m *mmm "^m *•;' ^.:^ <*>:-. ..>! -V >! By; : -v!v. '■■•■■ ■ '- ' ■, ■ • ;.■: ■ . • ^ '-■■'■ : ' ' '■^'--; i ^ •■■• ""■ r;'-: , ■>' ■■' ':'.- ■ 'nia #S^;-^ :' tHE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNiyERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO / e^,y„ -■ j \ n i av/'^ LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA / CAupoT^J,f' / ^ ^'^^^ CATALOGUE OF PRINTED MUSIC IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LONDON, BY WM. BARCLAY SQUIRE, M.A., F.S.A. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL SOLD AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND BY NOVELLO AND CO., LTD., LONDON AND BREITKOPF AND HAERTEL, LEIPZIG 1909 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMfOKD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, PREFACE. o>»Co The Library of the Eoyal College oi' Music has been formed by the amalgamation of several collections. The most important of these was the library of the Sacred Harmonic Society, which was bought for the Eoyal College in J 883 for the sum of ^£3000, i;'2000 of which was contributed by Sir Augustus Adderley, K.C.M.G., and the remainder, in contributions varying from £100 to .i'lO 10s., by the Duke of Westminster, Baroness Burdett-Coiitts, Baron Ferdinand Eothschild, Sir Charles Freake, Bart., Sir John J. Kelk, Bart., Sir W. G. Armstrong, Samuel Morley, Esq., M.P., and Messrs. J. J. Bibby, J. J. Colman, J. Colman, T. P. Chappell, G. Matthey, A. Morrison,' J. Eeiss, and C. W. Siemens. To this nucleus have been added the hbrary of the Concerts of Ancient Music, which was presented by Her Majesty Queen Victoria ; the library of Sir George Grove (presented in 1897-8) ; the library of the Musical Union (transferred in 1900 from the Victoria and Albert Museum) ; the library of Mr. S. W. Waley (presented in 1900 by his executors) ; the collections of Mr. J. W. Windsor (of Bath) and his family ; the collection of Franz Eies (presented in 1900 by Mr. Justin) ; 129 volumes from the library of Mr. Edward Dannreuther (presented in 1905 by his executors) ; over 200 volumes of duphcates from the British Museum (presented by the Trustees) ; a collection of full scores published (and presented) by Messrs. Novello and Co., and many gifts and bequests from Sir Arthur S. Sullivan, Lady Flower, Lady Grove, Sir Charles I. Thomas, the Library of Congress, Messrs. M. E. Browne, F. G. Edw^ards, Otto Goldschmidt, A. Hughes-Hughes, C. T. Johnson, J. A. Kappey, H. Macco, E. H. Manneriug, Eussell Martineau, E. Pauer, A. Eandegger, P. J. Salomons, W. Barclay Squire, and S. P. Waddington; Mrs. Martineau, Mrs. Patteson, Miss JuHa St. George, and others. The Library thus formed was inevitably of a very heterogeneous character, and included a large number of duplicates. It was therefore decided bj' the Council to sell the less important duplicates, and the amount thus realized was devoted to supplying the most conspicuous deficiencies in the collection and to a certain amoimt of much-needed expenditure in binding and repairs. On the erection of the present College, the Library was installed in a room especially constructed for the purpose, fitted in part with the old book-cases from the Sacred Harmonic library. The Library is not open to the public, but its contents can generally be consulted in term-time on written request, addressed to the Eegistrar. The present volume contains the catalogi^e of the printed music, arranged in alphabetical order. It includes practical music and vocal and instrumental instruction books. It is hoped to follow this volume by a catalogue of the important collection of MSS., which is already in progress of compilation. Works on the theory of music, on acoustics, the construction of instruments, &c., are reserved for a final volume, which will also contain the collection of general literature. FEINTED MUSIC. A., A. Alia Maesta di Giorgio Re della Gran Hritagna itc. &c. [Six Italian Cantatas in full score and six Lessons for the Viol d' Aniore, with a dedication signed A. A., i.e. Attilio Ariosti.] [Londoyi,] fol. II. A. 11. ABACO (EvARisTA Felick dall') Ausgewiihlte Werke . . . Erster Theil . . . herausgegehen von A. .Sandberger. 1900. See Dk.vkmaklkh. Denkniiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, etc. Erster .Talirijang. 1900, etc. fol. XXXVII. D. 1. ABEILLE (JonANN Christian Ludwig) Amor und I'syche. Ein Singspiel in 4 Aufziigen von F. K. Hiemer. . .fiir das Klavier eingerichtet, etc. Augsbiin/ In der Gombarllschen ilJ/f.s/A: Handluwi. ohi. fol. " XXVI. A. 1. (2.) Pettjr und Aennchen. Singspiel in einem Auf/uge. . . Klavierauszug. Bei/ Breitkiqif if' Hiirtel In Leipziq, etc. ohI. fol. ' " XXVI. A. 1. (1.) ABEL (Carl Friedbich) The Late C. F. Abei's Adagios in Score and J. B. Cramer's Specimens in the Fugue Style. London. . . Boyal Ho niionh- Institution. [1820.] 4°. XXIX. C. 1. Abel, Arne and Smith's Six Favourite Overtures . . . from Love in a Tillage, Thomas i^' Sally, Judith, Eliza, Enchanter, Fairies, to which is added the Tempest. [Parts.] London .. .1. Wohh, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (9.) Si.x Overtures in Eight Parts, for N'iolins, French- horns, Hoboys, one Tenor with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello. . .Opera Prima. London . . . Thompson <(: Son, etc. fol. LXX. D. 16. The Horn parts only. Six Sonatcs pour le Clavecin avec I'accompagnement dun Violin ou Flute Travcrsiere et dun Violoncelle . . .Ocuvre V. London. . .B. Breniner, etc. fol. The Clavecin part onh/. LXX. D. 16. VI Symphonies a 4 Parties deux Violons, Alt-Viole it Basse Continue. . .Oeuvre Premiere. [Paits] Amsterdam .. .J. J. Hummel, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 1. R.C.M.C. ABEL (Carl FKiKDiiicii) Six Simphonies a deux Violons, deux Hautbois, deux Cors de Chasse alto Viola e Basse. . . Oeuvre vil. London. . . B. Brcmner, etc. fol. LXX. D. 16. The Horn parts onh/. Six Simphonies a deux Violons, Taille ife Basse, Hautbois & Cors de Chas.se. . .Oeuvre x. [Parts.] Londres.. .B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (8.) Four Trios two for Two Flutes and a Bass, and two for a Flute, Violin and Bass. . .Opera xvi. [Parts.] London.. .J. Preston, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (22.) [The Summer's Tale.] The Overture, etc. [Parts.] London... I. Walsh, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (22.) ABELL (.John) A Collection of Songs, in English, etc. London : Printed hi) William Pearson. . .1701. fol. II. A. 14. (2.) Bound up n-ith this are two leaves ronlainin;/ a poem ' To All Lovers of Musick' [hi/ John Ahell] an'l a poem ' To the same Persons hij another Hand.' A Collection of Songs, in several Languages. London : Printed by William Pearson. . .for the Author. 1 70 1, fol. I. G. 29. ABINGTON (Lkonakd) A Midnight Thought. rSong.l The words by a Lady. .nd 5 jind (! Parts, for Violins, Consorts, and Cornets, fin. Cantus. (Bassus.) 2 pt. London: Prinlrd Jiij T. S., for lohn Broirnr, fir. iCil. 4". II. E. 34. ADVICE. Advice to a fond Lover. [Son;;.] .SV( l''()i{. For sliamo fond Heart, s. .sli. fol. II. A. 20. (12.) Ad\ici' to ( 'loi-is. [Son;;.] .SVc Ci.oitis. Cloris it is not ill our I'ow'r, etc. s. .-Ii. fol. I. G. 37. (12.) ^SOP'S FABLES. A Selection of .Esop's Fal)|ps, \ersilied and .set to niu.sic with Synijihonies and Aeconiiianiiiients for the Piano Porte. I.onilon : Boviihoa, fie. 4". X. A. 10. AGOSTINI (LoDovico) Musica di Don Lodovico Agosliiii Perrai'ese Libro Secondo De Madrigali a quatro V^oci, Nouameute Couiposti, etc. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. In Venelin Ajiic.tso li Fil. .s\ .4. fol. I. G. 37. (11.) AGUILAR (E.MANUEL A.) The Ancient Melodies of the Liturgy of the Spanish and Portuguese .Jews. Harmonized liy E. Aguilar. Preceded by an His- torical Essaj- on the Poets, Poetry and Melodies of the Sejihardic Liturgy, by the Rev. D. A. de Sola. London: Wr.-mrl and Co.'etc. 1857. 8". VI. D. 3. Lovely Spring. Four-part Song, words by A. R. Samuda. London: L. Cock li Co.. etc. 4". X. F. 11. (20.) AGUS (Giuseppk) A Choice Collection of Catches and Glees adapted for a Violin and Violoncello, etc. London. . .Birch lU i{- Andrews, etc. fol. LXII. A. 16. Sonate a Violino Solo e Basso, fc LXII. A. 16. AH. Ah lovely nymph give over. A new Sowj set hy an eminent Master, s. .s7(. fol. II. B. 2. (5.) AHLE (Joii.vNN Rudolph) Johann Rudolph Ahles Ausgewiihlte Gesangswerke . . . Herausgegeben von J. Wolf. 1901. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. P.d. V. 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 5. Neu-gepflanzter Thiiringischer Lustgarten, in wel- chen x.wi. Neue Geistliche Musicalische Gevviich.se mit 3. 4. .5. 6. 7. 8. 10. und mehr Stiinmen. . .mit und ohne In.strumenten, rait und ohne Capellcn, auch theils mit und ohne General Bass zu l)rauchen ver- .setzet . . . Erster Theil. .3 pts. Gedniktrt :.n Miihl- haiiscn hei Joliiinn Hiilern, 16 5-. fol. I. G. 8. The Vox Tertia, Violon ct Vo.c Qnarta d- Viola Secundd et I'd.r Octava j)arts. AIBLINGER (.Johann Caspar) Sechs Messen fur Sopran- und Alt-Stimmen, mit jjegleitung der Orgel, Basso und Violoncello, ad libitum. Partitur. lii'qenstmrq . . .Fricdrich Pustet. 1859. fol. VI. A. 17. AIBLINGER (.Ioiiann Ca.spar) Sechs Me.ssen fiir Sopian und Alt-Stimmcn mit Begieitung der Orgel, l!;i.sso und Violoncello ad libitum. Stimnien. fi N'"- Liefjenshnril.. .F. Pnxtet. i860. 4". IX. A. 24. AIGNER (l'".Ni;ici.Br.iiT) INIi.ssa quatuor vocum, etc. Vii iinoi, apnd S. A. Steiuer et CoMp. fol. VI. A. 16. AIRS. Airs de difl'ei-ents Autheurs mis en Taljlature de Luth par eux mesmos. Huictie.sme Livre. A Paris, j)ar r. Ballard, ele. 1618. 4°. IL E. 31. A ('(intinnntion of tlie series of " Airs . . . mis en Taldatnre . . . jiar (1. Bataillc." \ix. Livre d'Airs de Difl'erents Autheurs a deux Parties. A Paris,P(tr Cliristophe Ballard,etc. 1676. 8". I. E. 36. Recueil d'Airs serieux ct a boire de difTerents Au- theurs. Imprime au niois de Decembre 1710 ( — Decembre, J 7 1 I ). Augnicute do ditlcrents Airs Manuscrits, etc. 13 N"\ A Amsterdam, An.c De2)ensd'Rstienne B.o(fer,etc. i7io(-ii). ohl.S". I. E. 37. Each month has a separate title-page, hut the pagina- tion/or each i/rar's volume is cojitinnmis. A New Set of Ayres for the Consorts of the Musicall Society, the Tunes for all sorts of Instruments. [Parts.] (W. fol. XXIX. A. IL (26.) [Another copy. A New Set of Ayres for the Con- sorts of the Musicall Society, eic] ohl. fol. Wantinij the V Violin Part. XXIX. A. 12. (5.) AKEROYDE (Samuel) See Don Quixote. New Songs in the third Part of Don Quixote. . .by. . .Mr. Akeroyd, etc. 1696. fol. I. G. 12. (3.) ALARD (Jean Delphin) Ecole du Violon. Me- thode complete, etc. Majience, etc.. . . dies Icsfls dr B. Scholt. fol. LXIII. E. 2. ALARY (GiULio Eugenio Abramo) Gorgheggi (Gvmnastique de la Voix.). . . Composes et arranges par G Alary Paris . . . Durartd Schoenciverh et C":, etc. fol. LXX. D. 7. (1). ALBERT, Prince Consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain d Ireland. (Jruss an den Bruder. . .Canzonet . . . the words, with the original German of Prince Ernest, by W. Ball. London . . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 27. (4.) [Gruss an den I'.ruder.] Prince Albert's Song . . . Translated from the German . . . with an additional verse by E. KoUman. London: Jclfreiis i(- C'. etc. fol. '" XXXII. C. 27. (5.) Sehusucht naeh dem Tode . . . Canzonet . . . the words with the original German of Biirde, by W. Ball. Lond,m...C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 27. (3.) Stiindchen. . .the original German and Mu.sic written it composed by. . .Prince Albert, the English adapta- tion bv \V. I'.all. London. . .0. Lonsdale, ttc. fol. XXXII. C. 27. (2.) B 2 ALBEET -ALCOCK. ALBERT, Prince Consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Te Deuui, Jubilate, Sanctus, Responses and Anthem (' Out of the Deep '). 4 Nos. fol. VI. A. 4. (1.) With glory clad, with strength array'd. Corale. . harmonized for four voices by E. ■Vlasson. London . . . C. Lonsdale, et.: fol. XVIII. B. 31. (1.) ALBERT, Prince Consort <,/ r!rl,,r!a, Queen of Great Br, tain ,(■ Ireland and ERNEST II., Dale of Saxe- Cohurg-Gotha. Songs and Ballads, written & set to music by . . . Albert and Ernest, Princes of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha, etc. Lowlon : H. G. BoJin. etc. fol. XXXIL C. 27. (1.) ALBERT (EioEXE Francis Charles d') Concert. . . in eineni Satz fiir Pianoforte mit Orchester. Op. "2. Partitur. Berlin d Posen, E. Bote d; G. Bocl; etc. fol. LX. C. 15. (1.) See Sullivan {Sir A. S.) The Martyr of Antioch. . . the accompaniment arranged, . .by E. d' Albert. 4". IX. G. 39. ALBERT (Heinrrii) Arion . . . Hcrausgegeben von E. licrnciuilli. -' Abth. 190:!-4. Ser Denkm abler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Fulge, etc. Bd. .\ii-xiii. 18^2, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 12, 13. ALBERTI (DoMENlco) VIII Sonate per Cembalo. Opera Prima. London. Printed for 1. Wal.th, etc. vhl. fol. XXIX. A. 21. (1.) The autograph of Dr. Crotch is on the title-page. ALBERTI (Giuseppe Matteo) Alberti's Concertos tor three Violins an Alto Viola and a Through Bass for the Harpsicord or Ba.ss Violin. . .Opera Prima. [C separate pts.] London : Printed for I: Walsh . . . <(■ / ; Hare, etc. fol. II. B. 10. ALBICASTRI DEL BISWANG (Enrico) XII Suonate a Tre, due N'iolini et \ ioloncello col Bas.S(j perl'Organo . .Opera Prima. [Parts.] a Amsterdam chex E. Roger, etc. fol. LXI. D. 1. (1.) ALBINONI (ToMMAso) Suonate a Tre. Doi Violini, .• \ lolonrclio col Bas.so per I'Organo. . .Opera Prima. [Parts.] A Amsterdam ches E. Roger, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 2. Another edition.] Suonate a Tre . . . Opera Prima. Parts.] ft Amsterdam chez E. Roifcr, etc. fol. LXI. D. 1. (3.) Sonate da Chies.a a Violino Solo e Violonci4lo o Ua.sso Conti., etc. London. Printed for J. Wolsli . . .(\- P. Randall ... .1 ,/. Hare, etc. oil. fol. XXIX. A. 9. (1.) See TiiOMVKls. Scmgs out nf . . . Thomiris . . . Col- lected out of the Works of. . . Albinoni, etc. [1707.] fol. XXV. C. 34. ALBRECHT (F. A.) Uelwngen utid Lieder zu eiiicni iiii'tliodischen Gesanguiiti'rriclitc . . . iMMrheitet von F. A. Albrecht. . . Dritte Stufe. Frcihiirg im Breisgau, 1871, f/c. 4". IX. F. 1. ALBRECHTSBERGER (./omann Gkorc) Aus- wiii|jiirii,'(ri Miri (' dui- uiul (! moll in die iibrigen iJur uiid .MollTorii;. Iti.nii hri/ N. Sinirocl,-. nlil. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (t.) ALBRECHTSBERGER (Johann Georg) Dextera Domini fecit virtuteni. Ofertoriuiu fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass, 2 Violinen, Contrabass und Orgel, etc. [Full Score.] Wien, lei Ant. Diabflli, etc. fol. N" iO of ' Ecclesiasticon.' VI. A. VI. A. 1. (1.) Sei Fughe e Preludie per il Clavicembalo o (Jrgano Ojiera \i. In Vienna presso Artaria Vompagni. obl.iol XXIX. A. 16. (1.) Sei Fughe per I'Organo o Clavicembalo. . .Opera 8. In Vienna presso Artaria e Comp. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 16. (2.) Tre Fughe jier 1' Organo o Piano-Foite in occasioue delle Feste di Pasqua. . .Opera 21. A Vienna 2^e^>'. Thompson, etc. fol. VI. A. 18. (1.) The Harmony of Jerusalem, being a Collection of ... Psalms and Hymns in score . . . Harmonized ... by J. Alcock . . . and adapted to the versions of Sternhold Tate it Watts. Selected by F. Roome, etc. London. Printed f,r the Editor, etc. 8". IX. A. 26. The Harmony of Sion, or a Collection of . . . Psalm- Tunes . . . for four voices. To which are added, nine . . . Hynnis and a Chant for Te Deum, Jubilate, itc. The Contra-Tenor', Tenor and Bass Parts . . . by Dr. Alcock. . .The whole selected by F. Uoomc, etc. London, Printed for the Editor, 'etc. 8". IX. C. 1.(5.) A Morning and iMciiiiig Service . . . for three, four, live ;ind six Voices. London. Printed for the Author and Mr. Jolmson. etc. 1755. fol. VI. C. 4. (4.) The Piims Scml ; Heavenly Exercise; or Divine Har- mony : being a choice Collection of . . . P.salm-Tunes . . . set for four voices . . . with proper Graces to each Part, in an ea.sy familiar Taste . . . The whole ligur'd for the Organ. . .To which .are added ;i Chaunt for Te Deum, .lubilate, iV'c. and a short llynni, etc. Printed for tlie Author. . . Lich1eld,'etc. (1756.) 4". IX. C. 4, ALCOCK— ALLEGKI. ALCOCK f.ToHN) 3Iun. Dnr. Whorrwitlial sliall .1 yuunf;' man. . .Anthem for four voicfs, | f,iiii',-cl]o, etc. 8°. IX. A. 18. (1.) He that loves a rosy Clieek . . . Words by Carew. rPart Song.l London Music. . .Agency Co., etc. 8°. ■ ■ X. F. 12. (1.) Lord, wliat Lnve have I. Verse Anthem for two voices. London. . .J. A. Norello, etc. ful. VI. A. 4. (2.) Minis . ring Angels. A Cantata for Ladies' Voices. . . written bv F. Wood. London: E. Anhdoirn. etc. 8". IX. A. 14. (1.) O Lord, Thy Word endureth for ever. Verse Anthem for a T(>nor Voice. Londim. . .J. A. Norello, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (3.) ALLISON (UiCJiAKi)) .S'ce Alison. ALMAHIDE. Scm^s in the New Opera, call'd Alma- hide, '/r. J. lT«/s7(. . ,(f- P. Randall, etc. [i-io.] fol. XXXII. B. 7. (2.) ALQUEN (FiiASZ !M. d') Trio, fcir Violin, Tenor and N'iolcjiicello, e?c. [Paits.] Lamhrn . . . B. Cocks d- Co., etc. foh LXIII. D. 20. (1.) ALQUEN (Fkiedrich A. E. d') 6"" Qiuutett fin- 2 Violinen Viola und Violimcello, etc. [Parts.] London, 1874. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (2.) ALVARS (Klias Parish) Barcarola . . . poui' la Harpe, etc. London. . .Addison (t Hodson, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 3. (1.) La Danse des Fees. Morceau caracteristique ponr la Harpe, etc. Ijondres, chex T. Boosei/ d' Co., etc. fol. LVIII. B. 3. (17.) Fantai.sie et \'ariations sur I'air. . .' lo .soU'ri tortura,' de I'opera ' Beatrice di Tenda'. . .pour la Harjie, etc. Londres, chez T. Boosey & Co., etc. f Tondi of ... Princess Amelia, etc. s. .vA. fol. XVIII. B. 33. Six Glees, etc. Londioc . . LongiiKin and Broderip, etc. fol. XXX. B. 35. (1.) AMINTAS. Amiiitas. An English Opera, etc. [\ Pasticcio. I l.ii, Duncan Davison d Co., etc. VI. A. 4. (4.) AMOROSA CACCIA— ANTHEMS. AMOROSA CACCIA. L'Amorosa Caccia de Diuersi Eccelleutiss. Musici Mantou.aiii Natiui a Cinque Voci. Nouameiite Ristampata, elc. Canto (.Mto.) (Ti-noro.) (Basso.) ((.^uintcx) opt. Ill Vciiftifi ApprcsKi) Atif/clo Garildwi. 1592. 4°. I. C. 35. AMUSEMENT FOR THE LADIES. Amusc- mciit for the Ladies. . .Catches, (ilees .-iiid Madrigals . . .by Dr. Anie, Dr. Hayes, Dr. Cooke, Mr. Wcbbe, Mr. Smith it Mr. Battishill etc. Book i. (Amuse- ment for the Ladies. . .Glees. . .by. . .Lord Morning- tou, . . .Arne, Arnold, Alcock, Cooke, Dupuis, Hayes, Harington, Atterbury, Callcott, Danby, Norris, Paxton, Smith, Stevens & Webbe. IJook 11 (-ix).) 9 Books. Liinihm. . .LnllfJllKlll ({■ lirath riji. ctr. alA. t'oi. XXVI. A. 3. ANDERTON (Thomas) .John Giljau. Cantata, words by Cowper. London, Hutchlnrj^ ((■ B'Diier, etc. 8°. X. E. 23. (2.) ANDRE (Jea\ Baptlste) See Beethoven (L. van) Krste ( — Sechste) Sinfonie. . .flir das Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden bearbeitet von J. B. Anihe. "hi. fol. XXVIII. B. 18. ANDRE (Johann) Neue Sammlung von Liedern, mit Melodien. . .Erster Theil. Berlin, bey G. J. Dvclccr. 4". X. A. 12. ANDRE (.Tohann Axtox) .x.xiv Maurer-Gesaenge mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte, dc. Offenbach "/,„, bey J. Andre, etc. 8". X. A. 11. Missa musicam quatuor voeibus hunianibus comitante orchestra ... Opus 4;). [FuJl score.] Offenbuchii ad Moenum, sumjjtibus el typis Joannis Andre, obi. fol. VI. D. 4. (1.) Missa... in einen Klavier-.\uszug gebracht . . .43'""^ Werk. Offenbach a.m., bei Johann Andre, old. fol. VI. D. 4. (2.) Poissons d'A\ril. Quatuor. . .en partition et separo- inent . . . Oeuvrc 22. [Parts.] a Charmtan ... a rimprimerie lithom an adver- tisement in the \oth edition of J. Playford' s "Intro- duction to the Skill of Musick," 1703. APOLLO'S COLLECTION. Apollo's Collection li'in^ Ml hiicd'ps tor 'I'wii (lci-nian Flutes or two Violins. Composed l)y Sig^ F. (icminiani. S'. jNlar- tini. Sig^ N. lonimclii. Jlr. Uameau. Mr. Blav{>t. Mr. O.swald. Lib. 1'""". Corrected and ajiprov'd of, by the Society. London. Printed for. . .J. Oswald, elr. fol. LXII. A. 16. APOLLONIAN HARMONY. Apollonian Jlar- iiiniiv : a ('olle<;li(]ii of' . . . (Jlees, Catches, Madrigals, Canzonctts, Jiounds and Canons . . . The VV^ords con- sistent with Female Delicacy, vol. 2. London. . . Thompson, etc. 8". X. A. 13. APRILE (GiLSKPi'K) The Modern Italian Method of Singing with. . .Thirty Six Solfeggi. London. . . Goulding D'Almaine Potter dt Co., etc. old. fol. XXVIII. A. 29. (2.) APRILE (Giuseppe) I'rentasei Solfeggio per Soprano col Basso numerato, etc. In Nnpoli presso Luigi Marcscalchi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 2. (4.) [Another edition.] Trentasei Solfeggie per Soprano col Basso Numerato, etc. In Napoli. Prctso L. Marcscalchi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 29. (1.) ARBACES. The Favourite Songs in. . . Arbaces. Ln„d,o,...L Walsh, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 9. (1.) ARCHADELT (.Jacques) Ave Maria ... Edited by Sir H. R. Bishop. London . . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (8.) II Primi) Liltro de' Madrigali a quattro Voci, Nouamenti ristampato con la giunta di alcuni di Gio. Domenico di Nola ; & di piu la presente mano per piii comodita, etc. Canto. In Napoli, Appresso Ottaino Bellrano. . . 162^., etc. 4". I. C. 36. (1.) 11 Priniii Liliro de' Madrigali a quattro voci, Nouamente ristampato con la giunta di alcuni di Gio. Domenico di Nola, etc. Alto. (Tenore.) (Basso.) 3 pt. In Napoli, Appresso Ottaiim Beltrano. 1628, etc. ¥'. I. C. 36. (2.) ARCHER (Frederic) The Organist's Journal, a Series of Arrangements with Pedal Obbligato . . . No. 1. Londem. Novella, Eicer d Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (2.) ARDITI (Luiia) Ode to the Memory of the. . .Prince Consort, by W. Maynard. [P. F. Score.] Booscy d- Co., London. 8°. X. A. 9. (2.) ARIANNA E TESEO. The Favourite Songs in the Opera call'd Arianna e Te.seo. London. . . I. Walsh, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 5. a. A Pasticcio. The composers named are: Galnppi, Cocclii, Jomelli, and Scarlatti. ARIEN -ALBUM. Arien-Album. Sanimlung beruhm- tt-r Arieu fui- eine Altstimnie niit Pianoforte- begleitung. Leipzig (t Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 8°. X. 2. 19. (3.) ARION. Arion. Sammlung auserlesener Lieder und Gesaenge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Neue . . . Ausgabe. In vier Abtheilungeu. Erste Abtheilung. Leipzig, A. H. Hirsch. ohl. 4". IX. E. 39. Arion. A Collection of Madrigals, Glees, Part-Songs etc. by Ancient Composers. Edited by C. H. Parry, L. S. Ben.son and W. B. Squire. (Arion. A Collec- tion of ... Part-Songs, etc. by Modern Comjioscrs.) (Arion. . .Editeil by L. S. Benson etc. Vol. 111.) 3 vols. Latidy tO Co.. . .London, 4". X. A. 14. ARIOSTI (Attilio) [Dario.] See Dxnius. The... Songs in ... Darius. [By A. Ariosti.] fol. XXXIL B. 20. (6.) Vespasian, an Opera, etc. London. . . /. Walsh. . .and I"" ,(:■ L.seph Rare, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 11. (3.) See A., .\. .Mia Maest.-i di Giorgio Re della Gran Britagna Ac. itc. [Cantatas and Lcs.sons with a dedication signed A. A., i.e. Attilio Ariosti.] fol. IL A. 11. AETOSTI-AKNE. 9 ARIOSTI (Attimo) See Nuai.h (R.) A Puckcl C'(>inp;uii(m for Gentlemen and Lailios, rtc. (A Pocket Companion. . .Being a Collection of . . .Songs. . .by. . . Attilio, rtr. Vol. II.) 8°. IX. F. 23. ARLBERG (Fkitz) Folkcviser nied Piano, ai langerede ,if I'. .\ill)erg. Op. 9. Nos. 1-1.5. S lleftc. " Christlaiiid. C. Wftininlh. ii<\ fnj. XXXII. C. 25. (1.) ARMES (Philip) Hezekiah. A Short Oratorio, elc. Ldiiflan : N(jv Sir Gcarije (i'ruetts, Catch, Chorus.ses ife Comic Tunes with the Marches and Dances in . . . the Pantomime called The Choice of Harlequin, etc. London . . . Longman d Broderip, etc. [1781.] ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 22. (1.) U.C.M.C. ARNE (Mkiiakl) [Tlio Choice of Harlequin.] As you mean to set sail. The fnvorili' Sowj . . .sung by Mr. Darlcy, etc. L ndim : . . .Limqinun and Broderip, etc. fol. ' XVIII. B. 34. (11.) ['J'hc Choice of Harlequin. | llrave IJoys let us go. . . Song. . .Sung by Mrs. Kennedy, etc. London . . . Lon'jmnn the sweet blusiiing Spring. The Farorite Sonij in the new Comedy of the Fathers or the Good-natured Man, sung by Mr. Webster. [Full Score.] London . . . Longman & Broderip, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 34. (29.) c 10 AKXE. ARNE (Michael) The Flow'ret. A New Collection of English Songs sung at the Publick Gardens, etc. London. Printed for I. Walsh, elr. fol. XVIII. B. 49. (4.) [Another copy.] The Flow'ret, etr. Lomlov. Printed for I. WaM,(lr. fnj. XVIII. C. 6. (4.) The (iift of the Gorl.s. Sung liy Mr. Arrowsmith at Vau.xhall . . . The words by Mv. Harrison. London . . Longman and Broderip, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 34. (3.) He winna do for me. . .Scotch Song, sung by Mrs. | Kennedy, at Vaux-Hall (Jardens. L'mdon... i Longman sails shiver in tin' AN iiid. Sung by Mr. Arrowsmith at V'auxliail. Longman it Broderiji, itc. [London.] fol. XVIII. B. 34. (4.) I. YOCAL. a. Operas, Plays, Cantatas, Odes and (Jratorios. The Mascjue of Alfred. [Full Score.] London. Printed for L Wal.'ih, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 46. (2.) [Another edition.] The Masque of Alfred. [Full Score.] London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fnl. XVIII. B. 47. (1.) Ln this edition ' Ltnle Britannia' does not occur. Songs in the Masque of Alfred. London. Printed for 1. \Valsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 45. [-•Alfred.] Rule Britannia, .s. sli. fol. XVIII. B. 48. (7.) Artaxerxes. An ]<>nglisli opera, etc. [I'lill Score.] Printed for the Aulhio; etc. [fondon.]' t'ol. XVIII. B. 40. Artaxerxes. An l*higlisli opi^ra, i7r-. [ l'\i II Score.] London. Piinted for S. A. it P. Thompson, etc. XVIII. B. 39. (1.) A New Edition of Artiixerxes . . . for the V'oicc Harpsichord .•Hid N'iolin. London; Printed for S. A. rl' P. Tlionipson, itc. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 6. (2.) A New l"](lilion of .\rta.xcrxes. . .t'ni- the A^oiee, Piano Forle and \ iolin. l^ondon, Printrd for P. Biiehall. t' Phaeton : another in the Tender Husliand and thr Scene of the Gho-,ts of Darius and Statira in thr Rival Queens . . . for two voices, ilc WilHam Smith,, Ir. [London.] fol. XVIII. B. 49. (2.) Till' (■fi;/(|j(w;'.s- ttntiHjrnpli is on Ih' lilli'iHii/r. [As you like it.] See Bishop {Sir J I. 11.) [An you like it.] The whole of the Mu.sic in As you Hke it. . . to whicli are added . . . Tliroe Songs . . . hv I''' Arne, etc. fol. ' XVIII. "d. 15. (7.) Songs and Duetto in the Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green... with the Favourite Songs... in the Mei-chant of Venice ... To which will he added, a Collection of New Songs and P>allads, rli\ Lonih.ii: I'riiili-d ill WiUiinn Smith, dr. fol. XVIII. B. 48.' (2.) Britannia. A ]\Ias(|ue. dr. Li.iidon. Printed for I. Wahh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 47. (2.) [Another cojiy.] Britannia. .V Masque, dr. Lr.iuhm. Printed f(.r I. Walxh. rtr. fol. XVIII. B. 46. (3.) Iiiiprrfrrl, icitvtiiig the l-ist Irnf. A "2'"' Book of Two English Cantatas for a Voice and Insti'uments, etr. London. Printed for I. Wahh, dr. fol. X'VIII. B. 52. (2.) The Jlusick in the Masque of Couuis. . .(Ipcra Prima. London;. . .Williiim Smith, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 37. The title-page hears the comjjoscr's autograph. [Another copy.] The Musick in the Masque of Comus, etc. London;. . . Willinm Stiiitli, dr. fol. XVIII. B. 49. (3.) The composer's autograph is on the title page. The Musick in. tlic Masque of Comus, etc. Tjiindon. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 36. Tliis ropij hrlongrd to Elixabetli dhudlriijli, Ihirhiss of Kingston. The Musick in the Masque of Comus. AVritten by Milton. . .Opera Prima. London. J. Simpson, etr. fol. XVIII. B. 35. (1.) Tills ropi/ hrlongrd to FAizuhrtli Chudleigli. Dnrhrss of Kingston. Comus. . .for the \'oice. Harpsichord and Violin. London : Printed for Harrison it Co., etr. old. fol. XXVI. A. 6. (3.) The Songs, Duet and Trio with the (Overture in the Mas([ue of Comus. set for the Violin, German Flute and llarpsichord. Tjondon. Printed for S. and A. Thompson, dr. fol. XVIII. B. 39. (2.) [Another edition.] The Songs, Duet and Trio with the Overture in tlie Masque of Comus. Set for the Violin, German Flute and Harpsichord. London. . . Muzio. Clementi & Co., etc. fol. XVIII. A. 31. (5.) L^ondon. XVIII. B. 35. (2.) ARNE (Thmmas ArfiusTiNn) I. Vocal. The Wiiole of the Music in Milton's Comus ... as revived at . . . (/ovent (Jarden, 181-5. Composed liy l>r. Arne and Handel, with additions Iiv Bislidp, etc. London, lyAlniainr ,C Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 38. |.\nutlicT cdili.m.l The whole of the Music in Comus . . .as re\ ived at. . .Covent Garden, 1815, etc. London. . .Gouldinif, V Ahnaine, Potter <(■ Co., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 2. (4.) Dirg(! in Cvudieline. Sh-[illern. L.om^on.] s. sh. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (7.) Cvnion and !]iliigenia. A Canlalwi, dr. [London.] fol. XVIII. B. 52. (5.) I .\ri(ither cdil i(in. (Jvmon and l|jhi;;enia. Cantata.] [LMndon.] fol. ' XVIII. B. 51. (3.) Wanting the tille-pagr. [The Desert Island. ] What tho' his guilt. 3Irs. Seotfs Song in the I Icsart Island. Printed . . . for G. Kraislrl/, rtr. fol. XVIII. B. 48. (3.) [Elfrida ] The Songs, Duets and Chorus.ses in Elfrida. . .witli the Overture adapted for the Harpsi''. L^ondon ..../. J'-dinston . . . and Lom/man LnJieii, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 14. (2.) Eliza ; an English 0]iera, etc. [Full Score.] London. Printrd for T. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 43. [Another copv.] Eliza, etr. Printed for l' Wal.Ai, dr. fol. Imprifecl. wanting pp. 1-SO. [Another eojiy. Eliza, etc.] London. Printed for L' Wahh, etr. fol. II. B. 9. (3.) Lnij eiferl, wanting pp. 1-75. [Fliza.] When all the .\ttic tire was fled. etr. s. sh. f.il. XVIII. B. 52. (9.) The Fairv Prince, a Masque, (7c. London. . . Welrl.-rr,'dr. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 23. (2.) [The Fickle F^air. Ye shepherds who bless'd in youi' loves.] Peg.gy, etc. [Song.] L'rinled. . . for G. Kearsleij. fol. " XVIII. B. 48. (6.) The Oxcrtuic, Songs and Duets in the Opera call'd the (Juardian outwitted, for the Voice and Harpsi- choi-ii. etc. London. . .Ti. Iheniner, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 10. (2.) The title-page is signed hy the conqxiser. The ;\Iusic in the .Ju■' the Sailor's Return, .i Dramatic Pastoral, with the Overture in Scoi'e, itc. London. Printed fur L Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 44. Thomas and Sally . . . for the Voice, Harpsichord and Violin. London : Printed for Harrison d- Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 3. (4.) [Thomas and Sally ] See Duets. A Duett for Two Performers on the Harpsichord . . . No. .5. Over*' it Scotch Air in Thomas and Sa'lv adap'' by T. Carter, fol. ' LXII.' E. 23. (4.) [The Trip [u Portsniduth.] See AiiNK (T. A.) and DiBDIX (C.) [Tom Thumb.] See T(i:ii Thumb. The . . . Aires in Ojiera ..f Tom Thumb, fol. XXXII. A. 3. (1.) b. Collections of Songs. The AgreeaVde Musical (.'hoice. A Favorite Collec- tion of English Songs never before ])rinted. No. vi (- viii). 3 pt. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 50. (3.) The tith-paije of Nn. viii. /.■-' iranlin'/. Pritish Melody. A Favourite Colleilion of English Songs and a Cantata, ttc. L.07idon. Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (4.) Lyric Harmony, consisting of Eighteen . . . new Ballads with Colin and Pha'be, in Score. . . C)pera Quarta. London. Printed far the A'lthorhii Win. Smith, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 49. (1.) [Tlie Second Volume of liyiic Harmir.iy ... Opera Quinta.) [London. Printed for .. . J. Simpson, etc.] fol. XVIII. B. 52. (3.) Wanting the tith-page. Lyric llariiKiny. Part i (ii) ... for the Voice, Harpsichord and Violin. 2 pt. London: Printed for Harrison it C'"., etc. ohl. fol. XXVL A. C. (1.) The .Monthly Melody; a Polite Amusement for (lenllemen .and L.idies. Being a Collection of Vocal .-iiid Instrumental .Music, etc. London. Printed fur (I. Kiarsley, etc. I'yGo. fol. XVIII. B. 48. (1.) All the introduction is wanting aftrr ]>. i.e. A f.'vvourite (!ollection of I'.nglish Songs sung . . . at Kaiiclagh (janlens. No. I. f'rinird for r. Walsh, etc. 1757. fol. XVIII. B. 50. (4.) ARNE (Thomas Auf;u.sTiNE) — I. Vocal. A Choice Collection of Songs sung at the Vaux-Hall Gai'dens by Miss Brent and Mr. Lowe. . .Book .\ll. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 51. (2.) A Favourite Collection of Songs with the Dialogue in the Arcadian Nuptials. . .Book xiv. London. Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (6.) New Favourite Songs as sung ... at Marybone Gardens, etc. To he had of the Author, etc. obi. fol. XXVL A. 6. (5.) Summer Amusement. A Collection of Lyi'ic Poems with the Favourite Airs set to them . . . with the New Cantata, call'd Love and Resentment, it,-. Printed for the Anthor, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 51. (4.) The Syren. A New Collection of Favorite Songs sung by Mrs. Farrell . . . Particularly the favorite Cotillion & Scotch Air with the concluding Hunting Piece as sung at Ranelagh . . . Likewise the new Final Piece at V^aux-hall Gardens, etc. London. Printed for Longman d: Broderip, etc. fol. XVIIL B. 50. (1.) [Another copy.] The Syren, etc. London. Printed for Longman and Broderip, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 51. (6.) The Vocal Grove, being a Collection of Favorite Songs sung. . .at Vaux-Hall Gardens, etc. London. . . Longman, Lulcey d Co. 1774. fol. XVIII. B. 50. (2.) [Another c(jpv.] The Vocal Grove, e.tc. London. Longman, Luhei/ ,(• Co. 1774. fol. XVIII. B. 51. (5.) Vocal Melody. An Entire New Collection of English Songs and a Cantata, etc. Lirndon. Printed for L Walsh, fol. XVIII. B. 49. (5.) Vocal Melody. Book iii. A Favourite Collecti(m of Songs and Dialogues, etc. London. Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (1.) Liapcrfect, wanting j). I'l. The Winter's Amusement. Consisting of Favourite Songs and Cantatas, eti: London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 51. (1.) c. Single Songs. A Bacchanalian Song, e?c. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (15.) A Dawn of Hope. [Song.| Within Conijiass of the Cierman Flute, s. .^h. fob' XVIII. B. 52. (8.) The I loncst Im'IIow. [Song.] s. sh. i'i\. XVIII. B. 52. (14.) The Tjovc Raiiture. . .Song. ■'. sh. fol. XVIII. C. 6. (2.) The burkv Kail. I Sony. I .v. .sh. f,il. XVIII. B. 52. (18.) The Norwich Toast. |Soni:.| s. .ih. t\,\. XVIII. B. 52. (19.) Nymphs .aiid Shepherds. Sung bv .Miss lircnt at Ranel.agh, etc fol. " XVIII. B. 52. (11.) Peace. [Son!.'.] J. Phil/iiis. etc. \ London.] fol. XVIII. B. 52. (12.) ARNE- AENOLD. 13 ARNE (Thomas Augustine) — I. Vocal. Pei;;gV ^^ yiiiio. [Sdiig.] Prinirfl . . . for G. Ki'itrnln/. s. sIi.'M. ' " XVIII. B. 48. (9.) l^ity Paty ... A Favoui'ite Scotcli Sonj; as alter'd fidiii the Tune of the Yellow-luiii'd J^addie, with tho Addition of Tnstruniental Parts, etc. Printed. . . fur H. Wayh-tt, etc. s. sk fol. XVIII. B. 48. (5.) Rise Glory rise . . .Sung hy Mis. Nincml at Marybune. fol. XVIII. B. 34. (32.) I .AiKither ropy.] Rise (ilnrv rise, etc. ful. XVIII. B. 52. (13.) Till' ShciiliiTiless. [Song.] Printed. . . for G. Kenr.tleii. s. sA. fol. ■ XVIII. B. 48. (8.) Stre].hoii ..f tlio Hill. [Song.] n. xli. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (16.) To sigh and complain. [Song.] Sinig by Mr. Fawcett at Hanelagh, ele. London. . .1{. Dtilie, etc. s. sh. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (20.) The Way to keep him. [Song.] .s. sli. fol. XVIII. B. 52. (17.) II. InSTH I' MENTAL. Six Favourite Concertos, for the Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte with Instrumental Parts, etc. London : Printed for Harrison d: C", etc. fol. LVIII. B. 4. Wanting the accovipanimenls. Eight Overtures in 8 Parts, etc. |Sopara!o Parts.] London... L W((h]i, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (10.) VIII Sonatas or Lessons for the Harpsidioid. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 30. (1.) III. Appendix. See Abel (C. F.) Abel, Arne and Smith's Si.x Favourite Overtures, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (9.) See A.MUSEMENT FOR THE Ladies. Auiusement for the Ladies. . .Glees. . .l)y Di'. Arne, etc. ohl. fol, XXVI. A. 3. (See -Arnold (S.) Summer Amusement . . . the ^lusic by Dr. Arne, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 12. (1.) See Bates (W.) and Akne (T. A.) The Ladies Frolick, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 11. (2.) See Bishop (Sir H. R.) [Midsummer Niglifs Dream.] The. . .Music in. . .]\Iidsummer Night's 1 »i-eam . . .five Pieces altered from Arne, Smith, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 3. (6.) See IIvMNs. — EiHilisli. The Hymns . . . used at the Magdalen Chapel, etc. (A Second Collection of IVjilms . . .the Musick . . . by Dr. Arne, etc.) 8". IX. C. 1. (1.) See LiNLEY (W.) Shak.speare's . . . Songs. . .selected . . .from the works of. . .Arne, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 4. See Markordt (,J.) The Overture, Songs... and Choru.ses in Tom Thumli. . .in which is printed the . . .Song. . .by Dr. Arne. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 15. (2.) See PurCELL (H.) [Kin(i Arthur.] The Songs. . .in . . .King Arthur. . .by Purcel and Dr. Arne. fol. XXIV. D..21. ARNE (Thomas Auoustine) — III. Appendix. See PuRCELL (H.) [The Tempest.] The Oi-iginal Musick in the Tempest ... liy Purcell, Dr. Arne, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 21. a. >9ec Thalia. Th.ilia. . .Six Songs. etc. fol. ... Or. Arne, XXXII. B. 15. (3.) ARNE (Thomas Aiicustine) and DIBDIN (Charles) The -Music in the Trip to Portsmen.iamin) Ahab, an Oratorio, th'' words selected from the Holy Scriptures, etc. London, Addison A: Lucas, etc. fol. VI. A. 23. ARNOLD (.Iohn) The C(miplete P.salmodi.st : or the <.)i-ganist's, Parish ('lerk's and I'salm-Singer's Com- panion. Containing I. A . . . complcat Introduction to. . .Music. . .II. A Set of Services. . .together with five-and-thirty . . .Anthems. . .III. A Set of. . .P.salm- Tunes. . .IV. A Set of. . .Hymns. . .the whole. . .set in Score. . .and the Basses figured for the Organ. . . The Fifth Edition, corrected, with large Addition.s, etc. London : Printedhy 11. Brown. . .\-j6i. 8". IX. C. 5. The Comjilete Psalmcjdisi. . .Sixth Edition, corrected, with large Additions. London: Piinled hi/ D. L^each . . .1769. 8". ■ IX. C. 6. A Sui>plement to the Complete Psalmodist ; containing a new Sett of Capital Anthems. . .to which are added a new Sett of Ps.dm Tunes. . .C. Lonihm . . .Lomimdu ((• Brodcrip, fir. fol. XXXII. A. 10. (4). The Castle of Andalusia. A Comic Opera. . .The Overture, Chorusses, New Airs tto. . . . I ly I )octor Arnold. Op. x.x. London. . .J. Bland, etc. lytli as the Linnet. Ixahiii H'kkI. (Song, music by C. Burnev, words by M. Mende/,.] Siinij hi) Mr.Bcmil. .s. .x//. fol. I. G. 37. (58.) As .Jockey was walking. Tlw 6V.f, [•"^ong, | dr. s. xh. fol. " I. G. 37. (54.) ASANTSCHEWSKY (.\. von) Seebs Stiicke fiir I'ianut'orte. Op. 1. Leipzifj, A. D(ir(l'cl. fol. LXII. E. 17. (1.) ASHTON (ALoiiKNo.v iiuNNET Langto.n) Iviglische Tanze. . .fiir Pianoforte zu vier flaiiden. Dp. id. N. tiin,roc\. . .Berlin, fol. LXII. E. 21. (1.) Adit Lieder fiir eine Singstimnic mit Begleitung des Pianofcirte. Op. 62, etc. N. Sinirock, Jicrlin. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (1.) Sjelien Licder fiir eine Singstinnue mit liegleitung des Pianufurte. Op. 64, rlc. N. S/mr<'clt-, Birlin. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (2.) Seclis Licdcr fiir eine iSingstiuiine mit Pegleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 66, etc. N. Shnroch. Berlin, fol. XXXII. C. 23. (3.) Fiiiif Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 68, etc. N. Simruch: Berlin, fol. XXXII. C. 23. (4.) Vier Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 70, etc. N. Sivtrocl-, Berlin, fol. XXXII. C. 23. (5.) Drei Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 73, etc. N. Simroclc, Bmlin. tVil. XXXII. C. 23. (6.) Salvum fac regem fiir gemi^cliten Clipi< ((' D'Almalne, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (8.) E' la fede degli amauti. liound for three A^oices, etc. Londm. . .Monzani & Hill, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (30.) Ellen's Sung, A\e Maria, from the Lady of the Lake, etc. London . . . Monzani & Hill, etc. fol. XVIII. C. I. a. (10.) The Enchantment. Glee for '■) Voices, the ^^'ords by Otway, etc. London. . .Monzani it Hill, etc. fol. XVIIL C. 1. a. (11.) The Escapes, or the AVater Carrier, a favorite Musical Entertainment, t'/e. London... J. Dole, etc. [iSoi.] fol XXXII. A. 6. (3.) Fickle Time. A Duett with an Accompaniment for the Harp or Piano Forte, etc. London . . . T. 3[onzani, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (12.) A Collection of Glees for Three, Four, Five and Six Voices, eU: Lonton. . .('lenienti <£■ (.'o., etc. ful. XXXII. B. 28. (2.) A presentation copij to Mr Winder. He is gone on the Mountain. The Coronach. . .from the Lady of the Lake, etc. [Song.] London . . . Monzani & Hill, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (13.) The Heath this Xight must be My Bed. Norman's Song from the Lady of the Lake, itc. London. . . Monzani <\. Wuntinij the tillepaijc and dedication VI. A. 25. (2.) I was glad when they .sai". IX. A. 18. (2.) ATTWOOD (Thomas) [T was glad.] Coronation Anlhem [adapted for the Organ liy the. composer], fol. ' LXII. C. 11. (5.) Wantinij the title-par/c. In Peace Love tunes the Shepherd's Beed. Glee for three Voices, etc. London. . .Monzani (t /////, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (17.) Invitation to the Bee. Glee for Four Voices, etc. London. . .Monzani rf HilU etc. fol. XVIII. C. 1. a. (18.) Let me die. Ballad, etc. London . . . Monzani Harp or Piano Forte. '.G(iid(liii''« liomances Fran<;aises,' etc. Fiorella. N""- 1, 3, G, 8, 9. o N""- Chez L Pleyel et fils (line, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (3.) Fra Diavolo. A Comic Opera in three Acts, written & adnpted by M. II. Lacv, etc. [P. F. Score.] London. ..Chappell, etc. ' fol. XVIII. C. 2. Gustavo ou le Bal ]\ras(|ue. Opera historique en cinq Actes. Paroles de Mr. Scribe . . . Partition reduite avec accompagnement de piano. — Gustav . . . f iir die deutsche Biihne bearbeitet von Frciherrn von Lich- tenstein. . .Neue Ausgabe. Mainz bei B. Schotis Sohnen. fol. XVIII. C. 3. [Gustave.] The Invitation to the Ball . . . The Poetry by J. R. Planche, etc. London. . . D'Almaine & Co., etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (4.) [Gustave.] Masquerade Song. . .Second Edition. London. D'Almaine <£• Co., etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (5.*) [Gustave.] When Time hath bereft thee . . . Song ... in . . .Gustavus the Third. . .the Subject from the Over- ture, etc. London. D'Ahnaiiie .f Co., etc fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (5.) Haydee ou le Seci-et, Opera Comique en trois actes, paroles de IMr. E. Scribe. . .Partition Piano et Chant. Paris, Brandus et C", etc. 4°. X. a. 15. a Un Ingrat qui fait couler les larmes. Romance, etc. A Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (13.) A presentation copy from Sir H. B. Bi.'tlwp to Miss E. Windsor. Leicester, ou le Chateau de Kenilworth. Cavatine. (Un seul instant) etc. 1 Paris, chez Frere, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 23. (12.) [Lestocq.] Betray me not. Duett, etc London : DAhnaine <£• Co., etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (6.) Marco Spada, e/c. Nos. 6, 11. 2 Nos. Paris, chez J. Meissonier Fils, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (7.) [La Muette de Portici.] jSIasaniello . . . An Opera in five Acts... Edited and translated into English by N. Ma,cfarren. London: Novella, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. X. A. 15, 18 AUBER— BACH. AUBER (Daniel Francois Esprit) [La Muette de Portici.] Die Stumme von Portici . . . Oper in fiiiif Acteu. . . Klavier-Auszug mit deutschem und franziis- ischem Text, ersteror . . . anangirt von C ¥. J. Girschner, etc. Berlin, A. M. Schlcsingers . . . Musikhandlung. fol. XVIII. C. 4. [La Muette de Portici.] Grand Overture to Masa- niello . . . arranged as a i^eptett . . . By A. Betts. [Parts.] London. . .A. Belts, Jr., etc. fol. LXI. A. 2. (32.) La Muette de Portici, etc. N"= 2, .3, 5, 7, 1 0, 1 2. G N''^ A Paris, chez E. Troxipenus, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (8.) La Neigc . . . Bonde (Lorsque I'hiver ciichaiiie les flots), etc. A Paris, chez Frere, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 23. (9.) [La Ncige.] Wenn sicli mit Eis bedecket der Teich, Rondo. . .mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, etc. Uunnover. . .C. Bachiiann. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (1.) La Part du Diabk;, etc. N"' 2, 4, K), 1:3. 4 N"\ London ... CJiapjiell, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (9.) Le Serment, etc. N°' 4, 5. 2 N"-. A Paris, au Depot Centrale, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 4. a. (10.) Zanetta. . .Airs arranges pour Fliite, Violon, Alto et Bas.se par B. Wagner. Divises en deux Suites. N° \. [Parts.] Paris, chez E. Troupvnas d C", etc. fol. LXI. E. 4. AUGENER AND CO. Augener's & Co.'s Album pour le Piano a quatre mains. Vol. I. Auijener & Co. . . . London, ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 30. (1.) AVISON (Cn.\RLK.s) Six Concertos in Seven Parts. . . (Ijiera Terza. [Separate Parts.] London... Preston <£• Son, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (19.) Eight Concertos in Seven Parts . . . Opera Quarta. [Separate Parts.] London ... J. WelcJcer, etc. fol. LX. D. 3. (2.) Eight Conc(u-tos. . .Opera Quarta. Another edition.] Separate Parts.] Londu Eight Concertos in Seven [Separate Parts.] London . . .Preston & Son, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (20.) Parts . . . Opera tjuinta. . . J. Welcker, etc. fol. LX. D. 1. (3.) Twelve Concertos in Sijven Parts . . . Opera Sesta. [Separate Parts.] London. . .Preston it Son, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (21.) Twelve Conceitos (Divided into two Sets) for Two Viohns, One Alto Viola, and a Violoncello. . .also adapted to the. . .Organ or Harp.sichord alone... Op(;ra Nona. 2 Sets. [Separate I'arts. | London. . . Preston d: Son, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 6. a. Six Sonatas, for the Hari)sichord with. . .two Violins and a Violoncello. . .Opera Ottava. [Parts.] London. . .It. Johnson, etc. fol. LXI. E. 4. AYLWARD (TiiKODOKK) Six Songs in Harlequin's Invasion, Cynibeline, and Midsummer Night's Dream . . .For the Voice and Harjjsichord, etc. London. li. Bremner, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 19. (5.) AYRTON (Ed.munu) An Anthem for Voices and instruments in score . . . perform'd at (ireat S'. Mary's Church, Cambridge, as an Exercise previous to. . .the Degree of Doctor in Music, etc. Sold at tlie Authors llimsc, etc. [LcxfW.] fol. VI. A. 4. (13.) [Another copy.] An Anthem for Voices and Instru- ments in Score, etc. Sold at the Author\ House, etc. fol. XVII. B. 28. (2.) AYRTON (William) See Musical Library. The Musical Library, etc. [Edited by W. Ayrton.] 1834-37. fol. XXXIL D. 7. Sec Sacred Min.strelsy. SacreJ Minstrelsy, etc. [Edited by W. Ayrtou.] 1835. f^l. XL A. 29. B., W. A New Booke of Taljliture, Containing sundrie . . . Instructions, shewing howe to attaine to the knowledge, to guide . . . thy hand to play on . . . the Lute, Orpharion, and Bandora : Together with diuers new Lessons to each of these Instruments. Wherc- unto is added an introduction to Pi-ickesong, and . . . rules of Descant. . .Collected out of the best Authors, etc. [With prefaces signed ' W. B.,' i.e. William Barley.] 3 pts. Printed at London for William Barlc!/ ...1596. ohl. 4". L F. 16. Each part has a separate title-page & register signatures. BABELL (William) Suits of the mo.st Celebrated Lessons collected and fitted to the Harpsicord or Spinnet . . . with Variety of Passages by the Author. [Book III.] London. Printed for I. Wahh, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 7. BACCHANALIANS. The Bacchanalians. [Song.] ,SV' A\ INK. A\ ine is alone, etc. s. sh. fol. L G. 37. (55.) BACH (August Wiliielm) Orgelstiicke . . . 1'" (2'"') Heft. 2 N"". Leipzig. Bey Breitkopf d- Ilarfel. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 5. (3.) BACH (Caul Piiilipp Emanuel) Karl Wilhelm Baiiiiulers Auferstehung und Himmelfahi't Jesu, etc. Leipzig, im Breitkopfischen Verlage. 1787. fol. VI. A. 28. (2.) [Another copy.] VI. A. 30. Herrn C. C. Sturms . . . geistlichc Gesiinge mit Melodien zum Singen Ijey dcm Claviere, etc. '2 Samml. Eamhurg, bei/ J. U. Jlerold, 17 So (1781.) old. ful, VI. D. 5. a. Heilig, mit zwcy Chorion \iiid ciner Ariette zur Einhiitung. | Full Score. | Hamburg, im Verlage des Aiiliirs. .. i-j-j. fol. XLIX. A. 14. Instrumentalkonzeitc deutscher Meister . . . C. P. E. Bach. . .liiirau.sgegeben von A. Schering. 1907. See Denkmaklek. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst, Erste Folge, etc. Bd. xxix, xxx. 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 29, 30. Di(^ Isra(^Iit(!n in dvv Wiiste. Ein Oratoriuni, (7c. Hamburg, im Verlag des Autors. 1775. fol. VI. A. 28. (1.) BACH. 19 BACH (Oahl TiiiLiPP EvANiTKi.) Zwoy Litaneyeii uiis (]('.u\ Sclilcswig-IIol.steiniscliL'ii ( ii'saiigliiiclu! ... fiir .aelit Sinj^.stimmen in zwey Chiireii und . . . Funda- ment, in Partituv gesetzt und . . . bcarl)eitct von C. P. K. Bach, rierausgegcben von N. Sclii0rring. Kopenhaqeii, 1786. . .hnj C. G. Proft, etc. ohl. fol. IX. C. 10. Kl(i])stock's Morgengesang am Sclidpfungsfcstc, in r.iititur und mit beygefugtem Klavieraus/.ugo, etc. Leipzig, im Verlage des Autors, 1784. fol. VI. A. 29. (1.) Sechs Clavier-Sonaten fur Kenner und Liebhaber . . . Erste Sammlung. Leipzig, im VrrJage den Autors. 1779. ohl. fol. XXVlil. A. 31. (1.) Clavier-Sonatnn ncbst cinigon Ttondos fiir.s Forte- Piano, fiir Kenner und Liebhaber . . . Zwcyte Samm- lung. Leipzig, im Verlage des Antors. 1780. (M. fol. XXVIII. A. 31. (2.) Clavier-Sonaten nebst einigen Rondos . . . Zweyte Sannnlung. F. E. C. L\euc1tart : Leipzig.^ fol. LXil. E. 17. (2.) Clavier-Sonaten nebst einigen Rondos fiirs Forte- Piano fiir Kenner und Liebhaber . . . Dritte Samm- lung. Leipzig, im Verlage des Autors. 1 781. nW. fol. XXVIIL A. 31. (3.) Claviei'-Sonaten und Freye Fantasien nebst einigen Rondos fiirs Fortepiano fiir Kenner und Liebhaber . . . Vierte Sammlung. Leipzig, im Verlage des Autors. 1783. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 31. (4.) Clavier-Sonaten und Freye Fantasien nebst einigen Rondos fiirs Fortepiano fiir Kenner und Liebhaber . . . Sechste Sammlung. Leipzig, im Verlage des Autors. 1787. ohl. fol. ■ XXVIli. A. 31. (5.) C. P. E. Bach's Claviersonaten mit einer Violine und einem Violoncell zur Begleitung. Erste Sannnlung. Leipzig, im Verhnje des Autors, 1776. ohl. fol. The Clavier part only. XXVIII. A. 31. (6.) C. P. E. Bachs Claviersonaten mit einer Violine und einem Violoncell zur Begleitung. Zweyte Sammlung. Leipzig, im Verlage des Autors, 1777. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 31. (7.) Sechs loichte Clavier Sonaten. Leipzig, hey B. C. Breitlcopf und Sohn. 1766. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 31. a. 4 Orchester-Sinfonien componirt 1776. . .No. L Leipzig und Berlin... a F. Peters. 8". LVIII. A. 2. Tonstiicke fiir das Clavier, vom Herrn C. P. E. Bach, und einigen andern classischen Musikern. Berlin, hey A. Wever. . . 1762. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 32. See Bacii (J. S.) .J. S. Bachs vierstimmige Choral- gesiinge gesammlet von P. E. Bach. 1765-69. 06/. fol. XXVIII. A. 33. BACH (.JoiiAXN Christian) The Favourite Songs in Carattaco. London .. .Welcker, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 5. a. (1.) La Clemenza di Scipione, in Score, a favorite Opera . . .Opera xiv. London. . .J. Welcker, etc. fol. XVIIL C. 5. BACH (.FoHANV Ciiiustian) A Concerto, for the I'iaiKj l''orte. . .In which is introduced the favoiite Air of the Yellow Hair'd Laddie;, op. 1.'5. London... G. Walker, etc. fol. LXIL E. 12. (1.) Fuge fiir das Pianoforte oder diis Orgel . . . iiber die Buchstal)en. . . Bacii. Bci C. F. Peters. . . Leipzig, ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (17.) [Another copy.] Fuge... iiber die Buch.staben . . . Bacii. Bei C. F. Peters. . .Leipzig, ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 4. (4.) The Favouiite Songs and the Duet in the Oratorio Gioas. . .Opera l.\". London. . . Weleker, etc. fol. VI. A. 31. The Intercession. [Song.] Sung by Mrs. Weichsell at Vau.xhall, etc. s. sli. fol. II. B. 2. (21.) The Favourite Songs in . . . Orione o sia Diana Vendicata. 2 Nos. London. Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 5. a. (2.) Four Quartet tos, two for Two Flutes a Tenor and Violoncello, one for Two Flutes a Violin and Violon- cello, and one for Flute and Hoboy, or Two Flutes a Tenor and Violoncello . . . Opera xix. [Separate Part.] London... Preston, etc. fol. LVIIL A. 7. a. Three Simphonys in Eight Parts, for Violins, Hoboys, Horns, Tenor and Bass. [Separate Parts.] London . . .Longman, Lnliey (0 Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (1.) Four Sonatas and two Duetts for the Piano Forte or Harpsicord with Accompaniments . . . Opera xv. London... J. Dale, etc. fol. LVIIL B. 8. (1.) The P. F. part only. Six Sonates pour le Clavecin ou Piano Forte... Oeuvre xvii. Chcs J. J. Hummel. . . « Amsterdam, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 8. (2.) Three Si>natas for the Piano Forte with an Accom- paniment for a Violin . . . Op. 20. London . . . Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter <£• Co., etc. fol. LVIII. B. 8. (3.) The Favourite Songs in. . .Zanaida, etc. fol. L<,ndon...L Wahh, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 2. (L) See Delizie dell' Opere. Le Delizie dell' Opere. Being . . . Songs . . . from . . . Operas compos'd bv . . . Bach, etc. fol'. XXIII. "B. 1. See Gluck (C. W. vox) [Orfeo.] Orpheus and Eurydice. . .by Gluck. . .Bach, etc. [1792.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 15. (4.j See Overtures. The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts ...No. xuv. fol. LX. C. 17. (20.) BACH (.JoHANN Michael) Ich weiss dass mein Erloser lebt. Motette ... .5 Stimmig! Berlin, Verlag der Schlesingerschen Bunh u. Musikhandlung. fol. III. 2. C. (8.) Now is Christ risen from the Dead. ChoraleMotet for live voices. Sec Goldschmidt (O.) The Bach Choir Magazine, etc. N°- 4. 8°. IX. A. (22.) u 2 20 BACH. BACH (JoHANN Sebastian) Arrangement. I. Complete Works. II. Vocal Works. a. Collections. b. Cantatas. c. Chorales. d. Magnificat. e. Masses and Sanctus. f. Motets. g. Qi'atorios and Passions. III. Instrumental Works. a. Two or more works. b. Clavieriibung. c. Concertos. d. Theoretical works. e. Das wt)hltcnij)erirte Clavier. f. Single works (in alphabetical order) IV. Doubtful and Spurious Works. I. Complete Works. J. S. Jjach's Werke. 58 vols. Bcrmisgegrhpu van ilrr Bach-GeseUschaftzuLi'qiziij. fol. III. A. 1. B. 28. II. Vocal Works. a. Collections. Kirchcngesange fiir Solo- und Chor-Stimmen, mit Instruniental-lJegleitung. . . Pai'titur. 4 N"'- Trautweimt Co ... Berlin, fol. III. C. 2. (2.) Kirchen - Musik . . . herau.sgegeben von A. 1!. Marx. Clavierauszug. l'"' Band. Bonn hei N. Simrock. obi. fol. VI. D. 5. (1.) [Another copy.] Kirchen-Mu.sik . . .1'*' liaud. Bonn hei N. Simriieh. ohl. fol. VI. D. 13. (3.) .7. S. I'acli's mehrstimmige Choralgesiinge und geist- liclie Arien . . . herausgegeben von L. Erk . . . Erstei' Tlieil, etc. Leijj'/.i(j. . .C. F. Peters: 1S50. y K. H. Kdss. Loudon: J. A. Noi'i'llo, etc. IS". IX. A. 17. (1.) There is a Calm for those who weep. Chorale... Adapted ife arranged by W. Shore. Manrhcster . . . It. Andri'iM. fol. See Bishop {Sir H. R.) Sebastian Bach, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (16.) Corales. . .bv. . . VI. b". 22. d. Maifuiticat. Magnificat a Cinque Voci, Due Violiui, Due Oboe, tre Trombi, Tamburi, Basson, Viola e Bas.so Con- tinuo, etc. A Bonn die;: N. SinirorJ,-. fol. III. C. 4. Magnificat (in D) in \'(jcal Score with an .-u-compani- ment for the organ or pianoforte, etc. Lunilon : Norello, Eiocr d: Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 29. (2.) e. Ma.sses and Sanctus. Missa [in A major] a 4 Voci, due Flauti, due Violini, Viola ed Organo. . Dopo Partitura autografa dell' autore. Bonnn e Coloniii presso N SImrocJc. fol. III. C. 8. (2.) Messe No. 1, in A.fiir vier Singstimmcn mit Orchester Begleitung. . . Clavierau.szug von X. (lleichauf. BonnheiN. Slmrocl: i,hl.M. VI. D. 5. (2.) [Another cojiy. | Messe No. 1 in A. . .Clavierauszug, etc. Bonn hei N. Simrock. ohl. fol, VI. D. 13. (1.) Missa [in (t.] i|uatuor vocibus cantanda comitante orchestra. No. II. Boiinnc sumlihu.'^ N. Simrocl\ ohl. fol. VI. D. 5. (3.) Messe No. 2 in G fiir vier Singstinunen mit Orchester Begleitung. . .Clavierauszug von X. Gleichauf. Bonn hei N. SImrocJc. ohl. fol. VI. D. 13. (2.) Messe [in B minor] . . . nach dcm Autographum gestochen. Erste Lieferung, etc. Ziuich hey Hans Gcorg Ndijeli, etc. fol. III. C. 8. (1.) Onhj the Kyrie and Gloria were piibliidied in this edition. Kirchen-Musik . . . I>ie grosse H inoll Messe fiir 2 Sopran, Alt, Tenor u. Bass mit Orchester-Begleitung. Partitur. Bonn hei N. Simrock, etc. fol. III. C. 7. Only the Kyrie and Gloria were published in this edition. Die Hohe INIesse iu H-moll . . . im Clavierauszuge von A. B. Marx. Bonn hei N. Simrock, etc. ohl. fol. VI. D. 6. Die Hohe Messe in H-moU . . . Klavier-Auszug. Leipzig & Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 8°. VI. D. 9. Messe in H iloll . . . Clavier-Auszug von H. Ulricli. Leipzig enkerl Sz Roitzsch. 12 Nos. Leipzig ,i'l!er1in. C. F. Peters, etc. 4". LXIII. B. 3. I'eters Edition, Nos. 200-207, 210-212, 211. .1. S. Bach's Compositionen fur die Orgel. Kritisch- Korrecte Ausgabe von F. C. Griepenkerl und F. Hoitz.sch. 10 lid. Leipzig, C.F.Peters, etc. ohl.M. LXX. C. 1. [Another eer anfaliende ()rganist. ( )rg(.'l- liiichlein. . .Sechs und vieiv.ig kicine Choralvorspiele fiir die Orgel. . .Zweite. . .Auflage. Erfurt, Lnngensalza d Leipzig. . .G. W. Kornrr. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 12. (1.) B. (1. Jalmj. XXV. a. lUClI. 25 BACH (.loiiwN' Skdasti.w) Til. Insthiimkntal i BACH (Joiiann Skbastian) — 1 1 1 . Instucmkntai. \Vnr;K> J. S. liacli's Orgelfantiisie u. Fii.^o in uioll... l)p;irbcitet [for P. F.] von V. Liszt. JSiilin, T. Traulwrin, <■/<•. fnl. LVIIl. B. 22. (3.) Ouvcrtiu-e ou Suite eii TTt majeur. . jmlilii'e. . .par S. W. Delni. No. 1. (Full Score.] Liipziq . . . a F. P,'trr.% >■/,: f,.!. LVIII. B. 12. "(12.) [O\orlui-c in D major, I!. (J. Jlirj,'. .\.\\i. No. •'!.] Sinfonie. . .a grand Orcho.stro, arrangco pour Ic Piano- forte a quatre mains par (J. M. Schmidt, etc. Leipzig... C. F.Peters. oW. f.il. XXVIII. A. 34. (6.) Aiitnrjrniili notes hij Sir 11'. Slenidale Bennett <('• Sir G. Grove are on the title page. [Partita for ^'iolin. Xo. i. Tempo di Bourree.j Gavotte in B minor. Editeil . . . liy C. J. Ilargitt. [P. F.] LoniJoii. Cramer tO Co. ele. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (12.) [Partita for Violin. No. ii.] .J. S. J!ai_li's Charouno ...for the N'ioliu Solo. .. with. .. Aceomjianiments for the Piano Forte, by F. Mc'ndel.s.sohn Itarfholdy. London. Novella, Eirer i(- ('a., etc. fol. LVIII. B. 19. (4.) [Partita for Violin. No. ii. | Chaconne, r/i'. London . . . Norello if Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 10. (3.) No. 26 of Best' a ^ Arriingements for tlie organ.' [Partita for Violin. No. in.] J. S. Bach'.s S Violin^ Sonaten f iir Pianoforte allein bearbeitet von C. Delrois van Bruyck. Sonate vi. J^eipzig, F. Eistner. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (13.) Partita for Violin. No. ill.] Gavotte ... in E. P.F.] London, Ewer <[• Co. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (14.) Prelude et Fugue [in G minor] ]iour I'Orgue ou le Piano-Forte . . . No. in. Jjeipzie/ . . . C. F. Peters. obZ. fol. XXVIII. B. 7. (4.) B. G. Jahrg. XV. No. V. [Another copy.] Prelude et Fugue [in G minor] . . . No. III. Leipzig . . . C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 34. (5.) Prelude et Fugue [in 1) major] pour I'Orgue ou le Piano-Forte . . . No. ii. Leipzig . . . C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 7. (3.) J). G. Jahrg. XV. No. IX. Prelude et Fugue [in (t major] pour I'Orgue. . .No. ll. Leipzig... C.F.Peters, ohl. M. XXVIII. A. 34. (4.) B. G. Jahrg. XV. N^. XL Prelude et Fugue [in A minor] pour I'Orgue ou le Piano-forte . . . No. i. Leipzig . . . C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 7. (2.) B. G. Jahrg. XXXVIIL No. IIL [Another copy.] Prelude et Fugue |in A minor] . . . No. I. Leipzig ... 0. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 34. (3.) Violin Sonate [in E minor] fiir Streichorchester bear- beitet von J. Helhne.sberger. Partitui-. Wien, J. Gutmann, etc. h". LXIII. D. 14. (1.) B. G. Jahrg. XLIIL No. L K.C.M.C. WoHKH. [Sonata ll and Partita in for Violin Solo.] Priilu- dium, Adagio, Gavotte & Itond fiir Streich- orche.ster bearbeitet von S. Bachrich. Paitilur. Wien, J. Gntmnnn, etc. 8". LXIII. D. 14. (2.) Suite Fran(;ai.se pour le Pianoforte (No. 1... edited by C. Zoeller). Londim, Nenniei/er ((• Co., etc. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (11.) [Franzii.sische Suite. No. v.] Fir.st Selection from I'.ach's Suite Fran^aise in G major . . . Edited 1)V C.lhxWL London, ChappcU ,{■ Co.', etc. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (7.) [Suite for Violoncello. No. in. J Bouirec. . . tran- scrite pour Piano par 1). Brocca. London, II' Czernij, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 22. (10.) [Suite for Violoncello. No. vi.] Gavotte en Be. . . tran.seritc pour Piano par D. Brocca. London, W. Gzenij, etc fol. LVIII. B. 22. (9.) Toccata in I'^is moll fiir Orgel ipdcr I'i.inoforte. T. Tranln-ein in Berlin, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 11. (3.) B. G. Jahrg. IIL (Clavicrwerhe, I.). Toccata et Fuga [for organ in !>]. L'tjizig. . . C.F.Peters. ' ohl M. XXIX. B. 10. (2.) No. 4 of Vol. ir of Griepcnl-crl ((■ Eoitzsch's Edition. B. G. Jahrg. XV. Toccata U. Toccata et Fugue pom- r Orgue ou le Piano-Forte... No. in. Leipzig. . .('. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 7. (7.; B. G. Jahrg. XV. Praehidlnm et Fnga VIIL Toccata et Fugue pour 1' < >iguc ou le Piano-Foite . . . No. II. Leipzig. . .('. F. Piters, ohl. fol. XXVIIL B. 7. (6.) B. G. Jahrg. XV. Prculudiunt et Fuga X. Toccata [in 1) minor], per Clavicembalo ... No. I. Presso C. F. Peters in Lipsia, etc. ohl. fol. B. G. Jahrg. XXXVL No. VL XXVIII. B. 7. (14.) Toccata et Fugu<' pour I'Orgue ou le Piano-Forte. . . N°l. Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. B. G. Jahrg XXXVL No. VL XXVIII. B. 7. (5.) IV. DoUllTFUL AND SlTKIOUS WoRKS. Neunzehn bis jetzt unbekannte Choralvorspiele. G. W. Kdiner. . .Erfurt, ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 12. (2.) 4"' Heft of Korncr's edition of Baeh's organ works. Lob und Ehre und Weisheit. Achtstimmige Motette P.irtitur. Bell Urcithopf ((■ Hartel in Leipzig, fol. III. C. 2. (4.) Tklessa a 8 voci reali o. 4 ripiene coU' accomiiagnamento di due Orchestre . . . Partitura copiata dalla partitura autogi-afa dell' Autore. A Lipsia presxo Breitlopf e Hiirlel. fol. III. C. 3. BACH (WiLUKLM Fuiedemann) Concert fiir die Orgel Erste Ausgabe. . .durch F. K. Griepenkcrl. Lelpzig...C. F.Peters, obi. io\. XXIX. B. 10. (4.) 26 BACH— BALFE. BACH (WiLHF.LM Frif.demasx) Dramatic Faatasia (in C major) for tho Piano-Forte . . . Edited l)y J. "\V. Davisciu. Loiiilon: D. Davison ,(■ Cc, <-t<: fol. LXII. E. 15. (2.) No. 2 of ' Sevhals.' Grand Fantasia (in E and A minor ami major) for the Piano-Forte. . .Edited bv J. W. Davison. London : D. Davison d Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (1.) Ail. 1 of • Bprirals.' BACHE (Fr.wcis Edward) Romanco pour Piano Forte et A'ioloncello. . .Op. 21. Limilni. AiliJison, Eollier d- Lucas, etc. fol. LXII. C. 3. (1.) BADLAND (Thomas) A Set of Ori.^'iiuil Tunes in four Parts adapted to the Hymns i.f J. ^^'esley, D' AVatts. -•/(•. Printed for tho Author, etc. o},l. 8". IX. C. 3. (1.) BAETENS (Charles M.) Mass in C of the An- nuiieiation, for 4 voices, with an accompaniment for the Origan or Piano Forte, etc. London, Puhllshed hy the Composer, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (18.) T17/// till' composer's autoijraph. Mass of the Assumption, for 4 voices, with an accom- paniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, etc. London, TuUislicd hij the Composer, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (17.) BAI (ToMMASo) Miserere. Sec Musica S.wra. Musica Sacra (|uae cantatur. . .per hebdomadam sanctam, etc. fol. XL E. 29. See Palestrina (C P. da) La JIusica the si canta nelle Funzioni delhi Settimana Sacra. . .cumposta dal Pale.strina. . .e Bai, Wc 177 r. fol. VI. C. 5. (1.) BAILDON (•Tosi'.pii) The Laurel. A new Collection of I<",nglish Songs sung by Mr. Lowe and Miss Falkner a) Alarvlxm-Gardens. London. Printed f,r I. ir»/>7/, ric. f(,l. XVIIL B. 51. (7.) The Lauiel. Book n. A New Collection of I'^nglish Songs and Cantatas, etc. London. Printed f,r L. Wolsh, etc. fol. XVIIL C. 6. (1.) When gay Bacchus. Glee. Printed for S. I'xdili, etc. fol. ' XXXII. B. 34. (2.) BAILEY (Edward) Ella and Edwin. A Sonnet, the w Li\ r. Mayence.. .n. Schott,elc. fol. LXII. B. 16. (1.) Mcthode de Violon par MM. I'.aillot, Kode et Kreutzei'. Beassc . . . a-^uvrc 1. 