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AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. aouDon: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ©lassoto: 2G3, ARGYLE STREET. 1897 I'EINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY I'KESS. INTEODUCTION. The following pages comprise, I believe, the first serious attempt at compiling what may be called a biographical history of one of our ancient educational foundations ; in the sense of not only giving a chronological list of all the members, but of affording also some information as to their subsequent career. It need hardly be added that neither of these objects has been entirely secured ; and that in the case of the latter, success has fallen considerably short of what was desired. As regards the completeness of the list of members of the college : from 1559 onwards, thanks to the foresight of Dr Caius, our Entrance List may be considered as nearly perfect ; at any rate we have no ground to suppose that more than a few names of the ordinary students or of those graduates who came to reside as fellow-commoners, have been omitted from the register. Those who first entered the college as fellows, it is true, were not included ; but they are very few in number, and can generally bo ascertained either by the inclusion of their names in the account-books, or by some reference to them as tutors. Practically, therefore, the name of every member of the college, in the modern sense of the term, is certainly known from 1559'. This leaves an interval of about 220 years from the first foundation, which can only partially be filled up. The University matri- culations commence in 1544, and therefore carry us a few years further back ; but their information is defective in two respects. They only assign the college at which a student matriculated, but give no hint of any subsequent migration. Moreover they give the names only, omitting all account of birthplace and parentage. They are also far from complete, as many students, especially those who did not contemplate staying for a degree, altogether omitted to matriculate. For the two centuries which lie behind this period, our sources of information are fewer than we could wish. They consist principally of our ' In early times not only every college servant was reckoned to belong to the University, and allowed corresponding privileges, but also many tradesmen and other townsmen whose business brought them into close relation with the students. Their wills are proved at the University Registry, and their names are sometimes to be found in the Matriculation lists. VI INTRODUCTION. older bursai-s' accnunt-books ; of title-deeds and early lea^ses in our Treasury ; references in the wills of early masters and fellows; ordination records at Ely and Norwich ; names of donors and benefactors recorded in the Annah ; and other miscellaneous sources. It seems certain that complete lists of the members on the foundation must have existed from the commence- ment, for the various account-books could not fail to give the names of all those to or from whom payments were due. But unfortunately these books now only commence in 1422, and are missing during a good many sub- sequent yeare. The foresight of bishop Bateman had indeed provided another source of information which, if his regidations had been properly carried out, wovdd have yielded a quantity of interesting and valuable material. In his statute Be Socioi-um numinibus Episcopo Norwicensi et Capitulo annis singulis intimandis he enacts that the master, after celebrating in Norwich Cathedral on or about Michaelmas Daj', was to hand to the bishop, and to the prior of the convent, lists, sealed by the college, of the names, surnames, and degrees, of the fellows, with an account of those who had died, or left the college, during the past year. The object is expressly stated to be that the bishop and the chapter might appeal to these fellows for help or advice according to the post they occupied, or the academic degree which they had attained. An oath was exacted of every candidate, on admission to a fellowship, that he would never in any way act against the bishoj) or chapter, " sed cum eis pro justo et competenti salario, cum extra exercitium scholasticum fuerit, quando et cum legitime fuerit requisitus." He was to be, in fact, their standing counsel in Civil and Canon Law, and in Theology : whether they had a similar claim on the medical skill of the physician is not stated. That such lists were duly sent for very many years to the bishop and the prior, and, after the Suppression, to the dean, is certain from our own records. But unfortunately, after repeated enquiries in the proper quarters, I have failed to find any trace of their present existence. The names of the other early members of the college, that is, of those who were not on the foundation, are extremely difficult to recover. They were probably not numerous, for colleges were not originally founded for this class of students ; and, as a general rule, their names can only be recovered when, owing to their subsequent celebrity, — as in the ease of Lyndwood and Gresham, — the details of their early life were likely to be noted. The names of the remainder, and consequently all information which could thus be obtained as to the number and the social status of our early students, are, with one exception, beyond hope of recovery. This exception, however, deserves notice. During a few years, — principally from about 1500 to 1.523, — our earliest bursars' accounts give a list of pensioners at the end of each half-year's return. They are not numerous, and only the surnames are given. If the reader will turn to the years in question he will find all that I have been able to ascertain about them ; it is sufficient here to remark that they INTRODUCTION. VU largely consisted of monks sent hither from their respective monasteries for the purpose of study. Of course if anything in the way of an Admission Register of one of the more popular hostels could ever be found we should learn much more than we are ever likely to know as to the residence and the social position of what would now be called the " ordinary student." One of these institutions, Physwick's Hostel, was a sort of annexe of Gonville Hall, and from what Caius says in the Annals must have accommodated a large number of students. But of its occupants nothing is known, except from the references to two or three of them which occur in the University Grace Books. Those who only know the printed Graduati will probably suppose that information could be procured from the lists of degrees. These, unfor- tunately for our present purpose, are of but little use. They only commence in 1454, that is, a little earlier than the corresponding lists at Oxford : at first they give only the surnames; and for many subsequent years the colleges, as a rule, are not recorded. These lists have of course been consulted', — the earliest volumes are now in process of publication by the Cambridge Anti- quarian Society, — and it has been attempted to extract all the information they can yield for the purpose of this work. We may sum up, with practical accuracy, by saying that for three and a half centuries (reckoning backwards) every name is known ; and that for the preceding two centuries we have a very great majority of those on the foundation, and a large proportion of the pensioners. As regards the other part of the task, viz. the subsequent identification of the students; roughly speaking, about five-sixths of them have been in -some way or other accounted for. By this is meant that some clue concern- ing their career, other than that contained in the Admission entry itself, or in the Degree lists, has been discovered, such as may be of use to the historian or genealogist. If the phrase ' identification' is extended so as to include election to a scholarship, or subsequent graduation, the proportion of failures will be reduced to something like one in eight or nine. Most of our identifications are reasonably certain; some are only probable: but I have thought that to reject the latter would be to miss an oppoi-tuuity of being useful, so I have inserted them with an expression of doubt. At worst they may serve as suggestions, which those who are interested in the particidar names in question may care to follow up : and in any case they will be of service to those who xmdertake -similar work for other colleges. The opportunities of thus tracking the various students in after-life vary 1 I extracted those which concern our own college many years ago, and have carefully compared them with the information yielded by our own record.s. But it may be well to state that until the general degree lists have been verified by the suppUcats, comimred with the matriculations and college admissions, and printed, absolute certainty will be impossible. From 1625 we have lists of the graduates at our own college, in the Admission Register. These may be thoroughly depended upon, and they show,— what is evident on other grounds,— that there are many omissions in the University lists. vm IXTRODUCTIOX. widely in the diftereut professions. Our information, in this respect, con- cerning the law students is much the most complete and precise. Not only are the admissions at the Inns of Court recorded for more than three centuries; but the practice of assigning the father's name, profession, and residence, is an additional aid to identification, and a very important aid where the surname is a common one. The Admissions to Gray's Inn have been published by Mr Joseph Foster, who some years ago was good enough to allow me to consult his MS. list of the admissions at the other three Inn.«. The names therefore of those of our students who have entered at an Inn of Court ought to be tolerably complete. The fact of such entry is of course no proof that the students were eventually called to the bar, — the records of these latter I have not been able to consult, — but it renders it highly probable that they did not adopt any other profession. If they did not take seriously to the law they probably, after a year or two of nominal study, settled down as country gentlemen. The identification of the clergy stands next in readiness and completeness. The lists of institutions to livings given in the various County Histories are of course familiar to every student ; but what I have mainly resorted to is a source of information which seems to have been generally overlooked, viz. the lists of ordinations. Those who wait for the clerk until he obtains a benefice can expect to secure a portion only of the class to which he belongs ; but those who seek him at his ordination are watching at a portal by which all must enter. There is also the further advantage that whereas presenta- tion to a living may take place at any age, ordination was almost alwa3-s conferred within a year or two of the canonical age', and this is frequently a help to identification. Moreover, from a certain date, — very variable in the different dioceses, — the degree and college are assigned in the bishops' books, and not unfi-equently the age and birthplace. The earliness and complete- ness of this sort of information vary greatly ; though, broadly speaking, it seems to me that much more care was taken in pre-Reformation days than was shown for a century or two afterwards. In some dioceses the ordinations are recorded in separate volumes from an early date ; at Exeter, for instance, from about 1.570, and at London from about 1550. In other dioceses they are found scattered about in the bishops' Registers and Act Books, and apparently quite capriciously in some only of these. In certain dioceses these lists appear to be almost entirely missing until comparatively recent times. For the convenience of others who may undertake a similar search, ' Not, however, that this age is an inferior limit. If the age given by a student on admission to college is correct it is certain that very many were ordained before they bad completed 23 years, and not a few before they had completed 22. In some cases indeed the candidate for deacon's orders could hardly have been more than 21. See, for instance, Chr. Wragg (p. 448). He was admitted Ap. 25, 1673 "adolescens 16 annorum"; and was certainly ordained deacon iu London Feb. 24, 1677-8, and priest. May 26, 1678. INTRODUCTION. IX it may be remarked here that where the ordination lists are not forthcoming their place may often be supplied by the books of " subscriptions for orders," signed by the candidates a day or two before the ceremony. These again differ widely in the nature and amount of information which they furnish. Judging by the condition to which they are sometimes found reduced, and by the difficulty occasionally experienced in discovering them at the Registries, one may conclude that they were long regarded, in most places, as little better than lumber. I have consulted these and various other ecclesiastical records — for instance the bishops' visitations — wherever po.ssible ; paying of course especial attention to those which concern the Eastern Counties, for it is found that in some Western dioceses {e.g. Hereford and Worcester) one may search through a hundred years, during the 16th and I7th centuries, without lighting upon a single entry which concerns our own, or any other particula- Cambridge college. On the whole, I should judge that the list of those who have taken holy orders is approximately complete for the last two centuries, and that a very large majority of those before that period have also been determined. I must take this opportunity of expressing my cordial gratitude to the various diocesan registrars who have so kindly granted me facilities for search, and particularly to Dr Bensly, of Norwich, for the many days he has allowed me to spend amongst the records under his charge. The ordinations have of course been supplemented by reference to the various lists of institutions to livings. For special counties these are best obtained from local Histories; for their information being obtained from the bishops' Act Books they will probably give the academical degree of the incumbent, and whether the vacancy was caused by death or resignation. For the remaining counties the easiest plan is to consult the Books of Institutions and First Fruits at the Record Office : I have however al.so had the advantage of seeing Mr J. Foster's MS. transcripts of these, in which the names are alphabetically arranged. The identification of the medical men has been a matter of somewhat more difficulty. Munk's Roll of the College of Phj/sicians is of course com- plete for its purpose, but is practically confined to University graduates who practised physic in London. The earliest general Medical Directory appears to date from no further back than 1845. The lists of L.S.A.' have been published from 1815. Those of M.R.C.S. are printed since 1777, and can be consulted at the Library of the College of Surgeons. These seem very scanty sources of information compared with those of the other learned pro- fessions mentioned above ; but practically they are much more complete than might be supposed, for the special purpose here in view. Till quite recent ' " A list of persons who have obtained certificates of their fitness and qualification to practise as Apothecaries, 1815-52." (Gilbert and Eivington, 1853.) Continued in subsequent years. The addresses of the licentiates are given. X INTRODUCTION. times it seems to have been a ver}' unusual thing for a Universitj' student to practise with any other than an academic qualification. This would naturally in most cases be the M.B. or M.D. of his ovra University. If he went else- where for his diploma, his choice would most likely be, in earlier times, Padua (as was the case with Dr Caius); or in later times Leyden, of which not a few examples will be found amongst the students of our college during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The Leyden admissions have been published by the Index Society, and have of course been consulted for the purpose of these volumes. As is well known, the bishops formerly had the right of granting licences to practise medicine and surgery : in fact such a licence was necessary (I believe) in the absence of academical qualifications. Many such licences will be found in the various Act Books and Registei-s, and the holders dul}' appear, or should do so, in the visitations of the diocese. On these occasions they had to show their licences, just as the incumbents and curates had to show their lettei-s of ordination. In the Norsvich diocese, where the " Consignation Books" contain the reports of these visitations, such licences are numerous; but, so far as I have found, University graduates are almost entiiely absent. Several of our students who qualified as M.B. or M.D. had fathers who thus held the bishop's licence, these being generally described in our register by the title 'medicus'; but of the students them- selves I have found but two or three with this qualification. One of these was the rector of a parish, who seems to have combined a little medical practice with his clerical duties, and it is not certain that the others were not also clergymen. For these reasons, therefore, I apprehend that the gi-eat majority of those who took to the pi-actice of medicine will be fomid to have been identified. It may be remarked, however, that the taking of the M.B. degree is no certain index to the pursuit of a medical career, not a few who thus qualified afterwards taking ordei-s : possibly the medical degree was then an easier one than that of arts'. Till comparatively recent times, that is, till about the end of last century, the three learned professions above mentioned would scarce!}- require to be supplemented by more than one other class, namely, that of the country gentr}-. There were no ' upper class emigrants ' worth taking into account, who had to be enquired for in the Colonies: the solicitor's profession, instead of being, as now, almost as largely followed as that of the barrister, was quite outside the student's prospects in life; he very seldom went into business or into the army; nor were his parents' means often sufficient to enable him to spend his subsequent time in the amusements, travel, or amateur piu-suits which are summed up in the words " of no profession." As regards the country gentry I have of course consulted the familiar sources of ' It was expressly enacted {Gesta, July 4, 1771) that Tancred students who had passed the M.B. degree should be refused the college testimonial for holy orders ; aud, if fellows, should not be appointed to a college living. INTRODUCTION. XI information. Most of the various County Histories which deal with tlie districts from which our men mainly came have been carefully consulted by the helpers who have worked for me ; Blomefield's Norfolk, in particular, having been systematically gone thi'ough. The extreme predominance of the two counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, whilst diminishing the general interest of such a search, has rendered it possible to devote the necessary time and attention to some of the MS. sources of information at the British Museum. Amongst many which have thus been consulted, the collections of Davy and Cole are perhaps the most important for this particular undertaking. As these introductory remarks are intended to be of a general historic character, it will be well to go somewhat more fully into two or three distinct enquiries which have been incidentally suggested above : such as the comparative social status of the students, the districts from which they came, and the careers they subsequently pursued. As regards the comparative social status of University students, a careful appeal to statistics tends, I think, to throw much doubt upon one very prevalent assumption. It is still supposed by many persons, and used to be confidently asserted at the time of the discussions which led to the first Commission for University Reform, that both Cambridge and Oxford had widely departed from their original design and from their healthier practice in early times ; and that from being teaching places for the poor they had been diverted into idling places for the rich. In attempting to solve this question statistically we must limit the enquiry to post-Reformation times. Before that period we simply have not got the requisite facts in our posses- sion. There are no medifeval Matriculation Lists or Admission Registers in existence. We know the names of but very few of the students, and can obtain personal details about none but those who became eminent. And if we could obtain such details it would be futile to attempt a comparison, of the kind proposed, between times like ours, one of the prominent character- i.stics of which is the existence of a very numerous and tolerably cultivated " middle class," and times in which such a class was scarcely to be found. All that we can certainly assert is that if there is any truth in the often repeated statement as to the numbers at Oxford in mediawal times a very large proportion of them must have been drawn from amongst the really poor, for other classes could not have furnished the numbers. From about the commencement of Queen Elizabeth's reign these difficul- ties are much lightened. Our Admission Register gives some description of the father of each student ; and it shows no hesitation in calling the grocer and the tailor by those names\ For a period therefore of more than three ' The description must of course be received with some criticism, and should be compared in each case with the remarl^ Edmund Albon as it may be." A priest to sing for his soul by the space of one yea,r ; 10 marks if he sing in London, £9 if in Caml)ridge and be a scholar in Di\-inity. Legacy to the high altar of St Botolph, Billingsgate. *Costessey (Cossey), Henry, blaster of the college, 1475-83. B.D. He was of Norwich : ordained deacon on the title of the monastery of St Giles, Norwich, March 11, 1440-1; priest, Ap. 14, 1441. Rector of Banham, 1452-83: rector of Wilby, 1476-83 : rector of Bixton, 1472-83 (all in Norf.). He was admitted master of Rushworth College, on the election of the brethren, Feb. 27, 1472 (Bennet), and lield the post till his death. A deed in the Treasury, executed by him, is dated at Rushworth June 24, 1482. Died July 20, 1483. "A mass of requiem" was established for his soul on 'the eve of the 11,000 virgins.' MS. 109, in the college library {Liber Fhysicus ; in the printed catalogue) belonged to him. It illustrates the difl'erence between the objects of Gon^-ille's two foundations that Costessey seems to represent the only personal link of connection between the two. The ohit in his memory was established in return for his benefactions to the college buildings. There appear to be two of these : one of £200 given b}' him, John Awdry, alderman of Norwich, and John Owdolf, clerk (deed dated 1481), "to the behoof and building of the college"; and another of 240 marks (probably in 1475) with two aldermen of Norwich for the same purpose. According to a very early note at the back of the deed of 1481, the money was employed in building the north and south parts of Physwick's Hostel, the walls of the college garden, the " domus stabuli et domus pro focalibus in collegio, et ementur etiam picta vestimenta Aulse...." Tanner {Bib. Brit.) seems to identify him with the author of Expositiones in Psalmos, and other works ; but this man was a Franciscan friar, and died in 1336 (Pits). *Stubbe (Stubbs), Edmund. Fourth son of John Stubb of Scottow, Norf. B.A. 1473-4: M.A. 1477: B.D. 1507. Fellow, 1480-1504. Master of the college, 1504-13. Rector of St Mich. Coslany, Norwich, 1504-13: where he bought land at the back of the parsonage, and built the stable {Reg. Mag.). In 1503 he presented to the University "duos bilances, unum ad ponderandum cauciones in jocaliis, alterum ad ponderandum aurum et pondera eiisdem attinentia." Died 1514 ('paulo post Festum S" Mathfei '). Will dated 1513; proved (P. C. C), 1514. Desires to be buried "pauperrinie et sine pompa " in the churchyard of St Michael Coslany, or elsewhere where he may die, at a cost not exceeding 13' 4''. Leaves a legacy to support priests, and proWde bread and wine, at St Michael's. Legacy to the Abbey of St Benet Hulme. Leaves to Gon\Tle Hall " meum suplectile de motley " : lx)oks to M' Swayn, and legacies to various relations. Mentions his brother Walter (v. Vis. of Norf.; 'Stubby'). *Lynne. Elected fellow in 1480: not on the list in 1488. B.A. 1473-4: M.A. 1477. Probably Gregorj' Lynne, who was one of Thomas Croppe's executors ; and to whom E. Albon left a living. *Cabold (Cobald), Thomas. B.A. 1476-7: M.A. 1480, when his ' cautio ' is described as "una pecia argentea cum pede murre deaurato, xx'" (Grace book). B. Qv. Law, 1486. Fellow, 1480 to April 1505. He was sent by the University on some mission to Rome {Grace book, 1499-1500) for which he was paid 40', " pro negotiis Universitatis Roniie expendendis." A grace was passed next year " ut adraittetur ad eundem gradum in quo stat Romse," but 1476—1489. 13 it does not appear what this was. Our MS. 45 (On the Decretals) has his name in it. The master, E. Stubbe, directs by will (1514) that the books and "lintheamen" of Cabold, in the college chest, should be sold. *Rythwyse, William. B.A. 1473-4 : M.A. 1477. Fellow, 1480 to 1483 : but not in 1488. Vicar of Foulden, Norf., 1497-1502 : rector of Hockwold, Norf., 1497-1502 : he had a bull from the pope, 1495, to hold the two benefices together. Will proved (Norw.) July 3, 1502. He leaves considerable sums for church purposes : £b for the repair of Hockwold, £5 for a new vestment at Foulden, £i for one at Wilton and for one at Salle, king and some of the bishops, on a charge of heresy. Rector of St Mary, Aldeniiary, 1534- 62 : there is a letter to him from Anne Boleyn (May 20, 1534; in Cal. of State I'apers), who "marvels that he has hitherto deferred taking the parsonage of Aldermary, which she has obtained for him." Rector of St Antholin's, London. In 1539 Cranmer recommended him for the deanery of Canterburj^ : " I know that when he was but president of a college in Cambridge (i.e. of Physic Hostel) his house was better ordered than all the houses in Cambridge besides." (Strype: Mem. ill. i. 160.) He presented a Greek-Latin Bible to the library. He was chosen, with Shaxton and Skipp, amongst " the twelve best learned men in Divinity," appointed in 1530 to examine heretical books. He is mentioned by Strype, along with Simon Smith, Shaxton, Skipp, and Sygar Nycholson, amongst the reformers who frequented the meetings at Cambridge. He was repeatedly in trouble for his opinions, and was imprisoned in 15.54, but recanted. Died June 26, 1562, at St Antholin's; aged 80. Will proved c. 2 1.A. 1517-S : M.A. 1521 ; or Walter, who signed the surrender as a monk of St Faith's, Norwich. Pathmer: pensioner, 1518-20. Doubtless Thomas Patmore : B.A. (Oxford) 1510- 11 : M.A. (Oxf.) 1515. Incorporated at Cambridge, 1518. Rector of Much Hadham, Herts., 1515-31 ; when he was deprived. An early reformer : com- mitted to tlie Lollard's Tower, Lambeth, where he remained two years. He was charged with having read the works of Luther and Melancthon : having sanctioned the marriage of his curate (Simon Sniitli) with his servant, Joan Bennore ; and witli having declared, when at Cambridge, tliat he "did not set a bottle of hay by the pope's or bishop's curse." (v. Foxe ll. 238 ; and Ath. Caul. I. 65). *Wendy, Thomas. Fellow, Lady Day 1519 to 1524; and probably longer. B.A. 1518-9: M.A. 1522: M.D. (incorporated from Ferrara) 1527. President of the college. A native of Suffolk. Physician to Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. Fellow of tlie College of Physicians. One of the conunissioners to visit the University in 1546 and 1559. He had a grant of tlie manor and rectory of Haslingfield, Cambs., from Henry VIII., whose will he testified, and from whom he received a legacy of £100. Died May, 1560 : buried at Haslingfield, wheie there is a monument to his memory. Benefactor to the college by the foundation of a fellowship. He also gave very many books to our library, both medical and classical. His commemoration service is on May 1 1 ; described as an obit in the continuation of Sheriffe's Register by Dr Caius. Pedigree in Vis. oJ'Camhs., 1619 (v. Ath. Cant. i. 205). *Smith, Simon. B.A. 1518-9: M.A. 1522. Fellow, Lady Day 1519 for some years, his name remaining in the books till 1531. An early reformer: friend of Latimer and others of that party. Curate to Thomas Patmore (above) at Much Hadham ; whose servant, Joan Bennore, he married. They were married abroad ; but on their return were summoned before the bishop of London, 1531, compelled to abjure .and suffer penance, and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. When at Cambridge, orders were given to the Vice- Chancellor to seize him for suspected heresy (v. Foxe, ii. 265 ; and Ath. Cant. ). *Overy, Roger. Scholar, Lady Day, 1519 ; and afterwards fellow till 1540. B.A. 1520-1, when he was in priest's orders: M.A. 1524. Rector of St Michael Coslany, Norwich, 1540: deprived about 1556. Probably rector of Great Ryburgh, 1543-54 : and of Sloley, 1557-8. Curate of St Andrew, Norwich, 1556-9. In 1538 he was appointed by Dr Buckenham to receive the rents of the lands at Barton left in trust to the college, by Reginald Elie, for liis almshouses. Harman, Geoffrey. Scholar, Mich" 1519 to 1523: and resident, apparently, till 1528. B.A. 1521-2 : M.A. 1525. Incorporated at Oxford, 1525 : B.D. there, 1531. One of the origmal members of Cardinal College: "proving a violent Lutheran was forced to leave" (Wood, Fasti Ox.). Afterwards fellow of Eton College, 1532 : died, and was buried there 1533. Styleman. Scholar, Mich' 1519. Felton, Thomas. Pensioner, 1519. B.A. (Feltham) 1519-20. 1518—21. 25 Pecke. Scholar, Mich' 1519 to 1523. Sanderson, Thomas. Appears on the list as 'cocus,' 1520-2. Clark. Pensioner, 1520. As he occurs amongst the monks he is very probably John Clark, canon of Westacre, who was certainly at Cambridge at this time. Described, in the Bishop's Visitation of Westacre in 1520, as "idoneus pro novitiis et junioribus " ; but having been absent as a scholar (scholar'is) he does not know anything of the state of the monastery. " Magister novitiorum " in 1526, when he preached the sermon at tlie Uishop's Visitation : "supervisor evidentiarum " in 1532. One of these names was presented to South Lynn in 1542, by Dr Thomas Legli, assignee of the prior of Westacre; and held it till 1556. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) July 7, 1557. Perhaps rector of North wold in 1538. Sennock. Pensioner, 1520-5. A monk of Lewes Priory. John Sennock, B.D. 1522-3 : had studied arts and theology 9 years here, and 1 S months at Oxfoid, with 4 years of philosophy in his monastery. D.D. 1527. A Dr Boord, of Sussex, was charged, amongst other things, with " attempting to induce Dr Senocke to forsake his allegiance, and to leave the realm"; 1535 {Cal. of State Pap.). Sennock received a pension of £7 at the surrender, Nov. 16, 1537. Nycholson, Sygar : pensioner, 1520-3. Best known as the University printer. An early reformer. Charged, about 1529, with holding protestant opinions, and having the works of Luther in his possession. Long imprisoned, and saitt to have been treated with great barbarity. " Do you not hold Nicholson, Smyth, Patmore,...with many others, in prison at this hour?" (Latimer to Huberden, 1535, Strype, Mem.; i. ii. 179). Late in life he was ordained by the Bp of London : deacon, Dec. 17; and priest, Dec. 21, 1564 : from whose register we learn that he was then 64, resident in St Edward's parish, Cam- bridge, and that he was born in Maestricht. (v. Alh. Cant.) Boluey. Pensioner, 1520-2. A monk : doubtless from Lewes, as he is bracketed with others of that house. If so, he was Anthony Bolney, and one of those who signed the surrender. As sub-prior he received a pension of £1 , Nov. 16, 1537. If he was also sub-prior in 1535, he is referred to by Cromwell's agent Layton : "The sub-prior hath confessed to me treason in his preaching: I have caused him to subscribe his name to it, and submit himself to the King's mercy" {Cal. of State Paj). ; and v. Crome, p. 22). Horton, the prior of. Pensioner, 1521-3; and probably longer. His name first appears in our books ('Gloster') in 1510. Horton in Kent, a cell of Lewes priory. Richard Gloucester, alias Brisley, who graduated as B. Canon Law, 1519-20. Had, according to the Grace Book, studied arts four years here; and canon law six years, here, at Oxford, and in his monastery. Dr of the same faculty, 1522-3. He appears to have graduated also at Oxford; B.D. 1520; D.D. 1528. As prior he signed the surrender in 1538, and received a pension of £15. Collated to the archdeaconry of Lewes, 1551. Preb. of Chichester. Executor to the will of Robert Crome, of 1513. Richard Gloucester was presented to the rectory of All SS. Purleigh, Essex, by Edward Brysley, Nov. 13, 1527 : — till then the presentation was in the hands of the prior and convent of Horton. Will proved (P. 0. C.) Ap. 14, 1558. He beseeches " the holy virgin and all the blessed company of heaven to pray for me "..."my obsequies to be celebrated according to the order of Christ's Catholic Church, and my degree." Many legacies to relations, and books to the cathedral. Devall (Vale), Peter. Pensioner, 1521-4. Doubtless Peter Valentius, a French- man by birth, and sympathiser with the Reformation. Many years chaplain and almoner to Goodrich, Bp of Ely. In 1555, he visited the martyrs Wolsey 26 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. and Pigot in prison, hickling them " stand to tlie trutli of the Gospel and Word... I know not myself how soon I shall be at the same point that you now are" (Fo.xe vii. 404). Shaxton and Steward (see back, pp. 19, 23) were on the commission which condemned them. (v. Ath. Cant.). Cocksall. Pensioner, 1521-4. John Coksall, B.A. 1518-9 : M.A. 1522. Probably the same who was "admitted to oppose" at Oxford, Dec. 1, 1519. Elwyn, John. B.A. 1521-2: M.A. 1525. Probably of the college. Chantry priest of St iSIiciiael Ooslany, Nor\\'ich, in 1536, when he was executor to Dr Buckenham, the master. .;\iterwards rector there, 1561-9. The nomina- tion of the chantry priest was given to tlie college, with an endowment of ten marks, by Robert Thorpe of Norwich, and his wife, 1524. It was, of course, suppressetl with other chantries (v. Rey. May. and Anmih). He gave us, "by lease of 600 years, a tenement and parcel of ground (to be part of the parsonage of St Michael's) for the yearlj' rent of a peppercorn if demanded " {Reg. may.). He left by will "to the Lyberarye of the said CoUedge as many of my Lattyn Bookes as are meate for the same, to be dely vered by myn executors at the house of John Staller in Sainct Austin's parrish." He belonged to the Thurning family; Peter, of 1578, being his great nephew. WitUin (Wotton). Pensioner, 1522-3. B.A. 1521-2: M.A. 1525. From a note in our early copy of Geoffrey Knight's will (see under EiulowmeiUs) he appears to be the William Wotton Esq., who, with Sir William Fasten, was appointed recoverer of Knight's manor of Pattisley. Rimpon. Pensioner, 1523-35. Probably the same as Rimpaine or Ricpaine of 1506. BaUy, John. D.D. Possibly of our college, — to which he is assigned by Cooper, — but certainly of Pembroke, where he was elected fellow in 1498. He gave £300 : with £200 of which lands were bought in Haddenham, and a house in Cambridge, of Dr Buckenliam, the master. He was rector of St Matthew's, Ipswich, 1510-25. His will (proved, P. C. C, Sep. 9, 1525) is given in full in Suff. Arch. (vii. 160). He desu-es to be buried before the High Altar of St Matthews ; leaves his " crymsyn gowne ingreyned with the hood " to Dr Buckenham, who was left executor, with Edward Crome. He had a contest with Cardinal Wolsey about the alienation of the tithes of St Matthew's. The stone over his grave has disappeared during the last century. Dr Caius (Annals) gives Feb. 20, 1534, as the date of Baily's foundation, which has been copied in our Commemoration Ser^■ice. This is the date of the deed by which the fellowship was founded. It is a covenant between Dr Buckenham and the college liy wlrich the former gives the lands above mentioned, and the latter undertakes to establish the fellowship. There is no reference here to its being the gift of Dr Baily ; nor to Baily having owned the liouse in Cambridge (v. Ath. Cant.). *Cake, William. B.A. 1524 : M.A. 1526 (assigned to Queens'). His name appears in our books, as scholar and afterwards fellow, 1523-35. Probably the Mr Cake who was chaplain to Bp Shaxton in 1535. Proctor, 1532. Granysend (? Gravesend) : a monk. Pensioner in 1524. Patchett, Robert. B. Civ. Law 1525-6 ; when he is described, in the Grace book, as of Gunwell Hall, and commissary of the Bp of Lincoln for Leicestershire. B. Can. Law, 1535. Gi-ene: scholar, 1525-7. William Green, B.A., 1527. Dunston : pensioner, Mich" 1525 to L. Day 1527. Probably Anthony Dunstan, alias Kitchin ; a monk from Westminster. B.D. at Oxford, 1525. Abbot of Eynsham, O.xon., 1530-4. D.D. (Oxf.) 1538. Bp of Llandaff, 1545-65. Died Oct. 31, 1565: buried at Matherne, Monm. (v. Ath. Cant.; and D. N. B.) 1521— m 27 Woodyard : pensioner, 1526. *Clarke, Robert. In our books, probably a.s fellow, Mich" 1520 to Mich' 152S. Described as 'of Gunwell Hall ' in his will, dated Dec. 4, 1528, and proved in the V. C. Court. He leaves " all his books of Chrysostom's works " to the library. Betts : pensioner, 152G. William Betts, B.A. 1521. Incorporated at Oxford, 1525. M.A. (Oxf.) 1526. One of the original nieniljers of Cardinal's College, Oxford. Afterwards fellow of Corpus, Cambridge, 1531-3. Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyu. Died March 1533 (v. Ath. Gcmt.) Bretton, William : scholar, 1525-9. Probably B.A. 1527. Stubbs, John: scholar, 1526. B.A. 1526-7. Nicholas: a monk of Lewes: pensioner, 1527. Probably Nicholas Orrell, wiio received a pension at the surrender of the house, Nov. 16, 1537. Penven : pensioner, 1528-30. A John Penwyn, or Penneon, was rector of Morn- ingthorpe, Norf., 1521-30 ; when he is said to have died. *Styrmin, John: scholar, and afterwards fellow, 1528-35; and probably longer. B.A. 1525-6: M.A. 1529: B.D. 1540. One of the first two priests, or ' salarists,' appointed on Dr Knight's foundation, by his deed dated Oct. 20, 1538. Master of the college, 1540-52. Archdeacon of Hereford, 1542. Preb. of Hereford, 1545. Will dated Feb. 1, 1551-2 ; proved (P. C. C.) June 2, 1552. The bulk of his property is left to be divided, at the discretion of his executors, amongst his kinsfolk. Richard Willison and Edward Cowper exors., and John Herford and Danyell, a clerk, witnesses : — most of these appearing in the will of Dr Skipp. (\. Ath. Cant.) Bond: scholar, 1529. * Barker, William. Scholar in 1529, and afterwards fellow for many years. Probably B.A. 1534-5: M.A. 1538. A native of Norwich, and intimate friend of Dr Caius. Knight's lecturer, — i.e. prselector rhetoricus, — in our college in 1546 ; being the first recorded holder of the office. He was still fellow in 1557, when he was one of those nominated in the charter of Caius ; but not in 1559. In 1570 he presented seats for the chapel choir, at a cost of £20; and in 1571 collected £3 from friends for glass for the windows (Annals). In 1579, shortly before his death, he made a large present of books to the library, several of which (e.g. Epii/raiumata antiqua; urhis) have liis name inscribed. Not to be confounded with his namesakes and con- temporaries ; (1) the author, (2) the fellow of Clare, (v. Ath. Cant.) *Kees (Keys, Keis, Kesse, Cais, Kaius, Keyse, Cay us, Keysse, Caius : — for so his name occurs in the contemporary bursars' accounts, settling finally into Caius), our famous second founder. Scholar, Mich* 1530 to 1533; and after- wards fellow. Born in Norwich, Oct 6, 1510, but stated (Parker's Skeletos) to have been of Yorksliire extraction. He entered the college Sep. 12, 1529. B.A. 1532-3 ; M.A. 1535 : M.D. (incorp. from Padua) 1558. Fellow of the college Dec. 6, 1533; and resided probably till 1545. Master, Jan. 24, 1558-9, to his resignation, June 27, 1573. Died in London, July 29, 1573. For more, see under 3f asters. (D. N. B.) Walker, Henry. Mentioned by Dr Caius (Annals) as having been at one time a member of the college with himself. I have not found him in our books, unless as a pensioner in 1512. Graduated M.D. in 1532; incorporated from the University of Angers. Regius professor of Physic about 1555. He was a zealous catholic, and active in the proceedings connected with the visitation of the University by Cardinal Pole. Signed the Marian articles, 1555. By 28 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. his will, (lilted Ap. 2, 1564 (ho died very soon after), he lie(jiie;ithed his books, 68 in number, to the college : his son George to have the use and custody of them during his life. The titles and prices ai'e given in the inventory attached to the will (Coll. MS. No. 711). He mentions his eldest son Henry, to whom he le;ives lands at Langham, Norf. ; and his wife Elenor. (v. Aih. Cant.) Crome, Edward : scholar, 1529-33. B.A. 1532 : M.A. (? as John) 1534. Morley, Lord. Stated by Caius (AuTials), to have been a member of the college about his own time. He must be Henry Parker, who succeeded his grand- father as ninth L>aron Morley in 155G. A popish recusant: lived mostly abroad. Died Oct. 22, 1577. (D. N. B.) Gresham, Thomas. The well-known founder of the Royal E.Kchange, and of Gresham College. It was only from a statement in the Aniuils, where Caius mentions some of his contenipoiaries, that Gresham's coiuiection with our college was known, till the quite recent discovery of some of the missing bursarial accounts. It now appears that he was a pensioner, for a year at least, from Oct. 1530. (D. N. B.) In a deed in our treasury (Richard Leder's gift of lands in Titchwell, July C, 1530) the following names are mentioned, as members of the college : William Buckenham, D.D. Nicholas Shaxton. William Medowes. Edward Crome jun'. Nicholas Sa.xton jun^ Robert Clarke. Thomas Oxborough. John Keys. William Breton. Robert Farror. The last seven are termed ' scholai'es.' Most of these names occur in our own records ; but there seems no other reference to Nicholas Saxton (Shaxton) jun', or Thomas Oxborough. A Thomas Hewar, alias Oxborough, of Oxborough, died in 1585, aged 66. Taverner, Richard: pensioner from 1530 to 1534. Dr Caius calls him a fellow (Annuls), but I do not find his name as such. Son of John Taverner, of N. Elmham, Norfolk. Entered first at Corpus ; subsequently became a canon of Cardinal College, Oxford. B.A. (Oxf.) 1527 : M.A. (Camb.) 1530. Died July 14, 1575 : buried at his residence, Woodeaton, Oxon. He was of eccentric character, and varied experience, and was a voluminous author. Translator of the Bible, clerk of the Signet, member of Parliament, licensed (though not in orders) to preach throughout the kingdom, H. SheriS'of Oxon., &c. (v. Ath. Cant, and Ath. Oxon.) Spelman : pensioner, 1531. Spurley : pensioner, 1531. *Symons : 1531-40: probably a fellow. Tuck : pensioner, 1531-3. Fuller: pensioner, 1531. Ferror, Robert: scholar, 1531-3. Perhaps vicar of Althorne, Ess., 1556: died 1557. Gunnell, senior: pensioner, 1531-6. Perhaps William Gonell, of Landbeach, Cambs., the friend of Erasmus. B.A. 1484-5: M.A. 1488. Tutor in the family of Sir Thomas More. Rector of Conington, Cambs., 1517-44. (v. Ath. Cant, and D. N. B.) 1529—34. 29 *Maptid, Lawrence: 1531. B.A. 1529-30: M.A. 1533: B.D. 1549. A native of Suffolk. For many years fellow ; iind president in 1546. Deputed by the University to ride to Framlinghara, with letters to Queen Mary, 1553. Master of Corpus, on the expulsion of Parker, 1553-7. Chantry priest at Haslingfield, Cambs., 1547 ; where he received a pension of £1, 1553. Rector of Teversham, Cambs., 1554—60. Signed the Marian articles of 1555. As chantry priest of Rainham, Norf., he received a pension of £6 per annum. Died Dec. 7, 1557 : there is a brass to his memory in Trin. Hall. In his will, proved in the V. C. Court, he says, " I give unto Gonvill Hall, where I confess myself to have lyved an unprofitable member by the space of 21 years, for my neglicence and folly there conmiitted, my Howse in Fowklon," with lands there and at Swaffliam Market, &c., "provyded always that if the M'' and fellows of Gonvill Hall do charge myne executors hereafter wyth any matter or debt wherein they shall pretend me to be chargeable, by reason of any my doings there, then in that case I utterly revoke all legacys unto them." There are also legacies to Corpus, and a scholar is endowed at Trin. Hall, who is to pray for his soul. Mentions his brother Gregory, and his nephew John Mapted. Gregory was vicar of Foulden All SS., 1540- 15G6; and died rector of Gt Cressinghani, 1560. He had been a monk of Bury St Edmunds ; and is called " Maptet alias Illey," from his birthplace (Blomeiield). His nephew John, and his descendants, resided for many years as a yeoman family at Foulden. (v. Masters' Hist, of Corpus.) Dew: pensioner, 1532-5. Turgesse : pensioner, 1532-4. Either Nicholas Turges (Sturcss) B.A. 1527-8: M.A. 1531 ; or William Turges, B.D. 1532. The latter was vicar of Stepney, 1540—4. Gunnell junior : pensioner, 1533. Cobb: pensioner, 1533-5. Perhaps Thomas Cobli, B.A. 1528-9: M.A. (Corpus) 1532. Fellow of Corpus, 1531-44. Proctor, 1537. Rector of Landbeach, Cambs., 1544-5; when he died. Rookwood : pensioner, 1533-G. Dr Buckma.ster : pensicmer in 1533. William Buckmaster, fellow of King's Hall. Vice Chancellor, 1529, 38, 39. Lady Marg. Prof, of Divinity, 1532-8. Preb. of Hereford, 1539-45. Preb. of London, 1541-5. One of the authors of the Christian Man. Descritied in a letter to Cromwell, in 1535, as "of the old sort,... of great peitinacity to their old blindness" {(Jal. of State Pap.). Will proved (P. C. C.) Dec. 2, 1546 : "fellow of King's Hall." (Ath. Cant, and D.N.B.) *Bottiswain, William. Scholar, 1534-8. B.A. 153.5-6: M.A. 1539. Fellow in 1638, and probably till after 1547. Knight's priest, or salarist, 1544-6. Rector of Benacre, Suft'., 1550-4 : of Athelington, Sufi"., 1554-73 : of St Mich. Coslany, Norwich, 1570-2. Rector of Thornham, Suff., at the time of his signing a bonfl, Sep. 16, 1570, for the safe keeping of the goods in the parsonage of St Michael's Coslany. Mr William Boteswayn, rector of Horham, was licensed to marry Joan Bolibett, of Ipswich, Sep. 23, 1563. Cake, James: pensioner in 1534. *Willison, Richard. Scholar in 1534, and afterwards fellow till 1538, or later. B.A. 1536-7 : M.A. 1539. Born in Norwich, and a contemporary and close friend of Dr Caius. Of Sugwas, Hereford, Esq. He was probably a relation of Bp Skipp, the master, to whom he was executor. In his widow's deed (below) J(^hn Skipp, of Cliftbrd, Herefoid, is called his cousin and heir. He founded two scholarships, leaving lands in Haglo and Poulton, Gloucs., of the annual value of £1 . l6. 0. These came into possession of the college, after his de;ith, by the deed of gift of his widow Ann (called Margaret in the 30 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Annals). She died in 1595, when the first scholars were elected. Three interesting letters from hiiu to Dr Caius are preser\ed in our library (MS. 714): printed in the Cuian, No. 13. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1575. *Denne (Deane), Andrew. Fellow in 1534, and for some years after. B.A. 1530-1 : M.A. 1534. Rector of the mediety of Bixton, Norf., 1554; and of Welborne, Noi-f., 1554, for a short time. Fellow of Corpus in 1558. Vicar of Swaffham Bulbeck, Canibs. 1554-62; and of Downham, Cambs. 1559-65. Preb. of Ely 1559-1665. Buried at Downham Dec. 16, 15G5. About 1543 he and Laurence Maptit, then fellows, purchased for the college 64 acres of land at Hockwold and Wilton. He was also a lienefactor by the gift of £10 {Annals). The following appears to be the list of actual fellows in 1535 : they sign the Acknowledgement of the Royal Supremacy (Coll. MS. 391). They are all mentioned above. Buckenham, William (master). Overey, Roger. Styrmin, John. Maptid, Lawrence. Deane, Andrew. Caius, John. Barker, William. Hassett : pensioner, 1535. Perhaps of the Norfolk family of Bleverhasset. Helperby: .scholar, 1535-7. B.A. 1536: M.A. 1538: B.D. 1546. Described in the Univ. Reg. as of St Michael's Hostel. A James Helperby wa.s rector of Stratton St Mary, Norf., 1554-5. Thomas Helperby was vicar of Stanton St Michael, Cambs., 1548. Handley: pensioner, 1535-8. James Hanley, B.A. 1512-3: M.A. 1516: B.D. 1537. *Ocley, Thomas. Originally of Oxford: graduated there B.A. 1520; "secular chaplain, and schoolmaster." Incorporated M.A. at Cambridge, 1534. Fellow of the college, 1535-7. Principal of Physwick's Hostel, 1537. One of the band of early Cambridge reformers. Will proved (V. C. Court) Aug. 24, 1537. He leaves all his goods to Dr Day, Dr Redman of St John's, and Nicholas Ridley of Pembroke, " to dispose as they do know, and shall by searching of Scripture, according to the will of God, all affections put away... decide.." *Harman, Nicholas. Probably scholar; afterwards fellow to 1547, and probably later. B.A. 1537-8: M.A. 1540. Rector of Newtown, Montgom., 1546; and of All SS. Worcester, 1552. King: pensioner, 1536-7. Paris : pensioner in 1537. Folklyng : pensioner, 1538. Sole: pensioner, 1538. Heydon : pensioner, 1 538. Beisser : pensioner, 1538. Harewood : pensioner, 1538. Boldero: scholai-, and perhaps fellow. Francis Boldero, B.A. 1540. *Skargell, Simon. B.A. 1533-4: M.A. 1537. Fellow in 1538, and until 1540, when his administration was granted, Oct. 20 (V. C. Court), to his father, William Skargell. Hammond : pensioner, 1539. 1534—45. 31 Outlaw: pensioner, 1539. Tilney : pensioner, 1539. Thomson: resident in 1539. Probably William Thomson, of St Michael's Hostel. B.A. 1541-2: M.A. 1545. Perhaps rector of Ayott St Lawrence, Herts., 1546. *Goldyng, William. First appears in 1540; as scholar, and afterwards fellow. B.A. 1544-5: M.A. 1548. Preb. of Hereford, 1548. His name occurs, with some notes, in our MS. No. 335 : — " I Will. Goldinge, Fellovve of Gunvill Hall... in the year of our Lord 1559, write this, Avaritia radix omnium malorumy At one time fellow of Trin. Hall. Said to have been living in or near Norwich in 1578 ; and to have been the author of verses "Ad Civitatem Norwicensem de Adventu Serinissimas Reginas Elizabethas." (v. Alk. Cant.) Miller: scholar, 1541. Barker: scholar, 1541. Perhaps William, of p. 27. *Taverner, Silvester. Scholar, 1541 ; and afterwards fellow. B.A. 1543-4. By the pedigree (in the Beds. Vis.) he seems to have been a brother of Richard Taverner, and afterwards "of Marston, Beds." Rector there, 1562. One of these names was a purchaser of the chantry, ifec, of Sprotton, Nortliants. (Strype, Mem. ii. 2. 404.) *Bagot (Bachot): resident 1542-5. Simon Baggot ; B.A. 1535-6: M.A. 1542. Probably a fellow. Proctor, 1545. Rector of Fordham, Essex, 1544 to his death, 1558. *Kytbald, Benedict. Resident in 1542. B.A. 1540-1 (' Cutbal') : M.A. 1543. Fellow of the college. Administration granted (V. C. Court) Oct. 19, 1545, for the benefit of his brother Simon. Wytwood : scholar, 1543. An Otwell Wytwood was rector of Eccles, Norf., 1567-86 ; and of Wilby, 1563-86. Died in L586. *Perkins, William. First appears in 1543 : afterwards fellow from about 1544 to 1551. B.A. (Parkyn) 1541-2: M.A. 1544. William Parkyn, vicar of Burwell, Cambs., 1549-54. Rector of Ashdon, Es.sex, 1552. On our books, as in debt to the college, till 1562 ; when he is described as "of Stoke Clare, deceased " : Thomas Cropley, of Stoke, being executor or administrator. *Vincent, John. First appears in 1545: afterwards fellow. B.A. 1542-3: M.A. 1546 : B.D. 1556. He was a witness to Bp Sliaxton's will. In his own will, proved (V. C. Court) Jan. 10, 1557-8, he leaves "to the master and every fellow, xil'V One of the fellows mentioned in the charter of Dr Caius. Signed the Marian articles, 1555. Preached at Paul's Cross in 1557. There are several references to him in Mere's Diary. Maner, Robert: pensioner in 1545. In the grace for his M.A. he is described as having studied four years in Cambridge and many years elsewhere, " turn in literis humanioribus tum etiam in sacris Uteris, passim verbum Dei predi- cando " : to be examined by the master of Clare, and others, and to pay 26». 8". Rector of Watton, Herts., 1541-63; and of Datchworth, Herts., 1554-69. *Bateman, John. Scholar, in 1545; and afterwards fellow for some years. Nominated in the charter of Dr Caius, 1557. B.A. 1545-6 : M.A. 1549. Received the minor orders from the Bp of London, Dec. 20 ; ordained deacon, Dec. 21, 1553. Signed the Marian articles, 1555. One of the witnesses to Bp Shaxton's will in 1556. His own will was proved (V. C. Court) Oct. 29, 1559. There is a touching appeal in it to his executors, — William Goldyng of Trin. Hall (v. above), and John Cowell, fellow of Caius, — "all my goods at my executors' free disposal... only I require tliem for my discharge before Almighty God, and for very pitie sacke and chaiitie, to take some honest way 32 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. for my little hoye Robert (?) Trunden that he be not put out of the dores and ben;gyng, but rather put to some honest man to an occupation." Maptytt (Maplet), John: scholar in 1545. Doubtless the nephew of Laurence Maptet, mentioned in his will. He farmed the rectory of Foulden of the college, apparently till his death in 1591, as also the land left to the college by his uncle Laurence. His son, John, was admitted to the college in 1577. Crow, Christopher : scholar in 1545. Probably of E. Bibiey, Norf. : son of Richard Crow, Esq. Married Susan Townsend. Died 1613. Father of William, of 1594. *Burre, Thomas: scholar, 1545. B.A. 1549-50: M.A. 1553. Admitted at Corpus in 1544; where he again appears as fellow, after his B.A. degree. For some time fellow of our college, being nominated in the charter of 1557. There is a note against his name in a return of July 1559 (Univ. Registry) " absens jeger." Appointed Knight's priest, or salarist, M&j 17, 1560. Rector of Little Massingham, Norf., 1558-61. Died in 1561. (Some of the above names are taken from a valuable return, %iz. the Report of the Royal Commission of Jan. 16, 37th Henry VIII. : i.e. 1545-6. Besides a minute account of the revenues of each college there is a list of the fellows and scholars at the time. See Parker MS. No. 108 ; in the Corpus Library.) Donnell, Robert. Mentioned as M.A., and formerly of the college, at his son's admission in 1590. Rector of Birdbrook, Essex, 1572-1601. Described as "an unpreaching minister" in 1583 ("Fart of a Register"). Drury, Sir William, is assigned to our college by Cooper {Ath. I. 412). Born 1527. A distinguished commander both by land and sea. Connnanded at the siege of Edinburgh, 1573. President of the pro^^nce of Munster, 1575. Lord deputy of Ireland, 1578. Died in Ireland, Sep. 30, 1579. (D. N. B.) The foregoing names have been recovered from very miscellaneous sources, of which our own college records are naturally the most impt)i'tant. It was not till 1544 that the tirst attempt was made to record the name of every student in the University, by the Matriculation lists at the Registry. These, liowever, are decidedly imperfect. No parentage is recorded, and in some cases only surnames are given. The lists also are not complete ; for many students wlio did not contemplate staying for a degree neglected to matricu- late. And, for college purposes, they are still more imperfect ; for they tike no note of migrations from one college to another, before or after matriculation. The following are the recorded matriculations at Gonville Hall until the connnencement of our own Register in 1560. The first names, — May, 1544, — include, presumably, every student then resident : tiie succeeding names are, as a rule, those of the freshmen of each year. Marchall : fellow-commoner. Brookman, Thomas : pensioner. Brookman, Charles : pensioner. Fowler, James : pensioner. One of these names admitted at the Inner Temple, Feb. 5, 1546-7 : perhaps the same who was buried at Weeting in 1585, member of a local family. Wyseman, John : pensioner. One of these names vicar of Newnham, Herts., 1566-80. Timperley, Nicholas. Probably son of William Tiniperley, of Hintlesham, Suffolk. Duell, Thomas : pensioner. 1544—1545. 33 Goldyngham, Francis : pensioner. Perhaps eldest son of John Goldyngham, of Banham, Norf. Whyte, Edward : pensioner. Sackford, Thomas. A Thomas 8ackford, of Dedham, Essex, died 1587. Wood, Robert: pensioner. A Robert Wood, of ' Batterley,' Staffs., was admitted at the Inner Temple, Nov. 17, 1548. Saunders, George : pensioner. Ruggo, William : pensioner. Son of Robert Repps, or Rugge, mayor of Norwich, and brother of the bishop. Of Felmingham Esq. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1548. Married Thomasina, daughter of Sir Robert Townsend, of Oiiester ( Vis. of Norf.) Gave 40s. for tlie windows of the chapel in 1571 {Annals). Probably the magistrate reported in 1587 as "suspected, and reckoned to be backward in religion" (Strype Ann. in. ii. 460). Goldynge : sizar. Afterwards fellow : v. above. Bateman, John : sizar. Afterwards scholar, and fellow of the college : v. above. Wyseman, Robert : sizar. Panell : sizar. Crane, Richard : sizar. Probably scholar, 1545. Walpoole : sizar. Maptytt, John. Afterwards scholar : v. above. Amye : sizar. Russell : sizar. Lawes : sizar. Buckenham, William. Perhaps son of Thomas, of Wortham, who died about 1559 ; and is mentioned in the will of William Buckenham, the master. Hartstongue, James : sizar. Probably of South Repps, Norfolk. Married Margaret, daughter of Henry Repps, of S. Repps (see Vis. of Nor/.). James Hartstongue, of S. Repps, was lay rector of Houghton : it is reported at the diocesan visitation of 1597 that "the seates in the churche are very fowly kept, with birdes and fowles." Morton, Richard: pensioner: Nov. 1544. One of these names was rector of Illington, Norf., 1556-66. Cornewallis, William: pensioner: Nov. 1544. Probably fourth son of Sir John Cornwallis, of Brome. (v. Vis. of Suff.) Wylmer, John: pensioner: Nov. 1544. Scholar, 1547-9. Townsend, John : pensioner : May 1545. Alltam, Richard: sizar: May 1545. *Smythe, Sabine: sizar: May 1545. Scholar 1551-3: B.A. 1553-4: M.A. 1558. One of the fellows nominated in tlie charter of Dr Caius, 1557. Ordained acolyte and sub-deacon (Line.) Dec. 18, 1557; "ad titulum societatis de Gonv. et Caius ": — the earliest reference I have seen to the new name of the college. 'Knight's salarist,' Aug. 2, 1560. Rector of Worlingworth, Suff., 1573-99. Probably nephew of William Sabine, bailiff of Ipswich, whose sister married a Smith (Davy). Layer, John: sizar: May 1545. Probably eldest son of William Layer, of Norwich. If so, married Anne, daughter of Robert Skitc, and died 1560. {Vis. of Norf). C. 3 34 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. •Vincent, John : fellow-commoner: Nov. 15-t5. Doubtless the same who is men- tioned above, as a fellow of the college in 1546. Hare, Michael : fellow-commoner : Nov. 1545. Eldest son of Sir Nicholas Hare, (see back, p. 18): from whom he inherited an estate at Bruisyard, SuiF. Ad- mitted at the Inner Temple, Dec. 1, l.")47. Married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Hubbard, of Hale's Hall, Norf. ; (2) iMary, daughter of Sir The' Bi-udenell, of Deene, Northants. Buried at Bruisyard, Sutf., Ap. 11, 1611. Left his manors to his brother Robert. Doubtless the same who is returned as a recusant in 1586, fine £50; and in 1594, £140 (Strype ; Ann. ill. ii. 422); and was imprisoned in Norwich Gaol, 1580, as a Papist. Previously imprisoned by Grindal, Nov. 15, 1570, who expressed a good opinion of him, " very gentle-natured, but nothing relenting in religion " (Strype ; Griiulal, 223). "Being a Popish Recusant his payments in those timers were more than ordinary, yet did lie notwithstanding his great buildings, — (of Friston Hall and Bruisyard Hall,) — keep very good hospitality." {Adil. 19100; Bruis- yard.) Hare, Robert: fellow-commoner: Nov. 1545. Brother of the above, " An esquire of good worship and wealth, a great lover and preserver of antiquities" (Fuller). Admitted at the Inner Temple, Dec. 1, 1547. Clerk of the Pells. M.P. for Dunwich, 1563. Shortly before his death he inlierited Bnaisyard from his brother. Donor of MSS. to Trin. Hall, and to the University library. Two small volumes of his collections are in our library. Well known in the Univei-sity as the compiler of several volumes of Chartere and other University documents in the Registry. These were finished in 1587, and he soon after received the thanks of the University. Still more familiar, — by deed, if not by name, — to Cambridge residents by his addition to Dr Mowse's (Master of Trin. H.) "Causey Fund"; a benefaction left in trust of that college for the improvement of the roadways about Cambridge : whence the college arms on the mile stones. Died, unmarried, Nov. 2, 1611 : buried in old St Paul's Cathedral, (v. Ath. Cant, and D. N. B.) Cunstable, Robert: sizar: May 1546. Perhaps rector of Instead, Norf., 1554-6. Shaxton, Leonard : sizar : May 1546. Probably of W. Bilney, Norf., gent. Will proved (Norw.) 1621. See Vis. of Norf. Pope, Henry. Matriculated May 1546. GoneU, W^illiam : fellow-commoner: Nov. 1546. Relative perhaps of the William Gonell of Landbeach, Cambs (v. p. 28), the friend and correspondent of Erasmus, (v. Cooper, Ath. i. 94). Tyrell, Thomas: fellow-commoner: Nov. 1546. One of these names rector of Bird- brook, Essex; presented by Richard Tyrell, Esq., Dec. 1551. Richard Tirrell, Esq. was buried at Ashdon, Ess., June 26, 1566. Buttey : pensioner in 1546. Cornwallis, Thomas : fellow-commoner : Nov. 1546. Perhaps elder brother of William above ; afterwards Sir Thomas Cornwallis, of Brome, Suffolk. Brand, Simon : fellow-commoner: Nov. 1546. One of these names was canon of Walsingham Priory : surrendered, 1538-9 : in receipt of a pension of £4. 6. 8 in 1555. Rector of St Peter's, Thetford, 1571 : died there, 1572-3. Rector of Hilgaj', Norf., till 1572. Will proved at Norwich. Walker, Henry : sizar : Nov. 1546. Probably son of Henry Walker, M.D., Regius Prof, of Physic (see p. 27). If so, he inherited lands from his father, in 1564, at Langham, Norfolk ; together with the lease of the rectory. Paston, William: pensioner: Nov. 1546. Son of Erasmus Paston. Of Oxnead, 1545—1549. 35 Norf., knt. Married Frances, daughter of Sir Thomas Clere, of Stokesby. One of the Norfolk magistrates described Ijy Bp Feak, in 1587, as "observers of laws" (Strype, Aim. ill. ii. 460). Gave £100 towards the building of the college hall in 1606. Died 1610: buried at N. Walsham. (v. Vis. of Norf .) Fasten, Thomas: pen.sioner : Nov. 1546. Brother of William above. Probably admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 31, 1552. Died without issue. Man: pensioner, 1546-7. B.A. 1544. Butt : scholar in 1547. Not improbably Thomas, second son of Sir William Butts, formerly of the college (p. 17). Of Great Ryburgh, Norf., gent.; where he built the iiall. Married Bridget, daugliter of Henry Bures, Esq., of Acton, Suff. Buried at Ryburgh, Jan. 22, 1592-3. M. I. there. Will proved (Norw.) 1593. Some verses by him are given by Masters, in his Hist, of Corpus, to which college he left a legacy. Reve, Robert: sizar: May 1548. Goldynge, Edward: sizar: May 1548. An Edmund Gokling was rector of Gt Dunham, Norf., 1566-72; and of Birdbrook, Essex, 1572. Died the same year. Bolney, Nicholas ; sizar: May 1548. Goldinge, Robert: sizar: May 1548. Scholar in 1551. Bullocke, Robert : sizar : May 1548. Scholar in 1547. Perhaps rector of Aving- ton, Hants., 1554; and of Itchin Abbas, l.'i60. Barrett, Edward: sizar: May 1548. Scholar in 1551. B.A. (Pemb.) 1552-3: M.A. 1556. Fellow of Pembroke, 1556. Incorporated at Oxford, July 29, 1560. Fellow of Eton College, 1563. Cocker, Robert : sizar : May 1548. Germyn, Thomas : sizar : Nov. 1548. Perhaps son of Edmund Jermyn, of Stur- ston, Norfolk. Germyn, John. Presumably brother of above; admitted at Gray's Inn, 1552. Pay ton, Thomas : sizar : Nov. 1548. Fryer, Alexander: .sizar: Nov. 1548. Scholar, 1551. Perhaps son of Thomas Frier or Frere, of Occold, Suffolk, (v. Vis. of Norf. 1563.) Lovell, Francis: sizar: Nov. 1548. Probabl}' son and heir of Sir Francis Lovell, knt, whose will was proved (P. C. C.) May 17, 1552. *Soon (Sone) ; resident, probably as fellow, 1548-55. William Sone, B.A. 1546-7 : M.A. 1549. Reg. Prof, of Law, 1561. Afterwards refused to conform to the reformed doctrines, went abroad, and was for many years professor of Law at Louvain. Afterwards at Cologne, where he assisted Ortelius the geographer. Living there in 1575. Author. Annotationes in Pomponiutn Meldm 1575. Ill Novos Orbis Terraruvi Incolas. Account of the University of Cambridge. Epistohe Varice. (v. Ath. Cant.) Brooke, Thomas : fellow-commoner : May 1549. Watei-man, William: pen.sioner : May 1549. One of these names, .said to be of Cambridge (Cooper, Ath. i. 155), was author of ' A Fardle of Facions conteining the aunciente Maners, Customes, and Lawes of the peoples inhabiting the two partes of the earth called AftVicke and Asie, 1555' (translation). Also Latin verses on the death of Jane Seymour; and on the two Dukes of Suffolk : — the.se latter died in 1551. The Fardle is published in Hakluyt (Vol. v. 1809). The dedication suggests an older man than an average student of this date : but I can find no one else of the name at Cambridge. William Waterman, M.A., was Master of Bury St Edmund's school, 1553-83. ;3— 2 36 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. Sutfylde, Thomas: sizar: May 1549. Simons, William : pensioner : May 1 550. Buckenham, John: pensioner: May 1550. Perhaps the younger brother of William, of 1544. William and John are mentioned in the father's will, 1559. Norton, Walter: sizar: May 1550. One of these names admitted at Gray's Inn, 1553. Coote, Francis: pensioner: Nov. 1550. One of these names, gentleman usher to Queen Elizabeth, was buried in the chancel of S. Lopham, Norf., June 15, 1589. (v. Norf. Vis.) Poste; fellow-commoner, 1551. * Wilkinson : fellow, apparently, 1551-7. Hawes, John : scholar in 1551. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Oct. 4, 1551 : " scholaris in Gunwell Hall, ubi morans fuit per septem annos ": born in Walsham in the WUlows, Suff. : age 36. Watson, Thomas. Ordained at Norwich, June 4, 1563: described as being of Gonv. and Caius College ; 28 years of age. " Mediocriter inteUigit linguam latinam." Perhaps rector of Wacton, Norf., 1567-1613. Wynkefylde, Humfrey : pensioner: May 1551. Perhaps son of Robert Winck- field. Of Brantham, Suff., Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Nevill, of 'Owldholt,' Essex (v. Suff. Arch. vji. 67). Will proved (Norw. C C.) Nov. 9, 1612. Mentions wife Anne; son Thomas, to whom he leaves the manor of Cressing Hall, Stutton : brother Thomas executor. Goldingham, Anthony: pensioner: May 1551. B.A. 1559: M.A 1562. One of these names, clerk, of Suffolk, was certified as a fugitive over the sea, Jan. 29, 1576-7 (Strype, Amu ii. ii. 596) : perhaps the same who was vicar of Little Belstead, Suff., 1561-3. Goldynge, Thomas : sizar : Mnj 1551. A Thomas Golding, son and heir of Richard, of Henny, Essex, was admitted at tlie INIid. Temple, Nov. 15, 1559. Gybbons, Humfrey: pensioner: May 1552. Humphrey Guybon, of Stradsett, Norf., was Sheriff of the county, 1596. Died Aug. 6, 1601 : buried at Castle- acre. Probably the Humfrey Gibbon, described as a magistrate " rich, but of no religion " in a report by the bishop to the Lord Treasurer, Oct. 1587 (Strype, Ann. in. ii. 460). Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Hynton, Thomas: sizar: May 1552. Pagrave, John: pensioner: Nov. 1552. Perhaps son and heir of Clement Pagrave of Barningham, Norf., Esq ; admitted at the Middle Temple, Aug. 18, 1554. Cobbe, Geoffrey: pensioner: Nov. 1552. Either a son of William, of Sandring- ham, a minor in 1546 ; died 1581 : — or tliird son of Edmond, born before 1536, and li^'ing in 1584. {Vis. of Norf .) Rowlands, John: sizar: Nov. 1552. B.A. 1556-7. M.A 1560. Our earliest " wrangler ": his name appears as 6th out of 28, in the list of seniority. Owen, Richard : sizar: Nov. 1552. Perhaps rector of Ravensden, Beds., 1554. Bushoppe, Gregory: fellow-commoner: May 1553. Perhaps M.A. 1555, and rector of Hockwold, 1547-80. TjTidall, William : pensioner: aged 12. May 1553. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Dec. 8, 1562. Afterwards Sir W. Tyndall, knight, of Hockwold, Norf. Will proved (P. C. C.) Oct. 8, 1591. Eldest son of Sir Thomas. 1549—1554. 3'r Tyndall, John: pensioner: aged 10. May 1553. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Dec. 8, 1562. Of Great Maplestead, Essex. LL.D. Master in Chancery. Knin;lited July 23, 1603. Married Anne, daughter of Thoma.s Egerton, E.sq. His daughter, Margaret, married John Winthrt)p, Governor of Massachusetts. Murdered by John Bertman, Nov. 12, 1616, for giving judgment in a cause against him. Tyndall, Henry: pensioner: age 8. May 1553. Youngest son of Sir Thomas Tyndall, knight: brother of John, above, and of Humphrey, of 1555; and half-brother of William above (v. Searle'.s Queens' College). Bakon, William : pensioner : 1553. Davys, Richard: pensioner: 1553. Ratclyfle, Charles : pensioner : 1553. Scholar, 1556. Winkefelde, Thomas: fellow-commoner: May 1554. Probably brother of Humphrey, above; his executor in 1612. Wytliypoll, Paul : pensioner : May 1554. Eldest son of Edmund Wythypoll, Esq., of Ipswich. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1555. Of Rendlesham, Suff., Esq. Mar- ried Dorothy, daughter of Thomas, Lord Wentworth : (she afterwards married Sir Martin Frobislier). Died during Ids father's lifetime. For him and his brothers see Metcalfe'.s Vis. of Suffolk. The father is pre.sumably the "old M"' Wythipoll of Ipswich," who was a friend of Gabriel Harvey (v. 'Three proper letters, ifec. 1580). Wytli}'poll, Bartliolomew : pensioner: May 1551. Third son. Died during liis father's lifetime. He and his brother Daniel are mentioned in G. Harvey's Letter-book {Camden Soc. 1884, p. 57) : " But prey the see where Withipolls cum, Daniel and Batt both atonse In soothe their old copesmate thou wert Else would they not voutsafe the onse." Wythypoll, Edward: pensioner: May 1554. Fourth son. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1553. Of Ipswich, Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Brewsse, knight, of Wenham. Wythypoll, Daniel : pensioner : May 1554. Probably scholar, as " Whypple," in 1554. Fifth son. B.A. 1559-60. Died without issue. Grymstone, Edward : pensioner : May 1554. Perhaps of Oxburgh, Norf. (See Vis. of Nor/.). One of these names admitted at Gray's Inn, 1559. Southwell, John : pensioner : May 1554. Probably eldest son of John, of Barham, Sufi": ancestor of the Viscounts Southwell, (v. Vis. of Suff.) Vaghan, Stephen: pensioner: May 1554. Probablj' 'Stephen Vaughan, of London,' admitted at the Inner Temple, Oct. 21, 1564 : and the Inquis. post mortem of whose father, — the owner of considerable property in Ijondon, — is given in the Index Library {Rec. Soc). He was at that time (1552) over 12 years of age. Probably father of Stephen of Oct. 16, 1580. Coulthurst, Edward : pensioner : May 1554. Casselton, Hugh : sizar: May 1554. Scholar 1556-8. B.A. 1559-60: M.A. 1563 : B.D. 1569. A tutor in college from Sep. 1561 to 1562. Rector of a mediety of Scarning, Norf., 1567 ; and of the other mediety 1568. (A. J.) Rector of Pulham, Norf., and of Thornden, Sufi'., 1583. Vicar of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, 1572-88. Rector of Melton All SS., Norf., 1579. Preb. of Norwich, 1577. Described in 1586 as "a preacher; negligent; non-resident (at Pulham) ; three or four benefices " {Part of a Register). In 1588 he was 38 GOXVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. deputed by tlie dean of Norwich, Gardiner, to refer a dispute iu which the chapter was involved to the Lord Treasurer (Sti-j-pe, Ann. in. ii. Gl). Died 161-t-5. Will proved (Dean and chap. C. Norw.) Feb. 25, 1615-6 : wife Ann executrix. Upkoberts, John : sizar: May 1554. Ardds (?), John : sizar: Jlay 1554. Sherman, Francis : pensioner: Nov. 1554. Bakon, Nicholas: pensioner: Nov. 1554. Not improbably the eldest son of Sir Nicholas, tlie Lord Keeper. If so, he was of Redgrave, Suffolk. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 15G2 : 'ancient,' 1576. Knighted at Norwicli, Aug. 22, 1578. H. Sheriff of Suff., 1571. M.P. for Suff. 1572-83. Created baronet 1611. Died Nov. 22, 1624 : buried at Redgrave. (D. N. B.) Chapman, Edmund: sizar: 1554. B.A. (Trin.) 1558-9: M.A. 1562: B.D. 1569: D.D. 1578. Incorporated at Oxford, 1578. Fellow of Trin., 15G2. Ordained deacon (Norw.), as 'Chapman alias Barker,' June 8, 1566. Canon of Nor- wich, 1569-76 : when he was deprived. A ze;xlous puritan, "entered into the choir at Norwich, witii some other prebendaries, forciljly broke down the organs, and committed other disorders." Preacher at Bedford, 1572 ; and at Dedham, Essex, 1577. ISIarried a sister of William Cardinal, of Bromlej'. Monument at Dedham. (v. Cooper Ath. i. 382.) Fawcet, Miles: sizar: Nov. 1554. Denbye, Michael: sizar: Nov. 1554. Scholar 1556-9, when he was butler ('promus'). B.A. 1560-1. Ordained deacon (Ely) 15G0. Rector of Seam- ing, Norf,, 1584 ; where he kept school for many years. Rector of Tivetshall, Norf., 1596: — in the diocesan Visitation of 1597 he is reported, "hath not read the injunctions this twelve months : he teacheth a few children." Rector of Kempston, Norf., where he is referred to in Part of a Register as " no preacher : a benelice-monger." Will proved (Norw.) as ' of Tivetshall,' 1599. In a chapel at Scarning, which now serves as \estry, his name is cut, "a.d. 1576, M. Deuby" (A. J.). Brodocke, Henry: sizar: Nov. 1554. Scholar 1555-9. One of these names "L. L. B." was rector of Hanworth, Midds., 1572-82. *D}Trycke (Dethick), Henry: sizar: Nov. 1554. B.A. 1556-7: M.A. 1560. (Apparently incoi-porated at Oxford : B.A. 1568-9: M.A. 1572.) B.D. 1565. One of the fellows nominated in the charter of Dr Caius, 1557. Tutor in the college for some time till Oct. 1562. Steward, 1559. Bursar, 1559-60. Arts lecturer, 1560. Salarist, 1565. Probably 3'oungest son of Simon Dethick, of Wormegay, Norf., who died 1542 (v. Xorf. Vis.) One of the witnesses to Bp Shaxton's will in 1565. University preacher, 1565. Obtained the college testimonial for holy orders, June 23, 1561. Expelled by the master during the disputes of 1565, and appealed to the Archbishop. "The drift was as he (Abp. Parker) judged, for Dethick to continue such sticklers in the College, of his pupils, as might win him in time by hook or Ijy crook, the Master's room He meant, within the compass of that year, to have bestowed Dethick in some benefice but because they liked not of this, as trusting of further friendship elsewhere, the Archbisliop gave tliem over" (Str}'pe, Parker i. 396). Perhaps vicar of Orpington, Kent, 1567. He was imprisoned by the mandate of Parker, but was released in Julj' 1571, and allowed to go abroad on making a present to the college of .£40 {Annals). It seems therefore very probable that he is the " D' Dethick " mentioned in a list of "rebels, traitors, itc, bej-ond sea," Dec. 23, 1590 {Lansd. 68, p. 157). He was apparently li-v-ing at Liege, and is called a canon of St Paul's there, " a 1554—1556. 39 man of great riches in money and Jewells." There is a note against his name, in an early hand, "preh. of Norwich." Perhaps author of. Fence sacne viii libris comprehensoi, in quibus natures Fahularuin et Gratice Leges exjmmuntur carmine. Lond. 1577. Goodwyn, Vincent: sizar: Nov. 1554. Ordained priest (Line), Ap. 8, 15G2. Rector of Oakington, Cambs, 1564. Rector of Cley, Norf. : in 1603 the value of Cley is returned as £22. 13. 4 : Vincent is described as "homo infirmus ; non comparuit." Rector of Whissonset, 1572-7. Rector of Maltby, 1571. Preacher at Yarmouth, 1570-84 ; when he was suspended. (v. Browne's Norf. and Suf.) Will proved (Norw.), as 'of Cley,' 160G. Vowell, George: pensioner: May 1555. Perhaps x'ector of Colney, Norf., 1592- 1600. Vowell, William : pensioner : Ma.y 1555. Perhaps rector of Gunton, Norf., 1580. Will of W" Vowell, clerk, of Brancaster, proved (Norw. C. C.) 1583-4. Harte, Francis : pensioner : May 1 555. One of these names admitted at Gray's Inn, 1564. Rudston, Thomas: pensioner: May 1555. One of these names was lord of the manor in 8watt'ham Bulbeck, Cambs., at this time : son of William of Ely ; and father of Thomas, who married Jane, daughter of Edward Ridge. Our student is perhaps the latter. Cop wood, John : pensioner: Nov. 1555. Fyldinge, Ferdinand : pensioner : Nov. 1555. Probably admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 21, 1560. Pegeon, Charles : pensioner : Nov. 1555. Probably fourth son of Thomas Pigion, of East Beckham, Norf. (v. Vis. of Nor/.) Tyndall, Humfrey: pensioner: Nov. 1555. B.A. 1565-6: M.A. 1569 : B.D. 1577 : D.D. 1582. Scholar of Christ's. Fellow of Pembroke, 1572. Ordained at Peterborough, 1572. Vicar of Soham, Cambs., 1577-1614. Rector of Went- worth, Canibs., 1591-1610. Chancellor of Lichfield, 1586. Preb. of Southwell, 1588-99. President of Queens' College, 1579-1614. Dean of Ely, 1591- 1614. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 20, 1593-4. Died at Ely, Oct. 16, 1614. Monument in the cathedral, (v. Searle's Queens' Coll.) Holland, Henry: fellow-commoner: May 1556. Son of Sir Thomas Holland, knight, of Estovening, Lines. B.A. 1559-60 : M.A. 1563 : B.D. 1570. Fellow and tutor from about 1561 to Mich' 1572. President of the college, 1568. Knight's .salarist, 1564. Ordained deacon (Line.) July 11, 1564. Vicar of Boston, 1571-84. Died 1584. 'Of his liberality he constructed, at a cost of £5, a window of white stone, with iron and glass work, in his college rooms ' {Anruds). ' Dratsab,' Thomas: pensioner: May 1556. The illegitimate .son of Thomas Alabaster, of Hadley, Suft'. : mentioned in Bp Shaxton's will : possibly the bishop's sizar or servant. Garnische, John: sizar: May 1555. Probably of Kenton, SuiF. ; .son of Robert Garneys. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1562. Married Anne Rokewood. Symons, William: pensioner: Nov. 1556. B.A. 1559-60: M.A. 1563. One of these names rector of Stock, Essex, 1587 ; and curate of Buttsbury, Essex, 1592. Cranwyse, Thomas : pensioner : Nov. 1556. Scholar in 1559. Bryce, Bernard: sizar: Nov. 1556. Bakon, William: sizar: Nov. 1556. 40 GONVILLE AND CAlUS COLLEGE. Gennyc, Clu-istopher : ponisionor : May 1557. Perliaps son of Jolm Jeiiney, of Cressingham : admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 7, 1560. Clemans, John : pensioner : May 1557. Tanne, William: pensioner: May 1557. Mason, Richard: pensioner: March, 1557-8. B.A. 1563—1. Scholar in 1559. Perhaps rector of Rawreth, Essex, 1576. Rector of Ilenny Magna, Essex; 1571-82. Rector of Cavendish, 1571-lGO-l. Tyrrell, William : pensioner : March 1557-8. *Warner, Stephen: pensioner: ISIarch, 1557-8. B.A. 1560-1: M.A. 1564. Scliolar in 1559. Fellow till 1506, when he was expelled by the master. He and Dethick appealed to the Chancellor, who supported the master. " It is ordered that henceforth the said Stephen Warner be deprived of all voice or suffrage within the said college and that before the fourth day of February next he depart" (State Pap. Dom. Jan. 4, 1565-6) : to be allowed however to retain his fellowship till Michaelmas. They complain " of our most myserable condition if that we (havinge allwayes gyven ourselves to studdie) shall nowe be excluded tlie colledge, not havinge ellswhere to abyde." A Stephen Warner, of Norfolk, was admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 4, 1567. Reade, Richard: pensioner: March 1557-8. One of these names, 'of London,' was admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 4, 1559. Sadler, Henry: pensioner: March 1557-8. Sydnor, William : pensioner : March 1557-8. Smytlie, Thomas: sizar: March 1557-8. B.A. 1560-1. Fellow and tutor in 1561. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, March 23, 15G1-2. In the MS. lists in the University Registry he is supposed to proceed to M.A. and B.D. degrees, in 1565 and 1573. Lunt, William : sizar : March 1557-8. B.A. 1560-1. Scholar in 1559. Fellow and tutor in 1562. Son of John Lunt, of Bury St Edmund's. Sorratt, Robert: sizar: May 1558. Betts, John : sizar : Nov. 1558. Perhaps of Irmingland. (v. Vis. of Norf.) Cownstable, Ch. : sizar: Nov. 1558. Probably Christopher, who was ordained deacon (Norw.) June 8, 1566 ; and priest (do.) May 23, 1567. Vicar of Methwold, Norf., 1573-1604. Will proved at Norwich, 'of Methwold,' 1604. Bulward, John: sizar: Nov. 1558. Mollose, W. : sizar: Nov. 1558. Paget, Thomas: fellow-commoner: May 1559. Second son of William Lord Paget, of Beaudesert. Succeeded his ekler V>rotlier Henry as third Lord Paget, Dec. 28, 1568. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 24, 1561. Like his brotlier, he was an adherent of JNIary Queen of Scots, and much involved in plots. In 1584, on Throgmorton's apprehension, he fled the country. The Bishop of Lichtield complained of him in 1582, as encouraging his servants in disturbing the congregation on Easter Sunday : also at Burton " being bound to find the parishioners communion bread, his officers would have forced them to use little singing calces, after the old Popish fashion a pattern whereof I myself do keep to show to your lordships." (v. Strype's Annals in. ii. 216.) The same, probably, who was under-treasurer of the Inner Temple in 1569, and examined by Archbishop Parker as a supposed Papist. (D. N. B.) Paget, Charles : fellow-commoner : May 1559. Brother of tlie above. Admitted 1557—1559. 41 at the Middle Temple, May 24, 1561. A dangerous and pertinacious plotter against Queen Elizabeth, in favour of Mary. He was involved, amongst other plots, in that of Babington ; being a friend and accomplice of John Ballard (afterwards of the college) who was executed for treason. He passed under the name of " Mope." There is an interesting account of him in the con- fessions of an accomplice, — then in prison, — in 159.3. " Paget keeps himself, as he hath ever been, a notable rebel, and a monsti'ous traitor. He will give anything to hear of her majesty's death This old traitor will give money to such as come over to undertake a villainy against the state of England." (Strype's .^l?MiaZs IV. 231.) He lived mostly abroad. Author: An answere made by me, Charles Paget, esquire, to certain untruthes and falsityes, toching myselfe, contayned in a booke, intituled a briefe Apologie or Defence of the Catholic Hierarchie. ..published about 1602 (v. Jesuits and Seculars, by T. G. Law, 1889). (D. N. B.) Heathe, Thomas: fellow-commoner: May 1559. One of these names rector of Feltwell St Nicholas, Norf., 1575-85. Vicar of Easton, Norf., 1594-7. Rector of Sutton, Norf., 1617-25. Heath, Anthony : sizar : aged 9 : May 1559. B.A. 1564-5 : M.A. 1568. Est, William : sizar : aged 12 : May 1559. Savery, Thomas: sizar: May 1559. Genye, W. : sizar: May 1559. Perhaps brother of Christopher, of 1557; and admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 6, 1565 (v. Vis. of Norf .) Hayhow, Thomas: sizar: May 1559. Adam, Henry: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Fynne, Robert : pensioner: Nov. 1559. Probably admitted at Gray's Inn, 1564. Welbye, Humfrey : pensioner: Nov. 1559. Doubtless of the family of Gedney, Lines. ; son of Thomas Welby, and cousin of the next student. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 11, 1564-5 : second son of Thomas of Fosdyke, Lines. Walpole, John: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Second son of Thomas Walpole of Whap- lode. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 11, 1565. Married, Sep. 19, 1569, Jane, daughter of John Roberts. Succeeded to the estates of his elder brother. Buried at Sleaford, 1590. M. I. there. (A. J.) Hunston, Richard: pensioner: aged 13: Nov. 1559. Hunston, Henry : pensioner : aged 9. Nov. 1559. Perhaps son of William Hunston, of Walpole, Norf. (v. Vis. of Norf) Welbye, Thomas: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Probably brother of Humphrey above. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, from Furnival's Inn, June 7, 1580. Irby, Anthony: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Son of Thomas Irby, Esq., of Whaplode Hall, Lines. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 5, 1569. Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. Recorder of Boston, 1613. M.P. for Boston, 1588-1604. Married Alice, daughter of Thomas Welby, of Moulton. Buried at Whaplode, Oct. 6, 1625 (A. R. M.) Worlich, Peter : pensioner : Nov. 1559. Gillie, Martin: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Holland, Ralph: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Perhaps son of Thurston Holland, of Denton, Norf. Gaslyng, Nicholas: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Wolman, Thomas: pensioner: Nov. 1559. Rector of Eriswell, Suff., 1565. 42 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. ♦Spenser, Robert: pensioner: Nov. 1559. B.A. 1562-3. Elected fellow, May 23, 1562 ; the first of those on the new foundation of I)r Caius. Tutor for a short time. Together with Dethick and Clarke, he was expelled, alx>ut 1565, by the Master, who charged him also with perjury. He and Warner complain to the Chancellor, liegging " that our master niaj' be i-uled by some good man's counsel hereafter, and not to drive the fellows to such chargeable suits and troubles, wherein he delighteth to undo poor men, he never being quiet since he came to the college, as may appear in the number of his expulsions which have been above twenty" (State Pap. Bom., 1565). They appealed to Abp Parker, who thought both parties to blame. They afterwards appealed to the Chancellor (Cecil), who, on Parker's advice, decided " that the fellow.s should appear willingly to depart from their fellowships, and yet to have one year's profits for their idtimum vale : to be borne for Spencer out of Caius' own purse, and for the other two to be borne by the college" (v. Strype's Parker I. 396). Of these names were the rectors of Skipworth, Yorks., 1571 ; of Frittenden, Kent, 1574; and of Ingrave, Ess., 1590. Our last public source of information, before the conmiencenient of our own Admission Lists, is in a Commission of Enquiry, preserved in the University Registry. This gives a list of all the residents in the various colleges in July 1559. The names in our own college are as follows : — John Caius, Custos. Hugo Cllyn, ISI D. (absens, in componendis litibus). Willelmus Clarke, M.A. (in partibus transmarinis). Sabinus Smythe, M.A. Thomas Burre (absens, jeger). John Kettilston (absens, seger). John Cowell, M.A. (suspens, quousque). Henry Dethick, B.A. SCHOLASTICI. Henry Brodocke. Robert Norton. Thomas Cranwise. Stephen Warner. Richard Mason. William Lunte. Michael Denbie (promus). Richard Mendham (coquus). Pensionarii majores. M' William Whinke, B.D. Tvrr r>ii i' Tj' ° i. I filii D"' Paget de Beaudesert. M"^ Charles Paget J ° M"' Robert Welles. M' Henry Holland. M' Thomas Healthe [Heath]. Jlost of these have been already mentioned : of the others ; *Glyn, Hugh. B.A. 1548-9: M.A. 1552: M.D. 1559. Proctor in 1556; in which capacity he is frequently referred to in JMere's Diary. One of the fellows in the charter of Sep. 4, 1557, obtained by Dr Caius on liis re-founda- tion of tlie college. Appoint<^d president by Dr Caius on his election to the mastership, Jan. 1559, but did not reside long : " j\P Glyn did depart from the coUege, Oct. 15, 1559" (note in Pandect(e). He presented several books to the library, Sep. 8, 1559, including a copy of Seneca, and works of Galen 1559. 43 and Pliny : — the notes in the Galen are supposeil to be by him. In the tirst page of the Pliny are the lines, in his hand, Si tibi sim votis et tu sis utilis illi Cujus, qui tribuit, Chartula nomeu habet. Afterwards practised physic at Chester, where the College of Physicians gave him a commission to prosecute empirics, (v. Ath. Cant.) *Clarke, William. B.A. (Peterhouse) 1551-2 : M.A. (Gonville H.) 1555. LL.D. 1569. One of the fellows in the charter of 1557. Signed the Marian articles in 1555. Tutor in the college for some time, till about April 1562. Expelled by Dr Caius about 1565, but elected fellow at Clare. He seems to have been involved, with Dethick, in the quarrel with the master, and to have appealed with him to Abp Parker. In our Treasury is an ' acquittance ' by liim, signed before the V. Chancellor, July 1, 1565, terminating all disputes &c. between himself and the college which he " habuit, habet, vel liabere potest, ab initio mundi usque ad presentem diem." Regius Professor of Law, 1563. Advocate of the Court of Arches, 1573. Vicar general and chancellor of Canterbur}', 1578. M.P. for Saltash, 1585. (v. Cooper, Ath. i. 382.) *Kettilston, John. B.A. 1550-1 : M.A. 1554. Ordained sub-deacon (Lond. ), Dec. 21, 1554. Fellow of Corpus in 1555 : signed the Marian articles the same year. One of the fellows nominated in the charter of Dr Caius, 1557. Appointed a lecturer at Caius, Jan. 24, 1559; and to "the Service of St Mary's," — i.e. Whitaker's salarist, — May 14, 1560. Last appears as fellow, about May 1560. *Cowell, John. B.A. 1552-3 : M.A. 1556. One of the fellows nominated in the charter of Dr Caius, 1557. He relinquished his fellowship, Nov. 26, 1560. (Pandectw). Probably rector of N. Creake, Norfolk, 1560; buried there in 1562. If so his will was proved (P. C. C.) 1562-3 : mentions wife, father, mother, brothers Robert Cowell and Thomas Vowell, and two daughters. *Norton, Robert. B.A. 1559-60 : M.A. 1563 : D.D. 1575. Nominated by Peter Hewet as his first scholar, in 1556; when he is described as son of Thomas Norton of Norwich. Resident as a fellow, with pupils, Oct. 1561. He was nominated as "Knight's prie.st," Ap. 7, 1561. The college regrets that they have " no auncieter man " to present, adding (the words seem those of Dr Caius) " perchance you shall f3'nde hym basheful of nature, which I have ever muche sett by in a yong man as a token of grace." University preacher, 1569. Rector of Aldborough, Suff., 1572. "To supply the vicarage he (Parker) placed one R. Norton, B.D., a learned man and a good preacher, who was to live amongst them" (Strype, Parker li. 157). Rector of Endgate, Beccles, 1572-80. Principal common-preacher at Ipswich, 1576-85. Rector of Sproughton, 1581-7. Author: Certaine Godlye Homilies on Abdias and Jonas by Rodolph Gualter (translation) 1573. (v. Cooper, Ath. I. 516.) There are some Latin verses by him at the end of the volume. Three proper letters, &c. (between Gab. Harvey and Spenser ; Brit. Mus.) (D. N. B.) Mendhara, Richard. Whinke, William. Elected from Eton to King's College in 1536. B.A. 1540-1 : M.A. 1544 : B.D. 1555. Ordained deacon and priest (London) Dec. 21, 1553. Vice-provost of King's ; but deprived, on the accession of ElizaVjeth, on account of his attachment to tlie R. Catholic i-eligion. Probably attracted to the college, like some others about this time, by the known Romish leanings of several of its members. A recusant in 1561 : described in a list of Popish clergy as "not unlearned, but subtle and stiff" (v. Cooper, Ath. I. 214), "A little man but a great scholar" (Cole MS. xiv.) Welles, Robert. Probably a relative of Robert Stuard 'alias Wells,' of 1518 : see p. 23. Perhaps rector of Howell, Lines., 1574. 44 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Our earliest College Admission Register commences in March, 1559-GO. From this time onwards the names which follow are taken almost exclusively from it. The omissions appear to be very few, and consist mainly of those who first entered the coUege as fellows. Mich'* 1559 — Mich* 15G0. *Paman (Payniont), Clement : of Che%Tngton, Suffolk : son of Robert Paman, niediocris fortuna», deceased. Age 18. School, Bury St Edmunds, four years. Admitted March 1, 1559-60. Tutor and surety Mr Henry Dethic, M.A. Assigned a cubicle above the well. B.A. 1562-3. Mentioned as a fellow of the college, taking pupils, during 1564. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Ap. 1, 1569. Parish chaplain of St Pet. Mancroft, Norwich, 1569. Rector of Rushbrook, Suff., 1573-99. Rector of Broome, Norf., 1591-4. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) Dec. 12, 1599. At that time of Ubbeston ; where he owned land, and desires to be buried. Mentions wife Mary. *Shennan, Richard. Brother of John Sherman, below. Appears as fellow and tutor, July 15G0 to Dec. 1562. B.A. (Joh.) 1556-7 : M.A. (do.) 1560: M.D. (Cai.) 1567. For a short time fellow of St John's. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Jan. 1, 1595-6 ; as rector of Stratton St Mich, and St Pet., Norf. Rector of Horham, Suff., 1599-1606. There is a reference to him in the register of Bramfield, Suff., by the vicar, " jNI'' Rabbet, my parishioner, upon causes unto me bj' him set down, and M"^ Sherman, of Moulton, M.D., for the preservation of his hefec. His will (proved P. C. C. 1615) is printed in Cooper's Annals, in. 94. He is buried in the college 58 GONVIU.E AND CAIUS. chapel, where there is a large mural monument to him. The following is the English part of the inscription : — Christian, surnamde, Stephan Perse I hight, Sole Life with God alone, m}' Crowne my Light, With living God, eternall Life I live, This now my Song ; to sole God praise I give. This Epitaph by me Perse was deviz'd, To none else my Thoughts better were compriz'd. Mapes, Leonard: of Norwich (bapt. at St Pet. Mancroft, Ap. 5, 1549): son of John Mapes, mediocris fortunse. Age 17. School, Norwich, three years. Admitted pensioner, Dec. 2, 156.5. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr F. Dorington, B.D., fellow. Town clerk of Norwich, 1595. Lord of a manor in E. Dereham. 'A la\\'j'er ; lived near Norwich ; purchased an estate at Rollesby ' (Jermyn). Married Catharine, daughter of Richard Southwell, of Horsham St Faith, Norf. Died Feb. 4, 1619-20: buried at Rollesby: M.I. there (Blomef. xi. 188). Pedigree in Vis. of Norf . Va\'isore, George : of South Cave, Yorkshire : son of John Vavisore, Esq. Age 20. Educated at Clare Hall, three years. Admitted pensioner, June 13, 1566. Tutor and surety Mr Valenger, fellow. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle. 'Vavasour of Spaldington ' (v. Foster's Vis. of Forks.). Married, 1574, Katharine, daughter of Sir W. Bapthorpe. Probablj' died young, without issue. The father's second wife was of S. Cave : he was b}' a third wife. Vavisore, Ralph : of South Cave, Yorkshire : son of John Vavisore, Esq. Age 16. School, South Cave, four years. Admitted pensioner, June 13, 1566. Tutor and surety Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle. Brother of the preceding. ISIarried Frances, daughter of Adam Darnell, of Stickford, Lines., and had issue (v. Foster's Vis. of Forks.). Davys, Simon: of Howden ('Houlden'), Yorkshire: son of Thomas Davys, mediocris fortunpe. Age 20. School, Howden. Admitted pensioner, June 13, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and suret}', Mr S. Valenger, fellow. (Brother of Thomas, p. 54.) MlCH^ 1566— MiCH^ 1567. Clere, Thomas : son and heir of Cliarles Clere, Esq. Born at Stokesbj', Norfolk. Age 19. Educated at home, and at St John's College, tliree years. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 23, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and suret)', INIr Humfrey Bohun, fellow. Succeeded his father at Stokesb}'. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1567. Married Anne, daughter of Tho' Heigham, Esq. Sheriff of Norf. 1595. Died Dec. 1619, at Filby : buried at Stokesby (v. Vis. of Norf ). Aldham, Edward : of Shimpling, Norfolk : son of John Aldham, gent. Age 18. At St John's College, one year. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 23, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with j\Ir Bohun, his tutor and surety. Of Hoxne, Suff., gent. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1624. Uncle of W" Le Neve, Clarencieux (J. J. j\I. ; and Vis. of Norf). *Churche, Robert : of Earls Colne, Essex : son of Bartholomew Churche, mediocris fortune. Age 17. School, Colchester; afterwards at St John's College for two years. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 23, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Bohuu, his tutor and surety. Matriculated sizar at St John's, June 30, 1565. B.A. (Cai.) 1567-S: M.A. 1571 : D.D. 1590. Fellow and tutor at Caius, Feb. 1568-9 to Mids' 1606. 1566—1567. 59 Univ. preacher, 1578: scrutator, 1588: Lady Marg. preacher, 1595. Dean of the college, 1593. Several years bursar and registrar of the college. Referred to by Gab. Harvey (Letter-book; Camden Hoc. 1884): "At the instant request of my very friend M"' Church, I have read the Rhetoric lectures in the schools." Presented to Mutford, Feb. 16, 1582-3. Married Rose, daughter of George Cowper of Runcton Holme, Norf., and had issue. He is entered in the Essex Vis. of 1612. See also Ath. Cant. ; and Vis. of Norfolk, for ' Couper of Runcton Holme.' Corbrigge, John : son of Thomas Corbrigge. Born at Hibaldstow, Lincolnshire. School, Kirton. At St John's College, one year. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 23, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Bohun, his tutor and surety. White, William : of Barnsley, Yorkshire : son of Richard White, mediocris fortunes. Age 16. At St Catharine's Hall, for six months. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 24, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with Ds Maplet, his tutor and surety. *Maplet, John. From Queens' College. B.A. there, 1563-4: M.A. (Cai.) 1567. Fell, of Cath. Hall, 1564. Appears as fellow and tutor of Caius from Oct. 1566 to Oct. 1567. Rector of Great Leighs, Ess., 1568-76; and vicar of Northolt, Middx., 1576-92. Author: Argemonie, or the pryncifall vertues of Stones, 1566. A greene Forest, or NaturaU Uistorie, 1567. The Diall of Destinie, 1581. Died 1592 (v. Ath. Cant, and D. N. B.). Gooddaye, Thomas : of Sawbridgeworth, Herts. : son of Thomas Gooddaye, mediocris fortunse. Age 16. Educated at St Catharine's Hall. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 24, 1566. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds Maplet. See pedigree of ' Gooddaye of Higham Ferrers ' (from Sawbridgeworth) in Vis. of Northants., 1618. Holland, Tobias : of Colchester : son of John Holland, mediocris fortunse. Age 18. Sciiool, Colchester, three years. At St John's College, four years. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 15, 1566-7. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Bohun, fellow of the college. B.A. (Joh.) 1566-7. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 27, 1570: priest (do.) Oct. 17, 1571, as curate of Gt Whelnetham, Suffolk. Rector of Winterton, Norf., 1577-1601. Wykes (Wickes), George : of Whitwell near Reepham, Norfolk : son of Edward Wykes, mediocris fortunse. Age 24. School, Eton, two years. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 21, 1566-7. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Valenger, fellow of the college. Ordained deacon (Norw.) May 23, 1567: priest (do.) June 12, 1568. Rector of Lit. Barningham, Norf., 1569-1617. Rector of Plumstead (Repps deanery), 1568. Described in "Part of a Register," 1586, as "no preacher: hath two benefices." Cooke, Robert : B.A. : of Colchester : son of Robert Cooke. Age 21. Educated at St John's College, five years. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 11, 1566-7. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Bohun, fellow of the college. B.A. (Clare) 1565-6: M.A. 1569. One of these names (ordained priest at Norwich, 1586) was rector of Topcroft, Norf., in 1591. The father was a proctor in the Court of Arches (Lond. Vis. 1634). Appleton, William : (second) son of Roger Appleton, Esq. Born at Dartford, Kent. Age 16. School, Hadleigh, Suffolk, six years. Admitted fellow- commoner, Feb. 16, 1566-7. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow of the college. 60 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Of Kpttlel)aston Hall, Suff., Esq. ; which he inherited from his uncle Edward Clarke. Married Elizabeth, daughter of William Waldegrave, of Hitcham, Suff. (J. J. M. ; and see Hasted's Kent i. 253.) Walforde, William : B.A. : of Essex : son of William Walford. Age 25. Educated at Triuit}' College four years. Admitted pensioner, March 11, 1566-7. As- signed a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow of the college. B.A. (Trin.) 1565. Bonde, George : M.A. : of Winthorpe, Lincolnshire : son of William Bonde, gent. Fellow of St John's College. Age 25. Admitted feUow-commoner, May 10, 1567. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle. Tutor and surety ]\Ir Humfrey Bohun, fellow. B.A. (Joh.) 1559: M.A. 1563: M.D. 1577. Fellow of St John's, Ap. 6, 1560. He erected a monument to his father and himself in Croft Church, Lines. : — Bondus eram, doctor niedicus nunc vermibus esca. Corpus terra tegit, Spiritus astra petit. Ardua scrutando cura luorbis senioque? Vita molesta fuit, mors mihi grata quies. (A. R. M.) *Tonipson, Richard : of Hadleigh, Suffolk : son of John Tompson, mediocris fortunfe. School, Hadleigh, four years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, July 3, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Maplett, fellow. B.A. 1571-2: 21st, out of 32, in the list. M.A. (Magd.) 1575. Was a fellow of our college in 1572. Perhaps vicar of Wiggenhall St Mary in 1599 ; and rector of Naughton, Suff., 1583. Harward, Richard : of Yarmouth : son of Robert Harward, mediocris fortunse. School, Yarmouth, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, July 25, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds Staller, fellow. Will of Robert Harward of Yarmouth proved (Norw.) 1577 : Richard was the eldest son. Fennynge, John (matriculated as Josias) : of Braintree, Essex : son of John Fennynge, metliocris fortunse. School, Braintree, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 5, 1567. Tutor and surety Ds Staller, fellow. Assigned the tenth upper cubicle, with Ds Walford. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Feb. 24, 1569-70. MiCH^ 15G7— MicH^ 1568. Hammond, Edward (matriculated as Richard) : of Edgefield, Norfolk : son of William Hammond, mediocris fortuna;. School, Holt ('Holte Market'), five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 3, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Valenger, fellow. One of these names, — ordained priest (Norw.) Oct. 21, 1569, — was rector of Cawston, Norf., 1571-1621. Died June 10, 1621. M.I. there. Will proved (Norw.) 1621. Probably the same, as his son was admitted in 1596. Northey, Adam : of Colchester : son of Richard Northey, mediocris fortuna;. Scliool, Colchester, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 3, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Humfrey Bohun, fellow. Ordained deacon (Lond.) jNIay 15, 1577: priest (do.) Oct. 6, 1577. The father was probably bailiff of Colchester (Morant, i. 76). 1567—1568. 61 Bohun, Nicholas : of Uggeshall (' Outchell '), Suffolk : sou of Francis Bohun, gent. School, Bungay, Norfolk (sic), four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 3, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Humfrey Bohun, fellow. Eldest son and heir. Married Audrey Coke, sister of the Lord Chief Justice. Died Nov. 16, 1602, during his father's life. M.I. in Westhall Church : where his father placed an inscription giving his descent, and that of the Earl of Bath, from Edward 111. (v. Sriff. Vis. 1561). *Bohun, Humphrey. B.A. 1555-6 : M.A. 1559. Probably uncle of Nicholas above. Appears as a resident fellow and tutor, from Oct. 1566 to Oct. 1567. Previously fellow of St John's College. Author : Address to Queen Elizabeth on her visit to Cavihridge ; delivered in the hall of St John's College, 1564 (v. Ath. Cant.). Pleasaunce, Thomas : of Tuddenham, Suffolk : son of John Pleasaunce, mediocris fortunse. School, Bury St Edmunds, seven years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 3, 1567. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Maplett, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1571. Of Tuddenham and Brandon, gent. Married Grizill, daughter of W™ Homberston, of Dunwich, Suff Will proved, Nov. 23, 1616 (P. C. C). Bequeaths his chamber in Gray's Inn, law books, &c., to his son Robert, of 1595 (J. J. M.). Parcar, Thomas: of Furneaux Pelham, Herts.: son of Lord Morley. Age 11. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 12, 1567. Tutor and surety Mr Trotte, fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his elder brother, Edward. Brother of Edward, of 1562-3. Bastard, Leonard : of Lynn, Norfolk : (eldest) son of Francis Bastarde, gent. School, Norwich, four years. Age 14. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 25, 1567. Tutor and surety Mr Matthew Trott, fellow of the college. Assigned the third lower cubicle. Scholar in 1572. B.A. 1572-3 : 18th out of 32 in the tripos list. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 16, 1576. Died without issue, before Ap. 1, 1612. Son and heir of Francis of W. Winch (v. Norf. Vis., 1563; and Carthew, p. 802). *Gerarde, Richard : of Harrow, Middlesex : son of William Gerard, gent. School, Harrow, four years. Age 15. Admitted scholar, Nov. 4, 1567. Tutor Mr Trott, fellow of the college. Surety, the Master. Assigned a cubicle with Ds Hammond. Re-admitted, after migrating to Trinity, March 29, 1574. B.A. (Trin.) 1571-2 : M.A. 1575 (incorporated at Oxford, 1578) : B.D. 1582. Fellow and tutor 1574 to 1582. Rector of Stockport, Chesh., 1577- 1614. Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth. Preb. of Southwell, 1580. Married Ursula, daughter of Ralph Arderne, Esq. Buried at Stockport, May 17, 1614 (E. A.). He was one of the leading opponents of Dr Legge's " Papistry." He complains that having preached at St Mary's, at Whitsuntide 1579, "in which he spake against Papists and seducers of youth," Dr Legge sent a letter to his, Gerard's, father upon the subject [Lansd. 33). He asserts that this sermon lost him his prebend. He appeals finally to the chancellor, Sep. 25, 1583, "to take order between master and fellows, that all extraordinary proceedings against him may be stayed, and that the slanderous informations made in his late absence might be fairly tried " (Cal. of S. Papers). His father was executor to Dr Caius, and a great personal friend of his : he brought the body from London for burial in Cambridge. *Depup, John, M.A. : son of George Depup, citizen of London. Born in London. Age 22. Educated at Trinity College. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 14, 62 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. 1567. Tutor and surety Mr Trot, fellow of the college. Assigned the sixth lower culiicle. B.A. (Trin.) 1563-4: M.A. 1567. Appears as fellow and tutor from March 1573-4 to Oct. 1575. Some of the fellows complain "that Dr Legge had by his importunate labour brought in one Depup to be fellow ; a man notoriously vicious and suspected to be popish, to whom the founder (Dr Caius) liad so great misliking that he gave special charge he should never be fellow." "That he was Popish it is as well known by the common report that alwaj-s was of him as that he was vicious, which no man that well knew him can deny." According to the fellows, Depup " was fetched by Dr Legge from London to be fellow of the college " (Lansd. 33). Afterwards rector of Hawksworth, Notts., 1585. Shereman, John : of Maldon, Essex : son of John Shereman, gent. School, Maldon, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 26, 1567. As- signed a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Trott, fellow. Bridge, Thomas : of Hunstanton, Norfolk : son of Thomas Bridge, mediocris fortunse. School, Walden, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 10, 1567—8. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Stephen Valenger, his tutor and surety. Scholar in 1572. *Hownd, Edmund : M.A. : son of John Hound, merchant of London. Born at Calais. Age 23. Educated at Trinity College. Admitted fellow-com- moner, June 14, 1568. Tutor and surety Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. Assigned the second upper cubicle to the east. Matriculated at Trin. 1558, wjiere he became scholar. B.A. 1563-4: M.A. 1567 : D.D. 1582. Appears as fellow and tutor at Caius from Oct. 1573 to June 1576. President, 1573-6. Master of Cath. Hall, 1577-98. Chaplain to tlie Earl of Leicester. Appointed by Dr Caius to preach his funeral sermon. Rector of Symondsbury, Dorset, where he died about Feb. 1597-8; being said to have hanged himself. Rector of West Tilbury, Ess., 1581. Incorporated M.A. at Oxford, 1572 (Ath. Cant.). During the religious disputes in tlie college the fellows complained that Hownd, supporting the Master, Dr Legge, overlooked disorders amongst the students in his chamljers, " as black sanct, and singing of lewde ballads, with heads out of the windowes and so lowde voyce that all the howse wondred thereatt, to the very evil example of the youthe" {Lansd. 33). Pedigree in Vis. of Camhs. 1619, where his father and grandfather are described as "of Calais." Clarkeson, Tliomas : of Northallerton, Yorkshire : son of Anthony Clarkeson, mediocris fortunre. School, Northallerton, five years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, June 14, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Maplet, fellow. Perhaps M.A. (Trin.) 1575; ordained priest (Peterb.) Sept. 18, 1571; rector of Lyng, Norf., about 1578; and of Hingham, Norf., 1584-1605. Died 1605. Rowse, Thomas : son of Caspar Rowse, citizen of London. Born in London. At school there, five years. Age 25. Admitted pensioner, July 14, 1568. Tutor and surety Mr Henry Holand, president of the college. Assigned a cubicle with Ds Churche. Tappe, Edmund: of Felmersham ('Fensham'), Beds.: son of Robert Tappe. School, Felmersham, four years. Aged 18. Admitted pensioner, July 14, 1568. Tutor and surety Mr Henry Holand. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Depup. Parlet, Francis : B.A. : of Downham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Parlet, mediocris fortunse. At Christ's College, four years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, 1567—1568. 63 Sept. 11, 1568. Tutor and surety Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle. B.A. (Christ's) 1567-8. Perhaps the same whose son was admitted at our college in 1598, and who is then described as "of Lynn." Dunning, Lancelot: M.A. : of the county of York: son of Christopher Dun- ning. Fellow of Trinity College, where he was educated. Age 26. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Sept. 14, 1568. Surety, Mr John Stallard, fellow. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle. B.A. (Trin.) 1560-1 : M.A. 1564. Fellow of Trinity 1562-5. Ordained priest (Norw.) Nov. 8, 1570. Rector of Grundisburgh, Sufi'., 1566-1617. Married, at Gt Bealings, Sufi", May 11, 1591, Margaret Carver. Buried at Grundisburgh Nov. 30, 1617. Mentioned in the will of Michael Dunning, of Lincoln, clerk; proved (P.C.C.) 1558-9. Cosen, Richard : of the county of Bedford : son of Thomas Cosen, mediocris fortunse. At Trinity College three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 20, 1568. Tutor and surety, Mr John Staller, fellow. Assigned the second lower cubicle. B.A. (Trin.) 1565: M.A. 1568: LL.D. 1580. Fellow of Trinity, 1566: senior fellow, 1569: lecturer, 1572-3: thesaurarius, 1574-5. Mictf 1568— MiOH^ 1569. Shuckforth, John : of Harling, Norfolk : son of William Shuckforthe, mediocris fortunse. School, Walden, Essex, three years. Age 16. Admitted pen- sioner, Oct. 3, 1568. Tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow. Probably grandson of John Shuckforth of Saham Toney. The family lived in that parish for more than 200 years (A. J.). Spenser, Roger : of Newton, Staffordshire : son of Richard Spenser, mediocris fortunse. School, Repton, Derbyshire, four years. Age over 20. Ad- mitted pensioner, Oct. 20, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Holand, president. B.A. 1573-4. Scholar in 1572. Ordained deacon (Ely) Dec. 21, 1576. Stutsberye, Benedict: of Northants.: son of William Stutsberye, mediocris fortunse. School, Brackley, six years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 22, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow, his tutor and surety. Probably of Evenley, Northants., where several of this name resided. Chapman, Allen : of Thriplow, Cambs. : son of Peter Chapman, gent. School, Walden, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 22, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Stephen Valenger, fellow, his tutor and surety. Admitted at Gray's Inn 1576: from Barnard's Inn. Rust, Thomas : of Clare, Suffolk : son of Thomas Rust, mediocris fortunse. School, Clare, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 12, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Holand, fellow and president of the college. B.A 1573-4: M.A. 1578. Ordained priest (Lond.) Oct. 16, 1577:— described as of Toppesfield. Rector of Aldham, Ess., 1604. Sowter, Thomas : of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire : son of Thomas Sowter, medi- ocris fortuna;. School, Wisbech, four years. Age 22. Admitted pensioner, Dec. 8, 1568. Assigned a cubicle with Henry Hammot, fellow, his tutor and surety. Probably B.A. (Qu.) 1568-9: M.A. 1572; and vicar of Wiggenhall St Mary, Norf., 1577-1591. Suspended, in 1584, for non-compliance with Abp Whitgift's Articles. Will proved (Norw.) 1591. 64 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Parlet, William : of Downhani, Norfolk : son of Thomas Parlet, mediocris fortuna\ School, Downham, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Jan. U, 1568-9. Tutor and surety, Mr Holand, fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his brother Francis. Jeffreis, Thomas: of Water Ortoni (' Waytrton '), Warwickshire: son of William JefiFi-eis, mediocris fortunse, deceased. School, Repton, four years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 14, 1568-9. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, ISIr Holand, president of the college. 'Thomas Jeffreis of Line. Diocese' subscribed for deacon's orders at Chester, July 26, 1573. Probably the rector of Snelland, Lines., described (Part of a Reg.) as "no preacher" in 1586. Kyrbye, Richard, B.A. : of London : son of Robert Kyrbye, mediocris fortunee. At Queens' College, five years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 18, 1568-9. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, Mr John Staller, fellow. B.A. (Qu.) 1567-8. Incorporated at Oxford Feb. 10, 1569-70. M.A. (Oxf.) 1573. Fellow of Oriel College, June 26, 1570 to March 8, 1574-5. Rector of W. Bergholt, 1575. Vicar of White Notley, 1588 ; and of Easter- Alta (all in Essex), 1597. Died 1608. Waferer, Thomas : son of Robert Waferer, mediocris fortunre. Born abroad, at Calais. School, Sandwich, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 3, 1568-9. Tutor and surety Ds Hammont, fellow. Assigned the upper cubicle above the well. Aldye, Villers : of Gunthorpe, Northants. : son of Adam Aldye, mediocris fortunaj, deceased. School, Sandwich, Kent, five years. Age 16. Ad- mitted pensioner, Feb. 3, 1568-9. Tutor and surety Ds Hammont. Assigned a cubicle with Thomas Waferer. B.A. (Pemb.) 1572-3: M.A. (Pemb.) 1576. Fellow of Pembroke, Oct. 17, 1574, to 1579. Lewes, Robert : of Lydd, Kent : son of John Lewes, mediocris fortunse, deceased. School, Colchester, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 6, 1568-9. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds Churche, fellow. B.A. (Joh.) 1571-2: M.A. 1575. One of these names was rector of Rushbrooke, Suft'., in 1606. Buried there, March 10, 1616-7. Of the same names were the rector of Markshall, Ess., 1573 ; and the vicar of St Peter, Colchester, 1579. Fletcher, Henry, B.A. : of Cockermouth, Cumberland: son of Henry Fletcher. At Trinity College, eight years. Age 26. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 22, 1569. Tutor and surety Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. Assigned an upper cubicle. B.A. (Trin.) 1560-1. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Oct. 28, 1562: priest (do.) March 14, 1562-3: when he is described as "of Dunmow, B.A., born at Cockermouth, 24 years of age." Probably licensed curate of St James, Clerk en well, 1585-1607. Buried in the chancel there, July 14, 1607. His father entertained Mary Queen of Scots in 1568, on her way from Workington to Carlisle. Mictf 1569— Mich* 1570. Ninge, Edward, M.A. : of Herringswell, Suffolk : son of William Ninge, medi- ocris fortune. Educated at Christ's College. Age 23. Admitted fellow- commoner, Oct. 3, 1569. Tutor and surety Air Hamante, fellow. Assigned the ninth lower cubicle, under the library. 