yprNRLF B 3 117 ^ob i nH ^ar;-v l". '<-.■■■ i-',;....,-, J AM LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class E>42.7 'tiU-"^"/ m- IF^ THE PREPOSITIONS IN, ON, TO, FOR, FORE, AND ^T IN ANGLO-SAXON PROSE A STUDY OF CASE VALUES IN OLD ENGLISH A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY HENRY MARVIN BELDEN, B. A. PRESS OF THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE THE PREPOSITIONS IN, ON, TO, FOR, FORE, AND ^T IN ANGLO-SAXON PROSE A STUDY OF CASE VALUES IN OLD ENGLISH A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY HENRY MARVIN BELDEN, B. A. PRESS OF THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE • • Dedicated to PROSSER HALL FRYE. INTRODUCTION. The following pages present the results of an investigation begun some time ago and aiming, primarily, to discover the exact values of the accusative and dative cases after the preposition on. A dissertation by A. Harstrick, Untersuchung ilber die Prdposi- Uonen bei Alfred de?7t Grossen, Kiel, 1890, says on this point : ** Gewohnlich steht nach Verben der Bewegung on mit dem Akkusativ, nach Verben der Ruhe 07i mit dem Dativ. Dass diese Regel jedoch Ausnahmen hat, zeigen die folgenden Bei- spiele," and gives examples of on — dat. after faran, gebringan^ afeallan, but without further comment ; and under the category of time (p. 35) " Auch mit dem Akkusativ wird on verbunden," and gives examples oi on tid from Bede and the Cura Pastoralis, This is hardly satisfactory. In order to set forth the principles governing this apparent irregularity in Ags. syntax the division under cases is in this paper made to supersede the division into categories of meaning. The range of texts studied is, it is believed, wide enough to make generalisation safe. They are all in prose, and may all, with the exception of Bede, be counted as West-Saxon monu- ments. They are : C. P. King Alfred's West-Saxon Versio?i of Gregory's Pas- toral Care. Ed. by Henry Sweet for the E. E. T. S. London, 1871-2. O. Khig Alfred's Orosius. Ed. by Henry Sweet for the E. E. T. S. London, 1883. Bo. Ki7ig Alfred's A?iglo-Saxon Version of Boethius De Consolatione Philosophicc. Ed. by Rev. Samuel Fox. Bohn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1864. (The citations from Bo. are, however, from Prof. Bright's copy of the Cott. MS., and (B) = Fox's print of the Bodl. MS. is given only where the Cott. MS. fails or (B) presents a different reading.) B. The Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Ed. by Thomas Miller for the E. E. T. S. 1890. (Latin citations from Bede are from Bedce Historia OF THB \3R OF T XTNITERSITY VI Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, ed. Alfred Holder, 2. Ausgabe, Freiburg i. B.). Chron. The Anglo-Saxoji Chro7iiclc {six texts parallel). Ed. by B. Thorpe. London, 1861. (Rolls Series.) (The different MSS. are here indicated by the letters (a) = C. C. C. C, (b) = Cott. Tib. A. VI., (c) = Cott. Tib. B. I., (d) = Cott. Tib. B. IV., (e) = Bodl. Laud 636, (f) = Cott. Domitian A. VIII.) kS*. C. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church : The first part, containing the Serniones Catholici^ or Homilies of y^lfric. Ed. by B. Thorpe. Vol. I. London, printed for the ^Ifric Society, 1844. j^. Gr. ^If^dc's Grammatik und Glossar. Herausg. von Julius Zupitza, Berlin, 1880. Letters in () after page and line numbering refer to different MSS. of the text from which the citation is made. Bede being the only one of these texts that holds very closely to a Latin original, the Ags. has been compared with the Latin throughout for this text. Little was found, however, to show dependence of the Ags. prepositional idiom on the Latin. The Latin originals given with the examples from Bede will show this. A word as to the manner of treatment, which may at first sight seem irregular. As this is a study in case-values, the ace. is in each division treated separately from the dat. and insir., even where the value of the preposition is the same for both. Bi and on are considered together, likewise for and fore, and a summary of differences appended in each case. A general discussion of the use of ace. and dat. after in, on is prefixed. The instr., a fragmentary case, is considered together with the dat. Bi, on in time relations is treated apart, in order to give a better view of the relation oi ace. to dat. in phrases of time ; and further because the use of the ace. here seems to have no connection with the con- struction in, on + ace. after verbs of motion. Grateful acknowledgment is here made to Prof. Bright for the loan of his copy of the Cott. MS. of the Boethius, and for general guidance and assistance throughout. Harstrick's dissertation gives the meaning of in, on and to exhaustively for Alfredian texts, but pays little attention to the value of cases. Miller's dis- cussion oi 071 and hi {BedCy Introd. xxxiii. ff.) has been relied on for texts not read for this work. Vll [This work was done in 1895, before I had had an opportunity to consult Dr. Wiilfing's Die Syntax iii den Werken Alfreds des Grosse?i. The part dealing with Prepositions has not yet appeared ; Vol. I. contains the discussion of cases in other than prepositional constructions. I have made references to his book in cases where he has touched on matters discussed in this study.] Henry Marvin Belden. Springdale, Conn., July 4, 1897. CONTENTS. Introduction v Contents ix-x IN and ON 1-48 Discussion of cases after in, on 1-12 I. gebringan, 2. — 2. ace. in C. P. and O., 2. — 3. settan, gesei- tan in B., 2. — 4. extension of dat. in A^ljric, 3. — 5. verbs of believing, rejoicing, trusting (in), 5. — 6. ace. and dat. after on in yElf. Gr.,8. — 7. preposition separated from its case, 9, IN, ON + ACC 12-25 I. Of place, after verbs of motion. I. of that which contains, 12. — a. in non-physical sense, 13. — 2. of the object, surface, upon which, 14. — a. after verbs of hostile motion, 15, — b. after verbs of striking, &c., 16. — c. /on, 17. — d. wrecan, 17. — e. beseon, loeian ; meldian, secgan, asecgan, wita7i, 17. — 3. that on which one goes, the path, &c., 18. — 4. after verbs of believing, &c., iS. — 5. /;/, on -\- ace. of purpose, function, 18. — 6. of resultant form, after verbs of changing, 19. — a. after verbs of dividing, 19. II. Adverbial phrases. I. oti hand, on . . . healfe, &c., 20. — 2. on yiczt gerad, 22. — 3. on borg, pleoh, treowa, 22. — 4. phrases of manner, 22. — 5. words denoting language, 24. — 6. of that received in pay- ment, 25. — 7. exceptional constructions, 25. IN, ON -|- DAT. and instr 26-34 I. Of location. I. of that which contains, 26. — a. in non-physical sense, 27. — b. =: predicate noun or adjective, 27. — c. phrase of reason or means, 28. — d. of the occasion, 29. — e. of the disease which is the cause of death, 29. — 2. of that on or upon which, 29. — 3. of the part affected, 29. — 4. after verbs of depriving, 30. — 5. after verbs of believing, &c., 31. — 6. wrecan, 31. — 7. phrase of specification, 32. — 8. phrase of purpose after beon, 7ueor'Sa?i, 32. — 9. measure of distance and value, 33. — 10. ad- verbial phrases, 33. IN, ON in TIME PHRASES 34-45 I. 'I'ime when. tid, 34. — tinia, 36. — dcEg, 37. — neaht, nihi, 39. — inorgeti, tzfen, 40. — gear, 41. — st^, 42. — seel, 42. — dcegred, 43. — last, syvibel, 43. — lif, 43. — time when rendered by the^^w., 43, II. Time within which 44 III. Time how long 44 Summary of constructions in time phrases 45 IN versus on 45-47 Compounds 47 TO 48-6 1 I. After verbs of motion 49-53 I. person to whom, 49. — 2. place toward which, 49. — 3. after verbs of speaking, writing, looking, 50. — 4. in non-physical sense, 52. II. After verbs not strictly of motion 53-55 I. x\fter verbs of fastening, joining, mingling, 53. — 2. of belonging, pertaining to, 53. — 3. of subjugating, submitting, praying, reconciling, converting, 53, — 4. of urging, striving, helping, 54. — 5. ^iiitr gewti7iian, gestaf&elian, gewissian, 54. — 6. after Jiabba7i., niuian^ivitan, healdan-\- ace. of feeling or pas- sion, 55. — 7. after certain adjectives, 55. — 8. of that to which distance, degree, extent is reckoned, 55. — 9. of that given in exchange, 55. III. Phrases of purpose, function 56-58 I. phrases of purpose, 56. — a. inflected infinitive, 56. — 2. after verbs of becoming, appointing, changing, 56. — 3. after kalgian, hadian, 57. — 4. after tellait^ ialiofi, gedon, 57. — 5. to^instr. in phrases of purpose, 57. — 6. phrases of degree, 58.-7. to ^ gen., 58. IV. In time phrases 59 Compounds 60 FOR and FORE 61-73 I. FOR, FORE-|- ACC 61-64 I. = over, in authority, 6[. — 2. of what a thing is counted, reckoned, to be, 62. — 3. = instead of, in the place of, 62. — 4. = in behalf of, 62. — rare and special usages, 63. — Notes : the preposition distinguished from the inseparable prefix/f?;', 64. II. FOR, FORE-f- DAT. and INSTR 64-7O I. = before, in the sight of, in front of, 64. — 2. expressing reason or cause, 65. — 3. expressing purpose, 66. — 4. = in behalf of, 67. — 5. of that in return for which something is given, 67. — 6. = instead of, in the place of in B. and yElfrie, 68, — 7. in conjunctional phrases: a. r= because, 69. — b. ^r- therefore, 69. — c. forhwv, forhwon^ 70. — d. correlative phrases, 70, — 8. in time phrases, 70. Compounds 71 Summary : A. for v?,. fore ; B. cases 72 ^T 73-78 I. ^ r -|- DAT 73-78 I. denotes location, 73. — a. with verbs of motion, 74. — b. in place-names, 74. — 2, of the occasion, 74. — a. = in the matter of, in regard to, 75. — b. = against, 75. — 3. in time phrases, 75. — 4. of the source, 76. — a. t= seca7i and wibiian, 77. — b. verbs compounded with cct, 77. — 5. exceptional construc- tions, 78. II. ^T-f-ACC 78 Vita 79 IN AND ON. The prepositions z?i and on present peculiar difficulties in Ags. syntax. Originally distinct in form and meaning, they became in course of time so confused in meaning that in was dropped, o?i being felt to have the same value. This is the state of things in W. S. prose. Alfred shows m occasionally, but never with dis- tinction in meaning or use between zn and on. In vol. I. of ^Ifric's Homilies there is a single instance of the preposition in : in ealra worulda woruld 6i8. 35, — a liturgical form, in which the scribe may very well have been under the influence of the Latin. The relation, chronological and dialectical, of in to o?i in Ags. has been discussed by Miller in the Introduction to his edition of Bede, pp. xxxiii-xliv. He shows that while early documents use both in and o?i, with distinction of meaning, the later standard prose, the W. S. of Alfred and of ALUric and Wulfstan, uses almost exclusively o?i, and Mercian tends to a similar generaliza- tion of in. The use of zu in the Tanner MS. of Bede, which Miller holds to be the most authoritative text, is one of the argu- ments employed by him to establish the Mercian character of the Bede. Of the monuments studied for this work, Bede alone (M5S. T. and C.) presents abundant examples of zVz. The citations from Bede are from MS. T. unless otherwise indicated. I?i and 071 are followed by the ace, dai., and instr. cases. The categories for the ace. are as a rule (except in time phrases) quite distinct from those for the dat. and i7istr. The rule of Latin syntax regarding the ace. and ablative cases alter in holds for the ace. and dat. (or insir.~) after in and 07i in Ags, But the question arises, Which are verbs of motion, and which are not ? Should settan, lecgan, for instance, or sincan, besezicazi, take the ace, or the dat. of place after on, in ? The answer is different for different languages, for different periods or dialects of the same language. The works read for this investigation show a fairly regular gradation, from C. P. and O., which imply the idea of motion in some verbs in which it is lost to us, through the Bede, which shows uncertainty — sometimes ace. and some- times ^ or 07i', and some of them take also the dat. or the ge7i. without preposi- tion, of that believed or trusted in. These verbs are: gelyfa7i : takes 071 -\- ace., on -|- dat., ge7i., and dat. on -f- ace. : . . . 'Saem . . . 'Se wel on hine gelifden under lyfte. C. P. 467. 30, . . . "Sa "Se on Crist gelyfdon (in Christum credentes). B. 46. 30 (Ca.) Sume hi gelyfdon on (Sa suiinan, surae on 5one monan, sume on fyr, and on manega o5re gesceafta. S. C. 366. 28. on •\- dat. : pu iElmihtiga God, on ^am ^e Abraham gelyfde, and Isaac, and Jacob. ^S*. C. 464. 30 is the only instance found. Bede shows once geleafan hab- ban in-\-dat. : ^aet he in Sissum haefde faestne geleafan & onwalhne (in hoc habere fidem, i. e. in Oswald's relic). B. 192. 12. gen. : peah his (i. e. this doctrine) dysige men ne gelefen. Bo. 196. 29. for'San '5e hi noldon aet fruman gelyfan his aeristes of deaSe, tJa'JSa hit him egcydd waes. S, C. 300. 25. dat. : Hwaet ya. menn "Se pysum leasungum gelefdon, 'Seah wisston paet his mid pam drycrsefte ne mihtcSara tnanna Modon wendan. Bo. 196. 8 (B).* And heo (i. e. Maria) his (i. e. Gabrieles) wordum gelyfde, and swa mid pam cilde wears. S. C, 460. 6. In ^Ifric (who alone furnishes a sufficient number of examples to render generalization safe) there are three distinct constructions with gelyfan (cf. Wiilfing, §§ 14, 72. b and 103) : on ■\- ace. of the divinity, the object of religious worship: On God S. C. 62. 18, 54. 8, 26. 18, on "Sone so'San God 70. 32, on "Sa Hal- gan Drynnysse and on so^S Annysse 134. 4, 292. 20, on me igo. 26, on deade entas 366. 21, etc. (on ^am 464. 30 is the only exception). dat. of the utterance to which credence is given : his wordum 24. 26, 460. 6, pam wordum 202. 22, minum wordum 202. 6, his behatum 224. 21. gen. of the fact, the point of faith : his aeristes 300. 25, Cristes aeristes 222. 2, his ( i. e. the miracle) 190. 23. gefeon : on -\- aee. : Ic eom sui'Se gefeonde on Dryhten, t5aette ... C. P. 207. 18 (Hatt.). Da wundredon ealle menn & on daet gefegon, hwylc wundor Saer haelo purh Drihtnes gife aeteawde & geworden waes (gaudentibus only) B . 272. 3. in^ on -f- dat. : swa hit nu swi'Sur gefth'S on his synnum C. P. 417. 2. Ic eom sui'Se gefeonde on Dryhtne C. P. 206, 18 (Cott.). in 'Saes Drihtnes 'Saem ecean rice gefeo'S eal eor'Se (in cuius regno perpetuo exultet terra) B. 480. 17 (C). & hie in '5aem (i. e. the miracle of heal- ing) ealle blissedon & gefegon (congaudentibus £>«/;/) B. 380. 20. gen. : & (scl. hie) his gefsegene waerum Chron. 148. 9 (abcde). & hie ^aes (ac. ; his b.) gefaegene waerun Chron. 126. i (abc). /(Tgnian takes regularly the ge^i. in Bo. ; xvi. 4 (B), 40. 18, 58. 9 (B), 68. 16, — and ^^;-r. or on -^ dat. in Ailfric : his tocymes S. C. 560. 33, mines for'Ssi'Ses 88. 2; on "Sam wyrstan Singum 40S. 4, on his gesundfulnysse 584. 6. From the instances oi gefeon 07i-\-acc. given above — the only two found, and one of these represented by on -^ dat. in another MS. — it is evident that the construction is exceptional. * Mo don wendan in Fox. Read Mod onwendati. getreoivimi : in, on -\-acc,\ Osweo se cyning mid AlhfriiSe his sunu — woes getreowende in Cristes fultum — mid medmicle weorode him togegnes cwom (Christo duce confisus) B. 236. 5. So : in godcundne fultom (in divinum . . . auxilium) B. 118. 7. ic getreowige on "Sine geornfulnesse B. 2. 5 (Ca). So: on godcundne fultum (in divinum . . . auxilium) B. 48. 