THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES /^'^^^^'^^ y z,-^ ^ f /^ ^'■ ^'?=^ Xt^ V- ;*^ MANUAL OF POETICAL EFFUSIOXS. i Jhttivn hyJ.U.iyfiilTu- PuAi WITH Joy — foe Gou is Love. — Taye 39. >vy At- KJforiintrv. M A N U A L OF lloctititl Effusions. BY SOPHIA ANNE MOSLEY. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. BLOCKLET, HAWLEY TERRACE, CAMDEX TOWN. 1860. ADDRESS TO MY RE.VDERS. To you, my Eeaders, I these Poems send, With the best wishes of a Christian Friend, And the bright hope, that sentiments express' d. Will find an ardent response in each breast. Consoling Yerses, oft to minds impart An influence sweet, to soothe and cheer the heart ; Such is the wish I entertain for these — The mind to tranquilize, the heart to ease. When joy and happiness around us shine, Ah ! how enchanting — truly, how sublime ! To strike the Chord, attune the Poet's Lyre To strains of rapture which such Gifts inspire. God bless these Yerses with the Heav'nly charm^ In joy to sanctify, in sorrow calm. And now, kind Eeaders, with this end in view. Accept the Poems that I offer you. 8S5873 iB D n 0" S If O' 3. PAGE Address to my Readers o The Pleasures of Religion 9 " Casting all your Care upon God" 20 For Mercy and Forgiveness 13 For Divine Aid in Affliction 15 For Gi-od's Blessing 12 Faith in Prayer 17 Hope in God • 19 " Prav without Ceasino;" 39 Hymn of Gratitude 10 " Judge not" - 42 " Love one Another" 44 The j&rst and last Miracle 45 The Christian "Works from Love 40 '' My Peace I give unto you" 37 Invocation to the Deity 22 TheAVish 35 To a Sister on her Marriage 32 Ode to Domestic Bliss 34 Ode to Faith, Hope, and Love 36 On contributing to the Bible Society 30 On Providence 17 On the Sacrament 18 On Time 46 To the Memory of a Beloved Mother .... 41 To the Memory of a Dear Sister 24 To the Memory of a Lamented Brother . . 27 To the Memory of a much-lov'd Sister .... 23 The Christian's bright Hope of the Spirit's Glory 29 The Angel Spirits 48 oetical O^insions. ox THE PLEASUEES OF EELIGION. Eeligion heightens ev'ry J03", Alleviates all our pains : No earthly cares can long annoy, AMiere pure Eeligion reigns. That lovely Peace, so calm, so pure, Which in the Christian glo^vs, Eeligion only can secure, Eeligion only knows. 10 A MANUAL OF HYMN OF GRATITUDE. Divine Redeemer t Thou God of Love I Saviour ! Adored Lord, tliro' whom alone My feeble prayers ascend to Heav'n above, And gain admittance at thy Father's Throne — Shine, Bounteous God, upon my inmost soul : My mind illumine with thy Heavenly Grace : Direct my will, each erring thought control : Turn on me, Lord, the brightness of thy Face. ! guide my steps in Heavenly Wisdom's ways, Where peace and pleasure are alone combined; In active Yirtue, and in pious Praise, May I life's true enjoyment ever find. ! that I could more thankfully express The debt of gratitude I owe to Thee ; With heart, and soul, I would my Saviour bless, For every bounteous gift bestowed on me. But still, alas ! how cold, how hard my heart ; How void my soul of pure and fervent love ; Yet, Lord, forgive me, and that grace impart Which those receive who seek it from above. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 11 Almighty Giver of consummate joy, From Thee alone can solid comfort flow : For nothing ever shall that bliss destroy, Which only those who trust in Thee can know. Grant me a Heart, more gratefully inclined — A Soul, transported with thy Love divine — A AVill, more to thy Holy Will resigned — Ah ! make me, Gracious Saviour, fully thine. Give me an Angel's tongue, a Seraph's lyre, To praise and thank Thee for thy love to me; Inflame my heart with pure celestial fire. Glowing with fervent gratitude to Thee. ! while I've life, may I that life employ, To sound the praises of my God and King ; Then, Lord, translate me