DIvitien of Agriculfurol Sci»nc»« UNIVERSITY OF CAIIFOHNIA ASPARAGUS - PROCESSED AND FRESH MARKETS - Economic Statistics for the 1959 Season Sidney S. Hoos and Beatrice Bain UNIVERSITY OF GALl?t DAVIS APR 2 7 1959 ■ i CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Mimeographed Report No. 218 LIBRARY March 1959 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS , i Asparagus Processed and Fresh Markets- Economic Statistics for the 19^9 Season •by Sidney Hooff^ and Beatrice Baii^ Table of Contents Table Page General Statistics on Business 1 Statistics on General Business Conditions^ Income and Prices « 1939-1959 1 2 Statistics on General Business Conditions, Production and Employment, 1939-1959 3 3 statistics on Groceries' Industry Conditions, 1939-1958 5 Asparagus— Acreage and Production, United States Total and by States k Harvested Acreage of Asparagus in the United States by Season and by State, 19*^9-1958 7 5 Asparagus— Production for Fresh Market, Total and by States, 1949-1958 8 6 Asparagus— Season's Average Price to Growers, Fresh Market, 19*^9-1958 9 7 Asparagus— Production for Processing, Total and by States, 19*^9-1958 10 8 Asparagus— Season's Average Price to Grovers, Processed, 19U9-1958 11 Asparagus— California Acreage and Production 9 Harvested Acreage of Asparagus in California by Covmties, 191^9-1958 12 10 Asparagus Plantings and Acreage Detail in California, 19*4^-1959 • 13 1/ Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Fo\mdation. 2/ Jiuiior Specialist in the Agricultural Experiment Station. X . 1 ■ » ' S5^x~viv ^Jd y;J 0 ..... » . • S?om:4S^,U 01 . . . >■»«<•• , 8?sJX"\;4<;i — W W y. ■ -' — — -. -■ -- il Table ^aSS. 11 Asparagus— California Production, Total, Fresh, and Processing, 1949- 1958 California Canned Asparagus 12 California Canned Asparagus Packs, 1952-1958 15 13 California Canned Asparagus— Total Pack, Supply, Canners' Stocks, Shipments, and Exports, 19^*6-^+7 to 1959-60 16 ik California Asparagus— Canners ' Stock, Pack, Supply, and Shipnaents by Types, 1952-1959 1*7 15 California Canned Asparagus— Canners • Stocks by Types, Beginning of Season, 195'^-1959 1® 16 California Asparagus— Amount Sold for Canning and Freezing, 1950- 1958 19 17 California Asparagus— Prices Paid to Growers for Asparagus Purchased for Canning and Freezing, 1950-1958 20 18 P.O.B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1957-1959 21 19 Summary of Recent United States and California Canned Asparagus Packs on 24 Wo. 2 Basis, 19^*7-1958 22 United States Cenred Asparagus 20 Canned Asparagus Pack in the United States by States and by Types of Asparagus, 1952-1958 23 21 Canned Asparagus—United States Canners' Stocks, Pack, and Shipments, 19^*7-^8 to 1959-60 24 22 Canned Asparagus— Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes, National Average Prices Reported by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1956-1958 25 23 United States Canned Asparagus—Relative Number of Pounds Packed by Major Can Sizes, 1937-1957 26 24 Canned Asparagu8--Expoxi;s frcm the United States to Specified Areas or Countries, 1955-1957* Year Beginning April 1 27 Frozen Asparagus 25 Asparagus— Frozen Pack, United States and by Region, 19^2-1958 . . 28 26 Frozen Asparagus— End of Month Cold Storage Holdings, Total United States, 19^*7-1958 29 'Vtj • • '^I-S^ • • ■ ...... oj oi'- iiii:- .'i^;; Iaaoi.7 j;jl ^ei oi'xl baa asolig: oXBasIoriW— axias'Sf'-Tf A bsnaaO lii Table 22ii 27 Frozen Asperagus— End of March Cold Storage Holdings by Region, 1950-1958 28 Frozen Asparagus— Packer ' s Average Price Quotations, 1956-1959, F.O.B. Packing Plant 32 AsTJaragus Consvimption Trends 29 Asparagus— Civilian Per-Capita Consumption of Commercial Production, Fresh and Processed, United States, 1937-1957 .... 3't' 30 Consumption of Purchased Asparagus by Households, Total United States and by Region, Fresh and Canned 35 TABLE 1 Statistics on General Business Conditions, Income and Prices 1939-1959 Consvuner demand factors Year Person|il income- Disposable personal income- Personal consumption / expenditure s- Retail stores estimated. / sales total—' Manufacturing and trade inventories Consumer price index United States prices Wholesale price index United States farm price index annual rate in billion dollars billion dollars 19^^7-1949 = 100 1910-191^ a"lOO 1939 19kO 19^1 19h2 1943 19hk 1945 19^6 1947 19*^8 19h9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 , 1958^ 72.9 78.7 96.3 123.5 151.^ 165.7 171.2 179.3 191.6 210 A 208.3 228.5 256.7 273.1 288.3 289.8 310.2 330.5 3^h.k 70. k 76.1 93.0 117.5 133.5 11*6.8 150.4 160.6 170.1 189.3 189.7 207.7 227.5 238.7 252.5 256.9 271*.** 290.5 305.1 311.6 67.6 71.9 81.9 89.7 100.5 109.8 121.7 ii<-7.1 165.4 178.3 181.2 195.0 209.8 219.8 232.6 238.0 256.9 269.4 284.4 290.6 3.5 3.9 4.6 4.8 5.3 5.9 6.5 8.5 10.0 10.9 10.9 12.0 13.0 13.5 14.1 14.1 15.3 15.8 16.7 16.6 20.1 22.2 28.8 31.1 31.3 31.1 30.9 42.9 50.5 55.4 51.8 62.8 73.8 75.4 78.6 75.5 81.7 89.1 90.7 85.1 59.4 59.9 62.9 69.7 74.0 75.2 76.9 83.4 95.5 102.8 101.8 102.8 111.0 113.5 114.4 114.8 114.5 116.2 120.2 123.4 50.1 51.1 56.8 64.2 67.0 67.6 68.8 78.7 96.4 104.4 99.2 103.1 114.8 111.6 110.1 110.3 110.7 114.3 117.6 119.2 95 100 124 1932// 1971^; 201-', 236£/ 276 287 2^ 258 ^ 255 246 232 230 235 250 (Continued on next page.) jV 10*^ I T(W : ■ TOT- f 1 1 O0 G€ .Table 1 continued. Consumer demand factors United States prices Month Personal income?' Disposable personal income^' Personal consumption expenditures Retail stores estimated sales total]^/ Manufacturing and trade inventories Consumer price index Wholesale price index United States farm price index annual rate in billion dolleirs billion dollars 1947-1949 = 100 1910-1914 =100 1958 January Febrtiary March April May June July August September October November December seasonally adjusted annual rates midmonth 348.8 347.5 348.7 349.7 351.4 353.4 / 360. 1?