22 (Ca.). on -\- daf. : Nella'5 ge getruwian on ealdormannum, ne on manna bearnum, on Sam nis nan hael S. C. 410. 16. More often the simple verb trtnvian in TElfric : Ne truwige nan man be aslmesdaedum o'SSe on gebedum, buton cSaere foresajdan lufe S. C. 54. 12. So: on (Sinum gold-hordum 424. 27. C, P. shows fortruwian (on craeftum) once, 463. 7. From the examples it appears that Bede uses the ace, ^Ifric the dat., after the preposition with {ge)treowian. wynsu77iian : in -\- ace. : ond ealra heora heortan & lichoman wj'nsumedon in ^one lifgendan God (exultaverunt in deum vivum). B. 304. 4. No other construction observed with wyiisu77iian. hiht habba7i : on + ace. : spent in ahum ftiimqiiam Jiabui, prcEter hi ie, dcus Israel, naefde ic naenne hiht on o'Serne naefre, buton on 'Se, Israhela god. ^. Gr. 270. 11, hiht besettan : on -\- ace. : peah-hwaeSere ne sceole we urne hiht on laece-wyrtum besettan, ac on 'Sone A^lmihtigan Scyppend, ye '5am wyrtum ^one craeft forgeaf. S. C. 476. 7. Mid pam is geswutelod pact cristene men ne sceolon heora hiht besettan on woroldlice gestreon, ac on Gode anum. S. C. 326. 30. So : on his goldhord 326. 31. on -f- da/. : Examples just given, S. C. 326. 30, 476. 7. Ic taehte '5am rican, paet hi ne onhofon hi, ne heora hiht on leasum welan ne besetton, ac on Gode anum. S. C. 378, 19. So : on '5am eor'Slicum welan 204. 10. on pissum life 174. 14. hiht besettan is evidently very uncertain of its regimen. ^Ifric hesitates, apparently, between on -\- ace. after the analogy of gelyfan, and his general tendency to use the dat. for older ace. after on. 8 Several other verbs meaning to delight (in) and the like take in, 07i-\-dat. or i7istr., but do not appear with 07t-\-acc. These are : bli^sian or blissian^ efenblissian, ceahhetaii, gladian, gelust- /ullian, wuldrian, bli^sian, blissian : he sceal . . . blissian on '5aem ecum gefean C. P. 395. 22. BliSsa, cniht, on 'Sinum giogu'Shade C, F. 385. 33. Ond he blissade in "Son, "Saet he o^ b'aet in lichoman gehealden vvses, o'S "Saet he geseah . . . 7^.474. 17 (C). So: on ^on B. 426. 33. Ic geseah . . . 'Sa awyrigedan sceoccan blissigende on eowerum forwyrde S. C. 68.1. So : on Gode S. C. 422. 19, on ofer-aete 530. 32, on his weldasduni 562. 6, on yfeldaedum 408. 4, on "Sam behate 74. 20, on heora aeg'Srum (i. e. Paule and Stephane) 52. 8. ge7i. : Ic wat past Sis ludeisce folc micclum blissigan wile mines deaSes S. C^ 86. 32. efe7iblissia7i : efenblissiendre Breotone in his (i. e. Cristas) geleafan (congratuiaute in fideeius) B. 480. 18 (C). ceahhetan : pa geseao ic mgenigo para wergra gasta v. manna saula grornende & heofende teon & lasdan on midde pa peostra, & heo on "Son swi'Se blissedorv & ceahheton. B. 426. 33. gladian : paer nis Paulus gescynd purh Stephane siege, ac Stephanas glada'S on Paules geferrgedene. S. C. 52. 8. So : on offrunge ure heortan 584. 18. gelustfullia7i : pis meeden Se inne laeg on dea'Se geswefod, getacnaS paere synfullan sawle deaS, 'Se gelustfulla'S on yfelum lustum digellice. S. C. 496. 13. wuldria7i : Ne scealt Su on Se silfum wuldrian, ac, swa swa se apostol cwae'S, '* Se 'Se wuldrige wuldrige on Gode." S. C. 578. 17. On-\-dat. with these verbs falls properly under iTi^ 07i-\-dat, I. I. c. Oti -\- ace. is the predominating construction with gelyfa7i, only occasionally represented with other verbs ; that it is due to the Latin cannot be proved, nor does there seem to be any good reason for making such an hypothesis. 6. yElfric in the G7'a77i77iar ^hows uncertainty between ace. and dat. after 07i in describing inflections. Words are said to termi- nate (befeallan, wendan, awendan, gebigan, all regular according to illy on-\-acc. I. 6; but also macian (ablalivum, etc.), geendian, beon) on sceorhie, langne e, a, etc. pas geendja^ on sceortne iis : hand sectis na elles, ccelitus heofonlice JE. Gr. 239. 6. Ill el prodiictam on langne el synd agene naman masculini 38. 13, etc. But the regular construction with the dat. also appears, without apparent difference of meaning : Seo 'Sridde geendung ys on scortne e. on ISaere geendjaS manega naman 34. 10. '5as (i. e. certain letters of the alphabet, in the pronunciation of their names) ongynna'5 of him sylfum and geendja'S on Sam clypjendlicum stafuni 6. 9, etc. The irregular ace. here is due to the Latin ; it appears only in the phrases on sceortne e his feond hine onsette o'Ser benda cyn ond eft o'Ser (ei . . . imponerent) 328. 31, teah hine ^a ferd on (no Lat.) 92. 15. Da teah Penda hine fyrd on & here (bello petitus) 168. 20. Da ongunnan twa 'Seoda Pyhtas nor'San & Scottas westan hi onwinnan (very loose from the Latin) 44. 9. (Ca). . . . t?ara Singa '5e hine mon forevvregde & onstaslde (no Lat.) 458. 28 (O.). From the Latin rendered in these instances it is evident that the Ags. owes neither the construction with the dat. nor that with the ace. to the Latin of Bede; nor does the distinction between dat. and ace. depend on the position of on before or after the the verb (him on beseah, fliton him on: hine onsette, teah hine . . . on). The poetry shows the same irregularity : Gif monna hwelc mundum sinum Aldre beneoteS, hine on cyme's ^fter ]>aere synne seofonfeald wracn. Gen. 1041. Hine (i. e. Cain) waldend on, Tirfaest metod, tacen sette. Gen. 1043. Gif "Se senig eorSbuendra Mid wean greteS, ic hine wergSo on Mine sette & modhete, Longsumne ni5. Ge7i. 1755. He ... in gefor ])a aenlican geatu Neorxnawonges mid nerigende. Gr.-Wlkr. H, 254 (" Vom Jiingsten Tage," I. 63). But also the normal con- struction: pa (5u, militig god, man geworhtest, & him on dydest oruth & sawul. Gr. Wlkr. H. 244 (" Gloria " 1. 55). Ingaji takes obj. ace. of place entered, B. 442. 22 ; but the preposition is commonly repeated after in{ji)gan, and regularly after other /;2-compounds when the place entered is expressed. II In other words, m has not prepositional (case-connecting) value except when it immediately precedes the case. The relative particle \^e and the pronominal adverb p^r are of frequent occurrence with this inversion of the preposition, but prove nothing with regard to case. a. The verb fofi requires separate consideration. Fo7i, to grasp, lay hold (on), takes ^?2 + «^<:. of that grasped; but 07ifo7i to receive takes more often the ge7i. (like onbyriaTi, etc.) than the dat., and not infrequently the ace, of that received. Bo. pa bead he ealle his aehta wi(5 his feore ; pa nolde se cyning paes onfon 104. 21 (B.). So: hiora 232. 21, [6'sere B.] lare 232. 22 — 2\\gett, B, With daL : to onfonne Saem halgan geryne 86. 13, 84. 18; "Saem biscopscSle (sedem accepit) 90. 13; ^am biscophade 16. 30 (Ca). with acc. : & ic onfeng gewit mines modes (recepi sensum) 186. 11 ; and very often in MS. Ca. : geleafan 4. 3, biscopsetl 10. 9, biscophad 466. 4, Sa steore . . . NorSanhymbra rices 472. i, his reliquias 8. 20, unrihtlice lare 6. 24, micelne dael Breotene 6. 14. The case of rice, occurring not infrequently, is not determinable. No instances of onfon -\- gen. observed in Bede. Chron. With dai. : munuchade 68. 8 (abcde) ; fuhvihte i. 13 (a), biscopdome 50. 4 (a). with £^e7Z. : rices 94. 8 (abc) ; his 46. 4 (abce), 46. 17 (be) ; bisceopdomes 50. 4 (be). with acc. : pallium 90. 2 (abc), 76. 12 (abcdef) ; hine 46. 17 (ae) ; geleafan & ful- wihtes baee) 36. 31 (be). j^lfric. With ge7i. : ^aera hlafa S. C. 450. 3 ; Sass drences 72. 17 ; paes wynsuman waetan 510. 2. with acc. : Haligne Gast 6". C. 232. -9, 370. 6; 'Sone ecan e^el 510. 17. ^?^/'^;^+^^;^. appears from this to be the preferred construc- tion in W. S., but not in Bede. The uncertainty between ge7u and dat. is perhaps due to the fact that the 07i oi 07ifo7i " receive " is not really the preposition, i. e. that 07ifo7i is not the inversion 12 oi fon on, but an inseparable compound, regularly followed by the^(??z. like 07ibyrian (see Sweet's Reader, 6th edition, p. Ixxxi), and that this verb is then confused with the proper inversion of /on 071, which takes the dat, like on wi7i7ia7i, etc. For further variant or uncertain usage of ace. and dat. after 071, in, see below, in, on -\- ace. I. 5 and in, 07i in time-phrases. IN, ON, W^ITH THE ACCUSATIVE CASE. I. Of place, after verbs of motion. I. in, on + ace. of that which receives, contains: he laedde '5a allSeodgan aerenddracan on his ma^mhus. C. P. 39. 3. Seo cwen het Sa 'Saem cyninge "Saet heafod of aceorfan, & beweorpan on anne cylle. O. 76. 32. Ac peah hi seldum hwonne beswemde weor'Sen, 'Sonne sleaS hi eft on Sa solu & bewealwia'S hi ^seran. Bo. 192. 29, & (scl. hi) sume on fleame (ae. ; fleam be.) bedrifon on "Sone wudu '5e is genemned Andredes leage. Chron. 22. 39 (abce). This construction is comparatively rare in ^Ifj'ic, being re- placed partly by to, into, and partly by on -f- dat. — see pp. 3-5. It occurs only after beciimayi, ga7i (on h^^nd), genima7i,asendan, besetta7i, stiga7i — eleven times m S. C. Bede affords very few instances of on in this sense ; i7i is the regular use, as in modern English. on\ "Saet hie woldon his ban on niwe cyste gedon (in novo recondita) 374. 22, code inn on 'Sis hus to me twegen geonge men (intraverunt domum banc) 438. 21. in'. swa eode he in scip & ferde to Breotone 256. 24. ... in Sone cafertun eode "Saes huses 186. 5. for'Son in 'Sone forecwedenan portic ma ne meahte 106. 5. MSS. (a) and (e) of the Chro7iicle s\\o\^ in in this sense: Her comon Westseaxe in Bretsene ... in 'Sa stowe Se is gecueden Cerdices ora 26. 12 (ae). — (bef) have on. Names of countries, islands, bodies of water, etc., are commonly thus construed in the ace. after i7i, 071, with verbs of motion. Most of the cases of i7i -j- ace. in Orosius (see p. 46) are before proper names of countries. MS. (a) of the Chro7i. here again shows i7i twice where other MSS. have 071 : 32. 20, 36. 17. 13 Bede shows in here, hardly ever on. Names of towns in this construction are rare, and occur only where the notion of containing is plain : . . . aefter feovvertene dagum, 'Ses '?!e he in Someburh cuom B. 422. 4. Da cwom he Theodor biscop to his cirican in Cantwara burg B. 258. i. To is the preposition commonly used before names of towns after verbs of motion. But before stowe, stede ; fcssten, bnrg (=z stronghold), mynster^ etc., both on {iii) and to are of frequent occurrence, with distinction of meaning. a. The same construction may of course be used in a secondary — figurative or non-physical — sense : fortJamSe seo lar hwaethwegnunges eode on his andgit. Bo. xii. 17 (B). God onsende in Sara bro'Sra mod 'Saet heo. . . . B . 374. 19. Sa (i. e. these teachings) '5u tognsdre gesomna, & on OngoltSeode mod in gewunan asete (apud Anglorum mentes) B. 66. 27. Also with on 292. 20, 24. . 264. 8. jni spaenst me on 'Sa maestan spraece & on ^a earfoSestan to gereccanne. Bo. 216. 15. . . . waeron heo begen of munuchade in biscophad gecorene. B. 300. 9. Bede shows on here only in the phrases on aniveald, on hand, see below ; otherwise zVz. on his stall Bryhtwald aercebiscop gehalgode Aldwulf to biscope. Chroii. 75. 6. (de). Her forSferde Fri'Sestanu^ b. Wentanus ; & Byrnstanus weariS geblet- sode on his loh. Chron. 201. 9. (f). So frequently in MSS. (def) of the Chronicle, but not in the better MSS. (abc). On loh is peculiar to (f). and pa '5e fyliga'5 jiaere gytsunge, ... hi befeallaS on mislice costnunga and derigendlice lustas, Se hi besencaS on forwyrd. S. C. 256. 20. on aniveald, on geiveald-:=i into the power of, under the control of, are fixed phrases in historical writing : on geweald — commonly with poss. pronoun: Chron. onfon 108, 8. (abc), begietan 192. 4. (bed). O. gedon 118. 27, underfon 122. 3, belytec^ian 112. 26, genie- dan 196. 26, 122. 33, 82. 17, 70. 31, 28. 29, be^ridian 112. 28. 14 on a7izvald — commonly with dat. of interest : O. gedon 52. 28, 62. 3, gesellan 54. 11. B. onfon 120. 3, 4, 124. 12; in anwald 164. 25. on hand gan, sellan •=. surrender, transitive and intransitive resp. The phrase is common in (9., B.^ Chron, and yElfric. Bede shows here only on, not i7i. Similarly the receiving, surrounding body, the including num- ber are construed in the ace. after i7i, on : ^Ic treow mon sceal . . . weorpan on fyr, & forbaernan. C. P. 339. 14. & (scl. Nilus) Sonne besince eft on 'Saet sand. O. 12. 22. gif jm nu haefde micel gold on pe, & jm ponne become on jnofscole, ]»onne ne wendes pu , . . Bo. 46. 26. "Sa tugon heo hine nydinga of 5am mynstre & Iseddon on Sone here B. 208. 23. & 'Saette he for'Son in 'Sa fyrd cwome, ^aet he ... ^. 326. 17. Some nouns derived from verbs of motion take a complemen- tary phrase in this construction; cyme, for, npasiignes etc. Bede uses in {on) -j- ace. of that taught after {ge^h^ran, tyn^ apparently with the feeling that the pupil is introduced into the subject : "Saet he raoste heo gelaeran in Sa gerynu "Saes cristnan geleafan. (fidei Christianse sacramentis inbui). 308. 21. Waes Raedwald ... in Cent gelaered in ^a gerynu Cristes geleafan (sac- ramentis Christianae fidei imbutus est) 140. 31. & heo betweoh halige bee & ciriclicne 'Seodscipe in metercrseft & in tun- golcraeft & in grammaticraeft tydon & laerdon. (metricae artis, astronomiae et arithmeticas ecclesiasticas disciplinam inter sacrorum apicum volumina suis auditoribus contraderent.) 258. 14. wa;s se blaca Heawald hwe'Sere mas in wisdom haligra gewrita getyd. (sacrarum litterarum erat scientia institutus) 414. 24. & Scottas lasrdon geonge & ealde on regollicne Seodscipe (inbuebantur praeceptoribus Scottis paruuli Anglorum una cum maioribus studiis et obseruatione disciplinae regularis). 158. 30. (O.) The regular W. S. for this is on ■\- dat. (see in, 07i, -\- dat. I. 7.) which Bede also uses. That the ace. here is not due to the Latin is evident from the Latin correspondences. 2. The object, surface, on or upon which, after verbs of motion, is put in the ace. after on. In does not occur in this sense ; — & sona in baed gefeol, & grymme sar ongon cSrowian B. 438. 4. was doubtless a case of " into" rather than '* on" to the translator. ... '5a lac . . . "Se mon on '5aet weobud legde C. F. 219. 5. 15 Oft eac gebyreS . 268. 19. slogon mec iSa, oiSer in heafod, oSer in fet (percusserunt me, unus in capite et alius in pede). />'. 440. 13. Observe that Bede uses in here only when it is found in the Latin. c. Fo7i, to lay hold (on), to take in hand, — almost never of physical objects — takes in, on + ace. of that grasped at, taken in hand : '5aet unclasne mod swiSe hraedlice feh'5 on ^a ladunga. C. P. 241. 19. . . . 'Saette se mon se pe bispell secgan wolde,ne sceolde fonon to ungelic bispell 'Saere spraece pe he ponne sprecan wolde. Bo. 166. 20. 'Sa feng after hire in tSa ^egnunge abbudissan Seaxburh hire sweostor (successit in ministerium). B. 318. 33. we willaS nu fon on ]»one traht pissere r^edinge. 6". C. 206. 21. we fo'S nu gewislicor on Sa forman declinunge (i. e. take up the first declension in detail). ALlf. Gr. 21. 15. C. p. shows the same construction with befon (199. 14, 23, 239. 11) 2.xi6.gripan (41. 6, 53. 6, 63. 7). Chron. 225. 10. (d.) shows rice in this construction : . . . 'Sy XIII. geare 'Se he on rice feng — which is not found in the other texts, feng to rice being the usual expression. Rice onfon is somewhat more frequent ; see p. 11, and To I. /^.fon. d. Wrecan, which might naturally be expected to have the same regimen as verbs of hostile motion, takes always on -f- dat. of person on whom vengeance is wreaked. See In, on -\- dat. I. 6. e. beseon, locian, take i7i, on -\- ace. of person or object looked upon : Sonne hie besawon on ^a besengdan burg & on '5a westan. O. 92. 