2 Livr. [Parts.] A Ojfenhaeh '/m, chezJ.Andre. foj. LXI. E. 7. (17.) BAIRNSFATHER (OEORfiiXA) Waken Lords & I, -lilies gay. Four- Part Song, words bv Sir Walter Scoll. London, /,. Corli-, etc. 1". X. F. 11. (25.) BAKER (Feli.x) Kindergarten Songs of the Seasons, etc. London: Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 1°. X. F. 7. (1.) BALBASTRE (Claude) Pieces de Clavecin. Premier Li\ic. . .(Iravi- p.ir Mad. Vendome. h Paris. Chez I'Anteur, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 25. BALPE (AIionAEL William) The Bells. Poetry by E. A. Foe, etc. [Song.] London, J. WiUanis. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 3. (1.) A presentation cojiy from the composer to A. GrcviUe. [The P.ohemiari Girl.] Tho Fair Land of Poland. Song, etc. London, ChappeH d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 3. (2.) [The Bohemian Girl.] I dreamt that T dwelt in Marble Halls. S(mg, r/c. London .. .Cloipp'U, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 3. (3) [The Bohemian Girl,] Then you'll remember me. Ballad, etc. London. . .Cheppcll, etc. ff>l. XXXIL C. 3. (4.) [Falstaft'.] Vorrei parlar ma I'ira. Trio, etc. London. . .Cramer, Addi.'^on an- fiekl. fol. VI. A. 6. (13.) BANISTER (.John) Sec Coui!Tly Masijuin(; Avrhs. Courtly Masquing Ayres...of Two Parts. . .l)y. . . J. Banister, etc., 1662. ohl. i". I. F. 8. BANISTER (John) and LOW (Thomas) New Ayrcs and I'ialogues composed for N'oice.s and Viols, of Two, Three, and Four Paits : Together with Less(jiis for Viols or Violins, etc. London : Printed by M. C. for E. Bromc, etc. 1678. 8". II. C. 16. There is a second Title-page, which runs '• New Ai/rcs, Dialoijnes (Did Trialoijues, composed. . .by Sitndri/ Authors." This collection coutaliis comjjosiliotis by Porter, Will. Timicr, James Hart, Stafford, H. Piirc^ll, Sciijnior Williaiii, Will. Lawes, Francis Qnarlcs,E. Y., Moss, Abr. Coates, Ben. Wallington, Ed. Coleman, W. G., J. Gamble, Henry Lawes, Br. John Blow, Mich. Wise, Isaac Blackioell, Tho. Farmer, Thomas Beedom, Tlieopli. Hawncy, John Banister, W. L., Thomas Lowe and John Jenkins. BANKS (Balph) A Te Deum, Jubilate, Sanctus, Kyrie Eleison, Nicene Creed, Authems and Chaunts in score, \\ ith an arrangement for the Organ or Piano Forte, etc. Chappcll's. . .London, etc. fol. VI. A. 32. BANQUET OF MUSICK. The Banquet of Musick : or, A Collection of the newest and best Songs sung at the Court, and at Publick Theatres. With a Thorow- Bass for the Theorbo- Lute, Bass-Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Composed by several of the Best Masters. The words by the Ingenious AVits of this Age. The First ( — Sixth and Last) Book. 6 Books. In the Savoy : Printed by E. Jones, for Henri/ Play ford, etc. 1688-92. fob I.' G. 30. The TitJe-paqe of Book III is miitilalid. Bonk III is dated 1(".89, Book lY, 1690, Book V, Iti'Jl. BANQUET OF MUSICK. [Another Copy. The Banciuct of .Mu.,ick. . .the Fir.st (Third) (Fifth) (Sixth) Book.] In the Savoy: Printed by E. Jones, for Henri/ Plai/ford, etc. 1688 (1689) (iC^i) (1692).] fol. II. A. 32. (5.) Wanlinrj all Title-pages. Book I wants fol. A, pp. I-l, 21, 22; Book III, pp. 7-10, 21-24; liook V, pp. 3, 1, and Book VI, fol. A and pp. 1-1, 7, 8. The Bancjuet of Musick. . .the Sixth and Last Book. In the Savoy, Printed by Edw. Jones ; and sold by John Carr. . .and by Ilrnry Phyfnrd, etc. 1692. fol. I. G. 31. This edition has no illustration on the title page. BANTOCK (Ghanvjllk) I'he FireAVorshippers. A Uram.itic Cantata for Soi)rano, Tenor, and I'.ass Soli, Cliorus and Orchestra. The words adapted from Moore's " Lalla Bookh." Lmidim : Novella and Co., etc. iSo. XXXII. E. 14. BAPTIE (David) Breathe softly, Flutes. Glee for four Voices. Poetry by Keats. Glasgow: Swan and Pentland. 8°. X. F. 8. (1.) Come from the Cloud of Night. Glee for five voices, vords by M. Bruce. 8^. X. F. 8. (5.) Pp. 14.^-l.")2 of a Collection. Come to the Sunset Tree. Part Song. Words by Mrs. Hemans. (Mister Speaker. Catch for Three Voices. Baildon.) S". X. F. 8. (3.) PjA 37-iO (/ a Collection. Gratitude. Glee for four voices. Words by Gray. (Let us the Fleeting Hours enjoy. Glee for four voices. Music by B. Dalglish.) 8". X. F. 8. (2.) Pp. 81-84 if a Collection. The Maid of Islay. Gaelic Melody, harmonised by 1). Baptie. Words by W. Dunbar. Glasgow : Swan (C Co., etc. 8". X. F. 8. (4.) The Midge's Dance. Part Song . . . words by B. Tannahill. Sican it Co. London k of Selected Church ^lusick, consisting of Ser\ices and Anthems, such as are now used in the Cathedrall, and CoUegiat Churches of this Kingdome. . .Collected out of divtirs ajjproved Authors, l)y lohn Barnard etc. 9 v() {supplied' in 3IS.) ":56, 67-72, 90-92 {supplied in MS.), 95, 9G-7 {snpplied in MS.), 102 {supplied in MS.) and nil after 119) ; and JIassns Cant(a-is. A niadi-up i-npij, MUeli ni lit Hated lliroui/lioitt. BARNBY (-S'(V JosKiMi) The Lord is King (Dominus rigriavit) Psalm xcvii. Full Score London ipre.-ience of the Deity. An Oratorio, written by Iv. Montgomei-y. London, Mni/liew it Co., etc. fol. VI. B. 1. lUissian .Melodies, with . . . English words by Jl. T. van I'yk, with symphonies and accompaniments for the Piano Forte. .. V'ol. I. London... Gouldimj, D'Almainc, Potter it Co. fol. XVIII. C. 10. School for the Voice, or Principles of Singing, etc. London, Addison d Hodson, etc. fol. XVlil. C. 9. (2.) Songs of the Minstrels, the poetry... by 11. S. van Dyk. London, Mayhcw it Co., etc. "fol. XVIII. C. 11. Summer and Winter. Song, etc. London . . . S. Chapi.rll, ,lr. f,,|. XXXII. C. 4. (11.) The Sun's last rays. |Song. |. . .The Poetry l.iy Ijord r.yron, etc. London, Gonldimi, D'Almaiiie, I'utt.r A- (',:, etc. fol. XXXil. C. 4. (12.) B AENETT -B ARTITELE MON . 29 BARNETT (John) Va lusiiii^'aiido Aukht. Cao- zi.lict, ./r. Lmiihni. . .S. (liiqiptU, itr. fol. XXXII. C. 4. (13.) BARNETT (JunN Ficancis) [The Ancient Maiincr.] I>cralt(^ Mati'D.so. Cantate aus deni I'^riLcHsrlicn lies S. 'I\ (.'olpridgc von V. Froilii,'rath, Hi-. I.i'jizl'i, F. Kistner, ctr. S". X. E. 19. (3.) Witli (III iiiihiiiriiph iiixri-q/lidii Jiij tin' C'omponer. CiMU'erto (in 1) minur) for tJin Pianoforte. . .Oj). 2.5. . . Pianoforte I'art. Lriiz'nj, F. Kinliirr, dr. fol. LXII. E. 10. (1.) A iin'stiildtiini i'i'2>!/ from flic i-uiiipiiHir to Sir (1 . Grove. The Good iSlicpherd. Sacred Cantata. The words adajiled. . .Ijy J. IJennett. . .Op. 2(5. Lmiiliiii : HiUrliimjs (t liiiiiier, itr. 8". IX. B. 3. [Another Cojiy.] Th(^ Good 8hc]ihcrd. Sacred Cantata. . .Op. 2(i. Lnmhin: Jlidrliiiii/^ i(- Itomer, etc. S". IX. A. 4. (1.) Tlir Tith-iingc hearx an aiUoijraph iiiscrijiliini lii/ tin' composer. Offcrtoire. [Organ.] Lini'hm i{- New Yuri,': A'nrello, Ewer and Co. ohi. fol. XXIX. B. 10. (5.) No. 10.'? of ' Orirjimil L'ompiis'dions for the onjiin.' A presentation ropy from the coiiipnscr to Sir George Grove. Paradise and the Peri. Cantata, written by T.Moore, elf. London, Hutrliiinis d- Bonier, ctr. 1 870. 8°. X. E. 23. (3.) The liaising of Lazarns. Oi-atorio, itr. Lomlnn. Novello, Eioer & Co., cte. 8". IX. B. 2. Romance in A Hat. [P. F ] 4°. XXIX. C. 13. (1.) Sec SciiUBiiKT (F. P.) Symphonie (Skizze) in E. . .fiir Pianoforte. . . eingerichtet von J. F. Harnett, cte. fol. LX. B. 10. (5.) See ^\'KBBIi (S.) the Ehhr. Wcbbc's Seventh Mass . . .arranged for four voices. . .l)y ,1, F. Parnett. ohl. fol. " IX. E. 26. (1.) BARNETT (Koiiicia) Sec Clkmknti (M.) [Three Sonatiix. Op. 33. No. l.J Clemcnti's Sonata. . . Edited by R. Baniett. fol. LVIII. E. 8. (5.) See Clementi (M.) [3 Sonatas. Op. 37. No. 2.] Sonata in G. . .Edited by It. Paruett. fol. LVIII. E. 8. (6.) BARRATT (William Auciustus) and JOHNSON (J. St. Axtuonv) Lancelot and Elaine. . .[Cantata.] For Baritone and Soprano Soli, Chorus and Orchestra. The Libretto by AV. A. Mackenzie and J. St. A. Johnson. London : Baijleij & Ferguson, etc. 8". X. E. 28. a. (1.) BARRET (Apollox Maui 1; Uo.se) A Complete Method for the Oboe, etc. London. . .Jullien d Co., etc fol. LXIII. E. 6. \ BARRETT (John) [Overture and Airs in the Tragedy ' of the Generous Conqueror, or the Tiinelv Discoverv. Separate Parts.] [1702.] eft?, fol. XXIX." A. 12. (20.) Wanting the 1st Violin part. Mr. Barrett's Musick in the Play call'd Mary Queen of Scotts. [Separate Parts.] [1703.] ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (29.) BARRETT (Jon\) [Another Copy. Mr. Barrett's Musick in . . . Mai-y Queen of Scotts.] 1 1703.] ohl. fol. Wanting the 1st Violin Fail. XXIX. A. 12. (22.) Overture and Airs in the Pilgrim. Separate Parts.] 1700.] ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 12. C8.) Wanting the \st Violin Part. Mr. Barrett's Musick in tlie Comedy call'il Tunbridg walks or the Yeoman of Kent. [Sejiaratc Parts]. [1703.] oW. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (18.) Another Copy. Mr. B.irrett's Musick in. . .Tunbridg walks, t«c. [1703.] ohl.iiA. XXIX. A. 12. (18.) Wanting the Xst Violiu part. See llAJiFsiooiii) Mastek. The Second Book of the Har.psicord Master. Containing. . .Lessons. . .by. . . ]\lr. Barrett, etc. 1700. ohl. 4". I. F. 10. (1.) See ILviU'sicoKD Mast];u. '{"he Third Book of the Harpsicord Master. Being a C'ollcctiou of. . .Lessons. By. . .Mr. Barrett, (■<(•. 1702. ohl. V'. I. F. 10. (2.) BARRETT (Mrs. S. A.) The (Jreat Reaper. [Sacred Song.] The words by Longfellow. London, Leader A CoeJc, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (11.) BARROW (John) The Psalm-Singer's Choice Com- panion . . . containing Variety of Tunes for . . . the Psalms. . .Chanting-Tuncs for Te Deinn, Jubilat(;-I)eo, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis . . . together with five Hymns and thirteen Anthems. . .The Third Edition . . .with large Additions, etr. Loudon. . . It. Brown, etc. 8". IX. C. 12. BARROW (Tiio.m.\s) Barrow's [Alorning and Evening] Service in F. See Boosey axd Co. Boo.sey it Co.'s . . . Standard Services, ctr. N". G. i". IX. A. 23. (1.) BARRY [ILiu. Augustus) Take oh take. A Glee for Three Voices. London. . .Clemenli <{■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (3.) BARRY (CiiAiiLES .AiNsLii;) Elizabeth's Songs, from the Saint's Tragedy, liy the Rev''. C. Kingsley. . . Op. 10. No. 2. Elizabeth's Prayer. London, Cramer, Beale and Cliappell, etc. fol. VI. A. 4. (19.) With the Composer's autogrnjih. O, holy Night. Five Part Choral Song, words by H. Aide. London, Stanley Lucas,Wcher & Co., etc. 4". X. F. 6. (1.) See Behlioz (H.) Tc Deum . . . QMivrc 22. Partition jiour Chant ct Piano par C \. liarry. 8". IX. B. II. BARSANTI (Francesco) ( »uiuta. nhl. fol. Sei Autifon(' . VL . . ( )^)a D. 14. The BARTHELEMON (Fkanvois Hippolyte) Songs in the Election, an Interlude, etc. London Printed for. . .J. Johnston, ele. ohl. fol. XXVIL C. 13. (3.) Selections from the Oratorio of Jefte in Masfa, com posed at Florence in the year 1776, etc. London. . . Cleminti, Collard (0 Collard, cte. fol. VI. B. 2 The Maid of the Oaks, etc. [Opera.] London. Printed for Longman, Lukey tO Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 9. 30 BARTHELEMON— BATE SON. BARTHELEMON (Fkaw.ois Hippolytk) The Favourite Sougs in. . .Pelopid.a, cic. No. ii. London... WcicJco; etc. fol. XXXII. B. 3. (1.) The favorite Dance of Robin Gray . . . Adapted for the Harpsichord, Piano Forte, Flute and Violin, etc London. . .Longman and Brodcrip, etc. 1785. obi. 4°. XVII. E. 2. (1.) A Now Tutor for the Violin, in wliicli is introduced Principal Rules. . .of Music, a .set of. . .Examples and Six Cappriceios, etc. Printed for the Author, etc. London, ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 29. (1.) TJie Title-page is signed by the composer. See That i.\. Thalia... Six Songs. . .bv Dr. Boyce ...and Mr. Barthelemon. fol. XXXII. B. 15. (3.) BARTHOLOMEW (AVilliam) See Chkrui!ixi (M. L. C. Z. S.) [() Sy J. Beale. Vol. 1". Printed f< r the EdUnr. . . London, fol. XXXII. B. 24. (3.) BEALE (William) Awake, sweet Muse. . .Madrigal, '/.-. London. . .B. Birehall, ilc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (7.) The Evening Walk. A (jlle(^ for 4 N'oices, r/r. lAiiidon. . .R. Liireliall, cte. 1813. fol. XXXIL B. 35. (9.) Go Rose. A Glee for four voices, etc. London. . . li. Bh-ehdl, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (8.) Posthumous Glees. . .Edited by E. Plater. Nos. ;i-l:5. London, Stanleii Zhcos, Wehri- it Co., etc. i". X. E. 30. (1.) A Fir.st Buck of Madrigals, (llee.s, ete.. for :!, 4 and .") Voices, c/c. Op. 6. /.o»oi)pelcher (a capoUa) . . . Op. 05. Partitur. BrrHhij f i[- lliirlel L^elpziiJ, elc. ...iH ,2. «". ' IX. A. 3. (2.) BECKER (Caul Fehdinand) Liodcr und Weisen \organgener Jahrhunderte. Worte und Tiine der Origiualen entlehnt von C. F. Becker . . . Zweite Auiiage. 3 pt. Lc.ipzuj, \^->,. KosUng'sche BuMandliuoj. 4". IX. F. 4. Pedaliibungen fiir angehende und gciibtere Orgelspielcr . . .Op 30. Heft II.' Leipzig, C. F. Kohnt. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 11. (6.) See Bach (J. S.) Chorale ... herausgegeben von C.F.Becker (1831.) 06/. fol. IX^ C. 8. (2.) See Bach (J. S.) J. S. Bach's vierstiraniige Kirchen- gesiinge, geordnet und mit einen Verwort begleitet von C F. Becker. 1843. IX. B. 1. BECKER (D. G.) Erste Sonate fiir Pianoforte uiid YioloncfU . . .< Ip. 1. Iji'ipziq, F. Bofnieisfer. fol. LXII. C. 4. (2.) BECKWITH (John Cuki.st.mas) Six xVnthcms in Score, eie. London. . .Longman and Broderijj, ete. VL A. 19. (2.) A prescvUilion rojii/ front llie Author 'to Mr. Bnrncii.' The First Averse of every Psalm of David, with .an ancient or modern chant in score, ete. London . . . Willdnson d: Comp'., etc. fol. VI. B. 4. (1.) BECZWARZOW3KY (Antonin Felix) Rondoletto fiir das I'i.inofortc uiid Violoncello. . .Op. 48. Berlin. . .ScJdesinger, ete. fol. and ohl. fol. LXIL C. 2. (2.) BEETHOVEN (Lunwii: van) Arrangement. I. Complete Works. II. Vocal Works (excluding the Choral Fantasia and Choral .Sympht)ny). a. Cantatas and Choral jNIusic. b. Dramatic Works (excluding ( >vcrturcs, etr). c. Masses and Oratorio. 1. Christus am Oelberge. 2. Mass in C, Op. 8G. 3. Mass in D, O].. 1 L'3. d. Songs and Trio. Iir. Instrumental Wokks. a. Collections. b. Concertos and C!horal Fantasia. c. Dances. d. Incidental Music, Ballets and Overtures. e. (.(uartets. f. tjuintets, Septet and Sextet. g. Sonatas. 1 . For Pianofoi-tc alone;. 2. For Pianoforte and Tnstruiuer.ts. h. Symphonies. i. Trios. k. A^'irialions. I. iMiscellancous Works. IV. Douini'iL AM> Spumous '\\'oi;ks. \. Al'l-ENIil.\. I. Complete Works. Ludwig van Beethoven's Woi'ke. N'ollstlindige Kriti.scii durchgesehene. . .Au.sgalie, etc. 25 Series. [.eipzig. . .Iheillopf d- mirtel. fol. XXXIV. A. 1-28. BEETHOVEN. 33 BEETHOVEN (Li invic van) JI. VocAii ^\'(lKli,s (cxc-liiiliriy llii! Clioi'.'il l'^•lntasia and Choral .Synij)hony). a. Cantatas and Choral Music. Der ijlorreiche Au.i,'enl)lic.k. Cantate, jjcdichtet von A. Weissenbach. . .Partitur. Wien...T Haslhiger, etc. fo). XVIII. C. 19. [Der gloi-reichc Augenblick.] Preis dcr Tonkunst. C-uitatc. . .Klavicr-Aiiszug. Wirn, hei T. Eaduiijcr, ric. fol. XVIII. C. 21. []>cr glorreichc Augenblick.] Prcis dcr Tonkunst. Cantate . . . Eingerichtct t'iir das I'iano- Forte allcin von C. Czerny. Wien, hei T. lladiiirirr, ctr. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (7.) [Der glorrciche Augenblick.] The I'raise of Music. Cantata . . . the English version adapted . . . by T. ( tliphant. [P. F. Score,] I.imihm, Crdiurr, AihUson .(• nenlr, dr. fol. XVIII. C. 20. llic bixik of words of a Concert at Wimhor (.'aatlc (in Isl Jan. 1855 ix inserted. Meeres-Stille uiid Gliickliche Falirt. (iedichte von J. "\V. von (ioethe. . .Uli"^" Werk. Partitur. WIen, hei S. A. Steincr und per in zwei Aufziigen nach dem franzo- sischen bearbeitet von F. Treitschke . . . Clavierauszug. Bonn hei N. Simroclt, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 10. Fidelio. — Leonore. — Oper in Zwei Aufziigen nach dem Franzosischen von Sonnleithner und Treitschke bearbeitet. . .Klavierauszug mit Text von F. Bri.ssler. Leipzig: Breitl,;pf d- Hiirtel. 8". X. A. 16. U.C.Jl.C. BEETHOVEN (Luijwk; van)— II. Vocai. AVokks (ex- cluding the Choral Fantasia and Choral Symphony). [Fidelio.] Leonore. Oper in zwci Akten. . .Klavier- auszug der zweiten Bearbeitung mit den Aliwcichuti- gen der ersten. Leipzig, hei Bnilkopf rC Iliiriel. fol. XVIII. C. 17. Fidelio. Clavier-Auszug. Leipzii/ . [Full Score.] Moguntiae e.v taberna musiccs B. Scliolt liliortiin. . . 1S27. fol. ' XI. A. 16. This cojiji foriiuyrli/ heloiigcd to Sir George Smart and Sifr George Grove and bears their aiitograpihs. An ' ' aktograph note by the latter is inserted. ^^ [Another copy.] Missa. . .Opus 123. [Full Scoie.] Moguntiae ex taberna nin.tices B. Schott filiorain, etc. 1827. fol. VI. B. 7. With 3LS. notes, programme and criticisms of the performance if the work by the Philharmonic Society, May, 1846, inserted. Missa. . .Opus 123. [P. F. Score.] Moguntiae ex taberna musices B. Schott filiornin, etc. 8°. IX. B. 4. Messe Soleunelle A quatre parties Solo et Chceur, avec accompagnement a grand orchestre . . . CEuvre 123, arrangee pour le piano par C. 0. Kinck. Maijencc et Paris, cliex les fih de B. Schott, etc. ohl. fol. VI. D. 16. Beethoven's Grand Mass in D, Op. 123 .. . with a sejjarate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte . . .by V. Novello. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. B. 10. (2.) This copy has inserted in MS. an altered ending {'.■ by Sir H. B. Bishop) to the first movement of the Gloria. [Another copy.] Beethoven's Grand Mass in D, Op. 123 . . . with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano forte, arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. B. 8. With autograpli inscriptions and notes by Vincent Novello. [AnotJicr copy. I Beethoven's Grand Ma.ss in D, < )p. I 23 . . . with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. B. 9. With MS. notes and criticisms of the performance by the Philharmonic Society, May, 1846, inserted. [Mass in |).| liccthoven's Choral AVorks, arranged for the Organ. . .by H. .J. Gauutlett. N'" 1, 2. London . . . Cramer, Addison it Beak; etc. fol. LXII. C. 16. (4.) .Missa Suleunis (in D). . .op. 123. [P. F. score.] London and Neii) York. Novello, Ewer (t Co. IX. B. 6. (1.) I Mass in D.] P.enodictus a Quatre A^oix et Chceur ad libitum, avec Accompagnement a Grand Orchestre, I tc. ( Full Score.] II Paris, a la Lyre Moderne, etc. fol. ' XI. A. 15. (6.) BEETHOVEN. 35 BEETHOVEN ( Lriiwii: van)- TT. VofAi. WOnks (cs- cludiug Ihc! Choriil I'^aiitasia and Choral Syiii])liony). d. Songs and Trio. L. van Deetlioven's siiniintliclu! Licder uiid (icsangc fiir eine Singstimme. E. Lichroch, Braunschweig, 1855. fol. XVIII. C. 14. (1.) Complete Edition of the Songs of Beetho\en, with (jernian and Englisli words, the hitter l>y J. Oxenford. Liiiiiltiii mill Nnv Yuri-: Iloosiii A- Co. A". X. A. 20. Th(> Songs of Ijcctiiovcn, with the original text, edited and a(hipted to English words by W. Hills. Lo)„h,u, B. «-,■/« di Co., etc. fol. XVIII. C. 22. A Prcucidiiiion Copy from the Editor to the Siicreit lliiriiiomc Society..-' / Adelaide. Gedicht von Matthisson mit di'utseheni und italieuisehem Text. Fur eine Singstimnie iind Piano-Forte componirt, etc. Leip:;lif. Bell Hiiffiiicistter nnd Kiiliuel, etc. ohl. t'nl. XXVIII. A. 11. (3.) Adelaide. Aria, etc. I.oniloii . . . ]\foii::iiiii i(- Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (1.) Adelaide. . .with English, German it Italian Words. Lonitoii.. .J. Allei), etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (2.) [Adelaide.] Air. .. adapted by S. Ogle to words taken from ^Stilton's Lycidas, etc. Lomloii . . . Giiiililiriij, D'Alniaiiie, Potter <(■ Co. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (8.) Adelaide . . . Ballade . . . texte allemand, Italien et Fran^ais, etc. Mayence . . .chez le.t fils de B. Schotl. fol, XXXII. C. 5. (7.) Adelaide, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (5.) ' Lyra Germanica, 12'" Heft.' Adelaide. From the Geiman vei'.sion as sung liy Madame Schroder-De\ rient, etc. WckihI d- Co., London, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (4.) Adelaide. . .fiir die Guitarre eingerichtet von J. B. Weiland. OD'etdxicli n j in hei G. Andre, fol. XXXII. C. 5. (3.) Adelaide. . .mit Begleitung der Guitarre, etc. Bei P. J. Simroch in Coin.' fol. XXXII. C. 5. (6.) Ah ! perfido. . .Scena e Per pieta non dirmi addio, Aria with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte. London... B. BirchaU, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (9.) Ah ! perfido. . .New Edition transposed. London. . . C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (10.) An die ferne Geliebte. Ein Liederkreis von A. Jeitteles fiir Gesang und Piano-Forte. . .OS"** Werk. Wien hei S. A. Steiner und Comp. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (10.) [Another copy.] An die ferne Geliebte, etc. Wien hei S. A. Steiner nnd ConVp. old. fol, XXVIII. A. II. (2.) [An die ferne Geliebte.] Lays of the Heart . . . English words by AV. Hills. Ljondon, B. 'Cjcks <(• Co., etc. fol, XXXII. C. 5. (11.) BEETHOVEN ( Lrnwir: van) -IT. Vocai. Wohks (ex- eluding the Choral Fantasia and Choral Symphony). An die Gelieljte. Ein Gedieht von Stoil mit Ueg- leitung des Pianoforte, etc. Bonn nnd Coin hey N. Simroclc. ohl. fol, XXVI. A. 12. (11.) An die Hofi'nung, von Tiedge, etc. |Op. .3l'.] a Bonn chez N. Simrork. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (9.) Andeid(utsehe Lieder, etc. Bey N. Simroclc in Bonn. ohl. fo XXVI. A. 12. (12.) Drei Deutsche Lieder. . .mit Begleitung der Guitaro von T. Gaude. Bonn u. Coin hei N. Simroc',-. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (2.) [INFolly's Abschied. Op. .-)•_'. No. .").] Mary's Fare- well, etc. London. Eicer it' Johonninij. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (18.) Sehottisehe Lieder mit englischem und deutsdiem Texte. Fiir eine SingstimuK! und kleines Chor mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte, Violine und Violoncello ()bli!,'irt. .'.Op. lOS. ■.^ H.'fte. Berlin.. . A. M. Sclilesincjer, eh: old. fol. XXVI. A. 11. Wiiiitinij the ficeompfinimenis. Die Sehn.sucht, von Goethe, mit vier ilelodieii nebst Clavierbegleituug. Bonn hey N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (1.) So oder So. Lied mit Begleitung des Piano Forte. Coin ((■ Bonn hei N. Sinirocl-. old. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (6.) Tremate, empi, tremate. Terzetto, etc. Op. 1 1 (i. London . . . Birchiill d: Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (22.) Der Wachtelsrhlag, mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte. Bonn und Coin tiei/ N. Simroclc. ol>l. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (4.) Der Waehtelsehlag. . .mit Clavier r.i'i.'leiuing. Midnz. ..B. SchotiSi'hnc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (23.) Das Geheinmiss. Liebe und \\'ahrheit. von Wessen- berg mit Begleitung des Piano- Forte. Bonn nnd Coin hei/ N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (8.) [Drei Gesiinge. Op. 8.3. No. 2. Sehnsucht.] Poor Heart, why so restless? etc. London, Wcssel d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (24.) Das Gluck der Freundschaft, etc, Bonn hey N. Simroch: ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (2.) [Das Gliick der Freundschaft. Op. 88.] He leads a life of extasy. . .for Voice and Piano, etc London, Wessel d Co. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (13.) In questa tomba oscura. Arietta con accompagna- mento di Pianoforte in xvili. Composizioni di diver,si Maestri : Beethoven, Danzi. Eberl, Hiramel, Hof- maun, Kt)zeluch, Paer, Righini, Roesler, Salieri, Sterkel, Terziaui, Weigl, Zeuner, Zingarelli. Lipsia presso A. Kiihnel ohl. M. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) In questa tomba oscura. Arietta con accompagna- mento di Pianoforte. Leipzig .. .C. F. Peters, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 14. (2.) P 2 36 BEETHOVEN. BEETHOVEN(LuD\viG VAX)-[I. Vocal W(.i;Ks(ex- BEETHOVEN (Lrnwin van)— III. iNSTiiiMENTAL eluding tlie Choral Fautasia and Cluu-al Symiihony). Works. In questa touiba oscura, etc. E. Mills d- Sons, ,'tc. fol. No. 3 "/' • Lit Srunht Antlra.' [jiniiliin. XXXII. C. 5. (15.) In questa toniba oscura. Arietta. Laiidoii . . . Lonsihih- ,1- Mills, etr. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (14.) Original Irish Songs (Words by T. INIoore) witli Accompaniment of Pianoforte, Violin and Violoncello, etc. 2 jit. I.iiitihin. G. SrlicimiKiini, dr. fol. XVIII. C. 14. (7.) [Kennst du das Land.] Gcithe's Song of .Mignon, ilr. Lomhn : Wrssrl ,f- Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. 16. [Liei! aus der Feme.] The iSong of my Choice. I'.allad, the words by T. II. P.aylv. '/<•. Lo,i,l,ii . . . Chopprll rlr. fol. ' " XXXII. C. 5. (20.) Sechs Licder vtin (iellert am Klavier zu siiigeii. itr. [Op. 18.] Ill Bonn, hry N. Slmrorl\ ,,hl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (13.) [Sechs Lieder von (Iellert. Op. 4S.] >Si.v Sacred Songs for a sijigle voice. . .-witli an accomj>animent for the Piano Forte. Lonihm. . .Gli'mcntl d- Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 5. (1.) VIII Liedi-r mit Begleitung des Claviers, rtc [Op. .o'2.] Bonn mill Ciilii licij N. Shnrocl'. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (3.) [vii Lieder. Op. .52. Ko. 4. Mailied.] Sec Rins (F.) VIII Variations. . .sur nn Theme de Beethoven, cir. ohi. fol. XXVIII. C. 26. (10.) Dcr !Mann von Woit. Ein Gedicht von I'". A. Kleinschmid. . .fiir Ge.sang mit Itegleitung des Piano- Forte . . . 99''"^ Werk. Wien, hel S. A. Sielrnr nniJ Coinii. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 12. (7.) Maurei-fragen. Ein Lied fiir die Loge d. F. c. a I'f) : d. Uoiui. . .untcrlegle Worte von : . : . er. Bonn hcij N. SimrocL ohl. fol. XXXI. A. 12. (14.) III. In'STKUMEM'AL Wohks. a. ('ollections. L. van Beellioven'.s diver.se Compositionen fiir das Pianoforte. Nos. 1-4, 7 and H. Brunniiciiiiulf]. II. Lllolji; etc. 4". LXIII. B. 21. (4.) ]5eothoven'.s A\'eike fiir Pi;inofor((; Solo von ( )]). .53 an in Kritisclicr. . . Ausgabe. . . von II. von Biilow. Zweite. . . Anilage. L' Bde. Slnttiiiirt . . . J. G. Cottu.. .iS-;2. fol. LVIII. C. 3. I'.eethoven'.s Works, edited by W. S. Bennett. [Sonata.s: Op. 2 (l-.'i) ; 7; 10(1-3); 13; 14(1); 20; 27 (1, 2); 28; 31(1-3); 49(1,2); .53; .54; r.7; 78; 79; 81. Rondos, Op .51 (1,2); Andante, Op. 35 ; Variations (6 Nos.) ; 2 Sonatinas (2 Nos.) ; Bagatelles, O]). 33 (1-7); Variations, Op, 87; 3 .Marclics, f)|). 43 ; l>iiet, Oj). ; Andante it Variations from Op. 2(i; P. !-'. Trios, Op. I (1-3); Op. II ; Op. 70 (1-2) ; O].. 97J. Lonilon. Leiiihr ,1- Corhs, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 4. Beethoven's Works, edited by J. Moscheles. [P. F. Sonatas, Op. 29, Nos. 1, 2 ; Op. 27, No. 1 ; Op. 90; Op. 1 10 ; Op. 78 ; Op. 49, No. 1 ; Op. 57 ; La stessa la stessima, with Variations for P. F. Andante for P. F., Op. 35 : Concertcs, Op. 15 ; Op. 37 ; Op. 73 ; Choral Fantasia, Op. 80. P. F. Parts.] London . . . Grmuir, AdiVisoii d Scale, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 7. Beethoven's Works edited by J. ftloscheles. [P. F. it Violin Sonatas, Op. 12, Nos. 1-3 ; Op. 24, Nos. 1, 2 ; Op. 30, Nos. 1-3 ; Op. 9fi ; P. F. it Violoncello Son:itas, Op. 17, No. I; Op. 69. Separate Parts.] Liiiidon . . .C'riimer, Beiile d' Co., etc. fol. LVIIL D. 7. (a.) Collection complete des quatre Trios, dix-sept Quatuors, deux Quintettes et du Septuor^ pour instruments a cordes . . . graves en partitions. Edition . . . revue . . . par L. Lacombo. Paris, E. Girod, etc. 8". LXIII. B. 19. The Quitrletts oidi/. Duos, Trios, Quartette, Quintette, Sextette, Septett, Concert* u. Symphonien . . . fiir Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden arraugirt von H. Ulrich u. It. Wittmann. 3 Bd. Lclpzlij. C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVin. B. 16. Monzani A- Hill's Selection of Beethoven's Piano Forte Music. Nos. 8, 13, 15, 28, 37-45, 48, 55, 57, CO and 75. Ijondon . . .Mon::iinl <(■ Hill, etc. fol. LXII. D. 3. and LVIIL C. 14. 11 iinliiHI iiiiniil of the iieeoiiqiiiiiniienfs. [Oeuvres Complettes pour le Piano.] 3 vols Brnii.ywii]i- eh'Z G. M. Meyer, etc fol. LVIII. C. 6. A collection of reprints, irrranijcnieiits de. with seyiiratc title-jiiiges, issued with the idiore title on the covers, which are wiiiitiiu/ in this copij. Pieces pour Piano. V. F. Peters, etc. 8". Leip::ii/ d Berlin, XXIX. C. 15. (6.) b. Concei-tos and Choral Fantasia. Collection Complete des Sept Concertos et d'une Fantaisie pour Piauo, Orchestre et Chour. . .mis en Partition par II. Iloubier, etc. 8 N"«. A Paris, chcz S. Richaiilf, etc. 8". LXIII. B. 14. [Another edition. | Collection complete des S(>pt Concertos ... mis en Partition par It. Houbier, etc. N"' 1, 4, 5 .t 7. A Paris cliez S. Biclinnlt, etc. 8". LXIIL B. 15. Concerts de Piano e( de N'iolon . . . (irande I'artition. Op. 19. Op. 58. Op. (il. Op. 73. 4 N". Leipxiij d Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 8". LXIII. B. 16. Concert [No. 1] fiir das Piano-Forte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. . . 15'"' AN'erk. A^ollstiindigc Partitur. Wicn hei T. EasUnejer, etc fol. LVIII. B. 38. Concert [No. 1.]. . .15'™ Werk. [P. F. Part.] T. nnslinijer. . .Wien. fol. LVIII. B. 40. (2.) \\ iintiinl the title-jnifie, hiil ni a piijier cover irith the iintdijriijih of A. S. Snil.'riin. 1858. BEETTTr)VEN. 87 BEETHOVEN (Linwic van) -III. Instimmkntal BEETHOVEN (Li dwi.: van)— ITI. Instrumental W'llliK.S. (iraiul Concerto for the Pi.ano Forte lather 7:5. P. F. P.art]. AN'oiiKs. Grand Concert ]iour le Piano l'"orte . . . (J'iuvrc I't. [Separate Parts.] A Pmis. Aiij- (ulri'xacx orilinuirfx, I'Ic. fol. LX. E. 3. (11.) ( 'hiiii'iili (t CniiqiiJ., I'tc. fol. . Op. 64 [or Loii'lon . . . LVIII. B. 41. (2.) Grand Concert [No. 1] pour le Piano-Forte . . . CEuvre 15. [P. F. Part.] A llnnn rhrz Sliurork. fol. LVIII. B. 40. (1.) Concert jiour le Pianoforte ... CEuvie \i\. [P. F. Part.] A Vieiiili- (hex ILill'iiii-islcr i(: Ci'iiiji.. ctr. ohl.fnl. XXVIII. B. 17. (1.) Concert pour le Pianoforte. . .(Fluvre xi.\. [Separate Parts.] a Ijcqi^ir an linrcitu ilc Musitjuc. ohi. fol. A' fol. LX. E. 3. (24.) Drittes Concert iu C-moll fiir da.s I'iano-Forti; allein . . .37*^' Werk. Wicn, hei T. HnMmvr, rtr. f„l. LVIIL B. 40. (3.) Gra,ud Concerto pour le Pianoforte . , . Op. ?t~ . [Separate Parts.] A Vicnnc fii: Biin'iiu (/<-.--• Arlx. obi. fol. & fol. LX. E. 3. (23.) Grand Concerto pour le Pianofortes . . . ( )p. .37. [ P. V. Part.] A VleiiKi- an Jltiri'nn uv. 73. I P. F. Part.] A Leipsic. Chez Breitl^opf ,{■ Hi\rlel. t'ol. LVIIL B. 39. Concertos arranges pour Piano Seul par .T. jroscheles . . .N" 5. Paris. . .Schlesingcr, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 40. (5.) I'^antasie fiir Pianoforte, Cher untl Orchester . . . Op. 80. Partitur. Leipzig, he! Brcithqf ,{ Ili\rlel. 8". LXIII. B. 18. Fantasie fiii- das Pianoforte niit Piegleitunj,' des ganzen Orchestta's und (.'hor. . .80" Werk. [Separate Parts.] I'.iij Hrrillii),/ ,(■ Ifiirlel ill Leipzig, fol. LX. E. 3. (26.) Fantasie fiir das Pianoforte mit . . . Chor . . . Op. 80. Fiir Pft(!. Solo, Leijrzlg, hei Breillojif d- LTartel. fol. LVIIL B. 40. (6.) (iiand Fantasia for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 63 [or rather 80. P. F. Part.] London. . . Clement! uverture zum Ballet . . . Oj). 43. Partitur. Leipziij ... C.F.Peters. S". LXIII. B. 12. (1.) [Die Geschiipfe des Prometheus.] Ouverture . . . Oeuv. 43. [Parts.] Leipzig . . . C. F. Peters, fol. LXL A. \. (5.) Grcsse Ouverture (in Es), zu Kouig Stephan. . .117"* Werk. Partitur. H'/cii, hey T. Haslinger, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 35. (3.) [Another cop}'.] Grosse Ouverture . . . zu Konig Stephan ... Partitur. Wien,hey T. Hadimjer, etc. fol. LVIIL B. 36. (3.) [Konig Stephan.] Beethoven's ( )verture, King Stephen . . . arranged for two Performers on the Piano Forte, by K. A. von Winkhler. . .Edited. . .by Mr. Potter. London... B. Mills, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 13. (1.) (iros.se Ouvei'ture in C dur [Nameiisfeier] ... 11.5'" Weik. Partitur. Wien, hrii S. A. Steiner & Comp. fd. LVIII. B. 35. (1.) IVIusik zu eiucm Itittcr-Ballet. . .Fiir Pianoforte iilier- tragen von F. Dulckon. l^eipziij n. Wiiiterthur, J. Eider-Biederniann. 1S72. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (14.) Musik zu einem Kitterballet . Pianoforte by K. Pauer. London, etc. 4°. arranged for the Anqener A Co. LXIII.' B. 21. (1.) Ouverture zu A. v. Kotzebue's Buincii \(Ui .Xtlum, . . 113'™ Werk. I'artitur. Wien, hei S. A. Stciner imd Conip. U>\. LVIII. B. 35. (2.) [Another cojiy. I Ouverture zu A. v. Kotzebue's Ruinen von Atiien . . . I'artilur. Wien, hey S. A. Stehier itnd Comp. fol. LVIII. B. 36. (1.) Beethoven's Overture to the Uuiiis of ,\lliens, arranged for Two Violins, Two Violas, Two Flutes, Violoncello it Bass ... by II. .1. Bannister. [Parts.] London . . . the Editor, ele. fol. LXI. A. 2. (21.) Ouverture [Die Weiho des IFauses] en Ut a grand Orchestre ... Oeuvre 124. | l'\iil Score.] Muyence, chez B. Schotl Fits. fol. LVIII. B. 35. (4.) BEETHOVEN. 39 BEETHOVEN iLihwk; van; HI. 1x.-;tiu':mi;ntai, WoKKS. Anotlier oi>py.| UuNcrture en Ut...Onuvrc 131. Full Score.] Mayuncf, clicz B. Sclmlt Fih. ful. LVIII. B. 36. (4.) Ouverture.s. . .on Partition. . .No. 7. Grande Ouver- ture [Die Weiho de.s Hauscs], en Vt. Ocuv. \i\. Paris, S. Eirhanel, etc. 8". LXIII. B. 12. (7.) e. (.Quartets. L. van lieethovon's Quartctten fiir zwei Vidlincn, V'idla und Violoncello. . .Partitur-Ausgabe. 3 15de. Mannheim, hci K. Fenl. Hcxhd. li". II. C. 19. The 'ird vol. is published by Ewer (0 Co., London. Trois Quatuors pour Piano-Forte, Vinlin, Alto et Violoncello. . .0<]uvre Posthume. 3 nos. | Parts.] Paris, chez A. Farronc, etc. fol. LXI. E. 4. First [Quartett for P.F. and .string.s] in E flat. O]). 1(1. [Part.s.] L„nd„n, Wessel Quatuors. . .0]). 18. Liv. Chez Simrock a Bimn. fol. [Parts.] LVIII. C. 8. (2.) ."5 Quatuiirs. . .()]). 18. Liv. ii. [Parts.] Chez N. Simrock it Bonn. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (3.) Three Quartetts . . . Op. 18. Book 1. [Parts.] London. . .Clemenii il Co., etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (I.) Three Quartetts. . .Op. IS. Book 2. [Parts.] Lond,.n. . .Clementi & Co., etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (2.) Another ci.jiy.] Three Quartetts. . .Oji. 18. Book 2''. Parts.] London .. .dementi, etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (2.) Partitions des trois grands Quatuors ()eu\re -59, etc. 3 nos. A Off'enbach s/m chez J. Andre. 8". LVIII. A. 13. Trois Quatuors. . .Oeuvre '^'J. [Parts.] a Bonn chez N. Simrock. ful. LXI. C. 7. (18-20.) Three Quartett.-.' . . . Op. -j'J. [Parts.] Lo7idon ... dementi, Collard, Dmis d- Collard, etc. fol. LVIIL C. 7. (3.) Three Quartetts. . .Op. -59. [Parts.] London. . . Clementi, Bawjer, Hyde, Collard & Davis, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (6.) [Quartet. Op. 59. No. 3.] Finale . . . trauscrit jiour le piano par C. Saint-Saens. Paris, t G. Hartmaini, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (16.) ] Quartett [in E Hat]. Op. (52 [or rather 74. Parts]. London . . . Clementi . ful. LXI. C. 7. (22.) [Another copy.] Eilftes Quartet . . . 9.0'"' Werk. [Parts.] Wien. . .S. A. Steiner und Comp. fol. LXI. D. 7. (2.) Eleventh Q'uartett. . .Op. 95. [Parts.] London. . . Clementi <£• Co., etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (5.) Onzienie Quatuor. . .Op. 95. [Parts.] it Paris chez I. Plryel d- Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (1.) Grand Quatuor. . .OfHiv. 127. [Full Score.] Mayence, chez B. Schott Fils. 8". LVIII. A. 14. (2.) Grand Quatuor. . .(Euv. 127. [Parts.] a Paris, chez le-! Fils de B. Schott, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (6.) Another coj)y.] (Jrand Quatuor . . . (Euv. 127. Parts.] (I Paris, chez les Fils de B. Schott, etc. fol. LXL C. 3. (1.) Quartet in E flat. . .Oj). 127. [Parts.] Auyener tC Co., London, etc. fol. LXI. E. 1. (1.) The Fifteenth Quartett. . .Op. 127. [Parts.] London... Clementi d: Co., etc. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (8.) Treizierae Quatuor. . .ffiuv. 130. [Paits.] Paris, chez M. Schlesinijer, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (7.) [Another copy.] Treizieme Quatuor . . . Oiuv. 130. [Parts.] Paris, chez M. Schlesinyer, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (9.) [Another copy.] Treizieme Quatuor . . . CEuv. 130. [Parts.] Paris, chez 31. Schhsincjer, etc. fol. LXI. C. 3. (2.) Grand Quatuor en Partition . . .Op. 1 .'! I . Mai/ence. . . chez lesjils de B. Schotf. 8o. LVIII. A.' 14. (3.) Grand Quatuor. . .(-Euvrc 131. [Parts.] Mai/ence, chez les fils de B. Schott. fol. LXI. C. 3. (3.) L. van Beethoven's Quartetten [Op. 132, 133, 135J fiir zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. No. 15- 17. Partitur-Ausgabe. London, Etcer d: Conip. 12". LXXXIII. A. 4. (2.) Quatuor. . .Partition. Q3uvre posthume. (Eu\. 132. Berlin ...A. M. Sehlesinger, etc. 8". LVIII. A. 12. (2.) Douzieme Quatuor ... ffiuv. 132. CBuvre Posthume. [Parts.] rt Paris, chcz 3L Schlesimjer, etc. fol. LXI. C. 3. (4.) Quatorzieine Quatuor. Grande Fugue tantot libre tantot recherchee. . .CEuvre 133. [Parts.] Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LXI. C. 3. (5.) Another copy.] Quatorzieine Quatuor ... CEuv. 133. Parts.] Paris, chez 31. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 7. (8.) 40 BEETHOVEN. BEETHOVEN (Ludwk; van) — III. Tx.strumkntal A\'ui;k.s. Dix-septieme Quatunr. . .tEuv. 134. (Uuvre postliumf [Parts.] a Pnris, cliez M. Schlcsinijer, ctr. fol. LXI. C. 3. (6.) Quatuor . . . Partition. Oeuvre posthunie. Oeuv. 135. Berlin. . .A. M. Sckh'singer. etc. 8". LVIII. A. 12. (3.) f. Quintets, Septet and Sestet. L. van Beethoven's Quintetten fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Bratscheu u. Violoncell, op. 4 u. 29. Septett fiir Violine, Bratschc, Horn, Clarinette, Fagott, Violon- cell u. Contra Ba.ss. Op. 20. Sextett fiir 2 Violinen, Bratsche, Violoncell u. 2 Horns obligat. Op. 81. Partitur-Ausgabe. London, Ewer i[- Co. 12". II. C. 20. Coinpositionen [String Quintetts. Op. 29 & op. 137] . . . Partitur. Leipziij & Uerliu. C. F. Priori, etc. 8". LXIII. D. 17. (1.) Partition du premier Quintetto (Oeuvre 4), etc. A Offenbach s/m chez J. Andre. 8°. LVIII. A. 12. (4.) [Another Copy.] Partition du premier Quintetto (Oeuvre 4), etc A Oll'enhacJi sj m chez J. Andre. 8°. LVIII. A. 14. (1.) < Jnind Quintette [in E flat. Op. 4] pour Deux Violons, luiituiir- . . . d'apre.s une Sonate. . .arranges par lui niemc. [Paris.] A Bonn, rhr:: N'. Simrorlc. fol. LXI. C. 7. (25.) [Sonata. Op. 1-1. N" 1.] (,>uatuor ... d'apres une Sonate. . .arranges par lui-nieme. [Parts.] A Bonn, die-/. N. Simrocl, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (1.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano Forte. . .ffiuvre x.\ii. A Vicnnc chez Hoff'meistcr li Comp., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 13. (1.) Grande Souate pour le Piano Forve. . .tFIuvre x.xil. A he'qDilc an Bureau ih: Muxupir. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 15. (3.) Grande Sonate pour le Clavecin ou Fo-tepiano . . . Qiuvre XXVI. Lelpsic . .au Bureau ile Miisique. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 15. (4.) [Another copy.] Grande Sonate pour le Clavecin, ou Fortepiano. . .QCuvre xxvi. Leijjsic. . . an Bureau ile Musiqite. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 13. (2.) Sonate pour h^ Piano-Forte . . . Op. il . N" 1 (li). 2 N°'. Paris, Chez M. ScUexinqer, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (4.) Sonata quasi Fantasia per il Forte-Piano . . . Op. 21 . N. 1. Breilhopf ,[■ HarleJ in Lipsia. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 13. (3.) Sonata ([uasi una Fantasia per il Clavicembalo o Piano Forte. . .Opera 27. N" 1. In Mogunza presso C. Zulehuer. iu\. LXII. D. 2. (3.) Sonate Pastorale pour le Piano Forte . . . Op. 2(S. A Londrca . . . Broderip d' Wilkinson, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (5.) [Sonata. Op. 28.] Sestetto . . . adapted from Beet- hoven's Sonata Pastorale. . .by G. Piggntt. [Parts.] Londou . . . Coventry [or rather 57]. a Paris, chez F. Pleyel, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (9) Sonate jiour le Piano Forte ... Oeuv. 78. a Leijisic. Chez Breitkoj,/ ,[■ Jlartrl. „W. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (12.) Soiiatine pour le Pianoforte. . .(^eu v. 79. Xouvelle edition, etc. ii Leipsic, chez Breithopf et Hdrtel. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (10.) Les Adieux, l.Vbsence, et le Ketoui". Sonate carac- teristique pour le Piano Forte, etc. [Op. 81a.] London. . .dementi & Co., etc. fol. LVIIL D. 3. (IL) Sonate pour le Piano-Forte — fiir das HaiTier-Klavier — des Museum's fiir Klavier-Musik Er.ste Lieferung ...101"=MVerk. Wien . . .hei S. A. Steiner und Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (13.) Grosse Sonate fiir das Haninier-Klavier. . .tJp. 106. Wien, bey Artaria und Cump. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (12.) Grand Sonata, for the Piano Forie . . . Op. 106. 1-' Part. (Introduction and Fugue . . . 2'"' Part.) 2 pt. London. . .lioi/al Harmonic Institution, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 3. (13.) 2. For Pianoforte and Tnstruini'nt.s. Sonaten fiir Pianoforte und Violine oder Violoncell u. s. w. . . . Neuer Ausgabe in Partitur und Stimmen. 4 Bde. Og'enbac.h a/jil, hei J. Andre, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 5. Sonates pour Piano it Violou . . . revues . . . par F. David. Leipzig. . .C. F. Petens, etc. fol. LXII. B. 6. (1.) [Sonatas for P. F. it Violin or Violoncello. Op. 5 (1, 2); Op. 12 (1-3): Op. 17; Op. 23: Op. 24; Op. 30 (1-3). New Edition. Separate Parts.] Mai/ence . . . cliez les fils de B. Schoft. fol. LVIII. C. 12. [Sonatas for P. F. and Violoncello. Op. 5 (I, 2) ; Op. 17 : Op. 69 ; Op. 102 (1, 2). Separate Parts.] Paris, chez A. Farrenc, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 1. 42 BEETHOVEN. BEETHOVEN (Lidwig van)— III. Instrumental WOHKS. [Sonatas for P. F. & Violin. Op. 12 (1-.3) ; Op. 2.3 ; Op. 24 ; Op. 30 (1-3) ; Op. 47 ; Op. 96 ; Rondo in G. Separate Parts.] Paris, r.Iicz A. Farrcne, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 15. [Sonatas for P. F. Op. 31. K" 1 ; for P. F. and Violin. Op. 30, N" 1 and Op. 23.] Troi.s Trio.s Concertans pour Violon, Alto 1- Violoncelle arrange.s . . .par A. Uber. [Paris.] A. OJenhach s/M, ch-z J. AnrlrS. fol. LXI. E. 7. (7.) Quatre S:>Qate.s pour le Piano Forte avec accorajiagne- meut d'un Violon oliligc. a Mdi/cnce fh"7, 0. Ziili'hiier. fol. LXII. B. 11. (1.) Deux Grande.s Sonates pour le Piano Forte avec Violoncelle ou Violon oblige. . .Q3uvre 5. Fninrforts:M,ch:zF.P.Dunsl. fol. LXII. B. 8. (3.) Three .Sonata.s for the Piano-Forte with Aecompani- meut for a Violin. . .Op. 12. [Parts.] Lonhm . . . Preston, etc. fol. LXII. D. 1. (1.) A Sonata for the Piano Forte with. .. Violin .. . Op. 12. No. 1. London. . .Boyal Harmonic Institution. fol. LXII. B. 11. (2.) Sonate X. Op. 12. No. 1. [Arranged for P. F. Duet by L. Kohler.] Braunschweic/, H. Lilolff, etc. i°. LXIII. B. 20. (4.) A Sonata, for the Piauo Forte with. . . N'iolin. . . 0|i. 12. No. 3. London. . .Poyal Snrmimic Institution. f..l. LXII. B. 11. (3.) Sonate pour Piano et Cor ou . . .Vinla. Oeuv. 17. Eumhoimj...J. A. Bohnc. fol. LXII. B. 19. (2.) Sonata [P. F. and ViolonL-ello. \Simriicl-. Bonu.\ fol. Wnntinij t'lo tillc^j'o'jc Op. Vi LXIL C. 4. (3.) [Sonata for P. F. and Horn. < ip. 17.] Onintuor pour deux Violons, V^iola, Violoncelle and Basse arrangee. . .par C. Khym. No. 4. [Parts.] Bonnet Cologne, chez N.Siinrocl-. fol. LXL B. 1. (19.) Senate jiour Piano-Forte ct Violon ... Oeuvre 23. [Separate Parts.] Francfurl k/M, cIkz F. P. Dnnst. fol. ■ LVIII. D. 5. (1.) Two Sonatas for the Piano Foite with an A(tuoinp;ini- jnent for the Violin. Op. 23 |-21 1. Laniian. . . Preston, lie. fol. LVIII. D. 5. (2.) [Sonata for P. I'', and N'iolin. Op. 21. | (Irand 'i'lio pour Violon, Alto and Passe . . . par 11. J. Ilefl'els. [Parts.] ii Paris, die;: I. Plei/el cf Fils nine, etc. fol. LXI. E. 6. (2.) A Sou.ita for the Piano J'"orLe with ;ui Acconipaniniont for the Violin. Op. 30. No. 1. [Separate Parts.] ' London. . .Brod'riji <£■ Wilkinson, etc. fol. LVIIL D. 5. (3.) A Sonata for the Piano Forte with an Acconij),iniinent for the \i..lin. . Op. 30. No. 2. [ Paits.] London .. .Bn.de/qi li Willcinwn, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 5. (4.) BEETHOVEN (LumviG van)— III. IvsriiUMKNTAL ^^'ol:Ks. A Sonata for the Piauo Forte, with an Accompaniment for the Violin. . .Op. 30. No. 2. [Parts.] London .. .Preston, etc. fol. LXIL D. L (2.) [Sonata. Op. 30. No. 2]. Grand Ouatuor concertant . . .arrange. . .]iar F. Ries. [Parts.] Bonn chez Simrocl-. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (5.) A Grand Sonata for the Piani) Forte with an Accompaniment for the Violin. Op. 30. No. 3. [Parts.] London, Printed for A. Hamilton, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 5. (5.) Sonata per il Piano-forte ed un Violino obligato, scritta in uno .stile molto coneertante, quasi come d'un concerto. . .Opera 47. a Bonn chez N. Simrocl-, etc. fol. * o',l. fol. LXII. A. 16. Sonate. . .jmur Piano avec. . .Violon. . .Op. 47. Mai/ence. . .SchotI, etc. fol. LXII. B. 10. (2.) Grand I>uo 2^1 lur Piano et Violon. . .Qiuv. 47. [Parts.] A Paris, chez Eichanll, etc. fol. LXII. D. 1. (3.) A Grand Sonata for the Piano Forte with an Accom- paniment for the Violin. . .Op. 47. [Parts.] London . . .B. Birchall, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 5. (8.) Grande Sonate pour Pianoforte it Violoncelle . . . CEuv. 69. [P. F. Part.] Chez Breitkojif (t Hiirtel a Leipsic. aid. fol. XXVIII. B. 15. (5.) Sonate filr Piano-Forte und Violinc . . . 96'" Werk. [Parts.] Hamhonnj, heij J. A. Bohnw. fol. LVIIL D. 5. (9.) Deux Sonates pour le Pianoforte et Violoncelle . . . Op. 102. 2 Liv. Bonn et Coloqne. . .N. Simuick. fol. & ,M. fol. ■ LXII. C. 2. (3.) h. Symphonies. Collection Complete des iSymphonies ... a (irand (irchestre, en partition. N"* 1-8. Paris, E. Girod, etc. 8°. LXIIL B. 5. N'" 3, 5, 6 arc j'uhlished bi/ Marquerie Freres, N"^ 4, 7 f£- 8, by M"" V Launer. Collection Complete des Symphonies... en Parti- ticm, etc. N"" 7, 8. Paris, E. Girod, etc. S". LXIII. B. 8. Erste (-Sechste) Sinfonic . . . fiir d.is Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden bearbeitet von J. 1!. Andre. 6 N'". Offenhaeh u/M, lei J. Andre, etc. old. fol. XXVIII. B. 18. Collection des Syniplioiutvs de L. van l>cc^tlio\(']i en Grande Partition. JCdition. . .rcvui; par M'' Fetis, etc. N°» 1, 2, 3, 6 & 7. Paris, chez Farrenc, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 26. A Complete Collection of . . . iku^thoven's Symphonies, in Score, etc. [N"* 1 & 2.] Lioalon . . . L. Lav.nm, etc. 4". LXIII. B. 10. Symphonies . . . Partition dc I'iano . . . par F. jjiszt. 2 vols. Leij)ziij : Breitkopf A Hiirtel. fol. LVIIL B. 3L (ir.ind Syniphiiiiics . . . ;idai)t.('d for Two X'iolins, . . . Flute, Two T<'nors, N'ioloncello A' I'oulile Bass ... by G. JNlasi. N"» 1, 2, 3. | Parts. | London... Monzani A' Hill, etc. fol.' LXI. A. 2. (3.) BEETHOVEN. 43 BEETHOVEN (Ludwic: van)— ITT. Instrumkntai. BEETHOVEN (Lvuwu; van)— IIT. Tnstkumentai W'oHKS. (Trand Syiiijjhoiiies. . .Arranged fur 'l"wo Violins, Two Tenors, A Flute, i^' Two Violoncellos. . .hy NV. Watts. N""* 4, 5 it Ci. |Paits.] Ijiitiihni . . .L. Tjiinnu, Hr. fol. LXI. A. 2. (4.) Complete Collection of Hecthoven's Syiiiplioiiics. Arranged for tlie Piano Forte . . . by . . . F. Kalk- brenner, , ■) and 9. Limildii . . . 11. Ccksd- (•■; vir. fol. LVIII. B. 32. L. \an ])eetho\en's Symj)lionien fiir das Pianofoi-le zu vier Hiinden. | N"' 2-5, 7 and S.] Bii((iiixrliinl,f. II. Lllalff, rlr. P. LXIII. B. 20. (1.) Beethoven'.s (Irand Synqiln'oy in O (D) (the Eroica) (Bt'. Nos. 1-4). Arrang('d for Two Perfonuers on the Piano Forte with Aceompaniinents for Flute, Violin and Violoncello (ad libitinii) by NV. Watts. 4 Nos. Loudon, riuipprll, ,■!('. fol. ' LVIII. B. 33. The P. F. 2)artx oiili/. Si'c Symphonies. A Coinpleat Collection of Haydn, Mozart, and lieethoven'.s Svniphonies in .score, etc. 4". LXIII. D. 12. 1'^' Grande Simphonie en TJt Majeur . . . QSuvre .\xi. Partition. Bonn el Cologne. . .N. Si'nirork. 8°. LVIII. A. 4. (Irande Simphonie [N" 1]. . .CEuvre .\.\i. [Parts.] Lelpal;/, ehez C. F. Peters, ele. fol. LXI. A. 1. (7.) [Symphony No. 1. Op. 21.] Grand Quintette pour Deux Violons, Deux Altos ct Violoncelle, No. 2, etc. [Parts.] A Bonn chex N. Simrocl-. etc. fol. LXI. B. 1. (20.) 11"" Grande Simphonie en l!e majeur . . . Oeuvre .\.\.\ vi. Partition. Bonn et VoJaqne . . .N. ShnroeJf. 8". LVIIL A. 5. Grande Simphonie . . . [No. II.] CEuvre .'5(3 arrangee pour Deux Violons, Deux Altos, Violoncelle, Contre- bas.se. Flute, et Deux Cors. . .parF. Ries. elc. [Parts.] A Bonn, chez N. Simrocl: fol. LXI. A. 1. (8.) [Symphony No. 2 Larghetto.] What holy calm, a Duett for two Treble voices adapted. . .bv E. Taylor. London.. .J. A. NvveUo, etc' fol. XXXII. C. 5. "(19.) Sinfonia eroica. . .Op. 5,5. No. iii. Partizione. Banna e Coloijna ... V. Siinrocl-. 8". LVIII. A. 6. Sinfonia Eroica. . .Op. 55. [Parts.] A Vienna nel Cvnior ilelle Arii, etc. fol. LXI. A. 1. (9.) 4"'° Grande Simphonie en si 7 majeur . . . Op. 60. Partition. Bii S. A. Sli'hK-r iiiul Conip. „hl. fol. XXIX. C. 2. (2.) Achte grosse Sinfonie in F dur. . .9.'V'* Werk. Fiir das Piano-Forte auf 4 Hande eingerichtet. Wit^n . . . S. A. Stt'ivpr nnil Pump., etc. ojil. fol. XXVIII. B. 17. (3.) Huitieme Siufonin. . .Op. 93 arrangee pour le Piano- forte .a t[uatre mains par C Czerny Tjt'ij)zi(j rhi'Z H. A. Pn>h.'^ [Parts.] A Paris chez Plei/cl, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (5.) GiMnile Sonate jiour h- Forte Piano avec Accomp' de \'i(>l(inccllc iibiigi', tir('(^ du grand Trio [< )ji. .'> | ... Op. til. [Parts.] ."i Paris, chez Ph'ijel Pere et Fits, etc. f,i|. LXII. D. 1. (4.) Sereuata per N'iolino, ^'iola, e Violoncello . . . Opera \'Ili. [Parts.] In Vienna presso Artarin e Cuiiiji. fol. LXI. E. 7. (8.) A Serenade Trio, for a Violin, Tenor A- Violoncello... Op. 8. [Parts.] London ... ('. Wlieatstone, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 20. (2.) Serenade . . . Op. 8 . . . arrangui' pour I'iano A -1 mains par B. de Vilbae. Braiinschweiii d- New Yorlc, II. Liliilff. etc. 1". LXill. B. 20. (2.) [Serenade. Oj). S.] Notturno pour Piano-Korte et Alto. . .a>:uv. 12. Fram-fort s/M, chez F. P. Bnn.it. fnl. ■ LXII. B. 19. (1.) BEETITOYKN. 45 BEETHOVEN (Luiwir: van) — III. Ixsthumkntal \\ Okks. 11 r Trios Originaux pour N'ioluii, Alio ft \'i. Londrcs. Chez G. Walker, el,: fol. LXII. D. 2. (6.) Drei grosse .Miir.sche. . .Op. 4;"). | P. \<\ Duet.] Bruitnxehirelii, H. Litolff, etc. I". LXIII. B. 20. (5.) Trois Marches pour Ic PianoForte k Quatre INfains. . . (Kuv. 4."). Paris, chez A. Farrenc, ric. fcii. LVIII. D. 6. (9.) [March.] Yorkschen Corps. IS I:!. | l<'u 11 Score.] Berlin. . .Srhhsinijer, ih: fol. LX. C. 16. (1.) Deux Preludes ]jar tons les 12 Tons rnajeurs ]iour le Fortepiano ou I'Orgue. . .Oeuvre .39. A Leipzi(/, chez C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (1.) BEETHOVEN ( Lur.wir; van)— Til. Instrumental WilHKS. Two Preludes for the Piano Forte, I'tr. Lond(,n. . .Preston, eU\ fol. LVIII. D. 6. (12.) Romance pour le Violim Primijialf. . .( leuvie 40. [Parts.] A Leipzi;/ ehez Hoffmeislrr el KiUniel. He. fol. LX. E. 3. (28.) Bomance pour Violon principal, 2 Violons, Alto, Flute, 2 Hautbois, 2 Bassons, 2 Cors et Basse. Oeuvre .50. [Parts.] A Offenhaeh s/M, ehez J. Andre, fol. LXI. A. 1. (2.) A Favorite Bondo for the Piano Forte, etc. [Op. .51. No. 1.] London. . .Monzani <{■ Ciniador, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (19.) liondo [lOur le Piano-Forte, ele. [< )p. ."ij. No. 1.] Paris, ehez A. Farrenc, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (15.) Rondo pour le Piano Forte, etc. [Op. 51, No. 1.] Chez N. Sinn-ork a Bonn. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 20. (2.) Rondeau en (I poui- le Piano-Forte, etc. [Op. 51, No. 2.] yl Ijeijizi(l, on Bureau de Mitsiiinr. old. fol. XXVIII. B. 15. (6.) Triumph-Marsch aus dem Trauerspiel Tarpeja fur das Piano- Forte allein. Wien, hei T. Haslinifer. etc. fol. LVlil. D. 6. (17.) IV. Doubtful and Spurious Works. Sehnsuchts- Schmerzen- und Hnfinungs-Walzer fiir's Piano-Forte. . .Dritte Auilage. Bniiniselnreiii, hei G. M. Meyer fr. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (3.) V. Appendix. Songs of the Seasons. Adapted to Melodies by Beethoven. . .by J. Pittman, etc. Loiido}i, G. Schcurniann, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 5. (21.) See Cramer (.1. B.) Selection of Studies. .. with comments by L. van Beethoven, etc. 4". LXX. C. 27. (2.) See Gardiner (W.) The Univer.sal Prayer, adapted to compositions of. . .Beethoven, etc. fol. VI. A. 7. (11.) See Thomson (G.) A . . . Collection of . . . Welsh Airs, etc. (A. . .Collection of. . .Welsh Airs. . .with . . . Acciim]i.inimi'nts. . .fliicllv bv l!ei'th(i\ fu. \'ol .3.) fol. ' ' XXV. C. 33. BEGGAR'S OPERA. 'llw Beggar's Opera . . . Written l)y ilr. Gay ... To which is added The Musick engra\ 'd on Copper-Plates. London : Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1728. 8<'. X. E. 4. BEGREZ (I'lF.Hlil-. LiNACe) Kab.-in, rrcneli A- Knglish Songs, etc. Mori if' l.arenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 27. (6.) BELLAMY (llirn \i;ii) T.' Deum for ,1 full Orehe.stre. also a Set of Anthems, for 1, 2, I! .and four voices, etc. [jondon .. .Messrs. Thompson, etc. f..l. VI. B. 4. (2.) BELLAMY (Thomas Ludford) See .Iomklli (N.) .loiiii'lji's . . . Alass in D, with an accomp:iniment . . . arranged. . .by T. L. IJellaniy, f/r. fol VI. A. 10. (10.) BELLEKMANN— BELLINI. 47 BELLERMANN (.ImuNX (ioTn-iiir.n HniNiucii) BELLINI (Vinck.vzo) [T Puritaiii. | Sai come ardo ill pcltn luio. Duetto, . iioche. London... It. MHh, etc. fol. "XXXII. C. 6. (4.) [Beatrice di Tenfla. | < 'h ! di\iiia .\gnesc. Cavatina, etc. London. . .U. Mills. ,ic. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (2.) [Bianca e Fernando.] .Vila gioja cd al piacer. Aria, etc. London . . . Lons'hile it Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (5.) [Bianca e Fernando.] Deh ! non ferir . . . ed Alia gioja ed al piacer. Aria, etc. London. . . Mori (C Lavinni, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (6.) [Bianca o Fernando.] Feriua — ei fcri.sce . . . Kecit'" Deh ! non ferir. . .Aria, etc. London. . . Lonsdale d- Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (7.) [Bianca e Fernando.] No ' mia .simra, puo non sei. Kecitativo c Fiictto etc. Mihino i>resso G. Ricordi, elc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (7.) [I Capuletti ed I Montecchi.] Ah ! il cielo consenta. Duetto, etc. London. . .Lonsdnle d- Mill.'i, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (9.) [I Capuletti ed I Montecchi.] Ah ! mia Giulietta I — Ilecitativo ; e Si, fuggire a noi non resta — Duetto, etc. London. . .Lonsdtdc d: Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (8.) [I Capuletti ed I Montecchi.] Ascolta — se Borneo t' uccise un iiglio. Cavatina, itc. London . . . Lonsdale d: Milln, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (10.) Norma. Tragedia lirica di F. Romani, iti-. Milano. . .a. 'Ricordi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 20. (1.) Norma. Tragerlia lirica . . . Avcc Accompagnem' de Piano, etc. ii Paris, die:: P^icini, elc. fol. XVIII. C. 23. II Pirata. Mclodrauima, etc. In Milano. Prcsso G. Ricordi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 13. [I Puritani.] A te o cara. . .Aria, c/c. London... R. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (11.) [I Puritani.] Ah ! per sempre io ti ]icrdei. C'axatina, etc. London. . .R.Milh, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 6. (12.) [I Puritani. Another editiuartctto, eill, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 7. (8.) Deuxierne Concertino poui- U- Piano . . . (Jp. ■_"J . . . Piano seul. Mai/ence et Anvers, ehez lexjih dc B. Scliott. fol. LXII. E. 10. (2.) BENEDICT (Sir .Julius; [The Gipsy's Warning.] .Scenes of my Youth. Ballad, etc. Ijondon. . . Cramer, Scale & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 7. (11.) The Legend of S' Cecilia. A Cantata, the poetry written by H. F. Chorley . . . Op. 90. Full Score. LoH'lon d: New York, Novella, Ewer and Co. fol. VI. B. 17. The Legend of S' Cecilia. A Cantata . . . Op. 90. [P. F. Score.] London, Lanihorn, Cock, Addison <£• Co. 4°. IX. B. 8. The Lily of Killarriey. Romantic Ojjera in three Acts, written by D. Boucicault i J. Oxenford. [P. F. Score.] Lo)idon, (Jhappell d Co. fol. XVIII. C. 24. [The Lily of Killarney.] I'm alone. Ballad, etc. In C. London, Chappcll & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 7. (12.) The Maiden's Dream. A Ballad, rtc. London. . . Cramer, Addis>jn <£• Bcde, rtc. in\. XXXII. C. 7. (13.) Morning Song (The Skylark), the words by B. Cornwall, etc. London, Booxci/ <(■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 7. (14.) Night on the Lake. Duettino, etc. Ijondon, Cramer, Addison d' Beale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 7. (16.) Notre-Dame de Paris. Reverie Musicale pour le Piano. . .Op. liO. Paris, cliez E. Troupenas, etc. fol. LXII. E. 17. (3.) Saint Peter. An Oratorio, eti\ [Full Score.] L. [Parts.] a Paris. Chi-/. I'lci/i-l, itc. to!. Lxi. C. 4. (16.) BENNET (Joiin) Madrigalls to Foure Voices ii(;wly jjuljli^hcil . . . His first wurks. Caiitus. (Alius.) ('riTior.) (Hassu.s.) 4 pt. At Liniilou. . . III! WiUiiiM Jiiirlcij, till' Assiijni; of Tlioiiia" Miirlri/, etc. I'jgg. 4". ■ ' I. C. 37. Fol. A 4 of the Ba,s,su,i /.s wiiiitiiiij. Maclrii,'al.s for Four Voices . . . Edited liy 1'^ F. Kimbault, etc. London. Printiil fur tin' Memhcr.'i of tin- Miiaiinl Aiitii/iKirifin Socictj/, rlr. I 1845.] fol. ' XXXIV. C. 15. (4.) BENNET (lli)BnuT) The Psalm-Singer'.s Necessary Uoinpauiou. C'lmtaining the Grounds. . .of Psalmody . . .with Plaiu. . .Rules. . .Contaiuing likewise above 8i.\ty .. .Psalm-Tunes in two Parts, rtr. Lonilnn. . . W. Pearson, for thr Aulhor, i-j 18. 8". IX. C. 14. BENNET (Saindeks) A Selection of Sacred .Music for tlirc' Voices, with an Accom|)animent for tlie Organ and Piano Forte, etr. Lomlnn . . . BlnwJ A- ]Vrni;;ctc. (181O.) fol. VI. A. 1. (7.) BENNETT (Alfred) The Vocalist's Guide, com- prised in a Series of Instruction and Solfeggi . . . Kevised. . .by T. Cooke. Lonilini . . . Cunncr, BenU & Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 3. (1.) BENNETT (Alfhicd) and MARSHALL (William) Cathedral Chants. Edited by A. Jiennett . . . and "W. ^larshall, etc. Loudon. . .Moii & Lavenii, etc. 4". IX. B. 9. (1.) BENNETT (.James) Elementary E.Kercises for the Cultivatiiin of the Voice, etc. Lonihoi, L. Coil-, etc. fol. LXX. D. 3. (2.) BENNETT (Thomas) Sacred Melodies. A Collection of Psahus and Hymns, selected and adapted ... by T. Bennett. . .Fifth Edition. 6 pt. Limit on : ChoppelJ ,u„t Co., etc. 8". IX. B. 10. BENNETT (William Mineard) Bennett's Music, c/c. [CJlet'S, catches ttc] [London, 1S13.] fol. XXXII. B. 35. (13.) A presentation copij from the composer to J. W. Windsor. BENNETT {Sir William Sterndale) Arranijenient. I. Vocal Works. II. Ixstuumextal Works. III. Appendix. I. Vocal Works. Come live with me. Part Song, the ^^'o^ds from C. Marlowe's Shepherd's Song, etc. London : Hutchinijs ,t Bonier, etc. 8". X. F. 8. (8.) K.C.JLC. BENNETT (Sir William Ster.ndale)— I. Vocal Woiilvs. Great is our Loi-d. Anthem for foui' voices. Novello li: Co London. 8". II. E. 28. Bound up with a letter {prvscntimj the Antheni) from liie Rii/hl Bon. C. Stuart Worlley. The May t^ueen. A Pastoral, written by H. F. Chorley. . .Full Score. London : Nocello, Ewer & Co. fol. XVIII. C. 26. Tiie May Queen, a l'asl(jral . . .Op. .'VJ. [P. F. Score.] London, Leader & Cock, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 27. (1.) Ode . . . for the Openingof the International Exhibition, 18G-2, by A. Tennyson. . .Op. 40. [P. F. Score.] Lo)idon . . . Lamborn Code, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 27. (2.) Ode. . .for the Opening of the international Ex- hibition, 18(i:i, by A. Tennyson ... Op. 40. [P. F. Score.] London, Landiirrn Cock, etc. 8°. X. E. 24. (2.) [Exhibition tXle.] O ye, the wise who think. Chorus . . .arranged. . .for the Organ, by C. Steggall, etc. London, L. t'ocl,-, Hnlchiniis ((• Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (5.) [Cambridge Installation (Jp. 22. 3 Nos. London, Wessel d- Stapleton, etc. fol. LXII. D. 4. (1.) Sterndale Bennett's Pianoforte Works. Vol. 2. London, L. Cock, etc. [1876.] 8". LVIII. A. 18. Allegro Grazioso for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 18. London, L. Cock, ek: fol. LVIII. D. 12. (10.) L' Amabile e 1' Appassionata. Two . . . Studies for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 29. London, L Cock d- C", etc fol. LVIII. D. 13. (6.) Capriccio for the Piano Forte. . .Op. •_'. London, L. Cock, Addison d C'-, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (3.) II 50 BENNETT. BENNETT (Sir AVim.iam Sterndalk)— II. Insthu- :\ii;xrAL Works. Capriccio pour le Piano avec Accompagnement d'( )r- chestre. . .CEuv. 22. Lcijjsic, clicz F. Kixtmr. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (14.) Caprice for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 22. Limihui, L. Cadi, rO: fol. LVIII. D. 12. (15.) Capriccio in A minor, for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 28. K" 3. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (5.) [Concerto No. 1. Op. 1.] Andante (Scherzo), etc. [P. F. Duet.] 2 n"K London, L. Corlc, He. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (2.) [Concerto No. 1. Op. 1.] Andante. . .for the Piano Forte. London, L. Cork & C°, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (1.) [Concerto No. 3. Op. 9.] Romanza. . .for the Piano Forte. L-mdon, L. Cork. etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (4.) Fourth Concerto for the Piano Forte. (<.»p. !'.».) London. Leader A Cork, ctr. fol. LXII. D. 4. (2.) [Another edition.] Fourth Concerto. . .Op. 1'..). London. Ashlown <('• Piirrij, eir. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (11.) [Concertf) No. 4. Oji. 19.] Barcarole, etc. [P. F. Solo & Duet.] 2 No3. London, L. Cork, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (12.) [Concerto No. 4. Op. 19.] Barcarole . . . Arranged for the Or.gan, by C. Steggall. London, L. Cock, ihitrhhois ,(■ Co., efr. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (6.) [Concerto No. 4. Op. 19.] Barcarolle . . . arranged for the Violin & Pianofort<' hy W. H. Orattann. London. L. Cock, etc. fol. ' LXII. B. 8. (4.) Three Diversions as Duets for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 17. Lond<,n, L. Cock, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (9.) [Fantasia. Op. Hi.] Scherzo . . . for tlie Pianoforte. New . . . Edition. f.midon. L. Cork, etr. fol. LVIIL D. 12. (8.) FantaisieOuverture zu Thomas Moore's ' Paradies und . Peri ' f iir gro.sses Orchester. Op. 42. Partituv. 1 Lvijjzuj, F. Kistner, etc. S". LVIII. A. 17. (3.) j Genevieve. Romance for the Piano Forte. London, Coventry tt Eollicr, etc. fol. LXII. D. 4. (3.) Genevieve. Romance, for tlie Piano Forte. Loudon. L. Cock, Addison <(■ Co., etc. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (4.) Tln-ee Impromptus for the Piano Forte, etc. [Oji. 12.] Jjondon , . . Covenlri/ (0 NoUler, etc. fol. LXII. D. 4. (4.) Three Impromptus for the Pi.inoforte . . . Op. 12. London, L. Co<-k, etr. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (6.) I III loduzioiic (• I'astoralc for the I'iano l''ortc . . . Op. 2S. No. 1. Lowton. L. Cork, etr. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (3.) The Maid of (h'hjaiis. Sonata for tlie Pianoforte... ()l>. Ki. London, L. Cork, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (20.) The Major, Minor and Chromatic Scales. .. preceded hy a coriiiiiele analysis of the Table of Intervals, etc. London : L. Cock, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (19.) BENNETT {Sir AVilliam Stkkxi)ali:)^II. Instru- MKNTAL WoiUvS. Three Musical Sketches, for the Piano Forte . . .Op. 10. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (1.) Three Musical Sketches. Oji. 10. L.(n,don. J. WiUiamg, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (5.) Guverture zu Lord Byron's Diehtung Parisina . . . Op. 3. Partitur. Leiiixip. 27. London, Leader tt Cork, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (2.) [Sonata. Oj). 13.] Sercnata (Sclierzo) . . . for the Piano Forte, etc. New. . .Edition. 2 Nos, London, L^ Cock, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 12. (7.) Sonate fiir Pianoforte it VioloiuM-llo . . .<)p. ;12. Lcip::i>i. . .F. Ki.-ell it Co., ctr. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (5.) Suite de Pieces, for the Piano Forte. . .( tp. 2 1. London, L. Cock, Addison tO Co., ctr. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (2.) BENNETT— RERIOT. 51 BENNETT (Su- Wii.mam Sturndale) — II. Instru- mental W'OHKS. Kinfonio — O JNEoU — fjir grosses Oivhestoi-. . .Op. (.'!. PMrlitur. I.r!j,:::;/, F. Kistiii-r, rlr. LVIII. A. 16. Syii]]ih(iiiy ill (i minor. . .arrapcred as a Duet for the Pianoforte hy A. O'Leary. Op. 4.3. 4 Nos. Loiiilnii, ].. (\.rl; fir. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (18.) [Symphony Op. 4.'5.] Mimictto and Trio. . .arianged for the I'iano Forte by the Author. Loiiilnii, I.. Corl: rtc. ' fol. LVIII. D. 13. (17.) T(!ma e Vaiiazioni, j)er il Piano Forte. . .Op. 31. Lou'loii, L. Cork ,(■ Co., etc. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (7.) Toccata for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 38. Lmnhm. L. CocJc (f: Co., <■!,: fol. LVIII. D. 13. (16.) Chamber Trio for Piano Forte, Violin and Violon- cello. . .Op. lif). [Parts.] Lomloii. Leader <(: Cork, rlr. fol. LVIII. D. 14. (8.) [Another copy.] Chamber Trio for Piano Forte Violin and Violoncello. . .Op. iQ. London, Leader it Cork, etr. fol. LXI. E. 8. (1.) III. Appendi.\. Classical Practice for Pianoforte Students, selected from the most celebrated Composers . . . Edited by W. S. Bennett No. 1 (-10). London, L. Corl, etr. fol. LVIII. D. 11. Si.