BY THE SAME AUTHOR REFERENCE BOOK OF TABLES AND FORMULAS FOR Electric Street Railway Engineers Flexible Morocco. Price, $1.00 THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE USE OF ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS BY E. A. MERRILL, A. M., Author of "Reference Book of Tables and Formulas for Electric Street Railway Engineers " Second Edition. Entirely Rewritten NEW YORK THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY 1896 8\ COPYRIGHT, 1893 AND 1896, BY THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY. * * UNIVERSITY S*J>/r * === CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction ... .19 Working Outline 23 SPECIFICATIONS. Warning ... .30 PREAMBLE. Bids .31 Bond 32 Contractor 32 Commencement and Completion of Work . 32 Damages ... . .34 GENERAL SPECIFICATION. Duties of Contractors . . .34 Work, Labor, and Materials ... 36 Additional, Omitted, or Changed Work . 36 Replacement of Defective Material . . 37 V CONTENTS. PAGE Patented Apparatus 37 Special Devices 37 Safeguards and Debris . . . .37 Plans 38 Tests 38 Inspection 40 Insurance Rules . . . . . .41 Acceptance .41 Terms of Payment 42 INSTALLATION OP DYNAMOS AND SWITCH- BOARDS. LOW POTENTIAL, DIRECT CUR- RENT SYSTEM, TWO-WIRE OR THREE-WIRE. Dynamos ... . . . 43 Foundations . . . . . .46 Instruments . , . . . . 48 Cables to Switchboard ... . . 50 Starting Plant and Instruction . . . 51 Renewal Parts ... . . .51 Summary . . < . . . . 52 Switchboard . , . . .-. - 53 Switchboard Apparatus . . . .54 Connections (concealed) . . . 55 CONTENTS. Vll . * PAGE Connections (surface) 56 Circuits 57 INCANDESCENT SERIES SYSTEM, DYNAMOS MEDIUM OB HIGH POTENTIAL, (VARIABLE OR CONSTANT), CURRENT DIRECT OR ALTERNATING. Dynamos ....... 58 Foundations 61 Instruments ...... 62 Cables to Switchboard .... 63 Starting Plant and Instruction ... 64 Renewal Parts 64 Summary 64 Switchboard 65 Switchboard Apparatus and Connections . 65 Circuits 66 CONSTANT POTENTIAL, ALTERNATING CURRENT SYSTEM. Dynamos ....... 67 Foundations 69 Instruments 69 Converters 71 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Cables to Switchboard . . . .71 Starting Plant and Instruction . . .71 Renewal Parts 71 Summary 72 Switchboard 72 Switchboard Apparatus and Connections . 72 Circuits 73 ALTERNATING CURRENT OR DIRECT CURRENT SYSTEM WITH THE PARALLEL SYSTEM OF DISTRIBUTION. Dynamos . , . . . . 74 Foundations . . . . .76 Instruments . . . . , 78 Converters . . . . , . . 79 Cables to Switchboard ... * 79 Starting Plant and Instruction * . . 81 Renewal Parts .. . . . . .81 Summary . \ . ... . : . 81 Switchboard , . . ..,'. . . . 82 Switchboard Apparatus and Connections . 82 Circuits 84 CONTENTS. ix - * PAGE SERIES ARC SYSTEM, DIRECT OR ALTERNATING CURRENT. Dynamos .85 Foundations 87 Instruments . . . . . . 87 Cables to Switchboard . . : .87 Arc Lamps ....... 87 Hanger Boards ...... 88 Hoods . . . . . . . .88 Globes 89 Spark Arresters and Nets . . . .89 Carbons 89 Starting Plant and Instruction ... 89 Renewal Parts ...... 89 Summary ....... 89 Switchboard Complete .... 90 v FIXTURES, ETC. Fixtures and Shades 91 Lamps 91 Sockets and Receptacles . . . .92 Meters ..... 92 X CONTENTS. PAGE INTERIOR WIRING. ALTERNATING OR DIRECT CURRENT, TWO-WIRE SYSTEM. Outlets and Lights ..... 94 System 94 Variation in Pressure . . , . . 94 Insulation . . . . . .95 Insulation Resistance 95 j Risers ) Subdivision of | Feederg j- ( Risers ) Location of 1 ^ , f . . .96 ( Feeders ) Mains (If taps terminate in secondary distri- bution boxes) . . . - . . 96 Taps . . . ... .. . 96 Joints . . " . . . . \ . 97 Cut-out and Switch Cabinets . . . 98 Cut-outs . . . . ... 99 Fuses . . . . . . . . 99 Switches . . . . . . . 99 Fixture Supports . . . . . .100 Meter Outlets . . * . . . 100 Elevator Lights . - . . . . . 101 Molding . . V . . . -101 CONTENTS. PAGE Additions and Deductions . . . .101 Instruction .... . . 102 Hanging of Fixtures 102 Wiring and Attaching Sockets to Fixtures already in Place 103 Suspension of Sockets and Lamps . 103 THREE-WIRE SYSTEM. System .105 THREE-WIRE SYSTEM ADAPTED TO TWO- WIRE SYSTEM. System 106 ARC SYSTEM. Circuits 108 Insulation of Wire 108 Insulation Resistance 108 Joints 108 Method of Wiring ..... 108 Suspension of Lamps ..... 109 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE CONDUIT SYSTEM. TWO-WIRE. Method of Wiring 110 Appliances 110 Placing of Conduits . . . . .110 Sealing Openings 110 Outlets and Lights . . . . .111 System . . . . . . .111 Variation in Pressure Ill Insulation . . . . . .111 Insulation Resistance . . . . . Ill j Risers ) Subdivision of -j Feeders f . HI j Risers ) Location of j Feedel . J .. _ | Mains (If taps terminate in secondary junc- tion boxes) . . . . . .112 Taps . . . . . '"' 113 Junction Boxes . f . . . - . ' .113 Cut-outs . < . . . . . . 114 Fuses . . . . V .114 Switches 114 Fixture Supports . . . . .114 Sizes of Tubes 114 CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE . 4 Fastenings 114 Joints ........ 114 Elbow Limitation 115 Outlets 115 Floor Work with Brass or Uuarmored Con- duits 115 Separation of Wires 115 Meter Outlets 116 Elevator Lights 116 Additions and Deductions . . . .116 Instruction 116 Hanging of Fixtures . . . . .116 Wiring and Attaching Sockets to Fixtures already in Place 116 Suspension of Sockets and Lamps . .116 Three-wire System 116 Three-wire System Adapted to the Two-wire System 116 INTERIOR WIRING FOR CENTRAL STATION PLANTS. Number of Lights 117 Fixtures 117 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Lamps . . . . . . . .117 Sockets . . . . . . .117 System 117 Variation in Pressure 117 Insulation . . . . . . .118 Character of the Work . . . .118 Circuits - . .118 Cut-outs and Switches . . . .118 Meters ... . . . . .118 Suspension of Lamps 119 Molding 119 Additions and Deductions . . . .119 Instruction . . . . . . .119 Hanging of Fixtures . . ... .119 Wiring and Attaching Sockets to Fixtures already in Place . . . . .119 POLE LINES. LOW POTENTIAL DIRECT CUR- BENT SYSTEM TWO- OR THREE-WIRE. Franchises and Permits f . . .120 Division of Circuits 121 Points of Control 121 Poles 121 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Setting and Guying 121 Distances 122 Painting 122 Gains and Cross-arms 122 Pins and Insulators ... .123 Steps 123 Soil 123 Wiring . . . . . . .123 Joints 124 Lightning Arresters 125 Maximum Fall of Potential . . .125 ALTERNATING CURRENT SYSTEM. Note 125 STREET LIGHTING CIRCUITS ARC OR INCANDESCENT. Note . - 126 Poles 126 Gains and Cross-arms 126 Steps 126 Suspension of Lamps 126 XVI CONTENTS. PAGE Fixtures (Incandescent) . . . .127 Fixtures (Arc) 128 Wiring 129 Point of Control . . . . . .129 Additions and Deductions . . . . 130 Instructions . ... . . .130 Schedules 130 STORAGE BATTERY. Type . . . . . , . .137 Capacity . . . . . .137 Number of Cells and Voltage . . . 137 Erection . 137 Connections . . . 1 . . 137 Guarantees . . . . . .137 Summary . . . . . . . 138 STEAM PLANT. Note . . . ' .< , . . . .139 Engines . 139 Fittings * , , , , f .140 CONTENTS. XV11 * PAGE Painting 141 Foundations 142 Starting Plant and Instruction . . . 143 Belts 143 Renewal Parts 144 Summary . . . . . . .144 Counter-shafting 145 Pulleys 145 Foundations 146 Boilers ....... 146 Fittings 147 Setting 147 Stack 148 Smoke Connections . . . . .148 Piping 148 Condensers ....... 150 Feed Pumps and Injectors . . . .151 Feed- water Heaters and Purifiers . .151 Separators 151 Gauge Board 151 Painting ....... 152 Renewal Parts 152 Summary 153 XV111 CONTENTS. PAGE RULES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS 154 ARCHITECT'S AND BUILDER'S UNIFORM CON- TRACT , 204 INTRODUCTION. The following "Specifications" are in- tended as outlines to aid in 1 the construc- tion of specifications for individual instal- lations. They do not in any way take the place of the rules and regulations adopted by insurance companies and electric light associations, but on the contrary are so drawn as to depend largely on such rules for the details of construction work; such rules should therefore invariably be in- corporated as provided for in the General Specification under " Inspection, " Sec. 17, p. 40, and under "Insurance Rules, " Sec. 18, p. 41. For ready reference there is added to these specifications the latest Rules and Requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters governing electrical installations. We have also added the form of Uniform Contract adopted by the National Association of Builders and the American Institute of Architects. 18 INTRODUCTION. It is not expected that these specifica- tions will be followed in detail or without elaboration for all classes of work, and if so followed will lead into serious error, but they are presented with the hope that in their proper use constructing engineers, architects and others called upon to get out specifications may be relieved of some of the petty detail accompanying such work, which, though important, is too often neglected on account of its tedi- ousness and the time it consumes. Though it is expected that these speci- fications will be found sufficiently full and explicit for some of the pmaller installa- tions, not requiring special appliances or precautions, in the majority of instances a careful study must be made, for reasons which will suggest themselves, of the sur- rounding conditions and limitations and the specifications modified in accordance therewith. No attempt has been made throughout the specifications to lay down ironclad rules or to volunteer technical informa- INTRODUCTION. 19 tion. It is fairly assumed that no one will attempt to make out a definite and detailed specification who is not himself competent to determine for any installa- tion under consideration the best meth- ods and system to be adopted and the kind and quality of materials and work- manship required by its purposes or by local conditions. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. The outline given below is one that the lt working author has often found convenient for outline - use in checking a specification, or for reference in outlining the points to be taken up in detail in making up a speci- fication. In those cases where a formal specifi- cation is not required, as sometimes oc- curs in the case of a preliminary specifi- cation or a specification for a small iso- lated plant or wiring job, the necessary data for estimates and bids can often be easily and rapidly dictated, item by item, as suggested by these headings, with little liability of making any important omissions. 24 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, Plant to c o m- prise ? f Dynamos and erection. Storage batteries and erection. Switchboard. w , j j Interior. Wiring ^ Exterior> Fixtures. Pole line. Engines and erection. Boilers and erection. Piping and erection. System ? Dynamos ? Incandescent. Arc. Direct current. Alternating current. Constant current. Constant potential. High potential. Low potential. Series. Two wire. Three wire. Combination. Direct current. Alternating current. I Combination of arc and incandescent. Number. Capacity in volts and amperes. Series. Shunt. Compound. Self-excited. Separately excited. Hand regulated. Automatically regulated. Direct-connected or belted. Foundation. Pressure ( Hand. Regu-j lators. ( Automatic. Amperemeters. Voltmeters. Regulating J Galvanometers, instruments. | Indicators. Shunts. Equalizers. Compensators. Impedance coils. Renewal parts. [Synchronizers, ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, 25 Storage Batteries ? Type. Maximum voltage. Maximum amperes. Total ampere-hours. Kind of cells. Erecting. Connections. Guarantees. Wires to switch- boards V Insulation. Wires to be run, Capacity. On insulators. Undei cleats. , In molding. 1 In conduit. Switch- boards? Number. Material. Size. Design. To be wired how. See dynamo regulating instruments. Lightning arresters. Ground detectors. Testing sets. Snap. Knife. Automatic. Breakdown. Instru- Single pole. Throwover. ments. Switches. \ Double " -{Dynamo Three wire. changing. Circuit chang- ing. Short circuit- ing. . Reversing, etc, (Single pole. ( Fusible. Double " \ Automatic. Three wire. ( Magnetic. 26 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Interior wiring ? Number of circuits. Number of outlets. Lamp. Switch. Meter. Motor. Incandescent. Arc. Incandescent. Arc. Number of lights. Insulation. Insulation resistance. f Under cleats. Method of wiring. ^-S r [ In conduits. Variation in pressure. Cut-outs. Switches. Cabinets, junction boxes, etc. ( Number. Meters. -] Kind. ( Capacity. Converters. | Dumber. Number. Key. Keyless . Sockets and receptacles ? Base. j Porcelain. 1 Wood, etc. ( Plain. Finish. j Polished ( Plated, etc. Waterproof. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 27 Lamps ? Incandescent. Arc. Number. Voltage or amperage. Candle-power. (Plain. Kind. -/Frosted. (Colored, etc. Number. Direct current. Alternating current. Series working. Parallel Candle-power. Single carbon. Double " Triple Plain or ornamental. Fixtures? Incandescent. Arc. Interior. Exterior. Hoods. ( Number. \ Kind. ( Finish. Hoods. Reflectors. Brackets. Cross- suspension fixtures. Waterproof globes, Plain. Opal. Globes. \ Ground. Half-ground. ^Colored, etc. .Spark arresters. Nets. Hanger boards. Circuit cut-outs. Outriggers. Pole tops. Mast arms. Posts. [ Lowering devices. 28 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, Pole line ? - Number of circuits. Number of street lamps. Insulation. Poles. Cross arms. Pins and insulators. Steps. Line lightning arresters. Fall of potential. f Number. Engines ? Kind. Horizontal. Vertical. -j High speed. Medium speed. [ Low speed. Direct connected. Belted. Horse-power. Single cylinder or compound. Condensing or non-condensing. Initial pressure. Back pressure. Speed. Fittings. Foundations. Belts. Renewal parts. f Shafting. j Pulleys and idlers. av^f" , -1 Clutches and couplings, shafting ? stands O r hangers. i Foundations. Boilers ? Kind. Number. f Horizontal. J Vertical. 1 Eeturn tubular. [ Water tube. Horse-power. Fittings. Setting. Tools. Renewal parts. ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 29 Material. Diameter.* Stack ? -I Height. Flues and dampers. Pier or stack foundations. f Method. Connection with heating system. ( Ordinary gate or globe. Valves. { Reducing. Piping ? \ ( Back pressure. Atmospheric exhaust. Exhaust heads. , Water supply, drips, blow off. . Pipe covering. ( Number. Condensers ? { Kind. ( Capacity. Pumps and injectors. Heaters and purifiers. Separators. Oil extractors. Date of commencement and completion Date of starting plant. Inspections. Tests. Terms of payment. 30 ELECTEIO LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFICATION. 2. warning. Parties making bids for any portion of the work contemplated under these specifications (and plans) must familiarize themselves therewith both as regards that portion of the work covered by their bid and such other work as must be carried on, or is intended to operate in conjunction therewith in order that the true spirit and intent of these specifications (and plans) may be fulfilled. In case these specifica- tions (and plans) are in any part deficient or not clearly expressed, the parties making bids shall apply to for the required information before such bids are submitted, as no changes will be allowed in specifications (or plans) after the con- tract is awarded except under the con- ditions named in article "Additional, Omitted or Changed Work." It must be understood and agreed that these specifications (and plans) shall be fulfilled in their true spirit and intent and that any apparatus or appliance ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 31 essential to the proper and convenient operation of the system shall be supplied and installed without extra charge even though not specifically called for. PBEAMBLE. Parties bidding shall state specific- ally just what part of these specifica- tions their bid covers. A complete and correct copy of these specifications shall be attached to each bid submitted. All bids must be submitted on or before The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. No bid will be considered unless accom- panied by a certified check in the sum of , payable to , said check to be forfeited if the successful bidder shall fail to deposit with within days after the acceptance of his bid the bond required under these specifications. The 32 ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them within - - days from date of opening bids. 4. Bond. Successful bidders will be required to furnish an approved bond within - days after the acceptance of their bid in the sum of - - to faithfully commence, carry on, and complete their work in every respect according to the true spirit and intent of these specifications. 5. contractor. The word " contractor " as herein used refers to the party or parties whose bid or bids for the whole or any part of the work contemplated uiider these spec- ifications have been accepted. e. commence- Contractors under these specifications rnent and Coi o 1 f p work? n shall commence work on dates to be assigned, notice to be given of such dates not less than- days in advance. All work shall proceed as rapidly as is con- sistent with thoroughness and good work- manship, and shall be completed in the following times: ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 33 Installation o dynamos, storage bat- teries and apparatus within - - days af- ter assigned date of commencement. Installation of wiring and wiring devices within - - days after assigned date of commencement. Erection of pole line and wire within - days after assigned date of com- mencement. Installation of fixtures and dependent work within - - days after assigned date of commencement. Installation of steam plant complete within - - days after assigned date of commencement. But delays due to strikes, riots, or acci- dents beyond the control of contractors shall be added to the time stipulated above for the completion of the work provided application is made in writing by the contractor at the time such de- lay occurs, giving its nature and extent, such application to be subject to the approval of . 34 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 7. Damages. If any contractor shall fail to complete his work in the time stipulated above, in- cluding time lost through unavoidable delays if such time has been approved, there shall be deducted as liquidated damages from the contract price the sum of per day for each and every day the work remains uncompleted after the date set as above. GENERAL SPECIFICATION. s. Duties of Each contractor shall personally or Contractors, ^rough an authorized and competent representative constantly supervise the work from its beginning to its completion and acceptance. He shall, so far as possible, keep the same foremen and workmen on the work from its commencement to its completion and acceptance. He shall furnish all transportation, labor, apparatus and materials necessary for performing his work according to the true spirit and intent of these specifica- tions (and plans). ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 35 * He shall obtain all necessary permits and licenses for temporary obstructions, etc., and shall pay all fees for same. He shall at all times, until its completion and final acceptance, protect his work, apparatus and materials from accidental damage by other contractors or other- wise, making good any damage thus oc- curring at his own expense ; also making good any injury done the building in the performance of his work. He shall comply with all corporation, city, state and other ordinances and laws relating to his work. He shall be responsible for all accidents resulting through his work. He shall sub -let no portion of his work except on the written permission and approval of the - - and shall be re- sponsible for work thus sub-let as though it were his own. (The purchaser) agrees to afford the contractor all reasonable facilities to enable the work to proceed without inter- ruption from beginning to end and to 36 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. make good any loss which the contractor suffers in consequence of delay on the part of said (purchaser.) 