i 0& LIBRARY University of California. Class V -^ BAR! GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. BAEI GRAMMAR AND J VOCABULARY EDITED BY Caft. R. C. R. OWEN, c.M.G. FELLOW OP THE ROYAL GEOGTRAPHICAL SOCIETY GOVERNOR, MONGALLA PROVINCE, SOUTHERN SUDAN J. k E. BUMPITS, LTD. 350, OXFORD STREET, LONDON 1908 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITEP, DUKK STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET. W t^Lgobi >/ PBEFACE The Bari tribe inhabit the country lying approximately between Latitudes 3° 40' N. and S*^ 45' N. — their Southern boundary being the River Assua. Their Northern neighbours are the Dinkas, to the South of them are the Madi, to the East the Berri, Beir and Latuka tribes, and to the West the Makraka, Azanda and Dinka tribes. The Bahr el Jebel runs through the centre of their territory. The river is broken up by many islands large and small ; the former are called by the Bari " Tikenyo " and the latter " Pipia." Most of these islands are extensively cultivated and provide the principal food supplies for the tribe. In the days of Sir Samuel Baker and Emin Pasha the Bari were a numerous and warlike tribe and rich in cattle, but under Dervish rule they suffered severely and the tribe is now a small one, with very few cattle. The Southern part of their country is mountainous, to the West (from North to South) being Mounts Lado, Nyerkoni, Jebel el Hadid, Kurruk, Kunguii and Weya, with Mount Logwek at Rejaf. On the East are Mounts Belinian, Luri and Longa, and still further East and South East are the Lokoya and Liria Mountains. Most of the Bari villages are near the river. Their principal crops are dura (red), simsim, telabun, and tobacco, which, for the last few years, have suffered considerably from the two extremes of drought and flood. Of minerals, iron is very plentiful. Of the flora, the principal trees are palms (Hyphaene thebaica and Borassus aethiopum), mimosa (especially the Mimosa nilotica, nabak (Rhamnus nabeca), heglik and tamarind. 211?19 VI PREFACE. Game is fairly plentiful, lion, leopard, elephant, rhinocei'os, hyena, buffalo, antelope, gazelle, hippopotamus, crocodile, giraffe, zebra, &c., being found in fair numbers ; of birds, the ostrich, bustard, marabout, osprey, golden-crested crane, pelican, shoebird (Abu Markub or Bala?niceps rex). Ibis, ground horn-bill and many others. Snakes are numerous, especially the death-adder. The Bari are physically a fine race, slim, well proportioned and well built. The majority of the men are entirely naked and carry a spear or bow and arrows. The women wear in front a small apron or fi'inge either of leather or of jilaited little iron chains, and at the back a long tuft of fine leather straps, grass or wool, which gives them the appearance of having a long tail ; they do most of the tilling and cultivation, and many are to be seen working in the fields carrying their babies on their backs. Sometimes if a tree is handy to their work they will put the baby in a kind of leather sack and hang it up to the tree while they are at work. Many of the men wear a ring of ivory on their left arm above the elliow and decorate their heads with feathers. It used to be a common ha1)it among the men to besmear themselves with a mixture of oil (from the hurnleng, wild oil tree) and red earth, but this custom is dying out. They are great smokers and cultivate their own tobacco, which they make into cakes. The tobacco grown in the Lokoya hills is the most prized. The women manufacture clay pipes. As regards their religious views, they have a name for the Supreme Being, "No UN," who is the representative of goodness and therefore not to be feared and requires no sacrifices. The noun " Ngun " comes from the obsolete verbal root ngun (to be big), from which the word to'ngiin (to be bigger, to surpass) appears more complete and is frequently used. If a man is old and is afraid of death, he is asked : do Ngun ? Are you God 1 — that is to say. Do you want to live for ever 1 They have also an expression for the evil spirit, ajol; pi. ajoJcan, or jueJc, whom they are obliged to appease by offering sacrifices {robemgga, pi. rohdnggajin). Some old Baris call the viper their grandmother, and offer it milk as a sacrifice. They have also their sorcerers, and a distinction is made between good and bad ones. The former, hunit, pi. hunuk, are in possession of secret remedies, especially for cases of sickness. There are also the PREFACE, VU so called "rain-makers" (bunuh-ti-hidu), who maintain that it lies in their power to bring rain, and when called upon to produce it demand beforehand a special payment of cattle. This is, however, a dangerous art, for if it does not rain at the right time the rain-maker is hunted out and often put to death that he may give up the rain he has kept l)ack. The evil sorcerers or chief wizards, who only do harm and bi'ing trouble, are called demdnit, pi. demdh. R. C. R. O. THE GEAMMAE. CHAPTER I. The Alphabet. The Baris have no writing of their own. Seeing a stranger write they say, " nge louivur," he is scratching, engraving, drawing. Wnr = to write. Wuriiti = writing. The complete Alphabet, expressed in the Latin characters with modifica- tions and the addition of the Teutonic " w," is as follows : — a, a, a, a, b, d, «> e', e, f, g, i, i, i, y, J, Jc, I, m, n, ng, 'ng, mj, o, 6, 6, o, p, r, s, t, u, u, u, w. Note 1. — The letters c, h, q, x, z do not appear, because there is no corresponding sound in Bari. -N"oTE 2. — ''Y" is placed immediately after " /,'' because it sometimes serves as a short English " e" or " y." Note 3. — " P " is almost always pronounced as " F," with the exception of very few words. Consequently in this book "P" has been generally replaced by " F" in the Grammar. In some villages the "P" is more often pronounced ; therefore when looking up a word in the Vocabulary commencing with "P " the reader must look it up under " F." In the Vocabulary " F" only has been used. CHAPTER II. 2. A.— The Vowels and their Pronunciatiox. is, like all vowels without accent, clear and pure, like the English " a " in farthing and father. Ex. : I'ak, earth ; halm, to cease. corresponds to the broad a [a) in French and Greek. Ex. : hdrara, to go and bring, to fetch ; hardndu, to overflow ; add f how ? B 2 BARI GRAMMAR. ('i (rare) is pronounced like the circumflex " a " in other languages. Ex. : ddh, tobacco-pipe ; ddra, to be tired : honggudt, clothes. n occurs only in two words, hiirya, seven ; loguldu. cock, and is sounded like the English " a " in fall, ail. 3. e A pure, clear sound. Ex. : def or dep (dedep), to raise, to keep ; dede, later, then. e is like the oxytone " e " in other languages. Ex. : de, to hide ; dele, hide ; Jcele, tooth ; hiaser, sister. e The long " e." Ex. : dei-u, gra,ss, hay ; mje, to eat. 4. i Pure and clear. Ex. : jik [jijiJc), to lead ; gin (gigin), to tear ; ying (yiying), to hear. i The sharp " {." Ex. : moji, imp. (mojita), drink. ^ Long. Ex. : lihtn, to lose ; lilik, to be dry ; hidik, small. y (as a vowel) always a quite short " «"." Ex. : towyli, heart ; murye, blue ; ndnyet, her (suflix). 5. read clear and pure. Ex. : lodoTie, toad ; lokokorit, boundary ; lorn, side. 6 spoken shai-ply. Ex. : loyur, sad ; lomurye, blue ; lotor, red. 6 read long. Ex. : dol-, to wind a skein ; givoso, similar, like, as ; mo (contr. of molu), later. o corresponds to the Turkish " o," and approaches the English sound in murder, or the French " eu" in seul. It occurs frequently and care must be taken to keep the sound well closed, so as not to confound it with " e." Ex. : Tiddini, tree, wood ; toM, again ; Ttdfurdt or Jcdpiirot, smoke ; lupo or lufo, to enter ; against this, lupe or lufe, to go out ; durjo (diirjyd); to grow ; durje, to milk. 6. n Clear and pui^e. Ex. : hut (bubut), to strike ; buJcu, .shield. ~^ u An oxytone " m." Ex.: karutef, exchange; hihdnlu, bat; lutii, son-in-law. u a long " u" only occurs in a few words. Ex. : uri, pi. uryij, boar ; hiikudi, armhole, armpit. There are no so-called diphthongs in Bari, except " au" in l-ati, whip; kaureleng, matter of the eye ; yaua, beer (merissa). The remaining words BAR! gra:\imar. 3 with " au," in which the "a" 'and "u" are pronounced sepai-ately, are distinguished by the acute accent, which is placed over each accented vowel. Ex. : anlue, chosen ; anro {awuro), written ; loui/n, f. ndiiyn, wet, damp. In the same way the remaining vowels coming together are always pronounced separately. Ex. : gei (get) = ge-i, dotoet = doto-et ; diediero = di-e-di-ero. 7. B. — The Pronunciation of the Consonants. The consonants are produced by three parts of the vocal mechanism, directed from the back towards the front of the mouth. They are divided into six classes : — I. Gutturals : g. 1-. IT. Palatals : s, /, y. III. Liquids : I, r. IV. Dentals : n, d, t. V. Labials : h, to, p, f, in. VI. Nasals : ng, 'ng, ny. I. — The Gutturals. g is pronounced soft throughout, like a German " cJi" or as before a, o, u, in Roman. Ex. : gnf or gap, to protect ; gege, never ; gin, to tear. Note. — If two "g's" occur immediately together ("gg") both must be heard. Ex. : yanggo, mother ; kapenggo or kafenggo, Ipig sack ; read yang-go, kapeng-go. k corresponds to the English "k" as in king, kitchen, kiss. Ex.: kak, earth ; hi, heaven. 9. II. — Palatals. s always like the English "J" in jeer, jest, just, and the Italian " ge,' " gl." Ex. : sape, mug, jug ; sar [sasar), to judge ; sokoro, hens ; subi, wax ; spoken J(ipe, jar, etc. j is much softer than " s," especially in the plurals in "//" and "jin," resembling the Arabic dj in hadji. y as consonant is like the English " y " in yes, year. Ex. : yd ? whence 1 yayu, to move (of water). 10. III. — -LlQUIDH. / and ) have the ordinary pronunciation as in other languages, English, r I Italian, etc. B 2 4 BAKI GRAMMAR. 11. IV.— Dentals. H has the same sound as iii other languages. t is always hard like the Greek t and is never suppressed. (1 like the modern Greek 8 or English " the ". Double d (dd) is read as in English, wedding, pudding. If it occurs at the end of a word the second " d " is continued in sound from the first. Ex. : hnadd = hivad-d = to honour. 12. V. — Labials. h has mostly a very soft sound, sometimes, namely, before " a," to such a degree that it may be suppressed altogether. Ex. : haldvg = aldng, salt ; hang = ang, court-yard ; baha = aJca, to cease. w (1) is pronounced very softly or may be omitted altogether. Ex. : wuju (wuwuju), to take ; awuro, written ; one can also read and write : uju {tmjti) and auro. (2) It may be replaced by " ?(•" Ex. : s'ma = stua, bees ; yitwe = yitue = to return ; mudwe = mildue, dark. (3) It is pronounced somewhat harder after the letters "g" or "A*." Ex.: gwon (gtvogwon), to remain, to live; Iwe, head; Jcicelen (kwekicelen), to be beautiful. p [ appear in some words for each other. Ex. : fdrana or par ana = andl peace ; ferok or perok = time ; furue or purue = to awake. Only / [ fungot and furyo have "/" alone. V. Yocab., under F. m has the ordinary sound of m. 13. VI. — Nasals. The Nasals are very important and are divided into three classes, i.e., {l)ny; (2) ng ; (3) 'ng. ni/ has the least nasal sound (when followed by a vowel). With a person speaking naturally through the nose, the " y " is almost inaudible. E*X. : nyu, there ; vyob, to welcome ; nyanyar, to love. ng in the first and final sound is like the "■ng" in the English sing, ring. Ex. : dingit, time ; bungudn, nine ; geleng, alone ; yango, leprosy ; read ding-it, yang-o, bung-udn. 'ng (ng in the final sound) at the beginning of a word has the strongest and most pronounced nasal sound. Ex. : ngesu (nge'ngesii), to eat ; ngo'ngogit, to relate ; ngd (ngdlo) ? who ? Note. — Only the pronoun nge (he, she) is read as enclitica like the soft nasal " nye." BARI GRAMMAR. CHAPTER III. 14. A. — The Apostrophe and Di^^esis. The apostrophe appears but seldom in Bari and is of importance in the following words only : V yd {lo yd), where is he 1 and «' yd {na, yd), where is she ? In all other cases words which take the apostrophe may be written in full. Ex. : d' afo or d' apo (also : do apo), you are come ; ho <' arnele (ko ta amele), if you have seen ; taJcita nan, n' amet ko rC aying ta hune, tell me what you have seen and heard. Note. — For the signification of the apostrophe before " ng " at the beginning of a word, V. Parag. 13. The diferesis is used on " / " to show that it must be read separately from the preceding vowel. Ex. : in ge'i, used, read ge-i : a'in, nob, read a-in. 15. B. — Quantities and Accents. The vowels a, e, i, o, u, as a rule are rather short, but when they are to be pronounced long they are written with a circumflex accent, thus : a, e, i, 6, u, the accent remaining on this syllable. V. Parags. 2-6. The vowels a, e, o, u, can also be quite short ; the short " l " is indicated by " y." V. Parag. 4. A short vowel to be read or spoken in a very pronounced manner is designated by the acute accent, and these are divided into two classes. 16. (a) — Word-Accents. (1) In Bari there are a number of words of one, two or more syllables, of which the vowels coming together have the same accent, and as each vowel must be clearly and distinctly pronounced, each should take the- acute accent. Ex. : de = de, dede = dede ; fafarasah = fdfdrdsdk. In order to avoid excess of accents, in this case all are omitted. (2) There are many expressions and forms of words in which one syllable is especially prominent, namely, in all imperatives. Ex. : agi, compelled ; lohut, fern, ndbuf, good ; add f how 1 musdla, three ; hinji, imp. [lungita), call ; hiii, imp. (hiuta), kiss. Note 1. — The vowel " o," generally short, is mostly unaccented — only the imperative of some verbs is also oxytone in the singular and paroxytone in the plural ; with these the accent is omitted. Ex, : dmjyo (durj'o) = to grow, imp. durjyo, plur. dnrjydta ; juruddyo, to sink, imp. juniddyo, plur. juruddyota. b BARI GRAMMAP. Note 2. — A vowel following immediately an accented syllable, and when forming a syllable of itself, must be I'ead very short. Hx. : niylu (niilu), fem. niynu (mimi), that there — read niJii, ninn ; nieJo, fem. niena, this there — read almost nilo, nina. 17. {h) — The Sentence- Accent. The sentence-accent resembles the enclitica in Greek. (1) A word of one or two syllables following an oxytone, of which the Urst syllable is short (or half length) and the second unaccented, must be i*ead as foi'mal enclitica. Ex. : dcmge lo (na), drive him (her) away — read dongelo (dongena) ; dele mugun, hide yourself — read delemugun ; ti nan, give me — read tinan. Note. — The plural exponent of the imperative " ta " (you) is also a similar enclitica. (2) The articles lo (lu), na, ti, as well as the prepositions /, Ico, ku, the conjunction on and other monosyllables under the above circumstances are mostly oxytone ; therefore the word immediately following must be read as enclitica. Ex. : molokofyo 16 nguiu, the soul of the man ; violokojin ti ^ ngutu, the souls of the men ; i lor, on the day ; i Jci, in heaven ; i I ak, on earth. i jameilot, according to thy word. ko do,"^ with thee. ko ta, with you. ko ce, with them. ko ngutu, with people. ku baba, by the father, or with the father. yfctt ngote, by the mother, or with the mother. Note 1. — The negative "//" has also this peculiarity. Ex. : nge ti Imio, he (she) cannot. Note 2. — if stress is laid upon the pronoun, it must take the accfiit. Ex. : ko do, with thee ; ko to. nan tutu ? shall I go with you 1 BAR! GRAMMAR. PART 11. CHAPTER I. 18. Word and Verbal Roots. In the Dinka language the root and word are often identical and may be used as verb, noun, adjective, or even as preposition. The Bari language is much superior. The verbal root is seldom used as substantive as in other languages. Ex. : kidya, to speak, and the speech ; although the Bari in a great many cases has developed many nouns from roots of the same form, especially nowlna aetionis and absfracta, as well as all roots or stems which have a passive form, and many others, nomina agentis. Ex. : sar, to judge. yol-o, to sing. sar-et, law. yol-et, song. l-a-sar-a-nif, judge. Jca-yol-o-nit, singer. 19. Form of the Root. The Bari language has no root consisting of a single vowel by itself. If the root is of one syllable (in the simplest form), vowel and consonant are united and the latter precedes. Ex. : hi, to suck. de, to hide. sd, to tear out. A-d, to bide. se, to wipe. so, to prick, sting, etc. Only the imperative and sometimes the passive form of these verbal roots show the abolition of a third radical letter, a suppression of the con- sonant sound. The imperative is then sounded as follows : — hije (hijeta). dele (deleta), pass. dela. sane (saneta). dule (duleta) „ dnJe. scne (seneta) The complete roots would then be h!j, san, sen, del, did. The next-mentioned root-forms are those which are almost identical with the above, and are those in which the A'owel precedes a consonant and the root is first sounded with a consonant and ends with a consonant. Ex. : but, to strike, den, to know, Jcon, to make, gin, to tear. 8 BAR! GRAMMAR. Further, roots must be taken into consideration of two or more syllables, which scarcely merit this appellation. They are composed of one-syllable roots which have become enlarged for the most part by composition. 20. Extension of the Root by Reduplication. Roots are transformed by various means to stems. The most effectual is, as in other languages, by Reduplication. This serves in Bari principally to designate the present and future in opposition to the perfect. Ex. : nan nge'ngesu, I eat (am busy with food). Ngun gicogwon i hi, God lives in heaven. do wuwur, thou writest. The perfect would be nge gwon (nge agwon) kil ta, he (she) was with you ; nan d'ngesu, I have eaten ; do awur, thou hast written. Note 1. — Several verbs keep the " re " also in the aorist. V. 34. Note 2. — As a further enlargement the re appears by the raising of the adjective or adverb. V. 89. CHAPTER II. 21. The Elements of Word-Making. Next to and (in use also with) the reduplication are different elements which serve to enlarge and transf(jrm the roots into stems. These are suffixes and prefixes. 22. A. — Suffixes. (a) Simple. The most important are : — a Ex. : dan-a, to hide one's self ; dar-a, to tire one's self ; hah-a, to cease, to finish. Note. — The above forms are really only passive or reflective forms of the obsolete primitive roots hak, dan, dar. e Ex. : lup-e or Ixf-e, to go out ; mel-e, to see ; Tcko-e, to mount. i pnr-i ov fur-i, to itch ; 7cwel-i, to wake ; kud-i, to look ; Jcwcn-i, to laugh. BARI GRAMMAR. 9 Note, — Kud-i is shortened from hid-ya, kioel-i and pur-l or fur-i and kwen-i short forms of kwel-in, hicen-in, and pur-in or fur-in. Kud-i, in the imperat. kudie (kudye) ; the other three kweUne, kwenine, and purine or f urine. dot-o, to sleep ; yol-o, to sing ; dom-o, to be sad. Note. — The verbs in " o " are also shortened forms of dot-on, dom-on, yol-on. The imperative is dotoni, domoni, yoloni. Ex. : jol-o, to travel ; givor-o, to buy ; hul-o, to be able. Note. — The imperative of the verbs is pronounced buloni, gwdroni, u Ex. : sul-u, to commence ; hur-u, to repent, regret ; heg-u, to ram into. Note. — hegu in the Imperative is hegi. sulu ,, „ sulune. IniTU ,, ,, huruni. an Mcr-an, to get drunk ; yuk-an, to rest, repose ; rom-an, to greet. €71 Ex. : kwel-en, to be beautiful ; my-en, to be ill ; yul-en, to be discontented. The nasal sound " eng " occurs only in the word bel-eng, to break. ri has the same meaning as the German ver, ent, iveg. Ex. : hongo-ri, to forget ; gu'drd-ri, to give away, to sell ; wogo-ri. rij With the same meaning as " ri," chiefly separation or removal. Ex. : huko-ro, to pour away ; riko-ro, to chase, drive away. et forms nomina actionis and abstrada. Ex. : sar-et, judgment (saran, to judge) ; ivan-et, prayer (loan-du, to pray). on {ong) Ex. : ivong-on, to cry, to lament ; gwolong, to dwell, to stay. on Tur-on, to lean against ; dlr-bn, to drown. un Meaning hither, towards, thither, along (similar to the particle yu). Ex. : pes-un, to rob ; guk-un, to invite. ha Ex. : dib-ba, to prepare a hearth (out of stone) ; deb-ba, to stay, to stick (similar to the suffix " a "). bu Ex. : gum-bu, to hedge in ; rem-bu, to kill. du Gwad-du, to sprinkle, to squirt at ; haran-du, to overflow. ya (dya) Ex. : du-ya, to stoop ; kon-dya, to make. yd Ex. : fur-yo, to choke ; bir-yo, to play (as children play). yu Ex. : pu-yu or fu-yu, to rub, to stroke ; jje-//(( or fe-yu, to bake ; mo-yu, to beg. 10 BARI GRAMMAE. ji Together with the before-mentioned " a " or " o," sign of the passive or reflective form. Ex. : ical-d-ji, to walk, to go for a walk ; ivdr-o-ji, to remove. Ji/a (Ja) Ex. : Jci-Ja, to mount, go up ; li-J(i, to strain, filter ; der-jya (der-Ja), to cook. Jy^ U^) Ex. : wiwi-jii, to spin ; dnr-Jo, to grow. jyu Ex. : sar-Jyu, to judge ; diir-jyu, to be sad. Ju Ex. : sa-ju, to tear or pull out ; so-ju, to spear. hin With the meaning of doing something to or for someone. Ex. '. ta-kin, to tell someone ; moi/u (root mo, imperat. mole, passive molo, to beg, entreat), molo-Jcin, to ask for something for someone ; (proio, to buy, gwo-ro-kin, to buy something for someone. Note. — Sometimes kin has also the meaning a . . . something to. Ex. : rusun, to undress ; rasu-kin, to put on a dress. nit (anit) comes from the pronoun nge (he, she), and with " t " occurs in the suffix sing., masc. and fem., l6-nit (more generally l6-nyet), fem. nd-nit generally nd-nyet), his, her, or also in kd'ngit, with him, her. A number of " nomina agentis" .serve as examples, vide the feminine of kahin-nit kawuronit. Note. — AH verbs which have a true passive or passive form form these nomina agentis. Note 2. — Instead of the final sound " nit " in the sing., " k " appears throughout the plui'al, and it is also to be looked for in the plural of the demonstrative kulo, fem. kiine. 23. (b) Compound suffixes consist of two of the above simple suffixes. Ex.: hi-un-dya, to kiss; gwdr-un-dyd, to buy; morb-kin-dya, to thank someone. 24. B. — Prefixes. a This prefix, on account of its importance, can be written separately, and serves : — (1) As copulri. Ex. : Ngun aduma (a duma), God is great ; yanggo andhut (a nabut), My father is good, My mother is good ; silo kadxn arigwo (a rigwo). These trees are straight. (2) As verb in the perfect, active and passive, with the meaning, is .... or has .... Ex. : wur, to write ; perf. awnr, has written, passive awuro, is written; tudn, to die; perf. dtnnn, is dead. Note. — In this form sometimes the perfect takes the place of adjective or participle. Ex. : ahelengo, broken, from heleng = to break : agwdta, splashed, from gionddu, to splash. BARI GRAMMAR. 1 1 (3) It form.s adverbs fi'om substantives. Ex. : riina, blood ; tiiimn, bloody ; hitdten, the right hand ; aliitdfen, right, to the right ; n.erete, side ; amerete, sideways. 16 I serve as gender-prefixes to many adjectives whose simple roots arenot and< in use. Ex. : losok, fern, ndsok, thin ; lohut, fem. nahuf, good ; Jongan, nd [ fem. ndngon, bad. to This prefix forms transitive verbs from intransitive verbs and doubles transitive verbs. Ex. : dinlki, to learn ; tofJinikin, to teach ; dinei, lesson (active) ; todinet, instruction (in the passive) ; kadinanii, scholar ; katodinanit, teacher ; hidju, to recover ; tobidju,, to heal ; kotohianlt, doctor ; ijuran, to be sad ; foi/uran, to make sad. tu Rare form for " to." Ex. : fuhdka (instead of tohdka), to finish ; txja, to cause disgust. k (ka) forms with the perfect the passive or reflective, and, in conjunction with the sufiix '^nit," nomina agentis. V. above, under 22, ^^ nit." Note 1. — Tu, as substantive prefix, which may be used also adverbially, has the same particular adverbial meaning. Ex. : kotyang = evening ; tukotyang, in the evening ; kwaje, night ; tukwaje, in the night. PARTS OF SPEECH. CHAPTER III. The Pronoun. The Pronouns are divided into six classes. (1) Personal. (4) Relative. (2) Possessive. (5) Interrogative. (3) Demonstrative. . (6) Indefinite. 25. (1) Personal Pronouns. SixMPLE. Singular. Plural. 7ian, I yi, we do, thou ta, you nge (la, lu), he • se (kulo, kuJu), they 7ige (na, mi), she se (kune, kunu), they (f.) These pronouns are not inflected, bub remain unchanged in all ciicum- stances. Ex. : nan means me, or to me, as well as I : nge {Jo, lu) has — as well as the meaning he — him, to him, etc. Nevertheless it is to be observed that — 12 BARI (GRAMMAR. (1) Instead of the personal pronoun, the possessive is used. Ex. : yi rerembu huJijik mimda geJeng a inot, We wish to build three huts, one for thee (literally one is thine — thine in the fern, because kadi is fern.). (2) After the preposition hu (by, to, with, from), which experiences a triple metamorphose and changes into Jed, ho or ka (kd), the above forms, with the exception of the third person plural, become — Singular, let Person, ko-yo, with (from, to) me. 2nd Person, ko-nut (konut), with (from, to) thee. 3rd Person, kcVngit, with (from, to) him, her. Plural. 1st Person, ka-yang (kayaiig), with (from, for, to) us. 2nd Person, ka-su {kasu), with (from, to) you. 3rd Person, ka-se (kase), with (from, to) them. Several Bari verbs are constructed with " ku " or " ko," and on this account the above forms are used instead of the simple personal pronouns. Ex. : kune ling na nydr ta kune, ngiUu kondya kasu (ka-su), koneta kase (Jia-se) lunga ! All that you wish that people should do to you, do also unto them. 26. Rules in Syntax and Examples. If the personal pronoun in a sentence is in the dative case, it must precede the accusative. Examples. Nan atin lu muntye, I have given him bread. Nan tintin do plom or fiom, I give you water. Ti nan piom ov fiom, nan momoyii do, Give me water, I entreat you. Nan agworohin ta le, I have bought you some milk. Kajye diong ako ta (se) f Did tlie dog bite you yesterday ? Like, kajye nge ako yi {se). Yes, yesterday he bit us. Nan agwon ko-nut (kd'ngit), I was with you. Nan dedek ko-nut sokoro miisdla, I demand three hens from him. 27. The possessive personal pronouns myself, thyself, himself, in part express certain verbs ; in part, in the singular, is placed instead of nan, do, etc., the word mugun, meaning body, and in the plural, instead of yi, ta, se, the plural of mugun, herik, although in the first case mugun or berik may be used as pleonasm. Examples. Nan lilik [mugun), I am drying myself. Se lilik {herik), They are drying themselves. BARI GRAMMAE. 13 Nge laldju (mtigun), He (she) is washing himself. Se laldju berik, They are washing themselves. Tiji {tint) mugun on kondya sine, Take care to do that (sing.). Tijita (tinita) berik on kondya sine, Take care to do that (plu.). Nan iciwid mugun, I am turning. Se wiivid berik, They are turning. 28. Compound Personal Pronouns, Singular. Plural. nan-geleng, T alone. yi-kade, we alone. do-geleng, thou alone. td-kade, you alone. nge-geleng, he, she alone. se-kade, they alone. Singular. nan-lopeng, or nan-lofeng, I myself. do-lopeng, or do-lofeng, thou thyself. nge-lopeng, or nge-lofeng, he (she) himself (herself). Plural. yi-lope'ngat, or yi-lofe'ngat, we ourselves. ta-lope'ngat, or ta-lofe'ngaf, you yovirselves. se-lope'ngat, or se-lofe''ngaf, they themselves. Note 1. — In.stead of " lopeng''^ or " lofeng," mugun may be used, and instead of lope''ngat," " lofe'ngaf berik" — ndn-mugun, do-mugttn, etc., yi-berik, ta-berik, etc. Note 2. — All are of common gender. Note 3. — The Rule of Syntax 26 applies also here. 2?. (2) Possessive Pronouns. These principally appear first as suffixes and secondly as independent possessive pronouns. (a) Suffixes. Singular. Plnral. lio, f. nio, my kwe, f. kwe, my Hot, f. inot, thy kulbk, f. kunok, thy ISnyet, f. nanyet, his, her kdnyet, f. kdnyef, his, her likang, f. nikang, our A-rt^f/, f. /ia>i^, oi;r /dstt, f. ndsu, your /casw, f. A-«sit, your lose, f. wase, their lease, f. /case, their NoTE.^ — The forms lonyet, ndnyet and kdnyet are pronounced sometimes almost like nd'tigit and kd'ngif. .=CFTHiE. 1 1 iNfl l>nDiro.rv»,r 14 BARI GRAMMAR. Rules in Syntax and Examples. The Surtix agrees in number and gender with the preceding substantive. Examples. Nan yujiuran lungaser-lio afnan I'aje, I mourn my brother who died yesterday. Lnnijaser-ilot adiron hare, Your brothei- has been drowned iu the river. .Del-et-inot gwegioe, According to your will or wish, Gor-ndnyet ndtun, His lance is blunt. lur-Usu M ngutujore, There are many people in your land. Ngotc-ndsu ko ngudjih pudk or fudk, Your mother has ten children. TJiiinjct-Usc (diqijiet-ndse) dtuan, Their maid-servant is dead. Dufyet-Use (jhhfyet-ndse). Sohnro-hoe yungue jore, My hens lay many eggs, Kiirin-l-Hiwic Icwnlcwasa, Thy name will be praised. Kijnhkdnyet alosol-, His cows are lean. Lnngnsirik-lcasn {kiasirik-kasu) iemejth, Your brothers (your sisters) are big. Ngn ijiJc-kase alokong, Their children are intelligent, 30. Slight exceptions to the use of the foregoing suffixes are the words ha {hihay father, and yanggo {ngote), mother. Examples. Singular. ha (haha), my I mu'ngi, thy monye, his (her) I father. hd-Vikang (bahd-Iikaug), our mu'ngi-Iosu, your monye-Iose, their yanggo (ngoie-nio), my nguti, thy ngote, his (her) ( mother, yanggo-kang, our nguti-kasu, your ngote-kase, their Plural. kobaha-kang, our komiCngi-kasu, your > father, kouionye-kase, their koyanggo-kang, our ko'nguti-kasii, your > mother. ko ngote-kase, their BARI GRAMMAR. ] 5 Note. — The suffix can also be omitted iu hingaser-ilof (thy brother), when the word must be pronounced lungosur. Note 1. — Ba (baha) means the nearest to the natural father, and requires therefore no suffix when the speaker is speaking of his father, although one can also use hubd-lio. 31. (b) Independent Possessive Pronouns. The above suffixes may also be used as independent possessives, sometimes without, but mostly with the preceding verb " a." Rule. The Possessive must agree in gender and number with the relative substantive. Examples. Nielo diqji/et (or dufyet) a lio, a Hot, a lonyet (16'ngit), a likmig, n ISsu, a lose, This slave is mine, thine, his, hers, etc. Niena wuret a nio, a inot, ndmjet (nd'ngit), etc., This book is mine, thine, his, etc. Sine ling a Icice, All this is mine. Nan (masc.) Hot (a Hot), nan (fem.) inot (a inot), I am thine. 32. (3) Demonstrative Pronouns. simple. lo, f. na, Plur. silo (Iculo), f. sine (kune), this, these, etc. Ik, f. nu, Plur. silu (Iculu), f. sinu (kiinu), that, those. Note. — Of the four singular forms only '^lo" is used as a demonstrative and then appears as a pretix. Ex. : / lolor ki aduor. To-day (on this day) the sky is cloudy. More often these forms are used as personal pronouns, and 16 (f. no) to indicate gender in adjectives. Rule. A Demonstrative Pronoun in conjunction with a substantive must precede the nominative in principal sentences ; in subordinate and dependent sentences, in the oblique case, it may also come after. Examples. Silo (knlo) kolipinbk Mkiia, ama sine {kune) tcdte gwogwon kanri, These boys work, but these girls are idle. Silu (IchIu) lian ko goro, sinn (Jiimu) ngndjik ko sapya (or safi/a) ti piom (or fiom), Those men carry lances, those girls water-pots. 16 BARI GRAMMAR. 33. COMPOUND. Nielo, f. nirna, Plur. silonl (kuJoni), f. fn hudok hot, In eight days these girls will be married. Nan nmoJc silu-yu somot ling ho yeje, I have caught all those fish with the net. 34. (4) Relative Pronouns. The Relative Pronoun is similar to the Demonstrative and of frequent repetition, especially in the accusative case. Examples. Singular. Plural. Masc. lo (lu) ; lo . . . . lo, se [silo, luilo); lo (se) .... lido, Fem. na (hh) ; na .... na, se (sine, Jiune) ; na .... kune. Rule. The double forms lo . . . lo, na . . na are used only in the accusati^'e singular, but in the plural lo (se) . . . lado also in the nominative. In both cases the first part forms the beginning, and the second the end of the relative sentence. Examples. Dyet, na apo (or afo) ni, Jciaser-nio, The girl who has come here is my sister. Lele kaia Icasu l-iden, 16 ti den fa lo, There is one amongst you whom you do not know. Yi dedeh taJcin nguiu, lo asunundye yi l-nJo, We wish to take an answer to those who sent us. TaJcifa,^ Ahilu, na amet, na aying ta l-une, Tell Abdu what you have seen and heard. Kune ling, na nydr ta hine. All that you want. Note. — The neut. plur. is always expressed in Bari by the genit. fem. 35. (5) Interrogative Pronouns. 