32. hi ealle locia'5 mid bsem eagum on pas eorSlican Sincg. Bo. 206. 16. he locode in 'Seosne middangeard (respicere in mundum). B. 212. 19. & (scl. he) "i5a unheanlice hine werede, o'S he on (Sone aeSeling locude. Chron. 82. 31. (abode). Similarly meldian, secgan, asecgan, witan, take on -j- ace. of person etc., affected by an utterance : ac 'Saem gielpnan bi'S leofre Saethe secge on hine selfne gif he hw^t godes wat. C. P. 217. 14. & '5eah . . . Syllica bismra on hie selfe asaedon. O. 164. 5. Hwaet godes niagon we secgan on pa flaesclican unpeawas ? Bo. no. 24. pact an ic wat godes on pa {B.\ pam Fox) aepelo, paet . . . Bo. no. 3. (C. has Sa, but what precedes is lost.) he nolde meldian on his geferan Bo. 52. 20. (Cf. vulgar English " he wouldn't tell on 'em.") i8 Bede however shows here in -\- dat, : Meahte se cwide wel beon to him (i. e. .'ESelfriS, king of Northumbria) gepeoded, pe Jacob se heahfaeder in Saules hade paes cyninges cwae^\ pa he his sunu bletsode : Beniamin is risende wulf ; (in personam Saulis dicebat). B. 92, II. 3. That on which one goes, the path &c., is put in the ace. after in, on. hit bi'5 wyrse ^aet mon a onginne faran on soSfaestnesse weg, gif men eft wile ongean cierran&'Saet ilce onfaran (Melius erat eis non cognoscere viam justitiae, quam post agnitionem retrorsum converti). C. P. 445. 28. Donne staep'S se sacerd sui'Se taelleaslice on 'Sone weg. C. P. 77. 19. & si^t?an mid eallum his folce on "Saere ea gong on Sa burg faerende waes» O. 74. 5- 'Sat hi on '5one ilcan weg (i. e. through the Red Sea) feran meahtan. O. 38. 32. eft heo (i. e. seo sunne) sec'5 hire gecynde, & stig'S on "Sa daeglan wecgas wi'S hire uprynaes. Bo. 38. 26. (B). GaeS ealle on pone weg pe eow laera'5 pa foremaeran bisna para godena gumena. Bo. 238. 28. Bede shows no instance of on, and only one sure instance of 171 — & he eft forSeode in his weg (pergens itinere suo) B. 180. 21. — The instrumental without preposition is preferred : min latteow mec eft laedde 'Sy selfan waege Se wit aer comon (ipsa, qua venimus, via reduxit) B. 430. 26. The second instance of on -\- ace. after gebrinp^an^ S. C. 274. 5 (see p. 2) is apparently an example of this rule. 4. Verbs of believing, trusting, rejoicing, take sometimes in, on -\- ace. of that believed in, rejoiced in. See pp. 5 ff. 5. I71, on -\- ace. is used to express the purpose of an action, or the function to be performed. "Sa 'Sa him mon on bismer to gebaed. C. P. 261. 17. & hine mon scyle on bismer halan se anscoda. C. P. 45, 8. i)a sende him mon ane blace hacelan angean, him on bismer, for trium- phan. O. 234. 22. he wolde hi him on fultum geteon. O. 112. 2. & (scl. hi) Sa ilcan studu nales swa swa aer uton togesetton . . . , ac in gemynd 'Saes wundres in tSa cirican setton (in memoriam miraculi) B. 204. 27. ^aet hie mihton (scl. sumne dael his feaxes) heora biddendum freondum syllan, oppe aeteawan in tacon Saes wundres (in signum miraculi) B. 382. 17. . . . seo tunge, Se swa monig halwende word in Saes scyppendes lof gesette (in laudem conditoris) B. 348. 22. ISylaes him aetwite & on edwit sette his geSoftan, dcet he for ege Saes dea'Ses "Sa ping dyde, j'e he aer gesund don nolde (expiobrarent only). B. 438. 9. 19 & him on fultom cecrdon "Sa godcundan aarfxstnesse (invocantes divinae auxilium pietatis). B. 356. 24. & he micle geornfulnesse dyde, paet he aeghwanon maest reliquia begeate para eadigra apostola «&: martyra, & on heora weorcSunge wibedas sette & porticas worhte & todaelde on pact sylfe (in hoc ipsuni, := to that end) binnan pxre ylcan cyricean weallum. B. 466. 11. (Ca), & ei't ocSre sicSe he waes on hergaS gelend on Sa^t ilce rice. Chron. 168, 23 (abed). & woldon (Sa faran on hergoc? on Sast Cristene folc. CJiron. 234. 14. (c). To is more usual in phrases of purpose. Except for the phrases onfuliofu (found only after verbs of, or implying, motion ; other- wise 071 -\- dat.) and on bisme?', on edwii, this use of m, on is almost restricted to Bede. Bede has m where the Latin affords it, but otherwise on. See examples. j^lfj'ic shows no examples of this use oi on. 6. After verbs denoting a change of form or nature, the resultant form is put in the ace. after in, on. This notion is much more often rendered by to -\- dat. (see To. III.), except after verbs of dividing, see below, a. . . . o'S'Saet hio (i. e. seo costnung) utasciet on weorc. C. P. 71. 7. Ac seo hreowsung 'Se him ^a geweai'h' (wear'5) swySe ratSe on wyrsan getSanc gehwyrfed. O. 38. 21. Ac (scl. he) gesette '5a men on aenne truman Se mon hiora masgas aer on "Saem londe slog (i. e. constituted them a separate company). O. 80. 19. Da ongunnon lease men wyrcan spell, «&: saedon paet hio sceolde mid hire drycraeft pa men forbredan, 5 [read & ?) weorpan hi an wilde deora lie (Circe's transformation of the companions of Ulysses). Bo. 194. 31. pa weoxon pa fyr swi'Se & heo togsedre peoddon & somnodon oS j^aet heo wasron in sene unmaetne laeg geanede & gesomnade (in immensam adunati sunt flammam). B. 214. 2. '5aet se earm wses in micelne swile gecerred (grauatum est brachium . . . ac versum in tumorem). B. 392. 5. para trea ascyrfe & lafe o'Sye. fyre forbsernde wasron ocSpe in hwylchwugu fatu geheowod waeren mennisces broces (in vasa quaelibet humani usus formarentur). B. 224. 16. '5a (scl. hus) syndon nu in hus gehwerfed oferaeta & druncennesse & leasspellunge (in comestionum &c. . . cubilia conversas). B. 354. 19. For yElfric see p. 8. The in's of the examples from Bede are all from in of the Latin. a. A special note is here made of iji, on -\- ace. of resultant parts after verbs of dividing. To -Y dat., by far the more usual construction after verbs of transformation, does not appear after verbs of dividing; in^ on -j- ace. is the regular construction for all texts. 20 . . . swa swa scearp sweord '5a wunde tosceat on tu. C. P. 453. 17. 'Sonne 'Saet mod bi^ forlaeten & onstyred & todasled ungedafenlice ... on un'Seawas. C. P. 315. 7. Ure ieldran ealne ^isne ymbhwyrft 'Sises middangeardes ... on ^reo todseldon. O. 8. 3. Hie wxron ^a aerestanmen 'Se Romana onwald on tu todaeldon. O. 268.3. heo (i. e. Nilus) toli'S on twa ymb an igland '5e mon h^et Moeren. O. 12. 32. se mennisca gedwola hine (i. e. God) todaele^ on maenig. Bo. 122. 22. jionne hi ponne hiora god on swa manige daeles (Cott. ; daelas B.) todaela'S, ponne . . . Bo. 122. 25. In "Sas twa maeg^a Nor'Sanhymbra '5eod in geara todaeled waes. B. 152. II (O.). Ond he 'Sa todaslde in twa biscopscire Westseaxna maeg'Se (dividensque in duas parrochias provinciani'). B. 170. 3. (scl. he) ealle his aeahte in ^reo todaelde (in tres divisit portiones). B. 424. 7. eall Breotone cyn & maeg'Se, ^a seondon on feower gereordo todaeled (in III linguas). B. 164. 24. Her todaelde se foresprecena here on tu. Chron. 152. 17. (abcde). and Sa deoflu pasrrihte hine forleton, and he feallende tobaerst on feower sticca. S. C. 380. 24. for'San "Se nan staef ne by'S naht, gif he gceS on twa. yS//". Gr. 5. 4. The following is the only exception observed : we todaela'S 'Sa boc to cwydum and sy'S'San Sa cwydas to dcelum, eft "Sa daelas to stsfgefegum and sy'SSan Sa staefgefegu to stafum. yfi"//". Gr. 4. 19. II. The ace. is used after in^ on, in a number of phrases, quite independently of any notion of change or motion in the predicate to which the phrase belongs. The ace. here seems to have an adverbial value in itself, and the preposition (except in phrases of direction, see below, i.) has not a directive, and sometimes scarcely a locative, character. I. On . . . hand, o?i . . . healfe, are used to denote the " side on which," without reference to any idea of motion in the verb of the sentence : "Sonne biS hit on sume healfe open to wundian. C. P. 431. 9. Ga'S ge gewaepnode acg'Ser ge on 'Sa sui'Sran hond ge on Sa winstran mid 'Saem waepnum ryhtwisnesse. C. P. 83. 12. on aelce healfe Saes fyres seo eor'Se waes fif aecra braede to axan geburnen. O. 160. 25. Hwa is 'Saette ariman maege hwxt Saer moncynnes forwearS on aig'Sere hand . . . ! C?. 50. 14. for'Si hi (i. e. Sa sunnan & Sone monan) ne lact God on ane healfe paes heofones bion, jiy laes hi fordon o'Sre gesceafta. Bo. 234. S. (B.). 21 ic on him (i. e. Sxin wealle) na;nige duru ne eahiSyrl ne uppastignesse onhwanon on a;nge halfe geseon meahte (alicubi). B. 424. 23. (scl- sio dene) was unc on (5a wynstran liealfe geseted (ad locuam nobis). B. 424. 23. Da cerde he '5a sona on '5a swiSran hond (conuersus ad dexterum iier). B. 428. 24. & "Saer wacs on gehwxSre hond micel woel geslagen. Chron. 182. 11. (abed). for'5aem 'Soer stent lang leoma of, hwilum on ane healfe (scl. ^a;s steorran), hwilum on aelce healfe. Chron. 162. 13. (abc). hac on '5as healfe, iliac on '5a healfe. Ail/. Gr. 225. 4. Se engel saet on '5a svvi'5ran healfe 'Sasre byrgene. S. C. 222. 13. Se Wealdenda Drihten, ccfter '5isum wordum, wai-s genumen to heofonum, and sitt on 'Sa swi5ran hand his Fasder. ,5'. C. 306. 34. Bede prefers 07i to in here; m sii 3- 13- '5a, Seh "Se hwa waere mid Saem cyningum on hiora gewill yfel donde, Sast hie swa '5eah aet him ne mehton mid 'Sy nane are findan. O. 56. i. on U7igewiss : Romane ... on ungewiss on an nirewett beforan. O. 120. 28. O71 ti7igeaywe, " suddenly and secretly," seems to be instru- mental: forSon ^e he on Sa burgleode on ungearwe becom, O. 196. 25. So O, 46. 36, 118. 20, 166. 32. Bede shows a number of phrases with the ace. that do not appear in the other texts. & (scl. he) hine wses in gebed streccende aet lichoman Saes Codes weres (prosternens only). B. 380. 8. & (scl. Caedmon) 'Sasm wordum sona monig word in "Saet ilce gemet Code wyr'Ses songes toge^eodde (in eundem modum verba . . . adjunxit). B, 344. 16. So : in gemet 'Sara biddendra (in modum orantium). B. 288. 33. sio swaetnis, ^e ic aer bregde & me micel 'Suhte, in 'Sa witgemetnisse 'iSxs aefteran leohtes & beorhtnesse waes lytel and medmicel gesaewen (in com- paratione). B. 430. 20, 5. The word denoting the language in which something is said or written is construed in the ace. after on^ in. So the proper adjectives (in substantive use) lcede7i, e7i^lisc, seytiise, creeisc, etc. : ongan ic . . . tia boc wendan on Englisc '5e is nemned on Lxden Pas- toralis, & on Englisc Ilierdeboc. C. P. 7. 18. 25 For'Son hi iiion hxt on Crecisc Amazanas, ^aet is on Englisc * for'tende.' O. 46. 14. peah hit nu gebyrige |'a;t jia utemestan Sioda eowerne naman upahebban & on manig 'Seodisc eow herigen, . . . ne se dea'S jieah swelces ne rect). ^^.68. 30. {B.). se is nemned on Englisc Cuoferesburg (lingua Anglorum). B. 210. 24. So: on Englisc (Anglorum sermone). B. 110. 12. (scl. 'Saet ealond) is in Scyttisc genemned Inisbofnide (sermone Scot- tico). B. 272. 27. . . . se steorra '5e men on boclaeden haet cometa. Chron. 162. 8. (abc). Stephanus is Grecisc nama, paet is on Leden, Coronatus, paet we cv. eSa^ on Englisc, Gewuldorbeagod. S. C. 50. 11. Further ge'^iode, gereorde : for'Saem'Se hie (i. e. Sa bee) naeron on hiora agen gCSiode awritene. C. P. 5- 13- Da frsegn hine & ahsode his maessepreost on his agen ge^eode . . . for hwon he weope (lingua patria). B. 198. 6. se wer wass on Lsedenesc gereorde «S: in Grecisc & in Englisc micellire intimbred & wel gelaered (Latina, Graeca et Saxonica lingua), B. 408. 13. Bede and Ailfric show rarely instr. dat. without preposition : Dis ealond nu on andweardnysse aefter rime fif Moyses boca, "Sam seo godcunde ae awriten is, fif cSeoda gereordum jenne wisdom paere hean so^- faestnysse & "Saere so'San heanesse smea'S & andetta'S ; 'Sset is on Angol- cynnes gereorde & Brytta & Scotta & Peohta & Laedenwara. B. 26. 28. (Ca.). And ure aelc gehydre hu hi spraecon urum gereordum, on ^'am '5e we acennede wasron! 6". C. 314. 18. Observe that the preposition in each case appears in the follow- ing phrase. Ai.lfric uses on-\- dat. except for Lcsden and the words in -isc : Emmanuhel, fxt is gereht on urum geSeode * God is mid us.' S. C. 194. i . So: on urum gereorde, 30. 25,94. 27. on ure ge'Seode 90. 11 is possibly an insir., more likely an isolated instance of retention of the older ace. The use of on -\- dat. for older on-\-acc. is a characteristic of /Elfric's syntax, see pp. 3 ff. 6. Very rarely, that received in payment is construed in the ace. after on, in. . . . '5aet he sceolde his freond Sone betstan ... in gold bebycgan (auro vendere). B. 130. 33. Cf. : Nu ic on ma'Sma hord mine bebohte frode feorhlege. Beowulf 2d)00. 7. Instances of the ace. after i?t, on that cannot be listed under some one of the categories already given (except time-phrases, ^KIVEBSITY 26 which will be treated further on) scarcely occur. Sua t^set he self nat huset he on t5aet irre deS, C P. 289. 10, is the only un- explained passage 1 have found. IN, ON + DATIVE AND INSTRUMENTAL. The t?is^r. after the preposition (except in time-phrases, see pp. 34 ff.) is rare, being almost entirely confined to the pronouns ]>y, \07i, hwon. pam, not ]>07i or ]ry, is the form of the article after in, on. I. In, on -f- dat, gives location. I. Of that which contains : 'Saet waeter en 'Saetn ceake waes gedrefed. C. P. 105. 21. hu Julius besaet Tarquatus, Pompeiuses ladteow, on anum faestenne. O. 6. I. Da waes heo restende in sweostra slaeperne (in dormitorio). B, 340. 4. & hie resta*S begen on Eoforwic ceastre, on anum portice. Chron, 78. 8 (abcde). God waes mid hire, for^an 'Se he wses on hire inno^e belocen, sCSebelictJ ealne middangeard on his anre handa. S. C. 198. 3. Bede uses on here very rarely : Ond he wses on his circan be- byrged (in . . . ecclesia) B. 406. 4. Also in a wider sense, of geographical location : 'Saet hi hi forlaegen on Egiptum on hira giogu'Se. C. P. 403. 33. On Saerc ilcan Asiam is se hehsta beorg Olimpus. O. 12. 15. . . . wear^ "Sa fordrifan on an igland ut on paere wendelsae. Bo. 194. 11 (B.). Seo dun stent on Campania landes gemasron, wi'5 pa sae Adriaticum. S. C. 502. 3. Bede uses both on and in here, with perhaps a preference of in : he wolde in 5am fyrrestum daelum Ongolcynnes ... '5a saed sawan '5aes halgan geleafan (in . . . partibus). B. 166. 26. Waeron 'Sa Wihtred & Swefheard cyningas on Caent (in Cantia). B. 408. 7. For in in the Chron. see p. 46. Three instances of on -f- instr. in C. P.\ on Sis wege 395. 8, on Sis middangearde 393. 15, 445. 9, are all that have been observed. Also of the including body, assembly, number : On his fe'Sehere waeron XXXII M, & "Saes gehorsedan fifte healf M, & scipa an hund & eahiatig (in exercitu ejus). O. 124. 11. Bede shows only in here : Da saet he Aidan in cS^eni gemote (concilio inerat). />'. 164. 2. 27 a), hi, 071 -\- dat. is employed in a secondary figurative sense to express a great variety of non-physical relations. So of the seat of thought and emotion ; of the (moral) person in whom some- thing is observed, the composition, body of doctrine, in which a statement is made : of the state, condition, office, etc., etc.: suae suns tJara monna honda & fet vvaeren a^wcegene on "Saere ealdan ac on ISaetn ceake beforan 'Seem temple. C. F. 105. 17. ... & Sactte tcelwier'Ses on him sie, "Saet hie ^aet taelen. C. P. 194. 