9. work, La- All work contemplated under these bor and Ma- terials, specifications shall be executed in a workmanlike and substantial manner; no patched or slovenly work will be allowed. The labor shall be thoroughly compe- tent and skillful in its line. All materials shall be of the very best quality, shall be of standard dimensions, unless specified otherwise, and samples shall be submitted to and ap- proved before being used. w. o Addition- Additional work will be allowed only r wo a rkf ed on the written order of (the purchaser.) Specified work shall be omitted or changed only by written agreement be- tween the contracting parties. The addition or rebate for such added, omitted, or changed work shall be as mut- ually agreed upon, the amount to be stip- ulated in the order or agreement. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 37 * The contractor shall make good for a n. Replace- ment of De- period of - - days after the final accept- ance of the work all defects which de- velop on account of defective work or material. All patented apparatus and material 12. patented must be furnished by the contractor under guarantee against loss through suits, royal- ties, or claims of any kind whatsoever, and that any loss or damage to (purchaser) through such suits or claims will be made good by said contractor. Every bidder is expected to include in 13. special his proposal not only everything called for in these specifications, but also any special devices or methods peculiar to his system which will add to the safety, completeness, or efficiency of the plant, stating clearly the advantages to be de- rived from their use. Contractors must provide all necessary u. safe- guards and safeguards from accidents to persons or L>0 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. property; must keep all passages, en- trances, sidewalks, etc., free from debris and incumbrances ; and on the completion of the work must remove from the prem- ises all surplus material of every kind and description. 15. pians. All plans and detailed drawings neces- sary to show the scope and character of the work contemplated under these specifications will be furnished by the { SffiXi } as re( l uired - Kgnred dimen- sions and detailed drawings are in all cases to be followed in -preference to scaled dimensions. The interpretation of all plans and drawings shall rest with the j engineer^ I an( j - n cage any doubt arises as to their interpretation or correctness, work shall be discontinued until such doubt is removed, or if continued it shall be at the risk of the contractor. 16. Tests. (Note. The character and extent of ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 39 * the tests, especially the final tests, must be determined for the most part by a con- sideration of each individual case. The purpose for which the plant is installed, unusual conditions to which any part may be subjected, necessary delays oc- curring during the process of construction, relation of one part of the installation to another, time intervening between the completion of the plant and its active operation, operation before completion and like considerations, should be given careful attention.) All work shall be regularly and sys- tematically tested while in process of con- struction and any defects found shall be immediately remedied. The final tests shall be made in the presence of the { JJjggJ [ or his 'repre- sentative, and the right is reserved by (the purchaser) in case any doubt arises as to the fulfillment of the true spirit and intent of the specifications, to demand a test by expert engineers selected as is 40 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. usual in matters of arbitration, whose de- cision shall be final on all disputed points, the expense of such test to be borne equally by both parties unless the appa- ratus or material shall prove defective, in which case the contractor shall bear the expense and shall also remedy the defects. He shall also be liable for any damage or loss to (the purchaser) result- ing from conditions incident to the remedying of such defects. 17. inspec- During its progress the work shall tio-n. be subject to the inspection of the eil ^h^ ei fc I or k^ s re P re seritative, an d of the j - - Board of Fire Underwriters, / j - - Board of Inspectors. j On its completion a ( Board of Fire Underwriters ) -n \ Board of Inspectors \ certlfi <^e shall be furnished (the purchaser) by the contractor stating that all the insurance rules and regulations under which the work was done have been complied with. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 41 * All costs of such inspection to be borne by the contractor. This inspection is a part of the test and the work will not be considered ready for acceptance until the certificate has been delivered to . All work shall be done in accordance 18 - insurance Rules. with the rules and regulations of . ance. (Note. The same considerations that i 9 - Accept- determine the character of the tests will also enter largely into the conditions of the acceptance.) (The purchaser) will assume no liability nor responsibility for any part of the in- stallation until formally accepted in writing. No part of the installation will be ac- cepted until (the purchaser) is satisfied that it fully complies with the spirit and intent of the specifications. The acceptance of any portion of the work shall not be construed as a final acceptance. 42 ELECTKIO LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. The final acceptance will be given only after the completion of the work contemplated under the specifications ac- cording to their true spirit and intent and after the final tests as specified. Such acceptance, however, shall not prej- udice any claim which (the purchaser) may have for the replacement of defect- ive material for the time specified. The date of the completion of the final tests shall be taken as the date of such final acceptance provided such tests prove satisfactory. 20 paymen?. of (To conform to individual cases.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 43 INSTALLATION OF DYNAMOS AND SWITCH- BOARDS. Low Potential, Direct Current System, Two- Wire or Three- Wire. This contractor shall furnish, and, un- less otherwise specified, erect the follow- ing apparatus and material: (Note. The following specification is 21. Dynamos, for belted dynamos; for direct-connected, or direct- driven dynamos it must be modified in several particulars, but there is such considerable difference in the methods adopted by different manufact- urers for adapting their dynamos for direct- connecting that it is difficult to frame a single specification to cover them all, and at best it would be an awkward affair. The principal points to be covered are the method of connection, such as by slipping the armature over the extended 44 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. engine shaft or connecting engine and dynamo shafts by a coupling; the out- board bearing; the method of supporting the fields; the brush-holder support; the extended foundation box, and the speed. It should also be mentioned where and by whom the dynamo is to be connected to the engine; how the freight and hand- ling charges are to be divided; and where and by whom tests of the combination, if any are to be made before erection, are to be conducted.) - direct current, constant poten- tial dynamo(s) (each) having a normal capacity of - -amperes at - - volts. The (se) dynamo (s) shall be j shunt wound ; f ( compound wound;) of the latest and most efficient pattern; mounted on a base provided with an ad- justable belt tightener so that the belt may be tightened while in operation; capable of operating under full load for consecutive hours without increas- ing the temperature of any part, especial- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 45 ly the armature, fields and commutator, to such a degree as to endanger the ins u- lation or decrease the efficiency of oper- ation; shall not spark appreciably with proper care of the commutator and ad- justment of brushes, nor under consider- able variation of load; shall have an in- sulation resistance of not less than ohms between all parts insulated from each other; shall be adapted to operate at such speed as will allow the use of high speed, automatic cut-off engines belted direct; shall be provided with efficient oiling devices; the armature shall be bal- anced both electrically and mechanically so that there will be no tendency to spring the shaft, or to draw the armature toward either bearing so as to cause excessive friction and heating, and no vibration; the 'dynamo(s) shall be so designed that with the proper connections any number may be operated in parallel of whatever am- pere capacity, provided the voltage be the same; that when connected so to operate it shall be possible, with ordinary care 46 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. and precaution, to add to or take away from the circuit any dynamo without in any manner affecting the operation of the remainder, or causing any change in the candle-power or steadiness of the lamps; and that when two or more are operating on the same circuit in parallel the load may be divided between them in propor- tion to their respective capacities under all conditions, from no load to full load; and that with the proper connections any number of pairs, a pair consisting of two similar dynamos, may be manipulated in the same manner and with the same effect as single dynamos, as indicated above. Thedynamo(s) shall be rated with such margin of safety that j ^ I shall not be in]ured if subjected to an overload of - per cent, above such rating for a pe riod of - . (Note. The following specification is for foundations for belted dynamos; while ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 47 the dynamo foundation need not be as massive as the engine foundation it should, nevertheless, be of ample dimen- sions. For direct- connected outfits the foun- dation is the engine foundation sufficient- ly enlarged to also support the dynamo and therefore is properly included under the head of engine foundation. For either purpose the foundation should be entirely separated from walls, floor or sub -stratum of rock by some deadening material such as felt, cork, or sand.) The foundation(s) for the(se) dynamo(s) shall be built by the j purc^ser [ of laid , or other material subject to the approval of the j jggg* [ and shall be of sufficient length, width and depth to safely and firmly sustain | tj }eir I weight. ( 1I}S ) j^ y I shall be insulated and isolated 48 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. in the following manner: - , so that no vibration or noise whatsoever shall be transmitted to any part of the building. Above the floor line j t] ^ y j- shall be faced with - . All necessary excavating or filling and the removal of all debris shall be done by sha11 alsorestore the floor in the following manner - . The height of the dynamo base-frame(s) above the floor line will be - . The dynamo base-frame(s) shall be firmly and securely fastened to the(se) foundation(s) in such a way as to prevent lateral motion in either direction, and to give an even bearing surface at every point. 23. j e nstru- (Note. This specification simply pro- vides for such instruments as are actual- ly necessary for operating the dynamo; if extra instruments are desired such as portable voltmeters, portable ammeters, ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 49 testing sets, etc., they should be distinct- ly specified as well as the make if a par- ticular kind is preferred.) There shall be provided with each dy- namo one hand regulator for adjusting the pressure, made entirely of incombus- tible material; one ampere meter for in- dicating the current supplied by the dy- namo and graduated to read amperes; one voltmeter or pressure indicator, which may remain constantly in circuit so as to indicate continuously the pressure at the point to which it is connected, and which shall be so constructed that the scale is plainly visible at a distance of at least - ; one brush jig for trimming the brushes; and one insulating base frame provided with rails and a suitable device for shifting the position of the dynamo to alter the belt tension. There shall also be provided for the installation ground detector(s), which shall contin- uously indicate the insulation from the ground maintained on both sides through- 50 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. out the system, and lighting arresters of the type. (Note. In the case of compound dy- namos operating in parallel the equalizing wire may often more conveniently be car- ried direct from dynamo to dynamo in which case this contractor should furnish and connect a suitable equalizing switch at each dynamo.) This contractor shall carry to the switchboard location at all regulator and main wires, leaving the ends coiled up neatly, properly tagged, and sufficiently long to make the necessary switchboard connections. All main wires shall have a capacity of at least C. M. per ampere, and no wire smaller than - - B. & S. or B. W. G. shall be used. Regu- lator wires shall be covered with insulation, and shall be cleated to the ceiling, 1 carried on insulators, [ mA { n W1 - r p q concealed in molding, f main wires run in conduits ; J i, n i, f \ bare copper wire supported j shall be of j on por( g ain insu i at ^ s , ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 51 or insulated wire* 'carefully cleated to the ceiling, carried on porcelain insulators, concealed in molding consisting of a backing thick and a cap- ping - - thick, run in conduit, wires of opposite polarity being separated not less than - . In no case shall in- sulated wires be carried in such proximity to heated surfaces, vapors or air as to endanger their insulation. When the plant shall be ready for oper- 25. starting Plant and In- ation the dynamo(s) shall be operated for a 8truction - period of consecutive days by com- petent engineers furnished by the con- tractor; all oil, waste, power, etc., to be furnished by (the purchaser). This con- tractor shall also give all necessary instruc- tion to the engineer of (the purchaser) for the proper care, maintenance and opera- tion of the dynamo(s), such instruction tc be given during the trial period stipulated above. This contractor shall furnish such re- 52 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. newal parts as it is advisable to keep on hand, adding hereto an itemized list of same. 27 ma S ry m " (Note. The object of this summary is to present in a concise, tabulated form, the essential data concerning the appara- tus to be supplied, thus enabling the dif- ferent bids to be easily and quickly com- pared. For complete plants a single form, systematically arranged, will be found extremely convenient both in mak- ing comparisons and in being able to see at a glance just what apparatus and ap- pliances are called for, thus constituting a check on the specifications themselves.) Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of dynamos Trade number or designation . Rating in volts .... Rating in amperes Shunt or compound . . . Speed Dimensions of pulleys . . ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. .53 H. P. required tfo be delivered at the pulley at full load . . . - Switchboard and Appliances. This contractor shall furnish and erect the following apparatus and material: (Note. In plants of any considerable size the switchboard specification is an extremely important one. Its general characteristics will be determined by questions of purpose, economy, utility, available space, beauty, etc., but the de- tails of material, method of wiring, attach- ment of instruments, location, number of switchboards, etc., require the most care- ful study. It may be advisable in one in- stance to have a single switchboard con- trolling everything from a single centre, in another to have a dynamo switchboard and a separate circuit switchboard, while in yet another to even divide the dynamo switchboard into two or more parts and to have several circuit switchboards. In determining the location of switchboards 54 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. not only should questions of convenience be considered, but also questions of its relation to economy in the wiring. The switchboard shall be made of - , neatly and substantially built, of suffi- cient size to accommodate all the regulat- ing apparatus, switches, bus bars, etc., named below without crowding, supported on a stout framing of - , and set out not less than -- from the wall. (Note. This specification includes only the instruments used in the simplest of installations. The instruments required for any particular installation must be determined by its individual purposes and necessities.) There shall be placed upon this switch- board all the dynamo regulating appara- tus and the following appliances: - main ampere meters. - ampere meters for risers. - dynamo galvanometers. - dynamo galvanometer switches. - - -dynamo switches. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 55 change-over switches. break- down switches. main cut-outs. (switches, cut-outs, etc., for purely local conditions). All switches carrying over amperes shall be knife switches ; all other switches shall have sliding contacts, and shall make and break contact automatically beyond the control of the operator, who shall simply set the switch at the point of making or breaking. Cut-outs shall be so protected that the molten metal cannot be spattered about on the fusing of the strip. All switches and cut-outs shall be mounted on incombustible bases. All connecting wires shall be carried 30. connec- tions (con- back of the switchboard using only ceal ^' -wire. All joints shall be soldered. All connections to switches, cut-outs, etc., shall be soldered or made with an 56 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. approved form of lug or set screw, in all cases care being taken to secure good and sufficient contact to prevent heating and insure permanency; when made with lugs or set screws they shall be in plain sight and easily accessible for tightening. Connecting wires shall be so run and secured that crosses or grounds are im- possible in the normal operation of the plant. All main wires shall have a capacity of at least - C. M. per ampere and no wire smaller than - B. & S. or - B. W. G. shall be used. All dynamo, bus, feeder and riser wires shall be ofwire fastened lated neatly and securely to the front surface of the switchboard. All bare wires shall be separated from the board by an air space of not less than - . Bus bars shall be of - section. All minor con- nections, such as to pressure indicators, ground detectors, etc., shall be made on the board ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPCEIFICATIONS. 