\ Movements from Professor Sterndale Bennett's . . . Works, arranged for the Organ, by C. Steggall. No. 2. Andante Cantabile from op. 17. London, Addison d: Luras, etr. fol. LXII. C. 13. (6.) See Bach (J. S.) Crosse Passions-Musik (according to. . .S^Mattl^e^v). .. Edited . . .by W.S. Bennett, fol. III. B. 9. Sre Bach (.1. S.) The Passion . . . (according to S. Matthew). . .Edited by W. S. Bennett. (1862.) 8". IX.' A. 29. (1.) See Bach (J. S.) Das Wohltemperirte Clavier... Edited by W. S. Bennett, fol. LVIII. B. 20. (3.) See Beethoven (L. van) Beethoven's Works, edited by W. S. Bennett, fol. LVIII. C. 4. Sre Mendelssohn-Bahtiioldv (J. L. F.) Mendel.s- sohn's Works, edited by AV. S. Bennett, fol. LIX. D. 21. BENNETT (Sir William Sterndale) and GOLD- SCHMIDT (( )TT0) The Chorale Book for England ; tli<' Hynms fixim the Lyra Germanica and other sources, translated by C. Winkworth ; the Tunes. . . for four voices, with historical notes. . .compiled and edited by W. S. Bennett. . .and O. Goldschmidt. Lond,m .' Longman i{- Co. 1863. 4°. IX. C. 15. BENSON (GEORfiE) Almighty God... Full Anthem fnr four voices, f/c. London .. .Norello it Co., 1862. fol. li nil till' Composer s autograph. VI. A. 5. (4.) My God, my God, look upon me. Full Anthem with ver.se. London, Landmrn Cork. etr. fol. VI. A. 5. (5.) With the Composers aidoijraplt. BENSON (GEORfJE) Turn us, O God. Ver.se Anthem. London. . .Norrllo it Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 5. (6.) With the Composer's (infograph. BENSON (Lionel Solomon) See Arion. Arion. A Collection of Madrigals. . .e/c. ... Edited by... L. S. lienson, ete. 4". X. A. 14. BERBIGUIER (Benoit Thanquille) Trois Senate.* ])our Fliite avec accompagneinent de Basse ad libitum ....■!'■ Livre (le Sonates. Giuvre 27. A Parix. ehez Sirhrr, etr. fol. LVIII. B. 15. Trois Sonates. . .jiour Flute avec acconipagnenient d'Alto. . .Opera 42, etr. A Paris, chez VAntenr, etc. fol- LXIL B. 19. (3.) BERENS (Hermann) Fantasie. . .Op. 25. [Org.-in.] Erfurt and Leipzig. . .G. W. Kiirner. ohl. fol. Heft 24 of ' Ciirilia; etr. XXIX. B. 11. (1.) BERG ((Jeorce) Six Concertos in Seven Parts... Opera Prima. [Parts.] London .. .J. Johnson, etr. fol. LX. D. 1. (5.) A new Song [begins : '• Apollo straight "]. As it was sung at the Pultlick (Jardens etc. Bennett srulpf. «• ■•*/'• fol. I. G. 37. (40.) The New Songs sung by ^liss Davis and .Mr. Lowe at Marybone. . .No. 11. London. . .Printed for J. Johnson, etr. old. fol. XXVIII. A. 12. (2.) BERGER (LuDwici) Prelude and Fugue for the Piano Forte. . .Op. ."). London. . .CJemrnti it Co. etc. fol. LXII. D. 26. (1.) BERIOT (Charles Auouste de) Air Varie pour le Violon avec ... Piano . . Op. 1. Nouvelle edition, s/c. Mayence. . .Schott, etr. fol. LXII. B. 11. (4.) 5""" Air Vario pour N'iolon avec. . .Piano. . .Op. 7. Mdijenre... Schott, etr. fol. LXII. B. 11. (5.) Qme Air Vai'ie pour le Violon avec. . .Piano. . .Op. 12. Mayenee. ..Srhott, etr. fol. LXIL B. 11. (6.) Premier Duo dmcertant pour Piano et Violon... Op. 63. Mayence. . .ehez les fils de B. Srhott, etc. fol. LXII. B. 5. (2.) Secon'ucr...Sch(,tt. fol. LXII. C. 3. (2.) Variations Brillantes pour Violou et Piano dediees a ... la Reine des Pays-Bas. M,l/lr,l,-r. ..H. Srhitt. fol. LXII. A. 16. BERLIOZ (Hector) [Beatrice et Benedict.] Over- ture, rtc. [Full Score.] Ldndim, E. Donajowd-l, etc. 8". LXXXIII. A. 1. (7.) Benvenuto Cellini. . .Ouverture. [Full Score.] G. Branihis, Bufour et C'., etc. [Paris.] fol. L. A. 1. [Benvenuto Cellini.] Ouverture, etc. [Full Score.] Loiidoti : E. Bomijineahi, etc. 8°. LXXXIII. A. 1. (3.) La Captive. Reverie pour Mezzo Soprano ou Con- tralto. . .Paroles de V. Hugo. Oeuv. \i. Partition. Faris. S. Richault, etc. fol. L. A. 20. (2.) Le Carnaval Romain. Ouverture. [Full Sc-ore.] G. Brnuihis cl S. Bufour, etc. [P((r/.s-.] fol. L. A. 2. Ouverture du Carnaval Romain, etc. [Full Score.] Lonrche.stre il'lnstrumens a cordes et un Cliieur, ad libit. ... Op. 1.5, etc. [Full score.] Parh-. . .M. Srhlcshif/er, dr. fol. L. A. 15. Te Deum a Trois Chreurs avec Orchestre et Oi-gue concertante . . . flSuvre 22. [F''ull score.] a Paris. Chez G. Biaudu.s, Dufoiir et C etc. 1855. fol. L. A. 16. Te Deum a trois choeurs avec orchestre et orgue concertants. OEuvre 22. . .Grande Partition. (I Pfiii.i,c}icz G. Brnndnx, Diifoiir et C" etc. I 85 3. fol. VI. B. 19. Te Deum a trois choeurs, a\ec orchestic et oi-gue concertants. . .Qi^uvre 22. Partition pour chant et piiuio par C. A. Barry. Liindun : Stanley Lucas & Cu., etc. 8". IX. B. 11. Tristia. 3 Chreurs avec Orchestre. CEuv. 18. Partition. :i N"^ Parts, S. Bichault, etc fol. L. A. 20. (3) [Les Troyens.] Premiere Partie des Troyens. La Pii.se de Troie. Opera en trois Actes. Paroles et Musique de H. Berlioz, etc. Paris, Cliaiulens, etc. -t". X. A. 21. Vox Populi. Deux Grands Choiurs . . . (Euv. 20. Grande Partition. 2 Nos. Paris, chez S. Bichault, eic. fol. L. A. 20. (4.) See Meyer (L. de) Marche Maroeaine. . .instrumentee . . . par H. Berlioz, fol. L. A. 19. (7.) See RouGET de l'Isle (C. J.) Hymne des Marseillais, arrange a Grand Orchestre et a double choeur par H. Berlioz, fol. L. A. 19. (5.) See Weber (C. M. F. E. von) Auftbrderung zum Tanz . . .instrumentee. . .par H. Berlioz. Op. 65, etc. fol. L. A. 19. (8.) BERNARD (MourTz) Ilt.cHii Pyccnaro napn;i,a. ('iH'i|iaiiiii.i.'i 11 appan;iciii»'BaniiT.iii a.ih 0,1,11 o i'o ro.i oca ci. ai;i;oMiiaiieMein()M'i. (iiopTeiiiano, etc. i/ M. Hi'iuuiiitia : V. llrwrpi'iiim, 1847. fol. ' XVIIL C. 28. BERNHARD (Christoph) Matthias Weekmann und Christoph Bernhard. Solocantaten und Chorwerke . . . Herau.sgegeben von M. Seiffert. 1901. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutschen Tonkunst, Erste Folge, etc. Bd. vi. 1892. etc. fol. XXXIV. C. 16. BERNIER (Nicolas) Motets. A une, deu.x, et trois voix, Avec Symphcmie, et sans Symphonic, an nombrc de vingt six . . . Grave par H. de Bau.ssen. Premiere Qiuvre, etc. A Paris chez VAuthcur, etc. 1 703. fol. I. A. 5. Tile Anns of Madame de Poiiipaduur arc on the covers. BERNSDORF (Eduard) Senate fiir Pianoforte und \'iol,,u,-,ll . . . Op. 18. Lei^jzi'i ...('. F. Peters, fol. LXII. C. 4. (5.) BERR (Friedhicii) .Muthode complete de Basson, etc. A Paris, chez J. Meisstiiinier, etc. fol. LVIII. C. 15. (a.) BERTIE (\\'ii.i.oL-(;iinv) Earl of Ahirajdon. Twelve Sfmtimenial Catches and Glees for Three Voices. Melodized l)y the . . . Earl of Abingdon, the Accom- paniments for the Har|) or Piano Forte by ... Dr. Haydn, etc. Moiizani, etc. YLondon.'] oil. fol. XXVin. A. 16. (1.) Twenty-one Vocal Pieces for se\eral Voices with .-i Piano Foite Accompaniment. Selected from various Kiiglish Pix'ts. Als(» Seven Sonnets. . .bj' .J. D. Car- lyle. ^^'itll a I'^roiitispiece of a Turkish Pauper . . . The Gift of the Earl of Abingdon to .M' Monzani, etc. Monzani.etc. 1797. „W. fol. XXVIIL A. 8. (1.) BERTINI (Henri) Bertini's Celebrated Studies for X\v- Piano Forte. A New Edition, revised it fingered by. . .H. Lemoine. Books 1-9. London, B. CocJcs d- C", etc. fol. LXX. D. 12. (1.) 2.") Etud(^s doigtecs ]iour le Piano. . . Op. 29. 2 Livres. 2''* edition, etc. Mayence et Anvers. Chez les fih de B. Scholl. fol. LVIII. D. 16. Etudes Caracteristiiiues . . . pour le Piano-Forte . . . CEuv. 66. Mayence it Anver.'<. Cloz /-■..• /ils de B. Schoti. fol- ' ' LVIII. D. 17. '!') Cai)rices-l"",tudes pour le Piano . . . Op. 94 . . . Avec le Portrait de I'Auteui-. Mayence rt Annrs. Chez les jils de B. Scht:tt. fol. ' LVlll. D. 18. 2.5 Grandes Etudes Artist i(|ues pour le Piano . . . Op. 122. A B,ii.relles. . . H. Messcmaechers, etc. fol. LVIIL D. 19. Troisieme Grand Sextuor pour Piano, 2 Violons, Alto Violonc"*^ et Contre- Basse . . .Op. 90. [Parts.] Leipzi(j, chez Breitl.djjf <(• Hiirtel fol. LXI. B. 5. See CzERNY (C.) and Bertini (H.) Select Studies, etc fol. LIX. A. 3. (8.) BERTON (Hexri Mo.vtax) Le Grand Deuil. Opera en uu Acte . . . Die tiefe Trauer . . . Klavierau.szug. Bei Breitknpf und Hiirtel in Leipzig, obi. fol. XXVII. C. 21. (1.) Ouverture [and .songs, itc] de Roger de Sicile, ou le Roi Troubadour, etc. A Paris, chez M"" Brnoist, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 12. (1.) BERTON (Pierre .Montax) [Silvie.] Airs detachez, etc. .SVcTrial (.1. O.) and Behtox (P. M.) 8". X. E. 18. (5.) BERTONI (Ferdinando Giuseppe) The Favourite Song-i in. . . Artaserse, etc. London. . . W. Nnpiir. etc. fol. XXXn. B. 6. (8.) The Favourite Songs in. . .11 Cimvito, etc. London ...B Bremner, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 2. (2.) II Miserere coucertato a quattro voci, etc. [Full Score.] Venezia, 1802. ohl. fol. VI. D. 17. See Gretry (A. E. M.) Ricliard Cteur de Lion. . .by . . .Gretrv. . . Bertoni, etc. [1786.] obi. fol. XXVII. A. 9. (3.) 54 BESOZZT—BILLINGTON. BESOZZI (Alessandro) [8ix Solos for tlie German- BIBER (Hkixhkit Fh vnz) Acht Violiiisonatpn mit Fluttia Hautboy, or Violin, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichoid, e/c] [London : Printed fur. . .Edninnd ClnqniKin, (fv.] fol. LXII. B. 2. (1.) Wiintiittj the title-jKii/e and il( diciitmn, hut n'illi the List of Suhtierihei's. BEST (AViLi.iAM Thomas) Six Adagios for the Organ. London, B. Corks it Co., etc. ohi. fol. XXVII. B. 23. (4.) Arrangements from the Scores of the Great Master.s, for the Organ, etc. Nos. 2, 5-7, 1-2-lf. 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 32, 33, 39, 69, 71 and 88. London. . . Novella d- Cn., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 23. (1.) The Art of Organ Playing, etc. 2 jit. Londan . . . Novella, Eicer and Co.," etc. f.W. fol. XXVIII. B. 22. Collection of <.)rgan Compositions, Ancient and Modern, edited bf \V. T. Best. Bks. .5, 8, 11, 19, 22, and 23. London, B. Corks <£• Co., etr. „hl. fol. XXVIII. B. 23. (2.) Six Concert Piece.s for the Organ. Lnndan, J. A. Novella, etr. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 24. (i.) Modern School for the Organ, aid. fi'esK-notiic of a raneeit i/lven far llir hrnSong from the Second Angel's Story. . .written by T. iMoore. London. . .J. Poirer, etc. [1S23.] fol. XVIII. D. 13. (5.) Tlir Tillr-pagi'. [The Circassian Bride.] In pit y licai-. . .Trio, ete. London... L. Liivenll, I'te. [180}.] fol. XVIII. D. 5. (6.) Clari, or the Maid of Milan, an Opera in three Acts, ete. London . . . Goulding, D'Alinaine, Potter it Co. [1825.] fol. XVIII. D. 12. (2.) Tlie Title-page is signed hij the eonqtoser. sweet Home, ete. Fourth edition. London . . . Gonlding, U.AImaine, Potior it Co., etc. [1825.] fol. XXXn. C. 8. (2.) [Clari.] Home ! sweet Home ! . . . ari-angcsd with Variations for the Harp. . .by N. C. Boch.sa. London . . . Gould im/, D'Alniaine, Potter dt Co., ete. [1825.] fol. ' LVin. D. 22. (3.) Come, Peace of Mind. Ballad . . . The words from Cowper, etc. London . . . iTonldiiiq, D'Almainc, Potter i(- Co.. etc. fol. XVIII. D. 7. (16.) Come to me Love. [Song.] Written by T. H. Bayly, etc London . . . Goiildim/ it D'Alinaine, ete. fol. XXXII. C. 8. (3.) [Comeily of Errors.] The y C. Dibdin, elc. London,. . .Gonlding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co. [1814.] fol. XVIIL C. 33. (4.) Fast into the Waves . . . Storm Scena . . . The words selected from Dr. Hurdis & Shenstone . . . arranged for the Voice. . .and Piano Forte, I'tc. London. . . Gonlding, D'Almaine, Potter it Co., elc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (13.) [Fau.stus.] See CoOKE (T. S.) Faustus, a Musical Romance ... by T. Cooke, C. E. Horn and H. R. Bishop, etc. [1825.] fol. XVIII. D. 16. (3.) [Faustus.] Come Love to me ! . . . Romance, etc. London. . .Gonlding, D'Almaine <£• Co., etc. [1825.] fol. XXXII. C. 8. (5.) [Faustus.] Oh ! Saul ! Oh ! King !. . .Scena, etc. London. . .Gonlding, D'Almaine i{- Co., etc. [1825.] fol. ' XXXII. C. 8. (6.) [Fazio.] Rich and royal Italy, etc. London. . . Gonlding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., etc. [18 18.] fol. XVIII. D. 7. (7.) U.C.M.C. BISHOP (.SV/- IIknuy Rowley) The Feast of Roses.. from MiMiixr's . . . ' Lalla Hookh,' elc. London,. . . J. Power, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 9. (7.) Fly, fly ye hjitering Hours. PoUacca, elc. London. . . Gonlding, D'Almaine, Poller S. BISHOP. 61 BISHOP iSlr 1Ii:ni:v Knui.i'.Y) O lii'/iw HcMrt. Duetto for li Supranos, tlie words fi-oiii Sli.ilur voices, etc. Dublin... L Willis, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 10. (6.) [Another eopy.] The Passion Flower, c/c. Dublin... I. Willis, etc.' fol. XXXII. B. 28. (4.) [Poor Vulcan.] The Moon Beam plays on ^yonder Grove. A Duetto, sung ... in the revived Burletta of Poor Vulcan, etc. London. . .Goiildinr/, D'Almaine, Potteni Wood, etc. [1813.] fol. XVIII. D. 5. (32.) [Poor Vulcan.] Roses i^- Woodbines so sweetly that bloom. A Ballad, sung. . .in the revived Burletta of Poor Vulcan, adapted . . . to the . . . air of Aileen Aroon, etc. London. . .Gmildinq, D' Al 11,11 in e. Potter ({■ Wood, etc. [18 15.] fol. XVIII. D. 5. (33.) Reconcilement. [Song.] Written by T. Campbell, etc. London. . .J. Power, etc. [1S23.] fol. XVIII. D. 13. (12.) The first jifiije is signed by the composer. [The Rencontre.] The Overture and whole of the Music in the Operatic Comedy of the Rencontre, etc. London. . .Gouldimi ti D' Ahiiaine, etc. [1827.] fol. XVIII. D. 17. (2.) The Title-page is signed J,y the composer. [The Renegade.] The (Jverture, Marches, Songs it Quartette in the . . . Play, caUed The Renegade . . . The Words by F. Reynolds . . . The Music arranged for the Piano Forte, etc. London, . . . Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter t£ Co., etc. [18 12.] fol. XVIII. C. 32. (3.) [Rob Roy Macgregor.] Should auld acquaintance be forgot. . .arranged by H. R. Bishop. London. . . Gonlding...&'Co.,etc. fol. XXXII. C. 8. (13.) [A Roland for an Oliver.] The 0\erture and . . . Music in the Farce called A Roland for an Oliver. . . composed &. . .adapted. . .by H. R. Bishop. London. . .Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter d Co., etc. [18 19.] fol. XVIII. D. 8. (4.) BISHOP (Sir lliAKV Rowley) [The Romance of a l»ay. j The Whole of the Mu.sic in the Romance of a Day, an Operatic Drama in 2 Acts. . .Tli'Almnine, etc. [1828.] fol. XVIII. D. 22. (1.) Songs for Summer Days. The Poetry by T. H. Bayly, the Symphonies &. Accr>mpaniments compo.sed A' arranged by H. R. Bi.shop, etc. L.,ondon . . . Goulding d: D'Almaine, etc. [1827.] fol. XVIII. D. 17. (3.) Tlie Title-poi/e /.s- .vgtied hy tlie composer. [Another copy.] Songs for Summer Day.s, etc. London .. .Gouklim/ d D'Ahnaine, etc. [1827.] fol. XVIII. D. 22. (2.) A presentation copiy from tlie composer to Misit E. Wi7ldfor. Songs for Winter Nights, the poetry by T. H. Bayly, the Symphonies ct Accompaniments composed . . . adapted i^: arranged by H. II. Bishop, etc. Ijondon . . . Goulding d D'Almaim; etc. fol. XVIII. D. 22. (4.) Spanish Air. (Divertimento.) [P. F.] London . . . GonJdinq, D'Ahnaine, Potter d Co., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 13. (14.) No. 1 1 '// ' Tlie New Told EiwcmUe for the Piano Forte,' etc. Star that briugest home the bee. Song, written by T. Campbell, etc. London. . .J. Power, etc. [1824. 1 fol. XVIII. D. 15. (3.) The Title-page is xigtied hy tlie co)iip>o.tir . Sweet Rose of England ! Fare thee well. A Tribute . . .to the Memory of. . .Princess Charlotte of Wales. Tlie Poetry by I. Pocock. [Chorus.] London,... Goiildinij, D'Ahnaine, Potter d, (Jo., etc. 1817. fol. XVIII. D. 6. (23.) Sweet l-iose of Englanil . . . ri'-comjiosed as an Aii- . . . with. . .accompaniment for the Piano Forte or JLarp, (7c. London . . . Goulding, D'Ahnaine, Potter d Co., etc. 1817. fol XVIII. D. 6. (24.) BISHOP {Sir Hknuy Rowley) [Teasing made easy.] ilow liMppy could T jiass my days, etc. [Song.] London. . .Gouldin., etc. [1820.] fol. XVIII. D. 10. (3.) BISHOP. 63 BISHOP (,SV/- HuNRY Rowi.Kv) [Twelfth Ni' AhiKiini', Potter & Co., etc. [1820.] fol. XVIII. D. 7. (8.) [The Twi) (Icntli'meri of Verona.] The Overture, Songs, Duetts, Glee.s A' Chorusse.s in Shakspeare's Play of the Two Gentlemen of Verona. The music conipo.sed (with the e.veeption of two Melodies) &, . . . .•ulapted. . .by H. 11. Bislio]i. Linidou. . . GouMing, B'Almainc, Potter ci Co., etc. [1820.] fo'. XVIII. D. 11. (2.) The Title-paije is siijncd by the composer. [The Tyrolese Peasant.] The Mother of a Young Lamb died, etc. [Song.] London . . . Gouldimj & D' Almaine, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 8. (18.) [The Villagers.] Little Nannette. . .Ballad .. .the Poetry by E. J. Eyre, itc. Lmiddu . . . Gouldimj & Compij., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (15.) [The Virgin of the Sun.] The (Overture, Chorusses and Music. . .to the. . .Opera called The Virgin of the Sun. . .compre.ssed for the Piano Forte... the Poetry by F. Reynolds, etc. London . . . Gouldiny D'Almaine, Potter (t (.'0. [iSl2.] fol. XVIII. C. 32. (L) [A Voyage to India.] The Birth of Liberty. . .Song, etc. London. . .Guulding tC Co., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (9.) [A Voyage to India.] The British Patrol ... Song, etc. London . . . Gouldini/ <£ Co., etc. fol. XVIIL D. 5. (10.) [A Voyage to India.] The Maid who died for Love . . . Ballad, etc. London . . . Goiddinfj & Co., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (11.) Six Waltzes for the Piano Forte. London ...C. Wiijleij, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (8.) The Wandering Boys ... A Komuntic Drama . . . arranged for the Piano Forte, etc. London . . . Gouldimj & Co., etc. [18 14.] fol. XVIII. D. 2. (6.) We two, each other's only pride. A Song, the words from Moore's Life of Sheridan, etc. London . . . J.Power, etc. [1825.] fol. XVIIL D. 17. (4.) The first page is signed hy the composer. Werter. A Ballad, etc. London. . .L. Larenu, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (2.) Pnge i is signed by the Composer. [Who wants a Wife.] Tlie Overture, Songs. Glee, Ballet and Melo Dramatic Mu.sic in Who Wants a Wife . . . The Words by J. Pooock, etc. London . . . Gotdding, D'Almnine, Potter dt Co. [1816.] fol. XVIII. D. 4. (2.) [The Wife of Two Huslsands.] Theodore the Orphan Bny...A Ballad. . .introduced in the Opera of The Wife of Two Husbands. . .the Poetry by J. E. Eyre, etc. London. . .L. Lavmi, etc. fol. XVIII. D. 5. (4.) [William Tell.] O well. Sir Hugh, etc. [Song.] The Poetry by J. S. Knowles, etc. London. . . Goulding, D'Almaine & Co., etc. [1825] fol. XVIII. D. 16. (1.) The first page is sigmd by the composer. BISHOP {Sir Henry Rowley) [William Tell.] The Savoyard Glee. . .The Poetry by J. S. Knowles, etc. London. . .Goulding, D'Almaine & Co., etc. [1825.] fol. XVIII. D. 16. (2.) The first page is signed hy the compost r. [Yelva.] The Overtuie, Songs, Duett, Chorusses and Melo-Dramatic Music in Yelva . . . Musical Drama in two Acts. . .Arranged for the Voice and Piano Forte, etc. London . . . Goulding (b D'Almaine, etc. [1829.] fol. XVIII. D. 18. (2.) A presentation copy from the composer to Miss E. Windsor. [Zuma.] The Overture and Songs in the Comic Opera of Zuma . . . the Poetry by T. Dibdin . . . Arranged for the Voice and Piano Forte, etc. 2 Books. Ijondon . . . Goulding, D'Almaine, Poller d Co. [18 1 8.] fol. XVIII. D. 7. (1.) See Archadelt (J.) Ave Maria. .. Edited by Sir H. R. Bishop, fol. VI. A. 4. (8.) See Arne (M.) Cymon . . . the Overture, Ballet and New Music. . .bv H. li. Bishop, etc. [1S15.] fol. XVIII. D. 3. (5.) See Arne (T. A.) [Arta.xer.xes . . . with additional numbers by Sir H. R. Bishop, etc.] fol. XVIII. B. 42. See Arne (T. A.) [Comus.] Tlie. . .!Music in... Comus. . .with additions ))y Bishop, t7c. [1815.] fol. XVIIL B. 38. See Beetiiovkn (L. van) The Mount of Olives. . . Edited. . .by Sir H. R. P.ishop. fol. VI. B. 16. See Haendel (G. F.) Songs, Duets, and Trios. . . Arranged by H. R. Bishop. 7 vols. fol. V. C. 3. See Haendel (G. F.) [Messiah.] O Thou that tellest. . .arranged. . .by H. R. Bi.sliop. 1857. fol. XVIIL B. 29. (1.) See Haendel (G. F.) [Semeh: Wierc e'er you icalk.] Lord, what is Man?. . .Arranged. . .bv H. R. Bishop. 1840. fol. XVIII. B. 29. (3.) See Luther (M.) Corales ... adapted and arranged by H. R. Bishop, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (17.) See Moore (T.) Wilt thou say farewell Love? . . . Arranged. . .by H. R. Bishop, fol. XVIII. D. 7. (13.) See Keate (C.) A Pa.storal Dance . . . by H. R. Bishop, arranged. . .by C. Neate. fol. LIX. E. 18. (10.) See Paer (F.) O Notte Soave. . .accompaniment by H. R. Bishop, fol. XVIII. D. 7. (10.) See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music . . . l>v . . . Bishop, etc. fol. XVII." D. 3. See Stevenson {Sir J. A.) A Selection of Irish Melodies, etc. (With Svmphouies. . .by H. R. Bishop, etc. Nos. 8-10. Supplement.) fol. XXXII. D. 3. See Weuer (C. M. F. E. Vou) [Der FreischUtz.] The Overture &... Music in. . .Der FreischUtz... adapted. . .by H. R. Bishop, etc. [1824.] fol. XVIII. D. 14. (2.) 64 BISHOP-BLEWITT. BISHOP (Sir Henry Rowley) See Wellesley (G. C.) Earl of MorniiKjton. The Glees k Marlrigals com- posed by the Earl of MorninRton . . . Edited l)y Sir H. R. Bishop, eic. 1846. fol. XXV. D. 22. BISHOP (.S'(V Hexky Rowley) and MOORE (TiiiiMAs) Evenings in Greece . . . The Poetry liy T. Moore . . . The music composed and selected by H. R Bishop and Mr. Moore. 2 pt. London . . . J. Fowrr, etc. i„\. XVIII. D. 19. BISHOP (John) Half-Hours at the Organ, being Selections and Extracts from the "Works of . . .Ancient and Modern Composers, arranged . . . by J. Bishop. I'i Bks. London, B. Coclcs & Co., etc. nhl. fol. XXVIII. B. 25. Holv, Holy, Hdlv, Lord (Jod Almightv . . . Anthem for four voices. '[London.] 8°. ' IX. A. 20. (23.) No. 4.3 0/ ' The Parish Choir.' A Selection of Favorite Pieces by the Great Masters, adapted as Solos for the Organ, etc. 4 nos. London, E. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (8.) See Beethoven (L. van) [Mass in C] Beethoven's First Service. . .Edited. . .by J. Bishop, etc. 8°. XVII. E. 15. See Haendel (G. F.) Alexander's Feast ... A New Edition. . .arranged by J. Bishop, etc. 8". XVII. E. 16. See Haendel (G. F.) The Dettingen ' Te Dcura '. . . A New Edition. . .bv J. Bishop, etc. 8". V. B. 10. (1.) See Haendel (G. F.) Israel in Egypt ... A new edition. . .arranged by J. Bishop, etc. 8°. XVII. E. 17. See Haendel (G. F.) .Jephthah. . .Anew edition. . . arranged by J. Bishop, ,tc. 8". XVII. E. 18. See Haendel (G. F.) Judas Maccab;eus. . .arranged by J. Bishop, etc. 8°. V. D. 8. See H.\endel (G. F.) Messiah. . .A New Edition. . . arranged by J. Bishop, etc. S". XVII. E. 19. See Haendel (G. F.) Tlie Occasional Oratorio . . . with an accompaniment. . .arranged by J. Bishop, etc 8°. " XVII. E. 20. See Haendel (G. F.) The Utrecht Jubilate ... A New Edition. ' .by J. Bishop, etc. 8". V. B. 10. (2.) Seellwus (F.J.) Bishop, etc. 8". The Creation. . .Arranged liy .T. XVII. E. 24. See Haydn (F. .1.) Service. . .Edited . [Mr-.v,v in n flat.] Haydn's First by J. Bisho'p, etc. 8". XVII. E. 22. See Haydn (F. J.) [Mans in D minnr.] Haydn's Third Service. . .Edited. . .by J. Bishop, etc. 8". XVII. E. 23. See MOZAHT (W. A.) [Mans N" 1.] .Mozart's First Service . . . edited ... by J. J5ishop. S". IX. A. 5. (5.) See Mozart (VV. A.) Mozart's Retjuiem . . . I'ldited . . .by J. Bishop, etc. 8". XVII. E. 26. BISHOP (John) Se • Mozart (W. A.) [Douhtftil and SjinrloiL-i Works. 3Ins.i No. 12.] Mozart's twelfth Service. . .Edited. . .by .J. Bishop, etc. 8". XVII. E. 25. BISHOP (John) and WARREN (Joseph) Reper- torium Musica? Antiquie, a uii-scellaneous collection of Classical Compositions by the greatest masters of Germany, Italy, &c. . . . edited by J. Bishop and J. Warren. 2 pt. London. . .R. Codes d Co. 1848. fol. VI. B. 23. No more ■pnhlislud. TIi'ik colliclion coiiloins com- j/osition.'i hy 0. lieneroli, A. PevcrniKjc, J. Gallns and A. Scarlatti. BLACKBOURN (John) A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. . .to which are added, some Chants. . . also the Responses . . . Selected, composed it arranged for four voices with . . . Organ or Piano Forte, by J. Blackbourn. Published hy the Author, etc. 8". IX. B. 13. Song of Night. A Glee for five voices, etc. London . . . Cramer, Beale d: Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (14.) Presented to Sir G. Grove hy the author. BLACKSHAW (Edward) Introduction and Fugue . . .for the ' )rgan or Piano Forte, etc. London. . . J. A. Novella^ etc. fol. LXII. C. 16. (5.) BLAGROVE (Henry Gamble) Souvenirs. Six Solos for Violin with Pianoforte accompaniment. . . Series 2. London. . .Novella, Ewer (t Co.. etc. fol. LXII. B. 9. (1.) BLAHETKA (Leopoldine) Ave Maria pour voix de Soprano ou de Tenor avec ace' de Piano. Op. 57. A Paris, chrz H. Lemoinc, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (13.) Pater Noster pour 1" et 2'' Uessus, Tenor et Bas.se avec Accomj)' de Piano ou Orgue. Op. •'18. A Paris, chez H. Lcmoine, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (12.) BLAKE (Benjamin) Six Duets. For a Violin and Tenor. [Parts.] LjOndon .. .W. Napier, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (14.) BLAKE (I).\niel) The Litany of our Lord ... in English, etc. London. . .Georije d' Mnnhy. fol. 117//; //((' compoKcr's anloijrapli. VI. A. 5. (13.) BLAKE (Edwahd) I have set God always before me. \n Anthem . . . performed at the Funeral of . . . Princess Charlotte of Wales, etc. London. . . (1. Wallcer, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (14.) I have set. God always before me ; Anthem for five voices. . .the organ part by V. Novello. London. . .J. A. Norcllo, etc. fol. VI. A. 5. (14.) BLAND (Joiix) Tlic Ladies' Collection of Catches, Glees, Canons, Canzonets, Madrigals, etc. Selected from the works of the most Eminent Com])osers by J. l!l,-ind, r/c. (! vols. It. Jllrchall, etc. { London.] io]. XVIII. E. 2. BLASIUS (.Mai'mieu Fki5i)E1uo) Six Duos pour i-uyi;re. . ..Morceau, |iour le piano. . .Op. 45. Lioidnn. Cramer, Beale & ChappeU, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 20. (5.) [FhuMK 7^.nd)l('m.ati(|ues. Op. 21. No. 5.] Pensee . . .pour le piano. London . . . f'ramer. Beale <{• Co., etc. fol. LVIII. D. 20. (3.) Le Gondolier dn Lido. Barcarolle ]iour le Piano. . . Op. 40. Ijondnceile. . .Op. 'li. [Parts.] Bonn er. BRADFORD (.Jacou) The Sony of Jubilee. A Thanksgiving Cantata for Solo Voices, Chorus, ( Orchestra and Organ . . . Op. 44. London & New York. Novello, Ewer and Co. 8°. IX. A. 18. a. (1.) BRAHAM (.Toiix) The ?]ngli.sh Fleet in 1342. A... Comic Opera. . .arranged for the Piano Forte by D. Corri. The words by T. Dibdin. [London.] M. P. Corri (£■ Co., etc. [1803.] fol. XXXII. A. 14. (4.) Braham's Music in the. . .Opera False Alarms, or My Cousin. . .Arranged for the Piano Forte by the Author. London .. .Preston, etc. [1807.] fol. XXXII. A. 7. (2.) The Title-paeje is signed hi/ the Composer. Family Quarrels. A Comic Opera, Written by T. Dibdin. . .the Music. . .by Messrs. ]>raham, Moore- head & Reeve. London, etc. [1802.] fol. XXXII. A. 7. (1.) See Arxe (T. A.) [Artaxerxes. . . With additional numbers by Sir H. P>. liishop and .). I!raham.] fiil. XVIII. B. 42. See Reeve (W.) The Cabinet, A Comic Ojiera. . . by Messrs. Reeve, Davy, Moorhead ct Braham. fol. XXV. A. 2. (2.) See Reeve (W.) Thirty Thou.sanil. . .Comic Opera . . .by Messrs. Reeve, Davy and JSraham. fol. XXV. A. 1. See Reeve (W.) and ]!kaham (•!.) Kais, or Love in the Desert. An Opera, <*;. [1808.] fol. XXXII. A. 7. (3.) BRAHMS (.Johannes) Akademische Fest-Ouvertiire fiir gros.scs Orchester. Op. 80. Partitur. N. Simrock in Berlin. 1881. S". LVIII. A. 19. (2.) Balladen fiii- das I'ianoforte. . .0]i. 10. Leipzig, hei nrcilkoj,/ (t Jlnrtel. fol. LVIII. D. 33. (2.) C'lavierstiicke. . .(^p. 7G. 2 lli'fte. iV. Sinrrock. . . Berlin. 1879. fol. LVIII. D. 30. (2.) Concert fiir das Pianoforte luit Beglcitung lies Orchesters. . .(^p. 1.5. Partitur. Leip/.ig a. W'intirlhnr. J. Uieter-Biedermann. 1874. 8". LVIII. A. 20. (1.) Concert. . .Op. I .") . . .Fiir Pianoforte Solo. Ijcipzig n. Wintcrthur, J. Ilicler-Biedermann. fol. LVIII. D. 33. (3.) BRAHMS (Jouannes) Concert fur Violine mit Begleitung des Orchesters. Op. 77. Partitur. N. Simrock in Berlin. 1879. 8". LVIII. A. 21. (1.) [Another copy.] Concert fiir Violine . . . Oji. 77. Partitur. N. Simrock. . .Berlin. 1879. S". LXIII. B. 22. Concert (No. 2, B dur) fiir Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. . .Op. 83. Partitur. N. Simrock. . . Berlin, 1882. fol. LVIII. D. 28. Concert (No. 2, B dur). . .Op. 83. Bearbeitung fur Zwei Pianoforte. N. Simruck in Ber'in, 1882. fol. LVIII. D. 29. [Another copy.] Concert (No. 2, B tlur). . .Op. 83. Bearbeitung fiir zwei Pianoforte. N. Simrock in Berlin. 1882. fol. LXII. E. 25. (1.) Concert fiir Violine und Violoncell mit (Jrehester. . . Op. 102. Au.sgabe mit Pianoforte. [P. F. Part.] N. Simrock... Berlin. 1888. fol. LVIII. D. 31. Drei geistliche Chore fUr Fraucnstimnien oline Begleitung. . .Op. 37. Partitur. Leipzig u. Wintcrthur, J. Bicttr-Biedermann, etc. 8". X. F. 12. (4.) Gesange. . .Bearbeitung fiir Pianoforte. 3 ]-!dr. N. Simrock in Berlin. ^885. fol. LXIIL B. 26. [Vier Gcsiinge. Op. 70. No. 4.] Abendregen, von G. Keller. N. Simrock, Berlin, t'ol. XXXII. C. 23. (12.) How long wilt Thou forget me O Lord? The 13th Psalm for female voices with accompaniment for Organ or Pianoforte. The English adaptation by C. Baehe. London, Stanlei/ Lncas tO Co., etc. 4°. IX. A. 23. (2.) In Silent Night. [Part Song.] . . . Harmonised by J. Brahms. Sec GoLdsciimidt (O.) The Bach Choir iMagazine, etc. No. ir)A. 8". IX. A. 22. Neue Liebeslieder . . . Walx.er fiir vier Singstimmen und Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden. . .Op. G.5. N. Simrock in Berlin, etc. 1S75. fol. XXXII. B. 32. (9.) Lieder und ]{onianzen fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 14. Leipzig. . . J. Bieter-Biedermann. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (10.) [Kiinf Lieder. Op. 47.] No. 3. Sountag. . .aus L'hland's Volksliedern. N. Simrock, Berlin, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (11.) Vier Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Opus 96. N. Simrock, Berlin, fol. XXXII. C. 23. (13.) G Lieder fiir eine Singstinnuc mit P>egl. d. Pianoforte. < Ip. 117. N. Simrock, Berlin, fol. XXXII. C. 23. (14.) Lord, liow long shall I be out of Thy Remembrance. Trio for Female Voices, the English version by J. Ti-outbeck. London : Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (12.) Zwei Motetten. Op. 74. 1. W'.irinn i.st das Licht gegeben dem Miilis<4igcn ? 2. O Heiland, leiss die Himmel auf. Transhited . . .by Mrs. N. Macfarren. Partitur. 2 Nos. N. Simrock. Berlin, etc. 8". IX. A. 17. (3.) BRAHMS— BKEE. 71 BRAHMS (-1 \NN-Ks) Zwei Motetten . . . Op. 71. Siiigst iiiiriirn. N. Siiiiri)rl-, Brrliri, 1879. S". X. F. 2. (1.) Zwcite.s Qii;irt(!tt (A dur) fiir I'innoforto, Violinn, Iji-.itsclu' uiul Violonccll. Op. 2G. [Sepamtf Parts.] N. Simrock. . .Berlin, fol. LVIII. D. 32. Zwei Quartette fiir 2 Violineii, Uratselii' uiiil N'iolon- cell. . .Up. 51. 2 Nos. [Parts.] N. Simroch... Berlin, iS-^. fol. LXI. E. 1. (2.) Quartett (in ]> dur No. 3) fiir 2 Violinen, Pratsche uud Violoncell. . .Op. G7. Partitur. N. Simrwl- hi Berlin. 1876. 8". LVIII. A. 22. (2.) Quintett fiir zwei Violiuen, zwei Bratsclicn uud Violoncell. Op. 88. Partitur. N. Simrnrl- in Berlin. 1883. 8". LVIII. A. 22. (3.) ]\o(|uiem. . .for Solo, Chorus and Ori'lie.stra (Organ ad libitum). . .Op. 45. Adapted from the German by F. M. Traquair. [P. F. Score.] T.eipzig und WinlhertJiiir, J. Bietcr-Beidermann, etc. 8". X. A. 25. (2.) Zwei Rhapsodien fiir das Pianoforte. . .Op. 79. N. Simroch... Berlin. 1880. fol. LVIII. D. 30. (3.) Rinaldo. Cantate von Goethe fiir Tenor Solo, Miinuer Chor und Orchester . . . Op. 50. Clavier Aus7.ug. N. SImroelc... Berlin, fol. XVIIL E. 8. Rinaldo. Cantate von Goethe (the English Version by J. P. Metcalfe) fiir Tenor Solo, Manner Chor und Orchester . . . Op. 50 . . . Clavier Auszug. N. Simrocl-. . .Berlin. . .1869. 8". X. A. 25. (1.) Schicksalslied — Song of Fate — von F. Hiilderlin, translated into English by Mrs. N. Macfarren, fiir Chor und Orchester. . .Op. 54. Partitur. N. Siniroclc, Berlin, etc. 8". X. A. 26. Schicksalslied — Song of Fate — von F. HiJlderlin, translated into English by Mrs. Natalia Macfarren, fiir Chor und Orchester. . .Op. 54. Clavier-Auszug. N. Simrocl-. ..Berlin, etc. 8°. X. A. 25. (3.) [Schicksalslied.] A Song of De.stiny. . .Translated. . . by the Rev. J. Troutbeck . . .Op. 54. Londun: Norello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. X. E. 24. (3.) [Schicksalslied.] A Song of Destiny. . .Op. 54. London. . .Novella, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. X. E. 28. b. (1.) Serenade (D dur) fiir grosses Orchester . . . Op. 11. Partitur. Leipxiq, Breitliopf ({-Hiirtel. 8". LVIII. A. 20. (2.) Serenade fiir kleines Orchester. . .(.)p. 10. Partitur. Bonn hei N. Simrock. fol. LVIII. D. 30. (1.) Sextett fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli. . . Op. 18. Partitur. Bonn hei N. Siiiirocli. 8". LXIII. B. 24. Sextett fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli. Op. 3(J. Partitur. Bonn hei N. Simrock. 8". LVIII. A. 22. (1.) Sonate (C dur) fiir das Pianoforte. . .Op. 1. Leipziij, hei Breitkopf d- Hariel. fol. LVIII. D. 34. (1.) Sonate — Fis moll — fiir da.s Pianoforte. . .Op. 2. Leipzii/, hei Breitkopf & liiirtel. fol. LVIII. D. 34. (2.) BRAHMS (.JoilANNi's) Sonate (F moll) fur das Pi.ano- forte. . .(Jp. 5. Leipzig. . .B. Senff. fol. LVIII. D. 34. (3.) Sonate fiir Pianoforte und Violoncello. . .Op. 38. N. Simrock... Bonn. fol. LXIL C. 4. (6.) Studien fiir das Pianoforte. . .No. 11. l{ondo nach C. M. V. Wel)er. Tjcipziq .. .B. Senff. fnl. LXII. E. 17. (5.) Prexenti'd hi/ Sir Hubert Parri/ to Minn L. Kellett, March 10, 1885. Symphonie (C moll) fiir Grosses Orchester . . . Op. G8. Partitur. N. Simrock .. .Berlin, i8--] f"l. LVIII. D. 24. Zweite Svmphoni(> (T) dur) fiir Gros.sos Orchester . . . Op. 73. Partitur. N. Simrock. . .Berlin. j8-8. fol. LVIII. D. 25. Dritte Symphonie (F dur) fiir Grosses Orchester . . . Op. 90. Partitur. N. Simrock. . .Berlin. 1884. fol. LVIII. D. 26. Vierte Symphonie (E moll) fiir Grosses Orchester . . . Op. 98. "Partitur. N. Simrock .. .Berlin. i8S5. fol. LVIII. D. 27. Tragischc Ouvertiire fiir Orchester. Op. 81. Partitur. N. Simrock in Berlin. i88t. 8". LVIII. A. 19. (1.) Trio fiir Pianoforte, Violine und Violoncell. . .Op. 8. [Parts.] Leipziij, hei Breitkopf ((• Hiirlel. fol. LVIII. D. 33. (1.) Triumphlied. . .fiir achtstimmigen Chor u. Orchester (Orgel ad libitum). . .Op. 55. Clavierauszug. N. Simrock in Berlin, etc. 1672. 8". IX. A. 7. (2.) Variationen fiir das Pianoforte. . .Op. 21. 2 Nos. Bonn hei N. Simrock. fol. LXII. E. 17. (4) Variationen iibor cin Thema von J. Haydn fiir Orchester. Op. 56". Partitur. N. Simrock in Berlin. 8". LVIII. A. 21. (2.) [Another coj)y.] Variationen iiber ein Thenia von J. Haydn. . . Op. 56*. Partitur. N. Simrock in Beilin. 8«. LXIIL B. 25. Ungarische Tiinze fiir Orchester. Partitur. N. Simrock in Berlin. 8°. LVIII. A. 21. (3.) Ungarische Tiinze nach Brahms fiir Violine und Pianoforte bearbeitet von J. Joachim. [Parts.] N. Simrock... Berlin, fol. LVIIL D. 30. (4.) Ungarische Tiinze ... in leicht spiclbarer Bearbeitung fiir Pianoforte und Violine von F. Herrmann. 3 Hefte. N. Simrock. . .Berlin, fol. LXIL B. 8. (6.) See Gldck (C. W. von) [Ipliigenie in Tauride.] Gavotte. . .fiir das Pianoforte gesetzt von .1. Brahms, fol. LVIII. D. 33. (4.) BRAMBACH (C.vhl Joseph) Ta.sso. Concert-Ouver- ture fiir Orchester. . .Op. 30. Partitur. Bonn, G. Cohen. 8". LXIII. D. 14. (4.) BRAUN (J. F.) Duo Concertant pour L'Alto et Violoncello. Heimhounj . . . A. Cranz. fol. LXII. B. 18. (1.) BREE (Jan Bernard van) Missji tribus vocibus hunianis, comitantc organo. . .No. 1. Amstelodami apud Thettne et Socios. 1 8 57. fol. VI. C. 3. a. (1.) 72 BEEE— BEOWN. BREE (Jan Bernard van) Missa tribus vucibus liu- manis, comitante organo. . .No. II. Amxtclodami (ipud Theune et Socios. 1837. fol. VI. C. 3. a. (2.) Missa tribus voeibus humanis, comitante organo . . . No. III. Amstelodami apud Theune ct SocioK. 1837. fol. VI. C. 3. a. (3.) Missa tribus vocii)us comitante organo . . . No. 4. Amstelodami apud, Theune et Socios. fol. VI. C. 3. a. (4.) BREE (Malwine) Die Grumllage tier Methode Leschetizky . . . Mit 47 Abbiklungen der Hand Lescbetizkvs, etr. B. Schott's Sijhne, Mainz, etc. 1892. 4°.' XXIX. C. 17. BREVAL (JuAX Baptlste) Six Duetts for a Violin and Violoncello. . .Opera 19. [Parts.] London. . . M. dementi (b Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 14. (3.) Breval's Instructions for the Violoncello. \London.^^ f„l. LXX. D. 9. (1.) Waidiny the Tith-pa(ie. BREWER (Thoma.s) Eternal King to Thee we sing. A Pmlm of Thanl-t'giving to be sung by the Children of Christ's Hospital . . . Arranged by B.. Clark, etc. London... R.Clark, etc. 1846. fol. XI. E. 27. (14*.) BRIDGE (Sir .JoiiN Frederick) Blessed be the Lord Thy God which delighted in thee. Anthem ... per- formed at the. . .Jubilee Service. . .June 21, 1887. London A New TorJe. Novello, Eircr and Co. [1S87.] 8°. IX. A. 17. (4.) A prefentiitioii 'npi/ uulh the conqioser's autograph. Boadieea, Queen of the Iceni. A Cantata, the words written by Miss C. E. Troutbeck, etc. Londun : Novello, Eioer & Co., etc. 8". X. E. 20. (1.) Bold Turpiu. . .Humorous Part Song. London: Novello, En-er d Co., etc 8". X. F. 12. (5.) On the Cro.ss we saw Him dying words by . . . Archdeacon Farrar. Ewer and Co. &". An Easter Carol, London : Novello, IX. A. 17. (5.) The Repentance of Nineveh. A Dramatic (Jratorio, the words selected. . .by J. Bennett. . .the pianoforte accompaniment arranged by W. Alcock. Ltnidond New York. Novello, Ewer and Go. [1890.] 8". IX. A. 4. (3.) Rock of Ages (.Je.su, pro me perforatus) the Latin version by...\V'. E. (Jladstoiic. . .for Baritone solo, Chorus and (Jrchestra. London tf- New York. Novello, Ewer and Co. IX. A. 4. (2.) A presentation copy to Sir George Grove, with the conqioser'n autograph. See Cooper (G.) G. Cooper's. . .'i'lilor for the Organ . . .edited. . .by J. F. Bridge, etc. 4". XXIX. C. 19. BRIDGEWATER (Thomas) Morning .t Kvening .■<(;i\ ire. . .with Ji S.-inctus, Kyrie Eleeson and Twelve . . .Cliants in Score, to. . .which is added an Acccmi- paninieiit for tlie Organ or I'iano F(jrte, etc. No. 4. [Score and parts.] London. . .J. A. Novello, ilc. fol. VI. A. 5. (22.) BRIEGEL (WoLPOANfi Carl) Musicaliseher Lebens- I'.ruiin gecjuoUen aus den fiirnehmsten Kernspriichen Heil. Schrift . . . eingerichtet mit 4 Sing-Stimmen (auch 4 In-strumenten. . .) sambt dem General-Bass, etc. Darmstatt, hi Verlegung A. O. F((her.'i. drnrkl.'< n. Miiller . . . iGSo. 4". IX. C. 17. The Trehle part oiihj. BRIOSCHI (Antonio) See San Martini (G. B.) and l_!Hio.scni (A.) Six Sonatas, etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (8.) BRISSLER (Franz) See Beethoven (L. van) Fidelio . . . Klavieruuszug mit Text von F. Brissler. 8". X. A. 16. BRITISH. The British Granadiers. [Song.] See Some. Some talk of Alexander, .s. sli. fol. I. G. 37. (60.) BRITISH MINSTREL. The British Minstrel, a Ciillection of. . .Songs, Duets and Glees. . .adapted for the Voice, Flute or Violin. The Second Edition. London: TyAlmaine and Co., 1837. 8". X. A. 27. BRITISH MUSICAL MISCELLANY. The British ^lusical Miscellany or the Delightful Grove : Being a Collection of . . . Songs. By the Best Masters, etc. 5 Vols. London. Printed for . . .1. Walsh, etc. S". II. E. 30. The British Musical Miscellany. A Selected Collection of the most Favourite Songs perform'd at the Theatres, itc. For the Harpsicord, Voice or German F'lute. No. 1. London. Printed for L. W(dsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 19. BRODERIP (John) Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs for one two three & four voices, adapted to the Organ or Harpsichord, etc. T^ondon . . . C. and S. Thompsim, etc. VI. A. 1. (10.) BROOKS (Ja.mes) Twelve Glees for Three & Four Voices, etc. Printed for the Author . . .Bath, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 27. (1.) The Title-page is signed hy the composer. A Sonata for the Piano Forte in which is introduced the . . . Air of ' When forced from dear Hebe to go,' with an Accompaniment for the Violin, etc. London . . .Bland & Weller, etc. fol. LXX. D. 16. The P. F. part only. Favourite Sonata, for the Harpsichord or Piano Forte, with a Violin Accomp'. fol. LXX. D. 16. No. 31 cf ' Le Tout Ensemble.^ The Harpisirhoril part only. BROSSARD (Sehastien de) Elevations et Motets a II. et III. Voix, ct a Voi.x seule, deux Dessus de Violou, ou deux Flutes, avec la Bas.se-Continue, etc. A Paris, ehez C. BaJlard. etc. lOfi. f,il. II. F. 21. (2.) Prodromus Musicalis, ou Elevations et Motets a voix seule, avec une Bass-Continue. Secoude Edition, revue, corrigee ife augmentee dun i\lot(^t pour une Basse-Taille . . . Livre Premier, a Paiis, Chez C Ballard.. .1702. fol. IL F. 21. (1.) BROWN (.\ktiii:k llKMtv) \_London,'\ 1864. 4". No. 51 of ' The Choir.' Christmas Carols. IX. A. 19. (27.) BEOWN— BULL. 73 BROWN (AitTiruK Menuy) The Gregorian Canticles. Ttie Canticles newly adaptod to tlie old Church Tones. . .by A. H. Brown. Lamlon : T. Bosworth...i8i-;. 8". IX. C. 18. Lord, who shall dwell in Tiiy 'rahoriiacli'. Anthem, composed by the wife of :i Wiltshin^ incumbent, arranged by A. H. Brown, etc. Luiiduii . . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 5. (23.) BROWN-BORTHWICK (Robert) Hymn Tune.s. L(iiiiJoii...NovcUo,EwcrcmdCo.,etc. 8". IX. B. 15. BRUCH (Max Christian Frikdkicii) Funtasie fiir zwei Klaviere. . .Op. 11. Lcipziij^ BrcUlopf & WirtcJ. fol. LXII. E. 25. (2.) Leonidas. Diclituiig von H. lUdthaupt, fiir Bariton- Solo, Miinnerchor und Crchester. . .0\>. 66. Partitur. N. Simrock . . . Berlin. 1893. fol. XVIII. E. 8. a. (2.) Lieder und Gesiinge. . .mit Begleitung des Pianoforte ...Op. 49. 2Hefte. N. Simrock. . .BrrUit. 1882. fol. XVIII. E. 8. a. (1.) Normannenzug. Gedicht aus ' Ekkchard ' . . . fiir Bariton-Solo, einstimmigen Miinnerchoi- und Orches- ter. . .Op. 32. Klavierauszug. Leijai;/, Brcitkopf & Hartcl. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (15.) Die Pricsterin der Isis in Rom. Gedicht vou H. Linggfiir Alt und Orchester. . .Op. 30. Cla\ ierauszug. Leipziii, hei B. Seitz. fol. XXXII. C. 23. (16.) Trio fiir Pianofortr, Violinc und Vinloncell . . .Op. .5. Lcipxiii, Breithqif ,(: Hdrtrl. fol. LXI. E. 9. (1.) BRUELL (Ign'Az) Zweites Concert fiir das Piano- forte. . .Op. 24. Partitur. Berlin if Pusen. . . E. Bote d- G. Boeli. 8°. LXIII. D. 13. (1.) BRUENNEMUELLER (Elias) [Sonate a due V'ioliiii e Violoncello col Organo. Opera Prima, etc. Separate Parts.] \^AmiitelaeiJami ; ExciuJit FnineitiVHS Hal ma, etc. 1709.] fol. Wantiwi the tilh-paif d- llartef. fol. LVill. D. 34. (a.) BY. By a prattling Stream. Swcel William.. Sung by Miss Stevenson at Vaux Hall, etc. s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (3.) BYRD (William) J{ook I. of Cantiones Sacra-, for five voices. . .Edited by W. Horsley, etc. London, Printed for the 3Iembers of the Mnsical Anlii/iiarian Societii, etc. [1842.] fol. XXXIV. C. 13. (2.) I will not leave vou (.'omfortless . . . .\ii(lirin for five voices. {London.) 8". IX. A. 20. (39), Part of ' The Parish Choir.' BYRD— CALLCOTT. 75 BYRD (William) If (UM all tmrnislicd. I'lirt Soni;. ' Loiidoil . . .J. A. Niil-fllii, ilr. fdl. XXXII. B. 32. (10.) j No. 2.3 I//' liinili((Hll's ' Aiiciiid Vucal Music of Eiujland.' A Mass for Five Voicos. . .Priiilfd in scin-e. . .liy E. V. Rimbault. London, Piintcd for flic Mcmlii'rs tf the Musical Antiquariiin Soriiiti/, rlr. I1841.] fol. XXXIV. C. 13. (1.) Non Nobis Domino. A ("anon. London. . . Cahisar find Sons, it,: s. sli. ioi. XXIII. D. 1. (2.) P.salines, Sonets, it .songs of sauets . . . Arranged ... by W. H. Callcott. fol. V. C. 17. Sir lliMMEi. (I''. II.) Himmel's . . , Chorus, The .Jud^'iMcnt . . . .irrani^cd . . , by W. H. Callcott. fol. VI. A. 9. (3.) See Petpet (A.) Original Sacred Music ... by ... Callcott, etc. fol. XVII. D. 3. CALPHURNIA— CAEAFA DE COLOBRANO. 77 CALPHURNIA. 'I'lie Kavomitc Sonj,'s in ... Cal- ])lninii;i. I.iuiilon . . . I. Wdlsli . . . ilii'l I)li>- 'f' L'li'lili IT(ti(\ ttc. fdl. XXXII. B. 8. (4.) CAMBINI ((Jlov.WM (!llsi;i'P|-.) Six Duo Comertans pour deux C^uiiites, etc. [Parts.] A I'aris. Ch'z M- Ii<'!irr, etc. fol. LXII. A. 14. (12.) Six Dun pour D(mx Vioions. . .(Kuvie xvi. [Parts.] h Paris. Chez Le Bur, ,-ti: fol. LXII. A. 14. (13.) Six Duo Dialoijues pour Violon et Alto. . .(Euvre 46, rti: [Parts.] A Parix. < 'lirz AP' Buyer, ctr. fol. LXII. A. 14. (14.) CAMIDGE (John) Catiiedral Music ... in Score for voices with an arranged part for the Organ or Piano Forte, <;/(■. Lmidon. . .Preston, etc. fol. VI. C. 6. With the autograph of the cumponer. CAMILLA. Songs in the New Opera, call'd Camilla . . .The 3"' Collection. I. WaTxh . . .and I. Hare, etc. [1706.] fol. XXXII. A. 1. (1.) CAMPAGNOLI (Bartolommko) 41 Caprices pour I'Alto Viola. . . Oeuvre 22. Lilpsic. Chez BreHkopf d Hartel. fol. LXX. D. 14. (3.) Trois Duos concertans pour deux Violons . . . (^)p. ix. [Parts.] Chez Breitl-opf ,{■ niirtel ?i Le!pm: fol. LXII. A. 14. (4.) Gradus ad Parnassuni, being Seven Exercises for the Violin. . .Op. 18. Loiidon . . .R. Coclis lO Co., etc. fol. LVIII. D. 36. Nouvelle ISIcthode de la Mecanii|ue Progressive du Jeu de Violon, divisee en 5 Parties . . . Oeuvre 21. a Leipsic. Chez Breitlcopf & Hartel. fol. LXIII. E. 12. [Another copy.] Nouvelle Methode de la Mecanique Progressive du Jeu de A iolon. . .Oeuvre 21. a Leipsic. Chez Breitlcopf & Hiirtd. fol. LXX. D. 9. (5.) A New Mechanical it Progressive Course of Instruc- tion on the Ai't of Playing the Violin, divided into 5 parts. . .Op. 21. Translated. . .bj' J. A. Hamilton, etc. London. ..J. J. Eiccr, etc. fol. LXIII. E. 10. A New ... Course of Instruction on the Art of Playing the Violin. . .Op. 23. . .Second Edition. London. ..J. J. Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LXIII. E. 11. CAMPBELL (Willi.\m) Campbell's Ninth (12"') Bonk of ... Country Dances, & Strathspey Keels, for the Harp, Piano-Forte & Violin, with their Proper Figures, etc. 2 pt. Tl'. Campbell, etc. ohl. 4°. XVII. E. 2. (2.) CAMPION (TnoM.\s) The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres : composed ... so as they may be expressed by one Voyce, with a Violl, Lute, or Orpharion. London : Printed hi/ Thomas Snodham. fol. I. G. 35. A New Way of Making fowre parts in Counter-point, by a most familiar, and infallible Rule. Second!}', a necessary discourse of Keyes . . . Thirdly, the allowed passages of all Concords . . . are declared. Also ... a briefe Method teaching to Sing. London : Printed hy T. S. for lolin Browne, etc. 8°. I. F. 17. Wuctiox. A Brief Introduction to the Skill of Musick. In two Books . . . The Third Edition. . .To which is added a Third Book, entituled, the Art of Descant. . .By Dr. Tho. Campion, etc. 1660. 8". I. F. 22. See P., J. An Introduction to the Skill of Mu.sick. In two Books . . . Second, the Art of Setting . . . Musick in Parts . . . Formerly published by Tho. Cami>ion, etc. 1655. ^°- ^- ^- 21- CAMPRA (Andki!;) Hesionc, Tragcdie mi.se en Musique, etc. A Paris, Chez Chrislophe Ballard, etc 1700. obi. 8°. I. C. 24. IMotets k I. et II. Voix, au nombre de neuf, avec la Basse-Continue : Le Pseaume, In convertendo, a grand Chu-ur ct Symphonie. Et un autre Motet, a la maniere Italienne, a Voix seule, avec deux De.ssus de X'iolons. . .Livre Troisieme. A Paris, Chez Chrisiophe Ballard, etc. 1703. fol. I. A. 6. (3.) Motets a I. II. et III. Voix, avec la Basse-Continue . . .Livre Premier. Quatrieme Edition. A Paris, Chez Chrisiophe Ballard, etc. 17 10. fol. I. A. 6. (1.) Alotets a I. IT. 111. Voix, et Instruments avec la Basse-Continue. . .Livre Second. Nouvelle Edition. A Paris, Chez Chrisiophe Ballard, etc. 171 l. fol. I. A. 6. (2.) [Les Festes Venitiennes.] Le Bal. (,iuatricnie Entree. . .Nouvelle Edition. 17 19. ohl. fol. I. C. 24. a. CANTICA SACRA. Cantica Sacra: containing Hymns and Anthems for two Voices to the Organ, Ixith Latine and English. Composed by Mr. Richard Dering, Dr. Christopher Gibbons, Dr. Benjamin Rogers, Air. Alatth. Locke, and ( )thers. The Second Set. 2 pts. London, Printed hi) W. Godbid, for John Plai/ford, 1674. fol. I. G. 4. Wanting the Organ part. CANTONE (GiROLAMo) [Armenia Gregoriana in cui con breuita, e chiarezza si spiegano tutte le regole. . . del Canto Fermo, etc.] [In Torino, per Gio : Sinibaldo, etc. 1678, etc.] ohl. 8°. I. F. 18. Wanting Fol. 1 A and all after p. .36. CAPES (John Mooke) Mass for four voices, with an accompaniment for the Organ. T^midon . . . J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. A. 6. (2.) See Palestrixa (J. M.) Selection from the Works of Palestrina. . .with an accompaniment. . .bv J. M. Capes, etc. fol. XVIl'. C. 23. CAPORALE (Andrea) VI Solos for the Violon- cello. Printed for J. Johnson. . .lAindon. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 33. (1.) CAPTIVE. The Songs in the Comic Opera of the Captive . . . The Words by the Author of Love in a Village and the Music by the most Eminent Com- posers. [Arranged by C. Dibdin.] London . . . J. Johnston, etc. [1769.] obi. fol. XXVI. A. 26. (3.) CARAFA DE COLOBRANO (Michele Enrico) [Gabriella di Vergi.] Traditor paventa al campo. Duetto. . .ridotto per il Piano-Forte. Vienna presso Artaria e Conip. ohl. fol. 1 XXVIIL A. 10. (3.) 78 CAEBONELL— CAEULLT. CARBONELL (Giovanni Stefaxo) Sonato (l;i Caiiiei"i a ^'ilJliull, e Violone o Cembalo, itr. [Loyidon.} fol. LVIII. D. 37. CAREY (Henry) [Britannia.] He comes, ^l Tmo Pari Souij iu Britannia. .«. ah. fol. I. G. 37. (8.) Six Cantatas. . .The Words and Music by H. Carey. [Lomhm.] 1752. old. 4". II. E. 29. All the Songs in the New Entertainment of Cephahi.s and Procris, etc. Ldndnn. Printed fur )/'' Author, itr. fol. "XXXII. A. 4. (1.) Chrononhotonthologos. iSVe Bounce (B.) p.sc»^. 8". X. E. 13. (3.) The Songs, Duett and Dialogue in the Contrivances The Words ife Music by Mr. Carey. Lundan. Printed for y' Author, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 4. (2.) Here's to thee. A Diinliing Somj for 2 voices, the words by a Gentleman, etc. .s. ,s7«. fol. II. A. 20. (16.) The Musical Century, in One Hundred English Ballads, . . . the Words and Musick . . . liy H. Carey, etc. 2 vols. Liindan : Printed /'or tlic Aittltor .. . 1740. fol. ■ XVIII. E. 14. Nancy or the Parting Lo\ers. A jNIusical Interlude . . .The Words & Musick by Mr. Carey. London. Printed for tlie Author, etc. [1740.] fol. XXXII. A. 4. (3.) The Ke.solvo. [Song.] .«■. .s-7,. fol. II. B. 2. (7.) See TllKSAURUS Musicus. Thesaurus Musicus...by ...Carey, etc. fol. XXV. C. 29. CARISSIMI (GiACOMo) The Oratorios of Cari.ssiini, edited l)y F. Chrysandcr. Volume the First, C()n- taining . . . Jejshte, .Judicinra Salomonis, .Jonas, ]!al- tazar." 8°. IX. A. 7. (3.) Jonah. A Sacred Cantata . . . Adapted from the . . . Latin by H. Leslie. London, Lamhorn Cock d; Co., etc. 8". ■ IX. B. 16. [Virgo Davidica.j See Miscellanea. Miscellanea Sacra. . .Number I. Being the Mu.sic of Charissimi's Virgo Davidica, for one voice alone, adapted to a Part of Mr. Pope's Eclogue, etc. I'J'jG. fol. I. A. 17. (5.) See Pkatt (J.) A Collection of Anthems. . .Selected from the Works of .. .Carissimi, e/f. fol. XVII. D. 7. CARLTON (Richard) Madrigals to Fiue voyces, etc. Cantus. (Tenor.) 2 pt. Ljondou Printed hi/ Thomas Morlei/, etc. l5oi. 4". I. D. 3. Wnntinfj the first two leones [Title-jiaijc (0 dedication) of the Cnntus. CARMICHAEL (AIauv) Mass in E?. lAwdon. Homihton A L'o 1900. 8". IX. A. 18. b. (1.) CAROLAN (TuRLOucii) See Grktuv (A. E. M.) lliiliard ('(cur de Lion. . .by . . .Grotry. . .Cai-olan, etc. [17S6.] oW. fol. XXVII. A. 9.(3.) CAROSO (Fai!KIT|o) Nobilta di Dame. . . Libro, altra volta, (hiamato 11 Itallarino. iNuouamenti!. . .corretto, amiiliato di nu'. I!ook the First. London. . .A. Hamilton, etc. i„l. LXII. C. 15. (2.) Just in Time, a Comic Opera, etc. [The Poetry bj' Mr. Thomas Hurlstone.] London . . . Lonqman <£• Proderip, etc. [1792.] old. fol. XXVIL C. 12. (6.) The iporda iu hniclicts lot re heen erased from the TitJe- pa(/e. Lira Lira La . . . Air ... in the Surrender of Calais, with Variations, etc. Ljondon . . .J. Dale, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 22. (1.) The jNIilesian. A Comic-Opera . . . for the Voice, Harpsichord or Violin, c/c London. . . C. d S. Tliompson, etc. [1777.] i.W. fol. XXVII. B. 23. (5.) [Another copy.] The Milesian, etc. London. . . C. .e S. Thonipson, etc. [1777.] old. fol. XXVII. C. 9. (1.) Oh Nanny! wilt thou gang with me. Glee . . . har- monized for flri. f.)l. LXX. D. 13. (2.) CASE ((jEoKck) C>iic niiiulrcd Exercises, Studies it lv\lracts fniiii the Works of the Great Masters for tiie Violin, etc. Boasfi/. \^Ltiii(loii.] 8". LXIII. D. 22. (2.) CASTRUCCI (PiETRo) XTT Solos for a Violin with a Thorough JJass for the Harpsichord or l>ass Violin. Printed for I. WnhJi, etc. London, fol. LVIII. D. 37. (a.) CATCHES. A Collection of Catches, Canons, Glees, l>uets ikc. selected from the works of the most Eminent Composers, Antient & Modern, i vols. London. . .Miiz'w Clrinruli Actes, paroles do MM. E. Leterrier et A. Vanloo. . .Partition chant et piano. Pads. E. Gerard d- G", etc. [1883.] 8". X. A. 29. CHELARD (Ilii'i'DLVi'i'; .Andki': .Ikan ISaptiste) Mac- lieth, h('roische Oper in drey Acton nach Shakespeaix^ init teutschem und franzosischem Texte . . . Clavier- Auszug von T. Lachner, etc. Miinchcn. . . Falter u. Sohn. obi. fol. XXVI. A. 20. CHERICI (Seuaktiano) Compieta Conccrtata, e breue a ;> (• 1 v(jci, con Violini, e liipic^ni a beneplacito . . . ( )pera Terza, etc. 1 2 pts. In Buloyna per Giaconai Monti- 1686, etc. 4". I. C. 1. (4.) The C.A.T.B., C.A.T.B. llipieno, Viidino Primo, Vioiino Secondo, Bannetto and Onjano pjaris. CHERUBINI Salvaiiihej (Maria Luk:i Carlo Zenobio Arranacment. Sacred Music. a. Masses. b. Motets. Operas. Miscellaneous Vocal Music. Instrumental Music. 1. Sacred Music. a. Masses. Messe a trois voix, et choeurs avec accompagne- ments. [Pull score.] A Paris, a rimprimerie du Conservatoire, etc. fol. VI. C. 7. With Vincent Novella's autoijraph. [Another Copy.] ilesse a trois voix, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, a TLinprintcrie du Conservatoire, etc. fol. VI. C. 8. A jjrograninie of the first performance in England (1 Ajyril 1811) is inserted. Messe a trois voix et chonirs [in F] arrangee pour le Pianoforte, etc. A Leipziq, chcz F. Hofmeister, etc. ohl. fol. ' VI. D. 20. (1.) Deuxicme Messe Solennelle a quatre parties avec accompaguements a Grand Orchestre. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez VAulenr, etc. fol. VI. C. 9. Deuxieme Me.sse Solennelle a quatre parties de chant . . .Partition pour le piano arrange par C. Zulehner. ]h>nn, chez N. Simrock, ohl. fol. VI. D. 19. Missa Soleranis in D-raoll. Klavier-Au.szug von H. Ulrich. Leipzii) d Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 8°. IX. B. 19. Troisisme Messe Solennelle a trois parties en chojur avec accompagnements a grand orchestre. Executes au Sacre de S" M. le Hoi Charles X. [Full Score.] A Pari.% chez I'Auteur, etc. fol. VI. C. 10. Troisicme Messe Solennelh^ a trois parties de chant en cluvur. . .exeeutee au sacre de S.]\I. le Roi Charles X. . . .Partition pour le piano par C. Zulehner. Bonn chez N. Simrocl: oil. fol. VI. D. 21. (1.) Kronungs-Messe A-dur . . . Klavierauszug von H. Ulrich. Leipzit/ It. Berlin. C. F. Peters, etc. 8°. IX. B. 20. Cherubini's Third Solemn Mass for three Voices, Soprano, Tenor & Bass, adapted. . .for the Organ or Piano Forte, with an (ad lib.) Fourth Voice Part added... by J I. Corri. London, J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. C. 15. (10.) Quatrieme Messe Solennelle a 4 it a 5 parties, avec rccits, chii'iirs it .•iccoinpagncmciits a Grand Orchestre. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez I'Auteur, etc. f^l. VI. C. 10. CHERUBINI. 81 CHERUBINI (Maria Luigi Caiu.o Zenobio iSai.vatoke) — 1. Sacrkd Music. Vierte Messo in C dm- fiir vier solo Singstiinmon uiid Chor, 2 Violincn, Viola, Violoncello mid Contrabass, 2 Fliiten, 2 Ilolioeri, 2 Ciaiinetten, 2 Fagotto, 2 iriirner, 2 Tronijictcn und Pauken. [Parts.] Wirt), be! Toliias Ifasi;„;/n; <■!,: fol. VI. C. 18. (1.) Quatricme Messc Sok iincllo il t A- .5 parties. . .Parti- tion pour Ic Piano arranf,'e par C. Ziilchncr. Biiiiii chc:: Siiiinirl-, ol,l. fol. VI. D. 19. a. Finirth Mass (in C.) ... Edited, and the jiianoforte accompaniment aiTanged l)y B. Tours. London : Novelln, Ewer d Co. cfr. S . IX. A. 11. (1.) Petite Messe de la Sainte Trinite. . .sur les chants de r]*]glise en contrepoint mesure ii trois voix avec acconil)af;neiTient d'orgU(! (par L. Sejaux). A PariK, eliez Blehonlt, cte. f(',l. VI. C. 15. (2.) [Another copy.] Petite Messe de la Sainte Ti'inite, ete. o Paris, ehe:: Eieliinill,ele. fol. VI. C. 18. a. (1.) Messe de ]loi|uieni a ipiatre parties en cli(eur avec acconipagnenient a grand orehestre. [Full Score.] h Paris,' ehn I'Aufeur, ete. fol. VI. C. 15. (1.) [Another copy.] Messe do Requiem a quatre parties en eha?ur avec accompagnement ii grand orehestre. [Full Score.] « Paris, chcz I'Auicur, etc. fol. VI. C. 13. (1.) Requiem a quatre voix et ii grand orehestre. Par- tition . . . avec un arrangement pour le Piano Forte fait par A. F. Wustrow. Bonn et Cologne, chcz N. Siinroel-. fol. VI. c! 11. [Another copv.] Iiequiem, etc. Bonn et Cologne, chcz N. Simroel. fol. VI. C. 12. Missa pro defunctis. Ke([uieni fur ^liinnerstiuimen. Klavierauszug. Leipzie/, hei Breitltopf & Hartel. fol. VI. C. 17. Deuxieme Messe de lle(|uioni, pour voix d'hommes avec accompagnement a grand orehestre ou piano. « Paris, ehez VAuteur, cte. fol. VI. C. 14. b. Motets. Six ffiuvres choisis de Musicpio religieuse en partition d'orchestre et forte piano. . . 1. Ecce Panis. Solo pour Tenor ou Soprano. 2. Pater Noster, h quatre voix. 3. Ave Maria. Solo pour Soprano ou Tenor. 4. Lauda Sion, a deux voix egales. 5. Sanctus, O Salutaris. Solo pour Tenor ou vSoprano. 6. Tantum ergo, ii cinq voix. 6 Nos. a Paris, chez Porro, ete. fol. With Vincent Novella's antograph. VI. C. 16. Musique Religieuse en G*"^ Partition et Piano ou Orgue. 1. Confirma hoc Deus, a 3 voix. . . 2. O fons amoris Spiritus, Hymne a solo. . .et choeurs, a 3 voix. 3. Inclina Domine. . .a quatre voix. . .4. Regina Creli a (piatre voix. 4 nos. Paris, Sehonetihcrger. fol. VI. C. 18. a. (2.) [Another cojiy.] Musique Religieuse en G'''' Partition et Piano ou Orgue. No. 1. Confirma hoc Deus, a 3 voix, etc. Paris, Schonenherger. fol. VI. C. 15. (3.) K.C.M.C. CHERUBINI (Mahia Luir.i Carlo Zenobio Sai.vatokkj 1. Sacred Music. The Choral Fugues from the Masses and Motetts of . . .Cherubini, ari'anged for the Organ ... by IT. J. Gauntlett. Nos. 1,2. Lonar Mr. Fillette-Loraux, etc. [Full Score.] [P((r/x.] Chez H. Naderman, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 7. Ijodoiska, etc. [2"'' Edition, enlarged. Full Score.] A Paris, chez Pacini, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 8. Lodoiska . . . arrangee en Quat\iors . . . par H. Spengel. 3 Liv. [Parts.] Chez Brcitkopf d Hartel a Leipsic. fol. LXI. C. 1. (13.) [Lodoiska.] Ouverture ... a grand orchestre, etc. [Parts.] A Paris chez H. Naderman, etc. fol. LXI. A. 1. (52.) Medee. Opera en III. Actes. Paroles d'Hoffmann, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez Janet et Cotellr, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 5. Medee. Opera en ITT. Actes, etc. [P. F. Score.] A Paris chez Lnbault, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 4. Medee . . . Opera arrangee en Quatuors . . . par .J. F. Mosel. [Parts.] Vienne. . .J. Cappi, etc. fol. LXL C. 1. (12.) Medee. . .Ouverture, etc. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez Imhnult, etc. fol. LXI. A. 1. (54.) .3. Miscellaneous Vocal Music. Chant sur la Mort de Joseph Haydn a trois voix, avec accompagnements, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris. Chez Imbniilt, etc. fol. VI. C. 13. (3.) La Liberia a Nice. Canzonetta di ]\Ietastasio. . .per due voci con acconipagnamento di Piano Forte o Harpa. . .Book 1"'. London. . .R. Birchall, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 26. (2.) 4. Instrumental Mdsic. Ouverturen fiir Orchester. Partitur. 9 Nos. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf & Hartel. 8". LVIII. A. 23. [Another copy.] Ouverturen fiir Orchester. Par- titur. Nos. 2. 4 and 7. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf & Hartel. 8". LXIII. D. 15. (1.) Cherubini's Grand Overtui-es, adapted for Two Violins, a Flute, Two Tenors, a Violoncello it Double Ba.ss. . . by W. Watts. Nos. 1-9. 3 liks. [Parts.] London. Puhlishcd for the Editor, etc. fol. LXL A. 2. (22.) Trois Quatuors. . .CE. P". 3 Nos. [Parts.] Paris, chez Pacini, etc. fol. LXI. C. 3. (10-12.) Sei Senate per Cembalo, etc London . . . Longman and Broderip, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 24. (2.) CHETHAM (John) A Book of Psalmody . . The Seventh Fdilion, with larg(! Additions, etc. London : Printed hi/ 11. Brown, etc. 1745. 8". IX. C. 20. A Book of Psalmody. . .Tlu^ Ninth lOdition, with largo Additions, e/c. Leeds: Printed... by G. Wright, etc. 1767. 8°. IX. C. 21. CHIAROMONTE— CHOPIN. 83 CHIAROMONTE (Francesco) L'Art de Phraser et do Oadciuer. Le(;ons do (Jliaiit pour developper Ic Mudium di' la Voix. Pnris, Srh,ll, elc. 8". XXIX. C. 18. CHILCOT (Thomas) Twt'lvc Knglisli Sonys with their Symphouies, eti: London. . .J. Johnson, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 24. (4.) CHILD (William) Choisi; Musick to the Psaliiies of Dauid for Three Voices with a contiuuall Base (iither for the Organ or Theorbo, elf. [4 Separate Pts.] London Printed for John Phiyford, elc. 1656. ohl. i". ' ' II. C. 4. Engraved throughout Child's [Morning, Evening and Communion] Service in G. See Boosey and Co. Boosey A Co.'s . . . Standard Services, etc. No. .5. 4". IX. A. 23. (1.) Morning Service in. . .G. Te Deuin and .Juhilate. [London.] 1864. 4". IX. A. 19. (26.) No. 38 of ' The Choir.' Evening Service in ... G, f;/c. [London,] i86/\. 4". No. 34 of ' The Choir.' IX. A. 19. (24.) O clap your Hands together Voices. [London,] 8". Part of ' The Paclxh Choir.' Anthem for four IX. A. 20. (40.) O praise the Lord, laud ye the Name of the Lord . . . Anthem for six Voices. [London.] !~>". Part of ' The Pn/-/,sA Choir.' IX. A. 20. (49.) CHIPP (Edmund Thomas) The Harmonious Black- smith ! For the Organ. . .Op. 1. London. . . J. A. Novello, elc. fol. LXII. C. 12. (7.) Two occasional Hymns. . .Op. 14. 2 Nos. London, Addison, Holller it Lucas, etc. fol. VI. A. 6. (7.) Job. An Oratorio ... Pianoforte Score, f'^'. London, Ewer (£- Co. 8«. IX. A. 8. (1.) Naomi. A Sacred Idyll . . . The orchestral accompani- ments arranged for the pianoforte by the Composer. London. Novello, Eirer anil Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 4. (4.) Three Sketches for the Organ . . . Op. 8. No. 1 (No. 3.) 2 Nos. London. . .Grane & Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 12. (3.) 24 Sketches for the Organ . . . Op. 1 1 . Books 1 , 2,3, 6, 8 & 9. London, Addison, Holller i,f&Eartel. fol. LXII. C. 4. (8.) 17 Polish Soni;s . . . for a Soprano or Tenor Voice, with accompaniment for the Pianoforte. . .Translated from the German. . .by J. Troutbeck. Op. 74. London, S. Lucas, Weber ({• Co., etc. 4". X. A. 31. Valse brillante. . .Op. 34. No. 1. London, Cramer & Co., etc. fol. LVIII. E. 6. (14.) [Waltzes. Op. 18.] Invitation pour la Danse, etc. London, Brciver irocloui' clans rEmbanas. Opura Boutt'on en deux Actes. . .Paroles de Mr. D**"'. [Full Scoic] APtirls. Chez Sieher pere, etr. f,,l. XXIII. A. 9. 11 iVlatriiiionio Segrcto. Drannna giocoso in due Atti, (lu IjO AFariage Secret. . .paroks t'ranraiscs (1(! jMoline. [I''u!l Score.] A Paris, ch-y. IiiiIiiikII, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 10. II Matriraonio Segreto . . . Arrange pour le Pianoforte par Arnold. Paroles italiennes et allemandes. A. Bonn, chez N. Simrock obi. fol. XXVI. A. 22. a. Matrimonio Segretto. Grande Opera. . .arrangee en Quatuors pour deux Violons Alto und Violoncelle. 2 Jjivi-. [Parts.] a Bonn chez Sintroelc, etc. fol. LXI. C. 2. (34.) [II Matrimonio Segreto.] Cai'a, car;i non duhilar. Duetto, ('/('. In Vienna [n-esno Artitnn ('iuiijj. nil. tol. XXVIII. A. 6. (12.) [II Matrimonio Segreto.] Perdonate 8ignor mio. Aria Buffii, etc. [Full Score.] Tn NopoJi. Piesxo L. Marescalchi, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 6. (1.) [II Matrimonio Segreto.] Pria clie spunti . . . Aria Bufia, etc. [Full Score.] In Napoli. Presso L. 3Ii(re,^c(ilc]ti, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 28. (1.) (Jli Orazi e I Curiazi. Opera seria del Signor Sograti . . .Paroles franc^aises de ftloline. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez ImbauU, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 11. (ill Ora/i ed I Curiazi. Opera Seria. . .aggiustata per il Piano-forte par Arnold. Pre.sso N. Simrock in Bonua. obi. f.,1. XXVIII. A. 23. CLAGGET (Walter) Six Solos and Six Scots Airs with Variations for the Violin or Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord . . . Opra i''"*. London . . . Thompson dt Sons, etc. fol. LXII. B. 12. (1.) CLARE (Edward) D"' Watts's Divine and Moral Songs composed and adapted. . .by E. Clare, etc. London. . .B. Cocks cfc Co., etc. [1838.] 8". IX. B. 22. CLARI (Giovanni Carlo Maria) Fiinf italienische Duette. . . herausgegeben von F. Clirysander. Leipzig... 1 8(^2. 8". XXXIII. C. 27. b. (2.) Supjplenienis of the Handel Soc. No. 4. Sei Madrigali ... Parte Prima. [London.] fol. XXIII. A. 12. (1.) Sei Madrigali. . .Parte Prima. Londra. . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. XI. D. 22. (2.) See Pratt (J.) A Collection of Anthems. . .Selected from the Works of. ..Clari, f/f. fol. XVII. D. 7. CLARK (Frederick Scotson) Ave Maria in A. [Violin and P. F.] London, Augener & Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 11. (7.) Ave Maria for Organ. London, Augener <£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (10.) Marche aux Flambeaux. Oigau. London, Augener (& Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (9.) CLARK (Jeremiah) of Worcester. Eight Songs with the Jn.strumental Parts, etc. London. Printed for the Author. . .liij C. Thonipnon, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 13. CLARK (Thomas) A Sett of Psalm it Hymn Tune.s with sonu! Select Picx'cw and an Anthem, etc. (A second Set of Psalm it I fymn Tunes, etc.) (A Third Set of Psalm it Hymn Tunes, etc.) (A Fourth .set of Psalm & Hymn Tunes, (7c.) 4 pt. Printed for the Author. . . by J. Peck, etc. London, obi. 8". IX. C. 22. CLARK (Richard) ^SVe Brewer (T.) Eternal King to Thee we sing. . . .Ari-angcd by R. Clark, etc. 1846. fol XI. E. 27. (14*.) »SV'e Greene (M.) Six Fidl Anthems. . .published by R. Clark, etc. fol. VI. A. 8. (10.) CLARKE (James Hamilton Siueh) When Thou with l!el)uk(!S. Full Anthem. London: Melzler ,t Co., etc. 1877. 