1568—1569. 65 B.A. (Christ's) 1563-4: M.A. 15G7. Inherited by the will of his grand- father Thomas, yeoman, of Herringswell, in 1561. (J. J. M.) Fletcher, John : of Tivetshall, Norfolk : son of Robert Fletcher, mediocris fortu- ne. School, Tivetshall, four j'ears. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. .3, 1569. Assigned a cubicle with D.s Edwards, fellow. Migrated to Corp. Christi 1569: B.A. 1572-3. One of these names was rector of Kirton, Suff., in 1603. *Edwards, Nicholas. From Corpus Christi. B.A. 1566-7. Fellow there till Oct. 1569. Fellow and tutor at Caius for a short time afterwards. Of these names were the rector of Courteenhall, Northants., 1571 : of Herringswell, Sufl'., 1574 : and of Weston under Edge, Gloucs., 1590. Wilde, George : of Felmersham, Bedfordshire : son of Robert Wilde, mediocris fortunse. At school in Cambridge. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 3, 1569. Tutor and surety Mr Hamante. Assigned the tenth cubicle, above the well. Proljably ordained deacon (Line.) Jan. 7, 1586-7 : described as of Lincoln diocese. 8mithe, Nathaniel : of London : son of Ralphe Smithe, gent., deceased. At St Jolm's College, three years. Age 20. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 18, 1569. Tutor and surety Ds Edwards. Assigned the uppermost cubicle ovei- the gate, in the Caius Court. (The first occupant of the new buildings.) Tuhags, Edward : of Letchworth, Herts. : son of John Thuages, gent. At Christ's College, three years. Age 20. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 23, 1569. Tutor and surety Mr Ninge. Assigned the last upper cubicle, by the ' platea ' in the western part of the Caius Court. Dethicke, Cliristopher : of Beechamwell, Norfolk : son of Edmund Dethicke, gent. School, Lynn, three years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Hamante, his tutor and surety. Son and heir. Succeeded to his father's estate, 1565; but this was much encumbered, and had to be partly sold by his guardians. (A. J.) Eldest son of Edmund of Wormegay. (See Vis. of Nor/.) First cousin of Leonard and Edmond Bastard. Ro, William : M.A., of Oxford : son of Thomas Ro, merchant and alderman of London (afterwards Lord Mayor). Born in London. Educated at St Anthony's School, and afterwards at Oxford. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 17, 1569. Age 24. Surety, Mr John Trace, M.A., fellow. Assigned to the Master's cubicle ' per gratiam ejusdem.' B.A. (Oxf.) 1563: M.A. 1567. Fellow of Magdalen Coll. Oxford, in 1564. Afterwards of Higham Hill, Essex. Married Anne Cheyney, of Che.sham Bois, Bucks. Died June 29, 1596. Monument at Walthanistow : — " Foris in Germania et Gallia ob summam eruditionem et pietatem Tremellio et Bezfe longe charissimus fuit." His motlier, Mary Gresham, was first cousin of Sir Thomas Gresham. For pedigree see Vis. of Lond. 1568; and of Essex 1612. *Tracie, John: B.A. 1564-5: M.A. 1568: M.D. (Cai.) 1580. Fellow and tutor, Nov. 1569 to Nov. 1573. Bursar, 1572. Proctor, 1572. President of the college. In 1573 he received "for his pains," 20^ from Dr Caius' executors. They also gave £10 "to his poor sister, dwelling in Norwich, for tlie release of her and her poor children." Will proved (V. C. Court) Aug. 7, 1580. He leaves Matthiol's Herhal to the College libi-ary, mourn- ing rings to the master and most of the fellows, 40" to be divided amongst 6G GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. the poor scholars of the college, and 20' amongst those of Pcterhouse. The will is long and unusually full of religious expressions. It mentions many relations, amongst them his "brother Tracie, of Lincoln's Inn." GoodwjTi, Blasius : son of William Goodwin, gent., merchant of London. Age 19. School, Eton. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 17, l.")G9. Tutor and surety, ]\Ir John Trace, ALA., fellow. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Ro. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Dec. 14, 1.572. Wydley, Thomas: of Grundisburgh, Suffolk: son of William Wydley. Age 16. School, Burj' St Edmunds. Admitted pensioner, No^■. 26, 1569. Tutor and surety, Edward Nynge, M.A., fellow- commoner. A.ssigned a lower cubicle with Spenser, by the chapel. Spenser, Augustin : son of Nicholas Spenser, merchant. Born in London. Schools, St Anthony and St Lawrence. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Dec. 1, 1569. Surety, Mr John Trace, fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Wni. Ro, M.A. Ballard, John : of Wratting (' Tollewratting '), Suffolk : .son oi William Ballard, metliocris fortuna?. School, Elmdon, three 3'ears. Age 17. Admitt«l pensioner, Jan. 18, 1569-70. Tutor and surety, Ds Edwards, fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. B.A. (King's) 1574-5. Doubtless the seminary priest executed for complicity in Babington's plot ; as he is described ixs a Cambridge graduate, on his ariival at Douay College, Nov. 27, 1579. Ordained priest March 4, 1580-1, and sent to England .soon after. He was imprisoned in 1581. Afterwards in Rome, and Paris, where he had interviews with Charles Paget (see back, p. 40) and returned with a letter from him to the Queen of Scots in 1585. Passing as "Captain Fortescue" he travelled through England in furtherance of the plot. Arrestetl in London, Aug. 4, 1585; and racked. Executed, with five companions, Sep. 20, 1585 (v. D. N. B.). Raighet, Thomas : of GarVwldisham, Norfolk : son of Rolsert Raghett, mediocris fortuna?. School, Garboldisham, four yeai-s. Age 18. Admitted pensioTier, June 26, 1570. Tutor and surety, Ds Exlwards, felluw. As.signed the fourtii lower cubicle. MiCH^ 1570— MiCH^ 1571. *Raghet, Henry: B.A. 1568-9: M.A. 1572. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 27, 1570. Appeare as fellow and tutor, Jan. 1570-1 to Oct. 1572. Doubt- less the man who was buried, at St ilichael's, as "M' Packet, fellow of Key's College," Ap. 12, 1573. Perhaps brother of the above. Scarlett, Thomas : of Stowmarket, Suffolk : son of Robert Scarlett, mediocris fortunse. At Trinity College, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 16, 1570. Tutor and suretj% Mr Hamand, fellow. Assigned the upper cubicle over the well. Thomas Scarlett, of Suffolk : admitted at Lincoln's Inn, from Furnival's Inn, Aug. 6, 1582. Garrard, Peter : son of William Garrard, knt. Born in London. At school thei-e, six yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 27, 1570. Tutor and surety, ^Ir John Tracye, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle under the liljrary. Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Jan. 20, 1570-1. Fourth .son of Sir W. Garrard, Lord Ma3'ur of London 1555; whose will was provetl in 1572. See Lotiil. Vis., 1568 ; and ' Garraril of Wheathampstead,' in Hei-ts. Yii. 1569—1571. 67 Drake, John : of East Dereham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Drake, deceased. School, East Dereham, four years. At Corpus Christi College, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 20, 1-570. Tutor and surety, Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. B.A. (Magd.) 1571-2. Perhaps the rector of All SS. Southampton, 1600. Anger, Edmund : of Foulden, Norfolk : son of John Anger, mediocris fortune. Schools, Wilton and Ely, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. Tutor and surety, Ds Raghett, fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. Buller, Robert : of Brome, Suffolk : son of Robert Buller, mediocris fortuna?. Schools, Hickling and Botesdale, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner. Tutor and surety, Ds Raghet, fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. Scholar in 1572. Norcotte, Samuel : of Saffi'on Walden, Essex : son of Richard Norcotte, medi- ocris fortune. School, Saflron Walden. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, April 2, 1571. Tutor and surety, Mr Hammant. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. B.A. 1572-3 (20th, out of 32, in the list). Ordained deacon (Ely) Dec. 21, 1576. Mersse (Marsh), John : of West Wickham, Cambs. : son of Bai-tholoniew Mersse, mediocris fortuna;. School, Bury St Edmunds, four years. Age 18. Ad- mitted pensioner. Tutor and surety, Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1575—6. Resided in Cambridge, and is called Doctor: assisted Gerard in his Herbal, 1597 (v. Ath. Cant). Bonefelowe, John : of Ellingham, Norfolk : son of Simon Bonefelowe, mediocris fortunaj. At Clare College, two years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracye, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cul)icle. Roper, Henry : of Sharrington, Norfolk : son of Robert Roper, gent. Schools, Holt, Norfolk, two years; and Eaton (Socon), two years. Age 19. Ad- mitted pensioner, June 15, 1571. Tutor and surety, Mr H. Hainant, fellow. Assigned the upper cubicle above the well. Scholar in 1572. Eldest son of Robert of Saxlingham : his mother was a Dawbney of Sharrington. Cousin of Clement Dawbney, of 1581. See Vis. of Norfolk. Dinsdale, John: B.A. : of Lynn, Norfolk: son of John Dinsdale, merchant. At Corpus Christi College, five years. Age 23. Admitted fellow-commoner. Assigned the first upper cubicle by the chapel, on the east side of the Caius court. Surety, Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. B.A. (Corp.) 1569-70. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 11, 1568. Rector of Gaywood, Norf., 1577 to 1578. Probalily the Thomas Dimsdale incorpo- rated at Oxford, in 1573: M.A. (Oxf.) 1573: will proved, as Jolni Dinsdale, at Oxford, 1578 (Foster). He was the student on whom, according to the Annals, the fellows laid the blame for the outrage against Dr Caius, in the matter of burning the chapel ornaments. Womocke, Arthur : of East Dereham, Norfolk : son of William Wonocke (sic), mediocris fortunse. School, East Dereham, four years. At Clare College, three years. Admitted pensioner, July 8, 1571. Age 20. Tutor and surety, Ds Raghett. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. B.A. 1572-3: M.A. 1576. Scholar in 1572. Ordained priest (Norw.) July 27, 1578. Rector of Lopham, Norf., 1578-1607. Married, at Harg- ham, May 12, 1597, Alice Rowse, widow (Davy). Buried, June 18, 1607. 5—2 68 GONVILLK AND CARTS COLLEGE. Saunders, Edward : of Coventry : son (by first wife) of Francis Saundei-s, gent. Age 18. Schools, Great Harborough, Warwickshire, and Eton, five years. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 22, 1571. Tutor and .surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle in the Caius Court. Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Ap. 22, 1572. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Jan. 15, 1575. Of Brixworth, Esq. Married Millicent, daughter of John Temple, of Stowe. Died 1630. Half-brother of Matthew, o'f 1593. (See Vis. of Northants., 1618.) Richemonde, Thomas : of Barton, Cambs. : son of John Richemonde, mediocris fortunre. Age 18. School, Hitchin, Herts., one j'ear, and King's College School, Camb., four j'ears. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 22, 1571. Assigned a cubicle with Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow, his tutor and surety. Tayler, William : of Chelmsford : son of John Tayler. School, Chelm.sford, six yeare. At Christ's College, four j'ears. Age 24. Admitted fellow-conmioner, Aug. 24, 1571. Tutor and suret)', Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned an upper cubicle, in the middle of the east side of the Caius Court. Pei'haps vicar of Aveley, Ess., 1573, to his death in 1589 ; and rector of Springfield Boswell, Ess., 1581-9. One of these names was rector of Knapton, Norf., 1573-81. Sorell, William : of Great Waltham, Essex : son of William Sorell, mediocris fortume. School, Bury St Edmunds, three years. Age 23. Admitted Sep. 18, 1571. Tutor and surety, Mr H. Hannnont, M.A., fellow. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. The family were for many years lessees of Great Waltham parsonage. (Morant iL 88.) Pedigree in Vis. of Essex. Brytift', Thomas : of Norwich: .son of Robert Brytif!', doctor ('medicus.') School, Norwich, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 20, 1571. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, INIr John Staller, M.A., fellow. Scholar in 1572. Mich' 1571— Mich' 1572. Estofte, John : of Eastoft, Yorkshire : son of Thomas Estofte, Esq. School, Merchant Taylors', London, four years. At St John's College, three years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 9, 1571. Tutor and surety, Ds Perse, B.A., fellow. Bounde, John : of Aylsham, Norfolk : son of John Bounde, mediocris fortuna\ School. Aylsham, six years At St John's College, three j'ears, ' humaniorilms scientiis institutus.' Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 2G, 1571. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle, on the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1572-3 : Uth, out of 32, in the list : M.A. 1576. Perhaps rector of Great Horkesley, Ess., 1580-1617 ; and of Lit. Thorpe, Norf., 1602-27. Dauson, Richard : of Holt, Norfolk : son of William Dauson, D.D. Schools, Reepham and Aylsham, eight years. At St John's College, two years, 'melioribus Uteris institutus.' Admitted pensioner, Oct. 26, 1571. Tutor and suret)', l\Ir John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle on the west side of the Caius Court. Succeeded his father (a great pluralist) as rector of Reepham, 1574-94. Sanderson, Robert : of Blyth, Notts. : son of Christopher Sanderson, mediocris fortunjv, deceased. School, Sheffield, six years. At St John's College, two 1571—1572. 6.9 years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 5, 1571. Tutor and surety, Mr John .Staller, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 22, 1579: B.A. 1572-3 : 22nd, out of 32, in the list: M.A. 1578. Of Gilthwaite, Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Carr of Ecclesfield. Purchased Blyth from the Stanhopes. Buried there Nov. 14, 1609. Father of Bp Sanderson. (See Vis. of Notts., and Raine's Blyth.) Unton, Paul : son of Hugh Unton, merchant and citizen of London. Born in London: formerly bencher? ('socius') of the Middle Temple. Age 11. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 29, 1571-2. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth upper cubicle, next that of the Master, on the west side of the Caius Court. Fauute, Nicholas : of Canterbury : son of John Faunte, mediocris fortun;e. School, Canterbury, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 29, 1571-2. Tutor and surety, Ds Stephen Perse, B.A., fellow. Assigned the second lower cubicle in the Gonville Court. Scholar in 1572. B.A. (Corp.) 1575-G. Clerk of the Signet, 1603. M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1585. Described as of Norfolk, on his entry at Corpus. He was in Paris during the Bartholomew massacre, of which he was one of the first to bring the details. There are manj' of his letters amongst the Lambeth MSS ; see especially 647, 8. Entered in tlie Vis. of Surrey, 1623; according to whicii he was twice married, (v. Atk.. Cant.; and D. N. B.) Gilson, Edmund : of Stapleford, Camljs. : son of John Gilson, mediocris fortunas. School, Ely, three years. At Clare Hall, two years. Age 23. In deacon's orders. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 29, 1571-2. Tutor and surety, Mr H. Hammont, M.A., fellow. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. Rector of Caston (Norf.) 1575-9 : will proved, Norwich, 1579. Bemaut, Stephen : son of William Bemant, mediocris fortume. Born in Cam- bridge. Educated there, at the King's School, six years. Admitted pensioner, April 14, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. B.A. 1575-6. Ordained deacon (Ely) Dec. 1578: priest (Lond.) March 30, 1580. Rector of Eastthorpe, Ess., 1579. Indicted for non-conformity ; resigned before Nov. 1609. "Indicted for matters of the Book (of Connnon Prayer) and now, since the Bishop's visitation, hath a day set him for his deprivation for not yielding to wear the surplice." (v. Davids' Essex : p. 110.) Snagge, Edward. Fellow-commoner in 1572. Rector of Marston Moretain, Beds., to 1598. Richardson, Thomas : of Swinefleet, Yorkshire : son of Matthew Richardson, mediocris fortume. School, Louth, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, April 28, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. As- signed the fourth lower cubicle. A Thomas Richardson was reported as a Popish recusant Sep. 30, 1588. (Strjrpe, Ann. iii. ii. 600.) Rise, Henry : of Runcton : son of William Rise, mediocris fortunaj. Born at North Repps, Norfolk. Schools, Norwich, three years ; and Aylsham, three years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, April 29, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. A Henry Rise was one of the Norfolk clergy suspended for non-compliance with Whitgift's Articles in 1584. Rector of Ovington 1600-3. In 1603 the value of the living is returned as £10. 4s. Id. (Harl. 595.) Will proved (Norwich) 1603. 70 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. ♦Clarke, John: B.A. : of Stevenage, Herts.: son of John Clarke. Educated at Christ's College, ' lx)nis artibus et disciplinis eruditus.' Age 23. Admitted fellow-connuoner, ila)' 22, 1.572. Tutor and surety, ]\Ir John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle by that of the Master. B.A. 1570-1: M.A. 1574. Probably fellow of the college in June 1572. A John Clark, M.A., was rector of "Walkern, Herts., 1604-12. Died May 23, 1612. Kent, Thomas : of Aston, Herts. : son of Jolin Kent, mediocris fortuuie. Schools, Aston, Baldock, and Shephall (' Sliepholde "), six years. At Trinity College six months. Age 19. Admitted pensioner. May 22, 1572. Surety, Mr John Tracie, ^I.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Clerke, B.A. Of Aston, gent. Eldest son. ^Married Mercy, daughter of Thomas Clark. (v. Aj>p. to Vis. of Herts.; and to Vis. oj' Beds.) Bates, Peter : of Hatfield, Herts. : son of Edmund Batejs, mediocris fortune. School, Stevenage, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, May 31, 1572. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Clerke, B.A. B.A. 1575-6. Subscribed for ordei-s (deacon and priest) at Chester, Dec. 21, 1576. Rector of FlLxton, Sutl", 1577-88. Stonehowse, Edward: B.A.: of Bersted? ('Boested'), Kent: son of George Stone- howse, Esq. At Pembroke Hall, ' lil>eralibus scientiis institutu.s,' live yeare. Age 22. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 1, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the upper cubicle next but one to that of the Master. B.A. (Pemb.) 1571-2. The father was Qerk of the Green Cloth to Queen Elizabeth, and died in 1575. Twedy, Richard : of Workington, Cumberland : son of William Twedy, gent. Schools, Twyford, Hants., and Maldon, Essex, four years. Age 14. Ad- mitted pensioner, June 5, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr Henry Hammont. Assigned the fourth upper cubicle. Clarke, George : of Bennington, Herts. : .son of William Clarke, mediocris for- tune. Schools, Bennington, two years ; and Walkern, four years. Age 1 9. Admitted pensioner, June 6, 1572. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Clerke, B.A. B.A. (Christ's) 1574-5 : M.A. 1578. A 'George Clarke, of Line. Diocese' subscribed for priest's ordera (Line.) Ap. 8, 1587. Perhaps the rector of Monks Risborough, Bucks., who had a license to marry Elizabeth Gouldwell, of Duxford, 1584 (Ely ^Ja)•r. Lie). Rector of Scampton, 1587; and of Kirkby on Bain, 1597 ; both in Linos. Dowe (Dove), Richard : B.A. : of Attleborough, Norfolk : son of Henry Dowe. School, Wymondham. At Corpus Christi College, three yeai-s. Age 23. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 6, 1572. Surety, ISIr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the last upper cubicle to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Corp.) 1569-70 : M.A. 1573. Vicar of Emneth, Norf., and of Lyng in 1576. Probably the same who was instituted to Stratford, Suff., Feb. 23, 1587-S : liWng vacated in 1589. Richard Dow, M.A., was one of the Suffolk ministers who refused to subscribe to " "NMiitgift's Articles" in 1584 (Browne, p. 604). Cause, William : sou of Robert Cause, mediocris fortune. Born in London. School, St Paul's, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, June 9, 1572. 1572. 71 Tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Assigned the third lower cubicle in the Gonville Court. B.A. 1575-6: M.A. 1579: B.D. 1586. Ordained deacon (Lond.) March 30, 1580 ('Cawsey'). Vicar of Reigate, Surrey, 1585 to 1599; when he resigned. Wennani, Thomas : son of Thomas Wennam, inediocris fortunas, deceased. Born at Walden, Essex. At school there, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, June 11, 1572. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Staller, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1575-6 (Pemb.): M.A. 1579. Vicar of Finchingfield, Essex, 1584, to his death in 1605. Boroughe, Richard : of Snettisham, Norfolk : son of John Boroughe, mediocris fortunie. School, Snettisham, four j'ears. At Queens' College, two years. Age 20. Admitted jiensioner, July 1, 1572. Assigned a cubicle witli his tutor and surety, Mr Henry Raghet, M.A., fellow. Sherarde, Simon : of Lobthorpe, Lincoln : son of Rowland Sherarde, gent, (after- wards knighted). School, Grantham, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 3, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the cubicle under the library. B.A. 1576-7 : M.A. 1580. Probably died young. Not mentioned in the pedigree, in the Vis. of Leics., 1619, of ' Sherard of Stapleford.' His mother was Jane, daughter of Augustine Porter, of Belton. (A. R. M.) Mich" 1572— Mich^ 1573. Muffet, Thomas : son of Thomas MutJ'et, citizen of London. Born in London. School, Merchant Taylors', five years. At Trinity College, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 6, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr Joiiii Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the last lower cubicle to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Cath.) 1572-3; 3rd out of 32, in the list. M.A. (Trin.) 1576. M.D. at Basle; incorporated at Cambridge, 1582. Travelled much abroad, with Lords Essex, Willoughby, and others, on various missions. Practised for a time at Ipswich. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1588. M.P. for Wilton, 1597, where he spent the latter part of liis life as a retainer of the Earl of Pembroke. Buried at Wilton, about June 1605. Author: Health's Improvement, and other medical works (v. Ath. Cant.). One of the charges against Dr Legge was of having driven Muffet from the college, "a very proper scholar, and very forward in religion " (Lnnsd. 33), on account of his anti-popish opinions, (v. Munk's lioU, I. 91; and D. N. B.) Addye, Robert : of Wath (upon Dearne), Yorkshire : son of William Addye, mediocris fortunse, deceased. Schools, Rotherham and Worsbrough, six years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 6, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr Henry Raghet, M.A., fellow. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. Greaves, Rodolphe : of Todwick, Yorkshire : son of Charles Greaves, mediocris fortunse. School, Laughton, Yorksiiire, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 8, 1572. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., president. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Mr Tayler, fellow-connnoner. B.A. 1575-6 (Clare) : M.A. 1579. Rector of Culmerton, Salop, 1578. Cattelyne, Ralph (' Ranulphus ') : son of Richard Cattelyne, gent. Born in London. School, Wymondham, Norfolk, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 15, 1572. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., president 72 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. of the college. Assigned the lower cubicle under the library. Ke-admitted as fellow-commoner, Ap. 4, 1575. B.A. 1576-7 : M.A. (Clare) 1580. Rector of Naughton, Suff. ; and of Wenham Combust, Sufi", 1584. Brother of Richard, of 1561. Will proved (P. C. C.) Jan. 18, 1612-3 : his lands in Capel to be sold, and £o pei- an. to be paid to his wife Katharine : sons Abdiel and Benaiah executors. (J. J. M.) *Canhan, Simon: B.A. : of Ashill, Norfolk: sou of Simon Canhan, mediocris for- tun:e. At St John's College, four years. Age 22. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 20, 1572-3. Tutor, Mr John Tracie, M.A., president of the college. Assigned the last lower cubicle, at the south end of the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Joh.) 1571-2: M.A. 1575. Fellow from about Oct. 1575 to Sep. 1578. Chaplain to the Earl of Bath. Rector of Marwood, Dev., 1578-1622. Rector of Tawstock, 1578-1622. Buried at Marwood, Dec. 23, 1622. M. I. there. Wife IMarj' buried June 2, 1613. Clarke, William : of Stevenage, Herts. : son of Thomas Clarke, mediocris fortunse. School, Eton (Eaton Socon?), four years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 28, 1572-3. Tutor, ISlr Clarke, fellow-commoner. Surety, JNIr John Tracie, M.A., president. Assigned tiie third and midille lower cubicle, at the south enil of the west side of the Caius Court. Johnson, Thomas : son of Geoffrey Johnson, merchant, of London. Born there. School, St Paul's, four years. At St John's College, three j-ears. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, jNlarch 25, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. B.A. 1573—1. Ordained priest (Lond.) Oct. 6, 1577. Fryer, Robert : of (jlravesend, Kent : son of John Fryer, mediocris fortunse. School, Canterbury, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, April 3, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, i\l.A., fellow. Assigned the third lower cubicle. B.A. 1576-7: M.A. 1580. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Dec. 21, 1581. Vicar of West-Thurrock, Ess., 1584 to his death in 1593. Longe, John : of Clare, Suffolk : son of John Longe, deceased, mediocris fortunse. School, Clare, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, April 7, 1573. Tutor and surety, i\lr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Assigned the lower cubicle above the well. B.A. 1577-8: M.A. 1584. Probably vicar of Gt. Wilbraham, Cambs., 1580 ; and rector of Tuddenham, Suff., 1584. Ager, Clement : of Clare, Suffolk : son of Clement Ager, mediocris fortunre. School, Clare, four years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, April 21, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow, his tutor and sui-ety. Rector of Bradfield Combust, Suff., from 1603, when he returned 60 com- nuinicants (Hurl. 595). Buried there, Sep. 17, 1623. Will dated 1623; proved (Bury) 1623: "of Bradfield." Trendel, Thomas: of Saham Tony ('Same'), Norfolk: son of William Trendel, mediocris fortune. Schools, Saham Tony and Shipdham, three years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, April 29, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with Mv Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow, his tutor and surety. Vicar of Mendham, Suff., to 1631. Buried June 18, 1631. Will proved (Norwich) 1631. Clarke, John : of Walkern, Herts. : son of William Clarke. School, Walkern, three years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 19, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr John Tracie, INI. A., fellow. Assigned an upper cubicle, the second from that of the Master. One of these names admitted at Gray's Inn, 1577. 1573. 73 *Legge, Tliomas. Son of Stephen Legge, of Norwich. Matriculated at Corpus, 1552. Migrated to Trinity. B.A. (Trin.) 1556-7 : M.A. 1560 : LL.D. 1575. Incorporated at Oxford, 1586. Fellow of Trinity, 1560 to 1568. Fellow of Je.sus, 1568 to 1573. Regius Prof, of Civil Law, 1563-73. Doctor in tlie Court of Arches, and Master in Chancery. Dr Caius resigned the Master- ship to him, June 27, 1573, on finally quitting the college; having nominated him in his will (June H), in accordance with an agreement with the college, as his " tru.sty and well-heloved friend." Died July 12, 1607. Buried in the college chapel, where there is a fine monument to him. Author of a tragedy, Jiichard the Third. " One of the best in England for composing tragedies " (Wood, Ath. Ox.). Pedigree in Vis. of Cambs., 1619. For .some account of his long and active rule in college see under Masters. Barker, William : son of Edmund Barker, mediocris fortume. Born in Norwich. At school there, seven years. Age 16. A-dmitted pensioner, July 9, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Assigned the third lower cubicle. B.A. 1576-7. Mudde, John : son of Henry Mudde, citizen of London. Born in London. At St Paul's school, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, July 11, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle. *Temple, Thomas : B.A. : of Leicester : son of Robert Temple, mediocris fortune. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 1573. At Jesus College, five years. Age 22. Surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the second upper cubicle in the Gonville Court. B.A. (Jes.) 1572-3: M.A. (Cai.) 1576. Fellow from about Jan. 1574-5 to Ap. 1576. Rolaert Temple of I^eicester, and Thomas his son, sold the Augustine Priory at Leicester for £20 in 1597. (Nichols, Herald and Geneal. in. 392.) Witham, Anthony : of Cliffe, Yorkshire : son of John Witham, gent. School, Kirby, Yorkshire, five years. At Jesus College, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, July 15, 1573. Tutor and surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the .sixth lower culjicle. Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Oct. 16. Of Clifte, Esq. Married Anne, daughter of John Middleton, of Stockeld. Admitted at Gray's Inn, from Staples Inn, 1575. {Vis. of Yorks., 1585.) Foxe, Nicholas : of Thorpe, Yorkshire : son of Thomas Foxe, gent. School, New- burgh, Yorkshire, six years. At Jesus College, two years. Admitted pensioner, July 17, 1573. Age 18. Tutor and surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the sixth lower cubicle. Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Jan. 15, 1573-4. Prol)ably the same who was afterwards a seminary priest. Ordained priest at Douay, in 1581 (see Douay Diary). Dodsworthe, Francis : of Thornton W'atlass, Yorkshire : sou of John Dodsworth, gent. School, Newburgh, five years. At Jesus College, six months. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, July 15, 1573. Tutor and surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the sixth lower cubicle. Third son : died without issue. Admitted at Gray's Inn, from Staples Inn, 1575. Not mentioned in the'pedigree in Vis. of Yorks., 1585. Some of the family are returned as popish recusants in 1604. Girlington, John : of Hutton, Yorkshire : son of Nicholas Girlington, gent. Schools, Heighington, Kirkby, and Barnard Castle, five years. At Jesus College, six months. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, July 15, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Fourth son. Afterwards of Thurland Castle, Lanes., knight. Married Christian, daughter of Sir Wm Baljthorp. He and his wife are returned as popish recusants in 1604. See Vis. of Yorks. [Jlarl. .b'oc). 74 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Birde, Edward : of Delxleii, Essex : son of Philip Byrde, inediocris fortuiije. Schools, DelMlen, and Walden, four years. At Jesus College, six months. Age IG. Admitted pensioner, July \5, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, the Master, j\Ir Thomas Legge. Second son. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Oct. 10, 1580. Bela.ssis, Charles : of Newburgh, York.shire : son of William Behissis, knt. School, Newburgh, .six years. x\.t Jesus College, six months. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, July 15, 1573. Tutor and surety, the Master, Mr Legge. Assigned the tiret upper cubicle, next the chapel, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Jes.) 1578-9 : M.A. 1582. Of Morton, Houghton le Spring, which he inherited from his uncle Bichard. Will printed by Siirtees Soc. (Vol. 38, p. 339). Described as D.C.L. : leaves all his books, furniture, &c. " in St John's College, Cambridge," to liis brother Brian. Buried at Houghton, Aug. 18, 1601. (v. Vi^. of i'or/cs.) Woorledge, Nicholas : of Eye, SuB'olk : son of John Woorledge, mediocris fortunse. School, E}'e, four years. Age 14. Admitted pensioner, July 20, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Assigned the fourth lower cubicle in the Gonville Court. Tooley, Thomas : son of Bichard Tooley, mediocris fortunse. Born in Norwich : at school there, six years. Two years at Corpus Christi College and Trinity Hall. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 12, 1573. Tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Assigned a lower cubicle, to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1375-6. Admitted at Corpus, 1571. Hall, Christopher : of York : son of Rodolph Hall, gent. School, Eton, five years. At St John's College, one year. Age 21. Admitted fellow-commoner, Aug. 14, 1573. Surety, i\lr John Traeie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the second upper cubicle, to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1574-5: 6th, out of 19, in the list. Rector of Escrick, Yorks., 1602. Brewsse (Brus), Edmund : of Weuham, Suffolk : (fifth) son of John Brewse, knt. School, Ipswich, four yeai-s. At Christ's College, a year and a half. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 15, 1573. Surety, the Jtaster, Mr Thoniivs Legge. Assigned the first lower cubicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. Died without issue; probably before his father's death in 1584. (v. SuJ^. Vm.) Crescie, Hugh : of Blyth, Notts. : (second) son of Nicholas Crescie, Esq. At Jesus and Queens' Colleges, iive years. Age 24. Admitted fellow-commoner, Aug. 18, 1573. Surety, ISIr Thomas Legge, Master of the college. Assigned the upper middle cubicle on the east side of the Caius Court. Rector of AVilford, Notts., 1581-90. By his will, proved May 1593, he desires to be buried in Wilford Church. See Vk. of Notts, for pedigree. (Godfrey's A'otls.) Cholmeley, Henry : of Bolton, Yorkshire : son of Richard Cholmeley, knt. At Jesus College, sLx months. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Aug. 18, 1573. Surety, the Master, ]Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the fii-st upper cubicle, to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. Henry Cholmele)-, "of Yorkshire," was admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 19, 1577. Of Whitby and Roxby, knt. Succeeded his elder brother Francis. Married Margaret, daughter of Sir W. Babthorpe. Died Jan. 12, 1615-6; and buried at St John's, York. See Foster's Yorks. Pedigrees. 157.3. 75 Baker, Thomas : son of Ricliard Baker, mediocris fortunse. Born at Dereham Grange, Norfolk. School, Elmdon, Es.sex, four year.s. At Jesus College, three months. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 18, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, Mr Thomas Legge, Master of the college. Baker, Richard : brother of the above. Born and educated at the same places as his brother. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 18, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his suretj', Mr Thomas Legge, Master of the college. Holtbie, Richard: of Fryton? ('Fritam'), Yorkshire: son of Lancelot Holtbie, mediocris fortune. School, Northallerton, four years. At Christ's College, two years. Age ::!0. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 19, 1573. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle, to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. Migrated to Oxford, 1571. B.A. (Oxf.) 1575-6. A celebrated Jesuit priest : one of the few who, tiiough constantly hunted by spies, escaped appiehension. Described by an informer, about 1593, as "a little man, with a reddish beard, about the age of 43." Most of his labours were in his own county of Yorkshire, where he died in extreme old age. May 25, 1610. So remarkable does liis immunity seem — he frequently visited York Castle whilst H. Walpole was a prisoner there — that Dr Jessopp thinks he must have had some powerful friends in the )«ickground. He became Superior of the English Jesuits, after the execution of Garnet, May 3, 1606. (\". Foley's Records, Vol. III. and D. N. B.) Patricke, Giles : M. A. : of Shineton (' Sheinketon '), Shropshire : son of Tliomas Patrick, mediocris fortunse. Sciiool, Worcester : afterwards at Jesus College. Age 30. Admitted fellow-connnoner, Aug. 23, 1573. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the last upper cubicle, to the south, on tlie east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Jes.) 1561-2: M.A. 1565: M.D. 1584. Elnies, Edward : of Cransley, Northants. : son of Henry Elmes, mediocris fortunfe. School, Peterborough, three years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 18, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Mich'* 1573— Mich'' 1574. *Howse, Thomas : of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk : son of John Howse, mediocris fortunes. School, Holt, Norfolk, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 11, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Edmund Hownde, M.A., president of the college. B.A. 1576-7 : M.A. 1580. Fellow from about L. Day 1579 to L. Day 1587. Is returned as a preacher, Nov. 1581. Perhaps rector of Clenchwater, Norf., in 1602. Grene, John : of Barnby upon Don, Yorkshire : son of Jolm Grene, gent. At Jesus College, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 17, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Perhaps B.A. (Corp.) 1575-6. Rector of Badsworth, Yorks. : buried there Jan. 22, 1598-9. Jasper, Robert : of Boxford, Suffolk : son of Henry Jasper. School, Boxford, five years. At Trinity College, two years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 1, 1573. Surety, the president, Mr Hownde. Assigned the upper cubicle abo^e the well. 76 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Whitinge, Thomas : of Boxford, Suffolk : son of Tliomas Whitinge, mediocris fortuuas. School, Boxford, five yeare. At Trinity and King's Colleges, three j-eai-s. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 1, 1573. Surety, the president, Mr Hownde. Assigned the upper cubicle above the well. B.A. 1574-5. Kii-kbie, Richard : of Kirkby, Lancashire : sou of Roger Kirkbie, Esq. Schools, St Bees, and Giggleswick, six years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 5, 1573. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Adniitt-ed at Gray's Inn, from Barnard's Inn, Jan. 30, 1576-7. Entered in Lanes. Vis. 1616; when the father was still alive, aged 95; but Richard apparently dead. Couper, George : of Hinton, Cambs. : son of Francis Couper, gent. School, Fulbourn, three years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 17, 1573. Surety, Mr Robert Churche, fellow. Of Runcton Holme, Norf., gent. Married Catherine, daughter of Marma- duke Bland of Cambs., and had issue. His daughter, Rose, married Rob. Church of 1566. (See Vis. of Xorfolk.) Crooke, Henry : of Alderford, Norfolk : son of Henry Crooke, gent. Schools : Norwich, Weston, and Reephani, six yeai-s. At Coi-pus Christi College, three yeai-s. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 18, 1573. Surety, Mr John Tracie, M.A., fellow. Assigned the third lower cubicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1573-4 : M.A. 1577. Vicar of Necton, Norf., 1580, and rector 1587-1630. Will proved, ' of Necton,' 1630. Probably rector of W. Walton, Norf., 1606-1613. The father was mayor of Norwich in 1553. Slade, Robert : of St Neots, Hunts. : son of Richard Slade, gent. School, Win- chester, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 15, 1573. Suretj-, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned the cubicle under the library. Fingley, John : matriculated sizar, Dec. 1573. Born at Baruby, York.shire. Afterwards a seminary priest and martyr. Admitted at Douay College, Feb. 13, 1579-SO. Ordained sulxleacon Feb. 21, 1580-1; and priest at Rheims, l)y the Bp of Chalons, March 25, 1581. Sent to England Ap. 24, 1581, about the same time as Ed. Osburne. Apprehended and committed to York gaol; tried there; and hanged and quartered, Aug. 8, 1586. He appears to have resided three years or more in college, and his real character seems to have been at once su.spected by the fellows. He was at first sizar to Hugh Cressy, and afterwards appointed butler by Dr Legge, an office usually held by a scholar. He was the subject of violent complaints against the master by the anti-Romish party in college. " That the said Finglye was made butler' by the master without consent of the fellows... that the common nimour was that he did labour to pervert youth secretly... came very seldom or never to prayer or sermons... could not be drawn unto them by warning and cor- rection often used by this deponent (H. Paman)...was not sent away by the master, but that his lewd dealing being detected he ran away." "There was very much speech of a mass reported to be said by Fingley in the master's great ciiamber, and that he was by some suspected to te a priest " (La7isd. 33). There is a reference to him as " a priest of God, put into a low prison, into a deep and darksome dungeon," at York (v. Foley iii. 251; and D. N. B.). For more see Caian, Vol. v. ' The butler was a college officer who ranked with the scholars, and shonld have been appointed, like them, by the master and fellows together. 1573—1574. 77 Osburne, Edward : of Kelniarsh, Northants. : (second) son of John Osburne, luediocris fortunas. School, Kehnarsli, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, May 15, 1574. Tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Afterwards a seminary priest. Ordained priest from Douay College, 1581 ; and sent to England the same year. Returned in 1583, bringing John Roberts (seep. 88) with him. Afterwards, under family pressure, he recanted ; but rejoined the cliurch of Rome in 1587, " valde pcenitens." He was refused his degree at Cambridge, on account of his opinions. One of the complaints of the fellows was "that O.sburne, being convicted of Papistry, the master did not expulse him " {Lansd. 33). In a letter from the Recorder of London it is stated tliat " one Osborne a seminary priest came drooping into a chamber where M'' Topcliffe and myself were. Him we examined, and it appeared that he was a seminary priest and had dwelt at the Hospital at Rome four years, and after he was professed into the house of tlie Franciscans being barefoot friars that lived by begging : and that he lived by begging, and that he laboured by cutting wood and bearing of it upon his back " (Strype, Ann. ill. 1. 125). Hamonde, George : of Westmill (' Westmere '), Herts. : son of George Hammonde, mediocris fortuna;. School, Ely, five years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 19, 1573-4. Surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. B.A. 1577-8: M.A. 1581. Ordained deacon (Lond.) March 30, 1580: priest (Ely) April, 1580. Vicar of Eltisley, Cambs. ; and rector of Papworth Everard, Cambs., 1580. Brother of Robert (p. 81), and Maurice (p. 96). Marshall, William : of East Dereham, Norfolk : son of John Marshall, mediocris fortunffi. Schools, East Dereham and Aylsham, four years. Age IG. Ad- mitted pensioner, Feb. 20, 1573-4. Surety, Mr Edmund Hownde, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1577-8: M.A. 1581. Ordained priest (Norw.) Jan. 21, 1582-3; as rector of Woodnorton, Norf., which he held till 1G16. Value of rectory, in 1603, returned as £8. {Harl. 595.) Price, John : M.A. : of Persaethudd (' Presithith '), Merionethshire : son of Richard Price. Educated at Clare Hall. Age 32. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 24, 1573-4. Surety, Mr Edmund Hownde, M.A., fellow. Assigned the last upper cubicle to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Clare) 1564-5 : M.A. 1569. Constable, Robert : of North Pickenham, Norfolk : son of Robert Constable, mediocris fortun:e. School, Saxthorp, four years. At Pembroke Hall one year. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Mar. 26, 1574. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Canham. B.A. 1576-7. A cousin of Simon Canham of 1573. 'Robert Constable, of Norf.,' was admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 22, 1581-2. A Popish recusant family in 1588. Massie, Nicholas : of Ely : son of Richard Massie, mediocris fortunse. School, Ely, five years. At Jesus College, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, March 26, 1574. Surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Assigned the second lower cubicle by the Gate of Virtue. B.A. 1575-6. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 23, 1581. Of Ely, Esq. Mariied Anne, daughter of Wm. Herbert, of " Thcnerie," Norf. {Canib. Vis. 1619.) 78 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Corl)ol(le, Thomas : of Wortham, Suffolk : son of William Corbolde, niediocris fortuiui'. School, Botesdale, Suffolk, seven years. At Corpus Christi College, one year. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Mar. 26, 1574. Surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1577-8 (Corp.): M.A. 1584. Vicar of Holkham, Norf., 1599. Value of the vicarage in 1603, £8. 13. 4. Father of Ellis, of 1612. Ordained priest (Peterb.) Aug. 13, 1598. Author: Kelt's Camp, or Commotion at Norwich: translation: Tanner MS. 421. (v. Ath. Cant.) Ives, Jt)hn : of Saham Toney, Norfolk : son of John Ives, niediocris fortunae. School, Ely, four j'ears. At Clare Hall, six months. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Mar. 28, 1574. Tutor and surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Re-entered as fellow-commoner, 1590. B.A. 1576-7 : M.A. 1580. Gave a font to Saham Toney Church in 1632 : " Lavacrum Kegenerationis, Joh. Ives nuper de Sohani Tt)ney insigne hoc pietatis sua; testimonium Deo et Ecclesise suse moriens legavit." (v. Hfoiiu-f. ... 324.) Boston, Christopher : of Bury St Edmunds : son of Robert Boston, niediocris fortunre. School, Bury, seven years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner. Mar. 30, 1574. Suret)', Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1577-8. Andeiwe, George (matric. as Andewe) : of Rayleigh, Essex : son of Thomas Andeiwe, niediocris fortunse. School, Rayleigh, four yeai-s. Entei-ed pen- sioner, Ap. 13, 1574. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Wright, Thomas : of Garveston, Norfolk : son of Henry Wright, niediocris fortuniie, deceased. School, Hardingham, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Ap. 20, 1574. Surety, Ds Paul Gould, probationer-fellow. B.A. 1577-8. Died in college: buried at St ISlichael's, Ap. 6, 1579. Brother of the mathematician, Edward. See p. 88. Roockwod, Edward : of Palgrave, Suffolk : son of Robert Roockwod, Esq. School, Bury St Edmunils, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, April 26, 1574. Surety, Mr Hownde, president of the college. Assigned the fifth lower cubicle in the Gonville Court. Died, without issue, during liis father's life. Brother of Ambrose, of the (Junpowder Plot. Succeeded by his brother Henry (v. p. 100). "The fainilj' weie staunch Romanists, and continued true to their convictions till tiiey died out in the present century, at the ancestral seat in Suffolk." (A. J.) Many members in successive generations became priests or nuns. (v. Foley, iii.) Clarke, Edward : of Stevenage, Herts. : son of Thomas Clarke, mediocris fortunse. Schools, Stevenage, and Eaton Socon ? ('Eton in eodem comitatu'), four j'ears. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, ^lay 2, 1574. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. *Goolde (Gold), Paul : B.A. : son of Peter Goulde, mediocris fortunae. Born in Norwich : educated at Corpus Christi College. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, May 10, 1574. Surety, the Master, Mv Thomas Legge. A.ssigned the first lower cubicle, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Corp.) 1572-3 : M.A. (Cai.) 1576. P'ellow from about L. Day 1574 to Micll^ 1582. Afterwards master of a school at Norwich, (v. R. Dix, 1584-5.) Bradocke, Thomas : son of Thomas Bradocke, mediocris fortunse. Born in London. Schools, Westminster, and (!rey Fri;irs, four years. At Corpus Christi College, 1574. 79 one year. Age 18. Admitted pen.sioner, May 12, 1.574. Surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Goolde. B.A. (Christ's) 157G-7: M.A. 1580. Incorporated at Oxford, 1.584. B.D. 1593. Fellow of Christ's, 1578. Proctor in 1584. Vicar of Stanstead Abbots, Herts., 1591-.3. Perhaps rector of Sliado.xliurst, Kent, 1590-1. Master of Reading Grammar School, 1588. Author : Translation into Latin of a Defence of Jewell's Apology, 1585. (v. Ath. Cant.; and D. N. B.) Bracket, Ricliard : of Wreningham, Norfolk : son of Richard Bracket, niediocris fortuna\ deceased. School, Norwich, four years. At Corpus Christi College, six months. Age 21. Admitted pensioner, May 13, 1574. Surety, the Master, Mr Thomas Legge. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor, Ds Goolde. B.A. 1577-8. Ordained deacon (Norw.) " xt. 40," Dec. 21, IGOl, as curate of Ashwell Thorpe: priest (do.) March 25, 1602, as curate of Intwood. Rector of St Augustine, Norwich, 1G17-34; where there was formerly a monument to him. Died Dec. 29, 1634. Will proved (Norw.) 1634. Blackburne, Anthony : son of Thomas Blackburne, gent. Born in London. At Trinity College, four j'eai's. Age 23. Admitted pensioner. May 13, 1574. Surety, Mr Paniond, M.A., fellow. Assigned the third lower culjicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. Rector of Bag Enderby, Lines., in 1586, when he is described as "no preacher." (Part of a Register.) He is similarly returned at Bassingthorpe. *Painan, John: B.A. 1570-1: M.A. 1574: B.D. 1594. Fellow and tutor from about May 1574 to L. Day 1586. Salarist, 1577. Rector of Capel, Suft"., 1578. Is returned as a preacher in 1581. Probably brother of Clement, of 1560. Rector of Elsworth, Cambs., to 1612: buried there, Sep. 24, 1612. His daughter Dorothy was baptized there in 1607. He was one of the leaders of the anti-Romish party in their attack on the master, Dr Legge, about 1580. (See his depositions, Lmub. MS. 33.) Amongst other things he complains that, tiiough lie was dean at the time, the master allowed the scholars to neglect and despise his authority. " Tlie deans, that lia\e the government of the youth are resisted by them, and they are so far from due correction that, being rescued one of another, the deans themselves are shamefully abused buffeted and beaten down, and the scholars maintained and encouraged." Wright, Leonard : of Bassingbourn, Cambs. : son of William Wright, mediocris fortune. Schools, l^assingbourn and Walkern, Heits., four years. At St John's College, six months. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, June 9, 1574. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. One of these names was auth(jr of : A friendly admonition to Martin Mar- prelate, 1590; The Hunting of Antichrist; The Pilgrimage to Paradise, &c. Petit, John : son of Richard Petit, mediocris fortunse. Born in London. School, Brentwood, Essex, four years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, June 21, 1574. Tutor and surety, Mr John Depup. Assigned the lower cubicle to the south, by the Gate of Virtue. Perhaps the man of these names who entered the Douay College, Sep. 15, 1585: left for Rome Oct. 11: and returned to the college June 21, 1586. (v. Douay Diary.) Gooche, Thomas : of Botesdale, Suffolk : son of John Gooche, deceased. School, Botesdale, seven years. At Trinity College, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, July 13, 1574. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Pamond. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Oct. 14, 1578.) B.A. 1574-5. One of these names, of Suff'olk, was M.D. of Basle, 1593. Licentiate of tlie Coll. of Phj'sicians, 1599. Of Harleston, in 1631, when he gave £200 to the cliildren's Hospital at Norwich, (v. Munk's Roll, i. 11.5.) 80 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. *Brouiung, Roger : of Bury St Edmunds : son of Robert Brouning. School, Bury, five years. At Trinity College, four ye.ars. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 2, 1574. Tutor and surety, Mr Depup. Assigned the second lower cubicle to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. 157-1-5 : M.A. 1578. Fellow and tutor from about L. Day 1577 to Mich*. 1583. Ordainetl deacon and priest (Line.) Feb. 8, 1581-2. Vicar of Great Barton, Suff., 1583 ; where in 1G03 he returns 160 communicants {Harl. 595). Will proved ('Brunwin') at Bury, Oct. 20, 1623; dated 1602; wlien he hiid four sons and a daughter. Garwaye, William : son of Walter Garwaye, merchant. Born in London. Schools, Mercers', London, and Tunbridge, four j'ears. At Trinit}' College, two years. Age 20. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 4, 1574. Surety, Mr Hownde, B.D., president of the college. Assigned the tirst lower cubicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. Cage, James : of Bury St Edmunds : son of Simon Cage. School, Bury, four years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 14, 1574. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Executor to his father in 1581, who leaves him his house in Bury. The property is divided between nine sons and a daughter. (J. J. M.) Cage, Peter : brother of the above. Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school thei*e, four years. Age 14. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 14, 1574. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and suretj^, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1578-9: M.A. 1582. Scholar to Mich'. 1582. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Oct. 14, 1586. Vicar of Gosfield, Ess., about 1586; where he tran- scribed the register on parchment in 1599. Vicar of Santon Downham, Suff., 1591-1G09. Married, at Shalford, May 22, 1595, Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Kendhed, vicar of Shalford. Inherited, by his father's will, 1581, houses in Bury. Buried at Gosfield, July 23, 1622. Mich'* 1574— Mich"^ 1575. K3Tke, Edward : .son of Kyrke, mediocris fortunw. Born in London. School, St Anthony's, five years. At Pembroke Hall, four j-ears. Age 19. Admitted pensioner. Surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Assigned the second lower cubicle to the south, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1574-5 : 14th, out of 19, in the list. M.A. 1578. A friend of the poet Spenser, whose "Shepheard's Calendar" he pulslished in 1579. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 22, 1580. Rector of Risby, Suff., 1580 ; and of Kackfoi-d, 1587; holding the two by dispensation. Described, in 1603, as a preacher, and chaplain to Lord Darcy {Harl. 595). Died Nov. 10, 1613. Buried at Risby. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1613. (v. Ath. Cant.; and D. N. B.) Bekerton, Francis : of Belgrave, Leicestershire : son of Tliomas Bekerton, gent. Schools, Belgrave, and Bedford, fi^•e years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 19, 1574-5. Tutor and surety, Ds Thomas Temple, B.A., fellow. Second son of Thomas Bickerton of Beby, Leics. {Vis. of Leics., 1619). Married and had issue. Grenehill, William : of Harrow on the Hill, ISIiddlesex : son of John Grenehill, mediocris fortunas. School, Harrow, seven years. At Trinity College, three years. Age 22. Admitted Feb. 16, 1574-5. Tutor and surety, Ds Richard Gerrard, A.B., probationer-fellow. B.A. 1575-6 : M.A. 1579. Probablj' the .same who was a governor of Harrow School in 1586. Will of one of these names ' ludimagister,' proved at Bury St Edmunds in 1635. 'Of Lavenham,' Suff. Buried, Oct. 2, 1635. 1574— lo75. 81 Hamond, Robert : of Westmill, Hertford : son of George Hamond, mediocris fortune. School, Ely, six years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 19, 1574-5. Tutor and surety, Ds Thomas Temple, B.A. B.A. 1578-9 (Christ'.s): M.A. 1582. Fellow of Chri.st's, L. Day 1582 to Christ". 1584. Brother of George (p. 77), and Maurice (p. 96). Shackerly, Peter : son of Francis Shackerly, mediocris fortunfe. Born in London. School, Rochester, seven years. Age 24. Admitted pensioner, March 3, 1574-5. Tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 4, 15 76 : " de mense clericoruni." Probably the same who graduated at Oxford as B.A., May 5, 1573. Burcher, William : Earl of Bath : of Hengrave, Suffolk : son of Lord Fitzwarren. Schools, Bury St Etlmunds and Ely, five years. At Corpus Christi College, two years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-coniTiioner, April 4, 1575. Tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Hinson, M.A., fellow. Admitted at Corpus 1573; where he afterwards graduated M.A., 1577. Third Earl of Bath. Served in the campaign in the Netherlands, 1585. Admiral of Devon, 1586. Lord Lieut. 1587. Died July 12, 1623; and left £40 to the college. The money was paid into the college Treasury Dec. 20, 1624 ; and was laid out in finishing the "Combination chamber." Buried at Tawstock. (G. E. C.) *Hinson, Thomas. Born at Fordham, Cambs. : son of Thomas Hinson, gent. B.A. (Corp.) 1570-1 : M.A. (do.) 1574. Incorporated at Oxford, 1577. Fellow and tutor of Caius, Ap. 1575 to Nov. 1576. Afterwards agent, in Devon, to his former pupil Lord Bath. J. P. for Devon. M.P. for Barnstaple, 1586-7: 1588-9: 1597-8: 1604-11. Died Ap. 17, 1614. Buried at Taw- stock, Devon. M.I. to him and to his wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Spring, of Norf. (v. Vis. of Caiiihs., 1619; and Vis. of Mids. 1663). Mosse, Miles : of Chevington, Suffolk : son of Miles Mosse, mediocris fortunse (of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman: died 1600: will proved, P. C. C.) School, Bury St Edmunds, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, April 14, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Paman, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1578-9: M.A. 1582: D.D. 1595. Scholar to Mich^ 1582. For some years minister at Norwich. Rector of Combes, Suff. ; wliere he is presented to the bishop in 1602: "he doth not wear a hood, and doth not catechize on the Sunday. He doth not visit the sick as he ought." Author : Sermons preached at Bury St Edmunds, in 1593, on "The arraignment and conviction of Usury." Sermon at Paul's Cross, 1613, on Justifying Faith. "Scotland's Welcome" : .sermon at Needham, 1603. (D. N. B.) Kendall, Robert : of Brinton, Norfolk : son of Thomas Kendall, mediocris fortunse. School, Holt, six years. At Clare Hall, a year and a half. Age 19. Ad- mitted pensioner, April 14, 1575. Surety, Mr Edmund Hounde, B.D. Assigned the second lower cubicle to the north, on the west side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1576-7 : M.A. 1580. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 17, 1581. Rector of Alderford, Norf., 1594. Suspended, in 1584, on account of Whitgift's Articles. Price, David : of ' Llandriod,' Shropshire (? Llandrindod, Radns.) : son of Richard Price. Educated at St Mary's Hall, Oxford. Age 27. Admitted fellow- commoner, April 16, 1575. Surety, Mr Hounde, B.D. Assigned the first upper culiicle to the south, on the west side of the Caius Court. Probably B.A. (Oxf.) 1565; brother of John, of 1573-4; and the David Price, ' scholari.s,' who was ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 5, 1567; and priest March 27, 1568. One of the.se names was rector of Wrestlingworth, Beds., 1575. c. 6 82 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Hanchett, Thomas : son of Thomas Hanchett, Esq. Born at. Albury, Herts. School, Waklen, Essex, four years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, April IG, 157-''. Tutor and surety, Mr Edmund Hounde, president of the College. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Price, above-named. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Ap. 1"), 1.578. Probably Hherifl'of Herts., 1591 and IGOO. J. P. for Herts. Owner of several manors in the county. Of Braughing, gent. : living in 1634. {Hm-ts. Vis. 1634.) Stone, Richard : son of William Stone, citizen of London. Born in London. School, Walden, Essex, four years. Age 15. Admitt(>d fellow-commoner, April 16, 1575. Tutor and surety, Mr Hounde, president of the college. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Price. Perhaps the Richard Stone, of Ijondon, admitted at the Inner Temple, from Clifford's Inn, Ap. 16, 1578. Nunne, Thomas : of Wortham, Suffolk : son of Thomas Nunne, medioeris fortunae. Schools, Botesdale and Eye, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, April 7, 1575. Tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Assigned the second lower cubicle to the north, on the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. 1578-9: M.A. 1582. Scholar to Mich". 1581. Rector of Weston, SufiF. Author: sermon: ' Comfort against the Spaniard ' ; 1596. Will proved (P. C. C.) Sep. 7, 1599: father then alive: mentions wife Anne, and brother Walter. Cholmeley, Marniaduke : of Brand.sby, Yorkshire : son of Roger Cholmeley, gent. School, Brandsby, three years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Son and heir. Of Brar.dsby. ]\Iarried Ursula, daughter of Ralpli Aislaby of S. Dalton, {Vm. of Yorks., 1584). Died without issue, 1662. Brice, Cln-istopher : of ' Deepley ' (' E.x priedio vocato Deepley '), Yorkshire : son of John Brice, medioeris fortune. At school in London, three years. Age 22. Admitted pensioner, April 10, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Perhaps the Christopher Breese who was ordained priest (Norw.) Ap. 8, 1582. Vicar of W. Barsham, 1583 : of Heverland 1595 : and rector of Bawsey 1604-12: all in Norfolk. Clifton, John : of Hornby, Lancashire : son of John Clifton, gent. School, Giggleswick, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner. May 6, 1575. Tutor and surety, Mr John Depup, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle next the chapel, on the east side of the Caius Court. Linge, Thomas : of Kentford, Suffolk : son of Thomas Linge, medioeris fortunse, deceased. School, Gazeley, Sufiblk. Age 17. Admitted pensioner. May 19, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Hinson, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1578-^9 : M.A. 1583. Scholar to Mich». 1581. One of tliese names was ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 24, 1615 ; and was vicar of S. Creake, 1617. East, Thomas : of Wimpole, Cambs. : son of Alexander East, gent. Schools, God- manchester, three years; and Ely, one year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, July 7, 1575. Assigned a culiicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Richard Gerrard, M.A., fellow. Barton, Ranulph : of Malpas, Cheshire : son of Rodolph Barton, Esq. School, Nottingham, four years. Age 19. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 8, 1575. Surety, l\lr Legge, LL.D., Master of the college. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1573. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Wood, of Turton. Died, at the family seat, Smithells, Lanes., Dec. 10, 1611. (E. A.) 1575. 83 Hackett, Connand : of Market Harborougli : son of Richard Hackett, mediocris fortunje. School, Godnianchester, three year's. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 17, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and suret}', Ds Thomas Temple, B.A., fellow. B.A. (Magd.) 1579-80. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Nov. 28, 1583; as curate of Letohworth, Herts. MicH^ 1575— MiCH^ 1576. Swanson, Edmund : of Ashby-de-la-Zouch : son of James Swanson, mediocris fortune. School, Ashby, si.x years. At Jesus and Queens' Colleges, three years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 2, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds T. Temple, B.A., fellow. Birkbecke, Geoffrey : of Eamontbridge, Cumberland : son of Henry Birkbecke, mediocris fortuuie. School, Warcop, three years. Age 20. Admitted pen- sioner, Oct. 5, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Depup, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1578-9. Ordained deacon (Ely) 1577 : priest (do.) March 28, 1578. Rector of Gt Musgrave, Westm., 1578-99. Will proved Jan. 10, 1600-1 : buried at St Helen's, York. Parmetur, Thomas: of Chilton ('Chelton by Clare'), Suffolk: son of Thomas Parmetur, mediocris fortunie. Schools, Clare and Denston, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 6, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Simon Canham, M.A., fellow. Thomas Parmentui-, of Norfolk, was admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Jan 6, 1574 5. Possibly father of Henry, of 1596. If so, of Witton, gent, where he built the Hall. Lord of the manor of Witton, and Levishagh in Buxton, Norfolk. Married Frances Paston, of Paston. A connection of the Norris family. (E. C. P.) Buried at Witton, Nov. 5, 16.31. Thos. Parmetur, of Chilton, was a landowner in Yeldham, Tilbury, and Belchamp St Paul, Essex. Deraugh, William : of Bromley, Essex : son of Edward Deraugh, Esq. Educated at home, at Marks Hall, foui- years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 8, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Probably admitted at Gray's Inn, 1578. Succeeded his father at Marks Hall and Godgrave. Died Sep. 27, 1612. Will dated Sep. 26, 1612 : proved P. C. C. Son Francis, heir. (J.J. M.) Stringe, John : of Harrow on the Hill : son of Thomas Stringe, mediocris fortune. School, Harrow, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 28, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Richard Gerrard, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1579-80: M.A. 1583. Scholar to Mich" 1581. Ordained priest (Lond.) Dec. 20, 1589 ; as curate of South Minims. Rector of Elstree, Herts., 1590 to about 1612. "A preacher, resident," in 1594. (Urwick's Hertn., p. 276.) Reve, Robert : of Bures, Suffolk : son of William Reve, mediocris fortuna; (of Monewden Park, Suff., gent.). Schools, Ipswich and Botesdale, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 29, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds Paul Goulde, B.A., fellow. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Dec. 21, 1580. Vicar of Great Hormead, Herts., 1.584—1610. Rector of Wrestlingworth, Beds, 1594. Married... daughter of...Rushtall. {Vis. of Ess., 1612.) 6—2 84 GOXVILLE AXD CATUS COLLEGE. *Ileve, Thomas : brothei- of the above. Born at Bures. Schools, Ipswich and Botesdale, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 29, 1.57-5. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Ds Paul Gould. B.A. 1578-9: M.A. 15S2: B.D. 1 590. ' Scholar to Mich^ 1582. Pre- sented to Foulden in 1582. Fellow, Mich' 1583 to 1595. Bursar in 1591. He left college "laborans a sputo sanguinis, consumptione pulnionuni, gravissiuia tussi, rediturus si Deus voluerit" {Au7ials). Died, Sep. 3, 1595 : buried at Monewden. " Having tyme and allowance for the degree of D' in Devinitie was in the flourishing time of his age prevented by death... Gave a yearly pension for a learned devyne to preach in tiie church of !Monewdon the 3"* day of September for ever": — M.I. at ilonewden. Just before his death he gave a gilt spoon to the college, and £5 to the fellows and scholars. Will proved "(P. C. C.) Oct. 24, 1595 (v. Vis. of Essex). Whight, John : of Weeting, Norfolk : son of Edmund "Whiglit, mediocris fortunje. School, Eh% two years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 10, 1575. Surety, Mr Edmund Hownde, B.D., president of the college. Assigned a cul)icle alx)ve the well. Will dated ("Whyte") Aug. 25, 1577: proved (P. C. C.) 1581. Leaves his lands in Foulden and Didlington to his "youngest brother," Lawrence Mapted, son of John, oi Foulden. "Whatsoever I shall leave in my chamber at the dale of my deathe, I will that it be restored to my father of whome I had yt." Winckfeilde, William : of ^larks Hall, Essex : son of William Winckfeilde, mediocris fortuna?. School, ISIarks Hall, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 21, 1575. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Robert Churche, M.A., fellow. Spencer, Richard, M.A., of Oxford : son of John Spencer, knt., of Altliorp, Brington, Northants. Age 22. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 15, 1575. Surety, Mr Thomas Legge, LL D., Master of the college. Assigned the upper cubicle by the Gate of Virtue, on the middle of the east side of the Caius Court. B.A. (Oxf.) 1572: M.A. 1575: M.A. (Camb.) 1576. Fourth son. Sir Richard Spencer, of Offley, Herts., knight. ^Married Helen, daughter of Sir John Brockett, of Brockett Hall, Herts., knight (v. App. to Herts. Vis.). Spencer, Edward : of Althorp : brother of the above. Previously a student at 0.xford. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 15, 1575. Surety, Mr Thomas Legge, LL.D., Master. Assigned a cubicle with his brother. Slatriculated at Magdalen, Oxf., 1571. Fifth son. Admitted at Lin- coln's Inn, Jan. 1, 1576-7. Died without issue. Rooe, Thomas: of Debach ('Debidge'), Suffolk: son of Thomas Rooe, mediocris fortuna;. Schools, Botesdale {'Buddesdale'), and Monewden ('Mulliden'), Suffolk, four years. Age IS. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 21, 1575-6. Tutor and surety, Ds Paul Goulde, fellow. Assigned the hrst lower cubicle by the chapel in the Caius Court. B.A. 1578-9: M.A. 1582. Vavasour, Thomas : of Copmanthorpe, Yorkshire : son of Henry Vavasour, Esq. School, Eton, four years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-comiuoner, April 21, 1576. Assigned a cubicle with Mr Richard Swaile, M.A., fellow. Son and heir. Afterwaids knighted. Married Mar}', daughter of John Dodge, of Copes, Suffolk, wiiliiw of Peter Houghton, and had issue. (Foster's Yorkshire pedigrees.) 1575— lo76. 85 Swale, Richard : son of Thomas Swale, Esq., of Askham-Ricliard, Yorks. B.A. (Jes.) 1568-9 : M.A. (do.) 1572 : LL.D. (Cai.) 1587. Fellow and tutor, from May 1576 to 1589. President, 1582. Bursar, 1585. M.P. for Higham Ferrers, 1588. Master in Chancery. Commissary for Ely diocese. One of the commissioners for suppressing unlicensed books, 1603. Knighted July 23, 1G03. Though a layman he was preb. of York, and rector of Elm and Emneth, Norf. As tutor, he was the "one Swayl " of whom Abp Sandys, of York, complained to the chancellor as perverting the youth to Popery. The fellows also complained that he was "the master's special friend," in their dispute ; and, " that in his first common-place, in chapel, Abraham and David for lying were commended to be examples as a point of wisdom in the serpent to be followed" (Lansd. 33). There is a letter from him to the chancellor, June 19, 1582, about his expected appointment as presi- dent, by the master, against which the fellows had petitioned. He is referred to, in a friendly way, by Gruter, as his old tutor, in 1611, in a letter to Camden {Epp. of Camden, p. 135). Died 1608 (v. Ath. Cant.). He is ver}' highly praised in the Annals, where it is stated tliat he was the intimate friend and adviser of the Lord Chancellor, Sir Christopher Hatton. (D. N. B.) Tounshende, George : of Walsingham, Norfolk ; son of George Tounshende, gent. School, Norwich, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner 'secundi ordinis,' April 24, 1576. Tutor and surety, Mr R. Swaile, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first lower cubicle, on the east side of the Caius Court. George Tounshende, of Norfolk, admitted at Lincoln's Inn, July 14, 1579. Idon, Thomas : son of Robert Idon, mediocris fortunte. Born at Spalding, Lincoln- shire. At school there, four years. Age 1 6. Admitted pensioner ' tertii ordinis,' May 23, 1576. Assigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr R. Swaile, M.A., fellow. Steven, Richard : of Clare, Suffolk : son of Francis Steven, mediocris fortuiife. Schools, Clare, and Stoke, Suffolk, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, 'tertii ordinis,' May 5, 1576. xlssigned a cubicle with his tutor and surety, Mr Simon Canhan, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1579-80 : M.A. 1583. One of these names rector of Shipham, Som., 1596. Vicar of Stanton St Bernard, Wilts., 1604. Babthorpe, Ralph : of Osgodby, Yorkshire : son of William Babthorpe, knt. Educated at Howden, and at home, four years. Age 14. Admitted fellow- commoner. May 19, 1576. Assigned the first upper cubicle in the Caius Court, next to that of his surety, the Master, Dr Legge. One of tlie papists whom the master was charged with favouring : " two of the house reported that they did see a crucifix of silver and gilt about M' Babthorpe's neck, as he lay in bed " (Lansd. 33). Of Babthorpe and Osgodby, Esq. IMarried Grace, daughter of Wm Byrnand, of Knaresborough. A popish recusant in 1588. He suffered much for his faith ; and his wife was imprisoned for five years. Died at Louvain in 1617; where his widow be- came a nun (v. Foley's Records, Vol. ill. 192 ; and Vis. of Yorks.). Fairfax, William : of Steeton, Yorks. ; son of Gabriel Fairfax, Esq. Educated at Pickering school, and at home, four years. Age 15. Admitted fellow- commoner, May 19, 1576. Surety, Mr R. Swaile, M.A., fellow. Assigned the first upper cubicle, next to that of the Master. Of Steeton, Esq. Probably admitted at Gray's Inn, 1578. Knighted, at Bel voir Castle, Ap. 23, 1603. Married Mabel, daughter of Sir Henry Curwen, of Workington, Cumb. Died at Finniugley, July 7, 1603. Buried at Bolton Percy (v. Foster's Vis. of Yorks.). 86 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Litton, Rowland : of Knebworth, Herts. : son of Rowland Litton, Esq. Educated at home, five years. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 30, 1576. A.ssigned a cubicle with his surety, Dr Legge, ilaster of the college. Admitted at Gi-ay's Inn, 1579. Lieutenant of Herts. : led the county force.s to Tilbury in 1588. Sheriti' of Herts., 1594. M.P. for Herts., 1597, 1604. Knighted at Belvoir, Ap. 23, 1603. JLarried Anne, daughter of Oliver Lord St John of Bletsoe ; widow of Robert Corbett. Died June 23, 1616 : buried at Knebworth (v. Herts. Vis. 1634 ; and Clutterbuck, ii. 375). Markham, Gervase : of Laneham, Notts. : son of Elis Markham, Esq. School, Laneham, four years. At St John's College, one year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner minor, 'primi ordinis,' Ap. 21, 1576. Surety, Mr R. Swaile, M.A. Assigned the tii-st lower cubicle to the north, on the west side of the Caius Court. Of Jjaneham and Dunham, Notts. Soon after leaving college he had a desperate duel, on a family quarrel, with Joiin Holies (father of Denzil) in Sherwood forest, in which he wa.s dangerously wounded. He vowed " never to eat supper nor take the sacrament, till he was avenged " f)f this. He is described {Bioy. Brit. " Holies ") as " a proper handsome gentleman, and of a great coui-age." There are several letters in the Cal. of Stat« Papers referring to his later life. He was the only important man in Notts, who refused ship- money, for which he was imprisoned ; apparently in his house. Said to be very wealthy, with no legitimate family. Bed-ridden for two yeare, in 1635; " so infirm anil useless in .all parts of his body that he is not portable to London." He seems to have been notorious as a miser. Died Jan. 17, 1636-7, and buried at Laneham. Descriljed, on his monument, ;is " Captaine of the Horse in the said Countie, who long served her Majesty in her warre, with extraordinary proofT in Ireland (under Esse.x, 1599) and the Low Countries," Markham, Jerome : brother of the abo^•e. Born at Liineham, Notts. At school there, four years. At St John's College, one year. Age 16. Admitted pen- sioner, 'primi ordinis,' April 21, 1576. Surety, Mr R. Swaile. Assigned a cubicle with his brother. Probably the Jei'ome Markham ' of Houghton, Notts.,' whose daughter Elizabetli married one of the Greshams of Walsingham (see Nor/. Vis.). Davill, Thomas : of Coxwold, Yorkshire : son of William Davill, Esq., deceSohools, Botesdale, two years; and 'Casell,' one year. Age 18. Admitted .sizar, July 22, 1580. Tutor, Mr Burton, fellow. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 9, 1582. Rector of Witherstield, Suff., 1595; where in 1603 he returned 133 communicants. (Ilarl. 595.) Davie, Henry : of Norwich : son of Richard Davie, gent. School, Norwich, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the liachelors' table, June 27, 1580. Surety, Mr Thomas Howes, fellow. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 21, 1580: son and heir of a bencher. Steward of Norwich ; as was his father before him. Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Brampton, William : of Fritton, Suffolk : son of Anthony Brampton, gent. School, Norwich, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the bachelors' table, June 27, 1580. Surety, Mr Thoruas Howes, M.A., fellow. Eldest son of Anthony, of Fritton. See Vis. of Norfolk, 1563. Walters, Richard. Matriculated pensioner, July 1, 1580. Seele, John : of Newark upon Trent, Notts. : son of Abraham Seele, mediocris fortunaj. School, Newark, seven years. Age 10. Admitted sizar, July 10, 1580. Surety, Mr Michael Rabbet, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Ordained deacon (Line.) March 2, 1585-6. Perhaps rector of Burton Agnes, Yorks., 1602. Howlinge, Bartholomew : of Shipdham, Norfolk : son of W^illiam Howlinge, tenuis fortunse. At school there, seven years. Age 20. Admitted sizar, Aug. 9, 1580. Tutor, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 10, 1582-3. Licen.sed as curate of Pentney, Norf., Feb. 26, 1583-4. Curate of Castle Acre, 1593-1611. Rector of Barton Bendish, 1594-1613. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) July 20, 1614: mentions wife Margaret, to whom he leaves " my tenement in Beechamwell, ...and all my skepps with bees." Leaves Peter Martyr's Commonplaces to the parish of Barton. (J. J. M.) MlCH^ 1580— MlCH^ 1581. Fayrfaxe, Edward : of Bilbrough, Yorkshire : son of Henry Fayrfaxe, Esq. Schools, Coxwold (' Cuccoldie '), Yorkshire, one year and a half ; and Pock- lington, one year. Age 15. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Oct. 6, 1580. Surety, Mr Richard Swale, M.A., president. Second son of Henry, of Streetthorpe. Brother of Gabriel, of 1579 (V. Vis. of Yorks., 1584, 1612). Swale, Richard : of Green Hamerton, Yorkshire : son of Gilbert Swale, mediocris fortunaj. School, Allerton, Yorksliire, three years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 6, 1580. Surety, Mr R. Swale, M.A. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Scholar Mich' 1583 to L. Day 1588. Of Thorpe Underwood, Esq. Signs the pedigree in the Vis. of Yorks., 1612. (See ' Swale of Staveley.') Vaughan, Stephen : son of Stephen Vaughan, gent, (probably of the college ; V. p. 37). Born at Hutton, Essex. At school there, under Mr Crosbie, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 16, 1580. Assigned a cubicle with his surety, Mr Edward Burton, M.A., fellow. Admitted at tlie Middle Temple, Nov. 3, 1582 : ".son and heir of Stephen of LondoiL" Probably the same who is entered in the Vis. of London, 1633, as "son of Stephen of St Mary Spittle, without Bishopsgate : unmarried." 108 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Vauglian, Henry : lirotlier of the above Stephen Vaughan. Born at Hutton and educated there, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 16, 1.580. Surety, Mr E. Burton, M.A., fellow. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 3, 1582 : "second sun of Stephen of London." See above. Barton, Edward: son of Stephen Barton, gent. Bt>rn at Dullingham, Canibs. At school tliere ; at Ely, and at Hitchin, four years. Age 18. Admitted pen- sioner, Oct. 17, 1580. Surety, Mr E. Burton, M.A., fellow. Probably B.A. (Queens') 1581-2 : — if so, previously admitted pensioner at Queens', June 22, 1578. Wentworth, Michael, of Arniley, Yorkshire: son of Thomas Wentworth, gent. School, Leeds, under Mr Hargrave, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, to the bachelors' table, Oct. 20, 1580. Surety, Mr E. Burton, IM.A., fellow. Son of Thomas, of Mendham, Suftblk, by Susan, daughter of Christopher Hopton of Armley. He purchased the estate of Woolley, Yorks., 1599. Married Frances, daughter of George Downes, of Paunton, Herefordshire. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 8, l.')83. (J. J. M.) He and his wife were popisli recusants: frequently fined. In 1603 he was engaged in some con- spiracy, and received a pardon for High Treason. Died in 1641, aged 93 (sic). See Yorkif. Arch, and Top. Jourti. Vol. xii., where his will, and letters to and from him, are given. Pedigree in Vix. of Yorks., 158-1, 1612. Jackson, Henry, of Howthorpe (' Houlthrop'), Yorkshire: son of Tiiomas Jackson, gent. Schools, York, and Terrington, under Messrs Pullen and Harding, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 21, 1580. Surety, Mr K. Swale, M.A., president. Otbie, Phatnell : son of Edward Otbie, rector of Terrington. Born there. School, York, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 21, 1580. Surety, Mr Richard Swale, M.A., president. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Ordained priest (Line.) March 8, 1585-6. Rector of Foston, Lines., 1588: and of Staveley, Yorks., 1619. Todde, George : son of Thomas Todde, husbandman. Born at Newton, Cumber- land. School, Blencow. Age 21. Admitted sizar, Oct. 20, 1580. Tutor and surety, Mr Edward Burton, ]\I.A., fellow. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Bonde, John : of Thornton, Yorkshire : son of Peter Bonde, mediocris fortunse. School, Pocklington, five years. At St John's College, three years. Age 22. Admitted sizar, Oct. 31, 1580. Surety, Mr R. Swale, M.A., president. B.A. (Cath.) 1581-2. One of these names was rector of Thorpe parva, Norf., 1602-27. Darling, John : son of John Darling, mediocris fortunse. Born at Stevenage, Herts. Schools, Letchworth, Hitchin, and Stevenage. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Nov. 3, 1580. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1583-4. Scholar Mich'' 1582 to L. Day 1585. Perhaps vicar of Codicote, Herts., 1593 to his death in 1609. Described as "a preacher, resident," in 1593. (Urwick, 272.) Vavasoure, William, of Kippax, Yorkshire : son of Rodolph Vavasoure, gent. Schools, Newton and Otley, Yorkshire. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner, Dec. 31, 1580. Surety, the Master, Dr Legge. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 7, 1588-9. Probably the same who inherited the estate of Hazlewood from his uncle John in 1609 ; and who 1580—1581. 109 married Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Manners. If so, he suffered much as a recusant, being imprisoned five years in Newgate. His eldest son Thomas was created a baronet by Charles I. ; six otlier children became priests or nuns. He was a tertiary of the order of St Francis. Died near York, Nov. 26, 1637; aged 70. A letter from him [Lansd. 153) dated from Newgate, June 19, 1612, offers the king £700 for his release. (See Foley, iv. 690; and Vis. of Yorks., for 'Vavasour of Hazlewood,' where liowever he is called Walter.) Dr Legge left him by will (July 12, 1607) "my gilt cup, having the Earl of Essex arms on it " : he is the only old pupil thus remembered. Framlingham, Clement : son of Chailes Framlingham, Esq. Born at Debenham (' Depham '), Suffolk. Schools, Botesdale, Bungay, and Fressingfield, Suffolk. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 8, 1580-1. Surety, Mr R. Swale, M.A., president. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, March 16, 1582-3. The father. Sir Charles, died in 1595. The funeral certificate states that his only son Clement died age 20 (J. J. M.). His mother was a daughter of Sir Clement Heigham. Dowe (matriculated as Dove), William : son of William Dowe. Born at Debenham, Suffolk. Schools, Botesdale, Bungay, and Fressingfield. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 11, 1580-1. Surety, Mr R. Swale, M.A., president. Cawne, John : son of John Cawne, yeoman. Born at Wilshampstead, Beds. School, St Neot's, under Mr White. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 20, 1580-1. Surety, Mr S. Perse, M.A., fellow. B.A. (Trin.) 1586-7: M.A. 1590: B.D. 1597. Rector of Higham, Leic, 1595; resigned 1623: and of Cranoe, Leic, 1614. Buckenham, John : of Wortham, Suffolk (bapt. March 25, 1562): son of Henry Buckenham, yeoman. School, Bote.sdale, Suffolk. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 31, 1580-1. Surety, Mr Thomas Howse, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1584-5: M.A. 1588. Scholar Mich' 1583 to Mich« 1588. Prac- tised medicine at Thrandeston, Suff. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Offwood, of Gislingham. Died 1620. Will proved (Norw.) Feb. 19, 1620-1 : describes himself as " practitioner in Phisick," and leaves to his son Thomas " bowles of .silver and parcel gilt," ifec. Pedigree in Vis. of Suff., 1664. His father l)y will (1568) especially directed that his sons Thomas, John, and William should be brought up " in grammar schole and larninge." (J. J. M. ; and C. B.) Cade, Anthony: son of John Cade, mediocris fortunne : of Elston ('Alestone in Sherwood'), Notts. At school there; and at Mansfield, four years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Feb. 9, 1580-1. Surety, the Master, Dr Legge. B.A. 1584-5 : M.A. 1588 : B.D. 1599. Incorporated M.A. at Oxford, June 14, 1607. Scholar, L. Day 1582 to L. Day 1.588. Tutor and chaplain to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who introduced him to James I. Rector of Alexton, Leics., 1598. Vicar of Billesdon, Leics., 1599 to 1638; when he resigned on account of age and infirmity. Rector of Grafton Under- wood, Northants., 1621. Died at Southwick Hall, Northants., the residence of his son-in-law, John Lynne. Buried at Southwick, July 6, 1641. M.I. there. Author: St Paul's Agony, 1618; On Conscience, 1621; Justification of the Church of England, 1630 (v. N. and Q. 5th Ser. vi. 189). Carter, Thomas : of Kelfield, Yorkshire : son of William Carter, mediocris fortunes, deceased. Schools, Otley, Newton and Aberford (' Averforth '). Age 18. Admitted sizar, Feb. 28, l.'iSO-l. Tutor and surety, the Master, Dr Legge. no GONVILLE AND CAIDS. ♦Booth, Eemigius. B.A. (Christ's) 1574-5 : M.A. (do.) 1578. Appears as fellow and tutor of Caius from Feb. 1580-1 to ^Mich" 1587. He was put out of commons on a charge of incontinence, but acquitted by the Vice-chancellor, Oct. 22, 1579. He got into trouble again in 1582 for remarks on the alleged illegal continuance in office of the Chancellor, who remits his offence " of com- passion towards Boothe, being but poor." Later he was official of the arch- deaconry of Notts, (v. Cooper, Ath. Cant.). There is a pitiful complaint against him by seven of the fellows, July 18, 1582, in which tiiey declare that " we are more and more daily molested and contennied not only hy the inferior scholars, from whom we have small redress, but especially by M' Booth, their common instrument, who to our faces openly doth deride us, and some by name shamefully revileth, and offereth also further violence "..." M'' Booth is a man not only past shame, yet also without law. .he is maintained amongst us to abuse and molest us " (Lmids. 36). His name occurs in the Lib. Rat. till 1618, as farming the college rectory of Mattishall, Norf. : it was leased to him April 5, 1590. ' Houlder, Clement. Scholar to Mich^ 1582. B.A. 1582-3 : M.A 1586. Probably incorporated as M.A. at Oxford, July 8, 1614. Canon of Southwell, 1590. Rector of South Wheatley, Notts., ICIO. Buried at Southwell, Feb. 1, 1G37-8. Squyer, John : of Marton (' Westmerton ') in Craven, Yorkshire : son of John Squyer, husbandman. School, Gisburn, under Mr Gibson. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 6, 1580-1. Tutor and surety, Mr Reniigius Booth, M.A., fellow. B.A. (Trin.) 1584-5 : M.A. 1588. Probably vicar of St Leonard's, Shore- ditch, 1612. Ebden, Thomas: matriculated sizar, March 17, 1580-1. Owtram, Godfrey : of Horsley Gate (Dronfield parish : bapt. there Feb. 24, 1561-2), Derbyshire : son of Richard Owtram, mediocris fortuna;. School, Mansfield, Notts. Age 19. Admitted sizar, April 1, 1581. Surety, Mr Michael Rabbett, M.A., fellow. B.A. (Pet.) 1583-4. Probably rector of Ashover, Derbs., 1589. Humberston, Robert : son of Edward Humberston, yeoman. Born at Earith, Hunts. School, Ely. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 2, 1581. Surety, Mr Edward Burton, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1583-4. Perhaps the one of these names who came to Douay College, Oct. 15, 1587; and left Sep. 23, 1588 (v. Diarii). If so, he is probably the same who is reported as " a young gent. ; heir to his father who hath been lately seduced, and is a most obstinate conveyer and concealer of priests. He is a Lincolnshire man." (Names of priests and recusants lately committed to prison about London : Lansd. 51 No. 67.) Marshe, Thomas : son of Thomas Marshe, gent. Born at Mimms, Middlesex. School, St Albans. Age 15. Already admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, admitted fellow-commoner, April 11, 1581. Surety, Mr Michael Rabbett, M.A., fellow. A Thomas Marsh, of London, was admitted at Magdalen Coll., Oxford, Nov. 24, 1581 ; age 14. B.A. 1585. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1584 (Foster). Constable, Marmaduke : son of Marmaduke Constable, gent. Born at Cliffe, Yorkshire. School, Pocklington. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, to the bachelors' table, April 11, 1581. Suretj', Mr Edward Burton, M.A., fellow. Probably "Constable of Kexby " ; see Vis. of Yorks., 1585, 1612. Suc- ceeded his father at Kexby. Married at Calton, Aug. 2, 1599, Catherine, daughter of Anthony Teale of Kexby. (Foster's Pedigrees.) 1580—1581. Ill *Rant, William : sou of Humfrey Eant, gent, (notary public). Born at JS'orwich. School, Norwich, under Mr Limbert. Age 17. Admitted scholar, April 14, 1581. Surety, Mr Richard Swale, M.A., president. B.A. 1584-5: M.A. 1588. Scholar, Mich" 1582 to Mich= 1588. Fellow, L. Day 1689 to L. Day 1596: resigned on marriage. Dean, 1593: steward, 1595. Married Mary, daughter of Edward Ward of Bixley. Practised medicine in Norwich. Died May 26, 1627. Buried at St Stephen's, Norwich ; monuments there to him and his wife, who died soon after him. Will proved (Norw.) Nov. 8, 1627. Leaves property in Norwich to sons William and Thomas, " my Greek books of Physic " to William, et, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1585-6: M.A. 1589:" Scholar, Mich'' 1582 to Mich' 1589. "James Rolfe, Esq. official of the archdeaconry of St Albans ; conni)is.sary of arch- deaconry of Huntingdon ; blaster in Chancery, who lived 65 years and died Oct. 27, 1630."..."Alban's shrine where thy religious care, i-etleemed those sacred relics from despair": M.I., at St Stephen's, Barnct, erected by his widow, Grace. (Chauncey's Herts., ii. 301 ; and Vis. of Hn-ts.) Grene, Oliver : son of William Grene, mediocris fortunte. Born at Trumpington, Carabs. Schools, Godmanchester, under Mr Braldan; and Elsworth. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 23, 1582. Surety, Ds Alexander Robberts, B.A., fellow. B.A. 1585-6: M.A. 1589: M.L. 1599: M.D. IGlo. Scholar Mich" 1585 to Mich' 1589. A skilful matliematician : repaired the college sundials, on the visit of James I. to Cambridge (.(4 ;«»«/«). The site of "Green Street" was his property. In his will (proved, V. C. Court, Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1625) he mentions his wife, and sons, Henry and Anthony: lands in GaraUngay and Waterbeach ; '• tenements of the Blewbore" and " Greene Street " in Cambridge: son Henry, executor. His son, admitted Oct. 1, 1623, is de- scribed as of Potton, Beds. Lawton, Gilbert : son of Robert Lawton, citizen of London. Born in London. School, St Paul's. Age 16. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, April 29, 1582. Surety, Ds Alexander Robberts, B.A., fellow. Scholar, Mich'' 1582 to L. Day 15S4. The father was probably bailifl' of the hundred of Ossulston, Middx., appointed 1583 by the mayor and aldermen. Dowman, Roger : son of Thomas Do^\•man, gent. Born at ( ? Hathern) ' Havere,' Leicestershire. School, Kegworth. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 26, 1582. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.D. Probably the student drowned in the Cam, and buried at Grantchester, May 4, 1583, as 'Robert Downian of St John's.' (Parish register.) Blumfeikle, John, of Diss, Norfolk : son of John Blomfeild, yeoman. School, Diss. Age 17. Admitted to the .scholars' table, June 14, 1582. Surety, Mr Richard Swale, M.A., fellow. Cousin of James and John, of 1581. Warner, William and Christopher : sons of William Warnei", yeoman. Born at East Dereham, Norfolk. School, Mattishall, Norfolk. Ages 17 and 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 15, 1582. Surety, Mr John Paman, M.A., fellow. William was ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Jan. 25, 1605; as a literate, age 40 : title, curate of Hardley. Christopher: LLB. 1589. Gouldman, George : son of Robert Gouldman, citizen of Norwich (bapt. at St Pet., Mancroft, Jan. 28, 1565-6). Born at Norwich, and at school there. Age 16. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, July 2, 1582. Surety, Mr Thomas Hf)wse, M.A., fellow. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Nov. 23, 1589.) B.A. 158.5-6 : M.A. 1589 : D.D. (Job.) 1608. Scholar, Mich* 1582 to Mich» 1589. Yicarof Stepney, 1605-33. Rector of S. Ockendon, Essex, 1611-33. Archdeacon of Essex, 1609-33. Died 1633-4; will proved (P. CO.). For his son Francis, see D. N. B. 1582. llo Hubltert, William : son of John Hubhert, gent. Born at Thwaite, Norfolk. School, Great Downhani, Norfolk. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July G, ir)8± Surety, Mr R. Swale, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1585-6. Inherited the manor of Erpinghani, and lands in Melton, by his fatliei''s will. Married Catherine, daughter of James Underwood of Cromer, gent. Died Nov. 5, 1612 : buried at Erpingham. M. I. there. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1612. (v. Vis. of Norf.) Payne, William : son of Thomas Payne, yeoman. Born at Norwich : at school there. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 12, 1.582. Surety, Mr 11. Swale, M.A., president. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Scholar Mich" 1582 to L. Day 1588. A William Payne was vicar of Shepreth, Canibs., 1599: resigned Jan. 21, 1612-13. Womocke, Henry: son of Hugh Womocke. Born at Dereham, Norfolk. At school there, and at Mattishall. Age IG. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 11, 1582. Surety, Mr Thomas How.se, M.A,, fellow. B.A. 1586-7: M.A. 1600. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 5, 1589. Rector of Ferstield, Norf., 1595: vicar of Gt Ellingham, 1601-28: rector of (third part) of Attleboro, 1613-28. Will pro\ed (Norw.) Nov. 19, 1628: leaves lands at E. Dereham to his wife Anne. Mentions sons, Salathiel, John, Henry, and William. Mondeforde, Francis : son of Francis Moundeford, gent. Born at Wereham, Norf. Schools, Lynn and Sufiield, Suftblk {sic). Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 12, 1582. Surety, Ds Alexander Roberts, B.A., fellow. B.A. 158.'5-G : 23rd, out of 32, in the list. Scholar, Mich' 1584 to L. Day 1589. Probably the "Francis Montford, of the diocese of Norfolk, aged 24," admitted at the English College at Rome, July 10, 1590. Having received holy orders he was sent to England, Ap. 22, 1592. According to Dodd, he was soon after apprehended, and executed in London (v. Foley's Records, vi. 182). Family pedigree in Vis. of Norf. MiCH^ 1582— MiCH^ 1583. *Grymstone, Thomas : matriculated first at Caius, but not entered in our Register. B.A. (Clare) 1577-8: M.A. (do.) 1581: M.D. 1601. Fellow of Caius, Mich' 1582 to Mich" 1595. Bursar, 1588 : steward, 1593. Proctor, 1592. Probably practised in the town. Married Helenora Lorkyn of Chesterton. Buried at St Botolph's, Camb., March 23, 1607-8. Will proved (V. C. Court) Aug. 9, 1608. Leaves a "parcell of books" to the college library ; — amongst these Gerai'd's Herbal, Vesalius' Aiiatomy, and the works of Savonarola, — and lands to his wife, who is sole executrix. It is recorded, in the Annals, that on April 2, 1601, lie "publice anatomiam sive dissectionem huniani corporis fecit, non sine sumnia ejus laude et maxi- mo auditorum fructu...." The subject of this dissection is recorded in St Michael's register, amongst the burials: "1601, Ap. 6, M'^ Hutton the anatomyr of Keys College." I had, on first seeing this notice, supposed him to be a 'demonstrator' of some kind ; from his title of Mr, which generally indicates an M.A. Probably this title is given in consequence of Caius' statute that such subjects were to be buried " tanta reverentia et ordine quanta si esset corpus dignioris personte." Awger (Aunger), Thomas : son of Henry Awger, mediocris fortun;e. Born at Peterborough. School, Barnack, Northants. Age 18. Admitted, Oct. 6, 1582, sizar of his surety, Mr Grimston, M.A., fellow. B.A. 158.5-6: M.A. 1589. 8—2 116 GONVILI.E AND CAIUS. Randall, William : son of Robert Randall. Born at Carlton, near Buckenham Castle, Norfolk. Schools, Wymondhaiii and Norwich. Age 30. Admitted pen- sioner to the bachelore' table, Oct. 12, 1.582. Surety, Mr R. Church, B.D., fellow. Perhaps tlie man of these names who was ordained by the Bp of Norwich, Oct. 17, 1571 : "of Kenninghall : aJ titulum patrimonii." One of these names was rector of Necton, Norf., 1.576. Larkyn (Lorkyn), John: matriculated sizivr, 'impubes,' Oct. 13, 1582. Huse, Edmund: matriculated sizar, Oct. 13, 1582. Coot, William: son of Christopher Coot, gent. Born at Lopham ? ('Clapham'), Norfolk. School, Diss. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 18, 1582. Surety, Mr E. Burton, M.A., fellow. Either fifth son of Christopher, of Lopham Lodge (Norris): — or eldest son of Christopher of Blonorton. (See Vis. of yorf.) Reade, Robert : of Norwich, son of Edward Reade. School, Norwich, three years. Age 19 Admitted sizar, Nov. 22, 1582. Surety, Mr Thomas Howse. Scholar, Mich' 1582 to L. Day 1587. •Gostlin, John : of Norwich : son of Robert Gostlin. School, Norwich, about six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 22, 1582. Surety, Mr Thomas Howes. (The father was sheriff of Norwich, 1570.) B.A. 1586-7 (20th out of 24, in the list): M.A. 1590: M.D. 1602. Incoi-porated at Oxford, July 14, 1612. Scholar, Mich' 1582 to Mich' 1590. Fellow, L. Day 1592 to Mich' 1618. Dean, 1592, 4, 8: registrar, 1593: bursar, 1597. Proctor, 1600. Regius Prof, of Physic, 1595-1625. After his rejection as master, and Dr Branthwaite's election, in 1607, he retired to Exeter, and practised physic tliere. M.P. for Barnstaple, 1614. Elected Master Feb. 26, 1618-19. Died Oct. 21, 1626; whilst holding the office of Vice- Chancellor. For some account of his character and work, see under Mast^irs. Litle, George: of Southill? ('Southwell'), Beds.: son of Bryan Litle. School, Holme, Beds., five years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 10, 1582. Surety, Mr Stephen Perse, M.D. Scholar, Mich' 1582 to Mich' 1586. Probably B.A. 158.5-6; and rector of Ketton, Ruts., 1602. Perrye, William : son of Matthew Perrye, mediocris fortuna?. Born in London. At school there. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' tiible, Dec. 15, 1582. Surety, Mr R. Swale, fellow and president of the college. Scholar, Mich' 1582 to Mich' 1584. Probably B.A. 1585 : M.A. 1587. Davie, Christopher : son of John Da^^e, gent. Born in London. Schools, Holt, Norfolk, and Brentwood, Essex. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Dec. 31, 1582. Suret}', Mr R. Swale. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, May 7, 1585.) * Hammond, Henry: of Wendling, Norfolk: son of Robert Hammond, mediocris fortune. Schools, Necton 1 ('Naj'ton'), two years; and Scarning, three years. Age 18. Admitted scholar, Jan. 29, 1582-3. Tutor, Mr Swale. B.A. 1586-7: M.A. 1590. Scholar, Mich' 1586 to Mich' 1590. Junior fellow, L. Day 1594: Senior fellow, Mids"^ 1595 to his death, Oct. 1616. Greek lecturer, 1594: dean, 1596, 9, 1603, 5, 7-9: registrar, 1598. Buried, at St Michael's, Oct. 13, 1616. A rather violent person; for, as there seems to have been no other of the name in college at the time, he must be the Mr Hammond who was fined £1, Dec. 12, 1608, "quia violentas manus injecit M''" Jermy et D"" Smitli (two students) eosque vellicando male tracta\-it, et quia IM"™ Duisborough, tunc procuratorem Ac;idemi» conviciis lacessivit et ensem quem gestabat noluit depunere" (Gesta). The junior dean was not necessarily in holy orders. 1582—1583. 117 Forbye, John : of Beeston, Norfolk r sou of John Forbye, mediocris fortunaj. Schools, Beeston, four years; and Rougham, three years. Age 19. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 29, 1582-3. Surety, Mr Richard Swale. B.A. 1586-7: M.A. 1590: B.D. 1598. Scholar, Mich" 1585 to Mich= 1590. Ordained deacon and priest (Line.) Nov. 9, 1590. Rector of Beeston, Nurf., 1598: and of Attleborough, Norf., 1614-38. Married, at Weston by Norwich, Nov. 1610, Jane, daughter of Edward Misselbrooke, clerk. Buried, at Attleborough, Dec. 29, 1638. The register at Beeston has many curious notes by him, forming almost a history of his period ; and he was also a liberal donor to the church and parsonage. Author : Verses on the death of Henry Lord Fitzwalter, son of the Earl of Sussex (v. Blomef. i. 524; and Carthew, n. 383). Clyfton, Gervase : son of Richard Clyfton, gent, of Clifton, Notts. At school there, two years ; afterwards at Sutton Bonnington, Notts., four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 8, 1582-3. Surety, Mr R. Swale. B.A. 1586-7: M.A. 1590. In the Notts. Vis., 1G14, his father is described as 'of Lincolnshire.' Nedam, Nicholas, of Hickling, Notts., son of Oliver Nedam. Schools, Hickling, two years; and Melton, Leicestershire, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' taljle, Feb. 8, 1582-3. Tutor, Mr Swale. B.A. 1586-7 : M.A. 1590. Scholar, Mich" 1586 to Mich" 1590. Foxe, Henry, of Kendal, Cumberland (Westmoreland) : son of William Foxe, mediocris fortunie. School, Skelsmergh, Cumberland (sic), about six years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 14, 1582-3. Surety, Mr Burton. B.A. (Joh.) 1586-7. Claydon, William and John : of Bures, Suffolk : sons of Barnabas Claydon, mediocris fortunie. Schools, Bures, and Merchant Taylors' under Mr Mulkaster ('in scholis Mulcasteriensibus '). Ages 17 and 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 8, 1583. Surety, Mr R. Swale, president. William : B.A. 1587-8 (19th, out of 57, in the list). Scholar Mich' 1583 to Mich" 1586. John: B.A. 1587-8. Perhaps vicar of Gt Wilbraham, Cambs., 1617: curate of Gt Thurlow, Suff., 1622 : and B.C. of Stoke by Clare, Suff., in 1603 ; where lie returned 405 communicants. Mallerye, George : son of William Mallerye, knt. Born at Hutton (Conyers), Yorks. Schools, Ripon (' Ripingiie '), about two years ; and York, two years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 15, 1583. Surety, Mr R. Swale. Uncle of William, of 1594. Fourth son. See ' Mallory of Studley' in Vis. of Yorks.; 1585, 1612. Smyth, Thomas, of Norwich : son of Richard Smyth, mediocris fortunie. School, Norwich, under Mr Limberte, five years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 4, 1583. Surety, Mr Grymstone. Perhaps the same who was scholar, Mich» 1582 to Mich' 1586: B.A. 1582-3: M.A. 1586. Morris, Francis, of Stow Bedon, Norfolk : son of John Morris, mediocris fortune. School, Stow Bedon, two years, under Mr Edward Limcor. Age 19. Ad- mitted sizar, April 23, 1583. Surety, Mr Grimstone. B.A. 1583-4: M.A. 1587. Madooke, William, of Wiveton, Norfolk : son of William Madooke, mediocris fortunas. School, Wiveton, four yeans. Age 18. Admitted sizar, April 27, 1583. Surety, Mr Howse. The father was probably the rector of Wiveton, whose will was proved (Norw.) 1592. 118 C.oNVILI.E AND ert Jewell, mediocris fortuna;. Born at Carlton Rode, Norfolk. School, Palgrave, Suffolk, under Mr More. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 12, 1586. Surety, Mr Alexander Roberts, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600. Scholar, Mich' 1587 to Mich' 1590. Ordained priest (Norw.) July 24, 1593. Curate of St Mary's, Bury St Edmunds, 1603 ; when he returned 1440 coumiunicants. Probably the surrogate of this name, Ijefore whom wills were proved at Bury, 1623-35. MiCH^ 1586— MiCH^ 1587. *Disberowe, Anthony : of Chevington, Suffolk : son of Anthony Disberowe, mediocris fortunte. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mi- Wrighte. Age 17. Admitted Sep. 8, 1586, sizar of his surety, the Master, Dr Thomas Legge. B.A. 1590-1: M.A. 1594: B.D. 1610. Scholar, Mich^ 1586 to MichM592. Junior fellow, Mich' 1592: senior, Mich' 1595 to L. Day 1615. Ordained deacon and priest (Xorw.) June 24, 1596. Dean 1595: Heb. lecturer, 1601, 12: bursar, 1606, 12: salarist, 1609-15. Proctor, 1608. Rector of Risby, Suff, 1613. In 1600 he presented a brass eagle, as lectern, to the college chapel, with the inscription, "wternum Antonii Duisburgi testor amorem." He gave to our library the Collection of Statutes by Pulton, Eosa Ursiiia, &c. Father of OUver, of 1641. Wetherall, Anthony : of Greystoke, Cumberland : son of William Wetherall, mediocris fortunw. School, Kendal, under Mr Garnet. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, August 31, 1586. Surety, Mr Edward Burton, M.A., fellow. Probably %-icar of Kirby Stephen, Westm., 1607. Author : A remonstrance by the tenants against the lord's claim of an absolute estate in their tenements (Nicholson and Burn : Cuinh. and Westm. I. 536). Hall (Haull), George. Scholar (promus) Mich' 1586 to L. Day 1596. B.A. 1588-9 : M.A. 1592. Perhaps the same whose will was proved (Norw. C. C.) 1628: "of Susterne." A George Hall, ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 24, 1615, was curate of Saxthorpe in 1617. Filmer, Robert : son of Robert Filnier, Esq., deceased. Born at (East) Sutton, Kent. At school there, seven years, under Mr Sharp. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, to the bachelors' table, Nov. 4, 1586. Surety, Mr George Estey, M.A., fellow. (Brother of Edward, p. 119.) Probably admitted at Gray's Inn, July 3, 1598; from Staple Inn. Sir Robert Filmer, of Sutton, married a daughter of Bishop Heton, of EI3-. Paris, George : of Dullingham, Cambs. : son of Rodulph Paris, gent. At school in London, under Mr Furbusher. Age 18. Admitted pen.sioner, Nov. 6, 1586. Tutor, Mr Burton, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1588-9. Scholar, Mich' 1586 to Mich' 1592. A George Paris of Dullingham, Cambs., married Ann, daughter of William Clopton of L3-ston, Essex (v. Essex Vis. 1612). Brother of John, p. 144. Chesw-rigt, Mark : of Fordham, Isle of Ely : son of John Cheswrigt, mediocris fortunje. School, Ely, under Mr Spj-ght. At Pembroke Hall, and at St John's College, for three years. Age l9. Admitted pensioner, March 30, 1587. Surety, Mr George Estej-, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1587-8: 10th, out of "57, in the list. Scholar L. Day 1587 to his death. Died in college; buried at St Michael's, March 2, 1588-9. 1586—1587. 129 Frent, John : of (?) Hunston, ' Hauston,' Suffolk : son of John Frent, mediocris fortunae. School, Buiy St Edmunds, under Mr Wryght. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1587. Surety, Mr Thomas Reve, M.A., fellow. Keene, Anthony : son of Revell (Raphael) Keene, vicar of Brent Pelham, Herts. Born there, and educated under Mr Robert Reve, of Hormead. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1587. Tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Reve, fellow. B.A. 1592-3. Scholar, Mich" 1592 to L. Day 1596. Curate of Graveley, Cambs., 1614-45. Buried there June 27, 1645. Burre, Richard : son of Henry Burre, citizen of London. Born in London. At school there, under Mr Waddington. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 2, 1587. Tutor and surety, Mr Reve, fellow. B.A. 1590-1 : M.A. 1594. Scholar L. Day 1587 to Mich» 1593. Payne, Robert : son of Thomas Payne, mediocris fortunse. Born at Stoke by Clare, Suffolk. School, Ely, under Mr Sphight, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 11, 1587. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Church, B.D., fellow. Scholar L. Day 1587 to L. Day 1588. Sherman, Rodolph : of Brinkley, Cambs. : son of Richard Sherman, mediocris fortunfe. At St Paul's School, London, under Mr Harrison. At St John's College, three years, under Mr Harris. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 10, 1587. Surety, Mr Edward Burton. B.A. 1587-8 : M.A. 1591. Scliolar, L. Day 1587 to Mich" 1590. Ordained priest (Norw.) June 15, 1606. Rector of Ickburgli, Norf., 1605-26. He is presented in 1606, as having also a school at Cheveley, "whether licensed or not they know not." Rector of Langford, 1605-26: buried there, Sep. 21, 1626. Will proved (Norw.) 1626. Sisson, Percival, B.A. : son of Christopher Sisson, mediocris fortunue. Born at Barton, Westmoreland. At school there, under Mr Wilkinson. Age 21. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 10, 1587. Surety, Mr Burton. B.A. 1586-7 : M.A. 1590. Scholar, L. Day 1587 to L. Day 1589. Richardson, Hammond : son of William Richardson, preacher. Born at Beverley, Yorkshire. At school there, under his father. At Jesus College for two years and a half. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table. Ma}' 12, 1587. Surety, Mr Thomas Grimeston, fellow. B.A. 1588-9. Scholar, L. Day 1587 to Mich' 1590. Rickes, Elias. B.A. 1593-4?: M.A. 1597. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 29, 1599 ; as curate of Briningliam : priest, June 28, 1600. Curate of Belaugh in 1603: "rectory impropriate... not endowed with a vicarage: curate's salary £8" {Harl. 595). Rector of Lit. Stonham, 1613. Aldred, Henry : of Yaxham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Aldred, mediocris fortunae. School, East Dereham, under Mr Paynter. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Wright, June 7, 1587. B.A. 1594-5. Scholar, Mich" 1588 to L. Day 1595. Probably the same who was licensed as schoolmaster at Worstead, Norf., Oct. 1, 1590 : ordained priest (Norw.) Oct. 11, 1597: vicar of Rushall, Norf., 1603-8: curate of Skeyton in 1603: and vicar of Worstead, 1603-48. Buried at Worstead, Dec. 1, 1648. Place, John : of Eaton Socon, Beds. : son of Rodolph Place, mediocris fortune. School, Eaton Socon, under Mr Why t. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, June 18, 1587. Surety, Dr Perse. Scholar, Mich' 1588 to Mich" 1590. C. 9 130 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Bretton, John : of Mileham, Norfolk : son of Robert Bretton, mediocris fortunfe. Scliool, East Dereham, under Mr Paynter. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 9, 1587. Surety, Mr Alexander Roberts, fellow. B.A. 1589-90: M.A 1601. Scholar, L. Day 1587 to L. Day 1591. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 27, 1598, as curate of Gt Dunham, Norf. Rector of Lit. Fransham, 1602: rector of Gressenhall, Norf., 1607-34: vicar of E. Dereham, 1615: rector of Gt Fran.sham, 1623-34. Curate of Hooe in 1617. Died 1634. His second wife (Mary Ai-nold) survived him (v. Carthew, in. 345). Father of John, 1614; and Robert, 1624. Bradnam, Michael : of Dunham, Norfolk : son of Michael Bradnara, mediocris fortune. School, Dunham, under Mr Grenwood, six years. Age 23. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 10, 1587. Surety, Dr Perse. B.A. 1588-9. Scholar, L. Day 1587 to L. Day 1589. Rector of Rede, Suffi, 1591-8. Nevill, Philip : of Tadcaster, Yorkshire : son of Henry Ne^-ill, gent., deceased. School, Dronfield, under JNIr Fletcher. Age 21. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 12, 1587. Surety, Mr Fletcher, fellow. Maddox, Philip : son of William Maddox, citizen of London. Born in London. At school there, under Mr Munkaster, six years. At Trinit}^ College, under Mr Hampton, two j'ears. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 10, 1587. Surety, Mr Robert Church, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1587 to L. Day 1589. Porye, John. Admitted pensioner. B.A. 1591-2: M.A. 1595. Incorporated at Oxford, Ap. 18, 1610. Scholar, L. Daj' 1589 to MichM595. Greek lecturer, 1595. Author: " A Geographical History of Africa, written in Arabic and Italian, by John Leo, a Moor, and translated by John Pory, late of Gonv. and Caius College." He was induced to translate it by his friend Hakluyt. M.P. for Bridgewater, 1605. Travelled for many years in Ireland, Italy, and Turkey. Secretary to the Governor of Virginia, 1619-21. Died in London, Sep. 1635. (v. Fast. Ox. and D. N. B.) Frost, John : son of Thomas Frost : mediocris fortune. Born at Chevington, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Wright. Age 17. Admitted, July 20, 1587, sizar of his suretj', Mr Burton. Probably ordained deacon and priest (Norw.), Oct. 3, 1596 : as rector of Fornham St Genevieve, Sufi", where he remained about 50 j'ears. One of the ministers who signed the petition in favour of Presbyterianism, presented in 1646. Will proved (Bury) Dec. 23, 1645 by his son William, (of 1610). Reed, Andrew : son of Edward Reed, deceased. Born at Reedham, Norfolk. School, Fakenham, under Mr Ward. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Sept. 17, 1587. Surety, jNli' Roberts. MiCH^ 1587— MiCH^ 1588. Lister, Richard. Fellow of Emm. from 1587. Mentioned there as from Gonv. and Caius Coll. (probabl}' a mistake). A Yorkshireman : lived at Wakefield. *Stockdall, Richard. From Clare Hall. B.A. 1580-1 : M.A. 1584. B.D. (Cai.) 1591. Fellow, Mich^ 1587 to Mich' 1601. Dean, 1592, 7: Heb. lecturer, 1596, 8 : salarist, 1599. Pre.sented to St Michael's Coslany, Norwich, Ap. 11, 1600 ; but resigned in a year. Langworth, John, of Ringmer, Sussex : son of Arthur Langworth, gent. School, Buxted, under Mr Munks. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 5, 1587. Suretj', Mr Burton, fellow. Of Broyle, Sussex, where he succeeded his father. Married daughter of Challenor, and had issue. {Vis. of Kent, 1619.) 1587—1588. 131 Pratt, John : son of George Pratt, gent. Born at Weldon, Northants. At school there, under Mr Ryall, seven years. Age 17. At Trinity College, under Mr Harrison, two years and a half. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 20, 1587 (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Oct. 18, 1588). Surety, Mr Burton. B.A. 1588-9 : (28th, out of 32, in the ' tripos list '). M.A. 1592. Gave a number of books to the college library ; Fernelii opera, Bihlia Vaticana, &c. *Pratt, Henry : son of Henry Pratt, gent., of Weldon, Northants. At school there, under Mr Ryall, seven years. Age 17. At Trinity College, under Mr Harrison, two years and a half. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 20, 1587. Surety, Mr Burton. B.A. 1588-9: 27th out of 32, in the list. M.A. 1592. Incorporated at Oxford, July 11, 1592. Scholar, Mich" 1587 to Mich» 1592. Junior fellow, Mich' 1592 to Nov. 12, 1004, when he resigned. Greek lecturer, 1596. He petitioned the king, Feb. 160-t, to be elected to the senior fellowship, vacated by E. Burton. There was an order in his favour, Feb. 29 (Cal. of State Pap.); but he does not seem to have been elected. On his resignation he presented to the library a number of books, including the works of Anselm and Cyril. He is described, in the Annals, as " vir inter doctos clarus." His father con- tributed £25 to the defence of the country in 1588. Browne, John : (eldest) son of John Browne, gent. Born at Spexhall, Suffolk. School, Halesworth, under Mr Popson. At St John's College, under Mr Pratt, a yeMr and a half. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 21, 1587. Surety, Mr Fletcher, M.A, fellow. Of Spexhall, Suft'., gent. Lord of the Manor of Spexhall, and Tothani parva. Died in London (St Mary at Hill), apparently unmarried. Will proved (P. C. C.) Nov. 24, 1596. Burton, John; son of Francis Burton, gent. Born at Farndale ('in Blackmore'), Yorkshire. School, York, under Mr Pulleyn, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' tal)le, Oct. 25, 1587. Surety, Mr Fletcher, M.A., fellow. B.A. 159.3-4: M.A. 1597. Scholar, L. Day 1588 to L. Day 1591. Presented by the University to the vicarage of Campsall, Yorks., May 25, 1601 ; which he resigned next month. Probably rector of Beechamwell, Norf., 1611. Walpoole, Christopher: of Anmer (baptized at Docking, Oct. 23, 1568) Norfolk: son of Christoper Walpoole, gent. School, Ely, under Mr Spyght, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 25, 1587. Surety, Mr Christo- pher Grimston, M.A., fellow. Sixth son of Christopher, of Docking. Scholar, L. Day 1588 to Mich" 1590, but did not graduate. Afterwards a Jesuit priest; one of the converts of Father Gerard. Entered the English college at Rome, 1592. Sent to Spain, wliere he was Confessor and Spiritual Father of Valladolid College. Died there in 1606. (v. Ath. Cant.; and Jessopp'.s One Generation...). Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. Preston, John : son of Thomas Preston, Esq. Born at Dalton, Lancashire. School, Skelsmergh, Westmoreland, under Mr Garuett, four years. Age 14. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 4, 1587. Surety, Dr Legge, Master of the College, and vice-chancellor. Of Preston Patrick, and the Manor of Furuess. Married Frances, daughter of Richard Holland, of Denton and Heaton, Lanes. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1590-1. Will dated 1642: he died soon after. His son was created a baronet in 1644, by Charles I., and was killed, shortly after, in battle. (Pedigree in Vis. of Lanes. 1613, 1664.) 9—2 132 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Reinolds, Francis : son of Henry Reinolds, iDediocris fortunw. Bom at Little Eversden, Cambs. School, Ditton, Cambridge, under ISIessrs Dodd and Edwards, three years. At Jesus College, under iSlr Dodd, two years. Age 17. Admitted, Nov. 7, 1587, sizar of his surety, Mr Stockdall, fellow. B.A. (Jes.) 1590-1 : M.A. 1594. Stapleton, Bryan : son of Bryan Stapleton, Esq. Born at Carlton, Yoi-kshire. School, York, under Mr Pullan, two years. Age 15. Admitted fellow- commoner, Dec. 12, 1587. Surety, Mr John Fletcher, M.A., fellow of the college. Probably brother of Richard, of 1578, and cousin of Richai-d of 1579. Pedigree in Vis. of Yorks.; 1584, 1612. "Well known to the master to be corrupt in religion, and to have been free of speech therein unto others." (Complaint of the fellows ; Lamd. 33). Briant Stapleton, of Altofts, Nor- manton, was returned as a Popish recusant in 1603. Perhaps the same who was ordained at Douay College, 1599. Stonham, ^Matthew : son of Robert Stonham, mediocris fortunse, citizen of Norwich. Born at Norwich (bapt. at St Michael's Coslany). At school there, under Mr Limbert, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, November 7, 1587. Surety, Mr Thomas Reve, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1591-2 : M.A. 1595. Scholar, Mich' 1587 to Mich= 1592. Yicar of St Stephen's, Norwich, 1602. Chaplain of St Greg., Norw., 1623. Presented in. 1597, when at St Greg. Norwich : "doth not read the injunctions quarterly: doth not catechise, itc." Married Ciceley Smith, 1597, at St Giles', Norwich. Author: Treatise on the 1st Psalm, 1610. Colyer, Robert : son of Robert Colier, mediocris fortunje. Born at Barlow ? (' Barley '), Derbyshire. School, Dronfield, under Mr Fletcher, three years. Age 15. Admitted sizar of Mr Christopher Grimston, Sept. 8, 1587. Surety, Mr Grimston, M.A., fellow. Hutton, Thomas : son of William Hutton, gent. Born at Greystoke, Cumberland. School, Cockermouth, under !Mr Lund, four years. Age 19. Admitted fellow-commoner, to the bachelors' table, Nov. 24, 1587. Surety, Mr Burton, fellow. Pedigi'ee of Hutton of Penrith, in Vis. of Cumberland, 1615 : but no reference to Thomas. Aynsworth, Henry : son of Thomas Aynsworth, yeoman. Born at Swanton Morlej', Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Clepharason, three years. At St John's College, under Mr Furnace, one year. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 15, 1587. Surety Dr Perse, fellow. Scholar, Mich*^ 1587 to L. Day 1591. A celebrated Nonconformist minister. After leaving Cambridge he seems to have gone firet to Ireland, and, in 1597, to America; but soon returnetl and settled for the rest of his life in Amsterdam. " A very learned man he was, and a close student, which much impaired his health. We have heard some, eminent in the knowledge of the tongues, of the University of Leyden, say that they thought he had not liis better for the Hebrew tongue, in the L'niversity, nor scarce in Europe " (Young's Chron. Plym. 448). He married, March 29, 1607, Marjorie, widow of Richard Appleby, of Ipswich. Died late in 1622 or early in 1623. He was the author of many religious works, of which the Annotations, on various books of tlie O. Test., are best known, (v. Dexter's Hist, of Conyrega- ticnalism; and D. N. B.) Feake, Thomas : of Witchingham, Norfolk : son of Robert Feake, mediocris fortunse, merchant. School, Norwich, under Mr Limbert, three years. At 1587—1588. 133 Emmanuel College, under Mr Pickering, three years. Age 21. Admitted to the scholar.s' table, Dec. 20, 1587. Surety, Mr T. Reve, fellow. B.A. (Henry) 1588-9. Oi-dained deacon (Norw.) Jan. 1, 1595-6 : as curate of Ashley, Cambs. Fletcher, James : of Leeds : son of Henry Fletcher, yeoman. School, Leeds, under Mr William Hargraves, six years. Age 16. Admitted, March 21, 1587-8, sizar of his surety, Mr John Fletcher, fellow. Gogges, John : son of Robert Gogges, mediocris fortunse. Born in Harpley, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Lealand. At Clare Hall, under Mr Atthow, two years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 28, 1587-8. Surety, Richard Stockdall, fellow. B.A. 1588-9. Scholar, Mich'' 1588 to Mich' 1589. Vicar of Hickling, Norf., 1.595-1613. Will proved (Norw.) 1613. Stretlye, Thomas : son of Paul Stretlye, gent. Born at Brocket Hall, Herts. School, St Alban's, under Mr John Thomas. At Christ's College for about one year. Admitted to the scliolars' table, Jan. 28, 1587-8. Surety, Mr Robert Church, B.D., fellow. B.A. 1590-1 : M.A. 1594. Scholar, Mich» 1588 to Mich" 1592. Head Master of the Free School, St Albans. He was recommended by Mr Anthony Bacon, as " a fit man for learning and religion and well qualified to exercise the place," Ap. 11, 1595. Remained there till 1601. Drake, Thomas : son of Thomas Drake, vicar of Sedgeford, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Limbert, two years. Age 18. Admitted, Feb. 6, 1587-8, sizar of his surety, Mr Roberts, fellow. B.A. 1591-2: M.A. 1596. Scholar, L. Day 1591 to Mich' 1592. Or- dained priest (Norw.) June 24, 1598; as vicar of Snettisham ; where he remained till 1608. Rector of Ingoldesthorpe 1609-38. Beckwith, Thomas : of Ackton, Yorkshire : son of Thomas Beckwith, Esq. School, Staveley? (' Staly ve '), Derbyshire, under Mr Margerison. Age 18. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, to the scholars' table, Feb. 2, 1587-8. Surety, Mr Fletcher, M.A., fellow. Of Ackton, Esq. Married Barbara, daughter of John Milborn, Esq., of Henderskelf. Signs the pedigree of 'Beckwith of Aikton,' in Vis. of Yorks., 1612. Buried Jan. 16, 1614-5. Goodwin, Vincent : of Cley, Norfolk : son of Vincent Goodwin (vicar of Cley : formerly of the college : p. 39). School, Holt, under Mr Williams, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 2, 1587-8. Surety, Mr Roberts, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1591-2 : M.A. 1595. Scholar, Mich' 1588 to Mich' 1595. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 29, 1604, as curate of Cley. Vicar of Cley, 1606. Will proved (Norw. Archd. C.) 1644-5 ; 'of Cley.' Andrew, Christopher : son of Roger Andrew, gent. Born in Great Ryburgh, Norfolk (bapt. Aug. 28, 1571). School, Holt, under Mr Williams, three years. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 2, 1587-8. Surety, Mr Roberts, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1589 to Mich' 1590. (For pedigree see Vis. of Norf .) Kenricks, John : son of Hugh Kenricks, gent. Born in London. At the Grey Friars' School, under Mr Waddington, and afterwards at the University of Oxford for a year and a half. Admitted fellow-commoner, May 4, 1588. Surety, Mr Roberts, fellow. Admitted at Hart Hall, Oxford, March 18, 1585-6, age 15. 134 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Giles, Thomas : of Sheldwich, Kent : son of Gabriel Giles. School, Sheldwich, under Mr Laiikisliire, tliree years. Admitted to the scholars' table, March o, 1587-8. Surety, Mr Fletcher, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1591-2 : M.A. 1595. Scholar, L. Day 1588 to L. Day 1593. Rector of Thursford, Norf., 1G04-11. Hinson, Thomas : son of William Hinson, mediocri.s fortunse. Born at Fordham, Cambs. School, Bury St Edmunds, under JSIr Wright. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1588. Surety, 'Mv Estey, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1589 to Mich'' 1592. Of Fordham, Esq. Married Anue, daughter of Tho' Petchy of Soham (v. I'w. of Mids., 1663). Nephew of Thomas, of 1575. Pagrave, Edward : of Barnham Broom, Norfolk : son of Edward Pagrave (rector). School, Barnham Broom, under Mr Cawsye. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 13, 1588. Surety, Mr George Estey, M.A., fellow. Scholar, Mich* 1589 to L. Day 1591. Ordained prie.st (Sufi'. Bp of Colchester) Dec. 27, 1602. Rector of Litcham, Norf., 1617-41. Buried at Litcham, Dec. 9, 1641. Pedigree in Vw. of Norfolk. Will proved (Norw.) 1642. Steward, Simeon : son of Nicholas Steward, Lli.D. Born at Lakenheath ('Laking- ham '), Suffolk. School, Eton, under Mr Hammon, two years. Admitted pensioner, to the bachelors' table, Sep. 18, 1588. Surety, Mr Church, B.D., fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 11, 1589-90. Of Lakenheath, Sufi"., Esq. Married Joan, daughter of Edward Bestney, gent., of Soham, Cambs. Previously admitted at Hart Hall, Oxford, Dec. 8, 1587. Knighted, Julv 23, 1603. M.P. for Shaftesbury, 1614; for Co. Cambridge, 1624; and for Alde- burgh, Suff., 1628. (Eo&tev, Alumn. Ox.: Pedigree in Herts. Vis. 1634: Cambs. 1619, Sorf. 1613.) Chapman, Gabriel : son of Richard Chapman, mediocris fortunte. Born in Banham, Norfolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Wright, three years. Admitted sizar of his suret}', Mr Wright, Oct. 8, 1588. Bonde, Jolin : of Brentwood, Essex : son of Robert Bonde, mediocris fortunse. At school there, under Mr Grenewood. Admitted, Oct. 4, 1588, sizar of his surety, Mr Christopher Grimston, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1592-3. Scholar, L. Day 1591 to Mich* 1593. Lawtye, Thomas : of Saltmarshe, Yorkshire : son of Thomas Lawtye, mediocris fortuuie. School, Saltmarshe, under Mr Johnson. Admitted, May 24, 1588, sizar of his surety Mr Grimston, junior, fellow. Mich* 1588— Mich'* 1589. DanieU, William : son of William Daniell, Esq. Born at Beswick, Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Todd. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 11, 1588. Surety, Mr Burton, M.A., fellow. M.A. (Jes.) 1598. Eldest son. Died without issue. See 'Daniell of Beswick' in Tw. of Yor/cs., 1584. Daniell, Ingleby : son of William Daniell, Esq. Born at Beswick, Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Todd. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 11, 1588. Surety, Mr Burton, fellow. Second son, and heir. Of Beswick, Kiln wick, East Riding, Yorks. Sheriff of Yorks., 1595. Knighted at York, July 23, 1603. Married (1) Avis, daughter of Sir Wm Ryther, of London, (2) Frances, daughter of George Metham of PoUington, in Snaith. Died about Jan. 1645-6. Father of George Daniel, the royalist poet (v. Grosart's Daniel). 1588—1589. 135 Barney (Berney), Francis : (third) son of Martin Barney, Esq. Born at Gunton, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Leuger. Age 17. Admitted fellow- commoner, Oct. 16, 1588. Surety, Mr Christopher Grimston, M.A., fellow. Lord of the manor of Gunton. Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Farmer, gent. (v. Vis. of Norf.) Darcie, Conyers : son of Thomas Darcey, Esq. Born in York. At school there, under Mr Pulleyn. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Dec. 10, 1588.- Tutor, Dr Thomas Legge, Master of the college. Of Hornby Castle, Yorks. Admitted at the Inner Temple, May 22, 1593. Created Baron Darcy and Conyers in 1641. Married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Bellasis. Knighted, July 23, 1603. Succeeded his father, 1605. Died March 3, 1653-1. Buried at Hornby. (G. E. C. ; and Whitaker's Crave)!,, p. 71). Foxe, Richard : son of Henry Foxe, yeoman, of Sprowston, near Norwich. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Asiiley, and Wood Dalling, under Mr Lewgar. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 12, 1588. Tutor and Surety, Mr Roberts, B.D., fellow. B.A. 1593-4. Scholar, Mich* 1588 to L. Day 1594. Aspinall, Thomas : son of Peter Aspinall, citizen of Norwich. School, Norwich, under Mr Limbert. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 17, 1588-9. Tutor and surety, Mr Alexander Roberts. B.A. 1592-3 : M.A. (Corp.) 1597. Scholar, Mich" 1588 to L. Day 1594. Breereton, John : (third) son of Cuthbert Breereton, citizen of Norwich (sheriff, 1576). School, Norwich, under Mr Stephen Limbert. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 17, 1588-9. Tutor and surety, Mr Alexander Roberts, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1592-3 : M.A. 1596. Scholar, Mich' 1588 to Mich' 1596. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 25; priest, June 24, 1598; as curate of Lawshall ; where he still was in 1604. Probably, therefore, not the man who went to Virginia; as stated in D. N. B., following Cooper, (v. Vis. of Norf.) Cornewaleys, John : son of William Cornewaleys, Esq. (of Broome Hall), Broome, Suflblk. School, Highgate, Middlesex, under Mr Beckett. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 31, 1588-9. Tutor, Mr Thomas Grimestone, M.A., fellow. Died young, without issue. In the bishop's visitation, 1606, the father is described as " a recusant : cometh not to church." Family pedigree in Vis. of Notts., 1614. Batho, Tobias : son of Robert Batho, minister, of Elsenham, Essex. School, New- port, under Mr Mordent. Age 17. Admitted, February 5, 1588-9, sizar of his surety, Mr Thomas Grimstone, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1592-3 : M.A. 1596. Scholar, Mich'' 1590 to Mich" 1593. Ordained priest (Lond.) July 2, 1598. Vicar of Rickling, Essex, 1598. Died, 1639. Leonarde, Nicholas : of Little Canfield, Essex : son of Peter Leonarde, mediocris fortunse. At King's College School, Cambridge ; and at Eton, under Mr Ham- monde, four years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 13, 1588-9. Tutor, Mr Fletcher, M.A., fellow. Probably M.A. (Clare) 1605. Manners, Charles : son of Tliomas Manners, knt., of Nottingham Castle. Born at Carlton, Notts. Educated at home under Mr Becke, and afterwards at Pembroke Hall, under Mr Mudde, for one year. Age 17. Admitted fellow- commoner. Mar. 1, 1588-9. Tutor, Dr Thomas Legge, Master. Doubtless son and heir of Sir Thomas, fourth son of the first Earl of Rut- land (v. Colhns I. 469). 136 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. Godfrey, Arthur: son of Richard Godfrey, serjeant at law, of Hindringham, Norfolk. School, Walsingham, under Mr Dallington, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Ap. 7, 1-589. Tutor, Mr Thomas Grimston, M.A., fellow. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Oct. 31.) Admitted at the Inner Temple, June 14, 1592; from Clitford's Inn. An Arthur Godfrey, from SuifoLk, was admitted at the Douay College, Aug. 31, 1606; not improbably this man, as his father was a Popish recusant in 1595 {E. Angl. ii. 177). Reve, Charles : of IMonewden, Suffolk : (sixth) son of William Reve, mediocris fortunse. School, Woodbridge. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, Ap. 10, 1589. Tutor, !Mr Reve (his brother), fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1589 to L. Day 1593. Of Monewden Park, gent. Married a daughter of Dr Hamond, Master in Chancery (v. Vi^. of Essex, 1612). Brother of Robert, of 1575. Mich' 1589— Mictf 1590. Benson, Charles. Appears in the list of scholars, as prompts, Mich' 1589 to L. Day 1593. B.A. 1590-1. Died in College ; buried at St Michael's, Feb. 5, 1592-3. Morrant, William : son of James !Morrant, citizen of Norwich (bapt. at St Mich. Coslany, Sep. 12, 1573). School, Norwich, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 4, 1589. Tutor, Mr Reve. B.A. 1593-4. Scholar, Mich^ 1589 to L. Day 1594. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Oct. 3, 1596 ; as curate of East Beckham: priest, Sep. 29, 1604; as curate of Earlham. One of these names was officiating at St Etheldred's, Norw., in 1636. Rivett (Revett), Nicholas and Robert : sons of John Rivett, of Brandeston, Suffolk. At school there under Mr Rawson six years. Ages 17 and 15. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Ap. 23, 1589. Surety, iNIr Reve, jNI.A., fellow. Nicholas: Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 2, 1590. Succeeded his father at Brandeston. Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Sicklemore, Esq., of Ipswich. M. I. to him and his wife at Brandeston. Buried Oct. 5, 1643 : at Brandeston. AVill proved (Arch. Suff.) Ap. 11, 1644. Pedigree in Vis. of Suff., 1612. Robert: second son: Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 22, 1590. Died without issue. (J. J. M.) Shuldani, Francis : son of William Shuldam, gent., of Shouldam Hall, Norfolk. Age 13. Admitted to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Thomas Grymston. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 29, 1595. Of Kettlestone, Esq. Married Jlary, daughter of Rob. Taverner, of Kettlestone. Died Ap. 4, 1655. Will dated March 27, 1652 : proved (Archd. C. Norw.). (F. G.) Fawcet, Thomas : of (?) Ravenstondale, ' Russendale,' Westmoreland : son of Cuthbert Fawcet. School, Appleby. Age 1 9. Admitted sizar of his surety Mr Burton, June 6, 1589. B.A. 1592-3: M.A. 1596. Scholar (promus) L. Day 1593 to L. Day 1594. Mereste, Thomas : son of Anthony Merest*, citizen of London, haberdcvsher. Born in Basinghall. School, Christ's Hospital, under Mr Waddington six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 29, 1589. Tutor and surety, Mr Robert Church, fellow. B.A 1592-3 : M.A. 1596. Scholar, L. Day 1589 to L. Day 1596. Curate of Bromley St Leonard, Middx, 1597 to 1598. 1589. 137 Cole, Humfrey. Born and educated at Ipswich, Suffolk. Admitted pensioner under Mr Stokdell, Ap. U, 1589. B.A. (Pemb.) 159.3-4: M.A. 1598. Of Tillingham, Essex, clerk: will proved (Dean and Chap, of St Paul's) 1624. M. I. formerly in Tillingham : — Hie jacet Humfredus Carbo, carbone notandus Non nigro, Creta sed meliore tua. Claruit in Clero uuUi pietate secundus Coelum vi rapuit, vi cape si poteris. Almonds ( Almon), William : son of William Almonds. Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school there, under Mr Weite, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar of his surety Mr Stockdell, Ap. 26, 1589. B.A. 1592-3. Scholar, L. Day 1590 to L. Day 1593. Whiskins, Robert : son of William Whiskins, of Milton, Cambs. School, West- minster. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 2, 1589. Tutor, Mr Rant, fellow. B.A. 1592-3. Scholar, L. Day 1589 to L. Day 1595. Frothinghani, Christopher : of York : son of Edward Frothingham, gent. School, York, under Mr Pullen. Admitted to the bachelors' table, June 5, 1589. Age 17. Tutor, Christopher Grimston, M.A., fellow. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 10, 1591. Eldest son. (v. Vis. of Yorks., 1612.) Smith, Henry : son of Robert Smith, merchant of London. Pupil of Mr Synison, of London. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 10, 1589. Tutor, Mr Roberts, fellow. Perhaps B.A. 1591-2. Scholar, L. Day 1589 to Mich'^ 1593. Henry Smith, of London, was admitted at Gray's Inn, July 31, 1585. Dalby, William : of Hemingbrough, Yorkshire : son of James Dalby, minister. School, Adlingfleet. Age 13. Admitted pensioner. May 24, 1589. Tutor, Mr Christ<5pher Grymston, fellow. B.A. (Joh.) 1592-3: M.A. 1596. One of these names was rector of St Peter at Arches, Lincoln, 1 604. Jermy, John : of Brightwell, Suffolk : (third) son of Francis Jermy, Esq. School, Sudbury. Age 15. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Sep. 13, 1589. Tutor, Mr Church, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 28, 1593-4 (v. Vis. of Stiff. ; and of Nor/.). Jolly, George : of Ilketshall St Andrew's, Suffolk : son of Sigismund Jolly, mediocris fortunie. School, Barsham. Age 14. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Sep. 17, 1589. Probably the George Jolly, of St Andrew's in Suffolk, who married Anne, daughter of Richard Hovell, of Stratford, Suff. She died Dec. 12, 1653. (J. J. M.) *Brograve, Simeon ; of We.stmill, Herts. : son of John Brograve, ' attornatus reginalis.' School, Ely. Age 15. Admitted Sep. 27, 1589, to the fellows' table. Tutor, Dr Legge, Master. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Ap. 23, 1589. Of Braughing, Herts., Esq. Married Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Leventhorpe, of Aldbury and Sawbridge- worth, 1594. Patron of Aspeden, 1614. Died Jan. 20, 1638-9 : buried at Braughing. (v. Chauncey's i/erte. ; and Vis. of Herts., 1634.) Parkin, George : of Hull, Yorkshire : son of Matthew Parkin, mediocris fortunag. Educated at Hull. Age 19. Admitted May 10, 1589, sizar of Mr Stockdale. 138 r.OXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Pagrave, Gregory: of Barnhaiii Broom, Norfolk: son of (Edward) Pagrave, minister. School, Mattishall. Age 13. Admitted 1589, sizar of his surety, Mr Estay, M.A., fellow. Drowned in the Cam, " in the bounds of Grancester ; but in consideration of allowance made to the poor's bo.x at Granciter, and paying extraordinary duties there, leave was granted to burying the corps at Cambridge " (parish register of Grantche.ster). Buried at St Jlichaels, Aug. 19, 1590. (v. Vis. of Mich* 1589— Mich^ 1590. Patricke, Richard : of Bispham, Lancashire. 8on of Thomas Patricke, gent. Educated under ilr Harison. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Nov. 6, 1589. Surety, Mr Stockedale. Jerminghain, Henry and Thomas : of Cossey (' Corsin '), Norfolk : sons of Robert Jernigam, Esq. .School, Cossey. Admitted fellow-commoners, Nov. 23, 1589. Surety, Mr Thoruas Grimeston, il.A., fellow. If sons of Henry, see Blomelield, ii. -112. Henry was created baronet, 1621. He petitions the king July 17, 1637, for protection for three years in order to satisfy his creditors : owing to hea\'^' expenses " in attendance upon the cup during the late king's reign, and since in the privy chamber," providing of children's portions, itc. (CaJ. of State Pap.) Thomas, his brother, died without issue. Rant, Robert : son of Hunifrey Rant, gent. Born and educated at Norwich. Age 21. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 23, 1582. Surety, Mr William Rant, M.A., fellow. (Brother of "William, 1581, and Thomas, 1592.) An officer at the siege of Cadiz, 1596. Died 1598 : buried at St Stephen's, Norwich : " I scapt a Death at Gales, a Siege of Spain And died at home, aud here I buried laye, From whence I hope to rise agayne Though now I am, as thou shall be, but claye." (M. I. at St Stephen's.) *Parker, Richard : son of John Parker, Archdeacon of Ely. Born at Ely. At school there under Mr Spight, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, March 9, 1589-90. Surety, Mr A. Roberts, fellow. B.A. 1593-4: M.A. 1597: B.D. IGIO. Scholar, L. Day 1590 to Mich' 1595. Junior fellow, ]\Iich' 1595: Senior fellow, Mich' 1599 to Mich^ 1611. Probably ordained bj' the Bp of Lincoln, Sep. 1601. Held the college offices of dean, 1600: Greek lecturer, 1597, 8: bursar, 1608: and salarist, 1609-11. Rector of Wendon parva, 1610 ; and of Littlebmy, Ess., 1615 : " ubi Deo et Musis li tans, ccelebs consenuit et obLit." {An)tah.) Died Feb. 1628-9. Author: Skeletos Cantahrigiemis, a MS. History of Cambridge ; published by Hearne, in his edition of Leland's Collectanea ; and afterwai-ds published in English in 1721, under the title of "A View of Cambridge, &c." "Eminent as an antiquary, genealogist, and herald, and enjoyed the friendship of Camden and other learned men" (Cooper, Annals). There are two Latin letters from him to Camden (Epp. p. 110, 136), dated from our college Maj- 31, 1608, and July 30, 1611. Fuller says of him, "He was a melancholy man, neglecting all preferment to enjoy himself." We have several of his ilSS. in our library : The Skeletos (173, 592) ; an Index to No. 561, on Heraldry ; and a number of corrections to T. IVIilles' edition of Glover's Cataloyite of Uoiior, 1610 (No. 569). D. N. B. 1589—1590. 139 Garbut, William : of Bishopdale (' Bilsdale '), Yorkshire : son of John Garbut, Esq., mediocris fortune. At St John's College, five years. Age 21. Ad- mitted Feb. 23, 1589-90. Surety, Mr C. Grimeston. B.A. (Joh.) 1.588-9. Scholar (promus) L. Day 1590 to L. Day 1591. *Bachcroft, Thomas: son of Thomas Bachcroft of Bexwell, NorfcJk (Ijapt. Oct. 14, 1572). Educated (El}^) under Mr Spight. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, March 10, 1589-90. Surety, Mr Reve. ' B.A. 159.3-4: M.A. 1597: D.D. 1628. Scholar, Mich'^ 1590 to Mich^ 1595. Junior fellow, Micli» 1595: senior, Mich" 1603. Master, Oct. 22, 1626: ejected, Ap. 13, 1649: re-elected. May 11, 1660: resigned, Dec. 1, 1660. Humanity lecturer, 1597 : dean, 1604 : steward, 1606 : bursar, and registrar, many years. An excellent man of business, and devoted to the college. During the Interregnum there are repeated entries in the college Gesta of some fellow being sent to him (to Wangford) to make enquiries as to precedents and questions about college property. Will dated March 21, 1660-1; proved (P. C. C.) Jan. 27, 1662-3. To be buried at Wangford: leaves land in Milton, Cambs., to the college, to increase the stipends of the Greek and Hebrew lecturers. For more about him see under Masters. Man, John : of Hoo, Suffolk : son of Richard Man, mediocris fortuna^. Admitted sizar. Tutor, Mr Reve. B.A. 1592-3. Probably the same as the John Man who graduated B.A. (Corpus) 1592-3: M.A. (do.) 1596. Usher of Lynn Grammar School, March 18, 1593-4: head master, 1597-1608. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 22, 1597 (M.A. nearly 26; of Welles by the Sea): priest (do.) June 24. Vicar of All SS. Lynn, 1605-46. Buried, Dec. 3, 1646, aged 75. M.I. at All SS., Lynn. (They are given as distinct men in the Univ. records, as suppHcats were presented from each college : but I can only find one matriculation, viz. at Corpus, June, 1589. Perhaps he only resided at Caius for a short time). Codlinige (Codlin, Quodling), John : son of John Codlinige, mediocris fortune. Age 17. Admitted sizar of his tutor, Mr A. Roberts. B.A. 1593-4 : M.A. 1598. Scholar, Mich» 1592 to L. Day, 1594. Seaman, Thomas : of Tibenham, Norfolk : son of William Seaman, mediocris fortune. School, TiVjenham. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, March 4, 1589-90. Tutor, Mr Stockdale. B.A. 1593-4: M.A. 1597. Scholar, Mich" 1590 to Mich» 1597. A Mr Seaman was curate of Shellej', Suff., in 1603. Kilborn, William : of Hauxton, Cambs. : son of Andrew Kilborn, mediocris fort mice. School, Hauxton. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, under Mr Roberts, Sep. 26, 1589. B.A. 1592-3: M.A. 1596. Scholar, Mich" 1589 to Mich' 1596. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1604. Rector of Wetherden, Suff. 1604- 44. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1644. Leaman, Thomas, mediocris fortune : of Swaffham ('Saffon'), Norfolk. At school there. Age 18. Admitted, March 4, 1589-90. Surety, Mr Stockdale. B.A. 1592-3. Scholar, Mich" 1590 to L. Day 1593. Drurie, John : son of (William) Drurie, LL.D. : of Essex (Judge of the Prerogative Court, and Master in Chancery). Educated in London. Age 17. Admitted fellow -commoner, April 15, 1590. Surety, Dr Legge, Master. B.A. 1592-3. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Jan. 23, 1593. Of Tend- ring, Essex. Knighted. Married Anne, daughter of Edm. Saunder, of Charlton, Surrey. Died Dec. 18, 1619. He and nearly his whole family were popish recusants. His father is said to have been reconciled to Rome 140 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. on his death-bed. Two of his brothers became priests : one of these, Robert, — killed at the "Fatal Vespers," Blackfriars, Nov. 5, 1623, — is assigned to our college by the D. N. B. I do not find his name in our books. Yelverton, Charles : of Bawsey, Norfolk : son of Humfrey Yelverton, gent. Age 15. School, L3'nn. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 26, 1590. Surety, Dr Perse, fellow. B.A. 1593-4. M.A. 1597. Scholar, L. Day 1590 to L. Day 1597. Admitted at the English College at Rome, 1601 ; after being arrested at Dover, and imprisoned for six weeks. Left Rome for England, May, 1609. He was a Jesuit; and bore the alias 'Kemp.' He died at Brussels in 1612. Robert Drury says of him, " I lived with him in Rome and ever esteem him as a man of probity, candour, and studiously observant of religious discipline." There is a long biographical sketch by himself on his admission at Rome. Of his Cambridge life he says, " Sometimes 1 applied myself to the humanities sometimes to philosophy ; and, as it is the fashion ever3'where, I was at one time eager to learn Greek, and at another Hebrew." (v. Foley i. 1-12.) Payne, Edward, B.A. (there seems no graduate of this name and date) : son of Thomas Payne, minister. Born in Cambridge. Age 22. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 10, 1590. Surety, Mr John Fletcher, M.A., fellow. Perhaps ordained deacon (Norw.) June 24, 1597, as " Edmund Payne, aged 29." Curate of Mattishall, 1597. Curate of Stoke Ferry, Norf., in 1597 ; "he is resident at Boughton, and serveth them both. Doth not walk the perambulation. No quarterly sermons " (Bishop's Vis. ). Rector of East Dereham, 1598-1642. BaldwjTi, Thomas : of INIattishall, Norfolk : son of Richard Baldwyn, raediocris fortunje. School, Mattishall, under Mr Causei. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 9, 1590. Surety, Mr George Estey, JI.A., fellow. B.A. 1593-4 : M.A. 1597. Scholar, Mich" 1590 to Mich' 1597. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 27, 1597; as curate of Mattishall. Perhaps rector of Mattishall Burgh, Norf., 1604. Will of one of these names, of Mattishall, clerk, proved (Norw.) 1620. Brother of Henry, of 1585. Clarke, James : of Lydiard, Somersetshire : son of James Clarke, gent. School, Taunton, under ]Mr Bande. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 8, 1590. Surety, Mr Alexander Roberts, M.A., fellow. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, 1594-5.) B.A. 1593-4: M.A. 1597. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1597. Scholar, Mich' 1592 to L. Day, 1594. Maynard, Stephen : son of Henry Maynard, citizen of Norwich. At school there. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 7, 1590. Surety, Dr Thomas Legge, INIaster of the college. Burton, Richard : of Cracoe in Craven, Yorkshiie : (second) son of Giles Burton, husbandman, mediocris fortuna?. School, Westminster, under Dr Grant. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 7, 1590. Surety, Mr John Fletcher, M.A., fellow. M.A. 1597. Chaplain to the Abp of York. Vicar of Gisburn, Yks., 1600-2. Died 1602. 'Burton of Threapland ' (Vis. of 1612). *Husband, Christopher ; son of Thomas Husband, mediocris fortuna?. Born and educated in Norfolk. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 8, 1590. Surety, Mr John Fletcher, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1593 : M.A. 1597. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1607. Scholar, :Mich« 1591 to L. Day 1596. Junior fellow, L. Day 1596: senior fellow, 1590. 141 Mich' 1601 to Mich' 1624. Held the college offices of clean, 1602; steward, 1604; registrar, 1609-12; Greek lecturer, 1613; and bursar, 1614, 18, 20. Resigned his fellowship before his marriage, and lived at Honing on his family estate. Married Sarah, daughter of John Frostdyke, at Catiield, Nov. 4, 162.5. Moore {College Annals) speaks highly of him ; says that he had made great progress in medicine, but sacrificed his own prospects in devoting himself to college afl'airs. On leaving college he gave to our library the works of Chrysostom, Melancthon, Commentaries on Aristotle, cfec. : — amongst these latter being Petrus de Ebano, 1482. Buried at Honing, Nov. 27, 1634. He left a wife, and a son Valentine. There is a monument to his father at Honing. Will proved (Norw.) March 20, 1634-5. Leaves lands in Honing and Worstead to his son Valentine : mentions sons Christopher and Gregoi-y. Donnell, John : son of Robert Donnell, M.A., formerly of this college. Born at Birdbrook, Essex. School, Haverhill. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety Dr Church. B.A. 1594-5 : M.A. 1598. Scholar, Mich" 1591 to Mich' 1598. One of these names was vicar of Bulmer, Essex, 1603. In 1640 he 'was attached for non-appearance in the Coui't of High Commission' (Cal. of State Fap.). Heringdon, Christopher. Admitted pensioner. Carter, Stephen. Probably B.A. 1590-1. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 25, 1602; (age 30); as curate of Runcton. Vicar of Hor.sford, Norf., 1603: sequestered in 1644; when he is described as having a wife and 3 children. (Baker, .\lii. p. 243...). The return in 1603 is "endowed with the vicarage: value £4. 5. 7|." (Harl. 595). MiCH^ 1590— MicH^ 1591. Spenser, Miles : son of John Spenser, gent. Born and educated at Colton, Norfolk. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 2, 1590. Surety, Mr William Rant, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1594-5: M.A. 1598. Incorporated at Oxford, July 16, 1601. Scholar, Mich" 1593 to Mich" 1598. Ordained deacon (Peterb.) Feb. 24, 1598-9: priest (do.) Feb. 24, 1599-1600. Rector of Worlingworth, Suff., 1599; where, in 1603, he returned 245 communicants. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1627. Place, Ralph : of Bedford : son of Ralph Place, husbandman, niediocris fortunse. Born at Eaton Socon. Schools, St Neots and Catworth. Age 14. Admitted, Oct. 4, 1590, sizar of his surety, Dr Perse. B.A. 1595-6 : M.A. 1599. Scholar Mich' 1590 to Mich' 1599. *Harrell (Hearle), William : son of James Harrell, niediocris fortunae. Born at Tavvstock, Devon; and educated there. Age 19. Admitted, Oct. 12, 1590, sizar of his surety, Mr William Rant, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1593-4: M.A. 1597. Scholar (obsonator) L. Day 1592 to L. Day 1596. Junior fellow, L. Day 1596 : senior fellow, Mich' 1600 to Mich' 1603. Greek lecturer, 1599: Hebrew, 1600. Obtained the college testimonial for orders, March 21, 1601-2. On his marriage (1603) he gave to the college library the Historia Sabellici, in 3 volumes, " in testimonium amoris sui " {Annals). Aldred, John : son of William Aldred, minister. Born at Colwick, Notts. School, Mansfield. Age 14. Admitted sizar, Oct. 13, 1590. Surety, Mr Richard Stockdall, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1 592-3. 142 r!oxvn.LE and CAirs college. Thovulynson, Robert : of London : son of William Thonilynson, mediocris fortun». At school in London. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 14, 1590. Surety, !Mr Christopher Grimeston, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1593-4: M.A. 1597. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1607. Scholar, Mich'^ 1591 to ^licli* 1597. Probably ordained deacon (Lond.) Dec. 26, 1607: priest (do.) Feb. 21, 1607-8: rector of Trotton, Suss., 1609; until sequestered in 1645. Farffax, Thomas : son of William Farffax, knt. Born at GUling, Yorkshire (bapt. Feb. 5, 1576-7). Educated there, under Anthony Watson. Age 15. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Dec. 8, 159l(. Surety, Dr Thomas Legge, Master. Of Walton and Gilling, Yorks. Knighted at York, Ap. 17, 1603. Created Viscount Fairfax of Ernie}' in the peerage of Ireland : took his seat Nov. 4, 1634. Married (1) Catharine, daughter of Sir Henry Constable. (2) Mary, ^^-idow of Sir William Hamburgh, Bart. Died at Howsham, Yorks., Dec. 23,' 1636; aged 62. Buried at Scrayingham. M.L there. (G. E. C.) Schuldham, Thomas : son of Thomas Sehuldhani, gent. Born at Shouldham, Norfolk. School, Dunham, near Swaffham (' Sophara '), under Mr Grenwodde, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' bvble, Dec. 30, 1590. Tutor and surety, Mr R. Church, D.D., fellow. B.A. 1594-5. Scholar, Mich' 1590— Mich^ 1597. Brother of Charles, 1595. Clarke, Edward : son of John Clarke, yeoman. Born at Stevenage, Herts. At school there under Jlr Bush, and at Cambridge under ilr Edwards. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, .Jan. 22, 1590-1. Tutor and surety, Mr T. Reve, B.D., fellow. B.A. 1594-5: M.A. 1598. Incorporated at Oxford, July 16, 1600. Scholar, L. Day 1592 to Mich* 1598. He seems to have been a nephew of Francis Clarke, of 1577 (v. Lond. Vis., 1633). Ordained priest (Line.) June 24, 1601. Vicar of Kinneigh, 1615-40: of Murragh, 1615-24: rector of Kilmichael, 1629-40 (all in Co. Cork). Preb. of Killanully, 161.5-23. Dean of Cloyne, 1615-40. Will proved (Dublin) Nov. 18, 1640. Leaves wife Elizabeth, two sons and four daughters ( W. M. Brady, Rec. of Cork). Hatfield, Gervase : son of Henry Hatfield, Esq. Born at Wilford, near Notting- ham. Schools, Hickling, Notts., and Milton, Leicestershire. Age 16. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Feb. 2, 1590-1. Surety, Dr Legge, blaster. A Gervase Hatfield, of Hatfield Hall, near Wakefield, married Grace, daughter of Edward Sa^ile, of Stanley Hall, Wakefield, (v. Vis. of Torks., 1585, 1612 ; for Sa-vile pedigree.) Will proved (P. C. C.) Sep. 21, 1654. Pretyman, William : son of William Pretyman, mediocris fortuna?. Born at West- thorpe, Suffolk. School, Eye, under ilr Lomax. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 19, 1590. Surety, Mr Stephen Pei-se, M.D., fellow. Scholar, L Day 1591 to L. Day 1592. Probabl}' admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 13, 1583 : son of William, lord of the manor of Bacton, Sufl". (J. J. M.) Palmer, Christopher, son of Henry Palmer, gent. Born in Necton, Norfolk. School, Fransham. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 24, 1590-1. Surety, Mr Richard Stockdale, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1594-5. Scholar, L. Day 1591 to Mich' 1597. *Orrell, Thomas : son of Thomas Orrell, mediocris fortunse. Born at Walsoken, Norfolk. At school there under Mr Houldall. Age 15. Admitted pen- sioner, April 28, 1591. Surety, Mr Fletclier, fellow. B.A. 1594-5: MA. 1598." Scholar, Mich" 1592 to Mich' 1598. Junior fellow, Mich' 1599 to L. Day 1603. Humanity lecturer, 1599: Greek lec- turer, 1602. University examiner of questionists, Dec. 1602. Died Feb. 21, 1590—1591. 143 1602-3 : buried in the chapel ; where there was formerly an inscription by J. Browne : '■ Ingenio mirus, virtute insignis, et arte clarus, amicitia canclidus, Orrell obiit." (A^mals.) Administration granted (V. C. Court) to J. Crane, druggist. Brother of Robert, of 1576. Noate, Richard : son of Richard Noate, mediocris fortunie. Born at Beccles, Suffolk. At school there, under Mr Dorlet. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 28, 1591. Tutor, Dr Legge, Master of the college. B.A. 1596-7. Scholar (jironms), L. Day 1592 to Mich" 1599. Boston, John : son of Thomas Boston, gent. Born in Lynn, Norfolk. At school there; first under Mr Iverie and afterwards under Mr Roberts. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the liachelors' table. May 25, 1591. Surety, Mr Richard Stockdale, fellow. Perhaps M.A. 1602-.3. Ordained priest (Suffragan Bp of Colchester) Nov. 28, 1602. Rector of Burnham Deepdale, 1610-56. A John Boston received the bishop's license to teach grammar at St Marg. Lynn, Sep. 22, 1629. Potter, William : son of Thomas Potter, mediocris fortunes. Born at Buckingham. At school there under Mr Herl. Age 14. Admitted sizar, June 13, 1591. Surety, Mr Thomas Grimston. Died in College : buried at St Michael's, May 15, 1593. Prigion (Prujean), William : son of John Prigion, mediocris fortunre. Born at Boothb}', Lincolnshire. Educated there under Mr Harrison, Admitted sizar, June 30, 1591 : although he came to Cambridge and lived in this college in 1587. Surety, Mr Estey, fellow. Possibly the " doctor of physic," of these names, who examined for the bishop of Lincoln's license to practise in his diocese. May 4, 1 639 ; and the same who contributed one of the epigrams at the end of Winterton's edition of Hippocrates, 1633. He did not graduate at Cambridge. See the entry of July 1, 1620. Hoo, Clement : son of John Hoo, gent. Born in Norwich. School, Lynn, under Mr Roberts. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 25, 1591. Tutor, Mr Estey, fellow. Of Burnham Thorpe, Norf., gent. Son of Jolin, of Walsingham. Married Catharine, daughter of Philip Russell, gent. (v. Vis. of Norf. ; and Carthew, in. 311). Clement Hoo, 'of Northwold,' was admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 11, 1594-5. Draper, Robert : son of William Draper, yeoman. Born at Bottesford, Leicester- shire. At school there under Mr Wooddall. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, July 10, 1591. Tutor, Mr T. Reve, B.D., fellow. (Brother of Thomas, 1594.) B.A. 1594-5 : M.A. 1598. Scholar, Mich» 1592 to Mich" 1598. *Twayts, Thomas : son of Thomas Twayts, mediocris fortunse. Born in Norwich. At school there under Mr Lymbert. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Sep. 1591. Tutor, Mr Stockdall, fellow. B.A. 1594-5: M.A. 1598. Incorporated at Oxford, July 15, 1602. Scholar, Mich' 1592 to Mich" 1598. Junior fellow, Mich" 1600 : .senior, Mich' 1603 to L. Day 1613. Greek lecturer, 1G04 : Hebrew, 1608 : steward, 1608 : dean, 1611 : salarist, 1611. Obtained the college testimonial for orders, Dec. 20, 1604. Rector of Markshall, Norf., 1608-9. Perhaps also of Miningsby, Lines., 1620 ; and of Claxby Pluckacre, 1623. (v. Blomef. v. 48.) Metham, Thomas : son of Thomas Metham, Esq. Born at Newburgh, Yorkshire. (His mother was a Bellasis of Newburgh.) At school under Mr Blencurne. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Sep. 29, 1591. Surety, Dr Legge, Master of the college. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Feb. 21, 1592-3. Married twice, and had 144 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. issue. Afterwards Sir Thomas Metham. Killed at Marston Moor ; being then captain of the Yorkshire gentry in the royalist army. (v. ' Methaui of Metham ' in Vis. of Yorks.) Coell (Cole), Tliomas : son of John Coell, yeoman. Born in Bury St Edmunds. At school there under Mr Wright. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Sep. 9, 15'J1. Surety, Mr Estey, M.A., fellow. Of Depden, Suffolk, gent. Married, in 1609, Susan, daughter of Thomas Jermyn, Esq., of Depden. His daughter Susan married Anthony Sparrow, Bp of Norwich. Will proved (Sudbury) Ap. 29, 1650 : leaves lands in Wickhauibrook, and tenements in Bury. (J. J. M.) Pedigree in Vis. of Suf, 166-t. MicH^ 1591— Mictf 1592. Rugge, Henry : son of William Rugge, Esq. Born at Bylaugh, Norfolk. School, Fakenham, under Mr Ward, five years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-com- moner, Oct. 7, 1591. Surety, Dr Legge, Master of the college. Perhaps son of William Rugge, or Reppes, who matriculated in 1544. If so, died without issue. (See Vis. of Norfolk.) Catherall, Gabriel : of Hollym (' Holland in Holderness '), Yorkshire : son of John Catherall, gent. At school there, under Mr Cro.sse, four years. Age IS. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 26, 1591. Surety, Mr C. Grinieston, M.A., fellow. In his will (Aug. 7, 1654) he desires to be buried at Hollym. Third son. See pedigree of 'Catterall of Hollym' in Vis. of Yorks., 1612. Hurst, Valentine : of 'West Lilling,' Yorkshire : son of Ralph Hurst, gent. School, York, under I\Ir Pullen : afterwards at St John's College. Age 18. Ad- mitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Dec. 7, 1591. Tutor and surety, Mr John Fletcher, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1593-4. Sandwith, Henry : of Stillington, Yorkshire : son of Robert Sandwith. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Wright. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor and surety, Mr George Estey, B.D., fellow. Scholar, Mich* 1592 to L. Day 1595. Eldest son. Of Barton on Humber, Lines. Married Magdalen, daughter of Richard Alkinson, of Barton. Living in 1640, and had a brother Thomas, of Bury St Edmund's. See also 'Wright of Bury' in Stiff. Vis., 1561. Pedigree in Vis. of Lines., 1634. Paris, John : of Dullingham, Cambs. : son of Ralph Paris, gent. Educated at home. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 9, 1591-2. Tutor and surety, Mr William Rant. (Brother of George, of 1586.) B.A. 1595-6. Scholar, L. Day 1592 to Lady Day 1597. Pleasaunce, Anthony : of Tuddenham, Suftblk : son of — Pleasaunce, mediocris fortume. Schools, Tuddenham and Exning. Age 20. Admitted Feb. 9, 1591-2, sizar of his tutor and surety, Dr Perse. Doubtless the son of John Pleasance, gent., of Tuddenliani. Made super- visor of his brother Clement's will in 1619; and inherited lands in Hitcham by his brother Jeffrey's will, proved (P. C. C.) Nov. 12, 1631. (J. J. M.) Crawley, Francis : son of Thomas Crawlye, husbandman. Born at Norton, Leicestershire. At school there and at Luton, Beds. Age 18. Admitted sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Grimeston, May 2, 1592. (Re- admitted, to the scholars' table, Oct. 25, 1593.) Scholar, Mich' 1593 to L. Day 1595. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1598: ancient, 1617: serjeant 1623: Justice C. P. 1632. Knighted, Nov. 4, 1632. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir J. Rotherani, of Souieries, Beds. Signed 1591—1592. 145 the report to the King in favour of the legality of ship-money, Feb. 7, 1636-7. " Being a.ssistant to the House of Lords in Parliament, had their leave to go to his house at Luton, where on New Year's day he received the King's summons to Oxford. Has since resided there and elsewhere in the King's quarters." (Nov. 12, 1646. Cal. of Com. for Compounding.) A petition from the minister of Luton complains to the Protector of the violent burial of the widow, in the churcli, by the family. May 3, 1658 (Cal. of State Fap.). Died Feb. 13, 1649. (v. Vis. of Beds., 1634; and D. N. B.) Three of his sons were members of the College. Rant, Thomas : son of Humfrey Rant. Born in Norwich. At school there. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 12, 1592. Tutor and surety, Mr Rant, his brother. (Brother of Robert, 1589, and William, 1581.) B.A. 1595-6 : M.A. 1599. Scholar, Mich' 1594 to L. Day 1598. Pro- bably admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 12, 1597. Ryckes, Edmund : son of Edward Rickes, mediocris fortune. Born at Mattishall, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Causei. Age 16. Admitted sizar of the master. May 17, 1592. Tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Grinieston. B.A. 1596-7: M.A. 1600. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 29, 1599; as curate of Bintry, where he is mentioned in 1603 as having no other benefice. Ordained priest (Norw.) Ap. 25, 1600. Rector of Bintry and Twyford, 1610. When in college he was sent awa}' for assaulting other students. May 4, 1593, but allowed to return soon afterwards. Pigge, William : son of William Pigge, yeoman. Born at Barnardiston (' Banson '), Suffolk. School, Newport, Essex, under Mr Frankland and Mr Morden, three years ; afterwards at Clare Hall, under Mr Glasscocke. Age 1 8. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Roberts, May 26, 1592. Ling, Peter : of Royston : son of John Ling, gent., mediocris fortune. School, Ely. Age 16. Admitted to the scliolars' table, Sep. 19, 1592. Tutor and surety, Mr John Fletcher. Scholar, Mich» 1593 to L. Day 1595. MiCH^ 1592— MiCH^ 1593. *Barrett, William. B.A. (Trin.) 1584-5: M.A. (do.) 1588. Appointed chaplain, on the first foundation of the Frankland fellows, Mich^ 1592 to Mich* 1595. He preaclied a sermon, 1595, at St Mary's, for the B.D. degree, which excited much opposition. He " asserted that justifying faith may decay, and that salvation was therefore doubtful, contrary to Calvin, Peter Martyr, itc." Being ordered to recant by the V.-Chancellor, he did it in an ofi'ensive and irreverent manner (Cal. of S. Papers, 1595). The "Recantation of Master Barrett of Kayes College " is given in W. Pryme's Church of England's Old Antithesis... 1629. He afterwards joined the Church of Rome, and went abroad (v. Ath. Cant.). There are several entries concerning him in the B. Mus. Cat. ; he also edited two works by Robert Southwell, in 1620, 1630. *Mallorie, Thoma.s. From Trin. College. B.A. 1585-6: M.A. 1589: D.D. 1627. One of the first Frankland fellows. Junior fellow, Mieh= 1592 to 1600. Greek lecturer, 1593: dean, 1594. Probably brother of George Mallerye, of 1583. Rector of Romaldkirk, York.s., 1599 : and of Davenham, Chesh., 1600. Northfield, Simon. B.A. 1592-3 : M.A. 1599. Rector of Brome, Suff., 1593. C. 10 140 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Barber, Roger : son of Roger Barber, gent. Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school there, under Mr Wriglit. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 11, 1592. Tutor and surety, Mr Estey, B.D., fellow. B.A. (Trin.) 1596-7: M.A. 1600. Perhaps rector of Atcham, Salop, 1622; and of Stapleton, Salop, 1625. Not mentioned in his father's will, proved (Archd. Sudb.) Nov. 23, 1605. (J. J. M.) See Fw. of Siif., 1612. Rust, William and Nicholas, brothers : sons of Edward Rust, minister. Born at Sloley, Norfolk. Schools, Scottow and Norwich, under Mr Limbert. Ages 17 and 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 20, 1592. Tutor and surety, Mr Gostling, M.A., fellow. Nicholas: B.A. 1595-6: M.A. 1599: B.D. 1618. Scholar, Mich^ 1593 to Mich* 1599. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Dec. 23, 160-4 ; as curate of Westwick. Afterwards rector of Westwick, 1610-34. Rector of Bixley, 1610-30. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1634. Basnage, Daniell : son of Nicholas Basnage, preacher, of the French Church in Norwich. Born in London. School, Norwich, under JNIr Limbert. Age 17. Admitted, Oct. 12, 1592, sizar of his surety, Mr Rant, M.A., fellow. One of a refugee family distinguished for several generations as protestant ministers and authors. Brabs, Thomas : son of James Brabs, mediocris fortunse. Born at Market Weighton (' Wighton '), Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Clapham. Age 17. Admitted, Oct. 23, 1592, sizar of his surety, Mr Cornwallis, fellow. B.A. 1596-7. Dey, John : son of Walter Dey, husbandman. Born at Cawston, Norfolk. School, Ely, under Mr Spight. Age 18. Admitted, Oct. 24, 1592, sizar of his sui-ety, Mr Fletcher, fellow. The dramatic poet. Author of the Parliament of Bees, and many other plays and poems. His connection with us was not long. He was expelled from the college for stealing a book. May 4, 1593 (CoU. Gesta.). There is a full account of his works in the D. N. B. Hickman, Robert : son of Roger Hickman, husbandman. Born at Leighton, Beds. School, Toddington, 'Tuttington,' Beds., under Mr Proude. Age 20. Formerly sizar ('pauperculus '), under ]Mr Wright, five years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 28, 1592. Surety, Mr Ffetcher, fellow. Originally matriculated" June 26, 1583. B.A. 1592-3: M.A. 1596. Scholar, Mich* 1592 to Mich'' 1595. Perhaps buried at Leighton Buzzard, June 3, 1609 : described as M.A., and of Eggington. (Howard's Misc., N. S. III. 282.) Burton, Edward : of Watermillock (' Wethermelocke'), Cumberland: son of John Burton, mediocris fortun.ne. School, Blencow, under Mr Davis. Age 15. Admitted sizar of his surety Mr Burton, Nov. 22, 1592. Probably scholar, Mich' 1592 to L. Day 1597. Thodey, Jonas : son of William Thodey, mediocris fortunw. Born at Eaton Socon, Beds. School, St Neot's, under ]Mr White. Age 17. Admitted, Nov. 25, 1592, sizar of his surety, Mr Estey, fellow. Barnes, John : of Tibenham, near Buckenham Market, Norfolk : son of John Barnes, yeoman. School, Tibenham? (' Tevenham '), under Mr Masters. Age IS. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 13, 1592-3. Tutor and surety, Mr Estev. fellow. B.A." 1596 7. Perhaps rector of Spexhall, Suff., 1609. 1592—1593. 14'7 Goulde, John : son of Edward Goulde, of Bury St Edmunds. At school there. Age 15. Admitted sizar of his surety, Ds Disborowe, Feb. 1, 1592-3. B.A. 1595-6 : M.A. 1599. Scholar (obsonator) L. Day 1596 to Mich' 1596. Perhaps rector of Forncet, Norf., 1617. Aston, Edward : of Little Heywood, Staffordshire : son of Francis Aston, yeoman. School, Colwich ('Collowidg'), Staffordshire, under Mr William Devill. Age 19. Admitted, Feb. 19, 1592-3, sizar of his surety, Mr Pratt. Had resided for a year before admission. (" Cum ante in collegio per annum et ultra per- manserit sine toga sed litterarum studiosus.") Pagrave, Gregory : of Thuxton, Norfolk : son of Gregory Pagrave, gent. Schools, Mattishall and Garvestone. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 28, 1592-3. Tutor and surety, Mr Estey, B.D., fellow. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Nov. 1596. Of Thuxton and Whinbergh, gent. Living in 1619. See Vis. of Nwf. Brudnell, Thomas: of Diddington, Hunts. : .son of Roliert Brudnell, Esq. Educated at Huntingdon school, and at Mr Markham's, Kirby-Bellars, Leicestershire, under Mr Houlder (probably Clement, p. 110) Age '15. Admitted fellow- commoner, March 1, 1592-3. Tutor and surety, Mr W. Rant, M.A. Created baronet, June 29, 1611. Knighted at Whitehall, Ap. 9, 1612. Created Baron Brudenell of Stonton, Leics., Feb. 26, 1627-8. In 1626 he " prays the King for a pardon for his conviction for recusancy, to enable him to sell lands to ransom his son, a prisoner in Flanders " (Cal. of State Pap.). A zealous royalist, for which he was imprisoned in the Tower : he there employed his leisure in making extracts from the records, now in the library at Deene. Created Earl of Cardigan, Ap. 20, 1661. Married, about 1607, Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Tresham, of Rushton, Northants. Died Sep. 16, 1663 : buried at Deene. (G. E. C.) As in so many cases where a youth came from a distance, there were county affinities here. The Brudnells wei'e con- nections of the Hares (v. pp. 34, 167). Markeham, George: of 'Allerton,' Yorkshire (?011erton, Notts.); son of Thomas Markeham, Esq. Educated at home, at Kirby-Bellars, under Mr Houlder. "Adolescens optima; indolis ad niultas virtutes natus." Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner. Tutor and surety, ]\Ir Rant. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 3, 1598. Third son. Of Ollerton, Notts., Esq. Married Judith, daughter of John Withernwick, Esq., of Claxby, Lines. ; and liad issue. (See Vis. of Notts.) Brother of Robert and Griffin. Cooper, Robert : of Nottingham : son of Robert Cooper, vintner, deceased. Educated by Mr Houlder, at ' Bescot,' Notts. ; and at Nottingham under Mr Heilowe. Age 16. Admitted March 1, 1592-3. Hill, William : son of William Hill, gent., mediocris fortuna?. Born in the parish of St Michael, Colchester. School, Colchester, under Mr Hasnett. Age 17. Admitted sizar of his surety, Dr Church, Nov. 9, 1592. One of these names was rector of Roudham, Norf., lCOO-40. Buried there, Nov. 22, 1640. Another (called M.A., and incorporated at Oxford, 1602) was vicar of Fordham, Suff., 1611. Perhaps the same who was ordained priest (Line.) Dec. 21, 1598 ; and was vicar of Whittlesford, Cambs., 1607-19. Wigfall, George : son of Henry Wigfall, husbandman. Born at Eckington, Derby- shire. School, Drontield, under Mr Waterhowse. Age 17. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Fletcher, Fe)>. 21, 1592-3. B.A. 1596-7 : Scholar, L. Day 1597 to L. Day 1599. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Ap. 23, 1605. Of Carter Hall, Eckington. Married, at Eckington, March 3, 1602-3, Anne, daughter of Nich^ Towers, of Eaton, Notts. Buried at Eckington, Oct. 1, 1623. 'Of Long Ridgeway,' in 1600. (Pedigree in Vvi. ofDerhs., 1634, 1664.) Brother of Henry, p. 168. 10—2 148 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. Dore, John : son of William Dore. Born at Cornard, Suffolk. Schools, Sudbury and Bures. Age 15. Admitted sizar of his surety, Ds Desborough, March 17, 1592-3. Eought, Roger : son of Jonas Bought, yeoman, of Bury St Edmunds. At school there under Mr Wright. Age 18. Admitted sizar of Ds Anthony Desborough his surety, March 29, 1593. *Stonham, John : of Norwich : sou of Richard Stonham. Schools, Norwich and Lynn, under INIessrs Lymbert and Roberts. Age 1 6. Admitted to the scholars' table, Ap. 23, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr Estey, fellow. B.A. 1596-7: M.A. 1600. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1603. Scholar, Mich^ 1593 to Mich^ 1600. Junior fellow, Mich^ 1601 to L. Day 1607. College testimonial for orders, Nov. 11, 1602. George Estey (v. p. 90) refers to him in his will, as " my best beloved scholar that ever I had." Rector of Welbourn, Lines., 1606: and possibly vicar of Naseby, 1640. Brother of Abraham, of 1596. Cannap, Henry : of Rendham, Suffolk : son of Nicholas Cannap, minister (rector of Saxmundham). Educated at Benhall, Suffolk, under Mr Hardier. Age 17. Admitted April 25, 1593, sizar of his surety, Mr S. Perse, M.D. B.A. 1596-7: M.A. 1600. Scholar, Mich' 1593 to L. Day 1598. Ordained priest (Suffragan Bp of Colchester) INIay 28, 1598 ; as curate of Bruisyard. Father of Henry, of 1626. Eoffe, Clement : son of Thomas Roffe, gent, (of Tuttington). Born at Tuttington, Norfolk. Schools, Norwich and Burgh (' Borowe '), under Messrs Lymbert and Tills. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr Rant, M.A., fellow. Scholar, Mich* 1593 to Mich' 1595. Of Tuttington, gent. In 1632-41 he held the manor of Runhara, of the Bp of Ely. Will proved (Norw.) Jan. 16, 1644-5. Father of Anthony, of 1619 ; who was his executor. Knowles, John : of Sprowston, Norfolk : son of Christopher Knowles, gent. School, Wood Dalling, under Mr Lewger. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Ap. 25, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr W. Rant, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1596-7: M.A. 1600. Scholar, Mich' 1593 to Mich' 1600. Perhaps vicar of Earlham, Norf., 1606: rector of Beechamwell, 1611-45: rector of Brampton, 1617. Ordained priest at Lincoln. If eldest son of Christopher 'of Aylsham,' see pedigree in Vis. of Norf . Brother of Thomas, 1597. Plumb, Isaac : son of John Plumb. Born at Ringwould near Dover. School, Deal, under ilr Oltorne. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 26, 1593. Tutor and suret}', jNIr Estey, fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.a! 1600. Scholar, Mich' 1596 to L. Day 1598. Vicar- choral of Dublin, 1602. Dean of Dromore, Feb. 1, 1603-4. Preb. of St Michael's, Dublin, 1604. Leuger, Phillip : of Wyraondham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Leuger (vicar of Wood Dalling). School, Wood Dalling, under his father. Age 16. Admitted April 28, 1593, sizar of his surety, Mr jNIatthew Stokes, fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600. Incoi-porated at Oxford, July 14, 1602. Scholar, Mich' 1594 to L. Day 1599. Librarian, 1595. Curate of Streatley, Beds., 1602. Vicar of Harlington, Beds., 1604. His father by wOl (1598) leaves him a white silk cushion, and half his books ; and £40 " for defraying his charge at his next commencement." Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Burwarde, Robert : son of John Burwarde, minister. Born at Wells, Norfolk. School, Holt, under ]\Ir Williams. Age 18. Admitted May 4, 1593, sizar of his surety, Mr Wright. 1593. 149 Ordained deacon (Norw.) July 25, 1602; as curate of Wells: priest (do.) Sep. 29, 1G04. Rector of Caldecot, Norf., 1612. Vicar of Hunstanton, 1615-31. In the parish register is a curious entry of his journey to London, Aug. 1631, to undergo an operation. He returned home Feb. 16, 1631-2, and expresses his gratitude for his supposed recovery. But he seems to have died soon after; buried at Hunstanton, July 29, 1632. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1632. Whichcots (Whichcot), Hammond : of Yorkshire: son of Robert Whichcots, gent. Born at Dunston, Lincolnsliire. At school in ' Ambleby Manor, Kevelie,' Yorkshire (?Anlaby in Elvelie ; i.e. Kirk Ella), under Mr Graye. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, May 4, 1593. Suretj', Mr R. Stockdall. Knighted, Ap. 23, 1603. Active on the side of the Parliament. One of the Commissioners appointed to raise money for the Pari, army, Sep. 20, 1643. Married Millicent, daughter of John Markham of Sedgbrook. Saunders, Matthew : of Welford, Northants. : son (by second wife) of Francis Saunders, Esq. Schools, Leicester and Eton, under Messrs Asson and Ham- mond. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, May 5, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr R. Stockdall, fellow. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 21, 1594. Knighted, Sep. 2, 1617. Of Shangton, Leics. Married Margaret, daughter of Henry Skipwith, Esq., of Coates, Lines. Buried at Shangton: M.l. there. (See Vis. of Northants., 1618.) Half-brother of Edward (p. 68). *Wylde, Henry : son of Cuthbert Wilde, mediocris fortunas. Born at Harrow, Middlesex. School, Elstree, under Mr String. Age 15. Admitted, May 7, 1593, sizar of Mr Roberts. Tutor and surety, Mr Estey, fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1603. B.D. 1609. Scholar, Mich' 1597 to Mich' 1600. Junior fellow (sacellanus) L. Day 1602 to Mich' 1610. Vicar of Newbold upon Avon, 1611. Rector of Clifton, Notts., 1623 : of Alderton, 1632. Rector of Ashton, Northants., 1634 : Rector of Pit-sford, Northants., 1636. Buried at Pitsford, Dec. 6, 1640. ♦Harvie, William : of Folkestone (born there, Ap. 1, 1578): son of Thomas Harvie, yeoman. School, Canterbury. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 31, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr G. Estey, fellow. The great physiologist. B.A. 1596-7 : M.D. Padua, 1602 : incorporated at Cambridge, 1602. Scholar, Mich' 1593 to L. Day 1600. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1607. Lumleian lecturer, 1615. Physician to James I., 1618. In 1628 he published his famous ' Exercitatio,' on the circulation of the blood. He was with the king's army at Edgehill, and afterwards at Oxford, where he incorporated M.D., Dec. 7, 1642. Warden of Merton, 1645. Married, Nov. 1604, Elizabeth, daughter of Lancelot Browne, M.D. Died, June 3, 1657 : buried at Hempstead, Essex. (See notice by Dr N. Moore in D. N. B.) Will proved (P. C. C.) 1657 : Dr Moore is wrong in saying that he left property to our College. We have a portrait of him attributed to Rembrandt. Cripps, Richard : of Suffolk : son of Robert Cripps, minister (rector of Flempton). School, Bury St Edmunds. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 12, 1593. Surety, Ds Anthony Disborowe, B.A. Scholar, Mich' 1593 to Mich' 1595. Mannister, Philip : son of Edward Mannister, yeoman. Born at Kenninghall, Norfolk. Educated in London, under Mr Pensacks. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 4, 1593. Surety, Mr Welles, fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600. Scholar, L. Day 1594 to L. Day 1598. loO GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Smj'th, Robert: son of John Smyth, 'legis peritus.' Born at Fulbourn, Cambs. (bapt. at St Vigor's, Aug. 31, 1577). At school there, under Messrs Streatly and Cattel}^!. Afterwards at Trinity College. Age 16. Admitted to tlie scholars' table, July 13, 1593. Tutor and surety, Mr Estey. Perhaps B.A. (Trin.) 1596-7. M.A. 1600. One of these names was rector of Hatley St George, Cambs., 1600-19. Buried there, Dec. 27, 1619. PauiBSon, Henry : son of Thomas Pausson, preaciier (xdcar of St Mary, Sandwich, 1565-97). Born at Sandwich, Kent (bapt. Sep. 6, 1579). At school there, under Mr Knowles, live years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 9, 1593. Tutor and surety. Mr Estey. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1607. Scholar, Mich'* 1593 to Mich' 1599. Ordained priest (Lond.) Nov. 23, 1600; as curate of Norton, Kent. Vicar of Stock- bury, Kent, 1616 : of Tonge, do., 1620. Mich'' 1593— Mich^ 1594. Nightingale, Thomas : of Wendon Lofts, Essex : son of Geoffi-ey Nightingale, gent. School, Newport, under Mr Morden. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 8, 1593. Suret}', Mr John Gostlin, fellow. (Brother of Henry, below.) Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 1, 1591-2. Of Newport Pond, Essex, and Knees worth, Cambs. Sheriff of Es,sex, 1627. Created baronet 1 628. Married (1) Millicent, daughter of Sir Robert Clarke, Baron of the Exchequer; (2) Katherine, daughter of Sir Robeit Chester, of Herts, (v. Vis. of Cambs., 1619 ; and of £ss., 1612, 34.) The father was one of the trustees appointed by Mrs J. Frankland for her foundation of Newport School. Vallenger, Thomas : of Watlington, Norfolk : son of Thomas Vallenger, gent. School, Lynn, under Mr Roberts. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 11, 1593. Surety, Mr George Estey, fellow. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, June 1-1, 1595. Bradburie, Henry : of Essex : son of William Bradburie, gent. Born at Quendon Hall. School, Newport, under Mr !Morden. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 15, 1593. Surety, Mr Richai-d Stockdall, fellow. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1603. Scholar, Mich» 1593 to L. Day 1599. Hauksbee, John : son of John Hauksbee : baker, of Ely. School, Ely, under ]SIr Spight. Age 20. Admitted Oct. 17, 1593, sizar of his surety, Mr Thomas Reve. Tutor, ]Mr George Estey. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600. Vicar of Earl's Colne, Essex, till 1640; when he died. Allen, Christopher : son of John Allen, mediocris fortunw. Born at Burnham, Norfolk. School, Lynn, under Mr Roberts. Age 16. Admitted Oct. 20, 1593, sizar of his surety, ]Mr Richard Stockdall. B.A. 1597-8: M.A. 1602. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 27, 1598; as curate of Wolverton : piiest (do.) Jan. 1600-1. Rector of Stoke Holy Cross, 1602 : curate of St George Colgate, Norwich, 1603. Snell, Arthur : son of Richard Snell, mediocris fortunse. Born at Colebrooke, Devon. School, Crediton, under Mr Tayler. Age 19. Admitted Oct. 26, 1593, sizar of Dr Legge. Surety, Mr R. Stockdall. B.A. 1596-7 : M.A. 1600: Incorporated at Oxford, July 16, 1601. Rector of Lezant, Cornwall, 1607. Father of John, 1626. 1593—1594. 151 Nightingale, Henry : sou of Geoffrey Nightingale, gent. Born at Newport, Essex. At school there, under Mr Morden. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 29, 1593-4. Surety, Mr John Gostlin. Brother of Thomas, above. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Ap. 22, 1594. Of Saffron Walden, Essex. Married Mary, daughter of Dr Taylor. ( Vis. qfCambs., 1619; and Vis. of Essex, 1612, 34.) Bacon, Edmund : (eldest) son of Edmund Bacon, Escj. Born at Hessett, Suffolk. Educated at home under Ds Whitwhani and Mr Brigges. " Adolescens sunimje spei." Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Feb. 22, 1593-4. Tutor, Mr Estaye. Of Hessett, Esq. Married Phoebe, daughter of John Marsham, of Badwell Ash. Buried at Hessett, Sep. 16, 1617 ; having died during his father's life. (Davy ; and J. J. M.) Carowe, Edmund : son of Simon Carowe, merchant, of Lynn. Born at Watlington, Norfolk. Age 16. School, Lynn, under Mr Robartes and Mr Eston. Ad- mitted pensioner. Surety, Dr Churche. Scholar, Mich"* 1594 to Mich 1595. Botterill, Joini : son of Thomas Botterill, inediocris fortunse. Born in Lincoln (St Mary Magdalen). Age 18. School, Lincoln, under Mr Nethercootes. Ad- mitted March 12, 1593-4, sizar of Mr Burton. Surety, Mr Disborowe. B.A. 1597-8 : M.A. 1602. Scholar, Mich» 1594 to Mich» 1600. Ordained deacon (Norw.)Sep. 28, 1601 ; as curate of St Pet. Mancroft, Norwich: priest (do.) Sep. 26, 1603. Vicar of Heveningham, 1603-8. His return in 1603 is " impropriate to Thomas Hunt, of London : endowed with a vicarage. He paj'eth this respondent four marks per an." (Had. 595). Priest-vicar of Lincoln cathedral, 1613 ; where in 1619 he was reprimanded for "negligence in service" and "bowing during service time." Vicar of Hibaldstow, Lines., 1619. Living in 1622, when he was deprived of St Nicholas, Newport, Sep. 16 : "the bishop's pleasure is that he be displaced and that it be given to Mr Crispe, wlio is a diligent singing man, to encoui'age him." (A. R. M.) Died before 1642. Johnson, Edward. Graduated as Mus. Bac, from Caius College, in 1594. Com- poser of a madrigal in Morley's Triw/nphs of Oriana, 1601 ; and of some Psalm tunes in Este's Whole Book of Psa/nis, 1592. Some MS. madrigals by him are in the Library of the Royal College of Music, and in the Brit. Museum, (v. Abdy Williams, Degrees in Music; and D. N. B.) *Browne, John : son of John Browne, citizen of Norwich. At .school there, under Mr Linibert. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 1594. Surety, Mr Gostlin. B.A. 1597-8: M.A. 1601. Scholar, L. Day 1594 to Mids'' 1600. Junior fellow, Mich" 1600: senior, Mids"- 16o6 to L. Day 1619. Greek lecturer, 1603: dean, 1606: steward, 1609: bur.sar, 1010. Proctor, 1616. Died 1619 : buried in the ante-chapel, near his friend Orrell (v. p. 142). He studied Civil Law, and sometimes presided in that chair, during the absence of the pro- fessor. (Annals.) Man, Matthew : son of John Man, townsman (' oppidanus ') of Beccles, Suffolk. Born at Halesworth. Schools, Beccles and Ipswich. Age 18. Admitted April 18, 1594, sizar of his surety, Mr George Esteye, B.D., fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to L. Day 1598. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Feb. 22, 1598: priest, March 25, 1602; as cui-ate of Letheringham. Curate of Redlingfield, Suff., 1626-36-; and of Witnesham, 1600-17-. 152 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Markham, Anthony : son of John Markham, Esq. Born at Sedgebrook (' Sid- brooke '), Lincolnshire. At school there, under Mr Gilder. ' Adolescens optimaj spei.' Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 19, 1594. Surety, Mr William Rant, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 9, 1594-5. Of Sedgebrook, Lines. Knighted, Ap. 23, 1603? Married Bridget, daughter of Sir James Harring- ton, of Ridlington, Ruts. His second son, Robert, was created bart. in 1642. (v. Vis. o/Sotts., 1614.) Baxter, Stephen ; (eldest) son of Thomas Baxter, gent. Born in Middlesex. Educated at Moulton, under Mr Machet. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 26, 1594. Surety, Mr Welles. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 9, 1594. Married Elizabeth Fre.stoa, of Mendham. Died, during his father's life, July 30, 1609; leaving a son Thomas. The father describes himself as of Rainthorpe Hall, Norf. The mother was a daughter of George Bludworth, of London. (Vis. of Norf. \ and J. J. M.) Mallorye, William : (eldest) son of John Mallorye, gent., Esq. Born at Studley, Yorkshire. Educated at Thirsk under Mr Atkinson. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 23, 1594. Surety, Mr Fletcher, fellow. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Jan. 8, 1594-5.) Of Studley, Esq. Married Alice, daughter of Sir James Bellingham, knight. His eldest son was admitted at the college, 1 620. ' Noted as having, with his son, raised forces against Parliament. Fined £2219. Died March 13, 1645-6.' {Cal. of Com. for Compounding.) Buried in Ripon Minster, (v. Foster's Vis. p. 157.) Hinson, William : son of Thomas Hinson, gent, (formerly fellow of the college). Bom at Tawstock, Devonshire. At school there, and at Ely, under Messrs Baude and Spighte. Age 14. Admitted to the bachelors' table. May 20, 1594. Suret}', Mr E. Burton, fellow. B.A. 159S-9. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 6, 1602 : 'William H., of Devon.' Died without issue. Pedigree in Vis. of Mids., 1663. Brother of Thomas, p. 134. Barwicke, Humphry : son of Peter Barwicke, yeoman. Born at Sutton (in Felis- kirk), Yorkshire. School, Thirsk, under Mr AtkLason. Age IS. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr Estey, fellow. Eldest son (v. Vis. of Forks., 1612). His uncle Humphrey, who signs the pedigree, was ' master of the ordnance, Lu the late rebellion.' Woode, Roger : son of Roger Woode, gent. Born at Ashley, Cambs. School, Cheveley, under Mr Jinner. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 21, 1594. Surety, Mr G. Estey, feUow. A Roger Wood, son of Roger of Islington, Mids., was admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 26, 1606-7. Draper, Thomas : son of William Draper, gent. Born at Bottesford, Leicester- shire. At school there, under I\Ir Woodall. Age 14. Admitted pensioner, July 1, 1594. Surety, Mr Reve, B.D., fellow. One of these names was rector of Willingliam St Mary, Suff., 1634. Warren, John, son of William Warren, mediocris fortun.e. Born at Normanton, Leicestershire. At school there, under Mr Woodall. Age 18. Admitted July 1, 1594, sizar of his surety Mr Reeve, feUow. Perhaps B.A. (Qu.) 1600-1 : M.A. 1604. Fowkes, Bartholomew : son of Richard Fowkes, citizen of London. Born in London, and educated there under Dr Grante. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 2, 1594. Surety, Dr Churche, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to Mich' 1599. 1594. 153 Browne,' Thomas : son of Anthony Browne, Esq., of Norfolk. Born at Elsing. At school there, under William Suiithe, B.A. Age 12. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 3, 1594:. Surety, Dr Griraston, fellow. (Re- admitted, as fellow-commoner. May 8, 1598.) Perhaps B.A. (Pemb.) 1600-1 : M.A. 160.5. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 11, 1600. Of Elsing, Esq. Married Anne, daughter of Tho' Daroy, of Essex. " The Brownes of Elsing were conscientious Catholics, but appear to have taken the oath, and so were regarded by the stricter Romanists as schismatics." (A.J.) Thomas Browne died in Oct. 16.32. His son Thomas was admitted in 1622. Ascoughe, Robert : son of Francis Ascoughe, mediocris fortunse. Born at Beverley, Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Collingryge. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, July 5, 1.594:. Surety, Mr John Fletcher, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to L. Day, 1598. Gibson, Henry : son of Henry Gibson, yeoman. Born at Darsham, Suffolk. School, Westleton, under Mr Oughtred. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 9, 1594. Surety, Mr Disboroughe, fellow. B.A. 1595-6 : M.A. 1599. Scholar, Mich'^ 1594 to L Day 1598. Per- haps admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 26, 1599 : 'Of Beeston St Lawrence.' If so, the ' Henry Gibson, Esq., the younger,' who married Ann Rant, Ap. 8, 1605. (One of these names, M.A., obtained letters testimonial from the Uni- versity in 1636. He was vicar of Wad worth, Yorks., 1634-6. More likely of St John's.) Ringoode, Anthony : son of Thomas Ringoode, mediocris fortunse. Born at Yaxham, Norfolk. School, Mattishall, under Mr Causye. Age 17. Ad- mitted Sep. 24, 1594, sizar of his surety, Mr Gostlin. B.A. 1598-9: M.A. 1602. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 23, 1600, as curate of Saham Toney : priest, Dec. 31, 1600. Rector of S. Pickenham 1616-31. Licensed preacher, 1606-31. Will proved (Norw.) 1631. Percye, Richard : son of Richard Percye, gent. Born at South Creake, Norfolk. School, Walsingham, under Mr Dolington. Age 18. Admitted fellow-com- moner, Sep. 8, 1594. Surety, Mr Stockdale. The father bought the manor of Castleacre Priory, S. Creake, about 1572. MiCH^ 1594— MiCH^ 1595. Lawson, George : son of Marmaduke Lawson. Born at Ripon, Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Dicson. Age 18. Admitted, Oct. 2, 1594, pensioner of Mr Mallorye. Had previously resided in the College for a year. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to L. Day 1596. Allman, William : son of William Allman, gent. Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school there, under Mr Wright, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 8, 1594. Surety, Mr Disborough, fellow. Perhaps rector of Fornham St Martin, 1616-32. Named in the will of his uncle, John Allman, clerk of the peace, of Bury ; proved (P. C. C.) Ap. 2, 1585. (J. J. M.) Coppinger, Henry : son of Henry Coppinger, yeoman. Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school there, under Mr Wright. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 8, 1594. Surety, Mr Disborough, fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1595 to Mich" 1596. Admitted at the English College at Rome, Nov. 2, 1607 : ordained priest 1613. Entered the Jesuit Society, 1615. Appears in the Catalogue of English Jesuits at Clerkenwell, about 1623-4. He served the Sufiblk mission for many years, and died, probably lo-t GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. there, in 1652. (Foley's Records, i. 68 ; vii. 166.) His mother, Barbara, married Robert Brunwyn, of Bury, mercer, as second husljand. (J.J. M.) Hence his i-eligious name ' Bruning," on entering the college at Kome. He describes his father as a tailor and draper, and a sympathiser witli the Romish Churcli. By his own account he graduated at Cambridge. (Jornwaleis, Phillip : son of John Cornwaleis, Esq. Born at Pettistree, Suffolk. School, Brandeston, under Mr Rasou, five years. Age 16. Admitted pen- sioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 10, 159i. .Surety, Mr Estey. Died June 7, 1601, according to Davy: cei-tainly Ijefore 1615, when his father, — John C, of Earl Soham, — m;ule his will: proved (P. C. C.) Oct. 20, 1615. (J. J. M.) See ris. of A'ottg., 161-t, for pedigree. Brother of Thomas, 1596. Denney, William : son of John Denney, yeoman. Born at Beccles, Suffolk. At school there, under ]Mr Darley, four j-ears. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 26, 1.394. Surety, :\Ir Reve, fellow. Scholar, Micli= 1595 to :Mich' 1596. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 22, 1598, " of Gisleham '' : ancient, 1622: autumn reader, 1625. Knighted 1627. King's counsel. Steward of Norwich, 1618. M.P. for Norwich, 1620, 24, 25. Married Frances, daughter of James Taverner, Esq., of Norwich. Died March 26, 1642: buried in Norwich Cathedral. (J.J. M.) Probably father of William, of 1620, the author of Pelecanicidium, ikc. (v. D. N. B.). Chesswright, Eklward : son of John Chesswright, gent. Bom at Fordham, Cambs. School, Ely, under Mr Spyght. Age 1 7. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 7, 1594. Surety, Mr Gostlyn. B.A. 1598-9 : M.A. 1602. Brother of Mark, p. 128. *Crow, William : son of Christopher Crow, gent, (probabh- of the college, p. 32). Bom at Bilney, Norfolk. School, Westminster, five years, under Mr Camden. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 10, 1594-5. Surety, ^Ir Gostlyn. B.A. 1598-9: M.A. 1602. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to ^NlichU 602. Junior fellow, Mich^ 1603 : Senior, L. Day 1613 to Mich^ 1613. Ordained priest (Line.) Ap. 3, 1613. Rector of Barnby and vicar of Mutford, 1613-33 : where he kept school or took pupils. Married Margaret, daughter of James Taylor, D.D., preb. of Ely. Buried at Mutford, July 20, 1633. In his will, proved (Norw. C. C.) 1633, he leaves to his son William 'his books and his best lute': also a lute to his son James. Rooper, Henry : son of Anthony Rooper, Esq. Born in Sussex. School, West- minster, three years, under Mr Camden. Age 18. Admitted fellow-com- moner, Jan. 11, 1594-5. Surety, Mr Gostlin. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Ap. 28, 1597. " Henry Roper, son of Anthony, of Farningham, Kent; aged 60 in 1641-2, when he was heir to his brother Anthony. Living at Farningham, 1655." (G. E. C.) Smith, William : son of Adrian Smith, gent. Born at Bnimstead, Norfolk (bapt. Nov. 23, 1578 : son of Adrian and Katerine). School, Norwich, two years, under Mr Limberd. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 15, 1594-5. Surety, Mr Gostlin. Scholar, L. Day 1595 to K Day 1597. 'Smith of Nettle.stead ' (Km. of Suffolk, 1612): the mother, a Parmentur, was of Brumste) was Clerk to the House of Commons. Hampton, Edward ; son of Edward Hampton, mediocris fortunse. Born at Rain- ham, Norfolk. At school there. Age 18. Admitted sizar of his surety, Dr Church, Oct. 15, 1595. B.A. 1598-9 : M.A. 1602. Scholar, Mich' 1596 to Mich' 1599. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 25, 1601, as curate of Rainham St Mary: priest, Sep. 26, 1603, as curate of E. Rudham. Rector of Rainham St Martin, 1600: and of Stanhow, 1612-34. *Ferrour (Farrer), Edmund : of Wendling, Norfolk (bapt. Sep. 3, 1581) : son of Henry Ferrour, gent. School, Scarning, under Mr Denby. Age 14. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 10, 1595. Surety, Mr Hammonde. B.A. 1598-9: M.A. 1602. Scholar, Mich' 1597 to Mich' 1602. Junior fellow, Christ' 1604 to L. Day 1607. Buried, Ap. 6, 1607; at Wendling. (Carthew, in. 228 : who gives the substance of the fatlier's will.) Byrde, Thomas : of Gressenhall, Noi'folk : son of Edmund Byrde, mediocris fortuiife. School, Scarning, under Mr Denby. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Nov. 11, 1595. Surety, Mr Hamond. B.A. 1599-1600: M.A. 1603. Scholar, Mich' 1599 to Mich' 1600. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 18, 1607, as curate of Beetley. Curate of Wendling in 1636. Bickerstaffe, Anthony : son of Anthony Bickerstafl'e, gent. Born at Croydon, Surrey. School, Westminster, under Mr Cainbden. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 28, 1595. Surety, Mr Disborow. B.A. 1598-9: M.A. 1602. Scholar, L. Day 1596 to Mich' 1600. Vicar of White Notley, Ess., 1603. Perhaps the one of these names referred to in Manning's Stirrey, ii. 333. 158 GONVILLE AXD CAICS COLLEGE. Wharton, George : son of Philip, Baron Wharton. Born at Brougham Castle. Educated at Wharton. Age 12. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 17, 1595-6. M.A 1607. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 8, 1595. Afterwards Sir G. Wharton, K.B. Married Anne Manners, daughter of John, Earl of Rutland. Killed in a duel bv Sir J. Stewart, Nov. 8, 160'J. Brother of Thomas, of 1602. Godsalve, Henrj' : son of Thomas Godsalve, of Buckenham, Norfolk, gent. School, Norwich. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, to the bachelors' table, Jan. 21, 1595-6. Surety, Mr Goslyn. Perhaps died young. Not entered in the pedigree ( Vis. of Xorf. ) of God- salve of Buckenham Ferry. Brother of Roger, p. 119. Warde, Henry : son of Edward Ward, of Bixley, Norfolk (Ijapt. ^Mar. 8, 1575-6), gent. School, Norwich. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 21, 1595-6. Surety, Mr Goslin. B."A. 1597-8 : M.A. 1601. Scholar, L. Day 1596 to L. Day 1601. Second son : died unmarried, (v. Vis. of Norf.) Whitton, Edward : of Mutfoi-d, Suffolk : son of William Whitton, raediocris fortume. School, Beccles. Age 19. Admitted, Jan. 29, 1595-6, sizar of Dr Perse. Surety, Mr Delxlen. Scholar, Mich'' 1596 to Mich^ 1597. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 28, 1601, as curate of Charefield. Vicar of Wickham Market, 1605 to 1606. Robinson, William : of Crosby Garrett, Westmoreland : son of Thomas Robinson, inedioeris fortune. School, Kirkby Stephen. Age 22. Admitted, Feb. .3, 159.5-6, sizar of Mr Mallory. B.A. 1598-9. Stonham, Abraham : of Lynn : son of Richard Stonham, mediocris fortunse. School, Norwich. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 14, 1595-6. Surety, Mr Estey. Scholar, L. Day 1598 to L. Day 1601. Darcy, Robert : of Tiptree Piiory, Essex : son of Brian Darcy, gent. School, Chelmsford, under Mr Bradway. Age 17. Admitted to the bachelors' table, Feb. 25, 1595-6. Surety, Mr Dysborow. Of Tiptree, Esq. ^larried Elizabeth, daughter of John Luca,s, of Ramsey, Ess. ; and had issue. Brother of John, of 1585. (v. Esse.r Vis. 1034.) *Naylor, Oliver ; son of Brian Naylor, citizen of London. Born in London. At school there, under Mr Spight. Age 1(1. Admitted pensioner, Feb. 26, 1595-6. Surety, Mr Disborow. B.A. 1599-1600: M.A. 1603. Scholar, L. Day 1596 to Mich* 1598. Junior fellow, L. Day 1603: senior, Mich* 1611 to L. Day 1623. Hebrew- lecturer, 1603, 9: Greek, 1606, 8, 10: dean, 1611: salarist, 1612-23. University preacher, 1612: taxor, 1613. Rector of Marwood, and of Taw- stock, Devon, 1623-36. Married Mary Hocking, May 11, 1625 ; at Marwood. Buried at Marwood, July 27, 1636. M. 1. there. Several letters from him to Dr Cosin, afterwards Bp of Durham, dated from Tawstock, are included in tlie Bishop's Correspondence (Siirfees .'yoc. vol. 52). He was presented to Bincombe, Dorset, in 1620; but did not retain the living. He gave his very large library to the College : a catalogue is in our Treasury. The Annals describe him thus : " Ob amienitatem morum omnibus acceptissimus ; ob solidam eruditionem in literaria republica Celebris." Coppin, Joel : of Besthorpe, Norfolk : son of George Coppin, clerk (rector of Besthorpe). School, W^^nondham. Age 23. Admitted sizar of Mr Stock- dale, Feb. 20, 1595-6. 1596. 159 Plumstede, John : son of Bartholomew Pluiustede, gent. Born at Plumstead, Norfolk. At school there. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 27, 1596. Surety, Dr Church, fellow. B.A. 1599-1600: M.A. 1603. Scholar, L. Day 1596 to L. Day 1603. Rector of Hevingham, Norf., 1608-22; where he spent .£200 in rebuilding the rectory. Died, March 20, 1622-3: buried at Hevingham. M.I. there. Pedigree in Vis. of Xorf. Hern, Simon : of Tibeniiam, Norfolk : son of Simon Hern, mediocris fortuna». School, Tibenham. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, April 19, 1596. Surety, Mr Stockdale. B.A. (Emm.) 1599-1600: M.A. 1C04. Migrated to Emmanuel, Ap. 3, 1598. Sherman, Thomas : of Ipswich, SuSblk : son of Thomas Sherman, druggist. School, Ipswich. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, April 24, 1596. Surety, Mr Dysborow. B.A. 1599-1600: M.A. 1603. Scholar, Mich' 1596 to Mich' 1603. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 24, 1609 : title, his own estate. Vicar of Tuddenham, Suff., 1609. Rector of Hintlesham, 1611 : sequestered, 1646: order for fifths to be paid to his wife Elizabeth, July 24, 1645. (v. &#. Vis. 1612.) Crosse, Thomas: son of John Cro.sse, priest ('presbyter'), of Heigham, Norfolk. School, Norwich. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Ap. 28, 1596. Surety, Mr Goslyn. B.A. 1599-1600. Scholar, Mich" 1597 to Mich' 1603. Ordained priest (Norw.) Feb. 28, 1608-9. Rector of Thuxton and Threxton, 1608 : rector of Merton (succeeding his father) 1620-40. Will proved (Norw. 0. C.) 1640. Hammont, Edward : son of Edward Hammont, priest (' presbyter '), of Cawston, Norfolk (v. p. 60). School, Aylsham. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, Ap. 28, 1596. Surety, Mr Goslyn. B.A. 1599-1600: M.A. 1603. Scholar, L. Day 1597 to L. Day 1601. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 26, 1603, as curate of Skeyton. Vicar of Aldeby (Norf.), 1615. Died June 10, 1621. Brother of Gilbert, of 1601. Depden, Robei-t : of Brampton, Suffolk : son of George Depden, gent. School, Beccles. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. May 10, L')96. Suret}', Mr Depden. Scholar, L. Day 1598 to L. Day 1600. Admitted scholar at Trin. Hall, May 18, 1600. Second son (v. Huff. Vis. 1612). Witness to the will of his elder brother, John, 1616. Parmeter, Henry : of Witton, Norfolk : son of Thomas Parmeter (? formerly of the college: v. p. 83), 'jurisperitus.' School, Norwich. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, May 18, 1.596. Surety, Mr Go.slyii. B.A. 1598-9 : M.A. 1603. Scholar, L. Day 1597 to Mich" 1597. One of these names was buried at St Dunstan's in the West, London, 1610; "out of Clifford's Inn." Mason, John: son of Richard Mason, priest ('presbyter'), of Cavendish, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds. Age 14. Admitted, July 6, 1596, sizar of his surety, Mr Disborow. B.A. (Cath.) 1600-1 : M.A. 1606. Author: The Turk, a Tragedy, 1610. Perhaps curate of Cockfield in 1606 : presented for not wearing the surplice. Skevinton, Edward : son of Nicholas Skevinton, innkeeper, of Brandon, Suffolk. School, Thetford. Age 24. Admitted pensioner, July 20, 1596. Surety, Mr Stockdale. B.A. 1599-1600. Scholar, Mich' 1597 to L. Day 1601. Ordained priest (Ely) Mar. 21, 1601-2. Curate of Flitcham in 1603 : "he serveth the cure, and hath for his stipend £11, and his diet, per annum" (Ilarl. 595). Rector of Hellington, Norf., 1610-27. Father of Edward, of 1631. 160 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Nuddall, William : of Barbon (' Barbaron'), Westmoreland : son of John Xuddall, mediocris fortunw. School, Kirkby Lonsdale. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Sep. 15, 1596. Surety, Mr Stockdale. B.A. 1599-1600 : M.A. 1604. Scholar, Mich^ 1599 to Mich^ 1600. Warde, Brian : of Kirby Lonsdale, Westmoreland : son of John Warde, mediocris fortune. School, Kirby Lonsdale. Age 15. Admitted, Sep. 15, 1596, sizar of Mr Stockdale. B.A. 1601-2. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 26, 1603, as curate of Heckingham : priest (do.) May 22, 1608; as curate of Oulton. Curate of Walberswick, Suff., 1611. Rector of Endgate, Beccles, 1613-41. Leek, Francis : son of Francis Leek, Esq., of Sutton Scarsdale, Derbyshire. School, Southwell. Age 14. Admitted fellow- commoner, Sept. 27, 1596. Surety, the Master. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 1, 1599. Elnighted. Created baronet. May 22, 1611 : Baron Deincourt of Sutton, 1625: Earl of Scai-sdale, 164.5. Married Anne, daughter of Sir Edward Carey, of Berkhampstead. A devoted royalist. After the death of Charles, he is related " to have become so much mortified that he clothed himself in .sackcloth, and causing his grave to be dug some years Isefore his death, laid himself there e\ery Friday ; exercising himself in di^ine meditations and prayers." Two of his sons were killed on the royalist side. Fined for delinquency £18,287; "for adhering to the king's forces in Newark garrison" (Cal. of Coiyi. for Compounding). There is a letter from him in the Clj)li, Thomas : of Pulliain (St INIaiy Magdalen), Norfolk : son of JRobert Randolpli, j-eoman. Scliools, Pulham and iloulton. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 14, 1(>03. Surety, Mr Welles. B.xV. 1G06-7: M.A. IGIO. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1610. Scholar, L. Day 1604 to Mich^ 1610. Junior fellow, Mich' 1613: senior, Chrisf^ 1616 to Mich" 1621. Rhetoric praelector, 1614-5: Greek lecturer, 1615-6 : dean, 1617. Chaplain at AVadham C'ollesie, Oxford, Ap. 20, 1613, to June 18, 1617. Died at Pulhaui, 1621. Will provwl (V. C. Court) Aug. 23, 1621. Leaves £10 "to buy a comely cloth or two for the comniuniou Uible": also the works of Avicenna, and other books to the librarj'. Hynson, Thomas : of Tawstock, Devon : son of Thomas Hyuson, gent, (formerly of the college p. 81). School, Barnstable, under Mr Butler. Age 18. Ad- mitted, June 30, 1603, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, ^Ir Antliony Duisborough. Of Hunts Court, Gloucs., Esq. Married a daughter of... Lawrence, of Badgeworth, Gloucs. {Vis. oj' Afids. 1663.) Brother of William, p. 152. Parrie, Christopher : son of Richaixl Parrie, rector of Anmere, Norfolk. School, Lynn. Age 22. Admitted, July 2, 1603, sizar of his surety, Dr Gostlyn. B.A. 1598-9: M.A. 1604. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 25, 1608, as curate of Thursford. Curate of Trimingham, Norf., in 1617. Symonds, John: of Suffield (bapt. July 3, 1586), near North Walsham, Norfolk: son of Francis Symonds, gent. School, Aylsham, under ]\Ir Eston. Age 16. Admitt«l to the scholars' table, July 3, 1603. Surety, Mr Welles. Of Suffield, gent. Married Anne, daughter of W™ Bladwell, of Swanning- ton, and h;id issue. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf., 1664. See Blomef. viii. 167. Nephew of Edward, of 1579. Smyth, Thomas : son of John Smyth, rector of Southacre, Norfolk. Schools, Southacre and Lynn. Age 1 6. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 5, 1 603. Surety, Mr Stonham. B.A. 1606-7: M.A. 1610. Scholar, L. Day 1604 to Mich" 1605. Or- dained priest (Norw.) Sep. 2, 1610; as rector of Gt Massingham. Father of Sidrach Smith, of 1629. At the time of his father's will (dat^d Nov. 11, 1623), Thomas was dead, leaving four children, and his wife Jlary had married again. Downe, John : son of William Downe, rector of Gidley, Devon. School, Clana- borough, Devon. Age 17. Admitted, Julj^ 6, 1603, sizar of liis surety, ISIr Badgcroft. Underwodde, Gregory : of Aldeby (' Albie '), Norfolk : son of Rotert Under- wodde, gent, (of Bai-sham). School, Beccles, Suffolk, under Mr Clarke. Age 16. Admitted to the scholare' table, June 27, 1603. Surety, Mr Browne. Scholar, Mich" 1605 to Mich" 1607. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 22, 1611. Married, and had issue. He was an executor to his father's will, proved (Archd. Sufi") Jan. 12, 1607-8 ; by which he inherited a tenement in Beccles. Pedigree in Vis. of Suff., 1664 (J. J. M.). Mote, Sidrach : son of George Mote, merchant and citizen of Norwich. Schools, Norwich ; and Elsworth, Cambs., under Dr Panian (v. p. 79); afterwards three years at Pembroke Hall, under Mr Rich. Age 23. Admitted, July 26, 1603, sizar of the jNIaster, Dr Legge. B.A. 1605-6: M.A. 1609. Scholar, L. Day 1605 to L. Day 1606. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 29, 1604; as curate of Tilney : priest (do.) Sep. 25, 1608 ; as curate of Newton by Wisbech, Cambs. Curate of Hadden- ham in 1604; and of Newton iji 1607, where he married Mary Colvyle, 1603—1604. 183 Aug. 4. Vicf Rochdale, Lancashire : .son of James ]\larland, yeoman. School, Rochdale, under ]\lr Holt. Age 21. Admitted at St John's College, under Mr Brathaite, tutor, April 7, 1600; and in this college, as pensioner to the bachelors' table, under Mr Anthony Duisborough, Feb. 15, 1603-1. B.A. 1603-4: M.A. 1609. Head Master of Rochdale Gr. School, 1005- 10; when he resigned. Iu holy orders. (Raines' Rochdale Gr. School, p. 29.) A child of his was baptized at Rochdale, Feb. 24, 1610-1. Dawney, Thomas : of Walsingham, Norfolk : son of John Dawney, mediocris fortuniB. School, Holt? (' Holton juxta mare'), under Mr Gillott, four years. Age 10. Admitted March 23, 1003-4, sizar of his surety, Mr Th waits, fellow. B.A. 1007-8: M.A. 1611. Ordained priest (Lino.) March 12, 1608-9. Rector of Salthouse, 1613-42. Will proved (Norw.) 1642. Childe, Thomas : of Swanton ]\Iorley, Norfolk : son of Alan Childe, yeoman. School, East Dereham, under Mr Alston. Age 17. Admitted, Mar. 26, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Welles, fellow. B.A. 1607-S. M.A. 1621. Scholar Mich» 1604 to Mich^ 1606. Ordained deacon (Norw.) May 22, 1608, as curate of Mattishall : priest Dec. 18, 1008, as curate of Belaugh. Rector of Spixworth (Norf.) 1012-43: of Maidstone (Norf.) 1020: and of Frettenham (do.) 1020. Edwards, Raphael: of the town of Cambridge (bapt. at St Benet's, Ap. 19, 1588: — 'Ralph'): son of Thomas Edward.s, M.A., deceased. At school in Cambridge under his uncle Francis Edwards. Age 16. Admitted, April 9, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Henry Hammond. B.A. 1608-9: M.A. 1613. Scholar, Mich'' 1008 to Mich^ 1010. 'Of Swineshead, Clk.; licensed to marry Elizabeth Cattell, daughter of Annie Wright, alias Cattell; June 27, 1010' {Line. Mar. licences). Vicar of Bicker, Lines. Will proved (Line.) May 13, 1031. Smyth, William : of Great JNIassingham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Sm}^;!!, gent. School, Lynn, under Mr Man, five years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 21, 1004. Tutor and surety, Mr Stonham. B.A. 1607-8. Scholar, Mich» 1006 to Mich' 1609. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 10, 1608-9. Castleton, Henry : of Wymondham, Norfolk ; son of Jolin Castleton, gent, 'jurisperitus.' School, Wymondham, under Messrs Leverington and Welles. 1603— 1G04. 185 Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, .Sep. I'J, 1G03; iiiatrieulated April 24, 1C04. Surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. 1G07-8; M.A. 1611. Scholar, L. Day 1604 to Mich" 1609. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 19, 1613. Vicar of Kimherley, 1613: buried there, Sept. 4, 1638 (Blomef. ii. 536). Anckerson, John : of Cheveley, Cambs. : son of Thomas Anckerson, mediocris fortunte. At school at Cheveley, under Mr Sherman (p. 129). Age 17. Ad- mitted, July 5, 1603. sizar of Mr Duisborough. INIatriculated April 25, 1604. B.A. 1606-7: M.A. 1610. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sept. 25, 1608, as curate of Wickhambrook : priest, June 18, 1609, as curate of Goldmorton, Essex. Gurling, "William : son of William Gurling, alderman (and Mayor) of Lynn, deceased. School, Lynn, under Mr Man. Age 14. Admitted, April 27, 1604, pensioner to the bachelors' table, under Mr Stonham. (Re-admitted as fellow-connnoner, Nov. 29, 1611.) B.A. 1607-8: M.A. 1611. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1614. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Dethick, of Newton. Rector of Sandringham, and of Babingley, Norf., 1614. Probably sequestered from both in 1646 : articles were exhibited against him before tlie Pari. Committee, Feb. 17, 1645-6. Died Dec. 13, 1649.' Brother of Nathaniel, 1612. Jenkenson, George : son of Walter Jenkenson, minister of Halvergate, Norfolk. School, Cambridge, under Mr Edwai-ds. Age 22. Admitted, April 27, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Wylde. B.A. 1609-10. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1607; priest, Feb. 21, 1608-9, as curate of Tunstall. Succeeded his father as vicar of Halvergate, 1608-18. Barker, Thomas : of Great Dunham, Norfolk : son of Henry Barker, gent. School, Dunham, under Mr Symson. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 17, 1604. Surety, Mr Browne. Scholar, Mich' 1604 to Mich* 1606. A Thomas Barker was curate of Blyford, Sufi'., and rector of Holton, 1620: ordained priest (Oxf.), June 11, 1611. He was sequestered in 1645, and the fifths allowed to his wife. Derehaugh, Francis : of Marks Hall, Essex : son of William Derehaugh, Esq. School, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 26, 1604. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisljorough. (Re- admitted as fellow-commoner, Aug. 16, 1605.) Admitted at the Inner Temple, Feb. 6, 1607-8. Of Gedgrave, Esq. Succeeded his father in 1613. Died Dec. 15, 1015. Will dated Oct. 1, 1615; proved (P. C. C.) 1621. Mentions mother and brothers: his lands in Gedgrave and Burstonhaugh to his brother James, next heir. (J. J. M.) Hoogan, Robert : of East Bradenham, Norfolk : son and heir of Henry Hoogau, Esq. Educated at home under Mr John Chapman, B.A., and at Swaftham, under Mr Kirtleton. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner June 12, 1604. Tutor and surety, Mr Henry Hanmiond, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1609-10: " Robert Hoogan, of Bra- denham." Died July 30, 1612 : the last of this branch of the family (v. Carthew ii. 695). Welch, Lancelot : of the parish of St Michael, Cambridge : son of Ninus Welch. School, Cambridge, under Mr Edwards. Admitted, June 14, 1604, sizar of his surety, Dr Church. Parlett, William : of Downham, Norfolk : son of William Parlett, gent. School, Wisbech, under Mr Howdale. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 25, 1604. Surety, Mr Bachcroft. Probably son of William, p. 64; and brother of Benjamin, 1616. 186 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Pliininie, Tlioiuas : of Ntn-wich : son of Henry Plume, gent. Scliool, Norwicli. Age 17. Admitted to the scliolars' table, July 1, 160i. Surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1G07-8: M.A. 1011. Sehol.ir, L Day 1605 to" Mivh" 1606. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 19, IGll. Hector of Howe, Norf., 1611. Licensed to marry Elizabeth Welche, of Bourne, Cambs.; 1609 (Eli/ mar. lie.). See Matthew, p. 177. Paitridge, Francis : of Tilton, Leicestershire : son of Humphry Partridge. School, Billesdon, under Mr Cade. Age 16. Admitted, July 3, 1604, sizar of his surety, ISIr Welles. B.A. 1607-8. Scholar, L. Day 1606 to Mich'' 1609. Perhaps school- master at Sileby. Clarke, Miles : of Brundall, Norfolk (bapt. July 2-1, 1588) : son of Andrew Clarke. School, Elsing ('Elsen'), under Mr Smith. Age 16. xVduiitted to tlie scholars' table, July 3, 1604. Surety, Mr Browne. Mentioned in the will of his father, dated 1613 : proved (Norw. C. C.) 1613. Morton, William : sou of Thomas Morton, rector of West Lexham, Norfolk. Educated there, under his father and Jlr Synison. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 3, 1604. Surety, ^Ir Henrv Hammond, fellow. B.A. 1607-8. M.A. 1611. Scholar, MichU 604 to' L. Day 1610. Curate of E. Lexham in 1617. Succeeded his father as rector of W. Lexham, July 1630. Married, at E. Lexham, Elizabeth Oflward, :May 5, 1642. He was dispossessed of West Lexham and Rougham about 1654 (Walker ii. 310). Walters, John : of Norwich : son of Daniel Waltei-s, gent. School, Norwich, under j\lr Brigges. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table July 4, 1604. Tutor and surety, Mr Husband. B.A. 1607-8: M.A. 1611. Scholar, L. Day 1605 to Mich' 1611. Ad- mitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 6, 1611, where he seems to have studied for eight years. Died Oct. 22, 1619. " H»c ultima verba dixit et .subito ad superos migravit, — Lord blesse preserve and keep me this night and ever- more, — hsec dixit et obiit." (From an inscription in the church of St Simon and St Jude, Norwich: — Blomelield iv. 356.) Brother of Martin, 1618. Key, John : sou of Edward Key, rector of Earsham, Norfolk. School, Bungay, Suffolk, under Messrs Ward and Smyth. Age 15. Admitted to the scliolai-s' table, July 4, 1604. Surety, Mr Wylde. Rimchinge, Thomas : of Carbrooke, Norfolk : son of Edward Rimchinge, gent. School, Thetford, under Mr Jenkynson. Age 17. Admitted, July 31, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1607-8 : M.A. 1611. Scholar, Mich' 1606 to Mich' 1608. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 24, 1609 ; as curate of N. Buckenham : priest (do.) June 7, 1611 ; as rector of Felthorpe. Will proved (Norw. archd. C) 'clerk, of Felthorpe,' 1662-3. *Iken, James : of the parish of .St Mildred, London : son of Thomas Iken, citizen of London. School, Merchant Taylors', under I\Ir Hapies. Age 16. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 6, 1604. Surety, Mr Parker. B.A. 1607-8: M.A. 1611. Scholar, L. Day 1605' to Mich' 1611. Junior fellow, Mich' 1611 to L. Day 1620. Rhet. prelector, 1611-3: Gr. lecturer, 1613 : Heb. lecturer, 1614-7. Rector of Stifford, Ess., 1619-45. Died 1645. Clarke, Reginald: of Chelmondiston ('Cheston'), Suffolk: son of Reginald Clarke, gent. School, Wissett, under Mr Swallowe. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 11, 1604. Surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1607-8. Scholar, Mich' 1605 to L. Day 1608. Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 14, 1608-9: 'Reynold C. of Bramfield.' He was a ne[)hew of 1604—1(305. 187 Reginald Kabbett, of Brauitield. He married Margaret, daughter of Samuel Cropley. His will was proved (P. C. C.) June 6, 1627 : he is there described as of Colchester (J. J. M.). *Allen, John : of Hartford, Landkey, Devon : son of John Allen, gent. School, Barnstaple, under Mr Butler. Age 20. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sept. 24, 1604. Surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1607-8: M.A. 1611. Scholar, Mich'' 1604 to Mich'' 1611. Junior fellow, Mich' 1611 : Senior fellow, L. Day 1610 to L. Day 1626. He held the offices of Rhet. prelector, 1611: Greek lecturer, 1613-5: dean, 1617: registrar, 1619-26. Doubtless the John Allen, B.A., aged 23, who was ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1607, as curate of Halesworth. He was a nephew of Dr Cowell, master of Trin. Hall. His election to a senior fellowship was a cause of much dispute and was afterwai-ds quoted as a precedent. On Dr Perse 's death, in 1015, the fellows chose Allen to succeed him : the master supported Thomas Cooke, of Norfolk, and claimed his " negative vote" against the fellows. The chancellor, on appeal, decided for Allen, but ordered Cooke's pre-election for the next vacancy. Cooke after- wards showed much animosity. Will proved (V. C. Court, Camb.), Ap. 1, 1626. Leaves legacies of 20' to the poor of St Michael's, of St Mary's, and to the prisoners in the castle. Lidman, Thomas. B.A. 1604-5: M.A. 1608. MiCH'^ 1604— MiCH'^ 1605. Spicer, William : of Clist St George, Devon : son of William Spicer, gent., deceased. Educated first at Winchester, afterwards admitted at New College, Oxford. Age 21. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 30, 1604. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough. Matriculated at New College, Oxford, Oct. 22, 1602. B.C.L., at Cam- bridge (?). Incorporated at Oxford, July, 1615. D.C.L. of Leyden University, Sep. 7, 1616. Admitted at the Middle Temple, 1606. (Foster's Al. Oxon.) Smyth, Thomas : of Elsing, Norfolk : son of William Smyth, minister, by whom he was taught. Age 16. Admitted Oct. 2, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Browne. See John, p. 179. Darcie, Brian : of Berechurch, near Colchester : son of Jolui Daicie, Esq. School, Brentwood, under Mr Grenewoode. Age 15. Admitted, Oct. 10, 1604, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Second son. Probably admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 25, 1605-6, as "Brian Darcie of Essex." Son of John of 1585. His mother was of Berechurch (v. Essex Vis.). Bayes, John : of Coston, Norfolk : son of Robert Bayes, husbandman, mediocris fortuniu. School, Kimberley, under Mr Rosyer. Age 18. Admitted, Nov. 5, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Husband. B.A. 1609-10: M.A. 1613. Schoolmaster at Lopthorpe, 1611 (v. Sandes, 1611). Rector of Tibshelf, 1627; rector of Pleasley, 1027; both Derbs. Rector of Reed, Suff., 1663. Cartwright, John : of St Neot's, Hunts. : son of Peter Cartwright, merchant, deceased. Schools, Lynn and Aylsham. Age 17. Admitted, Jan. 21, 16U4-5, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Stonham. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Maj' 6, 1608 : "John Cartwright, son and heir of Peter of Lj'nn." The father was probably mayor of Lynn, 1591. 188 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. GardiiRT, Jolin : of Badinghiiin, .Sutlblk : sou of "William Gaidinor, gent. School, Stnulbioki', uikUt Mr Clayton. Age 18. AdniitU'd to the scholai-.s' table, Sep. 22, IGOl. .Surety, Mr Duislwrough. ^Matriculated Jan. 28, 1604-5. Scholar, L. L)ay 1605 to L. Day 1608. Perhaps admitted at Gray'.s Inn, May 26, 1609: "John Gardiner of Suffolk, gent." Lawson, Vincent : of Terrington, Norfolk : son of Richard Lawson, gent. School, Wi.sbech, under Mr Howdale. Age 19. Admittetl pensionei' to the bachelor.s' table, Jan 29, 160i-5. Surety, Mr Browne. Cronshay (Cranshaw), John : son of Thomas Cronshay, rector of Hartest, Suflblk. School, Depden, under ]Mr Aldrich. Age 17. Admitted, Jan. 30, 1604-5, sizar of his surety, Mr Duisborough. B.A. 1608-9: 35th out of 53, in the list. M.A. 1612. Scholar Mich' 1605 to Mich^ 1612. Mentioned as eldest son, in his father's will, proved (Norw. C. C.) 1615. Ordained priest (Norw.) June 7, 1612. Curate of Ixworth, Suff., 1617. Rector of Fakenham and Euston, Suff., 1619. Granger, Benjamin : of Depden, Suflblk : son of John Granger, husbandman. School, Depden, under Mr Aldrich. Age 15. Admitted, Jan. 30, 1604-5, sizar of his surety, Mr Duisborough. B.A. 1608-9 : 30th, out of 53, in the list. M.A. 1612. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich^ 1610. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sept. 23, IGIO. Rector of Sonierton, Suff., 1622. Phillips, Oliver : son of Oliver Phillips, rector of Great Bradley, Suflblk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Mosse. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 2, 1604-5. Surety, Mr Duisborough. B.A. 1608-9: 29th, out of 53, in the list. M.A. 1612. Scholar, L. Day 1605 to Mich' 1610. Probably ordained priest (Peterb.) July 23, 1612: vicar of Marhani, Norf., 1615-52 : rector of Fornham All SS., SuS"., 1618. Glover, John : of Ash-Bocking, Suffolk : son of William Glover, gent. School, Sutton, under Mr Ferrer. Age 18. Admitted, Feb. 6, 1604-5, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Hammond. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Oct. 29, 1611. Buried at Ash, April 6, 1625. In his father's will (Archd. Sufl'.) dated Oct. 23, 1628, there is a reference to Anne, daughter of his son John deceased. (J. J. M.) Draper, Henry : of Brondey, Kent : son of Nicholas Draper, gent., deceased. School, Lynn, Norfolk, under Mr Man, and Mr Squyre. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 12, 1604-5. Surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1608-9 : 30th, out of 53, in the list. M.A. 1612. Scholar Mich» 1606 to Mich" 1612. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Feb. 22, 1623-4. Probably rector of AVorlingham, Sufi"., 1624. Married Frances, daughter of Sir Christopher Heydon (v. Norf. Arch. II. 190). Died 1657. Dey, Valentine : of Westley, Suflblk : son of John Dey, LL.D. School, Ely, under Mr Holdred. Age 15. Admitted, March 16, 1604-5, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, ]Mr Naylor. B.A. 1608-9 (43rd, out of 53, in the list): M.xV. 1612. Scholar, Mich" 1605 to L. Day 1611. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sept. 22, 1611. Rector of Homersfield, Sufl'., 1612: of Spexhall, Norf., 1627: and P.O. of St Michael, S. Elmham, 1636; whence he petitions (May 8, 1639) that he had been defrauded of the tithes {Gal. of State Pap.). Author : Sermons on Genesis. Helwys, William : son of Nicholas Helwys, gent. Born in Norwich. At school there, under Mr Stonham. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table April 6, 1605. Surety, Mr Stouhani. B.A. 1609-10. Scholar Mich' 1605 to L. Day 1609. 1604—1605. 189 Cockson, Robert : of Walsoken, Norfolk : son of Alexander Cockson, gent. Scliool, Wisbech, under Mr Howdall. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table April 9, 160.5. Surety, Mr Parker. Ellis, Edward : of Cambridge : son of Edward Ellis, gent. School, Huntingdon, under Mr Brand. Age 16. Admitted to the scholar.s' table April 12, 160-5. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough. B.A. 1608-9: 44th, out of 53, in the list. Scholar L. Day 1605 to Mich' 1609. Perhaps author of: A .sudden and cloudy messenger A warning to awaken all the idle Shepherds in England, otherwise called ministers. 1649. Daynes, John : son of John Daynes, citizen of Lynn. At school there, under Mr Man. Age 17. Admitted April 17, 1605, sizar of his surety, Mr Stonham. B.A. 1608-9 (Emm.) ; M.A. 1612. Migrated to Emmanuel, 1606. Mich" 160-5— Mich'* 1606. Walters, Roger. B.A. 1605-6: M.A. 1609. Tomlinson, Laurence : of Poole, Yorkshire ; son of Francis Tomlinson, mediocris fortuna;. School, Halifax, under Mr Burron. Admitted, Nov. 28, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Parker. B.A. 1608-9 : M.A. 1612. Scholar Mich" 1608 to L. Day 1610. Ordained deacon (Lond.) March 4, 1609, as curate of Harlington, Middx. : priest, March 8, 1611, as curate of Uxbridge. Vicar of Whaddon, Cambs., 1618- 24. Buried there, Aug. 26, 1624. Yardly, Robert : of Weston, Herts. : son of John Yardly, gent., deceased. School, Sandy, Beds., under Mr Andrews. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table May 9, 1605. Surety, Mr Wyld. B.A. 1608-9: M.A. 1612. Scholar L. Day 1605 to L. Day, 1612. Curate of Graveley and Chivesfield, Herts., 1614. Curate of Clothall, 1617. Afterwards rector of Letch worth, Herts., 1622-41. Suspended in 16.35, but restored. The living was sequestered by the Earl of Manchester, about 1646. The lifths were allowed to his wife and children, Sept. 11, 1646. His wife Susan was buried July 30, 1634. (v. Urwick, 588.) Elie, Thomas : of Scarning, Noi'folk : son of Walter Elie, gent., deceased. School, East Dereham, under Mr Alstone. Age 17. Admitted, May 16, 1605, sizar of his surety, Dr Gostlyn. Surety, Mr Henry Hammond, fellow. B.A. 1608-9: 45th, out of 53, in the li.st. Scholar, Mich" 1606 to L. Day 1612. Canhani, Gascon : of Rudham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Canham, husbandman. School, Thetford, under Mr Jenkenson. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' tal)le May 10, 1605. Surety, Mr Duisborough. B.A. 1608-9: 34th, out of 5-3, in the list. M.A. 1612. Scholar L. Day 1606 to Micii= 1612. Eldest son, but disinherited by his father. Vicar of Arlington, Devon, 1613-67; where he is described as "a constant preaching minister" in 1654. Benefactor to the College: he gave the advowson of Bratton Fleming, Devon ; it was granted by deed, March 27, 1667 (Register, E.xeter). Died 1667: M. I. at Arlington. *Gostlyn, Thomas : of Hickling, Norfolk : son of John Gostlyn, gent. School, Yarmouth, under Mr Hodgkyns. Age 18. Admitted, June 12, 160.5, sizar of his surety, Dr Gostlyn. B.A. 160S-9; M.A. 1612. Scholar Mich» 1 605 to Mich" 1612. -Junior 190 r.ONVIIXE AND CAIUS. fellow, Mich' 1613: senior, L. Day 1619 to Mich' 1651. Rhet. prwiector, 1615: salarist, 1621-51: catechist, 1G26-9. University preacher, 1625. Will proved {V. C. Court) Aug. 5, 1651. Leaves £'20 to the college library; small legacies to Mr Dell, the master, and to Dr Eade and Mr Moore, fellows. He had already given the works of Erasmus, A. Kircher, and many other books. Perrie, Thomas : of Waltham, Essex : son of Robert Perrie, gent. School, Newport, under Mr Morden. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table June 26, 1605. Surety, Mr Parker, fellow. B.A. 1608-9. M.A. (Christ's) 1613. A Thomas Perry was sequestered to St Ives, Hunts., and was there in 1648. Large, Robert : of East Le.xham, Norfolk : son of Robert Large, husbandman. School, East Lexham, under I\Ir Symson. Age 13. Admitted, July 2, 1605, sizar of his .surety, Mr Crowe. B.A. 1609-10: M.A 1613. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1614. Curate of Cransford, Sutf., in 1633. Curate of Hoo and Letheringham, Sutf., in 1636; and of Charsetield, 1635, where he took the Covenant with the reservation " quatenus de jure." Sequestered in 1645. (Baker .\lii. 243...) "Retired to an almshouse in Letheringham, with his wife and family, where they were supplied with food from the Abbey" — i.e. to a room, in the almshouses founded bj^ Sir R. Naunton, allotted to a minister. (Add. 19097 ; p. 174.) Cator, Thomas : of Sandy, Beds. : son of John Cator, mediocris fortunie. School, Southill'? (Southwell'), Beds., under Mr Carter. At St Peter's College, three years, under Mr Raymet, tutor. Admitted, June 8, 1605, sizar of his surety, Mr Wylde, chaplain of the college. B.A. 160.5-6 : M.A. 1609. Scholar L. Day 1605 to Mich' 1609. Higham, James : of Abington, Cambs. : son of Robert Higham, mediocris fortunoe. School, Newport, Essex. Age 17. Admitted to the scholai-s' table July 8, 1605. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. Scholar Mich' 1606 to L. Day 1608. Person, Thomas : of Swanton Morley, Norfolk : son of Thomas Person, mediocris fortuna?. School, East Dereham, under Mr Alston. Age 15. Admitted, July 16, 1605, sizar of his surety, Mr Fletcher. Cannope (Connop), ISIichael : son of Nicholas Cannope, rector of Saxmundham, Suffolk. School, Kelsale ('Kelshall '), under Mr Perne. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 24, 1605. Surety, Mr Batcheroft. Admitted scholar at Trin. Hall, March 12, 1607-8. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 30, 1613. Curate of Aldringham cum Thorpe, Sufl'., 1613; reported there in 1629, "he doth sometimes omit to read prayers on the Sabbath days in the afternoon." Buried at Aldringham, Jan. 15, 1642-3. Brother of Henry, p. 148. Whitney, Francis: of Thetford, Norfolk : son of Robert Whitney, gent. Schools, Thetford, Peterborough and Boston. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 12, 1605. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. B.A. 1608-9, 13th, out of 53, in the list: M.A. (Clare) 1612. Scholar, Mich" 1605 to Mich* 1611. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, March 10, 1609-10. 1605—1600. 191 Mich' 1605— Mich' 1606. Drurie, Roger : of Rollesby, Norfolk ; (second) son of Roger Drury, Esq. School, Oby near Rollesbj-, under Mr Graves. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Sep. 30, 1605. Surety, Mr Robert Welles, fellow. Lord of the manors of Eccles and Rollesby, Norf. Iniierited property from his father, in Ru.shmere, Mutford and Brad well. Living in 1618, when he granted a lease of the site of the Blackfriars, Yarmouth, (v. Norf. Arch. III. 387.) Reve, Edmund : of Aylsham, Norfolk : son of Christopher Reve, attorney at law. School, Aylsham, under Mr Eston. Age 16. Admitted, May 18, 1605, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Matriculated Sep. 30, 1605. Surety, Mr Welles. Of Barnard's Inn, and afterwards of Gray's Inn ; and the Inner Temple, 1608. Reader, 1632. Serjeant, 1636. Judge of the Common Plea.s, March 24, 1638-9. Sided with the Parliament: sat alone at Westminster when the king's proclamation to adjourn to Oxford was received. He apprehended the messenger, who was executed as a spy by a Council of War. Died without issue, March 27, 1647. Buried at Long Stratton, Norf.; where there is a large monument erected by his wife Mary. He bought an estate at Stratton, which he left to his brother Augustin, of Bracondale. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf, 1664. See also Foss' Judges. Probably a relation of John Reeve (1621) whom he presented to Stratton. Jeferayes, John : son of William Jeferayes, gent. Born at Shereford, Norfolk. School, Lynn, under Mr Man. Age 18. Admitted pensioner. Surety, Mr Badgcrofte. Previously admitted at Trinity College. B.A. (Cath.) 1607-8. Vicar of Harston, Cambs., 1616-27: of Eyston (? Ingatestone), Ess., 1627 : and of Ramsey, Ess., 1628. Brother of William, p. 181. Sharpe, John : son of John Sharpe, baker : of Bury St Edmunds. School, Bury, under Mr Mosse. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough. B.A. l'609-lO: M.A. 1613. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 20, 1613-4. Curate of Sapiston, Sutf., in 1617. *Quarles, Francis : son of Edmund Quarles, citizen of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Norwich and Monewdon ('Mullington'), under Messrs Brigs and Whitney. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 14, 1606. Suret}^ Mr Browne. B.A. 1609-10: M.A. 1613. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 20, 1613- 14. Junior fellow (sacellanus), L. Day 1614 to L. Day 1616. Vicar of Reydon, 1618-26: and rector of Newton, Suff., 1630-58. Died April 21, 1658 : buried at Newton. Will proved (P. C. C.) Aug. 19, 1658 : leaves houses and lands in Stratford, Suflblk ; and mentions his wife Elizabeth, brother William, " Sword bearer of the city of Norwich," and several children. (J. .J. M.) He edited the works of his friend and predecessor at Newton, Tliomas Wetherall, of the college. For pedigree see Vis. oj Essex, 1612. He belonged to the same family as the poet of these names. 192 GOXVILLE AND CAR'S. Duke, John and Edwaid : sons of Edward Duke, gent. Born at Woilinghaiu, Suffolk. School, Hedenhani, Norfolk, under Mr Selby. Age.s 14 and 13. Admitted, May 7, 1G06, pensioners to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Browne. John Duke was re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, March 11, 1G07-8. B.A. 1608-9: (senior wrangler: the tirst recorded from our college: — hut the proctor was a Caius man). Admitted at the JMiddle Temple, Feb. 8, 1609. Of Worlingham, Esq., and Lord of the manor of Diss. ^Married Parnell, daughter of Sir Thomas Rous, of Henham, knight. He left a daughter, Anne. Monument in Worlingham Church. (J. J. M.) Edward Duke, second son, was buried at Ubbeston, ^Nlay 27, 1625. He received £20 a year by his father's will, 1615. The father had left by will (Norw. C. C. 1615) the bulk of his property, failing issue of his sons and other relations, to Caius College. (J. J. M.) (v. Vis. of Suff.) Pote (Pott), Robert : of Ripon, Yorksliire : son of John Pote, mediocris fortunae. Ripon, under ilr Ashmore. Age 17. Admitted June 3, 1606, sizar of liis surety, Mr Scottowe. B.A. 1610-11 : M.A. 1614. Scholar, L. Day 1607 to Mich* 1610. Athowe, Wingfield and John : of Lynn, Norfolk : sons of Thomas Athowe, gent. School, Lynn under Mr Man. Ages 16 and 14. Admitted fellow-commoners, May 12, 1606. Surety, Mr Thwaytes. Wingfield : eldest son. Of Stanfield, Norf., Esq. Admitted at Graj''s Inn, Feb. 16, 1607-8. Buried at Stantield, Aug. 21, 1657. John. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 16, 1607-8. Called to the bar, 1614 : ancient, 1627. Married Cecily, daughter of Sir J. Lunsford, of Su.s.sex. Lord of the manor of Beechamwell, Norfolk. Died Dec. 17, 1638 (v. Carthew, III. p. 44). Paget, Nathaniel : son of John Paget. Born in Skirpenbeck, Yorkshire. School, Butter Crambe, under Mr Perry. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 13, 1606. Surety, the Master, Dr Legge. B.A. 1609-10 : M.A. 1613. Scholar, Mich^ 1606 to L. Day 1613. Vicar of Melbourne, Cambs., 1617, for a few months. Vicar of Kirby Grindalyth, Yorks., 1617-8 : Rector of Middleham, Y'orks., 1618. *Moore, William: of Gissing, Norfolk (bapt. Nov. 29, 1590): son of William Moore, mediocris fortuna?. School, Moultou, under Mr Machet. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' titble, June 22, 1606. Surety, the Mixster, Dr Lesrge. B.A. 1609-10: M.A. 1613. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1619. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich'' 1613. Junior fellow, Mich^ 1615: senior, Mich* 1621 to July 1647. Greek and Hebrew lecturer for some years. University rhetoric lecturer, 1614. University librarian ("the model libra^ rian" — H. Bradshaw) 1653-9. He was appointed to continue the college Awwh in 1636. Buried at Gt St Mary's, Cambridge, Ap. 18, 1659. Dr Dell would not allow him to be buried "by the liturgy" in Caius College Chapel; where it is said he was the last to read the service before the alteration. But it was afterwards proposed (Gesta, Nov. 14, 1659) to remove his bodj- tliitlier, if possible, and to erect a monument there. "Through his whole life a diligent collector and transcriber of the choicest ]MSS. which he could possibly purchase by love or money : all which he gave to Caius College " (v. Funenif Sermon by Tho" Smith, B.D.). He was not strictly ejectetl from his fellow- ship, but resigned it, July 17, 1647. Baker (x. 241) gives a copy of his resignation, in which he says he makes it " pure sponte simpliciter et absolute." After his retirement he resided in Cambridge. He gave a splendid colli'ctidu of MSS. to the college librarj- (v. catalogue of them 160G. 193 in Del. 4. 36 ; Univ. Lib.). He contributed verses to Winterton's Hippocrates, 1633. Wharton, Charles : son of Henry Wharton. Born in Norwich. At school there under Messrs Bird and Swan. Age 14. Admitted June 24, 1604, sizar of his surety, Mr Stokes. B.A. 1610-1 : M.A. 1614. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1614. Vicar of Runham, Norf., 161.5 to his death in 1626. Miclethwayte, Paul : of Plumstead, Kent : son of Thomas Miclethwaj'te. School, Canterbury, under Mr Raven. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 27, 1606. Surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. 1609-10: M.A. (Sid.) 1613. Incorporated at Oxford, July 11, 1615. D.D. 1628. Fellow of Sidney College. Master of the Temple Church, 1628 ; rector of Hurstmonceaux, Sus.sex, 1637-9; and of Sandy, Beds., 1639, till his death, Aug. 4, 1639. Brotlier of Elias, p. 169. Eveleigh, Richard : of Clist-Hydon, Devon : son of Robert Eveleigh, yeoman. School, Tiverton, under Mr Butler. Age 18. Admitted July 3, 1606, sizar of his surety, Mr Thwaytes. B.A. 1609-10. Incorporated at Oxford, July 11, 1611. M.A. 1613. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich' 1612. Rector of St Peter Tavy, Devon, 1615 : and of Bratton, 1616. Preb. of Exeter, 1616. Cary, John : son of Philip Cary, mediocris fortune (of Huntingfield, Suff.). Born at Bury St Edmunds. At school there, under Mr Mosse. Age 15. Ad- mitted pensioner. Surety, Mr Duisborough. B.A. 1609-10: Scholar, L. Day 1608 to L. Day 1610. Of Huntingfield, Suff., gent. His will was proved (P. C. C.) May 3, 1638. He mentions his (second) wife Mary; son Philip, and others. (J. J. M.) Marsham, John : of Toft, Norfolk : (second) son of Robert Marsham, gent, (of Little Melton). School, Breccles, under Mr Branthoit. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1606. Surety, Mr Scottowe. B.A. 1609-10. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich' 1611. Married Margaret, daughter of C. Hyrne, of Norwich. Nephew of John, of 15G4 : and father of Robert, of 1635. The father seems to have been a relative of Dr Bran- thwaite, the Master (see will of latter). For pedigree, see Vis. of Norf. Riding, Geoffrey: son of Hugh Riding. Born in Cambridge (bapt. at Gt St Mary's, Jan. 15, 1589: 'Godfrey'). At school there, under Mr Roadknight. Age 16. Admitted July 17, 1606, sizar of his surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. 1609-10 : M.A. 1613. Brother of John, p. 162. *Watts, William : of Tibenham, Norfolk: son of William Watts. School, Moulton, under Mr Matchet. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety, Ds Kidman. B.A. 1610-11: M.A. 1614. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1618. D.D. 1639. Chaplain of the college, L. Day 1616 to L. Day 1626. Held the offices of Rhetoric prselector, 1616-7: and Greek lecturer, 1617-8. Afterwards travelled abroad accompanying Sir Albert Morton on a mission to France and elsewhere. On his return became chaplain to Charles I. Vicar of Barwick, Norf., 1624. Rector of St Alban, Wood Street, London, 1625. Prebendary of Wells, 1633. Chaplain to Earl of Arundel, General in the Scotch expedition, 1639. Ejected from his preferment, and forced to flee in 1642, when he became chaplain to Prince Rupert, and was present in most of his battles. Nominated Archdeacon of Wells in 1645, but never obtained possession. Died at Kinsale, when blockaded there with Prince Rupert. A great critic and divine: spoken of by Vossius as "clari-ssi- mus." " Vir erat faceti et vivacis ingenii, sedentariae vita? impatiens" {Annals). c. 13 194 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Author of several works : An English translation of Augustine's Confessions ; Mortification apostolicall (Sermon, 1G37); The Swedish Intelligencer, an account of the campaigns of Gusta^Tis Adolphus. He edited the History of Matthew Paris, of which he gave a copy to the library (1640). There is also an account in the Tanner MSS. (Bod'leian) of a MS. work by him, The Church's Linen Garment, finished in 1646. (v. Walker, n. 72.) Flight, Robert : of Suffield, Norfolk : son of William Flight. School, Nortli Walsham, under Mr Tilles. Age 16. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, Sep. 28, 1606. Surety, ]Mr Browne. B.A. 1609-10 : M.A. 1613. Scholar, Mich' 1606 to L. Day 1610. Rector of Gunton, Norf., 1614-20. MiCH^ 1606— MiCH^ 1607. Rurnapp, John: of Stanstead, Heits. : son of Thomas Burnapp. School, Roydon? ('llaiden'), under Mr Viall. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety, Ds Kidman. B.A. 1609-10: M.A. 161.3. Curate of Bennington, Herts., 1614-29. Rector of Aston, Herts., 1629-53: buried there, Ap. 13, 1653. Signed the petition of Herts, ministers in favour of Pi'esbyterian government, in 1646 (Urwick p. 560). Skarburghe, Henry: of North Walsham, Norfolk (bapt. July 21, 1590): son of Henry Skarburghe, attorney at law. School, North Walsliam, under Jlr Tylles. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 9, 1606. Tutor and surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. Scholar, Mich^ 1608. Died in college; buried at St Jlichael's, Ap. 11, 1609. Son of Henry, p. 112. Brother of Samuel 1610; and John, 1614. Chamberlin, Edmund : son of Leonard ChamberUn, gent., deceased. Born at Swannington, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Skarborough. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 10, 1606. Surety, Mr Thomas Thwayts, fellow. Probably died young. Leonard occurs in the Tis. of Norfolk, but not his son Edmund. Bery, Thomas : of Cambridge : son of IMartin Bery, proctor (' procurator ad legem'). School, Cambridge, under Mr Rodeknight. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' taljle, Nov. 12, 1606. Surety, the INIaster, Dr Legge. Scholar, Mich^ 1606 to L. Day 1610. His father seems to have been formerly fellow of Trinit}' Hall ; and to have drawn up the copy of our statutes sent to Abp Parker in 1574 (Lamb. MS. 720). Page, Nicholas : of Sandwich, Kent : son of Thomas Page, merchant. School, Sandwich, under Mr Knowles. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 15, 1606. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. B.A. 1610-1: M.A. 1614: B.D. 1639. Scholar, Mich» 1606 to Mich' 1613. Rector of Stockton, Norf., 1631-1634. Morse (Mosse), Lionel : of Flempton, Suffolk : son of Philip IMoi-se, gent., deceased. School, Bury St Edmunds, one year, under Mr Dickerson. Age 16. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 18, 1606-7. Tutor, Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 20, 1611. Of Thoi-pe, Norf., gent. Owned lands m Flempton, Lackfoi-d and Hengrave (J. J. M.). 'Lionel Morse, of Flempton, aged 23, married Elizabeth Disborough, at Teversham, Cambs., June 12, 1616.' Will proved (P. C. C.) Jan. 2, 1655-6 : mentions wife Hester, and several children. Probably ' the eminent lawyer of Norwich,' brother of 1606— 1G07. 195 the Jesuit martyr, Henry Morse, executed 1645 ; for wliose reprieve he made great efforts, offering to bind himself in £2000 tliat he should not return (v. Foley i. 593). One of the same names 'of Norfolk,' was admitted at Exeter Coll. Oxford, Feb. 27, 1600-1 : but is described as 17 years of age. Flower, John and Ealph : of Whitwell, Rutlandshire : sons of John Flower, Esq. School, Billesdon, Leicestershire, two years under Mr Cade. Ages 18 and 17. Admitted April 9, 1607, pensioners to the bachelors' table. Surety, Thomas Kidman, B.A., probationer-fellow. John. Previousl}' entered at Gloucester Hall, Oxford, Jan. 17, 1600-1 : aged 9. Of Whitwell, Esq. Married Jane, daughter of Pialph Sheldon, Esq., of Beoley, Worcs., and had issue (v. Vis. of Ruts., 1619; and Vis. of Notts., 1614). Ralph. Probably died young : not mentioned in the Vis. of Riits. aVjove. Norgate, Henry, of Aylsham, Norfolk : son of Henry Norgate, gent. Scliool, Aylsham, under I\Ir Eston, six years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1607. Surety, Mr Thomas Bachcroft, fellow. Golty, Edward : of Aylsham, Norfolk : son of George Golty, gent. School, Aylsham, under Mr Eston, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1607. Surety, Mr Thomas Bachcroft, fellow. B.A. 1610-1 : M.A. 1614. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to L. Day 1613. Rector of Lit. Steeping, Lines., 1618. Whitney, Nicholas: of Walden, Essex (bapt. at Saffron Walden, Feb. 10, 1589) : son of Thomas Whitney, gent., deceased. School, Dalham, Suffolk, under Mr Riding. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the Ijachelors' table. May 10, 1607. Surety, Mr .John Browne, fellow. (Brother of Thomas p. 176; and George, p. 206.) Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Ap. 24, 1610. Hawes, Edward : of London : son of Christopher Hawes, minister. School, West- minster, untlei- Mr Ireland, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 9, 1607. Tutor, Mr John Browne, fellow. Previously admitted at St John's College, June 23, 1606, under Mr Allenson, tutor. Scholar, L. Day 1607 to Mich" 1607. Author, when a boy at West- minster, of T'raijterous Percyes and Caleshyes Prosopopeia, London, 1606: "ex- ceedingly scarce " (Watt). Symonds, Edmund : of North Walsham, Norfolk : son of John Symonds, gent., deceased. School, North Walsham, under Mr Tilles. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 12, 1607. Surety, Christopher Husband. B.A. 1610-1 : M.A. 1614. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich" 1614. Rector of Sloley, Norf., 1625-8. Tilney, Francis : of (East) Tuddenham, Norfolk : son of Francis Tilney, gent. School, Hardingham, under Messrs Gould and Philipps. Age 15. Admitted, June 18, 1607, sizar of his surety, Mr John Browne. B.A. 1610-1 : M.A. 1614. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to L. Day 1613. Or- dained priest (Norw.) Ju. 15, 1617. Vicar of Denham, Suff., 1617. Married Mary, daugliter of Hilary Far, of Hoxne, and had issue. Subscribed £20 for defence of the Parliament, 1642. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) Sep. 28, 1663. (F. G.) Probably brother of Nathaniel, p. 206. Pedigree of Tilney of E. Tuddenham, in Vis. of Norf . Mutley, Thomas : of Debenham, Suffolk : son of Richard ISIutley, minister. Edu- cated at Debenham, under his father. Age 19. Admitted, July 7, 1607, sizar of the Master, Dr Legge. B.A. 1610-1. 13—2 196 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Loft, Itchingham ; of Gillingham St Mary, Norfolk : son of Nicholas Loft, minister (rector of Shipineadow, Suff.). School, Winston, under Mr Raphe. Age 18. Admitted, Sep. 9, 1G07, sizar of liis suretj', Mr Nicholas Saunders, fellow. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 19, 1611. Vicar of Bramtield, Suffolk, 1619 -42. The will of Itchingham Lofts, of Bramfield, clerk, was proved (P. C. C.) 1642 : that of Priscilla Lofts, his widow, (P. C. C.) May 23, 1653. She leaves her whole estate to a grand-child, Itchingham Wright. (J. J. M.) Tayler, Nicholas : of St Albans, Herts. : son of John Tayler, gent. School, St Albans, under Sir Gibson, three years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 25, 1607. Surety and tutor, ]Mr John Browne, fellow. Previously admitted at St John's College, Februar\-, 1605-6, under Mr Bra- thwait (v. p. 170), tutor. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Oct. 25, 1613.) B.A. 1609-10: M.A. 1613. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich* 1608. Or- dained deacon (Lond.) June 4, 1615. Probably vicar of Barnetl)}'-le-Wold, Lmcs., 1617. •Branthwaite, William. Master of the College. Entered at Clare, 1578. B.A. 1582-3 : M.A. (Emm.) 1586 : D.D. 1598. Fellow of Emmanuel, 1594-1607. Appointed Master of Caius by royal mandate, Dec. 9, 1607 : the fellows had elected Dr Gostlin, but owing to some informality this election was set aside. He was a good Hebrew scholar, and was one of the Cambridge connnittee for the revised translation of the Bible. Died, whilst Vice-chancellor, Feb. 15, 1619-20. He was a considerable benefactor; leaving property for the founda^ tion of four scholarships, and very many books to the library. He was the fii-st of eighteen of the family who entered our college. His portrait is in the Master's lodge. For some account of the circumstances of his election, and of his rule in college, see under Masters. (D. N. B.) Roos, Gilbert : of Laxton, Notts. : son of Peter Roos, Esq., deceased. Schools, Laxton, under I\Ir Strutt ; and Eton for a year and a half, under Dr Langley. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 18, 1607-8. Suret}^ the Master, Dr Thomas Legge. (Dr Legge died July, 1607.) Previously admitted as a fellow-commoner, at Emmanuel College, under !Mr Robinson, tutor, April, 1607. Admitted at Gra^s Inn, Feb. 2, 1607-8. Married , daughter of Orrell, of S. Cave. See Vis. of Notts. Williams, William : of Sandwich, Kent : son of Daniel Williams, merchant, deceased. Schools, Sandwich, under Mr Shine, four years ; and Ely, under Mr Holdred, four years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 19, 1607-8. Tutor and suretj', i\Ir John Browne, fellow. Previously admitted at Clare Hall, Jan. 12, 1604-5, under Mr Bing, tutor. B.A. 1608-9: 36th, out of 53, in the list. M.A. 1612: B.D. 1623. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to L. Day 1611. Afterwards a schoolmaster (v. Robert Palmer, 1626), at Launceston, 1621, and at Liskeard, 1624-5. Pettus, Thomas : (second) son of John Pettus, knt., alderman (and mayor) of Norwich. Born there (bapt. St Simon and St Jude, ]\Iay 18, 1591.) School, Acle ('Ocle'), under Mr Stone. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 30, 1607-8. Tutor, Mr John Browne, fellow. (Readmitted, as fellow-commoner, Jan. 5, 1609-10.) Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 29, 1609. Lord of the manor of Chediston, Suff. Married, 1614, Anne, daughter of Calibut Walpole, Esq. Died Oct. 1618: buried at Caistor St Edmund. Pedigree in Vis. of Essex, and Vis. of Norf. (Blomef. iii. 370; iv. 359.) Lawrence, Nathaniel : of St Neot's, Hunts. : son of Edmund Lawrence, gent. Born at Bedford. School, Cambridge, under Mr Rodeknight. Age 18. Admitted, 1607—1608. 197 Feb. 11, 1607-8, .sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr ChrLstoplier Husband, fellow. B.A. 1611-12: M.A. 1615. Probably curate of Pirton, Herts., 1616. Vicar of Gt Staughton, Hunts., 1623. Ayscough, Edward : son of Roger Ayscough, knt. Born at Nuthall, Notts. School, Southwell, under Mr Reynolds. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 10, 1607-8. Tutor and surety, Mr Anthony Duis- borough, fellow. Eldest son and heir. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 11, 1608: called, 1617 : ancient, 1627. Of Hempsall and Nutliall, Esq. Married a daughter of .Sir Francis Roberts, of Willesden, Midd.K. (v. Notts. Vis., 1611 ; and Foster's Misc. Gen.). Brother of William, p. 198. Shoquetu (Shockton, Shoke), Thomas : of Norwich : son of Thomas Shoquetu, deceased : of Frencii e.vtraotion. School, Norwich, under Mr Brigges, live years. Age 18. Admitted, Feb. 12, 1607-8, sizar of his surety, Mr Thomas Thwayts, fellow. B.A. 1611-2 : M.A. 1615. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich» 1613. Huxley, Richard : of the parish of St Sepulchre, London : son of William Huxley, citizen of London. School, Westminster, under Mr Ireland, three years. Age 15. Admitted, Feb. 21, 1607-8, sizar of his surety, William Bran- tliwaite, D.D., master. B.A. 1611-2. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to L. Day 1613. Ordained priest (Roch.) June 19, 1614. Rector of Ashill, Norf., 1621-76. Layer, Augustin : of Norwich (bapt. St Mich. Coslany, Nov. 14, 1591): son of Augustin Layer, deceased. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 1608. Tutor and surety, Mr Chr. Husband, fellow. B.A. 1611-2. Scholar, L. Day 1608 to Mich» 1612. Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Brother of Thomas, p. 180. Jermy, Francis : of Brightwell, Suffolk : son of William Jermy, Esq. Schools, Boxford, under Mr Hogan, two years ; and Southwold, under INIr Claydon, for half a year. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 18, 1608. Tutor and surety, Mr A. Duisborough, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 19, 1609: "son and heir of William, of Worlingworth." Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Dowe, John : son of Robert Dowe, i-ector of Upper Rickinghall, Suffolk. School, Botesdale, under Mr Fowle, .six years. Age 22. Admitted, April 20, 1608, sizar of his surety, Ds Kidman, fellow. Previously admitted at St John's College, Nov. 11, 1606, under Mr Munsey, tutor. Darlie, Thomas : son of Thomas Darlie, rector of Benacre, Suffolk. Born at Beccles. Educated l)y his father. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 26, 1608. Tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Naylor, fellow. B.A. 1611-2: M.A. 1615. Scholar, Mich'^ 1608 to Mich» 1612. Father's will proved (Norw.) 1613. Hall, Thomas : son of Richard Hall, iiusbandman. Born at Brington, Hunts. School, Oundle, Northants., under Mr Spencer, two years. Age 16. Ad- mitted, May 3, 1608, sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Bachcroft, fellow. B.A. 1611-2 : M.A. 1615. Scholar, L. Day 1610 to Mich» 1612. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 26, 1616. Rector of Osmondeston, Norf., 1618-42 : and of Frenze, 1618-42. Will proved (Norw.) 1642. Brother of John, 1618. 198 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Rolfe, Richard: of St Alliaus, Herts.: son of James Kolfe, geiit., 'Juris civilis peritus.' .School, St Albans, under Mr Gibson, five years. Age 17. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Maj^ 20, 1608. Tutor and surety, Mr Jolin Browne, fellow. Scholar, Mich* 1608 to his death. Died in college; Ijuried at St Michael's, Dec. 2, 1609. (v. Herts. Yis., 1631.) Probably son of James, of 1582. Robson, John, M.A.: of Oxford: son of Robert Robson, deceased, formerly rector of Warcop, Westmoreland. Born at Kirby Thore. School, Appleby, seven years, under Mr Reginald Baubrigg (Mr Bainbrigg was of Queen's, Oxford). At Queen's College and St Edmund's Hall, Oxford, three years. Age 28. Admitted fellow-conunoner, May 26, 1608. Surety, Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. Matriculated at Queen's Coll., Oxford, Oct. 13, 1.598. B.A. (from St Edmund's Hall) Feb. 11, 1601-2: M.A. 160.3. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1605. Archdeacon of Northumberland. Rector of Morpeth; 1610: ejected about 1643. Chaplain in ordinarj' to Charles I. Canon of Durham 1628. Married ^largaret, daughter of Dr Cradocke, vicar of Gainford. Buried in Durham Cathedral, April 12, 1645. Elected M.P. for Moi-peth, 1621, but declared unable t- 1617. Ordained priest (Norw.) Mar. 16, 1616-7. Rector of Boughton, Norf., 1617-45. Weatherell, Henry: of Framingham, Norfolk: son of Thomas Weatherell, gent. Educated at Bramerton, under Mr Thornton, three 3'ears. Age 16. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 13, 1610-1. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. Previously admitted at Pembroke Hall in May 1610, under Mr Reade, tutor. B.A. 1613-4 : M.A. 1617. Scholar, Mich^ 1612 to Mich' 1615. Ordained priest (Norw.) Ju. 15, 1616. Rector of Harleston, Sutf., 1617. INIicklethwait, Joseph : of York : son of Elias Jlicklethwait, merchant. School, York, under Mr Bel wood, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. Mar. 22, 1610-1. Tutor, Thomas Weatherell, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1614-5: M.A. 1618. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1618. Scholar, Mich' 1614 to Mich' 1618. Of Swine in Holderness, Esq., J.P. Married Ann, daughter of Percival Levitt, of York. Died Sep. 1658: buried in York Minster. The father was twice Lord Mayor of York, and M.P. (Hunter's aS'. Yorks., II. 353.) Gonevile (Gunnell), Nicholas: of Worstead, Norfolk (bapt. there, Oct. 8, 1592): son of Robert Gon%-ile, mediocris fortunte. School, Norwich, under Mr Brigges, three years. Age 18. Admitted Mar. 27, 1611, sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. B.A. 1614-15: M.A. 1618. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 24, 1615. Curate of S. Repps in 1617. Licensed to pre^ach by the Abp of Cant., 1619. White, John : of Eaton Socon, Beds. : son of John White, clerk (formerly of the college), preacher, from Barnham (' Berneham '), Suffolk. Educated under his father. Age 16. Admitted, April 2, 1611, sizar of his surety, ISIr Thonuvs Weatherell. B.A. 1614-5: M.A. 1618. Vicar of Eaton Socon. Mentioned in his father's will : " I have devoted you to the ministrv, and have spent much to fit j'ou thereto " (v. Gorham's St A'eots, 225). *Micliell, Edmund : son of Robert Michell, citizen and merchant of Norwich. At school there, under I\Iessrs Gammon and Thornton, tliree j-ears. Age 16. Admitted to tlie scholars' table, April 4, 1611. Tutor and surety, John Browne, M.A., fellow. B.A. 1614-5: M.A. 1618: B.D. 1627. Scholar, Mich' 1611 to L. Day 1618. Junior fellow, L. Day 1619: senior, Mich' 1624 to Mids'' 1629. Rhet. prelector, 1619-20: Gr. lecturer, 1621-2. Ordained priest (Norw.), June 16, 1622. Rector of Hethersett, Norf., 1639—47 : Rector of Acle, 1628-45: sequestered on the ground that "either of his livings is a complete maintenance for a minister." (Add. 15669; Dec. 16, 1645.) 1610—1611. 211 Bladwell (Bloclwell), William : of Great Dunham, Norfolk : (eldest) son of Giles Bladwell, Esq., deceased. School, Wymondham, under Mr Eston, two years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 4, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. Of Swannington, Esq., Lord of the manor of Coxford. Married Barbara, daughter of John Pickerell, of Cringleford. Buried at Swannington, Jan. 1642-3 (Blomefield, viii. 444). Brother of Edmond, 1618. Scryvener, Ralph : of Keswick, Norfolk : son of Peter Scryvener, gent., resident at Bacton. School, Noi'th Walsham, two years, under Mr Tylles. Age 17. Admitted, Apiil 8, IGll, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. Inherited lands in Tasburgh,' Norf., from his father, in 1620; was then married. (J. J. M.) Eldest son of Peter, of Bacton (v. Vis. of Norf."). Le Groos, Charles : son and heir of Thomas Le Groos, knt., of Crostwight, Norfolk. Born in Norwich. Schools, Aylsham and Wymondiiam, under Mr Eston, six years. Age 1.5. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 13, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr Christopher Husband, fellow. (Brother of Thomas, 1618.) Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 4, 1614. M.P. for Orford, Suff., 1640. Sheriff of Norf., 1627. Knighted Dec. 6, 1G16. Married Muriel, daughter of Sir Thomas Knevet of Ashwellthorpe, Norf. There is a letter from him to Sir T. Potts {Tanner MSS. Bodl.) promising to contriljute £.50 in plate for the service of the State. He was assessed at £1500 in 1654, by the Com. for Advance of Money. {Cal. of Stale Papers.) Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. Andrews, Samuel : son of Philip Andrews, a Fleming, deceased. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham, two years. Age 15. Admitted to the scliolars' table, April 16, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Nayloi', fellow. B.A. 1614-5: M.A. 1618. Scholar, Mich" 1612 to L. Day 1618. There is an order (June 1, 1647) for the payment of tytlies to Mr Samuel Andrews, "a godly and orthodox divine," sequestered to the vicarage of Heme, Kent. Possibly the same who was rector of Southam, Warw., 16.53-4; and again in 1661 : but see Alumn. Oxon. Sandes, John: of Bennington, Lincolnshire: son of Robert Sandes, gent., of Tumby. School, Lobthorpe, under Mr John Bayes, B.A., two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 2.3, IGll. Tutor and surety, Mr Christopher Husband, fellow. Coates, Peter : of Sewstern, Leicestershire : son of Richard Coates, gent. School, Lobthorpe, under Mr John Bayes, two years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 23, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr Christopher Husband, fellow. B.A. 1614-5. Scholar, Mich' 1613 to Mich= 1615. Rector of Arnold, Notts., 1632. Vicar of S. Wingfield, Derbs., 1646-75. An ardent pre.sby- terian during the Interregnum. Retained his living after 1662. Died Jan. 26, 1675-6. Buried at S. Wingfield; where there was a monument to iiim. There are many references to him in the proceedings of the Wirksworth Classis (v. Derb. Arch. Soc. ii. 135). Derhaugh, Samuel : of Badingham, Suffolk : son of William Derhaugh, gent., deceased. Educated at Cransford, under Mr Bowman, one year. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. Scholar (promus) Mich» 1611 to Mich= 1612. Of Peasenhall, Suff., Esq. Will proved (Norw.) Ap. 24, 1627. He leaves his lands to his brother in law, Francis Noone. Apparently died unmarried (J. J. M.). 14—2 212 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. Nowell, Henry : son of Richard Nowell, clerk, rector of Buckenham Ferry, Noi-folk. School, Norwich, under INIr Thornton, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, ICll. Tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Niiylor, fellow. B.A. 1614-5 : M.A. 1618. Scholar, Micli^ 1612 to L. Day, 1616. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1617. Licensed to preach, 1619. Curate of Plunistead, Norf,, 1628; where lie got into trouble in 1638 for refusal to pay ship- money: "braving the sheriff in a great assembly... uttering contemptuous words against the business, etc.," for which he was summoned to Whitehall {Cal. of State Papers). Proud, Richard : son of Richard Proud, goldsmith, citizen of London, deceased. Born in the parish of St Peter's, Cheap. At school in Cloak Lane, under Mr Renolds, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 21, 1611. Tutor and surety, ISIr John Weatherell, fellow. B.A. 1614-5 : M.A. 1618. Scholar, Mich^ 1611 to Mich' 1618. Ordained priest (Norw.) Mar. 9, 1622-.3. Rector of Thrandeston, Sufl", 1623. Suspended by Bp Wren in 1636. Petitioned parliament for relief in 1640 : "being rector of Thrandeston in 1636 he was unjustly suspended by Dr Corbet, chancellor of tlie diocese, for not reading his ^Majesty's Declaration of Sports, and not observing the directions of Bp Wren " (Tanner INISS. 220). Proposed as minister of the Suffolk classis, 1645. Ejected from Thrandeston, 1662. Armitstead, Thomas : of Stock, Yorkshire : son of Lawrence Armitstead, husbandman. School, Burnsall, under Mr Toppan, four years. Age 17. Admitted, May 31, 1611, sizar of his surety, Mr John Fletcher, fellow. B.A. 1614-5. Baynton, Jerome : son of Jerome Baynton, citizen of London. Born in the parish of St Leonard, East Cheap. School, Huntingdon, under INIr Beard, five j'ears. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 10, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. Jenney, Arthur: of Rendlesham ('olim Eendili mansio '), Suffolk : son and heir of Francis Jenney, Esq., deceased. Schools, Southw-old and Worlingworth, under Messrs Claydon and Barker. Age IS. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 12, 1611. Tutor and surety Mr Anthony Duisborough, fellow. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 21, 1612-3. Heir to his grandfather, Arthur Jenney, of Knoddishall, 1604. Knighted, 1639. Sheriff for Sutf., 1645 ; and for Norf. 1655. ' Had endless po.ssessions in Suffolk, and numerous children, by his four wives ' (J. J. M.). Died March 22, 1667-S: buried at Knoddishall. Will proved (P.C.C.) Ap. 29, 1668. Pedigree in Vis. of Norfolk. White (matriculated, 'Wright'), Henry : of Ipswich, Suftblk : son of John White, mediocris fortunte, deceased. School, Ipswich, under Mr Cotsford. Age 17. Admitted, June 12, 1611, sizar of Mr Anthony Duislmrghe, fellow. B.A. 1614-5 : M.A. 1618 : B.D. 1625. Scholar Mich'"^ 1612 to L. Day 1616 (or else John, p. 210). Ordained priest (Nor.) Sep. 29, 1615. Curate at Ipswich in 1617. Rector of Rougham, Suff., 1636-61. M. I. there. Will proved (Norwich) 1661. Robinson, Roockewood : son of Hugh Robinson, clerk, rector of Bramerton, Norfolk. Schools, Bramerton and Norwich, six years, under Mr Thornton. Age 17. Admitted, June 18, 1611, sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr John Browne. Of Norwich, Esq. Married, and had a son William. Died March 7, 657-8 : buried at Scottow : ]M. I. there. Described as of Norwich, in the ris. of Norf. 1664. Brother of Thomas, p. 199. 1611. 213 Chandler, Robert : of 8urlingham, Norfolk : son of Francis Chandler, mediocris fortunas. Schools, Bramerton and Norwich, under Mr Thornton, five years. Age 17. Admitted, June 18, IGll, sizar of his surety, Mr Henry Hammonde, fellow. B.A. 1614-5. Licensed as schoolmaster at Surlingham, June 16, 1616. Curate there in 1636. Vincent, Clement : son of Thomas Vincent, gent., of Worlingworth, SuH'olk. Born at Honinghani, Norfolk. School, Houthwold, Suffolk, under ]\Ir Claydon, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 23, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr John Browne, fellow. B.A. 1614-5. M.A. 1618. Scholar L. Day 1613 to Mich» 1617. Rector of Danbury, Ess., whence he was sequestered in 1644 : fifths allowed to his wife, Feb. 1644-5. " A great practiser of the late illegal innovations, ...doth encourage sports and playing on the Sabbath day before his own door, ...a common drunkard and swearer,... and hath expressed great malignity against Parliament." (Davids' Essex, p. 379.) Mace, Roger : of the parish of St Botolph, Cambridge (bapt. there, Nov. 24, 1594) : son of Henry Mace, grocer {' aromatarius '). At school, under Mr Rodeknight, six years. Age 16. Admitted, June 27, 1611, sizar of Dr Perse, fellow. B.A. (King's) 1617-8. Rogerson, Thomas : son of John Rogerson, clerk, vicar of Honingham, Norfolk. School, Wymondham, under Mr Eston, one year. Age 15. Admitted, July 3, 1611, sizar of his surety, Mr Thomas Thwayts, fellow. B.A. 1614-5 : M.A. 1618. Scholar Mich» 1614 to Mich' 1615. Rector of Monk Soham, 1631. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 24, 1615. Curate of Norton Subcourse, 1620-62. Sequestered from Monk Soham about 1642. On the petition of his wife, Margaret, the fifths were assigned to her. May 29, 1647. After his expulsion he "lived with a countryman in a very mean cottage upon a heath for some years, and in a very low and miserable condition " (Walker ll. 347). Doubtle-ss brother of Christopher, 1613. Skinner, Robert : of Beeston, Norfolk : son of Edward Skinner, husbandman. School, Tivetshall, under MrCollysson, one year. Age 18. Admitted, July 3, 1611, sizar of his surety, Mr William Crow, fellow. B.A. 161.5-6: M.A. 1619. Ordained priest (Norw.) June 15, 1617. Curate, and schoolmaster, at Mileham in 1617 : chaplain there in 1662. Rector of Lit. Bittering, 1629-65; where he was registrar in 1654. Curate of Longham, Norf., in 1636. Rector of Lit. Bealings, Suff. Chaplain to Charles I. Author: Sermon before the king at Whitehall; 1634. Will proved (Norw. Archd. C.) 1665. Neve, Richard : son of Robert Neve, clerk, rector of Swanton Morley, Norfolk. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Brigges, three years ; and Wymondham, under Mr Eston, six months. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 3, 1611. Tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Naylor, fellow. B.A. 1614-5: M.A. 1618: B.D. 1625. Scholar, Mich" 1612 to Mich" 1618. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1618. Rector of Swanton Morley, 1619-43; and of N. Tuddenham, 1621-62. He bought the advowson of Swanton; and in 1631 presented to Brandon. Buried at Tuddenham, Dec. 10, 1662. Author : Nox et Aurora Britamnca, 1661 ; A sermon on the Restora- tion, (v. Carthew, m. 405.) Brother of Fermiu, 1622. Allde, Jonathan : of the parish of St Giles, Cripplegate : son of Edwarde Allde citizen of London, printer. School, Merchant Taylors', under Mr Heyne, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 3, 1611. Took up his freedom as a stationer, July 1, 1616. Many references to the family in Arber's tStationers' Registers. 214 GONVILLE AND CAIUS. *Kj'nge, Robert : son of Richard KjTij;e, clerk, vicar of Weasenham, Norfolk. School, Ely, under Mr Wigmore, tliree yed to the scholars' table, Alay 2, 1615, Surety, Mr Navlor. B.A. 1618-9: M.A. 1622. Scholar, L. Day 1615 to Mich^ 1622. Vicar of Maiden and Chessington, Surrey, 1625. Sparke, Robert : son of Rol)ert Sparke, husbandman : of Widdington, Essex. School, Newport, under Mr Woode, five ye^ars. Age 16. Admitted, Alay 8, 1615, siziir of his surety, Stephen Perse, M.D. (Re-admitted, to the scholars' table, Oct. 30.) B.A. 1618-9 : M.A. 1622. Scholar, Christ' 1617 to Mich'' 1622. Perhaps rector of Lit. Wenden, Essex, 1628. Vicar of South Bentteet, Es.s., in 1650 ; when he is described as "an able preacher." One of these names, 'of Newington', was author of a sermon in 1679. Kenipe, Robert: of Dilham, Norfolk: (bapt. there, Dec.16,1599), son of Roliert Kempe, husbandman. School, Norwich, under Mr Townley, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. May 19, 1615. Suret}-, Mr Browne. B.A. 1618-9 : M.A. 1623. Scholar, Christ' 1615 to Mich' 1622. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1623. Curate of St George Colgate, Norwich : where in 1629 he, ;vs reported to the bishop, "doth not read the Litany on Sabbath days." Rector of St Peter Hungate, Norwich, 1624. It was from his father that Matthew Stokes Ixjught the lea.ses of Dilham and Honing, for his bene- faction to the college. He Iwught them foi- £350, together with the obligation to support the son whilst at college, and till he obtained preferment. 1615. 229 Uttini;, Jiiliii : of Weston, .Suffolk : son of John Utting, clerk. Schools, Beccles, under Mr West ; and Norwich, under Mr Thorton. Age 19. Admitted May :21, 1615, sizar of his surety, Mr Wace. B.A. 1GI8-9. Ordained priest (Norw.) Mar. 12, 1619-20. Vicar of Gorton, 8uff., 1623. Sequestered in 1612. (See SuckHng, Siijf], l. 313.) Brotlier of Edward, p. 183. Carow, Benjamin : of Ormesby, Norfolk : son of William Carow, minister (v. p. 89). Educated first liy his father, afterwards at Norwicli, under Mr Thortcjn. Age 16. Admitted, May 22, 1615, sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1618-9. Scholar, Mich" 1615 to L. Day 1620. Davie, Christopher : of Norwich : son of Henry Davie, gent. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, June 7, 1615. Surety, Mr Husband. B.A. 1618-9. Second son of Henry of 1580 (v. pp. 107, 220). See Km. o/A'^or/o/L Lucy, William : of Hurstbourne, Hampshire : son of Thomas Lucy, knt. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 12, 1615. Surety, the Master, William Braiithwait, D.D. Previously at Trinity College, Oxford, where he took his B.A. d(!gree. B.A. at Trin. Coll., Oxford, 1615: M.A. (Camb.) 1616: B.D. 1623: University preacher, 1620. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 25, 1611 : where he studied for a time. Ordained deacon (Lontl.) Dec. 21, 1617. Rector of Burghclere, 1619 ; and of Highclere, 1621, till he was sequestered. Chaplain to the Duke of Buckingham. About 1623 he seems to have had a mandate for the next vacancy in the mastership of Trinity. He is said to liave been created D.D. " as Jilius nobilis, with such distaste of the regents tliat they hummed when he came in. They sa.y it was a stolen congregation " (Mead's Letters, Harl. MS. 389) : — the grounds of objection being partly his Arminian views, partly his being o)ily a son of a knight. Married Martha, daughter of William Angell, Esq., Ijy whom he had issue. There is an order ' to seize and secure his estate in Hants,' as a deliiKjuent, Ap. 8, 1651. (Cal. of State Pap.) After the Restoration he was created Bp of St Davifls, 1660. He died Oct. 4, 1677 ; and was buried in the Church of Brecon, where a large monument was erected in memory of him and his wife. Author : Olsservations of notorious errors in Mr Hobbes' Leviathan, 1657 ; of which he gave a copy to our library. Treatise of the nature of a minister, 1670. Apology for the Church of England, 1679. Sheene, Eliezer : of Norwich : son of Francis Sheene, mediocris fortuna». School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham. Age 15. Admitted, June 13, 1615, sizar of his surety, Mr Browne. B.A. 1618-9: M.A. 1622. Ordained priest (Nor.) Sep. 23, 1621. Vicar of Ilketshall St Marg. Sutf., 1631-79 : and also of St Marg. South Elmham, 1631-79. Will proved (Ipswich) 1679. *Lewinge (Lewin), William : of Ringstead, Norfolk : son of Gilbert Lewinge, gent. School, Hardingham, under Mr Tylney, two years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, June 13, 1615. Surety, Mr Browne. (See James, 1620-1.) B.A. 1618-9: M.A. 1622: LL.D. 1632. Scholar, Mich'' 1617 to L.Day 1622: Junior fellow, L. Day, 1623: senior, Mich" 1626 to Mich" 1633. Rhetoric prajlector, 1624 : Hebrew lecturer, 1625-7 : registrar, 1629-30. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1619-20. 'Of Ludham, Norf. ; sworn servant to his majesty. Compounds for delincjuency in going to Oxford, and other garrisons, for the king, tine £19.' Complains that the Connnittee for Norfolk have sequestered Ludham Manor of which he held the lease. He was Aflvocate General to Prince Rupeit, and seems to have Ijceii pi-esent at NaseV)y (CVj7. of (_'uiii. for VdiiipoundiiKj). About 1655 lie was a prisoner at 230 GONVILLE AND CAIl'S COLLEGE. Yannoutb. Tn UiOO lie petitions the king to Ije constituted connnissary to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury : also for restoration to his place as Master of Requests : ' was judge ^Marshall of the late king's northern expedition, and of great use in settling contributions, raising, clothing, and disciplining the troops, &c., for which he was promised a Masterehip of Requests.' (CW. of State Pop.) Bawes, Maurice : of Somerby, Lincohishire : son of JIaurice Bawes, gent. School, Grantham, under Mr AVilkynson, two years. Age It*. Admitted, June 16, 1615, pensioner to the l)aehelors' table. Surety, Mr Gostl^yn. Of SonierV>y, Esq. : father of Maurice Bauds of 164-"). Colonel in the royalist army : killed at Naseby, June 14, 164.5. Married Mary, daughter of Sir Richard C!onny, of Whissendine, Ruts. (See Huts. Vis.) Greenhill, William : of Harrow on the Hill : son of John Greenhill, husbandman. School, Harlington, Middlesex, inider ]SIr Durant. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 26, 1615. Surety, Mr Jjowde. B.A. 1618-9. M.A. 1622. Scholar Mids' 1617 to Mich' 1622. Perhaps vicar of Brixworth. Northants, 1621 ; and rector of Peakirk, Northants, 1637. Not the Puritan, the rector of Oakley, Suffolk. Joanes, John : of the parish of St Giles, Cripplegate, Ix)n(lon : son of AYilliam Joanes, printer. School, Harlington, INIiddlesex, under Mr Durant, two years. Age 17. Admitted, July 4, 1615, sizar of I\Ir Lowde. B.A. 1618-9 : M.A. 1622. A John Jones was rector of St Nicholas Aeon, Lerdasher, of LKindon (P. C. C. Sep. 13, 1640), says "if I should l>c taken by anie enemy, by the Turks or anie other Pyratts,...my estate in money and wines and good debts, if I die, to my brother Edwaifl, minister of Bramford : ''—he was then bound for the Canary Islands. Edward seems to have been dead when his father's will was made, in 1657. (J. J. M.) Signed the petition in favour of Pi-esbyterianism, in 1646. 1615—1616. 231 Mich" 1615— Mich^ 1616. Kendall, Riciiard : of Buckeiiliani, Norfolk : son of John Kt^ndall, merchant. School, Moulton, seven years, under Mr Matciiett. Age 10. Admitted pensioner, Oct. 12, 1615. Surety, Mr Kydnian. B.A. 1018-9 : M.A. 1622. Scholar, L. Day 1016 to Micli» 1622. Rector of Santon and Downham, Norf. and Surt"., 1035 : sequestered Aug. 10, 1014, " value of Santon £35 ; stipend for Downham not known ; some temporal estate" (Baker xlii). Died 1688-9. Joanes, William : of Bergholt, Suffolk : son of William Joanes, D.D. School, Bergholt, two 3'ears under Mr Owles. Age 10. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 12, 1615. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1618-9: M.A. 1622. Scholar, Mich" 1615 to Mids'' 1621. Junior fellow, Mids'^ 1621 to Mich" 1625. Ordained priest (Llandafl) Nov. 19, 1621. Married a daughter of John Bragg, of Stratford, gent. Succeeded his father as rector of Bergholt and Brantham, 1631; and also held other preferment in the county. " He hath three cures ; Ashen, Bardfield, and Brantham, Suffolk. Hath been non-resident from Ashen six or se^en years, and hatli employed malignant curates... Hath published the Book for Liberty on the Lord's Day. His benefice is worth £80." (Add. MS. 15072.) Sequestered about 1641. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1661 : "of Brantham." (J. J. M.) Barnes, Edmund : of Taverhani, Norfolk : son of William Barnes, husl)andman. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham, one year. Age 19. Admitted, Nov. 14, 1615, sizar of his surety, Mr James Iken. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1623. Ordained priest (Peterb.) June 11, 1620. Rector of a mediety of Pakefield, Suff., 1623. Payne, Mahaleel : of Sandwich, Kent : son of Edmund Payne, draper (' pannarius'). School, Sandwich, under Mr Chalton, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 7, 1615. Tutor and surety, Mr James Iken, fellow. B.A. 1020-21. Scholar, Mich" 1015 to Mich" 1021. Sherarde, William : son of William Slierarde, knt. Born at Stoke, Rutlandshire. School, Oakham, two years, under Mr Wallis. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 27, 1615-6. Surety, Mr Thomas Weatherell, fellow. Eldest son. His mother was a Digby of Stoke, Ruts. See Pedigree of Sherard of Stapleford, in Vis. of Leics. Nei)hew of Simon, of 1572. Turpine, John: son of Richard Turpine, Esq. : of Friskney ('Thrisney '), Lincoln- shire. School, Ketton (' Kitton'), Rutlandshire ; under Mr Little, Hve years. Age 21. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 29, 1615-6. Surety, Mr Kidman, fellow. Pre^•iously, for four years, a student at Trinity College, under Mr Ashton. Browne, James : of Great Melton, Norfolk : son of Thomas Browne, clerk. School, Melton, under Mr Shephard, two years. Age 19. Admitted, Feb. 26, 1615-6, sizar of his surety, Mr Hein-y Hanumd. B.A. 1619-20. Scholar, Mich" 1017 to Mich" 1624. Pawle, John : of South IMoulton, Devon : son of Henry Pawle, gent. School, Landkey, under Mr Downe, ten years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Mar. 16, 1615-6. Tutor and surety, Mr Allen. Pacy, Humfrey : of Landkey, Devon : son of Humfrey Pacy, gent. School, Barnstaple, four years. Age 16. Admitted, March 16, 1015-6, sizar of Mr John Allen. 232 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COIXKGE. Leveniiore, William: of Exi'ter : son of John Levennure, merchant. School, Exeter, under Mr Perriman, six years. Age 21. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 30, 1616. Tutor and surety, Mr Allen, fellow. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1G23. Incorporated at Oxford, July 23, 1624. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to Mich' 1622. Rector of Siherton, Devon: and vicar of Topsham. Afterwards sequestered, (v. Walker, ll. 293.) *Rose, Henry : of Sedgeford, Norfolk : son of Robert Rose, gent. Schools, Sedge- ford and Lynn, six years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 6, 1616. Surety, Mr Weatherell, fellow. B.A.16iy-20: ]\1.A. 1623. Scholar, Mich" 1618 to MichM 623. Juniorfellow (chaplain) L. Day 1626 to Mids' 1628. Greek lecturer, 1626. Probably ordained priest (Peterb.) May 8, 1626. Rector of lUington, Norf., 1626-43. Rector of the mediety of Denver, 1627. Died 1643. (There was another man of the same names at St John's, about the same time.) Pooly, Robert : son of Christopher Pooly, rector of Sedgeford, Norfolk. Educated at lionie, seven years. Age 17. Admitted, April 6, 1616, sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr Thomas Weatiierell. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1623. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 17, 1621-2. Of Garboldisham, Norf., Ap. 1, 1641 ; and afterwards of Stow Bedon, clerk. Rector of Beetley, Norf., 1645-65. Curate of Aspall in 1636. Died Oct. 22, 1665. M. I. at Beetley, to him and his wife Elizabeth. (F. G.) Brother of Christopher, of 1628. Rolfe, Thomas ; son of John Rolfe, gent., of Sherringham, Norfolk. School, Aylsham, under Messrs Knowles and Eston, seven years. Age 17. Admitted, April 7, 1616, sizar of his tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Nay lor, fellow. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1623. Scholar, Mich» 1617 to Mich" 1623. Ordained jiriest (Peterb.) March 1, 1628-9. Curate of Wickmere in 1633. Rector of Bradfield, Norf., 1636-60; probably. Munden, Henry ; of Poorstock, Dorsetshire : son of Henry Munden, gent. School, Dorchester, under Mr Cheeke, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted, April 20, 1616, sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1619-20. Scholar, L. Day 1620 to Mich" 1622. Ordained deacon (Salisb.) Dec. 21, 1622. Rector of Hook, Dors., 1642. Brandon, Thomas: of Wycombe (' W^ickham magna'), Bucks.: son of Thomas Brandon, gent. School, Windsor, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 2, 1616. Tutor, Mr Thomas Weatherell, fellow. Perhaps the same who was afterwards a student at Padua, and whose arms appear with those of some other students, in the University, (v. N. and Q. Sep. 15. 1895.) A Thomas Brandon was curate of Therfield, Herts, 1624. Freeman, John : of Wendling, ' Windell,' Norfolk : son of John Freeman, gent. School, Norwich, under Mr Townely, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' taljle. May 7, 1616. Tutor and surety, Mr Ralph Lowd, fellow. B.A. 1619-20 : M.A. 1629. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1623. Curate of Thorington, SufF., in 1633. AVill provetl (Norw. Archd. Court) between 1653-60. Clarke, John : of Wrestling worth, Beds. : son of John Clarke, gent. School, Sutton, under Mr Bedford, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 8, 1616. Surety, Mr Randolph. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1623. Scholar, L. Day, 1616 to Mich" 1623. Style, John : of Bungay, Suffolk : son of Anthony Style, proctor, ' procurator in foro ecclesiastico'. School, Norwich, under Mr Stoneham, foui' years. Age 13. 1616. 233 Admitted to the scholars' table, JNIay 12, 1016. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylor, fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1617 to L. Day 1620. Inherited from his father, hy his will, proved (P. G. (J.) Oct. 16, 1619, the advowsons of Rockland St Peter and Stow Bedon, and £120 in money. He was second son. (J. J. M.) White, Tlieophilus : of Hadham, Herts. : son of Henry White, rector. Scliool, Sandwicli, Kent, under Mr Chalfont, three years. Age 17. Admitted, May 24, 1616, sizar of his tutor and .surety, Mr Oliver Naylor. Previously admitted at Clare Hall, Feb. 22, 161 1-5. B.A. 1618-9. Scholar, L. Day 1616 to Mich« 1620. Ordained deacon (Lend.) Sep. 24, 1620. Curate of Minster, Kent. "Several articles of mis- demeanour" were presented against him to the Pari. Committee, March 6, 1644-0 : he "had thereupon left the parish." (Add. 1.5669.) Alardi, Alardus (matriculated as " Allardus Allatson") : a native of Nijmegen ('Neomagus'), Guelderland : son of Alardus Alardi, tainier. At school in Nijmegen, under Mr James Verheyda, si.x years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 27, 1616. Tutor and surety, Mr Oliver Naylor. Mandeville, John a : son of Michael a Mandeville, M.D., of the republic of Nijmegen, Born in Lceuward, Friesland. At school in Nijmegen, under Mr James Verheyda, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 27, 1616, under Mr Oliver Naylor. B.A. 1619-20. Castleton, Martin : of Wyinondham, Norfolk : son of John Castleton, attorney at law. Scliool, Wymondham, under Messrs Ilston and Firmory, seven j'ears. Age 17. Admitted, May 29, 1616, sizar of liis surety, Mr Oliver Naylor. B.A. 1619-20. Scholar, Mich'' 1G17 to L. Day 1620. Ordain.Ml priest (Norw.) Dec. 17, 1620. Vicar of Hickling, 16.50: — signs Bp Hall's subscrip- tion book, Oct. 26, 1650. Brother of Henry, of 1604. Parlett, Edmunil : son of Francis Parlett, gent. Bora in Stradset, Norfolk. School, Ely, under Mr Wigmore, four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 4, 1616. Surety, Mr Thomas Weatherell. B.A. 1619-20 : M.A. 1623. Scholar, Mich'' 1619 to Midi" 1623. Vicar of Brox- bourne, Herts, 1640 : ejected 1643, for refusing to admit the lecturer elected by the parishioners. " He locks the church, and keeps the keys, and says he will not let Evans preach without a direct order from the house" (v. Urwick's Herts: p. 494). Afterwards reinstated. Signs as vicar, Aug. 1662. Probably brother of Francis, of 1598, and son of Francis, p. 62. Yonge, John : son of Henry Yonge, Esq. Born at Appletreewick, Yorkshire. School, Ciiggleswick, under Mr Shute. Age 22. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 9, 1616. Surety, Mr Loud. Davy, John: of Kenninghall (bapt. there. May 8, 1601), Norfolk: son of John Davy, gent. School, Roydon, under Mr Hall, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 19, 1616. Tutor and surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1619-20 : M.A. 1623. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to Mich» 1620. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 22, 1622. Vicar of Kenninghall, 1634: sequestered 1645. Married Mar^-, daughter of Robert Foyster, of Kenninghall ; who was allowed the fifths, Sep. 18, 1645. Buried there, July 12, 1684. (F. G.) Horner, Rol)ert: son of John Horner, rector of Roydon, Norfolk. At school, under Mr Hall. Age 16. Admitted, June 19, 1616, sizar of Mr Bachchroft, fellow. B.A. 1619-20 : M.A. 1623. Scholar, L. Day, 1619 to Mich" 1623. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1625. Succeeded his father as rector of Roydon in 1625. Died July 7, 1675. M. 1. at Roydon. 234 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Di'lnic}', Joliii : son iif Hubert DcO)ney, aldcniiau of Norwich. At a private scliool there, under JNIr Towiiley. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 24, 1616. Surety, INIr Ralpii Lowd, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 10, 161^. Windham, Henry : of Stokesby, Norfolk : (second) son of Thomas AMndham, Esq. (bapt. at Stokesby, Dec. 10, 1598). Schixd, Tittleshall, umder Jlr Linge. Age 17. Admitted, July 2, 1616, pensioner to the bachelors' t^ible. Tutor anfl surety, Mr Weatherell. Died young. Will dated April 6, proved (Norw. C. C.) Ap. 10, 1622: 'of the City of Norwich, gent.' Omitted in tlie pedigree in the Vis. of 166-t. Booty, Thomas : of JNIattishall, Norfolk : son of Peter Boot)', mediocris fortume. .School, Reymerstone under Mr Chapman. Age 15. Admitted, July 2, 1616, sizar of his suret)', Mr Watts. B.A. 1619-20. Scholar, Mich" 1619 to ]Mich» 1623. Catesby, Robert: admitted, Julj' 3, 1616, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Tutor and surety, Mr Wake, fellow. Armestead, William : of Gisburn, Yorkshire : son of William Armestead, vicar of Chipping, Ijancaster. At scliool, under Mr Tenant. Age 22. Admitted, Aug. 10, 1616, sizar of his surety, Mr Thomas Cooke, fellow. One of these names was vicar of Lytham, Lanes., during the Common- wealth. Certified July 15, 1654, as "ijualitied to preacli the Gospel, and fit to recei\'e augmentation' {Roy. Comp. Papers). Hollman (Halman), Nicholas : of Great Walsingham, Norfolk : son of Thomas Hollnian, husbandman. Schools, Walsingham, under Mr Bucke ; and Norwich, under Mr Stoneham. Admitted to the schohirs' table, July 9, 1616. Tutor and surety, Mr James Iken, fellow. B.A. 1619-20: M.A. 1(123. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 17, 1620. Incumbent of Thompson, Norf., 1622-33. Rector of Thursford, 1626. Vicar of Barney, 1633-61. Appointed registrar for Barney, Sep. 24, 1653. Died 1661. Barrow, Isaac : (eldest) son of Isaac Barrow, gent. Of Hertfordshire. Born at Edmonton. School, South Creake, Norfolk, under Mr Sturges, seven years. Age 18. Admitted, May 18, 1616, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Tutor and surety, jNIr Ralph Lowd, fellow. Formerly admitted at Trinity College, June 11, 1615, under Mr Fletcher, tutor. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, 1618: "of County Cambs." Of Burwell and Wicken, Cambs. Half-brotiier of the bishop of St Asaph. ( Vis. of Canihs., 1619.) J. P. for Cambs.: in which capacity lie was considered negligent in suppressing disturbances against the drainage of the fens, June 1638. {Cal. of State Papers.) Thomson, Henry: of Smallburgh, Norfolk (l)apt. March 9, 1599-1600): son of John Thompson, mediocris fortuna>.. School, N. Walsliam, under Mr Tills five yejirs. Age 16. Admitted, Sep. 9, 1616, sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1625-6 (f): M.A. 1629. Onlained priest (Norw.) March 27, 1621. Vicar of Attlebridge, Norf., 1625-70. Rector of Alderford, 1640: rector of S]iarh.un. Perhaps vicar of St JIartin's, Coslan}-, Norwich : died July 1777 (Blomef. IV. 482). 1616—1617. 235 Mich" 1616— Mich'' 1617. Rogers, John : of the city of York : son of Thomas Rogers, attorney at law. School, York, under Messrs Behvood and Nesbitt, seven years. Age 15. Admitted to tiie scholars' table, Oct. 16, 161G. Surety, Mr Weatherell. 1. B.A. (Clare) 1G20-I : M.A. 1624. One of these names was afterwards at Dedham, Essex : an independent minister, and Fifth Monarchy man. Tidd, Richard : of Lynn, Norfolk : son of John Tidd, mediocris fortunsc. .School, Lynn, under Mr Armitage, two years. Age 16. Admitted, Feb. 20, 1616-7, sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624. Curtis, Richard : of Lynn, Norfolk : son of Richard Curtis, ' medicus ' (of Ellingham, Norf., in 1636 : licensed by the Bp to practise surgery). School, Lyini, under Mr Armitage, two years. Age 16. Admitted to tlie scholars' table, Feb. 23, 1616-7. Surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624. M.D. 1632. Abbot, Thomas : of Kirtling, Cambs. : son of Giles Abbot, pleader (causidicus '). School, Ely, under Mr Wigmore, three years. Age 16. xVdmitted, March 5, 1616-7, sizar of Mr Kidman. B.A. 1620-1. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to L. Day, 1624. "Mulctatus est xl'' propter grave vulnus illatum Gul. Orebby cum cultello promptuarii," (Gcata : Aug. 2, 1621): a student's quarrel in the buttery, apparently. Ordained priest (Peterb.) Sep. 22, 1623. Curate of E. Harling, Norf., in 1629. Probably rector of Hepwoith, Siitt'., during the sequestration of 11. Shepperd : described as "minister of God's Word" in a will attested there Jan. 1644 (Tymm's Jlttry WiUs). Mentioned in his father's will, proved (Archd. Sudb.) 163S. (J. J. M.) Lucas, Alexander : of Ramsey, Essex : son of John Lucas, gent. Schools, Ramsey, under Mr Butlei-, three years ; and Ipswich, under Mr Eston, six months. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 6, 1616-7. Surety, Mr Lowde. Of Roydon Hall, Ramsey, Esq.: succeeded his father there in 1619. (v. Vis. of Ess. 1612, 1634.) Wallis, Robert : of Lynn, Norfolk : son of John Wallis, merchant. School, Lynn, under Mr Armitage, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 12, 1616-7. Surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to Mich" 1624. Probably rector of St Peter's, Denver, 1626-7 : and vicar of Harston, Cambs., 1626-86. Married, at Harston, Ap. 29, 1632, Lydia Chapman. Buried there, Feb. 14, 1686. Church, Thomas : son of Richard Church, clerk, of Whinburgh, Norfolk. School, Reymerstone, under Mr Chapman, two years. Age 15. Admitted, April 9, 1617 sizar of his surety, Mr Moore. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, June 13, 1620. Stonham, Nicholas : of Norwich : son of IMatthew Stonham, minister (formerly of the college: p. 132). Educated under his father, for si.x years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 28, 1617. Surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. 1620-1. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to Mich" 1619. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 17, 1621-2. Rector of St Marg., Norw., 1623-38 ; where he is reported to the bishop in 1629 "for not catechizing the youth of the parish, and not reading prayers on Wednesdays and Fridays." Rector of Eyke, Suff., 1638: sequestered in 1644; described as " having X5 temporal estate, wife, and one child" (Baker, .xlii., 243). Brother of Matthew, 1624. 23C GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Broukc, James : of Norwich ; .son of AVilliam ]^>rooke, merchant. School, Norwich, under ISIr Stonham, clerk, about four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 28, KilT. Surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. l(;-20-l : U.A. Ili24 : B.D. 1631. Scholar, L. Day 1619 to Mich' 1624. Junior fellow, Mich'^ 1624 to Mids"" 1628. Kliet. prwlector, 1625. Proljahly vicar of Fen Stanton, Hunts, 1630: rector of Molesworth, 1635; and of Ripton, 1639. DickaiLson, Philip : of Norwich (bapt. at St Pet. :SIancroft, Mar. 16, 1603-4) : son of Thomas Dickanson, merchant. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham, minister, about four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' t^ible, April '2S, 1617. Sui-ety, jNlr Naylor. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624. Scholar, Mich" 1617 to Mich^ 1624. Jerniey, William : of Marlingford, Norfolk : son of Clement Jermey, gent. School, Norwuch, under Mr Stonham, three years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, April 28, 1617. Surety, jNlr Lowde. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624 : Incorporated at Oxford, July 15, 1628. Scholar, Mich* 1617 to Mich'' 1624. Buried at Marlingford, Aug. 11, 1628. Pedigree in Vig. of Xurj'olk. Brother of Robert, of 1631. Jenkinson, William : son of William Jenkinson, minister, of Thetford, Norfolk (master of the Grammar School). Educated there, under his fatlier, seven years. Age 16. Admitted, May 1, 1617, sizar of his suretv, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1624. Scholar, L. Day 1618 to L. Day 1624. Ordained priest (Noiw.) Sep. 21, 1623. Succeeded his father as vicar of Croxton, Norf., 1632-75. Thorowgood, Jloi'dast (Mordaunt) : son of AVilliam Thorowgood, minister, of Griniston, Norfolk. Schools, Creake, under ]SIr Sturges, one year ; and Lynn, under Mr Armitage, half a year. Age 16. Admitted, June 13, 1617, sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. Killed (1625) at the siege of Breda. {Via. of Lvmloti, 1663.) AVitheridge, Roger: of Fremington, Devon: son of William Witlieridge, husband- man. Schools, Barnstaple, under j\Ir Willson, five years ; and Fremingham (sic), under ^Ir Lee, two yel-2 : M.A. 1025. Scholar (obsonator), L. Day 1019 to Mich» 1G25. Perhaps vicar of Newnham, Herts., till 1042; when he died. *Eluin, Thomas : of Hevingham Park, near Norwich : son of Simon Eluin, attorney at law. Schools ; St Edward's Church, Cambridge, and the King's School, King's College ('in seliola regia Collegii regalis'), under Mr Leveringe, four years. Age 15. Aflmitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 24, 1617—8. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1620-1 : M.A. 1025. Scholar, L. Day, 1618 to Mich" 1622. Junior fellow (Perse), Mich'" l(i22 to L. Day, 1028. He was a relative of Dr Perse, who desired in his will that Eluin should be elected on his foundations, as scholar and fellow. Bui'linghani, Thomas : of Thornage, Norfolk : son of Christopher Burlingliam, minister (formerly of the college ; p. 98). School, Holt, under Mr Tallis, seven years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, IMaich 17, 1017-8. Surety, Mr Lowde. Of Briningham, gent. JNlairied Dorothy, daughter of Francis Shuldham, Esq., of Croxton. Buried Dee. 24, 1673. (Pedigree in Vis. of 1004.) Baron, Edward. Matriculated pensioner, March 28, 1618. *Bladwell, Edniond : of Lexham, Norfolk : son of Giles Bladwell, gent. Schools, Booton, under Mr Griffiths, four years ; and Norwich, under Mr Stonham, one year. Age 10. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 31, 1018. Surety, Mr Allen. B.A. 1021-2: M.A. 1625. Scholar, Mich* 1618 to Mich" 1025. Junior fellow, Mich» 1626 to L. Day 1049. Greek lecturer, 1028: dean, 1033. Probal)ly secjuestered from his fellowship, as a delinquent : he was informed against with others, as " having contributed moneys to the late war against Parliament," Dec. 14, 1648. Brother of William, of 1611. Coopei', John : of Hinghaui, Norfolk : son of Thomas Cooper, grocer. School, Hardinghani, under Mr Tilney, four j'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 18, 1617-8. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1621-2: M.A. 1025. Scholar, Mich" 1618 to Miehs' 1025. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1025. Vicai- of iNletliwold, Norf., 1044-73. Perhaps the same who was curate of Wicklewood, in 1620 ; and vicar of Wickham- brook, Sufi", from about 1657, signing the bishop's Iwok, Oct. 6, 1602. Signefl the petition in favour of Presbyterianism, 1046. Aldwin, Thomas : of llickmansworth, Herts. : son of (Jharles Aldwin, mediocris f()rtuna\ Schools, Sarratt, under Mr Coxshout, two years ; and Watford, under Mr Burgesse, one year. Age 15. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Weatherell. B.A. 1621-2: M.A. 1625. Scholar, Christ" 1018 to Mich" 1625. Thwaytes, Lionel : admitted pensioner. Died soon after. Buried Aug. 4, 1618. He was a son of Richard Thwaytes, Esq. of Hardingliam, Norf. (v. p. 92.) Pedigree in Via. of Xorfulk. KilS. 239 *Fitling, Edward : of Hinghani, Noi'folk : son of John Fitling, liusl)andman. School, lleymeistone, iiiidei- Mr Chapman, one year. Age, over fifteen. A(hnitteil to the scholars' table, April 11, 1618. Surety, Mr Kidman. B.A. 1621-2 : M.A. 162.5. Incorporated at O.xford, July 10, 1627. Scholar, L. Day 1620 to Mich" 162.3. Junior fellow (chaplain) Mids'' 1628 to L. Day 1642: vacated by marriage. Greek lecturer, 1631. Ordained prie.st (Peterb.) July 16, 1628. Presented by the University to Stainton, Lines., May 1636: and by the college to Mattishall, Norf., 1641. Rector of E. Lexham, Norf., 1649 : subscribes Bp Hall's hook, Jan. 30, 1649-50. Rector of W. Le.xham, 1661. Buried at E. Lexham, Aug. 26, 1671. Pleasance, Thomas : of Croxton, Norfolk : son of William Pleasance, gent. School, Thetford, under Mr Jenkinson, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 20, 1618. Surety, Mr Allen. Son and heir of William, of Tuddenham, Sutf. Probably died young : not mentioned in the will of his father, 1640. (J. J. M.) Richards, William : son of Richard Richai'ds, minister : of Combmartin, Devon. School, Westminster, under Mr Willson, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' talile, May 4, 1618. Surety, Mr Allen. Scholar, L. Day 1619 to L. Day 1620. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 20, 1620. See Nathaniel, of 1628-9. Walters, Martin : of Barton, Norfolk : son of Daniel Walters, gent. School, North Walshani, six years, under Mr Tilles. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, 1618. Surety, Mr Allen. B.A. 1621-2 : M.A. 162.5. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1627. Scholar, Mich" 1618 to Mich" 1625. See John, of 1604. Carr, Robert : son of Alan Carr, husbandman : of Closehouse, Giggleswick, York- shire. At school there, under Mr Shute, three years. Age 17. Admitted, May 2, 1618, sizar of his surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1621-2: M.A. 1625. Probably vicar of Middleton Tyas, Yorks., 1G28. Presented by the University to Bywell, Northumb., 1637. One of the same names, jNI.A. was chaplain to the Earl of Warwick, and vicar of Braintree, 1662-76: he obtained a dispensation to hold the living of Chiltington, Suss. : his father was Alan Carr, clerk. (Cant. Act lik.) Woolsey (matriculated Wallsey), Thomas : of North Repps, Norfolk : .^on of John Woolsey, husbandman. School, Aylsham, under Mr Knowles, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 9, 1618. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1621-2: M.A. 1625. Scholar. Christ" 1619 to Mich" 1625. Rector of Panxworth, Norf., 1628: of Hassingliam, 1630: and of Wolterton, 1638. Terrey (matriculated Terrill), Stephen : of London : son of John Terrey, goldsmith. Schools, Saham Tony, Norfolk, under Mr Southis, four years ; and Hardingham, under Mr Tylnej', a year and a half. Age, over fifteen. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 4, 1618. Surety, Mi- Lowde. B.A. 1621-2 : M.A. 1625. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1628. Scholar, Mich" 1618 to Mich" 1625. Pedigree in Loud. Vis. 1634 ; it is signed by the father, but Stephen's name is not mentioned. Vicarj', Ludovic : of Braunton, Devon (bapt. Mar. 9, 1599-1600); son of John Vicary, minister. School, Torrington, under Mr Salisbury, six years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 19, 1618. Surety, Mr Allen. B.A. 1620-1. Scholar, L. Day 1620 to Mich" 1621. Ordained deacon (Exeter) Sep. 21, 1623. Rector of Atherington, Dev., 1625. He was presented to Landkej', Devon, Jan. 14, 1658-9, by the Trustees for Maintenance of 240 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Ministoi-s (f.amb. 968, p. 141). Alxtut 1650 he was still at Atlierington, where he is described as "a preaching minister" {Lansd. 459). His son Lewis was instituted in 1662. Wotten, Edward : of East Tuddenham, Norfolk : son of William Wotten, geut. School, East Tuddenham, under Mr Breden, two yeare. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 1, 1618. Suretj-, Mr Cruso. Shene, Christopher : of Gressenhall, Norfolk : son of Christopher Shene, mediocris fortunse. School, Little Fransham, under ilr 8hene, four years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' ta.ble, July -, 1618. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1620-1: M.A. 1625. Oi'-dained priest (Norw.) Mar. 17, 1621-2. Rector of Cockley Cley, 1626. Married ilary, daughter of Luke Skippon (father of the Parliamentary general) bv whom he had issue. Will proved Feb. 27, 1682-3. (Carthevv" in. 94.) Brother of Edward, p. 168. Batch, Henry : of Scarning, Norfolk : son of John Batch, liusbandman. School, East Dereham, under Mr Rasin, three yeai-s. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 2, 1618. Surety, Mr Lowde. B.A. 1621-2 : M.A. 1625. Ordained priest (Norw.) March 9, 1622-3. Curate of Little Fransliam in 1633. Rector of Scarning, 1639 ; where he kept school, or took pupils. Will proved (Norw. Archd. C.) 'of Scarning', 1662-3. Browne, Philip: of Little Walsingham, Norfolk (bapt. June 4, 1600): son of Pldlip Browne, gent. School, Walsingham, two years under Mr Browne. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 4, 1618. Surety, Mr Allen. Spencer, Thomas : of Worling^vorth, Suftblk : son of Miles Spencer, minister (formerly of the college : p. 141). Schools, Southwold, under Mr Clayton ; and Ipswich, under Mr Eston, one year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, July 8, 1618. Surety, John Gostlin, M.D. Cade, Bartholomew : of Maiden, Essex : son of John Cade, mediocris fortunae. School, Maiden, under Mr Dawes, five years. Age 10. Admitted, Julj' 8, 1618, sizar of his surety, Mr Randolph e. B.A. 1021 : M.A. 1625. Hall, John : of Brington, Hunts : son of Richard Hall, husbandman. School, Oundle, Northants, under Messrs Pemberton and Spencer, four yeai-s. Age 18. Admitted, July 14, 1618, sizar of his surety, Mr Husband. B.A. 1621-2 : M.A. 1625. One of these names licensed as schoolmaster at Eye, Suttblk, June 3, 1624 : and afterwards master of Yarmouth school, 1646 : died 1647. Brotlier of Thomas, of 1608. Grose, Alexander : of Christow, Devon : son of William Grose, husbandman. School, Exeter, under Mr Periman, five years. Age 22. Admitted, July 26, 1618, sizar of his surety, Mr Kidman. B.A. (Trin. H.) 1621-2. Incorporated as M.A. at Oxford, 1632. B.D. (Oxf.) 1633 : do. (Camb.) 1633. For a time preacher at Plympton. Rector of Bridford, Dev., 1639 : and vicar of Ashburton, 1652-4. Burie 1634. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 23, 1627. Rector of Sengham, Norf., 1637-49: of Tatterset, 1637: and of Lit. Snoring, 1640-71. Robert Bacon (v. 1648) leaves him a mourning ring in 1652. Robinson, Daniel. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 28, 1619. Suret)', Mr Cruso. B.A. 1622-3: M.A. 1626. Died July 14, 1627, at Thurgarton, Norfolk, where there is a brass to his memory in the chancel. Cotton, Thomas : son of Thomas Cotton, Esq. Born in London. School, Moulton, under Mr Matchet. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Blanks. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 22, 1618-9: "of Starson." Brother of Bartholomew, of 1619; and William, of 1623. Herman, JNIiles (matriculated and graduated as Michael). School, Norwich, under Mr Briggs. Age 16. Achnitted sizar of his surety, Mr Michell. B.A. 1623-4 : Scholar, Mich'* 1621 to Mich' 1625. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1625. Vicar of Ringlaud, Norf., 1626-62. He signs the register till 1633. Smith, Robert : of Sutlblk : sou of Thomas Smith. Admitted, Sep. 16, 1619, sizar of the Master, Dr Gostlyn. Surety, Mr Michell. Previously admitted at St John's College, May 28, 1618. B.A. 1621-2: M.A. 1625. 16 22-3 : rector of Hoi'ningtoft, in 1636. 1619. 247 Probably ordained priest (Norw.) March 9, Norf., 1636-43: curate of Norton Subcourse Foster, Thomas : of Kirl^y-Bellar.s, Leicestershire : son of Randolph Foster, hus- bandman. School, Melton Mowbray, under Mr Humfrey. Age 16. Ad- mitted, Aug. 13, 1619, sizar of Dr Welles. B.A. 1623-4. One of these names was vicar of Horton and Piddington, Northants, 1641. Pyle, Richard : of Exeter. At school there, under Mr Periman, eight years. Admitted to the scholars' table Sep. 25, 1619. Surety, Mr Michell. B.A. 1623-4: Scholar, L. Day 1620 to L. Day 1627. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, June 12, 1627. Baxter, Thomas : of Rainthorp Hall, Norfolk : son of Stephen Baxter, gent, (formerly of the college; p. 152). School, Norwich, under Mr Tliornton. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner. Surety, Mr Blanks. Of Rainthorp, Esq. Succeeded his grandfather there. Stukley, Thomas : of Worlington, Devon (born there) ; eldest son of John Stukley, gent., deceased. School, Tiverton, under Mr Samuel Butler, three years. Age 20. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 2, 1619. Surety, Mr Allen. Scholar L. Day 1G20 to Mich" 1621. His father was of Atfeton in West Worlington, and married Frances Monk, aunt of George Duke of Albemarle. Thomas succeeded to the estates, and was knighted. He died in 1663, without surviving male issue : succeeded by his brother Lewis, chaplain to Oliver Cromwell. The present (baronet) family are descended from a daughter of Lewis. (C. W.). Constable, Charles : of Lazenby, Yorkshire : son of John Constable, gent. School, Northallerton, under Mr Cudworth. Admitted fellow-commoner Oct. 27, 1619. Age about 25. Previously matriculated Dec. 17, 1610, according to the Registrar of the University. B.A. 1619-20. Ordained deacon (York) Dec. 24, 1620: priest, Sep. 23, 1621. Rector of Danby Wiske, Yorks., 1621-61. Brother of Roger, 1618. Underwood, Anthony and Robert : sons of Augustin Underwood, minister. Born in Chevington, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickinson. Ages 17 and 16 ('erant gemelli', — note). Admitted Dec. 6 and 9, 1619, sizars of their respective sureties, Mr John Cradocke and Mr Cruso. Anthony. B.A. 1623-4: M.A. 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 19, 1624. Curate of Horningtoft, Norf., in 1636. Curate of Raynham St Mary, 1640, where five clergy recommend him for preferment, " he has supplied the office of curate in that laudable and approved manner " (Cal. of State Pap.). Vicar of Houghton, Norf., 1640-60. Robert. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 24, 1626. Succeeded his father as rector of Chevington, 1630-90. Signed the petition of the Suflfolk ministers in favour of Presbyterianism ; 1646. Chosen as minister of the Classis. Died Jan. 24, 1690 : buried at Chevington. Brother of Augustin, 1597 ; and John, 1600. Sadler, John : of Norwich : son of Nicholas Sadler, merchant. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Thornton, three years ; and Hadley, Middlesex, under Mr Turner. Age 15. Admitted pensioner. Surety, Mr Allen. Scholar, Mich» 1620 to Mich» 1622. Pyle, Thomas. Matriculated pensioner, Dec. 10, 1619. Probably a mistake for Richard ; see above. 2-t8 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Raynherd, Nicholas : sou of Nicholas Kaynherd, Steward of the Tower of London. Schools, St Paul's, London, one year ; and Northampton, under Mr Johnston, four years. Admitted sizar Jan. 27, 1619-20. Surety, Mr Warden, fellow. Previously admitted about Nov. 18, 1618. The father was Steward of the Tower: he was charged with having conspired to murder Lord Philip Howard, a prisoner there, (v. Dixon's Iler Majesty's Toxver, p. 332). *Normanton, John : of London : son of Alexander Normanton, cutler. At school in London, under Mr Best. Age 14. Admitted sizar Jan. 9, 1619-20. Tutor and surety, Mr Nayler. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Scholar, Mich» 1620 to L. Day 1627. Junior fellow, L. Day 1627 to Mids' 1639. Hebrew lecturer, 1632 : Greek do., 1634: rhet. praelector, 1633. He was "questioned for a sernKjn preached at St Mary's, Jan. 10, 1633, about the irresistibility of Grace" (Baker, 33; p. 22.5). He was deprived of his fellowship in 1639, after citation (Dec. 22, 1638) to return from abroad. He afterwards joined the Roman Church. Ros3'er, John: of London: son of Robert Rosyer, waterman ('lintrarius'). Schools, Blackfriars, one j'ear ; and Berkhampstead, Herts., under Mr Hunt Age 15. Admitted, Feb. 9, 1619-20, sizar of his surety, Mr Allen. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Calthorpe, James : of Norfolk : son of Chi'istopher Calthorpe, Esq. School, Moulton, Norfolk, under Mr Macchet. Age 15. Admitted, Jan. 27, 1619-20. Surety, Mr Loude. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 16, 1617. Of Cockthorpe, and afterwards of E. Basham, Esq. Sheriff of Norfolk, 1643. Married (1) Mary, daughter of William Fermor, of E. Basham ; (2) Catherine, daughter of Sir Edw. Lewknor, of Denham, Suff. Administration granted to his widow. May 6, 1652. Buried at E. Basham. (v. Vis. of Nor/.; and Norf. Arch, ix., 155.) Denny, William: of Norwich: son of William Denny (probably admitted 1594). School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham. Age 16. Admitted Feb. 17, 1619-20. Surety, Mr Michell. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Ap. 17, 1621.) B.A 1622-3. Admitted at Gray's Lin, Feb. 16, 1623-4. Probably the author of ' Pelecanicidium, or the Christian adviser against self-murder,' 1653, in prose and ver.se ; and of a pastoral poem, ' The Shepheard's Holiday.' Created baronet by Charles I, June 3, 1642. In 1654 it was proposed by the royalists to make him governor of Yarmouth. Married Catherine Young : said to have died in poverty before the Restoration. (D. N. B.) Hamnionde, Nicholas : of Norfolk : son of Robert Hammonde, husbandman. School, Norwich, under Mr Thornton. Age 15. Admitted pensioner March 16,1619-20. Surety, Mr Michells. B.A. 1623-4. M.A. 1627. Scholar, Mich' 1622 to Mich' 1627. Pearse, John : of Suffolk : son of John Pearse, gent. School, East Bergholt, under Mr Byrde. Age 14. Admitted pensioner Mar. 10, 1619-20. Surety, Mr Loude. B.A. 1623^4. Scholar, L. Day 1620 to L. Day 1625. His mother's will was proved (P. C. C.) Feb. 23, 1625, by an uncle; but the administration was committed to him in 1649, the executor having administered badlj'. She left her son Bull's close, or £100. (J. J. M.) Willowes, John : of (Pickwall) Leicestershire. School, Melton, under Mr Humfry. Admitted, March 23, 1619-20, sizar of his surety, Mr Blanks. Previously admitted at Pembroke Hall, as sizar of the master. B.A. 1622-3 : M.A. 1626. Rector (sinecure) of Horn, Ruts., 1638. 'John 1619—1620. 249 Willowes, minister of the word,' was examined by the Pari. Committee, with a view to the cure of Iinham, Lines., May 28, 1648. Rector of Newton in Aveland, Lines., 1650. *Salter, Edward : of Tottington, Norfolk : son of William Salter, deceased. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickinson. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 1620. Tutor and surety, Mr Gostlin. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Scholar, Mich' 1621 to L. Day 1627. Junior fellow, L. Day 1627: senior, Mich" 1633. Ejected April 11, 1644. Rhet. prselector, 1628: Gr. lecturer, 1629: Heb. do., 1631: registrar, 1637-41: dean, 1633. University preacher, 1637. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1634. Rector of Gt Casterton, Ruts. ; sequestered as a delinquent, 1646 ; summoned before the Committee, July 27, 1647, for contempt of their order. Rector of Tattersett, Norf., 1649 : signs Bp Hall's book, June 22, 1649. Rector of Lit. Massint^ham, 1662-4. Buried there. May 26, 1664. Will proved (Norw.), 1664: 'of Tatterset.' (Walker, ii. 145.) Hodder, Robert. Admitted sizar, April 21, 1620. Surety, Mr Cosin. B.A. 1620-1. Perhaps admitted at the Middle Temple, June 30, 1620; "seventh son of John Hodder, of Chideock." Matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxf. (of Dorset), April 24, 1618 ; age 18. Rector of Puncknowle, Dors., 1631 (Foster's Alumti. Uxon.). Baker, William : of Lincolnshire : son of William Baker, minister. School, Horncastle, under Mr Hues. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 28, 1620. Surety, Mr Gostlin. B.A. 1623-4: M.A. 1627. A William Baker was sequestered from Wistow, Hunts. A quarterly allowance of £1. 10. 0. was made, Oct. 4, 1645, for maintenance of his wife and children. Gregg, Edmund : of Lincolnshire : son of Hamlet Gregg, minister. School, Horncastle, under Mr Hues. Age nearly 18. Admitted sizar, April 28, 1620. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Rector of Hatton, Lines., 1635. The father was vicar of Sotby. In his will (dated May 31, 1641) he mentions Edmund, — to whom he leaves his books and apparel, — but not Christopher. Gregge, Christopher : brother of the above. Educated at the same school, and admitted sizar on the same day. Tutor and surety, Mr Kidman. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Rector of Biscathorpe, Lines., 1626. Pro- bably died before 1641 : see above. Walford, Michael : of Warwickshire : son of John Walford, woollen-draper. School, Warwick, under Mr Biker. Age 18. Admitted, May 8, 1620, sizar of his surety, Mr William Moore, fellow. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1630. Vicar of Shenstone, Staffs., 1662. Davy, Simon : son of Simon Davy, citizen of Norwich. At school there, under Mr Henry Townley. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. May 30, 1620. Surety, Mr Michel]. B.A. 1623-4: M.A. 1627. Scholar, Mich' 1620 to L. Day 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.) Jan. 4, 1628—9. Rector of Ingoldesthorpe, Norf., 1638: also rector of one mediety of Scarning. Dilworth, James : of Lancashire : son of John Dilworth, husbandman. School, Blackburn, under Mr Oollinson. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 16, 1620. Suret}', Mr Loude, fellow. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Rector of Thrigby, Norf., 1649 : signs Bp Hall's subscription book, April 20, 1649. Buried at Honing, Sep. 29, 1652. Brother of Thomas, of 1629. 250 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Sowrbutts, William: of Lancaster: son of Richard Sowrbutts. School, Blackburn, under Mr Collinson. Age 19. Admitted sizar, June 16, 1620. Suretj', Mr Loude. B.A 1623-4: M.A. 1627. Ordained priest (Norw.), Dec. 19, 1624. Curate of Wiveton, Norf., in 1636 ; and of Blakeney, 1640. Vicar of Briston, Norf., 1643-61. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1661. Harvy, John : son of Edmund Harvy, merchant, of London. Educated by !Mr Fricon at his own house. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 25, 1620. Tutor and surety, ilr Michell. B.A. 1622-3. Incorporated at Oxford, May 11, 1624. M.A. (Camb.) 1626. Scholar, Mich* 1620 to Mich* 1623. A John Harve}- was vicar of Childerditch, Essex, 16.53. He was ejected in 1662. (See Davids' Esuex, p. 360.) Brother of William, 1623. Pridgeon, William : of Lincolnshire : son of Francis Pridgeon, clerk. School, Navenby, under Mr Holker. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 1, 1620. Surety, Mr Gostling, fellow. Probably the student of these names admitted at Leyden, 1631 : author of a Latin epigram in Winterton's Hippocrates, 1633: and the "doctor of physic " who examines in medicine for the Bp of Lincoln, in 1639. (v. p. 143.) Woodside, Robert : of Suffolk : son of Robert Woodside, gent. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickinson. Age 16. Admitted sizar. May 4, 1620. Tutor, Mr Thomas Wake, fellow. B.A. 1623-4 : M.A. 1627. Ufflet, John : of Suffolk : son of John L^fflet, gent. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonham. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 20, 1620. Surety Mr Jlichell. B.A. 1622-3. Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 1.5, 1619-20: "son and heir of John, of Somerlej-tou." Probably the Jolm UtHet who petitions to the Protector, Aug 14, 16.56, that he had been app<.)inted one of the Committee of Accounts in 1649, and had been votetl £200 a year : having had losses by sickness, tire and robbery, has had to mortgage his estate : prays for £1000 out of "discoveries" to be made bj- him. (Cal. of State Pap.) Hyrne, Thomas : of Norwich : son of Clement Hyrne, Esq. (formerly of the college: p. 173). School, Aylsham, under Mr Knowles. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Julv 1, 1620. Surety, Mr Michell. B.A. 1623-4. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 15, 1623-4. Of Havering- land, Esq. Married Anne, daughter of Wm. Hobart of Melton, gent., and widow of Nicholas Bacon ; by whom he had issue. Brother of John, 1623. Holland, James : of London : son of Ralph Holland, gent. School, Merchant Tayloi-s', under Mr Hayne. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, July 3, 1620. Tutor and surety, ilr Lowde. Garnam, Thomas : son of Thomas Garnam, citizen of Norwich. Born in Norwich. At school there, under Mr Richard Briggs. Age 16. Admitted, Sep. 25, 1620, sizar of Mr Warden, fellow. B.A. 1625-6: M.A. 1629. Ordained priest (Peterb.), Feb. 15, 1626-7. Curate of Barnham, Suff., 1638 : also there in 1662. Curate of Radwinter, Essex, 1642. " Yir prudens et probus,...mihique factus commendatior de inserviendo curse animarum et conducendis fundis quas glebas vocant." {Diary of B. Drake; Baker, xxxvi. 177.) 1620. 251 Mich'* 1620— Mich** 1621. Mordent (Murdon), William : son of Oliver Mordent, gent. Born at Exning, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickenson. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 30, 1620. Surety, Mr Cruso. Admitted two years previously at Trinity College. B.A. 1622-3 : M.A. 1626. Scholar, Mich" 1621 to Mich" 1626. Buried at St Clement's, Cambridge, Oct. i, 1628. Richardson, Cliarles : of Norfolk : son of Thomas Richardson, Serjeant at law. School, Westminster, under Mr Wilson. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Sep. 29, 1620. Surety, Mr Lowde, fellow. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Jan. 1.5, 1620-1.) Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 2-1, 1620. Brother of Thomas, of 1614. Probably died young : not mentioned in the pedigree in Blomefield (li. 449). Lee, Simon : of Long Melford, Suffolk : son of Simon Lee, woollen draper. School, Melfurd, under Mr Bourne. Age 16. Admitted, June 30, 1620, sizar of his suret}', Mr Nichols. One of these names was rector of Frinton, Ess., 1629-39. Died 1629. Warner, Bartholomew : son of Thomas Warner, husbandman. Born at Woolly, Hunts. School, Huntingdon, under Mr Tomlinson. Age 18. Admitted, July 4, 1620, sizar of his surety, Mr Holmian. B.A. 1623-4: M.A. 1627. Referred to the Assembly of Divines for the vicarage of Ninfield, Suss., Jun. 14, 1645. Complains, June 13, 1646, of not receiving the profits. Leach, Henry : of Cambridgeshire : son of William Leach, husbandman. Age 15. Admitted, Sep. 26, 1620, sizar of his surety, Mr Gostling. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar, Mids^ 1621 to Mich= 1628. Sandell, Richard : son of Edmund Sandell, gent., of Norfolk. Born at Waddington, Yorkshire. At school at Lynn for a time ; afterwards for three years at Chichester under Mr Woodhouse. He then studied in Germany, under Mr Pelar at Heidelberg, in the private house of Mr George Nieri, ' minister sive pastor'; next under Mr Kinge in the fourth class ('ut vocatur collegiata') for three months ; finally, under Mr John Helvenstane in the Hall of the Count Palatine, his tutor being Dr Chapman, chaplain to the Princess Elizabeth. Age 16. Admitted to the bachelors' table in this college, Oct. 19, 1620. Surety, Mr Michaell, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 14, 1618-9: "son and heir of Edward, of Lynn." Beames (Bemis), John : son of Thomas Beames, gent. Born at Witchford, Isle of Ely. School, Ely, under Mr Hich. Age 16. Admitted, Oct. 24, 1620, sizar of his surety, Mr King. B.A. 1624-5: M.A. 1629. Ordained priest (Peterb.) Mar. 6, 1624-5. Curate of Shouldham All SS. and St Marg. in 1662 : licensed there in 1635. Mallorie, William : of Studley, Yorkshire : son of William Mallorie (formerly of the college; p. 152), Esq. Born at Levens, Westmoreland. At Mr Ashmore's private school. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 28, 1620. Surety, Mr Cosin, fellow. Eldest son. Of Studley. Married Mary, daughter of Sir Guy Palmes, of Ashwell, Ruts. (v. Foster's Vis. of Yorks. p. 157.) Probably died young, without issue, as his brother John (of 1625) succeeded to the estates; and mentions Mary Mallory as a widow. (Eoi/. Comp. Pap.) 252 GOJfVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. iStauton, Joseph: of London: son of Philip Stauton, cabinet-maker ('faber lignarius intestini operis). At school in London, under Mr Freake Age 16. Admitted, Jan. 16, 1620-1, sizar of his surety, Mr Michell. B.A. 1624—5. ' Joseph Stoulton, minister,' was buried at All SS., Norwich, "from the country gaol," Nov. 2, 16.55. Syday, John : son of William Syday, gent. School, Newport, Essex, under Mr AVoode. Age 16. Admitted sizar of his surety D.s Brand. B.A. 1625-6 : M. A. 1629. Rector of Lamarsh, Essex, 1637; and of Roding Beauchamp, 1642-89 ("an able and godly preaching minister" iu 16-50). Conformed in 1660. Died 1689, and was succeeded by his son, John. Lewinge, James : son of Gilbert Lewinge, gent. Bom at Little Cressingham, Norfolk. School, Norwicli, under Mr Stoneham. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 22, 1620-1. Surety, Mr Moore, fellow. B.A. 1624-5. Brother of William, of 1615. Huthwett, John : son of William Huthwett, gent. Born at Kettering, Northants. School, St Paul's, London, under Mr Gill. Age 18. Admitted, Jan. 24, 1620-1, sizar of his surety, Mr Cosin. (Re-admitted, as pensioner, Ap. 13, 1622.) B.A. 1625-6 : M.A. 1629. Scholar, Mich= 1623 to Mich' 1626. Hunt, Isaac: son of Robert Hunt, leather worker, 'alutarius'. Born at Stody, Norfolk. School, Holt, under Mr Tallis. Age 17. Admitted, sizar, Jan. 25, 1620-1. Surety, Mr Bachcroft. B.A. 1624-5. Welles, William : son of William Welles, B.D. (chaplain of St Peter, Mancroft). Born in Norwich. At school there, under Mr Stoneham. Age 16. Admitted, Feb. 12, 1620-1, sizar of the Master. Surety, Mr Michell, fellow. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar, Mich^ 1621 to Mich^ 1625. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 18, 1625. Perhaps rector of Hadleigh, Ess., 1640: rector of Bawdeswell, Norf., 1647 : minister of Brampton, Hunts, 1650 : vicar of N. Elmham, Norf., 1659-80. The last received the bishop's licence to preach, Dec. 1662; and was buried at N. Elmham, Oct. 16, 1680. Todd, Thomas : son of Thomas Todd, husbandman. Born at South Cave, Yorkshire. At school there, under Mr Thomas Flint. Age 16. Aduiitted, Feb. 19, 1620-1, sizar of his surety, Mr Hobman, fellow. B.A. 1624-5! M.A. 1628. Rector of Luddington, Lines., 1631. A Thomas Todd, minister, was referred to the Assembly' of Divines, for the cure of Hutton, Cumberland, June 27, 1646. Brother of Andrew, of 1624. Rowley, John : son of John Rowley, gent., attorney at law. Born at Barkway, Herts. School, Halstead, under Mr Whiston. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, Jan. 20, 1620-1. Surety, Ds Brand, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 10, 1622. Afterwards of Barkway, Esq. Brother of Edward, below. Gaudy, Anthony : of Norfolk : son of Philip Gaudy, gent., deceased. Schools, Botesdale, Suffolk, under Mr Foule ; and Bio Norton, Norfolk, under Mr Wright. Age 18. Admitted pensioner, March 21, 1620-1. Surety and tutor, Mr Michell, fellow. B.A. 1625-6 : M.A. 1629. Scholar, Mich' 1622 to L. Day 1627 : deprived for assaulting the dean, who had struck him. Ordained priest (Norw.) Feb. 21, 1629-30. Rector of Garboldishara, Norf., 1634-7 : of Sternfield, Suff., 1652 : and curate or vicar of Aspall, Sufi", 1632-52. Buried at Aspall, March 8, 1652-3. His wife Margaret died in 1649. His fatlier had some adventures at sea, iu the Revenge, under Sir R. Grenville. (Gaudy JISS.) 1621, 253 Tillinghast, John : son of John Tillinghast, minister. Born at Street, Sussex. School, Newport, Essex, under Mr Woode. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, March 24, 1620-1. Tutor and surety, Mr Brand, fellow. B.A. 1624-5. Scholar, Mich^ 1621 to Mich'* 1625. Baptized into the Cougregationalist Church, June 24, 1651. Afterwards a celebrated congrega- tionalist minister. ' In 1651-2 (Jan. 13) so great was the demand for pastors that messengers from three churches came to him in one day to Yarmouth ; with invitations to Fressingfield, Trunch, and Cockley : he accepted Trunch, and died there in 1655.' (Browne's Conyregationalism, p. 223.) A resolute Fifth Monarchy man. In 1655 he went to London "to speak his mind to Oliver Cromwell ; and he did bear his testimony to his face." (Chr. Feak : Preface to I'iUinyhast's Sermons.) Author: Generation Work... 1654. Elijah's Mantle, ix Treatises; 1658. Cookeson, John : son of John Cookeson, minister. Born at Brington, Hunts. School, Kimbolton, under Mr Anderson. Age 17. Admitted pen.sioner, April 10, 1621. Surety, Mr Kinge, fellow. Probably B.A. (King's) 1623-4. M.A. 1627. Baxter, Francis : son of Francis Baxter, Esq. Born at Pulham, Norfolk. Schools, Hedingham, under Mr Silbie ; Norwich, under Mr Stoneham ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickenson. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, 1621. Surety, Mr Blanks. His father, who was of Rainthorp, was brother of Stephen of 1594; his mother was of Pulham. (See Vis. of Norf.) Dennye, Edward : son of Anthony Dennye, gent. Born at Lyng, Norfolk. School, North Walsham, under Mr Tills. Age 16. Admitted, May 11, 1621, sizar of his surety, Mr Michell. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar, Mich^ 1623 to Mich» 1625. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1627 : curate of Haveringland, Norf., in 1629. Samwaies, Thomas : son of Thomas Samwaies, gent. Born at Bincombe, Dorset. School, Sherborne, under Mr Grove. Age 16. Admitted, June 4, 1621, sizar of Mr Cosin, fellow. B.A. 1624-5. Ordained deacon (Salisb.), Dec. 18, 1625; as curate of Owermoigne, Dors. Probably minister of Hermitage, near Sherborne, 1650; and rector of Bincombe, 1663. In a Quaker tract "The sufferings of the Church of God in Dorset " (1659) it is said that one of them went " to the priest's house whose name isSamways, and having a professor with him, he (Samways) moved with envy towards him beat him and thrust him out of his house" : probably the same man. His father for many years acted as bailiff for the college estates at Bincombe. Fenwicke, Bartholomew ; son of Bartholomew Fenwick, minister (rector of Hocker- ing). Born at Hockering, Norfolk. At a private school, under Mr Castleton. Age 19. Admitted, April 24, 1621, sizar of Mr Moore. Ordained priest (Norw.), June 16, 1633. Vicar of Runhall, Norf., 1635. Died during the rebellion (Blomefield ii. 476.) Brograve, John : son of John Brograve, Esq. Born at Tawstock, Devon (bapt. Sep. 11,1603). School, Streatham, Surrey, under Mr Harrison. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Tutor and surety, Mr Cosin. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Aug. 24, 1622.) B.A. 1623-4. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 7, 1624: 'of Beckenham.' Keepis, Michaell : son of Richard Keepis, citizen of Norwich. At school there, under Mr Bridges. Age 15. Admitted pensioner, June 23, 1621. Surety, Mr Ward, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Oct. 20, 1623, 254 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Reeve, Michaell : son of Tliomas Reeve, gent. Born at Langley, Norfolk. School, Yarnioutli, under Mr Reeve, minister. Admitted, June 30, 1621, sizar of his surety, Mr Kidman. B.A. 1624-5: M.A. 1629. Scholar (promus), Mich^ 1624 to Mich^ 1629. Curate of Wells, Norf., Feb. 23, 1637-8. Vicar of Houghton and Lit. Walsing- ham, 1643. Brother of Thomas, p. 208. Reeve, John : son of Nicholas Reeve, druggist, now of London. Born in Norwicli. At St Paul's School, London, under Mr Oill. Age 15. Admitted July 28, 1621, pensioner, under Mr More, fellow. Perhaps the same who was ordained priest (Norw.) Feb. 21, 1629-30: curate of Hollisley in 1636. If so, he was doubtless rector of Long Stratton, Norf., 1638-58: presented by the Judge, Edmund Reeve. A parliamentarian: signed the Solemn League and Covenant. M.I. at Stratton; which states that he died Feb. 10, 1658, aged 49. Langley, Robert : son of Richard Langley, gent. Born at St Ives, Hunts. At school there under Mr Freisley. Age 16. Admitted pensioner July 27, 1621. Surety, Mr Cosin, fellow. B.A. 1624-5: loth, out of 20, in the list. M.A. 1628. Scholar Mich» 1622 to Midi* 1628. A Mr Langley was schoolmaster at Chipping Barnet (v. R. Harvey, 1632). Rowley, Edward : son of John Rowley, attorney at law. Born at Barkway, Herts. School, Halstead, Essex, under Mr Whiston. Admitted pensioner July 28, 1621. Surety, Mr Brand, fellow. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar, Chri.st* 1620 to L. Day, 1628. Vicar or curate of Litlington, Cambs., 1636-43. Buried there June 24, 1643. (See 'Bird' in Vis. of Essex, 1664.) Brother of John, of 1621. Randolph, Thomas : son of Thomas Randolph, minister. Born at Hockwold, Norfolk. At a private school in Wilton, under Mr Taylour. Age 17. Admitted, Aug. 4, 1621, sizar of his surety, Mr Warden, fellow. B.A. 1624-5: M.A. 1628. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1628. Curate of Bex well in 1636. Signs the register as vicar of Wilton, Ap. 1645 to 1665. Vicar of Mutford, Suff., 1663-75. Brother of William, 1623. Marlton, John : son of William Marlton, gent. Born at Barningham, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Dickinson. Age 17. Admitted pen.sioner, Aug. 22, 1621. Surety, Mr Michell, fellow. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar, Mich^ 1622 to Mich" 1628. Oi-dained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1628. Rector of St ilichael Coslany, Norw., 1629-34. Rector of Bacton, Sufi'., 1634-63. Signed the petition of SuSblk ministers in favour of Presbyterianism, 1646. In 1642 he inheritefl from his father lands in Langham and Bard well (J. J. M.). Will dated Feb. 14, 1664-5; proved (Norw. C. C.) 1665. 'Of Ixworth, clerk'; desires to be buried with his children in Bacton chancel. Calvert, Rodolph : son of Sampson Calvert, citizen of London. Born at Greenwich. At St Paul's School, under Mr Gill. Age 16. Admitted, Aug. 24, 1621. Sizar of his surety, Mr Smith, fellow. B.A. 1624-5 : M.A. 1628. Scholar Mich* 1621 to Mich" 1626. Ordained deacon and priest (St Dav.) Sep. 20, 1629. Curate of Barnliam, Suss., Dec. 5, 1640. Vicar of Tortington, Suss., 1661-76. Buried at Barnliam, Feh. 4, 1675-6. (A. E. W. D.) Younger, Henry : son of William Younger, priest, rector of the parish church of South Walsham, Norfolk. Bom there. (Bapt. at St Marj-'s, Aug. 14, 1603.) School, Norwich, under jNIr Townley, five years. Age 17. Admitted to tiie scholars' table. Tutor, Mr Cruso. 1621—1622. 255 B.A. 1636-7 (he returned, apparently, for graduation): M.A. 1640. Scholar, L. Day 1621 to L. Day 1622. Ordained priest (Peterk), Feb. 19, 1626-27. He, or some one of his names, held various preferments. Hector of Covehithe and N. Hales, Suff., 1638. Sequestered to S. Elniham, St Pet., Suff., 1645 : to Uggeshall and Sotterley 1646, "a godly and orthodo.x divine." Vicar of Blythburgh 1646, wiiere lie signed in favour of Presbyterianism. Vicar of Wymondliani, Norf., 1660-3. Vicar of Walsham St Mar)' and St Lawrence, 1662-71. Will proved (Norw.) of Henry Younger, clerk, of Walshaui, 1671. Brother of William, 162,'). MicH^ 1621— MiCH^ 1622. Toll, Nicholas : son of Williaiu Toll, minister (rector), of Wells, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Stonhaui. Age 20. Admitted scholar, (Jet. 22, 1621. Surety, Mr Briuid. Previously admitted sizar of Magdalene College, May 24, 1619. Rector of St Julian, St Edward, and St Clement, Norwich, 1624-34. Curate of St Nicholas, Lynn, 1633-51 ; and probablj' rector afterwards. He received a grant of £30 as minister there, Oct. 11, 1655 : arrears to be paid to his executrix in 1658, he having died Dec. 16, 1657 {Lut four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 7, 1637-8. Surety, Mr Salter. B.A. 1641-2: M.A. 164.5. Scholar, L. Day 1639 to Mich' 1645. Or- dained priest (Line.) July 30, 1646. Rector of Harpley, Norf., 1648-68. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1668 ; and that of his widow, Bridget, 1670. Husband, Thomas : son of Thomas Husband, gent., of Somerton, Norfolk. Born at Cromer. School, North Walsham, under Mr Agurs, two years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 8, 1637-8. Surety, Mr Blankes. 1637—1638. 331 Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 27, 1639-40. M. I. in Belaugh church to Thomas Husband, Esq., who died Sep. 17, 1660; and to his widow Willoughby, 1681. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1660. Nephew of Christopher, of 1590, who mentions him in his will. Brother of John, 1650. Randall, John : son of John Randall, attorney, of Loddon, Norfolk. Born at Toft. School, Loddon, under Mr Child, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 21, 1637-8. Surety, Mr Rant. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Oct. 20, 1638.) Haward, Philip : son of Philip Haward, gent., of Carlton (Colville),[Suflblk. Born there. School, Loddon, Norfolk, under Mr Child, two years. Age 18. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, March 21, 1637-8. Surety, Mr Rant. B.A. 1641-2. Scholar, Christ^ 1639 to Mich' 1642. Of Carlton Colville, gent. Will dated 1662 ; proved (Archd. Suff'.) 1665. Leaves lands in S. Cove and Kessingland, Suff. Pedigree in Vis. of Suff., 1664. (J. J. M.) Randall, Benjamin ; son of William Randall, of St Etheldred, Norwich, stay- maker ? (' foemineorum corporalium concinnator '). Born there. At school, under Messrs Brigges and Loveringe, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 28, 1638. Surety, Mr Salter. B.A. 1641-2 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mich" 1638 to L. Day 1642. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 24, 1643 : priest, probably, Sep. 21, 1662. Licensed by the bishop as schoolmaster, Ap. 1, 164.3. Rector of Gt Blakenham, Suff., 1661 : of Greeting St Mary, Suff., 1662 ; and of Greeting All SS., 1664. Dixon, William : son of Thomas Dixon, weaver, of Norwich. Boi-n in the parish of St Edmund, Fishergate. At school, under Messrs Briggs and Loveringe, five years. Age 17. Admitted sizar of his surety, Mr Salter, March 28, 1638. B.A. 1641-2 : M.A. 1645. Scholar, Mich» 1640 to Mich' 1645. Usher at Ipswich grammar school in 1657. Licensed by the bishop to teach grammar and writing, in Norwich and the diocese, Aug. 3, 1662. Subscribes for deacon's orders (Norw.) Sep. 20, 1662: ordained priest, March 14, 1662-3. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 'of Norwich, clerk,' 1668-9. Cole, Thomas : son of Roger Cole, gent., deceased. Born at Lamarsh, Essex. School, Bures, under Mr Bridon, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 2, 1638. Surety, the Master, Thomas Bachcroft, D.D. B.A. 1641-2. Scholar, Mich" 1638 to Mich' 1642. There was a Grace (Feb. 14, 1641-2) to admit him to his degree, though absent " gravi cruris Isesione et sanguinis profluvio." Newcomen, Nicholas : son of Thomas Newcomen, gent., of Withern, Lincolnshire. Born at Saltfleetby (St Clement :—bapt. Oct. 21, 1621). Schools, Alford, under Mr Bennet, and Saltfleetby, under Mr Witton, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 1, 1638. Surety, Mr Salter. Scholar, Christ' 1639 to Mich' 1641. Of Theddlethorpe, Lines., Esq. Married Mildred, daughter of Henry Ayscough, of Mablethorpe. Buried at Theddlethorpe. Will proved (Line. C. C.) March 7, 1680-1. Leaves land and houses in Mablethorpe, (fcc. : son Nicholas, exor. Jackson, Richard : son of Thomas Jackson, rector of Itteringham, Norfolk. Edu cated at Aylsham, under Mr Clare. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 13, 1638. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1641-2. Scholar, Mich' 1639 to Christ' 1643. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 12, 1642; as curate of Calthorpe, Norf. Referred to the Assembly of Divines, Nov. 3, 1646, for the church of Alby, Norf. Ordained priest, by Bp Jos. Hall, Feb. 16, 1648-9. Rector of Beeston St Laur., Norf., 1658-71. Vicar of Barton Turf, Norf., to 1671. Buried at Beeston, Feb. 12, 1670-1. 332 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Robinson, Richard : son of John Robinson, pipe maker (' tubulorum nicotianorum artifex ') of the parish of St Sepulchre, London. School, the Charterhouse, under !Mr Brookes, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, June 19, 1G38. Surety, Mr Salter. Scholar, L. Day 1639 to L. Day 1640. Blundell, George : son of George Blundell, Esq., deceased (" slaine at the lie of Rlie," Beds. Vis.). Born at Cardington, Beds. School, Sutton, two years, under Mr Joseph Kempe. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 2.5, 1638. Surety, Mr Salter. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 29, 1639. Of Sawston, Cambs., Esq. ; whence he joined the king's quarters about March, 1642. Compounded for his estates, £338. In Aug. 16.59, perhaps prisoner in the Gatehouse {Cal. of Stale Papers). His mother and he petition the king, Sept. 1660, that 'passing through Lichfield on their way from Ireland, during the rebellion, the (royalist) governor seized £2000 of their plate, to pay his troops, which had not been repaid. The king cannot pay at present, but recommends him to General Albemarle for employment in his forces' {Cal. of State Papers). Afterwards of Cardington, Beds. Knighted at Windsor, Ap. 17, 1661. He took an active part against the Nonconformists of Beds., and was one of the justices who sent Bunyan to prison in 1671, and signed for his final arrest in 167-5. (J. B.) Died Nov. 11, 1688. Buried in Cardington: M. I. composed by himself. Author : — Remarks upon a treatise of Human Reason and upon Mr Warren's late defence of it, 1683. Sherman, Ralph : son of Ralph Sherman, deceased, late rector of Ickburgh, Norfolk (formerly of the college ; p. 129). Born there. School, Bury St Edmunds, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar of Mr Howes, June 26, 1638. Surety, Mr Salter. B.A. 1641-2. Scholar, Mich' 1641 to L. Day 1643. Russell, John : son of Robert Russell, woollendraper, of Blakeney, Norfolk. Bom there. Schools, Holt, under Mr TalUs, three years ; and Norwich, under ilr Loveringe, one year and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 12, 1638. Suretj', Mr Moore. Scholar, Christ' 1639 to L. Day, 1641. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 22, 1640-1. MicH^ 1638— MiCH^ 1639. Fotherley, John : (eldest) son of Thomas Fotherley, Esq., of Rickmansworth, Herts, (formerly of the college ; p. 163). Born in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster. Educated at home. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 13, 1638. Surety, Mr Moore. Of Rickmansworth, Esq. Sheriff of Herts., 1652. An earnest royalLst, like his father : his representatives preserve an acknowledgment by Charles II. of £100 lent to him. Married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Ralph Whitfield, knt. In 1670 he rented, of the college, the manor of Cro.xley, Rickmansworth. Having no surviving issue his estate passed to nephews. Died Jan. 4, 1702-3 : buried at Rickmansworth (v. Clutterbuck, I. 188). Lathum, Hamlet : son of Ralph Lathum, Esq., of the parish of St Martin, Ironmonger Lane ('St M. Pomroy '), London. Bom there. At school in Aldemianburj', three years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 17, 1638. Surety, Mr Moore. Admitted at the Middle Temple, March 18, 1635 : "son and heir of Ralph Lathum, Master of the Bench." The father was of Upminster, Essex : admitted at the Imier Temple, Jan. 24, 1606. 1638—1639. 333 Bonner, Richard : son of Richard Bonner, saltfislinionger (' salsamentarius '), of the parish of St Margaret, Westminster. Born in King Street. School, West- minster, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 23, 1638. Surety, Mr Salter. B.A. 1642-3: M.A. 1646 Incorporated at Oxford, 1647. Scholar, Mich' 1639 to Mich" 1646. Obtained a presentation from the king to the i-ectory of Chailey, Suss., Sep. 1, 1660; but was never instituted, the living not being vacant. Dawney, John : son of Thomas Dawney (formerly of the college; 1604), rector of Salthouse, Norfolk. Born there. School, Holt, under Mr Tallis, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 8, 1638. Surety, Mr Moore. Brother of Edward, 1634. Shene, William : son of Christopher Shene, rector of Cockley Cley, Norfolk. Born at Lexham. Schools, Tittleshall, under Mr Harris, and Westfield, under Mr Chapman, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 9, 1638. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1642-3. Scholar, Mich" 1639 to L. Day 1644. Ordained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) Ap. 5, 16.51. Rector of Lit. Fransham, Norf., 1652-67: "no institution thereupon, or only by Act of Parliament" {Consig. Bk. 1662). Buried at Fransham, Aug. 3, 1667. Brother of Luke, 1640. Southwel, John : son of Donsan Southwel, gent., of Morton, Norfolk. Born at Kingston on Thames. School, Aylsham, four years, under Mr Clare. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. I, 1638. Surety, Mr Blankes. Scholar, Mich' 1639 to Mich' 1642. Perhaps admitted at Leyden, Aug. 3, 1643 : if so, probably the John Southwell, M.D., of St Dunstan in the West, who was bound in two sureties, at £250 each, to quit in five days {Cal. of State Pap., 1650). 'Denzany Southwell' is entered in the Vis. of Norf. M. I. to his mother in Morton church. Dickenson, Roger : son of John Dickenson, head master of the school at Bury St Edmunds. Born there. At school six years, under his father. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 17, 1638-9. Surety, Mr Moore. Berney, Richard, Esq. : (second) son of Richard Berney, bart., of Reedham, Norfolk. Born there. Educated at home, under Mr King, seven years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 25, 1638-9. Surety, Mr Blankes. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 23, 1639-40. Inherited his father's estate at Reedham. Sheriff of Norf., 1662, 1670. Married Mary, daughter of Sir Jacob Garrard, of Langford, Bart., and had issue. Died Jan. 28, 1678-9 ; buried at Reedham. Brother of Thomas, 1637. (Carthew, ii. 430.) Oakes, James : son of Richard Oakes, gent., attorney at law, of the parish of St Stephen, Norwich. Born there. At school, under Mr Stonham, six years. Admitted Jan. 30, 1638-9. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 10, 1636-7. James Oakess, gent., was buried at St Stephen's, Norwich, "from the City gaol," Nov. 18, 1677 {parish reg.). Oakes, Richard : brothei- of the above. Born in the parish of St Stephen, Norwich. At school under Messrs Stoneham and Levering, seven years. Age 15. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 30, 1638-9. Surety, Mr Blankes. B.A. 1642-3 : M.A. 1646. Scholar, Christ' 1638 to Mich' 1644. Wilbore, Robert : son of Lawrence Wilbore, gent., deceased, of Balne (in West Riding), Yorkshire. Born at Norton. School, Wakefield, under Mr Doughty, four years. Age 24. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 28, 1638-9. Surety, Mr Salter. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Dec. 20, 1637. 334 GONVILLE A\D CAIUS COLLEGE. Norton, John : son of Stephen Norton, rector of Naughton, Suffolk. Born at Sibton. Educated, under Messrs Pattison and Pollard, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 30, 1638-9. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1G42-3. Scholar, Mich^ 1641 to Mich^ 16i3. Probably the same who was commended (then B.A.) Aug. 18, 164.5, to the vicarage of Canfield, Essex, by the Pari. Committee, if the Assembly of Di\'ines should see tit to ordain him for it : who subscribes the bishop's book, Jan. 30, 1648-9 (then ISI.A.) as rector of Naughton, where he receives £20 from the Committee, Ma)^ 20, 16.58 (Lamb. MS. 995, p. 173). If so, he was ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Aug. 21, 1662 ; and was rector of Wattisfield, Suff., 1658-90. Buried there, Oct. 15, 1690. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1690. Gawd}', Robert : (si.vth) son of Framlingham Gawd}', Esq. Born at East Harling, Norfolk. School, Thetford, under Messi-s Smith and Ward, seven yeStevens, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar. May 31, 1642. Surety, Mr Scarborough. B.A. (Jes.) 1645-6. Ordained priest (Ardf. and Aghad.) July 30, 1652. Rector of Stanton St John, Suff., 1656-76 : admitted by the Pari. Committee. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Bull of Wickham Market. Grandfather of "Tom Martin" the Norfolk antiquary. Entered his pedigree in the Suff. Vis. of 1664. Died Dec. 1, 1676: buried at Stanton. Will proved (Archd. Sudb.) 1676. (J. J. M.) Parnell, James : son of Richard Parnell, tailor, of the parish of St Mary-le-Bow, London. Born there. At a private school, under Mr Wise, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 14, 1642. Surety, Mr Salter. FitzJohn, Thomas : son of Thomas FitzJohn, tanner, deceased, of Swaffham, Norfolk. Born there. At school (there), under Mr Dawson, five years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 24, 1642. Surety, Mr Salter. Gilbert, John : son of John Gilbert, vicar of Downham, Norfolk. Born at Bed- ingham. Educated under his father. Age 17. Admitted sizar of Mr Pykarell, July 3, 1642. Surety, Mr Salter. Referred to in his father's will (Aug. 1650); "to receive £10 if he be now living." Brother of Robert, 1648. *Linge, William : son of John Linge, attorney-at-law, of Marsham, Norfolk. School, Norwich, undei- Mr Lovering, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 22, 1642. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mich' 1642 to Mich' 1650. Junior fellow, Mids^ 1651 to Mich' 1652: senior, Mids' 1654 to L. Day 1666. Ordained deacon and priest (Bp Brownrigg, of Exeter) Oct. 6, 1658. Steward, 1654: dean, 1655: rhet. praelector, 1657-60: bursar, 1657-60: salarist, 1661-3: catechist, 1662-4. University preacher, 1662: scrutator, 1655. Vicar of Rougham, Norf., 1661-2: and rector of Hockwold, 1666- 79. Died, Jan. 13, 1679-80. M. 1. in Hockwold church. By his will (dated June 3, 1676) he left £120 to the college, £20 to be spent in books for the library : his wife. Amy, executrix. Author of Latin verses prefixed to the sermon of W. Godman of King's College, preached at St Mary's, Cam- bridge, on the Thanksgiving Day, May 24, l660. Also of Greek verses in the Academia Cantabrigiensis "SiSicTTpa (a collection of congratulatory poems on the Restoration) 1660. Several members of our college contributed to these. Shuldham, Lemuel : son of Francis Shuldham, gent., of Croxton, Norfolk. Born at Hingham (bapt. Ap. 4, 1627). School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 14, 1642. Surety, Mr Moore. (Son of Francis, p. 136.) B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mich' 1643 to Mich' 1650. He was suspended, by the Vice-Chancellor, Dec. 6, 1649, for a time; probably, like several others at the same time, for ' drinking confusion to Parliament.' Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1651-2. Of Walsingham, Esq. Steward of the college manor at Burnham, 1673. Married Eleanor (F. G.). Brother of Nathaniel, 1641. 348 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Mich' 1642— Mich' 1643. Chawner, Robert : son of Robert Chcawner, deceased, of North Walsham, Norfolk : vicar of Thorpe ilarket. Born at Thorpe Market. At school there, under Messrs Acres and Warnes, seven years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Oct. 17, 1642. Surety, Mr Wakeman. B.A. 1646-7. Ordained priest (Bp Jaseph Hall) Dec. 17, 16.52. Ad- mitted by the Pari. Committee to the rectory of Lit. EUingham, Norf., May 23, 1655. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1672 ; "of EUingham." Beale, Robert : son of Robert Beale, gent., of Cley, Norfolk. Born there. School, Holt, under Messrs Tallis and AVitherly, six years. Age 19. Admitted pen- sioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 20, 1642. Surety, Mr Wilson. Berney, Henry: son of Henry Berney, Esq., deceased, of Halstead? (' Horstead '), Essex. Born there. School, Saham Toney, under Mr Gilbert, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 21, 1642. Surety, Mr Haliburton. Rant, John : son of Roger Rant, Esq., of SwafFham Prior, Cambs. Born there. Educated there, under Mr Jephcott, six years ; and at Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, one year. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 13, 1642-3. Surety, Mr Moore. (Son of Roger, p. 223.) LL.B. 1652. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 17, 1645. Barrister at law : refused to be bencher (J. Foster). Incorporated at Oxford, 1652. Fellow of AU Souls, Oxford, 1648, "by favour of the Committee and Visitors" (Wood). Died, Oct. 30, 1696 : buried at Teversham, Cambs. Monument there to him and to his wife Joan, daughter of Edward Jermy, Esq.; by whom he had issue (Carthew, iii. 461). Brother of Roger, 1641. Bradford, Thomas : son of John Bradford, of the parish of St Peter (Mountergate), Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Feb. 14, 1642-3. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7: M.A. 1651. Scholar, L. Day 1643 to Mids' 1647. Or- dained priest (Ardf. and Aghad.) Feb. 11, 1647-8. Curate at Kimberley, 1650. Rector of Winterton and Somerton, 1656-62: — appointed by the Pari. Committee. Master of Norwich Grammar School in 1667. Chaplain of Norwich City Gaol : died 1683. Executor of his father's will (P. C. C.) 1658. Gumble, Thomas : son of John Gumble, of the parish of St Stephen, Norwich. At school, under Mr Loveringe, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Feb. 14, 1642-3. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7: M.A. 16.50: D.D. {lit. reg.) 1661. Said to have been " vicar of Wycombe, Bucks : formerly burgess for that borough (?), and a zealous commonwealth man " (Brydge's Restkuta, i. 132). For many years chaplain to General Monk, whom lie accompanied till the general's death. In the preface to his Life of Monk, 1671, he says "Being obliged to see the general in his grave, and to do his last duty in that vacation between his Death and Funeral... to the end of the year 1656 [he] had it by the Duke's own re- lation. ..in the latter part of his life he was an e3'e and ear witness." He was recommended by the Council of State for the next vacant fellowship at Eton College, Jan. 1659-60. Ordained deacon and priest (Line.) Dec. 19, 1660. Preb. of Winchester, 1661. Presented to E. Lavant, Suss., May 21, 1663. Apparently chaplain of H.JM.S. Royal Charles in 1666. (Cul. of State Papfrs.) Died 1676. (D. N. B.) 1642—1643. 349 *Geltsthorp, Edward : son of William Geltsthorp, gent., of Edingthorpe, Norfolk. Born at East Ruston. School, Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 20, 1642-3. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7 (13th in the list): M.A. 1651. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1663. M.D. 1663, by royal mandate, "in consideration of his loyalty and suffering during the usurpation." There is a letter of thanks from him to the king, Oct. 4, 1664 ; in which he asks for the .same favour for his brother proctor {Col. of State Papers). Scholar, Mids' 1644 to L. Day 1649. Senior fellow, Mich" 165.'") to his death, about March 1670-1. Granted leave to travel for three years, July 1659. Proctor, 1662. Held the college offices of dean, 1657, 62; Greek lecturer, 1655, 1663: and steward, 1656, 8, 70. Hon. fellow of the College of Physicians, 1664. A letter from the Duke of Monmouth was read at the college meeting (Feb. 5, 1667-8) asking for leave of absence for him as he had been appointed physician to the duke and his family. Benefactor to the college, leaving £50 for the purchase of livings, which was employed in the purchase of Broadway, Dorset, 1692. His brother John, of Norwich, by will (1677) gave an additional sum of £50. Riseing, John : son of Thomas Riseing, clerk, of Ickburgh, Norfolk. School, Swaffham, under Mr Dawson, four years. Admitted sizar, Feb. 20, 1642—3. Surety, Mr Rant. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mich« 1645 to Mich»1650. Morning lecturer, 1649-50. Vicar of Fouklen, Norf., 1651-4: subscribes Bp Hall's book, Feb. 24, 1650-1. "John Riseing, clerk, and Judith Greenwood, widow, were married May 27, 1652, being Ascension Day, 2uv ©to) " (Foulden register). Buried at Foulden, Aug. 26, 1654. Vincent, John : son of John Vincent, tailor, of Downham, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. July 13, 1628). At school there, under Mr Gilbert, three years. Age nearly 15. Admitted sizar, April 4, 1643. Surety, Mr Hallyburton. B.A. 1646-7. Scholar, L. Day 1647 to Mids' 1650. Perhaps rector of Downham Market, Norf., 1650, which he resigned July 20, 1656. A John Vincent (not the one of p. 337) was ordained priest by Bp Jos. Hall, Oct. 17, 1649. He was rector of E. Bilney, 1661-5: he was apparently succeeded by the John Vincent of p. 337. Seemingly there were two successive rectors of the same name. Sheldrake, William: son of John Sheldrake, gent, ("alias textor pannarius " : marginal note by a later hand). Born at Brisley, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 5, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7: M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mids' 1644 to Mids' 1648. "M^ William Sheldrake, a godly and painful preacher of the Gospel is entertained as an assistant to the minister of WLsbech " ; Jan. 27, 1656-7. {Lamb. 1004, p. 33.) Afterwards, from 1670, minister at Yarmouth. Probably died soon after 1685. One of these names was rector of Reepham, Norf., 1653-62 : when he was ejected (Browne, 235). Frost, Thomas : son of John Frost, clerk. Born at Langham, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, three years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 13, 1643. Surety, the bursar, Mr Blanks. Spendlove, Christopher : son of Christopher Spendlove, clerk, rector of Wootton, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, four years. Age 18. Ad- mitted sizar, April 19, 1643. Surety, Mr Watson. B.A. 1646-7. Scholar, Mids"' 1647 to Christ' 1647. Ordained priest (Ardf. and Aghad.) Ap. 25, 1651. Rector of Eccles, Norf., 1661-79. 350 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Rector of Hempstead, 1661. Curate of Ingham, 1664. Minister of St Nicholas, Yarmouth, 1665-78. Subscribed £7 to the royal loan, 1666. Will proved, "of Yarmouth," (Norw. C. C.) 1678. Robinson, John : son of Ferdinand Robinson. Born in the city of York. At school there, under Messrs Garthwayt and Ke}', six years. Age about 18. Admitted sizar, May 8, 1643. Suret}', Mr Phillips. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mids' 1644 to Mich' 1649. Perhaps presented to Foulden, July 4, 1661 ; but not instituted. WDson, John : son of John Wilson, gent., of Wisbech, Cambs. Born there. At school under Mr Frisne, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar. May 9, 1643. Surety, Mr Pykarell. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mich' 1643 to Mids^ 1650. Parlett, William : son of William Parlett, gent., of Downham, Norfolk (bapt. Nov. 1, 1625). At school there, under Mr Gilbert, three years: and at Lynn, under Mr Bell, half a year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner, May 30, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7. Scholar, Mids' 1644 to Mich' 1647. William Parlett, of Downham Market, was admitted at Gray's Inn, May 13, 1637. Probably son of William, of 1604 : brother of Gregory, 1660. Dade, Robert : son of Robert Dade, (vicar) of Tlielnetham, Suffolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, June 30, 1643. Surety, Mr Blancks. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Scholar, Mids'^ 1644 to Mich' 1650. Greene, William : son of George Greene, Esq. Born at Langham, Norfolk. At school, under Messrs Lovering and Gilbert, seven }'ears. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 3, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner. May 26, 1646.) A William Green, of Burnham Market, Norf., gent., was admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 6, 1647. Loder, John : son of Gilbert Loder, of Dorchester. At school there, under Mr Reeve, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 23, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1646-7 (19th, out of 21, in the list). Scholar, Christ* 1643 to Christ' 1648. A John Loder was ejected from St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1662. Died Dec. 30, 1673. Buried in Bunhill Fields. Probabl}' the same who edited, with P. Nye, a work by Sj'drach Simpson, " Of Unbelief ; and Not going to Christ"; 1658. He was pastor of Silver Street Chapel, and lecturer at St Bartholomew. Harcock, Edmund : of Norfolk : son of Gregory Harcock, attorney-at-law. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 14, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. Scholar, Mich' 1644 to L. Day 1647. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 28, 1647 : "son and heir: of Worstead, Norf." Brother of Henry, 1650. Cooke, Timothy: son of John Cooke, of Birdingbury (' Burburj''), Warwick- shire. School, Coventry, under Mr White. Age 1 7. Admitted sizar, June 20, 1643. Surety, Mr Salter. B.A. 1646-7. Scholar, Mids' 1647 to Mich' 1649. Rector of Birding- bury, 1660. Wetherell, Robert : son of Robert Wetherell, clerk, rector of Hethel, Norfolk (formerly of the college; 1613). Schools, Wymondham and Norwich, under Mr Lock and Mr Lovering, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 1, 1643. Surety, Mr Watson. 1648—164.4. 351 B.A. 1646-7. One of these names was rector of Bawsey, Norf., 1681-96. The will of another of E. Winch, Norf., clerk, was proved (Norw.) 1682. The latter may be our student, and the former of Trinity : B.A. 1679. MiCH= 1643— Mich' 1644. Collet, William : son of John Collet, gent. Born at Westerfield, Suffolk. Schools, Ipswich and elsewhere, under Messrs How, StefFe and Clarke, five years. Age 20. Admitted sizar, Oct. 17, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8 : M.A. 16.52. Second son : in holy orders (Davy, Suff. Ped.). *Holmes, John : son of William Holmes, geut., of Shotesham, Norfolk. Schools, Bungay, under Mr Creed ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 4, 1643. Surety, Mr Watson. B.A. 1647-8 : M.A. 1651. Junior fellow, Mids^ 1650 : senior, Mids^ 1651 to Mich' 1652. Signs for deacon's orders (Norw.) Ap. 25; and for priest's. May 26, 1670 : aged 40. Rector of Sisland, Norf., 1670-4. Webster, James : son of James Webster, gent. Born at Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Educated there, under Mr Wilby, two years ; at Ashover, under Mr Bourne ; and Kneesal, Notts., under Mr Garland, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 2, 1643. Surety, Mr Philips. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to L. Day 1648. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 1, 1645-6 : "son and heir of James, of Alverthorpe, Yorks." Onge, John : son of Thomas Onge, grocer, deceased, of Bury St Edmunds. Born there. At school there, under Messrs Hobman and Stephens, five years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Nov. 24, 1643. Surety, Mr Moore. Fale, John : son of James Fale, vicar of Fre.ssingfield, Suffolk (formerly of the college; 1619). Born at Spexhall. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, five years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 16, 1643-4. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8. Scholar, Mich" 1644 to Mich' 1648. *Brady, Robert : son of Thomas Brady, attorney-at-law, of Denver, Norfolk. Born there. School, Downham, under Mr Gilbert, two years. Age 16. Ad- mitted sizar, Feb. 20, 1643-4. Surety, the Master, Dr Bachcroft. B.A. 1647-8 : M.D. 1660. Scholar, Mich' 1644 to L. Day 1650. Master of the College, Dec. 1660 to 1700. Regius Professor of Physic, 1677-1700. Physician to Charles II., and James II. Keeper of the records in the Tower of London. M.P. for Oxford, 1681, 1685. There is a Royal Letter {Coll. lib. MS. No. 602) stating that " humble suit " had been made by Dr Bachcroft " out of his earnest desire and zeal for the good and prosperity of the college, that we would use our interest that Dr Brady should succeed him." Brady afterwards brought to the college (Dec. 1, 1660) Bachcroft's resignation "and an express order from his Majesty, grounded thereon, for himself to be forth- with admitted to the place." He left by will, dated Aug. 24, 1694, to the college library such of his books as were not already there ; X500, " to buy the advowsons of two competent livings " ; and an estate in Denver the rents of which were principally to be employed in raising the value of the Frankland fellows, and the stipends of the master and president. There is a catalogue of his donation to the library in MS. 602 ; and a copy of his Latin speech when he was admitted master. For more, see under Masters. Died Aug. 19, 1700 : buried at Denver. (D. N. B.) Bunning, John : son of Richard Bunning, gent., of Denton, Norfolk. Born at Homersfield, SuflFolk. School, Wymondham, under Mr Wildman, two years. 352 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 19, 1643-4. Surety, Mr Phillips. B.A. 1647-8. Scholar, MichM 644 to MichM 648. Third son. Signs the pedigree in the Vis. of Norf., 1664. Hydes, William : son of (Richard) Hydes, grocer, of Nottingham. Born there. At scliool there, under !Mr Leake, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 9, 1643. Suret}% Mr Phillips. Pre^"iously admitted at Christ's College, May 11, 1642. Kinge, Henry : son of John Kinge, gent., of Farnham, Suflblk. Born at Strat- ford. School, Benhall, under Mr White, five years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, April 19, 1644. Surety, Mr Blankes. B.A. 1647-8: M.A. 1651. Scholar, Mich^ 1645 to Mich' 1649. Rector of Mulberton and Warham St Mary Mag., Norf., 1661-71 : — subscribes the bishop's book, Feb. 18, 1660-1. JNIarried Mary, daughter of Thomas Edgar, of Glemham, gent. Pedigree in Vis. of Snf., 1664 (J.J.M.). Died March 24, 1671-2. Will proved (Ipswich); 'of Stratford, clerk'; 1672. Brother of Thomas, 1645. Trott, Thomas : son of Thomas Trott, barber, of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at St Sepulchre's, Dec. 4, 1627). At school, under Mr Watson, one year ; and under Mr Crabb, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 1, 1644. Surety, Mr Phillips. B.A. 1647-8: M.A. 1651. Scholar, Mids' 1644 to Mich' 1649. Or- dained deacon (Lino.) Aug. 7, 1662: priest (do.) Sep. 21, 1662. Rector of Tetford and Barkstone, Lines., 1676-91. Chaplain to Lord Hatton. Will proved (Line. C. C.) Ap. 28, 1691. Mentions wife Elizabeth, and children: small legacies for education of poor children at Tetford and Barkstone. Husband, Valentine : son of Christopher Husband, formerly fellow of the college (p. 140). Born at Catfield, Norfolk. Schools, Nortli Walsham, under Mr Acres, two years; and Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 9, 1644. Surety, ISIr Moore. B.A. 1647-8 : M.A. 1651. Scholar, Mich^ 1644 to Mich^ 1651. Ordained deacon and priest (Bp Jos. Hall) Aug. 4, 1654. Rector of Sloley 1661-2 : of Crostwight, 1672—4: and of Congham St Mary, and St Andrew 1673-84: all in Norfolk. Will proved (Norw.) 1683-4. Kellet, Joseph : son of John Kellet, merchant, of Boston, Lincolnshire. Schools, Nottingham, under Mr Leake ; and Jlercliant Taylors', London, under Mr Staples, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 26, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8. Scholar, Mich^ 1644 to Mich' 1647. "Came out of Notts, to desire ordination" (by the Manchester classis) Oct. 7, 1648. Ordained minister to Hawton, Notts., Nov. 22, 1648; but does not appear to have remained there long (Shaw's Maiicliester cla^sis). Probably afterwai-ds took orders in the Church of England, and was one of the autliors of " A Faithful discovery of a treacherous design of mj'stical Antichrist seasonably given to tlie faithful in and near to Beverley, Yorks., containing an examination of many doctrines of the people called Quakers" ; 1653, 1655. It was answered in " A short reply to a book set forth by seven priests who call themselves ministers of the Gospel " (1654). *Adamson, William : son of James Adamson, clerk, of Teigh, Rutlandshire. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years ; and Oakham, under Mr Swan, a year and a half. Age 14. Admitted sizar, June 24, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8: M.A. 1651. Scholar, Christ' 1647 to Mids' 1650. Junior fellow, JMids"^ 1651 : senior, Mids'^ 1654 to L. Day 1669. Greek lecturer 1643—1644. 353 1652-8: dean, 1654: steward, 1655: Heb. lecturer, 1G56 : salarist, 1657, 64 : registrar, 1658, 60 : bursar, 1665. University preacher, 1666. Ordained deacon and priest (Line.) July 12, 1662. Presented to Weeting, Norf., Dec. 2, 1669 : resigned in 1682, and lived in Norwich. He gave to our library the Phil. Transactions, and Castle's Lexicon Ileptaglotton. He was principally concerned in making the Index of the college deeds, &c., known as the Registrum Magnum ; a most valuable aid to our college history, as some of the records, which he carefully enumerates and abstracts, have since been lost : this places him high amongst our real benefactors. His father, a native of Scotland, was sequestered from Teigh. (v. Wright's Ruts., p. 122.) Brother of John, 1661. His namesake, the vicar of Laxfield, was probably of Trinity : M.A. 1635. Shilling, Edmund : son of William Shilling, gent., of Hoveton, Norfolk. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, three years. Age 17. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table. May 22, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8. Scholar, Mich" 1644 to Mids' 1648. Ordained priest (Bp of Down), March 20, 1648-9. Rector of Smallburgh, Norf., Oct. 24, 1659- 1681. Vicar of Stalham, 1661-81. Curate of Ashmanhaugh, 1661. Buried at Smallburgh, Ap. 6, 1681. Granger, Benjamin : son of Benjamin Granger, ' presbjiter,' of Somerton, Suflblk (formerly of the college; 1605). Born there. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 14, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8 : M.A. 1651. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Christ' 1648. Probably the "Mr Granger B.A." who brought testimonials to the fourth London classis, and "was appointed to preach for Mr Blackmore next Lord's Day": Nov. 23, 1649. {Minutes: Dr William's Library.) Thomas, John : son of Thomas Thomas, rector of Beckbury, Salop. Born there. Schools, Warwick, under Mr White, a year and a half ; and Bridgnorth, Salop, about two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 11, 1644. Surety, Mr Perse. B.A. 1647-8: M.A. 1661. Perhaps the same who was ordained by the Bp of Lincoln, at St Botolph, Aldersgate : deacon, July 25 ; priest, July 28, 1661. One of these names was rector of Ovington, Es.sex, 1655-84 : and of Belcham Walter 1680. Whitby, Thomas : son of Anthony Whitby, cloth weaver, of Yaxham, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Westfield, under Mr Chapman, three years ; and Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, a year and a half. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 24, 1644. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich" 1644 to Mids"^ 1650. Rector of Witching- ham parva, Norf., 1651-64. Vicar of Witchingham Magna, 1651-64. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1664-5. Hubbald, Alexander : son of Gervase Hubbald, rector of Rendlesham, Suffolk. Born there. At school, under Messrs Housden and Manning, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 2, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich" 1644 to Mich' 1649. Received presbyterian orders for Marlesford, Suff., Dec. 2, 1652, by the fourth London classis; after being examined as to his studies and ordered to preach at " Buttolph's." Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661. Vicar of Wickham Market, Suff., 1657: admitted by the Pari. Committee. Rector of Monewden, 1663-1703. Vicar of Hacheston, 1675. Died Sep. 1703. Probably married a daughter of Henry Ewen of Marlesford (J. J. M.). c. 23 354 GOXVILLE AND CAICS COLLEGE. Hughes, Owen : son of Francis Hughes, Esquire Bedell of the University. Born in Cambridge (bapt. at Gt St Mary's, March 1, 1628-9). At school, under Messrs Holbeach and Crabb, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 19, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. LL.B. (Tr. H.) 1650-1 : LL.D. 1662. Scholar, Mich' 1644 to L. Day 1647. Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 10, 1648-9. Fellow of Trin. Hall, 1649. Commissary in the Archdeaconries of Norwich and Norfolk, 1672-9. Official of the archdeacon of Norwich. Mich' 1644~Mich' 1645. *Coo, Abner. Eldest son of Edward Coo, of Pattiswick, Ess., gent. B.A. (Trin.) 1626-7: M.A. (do.) 1630: M.D. (Rheims) 1645. Intruded as fellow in Dr London's place (ejected, Jan. 16, 1644-5). Registrar, 1647-50. Expelled, Oct. 13, 1651, "for breach of the statutes in a high degree" (Gesta). It is not specified what this was. Pedigree in Vis. of Essex 1612. *Byne, Edward. Matriculated at Peterhouse 1639, " Londinensis." B.A. (Trin.) 1644-5 : M.A. (Cai.) 1648. He was at first refused the M.A. degree, because, "being only B.A., contrary to the laudable custom of the University, he preached in the town, and in his preaching delivered divers things derogatory to the Scriptures" (Baker MS. xxv. 182). Intruded as fellow and president, in Loveland's place (ejected Feb. 28, 1644-5). Remains fellow till L. Day 1652. Morning lecturer in the college, 1645 : registrar, 1646 : rhet. prae- lector, 1649. Probabl}' rector of Py worthy, Dev., 1661 : and vicar of Linkin- horne, Cornw., 1663. *French, WilHam. Of Oxfordshire. B.A. (Emm.) 1636-7: U.A. 1640: M.D. (Cai.) 1647. Intruded in Buxton's place (ejected Ap. 9, 1644). Senior fellow Christ^ 1644 to L. Day 1651. Physician to the Parliamentary army in Scotland (Wood, Ath. ii. 214). Died in Scotland, 1651. *Gibson, Alexander. From Glasgow, where he matriculated in 1 638, and graduated in 1642. Intruded in place of Salter (ejected Ap. 11, 1644). Examined and approved by the Westminster Assembly. He was objected to, at our college, as "a Scotchman, and therefore ineligible." Senior fellow, Mich' 1644 to Mich' 1648. Greek lecturer, 1647. Died about the end of 1648 : administra- tion granted (V. C. Court) 1648-9. ♦Harrington, WOliam. Son of Sir John Harrington, knt., of Spalding. Born and educated there six j-eai-s. Matriculated first at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, March 29, 1639. Migrated to Cambridge. B.A. (Sid.) 1642-3 : M.A. (Cai.) 1646. LL.D. 1652, by visitor's mandate. There is an order from the Com- mittee for Reform of the Universities (Feb. 12, 1651-2) to grant him the degree a year earlier than usual, on the ground " that he was removed from Oxford in the beginning of the late troubles, and served the Parliament in their army by the space of two years and upwards." Incorporated D.C.L. at Oxford, Jan. 14, 1652-3. Senior fellow of our college, L. Day 1645 to Mids'^1654: inti-uded in place of Pickarell. Morning lecturer, 1645. Salarist, 1651-4. Vicar of Orwell, Cambs., 1654. Author: A Genethliacon to the Infant Muse of his dearest Friend (verses before John Hall's Poems : Camb., 1646). Stockton, John. B.A. 1644-5. [Note] Of the fellows intruded during the Interregnum, those who were stiU on the list at the Restoration, with the exception of Wheeler, obtained Royal Letters to confirm them in their places and privileges. (Gostlin's Historiola.) 1644—1645. 355 Spelman, Charles : (second) son of John Spelmau, knt., of Heydon, Norfolk, deceased. Born at Heydon. Schools, Botesdale, under Mr Easton, three years; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 9, 1644. Surety, Mr Moore. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 1633 (sic). Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1683, "aged 55." Rector of Congham, Norf., 1684-1706: presented by Cliarles Spelman junior. He completed the aisle of Congham St Andrew. (Blomef. viii. 387.) Brother of Roger, p. 356. Scarlet, Phillip : son of Peter Scarlet, bookseller, of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at Gt St Mary's, Aug. 26, 1627). At the Perse School, under Messrs Lovering, Watson, and Crabb, seven years. Admitted sizar, Jan. 8, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Moore. Previously at Queens' College, under Mr Wells, where he remained over two years. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. (King's) 1652. Scholar, Christ 1644 to Mich= 1649. Rector of North Creak, Norf., 1653-61 ; and 1680-5. Rector of Aldham, Suif., 1663-80 : his successor makes a note, "hitherto the negligent Mr Phil. Scarlett, with his confounded writing." Buried at N. Creak, Aug. 26, 1685. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1685. Barkham, Robert: son of Edward Barkham, gent., of Walton, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Narford, under Mr Reve, two years ; Bilney, under Mr Turner, one year; and Swaffham, under Mr Dawson, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 23, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Phillips. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Cornwallis, of Brome, Suff. M. I. to his son Charles, of Southacre, who died 1669, at St George Tombland, Norwich. Gobart, Joseph : son of — Goliart, clerk. Matriculated sizar, ' Gubbard,' July 2, 1645. (Probably son of Robert Gobart, rector of Marlingford, Norf.) King, Thomas : son of John King, gent. Born at Stratford, Suffolk. Educated under Mr White, four years, Mr Percivall, one year, and Mr Barthalet, one year. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Jan. 30, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1648-9: M.A. 1652. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich" 1649. Rector of Wrentham, Suff.; signed the bishop's subscription book, March 19, 1660-1. Ejected in 1662. Afterwards a minister at Mutford, Suff. Married a daughter of Humphrey Brewster, Esq. Buried at Wrentham, Nov. 18, 1683. (Browne's Cony. Hist. 427.) Brother of Henry, p. 352. Cooper, Thomas : son of Thomas Cooper, gent., deceased, of Crimplesham, Norfolk. Born at Rushall. Schools, Swaffham, under Mr Dawson, four years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 1, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich' 1646 to Mich' 1648. Afterwards a Romish priest. Entered the English college at Rome, 1655: "I made my humanity studies at various villages, and at Bury, and studied Natural Philosophy and Logic at Cambridge. I was converted from heresy about four years ago" (Admission book). Left for France to take the habit of St Dominic, but returned to the college. Ordained priest Ap. 12, 1659. Left for England Ap. 26, 1662. His alias was 'Thomas Ross.' (v. Foley's Records, v. 525.) *Pycroft, Samuel : son of Thomas Pycroft, gent. Born at EUingham, Norfolk. Schools, Mulbarton, under Mr Webster, two years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 13, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1648-9: M.A. 1652. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1653. Scholar, L. Day 1645 to L. Day 1651. Junior fellow, L. Day 1651 to L. Day 23—2 356 GONVILI.E AND CAIUS COLLEGE. 1656. Taxor, 165i. Ordained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) March 20, 1654-5. Rector of Ditchingham, Norf. 1654-1709 : — admitted by the Pari. Committee, Oct. 20, 1654. Married Margaret, daughter of Robert Da\-y. Died June 3, 1709 : buried at Ditchingham. M. I. there. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1709. Barbar, Gregory : (fifth) son of Robert Barbar, gent., of Denver, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Bexwell, under Mr Randall, four years ; and Downham, under Jlr Gilbert, three yeare. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 5, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich' 1646 to L. Day 1650. Of Denver, Esq. Married Mary, daughter of Luke Constable of Swafl'ham. Buried at Denver, Nov. 16, 1673. Pedigree in Vis. of iVorf. 1664. Craw, John : a Scotchman, son of John Craw, merchant, of Edinburgh. Born there. Schools, Harrington, under !Mr Seton, one year ; and in London, under Mr Simpson, more than three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 13, 1644—5. Surety, Mr Gibson. Scholar, Mich' 1647 to Mids' 1648. Spelnian, Roger : (eldest) son of John Spelman, knt. Born at Hej'don, Norfolk. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 22, 1644-5. Surety, Mr Foster. Pre^'iously admitted at Sidney College, Nov. 9, 1644. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 12, 1633, with his brother Charles. Of Holme by Sea, Esq. Married a daughter of Robert Strutt, of Lincoln's Inn. Grandson of Sir Henry Spelman the antiquary, who founded a Saxon lecture in Cambridge. Roger employed the endowment for Somner's Saxon dictionaiy (Cooper III. 301). Died Nov. 27, 1678: buried at Congham. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1678. He gave some MSS. to our library: also 12 works on Divinity, a poh'glot edition of the N. Test., ifec. Brother of Charles, p. 355. (v. Blomef. viii. 387.) Pedigree in Vis. of 1664. Puckle, Samuel : son of Samuel Puckle, alderman, of Nor-n-ich (of St Mich. Coslany : bapt. May 6, 1628). Born there. At school, under Mr Lovering, ten j'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 25, 1645. Surety, Mr Phillips. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Christ' 1648. The father was mayor of Norwich in 1656. Pedigree in Vis. of 1664. Reymes, William: son of John Reymes, gent., 'militum priefectus.' Born at Overstrand, Norfolk. Schools, Cromer, four years ; Norwich, one year ; and North Walsham, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. Mar. 25, 1645. Surety, Mr Phillips. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Sep. 30.) Of Overstrand, Esq. Married, Sep. 20, 1648, Muriel, daughter of Martin Sidley, Esq., of Stalham. Died before 1660, leaving issue. The father, in a letter dated Sep. 27, 1660, complains that his eldest son (William) Ijeing dead, and having sold part of the estate, and mortgaged it, leaving a wife and tive children to his care, "had almost undone him." (Blomef. vin. 144.) See pedigree of Reymes of Overstrand in Vis. of Norfolk. Greene, Samuel : of Suffolk : son of James Greene, minister. At school, under Mr Stafford, one year; at Bale ('Bill') under Mr Walker, two years; and at Moulton, Norfolk, under Mr Lancetter, four 3'ears. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 25, 1645. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich' 1649. Ordained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) Jan. 4, 1649-50. Vicar of Great and Lit. Hockham, Norf , 1661-7. 1645. 357 Locke, Samuel : son of Henry Locke, gent., of Rushall, Norfolk. Born at Dickie- borough (bapt. May 1, 1621). Schools, Brockdish, under Mr George Charnold (Charold, of p. 262), four years ; and Diss, under Mr Lancetter, one year. Age 22. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 3, 1645. Surety, Mr Phillips. Probably the Samuel Locke who was examined and approved by the West- minster Assembly, June 12, 1657. De Grey, William ; son of William de Grey, knt. Born at Merton, Norfolk (bapt. July 22, 1626). School, Thetford, under Mr Ward, seven years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 1, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. (Trin. Hall) 1647-8: perhaps M.A. {reg. com.) 1671. Major in the Army. Described as of Norwich, in 1656 ; and as of Merton in 1686. Had an annuity of £23. 6s. 8d. left him by his father. (Norf. Ant. Misc. iii. 57.) See Robert, 1629. Le Grice, John : son of Charles Le Grice, gent., of Thelveton, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Feb. 10, 1628-9). School, Diss, under Mr Gibbs, one year; and under Mr Hall, five years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1645. Surety, Mr Barker. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Dec. 30, 1647.) B.A. 1647-8. A John Le Grys entered at Leyden, May 13, 1647. *Naylor, William : son of William Nay lor, gent., of Offord, Hunts. Born there. Schools, Sutton, Beds., under Mr Kempe, six years ; and Hitchin, Herts., a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 18, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1648-9 : M.A. 1652. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to L. Day 1651. Junior fellow, L. Day 1651 : senior, Christ' 1657 to L. Day 1673. Morning lecturer, 1652: Greek lecturer, 1654: salarist, 1658-61. University preacher, 1661. Author: Latin verses before W. Godman's University sermon, 1660; and in the Threni Oantabrigienses (on the death of the Duke of Gloucester), 1661. He gave many theological books to our library : the works of Chrysostom, Jerome, &c. Rector of Offord Darcy, Hunts., 1671. Brother of Richard, 1641. See W. Naylor, p. 339 : perhaps author of the sermon there referred to. Sayer, Francis : matriculated pensioner. Fletcher, Bartholomew : son of Thomas Fletcher, 'jurisconsultus' (reader of Lincoln's Inn). Born at Braconash, Norfolk. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, three years ; and in London, under Mr Ridley, three years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 23, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. Scholar, L. Day 1645 to Mids'' 1647. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 8, 1647. Dagnall, William : son of Samuel Dagnall, gent. Born at Berkhampstead St Peter, Herts. Schools, Berkhampstead, under Mr Sayer, three years ; and Tring, under Mr Holmes, two years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, 1645. Surety, Mr Phillips. B.A. 1648-9. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Mich' 1649. Sorocold, James and George : sons of George Sorocold, gent. Born at Ashton, Lancashire. School, Winwick, under Mr Pickering, about six years. Ages 18 and 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 9, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. George. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Mich' 1648. Probably died young: not mentioned in the pedigree in the Vis. of Lanes., 1664. James was then apparently unmarried. 358 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Humphrey, Simon : son of Simon Humphre}', schoolmaster (clerk, of Stamford, Linos.). Born at Melton Mowbray. At school there, and at Stamford, Lin- colnshire, under his father, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, May 23, 1645. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. (Joh.) 1647-8. Migrated to St John's, Ap. 1, 1646. Father's will proved (P. C. C.) 1657. Simson, William : son of William Simson, schoolmaster. Born in London. Edu- cated at home, under his father, five years. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 30, 1645. Surety, Mr Gibsone. Migrated to Trinity, Mny 5, 1646. One of these names was rector of St Peters, Heydon, Norf., 16G2-1700: and rector of Irmingland, 1661—1700. ? Author, Sign from one who was moved of the Lord... 1659. Bacon, Thomas : son of Francis Bacon, Justice of the King's Bench. Born in Norwich. At school, under Mr Levering, seven years. Age over 17. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, June 10, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Mich" 1647. Married Jane, thirteenth child of Sir William De Grey, of INIerton. Resided in St Gregory parish, Norwich. He settled on his wife his house in Norwich, and lands in E. Bradenham and Scarning; Aug. 26, 1686 {if or/. Ant. Misc. in. 56). This may have been his second wife : as he was married in 1664 (v. Vis. of Norf.). Peers (matriculated. Perse), Jonas : son of John Peers, gent. Born in London. School, Mercers' ('apud capellam Mercatorum'), under ]\Ir Auger, two years; and Hoxton ('Hogsden'), Middlx., under Mr Walters, over two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 16, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Mich' 1647. Josias Peers, son and heir of John Peers, of Fulham, was admitted at Gray's Inn, June 1647. Phelipps, Thomas : son of Edward Phelipps, gent., deceased. Boi-n at Bisbrooke, Rutlandsliire. At school, under Mr Johnson, five years ; and at Uppingham, under Mr Meeres, fi^■e years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 19, 1645. Surety, Mr Phelips. B.A. 1648-9 : M.A. 1652. Scholar, Mich' 1645 to Mich' 1649. Ordained deacon (Norw.) May 28; priest, May 29, 1670; as curate of Westoning, Norf. (?Beds.). Bastard, Henry and John : sons of Henr}' Bastard (of Gt Dunham). Born in Norfolk. (Henry; bapt. at St Margaret's, L3Tin, Oct. 7, 1627: John; at Gt Dunham, Jan. 26, 1628-9.) Schools, Lynn, under Mr Toll, three years; Cantley, under Mr Chapman, five years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lo^■ering, one year. Ages 17 and 16. Admitted to the bachelors' table, June 24, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. Henry. Of Great Dunham, and Mileham, gent. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Beane, of Lynn. Died without issue. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1716: "of Mileham." Pedisjree in Vis. of 1664. John. B.A. 1648-9: M.A. (Trin. 'Hall) 1652. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to Mich- 1649. Ordained deacon (Chich.) Sep. 21; priest (do.) Sep. 24, 1660. Vicar of Stow Bardolph, Norf., 1661-9. Rector of Brancaster, 1667. Not mentioned in his brother Henry's will. (v. Carthew, ii. 802.) Thurston, Frederick : son of John Thurston, gent., of Hoxne, Suffolk. Born there (bapt. Oct. 9, 1627). At school there, under Mr Hall, seven years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 30, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A 1648-9. Half-brother of Nathaniel, 1632; and of Clement, 1636. 1645. 359 Buried Sep. 12, 1658 : described in a deed {Suff. Eecwds i. 12) 1659, as "late of Pulham, Norfolk." Rop;ersoii, Robert : son of Thomas Rogerson, of Norton, Norfolk. Born there (June 14, 1627). Schools, Wymondham, under Mr Wildman, two years; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, one year. Age 18. Admitted sizar, July 1, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. (Son of Thomas of 1611.) B.A. 1648-9: M.A. 1653. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1653. Ordained priest (Bp of Kilmore) Aug. 14, 1649. Minister of Ormesby, Norf., 1650: where he received £40 a year. Rector of Denton, 1659-1714. Married Barbara, daughter of William Gooch, of Mettingham, SufF. He left by will, proved (Norw. C. C.) 1715, a piece of land to augment the glebe, (v. Blomef. v. 412.) M. I. at Denton, to him and to his wife. Ball, Thomas. Matriculated sizar, July 2, 1645. Bauds, Maurice : (third) son of Maurice Bauds, Esq., of Somerby, Lincolnshire (formerly of the college; 1615). Educated at home, under Mr Graves; and at Ely school, under Mr Hitch. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 3, 1645. Surety, Mr Foster. Previously admitted at Queens' College, June 8, 1644; and afterwards at Pembroke Hall, Jan. 7, 1644-5. Scholar, Mids"" 1646 to Mids"' 1647. Migrated to Oxford, where he graduated B.A., at Lincoln College, Ap. 15, 1648. Probably Cambridge was too much in the hands of Parliament at that time. Entered in the Vis. of Lines. 1666. Baron, Robert : son of Robert Baron, alderman (sheriff and mayor) of Norwich. Born there. At school, under Mr Gushing, four years ; and under Mr Lover- ing, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 22, 1645. Surety, Mr Phillips. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Sep. 30.) His father was one of the first benefactors to the Girls' Hospital, Norwich. Coell, James. Matriculated pensioner, March 19, 1645-6. Scholar, Mich' 1646 to L. Day 1648. Perhaps son of Thomas, of 1591 ; in whose will, proved 1650, a son James is mentioned. Hussey, Edward : son of Edward Hussey, knt. and liart., of Honington, Lincoln- shire. Born there. School, Somerby, under Mr Briggs, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Aug. 7, 1645. Surety, Mr Blanks. Died without issue. His father was fined £10,200, as a delinquent, 1646. (Col. of Com. for Compounding.) Houghton, John : son of Robert Houghton, Esq., of Itteringham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Hassingham, under Mr Woolsey, si.x years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 11, 1645. Surety, Mr Bai-ker. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to Mich' 1649. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 7, 1648. Of Ranworth, Esq.: youngest son : married and had issue. (Blomef. V. 474.) Brother of Richard, 1633. Burton, Zachariah : son of Elias Burton, of Somerby, Leicestershire. Born there. Schools, Long Clawson? ('Knawson'), under Mr Scauton, two years; and Leicester, under Mr Knightley, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Sep. 12, 1645. Surety, Ds Heme, fellow. B.A. 1649-50. Scholar, Mids' 1648 to L. Day 1650. Not to be confu.sed with Hezekiah, of the same date at Magdalene. (For whom see D. N. B.) Catlin, Charles : son of Thomas Catlin, gent., of Norwich. Born there. School, Hassingham, under Mr Woolsey, five years ; and Norwich, under Mr 360 GONVILI.K AND CAIUS C(JLLEGE. Levering, three yeai-s. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 16, 1645. Surety, Mr Barber. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to Mich" 1647. Watts, James : son of Richard Watts, rector of Wolverton (' Woolverdington '), "Warwickshire. Born there. Educated under his father, six years; and at Warwick, one year. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Sep. 18, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. (Jes.) 1653. Incorporated at Oxford, July 11, 1654. Scholar, Mich" 1647 to Christ" 1650. Perhaps rector of Ridlington, Ruts., 1656. One of these names was licensed as schoolmaster at Lit. Wal- singham, Oct. 22, 1662. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 'of Walsinghara parva,' 1662-3. MiCH^ 1645— MiCH^ 1646. Rant, WUliam: eldest son of Humphrey Rant (formerly of the college; 1612), Esq., of Yelverton, Norfolk. Born at Norwich. Educated at home, under various tutors. Age about 18. Tutor, his uncle, Mr John Rant, fellow. Admitted feUow-commoner, Oct. 10, 1645. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Oct. 31, 1646. Of Yelverton, Esq. Married (1) Susan, daughter of Anthony Mingay, gent., of Norwich; (2) Elizabeth, daughter of James Tyrrell, Esq. of Mendham. Died March 30, 1687; aged 57. Buried at Yelverton. M. I. there to him and to his second wife. {Blomef. V. 379.) Brother of Humphrey, 1653. *Loades, Thomas: son of Philip Loades, minister. Bom at Sedgeford, Norfolk. Educated under his father, seven years ; and at Heacham, under Mr Hodson, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 5, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to Mich" 1651. Junior fellow, Mich" 1651 to Mich" 1655. Presented to Foulden, 1654; and to Bincombe, Dors., 1657. " Jlr Thomas Loads and Mrs Margaret Randall were married (at Bincombe) Ap. 13, 1665." Succeeded his father as rector of Ringstead St Peter, 1663-74. Died June 13, 1674. M. I. at Ringstead. His will (nuncupative) was proved by his widow at Norwich, June 29, 1674. Leader, Samuel : son of John Leader, baker. Born at Thetford, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Lock, four j-ears ; and at Cambridge, under ^Messrs Hunt and Hammond, five years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 20, 1645. Surety, ]Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich" 1645 to Mids^ 1650. He was suspended from his degree, June 28, 1649 {Act. Curice) and obliged to make a recantation in the Regent House; probably like Wilson, of 1646, for drink- ing the health of the king. Ordained priest (Bp of Kilmore) Nov. 29, 1651. Vicar of Griston, Norf., 1654-61. Rector of Harphara, 1662-6. Rector of Thursford, 1666-9. Vicar of Barney, 1666-99. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1699. Massey, Edmund (Edward) : son of Isaac Massey, minister. Born at Ayston, Rutlandshire. School, Uppingham, under Mr Johnson, five years ; and under Mr Mears, five years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 28, 1645. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50 : M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich" 1646 to Mich" 1649. Minister of Caldecott, Ruts., to about Oct. 1656 : where he received £31 a year from the Pari. Conmiittee. {Lanib. MS. 1004, p. 18.) Sanderson, WilHam. B.A. 1645-6 (Coll. Register). 1645—1646. 361 Browne, John : son of John Browne, doctor ('medicus'), living at Blofiekl, Norfolk. Educated under Mr Loveringe, and Mr Kinge, rector of Burlingham St Edmund, more than three years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 11, 1645-6. Surety, Mr Blankes. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1655. Ordained priest by Bp. Joseph Hall, July 3, 1654. Admitted, by the Parliamentary Committee, to Brundall, Strumpshaw, and Bradeston, July 5, 1657 (Consig. Bk.). Apparently his predecessor was replaced at Strumpshaw, 1660-70; and at Bradeston 1660-2. Chaplain to the Earl of Derby. Subscribed £5 to the Royal loan, 1666. Died in 1681 : will proved (Norwich C. C.) 1681. The father was a licentiate of Physic: buried at Bradeston, May 27, 1667. Harvey, John : son of Robert Harvey, gent, (of Quainton, Bucks.). Born at Ipswich. At school in London, under Mr Coleman, four years ; at Godman- chester, Hunts., under Mr Sell, three years ; and Cambridge, one year, under Mr Hammond. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner. Mar. 11, 1645-6. Surety, Mr Phillips. Of Ickvvellbury, Beds., Esq. Eldest son. Admitted at the Inner Temple, May 14, 1647 : called to the bar, Nov. 24, 1653. Married Mary, widow of Vassall, Esq. His mother was Susan Parker, of Ipswich. Will dated Dec. 10, 1691 : proved (P. C. C.) Ap. 20, 1692. (W. J. H.) Bragg, George : son of Richard Bragg, ' suffumigator,' of London. Born there. At school there, under Mr Simson, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. Mar. 14, 1645-6. Surety, Mr Gibson. Felstead, Samuel : son of Thomas Felstead, merchant, of Yarmouth (bapt., St Nicholas, Nov. 6, 1629), Norfolk. Born there. School, Hoxne, Suffolk, under Mr Hall, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Mar. 27, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50. Scholar, Mids^ 1647 to Mids"^ 1650. The father was bailiff of Yarmouth, 1649-50. Coleby, John : (eldest) son of Thomas Coleby, D.D., rector of Cawston ('Casan'), Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Aylsham, three years, under Mr Clare ; Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, one year ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stevens, two years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 3, 1646. Surety, Mr Foster. Previously admitted at Trinity College, April 3, 164.5. Of Banham, Esq. Married Anne, daughter of John Archer, of Wiggen- hall St Mary. Died before Sep. 27, 1671, when his widow married Edward North of Benacre. ( Vis. of If or/.) Entered his pedigree in the Suff. Vis. of 1664; when he was 'of Walsham le Willows.' (J. J. M.) Pope, Jeremiah : admitted pensioner. Franklin, John : son of Edward Franklin, D.D., deceased, rector of Great Cressing- ham, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Saham Tony, under Mr Gilbert, three years ; Hertford, under Mr Miner, two years ; and Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, one year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 7, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich» 1647 to Mid.s' 1650. Or- dained deacon (Chich.) Sep. 22 ; priest (B. and Wells) Sep. 23, 1660. Rector of Tattingstone, Norf.; subscribes Jan. 28, 1660-1. Curate of Wissingset, 1662. Rector of Godwick and Tittleshall, 1662-78. Rector of Wellingham, 1676-8. Married (1) Jane, daughter of John Lany, of Ipswich, Esq. (2) Frances, daughter of Luke Skippon, D.D. Buried at Tittleshall, 1678. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1678. (F. G.) For an account of the father, see Walker ii. 245. 362 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Galloway, Thomas : admitted pensioner. One of these names licensed as school- master at Bildeston, Suff., Feb. 12, 1662-3: there in 1677. Fenne, William : son of Edward Fenne, gent., of Harrow on the Hill. Born in London. At school there (Harrow), under Mr Hyde, nine years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 11, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich' 1646' to Mich= 1650. Ad- mitted at Gray's Inn, June 6, 1649. Elected governor of Harrow School, 1683. Pedigree in Vis. of Loudon, 1634; eldest son. Fenn, Stephen : son of Thomas Feun, gent., of Houghton, Norfolk. Born there. School, Norwich, under Messrs Cushinge and Loveringe, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50. Scholar, Mids-^ 1648 to Mich" 1649. Perhaps minister of Southwold, Sufi"., till his death in 1654: but the references to him seem to imply an older man. He was previously minister of Walberswick. (T. Gardner, Dunieick, p. 212.) Combe, John : son of Edward Combe, gent., deceased. Born at Bacton, Sufiblk. School, Bury St Edmunds, five j-eare, under Messrs Hobman and Stevens. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Scholar, L. Day 1648 to Mids^ 1650. Keble, John (matriculated 'Kelke'): son of James Keble, Esq., of Halesworth, Sufiblk. Born there. Educated under Messrs Castleton, Havens and Clarke ; and at Moulton, Norfolk, under Mr Laneetter, seven years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 17, 1646. Surety Mr Moore. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 28, 1647. Of Halesworth, gent. Died without issue, in 1652. Will proved (P. C. C.) May 21, 1653: leaves lands to his mother, uncles, and other kinsmen. His lauds in Huntingfield to the poor in Halesworth. (J. J. M.) Fuller, William : son of Benjamin Fuller, gent., of Syleham, Sufilolk. Born there. Schools, Wingfield, under Mr Jarmin, a year and a half ; and Hoxne, under ]\Ir Hall, seven years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 23, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Of Syleham and Bradwell, Sufi"., gent. Married Prudence, daughter of William Brock of Southwold. Died October 1668 : will proved (Archd. Sudb.) Oct. 13, 1668. Leaves manors in Syleham and Brockdish to his brother Samuel. Pedigree in Vis. of JSsse.v, 1664. (J. J. M.) Brother of Benjamin, 1647. Watson, Samuel : son of James Watson, alderman of Dublin. Born there. School, Carlow ? (' Catherlagh'), under Mr Gater, six years. Age 23. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, April 30, 1646. Surety, Mr Phillips. Previously admitted at Trinity College, Dublin, Dec. 12, 1640. Scholar, Mich^ 1646 to Mich" 1647. Perhaps the same who was appointed to the church of Tisbury, Wilts., and chapel of E. Hatch, Jan. 1651-2: "a godly and orthodox minister." (Flwid. Min. Committee : Rec. Office.) Ford, Edward : son of Edward Foi-d, minister (vicar of Great Warley, Essex). Born at Rochford, Essex. Schools, Billericay, under Mr Long ; Little Warley, under Mr Holden ; and Brentwood, Essex, under Mr Lathum. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 30, 1646. Surety, Air Phillips. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 4, 1647; "son and heir of Edward, of Great Warley, clericus." 1646. 363 Peake : admitted sizar. Scholar, Mich" 1648 to Mids' 1650. *Burton, John: -son of William Burton, plasterer ('coementarius'), of Gretton, Northants. Born there. School, Uppingham, Rutlandshire, under Mr Meares, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 30, 1616. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Incorporated at Oxford, May 10, 1677. Junior fellow, L. Day 1651 : senior, Christ" 1651 to Mich" 165.5. Hebrew lecturer, 1653-4. Master of the Cathedral school, Ely, 1650-3. Master of Scarning school, 1653-77. Master of Norwich School, 1677-99. At Seaming he kept two assistant masters, and had always about 50 l)oys, 20 of whom boarded in his house. In 1660 he published a fantastic educational romance, " Eriander," in which he put forth his theories of education. His History of Norwich school was published in a volume of posthumous works of Sir T. Browne. He died Aug. 16, 1699. Monument at Scarning. He was not in holy orders. (A. J.) *Naylor, Oliver: son of Oliver Naylor, minister (formerly of the college, p. 158). Born at Marwood, Devon (bapt. Jan. 30, 1627-8). Schools, Atherington, under Mr Beckett, two years ; Stratton, Cornwall, under Mr Holman, two years; and Barnstaple, under Mr Sam. Clark, one year. Age 18. Admitted pensioner. May 2, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich« 1647 to L. Day 1651. Junior fellow L. Day 1651 : senior, Mich" 1655 to Mids"' 1659. Morning lecturer, 1651-3. "Mr Naylor preached in the forenoon at St Mary's (Cambridge). He spake much about Sacrilege. Some thought that he did respect those that came into masterships or fellowships. I thought it was not so directed. He was chosen fellow by such. He is .said to be a humble quiet and conscientious man. But he discovered too much of youthful heat, and was imprudent in his expressions." (Dr Wortliington's Diary, Nov. 29, 1657.) He gave to the college library the works of Suarez in 16 fol. vols., Biblia polyglotta, 1657, and many other books. Rector of Tawstock, Devon : probably instituted, 1652. Rector of Clovelly, 1666-99. Preb. of Exeter, 1661-1701 ; when he resigned. Chaplain to Dowager Countess of Devon. Married Jane, daughter of Fermor Pepys of Mileham. Died July 14, 1705: buried at Tawstock. M. I. to him and his wife. Nightingall, Thomas, Sir : son of Robert Nightingall, Esq., of Newport, Essex. Born there. School, Stevenage, Herts., six years. Age 16. Admitted fellow- commoner, May 2, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Succeeded his grandfather Thomas (of 1593) as baronet, 1644. Of Langlej', Essex. Married Jane, daughter of George Shires, of Slyfield Hall, Surrey. Buried at Newport, Oct. 19, 1702. He gave a silver cup to the college (Annals: — where the elder Thomas is called his father). Pedigree in Betham's Baronetage. Potter, Thomas : son of John Potter, gent. Born at Ashton, Lancashire. At school there, under Mr Birch, five years; and at Winwick, under Mr Pickering, eight years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1653. Scholar, Mich" 1647 to Christ" 1650. Perhaps curate of Winwick, Lanes., 1656-71 : and pastor of Newchurch, 1658-9 : buried at Winwick, Nov. 12, 1671. Several entries, in the register, of children of Thomas Potter, minister. (E. A.) One of these names was rector of Stanhoe, Norf., in 1651. 364 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Sanderson, George: son of George Sanderson, gent., of Lincolnshire. Born in London. School, Newport, Essex, under Mr Woolley, tive j'ears. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 27, 16-46. Surety, Mr Moore. Probably of Louth, Lines. Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Lodington. Wm dated Dec. 2, 1689 : proved (Line.) 1690. (A. J. M.) Sykes, Henry : son of Robert Sykes, minister, of Yardley, Herts, (bapt. Oct. 3, 1630). Educated at home for two years ; and at Stevenage, under JNIr Pierson, a year and a half. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Jul}- 0, 1645 (sic). Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50: M.A. 1660. Vicar of St Ippolj-ts, 1650-1663. Rector of Ayot St Lawrence, Herts., 1661-97. He rebuilt the chancel and parsonage house of Ayot in 1694. (Clutterbuck ii. 257.) Died 1697. Reeve, Edmund : son of Augustin Reeve. Born at Haddiscoe, Norfolk. At school (Norwich), under Mr Loveringe, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 27, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 23, 1645 : barrister, 1652. Died Dec. 20, 1656. M. I. at Toft Monks, Norf. Brother of Henry and Augustin, 1658; and Charles, 1663. Bent, Ambrose : son of Thomas Bent, husbandman : of Hoby, Leicestershire. School, Sileby, five years, under Mr Partridge. Age 20. Admitted sizar, June 5, 1645 (sic). Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1649-50. Probably Vicar of Ashby Foh-ile, Leics., 1659-61 : presented by the Pari. Sequestrators. Wood, Samuel : son of William Wood, gent. Born at Saddington, Leicestershire. Schools, Kibworth, under Mr Wright, three years ; and Lutterworth, under Mr Winterton, about one year. Age 14. Admitted sizar, June 10, 1645 (sic). Surety, Mr Barker. Probably B.A. (Queens') 1651-2: M.A. 1655. Ordained deacon (Line.) June 15; priest, June 16, 1661. Perhaps vicar of Stanstead Abbots, Herts., 1666 to his death in 1675 : of Bishop Stortford, 1666-75 : and of Patteswick, Essex, 1672. Byrom, Adam : son of Henry Byrom, Esq., of Lowton, Lancashire. Bom there. Schools, Winwick, under Mr Pickeringe, three years ; Bradford, Yorkshire, under Mr WooreU, a year and a half ; and again, Winwick, under Mr Picker- inge, two years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 15, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1649-50. Scholar, Christ^ 1647 to Mids^ 1650. Described as a lunatic in 1664 (Vis. of Lanes.). The father was a major in the royal army : killed at Edgehill, 1642. Brother of Samuel and Edward, 1650. Elderd, John: son of John Elderd, gent., of Bourls?, Essex. Born at Colchester. At school there, under Mr Dugard, over six years, and at Stortford, Herts., under Mr Lea. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 2, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Lord of the manor of Olivers, Stanway. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 2, 1648: "son and heir of John Elderd of Burgh, Essex." Married Margaret, daughter of Richard Harlackenden, of Earls Colne, Essex ; and had issue. M.P. for Harwich, 1689. Died Sep. 2, 1717: buried at Earls Colne. (Morant, ii. 193.) Catcher, Thomas : son of Richard Catcher, M.D. (Fellow of the College of Physicians). Born at Leatherhead, Surrey. At school, under Mr Watts, three years ; under Mr Mason at Camberwell, three years ; and at Stortford, Herts., 1646. 365 under Mr Lea. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 2, 1G46. Surety, Mr Moore. Eldest son. The father signs the pedigree in the Lond. Vis. 1634. The mother was of Leatherhead. Booth, Robert : son of Robert Booth, minister (vicar of Wroxham). Born at Wroxham, Norfolk. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, over a year ; Swaffham, under Mr Dawson, three years ; and Great Fransham, under Mr Tucke, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1646. Surety, Mr Foster. Migrated to Clare, June 12, 1649. B.A. 1649-50. One of these names was rector of Satterleigh, Dev., 1687 ; and of Warkleigh, 1687. Palmer, William : son of Owen Palmer, gent. Born at Hempstead, Norfolk. Schools, Edgefield, under Mr Cooper ; and Holt, under Messrs Witherly and Fenn, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 4, 1646. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1654. Scholar, Mich' 1647 to L. Day 1652. Or- dained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) Feb. 2, 1653-4. Licensed, by the bishop, to preach, Oct. 2, 1662. Rector of Filby, Norf., 1658-84. Subscribed £5 to the royal loan, 1666. Cubitt, Thomas : son of John Cubitt, woollen-draper, of Yarmouth (bapt., St Nicholas, Mar. 20, 1630—1). Schools, Yarmouth, under Mr Dove, five years; and Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, four years. Age 15. Admitted, Sep. 9, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1650-1. Scholar, L. Day 1648 to Mich» 1652. *Coleman, Jeremiah : son of Jeremiah Coleman, gent., of Wymondham, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. March 24, 1629-30). At school, under Mr Locke, four years ; and at Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 11, 1646. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1650-1. Scholar, Mids' 1647 to Mich" 1651. Junior fellow, Mich" 1651 to Mich" 1652. Examined and approved by the Westminster Assembly, Oct. 3, 1651, for his fellowship. Afterwards rector of Hethersett, Norf., till his death in 1659. Married, Dec. 20, 1653, Barbara Turner, daughter of Barbara Whitfoot, widow, of Hapton, Norf. His funeral sermon, preached by Thomas Moor, Feb. 18, 1658-9, was afterwards published. Garey, Samuel : son of Samuel Garey, minister, of Norfolk (formerly of the college ; p. 165). Born in Norwich. At school, under Mr Cushion, two, and under Mr Levering, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 19, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. Previously admitted at Corpus Christi, July 6, 1646. Scholar, Mich" 1646 to Mich= 1649. Berry, John : son of Anthony Berry, gent. Born at Bisbrooke, Rutlandshire. Schools, Uppingham, under Mr Johnson, five, and under Mr Mears, three years ; and Ripon, Yorkshire, under Mr Palms, two years. Age 20. Ad- mitted sizar, Sep. 26, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1655. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1658. Master of Market Harborough school. Curate of Bowden, Leics., in 1662; and of Harborough in 1672. He discovered a Greek MS. of Ignatius' Epistles in Oundle ; which he gave to Bp Fell, who speaks of him as " egregius vir et de re literaria optime meritus." Bp Lightfoot (Ign. i. 114) gives a critical account of it. 366 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. MiCH^ 1646— MiCH^ 1647. Carr, Nicholas: son of Nicholas Carr, barrister (' causidicus'), of Norwich. Born there. At school there, under Mr Nucy, two years, and under ]Mr Lovering, two 3'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 7, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1654. Scholar, Mids' 1647 to Mich' 1654. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 23, 1645. Rector of Bircham Tofts, 16.32-63. Ordained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) Oct. 26, 1653: instituted by him Nov. 25, 1652. Buried tliere. M. 1. in the church. Married Mary, daughter of Anthony Frere, rector of Mulbarton, Norf. Pedigree in Norf. Vis., 1664. Reynolds, John : son of Coo]ier Reynolds, minister, (rector) of Winfarthing, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Shelf hanger, under ]\Ir Williams, three years; and Winfarthing, under ilr Aggas, one year. Age 16. Admitted, Sep. 26, 1646, sizar of Mr Bagge. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1654. A John Re3Tiolds was rector of Roughton, Norf. ; ejected in 1662. Afterwards a nonconformist minister at Crosby Square, London, one of those who presented the address of thanks to James II. in 1687. He died soon after; probably Nov. 25, 1691. See Funeral Sennon, by S. Slater. (Browne's Norf., p. 594.) Barrow, Isaac: son of Isaac Barrow, gent, (formerly of the college, 1616), of Burwell, Canibs. Born there (bapt. at Wicken, Oct. 8, 1629). Schools, Westminster, for one j^ear ; Bumpstead, Herts, (sic), under Mr Thornback, for one year ; and at home in his father's house, under Mr Wallis, four years. Admitted, to the scholars' table, Oct. 29, 1646. Surety, Mr Foster. Scholar, Mich^ 1646 to Christ' 1647. Of Burwell, Cambs., Esq. Wilson, Thomas : son of William Wilson, of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at Lit. St ]Mar5''s, Julv 3, 1630). At the Perse School, under Mr Crabb. Age 16. Admitted sizaV, Oct. 14, 1646. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1651-2. He was suspended for a time by the V.-Chancellor, and ordered to make a recantation in the Regent House ; probably, like several others punished at the same time, for " drinking a health to the king and confusion to Tom (Fairfax)." (Acta Curia: June 23, 1649.) Probably either (1) ordained priest (Ardf. and Aghad.) Ap. 22, 1654, rector of Kelling, Norf., 1654 : rector of Thornage, 1658 ; or (2) ordained priest (Line.) June 16, 1661 : curate of Datchworth, Hei-ts., 1662. Mapletoft, Edmund : son of Edmund Mapletoft. (clerk), of Holbrook, Suffolk. School, Ely, under Mr Hitch, four years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 19, 1646. Surety, JMr Barker. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1654. Scholar, Mich» 1646 to Mids' 1653. Or- dained priest (Bp Joseph Hall) June 30, 1655. Rector of Burlingham St Edmund, 1657-91 : admitted by the Com. of pubUc preachers. Vicar of Halvergate : signs the bishop's lx)ok, March 23, 1660-1. Chaplain to Dowager Lady Lovelace. Subscribed £5 to the royal loan, 1666. Died 1691. Smith, Tobias : son of William Smith, gent., of Sutton Bassett, Northants. Bom there. Schools, Ashley, under ISIr Withers, three years : at the Church of St Mar}', near Harborough, under Mr Largam 1 three years ; and at Upping- ham, under Mr Meeres, one j'ear. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 22, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1650-1. Scholar, Mich» 1650 to L. Day 1652. Rector of Stoke Albany, Northants., 1658-84. Buried there Jan. 19, 1683-4. 1646—1647. 367 Howell (Hovell), Thomas : son of William Howell, tailor, of Cambridge. Born there. At the Perse School, under Mr Crabb, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Dec. 1, 1646. Surety, Mr Buckenham. B.A. 1650-1 : M.A. 1654. Scholar, Mich» 1650 to L. Day 1652. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Feb. 25, 1663-4. Vicar of Clare, Suff.; and rector of Wixoe, 1664-98. Buried at Wixoe, Nov. 18, 1698. Harvey, Daniel ; son of Daniel Harvey, gent., of London. School, Croydon, Surrey, under Mr Webb, five years. Then, " quo pleniore haustu ardentem literarum sitim relevaret," he was admitted, March 3, 1643, at Pembroke College, Oxford ; tutor Mr Bernard, " vir insigniter doctus." Finally " gravis Uteris," at the age of 15, he was admitted fellow-commoner here, Nov. 12, 1646. Surety, Mr Moore. B.A. 1647-8. Nephew of the physiologist (v. p. 149). Of Combe Nevill, Surrey. Knighted at Canterbury, May 26, 1660. J.P. for Surrey. Received a grant in reversion as cu.stodian of the New Park, Richmond, 1660. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Lord Montagu, and Iiad issue. Ambassador to Turkey, 1678. Died at Constantinople, Aug. 1672. Buried at Hempstead, Essex. Will proved (P. C. C.) May 4, 1677. (W. J. H.) Jenkynson, Thomas : son of Thomas Jenkyn-son, gent. Born in Rutlandshire. Schools, Collyweston, under Mr Marshall, five years ; and Uppingham, under Mr Alson, two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Nov. 27, 1646. Surety, Mr Phillips. Minn, John : son of John Minn, Esq., of King's Walden, Herts. Born there. Schools, Hertford, under Mr Minors, two years ; Rushden, under Mr Marshall, three years ; Walden, under Mr Battaile, two years ; and at home, under Mr Ashly, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 25, 1646-7. Manning, William : son of William Manning, husbandman, of Diss, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Aug. 8, 1630). At school there, under Mr Gibs, five years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 17, 1646-7. Surety, Mr Segewick. B.A. 1650-1. Perhaps ordained priest (Bp of Exeter) Oct. 17, 1655. Rector of Rishangles, Suff., 1663-78. Married Mary Revett, May 13, 1662. Subscribed £10 to the royal loan, 1666. Buried at Rishangles, June 28, 1678. Will proved (Norw. C. 0.) 1678. One of the same names was ejected from Middleton, 1662 : afterwards licensed as congregationalist teacher at Peasenhall ; " a man of great abilities and learning, but fell into Socinian principles" (Browne, p. 529). Buried at Peasenhall, Feb. 15, 1710-1; aged 81. Will proved (Ipsw.) 1711. The latter may be our student; and the former of Christ's, B.A. 1652-3. Pedder, Isaac : son of Tobias Redder, gent., of Hunstanton, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Burgh, Lincoln.shire, under Mr Allen ; Lynn, under Mr Bell ; and Ringstead, Norfolk, under Mr Loades, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 27, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. Scholar, L. Day 1648 to Mids"' 1650. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 7, 1652. The father appears to have been a strong Parliamentarian. Sir Hamon Lestrange, in a letter (Feb. 3, 1651-2) to Col. Jermy, complains of him "as the chief mover in clandestine informations : as ravenous beasts prey, he hath sought my ruin by close and skulking practices." (Hunstanton Hall private records.) Fleard, Samuel : son of Richard Fleard, minister, of Leasingham, Lincolnshire. School, Digby, under Mr Harkley, seven years. Age 22. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 30, 1647. Surety, the chaplain, Mr Bradshaw. 368 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Lovell, Charles : sou of Jolm Lovell, Esq., of E. Harling. Born at Wisbech. Schools, Thetford, Norfolk, under Mr Ward, three years ; and Pickenham, under Mr Eade, two yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Maj' 6, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 11, 1649-50: 'son and heir of John, of Harling.' His mother was a Buckworth, of Wisbech. Half brother of John, of 1660. Died without issue. He gave to our library Rivola's AnneniMn Grammar, 1624. Blofeild, William: son of Thomas Blofeild, Esq. (formerly of the college: 1619). Born at Hookehall ('Hockwell'), Norfolk. Schools, Baconsthorpe, under Mr Watson, two years ; Diss, under Mr Lancaster, three years ; and Gunthorpe, under Mr Chapman, one year. Age IS. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 7, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. (Afterwards admitted as fellow-commoner. ) Of Walsingham parva, Knapton, and Beeston Priory, gent. (Blomef. viii. ; 92, 134). Described as of Runcton in 1660. Died without issue. His father held the manor of Hookehall in Wickmere, adjoining Sustead. Sherwood, Sampson : son of James Sherwood, deceased. Born at Bushby, Leicestershire. Schools, Scraptoft, under Mr Jones, two years ; and Thurnby, under Ferdinand Burridge, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1650-1. Scholar, Mich^ 1650 to Mich' 1652. Of the same family as William Sherard, of Bushby, founder of the Botany professorship at Oxford. Chancy, Henry : son of Henry Chancy, Esq., of Yardley Bury (Ardeley), Herts. (Born Ap. 12, 1632.) Schools, Stevenage, under Mr Pierson, four years ; and Bishop Stortford, under Mr Lee (Thomas Leigh), one year. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 7, 1647. Surety, Mr Barker. (Afterwards admitted as fellow-commoner.) The historian of Herts Barrister at law, of the Middle Temple, 1656. Treasurer, 1685. Serjeant at law, 1688. J.P. ; and Recorder of Hertford 1680. Knighted at Windsor, June 14, 1681. He was married three times. Died May 1, 1719: buried at Yardley. (v. Herts. Vis. 1634; and D. N. B.) His History of Herts, was published in 1700. Rampley, William : son of Thomas Rampley, gent., of Walsham-le- Willows, Suffolk. Schools, Botesdale, under Mr Fowls, two years ; Westhorpe, one year ; and Botesdale, under Mr Ellis, one year. Age 1 6. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 8, 1647. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1650-1: M.A. 1654. Scholar, Mich^ 1647 to Mich' 1651. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Nov. 1, 1662 : subscribed for priest's orders, Dec. 20, 1662. Rector of Gunthorpe and Bale, 1663. Ellis, Edward ; son of John Ellis, gent., of Milton, Cambs. At King's College School, under Mr Hammond, two years ; and at Chishall, Essex, under Mr Hanchett, about a year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 14, 1647. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. Scholar, Christ' 1647 to Mich' 1649. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Sep. 3, 1649. Read, John: son of John Read, gent., of Thurnby, Leicestershire. Schools, ]3illesdon, under Mr Trigg, four years ; Thurnby, under Ferdinand Burridge, over a year. Age 15. Admitted sizar, June 10, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 1, 1656: "eldest son of John, of Ferneby, Lines." 1647. 369 Fuller, Benjamin : son of Benjamin Fuller, gent., of Sylehani, Suffolk. Born at Bungay, Norfolk (sic). Schools, Hoxne, Suffolk, under Mr Hall, four year.s ; and Yo.xford, under Mr Eachard. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 18, 1647. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to L. Day 16.50. Mentioned as having three sons, when his brother William (of 1646) made his will ; Sep. 30, 1668. (J. J. M.) Seaman, William: son of Thomas Seaman, doctor ('medicus') of Wymondham, Norfolk. Schools, Hingham, under Mr Alden, three years; and Wymondham, under Mr Mathews, five years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 22, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. For some years in Constantinople in the service of Sir Peter Wyche, the ambas.sador. Entered as a student at Leyden, May 20, 1671. M.D. Camb. (by lit. reg.) 1676. Author: Translation of a Catechism into Turkish, 1660; do. of the New Test., 1666. Turkish Grammar, 1670; and other works. Puckering, Thomas : son of Thomas Puckering, Esq., of Hildersham, Cambs. Schools, Thurlow, Suflblk, under Mr Moore, three years ; and Newport, under Mr Wooly. Age over 1-5. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 18, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. (Afterwards admitted to the bachelors' table.) *Gostlin, John : son of John Gostlin, gent., deceased, formerly fellow of the college (1619). Born at Dickleburgh, Norfolk. Schools, Diss and Moulton, under Mr Lanceter, seven years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1647. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 16.50-1 : M.A. 1654. Incorporated at O.xford, July 13, 1658. M.D. 1661. Scholar, Mids"- 1648 to Mich" 1649. Senior fellow, Mids' 1661 to his death in 1704. He was appointed by royal mandate, being at the time a fellow of Peterhouse, whither he migrated in 1653. He says (Historio/a) that he left Caius " propter lites et discordiam inter custodem titularem (William Dell) et ipsum ob Regis et Ecclesiae causam." His petition to the king (Cal. of State Papers, Bom. 1661) states that he "was debarred from prefer- ment for his known loyalty." On his return he was made bursar, 1661-4; and steward, 1667-8. President, 1679-1704. Under the title oi Historiola he left a continuation of the college Annals, preserved in the libi'ary. He was a considerable benefactor, leaving the advowson of Hethersett to the master, "to present one of the fellows of the college, whom the master shall in his conscience think most fit, without favour or att'ection." He had also given, Dec. 18, 1704, £500 for the increase of the scholarships founded l>y his grand uncle. In his will, dated Sep. 16, 1702, proved (V. C. Court, Camb.) Ap. 25, 1705, he mentions his brothers ; Thomas, hosier in Norwich, and Edmund, draper in London. He was buried in the college chapel, Feb. 3, 1704-5. Turner, Thomas : son of Thomas Turner, gent., of Norwich (bapt. at St Pet. Man- croft, Ap. 1, 1631). Schools, Eaton, Norfolk, under Mr Rayner, four years ; and Norwich under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1647. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich'_ 1647 to Mich" 1649. Russell, William: son of William Russell, knt. and bart, of Chippenham, Suffolk (sic). Born there. Educated at home under Mr Warren. Age 16. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Sep. 28, 1647. Surety, Mr Barker. Of Laugharne, Carm., knt. Created baronet, 1660. He was called 'White Sir William'; his half-brother was 'Black Sir William.' Married Hesther, daughter of Sir Thomas Rous, bart., oi Rouse Lench, Worcs. (Betham, I. 365.) Son by his father's third wife. Died about 1714, leaving one daughter. C. 24 370 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. MiCH^ 1647— MiCH^ 1648. Hunt, Eusebius : son of Eusebius Hunt, minister of Warboys, Hunts. Born at ]Maltby, Yorkshire. Schools, Orton, Hunts., and Huntingdon, under Mr Taylor over a year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 10, 16i7. Surety, Mr Phillips. B.A. 1657-8: M.A. 16G-1. Referred to the Assembly of Divines as "a godly and orthodox minister," for Binfield, Berks., Oct. 21, 1647. Vicar of Easton, Hunts.: presented by the trustees for the maintenance of ministers, March 30, 1G59. {Lamb. 968, p. 153.) Rector of Chesterton, Hunts, 1662. North, Samuel : son of INIichael North, druggist, citizen of London. School, St Paul's, six years, under Mr Langley. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 29, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. Scholar, Christ^ 1647 to Mich" 1649. Flowerdew, Nathaniel : son of Nathaniel Flowerdew, gent., of Farnham, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Benhall, under ]SIr Whight, six j'ears ; Sternlield, under Mr Bartlet, three years ; and Glemham, under Jlr Turner, half a year. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 1, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. B.A. 1651-2: INLA. 1655. Scholar, Mids' 1651 to Mich^ 1655. Perhaps the "Nathaniel Flowerdy, minister," who was buried at Walbers wick, Dec. 31, 1659. Wills of men of these names were proved (Norw. C. C.) 1661 and 1671, each 'of Eye.' Swanton, Edmund : son of John Swanton, gent. Born at Feltwell, Norfolk. At school there, under IMessrs Taylor and Miredith, three years, and under Mr Ward, four years. Age 14. Admitted sizar, Feb. 15, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1651-2 : M.A. 1655. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich^ 1654. Or- dained priest (Bp Jos. Hall) June 20, 1654. Vicar of Lakenheath, Suft", 1662 to 1683. Subscribed £5 to the royal loan, 1666. Will proved (Norw.) 1684. *Ellys, John : son of John Ellj's, gent., of Raveningham, Norfolk. Born at Huntingfield, Suffolk. Schools, Wingfield, Suffolk, under Mr Jermey, one year ; Hoxne, under Mr Hall, half a j-ear ; Wrentham, under Messrs Batho and Pollard, three years ; and Norton, under Mr Brooke, half a year. Age 14. Admitted sizar, Feb. 15, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Rant. B.A. 1651-2: M.A. 1655. Incoi-porated at Oxford, July 9, 1661. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to L. Day 1655. Junior fellow, L. Day 1659: senior, Christ' 1661. Elected Master, Jan. 1, 1702-3. He held the college offices of Ethical lecturer, 1660-2 : registrar, 1667 : bursar, 1675-7: repeatedly steward, and for many years dean. When Vice-Chancetlor, in 1705, he was knighted, on the occasion of tlie visit of Queen Anne to Cambridge. In earl}' life he seems to have enjoyed a high reputation : " that eminent and careful tutor " (Whiston ; life of Clarke). But as master his relations with the fellows seem to have been more than usually inharmonious, and to have earned him the title of "the Devil of Caius." Died Nov. 29, 1716: buried at Swafi'ham Prior, Cambs. M. I. there. For more, see under Masters. Gilbert, Robert : son of John Gilbert, minister. Born at Saham Tonj' (' Swa- hampton'), Norfolk. Educated there, seven years, under his father. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 4, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1651-2: M.A. 1655. Perhaps vicar of Strad.set, Norf., 1656, till his death in 1662 ; and vicar of Wiggenhall St Germans, 1661. (But see Robert G. of 1627-8.) Brother of John, 1642. 1647—1648. 371 Gournay, Henry : son of Edward Gournay, Esq., deceased, of West Barsham, Norfolk. Born at Hillington (Jan. 23, 1631-2). School, Gressenhall, under Mr Greene, nine years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Feb. 18, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 8, 1651. Married Ellen, daughter of William Adams, Esq., barrister at law. Died, without issue, in 1660: the last of the family of West Barsham. Will proved (P. C. C.) Feb. 11, 1660-1. M. I. at West Barsham (v. House of Gournay). Guybon, William : son of Thomas Guybon, knt. and bart.(?) of Thursford, Norfolk. Schools, Cantley, fixe years, under Mr Chapman ; and Norwich, under ISIr Lovering, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 16, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. Eldest son. Married Mere)', daughter of Sir Pliilip Parker of Erwarton, Suff. ; by whom he had a son Thomas, who died in his father's lifetime. Died before 1666. (Blomef. ix. 258.) Guybon, Tliomas : (second) son of Thomas Guybon, knt. and bart.(?) of Thursford, Norfolk. Schools, Cantley, under Mr Chapman, five years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 16, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 23, 16-50. Died without issue. His father was not a baronet. Jermyn, John : son of Thomas Jermyn, Esq. Born at West Tofts, Norfolk. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Ward, five years ; and South Pickenham, under Mr Eade, a year and a half. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 14, 1647-8. Surety, Mr Foster. Of West Tofts, Esq. IMai-ried Elizabeth, daughter of Thos. Townshend,Esq., of West Wretham, and had issue. (F. G.) Spranger, John : son of Richard Spranger, gent., of North Weald, Essex. (School : Shenley, Herts., under Mr Harper.) Admitted fellow-commoner, April 11, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. Previously admitted at Christ's College, May 31, 1642. M.B. 1649. Probably graduated M.D. at Leyden. Of Haly Hall, in the parish of Amwell, Herts., in 1660, when he obtained a grant of arms (v. Vis. of Ess.), and is described as Doctor of Physic. Cremer, Robert : son of Robert Cremer, gent. Born at Little Massingham, Norfolk. At school thei'e, under Mr Ringwood, two years ; and at Norwich, under Mr Loveringe, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 21, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich' 1650. *Felton, John : son of Robert Felton, clerk (son of Bp Nicholas Felton). Born at Little Gransden, Cambs. School, Hitchin, under Mr Kempe, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 28, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1651-2 (17th, out of 32, in the list) : M.A. 1655 : B.D. 1662. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to Mich' 1652. Junior fellow, Mich' 1652 : senior, Mids' 1655 to his death about Mich' 1668. Morning lecturer, 1653: Hebrew lecturer, 1657-9: dean, 1656, 1657: .salarist, 1663-7. Died in college, "of a putrid fever, caught in SuSblk" [Annals). "Disputandum nobis reliquit utrum Theologus profundus an Philosophus subtilis, Mathematicus ornatus vel Musicus concinnus. Orator elegans an Poeta festivus, in Feltono magis sus- piciendus erat" (Gostlin). Will proved (V. C. Court, Camb.) Sep. 20, 1667. He leaves his books to the college library ; where we have a number with his name. Author : Latin verses prefixed to W. Godman's sermon at Cambridge, May 24, 1660. 24—2 372 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. March, Myles (matriculated ' Mylius ') : son of Huuiberson March ; of the Isle of Elj'. Born at Iladdenham. School, Ely, undei- Mr Hitch, sue years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 15, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to L. Day 1652. Third son : died, unmarried, Nov. 10, 1684 : buried at Haddenham. (Davy.) Brother of William, 1641. Snell, Robert : son of Robert Snell, gent., deceased. Born at Denton, Norfolk. School, Mendlesham, under Mr Mosse, three years ; afterwards under Mr Launceter, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 25, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 9, 1654. Owner of the great tithes of Kessingland, Suff., in 1662. Brother of Tobias, 1649. Burnell, Francis : son of Richard Burnell, gent. Born at Aldeby (' Aleby'), Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Adkinson, two years ; at Beccles, Norfolk (sic), under Mr Copp, three years ; and at Norwich, a year and a half, under Mr Lovering. Age 17. Admitted sizar. May 31, 1648. Surety, Mr Bladwell. (Re-admitted, to the scholars' table, July 29.) Scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich' 1649. Barrow, Justinian: son of Isaac Barrow, Esq. (formerly of the college, 1616). Born at Burwell, Canibs. At school there, under Mr Wallis, three years ; and at Newport, under Mr WoUey, two years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 3, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to L. Day 1652. Brother of Isaac, of 1646. Bacon, Edmund : son of Robert Bacon, Esq. Born at Ryburgh, Norfolk. Schools, Sj'derstone (' Ceistrion '), two years, under Mr Swallow; and Gressenhall, live years, under Mr Greene. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 6, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Succeeded liis grandfather as baronet. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Crane, bai-t., of Chilton, Suft". Died Sep. 12, 1685. Will proved (P. C. C.) Feb. 9, 1685-6. Buried at Redgrave: monument there: "A generous colonel ; a good magistrate ; a just man ; &c." The will of his father is printed in "Bury Wills" {Camden Soc. 1850). He leaves to Edmund, amongst other things, "all my riding horses, hawks and dogs, and their furni- ture." Proved 1652. Pyle, John : son of Richard Pyle, priest. Born at Hunworth, Norfolk. At school there, under Jlessrs Witherly, Fenn, and Wright, five years. Age 15. Ad- mitted sizar, June 16, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1651-2 : M.A. 1655. Ordained prie.st (Bp Joseph Hall), Sep. 15, 1654. Rector of Hunworth and Stody, 1654-1709: admitted by the Pari. Committee, Mar. 16, 1654-5. Obtained the bishop's license to teach grammar, Ap. 15, 1680. Buried, Nov. 3, 1709. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1710: "of Stody." Alston, William : eldest son of Edward Alston, knt., of Strixton, Beds. (sic). School, Wymington, under Mr (John) Anderson, eight years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 29, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. (Son of William, of 1628.) Of Stiixton, Northants., Esq. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Nov. 13, 1647. Died without issue, about 1690. Buried at Strixton. Son of Edward, of 1628. Will proved (P. C. C.) July 23, 1690. Howlett, William : son of John Howlett, goldsmith, of Norwich. Born there (bapt. at St Pet. Mancroft, Oct. 19, 1628). At school there, under Mr Lovering. Age 20. Admitted sizar, June 22, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Probably B.A. (King's) 1650-1. 1648. 373 Mayhew, James : son of John Mayhew, gent., of Eye, SuflPolk. Born at Bedfield. Educated, fir.st under his father, then under Mr Mallowes, two j'ears, and under Mr Browne, a year and a lialf. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 30, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Monyman, Nicholas : son of Henrj' Monyman, carpenter, of Letheringsett, Nor- folk. School, Holt, under Messrs Witlierly, Fenn, and Wright. Age 17. Admitted sizar, August 7, 1618. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. (King's) 1652-3 : M.A. 1656. Licensed as schoolmaster at Cranbrook, Kent, by the Abp of Canterbury, May 19, 1662. Vicar of Benen- den, 1662, to his death in 1700. Iken, Thomas : son of James Iken, clerk, of Stifford, Essex, formerly fellow of this college. Born at Stifford. Educated, first under his father, afterwards at Brentwood, under Mr (Daniel) Latham, three years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, September 13, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1652-3 : M.A. 1656. Scholar, Mich" 1648 to Mich» 1654. Mich'* 1648— Mich^ 1649. Bell, Thomas. Appears as scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich' 1649. B.A. 1648-9. Not in our Admission Register. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Sep. 18, 1663. Buckenham, William ; son of William Buckenham, gent., of Yoxford, Suffolk. Born there. At school, under Mr Eachard, four years. Age 1 8. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 11, 1648. Surety, Mr Barker. Probably a lawyer and steward of various manors at Yo.xford, like his father and grandfather. In his father's will, proved (Archd. Sudbury) 1671, he is mentioned as having a son William. (J. J. M. ; and C. B.) Marberry, Richard : son of Thomas ISIarberry, Esq., of Walton, Cheshire. Born there. Schools, Daresbury, under Mr Hammar (Hayward), three years ; and Winwick, Lancashire, under Mr Pickering, six years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, 1648. Surety, the chaplain, Mr Bradshaw. (After- wards admitted to the bachelors' table, Oct. 19, 1648.) Richard Marberry, of ' Overwalton,' Chesh., was charged before the Com. for Advance of Money, Dec. 18, 1652, 'that he was captain under the king of Scots in the last war, took a iiorse from John Middleton, of Stockton, and joined the Earl of Derby's forces' (Cal. of State Papers). Harrydunce, William : son of William Harrydunce, gent., of Fakenham, Norfolk. Schools, Fakenham, under Mr Wells, two years ; Sculthorpe, under Mr Turner, a year and a half ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 31, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Described as, 'of Fakenham, gent.': M.I. there. (Blomef. vil. 95.) ? Will proved (Norf. archd.) 1664. *Sheldrake, William : son of William Sheldrake, druggist, of Fakenham, Norfolk. Schools, Fakenham, under Mr Wells, two years ; Sculthorpe, under Mr Turner; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Oct. 31, 1648. Surety, Mr Sheringham. B.A. 1652-3: M.A. 1656. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to Mich' 1654. Junior fellow, Mich' 1654 to Mich' 1658. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661. Rector of St Mary's and All SS., Barton Bendisli, Norf., 1658-98: admitted by the Pari. Committee, June 26, 1658. The father was licensed, by the bishop, to practise surgery in 1628. 374 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Gofl'e, Edward : son of Thomas Goffe, Esq., deceased. Boi-n at 8ahain Tony (hapt. Nov. 28, 1630), Norfolk. Educated under Messrs French and Smith, six years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 29, 1648. Surety, Mr Foster. Married Frances, daughter of Edmund Eade, B.D., rector of S. Pick en- ham ; by whom he had issue. Buried at Saham Toney, May 10, 1659. He sold the manor of Cressingham. (F. G.) Copping (Coppin), Thomas : son of Thomas Copping, Esq., of Caddington, Herts. (' Addington'). Born there. At school under Mr Davyes, at Sharpenhoe? ('Sliarpenton') and Shillington (' ChidUngton'), four years. Age 16. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner Dec. 1, 1648. Surety, Mr Bagg. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 14, 1651. Sherifl' of Bucks., 1658. Died July IS, 1658; unmarried. Buried at Caddington. (v. Herts. Vis. 1634.) Brother of John, 1649. Wright, Thomas : son of John Wright, gent., of Ovington, Norfolk. Bom at Barton, Suffolk. Schools, Tlietford, under Mr Ward, four years ; and Pickenham, under Mr Eade, two years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 24, 1648-9. Suret)', Mr Barker. Of Santon Downham, Suff., Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Say, of Tilney. Died Feb. 10, 1698-9 : buried at Downliam. (Carthew, ii. 501) " PatrisB oraculum": M. I. at Downham: — also M. I. to his wife, who died March 10, 1700-1 ; aged 57. Nephew of Germin, of 1624 ; and brother of George, 1661. Pawling, John : son of Thomas Pawling, gent., of Hickling, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 3, 1648-9. Suretj-, Mr Blaukes. Previously admitted at Corpus Christi College, March 9, 1646-7. B.A. 1650-1. Scholar, Mich' 1648 to Mich' 1650. Gaudy, Bassingbourne : son of Bassingbourne Gaudy, gent., deceased, of West Harling, Norfolk. Born in Gelderland ('Telle in Geldria'). Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, three years ; and Gressenhall, under Mr Greene, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 22, 1648-9. Surety, Mr Foster. Obtained a pass for France, Oct. 15, 1657, with a son of the Earl of Desmond, and two servants {Cal. of State Papers). The will of one of these names was proved at Bury in 1692. According to Davy {Stiff. Ped.) the father was killed at Maestricht (? siege of 1632). Estey, John : son of Benjamin Estey, vicar of West Bradenliam, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, eight years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 6, 1649. Surety, Mr Barker. Earle, Edwai-d : son of Erasmus Earle, Serjeant at law. Born at Sail. Schools, Corpusty, under Mr Watts, five years ; and Norwich, under ]Mr Lovering, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 9, 1649. Surety, Mr Barker. Fourth son. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 4, 1648. Afterwai-ds of Sail, Cawston, and Heydon. In tlie church of Sail is a monument to his son Erasmus, who died 1696 aged 27. He was a friend of Oliver Le Neve; many of his letters to wliom, dated from Sail, are calendared in Eye's Corre- spomleiice of 0. Le Neve. The father was M.P. for Norwich, 1640; and was considered one of tlie ablest lawyers of his time. He purchased the manor of Sail. Edward was his fourth son. (Blomef. vi. 246.) 1648—1649. 375 *Boult, John : son of Nicholas Boult, vicar of Braiseworth, Suffolk. Born there. School, Eye, under Mr Browne, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 13, 1649. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 16.52-3: M.A. 16-56. Scholar, Mich» 1650 to Mich" 1654. Junior fellow, Mich' 1654: senior, L. Day 1659 to Mids'' 1660, when he was temporarily removed to make place for Sherringham. Re-elected, as junior, Oct. 5, 1660: senior, Mids'' 1661 to his death, Dec. 1661. Usher of the Perse School, 1656. Ethical lecturer, 1656-9: Hebrew lecturer, 1659-60: chaplain, 1660-1. Died of small pox, Dec. 1661 : buried in St Michael's. He was re-elected into a senior fellowship in Wheeler's place, who was ejected. " Ita pro nuda sordidaque silice pretiosa et resplendens gemma ; pro ligno et inutili pondere, decora stabilisque columna in senioritatem surro- gatur" (Gostlin, Hist.). Author: Latin verses prefixed to the .sermon of Wm. Godman, fellow of King's, 1660. Spen.sley, Thomas : son of Thomas Spensley, gent., of Lynn, Norfolk. Born at Runcton Holme. School, Tottenhill, under Mr Armestronge one year ; after- wards (Lynn) under Mr Bell, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1649. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. B.A. 1652-3. Scholar, Mich" 1650 to Mich' 1654. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 9, 1653-4. Died before his father: i.e. before 1673 (M.I. at All SS. Lynn). Brother of Roger, 1659. Gyrling, Thomas : son of Thomas Gyrling, gent., of Wisbech, Cambs. At school (Wisbech), under jNIr Frisney, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1649. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. (Pet.) 1652-3. Migrated to Peterhouse, June 22, 1650. Perhaps the Thomas Gurling, of Horham, SufF., gent., son of Thomas, who died Dec. 16, 1694, aged 63 ; and was buried at Horham. *Dell, William. Originally of Emmanuel. B.A. (Emm.) 1627-8: M.A. 1631. Fellow of Emmanuel. For some years " preacher of the army," under General Fairfax. Intruded as master of Caius, Maj' 4, 1649, after Dr Bach- croft's ejection; he resigned. May 11, 1660. Rector of Yelden, Beds., for some years: ejected in 1662. Died 1664: buried at Yelden. For some account of his writings, and his rule in college, where he does not seem to have resided much, see under Masters. The D. N. B. is wrong in identifying him with the secretary of Abp Laud. Lowe, Edward : son of John Lowe, jurisconsultus, of Salisbury. Born there. Educated first under Mr Warwicke, four years ; at Blandford, under Mr Sutton, one year ; at Salisliury, under Mr Hunt, one year, and under Dr Pottinger, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 4, 1649. Surety, Mr Barker. Probably the man referred to by Dr Henchman, Bp of Salisbury, who requests the Secretary of State "to advance £100 for him to his son in law Edward Lowe," Sep. 25, 1660 {Ccd. of State Papers). If .so, he and his wife seem to have died young, as they are not referred to in the bishop's will, who died 1675. Snell, Tobias : son of Robert Snell, gent., deceased. Born at Denton, Norfolk. Schools, Mendleshain, Suffolk, under Mr Mose, four years ; Moulton, Norfolk, under Mr Lancetter, four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, 1649. Surety, Mr Foster. B.A. 1652-3. Scholar, Mich» 1652 to Mich' 1654. Brother of Robert, 1648. 37G GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. MicH^ 1649— Mich'' 1650. ♦Wheeler, James : son of James Wheeler, weaver, of Colchester. From Sidney College. B.A. (Sid.) 1G47-8: M.A. (Caius) 1G51. Junior fellow of Caius, Mich" 1G49: senior, Mich' 1650 to Mids" 1661. Rhet. praelector, 1650: registrar, 1651: salarist, 1654-8: catechist, 1658-60. President of the college, 1660. He was ejected from the college after the Restoration, — the only fellow so treated,— on the ground "that he had been a great dishonour to the college, and is j-et esteemed so ; and that he is judged in no way able to promote the credit or advantage of the college" {Gesla, May 28, 1661). Repps, Henry : son of John Repps, Esq. Born at Mattishall, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Raby for seven, and under Mr Taylor for three years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 3, 1649. Surety, Mr Barker. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Ap. il , 1653. Died, unmarried, Jan. 6, 1666-7. The estate of Mattishall devolved to his brother Francis. M. I. at Mattishall. Repps, Nicholas : son of John Repps, Esq. Born at Mattishall, Norfolk. At school, under Messrs Raby and Taylour, ten years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 3, 1649. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1653-4 : M.A. 1657. D.D. 1673. Scholar, Mich" 1650 to Mich" 1655. Ordained priest (Bp Brownrigg, of E.xeter), Oct. 9, 1659. Rector of a mediety of Seaming, 1661. Married Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Willis of Fen Ditton. Died March 20, 1689-90; Ijuried at Mattishall. M. I. there. Will proved (Norw.) "of Earlham : S. T. R": 1690. (Rye's N. Erphigham, 145.) Chicheley, Henry : son of Thomas Chicheley, Esq., of Wirapole, Cambs. Born at Chippenham (1636). School, Wimpole, under Mr Bagge, four years. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 10, 1649. Surety, Mr Bagg. Buried at Wimpole, Nov. 19, 1652. His mother was a Russell of Chip- penliam. A descendant of the father of Abp Chicheley. Hovell, William : son of Richard Hovell, knt., of Hillington, Norfolk. Born in London. School, Wimpole, under Mr Bagge, four years. Age 12. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 10, 1649. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1653-4 (1st, out of 15, in the list : but a Caius proctor). Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 26, 1654-5. Of Hillington, knight. Married Etheldreda, daughter of Thomas Lilley, Esq., and had issue. M.P. for Lynn, 1661. Died March 4, 1669-70 : buried at Hillington. Will dated 1669, proved (R C. C). (Blomefield, viii. 466 ,; and J. J. M.) Pedigree in Yis. of 1664. Coppinge, John: son of Thomas Coppinge, Esq., of Caddington, Herts. ('Ad- dington'). Born there. At school, under Mr Davyes at Sharpenhoe? (' Sharpenton') and Shillington (' Chidlington'), five years. Age 16. Ad- mitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 14, 1649. Sui-ety, Mr Bagge. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 14, 1651. Of PoUuxhill, Beds.; and of Markgate Cell, Herts. Married and had issue. Died July 1, 1682. Buried at Caddington. (Herts. Vis., 1634.) Brother of Thomas, 1648. Tabor, John. B.A. 1649-50. Not in our college list of admissions or degrees. Perhaps rector of Faccombe with Tangley, Hants., 1656. ? Author: "Season- able Thoughts in Sad Times, being some Reflections on the Warre, the Pestilence, and the Burning of London." (A small volume of poems. Loud. 1667.) Ellis, Peter: recorded as B.A., from Caius, in the University Register, 1649-50. Dod, Edward : son of Thomas Dod, gent., of Whittlcsfoi'd, Cambs. Born there. Schools, Felstead, Essex, under Mr Holbridge two years; and Newport, 1649—1650. 377 under Mr Woolley, half-a-year. Age 15. Admitted, Feb. 25, 1649-50, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Bagg. Of Hinxton, Cambs. Died 1678. Married (1) Susan, daughter of William Reynolds of Whittlesford ; (2) Martha, daughter of John iSiveyt ; and had issue by both. Buried at Whittlesford, March 12, 1677-8. By the parish register his wife Martha was buried Nov. 1, 1677. (Vin. of Cambs. 1684.) Dereham, John : son of Thomas Dereham, Esq., of Dereham Grange, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Tlietford, under Mr W^ard, seven years ; and Wisljech, under Mr Frisney, three years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Jan. 30, 1649-50. Surety, Mr Barker. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 13, 16481 Died during the life of his father, who was created baronet in 1661 : said to have displeased his father by his marriage, and to have been disinherited. (Blomef. vii. 325.) He is mentioned in his father's will, proved (P. C. C.) 1668. Jewell, Thomas : son of James Jewell, grocer, of London. Age 18. Admitted .sizar, Feb. 26, 1649-50. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. Previously admitted at Pembroke Hall, June 16, 1649. Person (Peirson), Henry : son of Richard Person, rector of Little Plumstead, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Mar. 14, 1632-3). Schools, Plumstead, under. Mr King, three years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 20, 1649-50. Surety, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1653-4 (6th, out of 15, in the list): M.A. 1657. Succeeded his father as rector of Witton and Plumstead ; where he was admitted by the Pari. Committee, May 15, 1657. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661. Married Anna, daugliter of William Pearre, of Dereham, gent. ; Oct. 25, 1655. Buried at Plumstead, July 6, 1700. "Henry Person, clerk, having faithfully laboured in the ministry for three and forty years in this and Witton Parish, and new built the greatest part of the rectory houses, and done much good in his generation, died in his 68th year " {Far. Reyisler). Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1700-1. *Goodman, John : son of Richai'd Goodman, attorney, of Rothwell, Northants. Admitted at Sidney College, July 3, 1641. B.A. (Sid.) 1644-5. D.D. 1673. Intruded fellow at Caius, L. Day 1650 to Mich' 1651. Vicar of Watford, 1651 (1)-1674. Ordained priest (Line.) Feb. 3, 1660-1. Vicar of Much Hadhani, Herts., 1674-90. Archdeacon of Middx. 1686-90. Died Aug. 5, 1690: buried at Much Hadham. Author: A serious and compassionate enquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant Religion and Church of England 1675. Winter-evening Conference (in many editions). Sermons ; ttc. He was a friend of Artliur Capel, Lord Essex : see letter by him to Dr Goodman, in his Letters, p. 24 (1770). Lowd, Robert: .son of Robert Lowd (formerly of the college; 1618), rector of AVighton, Norfolk. Born at Rither, Yorkshire. School, Ulleskelf, under Mr Robinson, tln-ee years; also under his fatlier, three years. Age 16. Ad- mitted sizar, April 18, 1650. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1653-4: M.A. 1657. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to L. Day 1655. Or- dained deacon and priest (Bp Jos. Hall) July 5, 1655. Rector of Cley by the Sea, 1660. Apparently born at his uncle's house : see Roger of 1613. (v. Vis. of Lanes. 1664.) Cobb, Geoffry : son of W'illiam Cobb, Esq., of Babingley, Norfolk (colonel in the Royalist army). Born there. Schools, Swaffham, under Mr Dawson and Mr King, two years, and Ellingham under Mr Jermy, two years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 2, 1650. 378 GONVILLE A\D CAIUS COLLEGE. Lord of the manor of Sandringham, which he sold about 1686. Married (I) Muriel, daughter of Sir Robert Clench, lent., of Holbrook, Suff. Will dated Dec. 14, 16SG: proved (P. C. C.) 1707. Described as aged 25 in the Vis. of Nor/., 1064. The father was sequestered as a recusant in arms. Bretherton, Leigh (matriculated, ' Hugh ') : son of John Bretherton, gent., of Newton, Lancasliire. Born there. Schools, Winwick, under Mr Gorse, three years ; and Burton wood, under Mr Jackson, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, May 4, 1 G.50. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. Scholar, Mich" 16.50 to L. Day 1652. Third son. (v. ' Bretherton of Hey,' in Vis. of Lanes., 1664.) Cousin of the Byroms. The father was fined £150 as a Royalist delinquent. Byrom, Samuel and Edward : sons of Henry Byrom, Esq., of Lowton, Lancashire. Born there. Schools, Winwick, under Mr Gorse, three years ; and Bury, Lancashire, under Mr Bradshaw, one year. Ages 15 and 14. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 4, 1650. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. Samuel. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to L. Day 1652. Fifth son. Inherited the family estate. Married Margery, daughter of George Venables, Esq., of Agden, Cheshire, and had issue. Edward. Scholar, Mich" 1650 to L. Day 1652. Signs the pedigree, for his eldest brother in the Vis. of Lanes., 1664. See also Adam, 1646. Angell, Robert : son of John Angell, Esq., of Crowhurst, Surrey. Born there. School, Cheam (' Checham '), under Mr Aldrieh, four years. Age 18. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table. May 8, 1650. Surety, Mr Barker. B. A. 1653-4 : M.A. 1657 : M.L. 1661. Scholar, Mich"^ 1650 to Mich' 1656. Perhaps vicar of St Issells, Pemb., 1678 : and of Penally, 1685. Husband, John : son of Thomas Husband, gent., of Somerton, Norfolk. Born there. School, Norwich, under ilr Lovering, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 15, 1650. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to L. Day 1652. "Son and heir; age 30": in the Vis. of Nor f, 1664. Nephew of Christopher, of 1590 ; and brother of Thomas, 1638. *Sylyard, Francis. Formerly at Sidney College. Son of Thomas Sylyard, Esq., of Delaware, Kent. B.A. (Sid.) 1647-8: M.A. (Cai.) 1651. Fellow of Sidney, 1649-50. Intruded as junior fellow (Cai.), Mids' 1650: senior, Mids'' 1651 to Mich" 1654. Morning lecturer, 1650: Greek, 1651: registrar, 1652: catechist, 1653. Elected senior regent on the Cajmt, 1652. Minister of Moulton, Suff. ; where he received £20 from the Pari. Committee, Feb. 4, 1657—8. Afterwards rector there. Stoughton, John : son of Thomas Stoughton, clerk, (rector) of Hockering, Norfolk. Schools, Harling, under Mr Ruse, one year ; and Elsing, under Mr Robinson, four years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 26, 1650. Surety, Mr Bagg. (Re-admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 14, 1650-1.) B.A. 1653-4 (4th, out of 15, in the list) : M.A. (Pemb.) 1657. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich' 1654. *Luckeing, William : son of William Luckeing, knt. and bart, of Little Waltham, Essex. School, Newport, under Mv Woolley, seven years. Age 17. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, June 25, 1650. Surety, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1653-4 (2nd, out of 15, in the list); M.A. 1657. Junior fellow, Mich' 1655 to Mids"' 1658. Admitted at the Inner Temple, May 23, 1658. As fellow he was cited to return fi'om absence, Nov. 1657 : resigned Aug. 5, 1658. ? Second son: created baronet, 1661. Married Winifred, daughter of Sir Richard Everard, 1661. Buried at Waltham, March 20, 1677-8. Brother of Capel, 1639. 1650. 379 Dey, Stephen : son of Richard Dey, gent., of Mundforcl, Norfolk. Born at FeU well. At school there, under Mr Ward, four years ; at Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stevens, two )'ears; and at Lynn, under Mr Bell, six months. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 2, 1650. Surety, Mr Bagg. B.A. 16.53-4. The will of one of these names, 'of St Andrews, Norwich, gent.,' was proved (Norw. Archd. C.) 1711-2. Palmer, Henry : son of John Palmer, shoemaker, citizen of London. Born there. At a private school, under Mr Miller, in London ; afterwards at a public scliool (Merchant Taylors'), under Mr Du-Gard, two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, July 2, 1650. Surety, Mr Goodman. Scholar, L. Day 1651 to Mids' 1652. Coppin, John ; son of Amos Coppin, clerk, of Wortham, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stevens, four years ; and Botesdale, under Mr Ives. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July 3, 1650. Surety, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1654-5: M.A. 165.S. Ordained priest (Bp. Brownrigg, of Exeter) Ap. 2, 1659. Rector of Winfartliing, Norf., 1660. Licensed by the bishop as schoolmaster at Starston, 1661 ; where he still was in 1677. Subscribed £5 to the royal loan, 1666. Died Nov. 23, 1711 : buried at St George Tombland, Norwich. Will proved (Norw. CO.) 1710-11. Mich'' 1650— Mich'' 1G51. Hyer, George : son of George Hyer, citizen of London. Admitted sizar, Oct. 3, 1650. Surety, Mr Goodman. Previously admitted at Trinity College, Jan. 16, 1649-50. B.A. 1653-4: M.A. 1657. Scholar, Mich» 1650 to Mich» 1656. Or- dained deacon, June 8 : priest, June 10, 1661, by the Bp of Lincoln. Vicar of Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, 1662-5; when he resigned. Cooke. Admitted pensioner. Farmer, Edward : son of George Farmer, Esq., of London. Born there. Sciiools, Cobham, Surrey, under Mr Goldwyre ; and Oheani, under Mr Aldrich, tin-ee years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. S, 1650. Surety, Mr Barker. Second son. Admitted at the Inner Temple, June 24, 1652. Perhaps the Sir Edward Farmer, of Holbeach, Lines., knt. ; who married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Hewitt of Pishiobury, Herts., Bart. (v. Vis. of Middx., 1664.) Crask, Edmund : son of Edmund Crask, gent., of Bardwell, Suffolk. Admitted sizar, Oct. 10, 1650. Surety, Mr Goodman. Previously admitted at Trinit}' College, Aug. 7, 1646. King, Robert: son of Robert King (formerly of tlie college, 1611), clerk, of Swaffham, Norfolk. Born there. At school there. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 18, 1649. Surety, Mr Bagg. Scholar, Mich'* 1650 to Mich'* 1651. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 27, 1656. *Fairclough, Samuel. From Emmanuel College. Son of Samuel Fairclough, rector of Barnardiston, Suff. B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Intruded senior fellow at Caius, Mich' 1650 to L. Day 1656. Hebrew lecturer, 1651 : rhet. prselector, 1652: salarist, 1653: logic lecturer, 1658. Rector of Houghton Conquest, Beds.; ejected in 1662. Afterwards licensed as nonconformist minister at Chippenham, 1672. Married Frances Folkes, Oct. 25, 1655, at Kedington, Suff. Died, Dec. 21, 1691. Buried at Heveninghain, Sufi"., where 380 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. his brotlier-in-law, George Jones, was rector. M. I. there. Author : Notes before Funeral .Sermons on Mrs Anne Barnardiston and Mr Richard Shute. (v. Davids' Ettspx : p. 617.) Will proved (P. C. C.) : left the use of his library to his nephew Richard, of 1686. Brother of John, 1651. Harcock, Henry : son of Gregory Harcock, attorney, of Worstead, Norfolk. Bom there. Schools, North Walshani, under Mr Warnes, seven years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 23, 1650. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. B.A. 1653-4 (1.3th, out of 15, in the list) : M.A. 1G57. Incorporated at 0.\ford, July U, 1657. Scholar, Mich'' 1650 to Mich' 1657. Vicar of E. Ruston, Norf., 1657—61 : appointed June 19, by the Trustees for the mainten- ance of ministers, "the patrons thereof." (Lamb. 968: p. 118). Brother of Edmund, 1643. Wye, William : admitted fellow-commoner. Surety, Mr Goodman. Previously admitted fellow-commoner at Trinity College (Sep. 14, 1649). Amyas, Thomas : son of Francis Amyas, gent., of Deophani, Norfolk. Schools, Hingham, under Mr Capel, two years ; and Deopham, under !Mr Cocke. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1654-5: M.A. 1658. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich' 1654. Or- dained priest (Bp Brownrigg of Exeter) Jan. 19, 1658-9. Rector of Carleton Forehoe, Norf., 1657-1700: admitted by the Pari. Committee, Dec. 26, 1657. Vicar of Kimljerley, Norf., to 1700. Administration granted (Norw. C. C.) March 13, 1700-1 : to widow Dorothy. Bedingfeild, Henrj' : (fourth) son of John Bedingfeild, Esq., of Halesworth, Suffolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 30, 1650. Surety, ^Ir Bagge. Called to the bar, Lincoln's Inn, May 7, 1657. King's Serjeant. Sub- steward of Yarmouth, 1684. M. P. for Dunwich, 1660; and for Aldeburgh, Suff, 1685. Justice of the Com. Pleas, Feb. 13, 1685-6. Married Dorothy daughter of Robert Bediugtield, D.D. Died at Lincoln's Inn Chapel, " of apoplex}-, when taking the Communion; Feb. 6, 1686-7." M. I. at Hales- worth. (See Foss.) Keeble, Thomas. Licensed as "practicans in medicina"; June 11, 1651. (Univ. Register.) Probably B.A. at Queens', 1640-1. Dun, John : son of Ralph Dun, of Tudhoe, Durham. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Harrington. Pre\'ioush- admitted at Sidney Sussex College. (Schools : Whitworth, Croxdale, and Durham: age 20: admitted Maj' 14, 1650.) B.A. 1652-3. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to L. Day 1653. One of these names vicar of N. Lydbury, Salop, 1686-99. Buried there, Jan. 28, 1698-9. W^ickliffe, Ralph : of Sunderland, Durham. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Wheeler. Previously admitted at Sidney Sussex College (son of William Wickliffe, gent. Born at Sunderland. Scholar, Alnwick, under !Mr Thomson ; and Holton, under Mr Cant. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 13, 1650). B.A. 1654-5. Scholar, Mich' 1650 to Mids"^ 1653. Ejected from Whalton, Northumb., 1662. Preacher at Sunderland, 1672 ; where he remained during the Indulgence : afterwards returned to his farm and his old congregation. Suffered lines and other persecutions. Died in 1683. (Calamy, ii. 270.) •Hickhorngill, Edmund. Admitted at St John's College, 1647. Son of Edmund Hickhorngill, of Aberford, Yorks. : then 16 j-ears of age. B.A. (Joh.) 1650-1. Junior fellow at Caius, L. Day 1651 to June 17, 1652 : appointed by the Committee for regulating the Universities. Successively baptist, chaplain in Lilburne's regiment, quaker, deist, governor of Meikleour castle, captain in 1650—1651. 381 the Swedish service, in Fleetwood's regiment, and held a post in Jamaica. Ordained deacon (Line.) May 28, priest May 31, 1662. Vicar of Boxted, Ess., 1662-4. Rector of All SS., Colchester, 1662-1708. Author: Jamaica viewed, 1661. The Naked Truth, 1681; and many other works. Died Nov. 30, 1708 : buried at All SS., Colchester. (D. N. B.) *Stockton, Owen. From Christ's College. Born at Chichester, May 1630. Son of Owen Stockton, preb. of Chichester, and formerly fellow of Pembroke. B.A. (Chr.) 1649-50: M.A. (Cai.) 1653. Junior fellow, L. Day 1651: senior, Christ' 1651 to Mich" 1658. There is an entry in the Gesta, March 1, 1650-1, "that the Master and M'' Harrington go to London, to reverse, if possible, the orders of Sir Stockton and Sir Hickhorngill ap]5ointed fellows by the Committee for regulating the Universities." Morning lecturer, 1651 : Hebrew, 1652: steward, 1653: catechist, 1654-6. A well-known noncon- formist minister at Colchester and Ipswich. Married, 1658, Elinor, daughter of Roger Rant, Esq. Died Sep. 10, 1680 : buried at Chattisham, Suff. M. I. there. Benefactor: he bequeathed by will dated June 6, 1679, his books to the college, and £500 to found a scholarship. For some account of this, — our only Puritan foundation as regards its conditions, — see under Endowments. A sketch of his life is prefixed to J. Fairfax's Funeral Sermon; 1681. Wright, Robert : son of Jermin Wright, Esq. (formerly of the college). Born at Wangford, Suffolk. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Ward, three years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stevens, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted pen- sioner to the bachelors' table, April 1, 1651. Surety, Mr Barker. Of the Inner Temple, barrister. Practised on the Norf. circuit. M.P. foi' Lynn, 1668. Counsel for the University, Dec. 16, 1678. Deputy recorder for Cambridge, 1679 : recorder, 1685. King's serjeant, 1680. Chief Justice of Glamorgan, 1681. Baron of the Exchequer, 1684. Chief Justice of the Com. Pleas, Ap. 16, and of the King's Bench, Ap. 21, 1687. Notorious for his ignorance and venality. Served on the Bloody Assizes, and on the Oxford Magdalen College Commission ; and presided at the trial of the seven bishops. Committed to Newgate after the Revolution, where he died of fever, Nov. 18, 1689. (v. Foss.) Pedigree in Vis. of Huff., 1664. Rayner, Thomas : son of William Rayner, baker, of Guist, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, North Elmham, under Mr Mobbs, two years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, April 9, 1651. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1654-5: M.A. 1661. Scholar, L. Day 1654 to L. Day 1656. Sub- scribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1661 : ordained priest (do.) Sep. 20, 1662. Vicar of Linipenhoe, Norf., 1657-69 : admitted by the Pari. Committee, Aug. 19, 1657. Rector of Beighton, 1669-75. Buried at Beighton, June 24, 1675; and Thomasina, his wife, three days latei\ Probably cousin of Thomas of 1623, whose will he proved. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) July 31, 1675. Underwood, Hugh : son of Francis Underwood, Esq., of Whittlesey, Cambs. Born there. Schools, Peterborough, under Mr Wright, three years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 22, 1651. Surety, Mr Bradshaw. (Re-admitted to the bachelors' table, Dec. 5.) Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 16, 1654-5. Of Whittlesey, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Isle of Ely. Married (1) Jane Mackworth, (2) Anne, daughter of Sir Francis Russell, bart. Monument to him, and to (1) at St Andrew's, and to (2) at St Mary's, Whittlesey. *Robinson, John : son of John Robinson (formerly of the college, 1609), rector of Elsing, Norfolk. Born there. At school, under his father, two years. 382 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 29, 16-51. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1654-5: M.A. 1658. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1663. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich" 1655. Junior fellow, Mich' 1655 : senior, L. Day 1059 to Mids"^ 1673. Logic lecturer, 1656-9 : Greek, 1659-63 : steward, 1661 : dean and bursar, several years : registrar, 1671. Moderator, 1662 : taxor, 1663. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, July 2, 1673. "In niedicorum scholis solide et acute ssepius disputavit, utramque porro Philo- sophiiini tam Grajcam quam Gallicani, optiine calluit et exornavit " (Gostlin). He died of fever " quam per totum ^■ita3 curriculum cane pejus et angue timidus exhorruit et evitavit" (do.). Vi'iU proved (V. C. Court) June 9, 1673. He left £50 to tlie college towards the purchase of an advowson : this was employed in the purchase of Broadway, Dorset, 1692. Brocke, Thomas : son of William Brocke, gent., of Billingfoixl, Norfolk. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 26, 1651. Surety, Mr Barker. Previouslj' ad- mitted at Corpus Christi College, June II, 1650. Eldest son. Admitted at Gra3''s Imi, July 7, 1652. Probably Thomas Brock, of Southolt, Suff., whose will was proved (P. C. C.) Ap. 19, 1661. He leaves his infant daughter to the care of his father William. (J. J. M.) Brocke, Robert : son of William Brocke, gent., of Billingford, Norfolk. Born at Barton, near Bury St Edmunds. Schools, Southolt, under Mr Lowes ; and Eye, under Mr Browne, three j'eai-s. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 26, 1651. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, L. Day 1652 to Christ' 1653. Second son. Admitted at Gra^^'s Inn, July 7, 1652. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Feb. 10, 1651-2.) *Faireclough, John : son of Samuel Faireclough, minister, of Kedington, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leigh, one year ; and Dedham, Essex, under Mr Oddy, two j'ears. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 5, 1651. Tutor and surety (his brother), Mr Samuel Faireclough. B.A. 1654-5 : M.A. 1658 : M.D. 1661. Scholar, Mids' 1651 to Mich' 1655. Junior fellow, Mich' 1655 to L. Daj' 1659 : fellowship pronounced void by his continual absence. Practised as physician in London : the death of his wife is referred to in Smith's Obituary, July 1667. His father was ejected from Lynn in 1652. Philips, Nathaniel : son of Edmund Philips, gent., of Cavendish, Suffolk. Bom there. Schools, Clare, under IMr Beere, four years; and Cavendish, two years. Age 16. Admitted, May 16, 1651, sizar of his surety, Mr Faireclough. B.A. 1654-5 : M.A. 1658. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich' 1656. Throckmorton, Albion : son of Robert Throckmorton, Esq., of Ellington, Hunts. Born there. School, Grendon, Northants, under Mr Shelliorne, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 21, 1651. Surety, Mr Bagge. Chapman, Thomas : son of Daniel Chapman, rector of Cantley, Norfolk. Born at Westfield. At school, under his father, eight years ; and at Norwich, under Mr Lovering, one year. Age 15. Admitted sizar. May 26, 1651. Surety, Mr Bagge. Perhaps B.A. (Coi-p.) 1654-5 : M.A. 1658. Scholar, Mich' 1652 to Mich* 1654. Ordained priest (Bp Brownrigg of Exeter), Nov. 4, 1658. Rector of Great Snoring, 1659 : admitted by the Pari. Committee. Chapman, Nicholas : son of Robert Chapman, gent., of Sotherton, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Halesworth, under Mr Havers, one year ; Frostenden, under 1651—1652. 383 Mr Allen, two years ; Sothcrton, under Mr Scrivener, three years ; and Yox- ford, under Mr Eachard, over two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 17, 1651. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich« 1651 to Mich= 1654. Spilman (Speltuan), John : son of John Spilman, Esq., of Narborough, Norfolk. Born at Mannington. Educated at home, under Mr Bayly, seven years, and at Gunnersbury, Middlesex, under Mr Blackman, two years. Age 16. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, July 1, 1651. Surety, Mr Barker. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 11, 1647 : "son and heir of John, of Narborough." One of these names was buried at Narborough, July 3, 1680. *Burwel (Burrell), Nathaniel : son of Christopher Burwel (clerk), of Great Wratting, Suttblk. Admitted to the scholars' table. Surety, Mr Faireclough. Previously admitted at Trinity College. B.A. 1654-5 : M.A. 1658 : D.D. 1683. Scholar, Mich' 1651 to Mich" 1656. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1658 to L. Day 1661. Logic lectuier, 1655. Ordained bishop and priest (Bp of Galloway), Sep. 1, 1660. Rector of Milden, Suff., 1673: of Little Wratting: and of Letheringsett, Norf., 1705. In 1687 he appears to have been at Sudbury, and a friend of the R. Catholic party there, (v. Magd. Coll.; Oxf. Hist. Soc. p. 229.) Brother of Christopher and Richard, 1658. *Allen, Thomas : of London. B.A. (Trin.) 1651-2 : M.B. (Cai.) 1654 : M.D. 1659. Incorporated at Oxford, 1675. Intruded fellow, Mich" 1651 to Mich" 1660. Obtained leave to travel for three years, Ap. 18, 1655: — he was granted a pass to France, with Isaac Barrow, of Trinity, May 4, 1655 {Cal. of S. Papers) : — but, continuing absent, he was cited to return or resign, Oct. 27, 1659. F.R.S. 1667. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1671. Physician to Bethlehem Hospital. Died of dropsy, 1684. "Deserves praise for refusing to accede to a proposition to make the first experiment of transfusion of blood in this country upon some mad person in Bedlam." (v. Munk's Boll.) Author : Xeipt^oxi] : The excellency of the royal hand, 1665 (on touching for the King's Evil). *Marsh, Francis. From Emmanuel : admitted there. A]). 22, 1642: "of Gloucester." B.A. 1646-7 : M.A. 1650. Senior fellow (Caius), Mich" 1651 to Mids' 1661 :— resignation dated at Dublin, June 1, 1661. Rhet. prtelector, 1651 : bursar, 1656 : steward, 1657 : dean, for some years. Allowed four months' leave of absence in Ireland, Feb. 1652-3 : but must have returned again. A letter from the king was read Oct. 8, 1660 (Gesta), to continue his fellowship, "so long as he should remain in the service of the Earl of Southampton, High Treasurer of England." Dean of Connor, Nov. 28, 1660; of Armagli, 1661. Bishop of Limerick, 1667: of Kilmore, 1672. Abp of Dublin, 1682-93. Married Mary, daughter of Bp Jeremy Taylor. As a supporter of William III. he was attainted, during his absence, by James' Dublin Parliament. He returned after the battle of the Boyne. Died Nov. 16, 1693 : buried in Dublin Cathedral, (v. D. N. B.) Mich" 1651— Mich" 1652. Keene, Charles : son of Charles Keene, of Filby, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 4, 1651-2. Surety, Mr Barker. (Re admitted, as fellow-commoner, Oct. 24, 1655.) Scholar, Christ" 1 652 to Mich" 1655. By his father's will (1646) he was to receive £, 1 600 and lands in Runham, when of age. Eldest son, 384 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Hunt, William : son of Thomas Hunt, Esq., of Sharrington, Norfolk. School, Bury 8t Edmunds, under Mr Stevens. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 6, 1651-2. Surety, Mr Barker. Of Sharrington, Esq. Laving in 1686. Eldest son and heir: married Anne, daughter of ...James of London. (F. G.) Pedigree in I'is. of Ncvf., 1664. *Beech, Andrew: son of Andrew Beech, of London. Made il.A. by visitor's mandate, 1652. ^I.D. (Padua) Dec. 30, 1657. Incorporated at Oxford, !March 27, 1660. Intruded as senior fellow, L. Da}' 1652 to Mich* 1655. Greek lecturer, 1653. On his application for the ISI.A. degree it was stated that he had " formerly omitted his B.A. degree, with an intention to travel and take his degree in some University in the Low Countries, ...that he hath been in Holland upon the late Einbas.sy, with the Lord Ch. Just. St John... and been serviceable to the State in the said embassy." (Baker xxv : and Grace Book.) He was then a "student in phj-sic." Candidate of the College of Physicians, 1660 (Munk). Repps, Richard : of Norfolk. School, Mattishall, under ilr Burton. Age 14. Admitted sizar, April 1, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1655-6 : M.A. 1659. Probably brother of Henry and Nicholas, 1649. Pattison, Joseph : son of Edward Pattison, merchant, of Plymouth, Devon. School, Plymouth, under Mr Horsman. Age 15. Admitted sizar, March 29, 1652. Surety, Mr Marsh. Scholar, Mich' 1652 to Mich' 1653. Goodman, Thomas : son of Thomas Goodman, of L3-nn. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 5, 1652. Surety, Mr Beech. Scholar, Mich* 1652 to Mids' 1655. Day, William : son of Nicholas Daj'. Born at Rickinghall inferior, Suffolk. School, Botesdale, under Messi-s I^es and Ellys, six yeai-s. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 7, 1652. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1G55-6. Scholar^ Christ' 1652 to Mich' 1655. Ordained priest (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661. Rector of Banningham, Norf., 1670-84. Reeve, Thomas : son of Thomas Reeve, gent. Bom at Surlingham ('Sarlingham '), Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 12, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Ap. 27, 1653 : "Thomas Reeve, son of Thomas, of Bio Norton." Died Nov. 26, 1656 ; set. 20. M. I. at Stratton. Golding, Thomas : son of Thomas Golding, Esq., of Poslingford, Suffolk. Born at Darsham. School, Yoxford, under ^Ir Eacher, four years. Admitted fellow- commoner, April 15, 1652. Surety, ^U- Barker. Eldest son. Of Poslingford, Esq. Li^-ing there in 1699, when his sister Dame Marj' Villiers made her will. (J. J.M.) Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 18, 1653. Married Joyce...; and had issue. Buried at Poslingford, Aug. 11, 1702. (Davy.) *Buggin, William : son of William Buggin, Esq. School, Denham, Bucks., under Mr Canon. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bacheloi-s' table. May 28, 1652. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1655 : M.A. 1659. Junior fellow, Christ' 1656 to Christ' 1658. Presented Blaaw's Atlas to the College library, July 6, 1659, in 7 vols. Probably admitted to the Inner Temple, Oct. 20, 1657 : "William Buggin of N. Cray." Doubtless the William Buggins who married, as first husband, Alice, daughter of Sir Wm. Bowyer, bart., of Denham. Monument to her; and pedigree, in Lipscomb's Bucks., iv. 444. 1652. 385 *Fish, Robert: son of Jeiemiah Fish (clerk in H.O.) : of Little Bytham, Lincoln- shire. School, Stamford, under Mr Umphrys. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 14, 1652. Surety, Mr Wheeler. Previously admitted at Sidney College (Aug. 2, 1648 : age 18). B.A. 1652-3 (Cai.): M.A. 1656. Scholar, Mids-- 1652 to L. Day 1653. Junior fellow, L. Day 1653: senior, Mids' 1655 to MicV 1658. Catechist, 1658. Ordained priest (Ardf. and Aghad.) Aug. 17, 1660. Rector of Lit. Bytham, Lines., 1669 : and of Gt Coates, 1675-96. Chaplain to the Earl of Lichfield. Perhaps vicar of Boreham, Ess., 1658. Brother of Jeremiah, p. 386. Castle, Augustin : son of Tollemach Castle, gent., of Mutford, Suffolk. School, Yoxford, under Mr Ives. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 22. Surety, Mr Barker. Of Raveningham, Norf., Esq. Married Alice, daughter of Thomas Anguish, gent., of Moulton, Norf. ; by whom he had one daughter. Will dated Oct. 26, 1671: proved (Norw. C. C.) Dec. 9, 1673. To be buried in Raveningham. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. (F. G.) Baldwine, James : son of James Baldwine, of Worlington, Suffolk. Born at Wilton, Norfolk. School, Botesdale, under Mr Ives. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 26, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. Died without issue, before Nov. 24, 1676 : when liis father bequeaths his manor of Worlington to his brother John (will proved, Archd. Sudb.). See Edward of 1627-8. (J. J. M.) ♦Wharton, Edward (Edmund) : son of Thomas Wharton. Born in Norwich. At school there, under Mr Lovering. Age 17. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1655-6: M.A. 1659. Scholar, Christ^ 1652 to Mich' 1654. Junior fellow, Mich' 1656 to Mich' 1660. Ordained priest (Bp Brownrigg, of Exeter) Aug 24, 1659. Vicar of Ubbeston, Suff., 1661-3: rector of Sloley and vicar of Worstead, Norf., 1662-79 : rector of Saxlingham Thorpe, and Nether- gate, 1679-1717. Buried at the latter, Ap. 20, 1717. Father of Henry, the antiquary, admitted in 1680. Gary (Geary), Benjamin : son of Thomas Gary, of Bedingfield, Suffolk. Born there. School, Eye, under Mr Browne. Age 17. Admitted sizar, July 5, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. B.A. 1655-6 : M.A. 1659. Scholar, L. Day 1655 to L. Day 1658. College librarian, 1656. Shippe, Isaac : son of Matthew Shippe, tailor, of London. Born in the parish of St Andrew, Holborn. School, Winchester, under Dr Pottinger. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 5, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. Probably B.A. (Tr. H.) 1656-7 : M.A. (do.) 1660. Scholar, L. Day 1653 to Mich" 1654. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 19, 1658 : "son and heir." Reede, Isaac : son of Thomas Reede, of Colchester, Essex. Admitted sizar, Sep. 23, 1652. Surety, Mr Wheeler. Previously admitted at Corpus Christi College (1651). Scholar, Christ' 1652 to Mids"' 1655. Ordained deacon, Feb. 6; priest, Feb. 8, 1660-1 ; (Line). Apparently curate of La wford. Ess., 1662-4. Proved his father's will in 1665; from whom he inherited lands. At that time married. C. 25 386 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Mich" 1G52— Micu'* 1G54* Tuthill, William : son of John Tuthill, gent., of Saxlingham, Norfolk. Born at Upniinster, Essex. School, Cantley, under Mr Chapman, seven j'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 26, 1G52. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Christ' 1652 to Mich" 1656. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 13, 1656. Fish, Jeremiah : son of Jeremiah Fish (clerk in H. O.), of Little Bytham, Lincoln. Born there. Schools, Stamford, under Mr Humfreys, three j-ears ; and Uppingham, under Mr Meers, four years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Oct. 27, 1652. Surety, Mr Seyliard. B.A. 1656-7; M.A 1660. Scholar, Christ" 1652 to L. Day 1658. Ordained deacon, ]\Iay 24 ; priest. May 25, 1662 ; by Bp of Lincoln. Rector of Alphamstone, Ess., 1662-92. Vicar of Ridgewell, Ess., 1662. WUl proved (Cons. C. Lond.) May 14, 1692. Mentions son John, wife "Wiborough: leaves lands in Lamarsh, &c. Brother of Robert, above. Farmer, John : son of Ralph Farmer, gent., of Baddesley, Warwickshire. Born there. Schools, Alveston, under Mr Perknis, three years ; and Coventry, under Dr Bryan, over a year. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 28, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. Mingay, John : son of Anthonj' Mingay, gent., of Norwich. Bom there. At school, under Mr Levering, four years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 2, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. Scholar, Mich' 1653 to L. Day 1656 (probably this student). Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 26, 1655. Of Gimingham, gent. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Tuthill of Saxlingham (see above). Described as 'of Norwich,' in the Vis. of 1664. Hobart, Robert ; son of John Hobart, Esq., of Norwich. Born at Weybread, Suffolk. School, Norwicli, under Mr Lovering, seven years ; and at home, under Mr Adamson, over a year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 2, 1652. Surety, Mr Barker. (Re-admitted, as fellow- commoner, Oct. 4, 1653-4.) Died without issue, March 5, 1681-2. Buried at Weybread, Suff. (Vis. of Norf.) *Balye, Thomas. Junior fellow, Christ", 1652 : senior, L. Day 1653 to Mich' 1654. Probably from St John's. Admitted there ilar. 27, 1648. Son of Richard, yeoman, of Pinchbeck. Age 16. B.A. (Joh.) 1651-2. Higson, (Thomas), previously admitted at St John's College. Admitted sizar, 1652. Surety, Mr Barton. (Son of James Higson, husbandman, of Settle, Yorks. Born there. School, Giggleswick. Age 17. Admitted at St John's, as sizar, July 1, 1650.) Scholar, Christ' 1652 to Mich' 1653. Vicar of Willingdon, Suss., 1662-4; and of Selmeston, do., 1664-81. Married at Arlington, Aug. 24, 1665, Ann Hylder. Buried at Sehueston, Aug. 2, 1681. Will proved (Lewes) 1681 (E. H. W. D.). Locke, Thomas : son of Peter Locke, gent., of Lyng, Norfolk. Educated at home, under Mr Rayner, eight years ; and at Gressenhall, under Mr Greene, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 15, 1652-3. Surety, Mr Bagge. Scholar, Mich" 1653 to Mich" 1656. * The entries seem to have been neglected for two or three years. A College order (1653 : July 19) directs that the Register Book be perfected from 1650. 1652—1653. 387 *Parham, Peter : son of Thomas Parham, gent., of Swan ton Morley, Norfolk. Born there. At school there, under Mr Moulton : at Mattishall, under Mr Taylour, two years; and in Norwich, under Mr Levering, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 15, 1652-3. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1656-7 (9th, out of 25, in the list): M.A. 1660: M.D. 1676. Scholar, Mich' 1653 to L. Day 1654. Junior fellow, L. Day 1659: senior, L. Day, 1666 to Mich' 1679 ; vacated by marriage. Rhet. prwlector, 1661-7: dean, 1667: logic lecturer, 1667: registrar, 1668: bursar, 1671-4: steward, 1675. Proctor, 1674. Received £5 "for his pains in the lihrnry " (Gesta, 1668). Married in the palace chapel, Norwich, Aug. 13, 1679, Susanna, daughter of Anthony Sparrow, Bp of Norwich. Practised medicine in Norwich. Died Ap. 21, 1722: buried at Swanton Morley. M.I. there. His portrait is amongst those in our college, but not identified. *Jenks, Henry. Originally admitted at King's College, Aberdeen, 1642, as " Anglo-Borussus"; graduated there 1646. Admitted at Emmanuel, 1646. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1669. Senior fellow at Caius, L. Day 1653 to Mich' 1697. Greek lecturer, 1674-8: Hebrew, 1678-90: oatechist, 1691- 7 : dean and chaplain for several years. Proctor, 1687. F.R.S. Greshara Prof, of Rhetoric. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, Sep. 1, 1697. Will proved (V. C. Court, Camb.) Sep. 23, 1698. "My library of books, the income of ray chambers, and luy Rationale Biblicum (which, upon covenants drawn between M"^ Chiswell of London and myself is now ready for the press) with all other my goods and chattels (except my old clothes, which I will to my bedmaker) to my worthy friend, M'' James Halman, fellow to burn my papers, or else to publish them cum judicio et dilectu." Author : The Christian tutor, 1683 : an interesting work, as containing a descriptive list of some of the Ijooks which, in the opinion of a Cambridge tutor, were most suitable for a young man's study. It is in the form of a letter addressed to a Mr James King, at that time a factor in India. It is dated "from my beloved Colledg of Caius." There is a Latin letter from him of con- gratulation to Abp Sancroft in the Bodleian, Tanner MSS. Mingay, John (matriculated ' Thomas ') : son of John Mingaj', gent., of Arming- hall, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Nov. 27, 1636). School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, over six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 13, 1653. Surety, Mr Bagge. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 6, 1655. Of Arniinghall, Esq. Married Anne, daughter of John Strawbery, of Bury. Died Ap. 16, 1684: M.I. at Saxlingham Nethergate. *Bate, John : son of Hippolytus Bate, shoemaker. Born in Stamfoi'd, Lincoln- shire. At school there, under Mr Humphrey, seven years. Age 14. Admitted sizar, April 22, 1653. Surety, Mr Stockton. B.A. 1656-7: M.A. 1660. Scholar, L. Day 1653 to L. Day 1659. Junior fellow, L. Day 1659 to L. Day 1664. Logic lecturer, 1660-2. *Thorpe, George : son of George Thorpe, cook. Born in London. School, Fel- stead, Essex, under Mr Glascocke. Age 15. Admitted sizar. May 17. Surety, Mr Burton. B.A. 1656-7: M.A. 1660: B.D. 1667. Scholar, Mich' 1653 to L. Day 1659. Junior fellow, L. Day 1659 to Mich' 1663. Fellow of Emmanuel, 1663 to 1667. Re-elected junior fellow at Caius, Sep. 6, 1667 : senior fellow, Mich' 1668 to L. Day 1678. Ethical lecturer, 1663: dean, 1668: salarist, 1667-76. At Emmanuel he was chosen as master, 1719, but declined the post. Baker says that but for our prevalent Norfolk restrictions he would have left to Caius the large benefaction which he made to Emmanuel. 388 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Rector of St Antholiu's, London, 1676. Chaplain to Abp. Bancroft. Preb. of Canterbury, 1680. Rector of Bisliopsbourne, Kent, 1679-1719; and of Ightham, 1687-1719. Died Nov. 1719. Author: The Unity of the Catholic Church maintained in the Church of England, 1684. Sermon on INIatt. vii. 12; 1677. Examination of Bellarmine's 5th note of the Church, viz. the Succession of Bishops 1688 (Anon.). Gave to the library, Gregory Thauma- turgus, 1622 ; Lipsius' Iiiscriptiones, 1588, &c. Gonvile, Thomas : son of Geoffrey Gonvile, clerk. Born at Walton, Norfolk. Schools, Horncastle, under Sir Gibson, two years ; Withei-n, Lincolnshire, under Mr Morton, two years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 24, 1653. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1656-7 : M.A. 1660. Scholar, Mich' 1653 to Mich" 1657. Perhaps the Mr Thomas Gon^^lle, of West Walton, whose wife Elizabeth was buried at Narborough in 1707. Harrison, Francis : son of John Harrison, rector of Mashbury. Essex. Born in Chelmsford. School, Hattiekl, under Mr Francis Bridge, six years. Age 20. Admitted sizar. Surety, William Najdour, M.A. Taylour, Henry : son of Walter Taylour, of Ashton, Lancashire. School, Win wick, under Mr Gorse (Gorst), six years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 24, 1653. Surety, Mr Naylour. B.A. 1656-7: M.A. 1660. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1675. Scholar, Mich' 1653 to Mich" 1657. Branthwaite, William : son of Arthur Branthwaite, gent., of Hethel, Norfolk. Born there. Educated at Caistor? ('Casto'), under Mr Burton, one year; and Yelverton, under Mr Allen, seven years. Age 18. Admitted fellow- commoner, June 22, 1653. Surety, Mr Bagge. Of Hethel, Esq. Admitted at Gray's Inn, April 25, 1654. Married Julian, daughter of Thomas Berney, Esq.; by whom he had 18 children. Died Feb. 28, 1709-10. M.L at Hethel. Brother of Miles, 1654. Rant, Humphrey; son of Humphrey Rant, Esq. (formerly of the college; 1612). Bom at Yelverton. Educated at home, under Mr Allen, ten years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 22, 1653. Surety, Mr Bagge. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 26, 1665-6. Of Dickleburgh, Esq. Will proved (Archd. C. Norf.) 1726. Married Anne, daughter of Rob. Gooch of Earsham, Esq. (Davy.) Brother of William, 1645. Reeve, Thomas : son of Thomas Reeve, farmer, of Kedington, Suffolk. Born at Little Thurlow. School, Great Wratting, seven years, under Mr Burwell. Age 17. Admitted sizar, July 1, 1653. Surety, Mr Faireelough. B.A. 1657-8: M.A. 1661. Perhaps rector of Bradwell by Coggeshall, Ess., 1662 till his death in 1693 ; and father of James, of 1683. Rolfe, Anthony: son of Anthouj' Rolfe (formerly of the college; 1619), gent., of Tuttington, Norfolk. Born there. School, Aylsham, under Mr Curtis, three years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 4. Surety, Mr Faireelough. *Masy, Henry: son of Henry Masy. Born in Cambridge (bapt. Gt St Mary's, Oct. 5, 1640). Educated at the Perse School. Age 14. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Naylor. B.A. 1657-8: M.A. 1661. Scholar, Mich^ 1654 to Mich» 1661. Junior fellow, Mich= 1661 to Mich' 1665. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1661 : ordained priest (do.) July 12, 1662. Master of Holt School, 1661 (licensed by the bishop, Ap. 2, 1661). Head Master of Norwich Grammar School, 1665 to 1667. The boys petitioned against him to the mayor : " It makes us wonder to see that you should be blinded and permit 1653—1654. 389 one that is troubled with the chiragra and podagra, and also with a disease called desidia, to be master of this ancient school ; and so they that were wont (by M'' Loveringe) to be made Minerva's darlings are now made Vulcan's servile bond slaves the scholars therefore petition your Highness for to banish him, or in plain words to make him mend his manners, for 'tis not sufi'erable that he should tyrannize over us" (Tanner MS. ccc.xi; 6). He was rector of Rockland, 1667-77; and held the sinecure vicarage of Egmere, 1670-77. Died, May 17, 1677. Monument at Rockland. Will proved (Dean and Ch. C, Norw.) June 6, 1677 : his library to be kept for his children ; wife, executrix. Brother of John, 1667. *Beverley, Robert : son of James Beverley. Born at Clophill ('Clapwell'), Beds. At St Paul's School, London, under Mr Langly. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 21, 1653-4. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1657-8 : M.A. 1661. Scholar, Mich= 1654 to L. Day 1659. Junior fellow, L. Day 1659 to his death. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, Aug. 1661. (v. Beds. Vis. 1634, for 'Beverley of Eaton Socon.') Birch, Joseph : son of Hugh Birch, of Manchester. Admitted sizar, April 4, 1654. Surety, Mr Adamson. Previously admitted at Trinity College, June 25, 1653. B.A. 1656-7. Scholar, Mich' 1654 to Mich» 1657. Obtained presbyte- rian orders from the Manchester dassis, March 30, 1659. "Testimonial from M'' Thomas Burton of Ashley, showing his desire to have him as his chaplain.... Had an instrument given him directed to the congregation, and to be affixed on the chapel door at Ashley, Chesh. His question, an infantes sini baptizandi? he holds it in the affirmative." Afterwards ordained deacon and priest (Line.) Dec. 23, 1660. Rector of Febmarsh, Essex, 1661-74. Francisse, Thomas : son of Thomas Francisse, of Boxted, Sulfolk. School, Dedham, under Mr Eaton. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 20. Surety, Mr Wheeler. B.A. 1657-8. Scholar, Mich' 1654 to Mich' 1660. Bridge, John : son of Ralph Bridge. Born at Stoke by Clare, Suflblk. School, Great Wratting, under Mr Burrel. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 24. Surety, Mr Fairclough. B.A. 1657-8: M.A. 1661. Scholar, Mich» 1654 to Mich» 1661. Or- dained deacon and priest (Norw.) Oct. 18, 1662. Vicar of Battisford, Suif., 1663-1710. Administration granted (Norw. C. C.) 1711 ; "of Ringshall,"— adjoining Battisford. Perhaps the same who subscribed the bishop's book (Norw.) as vicar of Wood Ditton, Cambs., Feb. 8, 1660-1. Jenny, William : son of William Jenny, gent. Born at Bexwell, Norfolk (bapt. Nov. 4, 1637). School, Cambridge, under Mr More. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 5. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylor. Of Lincoln's Inn, barrister: admitted there Dec. 28, 1653. Of Great Cressingham, Esq. Married Dinah, daughter of John Goldsmith, of Strad- sett. Buried at Cressingham, March 9, 1669-70 (v. Blomef. vi. 97 ; and Vis. of Nor/.). Brother of Francis, 1660-1. Le-gard, Robert : son of Christopher Le-gard, Esq. Born at Anlaby, Yorkshire. School, Cambridge, under Mr More. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 5. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 17, 1655. Of Anlaby, Esq. One of the Masters in Chancery. Knighted at Whitehall, June 29, 1682. Married (1) Mirabella, daughter of William Phipps, gent., of Staffs., (2) Mary, daughter of Sir James Stonehouse, of Essex. Died 1721 (Foster's Yorks. Pedigrees). Brother of Francis, 1661. 390 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Taylor, Thomas. Matriculated pensioner, Dec. 17, 1653. *Baron, William: son of Jonas (? Thomas) Baron, gent., of Tibenham, Norfolk. Schools, Mendlesham, under Mr Willson, three years ; and Kenniughall and San ton, under Mr Gadford, three j'ears. Age 18. Admitted sizar, July 4, 1654. Surety, William Bagge. B.A. 1658-9 (12th, out of 24, in the list): M.A. 1662. Scholar, L. Day 1655 to Mids' 1662. Junior fellow, Mids' 1662 to Mich^ 1668. He was cited to return into residence, Dec. 1667, but refused; and "there being strong presumption he was married," the fellowship was declared void, July 24, 1668. Logic lecturer, 1662-3. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Sep. 20, 1662. Chaplain to Sir G. Downing, envoy in Holland, for which he obtained leave of absence, Aug. 12, 1663. Chaplain to the Earl of Craven. Rector of Hampstead Marshall, Berks. Eector of Emborne, Berks., 1673. Author: Assize sermon, 1683. MiCH^ 1654— Mich" 1655. Branthwayte, Miles : son of Arthur Branthwayte, Esq., of Hethel, Norfolk ; and nephew of Dr Branthwayte formerly the master of this college. Born at Hethel. Schools, Yelverton, under Mr Allen, seven years : and Norwich, under Mr Levering, one year. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 16, 1654. Surety, William Bagge. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 17, 1655. Died unmarried: buried at Hethel, Jan. 10, 1712. Brother of William, 1653. Sylvester, John : son of Robert Sylvester, citizen of London. Born in London. At Christ's Hospital, four years, under Mr Waters. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 3, 1654-5. Surety, Mr Wheeler. Armiger, William : son of William Armiger, Esq., of (North) Creake, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Aug. 15, 1639). Educated at home, under Messrs Lyng and Scarlet, six years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, March 9, 1654-5. Sui-ety, Mr Lyng. Admitted at the Inner Temple, June 28, 1656. Married, as thii"d husband, Elizabeth, daughter of John Lucia, of London, merchant. (Davy.) Grand nephew of Thomas, of 1585. Garland, Samuel : son of Francis Garland, of Mansfield, Notts. At school there, live years. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 28, 1655. Surety, Mr Adamson. Previously admitted (June 9, 1652) at Queens' College, where he studied for three years. B.A. 1655-6. Rixe, Henry : son of Henrj- Rixe, brewer, of Cambridge. Born there. School, Cambridge, seven years, under Messrs Craford and Griffith. Age 17. Ad- mitted sizar, JSIarch 28, 1655. Surety, !Mr Adamson. Pre\'iously resided for one year at Queens' College. B.A. 1657-8: M.A. 1661. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1663. Scholar, L. Day 1655 to Mich' 1661. Ordained deacon (Ely) 1663: priest (do.) 1664, as curat-e of Caldecott. L^'sher of the Perse school, Cambridge. Head Master of Walden, Essex. Curate of Stocking Pelham, Herts., 1689. Buried at Newport, Essex, Jan. 13, 1703-4: where he is described as vicar. He was minister there from 1 690. Ruddle, John : son of Ralph Ruddle, clerk, of Stoke Dry, Rutlandshire. Bom at Bishops Cannings, Wilts. School, Uppingham, under Mr Meres, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Oct. 19, 1654. Surety, Mr Stocketon. B.A. 1658-9: M.A. 1662. Scholar, L. Day 1655 to Mich' 1659. Vicar 1654—1655. 391 of St Mary Magd., Launceston, 1663-98; and also for several years master of the free school there. Vicar of Altarnon, 1662-98. Reported as "well affected to the government" in 1665. Preb. of Exeter, 1680-98. Married (2) Mary, widow of Thomas Bolitho. Died at Launceston, Jan. 20, 1698-9, "calculi doloribus et podagra continua lacessitus." M.I. there, to him, and to his first wife, Sarah. Best known to fame as the priest who exorcised a ghost at Botathan, Cornwall, in 1665. There are good reasons for supposing that he is the author of the story in Duncan Campbell's Adventures, published by Defoe (v. N. and Q. Sep. 21, 1895). Webbe, James : son of Thomas Webbe, Esq. Born at Richmond, Surrey. Schools, Greenford, Middlesex, under Mr Terry, and Fulhani, under Dr Fleetwood, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 15, 1655. Surety, Mr William Naylour. Goodman, John : son of Richard Goodman, vintner, of (St Michael's) Stamford, Lincolnshire. Born there. School, Stamford, under Mr Humphry, five years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 17, 1655. Surety, Mr Lyng. B.A. 1658-9. Scholar, Mich' 1655 to Mich" 1661. Ordained deacon (Norw.) July 13, 1662 : priest (do.) Dec. 20, 1663 ; as curate of Gt Ryburgh. Rector of Twyford, Norf , 1680. Rector of Themilthorpe, Norf., 1671. *Fairclough, James : son of Thomas Fairclough, gent., of Upholland, Lancashire. Admitted fellow-commoner, having previously resided for more than four years at St John's College, and having taken his B.A. degree there. Surety, Mr Fairclough. B.A. 1654-5: M.A. 1658: M.L. 1658. Junior fellow, Mich' 1655 to July, 1659. His fellowship was declared void, July 7, 1659, on account of his continued absence : he " having removed his goods, disposed of his chamber and resolved not to continue any more," in spite of " citation on the chapel door." (G'esta.) Perhaps in medical practice in London in 1666 (v. iV. and Q. Jan. 26, 1884 : p. 62). Hirne, Clement: son of Thomas Hirne, gent. (? formerly of the college, 1620), of Metton. Born at Mountjoye, Norfolk. Schools, Tliarston, under Mr Firmary, two years; and Ingworth, under Mr Ranson, six years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 22, 1655. Surety, Mr Lyng. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 16, 1657. Lord of the manor of Metton, and Hale's Hall, Rough ton. Died 1720. *Holman (Halman), James : son of Nicholas Holman, clerk, of Thursford, Norfolk. Born there. School, Holt, under Mr Wright, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 27, 1655. Surety, Mr Lyng. B.A. 1658-9 : M.A. 1662. Scholar, L. Day, 1655 to Mids-- 1662. Junior fellow, Mids' 1662: senior, L. Day, 1671. In Jan. 1669-70, he was unable to respond in theology " variolis laborans." Ethical lecturer, 1663: Greek, 1684-8 : Hebrew, 1698-1700. Also repeatedly registrar, dean, and bur.sar. University registrar, 1683-1701. Taxor, 1675. Elected master, Aug. 24, 1700. Buried in the college chapel, Dec. 23, 1702. By his will, dated Oct. 17, 1702 ; proved (V. C. Court) Jan. 5, 1702-3; he gave a valuable collection of Civil Law books, and his lease of the manor of Mepal, Cambs., held of the Dean and Chapter of Ely. It was to be employed in adding X2 to the stipend of each of the 20 Caian scholars ; paying fines, and other outlays on our property, &c. For more, see under Masters. *Kitchingman, John: son of Bryan Kitchingman, 'jurisperitus', alderman of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at St Clement's, Feb. 10, 1638-9). School, Cambridge, under Messrs Craforde and Griffith, seven years. Age 16. Ad- mitted, July 7, 1655. Surety, Mr Marsh. 392 GOXVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, Mich' 1655 to Mkh' 1661. Junior fellow, !Mich' 1661 to Mich* 1670. Licensed to teach grammar at Lynn, July 29, 1662. Curate of Redgrave, 166i. Rector of Bincombe and Broadway, Dors., 1670—90 : presented by the college. ? Rector of Sheldwick, Kent, 1697. Died at Milton, Carabs., June 10, 1729. M. I. to him at Milton, by Prof. Mickleburgh, stating that he resigned Bincombe "quod locus parum an-i- serit." In his will, proved (V. C. Court, Camb.) Jul}- 17, 1729, he is described as of Cambridge. Leaves lands in ^lilton and Landbeach, Cambs. ; the Ijulk of his property to his eldest son, Brian, of Roydon, Essex, clerk. The college had a troublesome lawsuit with the father (Bryan). He had been appointed bailiff to our neighbouring estates in Dell's time, and could not be got rid of. Brother of Robert, 1656. Daniel, Charles : son of Edward Daniel, of Yorkshire, of the Merchant Adventurers' Company. Born at Dantzic. Educated at home, under Mr Pawly, three years ; and under INIr Zimmerman, rector of the Gymnasium at Thorn two years. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Aug. 4, 1655. Surety, Mr Jenkes. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Oct. 24.) LL.B. 1660. Gave to our library Hevelius' Mercurvus in sole visus, 1661 (On the Transit of Mercury). Rivett, Nicholas: son of John Rivett, gent, (formerly of the college, 1628), of Brandeston, Suffolk. Born in London. Schools, Beccles, under Mr Nuttle, five years ; and Ipswich, under Mr Woodside. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 4, 1657. Of Brandeston, Suff., Esq. His mother was Alice, daughter of Thomas Leake, merchant, of London, ilarried Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Dade, Esq., of Tannington. Died Nov. 23, 1669. Will proved (Archd. Suff.) Dec. 22, 1669. Left one daughter Elizabeth. M.I. at Brandeston. (J.J. M.) Pedigree in Vis. of Suff., 1664. Simonds, William : son of William Simonds, gent., of Suffield, Norfolk. Bom at HiUmorton, Warwickshire. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, seven years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, 1655. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. Mich' 1655— Mich' 1656. Pecke, Thomas: son of James Pecke, gent., of Wj-mondham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 3, 1655. Surety, Mr William Naylour. *Thompson, Francis : son of James Thompson, merchant, first of London, after- wards of Amsterdam. Born in London. Schools, Wellingborough, Northauts., one year; and Cambridge, for half a year. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Nov. 30, 1655. Suretv, Mr Wheeler. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663: D.D. 1680. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1664. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich' 1663. Junior feUow, Mich' 1663 to L. Day 1673. Ethical lecturer, 1669-72. University preacher, 1669. Sub- scribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1662. Rector of St Matthew, Friday St, and St Peter's Cheap, 1666-1715. One of the original trustees of the Plumian Professorship endowment. There is a letter from him to Dean Sancroft, requesting tlie chaplaincy of Leghorn Factory ; dated from Gt Birch parsonage, Oct. 16, 1666. (Tanner MS. 45.) Will dated Dec. 12, 1715; proved (Cons. C. Lond.) Feb. 16, 1715-6. Desires to be buried in the chancel of his church, Gt Friday St., London. Nephew, Francis Thompson, school- master at Walden, sole executor. 1655—1656. 393 *Chalice, Richard. Matriculated pensioner, Dec. 18, 1655. Of Cambs. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, Mich= 1655 to Mich" 1661. Junior fellow, Mich" 1661 to Mids^ 1665. *Thurston, Malachi. Son of Edward Thurston. Born at West Buckland, Som. Admitted at Sidney, Nov. 18, 1645. B.A. 1619-50: M.A. 1653: M.D. (Cai.) 1665. Fellow of Sidney, 1651-5. Senior fellow of Caius, Christ" 1655 to Mich" 1701. Hebrew lecturer, 1655, 1662 : registrar, 1659 : dean, and conduct, 1657-8 : Greek lecturer, 1664. Obtained leave to travel for three years, Ap. 1665. F.R.S. 1665. For some time in practice at Exeter. In 1670 he published his celebrated treatise, De Respirationis usu primario diatriba : originally an academic exercise : published at the request of Dr Ward and Dr Williams. Soon after his mind failed, and he was visited by Dr Musgrave, who has given an account of the case: he attributes his disease to "the combined influence of a nervous temperament, an injury to the head in child- hood, excess of study, the over use of coffee, gout," (fee. He gives a very high estimate of him, " nemo unquam medicus illustrior, nee qui arti plus tribuerat." This judgment is confirmed by Dr Munk (v. N. o,nd Q. 2'' Ser. Vol. li. p. 272). The latter years of his life were spent with his relations in Somerset. In a return by the master, as to those who had taken the oaths, dated Oct. 7, 1691, it is said of Dr Thurston, " He is a distracted man, and hath been so these 20 years." Died June 3, 1701 : buried at W. Buckland. Gave to the library a Syriac Testament. *Topham, John : B.A. : previously admitted at Sidney College (May 6, 1652 : age 16. School, Leeds). Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 21, 1655-6. Surety, Mr Thrustone. B.A. (Sid.) 165.5-6 : M.A. 1659. Junior fellow, Christ" 1656 to Mich" 1661. Logic lecturer, 1659-66. Of a mercantile family at Hull. *Mitteforde, Cuthbert : B.A. : previously admitted at Sidney College (second son of Robert Mitteforde, Esq., of Mitford, Northumberland. Admitted 1652. Age 13.) Admitted fellow-commoner, April 12, 1656. Surety, Mr Thrustone. B.A. (Sid.) 1654-5: M.A. 1658. Junior fellow, Christ" 1656: senior, Christ" 1659 to Mids' 1660. Ejected at the Restoration. Ethical lecturer, 1659. Afterwards rector of Ingram, Northumb. Died there : buried in the chancel, 1662. (Pedigree in Vis. of NortJnuiib.) Gave to the library. Spots- wood's History of the Church of Scotland, 1655 ; Foresti Observationes, 1631, 1634 ; &c. Brother of Edward, 1660. Bowles (Bolle), John : son of Robert Bowles, bart., of Scampton, Lincolnshire. Born there. Educated at home, under Mr Gelsthorpe, seven years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 12, 1656. Surety, Mr Gelsthorpe. Succeeded his father as baronet, 1663. Married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of John Pinsent, Esq., (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Vincent Corbett, bart. With his son John, the baronetcy expired. Buried at St Swithin's, London Stone, March 8, 1684-5 (A. R. M.). Gave to our library Dugdale's Monas- tieon, and Antiquities of Warwickshire. Shadwell, Thomas : (eldest) son of John Shadwell, of Broomhill, near Brandon, Norfolk. Born there. Educated at home, under Mr Roberts, five years ; and at Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, one year. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Dec. 17, 1656. Surety, Mr William Naylore. The Poet Laureat. Admitted at the Middle Temple, 1658; but soon quitted the law, and travelled abroad. Returning to England he became intimate with the principal wits about town, and, at Rochester's recommendation 394 noxviLLE and caius college. was appointed laureat, 1688. Married Anne, daughter of Tlionia-s Gibbs, of Norwich. Died at Chelsea, Nov. 20, 1692, from an over-dose of opium. Buried there. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1692. His dramatic works were published in four volumes, 1720. Gallard, Robert : son of Roger Gallard, clerk, (rector) of Wreningham, Norfolk. (Born there.) School, Wymondham, under 'Mr Firmery, afterwards under Mr Ranson, eight 3-ears. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 8, 1656. Surety, Mr Lyng. B.A. 16.59-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich^ 1661. Or- dained deacon (Norw.), July 1662: priest (do.) Dec. 23, 1665. Curate of Fundenhall, 1662. Licensed as schoolmaster at Wymondham, 1662. Rector of Cranwich, Norf., 1665-7. Buried there, Aug. 15, 1667. *Bagge, Simon : son of Simon Bagge, gent., of Cockley Cley, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, SwaiFham, under Mr Harvy, three years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 165(J. Surety, Mr Ling. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1664. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich' 1663. Junior fellow, Mich'^ 1663: senior, L. Day 1673 till his death. Logical lecturer, 1663: rhet. proelector, 1667-72, 1674—7: steward, 1677-9: dean, 1681. XJnivereity rhetoric prse- lector, 1667. Died in college; buried at St Michael's, Feb. 6, 1681-2. Dobson, Lancelot : son of George Dobson, gent., of Brancepeth, Durham. Born at Burniston, Yorkshire. Schools, Bedale, Yorkshire, under Mr Bawling, a year and a half ; Brancepeth, under Mr Dobson, two years ; and Auckland, under Mr Robinson, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 11, 1656. Surety, Mr Thrustone. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich' 1660. Probably (as Laurence) vicar of EUingham, Northumb., 1665 ; and of Chilling- ham, 1679. Goodman, Lawrence : son of Heury Goodman, shoemaker, of Falkingham, Lincoln- shire. Born there. Schools, Falkingham, under Mr Worseley, two years ; and Sleaford, under Mr Gibson, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 23, 1656. Surety, Mr Adamsou. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to L. Day 1661. Or- dained deacon, May 24 ; priest, May 25, 1662 ; by Bp of Lincoln. Lucas, John : son of Richard Lucas, coachman, of London. Born at Richmond, Surrey. Schools, Uppingham, under Mr Meeres, seven years. Age 1 7. Ad- mitted sizar, Julv 5, 1655. Surety, Mr Stocketon. B.A. 1658-9': M.A. 1662 (Joh.). Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich' 1657. Migrated to St John's, Oct. 21, 1657. A John Lucas (B.A. Cantab.) was ordained deacon by the Bp of Line. Dec. 21, 1661, and priest next day; at St Margarets, Westminster. Lupton, Chiistopher and Thomas : sons of Christopher Lupton, gent., of Settle ? (' Settleby '), Yorkshire. Born there. School, Giggleswick, under Mr Lucas, eight years. Ages 20 and 15. Admitted sizars. May 10, 1656. Surety, Mr Adamson. Christopher. Scholar, Mich' 1656 to Mids' 1658. Thomas. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to L. Day 1658. Perhaps rector of Lit. Waldingfield, Suff.,1662. Robinson, Henry : son of Henry Robinson, gent., of Thoralbj', Yorkshire. Bom at Swinacombe 1 Schools, Burton in Bishopdale, under Mr Barnes, two years ; Newbiggen (' New Liggen '), under Mr Wilkinson for about two years ; 1656. 395 and Giggleswick, under Mr Walker, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. Surety, Mr Adaiuson. Scholar, Mich" 1656 to Mich' 1657. Ordained deacon. May 24 : priest, May 25, 1662, by the Bp of Lincoln, as ' literatus ' of Gonv. and Caius Coll. Thorisby, Robert : sou of Thomas Thorisby, Esq., of Mintlyn, Norfolk. Born at Leziate ('Legett'). Schools, Pedders Winch (i.e. East Winch), under Mr Shackestone, four years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, five years. Age 1 7. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 20, 1656. Surety, Mr Adamson. The father, alderman and mayor of Norwich, was probably the founder of Lynn Grammar School. Borage, Timothy ; son of John Borage, gent., of Norwich. Born at North Barsliam, Norfolk. At school, under Mr Home, two years ; and at Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 8, 1656. Surety, Mr Gelsthorpe. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, L. Day 1656 to Mich" 1657. Migrated to Clare, May 17, 1658, where he was elected on a Norfolk founda- tion established by an uncle in 1636. Ordained deacon (Line), July 15, 1661. Rector of N. Cove, Sutf., 1662. Vicar of Great Marlow, 1671-86. Licensed by the Bp of Norwich as tutor in the family of Sir Nich. Bacon, of Gillingham, Aug. 11, 1662. The king recommends him for a foundation fellowship at Clare, Feb. 12, 1667-8. There are some letters from and about him in the Tanner MSS. (35, 39, 104). He says, Dec. 7, 1678, "my body cannot hold out long at this rate of preaching twice a day in so great a church and congregation." — Writing from Wind.sor Castle June 10, 1672, he asks (Bancroft's?) advice as to the wisdom of his marrying under certain peculiar conditions. Bp Lloyd, of St Asaph, recommends him for the wardeuship of Manchester, Feb. 27, 1682-3. Camborne, Stephen : son of Robert Camborne, clerk. Born at Whitton, Suffolk. Educated at home, under his father, five years ; afterwards at Ipswich, under Mr Becke, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July 3, 1656. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1659-60: M.A. 1663. Scholar, Mich" 1656 to Mich" 1660. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) July 13, 1662 : priest (do.) May 19, 1665, as curate of Weeting. Rector of Gt Fakenham, Suff., 1667-78. Rector of Lawshall, 1681-1704: died soon after. By his will, dated March 27, 1704, proved (P. C. C.) 1706, he left his library to his successors at Lawshall, and a very large benefaction to the college. " Though he had but a small preferment, yet by living with great frugality to a good old age, he raised a considerable estate; the chief of which, amounting to about £3000 he... bequeathed to Keys College to be laid out in the purchase of a living" {Reg. mag.). The spelling of the college, and the supposition that one living could fetch this sum, induced his relations to dispute the will on the ground of insanity. After a Chancery suit, which was decided in favour of the college, the following livings were bought with the property: — Aslidon (Ess.), Lavenham (Sutf.), Gt Melton, Long Stratton, O.xburgh, and Blofield (Norf.). Carter, John : (third) son of Peter Carter, husbandman. Born at Gainford, Durham. At school there, under Mr Warrener, one year : and at Easington, Yorkshire, under Mr Smelt, two years. Age 16 Admitted to the scholars' table, June 21, 1656. Surety, Mr Thruston. B.A. 1659-60: Scholar, Mich" 1656 to Mids' 1662. The father was ' constable ' of Gainford. 396 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Kitchiugmaii, Robert: son of Brian Kitchingman, 'jurisperitus,' alderman of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at St Clement's, Sep. 27, 1640). School, Cambridge, under Messrs Cratford and Griffith, six yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 20, 1656. Surety, Mr Marsh. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 166-i. Scholar, Mich^ 1656 to Mich' 1661. Junior fellow, :Mich' 1662 to Mids"' 1671. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 11, 1665-6 : priest (Ely) Dec. 1668. Licensed in London Feb. 26, 1668, as curate of Kingsbury, Middx. Gave to our library the Lexicon geographicum of Ferrarius, 1657. Brother of John, 1655. Clipsham, Robert : son of Edward Clipsham, gent., of Braybrooke, Northants. Born there. Schools, Bowden, under Mr Mowse, two years ; and Market Harborough, Leicestershire, under Mr Berry, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Sep. 23, 1 656. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 166-t. Scholar, Mich" 1656 to L. Day 1661. Vicar of Horbling, and of Billingborough, Lines., 1662. Canon of Ciiichester, 1681. Licensed to marry Jane Hughes, of Lammas, Norf., Jan. 15, 1662. Author: The grand expedient for suppressing Popery examined : or the Project of Exclusion proved to be contrary to reason, 1685. Died 1702 : administration granted at Lincoln. Sumpter, Thomas : son of Thomas Sumpter, husbandman ; of Thorpe Langton, Leicestershire. Born there. Schools, Church Langton, under Mr Green, two years ; Glooston, under Mr Lightfoot, two years ; and Market Harborough, under Mr Berry, three j^ears. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Sep. 23, 1656. Surety, Mr Fishe. B.A. 1661-2 : M.A. 1665. Scholar, Mich^ 1656 to Mich' 1662. Hare, Thomas : son of Thomas Hare, gent., of Edmonton, Middlesex. Born ther& At school, under his father, ten years. Age 20. Admitted sizar, Nov. 10, 1655 (sic). Surety, Mr William Naylour. MicH^ 1656— Mich'' 1657. Welles, Samuel : son of Samuel Welles, carpenter. Born in London. At a pri%ate school there, under ]\Ir Sherly, four years ; afterwards at St Paul's school, under Mr Langley, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Oct. 16, 1656. Surety, Mr Adamson. Scholar, Mich' 1656 to Mich' 1658. Calthorpe, Charles : son of Phillip Calthorpe, Esq. Born at Gressenhall, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Greene, twelve years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 9, 1656. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. Probably died young. Not mentioned in the pedigree in the Vis. in Norf. Arch. IX. 177. Perse, William : son of William Perse, gent., of East Dereham, Norfolk. Born there. School, East Dereham, under Mr Ives, two years, and under Mr Parlett, three years. Age 19. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 9, 1656. Surety, Mr Ling. Messenger, Augustine : son of Augustine ]\Iessenger, gent., of Hackford, Norfolk. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, five years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-cornmoner, Jan. 28, 1656-7. Surety, Mr William Naylour. Lord of the manor of Whitwell. Died Oct. 4, 1690. M.I. in Whitwell Church. Gave to the library the works of Tacitus, 1648. Pistor, John : son of Alexander Pistor, rector of Bradfield St George (' Monke Bradforde '), Suffolk. Born there (at Lit. Welham, by ordination record). 1656—1657. 397 School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Steveus, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 2, 1656-7. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mids-^ 1657 to Mich' 1662. Sub- scribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) March 14, 1662-3: ordained priest (do.) Dec. 20, 1663, as curate to his father. Rector of Claydon, Suff., 1666. Married Jane, daughter of John Burrough, of Ipswich, gent. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1711. Perhaps rector of Akenham, Suff., 1690. Bryan, William : son of Robert Bryan, gent., of Braybrooke, Northants. Born there. Schools, Bowden, under Mr Mowse, two years ; and Market Har- borough, Leicestershire, for two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 23, 1656-7. Surety, Mr Adamson. Scholar, Mich» 1657 to L. Day 1661. Richards, Robert : son of Richard Richards, gent., of Braunton, Devon. School, Colebrooke, under Richard Richards, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 24, 1656-7. Surety, Mr Oliver Naylour. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mids-- 1657 to Mich" 1663. Ordained deacon (Cant.) 1663, as curate of Ruckinge, Kent: priest (Chich.), Feb. 9, 1665-6. Rector of Orlestone, Kent, 1666-9; and of Snave and Snargate, 1668-83. Died 1683. Chambers, Charles: son of James Chambers, M.D., of Aberdeen. Born in Rich- mond, Surrey (bapt. Mar. 5, 1639—40). School, the Charterhouse, London, under Mr Griffin, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 28, 1657. Surety, Mr Ling. B.A. 1660-1. Scholar, Mids-" 1657 to Mich» 1661. Bolt, Ambrose: son of William Bolt, of Gorleston, Suffolk. Born there. School, Blotield, Norfolk, under Mr Browne, five years ; and under Mr Suttbery, one year. Age 1 7. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 8. Surety, Mr Bolt. B.A. 1660-1. Tennant, James : son of James Tennant, gent., of Roughton, Norfolk. Born in Norwich. At a private school there, under Mr Wharton, two years ; at Bassingham, under Mr Johnson, three years ; and at Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 22, 1657. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mids-- 1657 to Mich" 1660. Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 26, 1660: "son and heir." Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. 1664. The father was of Yorkshire extraction. (Blomef. viii. 158.) Buckenham, Clere : (fifth) son of Wiseman Buckenham, Esq., of Thornham Magna, Suffolk. Born at Weston. Schools, Thornham Parva, under Mr Almond, four years; and Eye, under Mr Browne, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 15. Surety, Mr Bolt. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norw.) Aug. 5, 1663 : ordained priest (do.) Sep. 20, 1663. Vicar of Stow Langtoft, 1663 : of Thelnetham, 1666: and of Gt Thornham, succeeding his father, 1670-98. Chaplain extraordinary to the king. Inherited from his father lands in Thelnetham, &c. Buried at Thornham, June 14, 1698. (J. J. M.). Ad- ministration granted (Norw. C. C.) 1699. Aldrich, John : son of James Aldrich, clerk, of Bradwell, Suffolk. Born there. School, Bradwell, under Mr Bell, two years, and under Mr Benton, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 14, 1657. Surety, Mr Bolt. Scholar, Mids' 1657 to Mich" 1660. The father's will (1657) leaves him lands in Monk Soham. (J. J. M.) 398 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Yarborough, John : son of George Yarborougb, clerk, of Scampton, Lincolnshire. Born there. Educated under his father, ten years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 17, 1657. Surety, Edward Gilstrop. M.B. 1663. Scholar, Mids^ 1657 to Mich* 1660. Babb, John : son of John Babb, barber, of Lincoln. Born there. At school there, ten years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 17, 1657. Surety, Edward Gilsthorpe. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mids' 1657 to Mich' 1661. Ordained deacon (Line), Dec. 18, 1670 : priest (do.) Jan. 31, 1670-1. Schoolmaster at Lincoln, 1662. Master of the School at Ix)uth, 1668 ; where the records contain several references to him : "for a great chair in his study, 1666, 5'" ; "for wine and sack when M' Babb preached, 1673, 2* 3'^"; stipend in 1665, £15; in 1681, £20. Licensed to marry Deborah Oseney, widow, May 25, 1682. Ward, Richard : son of Ralph Ward, gent., of Horstead, Norfolk. Born at Drayton. At school, under Mr Flint, four years ; at Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years; also under Mr Lucie, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 19, 1657. Surety, Mr Ling. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to Mich' 1662. Migi-ated to Jesus Coll., Oct. 11, 1662. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 10, 1666; as curate of Oxnead : priest (Exeter) Dec. 19, 1669. Rector of Beeston St Andrew, Norf., 1670-93. Buried there, Dec. 26, 1693. Richards, Francis : son of Nathaniel Richards (formerly of the college, 1629), rector of Kentisbury, Devon. Born there. Schools, Colebrooke, under Richard Richards ; and Exeter, under Mr Hyter, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 27, 1657. Surety, Mr Oliver Nailor. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, Sep. 13.) Patron of Kentisbury in 1670. Gave a copy of Lorinus on the Psalms (1619) to the libi-ary. Francis Ricliards, gent., was married at Kentisbury, May 16, 1675, to ' Richard ' RandaU (Par. register). Buried May 4, 1698. Haire, John : son of Edmund Haire, attorney at law. Born in Norwich. At school there, under Mr Lovering, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr William Nailor. Dew, John : son of Arthur Dew, merchant of London, deceased. Born there. Educated under Mr Montague, four j-ears, and at St Paul's school, under Mr Langlie, two years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 6, 1657. Surety, Mr Adamson. Life, William : son of Thomas Life : of Downham Market, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Downham, under Mr Gilbert, two years ; and Lynn, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 10, 1657. Surety, Mr Ling. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to Mich' 1661. Oi-dained priest (Gov. and Lichf.) May 24, 1662. Vicar of Stradsett, Norf., 1662-82. Curate of West Dereham, i6"71. Buried at Stradsett, Ap. 15, 1682. Sheringham, John : son of Christopher Sheringham, gent., of Tunstead, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Tunstead, under Mr Brigges, one year, and under Mr Hanes, two years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 20, 1657. Surety, Mr Felton. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to L. Day 1660. Licensed, as a literate school- master, Aug. 14, 1662, by the Bp of Norwich. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1062. Rector of Irstead, Norf., 1662-80: Vicar of Homing, 1662 : Curate of Hemhlington in 1674. One of the same names licensed as schoolmaster at Lynn, May 12, 1686. 1657. 399 Cuttinj;, Christopher : son of Christopher Cutting, of Tunstead, Norfolk. Born there. Scliools, Tunstead, under Mr Brigges, one year, and under Mr Hanes, two years; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years. Age 18. Ad- mitted sizar, June 20, 1657. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1660-1 : M.A. 1664. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to L. Day 1661. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 22, 1661 ; priest (do.) 1662. Licensed as schoolmaster at Thetford, and as curate of Kilverstone, Oct. 20, 1662. Rector of Lidgate, Suff., 1665. Kedington, Giles : son of Robert Kedington, gent., of Rushford, Norfolk (formerly of the college, 1634-5). Schools, Buckenham, Suffolk (sic) under Mr Rouse, four years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, one year. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Sep. 10, 1657. Surety, Mr Bolt. Of Great Hockham, Norf., gent. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Fitznoon Lamb, Esq. of Troston. Buried at Great Hockham, Oct. 5, 1678. (Davy.) Half-brother of Henry, 1672. Gibson, John : son of John Gibson, gent., of North Runcton, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, six years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 1, 1657. Surety, Mr Adamson. Previously ad- mitted at Trinity College, April 4, 1655. B.A. 1658-9 (last, of 24, in the tripos list): M.A. 1662. Scholar, Mich" 1657 to L. Day 1660. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661 : priest (do.) Ap. 25, 1662. Rector of Caister, Norf. 1662. Rector of Rollesby, 1684. Chaplain to Lord Morley. Curate of Yarmouth in 1678. Subscribed £10 to the royal loan, 1666. Died Dec. 9, 1708. Administration (Norw. C. C.) 1708. M.l. at Caister to him, and to his wife Martha Crowe. "I have personally known M'' Gibson 17 years, who hath all that time been rector of Caister, surrogate to the archdeacon, and principal visitor of the churches in Flegg deanery: that he hath lately preached two assize sermons, and hath often preached his courses in the Cathedral... known to be of exemplary life" &c. (Letter from J. Loveland, Dec. 11, 1684 : — Gibson's character had been attacked. Tanner MS. 32.) There was another of these names: vicar of Ringland, rector of Helmingham and Swannington : ordained priest (Ely), Dec. 22, 1661. Lancaster, Christopher ; son of Christopher Lancaster, clerk, of Burnsall, York- shire. Born at Bowland (' Bolland '), Lancashire. School, Burnsall, under Mr Clarke, five years. Age 13. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. (Trin.) 1661-2. Scholar, Mich» 1657 to Christ" 1660. Admitted at Trin. Coll. Dec. 24, 1660. Vicar of Aysgarth, Yorks., 1667. Okay, John: son of John Okey, Esq., of Brogborough (' Brockdinthorpe'), Beds. Born in London. At a private school there, under Mr Singleton, one year; at Eton, under Mr Horn ; and at Ne%vport, under Mr Gibb, two years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 7, 1657. Surety, Mr Adamson. Gave the Ilistorim Anglicance scriptores antiqui, 1652, to our library. His tutor obtained permission (Gesta) " to take down one of the studies in the chamber under him and that it be set up again when M"' Okey leaves the college" (v. A7-ch. Hist, of Camh. in. p. 324). His father. Colonel Okey, was a great personal friend of the master, Mr Dell : he was executed at Tyburn, as a regicide, Ap. 19, 1662. Holly, Benjamin : son of Benjamin Holly, gent., (twice mayor) of Lynn. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 13, 1657. Surety, Mr Bolt. Admitted at Gray's Inn, March 24, 1659-60. Gave the works of Vitru- vius to our library. 4)00 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Basset, Joshua : son of John Basset : merchant of Lynn. Born there. School, Ljnin, under Mr Bell seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Oct. 13, 1657. Surety, Mv Bolt. B.A. 1661-2: M.A. 1665: B.D. 1672. Scholar, Mich» 1657 to L. Day 1665. Junior fellow, L. Day 1665: senior, Mids"- 1673 to L. Day 1689. He petitioned the king (Ap. 29, 1669) for a mandate for admission for the ne.xt senior fellowship. ' As soon as chosen junior fellow his friends, pre- suming he had been very well provided for, withlield the allowance they formerly gave him ; has not enough to maintain himself, and will be forced to leave the University.' The master and se^•en fellows support the petition {Cat. of State Pap.). Chaplain, 1664; ethical lecturer, 1667-9: catechist, 1674 : salarist, steward, and dean, 1674-81. University rhetoric pnelector, 1667. Senior non-regent, 1674. Universitj- preacher, 1674. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1663: priest (Line.) 1666. As a Roman Catholic, he was appointed master of Sidney by royal mandate, Dec. 1686; but removed Dec. 1, 1688. His fellowship at Caius was declared void, March 26, 1689. His opinions brought him into constant struggles witli the fellows of Sidney, and tradition long recorded his devices to have mass sung in college (Cole). " He was such a mongrel papist, who had so many nostrums in his religion that no part of the Roman Church could own him " (Dr Craven, Lansd. MS. 988, p. 199). According to Cole he lived to a great age, and died poor, in London. Author: Ecclesias Theoria nova Dodwelliana exposita, 1713. Reason and Authority, or the motives of a late Protestant reconciliation to the Catholic Church {anon.) 1687 (v. Cooper, Ann. in. 642 ; and D. N. B.). Sadler, Richard : son of Samuel Sadler, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Oct. 15, 1657. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1661-2. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Nov. 10, 1661 : priest (do.) Mar. 6, 1663-4. Rector of St James, South Elmham, Suff. 1665—84 : rector of All SS. and St Nicholas, Sufi'., 1664. Cockshute, John : son of John Cockshute, Esq. Born in London. School, Waddon, Surrey, under ]\Ir Bernard. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 6, 1657. Surety, !Mr Gelsthorpe. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 2, 1661. The father, also of Gray's Inn, is described as of Sarratt, Herts. Symson, William : son of Christopher Symson, brewer (' cervisiarius'). Bom in York. At school, under Messrs Young and Parish, six years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 17, 1657. Suretj-, ]SIr Adamson. Previously ad- mitted at St John's College. B.A. 1657-8. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to Mich' 1659. One of these names was rector of Irmingland, Norf., 1661 : and of Heydon, do., 1664. Rant, Anthony: son of Humphry Rant (formerly of tlie college, 1612), Esq., of Rollesby, Norfolk. Educated privateh" by Mr Allin, five years ; and at Norwich Scliool, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted jien- sioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 24, 1657. Surety, Mr Lyng. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 20, 1656: "son of Humphry Rant of Yelverton." Brother of William, 1645; and Humphry, 1653. *Pepys, Fermor : son of Fermor Pepys, gent., of (Mileham) Norfolk (bapt. Ap. 7, 1638). School, L3Tin, under Mr Bell. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. Surety, Mr Oliver Navlor. B.A. 1659-60 (12th out of 22, in the list): M.A. 1663. Scholar, Mich' 1657 to Mich' 1663. Junior fellow, L. Day 1664 to L. Day, 1667. Logic lecturer, 1664—5. Ordained deacon and priest (Exeter) Nov. 30, 1662. Vicar 1657—1658. 401 of Bishops Tawton, 1662. Vicar of Braunton, 1667-72. Married (1) Grace, daughter of Rev. John Weekes, D.D. (2) Jane, daughter of Armiger, of N. Creake, Norf. Buried at Braunton, Dec. 23, 1671. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. Howes, Robert: son of Thomas Howes, of Norfolk. Born at Erpingham. At school there, under Mr Thornington, three years, and under Mr Tilny. two years. Age 27. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 16. Surety, Mr Sheldrake. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, March 18, 1657-8.) B.A. 1660. Probably scholar, Mich^ 1657 to L. Day 1658. Gave Ralegh's History of the World, 1652, to our library. Gatchell, Thomas : son of Thomas Gatchell, husbandman. Born at Angersleigh, Somersetshire. School, Pitminster, under Mr Glenvill. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Oct. 10, 1657. Surety, Mr Thruiston. Scholar, Mich^ 1657 to Mich' 1661. One of these names was author of A Thanksgiving Sermon ; 1 706. Allastone (Alston), Joseph : son of Joseph Allastone, Esq. Born in London. At St Paul's School, three years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Dec. 7, 1657. Surety, Mr William Nay lor. (Brother of Edward, 1669.) Scholar, Mids' 1659 to Mich" 1662. Succeeded his father as 2nd baronet. Sheriff of Bucks, 1670. Of Bradwell Abbey, Bucks. Died March 21, 1688-9 (Lipscomb; iv. 44). Gave to our library Strada de Bello Belgico, 1632. Spratford, John : son of John Spratford, shoe-maker. Born in Cambridge. At the Perse School, under Mr Griffith. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Dec. 27, 1657. Surety, Mr Bolt. He was one of the unfortunate victims of the usher (R. Craford ; 1639) when at the Perse School. Eade, Robert : son of Robert Eade, M.D. (formerly of the college, 1627). Born in Cambridge (bapt. at Gt St Mary's Feb. 26, 1643-4). At school there, under Mr Wybro. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 11, 1657-8. Surety, Mr William Naylor. B.A. 1661-2: M.A. (Tr. Hall) 1665. Fellow of Trin. Hall, by royal mandate, Jan. 15, 1665-6. Nephew of the next : v. Clutterbuck, iii, 363. Chester, Edward : son of Edward Chester, knt. Born at Barkway, Herts. School, Cambridge, under Mr Wybro, four years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 23, 1657-8. Surety, Mr William Nailor. Of Barkway and Cockenhatch, Esq. Sherjff of Herts., 1666. Married Judith, daughter of Edward Wright, of Finley, Notts. : he petitioned for a warrant. May 4, 1661, to permit him to settle a jointure on his future wife, he being then onlj' 18 {Cal. of State Pap.). Died May 21, 1718. Reeve, Henry : son of Augustin Reeve, gent., of Bracondale, Norfolk. Born in Noi'wich. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years ; Wjanondham, under Mr Ransome, two years ; and Tharston, under Mr Firmary, one year. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 8, 1658. Surety, Mr Lyng. Scliolar, Mids"^ 1657 to L. Day 1661. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Oct. 27, 1660. Of Bracondale, Esq. Inherited Stratton Hall from his father. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Fawether, Esq., of Halesworth. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. 1664. See Edmund, of 1605. (Blomef. v. 190.) Reeve, Augustin : brother of Henry Reeve. Born at Thorpe, near Norwich. At a private school in Norwich under Mr Lock, five years ; afterwards at the public school, under Mr Lovering, two j^ears. Age 16. Admitted to tiie scholars' table, April 8, 1658. Surety, Mr Lyng. Scholar, Mich' 1658 to Mich" 1660. Admitted at Gra3''s Inn, May 18, c. 26 402 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. 1659: barrister, 1667: ancient, 1680. Brother of Edmund of 1646; and Charles, 1G63. Astwood, WUliam : son of William Astwood, gent., of Swavesey, Cambs. Bom there. At a private school, Cambridge, under ^Ir Wibrow, four years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 13, 1658. Surety, William Naylor. Scholar, ]Mich» 1658 to Mich' 1659. Long, Eobert : son of Robert Long, Esq., of Reymerston, Norfolk. Born at Hingham. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lo^■erLng, two years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, five yeare. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner. Ma}- 4, 1658. Surety, William Adamson. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 27, 1661. Married (1) Abigail, daughter of William Taylor, of Gayton, Norf., (2) Susanna, daughter of Clement Heigham, Esq., of Barrow, Suff., (3) Frances, daughter of Sir Edward Atkyns, knt., and had issue by all. Of Reymerston and Foulden, Esq. Buried at Foulden, Dec. 22, 1714. Will proved (P. C. C.) Aug. 3, 1 715. (Davj' ; and F. G.) Gave to our library Dr Dee's Actions with Spirits, 1659. Brother of Charles, 1663; and Francis, 1675. Long, Thomas : brother of Robert Long. School, Norwich, under Mr Levering, two years; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, five yeare. Age 14. Admitted pen- sioner to the bachelors' table, May 4, 1658. Surety, !Mr Adamson. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 27, 1661. Died without issue. Will dated Ap. 11 ; proved (P. C. C.) May 3, 1709. (F. G.) Hownian, Roger : son of Roger Howman, clerk, (rector) of Salle, Norfolk. Bom there (bapt. Ap. 17, 1640). Schools, Saxthorp, three years; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, May 17, 1658. Surety, Mr Lyng. B.A. 1661-2: M.A. 1665: M.D. 1674. Scholar, Mich^ 1658 to Mich' 1665. Practised in Norwich : he was first licensed by the bishop, June 2, 1666. Married Mary, daugliter of Edward Bulwer, of Briston, by whom he had 12 children. Died June 4, 1705 : buried at Salle. M. I. there. In 1684 he had a grant of arms. Author : Remarkable case of Hydrophobia from the bite of a fox ; 1684. {Phil. Tram. Vol. xv. p. 916 ; v. £. Angl. ii. 82.) Docra, Periam : son of Thomas Docra, gent., of Putteridge Park (in Lille}' parish), Herts. Born there. Schools, Hitchin, under Mr Kempe, four years ; Hexton, Beds, (sic) under Mr Davyes ; and St Paul's, London, under Jlr Langly, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 7, 1658. Surety, Mr Marsh. Scholar, Mich* 1658 to L. Day 1660. Probably died young, his sister Martha being left sole heiress (v. Clutterbuck, iii. 83; and Herts. Vis. 1634; for pedigree). Bowes (matriculated ' Bowles '), Richard : son of Thomas Bowes, knt., of Great Bromley, Essex. Born there. School, Dedham, under ]\Ir Cator, four years ; and under Mr Wase, one year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 7, 1658-9. Surety, Mr Nailor. B.A. 1661-2. Ordained deacon (Line.) May 28: priest, Dec. 22, 1661. Rector of Bromley, Ess., 1661 : there is a letter from the king to the abp. requesting a dispensation to institute hun under the legal age (CaL of State Papers, Dec. 21, 1661). Rector of Stow Langtoft, 1668. Wednesday lecturer at St James, Bury St Edmunds, 1685. Died Oct. 14, 1715. M.I. at St Mary's, Bury. Barry, Bamaby : B.A., of Emmanuel College. Born at Cottesmore, Rutlandshire. School, Stamford. Admitted as M.A., June 30, 1658. Surety, Mr Fish. B.A. (Emm.) 1653-4: M.A. 1658. 1658. 403 Shute, Richard : B.A., of St John's College, Oxford. (Born at Wolverton, Som.) Admitted as M.A., June 28, 1658. Surety, Mr John Faireclough. B.A. (Oxf.) 1653-4: M.A. (Camb.) 1658: D.D. 1661. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 11; priest, .June 12, 1668; as curate of Huntingfield, Suff. Rector of St Peter and St Mary, Stowmarket, 1674-86; where he probably kept school or took pupils (v. John Medow, 1694). Married a sister of Sam. Fairclough (p. 379). "A man of piety and ability" (v. Hollingsworth, Stowmarket). Died Feb. 1686, aged 54. Left £100 for the poor of Stowmarket. Amyas, Theophilus : son of Paul Amyas, gent., of Leicester. Born at Crookhaven, Ireland. Schools, Blackburn, Lancashire, under Mr Sagar, one year ; Cowhill (Rishton), at a private school, under Mr Hindley, and elsewhere two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 24, 1658. Surety, Mr Jenkes. (Re-admitted, to the scholars' table, Ap. 1, 1659.) Scholar, Mich' 1658 to Mich' 1661. One of these names was presented to Aldingham, Lanes., Feb. 12, 1667-8. Harris, John : son of Thomas Harris, attorney at law, of Kirby, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 30, 1658. Surety, Mr Lyng. B.A. 1661-2 (allowed his degree in absence, "variolis laborans"): M.A. 1665. Scholar, Mich'* 1658 to Mich' 1664. Probably the man of these names who .subscribed for priests' orders at Norwich, Sep. 23, 1665, "born at Burnham Ulph, age 24 " ; as curate of Poringland. Rector of Elsing, 1667-82. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1682. Hoogan, Thomas : son of Henry Hoogan, Esq., of Great Dunham, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, three years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 5, 1658. Surety, Mr Adamson. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 26, 1662. Of Great Dunham, Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Brograve, of Standon, Herts., May 25, 1664. Buried at Dunham, Nov. 9, 1686. Will proved (Norw. archd. C). Pedigree in Vis. of 1664. Gave to our library Pulton's Statutes, 1636, Heylin's C'osmo- graphie, 1657, ikc. Dethick, John : son of Edmund Dethick, gent., of West Newton, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Sandringham, under Mr Wibrow, three years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 6, 1658. Surety, Mr Adamson. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table. May 2, 1659.) Second son. Devisee of property at Walpole. Brother of Edmund, 1641. Peirce, Stephen : son of George Peirce, clerk, of Caddington? (' Kedington '), Beds, (former fellow of King's, and vicar at Tiverton). Born at Tiverton, Devon. At a private school at ' Kedington,' under his father, six years. Age 1 5. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 5, 1658. Surety, Mr Thrustone. B.A. 1661-2 : M.A. 1665. Scholar, L. Day 1658 to Mich' 1663. Ordained priest (Exeter) March 26, 1663. Rector of Clatworthy, Som., 1677-1707. Rector of Chipstable, 1695. Died 1707. Tailor, Thomas : son of Richard Tailor, gent. , of Croydon, Surrey. Born in London. Schools, Westminster, under Mr Busby, two years ; and Canil)er- well, at the free school, under Mr Newman, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' .table, June 30, 1658. Surety, Mr Nailor. 26—2 404 . GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. ^Marshall, John : son of Thomas Marshall, Esq. Bom at Swaffham, Cambs. At school there, under Mr Jephcot, two years ; and under jNIr Burrell, three yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, under Mr BurreU, July 18, 1658. B.A. 1661-2. One of these names was \-iear of Sutton, Cambs., 1667-76. Buried there Oct. 9, 1676. Burrell, Christopher and Richard : sons of Christopher Burrell, clerk, of Great Wratting, Suffolk. Born there. At school, under their father. Ages 16 and 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 18, 16.58. Surety, their brother, Mr Burrell (v. Burwell, 16.51). Christopher. B.A. 1662-3: :M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich^ 16.59 to Mich= 1663. Ordained prie.st (Norw.) March 6, 1663-4, as curate of Wratting. Kector of All SS. Sudbury, Suff. Rector of Tivetshall, St JIary and St Marg., 1672-1701. M. I. in St Margaret's. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) Jan. 16, 1701-2 : everything left to wife Mary. Brother of Nathaniel, 1651. Richard. B.A. 1662-3. Scholar, Mich" 1659 to Mich" 1661. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 1670, as curate of Itteringham : priest (do.) Sep. 20, 1G71. Rector of Hepworth, Suff., 1672-1721. Rector of Itteringham and Wolterton, Norf., which he held, by dispensation, with Hepworth, 1674-1721. Chaplain to the Earl of Peterborough. Died June 4, 1721. The father is referred to as " a most precious ancient servant of God, and as one of the first to withstand Bp Wren " : (letter in Cal. of State Pap., 1654). Tweed, Daniel : son of John Tweed, weaver, of Stoke, Suffolk. Born there. School, Stoke, under Mr jSIUles. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 18, 1658. Surety, Mr Burrell. Scholar, Jlich' 1659 to Mich" 1G61. *Cave, Vincent : son of Henry Cave, gent., of Simonstone (' Simpston '), Lancashire. Born there. Schools, Hoddesdon, Herts., under Mr Walters, tiiree years; and at a private school in London, two years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, August 20, 1658. Suret)', Mr Nailor. LL.B. 1664 Incorporated at Oxford, July 12, 1664. Scholar, Mich' 1658 to Mich" 1663. Junior fellow, L. Day 1665 to Mich" 1665. Gave to our library Spelman's Glossariuin, 1664, the Atlas Cctlestis of Cellarius, 1661, and other books. Mich' 1658 — Mich' 1659. *Woortes, William : son of William Woortes (formerly of the college, 1629), clerk, of Framsden, Suffolk. Born there. At school, under I\Ir Cooke, five years, . and under Mr Steevens, three yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 3, 1658-9. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1662-3: M.A. 1666. Scholar, Mich" 1659 to Mids' 1666. Junior fellow, Christ" 1668 to Mids" 1676. Esquire bedell, 1670. Letters mandatory were sent to the Heads (March 1, 1669-70) requiring tliem to nominate him : he had complained to the king that though he had a majority of the senate in his favour the Vice-Chancellor had refused to admit him (Cooper, Ann. in. 540). Married Mary Day, of St Mary's parish, Cambridge. Ga-ve to our library the T/tegaia^tts Criiicusoi Gruter, in se^en volume.s, 1602. Father of the great Cambridge benefactor. Home, John : son of John Home, clerk, of Lynn. Born at Sutton St James, Lincolnshire. School, Lynn, six years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 17, 1658-9. Surety, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1662-3: MA. 1666. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1684. 1658—1659. 405 Scholar, Mich' 1(559 to Mich" 1663. Usher of Lynn Grannnar School: licensed Feb. 5, 1667-8. Head master, 1678, for 50 years: he was not in orders. Died 1732. Buried at St Nicholas, Lynn. M. I. to him and to his wife Anna; by whom lie had 13 children, who all died before him. He left his books to the town library, and the bulk of his property to found a trust for apprenticing poor children, (v. Richard's Zyraw, p. 1142.) The father was ejected from All Hallows, Lynn, in 1662. Langdell, John : son of Thomas Langdell, clerk, of Great Bowden, Leicestershire. Born at Colchester (' Camelodunum '), Essex. Schools, Colche.ster, three years, under Mr Gouge ; Fiuchiugheld (private), under Mr Heywood, two years ; and Market Harborough, Leicestershire, under Mr Berry, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 3, 1658-9. Tutor, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1662-3 : M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich'* 1662. Ordained deacon (Line.) Ap. 1, 1669 : as curate of Caythorpe, Lines. : curate of Lilley, Herts., 1672-6. Rowlatt, Elijah : son of John Rowlatt, gent., of Newton, near Geddington, Northants. Born at Great Oakley. At school first at Oundle ; then under Mr Griffin, two years ; and at Market Harborough, under Mr Berry, four years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 16, 1658-9. Tutor, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1662-3: M.A. 1667. Scholar, Mich" 1659 to Mich' 1666. Re- commended, by the king, for a fellowship at Peterhouse, in 1664. [Cal. of State Papers.) Williamson, William : son of Anthony Williamson, gent., of Tilney, in Marshland, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, seven years. Age 17. Admitted sizar. Mar. 24. Surety, Mr Adamson. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich' 1662. Neve (Le Neve), Francis : son of Henry Neve, gent., of Witchingham, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Jan. 14, 1641-2). Schools, Norwich (private), under Mr Locke, two years ; and Wymondhani, under Mr Ransome, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 4, 1659. Surety, Mr William Lyng. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 27, 1659-60. Married Anne, daughter of Henry Blackborne, of Wymondham, gent. Died at Ringland : buried there, Dec. 7, 1708. Inherited property by the will of his uncle Francis of Witching- ham, (v. Carthew iii. 407.) Church, John : son of Hamlin Church, gent., of Hemingstone, Suffolk. Born there. School (private), Stowmarket, under Mr Colson, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 6, 1659. Surety, Mr John Felton. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Sep. 1, 1659.) Married Margaret, daughter of Henry Chittook, of Thrandeston. (Davy.) Saye, Robert : son of William Saye, gent., of Islington, in Marshland, Norfolk. Born at Outwell. Schools, Outwell (private), under Mr Goodwin, four years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr William Adamson, fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich' 1662. Browne, Thomas : son of Francis Browne, gent., of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Born there. At school there, under Mr Stephens, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 29, 1659. Surety, William Nailer, fellow. Rishton, John : son of Nicholas Rishton, gent., of Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. Born there. Schools, Blackburn, under Mr Sager, three years ; and Accrington •106 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. (private), under INtr Kennion, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, JNlay 2, 1659. Tutor, ]Mr Henry Jenkes, fellow. B.A. 1676-7 (in our register) : M.A. {per lit. re;/.) 1677. Scholar, Mich'* 1659 to L. Day 1662. Vicar of Leyland, Lanes., 1677. Pedigree of the family in Vis. of Lanes., 1664. Pigott, Francis : son of Ralph Pigott, gent., of Stradset, Norfolk. Bom there (bapt. ^ep. 15, 1643). School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, four years. Age 16. Admitted, ISIay 11, 1659, pensioner to the bachelors' table, under Mr John Felton, fellow. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 13, 1661 : "son and heir of Ralph, of London." Garneyes, Thomas : son of John Garne3-es, gent., of Soraerleyton, Suffolk. Born at Felmingham, Norfolk. School, Yoxford, Suffolk, under Mr Eachard, five years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 14, 1659. Tutor, Mr John Boult, fellow. Succeeded his father in the Somerleyton estate, which he sold. Of Boy- land Hall, Norf. ( Vis. 1664). Married, but died without issue. His mother was of Felmingham. (J. J. M.) Gave to the library the works of Archimedes, 1615. Meade, John : son of John Meade, Esq., of ^Yethersfield, Essex. Born there. School (private). Great Wratting, under Mr Burwell, five j'eai-s. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 16, 1659. Tutor, Mr Nathaniel Burwell, fellow. He and J. Marshall (above) gave to the library the Concilia generalia. (5 vols. ; Venice, 1585.) Rant, William: son of William Rant, M.D. (formerly of the college; 1619), of London, fellow of the College of Physicians. Born in London. Educated at home in London, for three years, under INIr Fountaine, a Frenchman : after- wards at Thorpe Market, at liis uncle's, under Mr Ellis, five years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 22, 1659. Tutor, the aforesaid Mr Ellis, fellow. Knighted at Whitehall, May 16, 1672. INIarried Elizabeth, daughter of James (?) De Grey of Alerton. Died Sep. 6, 1711 : buried at Thorpe Market. Monument there. Gave books to the library, Spanish and Italian Diction- aries, &c. Marsh, Edward : son of Richard Marsh, clerk, of Bromley, Kent. Born at Horsemonden. School, Tunbridge, under Dr Grey, one year, and under his father, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, May 23, 1659. Surety, Mr John Felton, fellow. B.A. 1662-3 : M.A. 1667. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich« 1663. Ordained deacon, by Bp of Line, at St Marg., Westminster, Feb. 16, 1667-8: priest. May 17, 1668 : to a curacy in Kent. Allistone, Matthew : son of Matthew Allistone, grocer, of Earl's Colne, Essex. Born there. At school there, under Mr Seaman, four j'ears. Age 15. Ad- mitted sizar. May 25, 1659. Tutor, Mr James Wheeler, fellow. B.A. 1662-3. Pedigree given in Herald and Genealoyist, Vol. v. Butler, Samuel : son of Thomas Butler, gent., of Stonegra\e, Yorkshire. Born there. School, York, under Mr Wallis, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 26, 1659. Surety, Mr Henry Jenkes, fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to L. Day 1662. One of these names was usher of Ipswich grammar school in 1668. 'Samuel Butler of Holt 'is mentioned in the will of H. Mazey (v. p. 388) as his loving friend, and is desired to assist his executri.K. 1659—1660. 407 Carter, Thomas : son of Henry Carter, shoemaker ; of Lilley, Herts. Born there. Schools (private), Lilley, under Mr Collyn, three years ; and Shillington, Beds., under Mr Davy, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 26, 1659. Tutor, Mr Francis Marsh, fellow. B.A. 1662-3 : Scholar, Mich» 1659 to Mich' 1663. Hammond, Thomas : son of John Hammond, Esq., of Ellingham, Norfolk. Born there. School (private). Cotton, Suffolk, under Mr Smith, five years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 4, 1659. Tutor, Mr Edward Gelsthorpe, fellow. Gave to the library the works of Lud. Vives, 1555. Bristow, William : son of William Bristow, gent., of Lumley, Durham. Born in London. School, Houghton, Durham, under Mr Caunt, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 10, 1659. Tutor, Mr William Nailor, fellow. Tindall, John : son of John Tindall, gent., of Dickleburgh, Norfolk. Born at Starston. School (private), Buckenham, under Mr Rouse, five years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 5, 1659. Surety, Mr John Boult, fellow. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich' 1662. His mother was widow of Bartholomew Cotton (v. p. 214) : .she married John Tindall at Starston, 1635. Allen, Thomas : son of Francis Allen, gent., of Braughing, Herts. School, Cam- bridge, under Mr Craford, three years, and under Mr Griffith, one year. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 9, 1659. Surety, Mr Felton. MiCH^ 1659— MiCH^ 1660. Spencely, Roger : son of Thomas Speucely, gent., of Lynn. Born at Thorpland, Norfolk. School, Lynn, seven years, under Mr Bell. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Oct. 25, 1659. Tutor, Mr G. Adamson, fellow. Died Ijefore his father; i.e. before 1673 : M. I. at All SS., Lynn. Brother of Thomas, 1649. Sykes, John. Of Yardley (Ardeley), Herts., born May 8, 1622. B.A. (Jes.) 1642-3. M.A. (Cai.) 1660. Succeeded his father as vicar of Yardley, Herts.; 1645. In 1651, he gave "certificates of his piety and good aiiection to the present Commonwealth." He must have conformed in 1660, as he died vicar in 1682 (Urwick's Herts., 768). Brother of Henry, of 1646. Mott, Mark : son of Mark Mott, priest. Born at Chelmsford, Essex. At school there, under Mr Peake, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 23, 1659. Surety, Mr Adamson. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Oct. 26, 1660.) Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 14, 1662 : son and heir of Mark, of Great Wratting, Suff., gent. Of Mounteneys in Roxwell, Essex, in 1667, when his fatiier Mark Mott, D.D. made his will. Died without issue. Will proved (P. C. C.) Ap. 29, 1673. (J. J. M.) Brother of Nathaniel, 1662. Whitman, John : son of John Whitman. Born at Cardington, Beds. Schools, Sheflbrd, under Mr Breddon ; and Bedford, under Mr Butler, about half a year. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Jan. 5, 1659-60. Tutor, Mr Adamson. B.A. (Trin.) 1664-5 : M.A. 1668. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1669. Scholar, Mich' 1659 to Mich' 1661. Migrated to Trinity in 1661. Junior fellow there, 1667 : senior, 1668. His father was Bunyan's predecessor as nonconformist minister at Bedford (J. Brown's Bunyan). •i08 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Frisby, John : son of William Frisby, druggist, of Cambridge (bapt. at Gt St Mary's, Aug. 26, 164+). At the Perse School, under Mr Griffith, six years Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 16, 1659-60. Surety, Mr Adamson. Greene, Joshua : son of Joshua Greene, Esq., of East Bradenham, Norfolk. Born at Shipdham. School, Seaming, under Mr Burton, five years. Age 16. ; Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 6, 1659-60. Surety, Mr John Bolt, fellow. Scholar, L. Day 1662 to L. Day 1666. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 28, 1661: "son of Joshua of Lynn." Died 1680. A Joshua Green, gent., of Lynn, married Elizabeth Hoogan, at Gt Dunham, July 8, 1667. (Carthew's Bradenham, p. 117.) Mitford, Edward : son of Rotert ]\Iitford, Esq., of Northumberland. Bom in that county. Educated at home, under Mr Wicklefle, and under ilr Spinck, four j'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 7, 1660. Surety, Mr Thurston. M.B. 1665. Scholar, Mich' 1660 to Mich= 1664. Brother of Cuthbert, 1656. Gardiner, John : son of Edward Gardiner, tailor. Born at Glemsford, Suffolk. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, four years. Age 1 6. Admitted sizar, April 10, 1660. Surety, Mr Burrell. Scholar, Mich'' 1660 to Mich* 1663. Perhaps admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 17, 1675-6, as son and heir of Edmund of Glemsford. Bari'ington, Henry : (only) son of Henry Barrington. Born in Colchester. At school there, under jlr Seaman, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1660. Suretj', tlie President, Mr WTieeler. B.A. (Sid.) 1663-4: M.A. 1667. Migrated to Sidney, May 20, 1663, where he became a fellow. Licensed by the bishop as master at Yarmouth grammar school, June 27, 1668; where he remained tUl 1675. Call, Andrew : son of Andrew Call, gent., deceased. Born at Edingthoi-pe, Norfolk (bapt. Jan. 24, 1642-3). Schools, North Walsham, under Mr Luc}', three years; and the Perse School, Cambridge, under Mr Griffiths. Age 16. Ad- mitted sizar, April 24, 1660. Surety, Mr Marsh. B.A. 1663-4: M.A. 1667. Scholar, L. Day 1660 to L. Day 1666. Ordained deacon (Exeter) Sep. 24, 1665 : priest (Oxf.) June 2, 1667. Rector of Crostwight, Norf., 1669-72; and of Mautby, 1671-97. Died March 20, 1697: "set sua; 56""; M. L at Mautby. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. His mother seems to have been a sister of Edward Gelsthorpe, of 1642-3. Dod, Nathaniel: son of Nathaniel Dod, priest (formerly of the college, 1618). Born at Bennington, Herts. School, Bishop Stortford, under Mr Leigh, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 6, 1660. Surety, Mr Bolt. Scholar, Mich^ 1660 to L. Day 1661. Whatton, Francis : son of Robert Whatton, druggist. Born at Stamford, Lincoln- shire. At school there, under Mr Humphrey, two years, and under Mr Herman, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 8, 1660. Tutor, Mr John Bate. M.A. 1670. Scholar, ilich' 1660 to L. Day 1664. Ordained priest (Lond. ) Dec. 23, 1677. One of these names was cm'ate of Stretham, Cambs, - in 1670. Doughty, John: son of William Doughty (formerly of the college, 1637), of Aylsham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Aylsham (private), under Mr Allen, 1659—1660. 400 three years; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, lialf a year. Age 16. Ad- mitted to the scholars' taljle, May 10, 1660. Tutor, Mr William Lyng. B.A. 1663-4 : M.A. 1667. Scholar, Mich" 1660 to L. Day 1667. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1665; as curate of AyLsham : priest (do.) June 2, 1667 ; as rector of Oxnead. Rector of Earsham, 1671. Rector of Lyng, 1672. Chaplain to Earl of Northants. Pedigree in Vis. of Nor/., 166-1. Administration granted (Norw. C. C.) 1702 : 'of Earsham.' Buried there. Whitby, William : son of Robert Whitby, woollendraper, of Downhara Market. Born there (bapt. Ap. 23, 1643). Schools, Downham, under Mr Vincent, two years; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, under Mr Adamson, May 16, 1660. B.A. 1663-4: M.A. 1667. Scholar, Mich" 1660 to L. Day 1667. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 19, 1669; as curate of Bexwell. Rector of Bexwell, 1671-1705, and of Beechamwell, Norf., 1696-1705. Married Margaret Barber, of Denver, in 1678. Parlet, Gregory: son of William Parlet (? formerly of the college, 1604), Esq., of Downham Market, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Downham (private), under Mr Gilbert, two years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 15, 1660. Surety, Mr Adamson. (Re-admitted, to the bachelors' table, Oct. 26.) Second son. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf, 1664. Brother of William, 1643. Alpe, Edward : son of Edward Alpe, gent., of Framlingham, Suffolk. Born there (bapt. May 2, 1643). Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering; and Brooke, under Mr Gierke, two years. Age 17. Admitted, June 14, 1660, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Robiuson, fellow. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 1, 1662. Of Framlingham, gent. Married Alice, daughter of Frederic Scott, Esq., of Campsey Ash. Died July 11, 1715. M. I. in Framlingham church ; to him, his wife, and several sons. (J. J. M.) Jordan, Francis : son of Edmund Jordan, 'jurisconsultus.' Born at Parham, Suffolk. School, Brooke, near Norwich, under Mr Gierke, three years. Age 17. Admitted, June 15, 1660, pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1663-4. Second .sou. Of Parham, Suff., gent. Buried at Parham, May 20, 1712. (Davy.) Ashton, John : son of Ralph Ashton, Esq. Born at Middleton, Lancashire. At school there, hve years, under Mr Evans ; and at Almondbury, Yorkshire, under Mr Ferrant, about a year. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 17, 1660. Surety, Mr William Nay lor. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, July 23.) Of Burue, Yorks., Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Fleetwood, of Penworthani, Lanes. Pedigree in Vis. of Lanes., 1664. Gave to our library the works of Polybius. (Paris, 1609.) Hustler, William : son of Thomas Hustler, husbandman. Born at Silsden, Kild- wick, Yorkshire. At a private school there, under Mr Wade, four years ; and at Kilsden, Bingley, under Mr Lane, one year. Age 18. Admitted sizar, under Mr William Adamson, June 23, 1660. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich^ 1660 to Mich^ 1663. Ordained priest (York) Dec. 21, 1662, as curate of Coniston. Vicar of Ilkley, 1665-1703; where he kept school, or took pupils (v. T. Wayte, 1672). Simonds, John: son of John Simonds, Esq., of Suffield, Norfolk (formerly of the college; 1603). Bom at Swanningtoii. Schools, Bungay, under Mr Gill, 410 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. two years ; and Scarniug, under jNIr Burton and Mr Fermary, four years. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 3, 1600. Surety, Mr Lyng. Married Alice, daughter of Walter Bridges, vicar of Entield, Middx. His mother was a Bladwell of Swannington. (v. Vis. of Xorf.) Myatt, Robert : son of Robert Myatt, citizen of Norwich, deceased. Born (in St Greg, parish) and educated in Norwich ; first under Mr Lock (private school), three years ; afterwards, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Sep. 12, 1660. Tutor, Mr John Robinson. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich" 1660 to Mich' 1665. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 23, 1665; as curate at Gt Cressingham : priest (do.) March 25, 1667; as curate at Holme Hale. Rector of Ovington, Norf., 1667-82. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1682. Brigs, William : son of Thomas Brigs, priest. Born at Stroxton, Lincolnshire. Educated at Somerby school, near Grantham, under Mr Stokes, three years ; and privately, under his father, one year. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Sep. 18, 1660. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich'' 1660 to L. Day 1665. Ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 24, 1665. "Vicar of Rougham, Norf., 1671-1709. Vicar of Castle Acre 1669. MiCH^ 1660— MiCH^ 1661. Needham, Andrew : son of William Needhara, of Kinoulton, Notts. Born there. Schools, Jlelton Mowbray, under Mr Haselocke, three years ; Nottingham (private), under Mr Garland, and (public), under Mr Pitts, a year and a half. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Oct. 3, 1660. Tutor, William Adamson. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich^ 1660 to Mich^ 1664. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 22, 1664; as curate at Runton : priest (do.) Sep. 1665; as curate of Inglethorpe. Rector of Colveston, vicar of Didlington, and rector of Ickburgh, Norf., 1671 ; resigned these in 1676. Rector of Beverston, Gloucs., and P. C. of Kingscote, 1684-1711. His daughter Margaret married Cholmely D'Oyley, in consequence of whose bigamy there was a lawsuit (v. Bayley's D'Oyley, p. 34). Died Aug. 6, 1711. M.I. to him and several members of his family at Beverston. Lovell, John : of Harling, Norfolk : son of John Lovell, gent. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, four years ; Cambridge (private), under Mr Wibrow, half a year ; and Saxham, Suffolk (private), under Mr Tillet, two years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Tutoi-, Mr Boult. (Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, 1662.) Of Harling, Esq. Lord of the manor in 1707 : which he sold. (Blomef. i. 323.) Gave to the library .Aisted's Encyclopaxlia, 1649, the works of J. Cameron, 1642, itc. Half-brother of Charles, 1647. Drury, Richard : son of Richard Drurj', gent., of Great Dunham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 12, 1660-1. Tutor, Mr Lyng, fellow. Scholar, Mich" 1661 to Mich' 1666. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 27, 1664. Of Gt Dunham, gent. Died there: buried Feb. 8, 1666-7. His brother Francis (of 1664) succeeded on his father's death, in 1670, to the estates in Gt and Lit. Dunham, itc. (Carthew, ii. 806.) Richards, Thomas : son of Ralph Richards, clerk, of Helmdon, Northants. Born there. Schools, Brackley, under Mr Gibbs, two years ; and Market Har- borough, Leicestershire, under Mr Berry, four j'ears. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Jan. 16, 1660-1. Surety, Mr Nailor. B.A. (Trin.) 1664-5. Migrated to Trinity : sizar, Oct. 11, 1660: scholar, Ap. 29, 1664. Rector of Snave, Northants. 1668 : of Helmdon, do. 1668-75. 1660—1661. 411 Potts, Roger : son of John Potts, Esq., of Mannington, Norfolk. Born there. Scliool (private), Enfield, Middlx., under Dr Littleton. Age 17. Admitted fellow-coniraoner, Jan. 18, 1660-1. Tutor, Mr Lyng. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Nov. 16, 1669. Succeeded hi.s father as baronet. Of Great Ellingham and Mannington. Married Mary, sole heiress of Henry Davy of Ellingham, Died Oct. 14, 1711. (Blomef. vi. 464.) Peachy, Samuel : son of Roger Peachy (1 formerly of the college, 1628), clerk, of Isleham, Carabs. Born at Icklingham, Suffolk. Schools, Mildenhall, under Mr Sparrow, two years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 5, 1660-1. Tutor, Mr Boult, fellow. B.A. (Jes.) 1664-5: M.A. 1668. *Jeuny, Francis : (fifth) son of William Jenny, merchant, of London. Born there. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, two years ; and Merchant Taylors', London, under Mr Dugard, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 11, 1660-1. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to Mich" 1668. Junior fellow, Mich' 1668 to L. Day 1671. Logic lecturer, 1668. Ordained deacon and priest (Line.) Dec. 19, 1669. Rector of Denver, 1669 — 1715. Married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Barber, of Denver. Died Ap. 10, 1715. Buried at Denver. M. I. there. Will proved (P. C. C.) May 21, 1715. His mother was a niece of Dr Bachcroft. He was rector of Denver at the time the college acquired the advowson. He contributed £150 towards the purchase, and also gave 150 acres to go with the rectory, (v. Dash wood's Vis. ofNorf. I, 138,) Brother of William, 1654, Edgar, Thomas : son of Stephen Edgar, gent., of Wallington, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, .seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 1.3, 1661. Tutor, Mr Adam.son. Lord of the manor of Wereham Hall, which he sold in 1682. His parents were buried at South Runcton. Bell, Edmund : son of Edward Bell (? formerly of the college, 1627) ; school-master of Lynn. Born at Great Massingham. School, Lynn, under his father, seven years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 1.3, 1661. Tutor, William Adamson. Scholar, Mich« 1661 to Mich" 1665. Bell, Henry : son of Henry Bell, alderman, of Lynn. Born there. School, Lynn, under his uncle, seven years. Age 13. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 13, 1661, Tutor, Mr Adamson, B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to L. Day 1665, Cousin of the above, Adamson, John : son of James Adamson, rector of Teigh, Rutlandshire. Born there. Schools, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, under Mr Gibson, two years ; and Lynn, under his uncle, Mr Bell, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, under his brother William Adamson, April 13, 1661. B.A. 1664-5 : M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to Mich" 1667. Preb. of Lincoln, 1700-18. Rector of Burton Goggles, Lines., 1669. Extracts from his Diary are given by Carthew (iii. 258). Author : The Duty of daily frequenting the public worship of the Church, 1698. Funeral Sermon on Sir E. Turnor, 1707 : — to whom he was chaplain. Brother of William, 1644. Cobbe, Martin : son of Edmund Cobbe, Esq., of Snettisham, Norfolk. Born there. At a private school near Ingoldisthorpe, three years, under Mr Catlin ; and at Lynn, under Bell, two years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 16, 1661. Surety, Mr Adamson. 412 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Lord of the nicanoi- of Ingoldistliorpe, in Snettisliam. Will proved (Archd. Norf.) June 11, 1678: wife, Mary, deceased; sons, Robert and Edmund. (Dashwood's Vis., p. 322.) Hunt, Robert : son of Robert Hunt, ' jurisconsultus,' of Hempstead, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Jan. 9, 1643-4). School, Holt, eight years, under Messrs Wright, Hickes, and Maz}'. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 17, 16G1. Tutor, Mr Nailor. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 26, 1663. Pedigree in the Vis. of 1664. Studd, Thomas : son of Thomas Studd, of Little Stonham, Suffolk. Born at Clopton. Schools, Earl Stonham, under Mr Gooding, five years ; and Stow- market, under ]Mr Colson, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, May 7, 1661. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich^ 1661 to Mich^ 1665. Ordained deacon (Norw.) May 19, 1665; as curate of Earl Stonham: priest (do.) Dec. 18, 1670 ; as rector of Gt Waldingtield, .Sutf. Afterwards in Norwich. Curate of St Martin and St Mary, Coslany. Master of a school (v. Samuel Clarke, of 1690) ; probably in St Martin's, Coslany, where he was licensed to teach grammar, May 19, 1685. In 1671 he was rector of 'Borough,' Norf. Crane, John : son of Joseph Crane, gent., of Stowmarket, Suflblk. Born at Combs. Schools, Earl Stonham, under ilr Gooding, five years ; and Stowmarket (private), under Mr Colson, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 7, 1661. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1664-5: M.A 1668. Scholar, Mich^ 1661 to L. Day 1667. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 20, 1668; as curate of Stowmarket; priest (do.) July 2, 1669. Rector of Elmsett, Norf., 1669-80. Died Oct. 24, 1686 : buried at Elmsett. His mother was Martha, daughter of Edmund Dandye, of Combs, Sufi". ; through whom he was of royal descent. His widow, Mary, was buried Oct. 13, 1701. Pedigree in Vis. of Suf. 1664. (Howard's 6'm^ Vis. i. 160; and J.J. M.) Parlett, Edmund : son of Edmund Parlett (formerly of the college, 1616), clerk, of Hoddesdon, Herts. Born at Stradsett, Norfolk. School (private), Fincham, under Mr Parker, two yeai-s ; and the Perse School, Cambridge, under Mr Griffith, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 17, 1661. Tutor, 3Ir Lyng. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich^ 1661 to L. Day 1667. Or- dained priest (Norw.) June 2, 1667. Rector of Wimbotsham 1671-4. Vicar of Stow Bardolph 1667-74. Will proved (Norw. archd. C), 1674. Owsely, John : son of John Owsely, rector of Claj-pole, Lincolnshire. Born at ' Housley.' Schools : Claypole (private), under Mr Beckett, four years ; Derb}-, and Newark, under 'Six Hill, a year and a half ; and Bingham, under Dr Brunsall, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, under Mr Adamson, May 21, 1661. B.A. 1664-5 : M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich^ 1661 to L. Day 1667. Had a faculty for priests' orders by the Abp of Canterbury, June 12, 1668. Rector of Cornfield, Ess., 1668; of Lit. Waltham, 1703-8; and of Springfield, 1694- 1708. Chaplain to Lady Fitzwalter. The father was sequestered from Clay- pole by the Parliament. Brooke, William : son of William Brooke, weaver, of Norwich. Born there (in St Margaret's parish). School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, seven years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, under Mr Gelsthorpe, May 22, 1661. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to L. Day 1667. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) March 25, 1667: priest (do.) May 23, 1668; as curate of Drayton. Curate of Surlingham, 1677-83. Rector of Kirby Bedon, 1672- 1661. 413 1714 ; and of Biaraerton, 1683. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) "of Kirby Bedon," 1714-5. Brother of Jeremiah, 1G63. Dade, Thomas: son of Thomas Dade (Dade senior, 1631), Esq., of Tannington, Suffolk. Born there. School, Ipswich, under Mr Woodside, four years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 28, 1661. Surety, Mr Lyng. M.A. 1669-70, by lit. reg. : — he was of royal descent, through his grand- mother, Mary Winkfield. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to L. Day 1664. Admitted at Gray's Inn, A p. 1, 1664. Of Tannington, Esq. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Vere, of Henley, gent. Died without issue, Dec. 14, 1697 ; leaving his estate to his brother John (of 1666). Will proved (P. C. C.) March 14, 1697-8. Pedigree in Vis. of Suff. 1664. (Davy; and J. J. M.) See John, 1665-6; Nathaniel, 1671; and Francis, 1673-4. Lyng, Thomas : son of Thomas Lyng, gent., of Norfolk. Born in London. At a private school there, under Mr Sherley, six years. Age 16. Admitted fellower-commoner, June 4, 1661. Tutor, Mr Lyng, fellow. Probably admitted at Gray'.s Inn, March 30, 1664 : "son of Thomas Lyng, late of Gray'.s Inn." Gave to the library De Dyaantinie Historic Scriptorihus, 1648. Brother of Henry, of 1663. Parsel}', John : son of John Parsely, gent., of Feltwell, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Feltwell, under Mr Ward, five years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Stephens, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 12, 1661. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich« 1661 to Mich" 1665. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 11, 1665-6 ; as cliaplain to H. M. "Fregatt called the Siveep- stacks, ready to be launched at Yarmouth." Ordained priest (Norw.) March 18, 1665-6. Licensed as schoolmaster at Feltwell, Norf., Jan. 8, 1669-70. Vicar of Lakenheatb, Suff., 1690-1704: where in 1697 he gave one of the bells. Buxton, Francis : son of John Buxton, gent., of Edgefield, Norfolk. Born at Saxthorp. Schools, Holt, under Mr Wright, five years, and under Mr Mazy, one year; and Norwich (private), under Mr Lewis, six months. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 27, 1661, under Mr Nailer first, afterwards under Mr Ellis. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to Christ^ 1669. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Jan. 1672-3; as curate of Runcton : priest, March 1672—3. One of the bishop's black sheep. Bp Lloyd says, "There is an untoward clergyman now in the gaol here, whose name is Buxton. He was suspended by Bp Ileynolds, e.xcommunicated by Bp Sparrow... last week he quarrelled with a poor housekeeper here and smote him with a weapon called the Protestant Flail, and the poor man is desperately wounded... 1 told the justices not to liail him" (Feb. 22, 1685—6). "I had hiui safe in prison in the castle. But the king's gracious pardon set him at liberty, and therebj' insured him, as it did many more, from any further proceeding fiom me." (June 4, 1686) " My old friend Buxton, whose submission and confession your grace hath seen, hath in the Passion week adventui-ed upon a clandestine marriage. The young woman's name was M" Rant, an orphan, her portion £1500. I do not know what to do with the villain, for he hatii neither benefice nor cure, and therefore no suspension but that of the civil magistrate can reach him, viz. that sovereign one ^;er collum." (v. Tanner MSS. 29 : 31 : 138.) Beadle, Joseph : son of John Beadle, clerk, of Barnston, Essex (? formerly of the college, p. 161). Born there. School, Felstead, under Mr Glascocke, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 26, 1661. Tutor, Mr Felton. 414 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, L. Day 1662 to L. Day 1667. Ordained priest (Ely) Dec. 1667. Vicar of Gt Burstead, Essex, 1670-92. Rector of Chipping Ongar, 1680-92. Chaplain to the king. Died 1692. Author: Sermon preached at St Laurence, Jewry, Nov. 5, 1678. Selling, Robert : son of Robert Selling, gent., of Carlton Colville, Suflblk. Born at Topcroft, Norfolk. Schools, Wrentham, Suflblk (private), under Mr Pollard, two years ; and Barsham (private), under Mr Nuttall, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 26, 1661. Surety, IMr Ellis. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich» 1661 to j\[ids' 1666. Died Sep. 26, 1686: M. I. in Carlton church. Castleton, John and Philip : sons of John Castleton, bart., of Stuston, Suffolk. Born there (bapt. Aug. 4, 1644; and Sep. 23, 1645). Schools: Stuston (private), under IMr Reyner, one year ; Botesdale, under Mr Ives, four years ; and Eye, under Mr Browne, one year. Ages 16 and 15. Admitted fellow- commoners, June 29, 1661. Tutor, Mr Boult. John. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 2, 1662. Succeeded his father as third baronet. Lived at Stuston Hall. Knighted in Ireland, Jan. 1, 1686. Died, without issue, 1705 ; and was succeeded by his brother Robert. Monu- ment to him and his wife Bridget (daughter of Thomas Read, of Bardwell, Suff.) at Stuston. He and his brother gave to our library Asice nova de- scriptio. {Paris, 1656.) Philip. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 2, 1662. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, July 8, 1663. (Kimber and Johnson call him fifth son, and successor to the title.) Wales, Thomas : son of Thomas Wales, baker, of Eye, Suffolk. Born there. School, Eye, under Mr Browne, seven years. Age 1 7. Admitted sizar, July 1, 1661. "Surety, Mr Boult. B.A. 1664-5. Scholar, Mich' 1661 to Mich^ 1663. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 11, 1665—6, as curate of Dickleburgh : priest(do.) Sep. 21, 1673. Rector of Frenze, 1673-1702. Rector of Shimpling, Norf., 1679-1702. Ad- ministration (Norw. C. C.) 1702: "clerk; of Eye." Wright, George : son of John Wright, gent., of Lexham, Norfolk. Born at Ovington. Schools, Ovington (pri\ate), under Mr Thorold, six months ; Felt- well, under Mr Ward, two years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, two years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' tiible, July 3, 1661. Tutor, Mr Boult. B.A. 1664-5: M.A. 1668. Scholar, Mich» 1661 to Mich" 1666. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) June 2, 1667 ; as curate of Elveden : priest (do.) Feb. 17, 1667-8; as rector of Yaxham. Rector of Brandon Ferry, Norf., 1670. Married Ursula, daughter of John Repps, Esq., of jMattishall. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1718 ; ' of Brandon.' Brother of Thomas, 1648-9. Crusoe, John: son of John Crusoe, of Norfolk, D.C.L., formerly fellow of the college (v. p. 304). Born in Bristol. Schools, Bristol, under Mr Williamson, two years; and London (private), under Mr Mossham, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 29, 1661. Tutor, ISIr Lyng. Danby, Charles : of Farnley % Yorkshire : son of Thomas Danby, knt. School, Farnley, under Mr Lovell, five j'ears. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 2, 1661. Tutor, Mr L}^lg. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Jan. 29, 1663-4: "son and heir of Sir Thomas, of Thorpe Perrow." Died young. The father was sheriff of Yorks., 1625 ; and suffered for his loyalty, being fined £4780. (Burke's Commoners, i. 201.) King, Josias : son of Josias King, silk-weaver, of Modbury, Devon. Born there. Schools, Motlbuiy, under Mr Coyte, two years ; and Plynipton (private), under 1661—1662. • 415 Mr Williams, three years. Age 13. Admitted sizar, July 3, 1661. Tutor, Mr Boult. B.A. 1664-5. Incorporated at Oxford, Ap. 5, 1666. M.A. (Oxf.) 1667-8. Scholar, Mich" 1661 to Mich" 1665. Vicar of Brampford Speke, Dev., 1671. Curate of Plymstock in 1672. Rector of St Edmund on the Bridge, Exeter, 1686 to his death in 1708. Chaplain to the Earl of Anglesey. Author: Examination and Trial of Old Father Christmas, together with his clearing by the Jury at the Assizes held in the town of Difference in the county of Discontent (1677): — a humourous pamphlet on the proper keeping of the day. Blount's Oracles of Reason examined and answered, 1698. Mich** 1661— Mich^ 1662. *Greene, John : son of Edward Greene, tailor, of Cambridge. Born there. At the Perse School, under Mr Griffith, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, October 1661. Tutor, Mr Boult. B.A. 1665-6 : M.A. 1669. Junior fellow, L. Day 1666 to Mich^ 1669. A John Green, ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 20, 1668, was vicar of Tetney, Lines., 1670; and rector of Brigsley, 1673-1682. One of the same names was vicar of Wickhambrook, Suff., 1668. Bloome, Luke : son of William Bloome, lawyer, of Swaffham Market, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Swaffham Market, under Mr Tailor, two years ; Scarning, under Mr Burton, two years ; and Swaft'ham (pi-ivate), under Mr Roberts. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, under Mr Felton. Scholar, Mich" 1661 to Mich" 1664. *Peters, William : son of James Peters, butler of the college. Born in Cambridge. At the Perse School, under Mr Griffith, seven years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 4, 1661. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1665-6 (9th, out of 12, in the list): M.A. 1669. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1677. Scholar, Mich" 1661 to L. Day 1666. Junior fellow L. Day 1666 to L. Day 1685. Ordained priest (Ely) Sep. 24, 1670. Usher of the Perse School, 1667. University logical prpelector, 1671: Univ. preacher, 1677. Rector of Weeting, Norf., 1683-1708. Married Mary, daughter of Anthony Ellis of Yarmouth, brother of the master. Died Sep. 16, 1708; Imried at Weeting. He left by will, dated Aug. 14, proved (P. C. C.) Dec. 1708, an estate at Cherry Hinton, Cambs., tlien worth about £50 a year, for exhibitions for poor scholars ; subject to life interest to his wife. He also left his books to the college library. (See under Endoioinents.) Warner, Richard : son of Richard Warner, gent., of Beetley, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Gressenhall (private), under Mr Green, two years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 22, 1661-2. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1665-6 : M.A. 1669. Scholar, Mich' 1662 to Mich' 1669. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 10, 1666; as curate of Beetley: priest (do.), Dec. 19, 1669. Rector of Beetley, 1669-1722. Rector of Sculthorpe, 1704-5. Rector of Foulsham, 1721-2. Married Martha, daughter of Matthew Halcott. Died Sep. 11, 1722. Buried at Beetley. M.I. there. Pedigree, as 'Warner of Lit. Brandon,' in Vis. of Norf. 1664. (v. Carthew, iii. 125.) Wiscard (matriculated ' Whi.sker '), William : son of William Wiscard, gent., of Bilney, Norfolk (formerly of the college, 1636-7). Born there. School, Gressenhall (private), under Mr Green, one year ; and Scarning, under Mr 416 GON'VILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Burton, four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, ^larch 22 1661-2. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1665-6. Scholar, Mich» 1662 to Micli^ 1666. Probably died before 1679, as he is not mentioned in his father's will (see back, p. 323). Barker, Francis : son of Francis Barker ; silk-merchant, citizen of London. Bom in York. Schools, York, under Mr Young, two years ; Ripon, under Mr Holmes, two years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, April 14, 1662. Tutor, Mr Adamson. Scholar, Mich' 1662 to Mich* 1664. Citizen and haberdasher of London. Died Sep. 7, 1710. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1710. Buried at Petersham: where there is a monument erected by his widow Elizabeth. His daughter Frances, " is, I suspect, the wife of Joseph Christopher of the Star and Garter Hotel" (J. C. C. S.). Brother of Ralph, 1663. Clarke, Richard : son of William Clarke, woollen-draper, of Seaming, Norfolk. Born there. School, Scarning, under Mr Bretton, two, and under Mr Burton, .six j'ears. Admitted sizar, March 15, 1661-2. Tutor, Mr Thruston. B.A. 1665-6: M.A. 1669. Scholar, Mich^ 1662 to L. Day 1666. Oi-dained deacon (Norw.) June 2, 1667; as curate of Cockley Cley : priest (do.), Sep. 22, 1672, as curate of Mileham. Rector of Intwood, 1680-1707. Vicar of Ketteringham, 1697-1707. Probably master of Wymondham school : see Hezekiah, 1688-9. Another of the same names (ord. priest, 1671) was rector of Shotesham. Wythe, John : son of John Wythe, gent, of Sandcroft, Suffolk. Born at Starston, Norfolk. Schools, Pulham St Mary, under !Mr Francis, one year ; and Starston (private), under Mr Coppin, live years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 15, 1662. Tutor, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1665-6: M.A. 1669. Scholar, Mich* 1662 to Mich* 1667. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Maj' 29, 1670, as curate of Homei-stield, Suff. : priest (do.), June 18, 1670, as curate of Howe, Norf. Vicar of Flbcton, 1674. Died June 25, 1690; aged 47. M.I. at Sandcroft. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1690 ; 'clerk, of Sandcroft.' Proctor, William : son of Francis Proctor, butcher, of WjTnondham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Wymondham, eight j'ears, under Messrs Bradford, Ransom, Jeruiey, and Gallard, successively. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Maj' 20, 1662. Tutor, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1665-6. Scholar, Mich* 1662 to L. Day 1667. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 2, 1667; as curate of Wjmondham : priest (do.), May 1673; as curate of N. Repps. Curate of Syleham and licensed as schoolmaster there, March 22, 1676-.7. Hoper, Goldwell : son of Richard Hoper, Esq., of London. Born tliere. School, Cheam, Surrey, under ]\Ir Aldrich, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 23, 1662. "Tutor, Mr Ellis. LL.B. 1666-7. Admitted at Gra}''s Inn, Jan. 29, 1669-70. Gave to our library Kircher's Chhia Ulustrata, 1667 ; Mimdus subterraneus, 1665, &c. Dicer, Robert : eldest son of Robert Dicer, bart., citizen of London. Born there. At a private school at Hampstead, Middlesex, under Mr Wagoner, four years; and at the Charter House, under Mr Wood, four years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, May 28, 1662. Tutor, 'Mv Ellis. Admitted at Graj-'s Inn, Jan. 24, 1664-5. Succeeded his father, as second baronet, Aug. 26, 1667. Of Braughing, Herts. ^larried Judith, daughter of Richard Goulston, of Widdial, Herts., 1666. Buried at Braugh- ing, Aug. 16, 1672. Will proved (P. C. C.) Jul}' 16, 1673: leaves manors in Suff., Herts, and Middx. to his son Robert. Pedigree in ' Dycer of Hackney,' 1662—1663. 417 in Vis. of Middx. 1664. (J. J. M. ; and W. J. H.) He gave to our library Bocharti Hierozoicon, 1663. Wace, John : son of John Wace, gent., of Feltwell, Norfolk. Born there. School, Feltwell, under Mr Ward, eight yeans. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 7, 1662, under Mr Felton. B.A. 1665-6: M.A. 1669. Scholar, Mich' 1662 to Mich" 1668. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Nov. .'50, 1669 : priest (do.), Dec. 19, 1669. Rector of Stokesby, Norf., 1669-1729: rector of Billockby, 1701-1729. Married Ann, daughter of Robert Freeman, Esq. Died Jan. 23, 1729-30. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 'of Stokesby,' 1730. Brother of Edmund, 1667. Malty ward, John : son of Robert Malty ward, 'jurisconsultus ' (l)arrister of Gray's Inn), of Rougham, Surtblk. Born there. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Dr Stephens, six years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 27, 1662. Tutor, Mr Ellis. Scholar, Mich'* 1662 to L. Day 166.5. Admitted at Gray'.s Inn, May 20, 1664. Youngest son : living Dec. 5, 1689; date of father's will. (J. J. M.) Mott, Nathaniel : son of Mark Mott, clerk, (rector) of Great Wratting, Suffolk. Born at Chelmsford. At school there, under Mr Peake, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, under Mr Adamson first, after- wards under Mr Ellis, Aug. 13, 1G62. B.A. 1666-7: M.A. 1670. Incorporated at Oxford, June 11, 1671. A Nathaniel Mott was schoolmaster at Cheshunt in 1672. Brother of Mark, 1659. MicH^ 1662— Mich'' 1663. *Longe, Charles : son of Robert Longe, Esq., Rej'merstone, Norfolk. Born at Lynn. Schools, Lynn, under Mr Bell, six years ; Shipdham (private), under Mr Lewis, one year ; Scoulton (private), under Mr Ruddle, one year ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 26, 1663. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1666-7 : M.A. 1670. Scholar, Christ' 1666 to Mids"^ 1670. Junior fellow, Mids-- 1670: senior, Mids' 1676 to Christ' 1679. Catechist, 1676-8: salarist, 1678-81. Ordained priest (Lond.), Aug. 22, 1676. Presented to Hockwold and Wilton, Norf., Ap. 2, 1680; but vacated next year. Rector of Risby, Sufi'., 1680 — 1719. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Pepys of Irapington, Canibs. Died, Oct. 11, 1719: buried at Risby. See Robert, 1658. Tillet, Thomas : son of Thomas Tillet, gent., of Pulham St Mary, Norf. Born at Rougham, Suffolk. Schools, Rougham (private), under Mr Mason, one year ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Dr Stephens, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 3, 1663. Tutor, Mr Parrharn. Scholar, Mich" 1663 to Mich" 1664. Wharton, Gervase : son of William Wharton, merchant, of Lynn. Born there. At school there, under Mr Bell, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 4, 1663. Tutor, Mr Ellis. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf., 1664. Brooke, Jeremiah : son of William Brooke, citizen of Norwich. Born there. Educated in Cambridge in the house of the Rev. Mr Moore, a year and a half; and at Norwich school, under Mr Lovering, four year.s. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 8, 1663. Surety, Mr Ellis. Scholar, Mich" 1663 to L. Day 1667. His father, of St Swithin's, Norwich, left him by will (P. C. C.) dated 1 659, lands in AVymondham, N. Aylsham, &c. (J. J. M.) Brother of William, 1661. C. 27 418 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Springe, Tliomas : younger son of William Springe, bart., of Pakenham, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Pakenham (private), under Mr Stafford, one year; and Bury St Edmunds, under Dr Stephens, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scliolars' table, April 13, 1663. Tutor. Mr Felton. B.A. 16G6-7: M.A. 1G70. Scholar, MichM603 to MidsM670. Junior fellow, Mids' 1670 to his death. Died young: buried. May 18, 1677 : M.I. at Pakenham. ♦Barker, Ealph : son of Francis Barker, citizen and merchant of London. Born tliere Schools, Ripon, under Mr Holmes, two years ; and L3Tin, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 18, 1G63. Tutor, Mr Adamson. B.A. 1666-7: M.A. 1670. Incorporated at Oxford, Feb. 22, 1671-2. D.D. Lambeth : incorporated at Cambridge, 1692. Scholar, Mich* 1663 to L. Day 1667. Junior fellow, Mids-^ 1670: Senior, L. Day 1678 to May 22, 1695. He was made senior fellow by royal mandate, dispensing with the county qualifications. Greek lecturer, 1678-81 : salarist, 1681-94 : bursar, 1688-90. University logical pra;lector, 1671. Univ. preacher, 1676. Rector of St Mary Magd., Old Fish St, and St Greg, by St Paul, 1690: resigned next year. Chaplain to Abp. Tillotson. Rector of Brasted, Kent, 1691. Preb. of Bath and "Wells, 1694; Treasurer of Wells, 1695. Sinecure rector of Llanfawr, Merioneth, 1697. Died at Wells, June 9, 1708. Will proved (P. C. C.) June 30, 1708. He left £100 to the college. Author: Sermon preached at the Consecration of the Abp of Canterbury (1691). He published Abp Tillotson's Sermons and other works, in several volimies. Brother of Francis, 1662. Lyng, Heni-y Frederick : of London : son of Thomas Lyng, gent., of Norfolk. At a private school in London, in the Precinct ('parochia') of the Carmelite Friars, under Mr Sherlej', fi^e years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, AprO 27, 1663. Tutor, Mr Ellis. Brother of Thomas, 1661. Fowle, John : son of Thomas Fowle, clerk, of Monewden, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Coddenham (private), under Mr Candler ; Wickham Market (private), under Mr Whitcraft, a year and a half; and Stowmarket (private), under Mr Colston, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholare' table, April 23, 1663. Tutor, Mr Felton. (Shortly afterwards, owing to his father's death, entered as sizar.) B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, Mich* 1663 to Mich* 1667. Pro- bably ordained deacon (Line.) May 17, 1668: priest (Norw.) March 19, 1670-1 ; as curate of Boyton. Rector of Greeting St Peter, Suff., 1670-1724. Buried there, July 23, 1724. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1724. Reeve, Charles : son of Augustin Reeve, gent., of Bracondale, Norfolk. Born at Thorpe. Schools, Norwich (private), under Mr Locke, six years ; and at the public school, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 29, 1663. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1666-7. Incorporated at Oxford, July 7, 1668. M.A. there, Nov. 16, 1669. Scholar, Mich* 1663 to L. Day 1668. Ordained deacon (Line.) Dec. 28, 1670. He had a faculty, from the Abp of Canterbury, to be ordained priest, Feb. 24, 1670-1 : in this his ase is given as 26. Ordained priest (Chester), Feb. 28, 1670-1. Rector of Blofield, 1671—1727 : rector of Long Stratton, Norf., 1681-1727. He was presented to both by his brother Henrj'. Married (1) Lydia, daughter of John Frankhn, of Beccles, (2) Barbara, daughter of Miles Brown, of Coston, Norf. There is a monument to them both in the church. Died 1727. Will proved (Norw. 1663. 419 C. C.) 1727 : left property to found a school in Blofiekl, with :i dwelling house and £10 per ann. for the master; and legacies for the poor. The school continued till the establishment of a Board School. See Edmund, 1646. Rugge, Thomas. Admitted as fellow-commoner. Gave the woi-ks of Paracelsus, 16.58, to our library. Warren, Thomas : son of Thomas Warren, clerk, of Witnesham, Suttblk. Born in Ipswich. Schools, Stowmarket, under Mr Colston, four years ; and Melton (private), under Mr Clarke, one year. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, May II, 1663. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1666-7: M.A. 1670. Scholar, Mich'* 166.3 to Mich" 1668. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.), Nov. 28, 1668; as curate to his father at Henley, Suff. Ordained priest (Norw.), March 3, 1671-2; as vicar of Pakenham, where he remained till 1683. Died, Jan. 24, 1682-3. M.I. at Witnesham, to him ; and to his father who died in 1698, aged 92. Will proved (Suff. archd.) 1683. Hill, (John ; of Lincolnshire ; matriculated sizar). B.A. 1666-7 : M.A. 1670. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to L. Day 1667. Ordained deacon (Line.) Feb. 16, 1667-8; as curate of Broxbourne, Herts. Vicar of the college living of Mutford, Suff., 1681-1701. Phillips, Thomas : son of John Phillips, B.D., of Aylsham, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Aylsham, under Mr Allen, seven years ; and North Walsham, under Mr Lucy, half-a-year. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 19, 1663. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1666-7: M.A. 1670. Scholar, Mich" 1663 to L. Day 1667. Wolnall, Thomas: of Mattishall, Norfolk; son of James Wolnall, gent., of Whissonsett. Schools, Gressenhall (private), under Mr Greene, two years ; Tittleshall, under Mr Marshall, a year and a half ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 19, 1663. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1666-7 : M.A. 1670. Scholar, Mich» 1663 to Mids'' 1670. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 19, 1669; as curate of St Helen's, Norwich: priest (Norw.), June 14, 1674, as vicar of Heacham ; where he remained till 1681. Husbands, Samuel : of London : son of Richard Husbands, linen weaver, of London. Schools, Hackney, under Mr Woolley, one year ; St Mary Axe ('ad securim'), under Mr Spillwater, one year; and Bishop Stortford (private), under Mr Leigh, three years. Age 15. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 1663. Tutor, Mr Felton. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Oct. 1, 1665. Gave the works of Plotinus (1580) to our library. A Samuel Husbands, of Shalford, Esse.x, was knighted, Apr. 13, 1684. D.L. and J.P. for Essex. Went to Barbados, where he married .... Home, widow. Bought Shalford Hall, but, in 1692, having spent much money on it, he sold it and returned to Barbados. Died there. (Morant, ii. 375.) Relfe, Edward : son of Robert Relfe : of Mayfield, Sussex. Schools, Mayfield (private), under Mr Harman, one year ; Westerham, Kent, under Mr Deane, for about as long; and Tunbridge, under Mr Wase, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 20, 1663. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1666-7 : M.A. 1670. Chaplain to the Earl of Leicester. Vicar of Westham, Sussex, 1670-4. He had a dispensation to hold Beckley with it; but died in 1674, before institution. (E. H. W. D.) 27 2 420 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Lilly, John : of Croydon, Cambs. : son of John Lilly, musician, of Cambridge. School, Cambridge (private), under ilr Wiborougli, live years ; and the Charterhouse, London, under Mr Watson, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 22, 1663. Surety, Mr Felton. B.A. 1G67-8: M.A. 1671. Incorporated at O.xford, July 13, 1669. Scholar, Mich" 1663 to Mich» 1671. Ordained deacon (Line.) Dec. 19, 1670 : priest (Ely), 3Iarch, 1670-1. Curate of Epping, 1680. Vicar of Ringmer, Sussex, 1681. Perhaps rector of Lamarsh, Essex, 1690. Buxton, Matthew : son of John Buxton, gent., of Edgefield, Norfolk. Born at Letheringsett. Scliool, Holt, for six years, under Mr Wright, Mr Hix, and Mr Mazy (successively). Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 24, 1663. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich^ 1663 till his death. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, Dec. 1663. Brother of Francis, 1661 ; and Anthony, 1665. Mictf 1663— MicH^ 1664. ♦Whitefoot, John : son of John Whitefoot, clerk, of Norwich. At school there, under Mr Ljvering, about seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 31, 1663. Tutor, Mr Robinson^ B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, MichM664 to Mids' 1671. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1671 to Mids' 1677. Ethical lecturer, 1672. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.), Dec. 19, 166.5. Rector of Hellesdon, Norf., 1676-1731 : rector of Heigham, 1682-1731. Minister of St Pet. Mancroft, and St Gregory, Norwich. Clerk of the Convocation. Died 1731. Buried at St Gregorj^'s. His father was a great friend of Sir Thomas Browne, and wrote his life. Drury, Francis : of Great Dunham, Norfolk ; son of Richard Drury, gent. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, about six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 21, 1663-4. Tutor, Mr Robinson. Buried at Dunham, March 18, 1686-7. By his father's wUl, proved (Archd. Norw.), Nov. 25, 1670, he inherited lands in Great and Little Dunham, W. Lexham, L3'nn, &c.; his brother Richard (of 1661) having died. (Carthew, ii. 806.) Holland, Francis : of Witchingham, Norfolk. At school there two years ; after- wards at Scarning, under Mr Burton, four yejirs. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 12, 166.3—4. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1667-8. Scholar, Mich^ 1664 to Mich" 1668. Ordained deacon (Gloucs.), June 23, 1675. Curate of Docking, Norf., 1675. Curate of Sedge- ford till his death in 1709. M.I. at Sedgeford. His mother was a Le Neve of Witchingham : his father was of Colkirk. (Carthew, iii. 80.) *Topcliffe, Lancaster : son of Andrew Topcliffe, gent., of Hoveton St John, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Cheyner, two years ; at Sco Ruston under Mr Martyn, four years ; again at Hoveton, under Air Catlyn, a year and a half; and at Norwich, under Mr Lovering, two yeare. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 31, 1664, under Mr Ellys. LL.B. 1669. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich' 1669. Junior fellow, Mids' 1671 : Senior, Mids' 1678 to Mich" 1681. Logic lecturer, 1669 : dean, 1678-80. Ordained deacon (London), May 13, 1678: priest (do.), May 26, 1678. Rector of the college livings of Hockwold and Wilton, Norf., 1681, till his death in 1720. He was a violent opponent of the Quakers, against whom he held, with two other Norfolk clergy, in response to a challenge, a public disputation in West Dereham Church, Dec. 8, 1698: published as, A brief discover}' of some of the blasphemous and seditious principles... of 1663—1664. 421 the people called Quakers. It led to a pamphlet controversy; and was fol- lowed by, Tiie Pi'inciples of the Quakers shewn to be blasphemous and seditious, 1 700 ; both these tracts being the joint composition of Topclilfe and two neighbouring clergy. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1720. Woolmer, Robert: son of Robert Woolmer, gent., of Earsham, Norfolk. Schools, Denton, Norfolk ; Bungay, Suffolk, under Mr Denton, three years ; Ej'e, under Mr Browne, three years ; and Barsham, under Mr Nuttall, one year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 31, 1664. Tutor, Mr EUj's. Sciiolar, Mich'' 1664 to L. Day 1666. *Melsop, Henry : son of William Melsop, husbandman ; of Barton, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Castle Acre, one year ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, five years. Age 16. Tutor, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, MichM664 to Mids'' 1670. Junior fellow, Mich' 1670 to Mich" 1678. Logic lecturer, 1671-5. Ethical do. 1675-6. Conduct and reader in Chapel. Ordained deacon (Ely), Sep. 1670: priest, March, 1670-1. Vicar of the college living of Foulden, Norf., 1678-82. Ellys, John : son of Edward Ellys, gent., of Henstead, Suffolk. Schools, North- cove, Suffolk, under Mr Nuttall, half a year ; Henstead, under Mr Utting, a year and a half ; and Barsham, Suffolk, under Mr Nuttall, one year. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 13, 1664. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1669: M.D. 1701. Scholar, Mich' 1664 to Mich" 1668. One of these names was admitted at Leyden, Ap. 27, 1688. Browne, William : son of Thomas Browne, Esq., of Elsing, Norfolk. Educated at home, under Mr Winter ; and at Wisbech, under Mr Frisney, about five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 27, 1661. Surety, Mr Robinson. Of Elsing, Esq., son of Thomas, of 1622, by his second wife. Married Anne, daughter of Robert Hall of Stamford, Lines. (Carthew, ii. 465.) *Tyrrell, James: (fourth) son of Robert Tyrrell, Esq., of Wilton, Norfolk (formerly of the college, 162.5-6). Taught at home first: afterwards at .school, at Brandon, four years, under Mr Cramborn. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 29, 1664. Surety, Mr Robin.son. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1674. Scholar, Mich' 1664 to Mids'' 1671. Junior fellow, Mids"' 1671 to L. Day 1677. Ethical lecturer, 1673-5. University rhetoric prtelector, 1674. Ordained deacon (Norw.), July, 1673. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. 1664. Wade, Robert: son of Robert Wade, gent., of Lopham, Norfolk. School, Botes- dale, seven years, under Mr Ives. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 5, 1664, under Mr Robinson. M. I. at New Buckenham Church, Norf., to one of these names, who died Jan. 9, 1708. *Horner, Robert : son of Robert Horner, clerk, of Roydon, Norfolk (formerly of the college; 1616). Born there. School, Diss, under Mr Locke, half a year; Botesdale, under Mr Ives, five years ; and Diss, under Mr Barbar, one year. Age 16. Admitted pensioner. Tutor and surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, Mich' 1664 to Mid.s'' 1671. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1671 to L. Day 1674. Of Bressingham, gent. Died, Dec. 4, 1708: monument at Roydon: " vir literarum ornamentis decoratus." He gave a freehold close to the rector of Royflon, provided he preached an annual sermon on Good Friday, and distributed 40 shillings per annum to clothe four poor widows of the parish. (Blomef. I. 48.) Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1708. 422 GONVILl.E AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Yong, William : (second) son of Philip Yong, Esq., of Caynton (in Edgniond), Shropshire. School, ■Westminster, under INIr Busb}', four years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 21, 1664. Surety, Mr Felton. Admitted at the Inner Temple, June 13, 1666. Called to the bar, 167G. Pedigree in Vis. of Hhrops. 1663. Wastneys, Hardolph : son of Richard Wastneys, gent., of Headon, Notts. School, Tuxford, under Mr Philipps. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, July 4, 1664. Surety, Mr Robinson. See 'Wastneys of Headon' in Vis. of Notts., 1662: where Hardolph, son of John, is mentioned, as aged 14. For early pedigree see Vis. of 1614. Pretheroe, William : son of Owen Pretheroe, attorney at law, of Palgrave, Norfolk. School, Seaming, under INIr Burton, about seven years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 15, 1664. Tutor, Mr Robinson. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mids"^ 1666. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 21, 1664. Described as 'of Palgrave' in the Vis. of 1664. Probably married Frances, daughter of William Tinkler, gent. (Carthew, in. 234.) Will proved (Norw.) June 16, 1696 : "of Sporle." Burlingham, Thomas : son of Thomas Burlingham (formerly of the College ; 1617-8), gent., of Briningham, Norfolk. Born at Kettlestone. Schools, Sharrington, under Mr Hunt, two years; and Holt, under Mr Mazj', four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 4, 1664. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich" 1671. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1671 ; as curate of Salhouse. Ordained priest (Norw.) Jan. 24, 1671-2. Rector of Brinton, Norf., 1672. Rector of Burgate, Suft'., 1681. Married Marj', daughter of Rev. R. Pickarell, by whose widow and son he was presented to Burgate. Died 1686. M. I. at Redgrave to him and his wife. Pedigree in Vis. of Xoif. 1664. Firmin, Nathaniel : son of Giles Firniin, gent., of Shalford, Essex. Born there. Schools, Braintree, under Mr Adanison, tour years ; Wethersfield, under Mr Fish, one j'ear ; and Felstead, under Mr Glascocke, for about a year. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 10, 1664. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1667-8 : M.A. 1671. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich" 1667. Licentiate of the College of Physicians, 1676. Married Amye Josselyn, widow, at the Charter House chapel, Feb. 23, 1673-4. His father, a nonconformist divine, and physician, was an emigrant to America before the Commonwealth. (See Calamy ; and Davids, Essex, 459.) Girling, Isaac : son of Lionel Girling : citizen of Norwich. Born there (in St Pet. Mancroft parish : bapt. Dec. 15, 1647). At a private school there, under Mr Stinnet, three years ; and at the public school, under Mr Lovering, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 29, 1664. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich" 1668; and Mich" 1670 to Mich" 1671. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 20, 1668; as curate of Bradeston, Norf. : priest (do.) Dec. 24, 1670. Vicar of W. Barsham, 1672: vicar of Westhall, Suff., 1685-1705. Chaplain of St Giles, Norwch, 1690. Died March 8, 1704-5. Stubbs, John : of Ryhall, Rutlandshire ; son of Justinian Stubbs, clerk, of that place. School, Stamford, four years ; and at home under his father, three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 20, 1664. Surety, Mr Jenkes. M.B. 1670. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Christ" 1669. Died without issue. (F. G.) Johnson, James : .son of James .Johnson, merchant of Yarmouth. School, Norwich, under Mr Lovering. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 3, 1664. Tutor, Mr Robinson. 1664. 423 The father was knighted, 1671 ; and M.P. for Yarmouth, 1681. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. 1664. Brother of Thomas, 1671. *Fuller, Thomas : son of Anthony Fuller, gent., of Downham Market, Norfolk (bapt. Nov. 26, 1646). Schools, Downham Market, under Mr Half head, three years; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, four years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, July 11, 1664. Surety, the Master. B.A. 1668-9: M.A. 1672. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich" 1672. Junior fellow, L. Day 1673 to July 23, 1677. Having gone beyond the seas without leave, the Master obtained a royal dispensation for him to retain his fellow- -ship, July 13, 1675. Luck3'n, William : son of William Luckyn, clerk, of Cambridge. Born in the parish of St Clement, London. School, Newport, under Mr Edwards, about seven years. Age 14. Admitted sizar, July 12, 1664. Surety, Mr Parham. B.A. 1668-9. Scholar, Mich' 1664 to his death. Died in college; buried at St Michael's, July 6, 1670. Webster, Thomas : son of Thomas Webster, barber, of Downliam Market, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 17. Admitted sizar, July 13, 1664. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1668-9. Incorporated at Oxford, as M.A., July 15, 1679. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich'' 1670. Subscribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) Oct. 27, 1670 ; as curate of Gay wood. MiCH^ 1664— MiCH^ 1665. Ransome, Richard : son of Richard Ransome (formerly of the college, 1631), rector of Aldeby and Ingworth, Noi-folk. Born in Banningham. Schools, Wymond- ham, under his father, five years ; North Walsham, under Mr Lucy, one year ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Oct. 11, 1664. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1668-9. Scholar, Mich" 1664 to Mich' 1668. Subscribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) Sep. 19, 1668; and for priests'. May 24, 1673. Curate of Trunch, 1673. Curate of Boxford, 1677. Rector of Gt Dunham, 1679-94. Rector of Aldeby. Chaplain to the Earl of Oxford. Lyng, William ; son of Edward Lyng, gent., of Coston, Norfolk. Schools, Coston, two years, under Mr Colby ; Saxthorp, under Mr Edmonds, three years ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, under Mr Ellys, Oct. 13, 1664. B.A. 1668-9: M.A. 1672. Scholar, Mich' 1664 to L. Day 1672. Or- dained deacon (Line.) Sep. 24 ; priest (do.) Dec. 28, 1670. Vicar of Fulbourn St Vigor, Cambs., 1672-1719. Lecturer of St Nicholas, Yarmouth, 1692- 1719. Married (2) Mary, daughter of Michael Dalton, of Fulbourn. Died Nov. 12, 1719. M. I. at Yarmouth. Author: Sermon in Norwich Cathedral, on National Divisions, 1703. Sermon on the dedication of St George's, Yarmouth, 1715. Elyott, Adam : of Jedburgh, Teviotdale, Scotland ; son of Henry Elyott, clerk, of that place. At school there, under Mr Scengh, seven years. Age 17. Ad- mitted sizar, Nov. 10, 1664. Surety, Mr Bragg. B.A. 1668-9. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich' 1668. Ordained deacon (Ely) Dec. 1671: priest (Lond.) 1672. Rector of St James', Duke Place, London, 1685-1700 : he was suspended for a time in 1686 for having married persons without a licence. Chaplain to Lord Grey of Werke. Died 1700. After leaving college he had some romantic adventures. He went to Italy as a tutor, and in returning was captured by a Sallee Rover, and sold as a slave. 424 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Of his sufferings and escape he has given a very graphic account (summarized in the Caian, Vol. ll.). His public fame rests mainly on his connection with Titus Gates, who had charged him with being a Jesuit. His reply was published in " A modest Vindication of Titus Gates, the Salamanca Doctor, from perjury ; or an Essay to demonstrate him only forsworn in several instances, &c." 1682; 1731. (v. Newcourt, i. 917.) Colman, Richard : son of Richard Colman, gent., of Duxford. Born there. School, Saffron Walden, Essex, under Mr Burrowes, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Jan. 13, 1661-5. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1668^9 (3rd, out of 22, in the list). Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich' 1670. Foster, John : of Redgrave, Suffolk ; son of Samuel Foster, B.D., clerk, of that place, and formerly fellow of the college (p. 314). Scliool, Thetford, under Mr Keen. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 31, 1664-5. Tutor, Mr Felton. B.A. 1668-9. Scholar, L. Day 166G to L. Day 1669. From his father's letters to Bancroft (Tanner MS. 45) he seems to have been at home, dangerously ill, in 1668. Died 1669: buried at Redgrave, !May 3. "Avery excellent good child, man, scholar. Christian ; above his age in all but 18 years and 6 months. He gave the tenths of all he had to God and this church, in a fair silver paten..." : M. I. at Redgrave. Purland, Robert: son of Jeremiah Purland, gent., of Warham, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Nov. 30, 1648). Schools, Warham, under ^Ir Tubbin, two years; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, under Mr Ellys, Feb. 1, 1664-5. B.A. 16G8-9: M.A. 1672. Incorporated at Gxford, July 12, 1681. Scholar, Mids'' 1667 to Jlids' 1671. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 25, 1670: priest (do.) March 18, 1670-1. Rector of Southacre, Noi-f., 1695-1723. Vicar of E. Walton, Norf., 1673-1723. Buried there, May 24, 1723: M.I. there. (Blomef. vi. 85.) Patrick, German : son of William Patrick, gent. Born at Wiggenhall St Ger- mains, Norfolk. At school there, under Mr Trendle, live years ; and at Lynn, under Mr Bell, five years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, !March 10, 1664-5. Tutor, Mr EUys. B.A. 1668-9 : MA. 1672. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mids^ 1671. Ordained deacon (Ely) Jlarch 1G70-1 ; as curate of Haddenham, Cambs. Subscribed for priests' orders (Norw.) June 1, 1672 ; as curate of Sturston, Norf. At Haddenham in 1685, when he was returned as "careful, and does constantly catechize" (Camb. Ant. Soc. iii. 326). Reported as a non-juror in the county of Cambridge in 1691. Pickering, Robert : son of Robert Pickering, Esq., of Thelwall, Cheshire. Born in London. Schools, St Paul's, under Mr Davenport, half a year ; and Chester, under Mr Liptrot, five years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' ta,ble, March 25, 1665. Tutor, 31r Ellys. Entered first at St John's College. B.A. 1667-8: M.A. 1671. Rector of Eccleston, Lanes., 1671-1703. Rector of Croston, 1689-1703. Married IMary, daughter of Hugh Currer, of Kildwick Hall, Yorks. Died without issue, 1704. (Ormerod, i. 749.) Buxton, Anthony : .son of John Buxton, gent., of Edgefield, Norfolk. Born in Norwich (St Helen's parish). School, Holt, under Mr Mazey, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 29, 1665. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1668-9. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 19, 1669, as curate of Trunch : subscribed for priests' orders (do.) IMay 14, 1674. Rector of Sisland and vicar of Swardeston, Norf., 1674-1713. Rector of Thwaite, Norf., 1690- 1665. 425 1713. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1713, 'clerk, of Sislaud.' Pedigree in Vis. of Nor/., 1664. Brother of Francis, 1661 ; and Matthew, 1663. *Wilniott, Robert : .son of Thomas Wilmott, deceased, late rector of Westborough, Lincolnshire. Born there. Schools, Newark, under Mr Masterson, two years; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 9, 1664-5. Surety, first Mr Ellys ; succeeded by Mr Felton, and by Mr Thorp, fellows of the college. B.A. 1668-9: M.A. 1672. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to L. Day 1672. Junior fellow, L. Day 1673 to L. Day 1675. Ordained deacon (Peterb.) May 25, 1673: priest (Chich.) Dec. 21, 1673. Rector of Ufi'ord, Lines., 1674- 1707. Buried there Nov. 2, 1707. Carter, Thomas : son of Humphrey Carter, gent., of Barningliain. Born in London (St Andrews, Holborn). Schools, South Repps, Norfolk, under Mr Mart3'n, three years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Dr Stevens and Mr Leeds, about four years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 30, 1665. Tutor, Mr EUj's. B.A. 1668-9: M.A. 1672. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich« 1672. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) Dec. 16, 1670; as cui-ate of Gt Cressing- ham. Ordained priest (Norw.) Jan. 5, 1672-3; as curate of Thorpe Market. Rector of Bircham-Newton, Norf., 1679: of Roughton by Harpley, 1685; and of Bircham Tofts, 1716. Died 1717. Sheldrake, John : son of John Sheldrake, citizen of Norwich. School, Bawburgh, Norfolk, under Mr Tennison, a year and a half, and under Mr Yong, two years; also at school, under Mi- Levering, three j'ears. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 30, 1665. Tutor, Mi- Ellys. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich" 1666. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 25, 1667 : "son and heir." Domvill, Edward : son of William Domvill, gent., of Lymm, Cheshire. Born there (bapt. Feb. 8, 1648). At school there, under Mr Richardson, nine years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 30, 1665. Surety, Mr Ellys. Married Esther, daughter of Sir Geo. Warburton of Arley. Buried Oct. 24, 1688. (Ormerod, i. 582.) Comberbatch, Richard : son of Ralph Comberbatch, gent., of Lynun, Cheshire. Born at Latchford. School, Lymm, under Mr Richardson, nine years. Age 21. Admitted sizar, March 30, 1665. Tutor and surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1668-9. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Christ' 1669. Vicar of Lower Peover, Chesh., 1686-1711. Apparently, at one time, a non-juror. Died 1722. The M.I. at Peover describes him as "hujus ecclesite minister, non- juratus." Will dated July 4, 1720. He directs his body to be put into a poplar coffin coloured black, and to be laid by the grave of his wife in the evening, by candle light, near the font in the chapel of L. Peover. Leaves £400 for endowment of a school, and ,£52 for bread for the poor. (G. W. Marshall, Family of Comberbatch.) Taylour, Jeremiah : son of John Taylour, gent., of Golborne, Lancashire. Born there. School, Winwick, under Mr Gorse, seven years. Age 19. Admitted sizar, March 30, 1665. Surety, IMr Ellys. B.A. 1668-9 : M.A. 1672. Probably scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich" 1672. Ordained deacon (Ely) Sep. 1671: priest (Norwich) Sep. 1672; as curate of Runcton, Norf. Probably vicar of Teynham, Kent, 1681-8: rector of Buckland, do., 1686-8. Died 1688. 426 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Guynne, Rice : son of Rice Guyiine, gent., of Fakenham. Born there. School, Botesdale, Sutlblk, under Mr Ives, seven years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 17, 1665. Tutor, Mr Pepys. Of Fakenham, Norf., Esq. Married Mary, daughter of Anthony Hammond of S. Wootton. Will proved (Archd. Norf.), Ap. 9, 1690. Son of Rice, of 16-10. (F. G.) Marbury, James ; son of James Marbury, rector of Davenham, Cheshire. School, Northwich, five years, under Messrs Colton and Swinton. Age 1 7. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr EUys. B.A. 1668-9 : M.A. 1672. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to L. Day 1670. Perhaps vicar of Over, Cheshire, 1680. Rector of Davenham, do., 1681-1725; succeeding his father. Buried June 19, 1725. (Ormerod, in. 241.) Caton, Thomas : son of Thomas Caton, of Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk. Born at SwalTham. Scliools, Scarning, under Mr Burton, three years ; and Thorpe Abbots, under Jlr Jeruiyne, four years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, under Mr Ellys, July 3, 1665. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich" 1668. Of Thorpe Abbots, Esq. Married Susan, daughter of Luke Constable of Swafl'ham. Buried at Thorpe, Jan. 17, 1705-6. MiCH^ 1665— MiCH^ 1666. Ward, Thomas : sou of Henry Ward. Born at Aveley, Essex. Schools, Beccles and Barsham, Suffolk, under Mr Nuttall, two 3'ears ; and Norwich, under Mr Lovering, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 22, 1665-6. Perhaps scholar, L. Day 1666 to L. Day 1667. *Dade, John : son of Thomas Dade, gent., of Tannington, Suffolk (formerly of the college). Born there. At school, under Mr Crachnall, three j-ears ; and at Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, three years and a half. Age 14. Ad- mitted to the scholars' t.ible, March 12, 1665-6. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1669-70: M.A. 1673: M.D. 1683. Scholar, Mich" 1666 to L. Day 1673. Juniorfellow,L. Day 167-1:: senior, MichM679 to May 26, 1694. Dean, 1679: bursar, 1684-6 : registrar, 1 688-90. Obtained leave to travel for three years, March 28, 1681 ; and again, Nov. 1, 1687. Practised at Ipswich. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Anthonj' Wingfield, of Stonham Aspall, gent. Heir to his brother Thomas, in 1698. Died May 2, 1732. M. I. at Tannington, to him and to his wife. See Thomas, p. 413. Constable, William: son of George Constable, gent., of Ringstead, Norfolk. Born at Hunstanton. Schools, Thornham, under Mr Tod, one year ; and Lj'nn, under Mr Bell, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 29, 1666. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. (Emm.) 1669-70 : M.A. 1684. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich' 1667. Ordained priest (Norw.) June 18, 1671. Vicar of Stanford, Norf., 1673-90. Curate of Sturston in 1675. Rector of Cockley Cley, 1683-91. Rector of Sheringham. Bacon, Edmund, bart. : son of Nicholas Bacon, bart., of Gillingham, Norfolk. M.A. 1669-70. Succeeded his father, as second baronet. Died with- out issue, 1684: buried at Gillingham. (v. Blomef. viii. 10.) Gave to the library the works of Dionysius Halicarnasseus, 1586. Described as aged 14 in the Vis. of 1664. Crew, John : son of John Crew, of Bury St Edmunds. Born there. At school there, under Dr Stevens, eight years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Api-il 17, 1666. Surety, Mr Ellys. 1665— 166G. 427 B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1683. Scholar, Mids'' 1666 to Mich^ 1667. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.), Dec. 17, 1670; as curate of Roughani. Under-master of Rochester school. Vicar of Hartlip, Kent, 1677-1704. Minor canon of Rochester cathedral. Buried in the cathedral, 1704. The father was probably a schoolmaster: his will was proved (P. C. C.) 1684 : "of Bury." *Crayford, Robert : son of Robert Crayford, rector of Grinstead, Sussex (formerly of the College, 1639). Born in Cambridge (bapt. at St Edward's, June 12, 1649). At school there, two years, and at Grinstead, seven years : under his father. Age 16. Admitted pensioner, April 24, 1666. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1669-70: M.A. 1673. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mids-- 1671. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1671 to Mich" 1680. Logic lecturer, 1675. Ordained deacon (Ely) Dec. 1671 : priest (Chich.) Oct. 3, 1675. Vicar of Farningham, Kent, 1678. Rector of Barcomb, Suss., 1683-1709. Vicar of Pevensey, 169.3-1709. Chaplain to Lady Hunsdon. Married Katherine Saywell, of E. Grinstead. Buried at Barcomb, Sep. 21, 1709. (E. H. W. D.) Drury, Waters : son of William Drury, gent., of Downham Market. Born there. At school, under Mr Halfheade, five years ; and at Lynn, under Mr Bell, three year.s. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 25, 1666. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1669-70 : M.A. 1673. Scholar, Mich^ 1666 to Mich' 1673. Ordained deacon (Peterb.) May 25, 1673 : piiest (Chich.) Dec. 21, 1673. Curate of Dickleburgh, Norf., 1673. Vicar of Stow Bardolph, Norf., 1674-1722. Rector of Wimbotsham, 1674-1722. Died 1722. Sayer, John : son of Richard Sayer, gent., of Pulham St Mary the Virgin, Norfolk. School, Eye, under Mr Francis and Mr Browne, two years. Age 21. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, May 17, 1666. Surety, Mr Ellys. Admitted at the Inner Temple, June 29, 1666. Succeeded to his father's estate in 1667. Died Ap. 21, 1677. M.I. to him and to his mother in Pulham church. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) Oct. 26, 1677. He gave to our library the Musewn Wormianum (of Olaus Worm, 1655). Webster, Richard: son of Richard Webster, gent., of Aldeby, near Haddiscoe, Norfolk. Born at Weston, Suttblk. Educated at home, under Mr Margerum ; and at Barsham and Beccles, for seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1669-70: M.A. 1673. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to Mich' 1673. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) March 16, 1673-4; as curate of Aldeby: priest (do.) June 14, 1674 ; as curate of Burgh St Peter. Rector of Gt Poringland, Norf., 1674-84. Rector of BLxley, 1674. Rector of Glemsford, Suff., 1682. Vicar of Poslingford, 1716-22. Married Jane, daughter of Anthony Sparrow, Bp of Norwich. A non-juror in 1690; but afterwards submitted. Buried at Poslingford, Jan. 18, 1721-2. Author: Sermon, 1712. Eglington, Anthony: son of Henry Eglington, gent, of Bawdeswell, Norfolk. School, Seaming, under Mr Burton. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 19, 1666. Age 17. Tutor, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1669-70 (4th out of 14, in the list): M.A. 1673. Scholar, Mids>^ 1667 to Mids"" 1672. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 16, 1673-4; as curate of Foxley, Norf. Warburton, George : (second) son of George Warburton, bart., of (Arley) Cheshire. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 21, 1666. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Migrated to Oxford: matriculated there at Trin. Coll., May 23, 1667. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 23, 1666. Called to the bar, 1673. Of the Gore, in Aston, parish of Budworth, Cheshire. (J. F.) 428 GOXVILLE AXL) CAIUS COLLEGE. Pickering, Julin : sou of John Pickering, attorney at law, of Cucktield, Sussex. Born there. At school there, seven years, under Messrs Rowst, Deane, and Taylour. Age 17. Admitted to the scholai-s' table, June 21, 1666. Suret}', Mr EUys. Migrated to Oxford. Graduated there: B.A. 1670: M.A. 1674. Vicar of Westhara, Suss., 1674. Chaplain to the Bp of Llandaff, 1675. Rector of Tarring Ne^•iIle, Suss., 1675. Deprived as a non-juror, 1690. (E. H. W. D.) King, John : son of John King, M.D., fellow of the College of Physicians, London. Born in London. At school, under 3Ir Dugard, seven years. Age 17. Ad- mitted to the .scholars' table, June 21, 1666. Tutor, Mr Jenkes. M.B. (lit. rey.) Nov. 26, 1670. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to L. Day 1671. Wilcocke, Arthur : son of Arthur Wilcocke, gent., of Crowan, Cornwall. Bom there. School, Great Torriugton, under Mr Lanford. Age 19. Admitted sizar, May 31, 1666. Tutor and suret)-, Mr Basset. B.A. 1669-70. Ordained priest (Exeter) June 2, 1672. Collier, Jeremiah : son of Jeremiah Collier, clerk, of Papworth, Cambs. Bora at Quy (the home of his mother, Elizabeth Smith). School, Ipswich, under his father. First, admitted sizar, June 6, 1666 ; and afterwards, April 10, 1669. Age IS. Surety, :Mr Ellys. The celebrated non-juror. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676. Scholar, Christ' 1669 to Mich'' 1676. Ordained deacon (Ely) Sep. 24, 1676 : priest (Lond.) Feb. 24, 1677—8. Chaplain to the Countess of Dorset at Knowle, Kent. Rector of Ampton, Sutf., 1679-8-5. Lecturer at Gray's Inn, 1685. He lost his preferment at the Revolution, owing tij his political opinions, and was more than once imprisoned. He lived mostly in London, and ministered to a non-juring congregation. Consecrated to the episcopal office in 1713. Died Ap. 26, 1726. Buried at St Pancras, London. Author: Ecclesiastical Dictionary ; and numerous political and religious pamphlets, of which the ' Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage ' is best known, (v. D. N. B.) Lake, Richard : son of William L;ike, clerk, of Little Stoughton, Beds. Born there. School, Kimbolton, Hunts., for two yeare. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 18, 1666. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. (Sid.) 1669-70 : M.A. 1673. Incorporated at Oxford, July 15, 1673. Migrated to Sidney, Oct. 2, 1668; appointed fellow there, b}' roj'al mandate, Jan. 10, 1675-6. University prwlector in philosophy, 1677. Ordained deacon (Line.) 1676 ; licensed for ordination as priest b}' the Abp of Canterbury, 1682. Rector of Avon Dassett, Warw., 1682. A non-juror in 1690. Licensed to marry Elizabeth Clopton, of Islington, Middx., Dec. 24, 1677. Burchall, James: son of Thomas Burchall, butcher, of Swinyard, Cheshire. School, Lough ton, under Mr Ingham, five yeai-s. Age 16. Admitted sizar, under Mr EUj-s, June 21, 1666. B.A. 1669-70. Subscribed for \\o\j orders at Chester, June 5, 1671. Mace, John. Admitted sizar. Halcott, John : (second) son of ^Matthew Halcott, tanner, of Litcham, Norfolk. School, Scarning, under Mr Burton, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 26, 1666. Tutor, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1670-1. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to Mich* 1671. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 10, 1670. Buried at Litcham, Ap. 20, 1682; where he gave a silver communion plate for the church. Monument there, (v. Carthew, ii, 732.) 1666—1667. 429 Grigson, William : son of Robert Grigson, gent., of Hardinghani (bapt. at Reyiuer- stone, Jan. 3, 1649-50). School, Scarning, under Mr Burton, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 26, 1666. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1670-1: M.A. 1674. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to Mids'^ 1674. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) July 1673: as curate of Hardingham : priest (do.) March, 1673-4; as curate of St Mich, at Plea, Norwich. Rector of Morley St Botolph, Norf., 1674-172.5. Rector of Hardingham, 1674-1725. Married Susan, daughter of Miles King, of Hardinghani, gent. Bought the manor of Shadwells in Morley. Died Jan. 17, 1724-5. Buried at Morley. M. I. there, (v. Blomef. ii. 477 ; and Howard's Vis. of Suf., u. 80.) Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 172.5. (F. G.) Mich'* 1666— Mich» 1667. Capell, Gamaliel : son of Gamaliel Capell, D.D., rector of Icklingham, Suffolk. Born at Stanton. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Dr Stevens, two, and under Mr Leeds, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 29, 1666. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich" 1667 to Mich' 1668. According to Davy (Suff. Ped., XIX. 122) he married Hester daughter of Robert Maddocks of Froston, Esq. ; but the dates seem confused. Pedigree in Vis. of Herts., 1634. Bagge, Ralph : son of Francis Bagge, gent., of Cockley Cley, Norfolk. Schools, Swafi'ham, one year, under Mr Harvej' ; and Cambridge, three years, under Mr Griffith. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 7, 1666. Tutor, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1670-1. Scholar, Mids'^ 1667 to Mich» 1672. Seycill (Cecil), William : son of Robert Seycill, gent., of Herefordshire (?Herts.). Born in London. School, Waltham Abbey, under Mr Spratt and Dr Reeve. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 20, 1666-7. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich» 1667 to Mich» 1674. Rector of the college living of St Michael's Coslany, Norwich, 1676-1715. Buried there, Oct. 9, 1715. Will pro\ed (Norw. C. C.) 1715. Maddox, John : son of John Maddox, cai'penter, of Harrow on the Hill. Born at Roxeth, Middlx. School, Harrow, under Mr Hide, three years ; and under Mr Johnson, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 9, 1666-7. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1678. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to Mich" 1674. Staynes, Richard : son of Thomas Staynes, gent., of Thirsk, Yorkshire. At school there, six years, under Messrs Buck and Parkes. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 30, 1667. Surety, Mr Thompson. Scholar, Mich" 1667 to L. Day 1670. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 12, 1669-70. Randall, Humphry : son of Robert Randall, Esq., of Kentisbury, Devon. At school, under Mr Naylour, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mids"' 1667 to Christ" 1669. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 1, 1669 ; and at the Middle Temple, Nov. 4, 1672. 430 GOXVILLE AND CAU'S COLLEGE. Cliichester, Henrj- : son of Henry Chichester, gent., of Slierwell, Devon (bapt. at Marwood, Oct. H, 1650). Schools, Conibuiartin, under Mr Whitty, two years; and Barnstaple, under Mr Hughes, four years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 166". Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1670-1: M.A. 1674. Incorporated" at Oxford, July 13, 1675. Scholar, L. Day 1667 to Mieh^ 1674. Subscribed for priests' orders (Exeter), Sept. 20, 1674. Rector of Berrynarbor, Devon, 1674-1714. Licensed to preach in the diocese, Nov. 12, 1674. Died March 30, 1714: buried at Berrynarbor. Wife Susanna, buried 1710. Brother of Aniias, 1669; and Edward, 1673. Grimes, John : son of John Grimes, gent., of Thetford. Born in Norwich (bapt. at St Pet. Mancroft. Oct, 21, 1649). School, Thetford, under Mr Keene, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 10, 1667. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mids' 1667 to Mich^ 1671. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.), Dec. 23, 1671 ; as curate of Fakenham, Snff. Perhaps \ncar of Kinoulton, Notts., 1675. Kettlewell, John : son of Arthur Kettlewell, goldsmith, of Gatesend, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 18. Admitted .sizar, May 3, 1667. Tutor and surety, Mr Basset. B.A. 1670-1. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to L. Day 1672. Hey, Thomas : son of Christopher Hey, of Watton, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Dec. 21, 1649). School, Seaming, under Mr Burton, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 10, 1666-7. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1670-1. Scholar, Mich^ 1667 to Mids'' 1671. Ordained priest (York), June 9, 1695. Rector of Headon, Notts., 1695-1707. Died 1707. The father was a mercer of Watton : a copper token issued by him is described by Ewing {yorf. Lists, p. 193). Taylour, William : son of William Taylour, gent., of Holme, Norfolk. Born there. School, Moulton, Lincolnshire. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, May 30, 1667. Surety, Mr Bassett. Admitted at Gra}''s Inn, June 3, 1670. Gave to the libraiT the Works of Charles I., 1662. Mazey (Massey), John : son of Henry Mazey; innkeeper of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at Gt St Mary's, Nov. 24, 1649). At school, under Mr Griffith, six years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, May 9, 1666 (sic). Suretj', Mr Ellys. B.A. 1669-70: M.A. 1673. Scholar, L. Day 1666 to Mich" 1671. Rector of Coningsb}', Lines., 1679-82. Buried there, March 31, 1682. Brother of Henry, 1653. Neale, Thomas : son of Thomas Neale, gent., of Saxmundham, SuflFolk. Born at Blj^hburgh. School, Theberton, under Mr Davies, eight years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 17, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. LL.D. {lit. reg.) 1681. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 19, 1668. Of Bramfield, Sufif., Esq. Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Else, Esq., of St Andrew, Ilketshall. "One of the best magistrates of his time": M.I. to him, and to his wife and daughter, in Bh-thburgh church, Suft'. Died, Feb. 17, 1704. Benefactor to the parish (Suckling, ll. 162). *Ward, John: son of Edward Ward, bart., of Bixley, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Jan. 9, 1650-1). Schools, Surlinghaui, under Mr Jewel, three years; and Mendlesham, under Dr Smith, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 23, 1667. Surety, Mr Ellys. 1667. 431 B.A. 1670-1. M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich» 1667 to Mich" 1674. Junior fellow, Mich' 1676 to Mich* 1681. University rhetoric prselector, 1674. Probably ordained priest (Line.) May 29, 1681. Rector of E. Bilney, Norf., 1681-1708. Curate of Ryburgh, 1681. Curate of Bittering, 1 684. Brother of Robert, 1669. Buck, John : son of Samuel Buck, attorney at law, of Wisbecli, Cambs. Born at Burnhani Thorpe, Norfolk. School, Wisbech, under Mr Frisney, eight years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 10, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Wace, Edmund : son of John Wace, gent., of Feltwell, Norfolk. Born there. At school, under Mr Ward, four ; Mr Smith, two ; and Mr Fish, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar. May 31, 1667. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1670-1. M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich' 1670 to Mich" 1674. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 1674, as curate of Hockwold : priest, Feb. 167.5-6. Rector of Bodney, Norf. 1681 : and of Hillborough, 1682-1734. Died, Jan. 16, 1734. M.I. to his wife in HilUsorough church. (Blomef. vi. 115.) Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1734. Brother of John, 1662. Chrowsey (Crowsley), Richard : son of Richard Chrowsey, gent., of Ilkley, York- shire. Born there. At school there, under Mr Cotes, two ; and under Mr Dennison, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 1, 1667. Surety, Mr Thompson. B.A. (Jes.) 1670-1. Migrated to Jesus College, May 2, 1668. Calthorp, Charles : son of James Calthorp, Esq., of East Barsham, Norfolk (formerly of the college; 1619-20). Born there. Schools, Barsham, under Mr Lambe, five years ; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, two years. Age 1 7. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr EUj's. Third son. Died, without issue, Nov. 8, 1677. Buried at E. Barsham. M.I. there. (Davy.) For pedigi-ee, see Calthorp of E. Barsham in Vis. of Norfolk. Knights, William : son of William Knights, gent., of Denny Abbey, Cambs. Born there. School, Impington. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 19, 1667. Age 16. Surety, Mr Kitchingman. Fox, Edmund : born at Saxthorpe, Norfolk. Schools, Holt, under Mr Mazey ; and Walsingham, under Mr Pitts. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 19, 1667. Surety, Mr Robinson. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to his death. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, Dec. 27, 1670. Oates, Titus : son of Samuel Oates, clerk, rector of (All SS.) Hastings, Sussex. Born at Oakham, Rutlandshire. At school, in London (Merchant Taylors), under Mr Mackmillian, one year, and under other masters, for about three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 29, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. This worthy migrated to St John's, but took no degree at Cambridge. As regards his college career, Baker says that his tutor (then Sir John Ellis) told him that Oates " was a liar fi-om the beginning : he stole or cheated his tailor of a gown, which he denied with horrid imprecations." Baker adds that his tutor at St John's said that " he was a dunce, ran into debt, and was sent away." Some further particulars of his early life are given in Adam Elliott's autobiographical sketch. " He and the plague both visited the University in the same year. He was very remarkable for a canting fanatical way conveyed to him with his Anabaptistical education ; and in our Acade- mical exercises when others declaimed Oates always preached " (v. C'aian about Adam Elliott, Vol. ii.). His baptism does not appear in the Oakham register. 432 GOXVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Day, Henry : (seventli) son of Thomas Day, Esq., of Scoulton, Norfolk. Born there. Educated at home, under Jlr Day, two yeiirs ; and at Norwich, under Messrs Farrow and Lo^•erino;, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 9, 1667-8. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1674. Incorporated at 0.\ford, June 21, 1688. Scholar, Mich' 1667 to Mich" 167-4. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1674, as curate of Heigham: priest, Nov. 1674. Vicar of Hunstanton, 1674—1703. Died July 21, 1703; without issue. ]\LI. at Hunstanton. Said to have been a non-juror in 1690 : if so, he must have submitted soon after. Sherive, Christopher : son of Christopher Slierive, of Great Bradley, Suffolk. Born there. Educated privately, under !Mr Burrell. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July 2, 1667. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich'' 1668 to Mich' 1670. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.), Oct. 17, 1670; as curate of Cavendi.sh : ordained priest (Norw.) Sep. 1674, as curate of Kennet, Sutf. Rector of Hawkchurch, Dors., 1676-1727. Died, Jan. 4, 1727-8. Clough, James : son of Gervase Clough, doctor ('medicus'), of Ashton, Lancashire. (Born at Winwick.) School, Winwick, under !Mr Goaret (Gorst), five j-ears. Age 21. Admitted sizar, July 2, 1667. Surety, Mr Bai;ge. B.A. 1670-1: M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to" Mich' 1671. Sub- scril>ed for deacons' orders (Norw ), July 11, 1671 ; as curate of Gt Walsing- ham ; ordained priest (do.), Dec. 24, 1671. Rector of Houghton, Norf., 1671: of Burningham Winter, 1680-1713; and of Suftield, 1686-1713. Died, Dec. 28, 1713. M.I. in Suffield church. Deye (Deave), Oliver : son of Thomas Deye, Esq., of Ho.xne, Suffolk. Born there (bapt. March 26, 1648). School, Eye, under Mr Brown, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, July .5, 1667. Surety, Mr Bagge. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to L. Day 1670. Barrister at law. Died umnarrietl (and intestate, v. Dublin Records) 1686 : buried in Dublin Cathedral (Davy.) Dade, Nathaniel : son of Thomas Dade, Esq., of Tannington. Born there. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 2, 1 667. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to Christ' 1671. See John, 166.5-6. MiCH^ 1667— MiCH^ 1668. Howard, Henry : son of Henry Howard, gent., deceased. Born at Moulton. At school there, under Mr Wickam, eight years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 12, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1671-2: (M.A. 1675). Scholar, Mich' 1668 to Mich' 1675. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Dec. 1675; as curate of Moulton: priest, Feb. 1675-6. Vicar of the college living of Mutford, Suff., 1675-1680. Buried there, Dec. 8, 1680. Glascock, Christopher : son of Christopher Glascock, of Felsted, Essex, school- master. Born in Ipswich. At .school, under his father. Age 1 6. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 15, 1667. Surety, Mr Thorpe. Previously admitted at Emmanuel College, April 30, 1667, under the said Mr Thorpe. B.A. 1670-1. M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich' 1667 to Mich' 1674. The father, master successively at Chipping Ongar, Ipswich and Felsted, for about 40 years, died 1689 ; leaving a manor in Writtle, Essex, to his son Thomas, town clerk of Colchester. His son Christopher was then living. (Morant II. 67.) 1667— 166S, 433 Fair, Samuel : son of Ellis Fair, farmer : of Ovington, Essex. Born at Ashen. School, Felstead, under Mr Glascock, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Oct. 1.5, 1667. Tutor, Mr Thorpe. Previously entered at Emmanuel College, under the said Mr Thorpe, April 13, 1667. B.A. 1670-1 : M.A. 1674. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to L. Day 1671. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 167-1, as curate of Sisland : prie.st, Feb. 27, 1680-1. Vicar of Lit. Waldingfleld, Suff, 1680. Vicar of Gt Finborougli. Vicar of Stowmarket, 1688-1710. " M'' Samuel Farr, Vicar of Stowmarket, and M''' Mary Deynes, married" at Whitton, Nov. 7, 1689. Died, March 13, 1709-10; aged 58. M. I. to him and his wives Susanna and Mary. Ad- ministration granted (Norw. C. C), 1709 : 'of Stowmarket, clerk.' Mott, William : son of Edward Mott, gent., of Caldecot, near Swaffham Market, Norfolk. Born at West Barsham. Schools, Fakenham and Walsingham, under Mr Bisiiop, two years ; Swaffham, under Messrs Harvey and Roberts, three years ; Beecliamwell, under Mr Cooper, one year ; Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years ; and Docking, under Mr Wyndell, nine months. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 15, 1667. Surety, Mr EUys. Brother of Luke, 1670-1. Rolle, Alexander : son of Alexander Rolle, ' jurisconsultus,' deceased. Born at Atherington, Devon (bapt. Dec. 18, 1650). School, Barnstaple, under Mr Hume, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Dec. 10, 1667. Surety, Mr Basset. Probably of Tavistock, Devon, gent. : son admitted at Christ Church, Oxford, 1697. *Green, Christopher : son of Christopher Green, the college cook. Born in Cambridge (baptized at St Botolph's, Feb. 23, 1651-2). At school, under Mr Griffith, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 13, 1667. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1671-2 (9th, out of 17, in the list): M.A. 1675: M.D. 1685. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to L. Day 1674. Junior fellow, L. Day 1674 : senior (by royal mandate, Oct. 3, 1682) Mich" 1682 to Christ" 1688. Held the offices of ethical lecturer, 1676, 79-81 : Greek lecturer, 1688: Imrsar, 1687: steward, 1684-6; and dean, 1682. Regius Professor of Physic, 1700-41. Married, at Hildersham, Cambs., Jan. 21, 1688-9, Susan Flack, of Linton. Died, Ap. 1, 1741. "He died, very aged, at Cambridge, where I remember him, a very tall thin well-looking old man ; excessively well-painted in some pictures I have seen of him, in his D'' of Physic's robes" (Cole, Ath. Cant.). Portrait in the College Hall. The will of his father, " Christopher Green, gent." was proved in the V.-C. Court, Camb., July 2, 1697. Ward, John. B.A. 1667-8. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. IS, 1670: priest (do.) Jan. 5, 1672-3. Rector of Billockby, Norf., 1673-9. Rector of Anmere, 1678-1705. Partington, Thomas : son of Thomas Partington, linendraper, deceased. Born at Little Walsingham, Norfolk. At school, under Messrs Watts and Pitts. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 23, 1667-8. Surety, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1671-2. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to L. Day 1073. Probably buried at Lit. Walsingham, Dec. 5, 1673. Second son: pedigree in Vis. of Norf., 1664. Dawney, John: son of Edward Dawney (formerly of the college, 1634), rector of Salthouse, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Holt, under Mr Mazey, four years; and Norwich, three years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 17, 1667-8. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1671-2: M.A. 1675. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to Mich" 1675. Sub- scribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) Aug. 2, 1675: ordained priest (Ely) C. 28 434 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Oct. 3, 1675. Rector of Roydon, Noi-f., 1675-1704; and of Caston, 1691- 1704. Smith, Edward : son of Edward Smith, minister, of Rotherby, Lincohishire (sic). Born at Hoby, Leicestershire. Schools, Loughborough, under Mr Somervill, seven years; and Melton Mowbraj', under Mr Stoke.s. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 26, 1668. Tutor, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1671-2. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to Mich' 1672. Ordained priest (York) June 11, 1682. Cutclifie, Charles : sou of John Cutcliffe, Esq., of Ilfracombe, Devon. Born at Bishops Tawton. Schools, Ilfracombe, under !Mr Prince, half a year ; Braunton, under Mr Penrowe.s, one year ; Barnstaple, under Mr Humes, half a year ; Tawstock, under Mr Naylour, two j-ears ; Torrington, under Mr Larford, one year; and Tawstock, under Mr Hooper, three years. Age 16. Admitted April 1, 1668, pensioner to the liachelors' table. Tutor, Mr Ellj'S. Prince, William : son of Leonard Prince, minister, of Exeter. Born at Dalwood, Devon. Schools, Ilfracombe, under his father and under Mr Shopley, nine months ; Barnstaple, under Mr Humes, a 3'ear and a half ; and Exeter, under Mr Bradford, one year. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 1, 1668. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1671-2: M.A. 1675. Scholar, Mich" 1668 to Mich" 1675 Sub- scribed for priests' orders (Exeter) Feb. 20, 1675-6. Rector of Clovelly, 1699 ; succeeding Oliver Naylor, of 1646. De Grey, William : son of James De Grey (formerly of the college, 1630), Esq., de- ceased. Born at Merton, Norfolk. School, Thetford, under Mr Keen, about a year. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, April 22, 1668. Surety, Mr Robinson. M.A. {lit. reg.) 1671. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 22, 1671. Resided at Merton. M.P. for Thetfoi-d, 1685. Married Elizabeth, sister and co-heiress of Thomas Bedingfield, of Darsham, Suff., Esq. Buried March 1, 1686-7. (See extracts from his note-books in Xorf. Ant. Misc. in. 81.) Gave to our library Bochart's Geography, 1646. Hobart, James : eldest son of James Hobart, Esq., of Mendham, Suffolk. Born there (Oct. 21, 1652). Schools, Hoxne, under Mr Hall, three years; Diss, under Messrs Barbar and Wales, two years ; and Thorpe Abbots, under Mr Jarmy, one year. Age 17. Admitted fellow-conmioner. Ma}' 2, 1668. Surety, Mr Bagg. Died at Mendham. Buried there, March 31, 1673 ; aged 23. M. I. there. Gave to the library Du Bartas' Divine Weeks, 1641. Punchard, John : son of John Punchard, attorney at law, of Bedingfield, Suffolk. Born there. School, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk, under Mr Jarmy, seven years. Age, over 14. Admitted sizar, Mav 27, 1668. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A 1671-2: ]\I.A. 1675. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to L. Day 1675. Or- dained deacon (Norw.), Dec. 19, 1674 ; as curate of Aspall, Sutt'. : priest (do.) Dec. 1677; as curate of Boyton. Vicar of Ash, SuB'., 1674: rector of Hasketon, 1678-1736: vicar of Sutton All SS., Suft"., 1702. Married Prudence, sister of Stephen Camborne, rector of Lawshall, at Campsey Ash, Jan. 5, 1675-6. Buried at Hasketon, Jan. 14, 1736-7. Will proved (Norw.) 1737. (History of the family in Trans, of Devon Ass. 1893.) Saint John, Henry : eldest son of Walter Saint John, bart., of Liddiard (Tregose), Wilts. Born at Battersea, Surrey. School, Eton, seven years, under Mr Mountague. Age 16. Admitted fellow- commoner. May 29, 1668. Surety, Mr Jenkes. 1668. 435 M.A. (Joh.) 1669; by lit. reg. Incorporated at Oxford, July 13, 1669. D. C. L. (Oxf.) 1702. M.P. for Wootton Bassett, 1679, 81, 85, 89, 90, 98: M.P. for Wilts., 169.5. Created Baron St John, of Battersea, and Viscount St John : father of Henry, Lord Bolingbroke. In 1684 he pleaded guilty to the murder of Sir W. Estcourt, in a sudden quarrel at a supper party ; but obtained a reprieve for £16,000. Died Ap. 1742. (v. Brayley's Surrey, m. 173). Gave to our library Proclus on Plato {Uamh. 1618). Evans, Richard : son of Richard Evans, tailor, of Battersea. Born there. School, Eton, under Mr Mountague, seven years. Age 25. Admitted sizar (' pauper scholaris et mediastinus ') of Mr St John. Tutor, Mr Jenkes. Barber, Robert : son of Thomas Barber, gent., deceased, late of Denver, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Swafi'ham Market, under Mr Half head, two j^ears ; and Thetford, under Mr Keen, three years. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 9, 1668. Surety, the Master. Admitted M.A. ^j?r Jit. reg., 1671. Gave Dugdalo's Baronage of England, 1675, to our library. Died young: not mentioned in the pedigree in Norf. Arch. III. 128. Buried at Denver, Nov. 6, 1677. Will (in Coll. Treasury) dated Nov., 1677, "of Denver, gent." Leaves pro|)erty in Lynn, ifec, to uncle Edward Barber: "10 guineas and my best vyolin to my dear affected friend Mrs Ann Pamplin, of Haddenham." Mentions brother Thomas ; of 1671-2. Essex, Thomas : son of Thomas Essex, rector of Reedham, Norfolk. Born at Wiekhampton. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, four years ; Sisland, under Mr Bell, three months ; Beccles, under Mr Wells, one year ; and Thetford, under Mr Keen, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 22, 1668. Surety, Mr Ellj's. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1677. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to Mich' 1670. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 1673; curate of Reedham: priest, Sep. 1674. Rector of Moulton, 1675. Rector of Beighton, 1675-81. Will of Thomas Essex, rector of Reedham, proved (Norw. C. 0.) 1689. Buxton, Thomas : son of Thomas Buxton (formerly of the college, 1625), gent., of Dickleburgh, Norfolk. Born at Barnham Broom. Schools, Eye, six years, under Mr Browne ; Diss, Dickleburgh, and Thorpe Abbots, under Messrs Barbar, Payne and Jarmy, three years. Age IS. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 26, 1668. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1668 to Mich= 1670. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf., 1664. *Ivory, Edmund : son of John Ivory, painter, of Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at St Edward's, Aug. 9, 1652). At the Per.se School, under Mr Griffith, eight years, except that whilst the plague was raging lie went to Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds. Age 16. Admitted sizar, August 17, 1668. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1672-3 : M.A. 1676. Scholar, Christ' 1669 to L. Day 1674. Junior fellow, L. Day 1674 to L. Day 1681. Ordained deacon (Chich.) Nov. 20, 1674 : priest (Lond.), May 21, 1676. Rector of Bawdeswell, Norf., 1680- 1721. Will proved (Norw.) 1721, "of Billingford." MiCH>* 1668— MiCH^ 1669. Hartstonge, Francis : son of Standish Hartstonge, gent., of Limerick, Ireland. Born in Norwich. Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering, one year ; Limerick, under Mr Smith, three years ; Cork, under Mr Canowell (a Frenchman). Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 10, 1668. Surety, Mr Thorp. Previously admitted at Trinity College, Dublin, April 10, 1668. 28—2 436 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Admitted at the INIiddle Temple, Aug. 10, 1668 : " son and heir of Standish, of Limerick." Gave the Anna/s of Barunius, in 8 vols., and other works, to our library. Brother of John and Standish, of 1676. Will proved 1688. Ludkyn, Christopher : son of Christoplier Ludkjn (formerly of the college, 1633), i\I.D., of Ipswich. Born at SwafFliam Market, Norfolk. At school, under ]\Ir Stevenson, one year; and Thetford, under Mr Keen, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 12, 1668. Surety, Mr Jenny. M.B. 1674. Scholar, Mich^ 1669 to Mids' 1674. Gleen, Rodney : son of Peter Gleen, bart., of Hardwick, Norfolk. Boi-n at Pilton, Somersetshire. School, Moulton, Norfolk, under i\Ir Wickliam, eight years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 10, 1668-9. Surety, JVIr Ellys. Died unmarried : buried at Hardwick. The father was created a baronet, 1665. *Latham, John : son of John Latham, goldsmith, of London. Born there. School, Winwick, Lancashire, under Mr Gorss, five, and under Mr Jones, one year. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Feb. 10, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676. Scholar, Mich^ 1669 to MichM676. Junior fellow (chaplain) Mich' 1676 to Mids' 1677. Logic lecturer, 1676. Ordained deacon (Ely) 1676: priest (do.) 1677. Perhaps vicar of Bedinghaui, Norf. Rector of Etchingham, Suss., 1678-1724. INIarried (1) Mary, daughter of Thomas Stephenson, clerk, Aug. 18, 1685; (2) Elizabeth, widow of William Nowell, clerk, June 18, 1696. Buried at Etchingham, Sep. 7, 1724. (E. H. W.D.) Lowe, Thomas: son of John Lowe, deceased, of Hulme ('Holme'), Lancashire. Born at Ashton. School, Winwick, under Mr Goss, five years; Mr Jones, one year, and jNIr Atkinson, three months. Age 19. Admitted sizar, March 20, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1678. A "Mr Thomas Low, minister, aged about 30," committed suicide, March 30, 1684. (Cheshire Sheaf, iii. 238.) Buxton, Francis : son of Thomas Buxton, of Wjmiondham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Tivetshall, under Jlr Jenny, two years ; and Eye, under Mr Browne, four years. Age 18. Adnjitted sizar, March 23, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3 : M.A. 1676. Scholar, Mich^ 1669 to Mich' 1676. Crusoe, Francis : son of Aquila Crusoe, citizen of Norwich. Born there (bapt. at St Pet. Mancroft, Jan. 27, 1651-2). At school (there), under Mr Lovering, two years, and under Mr Mazey, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 30, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676. Incorporated at Oxford, July 11, 1676. Scholar, Chrisf 1669 to Mich' 1675 : he was nominated by Bp Cosin, as one of the first of his scholars : he calls liim " the grandson of my ancient friend Captain Cruso." Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 1673-4; as curate of St Clement's, Norwich : priest (do.) Feb. 1674-5. Vicar of Calthorpe, Norf., 1675. Rector of Swanton Abbot, 1679. Rector of Mautby, 1698. Married, Nov. 15, 1692, at St Mary Alderraary, London, Anne Moberley. Buried at Mautby, July 3, 1717. First cousin of the nonconformist, Timothy, who was at school with Defoe. Brabbin, William : son of William Brabbin, gent., of the parish of Deane, Lanca- shire. Born there. School, Ljnnm, Cheshire, under Mr Flitgraft, one year ; and Ringley, Lancashire, under Mr Ta3'lor, two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 24, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676. Ordained deacon (Glouc.) : priest (Norw.), Feb. 1674-5. Rector of the college living of Mattishall, Norf., 1676-89. 1668—1669. 437 Chaplain to the Earl of Bridgewater. Died Feb. 2, 1688-9: buried at Mattis- hall. M. 1. there. Brother of Robert, 1671. Wells, Thomas: son of John Wells (formerly of the college, 1630-1), clerk, of Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Diss, under Messrs Barber and Wales, four years; and Tivetshall, under Mr Jermy, one year. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 24, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Blanks. B.A. 1672-3. Scholar, L. Day 1669 to L. Day 1673. Subscribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) May 24, 1673; as curate to hi.s father at Scole, Norf. Berney, Richard : eldest son of Richard Berney, Esq., of Reedham, Norfolk. Born at Plaistow, Essex. Schools, Norwich (private), under Mr Locke, and (public), under Mr Loveringe, two years ; also Lynn, under Mr Bell, two years. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner. Suret}', Mr Ellis. Of Park Hall, Reedham, Esq. Sheriff of Norfolk, 1092. Married Elizabeth, sister of James Cowan, Esq., and had issue. Died Oct. 18, 169.5: buried at Reedham. Will proved (P. C. C.) 1695. (E.G.) Gave Joseph Mede's works, 1663, to our library. First cousin of the next. Berney, Richard : son of William Berney, Esq., of Elsing, Norfolk. Born there. Educated first in his grandfather's house at Elsing, under Mr Winter ; after- wards at school at Norwich, under Mr Lewis, three months ; and at Scarning, under Mr Burton, seven years. Age 16. Admitted to tlie scholars' table, March 6, 1668-9. Surety, Mr Robinson. Scholar, Mich* 1669 to L. Day 1673. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 6, 1672-3. Of Swannington, Norf., Esq. Only son. Died 1675. Buried at Elsing. Will ]iroved (Norw. C. C.) 1675. His mother was a daughter of Thomas Biowne of Elsing. (F. G.) Crawley, John: son of Francis Crawley (formerly of the college, 1627), Esq., of Northaw, Herts. Scliools, Luton, Beds., under Mr Roe, four years ; and St Paul's, London, under Mr Crumleholme. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, April 21, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. Admitted at Gray's Inn, May 19, 1671: "son and heir of Francis, of Someries." He and Joseph Barker gave the works of Sextus Empiricus (1021) to the library, with other bo^)ks. Alston (Allastone), Kdward : son of Joseph Alston, Esq. Born at Chelsea. At school, under Messrs Littleton and Cavey, two years ; and at Brentford (' Branford '), a year and a half under Mr Beverage. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 7, 1669. Surety, Mr Thorpe. Matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Dec. 17, 1670. Of Loughton, Bucks., Esq. Married Mary, daughter of Capt. Thompson. Will pi-oved (P. C. C), May 9, 1099. The father was created baronet in 1681. (E.G.) Brother of Joseph, 1657. *Chichester, Amias : son of Henry Chichester, gent., of Barnstaple, Devon. Born at Marwood. School, Barnstaple, under Mr Humes, four years. Age 16. Admitted May 9, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676: M.D. 1687. Scholar, Mich' 1669 to Mich' 1673. Junior fellow, L. Day 1679 to Mich" 1695. Logic lecturer, 1678-81 : ethical, 1681-7; rhet. pnelector, 1682-7. He was appointed fellow by the master ; on lapse, after non-agreement amongst the fellows. The latter protested that none but Norf. or Suff. men could hold a Frankland fellowship. Chichester was appointed ; but it was agreed not to admit him until the visitors had been appealed to. We have no record of the results of any such appeal. Afterwards lived at Sherwell, Devon. Married Anne Ward, of Coxleigh, in Sherwell. Buried at Sherwell. Will dated Oct. 6 : proved 438 GONYILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. Nov. 12, 1708, by his widow Anne. Brother of Henry, 1667 ; and Edward, 1673. Barker, Joseph: son of Edward Barker, gent., of Wandsworth, Surrey (bapt. Oct. 7, 16-31). Schools, Wandsworth, under Mr Horton, one year; West- minster, under ]\Ir Busby, two years : and Wandsworth, under Mr Crunile- honie, six months. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 20, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. Migrated to St Cath., 1672. B.A. (Cath.) 1674-5: M.A. 1678. One of these names was buried at Wandsworth, Sep. 8, 1676. The father was a great ironmaster. (J. J. M.) Bacon, William : son of AVilliam Bacon, clerk, of Pakefield, Suflblk. Born there. Schools, Pakefield, under ]\Ir Treasure, four years ; Beccles, under ^Mr Busby, two years ; and Norwich, under Mr JIazey, three years. Admitted sizar, May 5, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1672-3: M.A. 1676. Scholar, Christ* 1669 to L. Day 1675. Ordained deacon (Norw.), March 16, 1673-4; as curate of Pakefield: priest (do.), March, 1679-80. Rector of Kirklej^ Sufi"., 1680-97. Rector of the mediety of Pakefield, 1680. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1698. Sparhawk, Samuel : son of Edward Sparhawk, clerk, of Boreham, Essex. Born at Black Notley (bapt. Ap. 30, 1651). School, Felstead, under Mr Glascock, two yeai-s. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 28, 1669. Surety, Mr Thorpe. B.A. 1672-3 : M.A. 1676. Scholar, Mich^ 1669 to Mich* 1676. Ordained deacon (Lond.), May 21, 1676. Vicar of Newnham, Herts., 1676-80. Vicar of Norton, Hert-s., 1679-1739. Rector of Radwell, Herts., 1679-1733. Died in 1739. The father was ejected from Black Notley in 1662. Dyer, Swinerton : son of William Dyer, gent., of Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex. Born in London. Educated first at home under ]Mr Brankard ; then at Felstead school, under Mr Glascock, two years. Age 17. Admitted fellow- commoner, June 8, 1669. Surety, Mr Thorpe. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Ap. 13, 1670. Died young. Gave to our librai-y Aristotle's Uistoria AnimaJium (1619), and the CommentAries of Caspar Barthius (1624). His father was of Heytesbury, and married a descendant of Sir J. Swynerton, Lord ^laj'or of London. Pedigi-ee in Vis. of Middx. 1664. Turner, William : son of Thomas Turner, gent., of Winwick, Lancashire. Born there. School, Ringley, under Mr Taylor. Age 19. Admitted sizar, June 9, 1669. Surety, Mr Thorpe. Perhaps B.A. (Emm.) 1671-2. Hart, James : son of Robert Hart, gent., of Westleigh, Lancashire. School, Ringley, under Mr Taylor, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 10, 1669. Surety, Mr Thorpe. B.A. 1672-3 : M.A. 1676. Scholar, Mich* 1672 to L. Day 1675. One of these names was rector of Ightham, Kent, 1693 to his death, 1724-5. Ward, Robert : son of Edward Ward, bart., of Bixley, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Dec. 12, 1653). Schools, Norwich, under Mr Lovering; Mendlesham, Suffolk, under Dr Smith, three years ; and Norwich, under Mr Mazey, a 3-ear and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 4, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich* 1669 to Mich' 1671. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 2, 1671. ? Steward of Norwich, 1688-90. Died about 1690-1. Brother of John, 1667. Scarburgh, Charles: son of Charles Scarburgh (formerly of the college, 1632-3), knt. ; fellow of the Roj-al CoUege of Physicians. Born in London. Educated at home, under !Mr Jolin More. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the 1669—1670. 439 bachelors' table, Sep. 10, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. (Re-admitted as fellow- commoner, Oct. 5, 1671). M.A. 1674 {per lit. reg.). LL.D. 1681. Incorporated at Oxford, D.C.L. Aug. 27, 1702. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 18, 1670. Servant to Prince George of Denmark : envoy from him to the king of Denmark. Todd, John : son of John Todd, citizen of Norwich. Born tiiere. At school, under Messrs Lovering and Mazey. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 10, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1673-4 : M.A. 1677. Scholar, Cliristn669 to Mich» 1675. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sept. 1675; as curate of Reepham : priest (do.), Aug. 1677. Vicar of St Mary, South Walsham, 1677. Note in parish register: " .semel est calcanda via lethi : fui Todd, hujus ecclesiw quondam vicarius." Mictf 1669— Mich'' 1670. Digby, John : son of John Digby, gent., of Newport (' Newport Pond '), Es,sex. Born there. Schools, Bardtield, under Mr Trot, one year : and Newport, under Dr Edwards, three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Oct. 13, 1669. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1673-4. Scholar, L. Day 1670 to L. Day 1674. Vicar of Harling- ton, Beds., 1693-1717. Peyton, Yelverton : son of Thomas Peyton, Esq., of Rougbam, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Nov. 1, 1669. Surety, Mr Basset. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Nov. 22, 1672. Of Rougham, Esq. Married Hannah, daughter of Sir John Roberts, Ijart., of Bromley. His mother was a daughter of Sir Wm Yelverton. There is a note in Wicken register, Cambs. (where the father was lord of the manor), that he was baptized " at Mr Pej'ton's house, Cambridge," Dec. 24, 1650 ; by the curate of Wicken. (v. Vis. of Suff.) Wilson, Robert : son of Henry Wilson, merchant, of Thirsk, Yorks. Incorpo- rated M.A. 1670; from Sidney College; where he was admitted sizar, June 1663. B.A. (Sid.) 1666-7. Incorporated at Oxford, Nov. 27, 1679. Rector of Holmpton, Yorks., 1684: vicar of Welwick, 1684; and of Drypool, Hull, 1688. (J. Foster.) Warren, John. Incorporated M.A. 1670. From Sidney College. B.A. 1644-5 : M.A. 1648. Reade, Charles (Chs. Crofts) : son of Thomas Reade, Esq., deceased ; of Bardwell, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Keen, two years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, five years. Age 17. Admitted fellow- commoner, Jan. 18, 1669-70. Surety, Mr Ellis. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 1, 1671. Of Bardwell. Knighted, Sep. 26, 1674. Married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Hewitt, of Pishiobuiy, Herts. Died Oct. 9, 1690: liuried at Bardwell: M. I. there. Will proved (P. C. C.) July 1692. (J. J. M.) Reade, Thomas : son of Thomas Reade, Esq., deceased. Born at Bardwell. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Keen, two years ; and Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, live years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 21, 1669-70. Surety, Mr Ellys. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, Nov. 13, 1674.) M.A. (lit. reg.) 1675. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 1, 1671. Died, unmarried, at Nottingham, March 28, 1678. Twin l)rother of the above. " Tani vultu similis ut matri ssepe molestum asset distinguere : tarn animo 440 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. coujunctus ut morbo coatagioso correptus Xottinghame solus et ab omni pro- pinquo remotus mori maluerit quaiii ut fratris salus veniret in periculum " : M. I. at Bardwell. Gave Keble's Statute)- (1676) to the librarj'. Briggs, Thomas : son of — Briggs, citizen of London. Born in London. Schools, Hattield, Herts., under Mr Wilkins, a year and a half; and Saffron Walden, under Messrs Burrows and Ri.x, five yeare. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. U, 1669-70. Surety, Mr John Robinson. Scholar, Mich^ 1670 to Mich* 1672. Browne, John : son of Nicholas Browne, gent., of Norwich. Born there (bapt. at St Pet. Mancroft, June 5, 16.56). At a private school there, under ^Mr Gushing, four years ; and at the public school, under Mr Mazey, three years. Age 14. Admitted Bp of Durham's scholar, March 23, 1669-70. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1673-4: M.A. 1677. Scholar, Christ' 1669 to L. Day 1677. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1677; as curate of Kirstead : priest (do.), June 1679; as vicar of Bedingham. Probably the John Brown, B.A. who received the bishop's license to practice surgery, jNIarch 9, 1674-5. *Warkehouse, William : son of John "Warkehouse, attorney at law, deceased. Born at Sharrington, Norfolk. School, Norwich, under Messrs Lovering and Mazey, five years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Dec. 10, 1669. Surety, Mr Robinson. B.A. 1673-4: M.A. 1677. Scholar, L. Day 1670 to Mich'' 1677. Junior fellow, L. Day 1679 to Mids"^ 1683. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1677 : priest (do.), Dec. 1677. Rector of Swanton Abbot, Norf., 1677. Rector of Lading, 1682-1722. Vicar of Shropham, 1684-1722. Chaplain to the Earl of Lincoln. Licensed by the bishop, Sep. 12, 1713, to practise the arts of physic and surgery in the diocese. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) "of Shropham," 1723. Wragge, Thomas : son of Thomas Wragge, of Barnston, Essex. Bom there. School, Felstead, under Mr Glascock, eight years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 25, 1669-70. Surety, Mr Ellis. B.A. 1673-4: M.A 1677. Scholar, Mich' 1670 to L. Day 1677. Rector of Waldingfield, Su£F., 1675-80. Brother of Christopher, 1673. Andrewes, Oliver : son of Oliver Andrewes, gent., of Sudbury, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Sudbury, under Messrs Weston and Newson, two years ; and Felstead, under Mr Glascock, a j-ear and a half. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 9, 1669-70. Suret}', Mr Thorpe. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Maj' 31, 1671. Died without issue, about 1676. (J. J. M.) Gave the Decreta of Laur. Bochellus (1609) to our library. Loveringe, John : son of John Loveringe, gent., of Collibeare, Tawstock, Devon. Born there. At school there, under Mr Hooper, six }'eai-s. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 28, 1670. Surety, ;Mr Ellys. B.A. 1673-4: M.A. 1677. Scholar, Jlich^ 1670 to Mids^ 1677. Sub- scribed for deacons' and priests' orders (Exeter), Dec. 22, 1677. Vicar of Thomeconibe, Dev., 1680. *Oram, Courtnay : son of Isaac Oram, decease in 1678. *Wortley, Bartholomew ; son of John Wortley, plumber : of Fakenham, Norfolk. Born there. School, Walsingham, under Mr Pitts, five years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July 10, 1671. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1675-6: M.A. 1679. Incorporated at Oxford, July 14, 1684. Scholar, Mich' 1671 to Mich' 1679. Junior fellow, Mich' 1679: senior, Mich' 1681 to Mich' 1706. Gr. lecturer and catechist, 1682 : stewai-d, 1686 : Heb. lecturer, 1690-6: also dean, salarist, and bui-sar, for many years. University taxor, 1687. Ordained priest (Norw.), Nov. 1681. Presented to Weeting, Norf., 1682, but resigned in 1683. Presented to Bratton Fleming, 1671. 445 Dev., 1705 : which he held to his death. Reported to have been a non-juror, and included in the list of those at Cambridge (Cole's MS. xii.) : in a return, however, by the master, dated Oct. 17, 1691, lie is supposed to have then taken the oath, but it was not known where he was living. Died, in extreme old age. May 8, 1749. He was a very important benefactor, leaving by will, dated Ap. 30, 1742, proved (P. C. C.) 1749, property amounting to over £7000, and also estates at Fakenham and elsewhere in Norf., and High Bray and Bratton Fleming, Devon. This was to be employed in founding scholarships and fellowships, and in purchasing livings. £400 was to be spent in casing tlie E. and W. sides of the Gonville Court, and in rebuilding the N. side, and £5 spent annually in a Commenioration Feast on the iSrd of February. Buried at Bratton Fleming. M. I. there. Brabbin (Brabant), Robert : son of William Brabbin, gent., of Hulton, Lancashire. Born there. Schools, Ringley, and Leigh, under Mr Taylor, three years. Age 1.5. Admitted sizar, Sep. 23, 1671. Surety, Mr EUy.s. B.A. 1675-6 (24th, out of 31, in the list): M.A. 1679: D.D. 1702. Scholar, Mich» 1675 to Mich' 1676. Ordained priest (Lond.), Dec. 23, 1677. Rector of Berkhampstead St Pet., 1681-1722. Vicar of Kernel Hempstead, 1686-1701. Preb. of Lincoln, 1688: of St Paul's, 1688; and of Worcester, 1708. Chaplain to the Queen. Died at Berkhampstead, Ap. 21, 1722. M. L there. Brother of William, 1668-9. MiCH^ 1671— MiCH^ 1672. Claxton, Maurice: son of Hammond Claxton (formerly of the college, 1637), gent., of Livermere, Suffolk. Born there. School, Thetford, under Mr Keene. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 14, 1671. Suretj', Mr Ellys. Bj' his father's will, proved (P. C. C), Dec. 4, 1673, he inherited £80 per annum, out of farms in Suffolk, whilst at Cambridge ; and lands in Kent. (J. J. M.) Buried at Livermere, July 19, 1687. M. I. to him and to his wife Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Felton, bart. Gave to our library the works of Drexel, 1658. Pedigree in Viti. of 1664. Hooper, Nicholas : son of Nicholas Hooper, gent., of Braunton, Devon. School, Barnstaple, under Ds Humes and Ds Allanson, five years. Age 17. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 6. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, L. Day 1672 to L. Day 1674. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Dec. 29, 1671. Serjeant at Law, and bencher. Knighted 1713. M.P. for Barnstaple, 1695-1715. Of Fulbroke, Ralegh manor, in Pilton ; and of Barn- staple. Died May 16, 1731. His two sons died without issue, and his daughter, who married John Basset, inherited his estates. His house in Barnstaple is now the Golden Lion. Pedigree in Vis. of Dev., 1564 and 1572. (C W.) Stephens, Lewis : son of Lewis Stephens, gent., of Braunton, Devon. Born there. School, Barnstaple, under Ds Humes and Ds Allanson, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Nov. 6, 1671. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1675-6 (11th, out of 31, in the Hst). Scholar, L. Day 1672 to Christ' 1678. Incorporated at Oxford, Feb. 26, 1677-8. M.A. (Oxf.) 1678. Fellow of Exeter College, 1678-80. Signed for deacons' and priests' orders (Ex.), Sep. 22, 1677. Vicar of Treneglos and Warbstow, Cornw., 1678-85. Vicar of Menheniot, 1685-1724. Married Rachel, daughter of Rev. Oliver Naylor, preb. of Exeter. Died Jan. 1, 1724—5. Buried at Menheniot. Said to have been a good botanist, and to have left a MS. account of the " Rare plants in Cornwall." (Bibl. Corn.) 446 nONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Barber, Thomas : son of Thomas Barber, gent., of Denver, Norfolk. Schools, Denver, under Mr Halfhead ; Ely, under Ds Ciiattwick, two years ; Eton College, under Mr Montague, six years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 31, 1671-2. Tutor, Mr Basset. B.A. 1675-6 (13th, out of 31, in the list): M.A. 1679. Scholar, L. Day 1672 to Mids' 1678. Junior fellow, Alids'' 1678 to Mids' 1680: vacated, July 10, bj- his marriage with Mary, daughter of Robert Marsh, of Had- denham. Buried Jan. 7, 1687-8. Pedigree in Vis. of Xorf., 1664. Brother of Robert, of 1668. Gunn, Richard : son of Richard Gunn : of Lewes, Sussex. At school there, under Mr Stafford. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 26, 1672. Surety, Mr Robinson. Admitted at the Middle Temple, July 1, 1674: "second son of Richard of Patcham." His mother left him the manor of Middleham in Ringmer, Sussex. Kidd, John : son of John Kidd, maltster, of Lynn. At school there, under Mr Bell. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 4, 1672. Surety, the chaplain, Mr Melsop. B.A. 1675-6. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Mich' 1678. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1683: priest (do.). May 30, 1686; as curate of All SS., Lj-nn. Rector of Ashill, Norf., 1687-1729. Died June 16, 1729. M. L at A.sliill. {Blomef. II. 350.) Wilkin, Thomas ; son of John Wilkin, gent., of North Pickenham, Norfolk. Born at IMildenhall, Suffolk. Schools, Swafl'hani, under Ds Needham ; and Seaming, under Mr Burton. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, May 1, 1672. Tutor, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1675-6: M.A. 1679. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Mich' 1678. Ordained deacon (Lond.), Sep. 23, 1677 : priest (do.), May 10, 1680. One of these names was rector of Sporle and Palgrave, 1682-90 (said, in Consig. Bk., 1686, to ha^•e been ordained priest at Norwich, March 7, 1679-80). Will proved, 'of Sporle' (Norw. C. C.) 1690. Burges, Thomas : son of Christopher Purges, of Colkirk, Norfolk. School, Burling- ham, under Mr Hastings, and Scarning, under ]\Ir Burton. Age 18. Ad- mitted sizar, June 11, 1672. Tutor, Mr Bagg. B.A. 1675-6. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Mich' 1676. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Dec. 1677, as curate of Scarning: i)riest (do.), Sep. 1681. Vicar of Heacham, 1681-1694. Rector of Stanfield, Norfolk, 1694-1703. Wayte, Thomas: son of Laurence Wayte, husbandman, of Millington ('Milton'), Yorkshire. Born there. Schot)!, Ilkley, under Mr Hustler. Age 18. Ad- mitted sizar, June 14, 1672, under Mr Basset. B.A. 1675-6. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Mids"' 1674. Ordained deacon (York), Sep. 24, 1676. Vicar of Weston, Yorks., 1677. White, John : son of John White, gent., deceased. Born at Newark. At school there, under his brother, Ds White. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 1672, under the chaplain, Mr Melsop. B.A. 1675-6: M.A. 1683. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mids'' 1675. Ordained deacon (York), Feb. 20, 1675-6: priest (do.). May 20, 1676. Shepherd, George : son of Hugh Shepherd, husbandman. Born at Sutton, Notts. At school there, under Mr Raj'ner, four years, and under Ds Payr, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, under Mr ^lelsop, June, 1672. B.A. 1675-6. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Christ' 1676. Bound over in £100 to the sessions for dangerously wounding Thomas Newton, yeoman; 26 Ch. II.: "giving him divers blows on the eye." (MS. vi. 13. Univ. Registry.) 1672—1673. 447 Browne, William : son of Richard Browne, gent., of Runcton Holme, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Wisbech, under Mr Fresny, and Newcastle, under Mr Garthwaite. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 10, 1672. Tutor, Mr Basse tt. B.A. 167.5-6 : M.A. 1679. Scholar, Mich' 1672 to Christ' 1677. Poole, Stephen : son of Stephen Poole, minister, of Reymerstone, Norfolk. Born at Mendlesham, Suffolk. At school, first under his fatlier; then at Norwich (private school), under Mr Cory. Age 17. Admitted sizar. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1676-7. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to L. Day 1678. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 1677, as curate of Hinghani Burgh: priest (do.), March 1679- 80. Vicar of Earlliam, 1679-1683. Rector of Crownthorpe, 1689-1703 ; and of Garvestone, 1683-1703. Died Nov. 23, 1703. *Halle, Matthew : son of Matthew Halle, chandler, of Yarmouth. Born there (bapt. Mar. 21, 1657-8). School, Feltwell, Norfolk, under Mr Fish, two years; and Melton, under Mr Ward, three years. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 5, 1672. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1676-7: AI.A. 1680. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to Mich' 1678. Junior fellow, Mids"' 1680 to Mich' 1680. Perhaps afterwards a Romanist. See Mollineux's Foperi/ exposed. .Alls. (B. Mns. 4152b.) Wetherley (Witherly), Thomas : son of Thomas Wetherly, M.D., of London (formerly of the college, p. 312). Born at Little Walsingham, Norfolk (bapt. Dec. 16, 1656). At St Paul's School, under Mr Cromleholme. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table, Aug. 8, 1672. Tutor, Mr Robinson. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to L. Day 1675. Brother of Hammond, 1670. Will of one of these names, 'of Beighton, gent.,' proved (Norw. C. C.) 1693. MiCH^ 1672— MiCH^ 1673. Hare, Thomas : bart. ; son of Ralph Hare, of Stow Bardolpli, Norfolk. Born there. Scliools, Denver, under Mr Sanderson ; Thetford, under Mr Keen ; and Cambridge, under Mr GriiEth. Age 14. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 17, 1672. Surety, the Master, Dr Brady. M.A. 1673-4. Succeeded as baronet, 167l. Married Elizabeth, daughter of George Dashwood, Esq., of Hackney ; and had issue. M.P. for Norfolk, 1685-8. He was godson of Dr Brady, master of the college, and is mentioned in his will. Died Jan. 1, 1693-4. Buried at Stow Bardolph. Kedington, Henry: son of Robert Kedington, gent., deceased: of Rushford, Norfolk. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Keen, four years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, two years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 5, 1672. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, L. Day 1674 to Mich' 1674. Of Hockham, Esq. Admitted at Gray's Inn, 1674: "son and heir of Robert, of Hockham." Married Margaret, daughter of Robert Buxton, of Tibbenham. Died March 21, 1703: buried at Wilby. Half-brother of Giles, 1657. Robinson, John : son of Roger Robinson, gent. Born at Elsing, Norfolk. Schools, Elsing, under Mr Robinson, five years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton. Age 17. Admitted sizar, under Mr Robinson, fellow of the college, Jan. 11, 1672-3. B.A. 1676-7: M.A. 1680. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to Mich' 1678. Or- dained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1677; as curate of Hockering : priest (do.), June 14, 1679. Usher of Norwich Grammar School, 1686-1700 ; when having accepted Reepham, and declined to resign, he was removed. There is an appeal by him in Latin {Tanner MS. 137) to the Court of Arches, Nov. 14, 448 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. 1700, on his license being recalled bv the bishop. Rector of St Augustin, Norwich, 1688-1700. Rector of Reepham St Mary, 1700-23. Died Aug. 26, 1723. Buried at Reepham. M. I. there to him and his wife Martha. Calthorpe, Raynolds : son of James Calthorpe, gent., of Ampton, Suffolk (born tliere, 1655). School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, four and a half years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 31, 1672-3. Tutor, Mr EUys. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 3, 1674. Of Elvetham, Hants., Esq. M.P. for Hindon, Wilts., 1698 and 1701. Married (1) Priscilla Knight of Chawton, Hants., widow: (2) Hon. Barbara Yelverton, daugliter of Viscount Longueville, 1715. Buried at Elvetham, Ap. 26, 1720. M. I. there. His father was knighted by Oliver Cromwell, (v. N'orf. Arch. ix. 170.) Brother of Charles, 1667. Barker, Christopher : son of William Barker, gent., of Topcliffe, Yorkshire. At school, under Mr Hurwood, three years ; at Sunderland, Durham, under Mr S3-mpson, and at Pittington Hall Garth, under Mr Thompson, two years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, under Mr Ellys, Feb. 3, 1672-3. Scholar, Mich^ 1673 to Mich' 1674. Van de Benide, John : son of Abraham Van de Bemde, Esq., of Westminster. Schools, Westminster under Dr Busby, one }-ear ; ('Hend'), Henndorf?, Transylvania, under father Gesbar, a year and a half ; Walsingliam, Norfolk, under Mr Pitts, three years ; and Chelsea, under Ds Swondam, two years, &c. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the baclielors' table, under Mr Ellys, March 10, 1672-3. (Re-admitted as fellow-commoner, June 27, 1673.) Admitted at Gray's Inn, Aug. 6, 1670. Strengthfield, Thomas : son of Thomas Strengthfield, citizen of London. At school, under his father first ; afterwards under ISIr Moore, two years ; and at St Paul's, under Mr Crumblin, one year. Age 17. Admitted sizar, under Mr Thorpe, Feb. 6, 1672-3. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to L. Day 1674. Fisher, Edward : of Shernbourn, Norfolk ; son of Robert Fisher, merchant of that place, deceased. School, Lynn, under ]\Ir Bell, four years. Age 16. Ad- mitted sizar, under Mr Bassett, April IG, 1673. B.A. 1676-7. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to Mich^ 1680. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 1680: priest. May 1681. Wragg, Christopher: son of Thomas VVragg, gent., of Ugley, Esse.x. Born in the parish of St James, London. School, Felstead, seven years, under Mr Glas- cocke. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 25, 1673. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1676-7: M.A. 1680. Ordained deacon (Lond.) t^eb. 24, 1677-8: priest (do.), May 26, 1678. Probably rector of Lit. Wigborough, Essex, 1686-90; and brother of Thomas, of 1669-70. (The dissenting minister of these names was probably of Jes. Coll., B.A. 1636; and the ^^ca^ of Hen- ham, Essex, of Cath. Hall.) Wace, James: son of James Wace, clerk, deceased (? formerly of the college, 1635); of Burlingham, Norfolk. Born there (bapt. Nov. 24, 1655). School, Walsing- liam, under Mr Pitts, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 28, 1673. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1676-7. Scholar, L. Day 1674 to Christ' 1678. Ordained deacon (Norw.), 1678, as curate of Thurton, Norf. : priest (do), Dec. 1679. Rector of Filby, Norf., 1682-1722. Married Ann, daughter of Thomas Weld, gent. Died May 25, 1722. M. T. at Filby. Will proved (Norw. C. C), 1722. 1673. 449 Grey, Samuel : son of Edmund Grey, barber, of Norwich (bapt. at St Peter's Mancroft). Schools, Norwich (private) under Mr Cushen, one year; and (public) under Mr Mazey, four years. Age 17. Admitted .sizar, May 22, 1G73. Surety, Mr Halman. B.A. 1676-7: M.A. 1681. Scholar, Mich» 1673 to L. Day 1677. Or- dained priest (Norw.), Sep. 1677, as curate of Winterton. Perhaps rector of Caston, 1679-81 ; when he died. But of the same name, and by the .same patron, was the rector of Rockland Tofts, 1679-1710, when he was deprived (Blomef. I. 476 : ii. 283.) Bacon, Francis : son of Francis Bacon, Esq., of Norwich. Born at Ditchingham, Norfolk. Schools (private), under Mr Stinnett, one year ; Eye, Suffolk, under Mr Browne, a year and a half ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, March 18, 1672-3. Tutor, Mr Robinson. Pedigree in Vis. of Norf. of 1664. The father is described as "of Norwich and Attleborough." Blackman, Lucius : son of Jeremiah Blackman, gent., of ' Wulwick,' Middlesex. Born there. Schools, Scarning, under Mr Burton, three years ; and Massing- ham, under Mr Short, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Aug. 14, 1673. Tutor, Mr Bassett. Luke Blackman, of N. Creake, was admitted at the Inner Temple, Jan. 22, 1674-5. *Schouldham, Francis : son of Nathaniel Schouldham, Esq., deceased; late of Kettle- stone, Norfolk. Born at Croxton. Schools, Walsingham, under Mr Pitts, three years; and Scarning, under Mr Burton. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 16, 1673. Surety, Mr Ellys. (Re-admitted, 1676, March 29.) LL.B. 1681. Scholar, Mich" 1676 to Mich^ 1681. Junior fellow, L. Day 1682 to Mids"^ 1683. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, June 9, 1683. Brother of Robert, 1670. Colven, William : son of William Colven, clerk : of Askrigg, Yorkshire. Born there. Schools, Bainbridge, under Mr Mottley, four years ; and Sedbergh, under Mr Fell, two years. Age 20. Admitted, Aug. 16, 1673. Tutor, Mr Basset. Previously admitted at Trinity College, Dublin, Feb. 25, 1671-2. MiCH^ 1673— MiCH^ 1674. Chichester, Edward : son of Henry Chichester, Esq., of Coxleigh, Sherwell, Devon. Born at Marwood. School, Barnstaple, under Mr Humes, four years ; and Sherwell, under Mr Remphrey, two years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Oct. 2, 1673. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1673 to L. Day 1676. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 13, 1675. Died young. Brother of Henry, 1667; and Aniias, 1669. Bedingfield, Richard ; son of Richard Bedingfield, brewer, of Newmarket, Suffolk. Born there. Schools, Bradley, under Mr Billingsley, five j'ears; and Cheveley, under Mr Westgate, half a year. Age 15. Admitted sizar. Tutor, Mr Basset. Scholar, Mich" 1674 to L. Day 1677. Billings, John : son of Edward Billings, druggist, of Lynn. Schools, Scarning, under Mr Burton, two years; and Lynn, under Mr Bell, four years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Jan. 23, 1673-4. Surety, Mr Basset. B.A. 1677-8. Scholar, Mich" 1674 to L. Day 1680. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1681. c. 29 450 ooxviLi.E Axn caius college. Dade, Francis : son of Thomas Dade, Esq., of Tannington, Suffolk. Bom there. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Leeds, eight 3-ears. Age 15. Admitted to the scholars' table. Jan. 26, 1673-4. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1677-8 (26th, out of 27, in the list): M.A. 1681. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mich'' 1681. Ordained deacon (Norw.), Sep. 1683: priest (do.). May 1684. Vicar of Bramford, Sutf. ; and of Bailhani, 1692 — 1722. Married Sarah, daughter of AVilliam Lodge, of NettlesteiKl, Esq. His father left him by will, 1684, his lands in Cranford, and his divinity books. Died June 8, 1722: buried at Bramford. (J. J. M.) See John, 1665-6. Harrison, Allington : son of Henry Harrison, D.D. (formerly of the college, 1628), of West Wickham, Cambs. Born there. Schools, Walden, Essex, under Mr Burrowes, three years; and Bury, under Mr Leeds, four years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 27, 1673-4. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1677-8 (15th, out of 27, in the list). Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mich" 1679. Ordained deacon (Ely), Dec. 21, 1707: priest (do.), Feb. 9, 1707-8. Rector of West Wickham, Cambs. Married Eleanor Warner, of Sudbury. Died May 2, 1731. *Burgate, John : son of Robert Burgate, late butler of King's College, Cambridge. Born there (bapt. at St Edward's, June 10, 1659). At the school of that college, under Mr Wroth, four years ; and at the Perse School, under Mr Griffith. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Feb. 4, 1673-4. Surety, Mr Ellvs. B.A. 1677-8: M.A. 1681. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1683. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to L. Day 1678. Junior fellow, L. Day 1678 to Christ' 1683. Ordiiined priest (Line), Sep. 23, 1683. Probably vicar of Eye, Suffi, 1698-1724; and rector of Lit. Thorpe, Norf., 1723-4. Died 1724. WUl proved (Nor*v. C. C.) "of Eye," 1724. Gauden, Gierke : son of Dionj'sius Gauden, knt. : of Clapham, Surrey. Educated first at home, under Mr Talents, three years ; afterwards under Mr Martyn, two years ; and at Eton College, under the said Mr Martyn, then an under- master there, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted, Feb. 17, 1673-4. Tutor, Mr Jeukes. (The father was a brother of the Bp of Exeter ; v. D. N. B. ) Admitted at tlie Inner Temple, July 26, 1676. Gave Piso's Natural and Medical History of India to our library. Sutton, Thomas : son of Cleer Sutton, husbandman, of Wilton, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Feltwell, under Mr Fish, and under Mr Parseley, five years ; and Thetford, under Mr Keen, one year. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 7, 1673-4. Surety, Mr Tyrrell. Newhouse, John (Jonathan) : son of Jonathan Newhouse : citizen and woollen- draper of Norwich. Born there (in St Stephen's parish). Schools, Norwich (private), under Mr Cushion; (public), under Mr Maze}', three years; and Great Melton, under Mr Ward. Admitted sizar, April 1, 1674. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1677-8 : M.A. 1681. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mich' 1678. Ordained deacon (Norw.), May 1678; as curate of Wickmer : priest (do.), Feb. 1680—1. Rector of Beighton, Norf., 1681 : of Fishley, 1690. Vicar of Upton, Norf., 1690-8. Curate of Hemblington, 1700-3: and of Lingwood, 1702-4. Died about 1721. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) "of Beighton," 1722. Doughty, Robert: son of William Doughty (formerly of the college, 1632), gent., of Hanworth, Norfolk. Born in Norwich. Educated privately, under his uncle, and Mr Topclifle, fellow of the college, seven years. Age 17. Ad- mitted fellow-commoner, Maj- 28, 1674. Surety, Mr Topcliffe. Of Hanworth, Esq. Heir to his uncle, Robert Doughty. Married Hester, daughter of Adrian Payne (?Patteson), alderman of Norwich. Died 1747. ] 674. 451 *Bagge, Simon : son of Simon Bagge, gent., of Cockley Cley, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Swaffham, under Mr Needham, three j'ears ; and the Perse School, Cambridge, under Mr Griffin, live years. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Bagge. B.A. 1677-8: M.A. 1681. Scholar, MichM 67 4 to MichM681. Junior fellow, L. Day 1684 to L. Day 1686. Logic lecturer, 1681-2. Coppinger, Henry: .son of Henry Coppinger, Esq., of Bury St Edmunds. Born at Buxhall, Suffolk (July 2, 1654). School, Bury, under Mr Leeds. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 7, 1674. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Migrated to St John's, 1675. Admitted at Gray's Inn, July 26, 1676. Lord of the manor of Buxhall. Married Sarah by whom he had one daughter. (Davy.) Died 1693. Will proved (P. C. C.) Jan. 9, 1693-4. Edwards, Thomas: son of William Edwards, clerk (Edmunds? vicar of Taplow). Born at Taplow, Bucks. Educated at home, and at Harrow on the Hill, under Mr Home. Age 19. Admitted sizar, July 15, 1674. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1678-9: M.A. 1683. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1685. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mich' 1680. Perhaps the Thomas Edwards who gave to our library Studio di Pittura del Titi, 1686, dated at Rome, 1699. One of these names was vicar of Newnham, Herts., 1680-84. *Richards, John : son of Solomon Richards : gent., of Clonmell, Tipperary. Schools, Wexfoi'd, live years ; and ' Reding,' under Mr Gestwicke, three years. Age 19. Admitted, July 23. Surety, Mr Basset. M.B. 1680-1 : M.D. 1696. Scholar, Mich^ 1674 to Mich' 1680. Junior fellow, Mich' 1680 to Christ' 1690: — he was appointed, by lapse, by the Master. Rhet. prselector, 1682-3. Sotheby, John : son of John Sotheby, "J. C. (jurisconsultus) et Buriensis oppidi a memoria." At school there, under Mr Walker, five years ; and under Mr Leeds six years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner, Aug. 29, 1674. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1674 to Mich' 1676. Probably died young: not mentioned in his father's will, dated 1683, proved at Bury, March 1, 1720-1. The father, barrister-at-law, entered his pedigree in the Vis. of Suff'., 1664. (J. J. M.) Mich'* 1674— Mich'' 1675. Branthwaite, Thomas : son of William Branthwaite (formerly of the college, 1653), Esq., of Hethel, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Swerdeston, undei' Mr Marje- rom, eight years ; Hethel, under Mr Allen, three years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, one year. Age 16. Admitted fellow-commoner, Oct. 29, 1674. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 5, 1676. Died March 6, 1676-7. M.I. at Hethel. Brother of Arthur, 1675; John and William, 1683; Richard, 1688; and Berney, 1698. Joyner, William : son of Robert Joyner, druggist, of Hingham, Norfolk. Born there. At school, under Mr Poole, half a year ; at Wymondham, under Mr Morphew, a year and a half ; and at Scarning, under Mr Burton, two years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Nov. 17, 1674. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1682. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Mich' 1681. Prince, John. Incorporated from Oxford, 1675. Son of Bernard Prince. Born at Axminster, 1643. Matriculated at Brasenose, July 13, 1660. B.A. (Oxf.), 1664: M.A. (Camb.), 1675. Curate of Bideford, Dev., 1669; and of St Martin's, Exeter, 1669-7.5. Vicar of Totnes, 1676 : re.signed 1681. Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, 1681-1723. Died Sep. 9, 1723. M.I. at Berry Pomeroy. Author f.f IVorthief! of Devon, 1701. (v. D. N. B.) 29—2 452 OOXVII.LE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. Austine, Samuel : son of Henry Austine, citizen and dyer of Norwich. Bom there. At school, under Mr Corey, one year ; and at the public school, imder Mr Mazey, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 7, 1674-5. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Blankes, John : son of Christopher Blankes, clerk (formerly of the college, 1640). Born at Yelverton, Norfolk. Educated first under his father ; afterwards at school, under Mr Cushion, a year and a half ; and under Mr Mazey, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table. Tutor, Mr Ell vs. B.A. 1678-9: M.A. 1682. Scholar, Mich= 1675 to Christ^ "l681. Or- dained deacon (Norw.), Oct. 1682. Tumor, John : son of Edmund Tumor, bart. (knight), of Stoke Rochford, Lincoln- shire. Born there. Educated first under Mr Adamson, five years, then under Mr Peters, two years. Age 15. Admitted feUow-commoner, Feb. 5, 1674—5. Surety, Mr Peters. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Jan. 4, 1675. Married Diana, daughter of Hon. Algernon Cecil. F.R.S. 1702. Devoted to the study of Mechanics. Died at Bath, July 10, 1719 : M.I. in the Abbey Church. Hall, Henry : son of Henry Hall, Esq., of Greatford, Lincolnshire. Born at Easton. At school at Grantham, under Mr Walker, five j-ears ; afterwards, under Mr Peters, a year and a half. Admitted fellow-commoner. Tutor, Mr Peters. Lommax, Nathaniel : son of Thomas Lommax, gent., deceased, of Heaton, Lancashire. Born there. Schools, Eccles, under Mr Atkinson, two years ; and Chowbent ('Yow-bent'), under Mr Taylor, three months. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 12, 1674-5. Surety, Mr Ellys. A Nathaniel Lomax, clerk, married Deborah Rogers, at Stockport, Oct. 13, 1681. (E. A.) Maris, Richard : son of Richard Maris, of Gresham, Norfolk, harness maker. Born there. Schools, Holt, under Mr Bainbrigg, four years, and Aylsliam, under Mr Ransome, three years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, April 16, 1675. Surety, Mr Halman. B.A. 1678-9. Scholar, Mich" 1675 to Christ" 1679. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 1679; priest (do.), Oct. 1682. Brittiffe, Harbord ; son of Simon Brittift'e (formerly of the college, 1641-2), Esq., of Cley, Norfolk. Born there. Schools, Hindringham, under 'Mr Peaitree, two years : and Holt, under Mr Bainbrigge, five }'ears. Admitted fellow- commoner, April 17, 1675. Tutor, !Mr Halman. Glemham, Charles : son of Sackville Glemham, knt., of Glemham, Suffolk. Bom there. School, Campsey Ash, under Mr Stubbing, five years. Age 15. Ad- mitted to the scholars' table, April 20, 1675. Tutor, Jlr Spencer. B.A. 1678-9 : M.A. 1682. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Mich" 1682. (v. Dennis, p. 455.) Ordained deacon (Norw.), Dec. 1682. Vicar of Lit. Glemham, 1684. The father (son of Sir Thomas) was knighted in the field, at the pursuit of Essex's army, Sep. 1, 1644. *Booth, Edmund : son of John Booth, citizen and weaver, of Norwich. Born there. At school, for six years, under Mr Mazey. Age 16. Admitted sizar, April 21, 1675. Suret}', Mr Basset. B.A. 1678-9: M.A. 1682. Scholar, Mich" 1675 to Mich" 1680. Junior fellow (chaplain), Mich" 1G80 to Mids^ 1682. Ordained deacon (Norw.), July, 1682. Vicar of the college living of Foulden, Norf., 1682-1702: and of Goodeston, 1682-1702. Buried at Foulden, July 2, 1702. 1675. 458 Springall (Springold), Thomas : son of John Sprhigall (foruieily of the college, 1633), geut., of Blakeney, Norfolk. Born at Sherringham. Schools, Blakeney, under Mr Wells, a year and a half ; and Holt, under Mr Bainbrigg, six years. Age 19. Admitted to the scholars' table, 1675. Surety, Mr Halman. B.A. 1678-9. Scholar, Mich» 1675 to Mich« 1682. Ordained deacon (Norw.), May 1681 : priest (do.), Sep. 1681. Rector of Strumpshaw and Bradeston, Norf., 1681-1718. Will proved (Norw. C. C), 1718. *Goddard, John : son of Amos Goddard, deceased, of Wiggenhall St Mary, Norfolk. Born there. School, Lynn, under Mr Bell, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, April 23, 1675. Surety, Mr Basset. B.A. 1678-9 (21st, out of 27, in the list): M.A. 1682. Incorporated at Oxford, July 10, 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Christ^ 1680. Junior fellow, Christ' 1680: senior, Christ" 1688 to L. Day 1710. Logic lecturer, 1684-7 : Greek, 1689 : steward and dean, 1689-93. Moderatoi-, 1686. Ordained priest (Norw.), Sep. 1683. Said to have retired to Lynn for some years before his death. Will proved (V. C. Court), Ap. 27, 1710. Left lands in Wiggen- hall to his sister Elizabeth Drury and her heirs, they to pay £100 to the college for books for the library. Shelton, Robert : son of Maurice Shelton, Esq., of Thetford, Norfolk. Born at Norton, Norfolk. Schools, Thetford, under Mr Keene, five years ; and Norwich, under Mr Mazey, two years. Admitted to the scholars' table, April 28, 1675. Tutor, Mr EUys. M.B. 1680. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Mich' 1680. Third son. Died in college: buried at St Michael's, May 12, 1682. Biddell, Anthony: son of Thomas Biddell, gent., of Nynehead, Somerset. Born there. School, Langford Budville, under Mr Crofts, one year ; and Milverton. Admitted sizar under the care of Mr EUys, April 29, 1675. B.A. 1678-9. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Mich" 1680. Rector of Frome St Quintin, Dorset, 1693-1703. Died 1703 : buried at Frome. Butler, Robert: son of Edward Butler, druggist, of Edgefield? ('Edgehill'), Norfolk. Born at Aylsliam. School, Holt, under Mr Bainbrigge, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, May 14, 1675. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1678-9. Scholar, Mich' 1675 to Mich" 1679. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 1679 : priest (do.), Sep. 1681. Norris, Thomas : son of John Norris (formerly of the college, 1640), Esq., J. C. (1 jurisconsultus), of Norwich. School, Seaming, under Mr Burton, six years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 18, 1675. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, May 19, 1677: "son and heir of John, of London." Died young, without issue. Berney, Richard: son of Thomas Berney (formerly of the college, 1637), bart., of Norwich. Born in Colchester. School, Norwich, under Mr Home. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner. May 19, 1675. Surety, Mr Ellys. Succeeded as third baronet, 1693. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 21, 1678. Resided at Kirby Bedou. Married Dorothy, daughter of William Branthwaite, Esq. Died, May, 1706. Will proved at Norwich. Succeeded by his son, Richard, of 1705. Brother of Thomas, 1680; William, 1684-5; and Henry, 1689-90. 454 GOXVILLE AND OAIUS COLLEUK. Helder, Richard, alias Spicer : son ot W lUiaiii Helder, gent., of Ottley, Herts. Born there (bapt. Feb. 11, 16ot<-9). School, Hitchin, under Mr Draper, seven j-ears. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 21, 1675. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich* 1675 to L. Day 1678. Admitted at Grays Inn, July 9, 1677. Lord of the manor of Little Offley. Married Mary, daughter of John Hinde, of Holborn, brewer, July 23, 1691. Died Feb. 25, 1718-9 : buried at OBBey. (Clutterbuck in. 107.) Hewitt, Richard : son of Richard Hewitt, gent., of Eccles, Lancashire. Born there. At school there for three years, under Mr Alston ; and for four years under Mr Atkinson. Age 19. Admitted sizar, June 21, 1675. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1678-9: M.A. 1682. Scholar, Mich* 1675 to L. Day 1680. Or- dained deacon (Lond.), Sep. 21, 1679 ; priest (do.), June 18, 1682. Master of N. Weald school, Essex (see George Scott, 1690). Vicar of Norton !Mande- ville and Roothing Berners, Essex, 1700. Pearse, Edward : son of Edward Pearse, gent., of Whitlingham, Norfolk. Born in London. School, Norwich, under Mr Mazey, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 23, 1675. Tutor, Mr Halman. (Re-adniitted, as fellow-commoner, March 1, 1675-6.) Scholar, Mich* 1675 to L. Day 1677. Eldest son : described {Blomef. v. -156), as Lieut. General. The father, of Parson's Green, Fulham, bought the manor of WhitUngham. Branthwayt, Arthur; son of William Branthwayt (formerly of the college, 1653), Esq., of Hethel, Norfolk. School, Swerdeston, under Mr ^larjeroni, three years ; at home, under Mr Allen, two years ; and Scarning, under Mr Burton, a year and a half. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, June 28, 1675. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich* 1675 to Mich* 1677. Admittesteward of Yarmouth, 1702-12; recorder, 1712-34. Purchased the manor of Spi.xworth about 1690. Married Susanna, daughter of Tobias Frere, Esq. Died Dec. 12, 1734. M.I. at Spixworth. (Palmer, I. 238.) See Thomas, 1658. 1675—1676. 455 Mich'' 1675— Mich' 1676, *Bolt, Clement : .son of William Bolt, baker, of Lynn. At school there, under Mr Bell, three years; and at Gislingham, Suffolk, under Mr Paston, three years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Oct. 18, 1675. Surety, Mr Bassett, B.A. 1679-80: M.A. 1683. Scholar, Mich" 1675 to L. Day 1681. Junior fellow, L. Day 1681 to L. Day 1689. Library keeper, 1680. Logic lecturer, 1682-4. A royal Mandate was read, Dec. 13, 1686, for his election to the next vacancy in the seniority ; to which he was at once pre-elected and duly sworn. His Majesty's letters however were read, Nov. 7, 1688, revoking this before a vacancy occurred. He was probably one of James's Romish intrusions: his fellowship was pronounced void, March 26, 1689, at the same time as Basset's. Our copy of Waller's Poems has his name. Fitch, William; son of Samuel Fitch, grocer, deceased. Born at Wethersfield, Essex. School, Felstead, under Mr Glascocke, six years. Age 1 7. Admitted sizar, Nov. 19, 1675. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1679-80. Scholar, Christ' 1679 to Christ" 1680. Ordained priest (Lond.), June 3, 1681. Rector of Hazeleigh, Essex, 1681-1708. Died 1708. Blenkborne (Blenckarne), Simon. Graduated M.D. from our college in 1676. Son of Henry, of Gilling, Yorks. Educated at St Paul's School, London. Matriculated at Merton, Oxford, May 5, 1665; aged 18. B.A. (Oxf.), 1669. Practi-sed afterwards at Lynn; where he died, June 26, 1688. " Peritissimus medicinfe doctor": — M.I. at St Margaret's, Lynn, to him; and to his wife, Jane (Donne) whom he married at Norwich Cathedral, Sep. 21, 1676. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1689. St John, Oliver : son of Oliver St John ; of Tuddeniiam, Norfolk. Born in Hamp- shire. Educated under various masters for seven years. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 6, 1675-6. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1679-80 ; M.A. 1684. Scholar, Mich" 1676 to Mich" 1683. Ordained priest (Norw.), March 1682-3. Rector of Freethorpe, Norf., 1683-5. Rector of Wickhanipton, 1683-4. Dennis, John: son of Francis Dennis, harness maker (' ephippiarius'). Born in London. At school there, one year, under Mr Ellys ; and at Harrow, under Mr Home, five years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Jan. 13, 1675-6. Tutor, Mr Ellys. The dramatic author and critic. B.A. 1679-80: M.A. (Trin. H.), 1683. Scholar, Mich" 1676 to L. Day 1681 : when it was decreed that he "doth lose his scholarship, be punished £3, and leave the college for assaulting and wounding Sir Glemham with his sword" (Gesta). He migrated to Trin. Hall. After travelling abroad he settled in London, where he spent the rest of his life in literary labour and continual dispute. He held a small post in the Custom House from 1705 till 1715, when he was allowed to sell it. The latter part of his life was spent in much poverty. Died Jan. 6, 1734. Author: A Plot and No Plot, 1697: The Comical Gallant, 1702; &c. : also many pamphlets, letters, &c. For a list and criticism, see D. N. B. Roberts, Thomas : son of Thomas Roberts (formerly of the college, 1641), clerk, of Foulden, Norfolk. Born at Lynn. School, Thetford, under Mr Keen, seven years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, March 1, 1675-6. Tutor, Mr Basset. B.A. 1679-80. Scholar, Mich" 1676 to Mich" 1680. Ordained priest (Norw.), Dec. 1682. Vicar of Stanford, Norf., 1690-1702. Rector of Ling, Norf., 1702-28. Will proved (Norw. C. C), 1728. •t.56 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Forth, William : son of Thomas Forth, brewer, and citizen of London. Born there. At St Paul's School, under Dr Gale, three years ; and under Mr Fisher, at Dorking, three years. Age 17. Admitted to the scholars' table, Feb. 17, 1675-6. Tutor, Mr Basset. Scholar, Mich'' 1676 to Mich' 1681. Ordained deacon (Lend.), March i, 1682-3; priest (Norw.), Ap. 1683. Rector of Eriswell, Suflf., 1683-1715; when he died. Capell, Gamaliel : son of Gamaliel Capell, Esq., of Abbots Roothing, Essex. Born there. School, Bishop Stortford, under Mr Conway, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 15, 1676. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Lived at Springfield, Ess.; where he had an estate. Died 1720. Francis, Henry: son of Henry Francis, gent., of Mattishall, Norfolk. Born at Welborne. At school, under various masters, seven years. Admitted to the scholars' table. May 16, 1676. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1679-80. Scholar, Mich'^ 1676 to Christ^ 1681. Ordained deacon (Norw.), May 1681; as curate of Crownthorpe ; priest (do.), March, 1681-2. Vicar of Bacton, Norf., 1681-1711; Rector of Witton, 1694-1711. Died Sep. 3, 1711. M.L in Bacton churchyard. Will proved (Norw. C. C), "of Bacton." Hartstongue, Standish : son of Standish Hartstongue, Esq. Born at Catton, Norfolk. Educated at home ; and at Kilkenn}' under Mr Jones, three years. Afterwards admitted at Trinity College, Dublin, where he remained for three years ; then he removed to the University of Glasgow, where he graduated as M.A. Finally at the age of nineteen admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, in this college, June 19, 1676. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Oct. 13, 1673. Brother of Francis, 1668. Ringstead, Thomas : son of Robert Ringstead, butcher, of Walsingham, Norfolk (bapt. at Lit. Walsingham, June 4, 1656). At school there, five years. Age 19. Admitted .sizar, June 5, 1676. Surety, Mr Basset. B.A. 1679-80: Scholar, Mich" 1676 to L. Day 1680. Ordained deacon (Norw.), June 1680: priest. May 1681. Vicar of Foulden, Norf., 1702- 19. Vicar of Gooderstone, Norfolk, 1702-19. Buried at Foulden, Feb. 14, 1718-9. ♦Hartstongue, John : son of Standish Hartstongue, Esq. Born at Catton, Norfolk. School, Charleville, Ireland, three years ; at Trinity College, Dublin, one year; and at the University of Glasgow for one year. Age 18. Admitted June 19, 1676, pensioner to the bacheloi's' table. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. (Dub.), 1677 : B.A. (Camb.), 1677-8 : M.A. (Dub.), 1680 : D.D. (Oxf., by diploma), 1693. Junior fellow, Clirist^ 1681 to Mich' 1684. Ordained priest (Norw.), March 1681-2. Archdeacon of Limerick, 1684—93. Chaplain to the Duke of Ormonde ; attainted by James II. 1689. Bp of Ossory, 1693. Bp of Derry 1714-7. Died in Dublin, Jan. 30, 1716-7. Brother of Francis, 1668. (v. D. N. B.) Lucas, Thomas: son of Thomas Lucas, merchant, of Yarmouth ('Gariannonum'). Schools, Walcote and Norwich, nnder Dr Collins, three years ; and under various other masters four years. Age 18. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 1, 1676. (Re-admitted to the bachelors' table shortly after.) Tutor, Mr Ellys. *Gipps, John : son of John Gipps, gent., of Great Whelnetham, Suffolk. Born there. School, Bury St Edmunds, under Mr Walker, four years ; and at the public school there, under !Mr Leeds, three years. Age 14. Admitted to the scholars' table, July 7, 1676. Tutor, Mr Ellys. LL.B. 1682. Scholar, Mich" 1676 to L. Day 1682. Junior fellow, Mids' 1676—1677. 457 1683 to L. Day 1687. Orrlained deacon (Line), Dec. 20, 1685: priest (Norw.), Nov. 19, 1686. Rector of Brockley, Suff., 1686. A non-juror: returned in 1691 as " of Brockley; wife and children ; and poor." {Baker xlii.) Brother of Ricliard, 1675. Hasell, Peter : son of William Hasell, of Sudbury, Suffolk. Born there. At school, under Mr Newton, one year ; and at Burstall and elsewhere, five years. Age 16. Admitted to the scholars' table, Sep. 5, 1676. Tutor, Mr Ellys. M.A. (Cath.), 1686, by lit. reSt Neots, two years under Mr Mathews; the Perse School, a few months, under Mr Griffith ; and St Paul's, London, five years, under Dr Gale. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 19, 1681. Tutor, Mr Basset. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to L. Day 1686. Gardiner, Stephen: son of Francis Gardiner, citizen of Norwich. Born at Mend- ham, Suff. School, Norwich, three years, under Mr Burton ; and four years, under Mr Pitts. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 19, 1681. Tutor, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich' 1681 to Christ" 1684. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 6, 1684. Of Mendham, Esq. Recorder of Norwich, 1703. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Augustine Briggs, Esq., alderman of Norwich. Died June 7, 1727. *Burton, Joshua : son of John Burton, schoolmaster, of Norwich (formerly of the college; 1646). Bom at Seaming. Schools, Norwich three years, and Scarning four years, under his father. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, May 19, 1681. Tutor, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1684-5 (26th optime): M.A. 1688. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich" 1688. Junior fellow, L. Day 1689: senior, Mids' 1691 to Mich" 1702. Greek lecturer, 1691: steward: bursar: salarist, 1695-1700. University preacher, 1694. Ordained deacon and priest (Ely) Oct. 25, 1G91. Presented to the college livings of Mutford and Barnby, Suff., Aug. 16, 1701 ; which he held to his death. Rector of Gisleham, 1702-30. Preb. of St Paul's, 1707. Died Oct. 2, 1730. Buried at Gisleham. M.I. there. Will proved (Norw. 0. C.) 1730. Brother of William, 1679. In our Coll. M.S. No. 602 is a list of 38 coins endorsed " given to Gonv. & Caius College by M'^ Joshua Burton formerly fellow." Scrivener, Henry: son of Thomas Scrivener, gent., of Sibton, Suff. Bom there. School, Bury St Edmunds, five years, under Mr Leeds. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 28, 1681. Tutor, Mr Elly.s. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich' 1685. M.B. Migrated to Pembroke, 1686. M.A. there, 1687. Fellow of Pembroke, by royaf mandate, Aug. 20, 1687. Recorded in a list of non-jurors in 1690 ; but said to have died in that year. 80—2 468 GOXVILLE AND CAILTS COLLEGE. Chauucy, Henry: son of Sir Henry Ch.auncy (formerly of the college; lG-47) of Yardley, Herts. Born there. School, Hertford, six years. Age 15. Ad- mitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 6, 1681. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich^ 1681 to Mich" 1684. Died 1703; during his father's life. His son Henry succeeded to the family estates in 1719, which he soon wasted (v. D. N. B.). Boult, Thomas : son of John Boult, surgeon, of Pontefract, Yorks. Born there. School, Pontefract, seven years, under Mr Swift. Age 20. Admitted sizar, July 4, 1681. Surety, the Master. M.B. 1686. Scholar, Mich' 1681 to Mich" 1686. Amyas, Matthew: son of John Amyas, gent., of Hingham, Norf. Born there. Schools, Hingham, seven years, under Mr Ellys, and Norwich, six months, under Mr Burton. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July G, 1681. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1685-6: M.A. 1689: M.D. 1701. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich' 1686. Died, Nov. 26, 1728: M.I. at Hingham. Probably practised in Nor\vich. Married Susanna, daughter of Richard Jessopp, of Fakenham, and widow of (1) Augustin Brograve, (2) of Thomas Brograve of Gt Dunham. Buried at Hingham. Will proved (Norw.) 1728. (Carthew, in. 70.) Dafiy', Elias : son of Anthony Dafly, citizen of London. Born there. Schools, in London, two years ; and Hertford, two years, under Mr Howard ; and Saumur (' Salniurii ') four years. Admitted fellow-commoner, Aug. 4, 1681. Tutor Mr Ellys. M.B. 1687. One of the makers of the well-known elixir. Probably a doctor in London. After his death there were rival claimants. It appears from some of their advertisements that Elias got the recipe from his father, and he from his kinsman, Thomas Daffy, rector of Redmile (for whom see D. N. B.) : " Having known the secret some time before the death of his father, D' Anthony Daffy, which I presume was before the said Elias was privy to the preparing of the said Elixir, he being then a Cambridge scholar " (Advertise- ment by John Harrison : Harl. MS. 5931, pp. 121, 226 : quoted by J. Ashton, Social Life in the Eeiyii of Queen Anne, I. 7). Life, Lionel : son of Thomas Life, of Downham, Norf . , clothier. Born there. Schools, Wisbech, three years ; and Lynn, two j'ears, under Mr Home. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Aug. 9, 1681. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A 1685-6: M.A. 1689. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich" 1689. Or- dained deacon (Line.) March 11, 1687-8; as curate of Hilton, Hunts. Vicar of Middletou, Norf., 1697-1700. Will of one of these names, 'of Downham,' proved at Norwich, 1749-50. *Clarke, John : son of John Clarke, of Garbridge Thorpe (i.e. Shouldhamthorpe), grazier ('pecuarius '). Born there. School, Lynn, three j-ears. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Sep. 21, 1681. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1685-6: M.A. 1689. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich" 1689. Junior fellow, Mich" 1689 to L. Day, 1696: chosen by the Master, by devolution, Oct. 11, 1689. Ordained priest (Bp of Line.) March 16, 1689-90. University preacher, 1694. Deprived of his degree, and his license as preacher, for steahng books from the University Library : Feb. 19, 1695—6. 1681—1682. 469 Mich' 1681— Mictf 1682. Hawkins, Abel : son of Philip Hawkins, burgess of Cambridge. Born there. At the Perse School, six years, under Mr Griffith. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Dec. 19, 1681. Suretj', Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1G85-6. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1688. Sellers, Thomas ; son of Thomas Sellers, of Bury St Edmunds, brewer ('potifex'). Born there. School, Bury, six years, under Mr Leeds. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Nov. 18, 1681. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1685-6 : M.A. 1713. One of these names was vicar of Digby, 1701 : of Metheringham, 1701 : and of New Sleaford (all in Lines.), 1703. Preb. of Lincoln, 1712-37. Brooke, Thomas : son of John Brooke, Esq., of Rendlesham. Born at Ipswich (bapt. at St Nicholas, June 11, 1664). School, Felstead, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. Surety, Mr Ellys. Of Rendlesham, Esq., eldest son. Died, without issue, in 1694. (Davy.) Mapes, Leonai-d : son of Leonard Mapes, gent., of Rollesby, Norf. Born there (bapt. Feb. 16, 1662-3). Educated at home for three years : then at Norwich Grammar School, three years, under Mr Burton. Age 18. Admitted pen- sioner to the scholars' table, March 8, 1681-2. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1683. Of Rollesby, Esq.: lord of the manor. Buried there Oct. 7, 1733 ; and his widow Ann, Jan. 13, 1733-4. Rant, Humfrey : son of Humfrey Rant {1 formerly of the college; 1653), gent., of Yelverton, Norf. Born at Rollesby. School, Wymondham, five years, under Mr Clarke. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 8, 1681-2. Tutor, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1687. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich" 1687. Eldest son: died, mi- married, in 1706. Buried at Yelverton. Brother of William, 1691 (v. Carthew, in. 458). Boyse, William : son of Richard Boyse, merchant, of Yarmouth. Born at Chedgrave (' ChegrifFe'), Norf. Schools, Kettleburgh, four years; and Ash, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 26, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 168.5-6: M.A. 1691. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1687. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 1687; as chaplain to Sir Charles Blois : priest (do.) Dec. 21, 1688. Curate of Kelsale in 1687. Rector of Grundisburgh, 1688- 95; and of Kelsale, 169-5-1700. Married at Grundisburgh, July 12, 1692, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Cullum, bart. Died Aug. 12, 1700. M.I. at Kelsale : " Resurgam enim Gul. Boys, sed multum mutatus ab illo qui vixit. Abiit ad plures, Aug. 12, anno setatis 36, Dni 1700." At St Andrew's, Cambridge, is a monument to his son William. Hancke, Gilbert : son of Gilbert Hancke, druggist, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, five years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 5, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich' 1682 till his death. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, Nov. 6, 1685. Strachey, Charles : son of Charles (? Robert) Strachey, M.D., of Bishop Stortford. Born there, and educated there for eight years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 15, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. M.B. 1687. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1687. The father's name is probably an error for Jiobert (of 1640). If so, Charles died Feb. 23, 1687-8 : buried in All SS. Church, Cambridge ; where there was a M.I. to his memory (Munk, I. 295). 470 GUNVILLE AND C'AIUS COLLEGE. Fi-anklin, John: son of John Franklin (formerly of the college; 1646), rector of Tittleshall, Norf. Bom there. Schools, Seaming, two years ; and Lynn, three years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 15, 1682. Surety, Mr Boult. B.A. 1685-6 : M.A. 1692. Scholar, Mich^ 1682 to Mich^ 1689. Or- dained priest (Norw.) Sep. 1694, as curate of Brisley, Norf. Rector of Brisley, 1703-5. Lecturer at Wisbech. Died Nov. 26, 1710. Walwin, Robert : son of William Walwin, plasterer (ccementarius), of Lynn. Bom there. School, Lynn, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Ap. 17, 1682. Surety, Mr Boult. B.A. 1685-6. Scholar, Mich» 1682 to Mich'' 1687. Tucke, William : son of Robert Tucke, of Runhall, Noi-f., shoemaker. Born there. School, Wynioiidhani, live years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Ap. 17, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1687. Scholar, Mich= 1682 to Mich^ 1687. Bladwell, John : son of William Bladwell, gent., of Swannington, Norf. Born there. Schools, Massingham, live years ; and Norwicli grammar school, one year. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 2, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Christ' 1683. Probably died young. Not men- tioned in the pedigree in Carthew (il 499). Perkins, John : son of Christopher Perkins, weaver, of Itteringham, Norf. Boni at Wickmere. School, Holt, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, May 17, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1685-6. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1686. Empson, John : son of Thomas Empson, grocer, of Aylshani, Norf. School, Clitheroe, Lanes., live years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, May 18, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 16S3. Gilbei-t, Robert : son of John Gilbert, gent., of Moulton, Norf. Born at Gissing. Schools, Flordou, four years ; and Norwich, one year. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 30, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Died in college : buried at St Michael's, Nov. 21, 1682. Lulman, Charles : son of Robert Lulman, mercer, of Norwich. Born there. At the grammar scliool, Norwich, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 6, 1682. Suretv, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1685-6 : M.A. 1689. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mich' 1689. Ordained deacon (Line.) 1688 : priest (do.) June 10, 1688 ; as curate of Offord Darcy. Instituted to Postwick, Norf., Feb.' 6, 1688-9. In Thos. Harrison's Posttvick ami Relatives (18th cent.; reprinted 1858) it is said " M"^ Charles Lulman was in 1688 Incumbent, proper to be forgott rather than to be remembered. His father bought that turn for him, under age and unfit, and when the Incumbent was past speecli. His institution was stopt near two years after, his minority being plain by the parish Register book, altho' it was altered and falsified to prevent Discovery." Died Feb. 18, 1697 : buried in St Julian's, Norwich. Sigiswicke, Thomas : son of William Sigiswicke (formerly of the college; 1631), of Mattishall, clerk. Bom there. At the grammar school, Norwich, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, June 7, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1685-6 (21st opfime). Scholar, Mich' 1682 to his death. Died July 25, 1688 : M.I. in ThwaiU> church, Norf. 1682. 471 Ward, Tlionias : son of Edward Ward, Esq., of Bixley, Norf. Born tliere (bapt. Nov. 3, 16G4). Schools, N. Walshara, two years; and Norwicli, one year. Age 18. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 29, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. Afterwards baronet; succeeding liis father about 1684. Of Bixley. Died unmarried, leaving his estates to his br(jther Edward. Buried Jan 20 1692-3. Fairclough, Henry : son of James Fairclough (formerly of the college ; 1655), M.D., of London. Born there. Schools, Islington, three years ; and Eton, three months. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 21, 1682. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1682 to Mids-- 1684. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Feb. 13, 1681 : migrated to the Inner Temple, March 14, 1683-4. Chisenhall, John : son of John Chisenhall, gent., of Eccleston, Lancashire. Born there. School, Heskin, seven years. Age 28. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 29, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. M.A. (lit. ri'(j.) 1684. For some years at Barking, Essex, as curate to Dr Cartwright, Bp of Chester. The baptism of daughters of " John Chisenhale, clerk, and Eliz. his wife," are recorded from 1684. Vicar of Barking, 1696- 1724. He was buried there, Ap. 5, 1724. He seems to have been suspended "for not reading the Declaration," June 19, 1688 to Feb. 5, 1688-9. (v. N. and Q. 3d Ser., ii. 344.) Bradford, Thomas: son of Thomas Bradford (formerly of the college ; 1642-3), of Norwich, clerk. Born there. At the grammar school, six years. Age 15. Admitted sizar, June 30, 1682. Surety, Mr Boult. Scholar, Mich'* 1682 to Mich" 1685. Skinner, Isaac : son of Richard Skinner, attorney, of Sudbury, Suff. Born there. School, Eton (under Mr Roswell), five years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 7, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Christ' 1682 to L. Day 1683. Migrated to St John's, Jan. 17, 1682-3. Wright, Robert: son of Thomas Wright (formerly of the college; 1648-9), Esq., of Downham, Suff. Born there (bapt. July 14, 1664). Schools, Brandon and Thetford, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 27, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 11, 1683. Of Santon Downham, Esq., J. P. Married (1) Anne, daughter of Sir George Wynieve, knight, of Brettenham, (2) Dorothy Dockham, widow. Died March 25, 1731. *Wright, John : son of Thomas Wright (formerly of the college ; 1648-9), Esq., of Downham, Suff. Born there. Schools, Brandon and Thetford, five years. Age IG. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 27, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. L.L.B. 1G88. Scholar, Mich" 1682 to Mich' 1688. Junior fellow, Mich" 1689 : senior, Mids'' 1694 to Mich" 1697. He was chosen by the master, by devolution from the fellows, Oct. 11, 1689. Junior dean of the college, 1694, 6: steward, 1695. Helwys, William : son of Nicholas Helwys, alderman of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, under Mr Burton. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Sep. 14, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich" 1683 to Mich" 1686. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Ap. 20, 1686. Barrister, 1693. Died in 1723, aged 58. M.I. in St Peter's Mancroft, Norwich. 472 gonville and caius college. Mich' 1682— Mich** 1683. Springold, John (error for Richard) : son of John Springold, gent., of Blakeney, Norf. Born there. School, Holt, seven years. Age 19. Admitted sizar, Oct. 4, 1682. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Mich^ 1682 to Mich^ 1687. Ordained deacon (Xorw.) Dec. 18, 1687, as curate of Wells : priest (do.) Sep. 24, 1693. Vicar of Hoikhani with Waterden, Norfolk, 1696. Married Mary, sister of Richard Clarke, of Lj-nn : — !M.l. at St Mary, Lynn. Will of Richard Springold, of Wells, proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1741. *Ellys, John : (second) son of Anthony Ellys, wooUen draper, of Yarmouth. Born there. School, Yarmouth, six years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Jan. 20, 1682-3. Tutor, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7: M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 1690. Junior fellow, Mich'^ 1690 to L. Day 1716. Probably the John Ellys, ordained deacon (Roch.) Sep. 20, 1696: priest (do.), Feb. 28, 1696-7: rector of Burgh Castle, and Belton, Sufl", 1714 — 28: died Jan. 13, 1728-9: buried at Burgh : M.I. there. He was a nephew of the master, who made him executor and left him all his lands ifec. in Cambs., in return for his " faithfull care, labour, and vigilance... and for the many troubles, losses, and vexations fallen upon him on my account." See John Ellis, 1647-8, for the probable expla- nation of this, in the quarrels between the master and fellows. Thompson, William : son of WiUiam Thompson, butcher, of Lynn. Born there. School, Lynn, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 17, 1682-3. Surety, Mr Boult. Scholar, Mich^ 1683 to Mich' 1687. Schuldham, Francis: son of Lemuel Schuldham (formerly of the college; 1642), Esq., of Walsingliam, Norf. Born there. Educated at Walsingham, three years ; and at Holt, a year and a half. Age 1 6. Admitted sizar, March 6, 1682-3. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 1687. Ordained deacon (Line.) May 22, 1687, as curate of Waresley: priest (Norw.) May 21, 1692, as curate of Horsham St Faith, Norf. Afterwards in Ireland. Married and had one son. Schuldham, Lemuel : twin brother of above. Educated ^^•ith his brother. Ad- mitted sizar at the same time, and under the same tutor. B.A. 1686-7 : M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 1687. Ordained deacon (Line.) May 22, 1687; as curate of Offord Darcy, Hunts.: priest (Norw.) Oct. 1692; as curate of Fulmodeston. Afterwards in Ireland. Preb. of Blackrath, Ossory, 1699-1719. Married a sister of Col. Adam Molyneux, of Ballymulloy. His son Molyneux, an admiral, was created Baron Schuldham, July 3, 1776 (F. G.). Gurdon, John : son of Brampton Gurdon, gent., of Letton, Norf. Born there. School, Wymondhani, three years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 14, 1682-3. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 168.5. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 27, 1685. ? Died at Assington, Suffolk, Dec. 1, 1757; "aged 86" ((?. Mag.). Brother of Thornhagh, 1681 ; and Brampton, 1687. Lemraan (Leman), William : (third) son of John Lemman, gent., of Charsfield, Suff. Born at Haddiscoe, Norf. (Dec. 14, 1665). School, Kettleburgh, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 15, 1682-3. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, ilich' 1683 to Mich' 1685. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 16, 1682—1683. 473 1685-6. Of Charsfiekl, SuflF., Esq. Married, 1703, Elizabeth, daugliter of Robert Starling, barrister. Died Feb. 10, 1730-1. Buried at Charsfield. M.I. there. (Leman MSS. Batli Instit.) *Brett, Joseph : son of Joseph Brett, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 22, 1682-3. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7 {19th wrangler): M.A. 1691. Scholar, Mich" 1683 to Mich' 1689. Junior fellow, Mich^ 1689 : senior, Mich* 1695 to Mich" 1697. Dean, 1695, 7: rhet. prselector, 1696. Ordained deacon (Line.) Sep. 22, 1689; as curate of Burton Goggles: priest (do.) Ju. 25, 1690. University preacher, 1697. Rector of St Clement'.s, Norwich, 1696; and of St Austin's, 1700. Died, Oct. 22, 1719: buried at St Clement's. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1719. M.I. to his wife Anne at Seaming. Author: Sermon on Proverbs, 16 (1701); Si.K Sermons (1715). His contemporary and namesake, the non- juror, was of Corpus. Bassell (Basil), Edward : son of Edward Bassell (rector) of Lustleigh, Devon, clerk. School, Chudleigh two years ; and private tuition at home, five years. Age 19. Admitted sizar. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7: M.A. 1692. Incorporated at Oxford, July 8, 1692. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to L. Day 1688. Rector of Powderham, Devon, 1691-7. (J. ¥.). His father presented the communion chalice at Lustleigh in 1662. Barker, John ; son of Edmund Barker, D.D., of Petersfield, Hants, (formerly of the college ; p. 325). Born at Buriton, Hants. Schools, Petersfield, five j'ears; and Winchester, tliree years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 20, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7 : M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich" 1690. Elected a junior fellow, July 10, 1691 ; but apparently never admitted. Ordained deacon (Ely) Feb. 21, 1691-2 : priest (do.) Feb. 1691-5. Rector of Lammas, with Lit. Hautbois, 1700—30. Parish chaplain of St Martin at Palace, Norwich: buried there, Sep. 1730; aged 65: M.I. there. Isaacson, John: son of Anthony Isaacson, gent., of Newcastle (? Newmarket; where there was a family of the name). Born there. School, North Weald, Essex, a year and a half. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Ap. 25, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7 (5th wrangler). Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 22, 1683-4. Reeve, James: son of Thomas Reeve (? formerly of the college; 1653), clerk, of Bradwell, Essex. Born there. At school tliere five years ; and at Sudbury three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar. May 8, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Christ" 1683 to L. Day 1684. Rector of Chig- nal and Ma.shbury, Essex, 1692-1726. Chaplain to the king. Died 1726. Deane, Edward. Admitted pensioner. May 1683. An Edward Deane was ordained deacon (Line.) March 5, 1698-9: probably the same man, admitted afterwards at Emmanuel ; where he gra- duated B.A. 1695-6. Mendham, John : son of Jolin Mendham, husbandman, of Seething, Norf. Born at Mundham. School, Norwich, three years. Age 18. Admitted sizar. May 30, 1 683. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Mich" 1683 to Mich" 1687. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 1687-8, as curate of Marsham : priest (St David's) March 16, 1689-90. Vicar of Weybread, Sufi'., 1690 ; and of Metfield, Sufi'., 1702. Wright, Robert : son of Sir Robert Wright, serjeant-at-law (formerly of the college; 1650-1), of Wangford, Sufi'. Born in London. School, Eton, six 474 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, June 4, 1683. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Of the Middle Temple, barriist^r. Called to the bar. May 6, 1687. Chief Justice of South Carolina, 1730. Died before Oct. 1748. (Da\-j'.) Heath, William : son of William Heath, gent, of Blofield, Norf. Born at Hemblington, Norf. School, Norwich, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 7, 1683. Tutor, 'Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1686-7 : M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich'' 1683 to Mich* 1690. Ordained deacon and priest (Lond.) Sep. 1691. Rector of Burlingham St Edmund, and St Andrew, Norf., 1691-1740. Died, Jan. 25, 1740-1. "Buried at Burling- ham St Edmund. M.I. there. Will proved (Norw. archd. C), 1741; "of Lingwood." Page, Thomas : son of Thomtis Page, gent., of Kersey, Suff. Born at Preston, Suff. Schools, Bury St Edmunds, two years ; and Ipswich four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 20, 1683. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 1687. Perhaps vicar of Codicote, Herts., 1703-14, when he resigned. Adams, Charles : son of Sir William Adams, baronet, of Sprowston, Norf. Born at Isleham, Oambs. ('Islam, Essex'). School, Norwich, si.x years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. Surety, -Sir Ellys. B.A. 1686-7 (21st wrangler): M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to Mich' 1690. Sixth son. Of Sprowston, Norf. Succeeded his brother Thomas, as baronet, 1690. Sheriff of Norfolk, 1694. Lord of the manor of Barlee, and Chawreth, Essex. Married Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Rolle, knt. Died, without issue, Aug. 12, 1726. Succeeded by his brother Robert. (Kimber and Johnson, ii. 16; Morant, IL 449, 571.) Hunt, Thomas : son of Thomas Hunt, gent., of Stower-Provost, Dorset. Bom there. School, Blandford, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July 3, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1686-7 (20th wrangler): M.A. 1690. Scholar, Mich' 1683 to L. Day 1690. Farrar, John : born at Shalford, Essex. Schools, Felstead, and elsewhere, seven years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Sep. 10, 1683. Surety, Jlr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1687. Branthwaite, William: son of William Branthwaite (formerly of the college; 1653), Esq., of Hethel, Norf. Born there. Educated at home, and at Norwich. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Sep. 14, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellvs. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1691. Of Gray's Inn, barrister. Serjeant at Law. Married, Jan. 28, 1714-5, Jemima, daughter of Augustus Brograve. Died, Nov. 1, 1729. Buried at Hethel. See Thomas, 1674. *Branthwaite, John : brother of the above. Educated with him. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Sep. 14, 1683. Surety, Mr EUys. B.A. 1687-8: M.A. 1691: M.D. 1700. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1691. Junior fellow, Mich' 1691 : senior, Mich' 1697 to his death. Steward, 1697: Heb. lecturer, 1702, 4. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1703; Censor, 1705, 8, 11. DeKvered the Gulstonian lectures, 1704. Practised in London. Died, Jan. 27, 1714-5. (v. Munk's Boll.) 16S3— 1684. 475 MiCH= 1683— Mich' 1684. Brandlin, John : son of Samuel Brandlin, gent., of Ipswich. Born there. Schools, Ipswich, two years; and Felstead, five years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 21, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. Admitted at Gray's Inn, June 29, 1683. *Goodall, Thomas : son of Charles Goodall, M.D., fellow of the College of Physicians. Born at Stonham, Suft". Schools, Grantham, and St Paul's, four j'ears. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 11, 1683. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1687-8: M.A. 1691. Scholar, Mich" 1681 to Mich" 1689. Junior fellow for one quarter, Mids'' to Mich' 1693. Mingay, William: son of John Mingay, gent, (formerly of the college; 1652), of Tasburgh, Norf. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 22, 1683-4. Surety, Mr Ellys. Re-admitted, as fellow-commoner, a few months later. Brother of John, of 1679. Died without issue. Goat, Edward : son of Edward Goat, attorney, of Botesdale, Suff. School, Bury St Edmunds, five years. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Dec. 18, 1683. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich» 1684 to Mich' 1686. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Dec. 6, 1686. Perhaps the man of these names "of St Clement's Danes, London, living 1718," who married Frances, daughter of Anthony Wroth, Esq., of Bury (Davy's Suf. Perl.). Penning, Thomas : son of Anthony Penning, gent., of Elmdon, Ess. Born at Ilford. School, Elmdon, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 6, 1683-4. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to L. Day 1690. Clements, John : son of Robert Clements, clerk, of Ogbourne, Wilts. Born at Broughton, Hants. Educated at home, and at Marlborough, five years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 17, 1683-4. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1685. Randall, Robert : son of William Randall, attorney, of Beccles, SuflF. Born at Mundham, Norf. Schools, Norwich, a year and a half ; and N. Walsham, four years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 15, 1683-4. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to L. Day 1689. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 23, 1688, as curate of Gillingham : priest (Line.) Sep. 29, 1689. Rector of Geldeston, 1689-1731. Rector of Stockton, 1700-1731. Died 1731. Buried in the chancel of Geldeston, Feb. 8, 1731. Pickarell, Robert: son of Robert Pickarell, clerk, of Burgate, Suff. (bapt. Aug. 16, 1667); formerly fellow of the college (admitted 1624). Born at Burgate. School, Bury St Edmunds, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 11, 1683-4. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1687-8: M.A. 1691. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1691. Ordained deacon (Line.) Sep. 21, 1690: priest (Ely) Feb. 21, 1691-2. Rector of Burgate, 1691-1738. Died July 25, 1738. M.I. at Burgate. WOl proved (Norw. C. C.) 1738. Jenney (Ginny), Sucklin : son of George Jenney, gent., of Norwich. Born at Morton, Norf. School, Norwicli, seven years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' taVjle, March 26, 1684. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mich' 1687. Living in 1691. Died without issue (Davy). 476 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Long, Thomas: son of Robert Long (formerly of the college; 1658), gent., of Foulden, Norf. Born at Reymerston. School, Wymondhani, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 8, 168-1. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Christ' 1684 to Mich^ 1685. Died without issue, 1720. Brother of WilUam, 1685. L' Estrange, Hamon : son of John L' Estrange, gent., of Gressenhall, Xorf. Born there. Schools, Lynn, three j-ears ; and Seaming, two years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 10, 1684. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich^ 1684 to Mich" 1688. Admitted at the Middle Temple, ISIay 17, 1688. Of Twickenham, gent. Married Sarah, daughter of James Whitechurch. Died ilarch 12, 1728-9 : buried at Twickenham, where there is a monument to him and his wife. Brother of John, 1688. (H. L.) Knights, Richard : son of John Knights, clerk, of Gressenhall, Norf. Born there. Schools, Scarning and Lynn, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 10, 1684. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1686-7. Scholar, Mich'' 1684 to Mich' 1690. A Richard Knight ("M.A.") was ordained priest (Line.) Dec. 20, 1690. Vicar of Wiggenhall St Pet., and St Mary Magd., 1692. (Probably of Emmanuel.) Slyford, Thomas : son of John Slyford, citizen of London. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, May 20, 1684. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Afterwai-ds re-admitted as fellow-commoner. Sallet, John : son of John Sallet, rector of Carlton. Bom at BurHngham, Norf. School, Norwich, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, May 22, 1684. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich* 1684 to Mich' 1689. One of these names was rector of Moulton, Norf., 1699. Vicar of Halvergate, 1691-1709. Buried at Burlingham St Edmund, Aug. 27, 1709. Hart, Michael : son of Philip Hart, gent., of Aylsham, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, six years. Age 17. Admitted sizar. May 27, 1684. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1687-8 : M.A. 1691. Scholar, L. Day 1685 to Mich' 1688. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 21, 1688, as curate of Brampton : priest (St Dav.) May 26, 1689. Rector of Thorpe Market, Norf., 1692-1700. Rector of Cantley, 1696-1703. Vicar of Tunstead, 1689. Curate of Landbeach for a time in 1689. Buried at Cantlej', May 29, 1703. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1703-4; " of Cantley." Brooke, Humphrey: son of Humphrey Brooke, M.D., fellow of the College of Physicians. Born in London. Schools, Chiswick and Eltham, hve years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 11, 1684. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1689 : M.D. 1694. Candidate of the College of Physicians, 1695: fellow, Dec. 22, 1701. Registrar, 1714-6. Died 1718. Buried at St Andrew's Undershaft. Brother of Benjamin, 1688-9. (v. Muuk's Iioll.) Buxton, John: son of William Buxton, gent., of Wickham Skeith, Suff. Born there. School, Eye, live years. Age 1 7. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 11, 1684. Suretj', Mr Boult. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich' 1684 to Mids' 1691. Ordained deacon (Line.) June 25, 1690, as curate of Wickham Skeith. A John Buxton was appointed "to the ministerial function" in the Leeward Isles, June 10, 1698 (Bp. of London's Bee/.). Died, unmarried, at Dereham, 1699 (Davy). 1684—1685. 477 Mobbes, Richard : son of Richard Mobbes, husbandman, of Combe Fields, Warw. Born there. School, Coventry, four years. Age 24. Admitted sizar, June 27, 1684. Surety, Mr EUys. B.A. 1687-8. Scholar, Mich> 1684 to Mich' 1688. Husband, Valentine : son of Valentine Husband, clerk (formerly of the college; 1644), of Congham, Norf. Born at Honing. School, Lynn, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, June 20, 1684. Surety, Mr Boult. Scholar, Mich" 1684 to Mich' 1G87. Migrated to Sidney, where he was admitted under Dr Basset, Nov. 19, 1687. See Clement Boult, 1675. Rogers, Edward : son of Francis Rogers, gent., of London. Born at Richmond, Surrey. School, St Paul's, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, July 17, 1684. Surety, Mr Ligh twine. Heme, Thomas: son of Clement Heme (? formerly of the college; 1655), gent., of Haveringland, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 19, 1684. Surety, Mr Light- wine. Scholar, Mich» 1685 to Mich" 1687. Admitted at Gray's Inn, Feb. 11, 1685-6. Of Haveringland, Esq. Married, June 12, 1703, "the right honour- able the Lady Charlotte Paston, daughter to the right honourable William Earl of Yarmouth" (Quiddenham Register). Died Oct. 30, 1726: buried Nov. 1, at Haveringland. MiCH^ 1684— MiCH^ 1685. Stone, Bartholomew : son of Bartholomew Stone, gent., of Wicklewood, Norf. Born at Hardingham. Schools, Hingham, and Wymondham, six years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 18, 1684. Surety, Mr Lightwine. *Berney, William: son of Sir Thomas Berney (formerly of the college; 1637), baronet. Born at Colchester. Schools, Norwich, and L}rnn, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. Surety, Mr Lightwine. L.L.B. 1690. Scholar, Mich" 1685 to Mich' 1690. Junior fellow, Mich' 1691 to Mich' 1693. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 25, 1692 : priest (do.) Sep. 24, 1693. Vicar of Worstead 37 years, 1693-1730: where he afterwards acted as curate for 17 years. Curate of Westwick, 1694-1707; afterwards rector. Rector of Stokesby 1730. Rector of Herringby, 1730. Married Mary, daughter of Henry Harcock. Buried at Worstead, Jan. 22, 1747-8. M.I. there. See Richard, 1675. Smyth, James : son of John Smyth, clerk, of N. Tuddenham, Norf. Born at Reymerstone. School, Norwich, two years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Feb. 16, 1684-5. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9. Scholar, Mich' 1685 to Mich' 1691. Ordained deacon and priest (Norw.) Oct. 12, 1693. One of these names was rector of Caston, 1705-20 : rector of Hardingham, 1719-20 : vicar of Stowbedon, 1720-50 : and curate of Thompson and Breccles Magna (all in Norf.). Brother of John, 1678-9. Perhaps son of John, of 1634. Dalton, Tirrell : son of Tirrell Dalton, Esq. (of Lincoln's Inn), of Fulbourn, Cambs. Born there. School, Norwich, five years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to tiie scholars' table, Feb. 9, 1684-5. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Afterwards admitted to the bachelors' table. Probably the same who was lord of the manor of Shalford, Essex, in 1 708 ; when lie sold a rent-charge of £32 to the college. He gave to our library MS. 496, The Christian Catholic, a history of the Church by an ancestor, 478 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Michael Dalton (for whom see D.N.B.). There are monuments to his father and mother at Fulbourn : the former died in 1682. The family was from Yorkshire. He inherited the Shalford estate from his uncle Samuel Dalton in 1686, when he is described as "of Fullx)urn, Esq." He .sold the Shalford estate in 1711. (Reg. may.) Clarke, Abraham : son of Abraham Clarke, citizen of Norwich. Born there. School, Newington, four yeiirs. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 9, 1684-5. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9 (8th wrangler) : M.A. 1692. Scholar, Mich^ 1685 to Mich' 1690. Subscribed for priests' orders (Norw.) Sep. 2-t, 1693. Probably vicar of Seething, Norf., 1706-16 ; and curate of Thurston and Mundhani. Drake, James : sou of Robert Drake, attorney, of Cambridge. Born there. Schools, Wiveliugham ; and Eton, two years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholare' table, March 20, 1684-5. Surety, Mr Lightwine. M.B. 1690: M.D. 1694. Scholar, Mich' 1685 to Mich' 1690. F.R.S. 1701. Fellow of the College of Phj-sicians, June 30, 1736. Best known as a political pamphleteer on the Tory side ; several of his writings bringing him into trouble. Prosecuted for his ' Historj- of the Last Parliament,' 1702. His 'Historia Anglo-Scotica,' 1703, and 'Memorial of the Church of England,' 1704, were burnt by the hangman. Convicted of Ubel for some passages in the ' Mercurius Politicus,' of which he was author. He also wrote Plays, and several anatomical works. Died at Westminster, March 2, 1706-7. (See Munk; andD.X.B.) Dover, James : son of James Dover, citizen of Norwich. Born thera School, Norwich, five years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 8, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9: M.A. 1692. Incorporated at Oxford, 1694. Scholar, Mich' 1685 to Mich' 1692. Ordained priest (Line.) Sep. 20, 1691. Rector of Burlingham St Peter, 1697-1727. Vicar of Limpenhoe, and South- wood, 1693-1727. Rector of Blofield, 1727-35. Mairied Judith Coppin, at Cantley, Feb. 19, 1710-1. He left directions that the advowson of Blofield should be sold : the college bought it of his executors. His father, a hosier in Norwich, had bought the advowson as a pro\-ision for him, but owing to the long life of the then incumbent he had to wait 36 years for it (v. Charles Reeve, 1663). Died July 18, 1735, aged 68. M.L at Blofield. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1735. Watson, John : son of William Watson, burgess, of Cambridge. Born there. Educated at Huntingdon ; and at the Perse School, seven years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholare' table, Ap. 20, 1685. Surety, Mr Light- wine. B.A. 1688-9. Scholar, Mich' 1685 to :Mich' 1690. Prolmbly ordained deacon (Peterb.) 1692 : priest (do.) 1694 ; vicar of Ubbeston, Suff., 1704 ; and of Yoxford, 1708-10. Another of these names was ordained deacon at Lincoln, Feb. 21, 1691-2. Seaborne, James : son of Thomas Seaborne, gent., of Wymondham, Norf. Born there. School, Wymondham, seven years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 20, 1 685. Suret}', Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9. Scholar, Mich' 1685 to L. Day 1690. Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, June 24, 1687. Lad (Ladds), James : son of John Lad, surgeon, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, six years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 28, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. M.B. (Camb.) 1690: M.D. 1695. Entered at Leyden, May 27, 1689. 1685. 479 Scholar, Mich' 1685 to Mich» 1690. Fellow of the College of Physicians, Dec. 22, 1708. Censor, 1715, 22. Died Jan. 3, 1724-5 : buried at St Andrew's, Holborn. (Munk's Roll.) Will proved (P. C. C.) 1725. Gay, William : .son of Henry Gay, gent., of Lyng, Norf. Born there. Schools, Norwich and Lynn, four years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Ap. 28, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9. Sciiolar, Mich' 1685 to Mich= 1690. Probably vicar of Snettisham, 1697. Rector of Annier, 1705-7. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1707-8. Swallow, Thomas : son of Robert Swallow, gent., of Bayfield, Norf. Born at Burnham Market. School, Holt, se^■en years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Ap. 29, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, Mich" 1685 to L. Day 1688. Britiffe, Philip : son of Philip BritiiFe, tanner, of Wighton, Norf. Born there. School, Walsingham, five years. Age 17. Admitted sizar. May 27, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1688-9. Scholar, Mich" 1685 to Mich' 1690. Ordained deacon (Line.) June 25, 1690; as curate of W. Lynn: priest (Norw.) June, 1693. Curate of Gay wood in 1716. Licensed, by the bishop, as master at Lynn grammar school, June 9, 1692. *Wrench, Jonathan : son of John Wrench, weaver, of Norwich. Born there (bapt. at St Sav., Nov. 1, 1667). School, Norwich, seven years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 10, 1685. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1689-90 : M.A. 1693. Scholar, L. Day 1686 to Mids'' 1693. Junior fellow, Mids-^ 1693: Senior fellow, Mich" 1697 to Mich" 1701. Dean, 1698, 9. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Sep. 20, 1691 : priest (Norw.) May 21, 1692, as curate of Seething : which he undertook to resign on becoming fellow. Vicar of Aylsham, Norf. 1700-31. Licensed by the bishop as master of Aylsham school, Aug. 14, 1703. Rector of Burgh by Aylsham, Norf., 1704-40. Rector of Metton, 1733-8. Married at Norwich Cathedral, May 7, 1702, Ann Howard. Died May, 1741 : buried at Aylsham. M.I. there. Will proved (P.C.C.) 1741. Author: Short View of the Principal Duties of the Christian Religion, 1700. Brother of Benjamin, 1680-1 ; and John, 1701. *Turner, William : son of William Turner, of Elmham, Norf., attorney. Born there (bapt. Dec. 24, 1667). Schools, Scarning, Lynn, and Norwich, seven years. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 10, 1685. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1689-90 (7th wrangler) : M.A. 1693. Scholar, Mich' 1686 to Mich' 1693. Junior fellow, Mich' 1693 to Mich' 1702. Purchased the manor of Ingham, Norf. Of Cro.stwight, Esq. Died without issue, June 2, 1735. Buried at Warhani. Brother of Charles, 1681 : he was next in succession for the baronetcy. Willson, Alexander : son of Thomas Willson, attorney, of Hoveton St John, Norf. Born there. At school, under various masters, seven years. Admitted pensioner, July 10, 1685. Age 17. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1691. Scholar, Mich' 1686 to Mich' 1691. Subscribed for priests' orders (Norw.) Sep. 22, 1706. Died Jan. 1710-1. M.I. at Thrigby, to "Alex. Wilson, clerk, buried Jan. 23, 1710; »t. 42." Whall, Henry : son of Henry Whall, harness maker, of Lynn. Born there. School, Lynn, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 16, 1685. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1689-90. Scholar, Mich' 1686 to L. Day 1690. Ordained deacon (Line.) June 15, 1690 : priest (Norw.) May 22, 1692 ; as curate of Woolferton. 480 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Rector of West Lynn, 1695. Rector of Clenchwarton, 1720-3G. Died 1736. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1737. MiCH^ 1685— Mich' 1686. Hubbard (Hobart), Jonas. Admitted pensioner. Long, William: son of Robert Long (formerly of the college; 1658), Esq., of Foulden, Norf. School, Wymondham, under Mr Clarke. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Dec. 30, 1685. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich' 1686 to Christ' 1688. Brother of Thomas, 168-t. Gooch, Benjamin : son of Henry Gooch, husbandman, of Wreningham, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Jan. 8, 1685-6. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1689-90. Scholar, ISIich' 1686 to Mich' 1690. Ordained priest (Norw.) May 22, 1692; as curate of Thexton. Rector of AshweUthorpe, Norf., 1693-1728. Died March 25, 1728. M.I. at Carlton Forehoe. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) "of Carlton." Farmer, Edward: son of Sir Edward Farmer, knight, of Parndon, E^s. Born there. Schools, Ware, two years ; and St Paul's, a year and a half, under Dr Gale. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Jan. 9, 1685-6. Tutor, :\Ir Ellys. Admitted at the Inner Temple, Dec. 4, 1685 : "second son of Edward of the Inner Temple, knight." Eldest surviving son in 1700 ; when he is described as " unmarried : about 30 : living in London." (Le Neve.) The father is there described as of Lincolnshire. Alpe, Edward: son of Edward Alpe (formerly of the college; 1660), gent, of Framlingham, Suff. Born there (bapt. Nov. 12, 1668). Educated at home for seven years. Age 1 7. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Jan. 1 3, 1685-6. Surety, Mr Lightwine. M.B. 1G91 : M.D. 1696. Scholar, Mich"^ 1686 to Mich' 1691. Died at Framlingham, Dec. 25, 1700 : aged 32. Buried at Little Bealings, Suff. M.I. there. He resided at the mansion house, Lit. Bealings, and practised there. Leman, Thomas : son of John Leman, gent., of Brampton, Suff. Bom there. Schools, Wymondham and Norwich, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Oct. 10, 1685; and to the bachelors' table, Feb. 17, 1685-6. Tutor, Jlr Lightwine. Of Brampton, Esq. ; patron of the living. 3Iarried Eleanor, daughter of Robert Cuddon, of Shadinglield Hall. Died Oct. 12, 1717 ; aged 51. M.I. at Brampton. (Leman MSS., Bath Instit.) Brother of William, 1683. Fiske, Robert : son of William Fiske, gent., of Stiff key, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, three years. Age 17. Admitted fellow-commoner, Feb. 25, 1685-6. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Neve, Charles : son of Charles Neve, clerk, of Swanton Jlorley, Norf. Bom at Cranworth (bapt., at Swanton, Aug. 20, 1667). Schools, Seaming, and Bungay, four years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 2, 1685-6. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1689-90. Scholar, Mich' 1688 to jNIich' 1690. Oi-dained priest (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1695. Rector of Swanton Morley, Norf., 1711-44. Died Ap. 10, 1744. Married (1) Elizabeth (2) Ann Haslewood. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1744. (Carthew, iii. 406.) Loades, Henry : sou of Henry Loades, citizen of London. Born there. Educated there, six years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 13, 1685-6. Tutor, Mr Lightwine. M.B. 1691 : M.D. 1697. Scholar, Mich= 1686 to ilich' 1691. 1685—1686. 481 Sliort, William : son of Thomas Short, fellow of the College of Physicians. Born in London. At school in Norfolk, three years, under his grandfather. After- wards instructed at Douay and at Paris. Age 14. Admitted fellow-com- moner, Ap. 28, 1686. Surety, Mr Ba.sset. (The father was a Roman Catholic : v. Munk's Roll.) Pell, Ralph : son of Ralph Pell, barrister (and Town clerk), of Yarmouth. Born there. School, Woodbridge, five years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 22, 1686. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1689-90 (8th wrangler) : M.A. 1693. Scholar, Mich" 1686 to Mich' 1693. Resident at Fakenham, Norf., in 1716, where he held the bishop's license to practise medicine, dated Ap. 12, 1703 : at that time described as of Ditchingham. Locke, William : son of John Locke, attorney. Born at Norwich. At school there, four years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, May 27, 1686. Surety, Mr EUys. Scholar, Mich» 1686 to L. Day 1691. Cockarell, Luke : B.A. of Gloucester Hall, Oxford. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, June 2.5, 1686. Surety, Mr Lightwine. (Matriculated at Lincoln College, Oxford, March 26, 1680. Son of Samuel Cockarell, gent., of Gloucester. Age 16. B.A. at Gloucester Hall, 1686.) M.B. 1686. A son of Luke Cockerel), of Abergavenny, was matriculated at Oxford in 1728. Bruen, Gregory : son of William Bruen, mercer, of Exeter. Born there. At school there, three years. Has resided two years at Exeter College, Oxford. Admitted pensioner to the scliolars' table, July 19, 1686. Surety, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich" 1686 to L. Day 1688. M.B. (Jes.) 1689. Probably the one of these names who entered at Leyden, Ap. 20, 1693. Rix, Henry : son of Henry Rix (formerly of the college; 1655), clerk, of Newport, Essex. Born there. School, Newport, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, July, 1686. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1690-1 : M.A. 1694. Scholar, Mich" 1686 to Mich" 1694. Ordained deacon (Lond.) May 23, 1692 ; as curate at Ohesterford : priest (Norw.) May 25, 1695 ; as curate of Shelfhanger, Norf. Curate of Syleham, Sutf., 1698-1702. Rector of Colton, Norf., 1702-28. Vicar of Deophani, 1713- 28. Died July 2.5, 1728. M L at Colton. Will proved (Norw. C. C.) 1728 : "of Wramplingham." He left an account of the antiquities, tithes, tfec, of the pai-ish of Colton (Davy). Stawell, William: .son of Anthony Stawell, gent., of Cork (' Coreagia'). Born there. School, Charleville, live years. Has resided two years at Trin. Coll., Dublin. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Sep. 6, 1686. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Mich'' 1686— Mictf 1687. Dover, Thomas. From St Mary Hall, Oxf. ; where he resided six years. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 4, 1686. Surety, Mr Lightwine. (Matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Dec. 1, 1680; age 16; son of John Do\er, of Barton-on-the-Heath, Warwicks., gent. B.A. Oxf. 1684.) M.B. 1687. Inventor of "Dover's powder," which is still substantially the same as in his recipe (N.M.). More distinguished as a buccaneer. In 1708 he sailed from Bristol, — where he seems to have begun practice, — as second in command of a privateering e.xpedition for three years. After taking several prizes in the Pacific, they returned by the Cape of Good Hope. Licentiate of the College of Physicians, Sep. 30, 1721 ; after which he mostly c. 31 482 GONVILLE AXD CAIUS COLLEGE. resided and practised in London. Died in Arundel Street, Strand, 1742. rrom his use of mercury he was known as the ' Quicksil%-er doctor.' Author : The Ancient Physician's Legacy to his Country, 1733. (v. D.N.B.) Waylet, William : son of Richard Waylet, gent., of North Weald, Essex. Bom there ; and educated there, seven years. Age 1 7. Admitted sizar, Jan. 4, 1686-7. Surety, Mr Ellys. Burke, John. Of Hants. Recorded as B.A., 1686-7, in our Admission Register. Fairclough, Richard : son of John Fairclough, clerk, of Kermet, Cambs. Educated at home; and at Bury St Edmunds School, five years. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Jan. 22, 1686-7. Surety, Mr EUys. B.A. 1690-1 : M.A. 1694. Scholar, Mich^ 1687 to Mich^ 1694. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June, 1693 : priest (do.) Sep. 23, 1694; as curate of Quidden- ham. Rector of Kennet, Cambs., 1696. Abbott, Maurice : son of George Abbott, gent., of Duxworth, Cambs. Bom there. School, Newport, four years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 21, 1686-7. Surety, Mr Lightwine. (Admitted to the bachelors' table, June 29 ; and fellow-commoner, Oct. 24, 1687.) Admitted at the Inner Temple, Nov. 9, 1687. Barrister, May 29, 1693. He and his brother presented to our library a cop3' of Franc. Junius De pictiira veterum, 1694, and other volumes. Abbott, George : brother of the above. Born at Steppingley, Beds. School, New- port, four years. Age 1.5. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 21, 1686-7. Surety, Mr Lightwine. (Admitted feUow-commoner, Oct. 27, 1687.) Admitted at the Inner Temple, May 16, 1688. Green, William : son of John Green, weaver, citizen of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 1, 1687. Surety, Mr Lightwine. Scholar, L. Day 1687 to Mich* 1688. Probably admitted at Gray's Inn, July 10, 1688: as "William Green, gent., of Norwich." Barrister, 1696. Bencher, 1720. •Parham, Nicholas : son of Nicholas Parham, gent., of Swan ton Morley, Norf. (who was brother of Peter of 16.53). School, Norwich, four years. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 10, 1687. Tutor, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1690-1: M.A. 1694. Scholar, Mich* 1687 to Mids-^ 1694. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1694; Senior fellow, Mich" 1697 to Christ* 1712. Held the offices of rhet. praelector, 1697: Greek lecturer, 1698: Heb. lecturer, 1700: catechist, salarist, bursar, 1702-6, and steward. Obtained a faculty from the Abp of Canterbury, Oct. 14, 1697, to be ordained deacon and priest at once, in order to hold a senior fellowship. Proctor, 1704. Died, Jan. 1712-3. Will proved (V.C. Court, Camb.), Feb. 9, 1712-3. Leaves £200 to the college, "to be laid out to the best advantage "...the produce to be paid yearly to a scholar, "by way of exhibition or addition to his scholarship": founder's kin to have the preference. His picture, in our college, is not certainlj' identified. Langley, Roger: son of Roger Langley, Esq., of Lumby ('Lumby castrum'), Yorks. Born at Slierriff Hutton. School, Westminster. Age 17. Ad- mitted pensioner to the bachelors' table. May 20, 1687. Surety, Mr Ellys. Third son of Sir Roger, second baronet. Died without issue. (Eng. Baronetage, ii. 159.) 1687. 483 *Searles, John: son of John Searles, gent., of North Weald, Ess. Born there; and educated there seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, May 20, 1687. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1690-1 (28th o}).): M.A. 1694: D.D. 1706. Scholar, Mich» 1687 to Mids'- 1694. Junior fellow, Mids-- 1694 to Mich" 1702. Usher of the Perse school, 1692. Ordained deacon (Line.) June 3, 1694: priest (Ely) Sept. 1695. University preacher, 1696: moderator, 169.5. Turbutt, Richard: son of William Turbutt, of Mount St John (near Thirsk), Yorks. Born at Shipton, Yorks. School, Coxwold, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 3, 1687. Tutor, Mr Ellys. Scholar, Mich» 1687 to Mich' 1689. Probably ordained deacon at Peter- borough, Sep. 24, 1693. Deane, Leonard : son of Richard Deane, gent., of Howell Grange, Westmorland. Born at Dufton, in the same county. School, Sedbergh, three years. Age 19. Admitted pensioner to tlie scholars' table. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1690-1. Subscribed for deacons' orders (Norw.) May 22, 1692; as curate of Crostwick. *Gourdon (Gurdon), Brampton : son of Brampton Gurdon, gent., of Letton, Norf. Born there. School, Wymondham, six years. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 8, 1687. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1691-2 : M.A. 1695. Scholar, Mich" 1686 to L. Day 1695. Junior fellow, L. Day 1695 : senior, Mich» 1700 to L. Day 1721. Held the offices of dean, catechist, steward, bursar, and salarist. In 1706 he was deputed with Mr Hawys and the master, "to put the library in good order." Ordained deacon (Ely) Sep. 19, 1697: priest (Line.) Sep. 25, 1698. Curate of St Vedast, London, in 1717. Rector of Stapleford Abbot, 1720-4, Rector of St Nicholas, Lond., 1724-41 ; and of St Edmund the King, 1732. Rector of Denham, Bucks., 1730-41. Archdeacon of Sudbury, 1727-41. Chaplain to the Lord Chancellor Macclesfield. Died, unmarried, Nov. 20, 1741. Author: "The pretended difficulties in Natural and Revealed Religion no excuse for Infidelity" (Boyle lectures, 1721, 2). For a list of his other writings see D.N.B. Brother of Thornhaugh, 1681; and of John, 1683. *Craske, Thomas : son of Thomas Craske, M.D., late of Bury St Edmunds. Born at Weeting, Norf. School, Bury St Edmunds, three years. Age 17. Ad- mitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 5, 1687. Surety, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1693: M.D. 1700. Scholar, Mich' 1687 to Mich' 1693. Junior fellow, Mich' 1695 : Senior fellow, L. Day 1700 to Mich' 1704. Dean, 1700 : registrai", 1701 : Greek lecturer, 1702 : Hebrew lecturer, 1703. His fellow- ship was vacated by marriage. Practised physic in Cambridge. Died at Bury St Edmunds, 1718. M.I. at St Edward's, Cambridge, to his wife Anna Maria, daughter of Mr John Wright, of London, who died 1706. Palmer, William : son of William Palmer, gent., of Broad Clyst, Devon. Born there. School, Tiverton, two years. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 29, 1687. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1690-1. Scholar, Mich' 1687 to Mids'^ 1691. Rector of Combe Raleigh, Devon, 1712-26. Buried there, June 22, 1726. Price, Charles. M.A. 1687. From Oxford, son of Howell Price of Cwmtoyddwr, Radns., clerk. Matriculated at Queen's, Oxf., March 28, 1679; age 15. B.A. 1682. Rector of Newport, Pemb., 1685-96, and of Whitechurch, 1687- 96. Vicar of Boughrood, Radn., 1687-95. Preb. of Brecon, 1691 ; and of St David's, 1691. Vicar of Brecknock St John, 1693-5. Precentor of St David's 1694 to his death, Nov. 21, 1696. (J. F., Alumn. Oxon.) 31—2 484 gonville and caius college. Mich'* 1687— Mich» 1688. Cotton, Robert : son of John Cotton, gent., of Ashill, Norf. Born there. Edu- cated at Merton ('Martin') three years. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Oct. 4, 1687. Surety, Mr Lightwine. B.A. 1691-2: M.A. 1696. Scholar, Mich' 1687 to Mids"^ 1695. Or- dained deacon (Ely) March 1693-4 : priest (Norw.) June 1694. Vicar of Gayton, Norf., 1694-9. Hyrne (Heme), William : son of William Hyrne, citizen of Norwich. Born there; and educated there, three years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, Oct. 15, 1687. Surety, Mr Ldghtwiue. B.A. 1691-2: M.A. 1695: D.D. 1709. Scholar, Mich^ 1687 to Mich" 1694. Ordained deacon (Lend.) Sep. 24, 1692: priest (Norw.) Sep. 1696. Rector of Harkstead, Suff., 1697. Rector of St George Colegate, Norwich, 1715-45. Brother of John, 1689. Crow, Thomas : son of Henry Crow, mercer, and citizen (alderman and mayor) of Norwich. Born there (Oct. 12, 1672; in St Andrew's parish); and edu- cated there seven years. Age 1 6. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Jan. 17, 1687-8. Tutor, Mr Ellys. M.B. 1694: M.D. 1699. Scholar, Mich^ 1688 to Mich' 1693. Fellow of the College of Phj'sicians, 1708. Censor, 1713, 1720. Took an active part in preparing the London Pharmacopoeia of 1746. Married Ann, daughter of John Kenrick, of London. Died, without issue, Aug. 11, 1751. Will proved (P. C. C), 1751. Left large legacies to hospitals. M.I. in St Andrew's, Norwich. (Munk's Roll) Norris, John: son of Anthony Norris, gent., of Norwich. Born there; and educated there, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the bachelors' table, Feb. 1, 1687-8. Surety, Mr Ellys. Married Jane, daughter of James Balder, of Lines. Spent the greater part of his fortune (Jemiyn). Brother of Stephen, 1696. Welton, Richard : son of Thomas Welton, druggist, of Woodbridge, Suff. Bom at Framlingham. School, Woodbridge, seven years. Age 16. Admitted sizar, March 3, 1687-8. Surety, Mr Ellys. B.A. 1691-2: M.A. 1695: D.D. 1708. Scholar, Mich' 1688 to Mich' 1695. Ordained deacon (Peterb.) May, 1695. Rector of St Mary, White- chapel, 1697. After his deprivation in 1710, as a non-juror, he became pastor of a non-juring congregation in London ; where he and tliey gOt into trouble in 1717, for refusing the oatlis (v. Nichols, Hhcsf. iv. 421). Consecrated bishop by Dr Taylor, about Dec. 1722. Afterwaixls went to America, and settled in Philadelphia. Was summoned by a royal writ, Jan. 1726, to return to England forthwith. Retired to Lisbon, wliere he died, Aug. 1726 (v. i\". oks, medals, &c. to the library. For an account of his architectural work, see D.N.B. For more, see under Masters. *Parham, Petor : son of Peter Parham (formerly of the college, 1652-3), M.D., of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years, under Mr Robinson and ]SIr Pate. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 2, 1707-8. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1712: M.A. 1716. Junior fellow, Mich' 1712: senior, Mich' 1715 till his death. Dean, 1712, 3, 8. For some years practised medicine at Norwich. Buried there, at St Michael at Plea, June 3, 1720. M.I. to him, and others of the family. Brother of Nicholas, 1703. Webster, William: son of Richard Webster (? formerly of the college, 1666), clerk, of Cove, Suff. Born there. School, Beccles, seven years, under Mr Leeds. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, March 2, 1707-8. Surety, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1711-2: M.A. 1716: D.D. 1732. Scholar, IVIich' 1708 to L. Day 1712. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 24, 1713, as curate of Depden: priest (Line.) Feb. 26, 1715-6, as cui-ate of St Dunstan in the West; from which he was removed in 1731. Rector of Depden, 1732. Vicar of Ware, 1740-59 : of S. Mimms, Jliddx. ; and of Thundridge, Herts., 1740-59. Died, it is said in povert}', Dec. 4, 1758. Author of numerous sermons, and other works, of which over 20 are mentioned by Watt: — The Life of Monk, 1723. The Clergy's Right of Maintenance vindicated, 1726. Translation of Father Simon's New Testament, 1730. A Treatise on Places and Preferments, 1757. A Plain Narrative of Facts, or the Author's Case fairly and candidly stated, by way of appeal to the public, 1758: &c. See Chalmers: Biographical Dictionary. Grinsell, WiUiam : son of William GrinseU, gent., of Drayton, Salop. Born there. School, Drayton, three yeai-s, under Mr Felton. Age 19. Admitted sizar, Ap. 29, 1708. Tutor, Mr Hawys. Scholar, ]\Iich' 1708 to Mids' 1710. Staunton, Robert : son of William Staunton, clerk, of Furnival's Inn. Born in London. School, Eton, under Mr Newborough. Age 16. Admitted fellow- commoner, June 17, 1708. Surety, Mr Gooch. Freestone, Thomas : son of Richard Freestone, Esq., of Mendham, Norf. Born at Broome, Norf. School, Bury St Edmunds, four j^ears, under Mr Leeds. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. Tutor, ]Mr Amyas. LLB. (Trin. H.) 1713. Scholar, Mich' 1708 to L. Day 1712. Vicar of Crattield and Laxfield, Suff., 1717-43. Died Oct. 26, 1743. M.I. in Cratfield church. His will is given in Dav'y's Pedigrees. 1707—1708. 519 *Kempe, Thomas : son of Tliomas Kempe, tanner, of East Dereham, Norf. Born there. School, Scarning, five years, under Mr Lane. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 14, 1708. Tutor, Mr Havvys. B.A. 1712. Scholar, Mich' 1708 to Mich' 1713. Junior fellow, Mich" 1713 to L. Day 1715. Wacey (Wasey), William : son of William Wacey, attorney, of Brunstead, Norf. Born there. Scliool, Norwich, five years, under Mr Pate and Mr Purt. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 2, 1708. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1712 : M.A. 1716 : M.D. 1723. Scholar, Mich" 1708 to Mich" 1715. Admitted at Leyden, Oct. 1, 1716. Fellow of the Coll. of Physicians, Dec. 22, 1724. Censor and Consiliarius. President, 1750-4. Physician to West- minster Hospital, 1719-33; and to St George's, 1733-57. Died Ap. 1757. (xMunk's Roll, ii. 89.) Cory, Robert : son of Joseph Cory, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Nov. 2, 1708. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1712-3 : M.A. 1716. Scholar, Mich'* 1708 to Mich" 1713. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 11, 1715 ; as curate of Marsham, Norf.: priest (do.) Jan. 11, 1715-6. Presented to St Michael Coslany, Norwich, Jan. 4, 1715-6. Licensed as master (second usher) at Norwich grammar school, Nov. 18, 1713 : afterwards second master, 1717-37. Rector of Hackford, and Whitwell, 1721-50. Will proved (Norw. archd. C), "of Reepham," 1751. *Norris, James : son of James Norris, citizen of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Wymondham, five years, under Mr Clarke ; and Norwich, two years, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 3, 1708. Tutor, Mr Hawys. B.A. 1712-3: MA. 1716. Scholar, Mich" 1708 to L. Day 1716. Junior fellow, L. Day 1716 to Mich" 1717. Ordained deacon (Line, l.d. from Norw.) June 12, 1715: priest (Norw.) July 22, 1716. Rector of Marsham, 1717-29. Buried at Marsham. Will proved (Norw.) 1729. Berney, William : son of Sir Richard Berney, baronet, of Kirby, Norf. Born there. Schools, Eton, under Mr Newborough ; and Norwich, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 5, 1708. Tutor, Mr Amyas. LL.B. 1714. Scholar, Mich" 1708 to Mich" 1713. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Feb. 21, 1713-4 ; as curate of Westwick. Brother of Richard, 1705 ; and John, 1717. Blomefield, Thomas : son of Francis Blomefield, clothier, of Attleborougli, Norf. Born there. School, Wymondham, five years, under Mr Clarke. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Nov. 4, 1708. Tutor, Mr Hawys. B.A. 1712-3 : M.A. 1724. Scholar, Mich" 1708 to Mich" 1713. Ordained deacon (Norw.) May 31, 1713 : priest (do.) July 4, 1714; as curate of East Harling and Bridgham, Norf. Rector of Hartley, Kent, 1721-70 ; and Vicar of Chalk, 1752-70. Chaplain to the Duke of Dorset. Probably buried at Hartley. Father of General Sir Thomas Blomefield, Bart. Webb, William : son of Edmund Webb, brewer, of Norwich. Born at Lakenham. School, Norwich, eight years, under Mr Burton, Mr Hoadley, and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Nov. 17, 1708. Surety, Mr Hawys. 520 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. B.A. 1712-3. Scholar, Mich" 1708 to Mich" 1715. Ordained deacon (Ely; l.d. from Xorw.) March 13, 171i-5 : priest (Norw.) July 22, 1716 ; as curate of Morningthorpe, Norf. Rector of Antingham 8t Marj^, Norf., 1718- 54. Rector of Febiiingham (fourth part), 1722-54. Curate of Paston. Buried at Antingham, Oct. 26, 1754. Clough, John : son of Samuel Clough, gent., of Wilton, Norf. Born there. School, Bur)- St Edmunds, seven years, under Mr Leedes and Mr Randall. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 5, 1708-9. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mids' 1709 to Mich^ 1711. Mickleburgh, Jokn : son of Thomas Mickleburgh, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, nine j'eai-s, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 30, 1709. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mids' 1709 to Mich* 1712, when he migrated to Corpus. B.A. (Corpus) 1712-3 : M.A. 1716 : B.D. 1724. Fellow of Corpus, 1714. Proctor, 1720. Professor of Chemistry, 1718-56. Curate of St Benet's, Camb., 1719- 1720. Vicar of St Andrew's, Camb., 1720-56. Rector of Landbeach, Cambs., 1727-56. Vicar of Impington, Cambs., 1753-6. Proctor for the diocese of Ely, 1754. Died May 11, 1756 : buried at Landbeach, with his wife. He was a benefactor to our college, bj' the gift of manj- books, and a legacy of £1,000 for the foundation of a scholarship in Chemistry ; the first of such endowments for any special study. (See under Endoii-ments.) Author : Sermon before the Mayor and Corporation of Cambridge, 1751 ; recommending the founding of a Workhouse. Our MS. 619 contains some of his lectures as professor, with lists of the students who attended. He commemorated liis wife in verses intended for her tomb-stone, which, commenting on others who married more frequently, conclude Non ego : prima mihi conjux fuit ultima, quippe Quam bona prima fuit, tam bona nulla datur. His own monument, composed by him, describes that his " caput mortumn " is laid there, (v. Clay's Landbeach, pp. 70, 117). Gierke, Abraham : son of Abraham Clerke, clerk, of Seething, Norf. Born at Felmingham. Schools, Beccles, one year, under Mr Leeds ; and Bergh Apton, two years, under Mr Connold. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholare' table, Ap. 7, 1709. Tutor, :Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mids' 1709 to Mich" 1711. LL.B. {com. reg.) 1728. There is a monument to the father at Kelvedon, Essex. *Symonds, Nathaniel : son of Nathaniel Symonds, mercer, of Yarmouth. Born there. Schools, Yarmouth, two years, under Mr Welham ; and Norwich, a year and a half, uuder Mr Pate. Age 15. Admitted sizar, Ap. 20, 1709. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1712-3 (17th wrangler): M.A. 1717. Scholar, L. Day 1709 to Mids' 1715. Junior fellow, Mids"' 1715 to Mids"^ 1719. Ordained deacon (Norw.) July 12; priest (do.) July 13, 1718. Vicar of Ormesby, Norf., 1718-27. Married his cousin, Anne, daughter of Thomas Symonds, Esq., of Browston Hall, Belton, Suff. Inherited large estates in Ormesby and Burgh from his relative. Cotton Symonds. Died 1727. Sa\'ill, John : son of John Sa\-ill, mercer, of Colchester. Born at Horkesley, Ess. School, Felsted, five years, under Mr Lydiat. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 17, 1709. Surety, Mr Amyas. 1709. 521 Admitted at Lincoln's Inn, Ap. 25, 1710. Scholar, Mida' 1709 to L. Day 1712. Of Stisted Hall, Essex, Esq. Lord of the manor of Great Fordliam, Essex. Died Feb. 1734-5, unmarried: his estates passed to his^ brother SamueL (v. Morant, li. 391.) Young, Benjamin : son of Benjamin Young, clerk, of Woodbastwick, Norf. Born tliere. School, Norwich, five years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Has kept five terms at Corp. Christi College. Age 19. Admitted sizar, June 26, 1709. Surety, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1711-12. Scholar, Mids' 1709 to L. Day 1712. Perhaps the "Benjamin Young, gent., of Swaffham," who.se son was admitted in 1759. *Snell, Edward : son of Robert Snell, attorney, of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Norwich, four years, under Mr Purt ; and (the grammar school) three years, under Mr Fate. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 28, 1709. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1712-3 (39th op.): M.A. 1717 : M.D. 1724. Scholar, Mids^ 1709 to Mids' 1715. Junior fellow, Mids"' 1715: senior, Mich" 1719 till his death. Hebrew lecturer, 1719-20. Died Sep. 1733. *Richer, John : son of Nicholas Richer, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, nine years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Sep. 9, 1709. Tutor, Mr Am3'as. M.B. 1716. Scholar, Mich* 1710 to Mich' 1714. Junior fellow, Mich' 1716 to L. Day 1720. Probably practised medicine at N. Walsham. Buried there, Oct. 24, 1738. *Lyng, Benjamin: son of William Lyng (formerly of the college; 1664), clerk, of Yarmouth. Born there. School, Yarmouth, six years, under Mr Pate and Mr Welham. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Sep. 12, 1709. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1713-4: M.A. 1717. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mich' 1716. Ordained deacon (Line.) March 17, 1716-7 : priest (Norw.) July 13, 1718. Married (1) Arabella, daughter of John Chappell, of Southwell, Notts.; (2) Ann, daughter of major Richard Ferrier, of Yarmouth. Rector of Walsham St Lawrence, with Rockland St Marg. and St Mary, Norf., 1718-43. Died Jan. 30, 1742-3. Buried at Yarmouth, with his second wife. M.I. there. In Walsham Register is a copy of the League and Covenant : Mr Lyng adds the note, " Hoc fcedus solenne et scelestum stat adhuc et stet in perpetuum dedecus et opprobrium." He also states that he rebuilt the rectory which was in ruins, " per nefarium et obsecratum Fanaticorum furorem." Carver, Philip : sou of Walter Carver, druggist, of Wymondham. Born there. Schools, Wymondham, six years, under Mr Clarke ; and Norwich, two years, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Sep. 13, 1709. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1713-4. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Christ' 1715. Ordained priest (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1716. Vicar of Besthorpe and Tibenham, 1716-59. Will proved (Norw.) 1759. 522 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. MiCH^ 1709— MiCH^ 1710. Richards, William : son of John Richards, weaver, of Botesdale, SufF. Born at Rickinghall Inf. School, Botesdale, six years, under Mr Mabourne. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 20, 1709-10. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1713-4. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mich" 1716. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Dec. 18, 1715 : priest (Ely) Sep. 22, 1717. Rector of Flempton and Hengrave, Sutf., 1720-30. Died May 22, 1730, aged 38. Buried at Flempton. M.I. there. *Green, Francis : son of John Green, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, nine years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, March 28, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1713-4 (38th optime) : M.A. 1717. Scholar, Mich'^ 1710 to Mids'^ 1715. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1715 to Mich' 1718. Ordained deacon (Lond.) March 13, 1714-5: priest (Ely, l.d. from Norw.) March 17, 1716-7. Rector of Erpingham, Norf., 1724-38. Rector of Lit. Dunham, Norf., 1716-24. Died June 7, 1738; aged 41. M.I. at Erpingham. AVill proved (Norw.) 1738. West, Willoughby. Admitted pensioner. Taylor, Benjamin : son of Peter Taylor, citizen of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, eight years, under !Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Ap. 17, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1713-4. Scholar, Mich* 1710 to Mich* 1715. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 23, 1716 ; as curate of W3'mondham : priest (do.) July 13, 1718; as curate of Wroxham. Vicar of Darshara, Suff., 172(t-48 ; and of Bramfield, 1730-7. Rector of Theberton, 1737-48. Died June 19, 1748. M.I. at Thebcrton to him and to his wife Elizabeth. Will proved (Archd. Suflf.) 1748. Cater, John : sou of Richard Cater, gent., of Thompson, Norf. Born at Caston. Educated at Stow Bedon, seven years, under Mr Rudlaud : then at Norwich, six months, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Ap. 17, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1713-4. Scholar, Mich* 1710 to Mich* 1714. Ordained deacon (Ely) Feb. 21, 1713-4, as curate of Rampton : priest (Norw.) March 9, 1717-8. Inherited from his father the manor of Thompson college, 1717. Patron of Gt and Little EUiugham ; and vicar, 1718-47. Died July 27, 1747 ; and left his property to his sister, Mrs Bond. Buried in the chancel of Thompson, where there are monuments to him and his father (v. Crabbe's Tliompson). Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1747. Stone, John : son of Thomas Stone, grocer, of Norwich. Born there. School, Irstead (private), seven years, under Mr Stone. Age 19. Admitted sizar, Ap. 20, 1710. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1713-4: M.A. 1717. Scholar, Mich* 1710 to L. Day 1717. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Feb. 21, 1713-4: priest (do.) Dec. 11, 1715; as curate of St Nicholas, Yarmouth. Rector of Tattersett, with Tatterford, Norf., 1727-57. Vicar of Langham, 1722-7. Buried at Tatterford, Nov. 7, 1757. 1709—1710. 523 Bacon, Edmund : son of Sir Edmund Bacon, baronet, of Gillingham, Norf. Born there. Schools, Beccles, four years, under Mr Jessop and Mr Leeds ; and Bishop Stortford, three years, under Mr Tooke. Age 17. Admitted fellow- commoner. May 12, 1710. Surety, Mr Gooch. B.A. 1713-4 (2nd wrangler). Junior fellow, Mich' 1716 to L. Day 1720. Succeeded as baronet, 1721. Married Susan, daughter of Sir Isaac Rebow. M.P. for Thetford, Norf.; 1722, 27, 34. Died at Bath, Oct. 2, 1738. (Kimber and Johnson, i. 11.) Spelman, John : son of Mundeford Spelman, Esq., of Narburgh, Norf. Born there. Educated, three years, at home, under Mr Rudland ; and at Eton, six j'ears, under Mr Newborough. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 19, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. (Admitted fellow-commoner, Dec. 13, 1710.) Scholar, Mids"- 1710 to L. Day 1714. Admitted at the Middle Temple, June 14, 1710. Of Narburgli, Esq. Married, at Crostwight, Nov. 9, 1719, Anne, daughter of Charles Le Groos. Died, Dec. 3, 1768 (v. Dashwood's Norf. Vis.) Brother of Mundeford, 1712 ; and Henry, 1718. Simpson, John : son of Thomas Simpson, druggist, of Diss, Norf. Born there. Schools, Gissing, three years, under Mr Carver ; and Beccles, four years, under Mr Leedes. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 6, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mich" 1710 to L. Day 1714. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 6, 1712. Seaman, Thomas : son of Peter Seaman, alderman of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Norwich (private), three years, under Mr Nobbs ; and Reepham, six years, under Mr Robinson. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 7, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. (Admitted fellow-commoner, Sep. 12, 1710.) M.I. in Heigham, by Norwich, to Thomas Seaman, Esq., only son of Peter Seaman, knt. ; who died Oct. 13, 1724, aged 31. Holier, William : B.A., of Brasenose Coll., Oxford. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 3, 1710. Tutor, Mr Pycroft. (Admitted at Braseno.se, Ap. 6, 1693; aged 16. Son of William of Wolverhampton.) B.A. (Oxf.) 1696 : M.A. (Camb.) 1710. Ordained deacon (Winch.) Dec. 9, 1697 : priest (do.) Nov. 15, 1703. Rector of Carshalton, Surrey, 1703-37. Died March 7, 1736-7. *Kerrich, John : son of Walter Kerrich, brewer, of Harleston, Norf. Born there. Schools, Gissing, four years, under Mr Calver ; Beccles, two years, under Mr Leeds; and Bury, one year, under Mr Randall, Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 5, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. M.B. 1717: M.D. 1722. Scholar, Mich» 1710 to Christ' 1716. Junior fellow, Christ' 1716; senior, Mich' 1719 to Mich' 1730. Held the offices of dean, rhet. prjelector, Gr. and Heb. lecturer, steward, and bursar. Practised for many years as physician at Bury St Edmunds. Died there, Oct. 9, 1762. M.I. at St Mary's. Craske, Henry: son of William Craske, brewer, of Bury St Edmunds. Born there. School, Bury, eight years, under Mr Leeds and Mr Randall. Age 17. Admitted sizar, July 6, 1710. Surety, Mr Macro. B.A. 1714-5 : M.A. (com. reg.) 1717. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mich' 1715. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Sep. 15, 1715 : priest (Line.) Dec. 21, 1717. Vicar 524 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. of Anwick, and rector of Brauncewell, Lines., 1717. Rector of Shotley, Suif., 1730. Rector of Fordliani, Essex, 1731. Chaplain to the Earl of Bristol. Preacher at St James', Bury St Edmunds. Died Sep. 4, 1743. M.I. at St James', Bury, erected by his wife Elizabeth. Will proved (Norw.) 1743. *Love, John : son of Barry Love, clerk, of Yarmoutli. Born there. School, Yarmouth, seven years, under Mr Pate and Mr Welham. Age 15. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 18, 1710. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1714-5 (senior wrangler): M.A. 1718. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mich' 1716. Junior fellow, Christ* 1716 to Christ' 1719. Ferrier, Richard : only son of Richard Ferrier, mercer, of Yarmouth. Born there. School, Yarmouth, eight j-ears, under Jlr Pate and Mr Welham. Age 14. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 26, 1710. Tutor, Mr Macro. Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mids"' 1716. Married, 1724, Elizabeth, daughter of John Smith. Mayor of Yarmouth, 1724. Died 1739, aged 44: buried at Yarmouth. Will proved (Norw.) 1739. An interesting diary of the father, major Ferrier, kept whUst travelling in France in 1687, has been published by the Camden >'ioc. {Miscellany, Vol. ix.). He was M.P. for Yarmouth, and held a commission in the militia. MiCH'* 1710— MlCH^ 1711. Gurdon, Brampton : son of Thornaugh Gurdon, Esq., of Letton, Norf. Bom there. School, Korwich, eight years, under Mr Hoadlej' and Mr Pate. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Oct. 26, 1710. Tutor, Mr Amyas. (Admitted fellow-commoner, Nov. 1, 1712.) Scholar, Mich' 1710 to Mich' 1712. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Dec. 18, 1710. Of Grundisburgh, Suffolk. Died unmarried, before his father. *Husband, James : son of Edward Husliand, gent., of Horkesley, Essex. Born tliere. Schools, Ipswich, two years, under Mr Coningsby; and Bury, seven years, under Mr Leeds and Mr Randall. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 27, 1710-1. Tutor, Mr Amyas. LL.B. 1715: LL.D. 1724. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to L. Day 1716. Junior fellow, L. Day 1716 to Christ' 1716. Re-elected, Jan. 27, 1721-2: senior fellow, ilich' 1723 to L. Day 1744. Held the offices of catechist, 1723-5: salarist, 1725-33; and Greek lecturer, 1733-5. President, 1729-37. Or- dained deacon (Lond.) Feb. 18, 1721-2. Presented to Ashdou, Ap. 14, 1729; but resigning it within a year, retained his fellowship. Rector of Fordham, 1743-9. Vicar of Little Horkesley, Essex. His tirst election, to a Perse fellowship, was "without any profit, but only chamber rent"; the Perse fund being then in debt. Married ]Mary Sindry, of Cambridge, March 14, 1743-4. Died, without issue, Feb. 22, 1749-50. M.I. at Horkesley. He left £100 to the college, for general purposes. There is a letter from him to Zach. Grey in Nichols' IlluM. Vol. iv. p. 324, dated Nov. 24, 1735. See also Lit. Anecd. ix. 789. Parker, Thomas: son of Luke Parker, corndealer, of Bury St Edmunds. Born there. School, Bury, nine years, under Mr Leeds and Mr Randall. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Ap. 7, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to Christ' 1712. 1710—1711. 525 *Greena\vay, Daniel : son of Joseph Greenaway, grocer, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Ap. 21, 1711. Surety, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1714-5 (Gth wrangler): M.A. 1718. Junior fellow, Christ^ 1716: senior, Mids"^ 1720 to L. Day 1730. Chaplain, 1717 : catechist, 1720 : .salarist, 1721 : dean, 1723. Ordained deacon (Lond.) June 16, 1717. Rector of the college living of Denver, 1728-31. Buried Jan. 11, 1734-5. M.l. at Denver. Will proved (Norw.) 1734. Branthwa}'te, Thomas: son of Arthur Branthwayte, Esq., of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pen.sioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 24, 1711. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mich» 1711 to L. Day 1712. Died at Norwich, Ap. 1, 1714. Love, John : son of John Love, weaver, of Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, seven years, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar. May 9, 1711. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1714-5 (13th wrangler): M.A. 1724. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to Mich" 1717. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1716; as curate of Worlington : priest (do.) July 13, 1718. Vicar of Fordham, Cambs., 1724. Vicar of Isle- ham, Cambs. 1725. Wright, John : son of John Wright, clerk, of Wangford, SufF. Born in London. Schools, SwafFham, Norf., three years, under Mr Ibbott; and Newport, Ess., three years, under Mr Allen. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, May 16, 1711. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1714-5: M.A. 1718. Scholar, Mich" 1711 to Christ' 1715. Or- dained deacon (Lond.) May 27, 1716 : priest (do.) March 11, 1716-7. Poulton, Jeremiah Francis : son of Nathaniel Poulton, clei'k, of Hockwold, Norf. Born in London. School, Hockwold, Norf., nine years, under Mr TopcliiFe. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 23, 1711. Surety, Mr Macro. B.A. 1715-6 (Emm.). Scholar, Mid.s-- 1711 to Mich' 1711. *Palgrave, William : son of William Palgrave, gent., of Pulham St Mary Magd., Norf. Born there. Schools, Beccles and Woodbridge, under Mr Leeds, eight years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, May 28, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. M.B. 1717: M.D. 1723. Scholar, Mich" 1711 to Mich' 1716. Junior fellow, Mich' 1716 : Senior, Mich' 1721 to Mich' 1727 (vacated by marriage) : Rhet. prselector, 1721-5: registrar, 1726. Physician at Ipswich. Died Sep. 14, 1742. M.L at Pulham. (Blomef. v. 397.) *Stedman, William : son of James Stedman, clothier, of Bury St Edmunds. Born there. School, Bury, seven years, under Mr Leeds and Mr Randall. Age 18. Admitted .sizar, June 4, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1714-5: M.A. 1720. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to Mids^ 1715. Junior fellow, Mich' 1720 to Mich' 1723. Thome, Francis : son of John Thorne, rector of Wootton, Norf. Born at Snet- tisham. Schools, Norwich, three years, under Mr Hoadley ; and L}'nn, five years, under Mr Home. Age 18. Admitted sizar, June 19, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to L. Day 1712. 526 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Bokenham, L'Estrange : son of Thomas Bokenhara, mercer, of (Tombland) Norwich. Born there. School, Norwich, nine yeai-s, under Mr Hoadley and Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 21, 1711. Suretj-, Mr Macro. B.A. 17U-5: M.A. 1718. Scholar, Mich» 1711 to L. Day 1717. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 23, 171 G; as curate of Ashby and Holverstone : priest (do.) Dec. 22, 1717 ; as curate of Redgrave and Botesdale. Died May 11, 1719 : buried at Redgrave St Mary, Suffolk : M. I. there. Francis, John : son of Thomas Francis, attornej', of North Elmham, Norf. Born there. School, Walsingham, six years, under Mr Harding. Age 16. Ad- mitted sizar, July 3, 1711. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1714-5. Scholar, Mich* 1711 to Mich' 1717. Ordained deacon (Norw.) March 9, 1717-8; as Curate of Tittleshall : priest (do.) Dec. 20, 1719. Probably rector of Billingford and Brisley, Norf., 1727-42. Will of Jolin Francis, clerk, of Norwich, proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1749. Dennis, William : son of Valentine Dennis, gent., of Glandford, Norf. Born at Blakeney. School, Holt, six years, under Mr Reynolds. Age 17. Achiiitted sizar, Sep. 21, 1711. Tutor, JNIr Macro. Mich' 1711 to Mich' 1713. MlCH^ 1711— MlCH^ 1712. Rice, Henry : son of Henry Rice, rector of Cockthorpe, Norf. Born at Warham, Norf. Private tuition at home, three years : then at Holt, four years, under Mr Reynolds. Age 19. Admitted sizar, Oct. 9, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1715-6. Scholar, Mich' 1711 to Mich' 1716. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 23, 1716; as curate of East Barsham : priest (do.) March 9, 1717-8 ; as curate of Colkirk. Rector of Beetley, Norf., 1722-71. Rector of Foulsham, 1743-71. Died Feb. 2, 1771 : M.I. at Foulsham. Gipps, John Giles : son of Sir Richard Gipps, knight (formerly of the college ; 1675) of Great Whelnetham, Suff. Born there. School, Bury, four years, under Mr Reynolds and Mr Randall. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Dec. 17, 1711. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1715-6. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mich' 1716. Ordained deacon (Ely) June 16, 1717 : priest (Norw.) July 13, 1718; as curate of Hartest and Boxsted. Rector of Brockley, Suff., 1726-34. Rector of Chevington, 1727— 34. Married Sarah Steward, of Whepstead, Oct. 2, 1727. Buried at Great Whelnetham. *Breese, John : son of Thomas Breese, gent., of Elveden, Suff. Born at Barnham, Norf. At a private school, at Pepper Harrow, Surr., three years, under Mr Houldsworth. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Ap. 3, 1712. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1716-7: M.A. 1720. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mids^ 1719. Junior fellow, Mids^ 1719 : senior, L. Day 1721 to L. Day 1729. Catechist, 1721-3 : dean, 1723-6: steward, 1727. Ordained deacon (Lond.) June 12, 1720: priest (do.) Feb. 18, 1721-2. Married Alice, daughter of Samuel Oilman (of 1695). Rector of Hingham 1728-50, and Bixton," Norf., 1731-50. Died July 4, 1750. M. I. at Hingham. Administration in Norf. archd. C. Lamerton, William : B.A. of Exeter Coll., Oxford. Born at IMarharnchurch, Corn- wall. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, June 26, 1712. Surety, Dr Gooch. iri2. 527 B.A. (Oxf.) 1687 : M.A. (Camb.) 1712. Vicar of Alveley, Essex, 1698. Rector of Fishbourne, Sussex, to 1713. Rector of Bedhanipton, Hants., 1713- 32. Buried there, Dec. 5, 1732. Groome, Thomas : son of Thomas Groome, rector of Burnham Deepdale, Norf. Born there. Scliool, Holt, seven years, under Mr Reynolds. Age 17. Ad- mitted sizar, June 16, 1712. Tutor, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1715-6 : M.A. 1725. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mich» 1718. Ordained deacon (Norw.) June 12, 1720 : priest (do.) May 20, 1722 ; as curate of Sporle. Rector of Burnham Norton, 1724-9 : of B. Ulph, 1724-42 : of B. Westgate, 1724-42 : and of B. Overy, 1742. Rector of Ingoldisthorpe, 1736-42. Rector of Tittleshall, 1739-42. Chaplain to Lady Clifibrd. Copeman, Francis : son of Samuel Copeman, weaver, of Edgefield, Norf. Born at Sharrington (' Charenton '). Scliool, Holt, seven year.s, under Mr Reynolds. Age 19. Admitted sizar, June 16, 1712. Tutor, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1715-6. Ordained deacon (Ely) June 16, 1717 : priest (Norw.) July 13, 1718; as curate of Ditchingham, Norf. Rector of Bassinghani, and Gresham, Norf., 1732. Died June 10, 1758. M. I. at Gresham. Will proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1758 : "of Holt." *Fowle, Thomas : son of John Fowle, Esq., of Broome, Norf. Born at Great Melton. School, Norwich, four years, under Mr Pate. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scliolars' table, July 5, 1712. Tutor. Mr Amy as. LL.B. 1718: LL.D. 1727. Scholar, Mich" 1712 to Mich" 1717. Junior fellow, Mids'' 1719 to L. Day 1722. Commissary to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and to the Archdeacon of Norfolk, 1731. French, Richard: son of Robert French, gent., of Hempnall, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, eight years, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 5, 1712. Tutor, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1716-7 : M.A. 1734. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mids-- 1718. Ordained deacon (Lond.) June 8, 1718 : priest (Peterb., l.d. from Norw.) Sep. 20, 1719, as curate of Dunston, and Intwood. Rector of Bergh Apton, Norf., 1719-65. Chaplain to Sir Robert Walpole. Shuckford, Samuel : son of Samuel Shuckford, gent., of Palgrave, Suif. Born in Norwich. Schools, Norwich, one year, under Mr Hoadley ; and Botesdale, three years, under Mr Mabourne. Age 18. Admitted sizar, July 8, 1712. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1716-7: M.A. 1720: D.D. (Lambeth). Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mich" 1719. Ordained deacon (Lond.) June 16, 1717 : priest (Norw.) Oct. 28, 1718. Vicar of Seething and Mundham, Norf., 1713-46. Rector of Hard- wick, Norf., 1718-46; and of Shelton, 1722-46. Rector of All Hallows, Lombard St., 1746. Canon of Canterbury, 1738. Chaplain in ordinary to George II. Died July 14, 1754 : buried in Canterbury Cathedral. Author : The Sacred and Profane History of the World, 1731-7 : republished, 1810, 1858. The Use of a Liturgy, 1753. The Creation and Fall of Man, 1753 : &c. *Atkinson, Jolin : son of John Atkinson, alderman of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Reepham, a year and a half, under Mr Robinson ; and Norwich, five years, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, July 31, 1712. Tutor, Mr Amyas. LL.B. 1718. Scholar, Mich" 1712 to L. Day 1718. Junior fellow, Mids"- 1720 to Mich" 1735. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Dec. 22, 1719. 528 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. Gallant, Thomas : son of Henry Gallant, clothier, of Aldeburgh, Norf. Bom there. Scliool, Avlsham, four years, under Mr Wrench. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Sep. 13, 1712. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1716-7 (24th wrangler) : M.A. 1721. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mich' 1718. Ordained deacon (Winch.) June 16, 1717 : priest (Ely) March 13, 1719-20. Rector of Matlask, Xorf., 1719-41 : of Blickling, 1732-61 : and of Burgh by Aylsham, 1741-61. Married, at Burgh, Feb. 23, 1735-6, Dye JeweU, of Aylsham. Buried at Blickling, Nov. 20, 1761. AVill proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1762 : "of Aylsham." MiCH^ 1712— MicH^ 1713. Spelman, Mundeford : son of Mundeford Spelman, Esq., of Narburgh, Norf. Born there. School, Eton, seven years, under Mr Newborough. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Nov. 10, 1712. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to L. Day 1714. Admitted at the Middle Temple, Jan. 26, 1712. Migrated to Oxford ; where he matriculated at Oriel, Feb. 11, 1715-6. B.A. (0.\f.) 1718: M.A. 1723. Ordained deacon (Xorw.) Ju. 12, 1720: priest (do.) Sep. 2-5, 1720. Vicar of Cro.stwick, 1720-36: rector of Sloley, 1720. Vicar of Narburgh, and of Narford, Norf., 1736. Died March 2-5, 1751. WDl proved (Norw.) 1751. Brother of John, 1710; and Henry, 1718. Byar, Lockyer : son of Lockyer Byar, citizen of Norwich. Born there. Schools, Norwich, a year and a half, under Mr Pate ; and Reepham, four years, under Mr Robinson. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Nov. 12, 1712. Tutor, Mr Amyas. Scholar, Mich' 1712 to Mich' 1715. Died Oct. 15, 1728 ; aged 34. M. I. to him, and his parents, in St George's Colegate, Norwich. Giraldus (Giraud), William Henry : son of John Giraldus, a Waldensian, of Torre Pellice ('' Pedemontanus de Latour in Pago Lucerino "), minister of the Word of God. Born there. Educated at home : afterwards, for a year and a half, at Chigwell, Ess., under Mr Nobilet. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Jan. 21, 1712-3. Tutor, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to L. Day 1720. Ordained deacon (Lond.) Feb. 22, 1718-9 : priest (do.) March 13, 1719-20. Vicar of Graveney, Kent, 1727-69. Died JIarch 18, 1769 (Hasted, in. 21). Britiffe, Robert: son of Robert Britiffe, Esq. (formerly of the college; 1679-80), of Norwich. Born at Baconsthorpe. School, Holt, under Mr Reynolds, seven years. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 4, 1712-3. Tutor, Mr Macro. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich' 1714. Died without issue (Davy). Morden, William : son of John Morden, Esq., of Great Bradley, Suff. Born there. Schools, Thurlow, four years, under Mr Harwood ; and Bury, four j-ears, under Mr Randall. Age 16. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table, Feb. 4, 1712-3. Tutor, Mr Macro. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mids'' 1716. Admitted at the Middle Temple, May 11, 1716 : " son and heir of John, of Suffield." Probabl}' died young : not mentioned in Davy's pedigree. Brother of Arthur, 1722; and Thomas, 1726. Tiffin, William : son of Roger Tiffin, gent., of Crimplesham, Norf. Born there. Schools, Downham Market, two years, under Mr Robinson ; and Norwich, two years, under Mr Pate. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Feb. 11, 1712-3. Surety, Mr Macro. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich' 1718. Oi-dained deacon (Norw.) Sep. 21, 1718; as curate of Wereham and Wretton, Norf. 1712—1713. 529 Chapiucin, William : son of Willicam Ch.apnian, gent., of Weston, Norf. Born there. School, Norwich, six years, under Mr Pate. Age 18. Admitted sizar, March 25, 1713. Surety, Mr Amyas. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich" 1718. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Dec. 22, 1717 ; as curate of Hingham : priest (do.), Sep. 21, 1718. Martyn, John : son of Thomas Martyn, gent., of Cantley, Norf. Born at Greeting, SufF. Schools, Needham Market, five years, under Mr Brittan ; and Nor- wich (private), four years, under Mr Nobbs. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Ap. 9, 1713. Tutor, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to L. Day 1717. Ordained deacon (Norw.) July 13, 1718; as curate at Yarmouth: priest (do.) June 12, 1720. Will of John Martin, clerk, "of Cantley," proved (Norw. archd. C.) 1741. Lambe, Edward : son of Edward Lambe, rector of Acle, Noif. Born there. School (private) Norwich, under Mr Nobbs. Age 18. Admitted sizar, Ap. 9, 1713. Tutor, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich' 1717. Thurlow, Thomas : son of Thomas Thurlow, rector of Wortham, Suff. Born there. School, Botesdale, five years, under Mr Maybourn. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Ap. 9, 1713. Tutor, Mr Macro. B.A. 1716-7. Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich-^ 1718. Ordained deacon (Norw.) Oct. 28, 1718; as curate of Harkstead, Suff. Vicar of Ashfield, Suffolk. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Smith, Esq., of Ashfield. Died 1762. Father of the Lord Chancellor. Shorting, Thomas : son of Thomas Shorting, gent., of Morston, Norf. Born there (May 16, 1695). School, Walsingham, six years, under Mr Harding. Age 17. Admitted sizar, Ap. 10, 1713. Surety, Mr Newhouse. B.A. 1716-7 (37th oiHlme). Scholar, L. Day 1713 to Mich' 1718. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) July 13, 1718; as curate of Cley. Buried at Morston, Aug. 11, 1718. "Qui 13° die Julii in sacros ordines admissus, 27" die ejusdem mensis verbum Dei pie et eleganter illustravit. Audivit Deus et in Sublimiora evexit...." M.I. at Morston. His father was collector of customs at Cley, and his mother (Ann Flaxman) was half sister to Sir Cloudesley Shovell. Brother of Nathaniel, 1723. Athill, John : son of Nathaniel Athill, attorney, of Warham, Norf. Born at Foulsham. School, Walsingham, six years, under Mr Harding. Age 18. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 1, 1713. Tutor, Mr Parham. B.A. 1716-7: M.A. 1720. Scholar, Mich" 1713 to Mich= 1720. Or- dained deacon (Norw.) July 13, 1718 ; as curate of Morston, Norf. : priest (do.) Dec. 20, 1719. Vicar of East and West Rudham, Norf., 1720-40. Rector of Stibbard, 1721. Vicar of N. Elmham, 1723. Buried at Elmham, Dec. 5, 1740. Gclsthorpe, Robert: son of Peter Gelsthorpe (formerly of the college, 1679), M.D., of London. Born there. School, Charterhouse, four years, under Mr Walker. Age 17. Admitted pensioner to the scholars' table. May 6, 1713. Tutor, Mr Macro. M.B. 1718. Scholar, Mich' 1713 to Mich" 1715. Resided at Welwyn, Herts. Died Jan. 8, 1731-2, aged 34. Buried, at St Andrew's, Holborn, "with his ancestors." M.I. in Welwyn church ; erected "by one to whom he was a kind benefactor." c. 34 530 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. *Schuldham, Francis : son of Robert Schuldham, M.D., of Kettlestone, Norf. Born