Unifc TITO MART THE TEJ THE ! SIGHT GEOG LIFE THE , TREE shoult dren, up in that n "/I and tli on \vh "I or gre; "A tiTe ill N THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID &> "A . i of cleanup up mailers WhicTiTfequently come under no 1 ice in conversation, but are only known in a vague and obscure way." Chambers' Journal. V Of the above popular Work 10,000 Copies were sold within Ten Months from the first day of its publication. KENT AND CO. (LATE BOGUE), FLEET STEEET. NEW WORK ON PAINTING. Just ready, in small 8vo, with Frontispiece and Vignette, PAINTING POPULARLY EXPLAINED; WITH j* Jratfia jrf AND HISTOKICAL NOTICES OF ITS PEOGBESS, BY THOMAS J. GULLICK, PAINTER, AND JOHN TIMES, F.S.A. THE plan of this work is thus sketched in the Intro- duction : "There have been in the history of Art, four grand styles of imitating Nature Tempera, Encaustic, Fresco, and Oil. These, together with the minor modes of Painting, we propose arranging in something like chronological sequence but our design being to offer an explanation of the Art derived from practical acquaintance, rather than attempt to give its history, we shall confine ourselves for the most part to so much only of the History of Painting as is necessary to elucidate the origin of the different practices which have obtained at different periods." By this means, the Authors hope to produce a work which may be valuable to the Amateur, and interesting to the Connoisseur, the Artist, and the General Reader. LONDON: KENT & CO. (LATE BOGUE), FLEET STREET. MOUTH OF THE GREAT ROSSE TELESCOPE, AT PAK80NSTOWN. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. Things not generally Known Familiarly Explained. CURIOSITIES OF SCIENCE, fast an* present. A BOOK FOR OLD AND YOUNG. BY JOHN TIMES, F.S.A. AUTHOR OF THINGS NOT GKNERALI.Y KNOWN; AND EDITOR OF THE YF.AR-BOOK OF FACTS. Model of the Safety-Lamp, made by Sir Humphry Davy's own hand in the possession of the Royal Society. LONDON: KENT AND CO. (LATE BOGUE), FLEET STREET. MDCCCLYIII. The Author reserves the right of authorising a Translation oj this Work. LONDON : PRINTED BY LEVEY, ROBSON, AND FRANKLYJT, Great New Street end Fetter Lane. GENTLE READER, I The volume of "CURIOSITIES" which I here present to your notice is a portion of the result of a long course of reading, obser- vation, and research, necessary for the compilation of thirty volumes of "Arcana of Science" and "Year -Book of Facts," published from 1828 to 1858. Throughout this period nearly half of the Psalmist's "days of our years" I have been blessed with health and strength to produce these volumes, year by year (with one exception), upon the appointed day; and this with unbroken at- tention to periodical duties, frequently rendered harassing or ungenial. Nevertheless, during these three decades I have found my account in the increasing approbation of the reading public, which has been so largely extended to the series of " THINGS NOT GENERALLY KNOWN," of which the present volume of" CURIOSITIES OF SCIENCE" is an instalment. I need scarcely add, that in its pro- gressive preparation I have endeavoured to compare, weigh, and consider, the contents, so as to combine the experience of the Past with the advantages of the Present. In these days of universal attainments, when Science becomes not merely a luxury to the rich, but bread to the poor, and when the very amusements as well as the conveniences of life have taken a scientific colour, it is reasonable to hope that the present volume may be acceptable to a large class of seekers after " things not generally known." For this purpose, I have aimed at soundness as well as popularity; although, for myself, I can claim little beyond being one of those industrious " ants of science" who garner facts, and by selection and comparison adapt them for a wider circle of readers than they were originally expected to reach. In each case, as far as possible, these "CURIOSITIES" bear the mint-mark of au- thority; and in the living list are prominent the names of Humboldt and Herschel, Airy and Whewell, Faraday, Brewster, Owen, and Agassiz, Maury, Wheatstone, and Hunt, from whose writings and researches the following pages are frequently enriched. The sciences here illustrated are, in the main, Astronomy and Meteorology ; Geology and Paleontology ; Physical Geography ; Sound, Light, and Heat; Magnetism and Electricity, the latter with special attention to the great marvel of our times, the Elec- tro-magnetic Telegraph. I hope, at no very distant period, to ex- tend the " CURIOSITIES" to another volume, to include branches of Natural and Experimental Science which are not here presented. I. T. November 1858. M35S761 CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTORY . I_IQ PHYSICAL PHENOMENA 11-26 SOUND AND LIGHT 27-53 ASTRONOMY 54-103 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY . . . . 104-145 METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA 146-169 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA .... 170-192 MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY 193-219 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH 220-228 MISCELLANEA , . 229-241 &{u dT0ttibpb.ce. THE GREAT ROSSE TELESCOPE. The originator and architect of this magnificent instrument had long been distinguished in scientific research as Lord Oxmantown ; and may be considered to have gracefully commemorated his succession to the Earldom of Rosse, and his Presidency of the Royal Society, by the com- pletion of this marvellous work, with which his name will be hereafter indissolubly associated. The Great Reflecting Telescope at Birr Castle (of which the Fron- tispiece represents a portion*) will be found fully described at pp. 96-99 of the present volume of Curiosities of Science. This matchless instrument has already disclosed "forms of stellar arrangement indicating modes of dynamic action never before contem- plated in celestial mechanics." "In these departments of research, the examination of the configurations of nebulae, and the resolution of nebulae into stars (says the Rev. Dr. Scoresby), the six-feet speculum has had its grandest triumphs, and the noble artificer and observer the highest rewards of his talents and enterprise. Altogether, the quan- tity of work done during a peiiod of about seven years including a winter when a noble philanthropy for a starving population absorbed the keenest interests of science has been decidedly great ; and the new- knowledge acquired concerning the handiwork of the great Creator amply satisfying of even sanguine expectation." SIR HUMPHRY DAVY'S OWN MODEL OF HIS SAFETY-LAMP. Of the several contrivances which have been proposed for safely light- ing coal-mines subject to the visitation of fire damp, or carburetted hydrogen, the Safety- Lamp of Sir Humphry Davy is the only one which has ever been judged safe, and been extensively employed. The in- ventor first turned his attention to the subject in 1815, when Davy began a minute chemical examination of fire-damp, and found that it required an admixture of a large quantity of atmosphei'ic air to render it explosive. He then ascertained that explosions of inflammable gases were incapable of being passed through long narrow metallic tubes, and that this principle of security was still obtained by dimiiiishing their length and increasing their number. This fact led to trials upon sieves made of wire-gauze ; when Davy found that if a piece of wire- gauze was held over the flame of a lamp, or of coal-gas, it prevented the flame from passing ; and he ascertained that a flame confined in a cylinder of very fine wire-gauze did not explode even in a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, but that the gases burnt in it with great vivacity. These experiments served as the basis of the Safety-Lamp. The apertures in the gauze, Davy tells us in his work on the subject, should not be more than ^d of an inch square. The lamp is screwed on to the bottom of the wire-gauze cylinder. When it is lighted, and gradu- ally introduced into an atmosphere mixed with fire-damp, the size and length of the flame are first increased. When the inflammable gas forms as much as T \th of the volume of air, the cylinder becomes filled with a feeble blue flame, within which the flame of the wick burns brightly, and the light of the wick continues till the fire-damp increases to ith or -J-th ; * From a photograph, with figures, to show the relative size of the tube aperture . Viii THE VIGNETTE. it is then lost in the flame of the fire-damp, which now fills the cylinder with a pretty strong light ; and when the foul air constitutes one-third of the atmosphere it is no longer fit for respiration, and this ought to be a signal to the miner to leave that part of the workings. Sir Humphry Davy presented his first communication respecting his discovery of the Safety- Lamp to the Royal Society in 1815. This was followed by a series of papers remarkable for their simplicity and clearness, crowned by that read on the llth of January 1816, when the principle of the Safety- Lamp was announced, and Sir Humphry pre- sented to the Society a model made by his own hands, which is to this day preserved in the collection of the Royal Society at Burlington House.' From this interesting memorial the Vignette has been sketched. There have been several modifications of the Safety-Lamp, and the merit of the discovery has been claimed by others, among whom was Mr. George Stephenson ; but the question was set at rest forty-one years since by an examination, attested by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., Mr. Brande, Mr. Hatchett, and Dr. Wollaston, and awarding the inde- pendent merit to Davy. A more substantial, though not a more honourable, testimony of approval was given by the coal-owners, who subscribed 2500^. to pur- chase a superb service of plate, which was suitably inscribed and pre- sented to Davy.* Meanwhile the Report by the Parliamentary Committee " cannot admit that the experiments (made with the Lamp) have any tendency to detract from the character of Sir Humphry Davy, or to disparage the fair value placed by himself upon his invention. The improvements are probably those which longer life and additional facts would have induced him to contemplate as desirable, and of which, had he not been the inventor, he might have become the patron." The principle of the invention may be thus summed up. In the Safety-Lamp, the mixture of the fire-damp and atmospheric air within the cage of wire-gauze explodes upon coming in contact with the flame ; but the combustion cannot pass through the wire-gauze, and being there imprisoned, cannot impart to the explosive atmosphere of the mine any of its force. This effect has been erroneously attributed to a cooling influence of the metal. Professor Playfair has eloquently described the Safety- Lamp of Davy as a present from philosophy to the arts ; a discovery in no degree the effect of accident or chance, but the result of patient and enlightened research, and strongly exemplifying the great use of an immediate and constant appeal to experiment. After characterising the invention as the shutting-up in a net of the most slender texture a most violent and irresistible force, and a power that in its tremendous effects seems to emulate the lightning and the earthquake, Professor Playfair thus con- cludes : " When to this we add the beneficial consequences, and the saving of the lives of men, and consider that the effects are to remain as long as coal continues to be dug from the bowels of the earth, it may be fairly said that there is hardly in the whole compass of art or science a single invention of which one would rather wish to be the author. . . . This," says Professor Playfair, " is exactly such a case as we should choose to place before Bacon, were he to revisit the earth ; in order to give him, in a small compass, an idea of the advancement which philo- sophy has made since the time when he had pointed out to her the route which she ought to pursue." * Weld's History of the Royal Society, vol. ii. p. 188. CURIOSITIES OF SCIENCE. Entrotiuctorg. SCIENCE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. IN every province of human knowledge where we now possess a careful and coherent interpretation of nature, men began by attempting in bold flights to leap from obvious facts to the highest point of generality to some wide and simple principle which after-ages had to reject. Thus, from the facts that all bodies are hot or cold, moist or dry, they leapt at once to the doctrine that the world is constituted of four elements earth, air, fire, water ; from the fact that the heavenly bodies circle the sky in courses which occur again and again, they at once asserted that they move in exact circles, with an exactly uni- form motion ; from the fact that heavy bodies fall through the air somewhat faster than light ones, it was assumed that all bodies fall quickly or slowly exactly in proportion to their weight ; from the fact that the magnet attracts iron, and that this force of attraction is capable of increase, it was inferred that a perfect magnet would have an irresistible force of at- traction, and that the magnetic pole of the earth would draw the nails out of a ship's bottom which came near it ; from the fact that some of the finest quartz crystals are found among the snows of the Alps, it was inferred that the crystallisation of gems is the result of intense and long-continued cold : and so on in innumerable instances. Such anticipations as these constituted the basis of almost all the science of the ancient world ; for such principles being so assumed, consequences were drawn from them with great ingenuity, and systems of such deductions stood in the place of science. Edinburgh Review, No. 216. SCIENCE AT OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE. The earliest science of a decidedly English school is due, for the most part, to the University of Oxford, and specially to Merton College, a foundation of which Wood remarks, that B Things not generally Known. there was no other for two centuries, either in Oxford or Paris, which could at all come near it in the cultivation of the sci- ences. But he goes on to say that large chests full of the writers of this college were allowed to remain untouched by their successors for fear of the magic which was supposed to be contained in them. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to trace the liberalising effect of scientific study upon the University in general, and Merton College in particular ; and it must be remembered that to the cultivation of the mind at Oxford we owe almost all the literary celebrity of the middle ages. In this period the University of Cambridge appears to have ac- quired no scientific distinction. Taking as a test the acqui- sition of celebrity on the continent, we find that Bacon, Sa- crobosco, Greathead, Estwood, th to the ^o^th of a line in diameter. In the sunshine he could only discern the reflection of light, and the existence of such globules as were ^th of a line in dia- meter, with the naked eye. Smaller ones did not affect his eye ; but he remarked that the actual bright part of the glo- bule did not amount to more than no-oth of a line in diameter. Spider threads of a^th m diameter were still discernible from their lustre. Ehrenberg concludes that there are in or- ganic bodies magnitudes capable of direct proof which are in diameter Too ' 00() of a line ; and others, that can be indirectly proved, which may be less than a six-millionth part of a Paris- ian line in diameter. VELOCITY OF LIGHT. It is scarcely possible so to strain the imagination as to con- ceive the Velocity with which Light travels. " What mere assertion will make any man believe," asks Sir John Herschel, " that in one second of time, in one beat of the pendulum of a clock, a ray of light travels over 192,000 miles; and would therefore perform the tour of the world in about the same time that it requires to wink with our eyelids, and in much less time than a swift runner occupies in taking a single stride 1 ?" Were a cannon-ball shot directly towards the sun, and were it to main- tain its full speed, it would be twenty years in reaching it; and yet light travels through this space in seven or eight minutes. The result given in the Annuaire for 1842 for the velocity of light in a second is 77,000 leagues, which corresponds to 215,834 miles ; while that obtained at the Pulkowa Observatory is 189,746 miles. William Richardson gives as the result of the passage of light from the sun to the earth 8' 19" '28, from which we obtain a velocity of 215,392 miles in a second. Memoirs of the Astronomical Society ', vol. iv. 32 Things not generally Known. In other words, light travels a distance equal to eight times the circumference of the earth between two beats of a clock. This is a prodigious velocity; but the measure of it is very cer- tain. -Professor Airy. The navigator who has measured the earth's circuit by his hourly progress, or the astronomer who has paced a degree of the meridian, can alone form a clear idea of velocity, when we tell him that light moves through a space equal to the circum- ference of the earth in the eighth part of a second in the twink- ling of an eye. Could an observer, placed in the centre of the earth, see this moving light, as it describes the earth's circumference, it would appear a lumin- ous ring ; that is, the impression of the light at the commencement of its journey would continue on the retina till the light had completed its circuit. Nay, since the impression of light continues longer than the fourth part of a second, two luminous rings would be seen, provided the light made two rounds of the earth, and in paths not coincident. APPARATUS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF LIGHT. Humboldt enumerates the following different methods adopted for the Measurement of Light : a comparison of the shadows of artificial lights, differing in numbers and distance ; diaphragms ; plane-glasses of different thickness and colour ; artificial stars formed by reflection on glass spheres ; the juxta- position of two seven-feet telescopes, separated by a distance which the observer could pass in about a second ; reflecting in- struments in which two stars can be simultaneously seen and compared, when the telescope has been so adjusted that the star gives two images of like intensity ; an apparatus having (in front of the object-glass) a mirror arid diaphragms, whose rotation is measured on a ring ; telescopes with divided ob- ject-glasses, on either half of which the stellar light is received through a prism ; astrometers, in which a prism reflects the image of the moon or Jupiter, and concentrates it through a lens at different distances into a star more or less bright. Cosmos ', vol. iii. HOW FIZEAU MEASURED THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT. This distinguished physicist has submitted the Velocity of Light to terrestrial measurement by means of an ingeniously constructed apparatus, in which artificial light (resembling stellar light), generated from oxygen and hydrogen, is made to pas? back, by means of a mirror, over a distance of 28,321 feet to the same point from which it emanated. A disc, hav- ing 720 teeth, which made 12'6 rotations in a second, alter- nately obscured the ray of light and allowed it to be seen between the teeth on the margin. It was supposed, from the marking of a counter, that the artificial light traversed 56,642 Curiosities of Science. 33 feet, or the distance to and from the stations, in -j-g-Voth part of a second, whence we obtain a velocity of 191,460 miles in a se- cond.* This result approximates most closely to Delarnbre's (which was 189,173 miles), as obtained from Jupiter's satellites. The invention of the rotating mirror is due to Wheatstone, who made an experiment with it to determine the velocity of the propagation of the discharge of a Leyden battery. The most striking application of the idea was made by Fizeau and Foucault, in 1853, in carrying out a pro- position made by Arago, soon after the invention of the mirror : we have here determined in a distance of twelve feet no less than the velocity with which light is propagated, which is known to be nearly 200,000 miles a second; the distance mentioned corresponds therefore to the 77-millionth part of a second. The object of these measurements was to compare the velocity of light in air with its velocity in water; which, when the length is greater, is not sufficiently transparent. The most complete optical and mechanical aids are here necessary: the mirror of Foucault made from 600 to 800 revolutions in a second, while that of Fizeau performed 1200 to 1500 in the same time. Prof. Helmholtz on the Methods of Measuring very small Portions of Time. WHAT IS DONE BY POLAEISATION OF LIGHT. Malus, in 1808, was led by a casual observation of the light of the setting sun, reflected from the windows of the Palais de Luxembourg, at Paris, to investigate more thoroughly the phe- nomena of double refraction, of ordinary and of chromatic po- larisation, of interference and of diffraction of light. Among his results may be reckoned the means of distinguishing between direct and reflected light ; the power of penetrating, as it were, into the constitution of the body of the sun and of its luminous envelopes ; of measuring the pressure of atmospheric strata, and even the smallest amount of water they contain ; of ascer- taining the depths of the ocean and its rocks by means of a tourmaline plate ; and in accordance with Newton's prediction, of comparing the chemical composition of several substances with their optical effects. Arago, in a letter to Humboldt, states that by the aid of his polari- scope, he discovered, before 1820, that the light of all terrestrial objects in a state of incandescence, whether they be solid or liquid, is natural, so long as it emanates from the object in perpendicular rays. On the other hand, if such light emanate at an acute angle, it presents mani- fest proofs of polarisation. This led M. Arago to the remarkable co:i- clusion, that light is not generated on the surface of bodies only, but that some portion is actually engendered within the substance itself, even in the case of platinum. A ray of light which reaches onr eyes after traversing many millions of miles, from the remotest regions of heaven, an- nounces, as it were of itself, in the polariscope, whether it is * Fizeau gives his result in leagues, reckoning twenty-five to the equatorial degree. He estimates the velocity of light at 70,000 such leagues, or about 210,000 miles in the second. 34* Things not generally Known. reflected or refracted, whether it emanates from a solid or fluid or gaseous body ; it announces even the degree of its intensity. Humboldt's Cosmos, vols. i. and ii. MINUTENESS OF LIGHT. There is something wonderful, says Arago, in the experi- ments which have led natural philosophers legitimately to talk of the different sides of a ray of light ; and to show that mil- lions and millions of these rays can simultaneously pass through the eye of a needle without interfering with each other ! THE IMPORTANCE OF LIGHT. Light affects the respiration of animals just as it affects the respiration of plants. This is novel doctrine, but it is demon- strable. In the day-time we expire more carbonic acid than during the night; a fact known to physiologists, who explain it as the effect of sleep : but the difference is mainly owing to the presence or absence of sunlight ; for sleep, as sleep, increases, instead of diminishing, the amount of carbonic acid expired, and a man sleeping will expire more carbonic acid than if he lies quietly awake under the same conditions of light and tem- perature ; so that if less is expired during the night than during the day, the reason cannot be sleep, but the absence of light. Now we understand why men are sickly and stunted who live in narrow streets, alleys, and cellars, compared with those who, under similar conditions of poverty and dirt, live in the sun- light. BlackwoocTs Edinburgh Magazine, 1858. The influence of light on the colours of organised creation is well shown in the sea. Near the shores we find seaweeds of the most beau- tiful hues, particularly on the rocks which are left dry by the tides ; and the rich tints of the actiniae which inhabit shallow water must often have been observed. The fishes which swim near the surface are also distinguished by the variety of their colours, whereas those which live at greater depths are gray, brown, or black. It has been found that after a certain depth, where the quantity of light is so reduced that a mere twilight prevails, the inhabitants of the ocean become nearly colourless. Hunt's Poetry of Science. ACTION OF LIGHT ON MUSCULAR FIBRES. That light is capable of acting on muscular fibres, indepen- dently of the influence of the nerves, was mentioned by several of the old anatomists, but repudiated by later authorities. M. Brown Sequard has, however, proved to the Royal Society that some portions of muscular fibre the iris of the eye, for example are affected by light independently of any reflex action of the nerves, thereby confirming former experiences. The effect is produced by the illuminating rays only, the chemical and heat rays remaining neutral. And not least remarkable is the fact, Curiosities of Science. 35 that the iris of an eel showed itself susceptible of the excite- ment sixteen days after the eyes were removed from the creature's head. So far as is yet known, this muscle is the only one on which light thus takes effect. Phil. Trans. 1857. LIGHT NIGHTS. It is not possible, as well-attested facts prove, perfectly to explain the operations at work in the much-contested upper boundaries of our atmosphere. The extraordinary lightness of whole nights in the year 1831, during which small print might be read at midnight in the latitudes of Italy and the north of Germany, is a fact directly at variance with all that we know, according to the most recent and acute researches on the cre- puscular theory and the height of the atmosphere. Biot. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF PLANTS. Mr. Hunt recounts these striking instances. The leaves of the cenothera macrocarpa are said to exhibit phosphoric light when the air is highly charged with electricity. The agarics of the olive-grounds of Montpelier too have been observed to be luminous at night ; but they are said to exhibit no light, even in darkness, during the day. The subterranean passages of the coal-mines near Dresden are illuminated by the phosphores- cent light of the rkizomorpha pkosp/wreus, a peculiar fungus. On the leaves of the Pindoba palm grows a species of agaric which is exceedingly luminous at night; and many varieties of the lichens, creeping along the roofs of caverns, lend to them an air of enchantment by the soft and clear light which they diffuse. In a small cave near Penryn, a luminous moss is abundant; it is also found in the mines of Hesse. According to Heinzmann, the rhizomorpha subterranea and aidulce are also phosphorescent. See Poetry of /Science. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE SEA, By microscopic examination of the myriads of minute insects which cause this phenomenon, no other fact has been elicited than that they contain a fluid which, when squeezed out, leaves a train of light upon the surface of the water. The creatures appear almost invariably on the eve of some change of weather, which would lead us to suppose that their luminous phenomena must be connected with electrical excitation ; and of this Mr. C. Peach of Fowey has furnished the most satisfactory proofs yet obtained.* LIGHT FROM THE JUICE OF A PLANT. In Brazil has been observed a plant, conjectured to be an * See Things not generally Known, p. 88. 36 Things not generally Known. Euphorbiura, very remarkable for the light which it yields when cut. It contains a milky juice, which exudes as soon as the plant is wounded, and appears luminous for several seconds. LIGHT FROM FUNGUS. Phosphorescent funguses have been found in Brazil by Mr. Gardner, growing on the decaying leaves of a dwarf palm. They vary from one to two inches across, and the whole plant gives out at night a bright phosphorescent light, of a pale greenish hue, similar to that emitted by fire-flies and phosphorescent marine animals. The light given out by a few of these fungi in a dark room is sufficient to read by. A very large phospho- rescent species is occasionally found in the Swan River colony. LIGHT FEOM BUTTONS. Upon highly polished gilt buttons no figure whatever can be seen by the most careful examination; yet, when they are made to reflect the light of the sun or of a candle upon a piece of paper held close to them, they give a beautiful geometrical figure, with ten rays issuing from the centre, and terminating in a luminous rim. COLOURS OF SCRATCHES. An extremely fine scratch on a well-polished surface may be regarded as having a concave, cylindrical, or at least a curved surface, capable of reflecting light in all directions; this is evident, for it is visible in all directions. Hence a single scratch or furrow in a surface may produce colours by the inter- ference of the rays reflected from its opposite edges. Examine a spider's thread in the sunshine, and it will gleam with vivid colours. These may arise from a similar cause ; or from the thread itself, as spun by the animal, consisting of several threads agglutinated together, and thus presenting, not a cy- lindrical, but a furrowed surface. MAGIC BUST. Sir David Brewster has shown how the rigid features of a white bust may be made to move and vary their expression, sometimes smiling and sometimes frowning, by moving rapidly in front of the bust a bright light, so as to make the lights and shadows take every possible direction and various degrees of intensity ; and if the bust be placed before a concave mirror, its image may be made to do still more when it is cast upon wreaths of smoke. COLOURS HIT MOST FREQUENTLY DURING BATTLE. Jt would appear from numerous observations that soldiers Curiosities of Science. 37 are hit during battle according to the colour of their dress in the following order : red is the most fatal colour ; the least fatal, Austrian gray. The proportions are, red, 12 ; rifle-green, 7 ; brown, 6 ; Austrian bluish-gray, 5. Jameson's Journal, 1853. TRANSMUTATION OF TOPAZ. Yellow topazes may be converted into pink by heat ; but it is a mistake to suppose that in the process the yellow colour is changed into pink : the fact is, that one of the pencils being yellow and the other pink, the yellow is discharged by heat, thus leaving the pink unimpaired. COLOURS AND TINTS. M. Chevreul, the Directeur des Gobelins, has presented to the French Academy a plan for a universal chromatic scale, and a methodical classification of all imaginable colours. Mayer, a professor at Gottingen, calculated that the different combina- tions of primitive colours produced 819 different tints; but M. Chevreul established not less than 14,424, all very distinct and easily recognised, all of course proceeding from the three pri- mitive simple colours of the solar spectrum, red, yellow, and blue. For example, he states that in the violet there are twenty- eight colours, and in the dahlia forty-two. OBJECTS REALLY OF NO COLOUR. A body appears to be of the colour which it reflects ; as we see it only by reflected rays, it can but appear of the colour of those rays. Thus grass is green because it absorbs all except the green rays. Flowers, in the same manner, reflect the va- rious colours of which they appear to us : the rose, the red rays ; the violet, the blue; the daffodil, the yellow, &c. But these are not the permanent colours of the grass and flowers; for wherever you see these colours, the objects must be illuminated; and light, from whatever source it proceeds, is of the same na- ture, composed of the various coloured rays which paint the grass, the flowers, and every coloured object in nature. Objects in the dark have no colour, or are black, which is the same thing. You can never see objects without light. Light is com- posed of colours, therefore there can be no light without co- lours ; and though every object is black or without colour in the dark, it becomes coloured as soon as it becomes visible. THE DIORAMA WHY SO PERFECT AN ILLUSION. Because when an object is viewed at so great a distance that the optic axes of both eyes are sensibly parallel when directed towards it, the perspective projections of it, seen by 38 Things not generally Known. each eye separately, are similar ; and the appearance to the two eyes is precisely the same as when the object is seen by one eye only. There is, in such case, no difference between the visual appearance of an object in relief and its perspective projection ou a plane surface ; hence pictorial representations of distant objects, when those circumstances which would pre- vent or disturb the illusion are carefully excluded, may be rendered such perfect resemblances of the objects they are in- tended to represent as to be mistaken for them. The Diorama is an instance of this. Professor W/ieatstone; Philosophical Transactions, 1838. CURIOUS OPTICAL EFFECTS AT THE CAPE. Sir John Herschel, in his observatory at Feldhausen, at the base of the Table Mountain, witnessed several curious optical effects, arising from peculiar conditions of the atmosphere in- cident to the climate of the Cape. In the hot season "the nights are for the most part superb ;" but occasionally, during the excessive heat and dryness of the sandy plains, " the op- tical tranquillity of the air" is greatly disturbed. In some cases, the images of the stars are violently dilated into nebular balls or puffs of 15' in diameter; on other occasions they form " soft, round, quiet pellets of 3' or 4' diameter," resembling planetary nebulas. In the cooler months the tranquillity of the image and the sharpness of vision are such, that hardly any limit is set to magnifying power but that which arises from the aberration of the specula. On occasions like these, optical phenomena of extraordinary splendour are produced by viewing a bright star through a diaphragm of cardboard or zinc pierced in regular patterns of circular holes by machinery : these phe- nomena surprise and delight every person that sees them. When close double stars are viewed with the telescope, with a diaphragm in the form of an equilateral triangle, the discs of the two stars, which are exact circles, have a clearness and perfection almost incredible. THE TELESCOPE AND THE MICROSCOPE. So singular is the position of the Telescope and the Micro- scope among the great inventions of the age, that no other process but that which they embody could make the slightest approximation to the secrets which they disclose. The steam- engine might have been imperfectly replaced by an air or an ether-engine ; and a highly elastic fluid might have been, and may yet be, found, which shall impel the "rapid car," or drag the merchant- ship over the globe. The electric telegraph, now so perfect and unerring, might have spoken to us in the Curiosities of Science. 39 rude " language of chimes ;" or sound, in place of electricity, might have passed along the metallic path, and appealed to the ear in place of the eye. For the printing-press and the typographic art might have been found a substitute, however poor, in the lithographic process ; and knowledge might have been widely diffused by the photographic printing powers of the sun, or even artificial light. But without the telescope and the microscope, the human eye would have struggled in vain to study the worlds beyond our own, and the elaborate structures of the organic and inorganic creation could never have been revealed. North- British Review, No. 50. INVENTION OF THE MICROSCOPE. The earliest magnifying lens of which we have any know- ledge was one rudely made of rock-crystal, which Mr. Layard found, among a number of glass bowls, in the north-west palace of Nimroud ; but no similar lens has been found or described to induce us to believe that, the microscope, either single or compound, was invented and used as an instrument previous to the commencement of the seventeenth century. In the beginning of the first century, however, Seneca alludes to the magnifying power of a glass globe filled with water ; but as he only states that it made small and indistinct letters appear larger and more distinct, we cannot consider such a casual re- mark as the invention of the single microscope, though it might have led the observer to try the effect of smaller globes, and thus obtain magnifying powers sufficient to discover pheno- mena otherwise invisible. Lenses of glass were undoubtedly in existence at the time of Pliny ; but at that period, and for many centuries after- wards, they appear to have been used only as burning or as reading glasses ; and no attempt seems to have been made to form them of so small a size as to entitle them to be regarded even as the precursors of the single microscope. North- British Review, No. 50. The rock-crystal leiis found at Nineveh was examined by Sir David Brewster. It was not entirely circular in its aperture. Its general form was that of a plano-convex lens, the plane side having been formed of one of the original faces of the six-sided crystal quartz, as Sir David ascer- tained by its action on polarised light: this was badly polished and scratched. The convex face of the lens had not been ground in a dish- shaped, tool, in the manner in which lenses are now formed, but was shaped on a lapidary's wheel, or in some such manner. Hence it was unequally thick ; but its extreme thickness was T 3 s ths of an inch, its focal length being 4 inches. It had twelve remains of cavities, which had originally contained liquids or condensed gases. Sir David has assigned reasons why this could not be looked upon as an ornament, but a true optical lens. In the same ruins were found, some decomposed glass. 