UC-NRLF $B 531 TS5 iffljl gijjjii TOT i Hi 1 ft L J, I Iff In (ll! Slip hi lit ^F HI Hi ■ ill lllill I Hi IL C»< *b IN MEMORIAM FLOR1AN CAJOR1 A SECOND COURSE IN ALGEBRA BY WEBSTER WELLS, S.B. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOSTON, U.S.A. D. C, HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1909 Copyright, 1909, by Webster Wells All rights reserved Ntf r PREFACE In the preparation of this text the author acknowledges joint authorship with Robert L. Short, Technical High School, Cleveland. A knowledge of the more elementary parts of algebra is presupposed. For this reason some definitions and rules for operation are assumed as already known to the pupil. Attention is called to the generalization and bringing together of related topics. Chapter III is an example of this feature. Here all forms of the exponent are treated. This gives oppor- tunity to regard the logarithm as a decimal exponent and to make the logarithmic operation laws intelligible. The intro- duction of all linear equations and inequalities in Chapter II shows their solution directly dependent upon the four funda- mental operations. It is thought that the introduction of the idea of functionality and of algebraic forms taken directly from the calculus will be found helpful to those who expect to pursue the study of mathematics further. The treatment of factoring is thorough and so taken up that Synthetic Division becomes the natural method for factoring many higher forms and for solving equations of higher degree. It is hoped that the treatment of variation as a proportion will remove the reluctance with which most pupils approach that subject in connection with their work in science. In scope this text is sufficient preparation for most courses in mathematics which require thorough knowledge of the operations of algebra. WEBSTER WELLS. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Fundamental Laws for Addition and Multiplication . 1 II. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division . . 4 Equivalent Equations 11 Equivalent Systems of Equations 16 Graphical Kepresentation 21 Inequalities 26 III. Exponents 32 Miscellaneous Examples 38 Logarithms 41 Properties of Logarithms .44 Use of Table 48 Applications 53 IV. Factors 57 Miscellaneous Examples 58 Factor Theorem ......... 60 Horner's Synthetic Division 63 Solutions by Factoring 65 Common Factors and Multiples 66 V. Fractions 73 a a 0'a 76 — , Ox 00, 00— oo 80 00 Ratio and Proportion 82 Variation . . .91 VI. Involution and Evolution . . . . . .97 Series, Binomial Theorem 108 Quadratic Surds - 117 VII. Imaginary Numbers . . . . . . . . 122 Graphs of Imaginaries . . . .... 125 VIII. Quadratic Equations . 128 Theory of Quadratic Equations ..... 136 v VI CONTENTS IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Graphs of Quadratic Equations Discussion of Quadratic Equations Problems in Physics Factoring Si mi ltaneous Quadratic Equations Graphs ..... Series Arithmetic Progressions . Geometric Progressions Infinite Series . convergency and divergency Summation .... Differential Method Interpolation Undetermined Coefficients Partial Fractions . . , Permutations and Combination Determinants Properties of Determinants Evaluation .... Solution of Equations Theory of Equations . Transformation of Equations Descartes' Rule of Signs Limits of Hoots . Derivatives .... Multiple Roots . Sturm's Theorem Solution of Higher Equations Reciprocal or Recurring Equations Binomial Equations Cubic Equations . Cardon's Method Biquadratic Equations EULBB'fl Method . Horner's Method PAET I ALGEBRA I. THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS FOR ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION 1 . The Commutative Law for Addition. If a man gains $8, then loses $3, then gains $6, and finally loses $ 2, the effect on his property will be the same in what- ever order the transactions occur. Then, the result of adding +$8, -$3, + $6, and -$ 2, will be the same in whatever order the transactions occur. Then, omitting reference to the unit, the result of adding -f 8, — 3, +6, and — 2 will be the same in whatever order the numbers are taken. This is the Commutative Law for Addition, which is : The sum of any set of numbers will be the same in whatever order they may be added. 2. The Associative Law for Addition. The result of adding b + c to a is expressed a -f- (b + c), which equals (b + c) + a by the Commutative Law for Addi- tion (§ 1). But (b -f- c) + a equals 6-f-c-f-a ; and b+ c-\-a equals a+b-\-c, by the Commutative Law for Addition. Whence, a + (b + c) = a + b + c. Then, to add the sum of a set of numbers, we add the numbers separately. This is the Associative Law for Addition. 3. The Commutative Law for Multiplication. The product of a set of numbers will be the same in whatever order they may be multiplied. 1 2 ALGEBRA The sign of the product of any number of terms is inde- pendent of their order ; hence, it is sufficient to prove the commutative law for arithmetical numbers. Let there be, in the figure, a stars in each row, and a in a row. b rows. *** ••• We may find the entire number of stars by multiply- *** ••• ing the number in each row, a, by the number of ***... rows, b. Thus, the entire number of stars is a x b. b rows. We may also find the entire number of stars by multiplying the num- ber in each vertical column, &, by the number of columns, a. Thus, the entire number of stars is b x a. Therefore, a x b = b x a, which is the law for the product of two positive integers. Again, let c, d, e, and / be any positive integers. C P C X P ' Then, - x- - = ; for, to multiply two fractions, we ' d f dxf J multiply the numerators together for the numerator of the product, and the denominators together for its denominator. O P P X c Then, -x-== ; since the commutative law for multi- d f fxd plication holds for the product of two positive integers. Hence, - x - = - x - ; which proves the commutative law d f f d 1 * for the product of two positive fractions. 4. The Associative Law for Multiplication. To multiply by the product of a set of numbers, we multiply by the numbers of the set separately. The result of multiplying a by be is expressed a X (he), which equals (be) x a, by the Commutative Law for Multi- plication. (be) x a equals bca, which equals abc by the Commutative Law for Multiplication. Whence, a x (6c) = abc FUNDAMENTAL LAWS 3 This proves the law for the product of three numbers. The Commutative and Associative Laws for Multiplication may be proved for the product of any number of arithmetical numbers. (See the author's Advanced Course in Algebra, §§ 18 and 19.) 5. The Distributive Law for Multiplication. The law is expressed (a -f- b)c = ac + be. We will now prove this result for all values of a, b, and c. I. Let a and b have any values, and let c be a positive integer. Then, (a. -f b)c = (a + b) + (« + &) + ... to c terms = (a + a+ ••• to c terms) -J- (p'+\b + ••• to c terms) (by the Commutative and Associative Laws for Addition), = ac + 6c. II. Let a and 6 have any values, and let c = -, where e and /are positive integers. * Since the product of the quotient and divisor equals the dividend, Then, (a + b) x - x / = (a + 6) x e = ae + 6e, by I. Whence, (a + 6) x-x/=ax-x/+6x-x/. Dividing each term by /, we have (a+ &) x -= a x -+6 x.-. ^ / / / Thus, the result is proved when c is a positive integer or a positive fraction. III. Let a and b have any values, and let c = — #, where # is a positive integer or fraction. (a + b)(-g) = - (a + b)g = - (ag + bg), by I and ft, = - ag -bg = a(- g) + 6(- gr). Thus, the distributive law is proved for all positive or nega- tive, integral or fractional, values of a, 5, and c. 4 ALGEBRA II. ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION, DIVISION, APPLICATIONS 6. Similar terms are those which do not differ at all or differ only in their coefficients. 7. Any factor of a product may be considered the coefficient of the product of the remaining factors. 8. To add two similar terms, write their coefficients with the proper sign and affix the common literal part. Ex. 1. Find the sum of ax and bx. ax + bx = (a + b)x. Ex. 2. Find the sum of 3 abcx and — 5 mcx. 3 abcx + (— 5 mcx) = (3ab — 5 m)cx. This is equivalent to taking the common factor ex from the expression 3 abcx — 5 mcx. 9. To subtract two similar terms find what number added to the subtrahend will produce the minuend. The number added is called the difference. This is equivalent to chang- ing the sign of the subtrahend and adding the result to the minuend. Ex. 3. Subtract 3 ax from 5 ax. 2 ax added to 3 ax is 5 ax. Hence 2 ax is the difference. Ex. 4. From 15 m take —8 m. Changing the sign (men- tally) of —8 m, we have 15 m 4- 8 m = 23 m. The written work should appear in this form : 15 m — 8m 23 m 10. Three laws enter into multiplication of monomials : TJie law of shjiis. The. law of coefficients. The late of ' exjumciitx. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 5 The product of two terms of like sign is positive ; the product of two terms of unlike sign is negative. To the product of the numerical coefficients annex the letters ; giving to each an exponent equal to the sum of its exponents in the factors. The same three laws enter into division, except that quotient takes the place of product and the exponent of the divisor is subtracted from the exponent of the same letter in the divi- dend. (Make a rule for division of monomials.) The reason for such rule follows readily when division is defined as the process of finding one of two numbers when their product and one of the numbers are given. 11. An equation is a statement that two numbers are equal. 12. If an equation is true for all finite values of the un- known numbers involved, it is an identical equation or identity. 13. If an equation is true only for a definite set of values of the unknown numbers involved, it is an equation of condition. 14. An equation may not be true for any values of the un- knowns involved. It is then said to have no roots. 15. If when a number is substituted for an unknown in an equation, the equation becomes identical (§ 12) for that num- ber, the equation is said to be satisfied. The roots of an equation are the numbers which satisfy it. A root of an equation is also called a solution of the equation. 16. Some principles used in the solution of equations are a set of generally accepted truths called axioms. The axioms most frequently in use are : 1. If the same number, or equal numbers, be added to equal numbers, the resulting numbers will be equal. 2. If the same number, or equal numbers, be sub- tracted from equal numbers, the resulting numbers will be equal. 3. If equal numbers be multiplied by the same num- ber, or equal numbers, the resulting numbers will be equal. 6 ALGEBRA 4. If equal numbers be divided by the same number, or equal numbers except 0, the resulting numbers will be equal. 17. To solve an equation is to find its roots. The following steps indicate the process : $3-5 = 15. (1) Add 5 to each member, (Ax. 1) \x = 15 + 5 = 20. (2) Multiply each member by 3, (Ax. 3) 2sc = 60. -( 3 ) Divide each member by 2, (Ax. 4) x - 30. (4) 18. Two equations are equivalent when every solution of the one is a solution of the other. Thus equations (1), (2), (3), (4) are equivalent. The axioms of algebra enable us to transform an equation into an equivalent one which may be more easily solved than the given one. EXERCISE l i. Add 3a- 2 b + 5c, b- 9a- 11 c, 3c + b- 2 a, b- c- a. 2. From the sum of 7 x — 8 ?/ -f- 4 z and -*2x + Bz+.f take the sum of x — y — z and y + z — 9 x. 3. Add 3(?w + n)— 5s + £; — 8(m + n) + 4« — 11 s; 8 s - 9 (m + n) — 5 1 ; 6(m +w) — 4 g + 9 t. 4. From |p— fa-j-r take the sum of |j> + ^ a + f ?* and \p-%q-\r. 5. Subtract a# 4- by + 02; from m 2 # — y + <2& 6. Subtract (c— d)»— (c+d)y from (2e+6d)aM-(4c — 3d)y, 7. Take mv -f a? from dkI — x 2 . 8. From 4aWc+5o6(c + d) — 9a*6c? take (3 a + 5) &*c - aft (c H FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 7 9. Simp] i f'y ( x* — 4 x 2 -f 5 x — 1) — (2 ar 3 + 5 a 2 — # — 7) + (or 5 + 2 ar- 3 as + 2). 10. Simplify (x + 1) (x - 2) (a; - 3) - (x - 2) 2 + (ar 3 - 1). 11. Simplify (x + y) 4 - (x - y)\ 12. Simplify [4 a; 2 -(2 x 4-5)] [2 x 2 - (x -3)]. 13. Multiply 4 a; 2 + ^ — 2/ 2 by 3 a? 2 — 5 a;?/ -|- 4 1/ 2 . 14. Multiply a a; -|- by -f cz by bx — ay -\- cz. 15. Multiply 4 (m + ») s — 5 (wi 4- w) 4- 7 by (m 4- ^) 2 + 2(m + n)-f 1. 16. Multiply ar 2a+1 4- x a y h 4- y 2h by a; a — y h . 17. Expand (4 a 4- 3 &) 2 (4 a - 3 b) 2 . 18. Multiply 1 a 2 - \ ab + f b* by - f a 4- 1 6. 19. Multiply a 2 * 4- <&'&« 4- & 2e by a 2flr - a g b e 4- 7r e . »20. Multiply x 2 — #!/ 4- 2/ 2 — xz — yz + z 2 by a; 4- y 4- 2. 21. Multiply x 2 + ax-\- bx 4- a& by x 4- c. 22. Divide 6x 6 ~ 19a; 5 + 12 a? 4 4- 5 ar 3 4-4 a; 2 - 6x -2 bv 2 a,* 2 3 a; 1 23. Divide a 12 + ft 12 by a 4 4- b\ J 24. Divide 32 m 5 — 243 w 3 by 2 m — 3 n. 25. Divide T i F a 3 + ^^ 3 byia4-|&. 26. Divide a 6n — 6 6w by a 2n 4- a*&" 4- b 2n . 27. Divide -i a^ 4- 3 7 g x l! + i !/ 3 by \ x 4- 1 y. 28. Divide 9 rV + 15 r 4 - 38 r 8 * - 8 s 4 - 26 r.s 3 by 5 r 8 4- 4 s 2 - ra 29. Divide 7 m 2 *+ 4 - 8 m'+V*- 1 - 12 n Ax ~ 2 by m x+2 - 2 n**~* 30. Divide a; 3 +(a + &) a; 2 - (6 a 2 - 5 ab) x + 6 a 2 b by a? 4- 3 a. Solve the following equations and verify results : 31. (x + 2)(x-5) = x 2 -±x-4.. 8 ALGEBRA 32. 6(o;-3)+5(4flj-7)+l =0. 34. 2 (3a: _2)_ i (3^-2) = i(3^-2)-17. 3S (2/ - 4) (2/ -f- 3) (2/ - 2) = (2/ - 1 ) 3 - 1. Gt-\-T) 13 2* , t 6 15 21 5 3 37. ab + ax-\- 3b 2 — 2 a 2 = 4 be — bx-\-cx—c 2 —ac. Solve for #. 38. y — e = (x — d). Solve for x. m 39. (a + b 4- c) (a? — 2 a) — (a — c) (a -f- &) = ( a _6_ c )2_( a 2 + ^ ax— b , bx — c , ex — a A 40. 1 - 1 = 0. a b e 19. It is sometimes convenient to indicate operations of addition and subtraction. For this purpose parentheses are used. The various forms of parentheses are :. parentheses (), braces \ \, brackets [ ], and the vinculum . A positive sign before parentheses indicates that the number within is to be added. Hence, parentheses preceded by a -f sign may be removed without changing the signs of the terms within. Ex. 2a + 3& + (3a-5& + c) = 2a + 3& + 3a-5& + c. A negative sign before parentheses indicates that the num- ber within the parentheses is to be subtracted. Hence, paren- theses preceded by a — sign may be removed if the -f- signs of the terms within be changed to — and the — signs to + (§ 9). Ex. 1. 5a + 36 -(4 a + lb) « 5a +3 b - 4a — 7 b = a- 4 6. Ex. 2. 5a+3 6-(-4a + 7&) = r>a+3&+4a-7 6 = 9a--l/>. If the expression contains two or more parentheses, one within the other, remove one at a time beginning with the inner parentheses. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 9 Ex. 5 a + {3 a - (5 b + 2 a)} = ■ 6 a + {3 a - 5 fr - 2 a} = 5 a + 3 a — 66 — 2 a = 6 a - 5 6. EXERCISE 2 Simplify the following by removing the signs of aggregation, and then uniting similar terms : i. .9 m +(— 4 m + 6 n) — (3 m — n). 2. 2x-3y-[ox + y] + \-Sx-7y\. . 3. 4?/- 2 a 2 -[-4a; 2 - 7 xy + 5 y 2 ~] + (8 x 2 - 9 xy). 4. 3a 2 -5ab-l-±a 2 + 2ab-9b 2 l-7a 2 -6ab +.6 2 . 5. 5 a -(7 a -[9 a + 4]). 6. 7x-\-8y-10x-lly\. 7. 6 mn -f- 5 — ([ — 7 m/i — 3] — | — 5 mn — 11 \ ). 8. 2a-(-3 6+c-Ja-&j)-( 3a + 2c -[- 2& + 3c ]> 9 . 37_[4i_{i3_(56-28 + 7)}]. 10. 9 m — (3 n -f J4 m — [n — 6 m] | — [m -f 7 nj). 11. In each of the above expressions find the value if a == 1, b ±= — 2, c = — 3, m = 5, n = 2, a; = — 4, ?/ = — 1. 20. A number may be enclosed in parentheses preceded by a + sign without changing the sign of its terms, but if a num- ber is enclosed in parentheses preceded by a — sign, each plus term placed in parentheses is changed to minus and each minus term to plus. EXERCISE 3 In each of the following expressions, enclose the last three erms in parentheses preceded by a — sign : 1. a — b *- c -f d. 3. x -f- x 2 y — xy 2 — y 5 . 2. ?ft 3 + 2m 2 + 3m + 4. 4 . a 2 -4 6 2 + 12 6 - 9. 10 ALGEBRA 5. 4 x- — y 2 — 2 yz — z 2 . 7. x 2 — 2 xy + y 2 -f 3 x — 1 //. 6 . a 2 + // _ c 2 + c ^ 8. u 4 _5r* 3 -8n 2 + Gn + 7. DEGREE OP A RATIONAL EXPRESSION 21 . A monomial is said to be rational and integral when it is either a number expressed in Arabic numerals, or a single letter with unity for its exponent, or the product of two or more such numbers or letters. Thus, 3 a 2 b s , being equivalent to 3 • a ■ a • b • b • ft, is rational and inte- gral. A polynomial is said to be rational and integral when each 3 term is rational and integral : as 2 ar ab -f- c 3 . 4 22. If a term has a literal portion which consists of a single letter with unity for its exponent, the term is said to be of the first degree. Thus, 2 a is of the first degree. The degree of any rational and integral monomial (§ 21) is the number of terms of the first degree which are multiplied together to form its literal portion. Thus, 5 ab is of the second degree; 3 a 2 6 3 , being equivalent to 3 • a • a • b • b • ft, is of the fifth degree ; etc. The degree of a rational and integral monomial equals the sum of the exponents of the letters involved in it. Thus, rt6 4 c 3 is of the eighth degree. The degree of a rational and integral polynomial is the degree of its term of highest degree. Thus, 2 a 2 b — 3 c + d 2 is of the third degree. 23. If a rational and integral monomial (§ 21) involves a certain letter, its degree with respect to it is denoted by its exponent. EQUIVALENT EQUATIONS 11 If it involves two letters, its degree with respect to them is denoted by the sum of their exponents ; etc. Thus, 2 ab 4 x 2 y s is of the second degree with respect to x and of the fifth with respect to x and y. 24. An Integral Equation is one each of whose members is a rational and integral expression (§ 21) ; as, 4a? — 5 = \y + 1. A Numerical Equation is one in which all the known num- bers are represented by Arabic numerals ; as, 2 x — 7 = x + 6. 25. If an integral equation (§ 24) contains one or more un- known numbers, the degree of the equation is the degree of its term of highest degree. I Thus, if x and y represent unknown numbers, ax — by — c is an equation gf the first degree ; x 2 -f 4 x = — 2, an equation of the second degree ; 2 x 2 — 3 xy 2 = 5, an equation of the third degree ; etc. A Linear, or Simple, Equation is an equation of the first degree. 26. The equations of Exercise 1 were integral, first degree in one unknown number, linear. THEOREMS IN REGARD TO EQUIVALENT EQUATIONS 27. If the same expression be added to both members of an equation, the resulting equation will be equivalent to the first. ; Let A=B (1) be an equation involving one or more unknown numbers. To prove the equation A + C = B + C, (2) where C is any expression, equivalent to (1). - Any solution of (1), when substituted for the unknown numbers, makes A identically equal to B (§ 15). It then makes A + C identically equal to B + C (§ 16, 1). Then it is a solution of (2). 12 ALGEBRA Again, any solution of (2), when substituted for the unknown num- bers, makes A+C identically equal to B -f C. It then makes A identically equal to B (§ 16, 2). Then it is a solution of (1). Therefore, (1) and (2) are equivalent. The principle of § 16, 1, is a special case of the above. 28. The demonstration of § 27 also proves that If the same expression be subtracted from both mem- bers of an equation, the resulting equation will be equiva- lent to the first. The principle of § 16, 2, is a special case of this. 29. If the members of an equation be multiplied by the same expression, which is not zero, and does not involve the unknown numbers, the resulting equation will be equivalent to the first. Let A = B (1) be an equation involving one or more unknown numbers. To prove the equation A x <7 = B x (7, (2) where C is not zero, and does not involve the unknown numbers, equiva- lent to (1). Any solution of (1), when substituted for the unknown numbers, makes A identically equal to B. It then makes A x C identically equal to B x C (§ 16, 3). Then it is a solution of (2). Again, any solution of (2), when substituted for the unknown num- bers, makes A x C identically equal to B x C. It then makes A identically equal to B (§ 16, 4). Then it is a solution of (1). Therefore, (1) and (2) are equivalent. The reason why the above does not hold for the multiplier zero is, that the principle of § 10, 4, does not hold when the divisor is zero. The principle of § 10, 3, is a special case of the above. 30. If the members of an equation be multiplied by an ex- pression which involves the unknown numbers, the resulting equation is, in general, not equivalent to the first. Consider, for example, the equation x + 2 = 3 x — 4. (1) Now the equation (x + 2) (x - 1) = (3 x - 4)<> - 1), (2) EQUIVALENT EQUATIONS 13 which is obtained from (1) by multiplying both members by x — 1, is satisfied by the value x = 1, which does not satisfy (1). Then (1) and (2) are not equivalent. Titus it is never allowable to multiply bath members of an integral equation by an expression which involves the unknown numbers; for in this way additional solutions are introduced. 31. If the members of an equation be divided by the same expression, which is not zero, and does not involve the unknown numbers, the resulting equation will be equivalent to the first. Let A=B (1) be an equation involving one or more unknown numbers. A B To prove the equation — = — , (2) where C is not zero, and does not involve the unknown numbers, equiva- lent to (1). Any solution of (1), when substituted for the unknown numbers, makes A identically equal to B. A B It then makes — identically equal to — (§ 16, 4). C Then it is a solution of (2). Again, any solution of (2), when substituted for the unknown num- A B bers, makes — identically equal to — • It then makes A identically equal to B. Then it is a solution of (1). Therefore, (1) and (2) are equivalent. The principle of § 16, 4, is a special case of the above. 32. If the members of an equation be divided by an expres- sion which involves the unknown numbers, the resulting equa- tion is, in general, not equivalent to the first. Consider, for example, the equation O + 2)(x - l) = (3x - 4) (a - 1). (1) Also the equation x -}- 2 =: Sx — 4, -^ (2) which is obtained from (1) by dividing both members by x — 1. Now equation (1) is satisfied by the value x = 1, which does not sat- isfy (2). Then (1) and (2) are not equivalent. I 14 ALGEBRA It follows from this that it is never allowable to divide both members of an in (earn I equation by an expression which in- volves the unknown numbers ; for An this way solutions are lost. 33. If both members of a fractional equation be multi- plied by the L.C.M. of the given denominators, the re- sulting equation is in general equivalent to the first. Let all the terms be transposed to the first member, and let them be added, using for a common denominator the L. C. M. of the given denominators. The equation will then be In the form - = 0. (1) We will now prove the equation -4 = 0, (2) which is obtained by multiplying (1) by the L. C. M. of the given denomi- nators, equivalent to (1), if A and B have no common factor. Any solution of (1), when substituted for the unknown numbers, A makes — identically equal to 0. Then, it must make A identically equal to 0. Then, it is a solution of (2). Again, any solution of (2), when substituted for the unknown num- bers, makes A identically equal to 0. Since A and B have no common factor, B cannot be when this solu- tion is substituted for the unknown numbers. Then, any solution of (2), when substituted for the unknown numbers, A makes — identically equal to 0, and is a solution of (1). B Therefore, (1) and (2) are equivalent, if A and B have no common factor. If A and B have a common factor, (1) and (2) are not equivalmt ; consider, for example, the equations £=JL -= 0, and x - 1 = 0. a* - 1 The second equation is satisfied by the value x = 1, which does not satisfy the first equation ; then, the equations are not equivalent. EQUIVALENT EQUATIONS 15 34. A fractional equation may be cleared of fractions by multiplying both members by any common multiple of the denominators; but in this way additional solutions are often introduced, and the resulting equation is not equivalent to the first. Consider, for example, the equation % I % 2 x 2 — 1 x — 1 If we solve by multiplying both members by x 2 — 1, the L. C. M. of x 2 — 1 and x — 1, we find x — — 2. If, however, we multiply both members by (x 2 — l)(x — 1), we have x s — x 2 + x 3 — x — 2 x 3 — 2 x 2 — 2 x + 2, or x 2 + x — 2 = 0. The latter equation may be solved by using factors. The factors of x 2 + x — 2 are x + 2 and x—1. Solving the equation x -f 2 = 0, x = — 2. Solving the equation x— 1=0, x = 1. This gives the additional value x = 1 ; and it is evident that this does not satisfy the given equation. 35. If both members of an equation be raised to the same positive integral power (§ 66), the resulting equa- tion will have all the solutions of the given equation, and, in general, additional ones. Consider, for example, the equation x = 3. Squaring both members, we have x 2 = 9, or x 2 - 9 = 0, or (x + 3) (x - 3) = 0. The latter equation has the root 3, and, in addition, the root — 3. We will now consider the general case. Let A = B (1) be an equation involving one or more unknown numbers. Raising both members to the »th power, n being a positive integer, we have A n = £*, or A* - B n = 0. (2) Factoring the first number (§ 103, VII), (A - B) (A n -* + A»~ 2 B + • • • + 5"- 1 ) = 0. (3) Now, equation (3) is satisfied when A—B. Whence, equation (2) has all the solutions of (1). But (3) is also satisfied when 16 ALGEBRA A n-l + A n-T B 4. ... 4. 7^-1 = ; so that (2) lias also the solutions of this last equation, which, in general, do not satisfy (1). EQUIVALENT SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 36. Two systems of equations, involving two or more un- known numbers, are said to be equivalent when every solution of the first system is a solution of the second, and every solu- tion of the second is a solution of the first. are equations involving two or more unknown numbers, the system of equations A = 0, mA + nB = 0, where m and n are any numbers, and n not equal to zero, is equivalent to the first system. For any solution of the first system, when substituted for the un- known numbers, makes A = and B — 0. It then makes ^4 = and mA + nB — 0. Then, it is a solution of the second system. Again, any solution of the second system, when substituted for the unknown numbers, makes A = and mA + nB = 0. It therefore makes nB = 0, or B = Q. Since it makes J. = and B = 0, it is a solution of the first system. Hence, the systems are equivalent. A similar result holds for a system of any number of equations. Either m or n may be negative. 38. If either equation, in a system of two, be solved for one of the unknown numbers, and the value found be substituted for this unknown number in the other equa- tion, the resulting system will be equivalent to the first. Let ]— ** £ (2) f A = B, be equations Involving two unknown numbers, t and f. Let W be the value at .< obtained by solving (1). EQUIVALENT EQUATIONS • 17 Let F = Q be the equation obtained by substituting E for x in (2). To prove the system of equations (x=E, (3) 1 F = G ( 4 ) equivalent to the first system. Any solution of the first system satisfies (3), for (3) is only a form of (1). Also, the values of x and y which form the solution make x and E equal ; and hence satisfy the equation obtained by putting E for x in (2). Then, any solution of the first system satisfies (4). Again, any solution of the second system satisfies (1), for (1) is only a form of (3). Also, the values of x and y which form the solution make x and E equal ; and hence satisfy the equation obtained by putting x for E in (4). Then, any solution of the second system satisfies (2). Hence, the systems are equivalent. A similar result holds for a system of any number of equations, in- volving any number of unknown numbers. 39. The principles of §§ 27, 28, 29; 31, 33, 35, 36, and 37 hold for equations of any degree. 40. In the solution of an equation of Exercise 1, we replaced each equation by an equivalent one more easily solved for the unknown number. 41. Elimination is the process of deriving from a system of two or more equations, a system containing one less unknown number than the given system. There are several methods of elimination, each method de- pending on a process which w r ill form a second system equiva- lent to the first. 42. A system of equations is called Simultaneous when each contains two or more unknown numbers, and every equation of the system is satisfied by the same set, or sets, of values of the unknown numbers ; thus, each equation of the system Jx + y = 6, ix — y = 3, is satisfied by the set of values x = 4, y = 1. 18 ALGEBRA A Solution of a system of simultaneous equations is a set of values of the unknown numbers which satisfies every equation of the system ; to solve a system of simultaneous equations is to find its solutions. Ex. Solve (1) 2x + 6y = 9, ] (2) x - y = 1, J (1) 2x + 5y = %\ (8) 5x-5*/ = 5, J - 0) 2* + 6|f = 9, ] 2s + 5y = 9,1 (4) (2a; + 5?/)+ 5s- by =9 + 6, j ' 7* = 14, J System II is equivalent to system I, and system III is equivalent to system II. System III gives the required solution since (4) gives x = 2 and this value substituted in (1) gives y = 1. Similarly it may be shown that elimination by substitution and by comparison involve the deriving of equivalent systems from the given system (§§ 37, 38). Unless the equations of a given system are independent a solution is not possible. 43. If two equations, containing two or more unknown num- bers, are not equivalent, they are called Independent. Consider the equations (x + y = 5, (1) 1 x + y = 6. (2) It is evidently impossible to find a set of values of x and y which shall satisfy both (1) and (2). Such equations are called Inconsistent. EXERCISE 4 Solve the following equations, using Addition or Subtrac- tion, Substitution or Comparison : 3x + 5y = 21. 2 — 7 1 '_ <=j>-3q. I 8j> + g«=15. [3^ + "^zl/ = 25. 3 |l5-2a+^=0. 5 fll*=W + l& l2*-t* = 10. 5. 2# + 3.v -6 # — • ?/ -l 9 7 6 # — 5 y + 10 5 a: + 3y 7 15' ' y — 3x = a. I x + ^ 1/ = 9 a. ' a; + y + 2 3x — y ~ _x ~~4 17 ~~6' 9^5 \ X + V — 1 1/ N i 20 ALGEBRA 19. 2 a% — 4 by = a 2 — ab -f 2 6 2 . gg-f-y. fr**-* -l = c + d. I a? v 1A o 20. J 4. — = 10f . [ 2 # — y = 5 c — Id. 22. If 5 in. be added to the length and 3 in. to the breadth of a certain rectangle, the area is increased by 120 sq. in., but if 1 in. be subtracted from the length and 2 in. from the breadth, the area is decreased by 70 sq. in. Find its dimensions. 23. 2 cu. ft. of water and 4 cu. ft. of ice together weigh 355 lb. The difference between the weights of 3 cu. ft. of water and 2 cu. ft. of ice is 72 lb. 8 oz. Find the weights of a cubic foot of each. 24. A masonry contractor held back $132.50 of the wages due his men. His bricklayers earned $ 3 per day, and his hod carriers $ 1.75 per day. Their combined wages for a day were $ 256.25. He retained $ 1.50 from each bricklayer and $ 1 from each hod carrier. How many carriers did he employ ? 25. A man rows a certain distance down stream at the rate of 33 mi. an hour in 3^- hr. In returning it takes him 16 hr. to reach a point 5 mi. below his starting point. Find the rate of the current. 26. Two trains start toward each other, one from New York, the other from Chicago. They meet in 10 hr., 40 min., the distance between the two cities being 960 mi. If the first train starts 3 hr. earlier than the second train, they will meet 9£ hr. after the second train starts. Find the rate of each train. 27. A number lies between 300 and 100. If 18 is added to the number, the last two digits change places with each other, and if the number be divided by the number expressed by the first two digits, the quotient is 10^ T . Find the number. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 21 28. Find two numbers whose difference is 93 and whose sum divided by the smaller number gives a quotient of : 7 \ 29. By the law of levers, the product of the weight W x by the distance from W x to the fulcrum, F, is equal to the product of the weight W 2 by the dis- ir, Jr ., tance from W 2 to the fulcrum. ' A board resting across a pole balances when a 60-lb. boy is on one end and a 100-1 b. boy on the other end. The board will also balance if a 120-lb. boy sits 2 ft. from one end and a 60-lb. boy sits 2 ft. from the other end. Find the length of the board. 30. If a regular hexagon is circumscribed about a given circle, the difference between the areas of the hexagon and circle is 32.24, and the sum of their areas is 660.56. Find the radius of the circle. GRAPHICAL, REPRESENTATION 44. A drawing or picture of given data or of an equation is often of value. 45. Descartes (1596-1650) was the first mathematician to apply measurement to equations. It is impossible to locate absolutely a point in a plane. All measurements are purely relative, and all positions in a plane or in space are likewise relative. Since a plane is infinite in length and breadth, it is necessary to have some fixed form from which one can take measurements. For this form, assumed fixed in a plane, Descartes chose two intersecting lines as a coordinate system. Such a system of coordinates has since his time been called Cartesian. It will best suit our purpose to choose lines intersecting at right angles. 46. The Point. If we take any point M, its position is determined by the length of the lines QM—x and PM?*p, parallel to the intersecting lines OX and OF (Fig. £). The values x= a and y = h will thus determine a point. The unit of length can be arbitrarily chosen, but when once fixed remains 22 ALGEBRA Y Fig. 2. the same throughout the problem under discussion. QM= x and PM=y, we call the coordinates of the point M. x, measured parallel to OX, is called the abscissa, y, measured parallel to OF, is the ordinate. OX and OFare the coordi- nate axes. OX is the axis of x, also called the axis of abscissas. OF is the axis of y, also called the axis of ordinates. 0, the point of intersec- tion, is called the origin. Two measurements are necessary to locate a point in a plane. For example, x = 2 holds for any point on the , t t y a line AB (Fig. 2). But if in addition we demand that y = 3, the point is fully determined by the in- tersection of the lines AB and CD, any point on CD satisfying the equation y = 3. 47. The Line. Consider the equation x + y = 6. In this equation, when values are assigned to x, we get a value of y for every such value of x. When x =0, y=6; x=l, ?/ = 5; x — 2, y = 4 ; x = 3, y= 3 ; x = 6, y = 1 ; etc., giving an infinite number of values of x and 2/ which satisfy the equation. Laying off these values on a pair of axes, as shown in § 46, we see that the points whose coordinates satisfy this equation lie on the line AB (Fig. 3). It is readily seen that there might be confusion as to the direction from the origin in which the measurements should be taken. This is avoided by a simple convention in signs. Negative values of x are measured to the left of the ?/-axis, positive to the right. In like manner, negative values of y are measured downward from the #-axis, positive values upward. XO F, VOX'. X'OY', Y'OX, are spoken of as the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants respectively. (See Fig. 2.) r>y plotting other equations of the first degree with fcwo un- known quantities it will be seen that such an equation always GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 23 represents a straight line. This line All | Fig, 3) is called the graph of x + y=*6 and is the locus of all the points satisfying that equation. 48. Now plot two simultaneous equations of the first degree on the same axes, e.g. x + y = 6 and 2 x — 3 y = — 3 ( Fig. 1 ). We see that the coordinates of the point of intersection have the same values as the x and y of the algebraic solution of the equations. This is a geometric or graphical reason why there is but one solution to a pair of simultaneous equations of the first degree with two unknown numbers. A simple algebraic proof will be given in the next article. Hereafter an equation of the first degree in two variables will be called a linear equation. A > Y X o l B A Y s \ L) s v* y \ y /* J ? \ * \ / \ x •* o \ B Fig. 3. Fig. 4. 49. Algebraic Proof of the Principle of §48. Two simul- taneous equations of the first degree cannot be satisfied by two different sets of values for x and y. Given the equations "•<•+ % =?$, (0 ex+ft = h. (2) Eliminating ?/, («/— ^V = <"/ — hJl - (%) Let Xi and x 2 be the roots of (3), different in value. Substituting these roots, we have (of— eh)xi = cf — bh. (of- eb)x 2 = cf- bh\ But X\ ^ .r 2 , .'. af- ; , whicli is impossible. In. general, the plotting of two graphs on the same Efcses will determine all the real solutions of the two equations, the 24 ALGEBRA (1) (2) coordinates of each point of intersection of the graphs being values of x and y which satisfy both equations. 50. It is well to introduce the subject of graphs by the use of concrete problems which depend on two conditions and which can be solved without mention of the word equation. Professor F. E. Nipher, Washington University, St. Louis, proposes the following : t; A person wishing a number of copies of a letter made, went to a typewriter and learned that the cost would be, for mimeograph work : 1 1.00 for 100 copies, $2.00 for 200 copies, $3.00 for 300 copies, $4.00 for 400 copies, and so on. " He then went to a printer and was made the following terms : $2.50 for 100 copies, $3.00 for 200 copies, $3.50 for 300 copies, $4.00 for 400 copies, and so on, a rise of 50 cents for each hundred. " Plotting the data of (1) and (2) on the same axes, we have : M The vertical axis being chosen for the price-units, the horizontal axis for the number of copies. "Any point online (1) will determine the price for a certain number of mimeograph copies. Any point on line (2) determines the price and cor- responding number of copies of printer's work."' Numerous lessons can be drawn from this problem. One is that for less than 400 copies, it is less expensive to patronize the mimeographer. For 400 copies, it does not matter which party is patronized. For no copies from the mimeographer, one pays nothing. How about the cost of no copies from the printer? Why? The graph offers an excellent method for the solution of indeterminate equations in positive integers. Ex. Solve 3x + 4ysm22 for positive integers. Plotting the equation, we have INEQUALITIES 25 Y JL 4 1 *. * O Fig. 6. We see that the line crosses the corner of a square only when x — 2 and x — 6. For all other integral values of x, y is fractional. The only positive integral solutions are, therefore, x = 2, y = ±\ x = 6, |f=1- This corresponds to the algebraic result. 51- In the equation y = — , y is dependent on x for its value. That is, every change in x produces a change in y. When two quantities are so related, the first is said to be a Function of the second. Similarly y =f(x) 9 read y is a function of x, means that y is equal to some expression in x. In place of the equation represented by Fig. 6 one might have' /(*) = 22-3x f(x)=8-2x, .F(a?)=±4-f-** Make a graph of each of these two functions and find their point of intersection. EXERCISE 5 i. f(x) = lx-2±, find /(0), /(I), /(2), /(- 4), /(3f ). 2. 4> (*) = x 2 - 2 x + 1, find cf> (0), <£ (1), (2). \ *The /(x) and F(x) mean simply different functions of fc m In these same equations /(0) means the value of the function when is substi- tuted for x in /(&) = 8 - 2 x, namely, /(0) = 8. Similarly /(l) = 8-2(1) = 6, 26 ALGEBRA Solve the following by means of graphs: I 2 x — 5 // = — 16. I 3 x •+• 7 7/ = 5. ( a?-5 2x-7/-l_2?/-2 hi 3 *(y) +» — l 4 3 y -02 -44 F(»).w LB _ 7y-24 ' 10 5a -19 2- 3 -7a INEQUALITIES 52. The Signs of Inequality, > and <, are read " is greater than " and " is less than" respectively. Thus, a > b is read " a is greater than b " ; a < b is read " a is less than 6." 53. One number is said to be greater than another when the remainder obtained by subtracting the second from the first is a positive number. One number is said to be less than another when the remain- der obtained by subtracting the second from the first is a neg<*~ tive number. Thus, if a — b is a positive number, a > b ; and if a — h is a negative number, a < b. 54. An Inequality is a statement that one of two expressions is greater or less than another. The First Member of an inequality is the expression to the left of the sign of inequality, and the Second Member is the expression to the right of that sign. Any term of either member of an inequality is called a term of the inequality. 55* Two or more inequalities are said to subsist in the same sense when the first member is the greater or the less in both. Thus, a > b and c > d subsist in the same sense. INEQUALITIES 27 PROPERTIES OF INEQUALITIES 56. An inequality will continue in the same sense after the same number has been added to, or subtracted from, both members. For consider the inequality a>b. By § 53, a — b is a positive number. Hence, each of the numbers {a + c) — (&+.c), and (a — c) — (b — c) is positive, since each is equal to a — b. Therefore, a + c > b -f c, and a — c > b — c. (§ 53) 57. It follows from § 56 that a term may be transposed from one member of an inequality to the other by chang- ing 1 its sign. If the same term appears in both members of an inequality, affected with the same sign, it may be removed. 58. If the signs of all the terms of an inequality be changed, the sign of inequality must be reversed. For consider the inequality a — b > c — d. Transposing every term, d— c>b — a. (§57) That is, b — a < d — c. 59. An inequality will continue in the same sense after both nembers have been multiplied or divided by the same positive number. For consider the inequality a > b. By § 53, a — b is a positive number. Hence, if m is a positive number, each of the numbers mCa — b) and a ~~ \ or ma— mb and — , is positive. m m m Therefore, ma>m?>, and — > — « m m 60. It follows from §§ 58 and 59 that if both members of an inequality be multiplied or divided by the same nega- tive number, the sign, of inequality must be reversed- 61. If any number of inequalities, subsisting in the same sense, be added member to member, the resulting inequality will also subsist in the same sense. 