~ -;*> ; >;.-^>^ frZSK** -#> o s*> :. !>"^ > > -Ai^>^>^> ^^E* 8 **^-^ ^ > > >; / ; - > THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA * -> ' > ' > ->_> I PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID :.>' ,'-^K -^jao.>3jfc >.;> . ^~>> - . > s >> . i >) CASE PLINY'S NATURAL HISTORY. IN THIRTY-SEVEN BOOKS. n ' A TRANSLATION ON THE BASIS OF THAT BY DR. PHILEMON HOLLAND, ED. 1601. WITH CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. VOL. I. bp tf)e WUcnurtan Club. PRINTED FOE THE CLUB BY GEOKGE BAKCLAY, CASTLE STEEET, LEICESTER SQUARE. 1847-48. 184-1 v.l-3 PURSUANT to a Resolution to the following effect, passed at a meeting of the Committee held on Wednesday, 3rd February, 1847 : " The best thanks of the Club are hereby presented to JONATHAN COUCH, Esq. F.L.S., the Superintending Editor of this Publication, and Translator of the Work. Also to the following Gentlemen, viz. : In the Department of Astronomy, SIR JOHN F. W. HERSCHEL, BART. F.R.S. In the Department of Classical Literature, Rev. GEORGE MUNI-ORD, M.A. W. G. V. BARNEWALL, Esq. M.A. Rev. T. FULCHER, B.A. In the Departments of Antiquities and Geography, JONATHAN COUCH, Esq. F.L.S. C. J. B. ALDIS, Esq. M.D. OCTAVIUS A. FERRIS, Esq. CHARLES MOXON, Esq. For the Editorial Assistance rendered by them in the preparation of the accompanying Work." PREFACE, INCLUDING A MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR. fAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS, usually called the Elder, to distinguish him from his nephew of the same name, who was equally eminent in letters, but in a dif- ferent field, was born of an illustrious family of Verona, in the 23rd year of the Christian era. According to the custom of Roman youths, he served in the army, where he was honoured with the regards of Titus, son of Vespasian, and afterwards emperor, to whom he dedicated his great work on the " History of Nature." To one of his inclinations and tastes, the military career was probably little suited ; yet every Roman was called on to enter it, whatever department of the public service he might afterwards occupy. With the army in Germany he acquired distinction. On his return to Rome he was enrolled in the College of Augurs a post which favoured his philosophic in- VI PREFACE. quiries ; and he was subsequently appointed Procu- rator, or Vice-Governor, in Spain. It has been remarked, that none labour more strenuously in any favourite pursuit than those whose time appears absorbed in the necessary affairs of life ; none are so idle as those whose business is slight enough to afford leisure for every occupation. Of this truth history furnishes no example more striking than is visible in the varied pursuits, the diligence, and the research of Pliny ; while there can be no doubt also but that his public services acquired additional value from the wide range which his mind embraced, and the rich stores of knowledge which it was his habit to accumulate and arrange. Such was the spirituality of his nature, that bodily requirements much more bodily indulgences seemed extinct in him. His relaxation from official business was a change of labour. The greater portion of his nights was devoted to study ; his very meals were an abstraction ; for, lest he should forget the higher aim of existence, his amanuensis read to him in their pro- gress ; and, instead of walking, he drove in the cha- riot his secretary beside him to save time and escape distraction from his contemplations. So nume- rous and valued were his extracts, remarks, and an- notations, that Lartius Lutinius offered the philoso- pher a sum equivalent to more than three thousand pounds sterling for the possession of them ; but they were more nobly bequeathed to his beloved and distin- guished nephew. In the vast realms of Nature and Art no object was indifferent to him ; in the province of the Fine Arts, the accuracy of his judgment and the fidelity of his details seemed only to be outmea- PREFACE. Vll sured by the extent of his acquirement ; and as a his- tory, a critique, and a catalogue, nothing more pre- cious in letters than his 34th, 35th and 36th books, has escaped the ruin in which the fall of the Roman empire had nearly involved all of enlightenment that had grown up and flourished with it. To his huma- nity and scientific curiosity combined, he became one of the most memorable martyrs that stand on record. The events of the day that closed his mortal career, in the 79th year of the Christian era, are minutely and touchingly detailed to Tacitus the historian, in one of the most elegant of the epistles penned by a nephew who was the worthy inheritor of the wealth, the fame, and the virtues of his uncle. The body was found three days after its destruction by the eruptions of Vesuvius, and interred at Misenum, in face of the fleet which he had quitted for the prosecution of his phy- sical investigations. For the emulation of those who delight to " Look from nature up to nature's God," as the best eulogy that can be pronounced on Pliny himself, and, at the same time, as a sentiment evincing his nephew's exalted mind, the subjoined extract of the memorable letter cannot be too often and too long remembered : " Equidem beatos puto, quibus Deo- rum datum est, aut facere scribenda, aut scribere legenda ; beatissimos vero quibus utrumque." No impulse short of an intense love of nature could have actuated a man so deeply engaged in the high offices of the state to snatch at every fragment of his time as his nephew, in a letter to a friend, de- scribes him and appropriate it to forming a digest of Vlll PREFACE. the scattered rays of natural knowledge. The subject was scarcely popular with his countrymen ; and its materials were to he sifted from Greek writers of every school, with a toil and patience which few can duly estimate. The abstracts thus made filled one hundred and sixty closely written volumes, and though the sentiments, or, as we should now term them, the theories, of his authors were not a little discordant, he was well able to separate their matter from their opinions ; and, if sometimes found to have hastily adopted hypotheses for facts, it must be remembered that there existed then no standard for the test of fact that what he had abstracted had the sanction of venerable names and that the period of sound criticism comes in only when vast stores of facts and incidents have been collected ; and Pliny was then the most dili- gent accumulator for a riper age. To him belongs the glory of having harvested the materials for future science. Where attempts at explanation were made, occult causes, in the ignorance of experiment, were the only resource ; and even the great Galileo took refuge in " Nature's abhorrence