S2445II tes UC-NRLF *B 307 IDT / J uyjii2.s n A -.-^ ^c^V-iy / , SANDERS :? ? TEST-SPELLEE: DESIGNED FOK THE USE OF THE HIGHEK CLASSES IN SCHOOLS, AND FOR TEACHERS' IIN STITXJTES. By CHARLES W. SANDEES, A.M., AUTHOR OF "SEKIKS OF SCHOOL EEADEKS ;" "ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH WOKDS ;' "elementary and ELOCUTIONARY CUART,"' ETC., ETC. NEW YORK: IVISON, PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN & CO. CHICAGO: S. C. GRIGGS & CO. 1867. PREFACE. The present work is but the proper sequel to the Union Spell- er. It comes forth in response to a call, long since made and often repeated, for some exercises in spelling, suitable for the higher classes in Schools and for Teachers' Institutes. The standard adopted is the new Illustrated Edition of Web- ster's American Dictionary. No orthographical, or orthoepical principle, rule, analogy, or tendency, therefore, laid down and ap- proved in that great w ork, is here left without ample illustration. The number of Avords introduced is about five thousand. These include all those about which people are most apt to differ, or to be at a loss. And wherever, in such cases, the doubt is removable by appeal to established rule, or to reputable usage, the rule, or the usage is either given, or referred to, in a brief explanatory note. Where, as often haj^pens, the ear is likely to mislead the eye^ as in spelling dac' tyl^ (iyl), and due' t'de, (ttle), re cede\ (cede)^ and 8UC ceed^ (ceed), the v,ords presenting such points of resemblance, are purposely put under each other. This is done in order to inculcate these differences by the force of comparison. In more than half of the Exercises the words are all defined. Many, moreover, are further explained in notes; while all are divided into syllables and duly accented. Such, in brief, is the Test-Speller ; in the preparation of which the author has kept steadily in view the particular w^ant to be supplied, and thus sought to obviate the very natural olrjec- tion to an ordinary Spelling-book for advanced pupils. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by CHARLES TV. 8ANDEUS, In tho Clerk's Onice of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Elcctrotyped by Smith SATsDERS' TEST-SPELLEK. KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION EEGULAR LONG AND SHORT SOUNDS. a, long^ as in ale, fate, ray. a, sliort^ as in add, iat, have. e, long^ as in eve, mete, peace. e, shorty as in end, met, leopard. I, long^ as in ice, pine, mire. i, sliort^ as in ill, pin, admit. o, long^ as in old, note, loaf. 6, shorty as in odd, not, torrid. ti, long^ as in use, tube, feud. ii, shorty as in ^ us, tub, Mt. y, long^ as in fly, style, rely. y, shorty as in cyst, nymph, lyric. OCCASIONAL SOUNDS. a, as in air, care, bear. a, Italian, as in arm, far, father. a, as in ask, grass, dance. a, broad, as in all, talk, haul. a, like short o, as in what, wander, wallow. e, like a, as in ere, there, heir. e, like long a, as in eight, prey, obey. e, as in ermine, verge, prefer. i, like long e, as in p'ique, machine, police. i, like 6, as in irksome, virgin, thirsty. 6, like short w, as in other, done, son. o, like long oo, as in prove, dp, tomb. o, like short oo, as in bosom, wolf, woman. 6, like broad a, as in order, form, stork. 00, as in moon, food, booty. 00, as in wool, foot, good. u, preceded by r, as in H^de, rumor, rural. II, like short oo, as in put, push, pull. ' u, as in urge, burn, concur. SANDERS' TEST-SrELLER. KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION. REGULAR DIPHTHONGAL SOUNDS. oi, or oy (unmarked), as in. . .oil, join, oyster, toy. ou, or ow (unmarked), as in . . out, hound, owl, vovrel. C O N" S O IN" -A. JN'T S , c, sqft^ like s sharp, as in Qede, cite, mercy, •e, hardy liive A', as in -eall, -eoneur, success. cli (unmarked), as in chikl, much, torching. gh, soft, like sh, as in ghaise, machine. €h, hard^ like /j, as in -ehord, chorus, epo^h. g, hard, as in get, begin, foggy. g, soft, like/, as in _ gem, gin, elegy. s, sJiarp (unmarked), as in.. . .same, yes, rest. g, softy or vocal, Kke 2, as in. . . ha.^, pri§m, amuge. th, sharp) (unmarked), as iii. . .thin, breacli, healthy. ih, fiat, or vocal, as in .thine, smooth, Avither. ng (unmarked), as in "^'hig, sing, single. n, as in liijger, link, uncle. X. like ^2, as in e§ist, example, exhaust. pli, like/, Qs in phantom, sylph. qu, like kw, as in queen, conquest. wh, like hw, as in what, when, awhile. When one letter of an improper diplitliong, or of a triphthong, is marked, it is to be taken as representing the sound of the whole com- bination, and the letter or letters which ajx not marked, are to be re- garded as silent, as in aim, clean, ceil, people, group, soul, tow, &:c. 1 In the following work, all letters printed in Italics, are silent, j This, however, is done only where mistakes in i^ronunciation are otherwise likely to be made. Words and syllables very irregular in respect to pronunciation, as colonel, {kur' nel), are often rcspelled. So, also, words from for- eign languages, as coup de main, {koo de maiu/), and, in the case of those from the French, the combination ng (as above) is used, in this book, merely to denote the nasal sound in the syllables an, en, on, &c., in that language. / TO TEAOHEES. There are few things in wliicli the art of questioning can be more attractively and etfectively employed than in the conduct of exercises such as the follovvinsr. Every inarlc or sign^ accompanying the letters, what- ever its office, to say nothing of tlie various offices of the letters themselves, will furnish opportunities for the use of this method. Why, for example, we may ask, in the word ya(?At'- ing, are the letters ch printed in italics? What means the mark (') over the first syllable? Does the mark of the accent affi^ct a particular letter^ or a particular syllaUe f How does accent differ from emphasis f "What is the meaninor of the dot under the a m vac'At'- ing ? Does it denote one of the Regular or one of the Occasional sounds of that letter? How many Regular sounds has each of the vowels? How manv Occasion- al f Has the letter a any sound except those laid down in the Key, as Regular and Occasional? (See San- ders' Union Speller, p. 37.) These questions may take any desirable rani^e. Tiiey should bring out, at least, everything, whether in the text or in the notes, that may serve to illus- trate the words under notice. S A N D K K S' TEST-SPELLER. . ^k ^ EXERCISE 1. an' a Ivzci^ an' nu a . ac cor' di on cnt 1 ci§e - man' n a me lo' de on the' rize Im man' u e €ha me' le on an'o dyne an te cede' a3 o' li an eel' an dine su per sede' ne ces' si ty an' te past at' ti tude a pos' ta sy an' ti pode '3e at' i tude au toe' ra cy ap' po site {-zil) au' ri cle as siin' i late ap' ro p()5 or' a cle dis sini' u late an' ti type av' e nue 3rag ga do' ci o ar' €be type ret' i nne ca tas' tro phe bpLi quet' (^&) ba rpu9lie' da guerre'o type bar ri cade' ' c car tpucli' emol'lient(^e;ii) cat' e €lii§e ■■ ci vil' ian e mol' u ment can' ter ize de cill' ion er y sip' e las EXERCISE 2. ' CO er' cion de tacli' e vis' cer ate ' as per' sion dis patch' e^ hil' a rate -e^ er' tion e lix' ir fas ci na' tion col on nade' ex cheq' i^er av oir du poi§' lem on ade' fal' chion coun' ter poi§e cyl' in der fal' la cy as cet' i cism fare well' pol' i c}^ fe ro9' i ty ..wel' fare gran' a ry ver bos' i t}^ fro I' ic some tan' ner y gym na' §i nm frol' ick ing ^ gir' an dole hal lu ci na' tion i ab' sence ap' ish mu nic' i pal li' cense a pos' tie mus CO va' do 'non' sense ar' -ehiveg nan' se a {-she-) '■'•' Why is ^ found in frolicking, and not in frolicsome ? See San- clers' Union Speller, p. 61. 1 8 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 3 hal low een' hal' i but har'le quin {kin) hal' cy on hant' boy {ho'-) ly poc' risy hand' i work lem'orrAage de moc' ra cy hare' lip lol i'xlay id i oc' ra sy hare' lip ped lol' ly hock in nu en' do hi' e rar€h hi a' tus in tel' li gence hip' po drome ly e' na i ras' ci ble hyp' o crite in vei' gle ka lei' do scope i' ci cle ' van ga roo' Lil i pu' tian i' gin glass ; eop' ard mal' le a ble liq' ua ble shep' herd man'tua-mak er liq' ue fy . ithe' some mil' li ner y liq' iii date oath' some mil' le na ry mill ion ah^' ' orgn ette' {-yet) ne9' es sa ry mi rage' (razh) mael' strom ne go' ti ate mils' kal longe mi§' tie toe EXERCISE 4. as so' ci ate nov' ice mol' li fy Nie a ra' gua j no vi' ti ate cal' e fy no' tice a ble* of fi' ci ate num6' ness ob seen' i ty oc' cu py num' skull op po si' tion oc' u lar op' er ate prop si' tion os' cil late sep' a rate o rang'-pu tang os' si fy pal' li ate 23ar lia ment'a ry pa9' i fy re tal' i ate al i ment'' a ry clas' si fy par' a site Dal la' di um pag' eant ry par' ri cide pan e gyr' ic pal' lid ness pho' to graph Da ral' y sis pet ri fy phthig' ick y {tizjf pec ca dil' Icyj- pu tre fy phy si' cian phil pe' na poi^n' an cy pe lisse' po lit' ic al pre9' i pice DO lice' an a lyt' ic al pre§' e dent va lise' Dorte-mon naie' pre§' i dent ca price' Dort fol' io i * To what rule of orthography does noticeable form an exception? j See Sanders' Union Speller, p. 68. f See note on frolicking, p. 7. [ 1 I SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEK. 9 pie be' ian pneu mat' i€s pos til' ion quad rill' ion quay' age {kt-) rail' ler y sal' a ry gal' ler y eel' er y rag/)' ber ry re9' i pe''^ re gat' ta sat' el lite seal' lop trol' lop jal' ap sbal' lop wal' lop es cal' op s€ir' r/ius sci§' §or§ scrive' ner • sciir' ril ous sbe]' drake sbell'-fish sbel' duck singe' ingf in frino;' ino- soni' er sault som er set EXEIt C ISE pic a yune' jDiqu' an cy pol' li wig pol y -eliord re lig' ion ren' dez vous {ren' de voo) re veil' le (re veil' yci) rey' nard rai' ment sab' a otli sab' bath EXJER C IS E se ces' sion Scytli' i an ser' geant (sar-) sliil la' lali shek' e\ speck' le soF em 71 col' um?i au' tum7z vol' ume (yum) stacZt' hold er Stat u esque' str^^-eh' nine sub poe' na suffice' {-fize) sul' phur cam' phor o phre nol' o gj pi ii' no-for te prac ti' cian prac ti' tion er reg i pro9 i ty re con' nais sance ) re con' nois sance ) re douZ^t' a ble rep a ra' tion re sus' ci tate rAi no9' e ros sac' ri fice (-fize) sar sa pa ril' la G. scin til la' tion su per in tend' ter ra' que ous tic dpu Ipu reux'(?'oo) ty ran' ni cide 11 biq' ui ty ven tril' o quigm ver i sim' i lar ab o rig' i ues Ab ys sin' i an ac claim' ac cla ma' tion ac /tuowl'edg ment ad ven ti' tions ag ri cult' ure al lo path ic al to geth' er * The letter e, wlieu fined, is always silent, except in words of one syllable containing no other vowel, and in some words of classical origin, such as sim^ He, rec' ipe, etc., etc, f Why, in singeing, is the c retained, while, in forming infringing from infringe, the c of the latter is omitted ? See Sanders' Union SpeUer, p. 68. 10 SANDEiiS' TEST-aPELLEB. 1 EXERCISE 7. sor' g/ium treil' lage a nal' y sis ■, so\ivGmr\-neer) trel' lis and' i ron (-i urn) ; i sov' er ei/yii vac' ci nate an ni ver' sa ry sur veil' lance vag' il late a non' y mons 1 thresh' ok vict' ?/ or.i CU ras' sow cur mud' geon dal' li ance drom' e da yj dys' en ter y eb "ul li' tion ab o li' tion ec cle §i as' tic ef face' a ble e ras' i ble el e cam pane' e ma' ci ate ex pa' ti ate em en da' tion com men da' tion em pir' ic pan e gyr' ic em pyr' e al * Of the adjectives ending in able and ible, by far the greater number end in able, while a few are found to take either termina. tion. Those from English roots mostly prefer the form able, as eatable, readable, etc. ; those from Latin, end either in able or ible, according as they come from words ending in abilis or ibilis in that language. 12 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER a bun' dance re splen' dence com po§' ite de po§' it del' e ble in del' i ble dem' i jo/m jon' quil \ jon quille \ de mur' rer des' ic cate dis ci' pie dis pir' it dog' ger el ef fi gy el' e gy ei' ther e' tlier EXERCISE ar' go sy ar' rack dom' i cile cod' i cil ec' sta sy se' ere cy her' e sy ef fer vesce' pre pos sess' et a gei'c' {zhdr') eu' pho ny ew' er {yur) fis€' al fla-e' 9id flag' eo let lin' ic al cyn' ic al pin' na cle 11. noc tur' nal sn per' nal es' pi o nage ex ag' ger ate ex cla ma' tion in flam ma' tion fer ru' gi nous flag el la' tion guar an teed' guar' an ty guar an tee' ing gram i niv' o rous gua nif er ous gul li bil' i ty gut' ta-per' cha hand' ker chief lia rang' uing her e dit' a ment el' e ment al' i ment el' e phant es cutch' eon eii' eh a rist ex po §e' {-za') fa ce' tious Fa/ir' en helt fil' i gree gam' mon saZm' on gay' e ty lai ty gel' a ble fell' a ble fal' li ble giz' zard wiz' ard EX EJt CIS E flur' en tine quar' an tine ford' a ble for' ci ble flip' per y fnch' si a (fii^ sin a) fn' §il lade Ga la' tian§ gla' cial pa la' tial gaf fer go' pher go ril' la guer ril' la Hu'gue not (ge) hy drau' lies hys ter' ies hi ber' ni an hy per bo' re an e ter ni ty ta9 i turn' i ty fu ne' re al im pe' ri al in au' gu rate ir ri lia' tion i sos' ce leg Ztuit' ting-sheatli lab' o ra to ry leg er de main' leg' i§ la ture le vi' a than in ter jec' tion dis con nee' tion hy pef crit' ic al hyp o crit' ic al SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 13 gang' ing wag' ing gos' sa mer gey' ser g/iast' ly ghoul (gool) gos' sip ing ^ gym nas' ti^s hack' ney ed ha' zel-nut hel' le bore hen' ner y hiccough {-Jcup) hum' bug ger "^ hu' mor ous nu' mer ous hy ge' ian hy' gi ene E XEB C IS E in i' tial in' tel lect is^A' mus €hris<' mas Ital'ic me tal' lie jack' al thumi'-stall jack' a napes jac' o net jour' ney man ka' ty did ker' o sene Z^nick' /jnack /cnuck' le lar' ynx id' i om me' di um i' dyl fu tile II' i ad in' no cent ir' ri tate jave Im jeop' ard y kid' nap er /cnack ^nat kill' dee kiln'-dry leth' ar gy lit' ur gy strat' e gy strat' a gem mad' re pore mad' ri gal mag' is trate maj' es ty masr a zine' man da rin' maz a r'ine' Naz a rene' meer' sghaum mem' oir [wor) mes' sieurs {viesh' yerz) 13. hip po pot' a mus hyp o €hon' dri ac ieh thy ol' o gy id i o syn' era sy ig' nis-fat' u us im mac' u late mack' er el maeh i na' tion ma te' ri al ve ne' re al mas' sa ere {-her) me di se' val me' di o ere mel' an €hol y men ag' e rie {-azh') mil len' ni um EXERCISE 14. mis eel' la ny ne ces' si tate nee ta' re ous ne fa' ri ous ne go ti a' tion as so ci a' tion o pin' ion op por tu' ni ty pal' a ta ble pan' nier {-yer) par al lei' o gram par a mat' ta per er ra' tion per o ra' tion , per mis' ci ble per mis' si ble * Under what rule of orthography does gossiping come, as an ex- ample, and hitrnbugger as an exception f See Sanders' Union Speller, p. 63, Rule VIII, Exercises 209, 210. 14 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 15. knot' tv naught' y la' ma llii' ma lieu ten' ant log' a riflims lor^n ette' {-yet') lull' a by lus' cious ma9' er ate Ma del' ra •ehi me' ra main' te nance mal' a dy mel' o dy ma li' cious pro pi' tious man' i kin man' a cle man' tel piece mar' i gold miir' tyr dom mi li' tia si le' si a mil' dew mill'-dam mini' ic ry mini' ick er min' ie-ball niin' strel sy mis spell' mixt' ion miir' rain mytli nau' seoiis cau' tious mwQ mon i€S mol' lusk mon' ey§ nius' 9le tus' sle na' bob neigli' bor na' dir nas tur' tion di ver' sion as ser' tion niche nox' ions nui' sance ob' se quies oc to roon' off' spring EXEJtClSE or' de al cor' di al o' gier gra' zier pal' pa ble pal' pi tate par' al lax pat ent ee' ped' dler pes' tie {pes' I) pbleg mat' ic plithig' ic {tiz') phy§' ic pi' bro€h pie' bald l)lum6' er drum' mer poi^n' ant pol' y glot par e gor' ic per sist' ence as sist' ance per ti na' cious sap o na' ceous pet' ti fog ger pho net' ies fi na' le {-la) phy lac' ter y pnQVi mo' ni a po li an' the§ pol y an' thus pol' y syl la ble pome gran' ate por' poise {-pus) pred e ces' sor 23re§' by ter y IG. pu sil la nim' i ty qua t6r' ni on reg i ta tive' rem i nis' cence rep' a ra ble sal i va' tion sal va' tion part' a ble [ part' i ble j" S€ir rAos' i ty ve loQ i ty sei^n' ior sen' ior i ty cham' ois {-Triy) sham' rock serv' ice a ble sliib' bo. letli si de' re al soiree' {stcdrd') SANDEES' TEST-SPELLEI:. 