1. Nga (ngd), who? Plural, ko'ngd (JciVnga), common gender. BARI GRAMMAR. 17 Rule. These forms are used at the beginning of a sentence — (1) when they are in the nominative case ; (2) when " a " is not used as a verb. Examples. Ngun a ngd ? Who is God 1 Ngd tu ngerot f Who is going in advance ? KS'nga nguiu akorju f Who (which people) has ploughed ? Yeijeji hum, amjdn do deden, do at'm gor ngd. Reflect well, so that you may remember to whom you gave the spear. The Genitive and Dative are mostly expressed by the forms Wnga (m.), 7u'nga (f.) and (plur.) ti'nga ^ (com. gen.), with the verbal prefix " a," and are placed at the end of the sentence. Examples. Nielo IcosS aWnga f To whum does this tobacco-pouch belong 1 Wuret ani'nga f Whose is this book? Wurefji ati'nga ? Whose books are these 1 Note 1. — From 16 nga, ti nga. 2. Ngdlo, f. ngdna, plur. ko'ngdlo (ku'ngdlo), f. Jco'ngdna (ku'ngdna), which. KoTE. — The Plural can also be pronounced M'nga (hVnga), com. gen., and is placed in the sentence as the above. Examples. Ngdlo looivongon f Who is screaming ? Lu woicongon a ngdlo f Ngdna apt, or afof {Na apo, or afo, a ngdna?) Who has come 1 Ko'ngdlo lian i ko f Which men are at the war 1 Ku'ngdna ngutn gioegiceja snpya f Which women make pitchers 1 3. Ngyo (i'ngi/o), what 1 stands always at the end of the sentence. Examples. Nan akondya ngyo / What have I done ? Do dek ngyo {pngyo) ? What do you want? Do a'ngesu i'ngyo 1 What have you eaten ? L'uaiin do ngyo f What has he given you 1 4. The Interrogative What sort of 1 is expressed by the following short forms — Ion, f. ndn, plur. killon, f. kihiun.^ Note. — Ngdlo, ngdna, etc., can also be used. Note 1. — L6n = l6-nga ; ndn = nd-nga ; Iddon = kido nga ; kihw.i = knne-nga. 18 BARI GRAMMAR. Rule. L6n, vein, etc. stand at the beginning of a sentence when the verb " a " is not specially expressed ; in this case a nan stands at the end of the sentence. The same rule applies to l-o'iiga (c.) and Jco'ngcma. Examples, Lou nielo nguro ? What sort of boy is he 1 Nan niena ngiiro f What kind of girl is she 1 It is also correct to say : Nielo nguro a ngdlo f Niena nguro a nan f Kidon silo ngucijih ? What sort of boys are they? Kunon sine ngiiajik ? What sort of girls are they ? or Sih) ngunjik konga f Sine nguajik konga (ko'ngana) ? Note. — If nan is used with a substantive and preposition in conjunction, it must be placed after both of them. Ex. : I pirit, or firit, nan do gwogwon ? Where (in which place) do you live ? I dingit nan do atadue f When were you born 'I 5. Why ? is expressed in Bari by ngyo ? (V. under 6). Ex. : Do reronya ngyo f Why do you lie 1 Ngun ogweja ngufu ngyo ? Why has God created man 1 6. The interrogatives With which, Whereby, How, Wherein, are expressed by ko ngyo f and have the same position in the sentence as " ngyo." Ex. : Komyru momok ngutu ko ngyo f Ko kutuk. How (with what) does the lion take hold of a man ? With his jaw. Kodini alobui do dedcn ko ngyo? Ko konyen. How do you know a good tree 1 By its fruit. 36. (6) Indefinite Pronouns. Lele, fem. nene, plur. kulye, fem. kunye, corresponds somewhat to the Latin unus et alter. Ex. : lele hot lele, fem. nene hot nene, one after the other. Kulye kdlipinok doggu lipolcn, or lifolon, Imlye doggu woro, Some lads carry bricks, others dung. For "another" or "other," used alone, lege (lege), plur. legelok (c). Ex. : ko d(k tolyen nd monye lege (also lele), Thou shalt not covet another's goods. Nobody, No one, is expressed by lele, geleng (a single one), ngutu (man), and the negative " an." Examples. An-geleng (c.) not one, no one. An-geleng losu pipi, or ffi, nan : do tu da i Not one of you ask me : where are you going ? Lrle-an, fem. nene-au, plur. kulye-an, fem. knnye-an, nobody, no one, not anybody. BARI GRAMMAR. 19 Bain-lele, fern, ba'in-iiene, plur. hnni-Jculije, fern, bd'm Icunyc, no one, not one. Both, murelc (murSh'). Ex. : yi, ta, se miireke, we, you, they both. Some, a few, hulyc, fern, kunye. Many, lodir. In the singular and in conjunction with substantives ''jore " is generally used. All, ling. All, the whole, ling. Some, any, a little, ngo. Nothing, an, a'in, hain. Note. — Ngutu-an is used as well as lele-au. CHAPTER IV. 37. The Verb. The Verbs in Bari may be divided into ten classes. I. Verbs with a primitive root ending in a vowel. Hx. : me, to drive ; mo, to beg ; po or /o, to come. II. Verbs with a primitive root ending in a consonant. Ex. : kor, to divide, share ; kut, to blow ; lok, to bind, tie. III. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " a." Ex. : kokoya, to steal ; pipiuga or fifiuga, to whistle ; kita, to work. IV. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " e." Ex. : dimie, to be sad ; rie, to find ; morokindye, to thank. V. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " «." Ex. : hdngori, to forget ; jusken, to scratch, itch ; kukudi, to tickle. VI. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " o," Ex.: doto, to sleep; logo, to strengthen ; wereyo, to ooze. VII. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " o." Ex. : joto, to travel ; tokuorb, to announce, publish ; hulo, to be able. VIII. Two or more syllable verbs ending in " «." Ex. : sulo, to begin, commence ; gimlungedu, to tumble ; lalaju, to wash one's self. IX. Two or more syllable verbs ending in a consonant. Ex. : gwalak, to break ; dulan, to flow ; mohur, to stink. X. Defective verbs. Ex. : agi, to be compelled, forced, muf:t ; adi, to have said ; kata, to have. All examples of the first nine classes are in the infinitive, c 2 20 BARI GRAMMAR. 38. The Tenses. The formation of the tense.s in Bari is extremely sim})le. The simple tenses express an action still unfinished at the epoch in question, and the compound show that the action is finished at the time alluded to, and already done. The perfect is formed by the root (infinitive) and the pi'e.sent by reduplication. If the perfect be specially indicated as a pure form of the past it must be preceded by the substantive verb " o." In the present reduplication is only of importance when a real continu- ance mentioned by the verb be indicated and especially of the verbs of the III.-IX. Classes. Ex. : nan ngesu, I eat; if I wish ti. say that I am sitting eating and will continue to eat, then I must make use of the form nge'ngesit. With one-syllable roots (Classes I. and II.), either the reduplication is used, or where there is an enlarged compound root present the word " wiir," to write, or " Jcon," to make, or the enlarged root of the latter, "kondi/a." I can also say nan icuwur, I am writing ; nan Jcokon or nan kondija (also Tcohondya), I make, do. From the above it follows that this form of reduplication denotes a future tense and the Bari use it really as such. If the future is to be specially indicated then the word " de " (then, later) must be placed before the verb, or " moJu " (hereafter, then), after. Examples. Nan de Mhita (nan MJcita molu), I shall work later. Nge de nge'ngesu [nge nge'ngesu molu), he will eat later. The perfect is formed by giving to the infinitive an " a " prefix, with the meaning is, or has, although this form in the active has sometimes also a present signification. Ex. : nge ameran, he has got drunk, or also he is still intoxicated. In the passive this form always signifies the present and preterite, as in Latin amatus est, doctus est. 39. Reduplication. Reduplication consists in repeating the first open syllable as prefix. Examples. Jio, to bite = Jcol-6 gicorori, to sell = girogti'drdi-i der, to cook = deder tojore, to fill = totojorp lung, to call = lulling (l^^jo^^-, to form = gu-iiju-eja There are several verbs which retain reduplication not only in the present but also in the perfect, imperative, pas.sive and negative. The most impor- tant are : — BARI GRAMMAR 21 From Class II [. dudutujga, to be vain, proud lilima, to rain slightly ooja, to swing mamdla, to be stupid, fojlish hukudija, to tickle From Class IV. More, to scatter From Class VII. iviwijo, to spin lilinggd, to glaze From Class VIII. hahdgu, to fill, to store yei/eju, to reflect, meditate jiijH', to brood, to hatch From Class IX. lilik, to be dry ririg, to mend, rejiair teten, to prepare ngo'ngolija, to beg pipiuga or Ji fin ga, to whistle tctemlya, to mend hobolija, to make laugh titihu, to tattoo laldju, to wash one's self f//v7i-, to shut close lulur, to cut out round The copulas : i/a, ye, yo, yit, no, ua, forming only one syllable, are also reduplicative. Examples. iiyar, to love = nyanyar luoJc, to free, release = luohwh nyenin, to set (of the sun) = nyenyerun nynmho, to choose = uyunyumbo rynJi-, to trample under foot = ryoryuk ludii, to die = iudtuan 40 Accent. We have already mentioned (in Paragraph 16) that many two or more syllable expressions have the same accent on each syllable ; there are also many verbs similar. Ex. : togorja, to spy ; mild)), to dip, etc. There are others having one syllable only accented. Ex, : foyiikan, to make rest : fudii, to die ; tffnginu to surpass, outdo. 22 BARI f4RAMMAR. KULES. (1) The accent of the present must be kept on the same syllable in the perfect and future. Ex. : Aio'ngun, totijngun ; atoijnhan, totoyukan. Exception : tudn, aorist dtuan, future tudtuan. (2) An unaccented verb takes sometimes by reduplication an accent, and this may also fall on the reduplicative syllable. Ex. : meddya, to see ; memeddya, to live. In the perfect this accent occurs on the roots or disappears altogether. Ex, : ameddya (ameddya). 41. The Negation. The Bari verb has a particular negative particle for the perfect, as well as for the present. For the former ko (al-d), for the latter ti (ti). In the perfect the negative particle is used with the prefix " a " = aM Examples. nan ayiip, 1 thought nan aM yup, or yuf, I thought not do aden, thou knewest do alio den, thou knewest not nge amdrbhin nan, he (she) has thanked me nge aJco ambrbldn nan, he (she) has not thanked me Note 1. — Respecting the accent of aho (alco), V. Paragraph 17. In the present the particle "//" is placed before the infinitive — without reduplication, except the verbs already mentioned in Paragraph 39. Examples. nan nge'ngcsu, I eat mugun tudtuan, the body dies nan ti ngesti, I do not eat mololiotoyo ti tuan, the soul does not non buhulb, I can die nan ti bulb, I can not nan deden, I know nan ti den, I do not know On the other hand — "^ lilima, it raias slightly nge yeyeju, he (she) reflects ti lilima, it is not raining slightly nge ti yeyeju, he (she) does not reflect Exceptions in the present are the verbs " a " and gwon (to be) when the particle may be omitted and " an " used as substitute. Ex. : nge dn ni, he (she) is not here ; nan ho kbbyhi Tcunye, nd gwon an i nielo goro, I have other sheep, which are not of this fold. BARI GRAMMAR. 23 42. The Imperative. A. — The Affirmative. The Imperative of all Bari verbs, with six exceptions, ends in the singular in an oxytone vowel. The plural is formed by adding to the singular the syllable ta (your), by which these forms become paroxytona. For the 3rd pers. sing, and the 1st and 3rd pers. plur. must be used — (1) either simply the Future. Ex. : nge ivmvandu, he (she) shall (will) pray, etc. (2) or anyan, therewith. Ex. : anyan se loaivandu, she will pray. (3) or lastly (rare) ti, give in order that. Ex. : ngd hi suo ti nge ying, he who hath ears let him hear. If one wishes to make use of the Potential Imperative one must add to the simple Imperative form (in the singular and plural), the root (infinitive). Ex. : mole-mo {mol eta-mo), beg, pray (very strong), etc. luoke-luok (lubMta-luok), deliver or save us, etc. Besides the verbs given in Paragraph 39 there are some others which in the Imperative admit of reduplication. Ex. : hcoddti, collect, gather Tcwoddi or kivdkivoddi, read 43. Verbs of Class I. It has already been mentioned that from the root of verbs belonging to this class the third radical letter (consonant) may be omitted ; then this appears in the Imperative. Such consonants are j, I, n. Ex, : bi, to suck •,ju, to grind ; dii, to bend ; l~e, to roast ; Jcii, to wound ; ru, to water. The complete roots are hij, juj, dul, kel, Tcun, run. All these verbs keep the full root in the Imperative, e, pi. eta, i, plur. ifa ; bije, bijefa ; juje, jujeta ; dule, didefa ; Jcele, heleta ; huni, hunita ; rune, runeta. Note I. — Besides hi.ii the foil, have " i" Imperative. gajl [gd, to defend) ngirii (ngi, to get up) jani (jd, to vomit) p^yV or faji (jjd or fa, to lea^'e) hiconi [Javo, to bathe) Note 2. — The Imperatives of tu = to go, po = to come, are quile irregular. The former is iti {itita), the latter j?o or fo (pota or fota). Note 3. — The accent of the root passes over in the sing, always to the last syllable, in the plural to the penultimate. 24 BART GRAMMAR. 44. Verbs of Class II. Verbs of this class form their Imperative like those of Class I. icur, to write = wure {loureta'). yup or y iff to believe = yi/pe or ynfS {yupeta or yufeta).- Icon to make = kone (Jconeia). Remarks — ■ a. The final root consonants h, d, g change into the corresponding p, t, h, and add e (eta). Examples. l-oh, to catch up = kope rug, to obey = ritJce rah, to cover = rape or rafe icid, to turn round = ivite. hud, to get dusk, dawn = hute h. Some ending in " n " [as son, to send ; gin (ken), to tear (not to be confused with ken, to count — this is kene) ; tan, to touch] take before the ''e" of the Imperative a "?/" and are then pronounced sonye, ginye {kenye), tanye. The verbs Jin, to spread over, ngin, to dress, take instead of "«y" the hard nasal " ng " ; thus Wnge and ngi'nge (also ngine). c. The verbs leng, to come, in extreme cases, and to7ig, to pinch, have a double Imperative form lenge or lenggi ; tonge or tonggi, to pinch. d. The verb kioadd, to honour, takes instead of kioadde the form kicase or also kwadde. e. Gioon, to live, stay, has give (givSta). Many verbs of this class have also the ^-Imperative, especially those with vowel c. Examples. kot, to hurt = koti hot, to flay = hoti mon, to wait = moni hbn, to shake = hbni roh, to pay = rbhi kin, to close, etc. kor, to disturb = kori Note 1. — Verbs ending in " g" double the g in the Imperative. Examples. "^ ' -- dog, to present with = doggi mang, to accuse falsely = manggi leng (V. above) = lenggi wang, to cost = wanggi ton (V. above) = tonggi Note 2. — The verb kek, to meet with, befall, softens its final sound " ^ " into g = kegi. Note 3.- — Tin, to give, forms in the Imperative ti (tita). BARI GRAMMAR. 25 45. Verbs of Class III. — ending in " a." This class is, next to the II. and IX. classes, the x'ichest, and has many forms foi" the Imperative — 1. Those of two syllables, mostly of a reflective or passive character, take an additional " tii." Examples. haha, to be finished (to cease) sida, to sit (to be steady) = sidani = bakani ddra, to fatigue = darani liom, to depart angry = hoiani dula, to stoop = dulani dana, to hide one's self = danani yema, to marry (of girls — dusi) tela, to be conquered = telani = yemani 2. Others of two or more syllables ending in " ha," " ga," change the final " a " into e {eta). Examples. dihha, to prepare a hearth = dibhe buga, to be proud = huge pipiuga or fifiiiga, to whistle = pipiuge or fifiuge todeba, to set alight = todepe (V. 44) piga {figa), to receive (conceive) = pige ov fige 3. Other two-syllable verbs of this kind, especially when the ha, ga is preceded by a consonant, change the " a " into i. Examples. hongga, to look up = bonggi segga (sega), to ooze away = seggi demba, to bewitch = demU debba, to adhere = debbi yemba, to marry (of men) = yemU domba, to steal upon, surprise = tZom?;{ 4. Verbs ending in ha, la, ma, add in the Imperative " ne." Examples. yoha, to cough = yokane wdlala, to boil = loalalane tubdka, to finish = tubakane yama, to yawn, gape = yamane towdlala, to make boil = tcmalalane torima, to make bloody = torimane Exception : tcala, to walk = walani. 5. Two-syllable verbs ending in " Jrt " change the " a " into e or {. Examples. pija {fija), to ask = pige (or fige) gwoja, to dance = gwoji kija, to mount = kije ooja, to swing = ooji lija, to filter = lije loja, to light (of the sun) = loji gweja, to form = gweji 26 BARI GRAMMAR. 6. Verbs ending in " ya " (the termination of the root) change the ya into "I" it). Examples. doya, to look for = doi teya, to conquer = te'i Tiokoya, to steal = hokoi wnja, to anoint = wei roya, to scratch = roi , 7. Verbs ending in dya either change the "a " into e or the " dya " into di. Examples. kendya, to count = kendi kondya, to make = kondi kakindya, to announce = knkindye hiundya, to kiss = hiiuuhje domundya, to sneak, slink = domundye yengundya, to come hither = yengiuidye kiwundya, to go up = k'mundye godya, to praise = gode jotdya, to build = jofdi 8. Verbs ending in "jya " change regularly in the Imperative to "ji" Examples. ngerjya, to shear, shave = ngerji '"lojyn, to smell, scent = moji derjya, to cook = deiji morjya, to meddle with = morji kojya, to bite = koji Exceptions. bijya, to suck = hije dirjya, to view, look = dirje 9. Verbs having the root syllables ending in " ara " keep this form in the Impe]*ative and the verb becomes oxytone (plur. paroxytone). Examples. hdrara, to fetch = harard dilkara, to shove, push = dukard gubara, to sling, throw = guhard Exception. -• _ toddra, to tire = todarane. 46. Verbs of the IV. Class — ending in " e." In this and the two following classes there are but few verbs, which form their Imperative in various ways : — (a) Some add to the root or the stem the syllable ne. BARI GRAMMAR. 27 Examples. yitue, to come back = yifuene tojore, to fill = tojorene hirue, to faint away = biruene Tcme, to climb = h'noene ^ fume, to awake = furuene iule, to burn = tulnie mele, to see = tnelene More, to scatter = tolorene ih) Others take, instead of ne, ni. Examples. He, to find = rieni rudue, to dream = rudueni durue, to be sad = durueni muse, to darken = museni yungue, to bring forth young = yungueni (c) The two verbs lupe or liife, to come out, and diirje, to milk, form in the Imperative durje and lupe or lufe. (d) Mordhindye, to thank. Imperative moroM (from morokin). Note 1. — Instead of kiwene, l-iwe is also used, especially in conjunction with JcaJc. Ex. hhce kak, get down. 47. Verbs of the V. Class — ending in " i." Most verbs of this class add the syllable ve to the Infinitive for the Imperative. Examples. sidaki, to sit down = sidakine kivenl, to laugh = kwenine hugi, to get mouldy = bugine kweli, to wake, watch = ktveline purl or furl, to rub, scratch = purine or /urine icaldji, to walk = loalajlne wordji, to go away = loorojine (also looroji) From which deviate : — (1) Verbs of three syllables ending in " ri," which in the Imperative accent the last syllable, without any further change. Examples. bongori, to forget = bongori givorori, to sell = gtcdrori icogiri, to run away, escape = loogir (2) In the same way the oxytone gei, to use = gei. 28 BARI GRAMMAR. (3) The verb liidi (instead of kudya), to look, is in the Imperative Icudye. (4) Moriri (from moti and riri), to perfume, forms in the Imperative moneriri. 48. Verbs op the YI. Class — ending in " o." 1. Verbs ending in gwo, Jo, Iw, no, ro, add, as a rule, ne to the Infinitive. Examples. togwo, to bai'ter, exchange = togwone doro, to fall = dor one tojo, to finish = tojone yoko, to set free = yokone mono, to trade in slaves = monone todoro, to overturn = todorone Exception. yako, to miss the mark, yakoU 2. Verbs ending in go, lo, mo, to, take ni. Examples. yolo, to sing = yoloni domo, to be sad = domoni doto, to sleep = dotoni donggo, to empty (reflect.) = douggoni Exception. togo, to strengthen = togole 49. Verbs of the VII. Class — ending in " o." 1. Those verbs in which the final letters form the syllables yd, ko, Id, no, po, ro, to, add ni to the Infinitive. Examples. hiryo, to play knjbnb, to be afraid furyo, to choke, suffocate kiiro, to be ashamed kopnko or kofiiko, to stumble gwbrd, to buy hido, to be able lupb or hifb, to go inside jblb, to travel ringitb, to be strong, powerful hlrybni, lujpbni, etc. Exceptions. io:yd, to risk, run into danger = wlyeni tikb, to lean against = tikeni hukbrb, to spill = hukbre BARI GRAMMAR. 29 The verbs riJcoro, to chase, drive away, and tuJcnorv, to announce, to make known, oxytone only the " o " at the end. turb (from turon) to bloom, to flower = turone 2. Verbs ending in ho, go, jo (jyo) change the o into e {eia). Examples. dunggo, to saw = dungge mijo, to melt = inije nymnho, to choose = iiynmhe yokijo, to order = yoJcije toyumbo, to be charitable = toynmhe turjyo, to pvill down = inrje Note. — Several take instead of "e" an oxytone o. Examples. whvijd, to spin >'«.V0, to answer durjyo, to grow lilinggd, to glaze mugo, to cover 3, Verbs ending in dyo change the b into e. Examples. gwdrundyo, to buy = gwijrimdye Tibpundyd or Tidfundyo, to follow = kdjjiindye or lofundye Note. — Niddyb, to forge, and Juruddyb, to sink, take instead of the "e" an accented o. 50. Verbs op the VIII. Class — ending in " »." 1. The numerous verbs of this class ending in hu, du, gii, ju, jyu form the Imperative by changing the " u " (yu) into " /." Examples. jamhu, to talk = jamhi sarjyii, to direct, judge = sarji hegu, to ram into = hegi nybmbddu, to accompany = nybiiibddi soju, to spear, pierce = soji Exceptions. loorju, to lose or shave the hair = wore juju, to forbid, prohibit = jiijnne dudu, to turn head over heels = dudule ngudu, to wrap up = nguduJe gogu, to hold up = goke (from the root goh) rembu, to kill = reiiie (from root rem) tuddraju, to tire by hunting = tudarane 2. Bupu or rufu, to lurch, lurk, is rupuni or rnfuni in Imperative ; hum, to repent, regret = bunini ; duru, to be sad = dunuii 3. Sidu, to commence ^ sulune. 30 BARI GRAMMAR. 4. Yoyu, to sing, takes its Imperative from yoJo, thus ijoJoni. moyu, to beg = mole (from mo) pui/u or /«?/«, to rub = imyune or yoyu, to \dsit = yoi fuyime peyii or feyu, to bake = peJe or /('/(^ 'f'^«) to hatch = io'i or tale (from the simple obsolete root j^t'/) ivayu, to be dreadful = ivai' 5. To/?* (shortened from to-tiian) to kill = tutune. 51. Yeebs of the IX. Class. This class contains the most verbs. The Imperative is formed as follows : — ■ 1. Verbs with the suffix kin discard without exception the final letter "n" and accent the final " /." Examples. (japdhiii or gafdkin, to burden someone = gapaJci or gafaTci takin, to tell something to someone = toki jakin, to fetch something = jaki btmyekin, to seize someone = hunyeki 2. Verbs ending in " un " discard likewise the " « " and accent the final " u." Examples. biun, to kiss = hiu »' afori, nan nu, I shall return to my house that I have left. D 34 BARI GRAMMAR, (5). Dije, to mean, only in conjunction with h), and can only be used in the present, nan (do, nge) ko-dije, I (thou, he) mean. (6). Igo, plur. igota, go away. (7). Kata, only in the present and without reduplication, having the meaning : to have, and there are. Ex. : Tirol hi fa lelya jore, the Tyrol is very mountainous ; Ngun geleng Jcafa, there is only one God. (8). Keporo or Jceforo, another form for hepoddu or Jcefoddu, to follow ; only used in the present. (9). Moriri (inon and rirt), to perfume ; only used in the 3rd pers. sing, and plur. (10). Tiben, is only applied to the present ; the other moods and tenses are taken fi'om dele (ii dek), nyar {ti nyar), or, he ti he, all three meaning to ■will, or to wish. 55. The Passive. In Bari there is a Perfect Passive of all transitive verbs, and a Passive form of most reflective verbs. All Passive verbs, with six exceptions, end in one of the following vowels : a (many), e (rare), /, o, 6, or u. Examples. he, to wish pass, hela todinihin, to teach pass, todinihi ho, to bite ,, Icoa ho, to touch ,, holo Tcon, to make ,, Tcona gwnt, to beat ,, gwuto di(, to bring ,, diUc lungun, to call ,, hmgu These forms are really all Past Participles, are very seldom used alone and then only as Infinitive or Imperative. As the formation of the Passive is of special importance we give herewith the various forms of verbs belonging to each class. 56. Vekbs of Class I. 1. Roots having the third radical letter (hidden) "/": the Z nmst appear each time and take as characteristic of the Passive one of the vowels a, e, o, or 6 as suffix. The most important of these verbs are — (a) With the suffix a. he (bel), to wish pass. heJa yd (yal), to move pass. yiJa do (dol), to seek ,, dola ri {riJ), to burst into pieces „ rila de (del), to hide ,, dela BARI GRAMMAR. 35 (b) With the suffix e. du (did), to bend, pass. duJe (c) With the suffix o. ho (hoi), to touch pass, holo to (tol), to strangle pass, iolo mo (mol) to beg ,, molo he (kel), to roast ,, helo (d) With the suffix o. til [tul), to bore pass, tido ju (jid), to ring pass, julo 2. Where the third radical letter is " n," and never visible, the syllable ya is added to the root-vowels a, e, i, and yii, and to the root-vowel u. Examples. td {tail), to tell pass, taya pi or fi (pin or Jin) to ask pass, piya se (sen), to wipe ,, seya ov fiya (or also, pia or fia) tine (men), to drive „ meya hu (hm), to wound pass, l-tiyu ru (run), to water „ rnyu Exceptions. (1) The verbs sd (san), to undress, and ngd (ngan), to open, retain these forms instead of saya and ngaya. (2) pe or fe (pen or fen), to shoot, pass, pea or fea (instead of pcya or (3) gwi (gwin), to name, pass, gicio ; ri (rin), to make straight, pass. riii. 3. Verbs with the hidden radical " n," and the root-vowel o, take an additional a. Examples. gw6 (gwoii), to stamp, pass, gwoa 16 (Ion), to dry, pass. 16a Exception : s6 (son), to prick, sting, pass. sue. 4. If the third invisible radical letter be a "y," it is replaced by the syllable " ya" Examples. gd (gaj), to defend pass, gay a pd or fd (paj or faj), to leave ,, paya or faya hi (hij), to suck „ hiya (also hia) Exceptions. jii (Jitj), pass. Jito, to grind mi (^mij), to melt, pass, mid 57. Yerbs op Class II. 1. Many of these verbs form the Imperative by adding an "a" to the root. D 2 36 BARI GRAMMAR. Examples. h tic, to bury pass, hoha yur, to set on fire pass, yura der, to cook „ flera wang, to cost ,, wangn Note 1. — The observations made in Paragraph 44, a and h, apply also hei'e. Ex. : rab, to cover pass, rdpa gin, to tear pass, ginya rob, to pay „ ropa tan, to move, to touch ,, tanya dog, to present with ,, doka Note 2. — Got, to sharpen, point, pass, gotta ; kivadd, to honour, pass. Icivaca. 2. The following roots take the vowel o as suffix. hon, to shake, tremble bot, to skin, flay bilk, to pour hut (gwut), to beat gor, to cross yik, to fill up, stufi" yuk, to make wind yujj or yuf, to believe pass, bono jtk, to lead, guide „ boto kit, to cut up, to comb ,, btlko kor, to squander, spend „ bu'.o kot, to hurt „ goro mon, to wait „ yiko muk, to cover „ ijuko pik or fik, to lead „ yiipo or ^jufo tur, to pull down, to fall in ^c^lr, to write pass. Jiko „ kit 6 ,, koro „ koto „ mono ,, imikd ,, piko or fiko „ turd The verbs Zi?i, to smear, rug, to obey, «o;W, to turn round, according to Paragraph 44 become li'ngd, ruko, witb. 3. The followinur take o instead of a or 6. pass. belt, to beat dong, to drive away gok, to hold up, to stop ,; mor, to mock , 4. son to send pass jon, to bring ,, kin, to shut, block up „ Ink, to draw, drag „ beko dongo goko moro sonyo jue kinu luku pot or fot, to clean pass. 2>oto or foto rot, to strip tok, to knock iDor, to scrape hmg, to call ngin, to dress tin, to give pass. roto „ toko ,, woro lungu ngi'nga ti (like the imper.) 58. Verbs of Class III. "*" 1. The two-syllable verbs of this class are partly true Passive, or have as reflectives a Passive form. Ex. : yema, to marry (of women) is the Passive of yemba, to marry (of men). ddra, to fatigue, to be tired, is the Passive of the simple obsolete root ddr. 2. Verbs enlarged by dya, ji/n (j'a) or ga, form the Passive mostly from the simple root. BARI GRAMMAR. ' 37 Examples. hen-(hja, to count pass, hena pi-ja or Ji-ja, to ask pass. jj{(t ov fin hon-dya, to make ,, Mna (piya or fiya) kut-(lj/a, to blow „ kuta be-Ja or fe-ja, to shoot ,, pea or fen der-Jya, to cook ,, dera pong-ga, to look up ,, bonga dir-Jya, to view ,, dira y^ngga, to hear ,, yinga Exceptions : Jct-dya, pass, jotda, to build. 3. Verbs ending in the syllable ba, preceded by " Hi," lose the " b " in the Passive form. Examples. yemha, to marry pass, yema doiiiba, to surprise pass, domi demba, to bewitch ,, dema If the "5" is preceded by a vowel it is changed into "p.'' Ex. : deba, to bring up, pass, depa (V. Par. 44). Double b (bb) becomes p or /. Ex. : dibba, to prepare a hearth, pass, dijja or difa. 4. The three-syllable themat i ending in a a add Ji and become paroxytone. Examples. bdrara, to fetch pass, bararaji dukara, to shove, push ,, dukardji gi'tbara, to sling, throw ,, gubardji 5. 9odya, to praise pass, gota yega, to bring ,, yeka rondya, to strip off leaves ,, ronya Respecting gota and yeka Y. Pa rag. 44, a. 6. The following are quite irregular : — ynka, to spit out pass, ydkaki tnbdka, to end, finish ,, tnhakald Judy a, to interpret ,, ludyaki 59. Yerbs of Class IY. This class consists of scarcely more than twenty verbs, most of which are intransitive and without a Passive. 38 ■ BAR! GRAMMAR. The following tive are exceptions : — 1. durje, to milk pass, duro 4. mele, to see pass, met a 2. J {e, to find ,, He [riye) 5 fotore, to scatter ,, totoreya 3. tojSre, to till ,, tojorc (tojoi u) 60. Verbs of Class Y. This class embraces several reflective verbs without a Passive form, and a few which when they have a Passive are formed as follows : — 1. Gei, to use, pass. geJdri. 2. Topuri or tofuri, to make smoke, pass, topuryo or tofn.yd. 3. Kudi, to look, pass. Jcudild. i. Bdngori, to forget ; gicoro, i, to sell ; icdyiri, to cany away, take the suffix hin : hdnydrikin, gwdroiihin, etc. (Compare Paragraphs 55 and 64.) 61. Verbs of Class VI. 1. The verbs todow, to fall, yolo, to sing, and tojo, to finish, keep this fox'm, but as paroxytona, also in the Passive, tojo, yolo, todoro. 2. Mono, to trade in slaves, and horo, to smear the ground with clay, form tiionya and horya. 3. Togo (Jogo), to make strong, harden, pass, togolo ; y((lo, to miss the mark, yakolo. 4. Togico, to deceive, pass, togiva ; yoho, to set free, yuTcue. 62. Verbs of Class VIT. 1. We have already seen fin Paragraphs 56 and 57) that several verbs of Classes I. and II. have the Passive termination o. If these occur again as enlarged roots, they form as a rule their Passive according to the simple root. — - ^ Examples. iiii-jd, to melt pass, viio nid-dyo, to forge pass, nito dung-go, to saw, to cut ,, dungo wlwi-jo, to spin- ,, whvid The following may also be counted as belonging to this class : — mugo (imiJc-go), to cover pass, riti'il-o nyum-bo, to choose pass, nynmo rugo (ruJi-go), to answer ,, iiiukd BARI GRAMMAR. 39 2. In the same way roots having a double enlargement take the Passive from the first suthx. Ex. : gtvor-mi-dyd, to buy, pass, givorue (from gwor-uri). 3. Some verbs have the same form in the Passive. Ex. : bukdro, to spill, pass, bukdro, etc. ; lUinggd, to glaze ; toyimdno, to saturate ; iofuryo, to make, choke, etc. 4. Others ending in oro change the syllable ro into jL Ex. : ni/dnwrd, to accompany, pass, nyombji; tukudro, to announce, iukuoji. The Passive is oxytone. 63. Verbs of Class VIII. 1. Verbs of this class also form their Passive mostly from the simple root. Examples. bon-du, to move pass, bono (J<^'''-jff-> to cross j^ass. goro so-ju, to spear ,, sue ^o-yu, to sing „ yolo gom-bn, to enclose ,, gomo 2. The verbs Jambu, to talk, and kambu, to row, form jama and kama, whilst rembu, to kill, pass. = remo, to distinguish from remba, to build, pass. rema. barindu, to spear, shave suhi, to begin pass, barinu ,, sulua yuddu, to bring up, nourish yugu, to guard kur-Ju, to cultivate „ yilfu „ yuJcu ,, knru kiooddu, to gather „ kwoto laldju, to wash one's self ,, Jala moju, to drink ,, mala iumaddu, to water „ tumdta ngudu, to wrap up ,, ngi'ulula nydmoddu, to accompany oddu, to kill ,, nyomdji ., old rupii or rufu, to lurk tltihu, to tattoo totu, to kill ,, rupu or rufu ,, titipu or ///^/'l^ uju (wuju), to take „ ?