/ 357.2 358.7 358.2 360.7 359.9 306.1 309.0 315.1 315.8 286.2 288.3 291.5 295.9 16.7 16.1 16.1 16.5 16.6 16.6 16.7 16.9 16.6 16.9 17.0 17.6 90.0 89.3 88.5 87.6 86.9 86.4 85.9 85.4 85.0 All 0 85.0 85.2 122.3 122.5 123.3 123.5 123.0 123.7 123.9 123.7 123.7 123.7 123.9 123.7 118.9 119.0 119.7 119.3 119.5 119.2 119.2 119.1 119.1 119.0 119.2 119.2 241 246 256 257 256 249 250 248 249 247 244 1959 1 JanuaxyS' 362.3 119.5 a/ Series revised beginning 1946. b/ Monthly average shown for year and total for month. c/ Includes wartime subsidy payments, d/ Series revised beginning 1952. e/ Revised farm inventory data have been incorporated into GHP and related series, f/ Includes lunqp-sum retroactive salary payments to federal employees at a calculated annual rate. Preliminary. Sources: Annual data: U. S. President, Economic Report of the President (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., January, 1959) . Monthly data: U. S. Council of Economic Advisers, Economic Indicators, February, 1959 (Washington: Govt. Print. Off.). (86th Cong., Ist sess.) ro i I t I TOV- Tf 1 • ■■n TABLE 2 Statistics on General Business Conditions, Production and Hnployment 1939-1959 ■ j 1 Employment^ Indexes of Production Expenditures for new plant and equipment, totaliE/ Total industrial production tS&oufscttires Consumer durable goods Year nonagri- T J_ -"1 ft/ culturalS/ Total Durable Nondurable irillions 19U7-19U9 = : LOO billion dollairs 1939 30.3 58 57 U9 66 / £/ 5.51 19U0 32.1 67 66 63 69 19ll 36.2 87 88 91 81i 19U2 39.8 106 110 126 93 19ii3 U2.1 Id ( 1 'a'a 133 lac 103 19Uh al.5 125 130 159 99 19u5 liO.O 107 110 123 96 8.69 19u6 UI.3 90 90 86 95 la«o5 19li7 li3.5 100 100 101 99 98 20.61 X7U0 )i loU 3i03 lOU 102 102 19U9 13.1 97 97 95 99 101 19.28 19^ 112 113 116 111 133 20.60 1951 U7.3 120 121 128 111* nil 25.6U 1952 1»8.3 12li 125 136 llii 105 26.1i9 19b>3 it9.7 13ii 136 153 118 127 28.32 19Sh W.U 125 127 137 116 116 26.83 1955 50.1 139 lliO 155 126 lli7 28.70 1956 51.8 lli3 lliU 159 129 131 35.08 1957 , 52.2 lli3 1U5 160 130 130 36.96 1958 d/ 50.5 13I1 136 1U2 130 113 30.53 (Continued on next page.) ' ■■ • s ■ ■•* t: -» III ■* J .! J i * T -■(. J ;■ T -1 ^* } ■ i TSn ".nr 1^2 TJ« -S>l J 3': ■ M' IS' JST ■ ■ TV. 13 '■ ■ III Jit r.> ■ 1 ; : ' ! ' / Jr r." . "> - 1 • • TAP-;' I'J l» . -) v - T;" 1 1 ' * if . ^' ^ i I i '■ • .. .. 1 Table 2 continued Indexes of Production Ejcpenditures Emplojrment, Total Manufactures Consumer for new plant Year nonagri- culturala/ industrial production Total j Durable Nondurable j durable goods and equipment, totalb/ millions 19U7-19it9 = 100 billion dollars seasonally adjusted annual rate 1958 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December 51.2 50.6 50.2 50.1 50.1 50.3 50.U 50.6 50.0 ^.6 50.9 50.8 133 130 128 126 128 132 13U 136 137 138 lia 11^ 135 131 129 128 130 13U 136 138 139 lUO ■mx ' lli2 1 137 ; 135 i 131 ! 13ii ' 139 ' lltl i liil* llt5 ' lli6 152 152 i 127 125 12i* 125 126 129 132 , 133 133 13lt : HI 1 113 110 loU 97 105 111 llli 115 103 108 133 13Jf 32. hi 30.32 29.93 January—' 50.9 lif3 1^5 1 i 15l^ 1 * 137 135 30.51^ a/ Based on Department of Labor figures; includes all full and part-time wage and salary workers in nonagricul- " tural establishments receiAdng pay during any part of period ending nearest the l5th of the raonthj excludes self-emplcyed, etc. ^ Excludes agricultural. c/ Blanks indicate no data available. d/ Preliminary e/ First quarter, 1959 Sources: Annual data: U. S. President, Economic Report of the President (Washington: Govt Print. Off., January, 1959). Monthly data: U. S. Council of Economic Advisers, Economic Indicators, February, 1^9 (Washington: Govt Print. Off.). (86th Cong., 1st sess.) TABLE 3 Statistics on Groceries* Industry Conditions, 1939-1958 Year 1959 19^ 19hl 19^2 19^3 19^ 19^*5 19^ 19*^7 iSUd 19k9 1950 1951 1952 1953 195^ 1955 1956 1957 1958 January February March April May June July August September October November December Sales Retail food store, all types Manufacturer food and beverage monthly average in billion dollars .85 .89 1.02 1.23 1-37 1.U9 1.60 2.01 2.37 2.58 2.58 3.00^ 3.17 3.26 3.3^ 3.50 3.69 3.98 4.12 1^.17 k,i6 k.22 k.ie k.2n h.22 U.15 4.17 4.19 4.22 h.2h 1.09 1.15 1.46 1.89 2.07 2.23 2.26 2.60 3.19 3.33 3.17 m 3.89 3.87 3.95 4.03 4.14 4.30 4.41 4.36 4.42 4.36 4.31 4.38 4.44 4.46 Inventories Retail food store, all sizes Maniafacturer food and beverage monthly average in biUion dollars^/ .66 .69 .96 1.12 1.08 .97 1.03 1.60 1.71 1.81 2.21^/ 2.30 2.30 2.28 2.44 2.45 2.72 2.79 1.48 1.54 2.02 2.15 2.33 2.31 2.34 3.22 3.70 3.85 3.65 4.140 4.92 4.80 4!49 4.80 4.79 4.63 4.66 4.69 4.77 4.7b 4.76 i:a 4.60 4.69 4.68 4.66 Food price indexes Retail Wholesale t processed 1947-1949 = 100 47.1 47.8 52.2 61.3 68.3 67.4 68.9 79.0 95.9 104.1 100.0 101.2 112.6 114.6 112.8 112.6 110.9 111.7 115.4 118.2 118.7 120.8 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.7 120.7 120.3 119.7 119.4 118.7 43.3 43.6 50.5 59.1 61.6 60.4 60.8 77.6 98.2 106.1 95.7 99.8 111.4 108.8 104.6 105.3 101.7 101.7 105.6 109.5 109.9 110.7 111.5 112.9 113.5 112.7 111.5 lU.l 110.0 109.5 108.8 Food and kindred products- - employment and wages Manufacturer monthly average earployment thousands 855 864 957 1,089 1,168 1,208 1,199 1,232 1,209 1,187 1,155 1,1(^5 1,146 1,157 1,156 1,102 1,097 1,105 1,069 969 9r 1^172 1,178 1,115 1,050 / 1,002-/ Average hourly gross earnings dollars .61 .62 .65 .72 .80 .85 .88 1.122/ 1.21 1.27 1.55 1.45 l'§2 1.61 1.67 1.83 1.93 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 1.99 2.00 2.04 / 2.062/ (Continued on next page.) I'd: ..•39 S'Oi "0, 91 AT •05 5- .-5 rrr*r rrs-A i ng'ts i rod* 5 J"•o^o' S'OT S*dT T'ST •SO •is ' 1 .... ... -. . gr.r7-si:.s V EC: ■ 1 Table 3 continued. a/ Book value, end of month. b/ Figures revised frcm this point to date. c/ Preliminary data show January, 1959, figure to he 9^*6,000 fop j&QSUfaotuxerB* monthly average employment and $2.08 for average hourly gross earnings. Sources: 1939-1956: U. S. Department of Conmerce, Office of Business Economics, Business Statistics, 1957 (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1957), 3khip. (Supplement to Survey of Current Business .) 1957* 1958, months: U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Econcmics, Survey of Current Business (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., monthly. For further explanation of revisions of data, see explanatory notes in source first cited. 