40 Things not generally Known. HOW TO MAKE THE FISH-EYE MICROSCOPE. Very good microscopes may be made with the crystalline lenses of fish, birds, and quadrupeds. As the lens of fishes is spherical or spheroidal, it is absolutely necessary, previous to its use, to determine its optical axis and the axis of vision of the eye from which it is taken, and place the lens in such a manner that its axis is a continuation of the axis of our own. eye. In no other direction but this is the albumen of which the lens consists symmetrically disposed in laminae of equal density round a given line, which is the axis of the lens ; and in no other direction does the gradation of density, by which the spherical aberration is corrected, preserve a proper relation to the axis of vision. When the lens of any small fi.sh, such as a minnow, a par, or trout, has been taken out, along with the adhering vitreous humour, from the eye-ball by cutting the sclerotic coat with a pair of scissors, it should be placed upon a piece of fine silver-paper previously freed from its minute adhering fibres. The absorbent nature of the paper will assist in re- moving all the vitreous humour from the lens ; and when this is care- fully done, by rolling it about with another piece of silver-papei", there will still remain, round or near the equator of the lens, a black ridge, consisting of the processes by which it was suspended in the eye-ball. The black circle points out to us the true axis of the lens, which is per- pendicular to a plane passing through it. When the small crystalline has been freed from all the adhering vitreous humour, the capsule which contains it will have a surface as fine as a pellicle of fluid. It is then to be dropped from the paper into a cavity formed by a brass rim, and its position changed till the black circle is parallel to the circular rim, in which case only the axis of the lens will be a continuation of the axis of the observer's eye. Edin. Jour. Science, vol. ii. LEUWENHOECK'S MICROSCOPES. Leuwenhoeck, the father of microscopical discovery, com- municated to the Royal Society, in 1673, a description of the structure of a bee and a louse, seen by aid of his improved mi- croscopes ; and from this period until his decease in 1723, he regularly transmitted to the society his microscopical observa- tions and discoveries, so that 375 of his papers and letters are preserved in the society's archives, extending over fifty years. He further bequeathed to the Royal Society a cabinet of twenty- six microscopes, which he had ground himself and set in silver, mostly extracted by him from minerals; these microscopes were exhibited to Peter the Great when he was at Delft in 1698. In acknowledging the bequest, the council of the Royal Society, in 1724, presented Leuwenhoeck's daughter with a handsome silver bowl, bearing the arms of the society. Weld's History of the Royal Society, vol. i. DIAMOND LENSES FOR MICROSCOPES. In recommending the employment of Diamond and other Curiosities of Science. 41 gems in the construction of Microscopes, Sir David Brewster has been met with the objection that they are too expensive for such a purpose ; and, says Sir David, " they certainly are for instruments intended merely to instruct and amuse. But if we desire to make great discoveries, to unfold secrets yet hid in the cells of plants and animals, we must not grudge even a diamond to reveal them. If Mr. Cooper and Sir James South have given a couple of thousand pounds a piece for a refracting telescope, in order to study what have been miscalled * dots ' and ' lumps ' of light on the sky ; and if Lord Rosse has ex- pended far greater sums on a reflecting telescope for analysing what has been called ' sparks of mud and vapour ' encumber- ing the azure purity of the heavens, why should not other phi- losophers open their purse, if they have one, and other noble- men sacrifice some of their household jewels, to resolve the mi- croscopic structures of our own real world, and disclose secrets which the Almighty must have intended that we should know ?" Proceedings of the British Association, 1857. THE EYE AND THE BRAIN SEEN THROUGH A MICROSCOPE, By a microscopic examination of the retina and optic nerve and the brain, M. Bauer found them to consist of globules of oyfrqth to 4o7K>th of an inch diameter, united by a transparent viscid and coagulable gelatinous fluid. MICROSCOPICAL FXAMINATION OF THE HAIR. If a hair be drawn between the finger and thumb, from the end to the root, it will be distinctly felt to give a greater resist- ance and a different sensation to that which is experienced when drawn the opposite way : in consequence, if the hair be rubbed between the fingers, it will only move one way (travel- ling in the direction of a line drawn from its termination to its origin from the head or body), so that each extremity may thus be easily distinguished, even in the dark, by the touch alone. The mystery is resolved by the achromatic microscope. A hair viewed on a dark ground as an opaque object with a high power, not less than that of a lens of one-thirtieth of an inch focus, and dully illuminated by a cup, the hair is seen to be in- dented with teeth somewhat resembling those of a coarse round rasp, but extremely irregular and rugged : as these incline all in one direction, like those of a common file, viz. from the origin of the hair towards its extremity, it sufficiently explains the above singular property. This is a singular proof of the acuteness of the sense of feel- ing, for the said teeth may be felt much more easily than they can be seen. We may thus understand why a razor will cut a hair in two much more easily when drawn against its teeth than in the opposite direction. Dr. Goring. 42 Things not generally Known. THE MICROSCOPE AND THE SEA. What myriads has the microscope revealed to us of the rich luxuriance of animal life in the ocean, and conveyed to our as- tonished senses a consciousness of the universality of life ! In the oceanic depths every stratum of water is animated, and swarms with countless hosts of small luminiferous animalcules, mammaria, Crustacea, peridinea, and circling nereides, which, when attracted to the surface by peculiar meteorological condi- tions, convert every wave into a foaming band of flashing light. USE OF THE MICROSCOPE TO MINERALOGISTS. M. Dufour has shown that an imponderable quantity of a substance can be crystallised ; and that the crystals so obtained are quite characteristic of the substances, as of sugar, chloride of sodium, arsenic, and mercury. This process may be ex- tremely valuable to the mineralogist and toxicologist when the substance for examination is too small to be submitted to tests. By aid of the microscope, also, shells are measured to the thou- sandth part of an inch. FIXE DOWN OF QUARTZ. Sir David Brewster having broken in two a crystal of quartz of a smoky colour, found both surfaces of the fracture abso- lutely black ; and the blackness appeared at first sight to be owing to a thin h'lm of opaque matter which had insinuated itself into the crevice. This opinion, however, was untenable, as every part of the surface was black, and the two halves of the crystals could not have stuck together had the crevice extended across the whole section. Upon further examination Sir David found that the surface was perfectly transparent by transmitted light, and that the blackness of the surfaces arose from their being entirely composed of a fine down of quartz, or of short and slender filaments, whose diameter was so exceedingly small that they were incapable of reflecting a single ray of the strong- est light ; and they could not exceed the one third of the mil- lionth part of an inch This curious specimen is in the cabinet of her grace the Duchess of Gordon. MICROSCOPIC WRITING. Professor Kelland has shown, in Paris, on a spot no larger than the head of a small pin, by means of powerful microscopes, several specimens of distinct and beautiful writing, one of them containing the whole of the Lord's Prayer written within this minute compass. In reference to this, two remarkable facts in Layard's latest work on Nineveh show that the national records of Assyria were written on square bricks, in characters so small as scarcely to be legible without a microscope ; in fact, a micro- scope, as we have just shown, was found in the ruins of Mmroud. Curiosities of Science. 43 HOW TO MAKE A MAGIC MIRROR. Draw a figure with weak gum-water upon the surface of a convex mirror. The thin film of gum thus deposited on the outline or details of the figure will not be visible in dispersed daylight ; but when made to reflect the rays of the sun, or those of a divergent pencil, will be beautifully displayed by the lines and tints occasioned by the diffraction of light, or the inter- ference of the rays passing through the film with those which pass by it. SIR DAVID BREWSTER'S KALEIDOSCOPE. The idea of this instrument, constructed for the purpose of creating and exhibiting a variety of beautiful and perfectly symmetrical forms, first occurred to Sir David Brewster in 1814, when he was engaged in experiments on the polarisation of light by successive reflections between plates of glass. The reflectors were in some instances inclined to each other ; and he had occasion to remark the circular arrangement of the images of a candle round a centre, or the multiplication of the sectors formed by the extremities of the glass plates. In repeat- ing at a subsequent period the experiments of M. Biot on the action of fluids upon light, Sir David Brewster placed the fluids in a trough, formed by two plates of glass cemented together at an angle ; and the eye being necessarily placed at one end, some of the cement, which had been pressed through between the plates, appeared to be arranged into a regular figure. The re- markable symmetry which it presented led to Dr. Brewster's investigation of the cause of this phenomenon ; and in so doing he discovered the leading principles of the Kaleidoscope. By the advice of his friends, Dr. Brewster took out a patent for his invention ; in the specification of which he describes the kaleidoscope in two different forms. The instrument, however, having been shown to several opticians in London, became known before he could avail himself of his patent ; and being simple in principle, it was at once largely manufactured. It is calculated that not less than 200,000 kaleidoscopes were sold in three months in London and Paris ; though out of this num- ber, Dr. Brewster says, not perhaps 1000 were constructed upon scientific principles, or were capable of giving any thing like a correct idea of the power of his kaleidoscope. THE KALEIDOSCOPE THOUGHT TO BE ANTICIPATED. In the seventh edition of a work on gardening and plant- ing, published in 1739, by Richard Bradley, F.K.S., late Pro- fessor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, we find the following details of an invention, u by which the best de- 44 Things not generally Known. signers and draughtsmen may improve and help their fancies. They must choose two pieces of looking-glass of equal bigness, of the figure of a long square. These must be covered on the back with paper or silk, to prevent rubbing off the silver. This covering must be so put on that nothing of it appears about the edges of the bright side. The glasses being thus prepared, must be laid face to face, and hinged together so that they may be made to open and shut at pleasure like the leaves of a book." After showing how various figures are to be looked at in these glasses under the same opening, and how the same figare may be varied under the different openings, the ingenious artist thus concludes: " If it should happen that the reader has any num- ber of plans for parterres or wildernesses by him, he may by this method alter them at his pleasure, and produce such innumer- able varieties as it is not possible the most able designer could ever have contrived." MAGIC OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Professor Moser of Konigsberg has discovered that all bo- dies, even in the dark, throw out invisible rays ; and that these bodies, when placed at a small distance from polished surfaces of all kinds, depict themselves upon such surfaces in forms which remain invisible till they are developed by the human breath or by the vapours of mercury or iodine. Even if the sun's image is made to pass over a plate of glass, the light tread of its rays will leave behind it an invisible track, which the human breath will instantly reveal. Among the early attempts to take pictures by the rays of the sun was a very interesting and successful experiment made by Dr. Thomas Young. In 1802, when Mr. Wedgevvood was " making profiles by the agency of light," and Sir Humphry Davy was " copying on prepared paper the images of small objects produced by means of the solar micro- scope," Dr. Young was taking photographs upon paper dipped in n so- lution of nitrate of silver, of the coloured rings observed by Newton ; and his experiments clearly proved that the agent was not the luminous rays in the sun's light, but the invisible or chemical rays beyond the violet. This experiment is described in the Bakerian Lecture, 1803. Niepce (says Mr. Hunt) pursued a physical investigation of the cu- rious change, and found that all bodies were influenced by this principle radiated from the sun. Daguerre* produced effects from the solar pencil which no artist could approach ; and Talbot and others extended the application. Herschel took up the inquiry; and he, with his usual * Some time before the first announcement of the discovery of sun-painting', the following extract from Sir John Herschel's Treatise on Light, in the Encyclo- pcediaMrtropolitana, appeared in a popular work entitled Parlour Magic: " Strain a piece of paper or linen upon a wooden frame, and sponge it over with a solution of nitrate of silver in water; place it behind a painting upon glass, or a stained window-pane, and the light, traversing the painting or figures, will produce a copy of it upon the prepared paper or linen ; those parts in which the rays were least intercepted being the shadows of the picture." Curiosities of Science. 45 power of inductive search and of philosophical deduction, presented the world with a class of discoveries which showed how vast a field of inves- tigation was opening for the younger races of mankind. The first attempts in photography, which were made at the insti- gation of M. Arago, by order of the French Government, to copy the Egyptian tombs and temples and the remains of the Aztecs in Central America, were failures. Although the photographers employed suc- ceeded to admiration, in Paris, in producing pictures in a few minutes, they found often that an exposure of an hour was insufficient under the bright and glowing illumination of a southern sky. THE BEST SKY FOR PHOTOGRAPHY. Contrary to all preconceived ideas, experience proves that the brighter the sky that shines above the camera the more tardy the action within it. Italy and Malta do their work slower than Paris. Under the brilliant light of a Mexican sun, half an hour is required to produce effects which in England would occupy but a minute. In the burning atmosphere of India, though photographical the year round, the process is comparatively slow and difficult to manage ; while in the clear, beautiful, and moreover cool, light of the higher Alps of Eu- rope, it has been proved that the production of a picture re- quires many more minutes, even with the most sensitive pre- parations, than in the murky atmosphere of London. Upon the whole, the temperate skies of this country may be pro- nounced favourable to photographic action ; a fact for which the prevailing characteristic of our climate may partially ac- count, humidity being an indispensable condition for the working state both of paper and chemicals. Quarterly Review. No. 202. PHOTOGRAPHIC EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING. The following authenticated instances of this singular phe- nomenon have been communicated to the Royal Society by Andres Poey, Director of the Observatory at Havana : Benjamin Franklin, in 1786, stated that about twenty years previ- ous, a man who was standing opposite a tree that had just been struck by "a thunderbolt" had on his breast an exact representation of that tree. In the New-York Journal of Commerce, August 26th, 1853. it is re- lated that " a little girl was standing at a window, before which was a young maple-tree ; after a brilliant flash of lightning, a complete image of the tree was found imprinted on her body." M. Raspail relates that, in 1855, a boy having climbed a tree for the purpose of robbing a bird's nest, the tree was struck, and the boy thrown upon the ground ; on his breast the image of the tree, with the bird and nest on one of its branches, appeared very plainly. M. Olioli, a learned Italian, brought before the Scientific Congress at Naples the following four instances : 1. In September 1825, the fore- mast of a brigantine in the Bay of St. Arniro was struck by lightning, when a sailor sitting under the mast was struck dead, and on his back 46 Things not generally Known. was found an impression of a horse-shoe, similar even in size to that fixed on the mast-head. 2. A sailor, standing in a similar position, was struck by lightning, and had on his left breast the impression of the number 4 4, with a dot between the two figures, just as they appeared at the extremity of one of the masts. 3. On the 9th October 1836, a young man was found struck by lightning ; he had on a girdle, with some gold coins in it, which were imprinted on his skin in the order they were placed in the girdle, a series of circles, with one point of contact, being plainly visible. 4. In 1847, Mme. Morosa, an Italian lady of Lugano, was sitting near a window during a thunderstorm, and perceived the commotion, but felt no injury ; but a flower which happened to be in the path of the electric current was perfectly reproduced on one of her legs, and there remained permanently. M. Poey himself witnessed the following instance in Cuba. On July 24th, 1852, a poplar-tree in a coffee -plantation was struck by lightning, and on one of the large dry leaves was found an exact representation of some pine-trees that lay 367 yards distant. M. Poey considers these lightning impressions to have been produced in the same manner as the electric images ob- tained by Moser, Riess, Karster, Grove, Fox Talbot, and others, either by statical or dynamical electricity of different intensi- ties. The fact that impressions are made through the gar- ments is easily accounted for by their rough texture not pre- venting the lightning passing through them with the impres- sion. To corroborate this view, M. Poey mentions an instance of lightning passing down a chimney into a trunk, in which was found an inch depth of soot, which must have passed through the wood itself. PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEYING. During the summer of 1854, in the Baltic, the British steamers employed in examining the enemy's coasts and for- tifications took photographic views for reference and minute examination. With the steamer moving at the rate of fifteen knots an hour, the most perfect definitions of coasts and bat- teries were obtained. Outlines of the coasts, correct in height and distance, have been faithfully transcribed ; and all details of the fortresses passed under this photographic review are ac- curately recorded. It is curious to reflect that the aids to photographic development -all date within the last half-century, and are but little older than photo- graphy itself. It was not until 1811 that the chemical substance called iodine, on which the foundations of all popular photography rest, was discovered at all ; bromine, the only other substance equally sensitive, not till 1826. The invention of the electro process was about simul- taneous with that of photography itself. Gutta-percha only just pre- ceded the substance of which collodion is made ; the ether and chloro- form, which are used in some methods, that of collodion. We say nothing of the optical improvements previously contrived or adapted for the purpose of the photograph : the achromatic lenses, which cor- rect the discrepancy between the visual and chemical foci ; the double Curiosities of Science. 47 lenses, which increase the force of the action ; the binocular lenses, which do the work of the stereoscope ; nor of the innumerable other mechanical aids which have sprung up for its use. THE STEREOSCOPE AND THE PHOTOGRAPH. When once the availability of one great primitive agent is worked out, it is easy to foresee how extensively it will assist in unravelling other secrets in natural science. The simple principle of the Stereoscope, for instance, might have been discovered a century ago, for the reasoning which led to it was independent of all the properties of light ; but it could never have been illustrated, far less multiplied as it now is, without Photography. A few diagrams, of sufficient identity and difference to prove the truth of the principle, might have been constructed by hand, for the gratification of a few sages ; but no artist, it is to be hoped, could have been found possessing the requisite ability and stupidity to execute the two portraits, or two groups, or two interiors, or two landscapes, identical in every minutia of the most elaborate detail, and yet diffe/ing in point of view by the inch between the two human eyes, by which the principle is brought to the level of any capacity. Here, therefore, the accuracy and insensibility of a machine could alone avail ; and if in the order of things the cheap popu- lar toy which the stereoscope now represents was necessary for the use of man, the photograph was first necessary for the ser- vice of the stereoscope. Quarterly Review, No. 202. THE STEREOSCOPE SIMPLIFIED. When we look at any round object, first with one eye, and then with the other, we discover that with the right eye we see most of the right-hand side of the object, and with the left eye most of the left-hand side. These two images are combined, and we see an object which we know to be round. This is illustrated by the Stereoscope, which consists of two mirrors placed each at an angle of 45 deg., or of two semi-lenses turned with their curved sides towards each other. To view its phenomena two pictures are obtained by the camera on pho- . tographic paper of any object in two positions, corresponding with the conditions of viewing it with the two eyes. By the mirrors on the lenses these dissimilar pictures are combined within the eye, and the vision of an actually solid object is produced from the pictures represented on a plane surface. Hence the name of the instrument, which signifies Solid I see. Hunt's Poetry of Science. PHOTO-GALVANIC ENGRAVING. That which was the chief aid of Niepce in the humblest dawn of the art, viz. to transform the photographic plate into 48 Things not generally Known. a surface capable of being printed, is in the above process done by the cooperation of Electricity with Photography. This invention of M. Pretsch, of Vienna, differs from all other attempts for the same purpose in not operating upon the pho- tographic tablet itself, and by discarding the usual means of varnishes and bitings-in. The process is simply this : A glass tablet is coated with gelatine diluted till it forms a jelly, and containing bi-chromate of potash, nitrate of silver, and iodide of potassium. Upon this, when dry, is placed face downwards a paper positive, through which the light, being allowed to fall, leaves upon the gelatine a representation of the print. It is then soaked in water; and while the parts acted upon by the light are comparatively unaffected by the fluid, the remainder of the jelly swells, and rising above the general surface, gives a picture in relief, resembling an ordinary engraving upon wood. Of this intaglio a cast is now taken in gutta-percha, to which the electro process in copper being applied, a plate or matrix is produced, bearing on it an exact repetition of the original positive picture. All that now remains to be done is to repeat the electro process ; and the result is a copper-plate in the necessary relievo, of which it has been said nature fur- nished the materials and science the artist, the inferior work- man being only needed to roll it through the press. Quarterly Review, No. 202. SCIENCE OF THE SOAP-BUBBLE. Few of the minor ingenuities of mankind have amused so many individuals as the blowing of bubbles with soap -lather from the bowl of a tobacco-pipe ; yet how few who in child- hood's careless hours have thus amused themselves, have in after-life become acquainted with the beautiful phenomena of light which the soap-bubble will enable us to illustrate ! Usually the bubble is formed within the bowl of a tobacco- pipe, and so inflated by blowing through the stern. It is also produced by introducing a capillary tube under the surface of soapy water, and so raising a bubble, which may be inflated to any convenient size. It is then guarded with a glass cover, to prevent its bursting by currents of air, evaporation, and other causes. When the bubble is first blown, its form is elliptical, into which it is drawn by its gravity being resisted ; but the instant it is detached from the pipe, and allowed to float in air, it be- comes a perfect sphere, since the air within presses equally in all directions. There is also a strong cohesive attraction in the particles of soap and water, after having been forcibly dis- tended ; and as a sphere or globe possesses less surface than any other figure of equal capacity, it is of all forms the best Curiosities of Science. 49 adapted to the closest approximation of the particles of soap and water, which is another reason why the bubble is globular. The film of which the bubble consists is inconceivably thin (not exceeding the two-millionth part of an inch) ; and by the evaporation from its surface, the contraction and expansion of the air within, and the tendency of the soap-lather to gravitate towards the lower part of the bubble, and consequently to ren- der the upper part still thinner, it follows that the bubble lasts but a few seconds. If, however, it were blown in a glass vessel, and the latter immediately closed, it might remain for some time ; Dr. Paris thus preserved a bubble for a considerable period. Dr. Hooke, by means of the coloured rings upon the soap- bubble, studied the curious subject of the colours of thiii plates, and its application to explain the colours of natural bodies. Various phenomena were also discovered by Newton, who thus did not disdain to make a soap-bubble the object of his study. The colours which are reflected from the upper surface of the bubble are caused by the decomposition of the light which falls upon it ; and the range of the phenomena is alike extensive and beautiful.* Newton (says Sir D. Brewster), having covered the soap- bubble with a glass shade, saw its colours emerge in regular order, like so many concentric rings encompassing the top of it. As the bubble grew thinner by the continual subsidence of the water, the rings dilated slowly, and overspread the whole of it, descending to the bottom, where they vanished succes- sively. When the colours had all emerged from the top, there arose in the centre of the rings a small round black spot, di- lating it to more than half an inch in breadth till the bubble burst. Upon examining the rings between the object-glasses, Newton found that when they were only eight or nine in num- ber, more than forty could be seen by viewing them through a prism ; and even when the plate of air seemed all over uni- formly white, multitudes of rings were disclosed by the prism. By means of these observations Newton was enabled to form his Scale of Colours, of great value in all optical researches. Dr. Reade has thus produced a permanent soap-bubble : Put into a six-ounce phial two ounces of distilled water, and set the phial in a vessel of water boiling on the fire. The water in the phial will soon boil, and steam will issue from its mouth, expelling the whole of the atmospheric air from within. Then throw in a piece of soap about the size of a small pea, cork the phial, and at the same in- * In his book on Colours, Mr. Doyle informs us that divers, if not all, essen- tial oils, as also spirits of wine, when shaken, "have a good store of bubbles, which appear adorned with various and lively colours." He mentions also that bubbles of soap and turpentine exhibit the same colours, which " vary according to the incidence of the sight and the position of the eye;" and he had seen a glass-blower blow bubbles of glass which burst, and displayed " the varying colours of the rainbow, which were exceedingly vivid." B 50 Things not generally Known. staiit remove it and the vessel from the fire. Then press the cork fur- ther into the neck of the phial, and cover it thickly with sealing-wax ; and when the contents are cold, a perfect vacuum will be formed within the bottle, much better, indeed, than can be produced by the best- constructed air-pump. To form a bubble, hold the bottle horizontally in both hands, and give it a sudden upward motion, which will throw the liquid into a wave, whose crest touching the upper interior surface of the phial, the tena- city of the liquid will cause a film to be retained all round the phial. Next place the phial on its bottom ; when the film will form a section of the cylinder, being nearly but never quite horizontal. The tilm will be now colourless, since it reflects all the light which falls upon it. By re- maining at rest for a minute or two, minute currents of lather will de- scend by their gravitating force down the inclined plane formed by the film, the upper part of which thus becomes drained to the necessary thinness ; and this is the part to be observed. Several concentric segments of coloured rings are produced ; the colours, beginning from the top, being as follows : 1st order : Black, white, yellow, orange, red. 2d order : Purple, blue, white, yellow, red. %d order : Purple, blue, green, yellowish-green, white, red. 4th order : Purple, blue, green, white, red. 5th order : Greenish-blue, very pale red. 6th order : Greenish-blue, pink. 7th order : Greenish-blue, pink. As the segments advance they get broader, while the film be- comes thinner and thinner. The several orders disappear up- wards as the film becomes too thin to reflect their colours, until the first order alone remains, occupying the whole surface of the film. Of this order the red disappears first, then the orange, and lastly the yellow. The film is now divided by a line into two nearly equal portions, one black and the other white. This remains for some time ; at length the film becomes too thin to hold together, and then vanishes. The colours are not faint and imperfect, but well defined, glowing with gor- geous hues, or melting into tints so exquisite as to have no rival through the whole circle of the arts. We quote these de- tails from Mr. Tomlinson's excellent Student's Manual of Natu- ral Philosophy. We find the following anecdote related of Newton at the above period. When Sir Isaac changed his residence, and went to live in St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, his next-door neighbour was a widow lady, who was much puzzled by the little she obsei'ved of the habits of the philosopher. A Fellow of the Royal Society called upon her one day, when, among her domestic news, she mentioned that some one had come to reside in the adjoining house who, she felt certain, was a poor crazy gentleman, " because," she continued, " he diverts himself in the oddest way imaginable. Every morning, when the sun shines so brightly that we are obliged to draw the window-blinds, he takes his seat on a little stool before a tub of soapsuds, and occupies himself for hours blowing soap-bubbles through a common clay -pipe, which bubbles Curiosities of Science. 51 he intently watches floating about till they burst. He is doubtless," she added, ' ' now at his favourite amusement, for it is a fine day ; do come and look at him." The gentleman smiled, and they went upstairs ; when, after looking through the staircase- window into the adjoining court-yard, he turned and said : " My dear madam, the person whom you suppose to be a poor lunatic is no other than the great Sir Isaac Newton studying the refraction of light upon thin plates; a phenomenon which is beautifully exhibited on the surface of a common soap-bubble." LIGHT FROM QUARTZ. Among natural phenomena (says Sir David Brewster) illus- trative of the colours of thin plates, we find none more remark- able than one exhibited by the fracture of a large crystal of quartz of a smoky colour, and about two and a quarter inches in diameter. The surface of fracture, in place of being a face or cleavage, or irregularly conchoidal, as we have sometimes seen it, was filamentous, like a surface of velvet, and consisted of short fibres, so small as to be incapable of reflecting light. Their size could not have been greater than the third of the millionth part of an inch, or one-fourth of the thinnest part of the soap-bubble when it exhibits the black spot where it bursts. CAN THE CAT SEE IN THE DARK ? No, in all probability, says the reader; but the opposite popular belief is supported by eminent naturalists. Buffon says : " The eyes of the cat shine in the dark somewhat like diamonds, which throw out during the night the light with which they were in a manner impregnated during the day." Valmont de Bamare says : " The pupil of the cat is during the night still deeply imbued with the light of the day ;" and again, " the eyes of the cat are during the night so imbued with light that they then appear very shining and luminous." Spallanzani says : " The eyes of cats, polecats, and several other ani- mals, shine in the dark like two small tapers ;" and he adds that this light is phosphoric. Treviranus says: ' ' The eyes of the cat shine where no rays of light penetrate ; and the light must in many, if not in all, cases proceed from the eye itself." Now, that the eyes of the cat do shine in the dark is to a certain extent true : but we have to inquire whether by dark is meant the entire absence of light ; and it will be found that the solution of this question will dispose of several assertions and theories which have for centuries perplexed the subject. Dr. Karl Ludwig Esser has published in Karsten's Archives the results of an experimental inquiry on the luminous appear- ance of the eyes of the cat and other animals, carefully distin- guishing such as evolve light from those which only reflect it. Having brought a cat into a half- darkened room, he observed from a certain direction that the cat's eyes, when opposite the 52 Things not generally Known. window, sparkled brilliantly; but in other positions the light suddenly vanished. On causing the cat to be held so as to ex- hibit the light, and then gradually darkening the room, the light disappeared by the time the room was made quite dark. In another experiment, a cat was placed opposite the win- dow in a darkened room. A few rays were permitted to enter, and by adjusting the light, one or both of the cat's eyes were made to shine. In proportion as the pupil was dilated, the eyes were brilliant. By suddenly admitting a strong glare of light into the room, the pupil contracted ; and then suddenly dark- ening the room, the eye exhibited a small round luminous point, which enlarged as the pupil dilated. The eyes of the cat sparkle most when the animal is in a lurking position, or in a state of irritation. Indeed, the eyes of all animals, as well as of man, appear brighter when in rage than in a quiescent state, which Collins has commemorated in his Ode on the Passions : " Next Anger rushed, his eyes on fire." This brilliancy is said to arise from an increased secretion of the lachrymal fluid on the surface of the eye, by which the re- flection of the light is increased. Dr. Esser, in places absolutely dark, never discovered the slightest trace of light in the eye of the cat ; and he has no doubt that in all cases where cats' eyes have been seen to shine in dark places, such as a cellar, light penetrated through some window or aperture, and fell upon the eyes of the animal as it turned towards the opening, while the observer was favourably situated to obtain a view of the reflection. To prove more clearly that this light does not depend upon the will of the animal, nor upon its angry passions, experiments were made upon the head of a dead cat. The sun's rays were admitted through a small aperture ; and falling immediately upon the eyes, caused them to glow with a beautiful green light more vivid even than in the case of a living animal, on account of the increased dilatation of the pupil. It was also remarked that black and fox-coloured cats gave a brighter light than gray and white cats. To ascertain the cause of this luminous appearance Dr. Es- ser dissected the eyes of cats, and exposed them to a small re- gulated amount of light after having removed different por- tions. The light was not diminished by the removal of the cornea, but only changed in colour. The light still continued after the iris was displaced ; but on taking away the crystalline lens it greatly diminished both in intensity and colour. Dr. Esser then conjectured that the tapetum in the hinder part of the eye must form a spot which caused the reflection of the Curiosities of Science. 53 incident rays of light, and thus produce the shining ; and this appeared more probable as the light of the eye now seemed to emanate from a single spot. Having taken away the vitreous humour, Dr. Esser observed that the entire want of the pigment in the hinder part of the choroid coat, where the optic nerve enters, formed a greenish, silver-coloured, changeable oblong spot, which was not symmetrical, but surrounded the optic nerve so that the greater part was above and only the smaller part below it ; wherefore the greater part lay beyond the axis of vision. It is this spot, therefore, that produces the reflection of the incident rays of light, and beyond all doubt, according to its tint, contributes to the different colouring of the light. It may be as well to explain that the interior of the eye is coated with a black pigment, which has the same effect as the black colour given to the inner surface of optical instruments : it absorbs any rays of light that may be reflected within the eye, and prevents them from being thrown again upon the retina so as to interfere with the distinctness of the images formed upon it. The retina is very transparent ; and if the surface be- hind it, instead of being of a dark colour, were capable of re- flecting light, the luminous rays which had already acted on the retina would be reflected back again through it, and not only dazzle from excess of light, but also confuse and render indistinct the images formed on the retina. Now in the case of the cat this black pigment, or a portion of it, is wanting ; and those parts of the eye from which it is absent, having either a white or a metallic lustre, are called the tapetum. The small- est portion of light entering from it is reflected as by a concave mirror ; and hence it is that the eyes of animals provided with this structure are luminous in a very faint light. These experiments and observations show that the shining of the eyes of the cat does not arise from a phosphoric light, but only from a reflected light ; that consequently it is not an effect of the will of the animal, or of violent passions ; that their shining does not appear in absolute darkness ; and that it cannot enable the animal to move securely in the dark. It has been proved by experiment that there exists a set of rays of light of far higher refrangibility than those seen in the ordinary Newtonian spectrum. Mr. Hunt considers it probable that these highly refrangible rays, although under ordinary circumstances invisible to the human eye, may be adapted to produce the necessary degree of excitement upon which vision depends in the optic nerves of the night-roaming animals. The bat, the owl, and the cat may see in the gloom of the night by the aid of rays which are invisible to, or inactive on, the eyes of man or those animals which require the light of day for perfect vision. 