24. him "Sa wear'S emleof on hyra mode ^aet hi gesawon mannes blod agoten swa him waes Sara nytena meolc 'Se hi maest hi libba'S. O. 30. 8. '5asr he on tweogendlican onbide waes hwae'Ser he wi'5 Romanum winnan dorste. O. 204. 28. & se god is simle on anum untodaeled. Bo, 142. 22. "Su tSaet seolfa leornadest in bebode Saere aldan cyf?nesse (testamenti vete- ris praeceptione). B. 76. 7. he hit gehyrde from Saem seolfan Uttan mxssepreoste, in ^aem & ^urh "Sone Sis wundor gefylied waes (in quo et per quern). B. 200. 26. Mid '5y he '5a us eac sceawode & geseoh in gewinne & in ormodnesse gesette beon . . . (in labore et desperatione positos). B. 386. 8. for'Son "Se hi woldon, for Godes lufan, on el^iodignesse beon. Chron. 160. 31. (abed). Da waes pa sume hwile Godes ege on mancynne aefter pani flode, and waes an gereord on him eallum. S. C. 22. 18. swa eac on engliscre spraece ne cwe^ nan man se, buton he aer sum "Sincg be 'Sam men spraece. yElf. Gr. 99. 3 (cf. p. 25). He com Sa on naeddran hiwe to pam twam mannum. S, C, 16. 32. Bede uses both in and on\ but there appears a tendency to use ^« where the Latin has not in\ on mode 148. 21, 234. 25, 334. 32, 378. 29, 380. 6, 404. 25 — none of them translating in : in mode 68. 15, 86. 34, 190. 26, all from Latin in. The following passage shows the vacillating use of the two prepositions in Bede: he waes in his mode & on his ^eawum to Son elreordig, 'Saet . . . (animo ac moribus) 148. 17. On scarcely appears in giving citations from books : swa swa we in Sisse serran bee feawum wordum forecwsedon (prsecedente libro). B. 252. 12. b). On, in -\- dat. is used in phrases nearly equivalent to a predicate noun or adjective, to express that in which a possession or quality consists : ^aet hi Sonne gehieran'Sreagende of Saes lariowes mue?e hu micle byrSenne hie habba'S on hiera scyldum. C. P. 159. 19. Daet gafol bi'S on deora fellum, & on fugela fe'Serum, & hwales bane, & on 'Saem sciprapum. O. 18. 17. 28 nu ic ongite openlice b'ast sio so'Se gesael"S stent on godra monna geear- nunga, & sio unsael'S stent on yfelra monna geearnunga. Bo. 212. 12. "Sa cyningas begen aetgaedre sendon pasm apostolican papan micle gife on monegum goldfatum & seolforfatum (missis . . . donariis et aureis atque argenteis vasis non paucis). B. 252. 15. Sende eac swilce se eadiga papa in pa ilcan tid Gregorius .'Epelberhte cynitige aerendgewrit somod & woruldgife monige in missenlicum mceg- wlitum (in diversis speciebus). B. 90. 8. & genamon eal 'Sast "Sasr binnan wses, ge on feo, ge on wifum, ge eac on bearnum. Chron. 168. 5. (abed.) Nis na gytsung on feo anum, ac is eac on gewilnunge micelre geSinctJe. S. C. 176. 25. c). In, 07t-\-dat. or insir. sometimes forms a phrase of reason or means — of that '' in " and " by " or " for " which : ForSasm'Se on eowerre towesnesse ge habba^ gecy'Sed "Sast ge ures nanes ne siendon. C. P. 211. 13. swa hit mon on 'Sara waepnedmonna gebasrum ongitan mehte, hu hie afyrhtede wseron. O. 194. 9. aelc gesceaft wilna'S symle to bionne ; pset is swlSe sweotol on ^aere tid- runge. Bo. 152. 25. swa swa we magon on anre bisene sweotole oncnawan (ut uno probare sat erit exemplo). B. 196. 5. Saet he meahte swi'Se gef ultumed beon in heora daeghwamlicum gebeodum (juvari . , . orationibus). B. 230. 11. and seo eorSe, pe is awyriged on Sinum weorce, syl5 j'e 'Somas and bremblas. S. C. 18. 16. The instr. of the dem. pronoun, \wn, ]>y, appears frequently in this sense after 071, in in Bede; rarely in Orosms and Boethius: (sc). he) baer him sexe & adosan on honda ; tacnode in pon, paet he nales to idelnesse, swa sume oSre, ac to gewinne in past mynster code (no Lat. for inyoii). B. 264. 7. So in -pon : (ex quo) 290. 28, (no Lat.) 130. 18. pa ongunnon pa nedlingas & pa scipmen pa oncras upp teon, & in pone sae syndon; woldian paet scip mid faestnian, &peah j'e heo ]>is dydon, noht heo on pon fremedon ; ac pa ySa weollon & ymbsweopon & aeghwonan paet scip fyldon (hoc agentes). B. 200. 13. So on you : (no Lat.) 126. 22, 164. i, 186. i, (in quo) 106. 20. . . . feng Alexander to Macedonia rice ... & his serestan "Segnscipe on Son gecy'Sde Se he ealle Crecas . . . geniedde. O. 122. 32. nis hit j'onne on py (i. e. what I have said) swi'Se sweotol j'aet Sas and- weardan god ne sint na Sa soSan god ? Bo. 90. 15. So on yy Bo. 46. 14, 46. 16(B). liut also : On pasm wxs sweotol pxt hi for heora godum weorcum hasfden Sone craeft ysot him mon ne meahte ofer- swi'San. Bo. 230. 3. So : on yam 56. 32 (B) ; on hwajn 24. 1. (B). Observe that Bede uses ]w7i. Bo. py. 29 d). Of the occasion : the time of an occurrence is indicated by that which occupies the time. So on gefcohie &c. have almost the value of time phrases. him bi'5 sua sua tSam menn Ne biS abisgod on fa;relde mid oSrum cier- rum. C. P. 37. 22. On 5asm forman gefeohte wear'5 Romane consul ofslagen Mallius. O. 108. 4. c^a wear5 he semninga on middum Sa^m si'Stxte mid hefigreaSle gehrinen (medio itinere). B. 378. 19. Da onget heo ge in h'a^m swefne ge on hire modes gesyhSe hire xteawed weosan, Nnette heo geseah (vel insomnio vel in visione mentis). B. 340. 14, & ^a on Sasre hergunge wass past maere mynster forbaernd aet Rypon. Chron. 213. 36. (d). e). The disease which is the cause of death is construed in the dat. after on with the verbs gefaron^ swelta7i^ for^feran : Traianus gefor on utsihte (profluuio ventris extinclus est). O. 266. 4. '6'a folc . . . on feferadle mid ungemete swulton. O. 198. 34. Da woes . . . pcette Oswio Nor^Sanhymbra cyning waes gestonden untrym- nesse, on Saere he eac for^'terde, (qua et mortuus est). B. 274. 28. 2. On + dat. denotes that on or 2ipon which. In does not occur in this sense. & ealle Sa hearga Israhela folces waeron atiefrede on Sacm wage. C. P. 153- 23. • for'Sam he bi'5 gesewen standende on 6"am hrofe godcun(d)ra Singa. C. P. 81. 15. ic sitte on anre heare dune. O. 142. 14. Sa cild rida^' on hiora stafum. Bo. 180. 9. }?a code he to him, grette hine & fraegn, for hwon he in jiaere tide, j'e o'Sre men slepon & reston, ana swa unrot on stane wasccende saette (in lapide). B. 128. 19. Mid '5y wit tSa becoman to ^am walle, pa sona instaepe, ne wat ic hwelcre endebyrdnesse, waeron wit on his heanesse on Sam walle ufonweardum (in summitate eius). B. 430. i, & 5reo (scl. Sara scipa) stodon ■x.x. ufeweardum 5a:m muiSan on drygum. Chroti. 176. 15 (abed). and '5aer com 'Sa fleogende Godes engel scinende swa swa sunne, and . . . agrof mid his fingre rode-tacn on Sam fySerscytum stanum. S. C. 466. 14. 3. Li, on -\- dat. is the construction for the "part affected," whether the place be ''in" or "on" in mod. Engl. Bede shows here both prepositions. "Sonne ne burne se weli2a"Se swiSur on Sasre tuncran '5e on oSrum limum. C. P. 309. 3. hie hiene meSigne ou cneowum sittende metten (iixo genu). O. 134. 31. 30 Daer wear^ Pirrus wund on o'Sran earme. O. 158. 2. paet him mon oflete blodes on paetn earme. Bo. 104. 23. & he (i. e. the body of St. Cuthberht) waes begendlic in "Saem getJeodnes- sum leo'Sa, paet he waes mycele gelicra slaspendum menn ponne deadum (flexilibus artuum compagibus). B. 374. 30. pa pohton heo & spraecon, paet hy o"Spe o'Sre pruh sohton o'S'Se pone licho- man on cneom gebegde, to pon paet heo hine paer in gedon meahton (in genibus). B. 296. 23. Da gefelde he, swa swa he seolfa sefter saegde, swa swa mycel bond & brad his heafod gehrine in ^aem daele pe paet sar & seo adl on waes (in parte, qua dolebat). B. 380. 13. Swa hwylc hyse-cild swa ne bi"5 ymbsniden on pam fylmene his flaesces his sawul losaS, for'San'Se he aydlode niin wed. S. C. 94. 13. This idea is also expressed by the dat. without prep.: Ic waes blind baem eagum, nu ic beorhtlice leohtes bruce. S. C. 422. 7. & ponne lytte aer his mid ferh'Se weor'Se baem eagum blind. Bo. 206. 26^ 4. Certain verbs of depriving take ace. of thing and on -\- dat. oi person. Cf. Wiilfing I, §§40, 18. These verbs are nimaft, ge7ii?nany geneman, reafian^ gereafian. The particle be- pre- fixed to these verbs changes the construction to ace. oi person and gen. of thiyig (the only exception noted is : fremde & ell^eodge . . . lyttes hwaet on us bereafia^S. O. 152. 32). eft bi'S genumen on 'Searfendum monnum 'Saet Saet hie 'Sonne wena'§ ^aet hie Gode sellan. C. P. 343. 5. he him ageafe ^ast he (aer) on him gereafade. O. 146. 30. & Romane genamon on him (i. e. Penum) LXXXIII scipa. O. 172. 33. . . . paes pe . . . sio wyrd pe on geniman ne meahte. Bo. 34. 14. . . . se pe hit gadera'5 & on o'Srum reafa'5. B. 38. 13 (B. ). Gegyrewa^'Sone lichoman mid neowum hrasglum fore 'Sam 'Se ge 'Saer on noman (quae tulisti only). B. 376. 20. & "Sone masstan dael 'Sinra aehta^u onfehst, '5a 'Se on Se genemde waeron (tibi ablata). B. 462. 32 (Ca.). & genamon 'Sreo ceastra on heom. Chroji. 32. 40 (be). beniTnan^ bencBinan, bereajian, on the other hand, take ace. of perso7i and gen. of thing: buton hie eac hie 'Saes naman benanie 'Saet hie nan folc naeren. O. 94. 4. So O. 62. 17, 22, 28, 86. 30. Ac Constantinus hiene benasmde asgSer ge 'Sa2S onwaldes, ge Nxre pur- puran Se he werede, ge 'Saere scole Se he on leornode. O. 284. 23. Cirus benom Babylonia hiere onwealde (Cott. ; but Lauderdale gives the normal ^^«., onwealdes). O. 252. 10. ponne meahte hi mon his benimaii (Cott.; Bodl. has hi mon Jti). Bo^ 188. 24. 31 (scl. se mona) eac hwilum Sa sunnan heore leohtes bereafat?. Bo. 8. i (B). Her eac wearo ,'ESeredes dohtar, Myrcna hlafordes, xlces onwealdes on Myrcum benumen. Chroti. 192. 23. (bed.) for'San t^e se anda ablent his mod, and aelcere gastlicere blisse benaem'S. S. C. 606. 4. The ace. of the thing and of-\' dat. of person also appears, espe- cially in yEl/ric, where it may be considered the regular idioni : Se 'Se me bring lac of earmes nionnes aehtum on woh gereafodu. C. P. 343- 8- ne nanes cinnes ^eudom ne nime man of paet abbotrice of Medeshamstede. Chroii. 58. 30 (e^-) (late). beo hire nama Virago, paet is fasmne ; forSan 'Se heo is of hire were genu- men. S. C. 14. 25, So: 14. 21, 18. 9, 17, 260.6; yEl, Gram. 9. 19, 203. 11. and (scl. Crist) pone deofol gewylde, and him of anam Adam & Euan. S. C. 28. I. So : 216. 29. Other constructions with these verbs are rare : a). Dai. of person diud gen. of thing : (scl. he) benam Sigebrihte his rices. Chron. 82. 3. (bed) (a. has, regu- larly, ace: Sigebryht). ne maeg para yfelena yfel pam goodan beniman heora goodes & heora wlites (Cott.; Bodl. has hiora god). Bo. 188. 22. Cf. Wulfing I. §31. and hu he (i. e. Crist) 'Sone hellican deofol gewylde, and him mancynnej^ benaemde. S. C. 460. 10. b). Aee. of pers. and aee. of thing : '5aet he scolde Eadwine "Sone cyning somod ge rice ge lif beneoman (sperans se regem . . . regno simul et vita privaturum). B. 122. 10. Cf. Wulfing I. ^117. c). Dat. of pers. and ace. of thing : (scl. he) benam Sigebrihte . . . his rice. Chron. 82. 3. (ef) (late). d). Verb in the passive, and dat. of thing : his cirice eallum hire ashtum waes bereafod & forhergad (ecclesiam . . . rebus ablatis omnibus depopulatani). B. 298. 19. Cf. Wulfing I. §78. e). Acc. of person and 07i -\- dat. of thing in what is really a phrase of specification, see p. 32. '5aet we earme men reafige & strude on heora aehtum & on heora godum (no Lat.) B. 214. i. Cf. Wulfing I. §111. 5. Verbs of believing (in), rejoicing (in) etc. See pp. 5 ff. 6. W^^eean takes the acc. of the wrong, or person, avenged, and 071 -j- dat. of the person on whom vengeance is taken. Cf. i7i, 071 -j- acc. I. 2. 32 hit God siSSan longsumlice wreccende vvaes, serest on him selfum. & si'SSan on his bearnum. O. 58. 17. 'Saet he "Sa gyltas ne wrece on scyldegum monnum. C. F. 383. 16. nu ic beode minum englum pset hi me on Sisum fiscere gewrecon. S. €• 376.21. 7. hi, 071 -\- dat. is used to form a phrase of " specification " — a phrase limiting the application of an adjective, verb or noun ; mod. Engl. " in," " in regard to," in the matter of": "Sast he sie hiera fseder & reccere on lare, & hiera modur on mildheort- nesse. C. P. 123. 25. "Seh ic ymbe Romana gewin on ^aem gearrime for^ ofer ISaet geteled h^ebbe. O. no. 12, paet se waere an fe^e meahtegost se ^e meahte gan o'S "Sisse eor'San ende. Bo. 180. 20. ac ealle cyningas, pa ^e in Breotone waeron aer, jm in meahte & in rice feor oferstigest (potestate). B. 128. 33. & he gearo waere mid him selfum & on eallum ^am'Se him laestan woldan, to "Sass heres "Searfe. Chron. 142. 36. (a), (bcde. have mid.') forSan "Se seo halige gelaSung on flasclicum mannum is swiSe brad, & on gastlicum nearo. S. C. 614. 11. On is rare in Bede here ; 171 the customary preposition. But before the i7istr. 07i is used : gif heo on hwon agylton (siqua delin- quissent) 162. 13, is the only example noted. 8. The function, the purpose served, appears in the dat. after on with the neuter verbs beo7i, weor'6a7i ; rarely after other verbs, in, 071 -\- ace. being the preferred construction. See in, 07i -{- ace. 1.5- ^onne sculon hie eft niedenga gadrian o5er ierfe on 'Saes wriexte '5e hie asr . . . sealdon. C. P. 341. 18. he wende '5aet hie wolden Hannibale on fultome beon. O. 196, 7. So, with dat. of person interested, 48. 24, 78, 22, 98. 20, 112. 22, 144. 26, 162. II, 196. 7, 200. 10, 208. 7, 220. 4, 238. 7. Darius, Persa cyning, Laecedemonium on fultume wearS -wVS daem Athenienses. C^.go. 11. (Seh Se hie mid'Sacre wraccScem adraefdan on nanum stale beon ne mehton. O. 232. 23, . . . '5aet he hie ymb '(Saet rice gesemde, & on ^asre gewitnesse wcere dxt hit emne gedaeled wcere. O. 114. 18. & heora (i. e. Sara laeca) nan him ne mehte bion on nanum gode (Cott.; Laud, has bion 7iane gode, instr.). O. 282. 18. & him Penda on fultome waes (auxilium praebente illi Penda). B. 146. 29. Me is, cwacS heo, (Sin cyme on miclum Sonce (gratus mihi est multum adventus tuus). B. 290. 15. So 128. 3. 33 Bede has commonly on here, as the Latin original almost never has the preposition. In is exceptional: Wccron her stronge cyningas & wel cristne ond eallum ellreordum cynnum ut in niiclum ege (barbaris nationibus essent terrori). B, 258. 21. In the following passage the dat. is anomalous, being after a verb of motion and from Lat. in-\-acc.: Seo stow neowan gemonig- fealdedum geleafsumum folcum in setle bisceopstoles waes toaeteced (in sedem pontificatus addita). B. 478. 28 (C). 9. On + dat. is used to measure distance and, very rarely, value : AlecgatS hit 'Sonne forhwsega on anre mile '5one macstan doel fram Sx-m tune, Sonne o'ISerne, Sonne Sasne Sriddan, ot>5e hyt eall aled bit^ on ISxre anre mile. O. 20. 30. Donne sceolon beon gesamnode ealle ^a menn Se svvyftoste hors habba'S on "Saem lande, for hwaega on fif milum o'S^e on syx milum fram 'Saem feo. O. 20. 35. Seo (scl. ceaster) is from Cantwarena byrig on feower & twentigum mila westrihte (distat . . . milibus passuum ferme xxiv). B. 104. 25. ... in Fame "Saem ealonde, ^aet is on twaem milum from Saere byrig ut on sae (duobus ferme milibus passuum). B. 202. 10. So B. 40. 3 (Ca.), 360. 24, 394. 15. Bede never uses in in this sense, nor does the Latin use a preposition. & on aelcre (scl. bee) biS an asstel, se biS on fiftegum mancessa. C. F. gi. After verbs of motion, distance " how far " is rendered by the ace. without preposition : & hiene het iernan on his anum pur- purum fela mila beforan his rasdwaene. O. 280. 