28 ALGEBRA For consider the inequalities a > ft, a' > ft', a" > ft", •••. Each of the numbers, a — ft, a' — ft', a" — ft", •••, is positive. Then, their sum a — ft + a' — ft' + a" — ft" + •••, or a + a' + a" + ••• - (ft + ft' + ft" + •••), is a positive number. Whence, a + a' + a" + ••• > ft + ft' + b" + .... If two inequalities, subsisting in the same sense, be subtracted mem- ber from member, the resulting inequality does not necessarily subsist in the same sense. Thus, if a > ft and a 1 > ft', the numbers a — ft and a' — ft' are positive. But (a — ft) — (a' — ft'), or its equal, (a — a') — (ft - ft'), may be posi- tive, negative, or zero ; and hence a— a' may be greater than, less than, or equal to ft — 6'. 62. If a > b and a' > ft', and each of the numbers a, a r , &, b\ is positive, then aa< ft', and a is positive, aa'>ab' (§59). (1) Again, since a>ft, and ft' is positive, aft' > ftft'. (2) From (1) and (2), aa' > ftft'. 63. If we have any number of inequalities subsisting in the same sense, as a > b, a' > ft', a" > ft", •••, and each of the num- bers a, a', a", •••,&, 6', &", •••, is positive, then aa'a" ... > bb'b" .... For by § 62,. aa'>bb'. Also, a" > ft". Then by § 62, aa'a" > ftft'ft". Continuing the process with the remaining inequalities, we obtain finall y aa'a"-- > ftft'ft".-. 64. Examples. i. Find the limit of x in the inequality 9x 4x + 6y>lll. + 6y = ffi. 6x 6x 5x> + 9y = 45, a 74. 99. [^EQUALITIES 29 Multiplying both members by 3 (§ 59), we have 21x-23<2x + 15. Transposing (§ 57), and uniting terms, 19x<88. Dividing both members by 19 (§ 59), x<2. ( This means that, for any value of x < 2, 1 x — ^-* < — -f 5. ^ 2. Find the limits of x and y in the following : 3x + 2p>37. (1) 2x-\-3y = 33. \2) Multiply (1) by 3, Multiply (2) by 2, Subtracting (§ 56), Multiply (1) by 2, Multiply (2) by 3, Subtracting, — 5 y > — 25 Divide both members by — 5, y < 5 (§ 60) . (This means that any values of x and ?/ which satisfy (2), also satisfy (1), provided x is > 9, and y < 5.) 3. Between what limiting valnes of x is x 2 — 4 # < 21 ? Transposing 21, we have x 2 -4x<21, if x 2 -4x-21 <0. That is, if (x -f 3) (x — 7) is negative. Now (x -f 3) (x — 7) is negative if x is between — 3 and 7 ; for if x < — 3, both x -f 3 and x — 7 are negative, and their product positive ; and if x > 7, both x + 3 and x — 7 are positive. Hence, x 2 — 4 x < 21, if x > — 3, and < 7. EXERCISE 6 Find the limits of x in the following : 1. (4* + 5) 2 -4<(8a; + 5)(2a;+3). 2 . (3 x + 2)(x + 3)- 4 x> (3 x -2)(x- 3) + 36. 3. (x + 4)(5 a - 2) + (2 * - 3) 2 > (3 x + 4) 2 - 78. 30 ALGEBRA 4 . (x-3)(x + 4)(x-5) < (x + l)(x-2)(x-3). 5. a\x - 1) < 2 6 2 (2 x - 1) - a&, if a - 2 & is positive. Find the limits of x and y in the following : ox-\- 6 y < 45. [ 7 * — 4 y > 11 . 3 x - 4 y = — 1 1 . J 3 . e + 7 // = : 15 . 8. Find the limits of x when 3 a;- 11 < 24- 11 a, and5s + 23<20a;+& 9. If 6 times a certain positive integer, plus 14, is greater than 13 times the integer, minus 63, and 17 times the integer, 111 in 1 is 23, is greater than 8 times the integer, plus 31, what is the integer? 10. If 7 times the number of houses in a certain village, plus 33, is less than 12 times the number, minus 82, and 9 times the number, minus 43, is less than 5 times the number, plus 61, how many houses are there? 11. A farmer has a number of cows such that 10 times their number, plus 3, is less than 4 times the number, plus 79; and 14 times their number, minus 97, is greater than 6 times the number, minus 5. How many cows has he ? 12. Between what limiting values of x is x 2 -f 3 x < 4 ? 13. Between what limiting values of x is x 2 < 8 x — 1 5 '.' 14. Between what limiting values of x is 3 x 2 + 19 as < — 20 ? 65. If a and b are unequal numbers, a*+V> 2ab. For (a - ?0' 2 >° 5 6*i a ' 2 ~ 2 < fh + l)2 >°- Transposing - 2 ab, . a 2 + V 2 >2 ab. 1. Prove that, if a does not equal 3, (a-r-2)(tt-2) >0a- L8, INEQUALITIES 31 By the above principle, if a does not equal 3, a 2 + 9>6a. Subtracting 13 from both members, a 2 - 4 > (3 a - 13, or (a + 2) (a - 2) > a - 13. 2. Prove that, if a and & are unequal positive numbers, a s + 6 3 > a 2 b + 6 2 a. We have, a 2 + b 2 >2 ab, or a 2 - ab + & 2 > a&. Multiplying both members by the positive number a + &, a 3 + & 3 >a 2 & + & 2 a. EXERCISE 7 i. Prove that for any value of x, except §, 3a;(3a;-10)>-25. 2. Prove that for any value of x, except $-, * 4 o;(aj - 5) > 8 x - 49. 3. Prove that for any values of a and b, if 4 a does not equal 3 6, (4a+ 3 6)(4 a - 3&)>66(4a - 36). 4. Prove that for any values of x and y, if o x does not equal 4 y, ' 5x(ox-6y)>2 y(5 x-S y). Prove that, if a and b are unequal positive numbers, 5. a 8 b + ab* > 2 a 2 b 2 . 6. a 3 +a 2 b+ab 2 +b s >2ab(a + b). 32 ALGEBRA III. EXPONENTS 66. An Exponent is a number written at the right of and above a number. It is customary to speak of the number as raised to the power indicated by the exponent. 67. The laws we shall develop are to hold for any exponent, whether integral, fractional, positive, negative, or zero. 68. The number raised to the power is called the Base. 69. Meaning of a Positive Integral Exponent. a 8 = a • a :• • a. a 4 = a • a • a • a. Similarly if m is a positive integer, a m = a • a • a • • • • torn factors. The following results have been proved to hold for any positive integral values of m and n : a m xa n = a m+n (F. C.) * (1) (a-)" = a mn (F. C.) (2) 70. Meaning of a Fractional Exponent. Let it be required to find the meaning of s . If (1), § 69, is to hold for all values of m and n, 5 5 5 5,5,5 . a 5 x a* x a* = a* * * = a 5 . Then, the f&trc! power of a* equals a 5 . • Hence, a* must be the cube root of a 5 , or a 3 = ^a 5 . We will now consider the general case. p Let it be required to find the meaning of a q , where j> and q are any positive integers. * F. C. refers to Wells's First Course in Algebra. EXPONENTS 33 If (1), § 69, is to hold for all values of m and n, P P P * + ? + ?+. "to* term* l Xq a q xa q xa q x •• • to q factors = a q 9 q = a q = a*\ 7' Then, the gth power of a q equals oF. p p Hence, a q must be the qth. root of a p , or a q = ^/^p 9 Hence, in a fractional exponent, the numerator denotes a r5ower, and the denominator a root. For example, a* = -\/a?-, b^ = V& 5 ; x* =-%/x\ etc. A Surd is the indicated root of a number, or expression, which is not a perfect power of the degree denoted by the index of the radical sign ; as V2, -\/5 9 or v^ -}- y. , The degree of a surd is denoted by its index ; thus, V«5 is a surd of the third degree. A quadratic surd is a surd of the second degree. 71. Meaning of a Zero Exponent. If (1), § 69, is to hold for all values of m and n, we have a m x a = a m+0 = a m . Whence, a = — = 1. a m We must then define a as being equal to 1. 72. Meaning of a Negative Exponent. Let it be required to find the meaning of a~ 3 . If (1), § 69, is to hold for all values of m and n, a~ 3 x a 3 = a" 3+3 = a° = 1 (§ 71). Whence, a -3 = — • a' We will now consider the general case. Let it be required to find the meaning of a~% where s repre- sents a positive integer or a positive fraction. 34 ALGEBRA If (1), § 69, is to hold for all values of m and n, a~ 8 xa 8 = a~ s+8 =a () = 1 (§ 71). Whence, a~ 8 = — • a 8 We must then define a~ 8 as being equal to 1 divided by a 8 . For example, a~ 2 = ~; a~i = — ; 3x~ 1 y~^ = — -; etc., a " a* xy* 73. It follows from § 72 that Any factor of the numerator of a fraction may be transferred to the denominator, or any factor of the denominator to the numerator, if the sign of its ex- ponent be changed. Th a 2 b s = b s ^ aWc- 1 ^a 2 (T 4 te US ' cd 4 a~ 2 cd 4 d* ~ b~ 3 c ' EXERCISE 8 Express with positive exponents : i. a~ 2 b s . 5. 3xyz~ 2 . 9. 7 x 4 y~ 2 z. 2. xiy~ 2 z.' 6. 5c~^dk 10. 4 a~ G b~ 8 ck 3. 2m~ 4 w. 7- a- 2 xy~\ 11. 8wV. 4. a~ l b 4 c-\ 8. 3jr*?*. 12. rV~*f i Transfer all literal factors from the denominators to the numerators: 6x* I3 - y 16. 1 2 a 2 6~ 3 19. 5 a*6~* 9 c" 3 d^ mn~ A I4 ' 3^' i7- a 4 cd" 3 * 20. 4 in"W ** *£■ 18. 3 (F. C). (1) p p p p (a~«b~«) q = (a*) q (b*y = a p &*. (2) From (1) and (2), [(a&)*]« = (a*6«)«. Taking the gth root of both members, we have p p p (ab) q = a*b«. II. Let n = — s, where s is any positive integer or positive fraction. Then, (a&)-= -i- = -L(t M, J V) = o-*^. (ab) s a 8 b s EXERCISE 10 Find the values of the following : 1. (a s b^) 4 . 6. (25a 4 )~*. 1 \_f 7. (32al\/F^)i 2. ' x ' Zy J 8. (343 Vc-'SyK 3. (p'V'T 1 . f%xf^ \ 16 m~ 4 4. (a-V^c- 1 )-", 10. 5. (Vafy-*)*. \4afV 5 38 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 11 Illustrative Examples. Ex. 1. Reduce V| to its simplest form. A surd is said to be in its simplest form when the expression under the radical sign is rational and integral, is not a perfect power of the degree denoted by any factor of the index of the surd, and has no factor which is a perfect power of the same degree as the surd. § = 2 8 . To be a perfect square the exponents of the factors of the denominator must be even numbers. Hence multiplying both terms of the fraction by 2, we have, vTI T' Vs=Vts s Ex. 2. Reduce V25 to its simplest form. ■v / 25=\ / V25= V5. Ex. 3. Express 5 V7 entirely under the radical sign. 5V7= V5V7, or (5 2 ) 1(7)1- By § 75, (5 2 )i(7)l = (5 2 . 7)1 = V175. Ex. 4. Reduce (5)1, -\/3 to the same degree. The L. C. M. of the indices of the roots is 12. Hence, r^ = ^ / 3* = 3i\ The surds are now of the twelfth degree. Ex. 5. Find the product of V45 and V72. (45)1 (72)1 = (32 . 6)1 . ( 3 j . 2 3)i _ ( 2 2 . 3 4 . 5 . 2)* = 2.3' 2 (5.2)2 = 18Vl0. Reduce the following to their simplest form : *■ -v^- 4- (72)1. 7 . 5(32 aV// >'. 2. (27 a 8 )*. 5 . ^128 a 4 ft*. 8. 7(80)1. 3. (45)1. 6. 3V25()a 2 .f. 9. (CSC,)'. EXPONENTS 39 10. 4\Vl86\ I3 . (x-yXa&m 8 )*. ii. V4a 2 -5arty. 14. (4 x 2 - 24 xb + 36 brf. 12. (a 3 -2a 2 6-fa6 2 )l 15. V(a?+3a?+2)(a?+6a?+8). ** (*)*• 18. (i)*. 20. 2V^. 17. (♦)*. 19. Ki)*- 2I /8a«\4 75; 22 . 1(1^)K 24. J^ZI. mV25n 2 y *p-2q , t \( 1 \ 4 ** ! A« 2 -& 2 \ } Express entirely under the radical sign : 26. 2V5. , ' ■ / x ' \i 31. (a? + y) ) . 27. 3(2)*. V-y-J 28. a(bc 2 y. 32. Vm 2 -f mn — 2 n\ _____ m — n 29. 5 x V3 #y. , c + 4 / c 2 + 5c- 6 V 30. (a + 8ft)f— 1— V- 33 ' c-1^4-8c + 16y ' \a + o bj Reduce the following to equivalent surds of the same degree : 34. V3, a/4. 37. 5Vx, 3 Vary. 35. (2)4, (i)i (5)i. 3»- («-»)*, («+*)*; &+*fy. 36. .(afy)*, («y)*, (®Y)*. 39- v^ + y 8 , Vz 4 -# 4 . Simplify the following : 40. (18)4 + 3(50)4-2(72)4. 42. V^ + V'250 -2\Vl28. 41. 2(27)4-5(48)4+11(75)4. 43. f (12)*- f(*)* + (3)i 44. 8^80-2^/405 + 18^. 40 ALGEBRA 45. (24 a*x) * + 2 (54 ax) ' - 5 (6 a*x) • . fatmFY famn*V . /aV 3 \* 46 ' [*r] "fawj + W ' 47- a) i + 3( T V) i + ^V56. 48. ^^^~3(4a 2 x 2 )* + 5-v/8^V. (a + 2/) 2 x 2 -y\ x J Multiply the following: 50. V90 by V63. 56. Va 3 ^ by ^ax^f. 51. (35)* by (105)*. , 57. 2(5)* by 3(15)1 52. -^54 by -v^S. 58. 5^40 by 6(o)\ 53. (3)* by (2)1 ftayi ,jtf\l / 2 y\1 54. a/2 by -^4. W A27&; \15aJ ' ,55- (*)* by (I)* by (f)*. 60. VS^S • (2 a 2 )* . (6 r 5 )*. 61. 3 (2)* - 5 (3)4 by 4 (2)* + 3 (3)1 62. 5 V7 + 6 V2 by V7 - 4 V2. 63. 2 (8 a;)* - 9 (2 #)*' by (2 a) * - 3 (2 y)*. 64. 3 (a - 1)* + 4(2 a + 5)* by 2 (a- 1)* - 10(2 a + 5)*. 65. 5Vf-2V|by4Vf + 9V|. Divide the following : 66. V72byV6. 7 o. (8 a*)'* by (16 a 4 )*. 67. 2Vl25by4V5. 7?- V722a? by V2j^ . 72. (4)* by (*)*. 68. (192)* by (12)*. • ,—1 T/ ,,_ V ; y ^ ; 73. 8 VaV by 6) l -*(?) l ^(*r + : >(^l 79. [(3a)ij* 84. (7Vn-5V3)(7Vn + 5V:V). Express each of the following with a rational denominator : 85. 4- ' 89. !±2& V2 v 2-V3 86. 1*. 9 o. 3(4)4^2^. V5 2(3)*+ (10)* ^> 2 +»* 9 ( a + 6)*- («_*)* 88. a + ^ - 92. (^ + ^ + (^ 2 -.y 2 P a - 6* (a 2 + y*)* - (x* - y 2 )* LOGARITHMS 76. Any number may be expressed as a power of some num- ber chosen as base. For example, 4 = 2 2 , 8 = 2 3 , 64 = 2 6 , etc. Numbers between 4 and 8 would be expressed by 2 n where rt is 2 plus some frac- tional number. In suclr a case the exponent is called the Logarithm of the Number to the Base 2. E.g. 2 is the logarithm of 4 to the base 2 ; 3 is the logarithm of 8 to the base 2, etc. 77. The Common System of logarithms has 10 for its base. Every positive arithmetical number may be expressed, exactly or approximately, as a power of 10. Thus, 100 = 10 2 ; 13 = 10 11139 -; etc. 42 ALGEBRA When thus expressed, the corresponding exponent is called its Logarithm to the Base 10. Thus, 2 is the logarithm of 100 to the base 10 ; a relation which is written log 10 100 = 2, or simply log 100 = 2. • Logarithms of numbers to the base 10 are called Common Logarithms, and, collectively, form the Common System. They are the only ones used for numerical computations. 78. Any positive number, except unity, may be taken as the base of a system of logarithms ; thus, if a x = m, where a and m are positive numbers, then x = log ft m. A negative number is nut considered as having a logarithm. 70. By §§ 71 and 72, 10° = 1, io- 1 ^ — = .1, 10 10* =10, io-« = A- = .oi, 10 2 = 100, 10- 3 = -i- - = .001, etc. 10 3 ' Whence, by the definition of § 76, log 1 = 0, log .1 = - 1 = 9 - 10, log 10 = 1, log .01 = - 2 = 8 - 10, log 100 = 2, log .001 = - 3 = 7 - 10, etc. The second form for log.l, log. 01, etc., is preferable in practice. If no base is expressed, the base 10 is understood. 80. It is evident from § 79 that the common logarithm of a number greater than 1 is positive, and the logarithm of a number between and 1 negative. 81. If a number is not an exact power of 10, its common logarithm can only be expressed approximately; the integral part of the logarithm is called the characteristic, and the deci- mal part the mantissa. For example, log 13 = 1.1139. Here ; the characteristic is 1, and the mantissa .1139. -EXPONENTS 43 A negative logarithm is always expressed with a positive mantissa, which is done by adding and subtracting 10. Thus, the negative logarithm — 2.5863 is written 7.4137 — 10. In this case, 7 — 10 is the characteristic. The negative logarithm 7.4187 — 10 is sometimes written 3.4137 ; the negative sign over the characteristic showing that it alone is negative, the mantissa being always positive. For reasons which will appear, only the mantissa of the logarithm is given in a table of logarithms of number ; the characteristic must be found by aid of the rules of §§ 82 and 83. 82. It is evident from § 79 that the logarithm of a number between ± and 10 is equal to + a decimal ; 10 and 100 is equal to 1 + a decimal ; 100 and 1000 is equal to 2 -f- a decimal ; etc. Therefore, the characteristic of the logarithm of a number with one place to the left of the decimal point is ; with two places to the left of the decimal point is 1 ; with three places to the left of the decimal point is 2 ; etc. Hence, the characteristic of the logarithm of a number greater than 1 is 1 less than the number of places to the left of the decimal point. For example, the characteristic of log 906328.51 is 5. 83. In like manner, the logarithm of a number between 1 and .1 is equal to 9 + a decimal — 10 ; .1 and ' .01 is equal to 8 -f a decimal — 10 ; .01 and .001 is equal to 7 -j- a decimal — 10 ; etc. Therefore, the characteristic of the logarithm of a decimal with no ciphers between its decimal point and first significant figure is 9, with —10 after the mantissa; of a decimal with one cipher between its point and first significant figure is 8, with —10 after the mantissa; of a decimal with two ciphers between its point and first significant figure is 7, with — 10 after the mantissa; etc. 44 ALGEBRA Hence, to find the characteristic of the logarithm of a number less than 1, subtract the number of ciphers be- tween the decimal point and first significant figure from 9, writing — 10 after the mantissa. For example, the characteristic of log .007023 is 7, with — 10 written after the mantissa. PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHMS 84. In ami system, the logarithm of 1 is 0. For by § 71 , cfi** 1 ; whence, by § 78, log a l = 0. 85. In any system the logarithm of the base is 1. For, a 1 = a ; whence, log a a = 1. 86. In any system whose base is greater than 1, the logarithm of is — oo .* For if a is greater than 1, a _Q0 = — = — — 0. (The discns- «* . oo sion of this form will be found in § 127.) Whence, by § 78, log„ = — go. No literal meaning can be attached to such a result as log a = — oo ; it must he interpreted as follows : If, in any system whose base is greater than unity, a number approaches the limit 0, its logarithm is negative, and increases indefinitely in abso- lute \alue. 87. In any system, the logarithm of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its factors. Assume the equations a x = m\ faj = log rt w, [; whence, by § <8, { a* = n ] [// = log a n. Multiplying the assumed equations, a x x a v = mn, or a x+y = mn. Whence, log a mn = x -f- y = log a m -+- log,, ». * oo stands for a number greater than any aarigned number. Sec § l *J<>. EXPONENTS \~> In like manner, the theorem may be proved for the product of three or more factors. By aid of § 87, the logarithm of a composite number may be found when the logarithms of its factors are known. Ex. Given log 2 = .3010, and log 3 = .4771 ; find log 72. log 72 = log (2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3) = tog 2 -f log2 4- log2 4- log3 4- log3 = 3 x log 2 4- 2 x log3 = .9030 4- .0542 = 1.8572. EXERCISE 12 Given log 2 = .3010, log 3 = .4771, log 5 = .6990, log 7 = .8451, find : i. log 15. 4. log 125. 7. log 567. 10. -log 1875. 2. log 98. 5. log 315. 8. log 1225. 11. log 2646. 3. log 84. 6. log 392. 9. log 1372. 12. log 24696. 88. In any system, the logarithm of a fraction is equal to the logarithm of the numerator minus the logarithm of the denominator. Assume the equations a x = ml , [# = log a ra, \ ; whence, \ a y = n J [y = \og a n. Dividing the assumed equations, — = — or a x y = — • a y n' n Whence, log a - = x — y = log a m — log a /i. Ex. Given log 2 = .3010; find log 5. log 5 = log i? = log 10 - log 2 = 1 - .3010 = .6990, 46 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 13 Given log 2 = .3010, log 3 = .4771, log 7 = .8451, find : i. log- 1 /. 4- log 245. 7. log |f. 10. log- 3 ™- 2. log- 2 f. 5. log85f. 8. log 375. 11. log 46f . 3. log 11$. 6. log 175. 9. log |f 12. log 2ft- 89. In any system, the logarithm of any power of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number multi- plied by the exponent of the power. Assume the equation a x = m ; whence, x = log a m. Raising both members of the assumed equation to the jith power, aPX _ mP . w j ience? i g a m v — p X — p i g o m 90. In any system, the logarithm of any root of a num- ber is equal to the logarithm of the number divided by the index of the root. For, log a Vm = log tt (m r ) = - log a m(§ 89). 91. Examples. 1. Given log 2 = .3010 ; find log 2*. log I* =1* log 2 = - x .3010 = .5017. o o To multiply a logarithm by a fraction, multiply first by the numerator, and divide the result by the denominator. 2. Given log 3 = .4771 ; find log V3. log ^ = !°£» = i™ =.0506. 8 8 3. Given log 2 = .3010, log 3 = .4771, find log (2* x 3*). By § 87, log (2* x 3*) a log 2* + log 3* = - log 2 + - log 3 = .1003 + .5964 = .6067. EXPONENTS 47 EXERCISE 14 Given log 2 = .3010, log 3 = .4771, Log 7 = .g4&, find; I. log 2 8 . 5- log 42". 9- log oOl 13- log { s. 2. log 5 7 . 6. log 45*. 10. log (ft 14. log V54. 3- log 3*. 7- log 63*. 11. log vs. 15. log \ 225. 4- log 7 1 8. log 98*. 12. log ^7. 16. log v 1(32. i7- 18. log \/|. log(f)*. • 21. log ^2' 23- loe w 19. 20. log (3* x 100*). log (5a/3). 22. log 2 i o 6 24. log £ . 92. In the common system, the mantissae of the log- arithms of numbers having the same sequence of figures are equal. Suppose, for example, that log 3.053 = .4847. Then, log 305.3 = log(100 x 3.053) = log 100 + log 3.053 = 2 +.4847 = 2.4847 ; log .03053 = log (.01 x 3.053) = log .01 + log 3.053 = 8 - 10 + .4847 a 8.4847 - 10 ; etc. It is evident from the above that, if a number be multiplied or divided by any integral power of 10, producing another number with the same sequence of figures, the mantissae of their logarithms will be equal. For this reason, only mantissae are given, in a table of Com- mon Logarithms; for to find the logarithm of any number, we have only to find the mantissae corresponding to its sequence of figures, and then prefix the characteristic in accordance with the rules of §§ 82 and 83. This property of logarithms only holds for the •common system, and constitutes its superiority over other systems for numerical computation. 48 ALGEBRA . 93. Ex. Given log 2 =.3010, log 3 =.4771 ; find log .00432. We have log 432 = log (2* x 8*) = 4 log 2 + 3 log 3 = 2.0353. Then, by § 92, the mantissa of the result is .6858. Whence, by § 83, log .00432 = 7.0353-10. EXERCISE 15 Given log 2 = .3010, log 3 = .4771, log 7 = .8451, find : 1. log 2.7. 6. log .00000680. n. log 337.5. 2. log 14.7. 7. log .00125. 12. log 3.888. 3. log M. 8. log 5670. 13. log (4.5) 8 . 4. log .0162. 9. log .0000588. 14. log -y/SA. 5. log 22.5. 10. log .000864. 15. log (24.3)1 USE OF THE TABLE 94. The table (pages 50 and 51) gives the mantissas of the logarithms of all integers from 100 to 1000, calculated to four places of decimals. 95. To find the logarithm of a number of three figures. Look in the column headed " No." for the first two signifi- cant figures of the given number. Then the required mantissa will be found in the correspond- ing horizontal line, in the vertical column headed by the third figure of the number. Finally, prefix the characteristic in accordance with the rules of §§ 82 and 83. For example, log 108 = 2.2253 ; log .344 - 9.5300 - 10 ; etc. For a number consisting of one or two significant figures, 1 he column headed may be used. Thus, let it be required to find log 88 and log 9. \\y § ( ,)2, log 83 has the same mantissa as log 830j and log 9 the same mantissa as log 900. Hence, log 83 = 1.9191, and log 9 =* 0.9542, EXPONENTS 49 96. To find the logarithm of a number of more than three figures. i. Required the logarithm of 327.6. We find from the table, log 327 = 2.5145, . log 328 = 2.5150. That is, an increase of one unit in the number produces an increase of .0014 in the logarithm. Then an increase of .0 of a unit in the number will increase the logarithm by .6 x .0014, or .0008 to the nearest fourth decimal place. Whence, log 327.6 = 2.5145 + .0008 = 2.£153. In rinding the logarithm of a number, the difference between the next less and next greater mantissae is called the tabular difference ; thus, in Ex. 1, the tabular difference is .0014. The subtraction may be performed mentally. The following rule is derived from the above : Find from the table the mantissa of the first three significant figures, and the tabular difference. Multiply the latter by the remaining figures of the number, with a decimal point before them. Add the result to the mantissa of the first three figures, and prefix the proper characteristic. In finding the correction to the nearest units' figure, the decimal por- tion should be omitted, provided that if it is .5, or greater than .5, the units' figure is increased by 1 ; thus, 13.26 would be taken as 13, 30.5 as 31, and 22.803 as 23. 2. Find the logarithm of .021508. Mantissa 215 = .3324 Tab. diff. = 21 2 .08 .3326 Correction = 1.68 = 2, nearly. The result is 8.3326 - 10. EXERCISE 16 Find the logarithms of the following : i. 64. 5. 1079. 9. .00005023. 13. 7.3165. 2. 3.7. 6. .6757. 10. .0002625. 14. .019608. 3. 982. 7. .09496. 11. 31.393. 15. 810.39. 4. .798. 8. 4.288. 12. 48387. 16. .0025446. 50 ALGKIJUA No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294- 0334 o374 ii 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 °755 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1 106 13 1 139 "73 1206 1239 1271 J 303 1335 1367 1399 1430 14 1461 1492 1523 J 553 1584 1614 1644 1673 '703 1732 15 1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 20 3010 3032 3«54 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 22 3424 3444 34^4 3483 3502 3522 354i 35 6 ° 3579 3598 23 3617 3636 3655 3<>74 3692 3711 3729 3747 3766 3784 24 3802 3820 3^ 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 26 415° 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 27 43H 433o 434<3 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 445 6 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 45 6 4 4579 4594 4609 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 47U 4728 4742 4757 30 477i 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 31 49H 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 501 1 5024 5038 32 505 1 5°65 5079 5092 5^5 5119 5 J 32 5H5 5 J 59 5172 33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5 2 5° 5263 5276 5289 5302 34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 539i 5403 54i6 5428 35 5441 5453 5465 5478 549o 5502 55H 5527 5539 555i 36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5 62 3 5635 5 6 47 5658 5670 37 5682 5 6 94 5705 57*7 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 39 591 1 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 4i 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 631 | 6325 43 6335 6345 6 355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 M3 6503 6513 6522 45 6532 6542 6 55i 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 46 6628 6637 6046 6656 6065 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6S93 49 6902 691 1 6920 6928 (my 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 5o 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7°33 7042 7050 7°59 7067 5i 7076 7084 7°93 7101 7110 71 1 S 7126 7 ! 35 7H3 7152 52 7160 7168 7'77 7185 7193 7202 7210 7 j 1 s 7226 7235 53 7243 7251 7259 72(7 7-^75 7284 7292 73°° 7308 7316 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 735 6 7.;<>4 7372 7380 7388 7396 No. 1 2 ! 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 EXPONENTS 51 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 745 " 7459 7466 7474 56 7482 7490 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 7536 7543 755 1 57 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 58 7634 7642 7649 7 6 57 7664 7072 7679 7686 7694 7701 59 7709 7716 7723 773i 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7S10 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 61 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 62 7924 793i 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 71 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 72 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 77 8865 8871 8876 88S2 8S87 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 82 9138 9H3 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 85 9294 9299 9304 93°9 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 86 9345 935° 9355 9360 9365 937° 9375 9380 9385 939o 87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 88 9445 945° 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 89 9494 9499 95°4 9509 95 J 3 95 l8 9523 9528 9533 9538 90 9542 9547 955 2 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 958i 95 86 9 1 9590 9595 9600 9605 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 92 9638 9643 9647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 9675 9680 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 97°3 9708 97 J 3 9717 9722 9727 94 9731 9736 974i 9745 9750 9754 9759 9763 9768 9773 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 995 Next less mant. sa 5203 ; liunres corresponding, 880, Tab. diff. 13)2. ()()(. IT, = .2, nearly. 1 3 70 EXPONENTS 53 By the above rule, there will be one otpber to be placed between the decimal point and first significant figure ; the result is .03362. The correction can usually be depended upon to only one decimal place ; the division should be carried to two places to determine the last figure accurately. EXERCISE 17 Find the numbers corresponding to the following logarithms : I. 0.S189. 6. 8.7954 - 10. ii. 1.3019. 2. 7.6064 - -10. 7- 6.5993 - 10. 12. 4.2527 - -10. 3- 1.8767. 8. 9.9437 - 10. *3- 2.0159. 4- 2.6760. 9- 0.7781. 14- 3.7264 - 10. 5- 3.9826. 10. 5.4571 - 10. 15- 4.4929. APPLICATIONS 98. The approximate value of a number in which the opera- tions indicated involve only multiplication, division, involu- tion, or evolution may be conveniently found by logarithms. The utility of the process consists in the fact that addition takes the place of multiplication, subtraction of division, multiplication of involution, and division of evolution. i. Find the value of .0631 x 7.208 x .51272. By § 87, log (.0631 x 7.208 x .51272) s± log .0031 + log 7.208 + log .51272. log .0631 = 8.8000 - 10 log 7.208= 0.8578 log. 51272 = 9.7099-10 Adding, log of result = 19.3677 - 20 = 9.3677 - 10. (See Note 1.) Number corresponding to 9.3677 - 10 = .2332. Note 1: If the sum is a negative logarithm, it should be written in such a form that the negative portion of the characteristic may \& — 10. Thus, 19.3677 - 20 is written 9.3677 - 10. (In computations with four-place logarithms, the result cannot usually be depended upon to more than four significant figures.) 54 ALGEBRA 2. Find the value of ■ ' * 7984 By § 88, log ^ = log 33(5.8 - log 7984. log 336.8 = 12.5273 -10 log 7984 = 3.0022 Subtracting, log of result = 8i>251 - 10 (See Note 2.) Number corresponding = .04218. Note 2 : To subtract a greater logarithm from a less, or a negative logarithm from a positive, increase the characteristic of the minuend by 10, writing — 10 after the mantissa to compensate. Thus, to subtract 3.9022 from 2.5273, write the minuend in the form 12.5273 - 10 ; subtracting 3.9022 from this, the result is 8.6251 — 10. 3. Find the value of (.07396) 5 . By § 89, log (.07396) 5 - 6 X, log .07396. log .07396 = 8.8690 - 10 » 5^ ' 44.3450 - 50 = 4.3450 - 10 = log .000002213. 4. Find the value of ^.035063. By § 90, log ^035063 = 1 log .035063. log .035063 = 8.5449 - 10 3 )28.5449 - 30 (See Note 3.) 9.5150 - 10 = log .3224. Note 3 ; To divide a negative logarithm, write it in such a form that the negative portion of the characteristic may be exactly divisible by the divisor,* with — 10 as the quotient. Tims, to divide 8.5449 — 10 by 3, we write the logarithm in the form 28.5449 - 30 ; dividing this by 3, the quotient is 9.5150 - 10. EXERCISE 18 A negative number has no common logarithm (§ 78) ; if such numbers; occur in computation, they may be treated ;is if they were positive, and the sign of the result determined irrespective ol the logarithmic work. Thus, in Ex. 3 of the following set, to tind the value of ( -96.86) X&S918 we find the value pi 96.86 x 3.8918, and put a — sign before the result. BXPONEKT8 55 Find by logarithms the values of the following : 1.4.253x7.104. 4 54.029 X (-.0081487). 2. 6823.2 x .1634. 5 . .040764 x .12896. 3. (- 95.86) x 3.3918. 6. (-285.46) x (-.00070682). „ 5978 -38.19 7 - 9J62* I0 - 10792' '* (8«.08)«. 8 . 21^58. fl . 670.48 . ^ C09 437)<. 45057 -5382.3 .06405 .000007913 ,o*okm r» I2 . k. (3.625V. .002037 .00082375 Arithmetical Complement 99. The Arithmetical Complement of the logarithm of a num- ber, or, briefly, the Cologarithm of the number, is the logarithm of the reciprocal of that number. Thus, colog 409 = log ^ = log 1 - log 409. log 1 = 10. - 10 (See Ex. 2, § 98.) log 409= 2.6117 .-. colog 409= 7.3883-10. Again, colog .067 = log-—- = log 1 — log .067 .067 log 1 = 10. - 10 log .067= 8.8261-10 •\ colog .067= 1.1739. It follows from the above that the cologarithm, of a number may be found by subtracting its logarithm from 10 — 10. _ The cologarithm may be found by subtracting the last significant figure of the logarithm from 10 and each of the others from 0, — 10 being written after the result in the case of a positive logarithm. 56 ALGEBRA 51384 Ex. Find the value of 8.708 x .0946 log - 51384 = log L 51384 x-Lxi) b 8.708 x .01)40 V ^-< () « .0M6/ :log .51384 -flog— — + log- * 8.708 .0940 = log .51384 + colog 8.708 + colog .0946. log .51384 = 9.7109 -10 colog 8.708 = 9.0001 -10 colog .0946 = 1.0241 9.7951 -10 = log .6239. It is evident from the above example that, to find the loga- rithm of a fraction whose terms are the products of factors, we add together the logarithms of the factors of the numerator, and the cologarithms of the factors of the denominator. The value of the above fraction may be found without using cologa- rithms, by the following formula : log ^M = iog .51384 -log(8. 709 x .0946) . 8. 709 x. 0946 8 5V J e= log .51384 - (log 8.709 + log .0946). The advantage in the use of cologarithms is that the written work of computation is exhibited in a more compact form. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 2^5 100. i. Find the value of 3* log^? = log 2 + log i/6 + colog 3* (§ 99) 35 = log 2 + J log 5 + j colog 3. log 2= .3010 IOg6= .6990; -3= .2330 colog 3 = 9.5229 - 10 ; x 9 = 9.(1024 - 10 .1864 =!(»-!.: FACTORS 57 2. Find the value of J 1 / -- 03296 . yi 7.962 ^ •fiBW = llog« = 1 (log .03296 - log 7.902). ° * 7.902 3 7.962 3 V b y log .03296 = 8.5180-10 log 7.962 = 0.9010 3)27.6170-30 9.2057- 10 = log. 1606. The result is — .1606. EXERCISE 19 Find by logarithms the values of the following: 207 8.5 x .05834 (- .076917) x 26.3 f' .3583 x 34o 3 ' .5478 x (- 3120.7) * (J 6.08) x. 1304 a .8102 x (- 6.225) , '" (- 0721) x(- 17.976)' 15. V6xvl6x^2. 6 f- _^18_\* 1 ' V 8.7 x .0603J •y/ .008546 -\/.0(>03867 8 (--14582)* , ^/^00l' *?' 7^1000 -(.72346)* 17 IV. FACTORS 101. An irrational number is a numerical expression involv- ing surds; as -^3, or 2 + V5 (§ 70). 102. A rational and integral expression is resolved into its prime factors when further factoring would produce irrational factors. 58 ALGEBRA 103. In the First Course we considered the following eight types of factorable numbers: TYPE FORMS I. a 2 -b* =(a + b)(a-b). II. a 2 + 2a6 + 6 2 ^(« + 6)(a+6), a 1 -2ab + b 2 = (a - b) (a-b). III. as 2 + ate + 6. IV. aas' 2 + foe + c. V. x 4 + ax 2 y* + y*. VI. a 3 + & 3 =(a + &)(a 2 -a& + & 2 ), a 3 -b*=(a- b)(a 2 + ab + b*). VII. a n -b n , a n + 6 n . VIII. aa? + a?/ -h as = a(» + y + «). Of these types, IV is more readily factored by means of VIII as follows: Ex. Factor 6 x 2 - 7 x - 20. Multiply — 20 by 6 (the coefficient of x 2 ). Factor — 120 so that the sum of the factors is — 7 (the coefficient of x). These factors are —15, 8. Then write a 9 0ft . , 1K , Q **% 6 x 2 — i x — 20 = 6 x 2 — 15 x + 8 x — 20. Group by Type VIII, s= 3 jc(2 X - 5) + 4(2x - 5), whence, 6 x 2 - 7 z - 20 = (2 x - 5) (3 x + 4) . Type VI may be placed under Type VII. EXERCISE 20 Factor : i. 3a?-x-10. 5. a** + 4. 2. 4a 2 + 12a + 9. 6. 3 s + 8. 3. a 3 -?/ 3 . 7. a 2 + 96 2 -4c 2 + 6a&. 4. a 3 4- a 2 -2a -2. 8. a^+2^+2/ 2 +8(x+^)4-16. FACTORS 59 9. b*wS-4>+1. 18. #+d+aM-« 10. 6a 2 -17a + 12. 19. ar 3 + 3# 2 + 3;r + 1. 11. 9a 4 -13;r 2 + 4. ; 20. 9ra 2 -36ran. 12. .^ + 7^-8. • 21. a»-a* + a*-l 13. ( a .-6) 2 -2(a-o)-35. 22. Ga 2 6 -4a 2 + 15afc - 10a. 14. m 2 + (a — Z>) m — a&. 23. a" 2 — 32. 15. m*-l. 24. 9 or 4 + 12 or 2 + 4. 16. (2a-36) 2 -(a-&) 2 . 25. 9a 2 - 30 ab + 25//- 4 c 2 . 17. p^-f^r 1 4- 12. 26. 9a 2 -25c 2 + 6 2 + 6aZ>. 27. 36 a 4 -61 a 2 + 25. 28. (3a-&) 2 -6a(3a-&) + 27a-96. 29. 2 a" 6 + 250. 32. a 6 + i/\ 30. (7x + 2) + 3V7x + 2 + 2. 33. 16^ + 14^-15. 31. m(2a?-3)-4m 2 a? 2 + 9m 2 . 34. 25(?m + 3) 2 +10(m + 3) + l. 35. 8(2a-56)- 1 -12(2a-56)"M-4. 36. 143 A: 2 -103 A: + 14. 37 . Var + 4a-6 + 2a 2 -l + 4(2#-3). 38. g* + g 2 t 2 + t\ 42. *P+$. 39. x* + a 2 x — a 3 — az 2 . 43. a? 4 — 13 x 2 + 4. 40. c-3d-18-9d + 2c~*. 44- 9 ey- 16 e/ 3 . 41. r 4 -20r 2 + 99. 45. 304 v 2 + 25 v - 6. 46. (a> + l)' + 2(a> + l)* + l. 47. &(*+ff + H*+fff(*f fl- ip. a 6 -64. 50- 25a 4 + a 2 ,+ l. 49. 6 or 4 — 41 x~hfr — 7 y. 51. 4+ a 3 — a 2 — 4 a. 52. m 4 — 1 + ra — m 3 . 53. 3(^ + l)+5(x- 2 -l) + (.r + l) 2 . 54. ear^ + lSar 1 -^. 57- ;> 2 -0- 55. a*+fti 58. 4a ? * +4 -4a* +2 + l. 56. **-#V. 59- a 2 x-9^ + 2a--18. 60 ALGEBRA 60. 4/>V + 20pr/-lG/A/-80^ / . 61. (x 2 - 2 x + 1) - (a + 1) 2 . 65. a 5 - 27 a 2 + 243 -9 a 3 . 62. 52m — 10m 2 — 10. 66. 2 2m -\- A x • 2 m — 21 x 2 . 63. s*»-j* 67. a + 2Va& + &. 64. a 8 -256. 68. (2 a - 3&) 2 - (3 a- 2 &) 2 . 69. a 2 + 2a&-f-c 2 -2&c-2ac+6 2 . 70. 27m 3 -54m 2 -f-36m-8. 72. 9 a 2 - 6a -4 6 2 - 45. 71. ar 5 + a? 4 + oj 8 4- # 2 4^ + l. 73. 1 + 2ab - a 4 - a 2 b 2 - 6 4 . 74. am 2 — m s 4 2 am 71 4- an 2 4- 2 m 2 n — mn 2 . 75- 2/ 2 + rz-2?/-z4-l. FACTOR THEOREM 104. The Remainder Theorem. Let it be required to divide px 2 4- qx 4- r by a; — a. pas 2 + #x + r I x — a px* - ap x \ px + ( ap + g) (ap + g)a (ap 4 q)x — p a 2 — ga pa' 1 + qa + r, Remainder. We observe that the final remainder, pa 2 + qa-\-r, is the same as the dividend with a substituted in place of x ; this exemplifies the following law : If any polynomial, involving x t be divided by x - a, the remainder of the division equals the result obtained by substituting a for x in the given polynomial. This is called The Remainder Theorem. To prove the theorem, let px n 4- qx n ~ l 4- ••• +r#4s be any polynomial involving x. Let the division of the polynomial by # — a be (ferried on until a remainder is obtained which does not contain x. Let Q denote the quotient, and E the remainder. FACTORS 61 Since the dividend equals the product of the quotient and divisor, plus the remainder, we have Q(x — a) + B'=:pa? + qx?- l 4- ... + rx + s. Putting x equal to a, into the above equation, we have, 11 =2M n + qa n ~ l -j- ... +ra + s. 105. The Factor Theorem. If any polynomial, involving x, becomes zero when as is put equal to a, the polynomial has a? — a as a factor. For, by § 104, if the polynomial is divided by x — a, the remainder is zero. 106. Examples. i. Find whether x — 2 is a factor of ar 3 — 5 ic 2 -f 8. Substituting 2 for sc, the expression x s — 5 x 2 + 8 becomes 23 _ 5 . 22 + 8, or - 4. Then, by § 104, if r 3 — 5 x 2 + 8 be divided by x — 2, the remainder is — 4 ; and sc — 2 is not a factor. 2. Find whether m + wisa factor of m 4 — 4 m*ra -f- 3 m 2 a 2 + 5 mn 3 — 2 ?* 4 . (1) Putting m = — n, the expression becomes 7i 4 4- 4 n 4 -1- 2 ra 4 — 5 n* — 2 n 4 , or 0. Then, by § 104, if the expression (1) be divided by ra 4- ?i, the re- mainder is ; and m + n is a factor. • 3. Prove that a is a factor of (94-$,+ c)(afr + &c + ca) - (a + &)(& + c)(« + «■)• Putting a ±= 0, the expression becomes (b 4- c)frc - $(ft 4- c)c, or 0. Then, by § 104, a — 0, 01 a, is a factor of the expression. 62 ALGEBRA 4. Factor x*-3x 2 - Ux- 8. The positive and negative integral factors of 8 are 1, 2, 4, 8, — 1, — 2, - 4, and - 8. It is best to try the numbers in their order of absolute magnitude. If x = 1, the expression becomes 1—3—14 — 8. If x = — 1, the expression becomes — 1 — 3 + 14—8. If x = 2, the expression becomes 8—12 — 28 — 8. If x =— 2, the expression becomes —8—12+28 — 8, or 0. This shows that x + 2 is a factor. Dividing the expression by x + 2, the quotient is x 2 — 5 x — 4. Then, x 3 - 3 x 2 - 14 a - 8 = (x + 2)0 2 - 5 x - 4). EXERCISE 21 Factor the following : 1. a s + 8. 9. a n -6 n . 2. m 5 -f-?r\ 10. 2ar 3 -f5a; 2 — # — 6. 3. a; 6 - 729. 11. a 4 -ar* + 2a; 2 -4. 4. ar 3 + 5a; 2 -8a; + 2. - 12. 5a 3 -18a-4. 5. m 3 - 11 ?7i — 10. • 13. ar 3 + a,- 2 +-7 a; + 18. 6. a 4 — a 3 + 3 a — 14. 14. m 3 — 5 m 2 — 36. 7 . c 3_2c 2 -9. 15. A; 4 -5A; 2 + 3A;-2. 8. a; 4 -625. Find without actual division : 16. Whether p — 1 is a factor of p 3 -+ 3p 2 — 4. 17. Whether a; -f- 2 is a factor of x A -f 3 x 3 — 4 a,\ 18. Whether a? + 1 is a factor of 2 a? + 6 x 2 - 3 a? + 4. 19. Whether m — 3 is a factor of m 3 — 4 m — 15. 20. Whether a — 5 is a factor of a 3 — 3 a 2 — 5 a — 25. 21. Whether c - 2 is a factor of 3 c 3 — 9 c 2 + 5 c + 2. 22. Whether a is a factor of a(b — c) -f b (c — a) + c(a — b). 23. Whether c is a factor of a (b — c) + b (c — a) + c(a — b). 24. Whether x +- 1/ is a factor of a? (2 a? -f- 3 ?/) — y (3 a? +- 2 // ). 25. Whether b is a factor of a 2 (b - c) 2 + 6 2 (c - a) 2 + c 2 (a - b) 2 . FACTORS 63 HORNER'S SYNTHETIC DIVISION 107. The method of synthetic division, or as it is sometimes known, the method of detached coefficients, greatly abridges the work of division, especially where binomial divisors are concerned. 108. Divide ar 3 - 11 x 2 + 36 x - 36 by x - 3. Writing dividend and divisor with coefficients only, 1-3 1-8 + 12 Quotient. 1-11 + 36- -36 1- 3 - 8 - 8 + 24 + 12- -36 + 12- -36 Since the first term of each partial product is merely a repetition of the term immediately above, it may be omitted. We may also change the sign of the second term of the divisor if the partial product is added instead of subtracted. We then have 1 _ ii + 36 - 36 II +3 1+3 11-8 + 12 -8 -24 • +12 + 36 Raise the numbers — 24, 36 now in the oblique column and the work stands : 1- 11+36-361 + 3 4- 3-24 + 36 - +12 The quotient is x 2 — 8 x + 12. If the last remainder is zero, x minus the divisor is a factor of the expression. 64 • ALGEBRA EXERCISE 22 Divide the following by synthetic division: i . 2 x^ — 7 x 2 +- x + 10 by x — 2. 2. 3 a 4 — a 3 — 5 a 2 + 6 a + 7 by a -h 1. 3. a 4 -lla 3 + 29a 2 -9a+-14by a-7. 4. 4 m 3 — 17 m 2 ?i -f- 13 mn 2 -f- ft* by m — 3 fl. 5. 3a 5 + lla 4 _43^-4a; 2 -f lla-6 by » + 6. 6. 8^ 4 -35?; 3 + 7v 2 + 22v-8by v-4. 109. Divide ar 3 — 11 a; 2 + 36 x — 36 by x — 5, and by a — 7. 1 - 11 + 36 - 36 |6 1 - 11 + 36 - 36 [7_ ■4. 5-30 4-30 -f 7-28 + 56 — 6+6—6 Remainder — 4 + 8 + 20 Remainder (Quotient) > (Quotient) A factor lies between x — 5 and x—7. It is found to be x — 6. Then if in dividing by a binomial a remainder occurs, and if the remainders arising from successive division by two binomi- als are of opposite sign, a factor #— a lies between these two binomials. EXERCISE 23 i. Locate the root between 2 and 4 of x 3 — 17 x -f 24 = 0. Locate roots of the following : 2. a 3 + 10a 2 + 17a-2S = 0. 3. a 4 + 3tt 3 -10a 2 + 3a + ir> = 0. 4. x 5 — 8x i -7x i + Mx 2 -5x + 4i) = 0. 5. 3ar 3 -26# 2 + 60<»-72 = 0. 