15 nau' ti lus neb' u lous neu' ter pew' ter nick' el tick' le om nis' cience o pos' sum or' €lies tra or' re ry o ver rate' pa la' ver par' a phra§e salt'-rAeum pas' time pass' port pa vil' ion mo dill' ion pee' vish pe' wit pel' i can pel' li cle plia' e ton pha' lanx pict ur esque' poLilt' er er sau' cer saw' yer' scut' tie su/it' le shorn borne skill' -less EXERC IS n: jjor' rin ger pre' sci ence 2)rifh' ee pro bos' cis /jsii^m' ist qua' haug rac coon' re bulF e noiio^li' rem' e cly par' o dy ren' net ten' et r/m' bard rliyfh' mi€s right' eous {ri^ chus) JSXEB C IS E round' e lay row' dy i§m Sad' du cee sac' €ha rine sack' cloth sal' i fy tab' e 1y sehed' ule skep' tic sei-' ra ted pol' y gon pol' i ti-es prai' rie dai' ry di' a ry pro fi' cient pro' po lis 1 7. soiif li' ern cr sta' tion er y Stat' u a ly syn on' y mous u nan' i mous can eel la tion ^ tran quil'li ty"^ im be gil' i ty trans mis' si ble tri en' ni al triph' thong {trif-) un dou6t' ed jy up roai*' i ous yal e die' to ry vi o Ion eel' lo yi§' ion a ry mis' sion a ry 18. ye I09' i pede a bom' i nate ac com' mo date ac cess' i ble vi tres' ci ble ac com' pa ny ac com' pa ni ment ac cru' ment im brue' ment a mel' io rate ar ti fi' cial as sT(/n' ment au then tig' i ty buf foon' er y cab ri o let' cen so' ri ous cal ca' re ous * On the spelling of these words, see a Note in Sanders' Union Speller, p. 153. 16 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEB. pin' a fore plii teau' {-to') pol'yp Foi*' tu gue§e prac' tice prom' ise pum' ice pom' ace pomp' oas ram' pus pon' tiff pon tif ic priv' i lege prog' ess pro dig' ious pyr' a mid quii/m' ish JE XEJtC IS i: S€liol' ar €liol' er . ser' apli shei"' iff Shi' loh shrub' ber y sib' yl sig' il chii*' rup sir' up stir' up sol' stice sol sti' tial soi^ cer y po/ phyr y sta tist' i€s stom' a cher 19. a da' gio {-jo) a' er o naut al' li ga tor am' ber-gii's am mu ni' tion an ni' hi late an tiq' ui ty Ap' en nine§ ap pel la' tion ar bo' re al me mo' ri al ar -ehge ol' o gy Ar ehi pel' a go as cend' i ble com mend' a ble a trog' i ty mon stros' i ty exehcise 20, quar' ry quiz' zing reg' i ment re new' al re view' al re ten' tion sus pen' sion rev' el ry cav' al ry re verse CO erce r/iap' so dy rapt' ur ous rAeum' a ti§m ru' mi nant rAyfhm rogu' er y straight' way stud' ied sue' CO tasb sul' len ness sum' ma ry flum' mer y sur' feit cir' €uit sus pi' cion fru i' tion su6t' le sut' ler syc' a more cic' a trice syl' van syn' CO pe tab lean' {-Id') bac ca lau' re ate bac €ha na' li an Bed' pu in {-een) be lea' guer ed bour geois' bu' ri al (he/-) cal is then' ies Car tlia gin' i an ca thol' i cigm cau' li flow er gil' ly flow er chan' eel lor * coun' sel or * clam' or ous clam' mi ness com' mis sa ry prom' is so ry See Note on Cancellation, p. 15. SANDEES' TEST-SPELLER. 17 J^XJEB, CIS E 2 1. rouge (roozh) tal' i§ man comp trol' ler (con-) viV bi cund tarn hour ine' con de seen' sion sac' ri lege tete-a-tete' con stel la' tion salt'-cel lar {iat-d-iaf) con' tra ri wige sas' sa fras Teti ton' ic con tro vei-' sial sghnapps thor' ougli wort cor re spond' ent scourge through out' cor us ca' tion se ced' er tit' il late cro 9het' {-shd') sei'' apli ine toui'' na ment cui ras sier' {kwe-) shriv' el ing traf fick er del e te' id ous skel' e ton trou' §er§ di 3er' e sis j quea' §y trow'e. di er' e sis f slea' zy trunn' ion dis si pa' tion SOI-' rel on' ion draughts' man lau' rel un' ion eave§' drop per Span' iard twi' light eight' y-eighth span'ie. sky'-light el' i gi ble EXERCISE 23. spick' nel tran scribe' e H§' ion spic' ule typ' i fy e ly§' i an spike' nard tep' e fy ep' au let ) Stat u ette' swoll' en ) ep' au lette \ sat i net' swoln j et i quette' {-kei) Stead' fast fa ri' na found' er y ste' re o type Cza ri' na bound' a ry ste' ve dore un' der rate frank in' cense stim' u lus u nique' front' is piece stra te' gic ut' ter most gar ru' li ty suav' i ty vas' sal age glyg'erine sup' pli cate veg' e tate gran dil' o quent sur' cin gle venge' ance grass' hop per sure' ty ship ver' di gris gui tar' {gi id/) swap' ping ves' ti bule lab' er dash er sym' pa thize vie' i nage hav' er sack sim' i le vi^n ette' {-yef) H er cu' le an syn' a gogue fi nan ciei'' he§' i tan cy sin' ew y vol un teei^ 3re§'i dency 1 18 SANDERS' TEST- SPELLEE. JEXJ^M CIS 12 23. sjn' njm vis' count ler me neu' ti€s ill' ter iin w^ee' yH 'li e ro glyph' i€s syn' the sis e' vil hy dro stat' ies sin' is ter whin' ny hi lar' i ty tel' e gram shin' ney :iy per' bole ter' race wit' ti cigm Aon' or a ry ter' ri ble crit' i ci§m on er a ry thrall' dom ze bra hor' ti cult ure ton' nage xe' bee (ze-) 'lOugh' ing (liok-) tor' toise {-lis) zeph' jr hy dro pho' bi a tpu' can heif er im ag' i na ry tram' mel ing ae' rie im mi gra' tioii trea§' ur y sds thet' i€s [ im promjo' tu tre men' dous es thet' i€s j" in sip i ent tro' -ehee af fli ble in cor' ri gi ble tro' phy a g/ziist' in er' ti a tyni' bal a kim' bo in flam' ma ble sym' bo^. al' ka li in i ti a'' tion BXER CIS E 24. urn bra' geons al li' ance in no va' tion con ta' gions al a mode' in tract' a ble out ra' geons a/m§' house in tact' i ble va' por ous am a teui*' ir rev' o ca ble Ad' per ons al though' ir re vok' a ble vir' u lence ba teau' (-to') lex' i con vol' ley am' u let Mex' i can wad' clling om' e let majes' tical wan' ness aneh' or age mag' ic al weird ank' er ite ma la' ri a wher ev' er an nul' ment man u fact' ure whey' ey ful fill' ment mar' ^hion ess whig' gism an' te date mat i nee' {-na') wiiWrow an' ti dote me^h a ni' ciaii yeo' man ry an' te lope mer' ce na ly zoniive (zwdv) an' ti €hrist met a ph}^?' i€s a bol' isli anx' ious Yi\mn on nette' em bel'lish aph' o ri§m [inin yon ei') 1 SANDEB8' TEST-SPELLEB. 19 a bii' sive con du' cive ac cede' ^^ sue ceed' ^ a CO us' ti€s adjourn' meat al'^lie mist al lege' a^' mond an' ec dote an' ise-seed as sent' de scent' at' om al' um at ten' tion ex ten' sion cur ri er cpu' ri er Bab' y Ion bail' i wick bal' us trade bank' rupt cy bas' i lisk ob' e lisk ba' sai cais son bas' tion fus' tian bay' pu (bV oo) bias plieme' break' fast EXERCISE ar tir lei- y as' ter isk at toi*' ney au' spice awn' ing ax' i om te' di um re' qui em ban' jo ba^n' io bal' let pal' ette pal' ate bai*' y tone sem' i tone bat tal' ion ras call' ion EXERCISE bill' iard§ bis' cult cal' ci mine cai'' riage (-r car' tridsre cas si nette' sat i net' §ha grin' slia green' chock'-full arm' ful clai*' i fy rar' e fy clois' ter oys' ter 25. pen' ni less pen' ny weight pen' ta teu€h pen' te cost per ad vent' ure per' emp to ry phi Ian' thro py pe tro' le um po tas' si um phos phor es' cence phos' phu ret pit' e ous pit' i a ble pleu' ri sy plu ral' i ty pla' gi a ry po lyg' a my 86. port man' teau {-to) prep a ra' tion pri mo gen' i ture ^j>sal' mo dy quad ri lat' er al punc til' ious re bell' ious pu tres' cence quin tes' sence re cep' ta cle re cep' ti ble ref er a ble f re fer' ri ble f req ui §!' tion res' er voir (-vicor) * In the words exceed, proceed and succeed, the radical part is always written ceed. In all other words from the same root it is written cede; as, accede, recede, etc. f On words of this class, see Sanders' Union Speller, p. 8G, Ex. 281. ^?0 20 SANDERS' TEST- SPELLER. Mxjsncis n S7. bi'on €liT' tis can' vass ing re triev' a ble car' a way coi-' al lite re vert' i ble car' ti lage crypt rAe tor' ic a. cash ier' C'zar I'lio do den' dron ve neei'' dah' lia (-ya) sab ba ta' ri an re vere' de9' i mal sa§ er do' ta. ar real*' der' e lict sac ri le' gious car' ri cr des gert' Sa mar' i tan char' ac ter di' cese schi§ mat' ic {siz-) ghan de liei*' di' graph skep' ti ci§m char i ot eer' dis' taff sib' i lant cin' na bar dis pers' ive sib' yl line cis al' pine dis cur' sive sub til' i ty cob' web bed dit' ta ny K su/;t' le ty col' an der it' a ny ^ sul phii' re ons CO lo^/ne' dom' i nie .■ sul' phur y com' frey horn' i ny tap i o' ca EXEItClSE »s. com' e dy dnl' ci mer tac ti' cian com' i ty gos' sa mer vo li' tion com' pass dy nam' ics tee to' tal er rum' pus di lem' ma ter res' tri al com pla' cence e clipse' tes' sel la ted com' plai sance E gyp' tian threat' en ing con ven' tion em bii/m' T'-i ron {-urn) de clen' si on em bar' rass tra ge' di an con vey' en core' {ong-) tran scend' ent in veigh' er rat' ic treach' er ous cpu' gar Es' qui maux ech' er ous coun' ter feit {Es' ke muz :) ve ra' trum cow' hage eu' lo gy ver ba' tim cu' po la ex' eel lence vin ai grette' deb an 9hee' ex pause' vin' e gar des' ue tudo ro inance' vit' re ous di' a mond ex tiir vit' ri fy dif ii cult ex tol' whif He tree dis tain' fal la' cious ^o\lob^^' ing-cough SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEK. 21 dougli' nut drug' gist du' bi ous du' te ous duf fel ruf fie dri' er dy' er e^li' o stuc' CO egg' er y be^' e li^' it 11119' it pig'eon ry (pij en feofF ment en' gine ry •eq' ui ty ^o-' gar y EXERCISE ey' ing is' let eye' let feat h' er y fiord flam' beau {-ho) fo' gy i§m for' eign {-in) foi*' feit ure fugue fyke. Gal' i lee gan' grene gawk' y 'un) cha?k' y gla' cier gla' zier bra' sier e ra§' ure e rup' tion ir rup' tion eu' -ehre {yu her) lu' €re {-ker) ex scind' re scind' fag' ot mag' got fa^' €on far' ri er fil' a ment fledge' ling floiir' ish fo' li age fore' head {-ed) frag' ile freight' age gi'am mar stam' mer grouse browse grout' y dough' ty guii' no gy ra' tion Hab' ak kuk harp' si -ehord hec' a tpm6 hem' i sphere hey' day hoi' den home'-made how' itz er hy' drant hys' sop 29, w\\o^e so ev' er_ • ab er ra' tion ac*^e mi' cian ac qui §1' tion math e ma ti' cian ad inis' si ble ad mit' ta ble a e' ri al af fi da' vit al kal' i fv al lop' a thy a man u eu' sis an ti thet' io A pol' ly on ap pui*' te nance au ric' u lar aux il' ia ry ax' le-tree EXERCISE 30, ba rom' e ter bel lig' er ent bil' lingg gate bi tu' men bi tu' mi nous bom bar dier' auc tion eer' burg' o mas ter ber' ga mot burgh'-brech bus' y bod y {biz-) Ca' ia phas can' ni bal cas' so wa ry cat' e go ry cen ten' ni al €ha lyb' e ate coch' i neal d^'.' 22 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. gal' ax J gam boge' gape g/iiist' \j g/^piil (^'ooQ gov' era ess e' v*?!! ness gruff''' ly rough' ly has' sock hav' OG hem' i stieh hem' stitch hick' o ry trick' er y hog^s' head o — hoii' ey-com& Hum' bolrit hyp' pish ig ni' tion im ag' ine im' mo late im pli9' it in ane' cam' paign' in' cense es' sence in sur' gent de ter' gent in veigh' er sur vey' or i o' ta jag u iir' jew' el er lii' ger-beer Ian' guor BXEM C IS E ig' ne ous ig' ni fy im' ma nent em' i nent im' pe tus cov' et ous in ci§' ion in si' tion in verse' im burse' is' sue (is/i' shii) jean /i-nead'ing-trough laQ' er ate las' si tude leath' er tefh' er lime' kibi EXEItCISJE : col lo ca' tion del i quesce' dep re da' tion dis cern' {diz zern') dis pu ta' tious con tu ma' cious cen tu' ri on e' qui nox e qui noc' tial er ro' ne ous sym pho' ni ous e soph' a gus ho mol' o gous e:^: al ta' tion e^ ul ta' tion e$ haust' i ble ex sic ca' tion fo li a' ceous lack' ey lac' quer (er) liq' uor lith' o graph lu' bri cous ma ghin' ist mam' moth ma neu' ver \ ma noeu' vre f mar' i time mask mas qwer ade' mat' rass mat' tress min' im min' i um mir' a cle myr' i ad fru 2fiv' o rous ge ra' ni um het er o sre' ne ous ho me op' a thy - hy poth' e sis im mo bil' i ty in de fat' i ga ble in stal la' tion in ter lin' e ar ir ref ra ga ble ju di' ci a ry lat i tud i na' ri an leg' end a ry lu mi nos' i ty mad em oi selle' {mad mioazel') ma lef i.cence ma lev' o lence ANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 2 lee' ward lei' §Lire li tig' ious log' ger head Ijnx-eyed ma ligii' lang syne' liir' va la' va lat' tice let' tuce len' i tive san' a tive ma gi' cian mas' to don mea§' ure ment mel' ior ate me ri' no JSXEJtClS no' where par terre' o' a sis ob lique' or' i fice Ot' to man par' a mpur par' ley ing par' ry ing pas sage sau' sage 2:)en' guin san' guine phos' phor sam' phlre prov' ost quartz req' ui site E 33. I mac a ro' ni ^ mick' \e J mieh' ael mas y mon' as ter y (^ nion' e ta ry ,. neu ral' gi a ■ noc tam' bu list /oc cu pa' t ion om ni pre-s' ence '/^or a to' ri o pan' e gy rize /r- pa ro' ehi al q^e cul iar' i ty ^ per spi ca9' i ty phy§ i og' no my /^ pick' a nin ny ^- po ros' i ty / pre C09' i ty Mes si' all mill' ionth mis spend' moi' e ty mol' li ent mu gi' cian mus ta9he' mys' tic nee' tar hec' tor neth' er weafh' er nick' el pick' \e namZ>' ness niim' skull nu tri' tion pa tri' cian EX EMC IS E 3 / bron €hi al / ' ■^ r/ sach' el ^ ■ hatch' el Nf'lier' on - her' ^- nng .' hu mane' ly liu' man ly ' hur' ri cane hy' dra ice' berg im bed' ded in ur' ins; \s\' and jccd' ous ^6 ^0 4. pre sent' i ment pre sent' ment pre ven' tion pre ten' sion pre ten' tious prop a gan' dist l^ro pi' ti ate ra ti 09 i na' tion rec ti lin' e ar re frig' er a tor ru' ta-ba' ga sal e ra' tus scru pu los' i ty seq ues tra' tion si mil' i tude so lil' o quy spon ta ne' i ty Stat is ti' cian 1 24 SANDEKS' TEST -SPELLEE. EXERCISE 35. oft' times jui' cy ' tarn' a rack-s. m 1 ) o paque' ju' lep e»? al' ma nae.^. •• or' to Ian li cen' tious d tan' talize^ 1 ^par' al \e.. f pass' ver dis sen' sious if en' ter prigo^ 1 ; ig' ne ous tS *vi cis' si tude--- » pec' can cy lig' ni fy j^ vi cis' sy-duck -^ '!,per ni' cious ..ithe y ab' sti nence— . pilar' ma cy scythe ^ rec' om pense- phy§' ic al loathe ^ ad mo ni' tioiir- pis ta reen' clothe ' r^et' ri cian - r plumZ^'-line '. y ce' Tim ad sci ti' tious— " i plum' met mu §e' um ag glu' ti nate - sum' mit mer' chan dige spon ta' ne ous "" 236ll'-tax met' al lize am bas' sa dor ~ pole' cat mal fea' gance an nounce' ment — /< p6ll'-e Yil mar' shal ing ,' an i mal' cule — por' ridge maul' inff a pe' ri ent - for' age me€h' an igm ;/ a pos' tro phize^ EXEJtCISE 36. J Ipref er ence - ^ mi' cro scope ^ ^ap pro ba' tion f c »^sev' er ance — <4 moc' ca sin /^ar'mis tice s ' * pros' e lyte ^ J mos qui' to •^^ ar' que biise {^hus) pshaw— {mus Ice' io) ac erne' v ap prize' -/ ad vise' ag' ile ■ /> vig' il al' ien H aha' ca tarr/i' ajar' Par a gnay' an an' glj cize an' nal§ a noint' ap' o gee ap par' ent iii-' ffil lite .J ar row y as cer tain' a thwart' ca' ve at a us tere' bre vier' a ver' sion in ser' tion EXJER C IS E si'phon / / ci' pher J? $ si' ren -^ ' spurt ^ squirt ster' ile ber' yl strict' ure^.:^ 6" sua' gion sue' cu lent - - sug ges' tion sur' ro gate swoll' en) J I swoln I '^ syc' o pliant ,•?'-- Sy/ i an tan' nil! , •/ tat' ting J^' 39. I ex cru' ci ate ^ in gra' ti ate 3 far i na' ceous ^ Phar i sa' ic * fi nan' cial sub Stan' tial ga§ oni' e ter gra tu' i tons ha bil' i ment hes pe' ri an lion' ey suck le liy dro path' ic hy potli' e cate 4.d' i ot i§ni in diet' a ble ig nit' i ble ifi gen' ious in gen' u ous EXBRCIS E 4 0. tai' lor ing ten' sion '■< men' tion ^ ter' mi nus \ lu' mi nous • ra vine' ^ terrene^'' tu reen' '} tes'tament tes' ti fy tew' el gru' el thiev' er y tinct' lire tis' sue toad' y igmV ton 2:11' y tort' u ous / 111 a 111 tion ' in sur' ance oc cur' rence in' ter stice in ter sti' tial in vin' ci ble in sen' si ble i' ron y (i' urn y) i' ron y ir re triev' a ble in con ceiv' a ble jux ta po §1' tion las civ' i ous li cen' ti ate"^ lin' sey-wdol' sey loqua^'ity^ ^ mac ad' am iz^ Mag' e do ni an fA) •^•"" ■'^' L^ SANDEBS' TEST-SPELLER. 27 aii'gury/ bab oon';-? bal looii[ ^ fill' some ^ bal' sam - be dim' mal- be grim' eel bee' tie ^ bea' gle / Bib' li cist /I blonde // Bo' na parte - ^ braeh' i al $ bri gade' -/ britz' ska (iris' ka) : ^ bill' le tin ;| busli'-wliack er/? EXERCISE traipse ^ tran scend'-; * tran si' tion ' ' trea' tise --, tri um' vir-/^ troilb' \e some trunkTul tur' pi tilde . tjm' pan tyf' an nize . - 11 ten' sil ver' sa tile ver' ti cal virt' u ous ^ -. vis' cid ? vis' cons viz' ier > cro' sier 41. \-^f mas: T^e ti cian man ii mis' sion me di9' i nal met' a phor Pot' i pilar oc' cii pant oc' 11 list o le an' der CO ri an' dei* om' i nous om' ni bus or' i §011 23ar' ti san OS ten ta' tion ail ster' i ty pa risli' ion er -pe ti' tion er pan de mo' ni um ^m Cdd §u' ral cal' iim iiy ca' Ijx cap' Stan ca det' ve dette' cac' tus cack' ling cai' tiff ca' lipli cam' e o em' br}' o cank' er ous ran' cor ous can' non rv can' on ize car ncl' ian a pbel' ion EXEJiCISE 4fi. ^»*-wel' kin — well'-aday- 'sjbvhin' ock— ^Npin' nock ^ i^'liole' some • wool' ly — . tt;rist' band— zo' o pliyte «» A -ell a' ian •« "-^-prod acros'tic^ al' oe§ J- am bro' siaW an not' to-* an' nu lar^ par tig' i pate "^ 2)e cun' ia ry *- Y)ev e gri na' tion - plio nog' ra pliy -« phy§ i ol' o £ry — plen i po ten' ti a r pol y no' mi al -. prej 11 di' cial - V an tiqiie' ~ a' re a — ar' rant ~ as crip' tion j)rog' e ny — prom e nade'»» pal i sade' «^ propli' e cy -- propli' e sy ...