of a vacuum," for the only solution he could give of an operation which now admits of such rational explanation. Even the errors of these authors are a portion of the " History of Nature," and Pliny's record of them becomes valuable, where otherwise his narrative tempts only to a smile. The light of modern science clears away the mist ; yet few, even of ourselves, are privileged, from our higher sphere of advancement, to look down con- temptuously on the erroneous conjectures or super- stitious feelings exemplified in this cyclopaedia of the Roman naturalist : for too many such failings are still PREFACE. IX visible amongst ourselves, and these from a wrong and sometimes cherished bias in us, which were only an inability to penetrate more deeply in themselves. To Pliny's especial honour be it mentioned (and instances of the merit will be frequently referred to in the notes), wherever a rational explanation of natural appearances can be given, he uniformly prefers it to the traditionary and the vulgar, however the latter may have been interwoven with the religion of the state, to which, on other occasions, he paid the homage which it required : a practice like this demanded no ordinary courage, when it might easily have provoked the charge of scepticism and profanity ; and his escape from this may not, perhaps, unreasonably be traced to the support he obtained for his remarks from Greek authors, to whom, in points of speculation, the Romans peculiarly deferred. By many it was feared, that if what the people were accustomed to worship as deities were shewn to their understandings as only natural influences, they might sink into atheism, and the little restraint winch this worship exercised over their morals have been en- tirely dissipated. The Rationalism of the philosophers thus appeared a formidable evil ; and the prevalence of the notion that certain remarkable natural causes pro- ductive of great good or great evil, according to our limited judgment, were deities themselves, is amply illustrated by the fact, that it was triumphantly asked of the first Christians to shew their God ; and much of the contempt, persecution, and reproach of atheism they incurred, may have had its origin in this seeming incapacity to conform to this demand. To modern eyes, Pliny's mode of conducting his X PREFACE. investigations has changed its aspect ; and his credu- lity is gravely urged against him as a crime which his exposure of much error and superstition is not thought sufficient to outweigh. Some of the matters which he announces, it is true, might well have shaken the strongest tendency to belief : and Herodotus, when re- porting similar occurrences which had been narrated to him, is known to have carefully separated between what was given on the authority of others, and on his own responsibility. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind, that a proneness to belief in the case of natural wonders was the feature -of the age ; and had these been omitted, the author would have incurred censure on this ground an accusation, the reverse, doubtless, of what is now advanced, but which would, nevertheless, have affected his character for fidelity. There is, moreover, reason to believe that he has softened down much of the wonderful which he ex- tracted from other authors, and the following coinci- dence may be regarded as giving confirmation to this estimate of Pliny's discretion. When Aulus Gellius landed at Brundusium, on his passage from Athens to Rome, he found on the book-stalls some bundles of Greek works, which he read with eager curiosity. But, with every disposition to credit the authorities, he calls some of the narratives of Aristeas, Isigonius, Ctesias, Onesicritus, Polystephanus, and Hegesias, unheard of and incredible. Accordingly, in making extracts from these volumes, which bore marks of having been much read, it would appear that he passed by those incidents which were most absurd, and selected such only as he deemed worthy of further inquiry. The selections thus made are found remarkably to corre- PREFACE. XI spond with those which Pliny has introduced in his own work. Narratives of similar stamp and character gained equal credit in Europe during the middle ages : the famous traveller, Maundeville, believed what he nar- rated, and found, as he expected, readers ready to be- lieve him ; and the more so, perhaps, for the marvels which the history of his tour contains. Indeed, in the infancy of observation, when the Causes of Natural Phenomena were little known, so much was seen as to render every thing probable, and so little understood, that any explanation was alike satisfactory. Rapid as is the foregoing sketch of the great natu- ralist's life and character, enough, it is hoped, has been glanced at to commend the revival of the volume be- fore us, and to secure for its author among ourselves a reverence as great as is the undying interest given by his name to the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii, which perished with him. The following translation may be regarded as that of Dr. Philemon Holland, who flourished in the reign of Elizabeth, and is the only writer who has given a complete rendering of Pliny's works in English. Some liberties have been taken with the original translation. An attempt has been made to reduce its verbosity, and to approximate it more closely to the brevity and terse- ness of the Latin text ; while the Editor has been at the same time studious of not interfering unnecessarily with the simplicity of style by which writers of that day were distinguished. The notes are given by various members of the Club, to whom application has been severally made by the general Editor, according to the department in which each may be found most Xll PREFACE. competent. The contributions have received the approval of the Committee, and been specially ac- knowledged in each volume. The first and thirty-third books of Pliny were translated by Dr. Bostock in 1828, as specimens of a new version, which, but for his death, would in all probability have been completed. Of the notes ap- pended to these sample chapters, such use has been made as subserves the purposes of our republishing Pliny in English ; but, in the main, they are found to be more critical than explanatory. SSternerfan Bone Ticket of Admission to the Amphitheatre, found at Pompeii THE FIRST BOOK NATURAL HISTORY BY C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS. The Preface to Vespasian\ his [friend'] C. Plinius Secundus sendeth greeting. HESE Books, containing the History of Nature, which a few days since I brought to Light (a new work among the Romans, your Citizens), I purpose by this Epistle of mine to present and conse- crate unto you, most gentle Prince (for this Title 2 ac- cordeth fittest unto you, seeing that the Name of [Most mighty 3 ] sorteth well with the Age of your Father:) which haply might seem boldness and presumption in me, but that I know how at other Times you were wont to have some good Opinion of my light Matters*. Where, by the Way, you must give me Leave to soften a little the Verses which 1 Titus. 