8". IX. A. 18. (14.) No. 540 -;/■ ' The Choir.' CLARKE (Jeremiah) The Bonncy grey Ey'd ^lorn. A Scotch Song in the Fond Husband. . .Sung by Mrs. Willis and exactly engravd by Tho: Cross, s. sh. fol. IL A. 32. (8.) Cease that inchanting Song. A Song on a Lady's Singing. . .exactly engrav'd bv Tho: Cross. s. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (36.) I'm vex'd to think. .4 ,SV)«(/. . .exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cro.ss. s. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (37.) I'se no more to shady coverts. [Song.] Sung by Mrs. Temple, s. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (32.) I will love Thee, O Lord. Verse Anthem for Tenor and Bass . . . the Organ part by V. Novello. London.. .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 6. (8.) Jockv was as brisk. TSong.J Sung bv !Mis. Cro.ss, itr. .s. .^h.'iol. ■" " II. B. 2. (34.) Kneel, oh kneel. A Song in the Opera call'd Cynthia it Endymion . . . sung by Mis. Temple and exactly engrav'd by T. Cross. *•. .s/,. fol. II. A. 32. (10.) So sweet's the charm. A Song in Madam Fickle. . . Sung by Mrs. Lucas and exactly engrav'd by Tho: Croiss. s. sh. fol. II. A. 32. (6.) When Maids live to thirty. A Song in the Cornish Comedy Sung by Mr. Leveredge . . . exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross, s. sh. fol. II. A. 32. (9.) When Maids live to thirty. A Song in the Play call'd the Corni.sh Comedy. . .Sung by Mr. Leveredge. Grav'd and Printed for H. Plai/f'ord I. Walsh and I Hare. s. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (31.) Young Corydon and Phyllis. A Song sett by Mr. Jer: Clarke, s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (18.) [Another copy.] Young Corydon and Phyllis. A Song, etc. s. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (17.) See Croft (W.) Six Select Anthems ... by ... J. Clarke, etc. fol. I. A. 17. (3.) 86 CLAEKE— CLEMENTI. CLARKE (JEREMiAn) See Harmonia Sacra. Har- luouia Sacra . . . (Book II. The 2d. Edition . . . Also Three . . . Anthems . . . by . . . Mr. Jer. Clark.) 1 7 1 4. fol. I. G. 28. See Harpsicord jSIastkr. The Second Book of the- Harpsicord Master Containing. . .Lessons. . .By .. . Mr. Chirk, etc. 1700. ohl. i". 1. F. 10. (1.) See Harpsicord Master. The Third Book of the Harpsicord Master. Being a Collection of. . .Lessons . . .By Mr. ler. Clark, efe. 1702. obi. i°. I. F. 10. (2.) See Pdrcell (I).) and Clarke (J.) The Single Songs in. . .The World in the Moon, etc. 1697. fol. n. A. 31. (9.) See Williams (A.) Royal Harmony . . . Containing . . .Anthems. . .by. . .J. Clark, etc. 1766. ohl. fol. XI. C. 52. CLARKE, afterwards CLARKE WHITFELD (.John) Fifteen Favorite Anthems . . . selected from the Compositions of Croft, Greene, W. Hayes, Boyce, Kent, Nares, J. Clarke, etc. With a Separate Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. 2 vols. London... R. Birchall, etc. fol. VI. C. 20. [Church !Musie.] A Morning and Evening Service with Six Anthems . . . Vol. I. (A Mi-scellaneous Volume of Morning and Evening Services, in Score, with twenty four chants . . . Vol. 2 ) (Twelve Anthems in Score. . .Vol. 3.) 3 Vols. London, jrrinted for the Antlior hy Broderiji <£• Wi}lr/vt--on, etc. fol. VI. C. 19. (1.) The Services and Anthems, in vocal score... with a separate accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte by V. Novello. Nos. 6, 21, 24, 32, 36, 37, 40 &: 41. London. . .J. A. NoccUo, etc. fol. VI. A. 6. (9.) By the Waters of Babylon. Verse Anthem. London... C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 20. (17.) [Another copy.] By the Waters of Babylon. Verse Anthem. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (6.) A Sacred Oratorio in two parts, entitled The Cruci- fixion and the Resurrection . . . with a subjoined accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, etc. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. VI. E. 6. A Penitential Anthem for His Majesty's Recovery, 180], etc. London. Printed for tltc Author hy liroderip & Wilkinson, etc. fol. VI. C. 19. (2.) Turn holy Father. A Glee for Four Voices, etc. London. . .liroderiji & Wilkinson, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 24. (5.) Weep no more. Duo, for a Soprano (or Tenor) and Bas.s, etc. Lonilon . . . liroderij) (f- Wilkinson, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 26. (1.) See Haenuel (G. F.) The Vocal Works of Handel with a separate accompaniment. . .for the organ or Piano-Forte. By Dr. John Clarke. 1-5 vol.s. fol. IV. D. 1. See Haendkl (G. F.) Acis and Galatea. . . .Air.inged . . .by Dr. .F.ihn Clarke, etc. 1855. fol. V. C. 13. CLARKE, afterwards CLARKE WHITFELD (.John) See Haendel (G. F.) Alexander's Feast. . . Ai-ranged ... by Dr. John Clarke, c/c. fol. IV. B. 28. See Haendel (G. F.) Samson. . .Arranged. . .by Dr. John Clarke, e/c. 1856. 8". ' XVII. E. 21. See Hayes (P.) The Lord descended from .-dxjve. Anthem. . .arranged Ijy Dr. J. Clarke, fol. VI. A. 2. (7.) See Locke (M.) The. . .Music. . .in. . .Macbeth. . . arranged by J. Clarke, etc. [1822.] fol. XXIV. A. 6. (2.) See Pergolese (G. B.) [Confiteor. Sanctum et terrihile.^ O Lord, have mercy ... [Air] arranged by Dr. J. Clarke, fol. XVIII. B. 29. (11.) See Purcell (H.) The Beauties of Purcell . . . arranged. . .by J. Clarke, etc. [1809.] fol. XXIV. D. 21. CLASING (JoHANN (Heinrich) Quartetto pour le Forte-Piano, Violon, Alte & Violoncelle. . .CEuv. 3. N" I. [Separate Parts.] Hamhounj. dies J. A. Bdlimc. ohl. fol. & fol. XXVIIL B. 27. CLAY (Frederick) Le Point du Jour. Romance, eic. Liindon. Chnjipell it Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (5.) A presentation cojjy from the composer to Sir (t. Grove. The Rose. Part Song for five voices. Poetry by Mrs. Freake. Mctzler d- Co. [London.] 4". X. F. 6. (2.) The Shades of Evening close around. Song, etc. London, Cramer, Beale & Wood, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 25. (6.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir G. Grove. She wandered down the Mountain side. Song, etc. London, Boosey & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (7.) CLAYTON (Thomas) Songs in the New Opera called Rosamond. London ... J. Walsh . . . and P. Bandall, etc. [1707.] fol. XXXII. A. 2. (1.) See Arsinoe. Songs in the Opera call'd Arsinoe, etc. [By. T. Clayton.] [1705.] fol. XXXII. A. 1. (2.) CLEMENT (Alfred F.) Bow down Thine ear, O Lord. Anthem for two voices with chorus, etc. London, W. Dunlcley, etc. fol. VI. A. 6. (10.) CLEMENTI (Muzio) Oeuvres Complettes, etc. Cah. 11-10, 12. Breilkopf & Hiirlel a Lcipsic. ohl. fol. LXX. C. 5. M. dementi's Conipositionem. IV. Band. Sechs Sonaten fiir das Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden. Heraus- gegeben. . .von J. Kiiorr. Wolfenhilttcl . . . L.llolle. fol. LVIII E. 8. (4.) Ausgevviihlte Sonaten und andcre Werke fiir das I'ianoforte, etc. Sonatc Op. 3G. No. 1. (Toccata, lidur.) 2 Nos. Slnttifort . . .L.G.Cotta. . .i^-]^. fol. LVIII. E. 8. (2.) No«. 7 (Hid II (;/' Faisst (0 Lchert's 'Instructive Ausijidii.' CLEMENTI. 87 CLEMENTI (Muzio) The Waek .Tokn with 21 \'ari:i(i(ins fur the Piano Forte (ir ] r;if]isich(ird . . . by Signor M. C Lonflon. . .LrnK/tiKiii if lir<»lirip, etc obi. fol. ' XXVIII. B. 30. (7.) Caprice pour le Clavecin, eir. dies J. J. Hummrl. . . Berlin, etc. fol. LVIII. E. 10. a. (1.) Deux Caprices pour Clavecin. . .Opera 3G [or .'54]. a Parix. Cht'Z ImhaiiU, rlr. fol. LVIII. E. 10. a. (2.) La Cliasse pour le Clavecin. . .avec racconipagnement d'un Violon. Chez J. J. Hummel. . .licrlin, etc. fol. The P. F. part only. LVIII. E. 10. a. (3.) A favourite Duett for two Performers on one Piano Forte, etc. London. . .Longman and Brorlcrqj, etc. fol. LXII. E. 22. (9.) VI Fugues for the Piano Forte or Organ, etc. London . . . J. Hamilton, etc. fol. LVIII. E. 10. a. (4.) [Three Fugues, from Op. V.] oil. fol. Wantlniithe Title-parjc. XXIX. B. 7. (8.) Gradus ad Parnassum, ou L'Art de jouer le Pianoforte deinontre par des Exercices, etc. 3 Vol. Lripzi Cloris. A new Song. s. sh. t'ol. I. G. 37. (12.) CLOTILDA. So[igs in the New Opera, call'd Clotilda, (!h: I. Wnhh...d- P.IiawMl,<'tc. [1709.] fol. By Conti and anonymowt. XXXII. B. 7. (1.) [Another copy.] Songs in the New Opera call'd Clotilda, fir. I. Wolsli. . .-l- P. Piawhill, ,-tr. [1709.] fol. XXXII. A. 3. (5.) CLOUGH (TiiriiSTON B.) Sec Taylor (.1. B.) Hours of Melody. . .by. . .T. U. Clough, etc fol, XXXV. C. 28. (1.) COBB (Gekard Francis) Three English Ballads... No. 1 . Ah I County (iuy . . . No. 2. A wet sheet and a flowing sea. No. .3. She is not fair to outward view. .3 nos. London, Reid Bros., ete. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (8.) Presented hi/ the conqjoser to Sir G. Grove, Nov. 27, 1884. The Heart ever faithful. A Set of four Songs, words by R. S. Hichens. Opus IT. 4 nos. London: WeeJces d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (9.) Six Songs for Baritone or Mezzo Soprano with English and German Words. London, Augener <& Co., etc. 1885. fol. XXXII. C. 24. (1.) Six Songs, w'ords by W. Fergusson. Op. 19. London, E. Ascherberg (i Co., etc. 4°. X. F. 7. (2.) COBB (John) Smiths are good fellows. Glee. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 20. (8.) COCCHI (GiOACCHiNo) The Favourite Songs in... Giro Riconosciuto. London. . . I. Walsh, etc. [1759.] fol. XXXII. A. 27. (10.) The Favourite Songs in... Giro Riconosciuto. 2°* Coll. London... L Walsh, etc. [1759-] fi'l- XXXII. B. 5. (3.) The Favourite Songs in. . .La Famiglia in Scompiglio. London... L. Walsh, etc. [1762.] fol. XXXII. A. 30. (9.) The Favourite Songs in . . . Issipile. London . . . I. Walsh, etc. [1758.] fol. XXXII. A. 27. (6.) The Songs in. . .Seniiramide Riconoseiuta, etc. London. . .Welcker, etc. [1771-] fol. XXXII. A. 28. (3.) The Favourite Songs in. . .Zenobia. London. . . I. Walsh, etc. [1757.] fol. XXXII. A. 27. (4.) See Delizie dell' Opere. Le Delizie dell' Opere. Being . . . Songs . . . from . . . Operas compos'd by . . . Cocchi, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 1. R.C.M.C. COGHLAN (.James Petku) An Essay on the Church Plain Chant, etc. 'i pt. London. . . J. P. Coghlan, etc. 1782. 8°. IX. C. 24. COLASSE (PA.SCAL) See Lullv (J. B.) and CuLAssK (P.) Achille et Poli.xene. Tragedie niise en Musique, etc. 1688. 4". I. C. 28. COLBORNE (Langdon) See Ouseley (Sir F. A. G.) Hagar. . .the Pianoforte Part arranged. . .bv T>. Col- borne, e/c. 1873. fol. XVII. C. 18. COLE (James Pauky) A Romance of the Harem. Opera, libretto by A. Sketchlcy. [P. F. Score.] London : J. B. Cramer (t Co., etc. 8°. X. A. 32. COLE (William) The Ps.ilmodists Exercise or a Set of Psalm Tunes and Anthems, all entirely new, etc. Printed for John Share at Ii>siclcli . . .and sold In/ ('. and S. Thompson... London, fol. XI. A. 21. (8.) COLEMAN (Charles) See Courtly Masquino Ayres. Courtly Masquing Ay res. . .of two Parts. . . by. ..C. Colman, e/c. 1662. oW. 4". I. F. 8. See Select Musxcall Ayres. Select Musicall Ayres . . .Composed by. . .Charles Colman, etc. 1652. fol. II. A. 26. COLERAINE (Henry) Baron. See Hake (H.) Baron Colcraine. COLET (Hippolyte Raimond) See Chants et Chansons. [Chants et Chansons . . . de la France . . . Accompagnement de Piano par . . . Colet, etc.] 8°. X. A. 33. COLIN. Colin and Phcebe. [Song.] See Where. Where the Jessamine sweetens, etc. s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (15.) COLLIN (Charles) The Church Organist. . .Book 1. Londan . . .Novello, Ewer (C Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (5.) COLLINET ( ) Les Soirees de Famille. Recueil . . . ou Choix de Danses . . . avec Figures varices . . . pour le Piano. Reunies. . .par Collinet, etc. a Paris, chcz Collinet, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 29. (3.) COLONNA ((JiovANNi Paolo) Messe Piene a Otto Voci Con vno, o due Organi se place. . .Opera Quinta. Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Primo Choro. (Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Secondo Choro.) (Organo Primo (Secondo).) 10 pt. In Bologna, 1684. Per Giacomo Monti, etc. 4". I. C. 1. (2.) The autograph of J. C. Pepusch is on the title-pages. Messa, Salmi, e Respon.sori Per li Defunti a otto voci pieni . . . Opera Sesta, etc. Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Primo Choro. (Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Secondo Choro.) (Organo Primo (Secondo).) 10 pt. In Boloana per Giacomo Monti. iCSj, etc. 4". I. B. 5. [Another copy.] Messa, Salmi, e Responsori Per li Defonti a otto voci pieni . . . Opera Sesta, etc. Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Primo Choro. (Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Secondo Choro.) (Organo Prime (Secondo).) 10 pt. In Bologna per Giacomo Monti. 1685, etc. 4». ■ I. C. 1. (3.) N 90 COLONNA— COOKE. COLONNA (Giovanni Paolo) Psalmi octo vocibus ad rituiii Ecclesiasticae Musices concinendi, cfe ad primi, & secundi Organi sonum accommodati. Liber Tertius . . . Opus undecimum. Caatus ( Altus) (Tenor) (Bassus) Primus Chorus. (Cantus (Altus) (Tenor) (Bassus) Secundus Chorus.) (Organum Primum (Secundum).) 10 pt. Boitouise. 1694. Typis Petri- luariae dc MantiJius, etc. 4°. I. B. 6. Tlicre is 11 second enijraved tith'-paije lo each imrl. COME. Come Chloris leave waiuFring sheep. To Chhins. [Song.] s. sh. M. I. G." 37. (21.) Come, Sir, my Lesson I'll repeat. Tlie Simjltuj Master and Pupils. A Catch for Three Voices, s. .sh. fol. II. B. 2. (28.) Come then God of soft desire. A new Sox;/ sung at the puhlick Gardens, s. sh. M. I. G. 37. (30.) COMEDIA IN COMEDIA. The Favourite Songs in. . .La Comedia in Comedia. London. . . I. Walsh, etc. [1748.] fol. XXXII. A. 30. (1.) COMES AMORIS. Comes Amoris ; or the Com- panion of Love. Being a Choice Collection of the Newest Songs. . .with a Thorow Ba.ss to each Song for the Harpsichord, Theorbo, or Bass- Viol. The First (Second) (Fourth) Book. London, Printed hij Nat. Tlannpson for John Carr and Sam. Scott... i68j (1688) (169^. fol. II. A. 31. (1.) SooJe II is printed, by Tho. Moore and Book IV hi/ J. Heptinstall. At tho end of Book II is ' A Smatl Collection of the Newest Catches,' printed on 4 2>ai/es, pnije 2 of which is dated 1G87 and printed for J. Carr, and pai/e 4 with the same date printed for S. Scott. Fid. G _' of Booh IV is mutilated. [Another copy.] Comes Amoris . . . The First Book. London, Printed hy Nat. Thompson for Jidin Carr and Sam. Scott, etc. 1687. fol. " II. B. 3. (2.) Comes Amoris : or the Companion of Love . . . The Third (Fifth) Book. 2 Bks. London, Printed hy T. Moore and J. Heptinstall, for John Carr and Sam. Scott (J. Heptinstall for Jidin 'Carr), etc. 1689 (1694). fol. II. B. 4. COMMER (Franz) Collectio Operum Musicorum l;ala\()rum .saeculi XVI. 8 torn. Berolini apud T. Triiutwein (Maijunliae . . . e.c taherna musices B. Schiitt JilioTum), etc. fol. XI. A. 1. Musica Sacra, etc. Band l(-4). 4 vols. Berlin, hei E. Bote and G. Jioch, etc fol. XI. A. 2. Bd. I is of the -211,1 rdition. Bd. IV wants Nos. 26-28. CONCONE (GUKKPPE) oO Singing Lcs.sons for Voices of Medium Compa.ss . . . Newly edited . . . liy H. Blower. G. Ricordi & Co.. . .London, fol. LXX. C. 29. (1.) CONDELL (lIl'.Nltv) 'J'he Overture and Si.\ Sonatas fol llir I'iaiio Forte. Tlje Thein(!S. . .taken from... the ... Ballet of the Knchant(!d Island (foMri(l(Hl on Sliakfrspeaie's TcMiipe.st) by Mr. lawcett, etc. yijiind(in.\ T. 7'. Bciinison, etc. | 1 804.] fol. XXXII. A. 15. (3.) In Bonia per Valeria Dorico V Anno 1558. CONDELL (Henry) Who wins? or the Widow's Choice, a . . . Musical Piece, etc. dementi (6 Co., etc. [London, 1808]. fol. XXXII. A. 15. (4.) The title-page is signed hy the coiiqioser. CONFORTI (Giovanni Battista) Di Gio. Battista Conforti II Primo Libro de Ricercari a quattro Voci, Nuouamente da lui Composti, & dati in luce. Cantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Bassus.) 4 pt. -'------ ^,11 40 I. E. 16. (8.) CONFORTI (NicoLo) The Favourite Songs in . . . Antigono, etc. London, Printed for I. Oswald, etc. [1757.] fol. XXXII. A. 27. (2.) CONINCK (J. B. de) Six Walzes pour le Piano Forte avec Accompagnement de Tambour de Basque, etc. A Paris, chcz Bochsa Pere, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 29. (2.) CONSCIOUS LOVERS. A Song with Symphony for the Entertainment of Indiana in the Conscious Lovers. [Begins : " From place to place."] fol. II. A. 20. (22.) CONSTANTIN (Charles) See Offenb.\ch (J.) La Jolie Parfumeuse . . . Partition Chant et Piano, arrangee par C. Constantin. 8". X. C. 16. (1.) CONVERSI (Girolamo) When all alone. Madri- gal for S. S. A. T. B. London : Novello, Ewer iniicr...l78.5, (*;. (-6/. fol. XXVIII. A. 18. (2.) Collins's Ode on the Pa.ssions, etc. [Full Score.] London. Printed for the Author, etc. 1784. fol. XVII. B. 28. (3.) lAnollier copy. | ('oiiins's Ode on the J'assions, etc. I Full Score. I London. Printed for the Author, etc. 1784. fol. XXIII. A. 14. (2.) rOOKT'. -COT^l !ETT. 91 COOKE (Bkx.iamin) [Soi-vice in G.] To Doum kiuilanius, J ululate Doo, aiul Kyrie eleison . . . with Sanctus hy Brian [i.e. A. Hryne]. Arranged . . . by E. Sturgcs. London. . .J. Surman, cic fol. XVIII. B. 20. (3.) Cooko'.s [Morning, Coniiiiuiiinn and Evening] Service in (!. Ser JJoosky and Ch. ISoosey it Oo.'s. . . Standard Services, etr. No. 7. .S". IX. A. 23. (1.) See Amcshmknt kou thk Lahik.s. Amusement for the Ladies. . .Glees. . .by. . .Dr. Cooke, etc nhl. fol. XXVI. A. 3. See Bishop {Sir \\. K.) [3Iltlsii.mincr Nif/ht's Urenin.] The . . . Music in . . . Midsummer Night's Dream . . . the whole. . .■with the exc9])tion of five Pieces altered from Arne. . . Dr. Cooke & Handel. . .by H. K. Bishop, etc. [i8i6.] fol. XVIII. D. 3. (6.) See Callcott (J. W.) The Piofessioiial Collection of Glees ... by ... Callcott, Cooke, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 18. (3.) Sec Galliaiu) (J. E.) The Morning Hymn . . . from . . . Milton's Paradise Lost . . . The Overture, Accom- panyments it Choruses added by B. Cooke, fol. XI. E. 2. (1.) See Ltnley (W.) Shakspeare's . . . Songs . . . selected . . . from the works of . . . Cooke, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 4. COOKE (Matthew) Twelve P.salm Tunes in four parts composed for the use of the church at North Minis, etc. London . . . H. Holland, etc. fol. XI. A. 21. (3.) COOKE (Rohurt) Eight Glees, etc. London . . . li. Birchall, etc. 1S05! oW. fol. XXVIIL A. 16. (2.) Nine Glees and Two Duets . . . Opera V. London .. .Longman it Brodrriji, (Ic. 17,15. ohl.io]. XXVIIL A. 18. (1.) [Another copy.] Nine Glees and Two Duets, etc. London . . . Lontpnan & Brodcrip, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 21. (2.) Invocation to Friendship and Harmony. A Glee for Eight Voices. London . . . B. Birchall, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (4.) See Glees. A Selection of Glees . . . being the Com- positions of . . . R. Cooke, etc. ohl. fol, XXVIIL A. 20. (2.) COOKE (Thomas Simpson) The Count of Anjou . . . A Musical Romance, etc. London . . . J. Fentum, etc. [1806.] fol. XXXIL A. 21. (4.) Faustus. A ]\Iusical Romance . . . by T. Cooke, C. E. Horn and H. R. Bishop, etc. London . . . Gonldin(/ d- D'Alniaine, etc. [1825.] fol. XVIIL D. 16. (3.) The title-page is signed hy Bishop. Fill me boy as deep a draught. A Glee . . . with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, etc. London, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 34. (5.) Six Glees for Three and Four Voices with an Accom- paniment for the Piano Forte, etc. London, itc. fol. XXXIL B. 35. (26.) See Webek (C. M. F. E. von) Abon Hassan . . . adapted ... by T. Cooke, etc. fol. XXV. D. 18. COOKE (Wii.mam) See Moklkv (T.) The Canzonets and M.adrigals for Three and Four Voices, etc. [Edited by W. W. Holland and W. Cooke.] ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 28. COOMBS (James Morkis) Eight Canzonets with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, etc. London. . . Preston, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 26. (3.) A Presentation CopiJ from the composer to Mrs. Windsor. The Te Deum and .Jubilate as performed at Salisbury Cathedral, etc. London . . . Preston & Son, etc. fol. VI. A. 19. (3.) COOPER (Ai.exandkh Samuel) Six Anglican Chants, to 1)0 sung in uiii.son, with a varied accompaniment for the organ. Second Edition. Norello, Eicer and Co. : [London, c/c] 8". IX. A. 18. (15.) COOPER (Geohoe) Organ Ai rangements, f!/c. No. 14. London . . . Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (6.) The Organist's Manual. Con.sisting of Select 3Iove- nients . . . from the works of eminent comjiosers. Edited by G. Cooper. Nos. 1, 8, 10, 12, 1-"). 17, il- 21. London, Addison & Hollier, etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (12.) G. Cooper's . . . Tutor for the Organ. Newly edited and revised by .J. F. Bridge, etc. London : J. B. Cramer <£• Co., etc. 'i°. XXIX. C. 19. COOPER (.losEPii Thomas) The Twenty-three Ancient Chants for the Psalms, taken . . . from Guidetti . . . Harmonized ... by J. T. Cooper. London : Novello and Co., etc. 4". IX. C. 23. The Cambridge Chimes. Voluntary for the (;rgan, etc. Cambridge. Ling & Son, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (7.) Sonata Ecclesiastia for the Organ. . .Op. .32. London, Augener <£■ Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (11.) See Mozart (W. A.) Grand Fugue in G minor . . . Edited, with an Introsichoril with an acconipanyment for a Violin . . .Op. 1st. Edinburyh. . .Corri <£• Sutherlcmd, etc. fol. LXII. A. 16. CORRI (PlliLii- Antonv) Concerto da Camera, for the Piano Forte, with Accompaniments for Two Violins, Flute, Viola it Violoncello, etc. No. 2. London. . .Cliiipprll ,{; Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 12. (3.) The P. F. part only. COSIMI (Nicola) [12 Sonatas, dedicated to the Duke of Bedford.] 1702. cW. fol. XXIX. A. 10. (3.) Inqjerfect, wontinij the title-paije. COSTA {Sir Michael) Date Sonitum, an Offertorium for a Bass Voice and Chorus. . .The Organ Accom- paniment .. .arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 1. (12.) Becitativo, — Di ostili tende, and Aiia,--Dair asilo della pace. Sung by Signora Giulietta Grisi in Rossini's opera L' Asscdio di Corinto, etc. London. . . Willis d- Co., etc. fol. XXXIL C. 9. (1.) The Dream. A Serenata, written. . .by W. Bar- tholomew on the occasion of the marriage of. . .the Princess Royal . . . with . . . Prince Frederick of Prussia, etc. [F'ull Score.] London. Addison, Uollier <£• Lucas, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 16. The Dream . . . The Orchestral accompaniments arranged for the Piano Forte by C. Lucas. London. Addison, Hollier dt Lucas, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 17. The Dream. . .No. 1. Air. O tell me gentle orb of Night. London, Addison, Hollier A Lucas, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 9. (2.) Kcco (juel liero istante. Quartette a Canone, etc. London. .Mori d- Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 9. (3.) Eli, an Oratorio. . .The words. . .by W. Bartholomew . . .Full Score, London, Lamhorn Cock, Addison & Co., etc. fol. VI. E. 7. Eli. . .The Orchestral accompaniments arranged for the Piano Forte by C. Lucas. London, Addison, Hollier d Lucas, etc. fol. VI. E. 8. 94 COSTA— COUKTENAY. COSTA (Sir Mkhael) Eli. . .The Orchestnil Accom- jianiments arranged for the Piano Forte, by C. Lucas. ■Special Edition for the Memliers and Assistants of the Sacred Harmonic Societj'. London : Addison, Hollier, and Lucas, fol. VI. E. 8. a. [Eli.] Arrangements from. . .Eli, for the Organ, by E. T. Chipp. 8 Nos. London, Addison, Eollier d Lucas, etc. fol. LXII. C. 12. (I.) Felice etii deU'oro. Coro pastorale a cinque voci, rtr. London... Willis d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 25. (7.) La Gita in Gondola. Barcarola, etc. London . . . Willis d- Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (4.) [Malek Adel.] II crociato cavaliero. Romanza, etc. London. . .Mori d Lavcmi, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (5.) [Malek Adel.] Non lungo alio palme. Aria, (7c. London. . .3Iori d Larrnu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (6.) Naaman, an Oratorio. . .The words... by W. fJar- tholomew. . .Full Score. Loiidini, Addison d Lucas, etc. fol. VI. E. 9. Loudon, VI. E. 10. Naaman, etc. [Pianoforte Score.] Addison d Lucas, etc. fol. Non e la vaga rosa. Terzetto, etc. Lomhni . . . Mori d Lavcnu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (7.) Notts che attristi e piaci. Notturno a quattro voci, etc. London. . .Mori d Lavenn, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (8.) La pace ch' io perdei. Aria, etc. London . . . Mori d Laventi, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (9.) II Pensiero a Nina. Arietta, etc. Loudon. . . L. Lavenn, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (10.) Perche due cori in-sieme. Quartettino, etc. Londioi, Mori and Lavenn, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (11.) Suffer little Children to come unto Jle. . .Anthem, for Soprano & Alto, with chorus, the words by W. Bartholomew. London. . .J. A. Norello, etc. fol. VL A. 6. (16.) T' intendo si mio Cor. Notturno a due Voci, etc. London. . .1. Willis d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (12.) La Tradita, il Sorriso, e 1' Eternita. Melodies, e/r. 3 nos. London, T. Boose.y d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 9. (13.) Trova uii .sol mia bclla. Quarletto a Canone, etc. London. . .Mori d Lavenn, etc. fnl. XXXII. C. 9. (14.) COSTE (Napoi.kon) Rondeau de Concert avec Intro- duction. . .pour la (luitare. . .op. 12. A Paris, rhez S. IticltanJt, etc. fol. LXX. D. 13. (3.) COSTELLOW (Thomas) Sunday's Amusement. A Sclcci idii of Sa'i'cd Music as sung at licdford-chapel, .selected from Handel, Haydn, Pley(d and Dr. Boyce, to which are added. . .Kent's. . .Jul)ilat(!, the Lord's Prayer and (jloria Patri ... Composed, selected and arranged for the Voice and Piano Forte by T. Costellow. London ..../. Lonijman, etc. 8". IX. C. 24. No. I (-4) of Costellow's Instructive Sonatas for... Juvenile Performers. 4 nos. London. Printed for A. Ilamillon, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 29. (9.) COTTERELL (John-) A Song the A\'ords by a Lady of Quality . . . exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross. [Begins : " Lucinda is (juite forgotten."] s. sli. fnl. II. A. 32. (11.) COTTON (Jamks Henry) Dean of Bangor. Bangor Cathedral Collection ; being a Selecti(jn of Anthems and Sacred Music . . . with an Organ or Piano Forte Accompaniment. [Edited by the Dean of Bangor.] Chester: T. Thomas, etc., 1848. fol. XI. A. 3. COULDERY (Claudius Herbeut) Cradle Song, etc [Cello Solo. Full Score.] W\e.ches d Co. London.^ fol. XXIII. A. 18. A presentation copy to Sir George Grove from the composer. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. A Sacred Can- tata, etc. Loudon. Lamhourn Cock, etc. 8". IX. B. 23. COUNTRY DANCES. Twenty Four Country Dances with jircijicr Tunes and Dii'cctions. . .for the year 1758. London. . .J. Johnson, etc. old. 4". XXIX. B. 34. (2.) Twenty Four n. London... Clemmli, etc. fol. LXII. D. 5. (8.) Thv P. F. part only. Three Sonatas, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. ?,' . London . . .(Clementi, Banger, Hi/de, Colhtid <[■ l)avis, etc. fol. LVIII. E. 24. (12.) A Sonata for the Piano Forte, etc. J<'rom Op. '14. London. . . fjouldinf/, D'Almainc, Potlrr d Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 5. (9.) Sonata for the I'iano Forte. . .Op. 52. London. . . Boyal Uarnionic hixtitutlon, etc. fol. LXII. D. 5. (10.) CRAMER (JoiiANN Baptist) L'Ultima. Sonate pour If Piann-Forte. . .Oeuv. .53. Ifamhonrg, chez J. A. Bbhme. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (13.) L' Ultima Sonata, for the Piano Forte. . . Dedicated to F. Dizi, etc. London. . .Chappell d Co., etc. fol. LVIII. E. 24. (14.) Amicitia. Sonata for the Piano Forte, with Accom- paniment for Flute or Violin. . .Op. 69. London. . . J. B. Cramer, Addi.ion <(■ Beale, etc. fol. The P. F. part only. LXII. D. 5. (11.) Selection of Studies . . . with Comments by L. van Beethoven, and preface. . .notes and tingei'ing by J. S. Shedloek. Angener d Co., London. 4". LXX. C. 27. (2.) Presented to Sir G. Grove by J. S. Shedloek, 26 May, 1897. Etude jiour le Piano Forte en quarante deux Exercices, etc. 2 Livres. A BruxeUcs . . . Chez M. Nolon, etc. fol. LVIII. E. 25. Quatre-Vingt-Quatre Etudes pour le Pianoforte, etc. 2 Series. Sambourg, Chez A. Cranz. fol. LVIII. E. 26. (1.) Studies. . .Selected. . .by E. Pauer. . .School Edition. Book I. London. Augener d Co., etc. fol. LVIII. E. 26. (2.) Studio per il Piano Forte. . .Op. .30. Printed for the Author, etc. oM. fol. XXIX. A. 17. (1.) J. B. Cramer's Studio per il Piano Forte . . . New Edition of Vol. I, divided into 4 Parts. London, Chappell, etc. fol. LXX. D. 12. (2.) Studio per il Piano Forte. . .Vol. T. New Edition. London . . .J. B. Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. old. fol. XXIX. A. 22. (4.) Continuation of Studio per il Piano Forte. . .Op. 40. Published for the Author, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 17. (2.) A New Toccata, for the Piano Forte. No. 7. London, Published, for the Author, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 17. (3.) Six A^ariations sur I'hymne national autrichien . . . pour le Piano-Forte. . . QSuvre .S2. Lmprime chez T. IJaslinger . . . Vienne. fol. LXIL D. 5. (12.) A presentation copy from the composir to Mr. Macco, dated Boulogne, 1845. See Abel (C. F.) The Late C. F. Abel's Adagios. . . and J. B. Cramer's Specimens in the Fugue Style. 4°. XXIX. C. 1. See Bach (J. S.) [Wohltemperirte Clavier.] Intro- duzione Largo and Fuga . . . adapted . . . by, J. B. Cramer, etc', fol. LXI. B. 1. (53.) See Clemunti (Jl.) and CiiAMnu (J. B.) Apollo's Gift, or th(! Musical Souvenir. . .Edited l)v M. Clementi it ■J. 15. Cramer. 1830-31. fol. " XXXILD. 10. See Pkttet (A.) Original Sacred Music ... by. . ..]. B. Cramer, etc. f..l. XVII. D. 3. CRAMER (\Vii,iii',i,M) A lirst Sett of three Sonata's for a Violin with an accompaniment for a Violoncello . . .<>|i. I I. Loudttn . . . B. \Vatistc, etc. Paris. . . Heugel ct Fits, etc. 8". X. A. 37. See DuHUSKT (J. B.) Crescentini, Paer it- I'ellcgriiii's Celebrated Solfeggio's, etc. fol. LXX. C. 29. (2.) CRESER (William) Eudora. A Dramatic Idyll, words adapted frotn Mrs. Hemans's ' B]-id(! of the Greek Isle' by G. F. Armstrong. Op. 1. Lonrhm: Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. 8°. X. E. 25. (2.) CRESO. The Favourite Songs in. . .Creso. London. . . I. Walsh, etc. [1758.] fol. XXXII. A. 27. (7.) Bij Ahos, Potenza, Bertoni y the Rev. W. H. Milman. London . . . J. Balls & Son, etc. fol. XI. A. 7. CULLEY (Ahn.ilu Duncan) The Brook. Four- Part Song, words by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London : Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. S". "x. F. 12. (7.) I think on thee in the Night. Four-Part Song, words by T. K. Hervey. London & New York, Novello, Ewer d Co. 8°. X. F. 12. (6.) A presentation copy from the composer. CULWICK (James Cooksey) Elegy ... in memory of Sir liobert Stewart . . . the words . . . from Milton's ' Lycidas.' [For 4 voices.] 4°. IX. A. 23. (3.) A Selection of Psalm Tunes as sung in Clapham Church, etc. London. Printed for the Author hi/ Messrs. Phipps (t Co., etc. oil. 8°. IX. E. 27. (2.) The title-page hears Crouch's autograph. Three Sonatas for the Grand Piano-Forte or Harpsi- chord. . .Op. IV. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LVIIL E. 27. (1.) Six Sonatas for the Grand Piano-Forte or Harpsi- chord, with an accompanyinent for a German Flute or Violin... Op. 6. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LVIIL E. 27. (2.) Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord. . . Op. 7"'. London. Preston & Son, etc. fol. i LXII. E. 13. (4.) ' A Grand Symphony, for the Organ. . .Opera 1.3. Published for the Author, etc. fol. LXII. C. 13. (17.) A Second Grand Symphony feir the Organ or Piano Forte. . .Opera 14. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LXII. C. 16. (7.) A Third Grand Symphony for the Organ or Piano Forte, etc. London. . .S. Chappell, etc. fol. LXII. C. 11. (4.) Magnificat in A. 8". IX. A. 16. (2.) (-t'uartett fiir Pianoforte, Violine, Viola und Violoncell . . . <^)p. 7. [Parts.] Breithopf & Hdrtel in Leipzig. fol. LXI. E. 3. (1.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir George Grove. Sonata (in D minor) for the Oi'gan. . .Op. 3. London. Novello, Ewer it Co. etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 10. (6.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir George Grove. Suite . . . for the Pianoforte. Second revised edition. London ... Augener d Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (6.) A presentation copy to Sir George Grove from the composer. CUMMINGS (William Hayman) The Fairy Ring. A Cantata, the words. . .by Miss R. S. Hobbs. London, Lamhorn Cock, etc. 8". X. E. 25. (3.) Golden Slumbers. The Poetry from Grissell,' a.d. 1599. [Part Song'.] London, L. Cock, etc. i". Patient X. F. 11. (6.) CURCI (Joseph) Le Petit Solfege. Vingt Solfeges pour voix de Mezzo-Soprano ou Contralto. . .Revised Edition. London, L>. Davison t£ Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 1. (3.) CURSCHMANN (Cakl Frieduicu) Der Fischer. [Song.] A\'orte von Gothe. Berlin. T. Trautwein, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (5.) No. 3 of Curschmann's ' Lieder und Gcsdnge.' Romeo. Scena ed Aria coll' accompagnamento di Piano-Forte, etc. Berlino presso T. Trautwein. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (6.) Der Schiller fiihrt zu Land. Gedicht von F. Riiekert. Trautwein d; Co. . . . Berlin, ohl. fol. No. 17 of ' Liederhort,' etc. XXVI. B. 26. (8.) o 2 100 CUESCHMANN— CZEENY. CURSCHMANN (Carl Fiukdiucii) Ti prego, O | MadiL' pi:i ! A Trio for a Soprano, Alto it Tenor, etc. London, J. A. Noodlo, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (16.) [Ti prego, o Madre pia.] Protect us through the coming Night . . . Arranged for thi-ee Soprano voices bv V. Novello. London : Nomllo and Co., etc. &". X. F. 8. (11.) Ti prego O Padre eterno. I'rotect us through the coming Night. Trio, etc. London . . . J. A. Novdlo, etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (15.) CUSINS (Sir William George) As the Sunshine to the Flower. Four-Part Song, words hv .J. Ilankin. London, L. Cock, etc. 4". " X. F. 11. (1.) Two Concert Overtures. 1. ' Les Travailleurs de la Mer "... 2. ' Love's Labour Lost,' etc. [Full Score] 2 Nos. London, S. Lucas, Weher <£• Co., etc. 8°. LXIII. D. 13. (2.) (lideon, an Oratorio, etc. London, Lnnd)iirn Code, etc. [187 1.] 8". IX. B. 24. A j)resentation cop;/ fmni tin; Compiser to Sir Geanje Grove. Grant the Queen a long Life. A Royal Jubilee Cantata, etc. London: Mctdcr & Co., etc. 1887. 8". VI. D. 22. (1.) Venetian Boat-Song. Four-Part Song. London, L. Code, etc. 4°. X. F. 11. (11.) CUTLER (William Henrv) An Anthem in Score, with an adaptation for the Piano-Forte . . . Op. 10. London, Printed for the Author, etc. fol. IX. B. 25. CYRUS. The favourite Songs in... Cyrus. London . . .1. Walsh. . . ({" Ino. d: loseph Hare, rtr. XXXII. B. 8. (1.) CZAPEK (Leopold Eu.st.\ch) Grand Allegro avec Introduction pour Piano et Violoncelle . . . Qiuvre 8. a Paris cliez Ridiault, etc. fol. LXII. C. 4. (9.) CZERNY (Carl) Allegro afietuoso per il Pianoforte a (juattro mani...Op. 137. Lipsia .. .C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. E. 21. (3.) L'Art d'lniproviser . . . Oeuvre 200. ii Paris, ehez 31. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LIX. A. 3. (2.) Grande Collection de nouvelles Etudes de Perfection . . . Oeuvre 807. Livr. 3. Casiiel, chez C. Luckhardt. fol. LIX. A. 4. (6.) L'Ecole des Expressions, etc. London . . . B. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 3. (7.) Czerny's One Hundred it One Elementary it Pro- gressive Exercises, (/(.■. London : . . . ' Musical Bouquet ' Office, etc. fol. LIX. A. 4. (3.) [Etude dn la Velocite.] Soliulc dor (jrliiuligkeit . . . Op. 29!). Neue Ausgabe revidirt von V. Roitzsch. Wien, F. Schreiber, etc. i". XXIX. C. 13. (2.) H. W. Goodban's Now Eilitiou of the Etude de la Velocite . . . Op. 299. London. Melzlrr & Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 4. (1.) Etude de la Velocite . . . Op. 299. With Notes by J. A. Hamilton, etc. London . . . B. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 5. CZERNY (Carl) Etude de la Velocite . . . Op. 299. Uiicik I. London. J. B. Cramer tt Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 5. (5.) Etude de la Velocite. The School of Velocity on the Pianoforte . . . Op. 299. Books 1 and 3. London, Augener ct Co. 4". LXX. C. 27. (4.) Etude de la Velocite . . . Edited Ijy C. W. (i lover. New Edition. London, Brewer it Co., etc t'ul. LIX. A. 4. (2.) Etudes du Legato et Staccato . . . Op. 33.5. Book I. London, Ashdoion & Parry, etc. fol. LIX. A. 4. (4.) Fantaisie pour le Piano-Forte . . . Oeuvre 27. A Vienne, chez S. A. Steiner et Camp. ohl. f(jl. XXIX. A. 15. (11.) Gradus ad Parnassum. Collection de grands Exercices . . . pour le Piano . . . CEuvre 822. En 2 Suites. Mai/enee chez Ics (ils de B. Sehott, etc. fol. LIX. A. 2. (3.) Die hohere Stufe der Virtuositiit. Neue Folge der Schule der GeliiuKgkeit . . . Op. 834 . . . revidirt von C. Gurlitt. [Heft 1.] Hamhurrj, A. Cranz, etc. 4". XXIX. C. 13. (4.) Introduction et Variations brillantes pour le Piano- forte a 4 mains sur la Cavatine favorite . . . dans I'opera : Corradino, de Rossini . . . Oeuvre 2-5. a Vienne, diez S. A. Steiner ct Conip. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 1. (8.) Introduction, Variations et Polacca dans le style Ijrillant sur la Cavatine fav. . . . dans I'opera : ' II Pirata,' de Mr. Bellini, pour le Pianoforte a 4 mains . . . Oeuvre 160. Vienne chez A. DIahelli et Gomp., etc. ahl. fol. XXIX. B. 3. (1.) Die Kunst der Fingerfertigkeit . . . Op. 740. [Cah. VI.] Wien, F. Schreiber, etc. 4°. XXIX. C. 13. (3.) Die Kunst des Priiludirens . . . L'Art de Preluder, cfc bei A. Dialidli it Comp., et ■. fol. 300' '^ Werk, etc.— Wien, LIX. A. 2. (2.) Die Kiinstlerbahn des Pianisten ... in fiinf ^Verkeil, niimlich : I. Die Schule der Geliiufigkeit (Op. 299). II. Die Schule des Legato und Staccato (Op. 33.")). III. Die Schule der Verzieruugen . . . (Op. 35.5). IV. Die Schule der linken Hand (Op. 399). V. Die Schule des Fugenspiels. . .(Op. 400). 5 Bde. Wien. Bei A. Biahelli nnd Ciinipiguie, etc. fol. LIX. A. 1, 101 PassageniJbungen. . .2(31'"^ Werk. 3 Lief. Wien, bei T. Haslinger, etc. fol. LIX. A. 3. (4.) 100 Petites Etudes pour le Piano. . . 139"" Werk. 2'e Lieferung. Neunte. . .Ausgabe. Wien, bei C. Haslimjer, etc. fol. LIX. A. 3. (3.) Complete Theoretical and Practical I'iauo Forte School . . .in 3 Volumes. . . Tianslated . . .by .1. A. Hamilton . . . Opera .500. London . . .B. Codes it Co., etc. fol. LXIII. E. 17. Recueil doigto des plus brillants Passages pour lo Piano Forte tires dus (Euvres de Beetlioven, Ries, Hummel, Moscheles, Dusst'k et Worzischek itc. . . . Ocuv. .3. 3 Recueils. a Paris. Chez Bidianlt, etc. fol. LIX. A. 6. Scconil luindeau brillaut pour le I'ianofurte u I mains . . .Ofuvro 23. a Vienne, chez S. A. Steiner et Comp). obi. fol. XXIX. B, 1, (9.) CZEKNY- DALVIMAllE. 101 CZERNY (Caul) T)ir Scliule dei- link.^n Hand auf (1(411 Piano-Forte. ...•i!)!)"" Work. L'Ecole de la main ifauche, etc. Wini, hci A. DidhtUi <{■ Comjt. fol. LXX. B. 23. (3.) Die Stliulc dci- linkcii ll.uid . . . 3'J'J'" Wcrk, rtc. 2 Cah. WIni, bri A. DiabclU .t Conq), dr. fol. LIX. A. 3. (5.) Die Sfhule d(?s Virtuo.seii. Studiea der Bravour uiid des Vortra^'.s auf dem Piaiio-Forti; . . . 365^''' Wcrk. ■i Hefte. Wicn. . . T. Hadingcr, clr. fol. LVIII. E. 28. (2.) ■ Die Schule des Virtuosen. . .Op. 303. Book 1. Luridun. . .B. Cocks d- Co., eh: fol. LIX. A. 4. (7.) Grande Senate brillante pour le I'ianofortc a (|uutre mains. . .Oeuvre 10. a Vinine, ehez Cajjpi et Diabelli, etc. oil. fol. XXIX. B. 1. (10.) Systematische Anieitung zuiu Far.tasiercn . . . ^00'" Werk. Wicn, hci A. Diabelli unci Camp. fol. LIX. A. 2. (1.) 40 Tiigliche Studien auf deni PianoFortc . . . 337'" Werk. — Exercice Jouriuilicr, etc. Wicn, bei T. Haslingcr, etc. fol. LIX. A. 3. (1.) [Another copy.] 40 Tagliche Studien. . .337''' Werk, etc. Wien...T.Hasliwjer,etc. fol. LVIII. E. 28. (1.) [40 Tagliche Studien.] Forty Daily Studies for the Pianoforte. . .Op. 337. Book 1. London. Augcner dc Co. 4". LXX. C. 27. (3.) Toccata., pour le Pianoforte. Op. 'J2. Lcipzi)j, F. Kislncr. fol. LIX. A. 3. (6.) Uebungsstiicke fiir das Piano-Forte . . . Op. 13!). 3''^ (4'") Liefei-ung. Brmmsckiceiij bri G. M. Meyrr Jr. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (4.) Vai'iatioueu iiljer den . . . Wiener Trauer-AValzer von F. Schubert fiir das Piano-Forte . . . P2"^^' Werk . . . Vierte. . . Original- Ausgabe. Wlen, hei T. Hasliniicr, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (5.) [Another edition.] Variationenfiir's Piano-Forte iiber den. . .Trauer-Walzer von F. Schubert. . . 12'''* Werk. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (3*.) Grandes Variations jjour le Piano Forte avec Accom- jiagnement d'Orchestre ou de Quatuor sur un Air . . . du Celebre Haydn. CEuv. 73. [Parts.] a Paris. . . Bichault, etc. fol. LX. E. 5. 20 Short Voluntaries. . .for the Organ. . .Op. G'J8. London.. .B. Cocks <£■ Co., etc. fol. ' LXII. C. 13. (18.) See Bach (.J. S.) [Woliltmijierirte Glacier.'] C. Czerny's new Edition of J. S. Bach's 4s>ponses to the Commandments, adapted to tlu; melody of the Gth Tone, with an organ accompaniment, by Miss E. A. D., etc. London. . .J. A. Novcllo, etc. fol. VI. A. 7. (1.; DALAYRAC ( Nicolas) Les Deux Petits Savcjyards. Comcilie en un Acte par M. Mars... Des V.... CEuvre X. [Full Score.] A Paris chez Le Due, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 23. (1.) [Nina.] The favorite Musical entertainment of Nina . . .Adapted to English AVords liy W. Parke. London .. .Longman and Broderip, etc. [1787.] obi. fol. XXVII. B. 18. (2.) London. . . XXVII. C. 8. (7.) [Nina. Another edition.] G. Goulding, etc. obi. fol. Wanting the Title-page. [Raoul de Cre(|ui.] Air et Trio, etc. A Paris chez Sieber, etc. obi. fol. XXVIIL A. 13. (4.) La Soiree orageuse. Comedie en un Acte et en Prose ...CEuvre XII. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez I'auteiir, etc. fol. XXIII. A. 24. DALBERG (Johanx Feieduich Hugo vox) Three English Songs and a Glee with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte. . .Op. XV. London. . . Corri, Dussek .ir \'\ 1 Vivid, fol. LVIII. B. 19, (1.) DAVID— DELICIiE MUSICS. 103 DAVID (Pail) Kdiocs of Uppinj^haiii. [Part Song.] Words by the Rev. K. Tliriiii^. Linnlim : N'^vcllo, I Ewer (£• Co., etc. S". X. F. 8. (13.) Football Song. [Chorus.] AVorrl.s by Rev. E. Thriiig. Lnruhin : Navelln, Ewer and Co., elc. R". X. F. 8. (15.) Under Two Queens. A Cantata. . .Words by J. II. Skrinc. Linidnii. C. TTerxiK/ it Co., eir. S". X. A. 38. a. Uppinsjham Scliool Sonjj;. Words by licv. I'',. Tlirini;. London : Novella, Ewer <(: Co., ele. 8". X. F. 8. (12.) DAVIDSON (CicoKGn Henuy) Davidson's Church Sei'vice.s, etc. London : The Mnnic-Pnhlnhmg Co., etc. fol. XI. A. 7. a. DAVIS ( ), MIxif. Piutli, dr. [Sonr;.] DHhlhi...M. Moses; etc. fol. XI. E. 28. (6.) DAVISON ( I'^REDERic) See Boyce (W.) O where shall Wisdom be found ... Anthem ... Arranged. . . by F. Davison. 1S57. f..l. VI. E.' 1. (1.) DAVISON (.Jamics William) See CnoriN (F. F.) The Eleven Sets of Mazurkas . . . Edited liy .J. W. Davison, fol. LVIII. E. 3. DAVY (John) The Overture A- Music in the Blind ]!oy, a Grand Melo Drama, etc. Jjondon,. . . Clcmenti, Banqer, Ilyde, Cdhird <{■ Darifi, elc. [1808.] fol. ' XXXII. A. 8. (2.) Six Quartetts for Voices . . . Opera Prima. London... Preston ({: Son, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 26. (1.) Twelve Favorite Songs with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, . . . Opera Seconda. London . . . Longman ue, Tr(', Cjuattro, c Cinque Voci. Con vna Messa, & Salmi, a. 4, 5, si placet . . . Libro Ter-zo. Opera Quarta, etc. Canto Primo (Secondo). (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Organo.) 6 pt. In Venetia appresso Alessandro Vinernli l^r-, 4". DELLE-SEDIE (Enrico) Estetica del Canto e deir Arte .Melodrammatica. — Esthetique du Chant . . . — Esthetics of the Art of Singing, etc. 4 vol. I. C. 13. The Organo in iiupcrfcct, iranliiig the title page d- last leaf. DELLE-SEDIE (Knhico) Arte c Fisioiogia del Canto, (■/<•. Milano. . .F. di G. Bicordi. 1876. fol. LXIII. E. 19. Licorno. A spesc dcIV Autore. 1 i fol. LXIII. E. 20. A presentation copy from the author, 15 Jan. 1886. DEMETRIO. The Favourite Songs in . . . Demetrio. Loudon ... I. Walsh, etc. [1757-] fol. By Potenza, Cocchi (C anonymous. XXXII. A. 27. (3.) [Another edition. The Favourite Songs in . . . Demetrio.] [London ... 7. I^((/^7(.] fol. XXXII. A. 3. (12.) DEMOFONTE. Tiie Favourite Songs in ... Demo- fonte. Loudon ... I. Walsh, etc. [l7S5-] fob XXXII. A. 26. (8.) DENKMAELER. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, verofi'entlicht durch die Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe von Denkmiilern der Timkunst in Bayern, unter Leitung von A. Sandberger. Breithopf d- Hdrtel : Leipzig, igoo, etc. fol. In progress. XXXVII. D. 1. — Publicationen der Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe der Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Osterreich. Heraus- gegeben. . .unter Leitung von G. Adler. TF/fM, 1894 itc. Artaria'it Co. fol. XXXIII. D. 21. — In progress. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge. Heraus- gegeben von der musikgesehichtlichen Kommission unter Leitung des . . . Freiherrn von Liliencron. Breithopf & Hartel in Leipziq. lSg2, etc. fol. In progress. ' XXXVII. B. 1. — Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Zweite Folge, etc. See supra : Denkmaelee. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, etc. 1900, etc. XXXVII. D. 1. — DENTICE (Fabrizio) Miserere. See Severi (F.) Salmi passaggiate . . . Con alcuni Versi di Miserere sopra il Falso Bordone del Dentice, etc. 1615- "'''■ 4". II. C. 11. DEPAS (Ernest) Six Caprices en forme de Nocturnes pour Violon seul. Oji. 81. Paris ...A. Leduc, etc. fol. LXII. B. 15. (1.) Ecole Elementaire du Style moderne. 12 Melodies pour Violon seul . . . Op. 36. Suite 2. a Paris, chez A. Leduc, etc. fol. LXII. B. 15. (2.) Le Violoniste Komancier pour Violon .seul. Suite 1. a. Paris, chez A. Lednc, etc. . . Itomances varices . . . fol. LXII. B. 15. (3.) DEPAS (Ernest) and LEDUC (Alphonse) Le Desir, de F. SchulMMt . . . I''aiitaisie pour Piano et Violon, etc. il Paris, chez A. Leduc, etc. fol. LXII. B. U. (9.) Elle est partie, d'A. de La Tour. l'\-intaisio . . . pour Piano et Violon, etc. Paris . . . A. Lednc, etc. fol. LXII. B. 11. (10.) Protege le IVichcur. Fantaisie . . . ]iour Piano et Violon sur une melodic d'A. Leduc. Paris. A. Leduc, etc. fol. LXII. B. II. (8.) DEEING— DIBDIN. 105 BERING (HiciiARi)) Canticji Sacra. Ad Duas &. Tres Voces cdiiiposita, cum iJasso continue ad Organum, etc. Cantus Primus (Sccundus). (Hassus Coiitinuus.) 3 ])t. Loniliiii, Ti/pin Giiil: Gadhlil jua JdIi. Pl(tiif„nl, vie. [662. fol. ' I. G. 3. Wfiiitinij llif hi si fill, iif tlip liassus Cimtinmis. Sec Cantka Sacua. Cantica Sacra . . . Composi-d j by Mr. Jlicliiud Dering, elc. 1674. fol. I. G. 4. DESERTER. TIh" Mistress, a new Song, adapted to the . . . Tunc of tlu! first Song [by Monsigny] in tiio Deserter ... by Mr. (!. [Lnniliin.] Sk[in<'rii.] .«. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (8.) DESMARESTS (Hunky) Venus et Adonis, Tragcdie mise en Musicjue, I'tr. A Paris, cltp.z Christophe Ballard, 1697. tihl. 8". I. C. 25. DESSAUER (JosHPll) Sonate fiir Pianoforte und Violoncell . . . .")8'™ Werk. Il7c« . . . P. Mi'chrtt; scl. Witwc. fol. LXII. C. 4. (10.) DESTOUCHES (Anokk Cardinal) Amadis do Grece, Tragcdie en Musique. Second Edition, re\ue corrigee & augmentee. A Parts, rhez Christophe Ballard, 1699. ohl. 8". I. C. 26. DEUTEROMELIA. Deuteromelia : or the Second jiart of Musicks nielodie, or melodius Musicke. Of Pleasant Roundelaies ; K. H. mirth, or Freemens Songs and such delightfull Catches, I'tc. [Edited by Thomas Ravenscroft.] London: Priilti'd for Thomas Ada ins, etr. 1609. -1". II. E. 41. (2.) DEVAUX (Alfkkd) See Fane (J.) Earl of West- iHori'laiid. Catherine . . . Opera . . . arranged . . . for the Piano Forte by A. Devaux, ete. [1830.] fol. XXIII. B. 18. DEVIL OP A DUKE. The Devil of a Duke ; or, Trapoliii's Vagaries. A (Farcical Ballad) Opera [by R. Drury]. . .To which is prefix'd the Musick to each Song, set for the Spinnet, Harpsicord, German Flute, Violin, and Hautboy ; with the Thorough Bass to each Tune. The Second Edition. London : Printed for C. Corhi-tl, efi: 1752. S". X. E. 9. DEVIL TO PAY. The Devil to Pay ... An Opera, etc. [By C. Coffey.] London, Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1732. 8°. X. E. 4. (4.) [Another copy.] The l)e\il to Pay, etc. London, Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1732. 8°. X. E. 13. (8.) The Devil to Pay : or. The Wives Metamorphos'd. An Opera . . . [by C. Coffey.] With the Musick prefix'd to each Song. London : Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1748. 8°. X. E. 3. (2.) DEZEDES (N.) Blaise et Babet. . .Comcdie en deux Actes, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris. Ches Des Lauriers, etc. 1783. fol. XXIII. B. 2. a. DIA6ELLI (Anton) Euterpe. Eine Reihe . . . Ton- stucke...fur das Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden eingerichtet und lierausgegeben von A. Diabelli. Nos. 386, 587, 403. Wien, bei A. Diabelli . 1- XXIII. B. 9. (26.) The Union, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Antlior, etc. [1800.] fol. ^ XXIII. B. 9. (33.) Signed hi/ Dilidin on jj. 1. Castles in the Air. London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (16.) British Bounty, etc. [Song.] //((' Author, etc. [1795.] i'ol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1'. Father and Mother and Suke, c^:. [Song.] London. . . the Anthor, etc. [1793.] fol. XXHI. B. 6. (13.) Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (18.) London. . . XXIII. B. 6. (15.) Lonihni . . . XXIII. B. 6. (11.) London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (9.) The Hare Hunt, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1793.J fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. Jack's Fidelity, etc. [Song.] tlie Author, etc. [1793-] fol. The .Jolly Ringers, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1793-] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. i. The Merry Archers, etc. [Song.] //(/' Author, etc. [1793.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Nappy, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. " XXIII. B. 6. (1.) Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. No good without an Excepti(jn, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (3.) Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. The Power of Music, etc. [Song.] London. . . the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. ' XXIII. B. 6. (14.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Soldier's Funeral, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1793-] fol. Signed liy Dihdin on p. 2. Tack and half Tack, etc. [Song.] //('• Anlhiir, etc. [1793.] fol. Sigurd by Dibdin on p. 2. T.aif,' and the lUrds, (7c. [Snug.] tlu' Antlior, etc. [1795.] fi>l- Signed, by Dibdin oil p. 1 . The Tear of Sensihiiity, etc. [Song, the Author, etc. [1793.] fol- Signed liy Dibdin 0/1 p. 2. Ijondon . . . XXIII. B. 6. (8.) London. . . XXIII. B. 6. (5.) London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (4.) I London. . . XXIII. B. 6. (2.) The Token, etc. [S(jng.] London. . .Ilie Author, etc. [1795.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (7.) Signed liy Dibdin on p. 2. Tom Tackle, etc. [Song. | London. . .the .■\nlIior, etc. [1793.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (12.) Signed liy Dibdin on p. 1. DIBDIN (CirARLE.s)— [Castles in the Air.] The Village Wedding, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (6.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Watchman, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (17.) The Whistling Ploughman, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1793.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (10.) Signal by Dilidin on p. 2. Christmas Gambols. England's Tree of Lilierty, <'/('. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] " fol. XXIII. B. 7. (19.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 2. Jacky and the Cow, etc. [Song.] L^ondon . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. " XXIII. B. 7. (21.) Signed by Dihdin on j). 2. Kickaraboo, etc. [Song.] London .. .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (20.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 2. The Lads of the Glen, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. " XXIII. B. 7. (22.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 2. Leap Year, (•/('. [Song.] London .. .the Antlior, etc. [1795.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (17.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 2. Love at Fifty, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. "^ XXin. B. 7. (18.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Ned that died at Sea, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. ' XXIII. B. 7. (23.) Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. The Pedlar, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (24.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. The Chi-istmas Tale, etc. London : Printed for Longman, Lnkey iind Co.. . .ond J. Jidmstioi, etc. [1779.] ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 26. (5.) Damon and Phillida. A Comic Opera. . .for the Voice, Harpsichord or Violin. Ljondon. Printed for ('. find S. Thompson, etc. [1768.] oW. fol. XXVI. A. 25. (2.) Tlie lOiihcsian Matron or The Widow's Tears. A Comic Sei'enata, '/(■. Jjondon . . .J. Johnston, etc. [1769.] (-W. fol. XXVI. A. 25. (6.) A Frisk. Th(^ Cuckoo, (7c.. [Song.] Jjundioi . . .the .\ulhor, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIII. B. 9. (2.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Iwery Man his own Pilot, etc the Author, etc. [1801.] ti>i Signed hy Dibdin on p. I . |Si)Mg.] London . . . XXHI. B. 9. (16.) DIBDIN. 107 DIBDIN (CiiAULEs)— [A Frisk.] Fatjicr and T, etc. [Song.] Lfiiiiluii . . .Ilir AiUhiir, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIII. B. 9. (13.) Siijneil hy Dihdin on ji. '2. Honour among Thieves, ctr. [.Song.] Landon . . . the Author, ,U: [1801.] ' XXIII. B. 9. (11.) Sitjncil hy Dihdin on p. 1 . Ijoiidon. . . XXIII. B. 9. (4.) In Vino Veritas, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [180 1.] fol. Siijni'd hy Dihdin on p. 1. Jack at the Opera, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. London . . , XXIII. B. 9. (3. The Ladies, etc [1801.] fol. [Song.] Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1 . Loudon. . .the Author, etc. XXIII. B. 9. (18.) The Letter N., etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIII. B. 9. (7.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. Literary Transmigration, itc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIII. B. 9. (8.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. Love and Madness, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. '^ XXIII. B. 9. (9.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. The Manes of the Brave, e/f. [Song.] London... the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIIL B. 9. (6.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. I . The Original and the Picture, etc. [Song.] London. . . the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIIL B. 9. (12.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1 . The Sweets of Love, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. XXIIL B. 9. (17.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. \. Tray, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. ' XXIIL B. 9. (5.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. '2. True Delight, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [180 1.] fol. XXIIL B. 9. (15.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. The Vicissitudes of Glory, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [i8oi.] fol. XXIIL B. 9. (1.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. The Voyage of Life, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1801.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. The AVife Elect, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [i8oi.| Signed hy Dihdin on pi. 1. London . . . XXIIL B. 10. London. . . XXIIL B. 9. (14.) The General Election. Ann Hatheawaye, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. London. . . XXIIL B. 7. (37.) DIBDIN (Chaulk.s)— [The General Election.] Cheaji E.xperience, etc. [Song.] Ljondon . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (33.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. The (Jood of the Nation, etc. [Song. | Lxmdon . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (39.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. \. London . . . XXIII. B. 7. (29.) Ljindon . . . XXIII. B. 7. (26.) The Irish Echo, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. The Irish Wedding, etc. [S(mg.] the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. .Jack's Claim to Poll, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (25.) Love's Lesson, etc. [Song.] London ... the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (27.) The Mad Lovers, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on J}. 1. XXIII. B. 7. (35.) Meg of Wapping, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on J). 2. XXIII. B. 7. (34.) Mounseer Nong Tong Faw, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. XXIIL B. 7. (36.) Nancy Dear, etc. [Song.] London ... the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (28.) Negro Philosophy, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (31.) Pope Joan, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. XXIIL B. 7. (40.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. The Rustic Orpheus, etc. [Song.] Li.ndon . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 1. XXIII. B. 7. (38.) The Sailor's Maxim, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (32.) The Tye "Wig Volunteers, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Atithor, etc. [1796.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (30.) Great News. Buy my Straw, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1794.] fol- XXIIL B. 6. (19.) Ljondon . . . the Author, etc. XXIIL B. 6. (26.) Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2 Clemency, etc. [Song.] [1794.] fol. Sii/ned hii Dihdin on p. p 2 10« DIBDIN. DIBDIN (Charles)— [Great News.] Fish i.)ut of Water, efc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 6. (28.) The Fortune Teller, efc. [Song.] [London. . . .] the Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Slyned by Dibdin on p. I. XXIII. B. 6. (20.) Home's Home, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Avthor, etc. [1794.! fol. Shjned by Dibdin on p. 1. XXIII. B. 6. (36.) Jack Junk, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1794.] fol- XXIII. B. 6. (30.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. Lovely Nan, etc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1794-] fol Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Masquerade, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Philanthropy, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin XXIII. B. 6. (22.) \ London . . . ] XXIII. B. 6. (24.) Loudon . . . XXIII. B. 6. (34.) on, p. 2. [Song.] London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (33.) A Play upon Worlds, etc The Author, efc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Poor old England, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Eambooze, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] ^"1. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Ilaree Show, etc. [Song.] The Author, efc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Sc-ug, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p). 1. The Smile of J'enevolence, etc. The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Sportsman in Style, et<: [Song.] Loudon. . . . The Author, e.'c. [1794.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (23.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Telegraphe, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Tom Truclove's Knell, etc. [Song.] Loudon . . . The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. XXIII. B. 6. (35.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Variety in one, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Veterans, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1794.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. Loudon . . . XXIII. B. 6. (38.) London. . . . XXIII. B. 6. (27.) [London . . .] XXIII. B. 6. (37.) Londdu . . . XXIII. B. 6. (29.) [Song.] Loudou . . . XXIII. B. 6. (21.) Louilou . . . XXIII. B. 6. (32.) Loudou . . . XXIII. B. 6. (31.) London . . . XXIII. B. 6. (25.) DIBDIN (Charles) The Grenadier. A Musical Dialogue performed at Sadlei's Wells, etc. London . . . lohn Lohnston, etc. [l773-] i'ol- XXIII. B. 3. (4.) The Overture, Songs, . . . etc. in the Institution of the Garter. . .adapted for the Harpsicord, Voice, German- Flute, it Violin. London . . . Longman, Lukei/ A Co., etc. [1771.! o&/. fol. XXVI. A. 27. (6.) The Overture, Songs, Airs and Choru.sses in the Jubilee or Shakespear's Garland ... To which is added a Cantata called Queen ]\Iab, etc. [London.] Longman and Broderip, etc. [1769-] "&'• fol- XXVI. A. 27. (7.) King and Queen. Change for a Guinea, etc. [Song.] Ijiudon . . . The Author, etc. [1798.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (31.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1 . A Drinking Simg for the Ladies, etc. The Author, etc. [1798.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London The Flowing Bowl, etc. [Song. the Author, etc. [1798.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Grizzle, e/c. [Song.] Loudon.. [.798.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Invasion, efc. [Song.] tlie Author, etc. [1798.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1 . The Lover, efc. [Song.] London . . . the Author, efc. [1798.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (35. Signed by Dibdiu on p. 2. XXIII. B. 8. (34.) Tjiaidon . . . XXIII. B. 8. (32.) . tlie Author, etc. XXIII. B. 8. (33.) London . . . XXIII. B. 8. (30.) Liberty-Hall, or the Test of Good-Fellowship ; a Comic Opera, etc. London. . .J. Pre.'l- Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. London . . . XXIII. B. 8. (15. XXIII. B. 8. (19.) London . . . XXIII. B. 8. (22.) The Kiss, etc. [1797. 1 fol. [Song.] Londo.i . . . the Author, etc. XXIII. B. 8. (27.) Signed by Dibdin on. p. 2. Love's Probation, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Lyric Test, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797-] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Maids ct Bachelors, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] ^"^• Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. Miss Muz the Milliner and Bob the Barber, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 8. (26.) Ljondon . . .' XXIII. B. 8. (13.) London. . . XXIII. B. 8. (28.) The Country Club, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Duncan and Victory, etc. [Song.] l.nndon . . . the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. ' XXIII. B. 8. (11.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1 . Freedom's Contribution, etc. [Song.] London. . . the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (25.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Gardener, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (24.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. Give and take, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, elc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (23.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Labourer's Welcome Home, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1797.] f"l- Signed bi/ Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 8. (18.) A Laugh at the World, etc. [Song.] London. . . the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. B. 8. (29.) London . . . XXIII. B. 8. (20.) A Salt Eel for Mynheer, elc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. Smithfield Bargains, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Tol de rol de rol, elc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] foi. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. True Glory, etc. [Song.] Ijondon . . . the [1797.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London. . . B. 8. (12.) London. . . B. 8. (10.) London . . . B. 8. (16.) Londo7i. . . B. 8. (17.) Author, etc. B. 8. (14.) London . . . B. 9. (37). London . . . XXIII. B. 9. (49.) Lf the Ocean, ftc. [Song.] Loudon . . . The Author, etc. [1799.] fol. "XXIII. B. 9. (50.) Siijneil hij DihiJin on p. 2. Rational Vanity, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1799.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin ou i>. 1. London . . . XXIII. B. 9. (35.) A Supplication for Peace, ete. [Song.] London . . . The Author, etc. [1799.] fol. XXIII. B. 9. (42.) Signed lii/ Dihdin on p. 2. The Overture, Songs . . . &c. in the new Speaking Pantomime called The Touchstone, etc. London : Printed for S. and A. Thnmpmn, etc. [1779.] "^'^^ ^°1- XXVI. A. 25. (3.) [Another copy.] The ( )verture. Songs . . . /r. [Song.] London. the Author, etc. [1797.] fol- Signed hy Dilidin on pi. 2. Valentino's Day, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol- Si(ined hy Dihdin on p. 2. Valentincs's Train, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1797.] fol. Signed hy Dihdin on p. 2. XXIIL B. 8. (6.) London . . . XXIII. B. 8. (9.) London . . . XXIIL B. 8. (8.) N'aiix Hall songs for 177.'