LI 529 N 33 1913 IRLF GIFT OF OCT 2? STATE PROPERTY THIS BOOK To be delivered to Successor in Office or School STATE OF NEVADA THE SCHOOL CODE=19I3 AS AMENDED Compiled and issued by Superintendent of Public Instruction June, 1913 Printed at the State Printing Office, Carson City Joe Farnsworth, Superintendent 1913 STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1913 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION John Edwards Bray Carson City STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION His Excellency Tasker L. Oddie, President Carson City Dr. J. E. Stubbs, President of the University of Nevada Reno John Edwards Bray, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary.. ..Carson City REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA The Hon. Arthur A. Codd (1913-1916), Chairman Reno The Hon. Walter E. Pratt (1913-1916) Goldfield The Hon. Charles B. Henderson (1911-1914) Elko The Hon. Hosea E. Reid (1911-1914) Reno The Hon. James W. O'Brien (1913-1914) Sparks Mr. George H. Taylor, Secretary Reno Mr. Charles H. Gorman, Comptroller Reno PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA J. E. Stubbs, M.A., LL.D.,D.D Reno ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA Robert Lewers Reno DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION First Supervision District Elko County George E. Anderson Elko Second Supervision District Eureka, Lander and White Pine Counties A. B. Lightfoot Ely Third Supervision District Churchill and Humboldt Counties James F. Abel Winnemucca Fourth Supervision District Douglas, Lyon, Mineral, Ormsby, Storey and Washoe Counties E. E. Winfrey. ....Reno Fifth Supervision District Clark, Esmeralda, Lincoln and Nye Counties B. G. Bleasdale Las Vegas J INTRODUCTORY This compendium of the school laws is made in compliance with the statute which provides that the Superintendent of Public Instruction "shall prepare pamphlet copies of the school laws and all amendments thereto, and shall transmit a copy thereof to each school trustee, school census marshal, and school teacher in the State." The great body of existing school laws was compiled and prepared under the direction of the Nevada Code Commission, presented to the Legislature of 1911, and enacted into law in one bill under the title "An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto T approved March 20, 1911. This is set out in chapters from 1 to 20, inclusive, containing 221 sections. These sections, with amend- ments thereof made by the Legislature of 1913, are fully set forth in this compilation, each amended section being properly noted. Following this are the laws not included in the general bill by the Code Commission, enacted at various times and not repealed. They are given as separate acts, reference being made to date and page of statutes. Some of these, as will be seen, were enacted by the Legislatures of 1911 and 1913. While the changes made in the school laws by the Legislature of 1913 are rather perfective than radical in character, they help to make the School Code, as a whole, a body of laws needing and meriting careful study on the part of every school officer and teacher. An effort has been made to have this a complete edition of the laws affecting the public schools and school officials of Nevada, and to have it so indexed as to render every subject easily found. Superintendent of Public Instruction. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE XI EDUCATION Superintendent, When Elected Term of Office. SECTION 1. The legislature shall encourage, by all suitable means, the promotion of intellectual, literary, scientific, mining, mechanical, agricultural, and moral improvements; and also provide for the election by the people, at the general election, of a superintendent of public instruction, whose term of office shall be two years from the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and until the election and qualification of his successor, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. [Elected for four years in 1866 and thereafter. Stats. 1864-5, 413; Stats. 1911, 184.] System To Be Uniform. SEC. 2. The legislature shall provide for a uniform system of com- mon schools, by which a school shall be established and maintained in each school district for at least six months in every year; and any school district neglecting to establish and maintain such a school, or which shall allow instruction of a sectarian character therein, may be deprived of its proportion of the interest of the public school fund during such neglect or infraction; and the legislature may pass such laws as will tend to secure a general attendance of the children in each school dis- trict upon such public schools. Lands and Funds Fledged to Educational Purposes Escheated Estates and Fines Pledged to Educational Purposes Interest Only To Be Used May Be Appropriated for State University. SEC. 3. All lands, including the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in any township donated for the benefit of public schools in the Act of the Thirty-eighth Congress, to enable the people of Nevada Territory to form a state government, the thirty thousand acres of public lands granted by an act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for each senator and representative in Congress, and all proceeds of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted or appropriated by the United States to this state, and also the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new states under the act of Con- gress distributing the proceeds of the public lands among the several states of the Union, approved A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-one; jyrovided, that Congress make provision for or authorize such diversion to be made for the purpose herein contained ; all estates that may escheat to the state; all of such per centum as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands; all fines collected under the penal laws of the state; all property given or bequeathed to the state for educational purposes, and all proceeds derived from any or all of said sources, shall be, and the same hereby are, solemnly pledged for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other funds for other uses; and the 6 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA interest thereon shall, from tirr-e to time, be apportioned among the sev- eral counties as the legislature may provide by law ; and the legislature shall provide for the sale of floating land warrants to cover the aforesaid lands, and for the investment of all proceeds derived from the above- mentioned sources in United Seates bonds or the bonds of the state, or the bonds of other states of the Union, or the bonds of any county in the State of Nevada; provided, that the interest only of the aforesaid pro- ceeds shall be used for educational purposes, and any surplus interest shall be added to the principal sum ; and provided further, that such por- tion of said interest as may be necessary may be appropriated for the support of the state university. As amended, 1912. University. SEC. 4. The legislature shall provide for the establishment of a state university, which shall embrace departments for agriculture, mechanic arts, and mining, to be controlled by a board of regents, whose duties shall be prescribed by law. Normal Schools. Sec. 5. The legislature shall have power to establish normal schools, and such different grades of schools, from the primary department to the university, as in their discretion they may deem necessary, and all pro- fessors in said university, or teachers in said schools, of whatever grade, shall be required to take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed in article XV of this constitution. No professor or teacher who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public moneys set apart for school purposes. Special Tax Provided for Educational Purposes. SEC. 6. The legislature shall provide a special tax, which shall not exceed two mills on the dollar of all taxable property in the state, in addition to the other means provided for the support and maintenance of said university and common schools. As amended Sixth Amendment. Board of Regents. SEC. 7. The governor, secretary of state, and superintendent of public instruction shall, for the first four years, and until their successors are elected and qualified, constitute a board of regents, to control and man- age the affairs of the university and the funds of the same, under such regulations as may be provided by law. But the legislature shall, at its regular session next preceding the expiration of the term of office of said board of regents, provide for the election of a new board of regents, and define their duties. Duties of Regents. SEC. 8. The board of regents shall, from the interest accruing from the first funds which come under their control, immediately organize and maintain the said mining department in such manner as to make it the most effective and useful; pro vided, that all the proceeds of the public lands donated by act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for a college for the benefit of agriculture, the mechanic arts, and including military tactics, shall be invested by the said board of regents in a separate fund, to be appropriated exclusively for the benefit of the first-named departments of the university, as set forth in section four above; and the legislature shall provide that, if SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 7 through neglect or any other contingency, any portion of the fund so set apart shall be lost or misappropriated, the State of Nevada shall replace said amount so lost or misappropriated in said fund, so that the principal of said fund shall remain forever undiminished. Sectarianism Prohibited. SEC. 9. No sectarian instruction shall be imparted or tolerated in any school or university that may be established under this constitution. No Funds for Sectarian Purposes. SEC. 10. No public funds of any kind or character whatever, state, county, or municipal, shall be used for sectarian purposes. Added by Second Amendment. ARTICLE XIII PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Benevolent Institutions Fostered. SECTION 1. Institutions for the benefit of the insane, blind and deaf and dumb, and such other benevolent institutions as the public good may require, shall be fostered and supported by the state, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law. State Prison House of Refuge for Juvenile Offenders. SEC. 2. A state prison shall be established and maintained in such a manner as may be prescribed by law; and provision may be made by law for the establishment and maintenance of a house of refuge for juvenile offenders. Care of the Aged, Infirm, and Unfortunate. SEC. 3. The respective counties of the state shall provide, as may be prescribed by law, for those inhabitants who, by reason of age and infirmity, or misfortunes, may have claim upon the sympathy and the aid of society. ARTICLE XV ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE SECTION 3. No person shall be eligible to any office who is not a quali- fied elector under this constitution. No person who, while a citizen of this state, has, since the adoption of this constitution, fought a duel with a deadly weapon, sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with a deadly weapon, either within or beyond the boundaries of this state, or who has acted as second, or knowingly conveyed a challenge, or aided or assisted in any manner in fighting a duel, shall be allowed to hold any office of honor, profit, or trust; or enjoy the right of suffrage under this constitution. The legislature shall provide by law for giving force and effect to the foregoing provisions of this section; provided, that females over the age of twenty-one years, who have resided in this state one year, and in the county or district six months next preceding any election to fill either of said offices, or the making of such appointment, shall be eligible to the office of superintendent of public instruction, deputy superintendent of public instruction, school trustee and notary public. As amended, 1912. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA An Act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto. Approved March 20, 1911 CHAPTER 1 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Of Whom to Consist. SECTION 1. The state board of education shall consist of the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the president of the university. Officers of Board. SEC. 2. The governor shall be the president, and the superintendent of public instruction the secretary of the board. Time of Meeting-. SEC. 3. The board shall meet at the call of the secretary, but shall hold at least two meetings a year. Powers and Duties of Board. SEC. 4. The powers and duties of the board shall be as follows: 1. To prescribe and cause to be enforced the courses of study for the public schools, such courses to contain in the seventh and eighth grades, among other things, business forms and elementary bookkeeping or some features of industrial work; and in the high-school grades, provision for full commercial work and industrial work suitable for boys and girls; provided, that schools of the first class may have modified courses of study, subject to the approval of the state board of education. 2. To adopt lists of books for district libraries; provided, that boards of trustees in districts of the first class may make additional adoptions; and provided further , that such books shall not contain or include stories in prose or poetry whose tendency would be to influence the minds of children in the formation of ideals not in harmony with truth and morality. 3. To revoke or suspend for immoral or unprofessional conduct, evi- dent unfitness for teaching, or persistent defiance of and refusal to obey the laws of the state, or the rules and regulations of the state board, or of the state superintendent defining and governing the duties of teachers, any state diploma or any state certificate. 4. To have done by the state printer any printing required by the state board, such as state courses of study, the proceedings of the teachers' institutes, blank forms, and such other matter as the state board may require; provided, that text-books are not included in such courses of study. 5. To adopt and use in authentication of its acts an official seal. 6. To keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be published biennially in the report of the superintendent of public instruction. 7. To designate some monthly school journal as the official organ of the department of education. The publishers of such journal shall mail 10 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA one copy of every number of such journal to the clerk of every school district in the state and shall file an affidavit with the superintendent of public instruction showing that such copies have been so mailed. The county treasurer of every county, before notifying the superintendent of public instruction of the county fund to be apportioned in the July apportionment, shall set aside an amount equal to one dollar for each and every school district of the county, and this fund shall be known as the school journal fund. The amount certified to the superintendent of public instruction for apportionment shall not include the school journal fund so set aside. The superintendent of public instruction shall draw his orders annually in favor of the publishers of such school journal for an amount equal to one dollar for each and every school district in each county to which the school journal has been sent in accordance with this section, to be paid out of the school journal fund, and the county auditor shall immediately draw his warrant in favor of the publishers of such journal for an amount equal to that named in aforesaid order, to be paid out of the school journal fund. As amended, Stats. 1913, 103, 104- CHAPTER 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Election. SEC. 5. The superintendent of public instruction shall be elected quadrennially by the qualified electors of the state at the same time and in the same manner as the governor is elected, and shall hold office for the term of four years from the first Monday in January next after the election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Duties of Said Officer Visit Schools Apportion School Funds Report Biennially Rules Teachers' Institutes County Institutes Meetings of State Board of Education Nominate Deputies Other Duties Printing- Reports of Deputies Forms, etc. Deliver State Property. SEC. 6. The superintendent of public instruction shall have power and it shall be his duty : 1. To visit each county in the state at least once each year for the purpose of conducting institutes, visiting schools, consulting with school officers, and addressing public assemblies on subjects pertaining to the schools; and the necessary traveling expenses incurred by the superin- tendent in performance of such duties, such traveling expenses to include the cost of transportation and board while absent from his place of resi- dence, shall be allowed, audited and paid out of the general fund, in the same manner as claims upon said fund are now allowed, audited and paid ; provided, that the sum so expended in any one year shall not exceed one thousand dollars; 2. To apportion the state distributive school fund; 3. To apportion the county school fund of each county among its various districts; 4. To report to the governor biennially, on or before the first day of December of the years preceding the regular session of the legislature. The governor shall transmit said report to the legislature; and whenever it is ordered published the state printer shall deliver a sufficient number of copies to the superintendent, who shall distribute the same among school officers of the state and of the United States. Said report shall contain a full statement of the condition of public instruction in the state; a SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 11 statement of the condition and amount of all funds and property appro- priated to the purpose of education; the number and grade of schools in each county; the number of children in each county between the ages of six and eighteen years of age; the number of such attending public schools; the number attending private schools; the number attending no schools; the number under six years of age; the number between eighteen and twenty-one years of age; the amount of public school moneys appor- tioned to each county; the amount of money raised by county taxation, district tax, subscription or otherwise, by any city, town, district, or county, for the support of schools therein; the amount of money raised for building schoolhouses; a statement of plans for the management and improvement of public schools; and such other information relative to the educational interests of the state as he may think of importance; 5. To prescribe suitable rules and regulations for making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings under this act and to furnish suitable blank forms for the same; to cause the same, with such instruc- tions as he shall deem necessary and proper for the organization and government of schools, to be transmitted to the local school officers, who shall be governed in accordance therewith. He shall prepare a con- venient form of school register for the purpose of securing accurate returns from the teachers of public schools, and shall furnish each school district in the state with such registers. He shall prepare pamphlet copies of the school law and all amendments thereto, and shall trans- mit a copy thereof to each school trustee, school census marshal and school teacher in the state; 6. To convene a state teachers' institute biennially in the even- numbered years in such place and at such time as he may deem advisable. It shall be his further duty to convene five district teachers' institutes in the various sections of the state biennially in the odd-numbered years in such places and at such times as he may deem advisable. He shall engage such institute lecturers and teachers as he shall deem advisable, and shall preside over and regulate the exercises of all state and district institutes. No institute shall continue less than four nor more than ten days. The expenses incurred in holding such institute shall be paid out of the state general fund ; provided, that the amount for the state institute shall not exceed five hundred dollars nor the amount of any one district institute two hundred and fifty dollars, and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants for the same upon the order of the superintendent of public instruction. All teachers shall be required to attend the district institutes held in the supervision districts in which thay may be teaching respectively, unless they shall be excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed; 7. To call, with the approval of the board of county commissioners, a county teachers' institute in any county at such time and place as in his judgment will best subserve the educational interests of the county, and to preside over and regulate the exercises of the same. The expenses of such institute shall be paid out of the county general fund of the county in which such institute is held ; provided, that the board of county commissioners shall authorize such institute upon the application of the superintendent of public instruction; and provided, th&t such expenses shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. All teachers shall be required to attend any county institute held in the counties in which 12 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA they shall be teaching respectively, unless excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed; 8. To call meetings of the state board of education in January and June of each year, and at such other times as he shall deem proper, or when two members of said board shall request a meeting. 