I$mmmmmmmmmmimmmmmim m i m u i ii iiii iii i i i iii Mm iiiit iiymn M wiww iiiwtimi^w wB^^ AN INTRODUCTORY ARITHMETIC wiw i ia i iwiimiin; SENSENIG^ARDERSOH jBft^Buiiirr ^^fim iso DEI No. ^ H 5[|)c Sinocnig-^nberson Scrica of ^IritlimEticB mTRODUCTORY ARITHMETIC BY DAYID M. SE^N^SEKIG, M.S. KOBEET F. ANDERSOJS^, A.M. INSTRUCTORS IN MATHEMATICS, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA SILVER, BURDETT AKD COMPAlSrY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO aAio3 S4- Ete Srngenifi'^ntiergon Series of arithmetics By DAVID M. SENSENIG, M.S., and ROBERT F. ANDERSON, A.M., Instructors in Mathematics, State Normal School, "West Chester, Pennsylvania. AN INTRODUCTORY ARITHMETIC. A first book in arithmetic, inductive in method and carefully graded, developing the subjects by natural steps. It gives the pupil an intelligent understanding of processes and abundant practice in operations. 262 pp. ESSENTIALS OF ARITHMETIC. A compre- hensive and practical book for grammar grades, giving thorough instruction and drill in fundamental processes and much information that is useful in business transac- tions. The treatment of mensuration leads up to algebra and geometry. 343 pp. 60 cents. THE NEW COMPLETE ARITHMETIC for High Schools, Academies, and Normal Schools. A prac- tical text-book in which, besides the usual topics, special attention is given to business papers, with photographic reproductions of business forms, to property and life assurance, and mensuration. 437 pp. 90 cents. SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY New York Boston Chicago eOUCATION DCTf I Copyrighi, 1903, By Silver, Burdett and Company