8 Suavissimm. 3 Maxim-its. " Namque tu solebas, Mcas esse aliquid putare nugas" 14 Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. [BooK 1. I borrow of my Tent-fellow, Catullus (to this Term of Camps 1 you are no Stranger) : for he, as you know well, changing the former Syllables of his Verses 2 , one for another, made himself somewhat more harsh than he would seem to be unto the fine Ears of his familiar Friends, the Veranioli and Fabulli. And I would be thought by this my intrusive Writing to you, to satisfy one point, which, as you com- plained in your Answer of late to another bold Letter of mine, I had not performed, that is, that all the World might see (as it were upon Record) how the Empire is managed by you and your Father equally : and notwithstanding this Imperial Majesty whereunto you are called, yet is your Manner of conversing with your old Friends affable, and the same that always heretofore it had been. For although you have triumphed with him for your noble Victories, ful- filled the Office of Censor, and also six times that of Consul 3 , shared the Authority of Tribune, Patrons, and Protectors of the Commons of Rome, together with him : although, I say, you have otherwise shewed your noble Heart in honouring and gracing both the Court of the Emperor your Father, and also the whole State of the Knights and Gentlemen of Rome, whilst you were Captain of the Guard, and Grand Master of his House and royal Palace (in all which Places you demeaned yourself in respect to the Good of the Com- monwealth), yet to all your Friends, and especially to my- self, you have borne the same Countenance as in former Times, when we served under the same Colours, and lodged together in one Tent. In all the Greatness to which you are elevated, there is no other Change seen in your Person but this : That your Power is now commensurate with your Will, and you are able now to perform that Good which you have ever intended. 1 Conterranewn. 2 It seemeth that Pliny read thus in Catullus : " Tuputare namque, Nugus esse aliquid meas solebas" which, indeed, was but an hard composition and couching of the words. 3 Sexies, or rather Septies; out of Suetonim. BOOK I.] Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian . 15 And however this great Majesty resplendent in you on every Side, in regard of those high Dignities, may induce the World at large to reverence your Person, yet 1 for my part am aided only with the strength of Confidence to shew my Duty in a more familiar manner than others : and, therefore, this my Boldness you will impute unto your own Courtesy ; and if it be a Fault in me, you will seek your Pardon from yourself. I have laid Bashful ness aside, but to no Purpose. For although your Gentleness and Humanity induce me to draw near to your Presence, yet you appear in other re- spects in great Majesty : for the Sublimity of your Mind, your high Attainments, set me as far behind as if the Lictors marched before you. Was there ever any Man, whose Words passed from him more powerfully, and who more truly might be said to flash forth as Lightning the Force of Eloquence ? What Tribune was ever known more effectu- ally to move the People with agreeable Language ? How admirably you thundered out the Praise of the worthy Acts of your Father ! What a Testimony of Love to your Bro- ther! How skilful in Poetry! How ingeniously you find means to imitate your Brother 1 in this respect 2 ! But who is able boldly to give sufficient Estimate of these Gifts ? How may any One enter into the due Consideration of them with- out Fear of the exact Judgment of your Wit, especially being challenged therunto as you are ? For the case of such as publish a Work in general is unlike theirs who dedicate it by Name to yourself. For had I set forth this my Book without any personal Dedication, I might have said, Sir, why should a mighty Commander and General 3 busy him- self to read such Matters ? These Treatises were written for the lower Classes, for rude Husbandmen and Peasants of the Country, for the Mass of Artisans, and those who had Leisure for studying them. Why should you make yourself 1 For Domitian Vespasian was reputed an excellent Poet. 2 The sense of the passage, as seen by supplying the ellipsis of the original, is this : " With what testimony of love you set forth the praises of your brother to the full." Wern. Club. ' A Iraperator. 16 Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. [BooK L a Censor of this Work? When I first thought of this Enter- prise of mine, I never reckoned you in the Number of those Judges that should stoop to pass sentence upon these Writ- ings. It is a common case, and incident to Men of deep Learning, that their Judgment be rejected in this behalf. Even that illustrious Orator, M. Tullius, who for Wit and Learning had not his Fellow, useth the Benefit of this Liberty : and (whereat we may well marvel) maintaineth the Action by an Advocate, taking Example (for his Defence) from Lucilius : for in one Part of his Works thus he saith, / wish not the learned Persius to read these Books of mine ; but I prefer Lcelius Decimus. Now if such a one as Lucilius, who was the first that durst control the Writings of others, had reason thus to say ; if Cicero borrowed the same Speech in his Treatise of the Republic 1 , how much greater Cause have I to decline the Censure of a competent Judge? But I am cut off from this refuge, in that I expressly make choice of you in this Dedication of my Work : for it is one Thing to have a Judge, either selected by Plurality of Voices, or cast upon a Man by drawing Lots ; arid another Thing to choose and nominate him from all others : and there is great Difference between that Provision which we make for a Guest solemnly bidden and invited, and the sudden Entertainment which is ready for a Stranger who 1 This work of Cicero, entitled " De Republica," is more than once referred to by Pliny. The high standard of morals which it upheld caused it to be much respected by the most eminent Fathers of the Latin Church : insomuch that it is thought to have suggested to St. Augustine the idea of his celebrated work, " De Civitate Dei." During the. dark ages, however, the Treatise " De Republica " was so completely lost, that upon the revival of letters, not a single manuscript of it could be any where discovered. At length, about thirty years since, a large portion of it was found by Angelo Ma'i, then Librarian of the Vatican, in a parch- ment manuscript. The parchment had been washed, and again used for a manuscript ; but the original writing was so far from having been en- tirely effaced by the ablution, that the large Roman letters were soon rendered legible again by the aid of a peculiar process. The recovered portion of this valuable work, being about one-third of the entire Trea- tise, was printed in London in one volume, 8vo. 1823. Wern. Cluib. BOOK l.J Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. 