12. This is parallel with the time-constructions, see pp. 34 ff. ; time or dis- tance within which, o?i + dat; time " how long," distance " how far," aec. 10. A few adverbial phrases of manner show the dat, — cf. in, on -\- ace. IL 4. So regularly 07i szuidrnm, simdron : ... & 5eah biS giet earfoSre xlcne on sundrum to Ireranne. C. P. 455- 6. separaiim on sundron. ^If. Gr. 229. 7. Other words rarely : on styccemaelum (paulatim) B. 3S0. 14 (O., Ca.); hio (i. e. lufu) scinS suit^e smicere on twaem bleom sua sua twegea bleo godwebb. C. P. 87. 9. Cf : & paet (i. e. (Saet blodig wolcen) waes swySost on middeniht o6ywed, «& swa on mistlice beamas waes gehiwod. Chron. 234. 14. (c). 34 On (or hi) Godes &c. namayi, translating in nomine, is doubt- less dat. A few other phrases, peculiar to Christian theology, occur : Seo is so^ lufu, J^set gehwa his freond lufie on gode and his feond for gode ("love his friend well, and his foe for his good," Thorpe ; but a likelier rendering is " love his friend in God and his foe for God's sake.") ►S. C. 528. 32. Time Phrases. Q.i. Wulfing I. §125. Wiilfing says that the instr. answers " auf die Frage ' wann ' oder ' wie lange,' " gives abundant examples of the first, but none that really holds of the second. " Monigra geara tide'' may be explained as acc.\ " & ofer t5aet ealle \y dcsge ne blon & ^cere cEfterfyligendan nihte " was to the writer a case of " time when "; and these are the only examples he gives of the instr. •m"- time how long." Anglo-Saxon has a great variety of constructions to express " time when," some of which have apparently no distinct value ; e. g. "^(Ere tide, on "^cere tide, on ^« tid are quite indistinguishable in meaning. The difference between them, if there be a differ- ence, as the law of economy in language leads one to expect, I have been unable to discover. The question as to the individual values o{ ace. and dat. {Joe., instr,) after in, on is further compli- cated by the occurrence of the forms d<^g, niht, morgen, which may be loc. as well as ace. The condition of things can best be set forth by taking up each time-word separately, and tracing it through the texts read. The ace. is alleged only where it is proved by the form of the noun itself or of accompanying adjec- tive. I. " Time when." Tid. C P. shows only on ^a tid : Donne cym^ his hlaford on 'Saem daege ^e he ne wen'5,& on "Sa tid ISaet he hine aer nat. C. P. 121. 15. ... on ^a tid "Se se biscephad swa gehiered waes. C. P. 53. 18. O. shows only on . . . tide, tidum : for^on ^e he on 'Sasre tide sige hxfde. O. 246. 18. Donne on "Seem wintregum tidum wyr'S se mu't^a fordrifen foran from "Saem nortJernum windum 'Saet seo ea bi'S flowende ofer eal Aegypta land. O. 12. 34. 35 Bo. shows on •\- ace, on -j- dat., and simple dat., without differ- ence of meaning ; but on + dat. is preferred : pu pe pam winterdagum selest scorte tida & ))dcs sumeres dahum langran, pu pe pa treowa purh pone stearcan wind nortNan & eastan on hacrfest tid heora leofa bereafast, . . . Bo. 8. 6 (B.). for'Ssem se pe his aer tide ne tiola?5, jionne bi'S his on tid untilad. Bo. io6. 3. . . . ealle pa pe on his tidum libbende waeron on eor^an. Bo. 58. 16 (B). ne (Sine's me na^fre nan wuht swa so'Slic swa me "Sinca'S pine spell "Saem tidum pe ic pa gehere (Cott.; B. has yiam tinmjn). Bo. 204. 23. Observe that the datives are plural^ the ace. singular. Bede shows all three constructions, and both on and in\ but on is rare, in being the preposition ordinarily used : end heo him sasgdon, in hwj'lce tiid heo of middangearde leorde (quando). B. 340. 30. Daet gelomp in 'Sa tid his biscophada (tempore episcopatus eius). B. 200. 28. '5aet he to '5aem seolfan mynstre becwom in "Sa tide 'Saere miclan dea^lic- nesse & wooles (tempore mortalitatis). B. 232. 19. Da 'Saet land 'Sa getawod waes, & he on gerisne tid mid hwaste hit seow, 'Sa ne com '5aer naenig grownes up ne wasstm (tempore congruo). B. 366. 24. In 'Sisse stowe he simle on ^a tid '5aes feowertiglican faestennes aer Eastrum & eft 'Saet feowertig aer Cristes gebyrdtide in micelre forhaefd- nesse & in micelre witsumnesse gebeda & in teara gegote gewunelice waes (tempus agere . . . solebat). B. 376. 9. The two last are the only instances of on tid noted in MS. T. In 'Saere tide haefde Honarius biscophad (quo tempore). B. 146, 3. Haefde Osweo se cyning in 'Sgem aerestan tidum his riices efenhletan Saere cynelecan weor'Snesse (primis regni sui temporibus). B. 194. 4. Daet sylfe eac swylce Boisel his magister on his tide gewunelice dyde (suo tempore). B. 362. 22. — on-\-dat. is very rare in (T). Daere tide DinoS waes haten 'Saes mynstres abbod (tempore illo). B. 100. 18. se leofa^ usse tide (qui ad nostra . . . tempora permansit). B. 144. 20. Dissum tidum cwom Mellitus Lundenceastre biscop to Rome (his tem- poribus). B. 108. 7. 'ScEre tide is by far the most usual rendering of qtio^ illo, isto, hoc, eo tem- pore, and ^^issujH tidtivi of his tejuporibtts, in Bede. Chron. shows on tid rarely, in "^as tid only in MSS. (de), (late), on tide, on tidum only in (def) (late) and rarely there, in tide, in tidu7n and the dat. without prep, not at all. Feld dcennede secgas hwate si'S'San sunne up on morgen tid . . . o'S sio aeSele gesceaft sah to settle. Chron. 202. 13. (abed). Her Nor'Shymbra fordrifon heora cyning Alchred of Eoforwic on Easf- ertid. Chron, 91. 33. (de). 36 & in ^as tid waeron serendracan gesend ... to Englalande. Chron. 97. ri (de). On ^am tidum aras Pelaies gedwyld. Chron. 17. 17. (e). Her waes Eadweard cyning ofslaegen on sefentide aet Corfesgeate, on XV. Kl. Apl. Chron. 232. 2. (def). The infrequency oi tid in the Chroji. — more definite dates being generally used — may account for the absence oiiiistr. dat., other- wise a preferred construction for dates in Chro7i. u^lfric yields no examples of on tid. On tide alone is found. The word is less frequently used in ^Ifric than tima^ and means not "time" — in general — but " time of day," hour. He tSa befran on hwilcere tide he gewyrpte. S. C. 128. 11. pa andwyrde Petrus, Hit is underntid ; hu mihte we on 15ysre tide beon fordrencte ? S. C. 314. 23. Tid means " tense " in yElf. Gr. Summary: The two most authoritative texts, C. P. and O., each consistent in its use, C. P. oi ace, O. of dat., after 07i, show that the uncer- tainty as to case is old. Bede shows as usual both constructions, but prefers ace. to dat. after the preposition, and dat. without prep, to either. The preposition is in, rarely on, in Bede. y^lfric follows his general tendency (see pp. 3-5) here, and uses only dat. after 07i. Note, cenige tide B. 356. 12: Dis spel we forSon setton in ure bee, }>3et we men monede, fSaet hio gesege Dryhtnes weorc, hu egesfuUic he is on getSeahtingum ofer monna beam, t5y laes we aenige tide ussum licumlicum unalefednessum sion peowiende (tempore aliquo), seems a case oifem. instr. in -e. Tim a. Tima does not appear as a means of dating in C. P. or B. In Bo. it is found rarely, not often in Chron., frequently in Ailjric, who here often retains the construction on-\- ace. Bo. shows only on-\- ace. : he ne meahte, ne nan mon, on pone timan pa sprasce to nanum ende bringan. Bo. 246. 30. hi nyston naenne o'am j'riddan dsege 28. 4. 39 pa ealdan Romnni, on hae^enum dagum, ongunnon poes geares ymbryne on Sysum daege. S. C. 98. 19. Note. — In : *' Ic eom mid eow ealluin daguni, ot5 pisre worulde geendunq;e." 6*. C. 310. 19, and the same quotation, 600. 17, the dat. without prep, may be a mark of earlier biblical style ; it is the only instance of dceg in this construction in vol. I. of ^Ifric's Homilies. Neaht, Niht. A proved ace. of this word after the prep, is very rare. Only two examples have been found, both in Bede, one after on and one after z;i: Da ongan heo semninga on midde neaht cleopian (circa mediam noctem). B. 286. 12; & in forewearde neaht fort5ferde (primo tempore noctis). B. 422. 28. Dat. without prep, is also extremely rare except in Bede,v^\i^x^ it is of frequent occurrence, in accordance with Bede's general tendency ; elsewhere 7iiht^ neaht appears regularly in the dat. after the prep. hwseSer hit waere 'Se dceg Se niht. C. P. 427. 31. Ac 'Saere ilcan niht 'Se mon on dasg hsefde Sa burg mid stacum gemear- cod, . . . wulfas atugan 'Sa stacas up. O, 226. 17. So : "S^ere ilcan niht. O. 236. 12. Deah Sasm fcohgitsere cume swa fela welena, swa para sondcorna beo^ be pisum saeclifum, o^^e para steorrena^e Seostrum nihtuna scinat) . . . Bo. 22. 28 (B). & "Saere ilcan nihte wes Eadwine dohter acenned, seo waes gehaten Eanfled (from Bede, 122. 26. ^tzre ilcan neahte). Chron. 43. 17. (e). These are the only instances oi dat. without prep, observed out- side of Bede. . . . Saette "Saere seolfan rieohte ^a brohton ban ut awunedon (ipsa nocte). B. 182. 23. So : 'Saere neahte (nocte ilia). B. 184.14, 342. 26, etc. Hwaet we don scylen on cSisse niht, 5aet is ^'is andwearde lif. C. P. 365- M- . . . '5asm kokkum "St on cJistrum niehtum crawa^. C. P. 459. 31. '5rie wulfas on anre niht brohton anes deades monnes lichoman binnan "Sa burg. O. 160. 20. f>a waes in ^aere seolfan nihte, paette se aelmihtiga Dryhten hire forSfore in oSrum mynstre . . . mid sweotolre gesyhSe waes geeaSmeded to onwreone (qua . . . nocte). B. 338. 31. So, with in : (ipsa nocte) 114. 9, 174. 11. Weox seo adl sticcemaelum & sona on iSasre ilcan niht hefigre gefremed waes (nocte superveniente). B. 378. 26. So : (eadem nocte) 410. 10. Sa geseah he semninga on middre niht sumne mon . . . (intempestas noctis silentio). B. 128. 15. '5y laes he on niht onweg fluge and besta^le (noctu). B, 326. 21. 40 Bede uses both on and in, except in the phrase on niht without adj. or other modifier, which does not show hi. Chron. has on "^csre nihte once, 240. 2. (cdef), and 07i niht often : se here hiene on niht up bestael, & oferhergeade alle Cent eastewearde. Chroii. 130. 17. (abcde). u^lfric has on niht and on .. . nihte : Ac se stranga Samson aras on midre nihte and gelaehte 'Sa. burgh geatu. S. C. 226. 17 ; on Saere nihte 504. 21, on middere nihte 246. 33. "Sa on niht com him to Godes engel. S. C. 230. 21. Very rarely there appears a form that looks like the ace, with- out preposition : Da W3es he same niht on anum nicealtan huse. O. 286. 29. pa eode he sume neahte on ise unwasriice, pa gefeoU he semninga on his earm ufan, & '5one swi'Se ge^reeste & gebrsec (noctu). B. 156. 17. ond aeghwelce niht ofer his byrgenne heofonlic ]eoht waes a^teawed (omni nocte). B. 90. 30. but is rather to be explained as fern, ijistr. (see p. 36, note), as dating by simple ace, is otherwise unknown in the texts read. Morgen, yEferi. MS. (fj of the Chron. affords one, S. C. two and yElf. Gr. one proved ace. of morge?i after 07i : on aerne morgen Ch7'on. 61. 9. (f), on aerne merigen 6^. C. 286. 33, 458. 20, ^If. Gram. 234. 19. MSS. (b) and (c) prove the ace. for cefen twice after on, and MS. (a) gives one instance of ace. after iji : . . . waes gefullod on Sone halgan aefen Pentecosten Chro7i. 42. 8. (be), (where (a) has in "60716 halgan csfe7i) ; Her com yESelflaed Myrcna hlaefdige, on t5one halgan aefen Inventione See. Crucis, to Scergeate. Chron, 186. 7. (be). But morgen and csfe^i have commonly no determining word. No instances of accompanying adj. in the dat. appear, and no instances of the construction in the i7istr. without prep. The forms i^cer^morgeji, morge7ine, mor7ie, 7nar7ie, {cEr^77ierge7i, merig€7i are found after the prep. Bede has regularly cefe7i7ie {dat.) and u^lfric cBfe7i (probably locative). Bede uses on, not in before these words: in aermorgen (mane primo) 402. 10 is the only exception noted. Seasons of the year : su77ior, wi7iter, lcncte7i, hcerfesi. Only Boethius and the Chro7i. show these words in the acc^ 41 after on, and then almost always with some word ( 7nidne,fore- weardtie) showing what part of the season is meant. Ne miht "Su win wringan on niidne winter, '5eah (Ne wel lyste wearmes mustes {Fox, presumably from Junius' reading of Cott. ; Bodl. has here on medde winter ; — com p. noun in the acc.l) Bo. lo. 31. on lencten hit grew'5, & on hajrfest hit fealwa'S. Bo. 74. 22 (B). on lengten. Bo, 234. 18 (B), 8. 7 (B). Her hiene bestasl se here on midne winter ofer tuelftan niht to Cippan- hamme. Chron. 146. 19. (abcde). on forewerdne winter. 172. 18. (be). . . . & '5a burh '5xr getimbrede, on foreweardne sumor. 186. 28. (be). on foreweardne sumor. 186. 31. (be). on ufeweardne hasrfest. 186. 31. (be). on haerfest. 190. 18. (abed), 194. 34. (a), 227. 25. (d). Otherwise on-\-daLy or instr. without prep. : For ciele nele se slawa erian on wintra, ac he wile biddan on sumera. C. P. 285. 6. on frowum stowum styccemEelum wicia'S Finnas, on hunto^e on wintra, & on sumera on fisca'tSe be ^sere sae. O. 17. 5. on sumera hit bi'S wearm & on wintra ceald. Bo. 74. 23 (B). & 'Sonne on wintra eft ham hwurfon (hieme succedente). B. 274. 3. ^ses on sumera Chron. 186. 16. (abed), 172. 26. (abed), 174. 14. (abed) ; on haerfeste Chron. 146. 13. (abcde), 'Sass on hsrfeste, 172. 13. (abed); on lasngtene Chron. 105. 24. (de). J?a ealdan Romani . . . ongunnon paes geares ymbryne on "Sysum dasge ; and ^a Ebreiscan leoda on lenctenlicre emnihte ; 'Sa Greciscan on sumer- licum sunstede ; and 5a Egyptiscan 'Seoda ongunnon heora geares getel on haerfeste. S. C. 98. 20. Ac he pa se ilea Peada py nehstan lenctenne swi'Se manfullice acweald waes (proximo vere). B. 240. 3. & ^y wintra Eadmund . . . him wi'Sfeaht. Chron. 134. 19. (abed). "Sy ilcan sumere Chron. 152. 28. (abcde), 'Sy ilcan sumera 178. 4. (abed), ^y sumera 144. 12. (acde) (where b. has ^as on sumera). Bede shows only on, never z>z, before these words. Gear. Gear is found in the ace. after on only once in the texts read, Chron. 192. 5. (bed) : Her heo begeat on hire geweald ... on foreweardne gear . . . t5a burh set Legraceastre. Note that here again the/>ar/ of the year is indicated. Elsewhere gear is construed in the dat. after 07i, in the instr. after 07i, and (most often) in the iristr. without preposition : & "Saes on "Sasm aefterran geare he gefor O, 268. 23. So on-\- dat. : O. 60. 17, 102. 26, 180. 24, etc.,^. 20. I (Ca.), -5". C. 60. 3. Her on "Sys geare, ymb 42 Martines maessan . . . Chron. i86. 12 (abed). So on-\-insir. : Chron. 164. 11 (abc), 170.39 (a), 182. 17 (a), 186. 11 (abc), 188. 2 (a), 192. 21 (a), 192. 29 (a), 234. 6 (c), 234. 17 (c), 234. 27 (c), 240. 16 (c), 174. 14 (abed)— found only in the Chron. Dy geare Fiaminius se eonsul forseah "Sa saegene Se '5a hlyttan him saedon. O. 184. 26. breng^ eor^e aelcne westm & aelc tudor aelee geare. Bo. 234. 14 (B). pa wass ymb syxhund wintra & feower & hundeahtatig aefter paere Drih- tenlecan menniscnesse, jiy geare, j^aette Ecgfri'SNorSanhymbra eyning sende weorod & fyrd in Hibernia. B. 356. 18. & ^y ilcan geare hie fuhton wi'S Brettas. Chron. 26. 20 (abce). So commonly instr. without prep, in (9., B. and Chron. Si's. Sz'6, besides the meaning "journey," has a secondary meaning " time," measuring recurrence. In this latter sense it is com- monly construed in the znsir. without prep., but occasionally in the ace. after on. Da wilnedon Cartaine o^re si'Se frit^es to Romanum. O. 180. 11. "Sa hie sume si'Se druncne aet heora symble saeton. O. 130. 25. ... & seldon, butonmaran symbelnessum & tidum o'Spe maran nyd'Searfe, ma ^onne aene si^e on daege past heo wolde mete pycgan (semel). B. 318. 