irt, Division of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1 955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 1. Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Farms, 1953-55 Trimble R. Hedges UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA DAVIS MAR 1 , , LIBRARY CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS In Cooperation with PRODUCTION ECONOMICS RESEARCH BRANCH AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, U. S. D. A. Mimeographed Report No. 192 December 1956 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This investigation of the impact of the cotton acreage allotment program on farm organization, production, and earnings in the Upper San Joaquin Valley resulted from a cooperative study of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, California Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. H. Russell Shaw, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Assistant Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station, and on the Giannini Foundation assisted in collecting field data, as did Charles C. Carpy, Assistant Specialist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation. The latter also assisted in the analysis. John C. Crecink, Agricultural Economist, Warren R. Bailey, Assistant Head Western Field Research Section, and M. L, Upchurch, Head Western Field Research Section, all of the Production Economics Research Branch, participated in out- lining and developing the project outline and plans. We are indebted to farmers, dealers, and representatives of various State and Federal agencies serving agriculture for making information and data avail- able for this investigation. We particularly thank the California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee for permitting us to use aggregate data from their county files, and the California Agricultural Extension Service for aiding and facilitating our questionnaire survey of farmers holding acreage allotments in 1954. Finally, the credit for the statistical work goes to the personnel in the Giannini Foundation. Trimble R. Hedges -i- ;<>'>.. ■.'Xj.- 1 .'; jr. I ■.. > i CONTENTS 1. Foreword 2-4. Resources on 80 -Acre Farms 5-11. Calendars of Operation for Crops on 80-Acre Farms 12,13. Use of Power, Equipment and Irrigation Water, 80-1 Farms 14-19. Input Costs for Crops on 80-1 Farms 20,21. Use of Yovsev, Equipment, and Irrigation Water, 80-2 Farms 22-24. Input Costs for Crops on 80-2 Farms 25,26. Use of Power, Equipment, and Irrigation Water, 80-3 Farms 27-29. Input Costs for Crops on 80-3 Farms 30-32. Resources on 160-Acre Farms 33-41. Calendars of Operation for Crops on 160-Acre Farms 42,43. Use of Power, Equipment and Irrigation Water on 160- •1 Farms 44-47. Input Costs for Crops on 160-1 Farms 48,49. Use of Power, Equipment, and Irrigation Water on 160-2 Farms 50-55. Input Costs for Crops on 160-2 Farms 56,57. Use of Power, Equipment, and Irrigation Water on 160-3 Farms 58-62. Input Costs for Crops on 160-3 Farms 63-65. Resources on 320-Acre Farms 66-74. Calendars of Operation for Crops on 320-Acre Farms 75,76. Use of Power Equipment, and Irrigation Water on 320 -1 Farms 77-81. Input Costs for Crops on 320-1 Farms Use of Power, Equipment and Irrigation Water on 320 -2 Farms 84-89. Input Costs for Crops on 320-2 Farms 90,91. Use of Power, Equipment, and Irrigation Water on 80 -3 Farms 92-98. Input Costs for Crops on 320-3 Farms 99-102. Prices for Farm Products, Services, and Supplies -ii- . ■ 1. INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) a/ 1. Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Farmj 1953-1955 — ' Trimble R. Hedges » FOREWORD We present in the following pages some highly detailed factual information that we assembled and used in analyzing the effects of the cotton acreage allot- ments on farms and earnings in the Upper San Joaquin Valley. We obtained these data by interviewing farmers and agencies serving farmers and from official sources related to agriculture. The information appears here as a sequence of tables concerned with each of three farm sizes; these include 80-, 160- and 320- acre cotton farms. Such detailed data were essential for our analysis of farm resources use and earnings before and after allotments. Certainly, the same information should prove useful for others who are studying the organization and internal workings of family farms in these three sizes. The data for the 80-acre farms will serve to indicate the kind and amount of information that this report includes for each of the three sizes of farms. First appears two tables containing facts about the land resources and the cropping sys- tems that operators on three 80-acre models followed before and after the 1954 and 1955 cotton allotments (Tables 1, 2). Calendars of operations for the various crops occupy the following six tables (Tables 3 through 9). We then present information for the first 80-acre model, the 80-1 unit, including two tables to show use of power and equipment and irrigation water and five to list inputs and costs for a range of crops (Tables 12 through 16). This latter pattern repeats itself for the other two 80-acre models, the 80-2, and 80-3 units (Tables 17 through 21, and 22 through 26). This same listing for the 80-acre farms applies also to the other two sizes, the 160- and 320-acre models. In addition, the last few tables contain price and cost information for the various farm products, and the principal services and materials that farmers buy to use in producing their crops. This statistical supplement is a companion report to Hedges, Trimble R., Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments , 1. The Upper San Joaquin Valley, Giannini Mimeographed Report No. 191, the first of a series based on detailed investigations of the changes in farm organization, production and earnings under the cotton acreage allotments beginning in 1954. This research comes under California Agricultural Experiment Station Project Number 1641, and is partially supported under Line Project PE e3, Production Economics Research Branch, U.S.D.A. ^/ Trimble R. Hedges is Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Econo- mist in the Experiment Station, and Agricultural Economist on the Giannini Foundation, University of California, College of Agriculture, Davis. ; > vs , , - :.- k»! ; .• ; .... ■ . w . ft i Table 1. Crops and Land Use on Typical 80 Acre Farina, 1953-1955; 80-1, Cotton-Alfalfa; 80-2, Cotton-Potato; 80-3, Cotton-Barley, in Upper San Joaquin Valley - — - — 1 1 J — 1 1 Total Non Field Double crop- culti- Total Year Cotton Alfalfa Potatoes Barley corn Milo crop land vated land 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OW X 1953 60 17 77 3 80 40 25 12 77 3 80 30 14 14 14 77 3 80 Chancres 1953 to 1954. -20 + 8 +12 i i 105/ to 1955 - 7 + 5 + 2 +14 +14 1953 to 1955 -27 +13 +14 +14 +14 — 80-2 1953 60 17 77 3 80 J- 7 -?*f 40 12 25 77 3 80 1955 33 15 29 MM 77 3 80 Changes 1QS3 tn IQ^Z. -20 _ 5 +25 _ 7 + A 1953 to 1955 -27 — - 2 — +29 — — — 80-3 1953 60 17 77 3 80 1954 40 25 12 77 3 80 1955 33 30 14 77 3 80 Changes ■ 1953 to 1954 -20 + 8 +12 1954 to 1955 - 7 + 5 + 2 1953 to 1955 -27 +13 +14 . :■. j 80-3 TjX :. ■ * .1 + ^ ■ ... -. — i • " ■ • 1 3. Table 2. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 80-Acre Farms (80-1, 80-2, 80-3) in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1955 Prices a/ 1 Size New Cost Investment Item and description or Capacity Amount Per Unit Total Per Unit Total 1 2 3 1* 5 6 7 Land: Total farm Cultivated land 80 acres 77 acres Improvements : Shop, storage Tractor & ecruiDinpnt shed Fuel storage - gas Fuel storage - gas 350 gal. 550 gal. 1 l l 1 &1250.00 5oo.oo 110.00 i35.oo § 625.00 250.00 55.oo 67.5o Subtotal 1995.00 997.50 Irrigation facilities: Pumping plant (50 HP) Well, casing (200 » lift) 900 gpm 12" diam. l 6.50 1*900.00 2600.00 2510.00 1300.00 Subtotal 7500.00 3810.00 Distribution system: Pipe Stands Valves, alfalfa Vents Row pipe Siphons lu" 5 'x36" 10" 5 'x6" 2 ii 1 1/2" 3960 ' 1 36 3 300 100 .90 9.00 i5.oo .75 i.5o 1.27 3561*. 00 l*5.oo 51*o.oo 11.25 l*5o.oo 127.00 .1*5 l*.5o 7.50 .38 .75 .61* 1782.00 22.50 270.00 5.63 225.00 63.50 Subtotal 1*737.25 2368.63 | Power : . Wheel tractors W-l W-2 1 1 2600.00 3000.00 1820.00 2100.00 Subtotal 56oo.oo 3920.00 Transportation : Pickup 1/2 ton 1 2000.00 1200.00 Equipment : Ditcher Chisel Disk-offset Spiketooth harrow Cultipacker Lister planter Cultivator Cotton trailer M 8' 6'9" 1*' section 10 > 2 row 2 row 5 bale 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 it 30.00 1*00.00 135.00 525.oo 525.00 90.00 325.00 350.00 35o.oo 1600.00 15.00 220.00 67.50 262.50 262.50 l*5.oo 162.50 175.00 175.00 880.00 (Continued on next page.) 4. Table 2 continued 1 Size New Cost Investment Item and description or Capacity Amount Per Unit Total Per Unit Total 1 2 3 k 5 6 7 Additional equipment : 80-1 only ±\J WtJX UK! WtJX Side delivery rake 7 1 8» 1 J- 1 $ 350.00 520.00 $ 175.00 260.00 80-2 only Potato planter Steel roller Plow, 2 way 2 row 6' 2-16" 1 1 1 700.00 200.00 550 00 350.00 100.00 275.00 Equipment 80-1 ii,770.00 2,^65.00 Equipment 80-2 5 ,35o. oo 2,755.00 Equipment 80-3 3,900.00 2,030.00 Total 80-1 -/ $26,602.25 $1^,761.13 Total 80-2 $27,182.25 $15,051.13 Total 80-3 $25,732.25 |lJi,326.13 a/ The designations 80-1, 80-2, 80-3 refer to three variations found in the 80 acre size group. b/ Excluding land values. r ... ..*1'6'D waft XfiJoT DC »C'Oj ■ 1 ■ - : ■ . 1 ' . £« ■ ■ " ' 3i-d " '• • - i — Table 3. Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa on 80 Acre Farm s Crew and Equipment Acres per Physical requirements _1 , Dates flnprfl "hi on ^ Men Power Equipment ■ 9-hour day Man- ri /-» + r\y 1 x clC tUI Ma + or t al 1 LdL Ot?x ldl 1 • 1 hours .... . nours Tr , r*"i era "hi nn X 29 .31 • 31 5 m D 2LC * 1 n - Cut ( 1st)* 1 W-l 7' power mower Rake X W-l 8' S.D.rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac» "in. 5/5 - 5/15 Cut (2nd)* 1 W— X 7' i LJUVVOX UH-mCX 29 .31 . JJ- Halve 1 W-l 8' O 31 .29 Dale \t\J llyji. a ^ RnaH^nrip — rontTact ILUaUOlUC \syJll m CIV* u O dl • xxl • Trri catp 2X XX 1 X£vj ex uc <-A 1 o/ p — O/X? Out ( 3rd) X w— x 7 1 power mower 29 .31 Rake X w— x 8' S.D. rake 31 .29 2Q RaT p — contract Roadside - contract P flp * in O CxV^ • XI la Irrigate 2X X 7/*) - 7/1*5 i / j if x? Cut ( Ath) T X " X 7 1 nower mower 29 .31 .31 Rake n X W— X 8' S.D. rake 31 .29 Ran p — contract Roadside — contract Tr'Ticra'te 2X X S a.c . in « 8/5 - 8/15 Cut ( 5th) X W— X 7 1 f nowpr mower 29 .31 31 . JX Rakp X W-l 8' v_J • X ' » X CXIA. 31 .29 Ral p — contract Roadside — contract L L Vw/ *X\-l O X\i ^ W v J X vX W» w V-/ 8 ac. in. Tt»t>1 CPA "hp T X .31 9/5 _ o/i5 Cut (6th) 1 W-l 7 1 power mower x^ 29 .31 Rake 1 W-l F1 -X. 8' S.D. rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract 8 ac. in. Irrigate 2X 1 10/5 - 10A5 Cut (7 th) 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract 4 ac. in. Irrigate IX * No cutting for first year of stand i«s -^&\ i $; : M off ; : .... ft jiA:, ■ I *5d .Br- • Si- r.-f/ • •• : : . , ■ -. & ft«&< u ! ■ '3j "7; SPsrj*--. » ^c6te(:s•g'c■^ , 1 T:~l ■ ■ ' - ' "• " . . . ■ - - - ' • - ■*:, - * • ••:.U5^rir7 1 ?ac3 7 ^^1^:■ Table 4. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish an Alfalfa Stand on 80 Acre Farms Dates — — Operations Crew and Equipment per V nour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours Material Disk 2X 1 W-2 6 '9" offset disk 22 .82 .82 Chisel 2X - contract Landplane 2X - contract Make Borders - contract Landplane - contract .41 Disk 1 W-2 6'9" offset disk .41 Preirrigate 1 6'9" offset w/8' spike 8 ac. in. Disk with harrow 1 W-2 20 .45 .45 25# seed 2/1 - 3/15 Seed 1 W-l Broadcaster (rented) 40 .22 .22 Harrow 1 W-l 12' spiketooth harrow 40 .22 .22 12. 5# Dust - contract 2% parathion J if?fS,CCtt. 11*3? Jot ai*$|(S&*0#ft y*Ci.c«r - . 3 5^ - if* \ ■ 1 ;| §*d» cues? i^^flWf ■ ■ 1 , •. : • - . : ■ ■:■ V> • : > jYlHWTT' ..... g?,y«f sat? gpRfpsipp t&$ J Table 5. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre Producing Barley on 80 Acre Farms Acres Physical Crew and Equipment per requirements Dates Operations Men Power Equipment 9-hour Man- Tractor Material day hours hours 12/10 - 1/10 Disk 2X (harrow on 2nd time) 1 W-2 6 '9" offset w/8' Spike harrow 20 .90 .90 12/20 - 1/20 Seed 1 W-l Broadcaster (rented^ 40 .22 .22 80# seed 12/20 - 1/20 Harrow 1 W-l 12* harrow-spike AO .22 .22 12/22 - 1/22 Border up 1 W-2 Border disk (rented^ 40 .22 .22 2/1 - 5/1 Irrigate 3X 1 14.4 ac. in. 6/1 - 7/1 Harvest - contract 6/1 - 7/1 Haul - contract ■ j*\jc y\iQ ■ - . • ■ . . . •■• ■ ■ • • : r * ■ ■ • • ■ ■ * * lm( m ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ Table 6. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn on 80 Acre Farms UCX L/C O Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per 9-hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours lr actor hours Material Plow n X W-2 2 wav/2-l6" 10 .90 .90 Disk 2X 1 W-2 6' 9" offset disk 22 .82 .82 Furrow out 1 W-l 2 row lister planter 18 .50 .50 Make head ditches-H- 1 W-2 4 1 ditcher .20 .20 Preirrigate 1 4' scraper (rented) 6 ac. in. Fill in ditches* 1 W-2 .20 .20 3/20 - 4/15 Plant 2 W-2 2 row lister planter 16 1.12 .56 10# seed Cultivate 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 10 .90 .90 1 4 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 12 .75 .75 Fertilize - contract 120# NH 3 (8456) Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-2 2 row cultivator 12 .75 .75 Irrigate 6X 1 24 ac. in. 9/20 - 11/15 Pick & haul - contract Shell - contract * occurs 4 X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season '5^ sc.- gBP* X~i,Xfi3'.p6 r jX ; 1 JSGft MK (.'8&.),i VW. ■ • S 1. Oft* crrj^TAcroi. TO -. : S- J0| WW* r - p. sre*- Ttv- • ; ^^^^^^^ ■ - • •85' • ft"! pons.?- QvjWigBa. oi 0^1*5 pious v £p& jt'urrpa - b ei. vex* t^i. ytoq/iCTuE .j^t,j«j ; cox.u ok. -go r^c^s &®Use : Table 7. Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton on 80 Acre Farms 1 (Acres Physical Crew and Equipment per requirements Dates Operations Men Power Equipment 9 -hour Man- Tractor Material day hours hours 1953 1955 Cut stalks 1 W-2 2 row stalk cutter (rent) 18 .50 .50 Disk 2X 1 W-2 6 , 9" offset disk 22 .82 .82 Chisel 2X 1 W-2 8' chisel 12 1. 50 1.50 Disk 1 W-2 6 '9" offset disk 22 .41 -.41 Furrow out 1 W-2 2 row lister planter 18 .50 .50 Make head ditches* 1 W-2 4' ditcher .30 • 30 Preirrigate 6 6 Fill in ditches* 1 W-2 4' scraper (rented) .30 .30 Harrow 1 W-l 12 1 spiketooth harrow 40 .22 .22 4/1 - 4/15 Plant 2 W-2 2 row lister planter 16 1.12 .56 18# acid delint seec 4-/25 - 5/ 5 Cultipack 1 W-l 10 1 cultipacker 33 .27 .27 Cultivate (1) Hand thin - contract 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 10 *90 .90 Cultivate (2) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 12 .75 .75 Fertilize - contract 115fr NH 3 130# NH, Cultivate (3) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 12 .75 .75 5/20 - 6/10 Irrigate (1) Hand weed - contract 1 4 4 Cultivate (4) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 14 .64 .64 Irrigate (2) 1 4 4 Cultivate (5) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 14 .64 .64 Dust 2X - contract 60# 5% DDT 5C# S Irrigate ( 3) 1 4 5 Cultivate (6) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 14 .64 .64 8/1 - 8/5 Irrigate (4) 1 5 5 Cultivate and lay by (7) 1 W-l 2 row cultivator 14 .64 .64 8/1 - 9/10 Irrigate 4 X ( 5-8) 1 16 18, 9/5 - 9/15 Defoliate - contract 10# NaC10 3 9/15 w/Borate orMg, - on Pick 1st machine - contract 9/15 - on Pick 2nd machine - contract 9/15 - on Haul to gin 1 Pick- up 5 bale cotton trailer 6 1.50 1.50 * occurs 6X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season to i.f.- few* j&90 -- 'v '. - - ■ •n. ■ *Y ■ <* * - i 3 a . : i ■ 3 - ; J | |& T j IWs 1 " 3 *,T5Uj towel. 3 t^Ka ■nyjljllliil rsi ■ - t j ■ .' ... ■ ■ • : ! - T 1 3d ■ ■ . * - • x Table 8. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Milo on 80 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment — Acres per 9-hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment . — i nan- hours Tractor hours Material Disk EX 1 W— * ■ * 1 *'• _. ., a.., -.•?""»£*••!'•' 'V-J^JJ '»*•• • • 7 nTm q •» JOTT Ji-PUc'p i '^*^r«f^ ,s '*' * * ] ' • • ' ' • d / • UU l on 4. 31 129.30 73.27 .44 6.16 2.90 40.60 355.91 400,27 1 Al 37 1,0 i o An Xi> .035 xox. u mx 5.64 loo . Id t n£o 1953 .035 X4o. (J mx 5.H jOo. OO •cjyuxpmenX' : 4.20 4 1 ditcher .319 .30 nr .10 .07 3.30 8' chisel 1.060 .583 1.50 hr 1.59 .87 52.47 52.20 6 '9" offset disk .818 .973 1.23 hr 1.01 1.20 33.33 72.00 12 1 spiketooth .093 .118 .22 hr .02 .03 .66 1. 80 10' cultipacker 2.137 2.006 .2 7 hr .58 .54 19.14 32.40 2 row lister planter .702 .550 1.06 hr .74 .58 9)1 )iC £4.4^ 0.I1 fth jU» OU c row cuxt/Xvaxor • jj? ) 1 oA v>t> 1.76 1.17 58.08 70.20 5 bale cotton trailer .970 .535 1.50 hr 1.46 .80 48.18 48.00 4' scraper (rent) .50 .50 .30 hr .15 .15 4.95 9.00 2 row stalk cutter (rent) 1.00 1.00 .50 hr .5o .50 16,50 30.00 Materials : Irrigation water 1955 .427 42. 0 ac" 17.93 591.69 1953 .455 39.0 ac" 17.74 oeeu ^acxa uexxnoj tit! . XXp . xxp TP. n The xo.u xus 2.07 2.07 68.31 124,20 Labor : Drivers 1955 1.00 15.59 hr 15.59 514.47 917.40 1953 1.00 15.29 hr 15.29 Irrigator 1955 .90 21.0 hr 18.90 623.70 1,053.00 1953 .90 19.5 hr 17.55 General .90 .90 .56 hr .50 .50 16.50 30.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 2.03 1.93 66.99 115.80 (Continued on next page.) I 18. Table 35 continued. Item Unit Cost Units used per acre 1 Cost Per Acre Tot a 1955 | 33 acres 1 Cost 1953 60 acres 1955 1953 1955 1953 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 Contracts : Fertilize (NH3) 1955 (NH3) 1953 Dust 2X (5% DDT - $0% sulfur) Hand thin Hand weed Defoliate (NaClC^ w/ Borate or Mg. ) Pick 2X - machine 1955 1953 Gin 1955 1953 Insur. & storage 1955 1953 24.50 14. 70 1.19 24.50 1U.70 1.19 130 lbs 115 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 2.5 bale 2 1 balp 2.5 bale C . ± D 3.-LB 2.5 bale 2.1 bale 8.10 5 no 5.00 1 or 4.25 61.25 36.75 2.98 13.58 8.10 £ nn > . WU 5.oo 4.25 51.45 30. 87 2.50 508.20 267.30 165.00 165.00 140.25 2021.25 1212.75 98.34 814.80 486.OO 300.00 300.00 255.00 0 dP; 7 nn T. Qr'o O/N ±,o;?<£.£0 150.00 Interest on operating capital 2.78 2.60 91.84 155.76 Total operating 220.27 197.31 7269.01 11,838.36 Total cost 279.12 2h6. 81 9217.33 14,820.94 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. 19. Table 16. Inputs and Costs for Producing Milo on 80-1 1955 Yield: 30 cwt Unit Cost Units Cost per acre Total Cost _J Item 1955 1953 used per acre 19^5 ]9<3 111 acres 1 9^3 acres Overhead: Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water - - 3.25b/ .97b/ 1.08b/ 10 %s 3.85 6.70 - U8.75a/ 13. 6k a/ 15.16a/ I)i7 70" 53.90 93.80 Total overhead - 26 .k0 372.95 - Operating: Power: Tractor W-l Tractor ¥-2 Pickup .502 1.115 .035 - 2.90 Hr. 2 23 Hr 81.0 Mi. 1 ii6 2 .1+9 2 81i - 20 3U.86 39 76 - Equipment : li' ditcher 6' 9" offset disk 10' cultir>ackpr 2 row lister planter 2 row cultivator .319 .818 2 137 .702 .355 .20 Hr. 1.27 Hr. k% Hr 1.06 Hr. 2.U0 Hr. .06 1 0)i J. .uq. .96 .7k .85 - M 13. hh 10.36 11.90 - It' scraper (rent) .50 - .20 Hr. .10 i.Uo Materials : Irrigation water Seed .U27 .08 27.0 ac.» 10 lbs 11.53 .80 - 161. U2 11.20 - Labor: Drivers Irrigator General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 1.00 .90 .90 - - - 7.13 Hr. 13.50 Hr. .56 Hr. - 7.13 12.15 .50 1.15 - - 99.82 170.10 7.00 16.06 - - m rtn "t* T*a r* + q • *t\J±l OX Gils uO • Harvest Haul Storage Insurance ($1.50 per $100 of value) Interest on operating capita] .10 .lkh 30 cwt 30 cwt 6.00 3.00 U.32 L.Qfc i.Uo 81;. 00 U2.00 60. U8 11; .56 19.6k Total operating 59.56 833 .8U Total cost 85.96 1206.79 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. b/ Because of double crop, one-half of the rate allocated to each crop. urn, ■ ■ I 3 ■%% p • ■ Table 17. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 80-2 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Potatoes Corn All met 1955 1953 1955 1953 1955 crop per ooxax bOTaj. to tax to tal total total Item acre \ acres j ( 60 acres ) acre (15 acres J acres/ acre { 29 acres ; 1955 1953 W-l 5.45 JZ f , UU • - • • • . ' • i : ,.. . ^ ..... •v. n'dJ . lb"-, '5b.T?arT304' -ipet^Qy. - s • ft* -ebv^^V ' .. • - . ... :»rs ;. ■ " • ■■■ "- ■ ■ ■ J] ■'■ ■1 : ■ - ■ ■ ;■ •• ••. - ■ •■ . .A*. • EfCTO T V* 3 : ft* was iraraiei] • - Table 18. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953, For 80-2 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Year and period Cotton Potatoes Corn All crop total per acre | total per acre total per acre 1 total 1955 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm ( 33 aa 6.0 8.0 23.5 4.5 42.00 "es) 198 264 775.5 148.5 1386 (15 a C ] 22.0 14.0 36.00 "es) 210 540 (29 acr 6.0 12.0 24.0 42.00 es) 174 348 696 1218 702 822 1471.5 148.5 3144 1953 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm ( 60 aci 6.0 8.0 21.0 4.0 39.00 'es ) 360 480 1260 240 2340 (17 aci 22.0 14.0 36.00 -es) 374 238 612 — ) 734 718 1260 240 2952 • ■ • ■ I ■ ■ . • - ■ '• - : i ■" - -'■ 1 •. - f . . - - ■ ■ • ■ ■ . .... - 1 1 • .. • • 1 - ' ' *3 ■ ■ :i . ■ • ■•- j . i '. '• ■ ' . * •■ ... * ; . '■ " . ' • i - zz. Table 19. Inputs and Costs for Producing Field Corn on 80-2 1955 Yield: 50 cwt Unit Cost Units Cost per acre Total Cost Item 1955 1953 used per acre 1955 1953 1955 29 acres 1953 acres Overhead: Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water - - _ 6.50 1.95 2.17 11.16 3.55 12.26 m 195.00a/ 56.50a/ 62.79a/ 323. 6h 102 .95 355. 5U Total overhead 37.59 1096 ,U2 Operating: Power : Tractor W-l Tractor W-2 Pickup .603 .838 .035 2.90 Hr. 2.68 Hr. 91.0 Mi. 1.75 2.25 3.18 - 50.75 65.25 92.22 Equipment : h* ditcher 2 way/2-16" plow 6 '9" offset disk 2 row lister planter 2 row cultivator .235 2.081* M .533 .271 I'm ■ .20 Hr. .90 Hr. .82 Hr. 1.06 Hr. 2.1+0 Hr. .05 1.88 .77 .56 .65 - - IMS 5U.52 22.33 16.2b 18.85 - k* scraper (rent) .50 - .20 Hr. .10 2.90 Materials : Irrigation water Seed .U68 .26 U2.0 ac." 10 lbs 19.66 2.60 570.11; 75.1*0 - Labor: Drivers Irrigator General Soc. Sec. '• it «.< ... ■■ ~ ; .. . ■ ....... .' ■ •■ . ' - , « . . . ; .. - , . ■ ' . ■ • - : - . .'. . - '•' 1 ' ■ ;: '->-''. ' : ■ .; r ■ ■ ... ■! :. - ■. ■ :ma> -ip I. < ~. . ^ : ... ■ ■ ■ ■ > . r ■ - ■ : ■" .'; - ; ' / ■ . .. s •: ■ I ■ ■■ - - . ..3aSw*XT"'>- ■ .. .i^ t ,v .... t% lies* i i . • > . . . . , . . I ,y>' ^mtef i 'u/.' . &s& . ■ . . . !...: * ■ MX .If-; i*£ Table 21. Inputs and Costs for Producing Potatoes on 80-2 1955 Yield: 290 cwb 1953 Yield: 290 cwt Units Total Cost Unit Cost used Cost per acre 1955 1953 Item 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 lp acres 17 acres Overhead : Real estate taxes 6.50 6.50 104.00a/ 117.00a Office 1.95 1.95 29.22a/ 33. 12a y Improvements 2.17 2.17 32.ii8a/ 36.82a, Power 11. 64 9.50 174.60 161.50 Equipment 8 86 10 h.2 132.90 177.14 ±i i lgoi/ion welder in XL/, ^1 157.65 190.40 Total overhead Ll 63 4-X* w_j ill 7u *4X • ( <-+ 630 85 w^w» 715.98 1 x^/ « jt w Operating : Power : Tractor W-l .603 .620 2.17 Hr. 1.31 1.34 19.65 22.78 Tractor W-2 .838 .867 3.65 Hr. 3.06 3.16 45.90 53.72 Pickup 1955 .035 91.00 Mi. 3.18 47.70 43.52 1953 .035 73.00 Mi. 2.56 Eauioment • .34 4' ditcher- .235 .205 .10 Hr. .02 .02 .30 2 way/ 2 -16" plow 2.084 5.392 .90 Hr. 1.88 4.85 28.20 82.U5 6 '9" offset disk .944 .825 1.27 Hr. 1.20 1.05 18.00 17.85 8 1 spiketooth .080 .055 MB Hr. .04 .60 .34 12 ' spiketooth .120 .082 .22 Hr. .03 .02 • WW .4? 3ii £ I OW J- u J. Vdlj OX x, up ni . U5 35 6.75 5.95 2 row potato planter 3.61x6 3.217 1.28 Hr. h 67 4 12 H- « Xw 70. 05 70. 04 6' steel roller 2.222 1.961 .30 Hr. .67 .59 10.05 10.03 It' scraper (rent) ,5o .50 .10 Hr. 05 • wv 05 .75 .85 Materials : cyix. 44 Irrigation water .u68 .1x81 36.0 ac." xu . u^? 17 32 oeea ^cuo uxppeu.^ A in o. j>u A in O. jU XO CWu TOO flO 1 no 80 15 12 . 00 1713.60 Fertilizer (17-7-0) 800 lbs in nn in nn J) u. uu hSo 00 510.00 Labor : Drivers 1955 1.00 8.09 Hr. 8.09 121.35 1953 1.00 7. 64 Hr. 7.6U 129.88 Irrigator .90 .90 18.00 Hr. 16.20 16.20 243.00 275.40 General .90 .90 1.28 Hr. 1.15 1.15 17.25 19.55 Soc.Sec.& Comp.Insur. I.48 1.45 22.13 24.64 Contracts : Dust {$% DDT -50$ sulfur) 30 lbs 4.05 4.05 60.75 £Q fit? 00. op Rotobeat 3.00 3.00 U5.oo 51.00 Dig 12.00 12.00 180.00 204.00 Fick .16 .16 360 cwt 57.60 57.60 864. 00 979.20 Haul .075 .075 360 cwt 27.00 27.00 405.00 159.00 Shed cost .55 .55 290 cwt 159.50 159.50 2392.50 2711.50 Int. on operating capital 5.07 5.13 76.06 87.14 Total operating U59.35 460.97 6890.19 7836.41 Total Cost 500.98 502.71 7521.04 8552.39 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. Table 22. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; Upper San Joaquin Valley 80-3 Farms in ... Cotton Barley Mile All 1955 1953 1955 1953 1955 crop per total total per tctal total per total total Item acre (33 acres) ( 60 acres) acre ( 30 acres) (17 acres) acre (14 acres) 1955 1953 T T 1 ....... W-l 5.45 179.85 327.00 .44 13.20 7.48 2.90 40.60 233. 65 1334.48 W-2 4.-39 161.37 293.40 1.12 33.60 19.04 2.23 31.22 226.19 312.44 Pickup 10,00C ) miles 4 1 ditcher .30 9.90 18.00 .20 2.80 12.70 18.00 8' chisel 1.50 49.50 90.00 49.50 90.00 6' 9" offset 1.23 40.59 73.80 .90 27.00 15.30 1.27 17.78 85.37 89.10 8' spiketooth harrow .90 27.00 15.30 12 ' spiketooth harrow .22 7.26 13.20 .22 6.60 3.74 31.86a/27.14a/ 10 ' cultipacker .27 8.91 16.20 .45 6.3O 15.21 16.20 2 row lister planter 1.06 34.98 63.6O 1.06 14.84 49.82 63.6O 2 row cultivator 4.96 163.68 297.60 2.40 33.60 197.28 297.60 Cotton trailer-5 bale 1.50 49.50 90.00 49.50 90.00 a/ Total annual hours for 12' spiketooth harrow is 2/3 of 8' spiketooth harrow hours plus 12 1 spiketooth harrow hours. ■ - . ■ • • • >: , ; . • ., • ■ : . J - - . - • ,-. . ■ - ■ ■ ,..v r - ■ - ' '- • ■ ; - t»f,ym. f\ ; ■ m - ■ < ;. ■ . : ' ' ■ nt : :; ■, - i v v.; ..V 23. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953, for 80-3 Farms i Upper San Joaquin Valley Year and period Cotton Barley Mile All crop per acre | total per acre j total per acre 1 tntal total 1955 1/1 - 4/30 ^/l A /on y/x - D/3U 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm (33 acr 6.0 8.0 23.5 4.5 42.00 3S) 198 264 775.5 148.5 1386 ( 30 acr 14.4 14.40 es) 432 432 (14 acr 6.0 17.0 4.0 27.00 es) 84 238 56 378 630 348 1013.5 204.5 2196 1953 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm (60 acre 6.0 8.0 21.0 4.0 39.00 * >s) 360 480 1260 240 2340 (17 acr 14.4 14.40 es) 244.8 244.8 ( --) 604,8 480 1260 240 2584.8 27 . Table 2h. Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley on 80-3 1955 Yield: 25 cwt 1953 Yield: 21 cwt Units Total Cost Unit Cost used Cost per acre 1955 1953 Item 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 30 acres 17 acres Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water 6.50 1.95 2.17 6.62 .9h 6.00 6.50 1.95 2.17 5.09 .93 5.11 201.50a/ 58.UW 6U.95a/ 198.60 28.20 180.00 117.00a/ 33.12a/ 36.82a/ 86.53 15.81 86.87 Total overhead 2U.18 21.75 731.69 376.15 Operating: Power: Tractor W-l Tractor W-2 Pickup 1955 1953 Equipment : 6«9" offset disk 8 1 spiketooth 12 1 spiketooth Border disk (rent) Broadcaster (rent) .657 .910 .035 .923 .037 .056 .50 .25 .579 .82k .035 .809 .Ohh .066 .50 .25 .hh Hrs 1.12 Hrs 91.0 Mi 72.0 Ml .90 Hrs .90 Hrs .22 Hrs .22 Hrs .22 Hrs .29 1.02 3.18 .83 .03 .01 .11 .06 .25 .92 2.56 .73 .Oh .01 .11 .06 8.70 30.60 95.10 2U.90 .90 .30 3.30 1.80 U.25 15. 6h 1*3.52 12. hi .68 .17 1.87 1.02 Materials : Irrigation water Seed .551 .Ok .512 .oh Ih.h ac.ii 80 lbs u 7.93 3.20 7.37 3.20 237.90 96.00 125.29 Sh.hO Labor: Drivers 1955 1953 j Irrigator Soc.Sec.& Comp.Insur. 1.00 .90 1.00 .90 3.83 Hrs 3.38 Hrs 7.20 Hrs 3.83 6. U8 .60 3.38 6.U8 .57 111.90 18.00 57.146 110. 16 9.69 Contracts : Harvest Hani 1 Qtt 1953 Storage 1955 1953 Insurance 1955 (.$1.50 per $100 of value) 1953 Interest on Operating 10 .ihh capita! .10 .Ihh L 2^ cut 21 cwt 25 cwt 21 cwt 5.00 2.50 3.60 .81 .92 5.00 2.10 3.02 .85 .86 1^0 00 75.00 108.00 2U.30 27.63 85.00 35.70 ih.hS 1U.5U Total operating Uo.Uo 37.51 1212.03 637.59 j Total cost 6U.58 59.26 19^3.72 1013.71; a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. ■ ■ ■ ■ " .. •• s - ••tor/ -Y« ! "T~-T-4-r • . - . . "... . •■ v. .;■ ■■ \ ■ ■ ; ■ . ■ ■ *■ " . - . . u. . ■ • ■ ■ * ■• f JJ • i i ■ ' : . ■ ,:, o ■ • .... I - ■ I w&t- V.;**®:* 'i'5r;v.r •.<_■;•••■ !• . ; • ' • ■ ■ ■ ' ". ! V . : ■" sir. . . • - ■ ■ \; ■ ■• • : i it: . fl 0 . ■ ' . ..: , , ..... ■ tfi - • • , ■ • . .. ,-- ; ;< ' st ■ '■ • .. ; : : ■ I . w " ■ j ■■■■ ; Table 25. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 80-3 1955 Yield: 1.8 Bales 1953 Yield; 1.5 Bales f— — - — — . — I Item Unit Cost 1 Units used Cost Per Acre s Total Cost 1955 iQcft 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 33 acres 60 acres 1 2 3 1* 5 6 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead Operating : . Power : Tractor W-l Tractor ¥-2 Pickup 1955 1953 Equipment: 1*' ditcher 8' chisel 6 '9" offset disk 12 ' spiketooth 10' cultipacker 2 row lister planter 2 row cultivator 5 bale cotton trailer k' scraper (rent) 2 row stalk cutter (rent) Materials : Irrigation water 1955 1953 Seed (acid delint) Labor : Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigator 1955 1953 General Soc. Sec.&Comp. Insur. Contracts : Fertilize (NH3) 1955 (NH3 ) 1953 Dust 2X($% DDT -50$ sulfur) Hand thin Hand weed Defoliate (NaCIO, w/Borate or Mg) Pick 2X - machine 1955 1953 Gin 1955 1953 Insurance & storage 1955 1953 Interest on operating capit Total operating .657 .910 .035 .319 1,060 .923 .056 2.137 .702 .355 1.970 .50 1.00 .551 .115 1.00 .90 .90 21*. 5o ll*.70 1.19 al .579 .821* .035 .225 .583 .881* .066 2.006 .550 .235 .535 .50 1.00 .512 .115 1.00 .90 .90 2U.50 1.19 5.1*5 hr U. 89 hr 182.0 mi ll*6.0 mi .30 hr 1.50 hr 1.23 hr .22 hr .27 hr 1.06 hr ii.96 hr 1.50 hr ,30 hr .50 hr 1*2.0 ac" 39.0 ac" 18 lbs 16.22 hr l5.3i* hr 21.00 hr 19.50 hr .56 hr 130 lbs 115 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 1.8 bale 1.5 bale 1.8 bale 1.5 bale j.. 0 uaxe 1.5 bale 6.5c 1.95 2.17 25.06 16.37 17.51 6.50 1.95 2.17 18.55 10. lit 13. 82+ 221.00a 61*. 2 8a 71.1*51 826.98 51*0.21 577.83 / 1*03. 00a/ / 116. 88a/ / 129.90a/ 1,113.00 1 608.1*0 830.1*0 69.56 3.58 h.k$ 6.37 .10 1.59 l.ll* .01 .58 ,7k 1.76 1.1*6 .15 .50 2.07 16.22 18.90 .50 2.07 IS. ho 8.10 5.oo 5.oo U.25 1*1*. 10 26,1*6 2.1k 2.90 53.15 3.16 it. 03 5.11 .07 .87 1.09 .01 .A .58 1.17 .80 .15 .50 19.97 2.07 15.31* 17.55 .50 1.9k 13.58 8.10 5.00 5.00 1*.25 36.75 1.79 2.61 2301.75 118. ll* 11*6.85 210.21 3.30 52.1*7 37.62 .33 19. ll* 21*. 1*2 58.08 1*8.18 it. 9$ 16.50 763.62 68.31 535.26 623.70 16.50 68.31 508.20 267.30 165.00 165.00 11*0.25 11*55.30 873.18 70.62 95.61* 3,201.58 189.60 21*1. 80 306.60 1*.20 52.20 65.1*0 .60 32.1*0 31*. 80 70.20 1*8.00 9.00 30.00 1,198.20 121*. 20 1 920.1*0 j 1,053.00 30.00 116.1*0 8ll*,80 1*86.00 300.00 300.00 255.00 : 2,205.00 : 1,323.00 107.1*0 156.82 198.68 171*. 58 5556.38 10.lt75.02 Total cost 268. 2k 227.73 8858. 13_^ 13,676.60 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. 29. Table 26. Inputs and Costs for Producing Milo on 80-3 1955 Yield: 1+0 cwt Unit Cost Units Total Cost Item used Cost per acre 1955 1953 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 11+ acres acres Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead 6.50 1.95 2.17 12.1+0 3.96 11.26 38.21+ 97.50a/ 27.28a/ 30.32a/ 173.60 SS.kk 157.61+ 5U1.78 ; Operating: ! Power : Tractor W-1 Tractor W-2 ! Pickup .657 .910 .035 2.90 hrs 2.23 hrs 91.0 mi 1.91 2.03 3.18 26.1k 28.1+2 Ui.52 Equipment : 1+' ditcher j 6 '9" offset disk 10 ' cultipacker i 2 row lister planter 2 row cultivator k* scraper (rent) .319 .923 2.137 .702 .355 .5o .20 hrs 1.2? hrs • lit o 1.06 hrs 2.1+0 hrs .20 hrs .06 1.17 .96 .ft .85 10 .81; 16.38 13.1+1+ 10.36 11.90 l.liO Materials : Irrigation water Seed .551 .08 ?7 n or* -!i 10 lbs i. Ik, 68 .80 208.32 11.20 Labor : i Drivers Irrigator General Soc. Sec. & comp. insur. 1.00 .90 .90 7,J»2 hrs 13.50 hrs .56 hrs 7.U2 12.15 .50 1.16 103.88 170.10 7.00 16.21+ i Contracts: Harvest Haul Storage insurance ^px.pu per ■$±UQ of value) Interest on operating capital .10 .11+1+ 1+0 cwt 1+0 cwt 6.00 l+.oo 5.76 1.38 1.58 81+.00 56.00 80.61+ 19.32 22.19 Total operating 66.63 932.89 Total cost i ~~~~~ 1 10l+. 87 11+71+.67 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. : t ■ ■ » ; ... • '-■ : • ' > • ' ' ■ • ■ I Table 27. Crops and Land Use on Typical 160 Acre Farms, 1953-1955; 160-1, Cotton-Alfalfa Seed-Barley, 160-2, Cotton-Potatoes-Milo, 160-3, Cotton-Alfalfa-Potatoes, in Upper San Joaquin Valley ■ Idle I Total Non Alfalfa Field or Double Crop- Culti- Total Year Cotton Seed Alfalfa Potatoes mis Corn Barley Fallow Crop land vated Land 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 loO— 1 ^ on J.UU 30 3 — — 148 12 160 XV P4 DO 43 14 148 12 160 ±>7JJ ft*! 4o 15 148 12 160 L-nanges lv53 to 19?4 -34 +10 +13 +11 1 1 1954 to 1955 11 + 5 1953 to 1955 -45 +15 — +18 +12 160-2 1953 100 35 i() •3 J T Aft i An 1954 66 15 25 35 35 7 1955 55 „ 20 28 40 40 5 40 148 12 l An Changes 1953 to 1954 -34 +15 -10 +25 +35 +/. 1954 to 1955 -11 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 ■wis + 5 1953 to 1955 -45 +20 - 7 +30 +40 +2 +40 II , — 160-3 1953 100 25 20 3 148 12 160 1954 66 35 15 27a/ 5 148 12 160 1955 55 45 17 25 6 148 12 160 Changes 1953 to 1954 -34 +10 - 5 +27 +2 1954 to 1955 -11 +10 + 2 - 2 +1 1953 to 1955 -45 +20 - 3 +25 +3 _n 1 a/ Sugar beets, an alternate for 15 acres in 1954. 31. Table 28. Physical Resources and Investment for Typical 160-Acre Farms (160-1, 160-2, 160-3) in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1955 Prices Item and Description — — — ■ — — ■ 1, . . Size or Capacity Amount 1 New Cost Investment Per Unit Total i Per Unit Total 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 Land. : Total farm 160 acres Cultivated land 158 acres Improvements: ohop, storage 1 $ 2,000.00 I 1.000.00 iracoor & equipment snea 1 1,000.00 500.00 Fuel storage - gas 550 gal. 1 135.00 67.50 Fuel storage - diesel Subtotal 350 gal. 1 110.00 55.oo 3,2ii5.00 1,622.50 Irrigation facilities: nimping plant (UOHP) 650 gpm 2 ftoonn nn 6,u00.00 16ij.0.00 3,280.00 Well, casing (180' lift) 12" diam. 2x1*00 ' A £n 5 ,£00. 00 3.25 2,600.00 subtotal l 1 Ann nn c RRn nn p jOOU.UU Distribution system: Reservoir h.O ac. 1 1 80.00 U0.00 Pipe 12" 5280' On . oO U,22it.00 .ho 2,112.00 Stands 6 'x36» h Kl\ nn 91 A nn c 10 . UU t 7 nn T nW nn vents 6 'X8" h h.2Q 16.80 2.10 8.I4O wcixves, an an a T O II Id" lyO 18.56 2,598.1*0 9.28 1,299.20 Row pipe 2" 1|00 1.50 600.00 .75 300.00 Siphons Subtotal 1 3/2" 200 1.27 25U.OO M 127.00 7,989.20 3,99U.60 Power : Tracklayer T-5D 1 7,000.00 3,850.00 Wheel tractor W-2 2 3000.00 6,000.00 2100.00 U ,200. 00 Subtotal 13 ,000.00 8,050.00 Transportation : Pickup 3/U ton 1 2,300.00 1,380.00 Equipment : Ditcher U« 1 135.00 67.50 Scraper fc» 1 1U0.00 70.00 Plow, 2 way 2-16" 1 550.00 275.00 Disk-offset 9« 1 750.00 375.00 Spiketooth harrow it' section 3 30.00 90.00 15.00 U5.00 Cultipacker 12' 1 380.00 190.00 ! Lister planter it row 1 550.00 275.00 Cultivator 2 row 1 35o.oo 175.00 Cultivator U row 1 1,000.00 500.00 (Continued on next page. ) 32. Table 28 continued. ! Size or New Cost Investment Item and Description Capacity Amount Per Unit Total Per Unit Total 1 1 2 3 U 5 6 7 Equipment, continued: 1 Cotton picker Cotton Trailer Stalk cutter 1 row 5 bale 2 row 1 h 1 $ ilOO.OO $ 8,700.00 1.600 00 325.00 S 220 00 $ 5,220.00 fifin nn 162.50 I Additional equipment : ; 160-2 & 160-3 only i Power mower b/ Side delivery rake b/ Potato planter Steel roller 7' 8' 1 1 350.00 520.00 700 on 1 WW « uu 200.00 175 00 260.00 nn jpu. uu 100.00 Equipment 160-1 1^,570.00 8,235.00 Equipment 160-2 1955 1953 l6,3ij.O.OO 15 Mo. 00 9 .120.00 8,670.00 Equipment 160-3 16,3^0.00 9,120.00 Total 160-1 $52,70i;. 20 $29,162.10 Total 160-2 1955 1953 $51*,ii74.20 ^53 ,57^.20 $30,0^7.10 $29,597.10 Total 160-3 \ $5it,^.20 $30,01*7.10 ... a/ The designations 160-1, 160-2, 160-3 refer to three variations found in the 160 acre size group. b/ Purchased after 1953 for 160-2. • , • -■ : 1 ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■■: .:' ■ • ; OS, Table 29. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish an Alfalfa Stand on 160 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per Physical requirements Men Power Equipment 9-hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Material Disk 21 Chisel 2X - contract 1 T-5D 9' offset disk 28 .64 .64 Landplane 2X - contract Make borders - contract Landplane - contract i 2/1 - 3/15 Disk Preirrigate Disk with harrow Seed Harrow Dust - contract 1 1 1 1 1 T-5D T-5D W-2 W-2 9' offset disk 9 1 offset w/12 1 spike Broadcaster (rented) 12 1 spike tooth harrow 28 26 40 45 .32 .35 .22 .20 • 32 .35 .22 .20 ■ 8 ac. in. 25# seed 12.5# 25S parathion CM Table 30. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa on 160 Acre Farms * — Crew and Equipment Acres per Physical requirements Dates uperaxions _ — . __ — — Men Power Equipment 9-hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Material 4/5 - 4/15 Irrigation 1 5.6 ac. in. 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 1 W-2 8» S. D. Rake Tl .29 .29 Dale — COIlw dCL Roadside - contract 5/5 - 5/15 irrigate 2a 1 8 ac. in. uub <;nu" 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 IT.CIIVO 1 W-2 8» S. D. Rake .29 .29 Dale — con wdc o Roadside — contract 6/5 - 6/15 irrigate 2a 1 8 ac. in. bUO j>r Q 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 1 W-2 8' S. D. Rake JJ- .29 .29 X)CL_LO L.U1I0X 0 Roadside — contract 7/5 - 7/15 irrigate 2A 1 8 ac. in. uut ^4 un 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-2 8' S. D. Rake 3-L .29 .29 Dale UOIiOXclCu Roadside — contract 8/5 - 8/15 Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. Cut 5th 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 • 31 Rake 1 W-2 8' S. D. Rake 31 .29 .29 RaI p — nnn ■fr*ap + Roadside — contract 9/5 - 9/15 Irrigate 2a OUT- O til 1 1 W-2 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 8 ac. in. Rake 1 W-2 8' S. D. Rake 31 .29 .29 f"lC UJl w CIO o rtOciuSiuc — contract 10/5 - 10/15 XXrigclX'C ; ■ - «• ... i Table 33. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre Producing Barley on 160 Acre Farms Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per 9 -hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man hours Tractor hours Material 12/10 - 1/10 Disk 2X (Harrow on 2nd time) 1 T-5D 9' offset disk 26 w/12 ' spike .70 .70 12/20 - 1/20 Seed 1 W-2 Broadcaster (rented) 40 .22 .22 80# seed 12/20 - 1/20 Harrow 1 W-2 12 ' spiketooth harrow 45 .20 .20 12/22 - 1/22 Border up 1 W-2 border disk (rented) 40 .22 .22 14.4 ac. in. 2/1 - 5/1 Irrigate 3X 1 6/1 - 7/1 Harvest - contract 6/1 - 7/1 Haul - contract ... .. • - 1 ■ "• ■ - " . ■ ■ - • Table 34. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn on 160 Acre Farms Dates 3/20 - 4/15 9/20 - 10/15 Operations Plow Disk 2X Furrow out Hake head ditches* Preirrigate Fill in ditches* Plant Cultivate Irrigate Cultivate Fertilize - contract Irrigate 2X Cultivate Irrigate 6X Pick & haul - contract Shell - contract Crew and Equipment lien Power Equipment 1 T-5D 2 way/2-16" 1 T-5D 9 1 offset disk 1 W-2 4 row lister planter 1 W-2 4' ditcher 1 W-2 4' scraoer 2 W-2 4 row lister planter 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 1 i Acres per 9 -hour day 12 28 28 29 20 22 24 Kan- hours .75 .64 .32 .20 .20 .62 .45 .41 .38 Physical requirements Tractor hours .75 .64 .32 .20 .20 .31 .45 .41 .38 Material 6 ac. in. 10# seed 4 ac. in. 120# NH 3 (84$) 8 ac. in. 24 ac. in. * occurs 4X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season CO ...... i ... ■ . • . ' :. i ■ * ■ . - • • I _ i • .... • D ! Table 35. Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton on 160 Acre Farms — . — — . — - — Acres Physical Crew and Equipment per requirements Dates Operations Men Power iLquxpmen t 9-hour - 1 1 Man- IX do UUX Ma f py» A a 1 llaUCl .X.CXX day hours hours 1953 1955 c+ 0 "1 b-o L»Ut> oTkIXKS T j_ W-2 2 row stalk cutter 18 .50 .50 UXSK 0CK 1 u. T-5D 9' offset disk 28 .64 .64 rlOW JL T-5D 2 way/2-l6" 12 .75 .75 X' UX X Ui» vy Li L» 1 W-2 4- row lister-planter 30 .30 .30 TVT«-i 1 U 0 W Ti n *fr r\ a 0 najce neau uxTcnes^ X T-5D 4' ditches .25 .25 5 6 Preirrigate X r ixx in uiT/tnco'* 1 W-2 4' scraper .25 .25 1 W-2 12' Spiketooth harrow 45 .20 .20 A/1 - Plant 2 W-2 4 row lister planter 29 .62 .31 18# acid delint seed uux uxpacK 1 _L W-2 12 * cultipacker 44 .20 .20 4/25 - 5/5 OUX UXvd. be V.J-^ 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 22 .41 .41 nclllQ OXiJ.Il C •" " - ■ : , "' s ;! ! ■r. V ■ ■ s 'S-~ VfO " ' ; - ■ ■ : - ■ ■ ■ Table 39. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953; for 160-1 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Year and period Cotton Alfalfa Seed Barley All crop total per acre total per acre total per acre total 1955 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm ( 55 acr 6.0 8.0 24.0 4.U 42.0 es) 330 440 1320 2310 (30 ac] 10.0 10.0 10.0 30.0 -es) 300 300 300 900 (48 acr 14.4 14.4 es) 691.2 691.2 1321.2 740.0 1620.0 220.0 3901.2 1953 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm (100 ac: 5.0 6.0 24.0 4.0 39.0 res) 500 600 2400 400 3900 (15 acre 10.0 10.0 10.0 30.0 150 150 150 450 (30 acr 14.4 14.4 es) 432 432 1082 750 2550 400 4782 , ■ (i ■ 1 " ■ ■ - - .- ■ ; " ' ' ■ ... - - * ...... - • l i .. • .... ... . ; ■ f ! 44. Table 1*0. Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa Seed on 160-1 1955 Yield: 550 lbs. 1953 Yield: 550 lbs. Unit Cost Item 1955 Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water 1/3 cost to establish stand Total overhead Operating : Power: Tractor W-2 Pickup Equipment : 9' offset disk 1* row cultivator 12 » springtooth (rent) Materials : Irrigation water Labor : Drivers 1955 1953 1953 .878 .01*2 1.323 1.1*25 .50 .585 Units used per Acre Cost per Acre 1955 1.00 1953 Irrigators . 90 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. Contracts: Fertilize (single super phosphate) Bees (colonies) 5.00 Dust {$% DDT-75^ sulfur) Weed Defoliate (sinox) Harvest .03 Certification fees ( sacks } cleaning, inspection) Box rental Interest on operating capital Total operating I 1.00 .90 5.00 .03 .81*9 2.53 hr 53.20 mi .01*2 1*0.80 mi 1.209 .33 hr 1.087 1.80 hr .50 .1*0 hr .529 30.0 ac" 3.86 hr 3.55 hr 12.98 hr 300 lbs 3 60 lbs 1 qt 550 lbs 1955 6.50 1.52 2.1*7 6.75 1.99 11.22 15.05 JE3o 2.22 2.23 .1*1* 2.56 .20 17.55 3.86 11.68 .90 7.10 15.00 7.95 15.00 5.1*0 16.50 10.12 1.00 3.19 122.90 Total cost 168.40 1953 6.50 1.52 2.1*7 i*.73 1.58 9.15 12.86 38781 2.15 1.71 .1*0 1.96 .20 15.87 3.55 11.68 .88 7.10 15.00 7.95 15.00 5.1*0 16.50 10.12 1.00 3.10 Total Cost 1955 30 acres 119.57 158.38 1953 15 acres 8 253.50a/ 5l.69a/ 83.99a/ 202.50" 59.70 336.60 1*51.1*2 11*39.1*0 66.60 66.90 13.20 76.80 6.00 526.50 115.80 350.1*0 27.01* 213.00 1*50.00 238.50 1*50.00 162.00 1*95.00 303.60 30.00 95.58 3686.92 5126.32 130.00a/ 21*. 33 a/ 39.53^/ 70.95" 23.70 137.25 192.96 618.72 32.25 25.65 6.00 29.1*0 3.00 238.05 53.25 175.20 13.25 106.00 225.00 119.25 225.00 81.00 21*7.50 151.80 15.00 1*6.57 1793.17 21*11.89 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. > ■ i". ■ ■ '.i . " 45. Table hi. Cost of Inputs to Establish an Alfalfa Seed Stand on 160-1 Unit Cost Units * ' .Total Cost ... used 1953 15 acres Item 1955 1953 per Acre 1955 1953 30 acres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 8.172 2.514 6.017 1.927 1 hh Vit> 1.06 hr 11.77 2.66 8.66 2.04 353.10 79.80 -Ley « 7*J 30.60 Equipment : h ' ditcher h 1 scraper 2 way/ 2 -16" plow 9' offset disk 12 i spiketooth h row lister planter 1.476 1.528 3.121 2.441 .241 3.152 .836 .867 1.932 2.229 .261 1.948 . \JJ ILL .05 hr .75 hr .64 hr ,h0 hr .61 hr .07 .08 2.34 1.56 . 10 1.92 .04 .04 1.45 1.43 10 1.19 2.10 2.40 70.20 46.80 3 00 57.60 .60 .60 21.75 21.45 1.50 17.85 Materials : Irrigation water Seed .40 .ho 8 Ac in 1.5 lbs 7 A 7 1 .0 ( .60 0. 0 1 .60 18.00 100.05 9.00 Labor: urivers Irrigators General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 1.00 .90 .90 1.00 .90 .90 2.50 hr 3.46 hr .31 hr 2 5o 3.11 .28 .34 2 5o 3.11 .28 .34 93.30 8.40 10.25 37.50 46.65 4.20 5.12 Contracts : Landplane 2X Dust (2% parathion) 12.5 lbs 8.00 2.14 8.00 2.14 240.00 64.20 120.00 32.10 Total cost 45.14 38.59 1354.25 578.87 a/ Amount charged off annually — ' 15.05 12.86 451.42 192.96 a/ Total cost to establish stand is depreciated over three years. 46. Table h2. Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley on 160-1 1955 Yield: 25 cwb. 1953 Held: 21 cwt. Unit Cost Units used Cost per Acr! Total 5 1955 1 Cost 1953 Item 1955 1953 per Acre 1955 1953 1*8 acres 30 acres 1 0 c. 5 2* O 8 Overhead : 7 | Real estate taxes 6.50 6.50 370.50a/ 227.50a/ Office 1.52 1.52 79.05a/ kl.W Improvements 2.1*7 2.1*7 128.1*6a/ 76.58a/ Power 7.92 5.75 380.16 172.50 Equipment . oy ♦ 0.5 1*2.72 21;. 90 Irrigation water 5.39 h.39 258.72 131. 70 Total overhead 22*. 69 21.2*6 1259.61 680.31 Operating: Power : iractor S.-5D 2.128 1.671 .70 hr 1.1*9 1.17 71.52 35.10 .878 .81*9 AA V»» .58 .56 27.81; 16.80 Pickup 1955 .01*2 53.20 mi 2.23 107.01; 1953 .02*2 1*0.83 mi 1.71 51.30 hi fTl 1 A TMYlG Y")4° • 9' offset disk 1.323 1.209 .70 hr . 9U .85 hk.6k 25.50 12' spiketooth .01*2 .01*6 .57 hr .02 .03 .96 .90 dux utsr U.10K ^renT>y .50 .50 00 Vit> .11 .11 .25 .25 00 Vn* .06 .06 c . 00 i fin Materials : Irrigation water .585 .529 nil 11 ac" 8.U2 7.62 1*02*. 16 228.60 .oh .01* fin The 3.20 3.20 153.60 96.00 Labor: Drivers 1955 1.00 2.69 hr 2.69 129.12 1953 1.00 2.38 hr 2.38 71. 1*0 Irrigators .90 .90 6.23 hr 5.61 5.61 269.28 168.30 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. .1*8 .2*6 23.11 13.90 Contracts : Harvest ^ nn 22*0.00 150.00 Haul 1955 .10 25 cwt 2.50 120.00 1953 .10 21 cwt 2.10 75.00 Storage 1955 .m 25 cwt 3.60 172.80 1953 .12*1* 21 cwt 3.02 90.60 Insurance $1.50 per $100.00 of value) .81 .85 38.70 25.52 Interest on operating capital .96 .90 1*6.25 27.02 Total operating 38.69 35.63 1857.18 1081.01; Total cost 63.38 57.09 3116.79 1761.35 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. + ^T«T Oil rtf/Tfe'? j X ' ' ' ■' '"' . - ■ . t. . . • •■ • ■ ■ ., . ■ • . ■ • * " ; ■ • . ■ ■ • • ■ ■ — • ■ • ■ . " - ■5 * ■ ■ i ■■ ■ r i • ■ " ' : - • '• " • ■ . • ■ •kr.v'i : - ■' ■ - r\y- ! ■ ■ ... ' . f Table 1+3. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 160-1 1955 Yield: 2.1 Bales 1953 Yield: 1.75 Bales 47. Item Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead ; Operating: ~~ Power! . ; Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup Unit Cost 1955 1953 Units used per acre Cost Per Acre 1955 1953 Total Cost 1955 55 acres 1953 100 acres 8 - 1955 1953 2.128 .878 .01+2 Equipment : a 1 ditcher 1+ 1 scraper 2 way/2-16" plow 9' offset disk 12 ' spiketooth 12 • cultipacker 1+ row lister planter 2 row cultivator 1+ row cultivator 5 bale cotton trailer 1 row cotton picker 2 row stalk cutter Materials : Irrigation water 1955 1953 Seed (acid delint) Labor: Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigators 1955 1953 General Soc.sec. & comp. insur. Contracts: Gypsum Fertilize (NH3) 1955 (NH3 ) 1953 Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2X (5% DDT-50$ sulfur) Defoliate (NaClCL w/Borate or .282 .292 1.692 1.323 .01+2 1.390 1.273 1.1+25 .582 1+.758 .591 .585 .115 1.00 .90 .90 ii.OO 1.671 .81+9 .01+2 .160 .166 1.01+7 1.209 .01+6 1.900 .860 .700 1.087 .320 2.617 .325 .529 .115 1.00 .90 .90 1+.00 Gin Ins. & storage 1955 1953 1955 1953 lU.70 1.19 Mg) 1U.70 1.19 Int erest on op erating capital Total operating 1.61+ hr 7.01 hr 106.1+0 mi 81.63 mi .25 hr .25 hr .75 hr .61+ hr .20 hr .20 hr .61 hr 1.00 hr 1.57 hr 1.50 hr 5.56 hr .50 hr 1+2.0 ac" 39.0 ac" 18 lbs 12.55 hr 12.02 hr 18.17 hr 16.88 hr 3.09 hr 5 ton 120 lbs 100 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 2.1 bale 1. 75 bale 2.1 bale 1.75 bale 6 1 2 26 1+3 15 96" 3 6 1+ .50 .52 .1*7 .59 .83 .71 1 2 26 1+0 2 12 16 2 1 20 11+ 5 5 8 h 30 762 .1*9 .15 .1+7 .07 .07 .27 .85 .01 .69 .85 .27 .21+ .87 ,h$ .30 .28 .07 .55 .35 .78 .81+ .00 .10 .00 .00 .10 .25 .87 2.50 6.50 1.52 2.1+7 18.69 21+.82 11.90 6T790 2.1k 5.95 3.1+3 .01+ .01+ .79 .77 .01 .38 .52 .70 1.71 .1+8 lit. 55 .16 32.53 2.07 12.02 15.19 2.78 1.71+ 20.00 11.75 5.00 5.oo 8.10 1+.25 25.72 2.08 219 .71 21 ~T+.32 18T+: 82 1+16. 9h. 153. 1,1+62. 2,1+10. 861+. 5,1+00. 191. 338. 21+5. 3. 3. 69. 1+6. 37! 1+6. 69. 123. 1+7. 1,1+51+. 16. 2,215. 113. 690. 899. 152. 101. 1,100. 775. 275. 275. 1+1+5. 233. 1,697. 00a/ 26a/ 17a/ 1+5" 65 05 ^8 95 25 85 85 85 85 75 55 95 75 85 20 85 75 50 l+o 85 25 25 90 06 00 50 00 00 50 75 85 137.50 259T12 12:069.68 682.50a/ 153. Shi/ 21+9. 5W 1,869.00 2 ,1+82 . 00 1,190.00 6,626.55 27I+.OO 595.00 3ltf.00 l+.oo l+.oo 79.00 77.00 1.00 69.00 85.00 127.00 221+.00 87.00 2,61+5.00 30.00 3,253.00 207.00 1,202.00 1,519.00 278.00 173. 9k 2,000.00 1,175.00 500.00 500.00 810.00 1+25.00 2,572.00 208.00 ¥3135 19, 898750 " Total cost 316.07 250.72117,1+70.26 26,525.05 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. — - . . ■ ... , , . ; - . . - • ..... '.MO Si « . . " ■ : ■ ■ • ■ . •' ■ " : . ' ' ' ■ • vV* ■ ■ ■ ■ i'.'Q . . ' .' ' . . r In - , ■I ■ " ... ... ' ■ •:|! .. .it: . - ' ... " ' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ,. . ■ t , ; ... ■ > — •■■ .• " ' . • ; . .. . \ ; : !«• • .: • "■' ' ' • ... , ; • '• ••■ "t ■ ; ■ * i */•-,*■ - ' ' : fad : r . • ■ i -J. ; : ■\ " ■ pi, • P ■ , : ■ 1 -• !'3*: - i Table 44. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 160-2 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Alfalfa Potatoes rdio Barley All 19-55 1953 1955 1955 1953 1955 info 1953 1955 crop per total to tax per 4- yx4- ill tot ax per to tax total per total total per total total Item acre fee 1. pp ac; \ xuu ac J acre ^ 2U ac ; acre ^28 ac; Q 35 ac ; acre \ 4U ac ; V 1U ac ; acre (.40 ac ; T ACT 1955 TAT n 1953 i-pu T Ay X.64 nn on 9U.2U n Ay nn Xo4. UU • 33 A An 0.0U 0 in 2.X9 £.1 OO 7b. 65 1.19 y ^ An 4/.OU 11.90 .70 28.00 233.72 252.55 u o 1 .UX 3°5. 55 •™?m nn 'UX.UU 4. 30 0 An 0. 6U 0 00 77.04 97.30 0 Oo nn 82. UU on nc 2U. U5 • OO 26.40 580.39 818.35 rlCKUp l ~\ n nn/ - ^ 1U, UU( ) miles; J-p. 10 0 nn l n • XU 0 on U q cn 3. 50 on Q nn o.UU 0 nn 2.UU 24.55 30.50 X.?. / p oe nn r\r\ 28. 00 146.92 120. 80 harrow on XI . UU on nn 2U. UU .14 0 On nn .90 25.20 31. 50 .57 22.80 61. oO 51.50 x/c cuxuipacKer .20 IX. UU 2U. UU nc • 35 14.00 3*50 36.00 23. 50 4 row lister Ai 33. 55 At nn OX. UU An .oX 0 y y n 24. 4U A T n b.XU 57.95 / f~j t y"\ 67.10 *£ row CuXolVauOr X. UU pp.uu t nn nn XUU. UU nn .90 25.20 31. 50 80.20 131. 50 row cuiuiVcLX>or OA •51 00. Jp t cri nn X5/.UU n 0 J 1.24 49.60 12.40 135.95 169.40 x i ow cotton <; *;A P. ?o jUp. oU ccA nn 556. UU 305.80 556. 00 2 Ddie CO KjXiOTI "hi" a i T at 1 1.50 82.50 150.00 82.50 150.00 2 row stalk cutter .50 27.50 50.00 27.50 50.00 7 1 power mower 2.17 43.40 43.40 y 8' side delivery- rake 2.03 40.60 40.60 2 row potato planter 1.28 35.84 44.80 35.84 44.80 6' steel roller .30 8.40 10.50 8.40 10.50 a/ This equipment purchased after 1953. if* CO 5 J-OM PCf^-pC . r ■ ■- V - ■ J- •-.]•£> - , ,5 - :. 3 • roe j 3?*oo ! too' oo '50 • • SO" 30 • ;q croc ' ■ 'do ■ • ■ . ■ ■ 3T091 T20*00 j 33* 10 1 I 3*90 31* ■ '80 ?r *W ■ ■ • ': ■ «,<•• ■ ■ :• .... 1 T - • j Table 49. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 160-2 1955 Yield: 2.5 Bales 1953 Yield: 2.1 Bales Unit cost Units used per acre Cost per acre Toi ,al cost Item 1955 1953 1955 1953 1955 55 acres 1953 100 acres 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxes Office : Improvements i Power Equipment ; Irrigation water Total overhead (Operating: Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup 1955 1953 ! Equipment: 4* ditcher h* scraper 2 way/2 -16" plow 9' offset disk 12 1 spiketooth 12 « cultipacker h row lister planter 2 row cultivator h row cultivator 1 row cotton picker 5 bale cotton trailer 2 row stalk cutter Materials : Irrigation water 1955 1953 Seed (acid delint) : Labor : Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigators 1955 1953 General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur Contracts : Gypsum Fertilize (NH3 ) 1955 (KH3) 1953 Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2X(5#DDT-50# sulfu Defoliate (NaClO-w/Bora Gin J 1955 1953 Insur. & storage 1955 1953 Interest on operating c Total operating 1.463 .8ia .0o2 .164 .171 1.325 .765 .029 1.055 .949 .873 1.471 4.599 .582 .591 .459 .115 1.00 .90 .90 4.00 r) te or 14. fU 1.19 apital 1.390 .735 .042 .132 .138 .815 .932 .035 1.617 .820 .532 1.180 2.617 .320 .325 .491 .115 1.00 .90 .90 4.00 Xg) 14.70 1.19 1.6k hr 7.01 hr 84.36 mi 81.63 mi .25 hr .25 hr .75 hr .64 hr .20 hr .20 hr .61 hr 1.00 hr 1.57 hr 5.56 hr 1.50 hr .50 hr U2.0 ac" 39.0 ac" 18 lbs 11.91 hr 11.88 hr 18.17 hr 16.88 hr 3.09 hr 5 ton 120 lbs 100 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 2.5 bale 2.1 bale 2.5 bale 2.1 bale 6.50 1.52 2.47 19.94 41.85 10.00 6.50 1.52 2.U7 I6.48 24.34 10.49 390.00a/ 86.65a, lhO. 82a/ 1,096.70 2,301.75 550.00 ' 682.50a/ ' 153. 5 ht/ ' 249.5W 1,648.00" 2,434.00 1,049.00 82.28 2.40 5.90 3.54 .oh .oh .99 .49 .01 .21 .58 .87 2.31 25.57 .87 .30 19.28 2.07 11.91 16.35 2.78 1.80 20.00 14.10 5.00 5.oo 8.10 4.25 36.75 2.98 4.01 61.80 2.28 5.15 3.43 .03 .03 .61 .60 .01 .32 .50 .53 1.85 14.55 .48 .16 19.15 2.07 11.88 15.19 2.78 1.73 20.00 11. 75 5.00 5.00 8.10 4.25 30.87 2.50 3.52 4,565. 92 132.00 324.50 194.70 2.20 2.20 54.45 26.95 .55 11.55 31.90 47.85 127.05 1,406.35 47.85 16.50 1,060.40 113.85 655.05 899.25 152.90 99.02 1,100.00 775.50 275.00 275.00 445.50 233.75 2,021.25 163.90 220.57 6,216.55 228.00 515.00 343.00 3.00 3.00 61.00 60.00 1.00 32.00 50.00 53.00 185.00 i,455.oo 48.00 16.00 1,915.00 207.00 1,188.00 1,519.00 278.00 173.13 2,000.00 1,175.00 500.00 500.00 810.00 425.00 3,087.00 250.00 352.14 198.50 17U.32 10,917.54 17^32.27 Total cost 280.78 236.12 15,483.46 23,648.82 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. 54. Table 50. Inputs and Costs for Producing Milo on 160-2 1955 Yield: 30 cwt 1953 Yield: 30 cwt 1 — — — — — 1 1 1 Units Total cost Unit cost used Cost per acre 1955 1953 Item per acre 1955 1953 ho acres 10 acres 1 2 ■3 j 4 5 6 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxes 3.25b/ 6.50 143.00a/ 97.50a/ Office .76b/ 1.52 31.17a/ 16. 73a/ Improvements 1.24b/ 2.47 50.6l;a/ 27.17a/ Power 9.22 8.00 368.80 80.00 Equipment 3.28 3.29 131.20 32.90 Irrigation water 6.43 7.26 257.20 72.60 Total overhead 24.18 29. oh 982.01 326.90 Operating: Power : Tractor T-5D l.Uod. 1.390 1.19 hr 1.74 1.65 69.60 16.50 Tractor W-2 • 04X 2.05 hr T 70 i. (c. 68.80 15.10 Pickup 1955 42.03 mi 1 77 70.80 1953 .042 40.80 mi T 7T -L. f J. 17.10 Equipment : 4' ditcher • -LOU .20 hr .03 .03 1.20 .30 i 4' scraper .171 .138 .20 hr .03 .03 1.20 .30 9' offset disk .765 .932 .99 hr • 7t 30.40 9.20 12 • cultipacker 1.055 1.617 .35 hr 7 <7 »P 1 14. oO 5.70 4 row lister .949 .820 ft~\ hr • \JJ- ILL 23 2D h row cultivator 1.471 1.180 1.2h hr 1 fi? X. uc 72 80 ll|.60 Materials : Irrigation water .459 .h91 27.0 ac" 12.39 13.26 495.60 132.60 Seed .08 .08 10 lbs .80 .80 32.00 8.00 Labor: Driver 1955 1.00 4.29 hr 4.29 171.60 1953 ± . uu 4.26 hr 4.26 42.60 Irrigators .90 .7U 11.68 hr 10.51 10.51 420.40 105.10 General .90 .31 hr .28 .28 11.20 2.80 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. .87 .87 34.99 8.73 Contracts : Harvest 6.00 6.00 240.00 60.00 Haul .10 .10 30 cwt 3.00 3.00 120.00 30.00 Storage .144 .144 30 cwt 4.32 4.32 172.80 43.20 Insurance (¥1.50 per $100.00 of value) 30 cwt 1.0U 1.24 41.60 12.40 Interest on operating capital 1.32 1.34 52.84 13.38 Total operating 53.64 54.26 2,145.83 542.61 Total cost 77.82 83.30 3,127.84 869.51 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. b/ Because of double crop, one-half of the rate allocated to each crop. 55. Table 5l. Inputs and Costs for Producing Potatoes on 160-2 1955 Yield: 290 cwt 1953 Yield: 290 cwt Item | Overhead : i Real estate taxes \ Office j Improvements | Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead ; Operating : Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup 1955 1953 Unit cost 1955 l?5i 3 Equipment : I* 1 ditcher It* scraper 2 way/ 2 -16" plow 9' offset disk 12' spiketooth 2 row potato planter 2 row cultivator 6 ' steel roller Materials : Irrigation water Seed Fertilizer (17-7-0) Labor: Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigators General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Ins. 1.1*63 .8Ul .0U2 .164 .171 1.325 .765 .029 1.953 .873 1.191 .1*59 6.30 .0375 1.00 .90 .90 Units used per acre Cost per acre Contracts : Dust {$$ DDT -50$ sulfur) Rotobeat Dig Pick .16 Haul .075 Shed costs .55 Interest on operating capital Total operating Total cost .132 .138 .815 .932 .035 1.563 .532 .953 .1*91 6.30 .0375 1.00 .90 .90 1955 1953 1.390 2.19 hr .735 5.07 hr 1*2.00 mi .01*2 1*0.80 mi .16 .075 .55 .10 hr .10 hr .75 hr 1.31* hr .90 hr 1.28 hr .90 hr .30 hr 36.0 ac" 16 cwt 800 lbs 6.02 hr 5.99 hr 15.58 hr 1.28 hr 30 lbs 360 cwt 360 cwt 290 cwt 6.50 1.52 2.1*7 17.09 5.1*7 8.57 Ta^2 3.20 I*. 77 1.76 .02 .02 .99 1.03 .03 2.50 .79 .36 16.52 100.80 30.00 6.02 Ik. 02 1.15 1.23 1*.05 3.00 12.00 57.60 27.00 159.50 5.01* 1*53.1*0 Tot al cost 19557 28 acres 1953 , 35 acres 6.50 1.52 2.1*7 H*.35 1*.51* 9.68 39705 3.01* 1*.17 1.71 .01 .01 .61 1.25 .03 2.00 .1*8 .29 17.68 100.80 30.00 5.99 li*.02 1.15 1.23 l*.o5 3.00 12.00 57.6o 27.00 i59.5o 5.02 1*95.02 8 1*91. 70 208.00a/ 1*1*. 08a/ 71.6l*a/ 1*78.52 153.16 239.96 1,195.36 89.60 133.56 1*9.28 .56 ,56 27.72 28.81* .81* 70.00 22.12 10.08 1*62.56 2,822.1*0 81*0.00 168.56 392.56 32.20 31*. 1*1 113.1*0 81*. 00 336.00 1,612.80 756.00 1* ,1*66. 00 11*1.09 12,695715" 260. 00a/ 51*. 73a/ 88.9l*a/ 502.25 158.90 338.80 1,U03.62 106.1*0 lkS.9S 59.85 .35 .35 21.35 1*3.75 1.05 70.00 16.80 10.15 618. 80 3,528.00 1, 050.00 209.65 1*90. 70 1*0.25 1*2.95 11*1.75 105.00 1*20.00 2,016.00 9l*5.oo 5,582.50 175.68 15T8S2T2~8~ 113,890.50 17,21*5.90 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to ~ adjustment for non-crop acres. 1 .. » . s-o$.r no -st ...... .... j , ■ , ;■ ,, . : ; , 4: . , - - - | i - ■' * . .. .. v..'. . . • . . V \ ; ;• ... -v: J ' «v ■ : . . .-..■„ -* . • ■ ' : ■ ! if , ■ XT ■,. j : ! " • ■ J : ,. . . : . ■ ... . . . . . . . . • i * . ■* » ■ ■ 1 . < > . ■ - •i w...\ i ■■: j si ... .... .. .... : ....... ...... t - . :,l.- vC : . ■ • : . ,,, ■•. • . ... I - ! i ■ ' '' . . . , - : ' v. |i £ | , , - ,. ' ,.' ... Table 52. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 160-3 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Alfalfa Potatoe s Corn All Item per 1955 total (55 ac.) 1953 total (100 ac.) per j 1955 1 total 1953 total (25 ac.) per 1955 total 1953 total per 1955 total crop total acre acre ^ 45 ac.J acre (17 ac.) (20 ac.) acre (25 ac.) 1955 1953 T-5D W-2 1.64 7.01 90.20 335.55 164.00 701.00 .33 4.30 14.85 193.50 8.25 107.50 2.19 2.78 37.23 47.26 43.80 55.60 1.39 2.27 34.75 56.75 177.03 683.O6 216.05 864.10 Pickup (10,00C miles) 4' ditcher 4' scraper 2w/2-l6" plow 9' offset disk 12 1 spiketooth .25 .25 .75 .64 13.75 13.75 a.25 35.20 25.00 25.00 75.00 64.00 .33 14.85 8.25 .10 .10 .75 1.34 1.70 1.70 12.75 22.78 2.00 2.00 15.00 26.80 .20 .20 75 .64 5.00 5.00 18.75 16.00 20.45 20.45 72.75 88.83 27.00 97 on 90.00 harrow 12' culti packer 4 row lister .20 .20 11.00 11.00 20.00 20.00 .14 6.30 3.50 .90 15.30 18.00 32.60 11.00 41.50 20.00 planter 2 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 1 row cotton .61 x. uu 1.57 33.55 cc nn 86.35 61.00 ±ou. 00 157.00 .90 15.30 18.00 .63 1.24 15.75 31.00 49.30 70.30 117.35 61.00 118.00 157.00 picker 5 bale cotton 5.56 305.80 556.00 305.80 556.00 trailer 2 row stalk i An Qo An ±20. 00 82.50 150.00 cutter 7 1 power mower 8' side delivery- .50 27.50 50.00 2.17 97.65 54.25 27.50 97.65 50. 00 54.25 rake 2 row potato 2.03 91.35 50.75 91.35 50.75 planter 6' steel roller 1.28 • 30 21.76 5.10 25.60 6.00 21.76 5.10 25.60 6.00 > cm 05 - .= ' ' ' ifcC - ■ - ! ■ ' . : - t3t- • nr*oe . r 7: Ms .rata ■•V- ' i - ■ •• 'S3 ' . - " " .... ■ . i ■ : ■ ■ ; - ; ' ■■ • ! ■ • ■rsq i - r : irscao" i ; 337 < ■ •:* • , r: •:• * ; • j ... .... ... ... .... : • -.- • I ..... • ; ; ! L V';.- *" v c: ;!?j : ^Tte»^"^ i£^iiS25te^«w^) | ?ro^ ) ( •-?«** i 'i ; Cff&i Table 53. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953; for 160-3 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Year and period Cotton Alfalfa Potatoes Corn All crop total per acre total per acre| total per acre total per acrel total 1955 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm ( 55 aci 6.0 8.0 24.0 4.0 42.0 "esj 330 440 1320 220 2310 ( 45 a 13.6 16.0 16.0 12.0 57.6 ijrx coy 612 720 720 540 2592 22.0 14.0 36.0 K*0 C 1 [ CO / 374 238 612 v 2.27 hr 1 ftl 1. OJ U5.75 Pickup .01+2 50.76 mi 2.13 53.25 Equipment : .0i| 4' ditcher . 198 .20 hr 1.00 4' scraper .20 hr . U4 1.00 2 way/ 2 -16" plow i.-Uu .75 hr ft£ 21.25 9' offset disk 1.267 .6a hr .81 20.25 4 row lister planter 1.116 .63 hr .70 H- I UW UUlL/lValUX 1.705 1 ?li Vi-r X. *-*4 ill 2.11 52.75 Materials : Irrigation water a2 . 0 ac" its. bo 464.OO Seed .26 10 lbs £. OU 65.00 Labor : Drivers 1.00 k.93 hr 4.93 123 25 Irrigators .90 18.17 hr 16.35 h08. 75 General .90 .31 hr .28 7.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 1.25 31 26 Contracts : Fertilize (NH,) 120 lbs 14.35 358.75 Pick 3 10.00 250 00 Shell .125 50 cwt 6.25 156.25 Haul .10 50 cwt 5.oo 125.00 Dry .175 50 cwt 8.75 218.75 Storage .144 50 cwt 7.20 180.00 Insurance ($1.50 per $100.00 of value) 50 cwt 2.02 50.50 Interest on operating capital 2.79 69.82 Total operating 111.30 2,782.58 Total cost 146.87 3,701.84 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. m i«CAf no ... . , °. ' .: . - '■ ' ■ < ■■■ ■ - . ri ... i . ■ ■ : :. ■ ■ r : ■ / j •-. ./ ■ : €t'..S. tfc " '• r: ncr.o ■■■ . . . - . - . . .i ., j ' " " • n ...... s ..... . • -■ •- : i ■ . - . ... . .-. . .. . '. : X*. t » : i : '■ ■ .... 61. Table 57. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 160-3 1955 Yield: 2.5 Bales 1953 Yield: 2.1 Bales Item Unit Cost Units used per acre Cost per Acre Tots 1955 55 acres a Cost 1953 100 acres 1955 1953 1955 1953 1 2 3 h 5 ■ 6 ' 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead Operating : Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup 1955 1953 Equipment : ii' ditcher 1* ' scraper 2 way/ 2 -16" plow 9' offset disk 12 1 spiketooth harrow 12 ' cultipacker 1* row lister planter 2 row cultivator 1* row cultivator 1 row cotton picker 5 bale cotton trailer 2 row stalk cutter Materials : Irrigation water 1955 1953 Seed (acid delint) Labor : Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigator 1955 1953 General Soc. Ser. & Comp. Ins. Contracts : Gypsum Fertilize (NH3) 1955 (NH3) 1953 Dust 2X(5/&>DT-50$ sulfu] Hand thin Hand weed Defoliate (NaCKh w/Bor< Gin 1955 Insur. & storage 1955 J-953 Interest on operating c Total operating 1.772 .805 .01*2 .198 .205 1.13U 1.267 .055 3.1*55 1.116 .996 1.705 U.758 .582 .591 .1*1*2 .115 1.00 .90 .90 Ii.OO A be Ul 111. 70 1.19 apital 1.51*2 .819 .01*2 .150 .155 .917 1.136 .Ohh 1.900 .902 .593 1.27U 2.617 .320 .325 .1*61 .115 1.00 .90 .90 h.00 70 1.19 1.61* hr 7.01 hr 101.53 mi 8l.630mi .25 hr .25 hr .75 hr .61* hr .20 hr .20 hr .61 hr 1.00 hr 2.07 hr 5.56 hr 1.50 hr .50 hr 1*2 ac" 39 ac" 18 lb 12.73 hr 11.98 hr 18.17 hr 16.88 hr 3.08 hr 5 ton 120 lbs 100 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 2.5 bale c. , ± Dale 2.5 bale c. . ± oaxe 6.5o 1.52 2.1*7 21.16 1*3.69 9.32 6.50 1.52 2.1*7 17.03 25.21* 9.1*0 390.00a/ 00. 17a/ 11*3.2 8a; 1,163.80 2,1*02.95 512.60 j 682.50a/ 153. 5ua/ ' 21*9. 5 la/ 1,703.00 2, 521*. 00 91*0.00 81*. 66 2.91 5.61* 1*.26 .05 .05 .85 .81 .01 .69 .68 1.00 3.53 26.1*5 .87 .30 18.56 2.07 12.73 16.35 2.78 1.85 20.00 ll*.10 8.10 5.oo r J r\f~\ 5.00 1* 25 *■+ • *~ J 36.75 2.98 It. JO 62.16 2.53 5.71* 3.1*3 .01* .01* .69 .73 .01 .38 .55 .59 2.61* ll*.55 .1*8 .16 17.98 2.07 11.98 15.19 2.78 1.71* 20.00 11.75 8.10 5.00 5.00 1* 25 2.50 3.55 1*, 700. 80 160.05 310.20 23lt.30 2.75 2.75 1*6.75 1*1*. 55 .55 37.95 37.1*0 55.00 191*. 15 1,1*51*. 75 1*7.85 16.50 1,020.80 113.85 700.15 899.25 152.90 101.63 1,100.00 775.50 1*1*5.50 275.00 275.00 233.75 2,021.25 163.90 225.27 6,252.55 253.00 57l*.0O 31*3.00 l*.oo It, 00 69.00 73.00 1.00 38.00 55.00 59.00 261*. 00 1,1*55.00 1*8.00 16.00 1,798.00 207.00 1,198.00 1,519.00 278.00 173.71 2,000.00 1,175.00 810.00 500.00 500.00 1*25.00 3 .087 00 p^o on 351*. 52 202.72 175.32 11,11*9.25 17,531.23 Total cost 287.38 237.1*8 i5,85o. 05 23,783.78 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ - ■ ;■ ■ : ■ ■ ■ ; ■ ... i : ; *• 1 ., • i ■ • ; ■ • ... ■ * ■ 1 ■ • ■ ' - , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 62. Table 58. Inputs and Costs for Producing Potatoes on 160-3 1955 Yield: 290 cwt 1953 Yield: 290 cwt Unit SOSt Units Cost per acre Total cost used 1955 1953 Item 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 17 acres 20 acres 1 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxes 6.50 6.50 136. 50a/ 162. 50a/ Office 1.52 1.52 27.37a/ 31.93a/ Improvements 2.U7 1*1*. 1* 7a/ 51. 881/ Power 16.17 13.12 27l*.89 262.1*0 Equipment 0. 00 0. 71 137.02 13l*.20 Irrigation water 7 99 8 68 135.83 173.60 XUb al OVS J?il6 cLU 1*2. 71 39 00 756.08 St 9 — ?7 816.51 Operating : rower : Tractor T-5D 1.772 1.51*2 2.19 hr 3.88 3.38 65.96 67.60 rn__ _ _i_ t.t Tractor W-2 .805 .819 2.78 hr 2.22* 2.21* 38.08 1*5.60 Pickup 1955 .01*2 50.76 mi 2.13 36.21 1953 .0U2 h0. 85 mi 1. 72 3U.U0 Equipment : 1*' ditcher .198 .150 .10 hr .02 .02 .31+ .1*0 1;' scraper .205 .155 .10 hr .02 .02 ,3k .1*0 2 way/ 2 -16" plow 1.131* .917 .75 hr .85 .69 ll*. 1*5 13.80 9' offset disk 1.267 1.136 1.5k hr 1. 70 1.52 28.90 30.1*0 12 1 spike tooth harrow .055 ,ol*l* .90 hr 0^ nli .85 .80 £ row cuJ-tiivaoor . 990 .593 .90 hr 90 15.30 10.60 2 row Do+.a+.n V)l an+.pT* 3 21 7 ? 73 ^ liCU ILL 1* 12 1 ^0 7n n)i 7n nn 6' steel., roller 1 961 1 667 • ^ W ILL 59 in ni J-U. m nn Materials : Irrigation water .1*1*2 .1*61 36 ac« 15.91 16. 60 270.1*7 332.00 Seed 6.30 6.30 16 cwt i no fin i no fin 1,713.60 2,016.00 •fertilizer \±(-(-v) .0375 .0375 oOO lbs 30.00 30.00 r / *i /"\ 510. 00 600.00 Labor: Drivers 1955 1.00 6.2l* hr 6.21* 106.08 1953 1.00 5.99 hr 5.99 119.80 Irrigator .90 .90 15.58 hr 11*. 02 ll*.02 238.31* 280.1*0 General .90 .90 1.28 hr 1.15 1.35 19.55 23.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur 1.2I* 1.23 21.08 21*. 60 Contracts : Dust (5#DDT-50£ sulfur) 30 lbs l*.o5 1*.05 68.85 81.00 Rotobeat 3.00 3.00 51.00 60.00 Dig 12.00 12.00 20l*.00 21*0.00 Pick .16 .16 360 cwt 57.60 57.60 979.20 1,152.00 Paul .075 .075 360 cwt 27.00 27.00 1*59.00 5i*o.oo Shed costs .55 .55 290 cwt 159.50 159.50 2,711.50 3,190.00 Interest on operating capital 5.05 5.01 85.87 100.13 Total operating U5U.06 1^2.15 7,719.01* 9,01*2.93 Total cost ■ — — -■ — 1*96. 77 1*91.15 8,1*75.12 9,859.1*1* a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. .. . ■ . . . ■ .-• • i . _ . . ■ • j .. .. ■ • " ; • ■ . ■ • ■ • ■ ■ - - J - ■ cri . • E • ■ - . t v.. : ii ■ ■ ■ , f - .. i \ ■ • ; • • ■ • ■ • ... • ■ • v ■ ■ - 31 ' \ ' . VI '■ ' ; ; ■ Oil S ! ■ '■ . ■■ ■ • ■ M ■ ■ • •• u ■• ■ ■ ' - ■ ' 1 . .. , - . • rJ - ■ ■ 8 ; : J ■ • . - ■ . :. : : £ ' • ■ t . ■ . is . ■ ) . , i ■ i 1 i ! . ■ • . . ■ • ... Table 59. Crops and Land Use on Typical 320 Acre Farms, 1953-1955; 320-1, Cotton-Barley 320-2, Cotton-Alfalfa-Potatoes, 320-3, Cotton-Potatoes, in Upper San Joaquin Valley Idle Total Non Year Cotton Alfalfa Alfalfa Potatoes Field Barley Milo or Double Crop- Culti- Total Seed Corn Fallow Crop land vated Land 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 320-1 1953 216 ■^nn *3on ■i-y 0**- 1 LI 3«dU 1955 119 60 70 51 "300 on ^o n Changes 1953 to 1954 -73 +40 — +15 +18 — — — — — 1954 to 1955 -24 +20 — — — + 5 - 1 — — — — — 1953 to 1955 -97 +60 — — — " — +20 +17 — — — — 1953 216 60 24 on "3on 3U # UU .75 375.00 subtotal 13 ,503 . 50 6,751.75 Power : Tracklayer T-5D 1 7,000.00 3,850.00 Wheel T T "1 W-l 1 2,600.00 1,820.00 W-2 2 3 ,000.00 6,000.00 2,100.00 4^200.00 Subtotal 15,600.00 9,870.00 Transportation : 3/h ton Pickup 1 2,300.00 1.380.00 Truck 1 l/ 2 ton 1 2,800.00 1,1*70.00 Subtotal 5,100.00 2,850.00 Equipment : I4O.OO Ditcher 5 ft. 1 70.00 Scraper 10 ft. 1 520.00 260.00 Plow, 2 way 2-16" 1 55o. 00 275.00 Chisel 8' 1 525.00 262.50 Disk, offset 7' 1 550.00 275.00 (Continued on next page.) .0* slo'sl • : i ■ . . . . •• . .. • • • • • • w -PS? 'i" ■ , • i , , ■ ■ , : ■ : : ,! • • • • . : • • : ■ ■ '• • . R -1 *. • -« ■ • - ■ 00'! DOS* I • : • . » * ■ : - . • ; j ; : i > | - ■ . . .... - .cc »o6Jt t ? ■ ■ . . . ■ ; ! 1 1 • • : ■"■ ■ ■ ■ 65. Table 60 continued. Item and description Size New Cost Investment or Capacity Amount Per Unit Total Per Unit Total 1 2 3 C 5 6 7 Equipment (continued): Disk, offset Border disk Spiketooth harrow Cultipacker Lister Lister planter Culti vat.nt* Cultivator Fertilizer attachment Cotton picker Cotton trailer Cotton trailer Stalk cutter Broadcaster 10 1/2 i ii' sectior 12 ' h row h row 2 row h row h row 1 row h bale 6 bale 2 row 1 1 i 3 1 1 1 r\ C 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 30.00 35o.oo 350.00 l*5o. oo 900. 00 175.00 90.00 380.00 350.00 550.00 700.00 1,000.00 _LUU # UU 8,700.00 700.00 1,350.00 325.00 250.00 15.00 175.00 192.50 2ii7.33 hBo. oo 87.50 i$ f oo 190. 00 175.00 275.00 35o.oo 5oo.oo 5o.oo 5,220.00 385.00 71+2.00 167.50 125.00 Additional equipment: 320-1 only L ?Ln nn 1 Oft HA ±c\J* UU 320-2 & 320-3 nnlv Power mower Side delivery rake Steel roller 7' 8' 2 row 6' 1 1 1 1 35o.oo 520.00 / uu, uu 200.00 175.00 260.00 3?0.00 100.00 Equipment 320-1 18,095.00 10,02i|.50 Equipment 320-2 19,625.00 10,789.50 Equipment 320-3 19,625.00 10,789.50 Total 320-1 86,868.50 k6, 991.25 Total 320-2 88,398.50 hi ,756.25 Total 320-3 88,398.50 U7, 756.25 a/ The designations 320-1, 320-2, 320-3 refer to three variations found in the 320 acre size group. ' $ " " ' "lis ' '. W i : '• • ! ' : j:- i ... ■ ■iv--'- ! i $ : i : . •" ,0 ■ ■ : ■ . ■ . • ■ . ■ ■ ; I' . . . :. . ti • • ' ■ ■ • ' " ■ : : i • ! v .'. : : -, i j i 1 1. ... * ; ! ■ ' ■■ " j i i t r ' ••'0 -'•'"■ii ; .*, rVc ■ : i ' .. mil. a«f.j. ' iW f it ' *«w jMUMMnBis .. ., g$ H & : - 1 2BSC f. Table 61. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish an Alfalfa Stand on 320 Acre Farms Dates Operatxons Crew and Equipment Acres per 9 -hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours Material Disk 2X 1 T-5D 10j' offset disk 30 .60 .60 Chisel 2X 1 T-5D 8' chisel 16 1.12 1.12 Landplane 2X - contract Make borders - contract Landplane - contract Disk 1 T-5D 10§« offset disk 30 .30 .30 Pre-irrigate 1 8 ac. in. 2/1 - 3/15 Disk with harrow 1 T-5D 10f' offset W/12* spike 28 .32 .32 Seed 1 W-l Broadcaster 40 .22 .22 25# seed Harrow 1 W-2 12 1 Spiketooth harrow 45 .20 .20 Dust - contract 12. 5# 2% parathion • ; ■ * \ ■ : I=- h ■ ■ : ) ; ■ 1 - • K ■ ■ . ' , . " iff ' • . . . ■ t • • : . . ■ r. : • ■. ■ i ■ - . .: \.. . | ... ■ •- ■ Table 62. Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa on 320 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew & Equipment Acres per 9-hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man-hours Tractor hours Material Irrigation 5.6 ac. in. 4/5 - 4/15 Cut 1st* 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. 5/5 - 5/15 Cut 2nd* 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract 6/5 - 6/15 Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. Cut 3rd 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. 7/5 - 7/15 Cut 4th 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract 8/5 - 8/15 Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. Cut 5th 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. 9/5 - 9/15 Cut 6th 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract 10/5 - 10/15 Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. Cut 7th 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake 1 W-l 8' S.D. Rake 31 .29 .29 Bale - contract Roadside - contract Irrigate 4 ac. in. * No cutting for first year of stand - , ■1 T.~. - " _ ........ ■ 1 ;■■ ••■ ' * ■ . ■ ■ ■ - ■■, ■ : ■ - i . ■ : ' '■• ' ' ' ' • ■ ' . - , - : -■ ' ■ , . Table 63. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish a Stand of Alfalfa Seed on 320 Acre Farms Dates 2/1 3/1 2/20 3/20 Operations Disk 2X Chisel Disk Landplane 2X - contract Furrow out Make head ditches Preirrigate Fill in ditches Disk Harrow Plant Harrow Dust - Contract Men Power Crew and Equipment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 T-5D T-5D T-5D W-2 T-5D T-5D T-5D W-2 W-2 W-2 Equipment 10§» offset disk 8' chisel lOf ' offset disk 4 row lister 5' ditcher 10 1 scraper 10|' offset disk 12 1 spike tooth harrow 4 row lister planter 12 1 spiketooth harrow Acres per 9 -hour day 30 16 30 36 30 45 29 45 Man- hours .60 .56 .30 .25 .05 .05 .30 .20 .62 .20 Physical requirements Tractor hours .60 .56 .30 .25 .05 .05 .30 .20 .31 .20 Material 8 ac. in. 1M seed 2% parathion 00 Table 64. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa Seed on 320 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per Physical requirements Men Power Equipment 9-hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Materials 4/10 - 4/20 5/1 - 5/10 4/20 - 5/10 5/10 - 5/20 A/n A /-in 0/1 — O/IU 6/10 - 6/20 6/10 - 6/20 7/1 - 7/10 7/10 - 7/20 8/15 - 8/25 Cultivate Fertilize - contract Bees - contract Irrigate Cultivate Irrigate Dust 2X - contract Cultivate Weed - contract Irrigate Cultivate Defoliate - contract 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 24 24 24 24 .38 • 38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 300# super phosphate 3 colonies 10 ac. in. 10 ac. in. 60# 5% DDT-75fe 10 ac. in. 1 qt. Sinox in 10 gal. Diesel 8/20 - 8/30 9/1 - 9/10 9/10 - 9/20 Harvest - contract Disk Harrow 2X 1 1 W-2 w- 2 7» offset disk 12 1 springtooth 24 45 .38 .40 ,.. .38 .40 Oil ■ 1 '" ■ • ■ i ; , ■ - '- - - - - - ' ■ •■ : " . ■ ■ ■ - . ■ .- ■ ■ Table 65. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Barley on 320 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per 9-hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours Material 12/10 - 1/10 Disk 2X (Harrow on 2nd time) 1 T-5D lOl 1 offset w/12' spike i 28 .64 .64 12/20 - 1/20 Seed 1 W-l Broadcaster 40 .22 .22 80# seed 12/20 - 1/20 Harrow 1 W-l 12' Spike tooth harrow 40 .22 .22 12/22 - 1/22 Border up 1 W-2 Border disk 4-0 .22 .22 2/1 - 5/1 Irrigate 3X 1 14.4 ac. in. 6/1 - 7/1 Harvest - contract 6/1 - 7/1 Haul - contract 1 . »*" R • • • ■ ■ "■ " . ■ '. : >- : ■ • .- ■ ■ • • . . : _ ■ . " '. • ; ■ - ■ - - " ■ Table 66. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn on 320 Acre Farms Acres Physical Crew and Equipment per requirements Dates Operations Men Power Equipment 9 -hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Material PI nw 1 T-5D 2 way/2-16" 1 0 • 1 J .75 X T-5D 10^' offset disk .30 FnrTOw out. n J. W-l 4 row lister •3/ 0k .26 Mia Ira rlAS H H "l + r» Vl ocir T X T-5D 5 ' ditcher on .20 Ptdi y*y*"1 era 4" o i- I t?_LX X -l_£,cl 6 ac. in. Fill in rii trhps"/*" 1 -L. T-5D 10* scraper .20 PI ant W-2 4 row lister planter OQ .31 10# seed Hnl t,i vat.p 1 W-2 / row cultivatoT on • Irrigate 4 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 20 .45 .45 Cultivate and Fertilize 1 W-2 4 row cultivator w/4 20 .45 .45 47 5# NH 4 S0 4 row fertilizer attachment Irrigate 2X 8 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 24 .38 .38 9/20 - 10/15 Irrigate 6X 24 ac. in. Pick & Haul - contract Shell - contract * occurs 4X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season i • ih ■'. i ■ - 'fan •(« ■■: • £ • , i-j s ■. -. po ■• j \ seas 5 .;. ■ i i-i.' ■ - '•■ 1 1 . ■• - ■ • • St* *c tb* | ■ 9 St* Tlf* | • • ■rr s(t ' ■ i ■ ! " IT*?! : I . . ... • ' ■ ..■ ■ ■ - •■ - • •• :, : • j 1 ■ " " •.: .- ■ ■ m ; • : ; i ! . ■ ' ■ 1 • f. ■ r. ■■ •- £ ' ■ : ■ ■ ... y Dates Table 67. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton on 320 Acre Farms Acres per 4/1 - 4/15 4/25 - 5/5 5/20 - 6/10 6/15 - 8/15 7/1 - 7/15 7/1 - 9/15 9/5 - 9/20 9/15 - on 11/15 - on 9/15 - on Operations Cut stalks Disk 2X Chisel 21 Disk Fertilize - contract Furrow out Make head ditches* Preirrigate Fill in ditches* Harrow Plant Cultipack Cultivate (1) Hand thin - contract Cultivate (2) Cultivate & Fertilize (3) Irrigate (l) Hand weed - contract Cultivate (4) Irrigate (2) Cultivate (5) Dust 2X - contract Irrigate ( 3) Cultivate & lay by (6) Irrigate 6X (4-9) Defoliate - contract Pick 1st - machine Pick 2nd - machine Haul to gin Gin - contract Men 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Power Crew and Equipment 1 W-2 1 T-5D 1 T-5D 1 T-5D 1 W-2 1 T-5D 1 1 T-5D 1 W-2 2 W-2 1 W-2 1 W-2 1 W-2 1 W-2 Equipment W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 Pick- up 2 row stalk cutter lOf ' offset disk 8' chisel lOl' offset disk 4 row lister 5 ' ditcher 10' scraper 12 1 spiketooth harrow 4 row lister planter 12 1 cultipacker 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator ! 4 row cultivator w/4 row fertilizer attachmen t 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 1 row cotton picker 1 row cotton picker 6 bale cotton trailer 9 -hour day 18 30 16 30 36 45 29 44 20 22 22 28 28 28 6 7 6 Man- hours .50 .60 1.12 .30 .25 .25 .25 .20 .62 .20 .45 .41 .41 Physical requirements Tractor hours .32 .32 .32 3.00 2.56 1.50 .50 .60 1.12 .30 .25 .25 .25 .20 .31 .20 .45 .41 .41 .32 .32 .32 1.50 1.28 1.50 Material 19 53 1955 55# NH 3 70# NH 3 5 6 ac.i m. 18# acid delinted seed 22 5# NH SO 27 5# NH.SO. 4 4 3 4 3 4 60# % DDT - 50$ S 4 4 24 24 1C# of NaCIO w/Borate or Mg. * occurs 5X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season ..•■'•V ' ■ - '■ ,033 : ': ; • {Jjfo? ■; - . -. ..— : ■ : . ' . ■ ■ •2^0 - P\T0 J W - An : / . : ! |i,Sl^TTT^€ - GOV f use f ' • - ■ .; % { i i,Oi(K JJ©f 01. JO r h i IP J ■ . D0& * ■ ■ ' . ■ • TXT* an 1 aitcner .20 .20 Preirrigate 1 6 ac. in. Fill in ditches* 1 T-5D Of) on Disk w/cultipacker attached 1 T-5D 10j' offset w/12' 28 .32 .32 6/15 - 7/15 cultipacker Plant 2 W-2 4 row lister-planter 30 .60 .30 10# seed Irrigate 5 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 22 .41 .41 7/15 - 8/15 Irrigate 1 4 ac. in. Cultivate 1 W-2 4- row cultivator 28 .32 .32 7/25 - 9/15 Irrigate 3X 1 12 ac. in. 11/1 - 12/1 Harvest - contract 11/1 - 12/1 Haul - contract * occurs 4X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for seasons - : ; • • • . v-, •■ .- .: ' -.' • ■ \- ■ ■ • • ' ..... ... , v . _ i ■ ■ v* yC -■ «» i* * •-. : ; .... j ■ = : Jg>r ■ « pry • \ - ■ ... . . . , ... . RQ- ■ " s " • | i - SRpeS" - . . • Table 69. Calendar of Operations & Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Potatoes on 320 Acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per 9 -hour day Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours Material Disk 2X 1 T-5D 10§' offset disk 30 .60 .60 Plow 1 T-5D 2 way/2-16" 12 .75 .75 Disk 2X 1 T-5D 10j' offset disk 30 .60 .60 Chisel 1 T-5D 8' chisel 16 .56 .56 1/5 - 2/15 Plant & Fertilize 2 W-2 2 row potato planter & 7 2.56 1.28 16 cwt. 800# fertilizer attachment 17-7-0 Harrow beds 1 W-2 12 1 harrow 45 .20 .20 Cultivate & Furrow out 1 W-2 2 row cultivator 20 .45 .45 Make head ditches* 1 T-5D 5 ' ditcher .10 .10 2/20 - 2/30 Irrigate 1 6 ac. in. Fill in ditches* 1 T-5D 10 1 scraper .10 .10 Cultivate & furrow out 1 W-2 2 row cultivator 20 .45 .45 3/20 - 6/1 Irrigate continuous 1 30 ac. in. 5/5 - 6/5 Dust - contract 30# 5#DDT 50$ S Roll 1 W-2 6 ' steel roller 30 .30 .30 Rotobeat - contract 5/20 - 6/20 Dig - contract 5/20 - 6/20 Pick - contract Haul - contract * occurs 2X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season ■ . . ... : , - ■■■ ec ■ : ■ ■ ... : \ " 3 a ■, s \ ■ . : . .* " - ■ - - - . : : ■ 1 '. ' ."; ■ ••■ T. ; - ■ • - .. .. b \- - i • ■' -> " : . - .' '•• §5 • . • ■ ■ - • ... '■10- ■ • • O r fC* jT! Table 70. Annual Tractor anl Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 320-1 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Cotton Alfalfa Seed Barley 1 All 1955 -1-7 > 19 5*3 j-7y> 1955 1953 crop yd UGLJ_ total per total total total Item ^ ~] 1 Q a nrp q , y 117 cl^x coy i 21 A anrp^ J U.U1 G ^ UU cLUi tso y acre (70 acres) ( 50 acres) 1955 1953 T-5D 2 2/ 2AA *;A • 3 . .• ■ , ■ . * - - ! - p • . #M • Oft . CCA"- ' ; ■ .. • • ;• ' . - •• ■ ! '•- • • ...... r 3 T. • • T Vrf » \*i i ' • y t GK-Tat-T - ; . .. 1 ■ • 0 . - * ••, iWOC i l£r,%irb foe . > • 0 arrye^) | - • * . • .. . r .rookie < * ■ ■ ■ : • - ■ • I ' . ■ ■ ■ .- J fj ' Jr . . . ■ *- i - Table 71. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953; for 320-1 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Year and Period Cotton Alfalfa Seed Barley All crop total per acre total per acre total per acre total 1955 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm (119 6.0 8.0 24.0 4.0 42.0 acres) 714 952 2856 4998 (60 a( 10.0 10.0 10.0 30.0 :res) 600 600 600 1800 (70 ac 14.4 14.4 res) 1008 1008 2322 1552 3456 476 7806 1953 1/1 - 4/30 5/1 - 6/30 7/1 - 8/31 9/1 - 12/31 Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm (216 5.0 6.0 24.0 4.0 39.0 acres) 1080 1296 5184 864 8424 (- - ..._) (50 a 14.4 14.4 cres) 720 720 1800 1296 5184 864 9144 77. Table 72. Cost of Inputs to Establish an Alfalfa Seed Stand on 320-1 Units Total Cost Unit Cost used Cost per Acre 1955 1953 Item 195b 1953 per acre 1955 1953 60 acres acres 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor ¥-2 3.51*2 2.018 1.86 hr .96 6.59 1.9k 395. ,1*0 116.1*0 Equipment : p* ditcher 10' scraper 8' chisel 10§« offset disk 12' spiketooth harrow 1* row lister 1* row lister planter .709 2.632 .822 1.71*6 .088 2.803 2.907 .05 hr .05 hr .05 hr 1.20 hr .1*0 .25 hr .31 hr .ok .13 Jk6 2.10 .oU .70 .90 2.1*0 7.80 27.60 126.00 2.1*0 1*2.00 5U. 00 Materials : Irrigation water Seed 1.016 .1*0 8 ac» 1.5 lbs 8.13 .60 1*87.80 36.00 Labor: Drivers Irrigator uenerax Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 1.00 .90 .90 2.82 hr 2.00 hr .31 hr 2.82 1.80 .28 .28 169.20 108.00 16.80 17.05 Contracts Landplane 2X Dust (2% Parathion) 12.5 lbs 8.00 2. Hi 1*80.00 128.U0 Total cost 36.95 2,21? ,2$ Amount charged off annually a/ 12.32 739.08 a/ Total cost to establish stand is depreciated over three years. 78. Table 73. Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa Seed on 320-1 1955 Yield: 550 lbs. Item Unit Cost 1955 1953 Units used per acre Cos t per Acr e 1953" T otal Cos t 1955 60 acres Overhead Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water 1/3 cost to establish stand Total overhead Operating : Power: Tractor W-2 .877 Pickup .039 Truck .057 Equipment : 7' offset disk 12' springtooth harrow h row cultivator Materials : Irrigation water Labor : Drivers Irrigator Soc. Sec. & Corap. Insur. 1.U71 .300 .662 .6U7 1.00 .90 Contracts: Fertilize (single super phosphate) Bees (colonies) 5.00 Dust (5#DDT-75# Sulfur) Weed Defoliate (Sinox) Harvest .03 Certification Fees (sacks, cleaning, inspection) Box rental Interest on operating capital Total operating 2.30 hr 32.60 mi 20.08 mi .38 hr ,U0 hr 1.52 hr 30 ac" 3.79 hr 7.50 hr 300 lbs 3 60 lbs 1 qt. 550 lbs 6.50 1.00 1.91; 6.81 1.U8 11.07 12.32 lil. 12 2.02 1.27 1.1U .56 .12 1.01 19. Ul 3.79 6.75 .61 7.10 15.00 7.95 15.00 5.U0 16.50 10.12 1.00 2.77 117.52 539.50a/ 73.00a/ lla.6Ua/ U08.60 88.80 661;. 20 739.08 265U.82 121.20 76.20 68 ,k0 33.60 7.20 60.60 1,161;. 60 227 .UO U05.00 36.68 U26.00 900.00 U77.0O 900.00 32U.OO 990.00 607 .20 60.00 166 .hh 7,051.52 Total cost 158.61; 9,706.31; a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. f. j ! -y:ej5 "At i XU . ■ ■ I j saauj;*^ ,,utjr ■ .bruits rteiX^ so o$ feoo C\X v'. CSX «, v af : :. 06, Od W.\ s . ( £0,S , TS.I AO. I jar! 8£, •xrf el . ..• h ' !T.€ IS* ■: i I ! O'jf. tO, j ,■ I: fd ■ i OS- VOd ' 90. !J : t ! o& r i I ■ V ' u ij-^q*ec^ -xs<]!?!? $£|gt£s) ©silica' 5 ? 79. Table 7k. Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley on 320-1 1955 Yield: 25 cwt 1953 Yield; 21 cwt Units Total Cost Unit Cost used Cost per Acre 1955 19^3 X7> J Item 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 7 0 ac re s 50 acres 1 2 3 U p A \j 7 8 Overhead : Real estate taxe 5 ? A c;n o.pu fill 00a/ U4,l # WWC* / KOO ^0a i Office 1.00 1.00 83 Ona"/ A7 nria * Improvements 1 9k 1 9k l6l.0ka/ 130.00a/ Power 7 88 7 ]i7 551 60 373 ^0 Equipment 3 51 k 6k 2l±Z 70 232 .00 Irrigation water ^ 31 P • JX k 371.70 227.00 Total ovprhpaH 26. Ik 26.09 202k .0k 1530.00 V^Ol CX VJ JL.1 Xcl o Power : Tractor T-5D 1.31*6 .937 .6k hr .73 .60 30.00 Tractor W_? R77 •Off 700 .177 00 Viv> ,cc nr .19 .18 13.30 9.00 Tractor W-1 7nA . 1 UO £RA .poo ,4U nr .31 .26 21.70 13.00 Picknn 10n narrow .015 ,oo nr .01 .02 .70 1.00 Broadc ast pr 1 1 3A 99 Vit» # ££ III .18 .25 12.60 12.50 Materi al s * Irrigation water .6U7 .596 lk.k ac" 9.32 8.58 652 .k0 k29.00 Seed .Ok 80 lbs 3.20 3.20 22k. 00 160.00 Labor: Drivers 19 ^ 1 00 2 79 hr 2.79 195.30 JU72J l nn ? ^ hr c »p? ra 2.55 127.50 on on ^ An Vit- 3.2k 3.2k 226.80 162 .00 www • oci s oc ovjiTip # insur « .35 .3k 2k .k8 16.79 Harvest 5.00 5.00 350.00 250.00 Haul 1955 .10 25 cwt 175.00 1953 .10 21 cwt 2.10 ±Up .UU Storage 1955 25 cwt 3.60 252 .00 1953 .lkk 21 cwt 3.02 151.00 Insurance ($1.50 per $100.00 of value 1 .81 .85 56. kk k2.52 Interest on operating capital .82 .76 57.2k 38.18 Total operating 36.32 33.86 2,5kl.96 1,692.99 Total cost 62 .k6 k,566.00 . 3,222.99 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. ■ ■ • ■ ■ ' : - ■ .... 1 • . ■ . ■ j .. ,. .-. '. . ! . . • I I-W' •xfJ^tSsesT" •:• b 'I' 1 • : : ■ ■ . 1 . !■ • '• ■ ■ ■ • . .-■ ■ ■ / . ■ : .' \ ft* . . d , •■ . , ■ . , ■ ' • ■ i . • ■ ' . i i . - , i ! .. ■•■ . < t:^u : ': " j .7 ■ ' ■ i • ; ; Table 75. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 320-1 80. 1955 Yield: 1.8 Bales 1953 Yield: 1.5 Bales Units Total Cost Unit Cost used 3ost per Acre 1955 1953 Item 1955 1953 per acre 1955 1953 119 acres 216 acres 1 2 3 "t -y— -■ --■ 5 7 6 7 8 Ovprhpad • ItCciX CD wet L»C udAto 6.50 6.50 929.50a/ 1,579.50a/ Of f ic e 1.00 1.00 lkk.OOa/ 233.00a/ Tnro v o v pm en "b s 1 Oh i 0)1 279. kOa/ k52.08a/ Power 19.92 13.99 2,370.k8 3,021.8k Equipment 23.28 13.28 2,770.32 2,868,k8 Irrigation water 15.50 12.28 l,8kk.£0 2,652 .k8 Total overhead 68. lU k8.99 10 807 3fl Operating: Power • Tractor T-^l") ] Tk6 9^7 2.2k hr 2.57 2.10 305.83 k53.60 Tractor ¥-2 ft77 • O 1 1 700 6.01 hr 5.27 U.80 627.13 1,036.80 Pi f*k"nn 1955 <~no 65.218 mi 2.5k 302 .26 1953 mo k9.792 mi •4/ II/ 1 - lUJ. 1.9k kl9.0k Truck 1955 .Up ( 20.080 mi 1.1k 135.66 1953 n^7 .up f 18.797 mi 1.07 231.12 Equipment : k.32 5' ditcher .lpO .25 hr .03 .02 3.57 10' scraper .pui; 9fio .25 hr 13 .07 1 £ )i7 IP .4/ lp ,LC 8' chisel .3o3 .^1( 1.12 hr ill .2k k8.79 pi. 04 lOl 1 offset disk .71x0 Ri 1 .011 '.62 hr .59 .50 7D 91 J.U0 ,uu 12 1 spike tooth harrow mi; ,»Jlp H91 .20 hr .po ,00 12 1 cultipacker 1 £oft l.pyO RRn ,oou .20 hr .32 .18 k row lister 1.520 .972 25 hr .38 .2k k5.22 51.8k k row lister planter 1.283 .822 .31 hr .Uo .25 k7.60 5k. 00 k row cultivator .662 .52k 1.77 hr 1*17 .93 ipy .0 t UU , OO k row fertilizer attachment .615 .339 .kl hr .25 .lk 90 7£ ^y . (p "}D 9)i 1 row cotton picker U.398 2.k23 2.78 hr 12.23 6.7k l,k55.37 1 liCK ft), 1,UPP .04 6 bale cotton trailer .379 .208 .90 hr .3k .19 l.n lift lii nli 2 row stalk cutter ?7)r .50 hr A .08 10 ,00 1 7 9A 1( .U? . (5 3,1U8.7U 25U.66 327.15 1,080.00 1,060.00 1,736.6U QTfl on h, 762 .80 386.61; 50U.33 151. OU 129.75 17,97U.35 28,027.98 Total cost 219.18 178 Jh 26,312.55 38,835.36 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres . I ■ ■ ■ ■ • ; 1 •> ■ : ■ ■ ■ . • ! . : hi ■ 1 : :. ' - ■ ■ 1 Table 76. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 320-; Upper San Joaquin Valley ■2 Farms in Cotton Alfalfa Potatoes Corn All X7PP X7 02 1 055 J-7~? 1 Q5 X7O 2 1 Q5 ^ X70 0 X7OO xyoo crop per total total per total total per total total per total total Item acre (119 ac.) (216 ac.) acre (70 ac.) (60 ac.) acre (22 ac.) (24 ac.) acre (55 ac.) 1955 1953 T-5D o oy oAA 5A / 0*3 fi/ on nn "3/ on AO 0V. o Ofi 2 AT Q2 «c*+X • 7*£ OP, T q An 17 . uu i A ffn xu. ou 5A • 20 1 O *30 X«C • j ■ ■ - i ' i It ■ ■ . ■ • ; i ■ * ■ * v. "' - -• cX. •W- ! ' ii.; .. • Table 83. Annual Tractor and Equipment Hours, 1955 and 1953; 320-3 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley Item Cotton Alfalfa Potatoes Barley Mile All crop total per acre 1955 total (119 ac.) 1953 total (216 ac. ) per acre 1955 total (21 ac.) per acre 1955 total (62 ac.) 1953 total (70 ac.) per acre 1955 total (90 ac.) per acre 1955 total ( 55 ac. ) 1955 1 1953 T-5D 2.24 266.56 483.84 .57 11.97 2.71 168.02 189.70 .64 57.60 1.32 72.60 576.75 ! 673.54 W-2 4.62 549.78 998.16 .50 10.50 2.68 166.16 187.60 .44 39.60 1.28 70.40 816.64 ■1185.76 W-l 1.39 165.41 300.00 4.70 98.70 .22 19.80 303.71 300.0C Pickup 3/4 ton Truck l| ton (12.000 miles) ( 5,000 miles J 5 1 ditcher .25 29.75 54.00 .10 6.20 7.00 .20 11.00 46.95 , 61.00 10 1 scraper .25 29.75 54.00 .10 6.20 7.00 .20 11.00 46.95 ; 61.00 2 way/2-16" plow .75 46.50 52.50 46.50 52.50 8' chisel 1.12 133.28 241.92 .56 34.72 39.20 168. 00 281.12 lO^' offset disk .62 73.78 134.40 .28 5.88 1.20 74.40 84.00 .64 57.60 .92 50.60 262.26 218.40 Border disk - .22 19.80 19.80 ' 12 ' spike tooth harrow .20 23. 80 43.20 .13 2.73 .20 12.40 14.00 .86 77.40 116.33 57.20 12 1 cultipacker .20 23.80 43.20 .32 17.60 41.40 43.20 4 row lister .25 29.75 54.00 .25 13.75 43.50 54.00 4 row lister planter .31 36.89 66.96 .30 16.50 53.39 66.96 2 row cultivator .93 110.67 200.00 .90 55.80 63.OO 166.47 263.00 4 row cultivator 1.77 210.63 381.68 .73 40.15 250 78 6ff 4 row fertilizer attachment .41 4B.79 88. 56 48.79 88.56 1 row cotton picker 2.78 330.82 600.48 330.82 600.48 6 bale cotton trailer • 90 107.10 194.40 107.10 194.40 2 row stalk cutter .50 59. 50 108.00 59.50 108.00 7 1 power mower 2.17 45.57 45.57 8' side delivery rake 2.03 42.63 42.63 Broadcaster .50 10.50 .22 19.80 30.30 2 row potato planter 1.28 79.36 89.60 79.36 89.601 b' steel roller .30 18.60 21.00 18.60 21. OOf 3 (V : !•; . ■ . A..': ■ ■ ■ , V- V " « - . . • vj res ■ •■ . ' . ' •• j 1 . 1 5 :cj li : - ■ ► rev. '• ■ : [ ' : - ^ ■ : • Table 84. Irrigation Water Use, 1955 and 1953; for 320-3 Farms in Upper San Joaquin Valley- Year and Period Cotton per acre total Alfalfa per acre total Potatoes per acre total Barley per acre total Milo per acre total All crop total 1/1 5/1 7/1 9/1 1955 4/30 6/30 8/31 12/31 (119 acres) (21 acres) (62 acres) (90 acres) ( 55 acres) Seasonal per acre Seasonal per farm 6.0 8.0 24.0 4.0 42.0 714 952 2856 476 4998 13.6 16.0 16.0 12.0 57.6 285.6 336 336 252 1209.6 22.0 14.0 36.0 1364 868 14.4 14.4 2232 1296 6.0 17.0 4.0 27.0 1296 330 935 220 1485 3659.6 2486.0 4127.0 948.0 11220.6 1953 (216 acres) ■) (70 acres) --) 1/1 - 4/30 5.0 1080 5/1 - 6/30 6.0 1296 7/1 - 8/31 24.0 5184 9/1 - 12/31 4.0 864 Seasonal per acre 39.0 Seasonal per farm 8424 22.0 14.0 36.0 1540 980 2520 2620 2276 5184 864 10944 - - . i , .. AT, - flf? V." . • . ,■ ■ • ■ .„■"... — .. • ... .. . ' ,' 5 . .. • ... ■ • ■ - .... ; - - ■ - - - 92. Table 85. Cost of Inputs to Establish an Alfalfa Stand on 320-3 Item Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Tractor W-l Equipment: 8* chisel 10|« offset disk 12 1 spiketooth harrow Broadcaster Materials: Irrigation water Seed Labor: Driver Irrigator | Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. Contracts: Landplane 3X Make borders Dust (2% parathion) Total cost Unit Cost 1955 2.338 1.851* 1.773 .708 2.001; .088 1.1*58 .798 .3k 1.00 .90 ^ Amount charged off annually a 1953 Units used per acre h 2 .31* hr .20 hr .20 hr 1.12 hr 1.22 hr .52 hr .22 hr 8 ac" 25 lbs 2.76 hr 1.00 hr 12.5 lbs Cost per. Acre 1955 5.1*7 .37 .35 .79 2.1*1* .05 .32 6.38 8.50 2.76 .90 .21 12.00 .75 2. Hi k3.k3 10.86 1953 T Total Cos t 1955 21 acres a/ Total cost to establish stand is depreciated over four years. lilt .67 7.77 7.35 16.59 51.21* 1.05 6.72 133.98 178.50 57.96 18.90 It .1*6 252.00 15.75 kk.9k 1953 acres 8 912.08 228.02 *s n ■ ... . 'IOC *?:»£-• 93. Table 86. Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa on 320-3 1955 Yield: 7.0 tons Units Total Cost Unit Cost used Cost per Acre 1955 1953 Item 19^ per acre 19"55 J-7PJ5 90 acres acres 1 2 3 _ It \ 5 6 7 ~w Overhead: Real p^'.p I^ypq Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water 4 uosu bo esxaoiisn s oan d 6.50 1.00 1.9U 7.21 5.25 lit. 75 10.86 182.00 a/ 22.00 a/ 1*2.68 a/ 151. hi no ?^ J.X>J .lip 309.75 228.02 Total overhead lt7 .51 1, 01*6.11 Operating : Power : iractor W-l Pickup Truck .597 039 .057 it.20 hr 25.762 mi LU.U09 mi 2.51 1.00 .82 52.71 17.22 . Equipment : 7' power mower 8' side delivery rake . loo 1.220 • 2.17 hr 2.03 hr 1.67 2.1*8 35.07 p£ ,uo ! naTyeiu.aj.s : i Irrigation water .51*2 5 j . o ac ■51 OO 655.62 i Labor: i Drivers Irrigators Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur 1 OO .90 5.32 hr 7.20 hr 5.32 6.U8 .68 111.72 136.08 m.37 : 1 Contracts : i Bale Roadside 3.50 1.75 7.0 ton 7.0 ton 2U.50 12.25 5U*.5o 257.25 Total operating 88.93 1., 867 .62 Total cost 1 136 .UU 2,913.73 j a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. 94. Table 87. Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley on 320-3 1955 Yield: 25 cwt Item Unit Cost 1955 Overhead: Real estate taxes Office : Improvements Power - Equipment ; Irrigation water Total overhead Operating : Power: Tractor T-5D Tractor ¥-2 Tractor W-l Pickup Truck Equipment : 10|t offset disk Border disk 12' spiketooth harrow Broadcaster Materials : Irrigation water Seed Labor: Drivers Irrigator Soc. Sec. & Compi Insur. .890 M$ .597 .039 .057 41k .883 .016 M13 .$h2 .oh 1.00 .90 Contracts : Harvest Haul ( 10 Storage .11^ Insurance ($1.50 per $100.00 of value) I Interest on operating capital Total operating 1953 Units used per acre .61*. hr .22 hr Mh hr 25.756 mi lu.i;09 mi .61; hr .22 hr .86 hr .22 hr Ih.h ac» 80 lbs 2.1*2 hr 1.80 hr 25 cwt 25 cwt 25 cwt Cost per Acre 1955 6.50 1.00 1.9k U.U8 2.51 3.69 1953 20.12 .58 .19 .26 1.00 .82 .33 .19 .01 .09 7.80 3.20 2.1*2 1.62 .23 5.00 2.50 3.60 .81 .71 31.36 Total Cost 1955 90 ac£es 1953 acres 8 1*2 9. 00a/ 61*.00a7 121*. 18 a/ 1*03.20 225.90 332.10 1,578.38 52.20 17.10 23.1*0 90.00 73.80 29.70 17.10 .90 8.10 702.00 288.00 217.80 11*5.80 21.09 1*50.00 225.00 32^.00 72.56 63.52 2,822.07 Total cost 51.U8 k,hOO.k$ a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to: a) adjustment for non-crop acres b) 55 acres at one-half of rate because of double crop and remaining 35 acres at full rate. j - + *»nO hrf, ■ ... ., ■ : -. .■ ■ • ■ . . ■ - . si a.S'r'ErjaO .... . tits Table 88. Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton on 320-3 1955 Yield: 2.1 Bales 1953 Yield: 1.75 Bales Item Overhead : Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead Operating: Power: Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup Truck 1955 1953 1955 1953 Unit Cost Equipment: 5' ditcher 10' scraper 8' chisel H%» offset disk 12' spiketooth harrow i 12' cultipacker 1* row lister 1* row lister planter 1* row cultivator 1* row fertilizer attachment 1 row cotton picker 6 bale cotton trailer 2 row stalk cutter Materials : Irrigation water 1955 1953 Seed (Acid delint) Fertilize (NHkSOk) 1955 (NE^SO^) 1953 Labor: Drivers 1955 1953 Irrigators 1955 1953 General Soc . Sec. & Comp, Insur. .890 .81*5 .039 .057 .089 .332 .312 .51b .016 .918 1.207 1.030 .798 .615 ii.398 .378 .273 .51*2 .115 .032 .00 .90 .90 .831* .878 .039 .057 .069 .256 .187 .618 .031 .880 .972 .822 .521* .339 2.1*23 .208 .150 .51*7 .115 .032 1.00 .90 .90 Units used 1955 I 19^3" per acre 1955 L1953 2.2& hr 6.01 hr 5l.50ii mi U7.81 mi H*.l*09 mi 17.1*82 mi .25 hr .25 hr 1.12 hr .62 hr .20 hr .20 hr .25 hr .31 hr 1.77 hr .1*1 hr 2.78 hr .90 hr .50 hr 1*2 ac» 39 ac» 18 lbs 275 lbs 225 lbs 11.30 hr 11.33 hr 5.25 hr ii.875 hr .31 hr 6.50 1.00 l.9h 22.56 10.75 6.50 1.00 1.91* 11.39 13.10 10.26 57.19 1.99 5.08 2.01 .82 .02 .08 .35 .32 .18 .30 .32 l.Ui .25 12.23 .31* .H* 22.76 2.07 8.80 11.30 1*.72 .28 .95 1*1*. 19 1.87 5.28 1.86 1.00 .02 .06 .21 .38 .01 .18 .21* .25 .93 .Hi 6.7l* .19 .08 21.33 2.07 7.20 11.33 1*.39 .28 .93 Total Cost 1955 119 acres 1953 216 acre 8 8l9.00a/L,5H*.50a/ 123.00a/ 223.00a/ 238.65a/ 1*32.681/ 1,718.36 2,1*60.21* 2,68!;. 61* 2,829.60 V79.25 2,216.16 6,862.90 236.81 601; .52 239.19 97.58 2.38 9.52 Ul. 65 38.08 .36 2 1.1*2 35.70 38.08 167.79 29.75 1,1*55.37 1*0.1*6 16.66 2,708.1*1* 21*6.33 1,01*7.20 l,3l*l*.70 561.68 33.32 112 .50 9,676.18 1*03.92 1,11*0.1*8 1*01.76 216.00 1*.32 12.96 1*5.36 82.08 2.16 38.88 51.81* 51*. 00 200.88 30.21* 1,1*55.81* 1*1.01* 17.28 1*, 607. 28 1*1*7.12 1,555.20 2,1*1*7.28 ■ 91*8.21* : 60.1*8 1 200.1*5 1 (Continued on next page.) V • < ■ 1 : ■ • ■ • ): . .. - > ■ : ■ ■id It, . \ ■ 96. Table 88 continued. Item Unit Cost Units used per acre Cost per Acre Total Cost 1955 119 acres 1953 1955 1953 1955 1953 216 acres 1 1 j 2 3 b 5 6 7 8 J \ Contracts: Fertilize (NH3) 1955 (NH3) 1953 Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2X(5$DDT-5C$ sulfur Defoliate (NaClOo w/Borat or tigi) 1 Gin 1955 1953 Insur. & storage 1955 1953 Interest on operating ca Total operating ) e Hi. 70 1.19 pital 1U.70 1.19 70 lbs 55 lbs 60 lbs 10 lbs 2.1 bale 1.75 bale 2.1 bale 1.75 bale 8.60 5.00 5.oo 8. Ok )i 25 30.87 2.50 2.U7 7.03 5.00 5.00 8.0U 1l 25 25.72 2.08 2.18 1,023 .Uo 595.00 595.00 956.76 505.75 3,673.53 297.50 293.96 1,518.48 1,080.00 1,080.00 1,736. oil 918.00 5,555.52 Ui9.28 U70.00 11*3.1*5 126.27 17,070.39 27,273.01 Total cost 200. 6h 170.U6 23,933.29 36,9ii9.19 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. • 1 ; ' 97. Table 89. Inputs and Costs for Producing Milo on 320-3 1955 Yield: 30 cwt Item Overhead: Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead Operating: Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup Truck Equipment : 5' ditcher 10 ' scraper 10 1/2 offset disk 12 i cultipacker 1* row lister 1* row lister planter 1* row cultivator Materials : Irrigation water Seed Unit Cost 1955 1953 3 " Labor: Driver Irrigator General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. Contracts : Harvest Haul Storage Insurance ($1.50 per $100.00 of value) i Interest on operating capital Total opera ting .890 .81*5 .039 .057 .089 .332 ,5Ut .016 1.207 1.030 .798 .51*2 .08 1.00 .90 .90 .10 .11*1* Total cost Units used pe r acre 1.32 hr 1.28 hr 25.71*5 mi lit. 1*09 mi .20 hr .20 hr .92 hr .32 hr .25 hr .30 hr .73 hr 27 ac" 10 lbs 3.72 hr 3.375 hr .30 hr 30 cwt 30 cwt 30 cwt Cost per Acre 1955 3.25b/ .50b/ .97b/ 8.35" l*.9l 6.91 209" 1.17 1.08 1.00 .82 .02 .07 .1*7 .01 .30 .31 .58 11*. 63 .80 3.72 3.01* .27 .1*1 6.00 3.00 1*.32 1.03 .98 1953 Total Cost 1*1*. 03 68.92 1955 55 acres 1. 1953 acres 201. 50a/ 28.00a/ 51*.33a/ 1*59.25" 270.05 380.05 1,393.18 61*.35 59.1*0 55.oo l* 1.10 3.85 25.85 .55 16.50 17.05 31.90 80I*. 65 1*1*. 00 20l*.60 167.20 ll*. 85 22.1*3 330.00 165.00 237.60 56.92 51*. 08 2,1*21.98 [3,815.16 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. b/ Because of double crop, one-half of the rate allocated to each group. Tahle 90 Inputs and Costs for Producing Potatoes on 320-3 1955 Yield: 290 cwt 1953 Yield: 290 cwt 98. Item Overhead i Unit Cost 1955 Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Total overhead Operating : Power : Tractor T-5D Tractor W-2 Pickup Truck Equipment : 5 1 ditcher 10' scraper 2 way/2-16" plow 8 r chisel 10 2/2' offset disk 12 ' spiketooth harrow 2 row cultivator 2 row potato planter 6 1 steel roller Materials : Irrigation water Seed Fertilizer (17-7-e) Labor : 1953 .890 .81*5 1955 .039 1953 1955 .057 1953 Drivers 1955 1953 .089 .332 1.U36 .312 .5lh .016 .81*1 .882 .538 .51*3 6.30 1.00 .90 .90 Irrigators General Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. Contracts : Dust(5&)Hr-50# Sulfur) Roto beat Pig Pick Haul Shed Interest on operating capital Tot aloperat ing .16 .075 .55 .831* .878 .039 .057 .069 .256 1.271 .187 .618 .031 .532 .78 .1*77 .51*7 6.30 1.00 .90 .90 .16 .075 .55 Total cost Units used per acre 5 Cost per Acre 1955 2.71 hr 2.68 hr 25.71*2 mi 23.90 mi ll*.l*09 mi 17.1*82 mi .10 hr .10 hr .75 hr .56 hr 1.20 hr .20 hr .90 hr 1.28 hr .30 hr 36 ac" 16 cwt 800 lbs 6.51 hr 6.57 hr 1*.50 hr 1.28 hr 6.50 1.00 1.91* 11.1*1* 6.31* 9.22 367HH 2.1*1 2.26 1.00 1953 ~6~ 6.50 1.00 1.91* 9.9k 5.59 9.1*7 3T*n*U Total Cost 1955 62' acres 1*1*8. 50a/ 63.00a/ 122.2lj.a/ 709.28 393.08 571.61* 2,307.71* 1953 70 acres 6 .82 .01 .03 1.08 .17 .62 .003 .76 1.13 .16 565.50a/" 77.00a/: H*9. l*0a/" 695.80 391.30 662.90 2,51*1.90 30 lbs 360 cwt 360 cwt 290 cwt 19.51 100. 80 30.00 6.51 1*.05 1.15 .68 1*.05 3.00 12.00 57.60 27.00 159.50 1*.27 2.26 12*9.1*2 158.20 2.35 11*0.12 161*. 50 62.00 .93 65.10 5o.8l* 1.00 70.00 .01 .62 .70 .03 1.86 2.10 .95 66.96 66.50 .10 10.51* 7.00 .71* 38.1*1* 51.80 .01 .19 .70 .1*8 1*7.12 33.60 1. 00 70.06 70.00 .11* 9.92 9.80 : 1*1*0.57 1*77.01 19.69 100. 80 30.00 6.57 1*.05 1.15 .68 1*.05 3.00 12.00 57.60 27.00 159.50 1*.27 1,209.62 6,21^9.60 1,860.00 1*03.62 251.10 71.30 1*2.11 251.10 186.00 71*1*. 00 3,571.20 1,672*. 00 9,889.00 261*.57 1,378.30 7,056.00 2,100.00 U59.90 283.50 80.50 1*7.79 283.50 210.00 81*0.00 It, 032. 00 1,890.00 11,165.00 298.21* hhO.35 27,315.31 1*72*. 79 29,623.05 30,821*. 73 33 ,366. 63 a/ Total does not equal amount per acres multiplied by acres due to adjustment for non-crop acres. • 1 . .. . ■ ..- I ! i I . • '. r' v.: V ' ' ' . • • ; •. ' : . : i ■■■■■ 99. Table 91. Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 Product Unit 1955 1953 Alfalfa hay ton $ 26.00 $ 21.60 Alfalfa seed lb. ,2k .28 Barley cwt 2.15 2.70 Corn cwt 2.70 3.25 Corn ensilage ton 6.50 6.00 Cotton seed ton U6.00 53.00 Cotton lint lb. .35 .3117 Cotton lint bale 167.30 Hi8.99 Melons (cantaloupe) crate 3.00 3.05 Milo cwt 2.30 2.75 Potatoes (early) cwt 1.85 1.1*2 Sugar beets ton 13.50 13.50 100. Labor Rates Tractor driver Pickup driver Truck driver Irrigator General Compensation Insur. Social Security- Table 92. Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 Contract Services (continued) $1.00 per nr. 1.00 per nr. 1.00 per nr. .90 per hr. .90 per hr. 3.8$ of labor cost 2.0% of labor cost Equipment Rentals h 1 ditcher k l scraper 10' x 60' landplane Border disk 12 1 springtooth 2 row planter Fertilizer attachment Fertilizer spreader Stalk cutter Broadcaster Contract Services Alfalfa Bale Roadside Bees Weed Harvest Certify Box rental Fertilize (super phos- phate)-(appln. ) I .50 .50 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1. oo 1.00 .25 per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. ton ton colony- acre lb. acre acre acre 3.50 1.75 5.oo l5.oo .03 10.12 1.00 1.10 Dust (5% DDT - 75% S)- (application) lb. Defoliate (1 qt. sinxo in 10 gal. diesel oil)-(appln. ) acre Dust (2% Parathion)-(appln. ) lb. Barley Harvest Haul Storage Insurance Corn Chop, haul, unload Shell Pick Haul Dry Storage Insurance Fertilize (NH^)-(appln. ) Cotton Hand thin Hand weed Pick (hand) Pick (machine) Gin Insurance & Storage Dust (5% DDT - 50$ S)- ( application) Defoliate (NaCIO w/Borate or Mg)-( application) Fertilize (NH^)-(appln. ) Gypsum - (application) acre cwt cwt I .oh 2.50 .05 5.oo .10 $1.50 per 1100 of Value ton cwt acre cwt cwt cwt 2.25 .125 10.00 .10 .175 $1.50 per $100 of Value acre 1.75 acre 5.oo acre 5.oo bale 1*2.00 bale 2l|.50 bale lh.70 bale 1.19 lb. .05 acre 2.50 acre i.5o ton i.5o ■ ....... ■ . ' ' ' - . f ' • 080 101. Table 92. Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 — continued — Contract Services (continued) Contract Services (continued) Melons Turn vines Chop, weed Harvest Pack & Haul acre acre crate crate Dust $% DDT - (appln. ) lb. 15? TEPP- (appln. ) lb. Fertilize (NH^) -(appln. ) acre 1,25 Hilo Harvest Haul Storage Insurance Potatoes Rotobeat Dig Pick Haul Shed costs Dust {$% DDT -$0% S)- (application) acre cwt cwt $10.50 25.00 .27 1.U8 .05 .05 6.00 .10 $1.50 per $100 of Value acre acre cwt cwt cwt lb. 3.00 12.00 .16 .075 .55 .05 Sugar Beets Thin Weed Harvest Haul Fertilize (NH ) - (application - } Preparing Seedbed Disk Chisel Landplane Make borders acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre $12.50 8.00 29.00 15.00 1.25 i.5o 2.75 l*.oo .75 102. Table 93 . Farm Supply Purchasing Prices, 19^3-1955 Alfalfa Melons Seed (common) lb. <8> ,5c- lb. tl.iiS Seed (caliverde) Seed (certified ranger) Fertilizer (super phosphate) lb. lb. lb. ,34 ),A .40 .020 1% TEPP Fertilizer (NH,) lb. lb. lb. .07 .16 .085 Dust {$% DDT - 75% S) lb, .0925 Milo Dust (2% Parathion) lb. .121 Seed lb. .08 Sinox Defoliant (1 qt. applied in 10 gal. diesel oil) qt. 2.90 Permanent Pasture Seed lb. .50 Barley Fertilizer (16-20) lb. .045 Seed lb. .04 Potatoes Corn Seed (cut & dipped) v W v 6 30 Seed Fertilizer (NH^SO^) lb. lb. .26 .032 Fertilizer (17-7-0) Dust {$% DDT - 50$ S) lb. lb. .037! .085 Fertilizer (NEj) lb. .105 Sugar Beets Cotton Seed (acid delinted) lb. .115 Seed Fertilizer (NH^) lb U6 .095 Seed (machine delinted) lb. . 001 Fertilizer (NH, SO. ) 4 4 lb. .032 Dust (5% DDT - $0% S) lb. .085 Defoliant (NaClOo w/B orate or Mg; lb. .175 Fertilizer (NH^) */ Gypsum ton 2.50 a/ % .105/lb. for 1-24 tons; ,095/lb. for 25-49 tons; .085/lb. for 50 tons and over. , ■ ■- j ■ • l ■ : (8 i ■: - . S h , cfi ... ■ : . . [SI. .ffl : . ' : . i ' ..• : ■u .. . [ . 3 ■ • ■ ' . . :. . . , - • ■ ■ • ■ . . •■ ■ Division of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 3. San Joaquin Valley Eastside Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 Douglas D. Caton Trimble R. Hedges W. Neill Schaller CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS JUN 4 1953 LIBRARY Mimeographed Report No. 203 May 1958 INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Agreage Allotments) 3. San Joaquin Valley Eastside Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 by Douglas D. Caton, Trimble P. Hedges, and W. Neill Schaller California Agricultural Experiment Station, Gianni nl Foundation of Agricultural Economics, in Cooperation with Farm Economics Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture ■ - I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This investigation of the impact of the cotton acreage allotment program on farm organizations, production, and earnings in the San Joaquin Valley Eastside resulted from a study by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, California Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Farm Economics Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. H. Russell Sha\j, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Assistant Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station, and on the Giannini Foundation contributed heavily in collecting the field data, as did Charles C. Carpy, Assistant Specialist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation. The latter also shared in the analysis. John C, Crecink, Agricultural Economist, Warren R. Bailey, Assistant Head Western Field Research Section, and M. L. Upchurch, Head Western Field Research Section, all of the Farm Economics Research Division, participated in outlining and developing the project research plans. In addition, Mr. Crecink assisted in collecting field data. We are indebted to farmers, dealers, and representatives of various State and Federal agencies serving agriculture for making information and data available for this investigation. We particularly thank the California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee for permitting us to use aggregate data from their county files, and the California Agricultural Extension Service for aiding and facilitating our questionnaire survey of farmers holding acreage allotments in 1954-* Finally the credit for the statistical and stenographic work goes to personnel in the Giannini Foundation. -i- - ■ i I ■ C0HT2NTS 1 . Foreword 2. Soils by Survey Areas and Grades 3. Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955 4. Land Use on Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 5. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 80-Acre Farm, 1955 Prices 6-9. Calendars of Operation and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops on 80 -A ere Farms 10-13. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 80-Acre Farms 14. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 160-Acre Farms, 1955 Prices 15-18. Calendars of Operation and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops on 160-Acre Farms 19-23. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 160-Acre Farms 24-25. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 320-Acre Farms, 1955 Prices 26-31. Calendars of Operation and Physical Input Per Acre for Crops on 320-Acre Farms 32-39. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 320-Acre Farms 40. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 320-1 Farms 41. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 320-2 Farms 42. Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 43-44. Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 45. Farm Materials Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 -ii- I i ■ " INPUTS AMD COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CHOPS 1. (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 3. San Joaquin Valley Eastside Cotton Farms; 1953-1955^/ Douglas D. Caton, Trimble R. Hedges, and V/. Neill Schaller^/ FOREWORD We present in the following pages some highly detailed factual inform- ation that we assembled and used in analyzing the effects of the cotton acreage allotments on farms and earnings in the San Joaquin Valley Sastside. We obtained these data by interviewing farmers and agencies serving farmers, and from official sources related to agriculture. The information appears here as a sequence of tables concerned with each of three farm sizes; these include 0O-/l6O- 9 and 320-acre cotton farms. Such detailed data were essential for our analysis of farm resource use and earnings before and after allotments. Certainly, the same information should prove useful for others who are studying the organization and internal workings of family farms in these three sizes. Table 1 indicates the range in soil quality in the San Joaquin Valley Eastside, according to the Storie Index and soil survey classifications. The two tables following deal with farm size and aggregate cropland use from 1953 through 1955. Succeeding tables are concerned with the three farm models we analyzed. The data for the 80-acre farm will serve to indicate the kind and amount of information that this report includes for each of these three farm sizes. First appears Table A with data on farm resources; Tables 5-8 then list the calendars of operations and inputs for cotton and other crops. Finally, Tables 9-12 present production cost information for these crops. This same listing applies to the 160-acre farms (Tables 13-21) and the 320-acre units (Tables 22-34). In addition to these farm-oriented data, we list in the final tables price and cost inform- ation for the farm products and the principal production materials and services. a/ This statistical supplement is a companion report to Caton, Douglas D. , Trimble R. Hedges, and W. Neill Schaller, Farm Adju stments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton , Acreage Allotments, 3. Sap Jo aouin Valley Eastside, Cotton Farms, Giannini Mimeographed Report Ho. 202, the third of a series based on detailed investigations of the changes in farm organization, production and earnings under the cotton acreage allotments beginning in 1954. This research comes lander California Agricultural Experiment Station Project Number 16A1, and is partially supported under Line Project PE e3-5(w), Farm Economics Research Division, Jestern Field Research Section, U. S. Department of Agriculture. b/ Douglas D. Caton and W. Neill Schaller are Agricultural Economists, Farm Economics Research Division, Western Field Research Section, Agricul- tural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Trimble R. Hedges is Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station, and Agricultural Economist on the Giannini Foundation, University of California, College of Agriculture, Davis. Authors are listed in alphabetical order, not according to seniority in authorship. TABLE 1 Soils by Survey Areas and Grades San Joaquin Valley Eastside Soil classification Grade II III IV V VI Index 2 90 - 100 80 - 89 Subtotal Fresno acres { per cent of total 39,424: 4.5 39,424 j 4.5 Percent of Area Total 70 - 79 60 - 69 Subtotal 6,016 76,032 82,048 .7 8.8 9.5 Percent of Area Total 50 - 59 40 - 49 Subtotal 212,032 225.280 24.4 26.0 50.4 437,312 I Percent of Area Total 20 - 39 257,856 29.7 10 - 19 0-10 Subtotal 2,624 £8,576 309,056 .3 5J± Soil Survey Areas acres Hanf brd . per cent of total 6 81*260 81,260 6,754 22*748 58.8 40,502 35.6 Percent of Area Total Total 867,840 100.0 5,470 8,768 2,240 16,478 138,240 58.8 4.9 24.4 Pixley acres 90,176 29,82 4 per cent of total 8 15.7 5.2 29.3 4.0 6.3 1.6 11.9 100.0 120,000 83,392 A 6.784 130,176 94,272 33,088 127,360 a, 728 120,256 34, 560 196,544 574,080 20.9 14.5 8.2 22.7 16.4 5.8 22.2 7.3 20.9 6.0 34.2 100.0 Visalia acres, L„9.„ 108,736 _62 9 848_ 171,584 3,776 s232 Total per -cent- of tfrtel* acres 10 11 per cent by grades 12 238,336 173,922 31.6 I 412.26C 20.0 11.6 57.8 _£L,2 107,968 33,984 17.152 51,136 102,464 28,608 82,240 213,312 544,000 8.0 11.8 19.8 6.2 .2,2- 9.4 18.8 5.3 15.1 39.2 100.0 139,938 220.756 360,694 340,288 275,520 615,808 407,518 160,256 167,616 735,390 2,124,160 100.0 19.4 38.8 61.2 100.0 17.0 55.3 100.0 29.0 55.4 21.8 22.8 100.0 34.6 100.0 Sources: Soil Survey of the Fresno Area, Calif., U, S. Bureau of Soils. Soil Survey of the Hanford Area, Calif., U. S. Bureau of Soils. Soil Survey of the Pixley Area, Calif., U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry. Soil Survey of the Visalia Area, Calif., U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, ■ . : • • • TABLE 2 Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955= San Joaquin Valley Eastside Crooland Total cotton acres Diverted acres Cropland class XII UtJi. VuXp Number of farms Average per farm Total 3-year average 1951-1953 1953 Final allotment 1954 Acres planted 19552:/ 3-year average to 1954 3-year average to 1955 1 2 " 3 L ■ 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 1 - 20 21 - 60 61 - 100 101 - 220 221 - 420 421 - 660 661 - 1,100 1,100 + above 3,424 3,805 1,119 1,168 593 237 141 122 12.7 37.5 78.0 149.0 298.2 518.1 842.1 4,181.6 43,520 105,160 87,298 174,054 176,858 122,798 118,735 511,373 27,086 63,975 52,096 99,009 98,806 61,518 58,769 164,109 26,725 60,599 48,490 90,784 90,161 54,661 54,763 157,217 30,539 45,010 34,028 64,610 63,889 40,813 39,122 110,183 24,238 35,729 27,026 51,299 50.721 32,398 31,071 87,469 3,453 - 18,965 - 18,068 - 34,399 - 34,917 - 20,705 - 19,647 - 53,926 - 2,848 - 28,246 - 25,070 - 47,710 - 48,085 - 29,121 - 27,698 - 76,640 Total '9,609 139.4 1 1,339,796 625,368 534,910 428,194 1 • 339,950 | -197,174 : . -285,418 a/ Estimated. Sources California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee. TABLE 3 Land Use on Cotton Farms,, 1953-1955 : San Joaquin Valley Eastside Cropland class intervals Mid- point Number of farms Net crop acres Fruit Noncultivated Total farm total average 1 number reporting total acres number reporting total acres acres reported acres I per farm total average 1 2 3 4_ 5 A ... 7 8. 9 10 11 1 - 20 10 546 7,U4 13.0 355 4,915 160 801 12 , 830 23.5 21 - 60 4.0 612 22,949 37.5 292 5,201 224 1,714 29,864 48.8 61 - 100 80 255 20,032 78.6 83 2,159 78 1,354 23,545 92.3 101 - 220 100 254 38,212 150.4 82 3,924 85 3,047 45,183 177.9 221 - 4.20 320 120 35,192 293.3 29 881 a 6,509 42,582 354.8 421 - 660 540 51 25,751 504.9 7 763 17 1,873 28,387 556.6 661 - 10 ,000 5 S 330 67 111,932 1,670.6 10 4,960 28 23,057 139,949 2,088.8 Total 1,905 261,182 137.1 858 22,803 633 38,355 322,340 169.2 Sources Questionnaire returns , 1954- - - ■ 5. TABLE 4 Physio al Resources and Investments for Typical 80-acre Farm, 1955 Prioes Size or New oost Average investment*/ Item capacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 dollars Land : Total 80 aores Total oul "titrated X V VAX V IU WAV U KBU 74 aores Irrigation system: Pumping plant 30 h*pct 1000 g.p.m. 1 3,000.00 1,537.50 Well) casing 12" diameter; 80' lift 200' 4,15 830.00 2.08 415.00 Pipe 12" 1,380" ,80 1,104,00 .40 552,00 Stands 7« - 36" 1 63.00 31.50 Vents 7» - 8" 2 4,90 9.80 2.45 4.90 Alfalfa valves 10" 12 15.00 180.00 7.50 90.00 Siphons 1" - 2" 150 1,50 225,00 .75 112.50 Subtotal 5,411.80 2,743.40 Power: Wheel traotor W-l (20-25 h.p. ) 1 2,000.00 1,400.00 Wheel traotor W-2 (25-35 h.p,) 1 3,000.00 2,100»00 Piolcup truok 1/2 ton 1 2,000,00 1,200.00 Subtotal 7,000,00 4,700,00 Equipment: Plow, 2 way 2 - 14" 1 453,00 226,50 Disk, offset 7 l/2 1 1 650.00 325.00 ljxsk, xancicm 1 X ■ 700.00 350,00 Spiketooth harrow 4' seotion 3 30.00 90.00 15,00 45.00 Cultipaoker 10 • 1 325.00 162.50 Planter 4 row 1 500.00 250,00 Cultivator 4 row 1 1,000.00 500.00 Cotton trailer 4 bale 3 350,00 1,050.00 192,50 577.50 Power mower 7' 1 350.00 175.00 Side delivery rake 8» 1 520.00 260.00 Ditcher y 4« 1 135.00 67,50 Soraper )}J 8« 1 485,00 242.50 Subtotal 6,258,00 3,181.50 Total 18,669,80 10,624.90 a/ New cost » Salvage value 2 No salvage values, except as follows: W-l traotor: $ 800 4-bale cotton W-2 traotor: $1,200 trailers: $ 35 each Pickup truok: $ 400 Pumping plant: $ 75 b/ Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955. Souroe: Calculated from survey data. ■ i ■ ■ ■ ex.* ■ go .oc 00.0?£ I • - - ■ ■ ■ : tot oat t I-i TABLE 5 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton, 80-acre Farm Dates 4/5 - 4/20 6/15 - 7/1 6 '15 - 8/15 7 AO - 7/20 7/20 - 9 '5 9/15 - on 11/15 - on 9/15 - on Operations Cut stalks Disk 2X Plow Border up Preirrigate Disk 2X with harrow attached Plant Cultipack Cultivate (l) Hand thin - Contract Cultivate (2) Fertilize - Contract Cultivate (3) Irrigate (l) Hand weed - Contract Cultivate (4) Irrigate (2) Dust 2X - Contract Cultivate and lay by (5) Irrigate 3X (3-5) Pick 1st - hand - Contract Pick 2nd - hand - Contract Haul to gin Gin - Contract 1 Acres 1 Physical Crew and Equipment per j requirements Men Power Equipment 9-hour ! Man- j Tractor * Material day .. hours hours .3.953 , 3 A 7 6 7 o 10 l W X 2 row stalk cutter 18 .50 .50 (rented) l W-2 7-1/2' offset disk 25 .72 .72 l W-2 2 way/2-14" 9 1.00 1.00 l 17-2 border disk (rented) 40 .22 l 6 8.4 1 W-2 10' tandem disk plus .76 12' spiketooth harrow 2 U-2 4 row planter 29 .62 .31 30ff delint seed 1 W-l 10' cuitipacker 33 .27 .27 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 20 .45 .45 1 U-2 4 row cultivator 22 .41 .41 100# (N) 74# (I) 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 22 .41 .41 1 6 6 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 26 .35 .35 1 6 6 60# of 5% DDT 50$ S 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 26 .35 .35 1 18 18 1 Pick- 4 bale cotton trailer 6 1.50 1.50 up Source: Calculated from survey data. ON ■ • 1 • 1 TABLE 6 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa, 80 -a ere Farm Dates " '■ upera.xi3.ons Crew and BauiDment Acres per 9 -hour day Physical reauirement.s Man- hours Tractor hours Material Men Power Equipment i . £ 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 / /c: / /it 1 5.5 ac. in. 1 ulyd 1st J. w-l 7« power aower 29 .31 .31 naice 1 W-l 8' S. D. rake 31 .29 .29 rs.xe Lionttracti iiodubxtie uonoraco 5/15 - j.rrxgax.e T'C* TABLE 7 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish an Alfalfa Stand, 80 -a ere Farm —1 i 1 Crew and Bauinment Acres per Physical requirements Dates Operations Men Power Equipment ■ 9 -hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Material 2 -a 1 -J? .J7 .„ ■ * ■ 9 | Disk 2X i i W-2 10' tandem disk 28 •64 1 .64 Chisel 2X - Contract 1 Landplane 2X - Contract Make borders - Contract i Landplane - Contract Disk i W-2 7-1/2' offset disk 25 .36 1 .36 1 i 2/1 - 3/15 i Preirrigate Disk with harrow Seed Harrow Dust - Contract i i i i W-2 W-1 W-1 7-1/2' offset disk w/8' spiketooth broadcaster (rented) 12' spiketooth 22 AO 40 .41 .22 .22 i .41 .22 .22 8 ac. in. 25# seed 12.5# 2% parathion Source x Calculated from survey data. ■ J J r - TABLE 8 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn, 80-acre Farm Crew and Equipment Dates 3/25 4-/10 5/30 9/15 10/1 4 r Operations 2 Men Power Equipment 4/10 4/20 5/5 - 5/15 8/20 on on Disk 2X Plow Border up Preirrigate Disk 2X w/harrow attached Plant Cultivate Cultivate Fertilize - Contract Irrigate (l) Cultivate 2X Irrigate 7X (2-8) Pick and haul - Contract Shell - Contract 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Acres Physical per ' requirements 9-hour ! Man- Tractor Material . .day j hours j hours \ "t 8 W-2 7-1/2 1 offset disk 25 W-2 2 way/2-14" 9 W-2 \ border disk (rented) 40 I W-2 ;10« tandem disk w/l2»j 2U \ spiketooth VJ-2 4 row planter 28 W-2 \U row cultivator 18 W-2 \U row cultivator i 20 W-2 i 4 row cultivator 20 .72 i .72 i.oo : i.oo .22 .76 .64 .50 .45 .22 .76 .32 .50 .45 .90 ; .90 7 ac. in. 10# seed 119# (N) 4 ac. in. 28 ac. in Source: Calculated from survey data. 10. TABLE 9 Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton, 80-acre Farm 1953 1955 Acres: 51 — Yield: 1.1 bales Acres : 2 6 — Yield: 1*4 bales Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Total Item nfip afire oostii/ acre cost coat*/ acre cost i \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 9 dollars dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 6,50 7.34 374.40 6,50 7.40 192.40 Office 2.03 2.12 108,00 ■ 2,03 2.13 55.50 Power 18.34 i 935.34 23»18 602.68 Equipment 15.40 { 785 o 40 23.83 619.58 Irrigation water 6.88 350*88 6.72 174.72 Total Fixed 50.08 1 2.554.02 t 63.26 1,644.88 VARIABLE! Powers 1 Tractor W-l .77 hr. 1.19 .92 46.92 77 V»t» 1 X, VAJ »OX 9i nfi Tractor W-2 4.98 hr. .87 4.32 220.32 /nil hr* Q7 Htoj it. J • -Jo Pickup truok 123 mi. .04 4*67 238.17 156 mi • r\A o,y4 1 e;a XD4«'*«* Equipment (owned): Plow, 2w/2-14" 1.00 hr. 1.33 1.33 ! 67.83 1-00 hr. T QO 1 PQ AO 1 A 4y «X4 7 l/2« offset disk .72 hr. 2.41 1.73 88.23 • f c. nx • 9 1 "7 •^fi A9 10' tandem disk .76 hr„ 2.50 1.90 96,90 • fO LIT « 9 AO. AO 1 D 12' spiketooth harrow .76 hr. .04 .03 1.53 . to or* • U4 1 AA X e W 10* oultipaoker .27 hr. 2.36 .64 32.64 • c i nr • A 1 9(> 4-row planter .31 hr. .63 .20 10,20 • j i nr» • o9 • 28 "7 OO /.CO 4-row cultivator 1.97 hr. 1.99 3.92 199.92 l»97 nr» i • o/ C API 5.05 T / £ AA 140.90 4-bale cotton trailer 1.50 hr. .41 .62 31.62 SI • oi 1 91 1 • cx ■31 AA Equipment (rented )i j Border disk .22 hr. .50 .11 5.61 .22 hr. 1 1 .XX 7 RA 2-row stalk outter .50 hr. 1.00 .50 1 25.50 #3v or • t nr. mi i ^ no Materials : Irrigation water 36 ac n .28 10.19 519.69 jot'* oO i n oo 9 AO A9 coy . Seed (acid delint) 30 lb. .08 2.40 122.40 30 ID a 0<:,4U Labor: Drivers 10.19 hr. 1.00 10.19 519.69 i a aq v«« xu.yo nr. i A no nor Acs cOD,4o Irrigator 16.20 hr. .90 14.58 743,58 17. 2o nr. •90 15.55 4U4.J0 General .31 hr. .90 .28 14.28 •31 hr. ,90 .28 7. 28 ' Soc. Sec. & Ccmp. Insur. b/ 1.45 74.10 1 R A 1.50 i|A A O 4U.4J Contracts : Fertilise (n) 74 lb. 9.27 472,77 100 lb. T O AA 12.00 O, O rtrt 312.00 Hand thin i 5.00 255,00 5.00 130.00 Hand weed 5.00 255,00 5.00 130.00 Dust ZX (5j/o DDT - 50$ sulfur) 60 lb. .13 8,10 413,10 60 lb. .13 8.10 210.60 ! Piok 2X - hand lol bale 1 42.00 46.20 2,356.20 1.4 bale 42.00 58.80 1,528.80 ' Gin 1.1 bale 14.70 16.17 824,67 1.4 bale 14,70 20.58 535.08 1 Insur. * storage 1.1 bale i 1.19 1.31 66.81 1.4 bale 1.19 1.67 43.42 ; Interest on operating oapital£/| 2.16 110.06 2.45 63.66 Total Variable 153.19 7,812.74 181.85 4,727.93 Total Cost 203,27 10,366,76 245.11 6,372,81 a/ Rounded. b/ 5,8 percent x total labor cost. c/ Total of variable oosts (less operator labor, ginning, and picking) « 2, x 5.5 peroent Souroe: Calculated from survey data. ■ ■ * ■ - • . ■ • i - • • • ■ • Ow t 1 • J. ■ • I J -J §c - ■ - 11. TABLE 10 Inputs and Costs for Produoing Alfalfa, 80-aore Farm 1953 1955 Aores! 20 — Yield! 6.0 tons Aores: 34 — Yield! 6.25 tons Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Jnit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars TEED: CJ*t»Ou Real estate taxes 6.50 7.28 145.00 O.OU "7 AO • Offioe 2.03 2.10 42.00 2.03 2.16 73.50 Power 13,62 272.40 12.33 419,22 Equipment 7,18 143.60; 4.74 161,16 Irrigation water 9.74 194.80 8*92 303 e 2S 1 /a «na+ +.n establish stand TOTAL FIXED 52.52 1.050.48 48.83 1.660.30 VARIABLE J Powers 128.18 Traotor W-l 3.60 hr. 4.28 85,60 3,60 hr. 1.05 3,77 Pickup truck 61 mi. .04 Ct 78 mi. • 04 2.97 100.98 Equipment! .55 1.03 35.02 7 1 power mower 1.86 hr. .94 1.75 35.00 1,86 hr. 8' side delivery rak 3 1.74 hr. 1.49 2.60 52,00 1,74 hr. .88 1.53 52.02 Materials i 468.18 Irrigation water 51 ao" .28 14.43 288,60 51 ao™ .27 13.77 Labors 5,55 188,70 Drivers 5.14 hr. 1.00 5.14 102,80 5.55 hr. 1.00 Irrigators 22,95 hr. .90 20.66 413,20 22,95 hr. .90 20,66 702.44 Soc. Sec. it Comp. In sur. b/ 1.50 29.93 1.52 51.69 Contraots : 743.92 Bale 6.0 ton 3.50 21.00 420,00 6.25 ton 3.50 21.88 Roadside 6o0 ton 1.75 10.50 210,00 6.25 ton 1.75 10.94 371.96 Total variable 1 84.20 J., 683. 93 83.62 2,843.09 Total ocst ! 136.72 ,2,734*41 b.32.45 i 4,503. 39. a/ Rounded . b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. # ■ 1 i . 12* TAB IE U Inputs and Costs for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand, 80-acre Farm 1953 1955 Acres: 20 tores t 34 Units used Unit Cost per Total i Units used (Unit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ oost a/ acre cost per acre a/ 'cost a/ acre oost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars Power: 1.41 47.94 W-l traotor .44 hr. 3.98 lo75 35.00 .44 hr. 3.21 W-2 tractor 1,41 hr. 2.69 3.79 75.80 1.41 hr. I 3,47 4.89 166,26 iquipmeiix • 150.96 7 l/2» offset disk .77 hr. 4.61 3.55 71.00 .77 hr. 5.77 4.44 10' tandem disk .64 hr. 4,80 3.07 61.40 ,64 hr. 6,14 3.93 133.62 o spiirexooxn narrow .41 hr. .18 .07 1.40 .41 hr. .24 .10 3.40 sji. ■ spiKetootn narrov • .22 hr. .27 .06 1.20 ,22 hr. .35 ,08 2,72 Broadoaster (rented) •22 hr. .25 .06 1.20 .22 hr. .25 .06 Z.04 Materials; .45 3.56 121.04 Irrigation water 8 ao" .47 3,79 75.80 8 ao" Seed 25 lb. .34 8.50 170.00 25 lb. .34 8.50 289,00 Labor: 62,90 Drivers 1.65 hr. 1.00 1.85 37.00 1.85 hr. 1.00 1.85 Irrigators 3.60 hr. .90 3.24 64.80 3.60 hr. .90 3,24 110.16 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Ini »ur. b/ .30 5.90 ,30 10,04 Contracts: 187.00 Chisel 2X 5,50 110.00 5,50 Landplane 2X I 12,00 240.00 12.00 408.00 Make borders •75 15,00 .75 25.50 Dust (2$ Parathion) 12.5 lb. 2.14 42.80 12.5 lb. 2.14 72.76 Total Cost 50,42 1,008.30 52,75 1,793.34 Amount Charged 0 ff Annually 12.60 252.08 23.19 448.34 a/ Rounded. Unit costs for power, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable costs. b/ 5,8$ r total labor cost. Sources Calculated from survey data. htm a*i"jai V: ioo.ou i oe.c 13. TABLE 12 Inputs and Costs for Producing Field Corn, 80-aore Farm Item 1955 Acres: 10 — Yield: 35 owt Units used per aore iJ Unit cost s/ Cost per acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 6.50 7.28 72.80 Offioe 2.03 2.10 21,00 Power 16.69 166.90 Equipment 13.00 130.00 Irrigation water Os>OC fin ?o Total Fixed 45.89 458.90 Power: Tractor W-2 4.87 hr. .97 4,72 47.20 Pickup truck 78 mi. fid Equipment: Plow, 2w/2-14" 1.00 hr. 1.89 1,89 18.90 7 1/2 • offset disk .72 hr. 3.01 2,17 21,70 10' tandem disk .76 hr. 3.20 2.43 24,30 12' spiketooth harrow .76 hr. Ofi -04 .40 4— row planter . a nr. .89 .28 2,80 4-row cultivator 1.85 hr. 2.87 5.31 53.10 Border disk (rented) .22 hr* .50 •11 1.10 Materials: Irrigation water 39 ao" .27 10.53 105.30 Seed 10 lb. .26 2.60 26.00 Labor: Drivers 6.82 hr. 1.00 6.82 68.20 Irrigators 17.55 hr. .90 15.80 158.00 General y .32 hr. .90 .29 2.90 Soc. Sec & Camp. Insur. 1.33 13.29 Contracts : Fertilize (N) 119 lb. 14.25 142.50 Pick 10.00 100.00 Shell 35 cwt .12 4.38 43.80 Haul S/ 35 owt .10 3,50 35.00 Interest on operating oa Total Variable Total Cost pital 2.27 22,71 91,68 916.80 ' 137.57 1.375.70 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8p£ x total labor cost. o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor) «■ 2, x 5.5$. Souroe: Calculated from survey data. .£1 SI II SAT t tno3 fiXei'S <:alnisboi*i tol ?.ieoO bit* starjal tDxaV 6-ioe-O?. 1 ■ itfeiY — 01 X**o'i' I fcM» **JU0 } £boc \£ **>o 1' ■■ , . . .ff.S:A ■ . '* - - — ■ — 1 • • OO.OEX I ^ fi*. 01. S 1 -'OX . »\j \ . _ ■ . J T 1 XvjxIv X^i-oT i .iff XS,>> .in' 8V ttimm , oa.ei ♦*d 00. X "«-sVs*",^xt i for. is .tri St. 3fs.*ft Jiel^o »S\X V | w i % t .trf at. -Aolb a&beiuf 'OX ] • • - • voixsd dtoatejiqa «SX ! [08.S .ad St. Te*asXo waf-A ;oi.c? ♦«iri 38.1 lot&rl&Iua >»-r*4> ! 1 |ox.x .iri SS. i _ _ _ vs. [ 00 .OS ios.aa sa.d 08.21 00. f. ritrf S8.d .ori BVtt .id SS. £S.I 5S.H .dl t'XX \£ .qnwO * *oe2 .oofi • ( K) 9sXXiJ^tT*r 1 1 00.001 \2 XiiiXqto fctrf i^irisqo r.o Jeoie^ol aXd«i?«V Xato'I •Jeao *xod«I X«*oi x Vtf . a ( S - (*rod«X «ioiif>qo nasX) e.+eoo oXdsiw 1* X«*oT \o TABLE 13 14. Physical Re3ouroes and Investments for Typioal 160-aore Farm, 1955 Prioes S ize or New oost Average investments/ Item capacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 dollars Land: Total 160 acres Total cultivated 146 aores j Improvements : Tractor shed 1 750,00 375.00 Storage 1 1,500,00 750.00 Subtotal 2,250,00 1,125.00 Irrigation system: 1 Pumping plant 30 h.p.j 900 g.p.m. 2 3,000,00 6,000,00 1,537,50 3,075.00 Well, casing 12" diameter; 80' lift 2x200' 4.15 1,660,00 2,08 830.00 Pipe 14 » 3,600' •90 3,240,00 .45 1,620.00 Stands 8' x 36" ! 72.00 144,00 36.00 72.00 Vents 8 1 x 8" 4 5.60 22,40 2.80 11.20 Alfalfa valves 10" 20 15.00 300.00 7.50 150.00 S iDhonS 3/4" - 2" 250 1.50 375.00 .75 187.50 Subtotal 11,741.40 5,945.70 Powers Wheel tractor W-l (20-25 h.p.) - 2 2 9 0UU0UU Op o*+u#uu Wheel tractor W-2 (25-35 h,p. ) 1 3,000,00 2,100.00 Pickup truck l/2 ton 1 2,000,00 1,200.00 Subtotal 10,200,00 6,940,00 Equipment: Plow, 2 way 2-16" 1 550.00 275.00 Disk, offset 6' 1 485.00 242.50 Disk, tandem 8« 1 600.00 300.00 Border disk 1 175.00 87,50 Spiketooth harrow 4' section 4 30,00 120,00 15.00 60.00 Cultipacker 10' 1 325,00 162.50 Planter 4 row 1 250.00 Cultivator 4 row 1 1,000.00 500,00 Cotton trailer 4 bale 2 350,00 700,00 192.50 385.00 Stalk cutter 2 row 1 325,00 162,50 rijvivr LiiuVf a i / \ 350,00 175.00 Side delivery rake s* 1 520,00 260.00 Ditoher k/ 4' 1 135.00 67.50 Scraper 5/ 8» 1 485,00 242.50 Plow, 2 way V 2 - 14" 1 453,00 226.50 Lister \/ 4 row 1 350.00 175.00 Cultivator \J 2 row 1 350.00 175,00 Cotton trailer k/ 6 bale 1 450.00 247.50 Subtotal 7,873,00 3,994,00 Total 32,064.40 I 18,004.70 a/ New oost * Salvage value No salvage values, except as follows: 2 W-l tractor: $1040 each W-2 tractor: $1200 Pickup truck: 400 4-4>ale cotton trailer: $35 eaoh 6-bale ootton trailer: 70 Pumping plant: $75 eaoh b/ Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955. ■ • ■ C9.S 4 oc.eve • - - 00 4 £C*> • oo,5 ftc in. TABLE 16 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre to Establish an Alfalfa Stand., 160- acre Farm ] Acres Physical Crew and Equipment per requirements Dates Operations Men Power Equipment 9-hour I>jan- Tractor Material 1 _ ■ 1 m-m J „ . day_ . hours hours 2 - - - 5 , 6 „ J3L-. 8 .9. . „ . _ Disk 2X 1 M-Z 8 1 tandem 26 .70 .70 Chisel 2X - Contract Landplane 2A - Contract Make borders - Contract f: ■ Landplane - Contract 18 j Disk l d-1 6' offset disk .50 .50 Preirrigate 6> offset disk w/8» 16 1.12 8 ac. in. Disk 2X with harrow 1 W-2 1.12 spike tooth 2/1 - 3/15 Seed 1 broadcaster (rented) 40 .22 .22 25# seed Harrow 1 vJ-2 16 1 spiketooth harrow 55 .16 .16 Dust - Contract ■ 12.5# i | \ ; 2% parathion Source; Calculated from survey data. H TABLE 17 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn, 160-acre Farm Dates 3/25 - 4-/10 I 4/10 - A/20 4/25 - 5/5 j 5/5 - 5/15 i 5/30 - 8/20 ! 9/15 - on 10/1 - on Operations 2 ~~ Disk 2X Plow Disk Border up Preirrigate Disk 2X w/harrow attached Plant Cultivate Cultivate Fertilize - Contract Irrigate Cultivate 2X Irrigate 7X Pick & haul - Contract Shell - Contract Men Power Equipment j JiL j L 4_ 1 4 i W-2 8' tandem i YJ-2 2 way/2-16 » i W-l 6' offset disk 1 W— «£ border disk 1 17-2 j 6* offset disk w/8 1 spike tooth harrow 2 U-2 4 row planter 1 U-2 4 row cultivator 1 W-2 4 row cultivator 1 1 U-2 4 row cultivator 1 Acres Physical per requir ements, 9 -hour Man- I Tractor Material day : hou rs , hours SL 26 10 18 40 16 29 20 22 22 .70 .90 .50 .22 .62 .45 .a .82 .70 .90 .50 .22 1.12 1 1.12 .31 .45 .41 .82 7 ac. in. 10# seed 119# (N) 4 ac. in. 28 ac. in Source; Calculated from survey data. - 2 - * 19. TAB IE 18 Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton, 160-aore Farm 1953 1955 Acres: 99 — Yield: 1.3 bales Acres: 54 — Yield: 1.6 bales Units used 1 Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Cost per j Total Item per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost per acre aJ cost a/ aore oost T X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars FIXED: 1 Real estate taxes 6,50 -7 AO tZ A 6.50 7 3 58 40C»50 Office 1,54 1,59 X >J f • J. if 1.54 1.66 S9»38 Improvements 1.21 1.24 1.21 1.30 70.02 Power 1 Til Ad 15,63 844.02 Equipment 10*25 T AT A 14,60 788.40 Irrigation water 7.34 - — If n» PO» 7.60 4^0 f 40 TOTAL FIXED 41,09 4.067.7? H f UvJ f % § C 48,37 2.611.72 VARIABLE: Pcwer: W-l tractor 2,89 hr. ,74 2.14 211.86 2.89 hr. .80 2.31 124.74 W-2 tractor 3.25 hr. ,80 2.61 258.39 3.25 hr. .81 2,65 143.10 Pickup truok 84 mi. .03 2.93 290.07 106 mi. ,03 3,72 200.88 Equipment: 56.16 Plow, 2w/2-16" ,90 hr. .93 .83 82.17 .90 hr. 1.16 1.04 6» offset disk 1,62 hr. ,41 .67 66.33 1.62 hr. .48 .79 42,66 8' tandem disk .70 hr. 1.17 .82 81.18 .70 hr. 1.38 .97 52.38 Border disk .22 hr. .80 .18 17.82 .22 hr. 1.01 .22 11.88 8' spiketooth .02 1.08 harrow 1,12 hr. .02 .02 1.98 1.12 hr. .02 10' cultipacker .27 hr. 1.22 .33 32.67 .27 hr. 2.23 .60 32.40 4-row planter .31 hr. .32 .10 9.90 .31 hr. .41 ,13 7.02 4-row cultivator 1.62 hr. 1.25 2.02 199.98 1.62 hr. 1.54 2.50 135,00 4-bale ootton trailer 1,50 hr. .14 .21 20.79 1.50 hr. .26 .36 21,06 2— rcw stalk 16,20 cutter ,50 hr. .33 .16 15.84 .50 hr. .60 .30 Materials: 609.66 Irrigation water 36 ao" .30 10.80 1,069.20 38.4 ao" .29 11.29 Seed (acid delint) 30 lb. • 08 2.40 237.60 30 lb. .08 2.40 129,60 Labor: 545,40 Drivers 9,57 hr. 1.00 9.57 947.43 10.10 hr. 1.00 10.10 Irrigators 13.50 hr. .90 12.15 1,202.85 14.40 hr. .90 12.96 699.84 General .31 hr. .90 .28 27.72 .31 hr. .90 .28 15.12 Soc, Sec* & Ccmp. Insure b/ 1 1.28 126.32 -f 1 1.35 i 73.10 (Continued on next page). ■ • ■ . 1 • • • • - • • • • - 20, Table 18 continued. 1953 1955 Aoresj 99 — Yield: 1,3 bales Aores: 54 — Yield: 1,6 bales Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ cost a/ aore oost per acre &/ cost a/ aore oost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars Contracts : Fertilize (N) 88 lb. 10.74 1,063.26 109 lb. 12*95 699.30 Hand thin 5,00 495,00 5.00 270.00 Hand weed 5.00 495,00 5.00 270.00 Dust 2X (5# DDT - 50$ sulfur) 60 lb. .13 8.10 801*90 60 lb. .13 8.10 437.40 Pick 2X - machine 1.3 bale 24,50 31,85 3,153.15 1.6 bale 24.50 39.20 2,116.80 Gin 1.3 bale 14,70 19,11 1,891.89 1.6 bale 14.70 23.52 1,270,08 In8ur. & storage 1.3 bale 1,19 1.55 153.45 1.6 bale 1.19 1.90 102,60 Interest on operating capital £/ 1.93 191.44 2.11 114,16 Total Variable 132,78 13,145.19 151.80 8sl97.62 Total Cost 173.87 1 1 17,212.91 200.17 10,809.34 a/ Rounded. b/ 5»8$ x total labor cost. o/ Total of variable oosts (less operator labor, ginning, and picking) ■ 2, x 5.5$. Source: Calculated from survey data. • .. . - - 21. TABLE 19 Inputs and Costa for Producing Alfalfa, 160-acre Farm 1953 1955 Aores: 41 — Yield: 6.0 tons Acres: 55 — Yield: 6,25 tons Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit 1 Cost per Total Item per aore a/ cost a/ aore cost per acre a/ cost a/ | acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 331.50 416,00 Office 1.54 1,65 67.81 1.54 U<6 90*93 Improvements 1.21 l e 30 53.12 1.21 1.29 71.22 Power 8.52 349*32 10.16 558.80 Equipment 3.59 147.19 2.81 154,55 Irrigation water 10.40 426.40 10,10 555.50 1/4 cost to establish stand 11.98 491^42 1Z,Z0 . 570.91. TOTAL FIXED 45.53 1,866.76 45.77 2,517,91 VARIABLE: Power: W-l tractor 3.60 br. •74 2#oo 109 • 00 3.60 hr. .80 2.87 157,85 Pickup truck 42 mi. .03 1 AC 1.46 59.86 53 mi. ,03 1.86 102,30 Equipment: 7' power mower 1.86 br. .48 .90 36.90 1.86 hr. .34 .64 35,20 8' side delivery rake 1.74 hr. .73 1.27 52.07 X , » ~ ILL . .54 .95 52,25 Materials: Irrigation water 51 ac" .30 15.30 627.30 51 ao" .29 14.99 824,45 Labor: Drivers 4.65 br. 1.00 4.65 190.65 4.93 hr. 1.00 4.93 271,15 Irrigators 19.13 br. .90 17.22 706.02 19.13 hr. .90 17.22 947.10 Soc. Sec* & Ccmp, Insur. b/ 1.27 52.01 1.28 70.66 Contraots: Bale 6,0 ton 3.50 21.00 861.00 6.25 ton 3.50 21.88 1,203,40 Roads ide 6.0 ton 1.75 10.50 430.50 6.25 ton 1.75 10.94 601,70 Total Variable j 76.23 3,125.37 77.56 4,266.06 Total Cc«t 1 121.76 4,992.13 123,33 6,783,97 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. • 1 • . • - ■ # TO '-• r» « x • 22. TABLE 20 Inputs and Costs for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand, 160-aore Farm 1953 1955 Acres : 41 Acres : 55 Units used Unit Cost per Total 4 Units used 1 Unit Cost per Total rj Item per acre a/ ' cost a/ acre cost per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars Power: « x irac t; or • ic nr» 2.61 1.88 77*08 .72 hr. 2.98 2.15 118.25 W-2 tractor 1.98 hr. 2.19 4.34 177.94 1.98 hr. 2.27 4.49 246.95 Equipment: o' offset disk 1.62 hr. *79 1,26 52.48 1.62 hr. •93 1.51 83.05 8' tandem disk .70 hr. 2,25 1«58 64,78 .70 hr. 2,65 1.85 101,75 8' spiketo»th harrcn 1.12 hr. .12 ol3 5.33 1.12 hr. *14 .15 8,25 16» spikstooth harro w . *16 hr. .24 .04 1.64 .16 hr. ,26 ,04 2,20 Broadcaster (rented^ .22 hr. .25 .06 2.46 .22 hr. ,25 ,06 3,30 |Mate rials » Irrigation water 8 ao" .50 4,03 165.23 8 ac" ,49 3.94 216.70 Seed 25 lb. .34 8.50 348.50 25 lb. .34 8.50 467.50 Labors Drivers 2.70 hr. 1.00 2,70 110.70 2.70 hr. 1.00 2.70 148.50 Irrigators 3.00 hr. .90 2,70 110.70 3,00 hr. .90 2.70 148.50 Soc. Sec, it Comp» Insur. b/ .31 12.84 .31 17.23 Contracts: Chisel 2X 5.50 225.50 5,50 302.50 Landplane 3X 12.00 492.00 12.00 660.00 Make borders .75 30.75 .75 41.25 Dust (2$ Parathion) 12.5 lb. 2.14 87.74 12 6 5 lb. 2.14 117.70 Total Cost 47.94 1,965.67 48.79 2,683.63 Amount Charged off Annually 11.98 491.42 12.20 670.91 a/ Rounded. Unit costs for power, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable oosts 0 b/ 5»8# x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. • ■ - . ■ • i*l Jill 1 ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 23 TABLE 21 Inputs and Costa far Produoing Field Corn, 160-acre Farm I 1955 Acres: 25 — Yield: 35 owt Units used Unit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost 1 c 3 4 5 dollars FIXED: 1 Rsal estate taxes fi.50 8,58 Of +\ ftp 1, /y 44,09 - . CX 1 Aft JO ,01 .r ower T ft KO 263.00 1 1 X -L- p. C* v -L VU ™ C* vv X 1 OQ Art TOIA.L FIXED 38.31 957,70 VARIABLE: PoW6r I .50 hr. .80 .40 10,00 W-2 tractor 4,93 hr. .81 4.01 100,25 Pickup truck .03 1.83 45,75 Plow, 2w/2-16" .90 hr. 1,16 1.04 26,00 6' offset, disk- 1 . fi? hr. x . in . ,49 .79 19,75 8* tandem disk 7H hv 1.38 .97 24,25 Border disk .22 hr. 1.01 X , — X .22 5.50 8' spiketooth harrow IIP Kt-. X.x£ HTl -0? .0? .50 4-rcw planter .31 hr. AT 1 ^ 4— row cultivator 1.68 hr. x.->*+ ? fin Materials s Irrigation water dy ac 11.4/ <:oO« /D Seed 10 lb. .26 2.60 65.00 Labor: Drivers 6.74 hr. 1.00 6.74 168.50 Irrigators 14.63 hr. .90 13.17 329.25 General .31 hr. .90 .28 7.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.17 29.28 Contracts: Fertilize (n) 119 lb. 14.25 356.25 Pick 10.00 250.00 Shell 35 cwt .12 4,38 109.50 Haul 35 cwt .10 3,50 87,50 Interest on operating capital c/ 2.00 50.07 Total Variable 81.57 2,039.35 Total Coot 119.88 2,997.05 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8J& x total lab»r cost. 0/ Total of variable oosts (less operator labor) - 2, x 5.5^. Source: Calculated from survey data. * • ■ ■ oc. ■ odf.J 10 24. TABLE 22 PhyBioal Resources and Investments for Typical 320-acre Farms , 1955 Prices Size or New cost Average investment^/ Item oapacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 — dollars Land; Total 320 aores Total cultivated 300 aores Improvements: Fuel storage - gas 350 gal. 1 110, 00 55.00 Fuel storage - diesel 550 gal. 1 135.00 67.50 Subtotal 245.00 122.50 Irrigation system: Pumping plant 30 h.p.; 1200 g.p.m. 3 3,000.00 9,000.00 1,537.50 4,612.50 Well, casing 16" diameter; 80' lift 3x250 ■ 7.90 5,925.00 3,95 2,962.50 Pipe 16" 5,280' 1.00 5,280.00 .50 2,640.00 Stands 6» x 36" 3 72.00 216.00 18.00 108.00 Vents 8' x 8" 4 5.60 22.40 2.80 11.20 Alfalfa valves 10" 40 15.00 600.00 7.50 300.00 Siphons 3/4" - 2" 300 1.50 450.00 .75 225.00 Subtotal 21,493.40 10,859.20 Power: Tracklayer T-5D 1 7,000.00 3,850.00 Wheel tractor W-l (20-25 h.p.) 2 2,600.00 5,200.00 1,820.00 3,640.00 Wheel tractor W-2 (25-35 h.p.) 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 2,100,00 4,200.00 Pickup truck 1/2 ton 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,200,00 2,400,00 Subtotal 22,200.00 14,090,00 Squipment: Ditcher 5' 140.00 70,00 Scraper 10' 520.00 260.00 Plow, 2 way 2-16" 1 550.00 275.00 Chisel 8» ! 525.00 262.50 Disk, offset 12 • 1,050.00 525.00 Spiketooth harrow 4' section 5 30.00 180.00 15.00 90.00 Cultipacker 12 ' 380.00 190.00 Lister planter 4 row 550.00 275,00 Cultivator 4 row 1,000.00 500.00 Cotton picker 1 row 1 8,700.00 5,200.00 Cotton trailer 5 hale 400,00 2,400.00 220.00 1,320.00 Stalk cutter 2 row 325.00 162.50 Power mower 7» 350.00 175.00 Side delivery rake 8' 520.00 260.00 Hay baler 2 wire 3,325.00 1,662.50 picw, disk y ' 5 blade 1 1,400.00 700.00 (Continued on next page). faaiqxT -col 00,000, T 0£ ; OC.OC 25 Table 22 continued. Item Size or capacity Amount New cost Average investment*/ per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 Squipment: (cont. ) Disk, tandem W Cultivator £/ Subtotal 8« 2 row 1 1 dollars 600.00 350.00 300.00 175.00 22,865.00 12,422.50 1953 Total, 320-1 and 320-2 Farms 1955 Total, 320-1 Farm 2/ 1955 Total, 320-2 Farm */ 66,803.40 67,528.40 66,978.40 37,494.20 37,856.70 37,581.70 a/ New post + Salvage value 2 No salvage values except as follows: T-5D traotori $ 700 Cotton pioker: $1,740 W-i tractors: 2,080 each Cotton trailers i 240 each W-2 tractors: 2,400 eaoh Hay baler: 665 Pickup trucks: 800 eaoh b/ Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955. o/ The 320-1 farm purchased one 8' offset disk in 1955 (new cost: $725.00; average investment: $362.50). d/ The 320-2 farm purchased one border disk in 1955 (new oost: $175.00; average investment: $ 87.50 ) e Souroe: Calculated from survey data. is t i £i9va ;OC»?iS*$ :&*r,o too) 2591 ni a'eib ifae^o '3 eno A-jaario-ufq trrta'i f-<»i£ 3rfT.\n 3§*T«v.a {OO.eTX-" :J-boo -raa) e"M?I at jfeib leb-iod o«o ^atario-iira. srxel S-OS6 adX \* TABLE 23 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton, 320-acre Farms Dates 1 A/1 - 4/15 6/12 - 6/20 7/10 - 7/20 7/20 - 9/5 10/1 - on 11/15 - on 10/1 - on Operations Cre w and Equipment Cut stalks Disk 2X Plow Disk Furrow out Flake head ditches* Pre irrigate Fill in ditches* Disk 2X with harrow attached Plant Cultipack Cultivate Hand thin Cultivate Fertilize Irrigate (1) - Contract (2) - Contract (1) Hand weed - Contract Cultivate (3) Dust 21 - Contract Irrigate (2) Cultivate & lay by Irrigate 4X Pick 1st - Machine Pick 2nd - Machine Haul to gin Gin - Contract (4) Men j Power 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 w-2 T-5D T-5D T-5D W-2 T-5D T-5D T-5D W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 Pick- up Equipment 2 row stalk cutter 12 i disk 2 way/2-l6'« 12' offset disk 4 row lister-planter 5' ditcher 10' scraper 12' disk w/l6' harrow 4 row lister-planter 12 • cultipacker 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 4 row cultivator 1 row cotton picker 1 row cotton picker 5 bale cotton trailer Acres per 9-hour da y "^occurs 4X - man-hours 8. tractor-hours are total for season Source: Calculated from survey data. 13 34 12 34 30 30 29 44 20 22 26 26 6 7 6 Man- hours .50 .52 .75 .26 .30 .20 .20 .60 .62 .20 .45 .41 .35 .35 3.00 2.56 1.50 Physical requirements ... Tractor hours 8 .50 .52 .75 .26 .30 .20 .20 .60 .31 .20 .45 .41 .35 .35 1.50 1.28 1.50 Material 2251. 2 . ip_ 6 6.4 acini 30ft delint seed 93# (N) 5 114# (N) 6 6C# of 5 c i DDT 50% S 5 I 6 20 20 ON TABLE 24 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Alfalfa, 320-acre Farms 1 Dates Crew and Equipment Acres j per Man- ! hours_| 7 Physical requirements Operations Men (Power .. . . Equipment 9 -hour day Tractor hours 8 Material 9 ' • 1 1 2 3 ! 5 6 l Irrigate IX 1 j 5.5 ac. in. 4/5 - 4/15 Cut 1st l W-l 7' L ^ower mower 29 .31 I • 31 Rake 1 ; W-l 8' S. D. rake 31 .29 .29 f - t ' Bale 1 1 W-2 2 wire hay baler 23 .39 .39 Roadside - Contract 1 1 Irrigate 2X 1 8 ac. in. 5/15 - 5/25 Cut 2nd 1 W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 •31 Rake 1 W-l 8* S. D. rake 31 .29 .29 Bale 1 ; W-2 2 wire hay baler 23 .39 .39 Roadside - Contract ! 1 I Irrigate 2X ! 1 8 ac. in. 1 6/20 - 6/30 I Cut 3rd 1 % W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake ; 1 W-l 8' S. D. rake 31 .29 .29 1 Bole : 1 W-2 2 wire hay baler 23 .39 .39 P 1 1 Roadside - Contract 1 i Irrigate 2X ; 1 8 ac. in. ; 7/20 - 7/30 Cut 4th 1 W-l 7 1 power mower 29 .31 .31 t 1 Rake 1 W-l 8 1 S. D. rake 31 .29 .29 i Bale i 1 W-2 2 wire hay baler 23 .39 .39 1 1 Roadside - Contract • • Irrigate 2X ! 8 ac. in. , 8/20 - 8/30 Cut 5th W-l 7* power mower 29 1 -31 .31 1 Rake ; 1 W-l 8 ! S, D. rake 31 , .29 .29 j Bale ; 1 W-2 2 wire hay baler 23 1 .39 .39 ! Roadside - Contract 8 ac. in. j Irrigate 2X ! 