57 wire. All joints sh*all be soldered. All connections to switches, cut-outs, etc., shall be soldered or made with an ap- proved form of lug or set screw, in all cases care being taken to secure good and sufficient contact to prevent heating and insure permanency ; when made with lugs or set screws they shall be in plain sight and easily accessible for tightening. All main wires shall have a capacity of at least - - C. M. per ampere, and no wire smaller than - - B. & S. or - - B. W. G. shall be used. The following circuits will centre at the 32. circuits, switchboard: (Enumeration of circuits To different floors; To different sections of the building; Residence circuits; Commercial circuits; Street lighting circuits; Power circuits, etc. This enumeration will largely determine the extra instruments to be supplied.) 58 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Incandescent Series System, Dynamos Me- dium or High Potential (Variable or Constant), Current Direct or Alternat- ing. This contractor shall furnish, and, un- less otherwise specified, erect the follow- ing apparatus andmaterial: 33. Dynamos. (See Note: p. 43, sec. 21.) dynamo(s) (each) having a capac- ity of kilowatts. The maximum voltage at the terminals of the dynamo(s) shall not exceed volts at full load. The dynamo(s) shall be of the latest and most efficient pattern; mounted on a base provided with an adjustable belt tighten- er so that the belt may be tightened while in operation; capable of operating under full load for consecutive hours without increasing the temperature of any part, especially the armature, fields and commutator, to such a degree as to en- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 59 danger the insulation or decrease the effi- ciency of operation; shall not spark un- duly with proper care of the commutator and adjustment of the brushes, nor under considerable variation of load; shall have an insulation resistance of not less than - ohms between all parts insulated from each other; shall be adapted to oper- ate at such speed as will allow the use of high-speed, automatic cut- off engines belted direct; shall be provided with effi- cient oiling devices; the armature shall be balanced both electrically and mechanical- ly so that there will be no tendency to spring the shaft or to draw the armature toward either bearing so as to cause ex- cessive friction and heating, and no vibra- tion; if of the direct and constant -current type ] u ey r shall be so designed that with the proper connections two or more may be operated successfully in series, so that with ordinary care and precaution any dynamo may be added to or taken from the circuit without in any manner 60 ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. affecting the efficient operation of the re- mainder, and with but a momentary fluc- tuation in the candle-power and steadi- ness of the lamps ; if of the direct- current , constant-potential type \ >, ev j- shall be so designed that with the proper connec- tions two or more may be operated suc- cessfully in parallel so that with ordinary care and precaution any dynamo may be added to or taken from the circuit with- out in any manner affecting the operation of the dynamos remaining in circuit or causing any change in the candle-power of the lamps; and that when two or more are operating on the same circuit the load may be divided between them in propor- tion to their respective capacities under all conditions from no load to full load. The dynamo(s) shall be rated with such margin of safety that j ^ ev > will not be injured if subjected to an overload of per cent, above such rating for a period of . ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 61 (See Note: p. 46*, sec. 22.) 34 - The foundation(s) for the(se) dynamo(s) laid - , or of other material subject to the approval of the ^itTct' andsha11 be of sufficient length, width, and depth to safely and firmly sustain j ^ eir J- weight. The foundation(s) shall be capped with a framing of well- seasoned timber securely fastened thereto, the dy- namo baseframe(s) being securely fast- ened to the framing or to the foundation through the framing, both framing and baseframe being secured in such a manner as to prevent lateral motion in either di- rection and to give an even bearing surface at every point. If metal is used to fast- en framing or baseframe to the foundation it must be thoroughly insulated where it passes through them, and at all places liable to come in contact with the dyna- mo must be countersunk and covered with 62 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. a moisture-proof insulating compound. All necessary excavating and filling and the removal of all debris shall be done by the j Jj [ who shall also restore the floor in the following manner: . The height of the dynamo base- frame^) above the floor line will be . 35. instni- (See Note: p. 48, sec. 23.) meats. There shall be provided with each dy- namo one voltmeter or pressure indicator which shall remain constantly in circuit so as to indicate at all times the pressure at the point to which it is connected; one brush jig for trimming the brushes; one insulating baseframe provided with rails and a suitable device for shifting the po- sition of the dynamo to alter the belt tension; if of the constant-potential type, one hand regulator made entirely of in- combustible material, a compensator or suitable balancing device for keeping the current in each circuit practically con- stant; if of the constant-current type a reg- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 63 ulator for so controlling the potential as lights are turned on or off that the current shall not vary appreciably from its normal value under any condition of load. There shall be provided for each circuit one ampere meter for indicating the current in said circuit, one ground detector which shall continuously indicate the insulation from the ground maintained at both poles and approximately the distance of any ground from the station, and one pair of lighting arresters. There shall also be provided one testing set capable of measuring up to - - ohms. This contractor shall carry to the switchboard location at - all regulator, exciter, auxiliary and main wires, leaving the ends coiled up neatly, properly tagged and sufficiently long to make the necessary switchboard connections. All main wires shall have a capacity of at least - C. M. per ampere and no wire smaller than -- B. & S. or -- B. W. Gr. shall be used. All wires shall be in- 64 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. sulated with ; shall be run ; when of opposite polarity shall be separated at least ; and where crossing each other, wires of other circuits, or passing near metal pipes, girders, etc., shall be further protected by - . In no case shall insu- lated wires be carried in such proximity to heated surfaces, vapors or air as to en- danger their insulation. 37. Starting fSpp r> 51 SPC 25 } Plant and In- V ot5fc; P- J1 btH " ^'/ struction. 38. p Renewai (See p. 51, sec. 26.) 39. Summary. (g ee Note: p. 52, S6C. 27.) Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of dynamos ,. . .. . ; ..- Trade number or designation . Rating in volts . . . . . , . - Rating in amperes . . . . Direct or alternating current . . - Constant or varying current . . Constant or varying potential . Series, shunt, compound, self or ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 65 separately excited Rating of exciter in volts . . . Rating of exciter in amperes . . Trade number or designation . . Regulation by hand or automatic Number of fully loaded circuits pos- sible to operate per dynamo . Volts per - - c. p. lamp . . . Amperes per- - c. p. lamp . . H. P. required to be delivered at the pulley at full load . . . - (See p. 53, sec. 28.) 40. There shall be placed upon this switch- . switch- board Appa- board, in addition to all the dynamo regu- con u nectk>ns. lating apparatus, such switches, cut-outs and other appliances as are necessary for the proper and convenient manipulation of the circuits, such appliances to be named by each bidder in his proposal. For systems operating dynamos and cir- cuits in parallel, the appliances and con- nections shall be such as will permit adding to or taking from the circuit any )0 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. dynamo without in any manner affecting the operation of the dynamos remaining in circuit or the candle-power of the lamps, and will permit the cutting in or out of any circuit without affecting the stability of other circuits. For systems operating one dynamo for each circuit or series of circuits the connections shall be such as will permit any circuit to be con- nected to or disconnected from any dy- namo with certainty and rapidity. (For switchboard connections see sees. 30 and 3 1, pp. 55 and 56. 43. circuits. (See p. 57, sec. 32.) ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 67 * Constant Potential, Alternating Current System. This contractor shall furnish, and, un- less otherwise specified, erect the follow - ling apparatus and material: (See Note: p. 43, sec. 21.) 43. Dynamo. - constant potential, alternating current dynamo(s) {each) having a capac- ity of - kilowatts. The maximum voltage at the terminals of the dynamo(s) shall not exceed - volts. The dynamo(s) shall be of the latest and most efficient pattern; mounted on a base provided with an adjustable belt tightener so that the belt may be tight- ened while in operation; capable of oper- ating under full load for - - consecutive hours without increasing the temperature of any part, especially the armature, fields and commutator, to such a degree as to endanger the insulation or decrease the 68 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. efficiency of operation; shall have an in- sulation resistance of not less than - ohms between all parts insulated from each other; shall be adapted to operate at such speed as will allow the use of high- speed, automatic cut-off engines belted direct; shall be supplied with efficient oiling devices; the armature shall be balanced both electrically and me- chanically so that there will be no tendency to spring the shaft, or to draw the armature toward either bearing so as to cause excessive friction and heat- ing, and no vibration; all contacts, brushes, binding posts, etc., shall be so placed and protected that there is the least possible danger of receiving a shock. The dynamo(s) shall be rated with such margin of safety that j j ey j- will not be injured if subjected to an overload of - per cent, above such rating for a period of - ; if self -exciting the coils furnish- ing the exciting current, and the commu- tator shall be so insulated and protected ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 69 that it will be impossible under the ordi- nary conditions of operation to ground or cross them on themselves or on the arma- ture circuit; if separately excited the ex- citing dynamo(s) also shall be subject to the general conditions given above, shall operate at a potential not exceeding - volts, shall be of ample capacity to excite the fields of - - dynamo(s) (each) having a capacity of- -kilowatts, and shall operate with no appreciable sparking at the brushes. (Seep. 61, sec. 34.) (See Note: p. 48, sec. 23.) 45 mJSte. ru There shall be provided with each dy- namo one ampere meter for indicating the current supplied by the dynamo; one voltmeter or pressure indicator which shall remain constantly in circuit so as to indicate continuously the pressure on the primary mains at the point to which it is connected, and shall be so constructed that the scale is plainly visible at a dis- 70 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. tance of at least ;one insulating base- frame provided with rails and a suitable device for shifting the position of the dy- namo to alter the belt tension; one ground detector which shall continuously indicate the insulation maintained on both sides throughout the system; one pair of light- ning arresters ; for the field -exciting circuit one hand regulator made entirely of in- combustible material, one voltmeter, one brush jig, one double-pole knife switch mounted on an incombustible base, one double -pole fusible cut-out mounted on an incombustible base; if the fields are separately excited there shall be provided with the exciting dynamo one insulating baseframe as above, one endless belt, and also, if it excites the fields of more than one dynamo, one hand regulator for the field circuit of the exciting dynamo, one hand regulator for each of the field cir- cuits of the excited dynamos, and one double-pole knife switch and double-pole fusible cut-out for each of the above field circuits, including that of the exciting dy- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 71 namo unless lights are operated there- from, in which case a switch and cut-out shall be placed in the main circuit before branching off to the various dynamos. There shall be provided the following 46. convert- numbers and sizes of converters: Number. Size. It. etc. etc. Each converter shall reduce the volt- age on the primary circuit to - - volts on the secondary circuit; shall have its capacity plainly marked upon it; and shall be provided with a separate fuse- box which shall be so arranged that when replacing fuses or otherwise work- ing about the converter the primary cir- cuit may be opened. (See p. 63, sec. 36.) (See p. 51, sec. 25.) (See p. 51, sec. 26.) struetion. 49 - 72 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 50. summary. (See Note: p. 52, sec. 27.) Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of alternators . . . . - Trade number or designation . ./- Number of exciters . . . . , . . - Trade number or designation . , - Rating of alternators in volts . . - Rating of alternators in amperes . - Rating of exciters in volts . . . - Rating of exc iters in amperes . . - Self or separately excited . . . - Reduction recommended in con- verters ........ - H. P. required to be delivered at the pulley at full load . . . -- ? gec . 28.) There shall be placed upon this switch - coSL u ections. board, in addition to the dynamo regulat- ing apparatus, such switches, cut-outs and other appliances as are necessary for the proper and convenient manipulation of the circuits, such appliances to be ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 73 named by each bidder in his proposal. The appliances and connections shall be such as will permit the operation of any dynamo on any circuit or number of circuits, and the cutting in or out of any dynamo or circuit with certainty and rapidity without in any manner affecting the operation of other dynamos or cir- cuits. (They shall also be arranged in such manner as to render it possible to connect two dynamos in parallel by an arrangement of switches or combination of circuits.) (For switchboard connec- tions see sees. 30 and 31, pp. 55 and 56.) (See p. 57, sec. 32.) &. circuits. 74 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Alternating Current or Direct Current System, with the Parallel System of Distribution. This contractor shall furnish, and, un- less otherwise specified, erect the follow- ing apparatus and material: 54. Dynamo(8). (See Note: p. 43, sec. 21.) A dynamo capacity of, as nearly as possible, kilowatts. (The num- ber of dynamos shall not be less than , nor more than .) The dynamo (s) shall "be of the latest and most efficient pattern; shall be mounted upon a base provided with an adjustable belt tightener so that the belt may be tightened while in operation; capable of operating under full load for consecutive hours without increasing the temperature of any part, especially the armature, fields, and commutator, to such a degree as to endanger the insula- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 75 tion or decrease tne efficiency of opera- tion; shall not spark appreciably with proper care of the commutator and ad- justment of the brushes, nor under con- siderable variation of the load; shall have an insulation resistance of not less than ohms between all parts insulated from each other; shall be adapted to operate at such speed as will allow the use of high-speed, automatic cut-off en- gines belted direct; shall be provided with efficient oiling devices; the armature shall be balanced electrically and me- chanically so that there will be no ten- dency to spring the shaft, or to draw the armature toward either bearing so as to cause excessive friction and heating, and no vibration; all contacts, binding posts, brushes, etc., having considerable differ- ences of potential between them shall be so placed and protected that the danger of receiving a shock is the least possi- ble; armature conductors shall be so se- curely attached to the armature as to preclude any possibility of their being 76 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. dragged from their proper position under normal conditions of operation; all coils, connections, commutators, brushes, etc., belonging to different circuits shall be so insulated and protected that it will be impossible under the ordinary conditions of operation to cross or ground them; the dynamo(s) shall be rated with such mar- gin of safety that ] u 6y [ will not be in- jured if subjected to an over-load of - per cent, above -I + eir I normal rating for a period of- -;if(an) auxiliary dynamo(s) 3 [ required for the operation of the dynamo(s) specified above ] u y [ shall be subject to the same conditions. 55> tFon u s nda " ( See Note: P- 46 > sec - 22 -) The foundation(s) for the(se) dynamo(s) shall be built by the j $%* [of, laid - , or of other material subject to the approval of the j ^rfMtect [ and sha11 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 77 be of sufficient length, width and depth to safely and firmly sustain J ^ weight. For dynamos operating at voltages be- low - - the baseframe may be firmly and securely fastened directly on the foundation. For dynamos operating at voltages above - - the foundation shall be capped with a framing of well- sea- soned timber securely fastened there- to, the baseframe being securely fastened to the framing or to the foundation through the framing; both framing and baseframe being secured in such a man- ner as to prevent lateral motion in either direction, and to give an even bearing surface at every point. If metal is used to fasten framing or baseframe to the foundation it shall be thoroughly insulated where it passes through them and at all places liable to come in contact with the dynamo shall be countersunk and covered with a moist- ure-proof insulating compound. 78 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. All necessary excavating and filling, and the removal of all debris shall be done by the ) J^*J f who shall also restore the floor in the following man- ner: -- . The height of the dynamo base -frame(s) above the floor line will be - . 56. mstru- (g ee Note: p. 48, sec. 23.) meats. There shall be provided with each dy- namo one hand regulator for adjusting the pressure, made entirely of incombus- tible material; one ampere meter for in- dicating the current supplied by the dynamo; one voltmeter or -pressure-in- dicator which shall remain constantly in circuit so as to indicate continuously the pressure at the point to which it is connected, and shall be so constructed that the scale is plainly visible at a dis- tance of at least - ; one insulating base- frame provided with rails and a suitable device for shifting the position of the dynamo to alter the belt tension; there ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 79 shall be provided for the installation one ground detector, or if the circuits have no common junction one ground detector for each circuit which shall continuously indicate the insulation from the ground maintained on both sides throughout the system, and one pair of lightning arrest- ers for the common circuits, or for each circuit if they are kept separate; there shall also be provided such brush jigs, switches, out -outs, belts and other ap- pliances as are requisite and proper for the operation of the system; all switches and cut-outs to be of the double pole type and mounted on incombustible bases. For alternating systems there shall be 57 < ers. provided the following numbers and sizes of converters: Number. Sizes. -It. etc. etc, (See Note: p. 50, sec. 24.) 