54> Things not generally K nown. THE GREAT TRUTHS OF ASTRONOMY. THE difficulty of understanding these marvellous truths has been glanced at by an old divine (see Things not generally Known, p. 1) ; but the rarity of their full comprehension by those unskilled in mathematical science is more powerfully urged by Lord Brougham in these cogent terms : Satisfying himself of the laws which regulate the mutual actions of the planetary bodies, the mathematician can convince himself of a truth yet more sublime than Newton's discovery of gravitation, though flow- ing from it ; and must yield his assent to the marvellous position, that all the irregularities occasioned in the system of the universe by the mutual attraction of its members are periodical, and subject to an eter- nal law, which prevents them from ever exceeding a stated amount, and secures through all time the balanced structure of a universe composed of bodies whose mighty bulk and prodigious swiftness of motion mock the utmost efforts of the human imagination. All these truths are to the skilful mathematician as thoroughly known, and their evidence is as clear, as the simplest proposition of arithmetic to common understand- ings. But how few are those who thus know and comprehend them ! Of all the millions that thoroughly believe these truths, certainly not a thousand individuals are capable of foil owing even any considerable por- tion of the demonstrations upon which they rest ; and probably not a hundred now living have ever gone through the whole steps of these demonstrations. Dissertations on Subjects of Science connected with Natural Theology, vol. ii. Sir David Brewster thus impressively illustrates the same subject : Minds fitted and prepared for this species of inquiry are capable of appreciating the great variety of evidence by which the truths of the planetary system are established ; but thousands of individuals, and many who are highly distinguished in other branches of knowledge, are incapable of understanding such researches, and view with a sceptical eye the great and irrefragable truths of astronomy. That the sun is stationary in the centre of our system ; that the earth moves round the sun, and round its own axis ; that the diameter of the earth is 8000 miles, and that of the sun one hundred and ten times as great; that the earth's orbit is 190,000,000 of miles in breadth ; and that if this immense space were filled with light, it would appear only like a luminous point at the nearest fixed star, are positions absolutely unintelligible and incredible to all who have not carefully studied the subject. To millions of our species, then, the great Book of Nature is absolutely sealed ; though it is in the power of all to unfold its pages, and to peruse those glowing passages which proclaim the power and wisdom of its Author. Curiosities of Science. 55 ASTRONOMY AND DATES ON MONUMENTS. Astronomy is a useful aid in discovering the Dates of ancient Monuments. Thus, on the ceiling of a portico among the ruins of Tentyris are the twelve signs of the Zodiac, placed according to the apparent motion of the sun. According to this Zodiac, the summer solstice is in Leo ; from which it is easy to com- pute, by the precession of the equinoxes of 50"' 1 annually, that the Zodiac of Tentyris must have been made 4000 years ago. Mrs. Somerville relates that she once witnessed the ascer- tainment of the date of a Papyrus by means of astronomy. The manuscript was found in Egypt, in a mummy-case ; and its an- tiquity was determined by the configuration of the heavens at the time of its construction. It proved to be a horoscope of the time of Ptolemy. " THE CRYSTAL VAULT OF HEAVEN." This poetic designation dates back as far as the early period of Anaximenes ; but the first clearly defined signification of the idea on which the term is based occurs in Empedocles. This philosopher regarded the heaven of the fixed stars as a solid mass, formed from the ether which had been rendered crystal- line by the action of fire. In the Middle Ages, the fathers of the Church believed the firmament to consist of from seven to ten glassy strata, incas- ing each other like the different coatings of an onion. This supposition still keeps its ground in some of the monasteries of southern Europe, where Humboldt was greatly surprised to hear a venerable prelate express an opinion in reference to the fall of aerolites at Aigle, that the bodies we called meteoric stones with vitrified crusts were not portions of the fallen stone itself, but simply fragments of the crystal vault shattered by it in its fall. Empedocles maintained that the fixed stars were riveted to the crystal heavens ; but that the planets were free and uncon- strained. It is difficult to conceive how, according to Plato in the TimcBus, the fixed stars, riveted as they are to solid spheres, could rotate independently. Among the ancient views, it may be mentioned that the equal distance at which the stars remained, while the whole vault of heaven seemed to move from east to west, had led to the idea of a firmament and a solid crystal sphere, in which An- axirnenes (who was probably not much later than Pythagoras) had conjectured that the stars were riveted like nails. MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. The Pythagoreans, in applying their theory of numbers to 56 Things not generally Known. the geometrical consideration of the five regular bodies, to the musical intervals of tone which determine a word and form different kinds of sounds, extended it even to the system of the universe itself; supposing that the moving, and, as it were, vibrating planets, exciting sound-waves, must produce a spheral music, according to the harmonic relations of their intervals of space. " This music," they add, " would be perceived by the human ear, if it was not rendered insensible by extreme famili- arity, as it is perpetual, and men are accustomed to it from childhood." The Pythagoreans affirm, in order to justify the reality of the tones ng take where there is an alternation of sound and silence. The inaudibility of , produced by the revolution of the spheres, that hearing takes place only the spheral music is also accounted for by its overpowering the senses. Aristotle himself calls the Pythagorean tone-myth pleasing and ingeni- ous, but untrue. Plato attempted to illustrate the tones of the universe in an agreeable picture, by attributing to each of the planetary spheres a syren, who, supported by the stern daughters of Necessity, the three Fates, maintain the eternal revolution of the world's axis. Mention is constantly made of the harmony of the spheres, though generally reproachfully, throughout the writ- ings of Christian antiquity and the Middle Ages, from Basil the Great to Thomas Aquinas and Petrus Alliacus. At the close of the sixteenth century, Kepler revived these musical ideas, and sought to trace out the analogies between the relations of tone and the distances of the planets ; and Tycho Brahe was of opinion that the revolving conical bodies were capable of vibrating the celestial air (what we now call "resist- ing medium") so as to produce tones. Yet Kepler, although he had talked of Venus and the Earth sounding sharp in aphelion and flat in perihelion, and the highest tone of Jupiter and that of Venus coinciding in flat accord, positively declared there to be " no such things as sounds among the heavenly bodies, nor is their motion eo turbulent as to elicit noise from the attri- tion of the celestial air." (See Things not generally Knoivn^. 44.) " MORE WORLDS THAN ONE." Although this opinion was maintained incidentally by va- rious writers both on astronomy * and natural religion, yet M. * The original idea is even attributed to Copernicus. M. Blundevile, in his Treatise on Cosmogrnphy , 1594, has the following passage, perhaps the most dis- tinct recognition of authority in our language: " How prooue (prove) you that there is but one world ? By the authentic of Aristotle, who saieth that if there were any other world out of this, then the earth of that world would mooue (move) towards the centre of this world," &c. Sir Isaac Newton, in a conversation with Conduitt, said he took "all the planets to be composed of the same matter with the earth, viz. earth, water, aud stone, but variously concocted." Curiosities of Science. Fontenelle was the first individual who wrote a treatise on the Plurality of Worlds, which appeared in 1685, the year before the publication of Newton's Principia. Fontenelle's work consists of five chapters: 1. The earth is a planet which turns round its axis, and also round the sun. 2. The moon is a habitable world. 3. Particulars concerning the world in the moon, and that the other planets are also inhabited. 4. Particulars of the worlds of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. 5. The fixed stars are as many suns, each of which illuminates a world. In a future edition, 1719, Fontenelle added, 6. New thoughts which confirm those in the preceding conversations, and the latest discoveries which have been made in the heavens. The next work on the subject was the Theory of the Universe, or Conjectures concerning the Celestial Bodies and their Inhabitants, 1698, by Christian Huygens, the contemporary of Newton. The doctrine is maintained by almost all the distinguished astronomers and writers who have flourished since the true figure of the earth was determined. Giordano Bruna of Nola, Kepler, and Tycho Brahe, believed in it; and Cardinal Cusa and Bruno, before the discovery of binary systems among the stars, believed also that the stars were inhabited. Sir Isaac Newton likewise adopted the belief; and Dr. Bentley, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, in his eighth sermon on the Con- futation of Atheism from the origin and frame of the world, has ably maintained the same doctrine. In our own day we may number among its supporters the distinguished names of the Marquis de la Place, Sir William and Sir John Herschel, Dr. Chalmers, Isaac Taylor, and M. Arago. Dr. Chalmers main- tains the doctrine in his Astronomical Discourses, which one Alexander Maxwell (who did not believe in the grand truths of astronomy) attempted to controvert, in 1820, in a chapter of a volume entitled Plurality of Worlds. Next appeared Of a Plurality of Worlds, attributed to the Rev. Dr.Whewell, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; urging the theological not less than the scientific reasons for believing in the old tradition of a single world, and maintaining that " the earth is really the largest planetary body in the solar system, its domestic hearth, and the only world in the universe." " I do not pretend," says Dr. Whewell, " to disprove the plurality of worlds ; but I ask in vain for any argument which makes the doctrine probable." " It is too remote from knowledge to be either proved or disproved." Sir David Brewster has replied to Dr. Whewell's Essay, in More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian, emphatically maintaining that analogy strongly countenances the idea of all the solar planets, if not all worlds in the universe, being peo- pled with creatures not dissimilar in being and nature to the 58 Things not generally Known. inhabitants of the earth. This view is supported in Scientific Certainties of Planetary Life, by T. C. Simon, who well treats one point of the argument that mere distance of the planets from the central sun does not determine the condition as to light and heat, but that the density of the ethereal medium enters largely into the calculation. Mr. Simon's general conclusion is, that " neither on account of deficient or excessive heat, nor with regard to the density of the materials, nor with regard to the force of gravity on the surface, is there the slightest pretext for sup- posing that all the planets of oar system are not inhabited by intellectual creatures with animal bodies like ourselves, moral beings, who know and love their great Maker, and who wait, like the rest of His creation, upon His providence and upon His care. " One of the leading points of Dr. WhewelFs Essay is, that we should not elevate the conjectures of analogy into the rank of scientific certainties; and that " the force of all the presump- tions drawn from physical reasoning for the opinion of planets and stars being either inhabited or uninhabited is so small, that the belief of all thoughtful persons on this subject will be deter- mined by moral, metaphysical, and theological considerations." WORLDS TO COME ABODES OF THE BLEST. Sir David Brewster, in his eloquent advocacy of the doc- trine of " more worlds than one," thus argues for their peo- pling : Man, in his future state of existence, is to consist, as at present, of a spiritual nature residing in a corporeal frame. He must live, there- fore, upon a material planet, subject to all the laws of matter, and per- forming functions for which a material body is indispensable. We must consequently find for the race of Adam, if not races that may have preceded him, a material home upon which they may reside, or by which they may travel, by means unknown to us, to other localities in the universe. At the present hour, the inhabitants of the earth are nearly a thousand millions ; and by whatever process we may compute the numbers that have existed before the present generation, and estimate those that are yet to inherit the earth, we shall obtain a population which the habitable parts of our globe could not possibly accommodate. If there is not room, then, on our earth for the millions of millions of beings who have lived and died upon its surface, and who may yet live and die during the period fixed for its occupation by man, we can scarcely doubt that their future abode must be on some of the primary or secondary planets of the solar system, whose inhabitants have ceased to exist like those on the earth, or upon planets in our own or in other systems which have been in a state of preparation, as our earth was, for the advent of intellectual life. " GAUGING THE HEAVENS." Sir William Herschel, in 1785, conceived the happy idea of counting the number of stars which passed at different Curiosities of Science. 59 heights and in various directions over the field of view, of fif- teen minutes in diameter, of his twenty-feet reflecting tele- scope. The field of view each time embraced only 8a smooth of the whole heavens ; and it would therefore require, according to Struve, eighty-three years to gauge the whole sphere by a similar process. VELOCITY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. M. E. W. G. Struve gives as the splendid result of the united studies of MM. Argelander, 0. Struve, and Peters, grounded on observations made at the three Russian observa- tories of Dorpat, Abo, and Pulkowa, "that the velocity of the motion of the solar system in space is such that the sun, with all the bodies which depend upon it, advances annually to- wards the constellation Hercules* 1*623 times the radius of the earth's orbit, or 33,550,000 geographical miles. The possible error of this last number amounts to 1,733,000 geographical miles, or to a seventh of the whole value. We may, then, wager 400,000 to 1 that the sun has a proper progressive motion, and 1 to 1 that it is comprised between the limits of thirty-eight and twenty-nine millions of geographical miles." That is, taking 95,000,000 of English miles as the mean radius of the Earth's orbit, we have 95 + 1 '623= 354-185 millions of miles; and consequently, English Miles. The velocity of the Solar System . 154,185,000 in the year. .... 422,424 in a day. ,, .... 17,601 in an hour. ,, ,, .... 293 in a minute. .... 57 in a second. The Sun and all his planets, primary and secondary, are therefore now in rapid motion round an invisible focus. To that now dark and mys- terious centre, from which no ray, however feeble, shines, we may in another age point our telescopes, detecting perchance the great lu- minary which controls our system and bounds its path : into that vast orbit man, during the whole cycle of his race, may never be allowed to round. North-British Review, No. 16. NATURE OF THE SUN. M. Arago has found, by experiments with the polariscope, that the light of gaseous bodies is natural light when it issues from the burning surface ; although this circumstance does not prevent its subsequent complete polarisation, if subjected to * Sir William Herschel ascertained that our solar system is advancing to- wards the constellation Hercules, or more accurately to a point in space whose right ascension is 245 52' 80", and north polar distance 40 22'; and that the quantity of this motion is such, that to an astronomer placed in Sirius, our sun would appear to describe an arc of little more than a second every year. North- British Review, No. 3. 60 Thinqs not qenerallii Known. i7 y ./ suitable reflections or refractions. Hence we obtain a most simple method of discovering the nature of the sun at a distance of forty millions of leagues. For if the light emanating from the margin of the sun, arid radiating from the solar substance at an acute angle, reach us without having experienced any sensible reflections or refractions in its passage to the earth, and if it offer traces of polarisation, the sun must be a solid or a liquid body. But if, on the contrary, the light emanating from the sun's margin give no indications of polarisation, the incandescent portion of the sun must be gaseous. It is by means of such a methodical sequence of observations that we may acquire exact ideas regarding the physical constitution of the sun. Note to Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. iii. STRUCTURE OF THE LUMINOUS DISC OF THE SUN. The extraordinary structure of the fully luminous Disc of the Sun, as seen through Sir James South's great achromatic, in a drawing made by Mr. Grwilt, resembles compressed curd, or white almond -soap, or a mass of asbestos fibres, lying in a quaquaversus direction, and compressed into a solid mass. There can be no illusion in this phenomenon ; it is seen by every person with good vision, and on every part of the sun's luminous surface or envelope, which is thus shown to be not & flame, but a soft solid or thick fluid, maintained in an incan- descent state by subjacent heat, capable of being disturbed by differences of temperature, and broken up as we see it when the sun is covered with spots or openings in the luminous matter. North- British Review, No. 16. Copernicus named the sun the lantern of the world (lucerna irnindi}; and Theon of Smyrna called it the heart of the universe. The mass of the sun is, according to Encke's calculation of Sabine's pendulum for- mula, 359,551 times that of the earth, or 355,499 times that of the earth and moon together ; whence the density of the sun is only about (or more accurately 0'252) that of the earth. The volume of the sun is 600 times greater, and its mass, according to Galle, 738 times greater, than that of all the planets combined. It may assist the mind in con- ceiving a sensuous image of the magnitude of the sun, if we remember that if the solar sphere were entirely hollowed out, and the earth placed in its centre, there would still be room enough for the moon to describe its orbit, even if the radius of the latter were increased 160,000 geo- graphical miles. A railway-engine, moving at the rate of thirty miles an hour, would require 360 years to travel from the earth to the sun. The diameter of the sun is rather more than one hundred and eleven times the diameter of the earth. Therefore the volume or bulk of the sun must be nearly one million four hundred thousand times that of the earth. Lastly, if all the bodies composing the solar system were formed into one globe, it would be only about the five-hundredth part of the size of the sun. Curiosities of Science. 61 GREAT SIZE OF THE SUN ON THE HORIZON EXPLAINED. The dilated size (generally) of the Sun or Moon, when seen near the horizon, beyond what they appear to have when high up in the sky, has nothing to do with refraction. It is an illu- sion of the judgment, arising from the terrestrial objects inter- posed, or placed in close comparison with them. In that situ- ation we view and judge of them as we do of terrestrial objects in detail, and with an acquired attention to parts. Aloft we have no association to guide us, and their insulation in the expanse of the sky leads us rather to undervalue than to over- rate their apparent magnitudes. Actual measurement with a proper instrument corrects our error, without, however, dis- pelling our illusion. By this we learn that the sun, when just on the horizon, subtends at our eyes almost exactly the same, and the moon a materially less, angle than when seen at a greater altitude in the sky, owing to its greater distance from us in the former situation as compared with the latter. Sir John HerscheVs Outlines. TRANSLATORY MOTION OF THE SUN. This phenomenon is the progressive motion of the centre of gravity of the whole solar system in universal space. Its velocity, according to Bessel, is probably four millions of miles daily, in a relative velocity to that of 61 Cygni of at least 3,336,000 miles, or more than double the velocity of the revolu- tion of the earth in her orbit round the sun. This change of the entire solar system would remain unknown to us, if the ad- mirable exactness of our astronomical instruments of measure- ment, and the advancement recently made in the art of ob- serving, did not cause our progress towards remote stars to be perceptible, like an approximation to the objects of a distant shore in apparent motion. The proper motion of the star 61 Cygni, for instance, is so considerable, that it has amounted to a whole degree in the course of 700 years. Huntboldt's Cos- mos, vol. i. THE SUN'S LIGHT COMPARED WITH TERRESTRIAL LIGHTS. Mr. Ponton has by means of a simple monochromatic pho- tometer ascertained that a small surface, illuminated by mean solar light, is 444 times brighter than when it is illuminated by a moderator lamp, and 1560 times brighter than when it is illuminated by a wax-candle (short six in the Ib.) the artifi- cial light being in both instances placed at two inches' distance from the illuminated surface. And three electric lights, each 62 Things not generally Known. equal to 520 wax-candles, will render a small surface as bright as when it is illuminated by mean sunshine. It is thence inferred, that a stratum occupying the entire surface of the sphere of which the earth's distance from the sun is the radius, and consisting of three layers of flame, each 10 ' 00 th of an inch in thickness, each possessing a brightness equal to that of such an electric light, and all three embraced within a thickness of -^th of an inch, would give an amount of illumination equal in quantity and intensity to that of the sun at the distance of 95 millions of miles from his centre. And were such a stratum transferred to the surface of the sun, where it would occupy 46,275 times less area, its thick- ness would be increased to 94 feet, and it would embrace 138,825 layers of flame, equal in brightness to the electric light ; but the same effect might be produced by a stratum about nine miles in thickness, embracing 72 millions of layers, each having only a brightness equal to that of a wax-candle.* ACTINIC POWER OF THE SUN. Mr. J. J. Waterston, in 1857, made at Bombay some ex- periments on the photographic power of the sun's direct light, to obtain data in an inquiry as to the possibility of measuring the diameter of the sun to a very minute fraction of a second, by combining photography with the principle of the electric telegraph ; the first to measure the element space, the latter the element time. The result is that about 20 ^ 00 th of a se- cond is sufficient exposure to the direct light of the sun to obtain a distinct mark on a sensitive collodion plate, when developed by the usual processes ; and the duration of the sun's full action on any one point is about ^Wth of a second. M. Schatt, a young painter of Berlin, after 1500 experi- ments, succeeded in establishing a scale of all the shades of black which the action of the sun produces on photographic paper ; so that by comparing the shade obtained at any given moment on a certain paper with that indicated on the scale, the exact force of the sun's light may be determined. HEATING POWER OF THE SUN. All moving power has its origin in the rays of the sun. While Stephenson's iron tubular railway-bridge over the Menai Straits, 400 feet long, bends but half an inch under the hea- viest pressure of a train, it will bend up an inch and a half from its usual horizontal line when the sun shines on it for * See M. Arago's researches upon this interesting subject, in Things not gener- ally Known, p. 4. Curiosities of Science. 63 some hours. The Bunker-Hill monument, near Boston, U.S., is higher in the evening than in the morning of a sunny day ; the little sunbeams enter the pores of the stone like so many wedges, lifting it up. In winter, the Earth is nearer the Sun by about $ than in summer ; but the rays strike the northern hemisphere more obliquely in winter than the other half year. M. Pouillet has estimated, with singular ingenuity, from a series of observations made by himself, that the whole quantity of heat which the Earth receives annually from the Sun is such as would be sufficient to melt a stratum of ice covering the entire globe forty-six feet deep. By the action of the sun's rays upon the earth, vegetables, animals, and man, are in their turn supported ; the rays be- come likewise, as it were, a store of heat, and " the sources of those great deposits of dynamical efficiency which are laid up for human use in our coal strata" (Herschel). A remarkable instance of the power of the sun's rays is re- corded at Stonehouse Point, Devon, in the year 1828. To lay the foundation of a sea-wall the workmen had to descend in a diving-bell, which was fitted with convex glasses in the upper part, by which, on several occasions in clear weather, the sun's rays were so concentrated as to burn the labourers' clothes when opposed to the focal point, and this when the bell was twenty- five feet under the surface of the water ! CAUSE OF DAEK COLOUR OF THE SKIN. Darkness of complexion has been attributed to the sun's power from the age of Solomon to this day, "Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me :" and there cannot be a doubt that, to a certain degree, the opinion is well founded. The invisible rays in the solar beams, which change vegetable colour, and have been em- ployed with such remarkable effect in the daguerreotype, act upon every substance on which they fall, producing myste- rious and wonderful changes in their molecular state, man not excepted. Mrs. Somerville. EXTREME SOLAR HEAT. The fluctuation in the sun's direct heating power amounts to Ts tn > which is too considerable a fraction of the whole in- tensity not to aggravate in a serious degree the sufferings of those who are exposed to it in thirsty deserts without shelter. The amount of these sufferings, in the interior of Australia for instance, are of the most frightful kind, and would seem far to exceed what have ever been undergone by travellers in the 64 Thinys not generally Known. northern deserts of Africa. Thus Captain Sturt, in his account of his Australian exploration, says : " The ground was almost a molten surface ; and if a match accidentally fell upon it, it immediately ignited." Sir John Herschel has observed the temperature of the surface soil in South Africa as high as 159 Fahrenheit. An ordinary lucifer-match does not ignite when simply pressed upon a smooth surface at 212 ; but in the act of withdrawing it it takes fire, and the slightest friction upon such a surface of course ignites it. HOW DR. WOLLASTON COMPARED THE LIGHT OF THE SUN AND THE FIXED STARS. In order to compare the Light of the Sun with that of a Star, Dr. Wollaston took as an intermediate object of compa- rison the light of a candle reflected from a bulb about a quarter of an inch in diameter, filled with quicksilver ; and seen by one eye through a lens of two inches focus, at the same time that the star on the sun's image, placed at a proper distance, was viewed by the other eye through a telescope. The mean of various trials seemed to show that the light of Sirius is equal to that of the sun seen in a glass bulb -^th of an inch in dia- meter, at the distance of 210 feet ; or that they are in the proportion of one to ten thousand millions : but as nearly one half of this light is lost by reflection, the real proportion be- tween the light from Sirius and the sun is not greater than that of one to twenty thousand millions. " THE SUN DARKENED." Humboldt selects the following example from historical records as to the occurrence of a sudden decrease in the light of the Sun : A.D. 33, the year of the Crucifixion. "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land till the ninth hour" (St. Matthew xxvii. 45). According to St. Luke (xxiii. 45), " the sun was darkened.' 1 In order to explain and corroborate these narrations, Eusebius brings forward an eclipse of the sun in the 2J2d Olympiad, which had been noticed by the chronicler Phlegon of Tralles (Ideler, Handluch der Mathem. Chronologic, Bd. ii. p. 417). Wurn, however, has shown that the eclipse which occurred during this Olympiad, and was visible over the whole of Asia Minor, must have happened as early as the 24th of November 29 A.D. The day of the Crucifixion corresponded with the Jewish Passover (Ideler, Bd. i. pp. 515-520), on the 14th of the month Nisan, and the Passover was always celebrated at the time of the full moon. The sun cannot therefore have been darkened for three hours by the moon. The Jesuit Scheiner thinks the decrease in the light might be ascribed to the occurrence of large sun-spots. THE SUN AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. The important influence exerted by the Sun's body, as a S Curiosities of Science. 65 mass, upon Terrestrial Magnetism, is confirmed by Sabine in the ingenious observation, that the period at which the inten- sity of the magnetic force is greatest, and the direction of the needle most near to the vertical line, falls in both hemispheres between the months of October and February ; that is to say, precisely at the time when the earth is nearest to the sun, and moves in its orbit with the greatest velocity. IS THE HEAT OF THE SUN DECREASING ? The Heat of the Sun is dissipated and lost by radiation, and must be progressively diminished unless its thermal energy be supplied. According to the measurements of M. Pouillet, the quantity of heat given out by the sun in a year is equal to that which would be produced by the combustion of a stratum of coal seventeen miles in thickness ; and if the sun*s capacity for heat be assumed equal to that of water, and the heat be sup- posed drawn uniformly from its entire mass, its temperature would thereby undergo a diminution of 20 '4 Fahr. annually. On the other hand, there is a vast store of force in our system capable of conversion into heat. If, as is indicated by the small density of the sun, and by other circumstances, that body has not yet reached the condition of incompressibility, we have in the future approximation of its parts a fund of heat, probably quite large enough to supply the wants of the human family to the end of its sojourn here. It has been cal- culated that an amount of condensation which would diminish the diameter of the sun by only the ten-thousandth part, would suffice to restore the heat emitted in 2000 years. UNIVERSAL SUN-DIAL. Mr. Sharp, of Dublin, exhibited to the British Association in 1849 a Dial, consisting of a cylinder set to the day of the month, and then elevated to the latitude. A thin plane of metal, in the direction of its axis, is then turned by a milled head below it till the shadow is a minimum, when a dial on the top shows the hours by one hand, and the minutes by an- other, to the precision of about three minutes. LENGTH OF DAYS AT THE POLES. During the summer, in the northern hemisphere y places near the North Pole are in continual sunlight the sun never sets to them ; while during that time places near the South Pole never see the sun. When it is summer in the southern hemisphere, and the sun shines on the South Pole without setting, the North Pole is entirely deprived of his light. In- deed, at the Poles there is bit one day and one night ; for the p 66 Things not generally Known. sun shines for six months together on one Pole, and the other six months on the other Pole. HOW THE DISTANCE OF THE SUN IS ASCERTAINED BY THE YARD-MEASURE. Professor Airy, in his Six Lectures on Astronomy, gives a masterly analysis of a problem of considerable intricacy, viz. the determination of the parallax of the sun, and consequently of his distance, by observations of the transit of Venus, the con- necting link between measures upon the earth's surface and the dimensions of our system. The further step of investigating the parallax, and consequently the distance of the fixed stars (where that is practicable), is also elucidated; and the author, with evident satisfaction, thus sums up the several steps : By means of a yard-measure, a base-line in a survey was measured ; from this, by the tria.ngulations and computations of a survey, an arc of meridian on the earth was measured ; from this, with proper observa- tions with the zenith sector, the surveys being also repeated on different parts of the earth, the earth's form and dimensions were ascertained ; from these, and a previous independent knowledge of the proportions of the distances of the earth and other planets from the sun, with observa- tions of the transit of Venus, the sun's distance is determined ; and from this, with observations leading to the parallax of the stars, the distance of the stars is determined. And every step in the process can be dis- tinctly referred to its basis, that is, the yard-measure. HOW THE TIDES ARE PRODUCED BY THE SUN AND MOON. Each of these bodies excites, by its attraction upon the waters of the sea, two gigantic waves, which flow in the same direction round the world as the attracting bodies themselves apparently do. The two waves of the moon, on account of her greater nearness, are about 3| times as large as those ex- cited by the sun. One of these waves has its crest on the quarter of the earth^s surface which is turned towards the moon ; the other is at the opposite side. Both these quarters possess the flow of the tide, while the regions which lie be- tween have the ebb. Although in the open sea the height of the tide amounts to only about three feet, and only in certain narrow channels, where the moving water is squeezed together, rises to thirty feet, the might of the phenomenon is never- theless manifest from the calculation of Bessel, according to which a quarter of the earth covered by the sea possesses dur- ing the flow of the tide about 25,000 cubic miles of water more than during the ebb ; and that, therefore, such a mass of water must in 6 hours flow from one quarter of the earth to the other. Professor Helmhottz. Curiosities of Science. 67 SPOTS ON THE SUN. Sir John Herschel describes these phenomena, when watched from day to day, or even from hour to hour, as appearing to en- large or contract, to change their forms, and at length disappear altogether, or to break out anew in parts of the surface where none were before. Occasionally they break up or divide into two or more. The scale on which their movements takes place is immense. A single second of angular measure, as seen from the earth, corresponds on the sun's disc to 461 miles ; and a circle of this diameter (containing therefore nearly 167,000 square miles) is the least space which can be distinctly dis- cerned on the sun as a visible area. Spots have been observed, however, whose linear diameter has been upwards of 45,000 miles ; and even, if some records are to be trusted, of very much greater extent. That such a spot should close up in six weeks time (for they seldom last much longer), its borders must ap- proach at the rate of more than 1000 miles a-day. The same astronomer saw at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 29th March 1837, a solar spot occupying an area of near five square minutes, equal to 3,780,000,000 square miles. "The black centre of the spot of May 25th, 1837 (not the tenth part of the preceding one), would have allowed the globe of our earth to drop through it, leaving a thousand miles clear of .contact on all sides of that tremendous gulf." For such an amount of disturbance on the sun's atmosphere, what reason can be assigned ? The Rev. Mr. Dawes has invented a peculiar contrivance, by means of which he has been enabled to scrutinise, under high magnifying power, minute portions of the solar disc. He places a metallic screen, pierced with a very small hole, in the focus of the telescope, where the image of the sun is formed. A small portion only of the image is thus allowed to pass through, so that it may be examined by the eye-piece without inconveniencing the observer by heat or glare. By this ar- rangement, Mr. Dawes has observed peculiarities in the con- stitution of the sun's surface which are discernible in no other way. Before these observations, the dark spots seen on the sun's surface were supposed to be portions of the solid body of the sun, laid bare to our view by those immense fluctuations in the luminous regions of its atmosphere to which it appears to be subject. It now appears that these dark portions are only an additional and inferior stratum of a very feebly luminous or illuminated portion of the sun's atmosphere. This again in its turn Mr. Dawes has frequently seen pierced with a smaller and usually much more rounded aperture, which would seem 68 Things not generally Known. at last to afford a view of the real solar surface of most intense blackness. M. Schwabe, of Dessau, has discovered that the abundance or paucity of spots displayed by the sun's surface is subject to a law of periodicity. This has been confirmed by M. Wolf, of Berne, who shows that the period of these changes, from mini- mum to minimum, is 11 years and 1 1-hundredths of a year, being exactly at the rate of nine periods per century, the last year of each century being a year of minimum. It is strongly corroborative of the correctness both of M. Wolf's period and also of the periodicity itself, that of all the instances of the appearance of spots on the sun recorded in history, even before the invention of the telescope, or of remarkable deficiencies in the sun's light, of which there are great numbers, only two are found to deviate as much as two years from M. Wolf's epochs. Sir William Herschel observed that the presence or absence of spots had an influence on the temperature of the seasons ; his observations have been fully confirmed by M. Wolf. And, from an examination of the chronicles of Zurich from A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1800, he has come to the conclusion "that years rich in solar spots are in general drier and more fruitful than those of an opposite character ; while the latter are wetter and more stormy than the former." The most extraordinary fact, however, in connection with the spots on the sun's surface, is the singular coincidence of their periods with those great disturbances in the magnetic system of the earth to which the epithet of " magnetic storms" has been affixed. These disturbances, during which, the magnetic needle is greatly and universally ao-itated (not in a particular limited locality, but at one and the same instant of time over whole continents^ or even over the whole earth), are found, so far as obsei-vation has hitherto extended, to maintain a parallel, both in respect of their frequency of occui-rence and intensity in successive years, with the abundance and magnitude of the spots'in the same years, too close to be regarded as fortuitous. The coincidence of the epochs of maxima and minima in the two series of phenomena amounts, indeed, to identity; a fact evidently of most important significance, but which neither astronomical nor magnetic science is yet sufficiently advanced to interpret. Herschel 's Outlines. The signification and connection of the above varying phe- nomena (Humboldt maintains) can never be manifested in their entire importance until an uninterrupted series of representa- tions of the sun's spots can be obtained by the aid of me- chanical clock-work and photographic apparatus, as the result of prolonged observations during the many months of serene weather enjoyed in a tropical climate. M. Schwabe has thus distinguished himself as an indefatigable ob- server of the sun's spots, for his researches received the Royal Astrono- Curiosities of Science. 