17 cometh to our House unlocked for. Cato, that professed Enemy of Ambition, who took as great Contentment in those Estates and Dignities which he refused as in them which he enjoyed, attained to such a good Name of upright- ness, that when in the hottest Contention about the Election of Magistrates, they that contested for these Offices put into his Hands their Money upon Trust, as an Assurance of their Integrity and Fidelity in this respect; they professed that they did it in Testimony of their Opinion of his Equity and Inno- cence : whereupon ensued that noble and memorable Exclam- ation of M. Cicero in these Words : " Oh ! happy M. Portius, whom no Man would ever venture to solicit to any thing contrary to right!" When L. Scipio, surnamed Asiaticus, appealed to the Tribunes, and besought their lawful Favour (among whom, C. Gracchus was one, a Man whom he took for his mortal Enemy), he exclaimed, "That his very Ene- mies, if they were his Judges, could not choose but give Sen- tence on his Side." Thus every Man maketh him the supreme Judge of his Cause, whom himself hath chosen : which Man- ner of Choice the Latins call an Appeal (Provocatio). As for yourself, who are set in the most eminent Place, and endued with the highest Eloquence and deepest Learning, it is no Wonder if those who do their Duty unto you approach with the utmost Respect and Reverence: in which regard, exceeding Care above all Things would be had, that what- soever is said or dedicated unto you, may become your Per- son, and be worthy your Acceptance. And yet the Gods reject not the humble Prayers of country Peasants, yea, and of many Nations, who offer nothing but Milk unto them : and such as have no Incense, find grace with the Oblation of a Cake made only of Meal and Salt ; and never was any Man blamed for his Devotion to the Gods, if he offered ac- cording to his best Ability. I may be more challenged for my inconsiderate Boldness, in that I would seem to present these Books unto you, com- piled of such slender Matter : for in them can be comprised no great Ability (which otherwise in me was ever meagre), neither admit they any Digressions, Orations, and Discourses, 18 Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. [BooK I. nor wonderful Incidents and variable Issues ; nor any other Circumstances that may be agreeable to rehearse, or pleasant to hear. The Nature of all Things in this World, that is to say, Matters concerning our ordinary Life, are here deli- neated ; and that in barren Terms, without any Show of Phrases : and what I have noted concern the commonest Points thereof, so that I am to deliver the Matter either in rustic, or foreign, nay, even barbarous Language, such as may not well be uttered, but with Apology to the Reader. Moreover, the Way that I have pursued hath not been trodden before by other Writers ; being indeed so strange, that no one would willingly travel therein. No Latin Author among us hath hitherto ventured upon the same Argument, no Grecian whatsoever hath handled all : and that because most study rather to pursue Matters of Delight and Plea- sure. It may be confessed, that others have made profession of doing so, but they have done it with such Subtilty and Deepness, that their Efforts lie as if buried in Darkness. I, therefore, take upon me to gather a complete Body of Arts and Sciences (which the Greeks call lyptuxXcwra/ds/og), that are either altogether unknown or have been rendered doubtful through too great Refinement of Ingenuity ; other Matters are dealt with in such long Discourses, that they are ren- dered tedious to the Readers. It is a difficult Enterprise to make old Matters new, to give Authority and Credit to Novelties, to polish that which is obsolete, to set a Lustre upon that which is dim, to grace Things disdained, to procure Belief to Matters doubtful, and, in one Word, to reduce all to their own Nature. And to make the Attempt only, although it be not effected, is a fair and magnificent Enterprise. I am confidently of opinion, that the greatest Credit belongs to those learned Men who have forced their Way through all Difficulties, and have preferred the Profit of instructing to the Grace of pleasing, the Gratification of mere Desire of pleasing the present Age; and this I have aimed at, not in this Work only, but in other of rny Books. And I wonder at T. Livius, a very celebrated Writer, who, in a Preface to one of his Books of the Roman History, BOOK I.] Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. 19 which he compiled from the Foundation of Rome, thus pro- tested : That he had gotten Glory enough by his former Writing, and might now be at ease, but that his Mind was so little able to abide Repose, that it could not subsist but in labour. But, surely, in finishing those Chronicles, he should have respected the Glory of a People of Conquerors, who had advanced the Honour of the Roman Name, rather than displayed his own Praise : his Merit had been the greater to have continued his History for Love of the Subject, rather than his private Pleasure; to have preferred the Gratification of Rome to his own mere Pleasure. As touching myself (forasmuch as Domitius Piso saith, " That Books ought to be Treasuries, and not bare Writings"), I will be bold to say, that in Thirty-six Books I have comprised 20,000 Things that are worthy of Consideration, and these I have collected out of about 2000 Volumes that I have diligently read (and of which there are few that Men otherwise learned have ventured to meddle with, for the deep Matter therein con- tained), and those written by one hundred several excellent Authors ; besides a Multitude of other Matters, which either were unknown to our former Writers, or Experience has lately ascertained. And yet we cannot doubt but there are many Things which we have overlooked : for we are Men, and employed in a Multiplicity of Affairs ; and we follow these Studies at vacant Times; that is to say, by Night Season only ; so that you may know, that to accomplish this we have neglected no Time which was due to your Service. The Days we assign to your Person ; we sleep only to satisfy