1 1 9/25 - 10/10 j Cut 6th \l W-l 7' power mower 29 .31 .31 Rake W-l |8' S. D. rake 31 ; .29 .29 | Bale ! 1 W-2 12 wire hay baler 23 .39 ! .39 Roadside - Contract 1 1 1 J L Irrigate IX 1 -1 1 1 1 1 _5«5 ac. In. TABLE 25 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand, 320-acre Farms Dates ! Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per * 9 -hour day Physical reauirements i Men; Power! Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours liaterial 1 2 j jl ::: . . jL .9... Disk 2X i T-5D ! 12' offset disk 34 .52 .52 Chisel 2X T-5D 8' chisel 16 1.12 1.12 Landplane 2X - Contract Make borders - Contract Landplane - Contract Disk i T-5D 12' offset disk 34 .26 .26 Preirrigate i 8 ac. in. Disk vrith harrow i T-5D 12' offset disk 30 .30 .30 w/16 1 spilce tooth 2/1 - 3/15 Seed i W-l broadcaster (rented) 40 .22 .22 25# seed Harrow i W-2 16' spike tooth 55 .16 .16 Dust - Contract 12. 5# 2% parathior Source: Calculated from survey data. ^ TABLE 26 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Milo, 320-acre Farms Dates 5/1 - 6/1 5/25 - 6/20 6/1 - 6/25 6/5 - 6/30 6/15 - 9/10 ,10/15 - 11/15 ,10/15 - 11/15 Operations Disk 2X Plow Disk Make head ditches* Preirrigate Fill in ditches* Disk 2X with harrow attached Plant Cultivate 2X Irrigate Cultivate Irrigate 4-X Harvest - Contract Haul - Contract Menf Power! Crew and Equipment Equipment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 T-5D T-5D T-5D T-5D T-5D T-5D W-2 W-2 W-2 * occurs 3X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season Source : Calculated from survey data. Acres per 9 -hour day._ 12 « offset disk 34 j 2 way/2-16" 12 ;4 row lister-planter I 30 |5* ditcher I 10 ' scraper 12 » disk w/L6» harrow 30 A row lister-planter j 29 U row cultivator 20 4- row cultivator 22 Physical req uiremen ts Man- ; Tractor ( Material hours hours — - .52 .75 .30 .15 .151 .60 ! .62 j .90 .41 8 .52 .75 .30 .15 .15 .60 .31 .90 5.8 ac. in. 10# seed U ac. in. 16 ac. in. C5JCILT TABLE 27 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Com, 320-acre Farms ■ ■ » i Dates Operations 1 Crew and Equipment Acres per 9 -hour dav j Phys reauir Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Disk 2X 1 T-5D 12' disk 34 .52 .52 Plow 1 T-5D 2 way/2-16" 12 .75 .75 Disk 1 T-5D 8' offset disk 26 .35 .35 Furrow out 1 W-2 4 i*ow lister-planter 30 .30 .30 Make head ditches* 1 T-5D 5' ditcher .15 .15 Preirrigate 1 Fill in ditches* 1 T-5D 10' scraper .15 .15 Disk 2X with harrow attached 1 T-5D 12 1 disk w/l6' harrow 30 .60 .60 3/25 - 4/10 Plant 2 W-2 4 row lister-planter 29 .62 .31 4/LO - 4/20 Cultivate 1 W-2 4 row cultivator ! 20 • .45 .45 Cultivate 1 U-2 4 row cultivator 22 .41 .41 V25 - 5/5 j Fertilize - Contract 5/5 - 5/15 j Irrigate 1 1 Cultivate 2X W-2 4 row cultivator 24 .76 .76 5/30 - 8/20 ■ Irrigate 7X \' 9/15 - on i Pick & haul - Contract 10/1 - on i Shell - Contract i ! Material * occurs 3X - man-hours & tractor-hours are total for season Sources Calculated from survey data. 9 7 ac. in. 10# seed 119# (N) 4 ac. in. 28 ac. in. TABLE 28 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Barley, 320 -a ere Farms 12/1 - 12/10 '■ Disk 12/5 - 12/15 j Disk with harrow attachment 12/15 - 12/31 6/1 - 7/15 6/1 - 7/15 Seed Harrow Border up Irrigate Irrigate Harvest - Contract Haul - Contract Crew a nd _Bojiiipen.t_.__ , Men Powerj Equipment 3 14 f" Physical requirements. Material 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 T-5D 12' offset disk i T-5D W-l T-5D W-2 12' offset disk w/l6' spike tooth broadcaster (rented) 20' spike tooth harrow border disk Source: Calculated from survey data. 32. TABLE 29 Inputs and Costs for Producing Cotton, 320-acre Farms I 1953 320-1 and 320-2 Farms Aores : 183 — Yield: 1.3 bales ; Units used i Unit Cost per Total 1 Item 1 per acre i' cost i acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 dollars 1 Real estate taxes 6.50 t . J7 i on Office 1*00 J. 0 w 1-07 Improvements -10 • XX TO. 01 17171 Power 12-40 Equipment 17.76 3.253.74 Irrigation water Total Fixed VARIABLES Power: T-5D tractor 2.53 hr. .92 2.33 426.39 W-2 tractor 5.65 hr. .86 4.88 893.04 Pickup truck 104 mi. .03 3.42 625.86 Equipment: 5' ditcher .20 nr. .11 .02 3.66 10' scraper .20 hr. .41 .08 14.64 Plow, 2w/2-16" .75 hr. .57 .43 78.69 12' offset disk 1.38 hr. .55 .76 139.08 16' spiketooth harrow .60 hr. .03 .02 3.66 12' cultipacker .20 hr. 1.04 ■ .21 38.43 4-row lister planter .61 hr. .47 .28 51.24 4-row cultivator 1.56 hr. .67 1.04 190.32 1-row cotton picker 2.78 hr. 2.86 7.95 1,454.85 5-bale cotton trailer 1.50 hr. .26 .39 71.37 2-row stalk cutter .50 hr. .18 .09 16.47 Materials : Irrigation water 36 ao" .22 8.10 1,482,30 Seed (acid delint) 30 lb. ,08 2.40 439.20 Labor: Drivers 12.14 nr. 1.00 12.14 2,221.62 Irrigators 13.50 hr. •90 12.15 2,223,45 General .31 hr. .90 .26 51,24 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. 1.42 260.79 ! Contracts: Fertilize (N) 93 lb. 11.26 2,060.58 1 Hand thin 5.00 915.00 Hand weed 5.00 915.00 Dust 2X [% DDT - 50^ sulfur) 60 lb. .13 8.10 1,4B2.30 Gin 1.3 bale 14.70 19.11 3,497.13 Insur. & storage . \ 1.3 bale 1.19 1.55 283.65 l Interest on operating capital 2/ 1.93 353.03 Total Variable ! 110.34 20,192.99 Total Cost 1 „. 156.32 Z8,6C5.93 (Continued on next page.) • C•X.^ 33 Table 29 continued. 1955 320-1 Farm ~ 320-2 Farm Acres: 100 — Yield: 1.4 bales Acres: 100 — Yield: 1.4 bales Units used Unit Cost per Total units used Unit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ coat a/ acre cost per aore a/ cost a/ aore cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 6.50 7.70 769. 6C 6.50 7.07 707.20 Of f ioe 1.00 1.11 111.00 1.00 1,02 102.00 Improvements .10 .11 11.33 .10 10.41 Power 15 9 C0 1,500,OC 17.61 1,761,00 Equipment 28.65 2,865,00 31.12 3,112.06 Irrigation water , 6.99 699,00. 8.45 845, CO J TOTAL FIXED 59.76 5,975,93 65.37 6j 537,61 VARIABLE: Power: T— 5D tractor 2.53 hr. .94 2.38 238.00 c. • d j nr . 1.10 2.76 278.00 traotcr 5.65 hr. .81 4.57 457.00 5.65 hr. .85 4.81 481.00 Piclcup truck 130 mi. .03 4,28 428,00 123 mi. .03 4.06 406.00 Equipment: 5' ditcher ,20 hr. .13 .03 3.00 .20 hr. .21 .04 4.00 10' scraper ,20 hr. .48 .10 10.00 ,zu nr. .78 .16 16.00 Plow, 2w/2-16 n .75 hr. .60 .45 45.00 ,75 hr. 1.10 .82 82.00 12» offset disk 1.38 hr. .62 .85 85.00 T OO V«* nr. .72 .99 99.00 16' spiketooth harrow .60 hr. .03 .02 2,00 . DO nr. .03 .02 2.00 12' oultipacker .20 hr. 1.90 .38 38.00 .20 hr. 1.90 .38 38.00 4-rcw lister planter .61 hr. .49 .30 30.00 .61 hr. .90 .55 55,00 1-rcw cultivator 1.56 hr. .69 1.07 107.00 1.56 hr. 1.28 2.00 200.00 1-Tcw octton picker 2,78 hr. 5.23 14.55 1,455.00 2.78 hr. 5.23 14.55 1,455.00 5— bale cotton trailer 1.50 hr. .48 .72 72.00 1.50 nr. .48 .72 72.00 2-row stalk cutter .50 hr. .32 .16 16,00 .50 hr. .32 .16 16.00 Materials : Irrigation water 38.4 ac" .22 8.56 856.00 38.4 ao H .25 9,48 948, CO Seed (acid delint) 30 lb. .08 2.40 240.00 30 lb. .08 2.40 240.00 Labor: Drivers 12.78 hr. 1.00 12.78 1,278.00 12,62 hr. 1.00 12.62 1,262,00 Irrigators 14.40 hr. .90 12.96 1,296.00 14.40 hr. ,90 12.96 1,296.00 General .31 hr. .90 .28 28.00 .31 hr. .90 .28 28.00 3 co. Sec* & Ccmp. Insur. b/ 1.51 150.92 1.50 149.99 (Continued on next page). i • - ■ ■ • ■ - • ■ ■ • • - • 34. Table 29 continued. 1955 320-1 Farm 320-2 Farm Acres: 100 — Yields 1.4 bales Acres: 100 — Yield: 1.4 bales Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Cost per Total Xx6tQ per aore a/ cost a/ acre cost per acre a/ cost a/ acre coat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars dollars Contraots: Fertilize {N; 114 lb. 13.47 1,347.00 114 lb. 13.47 1,347.00 Hand thin 5.00 500.00 5.00 500.00 Hand weed 5.00 500.00 5.00 500.00 Dust 2X (5# DDT - 50# sulfur) 60 lb. .13 8.10 810.00 60 lb. .13 8.10 810.00 Gin 1.4 bale 14.70 20.58 2,058.00 1.4 bale 14.70 20.58 2,058.00 Insur. & Storage 1.4 bale 1.19 1.67 167.00 1.4 bale 1.19 1.67 167.00 Interest on operating capital c/ 2.22 222.02 2,30 229.67 Total Variable 124,39 12,438.94 127.40 12,739.66 i Total Cost 184ol5 18,414.87 192.77 19,277.27 a/ Rounded. bj^ 5.6$ x total labor cost. o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor, ginning, and picking) - 2, x 5$. » Source: Calculated from survey data. ibdunltr • ■ ■ - ■ TABLE 30 35. Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa, 320-acre Farms 1 1953 320-1 and 320-2 Farms Acres : 87 — Yield: 6,0 tons Inputs used Unit Cost per Total Item per acre a/ cost a/ 1 acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 6,50 7.41 644.80 Office 1.00 1.07 93.00 Improvements .10 .11 9.50 Power 12.95 1,126.65 Equipment 9.74 847.38 Irrigation water 9.49 825,63 l/4 cost to establish stand 11.55 -1,004.98 TOTAL FIXED 52.32 4,551.94 VARIABLES Power 1 W— 1 tractor 3.60 hr. .78 2.80 243.60 W-2 traotor 2.34 hr. .86 2.02 175.74 Piokup truck 52 mi. .03 1.71 148.77 Equipment! 34.80 7' power mower 1,86 hr. .22 .40 8' side delivery rake 1.74 hr. .34 .60 52.20 2-wire hay baler 2.34 hr. .82 1.91 166.17 Materials ; Irrigation water 51 ao" .22 11.48 998.76 Wire 6*00 ton .50 3.00 261.00 ! Labor: 1 Driver 7.24 hr. 1.00 7.24 629.88 1 Irrigator 19.14 hr. .90 17,23 1,499.01 Soc« Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.42 123.48 Contracts: Roadside 6.0 ton 1.75 10.50 913.50 Tatal /ariable 60.31 ! 5,246,91 Total Cost 112,63 I j 9*798,85 (Continued on next page.) - ■ ■ 36. Table 30 oontinued. 1955 320-1 Farm 320-2 Farm Acres: 87 — Yield ! 6,25 tons Acres: 87 — - Yield: 6.25 tons UIlJLXo UBcQ TT n 4 + nor ■1 Total Units used Unit Cost per 1 lOTal Item per acre a_/ cost a/ acre oost per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost 1 2 » m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dollars i dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 6.50 7.65 665.60 6.50 7.17 624,00 Offioe 1,00 1.10 96.00 1.00 1.03 90,00 Improvements .10 9.80 .10 .11 9.19 Power 13 # 96 1,214.52 13.71 1,192,77 Equipment 9.49 825.63 y # 0/ 841.29 Irrigation water 9 0 28 807.36 11(22 976 0 14 l/4 oost to establish stand Hi 63 li 011*94 . 2.3.28 lr068,71 TOTAL FIXED 53.22 4,630*85 55.19 4,602,10 VARIABLE: Power: W-l tractor 3.60 nr. .78 2.80 243.60 3.60 hr. .75 2.71 235.77 W-2 tractor 2,34 hr. .81 1.89 164.43 2,34 hr. .85 1«99 173*13 Pickup truck 65 mi. .03 2.14 186.18 62 mi. .03 2.03 176,61 ! 1 Equipment: 1 7* power mower 1.86 hr. •22 .40 34.80 1.86 hr. .22 .40 34,80 8' side delivery rake 1.74 hr. .34 .60 52.20 1.74 hr. ,*34 .60 52.20 2-wire hay baler 2.34 hr. .82 1.91 166.17 2.34 hr. .82 1.91 166,17 Materials: I Irrigation water 51 ao" .22 11.37 989,19 51 ac" .25 12.60 1,096.20 Wire 6,25 ten 3.12 271.44 6.25 ton .50 3.12 271,44 Labor: i Driver 7.56 hr. 1.00 7.56 657.72 7.48 hr. 1.00 7.48 650.76 Irrigator 19.14 hr. .90 17.23 1,499.01 19.14 hr. .90 , 17.23 1,499.01 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.44 125.09 1.43 1 124.69 1 Contracts : I Roadside 6.25 ton 1.75 10.94 951.78 6.25 ton 1.75 10.94 951.78 Total Variable 61,40 5,341.61 '_§2,44_: 5,432,56 Total Cost 114.62 ,9,972.46 [117,63 '10,234,66 1 a/ Rounded, b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. 01, . • '■ ■ • • • • ■ • • J ■ ■ • ■ 37. TABLE 31 Inputs and Costs for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand, 320-aore Farms 1953 Item Power: 320-1 and 320-2 Farms Acres: 87 Units used I ' A ;per acre a/ . Unit oost a/ T-5D tractor W-l tractor W-2 tractor Equ ipments 8' chisel 12' offset disk 16' spiketooth harrow Br oado aster (rented) Materials t Irrigation water Seed Labors | Driver j Irrigator ' Soo. Sec. & Camp. Insur. b/ Contr acts ; Land plane 3X Make borders Dust (2$ Parathion) Total Cost 2.20 hr. .22 hr. .16 hr. 1.12 hr. 1.08 hr. ,46 hr. .22 hr. 8 ac" 25 lb. 2.58 hr, 3.00 hr. 12.5 lb. 2.70 3.36 1.62 5.12 1.05 .18 ♦25 .41 .34 1.00 .90 Cost per acre dollars 5.93 .74 *26 5.73 1.14 »08 4 06 3.29 8.50 2.58 2.70 .31 12.00 .75 2.14 Total cost 5.22 286.23 739.50 224.46 234.90 26.64 1,044.00 65.25 186.18 515.91 64.38 22.62 498.51 99,18 ! 6.96 Amount Charged off Annually j 4,01g A g4 11 . ,55 1 1. 004 t m I (Continued on next page.) ■ ■ ■ - : ■ ■ ■ I ! 11 d&l ■ 38. Table 31 continued. 1955 320-1 Farm 320-2 Farm Acre s t 87 Acres t 87 Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used 'Unit JCost per j Total Item per aore a/ oost a/ acre I oost per aore a/' cost a/ 1 aore j cost 1 2 •a 4 5 6 ! 7 8 9 dollars dollars Power J i T-5D traotor 2.20 hr. 2.81 6.i7 ; 536,79 2.20 hr. 3.64 8,02 6S7.74 W-l traotor .22 hr. 3.36 c74 i 64,38 .22 hr. 3.17 •70 60,90 W-2 traotor .16 hr. 1.80 .29 ■ 25.23 .16 hr. 2.C5 ,33 28,71 n 1 1 "i Tim A r\ 4 1 8' chisel 1.12 hr. 5.12 5.73 496.51 1.12 hr. 5.12 5,73 498.51 12' offset disk 1.08 hr. 1.19 1.28 111,36 1.08 hr. 1.38 1.49 129,63 16' spiketooth harr m .46 hr. .08 .04 i 3.48 .46 hr. .18 •09 7.83 oroaacasxer ^renxeu ) .22 hr. •25 .06 5.22 .22 hr. ,25 •06 5.22 Materials t ■ ,■■ Irrigation water 8 ao" ,40 3.24 281*88 8 ac" •47 ■3.74 325.38 Oticu 25 lb. .34 8.50 739.50 25 lb. .34 8.50 739.50 Driver 2.58 hr. 1.00 2.58 224.46 2.58 hr. 1.00 2.58 224.46 irrigator 3.00 hr. .90 2.70 234.90 3.00 hr. .90 2.70 234.90 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Ii lSur. b/ .31 26,64 .31 26.64 Contracts: Landplane 3X 12.00 1,044,00 12.00 1,044.00 Make borders .75 65,25 .75 65.25 Dust [Z% Parathion) 12.5 lb. 2.14 186.18 12.5 lb. 2.14 186.18 Total Cost 46,53 4,047.78 49.14 4,274*65 Amount Charged off Annually , 11.63 i 1|011.94 12.28 1,068.71 a/ Rounded. Unit costs for power, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable costs. b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. ■ : ta0fc ■ ■ SS«I ■ ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ 39. TABLE 32 Inputs and Costs for Producing Milo, 320-aore Farms 19531 320-1 and 320-2 Farms Acres: 10 — Yield: 24 cwt unixs used unix Cost per | xoxai Item per acre a/ oost a/ acre coat 1 2 3 4 5 dollars i FIXED: ■ Real estate taxes 6.50 8.32 83.20 Offioe 1.00 1.20 12.00 Improvements .10 .12 I 1.22 Power 7,47 i 74,70 Equipment 32.90 Irrigation water 4.80 48o00 TOTAL FIXED > 25,20 252,02 VARIABLE: i Power: T-5D tractor 2.47 hr. .92 2.27 22.70 W— 2 traotor 1.62 hr. .86 1.40 14,00 i Pickup truck 52 mi. .03 1.71 * — 17.10 Equipment: 1 5« ditcher .15 hr. .11 .02 ,20 10' scraper .15 hr. .41 .06 ,60 Plow, 2w/2-16" .75 hr. .57 .43 4,30 12« offset disk 1.12 hr. .55 .61 6.10 16' apiketooth harrow .60 hr. .03 .02 .20 4-row lister planter .61 hr. • 47 • .28 2.80 4-row oultivator 1,31 hr. ,67 .88 8,80 Materials: j Irrigation water 25,8 ao" o.ou on Seed 10 lb. ,08 .80 8.00 Laker: Driver 5,39 hr. 1,00 5.39 53.90 Irrigator 9,69 hr. .90 8.72 87*20 General .31 hr. .90 .28 2.80 Soo. Sec, & Comp. Insur. b/ .84 8,35 Contracts : i Harvest 24 cwt .10 6,00 60.00 Haul 24 cwt .14 2.40 24.00 Storage 3.46 34,60 Insurance ($1,50/$100 of value ) .99 9.90 Interest on operating capital o/ .92 9.24 j Total Variable 43,28 432,79 Total Oost 68.48 684.81 a/ Rounded, b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost, c/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor) * 2, x 5%, Source: Calculated from survey data. • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ •* • ■ 40. TABLE 33 Inputs and Costs for Producing Field Corn, 320-1 Farm 1955 Aoress 83 — Yield: 35 cwt j 1 1 1 Units used jUnlt Cost per Total Item per acre a/ cost &/ cost 1 2 3 4 5 dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 1 6.50 7.77 644.80 1 Office | 1.00 1.12 93.00 Improvements .10 .11 9.50 Power i i 9.24 766.92 Equipment 1 ■ 5.25 435.75 Irrigation water • I 7„10 589,30 TOTAL FIXED 1 30.59 2,539,27 VARIABLE: ■ Power: T-5D tractor 2.52 hr. ! .94 2.37 196.71 W-2 tractor 2.23 hr. .81 1.80 149.40 Pickup truck 65 mi. .03 2.14 177.62 Equipment: 5' ditoher .15 hr. .13 .02 1.66 10* scraper .15 hr. .48 .07 5.81 Plow, 2w/2-16 n .75 hr. .60 .45 37.35 8' offset disk .35 hr. 3.74 1.31 108.73 12' offset disk 1.12 hr. .62 .69 57.27 16' spiketooth harrow .60 hr. .03 .02 1.66 4— row lister planter .61 hr. .49 .30 24.90 4— row cultivator 1.62 hr. .69 1.12 92.96 Materials : Irrigation water 39 ac" .22 8.70 722.10 Seed 10 lb. .26 2.60 215.80 Labor: Drivers 6.37 hr. 1.00 6.37 528.71 Irrigators 14.64 hr. .90 13.18 1,093.94 General .31 hr. .90 .28 23.24 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur, b/ 1.15 95.46 Contracts: Fertilize (N) 119 lb. 14.25 1,182.75 Piok 10.00 830.00 Shell 35 cwt .12 4.38 | 363.54 Haul 35 owt .10 3.50 290.50 Interest on operating capital c/ 1.71 ! 141.78 Total Variable — 76.41 6,341.89 I Total Cost 1C7,00 I 8,881,16 ~1 a/ Rounded . b/ 5,8?S x total labor oost, o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor)-* 2, x 5%. Source: Calculated from survey data. ■ • ■ ■ . ■ - * A . [5 t ■ 41. TABLE 34 Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley, 320-2 Farm 1955 Acres: 103 - — Yield: 23 cwt Units used Unit Cost per Total per acre a/ cost a/ acre cost i i 2 3 4 5 ! dollars i Real estate taxes 6.50 7.27 | 7AR P.H /Ho. OU Office 1.00 1.05 i no. nn ± uo . uu Improvements .10 .11 11 . UJ Power 4.81 495.43 Equipment 1.97 202.91 TV*y* 4 eta + 4 r*Y\ vrst y* 2.64 - , -££U£2_ T/VPAT TTVTTn 17.85 l s 838.09 V AD TAD TIP • Power: T— 5D tractor • /i nr. 1,10 .78 Rf) ^4 VY~ J. vTaCXOr .&& nr. .75 .17 . nr. .85 .19 IV. j f r 1C KUp TruC K Oc mi . .03 2.03 ?O.Q no KQUipmenXi 1c orrset aisK •5o nr. .72 .40 AT 9n Border disk 99 >iti . c<: nr. .77 .17 X / . Jl 1U BpiKo bOOuQ OdaTCW .iJ nr. .03 .01 1 • U J 20' spiketooth harrow .15 hr. .04 .01 1.03 Broadcaster (rented) .22 hr. .25 .06 AIR D. 1H Materials : Irrigation water 12 ac" .* 2.96 304,88 Seed 90 lb« .04 3,60 ■J7D fill Labor t Driver 2.69 hr. 1.00 2.69 ?77 _ 07 Irrigator 4.50 hr. .90 4.05 417.15 General .22 hr. .90 .20 20.60 Soo. Sec. & Ccmp. Insur. b/ .40 41.46 Contracts j Harvest 5.00 515.00 Haul 23 cwt .10 2.30 236.90 Storage 23 cwt .14 3.31 340.93 Insurance ($1.50/$100 value) .74 76.22 Interest on operating capital c/ ,66 67.91 Total Variable —28*71, ... 3.062.38 Total Cost 1 1 47.58 4,900.47 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8$ x total labor cost. o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor) J 2, x 5?». Souroe: Calculated from survey data. ten 1 2 in r J 21 f> ■ CI. OO.J 02. i 42. Farm Product Product 1 Alfalfa hay- Alfalfa seed Barley Corn Corn ensilage Cotton seed Cotton lint Cotton lint Melons (cantaloupe) mio Potatoes (early) Sugar beets TABLE 35 Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 Unit 1955 1251 11 4 ton % 26.00 % 21.60 lb. .24 .28 cvt 2.15 2.70 cwt 2.70 3.25 ton 6.50 6.00 ton 46.00 53.00 lb. .35 ,3117 bale 167.30 148.99 crate 3.00 3.05 cwt 2.30 2.75 cwt 1.85 1.42 ton 13.50 13.50 TABLE 36 Farm Servioe Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 43. Labor Rates Contract Services (continued) 1 2 3 4 ■ 3 6 Tractor driver $1.00 per hr. Dust (% DDT - 7% S )- Pickup driver 1.00 per hr. (application) lb. $ .04 Truok driver 1.00 per hr. Defoliate (l qt. sinox in 10 gai. aiesei on f~^app±n. / aore 2,50 Irrigator <>90 per hr. ifuat i- "tG. Table 36 — oontinued' 44. Farm Servioe Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 Contraot Servioes (oontinued ) 1 2 — — Melons Turn vines acre Chop, weed acre Harvest orate Pack & Haul orate Dust % DDT - (appln. ) lb. TEPP- (appln. ) lb. Fertilize (NH3 )-( appln. ) aore Milo Harvest Haul Storage Insuranoe acre cwt owt $10.50 25.00 .27 1.48 .05 .05 1.25 6,00 .10 .144 Contraot Services (oontinued) 4 5 Sugar Beets Thin aore Weed aore Harvest acre Haul aore Fertilize (NHg )— (appln. ) aore Preparing Seedbed Disk aore Chisel aore Landplane aore Make borders aore $12.50 8.00 29.00 15.00 1.25 1.50 2.75 4.00 .75 $1.50 per $100 of Value Potatoes Rotobeat aore 3.00 Dig aore 12.00 Piok owt .16 Haul owt .075 Shed costs owt .55 Dust {% DDT - 50$ S )~ (applioation ) lb. .05 45. TABUS 37 Farm Materials Purchasing Prioes, 1953-1955 Alfalfa Melons I 2 3 Mi 4 5 6 Seed (ooranon; lb. $ .32 Seed lb. $1.45 Seed (oaliverde ) lb. .34 Dust 5;= DDT lb. .07 Seed (oertified ranger) lb. .40 ID. • 10 Fertilizer (super Fertilizer (NH 3 ) lb. .085 phosphate ) lb. ,020 Dust (5ji DDT - 75a S) lb. •0925 Milo Dust (# Parathion) lb. .121 Seed lb. .08 Sin ox Defoliant (l qt» applied in 10 gal. diesel oil) Qt. 2.90 Permanent Pasture Baling Wire ton o 50 Seed lb. .50 Barley Fertilizer (16-20) lb. .045 Seed lb. • 04 Potatoes w Vi. 11 Seed (out & dipped) owt 6.30 Seed lb. .26 Fertilizer ( 17-7-0) lb. .037! Fertilizer (NH„SoJ 4 4 lb. •032 Dust (S/o DDT - 50# S ) lb. .085 Fertilizer (NHj " 3 lb. .105 Sugar Beets C otton Seed lb. .46 Seed (acid delinted/ lb. •115 Fertilizer (NH_ ) lb. .095 Seed (machine delinted J lb. • OBI Fertilizer (NH\SOj 4 4 lb. .032 Dust {% DDT - 50# S ) lb. .085 Defoliant (NaC10 3 W Borate or Mg) lb. .175 Fertilizer (NB^) Gypsum ton 2.50 1/ $ .105/lb. for 1-24 tons; ,095/lb. for 25-49 tons; ,085Ab. for 50 tons and over. b ■ I .10* eoi. .{fi (a a/jo* l>S« wts- Division of Agricultural Science* UNIVERSITY O F CALIFORNIA Hv n(>\ INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 4. Central San Joaquin Valley Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 Douglas D. Caton Trimble R. Hedges W. Neill Schaller nr.T l- 1958 1 iihsrtA R Y J CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS In Cooperation with FARM ECONOMICS RESEARCH DIVISION AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, U.S.D.A. Mimeographed Report No. 209. July 1958 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This investigation of the impact of the cotton acreage allotment program on farm organizations, production, and earnings in the Central San Joaquin Valley resulted from a study by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, California Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Farm Economics Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. H. Russell Shaw and J. Herbert Snyder, Assistant Professors of Agricultural Economics, Assistant Agricultural Economists in the Experiment Station, and on the Giannini Foundation, contributed heavily in collecting the field data. Charles C. Carpy, Assistant Specialist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation, shared in the analysis. John C. Crecink, Agricultural Economist, Warren R. Bailey, Assistant Head, Western Field Research Section, and M« L. Upchurch, Head, Western Field Research Section, all of the Farm Economics Research Division, participated in outlining and developing the project research plans. We are indebted to farmers, dealers, and representatives of various State and Federal agencies serving agriculture for making information and data available for this investigation. We particularly thank the California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee for permitting us to use aggregate data from their county files, and the California Agricultural Extension Service for aiding and facilitating our questionnaire survey of farmers holding acreage allotments in 1954. Finally the credit for the statistical and stenographic work goes to personnel in the Giannini Foundation. ' >1 ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ . 1 ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ ■ : • - CONTENTS 1-2. Foreword 3. Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955 4. Land Use on Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 5. Farm Size, Average Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955 6. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 80-acre Farm, 1955 Prices 7 - 10. Calendars of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops on 80-acre Farm 11 - 16. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 80-acre Farm 17. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 160-acre Farms 1955 Prices 18 - 22. Calendars of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops on 160-acre Farms 23 - 33. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 160-acre Farms 34 - 35. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 320-acre Farm 1955 Prices 36 - 41. Calendars of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops 320-acre Farm 42 - 49. Inputs and Costs for Crops on 320-acre Farm 50. Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 51 - 52. Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 53. Farm Materials Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 -ii- ■ : ■ ■• - ! ■ ■ -11- 1. INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 4. Central San Joaquin Valley Cotton Farms; 1953-1955^/ 2 Douglas D. Caton, Trimble R. Hedges, and W. Neill Schaller- FOREWORD We present in the following pages some highly detailed factual information that we assembled and used in analyzing the effects of the cotton acreage allotments on farms and earnings in the Central San Joaquin Valley. We obtained these data by interviewing farmers and from official sources related to agri- culture. The information appears here as a sequence of tables concerned with each of three farm sizes; these include 80-, 160- , and 320-acre cotton farms. Such detailed data were essential for our analysis of farm resource use and earnings before and after allotments. Certainly, the same information should prove useful for others who are studying the organization and internal workings of family farms in these three sizes. They also should be helpful to workers and administrators in private and public agencies serving agriculture. Tables 1-3 present factual information obtained from the California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee files for 1954. They indicate farm size, numbers, and cropland use from 1953 to 1955. Succeeding tables deal with the three farm size models that we analyzed. The data for the 80-acre unit will serve to indicate the kind and amount of information that this report includes for each of the three farm sizes. First appears Table 4. Physical Resources and Investments for the Typical 80-acre Farm, 1955 prices. Tables 5-9 then list the calendars of operations and inputs for cotton and other crops. Finally, Tables 10-13 include the physical inputs and costs for producing cotton and other crops on the 80-acre farm model. l/ This statistical supplement is a companion report to Caton, Douglas D., Trimble R. Hedges, and W. Neill Schaller, Farm Adjust ments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments , 4. Central San Joaquin V alley Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 , Giannini Mimeographed Report No. 208, the fourth of a series based on detailed investigations of the changes in farm organization, production, and earnings under the cotton acreage allotments beginning in 1954. This research comes under California Agricultural Experiment Station Project Number 1641, and is partially supported under Line Project PE e3-5(W), Farm Economics Research Division, Western Field Research Section, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. 2/ Douglas D. Caton and W. Neill Schaller are Agricultural Economists, Farm Economics Research Division, Western Field Research Section, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Trimble R. Hedges is Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station, and Agricultural Economist on the Giannini Foundation, University of California, College of Agriculture, Davis. Authors are listed in alphabetical order, not according to seniority in authorship. 0J2H Of'IOK3Qfi'i flCH 3TCCO QilA 8TjqHI egninwH bns sfcisatfctftbA mi«5 o-* *n*/no*qqu2 I^oiisijBjS A va CcW*£wX jemieH noitoO ysIIfeV niypsol. n£c IhiJtjsO *yf>B*}io» noijoo srii io vjj-oolls 9,13 yniSY/fiflE ni beeu brie, heldmgsss ow JtttfJ -iipe oi bditlei 3907^0*' lefoxllo moil bos aLomar pnxwgiv^gjni vd sj-sb &29ri:t rfJiw .bemeonoD. aside.! lo tjoneupe? 6 as oi9ri sisacqe noxJfc/nTolni oriT .eiuJIuo bne 9au ftoiuoas^ cit&1 to eisylsne iuo not iextneapa eusw &1cb b^Ltst'jh jiouo 'iiuorfe •nolicimolni -fans a arii ,Y.£ni£.M90 j-nernjoi is «n*tle bn6 scaled sonxmes Tpnxjnaw iBmsni bns ncxi-s*. xnc-0-tc odJ en/VbuJe oxfV/ 3i«ri*o xol luieeu avoiq .snjJfuoi-ics privxsa soionsps oilduq bns 9J6vx:rq ni eso*st;tain.c;nb£ en* YsriT .f>f^Z iol aslxl eai^idinoO ncxJev^anoD bne noi;KsrIid6:t£ IswiloftHeA pnibeeooue o3 nro-xl deu bneiqdio bne t d^M9un f 9sia mel g^soxbni ■■ ' i • ■ oieoqqe jiiiH . axel sstrtj sriJ lo dsse xol asbuioni cHoqsi cirtt - . icisO o^ iioqsi noinsqrn05 6 el Jnafltelqqt/a Isoi jeiis.te eirfl ki_ bns cvtn^ flij.^uf bA m is^. t i9xl6do2 liteV. .W br»6 ,89pb{! Bldmlil bn& t 9iu3LjotiQ^ lo ^AMtfitq*} .2 .U .fldlv^S Jns.r.iisqxEI 9.1j nt ^sfwcnooJ leiuilaoiipA ^oteanooB . fa.tu*Iuoi^eA lo : lo Y*-t3X9vxnLf ^nti+sfonuoH ininnslD eri.t no icjxrnonooB Isautluoi-rpA bne ni betsil 9is eiorf^A .aivsC ^lutiuoitQA to 9&9lJo3 t bJ .qiifeto&ty* ol Y^jicinse o^ pnibioOvOS ion t iebio Isol Subsequent tables repeat this same sequence for each of the other two farm sizes (Tables 14-25 for the two 160-acre models, and Tables 26-39 for the 320-acre unit). The last three tables in this statistical supplement contain the prices for farm products (Table 40), input services hired or rented (Table 41), and materials (Table 42). — TABLE 1 Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955, Central San Joaquin Valley Cropl and Total cotton acres Divertei i acres Cropland Number average 3-year 1 final acres 3-year 3-year class O I per average allotment planted average average intervals farms farm total 1951-1953 1953 1954 1955 a/ to 1954 to 1955 1 2 3 4 5 ! 6 7 8 9 acres 1 - 20 310 14.2 4,392 2,447 2,385 3,053 2,343 606 104 21 - 60 491 39.4 19,359 10,138 8,847 7,804 5,988 - 2,334 - 4,150 61 - 100 271 78.4 21,241 11,010 8,839 7,569 5,807 - 3,441 - 5,203 101 - 220 3C7 150.0 46,064 21,350 18,276 14,933 11,457 - 6,417 - 9,893 221 - 420 156 295.6 46,113 22,028 17,958 14,787 11,345 - 7,241 -10,683 421 - 660 75 523.8 39,284 17,000 14,251 11,835 9,080 - 5,165 - 7,920 661 - 1,100 49 886.4 43,434 16,168 12,565 11,460 8,793 - 4,708 - 7,375 1,101 + above 52 2,570.2 133,652 36,741 30,418 25,920 19,887 -10,821 -16,854 Total 1,711 206.6 353,539 136,882 113,539 97,361 74,700 -39,521 -62,182 a/ Estimated. Sources California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee. ■ • • - ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ - - TABLE 2 Land Use on Cotton Farms, 1953-1955: Central San Joaquin Valley Cropland class Interval Mid- joint Number of farms Fruit Noncultivated total acres reported 9 average acres per farm 10 Net crc total p acres average number reporting total acres 1 number reporting 7 total acres 8 1 - 20 21 - 60 61 - 100 101 - 220 221 - 420 421 - 660 661 - 10,000 Total 1 10 40 80 160 320 540 5330 2 28 77 61 68 36 20 19 3 410 3,044 4,921 10,385 10,582 10,660 31,538 4 14.6 39.5 80.7 152.7 293.9 533.0 1,659.9 5 14 21 18 5 7 4 6 ■ -1 406 317 927 251 531 167 4 19 20 21 12 9 7 29 120 340 376 630 519 11,379 845 3,481 6,188 11,012 11,743 11,346 42,917 30.2 45.2 101.4 161.9 326.2 567.3 2,258.8 309 71,540 231.5 69 2,599 92 13,393 87,532 283.3 Source: Questionnaire returns, 1954. gonxcei : £$g>-<* TO j M " — hi • 1 *5 » — - 583*3 1 • ■ i , — p ■ - TABLE 3 Farm Size, Average Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955: Central San Joaquin Valley Cropland Average cotton acres Diverte< i acres Cropland Number average 3-year final acres 3-year 3-year class per average allotment planted average average intervals farms farm total 1951-1953 1953 1954 1955 a/ to 1954 to 1955 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 acres 1 - 20 310 14.2 4,392 7.9 11.5 9.8 7.6 1.95 - .34 21 - 60 491 39.4 19,359 20.6 26.2 15.9 12.2 - 4.75 - 8.45 61 - 100 271 78.4 21,241 40.6 46.0 27.9 21.4 - 12.70 - 19.20 101 - 220 307 150.0 46,064 69.5 76.5 48.6 37.3 - 20.90 - 32.22 221 - 420 156 295.6 46,113 141.2 140.3 94.8 72.7 - 46.42 - 68.48 421 - 660 75 523.8 39,284 226.7 222.7 157.8 121.1 - 68*87 -105.60 661 - 1,100 49 886.4 43,434 330.0 322.2 233.9 179.4 - 96.08 -150.51 1,101 ♦ above 52 2,570.2 133,652 706.6 691.3 498.5 382.4 -208.10 -324.12 Total 1,711 206.6 353,539 80.0 90.8 56.9 43.7 - 23.10 - 36.34 a/ Estimated. Source: California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee £i 7 r- ■ ■ - • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ 5J **f — , EE 5 .J L , ■ ' i ■ ■ lftt*J ■ MBS VA&tg3& COff^y versa* su^ ycxca DTAei{6q* 7,3^ guq 7335: TABLE 4 6. Physioal Resources and Investments for Typioal 80-aore Farm, 1955 Pricos Item Size or New cost Average investment^/ capacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 dol lars Land: Total xotai cultivated 80 acres 74 acres Improvements: Tractor shed Shop storage shed Fuel storage - gas Subtotal 550 gallons 1 1 1 500.00 1,000.00 135.00 250.00 500.00 67.50 1,635.00 817,50 Irrigation system: Pumping plant 1 Well, casing Pipe Stands Vents Alfalfa valves Siphons Subtotal 15 h«p,f 500 g.p.m. 12" diameter J 90» lift 12" 7» x 36" 7* x 8" 12" 1 l/2» 2 2 x 175 • 2,640* 2 2 40 100 1,675.00 4,15 ,80 63,00 4,90 18,56 1,50 3,350,00 1,452,50 2,112,00 126.00 9,80 742.40 150,00 858,44 2,08 ,40 31*50 2,45 9«28 .75 1,716.88 726,25 1.056,00 63,00 4,90 371,20 75,00 7,942,70 4,013,23 Power: Wheel tractor - A Wheel tractor - B Pickup truok Subtotal W-1 W-1 1/2 ton 1 1 1 2,600,00 2,000,00 1,820.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 6. 600. no. 4,420.00 Equipment: Plow, 2 way- Disk, offset Disk, tandem Spiketooth harrow Cultipaoker Lister planter Cultivator Cotton trailer Power mower Side delivery rake Subtotal Total 2-16" 5* 3" 6' 4 1 section 10» 2 -row 2-row 5-bale 7* 8» 1 ■L X 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 30,00 550.00 300,00 400,00 90,00 325,00 350,00 350,00 400,00 350,00 520,00 15.00 otK net 150.00 200.00 45.00 162^50 175.00 175,00 220.00 175.00 260,00 3,635,00 1,837.50 j L9, 812,70 Ll,088,23 1 Ho salvage values, exoept as follows: Source: Calculated from survey data. W-1 tractor - A: $1,040 W-1 tractor - B: $ 800 Pickup trucks $ 400 5-bale cotton trailer* Pumping plant: $40 $80 each ■ 00 .GPS oo.oo? 1 • ■ ■ 80 «S • J 1 • • • - • ■ ■ - i ■ h ■ ■ ■ - - TABLE 5 Calendar ©f Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton 80-acre Farm Dates Crew and equipment Operations men power equipment Acres per 9-hour 32J£ Physical requirements man- hours tractor hours material 1953 8 1955 9 4/1-4/15 4/25-5/5 6/1-6/10 7/1-8/15 7/10-7/20 7/20-9/15 Cut stalks Disk 2X Plow Furrow out 1 Make head ditches* Preirrigate Fill in ditches* Disk 2X w/harrow Plant Cultipack Cultivate (l) Hand thin Cultivate - contract (2) Cultivate & fertilize (3) Irrigate (l) Hand weed - contract Cultivate (4) Irrigate (2) Cultivate (5) Dust 2X - contract Irrigate (3) Cultivate and lay by(6 Irrigate 8X (4-11) 1st pick, hand-contract 2nd pick, hand-contract Haul to gin Gin - contract 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l W-l Pickup 2-row stalk cutter (rented) 5 , 3" offset disk 2 way/2-16" 2-row lister-planter 4* ditcher (rented) 4* scraper (rented) 6' tandem disk w/8' spiketooth 2-row lister-planter 10' cultipacker 2-row cultivator 2-row cultivator 2-row cultivator w/ fertilizer attach- ment (rented) 2-row cultivator 2-row cultivator 2-row cultivator 5-bale cotton trailer * Occurs 5X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season. Source: Calculated from survey data. 18 16 7 18 15 16 33 10 12 12 14 14 14 ,50 1.12 1.28 .50 .25 .25 1.20 1.12 .27 .90 .75 .75 .64 .64 .64 1.50 .50 1.12 1.28 .50 .25 .25 1.20 .56 .27 .90 .75 .75 .64 .64 .64 1.50 4.2 5 35# delint seed 325# (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 3 3 333# (NH 4 ) 2 S0^ 3 3 60# b% DDT 50% S 3 18 3 22 . 1800' : OS*©*. - r ■ ■ . • ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ I ,iV9|ce p&sq qjfCJJsP* [*.£& son on£ - ■ .. J I 5 5 -to A'. Ciijf'i ASfi J. 3-X OM CrjfJA3fCt ■ ■ l 5-XOM T7?-E.6I-r.J3^31 ebyjce^o'dcp, Tt, eeiatwi (t&u^eq) ■ fJV-7 ! **, q7{Cpr ? x (xsuff.q) #**f J 5-xy« 2*.aiK .cnf.rii I rs •J9 jT'SR *S0 ■ ■ ■" rg so* rv 3 iJC*XU* 9fS*Ttf* 1 JC*jfU» 3 swap |r 3r>XA©A Hff»* e\J-s\so '»\T-«\SD B\T-a\SO We? ■ - ■ : ■ j xxxrr>«.f s SX lS9T« - courxjcr | ■ i ■ I QOeXS^JOUS ■ 8« a* n* xst«s 8 i 2* D' v. bo wet -roMst 8« 2* 0* Mfc* 8» 3* D* X9K> i 4 bofAsx a:of*- x So 3r 5* *5o - ♦of •*5.j *3J *3I '3J d- poia Tj"* SC* TO' 8 90~»cxg ts-ai C«isuq7x ox. c^Wx-yous gyq lytejcvj ju&ifa b«x- v"s ?Ox bxoqncjoa villus TABLE 7 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand 80 -acre Farm Acres per Physical requirements Crew and equipment 9-hour man- tractor Dates Operations men power equipment day hours hours material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2/1-3/15 Disk 2X - contract Chisel 2 X — contract Landplane 2X - contract Make borders - contract Landplane - contract Disk Preirrigate Disk with harrow Seed Harrow Dust - contract 1 1 1 1 1 W-1 W-1 W-1 W-1 5*3" offset disk 5*3" offset w/8 1 spiketooth Broadcaster (rented) 12* spiketooth 16 14 40 40 .56 .64 .22 .22 .56 .64 .22 .22 8 ac. in. 25# seed 12. 