!, etc. J. Johnxlon, etc. fol. London . . . XXXII. B. 24. (12.) DIBDIN. 113 Ldiidiin . . . XXIII. B. 4. (31.) Ldilihiii. . . XXIII. B. 4. (12.) DIBDIN (CiiAitLEs) The VV'ags. Bonny K.ate, etc. [Song.] The Authiir, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dihrlin on j/. 2. Huxoiii Nan, etc. [Song.] 'riir Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Tlic Camp of Pleasure, ctr. [Song.] London . . . The Author, etc. [1750.] fol. " XXIII. B. 4. (22.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 1. Celia, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. B. 4. (36.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Constant Sailor, etc. [Song.] London. . . TJie Author, etc [1790.] fol.' XXIII. B. 4. (25.) Signed by Dibdin on, j)- 2. Death alive, etc. [Song.] LiDidmi . . . The Anthor, etc. XXIII. B. 4. (24.) London . . . XXIII. B. 4. (10.) London. . . XXIII. B. 4. (15.) London . . . XXIII. B. 4. (13.) [1790]. fol. Signed by Dibdin. on pt. 2. Death or Victory, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Dustman, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Family Likeness, etc. [Song.] The Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Happy Jerry, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. B. 4. (6.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London. . . XXIII. B. 4. (8.) The Indian Death Song, etc. The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Irish Italian Song, etc. London. . . The Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. B. 4. (30.) Jack in his Element, etc. [Song.] London . . . The Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. " XXIII. B. 4. (7.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. The Joys of the Country, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. "xXIII. B. 4. (9.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Little Ben, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. B. 4. (32.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London. . . XXIII. B. 4. (33.) Love's Concerto, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Morality in the Foret(ip, etc. [Song.] London . . . The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIIL B. 4. (14.) Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Nautical Philosophy, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. ' XXIIL B. 4. (11.) Signed hy Dibdin on p. 2. E.C.M.C DIBDIN (Chahlks)— [The Wags.] The Negro and his Banjer, etc. [Song.] the Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Olympian Hunt, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Patrick O'Row, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Shenkin and Winny, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. Signed, by Dibdin on p. 2. The Pleasures of the Chase, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. A Savage Love Song, etc. London. . . Thr [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Shipwreck, etc. [Song.] The Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on pj. 2. Soldier Dick, etc. [Song.] London . . . The [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed, by Dibdin on p>. 2. The Soldier's Adieu, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII, Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London. . . B. 4. (20.) London . . . B. 4. (21.) London . . . . B. 4. (4.) Lnit*htH . . . B. 4. (26.) London. . . B. 4. (2.) .\nthor, etc. B. 4. (28.) London . . . B. 4. (18.) Anthor, etc. B. 4. (17.) London. . . B. 4. (5.) Sound Argument, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Swizzy, e/c. [Song.] London... thr [1790.] fol. XXIIL Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. London . . . XXIII. B. 4. (3.) The True English Sailor, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. True Friendship, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Virtue of Drunkenness, etc. the Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed hy DiJidin on p. 2. The Watery Grave, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. [Song.] XXIII. Anther, etc. B. 4. (16.) London. . . B. 4. (27.) London. . . B. 4. (29.) London . . . B. 4. (23.) London . . . XXIII. B. 4. (1.) Wigs, or the Inundation, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. XXIII. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Wily Fox, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Woodman, etc. [Song.] the Anthor, etc. [1790.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. XXIII. Lonilon . . . B. 4. (19.) London. . . B. 4. (34.) London . . . B. 4. (35.) 114 DIBDIN— DITTEl^S VON DITTEESDOEF. DIBDIN (Charles) The Waterman. A Comic Opera of two Acts, etc. Loudon. Priiitcil for. . .J. Johtmnii, etc. [1774.] oU.iol. XXVI. A. 27. (8.) [Another copy.] The Waterman, rtr. Liouhm , . . J. Johnson, etc. [1774.] obi. fol. XXVII. B. 23. (3.) The Overture, Songs Ac. in the Wedding Ring. A ' Comic Opera, etc. Landon ... Lomjman and Broderip, etc. [1775-] ohl. i- 1- Haehelors' Wive.s, etc. [Song.] Londmi . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol XXIII. B. 7. (10.) Siijned hi/ Dib'Jin on j). 2. The Caterer, etc. [vSong.] London . . . the Author, etc. [1795.] fol- . XXIII. B. 7. (14.) Signed hij Dihdin on p. 2. The Dream, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. XXIII. B. 7. (3.) Signed, bij Dilidin on p. 2. London. . . XXIII. B. 7. (12.) DIBDIN (Charles)— [Will of the Wisp.] Who cares, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Autlior, etc. [l795-] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (5.) London. . . XXIII. B. 7. (8.) Fashion's Fools, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. The Irish Wake, etc. [Song.] the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. Lord Mayor's Day, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 1. XXIII. B. 7. (4.) Love's Likeness, etc. [Song.] London. . .The Author, etc. [1795-] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (13.) Mad Peg, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. -2. XXIII. B. 7. (9.) JMooring.s, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (11.) Paddy O'Blarncy, etc. [Song.] London. . . The Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on 2^. '2. XXIII. B. 7. (6.) The Sailor's Journal, etc [Song.] Ijondon. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 1. XXIII. B. 7. (7.) Second thoughts are best, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [l795-] fol. Signed by Dibdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (1.) Soldier's Farewell and Return, etc. [Song.] Loudon .. .The Author, etc. [1795.] t'ol. XXIII. B. 7. (16.) The Symbol of Life, etc. [Song.] London. . .the Author, etc. [1795.] fol. Signed by Dihdin on p. 2. XXIII. B. 7. (2.) See Arne (M.) and DiBDix (C.) TheThr.M- Addition,-il Songs ia Cymon, etc. ohl fol. XXVII. B. 20. (2.) See Akne (T. A.) and Dibuin (C.) The Music in the Trip to Portsmouth ... the Songs by C. Dibdin, etc. [1775.] oW. fol. XXVI. A. 27. (1.) See Arnold (S.) Summer Amusement. . .The Music by. . .Dibdin, etc. [1779.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 12. (1.) See Captive. The Songs in... The Captive, etc. [Arranged by C. Dibdin.] [1769.] ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 26. (3.) See Lionel k Clarissa. Lionel & Clarissa. . .Comic Opera, etc. [xVrranged by C. Dibdin.] [1768.] ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 26. (6.) .SVe MoNSKiNV (P. A.) \Le Desert cur.] The Songs in The Deserter . . . by . . . Dibdin, with the Additional Songs in the Millers Daughter. [1773-] ohl. fol. XXVL A. 27. (2.) See Two Misers. The Two Misers. A Comic Opera . . .The Music selected, etc. [by C. Dibdin]. [1776.] obi. fol. XXVI. A. 26. (2.) DIDONE. The Favourite Songs in. . .Didone. 2 Nos. London... B. Bremncr, etc. fol. XXXU. B. 3. (6.) By Sacchini, Mortellari, Giardini and anonymous. DIDSBURY ( ) See Miscellanea. Mi.scel- lanea Sacra : Being a Collection of the Works of the Most celebrated Composers of Vocal Music . . . adapted to the English Language [by Didsbury] etc. 1776. fol. 1. A. 17. (5.) DIETTENHOFER (Joseph) The celebrated Canon Non Nol)is 1 >onnne, adapted as a Fugue for the Organ, with. . .an Introduction, being the Third Impression. London. . .Preston, etc. fol. LXII. C. 15. (3.) DIGNUM (Charles) Vocal ]\Iusic. . .The Melodies composed and adapted by C. Dignum, etc. London. Printed. . .for the Author, by Preston, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 10. The Title-page is signed with the Composer's initials. DITTERS VON DITTERSDORF (Carl) Der ApotliokiT und hoktor-. Kiue dcuUsche Komische Opera im Clavicrau.s/.ug, etc. Zu Mainz. . . B. Schott, etc. obi. fol. XXVL A. 28. The Doctor and the Apothecary . . . Adapted . . . and compo.sed by S. Storace. London. . . Ijonyman and Broderip, etc. [1788.] ohl. fol. XXVIL A. 19. (1.) [Another edition.] The Doctor and the Apothecary . . . A(la]ited. . .and composed by S. Storace. Londiii\(jtc. . . I'art the Fir.st (Second). Sett by the most I'iniinent Mji-sters of the Age. All written by Mr. D'lufoy, etc. 2 pts. London, Printed by J. Hept install for Samuel Briscoe, etc. 1694. fol. I. G. 12. (1-2.) [Another copy.] The Songs to the New Play of Don Quixote. . .Part the First (Sc^cond), etc. London, Printed by J. Hcjitinxtallfor Samuel Briscoe, etc. 1694. fol- " I- G. 13. (2-3.) Wtnitimi sheet A of Part I and the 'rillfjiiK/e of Part'lL [Another copy.] The Songs to the New Play of Don Quixote. . .Part the First. Sett l)y the most Eminent Masters of the Age. All written by Mr. D'urfey, etc. London, Printed by J. HeptinstaUfor Samncl liriscoc, etc. 1694. fol. II. A. 31. (6.) New Songs in the Third Pait of the Comi<'al Ili.storj^ of Don Quixote. AVritten by Mr. D'Urfey . . . With other New Songs by Mr. D'Urfey. Being the last Piece .set to Musick by. . .Mr. Henry Purcell : And by Mr. Courtiville, Mr. Akeroyd, and other Eminent Masters of the Age. Engrav'd on Copper-Plates. London, Printed for Samuel Briscoe, etc. i6g6. fol. I. G. 12. (3.) [Another copy.] [New Songs in the Third Part of . . . Don Quixote, etc.^ [London, Printed for Samuel Briscoe, etc. 1C96.] fol. Wanting the Title page. I. G. 13. (4.) DONALD. Donald. A favorite Song to the original Scotch Tune. fol. XXXII. B. 22. (7.) DONATO (Baldassare) [Chi la Gagliarda.] All ye who music love. Madrigal. The Words by T. Oliphant. London: Hutchings (t Ltonier, etc. X. F. 8. (16.) DONIZETTI (Gaetano) [L'Ajo nell' Imbarazzo.] Che mai sara di me. Kecit. e Nel fior degli anni miei. Cavatina, etc. London . . . Lonsdale & Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (I.) [Anna Bolena.] Al dolce guidanii Castel mio. Aria, etc. London. . .Lonsdale d' ]\[ills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (2.) [Anna Bolena.] Ambo morrete, o pertidi ! e Salira d'Inghilterra sul trono. Terzetto, etc. London . . . Lonsdale d Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (3.) [Anna Bolena.] Come innocente giovane. Cava- tina, etc. London. . .Mori (0 Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (4.) [Anna Bolena.] Da quel di, che lei perduta. Aria, etc. London . . . Mori d Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (5.) [Anna Bolena.] Sul suo capo. Duetto, etc. London . . . Mori <£• Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 10. (6.) [Anna Bolena.] Vivi tu te ne scongiuro, etc. London . . . Mori d: Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (7.) [L' Assedio di Calais.] Le fibre, oh Dio '. ni' investe. Duetto, etc. London. . .B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (8.) Q 2 116 DONIZETTI. DONIZETTI (Gaetano) [Belisario.] Ah ! se potessi [li.iiigori'. \>iiet, etc. Lowhin . . .VhajqyU, (•tr. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (9.) [Belisario.] Da quel di che 1' iniKiceiitc. Aria Finale, etc. London . . . Chajipell, etc. fi)l. XXXII. C. 10. (10.) [Belisario.] Se il Fratel stringere m' e dato. Ter- zettino, etc. London .. .Chappell. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (11.) [II Borgomastro di Saardaiii.] Si amabile speranza . . .Cavatina, etc. London. . .(J. LundsdaJc, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (12.) [Buondelmonte.] Deh vieni mio Ijene. Cavatina, etc. London... Chippell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (13.) [II Campanello.] Sull' onda cheta e bruna. Bar- carola, etc. London . . . Chappell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (14.) La Dea del Lago. Eomanza. Londioi. . . Leader ,C Cock, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (15.) Don Pasquale. Opera Bufia in 3 Acts, etc. 20 Nos. London . . . Cramer, Addison & Beale, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 11. Eleonora di Guienna, Opera Seria, etc. Paris, cJicz B. Lattc, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 12. [La Favorite.] L'ai-je bien entendu ? Rocitatif et O nion Fernand, Air, etc. London, Ashdown <£■ Parry, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (16.) [Fausta.] Quel celeste tuo .sorriso. Duetto, etc. London. . .li. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (17.) Fausto sempre splenda il sole. Aria, etc. Londim . . . C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (18.) [La Figlia del llegginiento.] Ciascun lo dice . . . Canzone, etc. London, T. Jioosei/ <(■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (19.) [II Furioso.l Affrettati vola momento. Aria,, etc. London...B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (20.) lo resto fra le lagrime. Duetto, etc London, B. Addison & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (21.) [Kenihvorlb.] Par che mi dica ! Aria, etc. London .. .Mori (t Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (22.) [Linda di Chamounix.] Ambo nati in questa valle. Komanza, etc. Jjondan, Aslidonm & Pain/, etc. fol. XXXII. "C. 10. (22*.) [Linda di Chamounix.] Cara luoglii <>v' io passai. Romanza, etc. Londan, T. Buoseif <{■ Co.. etc. in], ' XXXII. C. 10. (23.) [Linda di Chamounix.] Oh luce di quest' anima. Cavatina. . .in. . . A. London., T. Lioosoi d': Co., etc. fol. XXXli. C. 10. (24.) [Lucia di Lammeniioor.] Alfin son tua. Aria, etc. London . . . Mori <(: Lavcnu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (25.) [Lucia di Lammermoor.] Chi mi frena. Quartettino, etc. London . . . Mori it Lavcnu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (26.) [Lucia di Lammermoor.] Scena ' I >(■ T.orcv. etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (27.) DONIZETTI (Gaktano) [Lucia di Lammermoor.] Ivcgnava iicl siienzio. Aria, etc. L(oidon. . . Mori ft Lavenn, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (28.) [Lucia di Lammermoor.] Verianno la sull' aure. Duetto, fifc. London .. .Mori <[■ Lavcnu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (29.) [Lucrezia Borgia.] Come e bello. Piouianza, etc. London. . .T. Boosey <£■ Co, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (30.) [Lucrezia Borgia.] II segreto per esser felice. Ballata, etc. London .. .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 10. (31.) Maria Padilla. Melodramma in tre parti, parole di G. Rossi, etc. Milano ... G. Ricordi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 20. (2.) [Marino Faliero.] Bello ardir . . . Aria, etc. London . . . Mori & Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 11. (2.) [Marino Faliero.] Rect° ' Faliero, oh di mie pene ' e Duetto, ' Di vergogna avvampo ed avdo,' etc. London . . . Mori <{■ Lavcnu, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 11. (1.) [Marino Faliero.] Fremar tu sembri. Duetto, etc. London . . . Mori (f- Lavenu, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 11. (3.) [Marino Faliero.] Reeit'° ' No, no, d' abbandonarti ' ed Aria ' Di, mia patria,' etc. London . . . Mori ouble Bass. . .Arranged. . .by Signer Dragonetti, etc. oil. fol. & fol. XXVIII. B. 8. DRESSLER ((iALLUs) XVII. Motetten zu vier und find' Stiinmen in Partitur gesetzt. . .von A. Hahn und R. Eitner. Leipzig. Breitkojif & Hiirtel. igoo. fol. L. B. 21. (1.) Jahrg. xxviii. {Band xxiv.) cf the ' Puhlikation aeltcrer. . .Musik-Werke' if the (ieselhchaft fiir Mnsikforschung. DRINK. Drink to me only with thine Eyes, etc. [Harmonized for 3 voices.] London. . . Newland & .Johnston, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (15. ) DROEBS (JoiiANN Andreas) XXIV Leichte Orgel- stiicke . . . ( )p. 10. Bonn und Ciihi hei/ N. Siniroelr. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 6. (3.) Neiin Priiludien, Drey Fughetteii und v\i\o. Fuge fiir die Orgel. Bonn nnd Coin hei JV. Sinirorh. old. fol. XXIX. B. 4. (3.) DROEBS (.loiiAXN Andkuas) Eilf Praeludien, zwey Kughetteu und eine Fuge fiir die Orgel , . .Op. 14. Bonn und Coin heij N. Simroel-. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 4. (2.) DRUMMOND (Geokok) Lord of all Power A- Might. Anthem. London. . .Harmonic Lnstitution, etc. fol. VI. A. 1. (16.) O give Thanks unto the Lord, Anthem in full score with an adapted accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, etc. London. Published for the Author, etc. fol. XL A. 9. Two Songs & a Duet, from an Oratorio called Pope's Messiah. . .The accompaniment adapted by W. Crotch, etc. London. . .J. Surnian, etc. fol. VL A. 7. (3.) DUBOIS (FitANfois Cli';ment Theodore) Le Paradis Perdu. Drame Oratorio en quatre parties pour Soli, Chu'urs et Orchestre. . .Partition Piano et Chant. Paris. E. et A. Girod, etc. 8°. IX. B. 27. DUBOURG (Matthew) See Musica Bellicosa. Musica Bellicosa . . . Being a Choice Collection of . . . Marches ... to which is added . . . Dubourg's Seranading Trumpet-tunes, etc. ohl. 4°. I. F. 13. DUENNA. The Duenna. . .a Comic-Opera. . .for the Voice, Harpsichord or Violin. London. . . C. and S. Thompson, etc. [1775.] old. fol. XXVII. C. 10. (3.) DUETO (Antonio) Canto del molto R''" Sig*"" Antonio Dueto . . . il Terzo Libro de Madrigali a Quattro voci, etc. (Alto.) (Tonore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. In Venetia Appresso Angela Gardano. 1 594. 4". I. D. 5. DUETS. A Duett for Two Performers on One Harjisichord or Piano-Forte, composed . . . No. 1 by C. Stamitz. No. '1 l)y C. Stauiitz. No. 3 by F. Kotz- wara. No. 4 by I. Tours. No. 5 Over'' & Scotch Air in Thomas & Sally adap'' by T. Carter. No. 6 Handel's Water Piece. Adap'' by T. Carter. 6 Nos. F. Bland, eir. fol. LXII. E. 23. (4.) DUFAY (Guillaume) Four Examples of the Secular Compositions of G. Dufay . . . Transcribed ... by J. F. R. Stainer, etc. London, and, New York. Novella, Ewer li Co. 8". XXVIII. A. 28. a. (1.) Sec Stainer (J. V. R.) and (C.) Early Bodleian Music. Dufay and his Contemporaries, etc. 189S. fol. XXXIL D. 2. DULCKEN (Ferdinand) See Beethoven (L. van) Musik zu cinem Hitter-Ballet . . . iibcrtragen von F. Dulcken. 1872. fol. LVIII. D. 6. (14.) DULICHIUS (PiilLiPPtis) Prima Pars Centuriae octonum it septenum vocum . . . Herau.sgegebeu von K. Schwartz. 1907. »Ve(! Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. Bd. ,\.\xi. 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 31. DUMONT (Henri) Motets a Deux Voix, avec la I!ass(^ Continue, etc. 3 pt. A Paris, Par Itoherl Ballard, etc. 1668. 4". I. B. 9. The Alius vel Snperius, Tenor vel Canlus and Itassus- Conlinuus 2>arls. DUMONT DUSSEK. 119 DUMONT (iri-.NKi) See CxOUY (J.do.) Lo Compaguon I'i\iii, (lU Itis Airs. . .sur la Paraphrase des Psoauiues . . . Ksqucls on a ajouti': qufli|ues Airs de la Composi- tion de Monsieur Henry Duniotit, etc. ohl. 4". II. C. 5. Sec NovKLi.o (V.) Twelve easy Masses . . . including the (iregorian Masses, De Angelis, Dumont's, cte. [i8i6.] fol. XVII. C. 4. DUNCAN (William Edmondstouni:) The Morning and I'jvening Serviee . . . with the ollice for the Holy Coiiiniuuion. . .in. . .G. Op. 21. Lonilaii lO Ncio York. Nuvello, Eioer and Co. 1894. 8°. IX. A. 5. (1.) 8 Pianofortestucke . . . Op. 30. Breithipf <(: Harlel, Leipzicj, etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (7.) DUNI (EfJiDio IvoMiiALDo) Arie compo.ste per il Kegio Teatro cantato dal Signer Carlo Broschi Farinello, c/c. Loiiiirn, 1737. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 10. (4.) Mazet. Comi'die en deux Actes par Mi-. Anseaume, etc. [Full Score.] A Pni-i^. Chez I'Auteur, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 13. a. [Les Moissonneurs.] Ariettes .separet-s des Moisson- neurs . . . Gravees par Le S' Hue. A Parw. Chez I'Auteur, etc. 8°. X. E. 18. (1.) DUNKLEY (Ferdixand) 4 Songs, the words by j\l. Pitman, etc. Augener d Co. . . . London, etc. 4°. XXXII. B. 33. (1.) A pregeidotion coj)!/ front (lie coiiipoiier to Sir G. . Grove, June, 1892. 6 Two-part Songs for Female Voices with Pianoforte accompaniment, etc. AiK/iiirr d Co., London ... 1893. 4". XXXII." B. 33. (2.) DUNN (.loHN Sixolaie) The Auld Scotch Songs and liallads : (Second Series). Arranged and harmonized by S. Dunn. Glasgoto : Morison Brotherx, etc. 1894. 4". X. F. 7. (5.) DUNSTAN (J. Maktin) Movements, .selected and arranged for the Organ, etc. London. Novella & Co., etc. 'ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (8.) See Haydn (F. J.) [Si/nqihon;/ in G.] Adagio Canta- bile . . . Arranged . . . for the Organ ... by J. M. Dunstan, etc. ohl. fol. "XXIX. B. 8. (13.) See Mendelssohn (J. L. F.) [Lohgesang.] The Alle- gretto . . . Arranged for the Organ ... by J. M. Dunstan, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (25.) DU PHLY ( ) A Collection of Les.son.s for the Harpsicord. London. Printed for L. Walfh, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 40. (3.) DUPONT (Augdste) Duo pour Piano et Violon . . . Op. 14. Leipzig ... Breitkopf & H&rtcl. fol. LXII. B. 8. (8.) DUPONT (P. C.) Six Quatuors . . . CEuvre 1". [Parts.] a Bordeimx chez I'Auteur. fol. LXI. D. 5. (8.) i DUPONT (Pauline) Faith ... Melodic religieuse .. . English Adaptation ... by E. Masson. London ... C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XI. E. 28. (7.) i DUPUIS (Thomas Sandkhs) Cathedral Music in Score, Compcjsed for the Use of His Majesty'.s Royal Chapels . . . Revised by J. Spencer. (Organ Part to the Cathedral Music. . .Adapted by J. Spencer.) 3 Vols. London. . .Smart, etc. fol. XI. E. 1. Twenty four Double and Single Chants, etc. London. . .Prexton d Son, etc. ohl. i". IX. C. 24. a. Pieces for the Organ or Harpsichord. . .Op. VIIT. London. . .Preston d Son, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 7. (1.) A Second Set of Pieces for the Organ. . .Op. X. London. . .J. Dale, etc. ohl. M. XXIX. B. 7. <2.) Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord with an Accompanyment for a Violin. . .Op. VJ. London. . .LongnKin d Brodcrip, etc. fnl. LXII. B. 20. (2.) Sec Amusement foh the Ladies. Auiu.sement for the Ladies, etc. (Glees. . .by. . .Dupuis, etc.) ohl. fol. XXVL A. 3. DURANTE (Francesco) Litanies a deux Voix en Mi iiaturel avec accompagnement de deux Violons et Ba.sse, en partition . . . ou avec une Partie d'Orgue ou Piano jiar P. Porro. A Paris, chez P. Porro, etc. fol. ^ XVIIL B. 18. ^4.) Lord Bnrghersh's autograph i.v o» the title-page. Messe a la Palestrina k quatre voix en D ou Re mineur. Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 18. (2.) Lord Burghersh's autograpih is on the title-page. See Ferrari (G. G.) Capi d' Opera. Being. . .1X1. . . Duetts by F. Durante, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 2. (7.) D'URFEY (Thomas) Wit and Mirth: or Pills to Purge Melancholy ; Being a Collection of the best Merry Ballads . . . ha\ing each their proper Tune. . . In Five [or rather, Six] Volumes. The Fourth Edition. To which is added all Mr. D'Urfey's Songs, etc. [Edited it with a Dedication signed by T. D'Urfey.] 6 vols. London ; Printed by W. Pearson, for J. Tonson, 1719-20. 8". II. D. 3. Each vol. has a second title-page. Imperfect, toanting the Title-pages of vols. Ill d V and part of that of IV. DURUSET (J. B.) Crescentini, Paer & Pellegrini's Celebrated Solfeggio's . . . Arranged with an accom- paniment for the Piano Forte ... by J. 15. Duruset, etc. London. . .Chappell d Co., etc. fol. LXX. C. 29. (2.) DUSSEK (.Tan Ladislav) L'Adieu. Andante pour le Piano-Forte, etc. a Bruxelles chez Plouvier, etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (1.) Aii-s varies pour le Piano-Forte. ^1 Paris. Cliez Boijer, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 21. (2.) Six Canzonets with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 52. London. . . dementi. Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 22. (8.) [Another copy.] Six Canzonets with an Accompani- ment for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 52. London. . . Clementi, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 26. (4.) 120 DUSSEK. DUSSEK (Jan Ladislav) The favorite Romance of The Captive of Spill)erg. . .the words by P. Hoare, etc. Printed for M. Krlli/. . .London, etc. [1768.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 15. (3.) Dussek's Grand Concerto, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 22. London. . .Gouldinij, D'Almaine, Potter ct Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (2. Dussek's 2'' Grand Concerto for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 27. [P. F. Part.] London . . . Corri, Dusseic <£• Co., eir. fol. LXII. E. 20. a. (1.) Dussek's Grand Concerto for the Pedal Harp or Piano Forte. . .Op. 30. Printed for Corri, Diissrl- tC Co London, fol. LXII. D. 6. (4.) The Grand Military Concerto for the Piano Forte. . . Op. 40. [P. F. Part.] London . . . dementi, B(in(jcr, Hyde, CoHard & Davis, etc. fol. LXII. E. 20. a. (2.) Dussek's XII"' Concerto, for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 70. [P. F. Part.] London. . . Cianclietlini & S^ierati, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (6.) Dussek's Grand Concerto, in F, for the Piano Forte Op. 97. London . . . Gonldimi, D' Ahnaine, Potter & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (3.) La Con.?olation. Andante pour le Piano. . . CEuv. 62. A Paris. Chez BicJtuult, etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (5.) La Consolation. Andante pour le Pianoforte. . . Oeuv. 62. A Leijjzic. Chez Breitkopf & Hdrtcl. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 14. (1.) Con.solation, for the Piano-Forte . . . Edited bv H. C. Lunn. London. L. Coch, etc. fol. LIX. A." 8. (12.) A Favorite Duett, arranged as a Sonata, for the Piano Forte, with an Accompaniment for the Flute. London. . .Gonldimi, D'Almaine, Potter d- Co., etc. fol. Wantiurj the Flute part. LXII. D. 6. (6.) Fantasia and Fugue, for the Piano Forte, etc. London. . .dementi, etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (7.) Fantaisie pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. 7G. I^ond. (L'ln- vocation. Op. 77.) 2 Nos. Leipziij, Breitkopf <£■ Hdrtcl. fol. LIX. A. 8. (8.) Trois Sonates pour le Piano. . .Op. 10. No. 1. Leipzig, chez Breitkopf iD Hdrtcl, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (8.) Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte with an Accom- ]ianiment for a Violin. . .Op. XII. London. . . Chappcll, & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (10.) Wanting the Violin part. Trois Sonates pour le Piano Forte, avec accompagne- ment (I'un Violon. . .Op. 14. London. . . B. Birdsall, etc. fol. LXII. D. 6. (11.) Wanting the Violin part. Dussek's Sonata, Op. 16, edited by .). ISeiuMlict. London, Addison and Hodson, etc. fol. LIX. A. 8. (1.) [Sonata. Op. 18.] First Movement . . . Edited by H. Lahee. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LIX. A. 8. (2.) A Sonata for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 21. London. . .Boi/al Harmonic Institution, etc. fol. LXIL D. 7. (1.) A Sonata for the. . .Piano Kort(^. . . ( >p. 2 1. London . . . Goulding <£■ Cvmp', etc. ful. LXIL D. 7. (2.) DUSSEK— DVOKAK. 121 DUSSEK (.1 AN l,Ai)isi>Av) A Sonata for the . .Piano I'orte. . .(.)]!. 2t. London. . . W. Mitchrll, etc. fol. LXII. D. 7. (3.) Sonata (in f. flat) for' the Piano Forte . . . Op. 24. (Edited Ity If. (.'. Tjiinn ) LoiiiJon, L. Cock, etc. fo). LIX. A. 8. (3.) [Sonata. Op. 21.] P.oiido Pastorale . . . Ivlited by H. C. Luiin. Liitidoii, L. Cock, etc. t'ol. LIX. A. 8. (4.) Thi'ce Son.itas for the Piano Forte . . . With an Aceonipaninient [to Nos. 1 and .'!] for a Violin or Flute. . .Op. 25. [Part.s.] London... (ronldinij. I'liijips. lyAliiiaiiic <0 Co., I'Ir. fol. LXII. D. 7. (4.) Grande Senate pour le Pianoforte avec Violon . . . Oeuv. .36. a Tjcqmr. Cher, Bnitkvpf & Hartcl. fol. t oU. fol. LXII. A. 16. Dussek's . . . Sonata Op. 37 . . . for the Harp . . . , Arranged for the Piano Forte with . . . Violin & Violoncello l)y J. B. Cramer. London. . . B. Bin-hall, kc. fol. LXII. D. 7. (5.) Wantinij the Violoncello 'part. A Sonata for the Piano Forte. . .(.)p. 4.'i. London. . .Lontfinan, Clenimti d: Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (1.) Grand Sonata. . .(Les Adieux a Clementi). . .Op. 44. London, Chappell li Co., etc. fol. LXI. A. 8. (5.) [Sonata. Op. 44.] Rondo from the ' Farewell ' Sonata . . . Edited by W. S. Bennett. London, L. Cock ,(■ Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 8. (6.) The Farewell. A New Grand Sonata for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 44. London . . . M. Clementi d- Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (2.) Trois Grandes Sonate.s pour le Piano Forte . . . Oeuv. 45. No. 2. a Leipstc, ehez Breitkopf <£• Hiirtcl. ohl. fol. XXIX. 'a. 25. (9.) Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte . . . ( )[>. 46. London . . . Clementi, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (3.) A Sonata, for Two Performers on one Piano Forte . . . Op. 4cS. London . . . Clementi, etc. fol. LXIL D. 7. (6.) Sonata Elegy . . . Op. 61. New . . . Edition. London. L. Cock, Hatc.hinijs tO Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 8. (7.) Le Retour a Paris. Sonate pour le Piant)forte . . . Oeuv. 70. rt Leipsic cliez Brcithqif & LIdriel. ohl.itA. XXVin. B. 15. (12.) Plus Ultra. A Sonata for the Pianoforte . . . Op. 71. London. E. Falkner, etc. fol. LXII." D. 7. (7.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano Forte . . . Op. 75. London . . . Mitchell, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (10.) L'Invocation. Grande Sonate pour le Piano Forte . . . Opera 77. a Paris, chez Nadermann, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (12.) Six Sonatines pour Piano-Forte, avec accompagnement de Flvite ou Violon . . . Oeuvre 20. Liv. 2. 2""= edition. A Offenbach s/M., chez J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 2. (2.) R.C.M.C. DUSSEK (Jan Ladislav) Grand Symphony Ooncei-- t.uile for Two Piano Fortes. . .Op. 63. [P. F. Primo.] London . . . Cianchettini (t Sperati, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (5.) (irand Syiiiphonv Concertante, for Two I'iancj Fortes . . . Op. 63. (Secondo.) London . . . Cianchettini & Sperati, etc. fol. LXII. D. 7. (9.) [Trios.] Trois Sonates pour le Forte-Piano, avec . . . Violon it' Violoncello. . .Opera 24. Nouvelle Edition. [Parts.] a P^nvV. Chex Le Due, etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (1.) [Trios] Grand Sonata, for the Piano l'"orte, witli Klauto or Violino, & Violoncello Accompaniment . . . Op. 65. [Parts.] London . . . Cianchettini (t Spjerati, etc. fol. LXII. A. 8. I'l'iios.] Ija dorniere Pensee de Dussek. Sonate pour le Piano Forte . . . avec Accom. du Violon et Violoncelle. Op. 7i^. London . . . Mitchell, etc. fol. The P.F. part onli/. LXII. D. 7. (8.) Vive Henry Quatre, with Variations for the Piano Forte. London . . . Cianchettini d Sperati, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (7.) See .Jahnovic (G. M.) Gioi-novichi's Two. . .Concertos ■•irranged as Sonatas. . .by .J. L. Dussek, etc. fol. LXX. D. 16. See VioTTi (G. B.) ^'iotti's ... Concerto in (i ... adapted for the Piano Foite . . . by .J. L. I)us.sek. fol. LXX. D. 16. See VioTTi (G. B.) A third Grand Concerto arranged for the Piano Forte. . .itc. bv Mr. Du.ssek, etc. fol. LIX. E. 24. DUSSEK (SoFiiiA Giu.stina) A Sonata for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord with an Accompaniment for a Violin or tier" Flute. . .Op. 1st. L^ondon . . .Corri, Dussek d Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 2. (3.) DUST-CART. The Dust-Cait. . .Cantata, etc. See Old ^^■oM.\^''is Ohatokv. fol. I. G. 37. (27.) DUVERNOY (Jkax P.aptistk) Deux Quadrilles de Contredanses sur des .Motifs du Ma(;t)n . . . arranges pour le Piano Forte, etc. Pari.f, ehez I'lei/el d- FiLs nine, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 28. (10.) DVORAK (Antonin-) A Patriotic Hymn (Hymnus) from the Bohemian poem ' The Heirs of the White Mountain,' written by V. Halek . . . for Chorus and Orchestra . . . Op. 30. Full Score. Norrllo, Ewer d Co. London d New York. fol. XXIII. B. 15. Quartett fiir 2 Violinen, Bratsche und Violoncell. . . Op. 51. Partitur. N. Simrock. . .Berlin. 1879. 8°. LXIII. D. 18. (1.) Requiem Mass for soli, chorus and orchestra . . . Op. 89. Full score. London d New York. Novello, Ewer and Co.... 1^2. fol. XL A. 10. Saint Ludiuila . . . An Oratorio, written by .Jaroslav Vrchlicky . . . for .soli, chorus and orchestra. Op. 71. Full score. London d New York. Novello, Ewer d Co. fol. XI. A. 11. Se.xtett (A dur) fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Bratscben und 2 Violoncell. . .Op. 48. Partitur. N. Simrock. . . Berlin. 1879. 8". LXIII. D. 18. (2.) K 122 DVOKAK— ECCAED. DVORAK (AntosIn) Slavische Tilnze. . .fiir Violine unci Pianoforte eingerichtet von li. Barth. Op. 72. 2 Hefte. N. Si iiirock in Berlin. 1887. fol. LIX. A. 10. The Spectre's Bride . . . (Svalebni Kosile). A Dramatic Cantata written by K. J. Erben. . .for Soli, Chorus ami Orchestra. . .Op. G9. Full Score. Lowliin uo pour le Piano-Forte et Violoncelle. . . Oeuv. XX^'T. A Vienne chez T. Weic/l, etc. fol. LXII. A. 16. (irande Souato pour le Piano-Forte. . .Oeuv. 3'J. A ]'ieiine chez T Weiijl, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 18. (7.) (irande Sonate pour le Pianoforte. . .Oeuv. 4.'!. A Leipziij. . .chez F. Hofmeister. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (6.) Toccata per il Pianoforte. (_)p. 4G. Lipsia, press F. Hofmeister. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (7.) Sec Bekthovkn (L. van) In tjuesta toniba oscura. . . -Win composizicmi di. . .Eberl, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) EBERLIN (.loiiANN Ernst) Fugen. Zurich, hei/ II. G. NlKjeli. old. fol. XXIX. B. 5. (5.) Neuf Toccates et Fugues pour le Piano-Forte ou rOrgue. A Maijence chez C. Zulehner. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 5. (4.) EBERS (t^Aiii, Fkikiiuicm) See Mozaut (\V. A.) [Die Entfuhriinii.] Belmonto et Constance . . arrange a quatre mains. . .par C F. Ebers. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 8, (Sec Paek (F.) Sofonisbe. Opera. . .arrange pour le Piano-Forte par C. I<\ JCbers, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 19. (4.) ECCARD (.JoilANNKs) Neue (ieistliche \uul Weltliche Lieder zu fiinf und vier Stimnu^n, Kiinigsberg 1589. In Partilur g(-setzt von H. Kitiier. Leipzii/, Breilhqif A-Ildrtel. 1897. *'"'■ L. B. 19. .Jahrij. XXV. {Band XXL) of the • Puhlikation aelterer . . .Mnsik-Werle' of the (Jesclhchaft fiir Mnsiltforsrlnniij. ECCARD— EDLINGER. 123 ECCARD (JoirANNKs) O Lamm Gottes. Mottette . . .4 Stiiinriig. Berlin. . .Sr}ili;iiit(/fr, etc. f' Mrs. Freake, etc. London, HutcMngs d- Bonier, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 16. EGGELING (Eduard) .'HO Exercises for attaining a higher degree of teclinical execution in Pianoforte- playing. Leipzig, Brritl-ujif A Hartel. 4". LXX. C. 27. (5.) Studies for higher mechanical development in Piano- forte playing. Augener <{■ Co., London, rte. 4". XXIX. C. 13. (5.) [Another copy.] Studies for higher mechanical develop- ment in Pianoforte playing. Auqener t(- Co., London, etc. i". ' LXX. C. 27. (6.) EGGHARD (.Julius) p.'^eud. [i.e. Count J. Hardegg] Sojiatc pour Piano et Violoncelle. . .Op. S'2. Wintertliour, J. Bietcr-Biederniann. fol. LXII. C. 4. (16.) EHRLIGH (Heinrich) See Tausig (C.) Tiigliche Studien. . . herausgegeben von H. Ehrlich. fol. LX. C. 5. (1.) EICHNER (Ernst) Three Sonatas for the liarpsi- churtl ui' Forte Piano with Aceompanyments for a Violin and Bass ad Libitum. [Separate Parts.] London... R. Bremner, etc. fol. LIX. A. 10. a. Sinfonien der Pfalzbayeri.schen Schule. . .II., 2... E. Eichncr (1740-1777) (7c. 1907. /S'ee Denkmaeler. Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Bayern. . . Achter .Jahr- gang . . . II., 2. 1900, e/<-. fol." XXXVII. D. 13. EITNER (Robert) 60 Chansons zu vier Stimmen aus der ersten Hiilfte des 16. Jahrhunderts von franzosischen und niederliindischen Meistern in Par- titur gesetzt und herausgegeben von R. Eitner. Leipziq. Breitkopf it Ildrtel. 1899. L. B. 20. (2.) Jahrg. XXVIL {Band XXIII.) of the ' Publikntion aeltirer . . . Musik-Werhe' of the Geselhchaft fiir Musikforschunij . Die Oper von ihrcn ersten Anfimgeu bis zur mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Erster Theil : Einleitung, Caccini's Euiidice, Gagliano's Dafne und Monteverde's Oi-fco. Nach den Quellen hergestellt und mit einem ausgesetzten Generalbass ver.sehen von. R. Eitnoi'. Berlin, T. Traufwein. .. l8S I. fol. L. B. 9. Jahrg. IX. {Band X.) of the ' Puhlili-iition aelterer . . . Musik-Werke' of the GeselLrhaft fiir Mmikfor- sclinng. Die Oper. . .Zweiter Theil: F. Cavalli's 11 Giasone (1649) und M. A. Cesti's La Dori (1663). Nach lland.schriften hergestellt und mit einem ausgesetzten Generalbass vcrsehen von R. Kitner. Berlin. T. Trantwein ... 188^. fol. L. B. 11. Jahrg. XI. {Band XII.) of the ' PuhliJcalionen aelterer . . .Musik-Werkii' of the Gesellsehaft fiir Mnxik- forschung. EITNER (Robert) Die Oper . . . Diitter Theil : J. B. de Lully's Arniide und A. Scarlatti's La Rosaura. Nach Hand.schriften und Originaldrucken hergestellt und mit einem au.sge.setzten Generalbass versehen von R. Eitner. Leipzig, Breilkojf \. XXVIII. A. 16. (3.) [Another copy.] Six GIee.s, etc. Loudon . . . dementi ,0 Co., etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 20. (5.) See Fask {,L) Earl (f Wextmoreland. A Keriuiem to the Memory of . . Mr. Webbe. . .by. . .Evans, etc. [1826.] obi. fol. XXVI. A. 31. See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Mu.sic ... Iiy ... Evans, etc. fol. XVIL D. 3. EVE (AlphoNse i> ) Genius Musicus Divinis, Marianis ac Sanctorum laudibus docoratus, et ecclesiastico ritui una, 2. 3. 4. .'J. taui Vocibus iiuam Instrumentis offi ciosus . . . Opus Prinnim, etc. Canto I (II). (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Ba.sso.) (Violino I (II).) (Alto Viola.) (Tenore Viola.) (Basso Viola.) (Basso Continuo.) 1 1 pt. A Amsterdam, Aux Depcns d'EKtienne Roger, etc. fol. I. A. 7. Philomela Delectans seu Mi.ssa et Mottetta una 2. :i. 4. tarn Vocibus (juam Instrumentis decantanda . . . Opus Tertiuni. Canto. (.\lto.) (Tenore.) (ISasso.) (Violino I (IT).) (Alto et Tenor Viol.) (Ba.sso Viola.) (Basso Continuo.) 9 pt. Antrerpiir., E.v Officind Henrici Acrtssens, etc. 170S. fol. I. A. 8. EVISON (.Iames) a Compleat Book of Psalmody. . . The Second Edition, with Additions, etc. Ixnidon : Printed by R. Brown, etc. 175 1. 8°. IX. C. 25. EULENSTEIN (Charles) Introduction & Variations for the Spanish Guitar on Weber's Last Waltz . . . Op. 12. London . . . S. Chappell, etc. fol. LXX. D. 13. (8.) EXERCICES. Exercices pour le Violon . . . et oO N'ariatioiis sur la Gamrae, tic. a Leipzig . . . Eofmeistcr et Kuhnel, etc. fol. LXII. B. 15. (4.) EYBLER (Joseph) (xraduale . . . No. 1. (Tua est poteutia.) Partitur. Wien, bei T. Haslinger, etc. VI. A. 1. (17.) Messe zur Kriinungs-Fever. . .der Kaiserinn Carolina als Koniginn von Ungarn, etc. [Full Score.] Wien, bey Tobias Haslinger, etc. fol. XI. A. 17. Dritte Messe (de Sancto Leopoldo) . . . Partitur. Wien, bey Tobias Hadinger, etc. fol. III. B. 2. (3.) Offertorium. . .No. 1. (Domine, si observari.s.) Par- titur. Wien, bei T. Haslinger, etc. fol. VI. A. 1. (18.) EZIO. The Favourite Songs in ... Ezio, etc. London ... J. Walsh, etc. [1755.] fob By Perez, Hassc & anonymous. XXXII. B. 5. (5.) The Favoui-ite Songs in ... Ezio with some Song^ in I Ipermestra never before Printed. [3rd Collection.] London ... J. Walsh, etc. [1755.] fol. By Perez, Hasse d: Lampugnani. XXXII. A. 26. (4.) l-2fi EZIO-^FELTON. EZIO. The Favorite Song= in . . . Ezio. 2 Nos. London . . . B. Brcmner, etc. [1764-] fol. XXXII. B. 3. (14.) By Vcuio, Pcscctti, F. tie Maio, J. C. Bach am] GalupiH. FARMER (J oiin) The Fh-st Set of Enghsh Madrigiils : To F(iui-c Voices, etc. Cantiis. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Bassu.s. ) 4 pt. Printed at Loudon. . . hi/ William Barley, the Axsii/iie of Thomnx Morley, etc. 1599. 4". ' ' ' I. D. 8. The TitJe-pa(je of the Cinitiis /.s niutilafed, hut han been mouuted oud rouqileled iu MS. Loudon... L Walsh, etc. [17^9.] f"l. Bfi Perez ami Cocchi. XXXII. A. 27. (9.) [Another edition.] Tlie Favourite Song.s in . . . Ezio. London. . .E. Brciuner, etc. [17C4.] fol. XXXII. B. 5. (4.) FARNACE The Favourite Songs in Rirnace FALKENER (Robekt) Instruetion.s for playing the Harpsichord, etc. The Second Edition, with Addi- tions. London. . .the Anthor ... I- -a^. fol. LXIII. E. 22. FALSE FRIEND. Aires in the Play call'd the False Friend. Composed by a Person of Qualit v. [Separate Parts.] [170J.] o,W. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (13.; FARR (Edmund Lacux) A Collection of Single and Double Chants, adapted to the Psalms. . .for Morning and Evening Service throughout the month, compiled, aiTanged and in part composed liy E. L. Farr. London... T. Hollowaii etc. fol. XI. A. 15. (3.) FALUSH.Mi.:iikleAngklo) Rcspoasoria Hehdomadis p^RRANT (Ricii.vkd) Call to IteuH-udM-ance. Sanctae una cum Benedictus, Miserere ac Antiphonis Quatuor Vocibus cum ()rgano . . . Opu.s Priraum. Cantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Organum.) 4 pt. Liomae : Apud Mascardum, 1684. 4°. I. B. It. (1.) FANE (John) Earl of Westmoreland. Catliedral Service, consisting of Chant, Te Deurn, Jubilate and Responses, etc. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (3.) Catherine or the Austrian Captive, an Opera in three Acts. . .arranged from the Score for the Piano Forte liy A. Devaux and T. M. Mudie, etc. London . . J. Power, [1830]. fol. XXIII. B. 18. A presentation co^nj from the composer to W. Ayrlou. IVIessa S(jlenne a quattro voci concertate e coro con istrumenti . . Ridotta pel cembalo. Berlino, 1 846. C. H. Westphal, etc. ohl. fol. VI. D. 22. a. On the third day in the morning. Anthem, etc. London... C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (2.) Aiiilicm for tour voices. [London.] S". No. 4 1 of- The Parish Choir: IX. A. 20. (24.) See Aldiucu (H.) Not unto us, O Lord. . .Anthem . . . from 11 Lawes and R. Farrant. 8". IX. A. 20. (14.) FARRENC (Jacques Hippolytk Ahistide) Three Duets. . .for two Futes. . .Op. 10. London. . . Paine f Zion. Consisting the Words by Mr. Linley. . .set to music . .by Lord Burghersh, Messrs. Linley, W. Knyvett, Hawe^ Elliott, Beale ife Evans. London. . . the Royal Harmonic Lnatilution, etc. [1826.] old. fol. XXVL A. 31. Lo Scompiglio Teatr.ale. Melodramma giocoso. . . Ridotta pel cendjalo. G. H. Westphal, Berlin, etc. old. foi. XXVI. A. 30. II Torneo. Ojiera Scri.-i, etc. Londra. Presso T. Booseij it Co., [18;5'J|. fol. XXIII. B. 17. FANING (Joski'II Ivxton) Daybreak, Words by I.engt'ellow , . .Chorus with Pianoforte. . .Accompani- ment. Ljouilon, Stanley Litcas, Wehcr & Co., etc. 4". if. . .Tunes and Pieces, adapted to the Hymns in tin NN'esleyan Supplement . . . composed and arranged for one, two, three or four voices, with an accomjiani- ment for the organ, kc. London. . .J. Hart, etc. ohl. 8°. IX. C. 26. (1. Paradise, an Oratorio, the words selected and com- posed by the R(^v. J. Fletcher, etc. London . . . J. Hart, etc. i«\. XI. A. 18. FAWCETT (.Joshua) The Lyra Ecclesi.astica, con- sisting of Introits, Chants, Voluntaries, Anthems, Sanctuses, Services, by eminent li\ing composer.s. I'jdited by the Revd. J. Fawcett, etc. London. J. G. F. and J. Biviutjton, etc. 1844. fol. XI. A. 19. a. • • ^ •/' I FEDELI (Oiusr.Hi'n) Sonate a Violino e Bas.so . . . Song of the Viknigs, for Chorus with Pianoforte Duet 1 ()p,.,.;^ lYuua. hi Pariyi. . .Se vend chcz Foucnui, etc. accompaniment. Words. . .by S. Gibney. |.,,r foj II. B. 14. London, Stanley L^ueus, Weher & Co., etc. 4°. ' X. F. 6. (4.) FELTON (Wii.mam) Six Concerto's for the Org.i There is Dew for the Harvest. Part Song, tin; Harpsichord with lnstrument;i,l Parts. [Organ poetry. . .by T. Hood. Liind(,n. Novello, Euer d: Co., ' part.] London .. .J. Johnson, etc. fol etc. X. F. 9. (9.) LIX. A. 12. (1.) FELTON— FESCA. 127 FELTON (William) Six Concertos for the Organ (ir lliujisichord with Instrumental Parts . . . Opera iSeconda. [Organ part.] Londini . . .J. Johnson, elr. f')l. LIX. A. 12. (2.) ]iight Suits of Easy Lessons for the Harpsii-hdrd . . . Opei'a Terza. London. Printed for J. Johnson, fol. LIX. A. 12. a. [Eight Suitsof Lcsscms t'(ir the Mai'jisichcird. <>p. VI. Voi. TT.] \Londoii.] f,,l. LIX. A. 12. b. Winiiiwi ihr liflcpnijr. PEMMES ET LE SECRET. Ariettes detachees des Fennnes et du Seei-et, en un Aetc, par M'' ■'' * * [P. Vachon] . . .Gravees par Le S'' Hue. A. Prtr/.v, rlr. 8". X. E. 18. (3.) PENOGLIO ( ) Sicut locutus est. A Trio for a Soprani I, Counter Tenor and Bass . . . arranged. . . by V. Novello. London. _ .J. A. Novcllo, etc. fol. XL D. 25. (3.) FENZI ( ViNCUXZf)) Trois Airs Varies jiour le Violon- (I'Uc avec accoiMpagn(Mnent de Violon it Alto, ete. [Parts.] A. Offentinrh s/M., eh-/. J. Andre, fol. LXIII. D. 20. (6.) FERRABOSCO (Alfonso) Ayres, c/f. London: Printed, In/ T. Siiodhrnn, for Tolni Pron-iie, ete. l6oq. fol. ' I. G. 41. Tlie iitlcpaije tieetrx the. coiniKisern nutograph mgnalure. FERRARI (Adolfo) The Formation and Cultivation (if the Voice for Singing. Fourth new and revised Edition, (with additional exercises for Contralto or Barytone Voices). London, D. Dnri.ioii <(: Co., etc. fill." LXIII. E. 24. FERRARI (DoMENK'o) Six Sonatus fm- a Violin and a Ba.ss, ete. London . . R. Breniner, etc. fol. LXII. B. 13. (2.) FERRARI (Gi.\coMo (Iotifrudo) Six Ariettas, Six J)uetts and Six Canons, for 3 voices, etc. London. Printed for the Author, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 27. (7.) Dicci Canoni. . .con acconipagnamcntu di Piano FVirte, etc. London. . .M. Birchall, etc. i8io. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 3. (3.) Capi d' Opera. Being . . . Ill . . . Duetts by Padre Martini. Ill . . . Duetts by F. Durante and XII Pieces . . .from the. . .Psalms of Marcello, etc. [The Author. ■ London.] obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 2. (7.) Six Chansons Italiennes avec accompagnement de Piano Forte, etc. Londres . . . Chez TAuteur, ete. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 27. (8.) Twelve Italian Ariettas and the Partenza. . .of Meta- stasio. . .for a single voice with a Piano Forte accom- paniment, etc. Printed for the Anthnr, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 2. (6.) Six Romances avec Accompagnement de Forte-Piano. A Paris, chcz Le Due, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 27. (9.) Six nuuvelles Romances avec Ai.-c()m|iagnement de Forte-Piano, etc. A Paris, chez Le Due, etc. obi. fol. XXVIIL A. 27. (10.) FESCA (Alexander Ernst) Fesca- Album. Selected Songs with English and German ^V'ords . . . The English Poetry by AV. J. Westbrook, ete. Brmnisehweiri : H. Litoljf, etc. 8°. X. A. 40. FESCA (.\lk.\ani>er Eunst) Premiei' Grand Septuor ponr Piano, Violon, Hautbois, Viola, Cor, Violoncelle et liasse. . .Oeuv. 26. [Parts.] Bronsvic chez G. M. Meyer, etc. fol. LXI. B. 4. Second Grand Septuor pour Piano, Violon, Hautbois, Viola, Cor, Violoncelle et Ba.sse . . . Oeuvre 28. [Pai-ts.] Bronsvic chez G. 3L Meyer, fol. LXI. B. 5. (irande Sonate Brillante pour Piano et Violim ... Oeuv. 40. Brnnswiek . . . (1. M. Mei/er, etc. ful. LXII. B. 20. (3.) Second Trio, for the Piano Forte, Violin it Violon- cello . . . Op. 12. [Parts.] London . . . J. J. Ewer rC Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (13.) FESCA (Friuduicu Ern.st) Der Catharr. Scherz- haftes Lied von J. F. Castelli . . . fiir eine Sing.stimme . . .mit Begleitung der (iuitare von T. (iaude. Bonn n. Coin hei H. Siiuroeli. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (5.) Potpourri pour le Violon avec accompagnement de Violon, Viola et Violoncelle . . . tEuv. 1 1." [Parts.] Leip-.;,/ ... C. F. Peters, fol. LXI. C. 4. (18.) Der 103''' Psalm. Hymne fiir 4 Singstimmen rait Begleitung des ganzen Orchesters . . . Partitur. Op. 2(5. Bonn nnd Ciiln hei N. Sinirocl: fol. XL A. 24. Trois Quatuors ... Oeu\re I. [Paits. | ii Vienne ehe:: P. Mn-hetti, etc. fol. LXI. C. 4. (17.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto & Violoncelle . . . (Euv. 1. [Nos. 1-3.] [Parts.] Paris. Chez liirhanlt, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (1.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto ife Violoncelle . . . (Euv. 2. (Nos. 1-3.) [Parts.] Paris. Chez Richault, ete. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (2.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto it Violoncelle . . . (Euv. 3. (Nos. 1-3.) [Parts.] Pans. Chez Biehaalt, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (3.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto it Violoncello . . . ffiuv. 4. [Parts.] Paris, chez Biehatilt, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (4.) Quatuor pour d^ux Violons Alto it Violoncelle . . . CEuv. 7. (Nos. 1, 2.) [Parts.] Paris, ehez Richault, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (5.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto & Violoncelle . . . CEuv. 1 2. [Parts.] Paris, chez Biehault, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (6.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto it Violoncelle . . . Q^uv. 14. [Parts.] Paris, chez Riehanlt, etc. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. (7.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto & Violoncelle . . . 03uv. 34. [Parts.] Paris, chez Biehault, etc. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (8.) Quatuor pour deux Molons Alto it Violoncelle. . . CEuv. 36. [Parts.] Paris, chez Richault, etc. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (9.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto it Violoncelle. . . CEuv. 37. [Parts.] Paris, chcz Riehaidt, etc. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (10.) Quatuor pour deux Violons Alto & Violoncelle. . . QEuv. 38. [Parts.] Paris, chez Biehault, etc. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (11.) 128 FESCA— FIELD. FESCA (Friedrich Ernst) Quatuor pour deux | Viuloiis Alto it Violoncello . . .O^uv. 40 [Parts.] Paris, chez Bichnult, ,'tc. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (12.) Quatrieme (.(tuatunr brijlant pour Fliite, Violon, Alto et Violoncello . . .(F^uv. 42, etr. [Parts.] Paris, chez A. Fnrrenc, eic. fol. LIX. B. 12. b. (13.) Quintetto pour deux Violous, deux Violes et Violon- celle. . .(Euv. VIII. [Part.s.] Leipziij . . .C. F. Peters. fol. LXI. B. 1. (46.) Quintetto pour deux Violon.s, deux Viole.s et Violon- celle. ..(r. IX. [Parts.] Leip;:lke Ch.vrles) and MINE (Jacques Claude Adolphe) Le Guide de I'Organiste. Col- lection d'Oftices complets. . .en \'2 Livraisons. Paris. . .E. Troupenas et Cie, etc. iihl. fol. XXVIII. C. 2. FESTA (CoNSTANTio) [Quando ritroNO.] Soon a.s I careless stray'd. Madrigal, etc. London : J. A. Norello, etc. 8". X. F. 8. (17.) FESTING (Michael Christian) An English Cantata call'd Sylvia and two English Songs. London. . . J. Simpsou, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 20. (1.) Eight Solos for a Violin and Thorough- Uass . . . t)pera Quarta. London. . . W. Smith, etc. 1736. fol. LIX. A. 12. b. FETIS (FuAXrois Joseph) Solfeges Progressifs avec Accoinpagn' de Piano. Precedes des Principes de la Musiiiue, etc. a Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle, etc. fol. LXIII. E. 25. A presentation copij from the composer to J. Ella. Solfeges Progressifs avec Accompagueinent de Piano . . .Nouvelle Edition. . .corrigee par I'Auteur. Paris, chez M. Schlesinijer, etc. fol. LXX. D. 1. (4.) Traite d'Accoinpagnemcnt de la Partition sur le Piano ou I'Orgue, etc. Paris. Chez M. SMesinqer, etc. fol. LXX. D. 10. (3.) Traite du Chant en Chfeur, etc. chez M. Schlesine/er, etc. fol. Paris, LXX. D. 5. (1.) FIBICH (Zdenek) Hippodamia. Trilogie. Melodrama . . .napsal J. Vrchlicky, (;/r. [Op ;51-()p. 3:1] ;} pts. V Praze. Naldadatel F. ,|. TJrbdnch, etc S"." XXVII. A. 25. FIELD (J. D.) Fantaisi'' sur I'Andante de Martini pour \i- Pianoforte. . .Oe 3. Chez C. F. Peters. .. Lcipziy ol'l- f'-l. XXIX. A. 18. (3.) FIELD (.John) Air Russe en forme de Rondeau pour le Piano Forte. Bonn et Cologne chez N. Simroch. fol. LXII. D. 8. (1.) Premier Concerto pour le Piano Forte, etc. (I Paris. Chez Pacini, etc. fol. LXII. D. 8. (2.) Premier Concerto pour le Piano Forte, etc. ii Pari.i. Chez Richault, etc. fol. LXII. D. 8. (3.) New Edition of the. . .Concerto [No. 1] in E flat, etc. [P.F.] London. D^Almaine <£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 8. (4.) Concert [No. 2] (As dur). . . hei-au.sgegeben von F. A. Roitzsch. [P.F.] Leipsic it Berlin, C. F. Peters. 4". XXIX. C. 13. (6.) Troisieme Concerto jiour le Pianoforte, etc. Chez Breitliopf et Hartel a Leipsic. fol. LXII. D. 8. (5.) [Concerto No. .5.] The Celeljrated Rondo . . . for the Piano Forte. London. . .Preston, etc. fol. LXII. D. 8. (6.) Exercice nouveau suivi d'une Romance pour le Forte Piano, a Paris. Chez Rlehieiilt, etc. fol. LXII. D. 8. (7.) J. Field's Exercise for the Piano Forte, in the various Major and Minor Keys. London . . . Royal Haiownic Listitntion, etc. fol. ' LXII. D. 8. (8.) Douze Nocturnes pour le Pianoforte. Nouvelle edition, revue. Avec una preface de F. Liszt, etc. Leipziy. . .J. Schuherth <£■ Co., etc. fol. LIX. A. 13. Dix-huit Nocturnes pour piano. Edition revue and illustree par uue preface par F. Liszt, etc. Leipzig. . .J. Schuherth t thoro' Base to each Song. London . . .T. Cooper, etc. 1737. 8°. " X. E. 10. FLORIO (C. H.) The Egyptian Festival, a Favorite Opera, etc. London. . .Monzani & Ciiniidor, etc. [1800.] fol. XXXII. A. 13. (1.) The title-page is signed bt/ the composer. FLOTOW (FitiEDRicH Ferdinand Adolf von) Baron. Martha . . . Clavierauszug zu 4 Hilndeu eingerichtet von C. Czerny. Wicn hei H. F. Miiller, etc. fol. LIX. A. 15. FLOWER (Eliza) Hymns and Anthems, the words chiefly from Holy Scripture & the writings of the Poets . . . Vol. I. London. Cramer, Addison it Beale . . . 1842. oil. fol. VI. D. 23. FODOR (Antoine) Concerto for the Piano Forte, with Accompaniments for Two Violins, Tenor cfe Bass, etc. London. . .dementi, etc. fol. The P. F. pari only. LXX. D. 16. FODOR (Joski'h) Six Duos a Deux Viohms . . . \' 1 1' a':u\ re de Duos. [Parts.] a Paris. Chez Imhaull, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (1.) Six Duos concertants pour Deux Violons . . . Opera [12. Parts], fol. LXII. A. 12. (2.) •"Another copy.] Six Duos concertants . . . opera |;i2. Parts], fol. LXII. A. 13. (4.) Six Duos pour deux Violons meles d'Airs N'arie.s . . . XIIP Livre do Duos. [Parts.] a. Paris. Chex Imhaull, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (4.) FODOR (Joseph) Six Duos pour Deux Violons. . . 14' Livre de Duos. [Parts.] ft Paris. Chez Imhaull, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (5.) See Plevel (1. J.) Si.v Duos . . . arranges par J. Fodor. f.il. LXIL A. 12. (3.) FOERSTER (Emanuel Alois) Dreissig Fughetten fiir (lie <_)rgel oder das Clavier, etc. Wien hey Arturia und Comj).. etc. oh], ful. XXVIII. C. 4. (2.) Vier Fugen fiir die Orgel oder das Clavier, etc. Wien hei Arlaria (t Co. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 4. (3.) E. A. Fiirster's Practische Beyspiele als Fortsetzung zu seiner Anleitung des Generalljasses. 2 Abth. in Wien hey Arlaria und Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 3. Dreissig Praeludien fiir die Orgel oder das Clavier, etc. Wien, hei Arlaria imd Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 4. (1.) FOOL. The Fool that is wealthy. A New Song, etc. s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (49.) FOR. For Shame fond Heart. Advice to a fond Lover. [Song.] s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (12.) FORD (Thomas) Since first 1 saw your Face. Madri- t;al fnr four voices, etc. London. . . E. BirchaU, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (27.) FORDE (William) Forde's Art of Singing at Sii^ht. London. . It. Cochs d: Co., etc. 8°. X. F. 24. "(2.) Principles of Singing. B. Cocks & Co., etc. 8°. London. . . X. F. 24. (3.) FORBES (John) [Cantus, Songs and Fancies, To severall ^Musicall Parts. Both apt for Voices and Viols. With a brief Introduction to Musick, As is taught into the Musick-School of Aberdeen. The Third Edition, Exactly Corrected and Enlarged. Together also, With severall of the (rhoicest Italian- Songs, and New English-Ayres, all in three parts, (Viz.) Two Treebles and a Bass, etc. Aberdeen, Printed by John Forbes, etc. 1CS2.] obi. i". II. C. 17. Imperfect, wanting the Title-jxige, fol. A\, and 4, irhich have been supplied in MS. FORSTER (Geoug) Der zweite Teil der Kuntz- weiligen guten frischen teutschen Liedlein ... in Partitur gebracht von R. Eitner. Leipr.ig, Breitkopi' & Hdrtel. 1905. fol. L. B. 23. (2.) Jahrg. XXXIII {Band XXIX) of the ' Puhlikation aellerer Musik-Wi'rke' of the Gesellschaft fur Musikforschnng. FOSTER (Myles Birkkt) Six Duets for Teadier and I'ujiil. Airs of Northern Nations. . .arranged ... by M.B.Foster. London: Weekes imi fm' the Pianoforte aiul ii SdiJi-auo N'liico, clc. Lciiitmi, \V. II. Ross, dr. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (10.) FOX ( ) Teach inc Tliy way, O Lord. . .Anthem for four voices. \Londo)i.\ 8". No. 46 of'Th'. Parish Choir.'' IX. A. 20. (26.) FRAENZL (Fi-.KDivAND) Six Quatuors . . . Oeuvre premier. 2 Ft. [Part.s.J Chcs I'Autiiir ii Olt'enlnich sur le Mein, etc. fol. LXI. D. 4. (10.) Trois Trios pour deux Violons et Basse. . .<)eu\re 17. [Parts.] A Bonn rlicz N. Simrorl: fol. LXIII. D. 20. (7.) FRAENZL (loNAz). See Ovektubes. The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts. . .No. XX.XVII. fol. LX. C. 17. (19.) FRANCESCO, ''* Parise. See Fiorino (G.) La Noliilla di Honia...Et le vilanelle . . . di Gasparo Fiorino. . .Intauolate dal Magnifico M. Francesco di Parise, Hr. 1573. 4". L D. 10. FRANCHGMME (Aiguste) Solos for Violoncello with Accompaniment of Piano Forte ... Edited by J. Lidel. Books i, 4 and 6. London. Wcs.-and. l^.rste Hiilfte. 1854, /7c. fol. XXXIII. D. 22. (1.) GABRIELI ((iloVANNl) .Magnilicat for eight voices. See GoLDSCliMlDT (O.) The Bach Choir Mag.izine, etc. No. 7. 8". IX. A. 22. La Calabrese. Duetto, etc. T. Bouse ij ((• Co., etc. fol. London. XXXII. C. 12. (3.) Una Candida Columba. Duettino, etc. London. . . Cramer, Addison <1- BcaJe, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (4.) Chi dal [iriino amor si sciogiic. Aria, etc. Mihmo. Piesso F Lucca, rtc. fol.' XXXII. C. 12. (5.) Chiarina. Piccolo Duetto, etc J. A. Norello, etc. fol. London . . . XXXII. C. 12. (6.) La Colpevole Estinta. Duetto, c^'. Ltndon... B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (7.) U Contrabbandiere. Duetto, etc. London. . . Chtppell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (8.) Deh t'arrendi al mio dolore. Duetto, etc. London. . . Chappell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (9.) La Dichiarazioue innocente. Duetto, etc. London. . . ir. E. Aldridije, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (10.) La Fiorentina. Arietta, etc. presso F. Lucca, etc. fol. Milano, XXXII. C. 12. (11.) La Gondoletta. Barcarola per S(>{)rano e Contralto, etc. London. T. Boosci/ d- ('o., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (12.) Mi giuri che m' ami. Qiiartclto da Camera, etc. London,. . .Grua, Bicordi, d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 12. (13.) Misera tu non sei. Quartctto da Camera, etc. Lonilon . . .(Iriia, Bicordi d (\i., etc. fi'i. XXXII. C. 12. (14.) Ija Moda. Duetto, etc. W. IL Aldridije, etc. fol. London. . . XXXII. C. 12. (15.) 11 Mont (,'enis. l>uetto, etc. W. n. Aldridije, lie. f.il. La Notte. Duetto, etc. Addison (('• Bcale, etc. fol. Londun . . . XXXII. C. 12. (16.) London. . . Cramer, XXXII. C. 12. (17.) < )li ! cara ininiaginc. I )urttino, r/c. London... Lonsdale d Mills, etc. fol, XXXII. C. 12. (18.) (!li opposti. I )uelto, (■<(;. It'. //. Aldridiic rIc. f..|. Lonilon . . . XXXII. C. 12. (19.) GABUSST-GALLTAraX 133 GABUSSI (N'lNCKNZo) La Peilii p. 19. London. Aufjrner <(• Co., rtr. \". XXIX. C. 13. (7.) A(|uarellen ... Op. 19. Second Edition. Eilitod by E. Pauer. London ... Ani/rnrr <(■ Co., rtr. fol. LXII. E. 15. (8.) Aquai'elles. Poesies musicales pour Piano. Paris, G Flaxland, etc. 8". XXIX. C. 15. (2.) The Krl-Kiiig's Daught(M-. IJallad, founded on Danish Ij'gends. The English Version by Miss L. Vance, i The Music . . . for Solo Voices, Chorus and Orchestra. Op. 30. [P.F. score.] London. . . Nuvello, Ewer & Co., etc. 8". X. B. 2. (1.) Erikonigs Tochter. Ballade. . .Op. .30. [P.F. score.] fol. XXXII. B. 13. (2.) Wanting the title-page. Fantasiestiicke fiir Pianoforte. Op. 41. Leipzig, F. Kistner. fol. LXII. E. 17. (6.) Fantasiestiicke. Op. 41. (Revised ... by X. Schar- wenka.) Augrnrr & Co., London, etc. fol. LXII. E. 17. (7.) Die heilige Naeht. Concertstuck fiir Alt-Solo, Chor und Orchester naoli dem Gedioht Die Christnacht von A. V. Platen. . .Op. 40. Klavierau.szug. Leipzig, Breillwpf d Wirtel. fol. XVIII. B. 30. (2.) Nachkliinge von 0.ssian. Ouverture fiir Orchester. . . Partitur. Leipziii, hri Brrithopf & Hartil. S". LXIII. D. 15. (2.) Deux Ouvertures, a. Nachkliinge von ( )ssian. . .Op. 1. b. Im Hochland . . .Op. 7.. . .Piano a 4 mains. Augenrr tt Co. : London, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 30. (3.) Psyche. A Dramatic Poem (from the Dani.sh of Lobedanz) . . . for Soli, Chorus and ( irchestra. Op. 60. The English Version by J. Troutbeck. [P. F. Score.] London : Novella, Ewer it Co., etc. 8". X. B. 2. (3.) Spring's Message (Fruhlings-Botschaft), the English words translated by Mrs. Charteris Cairns. Op. 35. [P. F. Score.] London : Novello, Ewer (t Co., etc. 8°. X. B. 2. (2.) GADSBY (Hknfjv Rodeijt) Columbus. A Dramatic Cantata, the poetry. . .by \V. (irist. London: Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. 8". X. B. 3. A presentation copy from the composer to Sir George Grove, 1881. Festival [Evening] Service. . .in . . . D major . . . com- posed for the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy, held at St. Paul's Cathedral May 10th, 1871. London, Novello, Ewrr (t Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 7. ,'10.) With the roniposrr's nutofjraph. GAGLIANO (MAHro i,a) Dafne. See Eitnek (R.) Die Oper. . .Erster Theil . . .Gagliano's Dafne, etc i88i. fol. L. B. 9. GALLIARD (.Johann Eunst) Songs in t\w Opera of Calypso * Telemachus. . .the Words by Mr. Hughes. London Printed for L Wiihh ...<(■ J. Wire, ctr. fol. I. G. 9. The title page hears the antograjdm (f J. hrni en (■) stenniien, te zingen of speelen ... op nieuw verrykt met Pastorellen, Cantzonetten, Ma.s- ceraden, itc. door Jloratio Vecchi gcsteit, op '^. en 4. stcmmen : noch bygevoeght twee . . . Driid< lietjes, en 26 Canons, met 2. 3. 4. .5. t". stenimen van d'alder- trefTelyckste Zanghmeesters (gestelt,) in veelerley taelen, etc. Cantus. (Alius.) ('I'enor.) (Bassus.) I (Quinto.) 5 pt. f Amsterdam, by Pniihis Matlhi/sz, etc. ' 1C4S. ohl. 4<'. I." E. 14. GASTOLDI— GEMINIANI. 135 GASTOLDI (Giovanni Giacomo) [Balletti a Cinque V'ofi. PiactT gioia.] O happy Ik; who liveth. Ballet . . . adapted to English words by K. F. Riuibault. [London,] 1864. 4". IX. A. 19. (28.) No. 5 1 of the Choir. [Balletti a Cimiue Voci. Tutti venite.] Soldiers, brave and gallant be. Madrigal for five voices. London. . .J. A. Novello, ctr. 8". X. F. 12. (10.) [Balletti a Cinque Voci. Vezzosette ninfe.] Maidens fair of Padua's City. Madrigal. London : J. .4. Nocello, etc. ' 80. X. F. 12. (9.) GAUDE (Theodor) See Bketiiuvkn (L. van) Drei Deutsche Lieder . . . mit Begleitung der (Juitare von T. Gaude. old. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (2.) See Fesca (F. E.) Der Catharr . . . mit Begleitung der Guitare von T. Gaude. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (5.) GAUDRY (Richard Otto) Descend celestial Queen of Song, tilee for four Voices with an Accompani- ment for the Piano Forte, etc. London, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (28.) Presented to J. IT. Windaor hij the conqjoser. GAUL (Alfked Robert) The Holy City, a Sacred Cantata. . .Op. 36. London: Novello, Ewer d: Co., etc. [1S82.] 8°. IX. A. 5. (2.) Let Thy merciful Ears. Anthem, etc. London : Patey & Willis, etc. 1883. 8". IX. A. 18. (17.) No. 7 of ' The Lute.' London : IX. A. 18. (16.) This is the Day. Anthem. Patey ^- VI. D. 5. (2.) GLEICHAUF (Franz Xaver) See Mendelssohn- Baktholdv (J. L. F ) (juintuor pour le Piano ii quatre main.s, arrange. . .par X. Gleichauf. Op. 18. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 6. (2.) GLINKA (MiKiiAEL Ivanovic) Das Leben fiir den Czaar. . .No. 4. Scene and Terzett mit Chor. ,S'. Petersburg, hei T. Stelloasl-ii, ete. fdl. XXXII. B. 32. (11.) GLOVER (William) A Cantata, entitled the Cor.sair ; the words selected from ]>yron's works, etc. London: B. Cocks and Co., etc. 8°. X. E. 26. (1.) Emmanuel, an Oratorio, etc. [P. F. score.] London, B. Addison rf- Co., etc. fol. XI. A. 25. (1.) GLOVER (William Howard) Tam O'Shanter, a . . . Cantata. Full Score. Poetry by R. P>urns. London... Chappell & Co., etc. fol. XXIII. B. 21. GLUCK (Christopii Willirald von) Alceste. Tragedie, etc. [Full Score.] Li Vienna, nella stamparia anlica di G. T. de Trattnern. 