Nature, contenting ourselves with this Reward, that whilst we study (as Varro saith) these Things, we gain so many Hours to our Life ; for surely we live then only when we are awake. Considering those Occasions and Hindrances, I had no Reason to promise much ; but as you have embol- dened me to dedicate my Books to you, yourself supply what- ever in me is wanting ; not that I place Dependency on the Worth of the Work ; so much as that by this Means it will be better esteemed, for many Things there be that appear 20 Pliny s Epistle to 1\ Vespasian. [BooK I. the more precious only because they are consecrated in the sacred Temples. We, indeed, have written of you all your Father, your- self, and your Brother, in an adequate Volume, which we compiled touching the History of our Times, beginning at the Place where Aufidius Bassus ended. If you inquire of me, Where that History is ? I answer, That it is long since finished, and by this Time is justified and approved by your Deeds : otherwise I was determined to leave it unto my Heir, and I gave Order that it should be published only after my Death, to remove the Suspicion that it had been written to obtain some selfish End. And by so doing, I do both them a great Favour, who, perhaps, were inclined to publish the like Chronicle ; and Posterity, also, who, I well know, will compete with us as we have done with our Pre- decessors. A sufficient Argument of this my Mind you shall have by this, that in the Front of these Books now in Hand, I have set down the Names of those Writers whose Help I have used in the compiling of them : for I am of Opinion, that it is the Part of an honest Man, and one that has a Claim to any Modesty, to confess by whom he hath pro- fited ; and not as many of those Persons have done, whom I have alleged for my Authors. For, to tell you the Truth, in conferring them together about this Work of mine, I have met with some of our modern Writers, who, Word for Word, have copied out whole Books of old Authors, and never vouchsafed so much as the Naming of them ; but have taken their Labours to themselves. And this they have not done in the Spirit to imitate and match them, as Virgil did Homer: much less have they shewed the Simplicity and Openness of Cicero, who, in his Books on the Common- wealth, professeth himself to follow Plato; in his consola- tory Epistle written to his Daughter, he saith, " I follow Crantor" and Pancetius likewise, in his Treatise concerning Offices. Which Volumes of his (as you know well) deserve not only to be handled, but read daily, and committed en- tirely to Memory. It is the Part of a base and servile Mind BOOK I.] Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. 21 to choose rather to be taken in a Theft, than to bring Home borrowed Goods, or to repay a due Debt ; especially when the Interest thereof hath gained a Man as much as the Principal. In the Titles and Inscriptions of Books, the Greeks have a happy Art. Thus one has been entitled Kj/ov, whereby they would give us to understand of a Honeycomb: others 1 Kygag A^aXSs/ag, that is to say, the Horn of Plenty ; so that whosoever readeth these goodly Titles must hope for some great Matters ; and as the Proverb goes, look to drink there a Draught of Hen's Milk 2 . You shall have, moreover, their Books set out with these glorious Inscriptions ! The Muses, The Pandects 3 , Enchiridion 4 , As/^wv 5 , r/vax/ ogvduv ><>.." DAUBCHAMPIUS. Wern. Club. " Proverbium de re singular! et admodum rara." Note in Valpy, p. 18. Wern. Club. 3 Containing all things, as Tyro Tuttius did. 4 A Manual to be carried always in Hand. 5 Meadow. 6 A Table or Index. 7 Apion, sometimes called Appion, was an Egyptian, but he had a great desire to be regarded as of Greek extraction. His works were numerous, and among them was one on all the wonders he had seen or 22 Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. [BOOK I. CcBsar called the Cymbal of the World (whereas, indeed, he deserved to be rather named the Drum of public Fame), was so vainglorious, that he professed to confer Immortality on all those whom he mentioned in his Writings. I am not ashamed I have not devised a prettier Title for my Book ; yet because I would not be thought altogether to condemn the Greeks, I am willing to be regarded in this Behalf like those excellent Masters in Greece for Painting and Statuary, whom you shall find in these Reports of mine, to have enti- tled their rare and perfect Pieces of Work (which the more we look upon, the more we admire) with Half-Titles and im- perfect Inscriptions, in this Manner : Apelles worked at this Picture*: or,Polycletus undertook this Image: as if they were but begun and never finished, and laid out of their Hands : which was done (no doubt) to this End, that for all the Diversity of Men's Judgments scrutinising their Work, yet the Artificer thereby had Recourse to an Apology, as if he meant to have amended any Thing therein amiss, in Case he had not been prevented. These noble Workmen, therefore, heard of in Egypt. It seems to have been his practice to regard every thing in proportion to the wonders it would enable him to relate. He is the sole authority for some curious facts in Natural History ; which Pliny seems to have taken from him. Aulus Gellius admits that he was prone greatly to embellish the truth ; and Josephus has given evidence of his emptiness and scurrility, which he poured out abundantly against the Jews, to whom he bore a mortal antipathy. He had an opportunity of displaying this in an address before the Emperor Caligula, when he repre- sented their refusal to worship him as a god as a proof of their disaffec- tion to his person and government ; by which he excited the indignation of the emperor against the illustrious Philo and his companions. His notoriety for reviling and noisy opposition was such as to cause his name to be selected by a Christian writer of the third century, who assumed the name of Clement of Rome, as the fictitious opponent of St. Peter, in a disputation concerning the Christian religion : as mentioned by Eusebius and Lardner. His conceit appears from what Pliny says of him ; and it would have been to him the deepest mortification, could he have been told that he would only be known to posterity through the mention made of him by his opponents. He is sometimes called Plistonicus and Poly- histor. Wern. Club. 1 Apelles faciebat. BOOK I.] Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. 