5# of 2% parathion Source: Calculated from survey data. vD ■ 2oni.ce: cejcnjsrffiq ixoih anxAsA qa£9* 1 ■ ■ T3, sbyjcsi-oofp ■ oseq • 3xogccss.psx (xsufeq) ebjj bowsx yonxa ponxa 6-ponx UJSJ- • x r. .;. bex ■ ; TABLE 8 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Field Corn 80-acre Farm Acres per Physical requirements Crew and equipment 9— hour man- tractor uaxes uperations men power equi pmenx hours hours materi a 1 1 j. q 0 A *+ 0 7 0 0 Disk 2X 1 W-l 5'3" offset disk 16 1.12 1.12 Plow 1 W-l 2 way/2-16" 7 1.28 1.28 Furrow out 1 W-l 2-row lister-planter 18 .50 .50 Make head ditches* 1 W-l 4' ditcher (rented) .15 .15 Pre irrigate 4' scraper (rented) 6 ac. in. Fill in ditches* 1 W-l .15 .15 Disk 2X w/harrow 1 W-l 6* tandem disk w/8' 15 1.20 1.20 3/25-4/10 spiketooth Plant 2 W-l 2-row lister-planter 16 1.12 .56 10# seed 4/10-4/25 Cultivate 1 W-l 2— row cultivator 10 .90 .90 4/25-5/10 Cultivate 1 W-l 2-row cultivator 12 .75 .75 5/10-5/25 Cultivate & fertilize 1 W-l 2-row cultivator w/ 10 .90 .90 475# fertilizer attach- (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 5/25-6/10 ment (rented) Cultivate 1 W-l 2-row cultivator 12 .75 .75 6/1-6/15 Irrigate (l) 1 5 ac. in. 6/10-6/25 Cultivate 1 W-l 2-row cultivator 12 .75 .75 6/15-9/1 Irrigate 5X 25 ac. in. 9/2O-IO/2O Pick & haul - contract Shell - contract * Occurs 3X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season. Source: Calculated from survey data. • »3\50-T0\5C 1 '. - jixTcigrs ■ • •5-1 if// f IT C TA ■ uS»I of'.x Vo EI, ^X bx.afre QS.8 T rr ' *n 'i * r — i ** >■! '"1 " - - •—■ ~— ~ — SO, I PAi'BITj J" u,e .td c'",CI ■ 1 .' 00,5 ,.tn Te.IEI • • : • - ■ • i ■ At' C 51 0 * * c C ■ ■ GO. ED. vox/ad ■ te^'fiqij-ijfo >oi *ts* Ell -wot-S ♦irf 60*| 1 so. rc ■ E 00, Co 02. f ?£. res Woo al.ic*-? • .-iff Or 1 .! talis-stf- .id 2S, • si. .id es. 'xsqj-xca '4 s ■ 6<>.ex .dosit.-; nail/tie* 1 : • 00, IS oc. **.ojS d£ oe.aee ' .ojc S»IG rroitf-eginl oa.^xi 60. dd.OX .dl E^E 08'.dE* o*.ox lOSX f Xd 'jsl •id X2.2I .JS.dS* oo.x •id ■ •ruf 0 05.S .la cs.?? 06. FT W r ,n{ 25,1 00. 5E Ot> t VV. •irt 55.X • •08.15 SC.X •id i 80,S ,id 5*>.J 8S, 55.0€t e*.ex oe. ■ 00. 1 ,1£i 59,* 00.ft.ri oo.i 88. *X OP. •id oe.ex 05. Wf* 8C.TX o«. e-xoiaglixC 1 00. S£ . 5T.ETO 55,01 05. £ flj* 05,5 05.G5A 8E.BI oe.t ;n* 5S.5 no* Off.a 5f»t>SS 91, t? 5T.J no* 5S.5 i'S.ftV '35.65.5. J> ■ ■ .11 ■ ..—j TABLE 11 14. Inputs and Coats for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand 80-acre Farm 1953 1955 Acres; 25 Aores: 35 Item Units used per aoreS/ Unit cost2/ Cost per acre Total cost Units used per aoreS/ Unit oostS/ Cost per aore Total cost 1 2 3 < i 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars Power; Traotor W-l - B 1*64 hr. 3,21 5.27 131.75 1,64 hr. 1*85 3,03 106,06 Equipments 5«3" offset disk 8' spiketooth Vi arrow 12 « spiketooth harrow lo20 hr. •64 hr* .22 hr. 1,38 ♦16 ♦24 le66 •10 .05 41.50 1.25 1.20 hr, .64 hr, •22 hr. 1.56 *19 .28 1,88 .12 .06 65,80 4.20 2.10 Broadcaster (rented) •22 hr. .25 .06 1.50 .22 hr. ,25 ,06 2.10 Materi als t Irrigation water Seed 8 ao." 25 lb.. .53 .34 4,22 8.50 105.50 212.50 8 ao. n 25 lb. ,48 .34 3,88 8,50 135.80 297,50 Labor: Drivers Irrigators Soc« See, & Comp» Ineur, b/ 1.64 hr, 3,60 hr. 1,00 .90 1.64 3.24 •28 41.00 81,00 7.08 1,64 hr, 3,60 hr. 1,00 .90 1,64 3,24 ♦28 57.40 113,40 9,91 Contracts; Disk 2X Chisel 2X Landplane 3X ^4ake borders Dust (2$ Parathion) 12.5 lb. 3.00 5,50 12.00 .75 2,14 75.00 137.50 300,00 18,75 53.50 12.5 lb. 3,00 5,50 12,00 .75 2.14 105.00 192.50 420,00 26,25 74,90 Total cost 48.41 1,210.33 46.08 1,612.91 Amount charged off annually 12 c 10 302.58 , t- 11,52 403,23 a/ Rounded. Unit oosts for power, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable costs. b/ 5,8 percent x total labor cost. Source j Calculated from survey data. JI31-IA.T bts.-.iZ •IXtfXA a« ^cirfall'JoloI toI eil-frO fine 5*«r(nl e«iOA-C8 ■ ■ ■ ** -i*"" f» o «ro rr ■ fa* e mi i it. 5 j ------ i co.f: 2*«XEX XS,£ • 2 - X-v: tojoe-xl' i , 8E,X .id OS.X ' SX. OX, OX. 01. s dO. 50. ToJ-aaofaA-j'i'f ■ dO, •id ss. (5o*a»t) j : sXfi/-i9ua> 08.6EX ■ ".03 6 '.OB 6 - 1 . oe.sxs 5S OOoX •Irf M.X W.I OO.X ,tii t>o.I ■ ,'xjJ OS,f ■ xe.oxll tit lb- 1o tmrn 3& 'X&^JJV? fj •til & n r wr t >W7 tol B*8-5 .4&oo -xotfal j43*o* x tnsaiaq E<«? 15 tabu; 12 Inputs and Costs for Producing Field Com 80-aore Farm Item 1953 1955 Acres: 5 — Yield: 30 cvrfc. Acres : 15 — Yield: 35 cwt. Units used per acreS/ Unit 008 tS/ Cost per acre Total cost Units used per acre-/ Unit costS/ Cost per acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars TFTYVTit Kc ax e s xaxe xaxe s 0.0 U 1 fC- o OA At\ a en 0.50 6,93 104,00 ux 1 1 ce "> (ft c. . UU OA f\r\ JL,oo Q At 1,79 26,88 Power OO Ol 114ett> 14.25 213,75 EAM4 timon + (CO. JU c A A 0*44 96,00 xrngaxion waxer o,lU 7.20 108,00 10T&X IlXeu Oft A1 (570 OO WApTAp TIT ! rower. rriHA ^ + /vw W— .1 — ■ "D ITaOuOT »» X D y.ui nr. 1,11 9,96 49,80 9.01 hr« ,77 6,94 104.10 Dn nlrim 4- v»-> i ^'^^.»- l i c !cup xraCK 65.8 mi a f\A ,04 2,50 1Z»30 78»1 mi. ,04 2.97 44.55 uj. pint; X: o \ i.vviicu 1.28 hr. 1.37 lo75 8,75 1,28 hr. 1,70 2.17 32,55 0 1 o Oil Set CuLBK 1.12 hr. ,75 ,84 4,20 1.12 hr. ,85 •95 14.25 o v tanaem aisle 1.20 hr. 1,06 1.28 6.40 1.20 hr. 1,32 1.58 23.70 8' spiKetootn harrow 1.20 hr. ,03 .03 .15 1.20 hr. ,03 .04 ,60 2— row lister planter 1.06 hr. ,70 .74 3.70 1.06 hr. .87 .92 13.80 2—row cultivator 4,05 hr. •35 1.40 7.00 4.05 hr. •44 1.77 26,55 Equipment (rented ): 4 1 ditoher .15 hr. •50 .08 .40 .15 hr. .50 •08 1,20 4 1 scraper .15 hr. ,50 .08 .40 .15 hr. ,50 .08 1,20 Fertilizer attaoh« .90 hr. ,50 .45 2.25 .90 hr. •50 .45 6,75 Materials: Irrigation water 36 ac." ,30 10,91 54,55 36 ac," .28 10,26 153,90 Seed 10 lb. ,26 2.60 13,00 10 lb. .26 2.60 39,00 Fertilizer (NHj SO. 4 2 4 475 lb. .03 15,20 76,00 475 lb. .03 15,20 228,00 Labor: Drivers 10,65 hr. 1.00 10.65 53.25 10,96 hr. 1.00 10.96 164.40 Irrigators J.v, C\J 111 , .90 14.58 72,90 16,20 hr. .90 14,58 218.70 General ,56 hr. .90 .50 2,50 ,56 hr. .90 ,50 7,50 S oc 0 Sec • & Occop • In sur. b/ 1.49 7,46 1.51 22,65 Contraots: Shell 30 cwt. .12 3.75 18.75 35 owt. .12 4.38 65.70 Pick 10,00 50*00 10.00 150.00 Haul 30 cwt. .10 3,00 15,00 35 cwto .10 3*50 52.50 Interest on opera- ting capital c/ Total variable Total cost 2,23 11.16 2.21 33.20 94 0 02 470.12 93.65 1,404,80 141.45 707.28 132.26 1,984,03 (Continued on next page,} si siaw ■5W £ tr.irvt' i — C£ 1 " ; " '"■ "* 1 '" ; XaJoT isq d-eoO tha — ' "'. 1 1 ** \£ci3i= 1CKJ 2 « • 1 ■ ■ CV:»V • o k ,a£ U C .i.J (00,06 ro.s . C0,Ji iqfi Ac ■A" r ■ JvW 0 . - IN 5 cp^ r B04 i. ' a r C-i,«*J. 83,1*11 • . as.c '- ' < • j j ox.o ai.\es joi.WI 30, e .Ira IcSV 03P 02. s ■ 3 iffl O , C J *\ i^*-' / v ''.ry'jxuL'w j ■ . «l"f SS.I 2Ti.*3 £VoX .-xii 8S.1 • . '50. •id S&l OS.* ,rtd SX,X St* I ,td OS.X o*.a 8S.X . ■ K>. EO. »ixi OS. I Cv. to. .rtrf OS.X ■ m £ -4» ,» * T" •nr-.'-r—'- 4 ^ J & — i " J i i ( se. • «yj OY.E • ov. ■ !32.dS . £u ty . • 2£, .id 20,£ "vi&pvi.iLsjj W)T*j |os.x • - 02, • Iff 2X. 02, .id 21, bs.x 80. - ,ii-I 2I« 00. oe. • .id 21, 1 - m& 2A. ••id os. 2S.S 02. .id 09. »io."Afe i-.=»si.ri^io"? oe,s2i • ",ojs dE lei'ijtr ao it^Jjiiil X.CE ■ as. . 00 ,dV OS. 21 EO, .^I 2Tfr ae.oi OO.X 4 11 ■ A £^.F.2 co,x .id 22,01 ot.exs 82.M oe. • id OS.dX 08. S\ ,1x1 OS.vM 02.^ OS* OG, •id ae. Og.S 02. oe. •id 32. . riitDO <6 .092 .m>2 1 a*,v \j .luatl ■ • Jwn Co 2T.C 00.021 00,02 00,01 oe.E i.+wo 2fi 00,21 00, e ox. «;hrj OE xs.s OS.itySI j eXo'£i-ifiv Xs-ioT dS.$£X « . 85*. "' \ — _J 1 *aoo X**oT Table 12 oentinuedo a/ Rounded » b/ 5#8 percent x total labor oost» 0/ Total of variable oosts (less operator labor) * 2, a: 5,5 peroent. Source: Calculated from survey data* TABLE 13 17 Physical Resources and Investments for Typioal 160-aore Farms 1955 Prioes Size or r New oost Average investment^/ Item capacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 dollars Land: Total 160 acres Total cultivated 152 acres Improvements : Tractor shed 1 700.00 350,00 Bam & storage 1 2,000.00 1,000.00 Fuel storage — gas 550 gallons 1 135.00 67.50 Subtotal 2,835.00 1,417.50 Irrigation Bvstem: Pumping plant 20 h.p.; 800 g«p,m. 2 2,700.00 5,400.00 1,383,75 2,767.50 Well* easlntf 14 n diamptpr*! 90* lift 2 x 175' 5.00 1,750.00 2*50 875.00 Pipe 14" 5,280 l .90 4,752.00 .45 2,376,00 vJ UCU1UO / ilk J V 4 63.00 252*00 31,50 126.00 Vents 7» x 8" 8 4.90 39,20 2,45 19,60 Alfalfa valves 12" 100 18.56 1,856.00 9.28 928,00 Siphons 3/4" - 2" 250 1.50 375.00 .75 187,50 Subtotal 14,424.20 7,279.60 Power: Wheel tractor W-l 1 c% ouu#uu ±p 820#00 Wheel tractor W-2 1 3| 000© 00 2,100b00 Pickup truck 1/2 ton 1 1,200.-00 ^ F*t\f\ f\f\ c ion /v> 5,120.00 Equipment: Plow, 2 way- 2-16" 1 550.00 275.00 Chisel b/ 8« 1 525.00 262.50 Disk, offset 7 1/2 » 1 650.00 325.00 Disk, tandem 6» 1 400.00 200,00 Spiketooth harrow 4' section 4 30.00 120,00 15.00 60,00 Cultipaoker 12' 1 380.00 190,00 Lister planter 4 row 1 550,00 275,00 Cultivator 4 row 1 1,000.00 500,00 Fertilizer attaoh. 2 row 1 100.00 50.00 Cotton pioker 1 row 1 8,700,00 5,220.00 Cotton trailer 6 bale 3 450.00 1,350.00 247.50 742.50 Stalk cutter 2 row 1 325.00 162.50 Power mower 7« 1 350.00 175.00 Side delivery rake 8» 1 520.00 260.00 Subtotal 15,520.00 8,697.50 Total 40,379,20 22,514,60 a/ Average investment for all items except land ■ New cost - Salvage value 2 No salvage values, except as follows*. W-l traotor: $1,040 1-row cotton picker: $1,740 YJ-2 traotor: $1,200 6Hjale ootton Pickup truck: $ 400 trailer: $ 135 ea. \J Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955, Source: Calculated from survey data 0 cooril .tea© wo*I friai/ 10ft j . &*r ,t &xta: i&g j oo.oec I oo„e r a ' I Od.GX I o»2se j I oe.vsx J co,oox,s j OO.OOS,! ; oo,osi\Jg*ss! T oe,.s ■ 0?.XC ■ 00. .'I |86.| 00*00^,2 oo,oov,: co.ce-,1 ioo.sev^ ioo ,ses | oo, arf. 00,006 «S CO.O; j . po*oee ; 00.000,1 i ■ oo,cor t a ; OO.OcC«X i oo.esr :oo.occ | oo.ose i 00.5 oe. oe.^ de.ex Cc:,X OO.OE 00.05* -itr'y* 30 ,, 1 -X I X X S »06S,5 oox 05S X X at-iea OdX eo«i06 Sc'JT S 008 ;.q.d OS' J-tiX »oc "6 X »t: 1 1 uoi s\x: '9 ♦d aii^oaa ♦* ♦SX >m *j vot M «ji x| ' I •8 X**o? | boisvliliTO X«*o' j i&fo&dtrE Jjaiwo «XXe*<7 eqX*I ■ «XT0ilqf8 ! Xc#o*rfyC tot Xeec-'' \d XrtirfO T5oloaqif XuJ Xwl J'qsosto toe* Jt f X.s tuiKnta^v.iTi 0* r »miJ- qxniol'-T io EC iecti t«a iv. .08 2.80 210.00 Fertilizer (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 300 lb. .03 9.60 720,00 Labor; Drivers 14,12 hr. 1,00 14.12 1,059.00 Irrigators 13.16 hr. .90 11*84 886.00 General 3*09 hr. .90 2,78 208,50 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.67 125.02 (Continued on next page*) ex 1 5dX : ^7 ■ I *8oc ; oioa | r ! ■ ■'■« i n J" XS.V t ■ . Ati r oe.l ■ ■ » ■##k£'Aj|*M V »*'•/» 1 : If nttHiiiii \ jvnnr ftwS 1 .red Oe, * Iff 5V» OO.Od oe. 03. 4 Xil VV ft JL 05.1 - ■ tJ3t7«d fcJojtejllqa »3X I taAorffltluo 'SX I • iff Ed * ■ ." j J XJ~' 1 ss # • «ltl DC* T'JTJi/O -i Liii» K »* _ 1 ei. .Li OP. ex. fir. SO.T *.ox» s.xe Tc^jfl^r 01 z^* 1 *TrfT ! OO.OIS 8C. 1 ooe ■ . sr.M •id SJ.H 1 ! ,i.i sx.rx rltf dC lotal fixed 98.64 4,043.95 3f*T,XV J ^ Oj / * ox VARIABLE: Power: w— l traotor 1.00 nr. .63 .63 25,83 1,00 hr. .65 .TO tO« DO W— 2 traotor 9.45 hr. .80 7.57 310,37 9.45 b. r# .76 7.16 293 t 5 6 Pickup truck L09.88 mi. •04 3.85 157.85 109.88 mi. ,04 3.S4 157*44 Equipment (ovJned): Plow, 2 w/2-16" .90 hr. 2.24 2.01 82.41 ,90 hr. 1.13 x • 41*82 7 1/2' offset disk .72 hr. 1.64 1.18 48.38 .72 hr. 1,21 ,87 35,67 o* Tandem disk 1.00 hr. .74 .74 30 o 34 1.00 hr. ,78 ,78 lb' spiketooth harrow .18 hr. .07 • 01 •41 ♦18 hr. ,12 ,02 12' cultipaoker .20 hr. 4.63 •93 38,13 .20 hr. 4,63 .93 4— row lister planter .63 hr. 2.13 1,34 54,94 .63 hr. 1.07 ,67 27,47 4-row cultivator 2.94 hr. 1.66 4.88 200,08 2,94 hr. .95 2.70 114.^0 Z-row fertilizer attachment .64 hr. .76 •49 20.09 ,64 hr. .39 .25 10,25 1-row cotton picker 2.78 hr. 12.68 35.24 1,444.84 2,78 hr. 12,76 35.49 x,*tj J . U5r 6-bale cotton trailer 1.50 hr. .66 •99 40.59 1.50 hr. .66 .99 40,59 2-row stalk cutter •50 hr. .79 •40 16.40 .50 hr. .79 .40 T A Art Equipment [rented): 4' ditcher .30 hr. .50 .15 6.15 ,30 hr. .50 .15 6.15 *t ooraper .30 hr. •50 •15 6.15 ,30 hr. .50 .15 6.15 Materials: Irrigation water 36 ac." .20 7.38 302.58 36 ac," .22 8.03 329.23 Seed 35 lb. .08 2.80 114,80 35 lb. .08 2.80 114.80 Fertilizer (NH. )„so. 4 2 4 333 XD. .03 10.66 437,06 333 lb. 0 03 10.66 437,06 Labor: urxvers 14.57 hr. 1.00 14.57 597,37 14,57 hr. leOO 14.57 597,37 Irrigators 15,19 nr. .90 13,67 560,47 15.19 hr. ,90 13.67 560.47 General 3.09 hr. •90 2.78 113.98 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 113.98 Soc. Seo. & Ccmp, Insur. b/ lo80 73,77 1.80 73.77 (Continued on next page,) : ...... ■ ■ — : 1 i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - - ■ ■ ft . ■ ■ ■ ■ vo. - • • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ex. - ■ ■ - . i ■ ! co. • - ■ i • • i ■ I 26. Table 19 continued. 1955 160-1 Farm 160-2 Farm Acres : 41 — Yield: 1.5 bales Acres: 41 Yield: l c 5 bales Item Units used per acreS/ Unit cost£/ Cost per aore Total cost Units used per acreS/ Unit oostS/ Cost per acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars Contraots : Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2X {% DDT 5$ S) Defoliate (NaClO. 3 60 lb. .14 5.00 5.00 6.10 205.00 205.00 332.10 60 lb. .14 5.00 5.00 8.10 205,00 205.00 332.10 w/B orate or Mg, ) Gin Insur, & storage Interest on opera- ting capital c/ 10 lb. 1.5 bale 1.5 bale 14.70 1.19 4,25 22.05 1,78 3,40 174,25 904.05 72.98 139.56 10 lb. 1.5 bale 1,5 bale 14,70 1.19 4.25 22.05 1.78 3.30 174,25 904,05 72,98 135,33 Total variable 163.80 6,715.93 159,95 6,557.95 Total cost 262.44 10,759.88 254,05 10,415. 7€ a/ Rounded. b/ 5,8 percent x total labor cost, o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor, ginning, and picking) r 2, x 5 percent. Source: Calculated from survey data. ? ■ ■ • ■ ■ • ■ TABIS 20 Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa 160-acre Farms 1953 160-1 and 160-2 Farms Acres : 70 — Yield: 5.25 tons Units used Unit Cost per Total per aereS/ oost-' cost 1 2 3 4 dollars FIXED! Real estate taxes UIJU 499.20 Office 1.48 1.54 108.00 Improvements 1.50 1.57 109.62 Power ft Equipment 1.87 130.90 Irrigation water 11.19 783.30 1/4 cost to establish stand 10.82 757.52 Total fixed 40.40 2,828.14 VARIABLE: Power: W-l tractor 3.00 hr. .61 1.83 128,10 Piokup truck 45,46 mi. .04 1.59 111.30 Equipment: 7 1 power mower 1.55 hr. .32 .50 35,00 8* side delivery rake lo45 hr. •51 .74 51.80 Materials: Irrigation water 44,4 ac," .22 9.99 699.30 Labor: Drivers 4.14 hr. 1.00 4.14 289.80 Irrigators 18.73 hr. .90 16.86 1,180.20 Sec, Sec* & Ccmp. Insur. 1.22 85.26 Contracts: Bale 5,25 ton 3.50 18.38 1,286.60 Roadside o/ 5.25 ton 1.75 9.19 643.30 Total variable 64 0 44 4,510,66 Total cost 104.84 7,338.80 (Continued on next page.) J ■ [ ■ ■ • - • ■ ■ • : 28. Tab le 20 c ontinued • - '" 1 iw» 160-1 Farm 1 160-2 Farm Acres: 60 — Yield: 5,5 tons Aores: 6 D ~ Yie Ld: 5.5 tons I Item Jnits used per acre-/ Unit ( oostS/ 1 ^ost per icre Total oost Units used 1 per acre» 1 Jnit jostS/ Zost per icre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water l/4 oost to establish stand X Ova X X X-A-C u. 6.50 1.48 1,50 7.45 1.61 1.64 7,15 2,06 9,28 11,18 447.20 96*75 98,20 429,00 123.60 556,80 670,45 6.50 1,48 1.50 7.45 1,61 1.64 7.48 2.27 10.92 10,86 447,20 96.75 98.20 448.80 136.20 655.20 651,25 40.37 2,422,00 42,23 2,533.60 VARIABLE: j Power: W-l tractor Pickup trucK 3.00 nr. 54.95 mi. .63 .04 1*90 1.92 114.00 115,20 3,00 hr. 54.95 mi* .65 .04 1,95 1.92 117.00 115.20 Equipment: 7' power mower 1.55 nr. .30 ,46 27,60 1,55 hr. .38 .58 34.80 8 1 side delivery rake 1,45 hr. .60 »of 52.20 1,45 hr. .60 .87 52.20 1 Materials: Irrigation water 44,4 ao." .20 9cl0 C A A. f\C\ 44,4 ao," .22 9,90 594.00 1 Labor: | Drivers Irrigators Soo. Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 4,37 hr, 18.73 hr. 1.00 .90 4,37 16,86 1,23 262.20 1,011,60 73,88 t|JI 1 1 1 . 18.73 hr. 1.00 .90 4,37 16.86 1.23 262.20 1,011,60 73,88 Contracts: Bale Roadside 0/ Total variable Total cost 5.5 ton 5.5 ton 3.50 1.75 19,25 9,62 1,155.00 577,20 5.5 ton 5,5 ton 3,50 1.75 19.25 9.62 1*155.00 577,20 65.58 3,934 f 88 66.55 3,993.08 105.95 6,356,88 108.78 6,526.68 a/ Rounded, \J 5,8 peroent x total labor cost, 0/ The stacking of baled hay adjacent to a road. Souroe: Calculated from survey data j - Wtk J'f!» ■ - ■ : • - ■ i ■ ■ . 1 ■ ■ "•OtG ■ 1 - 29. TABLE 21 Inputs and Costs for Establishing an Alfalfa Stand 160-aore Farms 1953 160-1 and 160-2 Farms Acres: 70 Units used Unit . costS/ Cost per Total Item per acre-' aore oost 1 2 3 4 dollars Power: W-2 traotor 1.89 hr. 1.38 2.60 IOC • w Equipment: 7 l/2» offset disk 8* spike tooth harrow 16* spike tooth harrow 1.49 hr. .41 hr. .18 hr. 2.34 .38 .75 3.49 .15 .14 24^,30 10,50 Broadcaster (rented ) o22 hr. 4 25 ,06 4.20 Materials: Irrigation water Seed 8 ao." 25 lb. .48 .34 3.82 8.50 267.40 595.00 Lab or: Drivers Irrigators Soc» Sec» & Ccmp. Insur. b/ 1.89 hr. 2.25 hr. 1.00 .90 1.89 2.02 .23 132.30 141.40 15.87 Contraots : Landplane 3X Chisel 2X Make borders Dust (2$ Parathion) Total cost Amount charged off annuall; 12.5 lb. .17 12.00 5.50 .75 840.00 385.00 52.50 149.80 ,. 43 * 29 3,030.07 1 - 10,82 757,52 (Continued on next page.) i. . . - I&r" 1 r*| — 1 — »■' ■' | fla&i' <■■■'■ 1 \(i i- - • 1 s • ■ •; 'is ■ " | OO.SBI • - ,rtd 60.1 'tr.■^•^<^1^ IMP * - 02.01 08 ,C 1 * • • ■ «JTT«=il Atr,oi ?-lxqa »dl : on.;. ■ •id SS. ■ 1 Si£ .t. ■ os.sei te.ei 1 eft,* • ■ oe. Atf dsn 00,0*0 — ~-— — - ■ ■ . ffi.?. sj ( so l-M&ian. J$) iaisO. j 1 i. j l :?< ,0.1 i — - — — i Table 21 continued. 30. 1955 160-1 Farm 160-2 Farm Acres : 60 Acres : 60 Item Units used per acreS/ Unit oost^/ Cost per acre Total cost Units used T"\ A V% A S~\ vi £\ ^ / per acre*^ Unit . „„ 0+ a/ Cost per acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars Power; W-2 tractor 1,89 hr. 1.82 3.44 206.40 "1 "7T Art Equipment: ,' 7 1/2 • offset disk o* spiketooth 1»49 hr. 3.15 4,69 281.40 1.49 hr. 2.32 3.46 207.60 harrow 16« spiketooth .41 hr. .22 .09 5,40 .41 hr. .37 .15 9,00 harrow- .18 hr. .43 .08 4.80 •18 hr. .75 •13 7,80 Broadcaster • (rented) .22 hr. .25 .06 3.60 .22 hr. .25 .06 3.60 Materials: Irrigation water 8 ao." 25 lb. •41 • 34 3*31 8.50 198.60 510.00 8 ao." 25 lb. .47 .34 3.74 8.50 224.40 510.00 Labor: Drivers Irrigators Soc, Sec, & Comp. Insur, b/ c»a nr. 1.00 .90 1.89 2.02 .23 113.40 121.20 13.61 1,89 hr, 2.25 hr. 1.00 .90 1.89 2.02 .23 113.40 121.20 13.61 Uontraots: Landplane 3X Chisel 2X Make borders Dust (2^ Para- 12.00 5,50 .75 720,00 330.00 45.00 12.00 5.50 .75 720.00 330,00 45,00 thion) 12,5 lb* .17 *,14 128.40 12.5 lb. .17 2.14 128.40 Total cost 44.70 2,681,81 43.42 2,605.01 Amount charged off annually 11.18 670.45 10.86 651.25 a/ Rounded. Unit costs for uower, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable costs. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. OS SB ■j 5,+iriU Is*oT . eyas j jwwaj VWM oo.xsr • aa.5 00* £ i 06, V . - . - - ■ ■ - OO.I 0?. 0*,dOS ,-ui sr.. •oc.e - S8.X ICC x*, ".o* & 0S#XSI so.s it* on.ost • • 00.1 0«« ,cf£ as ••cd ea,x ■ ■ ! ^0^31912 yOPMO&msS tsXsl-i sf < vffettaafl Via b^-t^ o&irina\ .„ j ia* frmtll iirei 1o tore £*«pa -t^-Kirf nas TAB IE 22 Inputs and Costs for Producing Field Corn 160-2 Farm 1955 Acres * 40 — Yield: 35 owt. Unix a used Unit . Cost per Total per acreS/ cost 4 / acre cost 1 2 3 4 dollars FIXED t Real estate taxes 7.28 291.20 Office 1 .dft X.HO X |JO 63.00 Impr ovements 1 -.60 X # W 63.95 Power 7.27 290.80 Equipment 5,06 202.40 Irrigation water 8.86 354.40 Total fixed 31»65 1,265.75 VARIABLE: Power: W— 1 tractor .50 hr. .65 .32 12,80 W-2 tractor 5.40 hr. .76 4,09 163,60 Pickup truok 54»9*5 mi. .04 1.92 76.80 Equipment (owned )t Plow, 2 w/2-16» #90 hr« 1 .02 40,80 7 l/2' offset disk #72 hr# 1 .21 #0/ 34,80 6* tandem disk .7ft 1 f m 28.00 16* spiketooth harrow .16 hr. •12 .02 .80 4-row lister planter . V^T ill . l ft7 .fift 27.20 4""i*ow cultivator •93 £•14' uJ , Ou 2*"tow fertilizer attachment 1 ft ftft Eani'DTnGTit 1 rented iS 4' di trhpr .15 hr. 4* 8 oraper .13 nr. .50 .08 3.20 irri gdxi cn waxer do ac. .22 8.03 321.20 Seed 1 ft TV XU ID. .26 2.60 104.00 r criiixiAvr \imh^ *2 4 *r/3 ID. .03 15,20 608.00 UdU ox • Drivers 7.t7 nr. 1,00 7,27 290.80 irn gax oro 15.19 hr. .90 13.67 546.80 General .32 hr. .90 •29 11.60 Soc. Seo. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.23 49,25 Contracts : Pick 10.00 400.00 Shell 35 owt. .12 4.38 175.20 Haul 35 owt. .10 3.50 140.00 Interest on operating capital c/ 1.95 78,18 Total variable 80,29 3,211.83 Total cost 111.94 4,477.58 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor oost. o/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor) 7 2, x 5.5 percent. Source: Calculated from survey data. "rr:.. I ' s BtfiXiofc ■ . ■ .. . • ■ i [ ■ - t l til"! * ■ ■■ * " ■ 1.1) ntif. »>J 0Oi» JOB £(J« ■ • >• . ■ 1 - • ■ 02,- 00.) • - ■ ■ ■ . 1 * ~1 r. , * - - | • oe.ces ; . ttfv-S&i '! [ . 00,00*. i — i ♦ j 1 • . two L-JtiJsSS TAB IE 23 Inputs and Costs for Maintaining Irrigated Pasture 160-1 Farm 1955 Acres: 40 — Yield: 5,000 lbs, TDN a/ Item Units used per aoreS/ Unit oostfc/ Cost per aore Total cost 1 2 3 4 dollars FKEDj Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water l/8 cost to establish irrigated pasture Total fixed 6.50 1.48 1.50 7.28 1.58 1.60 4.85 1*35 12.54 4.88 291.20 63.00 63.95 194.00 54,00 501.60 195.34 34.08 1,363.09 VARIABLE: Power: W-l tractor W-2 tractor Pickup truck •92 hr. 1.00 hr. 54.95 mi. .63 .80 .04 •58 .80 1.92 23,20 32,00 76,80 Equipment i 6> tandem disk 8' spiketooth harrow 7' power mower 1.00 hr. 1,00 hr. .62 hr. .03 .30 • .03 .18 1.20 7.20 Fertilizer spreader (rented) .30 hr. 1.00 ,30 12.00 Materials ; Irrigation water Fertilizer (16-20) 60 ac," 200 lb. .20 .04 12.30 9.00 492.00 360,00 Labor; Drivers Irrigators Soc, Sec. & Comp. Insur. o/ Total variable 3,29 hr. 25.31 hr. 1.00 .90 3,29 22.78 1.51 131,60 911.20 60.48 53.43 2,137.28 Total cost 87.51 3,500,37 a/ Total digestible nutrient. b/ Rounded. oj 5.8 percent x total labor oosto Source: Calculated from survey data. ■ into Eats £*fijyj T 1 ■ eii.t ■ J ■ ■ - • - .••Kf it. .%d 00 ,X- - to. oe. - OOiSX 00. 1 ■ OS ■' • _fifca& oc.i ■ i.l I • 'bB-AiJ L flic T ;m»c nil - (Ssdas-r) jx&temqs itsiilti- '{ • ■ . \o % .qaraO * .oec frsaa lei-^i ■ **f.oo T&^fcf letot x ta^t-ji 6.? \g 33. TABLE 24 Inputs and Costs for Establishing Irrigated Pasture 160-1 Farm 1955 Aores: 40 Item Jnits used per aore^/ Unit costS/ Cost per aore Total cost 1 2 3 4 dollars Power: W-2 tractor 1.89 hr. 1.82 3.44 137.60 Equipment: 7 1/2' offset disk 8 1 spiketooth harrow 16' spiketooth narrow 1.49 hr. »41 hr. .18 hr. 3,15 .22 .43 4.69 .09 .08 187.60 3.60 3.20 Broadoaeter (rented) •22 hr. .25 9 Aft Materials: Irrigation water Seed 8 ac." 10 lb. .41 .50 3.31 5.00 132,40 200.00 Labor: Drivers Irrigators Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur. b/ 1.89 hr. 2.25 hr. 1.00 .90 1.89 2,03 .23 75,60 81.20 9.09 Contracts: Landplane 3X Chisel 2X Make borders Total cost 12.00 5*50 i » 75 480.00 220,00 30,00 39.07 1,562,69 Amount charged off annua 11; f 4.88 195.34 a/ Rounded. Unit costs for power, equipment, and water equal sum of unit fixed and unit variable costs. h/ 5,8 peroent x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. - ■ I ; 9M I 0S.X8 .60. xci" oo, t sx.r. 00 »I 09. i && e.r, WBT^td dii o?3?llqe » tt/rtftanff! X£ wwXgiaftl j * .*ooo icii*I Xutfii- x if aooiaq 8»5 \g 34. TABUS 25 Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 320-acre Farm 1955 Prices Size or New oost Average investment-^ Item capacity Amsrunt per unit total per unit trUU i 7Rn nn Pipe 16" 7,200» 1.00 7,200.00 .50 3,600.00 Pipe 12" 5,000» .80 4,000.00 .40 2,000,00 Stands 8' x 36" 4 72.00 288.00 36,00 144.00 8» x 8" 12 5.60 67.20 2.80 33.60 Alfalfa valves 12" 200 18.56 3,712.00 9.28 1,856.00 Siphons 1" - 3" 400 1.50 600.00 .75 300.00 Subtotal 30,167.20 15,218.60 Power: i 3.850o00 ■J jt ww w c V w Tracklayer T-5D 1 7 nno. 00 / , WWW. WW Wheel traotor W-l 1 ? a 600. 00 1,820,00 Wheel tractor W-2 2 ■anno no 3 p w\A/t wv fi nno.oo \J f V/VU 9 WW ?.100.00 4.200.00 ■ j c v w ■ ww PickuD l/2 ton 1 0 nnn i ?oo*oo X • C ww# ww Truck 1 l/2 ton 1 2,800, 0Q 1,470.00 Subtotal C w, *+WW£ WW 12.540.00 1CI w 9 WW Equipment: Ditcher 5» 1 140.00 70,00 Scraper 5« 1 150,00 75,00 Plow, 2 way 2 - 16" 1 550.00 275,00 Chisel 8« 1 525.00 262.50 Disk, offset 7 1/2* 1 650,00 325,00 Disk, tandem 7» 1 500,00 250.00 Spiketooth harrow 4' section 3 30.00 90,00 15.00 45.00 Cultipacker 10 » 1 325,00 162,50 Lister planter 4— row 1 550,00 275.00 Cultivator 4— row 2 1,000.00 2,000,00 500.00 1,000,00 Fertilizer attach. 4-rcw 1 150,00 75.00 (Continued on next page . ) . ■ ,£ i ( : OC t 0QS.,l i ■ ■ • '. • 0 • ... i ■"" ' . i I ■ '.. ♦etc * ft op.of - ■ - j I I ?Ui 'Of I - - ■ oo.o<» t i ■ s I ■ V.' | T-'- i s awrlev [t&eHvt - , . ■ ■' _ """T'lV* * * I Is ■ '" ■ 35. Table 23 continued. uiz t? or New c est Average investment*/ item Capaci TV AmAIMI V -AIUOU&T* per unit total per unit total X 3 4 5 6 dollars Equipment (con f t»): vUl U VII Ly A. V/ . s»,C X l~row 1 8,700.00 5,220.00 Cotton trailer 5 bale 4 400.00 1,600.00 220,00 880.00 Stalk cutter 2-TOW 1 325.00 162.50 Power mower V 1 350.00 175.00 Side delivery rake 8» 1 520.00 260.00 Hay baler Subtotal 2 wire 1 3,325.00 1,662.50 20,450.00 11,175.00 Total 80,537.20 43,693.60 a/ New cost ♦ Salvage value 2 No salvage value except as follows j T-5D tractor: $ 700,00 W-l tractor: $1,040.00 W-2 tractor: $1,200.00 ea. Pickup: $ 400.00 Truck: $ 140.00 Cotton picker $1,740.00 5-bale trailers: $ 40.00 ea. Hay baler: $ 665.00 Pumping plant: $ 280,00 ea. Source: Calculated from survey data. oo*#ss«e 00.0*8 r * ■ • ' *•*- y 00,00**^ ! 00,00 ■ . ■ oIe: tl^Xfi US h p» 3?-x ■ : " t C" M| I EB Of .".£» X ■ ;tf6«qVrqfi jB - 7 £ T i j/3-rc A. bf>M0J. UJTM6X ■ !y6srq?Tqs 1 ■ '. ■vqxO pgjox ■ - 2*' D" M#* ..• j IXXTa^^C- 5X jijcscje fqs CdflfT.SCf • V.vt A fit* > t"irt t i^iJ WW y- A J !.?X 8i 1 ixiid^t© - - - ■ ' 1 A ■ "i 1 J"" " <"!L "^L " iww* ' ■ 5 5? : ' "3 ? ,.5 I ■ 1 - • *3T 3r • "?.d - j JL » * Jl • ■ '3d '5d *3T '3d 5 39 A OCX ... MJp JO A'S JO* V'S» SC' T13* mtuiHi — ; SI TABLE 28 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Establishing an Alfalfa or Irrigated Pasture Stand 320-acre Farm Dates Operat ions 1 Crew and equipment upment 4 Acres per Physical requirements ?-hour man- tractor jay 5 6 7 material 26 • l\J f • f \J 16 1.12 1.12 26 .35 .35 8 ac. in. 26 .35 .35 40 .22 .22 25# seed (alfalfa) 10# seed (permanent 40 pasture) .22 .22 12. 5# 2% Parathion 2/1-3/15 Disk 2X Chisel 2X Landplane 2X - contract Make borders - contract Landplane - contract Disk Preirrigate Disk with harrow Seed Harrow Dust (alfalfa) - contract T-5D T-5D T-5D T-5D W-l W-2 7 1/2* offset disk 8' chisel 7 1/2' offset disk 7 1/2* offset disk w/ 8* spiketooth Broadcaster (rented) 12* spiketooth Sourcei Calculated from survey data, r ki\f .l\l«r 1 - ■ ■ • • t— — — ~ - - TABLE 29 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Maintaining Irrigated Pasture 320-acre Farm Dates Operations Crew and equipment Acres per 9-hour day Physical requirements man- hours tractor hours material men power equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12/1-12/31 Fartilize 1 H»l Fertilizer spreader 30 .30 .30 200# 16-20 (rented) 3/1-10/31 Irrigate 15X (about every 1 60 ac. in. 2 weeks) 7* tandem disk w/8* 4/1-4/30 Disk with harrow attached 1 W-2 22 .82 .82 2X spiketooth 5/1-5/31 Mow 1 W-2 7* power mower 29 .31 .31 8/1-8/31 Mow 1 W-2 7* power mower 29 .31 .31 Source: Calculated from survey data. ■ • |3\T-I0\^I I 1 -'- i ■ T5\T**T5\3J |c" ,j ' - 3 _ ■ i | • ... ~ ■ TABLE 30 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Barley 320-acre Farm Acres per Physical requirements Crew and equipment 9-hour man- tractor Dates Operations men power equipment day hours hours material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12/1-12/10 12/5-12/15 12/15-12/31 6/1-7/1 6/1-7/1 uisk Disk with harrow attached Seed Harrow Border up Irrigate 2X Harvest - contract Haul - contract 1 1 2 1 1 1 T-5D T-5D W-1 W-1 W-2 7 1/2' offset disk 7* tandem disk w/8* spiketooth Broadcaster (rented) 12* spiketooth harrow Border disk (rented) 26 22 40 40 40 .35 .41 .44 .2? .22 .35 .41 .22 .22 .22 75# seed 10.8 ac. in. Source: Calculatec from survey data. . ■ • • ■ ■ • ■ 1 TABLE 31 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Ensilage Corn 320-acre Farm Dates Operations Crew and equipment Acres per 9- hour day Physical requirements man- hours tractor hours material men power G'JU 1 pule 1 1 L 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Disk 2X 1 T-5D 7 l/2 f offset disk 26 .70 .70 Plow T-5D 2 way 2/16" 12 .75 .75 Furrow out \ W-l 4-row lister planter 28 .32 .32 Make head ditches* T-5D 5' ditcher .20 .20 Preirrigate 4 ac. in. Fill in ditches* T-5D 5* scraper .20 .20 Harrow W-l 12* spiketooth harrow 40 .22 .22 6/25-7/10 Plant W-2 4-row lister planter 29 .62 .31 12# seed 7/10-7/20 Cultivate W-2 4-row cultivator 20 .45 .45 7/15-7/25 Irrigate 4-row cultivator w/ 4 ac. in. 7/20-7/30 Cultivate 8. fertilize W-2 18 .50 .50 500# (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 4-row fert. attach. 8/1-8/10 Irrigate 4 ac. in. 8/5-8/15 Cultivate W-2 4-row cultivator 24 .38 .38 B/lO-9/10 Irrigate 3X 12 ac. in. 9/15-11/10 Chop & haul - contract * Occurs 4X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season. Source: Calculated from survey data. I ■ 1 . * k ■ ... . I ■ ■ ■ ■ •55 1 fe-TJJ ~v q?-F c P & 2* 1 •so *50 j •AO I J if' §_ _! ■ . 42. TABLE 32 Inputs and Coats for Producing Cotton 320-acre Farm 1953 1955 Acres: 130 — Yield: 1.3 bales Acres: 72 — Yield: 1.6 bales Units used Item per acre*/ Unit costS/ Dost per icre Total cost Units used 1 per aoreS/ Jnit 30St2/ Dost per icre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars J? 1AJ -u * Peal flfl+o+a + o vo q 6.50 7,52 977 . 60 6.50 7.51 540.80 Office 1.03 1.08 141.00 1,03 1.08 78.00 IniprovBiDeiit s 2.61 2-74 356.42 2,61 2.74 197.16 15.66 2.035.80 16.62 1,196.64 ii> tju i pine n X 2.823.60 36 .26 2,610.72 Irrigation water lUbaj, 11ACU 7.99 1,038,70 8,64 622.08 56.71 7,373.12 72.85 5,245.40 VAK1AB Ix. . • Power s lractor i~DU C »1D nr • illJ 314.60 c . ± J Vir. ill . 1.10 2.35 169.20 iraoxor w—i !• Jl .56 .74 96.20 X . Jl Vv. •55 •72 51.84 lT&CTOr D»*+D AT* • ou 5,45 hr. ,86 4,67 336,24 riokup 59.00 _i mi a 1.06 254.80 tnx • .03 2.01 144,72 iruCK 1 Q Art ml* .JO 16.00 mi • .06 .88 63.36 Equipment: .14 • 04 2,88 OCT • <- ~> nr » *ir* j . w .25 hr# 5* scrape r OR •CD nr • 1A • X*» . £J >VT- •15 .04 2.88 rlOW» M*iy ■ - ■ t**XXo£ • ■ *— 1 . ; oo.yr ■ ■ ■ a)(J [if f) {J ST.XS ■ ■ . ■ ■ G<3-T Toct'Oefr ■ i .jK-i 00*19 •in 00«dX - 00. z ^ J A ■ ■Ml M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * TS7(o*cWiiw 'CX 'xei'ofX wotW' ■ ■ ■ •id Cd. ■ < ! ■ ■ 0:.X | ■ ■ OLste woi-S • - 08. S ■ ■ :>0.*dd,X j ■ \ .^JjBq fxsu /so £oiui fttao-.' ) 43. Table 32 oontinued. 1953 1955 Acres: 130 — Yield: 1.3 bales Acres: 72 — Yield: 1.6 bales Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Cost per Total Item per acreS/ costS/ acre cost per acreS/ costi/ acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars [Labor: Drive r8 12.37 nr. 1.00 12.37 1,608.1C 12.29 hr. 1.00 12.29 Irrigators 10.96 hr. .90 9.86 1,281. 8C 12,66 hr. •90 11.39 820.08 ' General 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 361 ,4C 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 200.16 \ Soo. Sec. & Comp. Insur. by 1,45 188,56 1.53 110.50 Contracts: i Hand thin 5,00 650.0C 5.00 360.00 Hand weed 5.00 650.0C 5.00 360.00 Defoliate (NaCIO X*J ID . 4.25 £52.50 4.25 306,00 w/B orate or Mg.f i Dust 2X (5% DDT — 5$ S) 60 lb. .14 8.10 1,053.00 60 lb. .14 8.10 583*20 Gin 1.3 bale 14.70 19.11 2,484.30 1.6 bale 14.70 23.52 1,693,44 Insur. & storage 1.3 bale 1.19 1.55 201.5Q 1.6 bale 1.19 1.90 136,80 Interest on opera- ting capital 0/ 2.21 287.88 2.56 184,50 Total variable 122.26 15,895.29 140.86 10,142.77 Total oost 178.97 23,268.41 213.71 15,388.17 a/ Rounded, b/ 5,8 peroent x total labor oost, 0/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor, ginning, and picking) v 2, x 5 peroent. Source: Calculated from survey data. ,iwr.l*iK>r> St HiCK — " '■ ■ ,UI """ 1 ■ 11 j t v ■ et&ei <£f o o n»*H . 1 1 — r~ t "■• 1 6X.00S I ee.XX ■ 00. 1 . «tu? 3NX36' ' < • .id ae.oj <*.eea,x • ui ox »x»«f M jo.eeo.x . r X» v^X ex.x *dX 01 .rfX Od f *lBd E.X eX«J S.X ■ • ■ : *coo X**o3i. ■ - ; ». J aoo -xotfcX latot x d-jiori'tso 8.5 \rf .tn^svipq 2 x t S t> (gni>:oi<5 Taa »trr.t/«j.f^ t ioi-«it>qo anal) ereoo aXdai-j^v "Jo I*fo? \o 44. TABLE 33 Inputs and Costs for Produoing Alfalfa 320-aore Farm 1953 1955 Acres : 110 — Yield: 5 ,25 ten Acres: 110 - Yield : 5.50 ton Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Jnit Cost per Total Item per aoreS/ oost*/ acre oost j per acre^y costs/ acres cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars - JJubi): Real estate taxes 6.50 7.56 832.00 D|jU 7.37 811.20 Office 1.03 1 1 7 . OO Improvements 9 fii c.OX 9 7fi JUJ • Jd 9.61 c.DV Power v.O/ / J3 • / v 7 9fl Equipment 799 7H Irrigation water 11#37 1,250,70 10.66 1,172,60 l/4 cost to establish stand 1 ^Qft ill Total fixed 4.7 71 VARIABLE: Power t fTV _ _ - t tif •> iractor w— l 3.00 hr. 1 ft 6 * -Of) Tractor W-2 1.95 hr. ,80 1.95 hr. ,86 1 .67 X . w 183 « 70 Pickup 30.00 ml* .03 30.00 mi* .03 1.00 110*00 Truck 18,00 mi* ,06 1.04 114,40 16.00 ml. ,06 •88 96.80 Equipment : 7* power mower 1,55 hr. »xo 9ft .to 1.55 hr# *18 9ft • CO 8' side delivery rake 1*45 hr. .33 .47 51,70 1.45 hr. .33 .47 51.70 2-wire hay baler 1.95 hr. .78 1.51 166,10 1.95 hr. .78 1.51 166.10 Materials 1 Irrigation water 44*4 ac«" .24 10.74 1,181,40 44 »4 ao«" .24 10.43 1,147,30 Wire 5.25 tin .50 2,62 288,20 5.50 ten .50 2.75 302,50 Labor: Drivers 6.30 hr. 1.00 6.30 693,00 6.23 hr. 1.00 6,23 685.30 Irrigators 15.61 hr. .90 14.05 1,545.50 15.61 hr. .90 14.05 1,545.50 Soc. Sec* & Comp. Insuri b/ 1.18 129.83 1.18 129.39 Contracts: Roadside 0/ 5.25 ton 1.75 9.19 1,010.90 5.50 ton 1.75 9.62 1,058.20 Total variable 51,62 T n 5,678,23 51,73 5,689.89 Total cost 100.11 11,012.04 99,46 10,940.35 a/ Rounded, b/ 5,8 percent x total labor oost, 0/ The stacking of baled hay adjaoent to a road. Source: Calculated from survey data. L_ «« r -rV- — C?&X ■ d BOO mail e - 1 • j ■ YE.V OSvs oe.d ao.x CC.r . r eOei Idt s Xd.S V J ■ A ■ 0%0« t f vr.xi > 1 > . •. i ..y.- ■ feasJR ri8iX«**«a . . »* IP » J. MIL till C0,£ O&.c'PX ■ tftd 00. £ ft* 03. - OG.OX C CO. 80» E0» ,i m*iCX o^.xe 1 1 SX— X ; ? xe.x Ol.ddl xe.x »id ?e.x ■ oe. 00. 1 - • ■ i ■ ., ■ tteov hkIsI le&o& x &aao%nq ^.c' \rf 46. TABLE 35 Inputs and Costa for Establishing an Irrigated Pasture Stand 320->aore Farm 1953 1955 Acres : 35 Acres: 40 Item Units used per acreji/ Unit cost*/ Cost per acre Total oost Units used per acre*/ Unit oosti/ Cost per aore Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars Power: T-5D tractor W-l traotor W-2 traotor 2.52 hr. .22 hr. .22 hr. 3.77 1.36 1.77 9*49 .30 .39 332*15 10,50 13.65 2,52 hr, .22 hr. 3,61 1,38 9*09 •30 • *tU 363,60 12,00 Equipment : Q 1 chisel 7 l/2» offset disk ' 8' spiketooth harrow 12 « spiketooth harrow 1.12 hr. 1.40 hr. .35 hr. •22 hr* 3.49 1.16 .12 .18 3.91 1.62 •04 .04 136,85 56.70 Aftv 1.40 1,12 hr, ,35 hr, •22 hr. 3,43 1.12 ,W .13 3*84 1.57 .03 153,60 1.20 1.20 Broadcaster (rented ) ►25 ".06 2,10 .22 hre .25 ,06 2.40 Materials: Irrigation water Seed," 10 lb. .50 ♦50 3*98 5,00 139.30 175*00 8 ao." 10 lb. ,48 ,50 3*80 5.00 152.00 200,00 Labor; Drivers Irrigators Soc. Sec. St Coop* Insur. b/ 2.96 hr. 2.81 hr. 1.00 •90 2.96 2.53 •32 103.60 88.55 11.14 2,96 hr, 2.81 hr. 1,00 .90 2*96 2,53 .32 118.40 101,20 12.74 Contracts: Landplane 3X Make borders 12,00 .75 420,00 26.25 12,00 .75 480.00 30,00 Total oost 43.39 1*518.59 42,74 1,709,54 .Amount charged off annually 5.42 189.82] 5,34 213.69 a/ Rounded, b/ 5,8 percent x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. H3 3 £«03 ■ ■ - E •id SI, I ■ • ■ • ■ "•OS 8 C on r*r r * ■ • | ■ oo»si 00, Si 1 •jf ti (fiT/» *Y^rt fv«i> »*■ ' rf »•» Tfftrr*-TrZ. ■ 47. TABLE 36 Inputs and Costs for Maintaining Irrigated Pasture 320-aore Farm TJ. Am 1953 1955 Acres: 35 — Yield: 5,000 TDN Acres: 40 — Yield: 5,000 TDN Units used per acre—' Unit oostS/ Cost per acre Total cost Units used per acreS/ Unit oostS/ Cost per acre Total ocst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars FTKEDj Real estate taxes 6.50 7.73 270.40 6.50 7.28 291.20 Off \C6 1.03 1.11 39.00 1.03 1.05 42.00 xiupr uv ciiitJii 1/3 2.82 98.58 2,61 2.65 106.17 jr ower 1 AO OK A A") 1 7fi AO ■w 4 u ip men v 77.00 X. J V SA.AO ill IgavXuU wo l>OX Kq7 fif) 1 A AO l/8 cost to establish s tand 5.42 189.82 5,34 213.69 Total fixed 38.87 1 ,360,45 36.49 1.459o86 Power* Tractor W-l .in Vir* _ 1 jvj ur , .56 •17 •30 hr. oX/ fi RO Traotor W-e 1,44 hr. rtA •60 1.16 40.60 1 A A 1,44 hr. too Pickup 30 mi. • 03 .98 34.30 30 mi. •03 1.00 40.00 ITUvo. 