6. m A - 2 m 3 - 19 m 2 + 12 m + 40 = 0. FACTORS 65 SOLUTIONS 110. If the product of abc ••• to n factors = 0, at least one of the factors must be zero. Ex. 1. Let (x -2)(x- 3)(x + 4) = 0. Then x — 2, x — 3, or x + 4 must equal zero. The equation is satisfied by the root obtained by putting any one of the factors equal to 0. Hence, x = 2, 3, or — 4 are the solutions of the equation. Ex. 2. Solve 5 2 *- 5* -12 = 0. . (1) (5*-4)(5* + 3)=0. (2) Whence, 5* - 4 = 0, 5* = 4, (3) and 5* + 3 = 0, 5» = - 3. (4) To solve (3) and (4), take the logarithms of each member of the equations : From (3) zlog5 = log 4 (§ 89) , (5) and ^log4 = 1 0020 = 602 # log5 .6990 699 v J From (4) x log 5 = — log 3. Ex. 3. Solve the equation .2* = 3. Taking the logarithms of both members, xlog.2 — log 3. Then x = ^^= A1U = -^2L = _ .6285+. log. 2 9.3010-10 -.699 An equation of the form a x = b may be solved by inspection if b can be expressed as an exact power of a. Ex. 4. Solve the equation 16 x = 128. We may write the equation (2 4 )* = 2 7 , or 2 4 * = 2 7 . Then, by inspection, 4 x = 7 ; and x = J. (If the equation were 16 x = — , we could write it (2 4 )* = — = 2" 7 ; v 4 128 2 7 then 4x would equal — 7, and a; =— {.) Xx-A 66 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 24 Solve the following equations : i. 13* = 8. 4 . .005038* = 816.3. 7. .2*+ 5 = .5* 2. .06* = .9. 5. 3 4 *- 1 = 4 2 *+ 3 . 8. 16* = 32. 3. 9.347* = .0625. 6. 7 3 *+ 2 = .8*. 9. 32* = ^ . 10. ( T V)^ = 8. 11. ay = Jj. 12. .04 2 *- 5 (.04)* -24 = 0. 13. 2 3 * + 7.2 2 *- 9.2* -63 = 0. 14. 3°"-5.3 2 '- 8.3* + 12 = 0. 15. II 4 * -5- II 2 * + 4 = 0. 16. 2 3 *+ 3 -6.2 2 *+ 2 + ll • 2* +1 -6 = 0. 17. .5 4 * - 2(.5) 3 * - 16 (.5) 2 * + 2 (.5)* + 15 = 0. 18. 2 3 * - 10- 2 2 *- 71 -2* -60 = 0. 19. a?-x 2 -9x + 9 = Q. 20. ar + (5c + 2c7)£ + 10ccZ = 0. COMMON FACTORS AND MULTIPLES 111. A Common Factor of two or more expressions is a factor of each of them. 112. The Highest Common Factor (H. C. F.) of two or more expressions is their common factor of highest degree (§ 23). 113. A Common Multiple of two or more expressions is an expression which is exactly divisible by each of them. 114. The Lowest Common Multiple (L. C. M.) of two or more expressions is their common multiple of lowest degree. Ex. 1. Find the H. C. F. of a 2 + 2 a - 3 and 1 - a 3 . a' 2 +2a-3= (a-l)(a 4-3). 1-0,3 = (1_«)(1 + rt + a 2 ). The factors of the first expression can be put in the form - (1 - a )(8 + a). Hence, the H. C. F. is 1 - a. FACTORS 67 Ex. 2. Eequired the L. C. M. of x 2 — 5x + 6, x 2 — 4x + 4, and X s — 9 x. • * 2 -5x+6 = (£-3)(z-2). x 2 -4x+4=: 0-2) 2 . x* - 9 x = x(x + S)(x - 3). It is evident by inspection that the L. C. M. of these expressions is z(z-2) 2 (£ + 3)(jc-3). 115. "When the polynomials cannot be readily factored by inspection, the H. C. F. and L. C. M. may be found by the fol- lowing method. The rule in Arithmetic for the H. C. F. of two numbers is : Divide the greater number by the less. If there be a remainder, divide the divisor by it; and continue thus to make the remainder the divisor, and the preceding divisor the dividend, until there is no remainder. The last divisor is the H. C. F. required. Thus, let it be required to find the H. C. F. of 169 and 546. 169)546(3 507 39)169(4 156 13)39(3* 39 Then 13 is the H. C. F. required. 116. We will now prove that a rule similar to that of § 115 holds for the H. C. F. of two algebraic expressions. Let A and B be two polynomials, arranged according to the descending powers of some common letter. Let the exponent of this letter in the first term of A be equal to, or greater than, its exponent in the first term of B. Suppose that B is contained in A p times, with a remainder C; that C is contained in B q times, with a remainder D; and that D is contained in C r times, with no remainder. 68 ALGEBRA To prove that D is the H. C. F. of A and B. The operation of division is shown as follows : B)A(p pB C)B(q qC_ D)C(r rD We will first prove that D is a common factor of A and B. Since the minuend is equal to the subtrahend plus the remainder ( F - C "§ 4 °)' A^pB+C, (1) B = qC+D, (2) and C = rD. Substituting the value of C in (2), we obtain B = qrD + D= D(qr + 1). (8) Substituting the values of B and C in (1), we have, A =pD(qr + 1) +rD = D(pqr +p + r). (4) From (3) and (4), D is a common factor of A and B. We will next prove that every common factor of A and B is a factor of D. Let F be any common factor of A and B ; and let A = mJP 7 , and B = nF. From the operation of division, we have C = A-pB, (5) and D = B-qC. (6) Substituting the values of ^4 and 7? in (5), we have C = mF — pnF. Substituting the values of B and C in (6) we have D = nF— q(mF — pnF)= F(n —qm +pqn ). Whence, F is a factor of D. FACTORS ill) Then, since every common factor of A and B is a factor of ]), and since D itself is a common factor of .1 and />, it follows that D is the highest common factor of A and B. We then have the following rule for the H. C. F. of two polynomials, A and B, arranged according to the descending powers of some common letter, the exponent of that letter in the first term of A being equal to, or greater than, its exponent in the first term of B: Divide A by B. If there be a remainder, divide the divisor by it; and continue thus to make the remainder the divisor, and the preceding divisor the dividend, until there is no remainder. The last divisor is the H. C. P. required. It is important to keep the work throughout in descending powers of some common letter ; and each division should be continued until the exponent of this letter in the first term of the remainder is less than its exponent in the first term of the divisor. Note 1 : If the terms of one of the expressions have a common factor which is not a common factor of the terms of the other, it may be re- moved ; for it can evidently form no part of the highest common factor. In like manner, we may divide any remainder by a factor which is not a factor of the preceding divisor. 117. i. Find the H. C. F. of Gx 2 - 25x + 14 and Ox*- 7 x 2 - 25 x + 18. 6x 2 -25x + 14)Gx*- 7a---25x+ 18(x + 3 6s* -25x 2 + Ux 18x 2 -39x 18s 2 -75s + 42 36x-24 In accordance with Note 1, we divide this remainder by 12, giving x ~~ 2 ' 3x-2)()x 2 -25x + 14(2x-7 n.i- 2 - 4x -21* - # -'21 as + 14 Then, Sx — 2 is the H. C. F. required. 70 ALGEBRA Note 2 : If the first term of the dividend, or of any remainder, is not divisible by the first term of the divisor, it may be made so by multiply- ing the dividend or remainder by any term which is not a factor of the divisor. 2. Find the H. C. F. of 3 «8 + a 2 b _ 2 a tf an( i 4 a s b + 2 a 2 b 2 - ab s + ft 4 . We remove the factor a from the first expression and the factor b from the second (Note 1), and find the H. C. F. of 3 a 2 + ab - 2 V 2 and 4 a 3 + 2 a 2 ft - aft 2 + ft 3 . Since 4 a 3 is not divisible by 3 a 2 , we multiply the second expression by 3 (Note 2). 4 a 3 + 2 a 2 ft - aft 2 + ft 3 3^ 3 a 2 + a & _ 2 ft 2 )l2 a 3 -f 6 a 2 ft - 3 ab 2 + 3 ft 3 (4 a 12q8 + 4a 2 ft-8aft 2 2 a 2 ft + 5 aft 2 + 3 ft 3 Since 2a 2 ft is not divisible by 3 a 2 , we multiply this remainder by 8 (Note 2). 2 a 2 b + 5 ab 2 + 3 ft 3 3 3 a 2 + aft - 2 ft 2 )6 a 2 ft + 15 aft 2 + 9ft 3 (2ft 6a 2 &+ 2 aft 2 - 4 ft 3 13 aft 2 + 13 ft 3 We divide this remainder by 13 b 2 (Note 1), giving a + b. a + 6)3 a 2 + aft - 2 ft 2 (3 a - 2 6 3 a 2 + 3 aft -2 aft - 2 aft - 2 ft 2 Then, a + ft is the H. C. F. required. Note 8 : If the first term of any remainder is negative, the sign 0! each term of the remainder may be changed. Note 4: If the given expressions have a common factor which can be se£n by inspection, remove it, and find the H.C. P, of the resulting expressions; the result, multiplied by the common factor, will be the H. C. F. of the given expressions. FACTORS 71 3. Find the H. C. F. of 2aJ 4 + 33 3 -6a 2 + 2ajand ffV^-W — 2flf — ft Removing the common factor x (Note 4), we find the H. C. F. of 2x 3 + 8 as* - 8a; -f 2 and Gx 3 + 5x 2 - 2x - 1. " 2x 3 + 3x 2 -()x + 2)6a* + 5*»- 2x-l(3 6x 3 + 0x 2 - 18a; + 6 -4x 2 + 16x- 7 The first term of this remainder being negative, we change the sign of each of its terms (Note 3). 2x 3 + 3x 2 - 6x+ 2 2 4x 2 - 16x + 7)4x3 -f- 6x 2 - 12x + 4(x 4x 3 -16x 2 + 7x 22x 2 - 19x + 4 2 44 x 2 - 38x+ 8(11 44x 2 - 176x + 77 69 )138x-69 2x- 1 2x-l)4x 2 - 16x + 7(2x-7 4 x 2 — 2 x - 14x - 14x4- 7 The last divisor is 2x— 1 ; multiplying this by x, the H. C. F. of the given expressions is x (2 x — 1). (In the above solution, we multiply 2 x 3 -f 3x 2 — 6x -b 2 by 2 in order to make its first term divisible by4x 2 ; and we multiply the remainder 22 x 2 — 19 x -h 4 by 2 to make its first term divisible by 4 x 2 .) 118. We will now show how to find the L. C. M. ot two ex- pressions which cannot be readily factored by inspection. Let A and B be any two expressions. Let F be their H. C. F., and M their L. C. M. Suppose that A = aF, and B = bF. Then, AxB = abF 2 . (1> Since .Pis the H. C. F. of A and #, a and b have no common factors ; whence the L. C. M. of rti^and bF is abF. That is, M=abF. 72 ALGEBRA Multiplying each of these equals by F, we have Fx M=ahF~. (2) - From (1) and (2), A x B = F x M. That is, the product of two expressions is equal to the product of their H. C. F. and L C.;M. Therefore, to find the L. C. M. of two expressions, Divide their product by their highest common factor ; or, Divide one of the expressions, by their highest common factor, and multiply the quotient by the other expression. Ex. Find the L. C. M. of 6x 2 -17x 2 + 12 and 12a 2 -4a-21. 6x 2 - 17 x + 12)12 x 2 - 4x-21(2 12 x 2 -34 x + 24 15 )30 x- 45 2x- 3)6x 2 -17x + 12(3«-4 6x 2 -9x -Sx -8x + 12 Then, the H.C.F. of the expressions is 2x — 3. Dividing Ox* 2 — 17 x + 12 by 2 x — 3, the quotient is 3 x — 4. Then, the L. C. M. is (3x- 4)(12x 2 - 4x- 21). EXERCISE 25 Find the H. C. F. and L. C. M. of the following: i. 2a 2 + a-6, 4 a 2 -8a +-3. 2. 6a; 2 -17a,' + 10, 9a? 2 -14^-8. 3 . x 2 -Cyx-27, x>-2x 2 -8x + 2l. 4. 6^ 2 -31^/ + 182/ 2 , 9 x 2 + 15 ^- 14 y\ 5. 8a 2 + 6a-9, 6a 3 + 7a 2 -7a-6. 6. 4a 2 -lla-3, 8x A + 6x*-llx 2 -23x-5. 7. m 5 -4m 3 + ^ 2 -4, m 4 — 2 m 3 — m* + m + 2. 8. 12p 2 -19pg-21? 2 , Y2 l r + r, l ra 2 -{- 11a + 6. 15. (5a-3bf-(a + b)\ 72a 2 - 48 a& + 8& 2 . 16. a 3 + 6a 2 a + 12aa; 2 + 8ar 3 , 4 a * + 8 a 4 x - a V - 2 aV. V. FRACTIONS 119. A Fraction is an indicated quotient written usually in the form — , where a is the dividend, and is called the numera- tor, and b the divisor, and called the denominator. 120. If the same factor be introduced into, or removed from, both dividend and divisor, the quotient is not changed. Upon this principle depends the reduction of fractions to either higher or lower terms. The laws of sign for fractions are those of ordinary division. The sign before the fraction de- notes whether the quotient is to be added or subtracted. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS 121. Change of sign, -+-«_ _ — cl _ _ + a _ y ♦— a EXERCISE 26 Write each of the following in three other ways without changing its value : a 2' 2. S±». 3. 8 • 7 ° 2-x 2x-l &x-5 4 " x + 2 5- (x -3X^+4) 6 &2_ " 2 ' 2b 2 -a?' (ix-3y)(y-3x)^ (2y + x)(x-y) 74 ALGEBRA 122. Reduction to Lowest Terms. This is accomplished by removing every factor common to both numerator and denomi- nator. If numerator and denominator are not prime to each other, it is possible generally to factor them by inspection. When, however, the factors cannot be readily seen, the method of § 117, known as the Euclidean method, may be used. EXERCISE 27 Reduce the following to lowest terms : 27 a 8 + 8 9 x 2 + 12 x + 4 a 8 _ a *b _ ab A + h 5 a 4 -a?b-a 2 b 2 + ab 3 12z 2 + 16zy-3y 2 2 - Z2 "^ M , _,. • 5- 10 2* + 22/ -21 2/* 6 ' 14 as* + 14 as -281 2a* + 5ar°-2 x + 3 6a^-7^ 2 + 5 x — 2 x? — x 2 — 4 x -6 a? + 7rf + 12x + 10 16 x 2 + 16 x - 32 Simplify the following: 7- ft'-g«% l^ 4 21. 1 _i_ 4 «ff + f ^ ^ + K 8 4 a; 2 x + 4: x — 1 a; + 2 a? 2 — a;- 16 # + 2 # — 3 #—5 a: 2 — 8 x + 1 5 1 a^4-2a;-ll\ 9 af'+5a;-14y * ^ + 343* 76 ALGEBRA 2 & 2 + 3a> + 2 4 , x 2 + l 2 4 . SB + 1 a?" — 1 # 2 -|- 5 x + 6 # 12 a; (2x 2 -2xy-2x)(x 2 -y 2 ) ^ X x + y cf + V a 4_ & 4 3a 2 ■ a* + & 2 a 2 b + ab 2 a 4 - a?b + d 2 b 2 -ab 3 +b* 123. Under certain conditions a fraction may assume a form the value of which is not readily seen. Such forms usually occur in limiting values of fractions in which the unknown or unknowns are considered variable. 124. A variable number, or simply a variable, is a number which may assume, under the conditions imposed upon it, an indefinitely great number of different values. A constant is a number which remains unchanged throughout the same discussion. 125. A limit of a variable is a constant number, the differ- ence between which and the variable may be made less than any assigned number, however small. Suppose, for example, that a point moves from A towards B under the condition that it shall move, during successive equal intervals of time, first from A to O, halfway be- tween i andi?; then to Z>, half- f L ? * f way between C and B ; then to E, halfway between D and B ; and so on indefinitely. In this case, the distance between the moving point and B can be made less than any assigned number, however small. Hence, the distance from A to the moving point is a variable which approaches the constant value A B as a limit. Again, the distance from the moving point to B is a variable which approaches the limit 0. 126. Interpretation of j • Consider the series of fractions -, — , — '-, — — , •••. 3' .3' .03 ' .003' FRACTIONS 77 Here each denominator after the iiist is one-tenth of the preceding denominator. It is evident that, by sufficiently continuing the series, the denominator may be made less than any assigned number, however small, and the value of the fraction greater than any assigned number, however great. In other words, If the numerator of a fraction remains constant, while the denominator approaches the limit 0, the value of the fraction increases without limit. It is customary to express this principle as follows : a The symbol go is called Infinity ; it simply stands for that which is greater than any number, however great, and has no fixed value. 127. Interpretation of — • 00 Consider the series of fractions -, — , — — 3 ? 30' 300' 3000' * Here each denominator after the first is ten times the pre- ceding denominator. It is evident that, by sufficiently continuing the series, the denominator may be made greater than any assigned number, however great, and the value of the fraction less than any assigned number, however small. In other words, If the numerator of a fraction remains constant, while the denominator increases without limit, the value of the fraction approaches the limit 0. It is customary to express this principle as follows T «=0. 78 ALGEBRA 128. No literal meaning can be attached to such results as a a A - = oo , or — = ; for there can be no such thing as division unless the divisor is a finite number. If such forms occur in mathematical investigations, they must be interpreted as indicated in §§ 126 and 127. (Coin- pare § 86.) THE PROBLEM OF THE COURIERS 129. The following discussion will further illustrate the form -, besides furnishing an interpretation of the form -• The Problem of the Couriers. Two couriers, A and B, are travelling along the same road in the same direction, RB', at the rates of m and n miles an hour, respectively. If at any time, say 12 o'clock, A is at P, and B is a miles beyond him at Q, after how many hours, and how many miles beyond P, are they together ? B P Q Rl I I I l Let A and R meet x hours after 12 o'clock, and y miles beyond P. They will then meet y — a miles beyond Q. Since A travels mx miles, and B nx miles, in x hours, we have f y — m#, iy — a = nx. Solving these equations, we obtain We will now discuss these results under different hypotheses. 1. m>n. In this case, the values of x and y are positive. This means that the couriers meet at some time after 12, at some point to the right of P. FRACTIONS 79 This agrees with the hypothesis made ; for if m is greater than n. A is travelling faster than B ; and he must overtake him at some point beyond their positions at 12 o'clock. 2. m n or m < n. In this case, x — and y = 0. This means that the travellers are together at 12 o'clock, at the point P. This agrees with the hypothesis made ; for if a = 0, and m and n are unequal, the couriers are together at 12 o'clock, and are travelling at unequal rates ; and they could not have been together before 12, and will not be together afterwards. 4. m = n, and a not equal to 0. In this case, the values of x and y take the forms - and —. re- *• i spectively. If m — n approaches the limit 0, the values of x and y increase without limit (§ 126) ; hence, if m = n, no fixed values can be assigned to x and y, and the problem is impossible. In this case, the result in the form - indicates that the given problem is impossible. This agrees with the hypothesis made ; for if m = n, and a is not zero, the couriers are a miles apart at 12 o'clock, and are travelling at the same rate ; and they never could have been, and never will be together. 5. m = rc, and a = 0. In this case, the values of x and y take the form -• If a = 0, and m = n, the couriers are together at 12 o'clock, and travel- ling at the same rate. Hence, they always have been, and always will be, together. In this case, the number of solutions is indefinitely great ; for any value of x whatever, together with the corresponding value of y, will satisfy the given conditions. In this case, the result in the form - indicates that the number of solu- tions is indefinitely great. Such form is called Indeterminate. 80 ALGEBRA 130. In § 129, we found that the form - indicated an ex- pression which* could have any value ivhatever; but this is not always the case. Consider, for example, the fraction x ~~ a • x 2 — ax If x — a, the fraction takes the form -• Now, x 2 -a? _ (x + a)(x-a) __ x+a . x 2 — ax ic(x — a) x which last expression is equal to the given fraction provided x does not equal a. The fraction x + a approaches the limit a "*" a , or 2, when x approaches the limit a. x a This limit we call the value of the given fraction ivhen x = a. Then, the value of the given fraction when x = a is 2. In any similar case, we cancel the factor which equals for the given value of ac, and find the limit approached by the result when x approaches the given value as a limit. EXERCISE 28 Find the values of the following : 2 ax — 4 a 2 i o x 2 — 16 , A 2 or 3 -5 a; 2 . A 4a; 2 -4a; -3 , 2. when a? =0. 4. — when.r=i|. 4:X 2 + 3x • 6af'-17a; + 12 s. — — 2— when x = — 2. D a**-8a!*-f-16 6. — -~ J —- when x = 2. ar* - 7 a; -f G 131. Other Indeterminate Forms. Expressions taking the forms ||-, x 00 , or qo — 00, for oer- tain values of the letters involved, are also iiulct erniiiiate. FRACTIONS 81 i. Find the value of (ar 3 + 8) (l + -i— \ when x = - 2. This expression takes the form x oo, when x =— 2 (§ 126). Now, (x 3 + 8) ( 1 + -i-^ = x 3 + 8 + ^-ii? V £ + 2/ x + 2 , = ic 3 + 8 + x 2 -2x + 4 = x 3 +x 2 — 2x+12. The latter expression approaches the limit — 8+4 + 4 + 12, or 12, when x approaches the limit — 2. This limit we call the value of the expression when x =— 2 ; then, the value of the expression when x = — 2, is 12. In any similar case, we simplify as much as possible before finding the limit. 1 2x 2. Find the value of -- when x = 1. 1 — x 1 — x 2 The expression takes the form oo — oo, when x = 1 (§ 126). Now 1 2x := l+ x -2x = 1-s = 1 r 1 - x 1-x 2 1-x 2 1 - x 2 1 + x The latter expression approaches the limit J when x approaches the limit 1. Then, the value of the expression when x = 1, is \. 132. Another example in which the result is indeterminate is the following : 1 4- 2x Ex. Find the limit approached by the fraction ^— when x is indefinitely increased. Both numerator and denominator increase indefinitely in absolute value when x is indefinitely increased. 1 + 2 1 + 2x x Dividing each term of the fraction by x, = =— = = A — OX L O X The latter expression approaches the limit r (§ 127), or — -, when x is indefinitely increased. In any similar case, we divide both numerator and denominator of the fraction by the highest power of x. 82 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 29 Find the limits approached by the following when x is in- definitely increased : ' 4 + 5a?-3s 8 _ liii. a^-2a?-4 Find the values of the following : 1 12 * o 5. (2a; 2 -5#-3)f2 + -i-Vvhena = 3. V X — 3J RATIO AND PROPORTION RAtlO 133. The Ratio of one number a to another number b is the quotient of a divided by b. Thus, the ratio of a to b is -; it is also expressed a : b. b The ratios here spoken of are but fractions under another name, and have all the properties of fractions. In the ratio a: b, a is called the first term, or antecedent, and b the second term, or consequent. If a and b are positive numbers, and a > b, - is called a b ratio of greater inequality ; if a < 5, it is called a ra/10 of less inequality. 134. A ratio of greater inequality is decreased, and one of less inequality is increased, by adding the same positive number to each of its terms. Let a and b be positive numbers, a being > b, and x a positive number. Since a > &, ax > bx. (§ 50) Adding ab to both members (§ 50), ab 4- ax>ab + bx, or a(& -f x)>b(a +x). RATIO AND PROPORTION 83 Dividing both members by b(b -f x), we have j»j±|. _ (|M) In like manner, if a < 6, - < 'L±*. 6 6 + x PROPORTION 135. A Proportion is an equation whose members are equal ratios. Thus, if a : b and c : d are equal ratios, a:b = c :d, or - =e - , is a proportion. The latter form is preferable. 136. In the proportion a: b = c : d, a is called the first term, b the second, c the third, and d the fourth. The first and third terms of a proportion are called the ante- cedents, and the second and fourth terms the consequents. The first and fourth terms are called the extremes, and the second and third terms the means. 137. If the means of a proportion are equal, either mean is called the Mean Proportional between the first and last terms, and the last term is called the Third Proportional to the first and second terms. Thus, in the proportion a:b = b : c, b is the mean proportional between a and c, and c is the third proportional to a and b. The Fourth Proportional to three numbers is the fourth term of a proportion whose first three terms are the three numbers taken in their order. Thus, in the proportion a:b = c:d, d is the fourth proportional to a, b, and c. 138. A Continued Proportion is a series of equal ratios, in which each consequent is the same as the next antecedent; as, a : b = b \ c = c : d = d : e. «_ 6 = ~ d ad : = bc. 84 ALGEBRA PROPERTIES OF PROPORTIONS 139. In any proportion, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. Let the proportion be Clearing of fractions, 140. From the equation ad = bc (§ 139), we obtain be , ad ad -. 7 be a = — , o = — , c = — , and a = — • deb a That is, in any proportion, either extreme equals the product of the means divided by the other extreme ; and either mean equals the product of the extremes divided by the other mean. 141 . (Converse of § 139.) If the product of two numbers be equal to the product of two others, one pair may be made the extremes, and the other pair the means, of a proportion. Let ad = be. Dividing by bd, ^ = H , or ■ ff = 5 . ° J bd bd* b d In like manner, we may prove that a_b c d" 1 c - = f,etc. d b 142. In any proportion, the terms are in proportion by Alternation; that is, the means may be interchanged. Let the proportion be Then, by § 139, Then, by § 141, In like manner it may be proved that the extremes can be interchanged. a _ b~ c ' d ad = ■be. « _ _b t ~ d a _ b~ c d 1 ad = -.be. b d RATIO AND PROPORTION 85 143. In any proportion, the terms are in proportion by Inversion ; that is, the second term is to the first as the fourth tef m is to the third. Let the proportion be Then, by § 139, Whence, by § 141, a c It follows from § 143 that, in any proportion, the means can be written as the extremes, and the extremes as the means. 144. The mean proportional between two numbers is equal to the square root of their product. Let the proportion be - = - • b c Then, by § 139, b 2 = ac, or b = Vac. 145. In any proportion, the terms are in proportion by Composition ; that is, the sum of the first two terms is to the first term as the sum of the last two terms is to the third term. Let the proportion be - = - • b d Then, ad = be. Adding each member of the equation to ac, ac + ad = ac + be, or a(c + d) — c(a + b). By §141, a ± b = e_±d t a c ttt i a + b c -f d We may also prove — r — = — ;— b d 146. In like mariner we may also prove that the terms of any proportion are in proportion by Division ; that is, the dif- ference between the first two terms is to the first terin as the difference between the last two terms is to the third term. The proof is left to the student. 86 ALGEBRA 147. In any proportion, the terms are in proportion by Composition and Division ; that is, the sum of the first two terms is to their difference as the sum of the last two terms is to their difference. The proof is left to the student. Hint. — Divide the result of § 145 by that of § 146. 148. In any proportion, if the first two terms be multi- plied by any number, as also the last two, the resulting numbers will be in proportion. Let the proportion be - = - ; then, 2£ = *£. b d mb nd (Either m or n may be unity ; that is, the terms of either ratio may be multiplied without multiplying the terms of the other.) 149. In any proportion, if the first and third terms be multiplied by any number, as also the second and fourth terms, the resulting numbers will be in proportion. Let the proportion be - = - ; then, — = — • b d nb nd (Either m or n may be unity.) 1 50. In any number of proportions, the products of the corresponding terms are in proportion. Let the proportions be - — -, and - 3= .*!■" b d f h Multiplying, * x ? = ^ X # r OT 2« = ££. b f d h bf dh In like manner, the theorem may be proved for any number of proportions. 151. In any proportion, like powers or like roots of the terms are in proportion. Let the proportion be - = - ; then, — = — • b d b n d» nt n,~ In like manner, = • Vb Vd RATIO AND PROPORTION 87 152. In a series of equal ratios, any antecedent is to its consequent as the sum of all the antecedents is to the sum of all the consequents. Let a: b = c.d = e:f. Then, by § 139, ad — 6c, and af = be. Also, ab = ba. Adding, a(b+d+f)=b(a + c + e). Whence, a :b = a + c + e \b + d + f. (§ 141) In like manner, the theorem may be proved for any number of equal ratios. 153. If three numbers are in continued proportion, the first is to the third as the square of the first is to the square of the second. Let the proportion be a : b = b : c ; or - = - . b c Then, ?x^? X «,or? = «!. b c b b c b 2 154. If four numbers are in continued proportion, the first is to the fourth as the cube of the first is to the cube of the second. Let the proportion be a :b = b :c = c :d ; or - =* - = -. bed Then, 2 x *x£=^xfx$ |OT ?»£ b e d b b b d 6 3 Similarly, it may be shown that if n numbers are in continued propor- tion, the first antecedent is to the last consequent as the »th power of the first antecedent is to the nth power of its consequent. 155. Examples. i. If x : y = (x + zf : (y + z) 2 , prove z the mean proportional between x and y. From the given proportion, by § 139, y(x + z) 2 = x(y + z)\ Or, x 2 y 4- 2 xyz + yz 2 = xy 2 4- 2 xyz + xz 2 . Transposing, x 2 y — xy 2 = xz 2 — yz 2 . Dividing by x — ?/, xy — z 2 . Therefore, z is the mean proportional between x and y (§ 144). 88 ALGEBRA The theorem of § 147 saves work in the solution of a certain class of fractional equations. 2. Solve the equation 2 X ± | = ?A^. ^ 2z-3 26 + a Regarding this as a proportion, we have by composition and division, 4 x _ 4b 6 ~ -'la 2x 26. j a whence, x 86 a 3- Pro ve that if - : b c then a 2 -b 2 : a 2 - ■3ab-- = c 2 - -d 2 : c 2 - Scd. Let « _ 6~ - = x, whence d i, a = - bx ; then, c 2 -1 a 2 - b 2 a 2 - Sab I b 2 x/ W - ! -6 2 -3 6% X 2 - 1 d 2 _ c 2 c 2 - -tf 2 X 2 - -3x c 2 3c - o Cd d 2 d Then, a 2 -6 2 :a 2 -3a6 = c 2 -d 2 : c 2 — 3 6"d. EXERCISE 30 i. Find the mean proportional between .0289 and 1.69. 2. Find the mean proportional between l T 7 ^ r and 12||. 3. Find the third proportional to if and 1|. 4. Find the fourth proportional to 9g\, 16^, and T 9 g. 5. Find the fourth proportional to m, n, and r. 6. Write in the form of a proportion : x 2 — 2 x -* 15 = a 2 . Solve, using composition and division: 4#-f-5 _ a?-f5 4 # — 5 a? — 3 x — a b — c 2x — 3 5 # — 9 ai + a 3 (m + l) 2 -(w-lV 12. If - = - , show that a:c = b 2 : c 2 . 6 c 8. RATIO AND PROPORTION . 89 • i 3 . fl^ry^cVtg-A^iaArt; »^^^y^»^^a^a»^-»r< 14. Find two numbers in the ratio of 2:.'{, sucli that the sum of their squares shall be 208. 15. Find two numbers in the ratio of 3 : 1, such that the dif- ference of their squares is 200. 16. Two numbers are in the ratio of 5 : 7. If 6 be added to each, they will be in the ratio of 7 : 9. Find the numbers. 17. Two numbers are in the ratio of 2 : 5. If 4 be added to each number, the resulting ratio will be twice the ratio had 4 been subtracted from each number. Find the numbers. 18. The difference between two numbers is 6, and the dif- ference between their squares is 60. What is the ratio of their sum to their difference ? 19. In similar figures in geometry, homologous sides are pro- portional. If a pole 30 feet high casts a shadow 42 feet long, how high must a pole be to cast a shadow 35 feet long ? 20. A ladder 40 feet long leans against the side of a build- ing, with its foot 12 feet from the building. A second ladder, 40^ feet long, makes the same angle with the building as the first ladder. How far is the foot of the second ladder from the building ? 21. In the triangle ABC, MN is drawn parallel to BC and divides the other two sides proportionally. If AM =12, 4M = 2 and 5(7=48, how ' AN 3' long is AC? (M is the middle point of AB.) What is the ratio of AN to MN? 22. The areas of any two similar figures are to each other as the squares of their homologous .parts. If a regularTiexagon has a side equal to 6 and an area of 54 V3, what is the area of a regular hexagon whose side is 2 ? 90 ALGEBRA 23. The area of a circle is 6^ times that of another circle. If the radius of the first circle is 5, what is the radius of the second circle ? 24. If the altitude of a triangle is twice that of a similar triangle, how do their areas compare ? 25. The volume of a rectangular solid is equal to the product of its three dimensions, x, y, and z. If xyz — v and x : y : z =5 a : b : c, filid to, y, and 2 in terms of a, b, c, and v. 26. Find three numbers in continued proportion whose sum is 63, the second being 4 times the first. 27. Given the proportion - = - = -, where d = 81 and - = - . _. , . , bed bo Find a, 0, and c. 28. If 2 a — 36:4a-56 = 26— 3 c:46 — 5 c, prove 6 is the mean proportional to a and c. 29. If3a + 56:4a-76 = 3c + 5d:4c-7d, prove ?==^ 6 a 30. Find two numbers in the ratio of a to 6, such that if 3 increased by - they will be in the rat: ix + 7 8x + ± 12x + l_Jx-l Solvefora; . each be increased by - they will be in the ratio of e to /. 3 1 15 45 9(5 » + 2) fl ± 6 + q-2ft a (2a^&) g + 3a6 i Solve for ^ a? ^ + a a 2 — a 2 33. A man borrows a certain sum, paying interest at the rate of 5%. After repaying $180, his interest rate on the balance is reduced to 4J%, and his annual interest is now less by $ 10.80. Find the sum borrowed. 34. The digits of a certain number are three consecutive numbers, of which the middle digit is the greatest, and the first digit the least. If the number be divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient is ^p. Find the number. VARIATION 91 35. A certain number of apples were divided between three boys. The first received one-half the entire Dumber, with one apple additional, the second received one-third the remainder, with one apple additional, and the third received the remain- der, 7. How many apples were there ? 36. A freight train runs 6 miles an hour less than a pas- senger train. It runs 80 miles in the same time that the passenger train runs 112 miles. Find the rate of each train. 37. A and B each fire 40 times at a target ; A's hits are one- half as numerous as B's misses, and A's misses exceed by 15 the number of B's hits. How many times does each hit the target ? t 38. A freight train travels from A to B at the rate of 12 miles an hour. After it has been gone 31 hours, an express train leaves A for B, travelling at the rate of 45 miles an hour, and reaches B 1 hour and 5 minutes ahead of the freight. Find the distance from A to B, and the time taken by the express train. 39. A tank has three taps. By the first it can be filled in 3 hours 10 minutes, by the second it can be filled in 4 hours 45 minutes, and by the third it can be emptied in 3 hours 48 minutes. How many hours will it take to fill it if all the taps are open? 40. A man invested a certain sum at 3|%, and \\ this sum at 4^% ; after paying an income tax of 5%, his net annual income is $ 195.70. How much did he invest in each way ? VARIATION 1 56. One variable number (§ 124) is said to vary directly as another when the ratio of any two values of the first equals the ratio of the corresponding values of the second. It is usual to omit the word " directly •' and simply say that one nnin ber varies as another. 92 ALGEBRA Thus, if a workman received a fixed number of dollars per diem, the number of dollars received in m days -will be to the number received in n days as til is to n. Then, the ratio of any two numbers of dollars received equals the ratio of the corresponding numbers of days worked. Hence, the number of dollars which the workman receives varies as the number of days during which he works. 157. The symbol co is read "varies as" ; thus, ace b is read " a varies as 6." 158. One variable number is said to vary inversely as another when the first varies directly as the reciprocal of the second. Thus, the number of hours in which a railway train will traverse a fixed route varies inversely as the speed ; if the speed be doubled, the train will traverse its route in one-half the number of hours. 159. One variable number is said to vary as two others jointly when it varies directly as their product. Thus, the number of dollars received by a workman in a certain number of days varies jointly as the number which he receives in one day, and the number of days during which he works. 160. One variable number is said to vary directly as a sec- ond and inversely as a third, when it varies jointly as the second and the reciprocal of the third. Thus, the attraction of a body varies directly as the amount of matter, and inversely as the square of the distance. 161 . Ifxccy, then x equals y multiplied by a constant number. Let x' and y' denote a fixed pair of corresponding values of x and y, and x and y any other pair. By the definition of § 156, - = - ; or, x - -y. y y' y r x' Denoting the constant ratio — by m, we have y' x = my. VARIATION 93 162. It follows from §§ 158, 159, 160, and 161 that : 1. If x varies inversely as y, x = — • y 2. If x varies jointly as y and z, x = myz. 3. If x varies directly as y and inversely as z, a? = ^ • z 1 63. Ifxccy, and y oc z, then xccz. By § 161, if x cc y, x = my. (1) And iiyazz, y — nz. Substituting in (1), x — mnz. Whence, by § 161, x*z. 164. Ifxccy when z is constant, and xccz when y is constant, then xcc yz when both y and z vary. Let y' and z' be the values of y and z, respectively, when x has the value x'. Let y be changed from y f to y", z remaining constantly equal to z\ " and let x be changed in consequence from x' to X. Then, by §156, ^=T/' W Now, let z be changed from z' to z", y remaining constantly equal to y", and let x be changed in consequence from Xto x . Then, — = — . (2) x" z" K J Multiplying (1) by (2), ± = &L> (3) x n y"z" Now if both changes are made, that is, y from y' to y" and z from z' to z", x is changed from x f to x", and yz is changed from y'z' to u"z". Then by (3), the ratio of any two values of x equals the ratio of the corresponding values of yz ; and, by § 156, xccyz. The following is an illustration of the above theorem : It is known, by Geometry, that the area of a triangle vaties as the base when the altitude is constant, and as the altitude when the ba.se is constant; hence, when both base and altitude vary, the area varies as their product. 94 ALGEBRA 165. Problems. Problems in variation are readily solved by converting the variation into an equation by aid of §§ 161 or 162. i. If x varies inversely as y, and equals 9 when y = S, find the value of x when y = 18. If x varies inversely as y, x =— (§ 162). y Putting x = 9 and y = 8, 9 = — , or m = 72. 8 Then, x = — ; and, if y = 18, x = — = 4. V 18 Since variation is simply another way of stating a proportion, the prob- lems in variation may be solved readily by means of proportion. E.g. In the above problem ^ xcc -, y x.= ™. y This equation is true for any assigned values of the variables. Then, ■ x x =-, (1) 2/i x 2 =™- (2) , 2/2 Dividing (1) by (2) Q = V* (3) x 2 2/i which is in the form of inverse proportion. Substituting the given values of x and y in (3) , we have q .. 8 x 2 8 ' 9 . 8 whence x 2 = ■ = 4. 18 2. Given that the area of a triangle varies jointly as its base and altitude, what will be the base of a triangle whose altitude is 12, equivalent to the sum of two triangles whose bases are 10 and 6, and altitudes 3 and 9, respectively ? Let J5, //, and A denote the base, altitude, and area, respectively, of any triangle, and B' the base of the required triangle. Since A varies jointly as /> and //, A = mlUI (§ 162). Therefore, the area of the first triangle is m x 10 x 3, or 30 ???,, and the area of the second is m x 6 x 9, or 54 m. VARIATroX 95 Then, the area of the required triangle is 30 m -f 54 m, or 84 m. But, the area of the required triangle is also m x B' x 12. Therefore, 12 mB' = 84 m, or B' = 7. Or using proportion and letting A\ — area of first triangle, A 2 = area of second, A s = area of third. A 3 = Ai + A 2 Ai = mB 1 H 1 . (l) A 2 = mB 2 H 2 . (2) A s = mB 3 H 3 . (3) Adding (1) and (2) A x + A 2 = m^BiHi + B 2 H 2 ). (4) Dividing (4) by (3) Ai+A 2 = m^BxHi + B 2 II 2 ) A s m(B s H 3 ) or, 1= B l H l + B*H 3 m (5) Substituting the given values of B and if in (5) we have 1 = 10 . 3 + 6 ■ 9 12 £ 3 ' whence, B 3 = 7. EXERCISE 31 i. If xvzy, and # = 3 when ?/ = 12, what is the value of x when y = 2S? 2. If y&x 2 , and 2/ = 4 when x = l, what is the value of y in terms of x 2 ? 3. If 2/ varies inversely as x, and y = 4 when # == — 3, w r hat is the value of y when x = 2 ? 4. If & varies directly as y and inversely as 2, and x = £ when # = -§ and 3 = f , what is the value of x when y = £ and 5. If a; varies jointly as y and z and # = — 20 when y = 2 and 3 = 8, what is the value of # when ?/ = — £ and z<== 16 ? 6. If (3 x + 4) oc (2 ?/ — 5) when # = — 1 and y = 4, w T hat is the value of x when ?/ = 19 ? 96 ALGEBRA 7. If x 2 varies inversely as y 8 , when x = 4 and ?/ = 2 f what is the value of 2/ when a? = ? / f ? 8. If x equals the sum of two numbers, one of which varies directly as y and the other inversely as z 2 , and x = 47 when y = — 16 and 3 = 2, and a; = 2 when y = — 2 and z = 1, find the value of x when y = 3 and z = \* 9. The area of a triangle varies jointly as its base and altitude. If the area of a triangle whose base is 6 and whose altitude is 9 is 27, what is the base of a triangle whose area is 44 and whose altitude is 11 ? 10. The distance through which a body falls from rest varies as the square of the time during which it falls. If a body falls 900 feet in 7.5 seconds, how many feet will it fall in 16 seconds ? 11. The illumination from a source of light varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source. How far must an object 20 feet from the light be moved in order that it may receive twice as much light ? 12. A circular plate of lead, 17 inches in diameter, is melted and formed into three circular plates of the same thickness. If the diameters of two of the plates are 8 and 9 inches respectively, find the diameter of the other; it being given that the area of a circle varies as the square of its diameter. 13. A cow tied to a stake by a rope 24 yards long will graze over the area within her reach in three days. She breaks her rope and, in repairing it, it is shortened 1^ feet. In how many days will she graze over the new area ? 14. A pump supplying the water for a building has a 10-ineh stroke and a cylinder 4 inches in diameter. It is not possible to increase the number of strokes of the pump, nor to increase the length of the cylinder. By how much must the diameter be increased if 50% is added to the capacity of the pump'/ (The volumes of cylinders vary as the product of the base and altitude.) INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 97 VI. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 166. We have already given (Chapter III) the involution and evolution of monomials. We will now consider involution and evolution of polynomials. 167. Square of a polynomial. By actual multiplication (a + b + c) 2 = a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + 2 ab + 2 ac + 2 be. In like manner (a + b + c + df = a 2 + &Vf- c 2 + d 2 + 2 a& + 2 ac + 2 ad + 2 6c + 2 6cZ + 2 cd, and so on for the square of any polynomial. The law observed may be stated as follows : The square of a polynomial is equal to the sum of the squares of its terms, together with twice the prod- uct of each term by each of the following terms. Ex. Expand (2 x 2 - 3 x - 5) 2 . The squares of the terms are 4 sc 4 , 9 x 2 , and 25. Twice the product of the first term by each of the following terms gives the results — 12 x :3 and - 20 x 2 . Twice the product of the second term by the following term gives the result 30 x. Then, (2 x 2 - 3 x - 5) 2 = 4 x 4 + 9 x 2 + 25 - 12 x* - 20 x 2 + 30 x = 4 x 4 - 12 cc 3 - 11 x 2 + 30 x + 25. 