9. To nominate deputy superintendents of public instruction for appointment by the state board of education ; 10. To perform such other duties relative to the public schools as may be prescribed by law; 11. To have done at the state printing office any printing required in the performance of his duties ; 12. To require a written report from each deputy superintendent on the first day of October, the first day of January, the first day of April, and the first day of July of each school year. Such reports shall contain any information or facts that the superintendent of public instruction may require; 13. To arrange blank forms, including school registers, for teachers' contracts, and supply the same to school trustees and teachers; 14. The superintendent of public instruction shall, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver to his successor all property and effects belonging to his office and take a receipt for the same. CHAPTER 3 DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Office of County Superintendent Abolished. SEC. 7. The office of county superintendent of public schools either as a separate office or as an ex officio office shall be, and hereby is, abol- ished for all counties in this state on and after the thirty-first day of August, 1907; provided, that the ex officio county superintendent shall make the reports for the school year ending on the thirty-first day of August, 1907. Stats. 1907, 381. Educational Districts Established. SEC. 8. Five educational supervision districts are hereby established as follows: District No. 1, comprising Elko County; District No. 2, com- prising White Pine, Lander, Eureka Counties; District No. 3, comprising Humboldt and Churchill Counties; District No. 4, comprising Washoe, Storey, Ormsby, Douglas, Lyon, and Mineral Counties; District No. 5, comprising Lincoln, Nye, Clark, and Esmeralda Counties. Supervision Districts. SEC. 9. Upon the nomination of the superintendent of public instruc- tion the state board of education shall, on or before the first Monday in May, 1911, and each fourth year thereafter, appoint one deputy superin- tendent of public instruction for each supervision district as herein pro- vided for, and such appointee shall, at the time of his appointment and during his term of office, be a bona fide resident of the district for which he is appointed. Such appointee shall take office on the first Monday in September* and shall serve for a period of four years, or until his suc- cessor shall have been appointed and shall have qualified; provided, that in case any nominee of the state superintendent is unsatisfactory to the board another nomination or nominations shall be made to the satisfac- SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 13 tion of the board. In case a vacancy shall occur in the office of deputy superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education shall in like manner make an appointment for the unexpired term. The deputy superintendents of public instruction shall devote their entire time to school supervision and shall not engage in other work while hold- ing this office. Qualifications of Deputies. SEC. 10. Any person holding a teacher's certificate of high-school grade and who shall have had not less than forty-five months' successful experience in teaching, at least twenty months of which shall have been in the State of Nevada, shall be eligible to appointment as deputy super- intendent of public instruction, and no others shall be eligible to such appointment. Duties of Deputies. SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of each deputy superintendent to visit each school in his district at least twice a year, to examine the records and observe the work of each school carefully, to advise with teachers as to organization, management and teaching, to inspect school buildings, libraries and apparatus, to confer with trustees and county officers as to the condition and needs of their schools, to hold teachers' meetings, to assist at state, district and county institutes, and otherwise advance the educational interests of his district. The deputy superintendent of public instruction shall act as deputy examiner at teachers' examinations, as member of the board of educational examiners, and shall assist the state board of education in preparing courses of study. He shall attend the meetings of the state board of education to furnish information pertain- ing to the schools of his district when said board shall so order. Powers and Duties of Deputies. SEC. 12. Within his supervision district each deputy superintendent shall have power, and it shall be his duty: 1. To file with the county auditor of each county a directory of all teachers who shall be entitled to draw salary from the state or the county funds, and to advise the county auditor from time to time of any changes or additions to such directory, and to file with the county auditor a directory of all qualified school trustees of each county. The county auditor shall not draw any warrant in favor of any teacher until he shall be officially informed by the deputy superintendent that such teacher is legally entitled to receive salary from the state or county school funds; 2. To investigate any claim against any school fund whenever a writ- ten protest against the drawing of a warrant in payment of said claim against any school fund shall be filed with the county auditor. If, upon investigation, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any claim against any school fund is illegal or unreasonably excessive, he shall notify the county auditor and the clerk of the board of trustees who drew the order for such illegal claim, stating the reasons in writing why such order is illegal or excessive, and the county auditor, if so noti- fied, shall not draw his warrant in payment of such claim. If the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any protested claim is legal and actually due the claimant, he shall authorize the county auditor to draw his warrant for such claim, and the county auditor shall immediately draw his warrant in payment of the claim ; 14 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 3. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for a time not to exceed one year, who fails to attend any district or county institute unless excused for nonattendance by the deputy superintendent; 4. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for any of the causes for which a certificate may be revoked by the state board of education ; 5. To inspect the record books and accounts of boards of trustees, and to authorize and enforce an efficient method of keeping the financial records and accounts of the school district; 6. To inspect the school fund accounts of the county auditors of the several counties, and report the condition of the funds of any school dis- trict to the trustees thereof; 7. To grade the schools in his supervision district, in the month of July of each year, designating which schools are high schools, and which are elementary schools, and to keep record of such gradation in his office; 8. To appoint school trustees in all districts in which the qualified voters failed to elect. Compensation of Deputies. SEC. 13. The compensation of each deputy superintendent of public instruction is hereby fixed at two thousand dollars per annum, and shall be paid out of the general fund of the state as the salaries of other state officers are paid. All claims for the traveling expenses, including the cost of transportation and cost of living, of each deputy superintendent of public instruction, while absent from their places of residence, together with necessary office expenses, shall be paid from the general fund of the state, whenever such claims shall be allowed by the state board of examiners; provided, that not more than eight hundred dollars shall be paid from the general fund of the state in settlement of claims for such traveling expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction -during any one year, and not more than $350 shall be paid from the gen- eral fund of the state in settlement of claims for such office expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction for any one year. Powers of Deputies. SEC. 14. The superintendent of public instruction shall confer upon the deputy superintendents such power and authority to act in his name as he shall deem proper; provided, such power and authority shall be in accordance with the laws of this state. Rules for Deputies. SEC. 15. The state board of education shall adopt such rules and reg- ulations further defining the powers and duties of the deputy superin- tendents of public instruction as shall, in its judgment, be needful to secure efficiency and coordination; provided, that such rules and regula- tions shall be in accordance with the laws of this state. Removal of Deputies. SEC. 16. The state board of education shall, upon the recommenda- tion of the superintendent of public instruction, have power to remove deputy superintendents of public instruction from office for evident unfit- ness or for conspicuous failure to perform the duties of said office. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 15 CHAPTER 4 TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES Certification of Teachers. SECTION 17. All teachers' certificates and life diplomas shall be granted by the state board of education, and said board shall grant only those classes and grades described in this act; provided, that deputy superin- tendents of public instruction may issue temporary certificates in accord- ance with the regulations of the board and on conditions hereinafter named; and provided further, that all teachers' certificates previously issued by legally constituted authorities shall remain valid for the time and under the conditions of the original issue unless revoked in accord- ance with law. In case of the renewal of any grammar-grade certificate now in force, an elementary certificate of the first grade shall be issued instead of said grammar-grade certificate. As amended, Stats. 1913, 156. Examinations, When Held. SEC. 18. Examinations for teachers' certificates shall be held in the several counties in this state semiannually, during the months of June and December of each year; provided, that the interest of the schools shall require such examinations. The state board of education shall give at least sixty days' notice of the time and places of holding the examinations; provided, that the dates of holding the regular semiannual examinations shall be uniform throughout the state and no examination shall continue for more than four days. The state board of education shall make provision for such other examinations at such times and places as in its judgment the public interest may require. Deputy Examiners Compensation. SEC. 19. All examinations for teachers' certificates shall be conducted by deputy examiners, who shall act under the authority of the state board of education. It shall be the duty of the deputy examiners to send all examination papers to the superintendent of public instruction without grading them. The deputy superintendents of public instruction shall act as deputy examiners in such counties in their respective districts as shall be designated by the superintendent of public instruction, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint in addition a sufficient number of deputy examiners to provide for all the counties of the state; p)'ovided, that there shall not be more than two such deputy examiners in any one county. Deputy examiners other than the deputy superintendents of public instruction shall receive a compensation of five dollars a day, to be paid as other claims out of the state general fund. The state board of education shall prescribe such rules and regulations governing examinations as may be needful to secure uniformity and justice. Regulations Regarding Questions. SEC. 20. The questions used for written work in teachers' examina- tions shall be prepared by the state board of education, and shall be uni- form throughout the state. Such examination questions shall be for- warded to the various deputy examiners throughout the state by the superintendent of public instruction, so as to reach their destination immediately before the date set for the examination. Such questions shall be sent under the seal of the state board of education, the questions 16 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA on each subject being under separate seal, and no questions shall be opened by any deputy examiner or other person until the day and the hour set for the use of such questions, and this time shall be plainly specified under each seal. Unlawful Use of Questions. SEC. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or buy or offer to buy, or to distribute, or to have in his or her posses- sion, except as authorized by this act, any printed or written examina- tion questions prepared for any examination to be held for the purpose of testing the qualifications of persons desiring to be admitted to the practice of any of the professions in this state in which it is required that such persons be examined as to their qualifications, or any printed or written examination questions prepared for teachers' examinations for certification of teachers in this state, or for any printed or written examination questions prepared of the final examination of students in any of the schools of this state prior to the time for holding such exam- ination . Penalty for Unlawful Use of Questions. SEC. 22. Any person selling or offering to sell, buying or offering to buy, distributing or having in his or her possession any such examina- tion questions contrary to section 21 of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than $25 nor more than $100, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than six months; provided, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the proper officials or instructors whose duty it is to conduct the said examination referred to in section 21 of this act from having in their possession printed or written copies of such examination questions; provided, further, that the state printer shall have the care and custody of such examina- tion questions while they are in process of being printed. Grades of Certificates. SEC. 23. Teachers' certificates in this state shall be: High school, authorizing the holder thereof to teach in any high school or elementary school in the state; Elementary, authorizing the holder thereof to teach in any elementary school in the state; Special, authorizing the holder to teach such special branch or branches of learning, and in such grades as are named in the certificate; Temporary, authorizing the holder to teach such branches of learning and in such grades and school districts as are named in the certificate; High-School Certificates on Examination. SEC. 24. The high-school certificate shall be valid for four years from the date of issuance and shall be issued on examination in the following subjects: (a) English grammar, spelling, arithmetic, geography, English literature, general history, history of the United States, civil govern- ment, current events, algebra, plane geometry, physics, and history and methods of teaching; (b) Any one of the following foreign languages: Latin, French, German, Spanish; (c) and any three of the following additional subjects: Rhetoric, English history, solid geometry, physical geography, chemistry, botany, and zoology; provided, that no high-school SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 17 certificate on examination shall be issued to any person whose general average is less than ninety per cent ; and provided further, that such cer- tificate shall not be issued to any person under twenty years of age. Credit may be allowed to applicants for any subject in the above list sat- isfactorily completed in a standard college, or to applicants holding a Nevada elementary certificate of first grade for a standing of ninety or more made in any of the above subjects as shown on such elementary certificate and record thereof on file in the state superintendent's office. The high-school certificate may be renewed by the state board of educa- tion according to such rules and regulations as the board may pre- scribe. As amended, Stats. 1913, 156, 157 . Elementary Certificate, First Grade, on Examination. SEC. 25. The elementary school certificate, first grade, shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued upon examination in the following subjects: Spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, mental arithmetic, written arithmetic, physiology and hygiene, history of the United States, geography, general history, drawing, music, business forms, civics, current events, and theory and methods of teach- ing; provided, that such certificate shall not be issued on examination to any person whose general average is less than eighty-five per cent or whose grade is less than sixty-five per cent in any one subject. The elementary certificate, first grade, shall not be issued to any person under twenty years of age nor to any person who has had less than sixteen months of successful experience in teaching. Such certificate may be renewed by the state board of education according to such rules and reg- ulations as the board may prescribe. Any person who shall at any regular examination make a grade of eighty-five per cent or more in any subject or subjects shall receive credit for such subject or subjects toward a first-grade elementary certificate; and the state board of education may allow credits for satisfactory work done by applicants for certificates on examination, in a standard sum- mer school, in determining their per cent standing in any subject or subjects. As amended, Stats. 1913, 157 . Elementary Certificate, Second Grade, on Examination. SEC. 26. The elementary certificate, second grade, shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued upon exam- ination in all subjects required for the first-grade elementary certificate; provided, that a second-grade elementary certificate shall not be issued to any person whose general average is less than seventy-five per cent or whose grade is less than sixty per cent in anyone subject; and, provided further, that county normal elementary certificates of the second grade shall be issued to graduates of the county normal training school without examination therefor. In no case shall an elementary certificate of the second grade be renewed. As amended, Stats. 1913, 157, 158. Elementary Certificate, Third Grade. SEC. 27. The state board of education shall have power, after the regular teachers' examination in December, and before the next regular examination is held, to grant third-grade elementary certificates to appli- cants who took the December examination, and who are actively engaged in teaching in Nevada; provided, that a third-grade elementary certificate shall entitle the holder to teach in the school in which she was engaged 18 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA as a teacher at the time of the December examination, and in no other school, for a period not longer than until the next regular examination of teachers; provided further , that but one third-grade elementary certifi- cate shall be granted to the same person. Life Diplomas. SEC. 28. The state board of education may grant a life diploma to any resident of the State of Nevada who shall present evidence of having taught successfully and continuously for a period of seventy-two months, thirty-six of which shall have been in the State of Nevada. A life diploma granted under this section shall be of the same grade as the certificate held by the applicant at the time of the application for the diploma and shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in any school in the State of Nevada of a grade corresponding to the grade of the certificate upon which the life diploma was granted; provided, that no life diploma shall be granted upon a nonrenewable certificate. Different Certificates to Certain Graduates of Nevada State Normal College. SEC. 29. High-school certificates, good for five years, shall be issued to graduates of the Nevada State Normal School, advanced course. First- grade elementary certificates, good for five years, shall be issued to grad- uates of the Nevada State Normal School, elementary course. To the graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who hold high-school cer- tificates, the state board of education shall grant a life diploma of high- school grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful teaching in public schools. To all graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who hold a grammar-school certificate, the state board of education shall grant a life diploma of the grammar grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful instruction in public schools. Graduates of Other Institutions May Be Certificated. SEC. 30. Graduates of universities, colleges, and normal schools sup- ported by state appropriations, approved by the state board of education, shall be permitted to submit their credentials from such institutions, and to the extent that these credentials give evidence of scholarship and pro- fessional preparation they shall be accepted in lieu of examination; pro- vided, that no certificate of the elementary grade shall be granted upon any credentials not equivalent to a diploma of graduation from the Nevada State Normal School; and provided further, that no high-school certificate shall be granted upon any credential not equivalent to a diploma of grad- uation from a science course or the liberal arts course of the University of Nevada, together with the required training in educational subjects. Life Certificates of Other States. SEC. 31. Any teacher holding a life certificate from another state shall be permitted to submit such certificate as evidence of his or her fitness for teaching, and if the state board of education shall be satisfied that the state which issued such certificate maintains a high professional standard, said board may issue a certificate for teaching in this state of such grade as it shall deem proper. Such credentials should be for- warded to the superintendent of public instruction, Carson City, Nevada. All Papers Graded by Board of Educational Examiners. SEC. 32. All examination papers for teachers' certificates shall be SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 19 examined and graded under the authority of the