22. Ne com se here oftor eall ute of "Saem setum ^onne tuwwa, o^re si^'e ^a hie aerest to lande comon . . , o'Sre si'Se ^'a hie of ^sem setum faran woldon. Chron. 166. I (abed). " Ge synd mine beam, 'Sa 'Se ic nu o^re si^e geeacnige, cSpaet Crist beo on eow geedniwod." S. C. 492. 12. The following are the only instances of sv^ in the ace. after on in the texts read : ... & ge'Sohte his misdaeda, . . . hwast he haefde Godes Seowum on oft- siSas to la^e gedon. O. 290. 29. se (i. e. Neron) bet aet sumum cyrre forbaernan ealle Rome burh on asnne si'S aefter paere bisene pe gio Trogia burg barn. Bo. 58. 3 (B). ... & Saer wurdon gescipode, swa 'Saet hie asettan hi on anne si'S ofer mid horsum mid ealle. Chron. 162. 20 (abcdef). Dy ilcan geare waes gesewen blodig wolcen on oftsi'Sas. Chron. 234. 12 (c). Seel, in a sense similar to that of si^ just considered, appears occasionally in the ace. after on : for^on Se heora wise on naenne sael wel ne gefor, na'Ser ne innan . . . ne utane. O. 164. 13. quandoque on sumne sael. ^Elf. Or. 232. 5. aliquotiens on sumne sael. /^If. Or. 286. 15. 43 Dcsgred appears at least once in the ace. after on\ he micle hludor singS on uhtan (Sonne on dsegred. C P. 461. 2. On last:=L finally, on ^j^/;;2(5«?/::^ continuously, on {ealra) worulda woni/d =z {or ever a.nd ever, are fixed phrases with the value of simple adverbs : & nu on last pu swedes paet yfel ngere nauht. Bo. 164. 30. for'Son hie on symbel wi'S Romanum sibbe heoldon. O. 186. 3. for'San "Se ure behat, ye us God behet, 'Surhwuna'S a on worulda butan ende. S. C. 204. 25. Lz/. Z,//" appears in the dat and frequently in the instr.^ after on, but not in the ace. : & "Sa lean bicS on ^asm ecean life 'Saes "Se we to gode do^. C. P. 387. 19. hu he nyttos^ meahte beon his nihstum on "Sys eor'Slican life. C P. 49. 14. So: on 'Sys andweardan life. C. P. 161. 22. ic wat "Saet nan swa god (man) ne leofa'S swa he is on ^eosan life. O. 242. 23. . . . ge on pis andweardan life ge on paem toweardan. Bo. 212. 24 (B. and Junius). on pis andweardan life. Bo. 34. 15, 188. 13. "Saet he on 'Syssum life hundteontigfealdlice mede onfenge, & on "Saere toweardan wearolde ecce lif. B. 450. 5 (O). Other words are construed in the dat. after on, in, or in the mstr. without prep., to denote " time when." & on ^asre hwile t?e he '5asr winnende wses, frefelice hiene gesohte Minoth(e)o. O. 130. 9. '5aet ge faestun & weopua on ^aem fiftan & on '5aem siofo'San mon'Se. C. P. 315. 25. ne waeron cyrican getimbrode ne fulwihtstowe in '5aem fruman ^aere acendan cirican (in exordio). B. 140. 20. 'Sy eahte'San indictione (indictione viii — in the date of the Proceedings of the Hatfield Synod), iff. 310. 17. Note. " Time when " rendered by the geyiitive. Dceges, iiihtes, " by night," " by day," are found in all texts. The Chronicle shows an extension of this construction to the words gear, hcerfest, sumor, winter, as a variant means of dating : 'Sass geares wurdon viiii. folcgefeoht gefohten. Chron. 140. 27. (abcde); & "Sass geares . . . 140. 36. (abcde). Da o^res geares for'Sferdon twa abbodessan 236. 7. (c). Da '5aes for hra'Se, ^aes ilcan sumeres, for Eadweard ... to Passan- hamme. 195. 6. (a). Da eefter '5am, 'Saes ilcan sumeres, gegadorode micel folc hit on Eadwear- des anwalde. 194. 28. (a). ^aes ilcan wintra (ade., wintres be). 146. 31. 44 This construction is by no means so common as that with the insfr., and seems to have no distinct value. II. " Time within which." The period of time within the limits of which something is done is rendered by in, on -\- dat. se fserlica (lea's he on lytelre hwile bereafode "Saes 'Se hi on langre hwile mid unryhte strindon. C. P. 333. 16. & hu (he) gegaderode on '5an serran syfan gearan mid hys wisdome, Sset he "Sa aefteran syfan gear call 'Saet folc gescylde wi'S ^one miclan hnngor. O, 34. II. Wulfstan saede 'Saet he gefore of Hae'Sum, ^ast he wsere on Truso on syfan dagum & nihtum, O. 19. 33. . . . paet eall se d^l se Se Saes treowes on tvvelf mon'Sum gewex^ paet he ongin'S of ^aem wyrtruman. Bo. 148. 35. 'Saet he symle in Ssem feowertiglecan faestenne asr Eastrum sene siSe in daege gereorde (semel in die). B. 244. 23. & he 'Sa in medmicelre tiide micel folc Drihtne begeat (pauco sub tem- pore). B. 222. 30. & seldon . . . ma Sonne aene si'Se on daege paet heo wolde mete pycgan (semel per diem). B. 318. 22. . . . licade us eallum gemaenelice, paette in Agustus Kalende aene si'Sa on gere seono^ gesomnode in stowe, seo is genemned Clofeshoh (semel in anno). B. 278. 26. Min Srowung geenda'S on anum daege, cS^e on twam, o'S'Se be 'Sam maestan on prim ; scSlice Sin cwylming ne maeg binnon Susend geara to ende gecuman. S. C. 594. 24. And Crist aras of dea'Se on pone easterlican sunnan-daeg, pe nu bi'S on seofon nihtum. S. C. 216. 33. yElfric uses this construction occasionally where we should expect the ace. of duration : & (scl. heo) waes on eallum pam fyrste wunigende binnan pam Godes temple. S. C, 146. 26. So : on^aere hwile. .S*. C. 216. 28. III. Time " how long." Cf. Wiilfing I. §93. Wiilfing is misleading in I. §119. b. He says: " Der Akk. antwortet auf die Frage * wann,' " and gives examples that belong under §119. a. " wie lange." Duration of a state or activity is expressed by the ace. without preposition: Her waes seo sunne a^eostred ane tid daeges. Chron. 150. 6. (abed). Da waes sume hwile Godes ege on mancynne aefter pam flode. S. C. 22. 17. The foUowino^ looks an ace. of " time within which ": & sum his fultum worhte t5a burg ^a hwile cet Heorotforda on su6 healfe 45 Lygean. Chron. i86. 24. (;ibcd) ; but if worhte here was felt to have the vahie of mod. " worked at " rather than " built," the construction is quite regular. Bede shows one indisputable instance of dat. of duration of time : he waes micelre tide in Ibernia wuniende 168. 28. Summary : ^V^, on -\- ace, iUy on -\- dat. or i7istr., instr., loc. or dat. without prep., and^^ 07i-\- ace. I. 2. e.), take io -\- dai. of that toward which one looks : & sua5eah for 'Saere gewilnunge hiera giefernesse hie simle locigea5 to 'Sasre eor'San. C. P. 155. 20. ^a beseah he he to fultorne Saere godcundan serfjestnisse. B. 234. 27. 52 o'Sre hwile he smeaS on his mode ymb ^is eor'Slice, o'Sre hwile ymb 5ast godcundlice, swilce he locie mid o'Sre eagan to heofonum, mid otire to eor'San. Bo. 222. 6. pa beseah Petrus to pam fleondan dry, jms cwe^ende : *' Ic halsige eow awirigede gastas, on Cristas naman, paet ge forlaeton Sone dry ^e ge be- twux eow feria'S." S. C. 380. 21. The distinction between on and to after these verbs is dehcate but real. Locian, beseon with 071 mean to look upon, with to to look toward^ to turn the eyes upon an object (from another object). 4. There is the same extension oito + dai. after verbs of motion to non-physical relations as has already been noted for in, on 4" CLCC. So we find to -|- dat. of state, quality, condition to be attained, of the occasion (as a marriage, a feast) to be attended. It is in this category that to is most nearly synonymous with in^ on. Yet there is scarcely an instance where the two prepositions have the same value ; the idea of " direction toward " being ex- pressed by the one, of resulting in" by the other. '5a he hine ascead of Sam woruldrice & hine gehwyrfde to ungescead- wisum neatum. C. P. 39. 22. Ssette '5a godan lareowas . . . "Sa niwan & "Sa ungeleaffullan mod midhira lare gelaede to ryhtum geleafan. C. F. 171. 14. 'Saet hie under "Ssere sibbe to "Sasre m^estan sace become. O. 182. 28. . . . swa hwa swa mid fulle willan his mod went to '5aem yflum '5e he aer forlet, . . . Bo. 170. 20. ^aet he mid him cwome to'53em gefeohte (in proelium). j5. 208. 21. So ^^ ^^/^^/^/^ = in proelium 92. 25, 114. 3,208. 18, although Bede\s generally very exact in rendering iit by in, ad by to. hio hwurfon to 'Sam aerran unsyfernessum (redierunt ad -|- ace). B. 356. 2. And (scl. hi) syrwedon mid micelre smeaunge, hu hi mihton hine to dea'5e gebringan. S. C. 214. 31. for'5an 'Se ic nah geweald, ])eah hi (i. e. '5as boc) hwa to woge gebringe 5urh lease writeras, and hit bi'S 'Sonne his pleoh, na min. j!^l/. Gr. 3. 22. — cf. in, on -\- ace. II. 4. ofi woh, not found in ALlfric. NAz pgera pe mid geleafan and fulluhte to Gode gebih'S, he Gym's to pam gyftum ; ac he ne cym^ na mid gyftlicum reafe, gif he ^a so'San lufe ne hylt. S. C. 528. 19. Veneo ic gange to ceape o^^e ic beo geseald. y^lf. Gr. 201. 6. Fon regularly takes to rice, to ^am anwalde in the sense of " assume the throne," succeed to the government." In the Chro7i. fon to biscopdo7ne interchanges with onfo7i biscopdom{e') ; the better MSS. prefer the latter: feng to papdome 15. 6. (f) — onfeng bisc. dom (abcde). feng to Sam bisc. dome 64. 23. (abc). feng to b. stole 81. 32. (f) — onfeng bisc. dome (abcde). 53 Fon to is not common in other connections: ... & fon to (Saim Codes wisdome Se him dysig '5ync'5. C. P. 203. 14. Nu hxbbe we awriten 'Secre Asian sutJdxl ; nu wille fon to hire norlSdxle. O. 14. 6. II. To is used to express direction toward something with a o-reat many verbs that are not strictly verbs of motion, i. e. that do not denote passage from one place to another, but rather ten- dency, inclination, effort, " moral direction." The following are the most important of these. Dat of ind. obj. and dat. comynodi occur occasionally instead of to. See examples. 1. After verbs of fastening, joining, mingling. {^On appears rarely after these verbs, with the distinction already mentioned.) . , . ^onne he gebint hine selfne to him mid his wordum. C. P. 193. 2. , . . se 'Se hine selfne diofle befasst. C. P. 465. 2, & (scl. Antonius) bebead 'Saet hiene mon on Sa ilcan byrgenne to hiere swa somcucre alegde. O. 246. 31. ac ic me to Sam plegan gemasnde (ludentibus me niiscui). B. 400. 15. Sceawa nu on anum aege, hu paet hwite ne bi'5 gemenged to Sam geolcan, and biS hwas'Sere an aeg. S. C. 40. 28. 2. After verbs of belonging (to), pertaining (to) : & "Sas land eall hyra'S to Denemearcum. O. 19. 36. & jieah to paem twasm.paet is topaere saule & paem lichoman belimpa'5 ealle pas paes monnes good, ge gastlicu ge lichomlicu. Bo. 140. 29. unus (I) an gebyraS to werlicum hade, titia to wiflicum, tinum to neu- trum. ^If. Gr. 2S1. i. 3. After verbs of subjugating, submitting, praying, converting, reconciling (to), etc.: he hiene geea^medde to ISaem folce "Se he him ^asr heardost ondred. O. 112. 32. "Sonne heo heora heafod & heora eagan to onheldon & him to gebasdon. B. 322. 30. & iE'Selwald saet binnan ^aem ham mid ^^m monnum '5e him to gebugon. Chron. 178. 28. (abed.) Ic wene poet ic swunce on ydel, ^a^a ic eow to Gode gebigde. S. C. 102. 18. biddaii, ask, pray for, takes ace. ox from -{- dat. of person from whom, to -j- dat. of place from which, something is desired, and gen. of that desired ; or ace. of thing and cbI + dat. of person (cf. y^t I. 4). Bryttas to Rome fram Ettio Sam cyninge \va:ron him fultumes biddende. B. 8. 2. 54 Hwilc wile sellan his cilde stan, gif hit hine hlafes bitt ? S. C. 280. 8. gebiddan, to offer prayer (as a form of worship), takes to -\- dat. of that worshipped, and refl. dat. of the worshipper: ^a holde he him gebiddan to ^aem selmihtigum Gode. O. 254. 12. sometimes refl. ace. : . . . "Saet is 'Saet he hine gebidde to 'Se. C. P. 273. 16, refl. sometimes omitted : for^on hie noldon to him gebiddan swa to heora Gode. O. 132. 3. secan takes ace. of thing (or person) sought, to -\- dat. of person from whom it is sought : Ac ge seta's paere hean gecynde gesaeVSa & heora weor'Sscipe to paem ni'Serlicum & to pam hreosendlicum pingum. Bo. 44. 30. gesecan in O. shows a different construction ; ace. of person from whom, refl. dat, eoni.^ and to •\- dat. of that sought (really a phrase of purpose, see III. i.) : & he si^'San gesohte Romane him to fri'Se. O. 228. 13. iEfter 'Saem Germanie gesohton Agustus ungeniedde him to fri'Se. O. 250. 14. So 242. 32. wilnian takes gen. of thing desired, to -\- dat. of person from whom : Da wilnedon Cartaine o'Sre si^e fri'Ses to Romanum. O. iSo. 11. For'Son he (i. e. yE'Selhun) purh gesyh'S geleornade, ge hwaes he (i. e. Ecgberht) God baed & to him wilnade, & 'Saet pe his bene gehyrede waeron. B. 244. 9. {ge)'6i7igia7i takes dat. of person for whom, to -\- dat. of person with whom, reconcilement is made : We bidda'S pingunga ast halgum mannum, paet he sceolon us pingian to heora Drihtne and to urum Urihtne. S. C. 174. 10. paem waere mare pearf pe "Sa o^re unscyldge yfla^, paet him mon pingode to "Saem ricum. Bo. 208. 29. For (^ge')seean, wilnian, see also yEt I. 4. 4. After verbs of urging, striving, helping : ac him gefylste God eft to maran are. O. 288. 8. . . . tSonne he funda'S to 'Saem weor'Sscipe "Saes folgaSes. C. P. 55. 4. & oft eac mon sceal '5one welegan ofermodan to him loccian mid litSelicre olicunga. C. P. 183. 19. Saulus heold "Saera leasra reaf, and heora mod to paere stacninge geornlice tihte. S. C. 50. 30. 5. After gewunian, getrymman, gesta'^elian, gewissian: he bi'S on ofermettu awended, & gewuna'5 to "Saem gielpe. C. P. 35. 13. 55 & monige he . . . to Cristas geleafan getrytnede (in fide Christi . . . con- firmavit). B. 210. 12. & gewissa me to j'inum willan & to minre savvle pearfe bet jionne ic sylf cunne ; & gesta'Nela min Mod to )'inum willan & to minre sawle j'carfe. Bo. 260. 6. (B). 6. After habba7i, niman^ witan^ healdan^ ace. of feeling or passion and to + dat. of the object of the feeling : he sceal habban andan to hira yfele. C. P. 75. 13. & he him forgeaf 'Sone ni'S 'Se he to him wiste. O. 250. 15. Maran lufe nim'5 se heretoga on gefeohte to ^am cempan, "Se aefter fleame his wiSerwinnan ^egenlice oferwin'S, ponne to "Sam Se mid fleame ne aetwand, ne '5eah on nanum gecampe naht Segenlices ne gefremede. S. C. 342. 23. peah 'Se hit(i. e. 'Saet cild) beo gegremod, hit ne hylt langsume ungep- waernysse to 'Sam Se him derode. S. C. 512. 15, 7. Certain adjectives take to + dat. as complement ; so gearo, geornful, strange sti^, &c. : ne sie he to hrzed ne to stiS to "Sasre wrace. C. P. 79. 11. ponne hi 'S^re SoSfeestnysse spraece eadmodlice gehyraS, and gearuwe beo'S to Lifes bebodum. S. C. 362. 14. cii^, wilsum, leof, gelic, take complementary dat. without to. 8. To + dat. of that to which distance, degree, extent is reckoned. The preposition here is not so closely connected with the verb as in the cases heretofore considered. Hu Gallic oferhergodon Romana london III. mila to "Sgere byrg. O. 3. i. heo (i. e. seo cwen) gelaerde Sone cyning ^tct he hiene (i. e. 'Sone Segn) swa upp ahof 'S^ette he wass bufan eallum 'Saem ^e on Ssem rice wasron to •Saem cyninge (ad summum fastigium provexerat). O. 148. 5. (scl. Herodes) ofsloh ealle Sa hyse-cild . . . fram twywintrum cilde to anre nihte, be "Saere tide pe he geaxode set pam tungelwitegum. S. C. 80. 16. (96 is more usual in this use : pa het he acwellan ealle Sa hyse-cild psere burhscire, fram twywintrum cilde o^ anre nihte. S. C. 82. 11. & (scl. he) het aenne weall 'Swyres ofer eall 'Scet lend asettan from sas o'S sae O. 270. 14. 9. To -^^ dat. of that given in exchange (cf. in, on -\- ace. II. 6) appears once : Heofonan rice waes alaetan pisum foresaedum gebroSrum for heora nette andscipe, and eft sySSan Sam rican Zacheo to healfum daele his aehta, and sumere wudewan to anum feorSlinge. S. C. 580. 24. 