^?/M iiouyu) 64. Verbs op Class IX. 1. A great many verbs ending in "kin" simply drop the final consonant " n" in the Passive without chanijiuo; the accent. 40 BARI GRAMMAR. Examples. hurondkhi, to betray someone pass. hurdiidJd sapaTiin or safakin, to sink something ,, sajxiJci or safahl gwdrokin, to buy something for some one ,, gxcoroki takin, to tell someone ,, tnki. Exceptions. Likin, to lose, keeps the "w." Ex.: tito likin, res perditae. Piga (Jiga), to receive (conceive), j^ass. pikarikin ov fikarikin. Giran, to avoid, pass, girmikin. V. 55 and 60. 2. Verbs ending in " an " change the " n " with few exceptions into " e" and become proparoxytone. Examples. piesun or fesmi, to rob pass, pesue or fesue deun, to pick „ dene biun, to kiss ,, hiiie sihim, to spit ,, siine to'ngun, to surpass ,, to'ngue. Exceptions. kSun, to bite, pass, koa (also koe) ; lungun, to call, pass, lungu. 3. Other verbs of this class add to the infinitive one of the vowels a, 0, or u. Examples. (1) With "rt"— gwalak, to break pass, gicdlaka karut, to deceive „ karida keren, to tear to pieces ,, kereni/a karah, to protect ,, kdrapa kalah, to embrace ,, kdlapa wusuk, to press ,, musuha ngar, to love ,, njjdra nynkicak, to seize ,, nyukwaka pepen or fef en, to collect ,, pepena or fefena ... .. rerek, to chain ,, rereka ririg, to mend ,, ririka ryok, to ill-treat ,, ryoka toyn, to quiet, to calm ,, toyna fojong, to catch ,, tojonga tolig, to cool ,, tolika tolilik, to dry ,, tolilika tumat, to water ,, tmndta BARI GRAMMAR. 41 tojxd or iofat, to provide with or for j^ass. topota or tofota iowor, to irritate ,, towora town, to run anyone down ,, toromja (2) With " "— beleng, to break „ belengo yorot, to press ,, yoroto rokon, iodupyen, toteyOn, etc. (3) With " "— Jopuh or lofiiJc, to return ,, Jdpuh'6 or lofuho lubh, to free ,, Z? sasar, I judge, etc. ta > sa> . 1 j^ ,° ta \ asar, we judged, etc. nge J J » ' ■ se ] Future. nan \ yi \ do > (de) sasar, I shall judge, etc. ta > (de) sasar, we will judge, etc. nge J se J Imperative. save, judge (thou) sareta, judge ye or you (anyan) nge sasar, let him (her) judge (anyan) se sasar, let them judge 68. B. — Passive Voice. Infinitive. ~^ Sara (sasdra), to be judged. Present. Singular. Plural. nan \ yi ] do > sasdra, I am judged, etc. ta j> sasdra, we are judged, etc. nge J se J BARI GRAMMAR. 43 Perfect. nan j jji j do \ asdra, I was judged, etc. fa > asdra, we were judged, etc. n (rtf) srtsa/Yf, i shall be judged, etc. ta > ^, ' j o ' nge j se ) ^ ^" Jo sasara, be judged ta sasdra, be ye oi* you judged {anyan) nge sasdra, let him (her) be (anyan) se sasdra, let them be judged judged All verbs of. Class IX. are formed in the same manner as the foregning example. Those which reduplicate in the present tense must also take the reduplication in the perfect and imperative, and in the future the verb must be preceded by de. Examples. nan yeyeju y^!l''P (//^^^/*^") nan ayeyeju nan de yeyeju Note. — The Passive Imperative is formed (like the negative Active) with the particle ko (ku) ; V. 52 and 5.3. CHAPTER Y. 69. The Noun. Gender. Every Pari substantive is either masculine or feminine gender, or has according to its nature a common gender. The demonstrative pronoun Jo, feminine no, is used as article for the singular, and ti {ti) in the plural for both genders. It is placed immediately after the substantive, and indicates, besides the gender of the noun, that the following word is in the genitive case. 44 BARI GRAMMAR. Examples. JHT 16 B(iri, the country of the Bari kadi mi N(jun, the house of God (church) (/or nd Bari, the spear of the Bari ngiitu Jo Bari. the Bari native nguiu ^ nd Bari, the Bari native ngntu H Bari, the Bari natives hilya^ ti Bari, the Bari language / kann ^ ti Ngun, in the name of God Note. — Nguiu is common gendei". Karin and kulya are plural. 70. Rules relatixg to the Gender of Sugstantives. (1) All substantives indicating a man or the male avd of the Masculine gender. Examples. haba, father kasdranif, judge mandnye, mother's brother monig, little man lungaser, brother duorJ, bull Exception : mekur (ua), buffalo. (2) The seasons :— leme, the hot month ; meling, summer (all the hot months) ; rid, autumn ; h'ser, the beginning of the rainy season ; jawe, the rainy season, and when everything grows. The remaining masculine nouns are difficult to class, and will be found in the dictionary at the end of the book, where the class of each is given. Feminine (na) are : — (1) All substantives indicating a woman or the female. Examples. ngote, mother dyet, girl kiaser, sister kiteng, cow, etc. (2) The abstracta and nomina adionis ending in ef (or //). Examples. buruet (burtt), from burn, repentance metet (from meddya), life molet (from mo), request, entreaty kivaset (from kicadd), re^'erence kivelit (from kweli), the watch, vigilance BARI GRAMMAR. 45 Exceptions, which are masculine, are : — yolet (from yolo), song ijuket (from yuJcan), breath juJcet (h'om joJi), blow with the fist, cuff (3) The infinitive which is used as an abstract noun. Examples. yulcan, to rest, and rest tudn, to die, and death (4) Substantives which are the same in the singular and plural. Examples. lin, soot hioohwo, meal ngo, something, anything, thing (5) All plural substantives which have no singular. V. Paragraph 73. Of Common gender are : — (1) Many nomina agent is ending in nit. Examples. hayinganit (lo and na), hearer (masc. and fem.) kayolomt, singer (masc. and fem.) l-ajucnit, messenger (2) Several words. Examples. ilnpyet or fhifyet, servant, maid-servant I'engge, a male or female dwarf lil'iji, an orphan ngwro, child (girl or boy) 71. Number. There is a Singular and a Plural number, and the latter has numerous forms, as in Arabic : — I. Substantives with the plural like the singular. II. Substantives with a plural and no singular. III. Substantives with a singular and no plural. VI. Substantives with an enlarged stem as plural. V. Substantives with a shortened form for the plural. VI. Substantives which have the same number of syllables in the singular and plural. VII. Substantives which are foi-med by the prefix " Jw." VIII. Substantives forming their plural from another stem. 46 BARI GRAMMAR. luru, fog, vapoui' Tin, soot Tcwohwo, meal 72. Class I. Substantives icifh the Plural and Sirignlar alike. kurnduet, twiu 7igo, thing nxjutu, man, mankind Note. — To these belong also all participles of passive and reflective verbs used as substantives. Ex. : ivogirikin', slave (slaves), lit. one carried away ; sdra, a criminal (or several). 73. Class II. Substantives icitli a Plural and no Singular. kijwo, broth, soup kudu, rain kulj/a, language kuron (kurok), ashes liiin, soot lotole, tall kind of grass tint, juice, sap gioariit, gunpowder gwesin, colour gworat, milk curdled yaua, beer (merissa) kamuldk, spittle kapira or kafira, loin cloth karin, name ki, heaven utot, matter, pus 74. Class III. Substantives with no Plural. si, honey dabor, the morning star dekan, will, wish dyang, famine fafarasak, moonshine faran, mid-day, noon farana, peace gice, jest, joke gioo'ngdli, butter yuyulue, jubilee yidon, thunder yure (yure), the East jaive, rainy season kasirokoti, evening star kdputat or kafutat, boiled fat kak, earth kaureleng, ear-wax kelun, day-break kepot or kefot, scab, itch kiser, rainy season kiden, middle kobubud, morning twilight, dawn koriri, aftei'noon kunyitat, brain, maiTOw kwaset, reverence kiij3lit, watch, vigil leme, the hot month lidingi, ink, blackness lobod, the north loki, the south lomusukat, fist luluet, lamentation lutdten, the right hand lututu, storm BARI GRAMMAR. 47 maddk, evening red meling, summei' milyo, oath myene, pain Note. — To this class belong mudu, cadaverous smell 7nuri, fever rid, time of maturity, ripeness tumafyan, kingdom all infinitives which can be used as substantives. Ex. : yuJcan, to rest and rest ; liongon, to rejoice and joy ; lungu, to be called and call ; pepeta or fefeta, to be in order and order. Exceptions : hidya, to speak, and speech, which is only used in the plural, hluui ti. 75. Class IV. Suhstantives ivitli an enlarged Stem as Plural. ■ Nouns of this class form their Plural by adding one of the following suffixes to the stem of the singular. a Ex. : har, stream • plur. hara gorom, wall ,, goroma lodek, roof ,, lodeka Note 1. — Substantives ending in "e" preceded by I or r change the e into "«/." Ex. : gele, shoulder bone Jcene, branch hare, river Note 2. — ngedeh, tongue gwele, feast e Ex. : deru, grass muJcu, dark wood Note. — Gorigdri, rainbow Ex. : gor, spear, lance goher, skin, leather dop or dof, nape, neck, Ex. : hibi, beetle huli'u, shield S'uln, wax an Ex. : gvmng, cat gwolokok, crop rerekef, fetter at {at) Ex. : hipenggo or h tfenggo, sack kungu, knee luni, hill Note 1. — When the singular ends in Ex. : hunggo, dress hodo, mechanic Note 2. — jame, conversation. plur. gelya ,, kenya ,, karya. „ ngedepa or ng defa ,, gwelyat ,, derue. ,, mukue. „ gorigorye (also gdrigoryet). ,, goro. ,, gobero. „ dopo or dofo. ,, bibio (bibyo). „ bukuo. „ subio (subyo). ,, gicangan. ,, gwolokokan. ,, rereketan. kappengoat or kaffengoat. kunguat. luruat. o," the is changed into " m.' plur. bonggudt. „ bodudt. „ jamyat. 48 BARI f4RAMMAR. en Ex. : flingit, time plur. tli)v/iten. i/ulit, the forge ,, i/ukiten. Tcujukit, mortar „ kujuJciten. Note. — m'dnlfj, little man „ vidnyken. et Ex. : nhiiri, gazelle ,, luJcuh'di, bat ,, hdujji or lulufi, window ,, in Ex. : (dang, salt ,, dmuj, bow ,, dlong, clog „ Note. — dudd, ox ,, givowng, hyena ,, on Ex. : jur, land „ lor, day ,, pipidit ov fifidit, drop ,, on Ex. : digit, wolf „ liongit, peace ,,' tur, town ,, ot Ex. : huduru, cord, rope ,, ?/ofew, wood ,, yodu, a black stone ,, ji, Jin, hi, kin, Ex. : saret, judgment „ dokef, present ,, salet, stove, oven ,, dupa or dufa, leather bag ,, gicea, family ,, kupo or kufo, basket „ dome, mass, heap ,, gure, pigeon ,, kwara, pincers, tongs ,, Note. — All subst. in Parag. 22 take nouns of action take et ; Jin and ki (kin) are used for the Plural of most substantives ending in a vowel. Jin, from ki (kin), where the guttviral is softened to a palatal and is then in this form used as Plural exponent. Ex. : Jde, bundle, plur. litcki and Uteji ; compare also the words silo = kulo, sine = kune. la Ex. : liapa or yafa, moon plur. yapala or yafdla. kipya or kifya, lightning ,, k'tpydla or kifydla. masa, box on the ear „ masdla. ahih iet. lukulidet. lulupiet or Inlufiet. aldngin. dangin. diongin. duonin. gwurungin. • juron. lor on. pnpiditon or fifiditon. digiton. liongit on. turon. hudfhudt. yobuot. yoduot. sdretji. doketji. sdletji. dupdjin or dufdjhi. givedjin. kupojin or kufojin. domeki. gureki. kiodraki. ^ji " ; certain abstract nouns and BARI GRAMMAR. 49 Ian Kx. len Ex. lo Ex. Id Ex. /o/i Ex. huo, disc, target kiko, way, path munti/e, bread (jtvore, fox logeri, cross lugogori, spider ^rtA;o, palate ^^/^•o, cloud gworo, wind-pipe mdriko, scar Inhulo, bowel hudu, wedding biirud, carcass lungguo, snail plur. hisolan. „ kikolan. ,, munfyelan.^ ,, gicorelen. ,, logerilen. „ lugogorilen.'^ „ dakolo. ,, dikolo. ,, gioorolo. ,, mdrikolo. ,, luhuJoIo. „ hudulon. ,, hurudldn. ,, lungguolon. 'f Ex. There are various other suffixes, as kadi, house, PI. kadi-jik ; koji, stable, PI. koji-no, and others which are to be found in the dictionary. Note 1. — Some words take both la and Ian as suffix. Ex. : denggele, gall, PI. denggelela or denggelelan ; pihja or filya, top, V\. pihjdla ov pilydlan. Note 2. — The suffix " Un" is only found iny«, friend, F\. julin. 76. Class V. Substantives with a slwrtened form for the Plural. The most important of these singular suffixes are — at Ex. I kujirat, corner of the eye plur. kujir. reat, iron ,, re. duplet or dufyet, man or maid servant ,, diqn or dtif. morinet, finger mujinet, paw, claw dumoddi, copper jomani, monkey kakatyo, relative lusatyo, boy lojjiitule or lofutule, kidney-bean mikyle (mikile), red ant kimeli, dura-inflorescence, plur. kimd (instead of kime). kukuli, straw ,, kukii. nit For all nominihus agentis which have " k" in the PL Ex. : kadumanit thief ' plur. kadmnak. kagworonit, merchant ,, kagwdrok. kayekanit, hearer, meHsengev, plur. kayekak; compare Parag. 22, *)//. i Ex. yo Ex. le Ex. li Ex. morin. VI ujin. dumbdd. joman. katat, lusak. loputu or lofi'itu. miki. 50 BARI GRAMMAR. Ex // Ex. tat Ex. tot Ex. tot {dt)'E-x.. Jnmurte, gnat j [I'ur . kihtur. kukorite, root )5 kokori. kuhijite, grain of rice ?) kuhiji. hokiioroti, iv( )n-ring )) hokudro. Jii(/icati, bean ,, jihjwd. kculongonti ') kadonjon. siwatat, bee )) f> Je (milk). kolSrotot, ant >) koJoro. piomtot or fiomtot, a drop of water )? iohi or fi am (water), Note 1. gunitdt, lizard >> (JU H. kujotot, grain of sand 55 kiijo. ku.utdt, worm )! kfi.n. hqjirdt or kujirot, pen „ kiqyir or kufir. 77. Class VI. Substantives having the same number of syllables in the singular and lAural. Plural. Singular. bunit, doctor sukuri, hen smt, ear goloiot, brook kdluti, post, stake kamukek, shoe kedite, support of a rof)f kele, tooth kijakiitak, animal kirita, bulrush kiteng, cow kdUjjonit or kdlifdnit, boy kujonit, a timid person kuhjatat, word loe, arrow miji, mouse tdjrindi or tdjindi, guinea-fowl tumunit,. smith ukuli, gum tree, india rubber tree nngwuri, horn uronit, liar biimik sokoro Slid (siwji) guhijin kdleto ka)iu(ka kedi/at kdla kijakna kiiuo kijuk (kiffo perok- or ferok-kudik, he (she) seldom comes. 103. ZoroH-/m[/, daily, every day kajelu (kajelu-lor), the day before i-lor (ilor), by day yesterday koyure (koi/nre), in the morning kaje (kaji/e), yesterday wanglek, in the forenoon dlka, to-day [jaran or far an {tuparan or tiifaran), loJor (ilolor), to-day, this day at noon kotumolu, to morrow koriri, in the afternoon moh'du, the day after to-morrow kotyang, in the evening lokinga, this year, this season kwaje (kwajye), in the night kingalo, last year kingajin-ling, yearly, every year 104. hura (hu,d), very, just, real. Ex.: silo, kdlqjindk kiklta hmd. These lads work very bravely. jarik ov farik (parik or farik), very. dek, enough. Ex. : nan a'ngesu dek, I have eaten enough. gwe, sona, enough, so let it be. kana, only. Ex. : kisnk-kwe musdla kana, I have only three cowi,. ako-ngii (ako-ngyu), almost, nearly, hardly. aling, nearly, almost. kodio, nearly, almost. gwa ... as big as. giva-do, ywa-lo, gtca-na, gwa-ta, gwa-se, as big as you, he, she, etc. hia, more. Ex. : ti nan hia, give me more ; kijiik-kwe bia, I haA'e more cows. kudik, few, a little. Ex. : ti nan kudik, give me a little. 105. Particles of Cause. ' ■ We have already seen that the Interrogative "why" is expressed by " ngyo." The answer to this is — ko or kogwon, because. Ex.: do ti lomdn ko nan} ko do an matat. Why do you not salute me 1 Because you are no chief ; do ti nyar kiaser-inot ? kogtoon andron ; why do you not love your sister ? because she is not good. ko-nd (kond), thus, so, consequently. Ex.: ko-ndnan gicu-gwiit do, you are a thief, so I will beat you. BARI GRAMMAR. 63 Expressivf/ Condition, Supjjosition. ho, if. Hx. : /i'o do ti po or fo, ^uin Jojolo geleng, if you do not come, I shall travel alone. Expressing Doubt, Tea . . . kode (kode . . . kode) whether, if . . . or not. Ex. : nan ti den, ko (kode) nge popo or fofo kode ti po or fo, I do not know whether he will come or not. Toivt/li tatakin do, ko do akondya alobut, kode aloron { . ■ ■ ondhui kode androk). Your conscience will tell you whether you have done evil or good. Expressing Cause. ani/an, in order that, that. Ex. : 7ian i kak ni, unydn nan deden Ngun, anydn nan rurug lu, anydn nan nyanydr lu,. I am here on earth, that I may know God, that 1 may serve him, that I may love him. on, lest. Ex. : 7noke nmgun, on doro kak, stop, lest you fall to the ground. To the above may also be added ko-nd (kond), with the meaning, on that account, therefore. Ex.: kond nan jikik do, on doro, I will lead you, in case you fall. 106. For the copulative conjunction '■'■and" the Bari has as a rule but one expression, " ko," which is used whenever it can be substituted for " with," or when several predicates are used together. Ex : nan ko do, I and thou (I with thee) ; mede a nddu ko ndgalang, the house is high and broad. In other cases the corresponding pronoun, etc., is repeated, or one of the copulas sundna (at present, now), lunga (also), or toki (agaiii) is substituted. Ex. : karuhok apija or a/ija nge se adi, the disciples asked him and said (i.e. the disciples asked him, they .said). Sundna [iiinga, toki), Jolin ajamhu ko karukok, and John spoke to his disciples (now, also, again, spoke John, etc.). lunga, too, likewise. Ex. : nan lunga kaivurdnit i gwesin, T am also a painter. lunga .... lunga, as well as. Ex. : hinga nan, lunga do kukidya Bari, I as well as you speak Bari. toki, again. Ex. : pd or fo kotumolu toki, come again to-morrow. ngyu, still, yet. Ex. : se ngyi'i, they are still hei'e. kode, (1) or, perhaps. Ex. : nan kode dol I or thou, (2) else, otherwise. Ex. tinan ngalya, kode nan j^epe or fefe do, give me money, other- wise I will shoot you. kode .... kode, either . . or. Ex. : kode teya, kode tiidn, either conquer or die. an ... . an, neither . . . nor. Ex. : an nun, an do, neither I nor you. aina, but, on the other hand, stands always at the beginning of the sentence. agi, yet, however, nevertheless. Ex. : nan agi tutu, nevertheless I am going. V. a(/i, 54. 64 BARI GRAMMAP. 107. Adverbs of Quality. hum (burd), right, just, well. Ex.: wure hurd, write well; do adoto add? dika nan adoto hurd, how have you slept ? To-day I have slept well. sona, thus, in this manner. Ex. : do agi kondija s ma, you must do it in this way. kana, for nothing, gratis. Ex. : nan ut'iju niena gor kana, I have received this lance gratis. Instead of kana one often hears worokdna ; from (jwbro = to buy ; thus worokdna = not bought. kijek, quickly. Ex. : iti {p6 or fo) kijek, go quickly. kukuon, public. V. Diet. kudn. luon, private, secret. Ex. : koldnit tiuddya lubn, the thief has stolen away secretly. madanij, slowly. Ex. : itita madang, go slowly. mate, as a loan. Ex. : nge atin nan wurct mate, he (she) has lent me the book. ngyona, near. Ex. : melesen-nikang ngyona (a'ngyona) mede {ko mede), our garden lies near the house. pajyo o: fajyo, far ofi", remote. Ex.: jur 16 Ban' py'yo ov faj'jo i Europa, the Bari country is very far from Europe. rahat {arahat), not right. Ex. : do wuwur rahat, you do not write correctly. Note. — Many adjectives can also be used adverbially. 108. Prepositions. There are but few true prepositions in Bari, but there are instead many insignificant words which are used with the few prepositions, thus forming compound prepositions. 109. Simple Prepositions. a, to. Ex. : do nan icowongon, I am calling to you ; a lutdten (alutdten), to the right ; a kadonge (akadonge), to the left. an (ain), without. Ex. : nge kadi ain, he (she) has no house (he without house) ; ndn gor am, I have no spear ; nielo kodini koropo or korofo an, this tree is without leaves. i {i) (1) in, indeed, it is true ; («) denoting rest. Ex. : nan gioon i kadi nd Ngun, I was in church ; yi yuyukan i tilimot, we rested in thj shade. (&) denoting movement. Ex. : ndn tu (lutu) i kadi nd Ngun, I am going to church; yi apo or afo ni i kak nd Bari, we have come to the Bari country. This " i " is sometimes omitted altogether. Ex. : lasak ling afu ko, all young fellows go to war BARI GRAMMAR. G5 (2) out, from. Ex. : Inuki-luoJc i/i i ndrok ling, deliver us from evil ; nielo lusatijo an-u'/iri nguro i Icadi nd monyc, this young man has carried oft' a girl from her father's house. (3) over, about, on (active and passive). Ex. : jj/o/>« (cjr Jiom) wdlala i kimang, the water on the fire is boiling. ho, (1) with. Ex.: Jco nan (do, nge, yi, ta, $e), with me, thee, him, us, you, them ; nguro atu ho haha, the child went with the father ; nan gxoagwddd do ho piom (or fiom), I sprinkle you with water ; ngutu temejih ti Btri yiiiiutu ho holot, ho higwo, ho lohore, the grown-up Baris live on dura soup and meat (///. nourish themselves with dura, etc.). (2) of, from, by. Ex. : niena tvuret atviiro ho nan, this book has been written by me. h)(, with, to, from, by. Ex. : hil haha, hii ngote, nguro atti hu haha, the child went ; kiaser-nio ayitue hu haha, my sister returned from her father's. tu, towards, to. Ex. : meroh atu tn Sudan, the missionaries went towards the Sudan. Sometimes tu is omitted altogether. Ex. : ndn tu mede, I am going home. The preposition " for " is more often expressed by the verb, with the suftix, hiu (V. Par. 22, hin). If the verb does not admit of the suftix the dative is used. Ex.: hayuhunit alohut tin hohylu-hdnyet metet-nduyet, a good shepherd gives his life for his sheep. One can as well say, ahive na hu'iylu-h. = on account of his sheep. 110. Compound Prepositioxs. a-hwe (ahwe), on account of, because of. Ex. : nan tintin do sine ahwe na towyli-iJot alo'juf, I give you this because of your kind heart. V. Diet. hwe. a-homo-sihan {ahomosihan), opposite, in sight. Ex. : Dijori lies opposite Gondohoro. V. Diet, homong. i . . . . hot, behind. Ex. : homyru i hodini hot, the lion is behind the tree. ?'.... eron, for, during. Ex. : '' hingdjin pudh (or fnoh) eron ndn gwon i Afriha, I was in Africa for ten years. i . . . . hah, under. Ex. : hdJijjonit (or hblifonit) dodoto i hodini hah, the boy is sleeping under the tree. i . . . . hi, over, on, upon, above. Ex. : hwaje duduton jore i hare hi, at night there are many glowworms over the river; sine hisduahan ahlpe (or adufe) i hdtoloh i hiho hi, these geese were hatched on the ship; hirhoh hihija i haden hi, the chameleon is going up the tree; piom {or fiom) i diholo hi, there is water in the clouds above. i . . . . hiden,^ in the midst of, among. Y . ho . . . . hiden. i-pirit, or i-firit {ipirit, or ifirit), instead of. Ex. : monye lobut ti tin nguro- F Tio 66 BARI GRAMMAP. loitin't hvinn i jji)it (or i-Jirit) no snmuti, a gcocl ftither does not give his child a snake for (instead of) a fish. ko .... nn {(un), without. Ex. : ko ntimyen an {am), without pain. lio .... hot, after, in. Ex. : nan popo (or fofo) IS loron hufUiJi hot, I shall come in eight days' time. cron, before. Ex. : nan (/won Ico Abraham, I came before Abraham. yu (1) from .... here. Ex. : nge ajiS (or afo) ho haha i/n, he came from his father's. (2) to ... . there. Ex. : nan tutn Jio haha yu, I am going to my father's. Jiango, from, from out of. Ex. : molol-ofyo an 16l-e atn lio nyiitu kango, the unclean spirit left the man (came out of the man). ho (ha) hiden, in the midst, amongst. Ex. : nge agioodan ha-se hiden,^ he stood in the midst of them. ho .... ngerot, before. Ex. : ngudjih atii ho haha ngerot, the children went before their father, teng ho, until, as far as. Ex.: nan ajea hoiihot teng ho rima, I have scratched my skin and drawn blood ; holdnlt awohon teng ho hare, the thief has fled (as far as) to the river. The preposition '■' round," "around" is expressed by the verb longga, to circle, surround. Ex.: deru (doru) lolongga hodini, there is grass round the tree (lit. gi'ass surrounds the ti'ee). Note 1. — The expressions hah, hi,]jirit (or frit), hiden, etc., are substantives and admit of a double construction. Ex. : hijahua aioohon i hiden na yohn (or h. a. i yobu hiden), the wild beast has fled into the centre of the wood — amidst the wood. In the first case hiden stands as substantive, in the second as preposition. Note 2. — In which case ho becomes ha. V. Parag. 25. ENGLISH-BAEI VOCABULARy. -<»>- ABBEEYIATIONS. c. =: Comnion gender. f. =: Feni. 1). = Dinka. n. = )(« (art. feni.). Gr. == Grammar. pass. — Passive. i. = Imperative. perf. = Perfect. iti (article, plural, ?iul sign pres. = Present. t. = i that the substautive has uo pi. = Plural. ( singular.) pl.s. = Plural like the singular 1. = /o(art., niasc). sg. = .Singular. 111. = JIasc. abandon (something, to leave soineoue, to leave behind, to forgive) = lolokin, pres. lijlijlukin, perf. aJiolukin, i. l:olu],i, pass, hold (l.oldhi). abandon (to leave, to desert), fd, pres. fafd, perf. afd, i. fane, pass, fctija (i.neg. ho fd, vide kofajur.) abduct, to (to stenl), icogirih, pres. ivou-ogirih, perf. awogirih, pass, wogirihin. Ex : W.'s sister has been abducted by M. = hias^r nn Wani awogirihin ho Medi. able (clever), Iwdo, c.pl. hodudl. able, be (to be powerful), hulo, pres. Ini'hulo, perf. ahulo, i. hulone. ablution, lajii. abode (dwelling), gwold'nget, n.pl. gmild'ngetji (vide gicilinggi). above (ever), /-/./. above (upou, " firmaraent, the heavens," air), /,•/, f.t. abscess, gntef. absent, bai-in, abstain (to abstnin from, to keep oif, to en- close), tcvg (see '' to fast "), pres. teteng, perf. ateng, i. teiige, pass, tengo. abundance, yon/. abuse (to mock, to revile), mSr, pres. momor, peif. amor, i. mor^, pass. moro. abuser (reviler, scoffer), hamardnganit, c.pl. hamardngah. vide maranggu. accept (to take), u-u, pres. imieu, perf. ami, i. wum-li {iijih. wujih), pass. wvyu. vide icuju. accompany, nijomoro, pres. ni/oaj/onwru, perf. anyomoro, i. nyomoro, pass, nyomoji. vide nySmoddii. account (on no account, no), aa (naboen). account (reckoning, enumeration), henet, f.pl. henefji. vide hen. accuse (to exhort, to punish, to admonish), ring, pres. riring, peif. aring, i. ringe. pass, ringa. accuse (falsely, to slander, to backbite), mang, pres. mamang, perf. among, i. manggi, pass. manga, D. mang. acquaint (to spread), huoio, pres. huhuoro, perf. ahuoro, i. hxoro. act (deed), hoet, f.pl. hoetjL vide von and honef. adapt (somtthing, to dole out), femahin, pres. tetem^hin, perf. ate'makin, i temahin, pass, temahi. vide be afraid, to frighten), rigicold), pres. ririijtcolv. perf arhjwbho, i. rigii-oho. after (as. then, when), na (conjunction). after (later), ede {de, de.de). after midnight (the dawn), dinggu, n. afternoon, loriri, f. again (still ). ^67./. age (old age), dongget, n. aged (old), modong (madong), c.pl. mudungin. agreeable (nice, sweet), faleleng, c.pl.s. agreement, yamora. aim (to aim), loiju, pres. wlwiju, perf. aiviju. i. wijili. pass, icfii. air (wind), Ivbungot, f.pl. Mhifngofji (also A'«7Mm67). air (firmament, the heavens ; above, upon), ki, f.t. Ex : /i-(' an'auin kd'tyang = the air is damp in the evening. air (high up, upper air), hohungot-na'-Jci (also Iwgunwt-na-hi). air (surrounding the earth), Jiohungot-na-kak (also kogumot-na-liat). all (each, quite ; most used with a substantive), li)>g, c.pl.s. all right, lohut, nabut. allow (to let), 7io, pres. koko, perf. ako, i. koli, pass. koJo. almost (not yet, scarcely), akd'ngu (and also gwenyona'). almost (entirely, totally), aling, adv. vide ling. almost (perhaps), kode. Ex : nan kode do (I or thou) kode nan fofo ~ perhaps I will come. D. ko'd. almost (nearly), kodio (often strengthened by tling = quite, entirely). alone, gehng, c.pl. kade (a unit, singly). alone (proper, peculiar), kade, c.pl. of geleng. Ex : yi. tci, i€, kade = we, you, they, alone. aloud, farik. also (sometimes, and), lunga. altar (table of sacrifices), rogo-na-robangga, pi. rogoj in-ti-rohangga. alteration (change ; also wrath, anger), woret, f.pl. icoretji. always (very often, often ; for ever, eternity), ngii'ji. always (always living, dwellers in heaven, eternal), yenke (really yeng-ki), c.pl.s. vide yeng and ki. &Jways (always living), yeng'ngin (contr. of yffngin). c.pl.s. vide yeng and ngin. amazed (to be amazeil, to notice, to look at in astonishment), dirja, pres. didirja, perf. adirja, i. dirjye, pass. diWa. vide dir. among (under, beneath, below), 7t(/>a7i; or lukat. adv. and prepos. among (in the middle), i'kiden. amplify (to magnify, to < xaggerate), to'ngaddir, pres. iotd'iignddu, perf. aid ngaddu, i. to'ngaddih, pass, td'ngata. amusement (weddin?, especially the celebration of a wedding), hudii, l.pl. budiddn. anchor, lori, m.pl. Id'rila. and (also), liimja. anger (wrath, alteration, cliange), woret, f.pl. woretji. angry (irritated, enraged— of men and animals), jegii, c.pl.s. angry (to be angry), xooran, pres. wowo'ran, purf. mod' ran, i. icore'. vide bora. angry (wrathful; courageous, powerful, strong), kaiigd. c.pl. kangdjin. angry (to make angry, to provoke), towor, pres. totowor, perf. atoicor, i. toicore, pass, toicora. vide icoraii. animal (wild), nioayifyo, f.pl. ruonyok (also kijaku-a). animal (of faulty colour), loni' me, 'f. narumey pl.s. animal-mother, kudue', f.pl. kudneni Qtudue'ld). animal's hvea.st, jujnk, f.pl. jnjukon. announce (to make known), toku, pres. totoku, perf. atoku, i. tokune, pass, tokuke. announce (to make known), tokuurd, pres. totokudrd, perf. atokudru, i. tokudrd, pass. tokuiiji. annoy (to vex, to bother, to be connerned), darjii, pres. dadarju, perf adarju, i. darje. vide dcira. anoint (to embalm, to grease), we', pres. weiKe', i. ice'i, pa^s. \v€la. another, hge {lege), c.pl. legelok. another (one, a ceitain), We, f. nene, m.pl. kuhje, f.pl. kitnye. Ex : lele bot hie = one after the other ; lele ko lele = one witli the other (one with another). another (another person), lele lalet, f. nene- nakwan. pi. kulye-lian, f. kunye-icute'. answer, td'un, pres. tatdhin, perf. atd'nn, i. tail. Ex : they are silent (give no answer) = se ako id'un. answer (reply), rake'et, f.pl. rukeetji. vide rugd. answer, rugo, jjres. rurugd, perf. ariigo, i. riigd. pass. rukd. vide rug. ant (red), mikile (mikyle), m.pl. taiki. ant (white), kold'rotote, m.pl. kolo'ro. ant (heaps with many holes), gd'kini, l.pl. antelope (with long horns), mu'r/, f pi. murye'ki. ant-heap, legbor. ants (big black), simsime, m.pl. simsim. ants (big red), //ef/e/i-. ants (bugar-eatiug), midurito, m.pl. miduri. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 69 ape (monkey), jo'mani, f.Y)l.joman (also telemi, jil. talama). aperture (hole, opening), tutu'let, f.pl. tittiChiji. apostle (angel), Uaso'nyonit-lo-ncjun, pi. haso- ■nyoh-ti-ngun. appear (also to sprout, to shoot forth), fnl-iin (fii/akun), pres. fi^ulcun, perf. afuJcun, i. fuLu'. vide fuk. appease (to quiet, to calm), folili'ja, pres. totolilija, perf. atolilija, i. toJilije, pass. toliJiu. Ex : the child was quieted by the mother = nguro atolilia 7:o ngote. appease(to calm, to quieten), foyjjgf, pres. (otoyng, perf. atoyng, i. ioyng^, pass, toynga (toy'riga). approach (to come here, to come hither), yengiindya, pres. yeycngundya, perf. ayengundya, i. yengnndije. vide yenga. approach (to come near), mijun, pres. mimijun, perf. amijun, i. mi^ii. arm, lidih, pi. lidja. arm (forearm), lol-iling, pi. lolilingan. arm (arm-hole), kuhudi, m.pl. luliidilan. arm (arm-ring of ivory), raratat, f pi. rara. arms (especially lance or club), tord'hoti, f.pl. around (round), alongga (really verb longga). arrange (to prepare— a meal), tete'n, pres. tete'n, perf. atete'n, i. tefene, pass, tete'na. arrange (to put in order ; to collect), tun, pres. tutun, perf. ohtw, i. f?frie, pass. fitiKi. arrange (to order), tunaldndye. vide " to order, to assemble." arrange (to mend, repair), tetendya, pres. tetendya, perf. atetendya, i tetendih, pass, tete'na. arrange (for another, to collect for another), tunahin, pres. tittu'ncddn, perf. atu'naJdn, i. arrange (to order), fet. pres. /^/e<, perf. afet, \. fete', pass. /e^a. arrange ("to set in order, to prepare), fedya, pres. fe'fedya. perf. afe'dya, i feddih. arrangement (order). /efe<, f.pl. arrival (coming), /o'e<, f.pl. foelji. vide/o. arrive (to arrive from i-omewhere, to reach). tjengga, pres. yeyengga, perf. ayengga, i. yenggt. arrive (to come, especially to land), dur, pres. dudur, perf. ofZcr. i. rfwrtJ. arrow, /o'e, m.pl. loya. arrowhead, halume', pi. halumeli. arrowshaft, winy at. artery (vein), muriloni, m.pl. mtirilo. artery (for arrows), /iitef, Tpl. futassi or futuld. artisan (blacksmith), tumurdt, m.pl. to'monol:. as (after, than, when), ;;«, conj. as (similar, like), gwoso (also gwotinielt). as much, inu, c.pl. mu-lnClo, f. mu-l;une. ascend (to climb), /.nee, pres. Idldwe, perf. alVioe, i. litcene'ddu-^). ashamed (to be), lurij, pres. hulurii, perf. aJiu'ro, i. lurijni. ashes, /.lo-o/.- (luron), f.t. ashes, loffotato. ask (to enquire after), /i/o, pres. fifija, perf. fl^'/a, i. ^/V, pass.