to those realms of Joy, Where I shall ever Hallelujahs sing. 12 A MANUAL OF A HYMN FOR GOD'S BLESSIXG Benignant Being ! Gracious Power I AAHio hast uplield me to tliis Lour, ! suffer not my steps to stray, But lead me in tliy lieav'nly way. My God, from whom all blessings flow, Teach me thy Holy Will to know ; Grant me thy Spirit to act right, And ever serve Thee with delight. For all thy goodness, Lord, to me, A thankful heart I offer Thee ; Fain Avould I love Thee more and more, My Saviour bless, my God adore. Jesus ! my Bock, and gracious Friend, On whom alone my hopes depend, Kever, ah! never let me rove — Bless, and protect me, with thy Love. In hard temptation's trying hour, Do thou support me, with thy power ; In sorrow and affliction's day. Assuage my grief, and soothe my way. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 1 9 \Mien Love and 3Iercy on me sLine, Then make me more than ever Thine ; Great God I assist me then to raise My grateful heart in joyful praise. ■\Mio can thy Mercies e're express ? So nndesers-ed, so numberless ; And yet. tho' frail my worship he, My fervent thanks I offer Thee. Saviour I Thy Heavenly Grace afford : Prosper, and guide me, Bounteous Lord : For all thy wondrous blessings prove That God, my God, is God of Love. A HYMX, ENTREATIN'G FOR ilEECY AND FORGIVENESS. Almighty Father ! God of Love I A contrite sinner see ; Oh I send thy Spirit from above, To aid and strengthen me. 14 A 3IANUAL OF Be not extreme my faults to mark ; My errors, pray forgive ; For shouldst Thou ev'ry sin remark. Before Thee, who can live ? But look upon my Saviour's Face, Who intercedes for me, And for his all-prevailing Grace, Thy Mercy let me see. Unworthy, ah ! I know I am, Of all thy favours past ; E'en when I do the best I can, How very frail, at last. Then grant me thy assisting aid. For in Thee I am strong ; Nor leave me, for my virtues fade, And then, alas ! do wrong. I'll seek Thee — ! forsake me not ; I'll ask, I'll knock, I'll pray, That Thou, whate'er may be my lot, Wilt bless and guide my way. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 15 A HYMN, IMPLORING DIVINE ASSISTANCE IN THE DAY OF AFFLICTION. God ! who marks a sparrow's fall, Vfho even numbers ev'ry hair, ! hear a suppliant sinner's call. Attend unto my fervent pray'r. Dost Thou disdain the silent tear ? Unheeded see, the Heav'n-rais'd eye? And will my God refiise to hear, The inward, heart-felt, heaving sigh ? O no ! my Saviour, ever kind To those who put their trust in Thee j May I to thy will be resign' d. And do Thou love, and strengthen m.e. By fear assail'd, by grief oppress'd. Ah ! leave me not in deep despair ^ Speak peace unto my troubled breast^ And let me cast on Tliee my care. IG A MANUAL OF Why should I doubt ? What can I fear, AVlien I upon my God depend ? All shall bo well, if Thou art near, My Eock ! my Saviour ! and my Friend ! Assur'd that Thou dost all things well, Even in sorrow's trjdng hour, Ah ! never may a thought rebel. Against thy wisdom, love, and power. AMiat Thou ordain' st I know is best, And tho' by me not understood, Let me upon thy promise rest. That all at last shall work for good. My Saviour, here, with tender love, Vouchsafe to bless and prosper me, Then take me to the realms above. To dwell in Happiness with Thee. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. FAITH IN PEATEE. 1 wiU not doubt, still less despair, Since God Almlglitj- answers Prayer ; I know not how, or when, or where, Yet this I know, God answers Prayer. The Lord, who counts each single hair, Will not disdain to answer Prayer ; To God I'll bring each wish and care, Assur'd my Saviour answers Prayer. Ah ! who will for a moment dare To limit God, who answers Pray'r ? Lord, I believe, each Blessing rare "Will be the Gift that answers Prayer. ON PEO^nnDENCE. My God, I trace thy hand in all : I own thy sovereign Love : Assur'd that nothing can befall, But what's ordain' d above. 