69 mical Society's Medal in 1857. " For thirty years," said the President at the presentation, "never has the sun exhibited his disc above the horizon of Dessau without being confronted by Schwabe's imperturbable telescope ; and that appears to have happened on an average about 300 days a-year. So, supposing that he had observed but once a-day, he has made 9000 observations, in the course of which he discovered about 4700 groups. This is, I believe, an instance of devoted persist- 'ence unsurpassed in the annals of astronomy. The energy of one man has revealed a phenomenon that had eluded the suspicion of astro- nomers for 200 years." HAS THE MOON AN ATMOSPHERE ? The Moon possesses neither Sea nor Atmosphere of appreci- able extent. Still, as a negative, in such case, is relative only to the capabilities of the instruments employed, the search for the indications of a lunar atmosphere has been renewed with fresh augmentation of telescopic power. Of such indications, the most delicate, perhaps, are those afforded by the occulta- tion of a planet by the moon. The occultation of Jupiter, which took place on January 2, 1857, was observed with this reference, and is said to have exhibited no hesitation, or change of form or brightness, such as would be produced by the refrac- tion or absorption of an atmosphere. As respects the sea, if water existed on the moon's surface, the sun's light reflected from it should be completely polarised at a certain elongation of the moon from the sun ; and no traces of such light have been observed. MM. Baer and Maedler conclude that the moon is not en- tirely without an atmosphere, but, owing to the smallness of her mass, she is incapacitated from holding an extensive cover- ing of gas; and they add, "it is possible that this weak en- velope may sometimes, through local causes, in some measure dim or condense itself." But if any atmosphere exists on our satellite, it must be, as Laplace says, more attenuated than what is termed a vacuum in an air-pump. Mr. Hopkins thinks that if there be any lunar atmosphere, it must be very rare in comparison with the terrestrial atmo- sphere, and inappreciable to the kind of observation by which it has been tested ; yet the absence of any refraction of the light of the stars during occultation is a very refined test. Mr. Nasmyth observes that " the sudden disappearance of the stars behind the moon, without any change or diminution of her brilliancy, is one of the most beautiful phenomena that can be witnessed." Sir John Herschel observes : The fact of the moon turning always the same face towards the earth is, in all probability, the result of an elongation of its figure in the direction of a line joining the centres of both the bodies, acting conjointly 70 Things not generally Known. with a non- coincidence of its centre of gravity with its centre of symmetry. If to this we add the supposition that the substance of the moon is not homogeneous, ani that some considerable pre- ponderance of weight is placed excentrically in it, it will be easily apprehended that the portion of its surface nearer to that heavier portion of its solid content, under all the circumstances of the moon's rotation, will permanently occupy the situation most remote from the earth. In what regards its assumption of a definite level, air obeys precisely the same hydrostatical laws as water. The lunar atmosphere would rest upon the lunar ocean, and form in its basin a lake of air, whose upper portions at an altitude such as we are now contemplating would be of excessive tenuity, especially should the provision of air be less abundant in proportion than our own. It by no means follows, then, from the absence of visible indications of water or air on this side of the moon, that the other is equally destitute of them, and equally unfitted for maintaining- animal or vegetable life. Some slight approach to such a state of things actually obtains on the earth itself. Nearly all the land is collected in one of its hemispheres, and much the larger portion of the sea in the opposite There is evidently an excess of heavy mate- rial vertically beneath the middle of the Pacific ; while not very remote from the point of the globe diametrically opposite rises the great table- land of India and the Himalaj^a chain, on the summits of which the air has not more than a third of the density it has on the sea-level, and from which animated existence is for ever excluded. Herschel s Out- 5th edit. LIGHT OF THE MOON. The actual illumination of the lunar surface is not much superior to that of weathered sandstone-rock in full sunshine. Sir John Herschel has frequently compared the moon setting behind the gray perpendicular faQade of the Table Mountain at the Cape of Good Hope, illuminated by the sun just risen from the opposite quarter of the horizon, when it has been scarcely distinguishable in brightness from the rock in contact with it. The sun and moon being nearly at equal altitudes, and the atmosphere perfectly free from cloud or vapour, its effect is alike on both luminaries. HEAT OF MOONLIGHT. M. Zantedeschi has proved, by a long series of experiments in the Botanic Gardens at Venice, Florence, and Padua, that, contrary to the general opinion, the diffused rays of moonlight have an influence upon the organs of plants, as the Sensitive Plant and the Desmodium gyrans. The influence was feeble compared with that of the sun ; but the action is left beyond further question. Melloni has proved that the rays of the Moon give out a Curiosities of Science. 71 slight degree of Heat (see Things not generally Known, p. 7) ; and Professor Piazzi Smyth, from a point of the Peak of Tene- riffe 8840 feet above the sea-level, has found distinctly per- ceptible the heat radiated from the moon, which has been so often sought for in vain in a lower region. SCENERY OF THE MOON. By means of the telescope, mountain-peaks are distinguished in the ash-gray light of the larger spots and isolated brightly- shining points of the moon, even when the disc is already more than half illuminated. Lambert and Schroter have shown that the extremely variable intensity of the ash-gray light of the moon depends upon the greater or less degree of reflection of the sunlight which falls upon the earth, according as it is reflected from continuous continental masses, full of sandy de- serts, grassy steppes, tropical forests, and barren rocky ground, or from large ocean surfaces. Lambert made the remarkable observation (14th of February 1774) of a change of the ash- coloured moonlight into an olive-green colour bordering upon yellow. " The moon, which then stood vertically over the Atlantic Ocean, received upon its right side the green terres- trial light which is reflected towards her when the sky is clear by the forest districts of South America. " Plutarch says distinctly, in his remarkable work On the Face in the Moon, that we may suppose the spots to be partly deep chasms and valleys, partly mountain -peaks, which cast long shadows, like Mount Athos, whose shadow reaches Lemnos. The spots cover about two-fifths of the whole disc. In a clear atmosphere, and under favourable circumstances in the position of the moon, some of the spots are visible to the naked eye ; as the edge of the Apennines, the dark elevated plain Grimal- dus, the enclosed Mare Crisium, and Tycho, crowded round with numerous mountain ridges and craters. Professor Alexander remarks, that a map of the eastern hemisphere, taken with the Bay of Bengal in the centre, would bear a striking resemblance to the face of the moon presented to us. The dark portions of the moon he considers to be con- tinental elevations, as shown by measuring the average height of mountains above the dark and the light portions of the moon. The surface of the moon can be as distinctly seen by a good telescope magnifying 1000 times, as it would be if not more than 250 miles distant. LIFE IN THE MOON. A circle of one second in diameter, as seen from the earth, on the surface of the moon contains about a square mile. 72 Things not generally Known. Telescopes, therefore, must be greatly improved before we could expect to see signs of inhabitants, as manifested by edi- fices or changes on the surface of the soil. It should, however, be observed, that owing to the small density of the materials of the moon, and the comparatively feeble gravitation of bodies on her surface, muscular force would there go six times as far in overcoming the weight of materials as on the earth. Owing to the want of air, however, it seems impossible that any form of life analogous to those on earth can subsist there. No appearance indicating vegetation, or the slightest variation of surface which can in our opinion fairly be ascribed to change of season, can any where be discerned. Sir John Herschel's Out- lines. THE MOON SEEN THROUGH LORD ROSSE's TELESCOPE. In 1846, the Rev. Dr. Scoresby had the gratification of ob- serving the Moon through the stupendous telescope constructed by Lord Rosse at Parsonstown. It appeared like a globe of molten silver, and every object to the extent of 100 yards was quite visible. Edifices, therefore, of the size of York Minster, or even of the ruins of Whitby Abbey, might be easily per- ceived, if they had existed. But there was no appearance of any thing of that nature ; neither was there any indication of the existence of water, or of an atmosphere. There were a great number of extinct volcanoes, several miles in breadth ; through one of them there was a line of continuance about 150 miles in length, which ran in a straight direction, like a rail- way. The general appearance, however, was like one vast ruin of nature ; and many of the pieces of rock driven out of the volcanoes appeared to lie at various distances. MOUNTAINS IN THE MOON. By the aid of telescopes, we discern irregularities in the sur- face of the moon which can be no other than mountains arid valleys. for this plain reason, that we see the shadows cast by the former in the exact proportion as to length which they ought to have when we take into account the inclinations of the sun's rays to that part of the moon's surface on which they stand. From micrometrical measurements of the lengths of the shadows of the more conspicuous mountains, Messrs. Baer and Maedler have given a list of heights for no less than 1095 lunar mountains, among which occur all degrees of elevation up to 22,823 British feet, or about 1400 feet higher than Chimbo- razo in the Andes. If Chimborazo were as high in proportion to the earth's diameter as a mountain in the moon known by the name of Curiosities of Science. 73 Newton is to the moon's diameter, its peak would be more than sixteen miles high. Avago calls to mind, that with a 6000-fold magnifying power, which nevertheless could not be applied to the moon with proportionate results, the mountains upon the moon would appear to us just as Mont Blanc does to the naked eye when seen from the Lake of Geneva. We sometimes observe more than half the surface of the moon, the eastern and northern edges being more visible at one time, and the western or southern at another. By means of this libration we are enabled to see the annular mountain Malapert (which occasionally conceals the moon's south pole), the arctic landscape round the crater of Gioja, and the large gray plane near Endymion, which conceals in superficial extent the mare vaporum. Three-sevenths of the moon are entirely concealed from our observation ; and must always remain so, unless some new and unexpected disturbing causes come into play. Humboldt. The first object to which Galileo directed his telescope was tho mountainous parts of the moon, when he showed how their summits might be measured : he found in the moon some circular districts sur- rounded on all sides by mountains similar to the form of Bohemia. The measurements of the mountains were made by the method of the tangents of the solar ray. Galileo, as Helvetius did still later, measured the distance of the summit of the mountains from the boundary of the illuminated portion at the moment when the mountain summit was first struck by the solar ray. Humboldt found no observations of the lengths of the slwdows of the mountains : the summits were " much higher than the mountains on our earth " The comparison is remark- able, since, according to Biccioli, very exaggerated ideas of the height of our mo;.:;tains were then entertained. Galileo like all other observers up to the close of the eighteenth century, believed in the existence of many seas and of a lunar atmosphere. THE MOON AND THE WEATHER. The only influence of the Moon on the Weather of which we have any decisive evidence is the tendency to disappearance of clouds under the full moon, which Sir John Herschel refers to its heat being much more readily absorbed in traversing transparent media than direct solar heat, and being extinguished in the upper regions of our atmosphere, never reaches the sur- face of the atmosphere at all. THE MOON'S ATTRACTION. Mr. G. P. Bond of Cambridge, by some investigations to ascertain whether the Attraction of the Moon has any effect upon the motion of a pendulum, and consequently upon the rate of a clock, has found the last to be changed to the amount 74 Things not generally Known. of TWO of a second daily. At the equator the moon's attrac- tion changes the weight of a body only ?000 oo6 of the whole ; yet this force is sufficient to produce the vast phenomena of the tides ! It is no slight evidence of the importance of analysis, that Laplace's perfect theory of tides has enabled us in our astro- nomical ephemerides to predict the height of spring-tides at the periods of new and full moon, and thus put the inhabitants of the sea on their guard against the increased danger attending the lunar revolutions. MEASURING THE EARTH BY THE MOON. As the form of the Earth exerts a powerful influence on the motion of other cosmical bodies, and especially on that of its neighbouring satellite, a more perfect knowledge of the motion of the latter will enable us reciprocally to draw an inference regarding the figure of the earth. Thus, as Laplace ably re- marks : " an astronomer, without leaving his observatory, may, by a comparison of lunar theory with true observations, not only be enabled to determine the form and size of the earth, but also its distance from the sun and moon ; results that other- wise could only be arrived at by long and arduous expeditions to the most remote parts of both hemispheres." The compres- sion which may be inferred from lunar inequalities affords an advantage not yielded by individual measurements of degrees or experiments with the pendulum, since it gives a mean amount which is referable to the whole planet. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. i. The distance of the moon from the earth is about 240,000 miles ; and if a railway-carriage were to travel at the rate of 1000 miles a-day, it would be eight months in reaching the moon. But that is nothing compared with the length of time it would occupy a locomotive to reach the sun from the earth : if travelling at the rate of 1000 miles a-day, it would require 260 years to reach it. CAUSE OF ECLIPSES. As the Moon is at a very moderate distance from us (astro- nomically speaking), and is in fact our nearest neighbour, while the sun and stars are in comparison immensely beyond it, it must of necessity happen that at one time or other it must pass over, and occult or eclipse, every star or planet within its zone, and, as seen from the surface of the earth, even some- what beyond it. Nor is the sun itself exempt from being thus hidden whenever any part of the moon's disc, in this her tor- tuous course, comes to overlap any part of the space occupied Curiosities of Science. 75 in the heavens by that luminary. On these occasions is ex- hibited the most striking and impressive of all the occasional phenomena of astronomy, an Eclipse of the Sun, in which a greater or less portion, or even in some conjunctures the whole of its disc, is obscured, and, as it were, obliterated, by the su* perposition of that of the moon, which appears upon it as a circularly-terminated black spot, producing a temporary dimi- nution of daylight, or even nocturnal darkness, so that the stars appear as if at midnight. Sir John Herschel's Outlines. VAST NUMBERS IN THE UNIVERSE. The number of telescopic stars in the Milky Way uninter- rupted by any nebulae is estimated at 18,000,000. To com- pare this number with something analogous, Humboldt calls attention to the fact, that there are not in the whole heavens more than about 8000 stars, between the first and the sixth magnitudes, visible to the naked eye. The barren astonish- ment excited by numbers and dimensions in space when not considered with reference to applications engaging the mental and perceptive powers of man, is awakened in both extremes of the universe in the celestial bodies as in the minutest animalcules. A cubic inch of the polishing slate of Bilin con- tains, according to Ehrenberg, 40,000 millions of the siliceous shells of Galionellse. FOR WHAT PURPOSE WERE THE STARS CREATED 1 Surely not (says Sir John Herschel) to illuminate our nights, which an additional moon of the thousandth part of the size of our own would do much better ; nor to sparkle as a pageant void of meaning and reality, and bewilder us among vain con- jectures. Useful, it is true, they are to man as points of exact and permanent reference ; but he must have studied astronomy to little purpose, who can suppose man to be the only object of his Creator's care, or who does not see in the vast and wonder- ful apparatus around us provision for other races of animated beings. The planets derive their light from the sun ; but that cannot be the case with the stars. These doubtless, then, are themselves suns ; and may perhaps, each in its sphere, be the presiding centre round which other planets, or bodies of which we can form no conception from any analogy offered by our own system, are circulating.* NUMBER OF STARS. Various estimates have been hazarded on the Number of Stars throughout the whole heavens visible to us by the aid of * This eloquent advocacy of the doctrine of " More Worlds than One" (refer- red to at p. 51) is from the author's valuable Outlines of Astronomy. 76 Things not generally Known. our colossal telescopes. Struve assumes for Herschel's 20-feet reflector, that a magnifying power of 180 would give 5,800,000 for the number of stars lying within the zones extending 30 on either side of the equator, and 20,374,000 for the whole heavens. Sir William Herschel conjectured that 18,000,000 of stars in the Milky Way might be seen by his still more powerful 40-feet reflecting telescope. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. iii. The assumption that the extent of the starry firmament is literally infinite has been made by Dr. Gibers the basis of a conclusion that the celestial spaces are in some slight degree deficient in transparency ; so that all beyond a certain distance is and must remain for ever unseen, the geometrical progres- sion of the extinction of light far outrunning the effect of any conceivable increase in the power of our telescopes. Were it not so, it is argued that every part of the celestial concave ought to shine with the brightness of the solar disc, since no visual ray could be so directed as not, in some point or other of its infinite length, to encounter such a disc. Edinburgh Re- view, Jan. 1848. STAKS THAT HAVE DISAPPEARED. Notwithstanding the great accuracy of the catalogued po- sitions of telescopic fixed stars and of modern star-maps, the certainty of conviction that a star in the heavens has ac- tually disappeared since a certain epoch can only be arrived at with great caution. Errors of actual observation, of reduction, and of the press, often disfigure the very best catalogues. The disappearance of a heavenly body from the place in which it had been before distinctly seen, may be the result of its own motion as much as of any such diminution of its photometric process as would render the waves of light too weak to excite our organs of sight. What we no longer see, is not necessarily annihilated. The idea of destruction or combustion, as ap- plied to disappearing stars, belongs to the age of Tycho Brahe. Even Pliny makes it a question. The apparent eternal cosmical alternation of existence and destruction is not annihilation ; it is merely the transition of matter into new forms, into com- binations which are subject to new processes. Dark cosmical bodies may by a renewed process of light again become lu- minous. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. iii. THE POLE-STAB FOUR THOUSAND YEARS AGO. Sir John Herschel, in his Outlines of Astronomy, thus shows the changes in the celestial pole in 4000 years : At the date of the erection of the Pyramid of Gizeh, which precedes the present epoch by nearly 4000 years, the longitudes of all the stars Curiosities of Science. 77 were less by 55 45' than at present. Calculating from this datum the place of the pole of the heavens among the stars, it will be found to fall near a Draconis ; its distance from that star being 3 44' 25". This being the roost conspicuous star in the immediate neighbourhood, was therefore the Pole Star of that epoch. The latitude of Gizeh being just 30 north, and consequently the altitude of the North Pole there also 30, it follows that the star in question must have had at its lowest culmination at Gizeh an altitude of 25 15' 35". Now it is a remarkable fact, that of the nine pyramids still existing at Gizeh, six (including all the largest) have the narrow passages by which alone they can be entered (all which open out on the northern faces of their re- spective pyramids) inclined to the horizon downwards at angles the mean of which is 26 47'. At the bottom of every one of these passages, therefore, the Pole Star must have been visible at its lower culmination ; a circumstance which can hardly be supposed to have been uninten- tional, and was doubtless connected (perhaps superstitiously) with the astronomical observations of that star, of whose proximity to the pole at the epoch of the erection of these wonderful structures we are thus furnished with a monumental record of the most imperishable nature. THE PLEIADES. The Pleiades prove that, several thousand years ago even as now, stars of the seventh magnitude were invisible to the naked eye of average visual power. The group consists of seven stars, of which six only, of the third, fourth, and fifth magnitudes, could be readily distinguished. Of these Ovid says (Fast. iv. 170) : " Quae septem dici, sex tamen esse solent." Aratus states there were only six stars visible in the Pleiades. One of the daughters of Atlas, Merope, the only one who was wedded to a mortal, was said to have veiled herself for very shame and to have disappeared. This is probably the star of the seventh magnitude, which we call Celaene ; for Hip- parchus, in. his commentary on Aratus, observes that on clear moonless nights seven stars may actually be seen. The Pleiades were doubtless known to the rudest nations from the earliest times ; they are also called the mariner's stars. The name is from TrAeiv (plein), ' to sail.' The navigation of the Mediterranean lasted from May to the beginning of Novem- ber, from the early rising to the early setting of the Pleiades. In how many beautiful effusions of poetry and sentiment has " the Lost Pleiad" been deplored ! and, to descend to more fa- miliar illustration of this group, the " Seven Stars," the sailors' favourites, and a frequent river-side public-house sign, may be traced to the Pleiades. CHANGE OF COLOUR IN THE STARS. The scintillation or twinkling of the stars is accompanied by variations of colour, which have been remarked from a very early age. M. Arago states, upon the authority of M. Babinet, 78 Things not generally Known. that the name of Barakesch, given by the Arabians to Sirius, signifies th star of a thousand colours ; and Tycho Brahe, Kep- ler, and others, attest to similar change of colour in twinkling. Even soon after the invention of the telescope, Simon Marius remarked that by removing the eye-piece of the telescope the images of the stars exhibited rapid fluctuations of bright- ness and colour. In 1814 Nicholson applied to the telescope a smart vibration, which caused the image of the star to be transformed into a curved line of light returning into itself, and diversified by several colours ; each colour occupied about a third of the whole length of the curve, and by applying ten vibrations in a second, the light of Sirius in that time passed through thirty changes of colour. Hence the stars in general shine only by a portion of their light, the effect of twinkling being to diminish their brightness. "This phenomenon M. Arago explains by the principle of the interference of light. Ptolemy is said to have noted Sirius as a red star, though it is now white. Sirius twinkles with red and blue light, and Ptolemy's eyes, like those of several other persons, may have been more sensitive to the red than to the blue rays. Sir David Brewster's More Worlds than One, p. 235. Some of the double stars are of very different and dissimilar colours ; and to the revolving planetary bodies which apparently circulate around them, a day lightened by a red light is suc- ceeded by, not a night, but a day equally brilliant, though illu- minated only by a green light. DISTANCE OF THE NEAREST FIXED STAE FROM THE EARTH. Sir John Herschel wrote in 1833 : " What is the distance of the nearest fixed star? What is the scale on which our visible firmament is constructed ? And what proportion do its dimensions bear to those of our own immediate system ? To this, however, astronomy has hitherto proved unable to supply an answer. All we know on this subject is negative." To these questions, however, an answer can now be given. Slight changes of position of some of the stars, called parallax, have been distinctly observed and measured ; and among these stars No. 61 Cygni of Flamstead's catalogue has a parallax of 5", and that of a Centauri has a proper motion of 4" per annum. The same astronomer states that each second of parallax in- dicates a distance of 20 billions of miles, or 3J years' journey of light. Now the light sent to us by the sun, as compared with that sent by Sirius and a Centauri, is a,bout 22 thousand mil- lions to 1. " Hence, from the parallax assigned above to that star, it is easy to conclude that its intrinsic splendour, as com- pared with that of our sun at equal distances, is 2*3247, that of the sun being unity. The light of Sirius is four times that Curiosities of Science. 79 of a Centauri, and its parallax only 0'15". This, in effect, as- cribes to it an intrinsic splendour equal to 96'63 times that of a Centauri, and therefore 224' 7 times that of our sun." This is justly regarded as one of the most brilliant triumphs of astronomical science, for the delicacy of the investigation is almost inconceivable ; yet the reasoning is as unimpeachable as the demonstration of a theorem of Euclid. LIGHT OF A STAE SIXTEENFOLD THAT OF THE SUN. The bright star in the constellation of the Lyre, termed Vega, is the brightest in the northern hemisphere ; and the com- bined researches of Struve, father and son, have found that the distance of this star from the earth is no less than 130 bil- lions of miles ! Light travelling at the rate of 192 thousand miles in a second consequently occupies twenty-one years in passing from this star to the earth. Now it has been found, by comparing the light of Vega with the light of the sun, that if the latter were removed to the distance of 130 billions of miles, his apparent brightness would not amount to more than the sixteenth part of the apparent brightness of Vega. We are therefore warranted in concluding that the light of Vega is equal to that of sixteen suns. DIVERSITIES OF THE PLANETS. In illustration of the great diversity of the physical peculi- arities and probable condition of the planets, Sir John Herschel describes the intensity of solar radiation as nearly seven times greater on Mercury than on the earth, and on Uranus 330 times less ; the proportion between the two extremes being that of upwards of 2000 to 1. Let any one figure to himself, (adds Sir John,) the condition of our globe were the sun to be sep- tupled, to say nothing of the greater ratio ; or were it dimi- nished to a seventh, or to a 300th of its actual power ! Again, the intensity of gravity, or its efficacy in counter- acting muscular power and repressing animal activity, on Ju- piter is nearly two-and-a-half times that on the earth ; on Mars not more than one-half; on the moon one-sixth; and on the smaller planets probably not more than one-twentieth ; giving a scale of which the extremes are in the proportion of sixty to one. Lastly, the density of Saturn hardly exceeds one- eighth of the mean density of the earth, so that it must consist of materials not much heavier than cork. Jupiter is eleven times, Saturn ten times, Uranus five times, and Neptune nearly six times, the diameter of our earth. These four bodies revolve in space at such distances from the sun, that if it were possible to start thence for each in succession, and to travel at the railway speed of 33 miles per hour, the traveller would reach 80 Things not generally Known. Jupiter in . . 1712 years Saturn .... 3113 Uranus . . . 6226 ,, Neptune . . . 9685 If, thei'efore, a person had commenced his journey at the period of the Christian era, he would now have to travel nearly 1300 years before he would arrive at the planet Saturn ; more than 4300 years before he would reach Uranus ; and no less than 7800 years before he could reach the orbit of Neptune. Yet the light which comes to us from these remote confines of the solar system first issued from the sun, and is then reflected from the surface of the planet. When the telescope is turned towards Neptune, the observer's eye sees the object by means of light that issued from the sun eight hours before, and which since then has passed nearly twice through that vast space which railway speed would require al- most a century of centuries to accomplish. Bouvier's Familiar Agtro- GEAND RESULTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. ' This discovery, one of the first fruits of the invention of the telescope, and of Galileo's early and happy idea of directing its newly-found powers to the examination of the heavens, forms one of the most memorable epochs in the history of astronomy. The first astronomical solution of the great problem of the longitude, practically the most important for the interests of mankind which has ever been brought under the dominion of strict scientific principles, dates immediately from this disco- very. The final and conclusive establishment of the Coperni- can system of astronomy may also be considered as referable to the discovery and study of this exquisite miniature system, in which the laws of the planetary motions, as ascertained by Kepler, and specially that which connects their periods and distances, were specially traced, and found to be satisfactorily maintained. And (as if to accumulate historical interest on this point) it is to the observation of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites that we owe the grand discovery of the aberration of light, and the consequent determination of the enormous velo- city of that wonderful element 192,000 miles per second. Mr. Dawes, in 1849, first noticed the existence of round, well-de- fined, bright spots on the belts of Jupiter. They vary in situa- tion and number, as many as ten having been seen on one occasion. As the belts of Jupiter have been ascribed to tho existence of currents analogous to our trade-winds, causing tho body of Jupiter to be visible through his cloudy atmosphere, Sir John Herschel conjectures that those bright spots may possibly be insulated masses of clouds of local origin, similar to the cumuli which sometimes cap ascending columns of vapour in our atmosphere. It would require nearly 1300 globes of the size of our earth Curiosities of Science. 81 to make one of the bulk of Jupiter. A railway-engine travel- ling at the rate of thirty- three miles an hour would travel round the earth in a month, but would require more than eleven months to perform a journey round Jupiter. WAS SATURN'S RING KNOWN TO THE ANCIENTS ? In Maurice's Indian Antiquities is an engraving of Sani, the Saturn of the Hindoos, taken from an image in a very an- cient pagoda, which represents the deity encompassed by a ring formed of two serpents. Hence it is inferred that the ancients were acquainted with the existence of the ring of Saturn. Arago mentions the remarkable fact of the ring and fourth satellite of Saturn having been seen by Sir W. Herschel with his smaller telescope by the naked eye, without any eye- piece. The first or innermost of Saturn's satellites is nearer to the central body than any other of the secondary planets. Its dis- tance from the centre of Saturn is 80,088 miles ; from the sur- face of the planet 47,480 miles ; and from the outmost edge of the ring only 4916 miles. The traveller may form to himself an estimate of the smallness of this amount by remembering the statement of the well-known navigator, Captain Beechey, that he had in three years passed over 72,800 miles. According to very recent observations, Saturn's ring is di- vided into three separate rings, which, from the calculations of Mr. Bond, an American astronomer, must be fluid. He is of opinion that the number of rings is continually changing, and that their maximum number, in the normal condition of the mass, does not exceed twenty. Mr. Bond likewise maintains that the power which sustains the centre of gravity of the ring is not in the planet itself, but in its satellites ; and the satellites, though constantly disturbing the ring, actually sustain it in the very act of perturbation. M. Otto Struve and Mr. Bond have lately studied with the great Munich telescope, at the observa- tory of Pulkowa, the third ring of Saturn, which Mr. Lassell and Mr. Bond discovered to \& fluid. They saw distinctly the dark interval between this fluid ring and the two old ones, and even measured its dimensions ; and they perceived at its inner mar- gin an edge feebly illuminated, which they thought might bo the commencement of a fourth ring. These astronomers are of opinion, that the fluid ring is not of very recent formation, and that it is not subject to rapid change; and they have come to the extraordinary conclusion, that the inner border of the ring has, since the time of Huygens, been gradually approaching to the body of Saturn, and that we may expect, sooner or later, perhaps in sortie dozen of years, to see the rings united with the body of the planet. But this theory is by other observers pro- nounced untenable. 82 Things not generally Known. TEMPERATURE OF THE PLANET MERCURY. Mercury being so much nearer to the Sun than the Earth, he receives, it is supposed, seven times more heat than the earth. Mrs. Somerville says: "On Mercury, the mean heat arising from the intensity of the sun's rays must be above that of boiling quicksilver, and water would boil even at the poles." But he may be provided with an atmosphere so constituted as to absorb or reflect a great portion of the superabundant heat ; so that his inhabitants (if he have any) may enjoy a climate as temperate as any on our globe. SPECULATIONS ON VESTA AND PALLAS. The most remarkable peculiarities of these ultra-zodiacal planets, according to Sir John Herschel, must lie in tin's condi- tion of their state : a man place i on one of them would spring with ease sixty feet high, and sustain no greater shock in his descent than he does on the earth from leaping a yard. On such planets, giants might exist ; and those enormous animals which on the earth require the buoyant power of water to coun- teract their weight, might there be denizens of the land. But of such speculations there is no end. IS THE PLANET MARS INHABITED ? The opponents of the doctrine of the Plurality of Worlds allow that a greater probability exists of Mars being inhabited than in the case of any other planet. His diameter is 4100 miles ; and his surface exhibits spots of different hues, the seas, according to Sir John Herschel, being green, and the laud red. " The variety in the spots," says this astronomer, " may arise from the planet not being destitute of atmosphere and cloud ; and what adds greatly to the probability of this, is the appearance of brilliant white spots at its poles, which have been conjectured, with some probability, to be snow, as they disappear when they have been long exposed to the sun, and are greatest when emerging from the long night of their polar winter, the snow-line then extending to about six degrees from the pole." " The length of the day," says Sir David Brew- ster, " is almost exactly twenty-four hours, the same as that of the earth. Continents and oceans and green savannahs have been observed upon Mars, and the snow of his polar re- gions has been seen to disappear with the heat of summer. " We actually see the clouds floating in the atmosphei-e of Mars, and there is the appearance of land and water on his disc. In a sketch of this planet, as seen in the pure atmosphere of Calcutta by Mr. Grant, it appears, to use his words, " actually Curiosities of Science. 