^'a. vide ^. ask (ask, to), fth, piee. Jifih, perf. ajih, \. fin^, pass. ^a. ask (to ask for pardon, to repent), huru, pres. htibu'ru, perf. abu'ru, i. burune. ask (to ask for something, to intercede for an- other), mo'loldn, pres. momd'loldn, perf. amo'loldu, i. mololi, pass, mo'lold. vide mo?/;« and mulul.in. aspect (look, view, mirror, life), me^ei, f.pl. me'tetji. vide met. ass (horse), /.o^/ne (la'yne), f.pl. la'yneld. assemble (unite, to join, to collect togethir), fefenun, pres. fef€nun, perf. afefe'nun, i. feftnii, pass, fefe'nue. assemble (congregate), tunaldndya, pres. <«- tunaldndya, perf. atunaldndya, i. tunaldndye', pass, tunald. vide " to order" and " to arrange." assembly (meeting ; judgment ; stick which the Bari carries as a symbol of the meeting, shaped like a iorh), fntet, m.^\. fiCtetji. assist (to support, to help someone), ngara'ldn, pres. nga-nga'raldn, perf. a'ngaralin, i. ngarald pass. ngara'Jd. assistant (mate, comrade), ]:a'-nga^ranit, c.pl ],a'-7iga'ral: at (by), l.u. Ex : dilca lunjaseW lio gioo'nlu haba = to-day my brother was at father's. at least (tlie last, end), niulol; f. at present (now), sitna''na. attack (to surprise), muddya, pres. mumuddya, perf. amuddya, i. mute', pass. mutd. ' attired (to be dress(d, to clothe, to dress), j'tt/M, pres. Juju/ii, perf. ajufii, i.Jufuiii. auditor (hearer), J.ayi'nganit, c.pl. layi'ngal-. vide yiiig. aunt (mat.), saseir-yangu ; (pat.) t^aseir-le- momgi. autumn (1st rains), /./sser ; (during and after rains), jabd'. avarice (envy, greed), belet, n. vide be. I avenger (chastiser), Icari'nganit, c.pl. 7.ori'- ngaJ:. vide rzHgt. avoid (to pass by. to make a circuit), lenggu, 1 pres. lei ngiju, perf. alenggu, i. lenggi. ' awake (to awake), furue, pres. fufurue, perf. afurue, i. furuen^. I aWake (to raise, to set upright), wj/t', pres. Jige'- ji^t', perf. a-ngi, i. ngirn, pass. J'gr^/M. awake (to set up), ngiju, pres. ngi-ngijii, perf. a-ngiju, i. ngiju. vide ?if/«. I awaken (to wake, to rouse), tc/ngien, pres. toto'-H,ien, perf. ato'ngien, i. toto'ngine. vide ngien. 70 ENGLISH -BARI VOCABULARY. away, ri (a sufBx with meaning away from a place). awry (crooked, not straight), rego (arego), c.pl. regijdt. Ex : nielo Icilior arc-go = this tower is Dot straight. axe, tuhi. B back (o.f men and animals), lidir, f.pl. Iklirino. back (backwards, from behind), cdolddir {alo- liidir), adv. vide lidii: back (hum])), rug. backbite (slander, falsely accuse), mang, pres. mamang. perf. amang, i. manggl, pass, manga. backbiter (slanderer), Immanganit, c.pl. l;a- mangah. vide mang. backwards, alolddir, adv. vide liidir. bad (evil lazy), 6io- (only used in conjunction with mo and to'), vide mohnr and iohur. bad (wicked), hiron, f. nardn, pi. Idroh, f.pl. bad, make, fohur. pres. tolohur, perf. aiohur, i. tohure, pass, tobiiro. vide ii^r. bad (evil, wicked), longon, f. nangon. bad, make (lead astray), toron, pres. toioron, l^crf. atoron, i. torony^, pass, toronya. bag (small), lusuru, f.pl. Jcusurnot. bake, /e^/w, pres. fefeyii, perf. afe'yii, 1. /t7e (,/e?); pass. /(S?o. baker, kafe-lonit. c.pl. lafeloh. bald (literally, like stone), «?^7e, c.pl. aWlya. Ex: Ince-hiot ahle'ngtfO? = vfhj i.s your head bald? vide ?e?e (also rock, stone, ZeZe, f.pl. Ze/(/o). band (bandage). /?^e<, f.pl. ^((, i. ritde, pass. r«fZ«. be (to remain), ga-on, pres. jth-oh, perf. agicou (often also gtcon), i. gice. be (to exist), literally gicondd. Ex: (Zo gicon dd lo ««7i ? = what are our relations? nan givon-dd /.o do? — what's the matter? vide gtcon and add. beads (of red glass), landreti, f.pl. Z.-rf« ore (also «oce). bean, hfutu; (beans dried), liifutu ZoieoZ.- (also »oror«;i). bear (to bring forth), tadu, jjres. iatadu, perf. atadu. i. tadunih, pass, tadiie. Ex: the mother has borne a son = ?i(/oZe atadu tore. bear (to carry), doggu, pres. dodoggu, perf. adoggu, i. doggi, jiass. (Zo'.Vo. bear hither (to carry hither, to hold, to raise, to lift, to float along on the water), dulnim, pres. dudulntm, perf. udul;um, i. fZuAtt, pass. diL^ue (dtiliCL). bear hither (to bring, to carry about), yega^ pres. ye'ijega, perf. aycga, i. j/egfJ, pass. j/e'Z.a. beard (hair on the chin), lofir-ti-nyektm. bearer (carrier, messenger), hai/clcanet, c.pl. layehal:. vide ?/e(/a. bearer (carrier), liudolonit, c.pl. ladohol: vide (Zo(ygf((. bearer (of sacrifices, priest), l;aijehanei-lo- rohangga, pi. laye'.al-ti-rohangga. vide yegfo and rdbangga. beat, g^u-Jf/, pres. gitugu-ut, perf. agwut, i. qwide, pass, gwutl. vide 6iif and 6^7, D. f/!(ot beat (to fasten, to nail, lo strike, to drive in), hil;. pres. heheh, perf. aZ*eA-, i. Z*eZ.c, pass, helco. beat, Z'M^ pres. buhid, perf, aftuZ, i. hute, pass. Z)i<^o. vide 6(7. beat (to lash, to scourge), Z>i7, pres. hihit, perf. ahit, i. lite, pass. Z*i7o. beat back (to chase, to drive away), dungitn, pres. dudungin. perf. adungun, i. duiigu, pass. dungue. vide (Zohj;. beat (with the bare hand), Jirtng, pres. Jittwongr, perf. anang. i. na)ige, pass, nanga. beater, lahitouit, c.pl. lalitdJi. vide 6^7. beater, lahutiinit, c.pl.J,oZ*u/a.'. vide Z>(/Z.* beautiful (to be), l.u-elen {huelen"), pres. Zrzrc- lice'.en. perf. aliUrlen, i. Iwelejige. bed camp (sleep), dotoet, n pi. dotoetji. vide (Zofo. bed of river (channel), lare-hgnlu, m. vide Zo_/((Z«. bee, «.'«•((. bee-hive, oioroi, f.pl. otortji. beer (mcrissa, from durah), ?/((((«. beetle, ?//?>/. l.pl. Z//Z/,'o (lihyii). ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. n befall (to meet ; to shoot dead), l-el; pres. l;e];eh; jierf. al;el; i. leji, pass, lu'lai. before (for, sooner), heron, vide Gr. 101 and 110, also i -heron. before (in front), mjerot. Ex : nan tn njerot = I am going in front. beg (pi'ay, to entreat), mo, jn-es. memo, perf. II mo, i. mole, pass, luolo. beg (to obtain by begging), njo-njolija, pres. iKjo-ivjolija, pevf <(-nijo-nijolija, i. ngon'jolije. beget (to produce, to create, to build, to form, to make), [jweja, pres. (ju-e,juieja, perf. wjwe'ja, i. 'jioeje, pass, ijivea (also giveya). beget (to produce ; to show), tomeddya, pres. lotomeddya, perf. utomeddija, i. tonteddih, pass. begin (to commence), sidu, pres. siisuln, perf. c^tdii, i. sulnne, pass, sulua. begin, sidttja, pres. susuluja, perf. asuhijd, i. sidiine, pass, sidaa. vide s;(^(. beginning (commencement), s/(7((rt (siisnlna), n. beginning (of the rainy season), /./sf^r (l.-iscr), f. behind, from (back, backwards), ulolddir ("?(>.',/(?//•), adv. vide lidir. behind, /-?JOf. behold (to see), 7ne/e, pres. memele, perf amele, i. inelew', pass. mt'<((. viile jue. belief (faith), y»/e< (y ifet). vide ?/«/. believe, ?/»/. i^res. yxyiif, perf. o^/"/, i. y/^'', l);"tss. ^"/o. vide ?/'(Z*o. believe (to make), toynf, pres. totoyuf, perf. iiloijKf. i. toyiife, pass, toyitfo. vide i/»/. believer, l:ayufoiiit, c pi. hayufo^;. vide yxZ*. bell, hinjiitot, m.pl. lumjuo {hnhjutotji). bell (goat), Jol;obo. bellow (to roar), rumoa, pres. riinimon, perf. iirtimon, i. rumdnili. bellows, /////./f, n.])l. yul-iten. belly ( paunch). /('/e, f.pl./t'/e/rt. belly (body, stomach ; also for, me, the, etc.), mii'iiin {mojon), f.pl. itr/A-. belongings (possessions), toUen, f.pl. toliengi. below (beneath, under, among), lul'ali, adv. and prepos. bemoan (to mourn), ynran, pres. ynynran, perf. injiiran, i. ?/-7rt;. bench (stool), s/(/e<, n.pl. sidetji. bench (form, board, target), <((/.■«, f.pl. tal:ajln. bend (to bow), f?". pres. dadu, perf. oc?((, i. (?'(?(■; pass. fZ''?e. Es : Iwdinl adu mitgnn = the tree is bowed down. beneath (below, under, among), lul-(il:, adv. and prepos. bent (crooked, curved), Inlivooii'j, f nal^tcd'onj, ]il. hfju-olo.id'r, f. pi. na^iwo'o)pjo'i: beseech (to pray), moyn, pres. momoyii, perf. (inioyii, i. HioV (vwyi), pass. J)io/o. Ex : moyita {mo'e'tu) Nijun = beseech God. beside (near, by), didiiKjo. vide rfmr/o. beswear (to soil, to anoint), iceya, pres. iceivcya, perf. aioeya, i. loei, pass, loe'm. betray (someone), hnronohin, pres. i)(«6((- ronbldn, perf. cdmronoldn, i. huronold, pass. betroth (to promise marriage), de'faldn, pres. dedef aid n, perl. udefaldn,\. de'/ahe, pass, depahi. better (more), &/«. bewitch (to charm), demha, pres. dc'demha, perf. ade'niba, i. dcmhi, pass. f?(''Hi((. bewtched, be, dema, pres. de'dema, perf. adema, i. demane. bidder (the highest), Icaftdanit, c.pl. Icufntul;. yidefut. big (worthy, to merit, deserving), l-arudya, pres. ludiunidya, perf. aharudyn, i. lurudye. big bird (tlie feathers being used as a head- dress), (jKrd'i, l.pl. gttrd\-an. big Nile duck, (jogol;, n.pl. (jojoIckii. big sack (bag), hafenggo, f.pl. lafenjgoat. big turtles, ngyer, f.pl. ngyeijin, D. jjyf'r. bigger, nja-njaddu- vide ngaddn. Ex : t?<7i(f aiijan'/oddii — the w^oimd has become bigger. bind (to fasten), ?or, pres, iret, f.pl. icu'retji. border (boundaiy), hlokorit, m.pl. loloLorftan. border (corner, edge), hngicet Qonguet), m.pl. border, si,'o, pres. sisijo, perf. «8<|/'o, 1. s^yc', pass. s/o. bore (screw, dull) i. ?(««('', pass. ?!??io. bore (to pierce), i.jire'. pass. /zr«. bore (to pierce), i. <((7<'', pass. tuJo. bother (to vex, to annoy, to be concerned), darjii, pres. dadarjii, perf adarju, i. darje'. vide bottle (generally a gourd skin), here, f.pl. bough (branch), lene, f.pl. lenya. bound, be (to be treated a.s a slave), inojiya, pres. mo^monya, perf. amo'nya, i. monojt. vide nio^. boundary, lololorit, m.pl. lololoritai}. boundary (limit ; column, furrow, chink, rent), bow (for shooting), dang, n.pl. dunghi. D. fZ«»i;/ (d«n). bow (to bend), c??/, pres. dudiL perf. «(/«', i. di(7(', pass. (7?/7e. Ex: lodini adu mugun = the tree is bowed down. box (chest, coffin), lofor, f.pl. loforo. box (on the ear, slap in the face, a blow with the hand), masu. boy, lolifonit, m.pl. lolifonoJ:. boy (girl, child), nguro, c.pl. nguajil;. bracelet, si'l^u-afat (sfluatat). n pi. sihtca (sfJnia). brag (to boast), miralindya ,inea. mimiraldiidya, perf. anurahindya, i. miraldndye'. brain, Irunyitut, f. branch (bough), /.ewe, f.pl. henya. branch (little branch, twig), hene-nudit, pi. l:enya-nadldil:. brand (conflagration), nolet, f.pl. nd'lcetji. Tide nol;an. brass (copper), dumoddi, n.pl. dumodd. brave (good), lobut, f. nabut, pl.s. bread, muntye, f.pl. muntyelan {muntyeian), also /./?«((. break, heleng, pres. hehe^leng, perf. ale'leng, i. helengc'. pass, helengo. break (to break off, to pick off), givalali, pres. gtcagicalal; peif. agivdUah, i. gundake, pass. gicdlalca. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 73 break (to break to pieces), /e/.en, pves. fefe'hen, perf. (ifeke'n, \.felxenye, \^&3S. felic'mja. break (of its own accord, to burst, to spring), riya, pres. rirhja, perf. ariya {aria), i. riyc. breakfast, mje-na-lcoyxre. breast (of animals), jmj;;/.', L\i\,jiij}ilon. breast (of men), ludo, pi. lidol-i. breast (of women), himd, l.pl. l;inutji. breath (sioli). ynl;et, l.pl. yiThetji. breathe (to blow, to rest, to repose), yiil.an. pres. yiVyulan, perf. YeB.jiJikun, perf. ajikun, i. jiku, pass. jC'kue. \idejik. carry (to bear), fZo/gfJt (^dogu), pres. dodoggu, perf. adoggu, i. doggi, pass. dole. cartilage (of the crocodile, the fiu of the fish), gigi'ru. u.pl. gigirujin. cartridge, Z««<, pi. Zo?/« ; (empty) ^^i7^. case (quiver), gfit'oZo, n.pl. gicohjot. cat (wild), gwang, n.pl. gicangan (alS3 bagwet, pi. bagweya). catch (to take, to keep, to load, to laden), ?yu (icuju), pres. uiiju, perf. aiiju. i. wy"(7i, pass. ?yM. catch (to seize), mo/.-, pres. monwk, perf. ojno/;, i. ?Ho/.e, pass. »no/.-a (mokan). Ex : j/aro amoka i dlli = the hippopotamus has been caught in the pit. catch (specially mice in a trap, to bind, to tie), Ivk, pres. ?o/o/.-, perf. alok, i. ZoAf, pass. loka. catch (to seize, to find), bunyekin, pres. bnbunyekin, perf. abimyekin, i. bunyeki, pass. hanyeki. Ex : ^» abunyekhi kold'nit = we have caught the thief. catch, /.•o?>, pres. Ao7.-ot, peif. «//oZ>, i. /ro/e, pass. kd[fo. catch (to seize, to take pritouer), iojong, pres. totojong. perf. atojong.i. tojong€, pass, tojonga. caterpillar, kuretei, pi. A«r«. cattle, /.efen, pi. Hssit. .^ cattle bell, lungutot, pi. lunguo. cause (reason,' top, head, the first), Aice, f.pl. kujik. cease (to have finished), baka (seldom aka'), pres. babdlca, perf. abd'ka, i. bakani. celebrated (great, powerful), duma, c.pl. temejik (used predicatively it is always te'mejik, used attributively it remains, especially after nom. agcniis, duma). centipede, I uhim^ (also UUm€) ; (little red), sihihca p:nglish-bari vocabulary. 75 certain (true), diri, c.pl.s., adj. Ex: nielo diri = that is true ; sine nataldn nan do dirt = what I have told you is true, adv. certain (certaiu person, one, another), lele, f. nene, m.pl. ludyc, f.pl. Icunij'i. Ex : lele hot lele = one after the other ; lele lo lele = one ■with another (one with the otlier). chain, rerelcet. f.pl. reretetan. vide reJ;, chain, ngorituf, f.pl. ngori (nyoritat, nijori'}. chains (to be in, to bind), re/.-, vide " to bind." chair, ruga, pi. ragajin. challenge (demand), huret, n.pl. hurefji. chamber (small room), hadi-nadet, pi. liadijil- nadidik. chameleon, guniiut, n.pl. gitni. change (alteration, wrath, anger), woret, f.]il. u-6'retji. change (^to change one's condition), wora, pres. u-owora, pcrf. aicu'ra. i. woranih. channel (bed of river), Icare-ld'guhi, m. vide Id'gitlii. chaos (jumble, mixing together), torc'et, f.pl. iore'etji. charcoal, l-nly, f.pl. Ind,: charcoal- (burning). /V/67/, f.pl. yV/o. charge (to charge witli, to accuse), tidya, pres. liiidya, perf. atidya, i. tidye', pass. tija. charitable (to be), ioynmho, pros. iotoynmhU , perf. atoyumlio, i. toynmhc. charm (to bewitch), dtmha, pres. de'demha, perf. ademha, i. demhi, pass, de'ma. chase (hunting), ngoret, f.pl. nyorefji. chase (to drive away, to beat back), dungitn, pres. dudungnn, perf. adiingnn, i. ditngu, pass, duugue. vide dong. chase (to hunt, to drive away), riloio, pres. ririlvro, perf. arihord, i. rihiiro, pass, rilioji. chastiser (avenger), l-aringanit, c.pl. laringak. vide ring. chastity (purity, cleanliness), lelet, n. chatter (prattle, narrate, relate), ngd-ngugn, pres. ngu-ngiihin, pcrf. a-ngd-ngiUju, i. ngd- ngdgi. cheat, ladummanit, c.pl. liadnmmah. vide (?/'■»(?«. cheat (liar), ka-ngdydnit, c.pl. ka-ngdydk. vide cheat (to deceive), dumha, pres. dudumha, perf. adnmha, i. dumhe, pass, dumma. vide cheat (to deceive), dinnm, pres. dndtfrnm, perf. adirmm, i. dnmrne', pass, dumma. cheek, ngcoi, m.pl. nge'jia (ngthya). chemise (body-cloth), bonggo-na-miig>in, pi. linnggiidt-ti-niiigun. chest (of men), /.j'tio', f pi. lidd'ni. chest (coflSn, box), /,o/or, f.pl. lo/dWo. chicken, snl-nri, n.pl. sokoro. chief (prince, princess), mated, c.pl. kimak. child (boy, girl), ngdro, c.pl. ngdojik. child-bed (woman in), /.-ay;;^*, f.pl. /.o)/o/. vide chin, nye'^cem, f.pl. nye'-.ema. . chip (splinter), ./f/ef, f.pl. Jele'tji (jeletji). choice, «?((c( (u-nhiet), fpl. nlaetji. vide choke (suffucate), furyd, pres. fnfuryd, pcrf. afiiryd, i. furydni. choke (to strangle, to kill), /o, pres. \. lucemjetji. ENGLISH-BARI 1^)CABULARY. 77 complicate (to fret), hiiburjij, pres. holcohnrjo, perf. ahobirrjo, i. hohiirje, pass. Icoburo. complain (to cry, to lament, to mourn), wongmi, pres. ivowongon, perf. awongon, i. wonge. complete (to supply, to restore), Invenialnn, pres. kweliweniulnn, perf. ahwenialdn, i. liweniald, pass, liiceniuli'i. comrade (assistant, mate), lungaranit, c.pl. lnVn'jaral;. vide ngaraldn. conception, Jiijet, f.pl. ft'jetyi. vide figa. concerned (to be, to vex, to bother, to annoy), darju, i^res. dadarju, perf. adurju, i. darje. vide dar«. . conceive (to become pregnant), figa, pres. fifiga, perf. «/?;/«, i.fige. conceive (to become pregnant), fiharilnn, pres. fifikarilun, perf afiharikin. \ic\e figa. conclusion (issue; way out), dutet, n.pl. diitetjin. confess (to own), tnk, pres. tntnl;, perf. «^^7.-, i. tike, pass. <((/.o. confirmation (strengthening), togolet, fpl. togoletji. conflagration (brand), noket, f.pl. noketji. vide nokan. conquer (to be strong), ff, pres. tete, perf. r(\.hafesak. yidefesun. conqueror (victor), kutelanit, c.pl. katelak. vide iet/.i. consider (to tliink), ye?/e, pres. ye^/e, perf. ayeye, i. yeyene, pass. 2/^2/0- consolation (comfort, cure, consolatory, argu- ment), s((/.e<, n.pl. saketji. consolation (calming, rest, repose), toynket, f.pl. tiyuketji. consolatory (cure, comfort, cousolation, argu- ment), suket, n.pl. suketji. console (to comfort), suga, pres. susiiga, perf. asuga, i. SH/.-e (sugge), pass. S'fX'rt. consoler (comforter), kasukanit, c.pl. kasitkuk. vide 8((gr(. contemplation (view), rf/ref, n.pl. diretji. contempt (scorn, dislain), murangget, fpl. maran;/f/e(y«. contradict, wonjerikin, pres. wowongerikin, perf. aiDonjerikin, 1. wongerikih, pass, icongeriki. Ex : I am always contradicted by you = jiaw loaicongerlki ngiifi l;o do. conversation (speech), knJyaet, f.pl. Inhjaetji. conversation (talk, discourse), jame, m.pl. Jamyat. xida /(cmhn. converse (to say, to t^lk'),jamhu, pres. jajamhn, perf. ajamhu, i. Jamhi, pass, jama, D. /<(m. convey (lead astray, to try), mor, pres. mumiir, perf. ((/«6'/-, i. miJri, pass, jwore (morn). cook (to cook), (ier, pres. dec/er, perf. ader, i. dere, pass. dera. cook (to brew), toyong, pres. totoyong, perf. atoyong, i. ioyongene, pass, toyonge. cook, deryVf, pers. dedetja, perf. aderja, i. rfer//, pass, rfent. vide (Zer. cook (to roast), /e^/w. vide "to bake." cook, kaderanit, c.pl. kaderak. vide cZer. cooking, fZeref, n. vide cZer. cooking stone, srrZef, pi. suletan. cool (fresL), /i/.-, c.pl.s. cool (not hot, not passionate, quiet-tempered, gentle, meek), feto. cool, to, tolig, pres. totoUg, perf. <(e'na. count (to pay), lundya, pres. hdnndya, perf. ahtndya, i. htndye', pass. hmya. country (land),J*fr, m.pl. /(^ron. country (region, place), _/ir/<, f.pl./in'ie'w. country (region), didingit, n.pl. didingiten. country (land), mudyng ■ (mnding), f.pl. mt(cZ/«5r«?i. couples (i)airs), murek-ko-mttrck. courageous (powerful, strong, angry, wrath- ful), /,((»(/«, c.pl. kangajin. courageous (stout-hearted), tea, c.pl. toala. . courageous (to be formidable), icayn, pres. waiciiyu, perf aio\.,kujdno],-, cowherd, htyiilninit-lo^nayidjulc, pi. hcnjulnih- ii-Ujnl:. cow's milk, /f'. ^/, /.//enj/ (/e, 20J'. curved (crooked, bent), hikico'ong, f. nakicdJdno, pi. lugwv'orfSk, f.pl. naku-oldmok. cushion (or head), /.a/.vY, f.pl. Idkiian. vide ydkit. custom (use, habit, family, tribe), r/u^ea, n.pl. gu-eajin. cut (circumcision, incision), f»/e?, f.pl. titfe'tji. vide tufun. cut (to circumcise), tufun, pres. tidufiin, perf. atiifnn, i. <*(/», pass, tufiie. cut (to chop), io- morja, perf. amorja, i. morji. vide ?Hor. discontented (to be, to grumble), 2/»?en, pres. yiiynh^n, perf. ayulen, i. ?/;/?e. discontented (dissatisfied), tiliongiJn, c.pl.s. discontented (to make), toyiden, pres. totoyii- len, pref. atoyiden, i. toynJene, pass, toyule. discourse (talk, conversation), Jame, m.pl. jamyat, videjambu. discovery (find), nVf, f.pl. r2e-. dish, hdaha, fpl. halahajin. dishonour (to insult, to outrage), /nji, pres. Z/Z/»*i. perf. a?/m, i. /mi^, pass. ?/»»«. dislocated (to l)e sprained). /^(<»(7.o, pres. //(//;- tiiLo, pevL (tfiiti(]:o,i.fiitii]ionih. disorder (to put in, to spoil), tulvr, pres. tatnlvr, perf. atnhor, i. tuhiiiih, pass, tnhbro. vide /.or. .disorderly (dissolute), icoryo, c.pl. looryolan. disperse (to scatter), totore, pres. totore, perf. atofore, i. totorene, pass, totoreya. disperse (for another), totoreJdn, pres. fotorekin, perf. atotoreJnn, i. totorehih, pass, totoreli. disputant (robber, wrangler), harial;anit, c.p!. hitrialal;. vide riagii. dispute (quarrel, fall out, fight), ?woro, pres. mOnioro. perf. amoro, i. moroni. dissatisfied (discontented), tiltongon, c.pl.s. dissemble (to feign), fayu, pres. fafayn, perf. ((fay II. i.fai, pass. _/o?a. dissembler (hypocrite), Tcafalanit, c.pl. Itafalak. vviefayii. dissolute (disorderly), icoryo, c.pl. looryolan. distribute (divide), gweya, pres. gu-e'gweya, perf. agice'ya, i. gu-ei' (gwele), pass, gicela. distribute (divide), l;orja, pres. holiorja, perf. aliorjn. i. /.or/'* (Jmv^), pass. /lOrn. vide A-o;-. disturb (destroy, to squander), /.or, pns. hiJlcUr, perf. rt/.o>-, i. 7.0/-J, pass. /.oro. ditch (hole), looion, f.pl. tcuwiilii. ditch (grave), rf//z, n.pl. diV/ci. divide (to distribute), //or/rt. pres. lokorja, pref. aliorja, i. /.o/^y'z (Jiore'), pass. /.ora. vide Ao?". divide (to distribute), gweya, pres. gicegweya, perf. agic^ya, i. gwe'i {gwele), pass, gwela. divide (to share), Aor, pres. kohor, perf. aAor, i. Aoce; pass. Aora. divorce, yayanju, pres. yayanju, perf. ayanju, i. ynnji. do (to make), Aon, pres. kolon, perf. aAow, i. Ao/i^, j)ass. kona. doctor, katobianit, c.pl. katohiak. vide .\ss. J ilfl. draw^ away (to carry away on wheels, to start, to drive away), u-oroji, pres. looicoro/i, perf. aiwioji, i. wuidjih (icorojiite). draw out (to pull out), duttin, pres. dudntnn, perf. adutnn, i. dtdii, pass, diitue. draw (to lead, to pull), fil;, pres. fifih, peif. fifil^, i. fih^. pass._/i/.o. draw out (to pull out), fihun, pres. JifiJciin. perf. ajikini, i.Jiku, pass, fikne. videfik. draw (water from a well), di/midya, pres. didi/imdya, perf. adifiindija, i. difundue, pass. dread (to be afraid), knjono, pres. kukiijono, perf. akiijono, i. knjononi. dream, ruduet, f.pl. rudnetjl. dress (cloth, stuff), bonggo, n.pl. bonggnat. dress (to put on clothes), r«/i-, pres. rtinik, perf. «r»/,-, i. nKAe', pass. ruka. dress (to tan, to make a dry skin soft by rub- bing), ngin, pres. ngi-ngin, perf. a-ngin, i. ngine, (ngi-nge), pass, ngi-nga. dress (someone), foj'*//, pres. fotqjuf, perf. atojiif, i. lojiijih, pass, tojiifn. dressed (attired, to clothe, to diesa), J nfii, pres. jujufii, perf. ajiifii, pASS.Jxfani. drill (screw), ?u'ne<, f.pl. ninetji. drill (bore, screw), ?u'w, pres. ninin, perf. njim, i. nine, pass. nj?ia. drink, n?©/*' (jnoJCta). drink (to water), mojn, pres. moniojn, perf amoju, i. wio/i", pasjs. mafa. drinker (drunkard), kamdtanit, c.pl. kamaHak. vide moju. drive (especially by force), tisun, pres. titisun, perf. ati'sH7i, i. ves.-4otojq^ perf. atojo, i. tojone, pass. fojo. end, to (to finish), tdba'ka, pres. totabaha, perf. atobaha (i) tobaJmnc. endure (to suffer), ngongga, pres. ngo-ngongga, perf. a-ngongga, i. ngonggi. enemy, mi' ;//tv?, m.})!. mero^-. enemy (hater), lamd'nanit, c.pl. Icamanal;. vide 7Ha?i. enfeeble (to weaken), tomun, pres. [totomitn, perf. atomun, i. tomunye', pass, loni'inya. engrave (engraving), ?c rr, tcirnt. ENG LISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 83 enjoymeat (joy, glad less), Uowjit, f pi. lioiujl- \ to. I. enmity (hatred), manet, f.pl. miCnetji. vide man. enough, ajjo. enough (satisfied, satiate), ijimo.io, or yhji- ,, mono, c pl.s. enough (to suffice, to satisfy), jo, pr-.s. jojo, perf. ajo, i.jon'. enough (literally "so reinaiu"), gipe-sona. j enraged (augry, irritated — of m .u and animals), j jegti, c.pl.s. enter, to. Info. enter (to register, to write d:)wu), icuro\in, \ pres. lowwiCrodn, pjrf. awuro'nn, i. wuro'dh, pass. iv\Vro\'i. '• entirely (totally, almost), aling, adv. vide ling. entrance, l;al;hat. \ entreat (pray, to beg), mo, pres. mom4, perf. amo, i. mo'lc, jjass. molo. ] entreaty (iutercessiou, request^ prayer), moJef, f pi. inoletji. I enumeration (reckoning, account), lenet, f-i^l. Ir'n-'tji. vide Z.-eH. envious (greedy), hele, c.pl. Z)e??'. envy (grudge), da^.;vt, n. vide dal;. escape, u-o\-l;en. escape (flight), danaef, n.pl. danaet/i. escape (to run away, to hide oneself), dana, pros, dadana, p.n'f. adana, i. dadani. escort, iiV/^'f. esteem (regard, respect, honour), Iwaset, f. vide Jacadd. eternal (dwellers in heaven, always living;, yeng-ld, c.pl.s. eternity (for ever, often, very often, always), ngtifi. eunuch (natural), lei;. even (smooth), l6'h del, f. n ihidnt, p.s. evening (in the evening), lioHijang. evening (in the), tiL;vtijaihj. evening (party), sasal;a, n. evening (red), mdld';, f. Ex : madd': iia Id = red in the sky. evening (star), l;asir6\oti, n. every-day, loron-ling. every-where (in all places), i-Jir if en-ling. evil (bad, wicked), longon, f. nangon, pl.s. evil-doer (sinner), Icdoro'nyanit, c.pl. Icatoro^- nijal:. vide toron. evil spirit (Satan), molelid'tyo-hngon, m.pl, mole'i.ejiii-longon. exaggerate (to amplify, to magnify), io'ngaddn, pres. totd'ngaddii, perf. ato'ng idda, i. td'ngaddik, pass, tongata. excavation (hole, deepening), jSruru, f.pl. jontriiot. excel (to surpass, to be more iinpjrtaut), tungnn, pres. totd'ngim, perf. atd'ngnn, i. fd'n- gnne, pass, td'ngne. exchange (barter, goads bartered, inheritance, heritage), l.arntet, f.pl. Icariitetji. exchange (to barter), larnt, pres. l;al:arut perf. al-arat, i. harnte, pass, lani'ta. exchange (to baiter), togwo, pres. totogwo, perf. atojivo, i. togwonc, pass, togioa. exchanger (heir, inheritor), l;aruianil, c.pl. excited, Inmalnng. excrement (dirt), ];ord'doti, f.pl. lord'do; (of porsons), /.tH. exert (to be tired, to tire one's self), ddra, pres. daddra, perf. addra, i. dtrani. exist (to be), literally gwon-dd. Ex : cZo gwon-dd l:o wuj ? = what are your relations? (2) ?ia7i gwon-dd Ico do? = what is the matter ? exhort (to punish, to admonish, to accuse), ring, pres. riring, perf. (u-irtf/, i. n?igr', pass. ringa. exile, Imrrara. expect (to hope), ]ien, pres. yeyen, perf. ayen, i. yene, pass. yeno. expect (to wait), mdn, pres. momon, perf. amon, i. moVu", pass. mono. expected (to wait, to wait for), mdndu, pres. momdadu, perf. amdiidn, i. mdndi {mom), pass. , mono, vide mon. Ex : diV.-rt ngote'-ino moinono = ray mother is expected to-day. 1 expectation, monit, f.pl. mdnitji. vide mo;j. ' expensive (dear), gwdrdgo, c.pl.s. vide gworo aud gio. explore (to spy), togorja, pres. totogorja, perf. atorgoija, i. togorjili, pass, togd'ra. explorer (seeker, searcher), ladolanit, c.pl. Icadolal-. vide rfo)/((. expression (of thanks, reward, thanks), mdrd\i. I vide mdrdldn. extinguish, /?«(/, pres. fefeng, perf. a/sjigr, 1. feng.', pass, fenga. extricate (to pull ofl', tj pull out, to tear off), gondyu, pres. gogondya, perf. agondya, i. gondt, pass, gonya. eye (fruit, especially of a tree), longe, m.pl. /.•on]/eH. eye (the corner of), Injirat, f.pl. /.ityVc. eyebrow, Iwongo. eyelash, loffir-le longe. eyelid, neringye-na-lconge. eyes (of the tree, fruit), lonyen-ti-Jcaden. G 2 84 ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. fable (fairy tale), lililiri, f.pl. lihihiri'len. face, homomj, f.pl. homoBilntn. faint (to be half dead from fright), hCriie, pres. hihiriie. perf. ahfrue, i. hiruene. fainting (swooning), hfrue, c.pl.s. fairy-tale (fable), Ukilciri, f.pl. lihihirC'len. faith (belief), ytifet, n. vide ynf. fall (decline), doro'et, n.pl. doro'efji. vide doro. fall (to sink, to overturn, to tumble — iutrans.), doro, pres. dodoro. perf. a^^oro, i. doronr. Speak- ing of the sun and moon ro undergoes redupli- cation. Ex : holon (ynfa) add'roro = the sun (moon) has set. fall (to slide out, to stumble, to slip), je'Jeta, l^res. jejeieta, perf. aje'leta, \. jeJetani. fall (to stumble, to trip), l.ofiilo, pres. lol:dJu'l:d, perf. aLofulo, i. lofaloni. fall in (into, to jump in), kihalcin, pres. luJcdjahin, perf. alaha'hin, i. labali. fall (into ruins — intraus.), duyomhu, pres. dudiiyoiuhii, perf. aduyomhu, i. duyomhi. fall off (of leaves, etc.), don, pres. dodon, perf. <(rfo>i, i. doru^'. fall (on something, crowd, press), mujii, pres. mti'mnju, perf. amu'Jn, i. muji, pass, mityu. fall out (quarrel, dispute, fight), ?noro, pres. momoiU. perf. amoro, i. moroni. falsehood, 6((/of (urot), n.pl. hurotji (lie), vide iircino. falsely (accuse), mjoMn, pres. n(,o-n^dlin, perf. a-ni,dlin, i. ni,olci. pass, mjoln. falsely (accuse, backbite, slander), mang, pres. mamumj, perf. cimang, i. mangi^i, pass, manga. D. mang. fame (magnificence, brilliancy, lustre, light), Jarayet, f.pl. farayetji. fame (jjraise), ;/o^e<, I.^jI. gotetji. vide godya. family (tribe, custom, use, habit), ;/tpea, n.pl. family (tribe), fir, m.pl. Grf. amliro, i. moroiii. fight (with spear or club), toi'/,-, pres. toto'ih, pert'. (I toil:, 1. /oi/.r. fight (for another, to pay one's debt), mdrdl:in, pres. momoril;in, perf. amijrihin, i. mtjrd'd, pass. 7)io;'o.'i. figure (of wood, etc.), nimnyo, f.pl. ni'mnyojin. figure (statue), nijfnviye, c.pl. n perf. ali'Ja, i. /tjV; pass. /i'V(. filthy (dirty), bamm, c.pl.s. filthy, wnit'yo, c.pl.s. filthy (dirty), hord'do, c.pl.s. filthy. /o<. filthy (dirty of the road), ic6\l<>do, c.pl.s. fin, liiferifte, f.pl. Infeni. fin (of the fish, cartilage of the crocodile), (ihjCru, n.pl. [ivj-Crnjin. find (to catch, to seize), hxmjeliin, pres. hiihunyeliin, perf. ahunyel:in, i. Ijunijehi, pass. hunijeM. find, r/e, pres. rierie, perf ar/e, i. rienih, pass. find (discovery), nV<, f.pl. rieiS/?. fine (like flour, dust), Id'milin, f. nd'milin, \)\. laminyal;, f pi. nd'minya}:. finger, morinet-lo-l:oiiin, pi. morin-ti-J:oitin (l:oniJi). finger (or toe), morinet, m.pl. morin. finish (to be ready), toyonje, pres. totoyonje, jierf. ntoyomje, i. toyomjene, pass, toyowje. finish (to end), '^•P^- ^ddyji (].odi-ti or lodysi). girl (woman, wife), nalwan, f.pl. tca/e. give (to impart), gwe'laldii, pro?, gwegvoe'^laldn, perf. agwe'lalin, i. gicelali, pass. (,ivelahi. give (a present, to give something, to dedicate), do'haldn, pres. doddl;aldn, perF. add'J.-aldn, i. dd^kahi. vide do;/. give more, ya', pres. j/"2/«j perf. «»/a,s''.fiVta. give way (to avoid), giran, pre?, gigiran, perf. agiran, i. ;/a.ss. ijd'ta. Ex : ijodi'td Nijun = praise God. glow-worm, dudut, l.pl. dndu (on. gluttonous (greedy men. also of auimals), Ldttu'ronit, c.pl. lasuro^;. vide sur. gluttonous (to be), sur, pr.-s. susiir, perf. nsur, i. sire. gluttony, ^nret, n. go. Hi, pi. i'titu, irreg. 1. of fit. go and bring (to fetch, to pifk, to pluck). doLtim, pres. dodolum, perf. adolcum, 1. do,' m, i^ass'. dd'kne. go after (to follow after), lefoddu, pres. /.e- hefoddu. perf. al.efoddn, i. l.efoddi'. go a^way (to travel), Jo.'o, pres. jdjolo, perf. (iju!u. i. Jolcini. go away, «;/o, pi. i ;d'ta. go away (to go off, intransitive), uddya, pres. ?(M ddya, jaerf. atVddya, i. uddye', pass. ■ «/« ("!/«)• go down (to descend), c^/c???, pres. f??'. go (to ruin), Imraii, pres. lid'haran, perf. ald'ran, 1. harane. goat, /./yif. pi. /(Z/n. goat, meefyo, f.pl. melon. Ex : me'eiye ndUe = tnill; goat. goat bell, lolloho. goblet (gourd-skin), /ocZe, f. -pi. fodyo. goblet (cup^mostly made of gourd-skins), dihore. n.pl. dilorijin. god (pi. deities). Ngun. From to'-ngun = to sur- pass, to be the highest. golden (shining), losulyeng, f. nasulydig. pl.s. good (just, right), ahu'san, c.pl.s. viile husan. good (well), r/r/, adv. Can only be used in conjunction with moH = moriri (to smell good). good (kind, gracioiis), lobnset, f. nd'huset, pi. Id'busetji, f.pl. nd'biisetji. vide hiisan. good (right), Z«Ji,,o, perf. oJjjo, i- i«>'', pass. jY'o. grind (to sharpen — a spear or arrow), _;'«, pres. juju, perf. aju. i.juje, pass../(5o. grinder (of corn), Laji unit, fpl. hajidli. vide jijo- ►■groan (to sigh), dua, pres. dudua, perf. «cZmo. i. dudtie. grow, durjo, j^res. dudurjii, perf. adurjiJ, i. durjyo. grow old, c?o?t;/;/a, pres. dodongga, perf. adomjga, i. dongiji. growl (to grumble), ?igre?icZa,. pres. wje-ngendya, perf. augendya, i. tigendi. vide ngre?^ growl (to snarl, to clash), nr/en, pres, nge-ngen, perf. a-ngen, i. ngene (ngendi). vide ?if/ew. growth (iucrease), Atref, n. vide cZwrJo. grudge (envy), rfa/.e<, n. vide fZa/i. grumble (to growl), ngeudya, pres. nge-ngendya, perf. a-u'iendya, i. ngendi. grumble (to be discontented), yulen, pres. yuyulen, perf. ayulen, i. ?/((Zf'. Ex : jjgre ayii'Ien al.-wena rofet nd'dit = he (she) was discontented on account of the small wage. guard (shei^herd), lati'yuait, c.pl. kaifyuJc. guard (watchman, person awake), l;al:welianit, c.pl. Icahive'Iiak. guard (watchman), tiyit, pi. tlyitji. guard (to protect, to be shepherd), yugu, pres. yiTyugu, perf. ayu'gu, i. yuge, i^ass. yii'Lti. guard (to hide something, to take care of), de'laldn, pres. dede'lalin, perf. ade'laldn, i. delalc, pass, delali. guest (stranger), homonit, c.pl. guide (leader — of men and animals), laffJionit, c.p\. l;afr]:oh. guide (the leader— especially of an animal), l.ajil.onit, c.pl. hnjihijl;. vide jiJc. guilty, amona. guinea-fowl, iafingi, f.pl. ta'fengon. guinea-worm, mejeijo, pi. majalca. gun, /,(//(«. gunpowder (from the Arab bar ad), gicarut, n.t. gutter (sink), hii.],et, n.iA. huhetji. vide hnl;. H habit (family, tribe, custom, use), gwea, n.pl. yweajin. hailstone (pebble), turiildi, m.pl. to^rol;. hair (feather), Imjirot, m.pl. I:>ifir. half ripe (thing), wangetat, m.pl. wange. hamlet (village), <«r, m.pl. tinijn. hammer (small one), Id'lo, m.pl. ho'Mo. hand, lotiin, m.pl. loin'Ji. handle (to touch), tan, pres. tatan. perf. ato?i, i. tanyv. pa.