state board of education by the board of educational examiners, which shall consist of at least one member of the state board of education, the deputy superintendents of public instruction, and such other persons, not to exceed three in num- ber, as may be appointed by the superintendent of public instruction. The board of educational examiners shall certify the grade of each appli- cant in each subject to the state board of education. Persons appointed by the superintendent of public instruction as members of the board of educational examiners shall receive compensation at the rate of five dol- lars a day for the time actually employed in such service, to be paid out of the state general fund in the usual manner. Special Certificates. SEC. 33. The state board of education shall grant special certificates valid for teaching music, drawing, manual training, penmanship, com- mercial subjects, kindergarten work, or any specified foreign language, provided that it shall be satisfied that the applicant is qualified to teach such special subject. The board shall determine as to the fitness of the applicant by whatever method shall appear to be most appropriate. Such certificate shall be valid for two years. A special certificate shall entitle the holder to teach only the subject or subjects mentioned in the certifi- cate. Temporary Certificates Restriction, SEC. 34. The deputy superintendent of public instruction may, at his discretion, issue temporary certificates without examination; provided, that such certificate shall be issued upon request of the board of school trustees of a school district in this state, and that such certificate shall be valid only in the district from which the request is made, and such certificate shall be valid only until the next teachers' examination held in the county in which such person shall be teaching. If any member of the board of school trustees making the above-mentioned request is a member of the family or a near relative of the applicant, the certificate shall not be granted. Not more than one temporary certificate shall be granted to any one person. Age Limit, SEC. 35. No certificate authorized by this act shall be issued to any person under eighteen years of age. CHAPTER 5 POWERS AND DUTIES OF TEACHERS Teacher Must Be Legally Employed. SEC. 36. No teacher shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public school moneys as compensation for services rendered, unless such teacher shall have been legally employed by the board of trustees, nor unless such teacher shall have a certificate issued in accordance with law, in full force and effect at the time such service is rendered, nor unless such teacher shall have made a full and correct report, in the form and manner prescribed by law, to the superintendent of public instruction and to the board of school trustees. School Officer May Administer Oath, SEC. 37. The superintendent of public instruction and the deputy 20 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA superintendents of public instruction are hereby authorized to adminis- ter the oath (or affirmation) to teachers and all other oaths (or affirma- tions) relating to public schools. Teachers to Take Official Oath Form of Oath. SEC. 38. Each and every teacher employed in this state, whose com- pensation is payable out of the public funds, shall take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed by the fifteenth article of the state constitution before entering upon the discharge of the duties of such teacher. Such oath, when so taken and subscribed to, shall, if that of a teacher in the state university, be filed in the office of the board of regents; if of any other class of teachers, the same shall be filed in the office of the super- intendent of public instruction. The oath is as follows: I, ,do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States, and the constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state convention or legislature to the contrary notwithstanding. And further that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of teacher on which I am about to enter (if an oath); "so help me God"; (if an affirmation) "under the pains and penalties of perjury." Sworn and subscribed to before me a of the county of and State of Nevada, this day of , Anno Domini 191 Duties of Teachers Enumerated. SEC. 39. Every teacher in the public schools shall: 1. Upon opening school in any school district file with the deputy superintendent of public instruction, a Nevada teachers' certificate enti- tling the holder to teach the school in the district in which he shall be hired, together with the oath of office, and any other report that the superintendent of public instruction shall require. The deputy superin- tendent shall acknowledge the receipt of each teachers' certificate and shall make proper record of the same in his office. The teacher's cer- tificate shall remain on file in the office of the deputy superintendent until the teacher's final report shall be received in his office; 2. One week before closing the school, make a final report in the man- ner and on the blank forms prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. The final report shall include all required statistics and information for the entire school year, notwithstanding any previous report for a part of the year. The teacher shall make estimates of the statistics and information of the last week in order to close the final report. Upon receipt of the teacher's final report, the deputy superin- tendent shall, if he approve such report, notify the clerk of the school district from which the report comes that the teacher's final report has been received, and the clerk of the board shall then draw the trustees' order in payment for the teacher's last month's salary. Any trustees' orders drawn in violation of the provisions of this act shall be illegal ; 3. Keep record of all scholars attending school in accordance with the registers prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction, and teachers shall make reports of such records at such times and to such SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 21 persons as the superintendent of public instruction shall designate. All school registers shall be delivered to the board of trustees at the close of every school term ; 4. Enforce the state course of study, or the city course of study (as the case may be) , the use of the legally authorized text-books, and the rules and regulations prescribed for teachers and schools; 5. Hold pupils to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playground and during any intermission; provided, however, that no school teacher or principal, or board of trustees, shall expel or suspend any pupil under the age of fourteen years for any cause without first securing the consent of the deputy superintendent of public instruction. CHAPTER 6 SCHOOL TRUSTEES Board of Trustees a Body Corporate. SEC. 40. The trustees of a school district shall constitute a board for such district, and such board is hereby created a body corporate. Property Held by Trustees as Corporation, SEC. 41. All property which is now vested in, or shall hereafter be transferred to the trustees of a district, for the use of schools in the dis- trict, shall be held by them as a corporation. Number of Trustees. SEC. 42. School districts having fifteen hundred or more school chil- dren as shown by the last preceding school census, shall have five trustees; other districts shall have three trustees. Election of Trustees. SEC. 43. An election of school trustees shall be held in each school district of the state on the first Saturday in April, nineteen hundred and ten, and on the same day every two years thereafter. At such elections three trustees shall be elected in any district having fifteen hundred or more school census children, as shown by the last preceding census, two for four years and one for two years ; and two trustees shall be elected in every other district, one for four years and one for two years. Number of Trustees, How Determined. SEC. 44. In any school district having for the first time fifteen hun- dred school census children, as determined after the election of trustees in any year, there shall be elected at the next ensuing school trustee elec- tion two trustees for four years and two trustees for two years, to bring such district to the five-trustee basis; and in any district falling below such number, as determined after a school trustee election, there shall be elected at the next ensuing trustee election one trustee for four years, to bring such district to the three-trustee basis. Election Officers, How Appointed. SEC. 45. Three inspectors of election and such other officers as may be necessary, shall be appointed by the school trustees in each district; provided, that respecting all questions that come before said election boards, the inspectors only shall determine the same. If the trustees fail to appoint the election officers, or if they are not present at the time of opening the polls, the electors present may appoint them. All 22 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA such officers shall serve without compensation ; provided, that in districts of the first class, the inspectors and a clerk of election may be allowed compensation not to exceed four dollars each for services at such election, said compensation to be paid from the district school funds. If two or more polling places are kept open in districts of the first class, three inspectors and one clerk shall be appointed for each polling place, and each such officer shall be allowed compensation not to exceed four dollars. Notice of Election To Be Posted Hours of Election. SEC. 46. Not less than ten days before the election held under the provisions of this act, the trustees in each district shall post notices in three public places in the district, which notices shall specify that there will be an election held at the schoolhouse in such district and the hours between which the polls will be kept open. In districts of the first class the polls shall be kept open between the hours specified by the board of trustees and in districts of the second class the polls shall be kept open between the hours of 1 o'clock p. m. and 5 o'clock p. m. If the trustees shall have failed to post notices as required by this section, then any three electors of the district may, within five days of the day of election, give notice of such election, which notices shall be sufficient for the elec- tion required by this act, and in such case no registration shall be neces- sary, but all the other provisions of this act shall be enforced; provided, that in districts of the first class as many different polling places may be kept open as there are schoolhouses in the district, and the trustees may decide in what buildings the election shall be held; but in such cases, the trustees must specify, in the election notice, the particular buildings in which polling places will be held. Qualification for Voting. SEC. 47. No person shall be allowed to vote at any school election unless he is a resident of the district and his name appears upon the official registry list of the voting precinct or precincts including the dis- trict for the last preceding general election; provided, that any citizen of the United States who shall have resided in this state six months, and in the school district thirty days next preceding the day of election, and whose name is not upon the said official registry list, may apply to the clerk of the board of school trustees, or to a person authorized by the trus- tees of the district to act as registry agent, not more than eight nor less than five days prior to the day of election, to have his name registered. Registration Regulations Form of Oath. SEC. 48. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of school trus- tees, or the person appointed by the board of school trustees, as the case may be, to register any qualified voter of the school district who may apply to be registered under the provisions of the preceding section ; pro- vided, that if the person applying to be registered be unknown to the reg- istry agent, or his qualifications for voting be unknown, he shall, before having his name registered, be required to subscribe to the following oath : "You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States; that you are twenty-one years of age; that you will have resided in the state six months and in this school district thirty days next preceding the day of the school election." False swearing under the provisions of this sec- tion shall be deemed perjury and punished as now provided by law. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 23 List of Voters, SEC. 49. No person shall be entitled to vote under the provisions of this act except he be registered as herein provided. The board of school trustees shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, or obtain a list, certified or sworn to as being correct, of the names of all persons entitled to vote at the school election as herein provided, which said list shall be com- pleted at least three days prior to the day of election, and shall be under the charge of the clerk of the board of school trustees and subject to the inspection of any qualified voter in the district. Preparation of List of Voters Compensation. SEC. 50. The board of school trustees in all districts having a voting population of fifty or more, are authorized to employ a competent person to prepare said list of qualified voters and to pay for the work out of the school fund of the district, in a manner as other claims against the dis- trict are allowed and paid, a reasonable sum, not exceeding five cents a name for each qualified voter, providing that the total amount to be allowed shall not exceed fifty dollars. The list so prepared shall be sworn to by the person making the same as correct according to his best knowledge, information and belief. List Delivered to Inspectors. SEC. 51. The list of qualified voters, as hereinbefore described, shall be delivered to the inspectors of election prior to the time of opening the polls on the day of election, and no person shall be entitled to vote at the election whose name is not on said list; provided, that any person whose name is left off said list by mistake, design, accident, or otherwise, may have his name placed thereon by the inspectors of election upon satisfactory proofs being presented of his having previously been regis- tered in accordance with the provisions of this act. Voting Shall Be by Ballot. SEC. 52. The voting shall be by ballot, either written or printed, and when two or more trustees are to be elected for different terms, the ballot shall designate such term as "long term" and "short term" respectively. Ballots, Number of What to Contain. SEC. 53. In all school districts having a voting population of one hundred or over, the board of school trustees shall have printed ballots of uniform size containing the names in alphabetical order of all persons candidates for the office of school trustee. There shall be twice as many ballots printed as there are voters in the district, and no ballots other than those furnished by the board of school trustees shall be voted. How to Vote. SEC. 54. A person desiring to vote shall, if his name be upon the reg- istry list as herein provided, receive from the board of election or some member thereof, and from no other person, a ballot upon which he shall designate his choice for trustee or trustees to be elected in the district, by placing a cross thus: X, opposite and to the right of the name of the person for whom he intends to vote. Instructions as to Voting. SEC. 55. There shall be placed on the ballots, in addition to the names of the candidates, such information as the board of trustees may deem 24 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA necessary to inform the voter how to mark his ballot, such as: "Place a cross thus: X, opposite and to the right of the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote," "vote for one" "vote for two" etc. Not Allowed at Polls Misdemeanor. SEC. 56. No person, other than the board of election or a police officer in the discharge of his duty, shall be allowed within one hundred feet of the polls, except when actually engaged in voting or in going to or from the polls for the purpose of voting or of challenging the vote of another, and excepting all persons in attendance upon any school which may be in session in the building. No person shall show his ballot to another while marking it or after marking it so as to disclose for whom he has voted, but he shall, as soon as possible after marking it, fold it so that the marking will be on the inside and return it to the board of election to be counted. Wilful violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Assistance in Marking Ballots, When Allowed. SEC. 57. No person shall receive assistance in marking his ballot unless physically unable to mark it and then only by permission of the board of election. A voter spoiling his ballot may procure another by deliver- ing the spoiled ballot to the board of election. Challenge Illegal Voting Punished. SEC. 58. Any registered person offering to vote may be challenged by any elector of the district, and the judges of election must thereupon administer to the person challenged an oath in substance as follows: You do swear that you are a citizen of the United States; that you are twenty-one years of age; that you have resided in this state six months, and in this school district thirty days next preceding this election, and that you have not voted before this day. If he takes the oath pre- scribed in this section his vote shall be received, otherwise his vote must be rejected. Illegally voting under the provisions of this act shall be punished the same as the law now provides for punishing offenses of this character. Candidates to File Names with County Clerk. SEC. 59. In school districts having a voting population of one hun- dred (100) or over, candidates for the office of school trustee shall, not later than five days before the day of election, have their names filed with the county clerk of said county, with designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be placed upon the ballots unless filed within the time herein provided. Duty of Election Board on Completion of Count. SEC. 60. The board of election in districts of the first class shall keep a poll list and tally sheet, which, together with the registry list and all ballots cast, shall be delivered to the county clerk upon the count being completed, and such returns shall be kept as the law now provides for keeping returns of general elections; but in districts of the second class, said poll list, tally sheet, registry list and all ballots cast, upon the count being completed, shall be delivered to the deputy superintendent of public instruction and kept on file in his office. After the completion SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 25 of the count at each polling place in districts of the first class using more than one polling place, the election board of each polling place shall meet at a place designated by the board of trustees and there sum- marize all votes cast in the district and make out the election certificates. Certificates of Election, SEC. 61. The election board shall issue certificates of election to those receiving the greatest number of votes cast in accordance with the pro- visions of this act, specifying the number of years for which each is elected; and the election board shall immediately send by mail a copy of each election certificate to the deputy superintendent of public instruction. Terms of Office. SEC. 62. Trustees elected under this act shall take office on the first Monday in May following their election. Vacancies, How Filled. SEC. 63. On the fourth Saturday after the occurrence of any vacancy or vacancies in any board of school trustees, an election may be held to elect a trustee or trustees for the remainder of the unexpired term or terms. Such elections shall be conducted in accordance with the law now in effect for the election of public school trustees; provided, that the remaining members or member of the board may serve as a full board for the purpose of making all required preliminary arrangements for con- ducting said elections to fill said vacancies. Deputy to Fill Vacancies. SEC. 64. In case the voters fail to elect, or in case no election is held, as provided in the preceding section, the deputy superintendent shall fill all vacancies occurring in said board of trustees. Meetings of Trustees Duties of Clerk Compensation. SEC. 65. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, to meet on the first Monday in May following their election, or as soon as prac- ticable thereafter, after taking the oath of office, at such place as may be most convenient in the district, and to organize by electing one of their number president of the board and another as clerk. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at the meetings of the board. It shall be the duty of the clerk to record the proceedings of the board in a book to be provided for the purpose ; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, shall be signed by said clerk. Said book shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the deputy superintendent of public instruction and of any taxpayer in the district. In districts having a school census popu- lation of three hundred or more and not exceeding one thousand the clerk of the board of trustees may receive such salary as said board may allow; provided, that such salary shall not exceed ten dollars per month; provided, that in districts having a school census population of one thou- sand or more the clerk of the board of trustees shall receive not to exceed fifty dollars. Majority Vote to Legalize Action. SEC. 66. No action of the board of school trustees in any school dis- trict shall be valid unless such action shall receive the approval of a 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA majority of the members of such board at a regularly called meeting. The clerk of the board shall give notice of each meeting to each member of the board of school trustees, specifying the time, place and purpose of each meeting; provided, that if all members of such board are present at such meeting the lack of such notification shall not invalidate its pro- ceedings. In all school districts in which there are not less than three hundred school census children, as shown by the last preceding school census report, the board of school trustees shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month, at such time and place as it shall determine, and pub- lic notice of such meeting shall be given in one or more newspapers published in such district; provided, that such notices can be published without cost to the district. Powers and Duties of School Trustees. SEC. 67. School trustees shall have the power and it shall be their duty: 1. To buy or sell any schoolhouse or schoolhouse site directed to be bought or sold by a vote of the heads of families of the district; provided, that in districts in which there shall be fewer than ten such heads of families, no schoolhouse or schoolhouse site shall be sold without the approval of the deputy superintendent of public instruction; 2. To build, purchase, or rent schoolhouses when directed to do so by a vote of the heads of families, and to equip and supply the same with all things necessary for the successful operation of the schools of the dis- trict. The trustees, without such vote, shall make necessary repairs on any school buildings when the expense of such repairs will not exceed five hundred dollars; provided, that in districts of the first class the trus- tees may make all necessary repairs without a vote of the electors. No public schoolhouse shall be erected in any school district until the plan of the same has been submitted to and approved by the deputy superin- tendent of public instruction. The county auditor shall draw no war- rant in payment of any bill for the erection of such new schoolhouse until notified by the deputy superintendent of public instruction that the plans for the said new schoolhouse have received his approval; [See section 194, as amended, Stats. 1913, 298.] 3. To change the location of schools or schoolhouse sites; provided, that in districts in which there shall be fewer than ten heads of families, no school or schoolhouse site shall be changed without the approval of the deputy superintendent of public instruction ; 4. To call meetings of the heads of families of the school district in order to secure by vote the authority to procure or sell schoolhouse sites, or to erect, purchase, sell, hire, or rent schoolhouses for the use of the district. Whenever the trustees shall decide to hold such meeting, they shall give at least ten days' notice by posting at least three notices of such meeting in three conspicuous places within the district. One of such notices shall be posted on the school grounds. The notices shall contain the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. The president of the board shall call such meeting to order and shall preside over the deliberations of the same. The clerk of the board shall keep a record of the proceedings of such meeting in a book kept especially for that purpose. In case of the absence of either the president or the clerk of the board at such meeting, the heads of families assembled shall proceed SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 27 to elect a president pro tern and a temporary clerk. All questions placed before the meeting shall be determined by ballot or by taking the " ayes" and "noes" as the meeting shall decide; [See section 194, as amended, Stats. 1913, 298.] 5. To manage and control the school property within their districts, and pay all moneys collected by them, from any source whatever, for school purposes, into the county treasury, to be placed to the credit of the county fund of their district; 6. To cause to be erected at least two suitable and convenient privies for each of the schools under their charge, which shall be entirely sepa- rate each from the other, and have separate means of access and approaches thereto. In case of failure or neglect on the part of the trustees to provide privies in accordance with the provisions of this sec- tion, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall have power and it shall be his duty to cause such privies to be built, and to pay for the same by drawing his order on the county auditor on the funds of the district, and the auditor shall draw his warrant upon the county treas- urer in payment of the same; 7. To prescribe and enforce rules, not inconsistent with law or those prescribed by the state board of education, for their own government and government of schools, and to transact their business at regular or special meetings, called for such purpose, notice of which shall be given each member; 8. To keep the public school buildings in their charge in such repair as is necessary for the comfort and health of pupils and teachers, and in case of neglect to do so, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to cause such needed repairs to be made, and to pay for the same by drawing his order upon the county auditor on the funds of the district, and the auditor shall draw a warrant upon the county treasurer in payment of the same; provided, that the cost of such repairs shall not exceed fifty dollars; 9. To have the custody and safe keeping of the district schoolhouses, their sites and appurtenances; 10. To insure the schoolhouses, furniture and school apparatus in some company authorized by law to transact business in the State of Nevada, and to comply with the conditions of the policy; 11. To employ legally qualified teachers, to determine the salary to be paid and the length of the term of school for which teachers shall be employed, embodying these conditions in a written contract to be signed by the president and the clerk of the board or by a majority of the trustees and the teacher, and a copy of the said contract properly written shall be delivered to each teacher at the opening of the term of school ; provided, that the trustees shall not have the right to employ teachers for any term of service commencing after the time for which any member of the board of trustees was elected. The salaries of teachers shall be deter- mined by the character of the service required, and in no district shall there be any discrimination in the matter of salary as against female teachers ; provided, that it shall be unlawful for the board of trustees of any school district to employ any teacher not legally qualified to teach all the grades of the school for which such teacher is engaged to teach; 12. To pay toward the salaries of legally qualified teachers the public moneys apportioned to districts for such purpose, by giving them orders therefor on the county auditor; 28 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 13. To provide at least six months of free school in the district under their charge. If at any time the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that the state and county moneys to which any dis- trict is entitled are not sufficient for the completion of a term of school of at least six months during the current school year, he shall immedi- ately certify that fact and information to the clerk of the board of the said district. Upon the receipt of such information, the clerk shall imme- diately notify the other members of the board, and they shall, as soon as possible thereafter, meet and levy a district tax upon the taxable prop- erty of such district sufficient to raise an amount of money which will insure the completion of at least six months of school in that school year. Immediately after the trustees shall have made the levy provided herein, the clerk of the board shall notify the county commissioners and the deputy superintendent of public instruction of its action. The said notice shall contain the statement of the amount of money to be raised by such district tax. The county commissioners shall ascertain the necessary percentage on the property of said district as shown by the last assess- ment made thereof after equalization, to raise the amount of money voted and they shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the prop- erty aforesaid, and the same shall be paid into the county treasury and shall be added to and become a part of the county fund of that district, and shall be drawn in the same manner as other school moneys. The tax provided herein shall be assessed, equalized, and collected in the same manner prescribed for assessing, equalizing and collecting the taxes voted for furnishing additional school facilities in section 141 of this act. If for any reason the trustees shall fail to provide the necessary funds to insure the completion of at least six months of school in any school year, when notified by the deputy superintendent of public instruction that such action is necessary on their part, as provided in this act, then the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall himself notify the county commissioners and the county auditor of the deficiency in funds for the district in question, and he shall make an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised, and the commissioners shall proceed to assess, equalize, and collect this amount as though the trustees them- selves had made the levy as provided in this act. 14. To maintain at least eight months of school in the school district during each and every school year; provided, there is sufficient money to the credit of the district to pay the expense of maintaining the said eight months of school. Whenever there shall be sufficient money to the credit of any school district to pay the expenses of maintaining a school for eight months in any school year, and the trustees shall for any reason neglect to provide for the said eight months of school, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall take such steps as may be necessary to prolong and maintain the said school for at least eight months. He shall draw his order on the county auditor and the county auditor shall draw his war- rant on the county treasurer in payment of all expenses incurred in pro- longing school as provided in this section. 15. To administer all oaths pertaining to teachers, census marshals, and school trustees, whether of the same school district or of any other school district in the State of Nevada; provided, that in districts of the SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 29 first class the city superintendent may administer the oath of office to teachers in their respective districts; 16. To provide books for the indigent children, desk text-books for the teachers, and record- books for the district, and to pay for the same out of the county school moneys belonging to their district ; [See also, paragraph 22 of this section.] 17. To divide the public schools within their district into kinder- garten, primary, grammar, and high-school departments, and to employ competent and legally qualified teachers for the instruction of the differ- ent departments whenever they shall deem such division into depart- ments necessary; provided, that such division into departments shall be in accordance with the state courses of study and all rules and regula- tions of the department of education ; and provided further, that there shall be means for all such departments, and if not, then the division shall be in the order in which they are herein named, excepting the kindergarten department, which shall not be considered as taking prece- dence over any other department; and provided also, that the kinder- garten department shall not be established in any school district having a school census population of less than one hundred ; 18. To suspend or expel from any public school within their district, with the advice of the teachers and deputy superintendent of public instruction, any pupil who will not submit to reasonable and ordinary rules of order and discipline therein, and to exclude from school all children under six years of age when the interests of the school requires it to be done; provided, however, that under no circumstances shall any school teacher or principal, or board of trustees be authorized to expel any pupil under the age of fourteen years for any cause without first securing the consent of the deputy superintendent of public instruction ; 19. To enforce in schools the course of study and the use of text-books prescribed and adopted by the proper authority ; 20. To make, with the approval of the deputy superintendent of pub- lic instruction, arrangements with the trustees of any other district for the attendance of such children in the school of either district as may be most convenient, and to transfer the school moneys due by apportion- ment to such children to the district in which they may attend school. The school trustees of any district may transfer to another district any child, whenever the parent or guardian shall present a written request accompanied by a written permit from the board of school trustees of the other district. Whenever two boards of trustees shall agree upon the transfer of any child, together with the money due such child by appor- tionment from state and county funds, the trustees of the district from which the child is to be transferred shall draw their order upon the county auditor for the amount equal to the money apportioned to that district at the last preceding apportionment of state and county funds, in favor of the county treasurer of the county in which the district to which the child is to be transferred is located. The county treasurer of such county shall place the amount ordered to be transferred to the credit of the proper fund of the district to which the child is to be trans- ferred, and he shall immediately notify the county auditor of such county that the amount of money so transferred has been placed in the fund of said district; provided, that the amount of money to be transferred in accordance with this section shall consist only of the moneys apportioned 30 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA to the child, and not any part of the amount of money apportioned to the teacher of the district from which the child is to be transferred ; [Paragraph 20 superseded by Stats. 1913, 305, 306, cataloged in index under "Free Text-books!'] 21. To visit every school in their district at least once in each term, and examine carefully into its management, condition and wants. This clause to apply to each and every member of the board of trustees; 22. To furnish writing and drawing paper, pens, inks, blackboard erasers, crayons, and lead and slate pencils, and other necessary supplies for the use of the schools, and charges therefor must be audited and paid as other claims against the county school fund of their districts are audited and paid. [See also paragraph 16 of this section; also "Free Text-books," cataloged in index.] 23. To make an annual report, on or before the first day of July, to the deputy superintendent of public instruction, in the manner and form and on the blanks prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction ; 24. To enforce needful sanitary regulations, to make and enforce such rules for preventing the spread of contagious and infectious diseases as they may deem necessary, and to pay out of the public school funds any expenses incurred by them in enforcing such regulations and rules among indigent children. Schools To Be Maintained with Equal Rights and Privileges. SEC. 68. The boards of school trustees and county boards of educa- tion must maintain all the schools established by them for an equal length of time during the year and, as far as practicable, with equal rights and privileges; 2. When in any district it is necessary for the convenience of the residents of said district that the school therein should be maintained a part of the year in one portion of the district, and a part of the year in another portion of the district, the aggregate of the time the school has been maintained in the different portions of the district shall be con- sidered in estimating the time for which a school has been maintained in the district during the school year. Clerk To Issue Warrants. SEC. 69. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of school trustees in each district, subject to the direction of said board, to draw all orders for the payment of the moneys belonging to his district, and such orders, when signed by the president and clerk of the board or by a majority of the board of trustees, shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the county auditor for warrants on the county treasurer, to be paid out of the funds belonging to such district; provided, that in school dis- tricts having fewer than five trustees, no warrant for the payment of money for a new school building or for repairs or furniture in excess of five hundred dollars shall be issued unless the order shall be approved by the deputy superintendent of public instruction. Itemized Statement of Bills. SEC. 70. All such orders shall be accompanied by an itemized state- ment of the purpose or purposes for which the order is issued, and such statement shall be kept on file in the office of the county auditor, sub- ject to inspection by the deputy superintendent of public instruction, SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 31 until ordered to be destroyed by the state board of education. No order for the payment of the money of any district shall be issued by the clerk of such district unless there shall be in the county treasury credited to such district a sum of money equal to the amount for which the order is issued, and available for the purpose of such order. If the clerk of the board of school trustees of any district shall draw any order for the payment of school moneys in violation of the laws of this state, the members of the board of school trustees of such district shall be jointly and severally liable for the amount of such order. Trustees To Have No Interest in Contracts, SEC. 71. . No trustee shall be pecuniarily interested in any contract made by the board of trustees of which he is a member. To Enforce Discipline. SEC. 72. The school trustees, principals and teachers are hereby given concurrent power with the peace officers for the protection of children in school and on the way to and from school, and for the enforcement of order and discipline among them. Trustees Vested with Necessary Powers. SEC. 73. The board of school trustees of the respective school dis- tricts of the State of Nevada are hereby given such reasonable and neces- sary powers, not conflicting with the constitution and laws of the State of Nevada, as may be requisite to attain the ends for which the public schools are established, and to promote the welfare of school children. Teachers, Powers of. SEC. 74. The school trustees may direct the principals and teachers employed by them to exercise such powers and authority in the schools as the trustees are invested with under this act. County Boards of Education Have Same Power as Trustees. SEC. 75. Under the provisions of this act, county boards of education in control of high schools shall have the same powers as are herein given to school trustees. CHAPTER 7 SCHOOL DISTRICTS One District Only in Town or City. SEC. 75. Every village, town, or incorporated city of this state shall constitute but one school district ; and the public schools therein shall be under the supervision and control of the trustees thereof. Classes of School Districts City Superintendent. SEC. 76. All school districts in Nevada are hereby divided into two classes. Districts employing ten or more regular grade teachers shall be known as districts of the first class, and districts employing less than ten teachers shall be known as districts of the second class. The board of school trustees of any district of the first class is hereby authorized to create the office of city superintendent of schools for such district, to define the powers and duties of such superintendent, to elect to said office any person entitled to teach in the high schools of this state, and to fix the salary; provided, that no city superintendent shall be elected for more than one year, unless said city superintendent shall have first 32 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA served one year acceptably in the district, when said board of trustees is empowered to elect said superintendent for a term not to exceed four years; provided, further, that said superintendent may be dismissed at any time for cause. New Districts, When. SEC. 77. The boards of county commissioners of the several counties of the state are hereby authorized and empowered to create new school districts from unorganized territory when there shall have been presented to them a certified petition from the parents or guardians of five school census children, which petition shall accurately describe the boundaries of the proposed district, such boundaries to conform, when practicable, with the lines of the government surveys, and the names and ages of all children residing in such proposed district at the date of said petition. The boards of county commissioners may create new districts from a portion or portions of one or more established districts upon the presenta- tion of a similar petition signed by not less than three-fifths of the 'heads of families and taxpayers of the districts from which the proposed new district is to be taken. They may make changes in the boundaries of districts upon petition of three-fifths of the heads of families and tax- payers of the district or districts to be affected by the change. When a new school district is organized, school shall be commenced within one hundred and twenty days from the date of the action of the board of county commissioners creating such district, and if school shall not be commenced within such time in said district, then such action shall become void and no such district shall exist. No school district organized under the provisions of this act shall exceed in size sixteen miles square. But One School, When. SEC. 78. In any neighborhood or community containing not more than twenty school census children, in which a schoolhouse may be located so that the most distant school census child resides not to exceed three miles therefrom, but one school district