83 as a little world," and as the earth would appear at a distance, with its seas and continents of different shades. As the dia- meter of Mars is only about one half that of our earth, the weight of bodies will be about one half what it would be if they were placed upon our globe. DISCOVERY OF THE PLANET NEPTUNE. This noble discovery marked in a signal manner the matu- rity of astronomical science. The proof, or at least the urgent presumption, of the existence of such a planet, as a means of accounting (by its attraction) for certain small irregularities observed in the motions of Uranus, was afforded almost simul- taneously by the independent researches of two geometers, Mr. Adams of Cambridge, and M. Leverrier of Paris, who were enabled from theory alone to calculate whereabouts it ought to appear in the heavens, if visible, the places thus indepen- dently calculated agreeing surprisingly. Within a single de- gree of the place assigned by M. Leverrier's calculations, and by him communicated to Dr. Galle of the Royal Observatory at Berlin, it was actually found by that astronomer on the very first night after the receipt of that communication, on turning a telescope on the spot, and comparing the stars in its imme- diate neighbourhood with those previously laid down in one of the zodiacal charts. This remarkable verification of an indica- tion so extraordinary took place on the 23d of September 1846.* Sir John Herschels Outlines. Neptune revolves round the sun in about 172 years, at a mean distance of thirty, that of Uranus being nineteen, and that of the earth one : and by its discovery the solar system has been extended one thousand millions of miles beyond its former limit. Neptune is suspected to have a ring, but the suspicion has not been confirmed. It has been demonstrated by the obser- vations of Mr. Lassell, M. Otto Struve, and Mr. Bond, to be attended by at least one satellite. One of the most curious facts brought to light by the dis- covery of Neptune, is the failure of Bode's law to give an ap- proximation to its distance from the sun ; a striking exempli- fication of the danger of trusting to the universal applicability of an empirical law. After standing the severe test which led * Professor Challis, of the Cambridge Observatory, directing the Northum- berland telescope of that, institution to the place assigned by Mr. Adams's calcu- lations and its vicinity on the 4th and 12 th of August 1846, saw the planet on both those days, and noted its place (among those of other stars) for re-observa- tion. He, however, postponed the comparison of the places observed, and not possessing Dr. Bremiker's chart (which would at once have indicated the pre- sence of an unmapped star), remained in ignorance of the planet's existence as a visible object till the announcement of such by Dr. Galle. 84- Things not generally Known. to the discovery of the asteroids, it seemed almost contrary to the laws of probability that the discovery of another member of the planetary system should prove its failure as an univer- sal rule. MAGNITUDE OF COMETS. Although Comets have a smaller mass than any other cos- mical bodies being, according to our present knowledge, pro- bably not equal to 3o ' 00 th part of the earth's mass yet they occupy the largest space, as their tails in several instances ex- tend over many millions of miles. The cone of luminous va- pour which radiates from them has been found in some cases (as in 1680 and 1811) equal to the length of the earth's distance from the sun, forming a line that intersects both the orbits of Venus and Mercury. It is even probable that the vapour of the tails of comets mingled with our atmosphere in the years 1819 and 1823. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. i. COMETS VISIBLE IN SUNSHINE THE GREAT COMET OF 1843. The phenomenon of the tail of a Comet being visible in bright Sunshine, which is recorded of the comet of 1402, oc- curred again in the case of the large comet of 1843, whose nucleus and tail were seen in North America on February 28th (according to the testimony of J. G. Clarke, of Portland, State of Maine), between one and three o'clock in the afternoon. The distance of the very dense nucleus from the sun's light admitted of being measured with much exactness. The nu- cleus and tail (a darker space intervening) appeared like a very pure white cloud. American Journal of Science, vol. xiv. E. C. Otte, the translator of Bonn's edition of Humboldt's Cosmos, at New Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S., Feb. 28th, 1843, distinctly saw the above comet between one and two in the afternoon. The sky at the time was intensely blue, and the sun shining with a dazzling brightness unknown in European climates. This very remarkable Comet, seen in England on the 17th of March 1843, had a nucleus with the appearance of a planetary disc, and the brightness of a star of the first or second magni- tude. It had a double tail divided by a dark line. At the Cape of Good Hope it was seen in full daylight, and in the im- mediate vicinity of the sea ; but the most remarkable fact in its history was its near approach to the sun, its distance from his surface being only one- fourteenth of his diameter. The heat to which it was exposed, therefore, was much greater than that which Sir Isaac Newton ascribed to the comet of 1680, namely 200 times that of red-hot iron. Sir John Herschel has com- puted that it must have been 24 times greater than that which Curiosities of Science. 85 was produced in the focus of Parker's burning lens, 32 inches in diameter, which inelts crystals of quartz and agate.* THE MILKY WAY UNFATHOMABLE. M. Struve of Pulkowa has compared Sir William Herschel's opinion on this subject, as maintained in 1785, with that to which he was subsequently led ; and arrives at the conclusion that, according to Sir W. Herschel himself, the visible extent of the Milky Way increases with the penetrating power of the telescopes employed ; that it is impossible to discover by his instruments the termination of the Milky Way (as an inde- pendent cluster of stars) ; and that even his gigantic telescope of forty feet focal length does not enable him to extend our knowledge of the Milky Way, which is incapable of being sounded. Sir William Herschel's Theory of the Milky Way was as follows : He considered our solar system, and all the stars which we can see with the eye, as placed within, and consti- tuting a part of, the nebula of the Milky Way, a congeries of many millions of stars, so that the projection of these stars must form a luminous track on the concavity of the sky ; and by estimating or counting the number of stars in different di- rections, he was able to form a rude judgment of the probable form of the nebula, and of the probable position of the solar system within it. This remarkable belt has maintained from the earliest ages the same relative situation among the stars ; and, when exa- mined through powerful telescopes, is found (wonderful to relate !) to consist entirely of stars scattered by millions, like glittering dust, on the black ground of the general heavens. DISTANCES OF NEBULA. These are truly astounding. Sir William Herschel esti- mated the distance of the annular nebula between Beta and Gamma Lyrse to be from our system 950 times that of Sirius ; and a globular cluster about 5g south-east of Beta Sir William computed to be one thousand three hundred billions of miles from our system. Again, in Scutum Sobieski is one nebula in the shape of a horseshoe ; but which, when viewed with high magnifying power, presents a different appearance. Sir William Herschel estimated this nebula to be 900 times farther from us than Sirius. In some parts of its vicinity he observed 588 stars in his telescope at one time ; and he counted 258,000 in a space 10 long and 2 wide. There is a globular cluster between the mouths of Pegasus and Equuleus, which Sir Wil- * For several interesting details of Comets, see " Destruction of the World by a Comet," in Popular Errors Explained and Illustrated, new edit. pp. 165-168. 86 Things not generally Known. Ham Herschel estimated to be 243 times farther from us than Sirius. Caroline Herschel discovered in the right foot of An- dromeda a nebula of enormous dimensions, placed at an incon- ceivable distance from us : it consists probably of myriads of solar systems, which, taken together, are but a point in the universe. The nebula about 10 west of the principal star in Triangulum is supposed by Sir William Herschel to be 344 times the distance of Sirius from the earth, which would be the immense sum of nearly seventeen thousand billions of miles from our planet. INFINITE SPACE. After the straining mind has exhausted all its resources in attempting to fathom the distance of the smallest telescopic star, or the faintest nebula, it has reached only the visible con- fines of the sidereal creation. The universe of stars is but an atom in the universe of space ; above it, and beneath it, and around it, there is still infinity. ORIGIN OF OUR PLANETARY SYSTEM. THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS.* The commencement of our Planetary System, including the sun, must, according to Kant and Laplace, be regarded as an immense nebulous mass filling the portion of space which is now occupied by our system far beyond the limits of Neptune, our most distant planet. Even now we perhaps see similar masses in the distant regions of the firmament, as patches of nebulae, and nebulous stars ; within our system also, comets, the zodiacal light, the corona of the sun during a total eclipse, exhibit resemblances of a nebulous substance, which is so thin that the light of the stars passes through it unenfeebled and unref meted. If we calculate the density of the mass of our planetary system, according to the above assumption, for the time when it was a nebulous sphere which reached to the path of the outmost planet, we should find that it would require several cubic miles of such matter to weigh a single grain. Professor Helmholtz. A quarter of a century ago, Sir John Herschel expressed his opinion that those nebulae which were not resolved into indivi- dual stars by the highest powers then used, might be hereafter completely resolved by a further increase of optical power : * The letters of Sir Isaac Newton to Dr. Bentley, containing suggestions for the Boyle Lectures, po-sess a peculiar interest in the present day. " They show" (says Sir Pavid Brewster) "that the nebulnr hypothesis, the dull and dangerous heresy of the age, is incompatible with the established laws of the material uni- verse, and that an omnipotent arm was required to give the planets their posi- tions and motions in spare, and a presiding intelligence to assign to them the different functions they had to perform." Life of Newton, vol. ii. Curiosities of Science. 87 In fact, this probability has almost been converted into a certainty by the magnificent reflecting telescope constructed by Lord Rosse, of 6 feet in aperture, which has resolved, or rendered resolvable, multitudes of nebulae which had resisted all inferior powers. The sublimity of the spectacle afforded by that instrument of some of the larger globular and other clusters is declared by all who have witnessed it to be such as no words can express.* Although, therefore, nebulae do exist, which even in this powerful telescope appear as nebulae, without any sign of resolution, it may very reasonably be doubted whether there be really any essential physical distinction between nebulae and clusters of stars, at least in the nature of the matter of which they consist ; and whether the distinction between such nebulae as are easily resolved, barely resolvable with excellent tele- scopes, and altogether irresolvable with the best, be any thing else than one of degree, arising merely from the excessive minuteness and multi- tude of the stars of which the latter, as compared with the former, con- sist. Outlines of Astronomy, 5th edit. 1858. It should be added, that Sir John Herschel considers the " nebular hypothesis" and the above theory of sidereal aggre- gation to stand quite independent of each other. ORIGIN OF HEAT IN OUR SYSTEM. Professor Helmholtz, assuming that at the commencement the density of the nebulous matter was a vanishing quantity, as compared with the present density of the sun and planets, calculates how much work has been performed by the conden- sation ; how much of this work still exists in the form of me- chanical force, as attraction of the planets towards the sun, and as vis viva of their motion ; and finds by this how much of the force has been converted into heat. The result of this calculation is, that only about the 45th part of the original mechanical force remains as such, and that the remainder, converted into heat, would be sufficient to raise a mass of water equal to the sun and planets taken together, not less than 28,000,000 of degrees of the centigrade scale. For the sake of comparison, Professor Helm- holtz mentions that the highest tempernture which we can produce by the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, which is sufficient to vaporise even platina, and which but few bodies can endure, is estimated at about 2000 degrees. Of the action of a temperature of 28,000.000 of such degrees we can form no notion. If the mass of our entire system were of pure coal, by the combustion of the whole of it only the 350th part of the above quantity would be generated. The store of foixfe at present possessed by our system is equivalent to immense quantities of heat. If our earth were by a sudden shock brought to rest in her orbit which is not to be feared in the existing arrangement of our system by such a shock a quantity of heat would be generated equal to that produced by the combustion of fourteen such earths of solid coal. Making the most unfavourable assumption as to its capacity for heat, that is, placing it equal to that of water, the mass * The constitution of the nebulae in the constellation of Orion has been re- solved by this instrument; and by its aid the stars of which it is composed burst upon the sight of man for the first time. 88 Things not generally Known. of the earth would thereby be heated ll^OO 3 ; it would therefore be quite fused, and for the most part reduced to vapour. Tf, then, the earth, after having been thus brought to rest, should fall into the sun, which of course would be the case, the quantity of heat developed by the shock would be 400 times greater. AN ASTRONOMER'S DREAM VERIFIED. The most fertile region in astronomical discovery during the last quarter of a century has been the planetary members of the solar system. In 1833, Sir John Herschel enumerated ten planets as visible from the earth, either by the unaided eye or by the telescope ; the number is now increased more than five- fold. With the exception of Neptune, the discovery of new planets is confined to the class called Asteroids. These all revolve in eliptic orbits between those of Jupiter and Mars. Zitius of Wittemberg discovered an empirical law, which seemed to govern the distances of the planets from the sun ; but there was a remarkable interruption in the law, according to which a planet ought to have been placed between Mars and Jupiter. Professor Bode of Berlin directed the attention of astronomers to the possibility of such a planet existing ; and in seven years' observations from the commencement of the present century, not one but four planets were found, differing widely from one another in the elements of their orbits, but agreeing very nearly at their mean distances from the sun with that of the supposed planet. This curious coincidence of the mean distances of these four asteroids with the planet accord- ing to Bode's law, as it is generally called, led to the conjecture that these four planets were but fragments of the missing planet, blown to atoms by some internal explosion, and that many more fragments might exist, and be possibly discovered by diligent search. Concerning this apparently wild hypothesis, Sir John Her- schel offered the following remarkable apology : " This may serve as a specimen of the dreams in which astronomers, like other speculators, occasionally and harmlessly indulge." The dream, wild as it appeared, has been realised now. Sir John, in the fifth edition of his Outlines of Astronomy , published in 1858, tells us: Whatever may be thought of such a speculation as a physical hypo- thesis, this conclusion has been verified to a considerable extent as a matter of fact by subsequent discovery, the I'esult of a careful and mi- nute examination and mapping down of the smaller stars in and near the zodiac, undertaken with that express object. Zodiacal charts of this kind, the product of the zeal and Industry of many astronomers, have been constructed, in which every star down to the ninth, tenth, or even lower magnitudes, is inserted ; and these stars being compared with the actual stars of the heavens, the intrusion of any stranger within their limits cannot fail to be noticed when the comparison is systematically Curiosities of Science. 89 conducted. The discovery of Astraea and Hebe by Professor Hencke, in 1845 and 1847, revived the flagging spirit of inquiry in this direction ; with what success, the list of fifty-two asteroids, with their names and the dates of their discovery, will best show. The labours of our indefa- tigable countryman, Mr. Hind, have been rewarded by the discovery of no less than eight of them. FIRE-BALLS AND SHOOTING STARS. Humboldt relates, that a friend at Popayan, at an elevation of 5583 feet above the sea-level, at noon, when the sun was shining brightly in a cloudless sky, saw his room lighted up by a fire-ball : he had his back towards the window at the time, and on turning round, perceived that great part of the path traversed by the fire-ball was still illuminated by the brightest radiance. The Germans call these phenomena star-snuff, from the vulgar notion that the lights in the firmament undergo a process of snuffing, or cleaning. Other nations call it a shot or fall of stars, and the English star-shoot. Certain tribes of the Orinoco term the pearly drops of dew which cover the beautiful leaves of the heliconia star-spit. In the Lithuanian mythology, the nature and signification of falling stars are embodied under nobler and more graceful symbols. The Parca3, Werpeja, weave in heaven for the new-born child its thread of fate, attaching each separate thread to a star. When death approaches the person, the thread is rent, and the star wanes and sinks to the earth. Jacob Grimm. THEORY AND EXPERIENCE. In the perpetual vicissitude of theoretical views, says the author of Giordano Bruno , "most men see nothing in philo- sophy but a succession of passing meteors; whilst even the grander forms in which she has revealed herself share the fate of comets, - bodies that do not rank in popular opinion amongst the external and permanent works of nature, but are regarded as mere fugitive apparitions of igneous vapour." METEORITES FROM THE MOON. The hypothesis of the selenic origin of meteoric stones de- pends upon a number of conditions, the accidental coincidence of which could alone convert a possible to an actual fact. The view of the original existence of small planetary masses in space is simpler, and at the same time more analogous with those entertained concerning the formation of other portions of the solar system. Diogenes Laertius thought aerolites came from the sun ; but Pliny derides this theory. The fall of aerolites in bright sunshine, and when the moon's disc was invisible, probably led to the idea of sun-stones. Moreover Anaxagoras regarded the sun as " a molten fiery mass ;" and 90 Things not generally Known. Euripides, in Phaeton, terms the sun "a golden mass," that is to say, a fire-coloured, brightly-shining matter, but not leading to the infer- ence that aerolites are golden sun-stones. The Greek philosophers had four hypotheses as to their origin : telluric, from ascending exhalations; masses of stone raised by hurricanes ; a solar origin ; and lastly, an origin in the regions of space, a* heavenly bodies which had long re- mained invisible: the last opinion entirely according with that of the present day. Chladni states that an Italian physicist, Paolo Maria Terzago, on the occasion of the fail of an aerolite at Milan, in 1660, by which a Fran- ciscan monk was killed, was the first who surmised that aerolites were ofselenic origin. Without any previous knowledge of this conjecture, Olbers was led, in 1795 (after the celebrated fall at Siena, June 16th, 1794), to investigate the amount of the initial tangential force that would be required to bring to the earth masses projected from the moon. Olbers, Brandes, and Chaldni thought that "the velocity of 16 to 32 miles, with which fire-balls and shooting-stars entered our atmo- sphere," furnished a refutation to the view of their seleiiic origin. Ac- cording to Olbers, it would require to reach the earth, setting aside the resistance of the air. an initial velocity of 8292 feet in the second ; ac- cording to Laplace, 7862 ; to Biot, 8282 ; and to Poisson, 7595. Laplace states that this velocity is only five or six times as great as that of a cannon-ball ; but Olbers has shown that " with such an initial velocity as 7500 or 8000 feet in a second, meteoric stones would arrive at the surface of our earth with a velocity of only 35,000 feet." But the mea- sured velocity of meteoric stones averages upwards of 114, 000 feet to a second ; consequently the original velocity of projection from the moon must be almost 110,000 feet, and therefore 14 times greater than Laplace asserted. It must, however, be recollected, that the opinion then so pre- valent, of the existence of active volcanoes in the moon, where air and water are absent, has since been abandoned. Laplace elsewhere states, that in all probability aerolites " come from the depths of space ;" yet he in another passage inclines to the hy- pothesis of their lunar origin, always, however, assuming that the stones projected from the moon "become satellites of our earth, describing around it more or less eccentric orbits, and thus not reaching its atmo- sphere until several or even many revolutions have been accomplished." In Syria there is a popular belief that aerolites chiefly fall on clear moonlight nights. The ancients (Pliny tells us) looked for their fall during lunar eclipses. Abridged from HumboldCs Cosmos, vol. i. (Bonn's edition). Dr. Laurence Smith, U.S., accepts the "lunar theory," and considers meteorites to be masses thrown off from the moon, the attractive power of which is but one-sixth that of the earth; so that bodies thrown from the surface of the mocn experience but one sixth the retarding force they would have when thrown from the earth's surface. Look again (says Dr. Smith) at the constitution of the meteorite, made up principally of pure iron. It came evidently from some place where there is little or no oxygen. Now the moon has no atmosphere, and no water on its surface. There is no oxygen there. Hurled from the moon, these bodies, these masses of almost pure iron, would flame in the sun like polished steel, and on reaching our atmosphere would burn in its oxygen until a black oxide cooled it ; and this we find Curiosities of Science. 91 to be the case with all meteorites, the black colour is only an external covering. Sir Humphry Davy, from facts contained in his researches on flame, in 1817, conceives that the light of meteors depends, not upon the ignition of inflammable gases, but upon that of solid bodies ; that such is their velocity of motion, as to excite sufficient heat for their ignition by the compression even of rare air ; and that the phenomena of falling stars may be ex- plained by regarding them as small incombustible bodies mov- ing round the earth in very eccentric orbits, and becoming ignited only when they pass with immense rapidity through the upper regions of the atmosphere ; whilst those meteors which throw down stony bodies are, similarly circumstanced, combustible masses. Masses of iron and nickel, having all the appearance of aerolites or meteoric stones, have been discovered in Siberia, at a depth of ten metres below the surface of the earth. From the fact, however, that no meteoric stones are found in the secondary and tertiary formations, it would seem to follow that the phenomena of falling stones did not take place till the earth assumed its present conditions. VAST SHOWER OF METEORS. The most magnificent Shower of Meteors that has ever been known was that which fell during the night of November 12th, 1833, commencing at nine o'clock in the evening, and continu- ing till the morning sun concealed the meteors from view. This shower extended from Canada to the northern boundary of South America, and over a tract of nearly 3000 miles in width. IMMENSE METEORITE. Mrs. Somerville mentions a Meteorite which passed within twenty-five miles of our planet, and was estimated to weigh 600,000 tons, and to move with a velocity of twenty miles in a second. Only a small fragment of this immense mass reached the earth. Four instances are recorded of persons being killed by their fall. A block of stone fell at Mgos Potamos, B.C. 465, as large as two millstones; another at Narni, in 921, projected like a rock four feet above the surface of the river, in which it was seen to fall. The Emperor Jehangire had a sword forged from a mass of meteoric iron, which fell in 1620 at Jahlinder in the Punjab. Sixteen instances of the fall of stones in the British Isles are well authenticated to have occurred since 1620, one of them in London. It is very remarkable that no new chemical element has been detected in any of the numerous meteorites which have been analysed. 92 Things not generally Known. NO FOSSIL METEORIC STONES. It is (says Olbers) a remarkable but hitherto unregarded fact, that while shells are found in secondary and tertiary for- mations, no Fossil Meteoric Stones have as yet been discovered. May we conclude from this circumstance, that previous to the present and last modification of the earth's surface no meteoric stones fell on it, though at the present time it appears probable, from the researches of Schreibers, that 700 fall annually?* THE END OF OUR SYSTEM. While all the phenomena in the heavens indicate a law of progressive creation, in which revolving matter is distributed into suns and planets, there are indications in our own system that a period has been assigned for its duration, which, sooner or later, it must reach. The medium which nils universal space, whether it be a luminiferous ether, or arise from the indefinite expansion of planetary atmospheres, must retard the bodies which move in it, even were it 360,000 millions of times more rare than atmospheric air ; and, with its time of revo- lution gradually shortening, the satellite must return to its planet, the planet to its sun, and the sun to its primeval nebula. The fate of our system, thus deduced from mechanical laws, must be the fate of all others. Motion cannot be perpetuated in a resisting medium ; and where there exist disturbing forces, there must be primarily derangement, and ultimately ruin. From the great central mass, heat may again be summoned to exhale nebulous matter ; chemical forces may again produce motion, and motion may again generate systems ; but, as in the recurring catastrophes which have desolated our earth, the great First Cause must preside at the dawn of each cosrnical cycle ; and, as in the animal races which were successively re- produced, new celestial creations of a nobler form of beauty and of a higher form of permanence nitty yet appear in the sidereal universe. " Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered." "The new heavens and the new earth shall remain before me." "Let us look, then, according to this promise, for the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." North-British Review, No. 3. BENEFITS OF GLASS TO MAN. Cuvier eloquently says : " It could not be expected that those Phoenician sailors who saw the sand of the shores of Bactica transformed by fire into a transparent Glass, should have at once foreseen that this new substance would prolong the * Several specimens of Meteoric Iron are to be seen in the Mineral ogical Collection in the British Museum. Curiosities of Science. 93 pleasures of sight to the old ; that it would one day assist the astronomer in penetrating the depths of the heavens, and in numbering the stars of the Milky Way ; that it would lay open to the naturalist a miniature world, as populous, as rich in wonders as that which alone seemed to have been granted to his senses and his contemplation : in fine, that the most simple and direct use of it would enable the inhabitants of the coast of the Baltic Sea to build palaces more magnificent than those of Tyre and Memphis, and to cultivate, almost under the polar circle, the most delicious fruit of the torrid zone." THE GALILEAN TELESCOPE. Galileo appears to be justly entitled to the honour of hav- ing invented that form of Telescope which still bears his name ; while we must accord to John Lippershey, the spectacle-maker of Middleburg, the honour of having previously invented the astronomical telescope. The interest excited at Venice by Galileo's invention amounted almost to frenzy. On ascending the tower of St. Mark, that he might use one of his telescopes without molestation, Galileo was recognised by a crowd in the street, who took possession of the wondrous tube, and detained the impatient philosopher for several hours, till they had suc- cessively witnessed its effects. These instruments were soon manufactured in great numbers ; but were purchased merely as philosophical toys, and were carried by travellers into every corner of Europe. WHAT GALILEO FIRST SAW WITH HIS TELESCOPE. The moon displayed to him her mountain-ranges and her glens, her continents and her highlands, now lying in dark- ness, now brilliant with sunshine, and undergoing all those variations of light and shadow which the surface of our own globe presents to the alpine traveller or to the aeronaut. The four satellites of Jupiter illuminating their planet, and suffer- ing eclipses in his shadow, like our own moon ; the spots on the sun's disc, proving his rotation round his axis in twenty- five days ; the crescent phases of Venus, and the triple form or the imperfectly developed ring of Saturn, were the other discoveries in the solar system which rewarded the diligence of Galileo. In the starry heavens, too, thousands of new worlds were discovered by his telescope ; and the Pleiades alone, which to the unassisted eye exhibit only seven stars, displayed to Gali- leo no fewer than/o;t?/. North-British Review, No. 3. The first telescope " the starry Galileo" constructed with a leaden tube a few inches long, with a spectacle-glass, one convex and one con- cave, at each of its extremities. It magnified three times. Telescopes were made in London in February 1610, a year after Galileo had com- 94 Things not generally Known. pleted his own (Rigaud, On Harriot's Papers, 1833). They were at first called cylinders. The telescopes which Galileo constructed, and others of which he made use for observing Jupiter's satellites, the phases of Venus, and the solar spots, possessed the gradually-increasing powers of magnifying four, seven, and thirty-two linear diameters ; but they never had a higher power. Arago, in the Annuaire for 1842. Clock-work is now applied to the equatorial telescope, so as to allow the observer to follow the course of any star, comet, or planet he may wish to observe continuously, without using his hands for the mechani- cal motion of the instrument. ANTIQUITY OF TELESCOPES. Long tubes were certainly employed by Arabian astrono- mers, and very probably also by the Greeks and Romans ; the exactness of their observations being in some degree attribut- able to their causing the object to be seen through diopters or slits. Abul Hassan speaks very distinctly of tubes, to the ex- tremities of which ocular and object diopters were attached ; and instruments so constructed were used in the observatory founded by Hulagu at Meragha. If stars be more easily dis- covered during twilight by means of tubes, and if a star be sooner revealed to the naked eye through a tube than without it, the reason lies, as Arago has truly observed, in the circum- stance that the tube conceals a great portion of the disturbing light diffused in the atmospheric strata between the star and the eye applied to,,the tube. In like manner, the tube pre- vents the lateral impression of the faint light which the par- ticles of air receive at night from all the other stars in the firmament. The intensity of the image and the size of the star are apparently augmented. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. iii. p. 53. NEWTON'S FIRST REFLECTING TELESCOPE. The year 1668 may be regarded as the date of the invention of Newton's Reflecting Telescope. Five years previously, James Gregory had described the manner of constructing a reflecting telescope with two concave specula ; but Newton perceived the disadvantages to be so great, that, according to his statement, he "found it necessary, before attempting any thing in the practice, to alter the design, and place the eye-glass at the side of the tube rather than at the middle." On this improved principle Newton constructed his telescope, which was exa- mined by Charles II. ; it was presented to the Royal Society near the end of 1671, and is carefully preserved by that distin- guished body, with the inscription : "THE FIRST REFLECTING TELESCOPE ; INVENTED BY SIR ISAAC NEWTON, AND MADE WITH HIS OWN HANDS." Sir David Brewster describes this telescope as consisting of a concave metallic speculum, the radius of curvature of which Curiosities of Science. 95 was 12f or 13 inches, so that " it collected the sun's rays at the distance of 6 inches." The rays reflected by the specu- lum were received upon a plane metallic speculum inclined 45 to the axis of the tube, so as to reflect them to the side of the tube in which there was an aperture to receive a small tube with a plano-convex eye-glass whose radius was one-twelfth of an inch, by means of which the image formed by the specu- lum was magnified 38 times. Such was the first reflecting telescope applied to the heavens ; but Sir David Brewster de- scribes this instrument as small and ill-made ; and fifty years elapsed before telescopes of the Newtonian form became useful in astronomy. SIR WILLIAM HEESCHEL'S GREAT TELESCOPE AT SLOUGH. The plan of this Telescope was intimated by Herschel, through Sir Joseph Banks, to George III., who offered to de- fray the whole expense of it ; a noble act of liberality, which has never been imitated by any other British sovereign. Towards the close of 1785, accordingly, Herschel began to construct his reflecting telescope, forty feet in length, and having a speculum fully four feet in diameter. The thickness of the speculum, which was uniform in every part, was 3 2 inches, and its weight nearly 2118 pounds ; the metal being composed of 32 copper, and 1O7 of tin : it was the third speculum cast, the two pre- vious attempts having failed. The speculum, when not in use, was preserved from damp by a tin cover, fitted upon a rim of close-grained cloth. The tube of the telescope was 39 ft. 4 in. long, and its width 4 ft. 10 in. ; it was made of iron, and was 3000 Ibs. lighter than if it had been made of wood. The ob- server was seated in a suspended movable seat at the mouth of the tube, and viewed the image of the object with a magni- fying lens or eye-piece. The focus of the speculum, or place of the image, was within four inches of the lower side of the mouth of the tube, and came forward into the air, so that there was space for part of the head above the eye, to prevent it from intercepting many of the rays going from the object to the mirror. The eye-piece moved in a tube carried by a slider directed to the centre of the speculum, and fixed on an ad- justible foundation at the mouth of the tube. It was com- pleted on the 27th August 1789; and the very first moment it was directed to the heavens, a new body was added to the solar system, namely, Saturn and six of its satellites ; and in less than a month after, the seventh satellite of Saturn, " an object," says Sir John Herschel, "of a far higher order of difficulty." Abridged from the North-British Itevieu;No. 3. This magnificent instrument stood on the lawn in the rear of Sir William Herschel' a house at Slough ; and some of our readers, like our- 96 Things not generally Known. selves, may remember its extraordinary aspect when seen from the Bath coach-road, and the road to Windsor. The difficulty of managing so large an instrument requiring as it did two assistants in addition to the observer himself and the person employed to note the time prevented its being much used. Sir John Herschel, in a letter to Mr. Weld, states the entire cost of its construction, 400CM., was defrayed by George III. In 1839, the woodwork of the telescope being decayed, Sir John Herschel had it cleared away ; and piers were erected, on which the tube was placed, that being of iron, and so well preserved that, although not more than one-twentieth of an inch thick, when in the horizontal position it contained within all Sir John's family ; and next the two reflectors, the polishing apparatus, and portions" of the machinery, to the amount of a great many tons. Sir John attributes this great strength and resistance to the internal structure of the tube, very similar to that patented under the name of corrugated iron-roping. Sir John Herschel also thinks that system of triangular arrangement of the woodwork was upon the principle to which " diagonal bracing" owes its strength. THE EARL OF ROSSE's GREAT REFLECTING TELESCOPE. Sir David Brewster has remarked, that " the long interval of half a century seems to be the period of hibernation during which the telescopic mind rests from its labours in order to ac- quire strength for some great achievement. Fifty years elapsed between the dwarf telescope of Newton and the large instru- ments of Hadley ; other fifty years rolled on before Sir William Herschel constructed his magnificent telescope ; and fifty years more passed away before the Earl of Rosse produced that colos- sal instrument which has already achieved such brilliant disco- veries." * In the improvement of the Reflecting Telescope, the first object has always been to increase the magnifying power and light by the construction of as large a mirror as possible ; and to this point Lord Rosse's attention was directed as early as 1828, the field of operation being at his lordship's seat, Birr Castle at Parsonstown, about fifty miles west of Dublin. For this high branch of scientific inquiry Lord Rosse was well fitted by a rare combination of " talent to devise, patience to bear disappointment, perseverance, profound mathematical know- ledge, mechanical skill, and uninterrupted leisure from other pursuits ;"f all these, however, would not have been sufficient, had not a great command of money been added ; the gigantic telescope we are about to describe having cost certainly not less than twelve thousand pounds. Lord Rosse ground and polished specula fifteen inches, two feet, and three feet in diameter before he commenced the colossal instrument. It is impossible here to detail the admirable contrivances and processes by which he prepared himself for this great work. He first ascertained * Life of Sir Isaac Nfwton, vol. i. p. 62. | Description of the Monster Telescope,, by Thomas Woods. M.D. 4th edit. 1851. Curiosities of Science. 