=. trag' e dy ^ pros' o dy^--^ j^ro spec' tus ««-* mo ment' ous -^ Jii^v^/ 28 SANBEES* TEST-SPELLEE. '-* cel'larage — - chap' lain cy clies^' nut €hlo' ro form eliris' ten dom .4-cig ar ette' clay' ey co' coa «L^ com' rade cord' wain er ,,^ court' e sy courte' sy courte' sy ing xow' ard XL cow' herd ■crus ta' ceous vo ra' cious dac' tyl fe/ tile de fraud' a broad' den' i zen""^, ben' i §on di shev' el da' el ist ed' i fice en am' oiH E phe' §ian§ ep' i taph es poug' al "^ buz' zard - fau' cet fag' et tag' it fas' cet EXEJt CIS JS as sess' — recess -' At' tic — ep' ic — ban' yan -- «»- scair ion — — phan' torn •> ^ A ban' tarn ^ — - car' ack — bar' rack — » stom' aeh— ' bar' ris ter-- biiy' o net — bell'-weth er - black' guard - {l)lag' gard) ^^ blithe' some • ^ bow' sprit — ^ 43. - pi*e var' i cate - pro vin' cial *= pru den' tial « pu tre fac' tion . py ram' i dal - rag a muf fin re cog' ni zancei reju'venate res' tau rant {-rang) sag it ta' ri us sex a ge na' ri an so phist' ic al -ip^ sperm a ce' ti ^ spir' it u al i§m su per f i' cie§ A su per sed' ure \ sup' pie ment sup' pli ant EX EJiCIS *— ' cam' phene — ca pri' cious — car bi neer' «» cav a lier' -. cash' mere ^ cas' si mere ^ cas til' ian-i: «. oc till' ion — chas ti§e' * bap tize' •\ ->con dole' — ^ pa ti'ol' •«* un roll' — bev' y • cov'ey — Click' 00 -- hoop' oe [ _ hoop' 00 ) E 4 4. er' ter' ma gant tur' mer ic a lack' a day a lac' ri ty am bi' tious .?' SUS pi CIOUS ter' ri to ry the o lo' gi an to bac' CO nist tra pe' zi um trig o nom' e tiy tur' key-buz zard ty pog' ra phy ul tra mon' tane un come at' a ble up hoi' ster y vac' u um va le' ri an IaaM^ I rMArtv'-^ SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 29 EXJERCISE 45. ex em' plar f'er' ret mer' it fi' er y wTr' y fer' rule {-ril) fer' ule fir' kin jer' kin gAer' kin lor' mal ly for' mer ly for' mil la gar' ni ture gar rote' ear' ru lous gen' ius Ger' ge sene§ gin' seng ^narl' y gor' mand gyp' sy hal' yard liaz' ard lieigli' ho hein' ous ha' de§ hour' 1 //our' ly hrig gar' huz' za in scroll' con trol' irk' some hancZ' some is' o late hoo' gier horn' blende gauz' y huck' a back hy e' mal im' be cile im pugn' in ces' sant gew' gaw iz' zard liz' ard jock' ey joe' und jol' li ty pol' i ty /bUag' ged laun' dry less' en ing exehcise 4 lin' e ar lo qua' cious lu' bri CO us lym pliat' ic mar' vel oris mer' ri ment nov' el ist . met' al list min' u et min' ute (-it) mo reen' ma ri'ne' hal herd ier' mus ket eer' mys' ti cism nar' ra tive va' li o loid ve ne sec' tion vo cif er a' tion wharf in ger whip'-poor-will ab sorb' ent ob gerv' ant se.g' re gate ag' gre gate al' i bi al' li gate ad ven' ture some ad ven' tur ous an ti feb' rile an te ce' dent an' ti qua ry bap' tis ter y ca lam' i tons neph' ew {nef yu) nl^' e ty 6. cas' tel la ted ce lib' a cy Chat ta noo' ga ^hi can' er y €hi rog' ra phy com mi§' er ate Con nect' i cut cor nu co' pi a coi*' ri gi ble cru ci fix' ion de vis' a ble di vi§' i ble di' a losfue mon' o logue def er ence dif fer ence her bif er ous her biv' o rous 30 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEE. EXEHCIS E 47. jail' i tor jes' sa mine jog' gle ju'gii lar kern' el /i:Dab las' sie lei' gure le' o nine lin' guist Mac' ca bee§ maZni' gey ma raud' er tea'selg niea' gleg wea' gelg rniir' miir ins; sini' nier ing taught sought ni' tro gen hy' dro gen ox' y gen op' por tune ap' er ture op' po gite pre' ter it or' phan age pu' gel par' a graph pan' ci ty per' i wig pe' terg ham })heas' ant Phi hp' pi plile^m noi' some non pa reil' nun' ghion lunch' eon o bei' sance o bey' ing o' dor ous on' er ous ra' dix o' nyx pee' an pe' on par' o quet por' trait ure pot' sherd ppu ghong' pre' cious pre fier' rer 2osciV ter pur loin' Pa' gey ite rap scall' ion rec on noi' ter rec on noi tre reg' i men re in it' tance ro' ga ry ro' ge ate sat' ir ize sat' u rate sa' vor y sla' ver y rpu fine' sea lene' sgig' gion vig' ion per tur ba' tion reg er va' tion dev as ta' tion ni hir i ty du o dec' i mo ec ceil trig' i ty ef front' er y e lee trie' i ty em bark a' tion em bod' i nieiit en yel' op nient e phem' e ra ep' i lep sy e qui lib' ri um et y mol' o gj ex e ge' sis gaz et teer' gon do lier' EXEItC IS E 48. ini' mi gi^ant em' i grant len' te nient sen' ti ment lick' er ish lie' o rice lig' a ment lin' i ment lin' e a ment lig' a ture mag' is tra cy Mag' na Char' ta mag nif i cence math e mat' ics med' al urgy mel lif lu ous mil' li ner mis eel la' ne ous 1 "' "" ■ " ' SANDERS' TEST- SPELLER. 31 i EXEliCISE 49. pig' eon seiz' ure Mis sis sip' pi pom' mel ing sea' §on ner vos' i tv por tent' ous sep' ul ture night' in gale op ti' cian se' rie§ o dor if er ous po §!' tion shawm o le ag' i nous pres' tige shote ol fac' to ry post' age sieve op pro' bri um pro ceed' si' ne cure OS ten' si ble pre cede' sto' i ci§m "3ar' ti ciple pi'o' gramme sol' e ci§m pen i ten' tia ly e y i o-ram stealth' i ness pol' V the ism pulp' ous sug' ar {shoog' ar) pol i ti' cian | pol' y pus syn op' sis prov o ca tion cur' few teeh' nic al pro vok' a ble pur' lieu Ten eriffe' rev' o ca ble pur' view te' trar^h pom pos' i ty quad' ru ped thor' ough ;3ub 119' ity exeh cise 50. ran ces' cent tip' pling Phai'' i see reg' is trar tongu' y^ quad' ra ture rep ar tee' tra' ehe a quad' ri fid re plev' in tread' le ra' di us san ga ree' tu i' tion plu' vi ous sa' tyr trea' cle ra pac' i ty selieme twee' die rep e ti' tion screech wolf-hsh re §olv' a ble se ra^/l' io wolf ish re spon' si ble shack' le a byss' re§ ur rec' tion sir la bub re miss' sac ri f i' cial sluice ac cpu' ter* ) rev er en' tial spruce ac cpu' tre* ( 'laber'ge on strip' ling ac qui esce' sec ta' ri an rip' pling dis pos sess ap pre' ci ate stul' ti fj ac curse' in sa' ti ate stu' pe fy ad verse' sa ga§' i ty " On words of tliis class see Sanders' Union Speller, Exercise 284 and the Note. 32 SANDERS' TEST- SPELLER. EXERCISE 5 1. dis cui'' sion a las' san' gui na ry snb vei-' sion ta' pir va' por tas' sel sur pass' al be' it all' spice al longe' sa tir' ic al sol' dier y {-jer) sooth' say er tat ter de mal' ion vas' sa. te na' cious ex punge' an' nal ist ther mom' e ter va9 il la' tion tes ta' ceous an' tlira cite veg' e ta ble tith' a ble A pol' lo ver miv' o rous tra di' tion ar' ti choke vir tu o' so tres' ile as cribe' ver tig' i ty trom' bone as' i nine wai*' rant a ble tur' bu lent bacli' e lor ac eel' er ate cryp' tic iin' guent ba nil' na bob in et' a cerb' i ty ad van ta' geous u' svi ry bourn' less af fir ma' tion val' iant vel vet een' brogue cat' a Qomb aid'-de-camp {-hong) an a€h' ro nigm EXERCISE 5 3. vent' ure some ca taw' ba ca los' i ty ver' gou leuse ves' tige char' ry char' y ca pag' i ty dif fi dence vict' ual er 9hev a lier' dil' i gence wit' ty Dri vateer' droll' er y pit'y clan' nish cajol' ery zinc zink' y ab striise' Span' ish com plex' ion con nee' tion - en am' el en tram' mel es pe' cial ly de dnce' a merce' com' pro mige gal' va nize im par' tial \j e the' re al as perse' con demn' ex eel' si or ap pel' Iant re pel' lent con' duit cor du roy' ex' pi a to ry ex traor' di na ry ap per tain' ap' er ture ap' pe tite crj^s' tal cyg' net pet' al ine fac-sim' i le Feb' ru a ry fil' i bus ter * See Sanders' Union Speller, Ex. 278. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEE. 33 EXEMCISJE S3. at tri' tion bal za rine' Beth' pha ge bis sex' tile bi'oacl' s?6-6rd bun' com^e ) bun' kiim f cbaf iiDcli ^ha rade' chas' tige ment €lioi*' is ter gbiv' al ly CO a lesce' coiF fure s}' mp' torn cyn' ic der' rick dor' ic con jure glu' ey dew' y dis seize' dig ea§e' con strain' dis train' do9' ile lbs' sil elf in dol' pbin dow' a ger ef f i' cient eio'btli ep' i thet ex' qui site fac ti' tious fei^n' ed ness de spair' gy' ra to ry dipb' thong (cZj/-) ho me o path' ic hy men e' al im per' vi ous in cle^t' ed ness in fin i tes' si mal in Stan ta' ne ous A' er mil' ion quin till' ion em' a nate em' e raid juris prii'dence lex i cog' ra phy li nig' er ous lux u' ri ant mac a roon' man dil' ion me dall' ion 54. mal e die' tion mer e tri' cious su per sti' tious met ro pol' i tan mis' chiev ous Mo ham' med an mon o ma' ni a ne ces' si tons nev er the less' o bit' n a ry o po del' doc or' tho e py o ver t(;r6ught' pa ren' the sis par' ox y§m path' e tigm pen' e trate pen' i tent dis sei' zin dis sen' sion dis ten' tion de seen' sion dis' ti^h fus' tic dom i neer' gren a dier' dor' sal' moi*' sel due' tile len' til e gre' gious el lipse' em bog' om ep' och EXEM CIS E eq' ui pnge es quire' eu' nu€h ex' pie live fa tigue' feof fee' fis' sure fog'' gi ness ga loghe' gam' ut gen' tian men' tion ver' te bra ver' ti go trav' erse com' merce an' cient tran' sient r ' " -— — r 34 SANDERS' TEST-I 1 1 3PELLER. EXEnCIS E 3 5. fosse gar' ri son 3en' ury furze tAym' y De' ony gar' ru lous vhfm.' y per' fi dy sen' u ine * y ref' er ence ■^er'ju ry ging' ham suf fer ance pet ri fac' tion gi raffe' seiz' in ■3he nom' e non ^nai-1' y rea' gon phra §e ol' o gy bawd' y Her' cu le§ pierce' a ble fraud' y a cu' men quad ri no' mi al beau' ti fy af flu ence re cip' ro cate beau' te ous ai Ian' tus Si be' ri an Ba' laani am' a ranth re fleet' i ble bed' lam am' e thyst re spect' a ble bux' om ant arc' tic re sus ci ta' tion bell' man me men' to§ script' nr al bel' fry as bes' tine se pul' -ehral be queaf h' bar' ren ness si mul ta' ne ous un sheaf he' baize so lig' i tude EXERCISE S6. gro tesque' ba?k spi nos' i ty blun' der buss a wry' sti pend' i a ry bom' bazihe' [ be lie' sub ter ra' ne an bom' ba sine' j DC dye' suf f i' cien cy bra ce man bla' zon su per ail' nu a ted cat' er wau". rai' §/n syl lab i ca' tion eel' lu lar bob' bin ob liv' i on gbar' la tan rob' in tel lu' ri an ■ehem' is try bo hea' te nag' i ty choc' late set tee' trans fer' a ble ) ■ehron' i cler boun' te ons ti'ans fer' ri ble j €hyle Bo' re as va' ri a ble ci gar' bo tan' ic va' ri e gate clique ty ran' nic Ve ne' tian Co los' sian§ by '-gone vi vac' i ty con' science Ca' naan ite wor' fhi ly (wur-) cool' ly cap' tain cy ac cliv' i ty coo' lie ce' re al§ ac u i' tion SANDEES' TEST- SPELLER. 35 EXER CIS E S7. cor' pus 9le gha made' af fran' chige cos' set change' a ble ag' gran dize cors' let ex pliQ' it ad ver' ti§e ment cum' in faun' ist am phi the' a ter ) fam' ine fe ro' cious am phi the' a tre [ dirge flip' pant an nex a' tion surge frig' id Ap pa la' chi an duch' ess fruit' er er a' que ous dutch' man fu giiist' a' qui form el' e vate ga§' e ous as cen' sion ex' ca vate germ cle ten' tion em' e vy ; ev' ee o pa9' i ty ar' mo ry lev' y ing • ar te' ri al en deav' or ; ev' yne anal' ogous dis sev' er re§' in as par' a gus ex cres' cence .imb a nom' a ly fore run' ner .]ym?z ap pa ri' tion for swear' ;im?i iir' -ehi tect ure EXERCISE ss. fur' be low gloss' a ry chas' ten ing gal' lant ry lil'y •ehro nom' e ter gib' ber ish fil'ly cor rod' i ble (/naw . i' vre§ (-verz) dan' de li on ^nome ski' ver§ des' ul to ry gor' geons joal' lor dis sen' tient cen' sus val' or e le' gi ac grand' eur ; am' pass em' is sa ry gris' ile pam' pas en cy clo pe' di a ) haiiZm tres' pass en cy clo pae' di a j liawg' er mawk' ish en' er gize lieark' en mir' ror ex' er ci§e hear til mount' e bank en gi neer' hearse myr' tie cor de lier' her ba' ceons newt ep' i logue la pel' nun' ner y led'agogue foi'e tell' or' eh is e ques' tri an ga zelle' o' ri ole est' u a ry 1 36 SANDEES' TEST-SPELLER. liy' son bi' son le' ver cleav' er man' di ble mend' a ble mam ma' pa pa' nup' tial fa' cial ow' ing hoe' ing pearl' y ^niir' ly pSr' qui gite pil' lo ry plagu' y pol' i ti€S pre' cin€t prim' i tive Pyth' i an qui es' cent ai-' e fy ar' ro gate an' to graph or' tho dox bowl' der shoul' der troll' ing bowl' ing breez' y cheeg' y ea§' y ces sa' tion JEXEH CIS jE o' ver slaugh phil' ter 111' ial cop'y pop'py _ por' ce lain por' en pine po§' er doz' er prop' er chop' per rad' ish red' dish ram' i fy tu' me fy seize sneeze EXEJt CISE smell'-less * sham poo' sheathe gri mal' kin sleigh' ing soul' less sou ghong' sponge sprue squirm ver' sion Stan' ghion stur' geon starve' ling steak still' y gut' tur al 5 9^ e$ or' di um ex per' i ment ex' pur gate ex' tir pate fe lig' i ty grav' el ly ho ri' zon ho §an' na hough' ing {hoh-) hy pot' e nuse im ag i na' tion in ef fa ble in iq' ui ty in oc' u late in tel' li gi ble in ter mit' tent in ter ro ga' tion GO, ir re gist' i ble ir' ri ta ble en fran' chige OS cil la' tion i tin' er a cy mag ne' gian lo gi' cian ma hog' a ny mar' riage a ble may' or al ty Mel -ehig' e dec mil le na' ri an min er al' o gj min' i a ture moth' er wort Ne a pol' i tan o ver run' ner * Why is the hyphen ( - ) inserted between the ending less and the radical part, smell ? See Sanders' Union Speller, p. QQ. SANDERS' TEST- SPELLER. 37 EXEJtCISJE 61. bre vet' sue ces' sor .)al li a' tion bru nette' sue cumb' pan a ce' a bri' er y tal' on 3ea§'ant ry bry' ny taw' dry pec' ca ry Brit' ish ter rif ic bag a telle' skit' tisb ten' nis Dis til la' ceoiis bill' wark ten' on Dleag' iir able biiU' ion thrum po' et as ter bill' rush thum6 Dros' e Iv tism bull' ock tmi' or some Dro tect' orate biill'-finch cum' ber some pro vin' cial i§m biirgb' er ting' ing rec og ni' tion burg' lar swinge' ing sal ma gun' cli but' tress tor' re fy sep a ra' tion but' ter is scar' i fy som nam' bu li§m cal' clron vac' cine ste' re o scope chal' clron toe' sin su per cil' i oiis chal' lenge vul' pine sup po§' i ti' tious EXBR C IS E 62. chat' tel whir' ring text' 11 a ry chintz wind' lass ve nos' i ty chinse wy' vern ve ra9' i ty clef zig' zag a be ce da' ri an cliff en gross' am phib' i ous cy' press ver bose' an a con' da clef e cate en sconce' an nex a' tion cle f i' cient re spouse' an te cli lii' vi an der' ni er en iomh' a poth' e ca ry clis ere' tion fore doom' ap pli ca' tion clis' si dence eph' ocl ail to bi og' ra phy el' quence ef fort ca dav' er ous em' bas sy fi nesse' col le' gi an em bra' §ure ca ress' con cat e na' tion en roll' Aim' §y dys pep' si a ) pa role' whim' gey clj^s pep' sy \ fraught hag' gard e pit' o me fought hav' e lock ex tem' po re 38 SANDERS' TEST-J 3PELLER. EXEMC IS E G3. freii' zy hi' ber nate 'let' er o dox quin' §y hy' a line ly drom' e ter fri' ar ham' mock pre cip' i tous bri' er im' pie ment Dre cen' tor fur' lougb. inn' ing chic' o ry fur' row in stall' ment An nette' fu gee' in ter sgind' quon' dam ra zee' log' ing o' gle gas' sy ooz' ing e lite (a leet) gyp' sum man' dre'. bes' i ty Aeir' ship man' drill heb' e tate her' igm mid' dling grig' ly ho' gier y mor' phine griz' zly hy e' ma' mu le teer' grist' ly im' age ry na' iad scig' gure im pel' lent ob nox' ious des Aa bille' in trigu' ing o' €her \ o' €]n'e f de bu^ {del hit) jan' gie ri ent' al EXEB. C IS E G4. jejune' go' long cor' tege (-tdzh) ju di' cious ox' ide Re bee' ca [ knsiv' er y pam phlet eer' Re bek' ah f leg' a cy ■oas'-eha'. in stau ra' tion lin' e age ■3ur su' ant Ce' phas cro quet' (-Jcci) "oer sua' sion ta boo' maud' lin pen' ock ex cig' ion pul' ing ban' nock bpu doir' {-dwo'r) pa py' rus pla' card Zeb' e dee was' sal. plaid' ing cog mo ra' ma mar' mo get pre pense' kil' der kin ter' tian quag' ga la nig' er ous par' a gon quag' gj a' pi a ry Phoe' be ) Phe'be i re cen' sion de mur' rage Rab bin' ic cli' glyph quar' tan vie' tor ine Soph' more be scrawl' gui' don tor' tious cap' rine qui esce' mor bil' Ious 1 WORDS DEFINED. EXEHCIS E 65. Ap'otheool. Par a ton nerre', (-??«/'), (thunder-shield), lightning-rod. A cet' ic relating to the acid in vinegar. As cet' ic a hermit ; a recluse. Pres' by ope one ivlio is long-sighted. Par he' li on a mock sun, or meteor, Ach' ee nege a native of Acheen, in Sumatra. iiiiosp the unojyened bud of a leaf or floiver. Pres si ros' ter. . . . one of a class of birds ivith flattened beah. Phyl loph' a gan . ..(leaf-eater), one of a class of animals that feed upon leaves. * At public auctions, in ancient Rome, a spear was stuck in the ground. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 45 £ .Y E It C I S JK 7 7. Se ras' kier heddof an army ; a general^ in Turkey. Sque league' a kind of fish ; lueak-fisli. Rem' i ped (^oar-foot), having oar-shaped fiiet. Pa le o the'ri uiii. .an extinct species of quadruped. Mes o phloe' um. . . (middle-bark), tlie middle hark of a tree. Lith'o glypli fiyt of engraving on precious stones. By zan' ttne pertaining to Byzantium ; a gold coin. The' o dore (gift of God), a mail's name. Se lies' cent growing old ; decaying. Zj mol' o gy treatise on the fermentation of lujuors. Whim'brel a bird like the curlew. Gii' son the glutton^ a South American aninml. Gri'gong^ tlie most eastern of the Swiss cantons. Trit' u rate. . .... .to rub, grind, or bruise. Spor' ran a leather p>ouch worn in front of the kilt by the Highlanders of Scotland. EXEMCIS U 78. bpimg-bok. . . ., ( ^igr^pii^g "buck), a species of antelope. Kee' bok a South African species of antelope. Gail' lo tine an instrument for captital p)unis]iment. Sem' a pliore ajiparatus for giving signals ; telegraph. Sem' per vive live-forever ,- a certain ptlant. Gol' go tha ,pflace where Christ ivas crucified. Ac ces' sa ry aiding in, or a contributing to, a crime. Ac ces' so ry additional ; also, an accomplice. (riios' ties p)ersons who pretended to' have tlie only true knowledge of Christianity. A pos'tro pkef . . .contraction of a word; as ccdlhl. Sen'es Qlial a steward ; an officer over feasts. Ac' o ly te I a follower ; one that luaits upon the Ac' o lyth j priest in the church services. * The name of tliis Canton is said to be derived from the color of the coats worn by a band of the people, {the Gray League), who, in 1424, bound themselves to defend each other against their feudal lords. f As a figure of speech, apostrophe is tJie turning aicay from the real, to address an imaginary auditory. 46 SANDEES' TEST-SPELLEE. .j_ EXJEnCISE 7 9. An titli'e sis act of i^lacing over' against; contrast. Bel' ve clere'"^'' small structure on the top of an edifice. Pi rogue' a canoe ; a narrow ferry -boat. Piilk' lia a Laplander'' s traveling sled. Seis mol' o gy science of earthquahes. Oc ta lie' clronf. . . . (eight-sided), a solid contained hy eight equal and equilatercd triangles. Blanc-mange, (Jjlo-monf)^ a confected white jelly. Scol o pen'dra. . . . venomous kind of insects ; centipeds. Ha wai' ian .ptertaining to Hawaii. Pty' a lism a morbid excretion of saliva ; salivation. Vex il' la ry pertaining to cm ensign or standard. Mei' well a small sp)ecies of codfish. II ez e ki' all (strength of the Lord), a meal's name. Oc tan'dri a a class of plants in ichich the flowers have eight stems not united. JSXEBCISJE 80. Carte-blan^he (white paper), unlimited authority. Pie' o na§m redundancy of ivords. Carte'-de-vi §ite'. .a photographic picture on a card. Lon gim' e try .... measurment of lengths or distances. Plu to' ni an pertaining to Pluto, the fabled god of the infer ncd regions. Spat' ter-dash e§. .coverings for the legs, from mud. Phy se' ter the sperm ivlude ; machine for filtering . Gas sine' a small house, especially^ in the country. Gas sine' a genus of shrubs. Sol' i ped an animcd whose hoof is not cloven. Pie oeh' ro ism. . ..the j^roperty of some bodies, as crystcds. of 2)f'(^sGnting different colors. Lu cu bra' tion . . ..study or composition by nigld. Hart' beest (stag-beast), a species of antelope. Ga'gern (shed), a lodging for soldiers; barracks. Ilau' berk (neck-defense), a shirt of mail. * Belvedere means, literally, beautiful sicjM ; as, in the name of the celebrated statue, Apollo Belvedere, in Rome. f See Notes in Sanders' Union Speller, pp. 87 and 163. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEE. 47 E XE R CIS E 8 1. Pie' ia cleg . .seven daughters of Atlas ; a constellation. Haus'tel late provided with a sucker, as some insects. Luc allege a native of Lucca, in Tuscany. Ap' y rex y state of being without fever. Or ni thos' co py. . . observation or study of birds. Mobile a bale of raw silk. Jez' e bel ^ ivife of AJmh ; an impudent woman. Phi Ian' cler to flirty or to coquet. Me la' da mixture of sugar and molasses. Pter' y gold icing-like ; having the form of a wing. Mil les'i mal pertaining to a thousand. Peuss' ite native sulphate of soda. Stem mat' o pus. ..(garland-eye), a kind of seal. Hy dro ceph' a lus . (water in the head), dropsy of the brain. Ap pog gia tu' ra, (-podja-), a tone in music. Im bro^l'io an intricate plot ; snarl. Pri' ma-fa ci e. . . .on first view ; pt^'^sumjJtive. EXERCISE 82. Hy'le o saur (wood-lizard), an extinct animal. Meg a the' ri urn. . . (big beast), an extinct quadruped. Mol yb de' na an ore of a dark lead color. Ep' i phyte a ptlant growing upon another plant. Ar a bel' la (fair altar), a ivomarLS name. Es ca lade' an attack icitli ladders to mount with. In cog' ni to (not knowu), in disguise. Clep' sy dra (water-stealer), a water-clock. Pen tag' y nous. . .having five styles or ijistils. Psy €hom' a ehy . .conflict of the soul with the body. Maz' za roth signs of the zodiac, or the stars generally. Pol y he' dron. . . .a body contained by many sides. A gel' da ma field of blood, ivhere Judas hung himself . Co pen ha' gen .... (mercliant's haven), capital of Denmark Pleu ral' gi a pain, or distress in the side. Cj^th e re' an pertaining to Cythera, an island in the JEgean, where Yenus urns worshiped. * The name of Jezebel was long a by-word for all that is execra- ble in character. 48 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXEB CIS E 8 3. Kyf he to discover ; to bring into view. Chei*' so nese a ijeninaula. Ne pen' the .... \ (not sorrow, or without sorrow), an Ne pen' thes. . . . \ Egyptian drug ivltich lulled sorroiv. Lon gi pen' nate . . .hird having long luings. as the alhati'oss. Kaj'ak light fishing -boat used in Greenland. Car ta ge' na (new Carthage), a city in Spain. Psj €hol' o gy .... science of the soul, or mind. Neth'i nim servants of the priests and Levites. Koo' doo an ox like antelope of South Africa. -Ran' ci t J harshness of sound ; rough idterance. Win ni pis e o gee . (beautiful lake of the highlands), name (win nepis so¥ kee) of a lake in New Hampshire. Car ron ade' a kind of cannon. Cz3iV^ o witz eldest son of the emperor of Russia. Mar' quet ry, (ket). inlaid loork. Al' le go ry a. fictitious story, illustrating one thing by describing another. EXEJtCISE 8 4. Ea' me ous growing on a branch. Ra mose' ) , 77 7 7 -n / r branchecl : branchv. Ka mous j ' ^ Ra' jah a native prince among the Hindoos. Brah' man i§m . . ) religion of Brcdima^ a deity of the Brah'min igm.. j" Hindoos. E leu ther op' o lis. (free city), a toivn of Palestine. Chi me' ra ) a monster fabled to have the head and Chi moe ra j neck of a lioji, and the body of a goat. Run' ci nate saw-shaped^ as certain leaves. Py rox' y line (fire-wood), gun-cotton. Ten' rec a kind of hedge-hog, living on insects. IB. J pe' ri on a name of Apollo ^ the god of the day. Phan tag uiii qo' ri ^.exhibit ion of objects by a magic lantern. Sin ga pore' .... ) (city of the lion), a commercial enpor- Sin ga poor' . . . . i ium in Asia. Bou' le viird, (-var).a p)ul)lic walk on the site of an old bulwark or fortificcdion. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER 49 EXERCISE 83. Sut tee' i§m practice^ hy ividoivs^ of self- sacrifice. Hy blae'au pertaining to Mount Hyhla^ in Greece. Hep a ti' tis ■^'' inflammation of the liver. Zor' il kind of skunk. Ba€ -eiia na' li a. . . feasts in honor of Bacchus. De mo gor' gon. . .a terrible divinity among the ancients. Pig' i dse J}irds of the woodpecker kind. Kli' bi celle a variety of ruby of a reddish ccAor. Mar ces' ci ble .... liahle to wither or decay. Pe tail' rist (rope-dancer), an animal that takes short flights or jumps in the air. Tel' e du an animal of the skunk kind. Sub jee' leaves of Indian hemp for smoking. Hir sute' hairy ; rough ivith hair. Rli big'i nous. . . .rusty; exhibiting rust. Teti ton' ic pertaining to the Teutons^ a people of ancient Germany. EX E R C IS E 8 6. Ba€ -ebante' a p)riestess of Bacchus. Di a3r' e sis ) (taking apart), the dividing of syllables ; Di er' e sis j as, cooperate, not coop er ate. Guan a Brazilian bird. Di o pban' tine .... of Diophantus^a famous matliernatician. Pn' brie ate to mark with red ; to lay down rubrics. Hoi' o caust (whole-burnt), a sacrifice all consumed. Hom'o nyms words of like sound, but unlike meaning. Eul' li chie§ chopped meat in bags of tripe. Munt'jac a species of deer in Java and Sumatra. Os' si frage the young of the sea-eagle. S9heel' ite a calcareous ore. Gua na' co a species of llama. Pie sen ge bir ge. . . (giant mountains), a range of moun- (ree' zen gd beer go) tains in Burope. Te les' ti€h a poem in which the final letters of the lines form a name. * The ending itis distinguislies a large number of medical terms It means inflammation of; as, carditis, inflammation of the heart. 50 SANDEES' TEST-SPELLEE. EXEItCIS E 87. Broc' CO li a kind of cabbage like cauliflower. Ox' y tone havmr/ an acute souiid, or accent. Ap' pan age land for tlie younger sons of a prince. Car' il Ion a cliwie of bells played by clock-work. Ba lize' a sea-mark : a pole raised on a bank. Pirn' per nel a small plant , with bright red flowers. Par' see a Persian fire-worshiper. Hi e ro glyph' i^s . . (sacred characters), 'plcture-ivriting. Sep' tu a gint a Greek version of the old Testament. Syb a rit' ic like the Sybarites^ thai Isj voluptuous. Pis cat' a qua (great deer river), a river In Maine. Hy per bo' re an. . . (beyond Boreas), Intensely cold. Bosc' age ivood ; a thicket; underwood. Sean di na' vi a. . ..ancient name of Sweden and Norway. Val la' tion a rampart^ or intrenchment. Syeli no car' pons. . (frequent fruit), bearing frequent crops. Par a plier na' li a . .property of a woman beyond her dower , hence^ any appendage^ ornaments^ etc. EXEMCISE S 8. D/ia wa lii gli'i ri". . . (white mountains), a lofty peak of the (da wd Id gee' re) Himalaya mountains. 'i^er' a phim household deities or Images ; Idols. Pyr'r/ate an orange-yellow mineral. Sab u los' i ty quality or state of being sandy. Chaudes-Aigues. ..(warm waters), name of a town in (shod-dlg) durance. Lix iv' i ate pertaining to lye^ or lixivium. E lo'igiV to separate ; to carry off and hide. Sacel'lum an ornamental chapel. Par nas' sus a mountain sacred to the Muses. Ranche'rOj (tshd).a herdsman; a farm-laborer, A' er o lite a meteoric stone. Chron' i cles records in the order of time. Pa ron y mous. . . .of like sound^ but different spelling. Par' o nym a paronymous word. Cad me' an ) pertaining to Cadmus^ ivho introduced Cad' mi an ) sixteen letters into the Greek alphabet. Sanders' test-speller. 51 EXJERCISJS no. Ne oc' ra cy (new-rule), government in 7ieiv hands. Sac' CO my-'' (sac-inouse), an animal of the rat kind. Bel ler' o phon. . ..name of a fabulous hero of Greece. Par qiiet', {-led) . . . .hodij of seats nearest the orchestra. Par' quet ry 'i species of inlaid luorh ; marquetry. Par o no nm' si a . .a play upon ivords ; punninrj. Se ros' i ty tlie watery part of most animal fluids. Ad vow' goii right of nomination to a vacant liuing. Ter gi ver sa' tiou . .a shifting ; evasion ; subterfuge. Mys' ta gogue. . . .one who interprets mysteries. Morda'cious given to biting ; snappish. Be' a trice (making bappy), a womcnCs name. Ter' e binth tlie turpjerdine-tree. Po lyg' e nous .... consisting of many hinds. Tuck' a hoe a vegetable growing under ground. Pa€li y derm (tliick-skinned), non-ruminant animal. Myr i o rii' ma. . . .a picture made up of otlier pictures^ so as to produce a great variety of scenes. EXEIICISE 9 0. Boc' a sine a sort of fine buckram. Mel' iiin dark coloring matter fro77i the cuttle-fish. Hy per' bo le exaggeration. Hes per' i dOs daughters of Jlesjyerus. Bon-vivant' (good living), a good fellow ; a jolly (bong ve vong') companion. Tab' pu ret a small tabor ; little drum, Phar ma col' o gy. .science of drugs ; medicines. Phar ma co poe' vii. treatise on medical jrreparaiions. Ther a peu' ties, . .science of cures, or remedies for diseases. Sax' o phone a ivind instrument of brass. Tri fo' li ate having three leaves. Mat' a CO an animcd of tlie armadillo kind. Ho §an' na (save now, we pray), icord of praise. Ir ra wad' dy . . . \ (the great rivei"), one of tlie great rivers Ir ra wad' i \ of South-east' rn Asia. Py roph' o rus. . . . (fire-bearer), a substance that takes fire on exposure to the air. 52 SANDERS' TEST-SPELI.EK. j^2LEItCIS E 01, Py ropli' a nous. , . (lire-briglit), transparent throiigli heat. Can'taleup. . . . \ a kind of muskmdon^ so called from Can' ta loupe. . . ( the castle of Cantalapo^ in Italy. V ron y dissimulation in speech. Y ron y, (^ urn y). .consisting of or tinctured icitJi^ iron. Chap'' er on a Itood or cap ; an attendant of a lady. Charge' d'affaires. (one charged with affairs), a j^uhlic {shdr zhd daf far') representative. O don tal' gi a . . . .pain in the teeth ; tooth-ache. Oph thai mol' o gy. science of or treatise on, the eye. Oph thai' my inflammation of the eye. Car nos' ity a fleshy excrescence ; fleshiness. Pneu ma tol' o gy.. science of air and other elastic fin ids. ^ Soc dol' o ger final settlement ; a kind offish-hook. Sor'tilege drawing lots ; divinationhy drawing lots. Cas' tel hm of a castle ; governor of a castle. Plan' i sphere the representation of the circles of the sphere on a plane. JSX EMC I S B 92. Soi-disant (calling-himself), self-styled ; pre- (swd de zong') tended. Vi cen' ni al occuri'ing once in twenty years. Plat y pod an animal having hroad feet. Thai' li um a meted resembling lead. Pir ou ette' a ichirling on the toes in dancing. Mac ro dac' tyl. . . . (long-fingered), a bird with long toes. Cen' tau ry a pjlant of severed species. Lych' no scope. . ..a narrow ivindoiv near the ground. Macrol' o gy (long-talk), tedious discourse. Pie si o sau' rus. . .a kind of extinct marine animal. Plu mil' i form .... having the si] ape of a feather. The' mis goddess of law and justice. Plu' mi ped having the feet covered ivith featJiers. Ce ra' ceous having the nature of wax. Plu mas' sa r}'. . . .a p)lunie ; ornamental feathers. Ploc a mixture of hair and tar for the bot- tom of a ship. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 53 EXERCISE 93. Spa clroon' a sivordj lighter than a hroadsivord. Tet ra he' (iron.. . .a solid figure inclosed hg fDur triangles. Pa f liol' o gj tJie science or knowledge of disease. Lu nette' (little moon), a, detached bastion. Pel o pon ne' ^id^n . .pertaining to the Peloponnesus.^ Zeiig' ma (a yoking), a species of ellipsis. Him yar' ic / pertaining toHhnyar^ an ancienilcing of Him yar it' ic . . . i Yemen ; as, the Himyaritic language. Nid i fi ca' tion . . . .the act of building a nest. Wan der oo' a baboon of Ceylon and Malabar. Spon' goid resembling sponge. Wap' in s§haw . . . .an exhibition of arms according to rank. Zo oph' a gan a flesh-eating animal. Mel' a pliyre a kind of rock, of a reddish color, TFhew' ell ite a brittle, crystalline minercd. Ar' go nauts those fabled to have gone ivith Jason, in the ship Argo, in quest of the golden fleece. EXERCISE 94. Wad' y a ravine ; channel of a ivcdercourse. Mor' phe us god of dreams^ in the old mythology. My ol' o gy science of the muscles of the liuman body. My ot' o my dissection of the muscles. Sghorl' ite a mineral ; a variety of topaz. O^' mose tendency in fluids to mix and diffuse. Tur quoi§', [-koiz).a mineral from Persia^ much esteemed. C03 mol'o gy science of the ivorld, or universe. At ta 9lie', {-shd). .one attached to another ; an attendant. Ce ran' ni^s science of heat and electricity. My' o py short-sightedness. Os te ol' o gy the science of the bones. Myl' o don an extinct animal like the megatherium. Taeh' y lite a mineral of a brownish^ or black color. Pod oph thai' mic. .jjer^«mm^ to animals, as crabs, that have eyes on movable footstalks. * Peloponnesus, literally, island of Pdops, so called from Pelops, wlio is said to have migrated liitlier from Lydia. 54 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE OS. Pnyx jjJace of oneeting^ in ancient Athens. Hip po cnit' ic of Hippocrates^ a celebrated physician. Hel mii/tha gog?/e'".(worm-expeller), a medicine for worms. Val k}'!-' i a one of the maidens of Odin.-f Po typli' o iiigm . . .multijjUcity of sounds. De bri's, {da hree^).. broken fragments taken collectively. Pa paw' tree^ bearing fruit of the size of a melon. SgeF i do there. . ..a fossil quadruped of the sloth kind. He li ol' a ter a luorshiper of the sun. FoLi'ri erigm the system of Fourier ; socicdism. Douceur', {-sur). ..