shall be created or shall exist; and, in any neighborhood or community in which more than one school district is now organized, not in conformity with this act, such districts shall be consolidated, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county in which said neighborhood or community is located to organize the territory comprised in said districts into one school district. It shall be the duty of the county auditor and county treasurer to place the funds of the several districts to the credit of the newly organized district, and the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion shall appoint trustees for said district. In any such neighborhood or community no school district shall receive an apportionment from the school funds until consolidated as herein provided. The deputy super- intendent of public instruction shall decide where the school shall be held, and if school is held in any other place in the district than that designated by the deputy superintendent of public instruction, the county auditor shall draw no warrants upon the funds of the district in pay- ment of claims for the maintenance of said school. Restriction in Apportionment. SEC. 79. The county school fund shall not be apportioned to any school district unless there shall be at least five school census children SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 33 residing therein as shown by the last preceding census report. The state school fund shall not be apportioned to any school district unless there shall be at least three school census children residing therein as shown by the last preceding census report. Certain Districts Not to Receive School Money, When Division of District. SEC. 80. From and after September first, nineteen hundred and eleven, no school district, except when newly organized, in which there was not taught by a legally qualified teacher, a public school for a term of at least six school months of the school year ending the last day of June preceding, with at least three children of school age in actual attendance for eighty days, sixty days of which shall have been consec- utive, shall receive any portion of the public school moneys. When a new district is formed by the division of an old one, it shall be entitled to a just share of the school moneys to the credit of the old district after the payment of all outstanding debts at the time when a school was actu- ally commenced in such new district; and the superintendent of public instruction shall divide and apportion such remaining money according to the number of census children resident in each district, for which pur- pose he may order a census to be taken, the expenses of which shall be met as provided in section 133 of this act. Joint School District. SEC. 81. A joint school district may be formed of parts of two or more counties, provided a majority of the qualified voters in that part of each county which it is proposed to include in such joint district shall petition for the creation of such joint district, such petition to contain a description of the boundaries of the proposed joint district. When such petition is presented to the board of county commissioners in each county in which any part of the territory of said proposed joint district is located, such boards shall, if they favor the establishment of a joint district, pro- vide for such establishment, and the superintendent of public instruction shall appoint the members of the board of school trustees, who shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified according to law. State Superintendent to Apportion Funds, How. SEC. 82. The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion the county school fund to any such joint school district as follows : In appor- tioning sixty per cent of the county school fund of any county, he shall apportion to a joint school district the regular amount per census child residing in that countj^. In apportioning forty per cent of the county school fund of any county, he shall consider the teacher as belonging in part to each county, part of which lies in the joint school district, and the part belonging to any county will be in proportion to the number of school census children in that county. In apportioning thirty per cent of the state distributive school fund within any county, he shall apportion to a joint school district the regu- lar amount per census child residing in that county. In apportioning seventy per cent of the state distributive school fund within any county, he shall consider the teacher as belonging in part to each county, part of which lies in the joint school district, and the part belonging to any county will be in proportion to the number of school census children in that county. 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA Union School, How Established. SEC. 83. On the recommendation of the deputy superintendent of public instruction, the boards of school trustees of any contiguous school districts in the same county or in adjoining counties may, in joint meet- ing of the two boards, unite the two districts and establish a union school to be supported out of the funds belonging to the respective districts. Joint Board to Govern More than One School, When, SEC. 84. The school thus established shall be governed by a joint board, composed of the trustees of the combining districts; provided, that school may be maintained at more than one point in the union district thus formed, if found necessary or advisable; and provided further, that the classes and grades in the two districts shall be arranged with reference to the convenience of the children and the efficient and economical management of the school. In case of a disagreement of the joint board as to the arrangement and distribution of the various classes and grades in the two districts, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall determine the same. Expenses, How Paid. SEC. 85. A majority of the members of the joint board shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business. Vouchers shall be made out on the separate district funds for the pro rata of monthly expenses, as agreed upon by the joint board, and these vouchers shall be signed by the president and clerk of the school board in the district on whose fund the vouchers are drawn. District Dissolved, When. SEC. 86. The union school, or district, herein provided for, may be dissolved in June of any year by mutual consent or action of the boards of school trustees in the districts interested, or by the unanimous action of the school board of either district; provided, that no indebtedness incurred by the joint board exists; and provided further, that in case of dissolution by action of only one of the two districts as herein pre- scribed, at least thirty days' notice of intention to dissolve shall have been given to the joint board. Districts Enlarged or Consolidated. SEC. 87. The board of county commissioners in any county on the recommendation of the deputy superintendent of public instruction, and without formal petition, may enlarge the boundaries of any school dis- trict, wherein there may be uncertainty of maintaining the minimum requirement of five census children, sufficiently beyond the sixteen-mile- square limit to include five or more census school children actually residing, and not temporarily living, therein, or the board, upon the recommendation of the deputy superintendent, may consolidate two or more such districts or parts of districts into a single district. Property of Consolidated Districts. SEC. 88. In case of the consolidation of two or more districts as herein provided for, the property of the separate districts shall become the prop- erty of the district thus formed, and any money in the fund of a district consolidated with another shall, on notice given by the deputy superin- tendent of public instruction, be transferred by the county auditor and the county treasurer to the credit of the district so formed. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 35 Board Appointed, When. SEC. 89. When a district is formed by consolidation as herein pro- vided, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint a board of school trustees therefor; he shall determine the points therein where instruction is to be given, and shall aid the trustees in making necessary provision for carrying out the purposes of this act. Emergency Fund Created. SEC. 90. At the time of the apportionment of money in the state dis- tributive school fund in January and July of each year, the superintend- ent of public instruction, before making such apportionment, shall set aside from said fund the sum of three thousand dollars, the same to con- stitute and be known as the emergency school fund; and he shall at once notify the state controller and the state treasurer of his action. For Districts Formed After Regular Apportionment. SEC. 91. The emergency school fund, or such portion thereof as the state board of education shall deem advisable, shall be used as herein- after provided for payment of a teacher's salary in any legally consti- tuted school district formed after the regular apportionment in January and July of any year and not consisting mainly or wholly of census chil- dren and territory theretofore included in an established school district. Conditions Before Money Is Distributed. SEC. 92. Before any portion of the emergency school fund is dis- tributed to any school district that may be entitled thereto under the provisions of this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall cause a census to be taken and shall satisfy himself that a competent teacher has been employed and that a suitable building has been provided. Basis of Distribution. SEC. 93. The money in the emergency school fund, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be distributed to the various districts entitled thereto on the basis of teachers one teacher to every fifty census children or fraction thereof; and not more than two hundred and fifty dollars shall be allowed for any one teacher. The money thus distrib- uted shall be used only for the payment of salaries of teachers. The superintendent of public instruction shall submit to the state board of education lists of school districts entitled to money under the provisions of this act, and estimates of the amount of money necessary for each district. But One Apportionment to Any District from Emergency Fund. SEC. 94. No more than one apportionment shall be made to any one school district from the emergency school fund. But at the general apportionments thereafter such district shall be entitled to its share of the state distributive school fund and of the general school fund of the county in which the district is located, the census provided for in sec- tion 92 of this act serving as the basis of apportionment until the general school census is available therefor. State Board of Education to Approve. SEC. 95. Upon approval by the state board of education of the amounts to be distributed, the superintendent of public instruction shall draw his order on the state controller for the sum to be sent from the 36 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA emergency school fund to any county, and the state controller shall thereupon draw his warrant on the state treasurer therefor, and the state treasurer shall pay over the money to the county treasurer, or any treasurer named. The superintendent of puhlic instruction shall inform the county auditor and the county treasurer of any county to which money is thus sent, of the amount set aside for any school district or districts in that county; and such money shall be applied by the board or boards of school trustees thereof for the purpose named in this act, and disbursed in the manner prescribed by law. Residue to Revert. SEC. 96. Any money remaining in the emergency school fund on the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December of any year shall revert to the state distributive school fund. District Abolished, When. SEC. 97. Upon notice from the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion that a district has fewer than three resident children in actual school attendance, the board of county commissioners shall abolish such district. Funds to Revert. SEC. 98. All moneys remaining to the credit of any school district which has been legally abolished, by action of the board of county com- missioners of the county in which the district is situated, shall revert to the county school fund of the said county. Property of Abolished District To Be Sold. SEC. 99. All property, real and personal, of any abolished school dis- trict shall revert to the county in which the said district is situated, and the board of county commissioners are hereby authorized to control and manage, rent or sell such reverted school property in the manner pre- scribed for the sale of county property; provided, that in case the said board of county commissioners shall find all of the real and personal property of any abolished district to be of a value less than one hundred dollars, the same may be sold without publication of notice and to the highest bidder for cash at private sale. Disposal of Proceeds. SEC. 100. All the moneys derived from the sale or rent of reverted school property shall be paid into the county school fund. CHAPTER 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS Public Schools Defined. SEC. 101. Public schools within the meaning of this act shall include all elementary schools, and all district and county high schools. Elementary School Defined. SEC. 102. An elementary school within the meaning of this act shall be one in which no grade work above that included in the eighth grade according to the regularly adopted state course of study shall be given. High School Defined. A high school within the meaning of this act shall be a school in which subjects above the eighth grade according to the state course of study may be taught. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 37 School Year. SEC. 103. The public school year shall commence on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June. School Month and Salary of Teacher. SEC. 104. A school month shall consist of four weeks of five days each, and teachers shall be paid only for the time in which they are actually engaged in teaching; provided, that when an intermission of less than six days is ordered by the trustees no deduction of salary shall be made therefor. Sectarian Literature Prohibited. SEC. 105. No books, tracts, or papers of a sectarian or denomina- tional character shall be used or introduced in any schools established under the provisions of this act; nor shall any sectarian or denomina- tional doctrines be taught therein ; nor shall any school whatever receive any of the public school funds which has not been taught in accordance with the provisions of this section . School Property Exempt from Taxation. SEC. 106. All lots, buildings, or other school property, owned by any district, town, or city, and devoted to public school purposes, shall be, and the same are hereby, exempted from taxation, and from sale on any execution or other writ or order in the nature of an execution. Hygiene To Be Taught. SEC. 107. Physiology and hygiene shall be taught in the public schools of this state, and especial attention shall be given to the effects of stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. Song-Birds, Fish and Game. SEC. 108. It is hereby made the duty of each and every teacher in the public schools of this state to give oral instruction at least once a month to all children attending such schools, relative to the preservation of song-birds, fish, and game; and to explain to such children of suit- able ages, at least twice each school year, the fish and game laws of the State of Nevada. Teachers to Comply With Fish and Game Law Under Penalty. SEC. 109. No teacher shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public school moneys as compensation for services, unless such teacher shall have complied with the provisions of the last preceding section. Arbor Day Not Legal Holiday. SEC. 110. Arbor Day is hereby established in the State of Nevada, and shall be fixed each year by proclamation of the governor at least one month before the fixing of such date, and it shall be observed as a holi- day by the public schools of this state; provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as making this a legal holiday, so far as the courts and civil contracts are concerned. Arbor Day Governor's Proclamation. SEC. 111. His excellency the governor is requested to make proclama- tion setting forth the provisions of the preceding section of this statute, and recommending that Arbor Day so established be observed by the people of the state in the planting of trees, shrubs, and vines, in the pro- 38 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA motion of forest growth and culture, in the adornment of public and private grounds, places, and ways, and in such other efforts and under- takings as shall be in harmony with the character of the day so established. Holidays Schools Closed. SEC. 112. No school shall be kept open on the first day of January, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday of September, Thanksgiving day, and the twenty-fifth day of December of each year, nor on any day appointed by the president of the United States or the governor of this state for public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday. Semi-Holidays Schools Open, All schools shall be kept open and shall observe with appropriate exer- cises the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, Arbor Day, and the thirty-first day of October of each year, if such days occur on regular school days. Election Day No School Shall Be Closed. No school shall be closed on the date of any primary or general elec- tion, except in cases of school elections when the school building is needed as a polling place. The National Flag. SEC. 113. Boards of school trustees in all school districts throughout the state shall provide for their respective schoolhouses a suitable flag of the United States, which shall be hoisted on the respective schoolhouses on all suitable occasions. The respective boards of trustees are hereby authorized and directed to cause said flags to be paid for out of any county school money in their respective school district funds not required for regular expenses. If the trustees in any school district fail or neglect to provide such flag, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall himself provide the school with a flag and shall install the same upon the schoolhouse, and shall pay the expenses incurred in such action by drawing his order on the county auditor, and the county auditor shall draw his warrant on the county treasurer in payment of same. The State Flag. SEC. 114. The flag of the State of Nevada shall be of blue bunting with the following devices thereon, to wit: The word "NEVADA" in silver-colored block letters, equidistant between the top and the bottom ; near the top the word " SILVER" in silver color, and near the bottom the word "GOLD" in gold color, each of which shall be in roman capi- tals letters, and there shall be under the word "Silver" a row of eight stars in silver color, under which and above the word "Nevada" a row of nine stars in gold color, at each end of the word "Nevada" a silver- colored star, and under the word "Nevada" a row of nine stars in gold color, under which and above the word "Gold" a row of eight stars in silver color. Each star shall have five points and be placed with one point up. District Attorney to Advise Trustees. SEC. 115. The district attorneys of the several counties of Nevada must give, when required, and without fee, his opinion in writing to school trustees, on matters relating to the duties of their offices. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 39 Attorney-General Advisor of Deputy Superintendents, Sec. 116. The state attorney-general shall give, when required, and without fee, his opinion in writing to deputy superintendents of public instruction on matters relating to the duties of their offices. Teachers Exempt from Jury Duty. SEC. 117. Teachers actually engaged in teaching in the public schools of the state and members of the faculty of the state university shall be exempt from jury duty during the session of the public schools or uni- versity, but nothing in this act shall be construed as to excuse said teachers from liability to jury duty during a vacation. Classification of Funds. SEC. 118. On and after the fifteenth day of September, nineteen hun- dred and eleven, the county auditors and the county treasurers of the several counties of the State of Nevada shall keep separate accounts in their books for the library fund, the county school fund, and the state school fund of each district within their respective counties, and in no case shall they keep any school fund account in such manner that its balance shall at any time include the amounts on hand in any two school funds. If on the said fifteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and eleven, the county auditor and the county treasurer in any county shall not have their respective school fund accounts arranged so that no school fund account shall show by its balance the amount on hand in any two or more school funds, the said county auditor and the county treasurer shall adjust their school fund accounts in the following manner: The county auditor shall determine the total amount of money in the county treasury to the credit of each school district on the said fifteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and eleven. He shall then deduct from the said total amount to the credit of each school district at the time mentioned, the amount of money which should be in the library fund of each of the said school districts on the fifteenth day of Septem- ber, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute, for each school district, a separate fund which shall there- after be designated as the library fund for such school district, aud the county auditor shall thereafter make such entries in the said library fund as will show, at all times, the apportionments made to that fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of legal claims. If for any reason the auditor cannot tell the exact amount which should be in the library fund of any school district on the date mentioned above, he shall deduct from the total amount to the credit of the school district an amount equal to the apportionment to the library fund of that dis- trict made in July, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute, for such school district, a separate fund which shall thereafter be designated as the library fund as provided above. After the auditor has established the library fund for each school dis- trict, as described above, he shall deduct from the remainder of the total amount to the credit of each school district, the amount apportioned to the state school fund of that district in July, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute the state school fund of that school dirtrict, and the auditor shall open a separate account in his books for the said state school fund, and he shall thereafter make 40 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA such entries in the state school fund account as will show, at any time, the apportionments made to such state school fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of teachers' salaries; provided, that only the salaries of teachers shall be paid from such fund. After establishing a library fund, and a state school fund, for each school district in the manner described above, the auditor shall establish a county school fund for each school district in the county by opening a separate account in his books and making proper entry therein of the amount left to the credit of each district after deducting from the said total amount the several amounts described above as constituting the library fund and the state school fund for each district, and the remainder left when the said two amounts shall have been deducted from the total amount to the credit of each school district, shall constitute the county school fund of each school district, and the county auditor shall there- after make such entries in the county school fund account as will show, at all times, the apportionments made to that fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of legal claims. After the county auditor in each county has established the library fund, the state school fund, and the county school fund for each school district in the manner described above, he shall certify the amounts in each of the said funds to the county treasurer, and the county treasurer shall immediately open a separate account in his books for each of the three funds mentioned above, and he shall, thereafter, make such entries in each of the said accounts as will show, at all times, the apportion- ments made to each fund, and all amounts drawn from each fund in payment of legal claims. Penalty. SEC. 119. In case of failure or neglect on the part of the county auditor or the county treasurer of any county to comply with the pro- visions of the foregoing section, he shall forfeit for the benefit of the county school fund the sum of one hundred dollars from his official com- pensation, and it is hereby made the duty of the county commissioners, on notice from the deputy superintendent of public instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of any county auditor or county treasurer to comply with the provisions of the foregoing section , to deduct the said one hundred dollars from the compensation of the said negligent officer, and the commissioners shall place the said amount to the credit of the county school fund. Penalty for Nonfulfilment'of Contract. SEC. 120. Should any teacher employed by a board of school trustees for a specified time, leave the school before the expiration of such time, without the consent of the trustees, in writing, said teacher shall be deemed guilty of unprofessional conduct, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction is authorized, upon receiving notice of such fact, to suspend the certificate of such teacher for the period of one year. Appeal, How Made. SEC. 121 . From any decision made by a deputy superintendent affect- ing adversely the rights, powers or duties of any teacher or school board as fixed by law, in any case in which no appeal is allowed to the board of education, an appeal may be taken to the superintendent of public instruction, and his decision in the premises shall be final. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 41 CHAPTER 9 CENSUS MARSHALS Schools Classified for Census Purposes. SEC. 122. For the purpose of securing the school census each year in the State of Nevada, the school districts of the state are hereby classi- fied as follows : All school districts having thirty or more school census children at the last preceding school census shall be known as districts of the first class. All school districts having fewer than thirty census school children at the last preceding school census shall be known as districts of the second class. Teacher Ex Officio Census Marshal, When. In all school districts of the second class as described in this section the regularly appointed and qualified teachers shall be ex ofncio school census marshals and shall serve without compensation for such services as census marshals; provided, that if there shall not be any regular teachers employed and engaged in teaching in any school district of the second class as described in this section on the first day of March of each year, then it shall be the duty of the trustees of such districts to appoint on the said first day of March of each year a competent person over twenty-one years of age as census marshal for the district in the same manner as provided herein for appointment of census marshals in school districts of the first class, and in case a census marshal is appointed in such school district of the second class because there is no teacher therein, then the said marshal shall be paid for the services in the same manner as marshals in the districts of the first class are paid. Women May Serve as Census Marshals. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees of each school district of the first class as described in this section to appoint a competent person over twenty-one years of age as school census marshal before the first day of March of each year, and to notify the deputy superintendent of public instruction of such appointment immediately after it is made. This section shall not be construed in such a way as to prevent the appointment of a member of the board of school trustees or of a woman as school census marshal. Deputy Superintendent Appoints Census Marshal When. If the board of school trustees shall fail to appoint a school census marshal in any district of the first class as described in this section, or in any district of the second class when necessary, as provided in this section, before the fifteenth day of March of each year, the deputy super- intendent of public instruction shall appoint the census marshal for such school districts, such appointee to proceed in like manner as if appointed by the school trustees, and any appointment of census marshal made by the trustees subsequent to that time shall be void. As amended, Stats. 1913, 153, 154. Blanks for Marshal. SEC. 123. The superintendent of public instruction shall supply each school census marshal with printed instructions as to his duty, and with all blank forms required for taking and reporting the census. Duties of School Census Marshal. SEC. 124. The board of trustees shall designate to each census mar- 42 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA shal the portion of the school district in which the said marshal shall take the census, and each census marshal shall be responsible for a cor- rect census in the territory to which he is appointed, and he shall return his census reports to the clerk of the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall, in case of two marshals in the same district, designate which marshal shall compile the final report for the deputy superintend- ent of public instruction and the board of trustees. Before the school census marshal shall enter upon the performance of his duties, he shall take and subscribe to the oath of office, and such oath shall be filed in the office of the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion. It shall be the duty of the school census marshals to take annually in the month of April a census of the resident children in the districts for which they shall be appointed, and to report the same to the deputy superintendent of public instruction. The term "resident children" as used in this section shall be defined in such a way as to include: 1. Children residing with their parents or guardians in such district. 2. Children temporarily residing outside of said district for the pur- pose of attending institutions of learning or benevolent institutions, except those children who shall be residents of a state orphans' home, in which case the said residents of a state orphans' home shall be taken in the district in which the state orphans' home shall be located; pro- vided, that the parents of resident children of any district must have resided in the district on the first day of April; and provided further , that the resident children must themselves have been actual residents of the district immediately previous to such outside residence. The term "resident children" is further defined as to exclude: 1. Children temporarily visiting or in passing through said district. 2. Children who have never actually resided within the district, even though their parents or guardians shall reside within the district. 3. Children who are residing within the district for the purpose of attending institutions of learning or benevolent institutions, except the children of a state orphans' home, whose census shall be taken in the district in which the state orphans' home shall be located. 4. All children who may properly be included in the census of some other district. 5. Indian children who shall not have attended public school at least eighty days in the twelve months preceding the date of taking the census during the last preceding year. As amended, Stats. 1913, 154., 155. Census Marshal Must Visit Each Home. SEC. 125. The school census marshal shall visit each home, habita- tion, residence, domicile, or place of abode in his district and require the necessary information of parents or others competent to give accurate information, supplementing and correcting this by actual observation when necessary. The school census marshal shall have power to admin- ister the legal oath to parents, guardians, and other persons furnishing such information. What Report Shall Contain. SEC. 126. The reports of the school census marshals shall be made upon blank forms to be furnished by the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and shall show the following facts: 1. The full names of all children less than eighteen years of age and SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 43 residing in the district on the first day of April, such names to be given by families under the name of the parents or guardian. 2. The year, month, and day on which each child was born, and the age in years, counting to the first day of April. 3. The sex and race of each child. 4. The place of birth of each child and of each parent. 5. The total number of children less than six years of age; the total number of children not less than six years of age nor over eighteen years of age. Only those children who are not less than six years of age nor more than eighteen years of age shall be considered as school census children. 6. Such other facts as the superintendent of public instruction may require. As amended, Stats. 1913, 155, 156. Districts In Two Counties. SEC. 127. In the case of districts lying partly in two or more coun- ties, the school census marshal shall report separately the children of each county. Clerk to Examine Marshal's Report. SEC. 128. Immediately after the school census marshal shall have completed the work of taking the census, he shall submit a report of the same, according to a form to be prescribed by the superintendent of pub- lic instruction, to the clerk of the board of school trustees, and if the clerk finds the report to be correct, according to the best of his knowl- edge, he shall approve the same and certify to its correctness, after which the census marshal shall transmit it to the deputy superintendent of public instruction with a sworn statement to the effect that reasonable diligence and care have been exercised and that, to the best of his knowl- edge, all parts of the report are correct. Dates for Completing Reports. SEC. 129. In the case of districts having a school census population of less than three hundred the report shall be sent to the deputy super- intendent of public instruction before the fifteenth day of May. In the case of districts having over three hundred census children the report shall be sent to the deputy superintendent of public instruction before the first day of June. Deputy Superintendents to Compare Reports of Marshals. SEC. 130. The deputy superintendent of public instruction shall com- pare the census reports submitted to him by the various school census marshals so far as he shall consider needful, and he shall strike from them the names of any children whose names are, according to his best knowledge, wrongly included in the reports, and it shall be his duty to correct all manifest errors in such reports. In all cases he shall make sufficient investigation to confirm him in his action before correcting any report. Special Census Marshal, When. SEC. 131. If at any time the deputy superintendent shall have reason to believe that a report contains errors which he is unable to correct, or if at any time the report of the school census marshal is not transmitted as provided by section 129 of this act, he may appoint a special school census marshal who shall retake the census as soon as practicable and 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA not later than the thirtieth day of June, conforming otherwise to the rules governing the original census. Negligence of Marshal Punishment. SEC. 132. If the school census marshal of any district neglects or refuses to make his report at the time and in the manner prescribed by law, or if he, with intention to defraud the state, or through failure to exercise reasonable care, include the names of children in violation of law, or if he report their names, ages or number falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine in any amount not less than five or more than one hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than five nor more than thirty days, and it shall be the duty of the various district attorneys to cause the arrest and prosecution of such persons upon infor- mation furnished by the superintendent of public instruction, other school officers, or by other persons. County Pays Marshals in Census Districts of First Class. SEC. 133. Every bill for the compensation of a school census marshal shall be presented to the board of county commissioners of the county in which the district for which he shall have been appointed lies, and upon the order of said board shall be paid as other claims out of the general fund of the county. No bill for the compensation of any school census marshal shall be ordered paid unless the bill shall be accompanied by a statement from the deputy superintendent of public instruction to the effect that a satisfactory census report has been returned as provided by law. In any school district containing ten or less school census children the compensation for taking the school census shall not exceed eight dollars. In -school districts having more than ten school census children there may be allowed not more than twenty-five cents additional for the name of each school census child above the said ten names; provided, that in districts in which there are less than three families having school census children, the compensation shall not exceed five dollars. CHAPTER 10 SCHOOL FUNDS State Permanent School Fund. SEC. 134. All moneys accruing to this state from the sale of lands heretofore given or bequeathed, or that may hereafter be given or bequeathed, for public school purposes; all fines collected under the penal laws of the state; two per cent of the gross proceeds of all toll roads and bridges, and all estates that may escheat to the state, shall be and the same are hereby solemnly pledged for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses, but shall con- stitute an irreducible and indivisible fund, to be known as the state per- manent school fund, which shall be invested as provided in section 148 of this act. Ad Valorem State School Tax. SEC. 135. [Repealed, Stats. Special Session 1912, 10.] State Distributive School Fund SEC. 136. All moneys derived from interest on the state permanent school fund, together with all moneys derived from the state school tax, SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 45 shall be placed in and constitute a fund to be known as the state dis- tributive school fund, and be apportioned semiannually among the sev- eral school districts of the state in the manner provided in this act for the apportionment of the state distributive school fund to the several school districts of the state. Use of State Distributive School Fund Restricted. SEC. 137. The school moneys distributed from the state distributive school fund shall not be used for any other purpose than the payment of qualified teachers under this act; and no portion of said fund shall, either directly or indirectly, be paid for the erection of schoolhouses, the use of schoolrooms, furniture, or any other contingent expenses of public schools. All Nonpublic School and Sectarian Use Prohibited, SEC. 138. No portion of the public school funds, nor of the moneys raised by the state tax, or specially appropriated for the support of pub- lic schools, shall be devoted to any other object or purpose; nor shall any portion of the public school funds, nor of money raised by state tax for the support of public schools, be in any way segregated, divided, or set apart for the use or benefit of any sectarian or secular society or association . County School Tax. SEC. 139. The board of county commissioners of each county shall, annually, at the time of levying other county taxes, levy a county school tax, not to exceed fifty cents nor less than twenty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property, which tax shall be added to the county tax and collected in the same manner, and paid into the county treasury as a special deposit, to be drawn in the same manner as other public school moneys; and should said county commissioners fail or neglect to levy said tax as required it shall be the duty of the county auditor to add such tax as the superintendent of public instruction may deem sufficient, between the limits of twenty and fifty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in the county, to the assess- ment roll, to be collected as specified in this sction. Special School Tax, When. SEC. 140. When, in the judgment of the board of school trustees of any district, the school moneys to which such district shall be entitled for the coming school year will not be sufficient to maintain the school properly and for a suffiient number of months, said board shall have power to direct that a tax of not more than twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of such district shall be levied, and, upon notification by the clerk of the board of school trustees of such dis- trict that such action has been taken, the board of county commissioners shall levy and cause to be collected such tax upon the taxable property of such district. Popular Election to Decide Whether Tax Shall Be Levied, When Tax Due, When Tax Payable. SEC. 141. The board of trustees of any school district may, when in their judgment it is advisable, call an election and submit to the quali- fied electors of the district the question whether a tax shall be raised to furnish additional school facilities for said district, or to keep any school 46 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA or schools in such district open for a longer period than the ordinary funds will allow or for building an additional schoolhouse or houses, or for any two or for all of these purposes. Such election shall be called by posting notices in three of the most public places in the district for twenty days, and also if there be a newspaper in the county by advertise- ment therein once a week for three weeks. Said notice shall contain time and place of holding the election, the amount of money proposed to be raised, and the purpose or purposes for which it is intended to be used. The trustees shall appoint three judges to conduct the election, and it shall be held in all other respects as nearly as practicable in con- formity with the general election law. At such election the ballot shall contain the words: "Tax Yes" or "Tax No" If a majority of the votes cast are "Tax Yes" the officers of the election shall certify the fact to the county commissioners, together with a statement of the amount of money proposed to be raised, who shall ascertain the neces- sary percentage on the property of said district, as shown by the last assessment made thereof after equalization, to raise the amount of money voted, and shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the prop- erty aforesaid; and the same shall be paid into the county treasury as a special deposit in favor of said school district, to be drawn in the same manner as other school moneys; provided, if in any school district the school trustees shall certify to the county commissioners that the state and county money to which any district is entitled is not sufficient to keep school open in such district up to the date when state and county taxes shall become due, the tax provided for in this section shall be due and payable to the assessor of such county in which the tax is levied immediately after he shall make the assessment and demand for pay- ment of the tax; provided, the owner of the property shall, if he deem the assessment too high, have the privilege of submitting the assessment to the board of county commissioners, for equalization within ten days after demand made for the payment of the tax, and the county commis- sioners, within five days after complaint made to them, shall meet and determine the correct valuation of the property assessed, and may change the same by adding to or deducting from the sum fixed either by the owner or assessor, and upon notice to the owner of the result of their equalization the tax shall be immediately payable to the assessor, and if not paid shall become delinquent; and all taxes so assessed shall con- stitute a lien on the property charged therewith, from the date of the levy thereof by the county commissioners, or entry thereof on the assess- ment roll by the county auditor, until the same are paid, and thereafter if allowed to become delinquent shall be enforced in the same manner as provided by law for the collection of state and county taxes. If for any reason said tax is not added to the county tax by the county commis- sioners, the county auditor shall enter it upon the assessment roll to be charged against the property of that district, on application from the trustees of said district. County School Funds for Various Purposes, Including Transportation of Pupils, SEC. 142. The board of trustees, or board of education, of each city, town, and district, may use the moneys from the county school funds to purchase sites, build, or rent schoolhouses, to purchase libraries, and to SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 47 pay teachers or contingent expenses as they may deem proper, or for transportation of pupils to and from school. State Permanent School Fund, SEC. 143. The state controller shall keep a separate and distinct account of the state permanent school fund, of the interest and income thereof, of such moneys as shall be raised by the state school tax, and of all moneys derived from special appropriations or otherwise for the sup- port of public schools. State Controller to Report School Securities. SEC. 144. The state controller shall, on or before the tenth day of April, and the tenth day of October of each year, make to the state board of education a statement of the securities belonging to the state perma- nent school fund. He shall also, on or before the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year, render to the superintendent of public instruction a statement of the moneys in the treasury subject to distribution to the several districts of the state, as provided in section 151 of this act. State Treasurer Custodian of School Securities. SEC. 145. The state treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all state and national securities in which the moneys of the state permanent school fund of the State of Nevada are or may hereafter be invested, and for their safe keeping he shall be liable on his official bond. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer to pay over all public school moneys received by him only on warrants of the state controller, issued upon the orders of the superintendent of public instruction, under the seal of the board of education, in favor of county treasurers, or on orders of the state board of education, for purposes of investment, as provided in section 148 of this act, which orders, duly endorsed, shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the state controller for the disbursement of public school moneys. [See Stats. 1913, 252, 253; cataloged in index: "State Board of Investment," and "Investment of State Permanent School Fund."] County Treasurers to Receive State Moneys Semiannually. SEC. 146. All school moneys due each county in the state shall be paid over by the state treasurer to the county treasurers on the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year or as soon there- after as the county treasurer may apply for the same upon the warrant of the state controller drawn in conformity with the apportionment of the superintendent of public instruction, as provided in section 151 of this act. State Treasurer to Turn Interest Into State Distributive School Fund. SEC. 147. When the interest on any securities belonging to the state permanent school fund is due, the state treasurer shall, upon the warrant of the state controller and in the presence of a majority of the members of the state board of education, cut off and pay the coupon on such securities, and place the money so paid into the state distributive school fund, and keep a correct account thereof in his books. SEC. 148. [Repealed, Stats. 1913, 252, 253; cataloged in index: "State Board of Investment" and " Investment of State Permanent School Fund."] 48 SCHOOL LAWS OP NEVADA Duties of County Treasurer. SEC. 149. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer of each county: 1. To receive and hold as a special deposit all public school moneys, whether received by him from the state treasurer or raised by the county for the benefit of the public schools, or from any other source, and to keep separate accounts thereof and of their disbursements; 2. On the second Monday of June and on the second Monday of December of each year to notify the superintendent of public instruction of the amount of money in the county school fund subject to distribution ; 3. To pay over all public school moneys received by him only on warrants of the county auditor, issued upon orders of the boards of school trustees for their respective school districts. All orders issued by the said trustees shall be valid vouchers in the hands of county auditors for warrants drawn upon such orders; provided, that orders for the payment of money for new school buildings and for repairs or furniture amount- ing to over five hundred dollars must be approved by the superintendent of public instruction before such warrants are drawn. 4. On or before the tenth day of July, annually, to make full report to the superintendent of public instruction of the public school moneys received into the county treasury within the school year ending on the last day of June next previous thereto, with a particular statement of the disbursement of the said school moneys, and of any amount of said school moneys which may remain in his hands at the close of the school year, designating the part remaining in the state school fund and the part remaining in the county school fund; and in case of failure or neglect of said county treasurer to make such report, he shall forfeit for the benefit of the county school fund the sum of one hundred dollars from his official compensation, and it is hereby made the duty of the county commissioners, on notice from the superintendent of public instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of any county treasurer, to deduct said one hundred dollars from his compensation and place said amount to the credit of the county school fund. No Fees for Handling School Moneys. SEC. 150. No tax collector or county treasurer shall receive any fees or compensation whatever for collecting, receiving, keeping, transport- ing, or disbursing any school moneys mentioned in the preceding sec- tions of this act. In case of a special school tax for any school district, as Drovided in sections 140 and 141 of this act, the board of county commissioners may allow a reasonable compensation for assessing and collecting if such taxes are assessed and collected independently and sepa- rate from the regular taxes, such compensation to be paid out of the special taxes thus collected. Apportionment of State Distributive School Fund. SEC. 151 . It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruc- tion immediately after the state controller shall have made his semi- annual report, as provided in section 144 of this act to apportion to the several school districts in the state the moneys in the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at such time. He shall apportion the moneys of said fund among the several school districts of the state in the following manner: 1. He must ascertain the number of teachers to which each school dis- SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 49 trict is entitled by calculating one teacher for every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census ; 2. He must ascertain the total number of teachers in the state by adding together the number of teachers assigned to the several school districts upon the basis of one teacher to each thirty school census chil- dren or fraction thereof; 3. He must apportion seventy per cent of the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at that time among the several school districts of the state in proportion to the number of teachers in each school district, upon the basis of one teacher to each thirty school census children or fraction thereof as shown by the last preceding school census; 4. He must apportion thirty per cent of the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at that time, among the several school districts of the state in proportion to the number of children between the ages of six and eighteen years in each school district as shown by the last preceding school census. Immediately after making the apportionment of the state distributive school fund in the manner prescribed in this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall, by means of a printed report, notify the state controller, the county treasurer, the county auditor, and the clerk of each board of school trustees of the apportionments in detail. He shall also furnish to each county treasurer, under seal of the state board of education, an order on the state controller for an amount of money equal to the full amount of school moneys apportioned to the several school districts of that county from the state distributive school fund, and he shall take such county treasurer's receipt for the said order. Apportionment of County School Funds. SEC. 152. The superintendent of public instruction shall, immedi- ately after he has apportioned the state distributive school fund, as pro- vided in this act, proceed to apportion the county school fund of each county among its several school districts. He shall apportion the county school fund as follows: 1. He must ascertain the number of teachers to which each district is entitled by calculating one teacher for every seventy-five census children or fraction thereof as shown by the last preceding census report; 2. He must ascertain the total number of teachers for the county by adding together the number of teachers assigned to the several school districts upon the basis of one teacher to each seventy-five census children or fraction thereof; 3. Forty per cent of the amount of the county school fund shall be apportioned equally to each school district for every teacher assigned to it upon the basis of seventy-five census children or fraction thereof; 4. All school moneys remaining on hand in the county school fund after apportioning forty per cent of the county school fund equally to each school district for every teacher assigned it upon the basis of seventy- five census children or fraction thereof, must be apportioned to the sev- eral school districts in proportion to the number of school census children between the ages of six and eighteen years as shown by the last preced- ing school census. The superintendent of public instruction shall by means of a printed 50 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA report notify the county treasurer, the county auditor, and the clerk of each board of school trustees of such apportionment in detail. Revision of Surplus Funds Duties of State Superintendent. SEC. 152%. On or before the tenth day of July of each school year the county auditor in each county shall report to the superintendent of public instruction the amount of moneys in the state and county funds to the credit of each school district in his county. The superintendent of public instruction shall, upon receipt of such report, deduct from the total amount of money to the credit of each of the school districts, all amounts over and above two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to said district upon the basis of one teacher for every thirty census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census; provided, that if the county auditor shall have his accounts so arranged that the state school fund account is entirely separate from the county school fund account, then he shall notify the superintendent of public instruction of the amount in each fund to the credit of each school district, and the superintendent of public instruction shall deduct from the state school fund all amounts in excess of one hun- dred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to such school district on the basis of one teacher to every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census, and he shall also deduct from the county school fund all the amounts in excess of one hundred dollars for each teacher assigned to the district on the basis of one teacher for every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census; provided further, that if the sum of the balances in the state school fund and the county school fund of any school district on the first day of July does not exceed two hun- dred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to the district on the basis of one teacher to each thirty census children or fraction thereof as shown by the last census, the superintendent of public instruction shall not make the deductions as provided in this section, and in no case shall the superintendent of public instruction deduct such amounts from the school funds of any district as will make the balance in the funds of the district less than two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to the district upon the basis of one teacher to every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census. The amounts deducted from the several school funds of each county as provided in the above paragraph shall be placed to the credit of the unapportioned county school fund of the county, and be apportioned with the said county fund. The superintendent of public instruction shall, at the time of making the deductions in accordance with this act, notify each county auditor and county treasurer of his action, and the county auditor and county treasurer shall make such entries in their accounts as will show that such deductions have been made; provided, that this section shall not apply so as to remove from the funds of any school district any moneys derived from any source other than by apportionments from the state fund or the county fund. If the trustees of any school district shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction that a new building, or repairs on an old school building, are necessary to the district, and that the trustees have been authorized by vote of the district, if a vote is required, to build such new SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 51 school building, or to make such needed repairs, or that the balance in the funds of the district is necessary for the maintenance of school in the district, and that the trustees have estimated that the cost of such new school building, needed repairs, or school maintenance is to be dollars, the superintendent of public instruction shall make whatever investigation he may deem best and if he shall become satisfied that such new building or repairs are necessary in the district or that the balance of the funds in the district is necessary for the maintenance of school in the district, and that the amount estimated to be spent for such new building, repairs or maintenance of school is a reasonable amount to be set aside for the purpose mentioned, he shall not make the deductions as provided in this section, but he shall make such deduc- tions as will leave the funds in the district, an amount equal to the esti- mated amount to be spent for such new building, repairs, or maintenance of school, together with two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to that district upon the basis of one teacher for every thirty census children or fraction thereof as shown by the last preceding school census. CHAPTER 11 DISTRICT SCHOOL LIBRARIES Method for Apportioning District School Library Fund, SEC. 153. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruc- tion in July of each year, after apportioning the public school moneys of each county among its respective districts, to set apart for each dis- trict out of the money thus appropriated to such district a sum of not less than three dollars nor more than five dollars for each teacher to which the district is entitled, calculating one teacher for every seventy- five census children or fraction thereof, and the further sum of not less than five cents nor more than ten cents for each census child as shown by the last school census, and the sums thus apportioned shall constitute for each district a library fund. Amount for Libraries, How Determined. SEC. 154. The amount of money to be set apart and apportioned, within the limits provided by the preceding section, shall be determined by the superintendent of public instruction. Books To Be Approved by Superintendent of Public Instruction. SEC. 155. The moneys herein designated and apportioned shall be expended for the purchase of books, approved by the superintendent of public instruction for the public school library of each district, and for no other purpose and shall be paid out and expended as the other school funds of such district are now paid out. Trustees Directed to Purchase Library Books. SEC. 156. The board of school trustees of each district in this state is hereby authorized and directed to purchase books for public school libraries in accordance with the provisions of this act. Rules for Purchase of Books and for Libraries. SEC. 157. The superintendent of public instruction is hereby author- ized and directed to make such rules and regulations for the purchase of books provided for, and for the preservation and use thereof, as may be 52 SCHOOL LAWS OP NEVADA proper, provided such rules and regulations do not in any wise conflict with the laws of the state. CHAPTER 12 SCHOOL TEXT-BOOKS Text-Book Commission, How Composed. SEC. 158. As now and heretofore provided by law, there shall be a text-book commission, to consist of members of the state board of educa- tion and of four additional members appointed by the governor. The four members appointed on this commission by the governor during the month of January, 1911, shall hold office from the date of appointment to the first day of March, 1915. During the month of February, 1915, and during the month of February every four years thereafter, the governor shall appoint four members of said commission, who shall hold office for four years from and after the first day of March succeeding their appoint- ment, and who, with the members of the state board of education, shall constitute the state text-book commission. Such appointees shall be persons actively engaged in school work. They shall take the constitu- tional oath and have the same filed in the office of the secretary of state before entering upon the duties of their office. If any vacancy occur during the terms of such appointees, by death, resignation, or removal, the governor shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of some person eligible as provided above. Officers of Text-Book Commission Meetings Public. SEC. 159. The governor shall be ex officio president and the superin- tendent of public instruction ex officio secretary of said text-book com- mission. The commission shall adopt rules of procedure in harmony with the provisions of this act. Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no action shall be taken by the commission unless a majority of the entire commission shall vote in favor thereof. All meetings of the commission shall be public, and the secretary shall keep a full and correct record of all pro- ceedings, which record shall be open to the inspection of the public. Vote on the adoption of all text-books shall be by roll-call and the sec- retary shall record the name and vote of each member. Method of Adopting Text-Books. SEC. 160. The state text-book commission shall hold its meetings to adopt text-books in the office of the superintendent of public instruction in Carson City on the third Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and eleven, and on the third Tuesday in June every four years thereafter. The secretary at the request or with the consent of any three members of the board, may call special meetings of the text-book commission whenever there may be business to transact of such importance as to justify the call, stating definitely the purpose of the meeting. At the meeting held on the third Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and eleven, and every four years thereafter on the third Tuesday in June, the com- mission shall adopt a uniform series of text-books for exclusive use as text-books in all the public schools of the state, If a contract for any text-book adopted at any regular meeting of the text-book commission shall expire, either through the failure of the publishers of said books to fulfil the conditions of the contract, or for any other reason, the text- book commission may adopt another book to take the place of the one SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 53 on which the contract has lapsed, after notifying the text-book publishers as hereinafter provided for in cases of regular adoption. When regular adoptions are being made the commission may adjourn from day to day; provided, the session shall not continue beyond ten actual days. Meetings of Commission List of Text-BooksSealed Proposals Contracts, etc. SEC. 161. Immediately after the first meeting of the commission, and not later than the first day of April, 1911, and every four years thereafter, if the commission shall deem it advisable to make changes in the list of prescribed text-books, the secretary of the commission shall notify all publishers of text-books who shall have placed their names and postoffice addresses on file with the superintendent of public instruc- tion, to be kept on file in the office of said superintendent of public instruction, that the text-book commission will meet, as herein pro- vided, and will receive sealed proposals, up to twelve o'clock, noon, of the third Thursday of June, 1911, and up to twelve o'clock, noon, of said third Tuesday of June every four years thereafter, for supplying the State of Nevada with a series of text-books for use in all the public schools of the state, for a period of four years from and after the first day of September, 1911, and for like periods of four years from and after the first day of September every four years thereafter, in the follow- ing branches, viz: Reading, grammar, arithmetic, geography, history of the United States, physiology and hygiene, writing, spelling, drawing, music, and will also approve other books for supplemental use, as per- mitted in this act. Said sealed proposals shall be made in accordance with a form to be prescribed by the commission and shall be addressed to the superintendent of public instruction, Carson City, Nevada; and shall be indorsed "Sealed proposals for supplying text- books for use in the State of Nevada." Said proposals shall include a statement of the introductory price, the exchange price for new books in the hands of the dealers, the exchange price for second-hand books, and the retail price at which publishers will agree to furnish each text-book to the school children of Nevada at one or more places in each county as shall be designated by the commission. Whenever any contract shall be termi- nated by reason of the failure of any contracting publisher to observe the terms of the contract, or when any contract shall cease to be in force and effect, the text-book commission shall notify publishers to this effect, in a manner hereinbefore prescribed, that adoptions will be made to fill out the unexpired term of such contract, and that sealed bids shall be filed with the superintendent of public instruction on or before a date to be determined by the commission, to be specified in the notification to publishers. [See section 4, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this Code, as modified by Stats. 