8< •09 ^o.' or. r ^- i-co*- Cft>^; ..o TABLE k Harvested Acreage of Asparagus in the United States by Season and by State, I9U9-I958 State 19^9 j 1950 1951 1952 1 1953 i 1951* i 1955 1956 1957 I 1958 acres Early Spring 69,600 72,150 71,260 69,720 69,200 , 72,1*00 76,700 76,200 75,800 76,300 South Carolina 600 450 360 320 ft/ — — California 69,000 71,700 70,900 69,1*00 69,200 72,1*00 76,700 76,200 75,800 76,300 Mid- spring Group total 10,U00 10,700 11,000 10,800 11,290 11,1*80 11,870 12,870 11*, 1*60 16,1*00 Washington 10,000 10,300 10,600 10,1*00 10,900 11,100 11,500 12,500 ll*,000 15,800 Oregon 1*00 1*00 1*00 1*00 390 380 370 370 1*60 600 kl 2Q0 1*8 770 1*8 860 6*3 220 61* 200 61* 780 6s Pio 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 New Jersey 23,500 21*, 500 25,500 27,000 28,000 31,900 32,200 32,500 32,800 32,200 Pennsylvania 1,890 1,560 1,050 1,100 900 850 800 800 800 900 Ohio 1,070 1,070 1,110 1,050 1,050 1,01*0 1,01*0 1,090 1,030 1,100 xxxinois 8,1*00 8,1*00 7,900 8,100 8,300 8,1*00 9,500 9,200 8,600 8,700 Michigsui 5,900 6,500 6,800 7,700 8,100 8,700 9,800 10,300 10,600, 10,900 Iowa 800 800 870 730 650 700 700 680 Maryland 1,600 1,1*30 1,1*50 1,530 2,600 2,500 2,900 2,600 2,900 3,000 Delaware . 1,1*00 1,570 1,1*00 1,250 1,600 1,800 2,200 2,700 2,600 2,700 Other state s2/ 1,130 1,1*1*0 1,280 1,350 1,650 2,330 2,380 2,720 3,750 1*,010 Total, United States 127,290 131,620 131,120 131,830 13^,9^0 11*3,700 151,790 153,360 155,01*0 157,910^ a/ Dashes indicate no acreage reported. b/ Included in "other states"— mostly for processing. c/ Processing only. Includes New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Virginia, Arkansas, and Idaho, d/ Indicated United States acreage for 1959 is 159,7^0. This is an increase of nearly 2,000 acres over 1958. Sources: U. S. Agricultural Ifarketing Service, Crop Reporting Board, Vegetables for Fresh Market; Acreage, Production , and Value, 191*9-1955 (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1957)- (U. S. Department of Agriculture Stat. Bui. 212.) For years 1956-1958, annual issues; for 1959 see monthly issue, February 10, 1959. -J ■1 r>o.n" '. ... ■ ..... LOi-i. ,4 — • - i " * I eio ■■ ' •Mcc 0 ■0 TABIE 5 Asparagus — Prcaduction for Fresh Market, Total and "by States 19^*9-1958 1 QkQ 1 1QS2 1 1953 1 195^* 1 1955 1QS8 i.yjyj thousand hundredwe ight Early spring 763 61*3 Group total 5U 636 1*57 551* 605 1*85 U28 617 South Carolina 5 k h 1* — Calif onaia 509 632 1*53 550 605 1*85 1*28 617 763 61*3 Mid- spring lOl* Group total 11*6 100 98 118 110 127 lOl* 109 173 Washington Iho 96 92 111* 106 1^3 101 106 169 Oregon 6 k 6 1* 1, ** 1* 3 3 3 1* Late spring 1*66 1*99 Group totsuL 492 1*61 1*63 1*39 450 412 1*82 W* Massachusetts 32 32 32 30 31* 31* 31* 32 31* 36 Hev Jersey 291* 283 293 286 291 280 335 299 321 355 Illinois 1*0 1*0 32 27 19 19 28 36 33 33 Michigan 20 18 21* 22 27 12 21 21 21* 21 Iowa 3 1* k 2 2 2 2 1 Maryland 30 25 28 25 33 25 22 18 17 Dela^/are / Other states^ 10 7 7 5 8 5 6 3 2 63 52 1*3 1*2 36 35 31* 31* 35 1*0 Total, United States 1,152 1,197 1,018 1,111 1,165 1,021* l,Oll* 1,165 1,338 1,315 a/ Dashes indicate no ccmmercial acreage. b/ Included in "other states." c/ IncludeB Pennsylvania and Ohioj and Iowa after 1956. Source: U. S. Agricultiural Marketing Service, Crop Reporting Board, Vegetahles for Fresh Market; Acreage, Production, and Value. 191*9-1955 (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1957)- (U. S. Departanent of Agriculture Stat. Bui. 212.) For years 1956-1958, anniial issues. 3 1 TP ■y'd 5. Y - 1 ■* - • •,tP'- TABLE 6 Asparagus— Season's Average Price to Growers, Fresh Market 19^9-1958 State 19W 1^50 i 1551 : 1953 ! I95ii i I955 ! 1956 : 1957 1 i95y ! dollars per hundredweight Earlv serins South Carolina 1 12.15 11.00 1 1 : 11.15 i 15.00 a/ 1 — i tmmm I j r i i fiflUfomia 12.50 12.65 ; U.35 13.15 12.65 13.65 16.65 ili.70 13.60 lii.30 ! Mi d-»sT)r intr ! 1 Iflashinfrton 9.00 10.50 10.85 10.15 10.35 9.00 10.85 . 11.00 i 9.50 i 9.60 ! ' i 10.50 16,00 16.15 II4.OO 12.85 13.00 li4.65 ; 15.50 11^.60 13.50 ! i Late spring t Massachusetts 17.35 17.35 19.35 19.35 . 18.35 18.35 17.00 i 17.20 15.90 lU.lO j New Jersey n.65 12.65 13.50 13.50 12.50 13.65 13.65 ' 13.70 11.10 11.20 ' i Illinois 12.85 15.15 16.50 17.50 18.65 15.15 16.00 13.60 15.1^0 12.20 i Michigan 15.65 12.85 16.65 16.65 16.35 15.35 15.85 13.70 15.50 m.2o ' Iowa 10.00 12.00 12.85 12.65 13.00 li;.50 13.35 15.00 y Maryland 11.50 12.85 13.50 ilt.i5 12.35 i lli.OO 12.35 15.60 13.80 12.80 ; Delaware Other states^/ Total, United States 11.15 lit. 00 13.65 Iit.l5 12.65 j lli.15 12.50 15.60 13.80 15.11 12.15 17.13 12.90 I6.i4i :Ut.l3 17.U5 13.1^7 17.28 12.89 ■ I8.11i 13. U6 18.65 15.00 19.29 IU.29 19.91 12.98 16.28 12. 8U h/ Included in "other states." c/ Includes Pennsylvania and Ohio. i-'or years 1956-19TH7 annual issues. ' ^- department of Agriculture Acreage, Produ ction , Stat. Bui. 212.7^ .3i 7<' TABLE 7 Asparagus — Production for Processing, Total and by States 19^9-1958 State 19U9 1950 1951 1952 1953 195^* 1955 1956 1957 1958 tons Early spring Group total South Carolina California 57,1*50 90 57,360 58,060 60 58,000 55,370 1*0 55,330 l»8,81i0 —a/ 1*8, 8lK) 45,870 1*5,870 51,760 51,760 500 714,500 60,600 60,600 56,600 56,600 59, too 59,1*00 Mid-spring Group total Washington Oregon 10,700 10,500 200 10,8140 10,660 180 10,520 10,290 270 11,820 11,1460 360 12,010 11,620 390 11,980 11,620 360 13,150 12,7to I4IO 15,380 1^^,950 I430 15,1*20 15,000 420 11,750 11,300 1450 Late spring Group total New Jersey Illinois Michigan Iowa Maryland Delaware Other state 8£/ 38,110 8,500 6,120 900 620 1,070 1,520 37,290 7,2l»o 6,270 660 690 1,190 1,080 39,520 Op 6,700 6,600 7l«0 510 1,020 1,590 36,370 5,950 7,000 510 790 91*0 1,710 35,7to 6,1480 i+,750 5I4O 9I4O 910 1,660 38,1400 91 OQO 6,200 5,920 1450 1,M40 1,200 2,100 in, 750 21,900 6,720 6,600 600 1,650 2,000 2,580 141,1+90 20.790 6,950 6,650 530 i,5to 2,oto 2,990 l42,l+to 20,070 6,500 7,300 2,180 2,500 3,890 to, 070 19.300 6,200 6,600 2,280 2, 550 3,ito Total, United States 106,260 106,190 105, ino 97,030 93,620 102,ll40 129, too 117,1*70 1114,1460 1U,220 aj Dashes indicate no comciercial acreage. b/ Included in "other states," c/ Includes New York, Pennsylvania, Olio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Virginia, Arkansas, and Idaho; Iowa after I956. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Crop Reporting Board, Vegetables for Fresh Market; Acreage, Production , and Value, 19I49-1955 (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1957). (U. S. Department of Agriculture Stat. Bui. 212.) For years I956-1958, annual issues. TABLE 8 Asparagus — Season's Average Price to Growers, Processed, 19li9-19?8 State 19U9 1^50 1951 1^52 1955 195ii t 1955 1 1956 195? 