168. Cube of a binomial. By actual multiplication (a -f bf = d 3 + 3 a 2 b + 3 a& 2 + Jft That is, the cube of the sum of two numbers is equal to the cube of the first, plus three times the square of the first times the second, plus three times the first times the square of the second, plus the cube of the second. In like manner, the cube of the difference of two numbers is equal to the cube of the first, minus three times the square of the first times the second, plus three times the first times the square of the second, minus the cube of the second. The cube of a trinomial may be found by the above method, if two of its terms be enclosed in parenthesis, and regarded as a single term. 98 ALGEBRA 169. Square Root of any Polynomial Perfect Square. By § 167, (a + b + cf = a 2 + 2 ab + V 1 + 2 ac + 2 be + c 2 = a 2 + (2a + &)6 + (2a + 2& + c)e. (1) Then, if the square of a trinomial be arranged in order of powers of some letter : I. The square root of the first term gives the first term of the root, a. II. If from (1) we subtract a 2 , we have (2a + 6)H(2« + 2Hc)c # (2) The first term of this, when expanded, is 2 ab ; if this be divided by twice the first term of the root, 2 a, we have the next term of the root, b. III. If from (2) we subtract (2a + b)b, we have (2a + 2& + c)c. (3) The first term of this, when expanded, is 2 ac; if this be divided by twice the first term of the root, 2 a, we have the last term of the root, c. IV. If from (3) we subtract (2a + 2& + c)c, there is no remainder. Similar considerations hold with respect to the square of a polynomial of any number of terms. 170. The principles of § 169 may be used to find the square root of a polynomial perfect square of any number of terms. Let it be required to find the square root of 4 x 4 + 12 x 3 - 7 x 2 - 24 x + 16. 4 x 4 + 12 x s - 7 x 2 - 24 x + 16 1 2 x 2 + 3 x - 4 a 2 = 4 a* 2 a + & = 4 x 2 + 3 .x a a 12 x 8 - 7 a 2 - 24 X + 16, 1st Rem. 2a+2& + c = 4.r 2 + 6x — 4 -4 - 16 x 2 - 24 x 4- 16, 2d Rem. _ 16x* — 24x + 16 2 x 2 + 3 x — 4 is called the square root and 2 a the first trial divisor. 2 a + b is the first complete divisor. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 99 We then have the following rule for extracting the square root of a polynomial perfect square : Arrange the expression according to the powers of some letter. Extract the square root of the first term, write the result as the first term of the root, and subtract its square from the given expression, arranging the re- mainder in the same order of powers as the given ex- pression. Divide the first term of the remainder by twice the first term of the root, and add the quotient to the part of the root already found, and also to the trial divisor. Multiply the complete divisor by the term of the root last obtained, and subtract the product from the re- mainder. If other terms remain, proceed as before, doubling the part of the root already found for the next trial divisor. 171. Cube Root of any Polynomial Perfect Cube. By §168, ( a +& + c) 3 =[(a + 6)+c] 3 = (a -f bf + 3(a + b) 2 c + 3(« + b)c 2 -f.c 3 = a 3 + 3 a 2 b + 3 ab 2 + V + 3(a + b) 2 c + 3(a + by + c 3 = a 3 + (3 a 2 + 3 ab + b 2 )lj + [3(« + bf+ 3(a + b)c + c^c. (1) Then, if the cube of a trinomial be arranged in order of powers of some letter : I. The cube root of the first term gives the first term of the cube root, a. II. If from (1) we subtract a 3 , we have (3a 2 + 3ab + b 2 )b + [3(a + b) 2 + 3(a + b)c + c 2 ]c. (2) The first term of this, when expanded, is 3a 2 6; if this be divided by three times the square of the first term of the root, 3a 2 , we have the next term of the root, b. III. If from (2) we subtract (3 a 2 + 3 ab 4- &*)&, we have I3(a + by + 3(a + b)c + c 2 ]c. (3) 100 ALGEBRA The first term of this, when expanded, is 3a 2 c; if this be divided by three times the square of the first term of the root, 3 , there is no remainder. Similar considerations hold with respect to the cube of poly- nomials of any number of terms. 172. The principles of § 171 may be used to find the cnbe root of a polynomial perfect cube of any number of terms. Let it be required to find the cnbe root of aj6 + 6a 5 + 3iB 4 -28aj 8 -9a? 2 + 54aj-27. x 6 H-6^+3x 4 -28x 3 -9x 2 +o4x-27 = x 6 3 « 2 +3 ab + b 2 = 3 x*+6 x 3 +4 x 2 2x 6x 5 + 3x*-28x 3 -9x 2 +54x-27 0x r > + 12x*4-'8x 3 S(a + b) 2 = Sx^ + 12x ii +12x 2 3(a + 6)c + c' 2 =_ - 9x 2 -18x+9 8s* + 12a;*+ 3x 2 -18x+9 - 9;e4_;30x 3 -9x 2 + 54x-27 - 9x 4 -36\x 3 -9x 2 +54x-27 The first term of the root is the cube root 5f x 6 , or x 2 . Subtracting the cube" of x 2 , or x 6 , from the given expression, the first remainder is 6 x 5 + 3 x 4 — 28 x 3 — 9 x 2 + 54 x — 27. Dividing the first term of this by three times the square of the first term of the root, 3x 4 , we have the next term of the root, 2x (§ 171, II). Now, 3 ab + b 2 equals 3 x x 2 x 2 x + (2 x) 2 , or 6 x 3 + 4 x 2 . Adding this to 3x 4 , multiplying the result by 2x, and subtracting the product, 6x 5 + 12 x 4 + 8x 3 , from the first remainder, gives the second remainder, - 9x 4 - 30 x 3 - 9x 2 -f 54 x- 27 (§ 171, III). Dividing the first term of this by three times the square of the first term of the root, 3x 2 , we have the last term of the root, — 3. Now, 8(a + b) 2 equals 3(x 2 + 2 x) 2 , or 3 x 4 + 12x 3 + 12 x 2 ; 3(« + b)c equals 3(x 2 + 2x)( — 3), or — 9x 2 — 18 x ; and tfi = 9. Adding these results, we have 3x 4 -f 12 x 3 + 3x 2 — 18 x + 9. Subtracting from the second remainder the product of this by — 8, »./' t and :> > .'"* -f 12 X s + 12 x 2 are called trial divisor*, and the expressions 3 x 4 + x 3 -f 4 x 2 and 3 x 4 + 12 x 8 + 3 x 2 — 18 x -f 9 complete divisors. INVOLUTION AM) EVOLUTION 101 We then have the following rule for finding the cube root of a polynomial perfect cube : Arrange the expression according to the powers of some letter. Extract the cube root of the first term, write the result as the first term of the root, and subtract its cube from the given expression ; arranging the remainder in the same order of powers as the given expression. Divide the first term of the remainder by three times the square of the first term of the root, and write the result as the next term of the root. Add to the trial divisor three times the product of the term of the root last obtained by the part of the root previously found, and the square of the term of the root last obtained. Multiply the complete divisor by the term of the root last obtained, and subtract the product from the remainder. If other terms remain, proceed as before, taking three times the square of the part of the root already found for the next trial divisor. EXERCISE 32 Find the square roots of the following : i. 4 a 4 + 12 a*b - 7 a 2 b 2 - 24 db* + 16 b\ 2. 49m 4 -5m 2 -42m 3 + l + 6m. 3. 9a 2 -24a&-36«c + 166 2 + 48&c + 36c 2 . 5. x 6 + 5x i + Ux s -6x 5 + l-4x-2x 2 . 6. 4m4-25m i -12m* + 16-24,y,l. 7 . 64 c 2 -80 c -23 + 9c" 2 + 30 c" 1 . 8. 4 x + 9 y~ A + 4 xhj~ 2 + 24 $#"* - 1 % V 1 - 9 . 6 yz~ 2 + ±x- 2 + y 2 -4 x-hj - 12 x~ l z~ 2 + 9 z~\ 102 ALGEBRA 10. 4 a 3 + 29 a - 4 J + 21 a 2 - 20 a * + 4 - 18 a* Find the cube roots of the following : ii. 343 %* - 441 x>y 4 189 xy 2 - 27 y\ 12. a 6 -9 0^4 21 a 4 4 9 ar* - 42 a? 2 - 36 ar- 8. 13.. 18 a 4 - 13 a 3 + 1 + 8 a G 4 9 a 2 - 3 a - 12 a 5 . 14. 54 m 5 4 44 ra 3 + 1 + 27 m fi 4 63 m 4 4 6 m 4 21 m 2 . 5 3 3 27 16. 64 ah- 6 - 240 a/>" 4 c + 300 ah~ 2 c 2 - 125 c 3 . 17. 8 .s 3 4 36 s 2 4 18 « - 81 - 27 s" 1 4 81 s~ 2 - 27 s~ 3 : 1 8. 21 a* - 54 a* + 27 ai + 63 a - 44 a* 4 1 - 6 a*. 19. a?" 3 - 3 x~hf 4 3 ar 1 ?/ - z 3 - 3 ar 2 z -.y* 4- 6 arty*« - 3#s + 3 x- V _ 3 y ^ 20. a 4 6 aV 1 4 12 ah~ 2 4- 8 6~ 3 4 3 a V 2 4 12 aVV" 2 + 12 6" 2 c- 2 4 3 a V 4 4- 6 Ir^r* 4 c" 6 . Find the fourth roots of the following : 21. 81 a 10 - 36 a* k x~* 4 6 a 5 *- 1 * - $ a*ar 5 4 gV *"*• 22. a? 8 - 12 x- 7 4 50a; 6 -72 x 5 -21 a* 4 4- 72 a 8 + 50 a 2 4 12 a + 1. Find the sixth roots of the following : 23. 64 m 12 - 192 m 10 4- 240 m 8 - 160 m« 4- 60 m 4 - 1 2 m s 4 1. 24. a 3 - 3 a*6* 4 V <** - f a *(t 4 1 j «?; 6 - A «^ ¥ + * l * & 9 - 173. Square Root of any Integral Perfect Square. The square root of an integral perfect square may be found in the same way as the square root of a polynomial. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 103 We have the following rule for finding the square root of an integral perfect square : Separate the number into periods of two digits each, beginning with the units' place. Find the greatest square in the left-hand period, and write its square root as the first digit of the root ; sub- tract the square of the first root digit from the left-hand period, and to the result annex the next period. Divide this remainder, omitting the last digit, by twice the part of the root already found, and annex the quo- tient to the root, and also to the trial divisor. Multiply tne complete divisor by the root digit last obtained, and subtract the product from the remainder. If other periods remain, proceed as before, doubling the part of the root already found for the next trial divisor. Note 1 : It sometimes happens that, on multiplying a complete divisor by the digit of the root last obtained, the product is greater than the remainder. In such a case, the digit of the root last obtained is too great, and one less must be substituted for it. Note 2 : If any root digit is 0, annex to the trial divisor, and annex to the remainder the next period. Ex. Required the square root of 15376. 1 a 2 = 1 2 a + b = 200 + 20 b = 20 '53'76 00 00 53 76 44 00 100 + 20 + 4 = a + b + c = (2a + b)b 2a + 26 + c = 200+40 + 4 4 9 76 9 76 = (2a + 2b + c)c Pointing the number in accordance with the rule of § 173, we find that there are three digits in its square root. Let a represent the hundreds' digit of the root, with two ciphers annexed ; b the tens' digit, with one cipher annexed ; and c the units' digit. Then, a must be the greatest multiple of 100 whose square is less than 15376 ; this we find to be 100. Subtracting a 2 , or 10000, from the given number, the result is 5376. 104 ALGEBRA Dividing the remainder by 2 a, or 200, we have the quotient 26+ ; which suggests that b equals 20. Adding this to 2 a, or 200, and multiplying the result by b, or 20, we have 4400 ; which, subtracted from 5376, leaves 97(1. Since this remainder equals (2 a + 2 b + c)c, we can get c approxi- mately by dividing it by 2 a + 2 &, or 200 + 40. Dividing 976 by 240, we have the quotient 4+ ; which suggests that c equals 4. Adding this to 240, multiplying the result by 4, and subtracting the product, 976, there is no remainder. Then 124 is the square root. Omitting the ciphers for the sake of brevity, and condensing the opera- tion, we may arrange the work of the example as follows: 1'53'76[124 1 22 53 44 2441976 976 CUBE ROOT OP AN ARITHMETICAL NUMBER 174. The cube root of 1000 is 10 ; of 1000000 is 100, etc. Hence, the cube root of a number between 1 and 1000 is be- tween 1 and 10 ; the cube root of a number between 1000 and 1000000 is between 10 and 100 ; etc. That is, the integral part of the cube root of an integer of one, two, or three digits contains one digit; of an integer of four, five, or six digits contains two digits ; and so on. Hence, if a point be placed over every third digit of an integer, beginning at the units' place, the number of points shows the number of digits in the integral part of its cube root. 175. Cube Root of any Integral Perfect Cube. The cube root of an integral perfect cube may be found in the same way as the cube root of a polynomial. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 105 Required the cube root of 124871G8. 12487108 1 200 + 30 + 2 q 8 = 8000000 1 = a + b + c 3 a 2 = 120000 Sab = 18000 b 1 = 900 138900 30 4487168 4167000 3(a + b) 2 = 158700 3(a + b)c = 1380 c 2 = 4 160084 2 320168 320168 Pointing the number in accordance with the rule of § 174, we find that there are three digits in the cube root. Let a represent the hundreds' digit of the root, with two ciphers annexed ; b the tens' digit, with one cipher annexed ; and c the units' digit. Then, a must be the greatest multiple of 100 whose cube is less than 12487168 ; this we find to be 200. Subtracting a 3 , or 8000000, from the given number, the result is 4487168. Dividing this by 3 a 2 , or 120000, we have the quotient 37+ ; which sug- gests that b equals 30. Adding to the divisor 120000, 3 ab, or 18000, and 6 2 , or 900, we have 138900. Multiplying this by &, or 30, and subtracting the product 4167000 from 4487168, we have 320168. Since this remainder equals [3 (a + &) 2 + 3(a + b)c + c 2 ]c (§ 171, III), we can get c approximately by dividing it by 3(a + ft) 2 , or 168700. Dividing 320168 by 158700, the quotient is 2+ ; which suggests that c equals 2. Adding to the divisor 158700, 3 (a + 6)c, or 1380, and c 2 , or 4, we have 160084 ; multiplying this by 2, and subtracting the product, 320168, there is no remainder. Then, 200 + 30 + 2, or 232, is the required cube root. 176. Omitting the ciphers for the sake of brevity^ and con- densing the process, the work of the example of § 175 will stand as follows ; 106 ALGEBRA 1200 180 9 1389 4487 4167 158700 1380 4 160084 320168 320168 The numbers 120000 and 158700 are called trial divisors, and the num- bers 138900 and 160084 are called complete divisors. We then have the following rule for finding the cube root of an integral perfect cube : Separate the number into periods by pointing every third digit, beginning with the units' place. Find the greatest cube in the left-hand period, and write its cube root as the first digit of the root ; subtract the cube of the first root digit from the left-hand period, and to the result annex the next period. Divide this remainder by three times the square of the part of the root already found, with two ciphers annexed, and write the quotient as the next digit of the root. Add to the trial divisor three times the product of the last root digit by the part of the root previously found, with one cipher annexed, and the square of the last root digit. Multiply the complete divisor by the digit of the root last obtained, and subtract the product from the re- mainder. -* If other periods remain, proceed as before, taking three times the square of the part of the root already found, with two ciphers annexed, for the next trial divisor. Note 1 : Note 1, § 173, applies with equal force to the above rule. Note 2 : If any root-figure is 0, annex two ciphers to the trial divisor, and annex to the remainder the next period. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 107 177. In the example of § 175, the first complete divisor is 3a 2 +3ab + b 2 . (1) The next trial divisor is 3 (a -f b) 2 , or 3 a 2 -f 6 ab + 3 b 2 . This may be obtained from (1) by adding to* it its second term, and double its third term. That is, if the first number and the double of the sec- ond number required to complete any trial divisor be added to the complete divisor, the result, with two ciphers annexed, will give the next trial divisor. This rule saves much labor in forming the trial divisors. Ex. Find the cube root of 157464. 157464 |_54_ 125 7500 600 16 8116 32464 32464 EXERCISE 33 Find the square roots of the following : i. 5294601. 3. .00098596. 5. .0037319881. 2. 68.7241. 4. 567762.25. Find the cube roots of the following : 6. 658503. 9. .000070444997. 7. 1953125. 10. .000001601613. 8. 748.613312. Find the first four figures of the square roots of : 11. 3. 12. f 13. if- 14. f 15- iM Find the first four figures of the cube roots of : 16. 5. 17. 16. 18. J. 19- -~- 20 - *V 108 ALGEBRA OTHER POWERS 178. A Series is a succession of terms. A Finite Series is one having a limited number of terms. An Infinite. Series is one having an unlimited number of terms. 179. In §§ 103 and 168 we gave rules for finding the square or cube of any binomial. The Binomial Theorem is a formula by means of which any power of a binomial may be expanded into a series. 180. Proof of the Binomial Theorem for a Positive Integral Exponent. The following are obtained by actual multiplication : (a + x) 2 = a 2 + 2 ax + x 2 ; (a + x) s = a?+3a 2 x + 3ax 2 + x i ', . (a + x) 4 = a 4 + 4 a 3 x + 6 cPx 2 -f 4 ax 3 + x 4 ; etc. In these results, we observe the following laws : 1. The number of terms is greater by 1 than the exponent of the binomial. 2. The exponent of a in the first term is the same as the exponent of the binomial, and decreases by 1 in each succeed- ing term. 3. The exponent of x in the second term is 1, and increases by 1 in each succeeding term. 4. The coefficient of the first term is 1, and the coefficient of the second term is the exponent of the binomial. 5. If the coefficient of any term be multiplied by the expo- nent of a in that term, and the result divided by the exponent of x in the term increased by 1, the quotient will be the coefficient of the next following term. 181. If the laws of § 180 be assumed to hold for the expan- sion of (a-f- x) n , where n is any positive integer, the exponent of a in the first term is n, in the second term n — 1, in the third term n — 2, in the fourth term n — 3, etc. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 109 The exponent of x in the second term is 1, in the third term 2, in the fourth term 3, etc. The coefficient of the first term is 1*; of the second term n. Multiplying the coefficient of the second term, n, by n — 1, the exponent of a in that term, and dividing the result by the exponent of x in the term increased by 1, or 2, we have Vl \ u ~ ) as the coefficient of the third term ; and so on. 1.2 ' Then, (a + x) n = a n + na n ~ l x + n ^"^ 1 ) ^- 2 x 2 n(n-l)(n-2) _^, ■ (1) 1.2-3 V ' Multiplying both members of (1) by a + a, we have (« + x)^ 1 = «»+! + na n x -4- w(n ~" X) a n ~W + W C W ~ 1 )C»- 2 ) g >-2 g 8 + ... 1 • 2i 1 • '- • o + a n x+ na n ~ 1 x 2 + n ( n ~ ^ a n ~ 2 x* + — . 1 • ii Collecting the terms which contain like powers of a and x, we have (a + z) n+1 = a n+1 + (n + l)a n x + pO*- 1 ) + nla*- 1 * 2 r n(n-l)(n-2) . n(n-l) "] ^^ ■ ... L 1-2.3 1-2 J = a"* 1 + (n + l)a n x + np-=-^ + lla"" 1 * 2 1-2 L 3 J Then, (a 4- x) n+1 = ^ n+1 + O 4- l)a n x + n r^-Ha"" 1 * 2 = a** 1 + (n + l)a"x + ( n + *)* o"-^ 2 (w+l)ii(n-l) 2z 3 + .... (2) 1.2-3 K 110 ALGEBRA It will be observed that this result is in accordance with the laws of § 180 ; which proves that, if the laws hold for any power of a -f x whose exponent is a positive integer, they also hold for a power whose exponent is greater by 1. But the laws have been shown to hold for (a -f- x) 4 , and hence they also hold for (a + x) 5 ; and since they hold for (a -f- x) 5 , they also hold for (a + #) 6 ; and so on. Therefore, the laws hold when the exponent is any positive integer, and equation (1) is proved for every positive integral value of n. Equation (1) is called the Binomial Theorem. In place of the denominators 1 • 2 ; 1-2-3, etc., it is usual to write [2, [3, etc. The symbol |_n, read " factorial w," signifies the product of the natural numbers from 1 to n, inclusive. The method of proof exemplified in § 181 is known as Mathematical Induction. 182. Putting a — 1 in equation (1), § 181, we have (i+ a? )» = i+n^+ ^r 1 > g »+ n ( n -y n -- 2 ) ^+...- \2_ [3 183. In expanding expressions by the Binomial Theorem, it is convenient to obtain the exponents and coefficients of the terms by aid of the laws of § 180. i . Expand (a + x) 5 . The exponent of a in the first term is 6, and decreases by 1 in each succeeding term. The exponent of x in the second term is 1, and increases by 1 in each succeeding term. The coefficient of the first term is 1 ; of the second, 5. Multiplying 5, the coefficient of the second term, by 4, the exponent of a in that term, and dividing the result by the exponent of x increased by 1, or 2, we have 10 as the coefficient of the third term ; avid so on. Then, (a + a) 5 = a 5 + 5 a 4 x + 10 a' 6 x +10 aV + 6 ax v + x 6 . INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 111 It will be observed that the coefficients of terms equally distant from the ends of the expansion are equal ; this law will be proved in § 185. Thus the coefficients of the latter half of an expansion may be written out from the first half. If the second term of the binomial is negative, it should be enclosed, negative sign and all, in parentheses before applying the laws. 2. Expand (1 — xf. = 16 4-6.1&. (-x) + 15.1*. (-a-) 2 + 20- 1". (-*)• + 15 • I 2 . ( - X)4 + 6 . 1 • (- X) 5 + (- *)• = 1 - 6 x + 15 x 2 -20 x 3 + 15 x 4 - 6 x 5 + x 6 . If the first term of the binomial is an arithmetical number, it is con- venient to write the exponents at first without reduction ; the result should afterwards be reduced to its simplest form. If either term of the binomial has a coefficient or exponent other than unity, it should be enclosed in parentheses before applying the laws. 3. Expand (3 m 2 — Vn) 4 . (3 m 2 - Vny = [(3 m 2 ) + (- ?ii)] 4 = (3 ra 2 )* + 4 (3 m 2 ) 3 ( - ni) + 6(3 m 2 ) 2 (- ni) 2 + 4 (3 m 2 ) ( - niy + (- nty = 81 m 8 - 108 m*f»£ + 54 m*n$ - 12 m 2 n + nl A trinomial may be raised to any power by the Binomial Theorem, if two of its terms be enclosed in parentheses, and regarded as a single term ; but for second powers, the method of § 167 is shorter. 4. Expand (x 2 -2x- 2) 4 . ( X 2 _ 2 x - 2)4 = [(x 2 _ 2x) + (- 2)]* = (x 2 - 2 x) 4 + 4 (x 2 - 2 x) 3 (- 2) + 6 (x 2 - 2 x) 2 *;- 2)* + 4(x 2 -2x)(-2) 3 + (-2) 4 = x 8 - 8 x? + 24 x« - 32 x 6 + 16x* _ 8 ( x 6 - 6 x 5 + 1 2 x 4 - 8 X s ) + 24(x 4 -4x 3 + 4x 2 ) -32(x 2 -2x)+ 16 = x 8 - 8 x 1 + 16 xe + 16 x 5 - 56x 4 -32x 3 + 64 x 2 + 64x + 16. 112 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 34 Expand the following : 2. (x-yf. \ 3n J 3 . (i-*p. ««• (2c-*-icr^. W ' ' 16. (1 - a 2 )' 2 . 5. (a 2 - ft)\ \ _ ' , _ 18. (a + 6) 16 . 7. (3 m — 4 n) 4 . .. ~ 8. (^-2g) 6 . I9 ' (2 a " t+ i~=fJ 9. (ar 2 + ^) 5 20 . (a^-7/V) 11 . 10. (2a~* + ^) 7 . 21. (a + ^-c) 4 . /^ \6 22. (x 2 - 2 a - 3) 4 . 12. 23. (m 2 - 2 m + I) 4 - a 2 & 2 \ 8 24. (a 2 + x + l) 5 . & ay 25. (1 + c + c 2 ) ,2\6 184. To find the rth or general term in the expansion of (a + x) n . The following laws hold for any term in the expansion of (a + x) n , in equation (1), § 181 : 1. The exponent of x is less by 1 than the number of the term. 2. The exponent of a is n minus the exponent of x % 3. The last factor of the numerator is greater by 1 than the exponent of a. 4. The last factor of the denominator is the same as the exponent of x. Therefore in the rth term, the exponent of x will be r — 1. The exponent of a will be n — (r — 1), or n — r + 1. The last factor of the nu 111 crater will be n — r + 2. The last factor of the denominator will be r — 1. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 113 Hence, the rth term n(n - 1) O - 2) . • . (n - r + 2) n _ r+1 r-1 w i In finding any term of an expansion, it is convenient to obtain the coefficient and exponents of the terms by the above laws. Ex. Find the 8th term of (3 a* - &- 1 ) 11 . We have, (3 ah - 6" 1 ) 11 = [(3 ah) + (- ft" 1 )] 11 . ■ ■ In this case, n = 11, r = 8. The exponent of (— b' 1 ) is 8 — 1, or 7. The exponent of (3 a%) is 11 — 7, or 4. The first factor of the numerator is 11, and the last factor 4 + 1, or 5. The last factor of the denominator is 7. Then, the 8th term = U • 10 ■ 9-8- 7 -6- 5 J w _ & _n 7^ ;i ; = 330(81 a 2 ) (- 6" 7 ) = - 26730 a 2 &" 7 . If the second term of the binomial is negative, it should be enclosed, sign and all, in parentheses before applying the laws. If either term of the binomial has a coefficient or exponent other than unity, it should be enclosed in parentheses before applying the laws. Find the : exercise 35 x. 5th term of (a + b) K ^ q{ _ JV* 2. Tth term of (x-y) 10 . 3 xj ' 3. 6th term of (1 - a) 11 . 8 . 6th term of f^ + -^ lr 4. 4th term of (a 2 — & 3 ) 8 . 5. 8th term of (d - 2 #J» g . 5th term of ( /« _Ji)\ 6. 10th term of (m' s + r> ) * ,. ,1 * p / /- « , N7 v 2/ io. 4th term of (xVy — -f y-i) 7 . 185. Multiplying both terms of the coefficient, in (1), § 184, by the product of the natural numbers from 1 to n — r -f- 1, in- clusive, the coefficient of the rth term becomes w(n-l)--(n — r + 2)-(tt-r + l)-..2-l [n \r — 1 x 1 • 2 ... (n - r + 1) " [r — 1 \ n — r + l ' 114 ALGEBRA Since the number of terms in the expansion is n -j- 1, the rth term from the end is the (n — r -f 2)th from the beginning. Then, to find the coefficient of the rth term from the end, we put in the above formula n — r -f 2 for r. Then, the coefficient of the rth term from the end is or \n — r + 2 — l \n — (n — r + 2)+l ' \n — r + 1 \r — 1 Hence, in the expansion of (a + a?) w , the coefficients of terms equidistant from the ends of the expansion are equal. 186. It was proved in § 181 that, if n is a positive integer, (a + x) n = a n + na n ~ l x + n ( n — 1 ) a n - 2 z 2 v J 1-2 , n (n — l)(n — 2) _- o . + v la 2 q + '"' If n is a negative integer, or a positive or negative fraction, the series in the second member is infinite (§ 178) ; for no one of the expressions n — 1, n — 2, etc., can equal zero ; in this case, the series gives the value of (a + x) n , provided it is convergent. As a rigorous proof of the Binomial Theorem for Fractional and Nega- tive Exponents is too difficult for pupils at this stage of their progress, the author has thought best to omit it ; any one desiring a rigorous algebraic proof of the theorem, will find it in the author's Advanced Course in Algebra, § 575. 187. Examples. In expanding expressions by the Binomial Theorem when the exponent is fractional or negative, the exponents and coefficients of the terms may be found by the laws of § 180, which hold for all values of the exponent. I. Expand (a + xy to five terms. The exponent of a in the first term is §, and decreases by 1 in each succeeding term. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 115 The exponent of x in the second term is 1, and increases by 1 in each succeeding term. The coefficient of the first term is 1 ; of the second term, J. Multiplying §, the coefficient of the second term, by — |, the exponent of a in that term, and dividing the product by the exponent of x increased by 1, or 2, we have — I as the coefficient of the third term ; and so on. Then, (a + «)*- a% + f ef*as - \a~^x L + ,^a~*x 8 - ^gT^o 4 + •••. 2. Expand (1 + 2 x~^)~ 2 to five terms. Enclosing 2 z* in parentheses, we have (1+2 x~V 2 = [1 + (2 aT*)]" 2 = l" 2 - 2 • 1-3 . (2 x~i) + 3 • I" 4 • (2 x~i) 2 - 4 • I" 5 • (2 x"i) 3 + 5 • I" 6 • (2 x~i)* - ••• = l-4x"U 12z- 1 -32x"£ + 80x- 2 + By writing the exponents of 1, in expanding [1 -f (2x~^)] -2 , we can make use of the fifth law of § 180. 3. Expand to four terms. ^V 1 - 3 x* Enclosing a -1 and — 3 x* in parentheses, we have -_JL_ = J = [(«-i) + (-3xi)]-* V a-i-3x* (a" 1 -3 a*)* = (a" 1 ) - * - 1 (a- 1 )"^- 3 xi) + { 0-T^(- 3 xi) 2 -H(a-i)- : ¥(-3a*)«+... = as + afxi + 2 afet + - 1 /- a'^x + ♦••• EXERCISE 36 Expand each, of the following to five terms : 1. (a + x)*. 4- Va-b. 7. (a* + 2 &)* 1 2. (1 + *)-*. 5 * (a + a;) 5 ' 8 - (rf-4^)"*. 3. (1 — x) *. VI — x x~* + 3 y 116 ALGEBRA I2 . !___. 14. (m*-3rr*)-3. 10. (m~ 3 + * n. V[(a~ 2 — 66-c) 7 ]. \2/ «/ xSva 41 J 188. The formula for the rth term of (a + x) n (§ 184) holds for fractional or negative values of n, since it was derived from an expansion which holds for all values of the exponent. Ex. Find the 7th term of (a - 3 x~^)~K Enclosing — 3 aft in parentheses, we have (a - 3 x"i)"i = [a + (- 3 jc~f)]"i. The exponent of (— 3 #~t) is 7 — 1, or 6. The exponent of a is — ± — 6, or — & The first factor of the numerator is — J, and the last factor — ^ + 1, or - ¥• The last factor of the denominator is 6. Hence, the 7th term 3» v y 9 _. , _ EXERCISE 37 Find the : a-V(-3ari)« 1. 6th term of (a -f *)*. 6. 11th term of V(m 4- n) 5 - K4 , . - , 7N -i 7. 7th term of (a~ 2 -2 &V 2 . 2.- 5th term of (a — 0) ». ' v } 3. 7th term of (1 + x)~\ S ' 8th term of ,_ * r ' * v ^ ; (rf + y 2 ) 4 4. 8th term of (1 - &)*. 9. 10th term of (ar 5 + y *)'* 5. 9th term of (a - x)~ 3 . 10. 6th term of (a* - 2 6" 4 )"^ 11. 5th term of (m+3n- 8 )* 1 12. 9th term of ^[(a 3 + 3&-fy] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 117 189. Extraction of Roots. The Binomial Theorem may sometimes be used to find the approximate root of a number which is not a perfect power of the same degree as the index of the root. Ex. Find V25 approximately to five places of decimals. The nearest perfect cube to 25 is 27. We have v"25 = ^27-2 = [(3 8 ) + ( - 2)]* = (3 3 ) } + i(3 8 )"*(- 2)- i(3 3 )~*(- 2)2 = 3-- + A(3 3 ) T (-2)«-. 2 4 40 3 . 3 2 9 • 35 81 • 3 8 Expressing each fraction approximately to the nearest fifth decimal place, we have ^/25 = 3 - .07407 - .00183 - .00008 = 2.92402. We then have the following rule : Separate the given number into two parts, the first of which is the nearest perfect power of the same degree as the required root, and expand the result by the Binomial Theorem. If the ratio of the second term of the binomial to the first is a small proper fraction, the terms of the expansion diminish rapidly ; but if this ratio is but little less than 1, it requires a great many terms to insure any degree of accuracy. EXERCISE 38 Find the approximate values of the following to five places of decimals : i. Vl7. 2. V51. 3. ^60. 4. ^14. 5. \/84. 6. a/35. PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC SURDS 190. A quadratic surd (§ 70) cannot equal the sum of a rational expression and a quadratic surd. For, if possible, let (a)? = b -f (c)*, 1 1 where 6 is a rational expression, and (a) 2 and (c) 1 quadratic surds. 118 ALGEBRA Squaring both members, a = 6 2 + 2 6(c)' 2 -f c, or, 2 6(c)* = a- 6 2 - c. Whence, (c) z = a ~ ft2 ~ c . 26 That is, a quadratic surd equal to a rational expression. But this is impossible ; whence, (a) 2 cannot equal 6 +(c) 2 . 191. If a +(&)* = c + (cf )*, where a and c are rational ex- pressions, and (5)* and (V21. 5. 7 + 4(3)* 13. 113-12(85)1 6. 17-12V2. 14. 366 + 24V2I0. 7. 2 + (3)4. 15. 540 -14 VII. 8. l + i V3. 195. Solution of Equations having the Unknown Numbers under Radical Signs. 1. Solve the equation V# 2 — 5 — x = — 1. Transposing — x, Vx 2 — 5 = x — 1. Squaring both members, cc 2 — 5 = # 2 — 2j+1. Transposing, 2 x = G ; whence, g = 3. (Substituting 3 for x in the given first member, and taking the positive value of the square root, the first member becomes V9"^5" - 3 = 2 - 3 = - 1 ; which shows that the solution x = 3 is correct.) We then have the following rule : Transpose the terms of the equation so that a surd term may stand alone in one member; then raise both mem- bers to a power of the same degree as the surd. If surd terms still remain, repeat the operation. The equation should be simplified as much as possible before perform ing the involution. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 121 2. Solve the equation V2 x — 1 -+■ V2 x + 6 = 7. Transposing V2 x — 1, a/2 x + 6 = 7 — V2 x — 1. Squaring, 2x4-0 = 49 - 14 V2 x - 1 + 2 x — 1. Transposing, 14 v 2 x — 1 = 42, or V2 x — 1 = 3. Squaring, 2 x — 1 = 9 ; whence, x = 5. 3. Solve the equation Vcf — 2 — Va7= V# — 2 Clearing of fractions, x — 2 — Vx 2 — 2 x = 1. Transposing, — Vx' 2 — 2 x = 3 — x. Squaring, x 2 — 2 x = 9 — 6 x + x 2 . Transposing, 4 x = 9, and x = - • . 4 (If we put x = - , the given equation becomes If we take the positive value of each square root, the above is not a true equation. Authorities differ as to whether it is allowable in such instance to choose the negative value for one of the square roots. It seems more consistent to adhere to the signs expressed in the given equation. If this rule is followed, the above equation has no solution. EXERCISE 40 Solve the following equations ; verify each root : 1. Vx + 5 + 2 = 5. 2. Va + 7 — Vx= 1. 3. Vx 2 + ±x _3-Va 2 + a + 6:=0. 4. -^ + 11 + 4 = 7. 8 . V^-WS+8 = - 12 Vtf-f-8 5. Var* — 11 -f 1 = #. /- , 1 1 V a? 4- 1 1 _ V if + 19 6. Vx - 28 = 14 - Vx. VS-3 Vs%2 /- , /T k 12 _ V4a; + 5 + Va; + 3 7. Vif+VlO— if = — . 10. — n ' ! — — 5. VlO — x Vi a + — V» + 3 122 ALGEBRA ii 3y2 a ? + 4 = 3V2a? + 2 _ a Va + # + Va — # _ 1 V2 a; V2 # -|- 1 Va + # — Va — x * 13- Va? + m+ Va? — w = V2 m — ri + 3 #. 14. Va — y-\- V& — y= Va~^ 15. V2s + 3-V3s + 3=-Vs-10. 16. A/r+Wf^"= 1 + x. 19- Va 2 -5a;-8 = V.r-4. 17. x\U-l- V# = a. 20 Vb 2 + x + Vc 2 + x = b^ ■y/b 2 + x — Vc- -\-x c l8 V6-f a? + V^ = & V& -\-x — Va VII. IMAGINARY NUMBERS 196. If a number involves an indicated even root of a nega- tive number, it is called imaginary. Such numbers depend upon a new unit, V— 1 or (— 1)* ; as V— 2, V — 3. 197. An imaginary number of the form V— a is called a pure imaginary number, and the sum of a real and an imagi- nary is called a complex number ; as a + b V— 1. 198. Meaning of a Pure Imaginary Number. If Va is real, we define Va as an expression such that, when raised to the second power, the result is a. To find what meaning to attach to a pure imaginary number, we assume the above principle to hold when Va is imaginary* Thus, V— 2 means an expression such that, when rais ed to the second power, the result is — 2 ; that is, (^ (_2^) 2 =-2. In like manner, ( V^l) 2 = (- 1*) 2 = - 1 ; etc. IMAGINARY NUMBERS 123 OPERATIONS WITH IMAGINARY NUMBERS 199. By § 198, (V^) 2 = (-5*) 2 =--5. (1) Also, (V5V^l) 2 =(V5) 2 (V^l) 2 =5(-l) = -5, (2) or (V=5) 2 =(5*) s •(-l^) 2 =5(-l) = -5. From (1) and (2), (V^5) 2 = ( V5 V^) 2 . Whence, V 11 ^ = -y/5V-l, or 5*(- 1)*. Then, every imaginary square root can be expressed as the product of a real number by V— 1. It is advisable to reduce every imaginary to this form before performing the indicated operations. V— 1 is called the imaginary unit ; it is often represented by i. In all operations with imaginary numbers, it is advisable to reduce the number to the form a + bi where a and b are real. Ex. Add V^4 and V-36. V^4 = 2*\ V- 36 = 6 i. 2t + 6 i = 8 *\ or 8v^l, or 8 (- l)i The Powers of » : V — 1 = i 1 ; (V"=t:) 3 --v^i=^; Note that the even powers of i are real, the odd powers imaginary, the fifth power like the first power, the sixth power like the second, etc. Ex. 1. Multiply V-^2 by V^S. v r ^2 = iv / 2, v^3 = iV3. (iV2) (iVS) = <*V5=- \/S, or -(€)*. 124 ALGEBRA Ex. 2. Divide (-40)2 by (-5)'. (- 40)4 = i (40)2, (- §)♦ = i (5)* -^— % = (8)* = 2 (2)*, or 2 v2. EXERCISE 41 Simplify the following : i. V^l^+V^l. 2. 2V := ^9 + 4V^25-3V^36. 3. 2V ::r 3-3V^27 + 5V : = : 12. 4. 7 V^a 2 - 3 V- 49 a 2 - 2 V^4a 2 . 5. iV^8 + iV^32-lV^162. 6. Add2 + V : ^to3-2v r=: 27. 7. From 8-6 V- 121 subtract 5 + 2 V-169. 8. From a - V26-6 2 -l take 6 - V2 a - a 2 - 1. Multiply the following : 9. V^byV^T. 11. -V^Wby V^~6. . 10. V^by V-144. 12. _V-432by-V := ~75. 13. V — a 2 , V — 5 2 , an d — V — c 2 . 14. 2+V-3by 3-4V :r 3. 15. 5-2V-Tby 4-3i. 16. 4t"VaJ — SiVy by 9i'V# + V — 2/. Expand the following : 17. (2-V^3) 2 . 18. (3V^2 + 2V" : ^3) 2 . 19. (2V^4-3V^)(2V^-3V'^7). 20. (a — V— 6) 8 . IMAGINARY NUMBERS 125 Divide the following: 21. V^^byV^. 23. -Vl^by-V^ 22. V— 54 by — V— 3. 24. — V— 96a6 by V— Sab. 25. 6^V6~VS84 by -V^H GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF IMAGINARY NUMBERS 200. Let be any point in the straight line XX 1 . We may suppose any positive real number, + a, to be represented by /^*\ the distance from to A, a units to 2 A' -& 0+^ A x the right of O in OX. Then any negative real number, — a, may be represented by the distance from to A', a units to the left of in OX'. 201. Since — a is the same as (-f-a)x(- 1), it follows from § 200 that the product of + a by — 1 is represented by turning the line OA, which represents the number + a, through two right angles, in a direction opposite to the motion of the hands of a clock. Then, in the product of any real number by — 1, we may regard — 1 as an operator which turns $he line which repre- sents the first factor through two right angles, in a direction opposite to the motion of the hands of a clock. 202. Graphical Representation of the Imaginary Unit i (§ 196). By the definition of § 198, — 1 = 1 x ii Then, since one multiplication by i, fol- lowed by another multiplication by i, turns the line which represents the first factor X- 1 — ^ 1 2 through two right angles, in a direction opposite to the hands of a clock, we may regard multiplication by 1 as turning the line through one right angle, in the same direction. Thus, let XX and YY' be straight lines intersecting at right angles at O. Y •B c- +ai +i S . nr 0-f-a A -1 c'. -ai -B' f 126 ALGEBRA Then, if + a be represented by the line OA, where A is a units to the right of in OX, + ai may be represented by OB, and — ai by OB', where B is a units above, and B' a units below, O, in 77'. Also, + i may be represented by OC, and — i by OC, where C is one unit above, and C one unit below, 0, in 77'. 203. Graphical Representation of Complex Numbers. We will now show how to represent the complex number a + bi. Y ■ B rO ,V *>A I *> c^. /X C v>' B r' EXERCISE 42 Represent the following graphically : i. 3 I 2. — 61 3. 4 + i. 5. 2-5i. 6. -5-:W. 4 . _l + 2 t\ 7. -7 + 4t. IMAGINARY NUMBERS 127 204. Graphical Representation of Addition. We will now show how to represent the result of adding b to =— 7, c = 3 ; substituting in (1), • = 3 or -. 22 4 2 EXERCISE 44 Solve by the first method : (Verify each result.) i. ar- 12^4- 32 = 0. 6. *2 + *_30 = 0. z 2 + 7 z- 30 = 0. 7. 6 z 2 4-4 = -11 z. 4^-Tf — 8. 8 4* 2 -3* = 7. 16x 2 -8x-35=0. 9 . ?_ 2 _^_M = o. 3 m 2 -26 = 9 m 2 -80. 3 2 6 3a; 2 2a?-6 = 1 2_ x 2 — 7#4-6 x — 6 Solve by second method : (Verify each result.) ii. (3fc4-2)(2&H-3) = (fc-3)(2fc-4). 12. 30 - 3° 07 iC-f 1 13. Vm -f 2 4- V3 m + 4 = 8. 14. (y-3y-(y + 2)* = -65. 15. V5 4- x 4- V5 — x = - 16. d-2 iVote i : In solving equations involving fractions or radicals reject any root which does not satisfy the given equation. 132 ALGEBRA Solve by means of the formula in §213, (1): (Verify each result.) 17. 3x 2 -2x = A0. 5 13 1 18. 9x 2 + 18x=-8. . 6 * 9z " 1S 1 1 a 2 - 17 20. x + 3 x-5 x 2 -2x-15 21 . y~ c y + c^ if-Bc 2 ^ y + c y — c y 2 — +7a?-26 = 58-7a. 28. 5 (a + 2)* + (a? + 2) = 36. 29. (a 2 + 4a4-2) 2 = 31+2(a 2 + 4a + 2). 30. a 4 -8ar J + 10# 2 + 24#-315 = 0. 31. What number is that to which if you add its square the sum will be 42 ? 32. A rectangular field is 40 rods longer than it is wide. By doubling its length and decreasing its width by 15 rods, the area is unchanged. Find dimensions of the field. 32- The difference between two numbers is 7, and the dif- ference between their cubes is 1267. Find the numbers. 34. The denominator of a fraction is 3 more than its numera- tor and by adding the fraction to its reciprocal the sum is 2^. What is the fraction ? QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 135 35. There is a number consisting of two digits whose sum is 11. If from the number 3 times the product of the digits is subtracted, the remainder will equal the sum of the digits. Find the number. 36. A man sells goods for $120, gaining a per cent equal to I the cost of the gooo^s. What was the cost of the goods ? 37. A picture 13 inches by 8 inches is surrounded by a frame of uniform width whose area is 162 square inches. Find the width of the frame. 38. A man put $ 2400 in a savings bank which paid inter- est semiannually. At the end of a year he found that he had to his credit $ 2496.96. What interest did the bank pay ? 39. A number of people plan an excursion which is to cost them $ 30. It is found later that 3 of the party cannot go, which increases the cost 50 cents to each member. How many are there in the party and what did each one pay ? 40. A and B start together for a 6-mile walk. A's rate per hour is \ mile more than B's, and he finds he can reach his destina- tion in 24 minutes less time than B. What is the rate of each ? 41. An open rectangular box is 8 inches high. Its length is 4 more than its width. Its volume is 768 cubic inches. Find its inside dimensions. 42. In a given circle APB, a perpen- dicular DP, dropped from a point P in the circumference to the diameter AB, is a mean proportional between the seg- ments, AD and DB, of the diameter. If the radius of the circle is 12 and DP is 2V5, how far is D from B? 43. An open rectangular box 5 inches deep (inside measure) is made of 1-inch lumber. Its length is 1 inch less than twice its width. The difference between the volumes when inside and outside measurements are taken is 271 cubic inches. How much sheet metal will be needed for lining the sides and bottom of the box ? 136 ALGEBRA 44. Two lines AB and CD intersect at in such a manner that AO-OB=CO- OD. If CD = U,AO = 15, and AB = 18, find CO. 45. A has a lease on a square room. He sublet to B a part 10 feet wide along one entire side of the room, at a rental of $ 160 per month. The part of the room retained by A contained 704 square feet. How much rental per square foot did B pay ? Explain your negative roots. 46. A tangent, PT, to a circle is a mean pro- portional between the whole secant PD and the external segment PE. If PT is 12, the radius 5, and PD passes through the center, find PE. 47. The upper base and the altitude of a trapezoid are equal, the lower base is 20 and the area is 112. Find the upper base. 48. The length of a rectangle is V2 more than the side of a given square, and its breadth is V2 less than a side of the same square. The area of the rectangle is 1. Find the di- mensions of the rectangle correct to three decimal places. THEORY OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 214. Number of Roots. A quadratic equation cannot have more than two dif- ferent roots. Every quadratic equation can be reduced to the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0. * If possible, let this have three different roots, n, ft, and r$. Then, an 2 + br x + c = 0, (1) ar 2 2 + br 2 + c = 0, (2) and ar s 2 + br 3 + c = 0. (3) Subtracting (2) from (1), a{r x 2 - r 2 2 ) + &(r* - r 2 ) = 0. Then, a(n + r%) (n. — r 2 ) 4- &Oi — r 2 ) = 0, or, (n — r 2 ) (ari + ar 2 + 6) — 0. Then, by § 110, either ri — r 2 =* 0, or ar\ -f oft + ?> = 0. But ri — r 2 cannot equal 0, for, by hypothesis, r*i and r 2 are different. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 137 Whence, ari + ar-2, + 6 = 0. (4) Iii like manner, by subtracting (3) from (1), we have ari + an + 6 = 0. (5) Subtracting (5) from (4), ar 2 — an = 0, or r 2 — n = 0. But this is impossible, for, by hypothesis, r 2 and n are different ; hence, a quadratic equation cannot have more than two different roots. 215. The graphs of quadratic equations can be readily con- structed by the method used in §§ 44-48. Construct the graph of x- ■6 = 0. Placing the first member of the equation equal to y, we have x 2 — x — 6 = y. a) (2) Assigning values to x, we obtain corresponding values of y. For example, Substituting x = in (2), we have y = - 6, Substituting x = 2 in (2), we have y = — 4, etc. x 2 — x — 6 = ?y 2/ -6 -6i (-1) -6 - 51 (-B) -4 (O) - 2J (D) (E) 6 -51 (G) -4 (H) W 6 Y \ \ \ \ X' K ) O / E >■ Yc H c /P A Y' X 2 _ x _ e s- 0, (£-3)(x + 2) =0, x = 3 or Solving or we have, x — 3 or — 2. These values, x = 3, x = — 2, are the abscissas of the points where the curve crosses the x-axis, the curve showing in a graphical way why a quadratic equation has two roots. 