17C9. fol. XXIII. C. 1. The Title-page has the signature of Pio Clancliettini, dated Naples, 1818. Alceste. Tragedie Opera en trois Actes, etc. [Full Score.] ii Paris. Au Bureau d'Ahonnenient Musical, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 22. Alceste, ete. [Full Score.] Chez Boieldieu, etc. fol. a Paris. XXIII. B. 23. See Bach (J. S.) Me.sse No. X. Gleichauf. ohl. fol. Clavierauszug von VI. D. 13. (2.) Alceste. Opera en trois Actes, avec accompagne- ment de Piano Forte. . .Edition Nicolo. it Paris. E. Trciipenas, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 24. [Alceste.] Ombre, larve. As sung ... by Signora Banti, ete. London . . . Printed fa- B. Birehall, ete. fol. XVIIL A. 31. (8.) Ij'Arbre Enchante. Opera Comique en un Acte de Mr. Vado . . . mis en vers et en Ariettas par Mr. Moline, etc. [Full Score.] « Paris, chez Des Lauriers, etc. fol. XXIII. C. 16. Armide. Drame heroique, e?c. [Full Score.] Gravre par M'"'' Lobry. « Paris. Au Bureau de Musiepie, etc. fol. " XXIII. C. 2. Armide, '/'■. [Kull Score.] ii Paris. Chez Dcs- lanriers, etc. fol. XXIII. C. 3. [Armide.] Premiere Scene du .")'' Acte . . . Arraugoe par N. Carbonel. Paris, etc. ohl. fol XXVIII. A. 27. (12.) Nos. 2(i-28, 30'' Anncc if the Journal Hehdonutdaire, etc. The Favourite Songs in. . .Artamene. Lonihoi . . . L Walsh, etc. [1746.] fol. XXXII. B. 6. (4.) Cvthere Assiegoe. Ojicra Balet en trois Actes . . . Pocme de Favart. [Full Score.] ii Paris. Chez Deshmricrs, etc. fol. XXIII. C. 4. 1)(! Profundis ... a Posthumous work, engraved after the Manuscript of the Author. [Full Score.] Loudon. . .Ciauchettini and Sjierati, ete. ohl. fol. IX. C. 11. (2.) Dc Profundis . . . Ouviage posthume . . . Partition et arrangement pour lo Piano Forte ou f)rgue. Jionn et Cologne chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. VI. D. 21. (4.) GLUCK-GOLDSCirMIDT. 139 GLUCK (CiiniKTdPii Wii-LiBALi) von) Eclio et Nar- cissc. ])iaiiic Lyi'ii|iic en trois Actcs avec tin Prologue par M. le Karou do T., etc. \V\i\\ Score] a Paris. Clicx Dcs Lcuricrs, clc fol. XXIII. C. 5. Thi' Tillr-jKiiji' in sii/ii'd iritli Sir 11. ]{. Bishop's initials. Iphigcnie en Aulide. Trageilic Ojirra rittanica. Parodia sull' Tnno Inglese God save Great George our King. In Napoli presso L. Marescahhi. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 5. (10.) GODARD (Bknjamin Louis Pall) Vingt Pieces pour le Piano. Oeuv. 58. Paris. A. Ledtte. 8°. XXIX. C. 4. GOETZ (HuHMANx) By the Waters of Babylon. P.salni l.']7, for Soprano Solo, Chorus and Orchestra . . .Op. 14. The English version. . .by .1. Troutbeck. London: Novello, Ewer <(• Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 5. (3.) Sinfonie (in F dur) fiir grcs.ses Orchester . . . Op. U. Partitur. Leipzig, F. Kistner. 8°. LVIII. A. 27. GOLDEN PIPPIN. The Songs, Duets Trios itc. in the Golden-Pippin, an English Burletta . . . Com- piled . . . by the Author of Midas. London. Printed for Longman, Lnlceij and (_'i>.. etc. [1773.] oW. fol. XX'VII. B. 17. (2.) GOLDMARK (C.vkl) Lilndliche Hochzeit. Sym- phonie in .5 Stitzen . . . tJj). 26. Partitur. Mainz, bei B. Schott's Slihne, etc. 8". LXIII. B. 36. GOLDSCHMIDT (Otto) The Bach Choir Magazine. Select Vocal Part Music . . . edited . . . for the use of the Bach Choir by O. Goldschmidt. Nos. 1-10. 8". IX. A. 22. Come when the Dawn. Part Song for Two Soprani, Alto, Tenor it Two Basses, etc. Op. lo. No. 3. London : Addison, HoUier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (31.) Four Dttels for Two Voices, wiih Pianoforte accom- paniment. . .Op. 18. London, Cramer d- Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 24. (2.) A presentation copy to Sir G. Grove from the composer. Zwiilf grosse Etuden . . . fiir Pianoforte . . . Op. 13. Xeue . . . revidirte Ausgabe, etc. Heft I. (Douze Grandes Etudes . . . Op. 13. Cah. 11.) 7 nos. Breitkopf A Hartel, Leipzig, etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (9.) T 2 140 GOLDSCHMIDT— GOSS. GOLDSCHMIDT (Orro) The Healing Flower. Four-part Song, etc. Op. \o. No. 1. London: Addison, HolHerd: Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (29.) Three Sacred Part Songs, Christmas, The Passion, Easter, etc. London, Addison, EoUier it Lucas, etc. fol. XI. E, 28. (8.) Euth, a Sacred Pastoral, the words selected from the Bible . . . Op. 20. London, Lnmhorn Cock, Addison (t Co.. etc. i866. fol. XI. A. 26. Six Songs for Soprano or Tenor with German and English Words, the poetry by Lenau, Geibel, eic. Op. 9. Book 2. London, Addison, Hollier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (10.*) A presentation copy from Mdme. Lind-Goldsclimidt to 'Sir G. Grove. Summer Evening. Four Part Song, etc. Op. 15. Xo. 2. London : Addison, Sollier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (30.) Trio [in E flat for P. F. t Strings]. Op. 12. fol. Wuntimj the titlepayes. LXI. E. 9. (2.) See Bennett (Sir W. S.) and Goldschmidt (O.) The Chorale Book for England . . . compiled and edited by W. S. Bennett and O. Goldschmidt. 1863. 4°. IX. C. 15. See Palestrina (G. P. da) Missa Papae Marcelli . . . Edited . . . bv O. Goldschmidt, etc. 1S81. 8°. IX. G. 19. (1.) GOLDWIN (John) I have set God alway before me. Anthem for si.x voices . . . the organ part by V. Xovello. London ...ng. (On Themes from. . .Sapho, etc.) London, MefyJer (f; Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 13. (15.) Th(! Sea hath its Pearles. Song, etc. London, Duffti Stewart, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 13. (16.) [Le Soil-.] When silently the day is dying. . . Melodic, etc. London, Cliappell <(: Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 13. (18.) Suona o dcU'aiigclo. II Canto dclla S(Ma, etc. London, Metzler & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 13. (24.) Sweet Baby sleep. Lullaby, I'tc. London, Nocello, Ewer :, etc. fol. VI. A. 8. (5.) GRAHAM (Gauuielle) The Lord is my Light. Anthem. London: Novel'o, Ewer & Co., etc. 8°. IX. A. 16. (3.) GRANCINI (MiciiELE Axgelo) Giardino Spirituale de Varii Fiori Musicali Concertati a (juattro voci . . . Opera Decima Sesta, etc. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Basso per 1' Organo.) 5 pt. In Mihnio, Per Carlo Francesco Bolla, etc. 1655. 4". I. B. 14. GRANOM (Lewis Christian Austin) A Song. The Words [begin " To soothe my Chloe's pensive grief"] by Mr. Blackston. «. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (28.) GRATIANI (BoNi FAZIO) ^Motetti a Due, e Tic Voci, lie. Canto Priino (Secondo). (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Organo.) 4 pt. In Roma, Nclla Stamparia di lacomo Fei d'A. F. 1667. 4". ' I. B. 15. GRAUN (Cakl Heinkich) Montezuma. Oper in drei Aktcn. Herau.sgcgeben von A. !Mayer-Reiiiach. 11104. See Denkmaeleu. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunsl. Erstc Folgc, ('/,-. Bd. XV. 1892, c/c. fol. XXXVII. B. 15. Te Deum laudamus, etc. [Full Score.] In Lipsia presso G. G. I. Breitlcopf. 1757. fol. XL B. 6. Dcr I'od .)esu. Kantate. . .I'artitur. NeuoAusgabe. Jii'ii Jlreltl.djif (f lldrlcl in Leipr.iij. fol. VI. B. 14. (2.) C. (i. (riaun s. . . Pa.ssioiis Cantate Der Tod .Jesu iin Klavierauszug herausgegeben von J. A. Hiller. Neue Ausgabe. Bey Breitlcopf and Hixrlel in Leipzi(j. old. fol. ■ VI. D. 2). (3.) See Bishop {Sir \l. R.) Twelve Coralcs . . . by . . . Graun, ric. fol. VI. B. 22. rxRAUPNEi; r4r>EEXE. 143 GRAUPNER (CiiRisTOPii) Instrumentalkdiizcrto dcutsi-lnT -Mtistcr . . . C. (iniupiier . . . Heiausgegcboii von A. Schcring. 1907. >SVc Denkmakler. Deiik- niiiler deutsclior Tonkmist. ICrstc Folgo, itr. Bd. XXIX, XXX. 1802, ftr. fol. XXXVII. B. 29, 30. GRAVES (James) See Thesaurus Musicus. The- saurus .Mu.siciis, rff. (])y . . .Gi'.'ivos, ric.) fol. XXV. C. 29. GRAY (J.) Twenty four Cliaiits : lo wliicli .aro ]irr- lixcil, Remarks on ('hauling, i-lr. I'lililisJifil for till' Author hy Preston . . . Tjotnlou. . .1854. fol. ■ " VI. A. 2. (3.) GREATHEED (Samuel Stephenson) Enoch's Prophecy ; An Oratorio. Vocal Score, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte . . . Tlu; words from J. Montgomery's poem, 'The World before the Flood.' Loiiihm. . .J. A. Novi'Ilo, rtr. fol. XI. A. 25. (2.) GREATOREX (Thomas) Twelve Glee.s, from . . . English, Irish it Scotch Melodies, harmonized hy . . . T. Greatorex, etr. Lonihin. . .J. Hedijley, rlr. fol. ' XXIII. C. 18. Parochial P.salmody. Being a Collection of . ..P.salni Tunes . . . newly harmonized for 4 Voices by T. (Jreatorex, etc. London. . . thi- Biiijal Hnniionic Ii,st!tution, etr. ohl. 8". IX. C. 30. With the Editor's iiiitofjraph on the Title-pruje. GREEN (James) A Book of Psalmody, containing Chanting-Tunes . . . witli eighteen Anthems . . . the (■ightli edition, corrected and enlarged. London . . . W. Pearson. . .1-^^. 8°. IX. C. 31. See Williams (A.) Royal Harmony . . . Containuig . . . Anthems. . .by. . .J. Green, etr. i-j6C. obi. fol. XI. C. 52. GREENE (Maurice) Acquaint thyself with (iod. Anthem for an alto voice . . . The organ jiart by V. Novello. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 8. (6.) Forty Select Anthems in Score, . . .for 1, 2, .3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Voices. 2 vols. London. . .J. Walsh. 1745. fol. XI. B. 7. A New and correct Edition of Forty Select Anthems, in Score, etr. 2 vols. Ljondon. . .R. Bin-hull, etc. fol. XI. B. 8. A New and correct Edition of Forty Select Anthems in Score, etr. (Nine Anthems in Score, etc.) 3 vols. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XI. E. 4. Yol. ILL, conlaininij 9 Anthems, inis published bi/ nirrhiiirx. Six Solo Anthems . . . for a Voice alone with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ. London ... I. Walsh, etr. fol. XI. E. 30. Six Full Anthems for five voices . . . selected and [ published by R. Clark, rtr. lSl2. . .B. Clarlc . . . Westminster, fol. VI. A. 8. (10.) A Cantata and four English Songs. Printed for L Wal.-• livered ; a Dramatic Cantata. [P. F. Sccjrc.] ful. XI. B. P. GREETING (Thomas) The Ple.as.mt Companion : or New Lesson.s and Instructions for the Flagelet. Lonilon, Printed for J. Phn/ford. etc. i6So. ohl. 4". II. C. 30. Witlwut ptiijinatitin. Tlie composers of these lessons are I. B., M. L., W. A., John B Actes en prose et en vers par M. Sedaine. . .(Euvre xxiv. . . Gravee par Huguet, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez Sieher, etc fol. XXIII. C. 20. (2.) Richard Creur de Lion, etc. [Full Sim-e.] A Paris, All Magasin de J. Frey, etc. t'ul. XXIII. C. 23. Richard Cuvre in''. Grave par le S' Dezauche. [Full Score.] A Paris, etc. fol. XXIII. C. 22. (2.) I Zemire et Azor. Comedie-Ballet en Vers et en Quatre Actes . . . ffiuvre vii'. Gravee par J. Dezauche. [Full Score.] A Paris dies Houhani, etc. fol. XXIII. C. 24. See Shield (W.) Abroad and At Home. A Comic Opera. . .by Gretry, etc. [1796.] ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 7. (1.) See Shield (W.) The Midnight Wanderers. A Comic Onera. . .bv. . .Gretry, etc. [1793] ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 8. (4.) GRIEG (EiJVAHD Hagerup) Bilder aus dem Volks- lel)en. Drei Humoresken fiir Pianoforte. Op. 19. C. Simon. Berlin, etc. fol. LXII. E. 17. (8.) Concert fiir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. . .0]i. 16. Partitur. Leipzi;/, E. W. Fritzsch. 1872. fol. LIX. A. 20. i). [Another copy.] Concert fiir Pianoforte mit Beg- leitung des Orchesters. . .Op. 16. Partitur. Leipzig, E. W. Fritsch, etc. 1872. fol LX. C. 16. (2.) Sieben Kinder Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 6 1 . Jjcipzig, B.Forhey. 1895. fol. XXIIL C. 24. a. Landerkennung (Landkjending) Gedicht von B. Bjornson fiir Mannerchor. Baryton Solo, Orchester (und Orgel ad libitum). . .op. 31. [Full Score.] Leipzig. C. F. Peters. 4°. XXXII. B. 33. (4.) Vier Romanzen fiir eine Singstimme mit KJavier- l)egleitung. . .Opus 10. Lclpziq. C. F. Peters. 4". XXXII. B. 33. (3.) Sigurd Jorsalfar, af Bj^rnstjerne ]5j0rnson. . .Op. 22. Klaverudtog med Text, etc. Kiohcnham. C. C. Lose, 'etc. fol. XXXII. B. 14. (3.) GRIEPENKERL (Frieduich Conrad) ,S'< (■ r>A', etc. fol. XI. B. 9. GRIFFITHS (Edward) Messe en sol majeur com- po.see ]io\ir la I'^ete de Napoleon . . . 1873. Vocal Score. Jjondon, S. Lucas, Weher lO Co. 8". IX. A. 8. (3.) GEIFFITHS- G UILMANT. 145 GRIFFITHS (GKoiiOK Richaud) Sec JIahndioi, (G. F.) [Theodora.] An^'els, ever bright and fair. . .arranged for the Organ. . .by G. K. Griffiths, ohi. fol. X'XIX. B. 8. (11.) GROSHEIM ((tEok(! Christoimi) Sainndung teut- sclier Gciliclitc . . . Dcnen bcyden . . . PrincessinPn Caroline Louise uiid Louise Ulriiiue von He.ssen- Homburg. . .zugeeignet, etc. Sr.hnlt. . . Mainz, etc. oil. fol. XXVIII. A. 9. (2.) Saninduiig toutscher Gedichte. . .der. . . IJeichsgriifin von Scldiithcini gewi(bnet. . .C)p. 4. Bri Ji. Srhitf iiiMirhiz. oR fol. XXVIII. A. 9. (3.) Sanniilung teutschfr gedichte. . .der i'rinzcssin Cai'l von Hessen-Pliilipstlial . . .zugeeignet. . .IV'°'' Theil. Cassel. . .in der W(iiscnliaiM-Buc1idrnrJi-rrri/. ohI. fol. XXVlil. A. 9. (4.) See Gluck (C. W. von) Iphigenie en Aulide . . . arrange pour le Pianoforte jsar Mv. Grosheitn. ohI. fol. XXVI. B. 1. GROSS (JouANN BisN.rAMiN) Senate en Si min... pour le Pianoforte et Violoncelle. . .Oeuv. 7. A Leipsic. Chez Breitkopf <(■ Ilarlel. fol. LXII. C. 5. (7.) GROSSI (Cahlo) Moderne Melodie a Voce Sola, con due, tre, ([uattro, e cinque stromenti e Partitura per rOrgauo. . .()j)era Ottava, etc. Canto o Tenore. (Violino' II.) (Alto o Tenore Viola.) (Viola.) (Bassus Continuus.) 5 pt. In Amvrsa. Slampato in Casa d! Lnra de Potter . . . i6So. 4". I. B. 16. GRUBER (Joseph) Mass in Honor of the Imma- culate Conception of the B. V. M. for four male voices with organ accompaniment. . .Op. 173. Score. /. Fischer d: Bro . . .New York, etc. 8°. XVII. A. 7. a. (1.) GRUETZMACHER (Fuiedkrh Wilhulm Luuvvio) Im Friihliug. Drei Stiicke fiir Violoncell und Piano- forte. . .Op. 30. No. 2. Intermezzo. Ijcipziq, Breitlcopf & Hartel. fol. ■ LXII. C. 5. (9.) Trois Pieces pour Violoncelle et Piano. . .Oji. 2. No. 1. Romance. Leipzi(i .. .0. F. Peters, fol. LXII. C. 5. (8.) GRUND (FiUKDRicii AViLHiU-M) Allegro, liecitatif et Largbetto, Hondo Espagnol. Grand nivertis.senieut pour le Piano a quatre mains avec acconipagnement de. . .Violoncelle. Op. 23. Amslerdam. . . Theme <£• Co. fol. LXII. C. 5. (10.) Trio de Salon pour Piano a (juatre mains et . . . Violoncelle. . .Oe. 27. Schnherth (0 Co. Hamhoiirij, etc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (11.) GUENIN (11.) Trois Romances avec accompagnement de Piano ou Harpe, etc. a Paris. Chez A. Lcduc, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 23. (17.) GUERINI (Francesco) [Six Sonatas for Violin and thorough Bass.] [London.] fol. LIX. A. 20. b. WanlliKj the iiile-page. n.c.M.c. GUGLIELMI (PiETRo) Agitata mi par di sentire. Tcrzitto Buiib, etc. [Full Score, Flauto Secondo and Corno Secondo parts.] Prexso A. Zaila e Fiijti, In Vcnezla. old. fol XXVIII. A. 14. (1.) The Favourite Songs in. . .11 Carnovale di Venezia, etc. London. . .E. Bremner, etc. [1772.] fol. XXXIL B. 1. (5.) I La Ci>ntc'.] Sposo amato, amato bene. Duettino, '•/(■. [Full Score.] In Napoli. Appresso L. Marcscalchi, etc. oil. fol. XXVIII. A. 5. (11.) The Favourite Songs in. . .11 Desertore. London. . . li. Bre.nner, etc. [1770.] fol. XXXIL B. 1. (1.) [Six Divertiments for the Harpsichord, and Violin, <'<(■. I London. . .Author, etc. J 770. olLiiA. Wanlinj the title p me. XXIX. A. 22. (5.) Th(^ Favourite Songs in the Ojiera Ezio. 3 Nos. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [1770. | fol. XXIII. C. 25. (1.) [Another copy.] The l*\avourite Songs in. . .Ezio. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [ 1770.] fol. XXXIL A. 28. (L) The Favourite Songs in. . . Ttii;i,'nia, etc. London. . . B. Bremner,- etc. fol. XXXIL B. 2. (3.) The Favourite Songs in. . .Le Pazzie d' Orlando, etc. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [1771-] fol. XXXIL B. 1. (4) [II Poeta di Campagna.] S'e pena, s' e affanno. Dut^ttino con Recitativo, etc. [Full Score.] In Napoli. Presso L. Marescalehi, etc. obi. fol. XXVIIL A. 5. (12.) Sei Quartetti per il Cembalo due Violini e N'ioloncello, etc. [Separate Parts.] London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LIX. A. 21. Six Sonatas for the Harpsichord or Forte Piano. . . Opera III. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. ohl. iol. XXIX. A. 21. (3.) The Favourite Songs in. . .1 Viaggiatori Kidicoli, etc. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [176S.] fol. XXXIL A. 32. (2.) The Favourite Song with the Flute Accompaniment in the Opera of Viagitori, etc. Wclchr. et<\ fol. XXXIL B. 5. (7.) GUICHARD (M.) Ecole du Violon a I'u.sage du Con- scrvatuiic. a Paris, chez M. Schlesin'jcr, etc. 8°. LXIII. D. 22. (L) GUILMANT (Felix Alexandre) Ave Maria, Op. 14, solo de Soprano ou de Tenor avec acconipagnement d'orgue. Paris, Schott, etc. fol. VI. A. 8. (12.) Noels, Oftertoires . . . etc. . . . pour orgue . . . sur des iSlelodies anciennes. 2""' (-4""') Livraison. 3 Nos. Paris, Schott, etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (16.) Premiere Sonate Syni])houie pour orgue . . .Op. 42. Paris, Schott, etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (15.) Tantum ergo. Solo de Basse avec acconipagnement d'orgue. Op. 14. Paris, Schoit, etc. fol. VI. A. 8. (13.) u 146 GUNN— HAENDEL . GUNN (Barxabas) Two Cantata's, ami Six Songs, set to Musick. Gluuci-strr . . .It. Haikes, IJ^S. 4°. X. B. 14. Six Setts of Lessons for the Harpsichord. Limdon. Printed for J. Jolinson, etc. chl. fol. LXX. C. 9. Six Solo's for the Violin and Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord. The Author. . . Birminijham, etc. 1745. fol. LIX. A. 21. a. GUNN (.John-) The Art of Playing the German- Flute on new ])rinciples, etc. Sold by the Author, etr. [London.] fol. " LXX. A. 6. The School of the German Flute . . . Book the First, etc. London, sold by the Author, etc. fol. LXX. A. 7. GURLITT (CoKNELlus) Fantasie sur un air original. < '|), 17G. [2 P. F.] Aiujctier d: Co.. . .London, fol. LXIL E. 25. (4.) Piondo. Op. 175. No. 1. [2 P. F.] Augener <£ Co London, fol. LXII. E. 25. (3.) See Pacer (E.) The British Guards. Quick March . . .Military Band. . .by C. Gurlitt. LX. C. 15. (3.) GWILT (JosRPii) A Collection of Madrigals and Motetts, chiefly for four equal voices, by. . .Compo.sers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries . . . extracted from the original editions. . .by J. Gwilt. London: Printed for the Editor, etc. 1815. XXIILC. 26. The composers named in this collecto.n are Weelhes, Wilbi/e, Benct, Palestrina, Piers, Savile, Dowland, Vittorid, Tye, P. Johnson, Batrson, Tallis, Morley, Farmer & Kirhye. GYROWETZ (Adalbert) [Der Augen-Arzt.] Deutsche Tiinze niit Trios und Coda fiir das ganze Orchester arrangirt, etc. [Separate Parts.] Wien. Im Verlage der . . . chemischen JDruckercy, etc. fol. LX. D. 5. (7.) See Rossini ((J. A.) Zehnira. Opera Seria. . .ridotta per il Piano-Forte dal Sig. Maestro Gyrowetz, etc. [1822.] oM. fol. XXVI. C. 29. H, A. Twelve Italian Canzonets. To wliich is added a Collection of English Songs, etc. Ijo\idon. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. oW. fol. XXVIIL A. 8. (2.) ' H., M. H. Hear my Prayer. A Saci-ed Song, etc. London. ..CamjMl, ete. fol. VL A. 8. (14.) HABERL (Fkanz Xaver) See Viadana (L.) IMissa ' L' hora passa "... redegit F. X. Haberl. 4". IX. A. 23. (4.) HACKENSOELLNER (Lkopoli,) 11 Ditale. 0])<>ra Coinica in un Atto, parole di S. E. il T)uca
  • al)ylon. An Oratorio ... the Musick selected from the ^\ orks compos'd by Mr. Hanilel. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. oW. fol. V. B. 2. I Lucio Vero.] The I'avourite Songs in . . . Lucius V'erus, '■/'•. Loudiin. Prinli'd far I. Wiflsh, itc. fol. V. A. 12. A pasticcio, proiluccd in 1747, chiefly selected from Handel's Operas. Redemption. A Sacred Oratorio in Score ; selected from the . . . Woi-ks of G . F. Handel, and formed into a Bc;;ular Drama by S. Arnold, etc. Lo\idon. I'rinird for It' Birchall, etc. fol. IV. B. 25. HAENDEL. 147 HAENDEL ((iEOUG FiURDiurii) |ll. Skmcitioxs AM) AkUANCKMKNTS.] [Hodemiitidii.] He layeth the lioaiiis of his cluunlxTs, i-tc. Liniihiii . . .('li'Vicnti d: Conqii/., ctr. ful. IV. D. 11. (4.) Tli'iH KiitKj IS ii(hipli'(l frotii ' Nance (d hnni-iij Apollo's I'Vast or the Harmony of y" Opera Stage liciiii,' a ... Collection of the Favourite. . .Songs out of the latest Opera's compos'd hy W. Handel clone in a plain & Intelligible Character with their Syniphonys for Voices and Instruments. The whole fairly Engraven &. . .Corrected. Containing I'Sl Plates. London. Printrd for . . .1. Widd, rtr. >ol. IV. C. 19. Apollo's Feast or the Harmony <>f the Opera Stage. . . Vol. I. (-V.) " Loiidou. Print I'd for... I. W'dd, etr. f,.l. IV. D. 5. The Beauties of Handel, in three V^olumes, consisting of upwards of one hundred &, fifty. . .Songs, Duetts & Trios, .selected. . .arranged with a separate accompani- ment for the Piano Forte, and figured. . .by J. Corfe, etc. 3 vols. London. Covcntrij and HoUirr late FrcKton, etc. ohl. fol. ' V. B. 8. A Collection of . . .Songs, Duetts & Trios in Score also for the Pianoforte or Harpsichord . . . selected . . . from the AVorks of G. F. Handel. 2 vols. London. Printed 1)!/ T. Buckinger, etc. fol. V. A. 27. Twelve Duets for two Voices with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Bass Violin. Collected out of all the late Operas Compos'd by Mr. Handel. To which is added the. . .Trio in. . .Alcina. London. Printed f,r. . .1. Wnhh, etc. fol. V. C. 4. Favorite Songs and Duets. . .Arranged. . .by W. II, Callcott. 3 vols. Leader and Click. . .London, fol. V. C. 17. Handel Commenioratiou Festival, Crystal Palace. . . 1859. The whole of the Music. . .in vocal score, with a separate accompaniment for the pianoforte by V. Novello. J. A. Noveno, etc. [London.] 8°. V. B. 13. [Handel Festival, 1862. The Music performed at the Crystal Palace.] 3 pts. London, Novello d Co., etc. 8°. V. B. 14. Handel Festival. .. 1868. The Whole of the Music to be performed on. . .June 17th, being a Selection from Handel's Oratorios, etc. [London.] Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. V. B. 15. (1.) [Another Copy.] Crystal Palace. Handel Festival . . ..June 17th, 1868. The Whole of the Music to be performed on. . .June 17th, etc. Novello, Ewer d; Co., [London], etc. 8". V. D. 9. Crystal Palace. Handel Festival, 1874. The Selection to be performed on. . .June 24th, etc. London : Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. V. D. 5. (2.) Handel Festival, 1877. The Selection to be performed on. . .June 27, etc. London : Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8". V. B. 15. (2.) HAENDEL (Geokc; Fkiicdkich) [II. Selections AM) AuKANfiEMKNTS.] Handel Festival, 1880. The Selection to be per- formed on. . .June 23, etc. London: Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8°. V. B. 16. (2.) Handel Festival, 188-5. The Selection to be per- formed on. . .June 24, etc. London r on tlie titlcjtacje i(: the verso of fol. 17 is lift blank. Esther. An Oratorio in Score, etc. Ljondon, Printed for Wriy J. G08.S, elc. London, I^amhorn Code, Addison & Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (6.) HAENDEL (Georo Friedrich) [V. Oratorios, &c.] [Messiah.] Fac-Simile of the Autograph Score of Messiah . . . executed in Photo-Lithography. . .from the original in the Library of Buckingham Palace. London. . .Sacred, Harmonic Society . . . 1 868. ohl. fol. TItis ropy is on tinted paper. V. B. 5. [Another copy.] Fac-Simile of the Autograph Score of Messiah, <7c. London. . .Sa.rred Hiirmonir Socidi/ ...1868. ohl. fol. V. D. 6. This Copy is on ichttr paper. [Messiah.] Das Autograph des Oratijriums " .Messias " . . . Fiir die deutsclie Hiindelgesellschaft heraus- gegeben von F. Chrysander. Hamhunj . . . Sirumper A Go. 1892. c-W. fol. XXXIIL C. 27. Songs in Messiah, an (.)ratorio. etc. London. Printrd f,r L Wahh, dr. fol. IV. CIO. [Another edition.] The Songs in Messiah, dc. London. Printed for I. Wahh, dc. fol. IV. C. 22. Bound np with this ropy is ' A Catalognr if . . . Music, Printed for, and sold hy Elizahdh Randall,' etr. Messiah an Or.itorio in Score, etr. London. Printed hy 3L:ssrs. Randall & Ahell, dr. fol. IV. B. 7. Messiah, rtr. London. L-'rintrd . . .hy H. Wrlqht, dc. f'.l. IV.' B. 27. The Messiah, an Oratorio in . . . score . . . Appended to which. . .,are the Accompaniments. . .added by W. A. Mozart, the whole . . . revised & arranged with a com- pressed Accompaniment for the Piano Forte or Organ, by J. Addison. 2 vols. London, D'Alinaine (0 Co., etc. fol. V. C. 1. [Messiah.] F. G. Hilndel's Oratorium Der Messias, nach W. A. Mozart's Bearbeitung. Partitur. 3 pts. B'i Breitkopf nud Iliirlrl in Leipzig, ohl. fol. V. B. 4. Handel's Sacred Oratorio, The Messiah ... in Full Score, including Mozart's additional accompaniments. London (0 New York. Novella, Ewer <£ Co. fol. IV. C. 17. Messiah. . .A new edition, with. . .an accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, arranged by J. Bishop, dc. London : Li. Cocks d Co., dr. 8". XVII. E. 19. Handel's . . . Oratorio 'The Messiah' ... in Vocal Score, with a separate accomi)animent . . .arranged by V. Novello. Loudon. . . NorrUo ,{; Co., dr. 8". V. D. 7. This copy contains MS. alterations d marks of ex- pression, said to hare hern copied from those made for Jenny Lind hy Sir Georijr Smait. An extract from the J'roceediwjs if the Musical Assoriation (10 May 1904) is In.frrtni. [Messiah.] Grand Chorusses from . . . the Messiah adapted for tli<^ Organ or Harpsichord and Voice. 2 liooks. London. Priiiird for J. Bland, etc. fol. IV. D. 9. (1.) [Messiah.] O Thou ihat tcllcst Air >^- Chorus. . . arranged. . .l)y FI. B. J5ishop. D'.Mmaine d Co. ...London. 1857. fol. XVIII. B. 29. (1.) HAENDEL. 153 HAENDEL (Gnouc FiuEWiicii) [V. Ouatorio.s, ifec] [McKsiali.] Worlliy is tlic Laiiih. (Arranged for the Organ. . .by J. C. Nightingale.) Lotidon. . . HalUdaij \. IV. D. 9. (3.) [Theodora.] Angels, ever bright and fan-. No. 3 of Favorite Songs. . .arranged for the Organ. . .by G. li. Griffiths. London, Chappell <£• Co., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (11.) The Triumph of Time and Truth, an Oratorio, etc. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. IV. C. 16. VI. Ddets and Teios. Thirteen . . . Italian Duets, accompanied vith the Harpsichord or Organ, etc. London. Printed f.r W" Randall, etc. fol. IV. B. 22. A New Edition of thirteen . . . Italian Duets and two Trios, with an accompaniment for the Piano Forte or Organ . . . Revised, coriected and collated with . . . manuscript copies by J. Bartleman. London . . . R' Birchall, etc. fol. V. A. 28. 15i HAENDEL. HAENDEL (Georg Friedrich) [VI. Duets and Trios.] Handel's . . . Vocal Duets . . . with the Poetry from Milton's Paradise Lost, Pope's Essay on Man & Universal Prayer ; adapted hy the Composer of Yountc's Nitdit Thou£;hts. London. Printed hi/ H. Wnijlit. etc. fol. IV. B. 23. (1.) Two. . .Italian Trios accompanied with the Harpsi- chord or Ort'an, ftc. London. Printed fur'nohrrt Bmltall. tic. IV. B. 23. (2.) VII. Insteujiental Works. Chaconne avec G2 Variations pour le Piano-Foite, rtr. a Vienne chez L Trncj, etc ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (11.) Concerti Grossi. . .Opera Terza. [Separate Parts.] London...!. Wahh,etc. fol. LX. D. 2. (5.) Another copy.] Concerti Grossi . . . Ojiera Terza. Separate Parts.] London. . .1. Wal.'ih, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (8.) Another copy.] Concerti Grossi . . . Opera Terza. "Separate Parts.] London...!. Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 3. (8.) 8ix Concertos ... in 7 Parts . . . Opera (^uarta. [Separate Parts.] London... L WaM, etr. fol. LX. E. 2. (9.) [G Concertos for Organ. Op. 4.] [London.] fol. Wantin/j the iitle-parje. V. C. 10. (2.) Six Concertos for the Harpsicord or Organ. [Op. IV.] London. Printed for L. Walsh, etc. fol. II. B. 9. (1.) Second Set. Six Concertos for the Harpsichord or Organ. London :. . .J. Harrison if' Gc, etc. uhl. fol. XXVIII. C. 7. (2.) Third Set. Six Concertos for the Harpsichord or Organ. London:. . .Harrison <(■ Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL C. 7. (3.) A new Edition of Six Concertos for the Harpsicord or Organ, c/f. London... H. Wriqlit, etc. fol. LXII. E. 12. (6.) Handel's Six Organ Concertos, edited Ijy W. T. Best. etc. London. . .J. A. Nooello, etc. old. in]. XXVIII. C. 8. Six Concertos for the Harpsichord or Organ. Jjondon : . . .Harrison d' Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 7. (1.) [Concertos. Op. T). Separate Parts.] [L'rndioi.] fol. Wontin'j the title-paijes. LX. E. 2. (10.) Twelve Grand Concertos. . .in Seven Parts ... Opera Sexta. ;5'' Edition. [Sepai-ate Parts.] Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 3. (7.) [Another copy.] Twelve Grand Concertos. . .Opera Sexta. .3'' P^dition. [Scjiarate Parts.] Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 4. (2.) [Another copy.] Twelve (irand Concertos. . .Opera Sexta. 3"' Edition. [Separate Parts.] Printed for L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (11.) Handel's ... 2'' Oboe Concerto . . . adapted for the Organ, Harpsichord, or Piiuio Forte. Lundan. . . W. HodsoU, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 31. (3.) HAENDEL (Geoeg Friedrich) [VII. Instrumental Works.] Concert IV (F dur). Bearbeitet von G. A. Thomas. [P. F. Duet.] Leipziij, Breithopf& Hiirtel. „hl. fol. XXIX. A. 31. (3.) Fantasia (Capriccio) (Menuet) pour le Clavecin . . . Opera V. [Edited l)y Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (9.) Forest Music . . . Arranged for the Piano Forte l)y J. Smith, etc. Dublin. . .Henry BusseU, etc. fol. V. C. 10. (1.) Six Fugues or Voluntarys for the Organ or Harp- sicord . . . Troisieme Ouvrage. London . . . L Walsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 5. (4.) [Another edition.] Six Fugues. . .Troisieme Ouvrage. London . . . Preslass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello. . .Opera Quinta. [Parts.] London. Printed for...!. Walsh, etc. fol. IV. D. 7. (1.) Seven Sonatas or Trios for two Violins or ticrman Flutes with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello. . .Opera, (^uinta. London. Printed for... I. Walsh, ric. ful. V. C. 10. (4.) The Basso part only. Seven Sonatas or Trios for two Violins or German Flutes with a Thorough Bass for the Harj)sicord or Violoncello ... Opera t^uinta. [i'arts.] London . . . JI. Wright, etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (5.) Twelve Sonatas or Solo's for the Germ.m I'lute, Hautboy and Viiili II, c/c. [Arnold: Ltmildii.] fol. LXII. B. 14. (1.) HAENDEL— HAESER. 155 HAENDEL ((iKoitc FiUKnuirii) [VTT. Tnstrdmentai, A\ DuKs.] Senate fiir Violine iiiit bezillbitom Bass . . . [in A] hearl)eitet von F. David. Leipzig, Brcitlcopf & Hdrlil. fol. LXII. B. 3. (1.) Suites de Pieces jxmr le Clavecin, (7c. 2 xols. London... J. Walsh, cte. oil. h,]. XXVIII. C. 6. Clavier .Suiten, ek: Zurich hcij IT. (1. N'ti/rli. uhl. fol. XXVIII. C. 5. (6.) [Another edition.] Huit Suites pour le Clavecin ou Piano-Forte . . . IJravees par Richomme. A Zuric chrz J. G. Naigudi. ohi. fcl. XXIX. A. 21. (4.) Handel's Suites de Pieces jiour le Clavecin. Edited by J. Moscheles. 2 Books. London. . .Cramer, Bealed Co., etc. fol. V. C. 7. XVI Suites for the Piano . . . herausgcgeben von W. Kriiger, etc. G. A. Zumsle.eq in Stuttgart, fol. LIX. A. 25. [Suites de Pieces. 1st Collection. Suite IV.] Fuga per il Pianoforte o Organo, etc. Vienna, yresso G. Czerny. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (16.) Warlike Musick. Book I(-IV). Being a Choice Collection of Marches i^- Trumpet Tunes for a German Flute, Violin or Harpsicord. By Mr. Handel, St. Martini and the most Eminent Masters. London. Printed for L Walsh, etc. 8°. LXXXIII. A. 6. Wanting the title-pages to Boohs II-IV. The pagination is continnons. The Celebrated Water Musick in Seven Parts, etc. [Separate Parts.] London... I. Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 2. (6.) Handel's Water Musick. [P-E] [Harrison. iMidon] ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 5. (3.) Wanting the title-page. Water Music. See Duet.s. A Duett for Two Peiformers on One Harpsichord . . . No. 6. Handel's Water Piece, adapted by T. Carter, fol. LXII. E. 23. (4.) VIII. Appkndi.x. See B.\RDOCLEAU (R. F. J.) A Collection of Sacred Music from the. . .compositions of Handel. . .with. . . Latin words thereto adapted, etc. fol. VI. A. 33. See CosTELLOW (T.) Sunday's Amusement. A Selection of Sacred Music . . . .selected from Handel, etc. 8». IX. C. 24. Sec Gluck (C. W. von) \Orfco.'\ Orpheus and Euridice. . .by Gluck, Handel, etc. [1792.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 15. (4.) iSiee Neale (R.) A Pocket Companion for Gentlemen and Ladies, etc. (A Pocket Companion . . . Being a 1 Collection of. ..Songs by Handel, rff. Vol.11.) 8°. IX. F. 23. See NovELLO (V.) The Congregational. . .Psalm and Hymn Book ; consisting of . . . Adaptations from the | works of Handel, etc. 4°. XVII. C. 3. See NovELLO (V.) Novello's Collection of . . . Songs, Duets, Trios, Quartetts and Choruses. . .by Handel, Haydn k Mozart, etc. fol. XVII. C. 14. (2.) HAENDEL (Georc Fiueduicii) [VIII. Appendix.] See Prrr (T.) Church Music : consisting of . . . Six Anthems from the. . .works of Handel, etc. 1788-9. fol. XVII. D. 5. See Pratt (.1.) A Collection of Anthems. . ..selected from the Works of Handel, *7c. fol. XVII. D. 7. I See Stone (.1. T.) The Classical Organist . . . Com- positions from the AV'orks of Handel . . . arranged. . . for the Organ, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 32. S'ec TliESAUKUS Musicus. Thesaurus Musiublished. London. Printed for the Author, etc. [1800.] fol. ■ XXIII. D. 1. (6.) See Amu.semknt for the Ladies. Aniusi-mcnt for the Ladies, etc. (Glees . . . by. . . Harington, etc.) old. fol. XXVI. A. 3. HARLEQUIN SORCERER. The Comic Tunes in the. . .Entertainiiifut eall'd Harlequin Sorcerer... For the Haipsicord, Violin Ac. London. . .1. Wal.ih, etc. [1752.] oU. fol. XXVII. C. 8. (5.) HARMONIA SACRA. Harmonia Sacra ; or Divine Hymns and Dialogues : with a Thon)w-B.ass f(jr the Theorbo Lute, Bass-Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Composed by the Best Masters of the Last and Present Age. The Words by Sever.-d Learned and Pious Persons. 2 vols. In the Savoy : Printed hi/ Edward Jones, for Henry Plaijford . . . 1688. (1695.) "fol. " ' L G. 25. Harmonia Sacra. . .The Fir.st Book. The 2d. Edition . . .Enlarged and Corrected ; also four. . .Anthems of the late Mr. H. Puicell's ue\er before Printed. London : Printed hi/ William Pearson, for Hennj Plai/ford . . .and John Spruit, etc. I 705. fol. I. G. 26. (1.) ILirmonia Sacra. . . The First Book. The 3rd Edition ...Enlarg'd and Corrected etc. (Book 11. The 2d Edition . . . Enlarg'il and Corrected; also Three . . . Anthems, never before Printed, by Mr. Croft, the late Dr. Blow, and Mr. .Jer. Clark ) 2 pts. London: Printed hy William Pearson, for S. H. ami Sold by John Yoiuiy, etc. 17 14. fol. I. G. 28. HARMONIA SACRA. [Another copy.] ILarmonia Sacra . . . Tin' Second Book. In the Saroy : Printed hy Edward Jones for llcnn/ Playford, rlr. 1693. f.il. ' i. G. 26. (2.) Two Divine Hynnis : being a Supplement to the Second Book of Harmoniae Sacra. London : Printed hi/ W. Pearson. . .for Henry Plaiiford, etc. fol. I. G. 27. Tliis Copy is undated lO contain.^ conteuqiorary MS. corrections. Two Divine Hymns : being a Supplem(!nt to the Second Book of Harmoniae Sacra. London: Printed hi/ W. Pearson .. .for Henry Playford, etc. 1700. fol. I. G. 26. (3.) Harmonia Sacra, or Divine and Moral Songs, with Hymns and Anthems, by several Eminent Masters. Adapted to the Gerni;ui Flute, witli a thorough iia-ss for the Harpsichord or Organ. . .The Thiid EilitioD. London. . .Lowjmuu ti Broderip, etc. 8°. IX. B. 30. HARMONIA VERA. Harmonia Vera: or Six of the -Must Celebrated Cantatas in the Engli.sh Lan- guage, viz. Martillo, Thyrsis, Neptune and Aniymone, by Mr. Haydon. Alexis, by Dr. Pepusch. A Song with a Symphony, and the. . .Trio in Acis k Galatea, by Mr. Handel. London ... 2?. FaUicner. . . 1771. fol. XXXII. C. 29. (3.) HARMONIST. The Harmonist. A Select Collection of Ancient it Modern Glees, etc. Vol. T. London. . . C. Wheatsfone, etc. 8°. X. B. 13. HARFSICORD MASTER. The Second Book of the Harp.sicord Master Containing a Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spiiinette. . .By Dr. Blow, ^Ir. Courtivall, Mr. Clark, Mr. P.arrett it Mr. Crofts. To which is added Plain . . . Rules for Learners. The whole Faii-ly Engraven. London Printed for. . .1. Walsh. . . 1700. ohl. 4". I. F. 10. (1.) The Third Book of the Harjjsicord Master. Being a Collection of Choice Lessons with Song Tunes and Town Ayres, fitted to the Harpsicord or Spinnet. By Mr. ler. Clark, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Croft anace. Sum/ hi/ 3Iis., etc. M. XXXVII. B. 20. [Requiem. Inter oves.] Arie, etc. Berlin, Bei E. Bote & G. BocJc. fol. XVIII. B. 29. (15.) No. 3 of '' Samnilunj classischer Gescuuje fiir die Alt-Stimmc," etc. The Famous Salve Regina, etc. [Full Score.] Lond(.n. Printed for . . .1. Walsh, etc. fol. XL A. 16. (2.) Six Sonatas or Trios for two German Flutes or . . . ^'iolins and a Bass. [Parts.] Lmidon . . . L Walsh, etc. fol. LXI. E. 11. (10.) Te Deum laudamus. . .(D dur) fur Chor- und Solo- Stimmen niit Begleitung des Orchesters und der Orgel. . .Partitur. . .Deutscher Text von G. W. Fink. C. F. Peters ... Leipziy, etc. fol. XI. A. 16. (3.) Te Drum laud.-Luius. . .(D dur) fiir Chor- luid Solo- Stinnnen mit Jtegleitung des Orchesters und der < )rgel . . . Klav.-Ausziig. C. F. Peters . . . Tjciimij, etc. foL ' XI. B. 13. Venetian iiallads ... by Sig'' Hasse and all the Cirlebrated Italian Masters. Printed for J. Walsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 12. (5.) See Delizie dell' Opeuk. Lc Delizie deH'Operc. Being. . .Songs. . .from. . .Operas comjios'd by. . . Hasse, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 1. HASSLER (Caspar) Sacrac Syni])honiae, diver.soium exrellentissimorum aulhorum. . .I'jditio nova. Octava Vo.\. Norlbcrijx. Aj'ud Panluin Kai'.fniinniUin. 1598. 4". ' I. B. 30. HASSLEJi -HAVEKGAL. 159 HASSLER (Hans Leo) Wi-i-ke Hans Loo Hasslers . . . I'lrstcr Tcil. \\'frke fiir Orgcl ur\d Kluvier, luit beigefu!;teii Stucken von Jacob Hassler . . . heiaus- ftegebeii von E. von Weria. 1903. Si:r^ Dkkkmaelur. Denkmiilei' tier Toiikunst in Bayern, etc. Vierter Jahig. II. liuid. ic,oo, itr. fol. XXXVII. D. 6. Werke ... Zweiter Teil. Lieferungl. Bemerkungen 7.ur Biograi>hie H. L. Hassler.s und seiner Brtider . . . von A. iSandberger. licifcrung '2. Canzonettc von l.")90 luid Neue Teutselic (ies-aiig von 1.590 . . . hcrausgogelien von R. Schwartz. 1904. See I)ivNKM.\ELEK. Denkniiiler der Toiikun.st in Bayern, etc. Funfter Jabrg. 1900, etc. fol. XXXVII. D. 7. Han.s Leo Hasslers ^^'erke. Er.ster JSaiul. Cantione.s Sacrae fiir 4 bLs 12 Stimmen. Herausgegeben von H. Gehrniann. 1894. See Denkmauler. Denk- niiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. Bd. 11. i8j2, etc. XXXVII. B. 2. Hans Leo Hasslers Werke. Zweiter Band. Ale-ssen t'iir 4 bis 8 Stimmen. Herausgegeben von J. Auei'. 1902. See Denkmaeler. Denkniiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, e^'. Bd. Vll. iSjz, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 7. H. L. Hasslers Werke. Dritter Band. Sacri Concentus fiir 4 bis 12 Stimmen. Herausgegeben von J. Auer. ] 906. See Denkmaeler. Denkniiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc.. Bd. XXIV, XXV. 1892, eic. fol. " XXXVII. B. 24, 25. Cantiones Sacree, de Festis Pra-cipuis Totius Anni, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & plurium vocum. . .Editio Tertia, etc. Discantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Bassus.) (Quinta (Sexta) Vox.) 6 pt. Nor.herrjue, Ti/jiis tC .■^umptibus Pauli Kaufmanni, 1607. 4". I. B. 19. Lustgarteu. Eine Sammlung deutsche Lieder zu vier, fiinf, sechs und acht Stimmen. .. 1601. Neue Ausgabe in kleiner Partitur . . . hergestellt von F. Zelle. Leijjzig, Breilhijjf (t Hdrtel, iSS-;. fol. L. B. 14. Jnltrij. XV. {Band XY.) of the " Puhlikntion aelterer . .'.3rH.'0. Vollstiindiger Clavier Auszug, etc. Leipziij . . .C. F. peters, etc. obi fol. XI. C. 1. Salve Regina a quattro Voci picno con Organo o Piano Forte ad liliitum. . .Oji. 1.'!. Bonna presso M. Simrock. fol. XL A. 27. (1.) Salvo Regina. [Chorus Parts.] 8". X. F. 1. (2.) HAUSCHKA (\'i.\cenz) Drey Camms fiir drey Stimmen. Im Verlaije des Kunst- und Industrie- Compioirs zn Wien. obi. 4". IX. F. 12. a. (1.) HAUSER (Franz) Gesanglehre fiir Lehrende und Lernende. Leipzig . . . Breitkipf und Hiirtel. i SCC. fol. LXX. C. 10. HAUSER (Ida) Kirchen-Lieder in geschichtlicher Folge. Gesammelt, mit Initialen und Randverzier- ungen ausgestattet von Fran Ida Hau.ser, etc. Diisseldorf. . .Breidenhach & Gomp. fnl. XI. B. 14. HAUSSMANN (Valentin) Melchior Franck und Valentin Haus.smann. Ausgewahlte Instrumental- werke, herausgegeben von F. Bulsche. 1904. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, ^'/c. Bd. XVI. 1892, f< <(• Co., cl,-'. fol. XVIIL B. 21. (11.) The Representation of Chaos and a Selection of Chorusses. . .from. . .the Creation, arranged for the Organ. . .by S. Elvey. London. . . Coventry tfi HoUier, etc fol. LXII. C. 16. (9.) 1). Masses. The celebrated arrangement of Haydn's Masses, by V. Novello. [Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 16.] London . . . J. A. Novello, etc. obi fol. IX. C. 33. Haydn's Masses, with an accompaniment for the Organ, arranged from the Full Score. . .by V. Novello. [Ncs. 1-4, 9-12.] London . . . W. Galloway, etc. fol. XI. B. 15. Haydn's Masses, with an accompaniment for the Organ. . .by V. Novello. [Nos. 2 and o.] Lottdoii. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. B. 16. With Vincent Novcllos autograph. Messe a 4 Voix avec accompagnement de 2 Violons, Viola et Basse, 2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 Bassons, Trompettes, Timbales et Orgue . . . No. I. Partition. Breilhpf et Hartel, a Lcipsic. fol. XI. C. 2. [Mass No. I.] Haydn's First Service . . . (English words. . .by W. Ball), edited, with an accompaniment for the pianoforte, by J. Bishop, etc. London : B. Cocks (0 Co., etc. 8". XVII. E. 22. Messe a 4 Voix avec accompagnement de 2 Violons, Viola et Basse, une Fliite, 2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 Bassons, 2 Cors, 2 Trompettes, Timbales et Orgue ...No. II. Partition. Jlreilhipf et Hartrl, a Leipsic. obi. fol. XI. C. 3. R.C.M.C. HAYDN (FuAxz .Joski-ii) [TI. Vocai. Wokks.] Messe a 4 Voix avec accompagnimnuit de 2 Violon.s, Viola et Basse, une Fliite, 2 Hautbois, 2 Bassons, 2 Cois, :^ Trompettes, Timbales et Orgue . . . No. IN. Partition. Breithopf et lliirtel, rgan or Piano-Forte, arranged. . .by V. Novello. Lo}idon. Published for'the Editor, etc. fol. XVII. B. 19. (5.) He del cielo, oterno Dio. Preuhiera, etc. London. . . Lonsdale <{■ Mills, etc. fol. " XXXII. C. 14. (13.) Salve Ilegina ... a quatre Voix, arrange pour le Forte- Piano. A Vienne, chez T. Mollo. ohl. fol. XI. C. 12. (2.) Staljat Mater a 4 voci coU' accompagnamento dell' orchestra . . . Partitura. . .uiit untcrlegtem deutschen Texte. Leipzij bri/ Breitl;opf und Ilitrtel. fnl. XI. B. 18. The Celebrated Stabat-Matcr as Perft)rmed at the Nobility's Concerts, etc. [h'uU Score.] Loudon. . . John Bland, etc. fol. XI. B. 20. (2.) [Another copy.] The Celebrated Staliat-Matcr, etc. I Full Score.] London. . .J. Blaud, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 2. (2.) The Celebrated Stabat ^Mater, c/f. [Full Score.] fol. XI. B. 19. Haydn's Stabat Matei', for four voices, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forto, arranged. . .by V. Novello, etc. London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. [1830.] fol. XI. B. 20. (1.) Part of V. Xovello's ' Periodical Ci llectiou of Sacred Music' HAYDN (Franz Joseph) [II. Vocal Works.] [Another copy.] Haydn's Stabat Mater. . .with an Accompaniment. . .arranged. . .by V. Novello, etc. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. [1830.] fol. XVII. C. 13. (2.) Te Deum a 4 voci coll' aecompagnauiento dell' orchestra. . .Partitura. . .mit unterlegtem deutschen Texte von C. A. H. Clodius. Leipziij hei/ Breitlcopf und Hiirlel. fol. ' " XI. B. 22. I)ie Worte des Erlusers am Kreuze. . .in Partitur. B<'!/ Brritl-opf ,[■ Hartel in Leipziij. ohl. fol. XI. C. 10. The Tille-piKjc hears an autograph inscription by Vincent Novello. Die Worte des ErliUers am Kreuze. . .Klavierauszug. Bey Breitlcopf & Hiirtel in Leipzig, obi. fol. XI. C. 11. Haydn's ' Passione, or Seven Last Words ' ; with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, arianged ... by V. Novello. London . . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. B. 21. Composizioni . . .sopra le .sette ultime Parole del nostro Redentoi-e in Croce. . .ridotte per il Clavicembalo o Forte Piano. (Jpera 49. Amsterdam... G. Sclrmitt, etc. fol. LXII. D. 24. (6.) The Passion, etc. [Chorus Parts.] 8". X. F. 1. (3.) Haydn's Last Words of the Redeemer. Transcribed for the organ by W. J. Westbrook. London . . . A. Whittiiighaw, etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (5.) e. Operas and Cantatas. [Ah, come il core mi palpita.] A Favorite Italian Cantata, with Accompaniments for a Band. London . . .Longnuiii A Broderip, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 2. a. [Ah, come il core mi palpita.] Scene Italienne avec des paroles Fran(;oises. [Score and Parts.] Paris. Chez M. Porro, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 2. (2.) .\riana a Naxos. Cantata a voce sola acrompagnata cnl clavicembalo, etc. London. Printed for the Author, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 3. (1.) The Title-page is signed by the Composer. Ariana a Naxos. A Cantata, with an accompaniment for the Piano-Forte. . .Edited by W. H. C^allcott, etc. London . . . B. Blills, etc. fol. " XXXII. C. 14. (12.) Arianria in Nasso. — Ariadne. The ^^'or(ls by T. Oliphant. [Cantata.] Londra ... C Lonsdale, vie. to!. XXIII. D. 2. (3.) No. 1 71S of the ' Ge)iune d' .hitirhitli.' Orfeo (! Euridice. | l-'uU Score.] Presso Breitlcopf e Hartel in Lijisia. fol. XXIII. D. 2. (1.) Orfeo e I'^uridiee . . . Or])hcus und Euridice . . . Klaviei'auszug. Jiey Breitlcopf & Hiirtel in Tjcipxig. obi. fol. ■ XXVI. B, 4. [Another copy.] Orfeo e Euridice, etc. Bell Bredkoj,}' <{■ Hartel in Leipzig, old. fol. XXVII. C. 19. (1.) HAYDN. lf)8 HAYDN (Franz .Joski-ii) [TT. Vocm. Works. | [Orfeo e Kurielli 11. Comp., etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (7.) No. ."50 of ' Anseilesene Samlung von Gesiingen,' etc. III. iNSTRn.MKNlAI,. a. Quartetts. Collection Coniplette des Quatuors d'Haydn. Nou- vellc I'klition. (iravee par llichomme. [Separate Parts.] « Paris. Chez I. Plei/el, etc fol. LIX. C. 1. a. A Complete Collection of H.-iydn's C^)uartetts. Being a corrected Copy of tli<- Paris Edition. [Parts.] London. Collard rf- Collard, etc. fol. LIX. C. 1. [83 Quartetts, for two Violins, Viola and X'iolon- cello. Score.] 83 Nos. Berlin, chez T. Trautwein, etc. 8°. LVIII. A. 32. CEuvres d'Haydn en Partitions. Quatuois. 8 Tomes. Graves p)ar lAibiy. A Paris. Chez Plei/rl. etc. 8". XVII. E. 4. Collection de Quatuors. . .Cahier 14. [Parts.] Leipzig. ..C.F. Petecs: fol. LXL E. 1. (3.) Six Quatuor. . .Opera I. [Parts.] London... R. Bremner, etc. fol. LXI. C. 5. (5.) [Another copy.] Six Quatuor. . .Opera I. [Parts.] London .. .li. Bremner, etr. fol. LXI. E. 2. (5.) Six Quatuor. . .Opera II. [Parts.] London... R. Bremner, etc. fol. LXI. C. 5. (6.) [Another copy.] Six Quatuor. . .Opera II. [Parts.] London. . .B' Bremner, etc. fol. LXL E. 2. (6.) Six Quatuor. . .Opera Quinta. [Parts] London... B. Bremner, etc. fol. LXI. C. 5. (9.) "\'I Quatuor. . .Opera VII. [Parts.] London... Longman, Lulcey ,t Co., etc. fol. LXI. C. 5. (10.) VI Quatuor . . .Opera VII. [Parts.] London . . . Muzio Clementi's Co., etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (6.) VI Quatuor. . .Opera 9. [Parts.] London... Muzio dementi <(:• Co., etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (7.) Six favorite Quartettos. . .Op. X. [Parts.] London . ..R. Wornnm, etc. fol. LXL C. 5. (11.) A Second Sett of Six Grand Quartettos . . . Opera Ifith. [Parts.] London .. .J. Preston, etc. fol. LXI. E. 2. (7.) [Op. 18.] Three Grand Sonata.s, with Favorite Scotch Airs & Bee's for the Adagios A- last movements, for the Piano-Forte with Accompaniments for a Violin and A'ioloncello, etc. [Parts.] Londas.se. [Parts.] a Vienna chez Artaria CduquK/nie. fol. LIX, B. 8. (8.) 16fi HAYDN. HAYDN (Fkanz Josepd) [III. Ixstkumental.J [ISTo. i;xi)1.\. See Bardoulkau (R. F. J.) A Collection of S.icred ^[usic from the. . .compositions of. . .Haydn. . .with . . .Latin words thereto adapted, etc. fol. VI. A. 33. Sec Bertie (W.) Earl »f Abiiigihm. Twelve Senti- mental Catches and Glees. . .the Accomjianiments . . . by. ..Dr. Haydn, ?;<■. ohl. iol XXVIII. A. 16. ^1.) See CoRFE (J.) A Third Set of. . .Glees. . .arranged from the Melodies of. . .Haydn, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 22. (L) See CosTELLOW (T.) Sunday's Amusement. A Selection of Sacred Music . . . selectecl from . . . Haydn, etc. S", IX. C. 24. See Gahpinkk (W.) The UiUNcrsal Prayer, adapleil to compositions of Haydn, etc. fol. VI. A. 7. (11.) Ses Haendel (G. F.) Selections from Handel, Haydn... c/c. fol. VI. A. 15. See Novello (V.) Novellos Collection of... Songs, Duets, Trios, Quartetts ife Choruses ... by Handel, Haydn & Mozart, etc. fol. XVII. C. 14. (2.) See Novello (V.) The Congregational. . .P.salm and Hymn Book; consisting of .. .Adaptations from the Works of Handel, Haydn, etc. i°. XVII. C. 3. See Phatt (.J.) A Collection of Anthems. . .selected from the Works of. . .Haydn, rlc. fol. XVII. D. 7. Sec Stone (.1. T.) The Classical Organist. . . Compositions from the Works of .. .Haydn. . . arranged . . . for the organ, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL C. 32. See Thomson (G.) A Select Collection of... Scotch Airs ... with ... Accompaniments ... by Haydn, etc. [i Si 7-1 Si 8.] fol. XXXII. D. 5. HAYDN (Franz Joseph) [V. Appendix.] See Thomson (G.) A. . .Collection of. . .Welsh Airs . . .with. . .Accompaniments. . .chielly by J. Haydn, etc. fol. XXV. C. 33. See Werneu (G. .J.) VI. Fugen in Quartelten. . . herausgegeben \-on . . .•!. Haydn, etc. fol. LXL C. 6. (3.) HAYDN (.JoiiAXN Michael) lii.-liumcntalwerk.- I. Bearbeitet von L. H. Perger. 1907. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreicli, etc. \\v. Jahrg. Zweiter Teil. 1894, etc. fol. XXXIII. D. 34. (2.) (iraduale am Feste des heiligsten Namen .fesu (Salvos fac nos), fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, 2 Violinen, 2 Trompeten uud Orgel. . .I'artitur. Wien, hci A. Diahelli .C Con.p., etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (6.) (Jraduale zum zweiten Amte am Feste der Geburt des Herrn (Benedictus qui venit), fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor u. Bass, 2 Violinen, 2 Trompeten und Orgel. Partitur. Wien. h: i A. Dinhelli u. Comp., etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (5.) Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento 4 vocibus comitante Orchestra concinendae. . . Mit unterlegtem deutschen Texte. Lipsix. Apiid Bre'.tlwpf & Hartel. fol. XL B. 34. Michael Haydn's Partitur - Fundaiiuiit. Herau.-- gegeben vou P. Martin Bischofreiter, etc. Sahhuri/. 1833. Vcrlaij der Ooersehen litliographigchcn Anslalt'. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 14. (2.) Requiem. . .Partitur. Leipzig hei A. Kuehiiel. ohl. fol. XL C. 12. (1.) HAYES (Philip) Eight Anthems, etc H. Hordi/, O.iford. fol. XL E. 2. (2.) [Another copy.] Eight Anthems, etc. H.Ha,d,j,0.rford. fol. XVIIL C. 29. (2.) Harmnnia Wiccamica. The Original Music in Score of the Graces, .Jam Lucis and Dulce Domum. Also a Song and Ode. . .Collected, revised and corrected by P. Hayes, etc. London. . .Printed for the Editor, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIIL A. 17. (3.) The Lord descended from above, Anthem for four voices . . . arranged by Dr. John Clarke. London... Birchalld- Co., etc. fol. VL A. 2. (7.) See Gretkv (A. E. M.) Richard C(eur de Lion... by. . .Gretry. . .Dr. Hayes, casscnliawer, 7C. Durcli Wollicn Hcckel von Miinclien, lUirgcr zu Strassburg ... in ein verstendige Tabulalur . . . . . .zu.sanieii gebracht. Gelruckl 7.u Strasslmrij . . . bei/ Christian Mailer. . .I'jCz. ohl. i". L F. 11. The Discant part onli/. U'anlinj all after p. 221. HEINZE (Gustav Adolf) Die Aufer.stehung. Ora- toriuiii. . .Op. 12. Klaviei-auszug vom Componisten. Amsterdam, T. J. Iloothaan & Co.. . . 1863. fol. XI. B. 37. HELICONE. II Helicone, Madrigali de Diversi Eccellenti.ssiini Musici a cinque voci Nouaincnte Raccolti, etc. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Quinto.) 5 pt. Ill Anversa App-esso Pictro Phalesio, etc. 1 61 6. ohl. 4°. I. E. 15. HELLENDAAL (Pikter) A Collection of Psalms for the Use of Parish Churches. . .To which is added a Copious Appendix containing several other Psalm it; Hymn Tunes by the most Eminent Ma.sters . . . Compose! & harmoniz'd by P. Hellendaal Sen"', selected and arranged by P. Hellendaal Jun', etc. Cambridije. Printed <£• sold hy the Editor, etc. 8°. IX. B. 34. Six Grand Concerto's for Violins, ifec, in Eight Parts ... Opera Terza. uSei>aratc Parts.] London. Printed for the Author, etc. [1758.] fol. LIX. C. 5. Two Glees for four Voices with full Accompany- ments in score, etc. Camhridije . . .the Author, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 24. HELLER (Stephen) Twehe Movements (A Second Scries of Twelve Movements) from the Works of S. Heller . . . Arranged for the Organ by W. J. West- brook. 2 pt. London, Ashdown A- Parri/, etc. fol. LXil. C. 14. (6.) Album pour Piano dedie a la Jeunesse, e.'.i Quatre Libraisons. Op. 138. London. Ashdown it Parry, etc. fol. LIX. C. 8. (1.) Caprice brillant sur ' Avec la douce chansonnette ' de rOpera ' Charles VI.' de F. Halevy pour le Piano. . . Op. 38. Leipzig... Breitl-opf it mrtel. fol. LIX. C. 7. (1.) 24 Nouvelle Etudes. Op. 90. Bk. I. London, Wessel cO Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 7. (8.) Improvisata iibei die Romauze ' Flutheureicher Ebro' aus R. Schumann's Spanischen Liebesliedern . . . Op. 98. Wintertliitr, J. Ilieter-Bicdcriiiaun, etc. fol. LXIL E. 15. (14.) Fiiiif Lieder fiir das Piano-Forte. No. o. London, Ashdown (0 Parry, etc. fol. LIX. C. 7. (9.) [Nuits Blanches.] Restless Nights. 18 Morceaux lyriques pour le Piano. Op. 82. 4 Bks. Londtm. Wessel & Co., etc. fol. LXIL D. 24. (8.) 24 Preludes (in all the Keys) for the Piano-Forte. . . Op. 81. 2 Bks. Loudon. Novella, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 7. (6.) Promenades d'uii Solitaire. Six Morceaux caracter- istiques pour le Piano. Op. 28. In 2 Books. London, Wessel (& Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 8. (2.) Scones Pastorales pour Piano. . .< )p. "iO. Liv. II. Leipzig. . .F. llofmeisler. fol. LIX. C. 7. (2.) Spaziergange eiues Eiiisamen. . .Scchs charactcrstuckt^ fiir Pianoforte. . .Op. 78. 2 Hefte. Leipzig. . . F. Kistner. fol. LXIL D. 24. (7.) S. Heller's Pianoforte Studies. New and complete Edition comprising . . . Op. IG. Op. 45. Op. 47. Op. 90. Op. 125. Op. 138. Progressively arranged by L. Sloper. In 20 Books. (3 Vols.) London, Ashdown ((■ Parry, etc. fol. LIX. C. 6. ttfjJjEi; ttrre. ir,9 HELLER (Stkpiihn) I" Tai-cnt.illo ... Op. 5.3. (!''■ I'klition, etc.). Berlin, Schlesini/cr, rtc. fol. LIX. C. 7. (3.) S""" Tarentelle pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. Gl. London, WcssA & Co , etc. fol. LIX. C. 7. (4.) Deux Tarantelle.s pour le Piano. . .Op. 85. 2 Nos. Lowlon, We)oiin niid Coeln hei/ N. Simrurl-. obi. fol. ' XXIX. B. 6. (5.) Practische Orgelschule, oder Sechs und Sechszig Orgelstiicke. . . herausgegeben von M. Henkel. Op. G8. 2 Liv. Mdinz.'. .B. Scholt SiJhne. oW. fol. XXIX. B. 6. (6.) 48 Vor- Zwi.schen- und Nachsj)iele fiir die Orgel. . . Opus 5. 1'"'' Heft, etc. Bonn hei N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 6. (4.) HENLEY (Phocion) Divine Harmony ... Composed i^- adapted ... by ... P. Henley ... to which are added Four PsiUm Tunes. . .by. . .T. Sharp. . .Published. . . by J. Page, c/r. London. . .the Editor, etc. 1798. 4°. XVII. E. 27. HENNEBERG (Joiiann) See AVinter (P. von) Das Labyrinth. . .Clavierauszug von J. Henneberg. ohl. fol. ' XXVII. B. 10. r.c.m.c. HENNIG '(E. C.) See Haendel (G. F.) [Esther.] Ouverture. . .fiir die Orgel iibertragen von E. C. Hennig. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (14.) HENRY. Henry and Katherine. [Song.] Sec In. In ancient times, etc. «. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (35.) HENRY (Bknionk) Etudes pour Ic Violon . . . l"- Partie. A Paris. Che/. Frey, etc. ft,!. LXX. C. 11. HENSCHEL (GEORr; Isinoii) The Music to Shake- .spearc's Hamlet. . .Op. 50. Deutsche Ueb(M-setzung von Schlegel. Full Score. London. . . Novella, Ewer & Co. 1832. fol. LIX. C. 9. HENSELT (Adoi.pii) Piano-Forte Compositions, for One or Two Performers, etc. No. 5, 8, 9, 12, 1.3, 15, and 22. London, Wessel & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 10. (1.) Concerto pour le Piano avec Accompagnement . . . d'un Second Piano... Op. 16. (Pianoforte Principale.) Leipzig. . .Breithipf et Hartel. fol. LIX. C. 10. Douze Etudes caracteristi([ues de Concert, pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. 2. 2 15ks. London. . . Wessel & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 10. (2.) 12 Grand Characteristic Studies for the Pianoforte. . . Revised by E. Pauer. London. Aii'iencr if- Co. 1". LXX. C. 26. (2.) Friihlingslied. Chanson de Printemjis pour le Piano . . .Oeuvre 15. Vienne, C. A. Spina, etc. fol. LXIL D. 10. (3.) Gage d'Amour. Andante et Etude Concertante. . . pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. .3. London. . . Wessel d Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 10. (4.) La Gondola. Etude pour le Piano seul...Op. 13. No. II. Berlin. . .A. M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LXIL D. 10. (5.) Rhapsodie, Souvenir de Varsovie. Valse a quatre Mains, par A. Henselt, et Prelude et Fugue. . .pour le Piano par J. Moscheles. Paris. . . M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LXII. D. 10. (7.) Variations de Concert pour le Piano. . .sur lAir. . . ' Quand je quittai la Normandie '. . .QSuvre 11. London... Chap[:ell, etc. fol. LXII. D. 10. (6.) HENSHALL (Samuel) A Mass for four voices, with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. No. 1. London. . .Calkin d- Biidd, )i. 100. Londres, D'Ahnoine it Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 13. (3.) Fantaisie . . . [lour Piano Forte sur les motifs de rOpora do L. Ciai)i.s.son, La Figurante. . .Op. 108. Londres, D'Almaine 3. .1 Paris, chez Schoncnherejer, etc. fol. LIX. C. 13. (5.) Grandes Variations pour le Piano. . .sur la !Mardu . . .de rOpera I Puritani. . .Op. 82. Londres. . . Addison d Beale, etc. M. LIX. C. 13. (2.) See AuAM (A. C.) [Le Brasseur de Preston.] Grand Galop. . .arrange. . .par H. Herz. fol. LIX. C. 13. (10.) See NiEDERMEVEK (L.) [Stradella.] Air celebre . . .arrange. . .par H. Herz. f.il. LIX. C. 13. (8.) See Paganini (N.) Paganim's Last Waltz. Arranged ... by H. Herz. fol. ' LIX. C. 12. (6.) HERZ (Henri) and (.Iacoi? Si.mon) Second Grand Duo Concertant pour deux Pianos sur les Marches . . d'Alexandre et de la Donna del Lago. . .Op. 72. Mai/ence d- Anvers. . .les fils de ]!. Schott. fol. LXII. E. 25. (5.) HERZ (Henri) and BAUDIOT (Charles Nicolas) Quatre Grands Duos pour Piano ct Violoncelle. . . No. 3. Fant. it Var. s. d. themes Russes. Op. 19. Chez N. Simroclc a Bonn. fol. LXII. C. 5. (13.) HERZ (Jacob Slmon) Grande Marche Triomphale. . . a quatre mains pour Piano. . Op. 67. London. . . Schott d Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 21. (4.) HERZOG (JoiiANX Geouc:) Zehn Pniludien, Fugen und Fughetten fiir die Orgel. . .Op. 23. Erfurt und Leip::i,i. . .G. ir. Korner. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 12. (5.) HESSE (Adolf Friedhich) Cantate fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor, P.,i,ss und Orchester. Gedichtet voi\ Carlo. . . Op. 72. . .Partitur. Berlin hei E. Bote d G. Bock, etc. fol. XI. B. 36. The title-paijc hears the antograph if V. Novello. Fantaisie (C-moll) fiir die Orgel.. Op. 22. Zweito . . .Auflage. Breslau. . .F. E. C. Lenckait. fol. LXII. C. 14. (7.) (!od .save the Queen, with \' aria t ii m s t'or the ( )|'gan, et<-. London, Ewer tO (.'"., etc. fnl. LXII. C. 14. (11.) Oi-gelVor.spiole. . .29'" \\'crk, etr. Ofrnliach ii /.V., bei J. Andre, ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (15.) HESSE— ITTLLER. 171 HESSE (Adolf FiuuDRicn) The Prat-ticiil Oi-ganist . . .No. ."!. V!u-iafion.s on an Original Tlicime, (Op. .34) elc. Lot„h„i, \\',.-,„l ,(: Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (9.) Lcichtes Pnicludiuni fiir die Orgel zinn (Jchrauch bei Tniuer-Fcijcrlieliiscitcii, cic. Breslan Iiri ('. G. For.tfii: obi. fol. XXIX. B. 5. (7.) Twelve .Studies for the Organ, rti-. I.oiiihui . . . Ewer dc Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. ^8.) HEUSCHKEL (.Toiianx Phteh) Sec Wkuku (O. ,M. I'\ I'). V(jx) [Eariiniitlii\\ Ouverturc. . .fiir das Pianoforte eingerichtet von J. P. Jlcuschkcl. oW. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (22.) HEWITT (John) 8ix Favorite French Airs, with Variations for the Piano Forte. . .Op. Ifl. To he had of the Autlmr . . .Bloomshuri/, ctr. fol. LXII. E. 13. (9.) HEY (Julius) Deutscher Gesangs lTnten'ii;ht. Lehr- buch des .s])rafhlichen und ge^anglichcn N^irtrags... II. Gesangiichcr Theil, etc. Mii'm::. A. Schott's Sbhiie, etc. i". LXX. C. 12. HICKS ( ) See Thesaurus Musicus. Thesauru.s Alusicu.s, etc. (by. . .Hicks, etc.) fol. XXV. C. 29. HIGGS (James) See Haendel (G. F.) [Saiie.t ile Pieces.] G. F. Handel's Five Fugues. . .arranged for the Organ. . .by J. Higgs, etc. old. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (12.) HIGHLAND FAIR. The Highland Fair ... An Opera . . . Written by Mr. Mitchell. With the Musick, which wholly consists of Select Scots Tunes, Prefix'd to each Song. London : Printed for J. Walts, etc. 173 1. 8". X. E. 3. (4.) HILES (Henry) Blessed are the Mi^reifid. Full Anthem for four voices. London : Novella, Eircr and Co., 1S69. 8". IX. A. 18. (22.) Six Tnipromjitiis, for the Organ. Ma)icliei.) Faith and Adoration. . . Adai>ted .. .by J. Hiles. fol. VI. A. 5. (8.) HILL (H.) See UoJiuEUf: (A.) and (I!.) Grand .Syinphonies'(Nos. 4-6). . .Adapted. . .by H. Hill. fol. LIX. B. 3. a. (8.) See Rossini (G. A.) Rossini's . . . (Jvertures to L' Italiana in Algeri, II Barbiere di Siviglia and 11 Tancredi . . . Adapted . . . by H. 11 ill. f<.l. LIX. B. 3. a. (10.) HILL (John) Hill's Church .Music, containing Psalm runes and Anthems, with Hymns for Christmas it Easter. . .being a Specimen of a much larger Vji. ."i7. Mayence, ehszlesflsde B. Schott, etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (15.) NaLi and Damayanti, a Dramatic Cantata by S. Hasenciever . . . for Solo Voices, Chorus and Orchestra ... Op. 150. The English Translation by N. Mac- farren. [P. F. Score.] London : Novello, Ewer and Co., 8°. X. B. 17. Namenlose Tiinzc . . . fiir Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden . . .Op. 169. 2 Hefte. Hamburg, A. Prim. fol. LXII. E. 21. (5.) [Psalm 125.] All they that trust in Thee, O Lord. The 125"' Psalm, composed for a Tenor Solo, Chorus ife Orchestra . . . English adaptation ... by R. G. Loraine. Op. 60. [P. F. Score.] London . . . J. A. Novello, etc. "fol. VI. A. 9. (1.) [Psalm 125. Another cojay.] All they that trust in Thee, Lord, etc. London . . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 3L (7.) Second (Juatuor pour Deux Violons, Alto & Basse. . . Op 1.1 [Parts.] .1 Paris, chex M. Schlesingcr, etc. f„l. LXIII. D. 19. (9.) Saul. Oratorium, gedichtet vou M. Hartmaon . . . Op 80. Partitur. Lcijizi'/, Fr. Kistner. fol. XI. D. 4. Saul ... Clavier- Auszug. Leipxig. Fr. Kistner. fol. XI. D. 5. Serenade fiir Piano und Violoncell. . .Op. W.K Bremen.. .A. F. Cranz. fol. LXII. C. 5. (15.) 172 HILLER— HITCHCOCK. HILLER (Feudixanu) Weasel & Co.'s uew Edition of F. Miller's 24 Grand Studies for the Piano Foi-te . . . Edited by C. Potter. Op. 15. 3 pt. London. Wessel d Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 14. Sinfonie (in E moll) fiir grosse-i Orchester . . . Op. ti7. Partitur. Mainz, lei B. Schoft's Sohncn. 8". LXIII. C. 1. Variationen fiir da.s Pianoforte. . .(.)p. 1)8. Mainz, hei B. Schott's Sohnen, etc. fol. LXII. E. 15. (16.) Ver Sacrum, oder Die Griindung lloms. Gedicht von L. Bi.soboft" fiir Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester . . .Op. 75. Partitur. Lciit.ihJ. fol. ■ ■ XXVI. B. 7. (3.) Die Liebe auf dem Lande, eiiie comische Oper in drey Acten. . .Zweyte Auflage. Leipziij . . . hey B. C. Breitkopf und Sohn. 1770. ohl.io\. XXVI. B. 7. (2.) Lisuart und Dariolette, eine comische Oper in drey Acten. . .Zweyte und vcrmehrte Auflage. Leipzig . . .hei/ B. C. Breitl-opf und Sohn. 1769. obi. fol. XXVI. B. 7. (1.) Lottchen am Hofe, eine comische Oper in drey Acten . . . Dritte Auflage. Leipzig . . . hey B. C. Breitliopf und Sohn. 1776. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 7. (5.) Lieder und Arien aus Sophiens Reise mit. . .neu. . . verfertigten ^Nlelodieu, etc. Leipzig, hey J. F. Junius, 1779. ohl. fill. XXVI. B. 6. See Graun (C. H.) 0. H. Graun's . . . Passions Cantate Der Tod Jcsu in Kla^■ierauszug herausge- geben von J. A. lliUer. ohl. fol. VI.' D. 21. (3.) HILLS ((Ji:oH(iK) Amid all Beauty. [Part Song.] ^^■ords by E. Elliott. London. G. Hills, etc. 8". X. F. 8. (22.) HILLS (William) See Haendkl (G. F.) [Ezio. Se un hei ardire.] Droop not, Young Lover. . .Edited . . .by W. Hill.s. fol. V. C. 12. (13.) HILTON (Jons') Ayi-cs or Fa Las, for Tiirce Voices . . .J'lditcd by J. Warren, dc. London, Printed for the Meinhcrs of the Mnxicnl Atdiipiariau Society, etc. 1844. fol. XXXIV. C. 16. (1.) Catch that (^'atch can, or A (Choice Collection of Catches, Rounds, it Canons for 3 or 4 Voyces. Collected it Published l)y John Hilton, etc. Ljondon printed for John Benson (0 John I'hiiiford, etc. 1652. ohl. Vl"'. II. C. 15. (1.) HIME (B.) From Greenland's icy mountains . . . Hymn. . .by. . .Bishop Heber. . .for four voices with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. n. Simm... Bath, etc. fol. VL A. 9. (2.) HIMMEL (FkiedriciiHeinrich) Fanchou das Leyer- madchen. Singspiel ... in vollstiindigcn Kla\'ier- auszuge von G. B. Bierey. Bey Breitkopf (t Hdrtel in Leipzii). ohl. fdl. XXVII. C. 19. (2.) Fanchon . . . Arrangee en Quatuors . . . Liv. II. [Pai-ts.] li Leipziq chcz C. F. Peters, fol. LXI. C. 1. (10.) Himmel's. . .Chorus, The Judgment. . the words by W. Ball. Arranged . . . for the Piano Forte or Organ by W. H. Callcott. London. . .J. Hedgley, etc. fol. VI. A. 9. (3.) Deutsche Lieder am Clavier, etc. Zerhst, hey a a Menzel. fol. XXXII. B. 22. (10.) Grande Sonate pour deux Pianoforte, etc. a Vienne chez Hoffnieister, etc. old. fol. The 1st P. F.part only. XXIX. A. 13. (16.) [Trios.] Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte, with Accompaniments for Violin cfe Violoncello. . .dedicated to the Queen of Prussia. [Parts.] London. . . Clementi dw fol. LXIL A. 8, [Trios.] Trois Grandes Sonates pour le Piano Forte avec Accompagnement de Violon et Violoncelle . . . dediee.s a . . . In, Duchesse d'Yorck. [Parts.] a Paris, chez M"" Erard, etc. fol. LXII. A. 8. Urania. Selections from Tiedge's poem . . . adapted from the German bv J. Oxeuford, etc. London. . . Ewer d Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 9. (4.) Vater unser, von A. Mahlmann. . .Partitur. Leipzig .. .C. F. Peters, fol. XI. D. 6. Vater unser von A. Mahlmann. . .Klavierauszug. Bei C. F. Peters. . . Leipzig, ohl. fol. XI. "c. 14. Douze Variations sur un air connu pour le Piano- Forte. . .2'''' edition. A OffenhacJi .«»/• le Mein, chez J. Andre, ohl. fol. ' XXIX. A. 21. (5.) See Beethoven (L. van) In questa tondja oseura. . . in xviil composizioni di. . .Himniel, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) HINDLE (John) A Set of Glees for Three Four & Fi\e N dices. . .To which ... is added, A Comj)osition of. . .A. Steffani. . .Opera Seconda. London. . . Longman d: Broderip, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 22. (3.) See Callcott (J. W.) The Professional Collection of Glees. . .by. . .Hindle, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 18. (3.) HINE (NN'illiam) Harnionia Sacra (Jloccstiiensis, or Select Anthems for 1, 2 it 3 Voices and a Te-Deum and Jubilate, together with a Voluntary for the Organ, etc. fol. XI. D. 7. HITCHCOCK (Roswm.L D.) Hymns and Songs of Praisi' . . . Ivlited by R. J). Hitchcock, Z. J'^ddy, P. Schali. New York : A. D. F. Bandolph d Co., [1874.] -I". IX. C. 35. A Presentation Copy from B. 1). Uilchcock to Sir G. Grove. HITCHCOCK— HOLDER. 173 HITCHCOCK (Ro.swKLL D.) Hymns and Songs for ^ii)i-ial .mil Sabbath Worship. Edited by R. 1). Hitcli- cock, Z. l*;. 1. Loitilon . . .GonJtUnij, D'Almaineti Co....tSiy fol. VI. A. 9. (5.) The 9 4th Psalm. An (Oratorio Anthem, etc. L(niii,lo„. Einr ,0 Co., etc. fol. ^ LXII. C. 14. (12.) HOFFBAUER (Karl) See Cornelius (P.) Der IJarljier von Bagdad . . . Clavierauszug von K. Hoff- bauer, etc. 8°. X. A. 34. HOFFMANN (Heinrich Aston) Six Duos pour ^'iolon i N'ioloncelle . . . Oeuvre 5. Livr. 1. Sm? Edition, etc. Ofcnhuch s/M., clicz J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 18. (2.) See Beethoven (L. vax) In questa tomba oscura. . . XVIII composizioni di. . . Hofmann, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) HOFFMANN (Joseph) Grand Trio pour Violon, N'iola ft N'ioloncelle . . . No. 1. [Parts.] .1 Vicnnc chcz I. Traeg, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (20.) HOFFMANN (P. C.) Fantaisio cfe Rondeau pour le Piano-Forte. . .Oeuvre 10. Offenbach s/M, chez J. Andre, ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 14. (5.) HOFFMEISTER (Franz Anton) Three Grand Concertante Duetts, for two Violins, etc. [Parts.] London.. . W. Campbell, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (6.) Ill Grand Concertante Duetts ft)'' Violin & Violoncello. . .Op. (i. [Parts.] London. . . A. Hamilton, etc. fol. LXII. A. 11. (13.) Ill Concertante Duetts, for Violin & Tenor . . . Book VI. (Book VII.) 2 Bks. [Parts.] London ...A. Hamilton, etc. fol. LXII. A. 11. (14.) HOFFMEISTER (Franz Anton) SL\ Duos pour Dtu.v Violons . . . CEuvre XXX'"". [Parts.] Paris. Chez le S'' Sieher, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (7.) Six Quatuor Concertants . . . Oeuvre IX. [Parts.] a Amsterdam. Chez J. Schmltt, etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (15.) Grand Quintetto pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et Violon- ccllc . . . Oeuvre III"" des Quintets pour Violon. No. 1. [Parts.] li Lnipsie . . .A. Kiihncl. fol, LXI. B. 1. (49.) Grand Quintetto pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et \'iolon- celle . . . Oeuvre 11'"" des Quintetts pour Violon. No. IT. [Parts.] ii Leipzig chez A. Kiihnel, etc. fol. LXI. B. 1. (50.) Grand Quintetto pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et Violon- celle . . . Oeuvre III""' des Quintets pour Violon. No. III. [Parts.] ii Leipzig... A. Kiihnel. fol. LXL B. 1. (51.) IX Trius Concertants pour Deux \'iolons et Basse. . . OEuvre 13'"". [Parts.] a Paris chez Sieher, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (19.) Trois Trios pour Deux N'iolons et Basse. . .CEuvre 37. [Parts.] a Paris chez Sieher, etc. fol. LXL E. 7. (18.) HOGBEN (E.M.MA Marcaket Martha Ann) The Echo ! a Sacred Lyric, melody it words by E. M. M. a. Hogben, symphonies & accompani- ments by C. Charlton. London, pnbUshed for the Authoress, fol. VI. A. 6. (6.) HOLZBAUER (Ii;naz) Giinther von Schwarzburg. Opcr in dici Akteu. Herausgegeben von H. Kretschmar. 2 pt. 1902. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. Bd. VIII, IX. 1S92, etc. fol. VIL B. 8, 9. HOLBORNE (Antony) The Cittham Schoole. . . Hereunto are added sixe short Aei-s Neapolitanlike to three voyces, without the Instrument : done by his brother William Holborne. Al London. Printed hy Peter Short, etc. 1597 4°. LD. 12. HOLBORNE (William) See Holborne (A.) The Cittharn Schoole. . .Hereunto are added sixe -short Aers Neapolitanlike to three voyces, without the Instrument : done by his brother William Holborne. 1597- 'i°- L D. 12. HOLDECOMBE ( ). Duke upon Duke, an Excellent New Play-House Ballad, etc. London : Printed for A. Moor, etc. 1720. fol. I. G. 43. HOLDEN (Geor(;e) Sacred Music by various authors, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piano- Forte. No. 11. Lonlon. . .J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. A. 9. (6.) See Mozart (W. A.) [Ne puhis et cinis.] Have mercy, O Lord . . . Adapted by G. Holden. 8°. IX. A. 20. (53.) HOLDEN (Smollet) A Selection of Masonic Songs Ac. Arranged with Chorusses in Parts, etc. Duhlin. . . S. Holden, etc. 8°. IX. F. 13. HOLDER (.I0.SEP11 William) A Collection of Glees for 3 A: 'j voices. . .Op. 15. London. . . Goulding, PJiipps tC D'Almaine, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (33.) 174 HOLDEE— HOOK. HOLDER (.Joseph William) Sre Hakxdkl (G. F.) .Iiiihis MKccahncu.i. Father whose aJmKjhty PojoV.] A Selection of Choruses from Hamlel's. . .Oratorios, arranged. . .by I. W. Holder. No. 7. fol. V. C. 10. (7.) See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music. . .liy. . . Holder, etc. fol. " XVII. D. 2. HOLDROYD (Isaac) The Spiritual Man's Companioii . . .Containing I. An Historical Account of Music. . . II. A Complete Introduction to the Grounds of Musit- . . .III. An Alphabetical Dictionary, explaining all such Greek, Latin, Italian &, French Words as . . . occur in Music. IV. A Set of Psalm-Tunes. . .V. A Select Number of...H3mns and Anthems. . .The Fifth Edition, with large additions, etc. London : . . . li. Brown, etc. 1753. 8°. IX. D. 1. a. HOLLAND (W. W.) See Morley (T.) The Can- zonets and Madrigals for Three and Four Voices, etc. [Edited bv W. ^^'; Holland and W. Cooke.] ohi. fol. XXVL B. 28. HOLMES (Eduakd) See Boyce (W.) Dr. Boyce's Anthem ' Lord Thou hast been our Refuge'. . .with ail accompaniment. . .arranged. . .by . . E. Holmes, etc. fol. '' VI. A. 5. (15.) Sec Mozakt (\V. a.) Mozart's Te Deuiii. . .with ;ui accompaniment. . .arranged. . .by E. Holmes, fol. XVII. B. 21. (3.) HOLMES (Henry) Christmas Day. A Sacred Cantata for Soprano and Tenor Solo, Choir and Orchestra. The words by Keble. . .Op. 44. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. London : Boosey & Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 8. (5.) HOLZBAUER (Icxaz) Sinfonien der Pfalzbayer- i.sclien Scliule. . .II. . .1. Holzbauer, etc. 1906. See Denksiaeler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bavern, etc. Siebenter Jalirs etc', fol. TI. Band. 1900, XXXVII. D. 11. HOMILIUS (Gottfried August) Passions-Cantate nach der Poesie des Herrn Buschmann, etc. [Full Score.] Leipzig .. .hey B. C. Breiiliopf tuid Sohii. nhl. fol. ■ XI. C. 13. See Bisiioi- (Sir H. R.) Twelve Corales. . .by . . . Homilius, etc. fol. VI. b". 22. HOOK (James) 'J'hc l-'avouritc Songs sung at Xmw Hall by Mr. Vernon &. Mr.s. Weichscll, rl,: London . . . Welcl-er, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 36. (2.) [A Collection of New' Engli-sh Songs sung at the New Theatre Richmoud. . .Opera Prima.] [London. . . ('. d: S. Thon,]ison, etc.] fol. XXXII. B. 21. (4.) Wanting the title-page. A Collection of Favourite Songs sung at Vau.x Hall ... I 7ung. . .at Vaux Hall Gardens . . . 177.3. Loniloii . . .C. and S. Tiionij kidi, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 36. (4.) HOOK (.James) A Fourth Cill.rtion of Vauxhall Songs and Cantatas, etc. London . . . M^dchcr, etc. [1773.] fol. XXXII. B. 36. (5.) A Collection (A Second Collection) of Songs sung. . . at Vau.Y-Hall-Gai'dens. . . 1774. 2 nos. London. . . C. and S. Thompson, etc. f(.l. XXXII. B. 36. (7.) A fifth Collection of Songs and a Cantata sung at Vauxhall . . . 1774. London . . . Welclcer, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 36. (8.) A Collection of Songs, sung. . .at Vaux-Hall-Gardens . . .177.5. London.. . .0. and S. Tliompson, etc. fol. XXXII, B. 36. (9.) A Sixth Book of Songs sung. . .at Vaux-Hall. . .1775. London... Welclcer, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 36. (10.) A Second Collection of Songs sung. . .at Vaux-Hall- Gardens. . . 1785. London. . .J. Preston, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 36. (11.) The Favorite Songs sung at Vauxhall Gardens . . . 1794. 2 Books. London. . .Preston & Son, etc. fol. Booh I. has no title-page. XXXII. B. 37. (1.) The Favorite Songs sung at Vauxhall Gardens. . . . 1795. 2 Bks. London. . .Preston i(- Son, etc. fol. Boole L has no title-page. XXXII. B. 37. (2.) The Favorite Songs ; sung at Vauxhall Gardens . . . 1796. 2 Bks. London,. . .Preston it Son, etc. fcjl. Booh L has no title-page. XXXII. B. 37. (3.) [The Favorite Songs sung at Vau.xhall Gardens. . . 1797.] 2 Bks. [Preston, London.] fol. Wanting the title-pages. XXXII. B. 37. (4.) A Collection of Favorite Songs sung. . .at Vauxhall Gardens. . .Book L'. 1800. London... Bland ci Weller, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (3.) [Songs sung at Vauxhall Gardens. 1802. Book I.] London. . .Bland ({: Weller, etc fol. XXXII. B. 37. (5.) Wanting the collective title-page. The Admonition. — A New Song for Wheblc's Lady's Magazine, the words by Mr. Wynne. «. .th. 4". X. F. 6. (6.) L'Annee. . .Twelve Ariettas. . .with an Accompani- ment for the Harp or Piano Forte, etc. Op. 100. London. . .1. Dale, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 15. (I.) The Caledonian Lady. . .Song, etc. I.onihm. . . Bland ,(■ Weller, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (2.) Catch him wiio can. A Musical I'arce in Two Acts . . .written by T. E. Hook, etc. London. . .Clemcnii, Banger, Hyde, Collard <£■ Davis, etc. \ 1806.] fol. XXXII. A. 23. (2.) ilright I'luebus has mounted the Chariot of Day. . . Hunting vSong, etc. London. Printed for S. A. d'- P. Thompson, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 29. (5.) TheCryer [Cantata]. . .The Words by iM. P. Andrews. London. . .S. A. !■ Vinliii. Opera .\i,v. LoniJiin. . .S. A. iT /*. Tlioirqtxdu. etc. [1786.] ahl. fol. XXVII. C. 9. (3.) Tlie li'east. of Anacreon, a Seranata. . .Op. 1,111. Limiliiii . . . f.iiiKiiiiiin (iiiil lirailrriji, tlr. t'ul. XXXII. A. 18. (2.) The FeniaU; Cryer. A Favorite >Sou<,', clc London. . .lilund d: WilJer, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (4.) Tho Ilerinifc, written by. . .Dr. Goldsmith. . .Adapted for Two Violins, Voice A Har'psic-hord. Opera XXIV. London. Printed for S. A. (('■ P. I'ltonipaon, i-tc. fol. XXXII. C. 29. (4.) How sweet the Love that meets Ketiirn. . .Soni;, cti-. London. . .Predion, file. fol. XXXII. C. 29. (6.) Jack of NeA'hury, an Opera, in Three Acts, with a i[as((ue. . .Op. 80. London. Printed for the Composer, etc. [i79')-] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 3. (3.) KilliiiL; no Murder, a JIusieal Farce in Two Acts. . . Oj). 1 •_'!). Loiul^di. . .T. Williamx, etc. [1839.] fol. XXXII. A. 18. (3.) The Lady of the Manor, a Comic Opera . . . for the Voice. Harj)sichord or Violin. The Words, . .Ijy Dr. K(^urielv. London. . .S. if' A. Tlionipson, etc. [1778.] o'l. fol. XXVII. C. 7. (3.) Lilie-; anil Roses. . .Ballad, lii-. ^London,^ W. Wi/hrow, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (5.) List.'u to the Voice of Love. A Favorite New Song, etc. London .. .Bliinil <(: Well; r, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (6.) The Little Singing {iirl, etc. [Song.] London. . . Bland (C Welle.r, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (7.) Ma chere Amie. A Favorite Soug, etc. Longman li Broderip, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. /8.) The Nightingale. A Fa^•orite Cantata, etc. London. . .Bland d: Weller, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (9.) A Pastoral. — The Words liy Mr. Loyce. s. sli. 4". X. F. 6. (7.) [She stoops to conquer. The wretch coudemn'd.] The Favourite Song sung by Mr. Du Bellamy, etc. [Full Score,] London. . . Wclclcer, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 36. (6.) The Siege of St. Quentin, or Spanish Heroism. A Drama in Three Acts . . . (The Glee i March . . . bv Mr. Bishop.) The 0\erture & the rest of the Music composed and selected by Mr. Hook. Op, 122. London. . .Goiilding, Pkinps, D'Abnaine it Co., [1808.] fol. XXXII. A. 20. (2.) The Soldier's Adieu. . .tilee for Three Voices, itc. London. . .Bland & WAlcr, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 15. (10.) The Soldier's Return. . .A Comic Opera in Two Acts . . .Op. 108. London. . . Gould ing, Pliippit, D'Abnaine with the greater third. London, Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (2.) Gresham Prize Composition, No. 8. Four Preludial Pieces for the Organ . . Set 1 . London, J. A. Novello, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (20.) Select Organ Movements. . .from the... Works of the Great Masters. . .arranged. . .by E. .J. Hopkins. Nos. 1-14. London .. .Addison d Hodson, etc. obi. fol. xxvin. c. 12. Select Movements from the Works of the Great Masters, arranged ... as Voluntaries, for the Organ . . .by E. J. Hopkins. No.s. 2, .5, 8, 10, 11, 12, "iS, 1-j it 16. London, ... Cramer, Beale d Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 12. (6.) 176 HOPKINS -HORSLEY. HOPKINS (EinvAHi) Jofin) Three 81iorl Pieces, for the Oi-f;an. etc. Set 1. London. 3IetxJer <(■ Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (13.) Single Chants, with additional harmonies for unison use. London : MrtzJer (0 Co.. etc. 8". IX. A. 14. (4.) A presentation copy to Sir Georiji' (irore loitli the composer's autograph. HOPKINS (John) See Stkuniiold (T.)and Hopkins (.J.) Tlie whole Book of Psahnes, Collected into English Meeter, etc. 1641. 4°. II. D. 31. (2.) HOPKINS (John Larkin) A Collection of Anthems, etc. London .. .Surtnaii, etc. fol. XI. D. 8. HORN (August) See Mozakt (W. A.) Symphonien . . .fur Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden arrangirt von H. Ulrich und A. Horn. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 16. HORN (Carl Friedricii) See Bach (J. S.) A Sett of Twelve Fugues ... Arranged as Quartettos. . .by C.F. Horn. ('1807.) fol. LXI. C. 6. (1.) See Bach (.J. S.) [Wohltenqierirte Chwier.l S. Wesley and C. F. Horn's New. . .Edition of the Preludes and Fugues, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 10. (1.) HORN (Charles Eijwaku) Daniel's Prediction, or the Vision of Belshazzar . . . Oratorio, the words selected from Hannah Moro's Sacr'ed Drama, with additions. . .compiled and partly written by C. H. Purday. [P. F. Score.] L•. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (10.) 178 HUDSON— HULLAH. HUDSON (Robert) The Unexpected Revenge, [Swig] dr. .V. sh. f,,I. I. G. 37. (56.) HUEBSCHMANN ( ) Variations pour Viola avec Accdiiipagiiement. . .de Pianoforte, etc. Chez Breitlcopf & Harld a Leij)sic. fol. LXII. B. 19. (7.) HUELLMANDEL (Xicolaus Joseph) Six donates de Cla\ecin. . .avec accompagnenicnt de Violon ad libitum. . .CEuvre 1". h P(iri.<:. Chez 3Ir. Sauiner, etc. fol. LXII. D. 11. (1.) The P.F. pnrt only. Trois Senates de Clavecin. . .avec un accompagne- ment de Violon ad libitum. . .Giuvre IIP. « Paris. Chez Mr. Saunier, etc. fol. LXII. D. 11. (2.) The P.F. part only. Trois Senates pour lo Clavecin. . .Uiuvre IV". a Paris. Chez Mr. Saunier, etc fol. LXII. D. 11. (3.) Trois Senates pour le Piano Porte. . .avec accom- pagnement d'un Violon. . .CEuvre VP. a Paris. Clie:: Mr. Saunier, etc. fol. LXII. D. 11. (4.) The P.F. jHirt only. Trois Sonates pour le Piano Porte... La Troisieme est avec un acconipagnement de A'idlim. . .CEuvre VHP. a Paris. Chez Mr. Saunier, etc. fol. The P.F. pent only. LXII. D. 11. (5.) Trois Sonates pour le Piano Forte avec accompagne- ment d'un Violon. . .ffiuvre IX''. a Paris. Chez Mr. Saunier, etc. fol. LXII. D. 11. (6.) The P.F. part only. Trois Sonates pour le Piano Forte. . .avec acconi- pagnement d'un Viiiliju ad libitum. . .Qiuvre .K''. a Paris. Chez 3Ir. i>aunier, etc. fol. LXII. D. 11. (7.) The P.F. part only. Senate de Piano-Forte avec accompagnement d'un Violon ad libitum . . . (Euvre XI". h Paris. Chez Mr. Saunier, etc. ful. LXII. D. 11. (8.) The P.F. part only. HUENTEN (FuAXz) Three National Airs with Variations for the Piano Forte and Violoncello. . . No. 3. Op. 45. London. . .B. Cocks it Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 7. (4.) A Favorite Notturno . . . arranged for the Piano Forte and Violoncello by T. Powell. London. . . J. J. Ewer, etc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (21.) Variations Rrillantes pour Piano et Violon sur un Theiiie do ]\Ieycrl)ecr. . .Op. IG. Loudon . . . It. Cocks ct Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 4. (4.) HUENTEN (Wiliielm) Air alU'niand varic pour I'iano-I'oitc et Violoncelic. . .Opera I'J. a P((ris cheZ I. I'leyrl rt Cie., (tc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (20.) HUERTA (A. T.) Souvenir of the Fair at Maircna in Sj>ain. A Favourite Mazurka with Variations for the Guitar, etc. London. . .L. I'annriiKi. ele. fol. LXX. D. 13. (10.) A Spani.sh National Cachucha, with V'ariations, originally cornpo.scd for. . .eight guitars, now arranged for one, etc. London. . .L. Pauormo, etc. fol. LXX. D. 13. (11.) HULL (D.) The Sabbath. Containing 1st : Palestine . . . 2dly : Jordan, an Anthem . . . 3rdy : Hosanna, Trio 41y : Chants, Psalms and Hymn Tunes, etc. London . . . the Author, fol. VI. A. 10. (1.) HULLAH (JoHX PvKi;) Come not, when I am dead, etc. [Song.] London : S. Lucas, Wetier & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (2.) Dream, baby, dream ! Canzonet, etc. London, Addison, HoUier li Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (3.) A presentation copy to Sir G. Grorc from the com- poser, dated 1 Feb. 1861. Echoes. Song, etc. London, Addison, Hollier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (4.) Exercises for the Cultivation of the Voice. Soprano or Tenor. London: J. W. Parker. . . 1845. 8°. X. B. 19. Faune, nympharuiu fugientum amator. Ode by Horace, etc. fol, London, Addison, Hollier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 25. (8.) Former Days. Song, etc. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. ' XXXII. C. 16. (5.) A j/rcscntalion copy to Sir G. Grove f 10)11 the com- poser, dated July, 1873. How shall we flee sorrow 1 Rondel, etc. London, L. Cock ti Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (6.) A Hymnal, chiefly from ' The Book of Praise ' by Sir R. Palmer, set to music, selected, harmonized and composed by J. Hullah. London. Macmillan and Co. 1868. 4° IX. D. 2. A presentation copy from tlie composer to Lady Grove. I arise from dreams of thee, etc. [Song.] London, Addison, Hollier & Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (1.) A presentation copiy to Sir G. Grove from the composer. The Knight's Return. Song, etc. London, L. Cock," Addison & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (7.) The Message from the Battle Field, etc. [Song.] London. Metzler <(■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (8.) A presentation copy to Sir Geonje Grove from the composer, dated September, 1870. The ]M other's Song, etc. I^ondon, Addison, Hollier (t Lucas, etc. XXXII. C. 16. (9.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir G. Grace, dated 20 April, 18C0. My wind is turned to bitter north, etc. [Song.] Ijoiidon, Addi.ton <(• Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (10.) Presented to Sir G. Grove bi/ ilie couiposer, October, 1863. Oh ! that we (wo were maying. Song, etc. Ljondon ; Addison, Hollier cfc Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (11.) A presentation copy from the composer to Lady Flower, dated July, 1862. Part Music, edited l)y J. ilullali. Class C. For the Voices of Men. Sacred Pieces. Music in Score, etc. London : J. W. Parker ... iSa^. 8". X. B. 18, HULLAII— HUMMEL. ]79 HULLAH (John Pykk) Tlic Whole Book of Psalms, with tlie Canticles and Hymns of the Church, for Morning and Ex'ening Service : set to apprcij)riate chants tor four voices. Edited hv J. Ilullah. Lotiddii: J. ir. Pcn-/.rr. ..1S45. "S". IX. B. 37. The P.salter. . .from the autliorizcd Vfusinu of Brady and Tate, witli appropriate Tunes, set in four I'.arts, with an accomjianimcnt foi- th(! Organ or Piano Forte. Edited by .1. HuUali. Lti : J. M'. 7W.V--...IS45. fol. XI. D. 15. Rare, rarely come.st thou, fir. [Song.] London, L. Cock, AdtUmn (£• Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (12.) A jprf'sentation copi/ to Sir G. Grove from tlia comjjoscr, dated July, LSGS. Sacred Music for Family Use. A Selection of Pieces for one, two or more voices, hy the best Composers . . . Edited by J. Hullah. London : Longmans . . . 1 867. fol. XI. E. 7. A presentation copy to Sir George Grove with auto- grapli inscription hij the editor. The Singer's Library of Concerted [Music. Edited by J. Hullah. Sacred (Secular) Series. 4 vols. London: Addison, HoUier & Lucas, etc. fol. X. B. 20. Four Songs from the Water Babies, etc. London, Addison & Lucas, etc. fol. 'XXXII. C. 16. (13.) A presentation copy to Lady Flower from the c miposer, dated April, 1804. The starlings, (■/'•. [Duet.] London. Addison EoUier ti Lucas, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 16. (14.j Presented to Sir G. Grove hy the composer. Starry Crowns of Heaven, etc. [Duet.] London, Addison, HoUier i chez J. Andre, fol. Offenhacli s/M., LXII. D. 12. (7.) La Belle Susette. Rondo for the Piano Forte, etc London, L. Cock & Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. (2.) Caprice pour le Piano Forte, etc. A Londres, rhez Clement! (& Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 12. (8.) Grand Capriccio, in F. Revised by W. Sterndale Bennett. London, L. Cod- d: Co., etc. fcpj. LIX. C. 17. (3.) Another edition.] (Irand Capriccio in F. London, etc.] fol. LIX. C. 17. (4.) Wontinr/ the Title-jiac/e. Grosses Concert fiir das Piano-Forte ... 85'°* Werk. Neue . . . Original- Au.sgabe. Wiin . . . T. Haslhu/er, etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. a. (3.) Grand Concerto in A minor for the Piano Forte. . . Op. 85. London. . J. Bolls and Son, etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. a. (1.) Grand Concerto pour le Piano . . . Q^uv. 85. A Paris. Chez Bichaulf, etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. a. (2.) Compositions. Revue.s. . .de L. "Winkler. . .No. 6. Op. 85. Concerto. . .pour Piano a 2 mains. liraunscliweiti & New Torlc, H. Litolff. etc. 4°. XXIX. C. 13. (10.) Grand Concerto pour le Piano-Forte avec Accompagne- nient de grand Orchestre. . .Q5uv. 89. [Parts.] Leipzig. . . C F. Peters, fol. & ohl. fol. LX. E. 5. Concerte fiir Pianoforte. . .Op. 89, in H moll. Briissel. . .Schott, etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. a. (4.) Grand Concerto for the Piano Forte . . . (called Les Adieux de Paris). . .Op. 110. London. . . Cramer, Addison tfc Beale, etc. ful. LIX. C. 17. a. (5.) [Les Adieux de Paiis.] Hummel's ... Rondo, from his. . .Concerto ■' Les Adieux de Paris," cte. [P. F.] London, L. Cod, etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. (1.) Grosses Concert in As-dur fiir das Piano-Forte allein . . . 113'''» Werk. Wien, hei C. Bnslinqer, etc.. fol. LIX. C. 17. (18.) (irand Concerto for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 113. London. . .Cromer, Beale ((■ Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. (6.) La Conteiiiplazione, and Itrilliaut Rondo, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 107. L:mdon. . . Gouldinrj & D'Almaine, etc. fol. LXII. D. 12. (9.) The Celebrated Grand Duet in A^,. . .Op. 9:2. London. . .B. Cocks <(: Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 17. (8.) Fantaisie pour le Pianur avec Accomp' d'Orchestre et d'Orgue . . . (Euvre 80. [Full Score.] A Paris, Chez BichauU. etc. fol. XI. D. 17. a. Iluminel's Second Mass in E flat. Op. 80, with a separate accompaniment for the Organ .arranged... by V. Novcdlo. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. D. 16. (2.) Messe No. 2. [i!and .-md Chorus parts.] fol. XI. D. 17. b. Hrittc Messe (in D). . . 1 1 1''' Werk. I'artif.ui-. Wien, he;/ T. Haslinger, etc. fol. XI. D. 17. [Jjathild.a vein (iuise.] L' ( )iiilirosa Notte vicn... arranged for the Violoncello with. . .Piano Forte, by F. Di.KOn. Jjondon. Wessd (f; Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (19.) Mcthode Complete. . .iK)iu' le Piano- Kort e. . .Traduit de I'AUemand. . .par IJ. Jelensperger, etc. ."! pt. Paris. Chez A. Farrenc, etc. fol. LIX. C. 15. A Complete. . .Course of Instruction on the Art of Playing tlie Piano Forte, etc. London, T. Booscij & Co., etc. fol, LXX. A. 13. HUMMEL. iwl HUMMEL (JouANN Nepomuk) Nocturne u Quatie Mains pour le Piano et deux Cors ad libitum . . . (Euv. ill). A Pnrin, dm liichaidt, etc. fol. Thr P.F. imit onhj. LXII. D. 12. (14.) Nocturne a <|uatro mains pour Ic Piano- I'Virte. . . (J'^uv. '.I'.). l.rip::l. 106. London. . .B. Cocks d: Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 13. (7.) Theme vai-ie pour le Piano Forte . . . Oeuv. 31. No. 1. La Sentinelle. .4 Olfenhach s/M., chez J. Andre, ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 21. (8.) Theme varie pour le Piano Fmte . . . Oeuvre 34. No. 2. Partant pour la Svrie. .4 Offenhach s/M., chez J. Andre, ohl. fol. ' XX'lX. A. 21. (9.) [Trios.] Sonate pour le Piano Forte avec Accom- pagnement de Flute ou A'iolon et Violoncelle . . . CEuv. 2. No. 1. [Parts.] ii Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (1.) [Trios.] Sonate pour le Piano Forte avec Accom- pagnement de Violon et Flute . . . tEuv. 2. No. 2. [Parts.] Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (2.) 18-2 HUMMEL— HURST. HUMMEL (JouANN NiiPOMUii) Grand Trio pour Piano Forte, Violon & Violoncelle . . . Opera 11', [Parts.] Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (3.) Humrael's Trio in E"". Op. 1l\ [Parts.] London... li. Cocks d: Co., etc. f„l. LXI. E. 8. (3.) Trio pour Piano lAjrte, Violon it ViolDncelle . . . (Euvre 22. [Parts.] Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (4.) (iraiul Trio Concertante for Piano Forte, Violin &■ Violoncello ... Op. 22. [Parts.] Lon,hm. T. Bonxc,/ (i Co., etc. fol. LXIII. D. 21. (3.) Grand Trio Concertante for Piano Forte, Violin & Violoncello . . . Op. 22. [Parts.] London, T. Booseij d: Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (10.) Second Grand Trio. Op. 22. [Parts.] London, Wessel & Co., etc. fol. LXI. E. 8. (4.) Trio pour Piano Violon et Violoncelle . . . Op. 35. [Parts.] h Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (5.) Trio pour le Piano Forte avec Violon & Violoncelle obliges. . .Op. 65. [Parts.] Bonn et Cologne. . . N. Simrock. fol. LXII. A. 7. (2.) Trio pour Piano Violon & Violoncelle . . . Op. 65. [Parts.] A Paris, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (6.) Grand Ti'io Concertant pour Piano Violon & Violon- celle. . .CEuv. 83. [Parts.] A Par!.<<, etc. fol. LIX. C. 16. (7.) Grand Trio. . .Op. 83. [Parts.] Li Londra, presso T. Boosey na. . .Op. 96. I'artitur. I^eipziif, F. Kislner. fol. VI. A. 2. (9.) JACKSON (William) of E.rcter. Anthems and Church Services. . .Edited. . .by. . .J.. Paddon. E.cetcr. . . the Editor, etc. fol. XI. D. 18. (1.) Two Anthems and a complete Church Service... Edited. . .by. . .J. Paddon. Exfter. . . the Editor, etc. fol. XI. D. 18. (2.) An Anthem, selected fi-om the Psalms ; and an Ode, written by Pope . . . Opera Quinta. London, printed for the Author, etc. fol. VI. A. 19. (1.) [Another copy.] An Anthem selected from the Psalms and an Ode, written by Pope. . .Opera Quinta. London, pirinted for the Author, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 29. (3.) Twelve Canzonets for two Voices. . .Opera Nona. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 13. (3.) [Another copy.] Twelve Canzonets. . .Opera Nona. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 17. (2.) Twelve Canzonets. . .Opera IX. London. . . Broderip and Wilkinson, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (4.) A second Set of Twelve Canzonets for two Voices. . . Opera XIII. Loudon. . .J. Preston, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 14. (2.) A .second Set of Twelve Canzonets. . .Opera XIII. London. . .Broderip it Wilkinson, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (5.) Elegies. . .Opera terza. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 13. (1.) Elegies . . . Opera Terza. Longuinu (('• Broderip, etc. fol. London. . . XXIII. D. 14. (1.) Elegies. . .Opera terza. The second Edition. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 17. (1.) Six Epigrams for Two, Three and Four Voices... Opera XVII. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 14. (3.) The Title-page is signed by the composer. Hymns in thiee Parts ; which are also adapted for a Single Voice . . . 0]iera Sesta. London ; Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XVII. B. 29. (4.) [Another Copv.] Hymns. . .Opera Sesta. London; Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 13. (4.) The Lord of the !Manor, a Comic Ojtera ... adapted for the Voice and Harpsichord. Opera XII. London. . .J. Preston, etc. [1781.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 16. (1.) [The Jjord of the ^Manor.] EncompassVl in an London. . . XXXII. C. 29. (8.) Si.\ Madrigals for Two, Three, and Four Voices. . . Opera XVIII. London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 14. (4.) Twelve Pastorals for two Voices. . .Opera XV. London. . .Broderip (& Wilkinson, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (6.) Six Quartets for Voices. . .Opera XI. I^ondon. . . Broderip ,(■ Wdkiusou, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (23.) Angel's frame . . . Song, etc. J. Preston, etc. fol. JACKRON-.TARNOWIC. 185 JACKSON (W'n. 1,1 \m) ir, dr. fol. XI. D. 18. (3.) Six Sonatas for the 1 lai-|isichoril aceom]iauie(l with a Violin. Loiidiiii. I'rijitnl far J. Julinxdii. lic. fol. XXIII. D. 15. (2.) Twelve Songs, r/c. [Op. I.] London. Printed for' J. LoiKjmaii, ctr. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (1.) Twelve Sontjs. . .Opera Quarta. Loiidim . . . Printed for)lie Author, ctr. fol. XXIII. D. 15. (1.) Twelve Songs. . .Opera Quaita. London. Printed hi/ Lont/nKni <(■ ISrodrrip, rtc. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (2.) Twelve Songs. . .Opera Settima. London. . . Longman <£• Brodcrip, rtc. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (3.) Twelve Songs. . .Oi)era XVI. Jjondon . . . Broderip li'Wilkhwiii, etr. fol. XXIII. D. 16. (7.) Jackson's Te Deiim. . .air.anged with an accompani- ment for the Piano Forte hy G. F. Harris. New. . . Edition. Loudon. W. WiUianu <(■ Co. fol, VI. A. 10. (5.) Te Deum laudaimi-;. . .in. . . F. London: J. A. Novello, etc. S". IX. A. 18. (25.) JACKSON (Willi.vm) of Mosliam. Christ our Pass- over. An Anthem, etc. London . . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 10. (6.) The Deliverance of Israel from ISahyhm, an Oratorio, the words written by T. Carter .Jun', etc. [P. V. Sco:-e.] London. . .J. A. Novello, c/c. fol. XI. D. 20. Isaiah, an Oratorio, etc. [P. F. Score.] London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. D. 19. Inserted are a proijramme and newspapcr-riittiniji relating to a performance at Bradford in ISiJS. The 103"'' Psalm, coiuposed for the Bradford . . . Festival, 1856. Ijowlon, Addison, HoUier <(: Lnrn,<, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (4.) Sing, O Heavens, an Anthem, etc. [Score and parts.] London. ...r. A. Norello. e-c. fol. VI. A. 10. (7.) The Singing Cla.ss Manual .. .Twc-lfth Edition, to which is added an A])iiendix, containing eight pieces of Music . . . with the words and sol-fa syllables added, etc. Printed for the Author, Itji Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. [London.] S". X. E. 29. (4.) The Si.sters of the Sea. . .Prize Glee for 184(i, etc. Ltndim. . .J. A. Novello. etc. fol. XXXII. B. 35. (36.) The Year. A Cantata. . .the Words selected from various Poets. [P. F. Score.] London. Addison. Ilollier d- lA(ca.<, etc. [iS^>] fol. XXIII. D. 18. JACOB (15kx.7amin) Friendship. A Serious Glee for Three Voices, etc. Lowlon. Printed for the Author, etc. old. fol. XXVIII. A. 22. (5.) {J.C.M.C, JACOB (I'.nNJAMix) Natiomil Psalmody ... A Collec- tion of Tunes, with appropriate Symphonies set to a cour.so of Psalms selected . . . by the Rev. J. T. Uarrett . . . Harmonized, arranged and adapted by l>. .Jacob. . .to which .ire added Chants for the... .Morning and Evening Prayer, c/c. Ijondon . . . J. A. Novello, etc. S". IX. B. 40, See Bach (J. S.) [Prelude & Fugue for Organ. No. 16. A. Grand Fugui' . . . ,\rranged for two Performers., .by B. .Jacob.] fol. LVIII. B. 22. (8.) JACOBI (.loiiAN'v CiiHisTiAx) P.salmodia Germanici ; or a Specimen of Divine Hymns, translated from the High Dutch. Together with their Proper Tunes and Thorough Bass. London. . .J. Younc/, etc. 1722. 8". IX. D. 9. JACOBI (MicHAKi.) See ItisT (.J.) Neue Kreutz- Trost- Lob- und Dank Schuhle. Worinn betindlich. . . Lieder. . .welche. . .auf bekante. . .aber auf gantz neue von dera . . . Herrn M. Jacobi . . . gesetzte Melodien. . .gesungen werden, etc. 1659. 8°. IX. E. 14. JAEGER (Carl) Variations pour le Piano-Forte .sui- iin theme du Ballet ; der Opernsehneider. . .QSuvre 18. A Berlin cltez A. M. Schlctlni/er, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 13. (8.) JANIEWICZ I Felix) Threi' Trios for Two Violins* N'ioloncidio, (7,-. [Parts.] London... Glementl, etc. fol. LXII. A. 2. (10.) JANSA (LicopoLi)) Six Duos pour Violon et Viola. . . (Euv. 70. N" V. L-lpzli/. ..C.F. Peters, fol. LXII. B. 18. (3.) Six Duos pour Violon et Violoncelle. . . (Tl^uv. ~2. No. 3. Lelpzi,/. . . C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. B. 18. (4.) Premier Quatuor Brillant pour deux Violons, Alto A: Violoncelle. . .CEuvre S. [Parts.] Vienne, rhez A. Dlahelll d: Comp., etc. fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (6.) Deuxieme Quatuor Brillant pour deux Violons, Alto et Violoncello. . .(Euv. ll'. [Parts.] Vienne. Saner & Ijcidesdorf. fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (7.) Trois Quatuors pour deux Violons, Viola et Violon- celle. . .(Euv. 44. 3 No.s. [Parts.] Vienne... Dlah'lli et Comp. fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (8.) Diei leichte (^)uartetten fiir zwey Violinen, Viola und Violoncell. . ..")l'" Werk. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Wien hel A. Diahelll ct Comp. fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (9.) Trois (Quatuors pour deux Violons, Viola et Violoncelle. . .(Euv. G."i. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Leipzig ...C. F. Peters, fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (10.) Quatuor pour deux Violons, Alto et Violoncelle. . . (Euvre I 8. [Parts.] Vienne, Chez Venve Haslinger et F//.*, etc. fol. LIX. A. 6. a. (11.) GO Cbungen fiir die Violine. . .Op. fi'i. 3 Aljth. ir;c», C. A. Spina, etr. fol. LXII. B. 15. (6.) JARNOWIC ((iiovANXi Maxe) Air varic pour le Violon. . .Nr.s. 1 (-3.) (.").) (6.) 3 Nos. ii Anisterda,,,. dies J. Schmltt, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. Concerto favori en Sol pour Violon. etc. [Separate Parts. I !i Paris... Plei/el.'tc. f..l. LX. E. 3. (37.) 186 JAKNOWIC— JOMELLT JARNOWIC (Giovanni Mane) Giornovichi's Two Fa\'oi-ite Concertos arranged as Sonatas for the Piano Forte, with an Aeoompauiment for a Violin, by J. L. Dussek, c'Ir. London. . .Corri, Das). A Paris chcz Sicbcr Fire, etc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (6.) A Fa\orite Fantaisie, for the Piano ^^lrt^•, in which is introduced the Air ' Pira che 1' impegno,' etc. No. 2. London. . .L. Laceiin. rtc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (7.) Fantaisie it a F'ugue for the Piano Forte. . .Nn. .5. London ... L. Lavenu, etc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (8.) A Fifth Fantaisie, with Seven Variations and a Finale, on the Air ' FVnnne sensible,' for the Piano Forte. London. . .li. Jjinluill, etc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (9.) Kalkbrenner's Fifth F^antasia. . .Arranged as a Duett, for. . .the Piano F\irte, hy J. W. Holder. London. . . Gouldinq, D'Almainr. Potter & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (11.) Eighth Fantasia for the Piano F^orte in which is introduced a favorite Irish ^Melody. . .Op. -"iO. London... Chippell A Co., etc. M. LXII. D. 15. (14.) Huitieme F^antaisie pour le Piano Forte sur le ])uii de Mozart ; La ci darem la mano. . .Oeuvre ^lo. Vienne, chez A. Diahelli et Comp. (hi. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (9.) F^antaisie for the Piano-F\irte, in which is introduced the. . .Air of Robin Adair, etc. Secnnd F^dition. London... E. Lavenii, etc. fol. LXII. D. 15. (12.) A F\intasia, with Variations for the Piano-Forte on the. . . Air of ' Roy's Wife of Aidivalloeh '. . .Op. 37. London. . .Clement! pour le Piano F'orte sur la Sicilienne. . .dans ' Robert le Diable '. . .Oji. 109. London. . . S. Chappell, etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (8.) Rule Britannia. .. with Variations and an Introduc- tion for the Piano Forte, etc. London. . . Gonldinrj, D'Almaine, Potter it Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (9.) La Solitudiue. Rondo per il Piano-F'orte. . .Op. 46. Pai !,/,... I. Pleyel, etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (10.) Kalkbrenner's Fir.st (Second) Son.ata for the Piano Forte. F"'rom hi.s Op. 1. 2 Nos. London. . . L. Lacenu, etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (11.) Grand Sonata for the Piano F'orte with an Accoiu- jianiuient for tlie Violin or F'lute. . .Op. 22. London.. . .(•'onhUmi, D'Aliuaine, Potter ((• Co., etc. fol. The P. F. port onhi. LXII. D. 16. (12.) (irand Sonata for the Piano F'orte. . .Op. 26. London .. .L. Lavemi, etc. fol. LXIL D. 16. (13.) Piano F'orte Sonata for the Left Hand. . .Op. 40. London. . . Clemen/ i it Conijii/., etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (14.) (irande Soiiate pour le Piano F'orte. . .< >p. 1^. A Paris, chez J. Pleyel, etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (15.) Grande Sonate li Quatro Mains pour le Piano Forte . . .Op. 76. London. . .Clementi it Co.. etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (16.) Sonata [in 0| for the I'iano F'oile. .No. I. Jjondon . . . Gonldinij, D'Almaine, Potter (t Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 16. (18.) Sonata [in (<| for the I'ijino l''orte, ilc. London. . . Qonldinij, D'Almaine, Potter it Ok, etc. fre- cedee d'une Notice histori(|ue, etc. A Paris, chez 31. Schlcsiwjer, etc. X". XXIX. C. 21. Les Sirenes. Essai sur les principaux Mythesrelatifs a I'Licantation. . .suivi de Le Keve d'Oswald ou Le.s Sirenes. Grande Symphonie dramatiquc vocale et instrumentale. (Paroles de F. Maillan.) Paris, G. Brondns et S. Dn/our. 1S58. fol. LXX. A. 20. Les \'oix de Paris. J'^ssai d'une Histoiro . . . des Cris Populaire de la Capitate . . . suivi de Les Cris do Paris, Grande Symphonie hunioristi(iue \ocale ct instrumentale. Paris. G. Brandus, Dn/'our et C". 1857. fol. LXX. A. 21. KAUER (FKHbiN'AM)) [Das Donauweibchen.] Canon, etc. Bronnschweiij ini . . . 31afjazine iinf d':r Hohe. ohl. fol. " XXVIII. A. 12. (7.) KAYSER (IIeinkicii Eunst) Etudes pour le Violon. ( »p. .U. Etudes .Journalidres, etc. llnnd)iiurij ... A. Cranz. fol. LXII. B. 16. (6.) KEARNS (WiLLiA.M Henkv) See Havi.x (F. J.) \_L)ie Jiihreszeiten.] The Seasons . . . newlv revised with an accomp.uiinicnt foi- the Piano Foi-te by W. H. Kearns. fol. XI. E. 6. KEEBLE (.John) Select Pieces for tin; Org.in, ,tc. Printed for . . .the Author, etc. oJil. iu\. XXIX. A. 16. (5.) KEEN (Edwakd) A New Scotch Song, to a Tune of Mr. Keen's. [Begins: 'Jennny told his Passion.'] The 4'!' Weekly Song for Septem"' y"= 28"". Publish'd every Thursday. Printed for I. Walsh. «. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (43.) KEISER (Keixoard) Der liicherliche Priuz Jodelet. See /elle (F.) Die Oper . . . Eiinfter Theil : B. Keiser : Der liicherliche Prinz Jodelet, etc. 1892 : fol. L. B. 16. Octavia . . . herausgegebcn von F. Chrvsandcr. Leipzig, etc. 1902. 8". XXXIII. C. 27. e. Supplements of the lldndel Sue. No. G. KELLER (Cakl) Sanfter milder Gott der Tr.iume. Ariette mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, etc. L,ipzig...C. F. Peters, ohl. io\. XXVIIL A. 10. (9.) KELLY (Micilvel) The Grand Dramatic Bomance of Blue Beard . . . The Words by G. Coleman the Younger, the !Music composed & selected by M. Kelly. Printed for Corri, Dussek d Co. . . . London, etc. [1798.] ohl. in\. XXVn. C. 13. (5.) The Castle Spectre. . .The Words by (;. M. Lewis, etc. London. . .J. Dale, etc. ,'a. Anthem pcrformtid in the Cathedral Church of Bristol . . . •-'.5th August 1802. . .Opera IV. Jjondon, dementi. Banc/or, Hyde, Collard it Davix, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (5.) A Sound of Battle is in the Land. War Anthem. . . Oiiera V. London, Printed for the Author, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (6.) KEMP (CEoitcE) See l!\cii (.1. S. ) Tw(^lvc Chorals ...arran.i,'ed. ..by (;. Kemp, <■/<•. f.il. III. B. 2. (4.) KENT (-rAMEs) Twelve Aiithems, < le. t'mileil fur the Anttiiir, ITTIi. Pul)tiin(F. J.) Sechs-Symphonien . . .fiir das Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden aesetzt von C. Klage. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 10. a. See Mhverbeek (G.) Musik zur Tragoedie Struensee jirrangirt von. . .C. Klage. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (9.) KLEIN (Bernhard) David. Oratorium in 2 Ab- theilungen von C. G. Kiirner . . . Clavierauszug . . . (Jp. :'A.^ I^cipziij, he! Friedrlch Hnfniehtrr. XI. C. 16. Jephta. Oratorium in drei Abtheilungen. . .Op. l"J . . . Klavierauszug, etc. T. Trautwe'in . . .Berlin. ohl. fol. " XI. C. 15. KLENGEL (AucrsT Ale.xander) Canons et Fugues . . .pour k' Piano. En deu.x; Parties. Leipziij, chez Breilk-opf d- Hiirtel, etc. fol. LIX. C. 20. Premier Concerto pour le Piano Forte avec accom- pagnement de I'Orcliesti-e. . .Oeuv. 1. h Leipsic, chez Breitkopf d Hiirtel. fol. LX. E. 6. KIRKMAN (Jacob) A Collection of Six Volun- taries, for the Organ, Harpsichord, and Piano-Forte Op. TX. London . . . Lomimaii and Broderip, etc. M. fol. ■ XXIX. B. 7. (6.) La Gavotte de Vestris variee pour le Pianoforte et suivie d'une Fugue sur le mcme motif. . .Oe. 15. Leipzig, chez C. F. Peters, etc. oil. fol. XXIX. A. 18. (5.) .A. Duett for Two Performers on One Piano Forte or KLINDWORTH (Carl) Sec Cm^vis {V.V.) Oeuvres Harpsichord, etc. Birchall d Andrews, etc. fol. London. . . LXII. E. 23. (6.) Si.x Lessons for the Harpsichord or Pi.mo Forte. . . Op" III''. London . . . Birchall and Andrews, etc. oh!, fol. XXIX. B. 7. (5.) KIRKFATRICK (William .J.) Sec Sanford (F. D.) llvinn^ ol tin- Gospels. . . ^lusical Fditors : J. R. Swcney. . .'\^'- •'■ Kirkjiatrick, r/c. 8". IX. E. 17. KIRMAIR ({''uiKDiticii Joseph) Aii;s, for th(' Piano l'',,rti'. with N'ariations. No. I(-24). London... G,,ul(lin(l, D'.Vnioine, Potter d: Co., etc. fol. LIX. C. 19. Ill Variations sur lair de la Flute Magii|ue . . . ' Seyd uns wiUkonnncn ' pour le Piano Forte, etc. Bonn chez N. Simrorh: ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 22. (6.) KIRNBERGER (Joiiaw Piiii.iPi') Iluit poui- le Clavecin ou I'Oigue, etc. Ch's J. J. llumnicl, 11 Berlin, etc. ugues LXII. D. 22. (3.) KITCHINER (N\ II. I, iam) Amafory and Anacreontic Son"s. London. Puhinhcd fcr the Anther hi/ liiii/ster, etc." »". ' X. B. 24. . . .revues. . .p.ir C. Klindwortli. iSji-^. fol. LVIII. E. 1. KLOSE (Francis Joseph) F'ire-Side Lyrics. Lundnn. . .S. Cha/.^n-ll, etc. ' 1830. ohl. ^". IX. F. 15. KLUGHARDT (August) Die Hoehzeit des Miinchs. (.)| cr in 1 Akten, nach einer Novelle von C. F. Alayer, von E. Pasque . . . Op. -18. Vollstiindiger Klavier- Auszug mit Text. Berlin d Pe.s-cn. E. Bote d a. B:n-l-. etc. &". X. E. 20. (1.) KNAPTON (Philip) .SV r Haydn (F. J.) The N.ilion.il (u-rman Hymn... with an arrangement for till' Piano l<'orte by P. Kiiapton. fol. VL A. 10. (16.) KNECKT (.lisjiN Hi.iNiiicii) Le Portrait Musical de la, N.iture, ou Cirande Simphonie a deu.x N'iolons, Altc it l!a-;se, avec deux FiCites traversieres, deux Jlautbois, Fagotts, Cors, Tromjiette-! it Timl)ales, etc. [P;irts.] ii Spire, che.i JloH.4-r. etc. fol. LX. E. 6. Neuo xdllstiindige Sanimhing alicr .\iten von A'oi'- uhil N'achspielen, l''aiitasieii, N'ersetten, Fugetten und l<'ugen. . .fiir. . . Kiavier und Orgel Spicier. . .Zweite . . ! Aullage. (') Hefte. Jiei B. Scholl in Main;:, ohl. fol. ' XXVIII. B. 4. (1.) KNTBB-KOZELUCH. 193 KNIBB (Thomas) The I'siiliii Singer's Help, being a Cdlleet.ion of Tunes in three Paits . . . with a Th(iri)iigii Bass for the Harpsicliord or Organ, rlc. Lowhm. Print<>lfor...T.Knil,h,rlr. S".' IX. D. 11. KNIPE (.).) Hark the glad notes resound afar ... Glee, rtr. Maiirhexter. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (24.) P. 1 is siijncd hy the composer. KNOKR (-li'MUs) iS«' Clementi (M.) M. Clementi'.s Cnnipcisitionen. IV. Band . . . Horausgegehcn von J. Kiiorr. fo). LVIII." E. 8. (4.) KNYVETT (CiiAitLEs) .SV^; Pane (J.) Earl of Wcsl- ijiiirrliiiiil. A Kecjiuem to the Memory of . . . Mr. Wel)l)e . . . ijy . . . W. Knyvett, etc. [1826.] ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 31. KNYVETT (William) The Bells of St. Michael's Tow'r. A. . .Glee for Three Voices, etc. London. . . R. Birchnll, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (3.) The Rose of the Valley. . .Air voices by W. Knyvett, etc. R. Birchall, etc. fol. liarmoiiized for four London . . . XXXII. C. 1. (4.) The Soldier's Departure. . .Glee for Three N'oices, etc. Lavenu & Mitchell, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (25.) There is a bloom . . . (ilee for Thi'ee Voices, etc. London, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 28. (3.) The Tillepage is signed hij the composer. Where my gentle Love strays. . .Glee for Three Voices with an Accompaniment for two Performers on one Piano Forte, etc. Lnvenu ti 3Iitchell, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (26.) KOBRICH (JoHANN Anton) Encomia Mariano- Lauretana seu x. Lytanias a Quatuor Vocibus ordi- nariis, 2. Violinis & Organo obligatis, '2. Clarinis vel Cornibus, & \'ioloncello ad libitum . . . Opus xxiv. 7 pts. Aiigustse Vindelicorum, Typis. . . Joannis Jdcubi Lotteri, 1762. I. A. 11. The C, A., T., B., Violino I and II, and Organo piarts. The Canto wants the Titlc-Page. KOEHLER (Christopu Louis Heinricii) KiJhler's Kinderfreund. Kleine KlavierstUckchen. . .Op. 243. Leipzig (t Berlin, C. F. Peters. 4°. XXIX. C. 13. (11.) Pianoforte Studies. . .Revised by E. Pauer. P>k. v. London, Augener & Co., etc. 4". LXX. C. 26. (3.) KOENIGSPERGER (Marianus) Jubilatio Lytur- giea Magnii one Piano Forte. . .()]icia xui. LoiKlon. ..S. Babh,el,: fol. LXII. E. 22. (3.) Duo pour le Clavecin. . .Ouvre [sic] 29. London. . . Longman il Broderip, etc. fol. LXII. E. 22. (4.) TroLs Quiituovs. . .OEuvre .3'i. [Parts.] ^I Paris, chez 3L Lohrij. cU: fol. LXI. D. 8. (4.) TroLs QuatuoKs. . .Op. 32. Liv. 1. [Parts.] London. . .(ioiddimi, Pliipjjs lO D'Almaiur, ifc. fol. LXI. D. 4. (11.) [Trios.] Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte with . . . Accompaniments for tlie Violin & Violoncello. . . Op. 21. [Parts]. London ... M. Clcmenii & Co., etc. fol. LXIL A. 8. See Hkhthovkx (L. v.vx) Tn i|uesia tomlia oscura. . . .will Composizioni di. . . Kozeluch, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) See Thomson (G.) A Select Collection of... Scotch Airs. . .with. . .Accompaniments ... by . . . Kozeluch, etc. [1817-1818.] fol. XXXII. D. 5. KREBS (.JoH.WN Ludwig) Erste Lieferung der Clavier Ubung, etc. Nnrnhcrcj . . .hey B. Schm.id Wittih, et4-. fol. " ■ XLIX. A. 5. Wont in;/ all after p. 12. Gesannntau.sgahe der Tonstiicke fiir die Orgel . . . herausgegehen von C. Giessler. Abth. 2. Heft 1, 2, .3. Abth. 3. Heft 1.2. 5 pt. Mivjdehury in der Ileinriclishdfenschen Musiialien Ilandlnnq. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 10. (7.) Another copy.] Krebs Werke. Abtheil. II. Heft 2. Organ.] Heinrichshofen. 3Iaf/deliurasse. . .Qlluvre 1-5. 2« edition. [Parts.] A Offenbach sur le Mein, chez J. Andre, fol. " LXI. E. 7. (15.) Trois Trios Brillants pour deux Violons et Violoncelle . . . Lettre B. [Parts.] A Paris, chez J. Frey, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (16.) KREUZ (Emil) 4 Songs for Baritone. . .Op. 6. Auyener d: Co., London, etc. 4°. XXXII. B. 33. (6.) KRIEGEL (Christian Fhiedrich) XXXVI Lieder beym (Jlavier zu singen, in Musik gesetzt von den Herren . . . Xaumann, Schuster. . .Seydelniann . . . Teyber xind. . .AVeiulich, herausgegeben . . .von C. P. W. Kriegel. Erste Sammlung. Dresden... heym Herausgeher, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 28. KRIEGER (Adam) Arien . . . Herausgegeben von A. Heuss. 1905. See Denkmahlkk. Deukmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, i-tc. V>d. \ix. 1892, etc. fol. " XXXVII. B. 19. KRIZEK (A.) 'J'hc Kcybdard Con(|uercd by Piano- Athletics, etc. F. Hofnieistcr, Leipziif. fol. LXX. D. 11. (6.) KROLL (Fkanz) Alter Sang, neuer Klang. Tonbilder iiach dcutschen Volksweisen fiir das I'ianoforte zu vier Jliinden, etc. Leipziij j). 22. [I'arts.] London... C. Wheat.^tone, etc. fol. LXII. A. 11. (4.) Duos pour deux Violons. <<|i. .i|. Li\-. 1. Chez N. Sinirock h Bonn. fol. LXII. B. 17. (4.) KKOMMEK— KUHLAU. 195 KROMMER (l<'iiANz) liannonie li Neuf Parties pour deux (_'l;n-iiictl(!.s, (Iciix Hautbois ou Clarinette, deux Cors, deux Bassons, TrombniiiK! ou Coiitrabasse, etc. Suite P'- [-1:!]. [Parts.] .1 Paris, chcz V. Diifaul ,:t Dahois. fo]. LIX. D. 1. Quartetto per due Violini, Viola, e Violoncello. . . Op. "23. [Parts.] Ill Vienna prcusii G. Ciijqji, cli: fol. LXI. C. 4. (10.) Quatuor ])our Deux Violous, Viola it Violoncelle. . . Oeu\ re 23""' [Parts.] A Bonnchez N. Simrock,f>/i;. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (10.) Trois Quatuors pour Deux Violous, Viola it Violon- celle. . .Oeuvre 24. [Parts.] A Bonn cliex N. Simrock, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (11.) Ti'e f,'raii Quartetti per Due Violini, N'iola, e Violon- cello. . .Opeia 'J2. 3 N™- [Parts.] Milano... 0. Eicordi, etc. fol. LXI. C. 4. (9.) (Juartett fiir Pianoforte, Violin, Viola und Violon- /ello. . .it.'i'" Werk. [Part.s.] Il7r», hel T. HaMnqcr. fol. & obi. fnl. LXI. e'. 4. Troi.s [or rather 6] Quintuors pour deux Violons, deux Altos, at Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre XXV. 2 Books. [Parts.] A Vienne. Au Bureau cles Arts et d' Industrie, fol. LXI. B. 2. (7, 8.) Grand Quintetto pour deux Violous, deux Altos it Violoncelle... Op. 70. [Parts.] A 0[rnih,ich x/M, chcx J. Andre, fol. LXI. B. 1. (30.) Grand Quintetto pour deux Violons, deux Altos it Violoncelle. . .Op. 80. [Parts.] A Offndmrh s/BI, cliez J. Andre, fol. LXI. B. 1. (31.) Deux Grands Quintetti pour deux Violons, deux Altos it Violoncelle. . .CEuvre 88. 2 N<* [Parts.] A Faris chrz Sieher pi-re, efr. fol. LXI. B. i. (32, 33.) [Aiiotlier ICdition.] <^>uintuor. . .Oeuvre SS. N" 1. [Parts.] fol. LXI. B. 2. (6.) Quintuor pour le [s/t'.'J Deux Violons, deu.v N'ioles et Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre 88. N" 2. [Parts.] Vienne. Au 3Iaij(isin de Timprimerie chimique, etc. fol. LXI. B. 6. Sinfonie N" 4...Arrang6e en Quintetto.. .Oeuvre 102. [Parts.] A Offenhncli s/BI, cliez J. Andre, fol. LXI. B. 6. Grand Trio pour Violon, Alto it Violoncelle . . . CEuvreOO. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez Sieherphe, etc. fol. LXI. E. 7. (12.) Douze Valses Viennoises pour deux Violons, Alto et Basse. [Parts.] A Paris, chez Sieher, etc. fol. LX. D. 5. (9.) KRUEGER (C.\HL A.) Volk.s-Klavierschule. Anlei- luiii; zur ^liindlichen Erlernung des Klaviei spiels, ete. Leipziij.'. .F. E. a Leuchirt. 4". XXIX. C. 22. KRUEGER (WiLiiKLM) See H.ve.xdel (G. F.) XVI Suites. . . lierausgegebeu von W. Kriiger, etc. fol. LIX. A. 25. KRUFFT (NicnoL.\s von) Baron. XXIV Preludes it Fugues pour le Piano-Forte, etc. A Paris, chez J. Plei/el. etc. fol. LXII. D. 26. (2.) KRUG (GusTAv) Adagio unci Itondo fiir Pianoforte und Violoncelle. . .Op. 4. .^ejmherth Cnriip. Hamhurfj, etc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (24.) Drei Quatuors fiir zwei Violinen, Viola und Violon- celle, etc. [Part.s.] 3 Nos. Trantwein & Co. . . . Berlin, fol. LXIII. D. 19. (12.) Drei Quatuors fiir zwei Violinen, Viola und Violon- celle. . .Op. 8. [Parts.] 3 Nos. Trautwein & Co. ... Berlin, fol. LXIII. D. 19. (13.) KRUMPHOLTZ (.Iohann Baptist) Krunipholtz Fa\(irite llaip Concerto adapted for the Harpsicord or Piano Forte by Storace, etc. Lonilim. . . A. Bland d: Welter, etc. fol. LXII. E. 12. (8.) Trois Sonates pour la Harpc ilont la premiere en forme de Scene avec accompagnement de Violon. . Oeuvre xvi", etc. [Parts.] a Paris. Chez H. Naderman, etc. oM. fol. XXIX. B. 13. (1.) Trois Sonates pour la Harpe dont la premiere en forme de Scene avec accompagnement de Violon. . . Qj]uvre xvii", etc. [Parts.] a Paris. Chez H. Naderman, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 13. (2.) KUECKEN (Fhiudkich Wilhklm) Drei Duette fiir zwei Sopr.ine odcr fiir Alt u. Tenor mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . Op. 21. Lcipziij. tiei F. Whistllni/. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 11. (4.) Six Duos for the Piano & Violin . . . revised by W. S. B. Woolhouse. No. 5. London. Aiujener d Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 4. (6.) The Maid of Judah [Song,]. . .with . . . English and (iermaa words, etc. London: Musical Bouquet Office, etc. fol. VI. A. 10. (17.) Soldiers' Love. Four-Part S(mg for ISIen's Voices. London: Novella, Fiver & Co., etc. 8". X. F. 8. (23.) KUEHNAU (.JoHANx Ciiuistoph) Alte untl neue Choralgesiingo \ierstimniig ausgesetzt . . . Fiinfte verbesserte Auflage, herausgegeben von J. F. W. Kiihnau. Berlin, l82j, bei F. S. Lischlce. old. io]. IX. D. 12. KUEHNAU (JonANN Friedrich Wiliii;l5i) See KuEHNAU (.J. C.) Alte und neun Choralgesiinge . . .herausgegeben von J. F. W. Kiihnau. 1825. obi. fol. IX. D. 12. KUENZEN (JonANN Paul) [Alleluia der Schopfung.] To Him ill ev'ry joyful strain. Trio for Two Sopranos ct a Base . . . arranged by C. Cummins. London . . . Gouldimj & D'Almaino, eU'. fol. XL D. 25. (6.) KUHLAU (Friedkich) Ausgewiihlte Compositionen fiir das Pianoforte . . . Op. 55. Sechs leichte . . . Sonatinen. Op. 59. Drei leichte . . . Souaten, etc. 2 nos. Braunschweig, H. Litolff, etc. 4". XXIX. C. 13. (12.) Concerto pour le Piano-Forte avec accompagnement de rOrchestre. . .Oeuvre 7. No. 1. [Parts.] Chez Breilkopf <£ Hdrtel a Leipsic. fol. LX. E. 6. No. 1 (-16) of the Complete Collection of F. Kuhlau's . . .Concertante Duets, for Piano Forte and Flute, etc. [Separate Parts.] London, Wesscl li Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 2. 2 c 2 196 KUHLAU— LAFAGE. KUHLAU (I-'riedrich) No. 14 of . . . Fourteen Con- certaiite Duets, for Piancjforte & Violin, etc. London. Wesscl & Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. Grand Quatuor pour le Forte-Piano, Violon, Alto & Violoncelle. . .Op. 50. [Parts.] Bonn ct Colorine cliez N. Simrocl: fol. ct ohi. fol. LXI. E.' 4. Grand Quatuor pour le Piano-Forte, Violon, Alto et Violoncelle. . .CEuv. 50. [Parts.] Paris, cltcz S. Itichanlt, etc. fol. LXI. E. 4. [Der Iiaul)erl)urg.] Reeitativo ed Alia, etc. Anihurgi), 2)rc.'<.'io U. A. Bohnic. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (10.) Grande 8onate pour le Piano Forte avec. . .Violon. . . Op. 33. Bonn ct Coloyne chez N. Sinirock. fol. LXII. B. 11. (13.) KUHLMANN (W ) Sec Gounod (C. F.) Meditation . . .arrangee pour (Jrnue par W. Kuhlmann. uhl. fol. XXIX. B. 11. (4.) KUHNAU (.Toiiann) .Johann Kuhnaus Klavier- werke. Heraus2;egeben von K. Piisler. 1901. See Denkmaeler. Denkmaler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Fol!,'e, e^■. Bd. IV. i3j2, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 4. KULENKAMP (Geoui; Carl) Quatuor facile pour 1(^ Piano-Furtc, Violon, Alto ct Violoncelle . . . Oeuv. :23. [Parts.] Maijcnee . . . Chez lesfils de B. Schotl. fol. LXI. E. 4. KULLAK (Tiieodor) Die Rcluile des Octavenspiels. Supplement zur Metliode des neuern Clavicrspiels . . . Op. 48. Berlin, cliez A. M. ScMesi.nger, etc. fol. LIX. D. 3. [Another copy.] Die 8clmle des Octavenspiels. Supplement zur Methodo des neuern Clavicrspiels. . . Op. 48. 3 jit. Berlin. . . A. M. Schlesimjer, etc. fol. LXX. B. 23. (2.) See ]\lEYEi{iiEKR (G.) Musik zur Tragoedie Struen.see arraiigirt von T. Kullak, etc. obi. fol. XXVin. A. 13. (9.) KUMMER (Fkiedrich ADr,u.ST) Amusements pour les Amateur.-? du Pianoforte . . . et Violoncelle . . . Oeuv. 38. D,esde. ..C. F. 3Ieser. fol. LXII. C. 5. (25.) Deux Pieces jiour . . . Piano et Violoncelle . . . Oeuvre 46. A Drcsde. C. F. Meser, etc. fol. LXII. C. 5. (26.) Piece iSerieuse sur des Melodies de Mozart pour... Viohmcelle et Piano. . .Oeuv. ()6. I.cipzii/. . . Brcilkopf & Hihtel. fol. LXII. C. 5. (27.) Violoncello School fegins: "On a iJank of Klow'r.s."] .-<'. sh. M. II.' A. 20. (23.) LAFAGE (.li'sTE Adrien LENOIR DE) See 1'alestrina (G. P. da) Cini| Messes. .. lOdition revue . . . par A. de Lafage. 8°. IX. G. 18. (1.) See Palestrina ((!. I', da) N'ingt Motets. . .Edition revue . . . par A. de Lafage. 8". IX. G. 18. (2.) LA FEILLEE -LANGDON. 197 LA FEILLEE (I'^kancois dk) lOiiitoinc (iradualis Uoiniiui, SL'u C'aiitus Missaruiu Doniiiiiialium ... Juxta u.sum l\f)iiianuni ; a Doni. de La Fcillce ievi.sum, auctum it ('iiK^udatum. Piclavii, apud J. F. Faulcun A F. Barhier, etc. 1781. 8«. IX. D. 13. LAFILLE (Chaules) L'Aurnrc. Romance, etc. a F(iri!^, cher. Mme. Benoist, ctr. fol. XXXII. B. 23. (14.) LAFONT (CiiAKLUS Pifilippi:) Troisiemo Air variij a N'idloii i'l'iiu-ipal, Second A'^iolon, Alto et Basse. . . Opei-i ;"). [Parts.] A Paris ch-x M""'' Emrd, clc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (13.) LAHEE (Hknhy) Love me little, love me long. [P.ut Song.] London : NocMo, Ewer & Co., etc. 8". X. F. 8. (24.) AMien Twilight's parting Flu.sli. [I'art Song.] Poetry by H. Smith. London : NorcUo, Ewer (t Co., etc. 8". X. F. 12. (12.) LAKE (GicoufiR) Daniel, an Oratorio, the words... from the Holy Scriptures and from Hannah More'.s Sacred Drama. London. 1852. Addison iC Ho/lier, etc. fol. XI. D. 29. LALANDE (AIichel Richard de) Motets de feu .Mr. (le La Lande. . .TX" (-XVP) Livre. 16 pts. Pari.-<. Chez Mad"" Hue, etc. 1723. fol. XI. E. 11. LAMBILLOTTE (Louis) Antiplionaire de Saint (iregoiie. Paesiniile du Manu.serit de Saint-Gall, etc. Bru.vellcs. ('. J. A. Gretise . . . iS6-]. 4". XI. D. 30. LAMOLA (Fhancrsco) Sei Sonate a Violino e Passo. Tre . .da F. Laniola et altre Tre da altro Autore. Londre [.s/c]. A Paris cliez 31' Le Clerc, etc. fol. LXII. B. 13. (10.) LAMOND (Fkedekick) Clavierstiicke. < »p. L '2 Hefte. A. Cranz. . .Hainhiirg. fol. LXII. E. 17. (15.) LAMPE (JoHANN Friedrich) The Grand Chorus as 2)erform'(l in the Repre.sentation of the Coronation at the Theatre-Kojal in Covent-Garden, etc. London. . . Thoroijood and Home, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 29. (1.) Songs and Duetto's in the Burlesque opera, call'd Margery, being a Sequel to the Dragon of Wantley, etc. London: Printed for J. Wilco.r, etc. 17^9. fol. X. B. 25. [Another copy.] Songs and Duetto's in the Burle.sque Opera, call'd the Dragon of Wantley, etc. London : Printed for J. Wilcox, etc. 1738. fol. XXIII. D. (28.) The Ladies Amusement ; being a new Collection of Songs & Ballads, etc. DidiJin. . .J. Hoey, etc. fol. XXxil. B. 24. (8.) Pyranui.s and Thisbe : a Mock ( )pera. The Words. . . from Shake.speare, (7r. Londim. Printed fori. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 49. (8.) [The Sham Conjurer.] The Grand Concerto, Favourite Dances, Duetos, Trio it Chorus in the new JSIasque call'd the Sham Conjurer, .■/c. London. Printed for . . .Lihn Sini^json, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 49. (9.) LAMPE (JoiiANN Friedrich) [The Sham Conjurer. Another cojjy.] The Grand Concerto, Favourite Songs, Dueto's, Trio and Chorus in. . .the Sham Conjurer, etc. [Score.] London. Printed for Ldni Simpson, aily lixercises in Singing . . .Newly edited. . .1)V 11. lilower. G. Bicrdi ,f- Co. London. ' fol. " LXX. C. 29. (3.) Esercizi Giornalieri di Canto. Milano . . . Bicordi, etc. fol. LXX. D. 7. (3.) [Another Copy.] Esercizi Giornalieii di Canto. Milano. . .Bicordi, etc. fol. LXX. D. 7. (6.) Guida Teorica-Pratica Elementai'e j)er lo Studio del Canto, etc. T. di G. Bicordi. Milano, etc. fol, LXX. D. 7. (5.) First Lessons in Singing, for the Study 1 if Intervals . . . Newly edited. . .by H. Blower. L' Bk, G. Bicordi <£• Co. ... London, fol. LXX. C. 29. (4.) [Another Edition.] First Lessons in Singing. . . Edit(Hl. , ,by H. Blower. Complete. G. Bicordi (t Co London, fol, LXX. C. 29. (5.) Studi di Bravura in Chiavf! di Sol, etc. 3 pt. Bicrdi. 3Iilano, etc. fol. LXX. D. 7. (4.) LAMPU GN ANI ((iIovanni Battista) [The Favourite Songs in .,, Alceste.] [London. irure, Le Delizie dell' Opeie, Being. . .Songs. . .from operas. . .liy Lampugnani, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 1. LAMPUGNANI (Giovanni B.vmsTA) .and SAN MARTINI ((tiovanm I>attista) Six Sonatas for Two Violins with a thorough Bass, etc. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LXIL A. 1. (7.) LANGDON (Richard) [Divine Harmony; being a Collection in Score of Psalms and Anthems, with several other Pieces of Sacred Music. Composed by the most eminent ^Masters, Ancient and Modern. The whole selected and . . .revised by R. Langdon, etc.] [London. Printed for the Editor hij Messrs. Longman . Lukcij S- Compij. etc. 1774] fol. XL D. 28. a. Wanting the Title-page, Dedication d: Preface {Z fol.) 198 LANGE— LATROBE. LANGE (Salomon de) Senate (No. 3. G moll) fiir die Oi-gel. Op. 14. N. Simroch In Brrlin. 1873. fol. LXII. C. 10. (1.) See MrFF.\T (G.) Ajiparatus musico-orgauisticus. . . herausgegeben . . . von S. de Lange. 1888. 06/. fol. XXIX. B. 39. LANGHORNE (William) A Book of...P.salm- Tuaes, as well Ancient as Modern, with ... several new Tunes in Four Parts ... Together with certain Anthems and Hymns . . . The Second Edition . . . Revls'd and corrected. Lonrlon . . .W. Penrsnii, elc. 1723. 8°. IX. D. 14. LANGIUS (Guegok) Eine ausgewillilte Sammlung Motetten zu 4, .5, 6 und f< Stimmen. In Partitur gesetzt. . .von R. Starke. Lcipziq. Brelthq,)- d- Hdrtd. 1901. fol. L. B. 21. (2.) Jah-'j. XXIX. (Biuti XXr.) of thr ^Puhlihilio,!. aelterer . .Mtisili-WcrTie' of the Geselhchaft fiir Muslkforschung. LANGLEY ((Juorge) Pianoforte Students' Chart of Technique and Theory. Augeiier d Co., London, etc. 4". LXIII. C. 6. LANZA (Gesualdo) Gran. Me.ssa di Gloria completa per due Soprani, Tenore e Basso, con cori e seniicori, a grandc orchestra. .. Addata per Organo o Piano Forte, (>?c. London .. .Novello's, etc. fol. XI. E. 12. [Studii flenientarii di Canto, etc.^ Part l(-4) of Lanza's Elements of Singing. 4 pt. London . . . Chnpp 7/ (0 Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 10. Si.\ Italian Duetts for Two Voices with an Accompani- ment, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 5. Prinlid for ilv Auilmr . . .hi/ B. Birchall, etc. ohJ. fol. XXVIII. A. 12. (8.) The Celebrated Stabat Mater, for two Soi)rano Voices . . .Op. 12. London, Printed for the Antlior . . .hi/ B. Birchdl, etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (10.) LARKEN ( ) To a young Lady richly drest, ,tr. |Song.J .9. .s7(. fol. ' i. G. 37. (42.) LASSEN (Ei)UARij) 6>e Pacanini (N.) 24 Capricen . . .niit. . .Clavierbegleitung von E. Lassen. Op. 7(5. fol. LX. A. 7. LASSO (Ohlando di) Sanimtlirhe Wcrkc. Breitkojif (\: Jlcirtel. . .Leipzii/. fol. In progress. XXXIV. D. 1.— Gustatcet videte. . .Moteta i|uini|U('Vorum. . .edendam ouravit S. W. Dehn. Beroliui. Trauiwein el Conip. 8". VI. D. 22. (2.) A liresentdlion eopil to 1. I'ni.inl, from the publishei'.'tf 1845. Di Orlando di Lassus 11 Prinuj Libro di Madrigali a Quattro Voci, novamente . . . Ristampati. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Ba.sso.) 4 pts. Venctijs tijnid Awjehun tlordauum. 