liliiliiil ^liiil^ iiil 'mm ■wmm- iiiii 'iliiiiili!^ iiijiilill! H tu lUUHUi }! ?}■ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ZJi\^ GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS T^ i\zy\s 3vrzi '•^ %: Jr^ ,ivaan mnm- ^y DNVSOV ,L^^---- 4^--^^'(r^ -^-'-^^^'-^-- /y ^^fc S^^-' H.%^ '>i;'^C>-'^ r.^i^y,.-, '-..... • e^/y . ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF THE VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COMPILED UNDER THE DIKECTION OF WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY FORD CHIEF, DIVISION OF MANUSCRIPTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 College library /' 5 U \ V5^ ILLUSTRATIONS Autograph letter signed, from Admiral Charles Wager to Col. Martin Bladen, 1737, Nov. 2 Frontispiece. Autograph postscript, June .S, 1740, of letter from Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon to Admiral Charles Wager, 1740, May 30 ..... 45 Plan for an attack on Manila, written by Admiral Charles Wager, Nov. 6, 1739 91 1060721 PREFATORY NOTE This list is based upon a collection of manuscripts which once belonged to George Chalmers, of England. The volumes were pur- chased b}^ Peter Force, and with his collection came into the possession of the Library of Congress in 1867. Known as the Vernon- Wager Papers, they comprise the correspondences of two men, Sir Charles Wager and Edward Vernon. The}' cover a very interesting period in the history of the English operations in the West Indies. The expe- dition against Cartagena and Cuba, a proposed expedition against Georgia and Florida, and the attempts to suppress pirac}^ on the Spanish main, constitute the naval features. The slave trade, the commercial operations of the South Sea Company, and much relating to Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Nova Scotia, are matters of civil con- cern. The light thrown upon the history of North America and upon British Colonial policj^ is important; as is also the development of naval regulation and policy when Great Britain was contesting with Spain the supremacy' in the West Indies. The list has been prepared by Mr. John C. Fitzpatrick, of the Division of Manuscripts. WORTHINGTON ChAUNCEY FoRD, Chiefs Division of Manuscripts Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress Washington^ June^ 190 Jf. LIST OF THE VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS [1664.] [Cromwell, Oliver.] Instructions to General [Robert] Ven- [Dec. 9?] ables upon the expedition to the West Indies in con- junction with [Vice] Admiral William Penn. Earl}^ copy. 5 pp. [1664.] G-reat Britain, Crown, Charles II, King. Grant to James, Mar. 1'2. Duke of York of land between Nova Scotia and New England. Copy made JuW 6, 1715. Attested Robert Sanderson. 3 pp. 1669. England, Crown, Charles II, King. Charter granted to the May 2. Hudson Bay Company. Contemporary copy. 36pp. 1670. Grreat Britain, Treaty with Spain concerning America. Copy of articles IV, VII, and XIV. Copy. 3 pp. 1st page in handwriting of Wager. 1686. Grreat Britain, Treatv with France regarding neutrality in Nov. 6-16. America. Abstract of 5th, 6th, 18th, and 19th articles. 1 p. 1701. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Aug. 11. Letter to the Nav}^ Board, ordering the " imprest" of £1,000 to Vice- Admiral John Benbow. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. 1706. Great Britain, Sandwich canal. Report upon the feasibility Sep. 28. and an estimate of the expense. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. 1706 7. George, Prince of Denmark, Lord High Admiral of Great Feb. 24. Britain. Letter to Navy Board directing warrant as above for Sir Wm. Whetstone as Admiral of the Blue. D. S. George. Contemporary copies. 1 p. 1706 7. George, [Prince of Denmark]. Orders to [Capt.] Charles Mar. 22. Wager [London] to complete complement of ships under his command and carry supernumeraries also to Jamaica to recruit squadron now there. D. S. 2 pp. Countersigned: " By Command of his Royal highness, J. Burchett." Endorsed by Wager: "Ord: Cap* Wager to bear supernumeraries ab" the ships of his squad" &c. Dated ye 22^* March, 1707. Rec'^: at London y'^ 24"' C. W." 8 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1707. G-eorge, [Prince of Denmark] Instructions to [Capt. Mar. 25. Charles Wager [London], on appointing- him com- mander in chief on the Jamaica Station. Protec- tion of trade; attacking Spaniards; impressing sea- man etc., etc. D. S. 15 pp. Countersigned: "By Comand of his Roy' highness, J. Burchett." [1707^] [Wager, Charles] Memorandum of ships to go the West Indies. Auto draft. 1 p. Endorsed by Wager: " Storer Ships to be sent abroad." 1709. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Feb. 18. Letter to the Navy Board, directing issuing of warrant for Sir Charles Wager's pay as Admiral of the Blue. 1711. Great Britain, Treasury. Memorandum of account paid to June 30. [ Edward] Earl of Orf ord and to Henry Preistman out of money from sale of old navy stores. " In the Trearship of Rob* Walpole, Esq""*"' 1721. Similar memorandum of account paid Josiah Bur- Dec. 7. chett. "In the Trearship of Lord Torrington." Ip. 1715 6. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Mar. 2. tions. Report to the King [George 1] on the New- foundland fisheries. Contemporary cop}', li pp. 171S. Gale, Wingate. [New] Providence. Letter [to the Lords Nov. -1. Commissioners of the Admiralty? London]. Re- ports condition of the ship and events of his stay at Providence with reasons therefor. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1720. Account of the " Delitias" expenses while lyiug at July 25. Providence from July 26, 1718, to July 25, 1720. A. D. S. 1 p. 1718. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Dec. 19. tions. Report to the King [George I] on condition etc. of the Newfoundland fisheries. Contemporary copy. 42 pp. 1718 9. Rogers, Woodes. New Providence. Letter to ? Mar. 3. Pro))abilit3^ of Spanish attacking the islands; de- fenses etc. ; copartners business. A. L. S. 3 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 9 1719. Grohier, James. Nassau. Account for subsisting Spanish May 8.- prisoners brought in by privateers. Names given. Aug. 8. A. D. S. Dec. 9. West Indies, Bahamas, Executive, Governor and Council. Certification of correctness of above ac- count. D. S. : Woodes Rogers. W. Fairfax, Wingate Gale, Nath! Taylor. 3 pp. 1719. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Jul}^ 1. Order to Captain [Edward] Vernon to proceed to Jamiaica and take command of all ships there; pro- tect the island; capture and punish pirates; convoy merchant vessels, etc. Extract of order. 5 pp. 1719. West Indies, Bahamas, New Providence. A State of the Aug. 20. settlement. Condition of inhabitants, fortifications, trade, etc. 1 pp. 1719. Gohier, James. New Providence. Letter to William Oct. 1.5. Chetwynd, Admiralty [Office, Whitehall.] Actions of Captain [Hildersley] of H. M. S. Flamhorougli\ trade and Copartner's buildings; island affairs. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1719. West Indies, Bahamas, Executive, Governor and Council. Dec. 9. See: Gohier, James. 1719, May 8-Aug. 8. 1719 20. West Indies, Bahamas, Copartners for settlement of [Lon- Feb. 3. don]. Memorial to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in answers to " several insin- uations" in extracts of certain letters; means used to settle the Islands; character of the inhabitants; importance of the place; trade arrangements; pro- tective measures; rents; judiciary system; customs duties, etc. A. L. S. of Samuel Buck in behalf "of the rest of the copartners." 6 pp. 1720. Grohier, James. Nassau. Letter to the Copartners for set- May 16. tling the Bahama Islands [London]. Demonstra- tion of Spanish against New Providence; Capt. Hildersley's, of H. M. S. Flamhcrough; actions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1720. Grohier, James. Nassau. Letter to William Chetw3'nd June 18. [London]. State of things at the islands; Governor Woodes Rogers actions, etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. 10 VERNON-WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 1720-8. Bahama Society. A brief state 'of the affairs of the. 2 pp. June. 1720. G-ale, Winuate. See: Gale, Wingate, 1718, Nov. 4. July 25. 1721. [Wager,? Sir Charles. London?] ''Observations on the Sept. 8. Board of Trade's Representation * * * relating to * * * Nova Scotia. A. D. 4 pp. 1721. Rogers, Woodes. Description of Bahama Islands. 3 pp. Nov. 21. Endorsed by Wager; '"'• by Capt. Woods Rogers, late Govern"", there." [1721 ?] Rogers, Woodes. The case of. History of the colony and [Nov. 27?] Rogers connection therewith and claiming reim- bursement. 11 pp. 1722. Candler, . Port Royal. Extract of letter [to Vice May 17. Adml, Sir Charles Wager?, London]. Hanged 40 pirates of the Spanish pirate Vengence; complaints of illicit trade with Bastimientos and South Sea certificates of security against the Spanish. 2 pp. 1722. [Midleton, Christopher.] Extract from the Journal of John June. Scroggs relative to Rowe's Welcome [Welcome Bay] and the North West Passage, with comments on same. 3 pp. 1723. [Vernon, Edward. Jamaica?] Orders to Capt. [Barrows ?] Apr. 13. Harris, Jamaica, to seize all Spanish vessels found preying upon English merchant trade. "The like [orders] to Capt. Scott of the Dragon, dated 24th of April, 1725." Contemporary copy? 1 p. 1723, G-reat Britain, Crown, George I, King. Order to the Com- Apr. 26. missioners of the Navy to pay Edward Vernon .£1,000 as reward for his services at Jamaica. Con- temporary copy? 1725. Metcalfe, William. Account of Santiago de Cuba. Bear- May 15. ings, etc., of harbor. A. D. S. 2 pp. 1725-32. Bahama Society. Accounts. 8 pp. June 1- May 2. VERNON- WAGEK MANUSCEIPTS 11 1726. G-reat Britain, Crowu, George I, King. Instructions for Mar. 28. Vice-Admiral Francis Hosier. Ordering him to Cartagena to intercept the Spanish treasure gal- leons, protect the South Sea Company's property, etc. Contemporar}^ copy. 15 pp. 1726^J. Great Britain. Secretar}^ of State for the Southern Prov- Mar. 28- inces. Abstract of instructions to Vice-Admirals Mar. 25. [Francis] Hosier and [Edward] Hopsonn. To Hosier: Mar. 28 — Blockade Spanish flota and gal- leons at Cartagena, or pursue and capture them at sea; protect the South Sea Company. Sep. 29 — Flota is of secondary consideration to the galleons; refit at Jamaica. Nov. 18 — Reinforcements sent him, orders him to Matanca. 1727. May 19— Flota has escaped, Gibraltar beseiged, may make prizes of any Spanish ship he meets. Juh" 18 — Repeats former orders about the galleons, he is to act on the offensive. Sep. 12— Necessity of stopping the gal- leons; King of Spain and Duke of Newcastle's letter of June 1. To Hopsonn: 1727. Nov. 16— To take command in West Indies if Hosier be dead. Nov. 18— Stop the galleons. 1727-8. Mar. 21— Peace soon; send home ships, ships at Jamaica under com- mand of [Capt. Edward] St. Loe. Mar. 25 — Pre- liminaries [of peace]; ship sent to Vera Cruz not to trade. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1726. Cailey, William. Abstract of his letters. Spanish ships Apr. 5 16- destined for and sailing to West Indies, their move- Nov. 8 19. ments, etc. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1726. Great Britain, Crown, George II, King. Instructions to Apr. 11. [Vice-Admiral] Sir Charles Wager for his guidance in command of the Baltic Squadron. D. S. : "George R." also: "G R." 17 pp. Seal attached. 1726. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Additional Apr. 11. Instructions to [Vice-Admiral] Sir Charles Wager for his guidance in command of the Baltic Squadron. D. S.: "George R." also "G. R." 2 pp. Seal attached. 1726. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Private and addi- Apr. 11. tional instructions to [Vice-Admiral] Sir Charles Wager for his guidance in command of the Baltic squadron. D. S.: "George R." also: "G. R." Seal attached. 12 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] May 10. Sir Charles Wager [Stockholm, Sweden]. The Kino- pleased with his management at the Danish Court: Pretender has left Rome. L. S.: "Towns- hend." 4 pp. Endorsed: "rec^: 11 June, 1726, OS. by the P. Mahon from Helingfors b}^ pap. under Mr. Poyntz's cover ans*^: 13 D"? viaD°*' 1726. Poyntz, Stephen. Stockholm. Letter [to Vice-Adml. Sir May 21. Charles Wager, Stockholm]. Dispute with one of Wager's captains; the man talks too much; careen- age of the Elizaheth; news from St. Petersburg, etc. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] May 31. Sir Charles Wager. [In the Baltic Sea.] Ap- proval of his actions b}'' the King. L. S. : '"Towns- hend." 2 pp. Endorsed: "rec-* IJuly 1726 OS: by y® P. Mahon from Helingfors under Mr. Poj^ntz's cover. Ans** 31 D*? enclosed to my Lord Glenorchy by a Danish Frigate bound to Copen- hagen." 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] June 17. Sir Charles Wager. [In the Baltic Sea.] The King approves of his at the Swedish Court and his orders to the Danish Admiral ; approves the letters to the Russian ministers and is impatient for their answers; Czarina's intention to march against Sleswic; out- lines considerations Wager should urge upon the Russian minister's to prevent this. L. S. : "Towns- hend.'' 9 pp. 1726. Hosier, Francis. Account of Spanish ships in the West June 25. Indies, numbers, names, and rates. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretary" of State for the Southern Prov- June 29. inces. Whitehall. Letter to [Admiral] Sir John Jennings [St. Helens, Sicily]. Reports of the flota and galleons putting into St. Andero; detach Rear- Adml. [Edward] Hopsonn to cnuse off that place to intercept them; Hopsonn to be given copy of Vice- Admiral [Francis] Hosier's instructions; Gibraltar and Port Mahon ships to join Jennings. D. S. : " Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. VEKNON- WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 13 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretaiy of State. Whitehall. Letter to July 26. [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager. [In the Baltic Sea.] The Czarina's letter to the King; the Pre- tender's agents at the Russian Court; Wager's instructions in case of hostilities Swedish ships; design on Sleswic abandoned; Wager to remain in Baltic until October and reasons therefor; the Swedish Diet and treaties; the King much pleased with Wager's course. L. S. : "Townshend." 8 pp. 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Aug. 12. Sir Charles Wager. [In the Baltic Sea.] The King greatl}" pleased; compliments his letter to Prince Menzikoff and is not concerned what the Czarina thinks of it. L. S. : "Townshend." 2 pp. 1726. G-ieat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Sep. 6. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager. [In the Baltic Sea.] Instructions respecting length of his stay and provisions for the fleet being sent to (Copen- hagen. "Duplicate." L. S. : "Holies Newcastle" 2 pp. 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretar}^ of State for Southern Provinces. Sep. 20. Letter to Rear-Admiral [Edward] Hopsonn [off the Groyne, Spain]. Instructions for cruizing; Sir John Jenning's orders, etc. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1726. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Sep. 20. Letter to Admiral Sir John Jennings [off the coast of Spain]. Approves his audience with King of Portugal; effect on Spanish of Jenning's presence. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1726. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Sep. 29. inces. Letter to Vice-Adml. Francis Hosier. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. 1726-7'8, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1726.' Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Oct. 25. Letter to Rear Adml. [Edward] Hopsonn [off* the coast of Spain]. Altering previous instructions and urging all possible means to intercept the Spanish galleons or flota. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. 14 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1726. Hunter, Ro[bert]. Charleston. Letter [to Charles, Viscount Nov. 12. Townshend, London]. The situation as to raising troops in the colonies; outlines plan for same; sug- gests St. Augustine as first objective of attack; Havana can then be attempted. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1726. G-reat Britain, Secretarv of State for Southern Provinces. Nov. 18. Letter to Vice Adml. [Francis] Hosier [off Porto Bello, South America.] Reenforcements sent him and instructions given for intercepting the galleons or flota in an}^ case. Contemporary cop3^ 7 pp. 1726. [Stanhope, William], Madrid. Abstract of letter [to Thomas Nov. 28- Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Whitehall]. Reports of Dec. 9. projected attack upon Gibraltar bj^ Spanish; Hop- son n's squadron to be prevented from separating. 3 pp. 1726. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Nov. 30. inces. Letter to Rear Adml. [Edward] Hopsonn [off Porto Bello, South America]. His wrong inter- pretation of orders; to continue on station until further orders, to intercept the galleons and all Spanish ships from America. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1726. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Dec. 23. inces. Letter to Rear Adml. [Edward] Hopsonn [off the coast of Spain]. Sir Charles Wager is appointed commander in chief off' the Spanish coast; sends copy of his instructions. Contemporary cop3^ Ip. 1726. West Indies, Bahamas. Memorandum of expenditures of Dec. 28. the present lessees. Additional memo, in Wa- ger's handwriting respecting period of lease. 1 p. Endorsed by Wager: "Bahama Islands. What the new lessees have expended thereon." 1726. Great Britain, Secretary of State, Southern Provinces. Dec. 29. Letter to [Vic^e Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Ports- mouth]. Spanish designs on Gibraltar and attempts in behalf of the Pretender; Wager's instructions. L. S.: "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. VERNON-WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 15 1726 T. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Jan. 2. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Ports- mouth]. His instructions have been communicated to the Court of France; if Gibraltar is attacked is full}' authorized to act as he shall think proper; Spanish embarkation at Cadiz. L. S. : ' ' Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. 1726/7. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Jan. 10. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wag-er [Ports- mouth]. Sending advices from Cadiz and Malaga; storeship for Gibraltar. L, S. : " Holies Newcastle. " Ip. 1726/7. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Jan. 13. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Ports- mouth]. Vice Adml. [Francis] Hosier's West Indies squadron has been weakened; Wager to send him two ships if he can do so with security to himself. L. S.: '^Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. [1727?]. [G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King.] Private instruc- [Jan. ?]. tions to Vice Adml. Sir Charles Wager [Ports- mouth?]. To attack Spanish squadron at Cadiz, alternatives of Gibraltar and detachment under Sir George Walton to St. Christopher and West Indies. 5 pp. Endorsed: "Foul draught of private instructions." * * * 1726/7. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Feb. 17. Letter to [Vice Admiral] Sir Charles Wager [off Gibraltar]. Orders him to detach four 50-gun ships to Vice Adml. [Francis] Hosier in the West Indies; the flota has not left Havana; Spanish preparations against Gibralter. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1726/7. Grreat Britain, Secretar}^ of State for Southern Provinces. Feb. 28. Letter to [Vice Admiral] Sir Charles Wager [off Gibraltar]. Vice Adml. [Francis] Hosier's squadron weakened; is greatl}^ in need of the four ships from Wager; importance of intercepting the galleons; trusts Wager to accomplish this and also defend Gibraltar; Pretender's expedition has been given over, L. 8. : "Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. 16 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1726 7. Great Britain, Secretar}- for Southern Provinces. Letter Mar. 7. to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Gibraltar]. King- approves governor's action in tiring on Span- iards; reenforcements are being sent; reports of Spanish preparations of fleet and rumor of galleons. L. S. : " Holies Newcastle." 4 pp. 1726/7. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Mar. 14. Whitehall. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Gibraltar]. Has news of arrival of the flota from the Havana at St. Andero. L. S. : ''Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. 1726/7. Great Britain, Secretar}^ of State for Southern Provinces. Mar. 21. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [ofl' coast of Spain]. Flota has arrived safe; orders him to despatch two ships to West Indies; intelligence from Paris respecting Gibraltar; convoy for Tur- key company. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1726/7. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Mar. 24. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [otf coast of Spain]. Convo}'' of the Turkish company's ships. L. S.: "Holies Newcastle." 1 p. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Apr. 4. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [otf the coast of Spain]. Disposition of prizes; intentions of Spanish fleet and reenforcement of Vice-Adml. [Francis] Hosier in the West Indies; reenforcements for Gibraltar have sailed from Portsmouth. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Apr. 18. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off coast of Spain]. Reported attack on Port Mahon and reenforcements for Gibraltar from that place. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. [1727] Wager, Sir Charles. [Gibraltar] List of prizes taken by [May 8.] squadron under command of. Tabular statement of vessels taken, bj^ what ship & where sent. 1 p. Endorsed by Wager?: "8: May, 1727. Sentcopie to the Duke of New Castle and Mr. Burchett." VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 17 1727. Gi-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. May 19. Letters to [Vice-AdniL] Sir Charles Wager [off Cadiz]. King- has no blame for him because of safe arrival of the Flota; two ships to be sent Vice- Adml. [Francis] Hosier; his movements in West Indies; Wager to prevent any attempt being made by Spanish fleet on British dominions; siege of Gibraltar must soon be raised and troops and ves- sels are to be sent home on that event; Spanish privateers. L. S. : " Holies Newcastle." -1 pp. 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Maj^ 19. inces. Letter to Vice Adral. Francis Hosier, See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces, 1726-7 8, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. May 22. Letters to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off Cadiz]. Directs retention of ships ordered to [Vice] Adm! [Francis] Hosier, until further orders. L. S. : ' ' Holies Newcastle. " 1 p. 1727. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- June 7. tions. Report to the Priv}^ Council on [memorial of Col. Richard Philipps relating to] settlement of Nova Scotia. Contemporary copy. 19 pp. 1727. Wager, Sir Charles. List of Spanish ships taken and car- [June?] ried into Gibraltar by the squadron under. 1 p. 1727. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade & Planta- June 7. tions. See: Armstrong, Laurence, 1727, Nov. 3. 1727-39. Canada, Nova Scotia. Settlement of. An abstract of the June 7- Nov. 9. steps that have been taken toward settling the prov- ince. June 7. — Abstract of propositions in letter of Board of Trade to Lords Commissioners of Planta- tions. 1728, May 21.— Board of Trade's recom- mendations to the King. 1728-9, Mar. 21. — Repre- sentation of Board of Trade to the King. 1729, May 11. — Board of Trade to Lords Comm? of Plantations. Dec. 4. — Same to same. 1730?, Jan. 22. — Same to same. Mar. 25.^-Same to same. Apr. 20. — "Instructions Approved in Council." 1731, Feb. 9.— Board of Trade to King. May 11.— Instructions approved. 1739, Nov. 9. — Gov. Philipps's report submitted to Sir Chas. Wager. 6 pp. • 32066—04- 18 VERNON-WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 1727-39. [Wager? Sir Charles.] An abstract of the steps taken June 7- toward settling the province of Nova Scotia. Copy Nov. 9. by Wager of: Canada, Nova Scotia. Settlement of 1727-39, June 7-Nov. 9. This document lacks first 1 found in Canada. Nova Scotia, 1727-39, June 7-Nov. 9, and begins at 1728, Mar. 21. A start to copy the abstract of June 7, 1727, was made, but the few lines written have been crossed out. A. D. 6 pp. 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. July 18. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off Cadiz]. Spaniards have agreed to cessation of hos- tilities, but have not given up the Prince Freder- ick; orders him to seize the galleons if possible, even at the cost of breaking through the suspension of hostilities; these orders to be kept secret. L. S. : ''Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- July 18. inces. Letter to Vice-Adml. Francis Hosier. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces, 1726/7-1, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State. Whitehall. Letter to Aug. 5. [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off Cadiz]. Span- iards show no disposition to raise siege of Gibral- tar and release the Prince Frederick; Spanish squadron at Groyne to join that at Cadiz; Wager to be reenforced and prevent this junction, by force, if necessary; to blockade Spanish in Cadiz; send ships to West Indies; take a Gibraltar battalion on board to supply his want of seamen; if Spaniards compl}" with preliminaries of peace, to avoid giving offense, etc. L. S. : "Townshend." 6 pp. 1727-8. Great Britain, Navy, West Indies squadrons. List of ships, Aug. 8- rates, with complement of each, and number of Dec. 19. deaths from first fitting out until return to Eng- land. Tabular statement. 1 p. 1727. Grreat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralt3^ Aug. 11. Order to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager, on the coast of Spain, to administer the oath of allegiance to all officers of his squadron who have not taken same since accession of the present King. D. S. : Tor- rington, Jno. Norris, S: Molyneux. By Command of their Lord'''' J. BurcU^ett. Seal of Admiralty attached. 1 p. VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 19 1727. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Aug. 21. Orders to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager [on the coast of Spain] to take certain ships, sent him as reenforcements, under his command. D. S. : Tor- rington, Jno. Norris, S: Molyneux. B}^ Command of their Lord".^ J. Burchett. 1 p. 1727. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Sep. 6. Orders to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain] to send home bomb-vessel and sloops. D. S. : Torrington, Malpas. S: Moh'neux. By Command of their Lordships: J. Burchett. 1 p. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Sep. 12. inces. Letter to Vice-Adml. Francis Hosier. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. 1726 7-f, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. Great Britain, Secretar}^ of State for Southern Provinces. Sep. 29. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off coast of Spain]. Reenforcements sent him; to send ships home and reenforce Vice-Adml. [Francis] Hosier, in the West Indies as he thinks proper; negotiations with Emperor of Morocco; Count Rottembourg goes to Spain to insist on prelimina- ries for peace being carried out. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Oct. 2. Letter to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager [off coast of Spain]. The King directs him to seize the Spanish Register ships coming from Buenos Ay res. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Oct. 5. Orders to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager [on the coast of Spain] to take H. M. S. Suffolk and Revenge under his command and furnish convoy for ships bound for Gibraltar, Port Mahon, and the Turkey ships bound up the Mediterranean. List of merchant ships to be convoyed with names of captains. D. S. : Torrington, Jo: Cokburne, Jno. Norris, Malpas. 3 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Oct. 17. Orders to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Gibral- tar, placing the H. M. S. Gibraltai' under his com- mand. D. S. : Torrington, Jo: Cokburne, Jno. Norris, S. : Molyneux, By command of their LordP* J. Burchett. 1 p. 20 VERNOIS -WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Oct. 20. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain.] The King- approves his conduct respect- ing the Spaniards repairing the Thessa battery [before Gibraltar]; preliminaries of peace; galleon treasure said to be coming home in single ships; seizure of British vessels by Spanish after suspen- sion of hostilities. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1727. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiraltj'. Oct. 21. Orders to Vice-Adml. Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain] to forbid commanders of His Majest3'^'s ships harboring Portuguese political offenders. D. S. : Torrington, Jo: Cokburne, Jno. Norris. By command of their Lord^^ J. Burchett. 1 p. [1727.] Armstrong, Lawrance. Abstract of account of Nova Scotia. [Nov. 3.] Industries, soil, inhabitants. June 7. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Abstract of so much of the report as refers to settlement of Nova Scotia. 2 pp. Part of document in autograph of Wager? 1727. Armstrong, L[awrance.] Annapolis Royal. Letter [to the Nov. 3. Lords Committee of the Priv}' Council, for Plantation Affairs, Whitehall]. Has proclaimed George II, as King of England throughout the province; French papists refuse to take oath of allegiance; sends observations on state of Province. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: ""Read to y" Lords of y" Committee the 26. March 1728." [1727.] Armstrong, L[awrance]. Observations on state of the [Nov. 3.] province of Nova Scotia. D. S. 5 pp. Endorsed: "Read to the Lords of ye Committee the 26 Mar. 1728." Enclosed in letter: Armstrong to Lords Committee of Privy Council for Plantation Affairs, 1727, Nov. 3, q. v.* 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Nov. 16. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain]. Rumor of Vice Adnil. [Francis] Hosier's death; Wager to detach Vice Adml. [Edward] Hop- sonn to West Indies; his instructions, etc.; prelim- inaries for peace and the galleons; Count Rottem- bourg at Court of Spain; letter to Emperor of Morocco and gunpowder to Bashaws of Tangier and Tetuan. L. S. : ""Holies Newcastle."' 7 pp. VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 21 1727. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Nov. 16. inces. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward Hopsonn. See Great Britain, Secretar^^ of State for the South- ern Provinces. 1726 7-|, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Nov. 18. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain]. Orders him to take the g-alleons; to detach Sir George Walton to cruize off Cape Fin- ister; countermands orders to Vice Adpil. [Edward] Hopsonn, who is not to send aii}^ of the West Indies squadron home, but retain them all and intercept the galleons. L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Nov. 18. inces. Letter to Vice Adml. Francis Hosier. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. 1726/7-1, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Nov. 18. inces. Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Hopsonn. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. 1726/7-1, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727. West Indies, Bahamas, Council. New Providence. Cer- Dec. 2. titicate of work done on the fortilications b}^ Gov. [George] Phenny. Contemporary copy. Endorsed by Wager: "Certificate of the Council of Provi- dence in favour of Govern!" Phenny." 1 p. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Dec. 24. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [on coast of Spain]. Conditions of peace negotiated at Madrid are repudiated by the King of England; Wager to countermand all orders he may have issued looking toward the preliminaries of peace and renew his vigilance; to intercept all Spanish supplies and reenforcements for West Indies; to send intelligence of the situation thither; the "Prince Frederick;" to disregard all orders looking toward peace that do not come from England or Paris. L. S.: " Hol- ies Newcastle." 6 pp. 1727. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Dec. 25. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off coast of Spain]. Rupture with Spain seems immi- nent; orders him to suggest, as coming from him- self alone, to British merchants the inadvisability of remaining in Spanish ports longer than neces- 8ar3^ L. S. : "Holies Newcastle." 2 pp. Marked: "private." 22 VEENON-WAGEE MANUSCEIPTS 1727 8. Grreat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Jan. 15. Orders to Vice Admiral Sir Charles Wager, on the coast of Spain, regarding convoj^ of the Turkey- ships of the Levant Company. L. S. : Torrington. Jo. Cokburne. Jno. Norris. T. Lyttelton. By Command of their Lordsps. eT. Burchett. 3 pp. 1727/8. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Feb. 23. Letter to [Vice-Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [off the coast of Spain]. The preliminaries of peace to be accomplished; ships to be detached to Gibraltar and Port Mahon ; Wager to come home with rest. L. S. : " Holies Newcastle." 3 pp. 1727/ 8. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. Mar. 21. Letterto Vice Adml. Edward Hopsonn. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- inces. 1726/ 7-i, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1727/8. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Provinces. Mar. 25. Letterto Vice Adml. Edward Hopsonn. See: Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- inces. 1726 7-1, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. 1728. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade & Planta- May 21. tions. See: Canada, Nova Scotia. 1727-39, June 7- Nov. 9. 1728. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- May 31. tions. Report to the King on Col, [Richard] Phil- lips's memorial on settlement of Nova Scotia. D. S. : Westmoreland. P. Docminique. Orl°. Bridgeman. M. Bladen. W. Gary. 2 pp. 1728. Stanyan, Temple. Order referring report of Lords Com- June 12. missioners of Trade and Plantations on Col. [Richard] Phillips' memorial on settlement of Nova Scotia to the Privy Council, D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: ''19 June, 1728. Coll° Philips attended and y" Lords Directed him to Depart forthwith to his Goverm*, and the Lords Comm''.*' for Trade are to prepare his Comission & Instruct".^ and what orders are necessary to be given on this Report to l)e sent after him. 1 Feby., 1728. Read at 3^" committee." 