¥s. tanya. handle (of hatchet), liuniCreg, f.pl. lunurehi. handle (to touch), ho, prts. hold, perf. aJ/d, i. ZyoZr'', pass. hd'Io. handle (as knife handle, etc.), sot, n.pl. sotan. handle (steel, of a shovel or hatchet), luld, m.pl. laid Jill. hang up (hang upon), liJildn, pres. Ulildn, peif. alilildn, i. lilihi, imss. /<7i7.z. vide Zi'Azn. hanged, lihin, pres. lili'Idn, perf. ali'ldn. i. nil, pass. Zi'/.z (commoner form of lilild). Ex : /,«Je lolonnit alilild = the thief was hanged yesterday. happy (blessed, blissful, rich), Incorinit, c.pl. Icicoriniho. hard (to make strong), Lon-ald'go. vide /.on and Id'go. hard (dry), Id'teyon, f. ndHeyon, pl.s. vide hard (strong), Zd'gro, f. nd'gn, pl.s. hard (to make hard, strong), toga, pres. totogn, perf. atogo, i. togole, pass, togd'lo. hard (to make strong), l;on-and'go. vide A-o/i and Zo'r/o, f. nd'go. harden (to dry up — transitive), toteyon, pres. iototeyon, perf. aioteyon, i. toteyone, pass, toteyd'no. Ex : tlie sun dries up the grass = lolong toto- teyoH dern. hardness (strength, force), g'o?e^ n.pl. gd'letji. vide f/o. hare (a species of butterfly), lildto, f.pl. lildto- lon (Jildtojin), also lotolle. harpoon (hippo), dumi, pi. dnmyat; (harpoon float), url\ (harpoon — crocodiles), /efe. harvester (reaper), l;ungerardt, c.pl. lid'nge'rali. haste (course, run), riimet, f. vide rom. hasten (to hurry, to meet), rum, pres. rurmn, perf. arum, i. rume. Ex : I met a lion = nan arum I.v lomyru. hat, tagiya. hatch (to breed), trnju, pres. totoyu, perf. atoyu, i. loi {tohf), pass. ^o'7o. hatch (to set on eggs), larafa, pres. lal-arafa, perf. aJcarafa, i. lara/ani, pass. Jiarafd'ri. hatchet (big hatchet, hoe), <;« (dilro), n.pl. (^e'r^e (dor»e). he (she), «5fe (n^/e), also lit, c.pl. ?e (s«7o, /.((Zo). he (she, alone), nge-geJeng, c.pl. sc-lade. he (she, himself), nge-lcfeng, c.pl. se'-lofe'ngat. he (who), n(/a. Ex : ngd'ku sn'd ti nge ying = he who has ears to hear, let him hear ; (2) 7igd al;on snna = who has acted so. head, l-ive. head (the principal, the first, prince, princess), Id'lol-we, f. nd'lolnoe, pi. tCkol.ive. vide hn-e. head (top, the first, the cause, reason), /.jce, f.pl. InijCl;. head (head cushion), Idlit, f.pl. Idlitan. vide tjahit. head (dress of feathers, tuft of hair), hgmja, m.pl. logiiyulan. head (dura), Inoc-na-holot. heal (to make well), toln\i, pres. totdbi'a, pcrf. iduhia, i. tohiane. vide ti(/. health, ii''ef (bfyet). vide Wo. health (cure), l- la'nyet. her (him, by, to, from), l.d'-ngit. herbs (grass, plants, pastuies), (7e(i, n.t. here (there, here, hither), ?a'. Ex : i /.•«/.• ni = licre on the earth ; ««>; /o = there am I ; /o ni = come liere. heritage (inheritance), rutet, f.pl. rutetji. vide heritage (inheiitance, goods bartered, ex- change, barter), lartftet, f.pl. lurutet/i. hernia (scrotum), tulntid, m.pl. tidututjin. heron, logord. m.pl. logorulan. hers (his), luVnyet. hide (skin, leather), (/oter, l.pl. gd'bero. hide, dc', pros. f?ff7(% perf. «de, i. dele, pass. dv'la. Ex : nrni dedc mugun = I am hiding. hide (rne's self, to run away, to etcape), dana, pres. dd'dana. perf. add'na, i. danani. hide (something, to take care of, to guard), de'Ualin, jircs. dede'lahin, perf. ade"lctlm, i. delal,c'\ piass. de'lali. high, /o'VZh, f. nd'du, pl.s. Ex: mere ald\lu — the mountain is high ; /.oc?/ and'dn = the house is high. high (tall, long), ld['yo, f. nd'jyo, pl.s. highest-(bidder), luifutanit, c.pl. lafiflalx. \idefiif. higlik tree, litgboH; (fruit of higlig), lugbat. hill, Inrittd t, m.pl. lurnta'tjin. vide ?j<)V(', hill, ?(»!/', m.pl. luridt. hill, /.of^H, m.pl. lodulan. him (her, by, to, from), Id^ngif. hippopotamus, yoro, n.pl. ya'ritjin. Ex : i j((r /d ^((r/ yurujin jore = in ihe Bari country there are many hippopotami. hips (loins, side), lorn, m.pl. Zomo. his (her), Id'nyet, f. nanyet, pi. la'nyet. his (her, etc.), Id'-ngit, f. nd' ngit, p). hd'-iigit. his (hers), Id'nyet. hit (with the hands, clap the hands), nanggu, pres. nananggii, pvef. ananggu, i. nanggi, pass. nanga. vide 7irt?)^. hither (here, there, here), ?i/. Ex : /d j?t = come here. hither (to skip, to hop, to leap out rr forth), Id'hun, pres. hduhu'n, perf. ahdiun, i. Z(f?.j<. hoe (long), ?((trt (short), /.o/ie, also ?«i«, «a.pl. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY 91 hold (to raise, to lilt, to bear hither, to carry hither, to float along on the watei), dnl-iim. pres. du\luhiim, perf. adulntm, i. dulii, pass. dulcue (jduhwe). hold (to ra'se, to lift), def, pres. dedef, perf. adef, i. defe, pass, de'^fa. hold back (to keep back, to keep off), gogii. pres. gd'gogn, perf. agd'gii, i. gdJ^e, pass, go'ho. hole, d;7j. hole (deepening, excavation), jonirn, f.pl. Joiu'ri:of. hole (deep place), rumd, f.pl. mrnolri. hole (ditch), u-otcn, f.pl. ivowuli. hole (aperture, opening), <»/?£7ei, f.pl. tntuletji. hole (mouse-), rurno-na-mijoli, pi. rurtioli-ti- ■ihijol;. holy (pure, white), lu'kwe, f. nalwe, pi s. vide /o7.e. home (house), ?ne(?e, {.\>\. ndo. inside (therein, into), ngin. into (inside, tin rein), ngin. intoxicated person (a drunkard), hamc'ranit, c.pl. hame'rah-. intoxication (tippling, carousing), jneret, f.pl. nu'''reiji. intoxication (drunkenness), meran {me'ran), f. invite (to call hither), Inugnn, pres. hdungiin, ptTf. ahiugiin, i. liingii {lungi), pass. Jungn. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 93 invite, to (to come from afar), gnhun, pres. guijidun, perf. acjuhun, i. gulu, pass, gu'lue. Ex : _r/«/,M nan = invite me. inward (interior, the inside, the interior), l-atd, f.pl. hata'jin. iron, reat, f.pl. re (reh). iron ring (tliielv or hroaH). Jnga, f pi. jagajin. iron-stone (iron-ball, bullet, iron-nail), wi'yute, f.pl. wiyv. irony (disgrace, insult), moret, f.pl. moretji. vide mdr. irritated (enraged, angry — of men and animals), jegii, c.pl.s. island (especially a small one), fi'fi, m.pl. fifia. island (big), til.en, m.pl. tilemjo. issue (conclusion, way out), dutet, n.pl. dutetjCn. itch (leprosy, mange), yangotat, n.pl. yango. itch (scab, pimples), 1^-efot, f. itch (to scratch, to rub), /«rt, ^irea. fufiiri, petf. afuri, i.furim'. Ex : horilM fufuri = the skin itches. ivory (elephants' tusks), hele'-lo-tome, pi. 1:ala- ti-tome {lala-tl-tomya). ivory (arm ring), raratat, f.pl. rara. J jar, tongbo. jaw (mouth), lutuk (kotoh), f.pl. Ini'tusen. jaws (palate), dalo, n.pl. dalolo. jaw-bone, lembe, m.pl. lemhijot. jerboa (rat),/rt?tfojjgr, f.^l. funtongan. jest (to joke), gwujo, pres. gicugwujo, perf. agwiijo, i. giouje. joiner (carpenter), ]:ale''fanit, m.pl. hahe'yul:. vide /.efca. joke (fun), f/HV, n. vide gtcujo. joke (to jest) gwujo, pres. ginVgioujo, perf. agicii'jo, i. gumje. jolt (to shake), dodong, pres. dodong, perf. adodong, i. dodomje, pass, dodomja. journey, ./eZe. joy (enjoyment), liongit, f.pl. Uongiton. judge, JlCisu rnnit, m.pl. lasd'rak. vide car. judge (to direct), «ar, pres. sasftr, perf. asar, i. sare, pass. s«'ra. judge (to judge someone, to make one's will or statement), saraldn, pres. sasd'raJiin, perf. asaraldn, i. saraki, pass, sd'raki. judgment (also assembly, meeting, also stick which the Bari carries as a symbol of meeting, shaped like a fork), /;(-'. pass, gd'ko. keep off (to enclose, to abstain from, to fast), fen;/, pres. teteng, perf. ateng, i. fe»f/t', pass, tengo. keep (to load, to laden, to catch, to take), uju, pres. nu'ju, perf. aiVjii, i. ?s/i7i, pass. ?«,'?/. keep (or raise), i"f, i. bite', pass. Z>i70j cf. J>h^ lashes, hihita. last (the last), ]omiilv\; f. namitlo^,; pi. tfimdiok. vide mulw:,-. last (the last, at least, end), mulol; f. lasting (always), yenj'ngin, c.pl.s. later, tjjo, also mdda. later (then), cZecZe (also sooa). Ex : Jio« /o/o f?c'(7e = I am coming soon. later (then, soon), de (ede, dede). later (after), ede {de, dede). later (still later, the diy after tomorrow), laugh (to laugh at), Iweni, pres. hweliweni, perf. aktc ni, pass. Icweninc. laugh (to make laugh, i.e. by tickling), hohdlija, (pres.) hobdlija, perf. abobaiija, i. boho^iu"', pass. bobo'ia. vide bci. law (command), saref, n.pl. saretji. lay (vide ''to put, to place something"), tofi'rikin. lay (to place, to put), togwCdihln, pres. tolojn-fdiliin, perf. atojwfdikin, i. tojicidild'h. lay on (to put on), gafcfhin, pres. gajafahin, perf. ajafcfhin, i. gafaln, pass, gafalci. laziness (idleness), yofcef, n. lazy, 2/o7'''', al-;o 6«r (only used in conjunction with m(5 and to), vide mobur and xss.fihd. lead (to draw, to pull along, to drag, especially cattle), jili, pres. jijih; perf. a//A-, i. jilie, pass. ./t".vo. lead (lo lead into temptation, to entice), difmara, prea. dtidtfmara, perf. adii'mara, i. dmnird, pass, dnma'ji. lead (to drive), me', pres. mewr', perf. am<', i. H(e)ip, pass. meya. lead (to lead astray, to make bad, to sin), toron, jires. td'toron, perf. atdWon, i. torony/, pass, tord'nya. lead (to lead astray, to try, to convey), mor, pres. momor, perf. amor, i. iHoyt", pass, more {moro). lead (to lead away, to take away, to carry aw.iy). jong, pres. jojong, pesf. ajong, i. jonje, l^ASs. Jonja. lead on (to carry on), jikun, pres. jijilun, perf. ajiJntn, i., ///.??, pass. _/Y7;Me. vide ,/«','.•. ■ leader (guide— of men und animals), liafilvnif, c.pl. liafilM'!:. leader (the guide — especially of an animal), laJiLonit, c.pl. IcaJiLo^:. vide,//.'.-. leaf (of tree, ixaper, etc.), lord'fotat, f.pl. lwr6\fo. leak (to run, to bubble, to drizzle,- 'to drox> — of tears), u-on, pres. ■ztoiooji, perf aii-on, i. ^pohc'. vide liomjen-u'on. lean (thin), Id'soJc, pl.s. D. so/r. lean (against or upjn), f/7.o, pres. titi\o, perf. atilxv, i. tilwnili. leap (out or forth, to hop, to skip), labii'n, pres. lalahun, perf. cdabit'n, i. /at?/. learn (to be taught), di'nild, pres. didfnild, perf. adinild, i. dlnildne. learn (to become learned), todCniM, pres. totodiniki, perf. atodinild, i. todinike. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 95 learned (learned man, scliolav), hade'nanit, c.pl. Icacl/nah. vide den leather (skin, hide), (joher, l.pl. tjo'hero. leather (sack which also serves as a cradle), d'ifa, n.pl. difajin. leave (to abandon, to desert), fa, pros, fafd perf. afd, i. fan', pass, faya, (i. uegat. Lo/k. vide Icofajur). leave (behiul), ]ioId\ia-hot. vide loJo'.vi. leave (tj leave someone, to leave behiml, to abandon, to forgive), ],dld\in, pres. l;6l;olo';ln, perf. alwldkin, i. 1cdIo\-t, pass, /.-o'/o {loJo'.i). leech, loblhiit, m.pl. lohib'itan. of. ^i". left (to the left), A-af?(itt/e (fidv. mostly used with the prefix " a "), aladong '. left (i.e. hand, or foot, etc.), l;a hnjc, m.iil. laidonjeJri. leg (from the hip do.vuwards), md^-ot, m.pl. moJiotJi. leg (below the knee), lorro^M. leg bone, Innjn tijD, m.pl. Icmj i. leg irons, rlhinde. lentils, lofutn. leopard (tiger), lioka, f.pl. l-oliajin. leopard, Inoaru, ra.pl. Invarujin. leprosy (itch, mange), yanjotat, u.^il. ijawju. lest (couj.), on. let (to allow), /.o, pres. /.o'iO, i^erf. a/.o, i. lijli, jta^s. Aoto. let (let a thing slip, to miss an opportunity), duto'dn, pres. dndnto^dn, \)Qyi. aduto^dn, i. dutolii, pass, dnio'd. .letter, jonge. liar, huronet, c.pl. huronoli. vide urono. liar, nronit, c.pl. uronolc. liar (cheat), k£ngoyoiiU, c.pl. hd'HidyUl;. vide lick off, dd'ng, pres. dadd'ng, perf. add'nj, i. dangg{, pass, danga. lick off, danggu, pres. dudanjgn, i. dangijt, pass, danga. lid (cover), roA'< f.pl. rd'/etji. lid (cover), lodfd, m.pl. loJCetji. lie (falsehood), hitrof, n.pl. hurotji. lie, nro.to, pres. ii urono, perf. d'aruno, i. M?ouoni'. lie down (take to one's bed, be seated), firild, pres. fifirild, perf. affrild, i. finklne. Hie, fote't, {.pl.fote'tji. vide /of. life (also look, aspect, view, mirror), me^'l9"f perf. amiUanggu, i, mi'lyanggi. lightning, milya, m.pi. mdydUan. like (similar, as), (/(uuso, also gweajo. like (similar, as), adv. gicosc. like (to come, to come willingly), duk-fofo, \n-cs.dedek-fofo, perf. ade'k-fofo, i. deke'-fofo.' limit (boundary, furrow, column), r/?e(. lion, komiru, m.pl. kUmi'ruot. lip, /o?>iH, m.pl. lobhflau. little, liidi;, c.pl.s. little (small), ?o"fij7, f. Ji«"(/i7, pi. 16'diUk, f.pl. little branch (twig), kenc-mCdit, pi. kenya- nadidik. little (animal), monig, m.pl. monyken. live (to remain), (/a'o/i (gwogicon), live (stay), gicolong, pres. gwogwolong, j^erf. agioolong, i. gwolongi'. live, /di, pres. /o/df, perf. o/d/, i./ofe'. live, d»7rd, pres. dudukii, perf adxi'kd, i. dukom'. live (also to look, to see), m-.-f, pres. inemet, perf. amef, i. Tneff', pass. ?iiefd. live (to see), meddya, pres. me'meddya, perf. am''ddya, i. meddi {niedi'). pass. h;p7((. live (with somebody, to remain), gwilinggi, pros, gwigivilinggi, perf. agudlinjgi, i. gwilinggi. vide gtcolong. liver, munyet, f.pl. mtinyetJL lizard, gurutot, n.pl. {//(j-m. lizard. (^ile), manya, f.pl. manyd'Jin. load, 2/;(?i, pros, yuyiin, perf. «//•(«, i. ?/?{«(»', pass, yu'na. Ex : 7,rt^«e. ayifna farfk = he is too heavily laden. load (to laden, also to keep, to catch, to take), !y'!(, i^res. li iija, perf. d'uju, i. ?t/'«7i, pass. loan, monerja. locust (grasshopper), Id'dere, m.pl. Jodercla. log (tree, wood;, kodini, pi. kaden. logs (for the fire, wood fT fuel), kaden-ti- kimang. loin cloth (girdle), kafd'U-a, f.t. loins, mukek. pi. mukcka. loins, lom, m.pl. ?oma. D. Zojn. long, Zd'/yc;, f. Hf/Vyo, pl.8. long (to long for), & •', pros, ^ettf", perf. oti', i. ' 6de', pass, /j/'/o. 96 ENdLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. long (long time ago, earlier, sooner), la'u. Ex : nan hajti aying sine = I heard that long ago. look (view, aspect, mirror, life), metet, f.pl. m'-'tetji. look (to see), met, pres. meniet, perf. amet, i. mete, pass. metd. look (to see, to view), Inidi, pres. Inflndi, perf. al.udi, i. Jaidie', pass. Jaidt'lo. look for (to seek), doija. pres. dd'doya, perf. add'ija, i. dot (doh'), pass. ffc'7«. vide do. look for (to seek), do. jires. (7oc?o', perf. add, i. fZoe {dole), pass. rfo'7o. look for, gfaf/M, pres. gagayu, pert, agayu, i. j/a?, pass. ;/d7«. look up (to look up), hongijci, pres. bd'bongga, perf. abd'tuiga, i. bon'jge, pas.s. bonga. look up (to look towards a place), yey'a, pres. yeyfi'\ia, perf. aj/e'!/", i. ^/e/e. look (to look with pleasure), dir-lni-lfongSn. lose, /j/i/tt, pres. lililun, perf. aJil;in, i. ///ii', pass. Zi/;/?i. Ex : ass. tc'ni'J. measure (with basket), temha, pres. ietemha, perf atemhci, i. temhih, pass. te"ma. meat, l6l;ore, f.pl. lokd'rio. meat (sun-dried), /erfo. mechanic, ?w?i9, c.pl. lodudl. meddle w^ith (to agree), morja, pres. mii'morjn, perf. cthi I'rja. i. morji. mediate (to make peace), kwitgit, i)res. /rica- ].-irag:(. perf. cdncagu, i. luvigt, pass. Icivala. mediatof (peaco-makei), kalnod'kanit, c.pl. /.■a/.'(r«7.7f/.-. mediator (peace maker), kamii'i-Knit, c.pl. medicine (physic), ?{/«?', m.pl. iimPkii. vide it'/jii". medicine (remedy), it'/nr, m.pl. winflo. Ex : the doctDrs give medicine to the sick = kcdoli'ak yeyc'L-iik/n kamyeji ivinild. meditative (pensive person), kabe'lanit, c.pl. kahelak. meet (to come togeiher), fendya, pres./e/ewc7?/a, parf. cifeitdya. i.fenddi. meet (also to hasten, to hurry), rum, pres. rurum, perf. arum, i. rwinc'. Ex: I met a liou = »"« arum ko kdmyru. meet (befall), kek, kigi, pass. l;e'l;a. melancholy (pain. dure''tji. vide dztrH. melt, mijo, pres. mi'mijo, pass. iJii'o. menace (to threaten), ?//;;, ny//'/, i. yige', pass. yfga. menace (threaten), musid:, pres. mumusnk, pei f. amusii\\ i. musuli-e', pass, mumka. menace (threaten), yigga, pres. yiyigga, perf. cy'[m. i- y*'?./f'. pass. 2/i"f/«. mend (repair, to arrange), tetemdya, pres. tetendya, perf. atctendya, i. tetendi'k, pass. ft^f'«CY. I mend, w/gr, pres. )•/;■/(/, perf. arin'g, i. ririke, 1 jiass. ririka. j merchant (tradesman), /.•«c?t'//o?H7,m. (c.)pl./;arfo- merciful (compassionate), ko-tihvyli-lobHt, c.pl s. merciful (pitiful person), kanyunyii'ronif, cjil. kanyiinyifrok. mercy, nyunyuret, f. merit (deserving, worthy, big), karudya, i^res. kiil.iiriidyn. perf. akariidya, i. larudye. messenger (carrier), kaJd'ngaiiit,c.p].kajo')igak (also yoJ:r). H pres. kekel-, perf. nAv/;, i. suffering'', dure''t, n.pl. perf. amijo, i. ?n?jV, pres. 2//y/(/. perf. 98 EXGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY, messenger (porter), hrtju'cnit, c.pl. lajii ek. messenger (biarcr, carrior\ la>/ 'lutnef, c.pl. messenger (mule or female), !ui^ I'nyonil, c.pl. l-ag«/mj', perf. ami, i. mi7<% pass, mi'la. perfume, modi. perhaps, kode. Ex : kode nan fofo = perhaps I will come. 102 ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. person (awake, the guarJ, walchmau), /,(('.- u- 'liatiit, c.pl. ],aliK''liaI.-. person (crying, mourner), l-agn-i'e. c.pl. l.ag- irf^ejin. perspiration (sweat), ngi-nniret, f.pl. ngi-ngi"- rctji. phlegm, rett^, f.pl. rc'tetji. physician, hunit, c.pl. hii'nuh. pick (gnaw), ghhlya, in\s. and perf. regular, i. giddy ^, pass. gCHa. pick (fruits, Howers), de, pres. dede, perf. adc, i. dene, pass, deya (d/\t). pick (to pluck a bird), rondu, pres. rorondu, perf. arondu, i. rondih, pass, ronyo (rd^ngo)- pick (to gather), dejya, pres. dedejya, perf. adejya, i. deji {den"'), pass. Jej/a (rf''''a). pick, de"nn, pres. dpcle'^un, perf. ade'^un, i. cZf"i«, pass. de'\ie. pick (to pluck, to fetch, to go and bring), dolnim, pres. dodoJ:um, perf. adoJcuni, i. do/.w, pass, do' hue. pick off (to break, to break off), gwalal; i^res. gicagicdlaJi, perf. agwalak, i. gwalalce', pass. pick up (to colL'ct, to gather), licoddu, prts. livolacoddu,, perf. altooddu, i. Iwiiddi (Jcicb- licuddi), pass. In-oto. pick up, lacodd, pres. ]:icd\icodd, perf. alwodd, i. hifoddi, pass. Juvbto. piece (part), ^»/(;•', f.pl. tufe'jin. pierce, m/yrt, pres. mimi'ya, perf. amfya, i. wh'(/('', pass. wH7a. pierce (spear, to spur), so/m, pres. sosb'Jn, perf. asb'Ju, i. sqy't', pass. sz<'e. vide so. pierce (perforate), mt', pres. mimt', perf. omu', i. m/7'; pass, mi'la. pierce (bore), ^r, pres. ./i/ir, perf. «/?r, i. ./?rc', pass. ^ra. pierce (bore), fw, pres. fufw, perf. o^m, i. ^H7e', pass. fwVo. pig, w'//, pi. tfriyd. pigeon, (7Mre, n.pl. gureki. pigeon, lol-l'ofc, pi. lo\ofeyu. pigmy (dwarf), hengge, c.pl. l:eug je'le. pillow, til;et ; (of wood) u-iiri. pimples (scab, itch), hefot. pincers (tongs, especially fire tongs), Icivara (huara), m.pl. Iwd'rali. pinch (nip), tong, pres. totong, perf. atonj, i. toiig' (to'Kjgi h), pass, tonga. pipe (tobacco), rfo/.-. pipe (water in bowl), horrogo. pitch tree, lugiveti, ui pi. lugicat. pitcher (pot, jug), .««/', l.pl. sa/;/a (sd'fia). pity (to feel pity, with weej^iug eyes), lonyen- icon, pres. Ivnyen-icoioou (icoivon-lonyen). peif. Ivnyen-awoji, i. u-onc-honyen. place (room), tagicd'det, f.pl. tagicd\lefji. place (country, region), /'/('V, f.pl._/7'n'7ei(. place (to lay, to put), togirf'-dihin, pres. /o/o- givVdildn, perf. atogid'dH.in, i. togiiHdiJ.ih. place (to put), tosida, jires. /o/o-si" f?a, perf. perf. atosida, i. tosidanv, pass, tosidaln. vide sjrfa. place (to put, to lay), tofirihin, pres. toiofCrihin, perf. atofi'rihin, i. tofirih' h, pass, tofirild. vide }zrt'7. plain (field, pasturage), l;af(iti, f.]il. /.•«"/«. plants (herbs, grass, pasture), tZeh', n.t. play (like children) 6«'r?/o, pres. hihlryo, perf. ahiryb, i. hiriyone. play (on the flute, a whistle), lut-ld liha. plentiful, ^ore, pres. ./ojore, perf. q/ore, i.Jorene'. plot (of grass, turf), giinirn, l.pl. ;/t«< rwa. plough (to cultivate), ]:urjti, pres. liil-urju, perf. aJnirJii, i. /i//r;'i', pa«s. /.■*;)•« (Jnfru). plough (small, shovel), /.o/'u, f.pl. hbfuot. pluck (a bird, to pick), rendu, piX'S. rorondu, l^erf. arondu, i. rondih, pass. ro?f?/o (rd'njo). pluck (pick, to fetch, to go and bring), dolaim, pres. dodohm, perf. adokum, i f7o/.j<, pass, dolme. plume (feather, ornament), mf-ngatat, f.pl. plunder (to rob), fesun, pres. fefe'sun, perf. afe'sitn, i.femi, pass. /e''si(e. plunder (rob), ryagn, pres. ryaryagu, perf. aryagu, i. ryagih, pass, ryaka. point (dTop), fifidit, {.\)\.jifiditon. point (top, suriniiit),_i^?ya, i.^\.filydla (fi'yalan). point (sharpen), (/of, pres. gogot, perf. rtgrof, i. (j(ofc', pass, gro/to. poison, tcirih, m.pl.. icin'et. Ex : if you take poison you will die = Zo do wio/'m wmh do toton. poison (deadly, mortal), toiuet, c.pl. totuetji. poison, s/^m. pres. susum. jjcrf. asum, i. SHme, pass. siVma. poisoner, lusumanif, c.pl. kammali. pole, fee, m.pl. fe;wi. polished (smootli), tojro, c.pl.s. polished (sharp), o/mo, c.pl.s. pond-water, fiom-ti-jar. pond, ,/or, f.pl. ./ora. poor (impoverished), ZojHen', c.pl. lomeri'ha. porch, didet. porcupine, yayasho, pi. yaya. porridge, fungo. porter (messenger), kajiVanit, c.pl. hajti'el:. possess, tolien, pres. totd'Uen, perf. atd'lien, i. fo.'/e /;;''. possession, /,«/«, f.pl. lafaki. possession (property), tuktvoryen, f. vide lirorinit. possessions (belonging), tolien, f.pl. toUenji. Ex: my father is rich, he has large possessions = haha ha tolien jore. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 103 post (stake j. la hi'!, f.pl. l;aleto. pot (pitcher, jug), safe, l.pl. safya {safia). pot (cooking), tnU, m.pl. tuUa (tulya). pot (vessel), lufunit, m.pl. lufunilM. pot (earthern vessel), tadol.-, f.pl. tadolui (especial!}' for the prepaiatioii of the yaua '' nierissa "). pouch (for the tobacco), hoso, m.pl. hosoyCn. pour (to spill), hul; pres. huhali, pert', ahul;, i. ?*it/i:"; pass, huhii. pour, diWUl-en, pres. di'liJi'liken, perf. udlli- lihen, i. diUliln, pass. dlUlikl (especially water on the hill Is). pour (to pour in, to put iu\ tarja, pres. tiitnrjii, perf. aturja, i. ^^r/:^', pass. /?rra. pour into (to ladle), yiJahin, pres. yiyflakiii, perf ayflalin, i. yilali, pass, yihihi. power (strength), 6»fo'//ti/, ii.pl. haluyetji. power (might, strength), riH;//<. f.pl. rinrj'ten. power (strength), i[^m/o<, u.pl. hulijtji. powerful (great, celebratnl), dicina, c.pl. tc'inejih. powerful (strong, courageous), hanrjd, c.pl. luingajin. powerful (mighty person), lalniluait, c.\A Lalni'lu':. powerful (to be strong), ringito, pres. riringilo, perf. ariiuj'to, i. ringitonih. powerful (to be able), hulo, pres. huhidii, perf. abil'Io, i. hidSiie. praise (blessing), ratet, f.pl. rd'tefji. praise (fame), gofet, l.pl. gotttji. praise (to glorify), godya, pres. gododya, perf. agodya, i. j/ode, pass. \. l;(i(jwcak. prodigality (devastation, desolation, profusion, waste), hdrrt, f.pl. korffji. vide kor. produce (to beget, to create, to build, to form, to make), gweja, pres. gwa'gweja, pert, aga-e'ja, i. gweje, pass. gwe\i. profusion (devastation, desolation, prodigality), kih-rt, f pi. kdri'tji vide kor. prohibit (forbid), J ((/it, pres. Jm/w, perf. ajuju i. Jujune, pass, jujua. 104 liNGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. promise (marriage, to betrotli), ih''j\ihin, pres. (J('s. r/o. pull out (draw out), fJ.nn, pres. jifilnm, perf. (ifil;un. \. filiu, Tpasa. jikut. xlde Jil: pull out, sa, pres. s^fsa, ptrf. a.s«, i. Sfnie', pass. *«. Ex: »Kr?i saSG fZo ];ele'= I am pulling out one of your teeth. pull out, saju, pres. sasd'Ju, perf. asd]iii, i. }J'(/V', jiass. s«. pull (to draw, to drag), lul; pres. hdiji-, perf. «Zm/i;, i. luM, pass. /«/.•'(. pass. vide pull along (to lead, to draw, (o diag, especially cattle), ./'//.■, i^res. Jijik, perf. ajil.; i. Jilw', pats. irio. pull down,(knock down — trans.), ]. I.adi'nak. vide dinihi. ' pupil (scholar, follower), laitulmiit, c.pl. ' larii'ldl:. ' purchase (buy), giidrun, pres. gn-iigicvrun, perf. agiciJrun, i.gudiii, puss, guoriie. purchase (for someone), gicoriikin, pros. i, perl', agudrolcin, i. gimrdki, g wort) hi. pure (clear, bright), /o'7.e, f «d7i7=, pi s. pure (holy, white), Idlive, f. nu'kn-e, pl.s. ! purifier, katoke'lanit, m.pl. katoke'htl;. htlan. purify (clean), /o/. pres. /"/o<, perf. o/of, i.fote, pass. /()7o. purity (cleanliness), toleht, f.pl. tokeUefji. i purity (cleanliness, chastity), /.eZt-f. pus (matter), !(/6t, f. push (throw away), dd'hura. pres. dudukara, j)erf. adukara, i. dukavu. pats, dukd'ji. vide put (place), tosiWa, pres. tvtosi'da, perf. (itosi'da, i. tosidane, pass, tosidaki. vide sicZff. put (lay, place something), tofi'rikin, pres. \tot(ifirikin, perf. utafi rikin, i. tofirilih, pass. ' tofiriki. I put (place, to lay), /o^.tt'i' 'tor, f. ndHor, pl.s. red ant, mikile, m.pl. miAt. red glass beads, kand'reti, f.pl. kd'nare. redeemer (saviour), kuluUkUnit, m.pl. kaluokok. redemption (freedom, deliverance), luoki't, f. reed (for tobacco-pipe), tfribi, m.pl. tin bat. reedbuck, otwri. reeds (bull-rushes, bushes), /«'tZMn;/j. reedy grass, lottolle. reflect (to think, remember, trust), yeye'Ju, pres. yeye'JK, perf. ayeyc'jti, i. yeyeji, pass. reflect upon (to long for, to be greedy), 6(-; pres. ^cZw'', perf. ok-; i. teZe', pass, fee'^w. refuse, «//ten. regard (esteem, respect, honour), kwaset, f. vide kivadd. region (place, country), ^r«f, f.pl. fin'ten. region (country), didi'ngit, n.pl. didi'ngitm. register (to enter, to write down), imfrokiv, pres. louwiirokin, perf. awu'rukin, i. wurol.fh, pass, ivu'roki. rejoice (to make glad), tidiong, pres. tutuliong, perf. (didionj, i. tidiuiigC h, pass, tuliungo. rejoice (to' be glad), liongiin, pres. Uoli'ongon, perf. (di'uni,on, i. liongt. 106 ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. relate (narrate, chatter, prattle), n^.d-nijlijit, incij. iKiiJ-njojtt, pert, (t-n ,o-mijO(ju, i. imO-ni,oji. relation (relative), hahitUjo, c.\A. lalat. relation (by marriage), latii, pi. lutiijin. relative (aunt), asonol; Qwasonoh), n.pl. asonol.-a release (deliver, free), yol-o, pros, yd'yolo, perf. i\ss. fitue. remain (to live Avith somebody), (ju-iiinj(ji,Y>TCs. ■ A'(VA-/. restore (to supply, to complete), l;we'nial;in, pres. ]iWe]:we"nialiii, perf. aluce'nidkin, i. hiveni- ul;i, pass. Ince'niald. resurrection, «;/»e<, f. vide njien. return, yite"et, n. vide yf tne. return (to turn about), /o/»/.-, pres. loloful;, perf. (dijfuh, i. lofulie, pass. Jofuho. return (turn back), ?///o, pres, yiyifo, perf. «2/''o, i. yiiUne'. vide yilye. return (come again), ?//f,'/e, pres. yiyitye, perf. ayitye, i. yityene. return (something: restore), nyolcoMn, pres. nyomjolMldn, perf. anyiilwldn, 1. nyolwld, pass. »/.//o7.'o,Vi. revenge (to take vengeance, to return a blow), rofaldn, pres. rorqfaldn, perf. ar6\ful;in, i. rqfaJdh, liass. rqfaJd. revile (abuse, mock), jj.or, pres. momor, perf. an or, i. more, pass. moro. reviler (scoffer, abuser), Icamaranganit, c.pl. l\amarun,al:. vide h araiiggii. reward (wages, payments), ro/ei, f.pl. rof-etji. reward, to, rot, pres. rorob, perf, rtroT;, i. rob//t, pass. roAf. reward (recompense), roZ;«, pres, roroha, perf. ard'ha, i. ro?//, pass. rofa. rewarder (donor), l;ar6\fanit, c.pl. harofali. vide rt/?>. rhinoceros (unicorn). )//(?//, m.pl. muyjiin. rib (side), me"rete. m,pl. jf/ora. vide am&ete. rice (wild), hahijite, m.pl Indii'ji. rich (free), Z/i, i. ryagih, i)ass. ??/ (/.«. rob (plunder, to gain), fesun, pres. fefe'siin, perf. ajV'sini, i.fesii, pass. /(''sue. robber, hirid'kanit, c.pl. Aflr/fl /.•«/.-. vide robbery (theft), kokolei, i.\A. l;olni'ldji. vide /.■()"/.o(/a. robbery (destruction, desolation), rydket, f.pl. robe of honour, bongo-nct-maiat. rock (swing, shake), rf((/,-, i^rcs. diidul-, perf. adu\\ i. cZm/.'-', pass. duka. rock (swing), oo'/«, pres. oo'/a, perf. nod'Ja, i. oq///j, pass. o"o((. Ex : ng^iw a i'oa = the child was rocked. rock (stone), Me, f.pl. lelya (also Indium, ngiirufit). rod (club, stick), htre, m.pl. iifrui (turyn). roof (shelter), lode!;, m.pl. lodeka. roof supports, kedite, m.pl. kedyat. room (place), tagivfdet, f.pl. tagico'detji, room (house), /.rtcit', n.pl. kadfjik. room, small (chamber), kadi-nd'det, pi. Ao d C'jik-n d Widik. room (school or teaching) kadl-na-todCnet, pi. kadrjik-ti-todCuet. vide todi'net. root, kokori'ie, f.pl. kokori. rope, /«<«. rope (picketing), m'kene. rope (a cord), neke'net, f.pl. nekc'netji. rot (to putrefy), buron, pres. bubiVron, perf. (dniriin, i. ?;;(?•/. rotate (turn round), n-/cZ, pres. wiidd, perf. moid, i. tt)/erf. (iir<">l:on, i. wijj.ilt. run down (hunt down), tudaraju, pres. (m/({- dar(ij)(,i)evi. atndd'rajn, i. (Hd(nv(He, pass, tuddra. vide dar((. rupture (hernia), suZo, l.pl. sulojin (also tulotot). rush (storm, bluster), wii^o, pres. wwr/o, perf. rush down (headloug, of water), lele'run, pres. lele'run, perf. alele'ruii, i. leleru. Ex : ^om leWrun = the water is rushing down. rushing (roaring, storm), hh(/o, f. sack (big bag), htfeniigo, f.pl. iMfentiijoat. sacrifice (gift), y'^^>ei, n.pl. tje'keiji. vide yeliidiin. sacrifice (gift), rohumjija, m.pl. rohanggajin. sacrifice-bearer (priest), /.((?/£' 7i07ie(-Zo-ro6«nr/(/o, pi. ];ayehali-ti-robiingga. sad, Id'yur, f. nd'yut, pl.s. sad, to be, domo, pres. dodd'mo, perf. add\no, i. domoni. sad, to be (to be depressed), fZf^r*;, pres. dudura, perf. adu'rn, i. durum. sad, to be (to be out of sorts), durju, pres. dudurju, perf. adu''rjn, i. dnrji. vide rf»r«. sad (sad person, sufferer), ladu'runit, c.pl. vide rf)(n(. sail (sail-cloth), honii(jo-na-ldho, pi. honqijudt-ti- libo. salt, hulang (ahVug), n.pl. (dd'nijin. salutation, datotto. salutation (welcome, greeting), romei, f.pl. salute (to greet), roman, pres. roroman, perf. aru'man, i. rome, pass, rd'nwe. salute (to greet), ngom, pres. ngo-oigom, perf. a-ngom, i. ngom^ (ivjome), pass, n'jd'ma. vide roman. salve (ointment, fat, cream, butter), we'let (wele't), f.pl. iveleHji. same, the (that there), ni'dn {milu, ni'yhi), f. ni'enu (ntinuiiiymi^, pi. si'7ii (/.rtZw), f.pl. st"nM (lunn) = t'cZem, eadem, idem ijjse. sanctifier (purifier), lafol.e'lanit, m.pl. hatol:e"lal;. vide Icelan. sand (grain of), Inrjeti. sand, liijottit, f.pl. A?yo {huja). vide Jmjeyi. sandal, lamola. sandstorm, l.djumot. Satan, Ju'el\ m.pl. Juelon. satiate (satisfied, enough), yCmono {yiyCmono), c.pl.s. satiate (satisfied), /era, c.pl.s. satiate (to saturate), iote'ra, pres. totote'ra, perf. titotf'ra, i. toterane. vide fera. satiate (indulge), toyi'mond, pres. totoyCmono, perf. atoyC'moiio, i. toyimonv, pass, yimond. satisfied (satiate, enough), yimdno (yiyi'mono), c.pl.s. satisfied (satiate), :danj-, i. /.•o)v', pass, kci'ra. sharp (poiisheil), q/uo, c.pl.s. videju. sharp (with an edge), In'/i, f. hu'/?, pl.s. sharpen (point), % l.pl. (jd'bero. skin (to flay, to kill), o(W(f, pres. odddu, perf. a'dddii, i. oddih, pass. 676". skin (to flay), fcoi, pres. to"?*of, perf. a?>of, i. J>of/, pass. ?)67o. skin (an animal), rolcon, pres. rd'rohon, perf. ardl:on, i. rolionge, pass, rolonyo. skin (to foam, to ferment), ?/«', pres. ?/w;/?<, pcrf. a7/M, i. ?/;(?if'. skinner (flayer), liciotdl:. skip (to hop, hither, to leap out or forth), labii'n, pres. lalahun, perf. idahun, i. Zati<. skip (to jump), Zrtm, pres. lalam, perf. oZruu, i. Z«r)i('. slander (sin, wrong), tord'nyd, f.pl. tord'nyetji. vide ^oco?!. slander (to defame), towndya, j^res. totorondya, jierf. atorondya, i. torondCli (toronyi''), puss. slander (backbite ; falsely accuse), maw;/, pres. mamanj, perf. amamj, i. manrjgi, pass, manja. slander (curse, oft'eud). morja, pres. momo'rjii, perf. mnorju, i. morji. vide mdr. slanderer (backbiter), luimanjanit, c.pl. kamd'ngaJc. vide man'i. slap (in the face, box on the ear, a blow with the hand), mnsa, m.])l. slave, duffel, pi. (?((/i. sleep (bed-camp), dotd'et (dotoet), n.pl. dotd'etji. vide c/orii3.Jeje'leta, perf. ajeleta, i.jelttani. slight (to neglect), Idu'ndya, pres. laldu'ndya, perf. alaii'ndya. i. laii'iidye, pass. ?