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GABRIEL CONROY. 3, BY BRET HARTE. LONDON : FREDERICK WA R N E AND CO BEDFORD STREET, STRAND. [All rights reserved.} JV O TICE. This Work is Copyright in the United Kingdom, by First Publication and special arrangement with tht Author. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE "GABRIEL CONROY," by BRET HARTE, is the first complete Novel of this Author. It has been partly issued in Scribners Monthly Magazine* and is now published in advance of that Serial, in order that the rights of Copyright which have been secured may be fully maintained. BEDFORD STREET, STRAND, May 2$tk, 1876. CONTENTS. BOOK I. ON THE THRESHOLD. CHAP. PAGB I. WITHOUT * II. WITHIN & III. GABRIEL 17 IV. NATURE SHOWS THEM THE WAY .21 V. OUT OF THE WOODS INTO THE SHADOW .... 24 VI. FOOTPRINTS 29 VII. IN WHICH THE FOOTPRINTS BEGIN TO FADE ... 32 VIII. THE FOOTPRINTS GROW FAINTER 34 IX. IN WHICH THE FOOTPRINTS ARE LOST FOR EVER . 38 BOOK II. AFTER FIVE YEARS. I. ONE HORSE GULCH 43 II. MADAME DEVARGES 52 III. MRS. MARKLE 59 IV. IN WHICH THE ARTFUL GABRIEL IS DISCOVERED . 69 V. SIMPLICITY Versus SAGACITY 76 vi Contents. BOOK III. THE LEAD. CHAP. PAGE I. AN OLD PIONEER OF '49 86 II. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES 94 III. THE CHARMING MRS. SEPULVIDA IOO IV. FATHER FELIPE 105 V. IN WHICH THE DONNA MARIA MAKES AN IMPRESSION III VI. THE LADY OF GRIEF I2O VII. A LEAF OUT OF THE PAST 131 VIII. THE BULLS OF THE BLESSED TRINITY 136 BOOK IV. DRIFTING. I. MR. AND MRS. CONROY AT HOME 142 II. IN WHICH THE TREASURE IS FOUND AND LOST . 152 III. MR. DUMPHY MEETS AN OLD FRIEND 163 IV. MR. JACK HAMLIN TAKES A HOLIDAY 169 V. VICTOR MAKES A DISCOVERY 176 VI. AN EXPERT ' 183 BOOK V. THE VEIN. I. IN WHICH GABRIEL RECOGNISES THE PROPRIETIES . 193 II. TRANSIENT GUESTS AT THE GRAND CONROY . . .204 III. IN WHICH MR. DUMPHY TAKES A HOLIDAY . . .211 IV. MR. DUMPHY HAS NEWS OF A DOMESTIC CHARACTER 222 V. MRS. CONROY HAS AN UNEXPECTED VISITOR . . . 230 VI. GABRIEL DISCARDS HIS HOME AND WEALTH . . .237 VII. WHAT PASSED UNDER THE PINE AND WHAT REMAINED THERE 241 Contents. vii BOOK VI. A DIP.