1728-33. Wager, Sir Charles, Edward Harrison, and John Hyde, jr. June 21- Account of their South Sea Company stock. 2 pp. June 25. \ VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 23 1728. Bahama Society. List of receipts for 873 shares of the Sep. 1. Society's stock. Tabular statement. Names of shareholders, etc. 5 pp. See also: Bahama Society. Subscription receipts outstanding-. 1728, Sep. 1. [1728.] Bahama Society. Subscription receipts outstanding. Tab- [Sep. 1 'J ular statement. Names of shareholders, etc. 5 pp. See also: Bahama Society. List of receipts for 873 shares of stock. 1728, Sep. 1. 1728. Vanbnigh, Ph[ilip]. Chatham [New Brunswick]. Letter Sep. 11. [to Vice Adml. Sir Charles Wager ^ London]. [Josiah] Burchett's letter; war with Spain; pirates; Irish Papists in New Brunswick; defenseless con- dition of harbors. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1728. Lilly, Christian. Directions for overseer of workmen at Sep. 20. Port Anthony. "Sent to [Maj.] Gen. [Robert] Hunter Septr ye 20^, 1728." "A true Copy by me, Isaac Pearson." 2 pp. 1728. Wager, Sir Charles. [London.] Letter [to Dennis Bond, Sep. 28. England.] The survey of New Foundland lishing grounds; Capt. Tavener. A. L. S. 2 pp. ♦ 1728. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Dec. 20. tions. Report on the Newfoundland trade, being "Heads of a Bill for remedying the abuses in the Newfoundland Trade. 17 pp. Endorsed: "26'? March, 1729— Ref' to a Committee 2, 19*?^ Aprill, 1729. Read at y": Committee." 1728. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Dec. 20. tions. Report to the King [George II] Respecting the Newfoundland fisheries and garrison at Placentia. 12 pp. D. S.: Orl" Bridgeman. W. Gary. Tho: Frankland. P. Docminique. T. Pelham. Martin Bladen. 1728. Belcher, Jonathan, and others. Boston. [Mass.]. Letter Dec. 28. to Capt. William Atkinson [Boston]. Instructions for his guidance on voyage to Guinea; to bring back slaves: directions for landing on his return; slaves are for Virginia, etc. Contemporary copy of D. S.: Jon" Belcher. Pet": Pusulton. Will™ Toy. Ebeny Hough. W" Bant. And" Janvill. 2 pp. 24 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1728. Ne-wfoundland, Fisheries. Scheme of the fisheries for year 1728. Tabular statement. 3 pp. [1728 ?] West Indies, Jamaica, Ordnance for. An estimate of ord- nance and stores demanded for the security and defense of Jamaica. 1 p. 1728/9. St. Loe, [Edward]. Jamaica. Extract of letter to [Josiah] Jan. 3. Burchett [London]. For six weeks or so the trade out of "St. lagodeCuba" has been undisturbed by privateers. Contemporary copy. 1 p. En- dorsed by Wager: "Abstract of St. Lo's Letter * * * ." Document is headed, " Extract of Rear Admiral St. Lo's Letter," but he did not attain that rank until Mar. 4, 1729. 17289. Colebrooke & Rogers, London. Invoice of goods shipped Jan. 27. to, via the jYnssau, John Sidy, master. -1 pp. 1729. West Indies, Bahamas, New Providence, Distiller3\ An Jany. account of the cost and charge of utensils for the distillery, i pp. 1729. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Feb. 12. Instructions to British naval captains in the Plan- tations [America] respecting restitution of prizes taken from the Spaniards. D. S. : Torrington. J. Cokburne. Jno. Norris. Chas. Wager. T. Lyt- telton. A. Hamilton. To Capts. Davis. Jones. Toller. Barnsley. Mayne. "By command of their Lordships J. Burchett."" "Acop}^" 3 pp. 1728/9. Hyde, John. [London.] Letter [to Vice Adml. Sir Charles Mar. 4. Wager, [Whitehall?] Track of the Indian traders; subscriptions to Bahama Company's stock.] A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Wager: " Cap* Hyde about subscriptions." 1728/9. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Mar. 21. tions. Report to the King on memorial of David Dunbar, regarding petition of Maine families to settle in Nova Scotia. D. S. : Westmorland. Edw. Ashe. Orl? Bridgeman. W. Cary. Thos. Frank- land. Seal of Trade & Plantations attached. 6 pp. 1729. G-reat Britain, Privy Council, Committee, Report Apr. 19. on above. Contemporary cop3^ 3 pp. VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 25 1728 9. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade & Plantations. Mar. 21. Report to the King- on memorial of David Dunbar. Contemporary cop3^ 6 pp. 1729. Southwell, Edward, Order referring report of Lords Mar. 26. Commissioners of Trade and Plantations on [Col.] David Dunbar's memorial to a committee of the Privy Council. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: " 19 Aprill 1729. Read at y" committie and ref! back to the Board of Trade. Memor*? this Report is in the Bundle of Oct". 3, 1729." 1729. La Vega, Dionisio Martinez de. Havana. Commission to Apr. 16. Felix Joseph D'Acosta Hortado, jr., to act as a guarda costa in the West Indies. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. [1729.] Bahama Society, Receipts. An account of Bahama receipts [May 7.] sent to Cap* [John] Hyde. 1 p. 1729. Hyde, John, and others. London, Letter to Gov^ Woodes Ma}'^ 13. Rogers [New Providence, Bahama], Instructions for administering government at New Providence. Contemporary copy of L. S. John Hyde. E.Har- rison. Ed. Fenwicke. Tho. Liell. 2 pp. 1729. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- May 1-1 tions. Report to committee of the Privj^ Council on memorial of David Dunbar respecting settlers in Nova Scotia. D. S, : Westmoreland, T, Pelham. M, Bladen. W. Cary. Tho^ Frankland, En- dorsed: ''Recv^ 14 May, 1729, D.' Die, Con- sidered at y" committee and to be taken again into Consideration at y*^ next Committee. But Coll. Dun- bar was ord"? not to Stay on acco* of this Affair, but Depart imediately to his Post in New England 14 Octo^, 1729. Reconsidered, and Hintz heard there- upon, and the Board of Trade ord"* to prepare proper Instruct" on this Affair. 9 pp. Seal of Trade and Plantations attached. 1729. Grreat Britain. Privy Council, Committee for Plantation May 14. Affairs, Report of committee on report of Lords Commissioners of Trade & Plantations relating to Newfoundland fisheries. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. Endorsed: "22d May 1729 Read & app^ and the necessary ord"^*" to be issued to the Secy, of State Secry at War & B[isho]p of London thereupon. — That part ab* y® Independ^ only Ref^ to y" Secy of War for his Opinion." 26 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1729. Grray, John. Twickenham. Letter [to Josiah Burchett, June 7. London]. Respecting harbor of Port Ansonio, called also Port St. George, Jamaica, and establish- ment of fortifications, hospitals ec. there. Contem- porary copy ? 3 pp. 1729. Dunbar, David. [London.] Letter [to Charles, Viscount June 30. Townshend, London]. Respecting his memorial and settlement of Nova Scotia. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Read at j' Committee 23 Oct. 1729." [1729.] [Wager, Sir Charles]. Observations on letter and memorial [June?] of West Indies merchants to Sir Robert Walpole, June 5, 1739, "relating to the better security of the Trade to America." Signers are not the big merchants; the orders to H. M. S. ships in the Plan- tations cover all points of the memorials; pirates at Porto Rico, guarda costas, etc. A. D. 3 pp. 1729. Bahama Society. Effects. A list of effects at New Provi- Aug. 25. dence when Gov. [Woodes] Rogers arrived. 1 p. 1729. West Indies, Bahamas, New Providence, Fortifications. Aug. 25. Remarks on condition of, on arrival of Gov. [Woodes] Rogers. Contemporary copv. 3 pp. 1729. Groudet, P[ete]r. New Providence. Deposition of ill treat- Oct. 15. ment, assault etc. at hands of Gov. and Mrs. Phenney. "A true Copey W. Rogers" Further deposition respecting above. "John White, C. J. Vera Copia." 4 pp. 1729. Colebrooks, John. Nassau. Letter to [George,] Lord Nov. 13. Forbes, London. His voyage to Bahama; effects of recent hurricane; the islands, people, political situation etc. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1729. Rogers, Woodes. New Providence. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Nov. 15. Charles Wager [London]. Effect of hurricane; encouragement given to immigrants; measure of government adopted; Gov. Phenney and his w^fe; Capt. Gascoigne and naval support. L. S. 3 pp. 1729. Phenney, George. New Providence. State of account with Nov. 25. Gov. Woodes Rogers. Receipt to Rogers for full settlement of same. D. S. : G. Phenney, Woodes Rogers. 3 i^p. YEKNON-WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 27 1729. Fairfax, W[illiam]. Salem, [Massachusetts.] Letter to Nov. 26. [Adml.] Sir Charles "Wager. [London]. Short ac- count of commencement of Gov. [Woodes] Rogers's rule in the Bahama Islands [\Yest Indies]. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1729. Grreat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Dec. 4. tions. Report to Committee of the Priv}" Council on former reports on memorial of Col. David Dun- bar and settlement of Xova Scotia. D. S. P. Doc- minique. T. Pelham. M. Bladen. \V. Cary. Tho: Frankland. 8 pp. 1729. [Toller, John.] Inventory of negroes and goods on board Dec. 20. [pirate] sloop CatheiHne delivered to provost mar- shal at Antego. 1 p. with note in Exton Sayer's handwriting. See: Sayer opinion regarding case of Capt. John Toller. 1730, Dec. 17. 1729. Colebrooke & Rogers. London. Invoice of goods shipped to. 4 pp. [1729?] G-reat Britain, Lord Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions. Synopsis of reports on Col. [David] Dun- bar's memorial to settle Irish Protestants in Xova Scotia, -i pp. [172-.] Londonderry, [Thomas Pitt,] Lord. "Abstract of what con- cerns Lord Londonderry and others in relation to settling the Bahama Islands."' Statement of finances. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager: " L. Lon- donderry's Ac* of Bahama.'" 1729 30. Sidy, John, London. Invoice of goods shipped to the Jan. 7. •• Windward & Gold Coast of Africa." 3 pp. • Endorsed: ""Papers relating to the Bahama Accts in the Partnership of John and Joseph Eyles, Raym'' and Burrell."" 1729 30. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Jan. 22. tions. Report to the Lords Committee of the Privy Council. Submitting drafts of instructions to [Brig. Gen.] [Richard] Phillips and [Lt.] Col. [David] Dunbar respecting settlements in Nova Scotia. D. S: Westmoreland. P. Docminique. Orl°. Bridgeman, W. Cary, T. Pelham, M. Bladen. 1 p. Endorsed: "5 9*'^ Febry, 1729-30. 18 D° Read at jq Committee & ref "^ back to the Board of Trade.'" Seal attached. 28 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1730. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Feb. 9. tions. Report to the King*, suggesting amending mode of marking out land reserves for the Navy so that the settlements in Nova Scotia maj^ go for- ward. D. S. : P. Docminique. T. Pelham. M. Bladen. Edw. Ashe. Orl°. Bridgeman. 3 pp. Endorsed: 9 13"' Febj, 1730-31. 10 March, 1730. Ref^ to a Committee." Seal attached. 1730. Vernon, James. Court jtt St. James. Order of Council ]Mar. lo. referring report from the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations on settlement of Xova Scotia, to a committee of the Privy Council. D. S. 1 p. 1730. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Mar. 25. tions. Report to Lords Committee of the Privy Council. Submitting revised instructions to [Brig, (len. Richard] Philipps and [Lt.] Col. [David] Dun- bar respecting laying out of lands in Nova Scotia for settlement. D. S. : Westmoreland. P. Docminique. T. Pelham. M. Bladen. Edw. Ashe. 2 pp. En- dorsed: '•? lO**' April, 1730. 15 D° Read at ye Committee and Agreed to."' 1730. Great Britain, Privy Council. See: Canada, Nova Scotia, Apr. 20. 1727-39, June 7-Nov. 9. 1730. Colebrooke & Rogers, London. Invoice of goods shipped Apr. 25. to, via P/'/'ncess Louisa^ William Banks, master. 4 pp. 1730. Rogers, Woodes. N[ew] Providence. Letter to Capt. Ma}" 11. Joseph Boswell, London. Personal matters; immi- gration to the islands; buildings etc. Contemporary" copy. 2 pp. Endorsed b}" Wager: ' 'Govern'" Rogers to Cap* Boswell 11 Mav 1730 about the great increase of Inhabitants."' 1730. Bahama Society. List of outstanding receipts for Bahama May 20. stock. Tabular statement. Names of subscribers etc. 7 pp. 1730. West Indies, Jamaica. British forces at. Victualling allow - June 3. ance of seamen and soldiers. 1 p. 173< >. Bamsley, Henry, Barl)adoes. Extract of a letter to [Josiah] July G. Burchett respecting satisfaction from Spanish Gov- ernors of Porto Rico and San Domingo for prizes of English merchantmen taken by the Spanish. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Endorsed: ''Was This Sent?" VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 29 1730, Burrell, Peter, [London,] Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Aug, 19, Wager, London], Expense of trading venture to the Bahamas; has been little return. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed b}" Wager: " , T , . About our Expense to the Bahama w* Colebrooke and Rogers.'" [1730,] Toller, John, Petition to the Lords Commissioners of the [August?] Admiralt}^ of Great Britain, respecting cargo of pirate sloop taken bj- him while commanding H, M, S, Pearl. D, S, Ip. See also: Sayer, Exton, Opin- ion, 1730, Dec. 17. [1730.] Anonymous. Proposed heads for a proclamation for the [Sep. 15.] l^etter suppression of piracies in West Indies. 3 pp. 1730. Saltmarsh, John. H. M. S. Adventv/re at Port Roj^al, Sep, 27. Jamaica. Letter to [Josiah] Burchett [London]. Sends observations of difference in time obtained solely through their instruments* Contemporary copy. 1 p. A True and Just Account of our Ob- servations on voyage to Jamaica for finding out the difference in time from the London meridian. 1729-30 Aug. 22-Mar. 23. Tabular statement. 2 pp. 1730. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Sep. 29. Orders to captains of His Majesty's ships in the Plantations respecting depredations committed by pirates and Spanish on British merchant vessels. Contemporary cop3\ 6 pp. Endorsed: "Copy of an Order to cruize against the Spanish Guarda Costos," 1730 — i. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Ab- Sep. 29- stracts of orders sent to the commanders of His Feb. 10. Majesty's ships in Jamaica. 8 pp. [1730?] Anonymous, Instructions proposed to encourage naval [Sep, ?] captains to take piratical vessels, 2 pp, 1730, Delafaye, Charles, Whitehall, Letter to [Adml.] Sir Oct. 25. Charles Wager, [Admiralty] respecting order for cutting of masts in New England and Mr. Gulston's position in the matter. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "Mr, Delefaye about Golston Contractor for N, England Mast." 30 VERNON -WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1730. Delafaye, Charles. Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Oct. 26. Charles Wager [Admiralty]. Suggests Port An- tonio as the best landing place for troops sent to Jamaica. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Wager: '"•Mr. Delefaye about the two Regiments Landing at Port Antonio." 1730. [Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Oct. 29. iiices, Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle.] Instruc- tions to Rear Admiral [Charles] Stewart [Stuart, West Indies], Respecting piracies in West Indies. ""The like orders were sent .... to the Coman- ders of his Maj. ships at the several places, etc." Contemporary copy. 1 pp. 1730. Sayer, [Exton] [Doctor of Laws. London]. Opinion re- Dec. 17. garding case of Capt. John Toller, H. M. S. Pearl and cargo of a captured pirate sloop. A. D. S. 1 p. 1730. Ne-wfoundland Fisheries. Scheme of the fisher} % 1730. ' 4 pp. [1730?] [Dummer, William^] A short sketch for attempting the Havana. "Some Considerations about forming a Descent in the Spanish West Indies." "An Esti- mate of the Force and its Charge for a Descent upon the Havana." Contemporary copv in hand- writing of Isaac Pearson. 7 pp. [1730?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Places in the West Indies proper for English ships to obtain wood and water. A. D. 3 pp. 1730/1. G-reat Britain. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plan- Feb. 9. tations. Representation to the King regarding setting aside of timber tracts for the navy and set- tlement of Nova Scotia. Contemporary^ copy. 3 pp. Endorsed: *' 30th March, 1731. Read and the Board of Trade to prepare instruc- tions accordingh." 1730/1. Crookshanks, Jonathan. London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Feb. 21. Charles Wager [London]. Discusses book sent him relating to sugar trade; obversations thereon. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1731. Hyde, John. London. Letter to Alured Popple, White- Apr, 3. hall. His letter of yesterday and answers to ciueries of Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in relation to Bahama Island. A. L. S. 1 p. VEENOF- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 31 1731. Bahama Lessees. Salters Hall [London], Minutes of Apr. 8. meeting. Decision to surrender their lease' of the Bahama Islands to the King. A. D. S. of Tho. Baynton, Secy. 1 p. 1731. Popple, Alured. ^Yhitehall. To Capt. [John] H3'de [Lon- Apr. 8. don]. The Lords Commissioners desire a copy of the lease of the Bahama Islands from the Lords Pro- prietors. A. L. S. 1 p. 1731. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Apr. 22. tions. Letter to Committee of Priv\' Council [Whitehall.] Submit drafts of instructions to Govl" of Nova Scotia and Surveyor of Woods respecting setting aside land for timber for Royal navy and for settlement. D. S. T. Pelham, Edw. Ashe, M. Craft, M. Bladen. 1 p. Endorsed: "Report * * * with Draughts of Instruct" for Gov^ Philips & Coll" Dunbar * * *.'^ " R 29*^^ Aprill 1731-3 May 1731. Read at the Committee & the Draught of Instructions to be Repated to the King as proper to be app!*" 1731. Crookshanks, Jonathan. London. Letter to ? Apr. 28. Respecting duty on tobacco and the Charitable Corporation. A. L. S. 1 p. 1731. Bahama Society. A Computation of Goods shipped to New April. Providence of account of the Bahama Society. Tab- ular statement of shipments from 1720. 1 p. 1731. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Additional In- May 11. structions to Col. David Dunbar [New Hampshire]. Respecting marking out land for settlement in Nova Scotia. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 2*^ copy of same. 3 pp. 1731. Stert, Arthur. Seville. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wa- May 27. ger [London]. Gibraltar and trade with the Spanish West Indies. L. S. 5 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "M-- Stert Seville 27 May 1731 N. S." 1731. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Instructions to July 5. Adml. Sir Charles Wager. [The Downs?] respecting his cooperation with the Spanish in the Leghorn expedition. D. S.: "George R." also " G. R." 3 pp. Seal attached. 32 VEKN<)N-\VA(;iEli MANUSCRIPTS 1731. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Private Instruc- Juh' 5. tions to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, [The Downs?] respecting giving* and receiving salutes from the French and others. D. S. : " George II " also " G. R.-' Seal attached. 1731. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Additional Instruc- Juh' 5. tions to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, [The Downs ?] for his guidance in command of the English forces upon the Leghorn expedition. D. S. : ''George R" also " G. R.^' 7 pp. Seal attached. 1731. G-reat Britain, Secretar}^ of State for Southern Provinces. July 8. Letter to [Vice Adml.] Sir Charles Wager, [The Downs?] enclosing the King's instructions for his guidance while on the Leghorn expedition. L. S. : " Holies Newcastle" 1 p. 1731. Bahama Society. London. Balances in new books. Tab- July 13. ular statement. 2 pp. 1731. Rogers, Woodes. [New Providence.] Account and descrip- Sept. 12. tion of the Bahama Islands sent to the Lords Com- missioners of Trade and Plantations. 15 pp. 1731. Mari, Marquis de. " St. Isabel" Bay of Cadiz. Signals for Oct. 15. the [Spanisn] fleet "for the present Expedition only" [convo3"ing troops to Leghorn?] Contempo- rary copy in English. 2 pp. 1731. West Indies, Bahamas, Cat Island (San Salvadore) A par- Dec, ticular description of, taken by order of ex-Govf Woodes Rogers. 3 pp. 1731. Spain, Navy. List of ships going to Italy. Names of ves- sels and number of guns. (In Spanish) 2 pp. Endorsed: '"Papers on the Expedition to Italy * * * 55 1731 2 Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter [to Jose Patino, Jan. 1. Madrid? Spain]. Honors conferred on AVager by King of Spain; Marquis de Mari at Cadiz & Count do Charni at Lisbon. Auto, draft signed. 3 pp. 17312 Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter [to Rear- Admiral Jan. 2. Manjuis de Mai'i, Cadiz, Spain]. Congratulations on success of the Ijcghorn expedition; Wager's voyage home &v. Auto, draft signed. VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 33 1731 2 Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter to ? The Jan. 2. Parma and Placentia [Leghorn] expedition; piracies in the West Indies; Jenkins and others; Wager likes the Spaniards. Contemporary copj'. 1 pp. 1732. West Indies, Bahamas. List of sundr\^ papers relating to, Apr. 19. delivered by Admiral Sir Charles Wager [to Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations?]. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Abstract of Sundry papers touching N. Providence " " *." 1732. West Indies, Jamaica, Legislative. House of Assembly. Apr. 26. Instructions to Agents in Great Britain. Outlines course of action to be pursued in advancing interests of the island. " Resolved That the House do agree to the said Instructions. John Stewart Speaker." Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1732. Hyde, John & Compan3\ Account with Thomas Baynton. May 4- 2 pp. June 2.5. 1732. Hemenes, Pedro Yago. St. lago de Cuba. Letter to [Rear- May 18. Admiral] Charles Stewart [Stuart, Jamaica]. Has refused to grant commissions to privateers and hopes the depredations on the British trade will cease. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1732. La Vega, Dionisio Martinez de. Havana. Letter to [Rear- May 26. Admiral] Charles Stewart [Stuart, Jamaica]. Re- specting trial of John Fondino [Juan de Leon Fan- dino]; Spanish privateers and English and Dutch traders; has revoked all privateer commissions. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1732. Wyndham, Charles. Memorandum of demands made on July 3-6. Gov. of Porto Rico respecting Spanish privateers and depredations committed on English merchant trade. Forbes, [Hugh?]. Memorandum of similar demands — con- tinuation of above. 10 pp. Endorsed: "Capt. Forbes about Portorico." 1732. [Wager, Sir Charles. ] Memorandum respecting "L* Forbes" July .5. [Capt? Hugh?], report to Commodore [Richard] Lestock of demand of Govr. of Porto Rico. A. D. " 1 p. Endorsed by Wager. " Memorandum about a clause in the K. of Spain's Cedula relating to Lati- tudes that English Ships are allowed to sail in in the West Indies." 32066—04 :! 34 VERNON-WAGEB MANUSCRIPTS 1732. Delafaye, Charles. Kensington. Letter [to Adml. Sir July 11. • Charles Wager, Loudon]. Reports received of Spanish expedition against Mazalquivir [Mero- el-Kebir, Algiers]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1732. Selash, Antonia de. Cartagena. Letter to [Rear-Admiral] July 16. Charles Stewart [Stewart, Jamaica? West Indies]. The King of Spain's cedula relating to Spanish pri- vateers. Contemporary cop}". 2 pp. 1732. Great Britain, Lords commissioners of Trade and Planta- Aug. 3. tions. Report to the Queen [Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline, of Anspach] on the address of the Council and Assembly of Jamaica respecting dut}' on slaves and petition to the King from citizens of Bristol respecting same. Contemporar}" cop}'. 2 pp. 1732. Delafaye, Charles. Kensington. Letter to Adml. Sir Sep. 4. Charles Wager [London] respecting duty on negro slaves in Jamaica. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1732. Brath-waite, John and B Peake. [Guinea, Africa.] Nov. 7. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, London]. Describing forts and posts of the company, antago- nism of the Dutch, state of trade, etc. A. L. S. ? 17 pp. 1732. Anonymous. Reasons for the speedy settlement of Nova Dec. 21. Scotia. 5 pp. 1732. Grreat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Order to the Dec. 21. Governor of Nova Scotia to grant the isle of Holt to John Hart. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1732. West Indies, Bahamas, Cat Island (San Salvadore). j\. Dec. particular description of, taken by order of ex-Gov. Woodes Rogers. 9 pp. 1732. Baynton, Thomas. Account with. 1732 3. Wager, [Sir] Charles. London. Letter [to Sir Benjamin?] Jan. 8. Keeue [Madrid]. West Indies affairs; guarda costas, seizure of merchant ships, etc. ; Spaniards at Oran and Algiers; Moors and Turks; Algerian pirates, etc. Contemporary copy. 9 pp. 1732 '3. Day, I*eter. Bristol. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Feb. 7. London]. The sugar trade and plans for encourag- ing it; Walpole's proposal. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. \ V^ERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 35 1732 3. [Wager, Sir Charles.] London. Letter [to Peter Day, Feb. 9. Bristol, England]. Replying to his letter of 7th inst. (q. V.) respecting sugar trade. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1733. Manning, Edward, jr. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Feb. 13. Charles Wager. [Whitehall]. Respecting shipment to Wager of woolens. L. S. 2 pp. 1733. Bahama Society. London. List of papers relating to the Mar. 26. Bahama Islands. 1 p. [1733?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] [Whitehall.] Memorandum of points [Apr. 26?] in case of Capt. Mathew Norris. A. D. headed: "Dr. Strahan." 2 pp. See also: Norris, Mathew. Case of. 1733? Apr. 26? [1733.] Norris, Mathew. [London.] Case of snuff and tobacco [Apr. 26.] belonging to King of Spain captured by. 3 pp. Endorsed: "to be heard at 10 this morning 26 Apl. 1733." 1733. [Ogle, Sir Chaloner. Jamaica.] Letter [to Adml. Sir July 7. Charles Wager, London]. Recommending various offices; Port Antonio and the Ljmche's Islands works. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1733. Georgia, Trustees, Grant of land, (in blank). "By order of the said Common Council." Benj'.' Martin, Secrety." 8 pp. 1734. [Fitz- William, Richard.] New Providence. Letter to Jan. 29. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [London]. Runaway's from New Providence will try to injure Fitz- William's character in England. Draft. 1 pp 1733 4. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Charlotte, Chatham. Letter Mar. 7. [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Respect- ing preparations and fitting out ships for sea. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. Catherine, Blackstakes. Letter to Mar. 29. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall?]. Respect- ing fitting out of ships for sea. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. jS^ainur, Noire. Letter to Mar. 30. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Is ready to sail but there is great clamor because of bounty money not being paid. A. L. S. 2 pp. / 36 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Namm\ The Downs. Letter Apr. 3. to [Adnil.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Move- ments of French ships; pay of seamen, etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Taverner, William. Poole. [England.] Letter to [Adml.] Apr. 3. Sir Charles W^ager, Whitehall, London. French encroachments in Newfoundland. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Namui\ The Downs. Letter Apr. 5. to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager, [Whitehall]. Move- ment of French ships and troops at Calais and Dunkirk. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Ninimr, The Downs. Letter Apr. 7. [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, W^hitehall]. Re- porting sailing of French ship from Calais to Eastward with troops. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Namur, The Downs. Let- Apr. 10. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Information furnished by French deserter from Calais of boml)ardmentof Dantzic by Russians, and ships expected at Calais. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Namur, The Downs. Let- Apr. 11. ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Respecting movements of French ships. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. McAlpin, John. St. Christopher. Affidavit respecting Apr. 17. capture of the Friends Adventiire hy a Spanish sloop. D. S. 4 pp. Sworn to before James Losack, Depy. Secy, of St. Christopher & Notary Public. Testes: Anthony Carroll. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Ncmmir, The Downs. Let- Apr. 22. ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager, The Downs. Capt. [Richd. ?] Norris, and dispute with Colonial Governor respecting fljnng a flag; news of French, and want of seamen. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Nanmi\ The Downs. Let- Apr. 24. ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager, Downs. The elections and case of a soldier ordered discharged by the board of Admiralty. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1734.] Wager, Sir Charles. Memorandum of accounts of the [Apr. 25.] Bahama Society. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: "25 April, 1734. Bahama Account, stated by Sir Cha. Wager, from Mr, Ilvde." VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 37 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. jyamur. The Downs. Let- Apr. 27. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover ?]. Latest intelligence; sickness on tho, Exete)\ A. L. S. 1 p. 173-1:. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Nmiiwi\ The Downs. Let- Apr. 29. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. French ship flying a broad pennant; elections and want of seamen. A. L. S. 2 pp. 173-1. Norris, [Sir] John, H. M. S. Naming The Downs. Letter Ma}^ 10. [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Transfer of officers; case of the sailor who enlisted in the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H, M. S. Nmnur^ The Downs. Let- May 1.5. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Infor- mation of scarcity of small arms in fleet has been given to French; more troops in Calais and rumor that Prince Eugene has beaten the French. A. L. S. Ip. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. The Downs. Letter [to Adml. Sir May 17. Charles Wager, Dover?]. Respecting transfers and appointment of certain officers. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia [The Downs]. May 23. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Death of Capt. Drake, of the Argyle, and conse- quent changes of officers; transfer of men to various ships ; movements of ships ; news of blacks [Maroons] in Jamaica. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia^ The Downs. Let- May 26. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Respect- ing appointments in Navy on recommendation of the Admiral of the fleet; Capt. [Richard?] Norris's case; accounts of French ships; obtaining of sea- men. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia^ The Downs. Let- May 31. ter [to Adml. ? Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Re- ports from Calais; impressment of seamen. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. ^W2^fmnm, The Downs. Let- June 1. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Impress- ment of seamen; Capt. [Curtis] Barnet's experience off Salle; Russians and French forces. A. L. S. Ip. 38 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, [The Downs]. June 3. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover?]. Re- specting impressment of seamen and intelligence from Gibraltar and Calais. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1T34. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 5. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall ?]. Im- pressment of seamen. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, [The Downs]. June 6. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Impressments and sick. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 7. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall ?]. Sug- gesting a transfer of ship; Duke of Berwick killed at Philipsbourgh. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 8. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Lord "Biron's" son; bedding for seamen. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. II. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 11. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Dover ?]. Impress- ment and transfer of seamen; payment of allowance to sick. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 15. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. French embarkation at Calais; accidental shooting of seaman on board Capt. [Francis] Perc3''s ship; the sick. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 17. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Intelligence of French at Calais; fleet in the Downs is ready; strength of the Russians before Dantzic. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 19. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Intelligence of French at Calais: impressment of soamon from the Cincjue Ports. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, June 20. [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Respecting Dr. Lcdderdale; reports from Calais; thinks French will find the Russians ready for them. A. L. S. 2 pp. VERNON^-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 39 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. 8. Britannia^ The Downs. Let- June 23. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whiteliall?]. Impressment of seamen from Cinque Ports and elsewhere and his report to Admiralty on same; number of men in service; news from Calais; Capt. [William?] Douglas wishes to be retained in pay. A. L. 8. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, [The Downs]. June 26. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Impressment of seamen; fate of Danzic should soon be known; rumor of Englishmen who were with the Russians being captured; payment of ships; Capt. [William?] Douglas and his chest of silver; Spanish ships from West Indies; French at Toulon; protections of Admiralt}^ for seamen. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- June 28. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Capt. Hutchinson's [H. M. S. ?] Salamander, activity in gathering seamen. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia, The Downs. Let- July 1. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. French troops are leaving Calais; rumor of action in Itah. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. Jul}' 4. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Ships in The Downs 1,000 men short of their com- plements; French troops leaving Calais. A. L. S. Ip. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John, H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 8. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Death of boatswain of the To7'bay and consequent changes of pett}' officers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Bi'iiannia. The Downs. July 11. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Intelligence of the French; impressment of pro- tected seamen; miscellaneous navy matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 15. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, AVhitehall]. Complaints of traders; Capt. Hutchinson & im- pressed men; payment of seamen and miscellaneous navy matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 40 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1734:. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 17. Letter [to Adnil. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. News of French; intelligence from Gibraltar. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 21. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Commission for Wager's nephew; pay of seamen; chaplains in fleet; the chaplain of the Torhay has run off with another man's wife. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734:. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 21. Letter to [Adml. Sir Charles Wager, W'hitehall?]. Discharge and punishment of certain sailors for crime; chaplain of the Torhay unworthy to be in His Majesty's service. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734-. Norris, [Sir] John, H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 21. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Movements of various ships. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 27. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Punishment of sailors and removal of the YTor- l>ays\ chaplain; conunission for Norris's son; French and Spanish; movement of certain ships. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. July 29. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Commissions for certain officers and impressments. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. Aug. 1. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Sick and impressments; lack of beer and poor quality of same. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. The Downs. Aug. 2. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Acknowledging receipt of orders to proceed, with ships, to Spithead. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H, M. S. Britannia. The Downs. Aug. 3. Letter [to vVdnd. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Is ready to sail for Spithead; minor matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 41 I73i. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Aug. 7. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Punishment of seamen; impressments; appoint- ments in Nav}", etc. A. L. S. 4 pp. 173-1:. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Aug. 9. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. French ships from the Baltic; case of the chaplain of the Torhay. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Aug. VI. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Court-martial of men for desertion; impress of foreign sailors of British merchant ships; minor movementsof ships; appointments, etc. ; has received orders of lO'*" & will hasten ships out of harbor. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1731:] Sibert, Lewis. [Spithead.] Examination of. Report of [Aug. VI] his voyage, destination, etc. 1 p. Enclosed in Norris, Sir John, to Sir Chas. Wager, 1731:, Aug. 12. q. V. 1731. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Aug. 1.5. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Desertions of seamen; intelligence of French; cere- mony between land and sea forces; supplies of ships. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. ]NL S. Britannia. Spithead. Aug. 22. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Small arms for the ships; question of certain naval etiquette with French. A. L. S. 1 p. 1731, Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter to [Thomas Holies] Sep. 2. Duke of Newcastle [Whitehall?]. Respecting reports from Gibraltar of Spanish entrenchments being erected. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 1734. Anonymous. Letter to Capt. Chas. Cotrell, Canso. Sep. 4. ^ Account of the fisher}^, fortifications, and troops at Louisbourg. Signature obliterated. 2 pp. 1734. Canada, Nova Scotia. Louisbourg. Account of fisheries, Sep. 4. fortifications, and forces at. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 4. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. The launch of the Dimkirk. A. L. S. 1 p. 42 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1734. Norris, [Sir] Johu. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 15. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. A Mr. Batson and his instrument; pork and beef supplies; changes desired on death of Chandler, purser of the Monmouth. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 15. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall], Impressed seamen and punishment of deserters; ships and ordnance matters; recommends that ten- ders be employed to impress. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 23. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Defeat of Imperialists in Ital}^; has stopped im- pressing men. A. L. S. 1 p. [1734.] Thomson, Robert. [Spithead.] Examination of . Reports of [Sep. 23.] French and Spanish ships at Cadiz. 1 p. Enclosed in: Korris, Sir John, to Sir Chas. Wager, 1734, Sep. 23. q. v. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 26. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Reporting presence of one Terryl [?], a Spanish spy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 27. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Respecting desertions and punishment for same. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 28. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, W^hitehall?]. Respecting refitting and laying up vessels for the winter and payment of men. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Sep. 30. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Transfers of masters; Capt. Forrester's arrival at Spithead; number of deserters and sick. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Keene, W[illiam]. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Letter [to Oct. 1. Robert Maccarthy]. Lord Muskerry [St. Johns]. The fisheries, trade, and fortifications of Newfound- land. A. L. S. 3 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 43 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Oct. 1. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Sick and deserters; transfer of masters and other minor naval matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Oct. 6. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Movements of ships and convenience of the cap- tains. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Oct. 7. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Respecting Sir William Terry being a spy of the Pretender. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 10. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Intelligence from Gibraltar, of French and Spanish ships at Cadiz; information should be obtained of the ships in Brest. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Bi^itannki. Spithead. Oct. 11. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. General situation of affairs; [Sir William] Terry and the Spanish minister. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 12. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Minor naval matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 14. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Respecting news from Gibraltar; probabilities of fleet going abroad; minor naval matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 17. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Neutrality of Dutch in case of war; news of French naval movements; appointments in nav}^ A. L. S. Ip. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 23. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Provisioning ships for winter; beer for seamen; proclamations and articles of war; French ships at Toulon. A. L. S. 2 pp. •14 YEKNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 24. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Provisioning'; ships; orders for sailing; docks at Spithead; exchange of Dutch and English seamen. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1734. Anonymous. Some considerations relating to the present Oct. 25. state of Jamaica with respect to their runaway negroes. 7 pp. 1734. Mendoca, Diego. [London.] Heads of memorial respect- Oct. 28. ing Indians held as slaves in the English planta- tions. 3 pp. 1734. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to John Courand. Oct. 28. King of Spain's cedula to the Archbishop of Mex- ico respecting delivery of English merchant vessels taken by the Spanish. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Indorsed: "... about the Cedula sent to Mexico for Restor- ing the 4 salt ships taken the 13 Mar 1732/33." [1734.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Remarks on the Spanish Ambassa- [Oct. 29.] dor's memorial of Oct. 28, respecting Indian sub- jects of the King of Spain being held in slavery on English Plantations. A. D. 3 pp. 1734. Norris, [Sir] John. H. M. S. Britannia. Spithead. Let- Oct. 29. ter [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall?]. Plymouth ships and sick; news from Gibraltar. A. L. S. 1 p. [1734.] Wager, Sir Charles. [London.] Observations on Diego [Nov. 12.] Mendoca's letter [to James, Lord Tyrawley, Lis- bon]. Respecting Portugese captives at Mequinez [Morocco]. A. D. 4 pp. Endorsed: " from the D. Newcastle 12 Nov." 1734. Anonymous. Georgia. Letter [to Rev. ? England]. Nov. 28. Affairs of the colon}' and the case of Joseph Watson. Contemporary copy. 17 pp. 1734. Courand, John. [Whitehall]. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Nov. 29. Wager, Whitehall]. [Thomas Holies,] Duke of New- castle desires draft of answer to enclosed papers [relating to the African Gum Trade]. A. L. S. Ip. For draft f)f Wager's answer see: Wager to Courand 1734, Nov. 30. PART OF A LETTER OF VICE-ADMIRAL EDWARD VERNON lO H3TT3J A lO THAS HOl^H3V QHAWaa JAHIMaA-3DIV K X ^ >? ^ C- >i \ . li^i^^-^ '^/ f[Adml.] June 10. Sir Charles, Wager [Whitehall]. Respecting pro- posed settlement of Nova Scotia. L. S. -1 pp. 1735. C[orani], T[homas]. [London]. Answer to Lords Commis- July 4. sioners of Trade and Plantations on his memorial respecting settlement of Nova Scotia and Cat Island. Contemporar}^ cop}'. 6 pp. "The original read & considered at the Board for Trade & Plantations the 15 of ye same month." Estimate for transporting one hundred men and their families to Nova Scotia. 2 pp. Contemporary copy. [1735.] Coram, Thomas. [London.] Further considerations, offered [July 4.] to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions respecting his memorial on the settlement of Nova Scotia. 6 pp. Contemporary cop}'. Estimate for transporting one hundred men and their families to Nova Scotia. 2 pp. Contemporary copy. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 47 1735. Craufurd, Charles. H. M. S. Roehuch., Spithead. Letter July 5. [to Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. The state of the fisher}^ at Newfoundland and inhabitants at Portobask and fortifications at Placentia. A. L. S. 3 pp. For enclosure respecting state of fishery at Newfoundland, See: Craufurd, Charles. Scheme of the fishery at Newfoundland, 1734. [1735?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Observations on the proposals of [July?] Capt. [Thomas] Coram for settling Nova Scotia. A Draft. 6 pp. and "A scheme for Settling Nova Scotia.'' A. D. 1 p. Also, contemporary copy of above with additional paragraph at end. Also, 2d cop3^ of same. 1735. Stone, Andrew. Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Oct. 6. Wager, [Whitehall]. Respecting yachts destined for Holland; instructions regarding sailing, &c. A.L.S. 2 pp. [1735.] [Bladen? Martin] [London]. Answers to [Gov" Henry] Cunningham queries respecting troops at Jamaica. A. D. ? 5 pp. 1735. To-wry, J[ohn]. Heads of Inquiry relating to the trade and fishery of Canso in Nova Scotia and parts adja- cent sent to Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. D. S. 18 pp. [1735?] Bladen, [Martin]. Considerations about Jamaica. In hand- writing of Sir Chas. Wager. 2 pp. [1735 ?] G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions. Proposals for beginning civil government in Nova Scotia, with replies to each article by a memorialist [Capt. Thomas Coram?] 4 pp. [1735?] London, England, Merchants, Petition to the House of Commons. 4 pp. [1735?] [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Additional Instructions to " Commadore " [Capt. Charles] "Browne" [Ja- maica, West Indies], directing that reprisals be made upon the Spanish. 3 pp. 48 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1735-6. Shields, James. [London.] Account current of expenses, Jan. -April. etc., of voyages to the "Gum Coast" [West coast of Africa.] D. S. : "" Hen' Lascelles.'* 3 pp. 1735 6. G-reat Britain, Secretarv of State. Southern Provinces. Mar. '24:. Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Respecting three deserters from Spanish. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Endorsed: "Copy of Letter from the Duke of iS'ewcastle to Sir Charles Wager." 1736. ■W[ager], C[harles. London]. Letter to [Thomas Holies,] May 5. Duke of Newcastle [Whitehall]. Respecting ships with Sir John Norris, those remaining at home, etc. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1736. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Remarks on extract of May 31. a letter from Gov. [William] Mathews of the Leeward Islands, to the Lords of Trade and Plan- tations. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 1736. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Remarks on a letter Sep. 25. from Mr. Cales [William Cayley] to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle. Auto, draft. 3 pp. Endorsed: "Remarks on a letter from Consul Cayley. . . . about Capt. WalFs an Irishman going to the A^'est Indies." 1736. Cocke, Leonard. Santiago de Cuba. Letter to [Capt.] Nov. 3. Digb}' Dent [Jamaica]. Gives information obtained of a projected attack on Georgia by the Spanish. 2pp. ""Copy Dent." Seealso: Dent, Digby. Let- ter to Josiah Burchett, 1736, Jan. 8. 1736. Parker, Robert. London. "Some Occurrencys while I Nov. 9. was in Georgia in the years 1731—1735." "A True Copy." 4 pp. Endorsed: "Copy of the Paper which Alderman Parker, late of Linn, laid before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Geor- gia in America since his retiring from that Colon}'." 1736. Bridge, Timothy, H. :\I. S. Antelope [At Sea?] Letter Dec. 17. to [Capt.] Digby Dent [Jamaica, West Indies]. Recital of encounter with French man of war while protecting two British merchant ships at Donna Maria Bay. 3 pp. " Coppy Dent." See also: Dent, Digby. Letter to Josiah Burchett, 1736, Jan. 8. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 49 1736. Great Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Dec. 28. Whitehall. Letter to [AdmL] Sir Charles Wager. Joy at news of the King's safe arrival at Helvoet Sluys; anxiety caused by recent storms, etc. L. S. : Holies Newcastle. [1736?] Fitz-William, Richard. New Providence. Memorial to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations respecting fortifying the Islands. 5 pp. Account of ordnance and other stores necessary. 5 pp. 1737. Dent, [Digby]. H. M. S. DunMrh, Port Royal, Jan. 8. Jamaica. Letter to Josiah Burchett, [Whitehall]. Capture of British merchant vessels by the French and expressed intention of that nation regarding watering at Donna Maria Bay, information of Spanairds furnished by [Leonard] Cocke from San- tiago de Cuba; measure taken to verify same; movements of ships; health of fleet. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed by Burchett?: "Gives account of the effect of the edict of 1727 in the condemnation of the Eagle sloop for watering in Donna Maria Bay which sloop, tho carried to Jamaica by Capt. Bridge, was sent back, by the advice of the president and Attorney Gen! of Jamaica." Wote: This letter is dated, through inadvertence, 1736. 1737. Watson, Sarah. [London.] Deposition respecting treat- Jan. 19. ment b}^ military authorities in Nova Scotia. D. S. Sworn to before A. Allen. 3 pp. 1736 '7. Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Observations on two Mar. 16. French papers sent in Lord Waldegrave's letter to the Duke of New Castle, relative to the illicit trade in the West Indies. "Paper marked A." Auto. draft signed. 2 pp. Same — "Remarks on the ffrench paper — Marked B." A. D. 3 pp. 1737. Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Observations on the Apr. 20. letter from Havana, Jan. 23, 1737, respecting sus- pected designs of Spanish vessels on South Carolina and Georgia. Auto, draft. 2 pp. ' 32066—04 i 50 VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1737. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Apr. 22. tions. Report to Lords Committee of Privy Coun- cil on memorial of Thomas Coram and petition of several inhabitants of London relating to settling Nova Scotia and Cat Island, Bahamas. D. 8. : Fitz- Walker. T. Pelham. M. Bladen. R. Plumer. ■i pp. Seal of Trade & Plan" attached. Endorsed: ":ft 23'.^ Aprill 1737 5'}" May 1737. Read at the Committee and the consideration of it put off to another da3\ July 7*'' 1737. Read at the Com- mittee and the Lords desired S!" Chas. Wager to take the papers relating to this Affair and talk with Coram thereon." 1737. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to Sir Robert Apr. 25. Walpole, [London] respecting money to be advanced for Barbary state. Secretary's draft. 1 p. En- dorsed: " Copy of a letter to Sir Robert Walpole with a State of our Negotiations and Trade at Morocco and the Case of the Mohegan Indians." 1737. ■W[ager, Sir] C[harles. London]. "Case of the Indians Apr. 25. of Connecticut Colony." Auto, draft signed. 1 p. [1737] [Wager, Sir Charles.] London. Observations on Span- [Apr. ?] ish design of attacking South Carolina or Georgia. . Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1737. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to Andrew Stone May 6. [London ?]. Respecting complaint of Capt. Forres- ter, of H. M. S. Kinsale^ at Bastimentos. Con- temporary cop}'. 1 p. 1737. [Wager, Sir Charles.] London. Order to Capt. [Rich- June 9. ard?] Norris, H. M. S. Tartar^ New York, respect- ing projected attack of Spanish on Providence [Bahamas] and Georgia. Contemporary cop_y. 1 p. 1737. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Order to Capt. [Charles] June 9. Windham [Wyndham] H. M. S. Rose^ So. Caro- lina, respecting pro))able attempt of Spanish on Providence, the Bahama Islands, and Georgia. 2 pp. C'ontemporary copy. 1737. G-reat Britain, Lords Connnissioners of the Admiralty. Aug. 5. Duke of Newcastle [London]. Respecting trade between French and English in America. Contem- porarj'^ copy. 3 pp. VEBNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 51 1737. Stone, Andrew. Hampton Court. Letter [to Adml. Sir Sep. 1. Charles Wager, Whitehall]. [Thoma.s Holies,] Duke of Newcastle requests opinion on Moors seizure from English ships, Spanish refugees, as reported by Consul [William] Cayley; also opinion on Adml. Paver being a bona tide ambassador from Morocco. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1737. Philipps, R[ichard]. Stanwell, Nova Scotia. Letter to Sep. 22. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Protest- ing against proposed change of government and Thomas Coram's plan for settling Nova Scotia. L. S. 7 pp. 1737. Castres, A . Segovia. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Sep. 30. Wager [London], respecting two chests shipped to Wager from Cartagena by Don Miguel Reggio. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1737. Newcastle, [Thomas] Holies, [Duke of] Hampton Court. Oct. 11. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall?]. Requesting an appointment in the navy for one Alexander Leith. L. S. 1 p. [1737.] Leith, Alexander. Memorandum concerning. Enclosed in [Oct. 11.] letter: Newcastle, Thomas Holies, Duke of, to Sir Chas. Wager, 1837, Oct.lL 1737. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty Oct. 31. [London]. Letter to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle [London], relating to trade between English and French in America. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1737. Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter to [Martin] Bla- Nov. 2. den [Whitehall?]. Respecting agreements with the French as^to. West Indies trade and losses inflicted by Spanish guarda costas. A. L. S. 1 pp. 1737. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to [Thomas Nov. 2. Holies,] Duke of Newcastle [London], respecting English ships anchoring in French ports in the West Indies. Contemporary copy. 1 pp. 1737. Hyde, John. [London.] Receipt to [Adml.] Sir Charles Nov. 3. Wager for 125 Spanish pistoles. A. L. S. 1 p. 52 VEKNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1737. W[ager, Sir] C[harles. London.] Letter to Andrew Stone Nov. 26. [London ?]. Respecting English merchant ships in the Mediterranean held b}" the Spanish. Contem- porary cop}". 1 p. [1737?] Anonymous. Memorandum of proposal to the South Sea Company to furnish negroes from Providence [Bahamas] to Havana. 2 pp. [1737^] Hardy, Sir Charles. [Loudon?] Memorandum to [AdmL] Sir Charles Wager of sailing of four Spanish men- of-war from Buenos Ayres with four million pieces of eight on board. A. D. ? Signed in body of document. 1 p. 1738. Trela-wny. Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Jan. 2. [Whitehall]. Respecting dispute with Commodore [Charles] Brown. Auto, draft signed. Marked "A. Copy." 3 pp. 1738. [Trela-wny, Edward]. Jamaica. Letter [to William Sharpe, Jan. -t. Whitehall]. Desires ruling from the Admiralty respecting- disputes respecting foreign vessels with captains of the British Navy and Naval Officer of , the port. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1738. [Trela-wny, Edward]. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Jan. 6. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Sends intelligence of Spanish ships for what it is worth: certain appoint- ments to offices in Jamaica. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1737 8. Durell, Thomas. London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Jan. 12. Wager [Whitehall]. Giving an account of An- napolis Royal and Nova Scotia, inhabitants, forti- fications, etc. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1737 8. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Extract of Instructions Feb. 10. to [Capt.] Charles Brown, Jamaica, [West Indies]. To protect Georgia from Spaniard's attack; gives list of British War ships at Jamaica, ordered to this service. Contemporary cop3^ 2 pp. 1738. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron.] Lisbon. Letter [to Feb. li. Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitphall]. Respecting calumnies against Tyrawly; details his actions; his standing with the King of Portugal; Sir John Nor- ris, his actions and the consequences. A. L. S. 6 pp. VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 53 1738. West Indies, Jamaica, Maroons. Articles of agreement Mar. 1. between John Guthrie, Francis Sadler and (^apt. Cudjoe. 2 pp. Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "In Gov^ Trelawny's 30 June 1T39." 1738. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter [to Admiral Mar. 23. Nedgar]. Respecting one, Burroughs, a thief; the responsibilit}^ of the British nation in such instances. Draft. 2 pp. 1738. Trelav7ny, Edward. Madeira. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Mar. 25. Wager [Whitehall?]. Personal matters; news of French ships. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1738. B[rown,] C[harles]. H. M. S. Hampton Courts Barbadoes. Apr. 16. Orders to Capt. Miles Stapylton, H. M. S. Sheerness^ to seize Spanish guarda costas found prejnng on British merchant ships. Same orders given to Capt. [Charles] Knowles of the Diainond and to Capts. Windsor and Torrington. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1738. Trelawny, Edward. Barbadoes. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Apr. 19. Charles Wager [Whitehall], His voyage, personal matters etc. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1738. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter [to May 10. Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Suggesting the taking of Majorca; Wager and he to command; the French on the Dutch frontier; suggestions for ruining Spain; alliance against France, and helping the Moors regain Grenada. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1738. G-reat Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. Resolve May 14. respecting Council order relating to Lords Proprie- tor's interests in the Bahama Islands. May 24. Resolve respecting Lord's Proprietor's title to Carolina. Contemporar}" cop3^ 1 p. Endorsed: "South Carolina". 1738. G-reat Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. Resolve May 18. to address the King on subject of purchasing the Bahama Islands from the Proprietors. May 20. Extract of report of the Comptroller to the House of the King's acceding to above request. 2 pp. 1738. G-reat Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. See: Great May 24. Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. 1738, May 14. 54 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1738. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to Capt. [Vin- May 31. cent?] Pearse. Respecting thefts of [Capt. Edward] Burroiighs; ]\Ioors will make reprisals if satisfac- tion is not given. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Enclosing: List of papers relating to above. [1738.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] List of papers sent to Capt. [Vin- [May 31.] cent?] Pearse, H. M. S. FlamlorougJi, relating to thefts of Capt. Edward Burroughs. Enclosed in letter, Wager to Pearse, 1738, May 31. q. v. 1738. Bloom, Daniel. New York. Affidavit respecting his being June 9. captured, and plundered b}- the French; Sworn to before Richard Nicholls. Notary Public. June 16. Note of oath of William Burns, Mate of Turtle Dove^ and others to truth of above statement. A. D. S. of Nicholls. 4 pp. Enclosed in: Trelawny, Edw. to Sir Chas. Wager, 1738, July 27. q. v. 1738. Wager, [Sir] Charles. Parsons Green, [London.] Letter to June 11. [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle [Whitehall]. Respecting observations on settling trade with French in America; Newfoundland fisheries; Donna Maria Ba}' in West Indies; clandestine trade etc. Auto, draft signed. 3 pp. 1738. Stone, Andrew. Newcastle House [London]. Letter [to July 12. Adml. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall ?]. [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle, desires his observations on enclosed papers, relating to French project of orders for Governors in West Indies. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1738. Trelawny, Edward. St. lago de la Vega, [Jamaica]. Let- July 27. ter [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [London]. Protest of [Daniel] Bloom against seizure of his vessel by the French; complaint of [John] Tristram of seizure of his vessel by the French; one Williams has brought in a Spaniard and an Indian, former will he hung. A. L. S. 2 pp. Enclosing: Bloom, Daniel. Affidavit, 1738. June 9. q. v. Tristram, John, Affidavit, 1738, July 29. q. v. 1738. Tristram, John. Jamaica. Deposition respecting capture July 29, and condemnation of his vessel h^ the French. Sworn to before Will. Hen: North. Enclosed in: Trelawny, Edward, to Sir Chas. Wager, q. v. VERNON-WA.GER MANUSCRIPTS 55 1738. Trelawny, Edward. St. Lugo de la Vega [Jamaica]. Let- Aug. 1. ter to M. De L'arney [Charles Brunies, Marqui.s de Larnage], Hispaniola. Enclosing protests of Daniel Bloom and John Tristram respecting capture of their vessels; has no doubt of justice being done in these cases. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1738. Jones, J . St. lago de la Vega [Jamaica]. Letter to Aug. 11. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [London]. Gov. [Ed- ward] Trelawn}' has gone to the north-side [of Jamaica]; sends copies of his letters to GovT of Hispaniola and Jno. Tristram's affidavit. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: "Rec'f not till 12 May 1739." 1738. "Wibault, James. [Placentia.] [Newfoundland.] Report Aug. 20. of state of fort, storehouse, magazine, etc., at Placentia. A. L. S. 21 pp. 1738. Bradstreet, John. Canso. Letter to ? Capt. Jeple- Sept. -i. son's affair & Capt. Heron's trial; Bradstreet's troubles; wishes aid of Sir Charles Wager enlisted in his case; account of countr}' about Canso and Minas Basin. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1738. Spain, Navy in West Indies. List of Spanish men-of-war Sept. 6. in the West Indies. Nov. 13. Memorandum of movements of the Havana fleet. 2 pp. Also 2 pp. cop3' of same, endorsed: "in Gov"" Trelawney's of the 6th Jany." 1738. Stone, Andrew. AVhitehall. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Oct. 19. Wager, Whitehall]. By order of [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle sends drafts of papers relating to Convention on disputes Avith French over West Indies trade; desires Wager's opinion on the Donna Maria Bay and Cape Nicola mole controversies. A. L. S. 4: pp. 1738. [Wager, Sir Charles.] [London.] Letter to Andrew Stone Oct. 20. [Whitehall]. Respecting the Convention with French on disputes about West Indies trade; hopes French prohibitions respecting Donna Maria Bay and Cape Nicola mole will not be insisted upon. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 2^* copy of same. Draft signed: " Cha. Wager. " Minor changes and additional P. S. respecting reported smuggling carried on at above- mentioned places. 5 pp. 56 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 173S. ■W[ager, Sir] C[harles. London.] Letter [to Andrew Stone, Oct. 20. London ?]. Dispute over Donna Maria Bay as an anchorage or watering place for ships. L. S: Con- temporary copy. 4 pp. 1738. ■W[ager, Sir] C[harles. London.] Letter to Andrew Stone Noy. T. [London?]. [Thomas Holies.] Duke of Newcastle's letter to [James, Earl] Waldegraye respecting- eon- yention to settle trade and nayigation with French West Indies; British rights at Donna Maria Bay. Draft. 2 pp 1738. [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter to Andrew Stone Nov. 8. [London]. Treaty with Spain relative to plunder- ing of British Mediterranean trade; sends some observations on West Indies trade. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. For draft of observations on West Indies trade, see: Wager, Observations 1738, Nov. 8. [1738.] W[ager, Sir] C[harles]. . Observations of the project of a [Nov. 8.] treaty with Spain dealing with depredations upon trade in the West Indies and logwood cutting. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Enclosed in letter, Wager to Andrew Stone 1738, Nov. 8, q. v. 1738. Memorandum. See: Spain, Navy. 1738, Sept. 6. Nov. 13. 1738. Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London.] Letter to [Thomas Hol- Nov. 13. les,] Duke of Newcastle [Whitehall?]. Respecting reduction of number of men in sea pa}". Contem- porary cop3'. 2 pp. Auto, note signed b}- Wager of King's approval of suggestions in above. [1738.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] [London.] Report [to Thomas Hol- [Dec. 27.] les, Duke of Newcastle, Whitehall?] respecting Grand Ance and British trade in the Windward Passage. Auto, draft. 1 p. Also contemporary cop3" of same, endorsed: " R from S"" Charles Wager Dec"" 27, 1738." 1 p. Also 2d contemporary' copy unendorsed. [1738.] [Sharpe, William. Whitehall.] Memorandum of Lords of Treasur^-'s action on Sharpens report respecting Gov^ [Edward] Trelawn3'*s claim. A. D. ? 2 pp. Endorsed: "State of the Case with regard to the Duties on Enumerated Commodities payable in the Plantations." VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 57 1738. [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum [of Spanish ships fitted out]. A. D. 1 p. [1738?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of places where the Spaniards ma}^ be attacked in Europe and the West Indies; brief descriptions — Corunna, Majorca, Oran, Havana, Santiago de Cuba, Baracoa, San Juan de Porto Rico, Carracas, St. Martha, Carta- gena, Porto Bello, Vera Cruz, South Sea, East Indies, Buenos Ayres, and islands on the coast of China. A. D. 4 pp. 1739. Vernon, E[dward] H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal, Jan. 7. [Jamaica.] Orders to Capt. [Thomas] Watson, H. M. S. Burford^ to provision and water as rap- idly as possible and cruise to assist vessels of squadron scattered b}- storm; take, burn, sink & destro}" all Spanish ships met with, etc. Contem- porary copy. 3 pp. 1739. Anonymous. London. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Jan. 14. Wager?, Whitehall]. Outlines scheme for attack- ing Spanish in America; alliance with Mosquito Indians; troops from North American colonies and privateering. 3 pp. Endorsed: "Scheme in regard to an American Expedition against Spain." 1739. Burn, Patrick. An account of the fortifications at and near Jan. 17. Cartagena. 2 pp. Enclosed in: Vernon to Wager, 1739. Jan. 18-31. 1739. Vernon, E[dward]. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Jan. 18-31. Wager, [Whitehall]. Gales encountered and dam- age done the squadron; refitting; fortifications of Cartagena reported by Patrick Burn (q. v.); sup- plies from England; war proclamation & bounty to seamen; convoy of trade; obtaining Dutch sea- men; practise of overmasting new ships; opinion on same; changes of officers; capture of English trader off Hispaniola suspected to be by French vessel flying Spanish colors. L. S. 19 pp. 1739. Vernon, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to the "Navy Board" Jan. 20-31. [Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, White- hall]. Reports damages to the various ships of his squadron b}^ late storm; want of masts and rigging; watering squadron; hospital needed; measures adopted to supply ships, etc. Contemporary copy. 12 pp. 58 VERTSrON -WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. West Indies, Jamaica, Kingston merchants. Letter to Jan. 21. Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon [Jamaica] requesting convoy. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1739. Vernon, E[dward] H. M. S. HamjjUm Court [Jamaica]. Jan. 31. Orders to Capt. [Edward] Boscawen, H. M. S. Shoi'ehcmi. Orders him to capture or destro}" Spanish privateers at the Grand Camanes; take station otf the Tortugas and intercept the Spanish- Havana trade; gain intelligence respecting Havana, etc. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1739. South America, Cartagena. State of. Present posture of Feb. 4. defense, etc. Contemporary cop3^ 3 pp. En- dorsed: '•* * * 4th of February, 1740." 2d copy of same. 3 pp. Under date of 1740, Feb. 4. 