138 ALGEBRA The graph of every equation of the form x 2 + px — q = or ax 2 -f bx -f- c = is a curve of the above form and is called a parabola. 216. Sum of Roots and Product of Roots. Let r x and r 2 denote the roots of ax 2 -f- bx + c = 0. By § 213, (1), n = -ft + V5'-4qc and ^ = - b - Vb 2 - 4 flC . 2 a 2 a Adding these values, n -f ra == — — - = — -• 2 a a Multiplying them together, nn = ^-{b^-iac) ( 103 j = 4_ae = c . 4 a 2 4 a 2 a Hence, if a quadratic equation is in the form ax 2 -f bx + c = 0, the sum of the roots equals minus the coefficient of x divided by the coefficient of a? 2 , and the product of the roots equals the independent term divided by the coefficient of a? 2 . 217. Formation of Quadratic Equations. By aid of the principles of § 216, a quadratic equation may be formed which shall have any required roots. For, let ri and r 2 denote the roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, or a 2 + — + - = 0. (1) a a Then by § 216, 5 = _ n - r 2 , and G - = nr 2 . a a Substituting these values in (1), we have x 2 — r\X — r 2 x + 7"ir 2 = 0. Or, (x — r x ) (x — r 2 ) = 0. Therefore, to form a quadratic equation which shall have any required roots, Subtract each of the roots from 05, and place the prod- uct of the resulting expressions equal to zero. Ex. Form the quadratic whose roots shall be 4 and — -J. By the rule, (« - 4) (x + J) = 0. Multiplying by 4, {x - 4) (4 x + 7) = ; or, 4 x 2 - 9 x - 28 = 0. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 139 DISCUSSION OF GENERAL EQUATION 218. The roots of a quadratic equation may take several forms : 1. The roots may be rational, unequal, of the same sign. 2. The roots may be rational, unequal, of opposite sign. 3. The roots may be rational, equal. 4. The roots may be irrational, unequal. 5. The roots may be irrational, equal. 6. The roots may be irrational and the number under the radical sign negative. These forms and the causes for their existence are at once seen when one considers the formula in § 213. By § 213, the roots of ax 2 + bx -f- c == are — b 4- V& 2 — 1 ac -, — b — -\/b 2 — 4 ac r, = :£ — ■ and r 2 = 1 2a 2a We will now discuss these results for all possible real values of a, b, and c. I. b 2 — 4 ac positive. In this case, i\ and r 2 are real and unequal. II. &*-4ac = 0. In this case, r x and r 2 are real and equal. III. c = 0. In this case, the equation takes the form ax 2 + bx = : whence x = or a Hence, the roots are both real, one being zero. IV. b = 0, and c = 0. In this case, the equation takes the form ax 2 = 0. Hence, both roots equal zero. V. b 2 — 4 ac negative. • In this case, r x and r 2 are imaginary (§ 196). VI. 6 = 0. In this case, the equation takes the form ax 2 -f c = ; whence, a? = ± \/ 140 ALGEBRA If a and c are of unlike sign, the roots are real, equal in absolute value, and unlike in sign. If a and c are of like sign, both roots are imaginary. The roots are both rational, or both irrational, according as b 2 — 4 ac is, or is not, a perfect square. 219. It is evident that irrational roots, whether real or imaginary, must occur in conjugate pairs. That is, in an equation of the form of ax* -f bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are real, if one root is of the form k -f y7t the other must be k — ^/h where k and h are real. EXERCISE 46 Find by inspection the sum and product of the roots of the following : i. x 2 — 2 x — 35 = 0. 5- x 2 -f ax — bx = ab. 2. x 2 + 15^ + 36 = 0. 6. cdx 2 + d 2 x = c 2 x + cd. 3. 2r J + 7a;-4 = 0. 7- # 2 -2V2a-2 = 0. 4- 5a 2 -13a = -6. 8. One root of 8 x 2 — 2 a? — 15 = is — 1^; find the other. 9. One root of 6X 2 + 11 x— 2 = is ^; find the other. 10. One root of 2ar 5 -8a; 2 +2a4-12=0 i s 2 ; find the others. 11. One root of m 3 — 7 m + 6 = is — 3 ; find the others. 12. If r Y and r 2 are the roots of x 2 -f x -f- 1 = 0, what does r 2 -+- r 2 2 equal ? r? -f- ^ 3 ? Form the equations whose roots are : 13- 2, 3. 18. a, 6 a. 14. — 1, 4. 19. a 4- V&, a — V&. 15. i-3. 20. 2+V^3, 2-V^3. 16. -|, — £ 21. 3c-d, — 2c+5f7. 17. 0, -£. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 141 22. 23- V2k-5Vg y^2k±jyVg t 2 ' 2 6,-1,0. Determine by inspection the nature of the roots of the following : 24. x 2 + 7 x + 12 = 0. 30. 25. x 2 + 8x = -16. 31. 26. £ 2 + 2a-l = 0. 32. 27. ^ + 2a + 3 = 0. 33- 28. 2 a; 2 + 7 a=3. 34- 29. 4 a 2 -16 = 0. 35- 2a 2 = 15z + 18. x 2 - x = 12. 10a 2 -z = 2. 23 a? - 6 = 7 a 2 . 16 x 2 + 24 x + 9 = 0. 5x 2 + 3x = -2. GRAPHS 220. The nature of the roots discussed in § 218 is illustrated by the use of graphs : Y Fig 9 Y 1 I Fig "■ 1 y -8 -9 -8 -5 7 -5 7 1 X 1 2 8 4 5 -2 -3 y 1 1 4 9 16 9 16 \ X \ \ / \ / \ / \ / i 1 x' O X 2 / I 3 \ / \ / 4 \ / \ / 5 \ / \ / -1 \ I \ 1 -? \ 1 \ 3 \ \ / \ 1 X' \ / f X V / y' xl Fig. 1. #2_ 2^-8 = 6 2 -4ac>0 Fig. 2. #2-2a? + l=0 ft 2 - 4 ac = O 142 ALGEBRA Fig 3 X y 3 1 2 2 3 3 6 4 11 - 1 6 -2 11 Y Snip 1111 xj o x y' -3| 18 3. x*-23C + 3 = Q b 2 - 4 ac < O In Fig. 1, the curve crosses the a>axis at points whose abscis- sas are 4, — 2 ; the abscissas of these points being the values of x found in solving the equation. In Fig. 2, the intersection points coincide and we have two values of x each equal to 1. In Fig. 3, the curve and the a>axis do not coincide. EXERCISE 47 Plot the curves : i. f(x) = x 2 + 6 x + 8. (§§ 47, 220.) 2. f(x) = x 2 -6x + 8. 4 . f(x) = x 2 -6x + 9. 3. f(x) =x 2 -9. 5. f(x) = x 2 + 2 x + 4. 221. Many problems in Physics are dependent on the laws of proportion and variation. The solution of such problems is often obtained more readily by graphical means than by algebraic solution. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 143 Ex. 1. Graphical representation of a direct proportion. When a man is running at a constant speed, the distance which he travels in a given time is directly proportional to d s his speed. The algebraic expression of this relation is — = — , ord = ms. (See §161.) d ' 2 * Now, if we plot successive values of the distance, d, which correspond to various speeds, a, in precisely the same manner in which we plotted successive , * values of x and y in §§ 44-48, we obtain as the graphical picture of the relation between s and d a straight line passing through the origin. (See Fig. 1.) This is the graph of any direct proportion. Fig. l. Ex, P .2. r \ • i x. j J i L— L-Ulpa Graphical representation of an inverse proportion. The volume which a given body of gas occupies when the pressure to which it is subjected varies has been found to be inversely propor- tional to the pressure under which the gas stands ; we have seen that the algebraic statement of this re- V P> lation is — - = tt* If we plot successive values of V and P in the manner indicated in §§ 44-48, we obtain a graph of the form shown in Fig. 2. This is the graphical representa- ' tion of any inverse proportion ; the curve is called an equilateral hyper- • bola. Ex. 3. The path traversed by a ' falling body projected horizontally. i i » 4 5 6 7 8 r Fig. 2. V 2 P x ' or V = m P' V=l P = m. V=5, p_m 5 F=2, P — Wl 2 ' r=6, P -VI. (3 V=3 3 V-=l, p_m 7 F=4 p_m 4 ' F=8, 8 144 ALGEBRA When a body is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower, if it were not for gravity, it would move on in a horizontal direction indefinitely, traversing exactly the same distance in each succeeding second. Hence, if V represents the velocity of projection, the horizontal dis- tance, If, which it would traverse in any number of seconds, t, would be given by the equation H— Vt. On account of gravity, however, the body is pulled downward, and traverses in this direction in any number of seconds a distance which is given by the equation 8 = \ gt 2 . To find the actual path taken by the body, we have only to plot successive values of II and S, in the manner in which we plotted the successive values of x and ?/, in §§ 44-48. Thus, at the end of 1 second the vertical distance Si is given by #i = i 9 x l 2 = \ g ; at the end of 2 seconds we have, #2 = J g x 2 2 = \g ; at the end of 3 seconds, #3 = \ g x 3' 2 = § g ; at the end of 4 seconds, ft = . On the other hand, at the end of 1 second we have H\ = V \ at the end of 2 seconds, H 2 — 2 V ; at the end of 3 seconds, H 3 =S V; at the end of 4 seconds, H 4 =4 V. If, now, we plot these successive values of H and S, we obtain the graph shown in Fig. 3. This is the path of the body ; it is a parabola. (§ 226, Ex. 2.) Ex. 4. GrapJi of relation between the temperature and pressure existing within an air-tight boiler containing only water and water vapor. One use of graphs in physics is to express a relation which is found by experiment to exist between two quantities, which cannot be represented by any simple algebraic equation. For example, when the temperature of an air-tight boiler which contains only water and water vapor is raised, the pres- sure within the boiler increases also; thus we find by direct experiment that when the temperature of the boiler. is 0° centi- grade, the pressure which the vapor exerts will support a column of mercury 4.6 millimeters high. Fig. 3, QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 145 700 000 When the temperature is raised to 10°, the mercury column rises to 9.1 millimeters ; at 30° the column is 31.5 millimeters long, etc. To obtain a simple and compact picture of the relation between tem- perature and pressure, we plot a succession of temperatures, e.g. 0°, 10°, 20°, 80°, 40°, 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, 90°, 100°, in the manner in which we plotted successive values of x in §§ 44- 48, and then plot the corresponding values of pressure obtained by experi- ment in the manner in which we plotted the ?/'s in §§ 44-48 j we obtain the graph shown in Fig. 4. From this graph we can find at 200" once the pressure which will exist within the boiler at any temperature. For example, if we wish to know the pressure at 75° centigrade, we observe where the vertical line which passes through 75° cuts the curve and then run a horizontal line from this point to the point of intersection with the line OP. This point is found to be at 288 ; hence the pressure within the boiler at 75° centigrade is 288 millimeters. O 10 20 SO 40 50 00 TU Fig. 4. EXERCISE 48 PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS i. When the force which stretches a spring, a straight wire, or any elastic body is varied, it is found that the displacement produced in the body is always directly proportional to the force which acts upon it ; i.e. if e^ and d 2 represent any two displacements, and f x and f 2 respectively the forces which pro- duce them, then the algebraic statement of the above law is If a force of 2 pounds stretches a given wire .01 inch, how much will a force of 20 pounds stretch the same wire ? 2. If the same force is applied to two wires of the same length and material, but of different diameters, D Y and D 2 , then (i) 146 ALGEBRA the displacements +l) = 0.. SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 223. In solving simultaneous quadratic equations involving two unknown numbers it is necessary to eliminate one of the unknowns as was done in simultaneous linear equations. The elimination of an unknown number from two equations of the second degree will often produce an equation of the fourth degree with one unknown number which cannot be solved by the ordinary methods. The following general direc- tions will lead to the solution of many types. 224. Case I. When each equation is in the form ax 2 + by 2 = c. In this case, either x 2 or y 2 can be eliminated by addition or subtraction (§ 42, II, III). Case II. When each equation is of the second degree, and homogeneous; that is, when each term involving the unknown numbers is of the second degree with respect to them (§ 23). 150 algp:bra The equations may then be solved as follows : Ex. Solve the equations J ' ^' I x 2 + 2/ 2 = 29. (2) Dividing (1) by (2), x2 ~^ x V = A r 29 z 2 -58 xy = 5 a? + 5 i/ 2 . a? + ?/ 2 29 Then, 5 y 2 + 58 a;y - 24 z 2 = 0, or (5 y - 2 a:) (y + 12 *) = 0. 2 a* Placing 5 y — 2 x = 0, ^ = ^ ; substituting in (1), 5 z 2 _ »£L _ 5? or 34 = 25. 5 Then, a; = ± 5, and y = — = ± 2. 5 Case III. When the given equations are symmetrical with respect to x and y ; that is, when x and y can be interchanged without changing the equation. Equations of this kind may be solved by combining them in such a way as to obtain the values of x + y and x — y. \x + y = 2. (1) i. Solve the equations { \ xy=-15. (2) Squaring (1), x 2 + 2 xy + y 2 = 4. Multiplying (2) by 4, \xy =— 60. Subtracting, x 2 — 2 xy -f y 2 == 64. Extracting square roots, x — y = ± 8. (3) Adding (1) and (3), 2 as = 2 ± 8 = 10 or - 6. Whence, x = 5 or — 3. Subtracting (3) from (1), 2 ?/ = 2 T 8 = - 6 or 10. Whence, y = — 3 or 5. The solution is x = 5, y = — 3 ; or, x = — 3, y = 5. The above method offers the most desirable form of solution and should be employed when possible. If one equation is of the second degree, the other of the first degree, and they are not symmetrical, Case IV should be used. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 151 Case IV. When one equation is of the second degree and the other of the first. Equations of this kind may be solved by finding one of the unknown numbers in terms of the other from the first degree equation, and substituting this value in the other equation. r, a i ^ \2x 2 -xy = 6y. (1) Ex. Solve the equations \ w J x + 2y = l. (2) From (2), 2 y 5= 7 - x, or y = I— £. (*) Substituting in (1), 2x 2 -x( 7 -^-\ = qH-^JSV Clearing of fractions, 4 x 2 — 7 x -f x 2 = 42— 6 x, or 5 x 2 — x=42. Solving, x = 3 or - — . 5 Substituting in (3) , y = 1=1? or 1±J£ = 2 or — . ..... 2 2 10 The solution is x = 3, y = 2 ; or x = — ^, y = fg. Certain examples where one equation is of the third degree and the other of the first may be solved by the method of Case IV. 225. Special Methods for the Solution of Simultaneous Equa- tions of Higher Degree. No general rules can be given for examples which do not come under the cases just considered; various artifices are employed, familiarity with which can only be gained by experience. v-y=i9. (i) i. Solve the equations \x 2 y-xy 2 =6. (2) Multiply (2) by 3, 3 x 2 y - 3 xy 2 = 18. (3) Subtract (3) from (1), x 3 - Sx 2 y + Sxy 2 - y 3 = 1. Extracting cube roots, x — y = l. (4) Dividing (2) by (4), xy = 6. ~ (5) Solving equations (4) and (5) by the method of § 224, Case III, we find % ss 3, y = 2 j or, x = — 2, y =— 3. 152 ALGEBRA . ( x 8 -\- y 8 = 9 xy. 2. Solve the equations 1 ^ I a; + = 6. Putting x = u -f v and y = u — v, (u + v) 3 + (w-v) 3 = 9(w4-v)(w-'y), or, 2 w 8 + 6 uv 2 = 9(u 2 - v 2 ); (1) and (u -f a) + (m — «?) = 6, 2 w = 6, or w = 3. Putting w = 3 in (1), 54 + 18 v 2 = 9 (9 - t> 2 ). Whence, v 2 = 1, or v = ± 1. Therefore, x = w + v =3 ±1=4 or 2 ; and y = u — v = 3=Fl=2or4. The solution is x = 4, ?/ = 2 ; or, x = 2, y = 4. The artifice of substituting u + v and tt — v for £ and ?/ is advantageous in any case where the given equations are symmetrical (§ 224, Case III) with respect to x and y. See also Ex. 4. 3. Solve the equations x* + if + 2x + 2y = 23. (1) xy = 6. (2) Multiplying (2) by 2, 2xy= 12. (3) Add (1) and (3), x 2 + 2xy + y 2 + 2x + 2y = 35. Or, (x + ?/) 2 + 2(x + ?/)=35. Completing the square, (x + y) 2 + 2 (x + y) +1 = 36. Then, (x + y) + 1 = ± 6 ; and x + y = 5 or — 7. (4) Squaring (4), x 2 + 2 x^ + y 2 = 25 or 49. Multiplying (2) by 4, 4 xy = 24. Subtracting, x 2 — 2 xy + ?/ 2 = 1 or 25. Whence, x — y = ± 1 or ± 5. (5) Adding (4) and (5), 2x = 5±l, or-7±6. Whence, x = 3, 2, - 1, or — 6. Subtracting (5) from (4), 2 y = 5 T 1 ,. or - 7 =F 5. Whence, y = 2, 3, - 0, or - 1. The solution isx = 3, ?/ = 2 ; x = 2, y = 3 ; x =— 1, ?/ = — (J ; or x = — 6, QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 153 f x A + y* = 97. 4. Solve the equations -j 4 H la? +2/ =-1. Putting x = u + v and y = u — v, (u + t>) 4 + (fS - *)* = 97, or 2 «* + 12 m¥ + 2 «* = 97, (1) and (w + a) + (w — a) = — 1, 2 w = — 1, or w = — J. Substituting value of U in (1), J + 3 v 2 + 2 v 4 = 97. Solving this, 25 _ 31 or ; and v =± - or ± V-31 2 Then,x = n+^-l±g, or -1^^-^1=2,-3, or ~ 1±V - :il : 2 2' 2 2 ' 2 and y = ^-^-l T g r _l V-31^_ 3 r -l^V33T 2 2 2 2 2 The solution is x = 2, ?/ = — 3; x=-3, ?/ = 2 ; x- — l + — ~, _1_V-31 _ -l-V-31 B -i+V-31 w = ; or x = , y = ! y 2 . 2 2 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES EXERCISE 50 Solve the following equations and verify each result : 3- (2xy + x = — 36. 1 xy — 3 y = — 5. 6. [a 2 + 2/ 2 + z-2/ = 32. 1 xy = 6. 1-1=12. ( x 2 — 3 xy — 4: y 2 = 0. I3x-5y =46. ja2__2?/ 2 + 3a: = -8. a; 7- ■ 8. i ^ ?/__io; rtfi 3 U2_2 r °-42/ = -2. 154 10. i5- i8. 19. 22. 23- k ,2 3 b x a (x 4 + y 4 = 17. { x — y =0. (±d + k-3dk = -6. \d-5k + 2dk = 10. (x 2 + ±xy = 13. [2xy + 9y 2 =87. . 17. ALGEBRA r 1 , 1 1 + — + # 2 spy .T 12. ji , 1 - -h- = s. [x 2/ 13. 14. 16. :49. a? + y *=» 35. Va? 4- S/y = 5. 11 a; 2 — ay — y 2 = 45. 7a; 2 + 3a^-2?/ 2 = 20. r ^ 2 - 24 xy + 95 = 0. 13. 3a?+2y 3a?-2 y 3#— 2 y [8y 2 + 3a 2 = 29, - = 6a 2 . a# a; + y = 5 a#y. '- + ± = -19 0.3. x 6 y 6 - + - = — a. 3 2/ e 2 + 9Z 2 + 4e = 9. e j 4. 2 £ = - 2. 3 x 2 - 5 ay = 2 a 2 + 1 3 a b - 7 b 2 , x + y = 3(a — 6). 41 3a,-+2y 20 . a; 2 ?/ + a;?/ 2 2a 8 + 24a. = 2 a 3 - 8 a. of 4- yf jr*y + i V2a 2 -9 = 3y + 6. Va? 4 — 17 y 2 = x 2 — 5. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 5x-2y = l. 4 a; + 3 z = — 5. a? 2 ?/ -}- #?/ 2 = 56. » + y = - 1. x[ , y 2 = 19 y a 6 * a; y 6 f3a; 2 + 3?/ 2 = 10a*/. [x y 3 # 2 # -f y 2 x = 42. [ X y b J 5 f + ga - 3 s 2 = 27. l4^-4gs + 3s 2 = 72. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 155 + 4xy-3y = 42. . ( x A + tftf + y A = 481. ' 2 y 2 — xy + 5 y = — 10. [ a? 2 — #?/ -f y 2 = 37. ■16 aY- 104 xy=-105. J J 9 aj 2 -13«y-3aj= -123. | a; _ 2/ = _2. 33 ' 1b?/4-42/ 2 + 22/ = 125. * Divide the first equation by the second. EXERCISE 51 i. Find two numbers whose product is 112 and whose dif- ference is 6. 2. A rectangular field has a perimeter of 104 rods and an area of 4 acres. Find its dimensions. 3. The square of the sum of two numbers minus four times their product equals 49, and the difference of their squares equals 175. What are the numbers ? 4. The sum of the cubes of two numbers is 855 ; and if the sum of the numbers be multiplied by their product, the result will be 840. What are the numbers ? 5. There is a number consisting of two digits, the sum of whose squares is 80 ; and if the sum of the digits be multiplied by 4, the number will be expressed with its digits reversed. What is the number ? 6. A man loaned a sum of money at 6 % for a given time and received $240 interest; if he had loaned the same sum for two years longer at the rate represented by the first number of years, he would have received $40 more than at first. Find the time and the amount loaned. 7. If 5 be added to the denominator and subtracted from the numerator of a certain fraction, it will be expressed by its reciprocal ; and the difference of the squares of numerator and denominator equals 65. What is the fraction ? 8. A number consists of three digits, the second of which is twice the first. The sum of the squares of the digits equals 156 ALGEBRA 89, and if 99 be subtracted from the number, the digits will be reversed. What is the number ? g. A man buys two pieces of cloth, each containing as many- yards as its price per yard in cents, and he pays $ 41 for the whole amount. If the prices for the two pieces of cloth had been interchanged, his bill would have been $1 less. How many yards of each did he buy and what was the price per yard ? io. Two squares have together an area of 613 square rods. If the side of the first square were decreased by 6, and that of the second increased by 1, their perimeters would be in the ratio of 2 to 3. Find the side of each square. ii. There are two numbers whose sum decreased by the square root of their product is 13 ; and the sum of their squares increased by their product is 481. Find the numbers. 12. Two boys count their pennies. They find that the product of the numbers representing them is 84, and that the square of their sum decreased by twice their difference is 351. How many did each have ? 13. There are two numbers whose difference is 819, and the difference of their cube roots is 3. What are the numbers ? 14. There is a difference of one hour's time in two trains which go from A to B, the rate of the first train being 5 miles an hour more than that of the second train. If the speed of each train were increased 2 miles per hour, the difference in time from A to B would be decreased 7 minutes 80 seconds. Find the distance from A to B and the rate of each train. 15. The difference of the perimeters of a square and a circle is 5.752 feet and the circle contains 81.86 square feet more than the square. Find the radius of the circle and the side of the square. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 157 16. In an isosceles triangle the product of the base and one leg is 108, and the difference between the squares of the base and leg is 52. Find the altitude of the triangle. 17. The perimeter of a rectangle is 46 inches. If its length be increased 3 inches, its area will be 153 square inches. Find its dimensions. Is there more than one such rectangle ? Ex- plain. 18. If the sum of the denominator and numerator of a cer- tain fraction be divided by their difference, the quotient is 9. But if the product of the numerator and denominator be di- vided by their sum, the quotient is 2 with a remainder of 2. Find the fraction. What principle of proportion is illustrated in this problem ? If this principle is applied, are simultaneous equations necessary ? 226. It was noted in §§ 224, 225, that two second degree equations had four solutions, or pairs of values for x and y, that a second degree and a first degree equation had two solutions, that if imaginary roots entered they were always in pairs. The geometric explanation for this is readily seen if the equations are plotted. Ex. 1. Consider the equation x 2 -f- y 2 = 25. This means that, for any point on the graph, the square of the abscissa, plus the square of the ordinate, equals 25. But the square of the abscissa of any point, plus the square of the ordinate, equals the square of the distance of the point from the origin ; for the distance is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, whose other two sides are the abscissa and ordinate. Then the square of the distance from of any point on the graph is 25 ; or, the distance from of any point on the graph is 5. Thus, the graph is a circle of radius 5, having its center at 0. (The graph of any equation of the form x 2 -f y 2 = a is a circle.) Y B s H / \ r / • \ X / / / 1 / X A I j \ / \ / V *• ^ y a 158 ALGEBRA Ex. 2. Consider the equation y 2 = 4 x + 4 Ha;-*), */ 2 = 4, or y =±2.. (^, i?) If x = 1, y 2 = 8, or y = ± 2 V2. (C, Z>) If x=- 1, y = 0, Etc. (E) The graph extends ^definitely to the right of 77'. If x is negative and < — 1, y 2 is negative, and therefore y imaginary; then, no part of the graph lies to the left of E. (The graph of Ex. 2 is a parabola ; as also is the graph of any equation of the form y' 2 = ax or y 2 = ax + b.) Ex. 3. Consider the equation x 2 -+- 4 y 2 = 4. In this case it is convenient to first locate the points where the graph inter- sects the axes. If y = 0, x 2 = 4, or x = ± 2. (.4, 4') If x = 0, 4 y 2 = 4, or y = ± 1. (J3, i?') Putting x — ± 1 , 4 ?/ 2 = 3, ?/ 2 = J, or V3 (C, A C, 2>') | Y d! B X C X A' ? v Wf b' D , y' i If x has any value > 2, or < — 2, y 2 is negative, and y imaginary ; then, no part of the graph lies to the right of A, or left of A'. If y has any value > 1, or < — 1, x 2 is negative, and x imaginary ; then, no part of the graph lies above B, or below B 1 - (The graph of Ex. 3 is an ellipse ; as also is the graph of any equation of the form ax 2 + by 2 — c. ) Ex. 4. Consider the equation x 2 — 2 y 2 - 1. Y 3 B A 1 X A V s 1 s 1 / s p V ** s V Y, Here x 2 - 1 = 2 y 2 , or y 2 = - 1 If ac = ± 1, 2/ 2 = 0, ory =0. (A'. A) If x has any value between 1 and — 1, y 2 is negative, and // imaginary. Then, no part of the graph l&Ofl bt- tween ^4 and A'. If »: =±2, **9t|t or y=±y/l. (2?, C, 5', C) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 159 The graph has two branches BAC and B'A'C, each of which extends to an indefinitely great distance from O. (The graph of Ex. 4 is a hyperbola; as also is the graph of any equation of the form ax 2 — by 2 = c, or xy = a.) Ex. 1. Consider the equations 227. Graphical Representation of Solutions of Simultaneous Quadratic Equations. \y 2 = ±x, [3x-y = 5. The grapjh of y 2 = 4 x is the parabola AOB. The graph of 3 x — y = 5 is the straight line AB, intersecting the parabola at the points A and B, respectively. To find the coordinates of A and J5, we proceed as in § 48 ; that is, we solve the given equations. The solution is x = 1, y = — 2 ; or, x = -^ 5 , y = ^ (§224, IV). It may be verified in the figure that these are the coordinates of A and 2?, respectively. Hence, if any two graphs intersect, the coordinates of any point of intersection form a solution of the set of equations represented by the graphs. — Y- j r*C- S i±j ~3. III IstlUl^IZ" :z: = Ei^s;::E::: — -Y'-t ^s:- Ex. 2. Consider the equations x 2 + y 2 = 17, xy = 4:. The graph of x 2 -f y 2 = 17 is the circle AD, whose centre is at O, and radius Vl7. The graph of xy = 4 is a hyperbola, having its branches in the angles XOY and J'07', respectively, and intersecting the circle at the points A and B in angle XOY, and at the points C and D in angle X'OY'. The solution of the given equation is X = 4, ?/ = 1 ; se = 1,^ = 4; x — — 1, y =— 4 ; and # =— 4, y = — 1. It may be verified in the figure that these are the coordinates of A, 2?, C, and D, respectively. V \! 1 * B ,J t t r *N / \ \ ' L S k 1 \ J 1 I \ \ «*. X I X c L 1 J y f • / ' X ' - C1P ; 1 1 v ! 160 ALGEBRA 2. x 2 + 4 y 2 = 4. a — y = l. 4- x 2 -4y = -7. 2x + 3y = ±. 5- 9x 2 + y 2 = U$. xy = -8. 6. Y '"" R < ^ X' 5B """ ziss Y'N EXERCISE 52 Find the graphs of the following sets of equations, and in each case verify the principle of § 227 : 'x 2 + y 2 = 29. xy = 10. 2x 2 + 5y 2 = 53. 3 x 2 - 4 f = - 24. x 2 + y 2 = 13. 4:X — 9y = 6. 228. i£c. 1. Consider the equations /a 2 + 4 ^ = 4, (1) >2x + 3y = -5. (2) The graph of x 2 -f 4 1/' 2 = 4 is the ellipse The graph of 2x + 3?/=— 5 is the straight line CD. If 2/ or x is eliminated between these two equations, we find that the resulting equation containing one unknown num- ber is such that if all the terms are transposed to one member, that mem- ber is a trinomial perfect square. Hence, the equation has equal roots and the line and curve are tangent at A ( 218, II). If in Ex. 1, § 228, the second equation had been 2x + 3y = — 10(2), the roots would have been imaginary and the line would not have met the ellipse. REVIEW EXAMPLES EXERCISE 53 X 2 Scale : \ inch. Vl-« 2 + i. Rednce Vl-ar 2 ■ to the form 1-x 2 2. Reduce i+ j i + (x - a) 2 x-\- a x—a QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 161 3. Reduce 0* + O 2 - (e x -e~ x ) 2 tQ the form / _2_ (e x + e _x ) 2 \e x + T* to unity. a; + V# 2 -\-y 2 x + V# 2 + y 2 ax ( a 2 __ /p2\f j[ 8. Reduce v y to the form — > a If a V 1 Va 2 -^ 2 9. 5 = Vr+X 2 . If JT= V2a - ?/ ~^ find s = JS 2/ v y 2 10. Reduce — — to the form — , x 3 1 11. Reduce _ — - to the form _ X s — x 4 — 6 25 1- 4ar» 1 - 2 x*\ 2 12. Reduce V2 a# — x 2 to the form a (x — a) 2 162 ALGEBRA 13. 2 tan x + (tan xf — 3 = ; find tan x. 14. 2 cos x H = 3 ; find cos x. cos a; 15. — h 2 cot x = - VI + cot 2 # ; find cot x. cot a? 2 16. Eeduce ( a + + («+0- Therefore, 2 8 = n(a + T), and S m £ (a + I). (II) m 232. Substituting in (II) the value of I from (I), we have £**?[2a+-<»-- l) TK~> —T-> "^ t0 19 terms ' 1 T P I0 - 7Vf> £R> o£> "''i t0 47 terms ' 2o 50 25 233. The j#rs£ term, common difference, number of terms, last term, and sum of the terms are called the elements of the progression. If any three of the five elements of an arithmetic progres- sion are given, the other two may be found by substituting the known values in the fundamental formulae (I) and (II), and solving the resulting equations. i . Given a = — f, w = 20, S = — f ; find d and I. Substituting the given values in (II), - | = 10 (- | + I) or - i =- | +1 ; then, I = J - J = |. Substituting the values of a, w, and I in (I), f =— J + 19 , # = — 136 6 ; find n and d. 9. Given a = .4, I = 34.6, n = 20 ; find cZ and 5. 10. Given S = 18.15, d = . 02, a = .23; find Z and n. 1 1 . Given S = ^— — , d = — -^ , w = 15 ; find a and I. 12. Given n = 26, d = , Z = ~ ; find # and a. 8 8 ' ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION 167 234. From (I) and (II), general formulae for the solution of examples like the above may be readily derived. Ex. Given a, d, and S\ derive the formula for n. By §232, 2^=«[2a + (»-l)d], or dn 2 + (2a-d)n = 2S. This is a quadratic in w, and may be solved by the method of § 213; multiplying by 4 d, and adding (2 a — d) 2 to both members, 4 -&* '" to 7 terms. 5- h h h * • • to 6 terms. 6. - h -tV> — Hi ••' t0 8 terms. 241. If any three of the five elements of a geometric pro- gression are given, the other two may be found by substituting the given values in the fundamental formulae (I) and (II), and solving the resulting equations. But in certain cases the operation involves the solution of an equation of a degree higher than the second ; and in others the unknown number appears as an exponent, the solution of which form of equation can usually only be effected by the aid of logarithms (§ 110). i. Given a = — 2, n = 5, I = — 32 ; find r and S. Substituting the given values in (I), we have — 32 = — 2 r 4 ; whence, r 4 = 16, or r = ± 2. Substituting in (II), If r = 2, S = 2(-32)-(-2) = _ 64 2 _ _ 62 2-1 If r= _o ig= (-2)(-32)-(-2) = 64 + 2 = ^ 22 -2-1 -3 The solution is r = 2, S = - 62 ; or, r = - 2, S =- 22. The interpretation of the two answers is as follows : If r = 2, the progression is — 2, — 4, — 8, — 16, — 32, whose sum is -62. If r =— 2, the progression is — 2, 4, — 8, 16, — 32, whose sum is — 22. GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION 171 2. Given a = 3, r = - £, # = VsV" ; find w and Z. Substituting in (II), ^ = -**~ 8 = L±i. ° l ; ' 729 -}-l 4 Whence, 1 + 9 = tfiff - t or, I = V# - 9 =- 7 fc. Substituting the values of a, r, and I in (I), - th = H- i)"" 1 ; or, (- J)"- 1 =- nVy. Whence, by inspection, n — 1=7, orn = 8. From (I) and (II) general formulae may be derived for the solution of cases like the above. If the given elements are n, Z, and S, equations for a and r may be found, but there are no definite formulas for their values. The same is the case when the given elements are a, n, and S. The general formulae for n involve logarithms ; these cases are discussed in § 110. EXERCISE 59 i. Given r = 2, n = 12, S = 4095 ; find a and I 2. Given a = 2, r = — 3, Z = 1458 ; find n and S. 3. Given Z = — -g^, a = — if , n = 10 ; find r and S. 4. Given a » f, J a 3584, # = **£** ; find r and rc. 5. Given r = i, w = 5, Z = T ^ ; find a and S. 6. Given ^ = -A||-i^ a = -64, r=i; find w and I 7. Given a, Z, and # ; derive the formula for r. 8. Given r, Z, and n ; derive the formulae for a and S. 9. Given a, n, and Z ; derive the formulae for r and S. 10. Given #, n, and r ; derive the formulae for a and L 242. Sum of a Geometric Progression to Infinity. The limit (§ 125) to which the sum of the terms of a decreas- ing geometric progression approaches, when the number of 172 ALGEBRA terms is indefinitely increased, is called the sum of the series to infinity. Formula (II), § 239, may be written a— rl 1 — r It is evident that, by sufficiently continuing a decreasing geometric progression, the absolute value of the last term may be made less than any assigned number, however small. Hence, when the number of terms is indefinitely increased, Z, and therefore rl, approaches the limit 0. Then, the fraction a ~~ r approaches the limit — ^— • Therefore, the sum of a decreasing geometric progression to infinity is given by the formula Sfatr^z* (HI) 1 — r Ex. Find the sum of the series 4, — f, - 1 /, ... to infinity. o Here a = 4, r = 3 Substituting in (III), S= 4 = — . V J 1+f 5 To find the value of a repeating decimal. This is a case of finding the sum of a decreasing geometric series to infinity, and may be solved by formula (III). Ex. Findthe value of .85151-... We have, .85151 ••• = .8 + .051 -f .00051 + .... The terms after the first constitute a decreasing geometric progression in which a = .051, and r — .01. Substituting in (III) , S = ,051 = '— = — = — • 1-.01 .99 990 330 Then the value of the given decimal is r 8 ^ + ^, or |f J. GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION 173 EXERCISE 60 Find the sum to infinity of the following : T 9 2 2 . . . 4 _ 8 _ 1 R _ 3 2 . 2. 1, -i,i,-. 5- -.3, .12, -.048, -.. 3- fj I? TV* '"' *i ~~ ** & ***• Find the values of the following: 7- .4777.-.. 8. .8181.-.. 9- .5243243-... io. .207575-... 243. Geometric Means. We define inserting m geometric means between two numbers, a and b, as finding a geometric progression of m + 2 terms, whose first and last terms are a and b. Ex. Insert 5 geometric means between 2 and ^ff. We find a geometric progression of 7 terms, in which a = 2, and I = iff ; substituting n = 7, a = 2, and Z = }|| in (I), i|8 a* ^ r* ; whence r 6 = 7 %%, and r = ± f The result is 2, ± f, |, ± if, |f, ± ^, fff. 244. Let x denote the geometric between a and b. Then. - = -, or x 2 = ab. a x Whence, x = ^Jab. That is, the geometric mean between two 7i'umbers is equal to the square root of their product. 245. Problems. i. The sixth term of an arithmetic progression is f, and the fifteenth term is -L 6 -. Find the first term. Ry § 230, the sixth term is a + 5 d, and the fifteenth term a -f 14 d . , , «'". f a+ 5d = J. . (1) Then, by the conditions, \ ■ la + Ud=\*-. r (2) Subtracting (1) from (2), 9 d = }j whence, d = \. Substituting in (1), a + § = |j whence, a = -f. 174 ALGEBRA 2. Find four numbers in arithmetic progression such that the product of the first and fourth shall be 45, and the product of the second and third 77. Let the numbers be x — 3 y, x — y, x + y, and x -f 3 y. x 2 -9y 2 = 45. Then by the conditions, I x< * 9 y2 ~ 45, I x 2 - w 2 = 77. Solving these equations, x = 9, y — ± 2 ; or, x = — 9, y = ± 2 (§ 224) Then the numbers are 3, 7, 11, 16 ; or, —3, — 7, — 11, — 15. • In problems like the above, it is convenient to represent the unknown numbers by symmetrical expressions. Thus, if five numbers had been required, we should have represented them by x — 2 ?/, x — y, x, x + y, and x + 2 y. 3. Find 3 numbers in geometric progression such that their sum shall be 14, and the sum of their squares 84. Let the numbers be represented by a, ar, and af 2 . a + qr + ar 2 = 14. (1) a 2 + a 2 r 2 +a 2 r i = te. (2) Divide (2) by (1), a - ar + ar 2 = 6. , (3) Then, by the conditions, 2 ar = 8, or r _4 a (4) a a = 14 , or a 2 - -10 a + 16 = 0. a ■■ = 8 or 2. r _4 8 or 4 - = 2 lor 2 2. Subtract (3) from (1), Substituting in (1), Solving this equation, Substituting in (4) , Then, the members are 2, 4, and 8. EXERCISE 61 1. The seventh term of an A. P. is ■££, the twenty-first term is - 3 ^ $ . Find the fifteenth term. 2. Show that the sum of the odd integers from 1 to 999 is the square of their number. 3. The first term of an A. P. is 1, the sum of the third and ninth terms is 32. Find the sum of the first thirteen terms. GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION 175 4. The sum of the first ten terms of an A. P. is to the sum of the first seven terms as 29 to 14. Find the ratio of the common difference to the first term. 5. There are four numbers, such that the first three form a G. P., the last thr^ee form an A. P. The sum of the first three is 73, of the last three 192. The difference between the second and fourth is 112. Find the numbers. 6. How many arithmetic means are inserted between — f and f , when their sum is 2 ^- ? 7. Find four numbers in A. P., such that the sum of the first and second shall be — 1, and the product of the second and fourth 24. 8. A traveller sets out from a certain place, and goes 7 miles the first hour, 1\ the second hour, 8 the third hour, and so on. After he has been gone 5 hours, another sets out and travels 16 J miles an hour. How many hours after the first starts are the travellers together ? 9. If a person saves $ 120 each year, and puts the sum at simple interest at 3\°/o at the end of each year, to how much will his property amount at the end of 18 years ? 10. A ball is dropped from a window 32 feet above the pavement. Assuming the ball to be perfectly elastic and that on each rebound it rises to within \ of its former height, how far does it travel before coming to rest ? 11. Two men travel from P to Q, leaving P at the same time. The distance from P to Q is 63 miles. The first travels 1 mile the first hour, 2 miles the second hour, 4 miles the third hour, and so on. The second travels 11 miles the first hour, 10| miles the second hour, 10 1 miles the third hour, and so on. Which is first to arrive at Q ? 12. Find the geometric mean between .0729 and .0529. 13. Find the geometric mean between — and 2.2o o76. 176 ALGEBRA 14. Find the geometric mean between — TjW an d ?L. xy-y 2 xy 15. Find the geometric mean between a 2 — 4 a + 4 and 4 a 2 + 4 a + 1. 16. The product of the first five terms of a G. P. is 243. Find the third term. 17. The digits of a number of three figures are in geometric progression. If units' and tens' digits are interchanged, the number formed exceeds the original number by 36. The sum of the digits is 14. Find the number. 18. A man travels 445*- miles. He travels 10 miles the first day, and increases his speed one-half mile in each succeeding day. How many days does the journey require ? 19. An A. P. has 19 terms such that the sum of the three middle terms is 3, and the sum of the first term and the last two terms is — 13. Find the series. 20. Find the number of arithmetic means between 1 and 69, such that the ratio of the last mean to the first mean is 13. 21. Find an A. P. of 17 terms such that the sum of the first three terms is to the last term as 3 to 13, the first term being unity. 22. The sum of three successive terms of a geometric pro- gression is 39 and the sum of their squares is 819. Find the series. 23. The sum of how many terms of the series 1, 3, 9 •••, is 3280 ? 24. Show that in any G. P., if each term is subtracted from the succeeding term, the differences form a G. P. 25. Find three numbers in A. P., such that the square of the first added to the product of the other two gives 16, and the square of the second added to the product of the other two gives 14. PAET II X. INFINITE SERIES 246. Infinite Series (§ 178) may be developed by Division, or by Evolution. Let it be required, for example, to divide 1 by 1 — x. 1 — se)l(l + x + x 2 + ■ 1-x X x-x 2 . = l+x + x 2 + x? + -•. Then, Again, let it be required to find the square root of 1 + #• (1) 1+x 1 + ?_£l + ... 2 8 1 2 + ^ 2 X X - r 2 2 + x- x*\ 8| X 2 4 Then, vTTx = l +£-!-+•• (2) It should be observed that the series, in (1) and (2), do not give the values of the first members for every value of x ; thus, if x is a very large number, they evidently do not do so. EXERCISE 62 Expand each of the following to four terms : T 5-f-4a l+3# 2. l + 3aj 1 + 3 a + x 2 * 3- 4. 5x 5 — X — 3X 2 179 180 ALGEBRA 5. Vl + 3a. 8. Va 3 + b s . 6. VI -5x 2 . 9- V^ + l. 7. Va 2 + 6 2 . io. V9a 2 -16 6 2 . CONVERGENOY AND DIVERGENCY OP SERIES 247. An infinite series is said to be Convergent when the sum of the first n terms approaches a fixed finite number as a limit (§ 125), when n is indefinitely increased. An infinite series is said to be Divergent when the sum of the first n terms can be made numerically greater than any assigned number, however great, by taking n sufficiently great. 248. Consider, for example, the infinite series 1 -{- x + x 2 -{- X s + •••. I. Suppose x — a?!, where x x is numerically < 1. The sum of the first n terms is now 1 + Xl + Xl >+ ... + Xl »-i = l^£L n (§ 103, VII). 1 — Xi If n be indefinitely increased, x" decreases indefinitely in absolute value, and approaches the limit 0. Then the fraction approaches the limit . 1 — x x 1 — x 1 That is, the sum of the first n terms approaches a fixed finite number as a limit, when n is indefinitely increased. Hence, the series is convergent when x is numerically < 1. II. Suppose 05 = 1. In this case, each term of the series is equal to 1, and the sum of the first n terms is equal to n ; and this sum can be made to exceed any assigned number, however great, by taking n sufficiently great. Hence, the series is divergent when x=l. INFINITE SERIES 181 III. Suppose x m — 1. In this case, the series takes the form 1 — 1 + 1 — 1 + ..., and the sum of the first n terms is either 1 or according as n is odd or even. Hence, the series is neither convergent nor divergent when 08-1. An infinite series which is neither convergent nor divergent is called an Oscillating Series. IV. Suppose x = x ly where x is numerically > 1. The sum of the first n terms is now 1 + Xl + Xl 2 + ... + Xi n-l = ^LJZI (§ 103 , VII). x x — 1 x n — 1 By taking n sufficiently great, — can be made to numer- al — 1 ically exceed any assigned number, however great. Hence, the series is divergent when x is numerically > 1. 249. Consider the infinite series l+x + x 2 + x s -\ , developed by the fraction ■ (§ 246). 1 — x Let x= .1, in which case the series is convergent (§ 248). The series now takes the form 1 + .1 +.01 4- .001 -f- ••• , while the value of the fraction is — or — . .9 9 In this case, however great the number of terms taken, their sum will never exactly equal y*-. But the sum approaches this value as a limit; for the series is a decreasing geometric progression, whose first term is 1, and ratio .1 ; and, by § 242, its sum to infinity is , or — . Thus, if an infinite series is convergent, the greater the num- ber of terms taken, the more nearly does their sum approach 182 ALGEBRA the value of the expression from which the series was developed. Again, let x =.10, in which case the series is divergent. The series now takes the form' 1 +10 + 100 + 1000 H , while the value of the fraction is — , or — -. In this case the greater the number of terms taken, the more does their sum diverge from the value — J. Thus, if an infinite series is divergent, the greater the num- ber of terms taken, the more does their sum diverge from the value of the expression from which the series was developed. It follows from the above that an infinite series cannot be used for the purposes of demonstration if it is divergent. SUMMATION OF SERIES 250. The Summation of an infinite literal series is the pro- cess of finding an expression from which the series may be developed. RECURRING SERIES 251. Consider the infinite series l + 2oj + 3a 2 + 4ar 3 + 5a 4 +.... Here (3 x 2 ) - 2 x(2 x) + af (1) = 0, (4 X s ) - 2 x(S x 2 ) + x\2 x) = 0, etc. That is, any three consecutive terms', as, for example, 2 x, 3 x 2 , and 4: X s , are so related that the third, minus 2x times the second, plus x 2 times the first, equals 0. 252. A Recurring Series is an infinite series of the form Oo + a^ + o^H — , where any r + 1 consecutive terms, as for example a n x , a u _iX , a n _ 2 x , •••, a n _ r x , INFINITE SERIES 188 are so related that a n x n + px (a^x"-' 1 ) + qx 2 (a n _^x n - 2 ) + ... + sx r (a n _ r x n ~ r ) = ; p, q } • ••, s being constants. The above recurring series is said to be of the rth order, and the expression 1 + px -{-px 2 -f • • • + sx r is called its scale of relation. The recurring series of § 251 is of the second order, and its scale of relation is 1 — 2 x + x 2 . An infinite geometric series is a recurring series of the first order. Thus, in the infinite geometric series 1 + x+x 2 +x* + .--, any two consecutive terms, as for example x % and ic 2 , are so related that (x 3 ) — x(x' 2 ) = ; and the scale of relation is 1 — x. 253. To find the scale of relation of a recurring series. If the series is cf the first order, the scale of relation may be found by dividing any term by the preceding term, and sub- tracting the result from 1. If it is of the second order, a , a 19 a 2 , a 3 , •••, its consecutive coefficients, and 1+px + qx 2 its scale of relation, we shall have '« 3 + qa 2 + ra^ = 0, a 5 +pa 4 + qa 3 + ra 2 = ; from which p, q, and r may be determined. To ascertain the order of a series, we may first make trial of a scale of relation of three terms. 184 ALGEBRA If the result does not agree with the series, try a scale of four terms, five terms, and so on until the correct scale of rela- tion is found. If the series is assumed to be of too high an order, the equa- tions corresponding to the assumed scale will not be inde- pendent (§ 43). 254. To find the sum (§ 250) of a recurring series when its scale of relation is known. Let 1 + px-\-qx 2 be the scale of relation of the series a + a x x + a 2 x 2 -f- •••. Denoting the sum of the first n terms by & ni we have S n = a + ctix 4 a 2 x 2 + \- a n -ix n -\ Then, pxS n = pa^x + pa\x 2 + • • • + pa n -2X n ~ l + pa n -\X n , and qx 2 S n = qa x 2 + ••• -h qan-sx 11 - 1 -f qa n -2X n + qa n -\X n+l . Adding these equations, and remembering that, by virtue of the scale of relation, «2 +pai 4- qa = 0, • •, a n -i +pa n - 2 + qa n -z = 0, the coefficients of x 2 , x s , • ••, a: n_1 become 0, and we have 8 n 0. +px + qx 2 ) = a + («i +pa )x 4- (pa n -i 4- qa n -2)x n 4- ^n-i« n+1 . Whence, • g _ q 4-(«i 4- P«o)a +(pqn-i + ga n -2)x n + ga n -iz w+1 . ^n 1 + px 4- ## 2 which is a formula for the sum of the first n terms of a recurring series of the second order. If x is so taken that the given series is convergent, x n and x n + l approach the limit 0, when n is indefinitely increased, and the fraction (1) ap- proaches the limit 1 + px 4* qx 2 If this fraction be expanded into an infinite series by division, we obtain the given series ; but it is only when the series is convergent that it expresses the value of the fraction. INFINITE SERIES 185 Then, the sum of the given series (§ 250) is given by the formula # - ftp +Oi 4- p«n)a; i / 2 ) 1 + px -f qx l If q = 0, the series is of the first order, and «i +p«o = ; then 1 + px which is a formula for the sum of a recurring series of the first order. (Compare § 242.) In like manner, we shall find the formula 8 _ tto 4- (fli 4- pao)x 4- (ff2 + ff«i 4- gao)x 2 ^ 4 n 1 +px 4- gx 2 4- rx 3 for the sum of a recurring series of the third order. 255. A recurring series is formed by the expansion in an infinite series of a fraction, called the generating fraction. The operation of summation reproduces the fraction, the process being the reverse of that of § 26S. 256. Ex. Find the sum of the series 2 + x + 5x 2 + 7a? + 17x 4 + .... To determine the scale of relation, we first assume the series to be of the second order (§ 253). Substituting a - 2, a\ — 1, a 2 = 5, a s — 7, in (1), § 253, J 5 + p+2q=0, 1 7 + r op 4- q = Q. Solving these equations, p— — 1, tf — -2. To ascertain if 1 — x — 2 x 2 is the correct scale of relation, consider the fifth term. Since 17 x 4 + (- x) (7 x 3 ) + (- 2 x 2 ) (5 x 2 ) is equal to 0, it follows that 1 — x — 2 x 2 is the correct scale. Substituting the values of a , «i, i>, and q in (2), j y_ 24(l-2)g _ 2-x l-x-2x 2 l-x-2x 2 ' The result may be verified by expansion. 186 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 63 Find the sum of the following: l 4-r-# + 7# 2 — 5ar 3 +19^H . 2 . l-13x-23x 2 -85x i -239x 4 + .... 3 . l+5x + 21x 2 + 85x 3 + Mlx i + .... 4 . 5-13a + 35a 2 -97ar 3 -h275a 4 + .... 5 . 3 + 10# + 36^ + 136ar J + 528a 4 + .... 6. 3 + x + 33x 2 + 109x* + 657x i + .... 7 . 14. 2 #- 3 a; 2 + 6^r 3 -7 a; 4 + 10 a; 5 -11 a 6 + .... 8. l-2x-a 2 -7ar 3 -18# 4 -59;r 5 -181a 6 + .... THE DIFFERENTIAL METHOD 257. If the first term of a series be subtracted from the second, the second from the third, and so on, the series formed is called the first order of differences of the given series. The first order of differences of this new series is called the second order of differences of the given series ; and so on. Thus, in the series 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, .., the successive orders of differences are as follows : 1st order, 7, 19, 37, 61, . 91, .... 2d order, 12, 18, 24, 30, .... 3d order, 6, 6, 6, .... 4th order, 0, 0, .... The Differential Method is a method for finding any term, or the sum of any number of terms of a series, by means of its successive orders of differences. 258. To find any term of the series a U a 2) a 3) a 4) '") a »l a n+l> '"• The successive orders of differences are as follows: 1st order, a 2 — «i, 03 — «2, «4 — «8i •••» «n+i — «n, •••• 2d order, a 3 — 2a» + <*h a * — 2 a * + a ^ '"- 3d order, a 4 — 3 a 3 + 3 a 2 — «i> ••• J etc. INFINITE SERIES 187 Denoting the first terms of the 1st, 2d, 3d, •••, orders of dif- ferences by d ly d 2 , d 3 , •••, respectively, we have di = a 2 — a\ ; whence, a 2 = «i + d\. d 2 = as — 2 a 2 + «i ; whence, as = — «i + 2 ^ 2 + d 2 = — a\ + 2 « x + 2 c?i + d 2 = cti + 2 dfi + (^. e? 3 = « 4 — 3 a 3 + 3 a 2 — «i ; whence, «4 = «i — 3 a 2 + 3 a 3 + (? 3 = «i -f- 3 di + 3 d 2 + d 3 ; etc. It will be observed, in the values of a 2 , a 3 , and a 4 , that the coefficients of the terms are the same as the coefficients of the terms in the expansion by the Binomial Theorem of a -J- a; to the first, second, and third powers, respectively. We will now prove by Mathematical Induction that this law holds for any term of the given series. Assume the law to hold for the ?ith term, a n ; then the coef- ficients of the terms will be the same as the coefficients of the terms in the expansion by the Binomial Theorem of a + x to the (n — l)th power ; that is, a n =a 1 +(n-l)d 1 + ^^^^ld 2 + (n-l)(» -2)^-3) ^^ (1) lit If the law holds for the nth term of any series, it must also hold for the nth term of the first order of differences ; or, a n+1 -a n = d l + (n-l)d 2 + ( n - 1 ^ n - 2 ^ d 3 + .... (2) Adding (1) and (2), we have a n+1 = a 1 + [(n-l)+iyi 1 + 1 ^±[(n-2) + 2]d 2 + »- 1 ^ 2 ) [(n-3) + 3]d < +... = fll + ndl + !l^ ^ (3) If. l£ This result is in accordance with the above law. 188 ALGEBRA Hence, if the law holds for the nth. term of the given series, it holds for the (n + l)th term ; but we know that it holds for the fourth term, and hence it holds for the fifth term; and so on. Therefore, (1) holds for any term of the given series. If the differences finally become zero, the value of a n can be obtained exactly. 259. To find the sum of the first n terms of the series Ctiy 0,9, &3, & 4 , & 5 , ••*. {±J Let S denote the sum of the first n terms. Then S is the (n + l)th term of the series 0, ft, ai + «2, cii + a 2 + as, •••• (2) The first order of differences of (2) is the same as (1) ; whence, the 2d order of differences of (2) is the same as the 1st order of differences of (I), the 3d order of (2) is the same as the 2d order of (1), and so on. Then, if di, d 2 , •••, represent the first terms of the 1st, 2d, • •-, orders of differences of (1), cti, di, d 2 , ..., will be the first terms of the 1st, 2d, 3d, •••, orders of differences of (2). Putting a\ — 0, d\ = «i, d 2 — c?i, etc., in (3), § 258, < y = nfl 1 + < w t " 1 ^ i + < w " 1 ^ w " 2 > d a + -. (3) \1 . 12. 260. Ex. Find the twelfth term, and the sum of the first twelve terms, of the series 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, •••. Here, n = 12, a\ xs 1. Also, di = 7, d 2 = 12, -0 = C084. 1.2 1.2-3 1.2-3.4 INFINITE SERIES 189 261. Piles of Shot. Ex. If shot be piled in the shape of a pyramid with a tri- angular base, each side of which exhibits 9 shot, find the num- ber in the pile. The number of shot in the first five courses are 1, 3, 6, 10, and 15, respectively ; we have then to find the sum of the first nine terms of the series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, • •• ; the successive orders of differences are as follows : 1st order, . 2, 3, 4, 5, .... 2d order, . 1, 1, 1, .... 3d order, . 0, 0, .... Putting n = 9, d! = 1, di = 2, d 2 = 1 in (3), § 259, S = 9 + — • 2 + 9 ' 8 ' 7 • 1 = 165 . 1-2 1-2-3 . EXERCISE 64 i. Find the first term of the sixth order of differences of the series 3, 5, 11, 27, 67, 159, 375, • ••. 2. Find the 15th term, and the sum of the first 15 terms, of the series 1, 9, 21, 37, 57, •••. 3. Find the 14th term, and the sum of the first 14 terms, of the series 5, 14, 15, 8, —7, •••. 4. Find the sum of the first n multiples of 3. 5. If shot be piled in the shape of a pyramid with a square base, each side of which exhibits 25 shot, find the number in the pile. < 6. Find the 13th term, and the sum of the first 13 terms, of the series 1, 3, 9, 25, 57, 111, .... 7. Find the 10th term, and the sum of the first 10 terms, of the series 4, - 2, 10, 4, - 56, - 206, .... 8. Find the sum of the squares of the first n multiples of 2. 9. Find the 71th term, and the sum of the first n terms, of the series 1, — 3, — 13, — 17, —3, 41, .... 190 ALGEBRA 10. Find the number of shot in a pile of 9 courses, with a rectangular base, if the number of shot in the longest side of the base is 24. ii. Find the number of shot in a truncated pile of 8 courses, with a rectangular base, if the number of shot in the length and breadth of the base are 20 and 14, respec- tively. 12. Find the 12th term, and the sum of the first 12 terms, of the series 1, 13, 49, 139, 333, 701, 1333, .... 13. Find the 9th term, and £he sum of the first 9 terms, of the series 20, 4, -36, -132, -356, -820, -1676, .... 14. Find the sum of the fourth powers of the first n natural numbers. 15. Find the number of shot in a pile with a rectangular base, if the number of shot in the length and breadth of the base are m and n, respectively. 16. How many shot are contained in a truncated pile of n courses, whose bases are triangles, if the number of shot in each side of the upper base is m ? INTERPOLATION 262. Interpolation is the process of introducing between the terms of a series other terms conforming to the law of the series. Its usual application is in finding intermediate numbers be- tween those given in Mathematical Tables. The operation is effected by giving fractional values to n in (1), § 258. The method of Interpolation rests on the assumption that a formula which has been proved for an integral value of n, holds also when n is fractional. INFINITE SERIES 191 263. Ex. Given V5 = 2.2361, V0 = 2.4495, V7 = 2.6458, V8 = 2.8284, • • • ; find Vo\3. In this case the successive orders of differences are : .2134, .1963, .1826, ... -.0171, -.0137, .... .0034, .... Whence, d x = .2134, d 2 =-.0171, d 3 = .0034, .... Now, the required term is distant 1.3 intervals from V5. Substituting n = 2.3 in (1), § 258, we have, approximately, V6\3 = 2.2361 + 1.3 x .2134 + 1 ' 3 x f ( - .0171) 1.3 x .3x-.7 >0034 1x2x3 = 2.2361 + .2774 - .0033 - .0002 = 2.5100. EXERCISE 65 i. Given log 26 = 1.4150, log 27 = 1.4314, log 28 = 1.4472, log 29 = 1.4624, • . . ; find log 26.7. 2. Given r#$[ = 4.49794, ^92 = 4.51436, ^93 = 4.53066, ^94 = 4.54684, • -.; find y/WS. 3. The reciprocal of 35 is .02857; of 36, .02778; of 37, .02703; of 38, .02632; etc. Find the reciprocal of 36.28, 4. Given log 124 = 2.09342, log 125 = 2.09691, log 126 = 2.10037, log 127 = 2.10380, • • . ; find log 125.36. 5. Given 21 3 = 9261, 22 8 = 10648, 23 3 = 12167, 24 3 = 13824, and 25 3 = 15625 ; find the cube of 21f 6. Given log 61 = 1.78533, log 62 = 1.79239, log 63 = 1.79934, log 64 = 1.80618, ... ; find log 63,527, 192 ALGEBRA XI. UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS THE THEOREM OF UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 264. An important method for expanding expressions into series is based on tLe following theorem : If the series A + Bx + Cx 2 + Dx* + ••• is always equal to the series A' + B'x + Cx 2 + D'x 3 + •••, when x has any value which makes both series convergent, the coef- ficients of like powers of x in the series will be equal ; that is, A = A', B = B<, C = C. 265. Before giving the proof of the Theorem of Undeter- mined Coefficients, we will prove two theorems in regard to infinite series. First, if the infinite series a + bx + cx 2 + dx 2 -f ••• is convergent for some finite value of x, it is finite for this value of x (§ 247), and therefore finite when x = 0. Hence, the series is convergent when x = 0. Second, if the infinite series ax + bx 2 + ex 5 + ••• is convergent for some finite value of x, it equals when x = 0. For, ax + bx 2 -f ex 3 + ••• is finite for this value of x, and hence a + bx + ex 2 + • • • is finite for this value of x. Then, a + bx + cx 2 -\- ..« is finite when # = 0; and therefore »(a + bx + cx 2 + •••), or ax + bx 2 + cx 3 + •••, equals when x = 0. 266. Proof of the Theorem of Undetermined Coefficients. The equation A + Bx+Cx 2 +Dx*+ ... =A' + B'x+C'x°- + D'x»+ ... (1) is satisfied when x has any value which makes both members convergent; and since both members are convergent when x = (§ 265), the equation is satisfied when x = 0. UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 193 Putting x = 0, we have, by § 265, Bx+Cx* + Dx* + .-• =0, and B'x + Ox 2 + DW + ••• =0. Whence, A = A'. Subtracting A from the first member of (1), and its equal A' from the second member, we have Bx+Cx* + Dx* + ...=B'x'+C'x 2 + D'x' + .... Dividing each term by x, B+Cx + Dx 2 + ... =B' + Cx + D'x*+ .... (2) The members of this equation are finite for the same values of x as the given series (§ 265). Then, they are convergent, and therefore equal, for the same values of x as the given series. Then the equation (2) is satisfied when x = 0. Putting x = 0, we have B = B'. Proceeding in this way, we may prove C= (7, etc. 267. The theorem of § 264 holds when either or both of the given series are finite. EXPANSION OP FRACTIONS 2 3 x 2 — x 3 268. i. Expand in ascending powers of x. 1 — 2 x -f 3 x 1 Assume 2 ~ 8 ^ ~ ^ = A + Bx + Cx 2 + B& + Ex* + — , (1) 1 — 2 x + 3 x 2 where ^4, J5, 0, Z>, E, •••, are numbers independent of x. Clearing of fractions, and collecting the terms in the second member involving like powers of x, we have * 4 +-. (2) 2-Sx 2 -x 3 = A+ B\x+ C -2A\ -2B *: 2 + D -2C + 3B x 3 + E -2D 4-3(7 A vertical line, called a bar, is often used in place of parentheses. Thus, " + B I x is equivalent to (B — 2 A)x. -2,4 194 ALGEBRA The second member of (1) must express the value of the fraction for every value of x which makes the series convergent (§ 249) ; and there- fore equation (2) is satisfied when x has any value which makes the second member convergent. Then, by § 267, the coefficients of like powers of x in (2) must be equal ; that is, A= 2. B-2A = 0;0r, £ = 2.4 = 4. C-2B + 3A = -S; or, C = 2 B- 3 A - 3 = .- 1. Z>_2 C+3.B=- 1; or, Z) = 2 C- 3 2? - 1 = - 15. E-2D+3C= 0;or, E=2D-3C =-27; etc. Substituting these values in (1), we have 2 _ 3 x 2 - x 1 — 2 x + 3 x 2 = 2+4x-x 2 -\5xS-27x* . The result may be verified by division. The series expresses the value of the fraction only for such values of x as make it convergent (§ 249). If the numerator and denominator contain only even powers of x, the operation may be abridged by assuming a series con- taining only the even powers of x. 2 -I- 4 a? 2 x 4 Thus, if the fraction were — — — ■ , we should assume it equal to A + B x 2 + C x A + D x G + E ar s -f — . In like manner, if the numerator contains only odd powers of 05, and the denominator only even powers, we should assume a series containing only the odd powers of x. If every term of the numerator contains x, we may assume a series commencing with the lowest power of x in the numerator. If every term of the denominator contains x, we determine by actual division what power of x will occur in the first term of the expansion, and then assume the fraction equal to a series commencing with this power of x, the exponents of x in the succeeding terms increasing by unity as before. 2. Expand — in ascending powers of x. 3 x -— xr undeterminp:d coefficients 195 Dividing 1 by 3 ic 2 , the quotient is — - ; we then assume, o = Ax-' 2 + Bx~* + C + Dx + Ex 2 + — . (3) 3 x 2 - x 3 Clearing of fractions. l=3^ + 3#|x + 3C|x 2 + 3.D|z 3 + 3.E' _ A - i? - C - i> z 4 + « Equating coefficients of like powers of x, SA = \,3B-A = 1 3C-B = 0,3D-C = 0,3E-D = 0', etc. Whence, A = \, B=l, = 1, D = ±, **^.~. Substituting in (8), _£_ -^f| + i + Jf^*- In Ex. 1, E = 2 D — 3 C ; that is, the coefficient of se 4 equals twice the coefficient of the preceding term, minus three times the coefficient of the next but one preceding. It is evident that this law holds for the succeeding terms ; thus, the coefficient of x 5 is 2 x (- 27) - 3 x (- 15), or - 9. After the law of coefficients has been found in any expansion, the terms may be found more easily than by long division ; and for this reason the method of § 268 is to be preferred when a large number of terms is required. The law for Ex. 2 is that each coefficient is one-third the preceding. EXERCISE 66 Expand each of the following to five terms in ascending powers of x : 4 + 2a 3 + x + x 2 1 + 2 a; + 4 .r 2 ' l-Vx + 3-x*' 5 4- .6 x 2 2-3x 2 + x 3 ' 1 _ 6 tf + 4 g 8 z+Jf^2& 1-23 l-8aj l + 5x 2 + x 2 1-2 x 2 5 x 5+2^-7^ 4 + X-3X 2 1-2Z 2 x _ 5 x * 4. 8 x 4 2 _ 3 .T + z 2 4 x 2 - 3 .t 3 10. 7. ~ — : » 11. 4 8 12 1-r-Gar 9 ' ' 6-4z-5ar 3 ' ' 2r J + 4ar 5 + a 6 196 ALGEBRA EXPANSION OF SURDS 269. Ex. Expand Vl — x in ascending powers of x. Assume Vl - x = A + Bx + Cx' 2 -f Dx* + E& + • ••. Squaring both members, we have, by § 167, (1) l-x = A* + 2AB x+ B 2 \x 2 + 2AC\ + 2AD x*+ C 2 + 2AE + 2BD \ + 2BC Equating coefficients of like powers of x, A 2 = 1; or, A=l. 2AB = -1; or, B=- _I=-i. 2A 2 x* + - 0; or, C=- & + 2AC 2AD+2BC C 2 + 2AE + 2BD = ; or, E 2A 0; or, B=-^ = A 1 "8* t 16* C 2 + 2BD_ 2A 128' etc. Substituting these values in (1), we have x _ x? _ x*_ _ Sac 4 VI - x = 1 - 2 g 16 128 " The result may be verified by Evolution. The series expresses the value of Vl — x only for such values of x as make it convergent. EXERCISE 67 Expand each of the following to five terms in ascending powers of x: i. Vl + 2 x. 2. Vl - 3 X. 3- Vl-4a + a; 2 . 5. Vl-f6z. 4. Vl -f x — x 2 . 6. Vl — x — 2 a:-. PARTIAL, FRACTIONS 270. If the denominator of a fraction can be resolved into factors, each of the first degree in x } and the numerator is of a UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 197 lower degree than the denominator, the Theorem of Undeter- mined Coefficients enables us to express the given fraction as the sum of two or more partial fractions, whose denominators are factors of the given denominator, and whose numerators are independent of x. 271. Case I. No factors of the denominator equal. 19 x 4- 1 i. Separate — — — into partial fractions. 1 (3x-l)(5x + 2) ' Assume 19 * +1 = A + B , (1) where A and B are numbers independent of as. Clearing of fractions, 19 x + 1 = A(JS x + 2) -f B(?> x — 1). Or, 19x+l = (5A+SB)x + 2A-B. (2) The second member of (1) must express the value of the given fraction for every value of x. Hence, equation (2) is satisfied by every value of x ; and by § 267, the coefficients of like powers of x in the two members are equal. That is, 5i + 35 = 19, and 2A-B = 1. Solving these equations, we obtain A = 2 and B = 3. Substituting in (1), 19 x + 1 = ? l ? (8 x - 1) (6 x + St; 3 x - 1 5 x + 2 The result may be verified by finding the sum of the partial fractions. 2. Separate -^ into partial fractions. 2x — x~ — x 3 The factors of 2 a - x 2 - %* are sc, 1 - x, and 2 + x (§ 103, III, VIII). Assume then, x+A — _ A + _JL_ _( *?_i. 2 x — x 2 — x 3 x 1 — x 2 + x Clearing of fractions, we have x + 4 = ^4(1 -x)(2 + x) + Bx(2 + x) + Cx(l - x). This equation, being satisfied by every value of x, is satisfied when x = 0* 198 ALGEBRA Putting x = 0, we have 4 = 2 A, or A — 2. Again, the equation is satisfied when x = 1. 5 Putting x = 1, we have 5 = 3 J5, or i? = -- 3 The equation is also satisfied when x.= — 2. Putting x = — 2, we have 2^—6 C, or C = — J. The „, * + 4 = ? + _L + ^i_ = ? + 6 1 ' 2x — x 2 — x s x 1 — x 2 + x x S(l — x) 3(2 + x) To find the value of A, in Ex. 2, we give to x stick a value as will make the coefficients of B and C equal to zero ; and we proceed In a similar manner. to find the values of B and C. This method of finding A, B, and C is usually shorter than that used in Ex. 1. Case II. All the factors of the denominator equal, x * - jla? + 26 . Let it be required to separate — — -~ — into partial fractions. Substituting y -f 3 for a;, the fraction becomes (y + 3) 2 - ll(y +3)+26 = y2-5y + 2 = l 5 | 2 2/ 3 2/ 3 y y' 2 y* Replacing y by x — 3, the result takes the form 1 5 2 as _ 3 (a _ 3)2 (x - 3) 8 This shows that the given fraction can be expressed as the sum of three partial fractions, whose numerators are independent of .r, and whose denominators are the powers of x — 3 beginning with the first and ending with the third. Similar considerations hold with respect to any exam pic 1 under Case II ; the number of partial fractions in any case being the same as the number of equal factors in the denomi- nator of the given fraction. 6 x 4- 5 Ex. Separate — — into partial fractions. (3x + 5) 2 l In accordance with the above principle, we assume the given fraction UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 199 equal to the sum of two partial fractions, whose denominators are the powers of 8 x + 5 beginning with the first and ending with the second. That is, 6 * + 5 ,= A +- B Ex. Separate — - — ^~ 2 ■ into partial fractions. (3x + 5) 2 3x + 5 (3x + 5) 2 Clearing of fractions, 6 x + 5 = 4.(3 a; + 5) + B. = SAx + 5A + B. Equating coefficients of like powers of x, 3 A = 6, and 5 A + 5 = 5. Solving these equations, J. = 2 and i? = — 5. Whence _6x±6_ = _2 5 (3 x + 5) 2 3 x + 5 (3 x + 5) 2 Case III. Some of the factors of the denominator equal. a ? - 4 a? -f 3 .. a?(a? + l) 2 The method in Case III is a combination of the methods of Cases I and II ; we assume, x 2 - 4 x + 3 __ A B C x(x + l) 2 x x + 1 (x + l) 2 ' Clearing of fractions, x 2 — 4x + 3 = 4(x + l) 2 + J3x(x + jj + 0a . = (A + B)x 2 + (2A + B+C)x + A. Equating coefficients of like powers of x, A + B = l, 2A+ J5+ C = -4, and A = 3. Solving these equations, A = 3, J5 = — 2, and (7 = — 8. Whence, *-** + « = ? _ _^_ _ 8 . x(x + l) 2 X x+1 (x + 1) 2 The following general rule for Case III will be found convenient : X A fraction of the form should be assumed equal to {x + a)(.x+b)-(.x + my * .+ * +... + ^ + _JL_ + ...+ _^_+.. x + a x + b x + m (x + m) 2 (x + m) r 200 ALGEBRA single factors like x + a and x + b having single partial fractions cor- responding, arranged as in Case I ; and repeated factors like (x + m) having r partial fractions corresponding, arranged as in Case II. 272. If the degree of the numerator is equal to, or greater than, that of the denominator, the preceding methods are inapplicable. In such a case, we divide the numerator by the denominator until a remainder is obtained which is of a lower degree than the denominator. X s _ g x 2 _ j Ex. Separate into an integral expression and partial fractions. Dividing x 8 — 3 x 2 — 1 by x 2 — x, the quotient is x — 2, and the re- mainder — 2 x — 1 ; we then have a*-3a*-l =a; 2 , -2S-1 , (1) X 2 — X X 2 — X O y i We can now separate into partial fractions by the method x 2 — x 1 3 of Case I ; the result is x x— 1 Substituting in (1), ^ i = x _2 + --- e x x — 1 Another way to solve the above example is to combine the methods of §§ 268 and 271, and assume the given fraction equal to Ax + B + C + _D^. x x— 1 273. If the denominator of a fraction can be resolved into factors partly of the first and partly of the second, or all of the second degree, in x, and the numerator is of a lower degree than the denominator, the Theorem of Undetermined Coeffi- cients enables us to express the given fraction -as the sum of two or more partial fractions, whose denominators are factors of the given denominator, and whose numerators are inde- pendent of x in the case of fractions corresponding to factors UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 201 of the first degree, and of the form Ax + B in the case of fractions corresponding to factors of the second degree. The only exceptions occur when the factors of the denominator are of the second degree and all equal. Ex. Separate into partial fractions. x 3 + l The factors of the denominator are x + 1 and x 2 — x + 1. Assume then -1— = -A_ + fx +V . (1) x* + l x+l x 2 -x+l Clearing of fractions, 1 = A(x 2 — x + 1) + (Bx + C) (x + 1). Or, % ^ (4 + B)x 2 + (- A + B + C)x + A + C. Equating coefficients of like powers of x, A + B = 0, -A + B+C = 0, and .4 + C = 1. Solving these equations, A = J, I? = — J, and (7 = f. 1 1 x-2 Substituting in (1), x 3 + l 8(x + l) 3(£ 2 -x+l) EXERCISE 68 Separate into partial fractions : % -1 ■ 6 a 8 + 4a 2 + 2a; + 3 a? _ 9 3 + 20 (a; 2 + 1) (a; 2 + x + 1) 15x-2T „ 3a;-7 7- 10x 2 + ^-21 ^-2^-8 2a? + 3 8 6x?-12 a-*-a&-12 a^-5a; 2 -f-4 12 a; + 18 « 2 ~15a? + 3 ^ + 3a 2 -18x* ar 9 -3x-28' 43a-31 5a 2 + 16a;-2 30 a 2 -12 a; -306 ^ + 4^-3^-18 202 ALGEBRA 12. 13. 14. 18. Sx i -^16x z -10x 2 -^2Sx-\-ll "* 2x* + x-3 59x-5S 12 a; 2 -25 a + 12* 2^-11^4- 19 x*-§x* + 12x-% 2x s -3x-8 (x> + x-2) 2 ' . X 3 — X 15. 16. 17. 2x* + x 2 + 5x (x i + 2x + l)(x 2 -x + l) x* + 2a?-9x 2 + 7x x 4 — 4:X s + 6x 2 — 4:X + l 12ft 4 + 19ar*-7a: 4a; 4 + 1 2ar>-2 5L-? 19. **-*. 20 x (x 2 + x j r \)+2(x 2 +x+l) # 4 +a; 2 +-l 2x-Z 4tx*—x REVERSION OP SERIES 274. To revert a given series y = a + bx m +- cx n +- ••• is to express # as a series proceeding in ascending powers of y. Ex. Revert the series y = 2x — 3x 2 -\-4:X s — 5x 4 + •••. Assume x = Ay + By 2 + Cy z + Zty 4 + •••. Substituting in this the given value of y, x = A(2 x - 3 x 2 + 4x 3 - 5 z 4 + •••) + 5(4 x 2 + 9 £ 4 - 12 x 3 + 16 x* + — ) -f (7(8 x 3 - 36 x 4 + .-•) + 2>(16 x 4 + ■ (1) )+" That is, x = 2 ^4x - 3 .4 1 x 2 + 4 .4 + 45! - 12 B ■ + 8(7 x 3 — 5 ^4 + 25 5 -36(7 + 16 2) sc 4 + Equating coefficients of like powers of x, 2.4 = 1; 4 4-125 + 8 (7=0; - 5 .4 + 25 B - 36 (7 + 16 D = ; etc. Solving, A s J, 5 = f , (7 = Ai *> = f¥s, etc. Substituting in (1) , x = J y + f y 2 + ^ y 3 + T 3 2 \ y 4 + • • -. If the even powers of x are wanting in the given series, the operation may be abridged by assuming x equal to a series containing only the odd powers of y. pp:rmutations and combinations 203 EXERCISE 69 Revert each of the following to four terms : i. 2/ = ^ + 3^ + 5x 3 + 7^+ .... 3< y = x + f + f + tj r .... 2. y = x-2x 2 + 3x 3 -4:X 4 + .... 2 3 4 4 . y = 2x + 5x 2 + 8x 3 + llx i + .... /y» /V»2 /y»3 /y»4 /y, /yvJ ,y»3 /y»4 5 ' 2/ = 2"4 + 6-8 + "" 6 - 2/ = |I + [3 + [4 + |5 + -- 7. 2/=2o;-4^+6a) 5 -8^+.., 8. y = | + J + f + f + "" XII. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS 275. The different orders in which things can be arranged are called their Permutations. Thus, the permutations of the letters a, b, c, taken two at a time, are ab, ac, ba, be, ca, cb\ and their permutations, taken three at a time, are abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. 276. The Combinations of things are the different collections which can be formed from them without regard to the order in which they are placed. Thus, the combinations of the letters a, b, c, taken two at a time, are ab, be, ca ; for though ab and ba are different permu- tations, they form the same combination. 277. To find the number of permutations of n different things taken tivo at a time. Consider the n letters, a, b, c, •••. In making any particular permutation of two letters, the first letter may be any one of the n ; that is, the first place can be filled in n different ways. After the first place has been filled, the second place can be filled with any one of the remaining n — 1 letters. Then, the whole number of permutations of the letfers taken two at a time is n(n — 1). We will now consider the general case. 204 ALGEBRA 278. To find the number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time. Consider the n letters a, b, c, •••. In making any particular permutation of r letters, the first letter may be any one of the n. After the first place has been filled, the second place can be filled with any one of the remaining n — 1 letters. After the second place has been filled, the third place can be filled in n — 2 different ways. Continuing in this way, the rth place can be filled in n — (r — 1), or n — r + 1 different ways. Then, the whole number of permutations of the letters taken r at a time is given by the formula n P r = n(n-l)(n-2)-..(n-r + l). (1) The number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time is usually denoted J)y the symbol n P r . 279. If all the letters are taken, r = n, and (1) becomes n P n = n(n-l)(n-2):-3-2-l = \n 1 _ (2) Hence, the number of permutations of n different things taken n at a time equals the product of the natural num- bers from 1 to n inclusive. (See note, § 181.) 280. To find the number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time. The number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time is n(n-l)(n~2) ... (n-r-f 1) (§ 278). But, by § 279, each combination of r different things may have \r permutations. • Hence, the number of combinations of n different things taken rata time equals the number of permutations divided by [r. That is, n C r = n(n-l)(n-2)..-(n-r + l) ; Q]) \r The number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time is usually denoted by the symbol „O r . PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS 205 281 . Multiplying both terms of the fraction (3) by the prod- uct of the natural numbers from 1 to n — r inclusive, we have C = n(n-l) ...( n -r + l)-(w-r) -2-l _ b ■ [r X 1 • 2 • • • (n — r) \r_ \ n — r which is another form of the result. 282. The number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time equals the number of combinations taken n — r at a time. For, for every selection of r things out of n, we leave a selec- tion of n — r things. The theorem may also be proved by substituting n — r f or r, in the result of § 281. 283. Examples. i. How many changes can be rung with 10 bells, taking 7 at a time ? Putting n = 10, r = 7, in (1), § 278, 10P7 = 10- 9. 8- 7- 6. 5. 4 = 604800. 2. How many different combinations can be formed with 16 letters, taking 12 at a time ? By § 282, the number of combinations of 16 different things, taken 12 at a time, equals the number of combinations of 16 different things, taken 4 at a time. Putting n = 16, r = 4, in (3), § 280, = 182(X 16 1.2.3-4 3. How many different words, each consisting of 4 consonants and 2 vowels, can be formed from 8 consonants and 4 vowels ? The number of combinations of the 8 consonants, taken 4 at^a time, is 8 - 7 '°- 5 ,or70. 1- 2-3-4 206 ALGEBRA The number of combinations of the 4 vowels, taken 2 at a time, is i^ 3 ,or6. 1-2' Any one of the 70 sets of consonants may be associated with any one of the 6 sets of vowels ; hence, there are in all 70 x 6, or 420 sets, each containing 4 consonants and 2 vowels. But each set of 6 letters may have ]_6, or 720 different permutations (§ 279). Therefore, the whole number of different words is 420 x 720, or 302400. EXERCISE 70 i. How many different permutations can be formed with 14 letters, taken 6 at a time ? 2. In how many different orders can the letters in the word triangle be written, taken all together ? 3. How many combinations can be formed with 15 things, taken 5 at a time ? 4. A certain play has 5 parts, to be taken by a company of 12 persons. In how many different ways can they be assigned ? 5. How many combinations can be formed with 17 things, taken 11 at a time ? 6. How many different numbers, of 6 different figures each, can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, if each number begins with 1, and ends with 9 ? 7. How many even numbers, of 5 different figures each, can be formed from the digits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ? 8. How many different words, of 8 different letters each, can be formed from the letters in the word ploughed, if the third letter is o, the fourth w, and the seventh e ? PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS 207 9. How many different committees, of 8 persons each, can be formed from a corporation of 14 persons ? In how many will any particular individual be found? 10. There are 11 points in a plane, no 3 in the same straight line. How many different quadrilaterals can be formed, having 4 of the points for vertices ? 11. From a pack of 52 cards, how many different hands of 6 cards each can be dealt ? 12. A and B are in a company of 48 men. If the company is divided into equal squads of 6, in how many of them will A and B be in the same squad ? 13. How many different words, each having 5 consonants and 1 vowel, can be formed from 13 consonants and 4 vowels ? 14. Out of 10 soldiers and 15 sailors, how many different parties can be formed, each consisting of 3 soldiers and 3 sailors ? 15. A man has 22 friends, of whom 14 are males. In how many ways can he invite 16 guests from them, so that 10 may be males ? 16. From 3 sergeants, 8 corporals, and 16 privates, how many different parties can be formed, each consisting of 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 5 privates ? 17. Out of 3 capitals, 6 consonants, and 4 vowels, how many different words of 6 letters each can be formed, each beginning with a capital, and having 3 consonants and 2 vowels ? 18. How many different words of 8 letters each can be formed from 8 letters, if 4 of the letters cannot be separated ? How many if these 4 can only be in one order ? 19. How many different numbers, of 7 figures each, can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, if the first, fourth, and last digits are odd numbers ? 208 ALGEBRA 284. To find the number of permutations of n things which are not all different, taken all together. Let there be n letters, of which p are a's, q are &'s, and r are c's, the rest being all different. Let N denote the number of permutations of these letters taken all together. Suppose that, in any particular permutation of the n letters, the p a's were replaced by p new letters, differing from each other and also from the remaining letters. Then, by simply altering the order of these p letters among themselves, without changing the positions of any of the other letters, we could from the original permutation form [p differ- ent permutations (§ 279). If this were done in the case of each of the JV original per- mutations, the whole number of permutations would be N x \p. Again, if in any one of the latter the q 6's were replaced by q new letters, differing from each other and from the remain- ing letters, then by altering the order of these q letters among themselves, we could from the original permutation form \q different permutations ; and if this were done in the case of each of the N x \p permutations, the whole number of permu- tations would be N x ]/) x | q. In like manner, if in each of the latter the r c's were re- placed by r new letters, differing from each other and from the remaining letters, and these r letters were permuted among themselves, the whole number of permutations would be Nx [px )_7 X ]r. We now have the' original n letters replaced by n different letters. But the number of permutations of n different things taken n at a time is I n (§ 279). Therefore, N x \p X I q X I r = I n : or, N= — =~- • L L_ L 1_ \p\q\r Any other case can be treated in a similar maimer. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS 209 Ex. How many permutations can be formed from the let- ters in the word Tennessee, taken all together? Here there are 4 e's, 2 n's, 2 s's, and 1 1. Putting in the above formula n = 9, p = 4, q = 2, r = 2, we have l& _5. = 378a L4(_2|2 2 ' 2 EXERCISE 71 i. In how many different orders can the letters of the word denomination be written ?• 2. There are 4 white billiard balls exactly alike, and 3 red balls, also alike; in how many different orders can they be arranged ? 3. In how many different orders can the letters of the word independence be written ? 4. How many different signals can be made with 7 flags, of which 2 are blue, 3 red, and 2 white, if all are hoisted for each signal ? 5. How many different numbers of 8 digits can be formed from the digits 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1 ? 6. In how many different ways can 2 dimes, 3 quarters, 4 halves, and 5 dollars be distributed among 14 persons, so that each may receive a coin? 285. To find for what value of r the number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time is greatest. By § 280, the mimber of combinations of n different things, taken r at a time, is r _ n(tt-l)-(w-r+2)(n-r + l) m * ' L2.3...(r-l)r ' W 210 \i.(,i:i;i; \ Also, the number of combinations of n different things, taken r — 1 at I t line, is »(n \) ■■■ \, t (r hill n(n I) ., The expression (1) Is obtained by multiplying the expres- Bion (2) by ■ — , or — i. The latter expression decreases as r increases. If. then, we Bud the values of (I) corresponding to the Val- ues L| 2j • ». ■••• Of /*. the results will OOntinnally increase so i « /• ! 1 . ' -, Long as is > l. /' I. Suppose a even; and let n »2m, where mn ia a positive integer. Then, ™ — iX- beoomes — ■ - — r r If, w > 2w '- r + 1 becomes '" j 1 ,and is 1. 2 m — r +1 . i ,", i If r-m + 1, - ; . becomes r and is - I. Then, ,0! will bave its greatest value when r»HM II. Suppose N Oddj and let n ■ % 2m I 1. where m is a posi- tive integer, 1 hen. becomes " ' r r if r ». - - - j " beoomes " -j and is >l, r m [fr«m+l, - - beoomes - 4~ti and equals 1, r »< 4- 1 2 m r I 4> tw If r in I 2, - - beoomes ^, and is <1. r DETERMINANTS 211 Then, n C r will have its greatest value when r equals in or 1 n — or — + 1. m -f- 1 ; that is, Then, n (7 r will have its greatest value when r equals n 4- 1 or — ~— ; the results being the same in these two cases. Li XIII. DETERMINANTS 286. The solution of the equations | a Y x + b^y = c lf \ a& -f- bgj = c 2 , i s x — b & — b & y = °2 a l ~ C i a 2 . afii — ajbi a Y b 2 — a 2 &i The common denominator may be written in the form a l9 h -1 (1) This is understood as signifying the product of the upper left-hand and lower right-hand numbers, minus the product of the lower left-hand and upper right-hand. The expression (1) is called a Determinant of the Second Order. The numerators of the above fractions can also be expressed as deter- minants ; thus, b-zCi — b\C 2 = Cl, bi , and c 2 a\ - - Ci& + aj) s i\ — dib^s + ajb x c 2 — ajbfr with results of similar form for y and z. 212 ALGEBRA The denominator of (1) may be written in the form a 2 , b 2 , c 2 . (2) This is understood as signifying the sum of the products of the numbers connected by lines parallel to a line joining the upper left-hand corner to the lower right-hand, in the fol- lowing diagram, minus the sum of the products of the numbers connected by lines parallel to a line joining the lower left-hand corner to the upper right-hand. The expression (2) is called a Determinant of the Third Order. The numerator of (1) can also be expressed as a determinant, as follows : ds, b 3 , c 8 as may be verified by expanding it by the above rule. EXERCISE 72 Evaluate the following: 2. 14 15 9 12 2 x — ?/ 2 x -f- y 2x + y 2x-y 4 3 2 1 8 7 4- 3 4 5 9 12 6 7 8 • 5- 15 12 8 4 6 5 2 4 6. 12 9 2 5 4 DETERMINANTS 213 Show that 6 8 10 7 5 10 11 6 10 8 5 4 12 9 6 . 14 16 7 Show that 7-4 8 3. 6 -9 8-5 1 3 = 6 10 10 10 10 + 11 10 10 -4 8 7 8 7 -4 3 -5 13 + 6 8 13 + 9 8 -5 It is found in geometry that if the vertices of a triangle are at the points x = 2, ?/ = 3 ; a? = 4, y = 5; x =— 1, y = 4, the area of the triangle is found to be 2 3 1 , the abscissas (§ 46) forming the first Area : 4 5 1 -14 1 column of the determinant, the ordinates the second column, and the third column being l's. Find the areas of the triangles whose vertices are at the following points: io.* x=— 2, y=l\ x=£, y=l; x=2, y=6. Make diagram. ii. x = — 4, 2/ = 3; a = 4, ?/ = 3 ; x = 2,y = —7. Make diagram. 12. x = 2, 2/ = 4; x = 8, y = A-, x=— 1, y = — 9. Make diagram. 13. x = — 5, y = S- y x = 5, y = 3-, x = 0, y=—3. Make diagram. 