(that which sweetens), a gift ; a bribe. Bon-ton, Q)ong tong), heig/it of fashion. Par' a chnte machine to descend from a balloon ivith. Phar ma 9eu'tics. .science of compounding medicines. Par al lei o pip' e don, a solid body, the surfaces of which form six parallelograms. EXERCISE 9G. Na' pi form having the form of a turnip. Ee gher9he'(n7A-). (sought out), rare; very superior. Har mat' tan a dry^ hot wind from Africa. Pan' to mime dumb-shoiu. Pol' y pode an animal luith many feet ; milleped. Ot' tar t/ie essenticd oil of roses. Ot tei'' an anii/ial valued for its fur. Ouch a socket in which a precious stone is set. Po ]ym' a thy knowledge of many arts ayid sciences. Cham pagne' kind of sparkling wine. Cham paign' open; flat; level^ as land. Bac' u lite ..a kind of fossil shells^ straight inform. Au'rochs (wild ox), the bison of Poland. Se le' ni um a lustrous substance like sulphur. Cyp' ri an pertaining to Ci/prus, ichere Venus had a temple; a lewd woman. " For other words ending like this, as demagogue, etc., see San- ders and McElligott's Analysis of Englisli Words, p. 190. f Odin was the supreme deity among the Scandinavians. SANDEES' TEST-SPELLER. 55 JEXEltCISJB 9 7. Sap' o nulc an imperfcct soap, Le' tlie'^ afahled river of the loioer regions. Le the' an pertaining to Lethe ; oblivions. Nar cis' susf Jiame of a beautiful youtlt ; a flower. Em pii'' i cism . . . .practice of an empjiric, or quack. Us' que bau'/Zi .... (life-water), a kind of ivliisky. Se la' cian a fish having gristle instead of bones. Cal' en dar arrangement of time ; almanac. Cal' en cler a hot press to press clothes ivith. Traf fie a. kind of raushroom. Dis sil' i ent opening with cm elastic force. Trut ta' ceous. . . . .pertaining to trout. Scar' a moucli a buffoon. Al' lab Arabic name for the true God. Scapb' ism p)unishment, by confining one in a hol- low tree till he dies. EXEHCIS E 98. Him a lay' as, (/i' as), chain of mountains in Asia. Boe o' tian .pertaining to Boeotia, in ancient Greece. Jung frail (tbe maiden), a mountain of the Siviss {yoong fro w) A Ips. Lses tryg' o ne.^. . . .an ancient gigantic race of men. Pont vo lant' a flying-bridge ; a light bridge. A mor' pbous luitliout form, or regular sliape. Ne pbrit' ic .pertaining to the kidneys. Syn a las' pba . . . | tlie elision of a final vowel of a tvord, Syn a le' pba . . . f ivJien the next begins ivith a vo2cel. Sa mo' ieds j three tribes^ inhabiting a portion of the Sa mo' yeds . . . . \ shores of the Arctic Ocean. Cbal' lis, (shal' ly).a fine.j trilled, ivoolen fabric. Jan i za ries (new soldiers), a class of privileged soldiers formerly existing in Turkey. * Those who drank of the waters of Lethe, were said to forget at once all the past. I Narcissus is fabled to have been enamored of his own image, as seen in a fountain, and to have been changed into a flower. 56 SANDEKS' TEST-SPELLER. EXEB. C IS E 99. Ar' gus a being fahled to have a hundred eyes. Torque neck-chain of gold wires twisted together, Bal e ar' ic pertaining to the Balearic Islands. Jug' ger naiit (lord of the world), a Hindoo idol. Po mol' o g J art or science of raising fruits. GwornQ (one that knows), an imaginary guar- dian of the inner parts of the earth.'^ 6'^no'mon the index^ or j)ointer of a sun-dial. Gray' wacke (gray-stone), grit-roch. El e a' zar (whom God helps), a mart's name. Ber ni' ge (victory-bringing), a woman'' s name. Li mo ther a pe' ia . (hunger-cure), curing hy hunger. Or' i -ehalcli a mixed meted resembling brass. Fes' gen nine ^^erfamw?^ to Fescennia^ a city in Italy. La oc' o onf a priest of Neptune^ or Apollo^ during the Trojan ivar, EXEUCIS E 100. Tam' a rin a small South American monkey. Tarn' pi on the stopper of a can7i07i; a 'plug, Stra mo' ni iim .... a poisonous plant used as a narcotic. Fas cine' a bundle of rods used in foii if cations. Tes tu din' e ous. .having the nature of a tortoise. Or nith'o lite (stone-bird), fossil remains of a bird. So phro' ni a (of a sound mind), a wonian^s name. Or nith' ieh mie .. .foot-mark of a bird^ in strata of stone. Lin nse' an ) pertaining to LinnceuSj a celebrated Lin ne' an f botanist. Li mo' sis a ravenous appetite; morbid hunger. Lig num-vi' tse. . ..(wood of life), a wood extremely hard. Leg er de main' . . .slight of hand. hign al' oe§ aloes-ivood, a tree allied to sandal-wood. Phar sa' li a the territory of or around, Pharsalus.X * The Gnomes were supposed by the Rosicrucians (see p. 57) to be the guardian spirits that watched over mines, quarries, etc. t A celebrated group of sculpture, representing Laocoon and his sons encoiled by serpents, is still extant at Rome. X Pharsa'lus, (now Fer^sala), a city in Thessaly. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 57 EXERCISE 101 Gar' ga ney a ^species of duck ; summer teal. Jer' quer, {-her). . .a custom-house officer who searches shqjs. Coup de main'. , . .(blow of the hand), a rajyid and un~ {I'oo de mdng') expected attack. Bret' zel, {-seT). . ..a kind of hard^ brittle ccdce. Nee' ro phoi'e (dead-carrier), a kind of insect. T-eh' a bod (the glory is departed), a mart's name. Phag ede'na a spreading^ obstinate idcer. Ni' sey a simpleton ; a fool. Ich neti' mon an animal that hunts crocodile eggs. ISTem' e sis goddess of vengeance ; retribution. Pe zi' za a kind of fungus^ or mushroom. Sel' Ian ders . . . . ) , • ^7 7 • 7 7 ^7 o 1/1 ^ ~ \ an eruption on the hind lea of a horse. ISer len derg . . . . | ^ ^ -^ A poc' ry pha (hidden), name given to certain books^ by some regarded as inspired. EX^EJICISE 102. Pol' y spast a machine luith many pulleys. Ir i des' cent having colors like the rainboiv. Gly cyr'rhi zine. ..a substance obtained from licorice. Mo' ri on a kind of open helmet. Sci om'a-ehy a fighting with one!s oion shadow. Pos i cru' ci an . . . .pertaining to the Hosier ucians.^ Twan' kay the poorest kind of green tea. ISTa varrese' pertaining to^ or a native of Navarre. le ra' ceous pertaining to pot-herbs^ or vegetables. Myg' e loid resembling fungus^ or mushroom. My ce' te§ (bellower), tlie howling monkey. An drom' a -ehe. . . wife of the Trojan hero. Hector. Pap' "11 an a native of Papua^ or New Guinea. Lith o -ehro' mi€s . . art of printing colored pictures on stone. Ar e op' a gus hill of Mars , at Athens, luhere a famous court ivas held. * The Rosicrucians ilourislicd in the ITth ceutuiy. The com- mon derivation of the name is from crux, a cross, and rosa, a rose ; hence, they are often called " Brothers of the Easy Cross." Thej pretended to have great knowledge of the secrets of nature- Aj J±£ 58 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. — ^ — ^ ^-ifM Ri'cli' e lien a celeuraied French statesman^ horn ()'toh^ eh loo) in 1585. 5J, *" ,C Khan a lartar j^rince^ or dmej. Kil' o gram a Jfrcncli mecmure of toeight. Pyr i tol' o gy treatise on ijy rites. /' Am phic' ty ons. ..mernhers of the Amphictj/grucsouncil.^ VyY a gore a delegat(i to the Arnphictyoxdc cowuoil. Chevaux de fri§ef . ( FriesMtt^l-horse ), timbeis traversed (shev defrez) icith splices^ cindMsed to §ipp a hrea^ai. Luc 9hese' a 2}g.tiGe or-wsidem of Lti^ca. Zo on' o my lati^^ or science of animal life. 9^ lie' li ac ) rising or setting ivith the sun ; emerg- He li' ac al f ing from tli\ light of the sun, Cy' clops a class of gimiis fabled to have had hut one eije^ and that in the forehead. EXEJiC IS E 10 4. Val pa rai' so (vale of Pai'aclise), a city of Chili. An a to' li li (the rising, i. e., of the sun), the East. Ver mi eel' li. . . . .(little worms), slender 2^ieces of dough. Ver mic' n late. . ..(to make like little woi'ms), to inlay. jMa nege, [-nazh). .art of horsemcmslnp^ or training horses. Louis-d'or, (foo' e dor)^ a coin in France^ loortJi about $4.84. Cor ym bif er ows . .bearing fruit or berries. Pal' mi grade wcdking with the whole foot onthe ground. Na' i've te native simplicity. Phoe ni' cia name of an ancient country in Syria. Mar a nath' a a ivorcl used to express a curse. Con nois senr'. . . . one that hnows^ or is skilled in a sidyect. Finisterre, (-^are) . (hind's end), a department of France. Sol' feggio, {-fed).. die arranging of the scale by the names do, re, mi, fa, efc., in teaching singing. " This ancient council originally consisted of deputies from twelve states of Greece. From their meeting once a year at Pylse, (Ther- niopylffi), some of the delegates were called Pylagores, i. e., those assembled at Pylso. f So called, it is said, because first used at the siege of Friesland, in 1G58, against the enemy's cavalry. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 69 EXEJiCISB 10 3. Pan^^ the god of sliejplitnh^ and flocks. Gbib el lines, {jlins). a faction in Italy, in the ISth century, that favored the German J^m-perors, Gaelfs, {gwelfs). ] a faction in Italy, in the 13th century, Guelphs j that favored the Popes. Am.' nio €hryse ... a stone with yelloiu, glossy particles. An' o rex y ward of appetite for food. Am y la' ceoiis. . ..pertaining to, or consisting of starch. Gal' Hard, [-yard).. a brisk, gay man; a lively dance. Gal' li cize to make conformable to the French idiom. Met' al lur gy (metal-working), art of working metals. Be roe' a ] -. r- • ^ ,vr 7 • ^^ . A f , r « f^dg oj ancient Macedonia. jjer rnoe a \ Lan' grage \ a kind of shot used at sea for tearing Lan' grel f sails and rigging. Py ret' ies a remedy for fever. SQheer' er ite a resinous substance. EXEItC IS E 106. Bo yu' na ct large serpent of America. Pyr' i form .iiear-like, or having die form of a pear. No a'-elii an pertaining to the patriarch Noah. Py ri' te§ sulphur combined with iron, copper, etc. Thes' mo thete. . ..a law-giver ; a legislator. Tlio rag' ic pertaining to die thorax, or breast. Sep ten'' tri on the north, or northern regions. Wine' o pipe a little red flower. Var' ec kelp ; sea-weed burnt to ashes. Weiss' ite a blue, or green variety of iolite. Her' sil Ion .plank set with spikes to check an enemy. Gua cha' ro a nocturnal bird of South America. Cor'y phene the ocean flsh, called the dolphin. Cor y plie' ns leader of a chorus ; any leader. Cap' i tal chief; principcd ; principcd sum. Cap' i tol .edifice used by the legislature. * Pan, among the ancient Greeks, was, also, accounted tlie guard- Ian of bees, and the jmtron of fishing and fowling. Ho is repre- sented as combining the form of a man with that of a beast. 60 SANDEES' TEST-SPELLEE. EXERCISJE 107. Bon' ni bel (good and handsome), a handsome girL Ar ehi me de' wn . l.ijertaining to Archimedes, 'i j Aph ro di' te , . . . j Greek name of the goddess Venus. '' Za«h a ri' all (remembered of the Lord), ?7ia?2' reserve tinip&r by chloride of zincT' \ Mon seign ear. . . .my lord' ct^ titte of persons of exalted {mong sdn' yur) rank. /5 | (^ Mon sieur/ (?7io seer'), Sir, or mister, a title of respect. Im' phee. the African sugar-cane. Tmo' sis the putting (f' a word between the parts of a compbund ; as to us ward. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 63 ■y. y f,. EXERCISE 113. Dan a' i de§ the daugltters of Danaus. Lan' clau a cavriage^ ivJiose top raaij he opened. Me te or ol' o o"v . . .science of meteors. ^ O ri' on a large and bright constellation. , De cem' vir one of ten Aiders in Undent Ronie. San' gui suge (bloocl-i^icker), a leech. '{ ,^ She ki' nail ) tlie iniralulous light ichich luas the sym- She €hi' nah . . . . j" hoi of the Bivinh "^presence.^ Meth' y lene cthigldy volcaileand inflarn-fnuhleliqidd. Ste re om' e try. . .ctrt of measuring solid bodies. Me tath' e sis trans^yosition of letters. Ui-' ge o late pntclier-shaped,; in the form of a pitcher. 0' vo lo a round momding^ the quarter of a circle. Quad rip'ar tite. . .divided into four parts, j y Stron' ti um a yellowish mcdleahle 7vetcd. Pa tri pas' sian. . . .one of a sect that taught that God^ the Father^ suffered loiih Christ. EXERCISE 114. Os tra' cean .pertaining to oysters^ or shell-fish, ^a '} Os' tra cize * to banisli by votes on shells ; to exile. Os tre oph' a gist . . (oyster-eater), one who feeds on oysters. Mon o cot y le' don.« p)lctnt luith one cotylalon^ or seeddohe. *' Al le ga' tion an assertio?i; declardtion. Twi' bil a kind of mctitocJc or ax. { q Po lyg' y ny. . . . f'j^practice of having a pjlurality of wives. Mo noph'}^ lous. .(one-leaved), havinabxd one leaf, /o Sa la man qiiese'. ..a*}iative or inhfibitctrlt of Salamanca. Glyp'to don aT%txtincl.specMs of aiincuUllor'"^' Fri gore' the act oficrisping or curling the hair. Woui'' a li cCpoison nsed on arrows. ^ ^ He li 0€h' ro my. ..art of producing colored photographs. Ven ez ue'la, {^we la), a country in South America. ^_ 7 Wap' a too cJ^ibalb used as food by Indians (^\ Oregon^. As phalt' ite Johtaining asplmt^ as the Dectd. Sea. "3 rt 0^*-^= p- — ■ ■ Any person, in ancient Atlens, whose liferit or influence gave urabrasre. mi'i-lit, if a certain number of votes (vvritten on shells) could "^ 1_ 64 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. If "7 ~~" E X E n C I S E 115. q Pol' y type'. ...-. M ^i cast or copy of an engraved block matter in type^ etc. y Wit' e na ge mote. . the national council of England^ in thu time of the Anglo-Saxons. Pail lasse' {pal yds) } _^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Pal basse' ( ... '^ ]0 Seju' gous consisting of six pairs of leaflets. Mouff' Ion an animal of the sheep kind. ). j Myn heer' commontitleof address among the Dutci^. Cac o e' the§ a had custSfn^ or ill habit. '/ Ca cog' ra pliy .... bad writing ; incorrect spelling. Ca col' o gy bad speaking ; ill choice. of words. • c Sejs mom'e try. . .art of measuring the effects of earthquakes. Pal cleCi' ties science or theory of instruction. Li til' o carp {stone-fvmt), fruit petrified; fossil fruit. Pel ras' tic mcddng triaty experimental. I so liy' e tose line connecting places on the earth ihat have an equal amount of rain, 1^. EXEJRCISE 116. ifi.A, Ma cropli' yl lows . .having long leaves. ^ Pe la' gi an ism. . .the doctrines of Pelagius.^ Lar' i at the laSso, used in catching wild horses. Ke rar' gy rite .... a mineral capkible of being cut like horn. Pi as aba j ^ fibrous product of tlie palm-tree. Pi as sa va \ ^ '■ -^ Y Pic a dor' a horseman ivith a lance^ ivho com- men(T.s a bull- fight. in // Quid' di ty the es^nce of a thing ; peculiar nature lie din' te grate. . .to reneio, or make whole again. ^t^ Ked'ow a a slow and graceful dance in tripTetime. Kos tel' late having a smcdl beak ; shaped like a beak.''' Kotb' niif ite a vafkty of the mineral called garnet!'/ Tar tiiffe' a hypbcrite ; a pretender, ^i Tat' pu ay a kind of armadillo. "'- ''^ x\ PortCLil' lis a. frame of pointed timbers^ over the gateway of a toivn. * Pelagius was a British monk of the fourth century. SANDEBS' TEST-SPELLEE. 65 EXJSItCISE 117, ^ dUi^^yyrrU^C Hel' les pont (sea of Helle"^), the Dardanelles. . > Met o pos' CO py . . .(face-observing), study ofiiiiysiognorr\,y. Gen er al is' si mo . .the chief comihander of a rtiilitary forhe. Bui' tow jisfiing ivith many hooks on one line. Sbak spea/ e an. . :peTt[t,ining to Sljiakspeare. ZooF o gy sciehice of or t)'et,'''se on animals. A nem' o ne the wind-flower. Sa ghev' er el a kind of hlomer for a stove, Rin' der pest cattle-jilague,'-' J^ , ".'*"> the cordrdction of two syllables into one. iSyn er e sis ) ^ ^ Syn ec pbo ne' sis. sounding of two syllahlej as one. An giiil' li form . . .in the form of an eel.-O Qua chil' to a Brazilian fowl of , Ear' ee-sliovv^ a sliow carried about in a box. EXERCIS E lis. An tipli'ony alternate singing ; response. a Quad ra ges' i nvii . .the forty days preceding Easter ; Lent. In can des' cence. .a ivliite heat ; ivhiteness of intense heat. Pan tol' o gy system of universal knowledge. Or ni tlio rXyn^h' us, an animal of the shape of the otter. Pa tghpu'ly a plant from which perfume is made. Stil la ti' tious .... .falling in drops ; drawn by a stilL ■ Jer'bp a the jumjnng- hare. Syn ec' do -ebe. . . .a figure of speech in ivhich the whole is put for a part or part for the ichole. U dom' e ter a rain-gauge ; moisture-measure. Ni co' tian .perttiining to tobacco. / V Strob'ile (twisted), a fruit ii} the form, of a cone. Cat afalque'. . .. ) a temporary structure representing a Cat a fal' co \ ^ tonibyjused infanercd solemnities. Po ly€' ra cy a govhmment by many rulers. '"' Helle and her brother, so runs the fable, fled on the back of a golden-fleeced rara,throtigh the air, till they came to what is now called the Dardanelles, into which Helle falling, gave name to the strait. 66 BAN DEES' TEST-SPELLEE. ^J^ J' EXEHCISE 119. Or thopli' o ny. . ..dijficultij of hreailiing. UU' mann ite a Ijrittle mineral of a, steel-gray color. Sheik an old man ; aji Arab cliief. Sheel'ing a temporary hid, or shed; a cottage. Ar -elie la' us (rul^r of the people), a man^s name. \]wf (\\xJii\Q^[-]ac^r). former ; as her umquhile husband. Mo nox' y Ion a ca^noe onade out of a single log. i -^ An thro pol' o gy . .scie!7ice of inan. Ar is to te' li an. . .jyertaining to Aristotle. Max W li form in the form of a jaw^ or cheek-bone. Phle bot' o my. . . .