1739. Fletcher, William. London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Feb. 14. Charles [Wager, Whitehall]. Has an invention for moving a fire ship without help of wind or man power; is the inventor of a moving batter}- which he showed to Col. Foley; explains his patent com- pass. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Fletcher, William. Plan for a moving battery. Explana- Feb. 14. tion and sketch. A. D. 1 p. Enclosed in: Fletcher to Sir Chas. Wager, 1739, Feb. 14. 1739. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford, Port Royal Feb. 22. [Jamaica]. Orders to Commodore Charles Brown [Jamaica]. Leaves him in command at Jamaica; refitting ships; protection of island; convoy of local trade and impressment of seamen. Contemporary copy. 8pp. 1739. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford, Jamaica. Let- Feb. 23. ter to [Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage, Leo- gane. Complaining of breach of neutralit}" on part of one Mons. Petit, a French master, in carry- ing contraband stores to Spanish; reports evidence of trial in cases of the Nuestra Senmri de Rosario and the Mary; expects offenders to be punished. Contemporar}' copy. 5 pp. 1739. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford. At sea. Let- Feb. 25. ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Accident to Bxirford and refitting and stationing of other ships; means to bom])ard Cartagena, })ut is " too weak for any considerable Enterprize." L. S. with auto. p. s. 6 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 59 1739, Anonymous. London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Febr^' Waoer [Whitehall]. Suggesting- scheme of land bounty to encourage enlistment in case of raising troops in North America for expedition against the Spaniards. 2 pp. 1738 9. TrelavTny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Mar. 5. Charles Wager [London]. Treaty with Cudjoe; Col. Guthrie and Lt. Sadler's conduct; the situation and hoped-for aid from Parliament. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1738 9. Holden, Edward. Algiers. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Mar. 12. Wager [London]. Wagers health; British cap- tives of the Dey; their chances of release, etc. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Anonymous. List of cargoes of the three men of war Mar. 13. and "'Register Ships" which arrived from Buenos Ayres in the Bay of Cadiz March 13, 1739. 1,317,520 pieces of eight, 3,344 pistoles, hides, ingots, etc. 1 p. [1738 9.] Wager, [Sir] Charles. [London]. Letter to the Mayor [Mar. 1.5.] and Alderman of Ph^mouth [England], recommend- ing Capt. [Philip] Vanbrugh as a candidate for Parliament. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 1739. Vernon, E[dward]. Articles of capitulation granted to Mar. 24. Capt. Juan Carlos Gutierez de Lauallos on sur- render of Castle St. Lorenzo at mouth of river Chagre. Contemporary cop}'. 1 p. 1739. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Mar. 31. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Treaty with the Maroons; Dr. Stewart for Receiver-General of the island; Spanish warship wrecked at Anegada. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Copithorne, Richard. [London?]. Letter [to Adml. Sir May 10. Charles Wager i London]. Respecting the planta- tion's trade in sugar, wool, etc. A. L. S. 3-pp. 1739. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter [to Francis Gashr}', May 10. AYhitehall]. Has not made charges against Com- modore [Charles] Brown; details misunderstanding and wishes it cleared up; desires a lieutenantcy for Mr. Pratten. A. L. S. 3 pp. 60 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. Hamilton, el . [London.] Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Ma}' 14. Wager? London]. Submits proposition for tak- ing Cuba. A. L. S. 1 p. [1739.] H[arailton], J . [London.] Proposal for taking Cuba [May 14.] by a force to be raised in America. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1730. Parker, [John?] Corunna. Extract of a letter [to A — ? May 27 Castres, Segovia?]. Arming of Spanish ships of war at Ferrol; movements of troops, etc. 3 pp. Endorsed: "in Mr. Keene's private Letter of 29 May, 9 June, 1739." 1739. Tyrawly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter to June 6. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Loss of English leather trade; England has lost counte- nance in Portugal; reasons and means hj which King can be mollified; French influence; nobility marrying French ladies; council to be revived; new duty put on wines; England is losing trade in Portugal. A. L. S. 8 pp. 1739. Keene, [Benjamin]. Madrid. Extract of a letter [to June 11- Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Whitehall?]. 22. With intelligence of Spanish men of war. 1 p. 1739. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter [to June 13. Adm! Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. News of Tyrawly's proposed advancement and effect same will have; trade with Portugal. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1739. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Instructions to June 15. Capt" Charles Brown, Jamaica, to make reprisals upon the Spanish, to seize and take ever}' Spanish vessel, merchant or man of war, to intercept the galleons, etc., etc. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. 1T39. [Wager, Sir Charles.] "List of pacquets delivered to Mr. June 15. [Josiah] Burchett." 1 p. Endorsed by AVager: "List of Packets from the Duke of Newcastle's Oflfice to the several Govern'".'' " 1739. Stanyford, [Ambrose]. Alicante [Spain]. Extract of a June 17. letter to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle [Whitehall!']. Movements of Spanish ships to and from Cadiz. 1 p. VERNON- WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 61 1739. Trelawny, Edward. [Jamaica.] Letter [to Adml. Sir June 17. Cliarles Wager, WhitehallJ. Recommending Dr. [John] Stewart for Receiver-General of Jamaica; state of the rebels [Maroons]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. [Bladen, Martini and John Bladen^ Tinker.] [London.] June 18. Letter to [William Stanhope,] Lord Harrington [Whitehall ?]. Proposition and general plan of set- tling Darien. 11 pp. Endorsed: "For the R^ Hon'*!'' S^ Charles Wager." 2d copy of same. 10 pp. See: Great Britain, Lord Com'rs. of the Admiralty. Report to Com" of Privy Council on project of settlement at Darien. 1739, eTune. 1739. Stewart, John. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles June 18. Wager, Whitehall [London]. Respecting appoint- ment of James Barcla\" as Receiver-General of Jamaica. A. L. S. 1 p. 1739. Grreat Britain, Secretar}" of State, Southern Provinces. June 20. Whitehall. Letter to Rear- Admiral [Nicholas] Haddock [on coast of Portugal]. Orders him to detach three ships to Cape St. Vincent to intercept two Spanish treasure ships from Buenos Ayres. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1739. Courand, John. Whitehall, Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles June 28. Wager [WTiitehall]. King's messenger has been sent to Plymouth to apprehend the persons who took soundings in Torbay and any other suspicious persons in those parts. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1739.] G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. [June] Report [to Committee of the Privy Council] on project of settlement at Darien. The country can- not spare the troops and naval force necessary. Auto, draft in Wager's handwriting. 1 p. 2d copy of same. 1 p. See : Bladen, Martin and John Bladen Tinker. Letter to William Stanhope, Lord Har- rington, 1739, June 18. 1739. Masters, John, London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Jul}^ 3. Wager [Whitehall]. Requesting protection for Newfoundland fisheries in case of rupture with Spain; desires permission to go to Newfoundland; value of trade etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "John Masters Merch' at London, State of Newfoundland Trade, 3 July 1739. Hasten the N. Found Land ships." 62 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. Warren, Peter. H. M. S. Squirrel^ Boston. Report [to July 9. Adnil. Sir Charles Wager? London]. State of French fisher}^ at Cape Breton, June, 1739, with account of British fisheries and fortifications at Canceaux. A. D. S. 5 pp. 1739. Tyra'wly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter to July 11. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Diplo- matic conditions; mone}^ is necessary to advance England's interests; the Prime Minister's standing; amount of gold that annually goes into England from Portugal. A. L. S. 4 pp. Separate 2 pp. auto, sheet marked "Separate Paper," containing arguments respecting Tyrawly advancement to ambasadorship. 1739. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Instructions to July 16. Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Portsmouth]. To wage war upon the Spanish in the West Indies; capture the galleons, etc. Contemporary copy. 7 pp. Note: These are the instructions for Vernon's Porto Bello expedition; for others see same rubric, same date. 1739. G-reat Britain, Crown, George II, King. Separate instruc- July 16. tions to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Portsmouth]. To cruize Itt da3^s off Cape Finistere to intercept the Azogues ships; instructions for his guidance in various circumstances. Contemporar}^ <^'op3^ 6 pp. Note: These are part of the instructions for Ver- non's Porto Bello expedition; for others see same rubric, same date. 1739. Great Britain, Crown, George II, King. Secret instruc- July 16. tions to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Portsmouth]. To report to England on best practicable place for attacking Spaniards in West Indies. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Note: These are part of the instructions for Ver- non's Porto Bello expedition; for others see same rubric, same date. 1739. Tyrawly, [James O'llara, BaronJ. Lls])on. Letter to July 17. [Adml.] Sir Charh^s Wager [Whitehall]. Attitude of the King of Portugal toward England; Tyi'awly's warnings; matter of his commission and advance- ment and effect upon relations between the coun- tries. A. L. S. 7 pp. VEENOJf-WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 63 1739. "W[ager Sir] C[harles] Parsons Green [London]. Letter July 20. to R[ear] A[dmiral Edward] Vernon [Portsmouth, England. Rear] Admiral [Nicholas] Haddock cruizing off Cadiz; Spain anxious about the Azo- gues ships; orders for fitting out British privateers in the West Indies. Contemporarj' copy. 3 pp. 1739. "Wager, [Sir] Charles. Parsons Green [London]. Letter July 20. to V[ice] Adml. [Edward] Vernon [Portsmouth]. Sends latest news of the Azogues ships & urges haste in sailing; orders of Admiralt}^ respecting the 70-gun ships; recommendation of Lt. ? Stephens. Auto-draft signed. 2 pp. 1739. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Jul}' 29. Claremont [England]. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [^Vhitehall]. Wishes his draft of letter to [Rear] Adml. [Nicholas] Haddock, also his thoughts in writing on attempt against St. Augus- tine, sending squadron to Mediterranean and burn- ing Spanish ships at Carthagene; Darien settlement & other projects to be considered at coming meeting at the Archbishop's [of Canter])ur3', John Potter]. L. S.: "'Holies Newcastle" with auto-postscript. 3 pp. 1739. Tyravrly, [James O'Hara, Baron.] Lisbon. Letter to Aug. 1. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Attitude of Portugal toward England; negotiations with Cardinal Motta; the King and Spain; French and Spanish ambassadors. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Courand, John. Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Aug. 5. W^ager [Whitehall]. [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle desires all letters containing intelligence from Com'l"' [Charles] Brown; and other advices from West Indies; possibilities of Azogues ships being safe in port; instructions to Vernon. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces, Aug. 5. Claremont [England]. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Considerations of attack on St. Augustine; French ship sounding off Scotland; Azogues ships atCorunna; intelligence from [Com'*.'"] C[harles] Brown of Fair at Panama, etc. L. S. : ' ' Holies Newcastle. " 64 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. Grreat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Aug. 8. Whitehall. Letter to Rear Adml. [Nicholas] Had- dock [off coast of Spain]. Respecting statements of a French merchant captain; King desires a report and all papers relating thereto. Contemporar}" copy by Andrew Stone. 1 p. 1739. Grreat Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Aug. 8. inces. Whitehall [London]. Letter to Rear Admiral [Nicholas] Haddock [off Cadiz? Spain]. The King is pleased with his diligence; Sir Chal- oner Ogle's niovements to intercept the galleons; Vice Adml. [Edward] Vernon has been sent to the West Indies; Haddock to blockade Cadiz & take, burn, sink, or destroy all Spanish vessels. L. S. : Holies Newcastle. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1739. Stone, Andrew. Whitehall. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Aug. 8. Wager, Whitehall]. Sends drafts of [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle's letters to Rear Adml. [Nicholas] Haddock for his approval; the duke desires to see him. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Aug. 8. Charles Wager, [Whitehall]. Efforts to furnish men to the navy here; disagreement [with Comi'' Charles Brown]; Havana is the place to take, not St. lago de Cuba. A. L. S. ■! pp. 1739. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Aug. 9. Wager, Whitehall]. Respecting scheme to attack Manila. 1 p. Signature torn off. 1739. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Francis] Gashry Aug. 10. [Whitehall]. Right to issue letters of marque; Com'*.'" [Charles] Brown's attitude; outline of dif- ferences. L. S. 4 pp. 1739. Stone, Andrew. Claremont. [England.] Letter [to Adml.] Aug. 11. Sir Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Sends draft of [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle's letter to Vice Adml. [Edward] Vernon for approval and sundry other letters for his perusal. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Aug. 13. inces. Whitehall. Letter to Vice Admiral [Ed- ward] Vernon [off Cape Finistere, Spain]. Orders covering his movements oft' Cape Finistere to intercept the Azogues and Buenos A3'res ships and his West Indies expedition. Contemporary copy. 7 pp. VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 65 1739. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Aug. 15. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Misunderstandings between Commodore [Charles] Brown and himself. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Medley, H[enry]. H. M. S. Roinney. Placentia, New- Aug. 19. foundland. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [London?]. Reports arrival; fort 'at Placentia a mere burlesque on fortification. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Grxeat Britain, Secretary of State for the Northern Prov- Aug. 21. inces. Whitehall. Letter to Vice Admiral [Ed- ward] Vernon [off Cape Finistere, Spain]. The Azogues ships are at St. Andero; orders him to Canaries to intercept the Buenos Ayres ships, thence to the West Indies. Contemporar}'- copy. 2 pp. 1739. Tyrawly, [James O'Hara, Baron.] Lisbon. Letter to Aug. 22. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Portugal affairs; arrival and departure of various French personages of importance; Tyrawly 's ambassador- ship; reprisals upon Spain, etc. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Stone,Andrew. Claremont, [England]. Letter to [Adml.] Sep. 2. Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Despatches for Rear Adml. [Nicholas] Haddock will be ready to- morrow. A. L. S. 1 p. 1739. Tyrawly, [James O'Hara, Baron.] Lisbon. Letter to Sep. 5. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Portugal and the disposition and temper of the King; method England should pursue; French ambassador. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739. Stone, Andrew. [London.] Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Sep. 19. Wager [Whitehall]. [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle desires certain lists of ships in the ser- vice for the King; matter of bounty for voluntary enlistments of seamen. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Sep. 20. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Evils to Jamaica resulting from naval impressments; Spanish treas- ure at Panama & Porto Bello; Com**^ [Charles] Brown off the Havana; fortifications at Port Antonio. A. L. S. 4 pp. 32066— Oi 5 66 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. Trelavrny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Sep. 22. Charles Wag-er [Whitehall]. Jamaica inhabitants so disgusted with Com'^'i [Chas.] Brown's actions they will not make provision for prisoners brought in by the navy; Trelawn}'^ blamed for Capt. [Miles] Stapylton's actions off Cartagena. A. L, S. 4 pp. [1739.] Stone, Andrew. Whitehall. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Sep. 24. Wager, Whitehall]. Enclosing letters and papers relating to [Rear Adml.] [Nicholas] Haddock & [Vice Adml. Edward] Vernon; [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle desires Wager to call. A. L. S. Ip. 1739. Stone, Andrew. Claremont [England]. Letter [to Adml. Sep. 27. Sir Charles Wager Whitehall]. Sends letters received by [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle with information of Spanish ships; suggestion for intercepting Pizzaro's squadron. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Le Fran9ois, Philip. See Warren, Peter. Feb. 2, 1740. Sept. 28. n. s. 1739. Great Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Sep. 28. inces. Whitehall. Letter to Vice- Admiral [Ed- ward] Vernon [West Indies]. The Azouges reached St. Andero, Aug. 2; Spanish men of war at Porto Bello and Cartagena are to be burned if possible; project of settlement on Isthmus of Darien; the Spanish Ferrol squadron. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1739. Philipps, R[ichard]. [Annapolis Royal?] Account of effect- Sep. 28. ivc troops in Nova Scotia. Tabular statement. 1 p. A. D. S. See: Great Britain, Privy Council, Committee for Plantation Affairs. Order of coun- cil respecting report on Nova Scotia. 1739, Nov. 9. [1739.] Philipps, R[ichard]. [Annapolis RoyaK^] A State of the [Sep. 28.] Province of Nova Scotia sent to Sir William Yonge. A. D. S. 4 pp. See: Great Britain Priv}- Council, Conmiittee for Plantation Affairs. Order of council respecting report on Nova Scotia. 1739, Nov. 9. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 67 1739. Medley [Henry]. H. M. S. Ronuicy, Newfoundland. Oct. 1. Extract of letter to [Jo.siah] Burcliett [London], relative to his convo}" of merchant ships to coast of Portugal. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1739. G-reat Britain, Navy. List of ships in sea pay. Tabular Oct. 9. statement of names of ships, rates, commanders, number of guns, men, and stations. 5 pp. 1739-41, G-reat Britain, Navy. Account of ships sent out, whither Oct. 23- and under what orders from declaration of war Dec. 21. with Spain to Dec. 21, 1741. 45 pp. 1739. Tassell, Hubert. London. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Oct. 24. Wager [London]. Gives his opinion relative to the projected attack on Havana. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1739. Tyrawly [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter to Oct. 24. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. His regi- mental appointment and restoration to plenipoten- tiary ship; condition on negotiations; Chavigny may be ambassador from France; asks for a ship for Lieut. O'Hara. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1739-41. G-reat Britain, Navy. Abstract of number and rates of Oct.- ships employed as cruisers from the Lizard and Dec. Bristol Channel to Cape Finistere in each month since the declaration of war with Spain and account of the number of convoys since same time. (No names given.) 3 pp. Also 3 copies of same. 3 pp. each. [1739.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum respecting proposed [Nov. 6.] expeditions to Manila and Cartagena. Auto draft. 2 pp. 1739, G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for the Southern Prov- Nov. 7. inces. Whitehall. Letter to Rear Admiral [Nich- olas] Haddock [off the coast of Spain]. Commends his diligence; no decision made as yet by the King regarding the squadron's prizes. Contemporary copy. 3 pp, 1739. G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Nov. 7. Whitehall. Letter to Rear Adml. [Nicholas] Had- dock [off coast of Spain]. Reenforcements sent; to distress and annoy Spaniards wherever possible; to winter at Port Mahon & protect Gibralter; Cambis's memorial; French treaties; encloses dec- laration of war against Spain. Contemporary^ copy. 4 pp. 68 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1739. Great Britain, Privy Council, Committee for Plantation Nov. 9. Ati'air.s. Whitehall. Order of council respecting report on Nova Scotia by Maj. Gen. [Richard] Philipps. D. S. : W. Sharpe. Seal of council attached. 1 p. See: Philipps, Richard. A State of the Province of Nova Scotia 1739, Sep. 28. And also: Philipps, Richard. Account of effective troops in Nova Scotia 1739, Sep. 28. 1739. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica, Letter to [Adml,] Sir Nov. 24. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Desires Mr. Dalley Pope appointed Register of Admiralty; has turned James Cancanen out of that office, his brother the Atty. Genl., having secretly opposed Trelawny from his arrival on the island; will endeavor to live at peace with the admiral [Vice Adm. Edward Ver- non]; the under officers on both sides cause the trouble. L. S. 1 p. 1739. Trela-wny, Edward, Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Nov. 25. Wager [Whitehall]. Thanks for appointing Capt. Lawrence, post-captain; Vice Adml. [Edward] Ver- non sails for Porto Bello to-morrow. L. S. 1 p. 1739. G-reat Britain, Nav3^ Abstract of the fleet at several Dec. 1. periodsof time, to wit: 1710-1714 and 1739. Tabu- lar statement, 1 p. 1739. Lezo, Bias de. Galleon Conquestadoi\ Cartagena. Letter to Dec. 27. Vice- Admiral Edward Vernon [Jamaica]. Capture of Porto Bello and treatment of Spanish prisoners. Contemporary copy of L. S. 4 pp. 2*? copy of same. 4 pp. [1739?] G-reat Britain, Secretary of State for Southern Provinces. Memorandum [of outline of plan of operations of war]. Wager to prepare instructions for Ogle- thorpe to attack St. Augustine; detach [Sir Chaloner] Ogle to protect Mediterranean trade; Haddock and attempts on Spanish coast; authorize governors of Port Mahon and Gibraltar to grant letters of marque. A. D. of Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle. VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 69 [1739 ?] South America, Cartagena. Defenses, etc. Memorandum of, 1 p. 2? copy of same with slight variation in wording. [1739?] Spain, Navy. List of men-of-war at Cadiz, Biscay, and Carthegena. Names, number of guns, and men. Ip. [1739.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Abstract of the French fisheries at Cape Breton. Auto, draft. 1 p. [1739?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of "attempts that may be made upon the Spanish Coast of Europe or America." Auto, draft. 7 pp. Contemporary copies of above 5 & 7 pp. respectively. [1739?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of force required for expedition against Cartagena, with discussion of advisability of attacking Panama and sending expe- dition to the South Seas. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. [1740] Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford [Jamaica]. Let- Jan. 5. ter to [Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage [Hispaniola]. Detailing at length various causes of complaint against the French; Spanish money sent under French flag, etc. ; Vernon's own conduct respecting British privateers found preying upon the French, etc. Contemporary copy. 8 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal Jan. 5. [Jamaica]. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. [Rear Adml.] Sir Chaloner Ogle's arrival at St. Christopher; his correspondence with Larnage; Marquis D'Antin's junction with Spanish at Cartagena; brutality of North American priva- teers; Edsbury, a Jamaica privateer, and his plun- derings; news of French squadron. L. S. 7 pp. 1740. Speed, Samuel. Jamaica. Letter [to Thomas Holies?] Jan. 28. Duke [of Newcastle ?, Whitehall ?] Report of Lord Aubrey Beauclerk's action with the French [part of d'Antin's squadron off Hispaniola. first part of Jan. , 1740]. A. L. S. 6 pp. Cf. Clowes. Hist, of Eoyal Navy, Lond., 1898, v. 3, p. 64, and Beat- son, Naval & Military Memoirs, Lond., 1804, V. 1, 69-70. 70 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS [1T40?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] [Whitehall.] Instructions to Vice [Jan. — .] Adm. [Edward] Vernon [Jamaica].} General orders to cooperate with Lord Cathcart in such expedition against the Spaniards as a council of war may determine. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1740. Warren, P[eter]. U.'M.S. S^uinv/. Port Royal, Jamaica. Feb. 2. Letter to Vice Admiral Edward Vernon [Port Ro3'al], respecting Spanish papers found on his recent cap- ture; sends translations of same: is under sail. etc. [1739.] Le Fran9ois, Philippe. Contract with Spanish Sep. 28. Intendant of Marine at Ferrol for carrying King (n. s.) of Spain's effects to Porto Rico. (Translation in English.) 1741. Abadia, Mathias de. Extracts of letter to Dn. Jan. 21. Rodrigo de 'Torres, Cartagena, respecting carrying (n. s.) of Spanish effects under French flag. (Translation in English.) 1741. Abadia, Mathias de. Letter to Dn. Sebastian de (n. s.) Esclavas, Santa Fe, Praying for relief such as can Jan. IS. be sent him. (Translation in English.) 1741. Masclary, Francis. Letter to Dn. Juan de Vera (n. s.) Gallardo, Santa Martha. Enclosing letter to Ber- Jan. 20. nard Crangent. (Translation in English.) Jan. 20. Masclary, Francis. Letter to Bernard Grangent, Cape Francois. Giving an account of seizure of his sloop by a Spanish privateer. (Translation in English.) Contemporar}' copies, 9 pp. 1740. G-reat Britain, Xavj. List of ships in sea pay. Names of FeV). 3. ships, rates, commanders, number of men, guns, and where station. Tabular statement of Admi- ralty Office. 7 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward], Thomas Wentworth, [Sir] C[haloner] Feb. 8. Ogle, and J[ohn] G-uise. Proceedings of a general council of war held on board H. M. S. Princess Carolina [oft' Cape Tiburoon, Hispaniola]. Determi- nation to destroy French squadron now at Port Ivouis. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. i74t». La Vega, Dionisio Martinez de. Panama. Letter to the Feb. 12. King of Spain [Philip V]. Efforts made to put Porto Bello in state of defense; capture b}' the English; history of the event; measures taken, etc., from time of appearance of English squadron until it sailed for Jamaica; return of storm-driven siiips; English treatment of inhabitants; cowardice and thievery of the guarda costa crews and disaffection of the Indians. (Translation in English.) 22 pp. 2f copv of same. 22 pp. Endorsed: '"In Vernon's of the'5^" April C. W." VEKNON-WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 7l 1740. Chegoyen, Joseph de'l. Panama. Letter to Santiago de Feb. 14. Yrissario. Capture of Porto Bello; damag-e to Vernon's fleet by the storm; help of the Governor of Lima and the Indians; bravery of Dn. Juan Francisco de Garganta at Iron Castle. Contempo- rary copy. 7 pp. 2"*. copy of same. 8 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward], Thomas Wentworth, [Sir] C[haloner] Feb. 16. Ogle, and J[ohn] G-uise. Proceedings of a council of war held on H. M. S. Carolina^ Isle of Ash [West Indies], Reports of scouts and determina- tion to attack Cartagena. Contemporar}' copy "Ex<^" 3 pp. 1710. La-^s, William. H. M. S. Spence off Cape Tiberoon Feb. 22. [Hispaniola]. Letter to Vice- Admiral Edward Vernon [off Port Louis? Hispaniola, West Indies]. Reports men-of-war at Petit Guave [Hispaniola]. Contemporary cop3\ 1 p. 1710. Vernon, E[dward], Thomas Wentworth, [Sir] C[haloner] Feb. 23. Ogle, and J[ohn] G-uise. Proceedings of a council of war held on H. M. S. Carolina^ Irish Ba}', His- paniola. Reports of Capt"** [William] Laws and [Peter] Warren, determination of 1&^ inst. [to attack Cartagena] confirmed. Contemporary copy. "Ex'*" 1 p. 1740. Warren, P[eter]. H. M. S. Squirrel off Donna Maria Bay Feb. 23. [Hispaniola]. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward Ver- non [Irish Bay, Hispaniola]. Reports intelligence he has obtained respecting Cartagena and its defenses. Contemporary copy. "Ex*?" 4pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Irish Bay, Feb. 24. Hispaniola. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [London]. Events of departure from Porto Bello; Port Louis attempt given over; disposition of French to aid Spanish; Vernon wishes to return to England; Cartagena expedition decided upon; great harmony exists between land and naval forces of the expedition. L. S. 9 pp. [1740.] Harris, . [Jamaica.] Memorandum of information [Feb. 'i\ respecting French fleet. 2 pp. [1740.] [Wager, Sir Charles.] [London.] Additional instructions [Feb. ?] to • ■ Comodore " [Capt. Charles] Brown [Jamaica]. Demand satisfaction from Spaniards for depreda- tions on British merchant trade; reprisals author- ized. .5 pp. 72 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1740. Lea, William, London. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Mar. 3. Wager? Whitehall?]. Proposing that attempts be made on the Mosquito coast, Guatemala, Honduras, and Campeach}^; Yucatan Indians should be encour- aged to side with English. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward], and others. Proceedings of council of Mar. 5. war held on H. M. S. Princess Carolina off Cartha- gena. Agreement as to proportionate distribution of booty between land and sea forces. Contempo- rary copy of D. S. : E, Vernon, Thos. Wentworth, C. Ogle, J. Guise, RicM Lestock, Will. Blakeney, C. Wolfe, J. Hemington. 5 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina off Carta- Mar. 6. gena. Orders to Rear Adml. Sir Chaloner Ogle for his guidance in bombarding the fortifications of Cartagena. Contemporary cop3^ 3 pp. 1739/40. Stapylton, M[iles]. H. M. S. Sheerness "In the Groute." Mar. 7. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon [Jamaica]. Reports rash conduct of Capt. Thomas Grubb in a Jamaica privateer attacking the Porto Bello bat- teries; privateer disabled and captured; demanded men and vessel from Spanish and obtained them. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1740. KnoTvles, Charles, and others. Off' Cartagena. [Report to Mar. 8. Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon.] Observations of enemies' works at Boca Chica, soundings, etc. Con- temporary cop}^ "Ex*?/ "of D. S. Cha^ Knowles, T. Cooper, Ja. Rentone, Wm. Laws. 2 pp. 1470. Vernon, E[dward], and others. Proceedings of a council of Mar. 8. war held on H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ off Car- tagena. Decision to attack at once in manner out- lined by Sir Chaloner Ogle's orders. Contempo- rary copy "Ex''/" of D. S. E. Vernon, Thos. Wentworth, C. Ogle, J. Guise, Rich'*. Lestock, Will, Blakeney, C. Wolfe, J. Hemington. 1740. Chastenoye, Etienne de, et Jean Baptiste Samson. Orders Mar. 11. to Capt. Pierre Durocher, of the St. George. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2*^ copy of same. 1 p. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 73 1740. Vernon, E[dward], and [Sir] C[haloner] Ogle. H. M. S. Mar. 11. Jersey^ off Terra Bomba. Letter to Maj. Gen. [Thomas] Wentworth [before Cartagena]. Recom- mending pushing forward of troops and landing of provisions. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. [1740?] " St. Jago." Inventory of cargo on her voyage to Carta- Mar. 16. gena. 1 p. Endorsed: " Factory of the St. Jago's cargo. Rec*^ 16 March by Colechester." 1740. Belaquin, . Havana. Letter to [Jean Frederic Phely- Mar. 18. peaux,] Comte de Maurepas [Paris]. Fall of Porto Bello, attack on Cartagena, and preparations for defense at Havana. Contemporary copy "Ex'^." 2 pp. 1739/40 Cole, Thomas. Oporto, [Portugal]. Report to Robert Mar. 21. Jackson, Porto. Number of troops at various places in Spain. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. En- dorsed: " R. 26*'^ April, in Consul Jackson." 1740. Vernon, E[dward], [Sir] C[halonerJ Ogle and Richard Les- Mar. 23. took. H. M. S. Jersey^ off Terra Bomba. Let- ter to Maj. Gen. [Thomas] Wentworth [before Cartagena]. Recommends taking of Boca Chica by army at once. Mar. 24. Same to same: Ships can not get closer in; urges him to attack with army. Mar. 24. Same to same: Urging an attack. Mar. 25. Same to same: Disappointed at his not attacking; considers that fort could easily be stormed and taken; recites navy's success as evidence of dispo- sition of Spaniards; urges attack. Contemporarj^ copies. 9 pp. 1740. Cole, [Thomas]. Porto, [Portugal]. Letter [to Adml. Sir Mar. 25. Charles Wager, Whitehall]. Reporting ships and conditions found in French ports, and describes his experiences, and gives information obtained in Spain. 22 pp. 1740. Berkeley, G[eorge]. H. M. S. ^V^ndsol\ Porto Bello. Apr. 4. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon [Jamaica]. Reporting an unsuccessful attempt to bring to a French trading sloop which ran into Cartagena. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 74 VERNON-WAGEK MANUSCEIPTS 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Porto Bello. Apr. 5. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Describes bombardment of Cartagena; French pri- vateers obtaining Spanish commissions; i)ardon for the pirate, Lowther; bombardment and destruction of Chagres fort; intelligence contained in captured Spanish letters; efforts to secure English trade at Porto Bello. L. S. 16 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford, Porto Bello. Apr. 5. Orders to Captains of Navy and privateers to have regard for the welfare and safety of the inhabit- ants of Porto Bello and refrain from annoying them in any way. Contemporarj^ cop}'. 2 pp. Enclosed in: Vernon to Wager, 1740, Apr. 5. 1740. Hodgson, Robert. Sandy Bay [Panama]. Letter [to Gov. Apr. 8. Edward Trelawny, Jamaica]. Reports events and success of his mission to Veraguan Indians? [Country about Trinidad and Santa Fe.] A. L. S. 10 pp. 1740. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron,] Lisbon. Letter to Apr. 21. Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon [flamaica]. Notif3^e8 him of sailing of [Admiral Joseph] Pintado's squad- ron from Cadiz for the West Indies. Contempo- rary copy. 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford. Off the Little Apr. 21. Baru. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Intelligence found in captured Span- ish letters; successful land expeditions impossible in these regions; changing place of holding the galleon fair from Porto Bello to Panama; recon- noitering Cartagena. L. S. 4 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Strafford. Under the Apr. 25. Grand Baru. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Squadron damaged by gale; informa- tion obtained from French sloop; force at Carta- gena and galleon fair at Porto Bello; intelligence of route of couriers between Cartagena and Panama. L. S. 4 pp. 1740. West Indies, Cuba, Havana Junta. Proceedings relative Apr. 27. to aid to other Spanish colonies in the West Indies, Florida, ec, and more especially for subsistence, ec, of the two men-of-war Galicia and San Carlos and the troops recently arrived. Contemporary cop3^ 7 pp. "Ex." VEKNON- WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 75 1740. Larnage, Charles Bruuies, Marquis de. Leogane [Hispani- Apr. 29. ola]. Order to Chev\ Ra^niond to cruise in the Teni])ete through the Leeward Islands as a guarda costa, Contemporar}" copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 2d copy of same. 2 pp. 1T40. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal Ma}^ 5. [Jamaica]. Order appointing Messrs. Merry- weather, Manning, and Tickell agents for prizes taken at Porto Bello. '"'■ By Command of the Admi- ral, W™ Pearse." 2 pp. 2d copy of same. 2 pp. 1740. Ordonez, . Panama. Letter to ? Cartagena. Re- Ma}' 7. specting the King's treasure. Vernon at Carta- gena. Contemporary- copy. 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. 1740. Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco de. Havana. Let- May 9. ter to [Etienne] de Chastenoye [Cape Francois, Hispaniola]. Requesting assistance of mone\' and supplies for the two men-of-war Galicia and San Carlos 2in6. troops recently arrived. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1740. Gruemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco de. Havana. Let- May 9. ter to [Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage [Leogane, Hispaniola]. Requests him to assist Dr. Pedre de Guaragcoschea to procure loan of 60,000 pieces of eight needed by the Spanish colonies. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. [1740.] Seambry, Pascal. Memorandum of his intelligence respect- [May 9.] ing defences of Cartagena. 2 pp. Endorsed "Memorandum of Cartagena, by His Maj: Ship Sheerness.''^ 2d copy of same. 2 pp. Enclosed in 533. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal, May 9. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Disposition of ships to protect trade ; first attempt to open markets with Spaniards; French aid to Spain ; could have taken Cartagena with 3,000 troops ; news of galleon fair at Guyaquil. L. S. 3 pp. 76 VEENON-WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 1740. Wimbleton, Charles. H. M. S. Worcester, Port Ro3^al, Ma}^ 11. Jamaica, Extract of report [to Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon, Jamaica], respecting conduct of one John Lush, commander of a privateer from New York toward a French sloop. Attestating to correctness of above before Edward Trelawny May 13, 1740. Contempoi'ary copy. 2 pp. Enclosed in 539. 1740. Vernon, Edward. [Port Royal.] [Jamaica.] Letter to May 18. Messrs. Merryweather, Manning, and Tickell, [Jamaica?] Respecting sale of [Porto Bello] prizes and valuations. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 2d copy of same. 2 pp. 1740. Wyndham, Charles. H. M. S. Greenwich Privateer May 22. Bay [Hispaniola]. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon [Port Ro3'al, Jamaica.] Took English sloop from Chevl. Ra3'mond"'s guarda costa; Spanish ship at Port Louis. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 2d copy of same. 2 pp. 1740. Vernon, Edward. [Port Royal]. [Jamaica.] Letter to May 24. [Gov.] Edward Trelawny [St. lago de la Vega, Jamaica]. Instructions from England to prevent junction [of Rodrigo de Torres] with Dn. Bias de Lezo ; ships he will leave to protect Jamaica ; scarcity of seamen and impressment. Contempo- rary copy. 3 pp. May 25. Trela-wny, Edward. Letter to Vernon. Sends proceedings of the council on Vernon's letter of 24th. May 25. West Indies, Jamaica, Council Proceedings. Sol- diers provided for the fleet ; stations of the ships protecting the island ; vagabonds ; Spanish ship at Port Louis, and Spanish goods are lawful prizes at all times. May 25. Vernon, Edward. Letter to Edward Trelawny. Thanking him for promised assistance, etc. Con- temporary copies. 6 pp. 2d copy of same. 7 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal May 30. [Jamaica]. Order to Messrs. Merryweather, Man- ning, and Tickell, [Jamaica] to ship home Capt. [Charles] Knowlcs's, his officers' and crew's share of Porto Bello prizes, in H. M. S. Diamond to the Bank of England until royal decision in matter has been made. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 77 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burfcy^xl, Port Royal [Ja- May 30- maica]. Letter to Adml. Sir Charles Wager [White- June 3. hall]. Lt. [Charles] Wimbletoirs report (q. v.); protection of the trade; disposition of prize money [of Porto Bello]; [James O'Hara, Baron], Tyrawlj-'s intelligence of Spanish squadron for the West Indies; lack of cordage and masts; watering of squadron; Capt. Forest's appointment; difficulties of subsist- ence; trade of northern colonies with French; trade of English with Spanish colonies; leaky ships; sug- gestion of attack of St. laga [de Cuba]. L. S. with autograph postscript. 11 pp. 2d L. S. of same. 12 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal [Ja- June 4. maica]. Orders to Capt. [Perry] Mayne [Port Royal]. To capture ships from Cadiz with Spanish vicero}' on board and protect British homeward- bound fleet in its passage past Havana. Contem- porar}' cop3\ 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. 1740. ShirwiU, William. An account of the town and defences of June 5. St. Sebastian [Spain]. A. D. S. 1 p. Auto, sketch plan of harbor, etc., with explanatorj' notes. A. D. S. 2 pp. See also: Spain, St. Sebastian. Sketch plan of harbor. 1740. G-reat Britain. Navy. List of ships in sea pay. Names, June 13. rates, commanders, number of guns, men, and where stationed. Tabular statement of Admiralty Office. 7 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, off St. Martha. June 17. Orders to Capt. [Digby] Dent. Continue to cruise off this station to obtain intelligence of Spanish squadron from Cadiz and return to Hispaniola after June 24, etc. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 2d copy • of same. 2 pp. 1740. Hodgson, Robert. Mosquito coast. Letter [to Edward June 21- Trelawnj^, Jamaica]. Account of his expedition July 12. with Mosquito Indians against the Spanish. A. L. S. 10 pp. 78 VERNON-WAGEK MAjJ^USCEIPTS 1740. Vernon, E[dward], H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal. June 2-i. Orders to Capt. [Richard] Herbert, Port Antonio [Jamaica], to capture Spanish privateer said to be on the west coast of Hispaniola, break up contraband trade between Port Louis and Cartagena, and obtain I intelligence of Spanish squadron said to be coming from Cadiz. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. [1740.] Brodrick, Thomas. Port Royal. Letter [to Vice- Adml. Ed- [June 26,] ward Vernon Port Ro3'al]. Reports results and information obtained by his reconnoissance off Cartagena; news of Spanish squadrons from Cadiz, and capture of one Stewart, commanding an Eng- lish snow; damage to Cartagena from Vernon's bombardment. Contemporary cop}-. 3 pp. 1740. Mayne, Perry. At sea. Letter to Vice-Adml. Edward June 28. Vernon [Port Royal, Jamaica]. Reporting events of his cruise; capture of Dutch ship from Cadiz, etc. List of names of Spaniards on Duich ship. Con- temporary copy. 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford^ Jamaica. Letter June 28. to [Charles Brunies,] Marquis [de] Larnage [His- paniola]. Apologizing for seizure of a French guarda costa, and detailing circumstances of the just capture of a certain French trading brigan- tine \Xeptime\. Contemporary copy. 3pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. 1740. Leso, Bias de. Cartagena. Letter to the Archbishop, Vice July 6. King of New Spain. Respecting treasure for the galleons and English ships seen off Cartagena. Contemporary copy of translation. 3 pp. 1740. Georgia, Trustees. Power of attorne}- to Harman Verelst Jul}^ 14. to receive monev from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasur}' of Great Britain for further set- tling and improving Georgia. A. D. S. of Benj. Marty n, Secy. Seal of Georgia attached. "Intrat in oflScie Audit Recep^ Secry. y 27 die Jul}^ 1740 H. Bury." 1 p. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 79 17-iO. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Roj^al. July 19. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [White- hall]. Squadron hampered b}' weak masts and shrouds; Lt. [Thomas] Brodrick's reconnoissance (q. V.) of Cartagena; dispositions to defend Jama- ica; treasure at Cartagena; release of French guarda costa; patching up his ships; capture of Viceroy of Santa Fe. L. S. 12 pp. 1740. Barranco, Pedro. Cartagena. Letter to his wife at July 25. Havana. Hiscaptureby the English and his escape; personal matters. Contemporary cop}' of transla- tion. 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford^ Jamaica. Letter to July 25. [Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage [Hispaniola]. The Neptxme^ a French trading brigantine, has been condemned in Admiralty for carrying arms to the Spaniards; sends Larnage, master and crew. July 26. Same to same. A French sloop having been taken through misapprehension has released and supplied her with necessaries and sends her on to him. Contemporary copies. 3 pp. 1740. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles July 26. W^ager, Whitehall]. Bloody encounter of one Stew- art, a privateer, with Spanish off Cartagena; Lt. [Robert] Hodgson's mission to Mosquito Indians; Commodore [Charles] Brown's actions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1740. Anonymous. Journal of a Spanish land officer of occur- July 31- rences of voyage from Ferrol to Cartagena. Con- Nov. 2. temporary copy of translation. 6 pp. 1740. [Naish, John?]. Memorandum. Respecting Anson's voy- Aug. 2. age, taking of Manila & the trade in the South Sea; is willing to subscribe £20,000 toward defraying expense of such an expedition. 3 pp. 80 VEBNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 174:0. Vernon, E[dward]. H. 'M. S. Burford^ Jamaica. Letter Aug. 5. to Francisco Carigal de la Vega, Santiago de Cuba, demanding the release of the South Sea Company's Factors, servants, etc. Contemporarj^ cop}'. Aug. 24. La Vega, Francisco Carigal de. Santiago de Cuba. Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon. South Sea Company's Factor is staying of his own free will; exchange of prisoners, etc. Contemporary cop}" of translation. Aug. 24:. Cocks, Leonard. Santiago de Cuba. Letter to Vernon. Personal affairs only are detaining him at Santiago; exchange of prisoners, ec. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. 1740. Lamage, Charles Brunies, Marquis de. See: Larnage, Aug. Aug. 5. 28, 1740. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burfwd, Port Royal. Aug. 6. Orders to Capt. [Miles] Stapylton [Port Royal], to proceed to Santiago de Cuba with letter to the Spanish Governor demanding release of South Sea Company's Factors. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. "Ex'"' 1740. Flo-^er, Robert. Jamaica. Deposition respecting his cap- Aug. 23. ture by Spanish privateer. Sworn to before T. Tickell. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1740. France, Navy. List of ships that sailed from Toulon Aug. Aug. 25, 25 and reached Cadiz Sep. 20. Names of ships and commanders, number of guns and crew. In French. Endorsed: "In Consul Parkers." 1740. Lamage, [Charles Brunies, Marquis de]. Leogane [His- Aug. 28. paniola]. Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Port Royal, Jamaica]. Respecting seizures of mer- chant vessels. Aug. 5. Lamage. Letter [to Vernon] respecting seizure of the Tempete by the Greenwich; relations between French and Spanish, etc. Contemporary copies in French. 9 pp. 1740. Trelawny, Edward. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager Aug. 29. [Whitehall], Discusses attack on Havana; Cartagena and St. lago de Cuba are under consideration; [Robert] Hodgson's visit to Mosquito Indians. A. L. S. 7 pp. See: Hodgson, Robert, to Tre- lawny, 1740. June 21-July 12. VEENON- WAGER MANUSCEIPTS 81 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal. Aug. 30. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Convoys of merchantmen; capture of Vice K03" of Santa Fe; captures of Spanish privateers and intelli- gence thereb}^ obtained; Marquis de Larnage's Spanish sympathies; various instances thereof; movements of vessels of the squadron, their captures, etc. ; brutality of Spanish; dangers of English priva- teers turning pirates; lack of rigging. L. S. 9 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford^ Jamaica. Letter Sep. 11. to "• Duque de la ('onquista and Marquis de Gracia" [Hispaniola?], respecting return of his captured per- sonal effects, demanding release of South Sea Com- pan3'\s Factors at Vera Cruz and suggesting an exchange of prisoners. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. "Ex'':" 2d copy. 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Jamaica. Letter Sep. 12. to [Charles Brunies, Marquis de]Larnage[Leogane, Hispaniola], Larnage's charges against Vernon unfounded; cases of filibusters NueHtra. Senm^a de la Rosm'io and Nejptxme discussed; complains of Paul Rousett; La Font's treatment; privateers; demands English prisoners detained b}' Larnage. Contemporary copy. 6 pp. 2d copy, 6 pp. 1740. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Sep. 12. Charles Wager [Whitehall]. [Robert] Hodgson's visit to Mosquito Indians; Panama should be taken; Dr. [John] Stewart and the Receiver-Generalship of Jamaica; relations with Stewart. A. L. S. 3 pp. See: Hodgson, Robert, toTrelawny, 1740, June 21- July 12. 1740. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter to Sep. 17. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. The question of packets on the coast and their use; English trade; Tyrawl3"\s ambassadorship; breach of neutrality of the port by Spanish privateer; the agreement of neutrality. A. L. S. 5 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[d ward]. Jamaica. General orders to command- Sep. IS. ers of the fleet respecting cruizing, etc. D. S. 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal. Orders Sep. 18. to Capt. Thomas Trevor, H. M. S. Stratford^ to reconnoitre Cartagena. Contemporary' copy. 3 pp. 32066—04 6 82 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1740. Vernon, E[d ward]. H.M.S. Burforc^, Port Royal Letter Sep. 21. to [Maj. Gen. Charles] Lord Cathcart [Spithead?]. Arrival of storeships and lack of rig-ginio-; sugg-est- ing- S. AV. end of Hi.spaniola as rendezvous on account of danger by sickness to troops at Port Royal; Havana, St. lago de Cuba and Cartagena as points of attack, L. S. 3 pp. IT-iO. Grodet, Jacob. Examination of. Questions and answers Sep. 23- in parallel columns. Additional interrogatories Sep. 25. and answers. 8 pp. Endorsed: '"* * ''' late Ma^ of a Dutch sloop from Curaso seiz'' by an English Privateer off Santa Martha and In-ought into Jamaica * * * " 1740. Grodet, Jacob. [Port Royal ?] Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Sep. 26. Vernon [Port Roj^al]. Wishes to take oath of alle- giance to Great Britain and serve against Spain; ways in which he could be of use. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. [Port Royal.] Letter [to Maj. Gen. Sep. 28. Alexander Spots wood, Annapolis? Md.]. Spots- wood's order to rendezvous at Port Antonio have been changed to Port Ro3'al; Vernon considers latter unhealthj^ for large fleet and requests that he join Lord Cathcart and himself off the bays in S. W. part of Hispaniola. L. S. 3 pp. JVote: Spots wood was then dead, having died at Annapolis June 7. [1740.] West Indies, Jamaica, Kingston. Merchants. Petition to [Sep. — .] Vice- Admiral Edward Vernon presenting copy of the representation to Gov. Edward Trelawny and aflidavit of Richard Lee respecting actions of Chris- topher Edzer}^ and John Ford. Representation of merchants to Gov. Trelawny. Edzery and Ford are ruining the Spanish trade by their privateer expe- ditions; hope they may be checked. Sep. 1.5. Lee, Richard. Affidavit respecting actions of Ed- zery and Ford. Contemporary cop^^ 7 pp. 2'.' copy. 6 pp. of same. 1740. Vernon, E[dwardJ. H. M. S. Burford, Port Royal. Or- Oct. 1. ders to Capt. [Robert] Maynard, H. M. S. SJieerness to act as convoy for English merchants going to Porto Bello. A. D. 2 pp. VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 83 1740. Taverner, William. [London.] Representation to [AdniL] Oct 2. . Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall] of the advantages to be derived and reasons for taking Louisbourg from the French. D. S. 7 pp. Endorsed: "A Representation relating to Cape Briton. New England, Nova Scotia & Newfoundland by \V™ Tavener, datted Oct?- y" 2^ 1740.^' 1740. France, Minister of Marine, Fontainbleu. Letter to [Louis Oct. 7. Antoine dePardaillan de Gondrin] Marquis d'Antin [West Indies]. Present situation; affairs between Great Britain and Spain; sends extract of the instructions of Adml. Dn. Rodrigo de Torres. Con- temporary copy of D. S. : "Maurepas.'' Extract of de Torres's instructions. His orders in event of certain moves by the British fleet. 7 pp. 2"^ copy of same. 7 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford [off Jamaica]. Let- Oct. 7. ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Arrival of storeships and refitting the squadron; Lord Cathcart and Port Royal rendezvous; distri- bution of the Porto Bello prize money; apprehen- sions respecting food supplies; correspondence with Dn. Bias de Leso; Viceroy [of Santa Fe]; Jacob Godet and ''that Canary Bird, Mr. William Foster;'' Convoys for Jamaica merchants; appointments of certain young officers in the fleet. L. S. 12 pp. 1740. [Vernon, Edward.] H. M. S. Burford [Gulf of Darieii]. Oct. 11. Instructions to fleet captains. Is awaiting arrival of Lord Cathcart; strict orders not to lose sight of the flag; sink, burn, and destroy Spanish ships, etc. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1740. Herbert, Richard. Port Royal. Letter to Vice-Adml. Oct. 14. Edward Vernon, Cape Donna Maria [Hispaniola]. Reports his visit to [Gov. Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage and encounter with Marquis de Chav- agnac and the snow La Fee\ sends extract of his journal, giving account of the affair; has consulted Gov. [Edward] Trelawny respecting disposition of Chavagnac. Extract of Herbert's journal, giving account of engagement with La Fee. Memorandum of intelligence respecting Adml. Rodrigo de Torres's fleet, obtained by Herbert at Leogane, Oct. 7, and sent to Vernon. Contemporary copies. 5 pp. 84 VERNON- WA.GER MANUSCRIPTS ITttO. Crymble, MaiTa\', Jamaica. Letter to Arthur Stert [Lon- Oct. 15. don]. The situation in Spanish- America; news of recent events, etc. A. L. S. i pp. [1740.] Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Burford [at sea]. Letter to [Oct. 22.] [Charles Bruuies, Marquis de] Larnage [Hispaniola]. Sends account of unfortunate encounter between the Marquis de Chavagnac and Capt. Herbert; intends setting the Marquis at libert}' at once; deplores the affair brought on by j^outhful hot- headedness. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 2** copy of same. 3 pp. ITttO, Vernon, E[dward]. H. ^V. S. Burford, Port Royal. Let- Oct. 28- ter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Nov. 7. Narrow escape of the Strafford off Cartagena; thoughts of attempting St. lago [de Cuba^], as Car- tagena is too strong; protection of trade & arrival of French squadron at Martinico. L. S. twice. 4 pp. 1740. Chavagnac, . Marquis de. [Spanish Town? Jamaica.] Nov. 5. Account of engagement with H. M. S. Norwich, Capt. [Richard] Herbert sent to [ Vice-Adml. Edward Vernon. Nov. 8. Spanish To-wn. Representation of above to Gov!" [Edward] Trelawny. Contemporary copies. (In French.) 6 pp. See also: Vernon to Larnage. 1740, Oct. 22. 1740. Anonymous. Extracts of translations of two letters from Nov. 5-6. Spanish officers on the Ferrol squadron, dated from Cartagena. Lack of mone}' and disgust of things prevalent in the fleet. 3 pp. 1740. Lezo, Bias de. Cartagena. Letter to [Charles Brunies, Nov. 0. Marquis] de Larnage. Leogane [Hispaniola]. Ar- rival of Spanish squadron and need of supplies. Nov. 6. Lezo. Letter to Segretier, Leogane. Ordering supplies. Nov. 9. Desaimbol, . Cartagena. Letter to Segretier. Supplies. Contemporary copies. (In French.) 4 pp. 1740. Chavagnac. See Chavagnac, Nov. 5, 1740. Nov. s. 1740. Desaimbol. See Lezo, Nov. 6, 1740. Nov. 9. VERNOlSr-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 85 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. Jamaica. Letter to Gov. Jonathan Bel- Nov. 13. cher [Bo.ston, Mass.]. Kecommends that no provi- sions be allowed to be shipped to French or Dutch ports in the West Indies. Contemporary cop}", 2 pp. Same sent to Gov"".^ Lewis Morris, Jersey; Geo. Thomas, Pa.; Geo. Clark, N. Y. ; Jas. Blair, Va. ; Rich** Ward, R. I.; Jos. Talcut, Conn. 17-10. La Vega, Francisco Carigal de. Cuba. Letter to [Charles Nov. 16. Brunies,] Marquis de Larnag-e [Leogane, Hispa- niola]. Relative to supplies for San Domingue; capture of French trading vessels by a Spanish privateer; sale of certain negro slaves etc. Con- temporary copy of a translation. 3 pp. 1740. Trela-wney, Edward. See: Vernon, Edward, Nov. ?, 1740. Nov. 15. 1740. Pearse, Vincent. New York Court of Admiralty. Libel Nov. 20. of the Spanish merchant ship Canary Merchant and snow Restoration. Contemporary^ cop3^ 2 pp. Endorsed: * * * Capt. Pearse, Ag* Key & Hubbard. * * * 1740. La Vega, Francisco Carigal de. Cuba. Letter to [Charles Nov. 22. Brunies.] Marquis de Larnage [Leogane, Hispa- niola]. Respecting forwarding of packets of let- ters. Contemporary cop}" of translation. 1 p. 1740. Zeldran, Felix. Cartagena. Letter to Davon, Cadiz Nov. 24. [Spain]. Personal matters; [Adml. Rodrigo] de Torres's squadron; wrecks and failure to capture British frigates; Adml. [Sir John] Norris's British squadron a political one; observations on the war; wants to return home. Contemporary copy of translation. 2 pp. 1740. Tyra-wly, [James O'Hara, Baron]. Lisbon. Letter to [Adml.] Nov. 26. Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Suggesting the necessity of a naval officer at Lisbon, and recom- mending William Mawman for the position. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1740. BoscaAven, Edward. Bertientes, South Keys. Letter to Nov. 27. Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Jamaica]. Report of his convoy and the trading prospects; one Vincente Lopez and three English prisoners; alarm in Cuba over rumored attack on Havana; news of Adml. [Rodrigo] de Torres's squadron. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 86 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1740. Vernon, E[dwardJ. II. M. S. Biir/ord, Jamaica. Letter [Nov. i] to John Dottin, Barbadoes, [West Indies]. Prob- able destination of the French armament now fitting oat at Martinique. Nov. 15. Trela"wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to John Dottin respecting French armament at Martinique. Contemporary copies. 3 pp. 17-10. Vernon, E[d ward]. H. M. S. ^i/^ybrc?, Jamaica. Letter' to Dec. 12. [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Intelli- gence of Spanish gained by captured letters; French aid to Spain; Marquis D'Antin's fleet at Port Louis; prevention of shipments of provisions to enemy from northern colonies; land transfer of treasure; galleons at Cartagena; arrival of stores; defense of Jamaica; emploj^ment of blacks. L. S. 10 pp. 171:0. Vernon, [Edward]. List of ships under command of. Dec. 15 Tabular statement of names, rates, names of cap- tains, number of men, & guns. List prepared by Admiralty office. 3 pp. 17l<;>. Larnage, [Charles Brunies, Marquis de]. St. Domingo. Dec. 21. Letter to Vice Adml. E[dward] Vernon [Jamaica]. Complaints of British seamen enlisted on French men of war; case of Paul Rousset; encounter be- tween Capt. Herbert and Marquis de Chavagnac. Contemporary copy. (In French) 3 pp. 1740. Vernon, E[dward]. Jamaica. Letter to [Maj. Gen Charles,] Dec. 26. Lord Cathcart, [at sea]. Advises against Jamaica as a rendezvous, best place is in ba3^s south of Cape Tiberoon. Dec. 26. Vernon. Letter to Sir Chaloner Ogle. Orders him to rendezvous in baj's south of Cape Tiberoon, provided Lord Cathcart so agrees. Contemporar}'^ copies. 6 pp. [1740.] Anonymous. Project for attacking La Vera Cruz and Mexico. 10 pp. P^ndorsed: "No. 1." 2'' copy 11 pp. 3'' copy 9 pp. [1740] Anonymous. Project for attacking La Vera Cruz and Mexico. 7 pp. Endorsed: "N° 2" VERNON-WAGEK MAJSTU SCRIPTS 87 [1740?] Anonymous. Memorandum of information sent to Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, respecting sailing of fleet and transports from Great Britain. Draft. 1 p. [1740?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Observations on present condition and future operations of the war in the West Indies. British force in West Indies; Cartagena, Vera Cruz, Honduras, etc. , discussed as points susceptible . of attack. A. D. 4 pp. [1740?] [Wager, Sir Charles.] [London.] Orders to "Comodore" [Capt. Charles] Brown [Jamaica], to capture all Spanish vessels, men of war, and merchantmen, by way of reprisals for depredations committed on the British marine. A. draft. 3 pp. [1740?] Waldegrave, James, Earl. Project proposed by, based on the treaty between Great Britain and France 1686, Nov. 16, with observations of the French Court thereon. 3 pp. [1740?] West Indies, Jamaica, British Forces at. Establishment of- eight companies of foot at Jamaica. 1 p. 1741. Willson, John. {London?] Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Jan. 17. Wager, ? Whitehall]. Describes harbor and sailing marks of Vera Cruz [Mexico], and fortifications of same. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "Lt. Willson^s ace' of La Vera Cruz.'' 1741. Abadia, Mathias de. See Warren, Peter, Feb. 2, 1740. Jan. 18. 1741. Masclary, Francis. See Warren, Peter, Feb. 2, 1740. Jan. 20. 1741(n.s.) Abadia, Mathias de. See Warren, Peter, Feb. 2, 1740. Jan. 21. 1741. Etcoslois, Mithon. Hispaniola. Letter to Vice Adml. Feb. 26. Edward Vernon [near Cartagena]. Breach of neu- trality. Contemporary cop}'. (In French.) 1 p. 1741. G-reat Britain, Trade. Evidence before the House of Com- Feb. 26. mons relating to trade in the Mediterranean and America. Complaints of negligence of navy cap- tains, with marginal notes of the Admiralty respecting same. 11 pp. 88 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 17-il. Torres y Morales, Rodrigo de. Havana. Letter to [Charles Feb. 26. Brunies, Marquis] de Larnage [Leogane? Hispa- niola]. Regrets withdrawal of the Marquis D'Antin; Cartagena in a good state of defense; requests flour and provisions. Contemporary cop}' of translation. 2 pp. 2d copy of same. 2 pp. 1741. Larnage, [Charles Brunies, Marquis de]. San Domingo. Mar. 5. Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon [Plaj^a Grand Bay, near Cartagena]. Respecting neutrality of the French in the present condition of affairs; contraband trade; privateers, etc. Contemporary copy. (In French.) 7 pp. 1741. Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco de. Havana. Let- Mar. 12, ter to [Charles Brunies, Marquis] de Larnage [San Domingo]. Fails to understand the recall of Marquis D'Antin's squadron; Havana in excellent condition to resist attack; no news of the English fleet since it left Jamaica; Panama its suspected destination. Contemporary cop3" of translation. 3 pp. 2'^ copy of same. 1741. Torres y Moralles, Rodrigo de. Havana. Letter to . Mar. 12. [Charles Brunies, Marquis] de Larnage, San Domingo. Forwards letter from French court for the Marquis D'Antin; reminds Larnage of flour needed. Contemporary copy of translation. 2 pp. 2*^ copy of same. 2 pp. 1741. Larnage, [Charles Brunies, Marquis de]. Leogane. Letter Mar. 19. to Dn. Francisco Carigal de la Vega, Santiago de Cuba. Destination of the British fleet; affairs in Europe. Contemporary copv of translation. 2 pp. 2*^ cop3^ of same. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Cartagena. Mar. 27. Orders to Commodore [Richard] Lestock. To assume command at Boca Chica, refit ships, etc., and assist land forces in ever}' possible way; Capt. [William] Laws with the Spence is ordered home with despatches, ec. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Priricess Carolina^ Cartagena. Mar. 28. Orders to Rear Adml. Sir Chaloner Ogle. To move forward in specified manner and post his ships, obtain intelligence, etc. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. VEENON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 89 1741. Anonymous. Account of landing places near Cartagena. Mar. 29. A. D. ? 4 pp. Contemporary copy of same. 4 pp. 1741. La Vega, Francisco Carigalde. Santiago de Cuba. Letter Mar. 30. to Joseph de la Quintana [Madrid]. English have probably gone to Cartagena; that place and Havana strong; Santiago weak, and reinforcement from Havana refused; Marquis D'Antin has sailed for Europe; has sent out a privateer under Barthola- mew Valadon. Contemporary copy of translation. 2 pp. 2** copy of same. 1741. Vernon, E[dward] and others. Proceedings of a council of Mar. 30. war, held on H. M. S. Princess Carolma,, Carta- gena Harbor. Resolve to land the troops and invest the town. Contemporary copy of L. S. : E. Vernon. Thos. Wentworth. C. Ogle. J. Guise. Rich"^ Lestock. Will. Blakeney. E. Wolfe. J. Hemington. 2 pp. [1741.] Anonymous. "Abstract of letters." List of letters passed Mar. ? between French and Spanish Governors of the West Indies, etc. 1 p. Note: This is merely a list of letters and not an abstract of their contents. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Cartagena. Apr. 1. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall?]. Describes assault and taking of Boca Chica and the operations of expedition to date. L. S. 22 pp. 1741. Went-worth, Thomas and J[ohn] Gruise. Dorsetshire Trans- Apr. 2. port, Cartagena. Letter to Vice Adml. [Edward] Vernon. Number of troops insufficient, request reinforcement of marines and 1,500 men from the American regiment. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 2*^ copy of same. 1741. Vernon, E[dward], [Sir] C[haloner] Ogle, and Richard Apr. 3. Lestock. Proceedings of a council of war held on H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Cartagena harbour. Demand of Gen'? Wentworth and Guise for reen- forcements from fleet; recites advantages gained by naval forces and considers number of troops wanted, minecessary; recommend that attack be made tomorrow. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 90 VERNON-WAGEE MANUSCEIPTS 1741. Wentworth, Thomas. Dorsetshire Transport, Cartagena. Apr. 4. Letter to Vice Adml. Edward Vernon. Landing of troops, signals, etc. Apr. 4. Vernon, E[dward] and [Sir] C[lialoner] Ogle. H. M. S. Princess Carolina. Letter to Went- worth in answer to above. Will furnish boats for debarking troops; necessity' of pushing matters. Apr. 4. Wentworth, Thomas. Letter to Vernon in answer to above. Designates troops to be embarked. Con- temporary copies. 4 pp. 2d cop}^ of same. 4 pp. 1741. Wentv/orth, Thomas, [before Cartagena.] Letter to Vice- Apr. 6. Admiral Edward Vernon. Asks for boats for land- ing facines, a ship to shell St. Lazarus, and the Americans from Commodore Lestock's squadron. Apr. 6. Vernon, E[dward] and [Sir] C[haloner] Ogle. H. M. S. Princess Carolina. Letter to Went- worth. Will comply with his requests; urge speedy action; send plan for investing the town; recom- mend summons to surrender be sent. Plan for investing Cartagena toward Boquilla. Contempo- rary copies. 7 pp. in all. 2d copies. Went- worth's letter, 1 p. ; Vernon and Ogle's and plan, 4 pp. 1741. Wentworth, Thomas, [before Cartagena]. Letter to Vice- Apr. 7. Adml. Edward Vernon. Walls of St. Lazarus must be breached; wishes ship to bombard. Apr. 7. Wentworth, Thomas, and Others. Council of War. Decides that batteries must be erected and walls of St. Lazarus breached. Thos. Wentworth, Will: Blakeney, E. Wolfe, William Robinson, A. Lowther, J. Wyn3'ard. L. D. Moreton, John Grant. Anonymous. Information sent Vice-Admiral [Edward] Vernon b}^ British prisoners in Cartagena. State of town, strength of forces, ec. Apr. 7. Vernon, E[dward] and [Sir] C[haloner] Ogle. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Cartagena harbor. Letter to Wentworth. Works could have been carried the first da}" if assault had l)een pushed with vigor; erecting battery against so small a fort as St. Lazarus a great waste of time; navy has fulfilled every duty and will continue to comply with every request practicable. Contemporary copies. 8 pp. 2 copies of same. 6 pp. PLAN FOR AN ATTACK ON MANILA PREPARED BY ADMIRAL WAGER, 1739 AJIHAM HO >IDATTA WA HOI HAJS e£^l .«30AW JA^IMQA YS QaflA^HHS I'i? 1_. <;'o -^^ '"X z-s^' /^^- * r*^..^ ^--^ - - ^ ^ 'y^^^^ -^-«^ c^^''^'-^ — -— ^ ' /^ (j'^"P' j^ ^ /■, *_ ^a/. " «*-^ O y'~Z/n«, Cartagena. Apr. 23. Orders to Capt. [Thomas] Brodrick, H. M. S. Shoreham. To proceed to Jamaica and stop for- warding of supplies, etc. Contemporary copj'. 1 p. 2d copy of same. 1 p. VERNON -WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS 93 1741. Vernon, E[dward], Thomas Went-worth, [Sir] C[haloner] Apr. 23- Ogle, and J[ohu] Guise. Proceedings of a Council Apr. 24. of War held on H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Car- tagena harbor. Vernon's plan of attacking Panama; army too sick to undertake any enterprise; deter- mination to proceed to Jamaica. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 2d copy of same. 3 pp. 1742. Great Britain, Navy. List of ships in sea pay. Tabular Apr. 26. statement of names of ships, rates, commanders, number of men, guns, and where stationed. Admi- ralty office statement. 7 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina, Carta- Apr. 26. gena. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Lon- don]. Enclosing proceedings of councils of war and letters that passed between Gen. Thomas Went- worth and him which explain the situation, causes, eflfects, ec, of the Cartagena expedition; behavior of the fleet; measures for retreat, ec, ec. L. S. 15 pp. 2d L. S. of same. 15 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Carta- Apr. 26. gena. Letter to Sebastian de Eslava [Santa Fe, Varagua]. Forwarding Spanish oflicer. Apr. 27. Eslava, Sebastian de. Letter to Vernon. Release of slaves, ec. Vernon, Letter to Eslava. Regarding slaves, ec. Contemporary cop3^ 5 pp. 2d copy of same. 5 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dward.] H. ]\I. S. Princess Carolina^ Carthagena. Apr. 27. Orders to Capt. [Thomas] Davers, H. M. S. Suf- folk to cruize with a specified squadron ofi' St. Martha to intercept the Register ships and Aviso; take, sink, burn, or destroy Spanish ships and those of other nations aiding and assisting them. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. 2d copy of same. 2 pp. [1741.] Anonymous. An account of the expedition against Carta- [Apr. — .] gena. 18 pp. 1741. W[ager,] C[harles]. Whitehall. Letter [to Vice Adml. May 23. Edward Vernon, Jamaica]. Success at Cartagena; politics, elections, and Parliament in England. Con- temporary cop3\ 5 pp. 9-1 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1741. Vernon, E[dward,] Thomas Wentworth, [Sir] C[haloner] Ma}' 26. Ogle, and J[ohn] G-uise. Proceedings of a council of war held at Santiago de la Vega [Jamaica]. De- cision to attack Santiago cle Cuba and send a portion of the fleet back to England. Trelavrny, Edward, Dissenting from above decision and advises attack on Panama. Contemporary cop3\ 5 pp. 2d copy of same. Printed: Amer. Hist. Review, "Vol. IV. no. 2, p. 323. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Princess Carolina^ Port. May 30. Koyal. Letter [to Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Lon- don]. Description of retreat from Cartagena to Jamaica; sickness in the fleet; lack of provisions; capture of Spanish and French correspondence; Spanish squadron; news of Commodore Anson; movements of ships of Vernon's fleet in "West India waters; ships to be sent home; prejudicial reports in England regarding Vernon; prize money of Porto Bello, etc. L. S. with A. L. S. postscript respect- ing Vernon's correspondence. 27 pp. 2d L. S. without above postscript. 27 pp. 1741. [Vernon, Edward.] Jamaica. Memorandum of letters sent May 30- to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle. Noted as July 29. "Abstract of Letters sent," etc. Note: This is simply a list of letters passing be- tween the French and Spanish authorities that were intercepted by Vernon's cruizers. 1 p. Endorsed by Vernon: "30 Mav, 1741, Jamaica the 29'^ Julv, 1741." 1741. [Stert, Arthur.] "Some Thoughts relating to our Con- June 6. quests in America." Conditions of trade and plan suggested for acquiring same. A. D. ? 3 pp. Endorsed b}- Wager: "M'.' Stert L'* Veres." [Beauclerk?] 1741. Vernon, E[dwardJ. H. M. S. Boyne^ Jamaica. Letter June 13. to [Charles Brunies, Marquis de] Larnage [Leo- gane, Hispaniohi]. Sends him Frenchmen taken at Cartagena, requests return of any English seamen he may have and information of English snow reported wrecked in the Windward passage. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. "Ex'.'" 2^* copy of same. 2 pp. VEKNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 95 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Boyne, Port Royal. In- June 13. structions to Capt. [Digby] Dent, of the Tilhury. To carry certain French seamen to Hispaniola and demand the return of all English seamen there; to enquire of the sloop ^oJf to obtain complete intelligence of the Spanish fleets; burn, sink, and destroy all such he may meet, and report to rendez- vous noted in his sealed orders. Contemporary copy: "By command of the Admiral W" Pearse. A copy." 3 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dwardJ. Orders to Capt. [Digby] Dent, H. M. S. June 13. TtUbu/ry. To take French oflicers and seamen to Leogane and demand all English seamen who may be there; obtain intelligence of Spanish fleet at Havana and French fleet at Petit Guaves; take, sink, burn, and destroy all Spanish ships met with, etc. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1741. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. Boyne, Port Royal. Letter June 18. to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager [Whitehall]. Disposi- tions to cover the West Indies station and send ships home; zeal of the inhabitants of Jamaica. 5 pp. L. S. 2** L. S. 5 pp. 1741. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- June 23- tions. Proceedings relating to reenforcements for July 23. the W^est Indies, consisting of copies of following papers: June 23. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Proceedings recommending reenforce- ments and appointing the Duke of Montague and others to arrange for same. July 2. Bladen, M[artin]. Letter to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle enclosing resolutions of above Board. June 30. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. Proceed- ings of the Board. Recommending sending of certain supplies and gives list of same. July 1. Stone, Andrew. Letter to [Martin] Bladen. En- closes scheme for repairing Boca Chica. [June ?] [Stert, Arthur.] Scheme for repairing Boca Chica and retaking Cartagena. 96 VERNON-WAGEE MANUSCKIPTS ITttl. G-reat Britain, etc. — Continued. June 30. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Further proceedings relative to reen- forcing the West Indies. July 2. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. Proceed- ings of the Board. Advise against repairing Boca Chica; stores and transports to be got readj\ July Y. Proceedings. Bomb-ketches and engineers to be sent to West Indies. July 9. Proceedings: Orders to be issued to hold transports read}^ to receive troops. July 14. Proceedings: Difficulty in obtaining engi- neers. July 16. Proceedings: Business finished. July 23. Bladen, M[artin]. Letter to Duke of Newcastle. Board has completed its work and awaits further orders. Contemporary copies. 28 pp. 1741. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- June 30. tions. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of , and Others. See: Great Britain, June 30. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Great Britain, Navy. List of ships and vessels in sea pay. June. Tabular statement of rate, name, name of com- mander, number of men and guns, and where sta- tioned. (Admiraltj'^ Office list.) 9 pp. [1741] [Stert, Arthur.] Scheme for retrieving the disaster at Carta- [June?] gena. A. D. ? 2 pp. 1741. [Stert, Arthur.] See: Great Britain. Lords Commissioners [June?] of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Courand, John, Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Jul}^ 1. Wager [Whitehall]. Encloses despatches from V[ice] A[dml. Edward] Vernon and Brig. [Gen. Thomas] Wentworth and also intelligence from Brest. A. L. S. 1. p. VERNOlSr-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 97 1741. Stone, Andrew. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners July 1. of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-Jul3- 23. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners July 2. of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of , and Others. See: Great Britain, July 2. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of , and others. See: Great Britain, July 7. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. See: Great Britain, July 9. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. See: Great Britain, July 14. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of , and others. See: Great Britain, July 16, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1741. Campbell, Daniel. London. An account of the Guipuscoa July 22. or Biscay Company's trade with Carracas. Details richness and strength of the company and suggests attack on its principal ports. A. D. S. 6 pp. 2"* A. D. S. 4 pp. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners July 23. of Trade and Plantations, 1741, June 23-July 23. 1742. Vernon, E[dward]. H. M. S. ^oy??^ [Port Royal?]. Let- Oct. 4. ter [to Gov. Edward Trelawn}-, Jamaica]. Advises that an apology be made to Sir Chaloner Ogle. Con- temporar}' copy. 2 pp. 1742. Trelawny, Edward. [Jamaica.] Letter to Vice Adml. Oct. 5. [Edward] Vernon [Jamaica]. Agreeing to make peace with Sir Chaloner [Ogle]; Vernon the sole cause of all trouble; his private animosities have sacrificed his countries interests. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 32066—04 7 98 VERNON-WAGEE MANUSCRIPTS [174] .] Anonymous. Project for making a settlement on the Span- [Oct. 8.] ish Continent near Vera Cruz. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Copy sent to Mr. Wentworth & Mr. Vernon Oct. 15**^, 1741, in Mr. Selwyn's of Oct. 8, 1741." 1741. Norris, Sir John. List of ships under command of . Tabu- Oct. 11. lar statement of number of ships, rates, names of captains, names of ships, number of men and guns. List issued by Admiralty Office Dec. 2. 1741. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Oct. 15. tions. Extract of minutes on proceedings of [Har- man] Verelst's proposals relating to war in Georgia and Florida. Referring proposals to board consist- ing of [John] Duke of Montague, Sir Charles Wager, Gen. [George] Wade and [Martin] Bladen. Contemporarj^ copy. 1 p. 1741. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Oct. 15- tions. Proceedings upon proposals of Harman Nov. 20. Verelst in behalf of Gor. Oglethorpe, relating to the war in Georgia and Florida. Consisting of copies of the following papers: Oct. 18. Courand, John. Letter to Martin Bladen. Verelst's paper referred by Lords Commissioners to [John] Duke of Montague, Sir Charles Wager, Gen. [George] Wade, and Bladen as a board to consider the proposition. [ ] [Oglethorpe, James Edward.] Proposals relating to the war in Georgia and Florida. Offensive and defensive plan outlined; assistance b^' sea, etc. Oct. 15. Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Extract of minutes of proceedings. Referring Verelst's proposals to before-mentioned board. Nov. 4. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. Proceed- ings of the board. Proposals of Verelst in such general form that his attendance in person requested by the board; Bladen to prepare queries. Nov. 10. Bladen, Martin. Letter to [Thomas Holies,] Duke of Newcastle. Enclosing minutes of proceedings of the board, composed of Montague and others. Nov. 14. Montague, John, Duke of, and others. Proceed- ings: Examination of Verelst, Capt. Horton, Govf Glen, respecting attack on St. Augustine. List of queries prepared by Bladen for Verelst to answer. VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 99 1741. Grreat Britain, etc. — Continued. Nov. 14. Bladen. Letter to Duke of Newcastle, enclosing proceedings of the board meeting of Nov. 1( ». Nov. 11. Montague, and others. Proceedings: List of papers read and considered. Examination of Verelst and Gov"" Glen. Bladen to prepare report on Verelst's proposals. Nov. 11. Verelst, Harman. Answers to queries upon pro- posals relating to war in Georgia and Florida. Nov. 19. Bladen. Letter to Duke of Newcastle, transmitting minutes of proceedings of the Board of Nov. Hr^?" Montague, and others. Proceedings: Directs Bla- den's report sent to Duke of Newcastle. Nov. 19. Bladen. Report on Verelst's proposals. Number of troops, expense etc., required; recommend re- duction of St. Augustine and acceptance of Gov!" (xlen's proposals to furnish troops. Oct. 27. Wills, Charles, George Gregory, John Armstrong and W. B. Earle. Report to Duke of Montague relating to demand of ordnance stores for Georgia. Tabulated statement of A Proportion of Ordnance stores for the forts at Georgia. Tabulated state- ment of abstract of ordnance and shot sent to South Carolina and Georgia from 1730 to 1739; also that proposed sent in 1741. Nov. 20. Bladen. Letter to Duke of Newcastle, transmitting report of the board, minutes of proceedings, etc., on Mr. Verelst's proposals. Contemporar}^ copies. 52 pp. 1741. Courand, John. Whitehall. Letter to [Adml.] Sir Charles Oct. 18. Wager [London ?], notifying him of appointment on the board to consider [Harman] Verelst's proposals respecting the war in Georgia and Florida. A. L. S. Ip. 1741. Courand, John. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners Oct. 18. of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Naish, J[ohn^] London. Letter to — ^? Respecting Oct. 26. Anson's voyage, Manila, the Philippines, East India Company and the China trade. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1741. Wills, Charles George Gregory. See: Great Britain, Lords Oct. 27. Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 100 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1741. Montague, John, Duke of. See: Great Britain, Lords Com - Nov. 4. missioners of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners Nov. 10. of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners Nov. 14. of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Verelst, Harman. See: Great Britain, Lords Commission- Nov. 14. ers of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Montague, John, Duke of. See: Great Britain, Lords Com- Nov. 14. niissioners of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners Nov. 19. of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. 1741. Bladen, Martin. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners Nov. 20. of Trade and Plantations, Oct. 15, 1741. [1741 ?] Clinton, George. "Short heads to show the Reasonableness of Governour Clinton's Application for an allowance by wa}^ of Equipage Mony." 3 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "Observations on the Governm* of New York and Instructions to the Governor." [1741 ? J [How, Edward.] Canso, Nova Scotia. An account of Canso [sent to Adml. Sir Charles Wager?]. A. D. 1 p. [1741?] How, Edward. Canso, Nova Scotia. Memorial to [Adml.] Sir Charles Wager praying for appointment as Judge of Admiraltj^ for Nova Scotia. A. D. ? 1 p. [1741?] [Vernon, Edward.] Line of battle. Tabular statement — divisions of squadrons, ships names, commanders, rates, complement, guns, etc. Endorsed b}' Wager: " Vernon's Line of Battle." 1 p. 1742. Morris, J . West Indies. Letter to ? Respecting May 12. the projected expedition against Panama; state of the countr}', etc.; expresses dissatisfaction at his present position. A. L. S. 11 pp. 1742. [Wager, Sir Charles.] List of papers relating to the Bahama June 10. Islands sent to John Hyde. Auto, draft. 2 pp. VEKNOK-WAaER MANUSCRIPTS 101 [1746.] Anonymous. Letter to the Duke of Bedford transmitting [Aug. 30.] observations of Sir Charles Wager on proposal to settle Nova Scotia and maps of the coast of New England and Nova Scotia. Draft. 1 p. 1748. Grashry, F[rancis. London.] Letter [to Adml. Sir Charles Mar. 18. Wager? Whitehall]. Has read the proposal for settling Nova Scotia and encloses some remarks thereon. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. For enclosure see following entry. [1748.] [G-ashry, Francis. London.] Remarks on a proposal to [Mar. 18.] settle Nova Scotia [sent to Sir Charles Wager?]. Auto, draft. 4 pp. Enclosed in letter: Gashry to Wager. 1748, Mar. 18. 1748. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Dec. 20. lawn}', Jamaica]. Respecting Manning and Gray and the appointment as Factor [in the South Sea Co.?]; Price's commission. Contemporar}^ cop}'. 3 pp. 1749. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward] Tre- Aug. 29. lawny [Jamaica]. Respecting appointment of Gregory as Chief Justice of Jamaica; Fuller's peti- tion; matter of Trelawny's resigning command of the regiment, etc. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1749. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward Tre- Sep. 30. lawn}', Jamaica]. Relative to Dr. C'ampbell suc- ceeding Mr. Hume as Deputy Receiver General. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1749'50. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Jan. 25. lawny, Jamaica]. Respecting appointment of col- lector of customs for Jamaica; Mr. Graham & Mr. Hume etc. Draft. 4 pp. 1749/50. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Feb. 3. lawny, Jamaica]. Proceedings in Parliament com- mittee on Fuller's petition; Pelham's attitude. Draft. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Sent to Mr. Baker." 1750. Knowles, Charles. London. Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Nov. 27. lawny, Jamaica]. Has laid weakness of Jamaica before the Duke of Bedford and Mr. Pelham ; hos- tility between these two and state of the ministry; political situation in Europe; Prussia's East India company; Knowles succeeding to Trelawny's gov- ernorship. L. S. Q pp. 102 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1750. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Dec. 30. lawny, Jamaica]. Mone}' due Trelawny and his efforts to obtain same from the Treasury. Draft. 3 pp. 1751. Anonymous. London. Letter [to Gov. Ed ward Trelawny, June 14. Jamaica]. Mone}" due Trelawny; Prince of Wales death and changes resulting therefrom. Draft. 4 pp. 1751. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- July 14. lawny, Jamaica.] Respecting rumors of strained relations between the King and Mr, Pelham. 1751. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward] Tre- July 30. lawny [Jamaica]. Respecting paj'ment of money due Trelawn}" and his resignation of governorship. Draft. 4 pp. 1751. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward] Tre- Sep. 26. lawny [Jamaica]. Trelawnj^'s memorial to the Treasur}^ for payment of money due; Adm! Knowles chances for appointment as Lt. Gov. of Jamaica and Trelawny's proposed visit to England. 1751. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Letters to [Rear] Admiral Oct. 23- [Charles] Knowles [England]. Respecting Fuller's Nov. 2. hostility to Trelawny and endeavors to reach a peaceful understanding. A. L. ? 4 pp. 1751. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Nov. 2. [Whitehall]. Reimbursement for his losses in wine and brandy seizures; question of Lord Loudoun and [Rear] Adml. [Charles] Knowles succession to governorship of Jamaica. L. S. 2 pp. 1751. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Nov. 6. [Whitehall]. Honest opinions written to the Board of Trade have been communicated to Trelawn3''s enemies; if Adml. Knowles is not to be governor nor Mr. Price Lt. Gov. Trelawny will have to remain in Jamaica; his approaching marriage. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1751. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Extract of a letter to Lord Nov. 6. Holderness respecting being succeeded by [Rear] Admiral [Charles] Knowles as governor of Jamaica. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. VERJTON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 108 1751. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Nov. 3(». lawny, Jamaica]. Respecting Admiral Knowles succeeding to Governorship of Jamaica, etc. Draft. 3 pp. 1751. Nedham, Ham[ilton] and others. St. lago de la Vega [Ja- Dec. 7. maica]. Letter to Gov. Edward Trelawny. Re- gretting his departure and suggesting that he rec- ommend Mr. Price as his successor. Attested copy in handwriting of Trelawny. 3 pp. 1751. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Dec. 9. [Whitehall]. Respecting succession to his governor- ship; [Rear] [Adml. Charles] Knowles and Mr. Price. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1751. Trelawny, Edward. Jamaica. Extract of letter to [Rear] Dec. 9. Admiral [Charles] Knowles [England]. Respecting Knowles chances of obtaining the Governorship; parties in Jamaica, etc. A. L. 2 pp. 1752. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Jan. 11. [London]. Respecting a commission for Mr. Tutle in the Jamaica regiment. L. S. with autograph postscript. 2 pp. 1752. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Gov. Edward Tre- Feb. 15. lawny, Jamaica]. Regarding successor to the gov- ernorship of Jamaica; [Rear] Admiral [Charles] Knowles and his affairs; Trelawny 's claim against the Treasury, etc. Draft. 6 pp. 1752. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward] Tre- Feb. 22. lawny [Jamaica]. Respecting Adml! Knowles and succession to governorship of Jamaica. Draft. 2 pp. 1752. Anonymous. [London.] Letter to Gov. [Edward] Tre- Apr. 1. lawny [Jamaica]. Respecting Adm! Knowles's trial and the governorship of Jamaica. Draft. 3 pp. 1752. Trelawny, [Edward.] Jamaica. Letter to Lords Commis- Aug. 15. sioners of Trade and Plantations [Whitehall]. Respecting certain duties and the North American trade; French sugar trade. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 104 YERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 1752. Trela-wny, Edward. Jamaica. Letter to Francis Gashry Aug. 16. [Whitehall], respecting pa^'ment of his claim against the Treasury. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1753. Anonymous. [London.] Letter [to Edward Trelawn^', Jan. 6. Lisbon^]. Politics in England; family troubles; the French on the Guinea coast, etc. Draft. 3 pp. l7o3. Trela-wny, Edward. [Lisbon.] Letter to Francis Gashr}'^ Mar. 7, [Whitehall]. State of his health. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1753. Kno-wles, Charles. Jamaica. Letter [to Francis Gashry Apr. 23. Whitehall]. Enquiring after his letters; Port Royal in poor state of defense; wishes active serv- ice in case of war. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1753.] Trela-wny, Edward. Bath. Letter to Francis Gashry July 19. [Whitehall]. Gashry's standing for Parliament; Trelawny's claim and fund for payment thereof; his health. A.L. S. 3 pp. 1753. Trela-wny, Edward. Bath. Letter to Francis Gashry Aug. 7. [Whitehall]. Personal matters and payment of his claims. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1753. Trela-wny, Edward. Bath. Letter to Francis Gashry Oct. 1. [Whitehall]. Trying to restore his health so as to return to Jamaica; would prefer to retire. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1753. G-arth-waite, Edward. "Eashing,-' England. Letter to Nov. 1. '. Respecting Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Trelawny and the former's illness. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1770] Virginia, Legislature, House of Burgesses. Titles of four [June] acts submitted for royal approval. 1 p. Enclosed in: Great Britain, L9rds Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Letter to John Murray, Earl of Dunmore. 1773, Mar. 11. 1773. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trades and Planta- Mar. 11. tions. Letter to [John ^Murray.] Earl of Dunmore [Williamsburg, Virginia]. Requesting information upon certain Virginia acts relative to sheriffs 8c Tobacco-inspectors as members of House of Bur- gesses. L. S. : Dartmouth. Soame Jenjms. Bam- ber Gascoyne. Greville. W. JoUiffe. Garlies. VEElSrON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 105 [ ] [Abadia, Mathias.] [Porto Rico.] Memorial to the King of Spain [Philip V.], respecting- seizures by English privateers. 2 pp. Contemporary copy. Name and title of the Governor added at bottom of 2d page in Wager's handwriting. [ ] Anonymous. (Bahamas.) Letter to ?, respectmg building of distillery at New Providence, Bahamas, sugar cane cultivation ec. 4 pp. draft 1 [ ] Anonymous. (Bahamas.) Memorandum respecting Ba- hama Islands, probable war with Spain, necessary measures of defense, etc. 3 pp. [ ] Anonymous. (Buenos Ay res.) Memorial respecting Bue- nos Ayres. Two copies, 15 pp. each. [ ] Anonymous. (Caracas.) Proposal for taking La Guaira and Porto Cavallo on the coast of Caracas. Ways and means outlined with statement of relative mone- tary advantage to be gained by Great Britain and the loss to Spain. 4 pp. [ ] Anonymous. (Cuba.) A proposal for taking Cuba by attacking Havana, Santiago, and other cities of the island. Outline of scheme. 6 pp. [ ] Anonymous. (French settlement.) Observations on the state of French settlements in America. 5 pp. [ ] Anonymous, (Georgia and Florida.) Proposals relating to the war in Georgia and Florida. Sketch of opera- tions for offensive and defensive action, assistance by sea and in case of war with France. 3 pp. [ ] Anonymous, (Honduras.) Memorandum respecting the English logwood cutters at Honduras. 1 p. [ ] Anonymous, (Jamaica.) Letter from a North side Planter [Jamaica] to his friend in Spanish town. Respect- ing the disadvantages under which they are laboring and suggesting a plan for removing them. 4 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "Send Dr. Stewarts Bond Canceled Affrican Comp." [ ] Anonymous, (Jamaica.) Some observations offered on behalf of the government of Jamaica in support of the Additional Duty Bill. 7 pp. 106 VEKNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS [ ] Anonymous, (San Salvador.) Memorial to Sir Charles ^^'ag•er respecting settlement of San Salvador, or Cat Island. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "Proposal for settling Cat Island one of the Bahama's." [ ] Anonymous, (South America.) Reasons for the establish- ment of a new colony in [South] America. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager as above. [ ] Anonymous, (South Sea.) An account of the South Sea Companj^'s Greenland trade and whale fishery. 1 p. [ ] Anonymous, (South Sea.) Plan of proposed expedition to the South Sea. Ships and force necessary — various Spanish places that could be taken, Calloa, Panama, Darien, Guatamala, etc. 11 pp. [ ] Anonymous, (Spanish settlements.) Remarks on Spanish settlements in America. 1 pp. Endorsed: "A Paper Relating to New Spain in America." [ ] Anonymous, (Tobacco.) A computation of what a Virginia planter must save on 20 hhds. of tobacco. D. S. : "S. E." Ip. [ ] Anonymous. (Trade.) Some considerations of the trans- actions of the Spaniards toward the English trade and navigation in America. 1 pp. [ ] Anonymous. (Trade.) List of treaties or prohibitions in force to forbid trading with French or Spanish islands from the Continent in America. 2 copies. 1 p. 4° 1 p. F°. [ ] Atkinson, Joseph. Description of the Virgin Islands. 5 pp. [ ] Bahama Society. Directions for settlement of its affairs. 2 PP- [ J Canada, Nova Scotia, Annapolis Royal. Account of. 7 pp. [ ] Canada, Nova Scotia, British force at. Charge of the regi- ment at Nova Scotia. P^ndorsed by Wager as above. 1 p. [ ] [Chetwynd, Sir William]. Memorandum of computation of expense of the Bahama Societ}" touching New Providence. A. D. ? 1 p. VEKNON-WAGEK MANUSCRIPTS l07 [ J Chiloe (or Castro) Island. [On west coast of Chile.] Mem- orandum as being- a tit place for ships in the South Sea to refit. 1 p. [ ] Forbes, [Hugh? London f J Account of Porto Rico and harbor defences of San Juan. A. D. S. 3 pp. [ ] G-ascoigne, J[ohn]. A description of Port Royal in South Carolina. A. D. S. 10 pp. [ J Grovemors. British colonial. Memorandum of amounts allowed for transporting their baggage to the West Indies and their governments. 1 p. [ J G-reat Britain, Arm}^, Colonial Garrisons. Charge of the garrison at: Annapolis Royal, Placentia, Bermudas, Providence, and South Carolina. 3 pp. [ ] Great Britain, Army, Colonial Garrisons. Allowance of garrisons at Placentia and Annapolis. 1 p. En- dorsed: "Price of the Contract for the Garrisons of Placentia & Anapolis." [ ] Great Britain, Crown, King, George II. Extract of so much of the orders to his ^Majesty's ships in Amer- ica and the West Indies as relate to cruising against pirates. 2 pp. Endorsed: ** Standing Orders." [ ] Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions. Proposals for beginning a civil government in Nova Scotia, with a reply to each . article. 2 copies. 4 pp. and 6 pp. each. [ ] Great Britain, Nav}^ Treasurer. Order form (in blank) on the Treasurer [of the Nav}'] for payment of pre- mium on masts, pitch, tar, etc. Printed form. Ip. [ ] Innes, James. News of capture of English ships bj" Span- ish privateers. 2 pp. Endorsed by Wager: ''In- telligence from the West Indies." [ ] Jarrold, Jacob and James Jenner. [New Providence.] Bill of complaint against Peter Goudet on behalf of heirs of Edward Cole. 4 pp. [ ] Mo'we, William. Letter to Sir Charles Wager, respecting Spanish whale tishers [from the Bay of Biscay?]. A. L. S. 1 p. 108 VERNON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS [ ] Newfoundland, Justices of Peace and Constable appoint- ments. List of persons appointed to administer justice in the several districts during the winter season. Tabular statement. 2 pp. Belong-s with Newfoundland Trade. Report to Lords Commis- sioners of Trade and Plantations on operation of Act of Parliament to encourge the trade. [ ] Newfoundland, Trade. Report [to the Lords Commission- ers of Trade and Plantations] on the operation of the Act of Parliament to encourage the trade. 14 pp. [ ] Philippine Islands, Expedition against. Memorandum of instructions to the British Commodores respecting victualing, watering, etc., of ships on vo3^age out and back. 2 pp. Endorsed: " Mr N — Memoran- dum." [ ] [Philipps, Richard]. Establishment of regiment of and the charge for garrisons at Annapolis Ro^^al, Canso, and Placentia. Tabular statement. 2 pp. [ ] Roach, . Sketch plan [of Port of Passages. Near San Sebastian, Province of Biscay, Spain]. In ink and pencil. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Port Passage, Cap*". Roach." [ ] Rogers, Woodes. Some observations on the importance of the Bahama Islands to Great Britain. 3 pp. [ ] St. Loe, [Edward]. Observations on the fishery of Placentia, in Newfoundland. Two Is of additional memo- randa in Wager's handwriting. 4 pp. [ ] Saltzburghers. A proposal for establishing a colony of them in America. 2 pp. Endorsed: ''* * * Capt. Coram." [ ] Saltzburghers. Heads of a scheme for transporting 10,000 Protestant Saltzburghers to South Carolina. 1 p. Endorsed b}' Wager: " Scheme for sending 10,000 Saltzburghers to Carolina." [ ] South America, liuenos Ayres. An account of. 2 pp. [ ] South America, Buenos Ayres. An account of. 3 pp. VEKlSrON-WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 109 [ ] Spain, St. Sebastian. Sketch plan of harbor. 1 p. Memo randiim of "The Marks for the Dimond Rocks" [St. Sebastian harbor entrance]. Ip. See also: Shir- will, William. Account of the town and defenses of St. Sebastian. 1740, June 5. [ ] ToUor, . Abstract of memorial [to the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty?]. Respecting certain effects of the King- at Antega. 1 p. [ ] Vernon, Edward. Line of battle, signals, etc. 1 p. [ ] [Vincent, Nicholas?.] Account of dimensions of various foreign ships of war: Spanish, French, and Dutch. 6 pp. [ ] Virginia, Dismal Swamp. Description of. Advantages of draining, Conditions of draining, Proposals for draining. Estimate of the first expense. Petition to the King for grant of the Dismal. 11 pp. En- dorsed by Wager?: "Description of the Dismal." [ ] [Wager?, Sir Charles.] Abstract of steps taken toward settling Nova Scotia [sent to Thomas Holies, Duke of New Castle]. The desirability of colonizing; Cape Breton. Contemporary copy. 1 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] A proposal for taking St. Augustine. Auto, draft. 2 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Letter [to Charles Wager Purvis?]. Giving advice respecting per- sonal matters. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum respecting Indian trade in Georgia. A. D. Endorsed by Wager: "Purser Benjamin, DD: A purser of a 5 rate to succeed and make Coleman." 1 p. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum respecting claim of Proprietors of the Bahama Islands to perquisites of the Admiralty. A. D. 2 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of French and Span- ish ships in and supposed to be going to the West Indies. A. D. 1 p. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of French and Span- ish and English ships going the West Indies. A. D. Ip. 110 VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS [ ] [Wager, Sir Clmrles. London.] Memorandum respecting proposed expedition to Manila [Philippine Islands]; forces required, etc. 4 pp. Also copy of 1st two pp. of same. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles. London.] Memorandum respecting proposed attempt on Cartagena, forces required, etc. 2 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of Spanish places in America. Auto, draft. 8 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of names of places in West Indies and South America. A. D. Endorsed by Wager: "Plans of Different places in the West Indies, etc." 1 p. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum [on Sir William Chap- man's memorial] respecting South Sea Companies land. A. D. 2 pp. Endorsed: "Report to Sir Wm. Chapman's, &c. Memorial.'' [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memoranda of miscellaneous naval and other matters to be attended to. A. D. 2 pp. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum respecting the Indian nations and Indian tfade in America. Auto, draft. Ip. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum of the present state of Newfoundland and the fisheries and settlements there. Auto, draft. 4 pp. [ ] ["Wager, Sir Charles.] Memorandum regarding imports and exports — slave trade and the West Indies. Auto, draft. 1 p. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Observations on petition [of London] merchants regarding protection of trade; reports of captures and note of British men of war covering the stations where same were taken, in parallel columns. A. D. 6 pp. Endorsed by Wager: "A Proposal to make an Attempt on Guatimala and that Part of the Spanish West Indies near the Gulf of Honduras &c." [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Observations on trade and navigation of West Indies. Locations of islands, trade winds, smuggling, etc. A. D. 6 pp. 1 additional page in different hand. VERNON- WAGER MANUSCRIPTS 111 [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Remarks on objections to project of regulating navigation in America between French and English "as it has been proposed by L"^ Waldegrave." A. D. 1 p. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] A scheme or proposal for taking the city of Manila, Philippine Islands. Auto, draft. 3 pp. Also complete and partial contemporary copies of same. [ ] [Wager, Sir Charles.] Scheme for establishing Nova Scotia and improving the fisheries there and at Newfound- land. A. D. 2 pp. [ ] West Indies, Bahamas. A short computation of expense in settling and improving the Islands for the first three 3^ears. 1 p. [ ] West Indies, Bahamas, Aberco Island. Memoradum respecting wood-cutting and settlement of. 1 p. [ ] West Indies, Bahamas. Copartners. Account by way of abstract, what became of the goods and stores ^ent to the Bahama Islands. 2 pp. Endorsed as above. [ ] West Indies, Bahamas New Providence. Troops at. Pro- posal for establishing a new Independent Company at New Providence out of the four independent companies at New York. 1 p. [ ] West Indies, Bahamas. Proprietors. A report to the Lords of the Treasury [of Great Britain] giving abstract of title of the Proprietors. 3 pp. APPENDIX The following documents relating to the expulsion of the Acadians and military matters in Canada and Virginia are found in the last two volumes of the Vernon-Wager collection. They have no bearing upon the papers preceding, and were probably placed in this collection by Chalmers for convenience sake onl3^ These documents are not indexed. ITS^. La-wrence, Charles. [Zt. Gov., Nova Scotia.'\ Halifax. Dec. 12. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Hopes Gov. [William] Shirley will be convinced "of the necessity of undertaking the grand Project" [against Forts Beausejour and Gaspereau]; the Chignecto lands; Massachusetts and the expense of the war. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov., Nova Scotia.^ Halifax. Jan. 9. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Seige supplies, arms and recruits from New Eng- land; no intelligence from Beausejour; measures of defense against French; naval force on this station; lines of commucation, etc. A. L. S. 4pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov., Nova Scotia.'] Halifax. Jan. 30. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Warns against dishonesty of contractors; the extra- ordinary expense of clothing; military stores to be procured at Boston; officers in charge of purchas- ing, etc. ; Gov. [William] Shirley's son-in-law urged for appointment in commissary dept. hj the Gover- nor; succession to command; declaration to be made to French inhabitants of Chignecto; does not wish them to take oath of allegiance as that would "tie up our hands and disqualify us to extirpate them" ; New Englanders to be encouraged to settle on the ' thus vacated lands; money for the expedition; Shir- lej^'s son-in-law's desire; St. Johns and Canada. A. L. S. 8 pp. 32066—04 8 113 114 APPENDIX 1755. Lawrence, Charles. \^Lt. Gov.^ JS^ova Scotia.] Halifax. Feb. 1. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Movements of officers; intelligence of French; can- non needed for security of Halifax. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1755. LaTvrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov., JVova Scotia.] Halifax. Feb. 16. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Indian overtures for peace and intelligence from Beausejour and Louisbourg; arms in store at Annapolis Roj^al; desires intelligence of French on the Ohio. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Zt. Gov., Nova Scotia.] Halifax Feb. 20. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Recruiting in New England; supplies and additional men proposed by Gov. [William] Shirley. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov.^ Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Mar. 2. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Intelligence of Chignecto; news of [Monckton's] intended expedition has leaked out; has plans of Chignecto; French spy in New York; state of sup- plies at Louisbourg. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov.., Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Mar. 28. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston]. Arms of recruits; scarcity of powder; different calibre of arms; Gov. [William] Shirle^^'s departure for Maryland; Annapolis Royal a better rendezvous than Minos Basin; conflict of rank between pro- vincial and regular army officers; whaleboats; deserters; need of despatch boats; Capt. [John] Winslow's pay; provisions and contract for same, for troops on intended expedition [against Beause- jour and Gaspereau]. L. S. 20 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov.^ Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Mar. 29. Letter [to Lt. Col. Robert Monckton, Boston]. Introducing Capt. [Charles] Broome; lack of offi- cers. A. L. S. 2 pp. APPENDIX 115 1755. La-wrence, Charles. \^Lt. Gov.^ Nova Seotla.'] Halifax. Ma}^ 1. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Boston.] Thinks inhabitants should be driven out [of Acadia] and country destroyed if Fort Beausejour can be taken; his instructions are general; intelligence of French; necessity of maintaining communications; courts-martial; urges economy; King's order set- tling rank of regular and provincial officers; powder from Annapolis Royal. L. S. 6 pp. 1755. Lavrrence, Charles {^Lt. Gooj.^ Nova Scotia.'] Halifax. May 2. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [RobertMonckton, Boston]. The Vulture and transports have sailed for Annapolis; he will find his instructions there on his arrival; wishes him success [in expedition against Fort Beausejour and Gaspereau]. A. L. S. 1 p. [1755.] La-wrence, Charles \Lt. Gov.., of Nova Scotia.] [Halifax.] [June 11.] Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [before Beausejour]. Respecting question of tax on rum carried on transports; desires proved accounts of quantities on board and will forward opinion of council as soon as given. L. S. 1 p. 1755. Lawrence, Charles \^Lt. Gov.., of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. June 11. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [before Beausejour ?]. Hopes for his success at Beausejour; French frigates at St. Johns; powder shipments; augmenting of the regiments in Nova Scotia. L. S. 4 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles [Lt. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. June 19. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [before Beausejour]. Hopes he has taken Beausejour; ships and troops from France; expedition to St. Johns; Lawrence needs cannon and a vessel. L. S. 5. pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. {Lt. Gov. of Nwa Scotia.] Halifax. June 21. Letter [to Lt, Col. Robert Monckton, before Beau- sejour]. Capture of French vessel b}' [Rear] Adml. [Edward] Boscawen; his fleet off Louisburg; rein- forcements; war has not been declared. L. S. 3 pp. 116 APPENDIX 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Z^. Gov. of Nova Scotia.]^ Halifax. June 25. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [before Beausejour]. Congratulations on taking Fort Beau- sejour; the St. John's expedition; reconstruction of the fort; information desired of state of country, etc.; rebellious inhabitants; Indians; stores; settle- ment of Chignecto. L. S. 11 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Z^. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. July 13. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Acadia?]. Destruction at St. John's and panic of Indians; hostages and treaty; French inhabitants and English settlers; returns of troops wanted for [Maj.] Gen. [Edward] Braddock ; repairing and garrisoning Forts Beausejour and Gaspereau; Capt. Hill's draft for subsistence money; wishes return of provisions; entire isthmus to be secured; transports dismissed and attempt on St. Johns given over for the pres- ent. L. S. 12 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Zt. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Aug. 11. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Acadia]. Instructing him as to embarkation of the Acadians. L. S. 3 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. \^Lt. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Aug. 26. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Annapolis Ro3'al]. Instructions as to his cash accounts; troops needed at Forts Cumberland, Gaspereau and Law- rence; provisions and ammunition for Col. Wins- low; inhabitants and Indians; brick making; pris- oners; relief of regular troops; Micmac Indians; inhabitants running off with transports; unloading of suppl}'^ ships; prizes; Capt. Lewis's rangers; wood for Fort Lawrence; cattle and meat for army. L. S. 12 pp. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Z^. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Aug. 2S. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Annapolis Ro3'al?]. Orders to Capt. Cobb to go to St. Johns River. A. L. S. 1 p. 1755. La-wrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov. of Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Sep. 2. Letter to-[Lt.] Col. [Ro])ert] Monckton [Annapolis Ro3'al]. Sends cannon by David Bingham; wishes him sent to South Carolina. L. S. 2 pp. APPENDIX 117 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov., Nova Scotia.'] Halifax. Sep. 11. Letter to Lt. Col. [Robert] Monckton [Acadia]. Minor reverses; instructions regarding expulsion of Acadians; good behavior of certain officers; powder supply; disposal of cattle; enlistment of provincials in regular army; corn to be preserved. L. S. 1 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov.., Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Sep. 27. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] ]\Ionckton [Acadia]. Collection of duties on spirituous liquors sold at retail. L. S. 2 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. {Lt. Gov.., Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Sep. 30. Letter to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Acadia]. Delay in sailing of transports causes uneasiness; men to be embarked whether women have come or not; complains of expense caused hj delay in send- ing off the Acadians; disposition of stores and French vessels; mone}^ for regular troops; Mr. Tonge's allowance; his continuance in command; reports of the French and Indians, L. S. 3 pp. 1755. Lawrence, Charles. [Lt. Gov., Nova Scotia.] Halifax. Oct. 23. Letter] to [Lt.] Col. [Robert] Monckton [Acadia]. Forwards provisions; return of troops; Monckton's return; destruction of Acadian villages; desires accounts of the [Beausejour] expedition. L. S. 7 pp. [1757?] Trelawny, [Sir] W[illiam]. [Lieut., British Navy.] Ply- May 27. mouth Dock. Letter [to Francis Gashry, White- hall]. Requesting appointment to command H. M. sloop Despatch. A. L. S. 1 p. 1757 Trelawny, [Sir] W[illiam]. [Capt., British Navy.] YL. M.S. July 23. Harwich. Letter [to Francis Gashry, Whitehall]. Respecting berth of master for one Brooking. A. L. S. 1 p. 1757. Trelawny, [Sir] W[illiam]. [Capt., British NoAyy.] H.M.S. July 31. Harwich. Letter [to Francis Gashry, Whitehall]. Respecting his application for Brooking. A. L. S. Ip. 118 APPENDIX 1757. Trelawny, [Sir] W[illiam]. [Caj)t., Bpitii^h Ravij.] Dover Sep. 27. Road. Letter [to Francis Gaslir}-, Whitehall]. Requesting him to obtain the Ilai'wicli for him from [George,] Lord Anson; has been chosen magistrate at West Loos. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed "29th Sept. 1757. Mr. Clevland told me this morning that the IlarwicJc was given away to Capt. W™. Marsh the same day the Capt. Rawle}^ quitted her.*" 1760. Fauquier, Francis. \^Lt. Gov,, Virginia.'] "W^^burgh." Mar. 22. Letter to Maj. Gen. [John] Stanwix [Pittsburg?]. The strength of the Virginia regiment; application of officers for grants of lands under [Dinwiddie's] proclamation; recommends Lt. [Leonard?] Price. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. [Z^. Gov.., Virginia.'] "W™^burgh." May 21. Letter to "Maj. [Brig.] Gen." [Robert] Monckton [New York?]. Strength of the Virginia Regiment; assistance given South Carolina against Cherokee Indians; land grants to troops; desires copies of Indian treaties which will give information of lands at his disposal. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. \^Lt. Gov. of Virginia.] "W^'burgh." June 12. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Bedford, Pennf]. Apologising for recalling Col. [William] Byrd who is to command relief expedition to South Carolina against the Cherokees; Lt. Col. [Adam] Stephen, who will be left in command, is a competent officer. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1760. Amherst, [Sir] Jeflfrey. \Maj. Gen. and Commanded' in Aug. 8. ''^>'"'ft British Army in America.] Oswego [New York]. Letter to Brigadier Genl. [Robert] Monck- ton [Pittsburg?]. Probable "visit to Detroit"; public money and dishonesty [at Pittsburg]; troops sent up the St. Lawrence. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. [Lt. Gov., Virginia.] "W^'burgh." Sep. lO. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Pitts- burg]. Will lay his request [for troops] before the Assembly. A. L. S. 1 p. J^PPENDIX 119 1Y60. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [^laj. Gen. and CommAinder in Sep. 12. M*"/-! British Army in America.'] Camp of Mon- treal. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Pittsburg]. The whole of Canada has been sur- rendered; orders him to forward Vaudreiul's enclosed orders to the French posts in his region, secure the arms, administer oath to inhabitants, etc. ; to establish such British posts as he deems necessary and use Rogers' Rangers in exploring the country-, two companies of which are sent him; Amherst will probably go to New York and the Mississippi may be attempted. A. L. S. 1 pp. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. [Lt. Gov.^ Virginia.] "W^^burgh." Oct. 17. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Pitts- burg?]. [Ma].] Gen. [Sir Jeffrey] Amherst's success has altered affairs; Virginia troops urgentl}^ needed on southwest frontier; assembly has passed a bill recalling all the soldiers in the north and orders go with this to Lt. Col. [Adam] Stephen. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. [Lt. Gov.., Virginia.] "W"'burgh." Oct. 27. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Pitts- burg]. Assembly has not put it in his power to comply with his request [to send more troops]; absolute necessity of guarding the southwest fron- tier against the Cherokees. A. L. S. 1 p. 1760. Fauquier, Francis. [Lt. Gov.., Virginia.] "W^'burgh." Nov. 12. Letter to Brig. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Pitts- burg]. Can't supply men; he may keep those Vir- ginia troops he now has provided he put them in the King's pay; in such case their return is desired by next February to guard the southwest frontiers from the Cherokees. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1761. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [^Laj- Gen. and Commander in May 30. <^'hief, British Army in America.] Albany. Let- ter to Maj. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [New York]. Col. [John] Bradstreet's recommendation of Har- menius Schuyler for sheriff' of Albany. A. L. S. 2 pp. 120 APPEISTDIX 1761. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [Maj- Gen. and Commander in June tt. Chltf., British Army in America, '\ Albam^. Let- ter to [Maj.] Gen. [Robert] Monckton [Philadel- phia]. Movements of Captains [Thomas] Boj^d and [Arthur Hill?] Pryce; has talked with Sir William Johnson on Connecticut and Pennsylvania dis- putes. A. L. S. 2 pp. i761. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. \_Maj. Gen. and Commander in June 28. Chief, British Army in A7nerica.] Albany. Let- ter to Maj. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [New York]. Settlement of military accounts; artillery and Pennsylvania men; Indian chiefs from Detroit and [George] Croghan; exploration of upper lake coun- try and settlement of posts; requests that Croghan and the Indians be supplied with provisions; block- house at Sandusk3\ A. L. S. 4 pp. 1762. Bradstreet, John. [Maj. Gen., British Army iii America.l June 7. Albany. Letter to [Maj. Gen.] Sir Jeffrey Am- herst [New York]. Difficulties with inhabitants over impress of horses and carriages; intention to imprison arm}" oflBcers, etc.; Lt. Cuyler's trial. A. L. S. 1 p. 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffre}^ \_Maj. Gen. and Comma/nder in June 21. Chief., British Army in America.^ New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York?]. Respecting passage of an act pro- viding for impressing horses and carriages into the King's service. L. S. 2 pp. 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. \_Maj. Gen. and Commander in July 4. Chief British Army in America.] New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. Backwardness of New York in sup- plying its quota of men for the regular and provin- cial service. L. S. 2 pp. 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [Maj. Gen. and Commander in July 12. ehief, British Army in America.] New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. Respecting certain lands in Albany, title to which is disputed between the Crown and the Dutch Church. L. S. 2 pp. APPET^DIX 121 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [Maj. Gen. and Commander in Aug. 4. chiefs British Army in Atuerica.] New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. Troops necessary to garrison the several posts and protect the frontier; enlistments in regular army and backwardness of the province in this respect. L. S. 2 pp. 1762. Bradstreet, John. [Maj. Gen.., British A^^niy in Amer- Aug. 31. /c«.] Albany. Letter to [Maj. Gen.] Sir Jeffrey Amherst [New York]. Lt. Cuyler's trial by civil authorities for impressing horses and carriages. A. L. S. 1 p. 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. \_Maj. Gen. and Commander in Sep. 19, chief., British Army in America.^ New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. Bounty money voted by Assembly and enlistments in the regular service. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1762. Fauquier, Francis. \Lt. Gov. of Virginia.'] "W™^burgh." Oct. 30. Letter to Maj. Gen. [Robert] Monckton [New York], Conveying his own and the Assembly's thanks for his care in securing the colony from fraud [in the customs? service]; congratulates him on success of his West Indies campaign. A. L. S. Ip. 1762. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. \^Maj. Gen. and Commander in Dec. 29. chief British Army in America.] New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. French and Spanish in New York city are supplying enemy with goods; all of them should be compelled to leave. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1763. Amherst, [Sir] Jeffrey. [Maj. Gen. and CommoMder in June 17. chief British Army in America.] New York. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Robert] Govr. Monckton [New York]. On news of Indian movements has detained the New York Provincials; hopes pa}^ will be granted them for this additional service. L. S. Ip. 1763. Amherst, William. [Adj. Gen., British Ann yi7iAi7ierica.] Sep. 22. Headquarters, New York. Orders regulating stop- pages of soldiers' pay, for provisions. "A true Copy. W" Hall, Capt. ib''' Reg*" 1 p. 122 APPENDIX 1764. G-age, Thomas. [3/^^*. Gen. and Commander in chief., May 2. British Armi/ in America.'] New York. Orders to the officer commanding camp of 45''' regiment at Placentia, regulating stoppages of soldiers' pay, for provisions. "A true Copy. W™ Hall, Capt. 45"' Regt." 1 p. 1764. G-age, Thomas. \^Ilaj. Gen. and Commander in cJiief., June 23. British Army in America.] New York. Extract of letter to the commanding officer of detachment of 45"' regiment at Placentia respecting officers absenting themselves from their posts without leave. "A true Copy. Wm. Hall, Capt. 45"^ Reg*" 2 pp. 1765. Maitland, Richard. {Deputy Adj. Gen\ British Army in Jan. 31- America.] Headquarters, New York. Orders to Feb. 16. Capt. [Thomas] Vaughan or officer commanding at Placentia, respecting construction of works. D. S. 1. p. 1773. G-reat Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- Mar. 2. tions. Whitehall. Letter to [John Murray,] Earl of Dunmore [Williamsburg? Virginia]. Comment- ing upon certain laws sent for Royal approval; dis- cusses bill for light house at Cape Henry, increase in number of representatives in House of Burgesses, and act respecting property of infants and feme coverts. L. S. : Dartmouth. Garlics. Soame Jenyns. Greville. 4 pp. INDEX 123 INDEX Abadia, Mathias de. Gov., Porto Rico. 1741, Jan. 18. To Sebastian de Eslavaa. 1741, Jan. 21. To Rodrigo de Torres, n. d., Memorial to King of Spain. Aberco Island, Bahamas. See: West Indies, Bahamas. Admiralty. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Annapolis Royal. See: Canada, Nova Scotia. Anonymous. 1730, Sep. 15. Proposed heads for proclamation for suppression of piracy. 1730, Sep. ? Instructions to encourage captains to take pirates. 1732, Dec. 21. Reasons for speedy settlement of Nova Scotia. 1734, Sep. 4. Letter to Capt. Charles Cotrell. 1734, Oct. 25. Considerations of the state of Jamaica and runaway negroes, 1734, Nov. 28. Letter. Affairs of Georgia. 1734?, . Memorandum of treatment of the Pontchartrain on west coast of Africa. 1734/5, Mar. 3. Extract of letter respecting Bahamas and Gov. Fitz-William. 1737? . Proposal to South Sea Company to furnish negroes to Havana. 1739, Jan. 14. Letter to Admiral Wager. 1739, Feb. Letter to Admiral Wager. 1739, Mar. 13. List of cargoes of Register Ships arrived in Bay of Cadiz from Buenos Ayres. 1739, Aug. 9. Letter to Admiral Wager. 1740, July 31-Nov. 2. Journal of voyage from Ferrol to Cartagena. 1740, Nov. 5-6. Extracts of letters from officers on the Ferroll squadron. 1740, . Project for attacking La Vera Cruz and Mexico. "No. 1." Same. "No. 2." 1740?, . Information sent to Vice Admiral Vernon. 1741, Mar. 29. Account of landing places near Cartagena. 1741, Mar.? "Abstract of letters" passed between French and Spanish Governors of the West Indies, etc. 1741, April. An account of the expedition against Cartagena. 1741, Oct. 8. Project for making a settlement near Vera Cruz. 1746, Aug. 30. Letter to Duke of Bedford. 1748, Dec. 20. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1749, Aug. 29. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1749, Sep. 30. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1749/50, Jan. 25. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1749/50, Feb. 3. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1750, Dec. 30. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1751, June 14. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1751, July 14. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 125 126 INDEX Anonymous — Continued. 1751, July 30. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1751, Sep. 26. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1751, Nov. 30. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1752, Feb. 15. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1752, Feb. 22. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1752, Apr. 1. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. 1753, Jan. 6. Letter to Gov. Trelawny. n. d. Bahamas. Letter respecting building distillery at New Providence, etc. n. d. Bahamas. Memorandum respecting probable war with Spain, measures of defense, etc. n. d. Buenos Ayres. Memorial respecting. n. d. Caracas. Proposal for taking La Guaira and Porto Cavallo. n. d. Cuba. Proposal for attacking Havana, Santiago, etc. n. d. French Settlements in America, Observations, n. d. Georgia and Florida. Proposals relating to war in. n. d. Honduras. Memorandum respecting English logwood cutters, n. d. Jamaica. Letter from a North Side Planter respecting disadvantages. n. d. Jamaica. Observations in support of the Additional Duty Bill, n. d. San Salvador. Memorial to Sir Charles Wager respecting settlement of. n. <1. South America. Reasons for establishing a new colony in. n. d. South Sea. Proposed expedition to. n. d. South Sea Company. Account of the Greenland trade of. n. d. Spanish settlements in America. Remarks on. n. d. Tobacco. Computation of what a Virginia planter must save on 20 hhds. of tobacco, n. d. Trade. Considerations of actions of Spaniards towards English trade, n. d. Trade. Treaties in force to forbid trading with French and Spanish islands, etc. Armstrong, John. Officer of British Ordnance. 1741, Oct. 27. To Duke of Mon- tague. Armstrong, Lawrence. Lt. Gov., Nova Scotia. 1727, Nov. 3. To the Lords Committee? of Privy Council for Plantation Affairs. 1727, Nov. 8. Observations on state of Nova Scotia. 1727, Nov. 3. Abstract of account of Nova Scotia. Atkinson, Joseph, n. d. Description of the Virgin Islands. Bahama Islands. See: West Indies. Bahama Lessees. 1731, Apr. 8. Minutes of meeting. Bahama Society. 1720-28, June-June. Brief state of affairs of society. 1728, Sep. 1. List of receipts for shares of stock. 1728, Sep. 1? Subscription receipts outstanding. 1729, May 7. Account of receipts sent to Capt. Hyde. 1729, Aug. 25. List of effects at New Providence. 1730, May 20. List of outstanding receipts for stock. INDEX 127 Baliama Society — Continued. 1731, April. Computation of goods shipped to New Providence. 1731, July 13. Balances in new books. 1725-32, June 1-May 2. Accounts. 1733, Mar. 26. List of papers relating to the Bahamas. n. d. Directions for settlement of society's affairs. See also: West Indies, Bahamas. Computation of expense in settling the Islands, etc. Barnsley, Henry. CapL, H.M. S. " Scarborough." 1730, July 6. To JosiahBurchett. Barranco, Pedro. 1740, July 25. To his wife. Baynton, Thomas. 1732, . Account with. Belaquin, . 1740, Mar. 18. To Comte de Maurepas. Belcher, Jonathan and others. Owners of merchant sloop " Katherine." 1728, Dec. 28. To Capt. William Atkinson. Berkeley, George. Capt., H. M. S. "Windsor.'" 1740, Apr. 4. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Bladen, Martin. Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantations. 1735, June 3. Memorandum respecting inquiries of Parliament. 1735, June 10. To Admiral Wager. 1735, . Answers to Gov. Cunningham's queries. 1735, . Considerations about Jamaica. 1739, June 18. To Lord Harrington. 1741, July 2. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, July 23. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, Nov. 10. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, Nov. 14. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, Nov. 19. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, Nov. 19. Report on Verelst's proposals. 1741, Nov. 20. To Duke of Newcastle. Bloom, Daniel. Master, hrigantine " Turtle Dove" of New York. 1738, June 9. Affi- davit of his being captured by the French. Boscawen, Edward. Capt., H. M. S. "Shoreham." 1740, Nov. 27. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Bradstreet, John. Lieut., . 1738, Sep. 4. Letter, respecting his misfortunes. Brath-waite, John. Director? Royal African Compamj. 1732, Nov. 7. To Admiral Wager. Bridge, Timothy. Capt., H. M. S. ''Antelope." 1736, Dec. 17. To Capt. Dent. Brodrick, Thomas. Lieut., Commanding, H. M. S. ''Tender." 1740, June 26. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Brown, Charles. Capt. and Commander in chief, British naval forces at Jamaica. 1738, Apr. 16. To Capt. Miles Stapylton. Buenos Ajrres. See: South America. Burn, Patrick. 1739, Jan. 17. Account of fortifications about Cartagena. Burrell, Peter. 1730, Aug. 19. To Admiral Wager. 128 INDEX Cailey, William. British consul at Cadiz, Spain. 1726, Apr 5-16 - Nov. 8-19. Abstract of his letters. Campbell, Daniel. 1741, July 22. Account of the Guipuscoa or Biscay Company's trade with Caracas. Canada, Nova Scotia. 1727-39, June 7-Nov. 9. Abstract of steps taken towards settling the province. n. d. "Charge" of the regiment at Nova Scotia. , . Annapolis Koyal. n. d. Account of. , . Louisburg. 1734, Sep. 4. Account of fisheries, fortification and forces. Candler, . Capt., H. M. S. " Launceston." 1722, May 17. To Vice-Admiral Wager. Cartagena. See: South America. Castres, A . 1737, Sep. 30. To Admiral Wager. Cat Island (San Salvador), Bahamas. See: West Indies, Bahamas. Charles II. See: Great Britain, Crown. Chastenoye, Etiemie de. Gov., French West Indies. 1740, Mar. 11. To Capt. Pierre Durocher. Chavag'nac, Marquis de. Capt., snow "La Fee," French Nai^j. 1740, Nov. 5. Ac- count of engagement with H. M. S. Xoni'ich. Chegoyen, Joseph de'l. Of Panama. 1740, Feb. 14. To Santiago de Yrissario. Chetwynd, Sir William. One of Proprietors of Bahamas, n. d. Memorandum of expense of Bahama Society touching New Providence. Chiloe (or Castro) Island. On west coast of Chile, n. d. Memorandum as place to refit ships in the South Sea. Clinton, George. Gov., New York. 1741?, . " Short heads to show the Keas- onableness of Governour Clinton's Application for an allowance by Way of Equipment Mony." Cooke, Leonard. Factor, South Sea Company at Santiago de Cuba. 1736, Nov. 3. To Capt. Digby Dent. 1740, Aug. 24. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Cole, Thomas. Capt., British Kavyf 1739/40, Mar. 21. To Robert Jackson. 1740, :\Iar. 25. To Admiral Wager. Colebrooke & Rogers. McrchaiUs, New Providence, Bahama Islands. 1728/9, Jan. 27. Invoice of goods shipped to them. 1729, . Invoice of goods shipped to them. 1730, Apr. 25. Invoice of goods shipped to them. Colebrooke, John. 1729, Nov. 13. To Lord Forbes. Copithorne, Richard. 1739, May 10. To Admiral Wager. Coram, Thonia^t. 1735, Mar. 31. Memorial to George II. 1735, July 4. To Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. INDEX 129 Courand, John, Under Secretary of State for Southern Provinces, Great Britain. 1734, Nov. 29. To Admiral Wager and Duke of Newcastle. 1739, June 28. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 5. To Admiral Wager. 1739, July 1. To Admiral Wager. 1741, Oct. 18. To Admiral Wager. ] 741, Oct. 18. To Martin Bladen. Craufurd, Charles. Capt., H. M. S. "Roebuck.'^ 1734, . Scheme of the fishery of Newfoundland, etc. 1735, July 5. To Admiral Wager. Cromwell, Oliver. Lord High Protector of England. 1654, Dec. 9? To Gen'l Venablea. Crookshanks, Jonathan. Formerly Comptroller Oen'l of Customs, Scotland. 1730/1, Feb. 21. To Admiral Wager. 1731, Apr. 28. Letter respecting duty on tobacco, etc. Crymble, Murray. 1740, Oct. 15. To Arthur Stert. Cuba. See: West Indies. Cunning-liam, Henry. Gov., Jamaica, West Indies. 1734? . Queries con- cerning troops at Jamaica. D Day, Peter. Merchantf, Bristol, England. 1732/3, Feb. 7. To Admiral Wager. Delafaye, Charles. Clerk, office of Secretary of State for Southern Promnces, Great Britain. 1730, Oct. 25. To Admiral Wager. 1730, Oct. 26. To Admiral Wager. 1732, July 11. To Admiral Wager. 1732, Sep. 4. To Admiral Wager. Dent, Digby. Capt., H. M. S. ''Dunkirk." 1737, Jan. 8. To Josiah Burchett. Desaimbol, . 1740, Nov. 9. To Segretier. Dismal Swam.p. See: Virginia. Dummer, William. Lt. Gov., Massachusetts. 1730? . Short sketch for attempt- ing the Havana. Dunbar, David. Col. & Surveyor Gen'l of the woods in America. 1729, June 30. To Viscount Townshend. Durell, Thomas. Capt., British Navy. 1737/8, Jan. 12. To Admiral Wager. E Earle, W B . Officer of Ordinance, Great Britain. 1741, Oct. 27. To Duke of Montague. Eslava, Sebastian de. Vice King of Santa Fe, Varagua. 1741, Apr. 18. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 19. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. 32066—04 9 130 INDEX Eslava, Sebastian de — Continued. 1741, Apr. 22. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 27. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Etcoslois, ^lithon. French Gov. of Port Louis, Hispaniola. 1741, Feb. 26. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Fairfax, William. Collector of Customs, Salem, Massachusetts. 1729, Nov. 26. To Admiral Wager. Fitz-William, Richard. Gov., Bahama Islands. 1734, Jan. 29. To Admiral Wager. 1736?, . To Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Fletcher, William. 1739, Feb. 14. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Feb. 14. Plan for a moving battery. Flower, Robert. Master, New York merchant shij) "Mary." 1740, Aug. 23. Deposi- tion respecting capture by Spanish. Forbes, Hugh. Capt., British Navy. 1732, . Memorandum of demands made on Governor of Porto Rico. n. d. Account of Porto Rico and defences of San Juan. France, Minister of Marine. 1740, Oct. 7. To Marquis d'Antin. France, Navy. 1740, Aug. 25. Ships sailed from Toulon Aug. 25 for Cadiz. Gale, Wingate. Capt., H. M. S. "Delicia." 1718, Nov. 4. To Lords Commissioners of Admiralty. 1720, July 25. Account of expenses of Dellcia. Garthwaite, Edward. 1753, Nov. 1. Letter respecting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trelawny. Gascoigne, John. Capt., British Navy. n. d. Description of Port Royal, South Carolina. Gashry, Francis. 1748, Mar. 18. Remarks on proposal to settle Nova Scotia. 1748, Mar. 18. To Admiral Wager. George, Prince of Denmark. Lord High Admiral of England. 1706/7, Feb. 24. To Navy Board. 1706/7, Mar. 22. To Capt. Charles Wager. 1707, Mar. 25. To Capt. Charles Wager. George I and II. See: Great Britain, Crown. Georgia, Trustees. 1733, . Grant of land (in blank). 1740, July 14. Power of attorney to Harman Verelst. Geraldino, Sir Thomas. 1735, Apr. 30-May 11. To Court of Directors of Royal Assiento Company. INDEX 131 Godet, Jacob. Master, Dutch merchant sloop. 1740, Sep. 23. Examination of. 1740, Sep. 25. Additional interrogatories and answers. 1740, Sep. 26. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Gohier, James. Councillor, Bahama Legislature and Manager for Bahama Copartners. 1719, May 8-Aug. 8. Account for subsisting Spanish prisoners. 1719, Oct. 15. To William Chetwynd. 1720, May 16. To the Bahama Copartners. 1720, June 18. To William Chetwynd. Goudet, Peter, Formerly Secy, to Gov. George Phenney. 1729, Oct. 15. Deposition of ill treatment by Gov. and Mrs. Phenney. Governors, British Colonial, n. d. Memorandum of amounts allowed for trans- porting baggage to West Indies, etc. Gray, John. Capt., British Navy. 1729, June 7. To Josiah Burchett. Great Britain, Admiralty. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Army, Colonial Garrisons. n. d. Allowance at Placentia and Annapolis. n. d. Charge of garrison at Annapolis and other places. Crown. Charles II, King. 1664, Mar. 12. Grant to Duke of York. 1669, May 2. Charter to Hudson Bay Company. . George I, King. 1723, Apr. 26. To the Commissioners of the Navy. ] 726, Mar. 28. To Vice-Admiral Hosier. . George II, King. 1726, Apr. 11. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727?, Jan.?. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1731, May 11. To Col. David Dunbar. 1731, July 5. To Admiral Wager. 1732, Dee. 21. To Governor of Nova Scotia. 1739, June 15. To Capt. Charles Brown. 1739, July 16. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. n. d. Extract of orders to his Majesty's ships relating to pirates. - Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 1701, Aug. 11. To Navy Board. 1709, Feb. 18. To Navy Board. 1719, July 4. To Capt. Edward Vernon. 1727, Aug. 11. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Aug. 21. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Sep. 6. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Oct. 5. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Oct. 17. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Oct. 21. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727/8, Jan. 15. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1729, Feb. 12. To naval captains in America. 1730, Sep. 29. To naval captains in America. 1730-38, Sep. 29-Feb. 10. To commanders of British ships in Jamaica. 1737, Aug. 5. To Duke of Newcastle. 132 . INDEX Great Britain, Admiralty — Continued. 1737, Oct. 31. To Duke of Newcasflc 1739, June. To Privy Council. Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. 1715/6, Mar. 2. Report to the King. 1718, Dec. 19. Report to the King. 1727, June 7. Report to the King. 1728, May 31. Report to the King. 1728, Dec. 20. Report to the King. 1728/9, Mar. 21. Report to the King. 1728/9, May 14. Report to Committee of Privy Council. 1729, Dec. 4. Report to Committee of Privy Council. 1729?, . Synopsis of reports on Col. David Dunbar's memorial. 1729/30, Jan. 22. Report to Committee of Privy Council. 1729/30, Feb. 9. Report to the King. 1730, Mar. 25. Report to Committee of Privy Council. 1730/1, Feb. 9. Representation to the King. 1731, Apr. 22. To Committee of Privy Council. 1732, Aug. 3. Report to the Queen. 1735?, . Proposals for beginning civil government in Nova Scotia. 1737, Apr. 22. Report to Committee of Privy Council. 1741, June 23-July 23. Proceedings relating to reenforcements for West Indies. 1741, Oct. 15. Minutes on proceedings of Verelst's proposals relating to war in Georgia and Florida. 1741, Oct. 15-Nov. 20. Proceedings on proposals of Verelst. 1773, Mar. 11. To Earl of Dunmore. n. d. Proposals for beginning a civil government in Nova Scotia. Navy. 1727-28, Aug. 8-Dec. 19. List of ships, etc., in West Indies squadrons. 1739, Oct. 9. List of ships in sea pay. 1739, Dec. 1. Abstract of the fleet at several periods of time. 1740, Feb. 3. List of ships in sea pay. 1740, June 13. List of ships in sea pay. 1739-41, Oct. 23-Dec. 21. List of ships sent out since declaration of war with Spain. 