«'((. slight earthquake, yeye-nu-lcal: sling (to throw, to throw about), gii'bara, pres. gu<,ubara, perf. a{/ubrCra, i. f/((/x«ra, ]iass. guhd'jf. slinger (tlirower), Imi^iunanit, c.pl. hai^u'mah. vide ;/M7Ji. slip (to slide out, to stumble, to fall), je'leta, ines. jeje'hta, perf. aje'leta, i. jeletani. slowly, madang, adv. D. ma./. small, Icudili. small, Id'sit, f. na'sit, pi. Id'siJiJc, f.pl. nd'sijil;. small, Id'dit, f. nd'dit, pi. Id'didil; f.pl. nd'didi!:. small bag, knnl'ra, f.pl. husurudt. small basket (used also as a unit cf measure- ment), /lOrei, m.pl. Icore'tji. small bird (which lives in sesame and eats worms), dede't, n.pl. dedc"tan. small black ant, muliunyet, m.pl. mulnm. small brook, ;/ore, l.pl. gorell. small hammer, /.o'Zo, m.pl. l-d'lolo. small piece (scrap, crumb), na'sit, f.pl. small-pox, diedie'roti, n.pl. diedw'ro. small room (or chamber), kadi-nd'det, pi. l;adi\iili-nd\\idil\ small snail, ,/i"64 m.pl.,/t"6jrt {jibya). smear (to spread over), lilinggd, pres. liling(,d, perf. aIiUwj[d, i. UUnii<,d, pass. liliim(,d. vide j/o(?i/. Ex : ?irt?t alilingid, nielo safe yodd = I have glazed this pot. smear, to, &o6c/Z, pres. &o6o^, perf. abobot, i. bobotc, pass, bohd'ta. smear (to newly smear the floor with clay), Z*oro, pres. hd'horo, perf. abd'ro, i. 6oron^, pass. ?>or?/a. 112 ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY, smear (v\ith clay), lin, pies, lilin. jiorf. nlin, i. linjr, pass. //wr/o. smell (oilonr, esjiecially a bad one), mo'-"t, f.pl. mot'''fJi. vide mo;*. smell (taste, Havour), inoji, f. smell (to be fragrant, oiloriferous), mon, pres. momon, perf. amon, i. mowK smell (to scent), moja, pres. md'mqia, perf. amoja, i. Hw/f, pass. mo'a. smell, unpleasant (to have a nasty odour), iiiobitr. pres. jHOiz/ci/jur, perf. amu' uhiir, i. mon^bur. vide )no;i. smelt (to), mi', pres. mimC, perf. «m(', i. n^^yV', pass. ;Hi"o. smith (a), ticiwinii-JoyuliH, pi. td'monoh-ti- yiili't. smoke, ISfurSt, f.pl. lo/Krotji. smoke (tobacco; to driukj, miijiV-taht. vide smoke, furijii, pres. fiifuri,'o, perf. afuri',6, i. furije- Ex : >//o l:aden ti tule, se fitfnrii'o = these logs are U' it burning, they are only smoking. smoke (to make smoke), tofuri, pres. totofurl. perf. atofuri, i. tofurine, pass, tofuryo. smooth (even), Id'bulet. f. nd'bulet, pl.s. smooth, falilinj. smooth (polished), Zm^o, c.pl.s. vide Zm. snail, hinjiiiio, m.pl. luwiguolon. snail house (snail shell), l;adi-na-luncjfjuo pi. ladi'-ti-lumiiiiiolon. snail, small, yt"t«, m.pl. Ji'hia. snake, munu, m.pl. mii'nuo. snare (pit, especially for elephants and hippo.), (?ie?/, f.jil. meya. snare (trap), ridylM {ridihot), f.pl. ridil;. snarl (growl), jigren, ])res. nge-ivjen, perf. a-ngen, i. mjene (n'jendi). vide ?i(7e?j. snatch (seize), nyulnoal;, pres. nynnyu'l;wal;, perf. anyulncal:, i. nynlcicahe, pass. nyu'Jacal'e. sneeze, yafimja. snore, ;,or, pres. gojor, perf. «go?-. i. gore'{nu'lo. soldiers, f/e??a. sole (of feet of elejihants and hippo.), ngato, m.pl. ngutojin. soft (tender), Id^Ulinij, f. na'liling, pl.s. soften (in water), tco, pres. tfoioo, perf. a?oo, i. ?oo?ie, pass, icowa (icd'Ja). something (tiling, matter), ?i;o, f.pl.s. Ex : ti'nan mjo = give me something. something big (a wnnder), iKjo-duma, f.pl. njo-te'meji];. son (descendant), /o. song, /.o/?', m.pl. kdird. soon, tferfe (rZe, ede, dede). sooner, eroji. sorcerer (good), hii'nit, c.pl. hu'nuh. vide demd'nit. sorcerer (wicked), demd'nit, c.jd. demd'h. sore, fZe'A-a. sorrow (pain, trouble), r/wref, n pi. yurttji, vide yuran. soul (spirit), mololcd'tyo, m.pl. molulqjin. sour (bitter), /o. vide .so. spear, to (to gore), sii tut, pres. susuun, perf. asu'uti. i. s»h'. pass. sjr«e. vide so. speargrass, ^riro. speech (conversation), lidyd'et, f.pl. lidyd'etjin. spider, lugoijdri, m.pl. lu,ogdri'hn. spill (poxir), ftffA-, pres, bubul;, perf. ttZ*w/,-, i. b?{/.'e, pass. 6u/.o. spill, buloro, pres. 6«(t?< /.ciro, perf. ahuloro, i. bidiore, pass, buhdrd. vide Z*!t/.-, spin (to turn), toiwijd, i)res. iciivijd. perf. aioiwi',6, i. loiioijo, pass. wiiryS. spine, giviri, l.pl. gwiryla. spinster, sot/. spirit, molokd'tyo, m.pl. mold'hojin. spit, ?/«/.•«, pres. yayala, perf. ayala, i. yakani, pass, yalialci. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 113 spittle, laimildk, f. splinter (chii)), J elet, f.pl. Jeletii ( /ehtji). split (to cleave), la/u, jires. 'haJccuju, perf. alagu, i. Jcagi, pass. Jcalca. spoil (put in disorder), tuJ;or, pres. tti'talor, perf. atuhor, i. tnloi-rh, pass. hVkoro. vide /,or. spoon, /iomt', m.]il. Jcamflan. sporting-dog, dioug-lo-yidin, pi. diongin-ti- yidin. spotted (coloured), Zo Vi/rt, f. M«7,/r«, pl.s. Ex : niena hoivjgo andldri = this drt-ss is of different colours. spouse (husband), lalet, m.pl. lian. sprained (to be dislocated), futuho, yxes. fuf"tulo, perf. afidiiho, i. futulwnili. spread (to get acquainted), hudio, pres. luhuoro, perf. ahiioro, i. laliro. spread_ over (smear), lilinij,,d, pres. UUn'.iro, perf. aliliti'igd, i. lilinggo, pass. Ulmg[,o. vide 2/6V^<. Ex: )(rt« alilingi^o nielo safe'yudu = l have glazed this pot. sprig (germ, bud), haftti, m.pl. hafe. spring over (jump), lawj, in-es.'lalanj, perf. (dang, i. lang\ spring (well), A-iT'd/, m.pL Ai'VZia. sprinkle, raf, pres. rara«, perf. arat, i. raass. rata. sprinkling (blessing), gwatet, n.pl. , i. Ad;-/, pass. Ad/-d. squander (waste), ^MAar, pres. /;« <((7i«r, perf. uiuhar, i. tuhare, pass, tnlara. squat (with bent knees), sotto, pres. sosoJo, perf. rt.«oc?o, i. sodone. squeeze out (to press), 2/o;o^ pres. yoyd'rot, jerf. ayd'rot, i. j/wot^s pass, yd'roto. squirrel (very small species like a big mouse), luloh, f.pl. loldlion. stable (pen, fold), AdjT, f.pl. lidjino. stable (hurdle, pen), e (also didire), pass. (7/ra' (also didi'ra). start (to drive away), wordji, pres. tvowdrdji, perf. awdrdji, i. iividjih {iconijine). See " to draw away." stay (stay at home), lo/ajnr (kofajnr). stay (stand), gwodan, pres. gwogwodan, perf. a[noodan, i. ijioodi'. stay (remain), ^/eji^r, pres. yeyeng, perf a^/ewf/, i. yenge. stay (remain), f/iye, pres. gwegioc, perf. ajji'^; i. f/we. stay (live), gwolong, j)res. (iv-ojirolong, perf. ajivolong, i. gwolonge. Of. gicilin;gi. steal (take), damun, pres. dudumun, perf. adumun, i. dumu, pass, dii'mne. steal, hdlioya, pres. Id'loya, perf. alidlwya, i. lioho'i, pass, hohd'la. steal (abduct), udgin'li, pres. icdicdjri'h, perf. awdgi'rih, pass, ivog'irilun. See •■ to abduct." steal upon (to surprise a wild auinaal, to waylay a girl), domha, pres. dodombi, perf. adomha, i. dombi, pass, dd'ma. steal upon (to jiroceed stealthily, to surprise), . domundya, pres. dodumundya, perf. aJomundya,. i. domundye. steal (for someone), ImMlaldn, pres. liohdlalnny peif akoJc'ilal-in, i. holiolald, pass. Jiokd'lald. steam (vajiour, fog), ZHr«, m.pl s. step-brother, n;iwlo ba, pi. njHajil:-tl-ba. sterile (of men and animals; barren), &rt?i •, n.jjl. ban, in- steward (manager), hisatyo-h'-lad/, pi. Z?rsrtA- , pres. hihi'ja, perf. abi'j". i- ^V'''' pass. hCa. sucker, labi'anit, c.pl. lahial;. vide 6/'. suckle (to make suck), tunoju, pres. tidtinSgn, perf atunSjii, i. tiinojh. vide no /«. suckling, l;uhd}Canit, c.pl. latahfali. vide &/. suffer (to endure), ngongga, pres. ngo-njonjga, perf. a-ngongga, i. ngonggi. sufferer (sad person), Icadurunit, c.pl. vide suffering (pain), myene, f. vide myen. suffering (pain, melancholy), dure'H, n.pl. c/»r '7/7. vide (?«rM. suffice (to satisfy, to be enough), /o, pres. »', perf. a/(f, i. yowf^. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 115 suffocate (clioke), firyo, pres. fiifnryU, perf. afarijU. \.furijUm. sugar-cane, hanjat. sugar-eating ants, mu uritd,m.]'l.mnluri. suitor (wooor), hayu'yuanit, c.pl. lay i'yuah. vide yoy,i'ja. summit (top, ^oint),filya, f.pl.^/// ila (fi^ynlan). sun, lolong. sunrise, l;oh>ng-l6'-fdl:un. sunset, liolonj-ndoro. supper, ngeSH-ld'tyanj (n'jesu-na-hd'tyang). supply (restore, complete), Jacenhilin, pres. licelnvenialcin, perf. alcioe'nialnn, i. lacexiahi, pass. hiot'nwlu. support (assist, to help), njard'hin, pres. nga- . njard'hin, i^erf. a-njardln'n, i. njarald, pass. ngardlii. supporter (maintainer, nourisher), hayulunit, c pi. hayu'tiil:. supports (of a roof), hedite, m.pl. Icedyat. surpass (excel, to be more important), to n pin, pres. totd'ngun, perf. atd'ngnn, i. td'ng ine, jmss. td'njue. surprise (steal upon), domimdya, pres. dodo- munlyn, j^erf. ado.inindya,i. domundye. surprise (to attack), muddya, pres. mumiiddya, perf. amuddya, i. mute, pass. mntd. surprise (a will animal ; to steal upon, to way- lay a girl), do.uhd, pres. (?o'iom&a, perf. adomha,i. domhi, pass, dj'ma. surround, lonj, pres. lolong, perf. along, i. hmje, ■]'iass. lon;;a. surround (especially with a hed^;e), gd-.nhu, pres. gd^o nhu, perf. agd.nhn, i. go.nbe, pass. surround (to enc:)mpas8), gro.H, pres. i;'e«a hoturdni momon faleleng = these flowers smell very sweet. sweet-scented, moriri. Ex : niena Icdturdni nio.-iri = this flower smells nice. swell up (to swell out), loehni, pres. ivewelan, perf. aioi'lan. Ex : tlie wound is swelling = dil;d (iiiojon) tcnvelan. sw^im, fdryd, pros, fdfdryo, perf. afdryo, i. fdryoni. swim, waddii, pres. wawaddu, perf. amiddii, i. iraddi h. S'wim quietly (of men), jenjga, in-es.jejenggn, perf. a,'en(;g(i, i.jen.gl. swing (to rock, to shake), duh, pres. dndii]:, jierf. aduJi, i. 'Z(/7i-e, pass, du ha. swing (rock), oo'/a, jires, od'ja, perf. aod'Ja, i. 00,' //t, pass. o"o«. Ex : 7igero afoa = the child was rocked. swooning (fainting), hi'rne, c.pl.s. S'woop down (as birds), hiwundya, pres. hihi- lonndya, perf ahiivimdya, i. hiwundye. sycamore (tree and fruit), hihi, f.pl. A/ti/ef {hi'hitt). syphilis, yanjo. table, rogo, f.pl. rJ'goJin. tail, hottet. take, wuju (wuwuju}: pron. m_,'w (uiiJu). take (accept), w?<, pres. zcuicu, perf. a«M, i. icunili {ujih, wujili), pass, icuyic. vide ivitju. take (to deprive of), dumundyn, pres. diidu- micndya, perf. adtimundya, i. dumnndye, pass. diimu'e {dume). take (to steal), dumun, pres. dudnmun, perf. adumun, i. dumu, pass, dumne. take away (to lead away, to cany away), ./ongr, pves. jojong, perf. ajong, i. jongr, pass. Jon ja. take away (to seiz ■)> uddya, pres. uuddya, perf. auddya, i. uddye, pass, wja (mi/m). vide '■ to go away, to go oft"." take care (to hide something, to guard), du'ldhin, pres. dedc'hilin, perf. ade'luhin, i. delahe, pass. d"''lahi. take (catch), mJm, pres. w?/'/"; P^rf. OMyw, i. tiji h, pass. ».,'m. take care (protect), /o (?u*, Zo), f. niena (ni, no), pi. sfloni (se, lo, ni), kuloni (ku, lo, ni), f. pi. sineni (^si, na, ni). luneni (ku, na, ni). this day (to-day), lolor. vide lor. this year (this season), lo'kinrja. vide kimja. thistle, tuliji'lyeti, f.pl. tulyelye. thistle, kiiiele'roti, f.pl. kalelero. thither (there, from that place), yu. thou, do, c.pl. ta. thou alone, do-geleng, c.pl. ta-kade. thou alone, do-lofeng (do-lofeng), c.pl. <«- thought (idea), yeye'et, n.pl. yeyf''etji (yeye 'yot). thrash (knock out, to punch with the fist), Jok, pres. jojok, perf. OjO/;, i. joke, pass, jo'ka. Ex : 6o?of «/o/ra = the dura is thrashed. threaten (menace), yigga, pres. yiyi"gga,Y>eTl. ayi'gga, i. l//;/!/*"', pass. yCga. threaten (menace), yig, pres. yiyig, perf. fl^ijr, i. yiije, pass, ^/f"*/"- three, musala. three, sd 'la (short form from musd'hi). throat (wind-pipe), givoro, l.pl. gworolo. throng (cruwd round), dirjo, pres. didirjo, perf. ndirjo, i. dirje, pass, dr'/o. throng (pre.ss, crowd), musuk, pres. mumxi'suk, perf. amusuk, i. musuke, pass, miisifka. throw (throw about), (ularc, iirea. guguhara, perf. agubara, i. giibard, pass, gitbdji. • throw, f/"m, pres. gugum, perf. agtim, i. gume', \ ass. rjuma. throw, giimba, pres. guginnba, perf. agiimba, i. giimbi, pass, git ma. throw away (to push), dukarn, pres. dndu'- kara, perf. udukara, i. dnkard, pass, dakd'ji. throw to the ground (to tread under foot), ri/ofc, pres. ryoryok, jierf. aryok, i. ryoke, pass. rt/d'A-a. thrower (slinger), karumanit, c.pl. kcUjiTmak. vide gf^^m. thunder, ?/((/dn, n. thunder (to roar), dikun, pres. didfkun, perf. adi'kun, i. diku. thus (just so), so-na (sometimes used instead of A;o-nd). thus (relating specially to size), (>', i. toZe, pass, bj'lo. touch (handle), tan, pres. tvtan, perf. ofoM, i. tany/, pass, tanya. touch slightly (to graze, to Ecratch oneself), jea, pres. Je/ea, peif. ajea, i.jeani. towards, ta (prep.). I am travelling to Africa = nanjojolo ta Africa. town (big village), tnr-duma, pi. turdn-temejih. trade (sell), ddju, pres. ddddju, perf. adoju, i. doji, pass. f?oj/o. tradesman (merchant), hiddionit, m.c.jil. kaddydk. trap (snare), ridykdt, f.pl, r/(7//u trap (to be caught in trap), Jo)i;/on, pre?. jq,'o?»- gan, perf. ajongan, \. jongc. travel (to go away), .,'67o, pres.„o7o (jojolo), perf. ff,o7o, i.„'dldnt. videjVf/. traveller (wanderer), kajdidnit, c.pl. ka^dldk. vide _,'o/o. tread (stump), (/r'J, pros, gtcojwd, perf. «(,wo', i. gioone, pass. f;ictiV(. tread under foot (to tlirow to tl.e ground), ryoh, pres. ryoryok, perf aryok. i. ryoke, pass, ryd'ka. treasure (wcaj on), ^/foni, f.pl. i/e?o r7?V/ = that is true ; (2) sine n-atakin nan do diri = what I have told you is true. trumpet (whistle), tore, m.pl. torCot (torfyot). trunk of elephant, kdnin-lo-tome, pi. kdni'Ji-ti- tomya. truss (bundle). Ule, f.pl. Ute'i Qiteki). Ex : lite na dent = a tiuss of grass. trust (think, reflect, remember), yeyeju, pres. yeypjii, perf. ayeye'ju, i. yeye,'i, pass. j/^'J'"- try, mor, pres. mdmdr, perf. amor, i. ni6V?, pass. more. tuft (also the end of a cow's tail which is worn as ornament on the arm), bini, n.pl. binyat. tuft (of hair), didi, l.i 1. dulya. tuft (of bair; head-dress of feathers), loguya, m.pl. logiiyd'lan. tumble (overturn, to fall, to sink), doro, prts. f?0(/oVo, 1 erf. ado'ro,i. dorone'. Speaking of the sun and moon ro undergoes reduplication. Ex: koloH iyafa) adu'roro = the sun (the moon) has set. ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 119 tumble, rwulu'iujedn, pres. (jwu(jivulun[;edii, 1 erf, agwuJu'ngedii, i. gtoulungedi. turf (plot of grass), gwura, l.pl. fjuurncu turn (spin), tviwijo, pres. iciwi^o, perf. awiicfo, i. iclwijo, pass, iciwyo. turn about (to return), Zo/^Ji-, pres. loJSftdi, perf. aJofdk, i. lofuhe, pass, lofuho. turn back (to return), j/Z/o, pres. yiyitS, perf. ayitd, i. yitone. vide j/i/j/e. turn round (to rotate), trjcZ, pres. iciwid, perf. rtjo/d, i. tD('res. nge- nge'^man, perf a-nge'man, i. ngeme'. very (right, good), hura Qjurd), adv. Some- times used as adjective, c.pl.s. very often (often, always; for ever, eternity). ug}if(. ' vessel (pot), Infunlt, m.pl. hi/unikd. 120 ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY, vessel (for footl, trough, manger), nijoit, f.pl. nySitji. vex (annoy, to bother, to be concerned), durju. pros, dddarjii, perf. adurjn, i. darje. vide dar«. victor (conqueror), kute'lanit, c.pl. hitelak. vide teya. view (contemplation), diret, n.pl. dfretji. view (look, aspect), 7) efe^, f.pl. me'tetjL vide met. view (to see, to look), hidi, pres. liu'lmdi, perf. alxti di, i. Icndie, pass. kudfJo. view (from tliis point of view), kodije (Ifodiji), c.pl.s. vide dij'e. vigilance (waking, watchfulness), kicelit, f. vigour (force, strength), tukawjan, f.pl. <)(/;«"- village (parish), kadCJik, n. village, ^'r, m.pl. <(noH. village (near Gondokoro), kofd'jur (kofdjur). vine, wrild, lorerejti, m.pl. lorerek. viper, black, 7iv7((n, f pi. ki'tuton. virile (also term of abuse), lnji. visit (visiting), yoUt, n.pl. yolitji. vide i/o?/;;. visit, to, 2/02/H, pres. yoyogu, perf. ayoyu, i. yoi', pass. ?/67o. visiting (visit), ?,'67i7, n.pl. yolitji. vide ?/6?/h. visitor, kayulonit, c.pl. kayolok. vide t/oy^. voice, roro, m.j^l. roroh. vomit (to be sick), Ja, pres. Jfljo, perf. aja, i. _/fl?u'. vomit (to make sick), tiija, pres. ttduja, perf. vulture (eagle), laijulHsejii (h(htduse7n), m.pl. W wages (payment, reward), rofet, f.pl. rofttji. wag-tail, luhVdyet, f.pl. lidudyetjin. D. wail for (to wait, to expect), irdn-hi, pres. mo- mondit, perf. . amondii, i. mbndi (nionC), pass. mono. Es : d^A:a ngote'-nio montomo = my mother is expected to-day. waist (body, stomach), vj u'(jnnya {mOjOn), f pi. herik. vide nnujnn. waist-band, honji^o-fitet (hongcjo-na-Jitet), pi. hon(i(iiidf-fitet. w^ait (expect), ?) o«, pr^s. nombn, perf. anon, i. nom, pass, rnonb. wait (wait for, to expect), n.ondu, pres. mo- mondx, }>erf. rny owd*/, i. mondt (n bni). pass. uono. wait for (lurk), r^/w, pres. ruriffii, perf. arufn, i. rxfunih, pass. ?-m/». Ex : I shall wait till the hare comes = ?i«?i riirufit teng ko h'^kito fo. •wait upon someone (to serve), todnfyen, pres. iotodufyen, jitrf. atodufytn, i. todiifyene, pass. todiifoe'uo. w^ake (to awake, to rouse), to'nfjien, pres. toton,ien, perf. ato^ngien, i. totd'ngine. vide wake (to watch, not to be sleepy), ku-eli, pres. kwc'kiveli, perf. akwe'li, i. ktceline. waking (vigilance, watchfulness), kiceJit, f. walk (wander, ramble), towZa, pres. icoko'Io, perf. aicd'la, i. iccdani'h. w^alk (to take a walk), wald'ji, pres. iDcnmld'ji, perf. (dvidd'Ji, i. toalajine. wall (rampart), gorom, n.pl. gu'romn. wander (to walk, to ramble), i(;«Z<(, pres. ica- icala, perf. aicdUa, i. walani'li. wanderer (traveller), kajdlonit, c.pl. kajolok. y\de J olo. want (will, wish), c?e/i-, pres. dede'k, perf. flde'A-, i. de^'e, pass, dc'lui. want, not to (not willing), ti^hen, defect, verb. war, Ao, f.]'!. /,q;'/«. warm, /ty?/.-, c.pl.s. ■warrior (combatant), Afu; 6Vo)n7, m.pl. kamorok. vide iHoro. •wash, ?rt?o,pres. ZaZo, perf. alula, i. lalaji, pass. •wash (to baptise), lald'Jii, pres. luld'ju, perf. alald'JH, i. lalaji, pass. Za7a (lala'ri). •washing, lalaet, f.pl. lald'etji. •waste (profusion), kdri't, f.pl. korftji, vide /.•or. •waste, to (to squander), tiikar, pres. tvtukav, perf. aiukar, i. tidcare, pass, tukd'ra. •watch (to wake, not to be sleepy), kiveli, pres. kwe'kiceli, perf. akwe'Hi, i. kweline. watchful (vigilant), 7 *?//(, pi. tiyitji. watchfulness (waking, vigilance), kwelit, f. kiceli. •watchman (guard), kakive'lianit, c.\A. kakicc- liak. •watchman (guard), i/j/i^, pi. tiyitji. water, ^om, f. vide ^o»(fo<. D.Jik. •water (to drink), mo/;/, pres. momoju, perf. amojn, i. iJio^Y, pass, md'ta. •water, rw, pres. r»rM, perf. oru, i. rHne, pass. ruyu. water (to moisten), fok, pres. fofok, perf. fl/oA, i. foke, pass. foka. ... . water (to soak), tnmaddu, pres. tutiifHaddn . perf. atmnaddu, i. tumaddih, pass, tumd'ta. vide tomat and ?i qyV*. •water (to moisten), rH,/t?, pros, riinfju, perf (infjii, i. rtijih, pass. ruyu. vide rw. •water (to soak), tomat, pres. totomaf, perf. atomat, i. tomate, pass, tomd'ta. vide ?i qy'». •water-pot, safe-la-fiom, pi. safya-ti-fiom. ■wax, S!(6j, n.pl. sii'bio. ■way out (issue, conclusion), (Z((fef, n.pl. c7«"- ENGLISH-BARI VOCABULARY. 121 waylay (a cjirl ; fo steal upon, to surprise a wild unimal), domha, pres. dodomba, jierf. adomba, i. dontln'. pass, do' ma. weak (soft, tender), lomimyan, f. vamunyan, jil. lii'minujah, f.pl. namnnyah. weak (to become weak, feeble), doddya, pres. ilodoyya, perf adoddya, i. doddc'. weak, ZosoA-. weaken (to enfeeble), tomini, pres. totomnn, perf. atomiin, i. tomnny^, pass, tomniiya. weakness (infirmity), tomimyet, f.pl. tonni- nyetji. weapon (treasure), titoni, f.pl. ^/to. weary (tired), cZwra, c.pl.s. wedding (especially the celebration of a wedding ; amusement), biidii, l.pl. budiiJon. weed, lyd'hetat, m.pl. lyd'be. weed, to, boja, pres. bo'hoja, p.erf. aba Jo, i. 6oi', jiass. 60 V'. weed, to, wo/'o, pres. icoicoja, perf. aicd'ja, i. tvoji'h, pass, ico'o. week (seven), burioh or bvryol;. weep (to be compassionate, tender-hearted), nyiinyii'ri, pres. nyutnjuri, perf. anyvvyuri. i. nynnyiiriiie. weeping (mercy, compassion), nyxmyuret, f. weight, tojone. ■welcome (salutation, greeting), romet, f.pl. well (good), r/r/, adv. Can only be used in conjunction with ?no?i = moriri, to smell good. well (spring), l;fdi, m.pl. IcCdiu Qddya). well, allobiit, adj. west, ;fo7«. f. west, jc6^(, f. vide iiolti. west, JiifeUe. wet (damp), lo'iiyn, f. nauyn, pl.s. Ex : W (inainjn liotyatvi ■= in the evening the air is dampi. what, i"»;',o (Cnio). Ex: do d'ngesu i'mjo (inio) = what hast thou eaten ? what (why ?), wiyo (tiyo). Ex : ?(( ntin do nyo (nl. n^, i. bel€, pass, be'la, (1) to reflect upon; (2) to long for; (3) to be greedy. begu, pres. be'begu, perf. abe'gu, i. begi, pass. beko, to ram into, vide bek. bek, pres. bebek, perf. abek, i. hek^, pass, beko, (1) to beat, to strike, to drive in ; (2) to fasten, to nail. beket, n.pl. be'ketji, (1) the fixing, the fasten- ing ; (2) the blow. bele (also barata), fish. bele, c.pl. belya, greedy, envious, vide t^ beleng, pres: bebe'leng, perf. abe'leng, i. beleng^, X^ass. bele7igo, to break. belet, n. greed, avarice, envy, vide be. bemuk, maize. ben, to wish, to will (only used as root with the negative particle), vide iiben. berigo (mushenje), marrow vegetable. berik, pi. of mnqun (jnojon), stomach, body, belly. beron (i-beron'), before, fore, sooner. bi, pres. bihi, perf. abi, i. bije. pass, bi^a (ahiya), to suck (suck), cf. biun. bi'a, more, better. bia'ju, pres. bibid'Ju, perf. abid'ju, i. biajt, pass. bCa ibfyd), to recover, vide bia. bibi, l.pl. bi'bio (bihijS), beetle. bibita, lashes. bi'et, n.pl. bi'etji, (1) kissing ; (2) kiss, vide bi and biim. bi'et (bi^yef), n. health, vide hi"a. bija (bijya), pres. bibija, perf. abfja, i. bije, pass. bCa (JbCya), to suck, vide bi. bilan, i>res. bibilan, perf. aJbClan, i. hile, to bud (of trees), cf. unhin. biling, iiarrjt. bini, n.jil. binyat, tassel, tuft (also the end of a cow's tail which is worn as an ornament on the arm). binikin, sit. bi'rue, c.pl.s. swooning, fainting, half-dead. bi'rue, pres. bibfrue, perf. ahfrne, i. blruene, to be half-dead from fright, to faint. biryo, pres. bibiryo, jierf. ablryS, i. biryoni, to play (like children). biryori, pres. 6/Mr(/o;-i,. perf. abiryori, i. biryori, to caress, to fondle. biso, l.pl. bisd'lon, a pane of glass, target. bit, pres. bibi't, perf. abi^t, i. bite, pass, biid, to beat, to scourge, to lash. cf. but. bita (bitet), flogging. bitet, n.pl. bitetji, fishing-hook, vide itet. biun, pres. bi'biun, perf abi'nn, i. bc'u, pass. I bi'iie, to kiss. cf. bC. biundya, pres. bibiundya, perf. abiundya, i. biundye', pass, bi^te, to kiss, vide biun. bo, pres. Jjoh i, perf. ahd, i. bole', pass, bflo, to touch, to handle. bobo'lija, pres. bobflija, perf. aboholija, i. bihoUne, pass, bibdlia, to make laugh (i.e. by tickling), vide bo. bobot (bobod), pres. bobot, perf. abobot, i. bobote', pass. fcoJ) *'ta, to smear (with colour, blood). bode, sentinel. bodo, c.pl. bodudl, (1) clever, able; (2) mechanic. boga, pres. boboga, perf. aboja, i. bogf, to grave, to dig. boja, pres. boboja, perf. abj'ja, i. bo'i, pass. b6\i, to weed. bok, pres. hobok, perf. ahok, i. 6o/ie, pass. 6o"/ia, to dig, to bury. bokhana, empty. bokodo, ladies' fingers (bamia). bokotio, c.pl. bokojfn, sprout, shoot, offspring. bolod, flour. bongga, pres. btfbonjga, perf. abungga, i. bonjiji, pass, bonja, to look up, to glance. bonggo, n.pl. bonggudt, (1) stuff, cloth ; (2) dress. bonggo-na-fitet, pi. bonggiidt-fitet, vfaUt-haud, cloth worn round loins. . - • ^^ bonggo-na'-kibo, pi. bonjgudt-ti'-kibo, sail, sail-cloth. bonggo-na-kwe, pi. bonggudt-ti'-kice, cloth for the head. bonggo-na-matat, robe of honour. bonggo-na-mugun, pi. bonggudt-ti'-mugun, chemise (body-cloth). bonggo-na-murut, pi. bongjudt-ti-mugHn(niu- rut), scarf for the throat. bongorokko, puff-adder. bonjoUe, naked. BARI-ENC4LISH VOCABULARY 127 bokuoroti, n.pl. holcuord, foot-ring. bon, pres. hohoii, perf. ahon, i. horn, pass. Loud, to slialie. bbndu, pres. hobonda, perf. ahdndu, i. hihidC, pass, hone (bono), to shake, to tremble (traus. and in trans.). bongit, n. forgetfulness. bongori, pres. bobonjori, perf. abdnjori, i. honjori, piss. b6n/,dril;en (also h6n^;o), to forget. bora, pres. hd^ora, perf. abora, i. borani, to depart (in anger), cf. looran. boro, pres. bd'boro, perf. abi'ro, i. horone, pass. borya, to newly smear the floor with clay. borre, roan antelope. borrogo, pipe (water in bowl). borikot, n.pl. borilMyl, skin (of men and animals). bot, pres. totoi, perf. abot, i. 667t', pass. i67o, to flay, to skin. bubii'ret, n.pl. huhuretji, repentance, vide haru. bud, pres. babud, perf. abud, i. huh', to dawn. budok, eight. budu, l.jjl. b idii'ldn, wedding, especially the celebration of a wedding, amusement. bu'duru, n.pl. bndurnot, thick cord (for fishing). buga, pres. bubifja, perf. ahu'ga, i. biuje, to be proud, to rely upon something. buge, c.pl.s. proud (especially of one's possession). bugi, pres. buhiigi (bubbuiji), perf. abmji, i. hitijine, to get mouldy. buk, pres. babul; Y>ert ubul:, i. bulie, pass. bul;o, to pour, to spill. buke'r, si.x. buket, n.pl. biiletji, sink, gutter, vide bnl:. bukoji, pres. bubu'l:o',i, perf. ahuloji, 1. buho- jine,io sink, to go to ruin, vide bulc. bukoro, pres. bubii Iwro, perf. (dnf];6ro, i. bxldre, pass, bukoro, to spill, vide buk. buku, n.pl. biikiio, shield. bulo, pres. bu'bidd, perf. abii'Jd, i. bulijni, to be able, to be powerful. bulot, n.pl. bulotji, strength, power. buloto, pres. bubuloto \^eiL abul6tS,\. bidStSnt, to have diarrhoea, dysentery. buloyet, n.pl. buloyetji, strength, power. bung, n.pl. bungin, court-yard. cf. bang, ang. bunguan, nine. bungun, pres. bubunjun, perf. abunjun, i. bun^,u, to collide. bii'nit, c.pl. bunnk, sorcerer (good), physician. vide demanit. bu'nit-lo-kudu, id. bunuk-ii-kudu, rain-maker. bunyekin, pres. b\. fe'ieta, belly, paunch. fele-mimyen, stomach-ache, vide myen. fendya, pres. fefendya, perf afen'hja, i. fendi, to come together, to meet. feng, pres. fefenj, perf. afeng,i. fenge, pass. fenja, to extinguish. ferok, times. Ex : /ero/i>niHsa7a= three times. fesun, pres. /e/(?'s!m, perf. afe'siin, i.fesii, pass. fe''sue, to rob, to plunder, to gain. fet, pres. fefet, perf. afet, i. fete", pass, fcta, to order, to arrange. fetet, n.pl., order, arrangement. feto, e.pl.s., (1) cool (not hot) ; (2) not passionate, quiet-tempered, gentle, meek. Ex : Ivbityo feiS = a gentle sheep. feyik, e.pl.s., warm. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 131 feyu, pres. fefaju,, perf. afeyti, i.fele, yims. fe'lo = to bake, roast, to cook, fi, pres. Jifi, perf. afi, i. fine, pass, fia, to ask. fifi, l.pl./t''/in, island (especially a small one), fifi'dit, n.rA.fifCditon, point, drop, fifi'uga, pres. fifi mja, perf. afifiuga, i. fifing', to whistle. figa, pres. _/?/i/rt, perf. afCga, i- fije, to conceive, to become pregnant. (Tiie forra_^;/e is seldom used.) figet, n. pi. /r;/e(/V, conception, yide fiija. fija, pres. fifijn, perf. afija, i. fijc', pass./j"a, to ask, to inquire after, vide/i'. fik, pres. fifik, perf. afih, i. fike, pass, /z.'o, to lead, to draw, to pull. I fikari'kin, pres. fifiltarCldii, perf. afilcai C'l:in, to conceive, to become pregnint. y'lAQfi'ja. fikun, pres. fffiJcim, perf. afilmn, i. fihu, pass. /«7,-(/e, to draw out, to pull out. vide /z'A-. filya, n.pl._/i/(/a Za, top, point, summit. fiom, water. fiom-ti'-jor, pond-water, fiom-ti'-kare, river-water, fiomtot, n.pl. fio,n, a drop of water, pi. water, fir, pres. fifir, perf. afir, i. fire, pass. fiWa, to bore, to pierce. fi'riki, pres. fifCrild, perf. afiriki, i. firildne, to take to one's jjed, 1o lie down, to be seated, firi't, n.^\. firCten, place, country, region, firo, speargrass. fit, pres. fifit, perf. afit, l.fite, pass, fi ta, to bind, to bind or tie up. fitake, necklace. fitet, n.pl. fitetji, band, bandage. \ide fit. fitono, c.pl.s., remaining, what is over, fitun, pres. fCfitun, perf. afi tun, i. fitu, pass. fCtue,{\) to remain, to be remnant ; (2) to leave behind ; (3) to loosen, to yield, to pardon, fo, pres./o/o, perf. afo, i.fo, pi. /d'to), to come. fode, n.pl. fodyo, gourd-skin, goblet. fo'et, n.pl. /o"e^/i, coming, arrival, vide/o. foi'n, pres. fofo'in, perf. afoin, i. fo'i, to sit down (generally used with leak). Ex : foUa /iT(/i = take a seat fudite, n.pl. fiidt, skin, shell, hu.sk. fufii'tut, \.\A. fiifutuji {fiifittntji), dew. fuk, pres. /*(/((/;, perf. afn!;, i. fulu', to sprout, to shoot, to germinate. fuki'no, hundrt-ds. Ex : fuhinij antral; = 200, fnldnoiuasu la = 300. fukun, pres. fufulmn, perf. aftihnn, i. fnliii, (1) to sprout, to shoot forth ; (2) toapiDear. vide f„l:. fii'loti, n.pl. fids, burning charcoal. fun, pres. fuftVn, p3rf. afiin, i. fun", to germinate, to sprout. Ex: holot fuftfn'= the dura is sprouting. fungo, porridge. fungot, \i.p\.fi(ngotd, nates. funtong (fnntong), n-pl. funtongan = Jerboa. fuok, ten. fuok-wod-budok, eighteen. fuok-wod-buker, sixteen. fuok-wod-bungua'n, nineteen. fubk-wod-burya, seventeen. fubk-wod-geleng, eleven. fubk-wod-mulsa'nat, fifteen. fubk-wod-murek, twelve. fubk-wod-musa'la, thirteen. fubk-wod-ungua'n, fourteen. fubkit, n.pl. fuo'dtji, the tenth part. furl, l.pl. fu riot (furyot), stick, staff (for old people, mostly forked). furi, pres. fufnri, perf. afii'ri, 1. fnrin^, to scratch, to rub, to itch. Ex: lorilvt, fit furi = the skin itches. furijb, pres. fufurijo, perf. afifrijo, i.furije, to smoke. Ex : silo leaden ti tide se fufii rijo = these logs are not burning, they are only smoking. furyb, pres. fiifiiryo, perf. afaryS, i. fitrydiii, to choke, to sufibcate (intrans). I fii'rue, pres. fufurue, perf. afurne, i. furuene, j to awake. { fut, pres. fnfnt, perf. afut, i. fnte, pass, futa, to i give more, to repeat the dose. futet, complaint. futet, l.pl. /M"*, (1) assembly, meeting; (2) fok, pres. fofoh, perf. afoh, i. folce, pass, fo'lca, judgment ; (3) stick which the Bari carries as a to water, to moisten. symbol of the meeting, shaped like a fork. fot, pres. /o/of, perf . a/of, i. /o^^, pass. /(/'to, to ' futukin, pres. ftifiituldn, perf. afutnliin, i. clean, to purify. ' fnttdd, pass, fatidd, to present, to ofler, to give fot, pres. /o/o«, perf. fl/'oi, i. /oft', to live. | something. \ide fnt. fotet, n.pl. fd'tetji, things used for cleaning, | futukb, pres. fufutnlo, perf. afu'tnkd, i especially soap. Ifntnlvm, to be dislocated, sprained. fote't, n.pl. /of e-'fyi, life, vide /of. ' iutut, l.pl. fututji (fift>dji}. strmg. Ex: nan fbmbni, c.pl.s., heavy (the opposite to /a(?ec^')- 7o/o7i dang ho futut = I bind the bow with fbryo, pres. fiiforyd, perf. aforyo, i. fonjoni, to string. swim. fuyu, pres. fufvyu, perf. afii'yu, i. fuyun^, pass. fbtubr, c.pl.s., bitter, sour. fnyC' {fufii'yna), to rub, to pass softly over, to fbyiyik, c.pl.s., tepid, lukewarm. i strike. fbyti, l.pl. /ot'f, ebony. 132 BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ga, pres. gogd, perf. 0170, i. gciji', pass, gaya, to defend, to protect. gaf, pros, giiguf, perf. agaf, i. gafe, pass, gd'fa, to protect, to shelter. gafa, n., pent-house, shelter. gafa'kin, pres. gajafd'lin, perf. ar;afd''lin, i. (jafali, pass, gafaki, to lay on, to put on. gayu, pres. gagayn, perf. agnyn, i. r/ai', pass. gala, to look for. gege, never. gei, pres. gre.'/e?, perf. a;;ei', i. j/e)", pass, geld'ri, to use, to make use of. gele, l.pl. gehja, shoulder-bone. geleng, c.pl. kaJe, alone, a unit, singly. ge'lere, once. gelet, u.pl. ge'letji, tools, implements. gella, soldiers. geng, generally (gonggu). ger, jjres. geger, perf. arer, i. gere, pass, ge'ra, to scratch. giddya, pres. and perf. regular, i. giddye, pass. gi'ta, to gnaw, to pick. gigi'ru, n.pl. gigCrujin, the fin of the fish and the cartilage of the crocodile. gin, pres. gigin, pers. agin, i. ginye, pass, giiuja, to tear (trans.). gindya, pres. gi<,indya, perf. agindya, i. gindye, to tear (intrans.). giran, pres. Cjigiran, perf. agiran, i. cv{. agwidungedii, i. givulunjedC, to tumble. gwunyun, pr^-s. gicugwtinyiin, perf. agwnnyiin, i. gwiinyu, pass. gwiVnijne, to tear or pull out. g'wuru, l.pl. gwu'rna, turf, sod, plot of grass. gwut, pres. gwiigiont, perf. agwid, i. ;/tc((< ', pass. gwu'to, to beat. gwutet, idcer. gwutet (hidet), n.pl. gwii'tttji, stick, cudgel, club. gwutu, c.pl.s. blunted. I i (1) in. Ex : i kadi = in the house ; (2) than — in comparison. i-bot, behind. i-eron, before. ifiri't (i-rirrt), instead of. ifiri'ten-ling, everywhere, in all places. i-firit-na-gelend, together, in one place. igo, pi. igi'i'to, go away. lit, pres. at, perf. ait, i. itii, pass. Ctue, to fis'.i with the line. iitun, vide Hi. i-kak, under. i-ki, over, above. i-kiden, in tiie middle, among. 