1^58 1 dollars per ton Early spring South Carolina 135.00 liiO.OO 165-00 -a/ — — — — — — California 179.00 205.00 2li2.00 192.00 177.00 217.00 2kh.00 209.00 168.00 190.00 Mid-tpring Washington I6ii.00 203.00 210.00 195-00 199-00 203.00 223.00 211.00 170.00 190.00 Oregon 165.00 180.00 190.00 189.00 205.00 191.00 213.00 206.00 157.00 180.00 Late spring New Jersey 201.00 238.00 267.00 2U2.00 239.00 239.00 258.00 256.00 199.00 199.00 Illinois 177.00 187.00 217.00 21U.00 198.00 206.00 221.00 217.00 208,00 193.00 M"i f*]Ti cfln l6h 00 213.00 2I18.OO 238.00 278.00 310.00 292.00 288.00 259.00 198.00 Iowa 139.00 138.00 162.00 180.00 172.00 182.00 186.00 200.00 Maryland 205.00 2ii0.00 277.00 2ii0.00 232.00 235.00 252.00 25U.00 228.00 218.00 Delaware 216.00 2U5.00 271.00 255.00 2ii2.00 22i6.0O ' 262.00 257.00 22lj.OO 205.00 c/ Otner states- m8.oo 2it2 .00 270.00 277-00 277.00 275.00 28U.OO 277.00 2U2.7O 20ii.50 Total, United States 180.00 211.00 2li3.00 209.00 203.00 1 , i 226.00 1 2U6.00 i 225.60 186.60 193.50 a/ Dashes indicate no commercial acreage. b/ Included in "other states." c/ Includes New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Idaho; end lova after 1956. Soxirce: U. S. Agricultxiral MarkBting Service, Crcqp Reporting Boaxd, VeggtaJiLgs for Fresh Market; Acreage , Production, and Value, 19^9-1953. (^-lasMngton: Govt. Print. Off., 1957). U. S. Department of Agriculture tftat. mi. ai^.) i;'or years iy>e>-l958, annual lesues. • 1 5S j iii '0'. iO i SC ! i ic>k:, ) ■*• .■0 T i'jO 'Hi ■ 5Jf*C( jgo-00 I. iBfroc* j TQP'OO so"?*oo 5J0-C0 1 J'i-r, *:. 1 1^9 'CO. ' TABIE 9 Harvested Acreage of Asparagus In California by Counties, 1949-19^8 County 19^^9 1950 1 1951 1952 1 1953 1 195^* 1 1955 I 1956 L 1957 1 195a acres Santa Clara —a/ 30 130 200 200 Stanislaus mm mm Fresno and ^Jerced 860 U60 310 80 50 50 50 50 50 50 Tulare 880 870 830 850 890 1,010 980 1,090 980 1,130 Madera 380 70 60 mm Kern 300 1*40 kho 480 370 200 210 100 100 240 Kings mm mm 70 70 70 70 70 Monterey M mm — — 260 San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara 50 50 10 WW Santa Cruz 60 50 Los Angeles 900 710 570 450 600 400 380 250 370 360 Orange 300 300 300 300 320 380 450 500 680 900 Riverside 30 20 20 20 50 50 60 90 250 340 San Diego 20 20 20 50 50 80 180 220 380 380 Imperial 70 80 180 180 250 250 240 320 420 570 Delta district 63,360 68,680 68,160 66,960 66,490 69,710 73,880 73,510 72,440 71,950 Total, California 69,150 71,700 70,900 69,400 69,200 72,400 76,700 76,200 75,800 76,300 a/ Dashes indicate no acreage reported. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, and California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market Nevs, cooperating. Marketing California Asparagus (Stockton: annual reports 1949 to date). " f' . • • ■ * 1 * ■ ' . ' ' .r- 1 j etnif s 1 ( i J 13. TABLE 10 Asparagus Plantings and Acreage Detail in California, 19^6-1909^ Tear Plowed out Planted To cut Intentions to plant Term Open acres 19U6 5,9U6 , i 7,716 6l,5U3 9,869 26,079 35,U6U 19ii7 5,953 12,211 61,299 12,830 2U,236 37,063 19U8 7,685 6,530 62,921 7,567 23,63U 39,287 19U9 U,U02 2,756 67,773 ii,2li2 2U,391 ii3,382 1950 3,63U 3,865 70,518 1*,922 26,791 U3,727 1951 5.185 8,375 69,798 12,120 26,925 12,873 1952 9,260 9,90U 68,370 8,157 26,63U Ul,736 1953 6,593 8,288 67,896 8,675 26,726 111, 170 195U U,198 U,03ii 71,236 5,879 27,197 UU,039 1955 2,73l4 5,536 75,390 2,731 27,786 U7,60U 1956 8,703 6,917 76,957 1,6U0 26,732 50,225 1957 6,115 7,306 73,67U 2,92U 23,U58 50,216 1958 9,123 2,963 73,728 3,95U 23,117 50,611 1959 7U,369 3,270 18,173 56,196 a/ North of Bakersfield, b/ Dashes indicate no data available. Source: Canners League of California, Special Asparagus Bulletin (San Francisco: February 20, 1959). Based in 1950-59 on report made by the California Processing Asparagus Advisory Board. J ■. 0%: ) .(r ni-- TABLE 11 Asparagus — California Production, Total, Fresh, and Processingf/ 191^9-1958 Total production Fresh market , Processing tons£/ 19^9 82,800 25,^50 57,360 1950 89,600 31,600 58,000 1951 78,000 22,650 55,330 1952 76,350 27,500 kB,8kO 1953 76,100 30,250 195^ 76,000 2U,250 51,760 1955 95,900 21,if00 71^,500 1956 91,1^50 30,850 60,600 1957 9*^,750 38,150 56,600 1958 91,550 32,150 59,^0 a/ In earlier years summation of fresh and processing does not equal total production because of rounding. All figures are rough approximations. b/ Converted to tons from figures published in thousand hundred- weight. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Crop Reporting Board, Vegetables for Fresh Market; Acreage, Production, and Value , 1949-1955 (Washington; Govt. Print. Off., 1957}. (U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture Stat. Bui. 212.) For years 1956-I958, annual issues. ! , - ■ ' <, ' ■ CO. 0[' TABLE 12 California Ceuined Asparagus Packs, 1952-1958 Wh Lte Green Year Spears, including salad points Cut, including soup cuts Cut, tips removed Total Spears, including salad points Cut, including soup cuts Cut, tips removed Total Total white and green cases, 24 No. 2 tasls 1952 1,315,581 1,015,198 2,330,779 1953 884,623 70,607 294,464 1,249,694 588,385 139,343 I4l,7l6 869,444 2,119,138 907,218 104,154 237,679 1,249,051 969,544 273,455 220,711 1,463,710 2,712,761 1955 1,425,311 152,304 425,583 2,003,198 1,203,474 274,351 227,963 1,705,788 3,708,986 1956 1,225,407 125,767 445,940 1,797,114 784,714 174,261 129, 5*^ 1,088,521 2,885,635 1957 1,093,011 129,603 583,892 1,806,506 931,896 227,003 199,846 1,358,745 3,165,251 1958 1,202,282 598,879 663,568 2,464,729 798,864 231,200 164,721 1,194,785 3,659,514 a/ Dashes indicate no data available. Sources : 1952: U. S. Agricultural Marketing service. Fruit and Vegetable Division, and California Department of Agri- culture, Bureau of Market News, cooperating, Iferketing California Asparagus, 1957 Season (Stockton: Janviary, 1958), Table 33, p. 38. 1953-1958: Canners League of California, summary of California Pack Statistics (San Francisco: released ap- proximately the end of each calendar yeax) . ~ T*0c)5*0TT j TSa*^ 1 5SA*003 ! j J *OXc Job' j J__: TAELE 13 California Canned Asparagus — Total Pack, Supply, Canners' Stocks, Shipments, and Exports, 19ii6-li7 to 1959-60 Period I Canners ' | stocks, 1 Total March 1 j pack Total supply- available Total shipments, March to March Exported/ Domestic shipments , March to March thousands of actual cases 19lt6-U7 r 126 2,783 2,909 2,720 231 1 2,U89 19it7-li8 189 2,259 2,m 2,27it 282 1,992 19148 -ii9 171; 1,983 2,157 2,027 I3I1 1,893 19li9-^ 130 2,625 2,755 2,U98 173 2,325 1950-51 257 2,566 2,823 2,li2li 225 2,199 1951-52 399 2,528 2,927 2,35t) 266 2,08U 1952-53 577 2,275 2,852 2,33ii 260 2,07U 1953-5ii 518 2,280 2,798 2,620 393 2,227 19'^U-55 178 2,977 3,155 2,816 li05 2,itll 1955-56 339 U,lli5 3,233 687 2,5U6 1956-57 1,251 3,276 U,527 3,U36 776 2,660 1957-58 1,091 3,587 U,678 3,797 96I4 2,633 1958-59 l^^^-6o Till .