23 shewed great Modesty, that the Inscriptions on their Works were as if they had been their last Pieces, and their Perfec- tion was hindered by their Death : for there were not known ( I believe ) above three which had their absolute Titles written upon them in this Form : Ille fecit, or, This Apelles finished : and those Pictures I will specify in the proper Place. By which it appeared evidently, that the said three Pictures were so fully finished, that the Workman was highly satisfied with their Perfection, and feared the Censure of no Man: no Marvel, then, if all three were so much admired throughout the World, and every Man desired to be Master of them. For myself, I confess that many more Things may be added, not to this Story alone, but to all the Books that I have published before : which I say, because I would antici- pate those Fault-finders and Scourgers 1 of Homer (for surely that is their very Name) ; because I hear say there be certain Stoic Philosophers, professed Logicians, and Epicureans also (for at the Hands of Critics I never looked for any other), who are in Labour to be delivered of somewhat against my Books which I have published on Grammar : and the Space of Ten Years has produced nothing but Abortion, when the Elephant is not so long in producing her young one. But this does not trouble me ; for I am not ignorant that a Woman wrote against Theophrastus*, though he was a Man of such Eloquence that from thence he obtained his divine Name, Theophrastus : from whence arose this Proverb, "Then go choose a Tree to hang thyself." 3 I cannot refrain, but I 1 Homeromastiges. * Her name was Leontium, and she studied philosophy under Epi- curus, where she became more celebrated for her talents than her virtue. The elegancy of her style is praised by Cicero. Wern. Club. 3 There is a passage in Plutarch's " Life of Antony," which shews how lamentably the antients were addicted to the crime of suicide, and at the same time illustrates this proverb. It is thus translated by Langhorne : " Once, in an assembly of the people, he (Timon of Athens) mounted the rostrum, and the novelty of the thing occasioned an universal silence and expectation : at length he said, ' People of Athens, there is a fig-tree in my yard, on which many worthy citizens have hanged themselves ; and 24 Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian. [BoOK I. must set down the very Words of Cato the Censor, so perti- nent to this purpose ; whereby it may appear, that even Cato himself, who wrote of Military Discipline, who had been trained to War under Scipio Africanus, or rather, in- deed, under Hannibal; who, in the end, could not endure Africanus himself, but was able to control him in martial Affairs ; and who, besides having the Conduct, as Imperator, of the Roman Army, achieved the Superiority over his Ene- mies in the Field, and returned with Victory : this Cato could not avoid such Slanderers ; but knowing that there would be many of them ready to purchase to themselves some Reputation by reproving the Knowledge and Skill of others, brake out into a certain Speech against them : and what was it ? "I know well" (says he, in that Book) "that if these Writings be published to the World, many will step forth to cavil at them, and those soonest who are themselves void of all Praise. But I let their Words flow by." It was well said by Plancus, when being informed that Asinius Pollio was framing certain Orations against him, which should be published either by himself or his Children, after the Decease of Plancus, that they might not be answered by him ; he remarked : " That none but Bugbears 1 fight with the Dead :" with which Word he gave those Orations such a Rebuff, that (by the Judgment of the Learned) none were as I have determined to build on the spot, I thought it necessary to give this public notice, that such as choose to have recourse to this tree for the aforesaid purpose, may repair to it before it is cut down.'" Wem. Club. 1 Bugbears. Larvae. It was supposed that the soul of man, when freed from the bonds of the body, and not obliged to perform its func- tions, became a kind of demon, and this was denominated generally Lemur. Of these Lemures, those who were kind to their families, and preserved them in peace, were called Lares familiar es, or domestic Lares; but those who, for punishment of their crimes committed during life, were condemned to continual wandering, without finding a place of rest, frightening good men and plaguing the wicked, were denominated Larvce. The sarcasm consisted in comparing Asinius Pollio to such a perturbed spirit. In the singular number, Larva signifies a mask, used to terrify children. Wern. Club. BOOK I.] Pliny s Epistle to T. Vespasian, 25 accounted more Impudent than they. Therefore, feeling myself secure against these Busy-bodies, (and verily Cato hath given such Fellows a proper Name when he called them Vitilitigatores, by a Term elegantly compounded of Vices and Quarrels: for to say a Truth, what do they else but pick Quarrels and make Brawls?) I will proceed in my intended Purpose. To conclude my Epistle : knowing that for the Good of the Commonwealth you ought to be spared in any private Business of your own, and especially in perusing these long Volumes of mine ; to prevent such a Trouble, therefore, I have adjoined to this Epistle, and prefixed before these Books, the Summary or Contents of every one : and care- fully have I endeavoured, that you should not need to read them throughout to ascertain their Contents ; whereby alt others also, after your Example, may ease themselves of the like Labour: and as any Man is desirous to know this or that, he may readily find in what Place to meet with the same. This Plan I learned of Valerius Sorranus, one of our own Latin Writers, who hath done the like before me in those Books which he entitled Brass coin of T. Vespasian, in the possession of Mr. Coticft. IN THE SECOND BOOK IS CONTAINED THE DISCOURSE OF THE WORLD, OF CELESTIAL IMPRESSIONS AND METEORS, AS ALSO OF THOSE THAT APPEAR IN THE AIR, AND UPON EARTH. CHAP. 1 . Whether the World be limited ? and whether there be but one ? 2. The Form of the World. 3. The Motion of Heaven. 4. Why the World is called Mun- dus? 5. Of the Four Elements. 6. Of the Seven Planets. 7. Concerning God. 8. The Nature of the fixed Stars and Planets : their Revolution. 9. The Nature of the Moon. 10. The Eclipse of Sun and Moon: also of the Night. 11. The Magnitude of Stars. 12. The divers Discoveries of Men and their Observations of the Celestial Bodies. 13. Of Eclipses. 14. The Motion of the Moon. 15. General Rules concerning Pla- nets and Lights. 16. The Reason why the same Planets seem higher or lower at sundry times. 17. General Rules concerning the Planets. 18. What is the Cause that Planets change their Colours ? 19. The Course of the Sun: his Mo- tion : and whence proceedeth the Inequality of Days. 20. Why Lightnings are assigned to Jupiter. CHAP. 21. The Distances between the Planets. 22. The Harmony of Stars. 