16 A MANUAL OP Tis bliss indeed, on Eartli to know, That God appoints my lot ; My God, who can all good bestow, I pray, forsake me not. Lord, turn not Thou thy face away : Oh ! look in mercy down ; Direct my choice, and guide my way : My path with blessings crown. Then gratefully I'll raise my voice, Thy goodness to adore ; In God, my Saviour, I rejoice. And praise Thee evermore. ON THE SACEAMENT. Dear Saviour, 'tis thy Merits that I plead, Thy precious Body, thy atoning Blood ; Lord ! may my soul for ever on them feed. And bless them to me, for Eternal good. To this rich Feast I would w^ith faith draw nigh ; To this pure Fountain of Celestial Love : Seek, from my Saviour, a bounteous supply, Of Pardon, Peace, and Comfort from above. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 19 My sins, tho' scarlet, shall be white as snow : Tho' red like crimson they shall be as wool For me the streams of Heav'nly Mercy flow, My Jesus robes me, and my Cup is full. HOPE IN GOD, Eejoice, my Soul, dispel all fear. For God, thv God, is ever near ; Saviour, I seek for aid from Thee — ■ Oh ! God, mj^ God, remember me. In God I hope, on Him depend, AVho is my Rock, my bounteous Friend ; To Thee with joy I make my Pray'r, Assur'd I never need despair. In God I trust, on Him rely, Who marks each anxious, heart-felt sigh ; Prosper me. Lord of Heav'n above ; Bless, and giiard me, Almighty Love. 20 A MANUAL OF A HYMN. Casting all your care upon God, for He careth for you." — 1 Peter, v. 7. Saviour ! I bend before thy tlirone, Casting on Thee eacli anxious care : Ob ! deign to make my cause tbine own, Youcbsafe to bear my feeble Pray'r. My God, eacb erring wisb efface ; Witb love illumine all my soul ; Let tbe ricb beams of beav'nly grace Eacb bope, eacb fond desire control. So very Aveak and frail am I, To Tbee I dare not raise my voice, But on my Jesus I rely, And in His merits I rejoice. ! listen to tbe Pray'r of one Wbo seeks Tbee, in tbis bour of need ; Yet, Fatber, let Tby will be done : Speak but tbe word — 'tis good indeed. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 21 Eacli anxious thought, each heaving sigh, The fervent breathing of each pray'r On Cherub's wings ascend on high, To meet a kind Eedeemer there. I would not ask Thee, Lord, to give, "What Thou in wisdom would deny, But I entreat Thee to forgive, Whate'er is wrong, in wish or sigh. Prosper me, then, in all I do — Be Thou my guide — direct my way — Teach me, good Lord, where'er I go, To serve Thee well, by night and day. My God, if pleasing in thy sight. That I should thus thy goodness trace, Grant me thy Spirit to act right : In time of need aiford thj^ grace. May I for ever grateful prove. For Gifts my Saviour deigns to grant ; Permit me not from Thee to rove. Nor aught my Saviour to supplant. But may my lips with praise express The gi'ateful feelings of my heart ; With all my power my Saviour bless, For ev'ry joy He does impart. 22 A MANUAL OF Thy grace and blessing from on liigh, Do Thou, kind God, to me extend; So may I live, that when I die. My Spirit may to Thee ascend. There, in eternal happiness, In sweet communion of Soul, I would my dear Eedeemer bless, "VNTiile ages shall on ages roll. INA'OCATIOX TO THE DEITY. Almighty Maker of my Erame, Teach me to know how great Thou art, And let me praise thy glorious Name, With joyful lips, and thankful Heart. Teach me to mark that Sovereign Pow'r, "Whose goodness rules the world with Love In ev'ry place, at every hour, Shine brightly on me, from above. Ah ! sanctify each Gift bestow' d — Impart thy Grace, that I may bless The bounteous Hand, from which it flow'dj And gratefully my thanks express. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 2t Alas ! I've nothing to defray The debt that I've contracted here ; And yet, my God, receive, I pray, The incense of a Heart sincere. This humble Tribute of my Praise Is all the Offering I bring ; With gratitude my voice I'll raise, And of God's goodness ever sing. This favour' d Privilege I claim. Thro' Christ, who shed for me His blood The Saviour, of Eternal fame, The Lord God, Holy, Just, and Good. IN MEMORY OF A BELOVED SISTER. Whither, dear Sister, whither hast thou fled ? Must I believe, alas ! that thou art dead ? Thy sister mourns for thee, laments with tearS/ The gentle playmate of her youthful years. 24: A MANUAL OF So young, so mild, affectionate and kind, Belov'd the most by those who knew her mind ; ! how regretted have you been by me, How oft I've longed that face once more to see. And art thou no\v for ever from me torn ? No ; I shall see again that much-lov'd form. ! Gracious God ! thy Spirit freely give, That I may die to sin, and for Thee live. Then, when my Sun is set, my race is run, And the short thread of my existence spun, ! may I meet again my Sister dear. In the bright regions of a happier sphere. TO THE MEMORY OF A DEEPLY-EEGEETTED SISTEE. Beloved Spirit, much-lamented Maid, How dear thy Image to thy Sister's mind ; Within the tomb thy mortal frame is laid, To earth no longer is thy Soul confin'd. POETICAL EFFrSIONS. 25 How am I Tvont to dwell on that sweet smile, Depicting plainly tenderness and love ; Tliat gentle conduct, meek and free from guile, Fit for the company of Saints alDOve. But now no more exposed to human view Is that dear Form, in which each virtue shone : Tender, compassionate, sincere and true — Yes! these were graces which were all thy own. AYhy should I gTieve the loss of her, whose fate. So far exceeds what mortals here enjoy? AMiy weep for one who's only past the gate AATiich is the entrance to Eternal Joy ? VThj should I grieve the loss of her, who's gone '\yhere peace and happiness alone can dwell ? I'll cease to sorrow, weep, and mourn for one, AYho tastes such pleasures as we can't foretell. The gracious God, who rules the world in Love, Chastises and corrects us for our good : The Saviour, who descended from above, Was cmcified to save us, if we would. What if He governs us with iron rod ? Divides and severs us from those most dear ? Our Heavenly Father, and our gracious God, AVill not forsake us : He is ever near. 26 A MANUAL OF And tliou, blest soul, tho' I no more shall see, No more sliall hold sweet converse with on earth, Still that kind God, who guides and comforts me, Cheers and delights thee, with celestial mirth. To my imagination ever dear, Tho' now no longer present to my view, To memory, to recollection dear — I ne'er, fond Sister, ne'er can forget you. To fairer Mansions has thy Spirit fled. To bless thy God, thy Saviour to adore : Follow' d where Christ himself the way has led. Where sorrow, pain, and grief shall be no more. Since the same Pow'r o'er both our Spirits reigns, Protects and guards us, tho' now far apart. To that kind God, who still in mercy deigns To look on me, I'll give my Soul and Heart. Teach us, good God, who yet on earth do dwell. To know thy righteous way, and do thy Will; Grace grant to us, who from thy glory fell, Wash and forgive, and sanctify us stilL POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 27 Then when our frail and fleeting course is run, And we on silver Wings to Heav'n shall soar, Receiv'd by God, redeem'd by Christ His Son, We join our friends, and meet to part no more. Then in eternal Bliss, and endless day, Our dear Kedeemer's wondrous Love we'll sing: No longer vested in encumb'ring clay. We'll praise our Saviour and adore our King. TO THE MEMORY OF A BELOVED BROTHER. Another link from earth is flown, Another cord is broken — Thus drawing us still nearer Home, Thus ripening us for Heaven. 