80 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. This contractor shall carry to the switchboard location at all regulator, exciter, auxiliary, and main wires, leav- ing the ends coiled up neatly, properly tagged and sufficiently long to make the necessary switchboard connections. All main wires shall have a capacity of at least C. M. per ampere, and no wire smaller than - - B. & S. or - -B. W. G. shall be used. All regulator, exciter, and for systems carrying over volts all auxiliary and main wires, shall be insu- lated with - ; all wires of systems car- rying over volts shall be run ; where of opposite polarity shall be separated at least ; and where cross- ing each other, wires of other circuits or passing near metal pipes, girders, etc., shall be further protected by . For systems carrying less than volts the main wires shall be of ibare copper wire supported on porcelain insulators. ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 81 carefully cleated to the ceiling, carried on porcelain insulators, insulated wirej ^ ^ ing of a backing thick and a capping- -thick, run in conduit, wires of opposite polarity being separated not less than - . In no case shall insulated wires be car- ried in such proximity to heated surfaces, vapors or air as to endanger their insula- tion. (See p. 51, sec. 25.) (Seep. 51, sec. 26.) struction. ?rts? wal (See Note: p. 52, sec. 27.) ei. summary. Each bidder shall fill out completely, so far as it pertains to his apparatus, the following summary: Number of direct -current dynamos Trade number or designation . 82 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Number of alternating, current dynamos Trade number or designation . . Number of exciter dynamos . . Trade number or designation . . Rating of dynamos in volts . . Eating of dynamos in amperes . Eating of exciters in volts . . . - Eating of exciters in amperes . . - Self or separately excited . . . - Shunt or compound Reduction recomm ended in convert- ers H. P. required to be delivered at pulley at full load ...... 62 boaTd. ch " ( See P- 58 > sec - There shall be placed upon this switch - necuons Con " board, in addition to all the dynamo regu- lating apparatus, such switches, cut-outs and other appliances as are necessary for the proper and convenient manipulation of the circuits, such appliances to be named by each bidder in his proposal. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 83 For the two-wire, direct -current sys- tem the appliances and connections shall be such as will permit any dynamo to be added to or taken from parallel circuit without in any manner affecting the oper- ation of the dynamos remaining in cir- cuit, or the candle-power and steadiness of the lamps. For the three-wire, direct -current sys- tem the appliances and connections shall be such as will permit any dynamo on either side to be added to or taken from parallel circuit without in any manner affecting the operation of the dynamos remaining in circuit on that side, or the candle-power and steadiness of the lamps; and a breakdown switch for connecting the two outside wires in case it shall be come necessary or desirable to operate on the two -wire system. For the alternating- current system the appliances and connections shall be such as will permit the operation of any dy- namo on any circuit or number of cir- cuits, and the cutting in or out of any dy- 84 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. namo or circuit with certainty and rapid- ity, without in any manner affecting the operation of other dynamos or circuits (and such that it will be possible to con- nect two dynamos together by an arrangement of switches or combination of circuits.) (For switchboard connec- tions see sees. 30 and 31, pp. 55 and 56. 64. circuits. (See p. 57, sec. 32.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 85 * Series Arc System, Direct or Alternating Current. This contractor shall furnish, and, un- less otherwise specified, install the fol- lowing apparatus and material: - arc light dynamo(s) (each) hav- 65 - ing a capacity of - , - - c. p., - - am- pere, - - volt arc lamps. Each dynamo shall be provided with a regulator which shall automatically make the proper adjustments for all changes of load from no load to full load, the adjust- ments to be made in such a way as not to endanger any part of the dynamo, appli- ances or lamps, nor to cause any percep- tible change in the balance remaining in operation; shall be of the latest and most efficient pattern; mounted on a base pro- vided with an adjustable belt -tightener, so that the belt may be tightened while in operation; capable of operating under full 86 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. load for consecutive hours without increasing the temperature of any part, especially the armature, fields, and com- mutator, to such a degree as to endanger the insulation or decrease the efficiency of operation; shall have an insulation re- sistance of not less than - - ohms be- tween all parts insulated from each other; shall be adapted to operate at such speed as will allow the use of high-speed, auto- matic -cut -off engines belted direct; shall be provided with efficient oiling de- vices; the armature shall be balanced both electrically and magnetically so that there will be no tendency to spring the shaft or to draw the armature toward either bearing so as to cause excessive friction and heating, and no vibration; especial attention shall be given the insu- lation, protection and separation of con- tacts, binding posts and bared surfaces having extreme differences of potential in order to minimize the danger of acci- dental shocks, crosses, or grounds under normal conditions of operation; the dy- lions* ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 87 namo(s) shall be so designed and automat- ically regulated that the power will be automatically proportioned to the num- ber of lamps burning at any time. (See p. 61, sec. 34.) eo. (See Note: p. 48, sec. 23.) There shall be provided with each dy- namo, in addition to the automatic regu- lator required above, one ampere meter for indicating the current supplied by the dynamo and graduated to read amperes ; one brush jig for trimming the brushes; one insulating baseframe, provided with rails and a suitable device for shifting the position of the dynamo to alter the belt tension; one main switch; one pair of lightning arresters; and for the general installation one testing set capable of measuring up to - ohms. (See p. 63, sec. 36.) There shall be provided 88 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. I single carbon ) - < double carbon > ( triple carbon ) arc lamps of - nominal candle-power. Each lamp shall be provided with a switch by which it may be cut in or out of circuit; shall be regular in its feeding action; shall be free from hissing, nicker- ing or flaming when provided with proper carbons; shall contain an efficient device which shall automatically cut out a lamp for any reason defective, without inter- fering with the operation of the lamps re- maining in circuit; and shall be simple, strong, and durable in its mechanical con- struction. - hanger boards for inside use, each hanger board to contain a switch by which the lamp may be cut entirely out of cir- cuit. 7i. Hoods. waterproof hoods, complete with ( hanger boards for outside use } -< out- rigger attachments ( cross -suspension attachments ) ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. f clear glass ] full ground -^ half ground ^globes. opal [ colored, etc. J - wire -gauze spark arresters, and Nets. - wire globe nets. sets of carbons, a set consisting 74 - Carbons - of one upper and one lower carbon. ~- N 75. Starting (Seep. 51, SeC. 25.) Plantandln- oi r -i oc \ 76. Renewal (See p. 51, sec. 2o.) p ar ts. (See Note: p. 52, sec. 27.) summary. Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of dynamos .... Trade number or designation . . - Rating in volts Eating in amperes Capacity in - - c. p. lamps . . Series or shunt wound . , . . H. P. required to be delivered at pulley at full load 90 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. SWITCHBOARD APPARATUS AND CONNECTIONS. This contractor shall furnish and erect the following apparatus and material : 5>arf comi~ ^ ne combination (material) switchboard plete> with a capacity for - circuits, and pro- vided with the necessary sockets, plugs, main and transfer cables, testing connec- tions, and a suitable and convenient de- vice for holding cables not in use. It shall be so arranged and marked that any circuit or series of circuits may be quick- ly connected with or disconnected from any dynamo with the least possible dan- ger of short-circuits or error. Sockets shall be so designed that it is practically impossible to short-circuit, ground or receive a shock from them. All connec- tions with the dynamo leads shall be easily accessible. All wires used in making connections shall have -- in- sulation. All plugs shall have well in- sulated wooden handles and the cables shall be covered with soft-rubber tubing ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 91 or equivalent as,an extra precaution. All cables shall be of stranded wire. All joints shall be soldered. All con- nections to switches, cut-outs, etc., shall be soldered or made with an approved form of lug or set- screw, in all cases care being taken to secure good and sufficient contact to prevent heating and insure permanency; when made with lugs or set- screws they shall be in plain sight and easily accessible for tightening. Con- necting wires shall be so run and secured that crosses or grounds are impossible in the normal operation of the plant. FIXTURES, ETC. (Note. No set specification can be made - for fixtures and shades; their character must be determined wholly from individ- ual requirements. See schedule, p. 136). This contractor shall furnish and de- so. Lamps. liver at - the following number, sizes, and kinds of incandescent lamps: 92 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. taoies. Number. C. p. ["Voltage. f Plain. - I Amperage | Frosted. etc. etc. 1 --- { Colored, etc. etc. [ etc. stating, also, their make and the make of the socket for which they are adapted. Lamps shall be guaranteed to have an average life of not less than - hours if burned at their normal voltage. They shall burn with a white light and shall not blacken under proper use. All lamps giv- ing out or proving defective during the trial period of - days under normal and prop- er use shall be replaced without charge. This contractor shall furnish and de- |- yer a ^. _ _ ^. ne f ii ow i n numbers and kinds of sockets and receptacles: Number. Kind. Finish. etc. etc. etc. 82. Meters. This contractor shall furnish and Bowing nu m - bers and sizes of the ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 93 ( watt meter, * K recording ampere meter, ( current counter. Number. Capacity in Two or three amperes. wire. etc. etc. etc. 94 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. INTERIOR WIRING. Alternating or Direct Current, Two- Wire System. 83. outlets The building shall be wired to - and Lights. lamp outlets, - switch outlets, (and _ meter outlets) for the equivalent of - , - ampere, -- volt lamps. The wiring shall be (to outlets only) (except for cut-outs and switches; cut-outs and switches shall be furnished and installed complete). At each outlet the loose wire shall be neatly coiled and the ends care- fully taped. system. ^11 wiring shall be for the parallel two-wire system of distribution. The fall of potential between the switchboard (centre of distribution) and the (farthest lamp) shall not exceed at ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 95 load pr cent, of the initial pressure; this difference to be divided as follows: | filers [" " per cent " mains per cent., taps per cent. All wire used throughout the installa- 8 - insulation, tion shall be insulated with . Each j Jke^fer 1 main and ta P sha11 "LS^S. 011 test out with an insulation resistance of at least ohms. From the switchboard (or centre of dis- ss. subdivi- sion of ( TM core \ (Risers \ i risers, ^ i {pedersf tribution) -< groups of risers, V ( feeders, ) shall be carried to the following points: ( Riser ) ( riser i -< Group >No. 1 to , -< group >No. 2 ( Feeder ) ( feeder ) to , etc. ( Riser ) x Group VNo. 1 shall feed all lights (lo- ( Feeder ) 96 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. I riser ) cation), -< group V No. 2 shall; feed, etc. f feeder \ o. Location From the switchboard (or centre of dis- f Risers ) , BrsJ tribution) the * [ shall be carried f under cleats, I on insulators, _ and thence j in moulding, [in conduit, etc., J upward in (channels, wooden conduits, elevator shaft, air shaft, etc., with loca- tion) to their respective cut-out boxes. 90. Mains (If (If ( ri^Pr ) *. From the feeder cut-out boxes mams ary distribu- tionboxes) - f under cleats, shall be carried > { in conduit, etc. , secondary cut-out boxes where all tap lines shall centre. From j f^ er [ No. 1 shall be carried - mains terminating at : from j feeder [NO. 2, etc. 9i. Taps. (Note. In certain cases it is advisable ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 97 * to run the circuits in such a manner that no room shall be dependent on one cir- cuit only; if so desired it should be add- ed under this heading.) ( riser ) From the -< feeder > cut-out boxes dis- ( main ) tributing circuits shall be run to the various outlets as specified in the sched- ule and located on the plans. The (under cleats, in conduit, etc., such a manner that the highest possi- ble insulation shall be maintained under all circumstances. Except in case of single outlets for a group of lamps and circuits specifically mentioned no distributing circuit shall carry over - - amperes. Distributing circuits shall be of one size of wire throughout their entire length. Throughout the installation joints shall 92 - Joints - be avoided where possible; where abso- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. lutely necessary they must be made me- chanically strong and secure, carefully soldered, wiped free from any moisture and excess of flux and so taped and com- pounded that the insulation of the joints shall be equal to the original insulation; the solder shall be relied on ^only to give a good electrical connection. (Note. A complete description of the cabmets. ^^^3 should be given covering mate- rial, doors, hinges, locks, finish, etc. ; also stating what parts, if any, will be fur- nished by other contractors, specifying what switches are to be placed in the cabinets, and locating and describing cabi- nets for switches alone if such are to be provided; if name plates are to be fur- nished so specify and describe.) The terminals of all j e ^ g | mains and taps shall be brought together in cabinets at the points designated in this specification and on the plans. (If wiring contractor does not furnish cut-outs and ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 9( switches, add: The terminals of the | feeders, f mains and taps sha11 be brought into these cabinets in such a way as to permit the easy and convenient insertion and connection of the cut-outs and switches specified.) )/ A cut-out shall be provided for each 94 - cut-outs. branch circuit. All cut-outs shall be double-pole, mounted on incombustible bases, and with connections of such size and shape as to afford ample contact sur- face for both conductors and fuses. No fuses shall be put in the cut-outs 95. except by special order, but a complete supply, consisting of not less than - sets for each cut-out, shall be provided. These fuses shall be of the plug type or furnished with metal tips and shall have their capacity plainly marked upon them. For the number and capacity of 96 switches, switches see the attached schedule. 100 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. All switches shall be double-pole, mounted on incombustible bases, with automatic make and break, the switch being merely set at the point of making and breaking by the operator, and with sliding contacts. The capacity of each switch shall be plainly marked upon it and shall not be less than per c. p. lamp controlled. 97 su FiX rts e Where no fixture support is provided this contractor shall furnish for all S1 'lino 1 ( ou ^ e ^ s a suitable support con- sisting of a wooden block firmly fastened to the wall flush with the plaster, and of sufficient dimensions to securely bold the fixture, a piece of gas-pipe securely an- chored by means of an iron plate; or such other device as shall be best adapted to the construction of the building and the character of the fixture to be installed in each particular location. (Specify approximate number required.) 98. Meter Out- At the places located in the schedule Jots* ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 101 and on the plans, meter outlets shall be run (and a support for each meter pro- vided consisting of - securely fastened to the wall). Each elevator is to be provided with - , - c. p. lamp(s). Each elevator shall be on its own cut-out and circuit which shall be run from the distribution box at (location). The wiring shall in- clude the wiring of the elevator car, all necessary cables and the connection with its outlet. The cables shall be well in- sulated, flexible and properly protected from abrasion. The molding used in the places speci- 100. Molding. fied above shall be of - , and finished On all outside walls, bare.brick or stone walls, etc., it shall consist of a backing and capping. While the schedule is intended to rep- 10 resent very closely the number of lights tlon8 ' 102 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. and outlets to be wired to, yet, as some changes may become necessary during the process of construction, each bidder shall name in his proposal a price to be added to or deducted from the contract price for each light or outlet wired for in excess of the number specified, or which shall be cancelled, provided such addition or cancellation involves no change in the work already completed and shall be along the lines of existing circuits. 102 ti I n. stnic " (Note. It may be desirable that the purchaser furnish one man to work un- der the contractor in order that he may have a man thoroughly familiar with all the details of the construction; the con- tractor to give such instruction as will en- able him to acquire a thorough and intel- ligent knowledge of methods, appliances, location of circuits, etc.) 10 e 3 f iiStSSSf (Note. To be inserted if this contract- or is to complete the wiring, including the attachment of lamps and sockets.) ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 103 This contractor shall hang all fixtures, including the assembling and wiring of the fixtures (unless provided for under Fixtures), the attaching of sockets, lamps and shades, and the connection with the ends of the taps. Insulating joints will be furnished, where required, by the fixture contractor but this contractor shall furnish and con- nect a suitable cut-out for each outlet, protecting both sides of the circuit. This contractor shall attach - sockets by means of a (suitable gas attachment) to the (gas) fixtures already in place. Place * These fixtures shall be properly insulat- ed and shall be wired in the following manner: -- , with - . At each outlet a suitable cut-out shall be pro- vided protecting both sides of the circuit. In each socket the proper lamp shall be placed and all shades shall be attached. Sockets and lamps shall be suspended by means of - pendants from the ceil- and Lamps> 104 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. ing. Each pendant to be in length, (provided with a cord adjuster) and pro- tected by a double -pole ceiling cut-out. Both at the cut-out and in the socket the cord shall be knotted so that in no case will the weight come on the binding screws. Where the cord passes through the neck of the socket it shall be protect- ed by a bushing. In each socket the proper lamp shall be placed and all shades shall be attached. ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 105 TJiree- Wire System. This specification is identical with the two- wire specification, except in " Sys- tem," p. 94, sec. 84, in place of which in- sert the following: All j fgg^| rs [ and mains shall be fig- ioe. system. ured on the basis of the three -wire sys- tem, but the distribution circuits shall consist of two wires only except to out- lets for a group of - , - - c. p., lamps or more, and for special circuits specific- ally mentioned. Care shall be taken in arranging the distribution circuits to have the same number of lamps on each side of the system and that no circuit shall be connected across the outside wires. The neutral wire shall in all cases be proper- ly tagged and shall be run between the outside wires. 106 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Three-Wire System Adapted to the Two- Wire System. This specification is identical with the two- wire specification, except in " Sys- tem, "p. 94, sec. 84, in place of which in- sert the following: 107. system. All \ ^J. g [ and mains shall consist of three wires, but the neutral wire shall consist of two wires each equal in cross -section to the outside wires, or of one wire equal in cross -section to the outside wires combined, in order that if desired all lights may be operated on the two- wire system; if two neutral wires are run they shall be permanently connected at each cut-out box. All distribution circuits shall consist of two wires only except to outlets for a group of - , - c. p., lamps or more, and for special cir- cuits specifically mentioned. In all three- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 107 wire distributioif circuits the neutral shall be equal in cross-section to the two out- side wires combined. Care shall be taken in arranging the distribution circuits to have the same number of lamps on each side of the system and that no circuit shall be connected across the outside wires or between the neutral wires. The neutral shall in all cases be properly tagged and shall be run between the out- side wires. 108 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Arc System. IDS. circuits. The lights shall be divided into the fol- lowing circuits: Circuit No. 1 (Number of lights and location.) Circuit No. 2 (Number of lights and location), etc. lion oi'wiJt All wire used in the installation shall be insulated with - - for inside circuits, and with - for outside circuits. Each circuit shall test out with an in- sulation resistance of at least -- ohms. in. joints. gee p. 97 9 sec . 92. interior wires shall be run the highest possible insulation is obtained. All wiring shall be neat in its mechanical ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 109 appearance aiM arrangement. All ex- terior wires shall be run . In the interior of (the) building(s) the us. lamps specified shall be suspended from - securely fastened to the ceiling (and provided with a suitable device for raising and lowering). On the exterior of (the) building(s) the lamps specified shall be suspended from - , securely attached to , (and provided with a suitable device for raising and lowering). (Add details concerning any posts, pole-steps, ornamental treatment desired, etc.) 110 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Conduit System. Two- Wire. 114 wLJi e ng dof The building shall be wired according to the system of - - and using the - conduit manufactured by . 115 an4?. pli " All appliances employed shall be such as are especially adapted for use in con- junction with the conduit system. All conduits shall be placed in position i the plastering is done, and shall be firmly secured j and ceilings. 11 opefi e n all s ng After the tubes are installed all open- ings in walls and floors shall be sealed so that it shall be impossible, in the event of fire, for smoke or flame to pass from one floor to another or from one room to an- other about the tubes, ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Ill (See p. 94, secf. 83.) ^ Light 6 *. 8 (Seep. 94, sec. 84.) 119 ' Syst * m ' (See p. 94, sec. 85.) *%$? All single conductors shall be insulated 121 ' ti Jn. 9ular " with - . All duplex conductors shall be insulated with . Duplex con- ductors and all single conductors larger than j J*- *^L ^ j- - shall be stranded. (See p. 95, sec. 87.) 122. insula- tion Resist- ance. From the switchboard (or centre of dis- ^J^ ( rJQprq \ -IS 180 / 8 \ \ ilbeib I (Feeders) . tribution) -< groups of risers >- shall ( feeders \ be carried to the following points: ( Riser ) ( riser] ) -< Group >No. 1 to - , < group >- No. ( Feeder ) ( feeder ) 2 to - -, etc. Every conductor in each 112 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. rser, ~ groups of risers, >-and main shall be ( feeder, ) provided with an independent tube. ( Riser ) -< Group >- No. I shall feed all lights (lo- / Feeder \ ( riser ) group > feeder ) cation), -< group [-No. 2 shall feed, etc. / fee " i 24 . Location From the \ ^itchboard ) Rig of. B j centre of distribution ( 1 Feeders J . ( r i c / iT ,ci ) / feeders [ sha11 be carried to ~ " and thence upward in (channels, elevator shaft, etc., with location) to their respect- ive junction boxes. 125. Mains (n From the | JS r junction boxes, taps terrain- / leeCler \ ate in sec- ti n on a boxe 1 8" c " mams sna ^ be carried to secondary junc- tion boxes where all tap lines shall centre. ( r jg er I From -j P n [ No. 1 shall be carried ( Lemuel ) mains terminating at ; from 1Ser[No.2 ; et, ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 113 (Note. In ceptain cases it is advisable 126 - Taps * to run the circuits in such a manner that no room shall be dependent on one cir- cuit only; if so desired, it should be added under this heading.) ( riser ) From the -< feeder >- junction boxes dis- ( main ) tributing circuits shall be run to the vari- ous outlets as specified in the schedule and located on the plans. For all taps duplex conductor requiring but one tube may be employed provided the current required does not exceed - - amperes. The terminals of all the j mains and taps shall be brought together in junction boxes at the points designated in this specification and on the plans [and connected with their respective cut-outs and switches; (unless the wiring contractor does not furnish cut-outs and switches, in which case add, in such a way as to permit the easy and convenient insertion of the cut-outs and switches specified.)]. 114 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 128. cut-outs. (See p. 99, sec. 94.) 129. Fuses. (See p. 99, sec. 95.) 130. switches. (See p. 99, sec. 96.) 13 si P 5?te ure Where no gas pipe or other support for the fixture exists, the special form of terminal box designed to furnish such support shall be employed and shall be substantially fixed to a suitable founda- tion in the ceiling or wall. 132 TubS e80f All tubes shall be of sufficient size to allow the wires t-o be readily drawn in, withdrawn and reinserted at will. 133. Fasten- Tubes, whether concealed or on the ings. surface, should be held in place by the fastenings especially designed for use with this conduit. 134. joints. The tubes shall be cut squarely, reamed out smoothly, and the ends joined by the use of the coupling designed for that purpose. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 115 Where more tfian three elbows are un- Limitation? avoidable an intersection box shall be in- serted to relieve both the wires and the tubes of strain when the wires are being drawn in. All tubes shall emerge at outlets in 136 - outlets, terminal boxes leaving the outlets so protected as not to be injured by the plasterers. To guard against mechanical injury and ^rk ^h the destructive action of cement all floor ar a m r re I d Conduit. conduits shall be made of double tube, one telescoped within the other, and both the outer and inner tubes joined in the usual manner. The outer tube shall, in the case of contact with cement, be alkali proof. As a further protection floor tubes shall be covered, during construc- tion, with a light board. Such other precautions shall be taken to insure the safety of the tubes as the character of the building and work require. Each side of circuits carrying more than {? 8 n O f e $?^ 116 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. amperes shall be run in a separate tube. Wires forming parts of two dis- tinct circuits shall in no case be inclosed in the same tube. (See p. 100 , sec, 98.) 14 Lights e . vator (Seep. 101 , sec. 99.) (See p. 101 , sec. tions. 142< tion I ! 8truc ~ (Seep. 102 , sec. 102.) (Seep. 102 , sec. 103.) 144. Wiring (Seep. 103 , sec. 104.) ures Already in Place. & (^ep. 103 , sec. 105.) and Lamps. (^ G P- 105 ' 147. Three- ( See P- 106, sec. 107.) System, ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 117 Interior Wiring for Central Station Plants. This specification contemplates the complete installation of - , - - c. p. , in- candescent lamps located in blocks as designated on the plans hereto attached and made a part of this specification. (See p. 91 , sec. 79.) 149 - Fixtures, (See p. 91 , sec. 80.) 15 - Lam P 8 - (Seep. 92 , sec. 81.) 151 - Sockets - (Note. Specif y whether bids for two- 152 system, wire direct-current systems only, for three-wire direct- current, for two-wire alternating current, or for any system will be considered.) The fall of potential between the serv- ice cut-out and the most distant lamp in any building shall not exceed - per cent. 118 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 154 'tkm? ula ~ All wires used inside of buildings shall be insulated with - . ( open cleat ) ^thJwork? All wiring shall be < molding V work, f conduit ) neat in its mechanical appearance and ar- rangement. 156. circuits. ^0 distributing circuit shall carry more than - amperes. In buildings requir- ing a greater supply of current the lights shall be divided into circuits; these cir- cuits shall be brought together at con- venient and accessible centres of distribu- tion where all branch cut-outs shall be placed. in 7 d sSitSs! Each branch circuit shall be provided with a double-pole cut-out. The switches specified below shall be furnished and in- stalled All cut-outs and switches shall be mounted on incombustible bases. (List of numbers and sizes of switches.) 158. Meters. ( g ee p> 9 2> SeC . 82.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 119 (All) lamps shall be suspended with 159 - 8io s n U8 p f en ' flexible cord pendants from double-pole ceiling cut-outs, the average length of the pendants to be . This contractor is to furnish all necessary - cord, ceiling cut-outs and socket bushings. In both cut-outs and sockets the cord shall be knotted so that no weight shall come on the binding screws. (See p. 101, sec. 100.) 16 - Moldin *- (See p. 101, sec. 101.) ^i^SSSK 1 tiona. (See p. 102, sec. 102.) 162> tiJn. 8truc ~ (See p. 102, sec. 103.) (May require slight modification.) 164. Wiring (Seep. 103, sec. 104.) fc'JsS (May require slight modification.) aiready tur fn Place. 120 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. POLE LINES. Low Potential Direct- Current System Two or Three- Wire. IBS. Fran. (The purchaser) shall secure all fran- chises and Permits, chises, rights of way, and permits from the authorities and abutting proper ty- owners for the erection and guying of poles and stringing of wires along the routes on the map hereto attached and made a part of this specification, shall make all necessary arrangements with cpmpanies already having pole lines on any part of the same route for crossing, raising, lower- ing or otherwise moving their wires, and for using, moving or changing their poles, cross-arms, etc.; shall do all necessary trimming of trees; and in every reason- able way shall secure and furnish facili- ties for the uninterrupted continuance of the work to its completion. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 121' The lights shaft be supplied by circuits ^cSJ&X 11 divided as follows: - , etc. All circuits shall be controlled by 187 6oS of switches placed (location.) The pole line shall be composed of 168> Pole8 ' straight, select, shaved poles, sound and free from shakes, checks or large knots; poles subject to extra strain shall be specially selected and of ample strength to bear the strain. All poles must be set of their ie. setting and Guying. length in the ground and solidly tamped, must measure not less than - in diameter at the top, and the distance from the ground line to the lowest cross-arm shall be not less than - . Corner, ter- minal and other poles subject to extra strain shall be securely guyed wherever possible; where impossible to guy them they shall be set with such rake and to such extra depth that the strain shall .not pull them beyond the vertical position, 122 ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. allowance being made for the action of water and frost. 170. Distances. N O two consecutive poles shall be set at a greater distance apart than ex- cept by special permission from - , and all poles carrying heavy feeders or mains shall be set not more than apart. 171. painting. (As desired.) 17 c 2 ^l n rms nd Gains shall be carefully cut so that the cross-arms make a snug fit and stand at right angles to the pole. Cross-arms shall be of - , thoroughly seasoned, sound and free from large knots; painted - ; the vertical distance between cross-arms shall not be less than - . Double cross-arms must be placed on terminal poles and corner poles carry- ing wires larger than - ] B W f [' At all corners making an angle greater than - two sets of cross-arms shall be ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 123 used placed at the proper angle to each other. Pins shall be of selected - , shall fit closely in the cross-arms and be nailed in place. Insulators shall be of glass, - pat- tern, and of a size suitable for the wire they are to hold. All poles on which cut-outs are placed 174 - ste P 8 - shall be stepped. (Note. Specify character of soil, as 175. son. loam, sand, etc.; also whether rock, marsh land, quicksands, etc., requiring special work.) All feeder, main and pressure wires 176 - ice wires shall be insulated with - . All wires shall be so handled as to avoid kinking; wagons, drays, etc., shall not be allowed to drive over them; they 124 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. shall not be dragged along the ground, over cross-arms or through trees in such a way as to injure the insulation; and shall not be allowed to sag unduly be- tween supports, allowance being made for expansion and contraction with changes of temperature. All necessary and proper precautions shall be taken in passing over, through or near buildings of every description, through trees, crossing other lines, turning corners, etc. Pressure wires shall be carried from the (switchboard) to each centre of dis- tribution unless such centres are connect- ed by an equalizing main, in which case the pressure wires shall be carried to a point on the equalizing main electrically equidistant from the centres of distribu= tion which it connects. 177, joints. Joints shall be mechanically strong and secure so that no movement of the two ends relatively to each other is possible, and shall be carefully sweat-soldered, the joint being wiped free from any excess of ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 125 flux; the solder *shall be relied on only to give good electrical connection. An efficient lightning arrester shall be placed on the pole, connected to the lino and to a permanent ground for every of conductor. The mains shall be so proportioned 179 - F 5Ji a Jf mum that the maximum fall of potential be- Potentlau tween the centre of distribution and any service cut-out, including the loss in any transforming device, shall not exceed per cent, under full load. Alternating Current System. (Note. The specification for the low- potential system, p. 120, et seq., may be S5rstem followed in general. There should be added a specification for placing convert- ers on poles where so required, and for running secondary mains where a single converter supplies a number of buildings, including the distance that the secondary main must be kept from the primary.) 126 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Street Lighting Circuits Arc or Incandes- cent. i8i. street (Note. The specification for the low Lighting cir- cuits, potential system, p. 120, et seq., may be followed in general but the following ad- ditions and modifications should be in- troduced.) IBS. poles. (Add to sec. 168, p. 121.) Lamp poles shall be not less than in length, with tops not less than in diameter, and set of their length in the ground. 183. Gains aud (Add to SCC. 172, p. 122.) Cross- Arms. . . W here there is but a single wire on a pole a bracket may be used instead of a cross-arm. Where necessary break-arms shall be used to carry wires from the line out to the lamp. 184. steps. (Note. Steps may be desirable on lamp poles, if so add to sec. 174, p. 123.) sio 8 n of S Lamp S ". Lamps shall be suspended at the places ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS 127 located on the attached map by means of (brackets, mast-arms, cross suspen- sion, etc.) The bottom of the lamp to be not less than above the road- way. The lamps and fixtures must be se- cured against damage or interference through ordinary wind storms, and all wires so connected that there shall be a minimum danger of short-circuiting or grounding. The following fixtures and appliances 18 6. Fixtures shall be furnished and erected: cent). water-proof hoods complete with reflectors, sockets, and j "suspension [attachments. 'oose-neck brackets, in length complete with post- socket or flange and the necessary guy wires. - sleet-proof pulleys. feet inch weather-proof rope for raising and lowering lamps. double cleats for winding up sur- plus rope. 128 ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. feet inch rope for suspending lamps, , c. p. volt lamps. is?. Fixtures water-proof circuit cut-outs for (Arc. See also, 72, CS 73 and 74). cutting out circuits inside buildings from the exterior circuit. The " Off" and "On" positions shall be plainly marked and the switch shall be so constructed that when at the position marked " Off" the wires on the inside shall be entirely cut out of the main circuit. outriggers,- - in length for at- taching to the exterior of build- ings. outriggers, - in length for at- taching to poles. 1 ornamental ( P le to P s - mast arms, in length, with proper arrangement for raising and lowering lamps. Bidders shall submit design of mast-arm recommended. sleet-proof pulleys. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 129 - feet -- inch weather-proof rope for raising and lowering lamps. _ feet - - inch \ weather-proof rope ) ) stranded cable \ for suspending lamps. surplus rope. (Note. The specification for wiring must be made up with reference to the system or systems to be installed, whether parallel or series wiring with incandes- cent or arc lamps, or a combination of systems.) (Note. The point at which streetlight- 189 oontl5l: * f ing circuits will be controlled will depend much on the system adopted and on local conditions; it is sometimes absolutely necessary that they shall be controlled from the station; in other cases for the sake of economy or convenience it is desirable to have them controlled from some other point such as the centre of distribution.) 130 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. All street lighting circuits shall be con- trolled by switches at (location.) While the schedule is intended to repre- sent very closely the number of lights to be installed, yet as some changes may be- come necessary during the process of con- struction each bidder shall name in his proposal a price to be added to or deduct- ed from the contract price for each light installed in excess of the number speci- fied or which shall be cancelled, provided such addition or cancellation involves no change in the work already completed and shall be along the line of existing cir- cuits. The price shall include lamp, fix- tures, extra poles required and labor. 191.1nstruc- /g ee p< 1Q2 SeC . 102.) tion. 192. schedules. In or cfer to tabulate clearly and concise- ly the location and number of outlets for lights, switches, and meters, together with the number of lights per outlet in each individual case and the capacity of ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 131 each switch and^neter, also the location, catalogue number and incidental informa- tion on each fixture and shade, the at- tached schedules will often be found of great convenience; indeed, in making up estimates, such schedules are almost in- dispensable and will prove of very con- siderable assistance if incorporated in the specification. They will also be found useful in checking the accuracy with which the details have been taken from the plans and an aid in checking the work during construction, since they give the detailed distribution in a concise form, free from distracting explanatory clauses or directions, and are more con- venient and accessible than plans; plans, too, often have the disadvantage of con- taining details foreign to the electrical work, which may confuse and mislead. The shade schedule can often be incor- porated in the fixture schedule. The catalogue number of fixtures is added in this schedule in order to keep in mind the exact fixture for which a given 132 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. shade is intended, thus insuring against mistakes in putting them on. In the fixture schedule, if sockets are to be furnished by another contractor, the column for same may be cancelled. As a memorandum, notes concerning the sup- plying of insulating joints or flanges, the wiring of fixtures, etc., may be added. The item " length" is very important and should never be omitted. The capacity of switches is often marked in lights and is so given in the schedule; it may, however, often be ad- visable to designate them by their current carrying capacity in amperes to provide for the use of low volt as well as high volt lamps. The form of schedule for switches can also be used for meters, but in this case the current consumed by the lamp should be given and it should be clearly specified whether the meter is to measure direct currents only, alternating currents only, or either direct or alternating cur- rents, also whether two or three wire. ELECTEI'C LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 133 In the lamp schedule the vertical col- umn of outlets gives the total number for each location, the horizontal line across the bottom of the page gives the total number of outlets of each size in the building, and the sum in each case should be the same. The vertical column of lights gives the total number of lights in the building. This sum may be checked from the horizontal line of totals by multiply- ing those totals by the number of lights per outlet given at the top and adding the results. If the results obtained by the two methods do not agree some mistake has been made either in the arithmetical work or in placing outlets under the wrong heading; the results, to be correct, must agree. The division into "side" and "ceiling "outlet sis important to the contractor, since the quantity both of labor and material required is often very largely dependent upon this relation which may also determine the method of running the circuits. 134 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. ^ Lights. CO SO >0 ^ e Outlets. o m c a -^ A Ceiling. i M _; Side. tj k.a Ceiling. r-l - i i Side. a htf SJ Ceiling. iH H i M O M) ^g Side. 1 H M Ceiling. iH rH d W 3 Sa QI/IA i o Pk l Ceiling. iH - a z.^p H 5 Side. ,H (M e^ S& Ceiling. - - : rt ; H 3 Side. iH (T( rH **< LOCATION. III M 2 S & 3 * 1 1 1 a I ! i s Totals ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 135 * 136 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 11 .P Remarks. Finish. 1 a' . ""o 6 g O " "S Number of Shades. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 137 STORAGE BATTERY. This contractor shall furnish and erect, complete in all its details, the following storage battery plant. The cells shall be of the- type. 193 - ^^ The capacity of the battery shall be at 194. capacity. least equal to a steady discharge at the rate of - amperes for - consecu- tive hours and it shall be capable of with- standing a maximum discharge at the rate of - - amperes for - consec- utive hours without injury. The total number of cells shall be - . They shall be arranged in - series of - cells each and so connect- ed that they can be discharged at a prac- tically uniform potential of- - volts. (Note. Describe method of erecting.) 196 Erection. (Note. Specify and describe connec- 19 \ 10 < S;S nec ' tions for charging and discharging; switches for throwing entire battery or single cells in and out; devices for keep- ing the potential constant on discharging circuits; connections for testing; and any special devices and apparatuses desired.) Each bidder shall incorporate in his io8.Guaran- ^ ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. proposal such guarantees as he desires to make as to efficiency, life and cost of maintenance and repairs. 199. summary. Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of cells Number of series Dimensions of each cell .... Weight of each cell complete . Rated capacity in ampere-hours . Normal voltage each cell ... Normal discharging rate . . . Maximum safe discharging rate . Normal charging rate . . . . Maximum safe charging rate , . ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 139 STEAM PLANT. (Note. This specification will be found 200. specifica- tion for Steam applicable to many central station plants up to 200 h. p. or 300 h. p., and for isolated plants where the conditions imposed by municipal and insurance regulations, con- siderations of the utilization of exhaust steam, or of combining a heating and power plant, and questions of a similar nature do not require special attention. The forms of Warning, Preamble, and General Specification are, with but slight changes, also adapted to this specifica- tion.) This contractor shall furnish and erect, complete in all its details, the following steam plant: horizontal j j single cylinder j vertical f j compound j" T ^ \ ^ "*** adapted for electric lighting service. 201. Engines. 140 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. j Th(fse ( en S me ( s ) sna H ^ e capable of developing indicated horse-power with pounds initial steam pressure at the throttle, - - pounds back pres- sure, - cut-off and - revolutions per minute, and must be designed in all ] its 611 " [ P ar ^ s ^ develop thi 8 power for indefinite periods. The variation in speed from no load to full load shall not exceed per cent. All material and workmanship shall be of the highest grade; all parts accurately made to standard gauge ; all moving parts carefully balanced; all valves and pack- ing free from leakage. J Iney / g^^j O p era te noiselessly and ( xt I without vibration when set on (a) suitable fcundation(s) and properly piped. >e provided 202. Fittings. ( Tlie ) ( foundation plate, I form ^ a | full height foundation box, f ELECTRIC LIGHTING'SPECIFICATIONS. 141 tion bolts and washers, sight feed cylin- der lubricator, throttle valve, sight feed oil cups, full set of wrenches, governor pulley, driving pulley of proper dimen- sions for driving the dynamo selected (and all necessary pipes, valves, reducing mo- tion and attachments for taking indicator cards. Indicators to be furnished by the pur- chaser.) (Note. If the dynamo(s) j f g re j- to be direct driven by the engine(s) there should be added to the above specification the type or types of dynamo(s) which may be selected from; the method of connecting engine(s) and dynamo(s); and any special fittings such as extension to engine foun- dation box, extended shaft, out board bearing, spot for supporting fields, attach- ment for securing brush-holder, etc.) (As required.) 203. Painting. 142 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. ; Founda- The foundation(s) for the(se) engine(s) shall be built by the j J^S [ f ~ ' tions. laid - , and shall be of sufficient length, width and depth to safely and firmly sus- tain j -^ ei ( weight and all strains to which -j -x - e ^ c [ subjected. All neces- sary excavating or filling and the removal of all debris shall be done by the \ cont ractor. ) T1 foundations shall be j purchaser, j of such height that the driving pulley(s) will swing j j^ of } the floor - . (Note. Foundations for direct- connect- ed outfits should extend under both en- gine and dynamo.) (Character of the soil should also be specified, and the method of isolat- ing and insulating the foundation if required.) ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 143 /Note. If this contractor furnishes * , . . , , plant complete, this section can be put before final summary.) struction. ready for operation ] . ev [ shall be run for a period of days by competent en- gineers furnished by the contractor, j Assistant Engineer, J oil , waste , etc ., will be furnished by (the purchaser). This contractor shall also give all neces- sary instructions to the engineer of (the purchaser) for the proper care, mainte- nance, and operation of the such instructions to be given during the trial period stipulated above. double leather, endless, solid ] 2 06 Belts - per- forated link rubber cotton-leather rope, etc., -belts 144 ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. free from defects of any kind, - in width by - in length, and capable of transmitting -- horse-power at a belt speed of - . 207 parS ewal Such renewal parts as it is advisable to keep on hand, adding hereto an itemized list of same'. 208. Summary. ^g e e Note: p. 52, S6C. 27.) Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of engines ..... Size of cylinder(s) ..... Diameter of steam pipe . . . - Diameter of exhaust pipe . . -- Floor space ...... *. - Indicated horse-power at revo- lutions, -- initial steam pres- sure, - back pressure, cut- ting off at - stroke . . . - Speed . . . v .... . - Maximum variation in speed be- tween no load and full load - Number of pulleys . e . . . -- ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 145 Dimensions of pulleys .... - ( turned steel, ) - of-< hammered iron, >- shafting - (etc., ) in diameter. f floor stands, ) \ **** ^ [ pedestals, etc., J adjustable, (self-oiling) boxes, base-plates, bolts,et, jgjf* [fro m to centre line of shaft - . Shafting to be key-seated for the pul- leys specified below, and provided with all necessary collars, guard rings, etc. f plain cast iron, 1 split " " | - -(plain wood, }- pulleys accur- | split " I [ grooved, etc. J ately bored, turned, balanced, and pro- vided with key seats and keys. Pulleys to be - in diameter by -- face, and ca- pable of transmitting -- horse-power at - - revolutions. , - - arm, balanced friction- clutch pulleys, - in diameter by - face* 146 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. and capable of transmitting horse- power at - - revolutions. Each pulley to be provided with a - - shifter rig, to operate from . The clutch must pick up the load without shock or jar, and the shifter rig must be positive in its action, not liable to get out of order, free from any tendency or liability to be thrown in or out accidentally. ( friction -clutch couplings, cut-off couplings, compression couplings, plate couplings, jaw clutches, etc., also idlers and method of applying.) tions unc (Note. Specify character of foundation upon which shafting is to be placed, whether special foundations of brick or stone, floor timbers, walls, ceilings, posts, etc.) 2i3.Boii.r( 8 ). 9 9 _ _ boiler(s) (each) rated at -horse-power. The boiler(s) shall contain not less than of heating surface per rated horse power. The shell(s) shall be made of ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 147 steel having a tensile strength of not less than , and shall be braced and stayed for a working pressure of- - pounds, and tested to - - pounds hydrostatic pressure. j -j^. ey i shall be inspected and insured by a responsible steam boiler insurance company, this contractor to furnish a cer- tificate of inspection and a policy of in- surance for - . The* | boiler sha11 be P rovided with 2iaFIttinari | dome p .or drums J the necessary lugs> brackets, plates, bolts, stays, anchor and binder rods, man and hand holes, steam and blow-off connections, stop and safety valves, pressure gauge, water column, gauge cocks and drip, set of stoking tools consisting of- , and all other appli- ances properly coming under this head. The boiler(s) shall be set in masonry in 214. setting, a first- class manner, according to standard 148 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. practice. This contractor to do all neces- sary excavating or filling for the founda- tion^) and to remove all debris. (Specify character of soil upon which boilers will be placed.) sis. stack. (Note. Specify material, diameter, height, lining, base, location, etc.) Smoke connections of - , having an area - , are to be made with the stack, and are to be provided with - - dampers and - - cleaning doors arranged as fol- lows : 217. piping. (Note. If the piping is to be "erected with reference to existing piping or to meet special conditions the specification must be made up with due regard to such conditions; for entirely new piping, inde- pendent of auxiliary connections, the fol- lowing specification will cover many cases.) This contractor shall furnish and erect ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 149 all necessary ancf proper piping to pipe the entire plant. From each boiler a branch pipe shall be carried to a main header located , and from this header a branch pipe shall be carried to each engine ; all branch pipes from boilers and to engines shall be provided with a valve so that any boiler or any engine may be cut out without interfering with the operation of the remainder. The valve in the engine branch shall be in addition to the throttle at the engine. The engine exhausts shall be connected to an exhaust header and each exhaust branch shall be provided with a valve ; the exhaust header shall be connected with the heater and from the heater shall be carried . (For non- condensing en- gines carry to atmosphere ; for condensing engines to the condenser.) The exhaust from the (condenser and) feed pumps shall be carried . (For non- condens- ing engines carry to exhaust header or atmosphere; for condensing engines carry to the condenser or to an auxiliary 150 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. heater.) Feed ( and condensing ) water will be brought to by the purchaser). Drip (and condenser discharge) connec- tions shall be made at . All piping and larger shall be flanged. (Add speci- fication as to hot-well, exhaust head, back-pressure valve, automatic atmos- pheric relief valve, connections for auxili- ary heater, etc., if required; also the dis- posal of drips from live steam pipes, separator, engine jackets, receiver, etc.) All live steam piping and larger, (and also the following sections of ex- haust piping ) shall be neatly covered with a substantial, non-heat-con- ducting pipe covering. 218 condensers. , ^dependent steam driven ( ( driven j "j surface [ condenser ( s ) complete with pump( s ) and all connections ; j each | con denser to have a capacity of j the j pounds of steam condensed per hour ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. with condensing* water at - degrees j Fahr. | I Cent. \ 2eed - , - feed pump(s) of standard p a mp() ee and Injector(s). manufacture (each) having ample capacity to feed h. p. in boilers. - feed-water heater(s) [and puri- ^f^" fier(s)] of standard manufacture (each) purffler%?. n having ample capacity for h. p. in boil- ers. (Specify character of water to be used, and whether exhaust steam is to be used for any other purpose than heating feed- water.) separator(s) of standard manufact- 221 tor(s) ure. A gauge board of shall be erected in - , and the following instruments mounted thereon: . Connections shall be made between these instruments and in the following manner . 152 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 223. Painting. (Ag re q U i re d.) 224 parts ewal Such renewal parts as it is advisable to have on hand shall be furnished, a list of same to be added hereto. 225. Summary. (g ee Note: p. 52, SCC. 27.) Each bidder shall fill out completely the following summary: Number of boilers Rated horse-power - . Kind . . . .... Diameter of shell . Length of shell . Number of tubes Diameter of tubes , .' Heating surface Tensile strength of steel . A- Working pressure . Testing pressure . . . . Outside dimensions of setting . Number of condensers . , . Kind ." . . .' Capacity of each . . . Number of pumps . ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 153 Kind Capacity of each Number of heaters Kind Capacity of each 154 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. RULES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WIRING AND AP- PARATUS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE UNDERWRITERS* NATIONAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. EDITION OF JAN. 1, 1895. The use of wire ways for rendering concealed wiring permanently accessible, is most heartily endorsed and recom- mended; and this method of accessible concealed construction is advised for general use. Architects are urged, when drawing plans and specifications, to make pro- vision for the channeling and pocketing of buildings for electric light or power wires, and in specifications for electric gas lighting to require a two-wire circuit, whether the building is to be wired for electric lighting or not, so that no part of the gas fixtures or gas piping be allowed to be used for the gas lighting circuit. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 155 CENTRAL STATIONS. Class A. FOE LIGHT OB POWER. These Rules also apply to Dynamo Rooms in Isolated Plants, connected with or de- tached from building's used for other pur- poses ; also to all varieties of apparatus therein of both high and low potential. 1. GENERATORS: a. Must be located in a dry place. b. Must be insulated on floors or base-frames, which must be kept filled, to prevent absorption of moisture, and also kept clean and dry. c. Must never be placed in a room where any hazardous process is carried on, more in places where they would be ex- posed to inflammable gases, or flyings, or combustible material. d. Must each be provided with a waterproof covering. 