23. The Geometry of the World. 24. Of Stars appearing suddenly. 25. Of Comets and other prodi- gious Appearances in the Sky : their Nature, Situa- tion, and Kinds. 26. The Opinion of Hipparchus of the Stars, Torches, Lamps, Pillars or Beams of Fire, burning Darts, Gapings of the Sky: with Instances. 27. Strange Colours appearing in the Sky. 28. Flames seen in the Sky. 29. Circles or Garlands in the Sky. 30. Of Celestial Circles and Gar- lands of short Duration. 31. Of many Suns. 32. Of many Moons. 33. Of Nights as light as Day. 34. Of Meteors resembling fiery Shields. 35. A wonderful Appearance in the Sky. 36. The extraordinary Shooting of Stars. 37. Of the Stars named Castor and Pollux. 38. Of the Air. 39. Of certain set Times and Sea- sons. Contents of the Second Book. 27 CHAP. 40. The Power of the Dog- Star. 41. The Influences of Stars accord- ing to the Seasons and De- grees of the Signs. 42. The Causes of Rain, Wind, and Clouds. 43. Of Thunder and Lightning. 44. Whereupon cometh the Re- doubling of the Voice, called Echo. 45. Of Winds again. 46. Considerations on the Nature of Winds. 47. The Kinds of Winds. 48. Of sudden Blasts. 49. Other strange Kinds of Tem- pests. 50. In what Regions there fall no Thunderbolts. 5 1 . Divers Sorts of Lightnings, and wondrous Accidents by them occasioned. 52. The Observations [of the Tus- cans in old Time] about Lightning. 53. Of causing Lightning. 54. General Rules concerning Lightning. 55. What Things are not struck by Lightning. 56. Of monstrous Showers of Milk, Blood, Flesh, Iron, Wool, Brick, and Tile. 57. The rattling of Armour : and the Sound of Trumpets heard from the Sky. 58. Of Stones falling from the Sky. 59. Of the Rainbow. 60. Of Hail, Snow, Frost, Mists, and Dew. 61. Of Shapes represented in the Clouds. 62. The particular Properties of the Sky in certain Places. 63. The Nature of the Earth. 64. The Figure of the Earth. CHAP. 65. Of the Antipodes: and whe- ther there be such. Also, of the Roundness of the Water. 66. How the Water resteth upon the Earth. 67. Of Seas and Rivers of Naviga- tion. 68. What Parts of the Earth be habitable. 69. That the Earth is in the Midst of the World. 70. Whence proceedeth the In- equality in the Rising of the Stars. Of the Eclipse : where it is, and why. 71. The Reason of Daylight upon Earth. 72. A Discourse thereof according to the Gnomon : also of the first Sun-dial. 73. Where and when no Shadows are cast. 74. Where the Shadows fall oppo- site twice in the Year. 75. Where the Days are longest, and where shortest. 76. Likewise of Dials. 77. The divers Observations and Acceptations of the Day. 78. Reasons of the Difference of Nations. 79. Of the Earthquake. 80. Of Openings in the Earth. 81. Signs of an Earthquake. 82. Helps against approaching Earthquakes. 83. Strange Wonders seen only once in the Earth. 84. Miraculous Accidents of Earth- quakes. 85. In what Parts the Seas went back 86. Islands appearing new out of the Sea. 87. What Islands have thus shewed, and at what Times. 88. Into what Lands the Seas have forcibly broken. 28 Contents of the Second Book. CHAP. 89. What Islands have been joined to the Continent. 90. What Lands Jmve become all Sea. 91. Of Lands that have been swal- lowed up of themselves. 92. What Cities have been over- flowed by the Sea. 93. Wonderful Things of Lands. 94. Of Lands that always suffer Earthquake. 95. Of Islands that float continu- ally. 96. In what Countries it never raineth : also, of Miracles, as well of the Earth as other Elements, accumulated to- gether. 97. The Reason of the Sea- tides, as well ebbing as flowing, and where the Sea floweth extraordinarily. CHAP. 98. Wonderful Things in the Sea. 99. The Power of the Moon over Sea and Land. 100. The Power of the Sun : and why the Sea is salt. 101. Also of the Nature of the Moon. 102. Where the Sea is deepest. 103. Remarkable Observations of the Waters, of Fountains, and Rivers. 104. Remarkable Things in Fire and Water jointly together : also of Maltha. 105. Of Naphtha. 106. Of Places that burn continu- ally. 107. Wonders of Fire alone. 108. The Dimension of the Earth, in length and breadth. 109. The harmonical Circumfer- ence of the World. In Sum, there are in this Book, of Histories and Observations, Four Hundred and Eighteen in Number. LATIN AUTHORS ABSTRACTED IN THIS BOOK : M. Varro, Sulpitius Gallus, Tiberius Ccesar the Emperor, Q. Tubero, Tullius Tiro, L. Piso, T. Livius, Cornelius Nepos, Statins, Sebosus, Ccelius Antipater, Fabianus, Antias, Mutianus, Cecina (who wrote of the Tuscan Learning), Tarquitius, L. Aquila, and Sergius Paulus ! . FOREIGN AUTHORS : Plato, Hipparchus, Timceus, Sosigenes, Petosiris, Necepsus, Pythagoras, Posidonius, Anaximander, Epigenes, Gnomonicus, Euclides, Cceranus Philo- sophus, Eudoxus, Democritus,Crisodemus, Thrasyllus, Serapion, Diccearchus, Archimedes, Onesicritus, Eratosthenes, Pytheas, Herodotus, Aristoteles, Ctesias, Artemidorus Ephesius, Isidorus Characenus, Theopompus. 1 Sergius Paulus. There can be no doubt that this writer on Natural Philosophy whose works are lost is the same person that is mentioned in the 13th Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles; and from the nature of his pursuits we are enabled to perceive the reason why, at one time, he was the patron of Elymas the Sorcerer. The greater portion of the Im- postors- of those days were accustomed to found their claims to regard on their acquaintance with some branches of Philosophy, in which Sergius Paulus was an inquiring student. We do not find the name of the Sorcerer among the numerous authors referred to by Pliny. Wern. Club. THE SECOND BOOK HISTORY OF NATURE WRITTEN BY C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS. CHAPTER I. Whether the World be finite, and but one. HE World 1 , and that which, by another Name. Men have thought Good to call Heaven (under the Compass of which all Things are covered), we ought to believe, in all Reason, to be a Divine Power, eternal, immense, without Beginning, and never to perish. What is beyond the Compass 1 The Author manifests a philosophic, as well as pious spirit, in begin- ning his work with a reference to Divine power ; but in giving this idea of the nature of the world, and representing it as a separate and inde- pendent divinity, he adopts an ancient speculative opinion derived from the Oriental philosophy, in preference to the popular opinion of his country, which is selected by Ovid in his Introduction to the " Metamorphoses;" and which ascribed the creation of the world to an already existing or eternal God " whichever God he was :" though not to the highest in rank of the Heathen Mythology ; for the latter is represented as descended from pre- viously existing, or humanly deified, parents, and consequently was of a subsequent age. The knowledge of the Great Eternal having been left 30 History of Nature. [ BOOK II. thereof, neither is it fit for Men to search, nor within Man's Understanding to conceive. Sacred it is, everlasting, infi- nite, all in all, or rather itself all and absolute : limited, yet seeming infinite : in all Motions, certain ; though in Appear- ance uncertain : comprehending in itself all both without and within : Nature's Work, and yet very Nature itself. It is Madness that some have thought in their Mind to mea- sure it ; yea, and durst in Writing set down the Dimensions thereof: that others again, by Occasion hereupon taken, or on this founded, have taught, That there are Worlds in- to slip from the minds of learned Heathens, through their speculations into occult causes, and the wrapping up of religion from the inquiries of the vulgar, as being too high for their comprehension, they were led to the conception of what, in fact, was no more than a mere abstraction, and destitute of all proper personality : a simple, unconscious fatality, with little volition : and, in truth, no better than a diffusive aether, or, as it would now be denominated, galvanic influence. The philosophy of Pythagoras was derived from the East; "But it was this," says Lord Bacon (" Natural History," 10th century), " which did first plant a mon- strous imagination, which afterwards was, by the school of Plato and others, watered and nourished. It was, that the world was one, entire, perfect, living creature ; insomuch as Apollonius of Tyana, a Pythagorean prophet, affirmed that the ebbing and flowing of the sea was the respira- tion of the world, drawing in water as breath, and putting it forth again. They went on, and inferred, that if the world were a living creature, it had a soul and spirit ; which also they held, calling it ' spiritus mundij the spirit or soul of the world. By which they did not intend God (for they did admit of a deity besides), but only the soul, or essential form, of the universe. This foundation being laid, they might build upon it what they would; for in a living creature, though never so great (as, for example, in a great whale), the sense and the effects of any one part of the body instantly make a transcursion throughout the whole body. So that by this they did insinuate, that no distance of place, nor want nor indisposition of matter, could hinder magical operations ; but that, for example, we mought here in Europe have sense and feeling of that which was done in China ; and likewise we mought work any effect without and against matter; and this not holden by the co-operation of angels or spirits, but only by the unity and harmony of nature." This was the occult cause, to which all the otherwise unaccountable operations of nature might easily be referred. We have a curious instance of such a method of explanation at the end of the ninety-third chapter of this book. Wern.Club. BOOK II.] History of Nature. 3 1 numerable : as if we are to believe so many Natures as there are Heavens : or if all were reduced to one, yet there should be so many Suns and Moons, with the Rest also of those immeasurable and innumerable Stars in that one : as though in this plurality of Worlds we should not always meet with the same Question still at every Turn of our Thought, for Want of some End to rest upon : or, if this infiniteness could possibly be assigned to Nature, the Work-mistress of all ; the same might not be understood more easily in that one Heaven which we see ; so great a Work as it is. Now surely it is more than Madness to quit this, and to keep seeking without, as if all Things within were well and clearly known already : as if any Man could take the Measure of another Thing, who knoweth not his own : or the Mind of Man might see those Things which the World itself may not receive. CHAPTER II. Of the Figure of the World. THAT the Form of the World is round 1 , in the Figure of a perfect Globe, its Name in the first Place, and the Consent of all Men agreeing to call it in Latin Orbis (a Globe), as also many natural Reasons, evidently shew. For not only because such a Figure every Way falleth and bendeth upon itself, is able to uphold itself, includeth and containeth itself, having need of no joints for this purpose, as finding in any Part thereof no End or Beginning : or because this Form agreeth best to that Motion, whereby continually it must turn about (as hereafter will appear) : but also because the Eyesight doth approve the same ; because, look which Way soever you will, it appeareth convex, and even on all sides; a Thing not incident to any other Figure. 1 That it was an oblate spheroid, flattened at the poles, was little likely to be known by observers, however acute, whose opinion of the uninhabitable nature of the frigid and torrid zones would lead them to limit their practical inquiries to the temperate. The good sense of Pliny induced him to prefer the opinion of the rotundity of the globe, to that of Epicurus, that it was an extended plane. Wern. Club. 32 History oj Nature. [^ OOK ** CHAPTER III. The Motion of the World. THAT the World thus framed, in a continued Circuit, with unspeakable Swiftness turneth round in the Space of four-and-twenty Hours, the ordinary Rising and Setting of the Sun leaves no Room to doubt. Whether it being in Height exceedingly great, and therefore the Sound of so huge a Frame, whilst it is whirled about unceasingly, cannot be heard with our Ears, I cannot easily imagine : no more, by Hercules ! than 1 may vouch the Ringing of the Stars that are driven round therewith, and roll their own Spheres : or determine, that as the Heaven movetb, it represents a plea- sant and incredibly sweet Harmony : although to us within, by Day and Night, it seemeth to roll on in Silence. That there is imprinted on it the Figures of living Creatures, and of all Kinds of Things besides without Number, as also that the Body thereof is not all over smooth and slippery (as we see in Birds' Eggs), which excellent Authors have termed Tenerum, is shewn by Arguments ; for by the Fall of natural Seeds of all Things from thence, and those for the most Part mixed one with another, there are produced in the World, and in the Sea especially, an immense Number of monstrous Shapes. Besides this, our Sight testifieth the same ; for in one Place there appeareth the Resemblance of a Chariot, in another of a Bear, or a Bull, and of a Letter (A), and prin- cipally the middle Circle over our Head, where it is more white than the Rest. CHAPTER IV. Why the World is called Mundus. FOR my own Part, I arn ruled by the general Consent of all Nations. For, the World, which the Greeks, by the Name of Ornament, called Ko