(veiii-cutting), blood-letting. Quad riph' yl loiis .having four leaves. -: ' Yt' tri um a very rare kind of meial. Sid er og' ra phy . . the art^ or ^yractice of steel engraving. Cliil' i ad, (Jcil-). . . .a thousand ; j)eriod of a thousayid years. I od' y rite silver ore coniposed of iodine and silver. A ceph' a lous .... ivithout a head ; Jteadless. EXEMCISE 120. j// ./ Syn an' thous having flowers and leaves at once. Un' gual pertaining to a claw, nail^ or hoof Stru fhi o' nes. . . .an order of birds, including the ostrich. Ap'teryx. ...... ..(wingless), a bird of the ostrich kind. An tis' ci an§ people of the earth ivhose shadows at (cin tish' ianz) noon are in opposite directions. Sym' phy sis the union of bones by cartilage. I guii' ua a kind of lizard in South America. Syn' cri sis cojnjyarison of things opposite. Stul til' o quy . . . .foolish talk ; silly discourse. Phi lorn' a thy .... love of learning. Cen' ti ped an insect loith a great number of feet. Eu re' ka"^^ (I have found), a discovery. Lil li bul le' ro. . . .« piopular song in the time of James IL Chag'u ble an outer vestment n:orn by a 2^'i'iest. Xan' tho phyll. . . .yellow coloring onatter in leaves. '"■ This word Arclnmc'des is said to have uttered in joy, on finding out, after long study, a mctliod of detecting the adulteration of king Hiero's crov.'n. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 67 ^,j ^ , — JEXEHCISE I'il.^ p Pas quin ade' a lam,]joo]i ; a satirical coiwposition, Xy log' ra pby .... wood-engraving. Gal' i pot a white irsin^ from pine or fir trees. Gal' li pot a small atated vessel firr jaedicines. Her a cli' else i : descendants of MercMes. Ses' qui tone minor third ; interval of three semitones. Pa' ter nos ter (our .Father), tlie LorcVs prayer. Ml me' sis imitation of another in v^ice^ etc. '^ Pal' mis try telling fortthes fro \]^t}ie palm of thehand. Ox y by' dro gen. .a mixture of oxycjen and Itydrdgen. Ste re om' e try. . .art of measuring solid f>odies. Pso' as one of two inside miliscles of the loins. Pier o dac' tyl .... (wing-finger), a fossil rep)tile. . ; ■ Per func' to ry . . . .done hy rme or mechanically ; careless. Etli nol' o gy science of nations, or races of men. Nic o la' i tau§ .... certain corrupt ijersons in the early church at Ep)hesus. EXERCISE 12 2. / '^ Max i mil' ian .... a man^s name ; gold coin about $3.25. vip' a rous eg g -producing . Me temp sy eho'sisJransmigration .of soids. Lorcli' iij^ilortclt a).a hind of Chinese vessel. Morgue a dead-house. O tal' gj ^:*«i/i in tlie ear ; earache. Phleb' or rliage . . . rupti&e of the veins., '^" Per'i gee p)oint in the moonh orbit nearest the earth. Mau so le' um"'^. . . .a stately sepulchred monmnent. E li' zur (God is my rdck), a man^s name. Psl Ian' thro py . . . the merely hnman existence of Christ. Mont gol' fi er. . . .afire-balloon. . Min' o taur a fabled monster^ half man, half bull. . 7 Pho not' y pj^ representation of sounds by distinct types. Mon' a €hism the system and practice of mofiastic life. Bureau' era cy, (-?'o'-), management of the business ofgov- ernment by means of departments. * Mausoleum is from Mausolus, an ancient king of Caria, in Asia Minor, to wliom liis widow erected a magnificent monument. 68 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. Hd^J'.^^ y EXEMCISJS 12 3. Pho'ca. . . .' the seal] sea-hear; sea-calf. jj Eu di' al yte a mineral., easily dissolved in acids. Mon te lie' gro. . ..a country of European Turkey.'' Passe-par tout, (-too), lohat serves a turn ; card-board frame. Syn^li' ro^nal happening at tli ame time. Or' plie us a celebrated musician of antiquity. Min' ne sing ers. . . .a class of early Oerman poets. Pul' -ehri tude. . . .^m?^^?/; comeliness; loveliness. j^ Or mo lii' brass made to resemble gold ; mosaic gold. Bar' be cue an ox^or other large animal roasted ivhole. Mon'toir a stone used in mounting a horse ; a {mong' twor) horse-block. Bar' ra try practice of exciting lawsuits^ or quarrels. Sis y pile' an"^^". . .pertaining to Sisyphus. Bu cepli' a lus. . . .name of a horse of Alexander the Great. Pol y a del' phi a . . a class of plants having stamens united in three or more bodies. EXERCISE 12 4. '^iA, / Ki ne sip' a tli}^. . .mode of treating, diseases by motion, Tlirep sol' o gy . . . .doctrine^ or scieiice of nutrition.^ ~ ^x' Tlium' mim perfectwiii; a breast-plate ornomentj Sep tig' i ty tendency to putrefaction. ^ Re ha bil' i tate. . .to restore; to re-instate. *^ /^ Rei' gle (rule), hollow cut^ for guiding anything. Pru'ri ent uneasy ivith desire ; itching. Clirys' OS torn (goMen-moutliecl^ m marL^name. Croe' sus cuic}^if\t}i.ing of LyMa^ famous for riches. j~, Dse' dal ) pertaining tq. Duidalus^ an ancient ar^ ^ Die da' li an f list of Crete.; hence^ skillful. ^/ Sep tu ag' e na yj . .a pier son seventy yearf of age. 2. y' Styp ti9' i ty quality of being styptic, or astringent. Psam' mite (sandy), a specXes of sandstone.^. Tliy' roid having the form of a shield, ^^y Tidr' cet a triplet; three lines rhyming together . '- Sisyplius is fabled to laave "been condemned in the lower regions to roll a large stone up a high hill, which always rolled dov/n again, so making his labor eternal. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEE. 69 ____ . -; . / Q JEX JEK CIS E 1^5. r iM,. 1 . ■ Kmk'ajpu a nocturnal carnivorous animal. Kin ni ki nic'. , . .^.hark and leaves used for smoking. -» EI lip' sis k omission of words in a sentence, f^ Is pa hail' ee. . . . i. pertaining to^ or a native of Ispahan. Styr' a cine a crystcdline substance^ like resin^ - Pic a roon' a j)lu)jdfrer of wrecks ;, a pirate!' / ^ — Zi^ar y at'i cleg'*''. . \ statues *bf women supporting an entab- Car y at' ids . . . . f lature. [-Chateau, {-to). . .'.a castle] a countrij-seai. /^ ^-- Pan' go lin an animal luith eccdes like tiles. '■" NapA' tha a hitmrtinous liquid; rock-oil. Ce phal' ic a medicine for headache. lo Yi elle' a stringed instrument; a hurdy-gurdy. Con fa' cian pertqining to Confucius.^^ "\ Ser' i cult ure tke'culture of silk-ioorms. xS I' so therm Uilc tlLrough places of same temperature. I' so there line p)CLSsing through palaces having the same summer temperature. EXEHCIS E 136. f J- Ma€h' i nal .pertaining to machines. Pan' dour a Hungarian foot-soldier. -- Me taeh' ro nigin . . an event put after its true time. ^ Pan hel le' ni um . . national council of the ancient Greeks. Lor' i keet a small bird of the parrot kind. Ly-eh'no bite one that ivorks by night only. Man' ga by a black monkey ivith white eyelids. " Pa na9he' a bunch of fecdhers on the helrnetf ■ 4 Med i ter ra' ne an . (midlaiifd), as the^ Mediterranean ^ea. ' Man' i tpu a spirit or denioii of the Jndianij ^ »Ro man esque'. . . . later Roman ; embody irix} romance./ t^C -.^Pol y hym' ni a. . .(many songs), the muse^ of lyric poetry. — Chauf fer (a heater), a smcdl furnace. « .; •■^Par' a di^m an exarnple. as of a verb, conjugated. ^ .. .- Pol' y graph an instrunwnt for making inany copies.' ,^Ter' ra pin a large kind of turtle, or tortoise. * At Caryse, in Laconia, was a temple of Diana, in which the maidens of the place served as priestesses ; hence, Caryatids. 70 SANDEBS' TEST-SPELLEE. ^oJX/t / ^ y^^EXEMCISE 137. Pan' dect ^ treatise embracing the icliole of a subject. Ron deau', {-do) . . .species of lyric j^oetnj, with a refrain. Ne' o }3byte {ne\Yly-'pliinied), a 72ew convert ; novice. Pam pil'ion a coat of many colors ; kind of fur. Oph' i cleTde a wind instrumeut of the trumpet hind. Chi YoY o gy, (/ji) . . cormnunication by signs with the hands. How adj' i a traveler ; a merchant. Knout instrument to inflict stripes on the bach. Chi mr' geon a surgeon. Chlam' y phore. . .small animal with a shell like a clocdc. Chrys' o €hlore. . .(gold and green), a species of 'mole. O ol' o gy science of or treatise on, ^gg^- P^Y €hic al pertaining to the soulj or mind. U' ve ous '.having the nature of grapes. Quas'sia, (Jvivosh'-).cc bitter wood used as a medicine. Terp sieli' o I'e . . . . the Muse of daricing and chorcd song. Mohr, (^mor) a species of antelojoe, or gazelle. EXE nciSB 12 8. Uph' roe, {yuv'). . .long piece of wood to suspend aumings by. Pern' mi can ineat in slices, and dried in the sun. Blpni' a r y the first forge through ivhicli iron passes. Hip' po griff .fabulous monster, half horse, half griffin. Per' ron a staircase outside of a building, Kedg' er a small anchor used in a river, Hy dran' ge a a plant bearing showy flowers. Plu nios' i ty state of being plumose, or feathery. Mar' tel-de-fer. . . .a hammer and pick conjoined. Led CO phi eg' ma cy, a dropsical habit of body. Pro nun ci a men' to, a proclamation, or manifesto. Bar' ra can a thick, strong stuff, like camlet. Per' i wink le a kind of sea snail ; alsOj a small shrub. Bu tyr' ic pertaining to butter. Zoll' ver ein union among the Germans for the col- lection of custom-house duties, * Pandect is, also, specifically applied to a digest, in fifty books, of the decisions, writings and opinions of the old Roman j mists, made in tlie sixth century, by order of the emperor Justinian. EXEjR C I S E 129. Puf fin (I marine diving bird of the auk hind. Or yc tol' o gy . . . .science of fossils. Psit ta' ceous having the nature of a parrot. In ter ne' cino mutually destructive ; deadly. Ptis' an decoction of barley with oilier ingredients. Argil la' ceous. . ..of the nature of clay ; clayey. Ox yr' rho dine . . . .oil of roses mixed with vinegar of roses. Phi lol'o gy science of language. ^.,}. ^^^^ \ disposed to dispute ; punnacious. Bel li cons j ^ ^ ^ ± -j Je reed' a blunt javelin used by the Turks. Mad e cas' see a native of Madagascar. Eloge, {a lozhi) . . . .a funeral oration. Pseti' do dox. . . . .fdse in doctrine^ or ojrinion. En cy clo pe' di a \ a ivorh containing definitions or ac- En cy clo poe'di a j counts of many subjects. Met'aphor implied comparison; as, Herod is a fox, that is, is like a fox. EX EUCI S E 130. Li tlioid' al (stone-like), resembling stone. Litli' o man cy . . . .fortune-telling by means of stones. Vfv' rho nism doctrine of Pyrrho ; universal doubt. Litli'opliyte (stone-plant), a iiroduction apjmrently both of stone and plant, as corals. Om'a gTa goid in the shoulder. Chim bo rii' zo. . . .(chimney), highest pecdc of the Andes. Li thoph' a gous. ..stone-eating ; sivallowing stones. Rynd piece of iron crossing die upper millstone. Chas' seur (a huntsman), one of a body of cavalry. Prill' ion tin from the slag or dross. Lith/ o phyl (stone-leaf), /o5.si7 leaves. Pyr' r/dc a poetic foot of two short sylkdAes. Te o cal' li pyramid for ivorship, in ancient Mexico. Pha Ian' gi um .... kind of spider with very long legs. Syr' inx a wind instrument of reeds tied together. Ses quip e da' li an.containmg afoot and a-half Moi' neau, {-no). . .a small, fiat bastion. 72 SANDEKS' TEST-SPELLEK. BXERCIS E 13 1. Hy per' ba ton . . . .change of the natural order of loords. Pa' phi an .^pertaining to Paphos, in Cyprus. Mar i no ra' ma. . . .representation of a sea-view. Pic' ro pliyll greenish-gray mineral. Bal' da eliin a canopy of rich silk. Car' i bpu a kind of small rein-deer. Ap o the' o sis ... . act of making a god of; act of deifying. Sehreight, {skret) . .a kind of fish. Sci' o hst one luho has but snperficicd hioivledge. Ou lor' rha gj... .bleeding from the gums. Pan tag' ru el i§m . .theory of medicine ; so called^ in ridicule. O' vu lite (egg-stone), a fossil egg. Cut' wal a chief police officer in the East, Mant choo' pertaining to Mantchooria. Passe a carniverous animal of the civet kind. Nain sdok' a thick sort of jaconet muslin. Pe' ri (fairy), an imaginary femcde being., rep- resented as one of the fallen angels. EXERCISE 132. Eed den'dum clause in a deed., making a reservcdion. Ar' €hi trave thatpartofcm entablature on the column. Ox' y mel a mixture of honey and vinegar. Ha li og' ra phy . . .a description of the sea. Per' se us legendary hero of Greece ; a constellation. En cyst' ed inclosed in a bag, or little bladder. Pun chi nel' lo . . . . a punch ; a buffoon ; a cloion. A poc' a lypse .... a revelation ; a discovery. Per i hel' ion .point in a planet! s orbit nearest the sun. Es9h a lot' kiiid of small onion, or garlic. Cal li' o pe. .» name of the muse of heroic poetry. Ennui, (ong nwe') . loeariness ; languor; disgust. An'dro sphynx. . .a lion with a human head. Pa pav'erous. . . . resembling ^or having the nature of poppy Chim pan' zee .... the African ourang-outang. In ter pel la' tion . . interrup)tio7i ; act of interfering. Cyn' o sure the constellation of the Lesser Bear, the tail of whicJi contains the polar star. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 73 EXERCISE 133. Ka vass' an armed constable in Turhey. Mas' se ter muscle of the loiverjaiv^used m chewing. Ptar' mi gan a bird of the grouse kind. Cre nelle' an o'pening in ajyarapet to shoot from. Re cru des' cent . . .groioing^ or becoming raiv or sour again. Ne og' ra phy a new system of writing. Ne ol' o gy introduction of new words. Skeg' ger a little scdmon. Ptol' e my name of several kings of I^gyjyt. Mag' y dare an herb ; laser- wort. Steg a nog' ra pby .a?*^ of writing in cijjhers. Ma guey', {-gwd). .a species of aloe. Slo' gan the war-cry of the Scottish Highlanders. Sleuth the track of an animal followed by scent. Sty' let a small foniard ; a dagger ; a stiletto. Smew a water-fowl^ called, also, the white nun. Pel ram' e ter an instrument to measure the resistance to wheel carriages on roads. EXERCISE 13 4. Sraa rag' dite a kind of mineral. Piccolom'i ni", [pikko-)^ a celebrated family of Itcdy. Beth sa' i da name of a place in Palestine. O nei ros' co py . . . interpretation of dreams. Smyr' ni ot belonging to^ or a native of Smyrna. Sob' o les underground shoot forming new plants. Mag'yar, (mod'jor).one of the prevailing race in Hungary. O nei' ro man cy. . .divination, or fortune-tellinq, b// dreams. Mam per nor surety for appearance at court. O nei ro crit'ici§m.ar/f of interpreting dreams. Ma jol' i ca a kind of fine pottery^ or earthenware. Om' pha cine pertaining to unripe fruit. Mai goo' za ree .... land subject to assessment. Sobriquet', {-kd)..an assumed name ; a nickname. E pipb' a ny manifestation ; a church festival. Sy' e nite a crystalline rock. Snowd a hempen cord joined to deep-sea fishing lines ^ with a fish-hook attached. f 74 SANDEES' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 13 5. Tree' nail a ivoodeiiiointo fasten the planks of a ship. A cron' jq rising at sunset^ and setting at sunrise. A don' ic relating to Adonis ; a kind of verse. Sgis'sel ilie clippings of metals ; slips of metal. Mes qui' te, {-ke' ta).a small tree native in Texas and Mexico. Om nip' a rons. . . .producing^ or generating., all things. Om niv'o rous. . . .aU-eating ; eating indiscriininately, Lo gom' a -eliy .... (word-fight), contention about words. Sa rigue' cm animal of the opossum kind. Sat ur na' li a the festival of jSaturn. Cas ta' li an of Castalia, a spring on Mt. Parnassus. Cas til' i ail belonging to Castile^ in Spain, Pro tlion' o ta ry . . chief clerk or notary ; register in a court. Pro tha la' mi on . .an address in celebration of a marriage. Sqnill' gee instrumentto rub the dedcs of vessels loith. Pytli' i an pjertaining to Pijthia^ priestess of Apollo. Py' thon serpent fabled to have been slain by Apollo ; a snake of the boa kind. EXERCISE 130. Eg plio no' sis (a calling out), passionate exclamation. Eu ter' pe Muse thcd presides over wind instruments. Pas sa ma quod' dy.(great place for pollock), name of a bay. Stak tom' e ter. . ..a glass tube to measure drops. Eu'eharist sacrament of the Lord^s Supper. Pan' the on a temple dedicated to cdl the gods. Eu roc' ly don . . . .a tempestuous East wind ; a levanter. Sta lac' titc a pendent cone of carbonate of lime, Eu' phe mism a softened expression, Phar'i sees a Jewish sect. Staph' y line having the form of a bunch of grapes. El) en e' zer (stone of help), a maris name. Pol y lie' si a a region of many islaruls in the Pacific. Staph y lor' a phy .the seaming, or uniting of a cleft pcdate. Ma don' na madam; ap)icture of the Virgin Mary. Phin'e as (mouth of brass), a marts name. El eu sin' i an. . . . .pertaining to Eleusis^ in ancient Greece^ or to die secret rites in honor of Ceres. SANDEES^ TEST-BPELLER. 75 EXE R(J IS E 13 7. Mag el Ian' ic of Mar/elldn, the famous navigator. Ma' gi an of the Ma2m statute made by vote in ancient Athens. Rel'iqiia ry a small chest or box for relics. Squa mig' er ous. .hearing ^ or Jiaving sccdes. Pol y an' dri a. . . .