1913, 103, 104.] Geographies to Contain Special Matter for Neyada. SEC. 162. The publishers, contracting and agreeing to furnish books for use in the State of Nevada under the provisions of this act, shall cause to be prepared a special map and a special supplement descriptive of Nevada for the geography adopted by said commission. The map and special descriptive geography of Nevada shall be revised every four years by the publishers. They shall further agree to maintain the mechanical excellence of the books adopted by said commission, fully 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA equal to the samples submitted, in binding, printing, quality of paper, and other essential features, and the books shall be of the latest revised edition. Commission to Adopt Text-Books. SEC. 163. It shall be the duty of said text-book commission to meet at the time and place mentioned in said notice and to open all sealed proposals in public, in the presence of a quorum of said commission, to select and adopt such text-books for use in the public schools, and to approve such supplemental books as in the opinion of the commission will best subserve the educational interests of the state; provided, however, that the text-book commission may, at its discretion, reject any and all proposals, if it be deemed by it to be to the interest of the state so to do, and call for new proposals, stating the time when such new proposals shall be opened, which time shall not be later than thirty days from the rejection of the previous proposals. Commission's Choice the Standard for Nevada Supplemental Books Allowed. SEC. 164. The series of text-books so selected and approved by said text-book commission shall be certified to by the president and secre- tary, and said certificate, with a copy of the books named therein, shall be placed on file in the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Such certificate must contain a complete list of all books adopted and approved by said commission, giving introductory, exchange, and retail prices for which each text-book will be furnished, and the names of the publishers agreeing to furnish the same. The said books named in said certificate shall, for a period of four years, from and after the first day of September next following the date of such adoption, be used in all the public schools of the state to the exclusion of all others ; provided, however, that nothing in any part of this act shall be construed so as to prevent the purchase or use by the district of any supplemental or reference books for use in the schools of this state. Commission Shall Make Contracts. SEC. 165. The text-book commission shall have power to make such contracts for the purchase and use of text-books in the name of the state as they shall deem necessary, for the interests of the public schools of the state. Such contracts shall set forth the introductory, exchange, and retail price of each text-book, and such prices shall not be less favorable than the prices at which such books are sold in any other state; and such contract shall provide, further, that the contracting publisher shall, during the life of the contract, keep on hand at one or more depositories, in each county as shall be designated by the commission, a sufficient number of copies of such text-books to supply the needs of the schools of the state, as ordered by the keepers of said depositories. Contractors to Give Bonds Proviso. SEC. 166. All publishers contracting to furnish text-books adopted by the text-book commission shall be required to give bonds in an amount equal to one-half of the value of the books to be furnished during one school year, as estimated by the text-book commission, and such bonds shall be forfeited to the state distributive school fund, if such publish- ers fail to comply with the terms of the contract in, any county of the state; provided, however, that such books shall not be forfeited through SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA 55 the unauthorized action of text-book dealers in this state if such publisher shall, upon notification by the superintendent of public instruction, promptly correct any violation of contract prices on the part of any local dealer. Upon information furnished by the state text- book commission, the attorney-general shall bring action for the recovery of the amount of any such bond of any publisher who shall have failed to comply with the terms of any contract, and the full amount named in such bond shall be deemed to be fixed and liquidated damages for the breach of such con- tract. Contracts, When in Effect. SEC. 167. Such contract with the publishers of text-books shall riot take effect until such publishers shall have filed with the secretary of state, their bond, with at least two sufficient sureties, or a bond from a bonding company authorized to do business in this state, to be approved by the governor, and in such sum as shall be determined by the text- book commission. Contracts Void, When. SEC. 168. In case the publishers of any text-books adopted by the text-book commission shall not, on or before the fifteenth day of July next following such adoption, have filed with the secretary of state a bond as hereinbefore provided, or in case such publishers shall at any time thereafter fail to comply with the terms of such contract, and if within reasonable time, after due notice shall have been given by the superin- tendent of public instruction, they shall have failed to comply with the conditions of the contract in any respect, the adoption of such books shall become null and void. The text-books adopted by the said text-book commission under this act shall, upon the compliance of the publishers with the aforesaid conditions, continue in use for the period of four years after the first day of September next following the date of such adoption, to the exclusion of all other text-books. Price of Text-Books Promulgated. SEC. 169. Whenever the publishers of the books adopted under the provisions of this act shall have filed their bond as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to cause all prices of text-books as guaranteed by the publishers to be printed and distributed among the superintendents and school trustees, and it shall be the duty of the school trustees in each district to cause such prices to be kept constantly posted in a conspicuous place in each schoolroom. Use of Authorized Books Compulsory Penalty Annual Report. SEC. 170. The text- books adopted by the text-book commission" shall be used in every public school in the state in the grades for which they are adopted, and no other books shall be used as text-books in such grades; provided, however, that this section shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to prohibit the use of supplemental books purchased by the district. Any school officer or teacher who shall violate the pro- visions of this act by requiring the pupils to use text-books other than those adopted by the text-book commission, or by permitting the use of suchpther books as texts, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. All superintendents and school officers are charged 56 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA with the execution of this law, and the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall require the trustees of the several school districts, or the clerks thereof, to report annually as to the text-books used in their schools. Per Diem of Appointed Commissioners, SEC. 171. The members of the state text-hook commission shall, with the exception of the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the president of the university, receive the sum of five dollars per diem for each day actually engaged in transacting the business of the commission, and actual traveling expenses. There is hereby appropri- ated the sum of five hundred dollars per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, from the state gen- eral fund. Bills for such compensation shall be allowed and paid in the usual manner. The state text-book commission shall not be in session more than ten days in any one year. Penalty for Overcharge on Books. SEC. 172. Any person who shall sell or bargain to sell any of the reg- ularly adopted text-books for any amount more than the prices agreed upon by the several text-book publishers and the text-book commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars; provided, that any local dealer in the state may, when sending out such books by mail, include in the selling price the cost of the postage necessary to send such books by mail. CHAPTER 13 COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS County High Schools, When Established by Popular Vote. SEC. 173. There may be established in any county in this state a high school ; provided, that at any general or special election held in said county after the passage of this act, a majority of all the votes cast at such elec- tion, upon the proposition to establish a high school, shall be in favor of establishing and maintaining such high school at the expense of said county. County Commissioners to Submit Question to Popular Vote Ballots. SEC. 174. The board of county commissioners at any general election to be held in any county after the passage of this act, upon the pres- entation of a petition signed by fifty or more qualified electors, tax- payers of said county, at any regular meeting of said board held not less than eight weeks before any general or special election, must make an order submitting the question of establishing, constructing and maintain- ing a county high school to the qualified electors thereof. The board of county commissioners, upon t 60, s. 26, 188. Elementary third-grade Entitles holder to teach, where, p. 17, s. 27. | Teachers' Certificates (Continued). Time limit on, p. 17, s. 27. Experience required for, p. 17, s. 25. Examination questions for, p. 15, s. 20. How sent out, p. 15, s. 20. Penalty for unlawful use of, p. 16, s. 21, 22. Examinations for When given, p. 15, s. 18. Who conducts, p. 15, s. 19. Who examines papers, p. 18, s. 32. Grades of, p. 16-19, s. 23-34. Granted by whom, p. 15, s. 17. How granted On credentials, p. 16, 17, s. 24-27. On examinations, p. 18, s. 29-31. Percentages required for Certain credits allowed, when, p. 17. s. 24, 25. First-grade, p. 16, 17, s. 25. High-school, p. 16, s. 24. Hold-over credit, p. 17, s. 25. Life diploma, p. 18, s. 28, 29. Second-grade, p. 17, s. 26. Third-grade, p. 17, s. 27. Renewals of, p. 15, 16, 17, s. 17, 24, 25. Revocation and suspension of, p. 9, P. 3, s. 4. Special For what granted, p. 19, s. 33. On what granted, p. 19, s. 33. Suspension of, p. 13, 14, P. 3, 4, s. 12. Temporary Applicant for must not be a near relative to any member of school board, p. 19, s. 34. But one can be granted to same per- son, p. 19, s. 34. Good in but one district, p. 19, s. 34. May be granted by deputy superin- tendent, p. 19, s. 34. Time limit of, p. 19, s. 34. Teachers' Institutes Allowance for county institutes, p. 11, p. 7, s. 6. Allowance for state and district insti- tutes, p. 11, P. 6, s. 6. Called by superintendent of public in- struction, p. 11, P. 6, 7, s. 6. County commissioners may appropri- ate for, p. 11, P. 7, s. 6. Deputy superintendent to assist at, p. 13, s. 11. State controller shall draw warrants for, p. 11, P. 6, s. 6. State, district and county institutes, p. 11, P. 6, 7, s. 6. Teachers shall attend, p. 11, P. 6, 7, s. 6. Text-Book Commission Appointment of, p. 52, s. 158. Appointee's eligibility, p. 52, s. 158. Contracts of to contain, p. 54, s. 165. Contracts of in effect, p. 55, s. 167. Contracts of, void, p. 55, s. 168. Meetings of, where and when held, p. 52 ; 53, 54, s. 160, 161, 163. Meetings of to be public, p. 52, s. 159. Officers of, p. 52, s. 159. Overcharge for books by dealers, pen- alty for, p. 56, s. 172. Per diem and traveling expenses ^of appointed members of, p. 56, s. 171. Issued at discretion of state board ofj Powers and duties of education, p. 17, s. 27. One only granted to same person, p. 17, s. 27. To approve books for supplemental use, p. 53, s. 161. INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS 141 Text-Book Commission (Continued). To adopt text-books, p. 53, s. 161. To exact penalty of publishers for violation of contract, p. 54, s. 166. To inform publishers as to changes in prescribed text-books, p. 53, s. 161. To inform publishers as to proposals, contents thereof, etc., p. 53, s. 161. To make contracts, p. 54, s. 165. To make new adoptions, when, p. 53, 55, s. 161, 168. To notify publishers of termination of contract, p. 53, 55, s. 161, 168. Require bonds of publishers, p. 54, s. 166. To require publishers of geographies selected to incorporate special mat- ter for Nevada, p. 53, s. 162. To vote on adoption of text-books by roll-call, p. 52, s. 159. Prices of text-books to be posted in every schoolroom, p. 55, s. 169. Prices of text-books to be promulgated, p. 55. s. 169. Supplemental books approved by. pur- chas^d by district and used, p. 54, 55, s. 164. 170. Text-books adopted to be used exclus- ively in all schools, p. 54, 55, s. 164, 170. Text-books adopted to be in use four years. p. 54. s. 164. Vacancy in. how filled, p. 52, s. 158. Toll roads, penalties on to aro into state distributive school fund, Rev. Laws, s. 3758. Transfers County f'^uds may bp transferred to school districts, p. 73, s. 1, 2. School funds shall not be transferred, Rev. Laws, s. 1540. Transfer of Pupils and School Funds 1. Made by mutual agreement of school boards, p. 127. s. 1. Money transferred by order of sup- erintendent of public instruction, p. 127, s. 1. Proviso, p. 127. s. 1. 2. Disnute as to transfer To be settled by superintendent of public instruction, p. 127, s. 2. Transportation of pupils, p. 46. s. 142. Truants and truancy. See Compulsory Education. Trustees. See School Trustees. University of Nevada Academic degree, diploma, cause for revocation of, p. 97, s. 7. Academic degree, diploma of, p. 97, s. 7. Acts of Congress in aid of agricultural college. Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Affairs of, president to manage, p. 98, s. 8. Agricultural college established, Rev. Laws. s. 4656. Agricultural colleges and agricultural experiment station, act of Congress in aid of. Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Agricultural Experiment Station Acceptance of federal aid, Rev. Laws, s. 460. 461. 464. Board of control. Rev. Laws. s. 457- 463. University of Nevada (Continued). Federal act establishing, Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Funds, disposition of, Rev. Laws, s. 458, 462. Reports, publication of, Rev. Laws, s. 459, 463. Annual report, president to make, p. 78, s. 6. Annual report to governor, p. 96, s. 3. Assistant teachers, president to employ, p. 98, s. 8. Board of examiners to pass on expenses, p. 80, s. 12. Board of Regents Board of control of agricultural ex- periment station, Rev. Laws. s. 457. Chairman to be appointed, p. 97, s. 4. Clerk, duties, qualifications, salary, p. 97, s. 4. Compensation, none, p. 97. s. 4. Election of. p. 96. s. 2. Expenses of, p. 97, s. 4. Meetings of, p. 97, s. 5. Number of, p. 96, s. 2. Oath of, p. 96, s. 2. Powers and duties of, p. 96, s. 3. Quarterly and special meetings, p. 97, s. 5. Record of proceedings open to public inspection, p. 97, s. 4. Reports to governor, p. 96, s. 3. Sole trustees of University funds, p. 101, s. 2. Term of office, p. 96, s. 2. Vacancy, governor to fill, p. 96, s. 2. Board of visitors Chief justice, chairman, p. 100, s. 1. Composed of, p. 100, s. 1. Duties of, P. 100. s. 3. Expenses allowed, p. 100, s. 5. Governor to appoint, p. 100, s. 2. Meetings of, p. 100, s. 3. No compensation, p. 100, s. 5. Noticp of annual meeting to be given, p. 100, s. 4. Term of office, p. 100, s. 1. To report to governor, p. 100, s. 3. Branches of learning required to be taught in, p. 96. s. 1. Clerk of regents, qualification and duties, salary, p. 97. s. 4. Color, no discrimination as to, p. 98, s. 9. Constitutional provisions Departments of, Rev. Laws, s. 356. Controlled how, Rev. Laws. s. 359. Fund for support, restrictions, Rev. Laws. s. 355, 357. General provisions concerning, Rev. Laws, s. 356-362. Interest on school fund, apportion- ment. Rev. Laws, s. 355. Oath of professors and teachers in, Rev. Laws, s. 357. Reegnts, first board of, Rev. Laws, s. 359. Sectarian instruction prohibited, Rev. Laws, s. 361. Special tax for. Rev. Laws, s. 358. Students, residence not to gain or lose. Rev. Laws. s. 251. Corporate name, p. 96, s. 1. Course of study to be prescribed, p. 96, s. 3. 142 INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS University of Nevada (Continued). Degrees and diplomas conferred, p. 97, s. 7. Diplomas of graduation, what may issue, p. 97, s. 7. Diplomas, revocation of for cause, p. 96, s. 3. Discrimination in admission of pupils on account of sex, race or color, for- bidden, p. 98, s. 9. Election of board of regents, p. 96, s. 2. Expenses of board of regents, p. 97, s. 4. Expenses, board of examiners to pass upon, p. 99, s. 12. Experiment stations (U. S.) established, how, Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Free, tuition shall be, p. 98, s. 10. Graduates, diplomas to receive, p. 97, s. 7. Graduation, standard of to be pre- scribed, p. 96, s. 3. Honorary board of visitors. See Board of Visitors. Irreducible university fund, land grant, sale of, Rev. Laws, s. 4653. Land grants accepted, Rev. Laws, s. 4659. Land grants, proceeds of, Rev. Laws, s. 4657. Library, transfer of books to and from state library, Rev. Laws, s. 3961. Mechanic arts, school of established in, p. 96, s. 1 ; Rev. Laws, s. 356. Minerals fianalysis of, p. 99, s. 1. Mining school established in, p. 96, s. 1, Rev. Laws, s. 356. Moneys dedicated exclusively to support of, p. 101, s. 1. Monthly statements to regents, p. 98, s. 8. Nevada state normal school, p. 97, s. 1. Normal school graduates, teachers' cer- tificates, p. 97, s. 7. Normal school graduates to report to president, p. 97, s. 7. Permanent establishment of, Rev. Laws, s. 4654. President Affairs of to manage, p. 98, s. 8. Analysis of minerals to cause to be made, p. 99, s. 1. Annual report to make, p. 98, s. 6. Commission of cadets, to assent to, Rev. Laws, s. 4664. Degrees and diplomas, to recommend, p. 97, s. 7. Normal graduates to report to, p. 97, s. 7. Notice to be given to honorary board of visitors, p. 100, s. 4. University of Nevada (Continued). Qualifications and indorsements, p. 96, s. 3. Regents to appoint, p. 96, s. 3. State board of education, member of, p. 9, s. 1. State board of investment, member of, Stats. 1913, p. 252, s. 1. To establish training and model schools, p. 96, s. 3. Public inspection, records, accounts and proceedings open to, p. 96, s. 3, 4. Race, no discrimination as to, p. 98, s. 9. Records, public, p. 96, 97, s. 3, 4. Regents. See Board of Regents. Removal, effect of, Rev. Laws, s. 4654. Reno, located at, Rev. Laws, s. 4652. Report, president to make annual, p. 97, s. 6. Report to governor, regents to make, p. 96, s. 3. Sample assays for gold and silver, how returned, p. 99, s. 4. Sex, no discrimination as to, p. 98, s. 9. Specimens of ore, inspector of mines to furnish, Rev. Laws, s. 4201. State Controller to report to regents, p. 101, s. 3. State hygienic laboratory established at, Rev. Laws, s. 3941-3945. Students, no discrimination to be made, p. 98. s. 9. gualifications of, p. 98, s. 9. esidence not gained or lost, Rev. Laws, s. 358. Superintendent of public instruction to report to regents, p. 98, s. 11. To visit, p. 98, s. 11. Tax levy for, Rev. Laws, s. 3617. Teachers' certificates for Nevada nor- mal and university graduates, p. 97, s. 7 ; Rev. Laws, s. 3649. Teachers, school for instruction of, es- tablished in, Rev. Laws, s. 357. Tuition, to be free, p. 98, s. 10. University established, Rev. Laws, s. 4656. Vacancy in regents, governor to fill, p. 96, s. 2. Unlawful stock, proceeds of sale of for county school fund, Rev. Laws, s. 2251. Vacancies in office, Rev. Laws, s. 2799. See Resignations and Vacancies. Virginia School of Mines Created, p. 93, s. 1. Expenses for 1911-0.1)12, p. 93, s. 2. Salary of principal of, p. 93, s. 1. To be under direction and control of state board of education, p. 93, s. 1. Women may serve as school trustees, Rev. Laws, s. 371. O )LABEL> 10 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY