 5 + 002 29 Total .... 100 The general result is that the star-corrections in these 100 cases taken at random are sensibly correct to o s 'oi and o"'O5 when the logarithms are restricted to three figures. This is my main proposition. But I am fully conscious that it is not sufficient to establish this proposition theoretically. All working astronomers are familiar with the inevitable disadvantages attending change in a well-established system, however clear the advantages of the innovation may be on paper. Mr. Stone's tables have been in use for many years at different observatories, and are undoubtedly a great advance on what preceded them. They are available, as he has remarked, for other computations than star-corrections, and must not be judged purely from the standpoint of utility for this particular purpose. For this purpose I think they can be improved, and I trust I have shown good cause for the opinion. I have set about preparing more concise tables in accordance with the principles above discussed, and when these have been tried practically it will be time to inquire whether they are to be preferred to those of Mr. Stone, which have worked so well. I hope that the tables will be considerably more compendious ; for I think that in ' extending his tables sufficiently to avoid the necessity of interpolations ' Mr. Stone has gone too far. For instance, the R.A. table is extended to a great length near oh, the quantities being tabulated here for every I s of time, while io s is considered sufficient near III 11 . This is because the differences of log sin a change rapidly near o h . But is not the fact overlooked that since sin a is very small, the differences do not really matter i.e. they do not affect the final result? Thus we have a piece of the table as follows : R.A. 6 or c. O h O m I0 s 6-86167 11 6-90306 12 6-94085 1 3 6-97561 14 7-00779 15 7-377 6 etc. to 20 7-16270 But suppose we used the quantity for o 1 * o m 2O 8 instead of o h o m IO 8 , what difference would it make ? The logarithm is to be added to another which cannot be greater than about 1-40000 (in declination, or if in R.A. then reduce to equatorial c xviii Introduction to Tables for Computation of Star-constants arc); and the mistake of using 7-16270 01-6-86167 would make a difference of o"-oi8 only in the final result. In fact, if we wish to tabulate log sin a so that when used to find k sin a (where k is independent of a) the tables shall give the result with uniform correctness for all values of a say to o-ooi then if Aa be the interval between two tabulated values of a we have = 'OOI, A a oo sec a, and /i \ COS a A A (log sin a) oc - Aa oc cosec a. sin a Thus if io s is sufficient at III h where cosa=:.7, then ic^x^ or 7* is sufficient at o h where cos a = i. TABLES FOE THE COMPUTATION OF STAR CONSTANTS R.A. AND N.P.D. R.A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h & 12 b 1 c l a 1 d 1 11 & 23 & 12 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 11 & 23 m s s m m B 8 m o o O-OOO ... 60 59 12 9-999 8-72 o 48 20 O-OOO 7-2 40 59 20 9-999 873 40 47 40 O-OOO n 20 59 40 9-999 8-74 20 47 I o-ooo 7-6 o 59 13 o 9-999 8'75 o 47 20 O'OOO 7'8 40 58 20 9-999 8-76 40 46 40 o-ooo 7-9 20 58 4 9-999 8-78 20 46 2 o o-ooo 7-9 o 58 14 o 9-999 8'79 o 46 20 O'OOO 8'0i 4 57 20 9-999 8-80 40 45 40 o-ooo 8-07 20 57 40 9'999 8-81 20 45 3 o o-ooo 8-12 o 57 15 o 9-999 8-82 o 45 20 o-ooo 8-16 40 56 20 9999 8-83 40 44 40 o-ooo 8-ao 20 56 4 9-999 8-83 20 44 4 o o-ooo 8-24 o 56 16 o 9-999 8-84 o 44 20 o-ooo 8-28 4 55 20 9999 8-85 4 43 40 o-ooo 8-31 20 55 4 9'999 8-86 20 43 5 o O'OOO 8-34 o 55 17 o 9-999 8-87 o 43 20 o-ooo 8-37 4 54 2O 9*999 8-88 40 42 40 O'OOO 8'39 20 54 40 9-999 8-89 20 42 6 o o-ooo 8-42 o 54 18 o 9-999 8-89 o 42 20 O'OOO 8-44 4 53 20 9-999 8-90 40 41 40 o-ooo 8-46 20 53 40 9-999 8-91 20 41 7 o o-ooo 8-48 o 53 19 o 9-999 8-92 o 41 20 O'OOO 8-51 40 52 20 9-998 8'93 40 40 40 o-ooo 8-52 20 52 40 9-998 893 20 40 8 o O'OOO 8-54 o 52 20 o 9-998 8'94 o 40 20 o-ooo 8-56 40 5 1 20 9-998 8'95 40 39 40 O'OOO 8-58 20 51 40 9-998 8-95 20 39 9 o o-ooo 8*59 o 51 21 O 9-998 8-96 o 39 20 o-ooo 8-61 40 50 2O 9-998 8*97 40 38 40 o-ooo 8-62 20 50 4 9-998 8'97 20 38 10 O'OOO 8-64 o 50 22 O 9-998 8-98 o 38 20 O'OOO 8-65 40 49 20 9-998 8-99 4 37 40 o-ooo 8-67 20 49 4 9-998 8-99 20 37 II O o-ooo 8-68 o 49 23 o 9-998 9-001 o 37 20 9-999 8*69 40 48 2O 9-998 9-007 40 36 40 9'999 8-71 20 48 4 9-998 9-013 20 36 12 O 9-999 8-72 o 48 24 o 9-998 9-019 o 36 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 6 & 18 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 5 & 17 6 & 18 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 5 & 17 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h & 12 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 11 & 23 & 12 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 11 & 23 m s s m m s s m 24 o 9-998 9-019 o 36 36 o 9-995 9-194 o 24 20 9-998 9-025 40 35 20 9-995 9-198 4 2 3 40 9-997 9-031 20 35 40 9-994 9-202 20 23 25 o 9*997 9-037 o 35 37 o 9-994 9-206 o 23 20 9-997 9-043 40 34 20 9-994 9-210 40 22 40 9'997 9-048 20 34 40 9'994 9-314 2O 22 26 o 9*997 9*054 o 34 38 o 9-994 9-218 22 20 9-997 9*059 4 33 2O 9*994 9-221 40 21 4 9-997 9-065 20 33 4 9'994 9-225 2O 21 27 o 9-997 9-070 o 33 39 o 9-994 9-229 21 20 9-997 9-075 40 32 20 9-994 9-232 40 20 40 9-997 9-081 20 32 40 9*993 9-236 20 20 28 o 9-997 9-086 o 32 40 o 9*993 9-240 O 2O 20 9*997 9-091 4 3i 2O 9-993 9*243 40 19 40 9'997 9-096 20 31 40 9*993 9-247 20 19 29 o 9-997 9-101 o 31 41 o 9*993 9-250 o 19 20 9-996 9-106 40 30 20 9-993 9- 2 54 40 18 40 9-996 9-111 20 30 40 9'993 9- 2 57 20 18 30 o 9-996 9-116 o 30 42 o 9-993 9-261 o 18 20 9-996 9-120 40 29 20 9-993 9-264 40 17 40 9-996 9-125 20 29 40 9-992 9-267 20 17 3i o 9-996 9-130 o 29 43 o 9-992 9-271 o 17 2O 9-996 9-134 40 28 20 9-992 9-274 40 16 40 9-996 9-139 20 28 40 9-992 9*277 20 16 32 o 9-996 9-144 o 28 44 o 9-992 9-281 o 16 20 9-996 9-148 4 27 20 9-992 9-284 40 15 '40 9-996 9-152 2O 27 40 9-992 9-287 20 15 33 o 9-995 9-157 o 27 45 o 9-99 2 9-290 o 15 20 9*995 9-161 40 26 20 9-991 9-293 40 14 40 9*995 9-165 20 26 40 9-991 9-297 20 14 34 9*995 9-170 o 26 46 o 9-991 9-300 o 14 20 9^95 9-174 4 2 5 20 9-991 9-303 40 13 40 9*595 9-178 20 25 40 9-991 9-306 20 13 35 9*995 9-182 o 25 47 o 9-991 9-309 o 13 20 9'995 9-186 4 2 4 20 9-991 9-312 40 12 4 9*995 9-190 20 24 40 9-991 9*3! 5 20 12 36 o 9*995 9-194 o 24 48 o 9-990 9-318 12 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 6 & 18 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 5 & 17 6 & 18 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 5 & 17 B 2 E.A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h b h h a d b c h h & 12 b 1 c l a 1 d 1 11 & 23 1 & 13 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 10 & 22 m s s m m s s m 48 o 9-990 9-318 12 9-985 9*4I3 60 59 20 9-990 9-321 40 ii 20 9-985 9*4i5 40 40 9-990 9'324 20 II 40 9-985 9-418 20 49 o 9-990 9*337 II I O 9*984 9-420 59 20 9-990 9'330 40 10 20 9-984 9-422 40 5 8 40 9-990 9'332 20 10 4 9-984 9*425 20 50 o 9-990 9-335 O IO 2 9-984 9H27 o 58 20 9-990 9'338 40 9 2O 9-984 9-429 4 57 40 9-989 9-341 20 9 40 9-984 9*431 20 5i o 9-989 9-344 o 9 3 o 9*983 9-434 57 20 9-989 9*347 40 8 20 9'983 9*436 40 56 4 9-989 9-349 20 8 40 9-983 9*438 20 52 o 9-989 9-352 o 8 4 o 9^3 9*440 o 56 20 9-989 9-355 40 7 20 9-983 9-443 40 55 40 9-988 9-358 20 7 40 9-982 9-445 20 53 o 9-988 9-360 o 7 5 o 9-982 9*447 o 55 20 9-988 9'363 40 6 20 9-982 9*449 4 54 40 9-988 9-366 20 6 40 9-982 9H5I 20 54 o 9-988 9-368 o 6 6 o 9-982 9*453 o 54 20 9-988 9*37' 4 5 20 9-982 9-455 4 53 40 9-988 9*373 20 5 40 9-981 9-458 20 55 o 9-987 9-376 o 5 7 o 9-981 9-460 o 53 20 9-987 9*379 40 4 20 9-981 9-462 40 52 40 9-987 9*38i 20 4 40 9-981 9*464 20 56 o 9-987 9-384 o 4 8 o 9-981 9-466 o 52 20 9-987 9-386 4 3 20 9-980 9-468 40 51 4 9-987 9-389 20 3 40 9-980 9-470 20 57 o 9-986 9-391 o 3 9 o 9-980 9-472 o 51 20 9-986 9-394 40 2 20 9-980 9H74 4 50 40 9-986 9-396 20 2 40 9-980 9*476 2O 58 o 9-986 9-399 O 2 IO 9*979 9H78 o 50 2O 9-986 9-401 4 I 20 9'979 9-480 40 49 4 9-986 9-403 20 I 40 9*979 9-482 20 59 o 9'985 9-406 I II 9^79 9-484 o 49 20 9'985 9-408 40 o 20 9-979 9-486 40 48 40 9-985 9-411 2O O 40 9-978 9-488 20 60 o 9-985 9*4*3 12 9-978 9-490 o 48 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 6 & 18 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 5 & 17 7 & 19 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 4 & 16 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c & h h h a d b c h h 1 & 13 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 10 & 22 1 & 13 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 10 & 22 m s s m m s s m 12 9-978 9-490 o 48 24 o 9-970 9*554 o 36 20 9-978 9-492 40 47 20 9-970 9-556 40 35 40 9-978 9'494 20 40 9-970 9-558 20 13 o 9-978 9-496 o 47 25 o 9-969 9-559 o 35 20 9-977 9-498 40 46 2O 9-969 9-561 40 34 40 9-977 9-5oo 20 40 9-969 9-562 20 14 o . 9^77 9-501 o 46 26 o 9-969 9*564 o 34 20 9'977 9-503 4 45 20 9-968 9-566 4 33 40 9*977 9"55 20 40 9-968 9-567 20 15 9-976 9-507 o 45 27 o 9-968 9-569 o 33 20 9-976 9-509 40 44 20 9-968 9'57o 40 32 40 9-976 9'SH 20 40 9-967 9-57 2 20 16 o 9-976 9-5I3 o 44 28 o 9-967 9-574 o 32 20 9'975 9^14 4 43 2O 9-967 9-575 40 31 40 9'975 9-516 20 40 9-967 9-577 2O 17 o 9'975 9-518 o 43 29 o 9-966 9'578 o 31 20 9^75 9-520 40 42 20 9-966 9-58o 40 30 40 9"975 9-522 20 4 9-966 9-581 20 18 o 9'974 9' 5 2 4 o 42 30 o 9-966 9-583 o 30 20 9'974 9'525 4 , 4 I 20 9-965 9-584 4 2 9 40 9-974 9-5 2 7 2O 40 9-965 9-586 20 19 o 9'974 9-529 o 41 3i o 9-965 9-587 o 29 20 9-973 9-531 40 40 2O 9-965 9-589 40 28 4 9'973 9-532 20 40 9-964 9-590 2O 20 o 9-973 9-534 o 40 32 o 9-964 9-592 o 28 20 9-973 9-536 4 39 20 9-964 9-593 40 27 40 9'973 9-538 20 4 9-963 9-595 20 21 O 9-972 9-539 o 39 33 o 9-963 9-596 o 27 20 9-972 9-54I 40 38 20 9-963 9-598 40 26 4 9-972 9*543 20 40 9-963 9'599 2O 22 O 9-972 9*544 o 38 34 o 9-962 9-601 o 26 20 9-971 9-546 4 37 20 9-962 9-602 40 25 40 9-971 9-548 20 40 9-962 9-604 20 23 o 9-971 9*549 o 37 35 o 9-962 9-605 o 25 2O 9-971 9-55I 40 36 20 9-961 9*606 40 2 4 4 9-970 9*553 20 40 9-961 9-608 2O 24 o 9-970 9-554 o 36 36 o 9-961 9-609 o 24 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 7 & 19 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 4 & 16 7 & 19 a 1 d 1 b 1 'c 1 4 ft 16 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h 1 & 13 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 10 & 22 1 & 13 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 10 & 22 in 8 s m m s s m 36 o 9-961 9-609 o 24 48 o 9-950 9-657 O 12 20 9-960 9-611 40 23 20 9-950 9-658 40 II 4 9-960 9-612 20 40 9-949 9-660 20 37 o 9-960 9-614 o 23 49 o 9'949 9-661 II 20 9-960 9-615 40 22 20 9'949 9-662 40 10 40 9'959 9-616 20 40 9-948 9-663 20 38 o 9'959 9-618 22 50 o 9-948 9-664 O IO 20 9'959 9-619 40 21 20 9-948 9-666 40 9 4 9-958 9*620 2O 40 9-947 9-667 20 39 9"95 8 9-622 21 51 o 9*947 9-668 o 9 20 9-958 9-623 40 20 20 9'947 9-669 40 8 4 9-958 9-625 20 40 9-946 9-670 20 40 o 9*957 9-626 20 52 o 9-946 9-672 o 8 20 9-957 9-627 40 19 20 9-946 9-673 40 7 40 9-957 9-629 20 4 9'945 9-674 20 41 o 9-956 9-630 o 19 53 o 9'945 9^75 o 7 20 9'95 6 9-631 40 18 20 9-945 9-676 40 6 4 9-956 9-633 20 4 9 '944 9-678 20 42 o 9'955 9-634 o 18 54 9-944 9-679 o 6 20 9-955 9-635 40 17 20 9-944 9680 40 5 4 9'955 9-637 20 40 9-943 9-681 20 43 o 9-955 9-638 o 17 55 o 9-943 9-682 5 20 9-954 9-639 40 16 20 9'943 9-683 40 4 4 9-954 9-641 20 4 9-942 9-684 20 44 o 9-954 9-642 o 16 S 6 o 9-942 9-686 o 4 20 9-953 9-643 4 '5 2O 9-941 9-687 4 3 40 9-953 9-644 20 4 9-941 9-688 20 45 o 9-953 9-646 o 15 57 o 9-941 9-689 o 3 20 9-952 9-647 40 14 20 9-940 9-690 40 2 40 9-952 9-648 20 4 9-940 9-691 20 46 o 9'952 9-650 o 14 58 o 9-940 9-692 2 20 9-95I 9-651 40 13 20 9-939 9-693 4 I 4 9-95 1 9-652 20 40 9-939 9-695 20 47 o 9'95i 9-653 o 13 59 o 9-939 9-696 I 20 9-95I 9-655 40 12 20 9-938 9-697 40 o 40 9-950 9-656 2O 40 9-938 9-698 20 48 o 9-950 9-657 12 60 o 9-938 9-699 O O h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 7 & 19 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 4 & 16 7 & 19 a 1 d 1 b 1 c' 4 & 16 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h 2 & 14 b 1 c l a 1 a 1 9 & 21 2 & 14 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 9 & 21 m s s m m s s m o o 9'938 9-699 o 60 12 O 9-924 9-736 o 48 20 9"937 9-700 40 59 20 9-923 9*737 40 47 40 9'937 9-701 20 40 9-9 2 3 9-738 20 I O 9-936 9-702 o 59 13 o 9-922 9-739 o 47 20 9-936 9*703 40 58 20 9-922 9-740 40 46 4 9-936 9-704 20 40 9-922 9-741 20 2 9'935 9'705 o 58 14 o 9-921 9-742 o 46 2O 9*935 9-707 4 57 20 9-921 9-743 40 45 4 9-935 9-708 20 40 9-920 9-744 20 3 o 9'934 9*709 o 57 15 9-920 9-745 o 45 20 9-934 9-710 40 56 20 9-919 9-746 40 44 40 9*933 9711 20 40 9-919 9-747 20 4 o 9*933 9-712 o 56 16 o 9919 9-748 o 44 20 9'933 9"7 J 3 40 55 20 9-918 9-749 40 43 40 9*932 9-714 20 40 9-918 9-749 20 5 o 9-932 9'7 J 5 o 55 17 o 9-917 9-750 o 43 20 9-932 9-716 40 54 20 9-917 9-75I 40 42 40 9'93! 9-717 20 40 9-916 9-752 20 6 o 9-93I 9-718 o 54 18 o 9-916 9-753 o 42 20 9*930 9-719 40 53 20 9-916 9-754 40 41 40 9*930 9-720 20 40 9*9 J 5 9-755 20 7 o 9-930 9-721 o 53 19 o 9'9 * 5 9-756 o 41 20 9*9 2 9 9-722 40 52 20 9-914 9*757 40 40 40 9-929 9-723 20 40 9-914 9-758 2O 8 o 9928 9-724 o 52 20 9-9I3 9-759 o 40 20 9-928 9-725 40 5 1 20 9*9*3 9*759 40 39 40 9-928 9-726 20 4 9-912 9-760 20 9 o 9-927 9-727 o 5 1 21 9-912 9-761 o 39 20 9-927 9-728 40 50 20 9-912 9-762 40 38 40 9-926 9-729 20 40 9-911 9'763 20 10 o 9-926 9-730 o 50 22 O 9-911 9-764 o 38 20 9-926 9*73i 40 49 20 9-910 9*765 40 37 40 9-925 9'73 2 20 40 9-910 9-766 20 II 9*9 a 5 9733 o 49 23 o 9-909 9-767 .0 37 20 9*924 9'734 40 48 20 9-909 9-767 40 36 40 9-924 9-735 20 40 9-908 9-768 20 12 9-924 9-736 o 48 24 o 9-908 9-769 o 36 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 8 & 20 a 1 d b 1 c 3 & 15 8 & 20 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 3 & 15 8 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h 2 & 14 b 1 c l a 1 di 9 & 21 2 & 14 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 9 & 21 m s s m m B 8 m 24 o 9-908 9-769 o 36 36 o 9-891 9-799 o 24 20 9-908 9-770 40 35 20 9-890 9'Soo 40 23 40 9-907 9771 20 40 9-889 9-800 20 25 o 9*907 9-772 o 35 37 o 9-889 9-801 o 23 20 9-906 9773 40 34 20 9-888 9-802 4 22 40 9-906 9774 20 40 9-888 9-803 20 26 o 9-905 9-774 o 34 38 o 9-887 9-804 22 20 9-905 9-775 40 33 20 9-887 9-804 40 21 40 9-904 9-776 20 40 9-886 9'8o5 20 27 o 9-904 9-777 o 33 39 o 9-886 9-806 21 2O 9'9>3 9778 40 32 20 9-885 9-807 40 20 4 9-903 9-779 20 40 9-885 9-807 20 28 o 9-902 9'779 o 32 40 o 9-884 9-808 20 20 9-902 9-780 40 31 20 9-884 9-809 4 19 4 9-901 9-781 20 4 9-883 9-810 20 29 o 9-901 9-782 o 31 41 o 9-883 9-810 o 19 20 9-900 9-783 40 30 20 9-882 9-811 40 is 4 9-900 9-784 20 4 9-882 9-812 20 30 9-899 9-784 o 30 42 o 9-881 9-813 o 18 20 9-899 9-785 40 29 20 9-881 9-813 4 I? 40 9-898 9-786 20 40 9-880 9-814 20 31 o 9-898 9-787 o 29 43 o 9-879 9-815 o 17 20 9-898 9-788 40 28 20 9-879 9-815 40 16 4 9-897 9-789 20 40 9-878 9-816 20 32 o 9-897 9-789 o 28 44 o 9-878 9-817 o 16 20 9-896 9-790 40 27 20 9-877 9-818 40 15 4 9-896 9-791 20 40 9-877 9-818 20 33 o 9 <8 95 9-792 o 27 45 o 9-876 9-819 o 15 20 9-895 9-793 40 26 20 9-876 9-820 40 14 4 9-894 9793 20 40 9^75 9-821 20 34 -o 9-894 9-794 o 26 46 o 9-874 9-821 o 14 20 9-^93 9'795 40 25 20 9-874 9-822 40 13 40 9^93 9-796 20 4 9-873 9-823 20 35 o 9-892 9-797 o 25 47 o 9'873 9-823 o 13 20 9-892 9-797 4 2 4 20 9-872 9-824 40 12 40 9-891 9-798 2O 40 9-872 9-825 20 36 o 9-891 9-799 o 24 48 o 9-871 9-826 12 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 8 & 20 a 1 d 1 bi c 1 3 & 15 8 & 20 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 3 & 15 E. A. Tables for Star-constants h h a d b c h h h h a d b c h h 2 & 14 b l c 1 a 1 d 1 & 21 2 & 14 b 1 c 1 a 1 d 1 9 & 21 m s s m m s s m 48 o 9-871 9-826 12 54 9-861 9-838 o 6 20 9-871 9-826 40 II 20 9-860 9-838 40 5 40 9-870 9-827 20 40 9-859 9'839 20 49 o 9-869 9-828 II 55 o 9-^59 9-840 o 5 20 9-869 9-828 40 10 20 9-858 9-840 40 4 40 9-868 9-829 20 40 9-858 9 -S 4I 20 50 o 9-868 9-830 O IO 56 o 9-857 9-842 o 4 20 9-867 9-830 40 9 20 9-856 9-842 4 3 40 9-866 9-831 20 4 9-856 9-^43 20 51 o 9-866 9-832 o 9 57 o 9-8SS 9-844 o 3 20 9-865 9-832 40 8 20 9-854 9-844 40 2 40 9-865 9-833 20 40 9-854 9-845 20 52 o 9-864 9-834 o 8 58 o 9-853 9-846 2 20 9-864 9-834 40 7 20 9-853 9-846 4 I 40 9-863 9^35 20 40 9-852 9-847 20 53 o 9-862 9-836 o 7 59 9-851 9-848 O I 20 9-862 9-836 40 6 20 9-? 5 i 9-848 40 o 40 9-861 9-837 20 40 9-850 9-849 20 54 o 9-861 9-838 o 6 60 o 9-849 9-849 h h b c a d h h h h b c a d h h 8 & 20 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 3 & 15 8 & 20 a 1 d 1 b 1 c 1 3 & 15 . 1 1 NOETH POLAR DISTANCE Declination Declination 1 90 to 89 90 to 91 89 to 88 91 to 92 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / 8-824 O'OOO / 8-824 7-07 8-24 O'OOO 5 8*824 6- 7-2 o-ooo 5 8-824 7-10 8-28 o-ooo 10 8-824 6-3 7'5 o-ooo 10 8-824 7'i3 8-31 O'OOO 15 8-824 6'5 7-6 ' o-ooo J 5 8-824 7-16 8-34 O'OOO 20 8-824 6-6 7-8, o-ooo 20 8-824 7-19 8-37 o-ooo 25 8-824 6-7 7'9 o-ooo 2 5 8-824 7-22 8'39 o-ooo 30 8-824 6-8 7-9 O'OOO 3 8-824 7-2 4 8-42 o-ooo 35 8-824 6-8 8-01 o-ooo 35 8-824 7.37 8-44 o-ooo 40 8-824 6-9 8-07 o-ooo 40 8-824 7^9 8-46 o-ooo 45 8-824 6-9 8-12 O'OOO 45 8-824 7-31 8-48 o-ooo 50 8-824 7-0 8-i(5 o-ooo 50 8-824 7-33 8-5i O'OOO 55 8-824 7-03 8-20 o-ooo 55 8-824 7'35 8-52 o-ooo 60 8-824 7-07 8-24 o-ooo 60 8-824 7-37 8-54 o-ooo Declination 2 Declination 3 88 to 87 92 to 93 87 to 86 93 to 94 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 8-824 7'37 8-54 o-ooo / 8-825 7'54 8-72 9-999 5 8-824 7'38 8-56 o-ooo 5 8-825 7^6 8-73 9-999 10 8-824 7-40 8-58 o-ooo 10 8-825 7'57 8-74 9-999 15 8-824 7-42 8'59 O'OOO 15 8-825 7-58 8'75 9-999 20 8-824 7'43 8-61 o-ooo 20 8-825 7'59 8-76 9-999 25 8-824 7'45 8-62 O'OOO 25 8-825 7-60 8-78 9-999 3 8-824 7-46 8-64 O'OOO 30 8-825 7-61 8-79 9-999 35 8-824 7-48 8-65 o-ooo 35 8-825 7-62 8-80 9-999 40 8-824 7'49 8-67 o-ooo 40 8-825 7'63 8-81 9-999 45 8-824 7-5i 8-68 o-ooo 45 8-825 7-64 8-82 9-999 5 8-824 7'52 8-69 9-999 50 8-825 7-65 8-83 9-999 55 8-824 7'53 8-71 9-999 55 8-825 7-66 8-83 9-999 60 8-825 7-54 8-72 9-999 60 8-825 7-67 8-84 9-999 12 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 4 Declination 5 86 to 85 94 to 95 85 to 84 95 to 96 a = b c=d ai-V ft' a-b c = d ai=bi Ht 1 / o 8-825 7-67 8-84 9-999 / - 8-826 7*77 8-94 9-998 5 8-825 7-68 8-85 9-999 5 8-826 7-77 8*95 9-998 10 8-825 7-69 8-86 9-999 10 8-826 7-78 8'9S 9-998 15 8-825 7.70 8-87 9-999 15 8-826 779 8-96 9-998 20 8-825 770 8-88 9'999 20 8-826 779 8-97 9-998 25 8-825 7-71 8-89 9-999 25 8-826 7-80 8-97 9-998 30 8-825 7 . 7a 8-89 9-999 30 8-826 7-81 8-98 9-998 35 8*825 773 8-90 9-999 35 8-826 7-81 8-99 9-998 4 8-825 774 8-91 9-999 40 8-826 7-82 8-99 9-998 45 8-825 774 8-92 9*999 45 8-826 7*83 9*00 9-998 5o 8-825 775 8'93 9-998 50 8-826 7-83 9-01 9-998 55 8-826 7-76 '93 9-998 55 8-826 7*84 9*0 1 9-998 60 8-826 777 8-94 9.998 60 8-826 7*85 9-02 9-998 Declination 6 Declination 7 84 to 83 96 to 97 83 to 82 97 to 98 a = b c = d ai = b* sa a = b c = d a=bi ft 1 / 8-826 7'85 9-019 9-998 / o 8-827 7-91 9-086 9*997 5 8-826 7-85 9-025 9-998 5 8-827 7-92 9-091 9'997 10 8-826 7-86 9-031 9-997 10 8-827 7-92 9-096 9-997 15 8-827 7-86 9'037 9*997 15 8-827 7'93 9-101 9*997 20 8-827 7-87 9*043 9-997 20 8-827 7-93 9-106 9-996 25 8-827 7-87 9-048 9'997 25 8-828 7'94 9-111 9-996 3 8-827 7-88 9-054 9-997 30 8-828 7'94 9-116 9-996 35 8-827 7-89 9-059 9-997 35 8-828 7*95 9-120 9-996 40 g-827 7-89 9-065 9-997 40 8-828 7-95 9-125 9-996 45 8-827 7-90 9-070 9*997 45 8-828 7-96 9-130 9-996 5o 8-827 7-90 9*075 9-997 50 8-828 7-96 9*134 9 - 99 6 55 8-827 7-91 9-081 9W 55 8-828 7'97 9**39 9-996 60 8-827 7-91 9-086 9-997 60 8-828 7'97 9-144 9-996 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 8 Declination 9 82 to 81 98 to 99 81 to 80 99 to 100 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a l=bl sa 1 / o 8-828 7'97 9-144 9-996 o 8-829 8-024 9-194 9'995 5 8-828 7-98 9-148 9-996 5 8-829 8-028 9-198 9-995 10 8-828 7-98 9-152 9-996 10 8-829 8-032 9-202 9'994 15 8-828 7-99 9 >T 57 9-995 15 8-830 8-036 9-206 9-994 20 8-829 7-99 9-161 9-995 20 8-830 8-040 9-210 9'994 25 8-829 7-99 9-165 9'995 25 8-830 8-044 9-214 9-994 30 8-829 8-00 9-170 9'995 3o 8-830 8-048 9-218 9'994 35 8-829 8-00 9-174 9'995 35 8-830 8-051 9-221 9'994 40 8-829 8-01 9-178 9-995 40 8-830 8-055 9-225 9-994 45 8-829 8-oi 9-182 9-995 45 8-830 8-059 9-229 9'994 50 8-829 8-02 9-186 9-995 50 8-830 8-063 9-232 9'994 55 8-829 8-02 9-190 9'995 55 8-830 8-067 9-236 9*993 60 8-829 8-024 9-194 9'995 60 8-831 8-070 9-240 9'993 Declination 10 Declination 11 80 to 79 100 to 101 79 to 78 101 to 102 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 8-831 8*070 9-240 9^93 8-832 8-113 9-281 9-992 5 8-831 8-074 9^43 9-993 5 8-832 8-116 9-284 9-992 10 8-831 8-078 9-247 9'993 10 8-832 8-119 9'287 9-992 15 8-831 8 -08 1 9-250 9-993 15 8-832 8-123 9-290 9-992 20 8-831 8-085 9' 2 54 9'993 20 8-832 8-126 9-293 9-991 2 5 8-831 8-088 9'257 9'993 25 8-833 8-129 9-297 9-991 30 8-831 8-092 9-261 9*993 30 8-833 8-132 9-300 9-991 35 8-831 8-095 9-264 9'993 35 8-833 8-136 9-303 9-991 40 8-831 8-099 9-267 9-992 40 8-833 8-139 9-306 9-991 45 8-832 8-102 9-271 9-992 45 8-833 8-142 9-309 9-991 5 8-832 8-106 9-274 9-992 50 8-833 8-145 9-312 9-991 55 8-832 8-109 9-277 9-992 55 8-833 8-148 9'3 i 5 9-991 60 8-832 8-113 9-281 9-992 60 8-834 8-151 9-318 9-990 N.P.D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 12 Declination 13 78 to 77 102 to 103 77 to 76 103 to 104 *-b c = d a! = bi sa l a = b c = d a* = b l ' o 8-834 8-151 9-318 9-990 / 8-835 8-187 9*352 9-989 5 8-834 8-154 9-32I 9-990 5 8-835 8-190 9-355 9-989 10 8-834 8-158 9-324 9-990 10 8-835 8-193 9-358 9-988 IS 8-834 8-161 9-327 9-990 15 8-836 8-196 9-360 9-988 20 8-834 8-164 9330 9-990 20 8-836 8-199 9-363 9-988 25 8-834 8-167 9*332 9.990 25 8-836 8-201 9-366 9-988 30 8-834 8-170 9'335 9-990 30 8-836 8-204 9-368 9-988 35 8-834 8-173 9'338 9-989 35 8-836 8-207 9-371 9-988 40 8-835 8-176 9-34 1 9-989 40 8-836 8-210 9'373 9-988 45 8-835 8-179 9'344 9-989 45 8-837 8-213 9-376 9-987 50 8-835 8-181 9-347 9-989 50 8-837 8-215 9*379 9-987 55 8-835 8-184 9-349 9989 55 8-837 8-218 9-381 9-987 60 8-835 8-187 9-352 9-989 60 8-837 8-221 9-384 9-987 Declination 14 Declination 16 76 to 75 104 to 105 76 to 74 106 C to 106 C a-b c = d a f =b* sal a = b c = d a^b 1 Mb 1 / o 8-837 8-221 9-384 9-987 / 8-839 8-252 9-4 r 3 9-985 5 8-837 8-223 9-386 9-987 5 8-839 8-254 9-4I5 9^5 10 8-837 8-226 9-389 9-987 10 8-839 8-257 9-418 9^5 15 8-837 8-229 9-39I 9-986 15 8-839 8-259 9-420 9-984 20 8-838 8-231 9*394 9-986 20 8-840 8-262 9-422 9-984 2 5 8-838 8-234 9-396 9-986 2 5 8-840 8-264 9'425 9-984 30 8-838 8-237 9'399 9-986 30 8-840 8-267 9-427 9-984 35 8-838 8-239 9-401 9-986 35 8-840 8-269 9-429 9-984 40 8-838 8-242 9-403 9-986 40 8-840 8-272 9-431 9-984 45 8-838 8-244 9-406 9'9 8 5 45 8-841 8-274 9H34 9-983 So 8-839 8-247 9-408 9-985 5 8-841 8-277 9-436 9-9 8 3 55 8-839 8-249 9-411 9-985 55 8-841 8-279 9-438 9-983 60 8-839 8-252 9"4 T 3 9-985 60 8-841 8-281 9-440 9-983 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 16 Declination 17 74 to 73 106 to 107 73 to 72 107 to 108 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a=b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 8-841 1 8-281 9-440 9-983 / o 8-843 8-309 9-466 9-981 5 8-841 8-284 9*443 9'9 8 3 5 8-844 8-312 9-468 9-980 10 8-841 8-286 9'445 9-982 10 8-844 8-3I4 9-470 9-980 15 8-842 8-289 9*447 9-982 15 8-844 8-316 9-472 9-980 20 8-842 8-291 9*449 9-982 20 8-844 8-318 9*474 9-980 25 8-842 8-293 9*45 J 9-982 25 8-844 8-320 9-476 9-980 30 8-842 8-296 9-453 9-982 30 8-844 8-323 9-478 9-979 35 8-842 8-298 9*455 9-982 35 8-845 8-325 9-480 9*979 40 8-843 8-300 9H58 9-981 40 8-845 8-327 9-482 9*979 45 8-843 8-302 9-460 9-981 45 8-845 8-329 9-484 9*979 50 8-843 8-305 9-462 9-981 5o 8-845 8*331 9-486 9*979 55 8-843 8-307 9-464 9-981 55 8-846 8-334 9-488 9-978 60 8-843 8-309 9-466 9-981 60 8-846 8-336 9*490 9-978 Declination 18 Declination 19 72 to 71 108 to 109 71 to 70 C 109 to 110 a = b C =a a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / 8-846 8-336 9-490 9-978 / o 8-848 8-361 9-5I3 9-976 5 8-846 8-338 9-492 9-978 5 8-848 8-363 9'5i4 9*975 10 8-846 8-340 9*494 9-978 10 8-849 8-365 9-516 9*975 15 8-846 8-342 9-496 9-978 15 8-849 8-367 9-518 9*975 20 8-847 8-344 9-498 9*977 20 8-849 8-369 9-520 9*975 2 5 8-847 8-346 9-500 9*977 2 5 8-849 8-371 9-522 9*975 30 8-847 8-348 9-501 9*977 30 8-850 8-373 9*524 9-974 35 8-847 8-351 9'503 9-977 35 8-850 8-375 9*525 9*974 40 8-847 8-353 9*505 9*977 40 8-850 8-377 9*527 9*974 45 8-848 8-355 9*507 9-976 45 8-850 8-379 9*529 9*974 50 8-848 8-357 9'509 9-976 5 8-850 8-381 9*53* 9-973 55 8-848 8'359 9'SH 9-976 55 8-851 8-383 9*532 9'973 60 8-848 8-361 9*5 J 3 9-976 60 8-851 8-385 9*534 9*973 16 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 20 Declination 21 70 to 69 110 to 111 69 to 68 111 to 112 a = b c = d a'-b 1 .-a 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 8-851 8-385 9'534 9-973 i o 8-854 8-408 9'554 9-970 5 8-851 8-387 9-536 9*973 5 8-854 8-410 9-556 9-970 10 8-851 8-389 9-538 9-973 10 8-854 8-412 9-558 9-970 15 8-852 8-391 9-539 9.972 15 8-854 8-414 9-559 9-969 20 8-852 8'393 9'54i 9-972 20 8-855 8-416 9-56i 9-969 25 8-852 8-395 9-543 9-972 25 8-855 8-417 9-562 9-969 30 8-852 8-397 9'544 9-972 30 8-855 8-419 9-564 9-969 35 8-853 8-399 9-546 9-971 35 8-855 8-421 9-566 9-968 40 8-853 8-400 9-548 9-971 40 8-856 8'423 9-567 9-968 45 8-853 8-402 9*549 9971 45 8-856 8-425 9^69 9-968 50 8-853 8-404 9-55I 9-971 50 8-856 8-427 9-570 9-968 55 8-854 8-406 9*553 9-970 55 8-856 8-429 9-572 9-967 60 8-854 8-408 9*554 9-970 60 8-857 8-430 9*574 9-967 Declination 22 Declination 23 68 to 67 112 to 113 67 to 66 113 to 114 a-b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a=b c=d a-b l sa 1 8-857 8-430 9-574 9-967 / 8-860 8-452 9-592 9-964 5 8-857 8-432 9*575 9-967 5 8-860 8-454 9-593 9-964 10 8-857 8-434 9-577 9-967 10 8-860 8-455 9-595 9-9 6 3 IS 8-858 8-436 9-578 9-966 '5 8-86 1 8-457 9-596 9-963 20 8-858 8-438 9-580 9-966 20 8-861 8'459 9-598 9-963 25 8-858 8-439 9-581 9-966 25 8-861 8-460 9-599 9-963 30 8-858 8-441 9-583 9-966 30 8-862 8-462 9-601 9-962 35 8-859 8-443 9-584 9-965 35 8-862 8-464 9-602 9-962 40 8-859 8-445 9-586 9-965 40 8-862 8-466 9-604 9-962 45 8-859 8-446 9-587 9-965 45 8-862 8-467 9-605 9-962 50 8-859 8-448 9'589 9^65 50 8-863 8-469 9-606 9-961 55 8-860 8-450 9'59 9-964 55 8-863 8-471 9-608 9-961 60 8'86o 8-452 9-592 9-964 60 8-863 8-472 9-609 9-961 N.P.D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 24 Declination 25 66 to 65 114 to 115 65 to 64 115 to 116 a = b c-d a ] =b l sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 o 8-863 8-472 9-609 9-961 o 8-867 8'493 9-626 9-957 5 8-863 8-474 9-611 9-960 5 8-867 8-494 9-627 9-957 10 8-864 8-476 9-612 9-960 10 8-867 8-496 9-629 9*957 J 5 8-864 8-478 9-614 9-960 15 8-868 8-498 9-630 9-956 20 8-864 8-479 9615 9-960 20 8-868 8-499 9-631 9-956 2 5 8-865 8-481 9 616 9'959 2 5 8-868 8-501 9-633 9-956 30 8-865 8-483 9618 9"959 30 8-868 8-502 9-634 9-955 35 8-865 8-484 9-619 9-959 35 8-869 8-504 9-635 9-955 40 8-865 8-486 9-620 9-958 40 8-869 8-506 9-637 9'955 45 8-866 8-488 9-622 9-958 45 8-869 8-507 9-638 9-955 5o 8-S66 8-489 9-623 9'958 5 8-870 8-509 9-639 9-954 55 8-866 8-491 9-625 9'958 55 8-870 8-510 9-641 9-954 60 8-867 8-493 9-626 9-957 60 8-870 8-512 9-642 9'954 ' Declination 26 Declination 27 64 to 63 116 to 117 63 to 62 117 to 118 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 o 8-870 8-512 9-642 9'954 8-874 8'53i 9-657 9-950 5 8-871 8-514 9 <6 43 9-953 5 8-874 8-533 9-658 9-950 10 8-871 8-5I5 9-644 9-953 10 8-875 8-534 9-660 9'949 15 8-871 8-5I7 9-646 9'953 15 8-875 8-536 9-661 9'949 20 8-871 8-518 9-647 9-952 20 8-875 8-537 9-662 9'949 2 5 8-872 8-520 9-648 9-95 2 2 5 8-876 8-539 9-663 9-948 30 8-872 8-522 9-650 9-952 30 8-876 8-54 9-664 9-948 35 8-872 8-523 9-651 9-95 1 35 8-876 8-542 9-666 9-948 40 8-873 8-525 9-652 9-951 40 8-877 8-543 9-667 9-947 45 8-873 8-526 9'653 9'95i 45 8-877 8-545 9-668 9'947 50 8-873 8-528 9' 6 55 9-95 1 50 8-877 8-547 9-669 9-947 55 8-874 8-530 9-656 9'95 55 8-878 8-548 9-670 9-946 60 8-874 8-531 9^57 9-950 60 8-878 8-550 9-672 9-946 i8 A 7 . P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 28 Declination 29 62 to 61 118 to 119 61 to 60 119 to 120 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa l a = b C =a ai-b 1 sa 1 / o 8-878 8-55 9-672 9*946 o 8-882 8-568 9-686 9-942 5 8-878 8-55I 9'673 9-946 5 8-882 8-569 9-687 9-941 10 8-879 8-553 9-674 9-945 10 8-883 8-571 9-688 9-941 15 8-879 8'554 9-675 9'945 15 8-883 8-572 9-689 9-941 20 8-879 8-556 9-676 9-945 20 8-884 8-574 9-690 9-940 25 8-S8o 8-557 9-678 9*944 25 8-884 8-575 9-691 9-940 30 8-880 8-559 9-679 9-944 30 8-884 8-577 9-692 9-940 35 8-880 8-560 9-680 9-944 35 8-885 8-578 9-693 9-939 40 8-881 8-562 9-681 9-943 40 8-885 8-579 9-695 9-939 45 8-881 8-563 9-682 9-943 45 8-885 8-581 9-696 9-939 50 8-88r 8-565 9-683 9-943 50 8-886 8-582 9-697 9-938 55 8-882 8-566 9-684 9-942 55 8-886 8-584 9-698 9-938 60 8-882 8-568 9-686 9-942 60 8-886 8-585 9-699 9-938 Declination 80 Declination 31 6O to 69 120 to 121 69 C to 58 121 to 122 a = b c = d a^b 1 ea 1 a-b c = d a' = b l sa l / 8-886 8-585 9-699 9-938 / 8-891 8-603 9-712 9-933 5 8-887 8-587 9-700 9*937 5 8-891 8-604 9713 9*933 10 8-887 8-588 9-701 9-937 10 8-892 8-606 9-714 9-932 15 8-887 8-590 9702 9-936 15 8-892 8-607 9'7 J 5 9-932 20 8-888 8-591 9-703 9-936 20 8-892 8-608 9-716 9-932 25 8-888 8-593 9-704 9-936 25 8-893 8-610 9-717 9-93I 30 8-889 8-594 9-705 9'935 30 8-893 8-6n 9-718 9-93I 35 8-889 8596 9-707 9-935 35 8894 8613 9-719 9-930 40 8-889 8-597 9-708 9-935 40 8-894 8-614 9-720 9-930 45 8-890 8-598 9-709 9-934 45 8-894 8-615 9-721 9-930 5 8-890 8-600 9-710 9'934 50 8895 8-617 9-722 9-929 55 8-890 8-601 9-711 9'933 55 8-895 8-618 9-723 9-929 60 8-891 8-603 9-712 9-933 60 8-895 8-620 9-724 9-928 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 32 Declination 33 58 to 57 122 to 123 57 to 56 123 to 124 a-b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a=b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 i o 8-895 8-620 9724 9-928 / o 8900 8-636 9'736 9924 5 8-896 8-621 97 2 5 9-928 5 8-901 8-638 9737 9-923 10 8-896 8-623 9-726 9-928 10 8-901 8-639 9738 9-923 15 8-897 8-624 9-727 9-927 !5 8-902 8-641 9*739 9-922 20 8-897 8-625 9-728 9-927 20 8-902 8-642 9-740 9-922 25 8-897 8-627 9-729 9-926 25 8-902 8-643 9-741 9-922 30 8-898 8-628 9730 9-926 30 8-903 8-645 9-742 9-921 35 8-898 8-629 973i 9-926 35 8-903 8-646 9-743 9-921 40 8-899 8-631 9732 9-9 2 5 40 8-904 8-647 9'744 9-920 45 8-899 8-632 9733 9-925 45 8-904 8-649 9-745 9-920 50 8-900 8-634 9734 9-924 50 8-904 8-650 9-746 9-919 55 8-900 8-635 9735 9-924 55 8-905 8-652 9-747 9-919 60 8-900 8-636 9736 9-924 60 8-905 8-653 9-748' 9-9I9 / Declination 34 Declination 35 56 to 55 124 to 125 55 to 54 125 to 126 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 8-905 8-653 9-748 9-919 8-911 8-669 9-759 9-9*3 5 8-906 8-654 9749 9-918 5 8-911 8-670 9'759 99*3 10 8-906 8-656 9749 9-918 10 8-911 8-672 9-760 9-912 *5 8-907 8-657 9750 9-917 J 5 8-912 8-673 9-761 9-912 20 8-907 8-658 975 1 9-917 20 8-912 8-675 9-762 9-912 25 8-907 8-660 975 2 9-916 25 8-9I3 8-676 9-763 9-911 30 8-908 8-661 9753 9-916 3 8-913 8-677 9-764 9-911 35 8-908 8-662 9754 9-916 35 8-914 8-679 9-765 9-910 40 8-909 8-664 9755 9*9 i 5 4 8-914 8-680 9-766 9-910 45 8-909 8-665 9756 9'9i5 45 8-915 8-681 9-767 9-909 So 8-910 8-666 9757 9-914 50 8-915 8-683 9-767 9-909 55 8-910 8-668 9758 9-914 55 8-915 8-684 9-768 9-908 60 8-911 8-669 9759 9-9 J 3 60 8-916 8-685 9-769 9-908 D 2 2O N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 36 Declination 37 54 to 53 C 126 C to 127 53 to 52 127 to 128 a=b c=d a l = b l Mb 1 a = b c = d a' = b' sa 1 o 8-916 8-685 9-769 9-908 / o 8-922 8-701 9-779 9-902 5 8-916 8-687 9-770 9-908 5 8-922 8-702 9-780 9-902 10 8-917 8-688 9-771 9-907 10 8-923 8-704 9781 9-901 15 8-917 8-689 9-772 9-907 15 8-923 8-705 9-783 9-901 20 8-918 8-690 9773 9906 20 8-923 8706 9-783 9-900 25 8-918 8-692 9774 9-906 25 8-924 8-708 9-784 9-900 30 8-919 8693 9774 9'905 30 8-924 8-709 9-784 9-899 35 8-919 8-694 9775 9'905 35 8-925 8-710 9-785 9-899 40 8-920 8-696 9-776 9-904 40 8-925 8-712 9-786 9-898 45 8-920 8-697 9777 9-904 45 8-926 8713 9-787 9-898 50 8-921 8-698 9-778 9-903 50 8-926 8714 9-788 9-898 55 8921 8-700 9779 9-903 55 8-927 8-7I5 9-789 9-897 60 8-922 8-701 9779 9-902 60 8-927 8717 9-789 9-897 "V Declination 38 Declination 39 52 to 51 128 to 129 51 to 5O 129 to 130 a = b c = d a l = b l ft 1 a=b c=d a'-b 1 sa 1 / o 8-927 8717 9-789 9-897 / 8-933 8-732 9799 9-891 5 8-928 8-718 9-790 9-896 5 8-934 8-734 9-800 9-890 10 8-928 8-719 9-791 9-896 10 8*934 8-735 9-800 9-889 *5 8-929 8-721 9-792 9-895 15 8'935 8-736 9-801 9-889 20 8-929 8-722 9-793 9' 8 95 20 8-935 8-737 9-802 ; 9-888 35 8-930 8-723 9-793 9-894 25 8-936 8739 9-803 9-888 30 8-930 8-735 9-794 9' 8 94 30 8-937 8-740 9-804 9-887 35 8-931 8-726 9795 9-893 35 8-937 | 8-741 9-804 9-887 40 8-931 8-727 9-796 9-893 40 8-938 8-743 9-805 9-886 45 8-932 8-728 9-797 9-892 45 8-938 8-744 9-806 9-886 5 8-932 8-730 9-797 9-892 50 8-939 8-745 9-807 9-885 55 8'933 8731 9-798 9-891 55 8-939 8-746 9-807 9-885 60 8'933 8-732 9799 9-891 60 8-940 8-748 9-808 9-884 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants 21 Declination 40 Declination 41 50 to 49 130 to 131 49 to 48 131 to 132 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a l = b l sa 1 / 8-940 8-748 9-808 9-884 / 8-946 8-763 9-817 9-878 5 8-940 8*749 9-809 9-884 5 8-947 8-764 9-818 9-877 10 8-941 8-750 9-810* 9-883 10 8-947 . 8-766 9-818 9-877 J 5 8-941 8-753 9-810 9-883 15 8-948 8-767 9-819 9-876 20 8-942 8753 9-811 9-882 20 8-948 8-768 9-820 9-876 2 5 8-942 8-754 9-812 ' 9-882 2 5 8-949 8-769 9-821 9-875 30 8-943 8-755 9-813 9-881 30 8-949 8-770 9-821 9-874 35 S'943 8-757 9-813 9-881 35 8-950 8-772 9-822 9-874 40 8-944 8758 9-814 9-880 40 8-951 8'773 9-823 9-873 45 8-944 8-759 9-8i5 9-879 45 8-951 8775 9-823 9-873 50 8-945 8-761 9-815 9-879 50 8-952 8-776 9-824 9-872 55 8-946 8-762 9-816 9-878 55 8-952 8-777 9-825 9-872 60 8-946 8-763 9-817 9-878 60 8-953 8-778 9-826 9-871 Declination 42 Declination 43 48 to 47 132 to 133 47 to 46 133 to 134 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 8-953 8- - - s 77 9-826 9-871 8-960 8-794 9-834 9-864 5 8-953 8-780 9-826 9-871 5 8-960 8-795 9-834 9-864 10 S'954 8-781 9-827 9-870 10 8-961 8-796 9-835 9-863 J 5 S'955 8-782 9-828 9-869 15 8-962 8-797 9-836 9-862 20 8-955 8-783 9-828 9-869 20 8-962 8-799 9-836 9-862 25 8-956 8-785 9-829 9-868 2 5 8-963 8-800 9-837 9-861 30 8-956 8-786 9'830 9-868 30 8-963 8-801 9-838 9-861 35 8-957 8-787 9-830 9-867 35 8-964 8-802 9-838 9-860 40 8-957 8-789 9-831 9-866 40 8-965 8-804 9-S39 9-859 45 8-958 8-790 9-832 9-866 45 8-965 8-805 9-840 9-859 50 S'959 8-791 9-832 9-865 5o 8-966 8-806 9-840 9-858 55 8-959 8-792 9-833 9-865 55 8-966 C-807 9-841 9-858 60 8-960 8-794 9-834 9-864 60 8-967 8-809 9-842 9^57 22 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 44 Declination 45 46 to 45 134 to 135 45 to 44 135 to 136 a-b c = d ft'-* ft 1 .-t c-d ..-* ft 1 8-967 8-809 9-842 9-857 8-974 8-824 9-849 9-849 5 8-968 8-810 9-842 9-856 5 8-975 8-825 9-850 9-849 10 8-968 8-811 9^43 9-856 10 8-976 8-826 9-85I 9-848 15 8-969 8-813 9-844 9-855 15 8-976 8-828 9-85I 9-848 20 8-969 8-814 9^44 9-854 20 8-977 8-829 9-852 9-847 25 8-970 8-815 9-845 9-854 25 8-978 8-830 9^53 9-846 30 8-971 8-816 9-846 9-853 30 8-978 8-831 9-853 9-846 35 8-971 8-818 9-846 9'853 35 8-979 8-833 9-854 9-845 40 8-972 8-819 9-847 9852 40 8-980 8-834 9- 8 54 9-844 45 8-973 8-820 9-848 9-851 45 8-980 8-835 9-855 9-844 50 8-973 8-821 9-848 9-851 50 8-981 8-837 9-856 9843 55 8'974 8-823 9-849 9-850 55 8-981 8-838 9-856 9-842 60 8-974 8-824 9-849 9-849 60 8-982 8-839 9^57 9-842 Declination 46 Declination 47 44 to 43 136 to 137 43 to 42 137 to 138 C o ,-b c~a *-* *' .- e-d *- sa 1 8-982 8-839 9-857 9'842 8-990 8-854 9-86 4 9-834 5 8-983 8-840 9-858 9-841 5 8-991 8-856 9-865 9-833 10 8-983 8-842 9-858 9-840 10 8-991 8-857 9-865 9-832 T 5 8-984 8-843 9-859 9-840 15 8-992 8-858 9-866 9^32 20 8^85 8-844 9-859 9-839 20 8-993 8-859 9-866 9-83I 25 8-985 8-845 9-860 9-838 25 8-994 8-861 9-867 9-830 30 8-986 8-847 9-861 9-838 30 8-994 8-862 9-868 9-830 35 8-987 8-848 9-861 9-837 35 8-995 8-863 9-868 9-82 9 40 8-987 8-849 9-862 9-836 40 8-996 8-864 9-869 9-828 45 8-988 8-850 9-862 9-836 45 8996 S-866 9-869 9-828 50 8-989 8-852 9-863 9'835 5 8-997 8-867 9-870 9^27 55 8- 9 8 9 8'853 9-864 9-834 55 8-998 8-868 9-871 9-826 60 8^90 8-854 9-864 9-834 60 8-998 8-869 9-871 9-826 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 48 Declination 49 42 to 41 138 to 139 41 to 40 139 to 140 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 o 8-998 8-869 9-871 9826 / o 9-007 8-885 9-878 9-817 5 8-999 8-871 9-872 9-825 5 9-008 8-886 9-878 9-816 10 9-000 8-872 9-872 9-824 10 9-008 8-887 9-879 9-8I5 *5 9-001 8-873 9'873 9-823 I 5 9-009 8-889 9-879 9-815 20 9-001 8-875 9-873 9'823 20 9-010 8-890 9-880 9-814 25 9-002 8-876 9-874 9-822 25 9-011 8-891 9-881 9-813 30 9-003 8-877 9-874 9-821 30 9-011 8-892 9-881 9-813 35 9-003 8-878 9-875 9-821 35 9-012 8-894 9-882 9-812 40 9-004 8-880 9-876 9-820 40 9-013 8-895 9-882 9-811 45 9-005 8-881 9-876 9-819 45 9-014 8-896 9-883 9-810 5o 9-006 8-882 9-877 9-818 50 9-014 8-898 9-883 9-810 55 9-006 8-883 9-877 9-818 55 9-015 8-899 9-884 9-809 60 9-007 8-885 9-878 9-817 60 9-016 8-900 9-884 9-808 Decimation 50 Declination 51 40 to 39 140 to 141 39 to 38 141 to 142 a-b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 9-016 8-900 9-884 9-808 / 9-025 8-916 9-891 9-799 5 9-017 8-901 9-885 9-807 5 9-026 8-917 9-891 9-798 10 9-017 8-903 9-885 9-807 10 9-027 8-918 9-892 9-797 J 5 9-0 1 8 8-904 9-886 9-806 15 9-027 8-919 9-892 9-797 20 9-019 8-905 9-886 9-805 20 9-028 8-921 9-893 9-796 25 9-020 8-907 9-887 9-804 25 9-029 8-922 9-893 9-795 30 9-020 8-908 9-887 9-804 30 9-030 8-923 9-894 9-794 35 9-021 8-909 9-888 9-803 35 9-031 8-925 9-894 9-793 40 9-022 8-910 9-888 9-802 4 9-031 8-926 9-89S 9'793 45 9-023 8-912 9-889 9-801 45 9-032 8-927 9-895 9-792 50 9-023 8-913 9-889 9-800 50 9'033 8-929 9-896 9-791 55 9-024 8-914 9-890 9-800 55 9-034 8-930 9-896 9-790 60 9-025 8-916 9-891 9-799 60 9"35 8-931 9-897 9-789 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 52 Declination 53 38 to 37 142 to 143 37 to 36 143 to 144 a-b c = d a^b 1 sa l a = b o = d a l -b l sa 1 / o 9-035 8-931 9-897 9-789 9-044 8-947 9-902 9-779 5 9-035 8-932 9-897 9-789 5 9-045 8-948 9-903 9-779 10 9-036 8-934 9-898 9-788 JO 9-046 8-949 9-903 9-778 15 9-037 8-935 9-898 9-787 15 9-047 8-951 9-904 9777 20 9-038 8-936 9-898 9-786 20 9-048 8-952 9-904 9-776 25 9039 8-938 9-899 9785 25 9-049 8-953 9-905 9-775 30 9-039 8-939 9-899 9-784 30 9-050 8-955 9-905 9774 35 9-040 8-940 9-900 9-784 35 9-050 8-956 9-906 9-774 40 9-041 8-942 9-900 9-783, 40 9-05I 8-957 9-906 9-773 45 9-042 8-943 9-901 9-782 45 9-052 8-959 9-907 9-772 50 9-043 8-944 9-901 9-781 50 9-053 8-960 9-907 9771 55 9'044 8-945 9-902 9-78o ' 55 9-054 8-961 9-908 9-770 60 9-044 8-947 9-902 9-779 60 9-055 8-963 9-908 9-769 Declination 54 Declination 66 36 to 35 144 to 145 35 C to 34 145" to 146 a = b c = d a l = b' ft 1 a = b c = d a'^b 1 w 1 / 9-055 8-963 9-908 9-769 / o 9-065 8-979 9'9 J 3 9'759 5 9-05<> 8-964 9-908 9-768 5 9-066 8-980 9-914 9-758 10 9-056 8-965 9-909 9-767 10 9-067 8-981 9-914 9-757 15 9-057 8-967 9-909 9-767 '5 9-068 8-983 9-9I5 9-756 20 9-058 8-968 9910 9-766 20 9-069 8-984 9'9'5 9-755 25 9-059 8-969 9-910 9-765 25 9-070 8-985 9-916 9-754 30 9-060 8-971 9-911 9-764 30 9-071 8-987 9-916 9-753 35 9-061 8-972 9-911 9763 35 9-072 8-988 9-916 9-752 40 9-062 8-973 9-912 9-762 40 9-073 8-989 9-917 9-751 45 9-063 8-975 9-912 9-761 45 9-074 8-991 9-917 9-750 50 9-064 8-976 9-912 9-760 50 9-074 8-992 9-918 9'749 55 9-064 8-977 9-9I3 9-759 55 9-0/5 8-994 9-918 9-749 60 9-065 8-979 9'9 i 3 9*759 60 9-076 8-995 9-919 9-748 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 56 Declination 57 34 to 33 146 to 147 33 to 32 147 to 148 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 9-076 8-995 9-919 9-748 o 9-088 9-011 9-924 9-736 5 9-077 8-996 9-919 9747 5 9-089 9-013 9-924 9735 10 9-078 8-998 9-919 9-746 10 9-090 9-014 9-924 9-734 15 9-079 8-999 9-920 9'745 15 9-091 9-016 9-925 9-733 20 9-080 9-000 9-920 9*744 20 9-092 9-017 9*925 9.732 25 9-081 9-002 9-921 9743 2 5 9-093 9-018 9-926 9-73I 30 9-082 9-003 9-921 9-742 30 9-094 9-020 9-926 9-730 35 9-083 9-005 9-922 9741 35 9-095 9-021 9-926 9-729 40 9-084 9-006 9-922 9-740 40 9-096 9-023 9-927 9728 45 9-085 9-007 9-922 9-739 45 9-097 9-024 9.927 9.727 50 9-086 9-009 9-923 9738 50 9-098 9-025 9-928 9-726 55 9-087 9-010 9-923 9-737 55 9-099 9-027 9-928 9-725 60 9-088 9-011 9-924 9-736 60 9-100 9-028 9-928 9-724 Declination 58 Declination 59 32 to 31 148 to 149 31 to 30 149 to 150 i a = b c = d a T = b l sa 1 a = b c = d a x = b x sa 1 o 9-100 9-028 9-928 9-724 9'TI2 9-045 9-933 9-712 5 9-101 9-030 9-929 9723 5 9.113 9-047 9-933 9711 10 9-102 9-031 9-929 9-722 10 9-114 9-048 9-934 9-710 15 9-103 9-032 9-930 9-721 '5 9'"5 9-049 9-934 9-709 20 9-104 9-034 9-930 9-720 20 9-116 9-05I 9-935 9-708 2 5 9-105 9-035 9-930 9-719 2 5 9-117 9-052 9-935 9-707 30 9-106 9-037 9-931 9-718 30 9-118 9-054 9-935 9-705 35 9-107 9-038 9-93I 9-717 35 9-120 9-055 9-936 9-704 40 9-108 9-039 9.932 9-716 40 9-121 9'057 9-936 9-703 45 9-109 9-041 9-932 97*5 45 9-122 9-058 9-936 9-702 50 9-110 9-042 9-932 9-714 50 9-123 9-060 9-937 9-701 55 9-111 9-044 9-933 9713 55 9-124 9-061 9-937 9-700 60 9-112 9-045 9-933 9-712 60 9-125 9-062 9-938 9-699 26 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 60 Declination 61 30 to 29 150 to 151 29 to 28 151 to 152 a = b c = d a*=b l sa* a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / 9-125 9-062 9-938 9-699 r O 9-138 9-080 9-942 9-686 5 9-126 9-064 9-938 9-698 5 9'I39 9-082 9-942 9-684 10 9-127 9-065 9-938 9-697 10 9-141 9-083 9-943 9-683 15 9-128 9-067 9-939 9-696 15 9-142 9-085 9-943 9-682 20 9-129 9-068 9'939 9' 6 95 20 9-M3 9-086 9-943 9-681 25 9-130 9-070 9-939 9-693 25 9-144 9-088 9-944 9-680 30 9-132 9-071 9-940 9-692 30 9-I45 9-089 9*944 9-679 35 9-133 9-073 9-940 9-691 35 9-146 9-091 9*944 9-678 40 9' 1 34 9-074 9-940 9-690 40 9-148 9-092 9-945 9-676 45 9-135 9-076 9-941 9-689 45 9-149 9-094 9-945 9-675 50 9-136 9-077 9-941 9-688 50 9-150 9-095 9-945 9-674 55 9-137 9-079 9-941 9-687 55 9-I5I 9-097 9-946 9-673 60 9-138 9-080 9-942 9-686 60 9-I52 9-098 9-946 9-672 - Declination 62 Declination 63 28 to 27 152 to 153 27 to 26 153 C to 154 a = b c = d a'=b l ft 1 a = b cd a^b 1 sa 1 o 9-152 9-098 9-946 9-672 i o 9-167 9-117 9-950 9-657 5 9-I53 9-100 9-946 9-670 5 9-168 9-118 9-950 9-656 10 9^55 9-101 9-947 9-669 10 9-169 9-120 9-951 9'655 15 9-156 9-103 9-947 9-668 I| 9-171 9-121 9-95I 9-653 20 9- J 57 9-104 9-947 9-667 20 9-172 9-123 9-95I 9-652 25 9-158 9-106 9-948 9-666 25 9-I73 9-125 9-95I 9-651 30 9-160 9-107 9-948 9-664 30 9-174 9-126 9-952 ^650 35 9-161 9-109 9-948 9-663 35 9-176 9-128 9-952 9-648 40 9-162 9-111 9-949 9-662 40 9-177 9-129 9-952 9-647 45 9-163 9-112 9-949 9-661 45 9-178 9-131 9-953 9-646 50 9-164 9-114 9-949 9-660 50 9-179 9-133 9*953 9-644 55 9-166 9" I i5 9-950 9-658 55 9-181 9-134 9-953 9-643 60 9-167 9-117 9-950 9-657 60 9-182 9-136 9-954 9-642 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants 27 Declination 64 Declination 65 26 to 25 154 to 155 25 to 24 155 to 156 a = b c = d a j = b l sa l a-b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 9-182 9-136 9-954 9-642 / 9-198 9T55 9-957 9-626 5 9-183 9-137 9'954 9-641 5 9-199 9T57 9-958 9-625 10 9-185 9-139 9-954 9-639 10 9-201 9-159 9-958 9-623 !5 9-186 9-141 9-955 9-638 15 9-202 9-160 9-958 9-622 20 9-187 9-142 9-955 9-637 20 9-203 9-162 9-958 9-620 25 9-189 9-144 9-955 9-635 25 9-205 9-164 9-959 )-6i9 30 9-190 9-145 9-955 9-634 30 9-206 9-165 9*959 9-618 35 9-191 9-147 9-956 9-633 35 9-208 9-167 9-959 9-616 40 9'!93 9-149 9-956 9-631 40 9-209 9-169 9-960 9-615 45 9-194 9-150 9-956 9-630 45 9-210 9-170 9-960 9-614 50 9*195 9-152 9*957 9-629 50 9-212 9-172 9-960 9-612 55 9-197 9-154 9-957 9-627 55 9-213 9-174 9-960 9-611 60 9-198 9-155 9-957 9-626 60 9-215 9-175 9-961 9-609 Declination 66 Declination 67 24 to 23 156 to 157 23 to 22 157 to 158 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 9-215 9^75 9-961 9-609 / o 9-232 9-196 9-964 9-59 2 5 9-216 9-177 9-961 9-608 5 9- 2 34 9-198 9-964 9-590 10 9-217 9-179 9-961 9-606 10 9-235 9-200 9-965 9-589 15 9-219 9-180 9-962 9-605 15 9-237 9-201 9-965 9-587 20 9-220 9-182 9-962 9-604 20 9-238 9-203 9-965 9-586 25 9-222 9-184 9-962 9-602 25 9-240 9-205 9-965 9-584 30 9-223 9-186 9-962 9-601 30 9-241 9-207 9-966 9-583 35 9-225 9-187 9-963 9-599 35 9-243 9-208 9-966 9-58i 40 9-226 9-189 9-963 9-598 40 9-244 9-210 9-966 9-58o 45 9-228 9-191 9-963 9-596 45 9-246 9-212 9-966 9-578 5o 9-229 9-I93 9-963 9-595 5o 9-247 9-214 9-967 9-577 55 9-231 9-194 9-964 9-593 55 9-249 9-216 9-967 9-575 60 9-232 9-196 9-964 9-592 60 9-250 9-218 9-967 9*574 28 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 68 Declination 69 22 to 21 158 to 159 21 to 2O 159 to 160 a = b c = d a'=b l sa 1 a = b c-d a l -bi M,' o 9-250 9-218 9-967 9-574 / o 9-270 9-240 9-970 9-554 5 9-252 9-219 9-967 9-572 5 9-271 9-242 9.970 9-553 10 9' 2 53 9-221 9-968 9-57o 10 9-273 9-244 9-971 9-55I 15 9-255 9-223 9-968 9-569 15 9-275 9-245 9-971 9-549 20 9-257 9-225 9-968 9'5 6 7 20 9-276 9-247 9-971 9-548 25 9-258 9-227 9-968 9'566 25 9-278 9-249 9-971 9-546 30 9-260 9-229 9-969 9-564 30 9-280 9-251 9-972 9-544 35 9-261 9-230 9-969 9.562 35 9-281 9-253 9-972 9-543 40 9-263 9-232 9-969 9-561 40 9-283 9-255 9-972 9-54 1 45 9-265 9-234 9.969 9-559 45 9-285 9-257 9-972 9-539 50 9-266 9-236 9.970 9'553 50 9-286 9-259 9-973 9-538 55 9-268 9-238 9-970 9-556 55 9-288 9-261 9*973 9-536 60 9-270 9-240 9-970 9-554 60 9-290 9-263 9-973 9-534 Declination 70 Declination 71 20 to 10 160 to 161 19 to 18 161 to 162 a = b o-d a=b l ' a-b c = d a'=b' sa 1 9-290 9-263 9-973 9-534 o 9-311 9-287 9.976 9-513 5 9-292 9-265 9-973 9-532 5 9-3I3 9-289 9-976 9-5II 10 9-293 9-267 9-973 9-53I 10 9-3I5 9-291 9-976 9-509 15 9'295 9-269 9'974 9-529 15 9-3I7 9-293 9-976 9-507 20 9-297 9-271 9-974 9-527 20 9-319 9-295 9-977 9-505 25 9-299 9-273 9-974 9-525 25 9-321 9-297 9-977 9-503 30 9-300 9'275 9-974 9-524 30 9.322 9-299 9.977 9-501 35 9'302 9-277 9-975 9*522 35 9-324 9-301 9-977 9-500 40 9-304 9-279 9-975 9-520 40 9.326 9-304 9-977 9-498 45 9-3o6 9-281 9'975 9'5'8 45 9-328 9-306 9-978 9-496 50 9'3o8 9-283 9-975 9-516 50 9-330 9'3o8 9-978 9-494 55 9-309 9-285 9*975 9'5 '4 55 9-332 9-310 9-978 9-492 60 9-311 9-287 9-976 9-5I3 60 9-334 9-312 9-978 9-490 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants 29 Declination 72 Declination 73 18 to 17 162 to 163 17 to 16 163 to 164 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa l a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 / o 9-334 9-3I2 9-978 9-490 o 9-358 9-339 9-981 9-466 5 9'336 9-3T4 9-978 9-488 5 9-36o 9-34 1 9-981 9H64 10 9'338 9-316 9-979 9-486 10 9-362 9-343 9-981 9-462 15 9' 34 9-3I9 9-979 9H84 15 9-364 9'345 9-981 9-460 20 9-342 9-321 9-979 9-482 20 9-366 9-348 9-981 9H58 25 9*344 9-323 9-979 9-480 25 9-368 9-350 9-982 9H55 30 9-346 9-325 9*979 9H78 30 9-37 1 9-35 2 9-982 9-453 35 9-348 9-327 9-980 9-476 35 9-373 9*355 9-982 9H5i 40 9'35o 9-330 9-980 9H74 40 9-375 9-357 9-982 9H50 45 9-352 9-332 9-980 9H72 45 9-377 9-359 9-982 9H47 50 9*354 9-334 9-980 9H70 5o 9*379 9-362 9-982 9H45 55 9'356 9-336 9-980 9-468 55 9-38I 9-364 9-983 9*443 60 9'358 9-339 9-981 9-466 60 9-384 9-366 9'9 8 3 9-440 Declination 74 Declination 75 16 to 15 164 to 165 15 to 14 165 to 166 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 o 9-384 9-366 9-983 9-440 o 9-411 9-396 9-985 9'4 J 3 5 9-386 9-369 9-983 9H38 5 9-413 9-398 9-985 9-411 10 9-388 9-37 1 9-983 9H36 10 9-416 9-401 9*985 9-408 15 9-390 9'374 9-983 9*434 15 9-418 9-404 9'985 9-406 20 9-39 2 9-376 9-984 9-43I 20 9-420 9-406 9-986 9'43 25 9-395 9-378 9*984 9-429 25 9-423 9-409 9-986 9-401 3 9-397 9-38i 9-984 9-427 30 9H25 9-411 9-986 9*399 35 9-399 9-383 9-984 9-4 2 5 35 9-428 9-414 9-986 9-396 40 9-402 9-386 9-984 9-422 40 9-430 9-416 9-986 9*394 45 9-404 9-388 9-984 9-420 45 9-433 9-419 9-986 9-39 1 50 9-406 9"39 J 9^5 9-418 5 9H35 9-422 9-987 9'389 55 9-409 9'393 9-985 9'4!5 55 9-438 9H24 9-987 9-386 60 9-411 9*396 9'985 9'4 r 3 60 9-440 9-427 9-987 9-384 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 76 Declination 77 14 C to 13 166 C to 167 13 to 12 167 to 168 a= b c = d ..