'Tis hard to part from those we love, To sever every tie ; Ah ! say not so, but look above, To realms beyond the sky. 28 A MANUAL OF The forms we love so much on earth Are only made for time ; But Jesus claims our second birth — The Spirit is Di^'ine. You'll meet again, ah ! do not doubt — Then, mourner, grieve not thus ; The dear departed has been bought By Cheist, who died for us. Then, why lament ? He is not lost, He's only gone before, To join the brilliant Heavenly Host, "Where bliss reigns evermore. Ah ! let the eye of Faith discern The light that burns'so dim : For, tho' he cannot now return, We still may go to him. " I love my Jesus," was his cry, "When lingering here below ; And now, with Jesus ever nigh, His love shall brighter glow. For Jesus loves him with a love All powerful, Divine ; And, though He reigns in Heaven above. Blest Saviour ! Thou are mine. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 29 Ecstatic thought! And art thou mine? Then let me cease to grieve, For all in Chkist shall ever shine, Eternally to live. THE CHEISTIAX'S BRIGHT HOPE OF THE SPIEIT'S GLOEY. Christian rejoice, thy hope is gi*eat — Eeflecting on a future state ; Be comforted for those so dear, Tho' they no longer sojourn here. ^\Tien flown from Earth, how sweet to trace Their Sjjirits' pure abiding-place ; Tho' far remov"d from mortal eyes. Faith views them in celestial skies. There contemplates in realms above, The seraph forms of those we love ; All bright, all beautiful, all pure. From age to age they shall endure. Behold the joy that reigns around — AVhence comes that soft, harmonious sound ? The Hymn of ransom' d Bliss they sing, To Christ their Saviour, God, and King. 30 A MANUAL OP With loud Hosannas they adore The love of Jesus evermore ; may their Joy reflect on Earth, To cheer us with celestial mirth. Come, let us watch and daily toil, To trim our Lamps with heav'nly oil : Be ready thus to meet our Lord, And chant his Love with one accord. Thus all unite on Earth, in Heav'n, In songs of Glory to Christ giv'n ; Attune our Harps, our voices raise With Hallelujah's blissful Praise. ON CONTRIBUTING TO THE BIBLE SOCIETY. Lord, accept my humble Mite, Offered with a heart sincere : May it help to spread the light Of the Gospel, far and near. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 31 May the Pearl beyond all price, Anxiously be sought by all : Let its value each entice To attend their Saviour's call. May the Bread be quickly found, AYhich upon the Water's cast ; May the precious Seed take ground — Yield a Harvest rich at last. May the Nations of the Earth So their Bible learn to prize, That, attaining second Birth, They shall all to Glory rise. Bless the Missionarj^ Band With thy Holy Spirit's aid. Prosper them in ev'ry land, Let their efforts be repaid. Then shall " Peace on Earth" be found- Joy shall beam from ev'ry eye — Voices singing all around, '' Glory be to God on High.'* 32 A MANUAL OF LINES ADDEESSED TO A SISTEE, ON HEE MAEEIAGE. Sister, accept fhe simple Yerse That flows from. Love's pure stream ; ! that in rhyme I could rehearse, The hope I fondly dream. To say how much I love you, Dear, Words cannot fully tell ; Forgive me, then, the rising Tear, AVhen wishing you Farewell. Eecall the many days and years That we've together spent : Uniting both our hopes and fears, We lov'd and liv'd content. But I'll not grieve that we must part, I know 'tis wrong of me. Since you've bestow' d your hand and heart On one who doats on thee. United, then, to him you love. By Hymen's sacred knot, May ev'ry Blessing from above. Attend your future lot. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 33 May many bappy Years be thine, Unsullied by all care, And may each Year thy virtue sbine, Still brighter and more fair. I have but one request to make — Forget not what I say — For friendship's, and for love's pure sake, Eemember me, I pray. And when you're settled far from me, Let fond remembrance dwell. On her who'll often think of thee, And daily wish you well. May that sweet friendship still subsist Which oft has smooth'd our way, Nor time nor change its pow'r resist, Nor ought abate its sway. When here below thy days shall end, And thou thy course hast run, May then thy Soul to Heav'n ascend, And dwell with God the Son. That dear Eedeemer, ever kind To those who on Him rest : O ! seek Him now, for then you'll find Yourself for ever blest. 34 A MANUAL OF Tho' far apart we here may dwell, God's lioly will be done ; In Heav'n, we need not bid farewell, For parting tliere, is none. Meeting with all we love below, With those we hold so dear, Enjoying Bliss that none can know. While tliey continue here. May such, then, be thy blessed state, AVith God thy Heav'nly Friend; IMay Happiness commence its date AVhere time shall have no end. ODE TO DOMESTIC BLISS. Domestic Bliss ! Benignant Pow'r ! Sent kindly from the realms above. To cheer us in each trying hour, To sactify, exalt our Love. Ah ! let me o^vn thy blissful reign, Peace then shall flourish in my breast • Enliven' d by thy brilliant flame, I shall indeed be highly blest. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 35 In unison with, all my views Of all that I consider dear, Domestic Bliss, 'tis thee I choose, While I have life, that life to cheer. True, I enjoy all lively mirth. But vet I never sio;h to roam : Give me that Paradise on Earth, The peaceful Happiness of Home. 'Tis here I meet pure Friendship's smiles, The tender glance of Love I see : While social pleasure time beguiles. These render Home thus dear to me. Come, then, bright Seraph of the Skies, I ask a favour. Grant me this : — While I have life, whate'er arise. Be ever mine, Domestic Bliss. MY SUPREME WISH. ! may my heart with love o'erflow- My bosom with affection glow — AVith all around me be sincere, And to my friends be very dear. 36 A MANUAL OF To love and be lov'd I aspire, By God and Them, my fond desire ; To love and be lov'd is my aim, Tbe joy I seek, the wish I claim. I know no joy compar'd to this, The purest of all earthly Bliss ; Almighty Source of Peace and Love, Grant me this Blessing from above ; Then shall a calm pervade my breast, Charming each anxious thought to rest, Diffusing Bliss enjoy'd by those Who on their Saviour's Love repose. ODE TO FAITH, HOPE, AND LOYE. Faith, Hope, and Love ! how angelic the Three ! Yet Thou, most divine Belov'd Charity ! Hope may support us, and Faith can sustain — Love, only Love, o'er our Spirits shall reign. Faith is a Beacon — 'tis founded so firm On that Eock of Ages, naught can o'ertum Storms may burst o'er it — yet none shall prevail. Till Faith's lost in sight ; ah ! then it will fail. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 37 Hope, to our Souls, is the Anchor, so bright, That even sorrow it renders more light, And gilds the future, in days of our ease, AVith prospects fair, which assuredly please. Love is a Spirit so perfect, so pure. To endless ages still it shall endure ; Shining celestial, transcendent Above, Love is our Heav'n, for our " God is Love." " MY PEACE I GYVE UNTO YOU." Ah ! will my Jesus, give me Peace, Beyond whate're this world bestoAvs ? Doubt not — God's favours never cease, To those who on His love repose. Then, why my heart so troubled be ? The Christian has no cause for fear. Thy gracious Lord has purchased thee ; Ah ! listen to his accents clear. 