56 III. To-\-dat., histr., or (very rarely) gen. forms a phrase of purpose, of function, and, after verbs of changing, of the resultant form— but not after verbs of dividing, see in, on + ace. I. 6. a. This notion is occasionally rendered by 07i, in \ but outside of Bede this use of on is almost restricted to on edwit, on bismer, and onfultum in Orosius. 1. The ideas of reason and oi purpose^ regularly rendered in Ags. hy for and to respectively, are very rarely confused. To in this use is not separable from its case, nor is it inter- changeable with the simple dai. The dat. of person interested is commonly added, see examples. "Sis waes ryht dom on Saere ealdan st, & is nu us to bispelle, C. P. 43. 18. hie wiella'S "Sast hie hiene eft haebben on 'Ssem ecan life betux him & hiera hieremonnum to isernum wealle. C. P. 165. 12. se waes of Sicilium him to fultume gefett. O. 174. 20. gif to 'Ssem yflum cym^ re'Su wyrd ponne Gym's hio to edleane his yfla, o^^e to ^reaunge & to laere jiaet he eft swa ne do. Bo. 236. 7. ponne is 'Seaw 'Saes apostolican series, 'Sonne heo biscopas halgia'S, ^aet him bebodu sella^S, ond p^ette ealles pses ondlifenes, pe him gegonge, feower deelas beon scyle, an aerest biscope & his heorode for feorme & onfcng- nesse gsesta & cumena, o'Ser dasl Godes peowum, pridda pearfum,, seo feor'Sa to edneowunge& to bote Godes ciricum (quattuor debeant fieri por- tiones : una videlicet episcopo et familiae propter hospitalitatem atque sus- ceptionem, alia clero, tertia pauperibus, quarta ecclesiis reparandis). B. 64. 18. Note here thzt /or renders propter — "because of," while to-\-dat. of purpose renders the 'Lzii'in gerti fid. dat. of purpose. & seo Seod gesohte Ecgbryht cyning him to friSe & to mundboran. Chron. no. 36 (abcde). ac ^onne fela 'Ssera foresaedra tacna gefyllede sind, nis nan twynung paet pa feawan ^e pasr to lafe sind witodlice gefyllede beon. S. C. 610. 14. Ic gegaderige in to pe of deorcynne, and of fugelcynne symble gemacan, paet hi eft to fostre beon. S. C. 20. 35. aries byS ram betwux sceapum and ram to wealgeweorce. y£if. Gr. 12. 5. Eac ic hierde to soSum secgan, cwae'S Orosius, "Scet. . . . O. 138. 18. a. The inflected infinitive is regularly construed after to, form- ing a phrase of purpose or intention. That to -\- hifl. injin. is also used as subject, even in C P., the following sentence shows : Eac is to witanne tiaette hwilum bi^ god waerlice to miSanne his hieremonna scylda & to licettanne suelce he hit nytte. C. P. 151. 8. Cf. Wulfing I, §498, c. 2. Verbs of becoming, appointing, changing, take to -\- dat. of resultant form or state. So don, gedon, ni'inavi, ge-, forscieppan, 57 gewyrcan ; gaderian^ geotan ; ceosan, geceosan^ hadian^ halgian, gesettan ; weor^mi ; awe^idan, and others : To ealdormenn 5u eart gesett. C. P. 119. 22. "Saette his godan dccda ne weorcSen to yfelum dxdum. C. P. 21. 22. hu Brettanie namon Maximianuni him to casere ofer his willan. O. 7. 12. he het cristenra monna ehtan, & monege gedj'de to halgum martyrum. O. 274. 5. . . , paer ]ia good gegadrade bio'5 swelce hi sien to anum wegge gegoten. Bo. 146. 20. Daet he Augustinus Mellitum & Justum to biscopum gehalgode. B. 10. 30. %2l gehadode he hine Eastseaxum to biscope. B. 226. 17. & se here . . . hine geces synderlice him to hlaforde & to mundboran. C/iro7i. 195. 20 (a), Ac se '5e his tSeawas mid anmodnysse, jmrh Godes fultum, swaawent, he bi'S 'Sonne to o'Srum menn geworht. S. C. 360. 8. He awende waeter to wine. S. C. 26. 8. God gesceop to maeran engle pone pe nu is deofol ; ac God ne gesceop hine na to deofle. S. C. 12. 19. Adjectives, however, appear after these verbs in predicate con- struction, nom.. or ace, as in mod. Engl. : (scl. se Se) nau'Ser ne 'Sone folgaS self nytne gedon nyle, ne '5one tolsetan tSe hine . . . nytwyr^ne & wces'Smbaerne gedon wilie. C. P. 337. 16. iemcs ic gewanige o'SSe ic do sum ping pinre. yElf. Gr^ 137. 8. 3. After halgia7i, hadian, in the Chron. is found to ■\- dat. of place to which one is consecrated, in which one is to serve; whence to sometimes seems to be equivalent to cet or on : se waes cerest to Uorkeceastre to leodbisceope gehalgod, & eft to Eofer- wicceastre. Chron. 222. iS (be). Her waes gehadod Beornmod bisc. to Hrofesceastre. Chron. 106. 10 (abc). & man gehalgode yE'Selberht to Eoforwic, & Alchmund to Hagustaldes ee. Chron. 91. 17 (def). 4. Tellaji.talian^ gedon and like verbs take to -^ dat. {x2,x€iy instr.') of that to which something is to be reckoned : ^onne ne talode se ofermoda Phariseus to sua micle maegene Sa for- hasfdnesse sua he dyde. C. P. 313. 5. paet wit gereahton to goodum, paet folciscum monnum yfel Suhte. Bo. 248. 6. ac pa goodan, gif hi fulne anwald habba'S, hi magon don to goode paet paet hi willa'S. Bo. 184. 8. pa ne sint fur'Sum to woroldgodum to tellanne, ac to godcundum. Bo. 82. 29. 5. To -f- instr, of purpose scarcely occurs except in the phrases to "6071, to 5jj/, anticipating a clause. 58 The dat. (Jo "^ccni) is also used with the same value, particularly in C. P. and Bo. O. and B. use only to "Soji ; Cott. MS. of Bo. prefers to ^o?iy Bodl. MS. fo ^am ; C. P. prefers to "^csm (noted 8 times ; to "^on 5 times); Ailfric uses to Sj/ {to Sz) almost exclusively, to ^am being found but once in S. C. — 614. 8. Dz without prep, also appears once, 456. 13. Cliron. has no distinctive use; to "^on, (a)» to ^arn, (bed), to "^an, (e), 6. 6 ; to ^i 41. 21 (f). to hwon, interrogative, occurs 4 times in Bo. 6. An extension of the notion of purpose is found in the phrases of degree : to ^a^m, to ^on, to "^cbs. C. P. shows to '6071 here more often, proportionally to to "^csnty than in the phrase of purpose; to "6071 67. 24, 295, 10, 383. 21, 391.4; /^ S^;;^ 271. 4, 319. 17, 459. II ; ^ /2ze/^;2 "at all" 417. 35; to "6(^8 345. 8. Bo. shows to ^071 and to "^cevz in about equal ratio; the two MSS. make no distinction here, to "^ces (lytel) occurs once, Bo, 80. 24. Bede shows to ^o?i and to ^cbs, the former regularly, the latter 4 times and only with adjectives : to ^ses heard & to Saes staenihte. 366. 17, to ^«s mycel 28. 11, to 6ses gedyrstig 114. 30. ^Ifric shows only to ^an, making a clear distinction between phrase of purpose (Jo ^jj/) and phrase of degree. 7. To-^-geii. hardly appears except in phrases of degree and in time-phrases, see IV. C. P., however, shows the phrases to "dances, to urt^ances : "Saette hie nanwuht godes ne magon Sa hwile Gode bringan to Sances. a p. 349. 8. 'Sa ageaf he hit (i. e. Saet feoh) to un'Sances, 379. 9. Cf. heora agues trances " of their own free will, on their own account," Bo. 18. 13. (B). The gen. after the prep, is probably not an original Ags. idiom, but due to confusion of to + insir. with simple adverbial ^(??z. Note. The following are specimens of the close rendering of ad by to in Bede\ they do not fall under the categories estab- lished for the other texts: . . . (Saet hi 'Sa aefestncsse geleornad & onfongen hoefdon to bysene '5xre halgan Romaniscan cyrican (ad exempluni). B. 468. 11. He '5a Sone onfongnan biscophad to onhyrenisse Sara eadigra apostola mid weorcum gastlicra mrcgena froetwode (ad imitationeni). B. 368. 27. 59 IV. To is used also in time-phrases, with the dat.^ instr. and gen. cases. The sense of direction is still present, even in to dcsg. 1. Time when. To dc'cgie), to viergen (jnorgen, -ne), have the same value as in mod. English. That the original value of to in these phrases is that oi direction in time, not that of purpose as Skeat seems to imply, is evident from the following examples : ic eom clxne & unscyldig nu giet to dajg eowres apices blodes. C. P. 379- M- seo stow gewearS swi'Se ma^re, & giet to drcge is, O. 120. 21. Ga, & cum to morgenne (Hatt.; niorgen Cott."), Sonne selle ic tSe hwaeth- wugu. C. P. 325. I. Nu to-merigen hasf^ pis folc gemynt pact hi heora lac him offrion. S. C. 462. 3. Cf. 5^^ on mergen S. C. 290. 18. &c. To dag, to morgen reckon always from present time. Other words after to denoting "time when" are rare. The following are all the instances observed : to + dat. gif 'Sat underfangne andgit to ryhtre tide bi'5 for'Sbroht. C. P. 367. 11. So : to tide 459. 12, to "Sam timan Chron. 41. 8. (f), to 5am ylcan timan 135. 37. (fi), to ^ysan timan 94. 13 ([a]) — all late. & "Sa aefter '5am, on '5am ilcan geare, to gangdagum, he het atimbran t5a burg set Wigingamere Chron. 194. 7. (a). So : to Omnium Sanctorum 200. 17. (a); to See. Michaeles tide (acde., masssan b.) 88. 6. to -\- gen. Da clypode Herodes ^a 'Sry tungelwitegan on sundorsprasce, and georn- lice hi befran to hwilces timan se steorra him cerest aeteowde. S. C. 78. iS. ealne weg hi sston asne on daeg, & paet waes to aefennes. Bo. 48. 8 (B), The date seems to be less definitely given with to than with ow, to here = '' towards," " about." 2. Time how long. Very rare. To -\- dat. or gen. sets the further limit of time — "until" — or gives the period of duration — " for a while." a. " Until." . , . jiset heo ]iy feor5an wicdasge & '5y syxtan faeston to nones (ad nonam) B. 162. II. So : to ffifenes (ad vesperam). B. 232. i. & he "Saer wunode to his ende. Chron. 45. 24. (e). si pe lof & wylder nu a a a to worulde buton a^ghwilcum ende. Bo. 260. 15(B). One instance of instr. is noted : Nis hit fear to '6on (i. e. to the time of lauds). B. 348. 15. 6o b. Period during which : "Sa liefde he him '5one gielp to sumre hwile, & forbead '5get yfel. C. P, 457. 33. So : to sui'Se scortre hwile. C. P. 255. 10. Swa 'Sonne ^is monna lif to medmiclum faece setyweS; hwaet tScer fore- gange, o'5'Se hwset paer aefterfylige, we ne cunnun. (ad modicum apparet.) B. 136. 5. So : to tide (ad tempus) 406. 14, to medmicelre tide (ad breve tempus) 440. 18. /Efter 'Sissum hi Sa sfeweredon to sumre tide wiS Peohtum (inito ad tern- pus foedere), B. 52. 19, is obscure. Does it mean '* for a while " or " at a certain time " ? Se /Elmihtiga God ge^afa'S pam arleasan Antecriste to wyrcenne tacna, and wundra, and ehtnysse, to feor'San healfan geare. S. C. 4. 31. So : to lytelre hwile 64. 14, to langum fyrste 374. 11, 388. 18. A peculiar construction appears in the Chronicle for the years 913-924, in the three best MSS. (abc), (and occasionally in (d.), not in (ef.)) ; vlz./oran to = before, of time only : Her wear's Ecgbriht . . . ofslegen foran to middansumera, on XVI. Kl. lul. Chron. 190. 30. (be). So : foran to middum sumera 192. 30. (a), 196, 16. (a) ; foran to middan wintra 186. 36. (be) ; foran to Eastron 194. 2. (a), foran to hlafma2ssan 190. 39. (bed), 186. 29. (be) ; foran to Martines maessan 190, 19. (abd) (c. has cet- /ora7i), 192. 23. Compounds. To forms compounds with adverbs, and these compounds occa- sionally serve as prepositions, i. e. take a case. So to eacan^ io geanes, toweard. Togemies and to eacan always take the dat.\ toweard is uncertain of its regimen, being followed by^fw., dat. and even acc.\ . . . Sa 'Se ga'S on ryhtne weg toweard ^ses hefonrices. C. P. 59. 19. Donne serna'S hy ealle toweard Saem feo. O. 20. 36. Sset land . . . "Saet hie toweard wseron. O. 202, 3. The following seems rather an instance oiio -\- gen. than of a preposition toniiddes : Sa he hiene tomiddes Saes westennes hsefde gelaedd (in deserta perduc- tus). O. 286. 17. /n(?i) shows various degrees of closeness in composition with to : 'Sonne he tieh'S his heafod in to him. C. P. 241. 21. & (scl. he) haefde ealle Sa geatu forworht inn (be, in ad.) to him. Chron. 178. 29. (abed). 'Sy laes hie on hwylc hus to him in eodan (ad se introirent). B. 58. 21. & he code in to Sam biscope & hine grette (intravit ac saluauit episco- pum). B. 398. 6. 6i Ic gegaderige in to ye (i. e. Noe~) of deorcynne, and of fugelcynne symble gemacan, pret hi eft to fostre been. 6". C. 20. 34. 'SoTine orn he eft innto (Sxm temple. C. F. 103. 4. Hannibal gefeaht wi'5 Sempronius '5one consul on Italiam, & hiene bedraf into Romebyrig. O. 200. 6. Her hiene bestscl se here into Werham Wesseaxna fierde. Chron. 144, 19. (abcde). Eft, set sumiim sxle hine geloehte an nceddre be t>am fingre, ac he ascoc hi into byrnendum fyre, and he 5aes oettres nan ^'ing ne gefredde. S. C. 574. 16. Into, the definite compound with the value of modern " into," is especially frequent in Ailfric, where it helps supply the place of the vanishing construction " on + ace. of that which contains." See p. 5. FOR AND FORE. For and /(?;'2et ]?aet heafod sceolde ablawan 6aes cyninges wif Herodiaden, Se he fore acweald wses, swa paet heo ferde mid windum geond ealle woruld. S. C. 486. 6. 3. Also in the following : ])2et hehste good sie . . . ]?set }>ing \q mon eall god fore deS. Bo. 142. 36. II. For, fore + dat. and instr. This preposition with the dai. has two distinct values ; it means " before, in the presence of, sight of," and "because of." The former appears much less often than the latter use; its place is in part supplied by the compound forms beforan, toformi, cstforan. The latter is the ordinary function of this preposition in Ags. Through the notion of "for the sake of" this construction is occasionally (especially in Bede and Ailfric) confused with that q{ for, fore -\-acc. 4, and sometimes 3. I. For, fore + dat. =z before, in the sight (judgment) of; before, in front of: Sonne biS hit suelc Saet feegere hiw Saes goldes sie onhworfen, & hit sie ablacod & forsewen for monna eagum. C. P, 135. 2. Sast he for ^isse worulde sie foresewen. C. P. 217. 7. Eala wseran ^a ancras swa trume & swa ^urhwuniende ge for Gode ge for worulde swa swa 5u segst. Bo, 30. ii. (B). Wees he se wer se fromesta & for Gode & for mannum micellic (coram deo et hominibus). B. 466. 6. "Sa sona adrugode se stream & beah for his fotum (viam dedisse vesti- giisV B. 38. 17. & wislice raedde oftost a symble for Gode & for weorulde ealre (d ; eall e.) his 'Seode. Chron. 219. 5. (de). hi woldon hine gelceccan, and ahebban to cyninge, paet he wacre heora heafod for worulde, swa swa he wees godcundlice. S, C. 162. 5. forSan ^e hi sind gebroSru for Gode, se hlaford and se Seowa. ^S'. C. 378. 30. 65 Fore in this sense appears only in Bede (but see p. 64, Note 2.) : Cwa;i5 he ; Ne wede ic : ah i^a wyrrestan ingewitnesse me ic geseo, & fore minum eagum haebbe (proe oculis). B. 438. 20. "Sast heo segn fore him bxron xt gefeohte (ante ilium). B. 144. 31. %2i todcclde se engel eft '5one leg iSxs fyres fore him (no Lat.) 214. 28. Fore appears to form compounds with the idea of precedence or superiority, but not of simple presence. 2. For^ fore of cause or reason. For -\- dat. (or instr., in certain phrases) is the ordinary means of expressing both cause and reason in Ags. Certain points require special notice, but general examples are given first. for "Sasre genyhte ISges flowendan welan he blissa'S. C. P. 55. 8. 'Sonne he for Codes lufum and for Godes ege de'S 'Saet 'Saet he deiS. C. P. 169. 3. '5aes landes is xliii. 'Seoda, wide tosetene for unwxstmbosrnesse 'Saes londes. O. 14. 18. Da saegde se Clitus for ealdre hyldo ^aet Philippus mare haefde "Sonne he. O. 130. 28. he bi^ for swi'Se lytlum Singum oft swi'Se ungemetlice gedrefed. Bo. 32. 17. . . . o'S'Se hwy paet is weor'Se, & eft for "Saere sunna scinan to his agnuni gecynde weor^e ? Bo. 216. i (B). '5a he for maran xldo Sone biscophad ^segnian ne meahte (prae maiore senectute). B 404. 12. ond sonafor his (i. e. Cu^bryhtes) cyme ^a wergan gastas ^onon onweg gewiton (ad adventum). B. 366. 11. he waes from Saem mynstre for sumum Singe fyr gongende (no Lat.). B. 352. 16. Sast gelomp for wean & for yfelnesse Sara eardiendra S^er in Scere byrig (a malitia). B. 348. 30. & ^aer for heofona rices lufan in el'Seodignesse lifde (pro aeterna patria). B. 190. 5. for neade Eadfri'S to Pendan "Saem cyninge gebeag (necessitate cogente). B. 148. 8. & seo "Seod gesohte Ecgbryht cyning him to fri'Se & to mundboran, for Miercna ege. Chron. iic. 37. (abcde). and (scl. Adam) si^'San swealt, swa swa him aer behaten waes, for ]^an gylte. S. C. 20. ID. "Wa middangearde for aeswicungum." S. C. 514. 30. qicas ob res 9 for hwilcum Singum ? yElf. Gr. 263. 2. propter jidem passzis est ioT gt\QZ.i^n he Srowode. ^If. Gr. 270. 2. Frequently with verbs of fearing, dreading, etc., and in negative sentences : Oft eac ^a unwaran lareowas for ege ne durron cleopian. C. P. 89. 11. 66 Ssette "Sa "Se him under'Siedde sien him dyrren hira dieglan "Sing for scome geandettan. C. P. 103. 21. And 'Seah pa heard-heortan ludei noldon for eallum ^am tacnum pone so^an Scyppend tocnawan. S. C. 108. 22. pr(2 timorc non audeo for ege ic ne dear. ALlf. Gr. 272. 7. The instr. of nouns is rare (for pronouns, see 7.) : 'Sylaes he for S}'^ underfenge his ea'Smodnesse forl^ete. C. P. 23. 22. So 23. 24. & for "Son gebode gewurdon fela martyra. O. 280. 19. pa stanas hi styredon for "Sy swege. Bo. 168. i (Cott.; B. has '^ani). ic nat (for hwilcon B., . . . Ice Cott.) dysige ge girna'S past ge woldon eowerne naman tobrasdan geond ealle eor'San. Bo. 64. 4. swa Saet he for "Sy sare ne meahte fur'Son his hond to mu'Se gedon. B. 156. 19. ond gelefde 'Sset his eage for Sy fexcSaes Godes weres . . . hra'Se gehaeled wsere. B. 382. 31. Fore in this sense is unusual — observed only in C. P. and B. : hu se reccere sceal bion '5aem weldoendum monnum fore ea'Smodnesse gefera. C. P. 13. 3. ■Saette reccere his godan weorc fore gielpe anum ne do, ac ma for Godes lufan. C. P. 13. 9. His o'Sre geferan fore gelimplicum intingum hwurfon to cirican in eJcet mynster (pro) B. 262. 29. So : (pro) 76. 7, (propter) 154. 7, 216. 9, 284. 31, (ob) 176. II, 190. 15, 446. II, (ex . . . causa) 76. 31, (causa) 114. 32, (gratia) 270. 17. But fore- in composition in all texts : sua sua manegra cynna wyrta & grasu beo5 gerad, sumu neat batiga^ fore, sumu cuela'S, C. P. 173. 20. . . . &ymbe'Sa Gotan, '5e him fore andredan ge Pirrus se re'SaCrecacyning, ge se maera Alexander, ge lulius se Casere. O. i. 27. Dyslic waes syn, ^e se cyning fore ofslegen waes (pro qua) B. 228. 5. 3. For ^ fore -j- dat. of reason is sometimes used where the rela- tion is to our feeling rather that of purpose — *' for the sake of" something to be attained by the act — ; but such use oi for for to is exceedingly rare, the two categories being as a rule kept quite distinct : . . . giefa, "Se him God for monigra monna tJingum geaf, naes for hiera anra. C. P. 41. 22. Daet gewinn '5aet his faeder astealde he diegellice for ^aem V. gear scipa worhte, ond fultum gegaderode. O. 78. 32. aelc wyrd j'ara j^e to ]>a;m yflum cym'S, cym'5 for '5asm twaem pingum (i. e. either for punishment or for warning) Bo. 236. 6. he ^aer gehet for wegferendra gecelnisse stapolas asettan (ob refrigerium) B. 144. 27. 67 ac for leornunge haligra gewreota he wais micelre tide in Iberiiia Scotta ealonde wuniende (legendaium gratia scripturarum) B. 168. 28. Teinpus accidit verbo tid gelimpcS worde for getacnunge mislicra dxda, Ailf. Gr. 123. 12. Ac we habba'5 nu micle maran endebyrdnesse paere Cristes bee gesaud ponne Sis dxgSerlice godspel behxfS, for trymminge eowres geleafan. S. C. 220. 26. This extension is more frequent in Bede and Ailfric than else- where. 4. The notion "in behalf of" (s&e for, fore -\- ace. 4.), being so nearly identical with '' for the sake of," is frequently rendered by for, fore -\- dat. instead of acc.\ "Sset ge meahton standan on minum gefeohte for Israhela folce. C. P. 89. 19. Deah we nu ofer ure mae^ "Sencen & smeagean, Saet we doo^ for Gode. C. P. 10 1. 12. "Sonne for him nriKSsan sungene waeron (pro eo) B. 20. 18. '5aet hie for minum untrymnessum ge modes ge lichoman gelomlice & geornlice 'Singien mid Saere uplican arfaestnesse Godes aelmihtiges. B. 486. 8. 5aet he for ^aem ecan riice symle wonn & God bletsode (pro aeterno regno) B. 1S8. 5. ■Saer he mycle tid for Dryhtne campode (pro domino) B. 374. 3. "Sa gebaed he for ^am sawlum his weorodes (pro animabus) B, 188. 15. Beo^ nu mine 'Singeras, biddende for minum synnum ; for'San "Se ic eom gearo to gecyrrenne to munuclicere drohtunge. S. C. 534. 32. se goda hyrde syl5 his agen lif f or his sceapum. S. C. 238. 13. geopena his mu'S, ponne fintst pu tJaeron aenne gyldenne wecg, nim ^one, and syle to tolle for me and for "Se. S. C. 512. 5. fore again only in Bcde : 'Saet me an 'Sara bro'Sra saegde, fore "Saem & in Seem 5e hit (/. e. 'Saet wundor) gefremed waes (propter quos et in quibus). B. 384. 11. ^aet heo fore his gehaelde t^aem aelmihtigan Gode jetgaedre heora bene & gebedo senden & geoten (pro eius custodia). B. 72. 18. hwaet ic fore Cristes cneohtum . . . t)rowade & arasfnde (parvulis Christi). B. 114. 22. For, fore -\- dat. after verbs of praying is found only in Bede and yElfric. 5. For -\- dat. of that in return for which something is given, for which return is made : He ne sealde Gode nanne metsceat for his saule, ne naenne gcSingsceat wi5 his miltsc. C. P. 339. 10. Da brohton Romane '5one triumphan angean Pompeius mid micelre weorSfulnesse for 'Ssem lytlan sige Se he Sa haofde. O. 234. 29. 68 god haef^ getiohhod to sellanne witu & erm'Su "Saem yflum monnum for hiora yflum weorcum. Bo. 198. 2. (scl. Eadvvine) Soncunge dyde his Godum for 'Saere deahter, 'Se him acenned wses (pro nata sibi filia) B. 122. 29. So : tJonc secgan for (pro). B. 236. 21, 380. 17. " Du earming, beorh ^'e sylfum, and wyrc daedbote for ^aere halgena blode, •Se "Su agute." -5". C. 418. 35. Heofonan rice wass alaeten pisum foresaedum gebroSrum for heora nette and scipe. S. C. 580. 23. Note, wi'6 is the prep, commonly used in this sense. The notion of "reason" is present wheny«?r is used. Fore is noted once : seo Cu'Sbriht geaf '5one abbote L punde Scerfore (i. e. for the land) Chron. 92, 15 (e), very late ; observe the ace. of the article z.it^x geaf. 6. Bede shows often for, fore + dat. and yF,lfric for + dat, =z " instead of," "in the place of"; ^Ifric even for + dat, = " reck- oned," " held to be " (ci. for, fore -j- ace. 3 and 2) : Daette forSferdum Paulino '5am biscope Ithamar for him ast Hrofeceastre biscopsette onfeng (pro eo). B. 14. 28. . . . 'Saette, wundorlice gemete, for openre wunde & geomiendre . . . '5a seo 'Synneste dolgswae'5 & seo laesseste aateawde (pro aperto et hiante vulnere). B. 322, 10. Hononus for him gecoren waes (qui lusto in episcopatum successit). B. 12, 24. For '5aem (i. e. Puttan) Theodor biscop in Hrofesceastre Suichelm to biscope gehalgode (pro quo). B. 298. 24. a domo fram huse : her is se a for anum staefgefege. ab hojnme fram '5am menn : her is se ah an staefgefeg. y£//. Gr. 7. 5. And '5u nelt syllan 'Sinum bearne prowend for asge, nele eac God us syllan orwenysse for hihte. S. C. 252. 31. ponne by'5 he indeclinabile, paet is, undeclinjendlic, ac gae^ se an casus for eallum "Sam o'5rum casum, swa ys huitis modi. JElfr. Gr. 88. 15. For nahte he tealde aenig '5ing to biddenne buton gesih'5e. S. C. 156. 21. Fore again only in Bede : ' Gegyrewa'5 '5one lichoman mid neowum braeglum fore 5am 5e ge '5aer on noman (pro his). B. 376. 20. se biscop . . . , se 5e fore Cu'Sbryhte gehalgod beon sceolde (pro Cud- bercto) B. 374. 8. So 140. 16, 248. 28, 458. 14 — all from Lat. pro. 7. The dat. i^csni) and both forms of the ijistr. {"^on, '8jp) are used withybr (never fore) to form a conjunctional phrase of reason, or, rarely, of purpose. The resultant forms are for'^iEm i^e), for^on {j6e),for^y (6«?). 69 a. For^ccm {'6e),for'6on{j6e) z=z " because," followed by clause of reason : ond '5a swicSe lytle fiorme 'Sara boca wiston, forlSxm^e hie hiora nan wuht ongiotan ne meahton, fortSaimlSe hie naeron on hiora agen gceJiode awritene. C. P. 5. ii. j'ara wasron syx stxlhranas, 'Sa beo'S swySe dyre mid Finnum, for "Saem hy fo5 ]ia wildan hranas mid. O. 18. 12. Sic gitsungpa «Si '5a gewin waeron grimlicran j'onne hy nu syn, for Son hy hyre nane bysene asr ne cu'5an swa men nu witon, ac on bilvvitnesse hyra lif alyfdon, O. 30. 23. Bede uses almost exclusivelyy"c?r 'S^??: Ac for5on missenlice intingan & unaemtan oft gelimpa5, licade us eallum gemoenelice paette in Agustus Kalende aerie si'Sa on gere seono^ gesonmode in stowe, seo is nemned Clofeshoh. B. 278. 24. ^Ifric uses the ioxxw for'^a7i ^e most often : . . . for'5an "Se '5u eart rihtwis and me becweme. S. C. 20. 30. but for^i ]><^/' sometimes, apparently as a more emphatic form, " for this reason (purpose) that ": He gereordede hine aefter his aeriste, na for'Si ]?xt he sySSan eor'51ices bigleofan behofode, ac to '5i paet he geswutelode his so'San lichaman. S. C. 296. 25. pa cwse'S se Haslend, past he naere for his agenum synnum, ne for his maga, blind geboren, ac for 'Si paet Godes wundor purh hine geswutelod waere. ^5'. C. 474. 5. or when another clause is inserted between the conj. and its clause : . . . ponne bi^ se faeder mara, and se sunu laessa. Hwi swa? For'5i)'onne se sunu \vyx'5, ponne ealda5 se faeder. S, C. 278. 24. and rihtwisra manna dea'5 is deorwyr'Se, for'5i 'Sonne hi geendia^' c>is geswincfulle lif, beo5 hi gebrohte to '5am ecan life. S. C. 218. 20, sometimes, also, in the same position in which for'^an (^e) is commonly found : Se getigeda assa and his fola getacnia'5 twa folc, paet is ludeisc and hseSen : Ic cwe'Se, haeSen, for^i pe eal mennisc waes ^a-gyt wanigende on haeSenscipe, buton pam anum ludeiscan folce. S. C. 206. 32. So 276. 31, 286. II, 322. 21. b. " Therefore," referring to some statement already made, is commonly expressed by for ])y in all texts except Bede, which again uses/brS^w ; Ne ofermodgia'5 '5a scirmenn na for5y. C. P. 109. 18. & se nim'5 j'one laestan dacl se nyhst p^m tune paet feoh geaerne'5. (S: 70 ponne ride'5 ale hys weges mid San feo, & hyt motan habban eall ; & for ISy "Saer bee's pa swiftan hors ungefoge dyre. O. 21. 5. and hu maeg se geleafa beon for'Sgenge, gif seo lar and ^a lareowas ateor- ja^ ? is nu for ^i godes peowum and mynstermannum georne to warnigenne, paet seo halige lar on urum dagum ne acolige o^'Se ateorige. ^//. Gr. 3. 9. paes biscopes lif & drohtunge in biscophade ge 3er biscophade is sjegd paette waere ^aet halgeste, swa swa eac swylce aefter mid heofonlicra maegena tacnum gecy'Sed waes. Ond for'Son seoppon longe his horsbeer, pe hine mon untrumne on baer, waes from his discipulum gehealden ; & monige untrume . . . paer aet haeloonfengon. B. 282. 3, So 346. 20, 354. 25, etc., etc. Bo. uses also for'^csm in this sense : pa felgan bio^ fyrrest paere eaxe, for'Saem hi faro'5 ungeredlicost ; sionafu faer^ neaxst 'Sasre eaxe, for'Sy hio faer'S gesundlicost. Bo. 222. 21. and yElfric ^z without preposition, rarely : God is ure Faeder, pi we sceolon ealle beon gebro^ru on Gode. S. C. 260. 28. So 82. 30. c. The interrogative "why" is rendered by hwy ^ forhwy , for- hwon (the last being the usual form in Bede) : hwi ne hwearfast '5u eac mid him ? Bo. 18. 7. (B). ... & for hwy se goda God laete aenig yfel beon. Bo. xviii. 2. (B.). cur hwi, quare for hwi, qiiani ob rem for hwi oS'Se for ^i. ^If. Gr. 231. ic. forhwy, C. P. 451. 6; for hwi, O. 54, 33. ... & hine frignan, forhwon hine mon gebindan ne meahte (quare). B. 328. 5. d. The correlatives (1) "because . . ., therefore," (2) "for this reason . . ., because . . .," show the utmost variety of form, espe- cially in Bo.^ where they are very frequent, from the argumen- tative nature of the work : (i) forSy Se . . ., fort^y . . ., Bo. 98. 30. forSsem . . ., forSsem . . ., 240. 28 (Cott.). fortSaem . . ., forSi . . ., 240. 28 (B.). (2) for])i . . ., forpy . . ., 70. i, 122. 29, 214. 19 (B.), 246. 29 (Cott; Ac . . . for(5i . . . B.). forSaem . . ., fort5sem fe . . ., 108. 31 (B). forSaem . . ., forSy . . ., 126. 15. for8i . . ., py laes (neg. sent.) 234. 8. forSsem . . ., j^e . . ., 230. 24. 8. For + dat. in time phrases (observed only in j^lfric). a. For -\- dat. of time {d^g-, gear^zzz^^ . . ago"; cf. German vor. swa swa hit waes gedon on Angelcynne nu for anum feawum gearum. ^7/. Gr. 3. 12. So S. C. 458. 7. /I Min Urihten for feawum daguni me geswutelode pxt icsceolde mid pysre eJrowunge his fotsvvaNum fylian. S. C. 382. 16. So 104. i. b In the following sentences the beginning of the modern idiom : " for two years," etc., is apparent, though they were still doubtless phrases of" purpose," '* interest," to ^^Ifric : Witodlice se (Se nane brocunge for t?isum life ne 'Srowa^, he faer^ to •Srowunge. S. C. 472. 21. ("in this life" Thorpe). He (i. e. se hyra) cep^ paera sceatta, and blissaS on 15am wur^'mynte, and hsef'S his mede for Sisum life, and bi'S bescyred jiacre ecan mede, S. C. 240. 21. . . . for^'an 5e oft getimaS yfelum teala for life. S. C. 332, 15. In one passage indeed the Latin ace. of duration is rendered by for\ hiennium fortwam gearum o'S^e twegra geara fyrst. yg//". Gr. 287. 15. Compounds. The adverb y^r^w combines with the prepositions on,io,csi^d,wd be to form compound prepositions, taking for the most part the dat. case. Onforan, however, is followed by the ace. winter in the Chronicle, 170. 23. (abed), 172. 17. (a). Toforan in Bo. and j^lfrie denotes precedence and preference : paet ic maeg pe inweardlice lufian to foron eallum pingum mid damnum ge^ance. Bo. 260. 12 (B). paet he sy toforan oSrum mannum purh his glencge getealde. .S", C. 328. 28. pra vie toforan me,/r^ onutibus toforan eallum. y^lf. Gr. 276. 2. y^tforan has a considerable range of uses : 1. In the presence of: coram vobis stat xtforan eow he stent. ^If. Gr. 271. 16. and Crist hine gehselde astforan gesih^e ealles paes werodes. S. C. 154.3 Also with verbs of motion: Ne glad he (i. e. se steorra) ealne weig him aetforan, ac sySSan hi comon to Judeiscum earde, sy^San he waes heora latteow, o^ pcet he bufan Cristes gesthuse ^etstod. S. C. 108. 32. 2. Before, of place: J?a gesawon hi retforan 'Sa;re cyrcan nortS-dura, on 'Sam marmanstane, swilce mannes fotlaesta fastlice on ^am stane ge'Syde. S. C. 506. 11. 3. Before, in a series : ac hi habba'5 ealle sceortne i on sopinum aetforan paui -turn. yEl. Gr. 193- 7. 72 4- Before, above, of preference : ac 5eah he geendebyrde pone unspedigan fiscere astforan 'Sam rican casere. S. C. 578. 10. 5. Before, in time : . . . and be 'Sam manega bee setton,'Sa^e we nu oferrseda^ set Godes ^eowdome aetforan his gebyrdtide, him to wur'Smynte. S. C. 6co. 13. astforan Martines masssan. Chron. 191. 19. (c.) (foran to abd.). Beforan has all of these meanings except " before in time": beforan "Sasm temple stod aeren ceac. C. P. 105. i. Seo menigu pe eode beforan Sam Haslende. S. C. 156. 10. sua manegra wieta hie beo^ wyr'Se beforan 'Sasm c'Srum sua suahemonna on won gebrohte. C. P. 191. 7. The closeness in meaning of these -foran compounds to one another is well illustrated by the following : He (i. e. Johannes se Fulluhtere) waes asend toforan Drihtne, swa swa se daegsteorra gseS beforan ^aere sunnan, swa swa bydel setforan demen, swa seo Ealde Gecyt5nys aetforan ^sere Niwan. fS. C. 354. 33. Summary. A. For versus y -■■■•■'■■■-. .y