134 BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. il6'lor, to-day, 0:1 this day. f'ngo, what. Ex : do aiv;esu fw^o ? = what hast thou eaten ? inke, yes (also In-loi). itet {hitet), n.pl. itetji {hCtetji), fishing-took, itf, pi. itCta (irregular i. of iu, to go). i-tu, during, whilp, literally " in going.'' J ja, pres. ./(^a, peif. ajo, i. jam, to be sick, to voroit. jaga, f.pl. jaijujin, thick iron ring, broad iron ring. jakin, pres. jajalcin, perf. ajd'liin, i. Jala', pass. Jalii, to bring something for some one. jambu, pres. jcCjamhu, perf. ajamhu, i. jamhi, pass. Jd'ma, to say, to talk, to converse. jame, m.pl. jamyat, conversation, discourse, talk, vide Jambu. jawe, f.pl., time of rain and increase. jawu, give. jea, pres. jejea, perf. oje'a, i. jeanC, (1) to graze cr touch lightly ; (2) to scratch oneself. jegu, c.pl.s., irritated, enraged, angry (of men and animals). jele, journey. jelet, f.i)\. jelc'HJi (jeletji), splinter, chip, je'leta, pres. jeje'leta, perf. aje'leta, i. jeletani, to slide out, to slip, to stumble, to fall, jengga, pres. Jejenrga, perf. ajengcja, i. jencj(j-(, to swim. ji'bi, m.pl. Jfhia (jibya), small snail. jijo, pres. jijijb, perf. ajijo, i. jije, pass. jCb, to grind (flour). jik, pres. jijih, perf. ajil;, i. jihe, pas?, jfl-o, to lead, to draw, to pull along, to drag (especially cattle). jikun, pres. jijihun, perf. ajihun, i. JiJ(u, pass. jfkue, to lead on, to carry on. wide jik. jo, pres. jojd, perf. ajo, i. Jone, to be enough, to satisfy, to suffice. jok, pres. jojoh, perf. ajoJc, i. joke, pass, jd^ka, to punch (with the fi^t), to knock out, to thrash. Ex : bolot ajolia = the dura is thrashed. joket, m.pl. joketji (jo'ketji), (1) to blow with the fist ; (2) to blow, vide jok. jo'mani, f.pl. joman, ape, monkey. jon, pres. jojon, perf. ajon, i. jo (jd'ta), pass. jii e, to bring. Ex : nan jojd'n do kunye le = I will bring you other milk. jondya, pres. Jojondya, perf. ajondya, i. jondi, pass, jue, to ijring. jong, pres. jojong, perf. ajong, i. jonge, pass. jonga, to take away, to lead away, to carry way. jongan, pres. jojoiujan, perf. ajongan, i. Jojige, to be caught in a trap. jonge, letter. jor, f.pl. jorrt, pond. jore, pres. jojore, perf. ajore, i. jorene, to be plentiful. jore {jore), c.pl.s. full, much, abundance, many. jolo, pres. jojold, perf ajolo, i. joloni, to go away, to travel, ride j(d. jon, pres. jdjdn. perf. ajon, i. jonf, to rain. joruru, f.pl. jorurubt, hole, deepening, ex- cavation. ju, c.pl. jidin, friend. Ex : Julio = my friend ; junio = my lady friend. jii, pres. juju, perf. aju, i. jule'. pass, julb, to ring, to toll. ju, pres. juju, perf. aju, i. juje', pass. ju8, to grind, to sharpen (a spear or arrow). jii'ek (another form for ajok), m pi. jiiekbn, satan. jii'et, f.pl. ^'u'ei/'z, whetstone. vide./?2. jufu, pres. jujiifu, perf. ajufu, i. jiifuni, to clothe, to dress, to be dressed, to be attired. juju, pres. juju, perf. ajtfju, i. jujune', pass. jujua, to forbid, to prohibit. Ex : nan ajujua. jujuk, i.]}\. jujulbn, breast (of animals). jur, m.pl. jurbn, land, country. Ex : jnr Id JBari = the Bari country. jur-lo'-monye, fatherland. juruddyo, pres. jujuruddyb, perf. ajurvddyb, i. juruddijo, to sink. K kabe'lanit, c.pl. kabe'lak, (1) pensive, medi- tative 1 erson ; (2) miser, niggard. kabi'anit, c.pl. kabfak, a sucker, vide bi. kabi'tonit, c.pl. kabi'tok, beater, vide bit (also "flayer"). kabongonit, c.pl. kabbn(,ok, one who hps for- gotten somethiug. Ex : kaboniok-ti-Ngun — the impious, heathen, vide bdnrori. kabotok, flayer. kabu'kanit, c.pl. kahfkak, a haughty, proud person, vide buiju. kabii'konit, c.pl. kabtikok, me who causes blood to be shed. Ex : kabii kdnit-h-rima = a murder, vide buk. kabu'lonit, c.pl. kalulok, a mighty, powerful person, vide buJo. kabii'tonit, c.pl. kabutok, a beater, vide but. kada'kanit, c.pl. kadakak, an envious person, vide dak. kade {kade'), c.\A. of geleng, (1) alone ; (2) proper, peculiar. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 135 kade'lanit, c.pl. hade'lah, a secretive, mysterious person, vide de. kadelong (a second form for hade). kaden, pi. of hiidini (tree), wood, log. kade'nanit, c.pl. kade'uaJi, learned man. scholar, vide den. kaden-ti-kimang-, wood for fuel, logs for the fire. kaderanit, c.pl. hade'raJ,-, cook, vide der. kadi (kadi), n.pl. IcddCjllc, (I) room, house; (2) in the plural, " village, parish." kadi-na'dit, pi. hadi'Jik-nadidik, small room or chamber. kadi-na'-kwen, pi. kadi'Jik-ti-kiven, (1) bird- house ; (2) bird's-nest. kadi-na-lungguo, pi. kadijik-ti-lungtjudlon, snail-liouse, snail-shell, vide hnvfjuo. kadi'nanit, c.pl. kadi'nak, pupil, vide dC'nili. kadi-na-todi'net, pi. kadi jik-ti-todi net, teach- ing or school room, vide todCnet. kadi-todf'net, for hidi-na-todinet. kado'konit, c.pl. kadudok (kadul.ok), bearer, carrier, vide dojiju. kado'lanit, c.pl. kadoluk, seeker, searcher, explorer, vide doya. kado'nganit, c.pl. kadd'nijak, an elderly, old man. vide dongga. kadonge, m.pl. kadonge'lci, (l) the left hand; (2) adj., c.pl.s. Ex : mdhot-kndo)n,e = the left foot; ni'elo, ngiita n:6kot kadonge a ngode' = this man limps with the left foot. (3) adv. (mostly with the prefix a) akadonge' = left, to the left. kado'ngonti, m.pl. kad i'nr,on, fly. kadoyonit, m.c.pl. kadiiyok, merchant, trades- man, vide dojn. kadii'manit, c.pl. kadumak, thief (taker), vide ihimnn. kadii'mmanit, c.pl. kadiVmmak, cheat, vide ditnnn. kadu'ronit, c pi. kadurok, milker, milk-maid, vide diirje. kadii'runit, c.pl., the sufferer, sad person, vide diiru. kafa, f.pl. kafaki, possession. kafa'lanit, c.pl. kafalak, hypocrite, dissembler, vide payu. kafati, f.pl. 7.a'/a, field, plain, pasturage. kafelet, pi. kafelegin, uavel. kafe'lonit, m.pl. kafe'lok, baker. kafenggo, f.pl. kafencgoat, big sack or bag. kafesanit, m.pl. kafe"sak, conqueror, vide fesioi. kafe'tanit, cj)!. ka/e''tak, a commander, master, vide fet. kafe'ti, m.pl. kafe, germ, sprig, bud. I kafi'konit, c.pl. kafCkiJk, guide, leader (of i men and animals). vide_/?7.-. I kafi'ra, f.t. loiu-cloth, girdle. | ka'fulet, f.pl. kafuletji, fog. i kafu'tanit, c.i)l. kafutak, the highest bidder, vide flit. kafutat, f., boiled fat as in soup. kagu, pros, kakagu, pert", akagii, i. kagi, pass. kd'ka, to si)]it, to cleave. kagii'manit, e.pl. liujumak-, slinger, thrower, vide gum. kag^we'anit, m.pl. hagwe"ak, (1) sculptor, creator ; (2) pro-creator, genitor. vide gweja. kagwi'e, c.pl. kagwi'ejhi, person crying, mourner. kagwo'nganit, c.pl. kagivo'vgnk. the dairy man or maid, vide gwongga. kagworonit, c.pl. kaiju-orijl; merchant, vide gwoiij. kaje (also kujye), adv., yesteiday. kajikonit, c.pl. kajCkok, the leadtr, guide (especially of an animal), vide jik. kaji'onit, f.pl. kajiok, a grinder of corn, vide jijo. kajo'nganit, c.i)l. kajd'n^ak, messenger, carrier, vide Jong. kajolonit, c.pl. kajolok, traveller, wanderer, vide Jold. kajii {kajii), earlier, sooner, long time ago. Ex : nan kaju aijmg sine = I heard that long ago._ ^ kajii'enit, c.pl. kajuek, messenger, porter, vide Jon. kajya, pi. of. togwok, calf. kajye, adv., yesterday, vide kaJe. kajye'lu {knje'lu), the day before yesterday, vide lu. kak, f, (1) earth, subterranean world ; (2) under, in the deep ; (3) dowu. kaka'manit, m.pl. kakamuk, rower, vide kanthu. kakatyo, c.pl. hikat, relative, relation, neigh- bour, tribe. kake'fanit, m.pl. kuke'fak, joiner, carpenter, vide keba. kakere'nyanit, c.pl. lakere'nyal; a tearer, a render. kak-gwe-amiise, twilight, the earth becomes dark. kakit, f.pl. kdkitan, head-cushion, vide ydkit. kaki'tanit, c.pl. kakital;, workman, labourer, vide lita. kakkat, entrance. kak-na-monye, fatherland. kakoko'lonit, c.pl. kakoku'lok, a selfish person, vide kokinjii. kakii'runit, c.pl. hilti'ruk, peasant. vido kurjii. kakwa'kanit, c.pl. /.rtAH-a'/.a/i-, mediator, peace- maker, vide kivagu. kakwe'kanit, c.pl. htkive'^kak, an instrument for opening, vide kiceja. 136 BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. kalrwelianit, c.pl. haliu''Ualie), torch, flambeau. kama'nanit (l;auiananit), c.pl. ]:/ and'nin Ico'tyamj = the air is damp in the evening. kiase'r, f.pl. hiasi'ril:, si»ter. kibi, m.pl. Idhyet (Id'hiet), sycamore (tree and fruit). kibo, m.pl. hihojin, ship. kibo-16'dit, pi. Idbojin-lo'didih, boat, skiff. kiden, f , (1) middle ; (2) in the midst. ki'di, m.pl. l;Vdia (lidya), well, spring. kidih, pi. l.klja, arm. kidir, f pi. hidirino, back (of men and animals). kido, f.pl. lidoni, chest (of men). ki'et {h''yet), f.pl. Ifetji, (1) rising, mounting; (2) ladder, staircase, vide lija. kiffia, gun. kikiji, pi. hildjiga, orphan. kikindya, ride. kikira, pregnant (up to three months). kiko, 1)1. Idholin, path. kilolong, pi. Idsi, lamb. kimang, fire. kimurte, fpl. Idmnr, mosquito. kina, bread. ki'na, pi. Idnatji, breast (of women). kinat, pi. Idnasin, udder. kine, pi. idin, goat. kinga, year. kinio, pi. ldnio(j(n, crocodile. ki'ni6, food. kisanak, f.pl. Idsa'nalum, big goose (with red crest and red forehead), kiser {Mse'r), m., beginning of the rainy season. kita, employment, labour, work. kiten, pi. Jdsn, cattle, kitun, f.pd. Iftiiton, the black viper. kiwe, pres. Inldwe, perf. alcfwe, i. Jdicem' (hiur), to climb, to ascend, kiwe-kak, to descend. kiwundya, pres. Idlduundya, perf. aldioundya. i. Iriwundye, to mount, to rise, to swoop down (as birds). ko, (1) prepos. = with. Ex : hudo ((a, se) - with thee (you, they). (2) conjunct. = if, supposing that. Ex : 1:6^ do iryanyar = if you wish (with your consent). (3) negat. partic. of the verb and prefixed to the root forms the negat. imjj. Ex : ho wjesu, lo kvlvya = do not eat, do not steal. With the prefix a (aho) it is negat. Ex : nan alio ngesu = I have not eaten. (4) with the substant. baba, ycmjo, monye, and H<,ote it forms a pi. prefix. k6, pres. A-oA-o, perf. ahi, i. Ivne, pass, lo'a, to bite. Ex : Icaje diong ako' nan = yesterday a dog bit me. kob, pres. hol;oh, perf. alcoh, i. hofe, pass. A-o"/c(, to catch. koba, pres. lo'loba, perf. alid'ba, i. Icobi, pass. ];(ifd, to patch, to stitch together. kobaba, pi. of baba, father. ko'bubub, f , daybreak, vide bud. kode, or, perhaps, almost. Ex : nd'n hode do = I or thou ; l:ode nan fofo = perhaps I will come. kode . . . kode, either ... or. kodih, few. kodii, m.pl. lodulan, hill. ko'et, f.pl. hfetji, deed, act. vide Ao?? and ];onet. Kofa'jur (Ao /a' jur), village near Gondogoro (literally " do not forsake home, stay at home " ). kofir-ti-konyen, eye-lashes. kofir-ti-nyeken, beard (hair on the chin). kofor, fpl. l;6\foro, box, chest, coflSn. ko-gii'du, c.pl.s. humpbacked, hunchbacked, vide (judu. koja, pres. lu'hoja, perf alo'Ja, i. hoji, pass. Id'a, to bite. Ex : nan aJw'a Ao' clionj = I have- been bitten by a dog. koka, f.pl. J:o];aJin, leopard (tiger). ko'ko'-ko'ko', Len-house. I ko. . . kode (instead of lode . . . lode), if . . . or not. '• koko'lakin, pres. hold'lalin, perf. alold'lalin, i. lolvJal-i, pass, lolulaki, to steal for someone. koko'let, fpl. lolcd'letji, theft, robber, vide l-d'loya. kokori'te, f.pl. Icolvri, root. ko'koya, pres. hu^l-oya, perf alid'loya, i. loho'i, pass, hohd'la, to steal. koko'yu, pres. lold'yu, perf. alcoM'yu, i. holio'i to be selfish, self-seeking, covetous. . ^ ko-kure, c.pl.s. thirsty, vide Imre'. " kola, urine. kolanit, c.pl. lolal; thief vide l;dl;oya. kolieti, m.pl. hoUe, parrot. kolle, short toe. ko'lo, m.jil. l-u'Iolo, a small hammer. kolong, f. the sun. (The Bari judges of time by the position of the sun.) kolong-adoro, sunset. kolong-amu'ko, solar-eclipse (" the 6un is covered "). vide 7nul. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 139 kolong-lofukun, sunrise. kolo'rotot, in. pi. hold'ro, the white " wcod- eating " ant. ko-magor, c.pl.s. himgry (with hunger), vide mcnior. komong, f.pl. liomosi'lMn, face. komonit (Ivmonit), c.pl. loinon. stranger, guest. ko'monye, pi. of monye, father, master. ko-muri, c.pl.s. feverish (with fever), vide nuiri. kon, pros. Icolcon, perf. alion, i. l;one, pass, hi'na, to make, to do. ko-na (li-o-nd), (1) on that account, for this reason ; (2) when. kon-alogo, hard, to make strong, vide l:on and lo'ijo. kon-ana'go, hard, to make strong. kondya, pres. hohondya, perf. alondya, i. Lvndi (also l;om'), pass. l{6'na, to make, vide hon. konet, f. the making trade. konga, flying termites. konge, m.pl. lonyen, (1) eye ; (2) fruit (especi- ally of a tree). konge-geleng (]:o-lionije-r;elen'j), c.pl.s. one- eyed (with one eye). ko-ngyo, wherewith, whereby, whereon, with what. ko'-nut (honnt), by (fiom, to) thee. konyen-tf'-kaden, fruit (eyes of the tree). konyen-won, pres. l;omjen-wowon (wowon- J,-oiajen), perf l;onyen-awon, i. xcone-lconyen, to feel pity, to pity (with weeping eyes), vide won. kor, pres. lolor, perf. akor, i. hore, pass. M''ra, to divide, to share. koret, m.pl. horJHJi, small basket (used also as a unit of measurement). korimun, porridge. kori'ri, f. afternoon. korja, pres. holorja, perf. alw'rja, i. lorji (l-nre), pass. Ico^ra, to distribute, to divide, vide /.(.*■. koro'do, c.pl.s. dirty, filthy. koro'doti, f.pl. liorodo, dirt, excrement. koro'fotat (lonfoti), f.pl. lorofo, loaf of a tree, else leaf of paper, etc. koroko, leg (below the knee). koruk, m.pl. lorukan, raven, crow. koruket, obedient. koso, m.pl. liosojin, tobacco-pouch. kotet, tail. kotofu-ti-kidja, shoulders. ko-towyli-lo'but, c.pl s. merciful, compassion- ate. kotumit (Jwtomii), f.pl. lotunti'tji {lotumi'tdn), opening, door. kotumo'lu, to-morrow. ko'tyang, (1) f. evening; (2) adv. in the evening. ko'un, pres. holcd'un, perf. akd'un, i, hoii, pass. ho'a (kd'e), to bite, vide l:d. koyure (Jutyurr, l;o-yt(re), (1) morning; (2) in the morning. E.K : diha loyttre, this morning, vide yiire. ko, pres. IMS, perf. alio, 1. loIi, pass, hold, to let, to allow. ko, f.pl. lojin, war. kobbu, pres. IMobhu, perf. al.ohbii, i. I.dbbi, to follow. kobityo, f.pl. hdbyhi, sheep. kobungot {[,djuu dl), f.pl. ldbu.ni,olji, air, wind. kobungot-na-kak, air surrounding the earth. kobungot-na-ki, air (high up), upper air. kobungot-na-koyure, morning wind (also east wind). kobungot-na-loki, south wind. koburjo, pres. hdhdbur^o, perf. ahoburjo, i. ko- biirje, pass, kdbnrd, to complicate, to fret. kodi, f pi. kddi'et, gourd, pumpkin. kodini (kddini), m.pl. kaden, tree (in the plural, wood, logs). Ex : ni'elo kddini (a) lio = this tree is mine. kodio, nearly, almost (often strengthened by alintj, quite, entirely). kodu'duo, f.pl. kddudiidldn, shadow (only of men and animals). kofu, f.pl. Idfudf, shovel, small plough. k6fukd,"pres. Idkdfuko, perf. akdful.o, i. kdfu- kmn', to stumble, to trip, to fall. kofukoni, f pi. Id/ukon, wing. kofurot, f.pl. kd/iirdtji, smoke. kogumot, see kdbun_,dt, air, wind, also " sand- storm." koi'mot, f. sesame (roasted antl then grated). koji, f.pl. Idji'nd, stable, pen, fold. koli, m.pl. ];dlfsi, song. kolifonit, m.pl. kdli'findk, boy. kolokin, pres. Idl.dJdkin, perf. aldldkin, i. kdldki, pass. kdJd (Idldki), to leave someone, to abandon something, to leave behind, to forgive. kolokin-bot, to leave behind, vide kdldkin. komyru, m.pl. kdmi'rudt, lion. konin, m.pl. Idni'ji, hand. koni'n-lo-tome, pi. Idni'Ji-ti-tomya, elephant's tiunk. konyu'mi, m.pl. konyum, sesame. kor, pres. kdkdr, perf. alor, i. Idri, pass, kdrd, (1) to disturb, to destroy ; (2) to squander. korijb, f pi. ldri,'dki, puerpera. korit, f.pl. kdri'tji, clesolation, devastation. kot, pres. kdldt, perf. akdt, i. kuti, pass, kdtd, to wound, to hurt. kotu'roni, f pi. kdturSn, blossom, flower, vide turd. ku, at. by. Ex: dika lun'jace'r lio (iiod'n ku bubu = to-elay my brother was at father's. 140 BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. kii, pres. latlu, perf. alii, i. l-nne, pass, liiyn, to wound. kubi, f.pl. liuhilan, net. kudi, pres. Am Icndi, perf. alaidi, i. l;adu', pass. 1it(di"Io, to look, to see, to view. kudik, c.pl.s. little (also adv.). kudofoti, f.j)l. littdojot, dust. kudu, ft. rain. kudue, f.pl. hudue'ni {Imdnt'hi), a mother animal. kuferu'te, f pi. l-ufeni, fin. kufirot, m.pl. Jaifir, hair, feather. kufir-ti-kutuk, moustache. kufir-ti-nyeken, beard (hair on the chin). kufo, m.pl. hiifojin, basket. kuga, pres. liu Jnuja, perf. almija, i. litKje, pass. Itil.d, to give a present to the parents of the bride. ' kujeti, f.pl. I'uje, grain of sand (pi. sand). i kujirat, f.pl. lnjir, corner of the eye. kujone'et, f. fear. I kujonit, c.pl. hiijondl; a timid person, a coward, j vide jujono. \ kii'jbno, pres. laihu'jdno, perf. alcujono, i. , Imjononi, to be afraid, to dread. kujono-na'-Ngun, the fear of God. kujotot, f.pl. liiijo {liuje), vide liujeti. kujukit, f.pl. l-HJuln'ten, mortar. kukudi, pres. l;uhudi, perf. almhudi, i. Imliudin", pass, liulnulila, to tickle. kukudi, m.pl. luludilun, arm-hole. kukii'dija, pres. Imliudija, perf. ahuTnidija, i. l;ul;udiji', pass. l;ul;udia, to tickle. kii'kuli, f.pl. l;ul:u, durah straw. ku'kuon, verb used as adverb, public. vide/,/(OH. kuky, f.pl. huli, charcoal. kula, pres. Intlcuhi, perf. ahiVla, i. l;iduni, to pass urine, to make water. kulok, suflSx pl.m. thy, f. lunol: kulii'jite, m.pl. l.idu'Ji, (wild) rice. kulu'ngeri, m.pl. hnhir'oiKj, (wild) olive-tree. kulya, pres. Imlndya, perf uhulya, i. lulyanf, to talk, to speak. Ex: nan Jcnlidya Bari = I speak Bari. kulya, f.t. language. Ex : lulya ti Bari = the Bari language. kulya' et, f pi. lulya etjin, conversation, speech. kulyatat, f pi. Indyujin, word, vide ladya. kume, m.pl. Juaucjiu, nose (pi. also Jiumusfhon'). kumure, nuts. kungoru, pi. hunrjorot, shield. kungii, m.pl. Itnyjiidt, knee. kunu'reg, f.pl. hunureld, handle of the hatchet. kunyar, pres. l.iVnmyar, perf. al-unyar, i. /.«- nyaiT (also 7.-*(hj/«>), pass. l;unyara,io take care. kunyitat, f. brain, marrow-bone. kuon, pres. lu liion, perf ahuon, i. Imom (laine), to be known everywhere. kuoro, pres. l-aln'oro, perf. alii'vjo, i. J.Koro, to spread, to get acquainted. kure, m.pl. Icnrejin, thirst. kurejati, m.pl. Imre'ja, a species of small grained wheat (in Arabic-dukn). kuretet, pi. Imru, caterpillar. kuri, pi. Icnrilen, kite. kurit, f.pl. luriton, giraffe. kurju (seldom lorju), pres. hul-nrjii, perf. aliirjn, i. hurji', pass. ];uru (J;uru), to cultivate, to ijlough. kuro, pres. hukuro, perf. alni rij, i. kuroni, to be ashamed, kurok (l-iiron), f.t. ashes. kurii'duet, cjiLs. twin. kurutet, m.pl. luru, worm. kusii'ru, f.pl. liusu'ruot, a small bag. kut, pres. l-idud, perf. ahtd, i. hnh'', pass. l;u'ta, to blow (an instrument). kut-kiliba, to play on the flute (a whistle), vide liut. kutuk (lotoh), f.pl. hutusen, mouth, jaw. kuyii'tyo, m.pl. ]:uyii, leg bone. k'wadd, pres. Iwulwadd, perf. alncadd, i. lacaddC (more often Incase), pass. ];icasa, to honour, respect, to praise. kwagu, pres. l^walwagu, perf. alacaiju, i. lavaji, pass, liu-dliu, to mediate, to make peace. kwaje (licajye), (1) f.pl. Inmjelin, the night ; (2) adv. at night. kwaje-kiden, midnight. kwaje-lulur, to-night. kwaket (laalet), m.pl. livdVcetJi, fork. kwrara (Jmd'ra), m.pl. lard'rali, pincers, tongs (especially fire-tongs). kwaru (/.»«'}•«), m.pl. Icica'rujin {Inuirujin). leopard. kwaset, f esteem, regard, respect, honour. kwe, f.pl. Inji'l, (1) head, top; (2) the first, especially with the prefix Id'na {Idhive, nd'lwe, also IdVcolcice, ndlcolice); (3) cause, reason, generally with the prefix a, alive (a lice), on account of. kwe, suffix pi. my. kweddya, pres. Icweliceddya, j^erf. alweddya, i. liceddi, pass. lici'Ut, to wink, nod. k'wega, pres. Iwe'lwega, perf. al-we'ija, i. liceju pass. Iwe'la, to open. Ex : a nut. kweja, pres. Iweliveja, perf. alwe'ja, i. Itcejt, pass. Iwe'yu, to give testimony, to witness, to affirm, to declare. kwekani, m.pl. Iwe'lan, blood-sucker (a bird somewhat smaller than a crow, which sucks blood from animals). kwekin, pres. Iwe'lwelin, perf. aliio€Tsin, i. l-icel(, pass, liceli, (1) to witness for another ; (2) to give evidence ; (3) to remind. kwekwedja, whistle. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 141 kwelen, pres. lnvehwe'len, perf. aJnce'Uen, i. hwelewie. to be beautiful. kweli, pres. Inceltweli, perf. aliwe'li, i. hioeline, to wake, to watch, not to be sleepy. kwelit, f. waking, watchfulness, vigilance. kweni, pres. lacekweni, perf. akwe'ni, i. hwenine, to laugh, to laugh at. kweniakin, pres. Incekwenialnn, perf. aliwe'ni- (ildn, i. lacenidlii, pass, hwe'^niald, to supply, to complete, to restore. kwenti, f.pl. hieen, bird. kwrenyet, f.pl. kwenyetji, supplement, comple- ment, addition. kweyet, f.pl. Inoeyetji, (1) witness, testimony ; (2) sign, mark, token, vide hweja. kwilok, m.pl. Inoilolcon, osprey. kwok'wo, f.pl.s. meal. kwongo, eyebrow. k^vo'roko, m.pl. J.ivorohi'Io, leg, shin-bone. kwo, pres. lavokwo, iterf. uIlWo, i. l;u-om, to bathe. kwodd, pres. ku-dJiwodd, perf. alirodd, i. licoddi. pass, liwoto, to pick up, to glean (especi- ally the former). k^voddu, pres. Jncokwoddu, perf. alcwdddii, i. Iwoddi (kicolacoddi), pa^s. Jncoto, (1) to pick up ; (2) to collect, to gather. kwrong Qniowj), never. Ex : nan aT:6 fjicon I- now I (also nan laiomj a1;d (jwon) = I have never been. kworinit, c.pl. Jnvdrinilu, (1) rich ; (2) happy, blessed, blissful. kyati, f.pl. lyat, doleb palm. laba'kin, pres. lalahaldn, perf. alahalin, i. Juhahi, to jumji in, to fall in (into). labara, jump. labu'n, pres. lalahiTn, perf. ahdmn, i. hhi, to leap out or forth, to hop, skip, hither. lafaddu, pres. luhifadda, perf. alafaddu, i. lafaddi, to be terrible, horrible, cruel. lago, to undo. lago, f.i>l. lago'jin, a species of small gazelle. laju, ablution. iak, pres. Jalal;, perf. aJal;, i. lake, pass. Jaka, to loosen, luibind, to free. laka (J.-arkodak). laket, f.pl. Id'ketji, loosening, remission, indulgence. lakoforat, moth. lala, pres. lala, perf. ay. lung, pres. luhnuj, perf. alun'j, i. Inncji, 'pass. lungu, to call, to name. Ex : nCelo lolifonit ltdnngu Want = this boy is called Wani. lunga, also, sometimes, and. lungaser, m.pl. hmgasi'ril; bruther. lii'ngayok, f. nangayoli, pl.s. uneven, rough. lunggu, pres. hdunggn, perf. alunggu, i. lunggi, pass. Inngu, (1) to name, to call ; (2) to call for something, to be in want of something. lungguo, m.pl. htnggnolon, snail. lungun, pres. lidungun, perf. alungun, i. lun[,ii (lungi), pass, lungu, to call hither, to invite. lungutot, m.pl. litngito (lungtitotji), bell, vide lung. lubk, pres. lnohioh, perf. aluolc, i. Icoli, pass. hiolo, to rescue, to free, deliver. luoki't, f. redemption, deliverance, freedom. luon, adv. secret, privately. luoni't, f.pl. luonitji, secret, mystery. lur, pres. lulur, perf aim, i. luri, to be sleepy, to be nodding. luri't, m.pl. luriten, a broad path, road (especially for animals). luru, m.pl.s. fog, vapour, steam. lurii, m.pl. lurudt, hill. luru'jo, pres. hdurii^'o, perf alunfjo, it is misty, foggy. lii'ruo, f. narue, pi. lu'ri'dl:, f. na'rvoJ;, black. luruta't, m.i:)l. lundatjin, hill, vide lurti. lii'satyo, m.pl. lusal;, a young man, a youth. lu'satyo-lo'-kadi, pi. lusah-ti-hadi, manager, steward. lut, c.pl.s. dirty (only of men). luta'ten, m. the right hand, vide alutaten. lutii, c.pl. lulujin, son-in-law, daughter-in-law. lu'tua, f nd'tua, pl.s. dead, vide hi, lo, and tuan. lutii'tu, storm. luw^awang, f.pl. luwawangan, the black ibis. lu-yu, f nu-yu, pi. liidu-yn {silu-yu), f liunu-yu (sinu-yu), that there. I'ya, f. liyd, pi. liuVyd, f. hun'yd, where. Ex : 7igeVyd? ngeri'yd? selnd'ya {liun'yd)? = where is" he ? she ? where are they ? lya'betat, m.pl. lyabe, weed. lyangan, pres. lilynngan (lyalyangon), perf, alyangan, i. lyangi, pass, lyanga, to lose. M madak (maddk), f evening-red, maddh-na-li, red in the sky. madamada, carefully. madang, adv. slowly. magor, f. hunger. Ex : nan l;o magor = I am hungry (lit. I with hunger). mag6'ra, pres. mamagd'ra, perf. amagd'ra, i. magorani, to be hungry, vide magor. magu, pres. mama'gu, perf. amd'gii, i. magi, pass, malm, (1) to raise or take up ; (2) to fetch. malanggu, pres. mamalanggu, perf. amalanggii, i. malanggi, to lighten. mali, c.pl. maliat {malyat), peaceable, humble, submissive. mama'la, ipres. mamd'la, perf. amamdla, i. mamalani, to be foolish. mama'la, c-jjI. mamdlajin, fool, mad. mama'na, c.pl.s. hated, hateful, odious, vide man. man, pres. mamd'n, perf anmn, i. marw', pass. md'na, to hate. mana'nye, m.pl. mana'nyejin, mother's brother, uncle. mandu, pres. mamandu, perf. amandu, i. mandf. pass, md^na, to hate. manet, fpl. md'netji, hatred, enmity. vide man. mang, pres. mamang, perf. amang, i. manggi. pass, manga, to backbite, to slander, to accuse falsely. mango, to-morrow. manya, fpl. manya'jin, the Nile lizard. marangget, fpl. mard'nrgetji, scorn, contempt, disdain. maranggu, pres. mainaranggu, perf. amar- anggu, i. marangri, pass, maranga, to despise, to scorn. I ma'ring, f.pl. md'ringa, hedge. marok, fungus, edible, " lioiaonoiis," fudetut. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 145 masa, a blow, box on the car, slap in the face (with the hand). matat, c.pl. Limd'h, chief, prince, princess, king. matat -lo'-jur, pi. Idmah-ti -Jnr, sovereign of a country. matat-na-si'ua, queen-bee. me, pres. mciiu', perf. ami, i. mene, pass, meyu, to drive, to lead. meaddu, pres. nie:ni'ad'Ii(, perf. anu'addu, i. mendtJi, pass, mvaji {ined'ji), to drive away, vide int. meara, pres. memmra, perf. am/nra, i. meard, pass. Ill aji (ined'Jl), to drive away (especially cattle), vide m-'. mede, f.pl. midijilc, house, home. Ex : n^tn tit mede = I am going home. meddya, pres. iiv'meddya, perf. a:iicddya. i. iiieddi (inedi), pass. m."'to, (1) to see ; (2) to live. meetyo, f.pl. nu'ion, goat, m'etyo nd'Ie, milk goat. mejego, \A. ■luajalui, guinea-worm. mekor, f.pl. mehora, buffalo. mele, pres. mentf'Ie, perf. ci'iude, i. melen-^', pass. mc'ta, to see, to behold, vide nie. melesen, f.pl. me'es 'no, field garden. meling, m. time of the heat (the whole summer). meme, f.pl. immehin. India-rubber. (The Bari, never having teen glass, called it India- rubber, i.e. meme.) meme-na-lugweti, pitch. mer, f.pl. mera, forehead. meran (nie'ran), f. intoxication, drunkenness. meran (^me'ran), pres. iiwiutran, perf. ame'ran, i. iiier.', (1) to get drunk; (2) to make drunk. mere, m.pl. merya, (I) mountain ; (2) in the sing, a number, ten in the plural. Ex : meryn mur.'l; = twice ten, 20. merenye, m.pl. mermyejin. grandfather. meret, f.pl. mcretji, (1) carousing, tipjiling ; (2) intoxication. merete, m.pl. mira, side, rib. vide aine'refe. merya-budbk, eighty. merya-buker, sixty. merya-bungua'n, ninety. merya-burya, seventy. merya-fuok, a hundred. merya-mukanat, fifty. merya-murek, twenty. merya-murek-wod-geleng, twenty-one. merya-musala, thirty. merya-ungua'n, forty. merya-wod-geleng, one and twenty. met, i>res. memet, perf. amet, 1. mete', pass, mdu, (1) to see, to look ; (2) to live, vide meddya. metet, f.pl. m'tetji, (1) look, view, aspect, mirror ; (2) life. mey, f.pl. meyi, pit, snare (especially for elephants and l)ipi)0i)otamus). meyun (in'nn), jires. meme'yiin, perf. ameyun, i. iiicyii, pass, nu'yue, to drive hither, vide mi'. mi, pres. mimC, \wyL ami, i. mijv, i)ass. mfo, to melt. mi, pres. mimi, perf. ami, i. mih', jiass. ini'fa, to iiierce, perforate. miet, f.pl. un'etji, i>ain. vide myen. miji, m.pl. mijol;, mouse, rat. mijo, pres. mimijij, perf. ami Jo, i. mijc', pass. iiulj, to melt, trans, vide niV. mijun, jires. mimijan, perf. amijun, i. miju, to approach, to come near. mi'kile (mil-ile), m.pl. mil-i, the red ant. milon, pres. mCmi.dn, perf. ainilon, i. mih', to dip, to immerse. milya, m.pl. milyahni, lightning. milyang, c.pl.s. shining, bright. milyanggu, pres. mimilyaiviijn, perf. amili- anjfiu, i. milyan;:gi, to lighten, to shine. miiyo, f. swearing. Ex : win ngesu mi'yd = I eat the oath (the strongest confirmation by oath of the Bari). mimin, colic, sick, ill, pain. mi'ngatat, f.pl. mi'nja, feather, plume, orna- ment. minge, c.pl. min;ie'J:i, deaf. mirakindya, mimiraJdndyi t , perf. amiraldndya, i intra hind ye', to boast, brag. mi'riku, m.pl. mcrol;, enemy, opponent. mi'ya, pres. mimi ija, iier^. ami ya, i. miys', pass. mi'la, to pierce, vide mi'. miyan, f.t. things. mo, pres. momo, perf, aim. i. moh-', pass, mdlo, to beg, to pray, entreat. mo (contr. o't'ino^it), later, then. mobur, pres. momahnr, perf. aind'nb:ir, i. inonc'bnr, to have a nasty oJour, to smell uni)lea8ant. vide iiton. modi, perfume. modoke, c.pl. modolieno. blind. modong (inddonj), c.])l. mudunjin. old, aged. moe't, f.pl. moe'tji, smell, odour (especially a bad one. vide mon. moja, pres. md'moja, perf. amd'Ja, i. moji, pass. md'a, to smell, to scent. mok, pres. moinoh, perf. amoli, i. mohJ', pass. mu'lca (mo'lari), to seize, catch. Ex : yaw amd'ha i'-dili = the hippopotamus has been caught in the pit. m6'kari, f.pl. of mol-, taken prisoner and carried away. mo'ken, f.pl. md^kenya, mother-in-law. moket, f.pl. mol-etji, capture, vide mok. mokot, m.pl. md'.wtji, leg (from the hip down- wards). mok-somot, to fish, vide mole L46 BARI-ENf;LISH VOCABULARY. molet, f.pl. muhtji, entreaty, request, inter- cession, prayer, vide moijK. md'lokin, pres. niomdlokin, perf. anni'loliii), i. iiio'.oln, pass, mo'lold, to ask for someihing or iutcicetle fur another. moloko'tyo, m.pl. molo'kojin, spirit, soul. moloko'tyo-longon, m.pl. iuoJ6U;ojin-lon[;on. the evil spirit, Satan. molu, later, then. molu'lu, (1) later, still later; (2) the day after to-morrow. momon, putrid. mon, pres. )i(o»)o?i, perf. ainon, i. mon"', to smell, to be odoriferous, fragrant. mon, f. smell, also taste, flavour. mo'n, pres. monw'n, perf. amd'n, i. monone, pass, iiionijii, to bind, to tie. monerja, loan. mono, pres. md'mono, perf. amd'no, i. monone, pass, monya, to treat someone as a fclave. vide monya, pres. mo'monya, perf. uind'iiya, i. monojt, to be treated as a slave, to be bound, vide miin. monye, m.pl. Icd'monye, father, master. monye-k6'-ngote, the parents (father and motiier). monye-mede Qmonye-lo-mede), m.pl. ],d'nwnye- II i\UJil.\ master of a house. mor, pres. momor, perf. amor, i. niore, pass. mora, to mix, mingle. mor, pres. mon or, perf. amor, i. ;; ore, pass. muro. to mock, abuse, revile. . mora, pres. md^mora, perf. amo'ra, i. morani {morari), to reconcile one's self, to make peace, to be united again, vide mor. more't, f. the coming together (in peace), union, community, vide mora and mor. moret, f-id. Uioretji, insult, dis^grace, irony, vide nor. morinet, m.pl. morin, finger or toe. morinet-lo'-konin, pi. morin-tf-lonin {-lion%i), finger. morinet-lo-mokot, pi. morin-tC -molcot {ndh, mohotji), toe. moriri, defect, verb, to be sweet-scented, vide mon and riri. Ex : ni'ena hoturoiii moriri = this flower smells nice. morja, pres. md'morja, perf. amd'rja, i. morjf, to meddle with, to disagree, vide mor. morju, pres. momd'rjii, perf. amorjuy i. morji, to curse, to slander, to offend, vide mor. morog6, f-j^l. moroijd'jin, tent. moyu, pres. md'moyu, perf. amd'yn, i. mole {iiioyi), pass. H(o'7o, to pray, beseech. Ex : iiioijCId (moh'ta) N(jun = beseech God. vide md. moitoni, m.pl. md'nyet, intestine, rectum. vide liibu^S. moju, pres. mon djn, perf. anoju, i. )i.6ji. pass. md'ta. to drink (also trans., to water). mojii'-taba, to smoke tobacco (to drink), vide moju. mojyuli, m.pl. ludjjuhiet, the spear with knob of iron under the blade. mon, pres. n,dn;on, perf. anion, i. mom, pass. mono, to wait, to expect. mbndu, pres. niomondn, perf. amdndu, i. mdndi' (mom), pass, miind, to wait, to wait for, to expect. Ex : dika nr;ot'/nio mdmdnd = my mother is expected to-da}\ vide mon. monig, m.pl. mdnyl-en,ViU\e animal, m. mbnig-kobityo, pi. mdnylcen-ldhylu, ram. mbnig-me'etyo, pi. mdnyl;en-melon, buck, he- goat. monit, f.pl. ntdnitji, expectation, vide mon- mor, pres. mdmur, perf. amor, i. 7ndri, pass. more, to try, to convey, to lead astray. mori, f pi. niiirCet. debt. Ex : rf*' ho moli'et = you are in debt (also it is your fault). mbriko, f.pl. mdrikdlo, scar, cicatrice. mbrju, pres. mi.mdrju. perf. am'jrju, i. mdrji, pass, more, to mislead, seduce, vide mor. mbrb, pres. mdmdro, perf. amdrd, i. mordni, to fall out, to quarrel, dispute, tight. mbrbki, f. thanks, reward, expression of thanks, vide mdrdkin. mbrbkin, pres. mcimordkin, perf. amordkin, i. mordki, pass, mdrdki, (1) to thank, to pay one's debts. Ex : nan mdmordkin do — I thank you ; (2) to fight for another, vide mdrd. mu, c.pl. mu-kulo, f. mu-kune, as much. Ex : nc/e akorakt'n njidu muntyeJan mu^ se anyar = he distributed bread to the people as much as they wanted. muda, how much ? muddya, pres. munmddya, perf. amuddya, i. mute', pass. mxVta. to surprise, attack. mii'due {nnulwe), c.pl.s. dark, obscure, vide muse. mudyng (mudimj), fpl. mudingin, country, land. Ex : muding na Gonddkoro kwekwe'len — the Gondokoro country is beautifid. mugb, i)res. mumugd, perf. amu'gd, i. mngd, pass, mukd, to cover, to shut. .mugun (mogon), f.pl. herik, (I) stomach, body, belly ; (2) for me, thee, etc. mii'gunya, f.pl. herik, stomach, waist, body. mii'jinet, m.pl. nnijin, nail (on the finger or toe), claw. muju, pres. mifmnJn,peTL anuiju, i. inw/r, pass. nnVyu, to press, crowd, to fall on something. compare musuk. muk, pres. mumuk, perf. amuk, i. nmke', pass. mi'ko, to cover. j muka'nat, five (also ka'nat). 