33 A 3IAj;UAL OF " In my Father's House are Mansions, Far, far too bright for human view, Eoom sufficient for all Nations ; Yes, e'en a place prepar'd for you. *•' Let not then your heart be troubled, Ah. ! neither let it be afraid, If your soul, is truly humbled. The Comforter shall be your aid. ** Eye hath not seen, nor hath ear heard, Nor can the heart of man conceive, The glories that I have prepared. For those whose Soul will me receive. *' My Peace I leave. My Peace I give, Not as the world, give I to you, I came to die, that you might live, I go, to send my Spirit too." Lord, accept the adoration Of heart and soul transfix'd with love. For the gift of my salvation, For tranquil hope of Heav'n above. What bliss, such gracious words inspire ; How can I thankfully express. My gratitude, m}^ firm desire. To serve my G^od in righteousness ? POETICAL EFFrSTONS, 39 Mav I devote myself to TLee, And spend tlie life tLatTliouhast giv'n, In active praise for saving me. And giving me a place in Heav'n. " PRAY WITHOUT CEASIXG." Pray when first at Morn you rise, "WTien at work, or when yon rest : Pray before you speak, or act, Be assurd you'll then be blest. Pray for pardon, when you err, Or for guidance, when you doubt, Pray whene'er you're coming in, Likewise when you're going out. Pray, that God may prosper you, Grant you wisdom from above, Pray the Lord to dwell in you, Pray with joy — for God is Love. 40 A >TANUAL OF THE CHEISTIAX WOEKS FEOM The Christian works, not to be saved, He well knows, that is done, Therefore he works from gratitude. Because the victory's won. Since Jesus purchased life for him. With His own precious blood, He thankfully devotes that life In striving to do good. He would not let his Faith be dead, As it would be alone, But joining it to Works, it lives, And thus, is fully shown. Since Jesus Christ, has promis'd him, A Crown of Bliss above. It is the Christian's ardent aim, To prove his fervent Love. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 41 A FILIAL TETBUTE OF AFFECTION TO THE MEMORY OF A BELOVED 3I0THEE. My Angel Mother ! hast thou gone, To join the Saints above ? Ah ! yes, thy gentle spirit's fled. To realms of endless love. To Mansions far too bright, too fair, For mortals to enjoy, Which Jesus has prepared for us, Pure bliss, without alloy. Oh ! were it not for Hope Di^-ine, AYhat could assuage my grief? In Heaven above, I feel thou art, 'Tis this brings me relief. I think thy happy spirit reigns, Around the path I tread ; I hope thou art an Angel now, Then hover o'er my head. I love to fancy thou art near, Still watching me by day ; I love to think I'm pleasing Thee, By seeking the right Avay. 42 A MANUAL OF God grant that I may strive to speak, And act, as in thy sight, Then shall we meet again in Heaven, With mutual delight. I know thou wert for Glory ripe, Just like a shock of com ; And Jesus took thee to Himself, His kingdom to adorn. How gently didst thou fall asleep, \"\nien Jesus called thee home ; My Angel Mother I believe. Thou wilt with Jesus come. JUDGE NOT. Ah ! Christian, gently draw a Veil O'er faults that love should hide. Your pity let a Brother claim, His frailties set aside. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 43 "WTiy censure thus the erring one ? What might have been your case ? AYhere would your wand'ring steps have gone, But for redeeming grace ? Who made thy lot to differ ? Say, AVhat hast thou not receiv'd ? Then gloiy not, can'st thou repay The Lord, whom thou hast griev'd ? Ah ! judge not, but be ever kind, Nor hasten to condemn, Perhaps the Saviour of mankind, May see much good in them. Reflect what you have left undone, The follies of your Heart, Then strive to lead the erring one, To choose the better part. Sweetly to dry affliction's tear, To soothe the pang of woe ; To live to our blest Jesus near, Ah ! this is Heav'n below. Fair Charity can never fail, But with the Good abide ; Then, Christian, gently draw the Veil O'er faults, that love should hide. 44: A MANUAL