14. a=-2, y = 8; a = -2, y=-2; # = 5, 2/=~ 4 - Make diagram. * If your area is negative, its absolute value is the area sought. A change in the order of selecting the vertices will change the sign of the area, but not the absolute value of the area. 214 ALGEBRA 288. The numbers in the first, second, etc., horizontal lines of a determinant are said to be in the first, second, etc., rows, respectively ; and the numbers in the first, second, etc., vertical columns, in the first, second, etc., columns. The numbers constituting the determinant are called its elements, and the products in the expanded form its terms. Thus, in the determinant (2), of § 287, the elements are a \, 2) a \, 3 a 2, 1? ®>2, 2? ^2, 3 %, 1) ^3, 2? #3, 3 The products of the elements taken three at a time, subject to the restriction that each product shall contain one and only one element from each row, and one and only one from each column, the first suffixes being written in the order 1, 2, 3, are 0\, 1 #2, 2 #3, 3? #1, 1 #2, 3 «3, 2, (L\, 2 0>2, 1 #3, 3? #1, 2 #2, 3 #3, 1? #1, 3 #2, 1 #3, 2> and «i,3 a 2 , 2 #3, i- In the first of these there are no inversions in the second suffixes ; in the second there is one, 3 before 2 ; in the third there is one ; in the fourth, two ; in the fifth, two ; in the sixth, three. Then by the rule of § 290, the first, fourth, and fifth products are positive, and the second, third, and sixth are negative ; and the ex- panded form is 0\, 1 0,2, 2 053, 3 — &1, 1 0,2, 3 #3, 2 — #1, 2 #2, 1 0%, 3 + Q>\, 2 &2, 3 *2, 1> ^2, 2? H % n -% n x n, 1) and a i, 2? tt », 1 ««,2 l 2, nj Since the second suffixes of the first determinant arc tlic same as the first suffixes of the second, if the first determinant be expanded by the rule of § 290, and the second by the rule of § 293, the results will be the same. Therefore the determinants are equal. DETERMINANTS 217 295. A determinant is changed in sign if any two con- secutive rows, or any two consecutive columns, are interchanged. Consider the determinants a b c b a c d e f and e d f g h Jc h g k Evaluating each determinant as in Exercise 72, we have aek + dhc + bfg — gee — bdk — fha and bdk -f egc + afh — hdc — aek — fgb, each term of the second determinant being the negative of the correspond- ing term in the first. The second determinant has therefore the same absolute value as the first, but of opposite sign. In a manner similar to that used in § 294, it may be shown that this property holds for determin- ants of the nth order. It follows, from §§ 294 and 295, that if two consecutive rows are interchanged, the sign of the determinant is changed. 296. A determinant is changed in sign if any two rows, or any two columns, are interchanged. Consider the m letters a, b, c, •••, e, f, g. By interchanging a with &, then a with c, and so on in succession with each of the m — 1 letters to the right of a, a may be brought to the right of g. Then, by interchanging g with /, then g with e, and so on in succession with each of the m — 2 letters to the left of g, g may be brought to the left of b. That is, a and g may be interchanged by (m — 1) + (ni — 2), or 2 m — 3, interchanges of consecutive letters ; that is, by an odd number of interchanges of consecutive letters. It follows from the above that any two rows, or any two columns, of a determinant may be interchanged by an odd number of interchanges of consecutive rows or columns. But every interchange of two consecutive rows or columns changes the sign of the determinant (§ 295). ** Therefore the sign of the determinant is changed if any two rows, or any two columns, are interchanged. 218 ALGEBRA 297. Cyclical interchange of rows or columns. By n — 1 successive interchanges of two consecutive rows, the first row of a determinant of the nth order may be made the last. Thus, by § 295, the determinant a 2 , b< is equal to (— l) n a n , The above is called a cyclical interchange of rows. In like manner, by n — 1 successive interchanges of two con- secutive columns, the first column of a determinant of the nth order may be made the last. 298. If two rows, or two columns, of a determinant are identical, the value of the determinant is zero. Let D be the value of a determinant having two rows, or two columns, identical. If these rows, or columns, are interchanged, the value of the resulting determinant is - D (§ 296). But since the rows, or columns, which are interchanged are identical, the two determinants are of equal value. Hence, D — — D ; and this equation cannot be satisfied by any value of D except 0. Ex. Evaluate the following determinant : a a d = abk 4- bed 4- cea — cbd — abk — ace. = 0. 299. If each element in one column, or in one row, is the sum of m terms, the determinant can be expressed as the sum of m determinants. Consider the determinant a 2, 1> a 2, r) (1) ; "1, r> a 2, rl 8*»rj "" a n, Multiplying each element in the rth column by m, we have «i,i, •••, mai,n *-i «i, «2,1, ma2,r, «2, (i) (2) Let «i iP ••• a g , r ••• a n , s be the absolute value of one of the terms of (1). Replacing a q , r by ma q> ,., the absolute value of the corresponding term of (2) is mai, p ••• a q>r ••• «»,«• It is evident from this that the determinant (2) equals m times the determinant (1). Ex. Consider the values of 9 h . k • Evaluating, m(aek -f- bfg + chd — ceg — dbk — afh) and maek + mbfg + mchd — mceg — dmbk —mafli, which are identical. a d g ma d b e h and mb e c f * mc f 220 ALGEBRA 301 . If all the elements in any column, or row, be mul- tiplied by the same number, and either added to, or sub- tracted from, the corresponding elements in another column, or row, the value of the determinant is not changed. Let the elements in the rth column of the following deter- minant be multiplied by m, and added to the corresponding elements in the qth column. «1> •'•■> ®q, '"t Ctr, t &n h, •>•$ b q , •••, b r , , &n (1 #i? •••? 1c q <) •••? fori , fC n We then obtain the determinant 0>U '"•) ®q + ma r, -•» Or, '**! &n 6i, ••, bq + mhr, '"5 &n -' bn (2 ki, • •, k q + mkr, -.., fori ***? K which by §§ 299 and 300, is equal to Q>ll *"% Qqi "'$ Qri '"i Q>n «1, '" i «r, , a n •• ', «n b\, —, b qj •••, & PJ •••, b n + m hi b r , rCr, 5r, •• *» tin Kit '*•$ Kq-j .. ? AV, "**} "'W But the coefficient of m is zero (§ 298). Whence, the determinant (2) is equal to (1). 302. Minors. If the elements in any m rows and any m columns of a determinant of the r*th order be erased, the remaining elements form a determinant of the (n — m)th order. This determinant is called an mth Minor of the given deter- minant. h „ n „ ***j ^2, n (1) By § 290, the absolute values of the terms which involve a h x are obtained by forming all possible products of the ele- ments taken n at a time, subject to the restrictions that the first elements shall be a h x and that each product shall contain one and only one element from each row except the first, and one and only one from each column except the first. It is evident from this that the coefficient of a h j in (1) may be obtained by forming all possible products of the following elements taken n — 1 at a time, ^2,2? ^2,3? '"> ®2,n a 3, 2? a 3, 3> ***? a 3, n subject to the restriction that each product shall contain one and only one element from each row, and one and only one from each column, writing the first suffixes in the order 2, 3, • •, n, and making each product + or — according as the number of inversions in the second suffixes is even or odd. Then by § 290, the coefficient of a lt x is Ojo o j ^2 3? * * *? ^2 n tt 3, 2) a 3, 3> "'J a 3,n that is, the minor obtained by erasing the first row and the first column of the given determinant. 222 ALGEBRA 304. By aid of § 303, a determinant of any order may be expressed as a determinant of any higher order. 1, 0, 0, 0, Thus, 1, o, o, a% % hi Cl () 7 Cll, hi, Cl «2, &2, c 2 = 0, «2? &2, c 2 0*, 6» ? c 3 0, az, &•, c 3 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, GL\, b\, C\ 0, 0, a 2 , b 2 , c 2 0, 0, a z , b 3 , c 3 etc. 305. Coefficient of any Element of a Determinant. To find the coefficient of b 3 , in the determinant "■■i, K bo, CO (-1)3 %> ^3? °3 By two interchanges of consecutive rows, the last row may be made the first ; thus, by § 295, the determinant equals a 3 , &3, c 3 (-1)2 ai , h, ft • (2) a*L, b 2 , C 2 By interchanging the first two columns, the determinant (2) equals b 3 , az, c s (- 1) 3 6i, oi, 4 • (3) b 2 , a 2 , c 2 By § 303, the coefficient of b 3 , in (3), is a\, ci a 2 , c 2 That is, the coefficient of the element in the third row and second column equals (— 1)*+ 2 multiplied by that minor of (1) which is obtained by erasing the third row and second column. We will now consider the general case ; to find the coefficient of a*, r in the determinant a\,i, •••, <*i,r» •••» «i, ak, i, a n ,u aic,r ', a n ,ri «*,* (4) DETERMINANTS 223 By k — 1 interchanges of consecutive rows, and r — 1 interchanges of consecutive columns, the element a&, r may be brought to the upper left- hand corner. Thus, by § 295, the determinant equals Then, by § 303, the coefficient of a A , r is (_ 1)*+r-2 $n, 1» ***? ^n, n But (_ l)*+r-2 - (_ !)t+r +(_ 1)« = (_ 1) fc+r Hence, the coefficient of the element in the ftth row and rth column equals (— l)* +r ? multiplied by the minor of (4) which is obtained by erasing the Zcth row and rth column. 306. By aid of § 305, a determinant of any order may be expressed in terms of determinants of any lower order. Thus, since every term of a determinant contains one and only one element from the first row, we have, a u &i, ci, di #2? &2> Cli d'l «3, 63, c 3 , dj #4, 64, C4, C?4 |&2» c 2 , $2 «1 63, C3, <*3 -h |&4i C4, ^4 «2» C2, ^3 «4, C4, (?4 «2> &2» <^2 «3, fc. C*3 rr* «4, 64, 1 1 1 7. x, ■4, y> -T, 6, 6. 3, 6, Plot this line (§51). y = 5, and as = 6, y 4, 2/, 12, = 0. = 0. Are the points x — — 4, ?/ = — 7, and as = 8, ?/ = 6, on this line? 8. 15, 12, 11, 14, -4, -8, 16, 10, -2, 10, 12, 3, 6 25 5 6 9- io. Are the points x = 3, = — 12, on this line? 0, 0, 3 7, 9, o, 8, o, o, 10 o, o, -6, -8 o, 3, 5, 9 5, o, 7, 8- 4, 9, o, 16 8, 16, 4, 226 ALGEBRA 4, 0, 12, 10 8, t 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6, 15, 18 II. 10, 0, 6, 4 24, 0, 3, 12 12. 0, 12, 98, 0, 2, 5, 104 6 5, -4, 0, 15 -4, 5, 15, 13. Show that 12, 0, 17, -9, 5, -9, 4 3 = 0, 12, -9, 17, 4, 5 3, -9 6, 8, 8, -2 8, 6, -2, 8 14, 3, -13 1 -13, 21,- -17, -11 14. Show that 8,-5, 21, 24, 21 -17 2 1 = 14, 8, 3, -5, 21, -6 24, -9 -6, -9, -11 p 2 1, 2, 1, 2 5, 6, 12, 16 5, 2, 3, 16 15. Show that 7, 9, - 18, 27, -16, 36; -15 9 : = 108 7, 3, 2, 1, -4, -15 1, 1 2, 9, - -20, -11 2,3, -5, -11 16, 8, 7, -4 16. Evaluate 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, -11, 2 3 -4, 7, 8, in, y, n, X 17. Evaluate x, y, n, «i »» y, m m m, n, y, X It is shown in geometry that if a straight line passes through the points x = x l9 y = y ly x — x 2 , y = y 2 , where x x , x 2 , y ly y 2 are definite values of x and 2/, the equation of the line is found from the determinant 1 1 =0. 1 X y x x V\ x 2 2/2 DETERMINANTS 227 Find the equations of the lines passing through the following points : 18. as = 1, y = 3; #=— 2, y s4 19. x = 0, y = 8 ; x = 8, y = 0. 20. # = — 1, 2/ = 2 ; a? = 3, y = — 1. 308. Let A r , B n • ••, iT r , denote the coefficients of the ele- ments a,., b r , •••, k r , respectively, in the determinant. hi ^1? Kq K, "n (1) Then, since every term of the determinant contains one and only one element from the first column, the value of the determinant is A 1 a 1 + A 2 a 2 -\- ••• + A n a n . In like manner, the value of the determinant also equals , BA + B 2 b 2 + . .. + B H b n , • • •, KJh + KM 2 + • • . 4- &Jc* 309. If m lf m 2 , • ••, m n are the elements in any column of the determinant (1), of § 308, except the first, A^in^ + A 2 m 2 -+- • • • -f A n m n is the value of a determinant, which differs from (1) only in having m 1? m 2 , •••, m n instead of a lt a 2 , •••, a n as the elements in the first column. Then A 1 m 1 + A 2 m 2 -f ••• + A n m n = ; for it is the value of a determinant which has two columns identical. In like manner, if m 1? ra 2 , •••, m n are the elements in any column of the determinant (1), except the second, ^ Bim^ + B 2 m 2 + • • • + 5 n m n = ; and so on. 228 ALGEBRA SOLUTION OP EQUATIONS 310. Let it be required to solve the following system of n linear, simultaneous equations, involving n unknown numbers : 0&1 + + q&r + + hx H = p lm la„a 1 + ••• + q,fl r + ■•■• 4-&A=2>„. (1) (2) (3) Let Q u Q 2 , • ••, Q n denote the coefficients of the elements #i, q 2 , •••, q n respectively, in the determinant D-- Q2, »j k 2 •j kn Multiplying equations (1), (2), ..., (3) by § b Q 2 , • •, Q m respectively, and adding, we have xiiQiai + Q 2 a 2 + ••• + Q n a n ) + ••• + Xr{Qiqi + §2^2 + ••• + Q n q n ) + •" + x n (Qiki + Q 2 k 2 + -. + Q n k n ) = QiPi + Q 2 p 2 + + §nPn. By § 309 the coefficient of each unknown number, except x r , is zero. By § 308, the coefficient of x r is D ; also, the second member is the value of a determinant which differs from D only in having pi, p 2 , •••» Pn instead of q u q 2 , •••, q n as the elements in the rth column ; denoting the latter by D n we have x r D = D r , and x r = I) 311. i£#. Find the value of y from the equations (3x-5y + 7z = 28. i2a + 6x n ~ 2 H \-q n _ x x+q n = 0. (2) Equation (2) must also have at least one root. Let b be this root ; then (2) may be written (x-b) (x n ~ 2 + r 3 x n ~ s + • • • + *Li? + r n ) = 0, and the equation may be solved by placing x - b = 0, and x n ~ 2 -f r s x n ~ 3 -\ h r n x x + r n = 0. After Ti — 1 binomial factors have been divided out, we shall arrive finally at an equation of the first degree, x — 7c = ; whence, x = 7c. Therefore, the given equation has the n roots a, 6, • • •, 7c. The roots are not necessarily unequal. m Ex. x 3 - 3 x 2 + 3 x - 1 = 0. Whence, (x - l)(x - l)(x - 1) = and x = l, or 1, or 1. 232 ALGEBRA 317. Depression of Equations. It follows from § 316 that, if m roots of an equation of the nth degree are known, the equation may be depressed to an- other equation of the (n — m)th degree, which shall contain the other n — m roots. Thus, if all but two of the roots of an equation are known, these two may be obtained from the depressed equation by the rules for quadratics. Ex. Two roots of the equation 9 x 4 — 37 x 2 — 8 x + 20 = are 2 and — f ; find the others. By § 314, the first member of the given equation is divisible by (a- 2) (3« + 5), or Sx 2 - x - 10. Dividing 9 x 4 — 37 x 2 — 8 x + 20 by 3 x 2 — x — 10, the quotient is 3x 2 + x-2. Then the depressed equation is 3 x 2 + x - 2 = 0. Solving by the rules for quadratics, x = } or — 1. EXERCISE 75 Find whether : i. One root of ar 3 — x 2 — 32 x + 60 = is 5; if so, find the others. 2. One root of 2 a? - 6 x 2 - 2 x + 6 = is 3 ; if so, find the others. 3. Two roots of 4 x 4 - 12 x 3 - 13 x 2 + 45 x - 18 = are - 2 and 3 respectively ; if so, find the others. 4. One root of 3 X s — 5 x 2 + 2 x — 4 = is 2 ; if so, find the others. 5. Two roots of 14 a 4 + 65 ar* - 222 x 2 + 65 x + 14 = are 2 and — 7 ; if so, find the others. 6. Two roots of x 4 + 4 x s - 6 x 2 + 24 x - 72 = are - 6 and 2; if so, find the others. 7. Two roots of x 4 — 4 X s + 3 x 2 + 4 a; — 4 = are 2 and — 1 ; if so, find the others. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 233 8. Three roots of 2 x* + 29 x 4 + 1*8 or 3 + 379 a; 2 + 394 x + 120 = are — 2, — 3, — £ j if so, find the others. 9. Two roots of a* 4 + 12 a 8 + 34 x 2 - 12 x - 35 = are 1 and — 7 ; if so, find the others. 10. Two roots of 5 x* - 18 a) 3 +72z - 120 = are 5 and - 4 ; if so, find the others. 318. Formation of Equations. It follows from § 316, that if the roots of x n +p x x n ~ l -\ t- Pn _ lX + Pn =zO are a, b, •••, k, the equation may be written in the form (x — a)(x — b) • • • (x — k) = 0. Hence, to form an equation which shall have any required roots, Subtract each root from a?, and place the product of the resulting expressions equal to zero. Ex. Form an equation having the roots 1, i, and — f . By the rule (x- l)(x -DO + }) = 0. Multiplying the terms of the second factor by 2, and of the third by 3, (x-l)(2z-l)(3£ + 5) =0. Expanding, 6x 3 + % 2 — 12 x + 5 = 0. EXERCISE 76 Form equations having the roots : I- 1,-4,6. 7 . _ m) m±v^. 2. 3,-1,-21 4 3-2,3,5,0. 8. 3±V2,-3 ± V2. 4. -1,-2,7,-8. 9- «, -~>- & >-J- 5- 2, 9, - J, |. ^ 4±2V3 -2±V3 6. 4,4, -I, -£. 3 ' 3 234 ALGEBRA 319. Composition of Coefficients. By § 318, the equation of the nth degree whose roots are a, b, c, d, • ••, ft, Z, m, is (x — a)(x — b)(x — c)(x — d) ••• (x — m) = 0. (1) By actual multiplication, we obtain (x — a) (x — b) — x 2 — (a + b)x + ab ; (x — a) (x — b) (x — c) = x* — (« + & + c)x 2 + (ab -f be -f ca)x — a&c ; (# — a) (x — 6) (x — c) (x — d) = x i —(a + b + c + d)x* -f (a& + ac+ ad + bc + bd + cd)x 2 — (abc + abd + aceZ + 6cd)x + abed = ; etc. When all the factors of the first member of (1) have been multiplied together, the result will be in the form x n -\-piX n ~ l + p 2 x n - 2 + p 3 x n - s -f ••• +p n ; where pi = - (a + b -f c + ••• + k + I -f m) ; p 2 = ab + ac + 6c + • • • -f Zm ; p 3 = — (abc + «6c? + acd + ••• + Mm); p n = ± abed ••• klm, according as n is even or odd. Hence, in an equation of the nth degree in the general form, The coefficient of the second term is equal to minus the sum of all the roots. The coefficient of the third term is equal to the sum of the products of the roots, taken two at a time, The coefficient of the fourth term is equal to minus the sum of the products of the roots, taken three at a time ; etc. The last term is equal to plus or minus the product of all the roots, according as n is even or odd. 320. It follows from § 319 that, if an equation of the nth degree is in the general form, If the second term is wanting, the sum of the roots is 0. If the last term is wanting, at least one root is 0. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 235 If the last term is an integer, it is divisible by every integral root. EXERCISE 77 In each of the following, find the sum of the roots, and the product of the roots : i. x z -Sx 2 + l§x-12 = b. 2. ar 3 - 31 x- 30 = 0. 3. 4^-12^ + 3^ + 13^-6=0. 321. If all but one of the roots of an equation of the ?ith degree in the general form are known, the remaining root may be found by changing the sign of the coefficient of the second term of the given equation, and subtracting the sum of the known roots from the result ; or, by dividing the last term of the given equation if n is even, or its negative if n is odd, by the product of the known roots. If all but two are known, the coefficient of the second term of the depressed equation may be found by adding the sum of the known roots to the coefficient of the second term of the given equation ; and the last term of the depressed equation may be found by dividing the last term of the given equation by plus or minus the product of the known roots according as n is even or odd. Ex. Two roots of the equation 9 x A — 37 x 2 - 8 a; + 20 = are 2 and — f ; what are the others ? We first put the equation in the general form by dividing each term by 9. It then becomes sc* - - 3 / x 2 — § x + ^ = 0. Since there is no sc 3 term, the coefficient of the second term is 0. Then the coefficient of the second term of the depressed equation is + 2 - § or 1 The coefficient of the last term of the depressed equation is Solving, x = § or — 1. 236 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 78 i. One root of x 3 + 7 x 2 — 5x — 75 = is — 5 ; find the others. 2. Three roots of 4 a; 4 — 55 x 2 — 45 # + 36 = are 4, —3, \\ find the other. 3. Four roots of 20 x 5 - 108 x 4 + 225 or 3 - 224 x 2 + 105 a - 18 = are 1, 1, -§, f ; find the other. 4. Three roots of or 5 - a 4 - 15 X s + 25 ar> + 14 x - 24 = are 2, 1, — 4 ; find the others. 5. Two roots of x* - ax* + (2 a - 7 a 2 - l)rf + (a 3 - 2 a 2 + a)* + 6 a 4 — 12 a 3 + 6 a 2 = are a — 1 and 3 a; find the others. 322. Fractional Roots. An equation in the general form with integral coeffi- cients cannot have as a root a rational fraction in its lowest terms. Let the equation be x n +p 1 af t ~ 1 +p 2 x n 2 H VPn-l* +Pn = 0, where p l9 p 2 , '" } p n are integral. If possible, let -, a rational fraction in its lowest terms, be a root of b the equation ; then, Multiplying each term by 6 n_1 , and transposing, b By hypothesis, a and b have no common divisor ; hence, a n and b have no common divisor. We then have a rational fraction in its lowest terms equal to an integral expression, which is impossible. Therefore, the equation cannot have as a root a rational fraction in its lowest terms. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 237 323. Imaginary Roots. If the imaginary number a + hi is a root of an equation in the general form, with real coefficients, its conjugate (a - bi) is also a root. Let the equation be X n + p lX n-l + . . . +p n _ lX +p n = 0, (1) where p 1? •••, p n are real numbers. Since a + bi is a root of (1), we have (a + bi)» + pi(a + bi)"- 1 + •- +Pn-i{a+bi) + p n = 0. Expanding by the Binomial Theorem, we have, by § 180, a n + na n- m _ riin-J^ %2 _ n(n - l)(n - 2) _ [2 >(S + pja n ~ l + (n- \)a-m - ^ - *) 0* - 2) aW _ 3&2 1 + ... +j£»-i(a + 50 +p w = 0. (2) Collecting the real and imaginarj^ terms, we have a result of the form P+Qi = 0. (3) Here, P stands for the sum of all the terms containing a alone, together with all the terms containing even powers of i ; and Qi for all terms containing odd powers of i. In order that equation (3) may hold, we must have P = 0, and Q = 0. Now substituting a — bi for x in the first member of equation (1), it becomes (a - 60" +Pi(a - bi)*- 1 + - +p n -i(a - bi) fp n . (4) Expanding by the Binomial Theorem, we shall have a result which differs from the first member of (2) only in having the second, fourth, sixth, etc., terms of each expansion, or those involving i as a factor, changed in sign. Then, collecting the real and imaginary terms, the expression (3) is equal to p _ q^ where P and Q have the same meanings as before. But since P = and Q *= 0, we have P— Qi =s 0. Whence, a — bi is a root of (1). *• The above proof holds without change when a equals zero ; thus the theorem holds for any pure imaginary number, of the form bi. 238 ALGEBRA 324. The product of the factors of the first member of equation (1), § 323, corresponding to the conjugate imaginary roots a+bi and a — bi is [x _ (a + bi)J_x - (a-bi)-] (§ 318) = (x — a — bi)(x — a + bi) = (x- a) 2 - (bi) 2 = (x - a) 2 + b 2 ; and is therefore positive for every real value of x. 325. It follows from §§ 316 and 323 that every equation of odd degree has at least one real root ; for an equation cannot have an odd number of imaginary roots. TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS 326. To transform an equation into another which shall have the same roots with contrary signs. Let the equation be x n +Pif l +p 2 x n ~ 2 + ••• + Pn-iX +p n = 0. (1) Substituting — y for as, we have (- y) n +pi(- y) 71 - 1 +m- y) n ~ 2 + - +p»-i(- y) +p n = o. Dividing each term by (— 1) M , we have Or, yn_ piy n-l + p2 yn-2 ± Pn-l2/ T Pn = J (2) the upper or lower signs being taken according as n is odd or even. It follows from (1) and (2) that the desired transformation may be effected by simply changing the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second. If the equation is incomplete., any missing term must be supplied with the coefficient zero before applying the rule. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 239 327. Ex. Transform the equation a; 3 — 10 x + 4 = into another which shall have the same roots with contrary signs. The equation may be written x s + • x 2 — 10 x + 4 = 0. Then, by the rule, the transformed equation is X 3_ .x 2 - 10x-4 = 0, or x 3 -10x-4=0. EXERCISE 79 Transform each of the following into an equation which shall have the same roots with contrary signs : i. x s -.6x 2 + 12x-8 = 0. 2. x*-6x 3 + ±x 2 -9x + 16 = 0. 3. x 7 + 5x 5 — 3x i + x — 4: = 0. 328. To transform an equation into another whose roots shall be respectively m times those of the first. Let the equation be X n +^> 1 X n ~ 1 -\-p 2 X n ~ 2 + • • • +P n -iX +p n = 0. Putting mx = y, that is, 2- for x, we have m + Pn = 0. Multiplying each term by m n , y n -\-pi i my n - 1 -\-p 2 m 2 y n - 2 + ... + p n -\m n - l y + p n m n = 0. Hence, to effect the desired transformation, multiply the second term by m, the third term by m 2 , and so on. ' Ex. Transform the equation X s -\-7 x 2 — 6 = into another whose roots shall be respectively 4 times those of the first. Supplying the missing term with the coefficient zero, and applying the rule, we have x 3 + 4 . 7 x 1 + 4* • Ox - 4« • 6 = 0, or x 3 + 28 x 2 - 384 = 0. 240 ALGEBRA 329. To transform an equation with fractional coefficients into another whose coefficients shall be integral, that of the first term being unity. The transformation may be effected by transforming the equation into another whose roots shall be respectively m times those of the first (§ 328) ; we then give to m such a value as will make every coefficient integral. By giving to m the least value which will make every coeffi- cient integral, the result will be obtained in its simplest form. Ex. Transform the equation X s — = into an- H 3 36 108 other whose coefficients shall be integral, that of the -first term being unity. By § 328, the equation ^."V-^ + ^O 3 36 108 has its roots respectively m times those of the given equation. It is evident, by inspection, that the least value of m which will make every coefficient integral, is 6. Putting m = 6, we have x s _ 2 x 2 - x + 2 = 0, whose roots are 6 times those of the given equation. 330. To transform an equation into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first increased by m. Let the equation be x n + Pl x n ~ l + . • • +p n _ x x +p H = 0. (1) Putting x -f m = y, that is, y — m for x, we have (y — m) n +pi(y — m) n - l + \-Pn-i(y — m)+p n = 0. (2) Expanding the powers of y — m by the Binomial Theorem, and collect- ing the terms involving like powers of y, we shall have a result of the yn + qiy n-i _|_ .. . _+_ q n _ iy + Qn = o, (3) whose roots are respectively those of the given equation increased by m. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 241 Ex. Transform the equation or 3 — 7 # -f 6 = into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first increased by 2. Substituting y — 2 for cc, (j/-2)3-7G,-2) + 6 = 0. Expanding, and collecting the terms involving like powers of y, we have y8-6y* + 6y + 12 = 0. 331. If m and the coefficients of the given equation are integral, the coefficients of the transformed equation may be conveniently found by the following method. Putting x + m for y in (3), we obtain (x + m) n + qi (x + m)» * + ••• + g„_i(x + m) + q n = 0, (4) which must, of course, take the same form as (1) on expanding the powers of x + m, and collecting the terms involving like powers of x. Dividing the first member of (4) by x + w, we have (x + m)"- 1 + q x (x + m)»- a -f .-. +q*-% C* + w) + g„_i (5) as a quotient, with a remainder q n . Dividing (5) by x + m, we have the remainder q n -i; etc. Hence, to obtain the coefficients of the transformed equation : Divide the first member of the given equation by oo + m ; the remainder will be the last term of the required equation. Divide the quotient just found by oc+ in ; the remainder will be the coefficient of the next to the last term of the transformed equation ; and so on. Ex. Transform the equation sc 3 — 7#4-6 = into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first increased by 2. Dividing x s — 7 x + 6 by x + 2, we have the quotient x 2 — 2 x — 3, and the remainder 12 (§ 108). Dividing x 2 — 2 x — 3 by x + 2, we have the quotient x — 4, and the remainder 5. N Dividing x — 4 by x + 2, we have the remainder — 6. Then, the transformed equation is X 3_6x 2 + 5x + 12 = 0. Compare Ex., § 330. 242 ALGEBRA 332. To transform an equation into another whose roots shall be those of the first diminished by ra, we change y — m to y -\-m in the method of § 330, and x -f- m to x — m in the rule of § 331. EXERCISE 80 i. Transform x 2 — x — 12 = into an equation whose roots shall be, respectively, 5 times the first. Verify your results. 2. Transform ar 3 -f- x 2 — 14 x — 24 = into an equation whose roots shall be, respectively, twice those of the first. Verify results. 3. Transform x^-^Sx 2 — 23 x — 210 = into an equation whose roots shall be, respectively, \ times the first. Transform each of the following into an equation with in- tegral coefficients, that of the first term being unity : 4. 6 or 3 -11 x 2 -14 a; + 24 = 0. Verify result. 5. 8x* + Ux 2 -5x-2 = Q. 6. 2a 4 -13ar 3 -91ar J + 390a + 216 = 0. 7. 90^-flll^ + 25^ 2 -12cc-4 = 0. 8. x A + — - — -— = 0. 7 14 196 9. Transform a^-f-lO x 2 + 7 x— 18 = into an equation whose roots shall be, respectively, those of the first diminished by 4. 10. Transform x* - 3 X s — 19 x 2 + 27 x + 90 = into an equa- tion whose roots shall be, respectively, those of the first in- creased by 3. 333. To transform the equation x n +p 1 x n ~ 1 -\ f- p n _iX -f p n = where p l is not zero, into another whose second term nkatt be wanting. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 243 Expanding the powers of y — m in the first member of (2), § 330, and collecting the terms involving like powers of y, we have y n + (l\ — mn)y n ~ l -\ = 0. If m be so taken that p Y — mn = 0, whence m = — , the coeffi- n cient of y n ~^ will be zero. Hence, the desired transformation may be effected by sub- stituting in the given equation y — -in place of x. Ex. Transform x 5 — 6x 2 + 9 x — 6 = into an equation whose second term shall be wanting. _ ft Substituting y or y + 2, in place of x, we have o (?/ + 2)» _ 6 (y + 2)2 + 9 (y + 2) - 6 = 0. Then, y s + 6 y* + 12 y + 8 - 6 ?/ 2 - 24 y - 24 + 9 y + 18 - 6 = 0, or y 3 — 3 y — 4 = ; whose roots are those of the given equation diminished by 2. EXERCISE 81 Transform each of the following into, an equation whose second term shall be wanting : i. ^-6a 2 + 4a-l=0. 3. x 4 + 12 ^+2^-3 = 0. 2. x 3 + 5x 2 + 8 = 0. 4. x 5 -x i + 7x-l = 0. DESCARTES' RULE OF SIGNS 334. If an equation of the nth degree is in the general form (§ 312), a Permanence of sign occurs when two successive terms have the same sign, and a Variation of sign occurs when two successive terms have opposite signs. Thus, in the equation x G — 3 x 4 — X s -f 5 x + 1 = 0, there are permanences and two variations. , 244 ALGEBRA 335. Descartes' Rule of Signs. No equation, whether complete or incomplete, can have a greater number of positive roots than it has variations of sign ; and no complete equation can have a greater number of negative roots than it has perma- nences of sign. Let an equation in the general form have the following signs : + + - + 00 , the missing terms being supplied with zero coefficients. If we introduce a new positive root a, we multiply this by x — a (§ 318) ; writing only the signs which occur in the process, we have 123456789 + +0-+00-- (1) + - + + — + — — — — + - + + + m — — + - — m + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (2) 9 10 Here m signifies a term which may be +, 0, or — . Now, in (1), let a dot be placed over the first minus sign, then over the next plus sign, then over the next minus sign, and so on. The number of dots shows the number of variations ; thus in (1) there are three variations. In the above result, we observe the following laws : I. Directly under each dotted term of (1) is a term of (2) having the same sign. Thus, the terms numbered 4, 5, and 8, in (1) and (2), have the same sign. II. The last term of (2) is of opposite sign to the term directly under the last dotted term of (1). The above laws are easily seen to hold universally. By the first law, however the term marked m is taken, there are at least as many variations in the first eight terms of (2) as in (1) ; and by the second law, there is at least one varia- tion in the remaining terms of (2). Hence, the introduction of a new positive root increases the number of variations in the equation by at least one. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 245 If, then, we form the product of all the factors correspond- ing to the negative and imaginary roots of an equation, multi- plying the result by the factor corresponding to each positive root introduces at least one variation. Hence, the equation cannot have a greater number of posi- tive roots than it has variations of sign. To prove the second part of Descartes' Rule, let — y be sub- stituted for x in any complete equation. Then since the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second are changed (§ 326), the original permanences of sign become variations. But the transformed equation cannot have a greater number of positive roots than it has variations. Hence, the original equation cannot have a greater number of negative roots than it has permanences. In all applications of Descartes' Rule, the equation must contain a term independent of x ; that is, no root must equal zero ; for a zero root cannot be regarded as either positive or negative. 336. It follows from the last part of § 335, and from § 326, that in any equation, whether complete or incomplete, the number of negative roots cannot exceed the number of varia- tions in the equation which is formed from the given equation by changing the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second. 337. In any complete equation, the sum of the number of permanences and variations is equal to the number of terms less one, or to the degree of the equation. That is, the sum of the number of permanences and varia- tions is equal to the number of roots (§ 316). Hence, if the roots of a complete equation are all real, the number of positive roots equals the number of variations, and the number of negative roots equals the number of permanences. An equation whose terms are all positive can have »o posi- tive root ; and a complete equation whose terms are alternately positive and negative can have no negative root. 246 ALGEBRA 338. Ex. Determine the nature of the roots of x 3 + 2 x + 5 = 0. There is no variation, and consequently no positive root. Changing the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second, we have x s + 2 x - 5 = 0. . (See Note, § 326. ) Here there is one variation ; and therefore the given equation cannot have more than one negative root (§ 330). Then since the equation has three roots (§ 316), one of them must be negative and the other two imaginary. If two or more successive terms of an equation are wanting, it follows by Descartes' Rule that the equation must have imaginary roots. EXERCISE 82 If the roots of the following are all real, determine their SlgnS: i. ^ + 10^ + 7^-18 = 0. 2. a 4 -3ar 3 -19# 2 + 27a + 90=0. 3. 36x?-mx s + '27x 2 + 7x-3 = 0. 4. ar 5 -4a 4 -5a 3 + 20a; 2 + 4a-16=0. 5. 2a 4 -13ar J -91a 2 + 390a + 2iG = 0. Determine the nature of the roots of the following : 6. 2^ + 0^+2^-12 = 0. 7. # 4 + 3ar ? + 7ar J + 6a; + 4 = 0. 8. a 4 -2^-9 = 0. 9. x>-2x 4 + 4x s -8x 2 + 16x-16=0. io. x 7 + 3 x 4 + 5x 2 + 2 = 0. LIMITS TO THE ROOTS 339. To find a superior limit to the positive roots oj an equation. The following examples illustrate the method of finding a superior limit to the positive roots of an equation. • THEORY OF EQUATIONS 247 1. Find a superior limit to the positive roots of x* - 3 x 2 + 2 x - 5 = 0. Grouping the positive and negative terms, we can write the first mem- ber in the form a*(a-3)+2(a:- J). (1) It is evident that if x equals or exceeds 8, the expression (1) is positive Hence, no root of the given equation equals or exceeds 3, and 8 is a superior limit to the positive roots. 2. Find a superior limit to the positive roots of a 4 -15 a 2 - 10 a+ 24 = 0. 2 x^ x^ We separate the first term into the parts - r - and — , and write the first member in the form /?*!_L5 xA +^_M)aA + 24, or ^(2 x 2 - 45) + -(a* - 30) + 24. It is evident from this that no root can be so great as 5 ; hence, 5 is a superior limit to the positive roots. If we had written the first member in the form ^_ 15^2 \ + ht_ io x \ +2 4, or £- 2 (z 2 - 30) + -<> 3 - 20) + 24,' we should have found 6 as a superior limit to the positive roots. 2 x 4 sc 4 sc 4 sc 4 Thus, separating x 4 into — and — , instead of — and — , gives a smaller So A A limit. 340. To find an inferior limit to the negative roots of an equation. First transform the equation into another which shall have the same roots with contrary signs (§ 326). The superior limit to the positive roots of the -transformed equation, obtained as in § 339, with its sign changed, will be an inferior limit to the negative roots of the given equa- ion. 248 ALGEBRA Ex. Find an inferior limit to the negative roots of tf + 2 x* + 5 x 2 - 7 = 0. Transforming the equation into another which shall have the same roots with contrary signs (§ 326), we have x b + 2z 3 -5z 2 -f 7 = 0. (lj We can write the first member in the form x 2 (x 3 -5) + 2z 3 + 7. It is evident from this that no root of (1) can be so great as 2 ; hence, — 2 is an inferior limit to the negative roots of the given equation. By grouping the x b and x 2 terms in (1), we obtain a smaller limit than if we group the x 3 and x 2 terms. EXERCISE 83 In each of the following, find a superior limit to the positive roots, and an inferior limit to the negative : , i. ar J + 3a 2 + a~-4 = 0. 2 . x A + 5x*-15x-9 = 0. 3. x 4 + 3x* -5 x -8 = 0. 4. 3x*-5x 2 -8x-7 = 0. 5. ^-4a 4 + 6ar 3 + 32a 2 __ 15^ + 3 = 0. 6. 2x 5 + 5x i + 6x i -13x 2 -25x + 4; = 0. 7. In the equation X s — 2 x 2 — 3a? + l = 0, prove 3 a supe- rior limit to the positive roots, and — 2 an inferior limit to the negative. 8. In the equation 2 a 8 + 5 aj 2 — 7 x — 3 = 0, prove — 4 an inferior limit to the negative roots, and find a superior limit to the positive. 9. In the equation x 4 -f 3 x* — 9 x 2 + 12 x — 10 = 0, prove 3 a superior limit to the positive roots, and — G an inferior limit to the negative. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 249 DERIVATIVES 341. If we take the polynomial ax n + bx"- 1 + cx n ~ 2 + •••, multiply each term by the exponent of x in that term, and then diminish the exponent by 1, the result nax n ~ l -f (n — l)bx n ~ 2 + (n — 2)cx n ~ z + ... is called the first derivative of the given polynomial. The first derivative of the first derivative is called the sec- ond derivative of the given polynomial ; the first derivative of the second derivative is called the third derivative ; and so on. Ex. Find the successive derivatives of 3 X s — 9 x 2 — 12 x -f 2. The first is 9 x 2 - 18 x - 12. The second is 18 x— 18. The third is 18. The fourth is 0. It will be understood hereafter that when we speak of the derivative of an expression, we mean the first derivative. EXERCISE 84 Find the successive derivatives of : i. 5x 2 + $x-7. 4 8^ -3 a 2 + 2. 2. 3^-7^ + 2. 5 . 6x 6 -5x 5 + 4:X s -3x 2 + 27. 3. 9z 3 -7a 2 + 15a;-l. 6. x 5 - a? 4- 10 X s + 5 x 2 - 7 x. MULTIPLE ROOTS 342. If an equation has two or more roots equal to a, a is said to be a Multiple Root of the equation. In the above case, a is called a double root, a tripte root, a quadruple root, etc., according as the equation has two roots, three roots, four roots, etc., equal to a. 250 ALGEBRA 343. Let the roots of the equation &+P&-* +&#*>+ -. +p n = (1) be a, b, c, d, •••. Then, by §> 318, we have x n + piic"- 1 + P2X n ~ 2 + ••• = (£-«)(£- &)(£ — c) •••. Putting x + h in place of x, we obtain (x + ft)" +pi(x + ft)*" 1 +p 2 (x + ft) n ~ 2 + ••• = (ft + x - a) (ft + x - b)(h + x - c) •••. (2) Expanding the powers of x + ft by the Binomial Theorem, the coeffi- cient of h in the first member of (2) is nx n ~ l +pi(n — l)x n ~ 2 +p 2 (n - 2)x n ~ s + ••• ; (3) which, we observe, is the first derivative of the first member of (1). Again, it is evident from § 319 that the coefficient of h in the second member of (2) is (x — b) (x — c) (x — d) ••• to n — 1 factors + (x — a)(x — c)(x — d) ••• to n — 1 factors + (x — a) (x — b) {x — d) • • • to n — 1 factors + • •• . (4) Since equation (2) is true for every value of ft, by § 264 these coeffi- cients of ft in the two members are equal. Now if b = a, that is, if equation (1) has two roots equal to «, every term of (4) will be divisible by x — a, and therefore the expression (3) will be divisible by x — a. Hence, the equation formed by equating (3) to zero will have one root equal to a (§ 315). In like manner, if c = b = a, that is, if (1) has three roots equal to a, the equation formed by equating (3) to zero will have two roots equal to a ; and so on. Hence, if any equation of the form (1) has m roots equal to a, the equation formed by equating to zero the derivative of its first member -will have m — 1 roots equal to a. 344. It follows from § 343 that, to determine the existence of multiple roots in an equation of the form PoX n +PlX n - 1 + ••' +Pn-\X+Pn = 0, we proceed as follows : THEORY OF EQUATIONS 251 Find the II. C. F. of the first member and its derivative. If there is no H. C. F., there can be no multiple roots. If there is a II C. F., by equating it to zero and solving the residting equation, the required roots may be obtained. It is to be observed that the number of times that each root occurs in the given equation exceeds by one the number of times that it occurs in the equation formed by equating the H. C. F. to zero. Ex. Find all the roots of a 5 +0* - 9 a? - 5a? + 16s + 12 = 0. (1) The derivative of the first member is 5z 4 + 4x 3 -27x 2 -10x4 16. The H. C. F. of this and the first member of (1) is x 2 — x — 2. Solving the equation x 2 — x — 2 = 0, x = 2 or — 1. Then, the multiple roots of (1) are 2, 2, — 1, and — 1. Subtracting the sum of 2, 2, — 1, and — 1 from — 1, the remaining root is - 3 (§ 321). EXERCISE 85 Find all the roots of the following : 2. x* + 6x 3 -llx 2 -60x + 100 = 0. 3. 9a? + 105 a* + 343 x +343 =0, 4. 4x i + 32x s + 63x 2 -8x-16 = 0. 5. af + brt-ll ar 3 - 49 a 2 + 160 a; -100 = 0. 6. x 4 + 3a? 3 + 4a; 2 + 3aj + l = 0. 345. The equation x n — a = can have no multiple roots ; for the derivative of x n — a is nx n ~ l , and x n — a and nx"' 1 have no common factor except unity. Hence, the n roots of x n = a are all different- It follows from this that every expression has two'different square roots, three different cube roots, and, in general, n dif- ferent nth. roots. 252 ALGEBRA LOCATION OF ROOTS 346. If two real numbers, a and b, not roots of the equation ^+^ tt !+ .,.. +P nl v+p n = 0, (1) when substituted for a? in the first member, give results of opposite sign, an odd number of roots of the equation lie between a and b. Let a be algebraically greater than b. Let d, • ••, g be the real roots of (1) lying between a and b, and h, • ••, &, the remaining real roots. Let x n -f piX*~ l + ••• +i?n-]X +p n be denoted by X. Then, by § 318, Xr=(x-d) ... (x-g) -(x-h) .