<\\.\, 881 , S^2^ ii,2l5 5,096 l^,15^^ — ^ a/ SitLps&nts fron ^perfcs of San Fitmci;sco and Los Miples only, lb/ Dashes indic&te no dat& availat-Le. c/ Prelii-iiiiary, Source: Conners Leacue of California, Special /sparc.gis Bulletin (?an Francisco: February 20, 1959)- Based in l^b-59 on reports made by the California Processlnc Asparagus /dvisory Board. 'T J? ■ -m - lik ' , IP ■ 'eso -I *- i C 7 TABIE Ik California Asparagus— Canners * Stock, Pack, Supply, and Shipments by Types, 1952-1959* iear White Canners"^ stocks on hand March 1 I^k Total supply available Shipments, March to March Green Canners* stocks on hand March 1 actual cases (figures in parentheses on 24 No. 2 basis} Pack Total supply available Shipments, March to March 1952 1953 195'* 1955 1956 1957 1958 577,^7 a/ 281,55^ 117,773 (103,255) 79,367 (97,376) 566,528 (511^,872) 551,280 (502,36I^) 377,173 (31*4,080) 1,277, 9«»3 ^/ (1,315,581)^ 1,345,1*66 (1,249,694) 1,355,720 (1,249,051) 2,167,504 (2,003,198) 1,992,700 (1,797,114) 1,983,109 (1,806,506) 2,827,322 (2,464,729) 1,855,360 1,627,020 1,473,493 (1,352,306) 2,246,871 (2,100,574) 2,559,228 (2,311,986) 2,534,389 (2,308,870) 3,204,495 (2,808,809) 1,573,806 1,509,247 1,394,126 (1,254,930) 1,680,343 (1,585,702) 2,007,948 (1,809,622) 2,157,216 (1,964,790) 2,571,491^ (2,274,460) 292,602 236,594 59,854 (55,715) 185,681 (220,175) 684,215 (609,503) 539,874 (465,508) 503,850 (423,032) 996,672 (1,015,198) 934,864 (869,444) 1,621,828 (1,463,710) 1,977,131 (1,705,788) 1,283,869 (1,088,521) 1,603,769 (1,358,745) 1,387,928 (1,194,785) 1,289,274 1,171,458 1,681,682 (1,519,425) 2,162,812 (1,925,963) 1,968,084 (1,698,024) 2,143,643 (1,824,253) 1,891,778 (1,617,817) 1,052,680 1,111,604 1,496,001 (1,299,250) 1,478,597 (1,316,460) 1,428,210 (1,232,516) 1,639,793 (1,401,221) 1,582,492^ (1,329,328) a/ Blanks indicate no data available. b/ Fijures in ptrentheses are on a 24 No. 2 basis. . , , ^, x ^ Z/ Canners' stoclis on hand Itorch 1, 1^5?, for vhLte are 633,044 ( 534,349) cases and for green are 309,286 (c8b,4u9) ceses. Sources: Canners League of California (San Francisco: data as reported in various published releases of their ovn); U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, and California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market Nevs, Iferketing California Asparagus (Stockton: February, 1959); and National Canners Association, ixxformation releases on asparagus (Washington, D. C: various dates dviring each yeaij. 7^ 7:\ 3cn; ) CSTBGS BDq 1,0s. eX£«;-' "5X6 I V i ■ '■ t - ' (J.- ..... ^ TV i) i T ■ ■ ' i V^-* i * * t 1 1 . f 1 1 - TJi\ j "r ■ 1 i ■J' - . ;: - y-^ ■; 1 ■ SfA- i i . . •XVBIE Tr^ TABIE 15 California Canned Asparagus— Canners ' Stocks by Types, Beginning of Season, 1954-1959 White Green Total white and green Beginning of season, March including ealad points Cut, including soup cuts Cut, tips removed Total Spears, including salad points Cut, including soup cuts Cut, tips removed Total cases. 24 No. 2 "basis 195^ 9't,026 4,l45 5,084 103,255 25,847 22,013 7,855 55,715 158,970 1955 63,680 30,790 2,906 97,376 96,576 93,319 30,280 220,175 317,551 1956 -a/ 514,872 mm mm 609,503 1,124,375 1957 474,171 26,4o4 1,789 502,364 376,973 64,541 23,991* 465,508 967,872 1958 337,771 1,462 4,847 344,080 324,657 70,477 27,898 423,032 767,112 1959 448,309 39,297 46,743 534,349 150,398 90,434 ^7,657 288,489 822,838 a/ Dashes indicate no data available. Sources: Canners League of CsLLifomia (San Francisco: releases covering March stocks of asparagus annually) . 1 7?S^> '^j- >^'-,-^ — - ■ ! , . . . . . r.- ■■:rr - * I'' OPT ' TABLE 16 California Asparagus— Amount Sold for Canning and Freezing, 1950-1958 Year Canning Freezing Total for all i processing—' White 1 Green I Total thousand pounds 1950 63,057 1*3,1*35 106,492 2,033 108,525 1*8,209 53,162 101,371 9,359 110,729 1952 52,51^^ 34,816 87,330 10,314 97,644 1953 hoMl 34,581* 75,041 16,581 91,622 1951* 41,666 49,953 91,619 11,719 103,337 1955 68,508 64,156 132,666 16,130 148,796 1956 52,837 39,018 91,855 28,712 120,567 1957 1*5,026 47,220 92,247 19,725 111,972 1958 6l*,079 40,766 104,845 14,033 118,867 a/ Includes small amount for dehydration; not knovn in detail. Total may not equal sum of parts hecause of rounding. Sources: Canners League of California, Special Asparagus Bulletin (San Francisco: annual issues). Based on figures gathered "by the California Crop and Livestock Reporting Service and Asparagus Advisory Board. For information for canning asparagus for prior years, see Hoos, Sidney, and Beatrice Bain, California Asparagus, Economic Statistics for the 1958 Canning Season (Berkeley; University of Call- fomia. Division of Agricultural Sciences, Agricult\iral Experiment Station, April, 1958), Table 7, p. l4. (Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report No. 204.) Processed. ..iixe»ox rno r ,08 " x-xczl ■ Liyaaetin .4il .q tT sXrfJiT t(6^!OX ^XMqA , TABIE 17 California Asparagus — Prices Paid to Grovers for Asparagus Purchased for Canning and Freezing, 1950-1956 Year Price for Canning Price for freezing Weighted average price for all processing White Green Weighted average price cents per pound 9.55 10.60 9.98 I6.1f5 10.01 1951 11.60 12.71 12.18 11.20 12.09 1952 9.UU 9.90 9.62 9.20 9.58 1953 8.39 9.36 8.8U 9.01 8.87 1951* 10.70 11.36 11.06 9.13 10. 81* 1955 12.11 12.82 12 .^5 10.03 12.19 1956 10.63 10. 9*^ 10.76 9.60 10.48 1957 8.13 8.97 8.56 7.86 8.1*4 1958 9.60 9.77 9.66 8.45 9.51 Sources: Canners League of California, Special Aspara^s Bulletin (San Francisco: annual issues} . Based on figures gathered ty the California Crop and Livestock Reporting Service and Asparagus Advisory Board. For price to growers for canning asparagus for prior years, see Eoos, Sidney, and Beatrice Bain, California Asparagus, Econcmic Statistics for the 1958 Canning^eason (Berkeley: University of Cali- fornia. Division of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Experiment Station, April, 1958), Table 8, p. 15 . (Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report Ko. 204.) Processed. 