OF LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Christ says, " A New Command I give, " Love one another, love and live, *' By the pure love, to others shown, " By this I'll prove who are my own. What is the emblem of our faith ? The Christian's special mark? Ah ! list to what our Saviour saith, " 'Tis love's celestial spark." " A New Command I give to you, " By this, shall all men know, " If ye are Christians firm and true, " Your love will ever glow." " Love one another, Greater love '' Can no man show than mine, " I even gave my life to prove, How gTeat was Love Divine." C( Lord, may a brilliant ray from Thee, Illumine ev'ry Soul, Celestial Love we then shall see. Extend from Pole to Pole. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 45 Come, tlien, Lord Jesus, quickly come, And send thy Holy Dove, To guide our liappy Spirits home, To realms of Endless Love. THE ERIST AXD LAST MIRACLE. The first of Wonders Jesus made, Turn'd AVater into AVine, AATiile minist'ring to human aid, He prov'd himself Divine. The last of Miracles Christ wrought, A welcome Feast He spread, At His command, the Eish were caught, The Lord supplied the Bread. The Fire, and Coals, and Eish all there, His bounty did combine. Then for His Own to prove His care, Christ bid them, " Come and dine." From first to last, hoAv gTcat ! How good ! Is Jesus, in His wavs, According us celestial food, To cheer our transient davs. 46 A MANUAL OF Wliat gratitude we owe to Thee, Eeedemer, Lord, and King ; Ah. ! let our hearts and lives agree, Th}^ praise and love to sing. Yes ! Jesus still provides us AVine, 'Tis His own precious blood, And gives His body so divine, To be our Heav'nly food. Then clothes us with a Eobe of White, Fair, as the realms above, Where Jesus Christ will be our light ! Our Bliss ! our Joy ! our Love ! ! ! ODE ON TIME. Ah, Time ! that glides with noiseless feet, And steals away our years, "Who with thy swiftness can complete. Such magic it appears. Tho' when array'd in sombre hue, We wish you far away. Tedious and weary to our view, Appear each Night and Day. POETICAL EFFUSIONS. 47 Yet oft with briglit fantastic form, Thou vanishest too soon, E'er like the radiant breath of Mom, That fadeth e're 'tis Noon. At thy sweet smile, hope seems so bright, And all things look so gay, We fain would revel in thy light, Entreating thee to stay. Yet evanescent as a wave, Whose course so rapid flows, Not one short moment wilt thou save, Tho' life draw near its close. Come, friends, since Time so transient be, Let us, each hour improve, For then throughout eternity, All time shall melt in love. 48 A MANUAL OF POETICAL EFFUSIONS. THE ANGEL SPIRITS. I love to trace, when the fond Spirit's flown, Its brilliant course to heav'n's eternal Home, When not permitted to remain on Earth, What Bliss ! to think of its celestial Birth, To contemplate those Angel faces bright. In glorious spheres of everlasting light. The Old, the Young, the Eich and Poor all meet, With joy unspeakable each other greet. Ah ! see these loved ones 'mid this bright array. Shining resplendent in eternal day, Their Bliss elysian, which no time can change, No space can limit their seraphic range ; AVho then can say, that those so very dear, Are not permitted to be with us here ? Perhaps those light, aerial Spirits freed, Are ministering Angels when we need. Soothing our Souls, when sorrows deeply press Cheering them with celestial Happiness. Those Angel visits, tho' by us unseen, May be the foretaste of that Joy Supreme, To know that we shall share with them above, The choisest Blessings of Redeeming Love. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 392 381 This book is DUE on the last date stainp>ed below. REMINGTON RAND INC. 20 213 (533) THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PR 5097 M8U56in