97 the most useful combination of metals for specula, both in whiteness, porosity, and hardness, to be copper and tin. Of this compound the re- flector was cast in pieces, which were fixed on a bed of zinc and copper, a species of brass which expanded in the same degree by heat as the pieces of the speculum themselves. They were ground as one body to a true surface, and then polished by machinery moved by a steam- engine. The peculiarities of this mechanism were entirely Lord Rosse's invention, and the result of close calculation and observation : they were chiefly, placing the speculum with the face upward, regulating the tem- perature by having it immersed in water, usually at 55 Fahr,, and re- gulating the pressure and velocity. This was found to work a perfect spherical figure in large surfaces with a degree of precision unattainable by the hand ; the polisher, by working above and upon the face of the speculum, being enabled to examine the operation as it proceeded with- out removing the speculum, which, when a ton weight, is no easy matter. The contrivance for doing this is very beautiful. The machine is placed in a room at the bottom of a high tower, in the successive floors of which trap-doors can be opened. A mast is elevated on the top of the tower, so that its summit is about ninety feet above the speculum. A dial-plate is attached to the top of the mast, and a small plane speculum and eye-piece, with proper adjustments, are so placed that the combin- ation becomes a Newtonian telescope, and the dial-plate the object. The last and most important part of the process of working the specu- lum, is to give it a true parabolic figure, that is, such a figure that each portion of it should reflect the incident ray to the same focus. Lord Eosse's operations for this purpose consist 1st, of a stroke of the first eccentric, which carries the polisher along one-third of the diameter of the speculum ; 2d, a transverse stroke twenty-one times slower, and equal to 0'27 of the same diameter, measured on the edge of the tank, or 1'7 beyond the centre of the polisher ; 3d, a rotation of the speculum performed in the same time as thirty-seven of the first strokes ; and 4th, a rotation of the polisher in the same direction about sixteen times slower. If these rules are attended to, the machine will give the true parabolic figure to the speculum, whether it be six inches or three feet in diameter In the three-feet speculum, the figure is so true with the whole aperture, that it is thrown out of focus by a motion of less than the thirti-.th of an inch, "and even with a single lens of one-eighth of an inch focus, giving a power of 2592, the dots on a watch-dial are still in some degree defined." Thus was executed the three-feet speculum for the twenty- six-feet telescope placed upon the lawn at Parsonstown, which, in 1840, showed with powers up to 1000 and even 1600 ; and which resolved nebulae into stars, and destroyed that symmetry of form in globular nebulae upon which was founded the hypo- thesis of the gradual condensation of nebulous matter into suns and planets.* Scarcely was this instrument out of Lord Rosse's hands, when he resolved to attempt by the same processes to construct * This instrument also discovered a multitude of new objects in the moon; as a mountainous tract near Ptolemy, every rid^e of which is dotted with ex- tremely minute craters, and two black parallel stripes in the bottom of Ar>star- chus. Dr. Robinson, in his address to the British Association in 1843, stated that in this telescope a building the size of the Court-house at Cork would be easily visible on the lunar surface. 98 Things not qenerally Known, y u y another reflector, with a speculum six feet in diameter feet long ! and this magnificent instrument was completed early in 1845. The focal length of the speculum is fifty-four feet. It weighs four tons, and, with its supports, is seven times as heavy as the four-feet speculum of Sir William Herschel. The specu- lum is placed in one of the sides of a cubical wooden box, about eight feet wide, and to the opposite end of this box is fastened the tube, which is made of deal staves an inch thick, hooped with iron clamp-rings, like a huge cask. It carries at its upper end, and in the axis of the tube, a small oval speculum, six inches in its lesser diameter. The tube is about 50 feet long and 8 feet in diameter in the middle, and furnished with diaphragms 6 feet in aperture. The late Dean of Ely walked through the tube with an umbrella up. The telescope is established between two lofty castellated piers 60 feet high, and is raised to different altitudes by a strong chain-cable attached to the top of the tube. This cable passes over a pulley on a frame down to a windlass on the ground, which is wrought by two assistants. To the frame are attached chain-guys fastened to the counterweights ; and the telescope is balanced by these counterweights suspended by chains, which are fixed to the sides of the tube and pass over large iron pulleys. The immense mass of matter weighs about twelve tons. On the eastern pier is a strong semicircle of cast-iron, with which the telescope is connected by a racked bar, with fric- tion-rollers attached to the tube by wheel work, so that by means of a handle near the eye-piece, the observer can move the telescope along the bar on either side of the meridian, to the distance of an hour for an equatorial star. On the western pier are stairs and galleries. The observ- ing gallery is moved along a railway by means of wheels and a winch ; and the mechanism for raising the galleries to various altitudes is very ingenious. Sometimes the galleries, filled with observers, are suspended midway between the two piers, over a chasm sixty feet deep. An excellent description of this immense Telescope at Birr Castle will be found in Mr. Weld's volume of Vacation Rambles, Sir David Brewster thus eloquently sketches the powers of the telescope at the close of his able description of the instru- ment, which we have in part quoted from his Life of Sir Isaac Newton. We have, in the mornings, walked again and again, and ever with new delight, along its mystic tube, and at midnight, with its distin- guished architect, pondered over the marvellous sights which it dis- Curiosities of Science. 99 closes, the satellites and belts and rings of Saturn, the old and new ring, which is advancing with its crest of waters to the body of the planet, the rocks, and mountains, and valleys, and extinct volcanoes of the moon, the crescent of Venus, with its mountainous outline, the systems of double and triple stars, the nebulae and starry clusters of every variety of shape, and those spiral nebular formations which baffle human compi-ehension, and constitute the greatest achievement in modern discovery. The Astronomer Royal, Mr. Airy, alludes to the impression made by the enormous light of the telescope, partly by the modifications produced in the appearance of nebulae already figured, partly by the great number of stars seen at a distance from the Milky Way, and partly from the prodigious brilliancy of Saturn. The account given by another astronomer of the appearance of Jupiter was that it resembled a coach-lamp in the telescope ; and this well expresses the blaze of light which is seen in the instrument. The Rev. Dr. Scoresby thus records the results of his visits : The range opened to us by the great telescope at Birr Castle is best, perhaps, apprehended by the now usual measurement not of distances in miles, or millions of miles, or diameters of the earth's orbit, but of the progress of light in free space. The determination within, no doubt, a small proportion of error of the parallax of a considerable number of the fixed stars yields, according to Mr. Peters, a space be- twixt us and the fixed stars of the smallest magnitude, the sixth, ordi- narily visible to the naked eye, of 130 years in the flight of light. This information enables us, on the principles of sounding the heavens, sug- gested by Sir W. Herschel, with the photometrical researches on the stars of Dr. Wollaston and others, to carry the estimation of distances, and that by no means on vague assumption, to the limits of space opened out by the most effective telescopes. And from the guidance thus afforded us as to the comparative power of the six feet speculum in the penetration of space as already elucidated, we might fairly as- sume the fact, that if any other telescope now in use could follow the sun if removed to the remotest visible position, or till its light would require 10,000 years to reach us, the grand instrument at Parsonstown would follow it so far that from 20,000 to 25,000 years would be spent in the transmission of its light to the earth. But in the cases of clusters of stars, and of nebulae exhibiting a mere speck of misty luminosity, from the combined light of perhaps hundreds of thousands of suns, the penetration into space, compared with the results of ordinary vision, must be enormous ; so that it would not be difficult to show the proba- bility that a million of years, in flight of light, would be requisite, in regard to the most distant, to trace the enormous interval. GIGANTIC TELESCOPES PROPOSED. Hooke is said to have proposed the use of Telescopes having a length of upwards of 10,000 feet (or nearly two miles), in order to see animals in the moon ! an extravagant expectation which Auzout considered it necessary to refute. The Capuchin monk Schyrle von Rheita, who was well versed in optics, had already spoken of the speedy practicability of constructing te- 100 Things not generally Known. lescopes that should magnify 4000 times, by means of which the lunar mountains might be accurately laid down. Optical instruments of such enormous focal lengths remind us of the Arabian contrivances of measurement : quadrants with a radius of about 190 feet, upon whose graduated limb the image of the sun was received as in the gnomon, through a small round aperture. Such a quadrant was erected at Sa- marcand, probably constructed after the model of the older sextants of Alchokandi, which were about sixty feet in height. LATE INVENTION OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. A writer in the North-British Review, No. 50, considers it strange that a variety of facts which must have presented themselves to the most careless observer should not have led to the earlier construction of Optical Instruments. The an- cients, doubtless, must have formed metallic articles with con- cave surfaces, in which the observer could not fail to see him- self magnified ; and if the radius of the concavity exceeded twelve inches, twice the focal distance of his eye, he had in his hands an extempore reflecting telescope of the Newtonian form, in which the concave metal was the speculum, and his eye the eye-glass, and which would magnify and bring near him the image of objects nearly behind him. Through the spheri- cal drops of water suspended before his eye, an attentive ob- server might have seen magnified, some minute body placed accidentally in its anterior focus ; and in the eyes of fishes and quadrupeds which he used for his food, he might have seen, and might have extracted, the beautiful lenses which they contain, and which he could not fail to regard as the principal agents in the vision of the animals to which they belonged. Curiosity might have prompted him to look through these re- markable lenses or spheres ; and had he placed the lens of the smallest minnow, or that of the bird, the sheep, or the ox, in or before a circular aperture, he would have produced a micro- scope or microscopes of excellent quality and different magni- fying powers. No such observations seem, however, to have been made ; and even after the invention of glass, and its con- version into globular vessels, through which, when filled with any fluid, objects are magnified, the microscope remained un- discovered. A TRIAD OF CONTEMPORARY ASTRONOMERS. It is a remarkable fact in the history of astronomy (says Sir David Brewster), that three of its most distinguished pro- fessors were contemporaries. Galileo was the contemporary of Tycho during thirty-seven years, and of Kepler during the fifty-nine years of his life. Galileo was born seven years before Curiosities of Science. 101 Kepler, and survived him nearly the same time. We have not learned that the intellectual triumvirate of the age enjoyed any opportunity for mutual congratulation. What a privilege would it have been to have contrasted the aristocratic dignity of Tycho with the reckless ease of Kepler, and the manly and impetuous mien of the Italian sage ! Brewster's Life of Newton. A PEASANT ASTRONOMER. At about the same time that Goodricke discovered the variation of the remarkable periodical star Algol, or ft Persei, one Palitzch, a farmer of Prolitz, near Dresden, a peasant by station, an astronomer by nature, from his familiar acquaint- ance with the aspect of the heavens, was led to notice, among so many thousand stars, Algol, as distinguished from the rest by its variation, and ascertained its period. The same Palitzch was also the first to re-discover the predicted comet of Halley in 1759, which he saw nearly a month before any of the as- tronomers, who, armed with their telescopes, were anxiously watching its return. These anecdotes carry us back to the era of the Chaldean shepherds. Sir John HerscheVs Outlines. SHIRBURN-CASTLE OBSERVATORY. Lord Macclesfield, the eminent mathematician, who was twelve years President of the Royal Society, built at his seat, Shirburn Castle in Oxfordshire, an Observatory, about 1739. It stood 100 ya.rds south from the castle-gate, and consisted of a bed-chamber, a room for the transit, and the third for a mural quadrant. In the possession of the Royal Astronomical So- ciety is a curious print representing two of Lord Macclesfield's servants taking observations in the Shirburn observatory ; they are Thomas Phelps, aged 82, who, from being a stable-boy to Lord-Chancellor Macclesfield, rose by his merit and genius to be appointed observer. His companion is John Bartlett, ori- ginally a shepherd, in which station he, by books and observa- tion, acquired such a knowledge in computation, and of the heavenly bodies, as to induce Lord Macclesfield to appoint him assistant-observer in his observatory. Phelps was the person who, on December 23d, 1743, discovered the great comet, and made the first observation of it; an account of which is entered in the Philosophical Transactions, but not the name of the observer. LACAILLE'S OBSERVATORY. Lacaille, who made more observations than all his contem- poraries put together, and whose researches will have the highest value as long as astronomy is cultivated, had an ob- servatory at the College Mazarin, part of which is now the Palace of the Institute, at Paris. 102 Things not generally Know?i. For a long time it had been without observer or instruments ; under Napoleon's reign it was demolished. Lacaille never used to illuminate the wires of his instruments. The inner part of his observatory was painted black ; he admitted only the faintest light, to enable him to see his pendulum and his paper : his left eye was devoted to the service of looking to the pendulum, whilst his right eye was kept shut. The latter was only employed to look to the telescope, and during the time of observation never opened but for this purpose. Thus the faintest light made him distinguish the wires, and he very seldom felt the ne- cessity of illuminating them. Part of these blackened walls were visible long after the demolition of the observatory, which took place some- what about 1811. Professor Mohl. NICETY REQUIRED IN ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS. In the Edinburgh Review, 1850, we find the following illus- trations of the enormous propagation of minute errors : The rod used in measuring a base-line is commonly about ten feet long ; and the astronomer may be said truly to apply that very rod to mete the distance of the stars. An error in placing a tine dot which fixes the length of the rod, amounting to one-five-thousandth of an inch (the thickness of a single silken fibre), will amount to an error of 70 feet in the earth's diameter, of 316 miles in the sun's distance, and to 65,200,000 miles in that of the nearest fixed star. Secondly, as the astronomer in his observatory has nothing further to do with ascertain- ing lengths or distances, except by calculation, his whole skill and arti- fice are exhausted in the measurement of angles ; for by these alone spaces inaccessible can be compared. Happily, a ray of light is straight : were it not so (in celestial spaces at least), there would be an end of our astronomy. Now an angle of a second (3600 to a degree) is a subtle thing. It has an apparent breadth utterly invisible to the unassisted eye, unless accompanied with so intense a splendour (e. g. in the case of a fixed star) as actually to raise by its effect on the nerve of sight a spurious image having a sensible breadth. A silkworm's fibre, such as we have mentioned above, subtends an angle of a second at 3.^ feet distance ; a cricket-ball, 2 inches diameter, must be removed, in order to subtend a second, to 43,000 feet, or about 8 miles, where it would be utterly invisible to the sharpest sight aided even by a telescope of some power. Yet it is on the measure of one single second that the ascertainment of a sensible parallax in any fixed star depends ; and an error of one-thousandth of that amount (a quantity still unmeasurable by the most perfect of our instruments) would place the star too far or too near by 200,000,000,000 miles ; a space which light requires 118 days to travel. CAN STARS BE SEEN BY DAYLIGHT ? Aristotle maintains that Stars may occasionally be seen in the Daylight, from caverns and cisterns, as through tubes. Pliny alludes to the same circumstance, and mentions that stars have been most distinctly recognised during solar eclipses. Sir John Hersohel has heard it stated by a celebrated optician, that his attention was first drawn to astronomy by the regular appearance, at a certain hour, for several successive days, of a considerable star through the shaft of a chimney. The chim- ney-sweepers who have been questioned upon this subject agree Curiosities of Science. 103 tolerably well in stating that " they have never seen stars by day, but that when observed at night through deep shafts, the sky appeared quite near, and the stars larger." Saussure states that stars have been seen with the naked eye in broad day- light, on the declivity of Mont Blanc, at an elevation of 12,757 feet, as he was assured by several of the alpine guides. The observer must be placed entirely in the shade, and have a thick and massive shade above his head, else the stronger light of the air will disperse the faint image of the stars ; these condi- tions resembling those presented by the cisterns of the ancients, and the chimneys above referred to. Humboldt, however, questions the accuracy of these evidences, adding that in the Cordilleras of Mexico, Quito, and Peru, at elevations of 15,000 or 16,000 feet above the sea-level, he never could distinguish stars by daylight. Yet, under the ethereally pure sky of Cu- maua, in the plains near the sea-shore, Humboldt has fre- quently been able, after observing an eclipse of Jupiter's sa- tellites, to find the planet again with the naked eye, and has most distinctly seen it when the sun's disc was from 18 to 20 above the horizon. LOST HEAT OF THE SUN. By the nature of our atmosphere, we are protected from the influence of the full flood of solar heat. The absorption of caloric by the air has been calculated at about one-fifth of the whole in passing through a column of 6000 feet, estimated near the earth's surface. And we are enabled, knowing the increasing rarity of the upper regions of our gaseous envelope, in which the absorption is constantly diminishing, to prove that about one-third of the solar heat is lost by vertical trans- mission through the whole extent of our atmosphere. J. D. Forbes, F.R.S. ; Bakerian Lecture, 1842. THE LONDON MONUMENT USED AS AN OBSERVATORY. Soon after the completion of the Monument on Fish Street Hill, by Wren, in 1677, it was used by Hooke and other mem- bers of the Royal Society for astronomical purposes, but aban- doned on account of the vibrations being too great for the nicety required in their observations. Hence arose the report that the Monument was unsafe, which has been revived in our time ; " but," says Elmes, " its scientific construction may bid defiance to the attacks of all but earthquakes for centuries to come." This vibration in lofty columns is not uncommon. Captain Smythe, in his Cycle of Celestial^ Objects, tells us, that when taking observations on the summit of Pompey's Pillar, near Alexandria, the mercury was sensibly affected by tremor, although the pillar is a solid. 104 Things not generally Known. ffieologg antr IDENTITY OF ASTKONOMY AND GEOLOGY. WHILE the Astronomer is studying the form and condition and structure of the planets, in so far as the eye and the telescope can aid him, the Geologist is investigating the form and con- dition and structure of the planet to which he belongs ; and it is from the analogy of the earth's structure, as thus ascertained, that the astronomer is enabled to form any rational conjecture respecting the nature and constitution of the other planetary bo- dies. Astronomy and Geology, therefore, constitute the same science the science of material or inorganic nature. When the astronomer first surveys the concavity of the ce- lestial vault, he finds it studded with luminous bodies differing in magnitude and lustre, some moving to the east and others to the west ; while by far the greater number seem fixed in space ; and it is the business of astronomers to assign to each of them its proper place and sphere, to determine their true distance from the earth, and to arrange them in systems throughout the regions of sidereal space. In like manner, when the geologist surveys the convexity of his own globe, he finds its solid covering composed of rocks and beds of all shapes and kinds, lying at every possible angle, occupying every possible position, and all of them, generally speaking, at the same distance from the earth's centre. Every where we see what was deep brought into visible relation with what was superficial what is old with what is new what preceded life with what followed it. Thus displayed on the surface of his globe, it becomes the business of the geologist to ascertain how these rocks came into their present places, to determine their different ages, and to fix the positions which they originally occupied, and consequently their different distances from the centre or the circumference of the earth. Raised from their original bed, the geologist must study the internal forces by which they were upheaved, and the agencies by which they were indurated; and when he finds that strata of every kind, from the primitive granite to the recent tertiary marine mud, have been thus brought within his reach, and prepared for his analysis, he reads their respective ages in the organic remains which they entomb ; he studies the Banner iu which they have perished, Curiosities of Science. 105 and he counts the cycles of time and of life which they disclose. Abridged from the North-British Review, No. 9. THE GEOLOGY OF ENGLAND is more interesting than that of other countries, because our island is in a great measure an epitome of the globe ; and the observer who is familiar with our strata, and the fossil remains which they include, has not only prepared himself for similar inquiries in other countries, but is already, as it were, by an- ticipation, acquainted with what he is to find there. Trans- actions of the Geological Society. PROBABLE ORIGIN OF THE ENGLISH CHANNEL. The proposed construction of a submarine tunnel across the Straits of Dover has led M. Boue. For. Mem, Geol. Soc., to point out the probability that the English Channel has not been excavated by water-action only ; but owes its origin to one of the lines of disturbance which have fissured this portion of the earth's crust : and taking this view of the case, the fis- sure probably still exists, being merely filled with compara- tively loose material, so as to prove a serious obstacle to any attempt made to drive through it a submarine tunnel. Pro- ceedings of the Geological Society. HOW BOULDERS ARE TRANSPORTED TO GREAT HEIGHTS. Sir Roderick Murchison has shown that in Russia, when the Dwina is at its maximum height, and penetrates into the chinks of its limestone banks, when frozen and expanded it causes disruptions of the rock, the entanglement of stony fragments in the ice. In remarkable spring floods, the stream so expands that in bursting it throws up its icy fragments to 15 or 20 feet above the stream ; and the waters subsiding, these lateral ice-heaps melt away, and leave upon the bank the rifled and angular blocks as evidence of the highest ice-mark. In Lapland, M. Bohtlingk assures us that he has found large granitic boulders weighing several tons actually entangled and suspended, like birds'-nests, in the branches of pine-trees, at heights of 30 or 40 feet above the summer level of the stream !* * Mr. Hopkins supports his Glacial Theory by regarding the Waves of Trans- lation, investigated by Mr. Scott Kussell, as furnishing a sufficient moving power for the transportation of large rounded boulders, and the formation of drifted gravel. When these waves of translation are produced by the sudden elevation of the sin-face of the sea, the whole mass of water from the surface to the bottom of the ocean moves onward, and becomes a mechanical agent of enormous power. Following up this view. Mr. Hopkins has shown that " elevations of continental masses of only 50 feet each, and from beneath an ocean having a depth of be- tween 300 and 400 feet, would cause the most powerful divergent waves, which could transport large boulders to great distances." 106 Things not generally Known. WHY SEA-SHELLS ABE FOUND AT GREAT HEIGHTS. The action of subterranean forces in breaking through and elevating strata of sedimentary rocks, of which the coast of Chili, in consequence of a great earthquake, furnishes an ex- ample, leads to the assumption that the pelagic shells found by MM. Bonpland and Humboldt on the ridge of the Andes, at an elevation of more than 15,000 English feet, may have been conveyed to so extraordinary a position, not by a rising of the ocean, but by the agency of volcanic forces capable of elevating into ridges the softened crust of the earth. SAND OF THE SEA AND DESERT. That sand is an assemblage of small stones may be seen with the eye unarmed with art ; yet how few are equally aware of the synonymous nature of the sand of the sea and of the land ! Quartz, in the form of sand, covers almost entirely the bottom of the sea. It is spread over the banks of rivers, and forms vast plains, even at a very considerable elevation above the level of the sea, as the desert of Sahara in Africa, of Kobi in Asia, and many others. This quartz is produced, at least in part, from the disintegration of the primitive granite rocks. The currents of water carry it along, and when it is in very small, light, and rounded grains, even the wind transports it from one place to another. The hills are thus made to move like waves, and a deluge of sand frequently inundates the neighbouring countries : " So where o'er wide Numidian wastes extend, Sudden the impetuous hurricanes descend." Addisoris C'ato. To illustrate the trite axiom, that nothing is lost, let us glance at the most important use of sand : "Quartz in the form of sand," observes Maltebrun, "furnishes, by fusion, one of the most useful substances we have, namely glass, which, being less hard than the crystals of quartz, can be made equally trans- parent, and is equally serviceable to our wants and to our pleasures. There it shines in walls of crystal in the palaces of the great, reflecting the charms of a hundred assembled beauties ; there, in the hand of the philosopher, it discovers to us the worlds that revolve above us in the immensity of space, and the no less astonishing wonders that we tread beneath our feet." PEBBLES. The various heights and situations at which Pebbles are found have led to many erroneous conclusions as to the period of changes of the earth's surface. All the banks of rivers and lakes, and the shores of the sea, are covered with pebbles, rounded by the waves which have rolled them against each Curiosities of Science. 107 other, and which frequently seem to have brought them from a distance. There are also similar masses of pebbles found at very great elevations, to which the sea appears never to have been able to reach. We find them in the Alps at Valor- sina, more than 6000 feet above the level of the sea ; and on the mountain of Bon Homme, which is more than 1000 feet higher. There are some places little elevated above the level of the sea, which, like the famous plain of Crau, in Provence, are entirely paved with pebbles ; while in Norway, near Qued- lia, some mountains of considerable magnitude seem to be completely formed of them, and in such a manner that the largest pebbles occupy the summit, and their thickness and size diminish as you approach the base. We may include in the number of these confused and irregular heaps most of the depositions of matter brought by the river or sea, and left on the banks, and perhaps even those immense beds of sand which cover the centre of Asia and Africa. It is this circumstance which renders so uncertain the distinction, which it is never- theless necessary to establish, between alluvial masses created before the commencement of history, and those which we see still forming under our own eyes. A charming monograph, entitled " Thoughts on a Pebble," full of playful sentiment and graceful fancy, has been written by the amiable .Dr. Mautell, the geologist. ELEVATION OF MOUNTAIN-CHAINS. Professor Ansted, in his Ancient World, thus characterises this phenomenon : These movements, described in a few words, were doubtless going on for many thousands and tens of thousands of revolutions of our planet. They were accompanied also by vast but slow changes of other kinds. The expansive force employed in lifting up, by mighty move- ments, the northern portion of the continent of Asia, found partial vent; and from partial subaqueous fissures there were poured out the tabular masses of basalt occurring in Central India ; while un extensive area of depi'ession in the Indian Ocean, marked by the coral islands of the Laccadives, the Maldives, the great Chagos bank, and some others, were in the course of depression by a counteracting movement. Hitherto the processes of denudation and of elevation have been so far balanced as to preserve a pretty steady proportion of sea and dry laud during geological ages ; but if the internal temperature should be so far reduced as to be no longer ca- pable of generating forces of expansion sufficient for this ele- vatory action, while the denuding forces should continue to act with unabated energy, the inevitable result would be, that every mountain-top would be in time brought low. No earthly barrier could declare to the ocean that there its proud waves should be stayed. Nothing would stop its ravages till all dry 108 Things not generally Known. land should be laid prostrate, to form the bed over which it would continue to roll an uninterrupted sea. THE CHALK FORMATION. Mr. Horner, F.R.S.. among other things in his researches in the Delta, considers it extremely probable that every par- ticle of Chalk in the world has at some period been circulating in the system of a living animal. WEAR OF BUILDING- STONES. Professor Henry, in an account of testing the marbles used in building the Capitol at Washington, states that evrey flash of lightning produces an appreciable amount of nitric acid, which, diffused in rain-water, acts on the carbonate of lime ; and from specimens subjected to actual freezing, it was found that in ten thousand years one inch would be worn from the blocks by the action of frost. In 1839, a report of the examination of Sandstones, Limestones, and Oolites of Britain was made to the Government, with a view to the selection of the best material for building the new Houses of Parliament. For this purpose, 103 quarries were described, 96 build- ings in England referred to, many chemical analyses of the stones were given, and a great number of experiments related, showing, among other points, the cohesive power of each stone, and the amount of dis- integration apparent, when subjected to Brard's process. The magne- sian limestone, or dolomite of Bolsover Moor, was recommended, and finally adopted far the Bouses ; but the selection does not appear to have been so successful as might have been expected from the skill and labour of the investigation. It may be interesting to add, that the publication of the above Report (for which see Year-Book of Facts, 1840, pp. 78-80) occasioned Mr John Mallcott to remark in the Times journal, " that all stone made use of in the immediate neighbourhood of its own quarries is more likely to endure that atmosphere than if it be removed therefrom, though only thirty or forty miles :" and the lapse of com- paratively few years has proved the soundness of this observation.* PHENOMENA OF GLACIERS ILLUSTRATED. Professor Tyndall, being desirous of investigating some of the phenomena presented by the large masses of mountain-ice, those frozen rivers called Glaciers, devised the plan of send- ing a destructive agent into the midst of a mass of ice, so as to break down its structure in the interior, in order to see if this method would reveal any thing of its internal constitu- tion. Taking advantage of the bright weather of 1857, he con- centrated a beam of sunlight by a condensing lens, so as to It is scarcely too much to say, that from the collection of specimens of building-stones made upon this occasion, and first deposited in a house in Craig's Court, Charing Cross, originated, upon the suggestion of sir Henry Delabeche, the magnificent Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street; one of the most eminently practical institutions of this scientific age. Curiosities of Science. 