1. "-''■1 '■■ 1 ' 56. '■ 1 ' ' ■ 1 : . ^ • •> -.'t!,ror* Xi-.: ...U' .'Liy TABIE 18 F.O.B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1957-1959 (Published Quotations) O.T. and H. All green Period No. 300 fancy spears, large Picnic mammoth large No. 300 fancy spears, mammoth large Picnic mammotl large 1 dollars per dozen April 27, 1957 2.75 2.35 3.30 2.75 May k, 1957- November l6, 1957 2.75 2.35 3.20-3.30 2.75 Novemter 23, 1957- April 26, 1958 2.75 2.35 3.18-3.25 2.75 May 3, 1958 2.90-3.00 2.l^5-2.55 3.30-3.^*0 2.90 May 10, 1958- February 28, 1959 3.00-3.10 2.55-2.65 3.U0-3.50 2.95-3.05 Source: Sxmsweet Growers, Inc., California Fruit Nevs (San Jose: veekly issues). 81 ST .."■cap fisirfcildi/iV^ i eri' ?7.2 22. TABLE 19 Summary of Recent Ifiiited States and California Canned Asparagus ^-acks on 2U No. 2 Basis, 19U7-1958 Xear United States California thousand cases. 2ii No« 2 basis 19U7 3,833 19U8 3,620 191*9 ii,lil8 1950 li,533 1951 kyl9S 1952 1*,35U 2,331 1953 U,018 2,119 195U U,978 2,713 1955 6,2li8 3,709 1956 5,U22 2,886 1957 5,887 3,165 1958 6,181^ 3,659 aj Dashes indicate no data available, b/ Preliminary estimate. Sources: National Canners Association, Division of Statistics, Canned Food Pack Statistics, 19^ 7 (Washington, D, C.: June, 1958) j and Canners League of California, Canned Asparagus Pack Summary (San Francisco: annual issues) • .1 j I TABLE 20 Canned Asparagus Pack in the United States by States and by Types of Asparagus, I952-I958 State 1952 1953 195^ 1955 1956 1957 1958 actueil casesay California: White Green Total 1,277,943 996,672 2,274,615 1,345,466 934,864 2,280,330 1,355,720 1,621,828 2,977,548 2,io7,;?o'i- 1,977,131 4,144,635 1,99^, 1,283,869 3,276,569 1,603,769 3,586,878 '-f'^'-i t 1,387,928 4,215,250 Green only: Maryland and Delaware Hew Jersey Illinois Michigan Washington and Oregon Other states Totalc' y 666,961 429,610 559,615 388,464 276,925 2,321,575 443,992 563,993 504,909 396,077 299,966 2,208,937 650,744 518,579 530,675 513,416 420,908 2,634,322 227, 526 730,422 529,059 685,709 524,876 227,091 2,924,683 259,970 641,023 603,816 719,522 510,937 233,235 2,968,503 304,052 725,^13 606,245 797,638 509,507 239,475 3,182,330 341,010 705,611 589,692 748,098 638,215 248,483 3,271,109 United States: White Green Total 1,277,943 3,318,247 4,596,190 1,345,466 3,143,801 4,489,267 1,355,720 4,256,150 5,611,870 2,167,504 4,901,814 7,069,318 1,992,700 4,252,372 6,245,072 1,983,109 4,786,099 6,769,208 2,827,322 4,659,037 7,»*86,359 a/ Repoarted on basis of 303 'a, 300 's, and l-'Palls as 24 to tfee case and 8*Z as 48 to the case, b/ Blanlis indicate that Maryland and Dela-tm^e di^ not pacK until 1955. 0/ All states excludlnc California. Sou3rae: Gatmers I^sue of California, Special Asparagus Bulletin (San Francisco: February L-O, 1959). All figarcs, otli^r tl^kox. Cv liiOiTaiw, breed on ircpca*;^ oa.' ilationffiiL' G-aa;icrG /■ssociation . -\ 1 \ 2k. TABIE 21 Canned Asparagus— United States Canners' Stocks, Pack, and Shipments, l^^AQ to 1959-60 Year Canners ' stocks, ■ March 1 Total jpack_ Total supply- Shipments 19^7-'*8 191^8-1*9 19^*9-50 1950- 51 1951- 52 1952- 53 1953- 5^ 195'*-55 1955- 56 1956- 57 1957- 58 1958- 59 1959- 60 22^,775 308,109 157,^03 308,850 505,879 865,898 938,297 388,587 669,^14 1,802,702 1,843,950 1,698,202 1,623,067^ actual cases 3,916,356 3,698,035 4,489,890 4,650,692 4,969,054 4,596,190 4,489,267 5,611,870 7,069,318 6,245,072 6,769,208 7,486,359 4,i4i,i3l 4,oo6,l44 4,647,293 4,959,542 5,474,933 5,462,088 5,427,564 6,000,457 7,738,732 8,047,774 8,613,158 9,184,561 3,833,022 3,848,741 4,338,443 4,453,663 4,609,035 4,523,791 5,038,977 5,331,043 5,936,030 6,203,824 6,914,956 7,561,494 a/ Preliminary. Source: National Canners Association, information releases on asparagus (Washington, D. C: various dates during each year). t 4- I ' ■■. : .. - ■ J; I ■ TABLE 22 Canned Asparagus— Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes, National Average Reported by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 195d-195Q-' Prices Month 15^ Wholesale price Price index Wholesale price Price index Wholesale price dollars Price index Annual average January February March April May June July August September October November December dollars per dozen 19U7-19U9 = 100 dollars per dozen 19U7-19U9 = 100 per dozen 19U7-19ii9 = 100 2.382H' 2.377 2.377 2.393 2.377 2.377 2.377 2,377 2.377 2.U10 113.7 110.7 110.7 110.7 llU.7 llii.7 115. U lli4.6 llU.6 lll;.6 llU.6 llU.6 nil. 6 2.3U7 2.U10 2.U10 2.U10 2.U10 2.29U 2.32U 2.32U 2.32U 2.32U 2.32U 2.32U 2.287 111.7 llli.6 llli.6 nil. 6 llU.6 109.1 110.6 110.6 110.6 110.6 110.6 110,6 108.8 2.306 2.306 2.257 2.257 2. 210; 2.257 2.257 2.257 2.257 2.257 2.257 2.257 107.7- 109.7 109.7 107.3 107.3 106.7 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107,3 107,3 2/ a/ The specification of the commodity Specif icaticn No. 02-U3-O1.02) is "asparagus, cut spears, mixed sizes. Fancy, No, 300 can, canner to wholesaler or chain store, f .o.b. cannery." b/ Nine-month average, c/ Preliminaj:y estimates. Sources: 1956: 1957: 1958: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes, 195U-56 (Washington: Govt, Print, Off,, September, 1957), U39p. (U. S, Department of Labor Bulletin No. 121ii,) U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes, 1957 (Washington: Govt, Print. Off,, July, 1958), 202p. (U. S. Department of Labor Bulletin No. 1235.) U. S, Bureau of Labor Statistics, i>Jholesale Prices and Price Indexes (VJashington: Govt, Print. Off., monthly issues). ro ! r f 26. TABIE 23 United States Canned Asparagus— Relative Numiber of Pounds Packed by Major Can Sizes, 1937-1957 Year No. 1, picnic No. 300 No. 1, square No. 2 No. 2^, square No. 10 other per cent 1937 • 1 t 2k, k 3.6 12.7 28.4 1.9 8.0 21.0 1938 25.6 4.2 12.5 27.8 1.8 7.3 20.8 1939 27.5 6.1 12.5 26.2 1.1 6.2 20.4 19^0 29,2 5.9 12.4 26.3 .9 7.3 18.0 1 oil n 19*n 21.9 10.7 6,9 35.3 .6 7.6 17.0 ^ nil 1^ 19'*2 5.8 4.7 51.4 .6 22.9 6.2 1943 1.2 2.7 2.5 57.9 2.1 31.3 2.3 1 /^K K 19*^ .6 a/ 1.3 63.9 3.3 29.5 1.4 ly'^? .1 61,4 5.3 32.9 .3 19**o .1 .3 82.2 1.3 10.3 5.8 n nil rr 27.3 16.3 45.8 6.5 4.1 19'»8 30.0 17.3 4o.i 6.8 5.8 19^^9 28.8 lU.l 42.0 6.3 8.8 1950 29.6 16.5 39.1 6.8 8.0 1951 27.8 17.8 39.2 6.4 8.8 1952 26.3 2U.5 31.2 5.8 12.2 1953 22.7 37.7 20.6 6.7 12.3 195I* 23.0 41.6 13.7 8.4 13.3 1955 22.9 42. 