« class of plants having many stamens. Steev' ing angle of elevation of a siiip'^s boicsprit icith the horizon. Lis' some ness. . Mac' ]'o pod . . . . Li thod' o mo us. Pa €hi' lis Demos' tlienes. I Co ri o la' nus . . Mc liet' a bcel . . Me liet' a bel . . . IMel o poe' ia . . . , 01' i o-ar^li y . . . Ni tro leCi' cic. . Keb'nla Neb u los' i ty . , Cyr e na' ic. . . . Bud' dliism . . . , l\y plie' na . . . . Cim me' ri an . . EXEHCISE 13 8. . . .state of being flexible. . .the sea-spider ; the spider-crab. . .forming holes in. rocks to live in. . ..inflammation of die spine. . .n celebrated Athenian orator. , . .a Roman IterOj so called from Corioli. ' •- (benefited of God), a luomaris name. . .art of making melody ; melody. . . .government by a few persons. . . .pertaining to nitric acid and leucine. . ..a misty appearance among the stars. . .state of being nebulous ; cloudiness. . .pertaining to Cyrene^ in Africa. . .religion of die Hindoo sage.^ Buddha. . ..(delicate), a i.comrni's name. . .pertaining to die Cimmerians., a people of antiquity., ivho dwelt in dark caves. 76 SANDERS" TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 139. Pro crns te' an . . . .pertaininrj to Procrustes. Tre'pliiue an instriLmeiit for perforatinr/ tlw skull. Pern a bird that feeds on hees^ wasps ^ etc. Hiir' fang species of oivljound in the Arctic regions. Nou gba lance', {lon)^ indifference ; coolness. Tycoon' tlie politiccd sovereign of Japan. O vi po§' it to- lay, or dejiosit an egg. Gem' i ni (the twins), one of the signs of the zodiac. Trig o no9' er ou^.. having horns with three angles. Non a ge na' ri an . a pjerson ninety years old. Or yc tog' ra pliy . . description of fossils. S^^n' graph a contract signed by all the parties to it. Or' tyx a bird of the partridge kind. Pa vige' a large shield covering the whole body. No men clat' ure . . names^ or terms used in a science. Ge lien' na valley of IJinnom, near Jerusalem ; place of abomination. EXERCISE 140. Che root' a land of cigar, originally from Marnlla. E te' §ian annual ; periodical; as, Etesian luinds. Syn-eh ro nol'ogy .«c*co?m/ of things cordemporaneous. Tyj-^ 1 ^l" [a large^ short-horned antelope. Mor' i bund ^^H^i^O J (d l^^^ point of death. Or ni thol' o gy . . ..the science of birds. O rol' o gy science of mountains. Lamp' a drome. . ..race by men with lamps in their hands. Noc tiv' agant. . ..wandering at night. Zo og' ra phy description, of animals. Lo toph' a gi (lotas-eaters), a people of Africa. Trans' pa dane .... beyond the river Po. Be the§' da name of a pool in Jerusalem. A cot y le' don . . . .a pjlant without seed-lobes. liap' pel .beat of the drum to call to arms. * Procrustes was a merciless robber, who used to cut off the limbs ot his victims, if too long, or stretch them out, if too short, in order to lit them to an iron bed that he kept for torture. SANDERS' TEST -SPELLER. 77 EXERCISE 141. Na' ere, {-her) a heautifal suhstaiice Ummj some shells. Spi iiiF er ous spine-hearing ; producing thorns. Rapli' a el igm . . . .principles of Rajjhael, in painting. Spil' i kin kind of game^ or play. Par a cli sa' ic pertaining to paradise. Mar a bpu' kind of stork luith delicate white feathers. Oc' ta pla a polyglot Bible in eight languages. Vi van di ere', {ve vong de er'), a female sutler. Manx pertaining to the isle (f Man. Sphyg' ^no gr<\\)h . contriuancefor noting t/ie state of thepulse. Po lyg' ra pliy .... a7-t of loriting in various ciphers. Ac i na' ceous .... full of kernels. Pan' to gra})li an instrument for copying on any scale. Chau tail' que. .. / (foggy place), « county and lake in Clia tail' quii . . . . f A^ew York. Lyd' i an of the Lydians^ cm effeminate people.^ in Asia Minor ; hence ^ soft; ejfeminate. EXERCISE 142. Sha'draeh" iron^ on ichich smelting has failed of effect. Mac' ro co.sm the great worlds or system of tlie universe. Par' the non celebrated temple of Minerva^ at Athens. Papb ia go ni a. . .a country of Asia Minor. Noc ti lu' ca (shining at night), j^hospliorus. Pen' ta teucli, (^<^/c').(five-fold book), the five Books of Moses. Or pile' an of Orpheus,an ancient j^oet and musician. Ot a cons' tic pertaining tu the sense of hearing. Phryg' i a a country of Asia Minor. Steth' o scope tube to test the lungs^ etc, by sounds. Sar co])h' a gus. . ..a species of limestone coffin. Naph'tha line. . . .a substance from naplitha. Strath' spey a lively dance of the Scotch. Pal my' ra (city of palms), ct ruined city of Syria. Mai' i son curse ; on a led ict ion. Strap pa' do punishment by pulling one up to the top of a bearn^ a) id tlien letting him fall. '" So called, from one of tlie tlireo persons cast into tlie fiery furncice by Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. iii. 78 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLEE. EXERCISE 143. Ne o ter' ic new ; recent in origin ; modern. Peri car' cli urn. . .ike inemhrane that incloses the heart. A p6 si o pc' sis. . .sudden breaking off of a sentence. A roos' took (good river), name of a river in Maine. Cbil' i ar€b, (kit-).. the commander of a thousand men. Sag it ta' ri iis. . . .one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Ar' -eha i§m . .... .an obsolete ivord or expression. Kreiit' zer German coin, ivortJi less than a cent. Stra toe' ra cy (army-rule), a military government. Sal i ca' ceous of the nature of a ivilloiu. An thro popli' a gi . (man-eaters), cannibals. Bys' sine made of silk ; silky. Stro mey' er ite. . .an ore of silver. IFrasse kind of fish found in die Mediterranean. Mja-'mi dons a savage people of IViessaly, fabled to have sp)rung from ants. EX EM C IS E 144. Ox' \ o \iy excessive acuteness of sigJit. O tol' o gy doctrine of or treatise on, the ear. Quad' ri reuie a galley with four benches of oars. Plia' e ton^'' [ (light, or shining), son of Plicebus ; Pha' e ton \ cdso, an open carriage. Per Sep' o lis one of the ancient capitals of Persia, Sequa9'i ty quality of being inclined to follow. Li poth'y my a fainting ; a swoon. Li po thym' ic. . . .fainting ; tending to swoon. Hap pee' a kind of snuff. Pol y cot y le' don .plant ivitli many cotyledons, or seeddobes. Pale ol' o gy a discourse on anti(piities ; knowledge of ancient things. ■■' Piiaetcn is fabled to have got permission from his father Phoebus, the god of the Bun, to let liim drive his chariot across the heavens. The celestial steeclo rewarded liis rashness by running av.-ay, and Jupiter ended the experiment by hilling him with a thimderbolt. SANDERS' T E S T - S P E L L E R . 79 EXERCISE 145. Squar rose' rugged ; ji.igged ; consisting of scales. Jac'a na hind of wading bird icith very long toes. Tin'cliell sportsmen closing in upon the game. Sin' o loo'iie one versed in Chinese. cim mei geii . .. ( (ij^i^^^l^.yQltareX vulture of the Alps. Lam mer gej er. j ^ ' j m La^ e die' moii . . . . « city of ancient Greece. Phy to zo' on a plant-animal ; a zoophyte. Wowf icayward ; disordered in mind. He ^\' ra flight of Mohammed from Mecca. Se ri' ceous silky ^ or made of silk. Pliy toeh' i my. . ..chemistry of plants. Mem phre ma'gog.(lake of abundance), name of a Icdte. Mil' le ped" an insect having many feet. A' er o phy te air-jylant^ i. e., one t/iat lives ivithout connection ivith the soil. EXEIt CIS E 146. Mas' e]ed consisting of lozeng e- shaped jjlaies. Li par' o cele (fat-tumor), a tumor consisting of fat. Gal' li nip per a large mosquito. Met a mor' pho s\s. change of form ; transformation. Cat' a clysm an inundation ; flood of water. Met a gram' ma tism, transposition of die letters of a luord. Av is to pban' ic. ..of Aristoplianes^ a Greek comic poet. The' ar €hy government of God ; theocracy. A phair' c sis. ... ) the taking away of letters from the hegin- A pher' e sis. ... j ning of a word ; as, V'^?, for began. Ned rot' o my art of dissecting the nerves. An e mom' e ter. . .machine to measure the force of die wind. Na po' le on (lion of the forest-dell), a manh name. Sphe' noid loedge-like ; resembling a wedge. Me^^ simge, {-swej).a dwelling-howse^ ivith the buildings adjacent and other appurtenances. * Words ending in ped (Latin pes, pedis, a foot), arc sometimes written vv-ith a final e, as millipede, lor instance, instead of miUipcd. The best autliorides, liowever, write them all, like Lir)cd and quad- ruped, dropping the e. 80 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 147. Rod o mont ade'. ..vain boasting ; empty bluster. Ab i a' thar (father of plenty), a rnan^s name. Cat' a pult military engine for throwing stones. Os' ci tan cy a gajnng., or yawning ; drowsiness. Aph'yl lous without leaves ; leafless ; as, the 7'ush. 0/ yx a variety of Soitth African anteloj^e. A jac' cio, (a ydtf cho'), capital of Corsica. Sil' i con an elementary substance, the base of silex. Sil' iqne cm oblong seed-vessel. Quirp'ele a kind of iv easel ; the Indian ferret. Poynt' ell paving in small squares, or lozenges. Point' el something set on a point ; hind of pencil. Poy' pu a species of armadillo. Aard'-vark (earth-pig), animal someivhat I ike a pig. Ab' a cus a drawing-board ; ccdculating table. Phas' sa -ehate .... the lead-colored ccgafe. Lat a ki' a sujjerior kind of Turkish smoking tobacco. EXERCISE 148. Quid' nunc one curious to know about every thing. Quin' cunx arrangement by fives in a square. Qain quen'nial. . .occurring once in five years. Qui' vive, {ke vev)..the chcdlenge of a French sentinel. Quix' ot ry visionary scheming. Prat' ique license to enter a p)ort and trade, Yang tse ki ang' . . (son of the great water), nVerm China. Afghan is tan'. . ..land, or country of the Afghans. Zac'^he us (innocent), a man^s name. Pozzo la' na. . . . ) volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy , Pozzu o la' na. . . j used in mcddng a kind of mortar. Sil' hpu ette a representation in oiUline ; a profile.'^ Si lig' ic .pertaining to flint, or quartz ; flinty. Per' i cle,2 a famous statesman of ancient Greece. Zanguebar' (sea, or sea-coast of the Zangis, or negroes), a country in Africa. * This poorest kind of portrait was called silhouette, in ridicule of a Frencli financier of that name, who was economical to the point of meanness. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 81 EXERCISE 140. Po ca hon' tas a famous Indian jorincess. Pom e ra' ni a a mar itirae province of Prussia. De iipue' ment, {mong), the unraveling of a 2^lot ,' issue. Detour', (cleioo/).a turninrj ; a circuitous route. Mes o po ta' mi a. .(between the rivers), country between tlit Tigris and the Euplirotes. Ar €lii lo' €lii an. .pertaining to the Greek poet Arc} dlochus. Keel' i vine a pencil of hlack or red lead. De sid e ra' turn. . .a tiling confessedly needed ; a felt iccint. Kraal a village ; a collection of huts. Kayle a nine-pin\ kettle-pin. Char le magne' . . . .(Charles the Great), emperor of the West. Kat ti mun'doo. . .a substance like India rubber. Bos' po rus ) (the ox's passage, or heifer's ford), Bos' plio rus. . . . j name of a strait. Cen' o bite one of a religious order ^ living in a com- munity or convent ; not a hermit. EXERCISE 15 0. A pi' cian relating to Apicius^ an epicure. Cen' o tapli tomb in honor of one buried elsewhere. Prog no' sis art of foretelling die cause of a disease. Maeli i a vel' ian, {-yan), pertainhig to Machiavel f'^ crafty. Boo cac' cio, {bok kat' cho), a celebrated Italian icriter. Em ploy e', {-of), .one employed^ or hired to work. Spha9' c late to mort if y^orbecome gangrenous^ as flesli. O pal es'eence. . . . pearly lightfrom tlte inter ior of a minercd. Pal my rene' .j^ertaining to, or a native cf Palmyra. Chine' a pin the dwarf chestmd. Meg a Ion' yx a fossil animal of the sloth kind. O phid''i an a kind of sea-fish like an eel. Pal' pe brous having large eyebrovss. O' pah a large sea-fish, ccdled, also, king-fish. Pa rab' o la.. a curve formed by cutting a cone with a jjlane parallel to one of its sides. ■"■ Macliiavel v/as born in Florence, in 14G9. He was a statesman of great sagacity, but had tlie reputation of being perfectly unprincipled. 82 - SANDERS' TEST- ^j TELLE n. E XJBRC I 8 E 15 1. Pyx a hox ; samph-hox ; a compass-hox. Pen ta dac' iy\ . . . . having five fDifjcr^-^^ or toes. Sar gas' so floating sea-weed of the Nortli Atlantic, Pa piK io a, J)utterji,y. Sans cu lot' i\m\'''' .extreme repuhJicanism. Ha be as Cor' pus. a icrit to bring a party before a court. Hack' ee tlie striped squirrel; the chipinunh, O' ce lot an animal of the cat kind. Pail' ere as a gland 2vhich aids digestion. Nu cle' i foi'ni having the form of a kernel. Phon a cet' ies . . . . mode of treatment for restoring the voice. Han tear', ijio tar'). hang] diness of manner, Nos tal' gi a a sjiecies of homesickness. Pro tege', {-tazha) one under the protection of another. Sele rot' ic hard.; firm; tough. gyg' i an pertaining to Oggges^ the most ancient monarch of Greece. JEXEHCIS E 152. Hausse a hind of breech-sight for a cannon. Pros o po lep' sy . ..respect of persons : prejudice. l^han a top' sis ... .a view of or meditation on^ death. Pa thog' e ny science of the causes of disease. Pin' ni grade an animal of the seal kind. Sean' na -elne a bard in the Highlands of Scotland. Ves per til' i o an animal of the nature of the bed. Thau' ma tur gy . . .ivonder-working. Oo' ci dent quarter where die sun sets ; the West. Soomm a buffoon ; cdso, a scout ; a jeer. Pro to phy tol' o gy. science of protoplnjtes ; fossil botany. Quo tid' i an occurring or returning daily., as a fever. Par a go' ge annexing of a letter or syllable to a icord. Pros o po poe' ia. ..persoiiification. Laz za ro' in beggars ; so called from the hospital of jSt. Lazarus, their refuge. * From sa77S culoite, (icithout Irecclies), a term of reproacli in tlie first Froncli Revolution, rtpplici to tlie cxtrcmo rcpubucanc., v/Iio rojocted breeches as the Ladge of the aristccrats. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLETu. 83 EXERCISE 15 3. ^licli il 1 mack' in ac, (great turtle place), a. coiintfj in {lui-^k He mak' in cue) Micliigan^ called^ aho^ Machinac. Lep i dop'ter an order of iusecis^ as ike huUerJlij. Lep to dac' tyl . . . .a bird, or oilier animal icith slender toes. Ko'' bes pierre, (-peer), a celebrated Frencli revolutionist, Kaph' a el (healing of God), a vuui's name. Nau' ma ^lij (sea-fight), a naval combat. Na'var^li commander of a fleet. Pro me' the an . . . .periaininfj to Prometheus ;'^ life-giving. Par' a sang Persian measure, about 4: PJnglishDiiles. Nar'wal ) . j r ,j j i j ■ j TVT / 1 1 • «'i animal of the whale kind. JNar whal \ ^ Pal an keen'. . . . ) a covered carriage used in Asia^ and Pal an qui'n' .... \ borne on the slioulders of men. Phlo gis' ton the supposed pr inciple of in fianvmcd)ilitg. Pa nop' ti con a prison.^ such that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times. EXERCISE 15 4. Os'sn ar}', {-shu-) . a place for the bones of the dead. Caont' chouc, {koo' c/iook), India rubber. Mc lee', [md Id'). ..a conflict liand to liand ; an ajfray. E9h' c Ion position of an arm?/ in die form of stepis. Op'timism doctrine that everij tiling is for the best. A / /, * / an aquatic biixl^ of the order waders. E cldir' cisse ment.//^e clearing up of an obscurity. I Nas' cent entering upon life ; growing. I Bonne-ljou9he'. . ..(good mouth), a delicious morsel. j Mo' el Ion rough stone xised in building. I Aye'-aye a nocturnal quadruped like the sloth. j Cap-a-pie' .from, head to foot ; all over. Bui' bill iite Persian nightingcde. Par' a peym a brazen table fixed to a j^illar, on ivhch laws icere engraved. ■'' PrcnictlieuG is fab.cd to have formed a mr.n of clr.y, and animated him v/ith Hrc, v/hich ho stole from heaven. Eo v.-ao the inventor of many arts. 84 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. BXEItCISi: 15 5. Hep tapli' yl lous..(seven-leafed), having seven leaves. Bon' mot, ihonff dio)^ (good-word), «ye5^ ; a witty retort. Siin' a to rj* conducing to health. San' i taiy pertaining to health. Tui' ler ie§ (tile-works), a royal 2^(fl(((^6, ^n Paris j (twi ler Is) on the site of a former tile-factory. Guil' le mot a marine diving hird. Gyn' ar €hy government by a ivonian. Bee a fi' coeg small birds, highly jyrized in Italy, Squac' cos birds of the heron kind. Geek' oes nocturnal animals of the lizard hind. Ne crol' o gy an account, or register of deaths. Ne re' i de§ Nereids ; fabled sea-nymjyhs. Men age, {-dzJi) . . ..the training of animals, as of horses. Ka gout', {goo'). . ..a highly-seasoned dish or food. Pan om plic' an. . .