109 form the focus of the sun's rays in the midst of a mass of ice. A portion of the ice was melted, but the surrounding parts shone out as brilliant stars, produced by the reflection of the faces of the crystalline structure. On examining these bril- liant portions with a lens, Professor Tyndall discovered that the structure of the ice had been broken down in symmetrical forms of great beauty, presenting minute stars, surrounded by six petals, forming a beautiful flower, the plane being always parallel to the plane of congelation of the ice. He then pre- pared a piece of ice, by making both its surfaces smooth and parallel to each other. He concentrated in the centre of the ice the rays of heat from the electric light ; and then, placing the piece of ice in the electric microscope, the disc revealed these beautiful ice-flowers. A mass of ice was crushed into fragments ; the small frag- ments were then placed in a cup of wood ; a hollow wooden die, somewhat smaller than the cup, was then pressed into the cup of ice-fragments by the pressure of a hydraulic press, and the ice-fragments were immediately united into a compact cup of nearly transparent ice. This pressure of fragments of ice into a solid mass explains the formation of the glaciers and their origin. They are composed of particles of ice or snow ; as they descend the sides of the mountain, the pressure of the snow becomes sufficiently great to compress the mass into solid ice, until it becomes so great as to form the beautiful blue ice of the glaciers. This compression, however, will not form the solid mass unless the temperature of the ice be near that of freezing water. To prove this, the lecturer cooled a mass of ice, by wrapping it in a piece of tinfoil and ex- posing it for some time to a bath of the ethereal solution of solidified carbonic-acid gas, the coldest freezing mixture known. This cooled mass of ice was crushed to fragments, and sub- mitted to the same pressure which the other fragments had been exposed to without cohering in the slightest degree. Lecture at the Royal Institution^ 1858. ANTIQUITY OF GLACIEES. The importance of glacier agency in the past as well as the present condition of the earth, is undoubtedly very great. One of our most accomplished and ingenious geologists has. indeed, carried back the existence of Glaciers to an epoch of dim antiquity, even in the reckoning of that science whose chronology is counted in millions of years. Professor Ramsay has shown ground for believing that in the fragments of rock that go to make up the conglomerates of the Permian strata, intermediate between the Old and the New Red Sandstone, there is still preserved a record of the action of ice, either in 110 Things not generally Known. glaciers or floating icebergs, before those strata were consoli- dated. Saturday Review, No. 142. FLOW OF THE HER DE GLACE. Michel Devouasson of Ghamouni fell into a crevasse on the Glacier of Talefre, a feeder of the Mer de Glace, on the 29th of July 1836, and after a severe struggle extricated himself, leaving his knapsack below. The identical knapsack reap- peared in July 1846, at a spot on the surface of the glacier four thousand three hundred feet from the place where it was lost, as ascertained by Professor Forbes, who himself collected the fragments ; thus indicating the rate of flow of the icy river in the intervening ten years. Quarterly Review,, No. 202. THE ALLUVIAL LAND OF EGYPT : ANCIENT POTTERY. Mr. L. Horner, in his recent researches near Cairo, with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the allu- vial land of Egypt, obtained from the lowest part of the boring of the sediment at the colossal statue of Rameses, at a depth of thirty-nine feet, this curious relic of the ancient world ; the boring instrument bringing up a fragment of pottery about an inch square and a quarter of an inch in thickness the two surfaces being of a brick-red colour, the interior dark gray. According to Mr. Homer's deductions, this fragment, having been found at a depth of 39 feet (if there be no fallacy in his reasoning), must be held to be a record of the existence of man 13,375 years before A.D. 1858, reckoning by the calculated rate of increase of three inches and a half of alluvium in a century 11,517 years before the Christian era, and 7625 before the beginning assigned by Lepsius to the reign of Menos, the founder of Memphis. Moreover it proves in his opinion, that man had already reached a state of civilisation, so far at least as to be able to fashion clay into vessels, and to know how to harden it by the action of strong heat. This calculation is supported by the Chevalier Bunsen, who is of opinion that the first epochs of the history of the human race demand at the least a period of 20,000 years before our era as a fair starting- point in the earth's history. Proceedings of Royal Soc., 1858. Upon this theory, a Correspondent, "An Old Indigo -Planter," writes to the Atkenoeum, No. 1509, the following suggestive note : " Having lived many years on the banks of the Ganges, I have seen the stream encroach on a' village, undermining the bank where it stood, and deposit, as a natural result, bricks, pottery, &c. in the bottom of the stream. On one occasion, I am certain that the depth of the stream where the bank was breaking was above 40 feet ; yet in three years the current of the river drifted so much, that a fresh deposit of soil took place over the debris of the village, and the earth was raised to a level with the old bank. Now had our traveller then obtained a bit of pottery from where it had lain for only three years, could he reasonably draw the inference that it had been made 13,000 years before ?" Curiosities of Science. Ill SUCCESSIVE CHANGES OF THE TEMPLE OF SEEAPIS. The Temple of Serapis at Puzzuoli, near Naples, is per- haps, of all the structures raised by the hands of man, the one which affords most instruction to a geologist. It has not only undergone a wonderful succession of changes in past time, but is still undergoing changes of condition. This edifice was ex- humed in 1750 from the eastern shore of the Bay of Baise, con- sisting partly of strata containing marine shells with frag- ments of pottery and sculpture, and partly of volcanic matter of sub-aerial origin. Various theories were proposed in the last century to explain the perforations and attached animals ob- served on the middle zone of the three erect marble columns until recently standing ; Goethe, among the rest, suggesting that a lagoon had once existed in the vestibule of the temple, filled during a temporary incursion of the sea with salt water, and that marine mollusca and annelids flourished for years in this lagoon at twelve feet or more above the sea-level. This hypothesis was advanced at a time when almost any amount of fluctuation in the level of the sea was thought more probable than the slightest alteration in the level of the solid land. In 1807 the architect Niccolini observed that the pave- ment of the temple was dry, except when a violent south wind was blowing ; whereas, on revisiting the temple fifteen years later, he found the pavement covered by salt water twice every- day at high tide. From measurements made from 1822 to 1838, and thence to 1845, he inferred that the sea was gaining annually upon the floor of the temple at the rate of about one- third of an inch during the first period, and about three-fourths of an inch during the second. Mr. Smith of Jordan Hill, from his visits in 1819 and 1845, found an average rise of about an inch annually, which was in accordance with visits made by Mr. Babbage in 1828, and Professor James Forbes in 1826 and 1843. In 1852 Signor Scaecchi, at the request of Sir Charles Lyell, compared the depth of water on the pavement with its level taken by him in 1839, and found that it had gained only 4\ inches in thirteen years, and was not so deep as when MM. Niccolini and Smith measured it in 1845 ; from which he in- ferred that after 1845 the downward movement of the land had ceased, and before 1852 had been converted into an up- ward movement. Arago and others maintained that the surface on which the temple stands has been depressed, has remained under the sea, and has again been elevated. Russager, however, contends that there is nothing in the vicinity of the temple, or in the temple itself, to justify this bold hypothesis. Every thing leads to the belief that the temple has remained unchanged in the position Things not generally Known. in which it was originally built ; but that the sea rose, sur- rounded it to a height of at least twelve feet, and again re- tired ; but the elevated position of the sea continued sufficiently long to admit of the animals boring the pillars. This view can even be proved historically; for Niccolini, in a memoir pub- lished in 1840, gives the heights of the level of the sea in the Bay of Naples for a period of 1900 years, and has with much acuteness proved his assertions historically. The correctness of Russager's opinion, he states, can be demonstrated and re- duced to figures by means of the dates collected by Niccolini. See Jameson s Journal, No. 58. At the present time the floor is always covered with sea- water. On the whole, there is little doubt that the ground has sunk upwards of two feet during the last half -century. This gradual subsidence confirms in a remarkable manner Mr. Babbage's conclusions drawn from the calcareous incrustations formed by the hot springs on the walls of the building and from the ancient lines of the water-level at the base of the three columns that the original subsidence was not sudden, but slow and by successive movements. Sir Charles Lyell (who, in his Principles of Geology, has given a detailed account of the several upfillings of the temple) considers that when the mosaic pavement was re-constructed, the floor of the building must have stood about twelve feet above the level of 1838 (or about 11 5 feet above the level of the sea), and that it had sunk about nineteen feet below that level before it was elevated by the eruption of Monte Nuovo. We regret to add, that the columns of the temple are no longer in the position in which they served so many years as a species of self-registering hydrometer : the materials have been newly arranged, and thus has been torn as it were from history a page which can never be replaced. THE GROTTO DEL CANE. This " Dog Grotto" has been so much cited for its stratum of carbonic-acid gas covering the floor, that all geological tra- vellers who visit Naples feel an interest in seeing the wonder. This cavern was known to Pliny. It is continually exhaling from its sides and floor volumes of steam mixed with carbonic- acid gas ; but the latter, from its greater specific gravity, accu- mulates at the bottom, and flows over the step of the door. The upper part of the cave, therefore, is free from the gas, while the floor is completely covered by it. Addison, on his visit, made some interesting experiments. He found that a pistol could not be fired at the bottom ; and that on laying a train of gunpowder and igniting it on the outside of the ca- vern, the carbonic-acid gas " could not intercept the train of Curiosities of Science. 113 fire when it once began flashing, nor hinder it from running to the very end." He found that a viper was nine minutes in dying on the first trial, and ten minutes on the second ; this increased vitality being, in his opinion, attributable to the stock of air which it had inhaled after the first trial. Dr. Daubeny found that phosphorus would continue lighted at about two feet above the bottom ; that a sulphur-match went out in a few minutes above it, and a wax-taper at a still higher level. The keeper of the cavern has a dog, upon which he shows the effects of the gas, which, however, are quite as well, if not better, seen in a torch, a lighted candle, or a pistol. " Unfortunately," says Professor Silliman, "like some other grottoes, the enchantment of the ' Dog Grotto' disappears on a near view." It is a little hole dug artificially in the side of a hill facing Lake Agnano : it is scarcely high enough for a per- son to stand upright in, and the aperture is closed by a door. Into this narrow cell a poor little dog is very unwillingly dragged and placed in a depression of the floor, where he is soon nar- cotised by the carbonic acid. The earth is warm to the hand, and the gas given out is very constant. THE WATERS OF THE GLOBE GRADUALLY DECREASING. This was maintained by M. Bory Saint Vincent, because the vast deserts of sand, mixed up with the salt and remains of marine animals, of which the surface of the globe is partly com- posed, were formerly inland seas, which have insensibly become dry. The Caspian, the Dead Sea, the Lake Baikal, &c. will become dry in their turn also, when their beds will be sandy deserts. The inland seas, whether they have only one outlet, as the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Baltic, &c., or whether they have several, as the Gulf of Mexico, the seas of O'Kotsk, of Japan, China, &c., will at some future time cease to com- municate with the great basins of the ocean ; they will become inland seas, true Caspians, and in due time will become like- wise dry. On all sides the waters of rivers are seen to carry forward in their course the soil of the continent. Alluvial lands, deltas, banks of sand, form themselves near the coasts, and in the directions of the currents ; madreporic animals lay the foundations of new lands ; and while the straits become closed, while the depths of the sea fill up, the level of the sea, which it would seem natural should become higher, is sensibly lower. There is, therefore, an actual diminution of liquid matter. THE SALT LAKE OF UTAH. Lieutenant Gunnison, who has surveyed the great basin of the Salt Lake, states the water to be about one-third salt, i 114 Things not generally Known. which it yields on boiling. Its density is considerably greater than that of the Red Sea. One can hardly get the whole body below the surface : in a sitting position the head and shoulders will remain above the water, such is the strength of the brine ; and on coming to the shore the body is covered with an incrus- tation of salt in tine crystals. During summer the lake throws on shore abundance of salt, while in winter it throws up Glau- ber salt plentifully. " The reason of this," says Lieutenant Gunnison, " is left for the scientific to judge, and also what becomes of the enormous amount of fresh water poured into it by three or four large rivers, Jordan, Bear, and Weber, as there is no visible effect." FOECE OF RUNNING WATER. It has been proved by experiment that the rapidity at the bottom of a stream is every where less than in any other part of it, and is greatest at the surface. Also, that in the middle of the stream the particles at the top move swifter than those at the sides. This slowness of the lowest and side currents is pro- duced by friction ; and when the rapidity is sufficiently great, the soil composing the sides and bottom gives way. If the water flows at the rate of three inches per second, it will tear up fine clay ; six inches per second, fine sand ; twelve inches per second, fine gravel; and three feet per second, stones the size of an egg. Sir Charles Lyell. THE ARTESIAN WELL OF GRENELLE AT PARIS. M. Peligot has ascertained that the Water of the Artesian Well of Grenelle contains not the least trace of air. Subterra- nean waters ought therefore to be aerated before being used as aliment Accordingly, at Grenelle, has been constructed a tower, from the top of which the water descends in innumer- able threads, so as to present as much surface as possible to the air. The boring of this Well by the Messrs. Mulct occupied seven years, one month, twenty-six days, to the depth of 1794| Eng- lish feet, or 194 feet below the depth at which M. Elie de Beaumont foretold that water would be found. The sound, or borer, weighed 20,000 lb., and was treble the height of that of the dome of the Hdpital des Invalids at Paris. In May 1837, when the bore had reached 1246 feet 8 inches, the great chisel and 262 feet of rods fell to the bottom ; and although these weighed five tons, M. Mulot tapped a screw on the head of the rods, and thus, connecting another length to them, after fifteen months' labour, drew up the chisel. On another occasion, this chisel having been raised with great force, sank at one stroke 35 feet 3 inches into the chalk ! Curiosities of Science. 115 The depth of the Grenelle Well is nearly four times the height of Strasburg Cathedral ; more than six times the height of the H6pital des Invalides at Paris ; more than four times the height of St. Peter's at Rome; nearly four times and a half the height of St. Paul's, and nine times the height of the Monument, London. Lastly, suppose all the above edifices to be piled one upon each other, from the base-line of the Well of Grenelle, and they would but reach within 11 feet of its surface. MM. Elie de Beaumont and Arago never for a moment doubted the final success of the work ; their confidence being based on analogy, and on a complete acquaintance with the geological structure of the Paris basin, which is identical with that of the London basin beneath the London clay. In the duchy of Luxembourg is a well the depth of which surpasses all others of the kind. It is upwards of 1000 feet more than that of Grenelle near Paris. HOW THE GULF- STREAM REGULATES THE TEMPERATURE OF LONDON. Great Britain is almost exactly under the same latitude as Labrador, a region of ice and snow. Apparently, the chief cause of the remarkable difference between the two climates arises from the action of the great oceanic Gulf-Stream, whereby this country is kept constantly encircled with waters warmed by a West- Indian sun. Were it not for this unceasing current from tropical seas, London, instead of its present moderate average winter temperature of 6 above the freezing-point, might for many months annually be ice-bound by a settled cold of 10 to 30 J below that point, and have its pleasant summer months replaced by a season so short as not to allow corn to ripen, or only an alpine vegetation to flourish. Nor are we without evidence afforded by animal life of a greater cold having prevailed in this country at a late geological period. One case in particular occurs within eighty miles of London, at the village of Chillesford, near Woodbridge, where, in a bed of clayey sand of an age but little (geologically speaking) anterior to the London gravel, Mr. Prestwich has found a group of fossil shells in greater part identical with species now living in the seas of Greenland and of similar latitudes, and which must evidently, from their perfect condition and natural position, have existed in the place where they are now met with. Lec- tures on the Geology of Ctapham, &c. by Joseph Prestwich, A.R.S., F.G,S. SOLVENT ACTION OF COMMON SALT AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. Forchhammer, after a long series of experiments, has come to the conclusion that Common Salt at high temperatures, such as prevailed at earlier periods of the earth's history, acted as a general solvent, similarly to water at common temperatures. The amount of common salt in the earth would suffice to cover its whole surface with a crust ten feet in thickness. FREEZING CAVERN IN RUSSIA. This famous Cavern, at Ithetz Kaya-Zastchita, in the Steppes 116 Things not generally Known. of the Kirghis, is employed by the inhabitants as a cellar. It has the very remarkable property of being so intensely cold during the hottest summers as to be then filled with ice, which disappearing with cold weather, is entirely gone in winter, when all the country is clad in snow. The roof is hung with ever- dripping solid icicles, and the floor may be called a stalagmite of ice and frozen earth. " If," says Sir R. Murchison, " as we were assured, the cold is greatest when the external air is hottest and driest, that the fall of rain and a moist atmosphere produce some diminution of the cold in the cave, and that upon the set- ting-in of winter the ice disappears entirely, then indeed the problem is very curious." The peasants assert that in winter they could sleep in the cave without their sheepskins. INTERIOR TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH : CENTRAL HEAT. By the observed temperature of mines, and that at the bot- tom of artesian wells, it has been established that the rate at which such temperature increases as we descend varies consi- derably in different localities, where the depths are compara- tively small ; Hbut where the depths are great, we find a much nearer approximation to a common rate of increase, which, as determined by the best observation in the deepest mines, shafts, and artesian wells in Western Europe, is very nearly 1 F. for an increase in depth of fifty feet* W. Hopkins, M.A., F.R.S. Humboldt states that, according to tolerably coincident experiments in artesian wells, it has been shown that the heat increases on an average about 1 for every 54*5 feet. If this increase can be reduced to arithmetical relations, it will follow that a stratum of granite would be in a state of fusion at a depth of nearly twenty-one geographical miles, or between four and five times the elevation of the highest summit of the Himalaya. The following is the opinion of Professor Silliman : That the whole interior portion of the earth, or at least a great part of it, is an ocean of melted rock, agitated by violent winds, though I dare not affirm it, is still rendered highly probable by the phenomena of volcanoes. The facts connected with their eruption have been ascer- tained and placed beyond a doubt. How, then, are they to be accounted for ? The theory prevalent some years since, that they are caused by the combustion of immense coal-beds, is puerile and now entirely aban- doned. All the coal in the world could not afford fuel enough for one of the tremendous eruptions of Vesuvius. This observed increase of temperature in descending be- neath the earth's surface suggested the notion of a central incandescent nucleus still remaining in a state of fluidity from its elevated temperature. Hence the theory that the whole mass of the earth was formerly a molten fluid mass, the exte- rior portion of which, to some unknown depth, has assumed Curiosities of Science. 117 its present solidity by the radiation of heat into surrounding space, and its consequent refrigeration. The mathematical solution of this problem of Central Heat, assuming such heat to exist, tells us that though the central portion of the earth may consist of a mass of molten matter, the temperature of its surface is not thereby increased by more than the small fraction of a degree, Poisson has calculated that it would require a thousand millions of centuries to reduce this fraction to a degree by half its present amount, supposing always the external conditions to remain unaltered. In such cases, the superficial temperature of the earth may, in fact, be considered to have approximated so near to its ultimate limit that it can be subject to no further sensible change. DISAPPEAEANCE OF VOLCANIC ISLANDS. Many of the Volcanic Islands thrown up above the sea-level soon disappear, because the lavas and conglomerates of which they are formed spread over flatter surfaces, through the weight of the incumbent fluid ; and the constant levelling process goes on below the sea by the action of tides and currents. Such islands as have effectually resisted this action are found to possess a solid framework of lava, supporting or defending the loose fragmentary materials. Among the most celebrated of these phenomena in our times may be mentioned the Isle of Sabrina, which rose off the coast of St. Michael's in 1811, attained a circumference of one mile and a height of 300 feet, and disappeared in less than eight months ; in the following year there were eighty fathoms of water in its place. In July 1831 appeared Gra- ham's Island off the coast of Sicily, which, attained a mile in circum- ference and 150 or 160 feet in height ; its formation much resembled that of Sabrina. The line of ancient subterranean fire which we trace on the Mediterranean coasts has had a strange attestation in Graham's Island, which is also described as a volcano suddenly bursting forth in the mid sea between Sicily and Africa ; burning for several weeks, and throwing up an isle, or crater-cone of scorise and ashes, which had scarcely been named before it was again lost by subsidence beneath the sea, leaving only a shoal-bank to attest this strange submarine breach in the earth's crust, which thus mingled fire and water in one common action. Floating islands are not very rare : in 1827, one was seen twenty leagues to the east of the Azores ; it was three leagues in width, and covered with volcanic products, sugar-canes, straw, and pieces of wood. PERPETUAL FIRE. Not far from the Deliktash, on the side of a mountain in Lycia, is the Perpetual Fire described some forty years since 118 Things not generally Known. by Captain Beaufort. It was found by Lieutenant Spratt and Professor Forbes, thirty years later, as brilliant as ever, and somewhat increased ; for besides the large flame in the corner of the ruins described by Beaufort, there were small jets issuing from crevices in the side of the crater- like cavity five or six feet deep. At the bottom was a shallow pool of sulphureous and turbid water, regarded by the Turks as a sovereign remedy for all skin complaints. The soot deposited from the flames was held to be efficacious for sore eyelids, and valued as a dye for the eyebrows. This phenomenon is described by Pliny as the flame of the Lycian Chimera. AETESIAN FIRE- SPRINGS IN CHINA. According to the statement of the missionary Imbert, the Fire-Springs, " Ho-tsing" of the Chinese, which are sunk to obtain a carburetted-hydrogen gas for salt-boiling, far exceed our artesian springs in depth. These springs are very com- monly more than 2000 feet deep ; and a spring of continued flow was found to be 3197 feet deep. This natural gas has been used in the Chinese province Tse-tschuan for several thousand years ; and "portable gas" (in bamboo-canes) has for ages been used in the city of Khiung-tscheu. More recently, in the village of Fredonia, in the United States, such gas has been used both for cooking and for illumination. VOLCANIC ACTION THE GREAT AGENT OF GEOLOGICAL CHANGE. Mr. James Nasmyth observes, that " the floods of molten lava which volcanoes eject are nothing less than remaining 1 portions of what was once the condition of the entire globe when in the igneous state of its early physical history, no one knows how many years ago ! " When we behold the glow and feel the heat of molten lava, how vastly does it add to the interest of the sight when we consider that the heat we feel and the light we see are the residue of the once universal condition of our entire globe, on whose cooled surface we now live and have our being ! But so it is ; for if there be one great fact which geo- logical research has established beyond all doubt, it is that we reside on the cooled surface of what was once a molten globe, and that all the phenomena which geology has brought to light can be most satisfac- torily traced to the successive changes incidental to its gradual cooling and contraction. '" That the influx of the sea into the yet hot and molten interior of the globe may occasionally occur, and enhance and vary the violence of the phenomenon of volcanic action, there can be little doubt ; but the action of water in such cases is only secondary. But for the pre-existing high temperature of the interior of the earth, the influx of water would produce no such discharges of molten lava as generally characterise vol- canic eruptions. Molten lava is therefore a true vestige of the Natural History of the Creation." Curiosities of Science. 1 1 9 THE SNOW-CAPPED VOLCANO. It is but rarely that the elastic forces at work within the interior of our globe have succeeded in breaking through the spiral domes which, resplendent in the brightness of eternal snow, crown the summits of the Cordilleras ; and even where these subterranean forces have opened a permanent communi- cation with the atmosphere, through circular craters or long fissures, they rarely send forth currents of lava, but merely eject ignited scoriae, steam, sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and jets of carbonic acid. Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. i. TRAVELS OF VOLCANIC DUST. On the 2d of September 1845, a quantity of Volcanic Dust fell in the Orkney Islands, which was supposed to have origin- ated in an eruption of Hecla, in Iceland. It was subsequently ascertained that an eruption of that volcano took place on the morning of the above day (September 2), so as to leave no doubt of the accuracy of the conclusion. The dust had thus travelled about 600 miles ! GEEAT ERUPTIONS OF VESUVIUS. In the great eruption of Vesuvius, in August 1779, which Sir William Hamilton witnessed from his villa at Pausilippo in the bay of Naples, the volcano sent up white sulphureous smoke resembling bales of cotton, exceeding the height and size of the mountain itself at least four times ; and in the midst of this vast pile of smoke, stones, scoriae, and ashes were thrown up not less than 2000 feet. Next day a fountain of fire shot up with such height and brilliancy that the smallest objects could be clearly distinguished at any place within six miles or more of Vesuvius. But on the following day a more stupen- dous column of fire rose three times the height of Vesuvius (3700 feet), or more than two miles high. Among the huge fragments of lava thrown out during this eruption was a block 108 feet in circumference and 17 feet high, another block 66 feet in circumference and 19 feet high, and another 16 feet high and 92 feet in circumference, besides thousands of smaller fragments. Sir William Hamilton suggests that from a scene of the above kind the ancient poets took their ideas of the giants waging war with Jupiter. The eruption of June 1794, which destroyed the greater part of the town of Torre del Greco, was, however, the most violent that has been recorded after the two great eruptions of 79 and 1631. EARTH-WAVES. The waves of an earthquake have been represented in their 120 Things not generally Known. progress, and their propagation, through rocks of different density and elasticity ; and the causes of the rapidity of pro- pagation, and its diminution by the refraction, reflection, and interference of the oscillations have been mathematically in- vestigated. Air, water, and earth waves follow the same laws which are recognised by the theory of motion, at all events in. space ; but the earth- waves are accompanied in their destruc- tive action by discharges of elastic vapours, and of gases, and mixtures of pyroxene crystals, carbon, and infusorial animal- cules with silicious shields. The more terrific effects are, how- ever, when the earth-waves are accompanied by cleavage ; and, as in the earthquake of Riobamba, when fissures alternately opened and closed again, so that men saved themselves by ex- tending both arms, in order to prevent their sinking. As a remarkable example of the closing of a fissure, Hum- boldt mentions that, during the celebrated earthquake in 1851, in the Neapolitan province of Basilicata, a hen was found caught by both feet in the street-pavement of Barile, near Melfi. Mr. Hopkins has very correctly shown theoretically that the fissures produced by earthquakes are very instructive as regards the formation of veins and the phenomenon of disloca- tion, the more recent vein displacing the older formation. RUMBLINGS OF EARTHQUAKES. When the great earthquake of Coseguina, in Nicaragua, took place, January 23, 1835, the subterranean noise the sonorous waves in the earth was heard at the same time on the island of Jamaica and on the plateau of Bogota, 8740 feet above the sea, at a greater distance than from Algiers to Lon- don. In the eruptions of the volcano on the island of St. Vincent, April 30, 1812, at 2 A.M., a noise like the report of cannons was heard, without any sensible concussion of the earth, over a space of 160,000 geographical square miles. There have also been heard subterranean thunderiugs for two years without earthquakes. HOW TO MEASURE AN EARTHQUAKE-SHOCK. A new instrument (the Seismometer) invented for this pur- pose by M. Kreil, of Vienna, consists of a pendulum oscillating in every direction, but unable to turn round on its point of suspension ; and bearing at its extremity a cylinder, which, by means of mechanism within it, turns on its vertical axis once in twenty-four hours. Next to the pendulum stands a rod bear- ing a narrow elastic arm, which slightly presses the extremity of a lead-pencil against the surface of the cylinder. As long as the pendulum is quiet, the pencil traces an uninterrupted line Curiosities of Science. on the surface of the cylinder ; but as soon as it oscillates, this line becomes interrupted and irregular, and these irregularities indicate the time of the commencement of an earthquake, to- gether with its duration and intensity.* Elastic fluids are doubtless the cause of the slight and per- fectly harmless trembling of the earth's surface, which has often continued for several days. The focus of this destructive agent, the seat of the moving force, lies far below the earth's surface ; but we know as little of the extent of this depth as we know of the chemical nature of these vapours that are so highly com- pressed. At the edges of two craters, Vesuvius and the tower- ing rock which projects beyond the great abyss of Pichincha, near Quito, Humboldt has felt periodic and very regular shocks of earthquakes, on each occasion from twenty to thirty seconds before the burning scoriae or gases were erupted. The intensity of the shocks was increased in proportion to the time interven- ing between them, and consequently to the length of time in which the vapours were accumulating. This simple fact, which has been attested by the evidence of so many travellers, furnishes us with a general solution of the phenomenon, in showing that active volcanoes are to be considered as safety-valves for the immediate neighbourhood. There are instances in which the earth has been shaken for many successive days in the chain of the Andes, in South America. In certain districts, the inha- bitants take no more notice of the number of earthquakes than we in Europe take of showers of rain ; yet in such a district Bonpland and Humboldt were compelled to dismount, from the restiveness of their mules, because the earth shook in a forest for fifteen to eighteen minutes without intermission. EARTHQUAKES AND THE MOON. From a careful discussion of several thousand earthquakes which have been recorded between 1801 and 1850, and a com- parison of the periods at which they occurred with the position of the moon in relation to the earth, M. Perry, of Dijon, infers that earthquakes may possibly be the result of attraction ex- erted by that body on the supposed fluid centre of our globe, somewhat similar to that which she exercises on the waters of the ocean ; and the Committee of the Institute of France have reported favourably upon this theory. THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF LISBON. The eloquent Humboldt remarks, that the activity of an ig- * Mr. R. Mallet, F.R.S., and his son Dr. Mallet, have constructed a seismo- graphic map of the world, with seismic bands in their position and relative intensity; and small black discs to denote volcanoes, femaroles, and soltataras, and shades indicating the areas of subsidence. Things not generally Known. neous mountain, however terrific and picturesque the spectacle may be which it presents to our contemplation, is always limited to a very small space. It is far otherwise with earthquakes, which, although scarcely perceptible to the eye, nevertheless simultaneously propagate their waves to a distance of many thousand miles. The great earthquake which destroyed the city of Lisbon, November 1st, 1755, was felt in the Alps, on the coast of Sweden, into the Antilles, Antigua, Barbadoes, and Martinique ; in the great Canadian lakes, in Thuringia, in the flat country of northern Germany, and in the small inland lakes on the shores of the Baltic. Remote springs were inter- rupted in their flow, a phenomenon attending earthquakes which had been noticed among the ancients by Demetrius the Callatian. The hot springs of Toplitz dried up and returned, inundating every thing around, and having their waters co- loured with iron ochre. At Cadiz, the sea rose to an elevation of sixty-four feet ; while in the Antilles, where the tide usually rises only from twenty-six to twenty-eight inches, it suddenly rose about twenty feet, the water being of an inky blackness. It has been computed that, on November 1st, 1755, a portion of the earth's surface four times greater than that of Europe was simultaneously shaken.* As yet there is no manifestation of force known to us (says the vivid denunciation of the phi- losopher), including even the murderous invention of our own race, by which a greater number of people have been killed in the short space of a few minutes : 60,000 were destroyed in Sicily in 1693, from 30,000 to 40,000 in the earthquake of Rio- bamba in 1797, and probably five times as many in Asia Minor and Syria under Tiberius and Justinian the elder, about the years 19 and 526. GEOLOGICAL AGE OF THE DIAMOND. The discovery of Diamonds in Russia, far from the tropical zone, has excited much interest among geologists. In the de- tritus on the banks of the Adolfskoi, no fewer than forty dia- monds have been found in the gold alluvium, only twenty feet above the stratum in which the remains of mammoths and rhi- noceroses are found. Hence Humboldt has concluded that the formation of gold-veins, and consequently of diamonds, is com- paratively of recent date, and scarcely anterior to the destruc- tion of the mammoths. Sir Roderick Murchison and M. Ver- * It has been computed that the shock of this earthquake pervaded an area of 700,000 miles, or the twelfth part of the circumference of the globe. This dreadful shock lasted only five minutes; and nearly the whole of the population being within the churches Con the feast of All Saints), no less than 30,COO per- sons perished by the fall of these edifices. See Daubeny on Volcanoes; Translator's note, Humboldfs Cosmos. Curiosities of Science. 123 neuil have been led to the same result by different argu- ments.* WHAT WAS ADAMANT ? Professor Tennant replies, that the Adamant described by Pliny was a sapphire, as proved by its form, and by the fact that when struck on an anvil by a hammer it would make an indentation in the metal. A true diamond, under such circum- stances, would fly into a thousand pieces. WHAT IS COAL ? The whole evidence we possess as to the nature of Coal proves it to have been originally a mass of vegetable matter. Its microscopical characters point to its having been formed on the spot in which we find it, to its being composed of vegetable tissues of various kinds, separated and changed by maceration, pressure, and chemical action, and to the introduction of its earthy matter, in a large number of instances, in a state of so- lution or fine molecular subdivision. Dr. Redfern, from whose communication to the British Association we quote, knows nothing to countenance the supposition that our coal-beds are mainly formed of coniferous wood, because the structures found in mother-coal, or the charcoal layer, have not the character of the glandular tissue of such wood, as has been asserted. Geological research has shown that the immense forests from which our coal is formed teemed with life. A frog as large as an ox existed in the swamps, and the existence of in- sects proves that the higher order of organic creation flourished at this epoch. It has been calculated that the available coal-beds in Lanca- shire amount in weight to the enormous sum of 8,400,000,000 tons. The total annual consumption of this coal, it has been estimated, amounts to 3,400,120 tons; hence it is inferred that the coal-beds of Lancashire, at the present rate of consumption, will last 2470 years. Making similar calculations for the coal- fields of South Wales, the north of England, and Scotland, it will readily be perceived how ridiculous were the forebodings which lecturing geologists delighted to indulge in a few years ago. TOKBANE-HILL COAL. The coal of Torbane Hill, Scotland, is so highly inflammable, that it has been disputed at law whether it be true coal, or only asphaltum, or bitumen. Dr. Redfern describes it as laini- * Mr. Murray mentions, on the authority of the Rev. Dr. Robinson, of the Observatory at Armagh, that a rough diamond with a red tint, and valued by Mr. Rundell at twenty guineas, was found in Ireland, many years since, in the bed of a brook flowing through the county of Fermanagh. Things not generally Known. nated, splitting with great ease horizontally, like many cannel coals, and like them it may be lighted at a candle. In all parts of the bed stigmaria and other fossil plants occur in greater numbers than in most other coals ; their distinct vascular tissue may be easily recognised by a common pocket lens, and 65 of the mass consists of carbon. Dr. Redfern considers that all our coals may be arranged in a scale having the Torbane-Hill coal at the top and anthracite at the bottom. Anthracite is almost pure carbon ; Torbane Hill contains less fixed carbon than most other cannels : anthracite is very difficult to ignite, and gives out scarcely any gas ; Tor- bane-Hill burns like a candle, and yields 3000 cubic feet of gas per ton, more than any other known coal, its gas being also of greatly superior illuminating power to any other. The only differences which the Torbane-Hill coal presents from others are differences of degree, not of kind. It differs from other coals in being the best gas-coal, and from other cannels in being the best cannel. HOW MALACHITE IS FORMED. The rich copper-ore of the Ural, which occurs in veins or masses, amid metamorphic strata associated with igneous rocks, and even in the hollows between the eruptive rocks, is worked in shafts. At the bottom of one of these, 280 feet deep, has been found an enormous irregularly-shaped botryoidal mass of Malachite (Greek malache, mountain-green), sending off strings of green copper-ore. The upper surface of it is about 18 feet long and 9 wide ; and it was estimated to contain 15,000 poods, or half a million pounds, of pure and compact malachite. Sir Roderick Murchison is of opinion that this wonderful subter- raneous incrustation has been produced in the stalagmitic form, during a series of ages, by copper solutions emanating from the surrounding loose and sporous mass, and trickling through it to the lowest cavity upon the subjacent solid rock. Malachite is brought chiefly from one mine in Siberia ; its value as raw material is nearly one-fourth that of the same weight of pure silver, or in a manufactured state three guineas per pound avoirdupois. * LUMPS OF GOLD IN SIBERIA. The gold mines south of Miask are chiefly remarkable for the large lumps or pepites of gold which are found around the Za- vod of Zarevo-Alexandroisk. Previous to 1841 were discovered * The use of malachite in ornamental work is very extensive in Russia. Thus, to the Great Exhibition of 1851 were sent a pair of folding-doors veneered with malachite, 13 feet high, valued at 6000J.; malachite cases and pedestals from 1500/. to3000/. a-piece, malachite tables 400/., aud chairs 150/. each. Curiosities of Science. 