5 i4.o 7.7 12.9 1956 19.1* 46.3 13.6 6.0 l4.7 1957 15.3 44.4 15.1 7.4 17.8 a/ Blanks indicate little or none packed in given size. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, The Vegetable Situation i (Washington, D. C: October, 1958), p. 34. I r .. • - • ■ "i . I tX .oU i.OX •Ou Vvt - p!" 1 ■ ( i: !; O.XS i' 1 Tc ! r , s r o A o»cs ■ S. c . O' Ar - , >f or (Mi- r- f r * ■ o rQ 1 »> .7- t. - ■ K * • . J. r 4. £ ' » .CO ... . -;- . It) . ' S.S8 . £. 1.4 I . - 8.?.' x.or- e.vx o.oe . - , 8. 8*5. - Q.p o.QS 0?'. ' 6.6 8.T2 s.'it ■ -'^ c;.si T.T: v.ex C..2X -■ ~ ,( *t.QX 27. TABIE 2k Canned Asparagus —Exports from the United States to Specified Areas or Countries, 1955-1957 Year Beginning April 1 Countrjy 19^,5,, .„ 1956, . . 19.57 Total A955 , 1 1956 I 195' L- thousand cases per cent Europe Group total 716.3 791.6 1,033.9 75.14 75.99 82. 03 Belgium- Lvccenbourg 86.7 61.0 68.0 9.09 5.85 5. 39 Vie stem Germany 295.3 i*29.1 67^.6 30.97 41.18 53. 51 Netherlands 3k. 2 30,k 69.0 5.68 2.92 5. 1*7 S>7eden 98,1 67.6 81.8 10,29 6.49 6. ^9 Switzerland 156.0 136.8 105.4 16.36 13.13 8. 36 Other 26.0 66.7 35.1 2.73 6.40 2. 86 Latin American Republics 9'*.5 69.8 62.7 9.91 6.70 4. 97 Other covintries lk2,6 180.5 164.0 14.96 17.32 13. 01 Grand total 953.U 1,0^1.9 1,260.6 100.00 100.00 100. 00 Source: U. S. Foreign Agricultxiral Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Data Relating to Foreign Trade in Fresh and Processed Vegetables (Washington, D. C: February, 1959). ! ! ■ • • - ■ O.Xb • .!.. . 1 o. \ . yd ■■ 10 Op.OOx 4l.; TABLE 25 Asparagus— Frozen Pack, United States and by Region, 19^2-19582/ 28. Year 19l;2 19U3 19hh 19U5 19U6 19U7 19l;8 19U9 1950 1951 1952 1953 195U 1955 1956 1957 1958 Total East and South^ Region Midwes ¥est^/ California thousand pounds, frozen weight T Washington and Oregon -5 5,769 o2o 27 9,019 U, O20 161 12,339 5,059 2oo 28,316 7,7U8 U69 10,737 U,288 9,652 2l;3 18,321 281 I8,i|22 8,010 6U9 22,309 8,63ii 78U 23,562 10, 823 720 25,It60 11,28U 667 32,9U5 15,327 U78 25,780 11,986 lali 28,669 13,U92 12h 37,67U 12, 816 2,687 30,111 2^,097 10,578 1,210 9,928 92U U,91U U,829 6,192 12,U37 20,100 6,206 8,387 9,763 12,890 12,019 13,509 17,110 13,380 1U,U53 22,171 18,322 13,2iiU l,9ii5 2,776 5,615 5,028 6,0U6 8,987 6,U72 7,786 1U,397 -/ 10,023^ 6,s66 6,359 6,366 6,90U 6,923 7,U63 8,153 6,908 6,666 7,771./ 8,2 99^ 6,278^ a/ Coinniercial pack only. b/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Itessachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. c/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. d/ Includes California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. e/ Blanks indicate no data available before 19148. f/ Revised. ^ Prt-lliaut^i^f talbjjCtet.c. Sources: i Cols. 1-lit CqIr. 5 and S: National Association of Frozen Food Packers, Frozen Food Pack Statistics; Part 2~Vegetables (VJashington, D, C: annual issues). Preliminary data for 1958 in separate mimeographed release, National Association of Frozen Food Packers, "The 1958 Pack of Frozen Asparagus," NAFFP Industry Indic ator (Washington, D. C: July 31, 1958U U. Agricultural HcrlcctiiiL; Sci-Kicc, Fiqj'.lt cM V^^etcJbl^- Eivioioi., aud Oalifornia Dci;Qi'ti:iont of A jriculture , Eui'oau of I-IafLet IIoug, RQoperatiUo, I) . Processed. • i 1 ■•■•."'^ssW i .. 1 j ■ A ''A t ' ~ ■ ;■ r .a±Efiooa±I'' btt TABLE 26 Frozen Asparagus— End of Month Cold Storage Holdings, Total United States, I947-I958 Year January Febrtiary ! Iferch April 1 I'iay 1 Jvine 1 July August 1 September October 1 November December thousand pounds, frozen weight 19h7 17,59^ 15,911 1^^,598 13,333 12,894 21,292 18,624 17,903 16,972 1^,633 13,050 I9U8 11,530 9,24o 7,930 6,023 5,226 9,166 12,300 12,723 12,466 12,221 10,790 9,705 19^9 8,101 6,949 5,9^9 ^,297 4,534 8,982 11,339 11,200 10,757 10,263 8,692 7,649 1950 6,286 ^,995 3,388 3,007 6,845 12,858 12,355 12,326 12,599 11,377 10,6o4 9,530 1951 9,068 6,766 5,336 4,727 12,134 17,365 16,551 15,503 14,576 13,387 12,3-S6 11,150 1952 9,253 8,082 6,725 6,681 11,845 17,824 16,479 16,382 15,011 14,268 12,938 11,216 1953 Q fiQQ 7 6qi Of) n/^q Op noil pp 710 (J-o 0'\ oik if, xo , 540 1954 13,518 11,413 9,046 9,577 18,747 23,244 21,556 21,237 19,648 17,738 15,105 13,609 1955 11,581 9,875 7,743 7,293 15,711 21,967 22,381 20,676 18,357 15,942 14,479 1956 11,843 9,823 7,452 11,439 22,721 33,763 30,718 31,252 29,151 28,104 24,776 21,039 1957 18,641 l6,4o8 13,938 19,017 30,648 37, '^98 3^^,562 33,301 32,078 29,304 26,863 24,010 1958 20,062 16,838 14,295 14,166 25,873 30,437 i 30,827 30,279 28,592 25,033 22,350 20,325 Sources : 1947-1957: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Summary of Regional Cold Storage Holdings (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., annual issuas). 1958: U. S. /griculbural Marketing Service, Cold Storage Report (Washington; Govt. Print. Off-, monthly issues). TABLE 27 Frozen Asparagus— End of March Cold Storage Holdings by Region, 1950-1958 Tear New ^1 Englandn' Middle w Atlantio-' East North p / Central-/ West North , / Central-'' South / AtlantioS'^ East ; West j South South /' . #1 . / Central^/ ! CentraW \ MountainS^ ' Pacifioi' thousand pounds, frozen weight 1950 166 1,299 626 136 239 5U 133 123 612 1951 350 1,792 801 333 B5 87 1U6 96 1,211 j 1952 2,0U9 1,069 321 1*67 78 196 187 1,95U 1953 327 2,289 8U3 14.63 369 91 117 110 1,299 1951 U87 2,5lii 1,161 1,058 223 331 210 2,218 1955 339 2,5l40 9U7 601 1,209 178 33U 167 1,U28 1956 397 2,195 838 U03 l,23l4 239 IjOO 152 1,59U 1957 367 3,586 1,257 l,li03 2,051) 260 572 , 191 U,2U8 1958 262 3,1*91 1,060 1,071 2,083 108 Ulj2 — i 1*35 5,31^3 (Continued on next page.) TJ' Table 27 continued. a/ Includes Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. "b/ Includes New Tork, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. c/ Includes Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri. e/ Includes Maryland, Delavsre, West Virginia, Virginia, Noirth Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. f/ iicludes Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. £/ Includes Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. h/ Includes Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. i/ Includes Washington, Oregon, and California, Sources: 1950-57: U, S, Agricultural Marketing Service, Summaiy of Regional Cold Storage Holdings (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., annual issues). 