1 mukek, pi. mnkeka, loins. BARI -ENGLISH VOCABULARY. u; muket, f.pl. n.uhrtji, cover, stopper, cork. mukok, (1) subst. f. enil. Ex: mukoknalor — the end of the day, muhoh na honrjo = the border of the dress; (2) adj. c.pl.s. the last. Ex : nan Jo (na) mulwk = I am the last ; (3) adv. at least. muku, m.pl. wulaie, bnsh, copse, thick wood. mukii'lo, f. mnku'ne, (1) so many; (2) just as many. mukkuyet, l.pl. mukim, the small black ant. mulu, pres. nni'muJu, perf. amu'Iu, i. muliine, pass, mu'lna, to overflow, to deluge. mulurito, m.pl. miihtri, the sugar-eating ants. mii'ngi, m.pl. hi'mungi, thy father. muntye, f.pl. muntyelan (iimntije'Ian), bread. munu, m.pl. manno, snake. munyet, f.pl. munyetji, liver. murek (miire'ke), two, a pair. murek-ko-murek, in pairs, or couides. muri, f. the fever. mu'ri, f.pl. muryehi, antelope with long horns. muriloni, m.pl. niiiriUi, vein, artery. murin, dough, paste (flour and water). muruo, f.pl. muruiiki, a ruin. murut, f.pl. muruto, neck. murut-mimyen, pain in the throat or neck. murye, c.pl.s. blue. musala, three. mu'se (wusii), i)res. n umuse, perf. anni'se, i. miiseni, dark, to get dark. mushenge (also beriija). marrow, vegetable. musuk, pres. muinusuk, perf. amusuh, i. inusukf', pas3. musukn. (1) to press, throng, crowd ; (2) to threaten, menace. mutulu, people (natives). may, m.pl. muyjun, rhinoceros, unicorn. myen, pres. mimyen, perf. ainyen, i. miw/ (inyene), to be ill, to have pain. myene, f. pain, suffering, vide myeii. N na, (1) demoustr. f.pl. sine (kmie), these ; (2) article f. and sign of the foil, genet, pi. ti; (3) conjunct, than, as, after, when. nagila, grass. nak, f.pl. naka, tent, canopy. na'kiri. vide lokin, spotted, coloured. Ex : ni'enahongfjo anu^ktri = this dress is of different colours. nakwan, f.pl. u-dte, (1) woman, wife; (2) girl. nambo, pres. nnnamho, perf. anrimho, i. namhi, to fire, to make fire. nan, c.pl. yl, pers. pron. I. na'n, short form of mja nd, what sort of ? nunane. pass. u'lnjc. pass. nana, pres. nand, perf. anand, ndnn, to shake, to tremble. nanakwan, pi. nau-dte, female. nang, pres. miwin'i, perf. ananj, i. nanja, to heat with the bare hand. nen-geleng, c.pl. yi'kade, I alone. nanggu, pres. nananjfju, perf. anangcju, i. nanggi, pass, nnnga, (1) to clap the li mils ; (2) to hit with the hand, vide nang. nan-lofeng, c.pl. yi-lofe'ngat, I myself. nana (narai), when? Ex: do fofo nanu? = when are you coming ? nasisiki, complainant. na'sit, f.pl. nd'sijik, small piece, scrap, crumb. nekenet, f.pl. neke'netji, a cord, rope. neringye-na-konge, eyelid. nga, (1) who? Ex: ngd'akon so/ta ? = who has acted so ? ngd' tu njerot ? = who is going in front? (2) sometimes also for " he who." Ex : ngd kn'su'o ti nge ying = he who has ears to hear let him hear. nga, pres. ngd'ngd, perf. d'ngd, i. ngane, pass. nga (ngd'Ji), to open. nga, c.pl.s. open, opened. Ex : kotumit nga (d'nga) = the door is open ; kotumitji nga (d'ngu) = the doors are open. ngaddu, pres. nga'ngaddit, perf. angaddu, i. ngaddi, to increase in size or bulk. nga'lo, f. ngd'nn, pi. ko'ngdUo, f. kd'ngd'na, who, whieh. nga'lyati, m.pl. ngalya, (1) glass beads; (2) money. nga'ngaddu. vide ngaddu : Ex : dikd d'ngd'- ngaddii = the wound has become bigger. ngara, pres. ngd'ngara, perf. angd'ra, i. ngnrji, to eat, to eat together. ngara'kin, pres. ngangard'kin, perf. angard''- kii>, i. ngaraki, pass, ngardld, to suj^port, to assist, to help someone. ngato, m.pl. ngutd'jin, sole of the feet of elephants and hippopotamus. ngr, c.pl. se (silo, ku'.o), he (she). nge, pres. nge nge, perf. d'nge, i. ngesi, pass. nge, to tat. vide ngesii. nge'bi, m.pl. ngc'hia (ngebya), cheek. nge'deb, m.pl. nge"dej'a, tongue (of men and animalf). nge-geleng, c.pl. se'^kade, he (she) alone. nge-lofeng, c.pl. ae-lofe'ngat, he (the) himself. ngeman, pres. nge"nge'man, perf. d'nge'man, i. n',iii\w, to be green or verdant. ngen, pres. ngc'^ngen, perf. d'ngen, i. ngene' ni,endi', to growl, to snarl, to clash, nge-na-koyure, breakfast, ngendya, pre.s. nge"ni;endya, perf. d'ngendyn, i. n-,endi, to growl, grumble, vide njen. nger, pres. ngr'nger. perf. d'n ,er, i. nger(^, pass. nge'ra, to reap, to cut. L 2 148 BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ngerja, pres. nje^ngerjn, jicrf. anjerja, i. njer/i, pass, nje'^ni, to reap, to cut. Ex : lohiwjd yi nji'"nier/(t fero!i-inurj"l; = t\ns year we shall reap twice. ngerot, iu front, before. Ex : nia tn njerot = I am goi ig in front. ngesu, (iijc'sii), in-es. nji'''n'jesii, \>crL an-jesu, i. n jesi, pa-s. h /(', to eat. ngesu-ko'tyang (n'lesn-na-l-ii'tyini), supper. ngi, jires. njfnji, parf. anji, i. wjim, pass. n lyii, (1) to raise ; (2) to awake. ngi'en, pres. nji'njien, perf. d'nii'eii, i. wjine, to get up, to rise, to rise from the deal. ngi'et, f. the resurrection, vide nji'en. ngiju, pres. nji ii'jiju, perf. unjiju, i. njijil, to set uj). to awake, vide mji. ngi'muye, c.pl. nijiinuyejin (iijinniyela'), statue, figure, vide ni'iiiuyti. ngin, (1) therein ; (2) inside ; (3) into, come in. ngin, pres. nijVnijin, perf. anjin, i. njiw' (jvji'njL'), i)a8s. U'jt'nja, to dress, to tan, that is to make a dried skin soft by rubbing. ngi'ngi'ret, f.pl. njCnjCretji, perspiration, sweat. ngiret, f. fat (of roast tilings), grease. ngo, f.pl. 3. something, tiling, matter. Ex : tCmin ujo = give me something. ngode, c.pl. n^iode'Jd. crooked, lame. ngo-duma, f.pl. n(jo-te" mejik, something big, a wonder. ngogwo, m.pl. njo'iwojin, father-in-law. ngo'litani, f.pl. n jo'litin, tears. ngom, pres. njd'njODt, perf. amjom, i. n^jonie, pass, njd'iua, to greet, to salute, vide roman. ngomo'ti (iijomoti),m.i)\. n;/o/*(of, grfiin of seed, stone, grain. ngondya, pres. njo'ivjondya, perf. amjondya, i. nifondi, pass, n'jo'nja, to blow the nose. ngongga, pres. njd'iiiionjija, perf. u'njonj(iu, i. njoniiji. to suffer, to endure. ngongga, f. patience. ngo'ngo'lija, pres. njd'njd'lija. perf. un-id^njd'- lija, i. njd'ifjo'ijc', to beg, to obtain by begging. ngonyet, f.pl. ngd'nyetji, unfriendliness, un- kindness. ngonyo, pres. njd'mjonyo, perf. angonyo (anjd'njonyo). i. njd'ujoni, to be unfriendly, to despise. ngor, pres. njd'njor, perf. anjor, i. ngore, pass. ngSro, to shoot with airows. Ex : nun tutu njor liven — I am going to shoot birds. ngora, tired. ngoret, f.pl. njd'retji, chase, hunting. ngo'ritat, f.pl. 7ijori, chain. ngoroko'tyo, c.pl. ngordlio, old, worn out. ngote, f.pl. l-d'7i'jote. mother. ngote-mede (ngote-ni-mede), pi. /.■ I'ngote- mi'dijil; mother of a family. ngoit, f.pl. niditji, vessel for food, trough for foo i, manger. ngokin, pres. n jd'n liil.in, perf. angdhin, i. njdki, i)ass. ng'llii, to accuse falsely. ngo'ngogu, pres. ng'i'n /dgu, perf. d'ngd'ngcga. i. njdii jdji to relate, to narrate, to chitter, prattle. ngorini, c.\)\. ng:iriai';">, nephew (niece) on the mother's side. ngu, yet, still ; joined t > nho (nhd'-nju), not yet, almost, scarcely. ngii'du, pres. H;unu'dn, perf. angudu, i. ngiuhi^/', i>ass. ngii'diihi, to wraji up. ngu'dulakin, pres. xgit iiju diiUil:in,\)e\'L d'rijU- ditbihin. i. nindi'ala', pass, njudukild, to wrap up something, vide ngii'du. ngii'dulet, f.pl. n ;ti'du'ef/i, swaddling cloth, blanket. ngue'yo, c.pl.s. tiltliy. dirty. Ex: liiho anju'"yo = the road is dirty. ngufi, (1) always, very often, often; (2) for ever, et'iriiity. ngulube, c.pl. nguhihfli, dumb, mute. ngumi, m.pl. ngumC'ad, a needle. Ngun, m.i)l. mgnnyen, (rod, pi. deities, from ti'n Jim, to surpass, to be the highest. nguro, c.pl. ngud'jil;, child, boy, girl. nguro-dufyet, f.pl. njiidjih-dnfi, servant, maid. nguro-kwe, c.pl. ng idjil;, first-born, eldest, njuro-'.d'holnce. nguro-lo-ba, ngiuijili-tihi, pi. step-brother. nguro-16'kokwe, pi. ngnd'Jik-ti'koJnoe, the first- born sou, eldest son. nguro-na'kokwe, pi. njdd'jih-Whol-we, the eldest daughter. nguro - nakwan, f.pl. njud'Jih-wdte, girl, daughter. ngurufit (iignrufit), f.pl. ngiiruf Qiiiu'ritf),stone. ngutu, people. ngutu-lo'-jur, it\. ugittn-fi'-jnr, fellow country- man, vide J ur. ngutu-lii'tua, m.pl.s. a dead person, deceased, vide hi tun. ngutu-na'-jur, pi. n intamti'-Jur, a fellow country-woman. ngutu-na'tua, f.pl.s. a dead woman, vide lutua. ngyer, f.pl. ngyer/in, the big turtles. ngyo, (1) what. Ex : In ali'n ch ngyo '?'= what has he given you ? (2) why. Ex : do ahd'fo njyo i = why did you not come ? ngyo'na, (1) deft, verb, to be near; (2) adv. near, in the vicinity, generally used with lo. ni, (1) here, there. Ex : i hah 7ii = here on the earth; nxn lo (na) = there am I; (2) suffix with the same meaning, used with J:u^o, kiine, etc., Iniloni, M'nenl; (3) demonstrat. prefix. Ex : tii'elo {ni and lo) nfenn (ni and na) ; (4) here, hither. Ex : /u" ni = come here. BARI-ENGLI8H VOCABULARY. 149 niam, gazelle. niddyo, pres. niniddyu, pcrf. uniddyiiA. niddijo. pass, nitii, to forge. nido, tribal mark, teeth pulled out. ni'elo {ni and /o), f. nieim (nfna). pi. si'Ioni (se-Id'ni), lii'loni (/.k, lo, ni), f. »ineni {si, na, ni), luneni (ku, na, ni). this. ni'elu, commouer form nfihi (ni'ijJu), f. nfenu {ni'inu, nfynu), pi. siJu {Im'u), f. sinu {hunu), (1) that there; (2) the same, idem, eadem, idem, ipse. ni'muyo, f pi. tii'muyiijin, a fis^uve (of wood, etc.). nin, pres. ninin, pcrf. ((nin, i. nine, pass. nCna, to screw, to bore, to drill. ninet, f.pl. ni'netji. screw, drill. nokan, jiies. nu'nohun, perf (.nd l.-an, i. noiie. to burn, iutrans. Ex : l-udi nd'nohin = the house is on fire. noket, f. pi. nd^kefji. brand, contlagration. vide nolrtn. nog, jires. ni'niUi, perf. ani'g, i. ndgi, to suck (milk). nuk, pres. ntimil;, perf anuh, i. nul;i'\ jiass. •nuhd, to bury, to inter. nya'kwari, c.pl. nya],-'wd'ry. to ciara. vide /,'\. tnluVntianJu strtngtli, force, vigour. tukar, jires. iutubtr, perf. utiflar, i. tulcare, pass, tiikarii. to waste, to .squander. tii'kotyang, f.s. h-d'tt/dmi (luostly adv.), in the evening. tukor, pres. Ui'tuhUr, perf. utuhor, i. lithUrt, pass, tul.iirii, to spoil, to put in disorder, vide /.or. I tukii'orb, to make known, to publish, vide J:i(i>r(). tii'kwaje, adv. at night, in or during the night. Ex: nan al-o doto hVlnoaje = I have not slept during the night, vide himje. tukworyen, f. possefcsion, property. vide lacorinit. tule, pres. tti'tide. perf. (tlii'le, i. tuleve, to burn, to catch or lake fire. tule'et, f.pl. tidc'etji. light. tulekin, pres. tidiVltlin, perf. aUihldn, i. tideli, lo liglit for someone. tuki, m.pl. hCUa {tidyci), a pot (especially for cooking). tuliong, pres. tidtdivmi, perf. atidiumi, 1. tidwmji. pass. tnUongo, to rejoice, to make glad, vide li'migon. tulu, m.pl. tnlid), a big hatchet, hoe, axe. tii'lutut, m.pl. tuhVtntjin, (1) scrotum; (2) hernia. tulyang'gfu, pres. tntidynrKjijn, perf. atuhjnmign, i. ttihjawjiji, pass, tidyanija, to lose. tulyelyeti, f.pl. tnlye'lye, tliistle. tumaddu, pres. tidnmculdn, peif. atiimuddn, i. tumadd\\ pass, tumata, to water, to soak, vide tomat and mojii. tuman, pres. futinnan, perf. (duman, i. Ittmane, to bear ill-will, show enmity to. Ex : yi tuUnnan ho do (lele /.o Jele, f. nene l;o nene) = we hate each other, vide man. tumatyan, f. kingdom, dominion, vide nuttaf. tiiraunit, m.pl. to'monol:, artisan (especially a blacksmith). tii'munit-lo-yukit, pi. t6'monol-ti-yida"t, smith. vide tnlft. tii'munit-lo-kare, pi. td'monol-ti'-lare, iisher- man, fisher, vide Jutre. tun, pres. tutun, perf. atun. i. tvne, pass. hVna, (1) to put in order, arrange ; (2) to collect. tu'nakin, pres. tidiVnuldn, perf. atifnal-in, i. tti.nuhi, i)ass. fu'md.i, (1) to put in order or arrange for another; (2) to collect for another. tunakindya, pres. tidinmlindya, perf. atuna- J.indya, i. tunalindye. pafs. M'nal;i, (I) to order, arrange (also intransitive) ; (2) to assemble, con- gregate. tii'nge, pres. tidiVnge, perf. atu'ngc, i. iu'ngeni, pass. hVni;i\ to give to eat, to feed. tii'nge'rot, to go before, to precede, vide in and n'jr'rot. tungoti, pi. tiingot, riDg. tunbgu, pres. tidi(noriii, perf. atunHgii, i. tiiniigi', to suckle, to make suck, vide nofjii. tur, pres. tiifnr, perf. atiir, i. tnre, pass, tu'rli, to pull or knock down (transitive). tur, m.pl. tnriJn, hamlet, village. tur-duma, pi. turlm-tr'meji];, big village, town. ture, m pi. tifria (tiirya), stick, club, rod. ture-lo-reat, pi. iu ria-ti-reat, iron club, vide real. turja (turjya), pres. tuturja, jierf. aturja, i. tiirjc'. p;iss. M'ra, to pour in. to put in. turjo, pres. tidnrjo. perf. atiirJU, i. turje, to fall in rin'ns (intransitive). turo, pi-es. tiitu'rii, perf. ahiro, 1. turone, to blossom. turukti, m.pl. td^roh, (1) pebble; (2) hail-stone. tutufe (tiife), riot. tutii'let, f pi. tntuletji, hole, aperture, opening. tutuo, f.pl. tidiiilon, ostrich. tyer, pres. tyetyer, perf. atyer, i. tyere, to emit sparks. tye'r, f.pl. tyere'ji, a spark. U uddya, pres. uxi'ddya, perf. ati'ddya, i. uddyc, pass, lija (i(yu'), (I) to take away, to seize; (2) lutrans. to go away, to go off. ugut, m.pl. ugutji, the stork (big kind). uini, m.pl. uinil;6, medicine, physic, vide icini. uinyoti, f.pl. ui'n, the durra -stalk. uju (imju), pres. iiii'Ju, perf. au'ju, i. uji, pass. uyu, (1) to take, to catch; (2) to keep; (3) to laden, load. ukuli, m.i)l. dl:o]ot. India-rubber tree. uluet {tnl'h(el). f.pl. u^U"'fji, choice. vide icidun. ulundyo, pres. iiidundyo. perf. au'Jundyo. i. uhmdyv, pass, ulue, to choose, select. ,^vide widun. uluti (u'hdi), m.pl. bolot {olot), (1) dura; (2) corn, grain in general. undye, pres. uundye. perf. uiindye, i. nndyc, to be affected witii. Ex : Icolanit au'ndye Lo lifjihiii = the thief was seized with fright. unguan (unguan'), four. unguli (u'nguU), m.pl. uwulyet, the horn-owl. ungvyuri (ungivun), m.pl. d'ngicora, horn. uolu, f. west. urbanga, f.pl. urhangajin, pelican. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 157 uret, f.pl. iiretji, wreath, crown, crest. uri, I'ork-tree. uri {uri), lu.pl. {iryU, boar. li'ri, pi. iirhji, pig. uronit {hnrimit), c.pl. nriUiiih (lj:tr<'mi>l:), liar, vide urunS. urono, pres. uurUnii, perf. nuriino, i. nrunum, to lie. urute (ifriite) f.pl. tvoro, dung, manure, especially cow-dung. utot, f.t. matter, pus. uugo, pres. y(((;/o, perf. aii'iig."}, to storm, to rush, bluster. uugo, f. the storm, tlie rushing, roaring. u'uri, pillow of wood. W wa, c.pl. v-aJa, courageous, stout-hearted. waddu, pres. icaivaddn, perf. aw. perf. aico, i. icon;', pass, ivd'wa, ivi'jci, to soften, in water. wo'dodo, cjiLs. hlthy, dirty (of the road). wodya, pres. ■woirodyn, perf. awudya, i. woddi, to eat with the si)oon. woja, pres. wu'woju, perf. awd'J((, i. icojt, pass. wii'<(, to weed. wo'jet (wodyet), f. eating with the spoon, vide loodya. wokken, escape. won, pres. v:owon, perf. aivon, i. iconc'. to run, leak, to bubble, to drizzle, to drop (especially also tears, vide l;onyen-won. wongeri'kin, pn s. woiron;erildn, i)erf. atoon- tjerChin, i. wronger il:C, i)ass. ivonjerihi, to con- tradict. Ex : nan woioonjerChi ngufi ho do = I am always contradicted by you. wongon, jires. ^vti'mnujon, perf. aicomjon. i. lOongi', to cry, complain, lament, mourn. w^or, pres. wovor, perf. aicvr, i. ivore, pass. wd'ro, to scrape, scrape oif, to curry, tan. wora, ]ires. ivaicora, perf. awd'ra, i. icoruni. to change, to cliange one's condition, woran, pres. icoicd'ran, perf. aicd'nin, i. icorc, to be angry. 158 BARI-ENOLISH VOCABULARY. •woret, f pi. u'li'retji (icdretii), (I) cluiuge. alteration ; (2) wrath, anger. ■worju, pres. tcourirjti, perf. aworja, i. worji, pass, icvro, to rub otT, shave off. vide wor. woryo, c.pl. woryo'hni, disorderly, dissolute. ■w6'\ve, ID. pi. tvd ireji7i, hawk. ■wowo'ja, i^res. icoicd'Jn, perf. atvd'Ja, i. icoicoji {icowoiic), pass, ivd'ua, to provide with or for, to maintain. wogiri, pros. wUu-l'giri, perf. awih;iri, pass. n-w,«-t'7r2n, to abduct, steal. Ex: liasi'r na Wani awliginldn ho Mecli = W.'s sister has been abducttd by M. wokon, pres. tvoiouliUn, perf. aioulon. i. loiili. to go off, to run away, to fly, flee. ■wolu, n. the west. woroji, pres. umvUrdJi, perf. awordji, i. lodrdji {icdrojine), to draw away, to carry away on wheels, to start, drive away. woroka'na, adv. gratis, for nothing, vide gworS and Imna. vfovfu, f.pl. wdwulii, hole, ditch. ■wii, pres. tt)!/w,'M, perf. mfu,i. wtmi (njf, iviiji), pass, uti'yu, to take, accept, vide uju. wuju {wuju), pres. iuinvuj'u, perf. aicnju, i. wiiji, pass, lai'yu, to take, accei^t. vide kjh. wii'luet. vide jc'Iuet. wulun Qidun), pres. wuuu'lnn, perf. aiiuinn {au'lun), i. ivuJu, pass, uu'liie {ulve), to choose, select, elect. wur, pres, wmvnr, perf. aiovr {au'r), i. ux/re, pass. uu'ro (u'rd), to scratch, draw, write, engrave. V7uret, f pi. wuretji, writing, text, book. vsrurju (wmvurju), inspector, or (to inspect). wurokin, pres. louwuroldn, perf. awurUMn, i. wurdld, pass, xcurdld, (1) to write for another ; (2) to write down, enter, register. wutte, prostitute. ■wuyut, m.pl. wui, buttocks. ya, pres. yayd, perf. ayd, i. yale, pass, yd'la, (1) to move, to be in motion (of water); (2) to give more. Ex : yale nan = give me more. ya, where, where from ? (also whence). yafa, m.pl. yafd'la, moon, month. Ex: nan fofo^ ho ijafo'la, huhe'r hot = I shall come in six months' time. yafa-jore, m. full moon, much moon. Ex : yafa-Jore (yafd'-lo-jore), hwehive'Ueji — the full ■ moon is beautiful. yafa-vnlo iyafa'-lo-u-ilo), new moon, vide icilo. yafinga, to sneeze. yak, pres. yayah, yviL ayah, i. yahe, pass. yd'ha, to stone. yaka, pres. yayaha, perf. aya]:a, i. yahniii, pass, yahahi, to spit. yakanye, f.pl. yahanyejin, grandmother. yako, iires. ydhjaho, perf ayd'ho, i. yahole, pass. yai<-<)'lo : to miss the mark. yala (yd'la), m.pl. yald'Jiii. btonn. vide yd. yama, pres. yaydma, perf. ayd'ma. i. yamanc', t'l yawn, gape. Ex: yayd'tna ncjnfi ngyol = why are you always yawning ? yamanit, pi. yamah, magician. yamet, f.pl. yd'metji, yawning, vide yama.' yamora, agreement. yanggo, f.pl. hoyangcjo, mother. yangotat, f.pl. yango, leprosy, itch, mange, syphilis. yaro, f.pl. ya'rujin, hippopotamus. Ex: i jur h> Bari yd'rujin jore = in the Biiri country there are many hippopotami. yaua, f.t. beer (merissa from diirra). yayake, orderly. yayasho, pi. yaya, porcupine. yayu, pres. yayd'yu, perf. ayd'yn, i. ijai (yalc), to move, stir, vide yd. yega, pres. ye'yega, perf. aye'^ga, i. ycgi, pass. ye'];a, to bring, to bear hither (i specially to carry about). yeja, pres. ycye'ja, perf. aye'ja, i. yejf, to look up, to look towards a place. yeje, f.pl. ye'jeld, ntt. yek, pres. yeyeh, peiL ayeh, i. yehe, pass, ye'ha, to give, to bring, vide yega. yekakin, pres. yeye'hahin, perf. ayt']:ahin, i. yehahi, pass, yehahi, to bring, to oft'er, to dedicate, vide yega. yeket, fpl. ye'hetji, gift, sacrifice. vide yehahin. ye'ma, pres. ye'^yema, perf. ayc'Una (at^'ma), i. yemani, to marry (of girls), ye'ma. ]il. of yeviha. Ex : hu Bari ye^yema hodiji ndWidih = the Bari girls marry young. yemba, pres. yeyemba, perf. ayemha, i. yemhC, to marry (of men). yemet, f.jil. ye'metji, marriage, matrimony. yen, pres. yeyen, perf. ayen, i. yene, pass. ye''no, to hope, to exjject. yeng, pres. yeyeng, perf. ayeng, 1. yenge, to remain, stay. •- - .^ yengga, pres. yeyengga, perf. ayengga, i. yenggi, to arrive, to reach, to come from somewhere. yeng'ngin (contr. of ye''ngin), c.pi.s. always, lastii g. vide yeng and ngin. yengundya, pres. yeyengundya, perf. ayen- gundya, i. yengundye", to come here, hither, to approach. yenki (really yeny-li), c.pi.s. (1) dwellers in heaven ; (2) eternal, always living. yeye, pres. yeye', perf. ayeye', i. yeyene", pass. yeyo, to think, to consider. BARI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 159 yeyeet, f.iil. yetje'etji (yey('yot), thought, idea. yeyeju, pres. yeye'jn, perf. ayeyeju,, i. yeyeji, pass, yeyo, (1) to think, to reflect; (2) to] remember; (3) to trust. yeyema, mnrried, adj. yeye-na-kak, a slight earthqualce. yi (spoken fast in speaking and pronoinieed almost as i), pi. of nan, I. yiben, refuse. yidin, pi. of kine, young cattle. yig, pres. yiyig, perf. ayin, i. yigi', pass, yi'ga, to threaten, to menace. yigga, pre^. yiyi'gga, perf. aydjga, i. yigge, pass, yi'ga, (o threaten, to menace. yik, pres. yiyil:, i. yihe, pass. yCl!i>, to fill up a ditch, hole, cavity. yika, f.pl. yihajin, straw-mat. yilakin, pres. yiyi'laJrin, perf. ayilal:in, i. yilald, ]>ass. yilald, to ladle, pour into. yi'mono (yimijno, yiyf miini'i), c pl.s. satiate, satisfied, enough vide toyVmiJniJ. ying, pres. yiyimj, perf. aying, i. yinge, pass. yinga, to hear, to notice. yinga, pres. yiyimja, perf. ayln[,a, i. yingani, to be silent, vide ying. yinget, f pi. yfngetjl, the inner ear, hearing, vide ymg. yingga, pres. yiying<;a, perf. ayingga, i. yingge, jiass. yinija, to hear, vide yivg. yite'et, n. return, vide yi tue. yito, pres. yiyitij, perf. ayito, i, yituni, to turn back, return, vide yitye. yi'tue (also yitwe). vide yifye. yitye (yi'tue}, pres. yiyitye, perf. ayitye, i. yityene, to return, to come again. yoka, pr-es. yfyoka, perf. ayd'ka,i. yol-anc', to cough. yoka, f.pl. yokalan, cough, cold. yokan, pres. yoyolxin, perf. ayo'lmn, i. j/oAt, to be lazy, to be idle, vide yulcan. yoke, c.pl. yol;ya, lazy, idle, . yoket, n. laziness, idleueis. yoko, pres. yd'yoho, perf. ayu'lco, i. yokom', pass. yii'Jnie, to free, deliver, release. yolet, m.pl. yo'letji, song, vide yolo. yolo, pres. yoyd'lo, perf. ayu'lo, i. yoloni, pass. ?/(>7o, to sing, vide 2/o;/"- yonge, c.pl.s. ready, finished, ripe. yorot, pies, yoyjrot, perf. uyu'rof, i. yoroU-, pass, yd'roto, to press, press or sfjueeze out. yoro't, m.pl. yorotjin, owl. yoyo'ja, pres. yoyo'ja, perf. ayoyo'ja, i. yoyojf, liass. yo'yna, to marry, to want to be married (speaking of girls). yoyu, pres. yd'yoyn, perf. nyd'yn, i. yoloni', pass. j/o'7o, to sing, vide 2/^j'o. yobu (yohii), n. wood, forest, pi. yOhuit. yodu (yodu), f.pl. a black stone which when ground is used for glazing. yoki, pres. y"yiil,i, perf. ayiili, i. yoJn'ne, pass. yUlnii. to order, command, vide yi>l;iji>. yoki'et, f.pl. yohfetji, order, command. ybkijo, pres. yvyfilijo, perf. oydlrijii. i. yiikijf^, pass, ^/o/ao (yu]a"o), to order, command, vide 2/o7a'._ yolit, n.pl. yllitji, visit, visiting, vide y'^/"- yoyu, prv s. yiiyoyu, jaerf. ayiiyu, i. ?/o(', pass. ?/?(), to visit. yu, (1) there; (2) thither; (3) from that place. yu, pres. ymjii, perf. ayH, i. yxne, to skim, to fi>am, to ferment. • yubo, pres. yuyuho, perf. aijiCho, i. yuhe, pass. yii'fo, to be of opinion, to think, vide yxif. yuddii, pres. yiiyuddii, perf. ayuddu, i. yuddi, pass. yiVtu, to feed, to nourish, to bring up. Ex : nguajili loWidih {ngiia'Jil: nadidil:, f.), yuyu'tu 1;6 le ti ngote = little children are brought up on their mother's mdk. yuf, pres. ynytif, perf. ayiif, i. yufi', pass, yii'fo, to believe, vide ynbU. yufet, n. faith, belief, vide y>if. yugu, pres. yiiyugii, perf. ayii'gii, i. y>if;i, pass. yulm, to guard, protect, be a shepherd, to graze. yuk, pres. yuyuk, perf. aynl; i. yidie, pass. yu'kii, to make wind (especially with bellows). yukakin, pres. ynyiVkakin, perf. ayiVhakin, i. yuliali, to breathe upon, breathe into, inspire. yukan, pres. yuyukan, perf. aijukan, i. j/^/.r, to brtathe, blow, to rest, repose. yuket, m.pl. yuketji, breath, sigh. yuket, f.pl. yuketji, rest, repose. yukin, pres. yxyuJriv, perf. ayukin, i. yidii, to go to another country, emigrate, remove. yuki't, f.pl. yuki'ten, forge, bellows. yulen, pres. yuyuhn, perf. ayulcn,\. yule] to be discontented, to grumble. Ex : nge ayuhn akwc' na roftt ncCdit = he (she) was discontented ou account of the small wage. yulon, n. thunder. yun, pres. yvyun, perf. ayun, i. yum', pa.'s. yiVna, to load. Ex : kayne ayuna fari'k — the horse is too heavily laden. yungue, pres. yuyungue, perf. ayiCngue, i. yungueni, to bring forth young. yunguet, n. (1) womb; (2) birth, delivery. yur, pres. yuyur, perf. ayur. i. yure', pass. yiVra, to set on file, to birrn. Ex: nan ayu'r kadi=I set fire to the house. yura'n, pres. yuyu'ran, perf. ayuran, i. yun', to mourn, to bemoan. yure {yur:'), n. (1) east, eastern country ; (2) early, in the morning. yuret, f.pl. yu'refji, trouble, pain, sorrow, vide yuran. READING LESSON. A BARI FABLE. Dyet Ml ngote ku monyelonyet amecl- dya I mede niynu. Ngote ajolo, nge ajamhu Jco nguro-naJcican : mete hura JcS mu'ngi ! Amd dyet ako met hurd ; monye gioon ho magor. Nd ngote ayitue, monye agioe alosoh ; sundna yigote ariJcoro dyet i yobu ho hupo duma, anyan doya hiteni. Nge apo i hodini dmna. Nielo hodini lo hijahita : ama hijahua awaldji. Dyet atojore hupo ho honyen ti hodini. Ede ayitue hijahua hotyang ; se arie dyet ngyu i hodini hi. Se alidngon parih. hogwon se ay en lohore wuwuju, ho se hoho dyet niena. Kijahua hulye adiain stmdna, ama hoyure yi nge^ ngesu na. Ko-nd hija- hua ling adoto i hodini hah, on dyet dandji. Kwajye lihito api'irue, nge ahija i hodini hi, nge api dyet, hode dedeh pot, hode dedeh tudn. Dyet adeh popot. A girl lived with her father and mother in the same house. The mother went on a journey and said to the daughter, " Take care of your father." But the girl did not look after him : the father suflered hunger. When the mother returned the father had grown thin ; then she sent the girl into the wood with a large basket to look for sycamore. She came to a big ti-ee. This tree belonged to the animals, but they were absent. The girl filled the basket with the fruit of the tree. In the evening the animals returned and found the girl still in the tree. They were very pleased, because they hoped to get meat by (eating her) devouring her. Some of the animals said, "Not yet, but to-morrow morning early w'e will eat her up." All of them slept under the tree, so that the girl could not escape. In the night the hare awoke, climbed the tree, and asked the girl if she wished to live or die. She wished to live. Lihito adi : ho nan luoluoh do, do tin nan ngyo 1 Dyet adi : nan tintin do ling, nd deh do. The hare said, " If I let you go what will you give me ? " The girl replied, " I will give you all you ask for." M ( 162 ) Likito arugo : nan deJc Jconut sokoro. Dyet atakin age : do dedeh sohoro mudci? LiJcito amgd,jore,jore. Dyet adi : inhe, h'l nan popo mede. The hai'e said, "I demand hens from you." The maid replied, " How many hens do you want 1 " The hare said, " Many, many." The girl said, " Very well, as soon as I get home." Sundna mureke ahiwe kak, se aid mode nd dyet. JEde dyet atin likito sokoro jore, ieng ko nge alidngdn. Likito awiiju sokoro, nge ayito i yobn. Then they both got down and went to the girl's house, and she gave the hare as many hens as he wanted. He took them and returned to the wood. Ngyu nge adung sokoro, nge abiik rima-kase i kalabd nddit. Nd nge a' ngesu teng ko yinidno, nge apo tbki i kodini, nge adukun lungci kalahd ko rima. There he killed the hens and poured the blood into a little dish. When he had eaten and was satisfied, he went again to the tree, taking the little dish with the blood with him. JEde adumun rima, nge abobod kutuk nd gworong ko mujinkase ; ede nge atu doto. Then he took the blood and smeared it on the snout and claws of the hyena and went to sleep. Koyure ling apilrue, likito geleng adoto akd : amd nge aying ling. Kija- kua akidya lele ko lele ; sundna yi dedek ngesu lokore ! In the morning they all awoke, only the hare appeared to be sleep- ing ; but he heard everything. The animals said to each other, " Now we will eat meat." Atfia lokore atn ! Ling apija lokore atu da ? Ede se a' ngi likito, se api : lokore n'yd f Likito adi : nan ti den ; ama diri gworong a'ngesu na ; gioo- rong ko rima i kutuk ko mujin. But the meat had disappeared ! All asked where it had gone. Then they awakened the hare and asked him Avhere the meat was ; but the hare said, " I don't know, but surely the hyena has eaten it ; he has blood on his snout and claws." Kijakua kulye aworan ko gworong, se agivut nge .- ama kulye ako yup. -Ede likito adi : yi kokondya dili ndgulu ko ndgalang, ngin kimang ; kijakua ling lalang kimang, se do doro, ko meri. Some of the animals were enraged at the hyena and fell upon him, but others did not believe him guilty. Then said the hare, "We will make a broad and deep ditch and make a tire in it ; all the animals must jump over the tire : those who fall in are guilty." ( 163 ) Ling along Tele hot lele, amd ling adoro. Ama liMto aJco Icing ; nge adandji i yobu ho liongon, Jcogwon lohong. I yobu nge arum ho gioore. Se murehe adoya honyen ti hodini. Kb- dini lo monye lele. Na nielo apo tcmouj'u honyen ti hodini, nge arie hudih. Nge ho-dije holdh ahohoyd se. Ko-nd nge adeh tojong hido, ho sepopS tbhi. Nge agiveja ngimuye nd meme, nge atogwidihin na i hodini hi. Kwajye tdhi ape lihito ho gwore, anydn se ngesu honyen. Se amele dyet i hodini hi. All jumped ovei- one after the other, and all fell in. But the hare did not jump ; he escaped to the wood rejoicing over his cunning. In the wood he met the fox. Both were looking for fruit. But the tree belonged to another man, and when he came to gather it he found but little. He thought thieves must have stolen it, and he wanted to catch them when they came again. So he made a tigure of a girl out of gum and put it up in the tree. In the night the hare and the fox came again to eat fruit. They saw the girl on the tree. Lihito ahij'a hi; amd dyet ayiriga tdling. Lihito abut dyet, ama mohotji- hdnyet adebba ho meme. Ede nge nge awongon : hbli nan ! hbli nan I Amd dyet aho hblbhin nge. The hare climbed up, but the girl was quite still. He fell upon her, but his claws stuck fast in the gum. Then he cried out, " Let me go ! let me go ! " But the girl did not let him sro. Ede nge alung gwbre, anyan ngara- Mn lo. Ede gicbre lunga ahija hi; amd nge lunga adebba. Sundna lihito a^ambu ho gwbre : ho monye hodini popo, ho nge bubut yi, do hohondya ngyo f Gwbre adi : nan loowongon. Lihito adi : ho wongon parih, ama hudih, hudih, ede tunongi mugun, anydn nge ho-dije do dtuan. Monye hbdini apo hoyure, nge arte 7iturehe i hbdini hi. Sundna nge ahija hi, nge abut murehe; gwbre awongon parih teng ho tuan ; ama lihito awongon hudih, ede nge atonanga ahd. Then he called the fox to his aid. The fox climbed up to him, but he also stuck fast. Said then the hare to the fox, " If the owner of the tree comes and beats us, what will you do?" The fox replied, " I shall wail." Said the hare, " Do not wail much, only a little ; lay yourself out as if dead, .so that he may think you are dead." In the morning the owner of the tree came and found them both there. Then he climbed up and beat them. The fox wailed till he died ; but the hare only wailed a little, theustretcbed himself out and feigned death. ( 164 ) Ede monye adiimun se, nge ade Jconyen, nge atin i hipo Ico Iconijen ho Jnjal'na murelic, mje adogguhiipd mede i hce. I tu lihito apurue, nge adek lunga ngiju gwbre ; ama gwbre dfiian. Ede UMto a' ngesu honyen jore i hupo, nge toki atononga. Monye aye- nggd mede, nge arie Jconyen Jcndik ; nge aJco den add. Sundna monye atin MjaJcna mureh, ho horihot ho hupir, i sape duma, anydn se dedera. Nd piom pape, lihito agii- hard sape, alahiin i piom nge aicohon. Monye arihoro nge, ama hana. Then the owner took them, plucked fruit, and put it as well as both animals iii the basket, and carried it on his head home. On the way the hare awoke and wanted also to waken the fox, but the fox was dead. The hare eat a great deal of the fruit in the basket and again feigned death. The owner arrived home and fovnid only a little fruit — he did not know why. Then the owner put both animals, with skin and hair, in a large pot to be cooked. As the water became hot, the hare burst open the pot, jumped out and ran away. The owner followed him, but in vain. OF - L/^^ We ^NlVEpt^f^^Y OF •t-fr,-,- LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^ NE WALS <>Nl¥ - Tel. No. 642-3405 iui^m [^m — s. 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