2. CARE AND ATTENDANCE: A competent man must be kept on 156 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. duty in the room where generators are operating. Oily waste must be kept in approved metal cans, and removed daily. (See Definitions). 3. CONDUCTORS: From generators, switchboards, rheo- stats, or other instruments, and thence to outside lines, conductors a. Must be in plain sight, and readily accessible. b. Must be wholly on non-combusti- ble insulators, such as glass or porcelain. c. Must be separated from contact with floors, partitions or walls, through which they may pass, by non- combusti- ble insulating tubes, such as glass or porcelain. d. Must be kept rigidly so far apart that they cannot come in contact. e. Must be covered with non-in- flammable insulating material sufficient to prevent accidental contact, except that " bus bars " may be made of bare metal. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 157 /. Must havp ample carrying capac- ity, to prevent heating. (See Capacity of Wires Table.) 4. SWITCHBOARDS: a. Must be so placed as to reduce to a minimum the danger of communicating fire to adjacent combustible material. (See Definitions). b. Must be accessible from all sides when the connections are on the back; or may be placed against a brick or stone wall when the wiring is entirely on the face. c. Must be kept free from moisture. d. Must be made of non- combusti- ble material, or of hard wood in skele- ton form, filled to prevent absorption of moisture. e. Bus bars must be equipped in ac- cordance with Rule 3 for placing con- ductors. 5. RESISTANCE BOXES AND EQUALIZERS: a. Must be equipped with metal, or other non -combustible frames. (See Defi- nitions) - /^i^\ I UNIVERSITY ^C/iuwiH\N 158 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. b t Must be placed on the switch- board, or, if not thereon, at a distance of a foot from combustible material, or sepa- rated therefrom by a non-inflammable, non-absorptive, insulating material. 6. LIGHTNING ARRESTERS: a. Must be attached to each side of every overhead circuit connected with the station. b. Must be mounted on non-com- bustible bases in plain sight on the switch- board, or in an equally accessible place, away from combustible material. c. Must be connected with at least two " earths" by separate wires, not smaller than No. 6 B. & S., which must not be connected to any pipe within the building, and must be run as nearly as possible in a straight line from the arresters to the earth connection. d. Must be so constructed as not to maintain an arc after the discharge has passed. 7. TESTING: a. All series and alternating circuits ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 159 must be tested etery two hours while in operation, to discover any leakage to earth, abnormal in view of the potential and method of operation. b. All multiple arc low potential systems (300 volts or less) must be pro- vided with an indicating or detecting de- vice, readily attachable, to afford easy means of testing where the station oper- ates continuously. c. Data obtained from all tests must be preserved for examination by insurance inspectors. These rules on testing to be applied at such places as may be designated by the association having jurisdiction. MOTORS. 8. MOTORS: a. Must be wired under the same pre- cautions as with a current of the same volume and potential for lighting. The motor and resistance box must be pro- tected by a double pole cut-out and con- trolled by a double pole switch, except in cases where one-quarter horse-power 160 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. or less is used on low tension circuit, a single pole switch will be accepted. b. Must be thoroughly insulated, mounted on filled dry wood, be raised at least eight inches above the surrounding floor, be provided with pans to prevent oil from soaking into the floor, and must be kept clean. c. Must be covered with a waterproof cover when not in use, and, if deemed necessary by the Inspector, be enclosed in an approved case. (See Definitions). 9. RESISTANCE BOXES: a. Must be equipped with metal or other non-combustible frames. (See Defi- nitions). ; b. Must be placed on the switch- board, or at a distance of a foot from com- bustible material, or separated therefrom by a non-inflammable, non-absorptive, insulating material. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 161 * 'Class B. HIGH POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. OVER 300 VOLTS. Any circuit attached to any machine, or combination of machines, which develop over 300 volts difference of potential between any two wires, shall be considered as a hi^h potential circuit and coming under that class, unless an approved transforming de- vice is used, which cuts the difference of po- tential down to less than 800 volts. 10. OUTSIDE CONDUCTORS. All outside overhead conductors (including serv- ices): a. Must be covered with some ap- proved insulating material, not easily abraded, firmly secured to properly insu- lated and substantially built supports, all tie wires having an insulation equal to that of the conductors they confine. (See Definitions). b. Must be so placed that moisture cannot form a cross connection between them, not less than a foot apart, and not in contact with any substance other than their insulating supports. 162 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. c. Must be at least seven feet above the highest point of flat roofs, and at least one foot above the ridge of pitched roofs over which they pass or to which they are attached. d. Must be protected by dead insu- lated guard irons or wires from possibility of contact with other conducting wires or substances to which current may leak. Special precautions of this kind must be taken where sharp angles occur, or where any wires might possibly come in contact with electric light or power wires. e. Must be provided with petticoat insulators of glass or porcelain. Porcelain knobs or cleats and rubber hooks will not be approved. /. Must be so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically secure without solder. The joints must then be soldered, to insure preservation, and covered with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. (See Definitions). g. Telegraph, telephone, and similar wires must not be placed on the same ELECTBIO LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 163 cross-arm with* electric light or power wires. 11. SERVICE BLOCKS: Must be covered over their entire surface with at least two coats of water- proof paint. INTERIOR CONDUCTORS. 12. ALL INTERIOR CONDUCTORS: a. Must be covered where they enter buildings from outside terminal insulators to and through the walls, with extra waterproof insulation, and must have drip loops outside. The hole through which the conductor passes must be bushed with waterproof and non- combustible insulat- ing tube, slanting upward toward the in- side. The tube must be sealed with tape, thoroughly painted, and securing the tube to the wire. b. Must be arranged to enter and leave the building through a double contact service switch, which will effectually close the main circuit and disconnect the interior wires when it is turned "off." The switch must be so constructed that 164 ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. it shall be automatic in its action, not stopping between points when started, and prevent an arc between the points under all circumstances ; it must indicate on inspection whether the current be " on " or "off," and be mounted in a non- combustible case, and kept free from moisture, and easy of access to police or firemen. So-called " snap switches " shall not be used on high potential circuits. c. Must be always in plain sight, and never encased, except when required by the Inspector. d. Must be covered in all cases with an approved non- combustible material that will adhere to the wire, not fray -by fric- tion, and bear a temperature of 150 F. without softening. (See Definitions). e. Must be supported on glass or por- celain insulators, and kept rigidly at least eight inches from each other, except with- in the structure of lamps or on hanger boards, cut-out boxes, or the like, where less distance is necessary. f. Must be separated from contact ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 165 with walls, floods, timbers, or partitions through which they may pass by non- combustible insulating tube. g. Must be so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically se- cure without solder. They must then be soldered, to insure preservation, and covered with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. LAMPS AND OTHEE DEVICES. 13. ARC LAMPS In every case: a. Must be carefully isolated from inflammable material. b. Must be provided at all times with a glass globe surrounding the arc, secure- ly fastened upon a closed base. No broken or cracked globes to be used. c. Must be provided with an approved hand switch, also an automatic switch, that will shunt the current around the carbons should they fail to feed properly. (See Definitions). d. Must be provided with reliable stops to prevent carbons from falling out in case the clamps become loose. 166 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. e. Must be carefully insulated from the circuit in all their exposed parts. /. Must be provided with a wire net- ting around the globe, and an approved spark arrester above to prevent escape of sparks, melted copper, or carbon, where readily inflammable material is in the vicinity of the lamps. It is recommend- ed that plain carbons, not copper plated, be used for lamps in such places. (See Definitions). g. Hanger boards must be so con- structed that all wires and current -carry- ing devices thereon shall be exposed to view, and thoroughly insulated by being mounted on a waterproof, non- combus- tible substance. All switches attached to the same must be so constructed that they shall be automatic in their action, not stopping between points when started, and preventing an arc between points un- der all circumstances. h. Where hanger boards are not used, lamps to be hung from insulated supports other than their conductors. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 167 14. INCANDESCENT* LAMPS IN SERIES CIR- CUITS HAVING A MAXIMUM POTENTIAL OF 300 VOLTS OR OVER: a. Must be governed by the same rules as for arc lights, and each series lamp provided with an approved hand- spring switch and automatic cut-out. b. Must have each lamp suspended from a hanger board by means of a rigid tube. c. No electromagnetic device lor switches and no system of multiple series or series multiple lighting will be ap- proved. d. Under no circumstances can series lamps be attached to gas fixtures. Class C Low POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. 300 VOLTS OR LESS. OUTSIDE CONDUCTORS. 15. OUTSIDE OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS: a. Must be erected in accordance with the rules for (high potential; conductors. 168 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. b. Must be separated not less than 12 inches, and be provided with an ap- proved fusible cut-out, that will cut off the entire current as near as possible to the entrance to the building and inside the walls. (See Definitions). 16. UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS: a. Must be protected against moisture and mechanical injury, and be removed at least two feet from combustible mate- rial when brought into a building, but not connected with the interior conductors. b. Must have a switch and a cut-out for each wire between the underground conductors and the interior wiring when the two parts of the wiring are connected. These switches and fuses must be placed as near as possible to the end of the underground conduit, and connected therewith by specially insulated conduct- ors, kept apart not less than two and a half inches. (See Definitions). c. Must not be so arranged as to shunt the current through a building around any catch-box. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 169 INSIDE WIRING. GENERAL RULES. 17. At the entrance of every building there shall be an approved switch placed in the service conductors by which the current may be entirely cut off. (See Definitions). 18. CONDUCTORS: a. Must have an approved insulating covering, and must not be of sizes smaller than No. 14 B. & S., No. 16 B. W. G., or No. 4 E. S. G., except that in conduit installed under Rule 22, No. 16 B. & S., No. 18 B. W. G., or No. 4 E. S. G., may be used. (See Definitions). b. Must be protected when passing through floors; or through walls, parti- tions, timbers, etc., in places liable to be exposed to dampness by waterproof, non- combustible, insulating tubes, such as glass or porcelain. Must be protected when passing through walls, partitions, timbers, etc., in places not liable to be exposed to 170 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. dampness by approved insulating bushings specially made for the purpose. c. Must be kept free from contact with gas, water, or other metallic piping, or any other conductors or conducting material which they may cross (except high po- tential conductors) by some continuous and firmly fixed non-conductor creating a separation of at least one inch. Devi- ations from this rule may sometimes be allowed by special permission. d. Must be so placed in crossing high potential conductors that there shall be a space of at least one foot at all points between the high and low tension con- ductors. e. Must be so placed in wet places that an air space will be left between con- ductors and pipes in crossing, and the former must be run in such a way that they cannot come in contact with the pipe accidentally. Wires should be run over all pipes upon which condensed moisture is likely to gather, or which by leaking might cause trouble on a circuit. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 171 /. Must be so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically secure without solder. They must then be soldered, to insure preservation, and covered with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. (See Definitions). SPECIAL RULES. 19. WIRING NOT ENCASED IN MOLDING OB APPROVED CONDUIT: a. Must be supported wholly on non- combustible insulators, constructed so as to prevent the insulating coverings of the wire from coming in contact with other substances than the insulating supports. 6. Must be so arranged that wires of opposite polarity, with a difference of potential of 150 volts or less, will be kept apart at least two and one -half inches. c. Must have the above distance in- creased proportionately where a higher voltage is used. d. Must not belaid in plaster, cement or similar finish. e. Must never be fastened with staples. 172 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. IN UNFINISHED LOFTS, BETWEEN FLOORS AND CEILINGS, IN PARTITIONS, AND OTHER CON- CEALED PLACES. /. Must have at least one inch clear air space surrounding them. g. Must be at least ten inches apart when possible, and should be run singly on separate timbers or studding. h. Wires run as above immediately under roofs, in proximity to water tanks or pipes, will be considered as exposed to moisture. i. When from the nature of the case it is impossible to place concealed wire on non- combustible insulating supports of glass or porcelain, the wires may be fished on the loop system, if encased through- out in approved continuous flexible tubing or conduit. j. Wires must not be fished for any great distance, and only in places where the inspector can satisfy himself that the above rules have been complied with. k. Twin wires must never be em- ployed in this class of concealed work. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 173 20. MOLDINGS: a. Must never be used in concealed work or in damp places. 6. Must have at least two coats of waterproof paint or be impregnated with a moisture repellant. c. Must be made of two pieces, a backing and capping, so constructed as to thoroughly encase the wire, and main- tain a distance of one -half inch between conductors of opposite polarity, and af- ford suitable protection from abrasion. 21. SPECIAL WIRING: In breweries, packinghouses, stables, dye-houses, paper and pulp mills, or other buildings specially liable to moisture or acid, or other fumes liable to injure the wires or insulation, except where used for pendants, conductors a. Must be separated at least six inches. b. Must be provided with an approved waterproof covering. (See Definitions). c. Must be carefully put up. d. Must be supported by glass or por- 174 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. celain insulators. No switches or fusible cut-outs will be allowed where exposed to inflammable gases or dust, or to flyings of combustible material. e. Must be protected when passing through floors, walls, partitions, timbers, etc., by waterproof, non-combustible, in- sulating tubes, such as glass or porcelain. 22. INTERIOR CONDUITS*: (See Defini- tions). a. Must be continuous from one junc- tion box to another, or to fixtures, and must be of material that will resist the fusion of the wire or wires they contain without igniting the conduit. b. Must not be of such material or construction that the insulation of the conductor will ultimately be injured or destroyed by the elements of the com- position. * The object of a tube or conduit is to facilitate the insertion or extraction of the conductors to pro- tect them from mechanical injury, and, as far as possible, from moisture. Tubes or conduits are to be considered merely as raceways, and are not to be relied on for insulation betweeu wire and wire, or between the wire and the ground. ELECTEIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 175 c. Must be fij:st installed as a com- plete conduit system, without conductors, strings, or anything for the purpose of drawing in the conductors, and the con- ductors then to be pushed or fished in. The conductors must not be placed in position until all mechanical work on the building has been, as far as possible, completed. d. Must not be so placed as to to be subject to mechanical injury by saws, chisels, or nails. e. Must not be supplied with a twin conductor, or two separate conductors, in a single tube. (See page 198, Rule 22). /. Must have all ends closed with good adhesive material, either at junction boxes or elsewhere, whether such ends are con- cealed or exposed. Joints must be made air-tight and moisture proof. g. Conduits must extend at least one inch beyond the finished surface of walls or ceilings until the mortar or other simi- lar material be entirely dry, when the projection may be reduced to half an inch. 176 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 23. DOUBLE POLE SAFETY CUT-OUTS: a. Must be in plain sight or enclosed in an approved box readily accessible. (See Definitions). b. Must be placed at every point where a change is made in the size of the wire (unless the cut-out in the larger wire will protect the smaller). c. Must be supported on bases of non-combustible, insulating, moisture- proof material. d. Must be supplied with a plug (or other device for enclosing the fusible strip or wire) made of non- combustible and moisture-proof material, and so con- structed that an arc cannot be maintained across its terminals by the fusing of the metal. e. Must be so placed that on any com- bination fixture no group of lamps requir- ing a current of six amperes or more shall be ultimately dependent upon one cut- out. Special permission may be given in writ- ing by the Inspector for departure from this rule in case of large chandeliers. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 177 /. All cut-out Blocks must be stamped with their maximum safe- carrying capac- ity in amperes. 24. SAFETY FUSES: a. Must all be stamped or otherwise marked with the number of amperes they will carry indefinitely without melting. b. Must have fusible wires or strips (where the plug or equivalent device is not used), with contact surfaces or tips of harder metal, soldered or otherwise, hav- ing perfect electrical connection with the fusible part of the strip. c. Must all be so proportioned to the conductors they are intended to protect that they will melt before the maximum safe-carrying capacity of the wire is ex- ceeded. 25. TABLE OF CAPACITY OF WIRES: It must be clearly understood that the size of the fuse depends upon the size of the smallest conductor it protects, and not upon the amount of current to be used on the circuit. Below is a table showing the safe -carry ing capacity of 178 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. conductors of different sizes in Brown & Sharpe gauge, which must be fol- lowed in the placing of interior conduct- ors: TABLE A. TABLE B. Concealed Work. Open Work. B. & S. Amperes. Amperes. 0000 000 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 218 . . . , , ... 312 181 . . . , , ... 262 150 ... . ... 220 125 ... . . . . 185 105 ... , ... 156 88 ... . . . . 131 75 ... . ... no 63 ... . . . . 92 53 ... . . . . 77 45 ... . . . . 65 33 ... . . . . 46 25 ... . . . . 32 17 ... . . . . 23 12 ... . . . . 16 6 ... . . . . 8 3 ... . . 5 NOTE. By "open work", is meant construction which admits of all parts of the surface of the insulating covering of the wire being surrounded by free air. The carrying capacity of 16 and 18 wire is given, but no wire smaller than 14 is to be used except as allowed under Rules 18 (a) and 27 (d). 26. SWITCHES: a. Must be mounted on moisture- ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 179 proof and non- combustible bases, such as slate or porcelain. b. Must be double pole when the circuits which they control supply more than six 16-candle-power lamps, or their equivalent. c. Must have a firm and secure con- tact; must make and break readily, and not stop when motion has once been im- parted by the handle. d. Must have carrying capacity suffi- cient to prevent heating. e. Must be placed in dry, access- ible places, and be grouped as far as possible, being mounted when prac- ticable upon slate or equally non- combustible backboards. Jackknife switches, whether provided with friction or spring stops, must be so placed that gravity will tend to open rather than close the switch. FIXTURE WORK. 27. a. In all cases where conductors are concealed within or attached to gas fixt- ures, the latter must be insulated from 180 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. the gas-pipe system of the building by means of approved joints. The insulating material used in such joints must be of a substance not affected by gas, and that will not shrink or crack by variation in temperature. Insulating joints, with soft rubber in their construction, will not be approved. (See Definitions). b. Supply conductors, and especially the splices to fixture wires, must be kept clear of the grounded part of gas pipes, and where shells are used the latter must be constructed in a manner affording sufficient area to allow this requirement. c. When fixtures are wired outside, the conductors must be so secured as not to be cut or abraded by the pressure of the fastenings or motion of the fix- ture. d. All conductors for fixture work must have a waterproof insulation that is durable and not easily abraded, and must not in any case be smaller than No. 18 B. & S., No. 20 B. W. G., No. 2 E. S. G. e. All burrs or fins must be removed ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 181 before the conductors are drawn into a fixture. /. The tendency to condensation within the pipes should be guarded against by sealing the upper end of the fixture. g. No combination fixture in which the conductors are concealed in a space less than one-fourth inch between the in- side pipe and the outside casing, will be approved. h. Each fixture must be tested for "contacts" between conductors and fix- tures, for" short circuits," and for ground connections before the fixture is connected to its supply conductors. i. Ceiling blocks of fixtures should be made of insulating material; if not, the wires in passing through the plate must be surrounded with hard rubber tubing. 28. ARC LIGHTS ON Low POTENTIAL CIR- CUITS: a. Must be supplied by branch con- ductors not smaller than No. 12 B. & S. gauge. 182 ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. b. Must be connected with main conductors only through double pole cut-outs. c. Must only be furnished with such resistances or regulators as are enclosed in non-combustible material, such re- sistances being treated as stoves. Incandescent lamps must not be used for resistance devices. d. Must be supplied with globes and protected as in the case of arc lights on high potential circuits. 29. ELECTKIC GAS LIGHTING: Where electric gas lighting is to be used on the same fixture with the electric light- a. No part of the gas piping or fix- ture shall be in electrical connection with the gas lighting circuit. b. The wires used with the fixtures must have a non-inflammable insulation, or, where concealed between the pipe and shell of the fixture, the insulation must be such as required for fixture wir- ing for the electric light. ELECTKIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS.. 183 c. The whole* installation must test free from " grounds." d. The two installations must test perfectly free from connection with each other. 30. SOCKETS: a. No portion of the lamp socket exposed to contact with outside ob- jects must be allowed to come into electrical contact with either of the conductors. b. In rooms where inflammable gases may exist, or where the atmosphere is damp, the incandescent lamp and socket should be enclosed in a vapor-tight globe. 31. FLEXIBLE CORD: a. Must be made of conductors, each surrounded with a moisture-proof and a non-inflammable layer, and further in- sulated from each other by a mechanical separator of carbonized material. Each of these conductors must be composed of several strands. b. Must not sustain more than one 184 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. light not exceeding 50 candle-power. c. Must not be used except for pendants, wiring of fixtures, and portable lamps or motors. d. Must not be used in show windows. e. Must be protected by insulating bushings where the cord enters the socket. The ends of the cord must be taped, to prevent fraying of the covering. /. Must be so suspended that the en- tire weight of the socket and lamp will be borne by knots under the bushing in the socket, and above the point where the cord comes through the ceiling block or rosette, in order that the strain may be taken from the joints and binding screws. g. Must be equipped with keyless sockets as far as practicable, and be con- trolled by wall switches. RULE 32. DECORATIVE SERIES LAMPS. Incandescent lamps run in series cir- cuits shall not be used for decorative purposes inside of buildings. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 185 Class D. ALTERNATING SYSTEMS. CONVERTERS OB TRANSFORMERS. 33. CONVERTERS: a. Must not be placed inside of any building, except the Central Station, un- less by special permission of the Under- writers having jurisdiction. b. Must not be placed in any bat me- tallic or other non- combustible cases. c. Must not be attached to the outside walls of buildings, unless separated there- from by substantial insulating supports. IN THOSE CASES WHERE IT MAY NOT BE POS- SIBLE TO EXCLUDE THE CONVERTERS AND PRIMARY WIRES ENTIRELY FROM THE BUILDING, THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED: 34. Converters must be located at a point as near as possible to that at which the primary wires enter the building, and must be placed in a room or vault con- structed of, or lined with, fire -resisting material, and used only for the purpose. They must be effectually insulated from 186 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. the ground, and the room in which they are placed be practically air-tight, except that it shall be thoroughly ventilated to the out-door air, if possible, through a chimney or flue. 35. PRIMARY CONDUCTORS: a. Must each be heavily insulated with a coating of moisture-proof material from the point of entrance to the transformer, and, in addition, must be so covered and protected that mechanical injury to them, or contact with them, shall be practically impossible. b. Must each be furnished, if within a building, with a switch and a fusible cut- out where the wires enter the' building, or where they leave the main line, on the pole or in the conduit. These switches should be enclosed in secure and fire- proof boxes, preferably outside the build- ing. c. Must be kept apart at least ten inches, and at the same distance from all other conducting bodies when inside a building. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 187 36. SECOND ABY CONDUCTORS: Must be installed according to the rules for " Low Potential Systems." Class E. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. 37. All rules pertaining to arc-light wires and stations shall apply (so far as possible) to street railway power stations and their conductors in connection with them. 38. POWER STATIONS: Must be equipped in each circuit as it leaves the station with an approved automatic " breaker," or other device that will immediately cut off the current in case the trolley wires become grounded. This device must be mounted on a fire- proof base and in full view and reach of the attendant. (See Definitions). 39. TROLLEY WIRES: a. Must be no smaller than No. B. & S. copper, or No. 4 B. & S. silicon bronze, and must readily stand the strain put upon them when in use. 188 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. b. Must be well insulated from their supports, and in case of the side or double pole construction, the supports shall also be insulated from the poles immediately outside of the trolley wire. c. Must be capable of being discon- nected at the power house, or of being di- vided into sections, so that in case of fire on the railway route the current may be shut off from the particular section, and not interfere with the work of the fire- men. This rule also applies to feeders. d. Must be safely protected against contact with all other conductors. 40. CAR WIRING: Must be always run out, of reach of the passengers, and must be insulated with a waterproof insulation. 41. LIGHTING AND POWER FROM RAILWAY WIRES: Must not be permitted, under any pretense, in the same circuit with trolley wires with a ground return, nor shall theT same dynamo be used for both purposes, except in street railway cars, electric car houses, and their power stations. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 189 42. CAR HOUSES: Must have special cut-outs located at a proper distance outside, so that all cir- cuits within any car house can be cut out at one point. 43. GROUND RETURN WIRES: Where ground return is used it must be so arranged that no difference of poten- tial will exist greater than 5 volts to 50 feet, or 50 volts to the mile between any two points in the earth or pipes therein. Class F. 44. STORAGE OR PRIMARY BATTERIES: a. When current for light and power is taken from primary or secondary batteries, the same general regulations must be ob- served as apply to similar apparatus fed from dynamo generators developing the same difference of potential. 6. All secondary batteries must be mounted on approved insulators. c. Special attention is directed to the rules (page 173) for rooms where acid fames exist. 190 ELEGTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. d. The use of any metal liable to cor- rosion must be avoided in connections of secondary batteries. MISCELLANEOUS. 45. a. The wiring in any building must test free from grounds; i. e., each main supply line and every branch circuit shall have an insulation resistance of at least 25,000 ohms, and should have an insula- tion resistance between conductors and between all conductors and the ground (not including attachments, sockets, re- ceptacles, etc.), of not less than the fol- lowing: Up to 10 amperes 4,000,000 25 V. 1,600,000 50 " 800.000 100 " 300,000 200 " 160,000 400 " 80,000 800 " 22,000 1600 . 11,000 All cut-outs and safety devices in place in the above. Where lamp sockets, receptacles and electroliers, etc., are connected, one-half of the above will be required. 191 b. Ground wires for lightning arrest- ers of all classes, and ground detectors, must not be attached to gas pipes within the building. c. Where telephone, telegraph, or other wires connected with outside circuits are bunched together within any build- ing, or where inside wires are laid in con- duit or duct with electric light or power wires, the covering of such wires must be fire -resisting, or else the wires must be enclosed in an air-tight tube or duct. d. All conductors connecting with telephone, district messenger, burglar alarm, watch clock, electric time, and oth- er similar instruments, must be provided near the point of entrance to the building with some protective device which will operate to shunt the instruments in case of a dangerous rise of potential, and will open the circuit and arrest an abnormal current flow. Any conductor normally forming an innocuous circuit may become a source of fire hazard if crossed with 192 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. another conductor, through which it may become charged with a relatively high pressure. (See Definitions). e. The following formula for soldering fluid is suggested: Saturated solution of ziac 5 parts Alcohol 4 parts Glycerine 1 part DEFINITIONS. Definitions of the word APPROVED as used in these Rules, and notice of the approval of certain wires and materials, and Ihe interpretation of certain rules. RULE 2. CARE AND ATTENDANCE: Approved waste cans shall be made of metal, with legs raising can three inches from the floor and with self-closing covers. RULE 4. SWITCHBOARDS: Section a. Special attention is called to the fact that switchboards should not be built down to the floor, nor up to the ceiling, but a space of at least eigh- teen inches, or two feet, should be left between the floor and the board, and be- ELECTBIC LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. 193 tween the ceiling By LOUIS BELL, PH.D. Uniform in size with " The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice. " Price, $2.5O. The plan of the work is similar to that of " The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice," the treatment of the subject being non-mathematical and not involving on the part of the reader a knowledge of the purely scientific theories relating to electrical currents. The book is essentially practical in its character, and while primarily an engineering treatise, is also intended for the information of those interested in electrical trans- mission of power, financially or in a general way. The author has a practical acquaintance with the problems met with in the electrical trans- mission of energy from his connection with many of the most important installations yet made in America, and in these pages the subject is devel- oped for the first time with respect to its practical aspects as met with in actual work. The first two chapters review the fundamental principles relating to the generation and distribution of electrical energy, and in the three succeeding ones their methods of application with both continuous and alternating currents are described. The sixth chapter gives a genera/ discussion of the methods of transformation, the various considerations applying to converters and rotary transformers being developed and these apparatus described. In the chapter on prime movers various forms of water-wheels, gas and steam engines are discussed with respect to their applicability to the purpose in view, and in the chapter on hydraulic development the limitations that decide the commercial availability' of water power for electrical transmission of power are pointed out in de- tail. The five succeeding chapters deal with practical design and with construction work the power-house, line, and centres of distribution being taken up in turn. The chapter on the latter subject will be found of par- ticular value, as it treats for the first time in a thorough and practical manner one of the most difficult points in electrical transmission. The chapter on commercial data contains the first information given as to costs, and will, therefore, be much appreciated by engineers and others in decid- ing as to the commercial practicability of proposed transmission projects. This is the first work covering the entire ground of the electrical trans- mission of power that has been written by an engineer of wide practical experience in all of the details included in the subject, and thus forms a valuable and much-needed addition to electrical engineering literature. Copies of this or any other electrical book published will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price. The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers, 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The Theory and Calculation of Alternating-Current Phenomena. BY CHARLES PROTEUS STEINMETZ. Cloth. Price, $2.5O. This is the first work yet written in any language dealing in a complete and logical manner with all of the phenomena of alternating currents and their calculation in the design of alternating-current machinery. In the first six chapters the various primary conceptions and methods of treatment are developed, the use of complex quantities being explained in a remarkably clear and effective manner. The various alternating-current phenomena are then taken up in turn and the more complex parts of the subject approached so gradually and with such a logical preparation that but little if any difficulty will be met in their understanding. The remaining chapters of the book, forming half of its contents, are devoted to the methods of calculation of transformers, simple alternating and polyphase generators and motors, all of the various reactions involved being thoroughly analyzed and discussed. The work con- tains the very latest knowledge relating to alternating-current phenomena, much of which is original with the author, and here appears for the first time in book form. The high authority of the author on the questions of which he treats, and the original methods which he pursues in their exposition, give this work a character which will assign it to a high place in electrical literature, in which it promises to rank as a classic. Copies of this or any other electrical book published -will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the -world, on receipt of price. The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers, 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism. BY * Prof. ERIC GERARD, DIRECTOR OF LInstitut Electrotechnique Monte fiore, University of Liege, Belgium. TRANSLATED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF LOUIS DUNCAN, PH.D., Johns Hopkins University. With American Additions as follows : A Chapter on the Rotary Field, by Dr. Louis Duncan ; A Chapter on Hysteresis, by Charles Proteus Steinmetz; A Chapter on Impedance, by A. E. Kennelly ; A Chapter on Units, by Dr. Cary T. Hutchinson. Cloth. Price, $2.5O. 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