18 mi, •06 1.04 36,40 16 mi. ,06 •88 35.20 Equiprcent: /■ xanaem ciisk .82 hr. 2.61 2,14 74,90 .82 hr. 1»<:D c a aa o* spikexootn harrow •82 hr. .02 .02 •70 .82 hr. .01 .01 .40 7' power mower .62 hr. .18 •11 3»85 .62 hr. .18 .11 4.40 Equipment (rented il Fertilizer spreader •30 hr. 1.00 ♦30 10.50 .30 hr. 1,00 .30 12,00 Materials : Irrigation water 60 ac»" .24 14.52 508.20 60 ao." .24 14.10 564.00 Fertilizer (16-20 ] 200 lb. • 05 9.C0 315.00 200 lb. .05 9.00 360.00 Labor; Drivers 3.09 hr. 1.00 3.09 108.15 3.02 hr. 1.00 3.02 120.80 Irrigators 21.10 hr« .90 18.99 664.65 21,10 hr. .90 18.99 759.60 S oc « Sec. & Comp. Insur, b/ Total variable Total cost 1.28 44.82 1.28 51.06 52.80 1 ,848.02 51.34 2,053.46 91.67 3 ,208.47 87.83 3,513.32 a/ Rounded, b/ 5«8 percent x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. ... • • - • 00. 1 J» J • ■ ■ tip. ■ 1 • • ■ ■ sea • ■ ■ ax« - C * C vU% J. Ot'.Oj 1 ■ • i ,1 OO.i TABLE 37 Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley 320-acre Farm 1955 Acres; 40 — Yield: 22 cwt. Item Units used per acre*/ Unit costS/ Cost per acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 dollars PKEDi Real estate taxes 3.25 3.64 145.60 Office .52 .52 21,>00 Improvements 1,30 1.33 53.08 Power 4.95 198.00 Equipment •81 32.40 Irrigation water 2.59 103.60 Total fixed 13.84 553,68 VARIABLE: Powers Traotor T-5D .76 bvo 1.10 ,83 33,20 Tractor W-l .44 hr, .55 .24 9,60 Tractor W-2 •22 hr o .86 •19 7.60 Pickup 30 mi. .03 1.00 40.00 Truok 16 mi. ,06 •88 35.20 Equipment ( owned ) : 7 l/2« offset disk .35 hr» .59 ,21 8.40 7* tandem disk .41 hr. 1.52 • 62 24,80 8' spiketooth harrow .41 hr. • 01 ,23 12' spiketooth harrow .22 hr 0 .02 ,18 Equipment (rented): Border disk .22 hr. .50 .11 4,40 Broadcaster .22 hr. .25 .06 2,40 Materials: Irrigation water 10,8 ac." .24 2.54 101,60 Seed 75 lb. .04 3.00 120.00 Labor: Drivers 2.70 hr. 1.00 2,70 108.00 Irrigators 3.80 hr. .90 3.42 136.80 General •22 hr. .90 .20 8.00 Soc. Seo. & Comp. Insur. b/ .37 14.66 Contracts : Harvest 5,00 200,00 Haul 22 CTrti .10 2.20 88.00 Interest on operating capital o/ .52 20,88 Total variable Total oost 24,09 963.95 37.93 1,517,63 a/ Rounded, b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost, c/ Total of variable costs (less operator labor) t 2» x 5 percent. Source: Calculated from survey data. ! ta&oT ■ • ■ ■ : • J . » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ - ■ so. • ■ • ■ ■ a • * 50. TABLE 39 Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 Product Ml 1955 2 1953 3 Alfalfa hay ton $ 26.00 $ 21.60 Alfalfa seed lb. .24 .28 Barley cwt. 2.15 2.70 Corn cwt. 2.70 3.25 Corn ensilage ton 6.50 6.00 Cotton seed ton 46.00 53.00 Cotton lint lb. .35 .3117 Cotton lint bale 167.30 148.99 Melons (cantaloupe) crate 3.00 3.05 Milo cwt. 2.30 2.75 Potatoes (early) cwt. 1.85 1.42 Sugar beets ton 13.50 13.50 . i 51. TABLE 40 Farm Servioe Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 Labor rates '^om/racx services \conxinuect / 1 2 3 4 5 Tractor driver t SloOO par hr. Dust l;$> UDT — 73^ o ; - Pickup driver 1.00 per hr. (application) lb. $ .04 1.00 per hr. Defoliate (l qt. sinox in 10 Truck driver gal. diesel oil J— (appln. / acre 2.50 irrigaTor fesrV por iix • Dust (2j4 Parathion )-( appln. ) lb. .05 •CO ner hr« Compensation Insurance 3.E$ af labor oost Barley 2.0$ of labor cost Harve s t aore $ 5.00 Social Security Haul cwt. .10 S torage cwt« .144 "Ran 4 lament rentals Insurance $1.50 per $100 of value 4' ditcher $ .50 per hr. 4' scraper .50 per hr. Corn 10 1 x 60« landplane 2.00 per hr. Chop, haul, unload ten $ 2.25 Border disk .50 per hr. Shell cwt . .125 .50 per hr. Pick aore 10.00 2-row planter .50 per hr. Haul cwt. Fertilizer attachment •50 per hr. Dry cwt. .175 Fertilizer spreader 1.00 per hr. Storage cwt. .144 Stalk cutter 1.00 per hr. Insurance $1.50 per $100 of •25 per hr. value Broadoaster Fertilize fNH i-faDDln. ) acre 1.75 Contract Services Cotton Alfalfa Hand thin acre $ 5.00 Bale ton $ 3.50 Hand weed aore 5.00 Roadside ton 1.75 Pick (hand) bale 42.00 Bees colony 5.00 Pick (machine ) bale 24.50 Weed acre 15.00 Gin bale 14.70 .03 bale 1.19 Certify aore 10.12 Dust (5$ DDT — 50/6 S ) — Box rental acre 1.00 (application ) lb. .05 Fertiliz e ( super Defoliate (NaC10 3 w^orate or Mg )— ( applioati on ) aore 2.50 phosphate )— (appln.) acre 1.10 Fertilize (NH 3 Happln. ) acre 1.50 Gypsum - (appln.) ten 1.50 (continued on next page. ) 0*. ! ,41 (aoWarflqqj?) ■ ,3VO to 001 «. -ta I 00£$ f?»q Or.i$ 00,5 00. i SJ BTOfl ■ *, r >»n ■ ■ ^•siO^B A oo.TS-ttren: .1 ■ ■ • If. TMJ ^ •ill i^q Oc. • 19<5 Off. CO, *eq as. 00. 1 01. ; I3-£6JISP ■ (MO 52. Table 40 oontinued. Contract services (continued) Contract services (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 Mel ons Preparing seedbed Turn vines aore $10.50 Disk acre $1.50 Chop, weed aore 25.00 Chisel acre 2.75 Harvest crate .27 Landplane acre 4.00 Pack & haul orate 1.48 Make borders aore .75 Dust % DDT - (appln. ) 1$ TEPP- (appln, ) lb* lb. .05 .05 Fertilize (NH^)-(appln* )aore 1.25 Mila Harvest acre $ 6,00 Haul cwt. .10 Storage cwt. .144 • ATT Insurance $1.50 per value $100 of Potatoes Rotobeat acre $ 3.00 Dig aore 12.00 Pick cwt. .16 Haul cwt. .075 Shed costs cwt . ,55 Dust {% DDT (applicati - 50# S )- on) lb. .05 Sugar beets Thin aore 12.50 Weed aore 8.00 Harvest acre 29.00 Haul aore 15.00 Fertilize (NH^ ) - (application) aore 1.25 e ■ * J fttttlv iriirX w.s 00, ?S eioa ■ 00, & Yl"t& vs. . ,dl (.atqqfi) - THC ^ (.fllqqe) -dt ni apnlniss fan? e fioJt.tot;toiq .znaiissinspiQ iti-tbS no Isiuj-InaiigA So nciisbnuo'i ininrisiO srii yd ybuJe 6 moiS b&J'Iueea gbisJasW eoxmcnooH me 1 ! edi bns ,noiJfi-t2 .rnomxieqxa IsiuJluoxipA sinioSilsO <8oxmcnoo3 luliooiipA So f fiSflrttfiq -k! «C «U .soivisS rfoissssfi lBitj.jIu"*xi9A ral&iviG dTis*;*^?? bns e e?l(Tr>noo3 I&iuj-IuoiirA So i^eee'oTi insJeiaeA ,wsn2 Xlsssixfi .H inxnnexO udi no bns t noiJ-Ed-3 *r»9fiui9qxH sri? nx :tax.Tionoo3 iB^utiuoi-i&A SnstsizeA bib ,6jab biexS odd- enxJooUoo nx Y?lildlanoq*t« ictsm bsrt «noi tsbnuoH ed.+ no bns noiifij?- J-riSMnx-raqxa edJ nx ieiisxosqc! instsieiA ,\fqisD .0 agitsrb .aieYlsne sdt ni bcxsde ozle rsiiai arff .nri^sbnuo 1 ! ininnBir- t bsaH ii.siei^cA f \?Ltzf? *ft 09TX6W ,^axm?nooH IssuMuox-ipA ^niooiO ,0 nrioL blsi^ ftx«*8«W f o£9H «rfo-xudoqU .j «M bos ,noiio&8 doT69soH bioH msJasW bsJ-Eqioif-ibq jnoi?fviQ doisoasH enimonoo3 msl orf* So lis «ncij393 rio-rseasf: .enslq doiseaon i-o^toii odj enxqoI.v/9b bns gninxlJuo nl ©Js*3 auoiisv So eavxj-etnoaeiqei bns ,at9ls*'j t au<*aasS oi b9*d9bni ais eW eifib bns noictemoSni pnfjfett roS &zui luui ige ynxvt©a asionsos Isiobs^ bns simoSilsO sdJ jjnsrit vizslijoi.tisq 9W .noxis'jxj-aovnx eidj- aoS 9lds£isvs aau oJ eu pnxJJirasaq icS ^tirnmcD noxJ-sviosnoO bns nox^xUdsje XsiuJIuol-rpA So v&viua eaxsnnoxtsoup tuo pniJsJ-xixosS bns ;:rixbl6 toS soivio? noianoixH .^PI nx eJ'nsmJ-olIs ^gssios pnxblod ?io^nc"i o* asop, x"-tow oxdqsigon'^a bn6 iGoi+aiJsia ad* toS +xbeto edJ vlXr.nH .noxJ-sbnucl xnfnnsiD sri* ni lonnortoq CONTENTS 1. Foreword 2. Soils by Grades; Western Fresno County 3. Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955 4. Land use on Cotton Farms, 1953-1955 5-6. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 1,100-acre Farm, 1955 Prices 7-12. Calendars of Operation and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops, 1,100-acre Farm 13-21. Inputs and Costs for Crops, 1,100-acre Farm 22-23. Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 2,800-acre Farms, 1955 Prices 24-28. Calendars of Operation and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Crops, 2,800-acre Farms 29-32. Inputs and Costs for Crops, 2,800-1 Farm 33-39. Inputs and Costs for Crops, 2,800-2 Farm 40-46. Inputs and Costs for Crops, 2,800-3 Farm 47. Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 48-49. Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 50. Farm Materials Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 -ii- SCQL bnfi f»2PX ,bi*xeviQ e9£0A bns f se-ioA no&ioD J.Biol <9si3 maa'-? .€ ddQl-LdQl t eun»H noiJcO no 9au bnsi «nris"I 9*os-OOX«I XsolqvT tdi atnmfzsval bne s^oitjoeftf! leolevri^ .<3-£ t aqoi0 loi eioA te 1 ! e^uqnl Xsojavrfl brie noiist^qO %o aisbnalaO ,SI-V tn-itT 9tos-00l,i ,aqo-iD to* elioD bns aJuqnX .XS-€f t cm*sq 9X08-008^ IfoiqYT *io* ctnenrf eevnl bns 8903U0«9'^ XfiaxaYrTC ,CS-SS aaoiin eeex «aqS 8tJUS3 91OS-003,£ OijEft X-008 t S ,eqoiD aol aJao'O bns ajvqnl .S£-P£ wwi ^•■'.•JUOf % «aqo7J to« 8j3o3 bns 8iuqni »v£*"c£ meS G-008,2 «eqoi3 to* e*aoO bnfi aJyqnl .d;"*-0&. 2cJ(?X bns CePX J&V&htf eruUsS Joubo-i'3 mtsH eepX-£e>'?X t =9oir r i pniasfiim/'l efsli©^ mtsH .06 INPUTS AND COSTS FOR PRODUCING FIELD CROPS 1. (A Statistical Supplement to Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments) 5. San Joaquin Valley Westside Cotton Farmsj 1953-1955^/ Douglas D. Caton, Trimble R. Hedges, and W. Neill Schalle FOREWORD We present in the following pages detailed information assembled and used in analyzing the effects of the cotton acreage allotments on farms and earnings in the San Joaquin Valley Westside. We obtained these data by interviewing farmers and from official sources related to agriculture. The information appears here as a sequence of tables concerned with each of two farm sizes; these include 1,100- and 2,800-acre cotton farms. Such detailed data were essential for our analysis of farm resource use and earnings before and after allotments. Certainly, the same information should prove useful to others who are studying the organization and internal workings of family farms in these two sizes. They also should be helpful to workers and administrators in private and public agencies serving agriculture. Table 1 presents factual information on soils and Tables 2 and 3 present data obtained from the California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee files for 1954. The latter two tables indicate farm size, numbers, and cropland use from 1953 to 1955. Succeeding tables deal with the two farm size models that we analyzed. The data for the 1,100-acre unit will serve to indicate the kind and amount of information that this report includes for each farm size. First appears Table 4. Physical Resources and Investments for the Typical 1,100-acre Farm, 1955 Prices. Tables 5-9 then list the calendars of operations and inputs for cotton and other crops. Finally, Tables 10-15 include the physical inputs and costs for producing or maintaining cotton, other crops and fallow on the 1,100-acre farm model. Subsequent tables repeat this same sequence for the other farm size (Tables 14-20 for all three 2,800-acre models, and tables 21-23, 24-27 and 28-31 for the 2,800-1, 2,800-2, and 2,800-3 models, respectively. The last three tables in this statistical supplement contain the prices for farm products (Table 32), input services hired or rented (Table 33), and materials (Table_34). 1/ This statistical supplement is a companion report to Caton, Douglas D., Trimble R. Hedges, and W. Neill Schaller, Farm Adjustments and Earnings Under 1955 Cotton Acreage Allotments . 4. San Joaquin Valley Westside Cotton Farms. 1953- 1955 . Giannini Mimeographed Report No. 211 , the fifth of a series based on detailed investigations of the changes in farm organization, production, and earnings under the cotton acreage allotments beginning in 1954. This research comes under California Agricultural Experiment Station Project Number 1641, and is partially supported under Line Project PE e3-5(w), Farm Economics Research Division, Western Field Research Section, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 2/ Douglas D. Caton and W. Neill Schaller are Agricultural Economists, Farm Economics Research Division, Western Field Research Section, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Trimble R. Hedges is Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station, and Agricultural Economist on the Giannini Foundation, University of California, College of Agriculture, Davis. Authors are listed in alphabetical order, not according to seniority in authorship. sqoso qjhih oaiouaoflq sen cicoo gma zvjwi S&hnift fens zSnmfzvlbb rrrcsl oi JnomeXqquG Xssini lsj2 A } (e+twffrfoiXA spseinA notJ-oO 5^91 xobnli ^eeei-ee^I taffeu$ netted) sbietesW aiupsoL ns2 .a - -i9ll6(1o2 Iligfl .W bns .eonbeW .8 eldrniaT ,nots3 .Q .'slr.ucTJ ••■ b9eu bns b?idm&c36^ni oolisjeb aspsq gniwoXXoS 9d.t ni insaeiq sW soniniBd- bns smsi no sio.&atoLLB 0900106 no.ri90 or!* io eJotrttc 9ftf gnxsylsnB ni Dnbv9ivio;ni yd sJ'fib sasriJ bsnifiido eW .aMs}«9tt ysHsV nlupeol ns2 art? ni noliSimolo.i edT .oiuili/aiiDG 0} betel**! r.soiuoe Xslamto mcil; bns elfwrxsj} \s9\f.s aii6l ow.t daeo dJr.v b©ntoonc3 ec*Xdsj- 3o songupsa s SB eisrl eissqqs ■ • ■ • ■ . owj saed.t ni saatal yiinsl io epni>ixow Xsng.tnx bn6 nortssrnscio srfJ Bftfytafri; tfii sJsviiq at eiotsiieinintbs bns ei«?>kotf oj XxAqXed ed bXuorfa oafs yodT .sjsi* m ■ noitsviscnoO bns noiisji £ids.t2 IbiuJ XuoxipA ^irnoiilfiO ©dt moi* bsnis^do sisb • - ■ ' . ' o* wide IXxw tinu 9ioc-0OX,X sdj 10* B*sb ©nT .bcsyXsns M szti} cl^bom esis to ?isbnBlso edi Jail nsdi (M s<>XdsT ..=>93i7l cdPX ^a&T 9iD£-00£,X ieoiqy" ebuioni dX-Ol c-sIdsT ide>t bns ,s/'>bofn 9i36-008«2 99iriJ lis 101 0£-M oaidsT) idi ?9oiaq ortt n;s.tnoo tnootsiaqua LBzifzL+sj?. axrii ni asldst ©9iri* tesX edT :fiii9j-s:r. bns ,(CC eldsT} b9+n9i 10 bcixd seoivisc iuqni , oXdeT) stouboiq kixsI ■'. «.a esIouoQ t n&ifiO o:» *ioqoi noinsqmoo s ei *n9nralqqus isoxJcitsie eidT \i eei xebnU s onsmr/d bns eangmtrurbA msH ( ifiXX*rfo2 (lieM ,W bns t eepb**H .f) eidmiiT -£c^X ,8ft' r.g^ t )o?3cO ;? bxgJtf9W v?XieV niupsoL nsg j£ . eiqeaJ-oi XA ^psoioA no.ttoO no b926r[ ?sii9o b R if**!l «43 .IIS ,oH Jioqofl bddqsieo««iM inlrmsiO t ed£I bn6 f nuiJ-ouboiq t noises insp-io u;zG'i ni espnsda od* \o &nolt^:rtesvnT bolis.^^h ■ J • bns «X^dX i9dnwH + 09to^ c { riotbjtif fusm ii9qxH XeiuJ-iJ/oiioA sinioiiisO i9bnu doi6929f3 £Dj(JTonvO03 rrxsH « (w)£-£q 3^ tootoi^i sniJ i9bni/ Lorxoqcuj? viisij-i_. .oiuiiuoi-igA ^lo .tn&mj-isqsa .2 .U g.noiiaeB doisssoH bleH nieieiw nolsiviG »ai-3iracnoo : i X6i7iI/joi^gA 916 isXXsrioS Llleft ,W bns ncisO ,G isBlpuoQ \S Isiutluoi-igi. e noito;>2 doissss-fi bioH ni^eeW t noxeiviO rfoift«t«fl coinonooH nxs* si »9gb9H .fi sXdmiiT bns ,0-ruJXuoiTpA io .tnom+isqaa ,3 .U- ,9Dlvit»2 doisaet^ Jriemiiaqxi? 9dt ni"*ei:£nonoo3 Xfiio^XfJOiipA ,eoimonoo?. XsiuiXunitoA 'to loaaeior-i ^0 yj-isiwinU t noxisbnuo^ IninnblD odJ- no jeimoncoJ XbtuJ CuoiigA bns ,noc.*si3 ' " - •qideiodJac ni yflioinea ot bnlfcicoos +on ,xobio 2. TABLE 1 Soils by Grades; Western Fresno County Percentaa es of Grade Series Acres qrade total 1 2 3 4 I Panoche Panhill C 1 1 imKi Sk \j u i uilIJJ i a Sorrento 387,900 26,650 3 600 75 92.7 6.4 .9 / 43.0 3.0 .4 / :o^ Subtotal 418,225 100.0 46.4 II Panoche Lost Hills Panhill Temple Ortigalita Sorrento Columbia 108,400 13,400 4,000 3,600 1,300 900 600 82.0 10.1 3.0 2.7 1.0 .7 .5 12.0 1.5 .4 .4 .1 .1 .1 subtotal 14 ft III Oxalis Kettleman Temple Lost Hills Lethent Panoche Merced UI liyal 1 Id Los Banos 56,500 15,750 12,800 7,600 5,100 2,700 2,500 1.600 51.4 14.3 11.6 6.9 A Q 4.6 2.5 2.3 1.5 6.3 1.7 1.4 .8 .6 .3 .3 .2 Subtotal 109,950 100.0 12.2 IV Kettleman Merced Oxalis Other 39 ,900 34,050 33,500 11.900 33.4 28.5 28.1 10.0 4.4 3.8 3.7 1.3 Subtotal 119,350 100.0 13.2 V All series 122.675 100.0 13.6 Total land 902,400 100.0 a/ Less than .1 percent. Source: Calculated from survey data. y?nuoO ons-'Tl ftxtiritafft j.-^bsiO \d e!io3 : y .-. . - ■ \4 ■ O.I ■ ,0.001' ■ 0*3 f> 0H3.SI ■ 00 A. 1 E i - i ■ ■ ■ ■ TABLE 2 Farm Size, Total Cotton Acres, and Acres Diverted, 1954 and 1955: San Joaquin Valley Westside Cropland Total cotton acres Diverted acres Cropland class intervals Number average j of }per farms farm total 3-year average 1951-1953 ! 1953 final allotment 1954 acres planted 1955 a/ 3-year average to 1954 3-year average to 1955 1 2 3 4 'I 5 6 7 8 9 acres 1 - 420 24 196.3 4,711 2,115 2,134 1,620 1,283 495 832 421 - 660 17 574.4 9,764 4,596 5,095 3,033 2,417 - 1 ,563 - 2,179 661 - 1,100 21 922.2 19,366 6,790 6,414 4,492 3,593 - 2,298 - 3,197 1,101 - 2,000 105 1,427.1 149,842 67,800 67,089 45,180 36,079 - 22,620 - 31,721 2,001 - 5,000 92 3,192.0 293,663 106,291 110,170 72,812 58,128 - 33,479 - 48,163 5,001 & over 45 17,238.9 775,752 210,309 212,082 140,744 112,364 - 69,565 - 97,945 Total 304 4,122.0 1,253,098 397,901 402,984 267,881 213,864 -130,020 -184,037 a/ Estimated. " Source: California Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee— includes Western Fresno County and portions of Kern, Kings, and Merced counties. pontes: c 9 in rtl, T 3 V 3 - 1 ? c fi I **i**J Sfspi j isa^/cu sruq coueexA^joi; cowurfi<"-&~ fucynqss ^oaf«xu fcxeauo qoou^A suq g\ fccjj-Tiugf&q* L | f 1 I c ■ • 1 3J3**JS"1 -16^*031 j ». ...... . ,., j 2 001 8" Ii J 33P'd • 3TS*085 ■ j 3*001 -■ 3*000 i 5d3'PP3 no' no • - 33*«Ad T'TOJ - 3*000 l 103 • >- 35*930 - 31*137 I 99 * * r*roo dSS*5 Td'3t>t? • ■ - - 3'Jdj 990 3A*** - - 7d(?*3 ; i **AJJ s*n* j - 835 1 ecxe? ■ ■■in iin mi ) S '' j ■ S i d piebTsuq slate t m psx box j 3A6xg6e ! Td33. 1 Id2S fV scx&a • 9A6X930 ! i.. „., I p*j r i/ ; fSJ CO 2su loadnj-' A'-JT^- jflMf*? {.SiUf gIS6* 10£3J Cuff'CV VCX&? * 9Uq VCXbS DTAfcX TABLE 3 Land Use on Cotton Farms, 1953-1955: San Joaquin Valley Westside Cropland Number Fruit Noncultivated Total farm class Mid- of Net crop acres number numoer inxervais point farms + n + a 1 a vera ye reporting total reporting total total average 1 2 3 4 7 Q 10 1 - 420 210 3 679 226.3 1 40 719 239.7 421 - 660 540 8 5,673 709.1 2 2,203 7,876 984.5 661 - 1,100 880 1,101 - 2,000 1,550 35 50,028 1,429.4 2 200 15 9,630 59,858 1,710.2 2,001 - 5,000 3,500 38 123,578 3,252.1 1 115 16 11,444 135,137 3,556.2 5,001 & over 18 340,146 18,897.0 7 21,031 361,177 20,065.4 Total 102 520,104 5,099.1 3 315 41 44,348 564,767 5,536.9 Source: Questionnaire returns, 1954 gO/M«9i (JfJBe'pJ-OUiJ-TIJ.S USpfTXUS* JO?^* JOG 3*Od3 r T *T • ■ i 00.0Js>« J ,£ > OCjOO'>,^ II. ......j oo ■•«<• I _ 1 6. Table 4 Continued. Size or ■j- — New cost Average investment a/ T+om ranac itv Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 dollars Pnni nmont i LUUi. \Ji 1 1c: 1 1 L • Di+ehpt* 5' 1 140.00 70.00 Scraper Plow — di«ilt— dIow 10' 6— bladp 1 1 520.00 1,750.00 260.00 875.00 Chisel 8' 1 525.00 262.50 Hi c lr nffcot rl / Disk, offset 10* 12' 1 X 1 825.00 1,050.00 412.50 525.00 Disk, offset 16' 1 1,450.00 725.00 DUiUtrX UibJV 1 175.00 87.50 Spiketooth ha TTnw 5* epction 9 w w fa J. wl 1 6 50.00 300.00 25.00 150.00 Spring tooth harrow d/ 12' 1 240.00 120.00 Ctil tioackpr Drag or float c/ 14' 12' x 20' 4wTOW ~T J. UH 1 1 1 450.00 150.00 350.00 225.00 75.00 175.00 T ictpT nlan+'Pt* ■I— i o OCX plan LC-i Cultivator 4— row 4-row 1 2 1,000.00 550.00 2,000.00 500.00 275.00 1,000.00 pflTt 1 1 n 7 pr X CX bXXXtCX attachment c/ flnt+on ni p.lfpi* 4-row 1 — row 1 2 8,700.00 150.00 17,400.00 5,220.00 75.00 10,440.00 Cotton trailer c/ 4-bale 3 350.00 1,050.00 192.50 577.50 Cotton trailer o~Daie 400.00 1,600.00 220.00 880.00 Cotton trailer c/ 6-bale 3 450.00 1,350.00 247.50 742.50 Stalk cutter Grain drill 2-row 14' i 1 325.00 850.00 162.50 425.00 Grain elevator c/ Grain unloader £, Subtotals 1955 1953 1 1 350.00 350.00 175.00 175.00 33,900.00 32.835.00 18,890.00 18,357.50 Totals 1955 1953 164,216.60 163.151.60 87,544.55 87.012.05 a/ Original cost + Salvage value Salvage values are listed in Table 11. 2 b/ Includes $2,000 worth of tools, equipment, and parts, c/ Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955. d/ Equipment bought in 1955. Source: Calculated from survey data. [\£ ■5 , n.?(Ttf 3evnx 9^sisvA • r i j TO SSir.l jr.uomA vj-x">sqG-i sns$I t— ,-.- ; . ? ..^. ? ^i..'.,„.;..... • •i'Bjc 4 i tint) ... d- 1 • e i • ;•: I I sll' b ■ J j ; • ■ : 00.050.1 : . - I j oo.ooe oo.oe [. oo.oer ■ I ; OO.Oc'd I ! 00 . Of HD I • oo.oeo r»r* T "jf>y O T ixuxte+t { T ) ■A- * V i / O SC*TU» i 3 SC»TU»" 1 •tsx+7J75:6 qouixsc+: C nj4TA0^<- (3) 7 ■ H'juq j:p?u - cou*X9C+ ' t>5 I-2D «J-XOM C«T FfAF fOX N, crjfTbgcKex .. V8 M~5 3d *es *3J 78ft 9crq q&jju.f I 1-iD 100 *0d *oc ' m. hit i u £,X6TIXrC94.G I-\kD I-5D j^, oi^ae* q?2K JO, 3CX9b6t *0 •30 * 30 gBjc« posq qi^cp«is* I-?D q?w3x •30 t-/ji w> en £ rt-5 Tf-XOM ]X?.p6X ♦32 fS'jqbjsue 3X 1-iD T0, x C'0 t J3uqbjsu6(x«r.i«fv 1 . .. .... «... - • "* ""f i T™ *T *J | ! TABLE 8 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Milo, 1,100-acre Farm Dates Operati ons Crew and Equipment Acres per 9 -hour dav Physical requirements Men Power Equipment Man- hours Tractor hours Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Disk 2X 1 T-5D 12* offset disk 34 .52 .52 Furrow out 1 W-2 4-row lister 36 .25 .25 Make head ditches* 1 T-5D 5' ditcher .15 .15 Preirrigate 1 7.8 Fill in ditches* 1 T-5D 10' scraper .15 .15 Disk & cultipack 1 T-5D 12* offset disk w/l4' 30 .30 .30 cultipacker attached 4/20 - 5/1 Plant 2 W-2 4-row lister-planter 29 .62 .31 8# seed Cultivate 1 W-2 4-row cultivator 20 .45 .45 5/20 - 6/1 Irrigate 1 6 Cultivate 1 W-2 4-row cultivator 22 .41 .41 7/1 - 8/1 Irrigate 2X 1 12 9/1 - on Harvest - Contract Haul - Contract ♦occurs 3X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season. Source: Calculated from survey data. fttt 03 -52 punt? su : at- ' I ' .-. _ , ..„, . — - 1 ■ ■ « H »w p»!»» i m il ■ — i ■ - ■ : - 5 I Vf-tCW ( fJ] f.if.AS'.p Ct c/vr f ibscfcsi. Sfrscp^q T3. qjsic ? -on ■ -L-3) . ■ '5, &U ec f c;t: ? ;c i "9v 1>C '15 1 A '8 3C* TU* 7 JSUqsi C-^ Qt>6lSiTi OU" 3Uq ;.iJA5 7CgT 5t t'cie tox. htoar.cTufl X viu c 8 TABLE 9 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Barley, 1,100-acre Farm Acres Crew and Equipment per Physical requirements 9-hour Man- Tractoil Material Ooerati ons Men Power Equipment day hours hours 1953 1955 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Disk 2X 1 T-7D 16' offset disk 40 .44 .44 11/20 - 1/30 6/1 - 7/1 Landplane 2X - Contract Border up Preirrigate Disk & Harrow Seed Irrigate 2X Harvest - Contract Haul - Contract 1 1 1 1 1 T-5D T-7D T-5D 3order disk 16' offset disk w/20' harrow 14* grain drill 40 38 30 1 .22 .24 .30 .22 .24 .30 6.6 ac , in. 80# seed 9 7.6 80# seed 10.4ac. in. Source: Calculated from survey data. gpnxc#t C9fcr:]~psq ixguj ?nXA 111 . .59 1.33 266.00 1— row cotton 2.78 hr. 2*91 8.08 2,908.80 2.78 hr. 5.23 14.55 2,910.00 48.00 5~bale cotton 1.50 hr. .09 .13 46.80 1.50 hr. .16 .24 trailer 2-row stalk .50 hr. .09 .05 18.00 .50 hr. .16 .08 16.00 cutter Equipment (rented): 288.00 1Q» x 60' .72 hr. 2.00 1.44 518.40 ,72 hr. 2. 00 1.44 landplane 1 ! (Continued on next page.) •V. •> A . •' ; 1 ■ T red' j\f,+ eoc - - 1 ?. ■ ■ > : ' St. - • - ■ ' . ■ ■ ■ - • • ■ ■ ■ 1 • ■ . ■ - . _ - ■ • ! ■ - .- ... * • - • - i J • • ■ , • ■ ■ • - '■ ■ u ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ - . ■ -' . . a - ■ 1 - I J I ■ • j 14 Table 10 continued. 1953 1955 Acres: 360 — Yield: 1*9 bales Item Units used per acre-' Unit Cost per cost^ Aore3t 200 — Yieldt 2.25 bales Total cost , Units used ■ per aoreS/ Unit Cost per i Total costly acre cost 8 dollars Materials! dollars Irrigation water 37.2 ao" .67 1 24.96 | 0 DOC AA 8,9a3.0U 39 ao n .fie. Seed (acid delint) 18 lb. 1 .12 1 1 2.07 i 745.20 Id ID . Labor: 1 i j i Drivers 12.23 nr. 1.15 1 14.06 5,061.60 12. 5o nr. 1 1.1-5 Irrigators 11.96 hr. 1.00 i 11.96 4,305.60 12.54 hr.i 1.00 General ; 3.09 .90 : 2.78 1,000.80 3.09 hrJ .90 Soc . Sec. & Comp. Insur.S/ 1 1 1.67 601.34 ! Contracts: | Fertilize (NH3) 135 lb. 13.93 5,014.80 152 lb. Hand thin 5.00 1,800.00 Hand weed 5.00 1,800.00 Dust Zx {% DDT- j 60 lb. .14 8.10 2,916.00 60 lb. .14 50# S) 10 lb. Defoliate (NaC103 j 10 lb. 4.25 1,530.00 W/B orate or Mg. ) Gin 1.9 bale j 14.70 27.93 10,054.80 ! 2.25 bale 14.70 Insurance & storage! 1.9 bale !. 1.19 2.26 813.60 2.25 bale 1.19 Interest on operating capital£' 2.93 1.056.35 V - Total Variable tl48.26 53,365.29 Total Cost j 221.28 | 79,656.41 ) j 25.43 2.07 14.24 12.54 2.78 1.71 17.21 5.00 5.00 8.10 4.25 33.08 2.68 3.26 5,086.00 414.00 2,848.00 2,508.00 556.00 342.90 3,442.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,620.00 850.00 6, 616.00 j 536.00 j 652.021 t!66.74 j 33,348.92 j 257.18 151,437.61! a/ Roxmded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor costs. £/ Total of Variable expenses (less ginning costs) 4 2x5 percent. Source: Calculated from survey data. c~. "cms i5E ; 0d,?8P.8 V3, "oa S.TE i^iem aalft%'-n.± TO.S SJ. .^x li | 0S.?AT TO.S SI. .« C-£ (fralXei, Ww) *W2 nod e 1 **\S.r OT'.r i.Td *. eo*e .ai sex » IfMj fjiiKiif- rs.^x ( ,r/x sex I oft»txo,e f ,' go.p j' oo.coe,x : oo 4 a 00.2 ' 00*008,1 ! OO.S I fio"w Sals sx.e m. ..di oo j oa.<>£$,s | ox.a j wr. j .rfx oa i -Tea *&) jg f*a to &?*io£l\W 3s.e oXacf C,X MMNjftN 4 p • »ooX; ! j PS, c>f 0S«9£X ' ■ ■ £M2$*4Xt es.fss; TABLE 11 Inputs and Costs for Producing Alfalfa Seed, 1,100-acre Farm 15. 1955 Acres : 150 — Yield: 550 lbs. Item Unit3 used. ! a/ ' per acre — ' Unit . ; . a/ cost-' Cost per ; acre Total cost 2 3 4 ! dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation -water Labor Soc. Sec. 4 Comp. l/3 cost to establish stand Total Fixed 5.00 .43 2.47 i 5.13 I .42 2.42 2.92 2.74 12.64 15.14 .88 9.34 770.00 63.00 362.47 438.00 411.00 1,896.00 2,270.50 131.69 1,401.57 51.63 7,744.23 VARIABLE: Powers W-2 tractor Pickup (-|- -ton) Truck \±-g-zon) 2.30 nr. 27 mi. 11 mi. .81 .03 .05 1.86 .85 .59 279.00 127.50 88.50 Equipment: 10' offset disk 12 • springtooth harrow 4- row cultivator 1 .38 far. ,40 hr. 1.52 hr. 2.17 .12 .59 .82 .05 .90 123.00 7.50 135.00 j Materials : Irrigation water 35 ao" .65 22.82 3,423.00 Labor: Driver Irrigator Soc. Sec. & Comp. 3.35 hr. 9.64 hr. 1.15 1.00 3.85 9.64 .78 577.50 1,446.00 117.36 Contracts: Fertilize (superphosphate) Bees (colonies ) Dust 2x DW!-75% S ) Weed Defoliate (sinox) Harvest Certification fees (sacks, cleaning, inspection) Box rental Interest on operating capital 2/ Total Variable Total Cost 300 lb. 3 60 lb. 1 qt. 550 lb. 5.00 .03 7.10 15.00 7.95 15.00 5.40 16.50 10.12 1.00 3.01 1,065.00 2,250.00 1,192.50 2,250.00 810.00 2,475.00 1,518.00 150.00 450.87 123.24 18,485.73 174.87 26,229.96 (Continued on next page.) ,b9o£ rtlsilA i>u rot. b^il iol fcJacO tee ejuqai Beef ■ _ ; ■ - X§ • ■ ■- - ! ■ oe,<; • . • ■ E6"r,* ciae Xjs£- 00. Hi- ■ 05.0VS.S - ■ ~'-.S ■ j OO.CTS ■ . .< OP, 5B. ss 1 QOaOTS £ j O0.oas,s oc.oie 1 • \ Q0.BI3«JE \ 00.051 do x j ?B.O?* xe. : ■ t:3, ■ CD.? I .in IX ► ■i : .,fi oce Lits+s isii ^.tee r>* teoo €\x bo&d ..zotJoA TABLE 12 Inputs and Costs for Establishing an Alfalfa Seed Stand, 1,100-acre Farm 17 1955 Acres : 150 Units used ; Unit i Cost par Total Item per acre!!/ cost*/ i acre i cost 1 1 2 1 ! 3 1 4 dollars Power: T-5D tractor .10 hr. 2.45 .25 37.50 T-7D tractor 2.23 .hr. ZtOl CC DO j ,ac W-2 tractor .61 hr. 1 /A 1.40 DC 1<£/ .OU Equipment : 5» ditcher .05 hr. .37 .02 3.00 10' scraper .05 hr. 1.38 .07 10.50 8' ohisel .45 hr. 1.11 *7«> no 1 16' offset disk .88 hr. .70 .62 93.00 1 30» spiketooth harrow .18 hr. .33 .06 9.00 4— row lister .30 hr. 1.55 .46 69.00 4-row lister planter .31 hr. 1.70 .53 79.50 10' x 60' landplane (rented) .72 nr. 2.00 1.44 216.00 Materials : Irrigation water 8 ao" 1.01 8.08 1,212.00 Seed 1.5 lb. .40 .60 90.00 Labor: Driver 2.94 hr. 1.15 3.38 507.00 Irrigator 2.57 hr. 1.00 2.57 385.50 General .31 hr. .90 .28 42.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. .36 54.20 Contracts: Dust (2$ Parathion) 12.5 lb. 2.14 321.00 Total Cost 1 | 28.03 4,204.70 Amount Charged Off Annually 9.34 1,401.57 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. Source: Calculated from survey data. table 13 18. Inputs and Costs for Producing Mild, 1,100-acre Farm t Item 1953 Aores: 40 — Yield: 40 cwt. Units used a/ per acre—' Unit costi/ Cost per i acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 dollars FIXED: I 1 Real estate taxes 5.00 5.50 220.00 Office .43 .45 18.00 Improvements 2.47 2.59 103.56 Power 3.42 136.80 Equipment 1.84 73.60 Irrigation water 9.96 398.40 Labor 11.95 478.00 Soc. Sec. Comp. Insur.2/ Total Fixed .69 27.72 36.40 1,456.08 VARIABLE: Power: 35.60 T-5D tractor ■ 1.12 hr. .80 .89 W-2 tractor 1.42 hr. .75 1.06 42.40 'Pickup (■§■ ton) 25 mi. .03 .77 30.80 Trucks (l£ ton) mi . .05 .54 21.60 Equipment: .04 5* ditcher .15 hr. 10' scraper .15 hr. .14 37.60 12 » offset disk .82 hr. 1 .13 . ~ > 14' cultipacker .30 nr . .59 .18 7.20 A— raw lister • C-^ hr. •53 .13 5.20 4— row lister planter ■31 . ' 1 * j 93. X j . ■ • j *"Xd. ! . re. es \noi'4) qoiioi^i 20. ■ CI f rro* £x) Caioy;2 to. ."Uf ■ .irf ; • - 1 ■ts^iX wui— ^ • X£. T^&ariq, naf six voi-* ■ . 00,. ito^ivijXiio i|>'i' e i ■r.f.i • 00,1 j oe. j .Id iei • ! * M.ioecr .iirc>3 A .«e2 .008 j tasvroH Xx.-sB j If: 00.00/1 rrsq 0?*f$) ^5ar,*jjenl ! 30 J-atitJ-j >0 Xe?cT Table 13 continued, a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. 2/ Total of variable expanses -{2x5 percent* ■ 2©. TABIC 14 Inputs and Costa for Producing Barley, 1,100-aore Farm 1953 1955 1 Acres; 450 — Yield: 28 cwt. Acres: 550 — Yield: 30 cwt. Units used Unit . Cost per Total Units u3cd Unit Cost per Total Item a/ per acre-' cosi>^ acre cost . por aorc^/ OrstS/acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 l« 7 8 I dollars 1 dollars FIXED: « J Real estate taxes ; 5.00 5.26 i 2,365.00 5.00 5.30 2,915.00 Office .43 .43 193.50 .43 Improvements 2.47 2.47 1,113.31 2.47 2.50 1,372.22 Power ; 3.03 1,363.50, 3.51 1,930.50 Equipment ! i ••• • - | .82 j 369. OC) .72 396.00 Irrigation water i 6.02 I 2,709.00. 6.50 3,575.00 Labor J \ 6.11 2,748.50 7.17 3,943.50 Soc. Sec. & Comp. InBur.-' .35 i 159.41 .42 289.72 : xotai j lxe a. 1 24.49 11,021.22 14 SQQ AA I VARIABLE: | Power: I T-5D tractor .52 hr. .80 .41 184.50 .52 hr. • 0/ • **J T-7D traotor •68 hr. .90 .61 274.50 .68 hr. .94 .64 352.00 | Pickups ton) 25 mi. .03 .77 346.50 27 mi. .03 .85 467.50 ! i Truoks (l§- ton) 10 mi. : .05 .54 243.00 11 mi. .05 .59 324.50 1 : Equipment: ■ 16' offset disk .68 hr. t .35 •24 108.00 .68 hr. .37 .25 137.50 Border disk .22 hr. 1 .18 .04 18.00 .22 hr. .15 .03 16.50 20' spike tooth .24 hr. .05 .01 4.50 .24 hr. .04 .01 5.50 harrow i 14' grain drill .30 hr. .13 .04 18.00 .30 hr. .10 .03 16.5 0 ! Materials: | | Irrigation water 15.6 ac" .67 ' 10.47 4,711.50 18 ac* .65 11.74 6,457.00 Seed 80 lb. i .04 3.20 1,440.00 80 lb. • 04 3.Z0 1,700.00 j Labor: ! \ Drivers . 2.15 hr. 1.15 2.47 1,111.50 2.25 hr. 1.15 2.59 1,424.50 I Irrigators 5.01 hr. 1.00 1 5.01 2,254.50 5.01 hr. 1.00 5.01 2,755.50 j Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur.k/ .43 195.23 .44 242.44 j Contracts : Landplene 2X 8.00 j 3,600.00 i i 8.00 4,400.00 Harvest ! 5.00 1 2,250.00 5.00 2, 750.00 Haul j 28 cwt. .10 2.80 1 1,260.00 30 cwt .10 3.00 1,650.00 Insurance ($1.50 per ! 1.13 1 508.50 .97 533.50 $100 of value ) i j Interest on operating capitals/ 1.03 | 463.21 1.07 588.51 Total Variable 1 1 ; 42.20 ! 18,991.44 43.87 24,128.95 Total Cost I 1 1 66.69 j 30,012.66 i 70 » 42 38,728.39 &/ Rounded . b/ 5.6 percent x total labor cost, o/ Total of variable expenses A 2 e 5 percent. MM r:ros-00£,I ■ Oc.S . ■ > Tt-.S • . S8. po.ecs,s ■ CO.SCE €0. - i OX. Go, • • trf do, • itu \'S .•at OO.Et'S UE. .JO0.8I KM 81 .« 08 Joe.iiv.f- i 10. TV. 10. Tf-.OI Oft. EC. Vd, •uf SS ,-td AS .ix.' Of "os • rfl 08 - ■ oe.aer«s ee.s ic.e CO. I «*d 10.2,0 CJ..I 00. i .iri 21. S .•re 10.": 00.8 VP. ■ £S?.8S.I«r*S V8.E*" H. i Of 'OO.OdS,. ioe;'60c CO, I aa.sio.OE. w.aa I ! TABLE 15 Inputs and Costs for Fallon' Land, 1,100-aore Farm 21. 1953 L 1955 lores: 200 Acres: 150 Units used I Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit 1 Cost per Total Item per acre^ . oostS/ aore cost iper acrefi/ I costS/ f lore cost 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 ! 6 7 8 dollars dollars ^IXED: ! j 1 Real estate taxes 5.00 5.22 .1,045.00 ' 5.00 5.13 •77fi DCs Office .43 .43 85.50 .43 { .42 63.00 Improvements 2.47 , 2.46 491.93 2.47 ' 2.42 362.47 Power , 1.16 1 232.00 1.47 220.50 Equipment i 1.75 350.00 2.56 Labor .60 119.50 .80 119.50 Soc. Seo. & Comp. Insur._/ i .03 6.93 .05 6.93 Total Fixed 11.65 2,330.86 12.85 1,926.40 TiiRIABLE: Power: i T-5D tractor .93 hr. .80 .74 148.00 .93 hr. .87 .81 121.50 Equipments 6-blade disk-plow .41 hr. 3.20 1.31 262.00 .41 hr. 4.27 1.75 262.50 12* offset, disk .52 hr. 1.15 .60 120.00 .52 hr. 2.02 1.05 157.50 Labor: Driver .93 hr. 1.15 1.07 214.00 .93 hr. 1.15 1.07 160.50 Soc. Seo. & Comp. 1 Cnsur.i/ .06 I 12.41 .06 9.31 • Contracts: ! 1 Interest on operat; .n£ capital?/ .09 18.91 .12 17.78 Total Variable 3.87 775.32 1 1 4.86 729.09 Total Cost 1 ] 15.52 j " ! 3,106.18 1 J - 17.71 2,655.49 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor. 2/ Total of variable expenses (less Cporatcr's) y 2 x 5 percent. 00S ■ i * ! itaq ^ai>5 • f . Z. 3.2»Ub~. 1 ei.t.' 00.2 : O0.€d • .. . -• oo.oee ■ : . ••ifi . ■ . S5. 0O.CSI * £€• i Si* 7 i JftfoT f t C?-T ,S1. . 22. TABLE 16 Physical Resources and Investments for Typical 2,800-acre Farms, 1955 Prices Size or New cost Average investment a/ Item capacity Amount per unit total per unit total 1 2 3 4 5 6 dollars Land; Total 2,800 acres Total cultivated 2,700 acres IftiDrovprnpirt^ s jtjiiK/ x UU *? 140 or 7 pr nn / Oj . uu i R7n nn Disk, offset 24' 1 9 i on nn i nnn nn X , UDU • UU Border disk 1 1 7". nn Q7 nn o / »DU Spiketooth harrow 5' sections 10 ro oo UU.UU ^nn nn UUU • uu nc fin otn nn ^DU • UU Spring tooth harrow c/ 4' sections 6 po on OU • UU /inn nn jin nn o/in nn ^*fU . UU Cultipacker 12' 3 "3PO oo i i An on X , X*»U.UU i on nn X7U.UU n7n nn o / u. uu Drag or float c/ 12' x 20" 1 i ro on 7c nn Lister 4-row 1 T^n nn 1 7<> nn 1 /O. uu Planter 4-row 3 c,no oo JUU • UU i roo nn X , 3UU • UU osn nn 7tn nn / ou • uu Cultivator 4-row 5 i ono oo ^ nnn nn 3 , uuu • uu nnn nn 3UU • UU o nnn nn £,DUU.UU Fertilizer attachment c/ 4-row 2 1 ro oo "5nn nn JuU . UU 7R nn i nn nn xou.uu Fertilizer spreader c/ 2 OOR 00 A70 on o / u. uu i a 7 Rn 1 D f . 