(all ominous), an epithet of Jupiter ^ as giving out oracular voices. JEX EM C IS J2 156. Fon taine bleau', (^/c*'), a town of France. Post-moi*' tem .... after death. Cholmondely, (chilni'lee), name of a townsliipin England. Mol' e cule an ultimate particle of matter ; an atom. (jiyxi\ nos' o phists.« sect of East Indian pliilosophers. No dos' i ty state of being full of knots ; knottiness. Ror' qual a species of ivhale. Kleene'-boc a timid kind of antelope. Jac' a mar, a brilliant bird of the kingfisher kind. Ad'i pose pertaining to animal fat; fatty. Bo an er'ge§ (sons of thunder), Zebedees sons. The od' o lite instrument to measure horizontal angles. Pro see' ni um. . . .the stage in an ancient theater, Se'ehi um a South American vegetable. Pro' te us a sea god, fabled to have had the power to assume different shap>es. '''■ Sanatory is, properly, causing, conduciiig to, promotive of; as, sanatory measures, that is, measures projnotive of health. Sanitary lias the wider signification, pertaining to, relating to, in regard to. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. 85 EXEH C is E 157 . Phi lip' pic* a speech nhoundiufj in sharp invective. Isoehei' nial. . . ) pertaining to ^j/ace^ having the same I soebl' inal ( mean temperature in luinter. I soeh' ro nous .... (equal in .time), uniform in time. Cic' a tii sive tending to promote a scar, Ci ca' trix a scar ; a cicatrice. Cic a tri' ce§ scars. A €hiF leg name of a great Grecian hero. Tro pol' o gy rhetorical mode of sp>eech. Bac' €lius the god of wine. Fos so' ri al fitted or used for digging. Al phon' so (ready ; willing), a mans name. Thren' o cly song of lamentation. Dor o tlie' a ) /,i -a r r^ i\ i T^ , ^1 • (the ffiit 01 (iod), a woman s name. Dor o thy ^ ^ ° -' Tige shaft of a column from the astragal to the capital. EXERCISE 15 8. Var' vel§ rings of silver about the legs of a hawk. Gab ar dine' a coarse frock or loose ujjper garment. O phe' li a (a serpent), a woman's name. Al' le cret a kind of light armor. Sitz-bath a tub for bathing in a sitting j^osture. Tro' ear a surgical instrument. Reg' u lus a petty king ; pure metal. Cas so lette' a perforated ivory box for perfumery. Yal' inch tube for drawing liquid from a cask. Bu cen'tanr a fabulous monster , half ox^ half man. Per scru ta' tion . . . the act of searching thorougldy. Prop' y Ion (fore-gate), a porch ^ or vestibule. Pa sig' ra phy a system of universcd writing. Pro' §hein, {-shen).next; nearest. Nep'o ti§m undue partiality to relatives. Pa py' rus kind of reed or flag ^ from which a mate- rial was made for writing iqion. * So called from Philip, of Macedon, against wliom Demosthenes, the great Grecian orator, delivered some severe and stirring invectives. 88 SANDERS' TEST -SPELLER. EXERCISE 15 0. Stj-g' i an'*' (liateful), htdliuli : infernal. Or' |)lirey a hand of (j old and rich embroidery. Quad ri' ga a car drawn hij four inrrses abreast. Hal i CLi' tk'B the art of fisltinfj, or a treatise on fish, PuF ing « c/'^, as of a chichen ; a ichininr/. Li thog' c nous. . ..stone-prodacinr/. Ma crot' y pous. . .iiaving a lowjform or figure. Tim' o tliy (fearing God), a man^s name. 01 i vas' ter of lite color of olive ; tawny. Bpu'doir, {-d(c6r)..a lady'' s private room. Was' sail a form of yreetiny ; festal season. '^I'ee to' turn a toj/ like a top. Sub li' tion process of layinrf on the ground color. ' T/ab c' tiaii, {tlb). .pertaining to Thibet. Su dor if ]c sweat-producing ; a medicine. Ques' tor an officer^ among the Romans^ ivho had the management of the public funds. EXERCISE 100. Per sim' mon na7ne of « tree and its fruit. Ap pel lee' the defendant in an appeal. Ap j^el lor' one ivho mahes an appeal. Mar' mo set a small monkey much- like a squirrel. Sii' ze rain a lord to whomfxdty is due ; feudal lord. Om nif er ous. . . .all-bearing ; producing all kinds. Om nig' c nous. . ..consisting of all ki)ids. Par rhe' si a boldness, or freedom of speed i. Pa ris' ian pertaining to Paris ; a native of Paris. Nen'ii pilar tJie great white water-lily of Europe. Cliris'to plicr (bearing Christ), a maiis name. Pa' ri an of Paros, an island in the yEgean Sea. Ai no' id },ame of an epic poem by Virgil, JSa' a'is a shield ; defensive armor. Afyr ta' ceous having the nature of myrtle. V^i am' e ter an instrument for measuring distances traveled over. ■"■ Stygir^n, frc'n Cty?:, (r.nd thtit from a Greek vroivl sl^-nifyinrj to liatc,) is the name of a fabled river in tlic lower regions. SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER 87 EXERCISE IGl. Par then' o pe one ofilte Sirens ;- also, a sliell-Jiali. At tol' lent ^>f>-i'iU '^'d^ / <'^-5, «'^ attollent muscle. dial cog'ra pliy. ..art ofioriiinrj or enosi- tions and motions of the fingers. ■••' Sirens is the namo of three (or as somo say, two) damsels that cncc inhabited an island in the Mediterranean, and sang so sweetly that thcso sailing by forgot their native land, and died of delight. J 88 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. JE A' J;:ii € IS E 16 3. ]\rarseilliiis^ ) (jiidr ml i/tiz')^ pertaining to Marseilles : jNfarseillaise f natire of Marseilles. Ta -ehyg' i"a pliy . . .art of rapid ivritiinj ; stenography. Mel an oc' o mous.(black-liairecl), Itaving very dark hair. Pol' e mareh a military conunander-in-chief. Por' tone Ihe gunicale of a ship. Mi sog' y iiy hatred of the female sex. lie cu' gant one refusing obstinately. Le tbiP er ous (death-bringing), deadly ; mortal. O ver frieze' to overlay with a frieze or nap. Lea co' thi op an albino of a black race, Li ber' ti cide die destruction of liberty. Neu rop' ter an order of insects having four ivings. In tu mesce' to expand with ihe heat ; to swell. In stall ra' tion . . . .restoration of a thing ; renovcdion. Cos nio ra'ma an exhibition , through lenses^ of a num- ^ ber of drawings or paintings of duties. EXERCISE 164. Pas' i la ly (speech for all), universal language. Leu cop' y rite . . . .a mineral consisting of arsenic and iron. Gal' li nule die icater-lien ; moor-hen, or coot. OrF gild the restitution of property stolen. Myr' i areli leader^ or captain of a thousand. A €he' an pertaining to Achaia, in ancient Greece. Ne crop' o lis a city of the dead ; ci cemetery. Ad' e laide (noble), a womaics name. Ver ru' cu lose. . . .having wart-like excrescences. Vol' ta plast a voltaic battery used in electrotyping. Myr' i o logue extemporary funeral song. Orgue§, {orgz) defenses for the gates of a town. O le op'tene die liquid p)ortion of a volatile oil. Mel lil' o quent. . .speaking sweetly or harmoniously. Pyr' o ehlore name of a greenish-yellow mineral. Ka come' a flower-cluster, in which flowers stand^ at regular intervcds, along a stalk. * Marseillais is the masculine form ; Marseillaise, the feminine. SANDEBS' TEST-SPELLER. 89 EXERCISE 16 5. Py rol' o gy treatise on fire ; history of heat. Rlio' da (a rose), a woraan^s name. V so morpli having the same crystalline form. Kil' der kin small barrel; sixteen or eighteen gallons. Spul' zie plunder ; booty. Ab' ba .father ; a religious superior. Ab' bey « monastery ; a cloister. Pris cil' la (somewhat old), a woman^s name. Phid' i as the most famous sculptor of antiquity. Eon' ion. =. a mangy or scabby animal. Pol y mor' phi^m ^crystallization under many forms. Chat' el la ny a Jurisdiction of a governor of a castle. Pan era' ti nm . . . .an athletic contest ; kind of plants. Lon gi ros' ter. . . .a bird with a long heak^ as the snipe. Ma ni_^l' ion one of two handles on the back of cc gun. Nee' ro man cy^^. ..art of foretelling future events hy pre- tended communication with the dead. EXERCISE 106. Cur'tege, (tdzh). . .a train of attendants. Man' gel-wur zel . . .a kind of beet. Pos' tern a back door ; a private entrance, Klep to ma' ni a., .morbid rmpulse to steal. Pa ral' o gy false reasoning. Trip' tyeli a writing tablet in three p)arts. Po lem' i€s controversy on religious subjects. Tlier' mo stat apparatus for regulating temperature. Cal lig' ra phy . . . -fi^ir or beautiful pjenmanship. Tru' cu lent fierce ; savage ; cruel. Eu p5'r' i on a thing easily lighting, or taking fire. Mo nan' thous. . . .having but one flower. Kill zoph' a gons. .root-eating ; feeding on roots. Sim' i le a formal comparison ; similitude. Fil' li beg a little pjlaid ; a kilt worn in the High- lands of Scotland. * The ending mancy, which means diunation, or fortune-telling, appears in many English compounds. See Sanders and McElligott's i Analysis of English Words, p. 227. La nig' cr ous hearinrj^ or producing wool. Gaf ol rent ; income ; tax. Brusque' ness, (/>;7^b7J-), hiant, roar/it manner. Mon o dac' tyl oiis. ha ving hut onejinrjer or toe. Nymph e' an ptrtainiiuj to ityniplis. Par' a gou a model, or pattern. Bo kii' lii a cit;j of Central Asia, Met' a phrase literal or verbal translation. Zac' eho lotcest part of the pedestal of a column. Yonk' er a, yowvj fellow ; a youngster. Laeh'ry muse tearful; sheddiny or jyroduciny tears. Cabas' sou a larrje species of armadillo. Gems' hok a species of ani elope. E grette,' or ... . \ the small luhite heron ; a J teron^s feather ; Ai grette' \ an ornament for the head. Fort' al ice a small outwork of a fortification. Sehe' mviUsm. . . ..pjarlicular fonj}, or disposition of a thiny ; fuyure ; outline. EXEBCISE 16 8. Arc' o graph instrument for drauuny a circular arc. li}-' (hi ad a kind of loater nymph. ham' i liar cousistiny of thin plates. ]\Ian' n mo toj' a wlteelcarriaye^ moved hy a person in it. A"al hal' hi pAaceof immortality for the sejuls of heroes. By' ard piece of leather crossing the breast. ]\le gaph' y ton. . ..an extinct plant of large size. Pal' ma ry pertaining to the palm ; pre-eminent. Tredille' .game at cards played hy three persons. Pal' las a name of the goddess Minerva. Tral a ti' tion change in the use of a luord; metap)hor. Tox oph' i hte. . . .a lover of the h/ece lohere one actor has many j^arts. Em mol les' (^ence .lowest degree of fusibility. Sy iiax' is (a bringing together), a congregation. Mat' a 9lii'n a.7i old dance ivith sicord and bucklers. Al li ga' tion act of tying, or linking together. Stieli' o man cy . . .divination by lines of a book at random. Zen' dik an atheist^ or unbeliever. Ar' rliyth my ivant of rhythm. Am' bly gon a triangle with one angle of more than ninety degrees. EXERCISE 17 4, Si lig' i calge a mixture of flint and carbonate of lime. A ban' ga the fruit of a ki}id of palm-tree. Phee' §y . .fretful ; cross ; peevish. La tes' cence slight loitlidrawal from view. Praam aflat-bottomed boat or lighter. Pros' the sis any artificial addition to the body. Per' se cot a kind of cordial from aj)ricots. Pen te cos' t3's .... a body of fifty soldiers. A' €han (a troubler, or pest), a man's name. Pa toon' a sprout from the root of the sugar-cane. A gen' dum something to be done. A gen' da things to be done ; memoranda im-book. Fi no' chi o a variety of fennel. Pe' on age condition of a peon, or foot-soldier. Po lyp' i dom a house or hive for j)olyps, as coral. Per i po lyg' o nal . .having very many angles or sides. Cat aehre' sis an abuse of a trope, whereby one tcord is vjrongty put for another. 94 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. ■ — ■ — - ^ E X ER CIS JB 17 5. Nex'i ble capahlc of heing hiitted togeilier. Pals' grave (count of the palace), a count ]^alaiine. Op eret'ta. ....... shorty Ikjht^ viusical drama. Mam mee' a fruit-tree of America. Max' i mum tlie (jreatent quantity^ or amount. Me^ii an og' rap]iy.«?Y of coinjing a luritinc/ hy a machine. Ma nos' co py science of die density of vapors. Par' a gram a phiy upon luords ; a ptuii. Miq' ue let an irregular or pci^tisan soldier. De cau' clri an . . . ) , . ^ , Ti ^ 1 > iiavinq ten stamens. Dq can clrous. ..) ^ Gyp' so plast a cast in plaster of Paris. phi oiaor' Y^^ioasJ Laving die form of a serpent. Scup' per nong. . ..a fine species of grapes. Pj-o pin' qni ty . . . .nearness of place or kin. 'V\\Q 03' o phy . . . . .superhuman intercourse with God. Sym'plo ce repetition of a word at the beginning and at the end of two or more clauses. EXERCISE 170, The' op nenst y . . .divine inspiration. Oc' ci put hinder p)art of the head. Pi'o spi'^ cience. . . .act of hold ng forward. Se ba' ceous made of tallow^ or like tallow. i'liei ])hu' gi an . . ..kind of land- crab., living near the shore. rham' muz aSyriandeity; month in the Jewish year. Nuu'ci o a messenger ; abringer of news. Pro' to plast? a model ; an original to be copied. llel min' thoid. . . .worm-like. Im })ar' a dise to put in a state of supreme bliss. J an ca' ceous pertaining to rushes. Me liph'a gous. . . .honey -eating ; feeding on honey. Gui pure, {gepu/).an imitation of antique lace. he pid' o lite (stone-scale), a spjecies of mica, Lep' o rine pertaining to a hare. Na§' i form having the form of a nose. Ni' o be a daugliter of Tantalus., ivho^ in grief is fabled to have wept herself to stone. EXEItClSJE 17 7. Mu gette' a small bagpipe formerly in use. Os' te o cope pain i)i the bones. Op pu^n' to fifjht against ; attach ^ or resist. Ax' o lotl rei^tile of ilie salamander kind. Mo lio' li quadrumanous, or four-Iuoided animal. Er o te' sis an earnest interrogation. Ky' loeg cattle of the Hebrides islands. Lans' que net a German foot-soldier. Mon o plioii' ic. . ..single-voiced; having bat one ixirt. Nep ail lese' pertaining to^ or native of Nepaul. Og' do ad a tiling made up of eight parts. Pap'y line parcliment paper. Pyth' o nist a conjurer. Off' ing that part of the sea far off from the shore. Litli o gen' e sy . . .science of the origin of minerals. Lip' pi tude soreness of eyes ; blearedness. Od' ys sey an ejn'c pjoem, the subject of ichich is the return of Ul ysses J'rom Troy. EXEItC IS i: 17 s. Pa lap' ter yx a bird of large size, of the ostrich hind. Pus' tiqiic. an ornament in sculpture. Siy' lo l3atc tiie base beloio a range of columns. Pos' til late to ivrite postils^^or marginal notes. ]\Iyx' on an eel-shaped gristly fish. My tliol'o gy system of popular religious legends. Ad' ip sy absence of tldrst. M3'tli' o plagni. . . .a narration of mere fable. Vil los' i ty state of being villous, or full of fine hairs. Quad ri corn' ous. .having four horns. Ser ra' tion stateof being serrcde, or shaped likea saw. Oc tag'y nous having eight styles or pyistils. Yes' i cate to blister ; to raise little blisters. Se cern' ment the act, or j^rocess of secreting. Pro' te les animal, between the hyena and the civet. Noc' to graph a luriting-frame for the blind. The od' i cy a vindication of God's justice in allow- ing evil to exist. 96 SANDERS' TEST-SPELLER. EXERCISE 179. Mon' opli tliong. ..a single vowel sound. Qua qua ver' sal . . .turning or dipinng in any direction. Ox ypli' o ny sharpness or aciUeness of voice. Heb dom' a clal . . . weekly ; occurring once in seven days. Pom' eys -..figures in the form of apples ; roundels. On o ma tol' o gj . .treatise on names ; history of names. '^ Eu' phu i§m .affectation of elegance in style. Ben' zole an oily substance from bituminous coal. Ban nee' tvife of.cc Rajah ; a p)rincess. Lami' da cigm. . . . the fault\gf mispronouncing the letter I. Pan' carte roycd chc&ter confirming one's title. El", ergne' the space oii^^inio here the date appears. E nal' la ge use of one partxif speech for another. A bim' e leeli. . ,-:\(fatiier of the kmg), a manh name. At is tar' €hus . . . . (good prince), a lyucn's name. Cat a ma ran' a raft or float consMing of three logs. Agra'rian one that favors equal distribution of property among alc\itizens. EXERCISE ISO. KKyn ^liopli o ra . .a class of insects ; lueevils. Sprecli' er y goods^ or movables of inferior kind. Taz' za, (tcitf za). . .an ornamented cup or vase. U trie' n loid resend)ling a bladder. Yo li tient exercising the will. Xy loph' i Ian .... (wood-loving), one of a tribe of beetles. Zaph'ara a minercd used to produce a blue color. A y}' t' e noid funnel-shaped. Ued' e rose .pertaining to ivy. I cie' a logue one given to theories ; a theorist Sur' tur brand. . . .afibrous brown coal; so called in Iceland. Vi zier' i al ) pertaining to a vizier^ or chief minister Vi zir' i al ( of state. Yi tro ^e' rite a mineral of a violet-blue color. Bib li ol' a trist. . . .a book-worshiper. Gar' an Qine an extract of madder. Dis sep' i mgnt. . ..a separating tissue ; a partition. Mad rid le' ni an . ..a native of Madrid. (/ ^m ^G 36567 iwm