-* sa l a-b *,d ... sa 1 o 9-440 9-427 9-987 9-384 o 9^72 9-461 9-989 9-352 5 9'443 9-430 9-987 9-381 5 9*475 9H63 9-989 9-349 10 9-445 9'433 9-987 9-379 10 9M77 9-466 9-989 9-347 15 9-448 9*435 9-987 9-376 15 9-480 9-469 9-989 9-344 20 9-451 9-438 9-988 9-373 20 9-483 9H72 9-989 9-34I 25 9*453 9-441 9-988 9-37i 25 9-486 9H75 9 -989 9-338 30 9-456 9'444 9-988 9-368 30 9-489 9-478 9.990 9-335 35 9-458 9-446 9-988 9-366 35 9-49I 9-48I 9-990 9-332 40 9-461 9*449 9-988 9-363 40 9*494 9-484 9. 9 90 9-330 45 9-464 9-452 9-988 9-360 45 9*497 9-487 9-990 9-327 50 9-466 9-455 9-988 9-358 50 9-500 9-490 9 - 9 90 9-324 55 9H69 9'458 9-989 9-355 55 9-503 9H93 9- 9 90 9-321 60 9-472 9-461 9-989 9-352 60 9-506 9-496 9-990 9-318 Declination 78 Declination 79 12 to 11 168 to 169 11 to 10 169 to 170 C - a--* sa 1 a = b a'-b 1 sa 1 t o 9-506 9-496 9-990 9-318 9*543 9-535 9-992 9-281 5 9*509 9-500 9'99I 9-315 5 9*547 9-539 9-992 9-277 10 9-512 9-503 9-99I 9-312 10 9-550 9-542 9-992 9-274 15 9-515 9-506 9-99I 9-309 15 9-553 9-545 9-992 9-371 20 9-518 9-509 9-991 9-306 20 9-557 9-549 9-992 9-267 25 9-521 9-512 9-99I 9-303 2 5 9-560 9-552 9-993 9-264 30 9-524 9-515 9- 9 9I 9-300 30 9-563 9-556 9*993 9-261 35 9-527 9'5!9 9-99I 9- 2 97 35 9-567 9-559 9-993 9-257 40 9-531 9-522 9-9 9 I 9-293 40 9-570 9-563 9-993 9-254 45 9'534 9-5 2 5 9-9 9 2 9-290 45 9-574 9*567 9-993 9-250 5 9-537 9-5 2 9 9- 99 2 9-287 50 9-577 9-57o 9-993 9-247 55 9-540 9-532 9 -9 9 2 9-284 55 9-581 9-574 9-993 9-243 60 9-543 9*535 9 -992 9-281 60 9-584 9-578 9-993 9-240 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 80 10 to 9 170 to 171 a = b c = d a x = b l sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 o 9-584 9-578 9-993 9-240 / 30 9-606 9-600 9-994 9-218 i 9-585 9*578 9'993 9* 2 39 31 9-607 9-601 9994 9-217 2 9-586 9-579 9-993 9-238 32 9-608 9-602 9-994 9-216 3 9-586 9-580 9-993 9-238 33 9-609 9-603 9'994 9-215 4 9-587 9-581 9'993 9*237 34 9-609 9-603 9-994 9-215 5 9-588 9-581 9*993 9-236 35 9-610 9-604 9'994 9-214 6 9-589 9-582 9-993 9-235 36 9-611 9-605 9*994 9-213 7 9-589 9-583 9-994 9*235 37 9-612 9-606 9'994 9-212 8 9*59 9-584 9'994 9* 2 34 38 9-612 9-607 9-994 9-212 9 9'59 I 9-584 9'994 9*233 39 9-613 9-607 9-994 9-211 10 9'59i 9-585 9'994 9-232 40 9-614 9-608 9-994 9-210 ii 9-59 2 9*586 9-994 9-232 4 1 9-615 9-609 9*994 9-209 12 9*593 9'587 9'994 9-231 4 2 9*6i5 9-610 9-994 9-208 13 9-594 9-587 9*994 9* 2 3o 43 9-616 9-611 9'994 9-208 M 9-594 9-588 9'994 9-230 44 9-617 9-611 9-994 9-207 15 9-595 9*589 9-994 9-229 45 9-618 9-612 9'994 9-206 16 9-596 9'59 9*994 9-228 46 9-619 9-613 9-994 9-205 i7 9*597 9'59 9'994 9-227 47 9-619 9-614 9*994 9-205 18 9'597 9-59 1 9-994 9-227 48 9-620 9-614 9-994 9-204 19 9-598 9*592 9-994 9-226 49 9-621 9-615 9^94 9-203 20 9-599 9-593 9-994 9-225 50 9-622 9-616 9-994 9-202 21 9-600 9'593 9'994 9-224 5i 9-622 9-617 9-994 9-201 22 9-600 9*594 9'994 9-224 52 9-623 9-618 9-994 9-201 23 9-601 9-595 9'994 9-223 53 9-624 9-619 9^94 9-200 24 9'6o2 9'59 6 9*994 9-222 54 9*625 9-619 9*995 9-199 25 9-603 9'59 6 9*994 9-221 55 9-626 9-620 9*995 9-198 26 9-603 9*597 9-994 9-221 56 9-626 9-621 9*995 9-198 27 9-604 9-598 9*994 9-220 57 9-627 9-622 9-995 9-197 28 9-605 9*599 9^94 9-219 58 9-628 9-623 9-995 9-196 2 9 9-606 9-600 9'994 9-218 59 9*629 9-623 9*995 9* r 95 30 9-606 9-600 9'994 9-218 60 9-630 9-624 9'995 9-194 a = b c-d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 N. P. D. Tables for Star-constants Declination 81 9 to 8 171 to 172 a = b c = d a^b 1 sa 1 a = b c = d a'-b 1 sa 1 / o 9-630 9-624 9'995 9-194 / 30 9-654 9-649 9-995 9-170 i 9-630 9-625 9'995 9-194 31 9'655 9-650 9'995 9-169 2 9-631 9-626 9-995 9'i93 32 9-656 9651 9-995 9-168 3 9-632 9-627 9-995 9-192 33 9-657 9-652 9-995 9-167 4 9-633 9-627 9-995 9-191 34 9-658 9-653 9'995 9-166 5 9^34 9-628 9-995 9-190 35 9-658 9654 9'995 9-165 6 9 <( 534 9-629 9'995 9-190 36 9-659 9-655 9'995 9-165 7 9' 6 35 9-630 9-995 9-189 37 9-660 9-656 9*995 9-164 8 9-636 9-631 9-995 9-188 38 9-661 9-656 9*995 9-163 9 9 <6 37 9-632 9-995 9-187 39 9-662 9^57 9-995 9-162 10 9-637 9-632 9*995 9-186 40 9*663 9-658 9'995 9-161 ii 9-638 9-633 9-995 9-185 4i 9-664 9^59 9-995 9-160 12 9-639 9'634 9'995 .9-185 42 9-664 9-660 9-995 9''59 13 9-640 9-635 9-995 9-184 43 9-665 9-661 9'995 9-I59 14 9-641 9-636 9-995 9-183 44 9-666 9-662 9^95 9-^8 15 9-642 9-637 9-995 9-182 45 9-667 9-663 9-995 9 -I 57 16 9-643 9-637 9995 9-181 46 9-668 9-663 9-996 9-156 17 9-643 9-638 9-995 9-181 47 9-669 9-664 9-996 9 >I 55 18 9'644 9-639 9-995 9-180 48 9-670 9-665 9-996 9-I54 '9 9-645 9-640 9-995 9-179 49 9-671 9-666 9-996 9- J 53 20 9-646 9-641 9-995 9-178 50 9-671 9-667 9-996 9-152 21 9-647 9-642 9-995 9-177 5i 9-672 9-668 9-99 6 9-152 22 9-648 9-643 9-995 9-176 52 9-673 9-669 9-996 9 2 45 -0-725 + 2-69 + 0-700 + 8-7 -87 3i 072 201 246 726 70 709 + 8-4 -8-9 Aug. i 08 1 195 248 727 71 718 -8-0 -9-0 2 089 I8 9 249 728 72 726 -8-7 9-0 3 097 I8 3 251 729 73 '735 -8-9 -8-9 4 + 1-105 I'I76 + 1-252 0-730 4-2-74 + o-743 -9-0 -8-4 5 113 169 254 731 75 750 9-0 + 8-4 6 i 20 162 255 r32 76 758 -8-9 + 8-9 7 128 155 257 '733 77 765 -8-5 + 9-0 8 135 I 4 7 258 '734 78 772 + 8-3 + 9-0 9 + 1-141 I-I40 + 1-259 -0-734 + 2-78 + 0-779 + 8-9 + 9-0 10 148 I 3 2 261 735 79 785 + 9-0 + 8-7 ii 154 123 262 736 80 792 + 9-1 + 7-6 12 160 II 4 263 737 8 1 798 + 9' -8-6 13 166 105 265 738 82 -804 + 8-9 -8-9 14 + 1-172 1-096 + 1-266 0-739 4-2-83 + 0-809 + 8-6 -9-0 15 178 087 267 740 83 815 + 7'5 9-0 16 183 077 268 740 84 820 -8-5 -8-9 17 188 066 2.70 741 85 '825 -8-8 -8-6 18 193 056 271 742 86 830 -8-9 + 7-o 19 + 1-198 - 1-044 + 1-272 -0-743 + 2-87 + 0-835 8-8 + 8-6 20 202 033 273 744 87 840 -87 + 8-8 21 207 021 "274 '744 88 8 44 -8-5 + 8-9 22 211 I'OOS 275 745 - '89 848 -7-6 + 8-9 23 2I 5 0-995 277 746 90 853 + 8-4 + 8-9 2 4 + I-2I9 0-982 + 1-278 -0-746 + 2-90 + 0-857 + 8-7 + 8-7 25 223 968 279 747 91 860 + 8-8 + 7'8 26 227 953 280 748 92 864 + 8-7 -8-6 27 230 938 281 748 '93 868 + 8-5 -8-9 28 234 922 282 749 '93 871 + 7-3 -9-0 2 9 + 1-237 - 0-905 + 1-283 0-749 + 2-94 + 0-874 -8-6 -9-0 30 2 4 888 284 750 '95 877 -8-9 -8-9 3i 243 869 285 750 95 880 9-0 -8-6 Sept. i 2 4 6 "850 286 751 96 883 9'0 + 7'9 2 2 4 8 829 287 75i 97 885 -8-9 + 8-8 3 + I-25I -0-808 + 1-288 -0-751 + 2-98 + 0-888 + 87 + 9'0 4 253 -785 289 752 98 890 + 7-6 + 9-0 5 255 760 290 752 + 2-99 893 + 87 + 9-0 6 257 '734 291 752 + 3-00 895 + 9-0 + 8-8 7 259 707 292 752 00 897 + 9'i + 8-3 8 + I'26l -0-677 + 1-293 -0-753 + 3-01 + 0-898 + 9'i -8-5 9 263 645 294 753 02 900 + 9-0 8-8 10 + 1-264 0-610 + 1-295 o-753 + 3-02 + 0-902 + 8-8 -9-0 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, Day Numbers. T nr. T *~ 1897. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. / Log. t. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D 1 . Sept. 10 + 1-264 0-610 + 1-295 0-753 8 + 3-03 + 0-902 + 88 -9-0 II 266 572 296 753 03 903 + 8-2 -9-0 12 267 531 297 '753 04 904 -8-4 -8-9 13 + 1-268 - 0-484 + 1-298 -0-753 + 3-04 + 0-906 -8-7 -8-7 14 269 432 299 753 05 907 8-8 -8-0 15 270 "373 '300 752 05 908 8-8 + 8-4 16 271 304 301 752 06 908 -88 + 8-8 17 272 222 301 752 07 909 -8-6 + 8-9 18 + 1-272 0-120 + 1-302 -0-752 + 3-07 + 0-910 -8-0 + 89 '9 273 -9-987 303 751 08 910 + 8-2 + 8-9 20 273 -9-793 304 751 09 910 + 8-6 + 8-7 21 273 - 9'434 305 750 09 910 + 8-8 + 8-3 22 273 + 8-8 9 I 306 750 io 911 + 8-8 -8-4 23 + I-273 + 9-63I + I-307 -0-749 + 3' J o + 0-910 + 8-6 8-8 =4 273 + 9-8 9 I 308 749 ii -910 + 8-1 -9-0 25 273 + 0-052 308 748 12 910 -8-4 -9-0 26 272 169 309 747 12 909 -8-8 -9-0 27 271 26a 310 746 13 909 9-0 -8-8 28 + 1-271 + 0-338 + i'3" -0-746 + 3^4 + 0-908 -9-0 8-0 2 9 270 4 02 312 745 I 4 907 -9-0 + 8-6 30 269 458 313 744 'IS 906 -8-8 + 8-9 Oct. i 268 508 *3M 743 16 905 -8-2 + 9-0 a 266 553 315 742 16 904 + 8-6 + 9'o 3 + 1-265 + o-593 + 1-316 -0-741 + 3-17 + 0-902 + 8-9 + 8-9 4 264 -629 316 740 18 901 + 9'i + 8-5 5 262 663 3i7 738 18 899 + 9-i -8-2 6 260 694 3<8 737 19 897 + 9'o 8-8 7 258 723 319 736 19 896 + 8-8 -8-9 8 + 1-256 + 0-750 + 1-320 o-735 + 3'2o + 0-893 + 8-5 9-0 9 254 776 321 '733 a i 891 -8-0 -8-9 10 252 '799 322 732 22 889 -8-6 8-8 ii 249 822 323 730 22 886 -8-8 -8-4 12 246 843 324 729 23 884 8-8 + 8-2 13 + 1-244 + 0-863 + 1-325 -0-727 + 3-24 + 0-881 8-8 + 8-7 '4 241 883 326 726 24 878 -8-6 + 8-9 15 238 901 327 724 25 875 -8-3 + 8-9 16 234 918 327 722 26 872 + 8-0 + 8-9 17 231 '935 328 720 26 868 + 8-6 + 88 18 + 1-227 + 0-951 + 1-329 -0719 + 3'27 + 0-865 + 8-7 + 8-5 19 224 966 330 717 28 86 1 + 8-8 -8-0 20 220 980 331 715 29 857 + 8-7 -8-7 21 216 + 0-994 332 7i3 29 853 + 8-4 -8-9 22 + I-2II + 1 -008 + 1-333 -0-711 + 3-30 + 0-849 -8-1 -9-0 the Nautical Almanac for 1897 49 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1897. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. /. Log. i. Log. (nC'0 Log D l . Oct. 22 + I-2II + 1-008 + i'333 0-711 8 + 3-30 + 0-849 8-i -9-0 2 3 207 021 '334 709 "SI '844 -8-7 9-0 2 4 2O2 033 '335 707 32 840 -8-9 -8-9 25 I 9 7 045 336 '70S 3 2 835 9-0 -8-4 26 I 9 2 057 '337 703 '33 830 9-0 + 8-4 27 I8 7 068 338 701 '34 825 -8-9 + 8-9 28 + I-182 + 1-078 + i*339 0-698 + 3'35 + 0-819 -8-5 + 9-0 29 I 7 6 089 34i 696 36 814 + 8-3 + 9-0 30 171 099 342 ,694 36 808 + 8-8 + 9-0 31 l6 5 108 343 692 37 802 + 9'0 + 8-7 Nov. i I 5 8 117 '344 -689 38 796 + 9-1 + 7-3 2 + i'i52 + 1-126 + f345 0-687 + 3 '39 + 0-789 + 9-0 -8-7 3 145 135 346 685 40 782 + 8-9 -89 4 138 143 347 682 4i 776 + 8-6 9-0 5 131 ''Si 348 680 42 768 + 7'4 -9-0 6 124 159 '349 678 43 761 -8-5 8-8 7 + 1-116 + 1-167 + i'35i - 0-675 + 3*43 + 0-753 8-8 -8-5 8 108 174 352 673 '44 745 8-8 + 7'8 9 100 181 '353 670 '45 '737 8-8 + 8-6 10 091 188 354 668 46 728 -8-7 + 8-8 ii 082 194 '355 665 47 719 -8-4 + 8-9 12 + i'o73 + I-20I + I-356 0-663 + 3-48 + 0-710 + 7'4 + 8-9 13 063 207 358 660 49 701 + 8-5 + 8-9 H 053 2I 3 359 658 'So 691 + 8-7 + 8-6 15 '043 218 360 655 'Si 680 + 8-8 + 7'5 16 032 224 361 653 5 2 670 + 8-7 -8-6 i7 + I'O2I + 1-229 + 1-362 0-650 + 3*53 + 0-659 + 8'5 -8-9 18 + I'OIO 234 364 648 54 647 -7'3 -9-0 J 9 + 0-998 239 365 645 55 '635 8-6 9-0 20 985 244 366 643 56 623 -8-9 -8-9 21 972 248 367 641 '57 610 -9-0 8-6 22 + 0-959 + 1-252 + 1-369 0-638 + 3'58 + 0-596 -9-0 + 8-0 23 945 257 37o 636 '59 582 90 + 8-8 2 4 930 261 37i 633 60 567 8-7 + 9-0 2 5 914 264 '373 631 61 SS 2 + 6-6 + 9-0 26 898 268 374 629 62 536 + 87 + 9-0 2 7 + 0-881 + 1-272 + i'375 0-627 + 3-63 + 0-519 + 9-0 + 8-8 28 864 275 376 624 65 501 + 9-1 + 8-3 2 9 845 278 378 622 66 482 + 9'i -8-5 30 825 281 '379 620 -67 463 + 9'o -8-9 Dec. i 805 284 380 618 68 442 + 8-8 -9-0 2 + 0-783 + 1-287 + 1-382 0-616 + 3-69 + 0-420 + 8-2 9-0 3 + 0-759 + 1-289 + 1-383 0-614 + 3-70 + 0-397 -8-4 -8-9 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Day Numbers. Mean Midnight, 1897. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log.D. * Log.*. Log. (id'). Log.D 1 . Dec. 3 + 0-759 + 1-289 + 1-383 0-614 + 370 + 0-397 -8-4 -8-9 4 735 292 384 612 71 372 -8-7 -8-7 5 709 294 386 610 72 346 8-8 -7'9 6 680 -296 387 608 73 318 -8-8 + 8-5 7 + 0-650 + 1-298 + 1-388 -0-606 + 375 + 0-288 -8-7 + 8-8 8 618 300 390 604 -76 255 -8-5 + 8-9 9 582 301 391 603 77 219 -7-6 + 8-9 10 '543 303 392 601 78 181 + 8-4 + 8-9 ii 500 304 394 -600 79 138 + 8-7 + 8-7 12 + 0-453 + 1-306 + 1-395 -0-598 + 3'8o + 0-090 + 8-8 + 8-2 13 399 307 396 597 82 037 + 8-8 -8-4 H 338 308 398 '595 83 + 9'975 + 8-6 8-8 15 266 309 399 594 84 904 + 8-0 -9-0 16 180 309 400 *593 85 817 -8-5 9-0 17 + 0-072 + i'3io + 1-402 -0-592 + 3-86 + 9-710 8-8 -8-9 18 + 9'9 2 9 310 403 590 87 566 -9-0 -87 19 712 310 404 589 -89 + 9'349 -9-0 -8-0 20 + 9'259 3" 406 589 90 + 8-897 -9-0 + 8-6 21 9-182 3" 407 588 91 8-819 -8-8 + 8-9 22 686 + i'3io + 1-408 -0-587 + 3-92 9-324 -8-3 + 9-0 23 9-913 31 409 586 '93 55i + 8'5 + 9-0 24 o 062 310 411 586 95 699 + 8-9 + 8-9 25 172 309 412 585 96 809 + 9-0 + 8-5 26 260 309 413 585 97 897 + 9-1 -8-2 27 0332 + 1-308 + i'45 -0-584 + 3-98 9*97 + 9-0 8-8 28 "395 307 416 584 + 3-99 0-032 + 8-8 -8-9 2 9 449 306 417 584 + 4'oo 086 + 8-5 9-0 30 '497 304 418 583 02 134 -8-1 -8-9 3i -0-540 + 1-303 + 1-420 0-583 + 4'03 0-178 -8-6 -8-8 . the Nautical Almanac for 1898 Greenwich Mean Midnight, Day Numbers. 1898. Log. A. Log, B. Log. (C). Log. D. * Log. i. Log- Log. D 1 . Jan. r -0-579 + 1-302 + 0-800 0-583 & + 0-97 0-217 -8-8 -8-3 a 615 300 804 583 98 253 8-8 + 8-3 3 648 298 810 584 + 0-99 285 -8-7 + 8-7 4 679 296 815 584 + I'OO 316 -8-6 + 8-9 5 707 294 820 584 01 344 8-0 + 8-9 6 0-733 + 1-292 + 0-825 -0-584 + 1*02 0-371 + 8-2 + 8-9 7 758 289 829 585 04 396 + 8-6 + 88 8 782 287 834 585 'OS 419 + 8-7 + 8-4 9 804 284 839 586 06 441 + 8-8 -8-1 10 824 281 843 586 07 462 + 8-7 -8-7 ii - 0-844 + 1-278 + 0-848 -0-587 + 1-08 0-482 + 8-3 -8-9 12 863 275 852 588 09 500 8-2 -9-0 13 -881 272 857 589 10 518 8-8 9-0 J 4 898 268 86 1 589 ii '535 -9-0 -8-8 15 914 265 '865 '59 12 '55 1 -9-0 -8-4 16 0-930 + 1-261 + 0-869 - 0-591 + I-I3 - 0-567 9-0 + 8-4 17 '944 257 873 592 14 582 -8-9 + 8-9 18 '959 252 877 593 16 '59 6 8-6 + 9-0 J 9 972 248 881 '594 17 610 + 8-2 + 9-0 20 985 244 ' 885 '595 18 623 + 8-8 + 9*o 21 - 0-998 + 1-239 + 0-889 0-596 + 1-19 0-635 + 9-0 + 8-7 22 I'OIO 234 892 597 20 647 + 9-1 7-0 23 022 229 896 *599 21 659 + 9-0 -8-7 24 033 223 900 600 22 670 + 8-9 -8-9 2 5 044 218 903 601 23 68 1 + 8-6 9-0 26 -1-054 + I-2I2 + 0-907 0-602 + I'24 0-691 + 7'2 9-0 27 "064 206 910 603 25 701 -8-5 8-8 28 074 '200 '9 T 3 60.5 26 711 -8-8 -8-5 29 083 I 94 917 606 26 720 8-8 + 8-0 30 9 2 187 920 607 27 729 8-8 + 8-7 31 i-ioo + 1-180 + 0-923 0-609 + 1-28 0-738 8-6 + 8-9 Feb. i 109 173 926 610 29 746 -8-2 + 89 2 117 166 929 611 'SO 754 + 8-0 + 8-9 3 125 158 932 612 '31 762 + 8-5 + 8-8 4 132 150 '935 614 32 769 + 8-7 + 8-6 5 1-139 + 1-142 + 0-938 0-615 + 1-33 0-777 + 8-8 + 7-0 6 146 '134 941 616 34 784 + 8'7 -8-6 7 153 125 '944 617 '35 790 + 8-5 -8-9 8 159 116 946 619 '35 797 -77 9-0 9 166 106 '949 620 36 803 -8-6 -9-0 10 -1-172 + 1-097 + 0-952 0-621 + i'37 0-809 -8-9 -8-9 ii 177 087 '954 622 38 815 -90 -8-6 12 1-183 + 1-076 + 0-957 0-623 + -39 0-820 -9-0 + 8-0 H 2 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. (nC). Log. D. / Log. i. Log. OC'). Log. D l . 8 Feb. 12 1-183 + 1-076 + 0-957 0-623 + i*39 0*820 9-0 + 8-0 13 188 065 959 625 40 826 9-0 + 8-8 14 194 054 962 626 40 831 -8-7 + 9-0 15 1-199 + i '>42 + 0-964 0-627 + 1-41 0-836 -7'4 + 9'o 16 203 030 967 628 42 841 + 87 + 9-0 17 208 017 969 629 '43 845 + 9'o + 8-8 18 213 004 971 630 '43 850 + 9-1 + 8-2 '9 217 + 0-990 '974 631 '44 854 + 9-1 -8-5 20 I-22I + 0-976 + 0-976 0-631 + 1-45 0-858 + 9-0 -8-9 21 22 5 961 978 -632 46 862 + 8-7 -9-0 22 228 946 980 633 46 866 + 8-2 9-0 33 232 929 982 634 47 869 -8-3 -8-9 2 4 235 912 984 635 48 873 -8-7 -8-6 25 -1-239 + 0-894 + 0-986 0-635 + ''49 0-876 8-8 -7-6 26 242 876 988 636 '49 879 -8-8 + 8-5 27 245 856 990 636 'So 882 -87 + 8-8 28 247 835 992 637 5i 885 -8-4 + 8-9 Mar. i 250 '813 '994 637 51 887 + 7'5 + 8-9 2 -1-253 -1- 0-790 996 0-638 + i'5 a 0-890 + 8-5 + 8-9 3 55 765 + 0-998 638 53 892 + 87 + 8-7 4 257 738 + 1-000 638 *53 894 + 8-8 + 8-1 5 259 710 002 639 "54 896 + 8-7 -8-4 6 261 680 004 639 *55 898 + 8-6 8-8 7 1-263 + 0-647 + 1-006 0-639 + i'55 0-900 + 7-8 -9-0 8 264 6n 007 639 56 902 -8-5 -9-0 9 266 *573 009 "639 57 903 8-8 -8-9 10 267 530 on '639 57 904 -9-0 -8-7 ii 268 482 013 639 58 906 9-0 -7-8 12 1-269 + 0-429 + 1-014 -0-638 + 1-58 0-907 -9-0 + 8-6 13 270 368 016 638 '59 908 8-8 + 8-9 I 4 271 296 oi 8 '638 60 908 -8'3 + 9*o 15 272 210 -019 637 60 909 + 8-5 + 9-0 16 272 + 0-104 021 637 61 910 + 8-9 + 8-9 i? -1-273 + 9-962 + 1-023 0-636 + 1-62 0-910 + 9-0 + 8'5 18 273 + 9'749 02 4 636 62 910 + 9-1 -8-3 J 9 273 + 9'3I4 -O26 635 63 910 + 9'0 -8-8 20 273 -9-170 028 634 63 911 + 8-8 9-0 21 273 -9-70I 029 634 64 910 + 8-4 -9-0 22 -1-273 9'932 + I-03I 0-633 + 1-65 0-910 8-i -8-9 23 272 0-082 033 632 65 910 8-6 -8-7 24 272 I 94 034 631 66 909 -8-8 -8-2 25 271 282 035 630 66 99 8-8 + 8-4 26 -1-271 -0-355 + 1-037 0-628 + 1-67 0-908 -8-7 + 8-8 the Nautical Almanac for 1898 S3 -L Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. /- Log. t. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D l . 8 Mar. 26 -1-271 '355 + 1-037 0-628 + 1-67 0-908 -8-7 + 8-8 27 270 418 039 627 68 907 -8'5 + 8-9 28 269 472 041 626 68 906 -7*5 + 8-9 29 267 520 042 625 69 '90S + 8-4 + 8-9 30 266 563 044 623 70 903 + 8-6 + 8-8 31 265 603 046 622 70 -902 + 8-8 + 8-4 Apr. i 1-263 0-638 + 1-047 0-620 + 1-71 0-900 + 8-8 8-2 2 261 671 049 618 71 899 + 8-6 -8-7 3 260 702 050 617 72 897 + 8-2 -8-9 4 258 730 052 615 73 8 9 5 -8-3 -9-0 5 256 '757 054 613 73 893 -8-8 9-0 6 i*a53 0-782 + 1-055 0-611 + i-74 0-891 9-0 8-8 7 251 805 057 609 75 888 -9-0 -8-3 8 248 827 -059 607 75 886 9-0 + 8-4 9 246 848 060 605 76 883 -8-9 + 8-9 10 243 867 062 603 77 880 -8-6 + 9-0 ii 1-240 0-886 + 1-064 0-601 + i-77 -0-877 + 8-1 + 9-0 12 237 904 065 598 78 874 + 8-8 + 8-9 13 234 921 067 596 79 871 + 9-0 + 8-7 14 230 '937 069 594 80 868 + 9'i -7-0 15 227 953 070 59i 80 864 + 9-0 -8-7 16 1-223 0-968 + 1-072 0-589 + 1-81 0-860 + 8-9 -8-9 i7 219 982 074 586 82 857 + 8-6 -9-0 18 215 - 0-996 076 584 82 853 9-0 19 211 1-009 077 58i 83 848 -8-5 8-8 20 207 02 1 079 578 84 844 -8-7 -8-5 21 I'2O2 i '033 + 1-081 0-575 + 1-85 0-840 Q.O O O + 8'! 22 198 045 083 *573 85 835 -8-7 + 8-7 23 193 056 085 570 86 '830 -8'5 + 8-9 2 4 i 88 067 086 567 87 825 -8-0 + 8-9 25 182 077 088 *5 6 4 88 820 + 8-2 + 8-9 26 -1-177 1-088 + 1-090 0-561 + 1-89 0-814 + 8-6 + 8-8 27 171 097 092 558 89 809 + 8-7 + 8-5 28 166 107 094 555 90 803 + 8-8 -7'3 2 9 160 116 096 '55 1 91 797 + 8-7 -8-6 30 153 -124 097 548 92 791 + 8-4 -8-9 May I -1-147 -I-I33 + 1-099 0*545 + i'93 -0-784 -7'9 -9-0 2 140 141 101 542 '93 778 -8-7 9-0 3 134 149 103 '539 '94 771 -8-9 -8-9 4 126 156 105 '535 '95 764 -9-0 -8-6 5 119 164 !07 532 96 756 9-0 + 8-0 6 I-II2 -1-171 + 1-109 0-529 + 1-97 -0-749 -9-0 + 8-8 7 - 1-104 1-178 + I-III -0-525 + 1-98 0-741 -8-8 + 9-0 54 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. / Log. i. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D 1 . May 7 1-104 -1-178 + I'm 0-525 8 + I-98 o-74i -8-8 + 9-0 8 096 184 113 522 + 1-99 733 -7'8 + 9-0 9 087 191 '"5 5i8 + 2'OO 735 + 8-7 + 9-0 10 079 197 117 '5*5 01 716 + 8-9 + 8-8 ii 1*070 - 1-203 4-1-119 0-511 + 2'OI 0-707 + 9-0 + 8-2 12 060 209 121 508 02 698 + 9-0 -8-5 *3 051 214 123 505 03 688 + 9-0 -8-9 4 041 219 125 501 04 678 + 8-7 9-0 '5 030 225 127 498 'OS 668 + 8-1 -9-0 16 roao 1-230 + I-I29 -0-494 + 2'06 - 0-657 -8-4 -8-9 17 -1-009 334 131 491 07 646 -8-7 -8-6 18 0*997 .339 133 487 08 635 8-8 J9 985 244 135 484 9 623 -8-8 + 8-6 20 '973 248 137 480 io 610 -86 + 8-8 21 0-960 -1-252 + I-I39 -0-477 + 2-II -0-597 -8-2 + 8-9 22 947 256 I 4 I 474 '12 584 + 8-0 + 8-9 33 '933 260 143 470 13 S7o + 8-5 + 8-8 24 918 263 'MS 467 14 556 + 8-7 + 8-6 25 903 267 147 464 'IS "54 1 + 8-8 + 8-0 26 0888 1-270 + I'I49 0-460 + ri6 -0-535 + 8-7 -8-5 27 -871 274 * I 5 I 457 i7 508 + 8-5 8-8 28 854 277 154 '454 18 491 + 7-6 -8-9 29 836 280 156 45i 19 473 -8-5 -9-0 30 817 282 158 448 20 '454 -8-9 -8-9 31 -Q-797 1*285 + 1-160 - o-44S + 2-21 -o-434 -9-0 -8-7 June i 776 287 162 442 22 '4 T 3 -9-1 -7-8 2 754 -290 164 "439 34 391 -9-0 + 8-6 3 730 292 166 436 35 367 -8-9 + 8-9 4 70S 294 168 '433 26 342 -8-4 + 9-0 5 0-678 1-296 + 1-170 0-430 + 2-27 0-316 + 8-4 + 9-0 6 650 298 173 427 28 287 + 8-9 + 8-9 7 619 300 174 4 2 5 29 '256 + 9-0 + 8-5 8 586 301 -I 7 6 422 30 223 + 9'i -8'3 9 550 303 I 7 8 420 'SI 187 + 9-0 8-8 10 0-511 1*304 + 1-181 -0-417 + 2-32 0*148 + 8-8 -9-0 ii 467 305 183 415 '33 104 + 8-4 9-0 12 419 306 185 413 '34 056 8-i -8-9 13 364 307 187 410 36 o-ooi -8-6 -8-7 H 301 308 189 408 '37 9'939 8-8 8-i 15 0-228 1-309 + 1-191 0-406 + 2-38 -9-865 8-8 + 8-4 16 139 309 193 405 39 777 -8-7 + 8-8 17 0-028 310 -J95 403 40 665 -8-3 + 8-9 18 -9-878 1-310 + 1-197 0-401 + 2-41 - 9-5I5 + 7-6 + 8-9 the Nautical Almanac for 1 898 55 Greenwich Mean Day Numbers. Midnight, 1898. Log. A. Log. B. Log. OC). Log. D. /- Log. i. Log. ("C 1 ). Log.D'. June i 8 -9-878 1-310 + 1-197 0-401 s + 2-41 -9'5i5 + 7-6 + 8-9 19 9-646 311 199 "399 42 -9-283 + 8-5 + 8-9 20 9-114 -1-311 + I-20I 0-398 + 2'43 -8-751 + 87 + 87 21 + 9-262 311 203 396 '44 + 8-899 + 8-8 + 8-3 22 + 9" 6 95 310 20 5 "395 -46 + 9-332 + 8-8 8-2 123 + 9-907 310 207 '394 '47 '544 + 8-6 -8-7 24 + '49 310 20 9 '393 48 686 + 8-2 -8-9 25 + 0-155 1-309 + I-2I I 0-392 + 2-49 + 9793 -8-3 -9-0 26 241 309 213 391 50 878 8-8 -8-9 27 312 308 2I 4 390 "Si + 9-950 -9-0 -8-8 28 373 307 216 389 52 + 0-01 1 9-0 -8-3 2 9 427 306 218 389 '53 064 -9-0 + 8-4 30 + o-474 1-305 + I'22O 0-388 + 2-54 + 0-III -8-9 + 8-8 July i 517 304 222 388 56 154 -8-6 + 9-0 2 556 303 22 4 387 57 193 + 7'9 + 9-0 3 59i 301 226 387 58 228 + 8-8 + 8-9 4 624 299 228 387 '59 261 + 9-0 + 87 5 + 0-654 1-298 + 1-229 -0-387 + 2-60 + 0-291 + 9-0 -7'3 6 682 -296 231 387 61 320 + 9-0 -8-7 7 709 294 233 387 62 346 + 89 -8-9 S 733 292 235 388 63 371 + 8-6 9-0 9 '757 290 237 388 64 '394 -7-2 9-0 10 + 779 -1-287 + 1-238 -0-388 + 2-65 + 0-416 -8-5 -8-8 ii "799 -285 2 4 389 66 437 -8-7 -8-4 12 819 282 2 4 2 390 67 456 -8-8 + 8-2 13 838 -279 243 390 68 '475 -8-7 + 87 H 856 276 245 39i -69 '493 -8-5 + 8-9 15 + 0-873 -1-273 + 1-247 0-392 + 2-71 + 0-510 -7'4 + 8-9 16 889 270 2 4 8 '393 72 527 + 8-4 + 8-9 17 905 267 2 5 394 73 542 + 87 + 8-8 18 920 263 252 '395 74 '557 + 8-8 + 8-5 19 '934 260 253 396 75 57i + 8-8 -7-8 20 + 0-948 1-256 + 1-255 - 0*397 + 2-76 + 0-585 + 87 -8-6 21 961 252 257 398 77 598 + 8-4 -8-9 22 '974 248 -258 400 78 611 -7'9 -9-0 23 986 243 260 401 79 623 -8-7 9-0 2 4 + 0-998 239 261 402 80 635 -8-9 -8-9 25 + 1-009 1-234 + 1-263 0-404 + 2-81 + 0-647 9-0 -8-6 26 020 229 264 405 8 1 657 -9-0 + 8-0 27 031 225 266 407 82 668 -9-0 + 8-8 28 041 219 267 408 83 678 8-8 + 9-0 2 9 051 214 268 410 84 688 8-0 + 9-0 30 + 1 -060 1-209 + 1-270 0-411 + 2-85 + 0-698 + 8-6 + 9-0 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. Log.D. / Log. t. Log. Log.D 1 . July 30 + i -060 1-209 + 1-270 0-411 8 + 0-698 + 8-6 + 9-0 3 070 203 271 413 86 707 + 8-9 + 8-8 Aug. i 078 197 273 414 87 716 + 9'0 + 8-1 2 087 191 274 416 88 724 + 9-0 -8-5 3 95 184 275 418 89 733 + 8-9 -8-9 4 + 1-103 1-178 + 1-277 -0-419 + 2-90 + 0-741 + 8-7 9-0 5 in 171 278 421 91 748 + 8-0 9-0 6 119 164 279 422 92 756 -8-4 -8-9 7 126 '57 281 424 92 763 -8-7 -8-6 8 133 149 282 426 93 770 8-8 + 7'3 9 + 1-140 - 1-142 + 1-283 0-427 + 2-94 + 0-777 -8-7 + 86 10 146 134 284 429 '95 784 -8-5 + 8-8 ii 153 125 286 43i 96 790 8-0 + 8-9 12 159 117 287 432 '97 796 + 8-3 + 8-9 13 165 108 288 '434 '97 802 + 8-6 + 8-8 14 + 1-171 1-098 + 1-289 0-435 + 2-98 + 0-808 + 8-8 + 8-6 15 -176 089 290 437 + 2-99 814 + 8-8 + 7-7 16 182 079 291 438 + 3*oo 819 + 8-7 -8-5 17 187 069 293 440 oi 824 + 8-5 8-8 18 192 058 294 441 01 829 + 7-4 -8-9 '9 + 1-197 -1-047 + 1-295 0-442 + 3-02 + 0-834 -8-5 -9-0 20 201 036 296 '444 03 '839 -8-9 -8-9 21 206 024 297 '445 04 843 90 -8-7 22 210 roil 298 446 04 847 -9-1 -7-6 23 2I 4 o-999 299 448 05 852 -9-0 + 8-6 24 + 1-218 -0-985 + 1-300 -0-449 + 3-06 + 0-856 -8-9 + 8-9 2 5 222 971 301 450 06 859 -8-5 + 9'o 26 226 '957 302 45i 07 863 + 8-3 + 9-0 27 22 9 942 303 HS 2 08 867 + 8-8 + 8-9 28 233 926 304 453 09 870 + 9-0 + 8-5 2 9 + I-236 -0-909 + 1-305 0-454 + 3-09 ,+ o-873 + 9'0 -8-3 30 239 892 306 '454 10 876 + 9-0 8-8 3i 2 4 2 874 307 '455 II 879 + 8-8 9-0 Sept. i -245 854 308 456 II 882 + 8-4 9-0 2 2 4 8 834 309 456 12 885 8-2 -8-9 3 + I-250 0-813 + 1-310 -o-457 + 3-13 + 0-887 -8-6 -8-7 4 252 79 311 '457 'IS 890 -8-8 8-0 5 255 767 311 458 >J 4 892 -8-7 + 8-5 6 257 741 312 458 15 894 8-6 + 8-8 7 259 714 313 458 J 5 896 -8-2 + 8-9 8 + I-26l - 0-685 + 1-314 -0-458 + 3-16 + 0-898 + 8-1 + 8-9 9 262 653 3i5 458 16 900 + 8-6 + 8-9 10 + 1-264 0-619 + 1-316 -0-458 + 3-17 + 0-901 + 8-7 + 8'7 the Nautical Almanac for 1898 57 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. / Log. i. Log. (rcC 1 ). Log. D 1 . s Sept. 10 -f 1-264 0-619 + 1-316 - 0-458 + 3-17 + 0-901 + 8-7 + 8-7 II 265 .582 317 458 18 903 4-8-8 4-8-2 12 267 '54 1 3i8 458 18 904 4-8-8 -8-3 13 4- 1-268 0-496 4-1-318 -0-458 + 3-I9 4-0-905 4-8-6 -8-7 H 269 '445 319 457 20 906 4-8-1 -8-9 15 270 388 320 '457 20 907 -8-4 -9-0 16 271 322 321 456 21 908 -8-8 -8-9 i7 272 243 322 '455 21 909 9-0 8'8 18 4-1-272 -0-147 4-1-322 -'455 4-3-22 + 0-909 -9-0 -8-3 J 9 273 0-023 323 '454 23 910 -9-0 4-8-4 20 273 -9-848 324 '453 23 910 -8-9 4-8-8 21 273 9-55 1 325 HS 2 2 4 910 -8-7 4-9-0 22 273 - 7-796 326 '45 24 911 + 77 4-9-0 23 + 1-273 4- 9'536 + I-327 0-449 + 3-25 4-0-910 + 8-7 + 8-9 2 4 273 4-9-841 327 448 26 910 4-9-0 4-8-7 25 273 4-0-018 328 446 26 910 4-9-0 7-5 26 272 144 329 '445 27 910 4-9-0 -8-7 27 272 241 330 '443 27 909 4-8-9 -8-9 28 + 1-271 4-0-320 + I-33I 0-441 4-3-28 + 0-908 4-8-6 -9'P 2 9 270 387 331 439 2 9 907 -7-6 9'0 30 269 '445 332 '437 29 900 8-6 8-8 Oct. i 268 496 '333 '435 'SO '90S -8-7 -8-4 2 267 542 '334 '433 30 904 -8-8 + 8-3 3 4-1-265 + 0-583 + 1-335 0-430 + 3-3I + 0-903 -8'7 + 8'7 4 264 620 '335 428 32 901 -8-3 4-8- 9 5 262 655 336 425 32 900 + 77 4-8-9 6 261 687 '337 423 "33 898 + 8-5 4-8-9 7 259 716 338 420 34 896 + 8-7 4-8-7 8 + 1-257 + 0-744 + I-339 0-417 + 3'34 + 0-894 4-8-8 4-8- 4 9 254 769 339 414 35 892 4-8-8 8-0 10 252 794 340 411 35 889 4-8-7 8*6 ii 250 817 '34 1 '407 36 887 + 8:4 -8-9 12 247 838 '342 404 37 884 8-0 ^8-9 13 4- 1-244 4-0-859 + 1-343 *- 0-401 + 3-37 4-0-882 -8-7 -8-9 J 4 241 878 344 397 38 879 -8-9 8-8 15 238 896 '345 '393 39 ^876 -9-0 -8'5 16 235 914 345 389 39 ^872 9-1 4-8-1 17 232 93i 346 385 '40 869 -9-0 4-8-8 18 4- 1-228 + o-947 + 1 '347 0-381 + 3-4I + 0-865 8-S 4-9-0 '9 224 962 348 377 42 862 8-i 4-9-0 20 221 977 349 373 42 858 4-8-6 4-9-0 21 217 991 350 368 '43 854 4-8-9 4-8-8 22 4- I'2I2 4-1-005 + I-35I -0-364 + 3'44 + 0-850 4-9-0 4-8-1 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1898. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log; Log. D. / Log. '. o& Log. D l . Oct. 22 + 1-212 + 1-005 + I '35 I - 0-364 8 + 3-44 + 0-850 + 9-0 + 8-1 23 208 oi 8 352 359 "44 845 + 9-0 8-6 24 203 -030 "353 354 '45 841 + 8-9 -8-9 25 199 042 354 '349 46 836 + 87 9-0 26 194 054 355 344 '47 831 + 7'9 9-0 27 189 065 356 ? 339 '47 826 -8-4 -8-9 28 + 1*183 + 1-076 + 1-357 - o-334 + 3H8 + 0-821 -87 8-6 29 178 086 357 328 "49 815 8-8 + 7-6 30 172 096 358 323 ? 50 809 -8-7 + 8-6 3i 166 106 '359 317 "Si 803 -8-5 + 8-9 Nov. i 160 '"5 360 3" 'Si 797 -7'4 + 8-9 2 + I-I53 + 1-124 + 1-361 0-306 + 3-52 + 0-791 + 8-4 + 8-9 3 147 133 363 300 53 784 + 87 + 8-8 4 140 141 364 294 54 777 + 8-8 + 8-5 5 133 149 365 287 *55 770 + 88 -7-0 6 125 157 366 281 56 763 + 87 -8-5 7 + 1-118 + 1-165 + 1*367 -0-275 + 3-56 + 0-755 + 8-5 8-8 8 no 172 368 268 57 747 + 7'2 -8-9 9 102 179 369 262 58 739 8-6 -8-9 10 093 186 370 255 '59 730 -8-9 -8-9 n 08 4 '193 37i 249 60 722 9-0 -87 12 + 1-075 + 1-199 + i'37* 0*242 + 3'6i 0712 -9-1 -7'3 13 066 '205 '373 235 62 703 -9-0 + 8-6 H 056 211 '374 228 63 ?6 93 -8-9 + 8-9 15 046 217 375 221 64 683 -8-5 + 9-0 16 035 222 377 2I 4 65 672 + 8-3 + 9'o 17 + 1-024 + 1-228 + 1-378 0-207 + 3-66 + 0-66 1 + 8-8 + 8-9 18 013 233 379 I 99 67 650 + 9-0 + 8-5 19 + i-ooi 238 380 1 9 2 68 638 + 9-0 -8-3 20 + 0-988 '243 381 185 -69 626 + 9' 8-8 21 + '975 '247 382 177 70 613 + 8-8 9-0 22 + 0-962 + 1-251 + 1-384 0-I70 + 371 + 0-599 + 8-3 9-0 23 948 256 385 163 72 585 8-2 -8-9 24 '933 260 386 ^55 73 '57 1 -8-7 -87 25 918 -264 387 I 4 8 74 555 8-8 8-0 26 902 267 388 I 4 75 "54 -8-7 + 8-5 27 + 0-886 + 1-271 + i -390 0-133 + 376 + 0-523 -8-6 + 8-8 28 868 274 391 126 77 505 -8-0 + 8-9 29 850 277 392 118 78 487 + 8-3 + 8-9 30 830 280 393 in 79 468 + 8-6 + 8-9 Dec. i 810 283 395 104 80 447 + 8-8 + 87 2 + 0-788 + 1-286 + 1-396 0-096 + 3'8i + 0-426 + 8-8 + 8-1 3 + 0-765 + 1-289 + I-397 0-089 + 3-82 + 0-403 + 8-8 -8-4 the Nautical Almanac for 1898 59 Greenwich Day Numbers. Mean Midnight, 1898. Log. A. Log. B. Log. Log. D, f ' Log. if Log, Log. D 1 . Dec. 3 + 0765 + 1-289 + 1-397 0^089 8 + 3-82 + 0-403 + 8-8 -8' 4 4 741 291 398 082 "S3 378 + 8-6 -8-7 5 715 293 400 075 -84 '353 + 8-1 -8-9 6 688 295 4 01 068 86 325 -8-4 -8-9 7 + 0-658 + 1-297 + 1-402 0-06 1 + 3'87 + 0-295 8-8 -8-9 8 626 299 403 055 88 263 -9-0 -8-7 9 59i 301 '45 048 89 228 9-0 -8-2 10 "553 303 406 042 90 190 -9-0 + 8-4 ii -511 304 407 036 91 149 -8-9 + 8-8 12 + 0-465 + 1-305 + 1-408 0*029 + 3-92 + O'IO2 -8-7 + 9*o 13 4^3 306 410 024 93 + 0-050 + 7-1 + 9-0 I 4 '354 307 411 018 "95 + 9'99 J + 8-7 + 8-9 !5 285 308 412 013 96 922 + 8-9 + 8-7 16 -202 3051 413 007 '97 840 + 9-0 -7'5 17 + Q-IOI + 1-310 + I-4I5 O'OO2 + 3-98 + 9-738 + 9-0 -8-7 18 + 9-968 310 416 - 9*998 "99 605 + 8-9 -8-9 19 + 9-775 3*0 417 '993 + 4-00 412 + 8-5 -9-0 20 + 9-418 311 418 989 01 + 9-055 -7-8 -9-0 21 - 8-855 311 420 985 03 -8-493 8-6 8-8 22 9-608 + 1-311 + 1-421 9-981 + 4*04 9-245 -8-7 -8-4 23 9-868 310 422 978 05 506 -8-7 + 8'3 24 0-030 316 423 '975 06 667 8-6 + 87 25 147 309 425 972 07 785 8-2 + 8-9 26 240 309 426 970 08 877 + 8-1 + 8-9 27 0-316 + 1-308 + 1-427 -9-967 + 4-10 9'953 + 8-6 + 8-9 28 380 307 428 966 ii 0*018 + 8-8 + 87 29 436 306 429 964 12 074 + 8-8 + 8-4 30 486 '305 43i 963 13 123 + 8-8 8-i 31 0-530 + 1-303 + IH32 -9-962 + 4-14 0-167 + 8-7 -87 - I 2 6o The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. /. Log. t. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D l . 8 Jan. i 0-570 + 1-302 + 0-848 -9-961 + 1 -08 0-207 + 8-4 -8-9 2 607 300 852 961 09 244 8-i -8-9 3 640 299 857 961 10 278 -87 -8-9 4 671 297 861 961 II 309 -8-9 8-8 5 700 295 865 962 12 338 -9-0 -8'5 6 -0-727 + 1*292 + 0-870 - 9-963 + I-I 4 - 0-364 -9-0 + 8-1 7 752 290 874 964 'IS 390 -9-0 + 87 8 77 6 287 878 966 16 413 8-8 + 8-9 9 798 285 882 967 17 436 -8-2 + 9-0 10 820 282 886 969 18 '457 + 8-5 + 9'o ii 0-840 + 1-279 + 0-890 -9-972 + 1-19 -0-477 + 8-9 + 8-8 12 859 276 894 '974 20 496 + 9-0 + 8-1 13 877 273 898 977 21 5H + 9-0 -8-6 *4 894 269 902 "979 22 531 + 8-9 -8-9 15 910 265 '90S 982 23 548 + 87 9-0 16 0-926 + 1-262 + 0-909 -9-986 -M'24 0-563 + 7-8 9-0 '7 941 258 913 989 25 578 -8'5 -8-9 18 '955 254 916 '993 26 '593 -87 -8-6 19 969 49 920 - 9'996 27 606 8-8 + 7-9 20 982 245 923 O'OOO 28 620 -87 + 87 21 -0-995 + 1-240 + 0-926 0-004 + 1-29 0-632 -8-4 + 8-9 22 i '007 235 930 008 "30 645 + 7-6 + 8-9 23 019 230 '933 OI2 31 656 + 8-5 + 8-9 24 030 225 936 016 32 667 + 87 + 8-8 25 041 219 '939 021 '33 678 + 8-8 + 8-5 26 1*051 + 1-214 + 0-943 0-025 + i-34 0-689 + 8-8 -7'3 37 062 208 946 029 *35 699 + 8-8 -8-6 28 071 202 '949 033 36 709 + 8-5 8-8 2 9 08 1 195 95i 038 '37 718 + 6-9 -8-9 30 090 I8 9 '954 042 38 727 -8-6 -8-9 3i 1-098 + I-I82 4- 0-957 - 0-047 + i'39 -0736 -8-9 -8-9 Feb. i 107 175 960 051 40 744 -9-0 -8-6 2 JI 5 168 963 055 HI 752 -9-0 -7-0 3 123 i 60 *9 6 5 060 42 -760 -9-0 + 8-6 4 130 152 968 064 42 768 -8-9 + 8-9 5 1-138 + 1-144 + 0-971 0-068 + I-43 o-775 -8-5 + 9-0 6 ''45 136 973 072 '44 782 + 8-2 + 9-0 7 151 -127 976 076 45 789 + 8-8 + 8-9 8 158 118 978 080 46 795 + 90 + 8-5 9 164 109 981 084 '47 801 + 9-0 -8'3 10 1-170 + 1-099 + 0-983 0-088 + 1-47 0-808 + 8-9 8-8 ii 176 089 985 092 48 813 + 8-7 -9-0 12 1-182 + 1-079 + 0-988 -0-095 + I? 49 0-819 + 8'3 -9-0 the Nautical Almanac for 1899 61 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. Log. D. / Log. t. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D l . Feb. 12 1-182 + 1-079 + 0-988 0-095 s + 1-49 0-819 + 8-3 9-0 13 187 068 990 099 50 825 8-3 -8-9 14 192 057 992 102 51 830 -8-7 -8-7 *5 1-197 + 1-045 + 0-994 0*106 + 1-51 0-835 8-8 -7-8 16 202 033 996 109 52 840 -8-7 + 8-5 17 207 *O2O + 0-999 112 53 844 -8-5 + 8-8 18 211 + 1-007 + I'OOI 'US 53 849 -7-6 + 8-9 19 216 + o*994 003 117 54 853 + 8-4 + 8-9 20 1-220 + 0-980 + 1-005 0-120 + i'55 -0-857 + 8-7 + 8-8 21 224 *9 6 5 007 I2 3 56 86 1 + 8-8 + 8-6 22 228 *949 009 125 56 865 + 8-8 + 7'9 23 231 '933 on 127 57 868 + 8-8 -8-4 2 4 235 916 012 I2 9 58 872 + 8-6 -8-7 25 - I-238 + 0-899 + I-OI4 0-I3I + 1-58 -0-875 + 8-i -8-9 26 2 4 I 880 016 133 59 '878 -8-4 -8-9 27 244 861 018 !.H 60 881 -8-8 -8-9 28 247 840 020 I 3 6 60 884 9-0 -8-7 Mar. i 249 818 02 1 ''37 6 1 887 -9-0 -8-2 2 -I-252 +0*795 + 1*023 0-138 + 1-62 0-889 9-0 + 8-4 3 254 771 025 139 62 892 -8-9 + 8-8 4 257 745 027 139 63 894 -8'7 + 9-0 5 259 717 028 140 64 896 -7*4 + 9-0 6 26l 687 030 140 64 898 + 8-6 + 8-9 7 I-262 + 0-655 + 1-032 0-140 + 1-65 0-900 + 8-9 + 8-7 8 264 620 '033 140 65 -901 + 9'o -7-6 9 265 582 035 140 66 903 + 9*0 -87 10 267 540 036 140 67 904 + 8'8 -8-9 ii 268 '494 038 139 67 '90S + 8'5 9-0 12 1-269 + 0-442 + 1-039 0-138 + 1-68 0-907 -7'9 -9-0 13 270 383 041 137 68 907 8'6 8-8 J 4 271 314 043 136 69 908 -8-7 -8-3 15 272 -232 044 134 70 909 -8-7 + 8-3 16 272 + 0-131 046 133 70 910 -8-6 + 8-8 J 7 -1-273 + 9'999 + 1-047 0-131 + 1-71 0*910 8-i + 8-9 18 273 + 9-809 049 128 71 910 + 8-2 + 8-9 19 273 + 9-462 050 126 72 910 + 8-6 + 8*9 20 273 8-810 051 123 73 911 + 8'8 + 8-7 21 273 9-622 053 121 73 910 + 8-9 + 8-3 22 1-273 9-888 + 1-054 0-II8 + 1-74 0-910 + 8'8 8-2 23 273 0-050 056 II 4 74 910 + 87 -8-7 2 4 272 170 057 III 75 909 + 8-4 -8-9 25 27! 262 59 107 75 909 8-i -8-9 26 I-27I 0-339 + i -060 0-103 + 1-76 0-908 -8-7 -8-9 62 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. (nCJ. Log. D. /- Log. ,'. Log. 00). Log. D 1 . Mar. 26 1-271 -0-339 -f i -060 0-103 8 + 176 0-908 -8-7 -8-9 27 270 '43 062 098 77 907 -8-9 -8-8 28 269 460 063 094 77 906 9-0 -8-4 29 268 509 065 089 78 '90S -9-0 + 8-2 30 266 '553 066 084 78 904 -9-0 + 8-7 31 265 '594 068 078 79 902 8-8 + 8-9 Apr. i 1-264 0-630 + 1-069 0-073 + 1-80 0-901 -8-3 + 9-0 2 262 664 070 067 80 899 + 8-5 + 8-9 3 260 695 072 060 8 1 897 + 8-8 + 8-8 4 258 724 073 54 8 1 895 + 9-0 + 8-1 5 256 751 075 047 82 893 + 9-0 -8-6 6 -1-254 -0776 + 1-076 0-039 4- 1-83 0-891 + 8-9 -8-9 7 252 799 078 032 83 889 + 8-6 -9-0 8 349 822 079 024 84 886 -f 7'4 9-0 9 246 843 081 015 85 884 -8-5 -8-9 10 244 863 082 0-607 8 5 881 -8-7 -8-5 ii -1-241 0-882 4-1-084 -9998 + 1-86 0-878 8-8 + 8-0 12 238 900 085 988 87 875 -8-7 + 8-7 13 234 917 087 978 87 872 -8-3 + 8-9 H 231 "934 089 968 88 868 + 7-9 + 8-9 15 228 '949 090 *957 89 865 + 8-6 + 8-9 16 -1-224 - 0-964 + 1-092 9-946 + 1-89 -0-861 + 8-8 + 8-8 17 220 "979 093 934 90 857 + 8-9 + 8-5 18 216 0-992 95 922 91 853 + 8-8 -7-8 '9 212 -1-006 096 909 91 849 + 8-8 8-6 20 208 018 098 896 92 845 + 8'5 - S'S 21 1-203 1-031 + I'lOO 9-882 + i'93 0-841 -6-6 -8-9 22 199 042 IOI 867 '93 836 8-6 -8-9 23 J 94 054 103 852 '94 831 -8-9 8-8 2 4 -,8 9 065 105 836 '95 826 9-0 -8-6 25 -I8 4 075 106 819 96 821 9-0 + 7-0 26 I-I78 1-085 + 1-108 9-801 + 1-96 0-816 9-0 + 8-6 27 173 095 no 783 '97 810 -8-9 + 8-9 28 I6 7 104 III 764 98 804 -8-6 + 9'0 2 9 161 113 113 743 + 1-99 798 + 8-0 + 9-0 30 J 55 122 '"5 722 + 2-00 792 + 8-7 + 8-8 May i -1-149 I-I3I + 1-117 9-699 + 2-00 0-786 + 8-9 + 8-5 2 142 39 118 675 oi 779 + 9-0 -8-3 3 J35 I 4 7 I2O 650 02 772 + 8-9 8-8 4 128 155 122 623 03 765 + 8-7 9-0 5 121 162 I2 4 594 4 758 + 8-2 -9-0 6 -1-113 1-169 + I-I25 9*563 + 2-0 5 -0-751 -8-3 -8-9 7 1-106 I-I76 + IT27 9*530 + 2-05 0-743 -87 -8-7 the Nautical Almanac for 1899 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log f (nC). Log. D. / Log. i. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D l . May 7 i'io6 1-176 + 1-127 9'530 8 + 2-05 0*743 -8-7 -8-7 8 '098 183 129 '494 06 '735 -8-8 77 9 089 189 131 '455 07 727 -8-7 + 8-6 10 08 1 !95 133 413 08 718 -8-5 + 8-8 ii 1-072 I-2OI + 1-134 9-366 + 2-0 9 0-709 + 6-6 + 8-9 12 062 207 136 3!3 10 700 + 8-5 + 8-9 13 053 213 138 254 II 690 + 8-7 + 8-8 14 043 218 140 185 12 680 + 8-9 + 8-6 15 033 223 142 105 12 670 + 8-9 + 7'7 16 I'O22 1-229 + 1-144 9-006 + 2-I 3 o'66o + 8-8 -8'5 J 7 on 233 146 8-881 14 649 + 8-6 8-8 18 I-OOO 238 148 - 8-705 - J 5 637 + 8-1 -8-9 i9 0-988 243 150 8-411 16 626 -8-4 -8-9 20 976 247 151 - 7-037 17 613 -8-8 -8-9 21 - 0-963 1-251 + I-I53 + 8-367 + 2-18 0*601 9-0 -8-7 22 950 255 '55 + 8-675 19 587 -9-0 -8-1 23 93 6 259 157 + 8-852 20 574 9-0 + 8-5 2 4 922 -263 i59 + 8-975 21 "559 -8-9 + 8-8 2 5 907 266 161 + 9 >0 7 '22 '544 -8-7 + 9-0 26 0-891 1-270 + 1-163 + 9-146 + 2-23 0-529 -7-8 + 9' 27 875 273 -165 210 2 4 512 + 8-6 + 8-9 28 8 5 8 276 167 265 "25 '495 + 8-9 + 8-6 29 840 279 169 313 26 478 + 9-0 -7-6 30 821 282 171 355 27 '459 + 8-9 -8-7 3i 0-802 1-284 + i-i73 + 9'393 + 2-28 0-439 + 8-8 -8-9 June i 78! 287 175 427 2 9 418 + 8-4 9-0 2 759 289 177 '457 30 396 -8-1 -9-0 3 736 292 179 485 "31 '373 -8-6 -8-8 4 711 '294 181 5" 32 348 -8-8 -8'3 5 - 0-685 1-296 + 1-183 + 9'534 + 2-33 0-322 -8-7 + 8-4 6 657 298 -185 556 '34 294 -8-6 + 8-8 7 626 299 186 576 '35 264 8-0 + 8-9 8 "594 301 188 '594 36 231 + 8-3 + 8-9 9 '559 302 190 612 38 196 + 8-7 + 8-9 10 0-520 1-304 + 1-192 + 9-628 + 2'39 0-157 + 8-8 + 8-7 ii 478 305 194 643 40 115 + 8-9 + 8-2 12 430 306 196 656 *4 T 068 + 8-8 -8-3 J 3 '377 307 198 669 42 0-015 + 8-7 -87 14 3i7 308 200 68 1 '43 - 9-954 + 8-4 -8-9 J 5 0-246 1-309 + 1-202 + 9-692 + 2-44 -9-883 8-0 -8-9 16 166 309 20 4 '70S '45 803 -8-7 -8-9 17 0-057 310 206 712 46 694 -8-9 -8-7 18 9-918 1*310 + 1-208 + 9-721 + 2-47 9-555 9-0 -8-4 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. . (C). Log.D. / Log. i. Log. Log. D 1 . June 18 -9-918 1-310 + 1-208 + 9-721 8 + 2-47 -9-555 -9-0 -8-4 1 9 9-712 310 210 729 48 349 9-0 + 8-2 20 -9-308 1-311 + I-2I2 + 9-737 + 2-49 9-945 -9-0 + 87 21 + 9-038 311 213 744 5 + 8-675 8-8 + 8-9 22 + 9625 311 215 750 52 + 9-262 -8-3 + 9-0 23 + 9-865 310 217 756 53 503 + 8-4 + 8-9 24 + 0-019 310 2I 9 761 54 656 + 8-8 + 8-8 2 S + 0-132 1-310 + I-22I + 9-766 + 2-55 + 9-770 + 8-9 + 8-1 26 222 309 22 3 771 56 859 + 8-9 -8-6 27 296 308 225 774 57 '934 + 8-9 -8-9 28 359 307 226 778 58 + 9-997 + 8-6 -9-0 29 *4 J 5 306 228 781 59 + 0-052 -6-9 -9-0 30 + 0-463 1*305 + 1-230 + 9783 + 2-60 + O'IOI -8-5 -8-9 Ju'y i 507 304 232 785 61 144 -8-7 8'5 2 '547 303 233 787 62 184 8-8 + 8-0 3 583 301 235 788 63 220 8-6 + 8-7 4 616 300 237 789 64 254 -8-3 + 8-9 5 + 0-647 -1-298 + 1-239 + 9-790 + 2-66 + 0-284 + 8-1 + 8-9 6 676 296 2 4 790 67 313 + 8-6 + 8-9 7 702 294 242 79 68 340 + 8-8 + S7 8 728 292 344 789 69 365 + 8-9 + 8-4 9 751 290 -2 4 6 788 70 389 + 8-9 8-0 10 + 0-774 1-288 + 1-247 + 9-787 + 271 + 0-4II + 8-3 8-6 1 1 795 285 349 785 72 432 + 8-5 8-8 12 ' -815 283 250 783 73 452 + 6-9 -8-9 13 834 280 252 7 8i 74 471 -8-5 -8-9 *4 852 277 254 778 75 489 8-8 -8-8 15 + 0-869 1-274 + 1-255 + 9775 + 2-76 + 0-506 -9-0 -8-5 16 885 271 257 771 77 523 -9-0 + 7-5 17 901 267 2 5 8 768 78 539 -9-0 + 8-6 18 916 264 260 764 79 554 -8-9 + 8-9 19 931 260 262 759 80 568 8-6 + 9-0 20 + o-945 -1-257 + I-263 + 9755 + 2-81 + 0-582 + 7'9 + 9-0 21 958 253 265 750 82 '595 + 87 + 8-8 22 971 249 266 744 83 608 + 8-9 + 8-4 23 983 244 -267 739 84 620 + 9'o 8'3 24 + '995 240 269 733 85 632 + 8-9 8-8 25 + 1 -007 -1-235 + I-270 + 9-727 + 2-86 + 0-644 + 87 -9-0 26 018 231 272 720 86 655 + 8-1 9-0 27 028 226 273 713 87 666 -8-4 -8-9 28 039 221 375 706 88 676 -87 -8-7 29 048 215 2 7 6 '699 89 686 -8-8 -7-6 30 + 1-058 1-210 + 1-277 + 9-691 + 2*90 + 0-695 -8-7 + S-6 the Nautical Almanac for 1899 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. /- Log. i. Log. OC 1 ). Log. D 1 . s July 30 + 1-058 I'2IO + 1-277 + 9-691 + 2-90 + 0-695 -8-7 + 8-6 3i 067 204 279 683 91 '70S -8-4 + 8-8 Aug. i 076 I 9 8 280 .674 92 714 + 7-6 + 8-9 2 085 I 9 2 281 .666 93 722 + 8-6 + 8-9 3 093 186 282 657 94 731 + 8-8 + 8-8 4 + I-IOI 1-179 + 1-284 + 9.648 + 2-95 + 0-739 + 8-9 + 8-5 5 109 173 285 .638 '95 747 + 8-9 + 7'3 6 117 166 286 629 96 754 + 8-8 -8-5 7 124 159 287 619 97 762 + 8-6 8-8 8 131 JS 1 289 608 98 .769 + 8-i -8-9 9 + 1-138 I-I43 + 1-290 + 9-598 + 2-99 + 0-776 -8-4 -8-9 10 'MS 135 291 587 + 2-99 782 8-8 -8-8 ii 151 127 292 576 + 3-00 789 -8-9 -8-7 12 157 119 293 565 01 795 9-0 -8-0 13 163 no 294 554 02 Soi 9-0 + 8-5 H + 1-169 rioi + 1-296 + 9-542 + 3'3 + 0-807 -8-9 + 8-8 15 175 091 297 531 03 812 -8-7 + 8-9 16 180 08 1 298 5i9 4 818 -7'9 + 9-o '7 186 071 299 507 5 -823 + 8-6 + 8-9 18 191 06 1 300 H95 06 828 + 8-8 + 8-6 J 9 + I-I95 1-050 + 1-301 + 9-483 + 3-06 + 0-833 + 8-9 -7-5 20 200 038 302 471 07 838 + 8-9 -8-7 21 205 027 303 '459 08 842 + 8-8 -8-9 22 209 014 304 448 09 846 + 8-4 9-0 23 213 i -002 305 436 09 851 -8-2 -9-0 2 4 + 1-217 0-989 + 1-306 + 9-424 + 3" 10 + 0-855 8-6 8-8 25 221 975 307 4i3 ii 859 8-8 -8-3 26 225 960 308 402 ii 862. -8-7 + 8-4 27 22 9 '945 309 39 1 12 866 -8-6 + 8-8 28 231 930 310 381 'IS 869 -7-8 + 8-9 2 9 + 1-235 0-913 + 1-311 + 9-37I + 3-13 + 0-873 + 8-4 + 8-9 30 238 896 312 362 J 4 876 + 8-7 + 8-9 3 1 241 878 312 '353 15 879 + 8-9 + 8-7 Sept. i 244 859 313 345 15 882 + 8-9 + 8-1 2 2 4 7 839 3H 338 16 884 + 89 -8-3 3 + 1-249 0-818 + i*3 1 5 + 9-332 + 3-17 + 0-887 + 8-7 -8-7 4 252 796 316 -326 17 889 + 8- 4 -8-9 5 254 772 317 322 18 892 -8-1 -8-9 6 2 5 6 747 318 318 18 894 -8-7 -8-9 7 2 5 8 720 318 316 19 896 -89 -8-7 8 + r26o 0-692 + 1-319 + 9-3I5 + 3-20 + 0-898 -9-0 -8-4 9 262 661 320 315 20 899 9-0 + 8-2 10 + I-264 0-627 + i'3 21 + 9-316 + 3-21 + 0-901 -9-0 + 8-7 66 The Day Numbers of Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. /- Log. i. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D 1 . B Sept. 10 + 1-264 0-627 + 1-321 + 9-316 + 3-21 + 0-901 -9-0 + 8-7 ii 265 59i 3,22 3i8 21 902 8-8 + 8-9 12 267 55i 322 321 '22 904 -8-4 + 9' 13 + 1-268 0-507 + I-323 + 9-326 + 3'22 + 0-905 + 8-3 + 8-9 H 269 458 324 332 23 906 + 8-8 + 8-7 J5 270 '43 325 338 24 907 + 8-9 + 8-1 16 271 '339 326 346 24 908 + 8-9 -8-5 17 271 -264 326 '355 25 909 + 8-8 -8-9 18 + 1-272 0-172 +I-327 + 9-365 + 3-25 + 0-909 + 8-5 9-0 19 273 0-057 328 376 26 910 -7'5 -9-0 20 373 -9-898 329 388 -27 910 -8-6 -8-9 21 273 - 9^45 329 401 27 910 -8-8 -8-5 22 273 8-966 '330 414 28 911 -8-8 + 8-0 23 + 1-273 + 9-410 + I-33I + 9-428 + 3-28 + 0-910 -8-6 + 8-7 2 4 273 + 9783 33 442 2 9 910 8-2 + 8-9 25 273 + 9-981 *33 457 2 9 910 + 8-2 + 8-9 26 272 + 0-116 '333 473 3 910 + 87 + 8-9 27 272 219 "334 489 31 909 + 8-9 + 8-7 28 + 1-271 + 0-302 + 1-335 + 9*505 + 3-31 + 0-908 + 8-9 + 8-4 2 9 270 372 * '335 521 32 908 + 8-9 8-i 30 269 432 336 538 32 -907 + 8-8 -8-6 Oct. i 268 484 '337 554 33 906 + 8-5 8-8 2 267 53i 338 57i '33 904 + 7-i -8-9 3 + 1-266 + 0-573 + I-338 + 9-588 + 3'34 + 0-903 -8'5 -8-9 4 264 612 339 605 35 -902 -8-8 -8-8 5 263 647 340 622 '35 900 9-0 -8-5 6 261 679 341 639 36 898 -9-0 + 7-6 7 259 709 341 656 36 896 9-0 + 8-6 8 + I-257 + Q-737 + 1-342 + 9-673 + 3'37 + 0-894 -8-9 + 8-9 9 255 763 343 689 38 892 -8-6 + 9-0 10 253 788 344 706 38 890 + 7'8 + 8-9 ii 250 811 '345 722 39 888 + 8-7 + 8-8 12 248 833 '345 '739 39 885 + 8-9 + 8-4 13 + J'245 + 0-854 + I-346 + 9*755 + 3-40 + 0-882 + 8-9 -8-j 14 242 873 347 770 H 1 879 + 8-9 8-8 15 239 892 348 786 41 876 + 87 -9-0 16 236 910 349 801 42 873 + 7'9 9-0 i? 233 927 349 817 '43 870 -8-4 -8-9 18 + 1-229 + 0-943 + i '350 + 9-832 + 3-43 + 0-866 -8-7 -8-7 19 225 '959 351 846 "44 863 8-8 -7'5 20 222 '973 352 86 1 '45 859 -8-7 + 8-6 21 218 + 0-988 353 875 '45 855 -8-4 + 8-9 22 + 1*213 + i -ooi + 1-354 + 9'889 + 3H6 + 0-851 + 7-8 + 8-9 the Nautical Almanac for 1 899 Greenwich Mean Midnight, 1899. Day Numbers. Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. f. Log. *. Log. (nC 1 ). L-g. D 1 . 8 Oct. 22 4-1-213 + I'OOI + 1-354 + 9-889 + 3H6 + 0-851 + 7-8 + 8-9 23 209 015 "355 903 47 846 + 8-6 + 8-9 24 205 027 '355 917 47 842 + 8-8 + 8-8 25 200 039 356 930 48 837 + 8-9 + 8-5 26 195 051 357 943 '49 832 + 8-9 -7-0 27 190 062 358 956 50 827 + 8-8 -8-5 28 + 1-185 + 1-073 + 1-359 + 9-9 6 9 + 3'5o + 0-822 + 8-6 8-8 29 179 084 360 981 51 816 + 8-1 -8-9 30 173 094 361 + 9*993 52 811 -84 -8-9 3i 168 104 362 + 0-005 53 805 8-8 -8-8 Nov. i 161 113 363 016 '53 799 -8-9 -8-6 2 + i'i55 + I-I22 + 1-364 + 0-028 + 3'54 + 0-792 9-0 8-0 3 I4 8 I 3 I 365 039 '55 786 9-0 + 8-5 4 142 139 366 050 56 '779 -8-9 + 8-8 5 135 I 4 8 367 06 1 '57 772 -8-7 + 8-9 6 127 155 368 071 '57 765 -8-0 + 9-0 7 + I-I20 + I-I63 + 1-369 + 0-081 + 3-58 + 0-757 + 8-5 + 8-9 8 112 170 37o 091 '59 749 + 8-8 + 8-6 9 I0 4 I7 8 37i 101 60 741 + 8-9 -7-6 10 095 184 372 no 61 733 + 8-9 -8-7 ii 087 191 '373 120 62 724 + 8-7 -8-9 12 + 1-077 + 1-198 + 1-374 + 0-129 + 3-62 + 0-715 + 8-3 -9-0 13 068 204 '375 138 63 705 -8-3 9-0 14 058 210 376 I 4 6 64 696 -87 8-8 15 048 216 '377 i-ss 65 685 8-8 -8-3 16 038 221 378 163 66 675 8-8 + 8-4 17 + 1-027 + 1-226 + 1-379 + 0-171 + 3-67 + 0-664 -8-5 + 8-8 IB 015 232 380 179 68 653 -7-6 + 8-9 *9 + I -004 237 381 186 -69 641 + 8-5 + 8'9 20 + 0-99I 241 383 194 70 629 + 8-8 + 8-8 21 '979 2 4 6 384 201 71 616 + 8-9 + 8-6 22 + 0-965 + I-250 + 1-385 + 0-208 + 3-72 + 0-603 + 8-9 + 8-0 2 3 952 255 386 2I 4 73 589 + 8-9 -8-4 2 4 '937 259 387 *22I '74 '574 + 8-7 -8-7 25 922 263 388 227 '75 '559 + 8-4 -8-9 26 906 266 389 -234 76 '544 8-0 -8-9 27 + 0-890 + I-270 + I-39 1 + 0-240 + 3-77 + 0-527 -87 -8-8 28 872 273 392 245 78 510 -8-9 -8-7 29 854 277 '393 '251 79 492 9-0 -8-3 3 '835 280 394 2 5 6 80 472 -9-0 + 8-2 Dec. i 815 283 396 262 81 45 2 9-0 + 8-7 2 + o"794 + 1-285 + i'397 + 0-267 + 3-82 + 0-431 -8-8 + 8' 9 3 + 0-771 + 1-288 + 1-398 + 0-27I + 3-83 + 0-408 -8-4 + 9-0 68 The Day Numbers of the Nautical Almanac for 1899 Greenwich Day Numbers. Mean *" J 1_i Midnight, i8 99 . Log. A. Log. B. Log. (nC). Log. D. * Log. t. Log. (nC 1 ). Log. D l . Dec. 3 + 0771 + 1-288 + I-398 + 0-271 8 + 3*83 + 0-408 -8-4 + 9-o 4 *747 290 *399 276 8 4 384 + 8-2 + 8-9 5 722 293 400 281 * 8 5 '359 + 8-7 + 87 6 694 295 402 285 86 332 + 8-9 + 8-1 7 + 0-665 + 1-297 + 1-403 + 0-289 + 3*87 + 0-303 + 8-9 -8-5 8 634 399 404 293 88 271 + 8-8 -8-9 9 600 301 405 297 90 237 + 8-5 9-0 10 563 302 406 300 91 200 -7-8 -9-0 ii 522 304 408 304 92 159 8-6 -8-9 12 + 0-477 + I-305 + 1-409 + 0-307 + 3-93 + 0-II4 -8-8 -8-5 13 426 306 410 310 *94 06 3 8-8 + 8-1 14 369 307 411 313 *95 + O'Oo6 8-6 + 87 15 303 308 *4'3 316 96 + 9'94 8-i + 8-9 l6 224 309 '4M 319 97 86 1 + 8-3 + 8-9 17 + 0-128 + 1-310 + i*4i5 + 0-321 + 3-98 + 9-766 + 8-7 + 8-9 18 + 0-005 310 416 323 + 3'99 642 + 8-9 + 8-7 9 + 9 <8 3i 310 417 326 + 4-01 468 + 8-9 + 8-3 20 + 9*537 311 419 328 02 + 9*i74 + 8-9 -8-1 21 + 8-045 3" 420 339 'OS + 7-682 + 8-8 8-6 22 9-508 + 1-311 + 1-421 + 0-331 + 4'04 -9-146 + 8'5 8-8 23 -9-817 310 422 333 05 454 + 7-2 -8-9 24 9*995 310 *4 a 3 334 06 633 -8-5 -8-9 25 0'I2I 310 435 335 07 759 8-8 -8-7 26 2I 9 309 ; 4 26 336 08 856 -9-0 -8-5 27 0-298 + 1-308 + 1-427 + 0-337 + 4'io 9-936 - 9-0 + 7'7 28 365 307 428 338 ii 0-003 9-0 + 8-6 29 *4 a 3 306 429 '339 -12 060 -8-9 + 8-9 3 '474 305 430 339 13 in -8-6 + 8-9 3 1 520 304 432 340 *M ''57 + 7'3 + 8-9 32 0-561 + 1-302 + .43, + 0-340 + 4*15 0-198 + 8-6 + 8-8 f^ OF THE ^J" I UNIVERSITY ) THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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