125 here lumps of native gold ; in that year a lump of twenty-four pounds was met with ; and in 1843 a lump weighing about seventy-eight pounds English was found, and is now deposited with others in the Museum of the Imperial School of Mines at St. Petersburg. SIR ISAAC NEWTON UPON SUBNET'S THEOEY OF THE EARTH. In 1668, Dr. Thomas Burnet printed his Theoria Telluris Sacra, "an eloquent physico-theological romance," says Sir David Brewster, " which was to a certain extent adopted even by Newton, Burnet's friend. Abandoning, as some of the fathers had done, the hexaemeron, or six days of Moses, as a physical reality, and having no knowledge of geological pheno- mena, he gives loose reins to his imagination, combining pass- ages of Scripture with those of ancient authors, and presump- tuously describing the future catastrophes to which the earth is to be exposed." Previous to its publication, Burnet pre- sented a copy of his book to Newton, and requested his opinion of the theory which it propounded. Newton took "exceptions to particular passages," and a correspondence ensued. In one of Newton's letters he treats of the formation of the earth, and the other planets, out of a general chaos of the figure assumed by the earth, of the length of the primitive days, of the for- mation of hills and seas, and of the creation of the two ruling lights as the result of the clearing up of the atmosphere. He considers the account of the creation in Genesis as adapted to the judgment of the vulgar. " Had Moses," he says, " de- scribed the processes of creation as distinctly as they were in themselves, he would have made the narrative tedious and con- fused amongst the vulgar, and become a philosopher more than a prophet." After referring to several u causes of meteors, such as the breaking out of vapours from below, before the earth was well hardened, the settling and shrinking of the whole globe after the upper regions or surface began to be hard," Newton closes his letter with an apology for being tedious, which, he says, "he has the more reason to do, as he has not set down any thing he has well considered, or will undertake to defend." See the Letter in the Appendix to Sir D. Brewster's Life of Newton, vol. ii. The primitive condition of the earth, and its preparation for man, was a subject of general speculation at the close of the seventeenth cen- tury. Leibnitz, like his great rival (Newton), attempted to explain the formation of the earth, and of the different substances which composed jt ; and he had the advantage of possessing some knowledge of geolo- gical phenomena : the earth he regarded as having been originally a burning mass, whose temperature gradually diminished till the vapours were condensed into a universal ocean, which covered the highest moun- 126 Things not generally Known. tains, and gradually flowed into vacuities and subterranean cavities pro- duced by the consolidation of the earth's crust. He regarded fossils as the real remains of plants and animals which had been buried in the strata ; and, in speculating on the formation of mineral substances, he speaks of crystals as the geometry of inanimate nature. Breioste^s Life of Newton, vol. ii. p. 100, note. (See also "The Age of the Globe," in Things not generally Known, p. 13.) " THE FATHER OF ENGLISH GEOLOGY." In 1769 was born, the son of a yeoman of Oxfordshire, Wil- liam Smith. When a boy he delighted to wander in the fields, collecting "pound-stones" (Eckinites), " pundibs" (TerebratulcR), and other stony curiosities; and receiving little education be- yond what he taught himself, he learned nothing of classics but the name. Grown to be a man, he became a land-surveyor and civil engineer, and was much engaged in constructing canals. While thus occupied, he observed that all the rocky masses forming the substrata of the country were gently inclined to the east and south-east, that the red sandstones and marls above the coal-measures passed below the beds provincially termed lias-clay and limestone that these again passed un- derneath the sands, yellow limestone, and clays that form the table-land of the Coteswold Hills ; while they in turn plunged beneath the great escarpment of chalk that runs from the coast of Dorsetshire northward to the Yorkshire shores of the German Ocean. He further observed that each formation of clay, sand, or limestone, held to a very great extent its own peculiar suite of fossils. The "snake-stones" (Ammonites) of the lias were different in form and ornament from those of the inferior oolite ; and the shells of the latter, again, differed from those of the Oxford clay, Cornbrash, and Kimmeridge clay. Pondering much on these things, he came to the then unheard-of con- clusion that each formation had been in its turn a sea-bottom, in the sediments of which lived and died marine animals now extinct, many specially distinctive of their own epochs in time. Here indeed was a discovery, made, too, by a man utterly unknown to the scientific world, and having no pretension to scientific lore. " Strata Smith's" find was unheeded for many a long year ; but at length the first geologists of the day learned from the land-surveyor that superposition of strata is inseparably connected with the succession of life in time. Hooke's grand vision was at length realised, and it was indeed possible " to build up a terrestrial chronology from rotten shells" imbedded in the rocks. Meanwhile he had constructed the first geological map of England, which has served as a basis for geological maps of all other parts of the world. William Smith was now presented by the Geological Society with the Wollas- ton Medal, and hailed as "the Father of English Geology." Curiosities of Science, 127 He died in 1840. Till the manner as well as the fact of the first appearance of successive forms of life shall be solved, it is not easy to surmise how any discovery can be made in geology equal in value to that which we owe to the genius of William Smith. Saturday Review, No. 140. DK. BUCKLAND'S GEOLOGICAL LABOURS. Sir Henry De la Beche, in his Anniversary Address to the Geological Society in 1848, on presenting the Wollaston Medal to Dr. Buckland, felicitously observed : It may not be generally known that, while yet a child, at your native town, Axminster in Devonshire, ammonites, obtained by your father from the lime quarries in the neighbourhood, were presented to your attention. As a scholar at Winchester, the chalk, with its flints, was brought under your observation, and there it was that your collec- tions in natural history first began. Removed to Oxford, as a scholar of Corpus Christi College, the future teacher of geology in that Univer- sity was fortunate in meeting with congenial tastes in our colleague Mr. W. J. Broderip, then a student at Oriel College. It was during your walks together to Shotover Hill, when his knowledge of conchology was so valuable to you, enabling you to distinguish the shells of the Oxford oolite, that you laid the foundation for those field-lectures, forming part of your course of geology at Oxford, which no one is likely to forget who has been so fortunate at any time as to have attended them. The fruits of your walks with Mr. Broderip formed the nucleus of that great collec- tion, more especially remarkable for the organic remains it contains, which, after the labours of forty years, you have presented to the Geo- logical Museum at Oxford, in grave recollection of the aid which the endowments of that University, and the leisure of its vacations, had afforded you for extensive travelling during a residence at Oxford of nearly forty-five years. DISCOVERIES OF M. AGASSIZ.* This great paleontologist, in the course of his ichthyological researches, was led to perceive that the arrangement by Cuvier according to organs did not fulfil its purpose with regard to fossil fishes, because in the lapse of ages the characteristics of their structures were destroyed. He therefore adopted the only other remaining plan, and studied the tissues, which, being less complex than the organs, are.oftener found intact. The result was the very remarkable discovery, that the tegumentary membrane of fishes is so intimately connected with their orga- nisation, that if the whole of the fish has perished except this membrane, it is practicable, by noting its characteristics, to re- construct the animal in its most essential parts. Of the value of this principle of harmony, some idea may be formed from the circumstance, that on it Agassiz has based the whole of that * Longfellow has written some pleasing lines on " The Fiftieth Birthday of M. Agassiz. May 28, 1857," appended to " The Courtship of Miles Standish," 1868. 128 Things not generally Known. celebrated classification of which he is the sole author, and by which fossil ichthyology has for the first time assumed a precise and definite shape. How essential its study is to the geologist appears from the remark of Sir Roderick Murchison, that "fos- sil fishes have every where proved the most exact chronometer of the age of rocks." SUCCESSION OF LIFE IN TIME. In the Museum of Economic Geology, in Jermyn Street, may be seen ores, metals, rocks, and whole suites of fossils strati- graphically arranged in such a manner that, with an observant eye for form, all may easily understand the more obvious scien- tific meanings of the Succession of Life in Time, and its bearing on geological economies. It is perhaps scarcely an exaggeration to say, that the greater number of so-called educated persons are still ignorant of the meaning of this great doctrine. They would be ashamed not to know that there are many suns and material worlds besides our own ; but the science, equally grand and comprehensible, that aims at the discovery of the laws that regulated the creation, extension, decadence, and utter extinc- tion of many successive species, genera, and whole orders of life, is ignored, or, if intruded on the attention, is looked on as an uncertain and dangerous dream, and this in a country which was almost the nursery of geology, and which for half a century has boasted the first Geological Society in the world. Saturday Review, No. 140. PRIMITIVE DIVERSITY AND NUMBERS OF ANIMALS IN GEOLOGICAL TIMES. . Professor Agassiz considers that the very fact of certain stra- tified rocks, even among the oldest formations, being almost entirely made up of fragments of organised beings, should long ago have satisfied the most sceptical that both animal and vegetable life were as active and profusely scattered upon the whole globe at all times, and during all geological periods, as they are now. No coral reef in the Pacific contains a larger amount of organic debris than some of the limestone deposits of the tertiary, of the cretaceous, or of the oolitic, nay even of the paleozoic period ; and the whole vegetable carpet covering the present surface of the globe, even if we were to consider only the luxuriant vegetation of the tropics, leaving entirely out of consideration the entire expanse of the ocean, as well as those tracts of land where, under less favourable circumstances, the growth of plants is more reduced, would not form one single seam of workable coal to be compared to the many thick beds contained in the rocks of the carboniferous period alone. Curiosities of Science. 129 ENGLAND IN THE EOCENE PERIOD. Eocene is Sir Charles Lyell's term for the lowest group of the Tertiary system in which the dawn of recent life appears ; and any one who wishes to realise what was the aspect pre- sented by this country during the Eocene period, need only go to Sheerness. If, leaving that place behind him, he walks down the Thames, keeping close to the edge of the water, he will find whole bushels of pyritised pieces of twigs and fruits. These fruits and twigs belong to plants nearly allied to the screw-pine and custard-apple, and to various species of palms and spice-trees which now flourish in the Eastern Archipelago. At the time they were washed down from some neighbouring land, not only crocodilian reptiles, but sharks and innumerable turtles, inhabited a sea or estuary which now forms part of the London district ; and huge boa-constrictors glided amongst the trees which fringed the adjoining shores. Countless as are the ages which intervened between the Eocene period and the time when the little jawbones of Stones- field were washed down to the place where they were to await the day when science should bring them again to light, not one mammalian genus which now lives upon our plane has been discovered amongst Eocene strata. We have existing families, but nothing more. Professor Owen. FOOD OF THE IGUANODON. Dr. Mantell, from the examination of the anterior part of the right side of the lower jaw of an Iguanodon discovered in a quarry in Tilgate Forest, Sussex, has detected an extraordinary deviation from all known types of reptilian organisation, and which could not have been predicated ; namely, that this colos- sal reptile, which equalled in bulk the gigantic Edentata of South America, and like them was destined to obtain support from comminuted vegetable substances, was also furnished with a large prehensile tongue and fleshy lips, to serve as instruments for seizing and cropping the foliage and branches of trees ; while the arrangement of the teeth as in the ruminants, and their internal structure, which resembles that of the molars of the sloth tribe in the vascularity of the dentine, indicate adap- tations for the same purpose. Among the physiological phenomena revealed by paleonto- logy, there is not a more remarkable one than this modification of the type of organisation peculiar to the class of reptiles to meet the conditions required by the economy of a lizard placed under similar physical relations; and destined to effect the same general purpose in the scheme of nature as the colossal 130 Things not generally Known. Edentata of former ages and the large herbivorous mammalia of our own times. THE PTEEODACTYL THE FLYING DEAGON. The Tilgate beds of the Wealden series, just mentioned, have yielded numerous fragments of the most remarkable reptilian fossils yet discovered, and whose wonderful forms denote them to have thronged the shallow seas and bays and lagoons of the period. In the grounds of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham the reader will find restorations of these animals sufficiently perfect to illustrate this reptilian epoch. They include the iqua- nodon, an herbivorous lizard exceeding in size the largest ele- phant, and accompanied by the equally gigantic and carni- vorous megalosaurus (great saurian), and by the two yet more curious reptiles, the pylceosaurus (forest, or weald, saurian) and the pterodactyl (from pteron, ( wing,' and dactylus, ' a finger'), an enormous bat-like creature, now running upon the ground like a bird ; its elevated body and long neck not covered with feathers, but with skin, naked, or resplendent with glittering scales ; its head like that of a lizard or crocodile, and of a size almost preposterous compared with that of the body, with its long fore extremities stretched out, and connected by a mem- brane with the body and hind legs. Suddenly this mailed creature rose in the air, and realised or even surpassed in strangeness the flying dragon of fable: its fore-arms and its elongated wing-finger furnished with claws ; hand and fingers extended, and the interspace filled up by a tough membrane ; and its head and neck stretched out like that of the heron in its flight. When stationary, its wings were probably folded back like those of a bird; though perhaps, by the claws attached to its fingers, it might suspend itself from the branches of trees. MAMMALIA IN SECONDAEY EOCKS. It was supposed till very lately that few if any Mammalia were to be found below the Tertiary rocks, i. e. those above the chalk ; and this supposed fact was very comfortable to those who support the doctrine of " progressive development," and hold, with the notorious Vestiges of Creation, that a fish by mere length of time became a reptile, a lemur an ape, and finally an ape a man. But here, as in a hundred other cases, facts, when duly investigated, are against their theory. A mammal jaw had been already discovered by Mr. Brodie on the shore at the back of Swanage Point, in Dorsetshire, when Mr. Beckles, F.G.S., traced the vein from which this jaw had been procured, and found it to be a stratum about five in-.-iies Curiosities of Science. 131 thick, at the base of the Middle Purbeck beds ; and after remov- ing many thousand tons of rock, and laying bare an area of nearly 7000 square feet (the largest cutting ever made for purely scientific purposes), he found reptiles (tortoises arid lizards) in hundreds ; but the most important discovery was that of the jaws of at least fourteen different species of mammalia. Some of these were herbivorous, some carnivorous, connected with our modern shrews, moles, hedgehogs, &c. ; but all of them per- fectly developed and highly-organised quadrupeds. Ten years ago, no remains of quadrupeds were believed to exist in the Secondary strata. " Even in 1854," says Sir Charles Lyell (in a supplement to the fifth edition of his Manual of Elementary Geology}, " only six species of mammals from rocks older than the Tertiary were known in the whole world." We now possess evidence of the existence of fourteen species, belonging to eight or nine genera, from the fresh-water strata of the Middle Pur- beck Oolite. It would be rash now to fix a limit in past time to the existence of quadrupeds. The Rev. C. Kingsley. FOSSIL HUMAN BONES. In the paleontological collection in the British Museum is preserved a considerable portion of a human skeleton imbedded in a slab of rock, brought from Guadaloupe, and often referred to in opposition to the statement that hitherto no fossil human bones have been found. The presence of these bones, however, has been explained by the circumstance of a battle and the massacre of a tribe of Galtibis by the Caribs, which took place near the spot in which the bones were found about 130 years ago ; for as the bodies of the slain were interred on the sea- shore, their skeletons may have been subsequently covered by sand-drift, which has since consolidated into limestone. It will be seen by reference to the Philosophical Transac- tions, that on the reading of the paper upon this discovery to the Royal Society, in 1814, Sir Joseph Banks, the president, considered the "fossil" to be of very modern formation, and that probably, from the contiguity of a volcano, the tempera- ture of the water may have been raised at some time, and dis- solving carbonate of lime readily, may have deposited about the skeleton in a comparatively short period hard and 'solid stone. Every person may be convinced of the rapidity of the formation and of the hardness of such stone by inspecting the inside of tea-kettles in which hard water is boiled. Descriptions of petrifactions of human bodies appear to refer to the conversion of bodies into adipocere, and not into stone. All the sup- posed cases of petrifaction are probably of this nature. The change occurs only when the coffin becomes filled with water. The body, con- verted into adipocere, floats on the water. The supposed cases of 132 Things not generally Known. changes of position in the grave, bursting open the coffin-lids, turning over, crossing of limbs, &c., formerly attributed to the coming to life of persons buried who were not dead, is now ascertained to be due to the same cause. The chemical change into adipocere, and the evolution of gases, produce these movements of dead bodies. Mr. Trail Green. THE MOST ANCIENT FISHES. Among the important results of Sir Roderick Murchison's establishment of the Silurian system is the following : That as the Lower Silurian group, often of vast dimensions, has never afforded the smallest vestige of a Fish, though it abounds in nu- merous species of the marine classes, corals, cnnoidea, mollusca, and Crustacea ; and as in Scandinavia and Russia, where it is based on rocks void of fossils, its lowest stratum contains facoids only, Sir R. Mur- chison has, after fifteen years of laborious research stea iily directed to this point, arrived at the conclusion, that a very long period elapsed after life was breathed into the waters before the lowest order of verte- brata was created ; the earliest fishes being those of the Upper Silurian rocks, winch he was the first to discover, and which he described " as the most ancient beings of their class which have yet been brought to light." Though the Lower Silurian rocks of various parts of the world have since been ransacked by multitudes of prying geologists, who have exhumed from them myriads of marine fossils, not a single ichthyolite has been found in any stratum of higher antiquity than the Upper Silurian group of Murchison. The most remarkable of all fossil fishes yet discovered have been found in the Old Red Sandstone cliffs at Dorpat, where the remains are so gigantic (one bone measuring two feet nine inches in length) that they were at first supposed to belong to saurians. Sir Roderick's examination of Russia has, in short, proved that the ichthyolites and mollusks which, in Western Europe, are separately peculiar to smaller detached basins, were here (in the British Isles} cohabitants of many parts of the same great sea. EXTINCT CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS OF BRITAIN. Professor Owen has thus forcibly illustrated the Carnivorous Anim ils which preyed upon and restrained the undue multi- plica ion of the vegetable feeders. First we have the bear family, which is now represented in this country only by the badger. We were once blest, however, with many bears. One species seems to have been identical with the existing brown bear of the European continent. Far larger and more formidable was the gigantic cave-bear ((Jrsus spelceus), which surpassed in size his grisly brother of North America. The skull of the cave- bear differs very much in shape from that of its small brown relative just alluded to ; the forehead, in particular, is much higher, to be accounted for by an arrangement of air-cells simi- lar to those which we have already remarked in the elephant. Curiosities of Science. Io3 The cave-bear has left its remains in vast abundance in Ger- many. In our own caves, the bones of hysenas are found in greater quantities. The marks which the teeth of the hyaena make upon the bones which it gnaws are quite unmistakable. Our English hyaenas had the most undiscriminating appetite, preying upon every creature, their own species amongst others. Wolves, not distinguishable from those which now exist in France and Germany, seem to have kept company with the hyaenas ; and the Felis spelcea, a sort of lion, but larger than any which now exists, ruled over all weaker brutes. Here, says Professor Owen, we have the original British Lion. A species of Machairodus has left its remains at Kent's Hole, near Torquay. In England we had also the beaver, which still lingers on the Danube and the Rhone, and a larger species, which has been called Trogontherium (gnawing beast), and a gigantic mole. THE GREAT CAVE TIGER OR LION OF BRITAIN. Remains of this remarkable animal of the drift or gravel period of this country have been found at Brentford and else- where near London. Speaking of this animal, Professor Owen observes, that "it is commonly supposed that the Lion, the Tiger, and the Jaguar are animals peculiarly adapted to a tropical climate. The genus Felis (to which these animals belong) is, however, represented by specimens in high northern latitudes, and in all the intermediate countries to the equator." The chief condition necessary for the presence of such animals is an abundance of the vegetable-feeding animals. It is thus that the Indian tiger has been known to follow the herds of antelope and deer in the lofty mountains of the Himalaya to the verge of perpetual snow, and far into Siberia. " It need not, therefore," continues Professor Owen, "excite surprise that indications should have been discovered in the fossil relics of the ancient mammalian population of Europe of a large feline animal, the contemporary of the mammoth, of the tichorrhine rhinoceros, of the great gigantic cave-bear and hyaena, and the slayer of the oxen, deer, and equine quadrupeds that so abounded during the same epoch." The dimensions of this extinct animal equal those of the largest African lion or Bengal tiger ; and some bones have been found which seem to imply that it had even more powerful limbs and larger paws. THE MAMMOTHS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Dr. Buckland has shown that for long ages many species of carnivorous animals now extinct inhabited the caves of the British islands. In low tracts of Yorkshire, where tranquil lacustrine (lake-like) deposits have occurred, bones (even thoso 134 Things not generally Known. of the lion) have been found so perfectly unbroken and un- worn, in fine gravel (as at Market Weigh ton), that few persons would be disposed to deny that such feline and other animals once roamed over the British isles, as well as other European countries. Why, then, is it improbable that large elephants, with a peculiarly thick integument, a close coating of wool, and much long shaggy hair, should have been the occupants of wide tracts of Northern Europe and Asia? This coating, Dr. Fleming has well remarked, was probably as impenetrable to rain and cold as that of the monster ox of the polar circle. Such is the opinion of Sir Roderick Murchison, who thus ac- counts for the disappearance of the mammoths from Britain : When we turn from the great Siberian continent, which, anterior to its elevation, was the chief abode of the mammoths, and look to the other parts of Europe, where their remains also occur, how remarkable is it that we find the number of these creatures to be justly proportion- ate to the magnitude of the ancient masses of land which the labours of geologists have denned ! Take the British isles, for example, and let all their low, recently elevated districts be submerged ; let, in short, England be viewed as the comparatively small island she was when the ancient estuary of the Thames, including the plains of Hyde Park, Chelsea, Hounslow, and Uxbridge, were under the water ; when the Severn extended far into the heart of the kingdom, and large eastern tracts of the island were submerged, and there will then remain but moderately-sized feeding-grounds for the great quadrupeds whose bones are found in the gravel of the adjacent rivers and estuaries. This limited area of subsistence could necessarily only keep Tip a small stock of such animals ; and, just as we might ex- pect, the remains of British mammoths occur in very small numbers indeed, when compared with those of the great char- nel-houses of Siberia, into which their bones had been carried down through countless ages from the largest mass of surface which geological inquiries have yet shown to have been dry land during that epoch. The remains of the mammoth, says Professor Owen, have been found in all, or almost all, the counties of England. Off the coast of Norfolk they are met with in vast abundance. The fishermen who go to catch turbot between the mouth of the Thames and the Dutch coast constantly get their nets en- tangled in the tusks of the mammoth. A collection of tusks and other remains, obtained in this way, is to be seen at Rams- gate. In North America, this gigantic extinct elephant must have been very common ; and a large portion of the ivory which supplies the markets of Europe is derived from the vast mammoth graveyards of Siberia. The mammoth ranged at least as far north as 60. There is no doubt that, at the present day, many specimens of the musk-ox are annually becoming imbedded in the mud and ice of the North- American rivers. Curiosities of Science. 135 It is curious to observe, that the mammoth teeth which are met with in caves generally belonged to young mammoths, who probably resorted thither for shelter before increasing age and strength emboldened them to wander far afield. THE RHINOCEROS AND HIPPOPOTAMUS OF ENGLAND. The mammoth was not the only giant that inhabited Eng- land in the Pliocene or Upper Tertiary period. We had also here the Rhinoceros tichorrhinus, or "strongly walled about the nose," remains of which have been discovered in enormous quantities in the brickfields about London. Pallas describes an entire specimen of this creature, which was found near Yakutsk, the coldest town on the globe. Another rhinoceros, leptorrhinus (fine nose), dwelt with the elephant of Southern Europe. In Siberia has been discovered the Elaimotherium, forming a link between the rhinoceros and the horse. In the days of the mammoth, we had also in England a Hippopotamus, rather larger than the species which now in- habits the Nile. Of our British hippopotamus some remains were dug up by the workmen in preparing the foundations of the New Junior United Service Club-house, in Regent-street. THE ELEPHANT AND TORTOISE. The idea of an Elephant standing on the back of a Tortoise was often laughed at as an absurdity, until Captain Cautley and Dr. Falconer at length discovered in the hills of Asia the remains of a tortoise in a fossil state of such a size that an elephant could easily have performed the above feat. COEXISTENCE OF MAN AND THE MASTODON. Dr. C. F. Winslow has communicated to the Boston Society of Natural History the discovery of the fragment of a human cranium 180 feet below the surface of the Table Mountain, California. Now the mastodon's bones being found in the same deposits, points very clearly to the probability of the ap- peaiance of the human race on the western portions of North America at least before the extinction of those huge creatures. Fragments of mastodon and Elephas primigenius have been taken ten and twenty feet below the surface in the above lo- cality ; where this discovery of human and mastodon remains gives strength to the possible truth of an old Indian tradition, the contemporary existence of the mammoth and aboriginals in this region of the globe. HABITS OF THE MEGATHERIUM. Much uncertainty has been felt about the habits of the Me- gatherium, or Great Beast. It has been asked whether it bur- 136 Things not generally Known. rowed or climbed, or what it did ; and difficulties have pre- sented themselves on all sides of the question. Some have thought that it lived in trees as much larger than those which now exist as the Megatherium itself is larger than the common sloth. * This, however, is now known to be a mistake. It did not climb trees it pulled them down ; and in order to do this the hinder parts of its skeleton were made enormously strong, and its prehensile fore-legs formed so as to give it a tremendous power over any thing which it grasped. Dr. Buckland sug- gested that animals which got their living in this way had a very fair chance of having their heads broken. While Pro- fessor Owen was still pondering over this difficulty, the skull of a cognate animal, the Mylodon, came into his hands. Great was his delight when he found that the mylodon not only had his head broken, but broken in two different places, at two different times ; and moreover so broken that the injury could only have been inflicted by some such agent as a fallen tree. The creature had recovered from the first blow, but had evi- dently died of the second. This tribe had, as it turns out, two skulls, an outer and an inner one given them, as it would appear, expressly with a view to the very dangerous method in which they were intended to obtain their necessary- food. The dentition of the megatherium is curious. The ele- phant gets teeth as he wants them. Nature provided for the comfort of the megatherium in another way. It did not get new teeth, but the old ones went on for ever growing as long as the animal lived ; so that as fast as one grinding surface be- came useless, another supplied its place. THE DINOTHEE1UM, OE TEEEIBLE BEAST. The family of herbivorous Cetaceans are connected with the Pachydermata of the land by one of the most wonderful of all the extinct creatures with which geologists have made us ac- quainted. This is the Dinotherium, or Terrible Beast. The re- mains of this animal were found in Miocene sands at Eppels- heim, about forty miles from Darmstadt. It must have been larger than the largest extinct or living elephant. The most remarkable peculiarity of its structure is the enormous tusks, curving downwards and terminating its lower jaw. It appears to have lived in the water, where the immense weight of these formidable appendages would not be so inconvenient as on land. What these tusks were used for is a mystery ; but perhaps they acted as pickaxes in digging up trees and shrubs, or as * The sloth only deserves its name when it is obliged to attempt to pioceed along the ground ; when it has any thing which it can lay hold of it is agile enough. Curiosities of Science. 137 harrows in raking the bottom of the water. Dr. Buckland used to suggest that they were perhaps employed as anchors, by means of which the monster might fasten itself to the bank of a stream and enjoy a comfortable nap. The extreme length of the Dinotherium was about eighteen feet. Professor Kemp, in his restoration of the animal, has given it a trunk like that of the elephant, but not so long, and the general form of the tapir. Professor Owen. THE GLYPTODON. There are few creatures which we should less have expected to find represented in fossil history by a race of gigantic brethren than the armadillo. The creature is so small, not only in size but in all its works and ways, that we with difficulty associate it with the idea of magnitude. Yet Sir Woodbine Parish has discovered evidences of enormous animals of this family having once dwelt in South America. The huge loricated (plated over) creature whose relics were first sent has received the name of Glyptodon, from its sculptured teeth. Unlike the small arma- dillos, it was unable to roll itself up into a ball ; though an enormous carnivore which lived in those days must have made it sometimes wish it had the power to do so. When attacked, it must have crouched down, and endeavoured to make its huge shell as good a defence as possible. Professor Owen. INMATES OF AN AUSTRALIAN CAVERN. From the fossil-bone caverns in Wellington Valley, in 1830, were sent to Professor Owen several bones which belonged, as it turned out, to gigantic kangaroos, immensely larger than any existing species ; to a kind of wombat, to formidable das- yures, and several other genera. It also appeared that the bones, which were those of herbivores, had evidently belonged to young animals, while those of the carnivores were full-sized ; a fact which points to the relations between the two families having been any thing but agreeable to the herbivores. THE POUCH-LION OF AUSTRALIA. The Thylacoleo (Pouch-Lion) was a gigantic marsupial car- nivore, whose character and affinities Professor Owen has, with exquisite scientific tact, made out from very small indications. This monster, which had kangaroos with heads three feet long to feed on, must have been one of the most extraordinary ani- mals of the antique world. THE CONEY OF SCRIPTURE. Paleontologists have pointed out the curious fact that the 138 Things not generally Known. Hyrax, called ' coney' in our authorised version of the Bible, is really only a diminutive and hornless rhinoceros. Remains have been found at Eppelsheim which indicate an animal more like a gigantic Hyrax than any of the existing rhinoceroses. To this the name of Acerotherium (Hornless Beast) has been given. A THREE-HOOFED HORSE. Professor Owen describes the Hipparion, or Three-hoofed Horse, as the first representative of a family so useful to man- kind. This animal, in addition to its true hoof, appears to have had two additional elementary hoofs, analogous to those which we see in the ox. The object of these no doubt was to enable the Hipparion to extricate his foot with greater ease than he otherwise could when it sank through the swampy ground on which he lived. TWO MONSTER CARNIVORES OF FRANCE. A huge carnivorous creature has been found in Miocene strata in France, in which country it preyed upon the gazelle and antelope. It must have been as large as a grisly bear, but in general appearance and teeth more like a gigantic dog. Hence the name of Amphicyon (Doubtful Dog) has been as- signed to it. This animal must have derived part of its support from vegetables. Not so the coeval monster which has been called Machairodus (Sabre-tooth). It must have been some- what akin to the tiger, and is by far the most formidable ani- mal which we have met with in our ascending progress through the extinct mammalia. Professor Owen. GEOLOGY OF THE SHEEP. No unequivocal fossil remains of the sheep have yet been found in the bone-caves, the drift, or the more tranquil strati- fied newer Pliocene deposits, so associated with the fossil bones of oxen, wild-boars, wolves, foxes, otters,