-. (*-*) ■ Y; (2) where F denotes the product of the factors corresponding to the imagi- nary roots, if any, of (1). Substituting a, and then &, for x in (2), the second member becomes (a-d) ... (a-g)-(a-h) ••• ((*-*)• F, (3) and (p- d )... (b-g).(b-h) - {b-k).Y"' y (4) where Y f and y" denote the values of Y when sc is put equal to a and 6, respectively. Since a is greater than b, each of the numbers d, •••, g is less than a and greater than b. Whence, each of the factors a — d, •••, a — g is +, and each of the factors b — d, • ■ • , b — g is — . Again, since none of the numbers h, •••, k lie between a and 5, the expression (a — K) • • • (a — k) has the same sign as the expression (b-h) ... (b-k). Also, y and Y" are positive ; for the product of the factors corre- sponding to a pair of conjugate imaginary roots of (1) is positive for every real value of x (§ 324). But by hypothesis, the expressions (3) and (4) are of opposite sign. Hence, the number of factors b — d, •••, b — g -must be odd; that is, an odd number of roots lie between a and b. If the numbers substituted differ by unity, it is evident that the inte- gral part of at least one root is known. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 253 Ex. Locate the roots of or 3 -j- x 2 — 6 x — 7 = 0. By Descartes' Rule (§ 835), the equation cannot have more than one positive, nor more than two negative roots. The values of the first member for the values 0, 1, 2, 3, — 1, — 2, and — 3 of x are as follows : J5=0; -7. x = 2;— 7. a; = - 1 ; — 1. x = - 3 ; - 7. x = l; -11. x = 3; 11. sc = - 2 ; 1. Since the sign of the first member is — when x = 2, and -f when x = 3, one root lies between 2 and 3. The others lie between — 1 and — 2, and — 2 and — 3, respectively. In locating roots by the above method, first make trial of the numbers 0, 1, 2, etc., continuing the process until the number of positive roots de- termined is the same as has been previously indicated by Descartes' Rule. Thus, in the above example, the equation cannot have more than one positive root ; and when one has been found to lie between 2 and 3, there is no need of trying 4, or any greater positive number. The work may sometimes be abridged by finding a superior limit to the positive roots, and an inferior limit to the negative roots of the given equation (§§ 339, 340), for no number need be tried which does not fall between these limits. EXERCISE 86 Locate the roots of the following : i. x? + 4:X 2 -6 = 0. 5. x 4 + 3x*-±x-l = 0. 2 . a?-7 x * + 6x + 5 = 0. 6. x 4 + ar*-19 x 2 - 17 x + 1 = 0. 3. ^ + 3^-7^ + 2 = 0. 7- x 4 -4x 3 + 6 z-2 = 0. 4. f + 4a; 2 + «-3 = 0. 8. # 4 - 7 ^ + # + 4 = 0. 9. Prove that the equation x 4 — 5x? — 7 x — 2 = has one root between 2 and 3, and at least one between and —1. 10. Prove that the equation x 4 — 3 xP + x 2 — 3 x — 4 = has one root between and — 1, and at least one between 3 and 4. 11. Prove that the equation ar ? - r -5a;-f-4 = has one root between and — 1. 254 alc;ebra 347. The method of § 346 is not sufficient to deal with every problem in location of roots. Let it be required, for example, to locate the roots of By § 325, the equation has at least one real root. By Descartes' Rule, it has no positive root. Putting x equal to 0, — 1, — 2, — 3, the corresponding values of the first member are 1, 1, 1, and — 5, respectively. Then, the equation has either one root or three roots between — 2 and — 3 ; but the methods already given are not sufficient to determine which. Sturm's Theorem (§ 350) affords a method for determining completely the number and situation of the real roots of an equation. It is more difficult of application than the method of § 346, and should be used only in cases which the latter cannot resolve. 348. Graphical Representation. The graph of an expression of higher degree than the sec- ond, with one unknown number, may be found as in § 51. Ex. Find the graph of [f( x) . , x>- 2 x 2 -2 z + 3. Put/O) = z 3 - 2 x 2 - 2 x + 3. If 3=0, /(a) =3. If x = l,/(x) = 0. Ifx = 2,/(x) = -l. If x = -2,/(x) = -9. Ifx=-l,/(x)=2. If x = 3,/(x) =6. etc. The graph is the curve ABC, which extends in either direction to an indefinitely great distance from XX. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 255 349. Graphical Location of Roots. The principle of § 220 holds for the graph of the first mem- ber of an equation of higher degree than the second, with one unknown number. Thus, the graph of § 348 intersects XX' at x = 1, between x = 2 and x = 3, and between x = — 1 and x = — 2. And the equation X s — 2 x 2 — 2^+3=0 has one root equal to 1, one between 2 and 3, and one between — 1 and — 2. This may be verified by solving the equation ; the factors of the first member are x — 1 and x 2 — x — 3. This method of locating roots is simply a graphical repre- sentation of the process of § 346, and is subject to the limita- tions stated in § 347. If the graph is tangent to XX', the equation has two or more equal roots (compare § 220, Fig. 2) ; if it does not inter- sect XX', the equation has no real root. The note to the example of § 346 applies with equal force to the graphical method of locating roots. EXERCISE 87 Locate the roots of the following graphically : i. a^ -3* — 1 = 0. 4- x 3 - 8 ^ + 19 a -12 = 0. 2. a 4 + 2z 2 + 3 = 0. 5 . aj 8 + 7aj 2 4-14a? + 8 = 0. 3. ^-7ar 9 + 12a-5 = 0. 6. x'-Sx 2 - 2 x + 5 = 0. 350. Sturm's Theorem. Let a^+jPi^-f ••• -fiV-i#+P» = (1) be an equation from which the multiple roots have been re- moved (§ 343). Let x n -{- p^ 91 " 1 + ••• +p n ~ l x+p n be denoted by f(x), and let f(x) denote the first derivative of f(x) (§ 341). Dividing f(x) by f(x), we shall obtain a quotient #i> with a remainder of a degree lower than that of fi(x). Denote this remainder, ivith the sign of each of its terms 256 alokbka changed, by f 2 (x) 9 and divide f(x) by f(x) 9 and so on ; the operation being precisely the same as that of finding the H. C. F. of f(x) and fi(x) 9 except that the signs of the terms of each remainder are to be changed, while no other changes of sign are permissible. ' Since, by hypothesis, fix) = has no multiple roots, f(x) and fi(x) have no common divisor except 1 (§ 343) ; and we shall finally obtain a remainder/,^) independent of x. The expressions f(x),f 1 (x) 9 f 2 (x), •••,/„(»), are called Sturm's Functions. The successive operations are represented as follows : f(x) = Q l f(x)-f 2 (x) 9 (2) fx(p) = Q 2 f 2 (x) -f(x) 9 (3) Mx) = Qsf*(x)-fi(x), ( 4 ) fn-2(x) = Q n _ } f n . 1 (x)-f n (x). We may now enunciate Sturm's Theorem : Let two real numbers, a and b, be substituted in place of x in Sturm's Functions, and the signs noted. The difference between the number of variations of sign (§ 334) in the first case and that in the second is equal to the number of real roots of /(as) =0 lying be- tween a and b. The proof of the theorem depends upon the following principles : I. Tivo consecutive functions cannot both become for the same value of x. For if, for any value of x 9 f(x)—0 and f 2 (x) = 0, then by (3), ./<$(#) = ; and since f 2 (x) = and f(x) = 0, by (4) f 4 (x) = ; continuing in this way, we shall finally have/„(#) = 0. But by hypothesis, f n (x) is independent of x 9 and conse- quently cannot become for any value of x. Hence, no two consecutive functions can become for the same value of x. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 257 II. If any function, except f(x) and f n (x), becomes for any value of x, the adjacent functions have opposite signs for this value of x. For if, for any value of x, f 2 (x) = 0, then, by (3), we must have f(x) = —f 3 (x) for this value of x. Therefore,/^) and f(x) must have opposite signs for this value of x ; for, by I, neither of them can equal zero. III. Let c be a root of the equation f(x) = 0, where f(x) is any function except f(x) aj\o\f n (x). By Ilyf^x) &ndf r+1 (x) have opposite signs when x= c. Let h be a positive number, so taken that no root of f r -i(x) = 0, or f r+ i(x) = lies between c — h and c + h. Then, as x changes from c—h to c + k, no change of sign takes place in f r _i(x), or f r+ i(x) ; while f r (x) reduces to zero, and changes or retains its sign according as the root c occurs an odd or even number of times in f(x) = 0. Therefore, for values of x between c — h and c, and also for values of x between c and c + h, the three functions f-i( x )> fX x )> an( i fr+i( x ) present one permanence and one variation. * Hence, as x increases from c—h to c + h, no change occurs • in the number of variations in the functions f_i(x), f r (x), and f r+ i(x) ; that is, no change occurs in the number of variations as x increases through a root of f r (x) = 0. IV. Let c be a root of the equation f(x) = ; and let h be a positive number so taken that no root of f(x) = lies between c — h and c + h. Then as x increases from c — h to c -f h, no change of sign takes place in f(x), while f(x) reduces to zero, and changes sign. Now if we put x = c — h in (1), the first member becomes Expanding the powers of c — h by the Binomial Theorem, 258 ALGEBRA and collecting the terms involving like powers of h, we have . c 1i +p l c n * + ••• +p n -ic+p n -hlnc^ + in-l^c" 2 + ••• +p n -i] + terms involving h 2 , h 3 , • ••, h n . (5) But since c is a root of f(x) = 0, we have by (1), Also, it is evident that the coefficient of — h is the value of f x (x) when c is substituted in place of x; let this be denoted by A ; then (5) reduces to — JiA -f terms involving 7i 2 , 7i 3 , • • •, h n . (6) In like manner, the value of f(x) when x is put equal to c + h, is + 7^yl + terms involving h 2 , 7i s , • • • h n . (7) Now, if 7i be taken sufficiently small, the signs of the ex- pressions (6) and (7) will .be the same as the signs of their first terms, — h A and -f hA, respectively. Hence, if h be taken sufficiently small, the sign of (6) will be contrary to the sign of A, and the sign of (7) will be the same as the sign of A. Therefore, for values of x between c — h and c, the functions / (x) and fi(x) present a variation, and for values of x between c and c + h they present a permanence. Hence, a variation is lost as x increases through a root of the equation f(x) = 0. We may now prove Sturm's Theorem ; for as x increases from b to a, supposing a algebraically greater than b, a varia- tion is lost each time that x passes through a root of f(x) = 0, and only then; for when x passes through a root of f r (x) =0, where f r (x) is any function except f(x) and /»(#), no change occurs in the num ber of variations. Hence, the number of variations lost as x increases from b to a is equal to the number of real roots of A r =0 included between a and b. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 259 351. It is customary, in applications of Sturm's Theorem, to speak of the substitution of an indefinitely great positive number for x, in an expression, as substituting -f- co for x ; and the substitution of a negative number of indefinitely great absolute value as substituting — oo for x. The substitution of + oo and — go for x in Sturm's Func- tions determines the number of real roots of f(x) — 0. The substitution of + oo and for x determines the number of positive real roots, and the substitution of — oo and the number of negative real roots. Since Sturm's Theorem determines the number of real roots of an equation, the number of imaginary roots also becomes known (§ 316). 352. If a sufficiently great number be substituted in place of x in the expression f(x)=p d x n +p l x n ~ 1 + .-. + Pn _ lX +p n , the sign of the result will be the same as the sign of its first term, p x n . It follows from the above that : If + oo be substituted in place of oc in /(a?), the sign of the result will be the same as the sign of its first term. If -oo be substituted in place of as in /(as), the sign of the result will be the same as, or contrary to, the sign of the first term, according as the degree of / (as) is even or odd. 353. Examples. i. Determine the number and situation of the real roots of aj 3_2ar-x4-l=0. Here, f(x) = x* -2 oc? - x + \, and f x (x) = 3 x 2 - 4 x - 1. In the process of finding / 2 (x), / 3 (x), etc., any positive numerical factors may be omitted or introduced at pleasure, for the sign of the result is not affected thereby ; in this way fractions may be avoided. 260 ALGEBRA In the present case, we multiply /(x) by 3, to make its first term divisible by 3 x 2 . 3x 3 -4x 2 - x -2x 2 - 2x + 3 3 -6a; 2 - 6x + 9(-2 — 6x 2 + 8x + 2 7 )-14x+7 - 2 x + 1 Then, / 2 (x) = 2 x - 1. 3 X 2_ 4 x _i 2 2x- 1)6 x 2 - 8x-2(3x 6x 2 - 3x - 6x-2 2 _10x-4(-6 — 10 x + 5 ~^9 Then,/ 3 (x)=9. Substituting — oo for x in /(x), /i(x), /2(x), and /s(x), the signs are — , + , — , and + , respectively (§ 352); substituting for x, the signs are +, — , — , +, respectively ; and substituting + oo for x, the signs are all + . Hence, the roots of the equation are all real, and two of them are posi- tive and the other negative (§ 351). We now substitute various numbers to determine the situation of the roots : /w AW Mx) /•(*) x— — GO, - + — + * 3 variations. x= — 1, — + - + 3 variations. x = 0, + - — + 2 variations. X = 1, - — + + 1 variation. 35 = 2, — + + + 1 variation. x = 3, + + + + no variation. X = 00 » + + + + no variation. We then know that the equation has one root between and — 1, one between and 1, and one between 2 and 3. 2. Determine the number and situation of the real roots of 4 x 3 — 6 x — 5 = 0. THEORY OF EQUATIONS 261 ' Here, /(x) = 4x 3 — 6x— 5; and f x (x) = 12 x 2 — 0, or 2 x 2 - 1, omitting the factor 6. • 2x 2 -l)4x 3 -6x-5(2x 4 x 3 - 2 x -4x-5 2 x 2 - 1 2 Then,/ 2 (x) = 4x + 5. 4x + 5)4x 2 - 2(x 4 x 2 + 5 x — 5x— 2 4 -20x- 8(- - 20 x - 25 17 -5 Then, / 3 (x) = - 17. The last step in the division may be omitted; for we only need to know the sign of /s(x), and it is evident by inspection, when the re- mainder — 5 x — 2 is obtained, that the sign of / 3 (x) will be — . /(*) /iW h(x) Mx) X = — QO , — + — — 2 variations. x = 0, — - + — 2 variations. x = l, — + + - 2 variations. SB = 2, + + + - 1 variation. X = GO , + + + — 1 variation. Therefore, the equation has a real root between 1 and 2, and two imaginary roots. In substituting the numbers, it is best to work from in either direc- tion, stopping when the number of variations is the same as has been previously found for + oo or — co , as the case may be. EXERCISE 88 Determine the number and situation of the real roots of : i. x s + 2x 2 -x-l = 0. 5- x*-4:X 2 + x+3 = 0. 2. x s + 3x-5 = 0. 6. a 4 -8a 2 -8# + l = 0. 3. x 3 -5x 2 +2x + 6 = 0. 7- a 4 + 2 ar*- 5ar-10a-3=0. 4 . x s + x 2 -15x-28 = 0. 8. a 4 -r-3ar*-3z + l = 0. 262 ALGEBRA XV. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 354. Synthetic Division (§ 107) not only abbreviates the process of division, but its application is of importance in the solution of many forms of higher equations containing either commensurable or incommensurable roots. COMMENSURABLE ROOTS 355. We use the term commensurable root, in Chapter XV, to signify a rational root expressed in Arabic numerals. 356. By § 322, an equation of the nth degree in the general form (§ 312), with integral numerical coefficients, cannot have as a root a rational fraction in its lowest terms. Therefore, to find all the commensurable roots of such an equation, we have only to find all its integral roots. Again, by § 320, the last term of an equation of the above form is divisible by every integral root. Hence, to find all the commensurable roots, we have only to ascertain by trial which integral divisors of the last term are roots of the equation. The trial may be made in two ways : I. By substitution of the supposed root. II. By dividing the first member of the equation by the unknown number minus the supposed root (§ 315). In this case, the operation may be conveniently performed by Synthetic Division (§ 107). In the case of small numbers, such as ±1, the first method may be the most convenient. The second has the advantage that, when a root has been found, the process gives at once the depressed equation (§ 317) for obtaining the remaining roots. Work may sometimes be saved by finding a superior limit to the SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 263 positive, and an inferior limit to the negative, roots (§§ 339, 340); for no number need be tried which does not fall between these limits. Descartes' Rule of Signs (§ 335) may also be advantageously employed to shorten the process. Any multiple root should be removed (§ 343) before applying either method. Ex. Find all the roots of x 4 - 15 x 2 + 10 x + 24 = 0. By Descartes' Rule, the equation cannot have more than two positive roots. Changing the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second, we have z 4 - 15 x 2 — 10 x + 24 = 0. Then, the given equation cannot have more than two negative roots (§ 336). The integral divisors of 24 are ±1, ±2, ±3, ±4, ±6, ±8, ±12, and ±24. By substitution, we find that 1 is not, and that — 1 is, a root of the equation. Dividing the first member by x — 2, x — 3, etc., by the method ex- plained in § 108, we have 1 + o - 15 + 10 + 24 j_2 1 + - 15 + 10 + 24 [3 2 4 -22-24 3 9 -18-24 2-11-12, Rem. 3 - 6 - 8, Rem. The work shows that 2 and 3 are roots of the given equation ; and since the equation cannot have more than two positive roots, these are the only positive roots. The remaining root may be found by dividing 24 by the product of ! — 1, 2, and 3 (§ 321), or by the same process as above. Dividing the first member by x + 2, x + 3, etc., we have 1 + 0-15+10+24 [ -2 1 + 0-15+10+24 [^-3 -2 4 22 - 64 -3 9 18-84 -2-11 32-40 -3- 6 28-60 1 +o_ 15 +10 +241-4 -4 16 - 4-24 -4 16 The work shows that the remaining root is — 4. 264 ALGEBRA 357. By § 829, an equation of the nth degree in the general form, with fractional coefficients, may be transformed into another whose coefficients are integral, that of the first term being unity. The commensurable roots of the transformed equation may then be found as in § 356. * Ex. Find all the roots of 4 a? - 12 x 2 + 27 x - 19 = 0. Dividing through by the coefficient of x 8 , we have 4 4 Proceeding as in § 329, it is evident by inspection that the multiplier 2 will remove the fractional coefficients ; the transformed equation is X 3_ 2 . 3 x 2 + 22 .21* -2 3 • - = 0, 4 4 or, X s - 6 x 2 + 27 x - 38 = ; (1) whose roots are those of the given equation multiplied by 2. By Descartes' Rule, equation (1) has no negative root. The positive integral divisors of 38 are 1, 2, 19, and 38. Dividing the first member by x — 1, x — 2, etc., we have 1 _ 6 + 27 - 38 |_1_ 1 - 6 + 27 - 38 |_2 1 -5 22 2-8 38 - 5 22 - 16 - 4 19 The work shows that 2 is a root of (1). The remaining roots may now be found by depressing the equation; it is evident from the right-hand operation above that the depressed equa- tion is x 2 — 4 x + 19 = 0. Solving by the rules for quadratics, x = 2 ± V— 15. Then, the three roots of (1) are 2 and 2 ± V— 15. Dividing by 2, the roots of the given equation are 1 and 1 ± V— 15. EXERCISE 89 Find all the commensurable roots of the following, and the remaining roots when possible by methods already given. i. ,r s -9x 2 + 23x-15 = Q. 3. aj 8 + 12a? 2 + 44a? + 48 = 0. 2 . aj3_8x 2 -h 5a> + 14 = 0. 4. x* + Ax 2 - 9»-36 = 0. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS ' 265 5. 3ar 3 H-4ar>-13a;-f 6 = 0. 6. 4a 8 +16a 2 -7a>-39=0. 7. a 4 +10ar 3 + 3ox 2 + o0z + 24 = 0. 8. a 4 - 5 &» + 20 a?- 16 = 0. 9. a*-15a* + 65a?-105x + 5± = 0. 10. aj 4 + 8a^4-ll^ 2 -32a!-60 = 0. 11. x i -2x*-l7x 2 + 18x + 72 = 0. 12. 4a 4 -12a 8 -9ar 9 + 47x-30 = 0. 13. 6a* 4 -7a 8 -37a 2 + 8a;4-12 = 0. 14. ar 5 + 8a; 4 -7ar 3 -103a 2 + 69x + 18 = 0. 15. 3a 4 -f-2ar 5 -18x 2 + 8 = 0. 16. x 4 + # - 6 x 2 + 16 a? - 32 = 0. ♦ RECIPROCAL OR RECURRING EQUATIONS 358. A Reciprocal Equation is one such that if any number is a root of the equation, its reciprocal is also a root. It follows from the above that, if - be substituted for x in x a reciprocal equation, the transformed equation will have the same roots as the given equation. 359. Let x n +p l x n ~ 1 +p^ n - 2 + .- +p H -jx?+p n -iX+p H = (1) be a reciprocal equation. Putting - for x, the equation becomes x x 11 x n ~ x x"- 1 X 1 X Clearing of fractions, and reversing the order of the terms, PnX n +Pn-\X n ~ 1 +i>n-2# n ~ 2 4" '— "f P»X 2 + Pl% + 1=0. 266 • ALGEBRA Dividing through by p n , x n + Pj}=_\ X n-l +P_rL=2 x n-2 + ... + P?^ + Si X + -I = 0. (2) Pn Pn Pn Pn Pn By § 358, this equation has the same roots as (1) ; and hence the fol- lowing relations must hold between the coefficients of (1) and (2), p 1 =^,p 2 =^,..-, P n-2=^,Pn-i= P -±,p n = ±-. (3 ) Pn Pn Pn Pn Pn From the last equation, p n % = 1 ; whence, p n = ± 1. Substituting the value of p n , the equations (3) become Pi - ± Pn-l, P2 = ± Pn-2, "• 5 all the upper signs, or all the lower signs, being taken together. We then have four varieties of reciprocal equations : 1. Degree odd, and coefficients of terms equally distant from the extremes of the first member equal in absolute value and of like sign ; as, x 3 — 2 x 2 — 2 x + 1 = 0. 2. Degree odd, and coefficients of terms equally distant from the extremes of the first member equal in absolute value and of opposite sign ; as, 3 x 5 -f 2 x 4 — X s + x 2 — 2 x — 3 = 0. 3. Degree even, and coefficients of terms equally distant from the extremes of the first member equal in absolute value and of like sign ; as, x* — 5 X s + 6 x 2 — 5 x -f- 1 = 0. 4. Degree even, and coefficients of terms equally distant from the extremes of the first member equal in absolute value and of opposite sign, and middle term wanting ; as, 2^ 6 + 3aj 5 -7^ 4 + 7^ 2 -3a?-2 = 0. On account of the properties stated above, reciprocal equa- tions are also called Recurving Equations, 360. Every reciprocal equation of the first variety may be written in the form SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 267 or, i ) (^ + l)+i>i(^- 1 +^)-hp 2 (^- 2 + ^)+ ••• =0; (1) or, p (x n + 1) +p&(&~* + !) +P^(x n ~ 4 + 1) + ... = ; the number of terms being even. Since n is odd, each of the expressions x n + 1, x n ~ 2 + 1, etc., is divisible by x+ 1. Therefore, — 1 is a root of the equation (§ 315). Dividing the first member of (1) by x + 1, the depressed equation is PoO w_1 — x n ~ 2 + x n ~ s — ••• + x 2 — X + 1) + Pl(X n ~ 2 — X n " 3 + £ n ~ 4 — ••• +X S - x 2 + x) + p 2 (x n ~ s - x n ~* + x n ~ 5 - ••• + x 4 — X s + z 2 ) + ... = 0. Or, jpo^ n_1 + (Pi - Po)£ n ~ 2 + (P2-.P1 +Po)x n ~* + ... + (JP2 - Pi + Po)x 2 + (Pi-po)x+p = 0; which is a reciprocal equation of the third variety. 361. Every reciprocal equation of the second variety may be written in the form PoX n -f pjX** 1 + p 2 x n ~ 2 + • • • — peps 2 — p l x—p = 0, or, p (x n - 1) -f p^x 71 - 1 - x) + p 2 (aj n " 2 - # 2 ) + • • • = 0, (1) or, Po(x n — 1) + p&ix 71 - 2 — 1) + p 2 x 2 (x n ~ 4 — 1) + • • • =0. Since each of the expressions x n — 1, x n ~ 2 — 1, etc., is divisible by x — 1, + 1 is a root of the equation. Dividing the first member of (1) by x — 1, the depressed equation is Po(x n ~ l + x n ~ 2 H- x n ~ 3 + ... + x 2 + x + 1) + PiOc n ~ 2 + x n ~ 3 +x"~ 4 -f ..." + x s + a* 2 + a) + P20 n-3 + £"~ 4 + x n - 5 + ... +x 4 4-a^ + x 2 ) + ••• =0, or, poo 71-1 + (Pi + Po)^ n ~ 2 + (pa -f Pi +Po)x n ~ s + ••• + (Pi + Pi + Po)x 2 + (p -f p ).* + Po = ; which is a reciprocal equation of the third variety. 268 ALGEBRA 362. Every reciprocal equation of the fourth variety may be written in the form p (x n -1)+ PiO"" 1 - *) 4-i> 2 (^" 2 - a 8 ) 4- • • • = 0, (1) or, p (x n - 1) +PxX{ar-* - 1) +p&\x n ~* - 1) 4- • • • = ; the number of terms being even (§ 359). Since each of the expressions x n — 1, x n ~ 2 — 1, etc., is divisible by x 2 — 1, both 1 and — 1 are roots of the equation. Dividing the first member of (1) by x 2 — 1, the depressed equation is p (x n ~ 2 + x n ~ 4 + x n ~ & + • •• 4 z 4 4 x 2 4- 1) + lh(x w - 8 4 £ TC-5 4 x n " 7 + h x 5 4 « 3 + £) 4 P2(x n ~ 4 4 £ w_6 4 x n ~ 8 4- ... 4 x 6 4 x 4 4 x 2 ) + •• • = 0, or, i> ^ n - 2 + piz*- 3 4 (i>2 4 Po)x TO " 4 4 — + (p 2 4p )^ 2 +W» + Po = ° ; which is a reciprocal of the third variety. 363. Every reciprocal equation of the third variety may be reduced to an equation of half its degree. Let the equation be i>o^ m 4-Pi^ m-1 4- r-p m _2^ m+2 +i>m-i^ w+1 +i>m^ +P m -ix m - 1 4-i> m _2^ w " 2 + ••• +PiX +p Q = 0. Dividing each term by x m , the equation may be written Po[x m + ±-)+ Pl (x m - l + -^—)+ ... V x™) \ x m -^j +p m - 2 (x 2 4 i] +*-i(* +£) +P- = 0. (1) Put x+-=y. x Then, a; 2 4 ~ = fa +-V- 2 = y 2 - 2 ; x 2 \ x] = y(y 2 -2)-y = y3-3y; SOLUTION or HIGHER EQUATIONS 269 = y(y s - 3 y)- (y 2 - 2) = y* - 4 y* + 2 ; etc. In general, x'- V &/\ z' -1 / \ x r - 2 J an expression of the rth degree with respect to y. Substituting these values in (1), the equation takes the form w m + + 9a 2 + 12 a? -144 = 0. 3. ar* + 72o; + 152 = 0. 8. tf + x 2 - 3a + 36 = 0. 4. ar l -12a 2 + 21a-10 = 0. 9. a?-2a?-15x + 36 = 0. 5. .^-3a; 2 + 48aj + 52 = 0. 10. ^-4^ + 8 x- 8 = 0. 11. Find one root of x 3 + x — 2 = 0. a 3 fo 2 370. If a is negative, and — numerically greater than — , the IF 2 ¥ . . expression \-r~^~o~ 1S ima S inar y» In such a case, Cardan's method is of no practical value ; for there is no method in Algebra for finding the cube root of a binomial surd. In this case, which is called the Irreducible Case, Cardan's method is said to fail. It is possible, in cases where Cardan's method fails, to find the roots by a method involving Trigonometry. But practically it is easier to find them by the method of § 356, or by Horner's method (§ 374), according as the equa- tion has or has not a commensurable root. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 273 BIQUADRATIC EQUATIONS 371. A Biquadratic Equation is an equation of the fourth degree, containing but one unknown number. 372. Euler's Method for the Solution of Biquadratics. l>y § 333, every biquadratic can be reduced to the form x 4 + ax 2 + bx + c = 0. (1) Let x = u + y + z. Then, x 2 = u 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2 uy + 2 yz + 2 zu, or, x 2 — (u 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) = %(uy + yz + zu). Squaring both members, we have x 4 - 2 x 2 (u 2 + y 2 + 2 2 ) + (u 2 + 2/ 2 + 2 2 ) 2 -. 4(w 2 y 2 + y 2 z 2 + z 2 w 2 + 2 wy 2 ^ + 2 w 2 */z + 2 i/2 2 tt) = 4(tt 2 y 2 + y 2 z 2 + 2 2 w 2 ) + 8 uyz(u + y + z). Substituting x for u + y + z and transposing, x 4 - 2 x 2 (w 2 + y 2 + a») - 8 wysx + O 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) 2 - 4(«V + V 2 z 2 + z 2 u 2 ) = 0. This equation will be identical with (1) provided a=-2(u 2 + y 2 + z 2 ), (2) b = — 8 uyz, or w^2 = , (3) 8 and c as (?< 2 + y 2 + 2 2 ) 2 - 4 O 2 ?/ 2 + y 2 z 2 + z 2 w 2 ) • (4) By (2), u 2 + 2/ 2 + z 2 = - £ ; and, by (3), u 2 y 2 z 2 =s£. 2 o4 Also, by (4) , u 2 y 2 + y 2 ^ 2 + z 2 u 2 = (^ 2 + ^ 2 + s 2 ) 2 - c . 4 Then, hV + */ 2 z 2 + z 2 u 2 = -i^— = ^-^ • By § 319, the cubic equation whose roots are u 2 , y 2 , and 2 2 is £3 _ ( tt 2 + ?/2 + 2,2)^2 + (^2 + j^S + ^2)$ _ yi^A _ 0. Putting for it 2 + y 2 -f z 2 , w 2 y 2 + y 2 z' 2 -f z 2 ?< 2 , and u 2 y 2 z 2 , the values given above, this becomes t> + °fi + <£=A°t-£=o. (5) 2 16 04 v ' ^74 ALGEBRA If Z, m, and n represent the roots of this equation, we have u 2 — Z, y 2 = m, and z 2 = n ; or, w = ± VZ, ?/ = ± Vm, 2 = ± Vtt. Now x = u + y + z; and since each of the numbers u, y, and z has two values, apparently x has etyfa values. But by (3), the product of the three terms whose sum is a value of x must be 8 Hence, the only values of x are, when b is positive, — Vl — Vm — Vw, — y/l + Vm + Viz, Vz~— Vm -f Vn, and Vz"-f- Vm — Vn ; and when 5 is negative, Vz + Vm -f Vw, Vz~— Vm — V», — Vz + Vm — Vra, and — y/l — Vm + Vn. Equation (5) is called the auxiliary cubic of (1). i2x. Solve the equation a 4 -46ar-24a + 21 = 0. Here, a = - 46, b - - 24, c = 21. Whence, fl 2 - 4 c _ m and 6* = Q 16 ' 64 Then the auxiliary cubic is £ _ 23 £ 2 + 127 * - 9 = 0. By the method of § 356, one value of t is 9. Dividing the first member by t - 9, the depressed equation is 4 t 2 - 14 t + 1 = 0. Solving, t = 7 ± V49 - 1 = 7 ± 4 V3. Proceeding as in § 193, we have V(7 ± 4 V3) = V(4 ± 2 Vl2 + 3) = 2 ± V3. Then since b is negative, the four values of x are 3 + 2 + V3 + 2 - V3, 3 - 2 - V3 - 2 + V3, - 3 + 2 + V3 - 2 + V3, and - 3 - 2 - V3 + 2 - V3. That is, 7,-1, -3 + 2 V3, and - 3 - 2 V3. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 275 EXERCISE 93 Solve the following : i. x 4 -60x 2 + 80a; + 384 = 0. 2 . x 4 -Ux 2 + l6x + 192 = 0. 3. a 4 -40a 2 + 64a + 128 = 0. 4. x 4 - 54.x 2 -216a-243 = 0. INCOMMENSURABLE ROOTS 373. We will now show how to find the approximate numeri- cal values of those roots of an equation which are not com- mensurable (§ 355). 374. Horner's Method of Approximation. Let it be required to find the approximate value of the root between 3 and 4 of the equation x 3 -3x 2 -2x + 5 = 0. We first transform the equation into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first diminished by 3, by the second method explained in § 332. The operation is conveniently performed by Synthetic Division (§ 108). 1 _3 _2 +5 [8 3 0-6 1st quotient, 1 — 2, — 1 1st Rem. 3 9 2d quotient, 1 3, 7 2d Rem. 3 6, 3d Rem. The transformed equation is y z + 6y 2 -\- 7 y — 1=0. (1) We know that equation (1) has a root between and 1. ^ If, then, we neglect the terms involving y* and y 2 , we may obtain an approximate value of y by solving the equation 7 y — 1 = ; thus, approxi- mately, y = .1 and x = 8.1. 276 ALGEBRA Transforming (1) into an equation whose roots shall be respectively 3se of (1) diminished by .1, we have 1+6 + 7 -1 ill .1 6.1 .61 7.61 .761 - .239 .1 6.2 .1 6.3 .62 8.23 The transformed equation is z* + 6.3 2 2 + 8.23 2 - .239 = 0. (2) Neglecting the z* and z 2 terms, we have, approximately, 8.23 Thus, the value of x to two places of decimals is 3.12. The work is usually arranged in the following form, the coefficients of the successive transformed equations being denoted by (1), (2), (3), etc. a) (2) -3 (1) -2 -2 9 7 .61 7.61 (1) (2) (3) + 5 |3.128 3 3 3 3 6 -6 -1 .761 - .239 .167128 - .071872 •1 6.1 .1 (2) .62 8.23 .1264 6.2 8.3564 .1 .1268 6.3 (3) 8.4832 .02 6.32 .02 6.34 .02 6.36 (3) Dividing .071872 by 8.4832, we have .008 + , and the value of x to three places of decimals is 3. 128. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 277 The process can be continued until the root has been found to any desired degree of precision. We derive from the above the following rule for finding the approximate value of a positive incommensurable root : Find by § 346, or by Sturm's Theorem (§ 350), the integral part of the root. (Compare § 347.) Transform the given equation into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first diminished by this integral part. Divide the absolute value of the last term of the trans- formed equation by the absolute value of the coefficient of the first power of the unknown number, and write the approximate value of the result as the next figure of the root. Transform the last equation into another whose roots shall be respectively those of the first diminished by the figure of the root last obtained, and divide as before for the next figure of the root ; and so on. In practice, the work may be contracted by dropping such decimal figures from the right of each column as are not needed for the required degree of accuracy. In determining the integral part of the root, it will be found convenient to construct the graph of the first member of the given equation. 375. To find an approximate value of a negative incom- mensurable root, change the signs of the alternate terms of the equation commencing with the second (§ 326), and find the corresponding positive incommensurable root of the trans- formed equation. The result with its sign changed will be the required nega- tive root. 376. In finding any particular root-figure by the method of § 374, we are liable, especially in the first part of the" process, to get too great a result ; the same thing occasionally happens when extracting square or cube roots of numbers. 278 ALGEBRA Such an error may be discovered by observing the signs of the last two terms of the next transformed equation ; for since each root-figure obtained as in § 374 must be positive, the last two terms of the transformed equation must be of opposite sign. If this is not the case, the last root-figure must be diminished until a result is obtained which satisfies this condition. Let it be required, for example, to find the root between and — 1 of the equation x s + 4 x 2 — 9 x — 5 = 0. Changing the signs of the alternate terms commencing with the second (§ 326), we have to find the root between and 1 of the equation x s _ 4 X 2 _ 9 x + 5 = o. Dividing 5 by 9, we have . 5 suggested as the first root-figure ; but it will be found that in this case the last two terms of the first transformed equation are — 12.25 and — .375. This shows that .5 is too great ; we then try .4, and find that the last two terms of the first transformed equation are of opposite sign. The work of finding the first three- root-figures is shown below. 1-4 - 9 +5 1^469 .4 - 1.44 - 4.176 -3.6 -10.44 (1) .824 A - 1.28 - .713064 -3.2 (1) -11.72 (2) .110936 .4 - .1644 (1) _ 2.8 ' - 11.8844 .06 - .1608 - 2.74 (2) - 12.0452 .06 -2.68 .06 (2) - 2.62 The required root is — .469, to three places of decimals. 377. Sometimes too small a number is suggested for the first root-figure. Let it be required, for example, to find the root between and 1 of the equation s 8 - 2 x 2 + 3 x - 1 = 0. SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS 279 Dividing 1 by 3, we have .3 suggested as the first root-figure. -2 + 3 -1 ^3 .3 - .51 .747 - 1.7 2.49 - .253 .3 -1.4 - .42 2.07 .3 ■ -1.1 The number suggested by the next division is greater than .1; showing that too small a root-figure has been taken. 378. If the coefficient of the first power of the unknown number in any transformed equation is zero, the next figure of the root may be obtained by dividing the absolute value of the last term by the absolute value of the coefficient of the square of the unknown number, and then taking the square root of the result. For if the transformed equation is if + ay 2 -f- b = 0, it is evi- dent that, approximately, ay 2 + b = 0, or y =1 • a We proceed in a similar manner if any number of consecu- tive terms immediately preceding the last term are zero. Horner's method may be used to find any root of a number approxi- mately ; for to find the nth root of a is the same thing as to solve the equation x 11 — a = 0. 379. If an equation has two or more roots which have the same integral part, the first decimal root-figure of each must be obtained by the method of § 346, or by Sturm's Theorem. If two or more roots have the same integral part, and also the same first decimal root-figure, the second decimal root-figure of each must be obtained by the method of § 346, or by Sturm's Theorem ; and so on. Horner's method may be used to determine successive figures in the integral, as well as in the decimal, portion of the root. If all but one of the roots of an equation are known, the^. remaining root may be found by changing the sign of the coefficient of the second term of the given equation, and subtracting the sum of the known roots from the result (§ 321). 280 ALGEBRA EXERCISE 94 Find the root between : i. 1 and 2, of a 8 — 9 a 2 + 23 x -16 = 0. 2. 4 and 5, of x 3 — 4 # 2 — 4 x -J- 12 = 0. 3. Oand -1, of ar* + 8 a 2 -9 a- 12 = 0. 4. -2and -3, of a^-3 a 2 - 9 # + 4 = 0. 5. 3and4, of X s - 6 x 2 + 15 x -19 = 0. 6. Oandl, of x * + x> + 2 x 2 - x-l = 0. 7. 2 and 3, of # 4 -3 ar* + 4 a- 5 = 0. 8. -land -2, of a 4 - 2^-3 a 2 + a- 2 = 0. Find all the real roots of the following : 9. x? + 2x 2 -x-l = 0. 12. a 4 + 2ar*-5 = 0. 10. x*-2x*-7x-l = 0. 13. a? - x 2 + 2x- 1 = 0. 11. ar s -5a 2 + 2a + 6 = 0. 14. x 4 -6 x 2 + 11 x + '21 = 0. Find the approximate values of the following: 15. ^3. 16. \$t 17. ^7. 380. We may now give general directions for finding the real roots of any equation of the form x n +PlX n-i + ... + Pn _ lX +p n = 0, with integral numerical coefficients : 1. Determine by Descartes' Rule (§ 335) limits to the num- ber of positive and negative roots. 2. Find all the commensurable roots, if any, as explained in § 356. 3. If possible, locate the incommensurable roots by the method of § 346. 4. If the incommensurable roots are not all located in this way, apply Sturm's Theorem (§ 350), observing that, if the first member and its first derivative have a common factor, the given equation has multiple roots (§ 343). 5. Approximate to the decimal portions of the incommen- surable roots by Horner's method (§ 374). INDEX Abscissa, 22. Addition, commutative law, 1. Affected quadratic, 128. Aggregation, signs of, 6. Alternation, 84. Arithmetical complement, 55. Arithmetic mean, 167. Arithmetic progression, 163. Associative law, addition, 1 ; multipli- cation, 2. Axioms, 5. Binomial, cube of, 97; equations, 270; surds, 118; theorem, 108; theorem, rth term, 112. Biquadratic equations, 273. Cardan's method, 271. Characteristic, 42. Circle, 157. Coefficients, 4; composition of, 234; of determinant, 222 ; undetermined, 192. Combinations, 203. Commensurable roots, 262. Common factor, 66. Common logarithms, 42. Common multiple, 66. Commutative law, 1. Complement, arithmetical, 55. Completing the square, 128. Complex number, 122, 126. Composition, 85. Composition and division, 86. Composition of coefficients, 234. Condition, equation of, 5. Conjugates, 140. Constant, 76. Continued proportion, 83, Convergent series, 180, Coordinates, 22. Cube of binomial, 97; root of num- bers, 104; root of polynomial, 99. Cubic equations, 270. Degree, 11, 33. Derivatives, 249. Descartes' rule for signs, 243. Determinants, 211; definition of, 214; evaluation of, 224; minors, 220; properties of, 216. Difference, 4. Differential method, 186. Direct proportion, graph, 143. Discussion of quadratics, 139. Distributive law, multiplication, 3. Divergent series, 180. Division, synthetic, 63, 85. Elimination, 17. Ellipse, 158. Equations, binomial, 270; biquadratic, 273; cubic, 270; definition, 5; equiv- alent, 6, 11, 16; formation, 233; higher, 262; inconsistent, 18; inde- pendent, 18; identical, 5; integral, 10; linear, 11, 23; numerical, 10; quadratic, 128 ; quadratic form, 133 ; radical, 120; reciprocal, 265; simple, 11; simultaneous, 17; simultaneous quadratic, 149; solution of, 5, 18; theory of, 230; transformation of, 238. Equivalent equations, 6, 11, 16. Euler's method, 273. Evolution, 98. Evolution of determinants, 224. Expansion of surds, 196. Exponents, 32. Expression, degree of, 10, 11 ; rational, 10. Factors, 57, 66, 147. Factors, type forms, 58. 281 282 INDEX Factor theorem, 60. Finite series, 108. Formation of equations, 233. Formula, quadratic, 130. Fourth proportional, 83. Fractional exponent, 32. Fractional roots, 236. Fractions, 73; generating, 185; tial, 196; reduction of, 74. par- Generating fraction, 185. Geometric, means, 171; progression, 166. Graphs, 21, 254; direct proportion, 143; imaginaries, 125; inverse pro- portion, 143; quadratic equations, 137, 141; simultaneous quadratics, 157. Higher equations, 262. Highest common factor, 66. Hindoo method, 130. Horner's method, 275. Horner's synthetic division, 63. Hyperbola, 158. Identity, 5. Imaginaries, 122; graphs, 125; roots, 140, 237. Incommensurable roots, 275. Inconsistent equations, 18. Independent equations, 18. Indeterminant forms, 76, 80. Induction, mathematical, 110, 187. Inequalities, 26. Inferior limit, 247. Infinite series, 108, 179. Integral equation, 10. Integral exponent, 32. Interpolation, 190. Inverse proportion, graph, 143. inversion, 85. Involution, 97. Irrational number, 57. Irrational roots, 139. Limit, 76. Limit to roots, 246. Line, 22. Linear equation, 11. Location of roots, 252, 255. Logarithms, 41. Logarithm table, 50. Lowest common multiple, 66. Mantissa, 42. Mathematical induction, 110, 187. Mean proportional, 83. Minors, 220. Multiple, common, 66. Multiple roots, 249. Multiplication, commutative law, 1; distributative law, 3, Negative exponent, 33. Negative sign, 8. Number, irrational, 57. Order of difference, 186. Ordinate, 22. Origin, 22. Oscillating series, 181. Parabola, 158. Parentheses, 8. Partial fractions, 196. Permutations, 203. Physics problems, 145. Piles of shot, 189. Point, 21. Polynomial, cube root of, 99; square of, 97 ; square root of, 98. Positive sign, 8. Powers of i, 123. Progressions, 163. Properties of determinants, 216; of inequalities, 27 ; of logarithms, 44. Proportion, 83. Pure imaginary, 122. Pure quadratic, 128. Quadratic equations, 128; discussion of, 139; graph of, 137, 141; theory of, 136. Quadratic, factoring, 147; formula, 130; surds, 33, 117. Radical equations, 120. Ratio, 82. Rational expression, 10. Reciprocal equation, 2(>5. INDEX 283 Recurring equations, 265. Reduction of fractions, 74. Remainder theorem, 60. Reversion of series, 202. Roots, 5; commensurable, 262; extrac- tion of, 97, 98, 102, 117 ; fractional, 236; imaginary, 140, 237; incom- mensurable, 275; limits of, 246; location of, 252, 255; multiple, 249. rth term, 112. Scale of relation, 185. Series, 108, 163, 183 ; convergent, 180 ; recurring, 182; reversion of, 202; summation of, 182. Shot, piles of, 189. Similar terms, 4. Simple equations, 11. Simultaneous equations, 17, 149; quadratic equations, 149. Solution, 5, 18; by determinants, 228. Square, completion of, 128. Square of numbers, 102; of polyno- mial, 97 ; root of polynomial, 98. Straight line, 23. Sturm's theorem, 255. Summation of series, 182. Superior limit, 246. Surds, 33, 117, 118 ; expansion of, 196. Symmetrical forms, 150. Synthetic division, 63. Systems of equations, 16. Tables, Logarithm, 50. Term, rth, 112. Terms, similar, 4. Theorem, binomial, 108; Sturm's, 255. Theory of equations, 230. Theory of quadratic equations, 136. Third order of determinants, 212. Third proportional, 83. Transformation of equations, 238. Type forms, factors, 58. Undetermined coefficients, 192. Variable, 76. Variation, 91. Zero exponent, 33. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. M30B041 wy- THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ;ilO||lllll,„ mat I l