3U ^r nn Cotton picker 1-row 3 p 7on no o, /UU.UU OA i nn nn 5 220.00 i n AAn nn X«J,OOU.UU Cotton trailer £/ 4-bale 5 350.00 i 7^n nn X , f DU.UU 192.50 o ao nn Cotton trailer c/ 5-bale 5 /inn no 4UU • UU o nnn nn ^,UUU.UU oon nn i i nn nn 1 , 1UU.UU Cotton trailer 6-bale 5 450.00 2,250.00 247.50 1,237.50 Stalk cutter 2-row 2 325.00 650.00 162.50 325.00 Grain drill 12* 2 700.00 1,400.00 350.00 700.00 Harvester (combine) SP 16' 2 7,200.00 14,400.00 2,400.00 4,800.00 Grain elevator cj 1 350.00 175.00 Grain unloader cj 1 350.00 175.00 Subtotal 83.805.00 42.412.50 ! Total 429.529.60 223,702.30 a/ Oriqinal cost 2 + Salvage value Salvage values listed in Table 20. b/ Includes $3,000 worth of tools, equipment, and parts. zj Standby equipment owned but not used in 1953 or 1955. IdeT J' SOD vjoV jnuomA M.. rr. xel lob oo.oeo.x oo.oei ... oo.eve 00.091 ■ ■ ■ > bo.eei bo. 035: ■ pO.OM t £ ■ ■ ■ oo,oor> oo.oov ■ J \2 wwidJ sno IS Of) 3 4 J4«,- ■ WOT-&! ■ hat a TABLE 17 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Cotton, 2,800-acre Farms Dates Operations Crew and Equipment Men 1 4/1 - 4/15 5/1 - *>/Vb 6/15 - 8/15 Cut stalks Disk 2X Chisel Disk Landplane 2X Furrow cut Make head ditches* Pre Irrigate Fill in ditches* Disk Harrow Plant Cultipack Cultivate (l) Hand thin - Contract Cultivate (2) Fertilize - Contract Irrigate (l) Hand weed - Contract Cultivate (3) Irrigate (2) Cultivate (4) Dust 2X - Contract Irrigate (3) Cultivate (5) Irrigate (4) Power Equipment ! Acres i per j 9-hour day W-2 T-9D T-7D T-9D T-7D W-2 T-7D T-5D T-9D T-7D W-2 T-5D W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 W-2 2-row stalk cutter 24» offset disk 10' chisel 24 1 offset disk 10'x60' landplane 4-row lister double-wing ditcher 8' scraper 18' offset disk 30' harrow 4-row planter 12* cultipacker 4-row cultivator 4-row cultivator 4-row cultivator 4-row cultivator 4-row cultivator Physical requirements Man- hours 18 60 24 60 25 36 55 100 29 46 20 22 22 26 26 .50 .30 .38 .15 .72 .25 .30 .30 .16 .09 .62 .20 .45 .41 .41 .35 .35 Tractor hours .50 .30 .38 .15 .72 .25 .30 .30 .16 .09 .31 .20 .45 .41 .41 .35 .35 Material 1953 1955 8 7.2 7 j 18# acid delint 136# NH 3 5 5 156# NH 3 5 5 60# of 5# DDT 50* S 5 5 5 5 ac. in. (Continued on next page.) TXXTcW.' *6 ( 3) ! ■ Hilda >e (j) • - 1 : - v > cm <:jas+'ox - • 3 SC'TU* ) 3 9C* JU* | ecm °t ddi 3 1 - g 9C*?U* 2 3C7U* j • bis"* 1-PD M*5- *. X-iD l~dD I5i cnj^Tb9C ( <5 uycia txuiio Crew and Equipment Acres D©r Phvsical requirements Men Power Equipment 9 -hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Mater ial 1955 \ 3 4 5 6 7 9 8/5 - 8/20 Cultivate & lay by (6) 1 W-2 4-row cultivator 26 .35 .35 8/15 - 9/5 Irrigate 2X 1 10 12 Defoliate - Contract 10# of NaC10 3 w/ Borate or Mg. Pick 1st - Machine 2 W-2 1-row cotton picker 6 3.00 1.50 Pick 2nd - Machine 2 W-2 1-row cotton picker 7 2.56 1.28 Haul to gin 1 6-bale trailer & pickup 6 1.50 1.50 Gin - Contract ♦occurs 6X - man-hours and tractor-hours are total for season. Source: Calculated from survey data. -8\30 icf 5 f-XOAi CO + \pOO bjCJ<6X j-xcM coffov Lyc|(6x i r?o ! rso | :5*2C i 1*58 I i3*00 J '20 ■ ■ JO sc'ju I 15 ^ C$Sjn s?uq Eci^J to5uT~" ~ TOT ^cnxlTjpcnxT 4- i couxruneq* TABLE 18 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Barley, 2,800-acre Farms Acres Crew and Equipment per Physical requirements 9 -hour Man- Tractor Material Dates Operations Men Power Equipment day hours hours 1953 1955 3 4 ft & o ? Disk 2X 1 T-9D 18 1 offset disk 55 .32 .32 Landplane 2X 1 T-7D 10'x60* landplane 25 .72 .72 Border up 1 T-5D Border disk 40 .22 .22 Preirrigate 1 18' offset disk w/20* 6.6 7.6 Disk & Harrow 1 T-9D 50 .18 .18 11/20 - 1/30 spiketooth harrow Seed 1 T-5D 2/12' grain drills 55 .16 .16 80# seed 80# seed 6/1 - 7/1 Irrigate 2X 1 9 10.4 Harvest 2 16' harvester - SP 25 .72 .36 Haul 1 l5"~ton truck 25 .36 .36 i - ■ -J — - - -, Sources Calculated from survey data. ro on "'a Ten 1 "j t&A £x.ouj 9ft£AGff ys 1.9 • w - ItAsc' r ■ I ■ ■ -4—--^ r- • 18 t ' ■ • • OO JO - " • ' c '' ST" ■ ' r-la.''i t: <~ Tnv: 7' ' r etjqgrl 0 TABLE 19 Calendar of Operations and Physical Inputs Per Acre for Producing Melons, 2,800-acre Farms i 1 .... , faces Operations Crew and Equipment Acres per Physical requirements Men Power Equipment 9-hour day Man- hours Tractor hours Ma terial * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Disk 2X 1 T-9D 24' offset disk .30 .30 Chisel 1 T-7D 10* chisel 24 .38 .38 1 T-9D 18' offset disk 55 .16 .16 L.anopi.ane 1 T-7D 10'x60* landplane 25 .72 .72 rurrow oux 1 W-2 4-row lister 36 .25 .25 iviaKe neao ditcnes* 1 ~f> ^ vw -f- • » *- ^ Dne.f *X - j^f-W* - D? e K Rs)g| u^gq qjrcjisa* {.m.xoM oof ■ j pin SX q5g x§ f r du«? i-t-l QM Cfi T CTA9XOX ■ 3 T . SlTO tf ■ X DM Cfl T X A 3 f OX bjsu^' 5 xoms) LOM bT&L'£GX / OUT A JO I 1-dD O CCXSfbtJX ' 1-2D r •tf-xoM rjc^i ! i-AD I I0i*e0, jsuabjgue i j IOi CJJT2ST i 5«« Pit??* qje* ■ ijOtVi.£.- 1 " i gar / £Ui i \v . . ii'ai i~! tact x & cr i 1/ 1 » 'i-c \f /\ w o *J ** p vl 1 *• cr WVj j bjoM iu qi^-cpe^ • 8, sci/Sbex rnTr TALI'S ' TfS L T33 16 i • r-so - COlJf I.9CT 1 in ^ w + ' ~ ~ t - | tci kxj ts«j - couti.3ct I jix j39.cs 3 ■ J *r ; **- t * MSB Ixj.raai-6 15. en? rrbgcK&x fell! J .° o ecxgb&x I T I -AD 3 eq nb ■ <2-x.c*-' yjyrex j;guqbjgiK- i-AD 10,^0, J9Uqbj9U* ebj{c6<;oo^ Diaj< XX ? P91.I.CM I"dD . I *j r . J ; 1-AD .. -JtrdD ] rgr| jj I 3 tjCJAei. B 1 -vil i *«2 i 1 J 9C* IU* ■ 1 ? 9C* XU* ■ j • C?f*Ni«V'0|i' O tjU£ " suc l bP^ 9 TG9f jubilee box yexe x.ox bJ-sqncrufJ gndgx pGGjrs* TiiBLE 21 Inputs and Costs for Produoing Cotton, 2,800-1 Farm 29. 1953 Acres: 800 — Yieldi 1.6 bales 1955 Item Units used per acreg/ Unit , Cost per Total costs/ i acre j cost I Acres; 440 — Yield: 2.0 bales •Units used lUnit iCost per per acreg/ (Costg/ jaore Total cost 1 2 ! 3 1 4 dollars £ JJLEJJs 5.00 5.25 4.200.00 ui I ice .28 .28 225.00: Imp z* ovGEDe n't s i 1.73 , 1.75 1.398.38 i Pcw©r i I 8.77 7,016.001 j^quipmeiix 1 12.48 9,984.00 j Irrigation water 20.24 16,192.00 Labor j 17 3fl lr • JO 1 3.Q03.*50 S no « Sao,. & CnmT*« [nsur.S/ 1 1.01 806.40 Total Fixed i t 67.16 ioc oft 53,725.28 VARIABLE: i j Power: 1 T-5D tractor .50 hr. •70 .35 280.00 T-7D tractor 1.49 hr. .99 i 1.47 1,176.00 ! T-9D tractor .61 br. 1.02 .62 496.00 W-2 tractor 6.16 hr. .73 | 4.52 3,616.00 Pickups 32 mi. .03 1.01 808.00 Trucks l£ ton 8 mi. .05 .45 360.00 Trucks 2 ton 4 mi. .07 .24 192.00 Equipment: 5' ditcher .30 hr. .04 • 01 8. UU 8* scraper .30 hr. .06 .02 16.00 10» x 60» .72 hr. .09 .07 56.00 landplane 10» chisel .38 br. .20 .07 56.00 18 • offset disk .16 hr. .47 .07 56.00 24* offset disk .45 hr. .88 .39 312.00 30« spiketooth .09 hr. .05 3.89 harrow 12' cultipacker .20 hr. .71 .14 112.00 4-row lister .25 hr. .26 .07 56.00 4-row planter .31 hr. .12 .04 32.00 4-row cultivator 2.32 hr. .54 1.25 1,000.00 1-row cotton 2.78 hr. 1.96 5.46 4,368.00 pioker 6-bale cotton 1.50 hr. .06 .08 64.00 trailer 1 Stalk cutter .50 hr. | .08 I .04 j 32.00 .50 1.49 .61 6.16 37 10 4 .72 .38 .16 .45 .09 .20 .25 .31 2.32 2.78 6 7 8 dollars 5.09 2,240.00 .27 120.00 1.70 745.80 11.48 5,051.20 22.24 9,785.60 23.13 10,177.20 22.90 10,075.00 1.33 584.35 88.14 38,779.15 hr. hr. hr. hr. mi. mi. mi. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. hr. 1.50 nr. .50 hr. .70 1.04 1.04 .84 .03 .05 .07 .06 .11 .09 .36 .42 1.59 .05 1.30 .48 .22 .98 3.57 .10 .15 .35 1.54 .63 5.20 1.18 .53 .28 .02 .03 .07 .14 .07 .72 .26 .12 .07 2.27 9.92 .15 .07 154.00 677.60 277.20 2,288.00 519.20 233.20 123.20 8.80 13.20 30.80 61.60 30.80 316.80 2.10 114.40 52.80 30.80 998.80 4,364.80 66.00 30.80 (Continued on next page . ) i« IS - : - ■ .00.005, f> OO.SCX.dX [»,a I JSbL 61. va as. SJUiJ- StfwNs I*S,'. . ■ t'nettzilvpZ ■ i ■ .■ • 1 • ■ r>2 00 ■ ■ - . : «.X ! «jo*Oi>T* <7T~T ■ . ■' • • 0 \* « no* il otatrsT • Jtm xc ■ 1 ■ . : do. ,-td • • TO* ! [ ■ . XT. sc.s 6T.SI .'id o?.xj ' - 30. Table 21 continued. 1953 1955 ! Acres! 800 — Yield: 1.6 bales Acres: 440 — Yield: 2.0 bales , jUnits used | Unit , Cost per Total 'per acre^/ j oostii' acre cost Units used Unit Cost , per acreS/ Icost^/ acre per Total Item cost 1 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 Materials: Irrigation water Seed (acid delint) Labor: Drivers Irrigator General Soc. Sec. & Compi dollars dollars 37.2 18 ,11.31 I 8.37 ac" lb. nr. nr. i 3.09 hr. Insur.k/ 1.25 .12, 1.15 1.00 .90 {NH3) Contracts : Fertilize Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2x {% DDT- 50# S) Defoliate (NaC/03 W/B orate or Mg. ) Gin Insurance & storage 4 136 lb. 60 10 lb. lb. 1.6 bale 1.6 bale Interest on operating' capitals/ Total Variable Total Cost .14 14.70 1.19 46.54 37,232.0CT39.0 ac"i 1.30, 50.54 1 22,237.60 2.07 i j 1,656.00 j 18 lb.; .12 2.07 ! I ! 910.80 10,408.00 11.48 or* 1.15 13.20 5,808.00 ft ^7 6,696.00 8.78 hr. 1.00 8.78 3,863.20 2.78 | 2,224.00 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 1,223.20 1.40 1,121.02 1.44 631.88| 1 15.78 12,624.00 156 lb. 17.88 ! ! 7,867.20 5.00 4,000.00 5.00 j 2,200.00 5.00 4,000.00 5.00 ! 2,200.00 8.10 6,480.00 60 lb. .X4 8.10 j 3,564.00 f 4.25 1 3,400.00j 10 lb. 4.25 j 1,870.00 1 23.52 18,816.00 2.0 bale 14.70 29.40 ! 12,936.00 1.90 1,520.00 2.0 bale 1.19 2.38 1 1,047.20 j 2.94 2, 350.37 3.26 1,435.90 | 157.03 125,627.28 1 I i 177.70 1 78,189.88 1 I 224.19 179,352.56 ! 265.84 1 1 1 ,116,969.03 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. c/ Total of variable expenses (less ginning costs) - 2 x 4.5$.'1 ton teoO ttir'J hose etiol" t$$Q% l n s ' tey.XXqli OCX &c of* C3.0XP TO .S tin ax 00.'j?j«X OS.C£ 8SXI CO.-xM^CI xo.?x . i iU X ; •ocix fiV.8 SC. 6 .111 0<>, ■ 30.XSX,! Ofc.X ae.rr •0O.O0S ,5 ! 00.5 ■00.000,*- ./%^» Am : co.? 1 iOO.OOC',^ ox*& Ou ! cc.oe<».d eo.ova,x . ox i (•ted ae.s j ex.r o.s ' OCX b«.g£A t X 1 s [8S.TSd f 5SX 'fO.Me.&XI f-S.cdS j 3£ it • .dX *X - • . : .(fX d£X I ( e HK) <*Ult**l .61 Cd -TuQ Sfc) xS *RffC .*t OX j gOVi-,?!) afslXoKnl fttstf d.X !.. aiO ■rtjco 0»X .ssanoJe & aBSMgrfkil •J300 ■vc'aX Lr*o& x Srtiioisq 3.5 \rf TABLE 22 Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley 2,800-1 rarm 31. 1953 Acres: 1250 — Yield: 31 cwt. 1955 Acres: 1560 — Yield: 33 Item Jhits used. a/ oer acre — r Unit , Cost per cost^/ acre per $100.00 of value) Interest on operating capital! 0 . Total Variable Total Cost .79 36.10 62.84 ! 1 2 3 4 ' dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 1 5.00 5.15 6,440.00 Office .28 345.00 Improvements 1.73 1.72 2,144.17 Power 3.63 4,537.50 Equipment C« JO Irrigation water 8.49 10, 01^. DO Labor 4.67 5,843.50 Soc. Sec. & Camp. Insur.k/ .27 338.92 Total Fixed j 26.74 O *3 A*5 A AO 33,424.09 VARIABLE: ! i Power: T-5D tractor .38 hr. .70 .26 325.00 T-7D tractor .72 hr. .99 ■ .71 887.50 T-9D tractor .50 hr. 1.02 .51 637.50 | Pickup 16 mi. .03 • 51 OJ/»OU t Truck l£ ton 4 mi. ?fi7 SO ! CO/ iJV ! Truck 2 ton 2 mi. rn • w lJv* w Equipment: j 10' x 60' landplane .72 hr. .09 .07 87.50 18* offset disk .50 hr. .47 • 23 , Border disk .22 hr. • Ui 1c. • DU 20' spiketooth .18 hr. (VI m • UJ. 1 harrow ! 12' grain drill .16 hr. .14 .02 25.00 1 16' combines - SP .36 hr. 5.36 1.93 2,412.50 I Materials: | Irrigation water 15.6 ao" 1.25 19.52 24,400.00 Seed 80 lb. .04 3.20 4,000.00 i Labor: i Drivers 2. 19 hr. 1.15 2.52 3,150.00 Irrigators 3.51 hr. 1.00 3.51 4,387.50 General .36 hr. nsur.^/ .90 .32 400.00 Soc .Sec. & Camp. I .37 460.38 Contracts : I Insurance ($1.50 1.26 1,569.38 Total Units used Unit Cost per Total cost per acreS/ costs/ acre cost 8 dollars a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. oJ Total of variable expenses 5 2 x 4^5 percent. .38 hr. .72 hr. .50 hr. 18 mi. 5 mi. 2 mi. .72 hr. .50 hr. .22 hr. .18 hr. .16 hr. .36 hr. 18 ac" 80 lb. 2.29 hr. 3.51 hr. .36 hr. 992.92 j 45,122.68 78,546.77 5.00 5.20 8,120.00 .28 .28 435.00 1.73 1.73 2,703.52 ', 4.02 6,271.20 2.16 3,369.60 • 10.67 16,645.20 6.07 9,470.50 .35 549.29: 30.48 1 47,564.31 .70 .27 421. 20 ! 1.04 | .75 1,170.00 1.04 .52 811.20! .03 .59 920.40 .05 .27 421.201 .07 1 .14 218.40i I .09 .07 109.20 •42 i .21 327.60 .05 .01 15.60 04 • UH* 1 S 60 1 .11 .02 31.20 4.41 1.59 2,480.40 1.30 23.33 36,394.80 .04 3.20 4,992.00 1.15 2.63 4,102.80 1.00 3.51 5,475.60 .90 .32 499.20, .37 584.50, J 1.06 1,660.23 .87 1,364.65 39.74 62,015.78 ! 70.22 109,580.09 ■ i .tWfl ■■"*■-;- " » - - - ■ Jk" rx«&taf> - ~»i — ! — 1 urn In' ■ .-. r ..:t/-d:L . - • til *s - . t'C.i pit r . * ■ , • ■ ■' 3 ; 1 . - ; - ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ t • : E - ■* ■ [ *- t« • . .. 1 • ■ C- -* # i - *■ » . ■ . ■ ■ - - •- - 00.000, *>* i ■ . ■ . . jgg y .... ! . ■ \wtr\tiL •t-.jc rrr-sx 3T.?JO,-16 ' •M'.vf j r ,tf *?.SSj.,&.'- ' " 0-1,6 S wr • . . . . inter stai*ie jisunjqxirp.'! 10 OSi! .14 ?E,. £ ' .. Tafoa-i* .O'tM' ... ■ , . 0£» .. ■ *jDdoo'*^ £*#oa! X Jf«*oH»q 3.C \.— ' 1 1.01 806.40 j 1.22 537.60 j Total Fixed 1 j 67,16 53,725.28, 80.92 \ 35,603.20, VARIABLE: I i j Power: i T-5D tractor .50 hr. .70 ; .35 280.00' .50 hr. .71 .35 154.00 T-7D tractor 1.49 hr. .99 > 1.47 1,176,00 1.49 hr. 1.02 1.52 668.80 T-9D tractor .61 hr. 1.02 .62 496,00, .61 hr. 1.02 .62 272.80 W-2 tractor 6.16 hr. .73 4,52 3,616.00; 6.61 hr. .81 4.97 j 2,186.80 Pickup 32 mi. .03 1.01 808.00* 35 mi. .03 1.13 497.20 Truck- l£ ton 8 mi. .05 .45 360.00; 9 mi. .05 .51 224.40 Truck- 2 ton 4 mi. .07 .24 192.00| 4 mi. .07 .27 118.80' Equipment: j I 8.00i I » .01 4.40 5» ditcher .30 hr. .04 .01 .30 hr. 8* scraper .30 hr. .06 .02 16. OO 1 .30 hr. ! .07 i .02 8.80 10 1 x 60 1 landplane .72 hr. .09 .07 56.00: .72 hr. i .09 .07 30.80 10« chisel .38 hr. .20 .07 56.00j .38 hr. .25 1 .09 39.60 18* offset disk .16 hr. .47 .07 56.001 .16 hr. ! .40 .06 26.40 24 » offset disk .45 hr. .88 .39 312.00; .45 hr. ; 1.59 .72 316.80 30' spiketooth .09 hr. .05 3.89, .09 hr. ! .05 2.02 t harrow t 12' culti packer j .20 hr. .71 .14 112.00 .20 hr. i .89 .18 79.20 4-row lister .25 hr. .26 .07 56.00! .25 hr. ! .33 .08 35.20 j 4— row planter j .31 hr. .12 .04 32.00! .31 hr. .15 j .05 22.00; 4-row cultivator 2.32 hr. .54 1.25 1,000.00(2.32 hr. ! »74 j 1.72 ; 756.80 1-row cotton picker 2.78 hr. 1.96 1 5.46 4,368.00 ;2.78 hr. 1 3.56 | 9.92 i 4,364.80 6-bale cotton 1.50 hr. .06 I .08 64.00 '1.50 hr. ! .10 i i ' 15 66.00 trailer 1 Stalk outter .50 hr. •08 .04 32.00 j .50 hr. j .15 .07 30.80 ' (Continued on next page.) 1 ^§ ** g '5 c • - ■ ' ., ■ . . 00. e 00.5 . ■ ■ oo. per 00. Art '.lift rt i ' falMaji — ■ r'~ ' ■ ' so 4 06 C ■- ■ - ■ - • • .id • - Ou.SVS • . u 00, dPJ> - ICS, Xd.d oo.oxa«e or.*> ■ - 90.8OG . .OO.Odt ' Wit • cr».f>cx - ' ; *. •jxa - JO. I 00,3/ ■ °0. , , . 00. d£ - ST. ■ » ♦id ( KG* .•of joo..?2 * .'fri •■xs. oo.'sie ■ 1 • Hi 0ft>, . PC. 00. sxx i\% ■ . ■ ■ oo.'$s ,-uf XE, ■ - 0T.i ■ .id ce.f 00 .*a Mi 1 oO, 0£v I ..ioaacn 9£>i 'iK* 3 J j& .at?c «03c ixxoi^jiv .■xo.t?fl-£t at-? •J.-:. 34. Table 24 continued. 1953 1955 Item Acres: 800 — Yields 1.6 bales Acres*. 440 — Yield: 2.0 bales Units used per acre§/ Unit costl/ Cost per Total aero ooB -fc Units used Unit { Cost per per acre*/ cost*/ j acre Total cost ) 1 2 3 4 5 6*7 8 dollars dollars Irrigation water Seed (aoid delint) Labor s Drivers 11.31 Irrigators 8.37 General i 3.09 Soo. Sec. & Comp. Ins.b/ 37.2 18 ao™ lb. hr. nr. hr. j 1.25 I .12 Contracts ; Fertilize (NH3) Hand thin Hand weed Dust 2X (5^ DDT - 50# S) Defoliate (NaCl03 W/B orate or Mg. ) 136 lb. 60 lb. 10 lb. 1.15 1.00 .90 Gin Insur. & storage Interest on operating capitals/ Total Variable 1.6 1.6 bale 14.70 bale !1.19 Total Cost a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. 46.54 2.07 13.01 8.37 2.78 1.40 15.78 5.00 5.00 8.10 4.25 23.52 1.90 2.94 (157.03 1224.19 37,232.00 1,656.00 10,408.00 6,696.00 2,224.00 1,121.02 12,624.00 4,000.00 4,000,00 6,480.00 39,0 18 11.42 8.78 3.09 ao"! lb. hr.i or. 1 nr.! 156 lb.1 3,400.00 ( 18,816.00 1,520.00 2,350.37 125,627.28 1 179,352.56 2.0 2.0 bale bale 1.23 •12 1.15 1.00 .90 47.81 2.07 13.13 8.78 2.78 1.43 14 1 ,70 .19i 21,036.40 910.80 5,777.20 3,863.20 1,223.20 630.09 17.88 1 7,867.20 5.00 2,200.00 5.00 | 2,200.00 8.10 j 3,564.00 4.25 j 1,870.00 29.40 j 12,936.00 2.38 1,047.20 3.18 1,397.15 173.70 ! 76,428.86 254.62 fo.2,032.06 £/ Total of variable expenses (less ginning) r 2 x 4.5 percent. .. .„ ._," , if r .. , . j, gsSI | ■ • iSO.XSX,! - , OM 3J {Irakis Its*) buoi- ■ • £.11 j . ■ • ,ii DO E . ' 1 ] • . - • • -• TABLE 25 Inputs and Costs for Producing Barley, 35. 2,800-2 Farms 1953 1955 Acres : 1,250 — Yield« 31 cwt. Acres: 1 ,460-— Yield: 33 cwt. Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used; Unit Cost p*Tj Total Item per acre^* costS/ j i acre cost per acre—/ ' C0StS/| acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 7 8 dollars 1 1 i j UOllari) FIXED: ! Real estate taxes 5.00 5.15 0,440.00 5.00 | 5.18 i 7,560.00 Office •43 on .28 345. OO .43 j • CD 40s oo Improvements 2.47 1.7 c O 1 AA 1 1 t no t X«/c ■ £,31/ .VJO Power o C O 3.D3 A COT C t\ 4,537 .50 otoo ! C. AAA. QA Equipment 2.53 3,162.50 Irrigation water 8.49 10,612.50 y • jjl 1 1 SO? fiO Labor 7 RSfi SO Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur.k/ i Jo. yc • Jl 4SS 7Q Total Fixed 26.74 33,424.09 28.29 41,309.57 VARIABLE: Power: T-5D tractor .38 hr. .70 .26 325.00 .38 hr. .71 .27 Oft/ o rt T-7D tractor .72 hr. .99 .71 887.50 *ic nr. 1.02 .73 X , Odd • BU T-9D tractor .50 hr. 1.02 .51 637.50 •ou nr. 1.02 .51 1A.A AA Pickup 16 mi. .03 .51 637.50 lo mi. .03 .57 o3c%d.V Truck if- ton 4 mi. .05 .23 287.50 -> QU . .05 .20 o /y • ou Truck 2 ton 2 mi. .07 .12 150.00 O m l c mx . .07 .13 189.80 Equipment: .72 hr. 102.20 10' x 60' landplane .72 hr. .09 .07 87.50 .09 .07 18 " offset disk .50 hr. .47 .23 287.50 .40 .20 292.00 Border disk .22 hr. .06 .01 12.50 .06 .Ol 1/1 A A 20' spike tooth .18 hr. .04 .01 12.50 .18 hr. .03 .01 14.60 harrow 12' grain drill .16 hr. .14 .02 25.00 .16 hr. .12 .02 29.20 16' harvester SP .36 hr. 5.36 1.93 2,412.50 .36 hr. 4.70 1.68 2,452.80 Materials: Irrigation water 15.6 ac" 1.25 19.52 24,400.00 18 ac" 1.23 | 22.07 32,222.20 Seed 80 lb. .04 3.20 4,000.00 80 lb. 1 .04 1 1 3.20 | 4,672.00 (Continued on next pa*e.) - . . '. ~ ,7" ~*ut . ... : -j **** 0'-; • . > IV * V^- . ^u^>. t _«J* ! JLa^i" 1 ? •' *ftj| i sct> —<.•.»_ . » *wQ£*»sfei-* ...... i . .,^aacxr^. ■ • ■•• • 4 | ■ ■ - .* ■ u. . .. - iMiT '■ .. '■ . ' '. :. ' ; — ' ... ■ i. ■ • • • ■ ... ■ - ■ • * Sr.* - . - • • ■ - ; s • ■ ■ ■ ' • • ... at ... - - ■ L{ ,i . frit 1 ! j fO, 1 . 1 36 Table 25 continued. 1863 I 1955 Acres: 1,250 -"Yield* 31 owt. ' Acres: 1,460 — » Yield? 33 cwt . Item Units used per acreS/ Unit 1 Cost per costS/ acre Total j Units used' Unit (Cost per Total oost 1 per acreS/; cos t2/ : acre ( cost Labor: Drivers Irrigators General Soc. Sec. S> Comp. I Contracts : Insurance ($1.50 pe $100.00 of value) Interest on operating capitalSL Total Variable Total Cost 2 I 3 4 5 6 ! 7 8 2.19 hr. 3.51 hr. •36 hr. tisur.k/ r f dollars 2.27 hr. 3.51 hr. .36 hr. dollars 1.15 1.00 .90 2.52 3.51 .32 .37 1.26 .79 3,150.00 4,387.50 400.00 460.38 1,569.38 992.92 1.15 1.00 .90 2.61 3.51 .32 .37 1.06 .85 3,810.60 5,124.60 4672 0 545.34 1,553.80 1,235.42 36.10 45,122.68 38.45 56,142.76 62.84 78,546.77 66.74 97,452.33 a/ Rounded . b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. c/ Total of variable expenses Sg 2 x 4*5 percent. E2« I J'3(jr> I ~ t 9 7" . c I '' ,; $tX O J HI] I Sc. I ■» aw nT nn+*a»» — .31 hr. .15 .05 10.00 4— row cultivator - 1.62 hr. .74 1.20 240.00 Materials: Irrigation water 42 ac" 1.23 51.49 1.0,298.00 Seed 8 lb. .46 3.68 736.00 Labor: Drivers 5.12 hr. 1.15 5.89 1,178.00 Irrigators 9.45 hr. 1.00 9.45 1,890.00 Soc. Sec. S< Comp* Insur.— ' .89 177.94 . (C on tinued on next page.) 8oO f'03 a*tr<|f& S J ■ • ■ 50.CS 8S. • . ■ ■ • Ei . • ■ » its S »! ■ ■j •id • ■ - . : P.0 ro, ar. ■ . CO ,31 1 -OC.Ci '•'id I£. J 1 'to o'j: J - raj -X jfaptT les.tcio 104 M! r Table 26 continued. 38. 1955 Item Acres: 200 — Yield: 22 tons Units used ! Unit Cost per Total per acre;*/ j costs/ acre cost 1 2 3 4 Contracts : Thin Fertilize (NH3) Weed Harvest Haul Interest on operating capital Total Variable Total Cost 119 lb. 2/ dollars 12.50 2,500.00 14.00 2,800.00 8.00 1,600.00 29.00 5,800.00 15.00 3,000.00 2.54 507.24 159.26 31,851.18 213.00 42,599.51 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. c/ Total of variable expenses (less harvest & haul) *■ 2 x 4.5 percent. ■ ■ j : ■ 1 ; i • t ■ ... . • TABLE 27 Inputs and Costs for Fallow Land, 2,8002 Farms 39. 1953 ! 1955 Acres: ■ — 650 Acres: — 600 ■ 1 Units used '. Dnit Cost per Total j Units used Unit Cost per Total Item per acre*!/ costs/ \ acre cost per acref/ cost^/ acre cost 1 2 1 3 4 5 J 1 7 8 dollars dollars FIXED: 1 i Real estate taxes 5.00 5.17 3,360.00 | 5.00 5.13 3,080.00 Office .28 .28 180.00 ' .28 1 .28 165.00 Improvements 1.73 1.72 1,118.70 ; 1.73 1.71 1,025.47 Power 1.12 728.00 1.21 726.00 Equipment 1.65 1,072.50 1.75 1,050.00 Labor .62 403.00 .67 403.00 Soo. Sec. & Comp. Insur.E' .04 23.37 .04 23.37 Total Fixed 10.60 6,885.57 10.79 6,472.84 VARIABLE: * Powers T-5D tractor .41 nr. .70 .29 188.50 .41 hr. .71 .29 174.00 T-7D tractor .40 hr. .99 .40 260.00 .40 hr. 1,02 .41 246.00 Equipment : disfc-^Dlow, &t blade .41 hr. 3.94 1.62 1,053.00 .41 hr. 4.27 1.75 1,050.00 18« offset disk .40 hr. .47 .19 123.50 .40 hr. .40 .16 Labor: Driver .81 hr. 1.15 .93 604.50 .81 hr. 1.15 .93 558.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. I nsur.J>/ .05 35.06 .05 32.36 Contracts : i Interest on oper- .08 50.95 .08 48.52 ating capital^/ Total Variable j 3.56 2,315.51 3.67 I 2,204.88 Total Cost i 1 j 14.16 9,201.08 14.46 j 8,677.72 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent X total labor cost. o/ Total of variable expenses 2 x 4.5 percent. TABLE 28 Inputs and Costa for Produoing Cotton, 2,800-3 Farms 40. 1953 1955 1 Item Units used per acre 2/ Unit cost^/ Cost per acre Total 1 Units used Unit Cost per j Total cost per acre 2^ cost (acre j cost : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars Real estate taxes 5.00 5.25 4,200.00 j 5.00 J 5.09 2.240.00 Office .28 .28 225.00 .28 : .27 120.00 Improvements 1.73 1.75 1,398.38 1.73 1.70 745.80 Power 7.74 6,192.00 9.71 4,272.40 Equipment 11.11 8,888.00 L9.18 8,439.20 Irrigation water 1 6.44 13.152.00 Q.77 ft . 6Qft . 80 Labor 15.11 12.090.00 L9.69 8.664.50 Soc. Sec. it Comp. .88 701.22 1.14 502.54 Total Fixed 58.56 46,846.60 '6.55 33,683.24 ARIABLE: Power: T-5D tractor .50 hr. .71 .36 288.00 .50 hr. .72 .36 158*40 T-7D tractor 1.49 hr. .94 1.39 1,112.00 1.49 hr. .98 1.46 642.40 T-9D tractor .61 hr. 1.00 .61 488.00 .61 hr. 1.01 .62 272.80 W-2 tractor 6.16 hr. .71 4.35 3,480.00 6.16 hr. .78 4.77 2, 098.80 Pickup j? ton 32 mi. .03 1.01 808.00 37 mi. .03 1.18 519.20 Truck !§■ ton 8 mi. .05 .45 360.00 10 mi. .05 .53 233.20 Truck 2 ton 4 mi. .07 .24 192.00 4 mi. .07 .28 123.20 Equipment: 5' ditcher .30 hr. .02 .01 8.00 .30 hr. .03 .01 4.40 8' scraper i .30 hr. .04 .01 8.00 .30 hr. .06 .02 8.80 10' x 60' landplane .72 hr. .09 .07 56.00 .72 hr. .09 .07 30.80 10» chisel .38 hr. .09 .04 32.00 .38 hr. .13 .05 22.00 10» offset .16 far. .55 .09 72.00 .16 hr. .47 .08 35.20 24' offset .45 hr. .50 .22 176.00 .45 hr. .75 .34 149.60 30' spike tooth harrow .09 hr. .06 .01 8.00 .09 hr. .06 .01 4.40 12' cultipacker .20 hr. .71 .14 112.00 .20 hr. 1.30 .26 114.40 4— rcw lister .25 hr. .12 .03 24.00 .25 hr. .18 .04 17.60 4-row planter .31 hr. .06 .02 16.00 .31 hr. .08 .03 13.20 4- row cultivator 2.32 hr. .38 .88 704.00 2.32 hr. .60 1.39 611.60 1-row 6otton picker 2.78 hr. 1.96 5.46 4,368.00 2.78 hr. 3.57 9.92 4,364.80 6-bale cotton trailer 1.50 hr. .06 .08 64.00 1.50 hr. j .10 .15 66.00 Stalk cutter .50 bx. i .08 .04 32.00 .50 hr. .15 .07 30.80 1 (Continued on next page.) .Oh — ■ a £"-811 silaU — ~- — r - ■ - c . 1 t ;. . : • . ■ : oc.$zi % zs ■ ■ 86. i . ■ - i OO.C0NC ; ■ ■ ! - so. ■ ■ CO. - - • ■ - . ■ i .til SE.S • ■ 1 ■ i ■ - • 41. Table 28 continued. 1953 1955 Acres: 800 — Yield: 1.6 bales Acres: 440 — Yield: 2.0 bales Item Units used per acreS/ Unit cost^/ Cost per acre Total cost Units used per acre 2/ Unit 'Cost per cos t^M acre Total cost 1 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 0 dollars dollars Material: Irrigation water 37.2 ao" 1.16 43.04 34,432.00 39.0 ao" 1.22 47.46 20,882.40 Seed (acid delint) 18 lb. .12 2. 07 1,656.00 18 lb. .12 2.07 910.80 Labor: Drivers 11,31 nr. 1.15 13.01 10,408.00 11.48 hr. 1.15 13.20 5,808.00 Irrigators 83 7 nr. 1.00 O.J/ 8.78 hr. l.OU 8.78 3,863.20 General 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 2,224.00 3.09 hr. .90 2.78 1,223.20 Soc. Sec. & Comp. I nsur.b/ 1.40 1,121.02 1.44 631.88 Contraots : Fertilize (NH3) 136 lb. 15.78 12,624.00 156 lb. 17,88 7,867.20 Hand thin 5.00 4,000.00 5.00 2,200.00 Hand weed 5.00 4,000.00 5.00 2,200.00 Dust 2X {% DDT - 60 lb. 8.10 6,480.00 60 lb. 8.10 3,564.00 50# S) Defoliate (NaCl03 10 lb. 4.25 3,400.00 10 lb. 4.25 1,870.00 ; W/B orate or Mg.) Gin 1.6 bale 14.70 23.52 18,816.00 2, 0 bale 14.70 29.40 12,936.00 j Insurance & Storage 1.6 bale 1.19 1.90 1,520.00 2.0 bale 1.19 2.38 1,047.20 Interest on operating capitalE/ 2.84 2,271.80 3.15 1,385.76 Total Variable 152.57 122, 056.82 172.53 75,911.24 Total Cost 211.13 I 1 168,903.42 249.08 109,594.48 ] 1 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor oost. 0/ Total of variable expenses (less ginning) f 2 x 4.5 percent. .bounitt WflXIc £ i '- , ■ VO.S ■ - XO.EI Bm^iAtlTxX ; OS*.ESS«X oo.tss,.s »•»! eo.e '- SO.XSX,X • ■ ■ ,.r?X ox jw.x 8'Uhit Cost per per acre£/ costs/' acre Total cost FIXED: Real estate taxes Offioe Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Labor Soc. Sec. & Ccmp. Total Fixed VARIABLE: Power: T-5D tractor T-7D tractor T-9D tractor Pickup Truck if ton Truck 2 ten Equipment ; 10" x 60« landplane 18« offset disk Border disk 20> spike tooth harrow 12 » grain drill 16« harvester SP Materials ; Irrigation water Seed Inte .38 nr. .72 hr. .50 hr. 16 mi. '4 mi. 2 mi. .72 hr. .50 hr. .22 hr. .18 hr. .16 hr. .36 hr. 15.6 ao? 80 lb. 8 dollars .50 17.70 1.16 .04 5.00 5.20 1,820.00 • 28 .28 97.50 1.73 1.73 605.96 3.34 1,169.00 7.26 2,541.00 6.90 2,415.00 4.03 1,410.50 .23 81.81 28.97 10,140.77 .71 .27 94.50 .94 .67 234.50 1.00 .50 175.00 .03 .51 178.50 .05 .23 80.50 .07 .12 42 .00 .09 .07 24.50 .55 .28 98.00 .23 .05 17.50 .04 .01 3.50 .08 6.37 ;18.05 1 3.20 28.00 2,229.50 6,317.50 1,120.00 .38 nr. .72 hr. .50 hr. 18 mi. 5 mi. 2 mi. .72 hr. .50 hr. .22 hr. .18 hr. .16 hr. .36 hr. 18 ao"» 80 lb. dollars 5.00 .28 1.73 .72 .98 1.01 .03 .05 .07 .09 .47 .10 .04 .22 7.97 1.22 .04 5.18 .28 1.73 3.72 3.54 9.13 5.22 .30 29.10 .27 .70 .51 .59 .27 .14 .07 .24 .02 .01 .03 2.87 21.91 3.20 4,200.00 225.00 1,398.38 3,013.20 2,867.40 7,395.30 4,231.50 245.43 23,576.21 218.70 567.00 413.10 477.90 218.70 113.40 56.70 194.40 16.20 8.10 24.30 9,324.70 17,747.10; ±-2*522*00. 1 ( Continued on next page . ) \ 43 Table 29 continued. 1953 1955 Acres: 350 Yield: 31 owt. Acres : 810 Yield: 33 cwt. Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit Cost per Total Item pur aero %j cost*/ acre oost costs/ acre cost , , A 2 3 4 ■ 6 7 8 dollars dollars Labor: Drivers 2.19 hr. 1.15 2.52 882.00 2.29 hr. 1.15 2.63 2 ,130.30 Irrigators 3.51 hr. 1.00 3.51 1,228.50 3.51 hr. 1.00 3.51 2,,843.10 General .36 hr. .90 .32 112.00 .36 hr. .90 .32 259.20 Soc. Sec. & Comp. I nsur.ll/ .37 128.90 .37 303.49 Contracts: Insurance ($1.50 pe r 1.26 439.42 1.06 862.04 $100.00 of value) Interest on operating capital^/ .86 302.27 .87 705.83 Total Variable 39.25 13,736.59 39.59 32,076.26 Total Cost 68.22 23,877.36 68.69 55,652.47 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. oj Totalof variable expenses - 2 x 4,5 percent. . • ■ ; .. . . - . ■ ■ - ■ . - ■ ■ : |dE.*Y8,ES . ■ ' - • i ■ I TABLE 30 44 Inputs and Costs for Producing Melons, 2,800-3 Farms 1953 1955 Item Aorea: 900 — Yield; 175 crates Acres: 750 — Yield; 175 orates Units used per acreS / Unit cost**/ Cos t per acre Total C08t Units used per acre^/ Unit Cost per costgy, acre Total cost 4 8 FIXED; Real estate taxes Office Improvements Power Equipment Irrigation water Labor Soc. Sec. & Comp. Total Fi xed (VARIABLE: Power; T-5D tractor T-7D tractor T-9D tractor W-2- tractor Pickups Truck if- ton Truck 2 ton Equipment; Insur 5» ditcher (double- ,15 hr. wing) 8' scraper .15 hr. x 60' landplane .72 hr. chisel .38 hr. offset disk .32 hr. 24« offset disk .30 hr. 30' spiketooth harrow .10 hr. 4-row lister .25 hr. 4-row planter .31 hr. 4-row oultivator .86 hr. 10' 10» 18 • .30 hr. 1.20 hr. .62 hr. 1.42 hr. 16 mi. 4 mi. 2 mi. dollars dollars 5.00 .28 1.73 .71 .94 1.00 .71 .03 .05 .07 .02 .04 .09 .09 .55 .50 .06 .12 .06 .38 5.13 .28 1.71 4.70 1.91 12.46 6.94 .40 33.53 .a 1.12 .62 1.00 .51 .23 .12 .01 .07 .04 .18 .15 .01 .03 .02 .33 4,620.00 247.50 1,538.21 4,230.00 1,719.00 11,214.00 6,246.50 362.30 30,177.51 189.00 1,008.00 558.00 900.00 459.00 207.00 108.00 2.97 9.00 63.00 36.00 162.00 135.00 9.00 27.00 18.00 297.00 .30 hr. 1.20 hr. .62 hr. 1.42 hr. 18 mi. 5 mi. 2 mi. .15 hr. .15 hr. .72 hr. .38 hr. .32 hr. .30 hr. .10 hr. .25 hr. .31 hr. .86 hr. 5.00 .28 1.73 .72 .98 1.01 .76 .03 .05 .07 .03 .06 .09 .13 .47 .75 .06 .18 .08 .60 -+- 5.23 .28 1.74 5.4g 2.44 14.30 9.13 .53 3,920.00 210.00 1,305.15 4,117.50 1,830.00 10,725.00 6,851.00 397.36 39.14 29,356.01 .22 1.17 .63 1.10 .59 .27 .14 .01 .01 .07 .05 .15 .22 .01 .04 .03 .52 165.00 877.50 472.50 825.00 442.50 202.50 105.00 7.50 7.50 52.50 37.50 112.50 165.00 7.50 30.00 22.50 390.00 (Continued on next page.) oe a sou „Tof ~r 0?T Hi - 1 r ■ *I u . ..F&ti^.. J ft e •s X stiXIofc ■ • ■ 00,053,^ j | 0O..OIS ; BS. 8S. ex.eoe.1 1 C . #X , oo.exr,4; 1 OC.tlS.II ! | i5£.\SE OE.Sd^ 0£, 1 I<2.\TX,GE born trtft ■ • -•It .ad OE. - ■ .id 05.X £f • . 1 .id Sd. [. \ • S*.I oo.ooe .id - OP xe. sx. - 1, CO .id dl • > .in S I ■ ■ ■ ■ .Til 00. G 10. • •ta ex. .Id • 00. Ed ; to. .id ST. ,-xd CO.dE to. .•ai se. SE. 00.S3X .td SC. a?sXb ta***o «ei j - .red OO.eEX 1 (tx * Or" •id oe. . . 00. t? 10. ••id OX* -wnnari dioo^ sjfJiqe 'OC | I 00«0£ • ■ IS. 38 . ' - 00. rs , 00. 8X 00. TPS i g. i j SO* v.* • .id cS. i .td IE. .id d8. ■ 45 Table 30 continued. 1953 1955 Acres: 900 — Yield: 175 crates Seres: 750 — Yield: 175 crates Units used Unit j X QvStX Units used :Unit Cost per Total Item per acreE/ r, ~s 4- a/ tiers ~ — i cost per acreS/icost^/ acre cost 2 4 5 1 6 ~7 8 dollars dollars Materials : 1 29,367.00 Irrigation .mter 28.2 ac" 1.16 32.63 28.2 ao n 1.22 34.32 7^ 740 on Seed 3 lb. 1.45 4.35 3,915.00 3 lb. 1.45 Labor: Drivers 4.13 nr. 1.15 4.75 4,275.00 4.23 hr . 1.15 4.86 3,645.00 Irrigators 6.35 nr. 1.00 6.35 5,715.00 6.35 hr . 1.00 6.35 4. 76?. 50 General .31 nr. .90 .28 252.00 .31 hr. .90 .28 210.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Ir isur.k/ .66 594.04 .67 499.82 Contracts: Fertilize (NH3) 119 lb. 14.00 12,600.00 119 lb. 14.00 10,500.00 Dust 31-5% DDT 90 lb. .12 10.80 9,720.00 90 lb. .12 10.80 8,100.00 IX - 1$ TEPP 40 lb. .21 8.40 7,560.00 40 lb. .21 8.40 6,300.00 Turn vines 10,50 9,450.00 10.50 7,875.00 Chop weed 25.00 22,500.00 25.00 18,750.00 Harvest 175 orate .27 47.25 42,525.00 175 orate .27 47.25 35,437.50 Pack & haul 175 crate 1.48 259.00 233,100.00 175 crate 1.48 259.00 194,250.00 Interest on operating capitals/ 2, 75 2,478.06 2.81 2,105.26 Total Variable 431.37 388,239.07 433.82 325.360.08j Total Cost 464.90 ] 418,416.58 472.96 ... , , 354,716.09 1 ! a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. 0/ Total of variable expenses (less harvest, pack & haul) * 2 x 4.5 percent. ■ ■ ss.x Ou. wt(fis . .rfX .00.2X0,6 ; ioo • 00*X: .ixi oe. ; .ixi 'oo.exv,? ■ ! • ioo.ooe.of ■. joO.OOd.Si oo.*>r • j OS.OJ oe.ox O^.Q j |00. 2*8, V oe,ox bo.ees rs & | ■ Ib& ooc «2£f. ! 1 U'.IE* : OP. ."of. ■ *xd X£. Ia*Wt*0 j.rfX SXI SX. - f - ' ■ sew TS. erfsio fTCX j 8KX ' n&n"to etX j XiMij! A Joe% j Nifcli?* iqso ^nlJcijqo no Jsc^ftfitl ,+BfO Xxitol •isoo lofJiil X.c.*ot 3t Jr.oaisq 8.2 \d TABLE 31 Inputs and Costs for Fallow Land, 2,800-3 Farms 46. 1953 • 1955 Aores: 650 Acres: 700 Units used Unit Cost per Total Units used Unit :Cost per Total Item per acref*/ costs/ acre cost per acre*' cost*/. acre cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dollars dollars FIXED: Real estate taxes 5.00 5.17 3,360.00 5.00 5.20 3,640.00 Office .43 • 28 180.00 .43 • 28 195.00 Improvements 2.47 1.72 1,118.70 2*47 1.73 1,211.92 Power 1.02 663.00 1.13 791.00 Equipment 1.68 1,092.00 1.54 1,078.00 Labor .62 403.00 .58 403.00 Soo. Sec. & Comp. Insur.^/ .04 23.37 .03 23.37 Total Fixed 10.53 6,840.07 10.49 7,342.29 VARIABLE: Power: T-5D tractor .41 nr. .71 .29 188.50 .41 hr. .72 .29 203.00 T-7D tractor 1 .40 nr. .94 .37 240.50 .40 hr. .98 .39 273.00 Equipment: 6« blade-disk plow .41 hr. 3.94 1.62 1,053.00 .41 hr. 3.66 1.50 1,050.00 18' offset disk .40 hr. .55 •22 143.00 .40 hr. .47 .19 133.00 Labor: Drivers .81 hr. 1.15 .93 604.50 .81 hr. 1.15 .93 651.00 Soc. Sec. & Comp. Insur.k/ .05 35.06 .05 37.76 Contracts : Interest on oper- .08 50.95 .08 52.82 ating capitals/ Total Variable 3.56 2,315.51 3.43 2,400.58 Total Cost 14.09 1 9,155.58 ■ 13.92 '9,742.87 a/ Rounded. b/ 5.8 percent x total labor cost. o/ Total of variable expenses - 2 x 4,5 percent. IS USA! i ■ : ■ irtOv BIDS ■ - . ; oo.oae.e . ■ ■ . • - ■ 00«X8y ; CG.tdd i O0.?00,X | Cp.CO*> Pi . ! T£.£S 8 t 6 ■ . • ■ ■ . . - !< .id h- ■ ♦ id Ok*. I ■ \ oo.eac.x t» f l j • i j ■ t • 1 • irt 18. £0. .. . - ■ • 3ie>q 8.0 TABLE 32 Farm Product Selling Prices, 1953 and 1955 Product Unit 1953 1955 L 5 *- 3 4 Alfalfa hay ton $ 21.60 $ 26.00 Alfalfa seed lb. .28 .24 Barley cwt. 2.70 2.15 Corn cwt. 3.25 2.70 Corn ensilage ton 6.00 6.50 Cotton seed ton 53.00 46.00 Cotton lint lb. .3117 .35 Cotton lint bale 148.99 167.30 Melons (cantaloupe) crate 3.05 3.00 Milo cwt. 2.75 2.30 Potatoes (early) cwt. 1.42 1.85 Sugar beets ton 13.50 13.50 tin gnxlls'-- ■ ■ - • - . " - Hill no^j-oO elsd 1 : ■ • .two (yXi£9 ) S90j6}0'"i 03»£l not • TABLE 33 48 Farm Service Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 Labor rates 1 Tractor driver Piokup driver Truok driver Irrigator General Foreman Strawboss Shop mechanic #1 Shop mechanic ^2 Bookkeeper (part-time on 1,100-aore farm) Bookkeeper (full-time on 2,800-acre farms) Compensation Insurance Social Security, Equipment rentals 4» ditcher 4' scraper 10 » x 60* landplane Border disk 12 « springtooth 2-rew planter Fertilizer attachment Fertilizer spreader Stalk cutter Broadoaster Contract services Alfalfa Bale Roadside Bees Weed Harvest $ 1.15 per hour 1*15 per hour 1.15 per hour 1.00 per hour •90 per hour 4,000.00 per year 3,000.00 per year 3,750,00 per year 3,400*00 per year 1,200,00 per year 3,000.00 per year 3.8^ of labor cost 2.0$ of labor cost •50 per hour .50 per hour 2.00 per hour •50 per hour •50 per hour .50 per hour •50 per hour 1,00 per hour l»0O per hour •25 per hour ton ton oolony acre lb. 3.50 1.75 5.00 15.00 .03 4 5 6 Certify acre $10.12 Box TGn"ta1 <*vX D Fertilize (super phosphate )- (appln. ) aore 1.10 Dust (5$ DDT - 75$ S )— (appln. ) lb. .04 Defoliate (l qt. Sinox in 10 ffal « diesel oil W«f anT^ln ■ ) ft ft v»o 2.50 Dust ( 2£ Parathion )— f aooln. ) lb. .05 Barley Harvest acre 5.00 Haul cwt. .10 Storage cwt» .144 Insurance $1*50 per $3 CO cf valae Corn Chot> - haul . unload ton 2.25 Shell cwt* .125 Pick aore 10.00 Haul cwt. .10 Dry owt. .175 Storage cwt» .144 Insurance $1.50 per $100 of value fertilize V^xi^ f"" i&ppjjl. / acre 1.75 O U 1* VOX! Hariri thiti aore 5.00 Hand weed aore 5.00 Pick (hand) bale 42.00 Pick (machine) bale 24.50 Gin bale 14.70 Insurance & storage bale 1.19 Dust (5$ DDT - 50$ S )- (appln. ) lb. .05 . . 1 ■ s * •tiio.t tag B|*X $ nr - f (ft/ 9 J £ 7 ly^d 'i.sq _5X,r 4 qirio/'i »■ •uioA i:?q^ S/.»X wilt Jinanef or.x ( litXqqfl) • -{ Z \0 - TOG a'-} ^6i»G tut,£ n»q 06 » • BJL (./xlqqs} , 01 ci yjbati. «*j> X) siailotaU -;*ev ieq O0.OQO«*> rgM ( ,nlw*s)"! lit) Xeesifi .£«s . ■ TCMC 's#5 O0#OOO,£ 30. • el (.cXqqe)-' asldt&vrt JSJS) fttiQ tsev «:i>{i 00»O2?,£ • • • t«:sx *rsq 00»00*«£ (srra'i 9t,d«-CCX,X OJLg ^it&X tct« 00,000,6 j-tfOO •toc'flf jto i.,8.C s.--:i.*rt;r.Bt rt:iid" ^uraqaiQ tuoif -tag OC ;f . . ■- > A. J* r. f « bz-tlisi! |a OX. ,a>«i - '. »« •suoA taq 02. » .TV 3 K.J . u:>d -ioq OS, *aroj5 i©^ OCX •t»£'*©-rqa ie"l/.i*ie'i ?;.x *!S'f>A t»q CO. I Taod teq ?S» 00,5 ftt Oft B^x 3 w/B orate or Mg. )- ( appln . ) acre Fertilize (NH^ )— (appln. ) acre Gypsum - (appln.) ton 1.50 Melons Turn vine 8 acre 10.50 Chop, weed acre 25.00 Harvest crate .27 Pack & haul orate 1.48 Dust % DDT - (appln.) $ TEPP - (appln.) lb. lb. .05 .05 Fertilize (HH 3 )-( a PPla» ) acre 1,25 Milo Harvest acre 6.00 Haul cwt. .10 Storage cwt • .144 Insurance $1*50 per $100 of value Potatoes Rotobeat acre 3.00 Dig acre 12.00 Pick cwt. .16 Haul cwt. B 075 Shed costs owt. .55 Dust {% DDT - 50# S )- (appln.) lb. •05 Contract services (continued) 4 5 6 Sugar beets Thin acre $12.50 Weed acre 8 o 00 Harvest acre 29.00 Haul acre 15.00 aore L25 Fertilize (NH 3 >-( a PPla» ) Preparing seedbed Disk acre Chisel acre Landplane aore Make borders acre U50 2.75 4.00 .75 I « Qftttl • - ■ - pit - MM risH fcptffegoe ••,ciy.t:i'S AMIS IcehSi a*a-soP\w of^U? sialic is'i :■■ 90*35 »*Ofl fi&fiK - •.<-;:..*'> • ! ■•. ■ ! ■ ' ■ ■ •' . w,?.r . ' - V; Mi - ' 2S, . ■ tj A, ■ . - a ! , 1 50. TABLE 34 Farm Materials Purchasing Prices, 1953-1955 1 Alfalfa Seed (c oilmen) Seed (oaliverde ) Seed (certified ranger) Fertilizer (super phosphate ) Dust (5% DDT - 75% S ) Dust (2% Parathion) Sin ox defoliant (l qt, applied in 10 gal* diesel oil) Baling wire Barley Seed Corn Seed Fertilizer (NH 4 S0 4 ) Fertilizer (M 3 ) i lb. lb. lb, lb, lb. lb. qt. ton lb. lb. lb. lb. Cotton Seed (acid delinted) lb. Seed (machine delinted) lb. Fertilizer (NH 4 S0 4 ) lb. Dust (5% DDT - 50% S) lb. Defoliant (NaClOg w/ Borate or Mg. ) lb. Fertilizer (HH^) Gypsum ton $ .32 .34 .40 .020 .0925 ,121 2,90 .50 .04 .26 .032 .105 .115 .081 .032 .085 ,175 1/ 2,50 4 Melons Seed Dust 5% DDT 1% TEPP Fertilizer (NHg) Milo Seed Permanent pasture Seed Fertilizer (16-20) Potatoes Seed (out & dipped) Fertilizer (17-7-0) Dust (5% DDT - 50% S ) Sugar beets Seed Fertilizer (NH^) lb. $1.45 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. .07 .16 .085 .08 .50 .045 cwt. 6.30 lb. .0375 .085 lb. .46 lb. .095 1/ $ .105/lb. for 1-24 tons; $ .095/lb. for 25-49 tonsj $ ,085/lb. for 50 tons and over. ■ ■ - - • • dl • e'J . ■ »*.v i - ■ tfjfj » i : . . - .if I • IE OJXm BOO* •