1739-41, Oct.-Dec. Abstract of number and rates of ships employed as cruisers. 1741, June. List of ships in sea pay. 1742, Apr. 26. List of ships in sea pay. n. d. Order form (in blank) on the Treasurer of the Navy. Parliament, House of Commons. 1738, May 14. Resolve respecting Lords Proprietor's interests in the Bahamas. 1738, May 18. Resolve to address the King relative to purchasing the Baha- mas from the Proprietors. 1738, May 20. Extract of report of the King's acceding to purchasing the Bahamas. 1738, May 24. Resolve respecting Lords Proprietor's title to Carolina. Plantations. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions. Privy Council. 1729, Apr. 19. Committee report on memorial of Col. David Dunbar. 1729, May 14. Committee report on Newfoundland fisheries. 1739, Nov. 9. Order on Maj. Gen. Philipps's Nova Scotia report. ITfDEX 133 Great Britain. Sandwich Canal. 1706, Sept. 28. Report on the feasibility and an estimate of the expense. Secretarj' of State. 1726, May 10. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, May .31. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, June 17. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, June 29. To Admiral Jennings. 1726-28, Mar. 28-Mar. 25. Abstract of instructions to Vice- Admirals Hosier and Hopsonn. 1726, July 26. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, Aug. 12. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, Sept. 6. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726, Sept. 20. To Rear-Admiral Hopsonn. 1726, Sept. 20. To Admiral Jennings. 1726, Oct. 25. To Rear-Admiral Hopsonn. 1726, Nov. 18. To Vice-Admiral Hosier. 1726, Nov. 30. To Rear-Admiral Hopsonn. 1726, Dec. 23. To Rear-Admiral Hopsonn. 1726, Dec. 29. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Jan. 2. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Jan. 10. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Jan. 13. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Feb. 17. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Feb. 28. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Mar. 7. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Mar. 14. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726-7, Mar. 21. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1726/7, Mar. 24. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Apr. 4. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Apr. 18. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, May 19. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, May 22. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, July 18. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Aug. 5. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Sept. 29. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Oct. 2. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Oct. 20. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Nov. 16. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Nov. 18. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Dec. 24. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727, Dec. 25. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1727/28, Feb. 23. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1730, Oct. 29. To Rear-Admiral Stuart. 1731, July 8. To Admiral Wager. 1735/6, Mar. 24. To Admiral Wager. 17.36, Dec. 28. To Admiral Wager. 1739, June 20. To Rear-Admiral Haddock. 1739, July 29. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 5. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 8. To Rear-Admiral Haddock. 1739, Aug. 13. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1739, Aug. 21. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1739, Sept. 28. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 17.39, Nov. 7. To Rear-Admiral Haddock. 1739?, . Outline of plan of operations of war. 134 INDEX Great Britain. Trade. 1741, Feb. 26. Evidence before House of Commons relat- ing to trade in Mediterranean and America. Trade and Plantations. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Treaties. 1670, . With Spain. Concerning America. 1686, Nov. 6-16. With France. Neutrality in America. Treasury. 1711, June 30. Memorandum of account paid Earl of Orford and Henry Preistman. 1721, Dec. 7. Memorandum of account paid Josiah Burchett. Gregory, George. Officer of Ordnance, Great Britain. 1741, Oct. 27. To Duke of Montague. Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco de. Gov. GenH. of Cuba. 1740, May 9. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, May 9. To de Chastenoye. 1741, Mar. 12. To de Larnage. H Hamilton, J . Of London. 1739, May 14. To Admiral Wager?. 1739, May 14. Proposal for taking Cuba. Hardy, Sir Charles. Vice-Adiniral of the Blue, British Navy. 1737?, . To Admiral Wager. Harris, . Of Jamaica, West Indies. 1740, Feb.? Memorandum respecting French fleet. Harrison, Edward. 1728-33, June 21-June 25. Account of stock of South Sea Company. Havana, Cuba. See: West Indies, Cuba. Hemenes, Pedro Yago. Gov., St. lago de Cuba. 1732, May 18. To Rear- Admiral Stuart. Herbert, Richard. Capt., H. M. S. "Xor2vich." 1740, Oct. 14. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Extract of journal of engagement with La Fee. Memorandum respecting Rodrigo de Torres's fleet. Hodgson, Robert. " Warrant Ideutenant," Commissioner from Governor of Jamaica to Mos(inito Indians. 1740, Apr. 8. To Gov. Trelawny. 1740, June 21-July 12. To Gov. Trelawny. Holden, Edward. British Consul at Algiers. 1738/9, Mar. 12. To Admiral Wager. Hoist, Nicholas. Surveyor. 1735, May 14. Plat of part of Port Royal Harbor, Jamaica. Hosier, Francis. Vice- Admiral of the Blue, Commander in Cliief, British naval force in West Indies. 1726, June 25. Account of Spanish ships in West Indies. INDEX 135 House of Commons. See: Great Britain, Parliament. How, Edward. Merchant of Canso, Nora Scotia. 1741?, . To Admiral Wager. 1741?, . An account of Canso. Hudson Bay Company, Charter. 1669, May 2. See: Great Britain, Crown, Charles II, King. Hull, Richard. Chief merchant, Royal African Company of England, at Gambia. 1734/5, Feb. 26. Extracts of letters relating to discovery of gum trees. Hunter, Robert. 3faj. Gen., British Army. 1726, Nov. 12. To Viscount Towns- hend. Hyde, John. Director? Bahama Society. 1728-33, June 21-June 25. Account of stock of South Sea Company. 1728/9, Mar. 4. To Vice-Admiral Wager. 1729, May 13. To Gov. Rogers. 1731, Apr. 3. To Alured Popple. 1732, May 4-June 25. Account with Thomas Baynton. 1737, Nov. 3. Receipt to Admiral Wager for pistoles. Innes, James. Master, English merchant snoiv "Blackwood." n. d. News of cap- ture of English ships by Spanish privateers. Jamaica. See: West Indies. Jarrold, Jacob and James Jenner. Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court and Surveyor- GenL, Bahamas, respectively, n. d. Bill of complaint against j. jter Goudet. Jones, J . Secretary to Gov. Trelawny, of Jamaica. 1738, Aug. 11. To Admiral Wager. K Keene, Benjamin. British Consul- General at Madrid, Spain. 1739, June 11-22. To Duke of Newcastle. Keene, William. 1734, Oct. 1. To Lord Muskerry. King'ston, Jamaica. See: West Indies, Jamaica. Knowles, Charles. Capt., British Navy, 1740; Rear-Admiral of the White, 1750; Gov., Jamaica, West Indies, 1753. 1740, Mar. 8. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741 Apr. 10. Declaration respecting messages between Vice-Admiral Vernon and Gen. Wentworth. 1750, Nov. 27. To Gov. Trelawny. 1753, Apr. 23. To Francis Gashry. Larnage, Charles Brunies, Marquis de. Governor, French Leeward Islands. 1740, Apr. 29. To Chevalier Raymond. 1740, Aug. 5. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, Aug. 28. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 136 INDEX Xiarnage, Charles Briinies, Marquis de — Continued. 1740, Dec. 21. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. 1741, ]Mar. 5. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. 1741, Mar. 19. To Francisco Carigal de la Vega. La Vega, Dionisio Martinez de. Goc, Cuba, 1729; President, Panama, 1740. 1729, Apr. 16. To Felix Joseph D'Acosta Hortado, jr. 1732, May 26. To Rear- Admiral Charles Stewart. 1740, Feb. 12. To the King of Spain. La Vega, Francisco Carigal de. Gov., Santiago de Cuba. 1740, Aug. 24. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. 1740, Nov. 15. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, Nov. 22. To Marquis de Larnage. 1741, Mar. 30. To Joseph de la Quintana. Laws, William. Capt. H. M. S. "Spence." 1740, Feb. 22. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Lea, William. Of the South Sea Company. 1740, Mar. 3. To Admiral Wager? Le Fraii9ois, Philippe. Capt., French merchant ship. 1739, Sep. 28. Contract with Spanish Intendant of Marine at Ferrol for carrying the King's effects to Porto Rico. Leith, Alexander. Formerly Surgeon, H. M. S. ''Pembroke." 1737, Oct. 11. Memorandum concerning. Lezo, Bias de. General commanding the Spanish galleons at Cartagena. ^ 1739, Dec. 27. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, July 6. To the Archbishop, Vice King of New Spain. 1740, Nov. 6. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, Nov. 6. To Sagretier. Lilly, Christian. Chief Engineer, West Indies. 1728, Sep. 20. Directions for over- seer of workmen at Port Anthony. London, England. 1735, Mar. 31. Petition of craftsmen to the King. 1735, . Petition of merchants to House of Commons. Londonderry, Thomas Pitt, Lord. 172-, . "Abstract of what concerns Lord Londonderry * * * in settling the Bahamas." Louisbourg. See: Canada, Nova Scotia. M McAlpin, John. Supercargo, brigantine " Friends Adventure" of Barbadoes. 1734, Apr. 17. Affidavit respecting capture of Friends Adventure by a Spanish sloop. Manning, Edward, jr. Agent, South Sea Company at Jamaica. 1733, Feb. 13. To Admiral Wager. Mari, Marquis de. Rear-Admiral, Spanish Navy. 1731, Oct. 15. Signals for the fleet. Maroons of Jamai(;a. See: W^est Indies, Jamaica. Masclary, Francis. 1741, Jan. 20. To Juan de Vera Gallardo. 1741, Jan. 20. To Bernard Grangent. Masters, John. Merchar^t of London. 1739, July 3. To Admiral Wager. INDEX 137 Mayne, Perry. Capt., H. M. S. " Worcester." 1740, June 28. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Medley, Henry. CapL, H. M. S. "Romney." 1739, Aug. 19. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Oct. 1. To Josiah Burchett. Mendoca, Diego. Spanish Minister to Great Britain. 1734, Oct. 28. Heads of memorial respecting Indians held as slaves. Metcalf, William. Lieut., British Navy. 1725, May 15. Account of Santiago de Cuba. Midleton, Christopher. Capt., in service of Hudson Bay Company. 1722, June — . Extract of journal of John Scroggs. Montague, John, Duke and others. 1741, June 30. Proceedings of a board. 1741, July 2. Proceedings of a board. 1741, July 7. Proceedings of a board. 1741, July 14. Proceedings of a board. 1741, July 16. Proceedings of a board. 1741, Nov. 4. Proceedings of a board. 1741, Nov. 14. Proceeding of a board. 1741, Nov. 17. Proceedings of a board. 1741, Nov. — . Proceedings of a board. Morris, J . Lieut., Engineers, British Army. 1742, May 12. Letter respect- ing projected expedition against Panama. Mowe, William, n. d. To Sir Charles Wager. N Naish., John? 1740, Aug. 2. Memorandum respecting Anson's voyage, taking of Manila, etc. 1741, Oct. 26. Letter, respecting Anson's voyage, Philippines, etc. Nedham, Hamilton and others. Inhabitants of Jamaica. 1751, Dec. 7. To Go" Trelawny. Newcastle, Thomas Holies, Duke of. Secretary of State, Southern Provinces, Great Britain. 1737, Oct. 11. To Admiral Wager. See also: Great Britain, Sec- retary of State. Ne^wfoundland, Fisheries. 1 728, . Scheme for fisheries for the year. 1730, . Scheme for fisheries for the year. , Justices of Peace and Constable appointments, n. d. List of appointees. , Placentia Fort. 1738, Aug. 20. Report on State of. See: Wibault, James , Trade, n. d. Report on the operation of act of Parliament to encourage trade. New Providence, Bahamas. See: West Indies, Bahamas. Norris, Sir John. Admiral and Commander in Chief, British Navy. 1733/4, Mar. 7. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Mar. 29. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Mar. 30. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Apr. 3. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Apr. 5. To Admiral Wager. 138 INDEX Norris, Sir 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, John — Continued . 10. 11. 22. 24. Apr. Apr Apr, Apr. Apr. Apr. 27. Apr. 29. May 10. May 15. May 17. May 23. May 26. May 31. June 1. June 3. June 5. June 6. June 7. June 8. June 11. June 15. June 17. June 19. June 20. June 23. June 26. June 28. July 1. July 4. July 8. July 11. July 15. July 17. July 21. July 24. July 27. July 29. Aug. 1. Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug. 12. Aug. 15. Aug. 22. Sep. 4. Sep. 15. Sep. 19. Sep. 23. Sep. 26. Sep. 27. Sep. 28. Sep. 30. Oct. 1. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W' ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral AVager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral W^ager. To Admiral Wager. INDEX 139 Norris, Sir John — Continued. 1734, Oct. 6. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 7. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 10. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 11. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 12. To Admiral Wager, 1734, Oct. 14. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 17. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 23. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 24. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Oct. 29. To Admiral Wager. 1741, Oct. 11. List of ships under command of. Norris, Mathew. Capt., H. M. S. ''Lowsioff." 1733, Apr. 26. Case of snuff and tobacco captured by. Norris, Richard. CajJt., H. M. S. ^^ Kingston.'^ 1741, Apr. 14. To Josiah Burchett. Nova Scotia. See: Canada, Nova Scotia. o Ogle, Sir Chaloner. Rear-Admiral of the Blue, British Navy. 1733, July 7. To Admiral Wager. 1741, Apr. 4. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 6. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 7. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 13. Answer to representation of army officers. Oglethorpe, James Edward. Gov., Georgia. 1741, . Proposals relating to war in Georgia and Florida. Ordonez, . Of Panama. 1740, May 7. Letter respecting King's treasure and Vernon at Cartagena. Parker, John? British Consul at Corunna, Spain. 1739, May 27. To A- Castres. Parker, Robert. Alderman of London. 1736, Nov. 9. " Some Occurrencys while I was in Georgia. * * * 1734-1735." Peake, B . Director? Royal African Company. 1732, Nov. 7. To Admiral Wager. Pearse, Vincent. Capt., H. M. S. ' ^ Flamborough." 1740, Nov. 20. Libel of Span- ish merchant ship Canary Merchant and snow Restoration. Phenney, George. Former Gov., Bahamas, West Indies. 1729, Nov. 25. State of account with Governor Rogers. Philippine Islands. ExpeiUtion against, n. d. Memorandum of instructions to the British commodores respecting supplies of ships. Philipps, Richard. Maj. Gen. and Gov., Nova Scotia. 1737, Sep. 22. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 28. Account of effective troops in Nova Scotia. 1739, Sep. 28. State of province of Nova Scotia. n. d. Establishment of regiment, etc. 140 INDEX Popple, Alured. Secretary, Lords Commissioyiers of Trade and Plantations, Great Britain. 1731, Ap. 8. To Capt. John Hyde. Poyntz, Stephen. Envoy Extraordinary from Great Britain to Sweden. 1726, May 21. To Vice-Admiral Wager. Prisoners, British, in Cartagena. 1741, . Information to Vice-Admiral Vernon. R Roach, . Captain . n. d. Sketch plan of Port of Passages. Rogers, Woodes. Gov., Bahamas. 1 718/9, Mar. 3. Letter respecting probability of Spanish attacking the Bahamas. 1721, Nov. 21. Description of the Bahamas. 1721, Nov. 27? Case of. 1729, Nov. 15. To Admiral Wager. 1730, -May 11. To Capt. Joseph Boswell. 1731, Sep. 12. Account and description of the Bahamas. n. d. Some observations on the importance of the Bahamas. "St. Jago." Spanish merchant ship. 1740? Mar. 16. Inventory of cargo on her voyage to Cartagena. St. liOe, Edward. Capt., British Navy. 1728/9, Jan. 3. To Josiah Burchett. n. d. Observations on the fishery of Placentia, Newfoundland. St. Sebastian. See: Spain. Saltmarsh, John. 1730, Sep. 27. To Josiah Burchett. Saltzburghers. n. d. Proposal for establishing a colony in America. n. d. Scheme for transporting Saltzburghers to South Carolina. Samson, Jean Baptiste. Commissary of Marines, French West Indies. 1740, Mar. 11. To Capt. Pierre Duracher. Sandwich Canal. See: Great Britain. San Salvador (Cat Island). See: West Indies, Bahamas. Sayer, PLxton. Doctor of Laws. 1730, Dec. 17. Opinion regarding case of Capt. John Toller, etc. Seambry, Pascal. Deserter from Spanish. 1740, May 9. His intelligence respecting defense of Cartagena. Selash, Antonio de. Gov., Cartagena. 1732, July 16. To Rear- Admiral Stuart. Sharpe, William. Clerk in ordinary. Privy Council, Great Britain. 1738, . Memorandum of Lords of Treasury's action on Gov. Trelawny's claim. 1739, Nov. 9. Signature. Shields, James. Capt., African trading ship '^Adventure." 1735-6, Jan. -Apr. Account current of expenses, etc., to the "Gum Coast." Shirwill, William. 1740, June 5. Account of St. Sebastian, its defences, etc. See also: Spain, St. Sebastian. Sketch of harbor, n. d. INDEX 141 Sibert, Lewis. Master, French merchantman "Royal Clementine^^ of Bulleine. 1734, Aug. 12. Examination of, his voyage, destination, etc. Sidy, John. Master, English merchant snoiv "Nassau." 1730, Jan. 7. Invoice of goods shipped to Africa. Southwell, Edward. Clerk, Privy Council, Great Britain. 1729, Mar. 26. Referring report on Col. Dunbar's memorial to a committee of Privy Council. South. America, Buenos Ayres. n. d. Account of. i , Cartagena. 1739, Feb. 4. Present posture of defence, etc. 1739, . Memorandum of defences, etc. Spain, Navy. 1731, . List of ships to go to Italy. 1738, Sep. 6. List of men-of-war in West Indies. 1738, Nov. 13. Memorandum of movements of Havana fleet. 1739?, . List of men-of-war at Cadiz, Biscay, and Carthegena. , St. Sebastian, n. d. Sketch plan of harbor. Speed, Samuel. 1740, Jan. 28. To Duke of Newcastle? Stanhope, William. British Ambassador to Spain. 1726, Nov. 28-Dec. 9. To Duke of Newcastle. Stanyan, Temple. Clerk, Privy Council, Great Britain. 1728, June 12. Referring report on memorial of Col. Phillips to the Privy Council. Stanyford, Ambrose. British Consul at Alicante, Spain. 1739, June 17. To Duke of Newcastle. Stapylton, Miles. CapL, H. M. S. " Sheerness." 1740, Mar. 7. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Stert, Arthur. Commissary to Spain for carrying out provisions of Treaty of Seville. 1731, May 27. To Admiral Wager. 1734, Dec. 5. To Duke of Newcastle. 1741, June 6. "Some thoughts relating to our Conquests in America." 1741, June? Scheme for retrieving the disaster at Cartagena. Stewart, John. Of Jamaica. 1739, June 18. To Admiral Wager. Stone, Andrew. Under Secretary of State, Southern Protnnces, Great Britain. 1735, Oct. 6. To Admiral Wager. 1737, Sep. 1. To Admiral Wager. 1738, July 12. To Admiral Wager. 1738, Oct. 19. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 8. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 11. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 2. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 19. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 24. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 27. To Admiral Wager. 1741, July 1. To Martin Bladen. Tassell, Hubert. 1739, Oct. 24. To Admiral Wager. Taverner, William. Former surveyor of Newfoundland, 1734, Apr. 3. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Oct. 2. To Admiral Wager. ]42 INDEX Thomson, Robert, tion of. Master, merchantman "Margaret." 1734, Sep. 23. Examina- Toller, John. Capt., British Navy. 1729, Dec. 20. Inventory of negroes and goods on pirate sloop. 1730, Ang.? To Lords Commissioners of Admiralty, Great Britain, n. d. To Lords Commissioners of Admiralty. Torres y Morales, Rodrigo de. Admiral, Spanish Navy. 1741, Feb. 26. To Marquis de Larnage. 1741, Mar. 12. To Marquis de Larnage. Towry, John. Capt. H. M. S. ' to trade, etc., at Canso. Shoreham." 1735, Heads of inquiry relating Trade and Plantations. Plantations. See: Great Britain, Lords Commissioners of Trade and Trelawny, Edward. Gov., Jamaica. * 1738, Jan. 2. To Francis Gashry. 1738, Jan. 4. To William Sharpe. 1738, Jan. 6. To Admiral Wager. 1738, Mar. 25. To Admiral Wager. 1738, April 19. To Admiral Wager. 1738, July 27. To Admiral Wager. 1738, Aug. 1. To Marquis de Larnage. 1738/9, Mar. 5. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Mar. 31. To Admiral Wager. 1739, May 10. To Francis Gashry. 1739, June 17. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 8. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 10. To Francis (jashry. 1739, Aug. 15. To' Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 20. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 22. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Nov. 24. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Nov. 25. To Admiral Wager. 1740, May 25. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, July 26. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Aug. 29. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Sep. 12. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Nov. 15. To John Dottin. 1741, May 26. Dissent from decision of Council of War. 1742, Oct. 5. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1751, Oct. 23. To Rear-Admiral Knowles. 1751, Nov. 2. To Rear-Admiral Knowles. 1751, Nov. 2. To Francis Gashry. 1751, Nov. 6. To Francis Gashry. 1751, Nov. 6. To Lord Holderness. 1751, Dec. 9. To Francis Gashry. 1751, Dec. 9. To Rear- Admiral Knowles. 1752, Jan. 14. To Francis Gashry. 1752, Aug. 15. To Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. 1752, Aug. 16. To Francis Gashry. 1753, Mar. 7. To Francis Gashry. 1753, July 19. To Francis Gashry. 1753, Aug. 7. To Francis Gashry. 1753, Oct. 1. To Francis Gashry. INDEX 143 Tristram, John. Formerly master merchant shij) "Elizabeth" of Liverpool. 1738, July 29. Deposition respecting capture, etc. , by the French. Tyrawly, James O'Hara, Baron. British Envoy Extraordinary to Portugal. 1738, Feb. 14. To Admiral Wager. 1738, May 10. To Admiral Wager. 1739, June 6. To Admiral Wager. 1739, June 13. To Admiral Wager. 1739, July 11. To Admiral Wager. 1739, July 17. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 1. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Aug. 22. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Sep. 5. To Admiral Wager. 1739, Oct. 24. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Apr. 21. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, Sep. 17. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Nov. 26. To Admiral Wager. 22. 23. 25. 24. Vanbrugh, Philip. Capt., British Navy. 1728, Sep. 11. To Vice-Admiral Wager. Verelst, Harman. Georgia Agent in Great Britain. 1741, Nov. 14. Answers to queries relating to war in Georgia and Florida. Vernon, Edward. Capt., British Navy, 1723; Vice-Admiral of the Blue and Com- mander in Chief British Navy in West Indies, 1739. 1723, Apr. 13. To Capt. Barrows Harris. 7. To Capt. Thomas Watson. 18-31. To Admiral Wager. 20-31 . To the ' ' Navy Board . " 31. To Capt. Edward Bosca wen. To Commodore Charles Brown. To Marquis de Larnage. To Admiral Wager. Articles of capitulation granted to Capt. de Lauallos. To Admiral Wager. To Marquis de Larnage. Proceedings of general council of war. Proceedings of council of war. Proceedings of council of war. To Admiral Wager. Proceedings of council of war. To Rear-Admiral Ogle. Proceedings of council of war. To 3Iaj. Gen. Wentworth. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. To 3Iaj. Gen. Wentworth. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. To Admiral Wager. Orders to captains of navy and privateers. To Admiral Wager. To Admiral Wager. Order appointing 3Ierryweather, Manning, and Tickell agents 1739 1739 1739 1739 1739 1739 1739 1739 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. 5. Jan. 5. Feb. 8. Feb. 16. Feb. 23. Feb. 24. Mar. 5. Mar. 6. Mar. 8. Mar. 11. Mar. 23. Mar. 24. Mar. 25. Apr. 5. Apr. 5. Apr. 21. Apr. 25. May 5. for prizes. 1740, May 9. To Admiral Wager. 144 INDEX Vernon, Edward — Continued. 1740, May 18. To Merryweather, Manning, and Tickell. 1740, May 24. To Gov.? Trelawny. 1740, May 25. To Gov.? Trelawny. 1740, ]\Iay 30. To ]\Ierry weather, Manning, and Tickell. 1740, May 30-June 3. To Admiral Wager. 1740, June 4. To Capt. Perry Mayne. 1740, June 17. To Capt. Digby Dent. 1740, June 24. To Capt. Richard Herbert. 1740, June 28. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, July 19. To Admiral Wager. 1740, July 25. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, July 26. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, Aug. 5. To Capt. Miles Stapylton. 174Q, Aug. 5. To Francisco Carigal de la Vega. 1740, Aug. 30. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Sep. 11. To "Duque de la Conquista and Marquis de Gracia." 1740, Sep. 12. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, Sep. 18. To Capt. Thomas Trevor. 1740, Sep. 18. To the commanders of the fleet. 1740, Sep. 21. To Lord Cathcart. 1740, Sep. 28. To Maj. Gen. Spotswood. 1740, Oct. 1. To Capt. Robert Maynard. 1740, Oct. 7. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Oct. 11. To fleet captains. 1740, Oct. 22. To Marquis de Larnage. 1740, Oct. 28-Nov. 7. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Nov. 13. To Gov. Belcher. 1740, Nov.? To John Dottin. 1740, Dec. 12. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Dec. 15. Ships under command of Vernon. 1740, Dec. 26. To Lord Cathcart. 1740, Dec. 26. To Rear- Admiral Ogle. 1741, Mar. 27. To Commodore Lestock. 1741, Mar. 28. To Rear-Admiral Ogle. 1741, Mar. 30. Proceedings of council of wa 1741, Apr. 1. To Admiral Wager. 1741, Apr. 3. Proceedings of council of war. 1741, Apr. 4. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 6. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 7. To INIaj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 10. To Capt. Thomas Cooper. 1741, Apr. 12. Proceedings of council of war. 1741, Apr. 13. Answer to representation of army officers. 1741, Apr. 14. Proceedings of general council of war. 1741, Apr. 15. To Maj. Gen. Wentworth. 1741, Apr. 17. To Sebastien de Eslava. 1741, Apr. 19. To Sebastien de Eslava. 1741, Apr. 21. To Sebastien de Eslava. 1741, Apr. 23. To Capt. Thomas Brodrick. 1741, Apr. 23-4. Proceedings of council of war. 1741, Apr. 26. To Admiral Wager. 1741, Apr. 26. To Sebastien de Eslava. 1741, Apr. 27.? To Sebastien de Eslava. INDEX 145 Vernon, Edward — Continued. 1741, Apr. 27. To Capt. Thomas Davers. 1741, May 26. Proceedings of council of war. 1741, May 30. To Admiral Wager. 1741, May 30-July 29. Memorandum of letters to Duke of Newcastle. 1741, June 13. To Marquis de Larnage. 1741, June 13. To Capt. Digby Dent. 1741, June 18. To Admiral Wager. 1741, . Line of battle. 1742, Oct. 4. To Gov. Trelawny. 1742, n. d. Line of battle, signals, etc. Vernon, James. Clerk, Privy Council, Great Britain. 1730, Mar. 10. Referring report on settlement of Nova Scotia, to committee of Privy Council. Vincent, Nicholas? Capt, British Navy. n. d. Account of dimensions of foreign ships of war. Virginia, Dismal Swamp, n. d. Description of, draining, etc. , Legislature, House of Burgesses. 1770, June. Titles of four acts submitted tor royal approval. w Wager, Sir Charles. Capt, British Navy 1707; Rear- Admiral of the Blue 1707; Vice- Admiral of ike Red 1716; Admiral of the Blue 1718; First Lord of the Admi- ralty 1733; Treasurer of the Nary 1742. 1707?, . Ships to go to West Indies. 1721, Sep. 8. "Observations on the Board of Trades Representation * * * relating to * * * Nova Scotia." 1727, May 8. Prizes taken by squadron. 1727, June? Spanish ships taken and carried into Gibraltar. 1727-39, June 7-Nov. 9. Steps taken to settle Nova Scotia. 1728-33, June 21-June 25. Account of South Sea Company stock. 1728, Sep. 28. To Dennis Bond. 1729, June? To Sir Robert Walpole. 17.30?, . Places in West Indies for English ships to obtain wood and water. 1731/2, Jan. 1. To Jose Patino. 1731/2, Jan. 2. To Marquis de Mari. 1731/2, Jan. 2. Letter on Parma and Placentia expedition, etc. 1732, July 5. Memorandum respecting Capt.? Forbes's report to Commodore Lestock. 17.32/3, Jan. 8. To Sir Benjamin Keene. 1732/3, Feb. 9. To Peter Day. 1733?, Apr. 26? Points in case of Capt. Norris. 1734, Apr. 25. Memorandum of accounts of Bahama Society. 1734, Sep. 2. To Duke of Newcastle. 1734, Oct. 28. To John Courand. 1734, Oct. 29. Remarks on Spanish Ambassador's memorial. 1734, Nov. 12. Observations on Diego Mendoca's letter. 1734, Nov. 30. To John Courand. 1734, . Observations on representation from Lord Essex. 1735?, July? Observations on proposals of Capt. Thomas Coram. 1735?, . To Capt. Charles Browne. 32066—04 10 146 IISTDEX Wager, Sir Charles — Continued. 1736, May 5. To Duke of Newcastle. 1736, May 31. Remarks on letter of Gov. ISIathews. 1736, Sept. 25. Remarks on letter of William Cayley. 1736/7, ]Mar. 16. Observations on two French papers. 1737, Apr. 20. Observations on letter from Havana. 1737, Apr. 25. To Sir Robert Walpole. 1737, Apr. 25. "Case of the Indians of Connecticut Colony." 1737, Apr.? Observations on Spanish design of attacking South Carolina or Georgia. 1737, May 6. To Andrew Stone. 1737, June 9. To Capt. Charles Wyndham. 1737, June 9. To Capt. Richard Norris. 1737, Nov. 2. To Martin Bladen. 1737, Nov. 2. To Duke of Newcastle. 1737, Nov. 26. To Andrew Stone. 1737/8, Feb. 10. To Capt. Charles Brown. 1737/8, Mar. 23. To Admiral Nedgar. 1738, May 31. To Capt. Vincent Pearse. 1738, May 31. Papers sent Capt. Vincent Pearse. 1738, June 11. To Duke of Newcastle. 1738, Oct. 20. To Andrew Stone. 1738, Nov. 7. To Andrew Stone. 1738, Nov. 8. To Andrew Stone. 1738, Nov. 8. Observations on project of treaty with Spain. 1738, Nov. 13. To Duke of Newcastle. 1738, Dec. 27. To Duke of Newcastle. 1738, . Memorandum of Spanish ships fitted out. 1738?, . Memorandum of where Spanish may be attacked in Europe and West Indies. 1738/9, Mar. 15. To Mayor and Aldermen of Plymouth, England. 1739, June 15. Packets delivered to Josiah Burchett. 1739, July 20. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1739, Nov. 6. Proposed expeditions to ^lanila and Cartagena. 1739, . French fisheries at Cape Breton. 1-JS9?, . "Atteilipts that may be made upon the Spanish Coast of Europe or America." 1739?, . Force required for expedition against Cartagena. 1740, Jan. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, Feb.? To Capt. Charles Brown. 1740. . Present and future operations of war in West Indies. 1740, . To Capt. .Charles Brown. 1741, May 23. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1742, June 16. Papers relating to Bahamas. n. d. Memorandum of Indian trade in Georgia. n. d. Remarks on objections to regulate navigation in America between French and English, n. d. Observations on petition of London merchants, n. d. Observations on trade and navigation of West Indies, n. d. MiMuorandum on claim of Proprietors of the Bahamas, n. il. French and Spanish ships in and about West Indies. yi. (1. French, Spanish, and English ships going to West Indies. >i. d. Scheme for taking city of Manila. 51. d. Memorandum on proposed expedition to ^lanila. n. d. ^lemorandum on proposed attempt on Cartagena. INDEX 147 "Wag-er, Sir Charles — Continued. n. d. Memorandum of Spanish places in America. n. d. Proposal for taking St. Augustine. n. d. Names of places in West Indies and South America, n. d. To Charles Wager Purvis? n. d. Memorandum on Sir William Chapman's memorial, n. d. Scheme for establishing Nova Scotia, n. d. Miscellaneous naval matters, etc., to be attended to. n. d. Steps taken to settle Nova Scotia, n. d. Memorandum of Indian nations and trade in America, n. d. Present state of Newfoundland, etc. n. d. Memorandum regarding imports and exports, slave trade and West Indies. "Waldegrave, James, Earl. 1740?, . Project proposed on treaty between Great Britain and France, 1686. Warren, Peter. CapL, H. M. S. " Squirrel." 1739, July 9. To Admiral Wager. 1740, Feb. 2. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, Feb. 23. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Watson, Sarah. Wife of Joseph Watson, Mariner. 1737, Jan. 19. Deposition respecting treatment by military authorities in Nova Scotia. Wentworth, Thomas. Maj. Gen. and Commander in Chief, British land forces, Car- tagena expedition. 1741, Apr. 2. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 4. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 6. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 7. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 7. Council of War. 1741, Apr. 10. Council of War. 1741, Apr. 13. Council of War. 1741, Apr. 13. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1741, Apr. 15. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. West Indies, Bahamas. 1719, Aug. 20. State of settlement at New Providence. 1719, Dec. 9. Certificate of Governor and Council. 1719/20, Feb. 3. Copartners to Lords Commissioners of Trade and Planta- tions. 1726, Dec. 28. Memorandum of expenditures of lessees. 1727, Dec. 2. Council's certificate of work of Gov. Phenny. 1729, Jan. Account of distillery at New Providence. 1729, Aug. 25. Fortifications at New Providence. 1731, Dec. Particular description of Cat Island. 1732, Apr. 19. Papers relating to Bahamas by Admiral Wager. 1732, Dec. Particular description of Cat Island. 1734, . Case of the inhabitants. n. d. Report of proprietors to Lords of the Treasury, n. d. Proposal for establishing troops at New Providence, n. d. Account of goods sent to the Bahamas by Copartners, n. d. Computation of expense in settling the islands, etc. n. d. Settlement and wood-cutting of Aberco Island. See also: Bahama Society. , Cuba. 1740, Apr. 27. Proceedings of Havana Junta. 148 INDEX West Indies, Jamaica. 1 728?, . Ordnance demanded for defense of Jamaica. 1730, June 3. Victualling allowance for seamen and soldiers. 1732, Apr. 28. Assembly's instructions to agents in Great Britain. 1738, Mar. 1. Agreement beween John Guthrie, Francis Sadler, and Capt. Cudjoe. 1739, Jan. 21. Kingston merchants to Yice-Adrairal Vernon. 1740, May 25. Council proceedings. 1740, Sept. Kingston merchants to Vice-Admiral Vernon. 1740, . Establishment of British forces at Jamaica. Wibault, James. 1738, Aug. 20. State of fort, etc., at Placentia, Newfoundland. Wills, Charles, George Gregory, John Armstrong, and W. B. Earle. Principal Officers of Ordnance, Great Britain. 1741, Oct. 27. To Duke of Montague. Willson, John. Lieut., British Navi/. 1741, Jan. 17. To Admiral Wager. Wimbleton, Charles. Lieut., H. M. S. "Worcester." 1740, May 11. To Vice- Admiral Vernon. Wyndham, Charles. Lieut., British Navy 1733; Capt. 1740. 1732, July 3-6. Memorandum of demands made on Governor of Porto Rico respecting Spanish privateers, etc. 1740, ]\Iay 22. To Vice-Admiral Vernon. Zeldran, Felix. Capt., Spanish man-of-war "Don Carlos." 1740, Nov. 24. To- Davon. o 5 UNIVFP %n-im /vji]AiNn]\^ ^''iavaaiH^ College Library z li^Ol U^8 \\:LIBRARY(9/ }^ALUNlVtKi/^ ^i^Uy 7n-]nvi-i(A ^' ^r7i]n^>^ ^'/r ,OfCALIFO% ^^WEUNIVER^'// rjNVSOi^^ .^Himxn ^^'^ uL'ii/M. ; ^lli