1958: U. S, Agricultural Marketing Se3rvice, Cold Storage Report (Washington: Govt. Print. Off,, monthly issues). TABLE 28 Frozen Asparagus — Packer's Average Price Quotations, I956-I959 F.O.B. Packing Plant. Institutional package (UO ounces ) , spears. Retail package (10 otinces) , spears. mediimi or fancy A?:' medium AS' Montn Northwest 1 California East Northwest California East cents per pound dollars per dozen 3 •45-3.70 January 111 f\ lili r\ 1.1 iiii h1-44 b/ _ _ ^ / 3.45-3.70 Febru6U"y 11 It It II March tt ft II II AprXJL my 3-pO-3.» ko-ki 3.35-3.^5 June •V ~4- •V/ II It Julv It 11 It It It II August II II II It n II September n 11 II II N II October It II II It It It November II It If II II December II It tt H It II 1957 oauuary II II tt II n II February M It It 11 It It March II It It tt II M April n II It It It II May June 3^.5-35.0 II 31^-36 It 36 3^-36 2.77 1^2.90 3»00 2.80-2.90 July 3^.5 II 32-36 2.95-3.00 n II August ft II II II It September II It It 3.50-3.70 2.9O-3.IW 2.90-3.^ October II 11 36 It It II November 11 It It II 2.90-3.10 It December __ II II II n II It (Continued on next page.) OP ere * ■ II u (1 i t i I »• i: tl 5'. A -v 5*?0 • it • i . I ; .. : . 1 : i f " i I • .. , ~ ) 1 ■ _ : j I 'I Tabic 28 ccDtlcued. Institutioneil package {hO ounces), spears, medlim or fancy A^^ Korthvest California cents per povmd East Retail package (10 ounces), spears, mediiom A^' Northwest California ) East 195§ January February March April May June July August September October November December 1959 January February dollars per dozen H II 29.5 36,0-38.5 36.0-38.5 36 2.95-3.20 II 36 2.85-2.95 II 2.85-2.95 2.95 3.20 3.00 3.20 2.75-2.90 II 2.85 IT mm 2.85 2.95 3.10 II n 3.00 II 3.00 II 3.00 a/ Size not always specified from June, 1956, through April, 1957. b/ Dashes indicate no information available. Source: Quick Frozen Foods (New York: E. W. Williams Publications, Inc., monthly). 1 \ — I 1 it 1 I' i i J'SC »' i • ; ! 1 ! ? i i i i 1 ! 1 1 - — "7"^ 1 i " .,1 . ' j i ■ ■ . -A li ■ — -\ rr r- i~ — ■ ■ — — — - — v- - — — — ^ , . -■K.r.-fT- ■ TABLE 29 Asparagus — Civilian Per-Capita Consumption of Commercial Production, Fresh and Processed, United States, 1937-1957 Year Fresh CannedV Frozenfy pounds 1937 1.2 .70 .06 1938 1.1 .61 .11 1939 1.3 .77 .06 191^3 1.5 .82 .10 1941 1.5 .82 .11 19^2 1.3 .92 .08 19^3 1.2 .83 .12 194if 1.2 .85 .21 19U5 1.1 .48 .28 19^^ 1.1 1.31 .25 19'+7 1.1 .77 .23 19'J^ 0.9 .29 19U9 0.9 .86 .25 1950 0.9 .68 .25 1951 0.8 .9U .26 1952 0.8 .87 .30 1953 0.8 1.03 .32 195^ 0.7 .99 .33 1955 0.7 .88 .31 1956 0.8 1.00 .38 1957 ■ 0.8 1.02 .31 a/ Data for processed asparagus converted to fresh equivalent basis by standard U. S. Department of Agriculture conversion factors . Source: U. S. Agricultxural Marketing Service, The Vegetable Situation (Washington, D. C: October, 1958), p. 37. ! — ^0. dr. TABLE 30 Consumption of Pvirchased Asparagus by Households, Total United States and by Region, Fresh and Canned Type of data, household size group, and money income after income taxes for households of two or more persons United States total : Northeast North Central ' South West Asparagus purchased Fresh Canned Fresh Canned Fresh Canned ■ Fresh 1 Canned ' Fresh Canned Percentage of household s using All households 13.0 5.9 21.0 3.7 12.1 8.2 1.5 5.2 26.2 6.9 One-person households 10.9 3.8 lii.3 U.i 11.1 5.6 0.0 2.7 27.9 2.0 Households of two or more persons J. J • J. 7 19 1 Xc. .J. ft )i 1 A 1.0 COmU Under |2,000 3.9 2.3 11.0 0.8 3.8 0.3 1.6 23.3 U.7 Under 1,000 3.U 1.2 12.5 0.0 2.1 3.1 0.6 0.8 30.6 2.8 $ 1,000-1,999 1^.3 2.9 10.3 1.2 ii.7 5.0 0.0 2.2 21.1 5.3 2,000-2,999 3.000-3.999 l4,000-U,999 8.6 3.9 13.2 1.8 12.6 6.5 1.0 2.9 21.U 6.5 9.9 5.7 17.2 3.0 7.U 5.2 2.7 7.0 18.0 10.1 lU.O 6.6 19.6 3.0 10.6 11.0 1.6 5.9 29.6 5.0 5,000-5,999 IU.5 8.1 22.0 5.5 11.3 8.3 3.7 11. U 17.7 9.6 6,000-7,999 18.1 9.0 29.9 5.0 lli.3 11.5 1.2 9.8 26.3 10.2 8,000-9, 999 22.9 11.0 33.5 7.2 17.9 11.8 1.0 21.U ia.8 U.ii 10,000 and over 36.2 10.7 Ii2.7 7.3 33.9 9.1 10.5 31.6 U7.8 6.6 Not classified 16.U 5.1 2ii.9 3.5 12.7 8.2 2.5 2.7 27.1 7.3 Quantity per household (.po^ds) All households One -person households Households of two or more persons Under |2,000 Under 1,000 $ 1,000-1,999 2,000-2,999 3,000-3,999 U,000-U, 999 5,000-5,999 6,000-7,999 8,000-9,999 10,000 and over Not classified .25 .17 .26 .07 .10 .06 .16 .19 .26 .26 .32 .57 .93 .29 .06 .Oii .07 .03 .01 .Oli .Oli .06 .08 .09 .09 .10 .12 .06 .liO .28 M .19 .36 .11 .21 .35 .36 .35 .U8 l.lU l.oU M .oh .06 .03 .01 .00 .01 .02 .03 .03 .05 ,oU .05 .06 .03 .23 .17 .23 .09 .08 .09 .27 .12 .17 .21 .26 .33 .89 .21 .09 .ou .09 .05 .03 .06 .07 .05 .13 .09 .12 .10 .07 .11 .oU .00 .oU .01 .02 .00 .03 .07 .02 .09 .02 .03 .21 .08 .06 .02 .06 .02 .01 .02 .03 .07 .07 .10 .08 .23 .53 .oU .51 .37 .53 .39 .75 .27 .38 .32 .67 .38 .52 .77 1.29 .UO .10 .02 .11 .09 .03 .11 .oU .15 .06 .21 .15 .03 .09 .05 (Continued on next page.) • - •J Table P continued. ; Type of data, household size 1 group, and money income after United States total Northeast ! North Central ———————— South West 1 income taxes for households of two or more persons Asparagus purchased Fresh 1 Canned Fresh Canned 1 Fresh Canned Fresh Canned Fresh Canned Money value per household (dollars) All households nA • UO .02 no .U3 m .01 .U3 1 uiie— jjeroon nousei-oiQ nil m n), .02 \ .014 .02 nn .UX nA .uo .UX 1 1 .06 .02 .09 .01 ! .06 .03 .01 .02 .12 .OU .01 .01 .oU y 1 .01 .01 .01 .07 • • .03 .02 .06 .00 : .01 .01 .01 .11 .01 $ 1,000-1,999 .01 .01 .03 .01 .02 .00 .01 .06 .OU ; 2,000-2,999 .oU .01 .05 .06 .02 .01 .01 .07 .02 3,000-3,999 U, 000-14,999 .oU .02 .07 .01 i .03 .02 .02 .06 ,06 .06 .02 .08 .01 1 .01; .OU .13 .02 5,000-5,999 .06 .03 .08 .02 i .oU .02 .02 .05 .09 .07 6,000-7,999 .08 .03 .13 .02 ■ .07 .05 .01 .03 .12 .05 8,000-9,999 .12 .OU .21; .02 i .08 .oU .01 .09 .17 .01 10,000 and over .2ii .05 .21 .02 I .214 .02 .OU .25 .37 .03 Not classified .07 .02 .11 .01 i 1 .03 .01 .02 .10 .02 1 1 a/ Blanks indicate less than .005 dollars. Source; U. S. Department of Agriculture, Household Food Consumption Survey (Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1956). (Report Nos. 1-5.) Based on a spot survey made by the U. 5, Department of Agriculture for one week in April- June, 1955. For a complete description of the survey methods and terminology, see Report No. 1.