1582. ohl. 4^. I. E. 16. (1.) Missiv ad itiiitationeni moduli Dixit Ioseph...Cum sex vocibus. Luielix. Ex ojjleina Petri Ballard, etc. 1607. fol. ■ I. A. 13. M^anlinij the Inut two leaves. LASSO (Oklando di) Orlandi de Lasso . . . Missae Posthumi ... in modos qua senos, qua octonos teni- peratae. . .vulgatae demuni . . . studio sumtu . . . filij Rudolphi de La.sso, efc. Monaei. Ex Tyijographeio Musieo Nii-ol\: Practical ('itlier- 8cliool, etc. London, Augener d Co. 8". LXIII. D. 24. (3.) LAUSKA (Franz) (h-aiid Senate pour le Forte- Piano. . .Oiuvrc 'J. rgcaii.] (Edited by W. Rea.) London, AsJiilown if- Parri/, etc. i«\. LXn. C. 14. (18.) The Modern Organist. . . N" 1, etc. London. . . Novella, Ewer A Co., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (22.) Offertoire, for the organ. Op. 35. N" 2 (N" 3) (N" o). Edited by J. Rea. 3 N™ Londoii, Wessel ,{.' Co., etc. fol. LXIL C. 14. (17.) LEFEVRE (Gu.stave) See Piccini (G.) Didon. Tragt' lie Ivrique. . .reduite pour piano et chant par G. Lefevre. 8". X. C. 19. LEFFLER (James Henry) I will ari.se and go to my Father. Anthem fur four voices, etc. London. . . Preston, etc. fol. VL A. 19. (4.) A presentation copy from the composer. LEGRENZI (Giovaxm) Cantate, e Canzonette a voce sola. . .Opera duodecima, etc. In Bologna per Gincomo Monti. 1676. 06Z. 8°. L F. 4. Sentimenti Devoti. Espressi con la Musica di due e tre voci . . . Libro Secondo. Opera Sosta. 1 pts. Li Anversa, Presso i Eeredi di Pietro Phalesin. etc. 1665. 4°. I- B. 24. 1"'" 2"' 3" forte and Basso conlinno. LEIDESDORF (^I. J.) Houate pour le Piano Forte ..()euvre 112. Yienne, clicz S. A. Stciner et Comp. obi. M. XXIX. A. 19. (4.) LEIGHTON {Sir AVilliam) The Teares or Lamenta- ri()n> of a SorrowfuU Soule : Composed with Musicall Ayres and Sojigs, both for Yoyces and diuers Instru- ments, etc. London. Printed by William Stansby. 1 61 4. fol. I. G. 5. LEITHNER (S.) See Schubert (F. P.) Gro.sses Ortftt. . . Arrano-ement. . .vtm S. Leithner. fol. LX. B. 11. (8.) LE JEUNE (Anthony) Messc. [Piano Sciu'e.) London . . . Birehall, Lonsdale tO Mills, etc. old. fol. XI. C. 18. LE JEUNE (Claude) Uodecachoide Contenant J)ou/,e P.'^c^aumes (1(! David, mis en Mu-sicpie selon les douze .Modfis. . .ii 2. 3. 4. 0. 6. and 7 voi.x. Dcssus. (Haute- Contre.) (Taill(\) (Basse-Contre.) (Cinquiesnie.) (Sixiesme.) (> pt. A la Roehelle, par Hierosnie Haultin, 1598. obi. 4". I. E. 2. Les Cent Cinquante P.seaunies de David, mis en Miisi(|ue a (|Uatre jiarties, etc. Dessus. (liaute- Contrc.) (Taillc.) (Basse-Contrc.) 4 [it. A Paris, Par Robert Ballard, etc. 1650. obi. 4". II. C. 8. LEMARE (Euwi.v Henry) Communion Service in F for .-!olo Voices, Chorus, Orchestra or Organ. Op. 22. B. Cocks (t Co., etc. {London.] 8". IX. A. 14. (5.) A presentation copy to Sir C. V. Stanford, with the composer's auloijraph. LEMMENS (Nicolas Jacques) Morceaux choisi.s tires de lEcole d'Orgue. No. 13. Marche Triomphale. Mayence.. .Schott,'etc fol. LXII. C. 14. (19.) LEMOINE (Henry) Premier Quadrille et une Grande AValse sur des Motifs de Rossini pour le Piano Forte, etc. A Paris. Chez H. Lenioine, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 29. (1.) LE MOYNE (Jean Baptlste) Nephte. Tragedie en trois Actes. .. [Full Score]. Gravee par Huguet, etc. A Paris. Chez VAuteur, etc. [1789.] fol. XXIII. D. 30. LENNARD (Mary Barrett) Mrs. Sacred Melodies, the words selected cliiefly from the Hymns of Bi.shop Heber. . . Book I. London, J. Buff Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (4.) LENTON (John) Mr. Lenton's Musick in the Play call'd Abra Mule. [Parts.] [1704.] 06?. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (31.) [Another copy. Mr. Lenton's ^lusick in...AI)ra Mule.] [1704.] obi. fol. XXIX. A. 12. (24.) Wanting the 1st Violin pari. Mr. Lenton's Ayi'es in the Tragedy of the Ambitious Stepmother. [Parts.] [1700.] obi. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (5.) Mr. Lenton's Musick in the Tragedy call'd the fair Penitent. [Parts.] [1705.] obi. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (22.) Mr. Lenton's Musick in the Play call'd Liberty As.serted. [Parts.] [1704.] obi. i''l. XXIX. A. 11. (30.) Mr. Lenton"s Aires in the Tragedy called Tamberlain. [Parts.] [1702.] obi. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (14.) LEO (Leonaudo) ^Sliserere a due Cori obligati col Basso Continuo . . . Pubblicato, coll' aggiunta d' una breve Notizia della vita del . . . Autore da A. S. Choron, etc. In Pariiii Presso A. Le Due e Compagnia, etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (11.) See Delizik dell' Opeue. Le Delizie dell' Opere. Being. . .Songs. . .from. . . Operas compos'd l)v. . .Leo, etc. "fol. XXIII. B. 1. See Pratt (J.). A Collection of Anthems. . .Selected from the Works of.. .Leo, age is signed by tlie compnser. Fair Nell of Bervie Brae. ]{oiiiaiicc. . .the words by J. P. Simpson, etc. London, Scliol/. (0 Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (2.) Tlir lillc-paijc is siijiied hij llw coiiipascr. The First Christmas Morn. A Biblical Pastoral, the words. . .by the Rev. S. J. Stone, etc. London : Novell,,, Ewer (0 Co., etc. [i88o.] 8°. IX. A. 18. a. (2.) The, Fisherman. Song, etc. London, Jullien d- Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (5.) Hymn of the Moravian Nuns at the Con.secration of Pulaski's Banner. [Quartett.] London, Jullien . London, Addison, Hollier d Lucas, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (8.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir George Grove, dated April, 1863. Let God arise. A Festival Anthem. . .Op. 5. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. E. 14. [Another copy.] Let God arise. A Festival Authem . . .Op. 5. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (14.) National Song of Defence, etc. Third Edition. London, Jullien d Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (10.) Memory. Trio for Soprano, Contralto i^i: Tenor. London, Jullien d Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (9.) Te Deum and Jubilate. . .Oji. 1. London, Jullien & Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (13.) " True Heart " let your Motto be, etc. [Song.] London, Jullien d Co., etc. fol. XXIII. D. 31. (4.) See WiLBVE (J.) Sweet honey-sucking Bees . . . Edited by H. Leslie. 8°. X. F. 12. (30.) It.C.M.C. LESUEUR (Jkan FuAxyois) Premiere Messe Solem- nelle a grand Orchestre . . . avec accompagnement d'Orgue ou de Pian(j par Ermel, etc. A Paris. . . J. Frey. ..1828. fol. XI. E. 16. Deu.xieme Mes.se Soleniiellc k grands Choeurs et a grand Orchestre . . . Avec accompagnement separe de Piano ou d'Orgue par Cornette, etc. A Paris. . . J. Frey, etc. fol. XI. E. 19. (2.) Oratorio de Debbora, a grands choeurs et ?i grand Orchestre. .. Avec AccompagneuK^nt de Piano ou Orgue par A. Piccini, etc. Aunee 1828, a Paris. . . J. 'Frey, etc. fol. XI. F. 18. Oratorio ou Messe de Noel pour le chant avec Accompagnement de Piano ou Orgue (ad libitum) revu par C. Le Corbeiller. Paris, Colombier, etc. 8". IX. A. 9. (1.) 1°'' Oratorio pour le Couronnement des Princes Souverains de la Chretietite. . .execute au Sacre do . . . Napoleon I". . .Compose avec Accomp' d'Orgue ou Harmonium. 8 Livr. A Paris ch-4 Schonenberger, rtc. 8". IX. G. 2. (1.) 2' Oratorio pour le Couronnement des Princes Souverains, etc. 4 Livr. A Paris chez Schonenberger, etc. 8". IX. G. 2. (2.) 3° Oratoiio pour le Couroniicmeut des l^rinces Souverains, etc. 9 Livr. A Paris chez Schonenberger, etc. 8". IX. G. 2. (3.) Deux Oratorios de la Passion a grands Choeurs et a grand Orchestre. . .Avec Accomp* separe de Piano ou Orgue par JNI.M. A. Piccini et Elwart. A Paris.. .J. Frey, etc. fol. XI. E. 19. (1.) Ossian ou Les Bardes. Opera en Actes. Parcjles de Dercy et J. N. Deschamps. . .reduit pour Piano et Chant par T. Salome. . .Introduction par L. Lafibn. T. Michael is... Paris, etc. 8°. X. B. 28. Trois Te Deum a Grand Orchestre. . .a\ec Accom- pagnement de Piano ou Orgue par JIM"* Ermel et Prevot. Annce 1825, « Paris. . .J. Frey. etc. fol. XI. E. 17. The title-page is signed in the composers autograph. Telemaque dans 1' Isle de Calypso . . . Tragedie lyriijue en Trois Actes. . .paroles de P. Dercy, etc. Full Score.] A Paris. Chez J. H. Nadcriii((n. etc. 1796.] fol. XXIII. D. 32. LET. Let others sing in loftier Lays. Pidly tf the Plain. [Soug.] Sung by Mrs. Chambers at Maryhon- Gardens. s. "sh. fol. I. G. 37. (45.) Let's drink and be merrv. The Good Frllow. [Sony.] s. sh. fol. " I. G. 37. (38.) LEUCIPPO E ZENOCRITA. The Favorite Songs in. . .Leucippo and Zenocrita. London... R. Bremner, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 5. (8.) By Vento, Hasse and Giardini. LEVERIDGE (Riciiahi)) A New Book of Songs, Entjraven, Printed and Published for Rich. Leveridge. [London.] ful. I. G. 48. (1.) 2 D 202 LEVEKIDGE— LINLEY. LEVERIDGE (Richard) A Second Book of Songs LINCOLN (Henuy John) No. 3 (12) of tlie Organist's with a Throu'ch Bass to each Song. Anthology. A Series of Classical Compositions . . . arranged . . . for the Organ, by H. J. Lincoln, fir. 2 Nos. London, Wesscl d Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (20.) LINDBLAD (Adolf Fukdrik) A. F. Lindblad's Schwedische Lieder in deut^cher Uebcrtragung Jiiit Pianoforte-Begleitung. 14 Cah. Svhuhcrlh ]. XXIII. D. 13. (2.) [Anuther copy.] EIoi,'if's fur tlii-ce Voices, lir. Lomlon. . .1'.' W'i'Irlcrr] rtr. fnl. XXIV. A. 1. Lot 1110 c.-u'cless. Miulrij,'iil fur live; V^oicos. . . ]<](litraii}ixi'hwei'tc. Lugdinii, Tijpis Aniiiti Drlnrot'lii-. cti'. 1760. 4°. " ■ IX. A. 25. Latix Rite. [Graduah.] Graduate omnia saerae mis.sae cantica per totuin annum ad lusum . . . Ecclesiae et Diocesis Monasteriensis continens. Con- scriptum ab Antonio Hes.selmann, cU: Monasterii. 1841. Stnntihns Lihrnriiir Hnut rO liictic. fol. XLIX. A. 10. Latin Rite. [JV/ma/.s-.] Missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum, etc. Venundanltir apiui Franclsttim hyrcl-miin, 1527. fol. II. B. 22. CoUotion. 8 fol. withoiil fuUalion or reijlster. Fol. I-CXXXVIII. sif/s. u-q in eujhis, r in ten. IS fol. ivitliout numhrrs. A-C in sixes. Fol. Ji 3 and H 4 are niissini), hut have been supplied in MS. Fol. I-LXXII. si'(js. A-I in lights. Fol. X /.s- misprinted XIIII. Fol. I~LX. A-G in eights, H in four. Latin Rite. [ilf/.5.w/s.] Missale seeudu vsum ecclesie ratispon. Sunia cum diligentia reuisum atcg correctii, etc. ([Col. fol. CCCXLVII. verso.] Liber missalis . . . Tu ciuitate Babenberga Impensis . . . Johannis pfeyl excusus ao feliciter tinitus est. Anno . . . m.d.xviij, etc.) II. B. 21. Collation. 8 fol. without pagination; fol. 1-188, reg. sigs. a-z in eights, cccept a and h, which are in ten eacli. Fol. 189--!00, sig. r = G, *■ = 6. At fol. 200 register and foliation stop. 16 fol. containing prefaces with music. II fol. (of which fol. 4 is a woodcut) on vellum, containing Canon •;/" Mass, etc. Fol. 201-34 7 foliation and register begin again. Sigs. A-M in eights ; N in six ; 0-T in eights. The last three leaves are not foliated. Fol. LXI Is mls^n-inted LXVIII, and fol. CV, CI. L.\TIN Rite. [Processionals.] [Processionale Monasti- cum pro omnibus sub regula saneti Benedicti militan- tibus.] [Paris, 1687.] 8". IX. D. 17. Wanting the title-page. Latin Rite. [7?/i»«/s.] Rituale Romanum Urbani A^III. . .iussu editum Illyiica lingua. 2 pt. pp. 82, 450. Pomae E.c Tiipngraplila Sac. Congreg. de Vropiaij. Fide. 1640. 4". ' ' ' II. E. 27. There is a second title-page In Croatian. LITURGIES. — [LuTiiEitAX CianciiEs.] Cantica S.LCra, ([uc) ordinis et inelodiis, per totius anui curri- culum, in Matutinis it Vespertinis. . .cantari .solent, una cum Lectionibus et Precationibus in unuui ^•oIumen congesta pro S. Metropolitana ilagdeburgensi I'^cclesia, etc. Exciisa Magdeburg! . . . Tijpis Andreae Bezeli, etc. 161 3. fol. XLIX. A. 3. LIVERATI ((iioVANNi) Solfeges d'ltalie . . . revised . . .by (!. Liverati. . . 1st Book. Second Kditimi. London.. .11. Hill, etc. old. fol. XXVI. B. 14. LIVERY RAKE. The Livery ]{ake and Country Lass. An Opera. . .with the Musick prefix'd to each Sonif. London: Printed fur J. Watts, etc. 1 7 33. 8°. X. E. 13. (11.) LLOYD (CiiAKLEs Hakfoiu)) Hero &, Leander. A Dramatic Cantata for Soprano it Barytone Solos, Chorus and Orchestra. The Libretto. . .by F. E. Weatherlv . . . Full Score. London \ tlie Rev. Canon Bell. London : Novello, Ewer t£ Co., etc. S". X. F. 12. (15.) LLOYD (John Frederick) The Parochial Psalmist ; . . . Edited by .J. F. Lloyd. Second Edition. Dublin. J. M'Glashan, etc. 1848. 8«. XVIII. E. 29. LOCATELLI (Pietro) XII Concertos in Eight Parts. . .Opera Prima. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 2. (11.) VI Sonatas for two German Flutes or two A''.iolins with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsieord or Violon- cello. . .Opera Terza. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LIX. D. 8. XII Sonate a Flauto Traversiere Solo e Basso. . . Opera Secoudo. In Amsterdam, ap2)resso VAutore. fol. II. 6. 16. The Composer's autograph is on the title-page. X Sonate. VI a Violino Solo e Basso, e IV a tre. . . Opera Ottava. Amsterdam ajiresso VAntore. fol. LXII. B. 13. (9.) LOCKE (Matthew) The English t)pera, or The Vocal Musick in Psyche, with the Instrumental Therein lutermix'd. To which is Adjoyned the Instrumental ilusick in the Tempest, etc. London, Printed hy T. Patclijf, and N. Thompson for the Author, etc. 1675. 4". I. C. 27. Matthew Locke his Little Consort of Three Parts : containing Pavans, Ayres, Corants and Sarabands, for Viols or A'iolins. In two several Varieties : The first 20 are for Two Trebles and a Basse : The last 20 for Treble, Tenor it Basse. To be performed either alone or wdth Tlieorbo's and Harpsecord. Treble. (Treble and Tenor.) (Bassus.) 3 pt. London, Printed hi/ W. Godbid for John Playford ... 16^6. ohl. 4". " I. F. 12. The. . .Songs, Airs it Chorusses. . .in. . . ^Macbeth in Score. . .Revised it corrected by Dr. Boyce, etc. London. . .Longman if Broderip, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 7. •20G LOCKE-LODGE. LOCKE (JNIattiiuw) [Another edition.] The . . . Son^s, Airs I'ir Chorusse.s ... in ... Macbeth, in Score . . . Revised it corrected by Dr. Boyce, etc. L(mdo7i... Preston, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 24. (1.) Tiie... Music in ... Macbeth ... in complete Score, with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte liy E. J. Loder, to which is prefi.xed an historical account of the Music, by E. F. llimbault. Loriflo)), B'Ahnmne & Co., etc. fol. XXIV. A. 6. (1.) The. . .Music. . .in. . .Macbeth ... in single parts . . . edited, with marks of e.xpression, &e., added by (J. F. Harris, etc. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. ful. XXIV. A. 6. (3.) The. . .iMusic. . .in . . . Macbeth, . . . Arranged with a separate Accompaniment for the Piano Forte by J. Clarke, etc. London. . .BircliaU d: Co., etc. [1822.] fol. XXIV. A. 6. (2.) [Macbeth ] Praise God on high ! Sacred Cantata. . . written by A. ISIorland, and adapted to the . . . Music ... by M. Locke . . . The Introduction, Symphonies and Accompaniment arranged for the Organ or Piano Forte by E. J. Westrop. London. . .E. Bonsford. etc. fol. XXIV. A. 6. (4.) Melothesia : or Certain General Rules for Playing upon a Continued-Bass. "With a choice Collection of . Lessons for the Harpsichord and Organ of all Sorts . . .All carefully reviewed by M. Locke . . . The Fii-.st Part. London, Printed for j. Can; etc. l6[73]. oW. 4". II. C. 31. The tltle-pai/e is slightly mutilated. The Lessons are hy M. Locke, Chr. Preston, John Boherts, Will. Greijorie, Will. Hall, Rob. Smith, John Banister, J. M0S.1, and G. Diesner. See Cantica SAfUA. Cantica Sacra . . . Composed by ... Mr. Matth. Locke, e/c. 1674. fol. I. G. 4. See CouKTL"s: Masquino Ayres. Courtly Masquing Ayres ... of two Parts ... by ... M. Loot, etc. 1662. ohl. 4«. I. F. 8. See Thesaurus Musicus. Thesaurus Musicus, etc. (liy . . . Lock, etc.) fol. XXV. C. 29. LODER (Edward .Jamks) Do not hit us part. Ball.ad, the poetry by Mrs. C. B. Wilson, etc. London, T. Prouse, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 8. (4.) The Flower of the Desert. Canzonet, tiie poetry by Mrs. Hemans, etc. London. . .T. E. Pnrdjii/, etc. fol. XXIV.' A. 8. (5.) Introduction and Rmidn ISrilliant for the Piano Forte . . .Op. 17. Bath. ..LI). Loder, etc. fol. LXII. D. 25. (3.) A presentation copy front the composer to J. Windsor. La Leggerezz.a. Introduction and Rondino for the Piano Forte. . .Op. l.'>. Ijondon. . . W. Ilawcs, etc. fol. LXII. D. 25. (5.) Oh little Daisy growing wild. Ball.ad, etc. London. Z. T. Purday, etc. foK XXIV. A. 8. (6.) Oh ! there's a soft & gentle houi- Bath. . . J. D. Loder, eti. fol. iallad, etc. XXIV. A. 8. (7.) Iiondo Pastorale for the I'iaiiu l''iirte, etc. London. . . W. Uawes, etc. fol. LXII. D. 25. (4.) LODER (Edward .Ia.mes) A Set of Song.=, the poetry by !■;. Lytton Bulwor it G. Linley, etc. London, D'Almaine rt Co., etc. fol. XXIV. A. 8. (2.) Six Song^. The Poetry by the Hon. Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Hemans and T. H. Bayly, ete. D'Almnine ti Co., etc. fol. " XXIV. A. 8. (3.) Twelve Songs, Sacred and Secular, etc. Boosey & Sons, etc. [London.] fol. XXIV. A. 8. (1.) Why grieves my soul 1 Canzonet, etc. London, Wessel & Siaplkon, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 8. (8.) See Locke (M.) The . . . Music in ... Macbeth . . . with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, by E. J. Loder, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 6.' (1.) See O.SBORNE {Lady E.) Thy will be done. Sacred melody. . .arranged by E. .1. Loder. fol. VI. A. 11. (7.) LODGE, afterwards LODGE ELLERTON (.John) Duo pour Piano et ^'i(l^ln. . .< )p. -"ili. London, Augener (0 Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 7. (2.) Felix es sacra. Motett for four voices. G. Scheuermann (i: Co.. . .London, fol. VI. A. 7. (5.) I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard. Anthem for four voices, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (9.) The Lord is King. Anthem for two Voices it Chorus, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. London. . .C. Lonsdale, etc. f.il. ' XVIII. B. 21. (7.) Mass in D. . .with an .accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, arranged from the full score by the Author. London, J. A. Novella, etc. fol. XL A. 15. (1.) Messe a trois voix avec accompagnement d'Orgue on Piano Forte ..Op. .59. Bruxellcs, etc. fol. XL A. 16. (1.) O do well unto Thy Servant. Anthem. Solo, Quaitett and Chorus, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. London. . . C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (8.) O salutaris Hostia. Ai-ia. G. Schenermann li Co. . . . London, fol. VI. A. 7. (4.) Paradise Lost, an Oratorio in four parts. The %\ords selected from the works of Milton. . .Arranged from the Full Score with an Aeconipaniinent for the Piano Forte... Oj3. 12-5. London, C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. tiUi.atuor (en Fa niineur). . .No. 4. Op. fiO, etc. Mayence chez les fils de J!. SchotI, etc. .S". LVIII. A. 33. (1.) Trois Quatuors (en La, Mil^ et Sol). . .Op. til, etc. Chez les Fih de B. Schott. Biuxelles. 8°. LVIIL A. 33. (2.) Trois Quatuors (No. 47, 48, 49)... Op. 71, etc. [Scoi'e.] Mai/encc chez les fils de B. Schott. S". LXIII. D. 18. (3.) Trois (filial unrs (en Si'', Ke et Sol). . .Op. I L'J, etc. Che:: les Fils de Jl. Schott. Jhu.velles. 8". LVIII. A. 33. (3.) LODGE— LONGHUKST. 207 LODGE, aftciwaids LODGE ELLERTON (John) Tiois Quatuors (en lli-, Ut iiiiii. et J^a). . .Op. 124. Clu'Z Ics FiU (iml. Anthi'iii, etc. London. . . C. Lonsdale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (10.) Trio... pour Piano, Violon et Violoncclle. Op. '11 . . . ir'' Edition. [Parts.] London, Augencr tC Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 9.- (1.) Trio (Sol Maj.) jiour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle . . . Op. 45. [Parts.] G. Scheuermann i(- Co. .. . London, etc. fol. LXII. A. 3. (3.) Trio. . .pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. Op. 45. . . 2''"^ Edition. [Parts.] London, Augencr & Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 9. (2.) Trio. . .pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. Op. 46, etc. London, Augencr iC Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 9. (3.) Trio. . .pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. Op. 47, etc. [Parts.] London, Augener & Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 9. (4.) Trio. . .pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. Op. 48, etc. [Parts.] London, Augener & Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 9. (5.) Trio en Ke Majeur, No. 2, pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. . .Op. 112. [Parts.] Mayencc, cliez les fiJs de B. Schott, etc. fol. LIX. D. 9. (6.) A presentation copy from the composer to Lady Flower. LOEHR (Richard Harvey) The Queen of Sheba. An Oratorio. . .Op. 20. Vocal Score, etc. London: Nocello and Company, etc. 8°. VI. D. 22. (3.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir Hubert Parry, with an autograph letter inserted dated 1 Feh. 1900. LOESCHHORN (Alukrt) Die Klavier-Technik. Tagliehe Uebungen zusammengestellt \iin A. Loesch- horn. Leipzig. C. F. Peters. 4". LXX. C. 27. (8.) [Anotlier edition.] Die Klavier-Technik. Tagliche Uebungen zusamn)enge.stellt von A. Loeschhorn. Leipzig it Berlin, C. F. Peters. 4°. XXIX. C. 13. (13.) OctavensL-hule fiir Pianoforte. . .Op. 176. Leip::ig. C. F. Peters. 4". LXX. C. 27. (9.) Tonleiterseliule fiir Pianoforte. . .Op. 177. Leipzig. C. F. Peters. 4°. LXX. C. 27. (10.) LOEW (Josef) ,S'('<> Hummel (J. N.) Grand Septuor . . .arrange pour Piano a 4 mains par J. Liiw. 4". XXIX. C. 16. (3.) LOEWE (.JoiiANN Cari. Gottfried) Der Bettler. Der gelreue Eckardt. Der Todtcntanz. Drei Balladen von Giithe fiir eine Sing.-^timnie mit Pianofortcbegleitung. Opus 44. Leipzig'. . .Breitliopf ,(■ Ifarlel. oW. fol. XXVII. C. 26. (3.) Die Festzeiten. Geistliches Oratorium in .'? Abtheil- ungen. Op. 66. (Clavicr-Auszug ) Mainz... hci B. ScJiott's SiJhnen. fol. XI. E. 23. Trois Quatuors jiour 2 Violons, Viola et Violoncclle ...Oeuvro24. Livrc I (111). [Parts.] 2 Nos. Berlin. . .11. Wagenfiihr, etc. fol, LXIII. D. 19. (14.) Die Sieben Schlaefer. C)ratorium in drei Abthcilungen, gedichtet von L. Giesebrecht. . .Op. 46. Clavierauszug. 3Ia{nz. . .hei B. Scholt's Siihn-n. fol. XL E. 22. Die Walpurgisnachfc. Ballade von Gothe fiir Solo und Chorgesang mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 25. Berlin. . .Schlesiwicr, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 26. (4.) Die Zerstiirung von .Jerusalem. Grosses Oratorium in 2 Abtheiluiigen von G. Nicolai . . .Op. 30. Partitur. Leipzig, hei F. JOfmeister. fol. XI. E. 21. Die Zerstorung von Jerusalem, Grosses Oratorium in zvvei Abtheiluiigen von C. Nicolai . . . Klavierauszug. Op. 30. Leipzig, hei F. Hofmeister. ohl. fol. XI. C. 20. LOGIER (JoiiAW Beuniiaud) Sequel to the First C(mipanion to the Chirnplast, etc. The Fiftli Edition. London. . .J. Green, etc. fol. LXX. A. 30. LOLLI (Antonio) Sei Sonate a Violino Solo col Basso. . .Opera Prima. A Amsterdam. . . J. J. Hummel, etc. fol. LXII. B. 13. (3.) LOMAN (Abraham Dihk) Twaalf (ieuzeliedjes uit de Geusen Liedenboecxkens ya,n 1588 . . . Met de Oorspronkelijke Wijzen . . . voor zang en klavier bewerkt. . .door A. D. Loman. Amsterilam, J. C. Loman, J', etc. 1872. 8". X. F. 4. (4.) Oud-Nederlandsche Liederen uit den ' Nederlandt- schen Gedenck-Clanck ' van A. Valerius (1626). Met toelichting en Klavicrbegeleiding van Dr. A. D. Loman. Utrecht: L. Buotliaan. 1871. 8°. X. F. 3. (1.) LONG. Long Life and Happine.ss Attend. Song and Glee sung. . .by Messrs. Harrison, Knyvett k Bartle- man. London. . .Longman it Broderip, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (20.) LONG (Samlei.) Come my dear Nymph. [Song.] Sung at the I'uhlie Gardens, etc. s. «/i. fol. I. G. 37. (6.) Of all my Experience, [Song] etc. s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (13.) LONGHURST (William Henry) A Collection of Short Anthems as performed in Canterbury Cathedral . . . Edited and arranged liy W. H. Loughurst, etc. London, Novella, Ewer <{• Co., etc. fol. XI. E. 24. A presentation copy with the Editors autograph. Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised. Full Anthem with duett for two trebles. London. . .J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (8.) 208 LONGHUEST— LULLY. LONGHURST (William Henry) The Village Fair. An Alpine IdvU. Cantata for female voices, words bj' J. Vogel, e'c. London, Novella, Ewer <£■ Co., etc. 8". X. B. 29. See Maucello (B.) [Qmil (utrhinle.] As tho liavt ! panteth. . .Anthem. . .The organ acconip;iuiment by W. H. Longhurst. fol. VI. A. 11. (15.) LOREDANO (Giovanni Francesco) The Ascents of the Soul .. .being Paraphrases on the fifteen Psalms of Degrees. . .Render'd into English, Anno Doni. 166-5 [by Henry Hare, Second Baron Coleraine]. pp. 60. London, Printed hy A. G. and J. P. for Bohert Harford, etc. 1 68 1, fol. II. F. 19. '(1.) This ropy is hound with Lord Colcruines ' Scala Santa ' and contains a few MS. corrections, prohahli/ in his antograph. The covers are .stamped with Lord Coleraine's ((mis. LORENZANI (Paolo) Motets a i. ii. iii. iv. efc v. Parties, avec Symphonies ct Basse-Contre, etc Premier (Second) Dessus. (Haute-Contre.) (Haute- Taille.) (Basse.) (Dessus et Haute-Contre (Taille et Basse) du Grand Cha?ur.) (Premier (Second) Dessus de Violon.) (Basse de Violon.) 10 jit. A Paris, Chez Christnphe Ballard, etc. 1695. 4". I. B. 27. LORITUS (Henriccs) Glareanus. [Dodecachordon.] Plead Thou niv Cause, O Lord. Psalm x.wv [for -i voices]. [London.] 8°. IX. A. 20. (29.) No. 26 of ' The Parish Choir.' LOTTERY. The Lottery. A Farce [by H. Fielding] . . . ^^ ith the Musick pretix'd to each Song. The Fifth Edition. London : Printed for A. Millar, etc. 1761. 8". X. E. 2. (4.) LOTTI (Antonio) [Miserere. Averte faciem tuam.] Arie, etc. Berlin, hci G. Bote it G. Bode. fol. XVIII. B. 29. (16.) No. 6 of ' Sammlung classischer Gcsiinge filr die Alt-Stimme,' etc. LOUIS F'ERBiaAN'D, Prince of Prussia. Quatuor pour Ic Piano- Forte, N'iolon, A'iole et Violoncelle, etc. [In F minor. Parts.] Leipsic, chex Breithopf & E&rtel. fol. LXI. E. 3. (4.) (i>uatuor pour le Piano-Forte Violon, Alto et ^'iolon- celle, etc. [In E flat. Parts.] Chez Breithopf & Hdrtel a Leipsic. fol. LXI. E. 3. (3.) LOUIS (.N.) 12 Caprices-Etudes pour Piano et Viohm . . .Op. NO. ('hez N. Simroch f( Bonn. fol. LXII. B. 11. (16.) 12 Melodies-Etudes pour Piano et Violon. ..< )p. 120. 2 Iii v. Chez N. Simruck a Bonn. fol. LXII. B. II. (15.) LOVE. Love alone can here alarm us. L(jri'.< Fights. ,1 ,,'irSov'i. y. sh. i'o\. I. G. 37. (5.) LOVE IN A RIDDLE. Love in a Riddle. .\ Pastoral. . .Written Ijy Mi-. Cibber. London : Printed for J. Watts, etc. i-j2y 8". X. E. 5. (1.) LOVE IN A VILLAGE. Love in a Village. A Comic Opera . . . for the Harpsichord, Voice, German Flute, or Violin. [A Pasticcio.] London. Printed for L Walsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 15. [Another edition.] Love in a Village, etc. London . . . Longman and Brodirip, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 6. (2.) LOVE IN THE CITY. Love in the City, A Comic Opera. . .for the Voice, Harpsichord, or Violin. (By the Author of Love in a Village.) [A Pasticcio.] London. . .J. JiJinston, etc. [ivfi?-] "■'''• t'd. XXVL B. 16. A Song sung by Mrs. Mattocks, in Love in the City. [Begins :" Ye Maidens all."] s. sh. M. IL B. 2. (2.) LOVE'S A JEST. A Drunken Dialogue [begins: "SliouM I not lead"] in 'Love's a Jest,' between Mr. Reading and Mr. Lee, fol. II. A. 20. (9.) P. 96 of sonic larger worh. LOVE'S TRIUMPH. Songs in the New Opera calld Love's Triumph, etc. I. Walsh . . . and I Hare, etc. [1708.] fol. XXXII. A. 2. (3.) LOVER'S OPERA. The Lover's Opera ... By Mr. Chetwood . . . The Third Edition, with Alterations; And the Musick j)refix'd to each Song. London : Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1730. 8". X. E. 7. (3.) LOW (Thomas) See Banister (J.) and Low (T.) New Ayres and Dialogues, etc. 1678. 8". II. C. 16. LOWE (Edwahd) The Order of Chanting the Cathedral Service ; with the Notation of tlie Preces, Versicles, Responses, &c. ttc. . . . Edited by E. F. Rimbault, etc. London :... Chapjicll ... 1 843. 8". IX. D. 18. A Review of some short Directions in performance of Cathedral Service Publi.shed for the Information of such, as may be called to Olhciate in Cathedrall or Collegiate Churches . . . The Second Pxlition With many. . .Additions, etc. pp. 72. Cvford. Printed Bi/ W. Hall, for Richard Davis. . . 1664. 12°. I. E. 3. See L,, E. A Short Direction for the Performance of Cathedrall Service. . .By E[dward] L[owe]. 1 66 1, ohl. 12". LUCAS (Charles) See Costa {Sir M.) The Dream . . . The orchestral accompaniments arranged ... by C. Lucas, fol. XXIII. A. 17. See Costa (Sir iM.) Eli. . .The orchestral accomjiani- ments arranged for the Piano Forte by C. Lucas, fol. VI. E. 8. See HaeniiEL (G. F.) [Oltone. Vicni Ojiglio.] Bow- down Thine Ear, O Lord . . . .\n-aiij,'<'(l bv C. Lucas, fol. XVIII. B. 29. (4.) LUEGNER. Tyrohrlicd nus dem Lu.stspicl ' Der LiiL^ncr,' mit Beglcitung dcs Pianofoi'te odor der Guitarre. Leipzig, In-i A. Kilhnel. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (15.) LULLY (.Jean I'.ArTisTE) Acis el Galatec, Pastorale I l(■roil|Ul^ r/r. | l<'ull Score] A Paris, Par Christophe Ballard, etc. 16S6. fol. II. A. 5. LULLY MACEDONTO DI MUTIO. 209 LULLY (J KAN Ji.vPTiSTi:) Amadis, Ti;ii,'c'(lii' inise en iiiusiinii', rtc. [Full 8coie.] .1 Pari>t, Par (JhriMophe BaUar,l,<(r. i^s^. fol. II. A. 7. Armide, Tnagerlie niise en musique, etc. [I''iill Scoie.] A Paris, Piir Chrlstophi' Bulla rd rh: i68^. U<\. II. A. 3. Ariin'dc, 'i'rajit'die nii.se en inusii|ne . . . Nouvelle Ediluiu. (Kuvre xviii. A Paiis, do VImprimcric dc Jean Bajilistr Ballanl, ctr. 1725. fol. II. A. 4. Ainiidc. See Eitner (R.) Die Ojior . . . Dritter Thoil : .1. J!, de Luljy's Arinidc. cli: 1SS5. tnl. L. B. 13. Roland. Tragedie mise en musique . . . Seconde Edition. Gi'avre par H. de Biuissen. A Paris . . . 1709. fol. XXXII. D. 1. Thesoe, Tragedie mise en musique . . . Heconde Edition. (Euvre iv. Paris. De rimjirimcric dc J. B. Christophe Ballard, etc. 1720. fol. II. A. 6. LULLY (Jean Baptiste) and COLASSE (Pascal) Aoliille et Polixene, Tragedie mise en ^Musique. Le premier Acte, par Feu Monsieur de Lully, le Pro- logue, & les Quatre Autres Actes par INIonsieur Colasse, etc. A Amsterdam, Chez Antoinc Puintcl, etc. i£8S. 4". I. C. 28. LUTGEN (Henri J.) L'Adieu. Mclodie pour le Violou avec. . .Piano. London. Hart d- Son, etc. fol. LXII. B. II. (17.) LUTGEN (Hilaike) Practical and progressive ^Method for the Tenor, etc. London, Augener & Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 14. (4.) LUTGEN (W. A.) O salutaris Hostia. Religious chant for three voices with organ accompaniment. London. . .Eioer & Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (9.) LUTHER (Martin) Corales. . .adapted and arranged hy JI. 1\. Rishop, etc. 3 Nos. G. Lonsdale. . . London, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (17.) Martin Luther's favorite Hymn, as sung at the Oratorios. Printed for G. Sliadc, etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (12.) Martin Luther's Hymn . . . Harmonized by Mr. Baumgarten. London . . . Clcmenti, Banijer, Hi/dc, CoUard yrd) (A Collection of Anthems) (The First Set of 'Madrigals by T. Bateson) (Tlie First Set of Ballads liv T. ]\Iorley) (The First Set of Madrigals by T. Weelkes) "(The First Set of Madrigals by O. Gibbons) (Fantasies . . . by O. (iibbons) (Benret's Madrigals) (Ayres . . . Ity J. Hilton) (The First Set of Songs by J. Dowlaud) (The Whole Book of Psalms . . . 1592). Compressed from the Score, by G. A. Macfarren. 16 vols. London... Chappell, ete. fol. XXXIV. C. 17-22. Robin Hood. Opera in three Acts, written by J. Oxenford . . . arranged from the Score by E. F. Rimbault. London, Crinncr. Beale & Chappell, etc. [i860.] fol. XXIV. A. 10. St. John the Baptist. An Oratorio, the text selected . . .by E. G. Monk. London, Stanley Lucas, Weher <[• Co., etc. 8". IX. G. 3. Seven Shakspere Songs. . .in four and five parts, etc. London: Novdlo and Co., itc. 8". X. E. 29. (5.) The Sleeper Awakened. Sereiiata . . . written by J. Oxenford, etc. London. . .Cramer, Beale & Co., etc. (1850.) fol. XXIV. A. 9. [The Soldier's Legacy.] I never knew my heart held fast. Ballad, etc. London. Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 18. (11.) Songs in a Cornfield. A Cantata for female voices with accompaniment for Pianoforte. The Poetry by C. Rossetti, etc. London : llutrhiwjs & Ronter, etc. 8". X. B. 30. Spread wide the Sail. Round for 3 ei|Uiil voices, etc. London... Chappell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 18. (14.) Under the oaken tree. . .D\iet, etc. London. . . Chappell, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 18. (15.) ,SV(" CilAPl'KLl, (W.) A Collection of National English Airs. . .harmonized, for the jiianoforte, ))y...G. A. Macfarren, etc. 1840. fol. XVIII. E. 15. MACFARREN (^Ww.Tv.k Ckcil) Chanson d'Amour. Illi I inpr(ini|i( u. London, L. Coch. Addition it Co., etc. fdl. LIX. D. 11. (1.) Lonilon, L. Code, La Fete d'Ete. Bohemienne. Addia (i Co., etc. fo LIX. D. 11. (3.) L(i Reveil. (Jalop biillant pour piano. London, Ashdon-n it Parrii, etc. fol. LIX. D. 11. (2.) Four Ronianc(!S for Pianoforte it Violin. London. Landiorn Cock, Addison (t Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 7. (1.) Sonata in Kniinnrt'nr I'lamiforte i^: N'ioloncello. London. Novrlln, Ewer lO Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 6. (2.) Seciinil Tarantella. Loiidim, L. Code, Addison i(: Co., etc. f.,1. LIX. D. 11. (4.) MACPAUUKN— MAID OF TIIK WILL. 211 MACFARREN (Waltkk Curii.) Tlilid Tarantella fur tlie I'laiiiifiirtc. Lmulun, AsMown & J'arry, dr. fol. LIX. D. 11. (5.) MACGLASHAN (Alexandkr) A Collection of Scots Mea.suie.s Hornpipes Jigs Allcmands Cotillons And . . . Country Dances, with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harpsicliord. Etin'' . . .Neil Sleii'nrt, clc uhl fol. XXIX. A. 20. a. MACGREGOR (.John) Kastein Music: Twenty Mi'lciilies fi'uin the Egyjitian, Greek, Ji^wish, Syrian, 1'urkish and Arabic, for the V'oico, Dulcimer and Drum, with ])ianoforte accompaniments and illustra- tions. London : J. A. Novella, etc. 4". X. F. 5. (2.) MACIRONE (Clara Ancela) The Avon to the Severn runs. Part Song for nii.ved voices. Lonrlon, Stanlrij Lucax, W of the Quinto. I. D. 15. (2.) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) (Quinto) (Sesto) di Luca Marenzio il Terzo Libro de Madrigali a Sei Voci. Nouamente Ristampato. 6 pt. Jn Venctiei appresso Amjclo Gardano. 1594. 1". I. D. 15. (3.) 11 (|)iiailo Libro lie Madrigali a Sei Voci... Noua- mente- Hi.stampato. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Quinto.) (Sesto.) G j)t. In Vcuctia appresso Angido Gardano. 1593. 4". I. D. 15. (4.) MAliENZlO-MAUTIN. 213 MARENZIO (FiUrA) Caiitd (Alto) (ToiKirc) (I'.iisso) ((.iuiiitii) (Scsto) di Luca Marcnlio, 11 (^uinto Libru de Madrigali a Sei Voci. Nouanieiite Histainpato. 6 pt. In Vrnrtia apprt'sso Ani/rh, (hirdawi. 1595. 1". ' I. D. 15. (5.) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Uasso) (Quinto) (Sesto) di Luca Marentio, 11 Scsto Libro do Madrigali a Sei Voci, etc. 6 pt. In Vvnctia appresso Amjclo Gunhmo. 1595. 4". I. D. 15. (6.) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Jjasso) (C^Hiinto) (Sesto) di Luca Maienzio II Primo Libro De' Madrigali Spirituali a Cinque Voci, Nouaniente Kistamjiati. 5 pt. In Vcnclia, Aiiprea^o V Hcrcdc di Girolamo Scotlo. 1588. 4". L D. 15. (7.) Di Luca Marenzio il Secondo Libro do MadriL;ali a Cinque Voci, Novamente Ristampati. Canto (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. Ill Vciwtia ajiprcsso Anijdo Gnrtlnno. 15S3. "6/. 4". L E. 18. Wdidhvj the last leaves of the Teimr and Buss parts. Di Luca Marenzio il Secondo Libro de Madrigali a Cinque Voci. Nouaniente Ilistanipato. Quinto. In Yeuctia appresso Angelo Gardano. 1606. oJil. 4°. L E. 19. Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) (Quinto) Di Luca Marenzio II Primo Libro de Madrigali a Cinque Voci, nouamente. . .ristampati. •") pt. In Vcnrtia Presso Giacomo Vinceuzi, ct Biceinrdo Amadino eompagni 1386. 4". I. D. 16. Di Luca Marenzio . . . De' JFadrigali Spirituale a cinque voci. Nouamente stampati. Canto (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Quinto.) .5 pt. In Anversa appresso Pictro Phalcslo, etc. 16 10. "''/. 4". L E. 17. Madrigali a Quattro Voci . . . Nouamente . . . ri- stampati. Libro Primo. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. Ill Vcnetia appresso Aiujelu Gardano. 1592. 4^. L D. 17. MARIA ANTONIA WALPURGIS, of Bavaria, Consort of Charles, Elector of Saxony. See Kammell (A.) Si.x Overtures, etc. No. iv. Princess Royal of Saxony, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (6.) MARINO (Carlo Antonio) Sonate a Violino Solo col B.asso Continuo. . .Opera Ottava. Amsterdam, chez E. Boijer, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 9. (3.) MARIS ( ) Ahhe. GO Cantiques adaptes a la Musique des Grands Maitres par I'Abbi'' Maris. Accompag'' pour Piano ou Orgue-Harmonium par L. Roques, etc. Paris, Choudetis, etc. 8". XVII. A. 3. a. MARKORDT (J.) The Overture, Songs, Duetts A- Choruses in Tom Thumb. . .composed &, compiled by J. Markordt. In which is printed . . . the song . . . composed by Dr. Arne. London . . . J. Preston, etc. [1780.] ohl. fol. XXVIL C. 15. (2.) MARPURG (Friedricii AViluelm) Fughe e Capriccj pel Clavicembalo 6 per I'Organo. . .Opera Prima. Cliez J. J. Hummel a Berlin, etc. fol. LXII. C. 16. (12.) MARPURG (l'"iuEijui(ii Wimiei.m) Fugcn-Sammlung . . . Erster Theil. Berlin, bei G. A. Iaukii'. el.-. 1758. fol. ■ XVII. A. 4-. MARLIANI (AuuELio) Le Bravo. Opera Italien eu trois a'-tes, paroles de Mr. Berettoni, etc. Parii... Pacini, etc. 1840. fol. XXIV. A. 18. M ARRAS (GiAciNTo) Italia. Canti d' Auiore. Loudon. Leader cfc Cock, etc. [1854.] ^"'• XXIV. A. 19. 12 Lezioni di Canto. . .con Parole. Poesie di (i. Kossetti. . .New & Revised Kdition. 2 Pt. London, L. Cock .fc Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 3. (4.) I'lie title-paijc is signed by the composer, ISIJ'J. MARSCHNER (Heimucii Aucu.st) Sechs Deutsche Lieder fiir eino Bass- oder liaritonstimme rait l'>eglei- tung des Pianoforte. . .47'" Werk, etc. Leipzig, bei C. F. Whistlinj. old. fol. XXVIII. A. 8. (5.) Kaiser Adolph von Nassau. Grosse Oper in 4 Acten von H. Ran. . . l.'JO'"" Werk. . . Clavierauszug, etc. Hannover, lei C. Bachnann, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 18. a. Der Templar und die Jiidin. Grosse romantische Oper in drei Aufziigen von W. A. ^\()hll)riick . . . V(jllst:indiger Klavierauszug vom Componisten . . . 60' Werk. Leipzig bei F. Hofmrister, etc. obi. fol. XXVL B. 18. Grand Trio pour Piano, \'iolon i-X Violoncelle. . . Oi3. 121. [Parts.] Leipzig... F. Hofmeister. fol. LXIL A. 6. (14.) Trio pour le Pianoforte, Violon et Violoncelle. . . Oeuvre 13.5. [Parts.] Vieiine... H. F. Mailer, Veuve, etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (15.) 7<^ Trio pour Piano, Violon ct Violoncelle. . .(Euv. 167. [Parts.] Paris, S. Iticliault, etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (16.) MARSH (JoiiN') I will arise. An Anthem in four j)arts, with a Sanctus cfe Kyrie Eleeson. London. . . Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard <£• Davis, etc. fol. VL A. 11. (16.) Sixteen Select Movements, in Score, from the Classical Compositions of the Antient ct Modern Schools. . . with Brief Remarks, E.xplanatious ife an Api)endix. London. . .Chappell (i Co., etc. fol. LXX. A. 34. MARSHALL (William) See Bennett (A.) and Marshall (W.) Cathedral Chants. Edited l)y. . . A. Bennett. . .and W. Marshall, etc. 4". IX. B. 9. MARTILLO. A Song in the Mask of Martillo. [Begins : ■' How happy are we."] s. sli. fol. II. A. 20. (25.) A Song in the Mask of Martillo. [Begins : " Tender Hearts."] s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (17.) MARTIN (G. F. Wesley) Magnificat and Nunc dimittis. . .in. . .E. • London A Netc York. Novello, Ewer and Co. 1S92. 8". IX. A. 17. (7.) Nti. 90 of Novello's Parish Choir Book. MARTIN (George William) Forsake me not, O Lord. No. 1 of a Collection of Short Anthems for f(jur voices, with an accompaniment f(jr the Organ or Piano Forte, etc. London. . .J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (17.) 214 MAKTIN— MASSON. MARTIN (Orokgi: William) Journal of Part >Music. Edited by G. W. Martin. Nos. 15, 18, 20 (Sacred), ifc 11, 51. 57, 58 (Secular). London: Cramer, Beale ,(■ Chnj^pcll, etc. 8". X. F. 8. (27.) MARTIN Y SOLAR (Vicente) [L' Arborc di Diana.] Se un occhiatura tenera. Aria per Clavi- cembalo, <7f. In Vienna jJrcKiiO Arltaria Cohipaqni. obi fol. XXVIII. A. 6. (9.) L'Arbore di Diana. Drama giocoso. . .ridotta in Quartetti, etc. [Parts.] In Bronsvico prcmo il 3Tafja- zino (Ji Musica nella Strada chiamala die Hohe. tDl. LXI. D. 6. (9.) Una Cosa Rara, rip. ."i.'!. ,Sulti^ 1. LXII. B. 16. (7.) MAZzrxnin MEiiUL. 217 MAZZINGHI (JosKPTl) Tlic S,,ny.s Ducts and Chorusscs. . .in the Comedy cif A I >;iy in Turk(\\'. . . the Poetry by Mr. Cowley. Lo)iiloii . . . G. GouldliKj, etc. [1791.] <;W. fol. XXVII. C. 4. (4.) The Exile. A Grand Melodraniatick Opera in three Acts. . .Written hy V. Reynold.s, I'tr. Lopiloii . . . Goidditir/, Phipjis, D'Aliitniiii' (t Co., dr. [i8oS.| foi. XXXII. A. 9. (3.) The Free Knights or the Edict of Cliarlem.igne, etc. Londoii . . .Gi}iililiiii), D'Aliiiniiir . X. F. 18. (2.) MEHUL (Etienne Nicolas) La Cha.ssc du .leune Henri. Ouverture . . . arranged as a Quintctt . . . by N. Mori. [Parts.] London. . .E. Lovenn, etc. fol. LXI. B. 2. (10.) [Les Deux Aveugle.-; di^ Toledo.] Ouv<-rturc. . .fiir das Pianoforte eiiigerichtet. Bet B. Srholl in Mainz, obi. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (19.) Partition d'une Folic. Opera en deux Actes, paroles de Bouilly, etc. A Paris. Chez Plet/el, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 25. (1.) Joseph. Opera en trois actes, paroles de M. A. Duval, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, au Magasin de Mus'que dirige par J>f" Cherubini, Me/tul, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 23. The title-page hears the autograph of Sir G. T. Smart. Joseph . . . ( )i)era en deux Actes avec paroles Francoises et Alleniandes. . .Clavierauszug. Bonn chez N. Siinrock. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 20. Joseph ou Jacob et ses fils en Egipte, arrange pour le Piano-Fortc, avec paroles fran(;oises et allemandes. Bonn et Cologne, rhez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XI. C. 21. Jo.sejih. Opel' in drei Aufziigen. . . Clavier- Auszug. Braunschiveig hei G. M. Meyer f. ohl. S". IX. F. 17. [.Toseph. The overture and eight \ocal numbers, adapted to English words by W. Hawes.] 9 Nos. London. . .W. Haice.% etc. if.il. VI. A. 11. (18.) Joseph et ses Freres. Opera. . .arrangee pour Deux Violons, Alto * Violoncelle — par H. L. Spengel. [Parts.] Chez B. Srholl a Mayenre. fol. LXI. C. 1. (14.) [Jo.seph. A peine au sortir.] In Life's early morning. SontJ. etc. B. (0 J. E. Taylor, etc. [London.] fol. XI. E. 27. (26.) [Joseph. A peine au sortir.] The Lord my Pasture ...adapted and harmonized for one or four voices with a separate accompaniment for the pianoforte or organ. . .by A. Wright. London. . . B. Coclcs and Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (19.) Mclidore et Phrosine. Drame Lyrique en trois actes. Paroles du Citoyen Arnault, etc. [Full Score.] 4 Paiix Chez les Citoyens Comineau, etc. fol. XXIV. a. 25. a. Les Trois Dernieres Romances de Mehul, precedees (les Discours qui ont etc prononces sur sa Tombe, etc. A Paris, chez M"" Benoist, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 23. ^15.) 2 F 218 MEHUL" MENDFXSSOHN-BARTHOLDY. MEHUL (Etien-xe Nicolas) Trois Sonates pour le MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (Jacoi! Lui.wk Clavecin ou Piano Forte. . .Op. l''-. A Parts, cliez Le Due, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (6.) Trois Sonates pour le Clavecin ou piano-forte avec accompagnement de Violon . . . L""" Livre. [Parts.] A Pans. Chez Le Dne, ete. oil. fol. XXIX. B. 13. (3.) Stratonice. Comodic hcroiquo en un Acte et en Vei's, par M"^ Hoffmann ... gravee par Huguet, cic. [Full Score.] A Paris. Chez HP' Cousincnu, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 24. MEIGNEN (Leopold) The Harp that once thio' Tara's Halls, arranged for the Spanish guitar. Philadrljihia. Griffith d- Siiiiini, etc. 1833. •«..'*/(. fol. X. F. 6. (10.) MELISMATA. Melismata. Musicall Phansies. Fitting the Court, Citie, and Country Humours. To 3, 4, and 5 Voyces, etc. [Edited by Thomas Eavenscroft.] London, Printed hy William Staih'i;ndi.\. T. Vocal Works. a. ')i-atorios, Sacred Cantatas and Choi'al Music. Christus. Recitative und Chiire aus dem unvollendetcn Oiatorium Christus. . .t)p. ."57. . .Partitur. Leipziij, hei nreilkopf li nUrlel, ete. fol. XVII. B. 4. Recitative und Chiire aus . . . Christus . . . ( )|i, li7 . . . Klavieraus/.u'g. Leipzig, bei Breilhopf it Hilrtel, I'te. fol. XVII. B. 10. (2.) Fi;li.\) [L \'u(al Works.] Recitatives, Trio and Choruses composed for an Oratorio entitled Christus . . . the English Version l)y W. Bartholomew. Op. 97. [P.F. St'ore.] London, Ewrr d- Co., ete. fol. XVII. B. II. (3.) Christus. An unfinished Oratorio ... Op. 97 ... English version liy \V. Bartholomew. [P.F. Score.] London, Novella, Ewer d- Co., etc. 8». IX. G. 10. (1.) Christu.s. An unfinished Oratorio . . . Op. 97 . . . English version by W. Bartholomew. London. Norello Eiccr d Co., tie. S". IX. A. 9. (3.j Christus. . .Op. 97, ete. [P.F. Score.] London <£• Nnr Yorh-, Norello, Ewer and Co. 8". IX. G. 9. (2.) Da pacem Domine. — Grant us Thy Peace. — Motett . . . for four voices. . .P. F. Score. London, J. A. Novella, etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (2.) Elijah. Elias. Ein Oratorium, nach Worten . 96. London, Novella, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 5. (1.) [3 Kirchenmusiken. Op. 23. No. 1.] hi deep Distress. A Paraphrase from the 130th P.salm, by W. Bartholomew. . .for Solo & Chorus. Op. L'.!. No. 1. London, Ewer rf: Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 9. (8.) [3 Kirchenmusiken. Op. 23. No. "2.] Ave Maria fiir ••ichtstinnnigen Chor mit Begleitung der Orgel . . . In Ermangelung eiuer Orgel ist eine Begleitung flir 2 Clarinett-eii, 2 Fagottea und Bass beigefiigt. Op. 23. No. 2. Bel N. SimrocJc in Bonn, etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (1.) [3 Kirchenmusiken. Op. 23. No. 2.] Ave Maria . . .arranged. . .for the Organ. . .by E. M. Lott, etc. London, A.^hdown tt Purrii, etc. fol. LIX. E. 1. (12.) [3 Kirchenmusiken. Op. 23. No. 2.] Ave Maria for eight voices, with an accrnnpaniment for the Organ . . .Op. 23. London, J. A. Novell,,, etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (6.) [3 Kirehennuisiken. Op. 23. No. 2.] Saviour of Sinners ... A Sacred Cantata for Solo & DouVjle Chorus, the English version by W. Bartholomew . . . Organ & Pfte. Score. London, Ewer <£• Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 9. (2.) [Lauda Sion.] Praise .Jehovah. A Saered Cantata, written ami adapted by W. Bartholomew . . . (^p. 73. Piano-Forte Score. London, Ewer <£• Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 7. (1.) Lobgesang. A Hymn of Praise . . . Symphonia Cantata No. 1 . . . Op. 52. . .Full Score. London. J. A. Nocllo, etc. fol. XVII. B. 5. [Another edition.] Hymn of Praise. . .Op. .J2. The English version by J. A. Novello. Full Score. London it New York. Novello, Ewer and Go. fol. XVII. B. 6. MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY (.Iacob Ludwio FliLI.X) [1. \oCAL WoUKsJ Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise ... in Vocal Score, with a separate Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, e/c. L^don. . .J. A. Novello, etc. 8". IX. G. 8. (1.) Sir George Grove's copy, leith autograph notex. A Hymn of Praise. . .P.F. Score. Ijondon, J. aI Novello, etc. fol. XVII. B. 7. (2.) Hymn of Praise ... in Vocal Score . . Op. 52. The English version by .J. A. No\cllo. London : Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. 8". IX. G. 9. (5.) The Allegretto . . . from .Mendelssohn's Symphony. . . arranged for the Organ ... by J. M Dunstan, etc. Third Edition. Lonilon . . .J. A. Novello. etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (25.) No. l(-3) of Three Motetts for Treble Voices, com- posed for the Convent of Trinita de' ^Nlonti at Rome. Op. 39. 3 Nos. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVn. B. 8. (11.) Three Anthems from F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy's Three Motetts for Treble Voices, Op. 39, the words adapted. . .by T. A. Walmisley, et,-. L,indon, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (12.) Six Motetts for an eight-part Chorus, with Latin words . . . Op. 79. 1. Ascendit Deus. 2. Deus refugium. 3. Laudate. 4. ^liserere mei. 5. Exul- tate Deo. 6. Adoramus te Christe. 6 Nos. London, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (3.) [Six Motetts.] Six Cathedral Anthems . . . arranged in four parts with accompaniment for Organ or Piano- forte by C. Steggall, etc. Londi,n. Ewer d: C,,., etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (4.) Three Psalms for an Eight-Part Chorus, without accompaniment, composed for the Cathedral at Berlin ...1. Psalm II. 2. PsalmXLlIL 3. Psalm XXIL [Op. 78.] 3 No.s. LoniJon. . .Ewer d Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (13.) [Psalm XIII.] An Anthem for a Mezzo-Soprano Solo, with Chorus, and accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, composed to C. B. Broadley's Version of the Thirteenth Psalm. London . . . Cramer d Co., etc. fol. XVII. A. 17. A Presentation Cil)lieatians. MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (.Jacob Ludwig FuLix) [I. Vocal W'okks.j St. Paul. . .(The English Version adapted by W. Ball) . . . The Piano Forte Accompaniment arranged by the Compo.ser. London, J. A. Novella, etc. fol. XVII. A. 11. St. Paul . . . Second Edition. Landun . . . J. A. Novella, etc. fol. XVII. A. 12. This edition has a second title-page, with an illusiration in outline from a cartoon by Rapihael. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy's Oratorio, ' St. Paul,' in vocal score, with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte by the Composer . . . revised by V. Novello. London. . .J. A. Novella, etc. 8°. IX. G. 7. Sir George Grove's copy, with autograph notes. Four Airs ... arranged for the Organ by G. Calkin, etc. London. . .Novella, Ewer <£• Co., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 8. (23.) Te Deum et .lubilate for the Morning Service for Soli and Chorus, with organ accompaniment . . . The Tc Deum. London. . .Eiver & Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 5. (3.) [Te Deum.] We Praise Thee, O God. . .for Soli and Chorus, with organ accompaniment. [Score & Parts.] Ewer ,0 Co. : London, fol. XVU. B. 9. (1.) Trauer-Gesang. Dichtung von F. Aulenbach fiir gemischten Chor. . .Op. IIG. Partitur. Leipzig u. Winterthur, J. liicter-Biedermann. 8°. IX. A. 3. (4.) b. Operas, Secular Cantatas and Choral Music. [An die Kiinstler.] Cantata from Schiller's Poem ' To the Sons of Art,' the English version by W. Bartholomew, composed for Male Voices, Quartet k Chorus, with Acccmipaniments of Brass Instruments or Piano-Forte, etc. London, Ewer loiii(>w. Full Score. Lundon : Norrllo, Ewer d Co. fol. XVII. A. 14. The Music to Kaciiie's Athalio, with an ICnglish adaptation of the Lyrics by W. Bartlioloinew . . . Op. 74. [P. F. Score.] London : Novello, Ewrr (t Co., etc. 8°. X. B. 31. The iMusic to Hacine'.s Athalie. . .Pianoforte Score. London, Ewrr ., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 6. (3.) Zwei Gesiinge mit Begleituiig des Pianofoi-te. [1.] ' Ich hor' ein ViigleiQ locken,' von. A. Bottger. [2.] Todeslied der Bojaren. . .t. K. Ininiermann. Lcijmg, lei G. A. Klemm', etc. fol. XXXII. C. 20. (1.) [2 Gesiinge. No. 1. Ich hiir ein Viiglein locken.] I hear a small Bird calling. Song, with Piano-Forte accompaniment. London . . . Ewer tt Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 4. (7.) [2 Gesange fiir Alt, No. 1. Das Waldschloss.] The Mountain Burgh, [Song,] London. . . Ewer & Co., etc. fol, " XXIV. B. 4. (9.) No. 8 of Booh l(') of ' Gcnm of German iS'wi'/.v,' etc. Neie Series. [2 Gesiinge fiir Alt. No. 2. Pagen-Lied.] The Savoyard's Song, London .. .Ewer d- Co., etc. fol, XXIV. B. 4. (8.) No. 5 of Book 14 of ' Gcni.t of German Soniiiel it Co., etc. fol. ' XXXIL C. 20. (2.) [3 zweistimmigc Volkslicdei'. No. 2.] Abendlied, etc. Berlin, hci A. M. Sclilisim/er, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 20. (3.) [3 zweistimniige Volksliedei-. No. '2. Abendlied.] Evening Song. [Vocal Duet.] London... Ewer it Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 4. (13.) No. 1 1 of Book L of ' The Siren.' [3 zweistimniige Volkslicder. No. 3.] Wasserfalirt, etc. Berlin, hei A. M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. XXXIL C. 20. (4.) [3 zweistimniige Volkslieder. No. 3. Wasserfalirt.] " My bark is bounding to the gale." Words by W.Bartholomew. [Vocal Duet.] London... J. J. Ewer, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 4. (11.) No. 3 of Book I. of The Siren.' II. Instrumental Wouks. a. Collections. F. Mendelssohn Bartlioldy's Siimnitliche Wei'ke. Symphoiiien, Ouverturen, Quartette u. Concerten in Fartitur. 4 Bel. Leipzig. C. F. Peters, fol. LIX. D. 15. a. The Overtures, Symphonies LIT li IV & Octet only. Mendelssohn's Works, edited by W. S. Bennett. [P. F. Op. 14 ; Op. 16, No. 1, 2 ; Op. 22 ; Op. 33, Nos. 1-3 ; Op. 19 ; Op. 30 ; Op. 38 ; Op. Gi' ; Op. G7 ; Op. GL Nos. 1, 2 ; Op. G3 ; Andante Cantabile and Presto Agitato.] London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LIX. D. 21. b. Orchestral Works. Ouverture fiir Harmonieniusik. . .Op. 24. Bonn, hei N. Sin.rock. 8". LXIII. A. 6. (4.) Ewer & Co. 's. . .Edition of F'. Mendelssohn-Bar- tholdy's Overtures arranged for Pianoforte, etc. No. 3. Op. 24. For a Military Band, in C. (Op. 12. Buy Bias. Op. 95. . .Solo. Duet.) 3 Nos. London, Ewer d Co, etc. fol. LIX. D. 25. (1.; Drei Concert-Ouvertureii. No. I. Der Sonimernacht- straum. No. 2. Die FingaLs-Hohle. No. 3. Meeres- stille und gliickliche Fahrt, c^■. 3 Nos. [Full Score.] Leipzig, bei Breitkopf it Hiirtel. 8°. LXIII. A. 4^ [Another copy.] Drei Concert-Ouverturen, etc. [Full Score.] Leipzig, hei Breithipf it Uiirtel. 8°. LXIII. C. 14. (1.) [Another copy.] Drei Concert-Ouverturen. No. 1. Der Sommernacht.strauni, etc. [Full Score.] Leipziq, hei Breitkopf it Uiirtel. S". LXIII. A. 6. (1.) Fingals-Hiihle (Hebriden). Ouverture. Op. 26. rP. F. Solo.] Leipziil, Breitkopf . La Mcr calme. Paris, S. liichaull, etc J^". LXIII. A. 6. (2.) Meeresstille und gliicklielie Faint. Ouverture. [Op. 27. P. F. Solo.]' Lrqizig. . .Bnithopf ,{■ Bartrl fol. LIX. D. 25. (3.) (Ju\"ertiire zu Ruy Bias fiir grosse.s (.)rchester . . . Op. 95. Partitur. Lcipziq. het F. Kistiifr. 1837. f^"- " LXIII. C. 14. (2.) Ouverture in C dur fiir grosse.s Orchester (Trompeten- Ouverture. . .Op. 101 . . . Partitur. Ijcipzirj, Breitlopf & Hiirtrl. 8°. LXIII. A. 5. Overture in C. (Trumpet Overture) . . . Op. 101 . . . Pianoforte [Duet] Arrangement liv J. Rietz. London, Novella rformers on the Piano Forte with . . . Violin A* Violoncello ad lil)., e?f. [Parts.] Loinhiii . . . Cramer, Brale ,D Co., eh: fol. LXI. E. 8. (9.) Symphonie No. .'5. . .Op. 56. Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf ,(: HarleJ. 8°. LXIII. A. 1. Symphony No. 3. . .Arranged as a Piano-f(jrte Duett by the Author. Op. 56. London, Ewer & Co., ele. fol. LIX. D. 16. (1.) [Symphony No. 3.] Adagio . . . arranged for the Organ, liy E T. Chipp. London, Eirer i(- Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 12. (5.) Symphonie No. 4. . .Op. 110. . .Partitur. Leipzig, hei BreitJcopf d- Biirlel. 8". LXIII. A. 2. Symphou}- No. 1. . .Arranged for Two Performers on the Piano- Forte. . .Op. 90. London. . . Eirer A- Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 16. (2.) [Symphony No. 4. ] Andante . . . arranged for the Organ, by E. T. Chijip. London, Eirer & Co., etc. foL LXII. C. 12. (4.) Symphony No. 5 (The Rciform.ition) . . . Op. 107, cie. [Full Score.] LMndon, Norella, Ewer <{■ Co., etr. 8". LXIII. A. 3. Symphony No. 5, the Reformatio]i . . . Op. 107. Pianoforte Arrangement hy J. Barnbv. London ... I Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LXII. D. 18. (2.) [ I Trauer-Marsch. . .f)p. 103...Kiir grosses Orchester. ( I'ailitur. Liipziif n. Winlertliur, J. RietriBiedermann. S". LXIII. A. 6. (5.) ! MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (J.^coii Lidwk: FeL1.\) [11. l.NSTJiU.MENTAL ^^'0RKS.] Funeral March. . .for a Military Band. . .Op. 103. . . Pianoforte Arrangement by. . . Wiillnei'. Lnndon. Novella, Ewer .D i'o., etc. fol. LIX. D. 28. (7.) c. Pianoforte and Orchestra. F. Mendelssohn liartlioldy's Complete Works for Pianoforte and Orchestra. The Principal Pianoforte Part with a compressed Score . . . to be used on a Second Pianoforte. Arranged. . .by E. Pauer. London, Auijener d Co., etc. 4". " XXIX. C. 7. [Capriccio brillant. Op. 22.] Rondo Brillante per il Piano Forte . . . con Accompagnamenti d' Orchestra. [P. F. Part.] London. . .Mori (£• Larenu, etc. fol. LIX. D. 28. (1.) Capriccio brillant pour le Pianoforte avec accom- pagnement de I'Orchestre. . .0|i. 22. Partition. Leipzig, ehez Breitl;opf & Hiiriel. 8". LXIII. A. 8. [Another edition.] Capriccio brillant pour le Piano- forte. . .(Fuv. 22. Leipzig. . .Breitlcopf it Hdrlel. fol. LIX. D. 26. (4.) Capriccio brillant for the Piano Forte . . . C)p. 22. New Edition. London, Ewer (t Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 26. (5.) Concerte fiir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orchestei's . . . Partitur. No. 1. G moll. Op. 25. No. 2. D moll. Op. 40. 2 nos. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hcirtel. S". LXIII. A. 7. First Concerto Op. New Edition. [P. F. Solo.] London, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 27. (1.) [Another edition.] First Concerto. .. [Oji. 25], Piano Forte Part. London . . . Addison d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 27. (2.) [Another edition.] First Concerto. . .[Op. 25]. Piano Forte Part. lAindan, L. Cock, Addison d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 27. (4.) Concert fiir das Piano-Forte . . . 25''^ Werk. [P.F. Part.] Leipzig .. .Breitkopf d Hiirtel, etc. fol. LIX. D. 17. (1.) [Concerto. Op. 25.] Andante and Rondo, for the Piano Forte, etc. London, Add;.'. LXIII. C. 15. (1.) Andante, Scherzo, Capriccio u. Fuge fiir 2 Ninlinen, Bratsche u. Violimcell. . .Op. 81 . . . Partitur. Leij/zig, hei Breitkopf d Iliirtel. 8". LXIII. A. 10. (3.) [Another copy.] Andante, Sclier/.o, Capriccio u. Fuge. . .Oji. 81 . . .Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf d Hitrtel. 8". LXIII. C. 15. (2.) [Quartett. Op. 81.] Andante. . .arranged for the (Jrgan by ti. Coojjer, etc. London, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 1. (5.) [Quartett. Op. Sl.| Fugue with Pedal obligate, arranged for the Organ. . .by. . . E. Mounsey, etc. Loudon, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX." E. I. (6.) Quintuor pour deux N'iolons, (Unix Altos et Violon- cello... Op. 18. Partitur. Chez N. Simrock it Bonn. 8". LXIII. C. 16. Quintuor pour deux Vi(jl(ins, deux Altos et Violon- celle. . .(Euvre IS. [Parts.] a Bonn chez N. Simrock. fol. LXI. A. 4. (1.) Quintuor. . .pour le Piano a (|uatre mains arrange. . . jiar X. Gleichauf. Op. 18. Chez N. Simrock a Boyin. oU. fol. XXIX. C. 6. (2.) Quintett fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Bratschen u. Violoncell . . .Op. 87. . .Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf d Hdrtel. 8". LXIII. C. 17. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy's . .Werke. . .Trios. . .fin- Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden arrangirt. Leipzig d Berlin, C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 30. (5.) Grand Trio pour Piano, Violon & Violoncelle. . . Op. 49. [Parts.] A Paris, chez S. Bichault, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 21. (4.) Grand Trio for the Piano Forte, A'iolin i Violoncello . . . Op. 49. [Parts.] Loudon . . . J. J. Ewer d Co., etc. fndon. Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 28. (6.) Caprice, for the Piano Forte. [Op. .5.] London. . . Cramer, Beale d Co., etc. foh LIX. D. 26. (1.) [Another edition.] Cajiriceio. Ewer d Co., etc. fol. . Oj3. ,"). Ljondon . . . LIX. D. 26. (2.) Trois Caprices pour le Pianoforte. . .Oj). 33. Leijmc. . .Brcitkopif d Hiirtel, etc. fol. LXII. D. 17. (3.) Trois Caprices pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. 3,3. 3 Nos. London. . .Mori d Lfivcnu, etc. fol. LXIL D. 17. (2.) Three Capriccios, for I he Piano i<'orte . . . Op. .33. New Edition. 3 Nos. Ijondon. Ewer d Co., el,', fol. LIX. D. 26. (9.) [7 Characterstiicke. Op. 7. Nos. 1 and 6.] Two Andantes. . .arranged for the Organ by K. T. Chipp. London J. J. Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 1. (14.) /^wci Cl;ivi(;rstUckc, etc. Ljcipxig . . .B Sen]', fol. LIX. b. 28. (12.) FliLIX ) [11. Instku.menm'al W'ohks.] [Zwei Clavier-stiicke. Another edition.] Two Musical Sketches, etc. Lon'lon, Mori d Larenn, etc. f"l- LIX. D. 28. (14.) [Zwei Clavier.-itiicke. xVnother eilition.] Two -Musical Sketches, etc. London, Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 28. (13.) [Trois Fantaisie.s. Op. IG.] Andante k. Allegro (Capriccio) (Tiie Rivulet, Rondino) for the Piano Porte, etc. 3 Nos. London . . . Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. i«\. LXII. D. 17. (1.) 3 Fantasias for the Pianoforte . . . Op. IG. New Edition. London, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 26. (3.) 1^'antaisic for the Piano Forte, etc. [(^)p. 28.] London. . .Mori d Lavenn, etc. fol. LIX. D. 26. (6.) [Another edition.] Fantaisie. . .Op. 28. Bonn bci N. Simrock. fol. LIX. D. 26. (7.) [Another edition.] Fantasia. . .Op. 28. New Edition. London, Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 26. (8.) [G Kinderstiicke.] Si.x; Pieces for the Piano-Forte composed as a Christmas Present. . .Op. 72. L,mdon...EwcrdCo.,etc. fol. LXII. D. 17. (7.) [G Kinderstiicke.] Si.x Pieces for the Pianoforte. . . Op. 72. London : Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 28. (5.) The celebrated Lieder ohne Wo te. Book 1, etc. (Six Melodies. . .Op. 30. [Book II.]) (The celebrated Lieder ohne Worte. Book 3, etc.) (The Fourth (-Seventh) Book of Original Melodies.) (Eighth Book. . .Op. 102.) 8 pt. London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. LIX. A. 22. Boole II. is published bij Mori d Lavenn, the rest by J. A. Novello, EwLT d Co. and Novello d Ewer. Mendels.suh!i's Lieder ohne Worte edited by A. S. Sullivan. London, J. B. Cramer dt Co., etc. fol. LIX. D. 19. Siimmtliche Lieder ohne ^Vorte . . . Neue Ausgabe revidirt. . .von A. Uichter, etc. J. Schulnrlli d Co., Leipzig, fol. LIX. D. 24. .Mendels.sohn's Lieder ohne Worte. .. transcribed for the Harp by J. Thomas. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LIX. D. 20. Sechs Lieder oline Worte fiii' 's Piano Forte. . .19'"' Werk. l''" Heft. (Sechs Lieder ohne Worte . . . Op. 30. 2'"^ Heft.) (Sechs Lieder ohne Worte. . . Op. 38. 3"'» He't.) 3 pt. Bei N. Simrock in Bonn. fol. LIX. D. 23. (1.) [jyicdrr ohne Wcirte. Hook 2. Op. 30.] Six Romances foi' tlu^ I'iano Forte. . .Op. 30. London. . .Mori d' Lavenn, etc. fol. LXII. D. 17. (4.) Fourth Book of...G Lieder ohne W'oi tc . . .Op. 53. (Lieder ohne Worte ... Book o(G).) 3 pt. London, Addison d Uollier, etc fol. LIX. D. 23. (2.) MENDELSSOITX r.AltT] lOLDY - :\rEi;CAr).\XTE. 227 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (.Iacoh LrnuM; Fi:\A\) I II. 1n.s-ikimi;.\iai. Woisks.] [Lieder ahnr Worto. Hook R. Op. T>:).\ 'I"lic Fourth I!(i(ik i)f Original ^leloilics. IJciIoi- ohno ^^'<|^l(■, (7c. Op. o3. T.inuloii . , . J. J. Eirrr d- Co., ftr. fol. LXII. D. 17. (5.) (Ijiidcr ulmo \\'(iito. Ko. 9.] liisiiop Jlel)oi'.s Epiphany Jlyiiin, ]'>iightcst and be.st of tho Sons of th.? Morning! Adapted to music by F. Mendols.-olin Baitlioldy, clc. London, Addison . 45. Leiji;:l(i . . . F. Kistner. fol. LXII. A. 17. Sonata in T! Hat for Pianoforte & Violoncello . . . f)p. 45. New Edition. Laudon. Ewer if- Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 6. (5.) [Sonata for P. F. and Violoncello. Op. 58.J Adagio . . .Arranged for the Organ by J. Hiles. London, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 1. (8.) Tema Cfm Variazioni for the Piano Forte and Violon- cello. London. . .J. B. Cramer, Betde & Co., etr. fol. LXII. A. 17. Valuations pour Piano & Violoncelle concertans. . . Op. 17. Londres, J. J. Ewer d Co. fol. LXII. C. 3. (11.) [Another copy.] Variations. . .Op. 17. Londres, J. J. Ewer >r,j ,[• Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (32.) [11 Bravo.] A te. mio suolo ligurc. Romanza, etc. M!lano...G. RIconJi. etc. fol.' XXXII. C. 21. (3.) [II Bravo.] Non la chiedo. . .con I)e miei giorni sul mattino. Cavatina, c/c. LuiHhru... a Lo,ish CicI ! Becitativo, Cessa una \". 1 N-. London.. .Cliojipell, etc. f<.l. XXXII. C. 21. (19.) [Nicotri. I Xumi ilie intesi mai ? Recit"' e So in' abUaiidoni. . .Cavatina. etc. Lonilon . . . Mori A Ldveim, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (20.) tf Normaniii in PaiiLri. | Ella ])iiiiigra la perfida. lomanza, etc. London. ..It. Mill.-', rlr. fnl. XXXII. C. 21. (21.) MERCADANTE (Savkrio) [T1 Pi-oscritto.] T/ aura die in s]iir<.. Piomanza, etc London. T. Boosey cC Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (22.) [II Pro.scritto.] II mar che frcme. . .Scena e Duetto, /■Ic. London, T. Boosey li Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (23.) [II Proscritto.] Son del tun volto immagini. Cava- tina, (■/('. London. T. Lloo.teii it Co., etc. fnl. XXXII. C. 21. (24.) [Gli Sciti.] Clii faro, etc. h PariK, chcz Carii, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (25.) [II Signor del A'illaggio.] L' ha sbagliata. . .Cava- tina, etc. London. . . B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (26.) Soiices Italieiiues. Huit Ariettes et quatre Duos. D'Ahn((ine ((• Co., . . . Londoji. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (33.) [La Testa di Bronzo.] A cosi tenere prove . . . Polacca, etc. London. . .B. 3Iill.'<, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (27.) [La Testa di Bronzo.] In.solente chi accheroni. Aria, etc. London. . .B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (28.) [La Te.sta di Bronzo.] Sposa tentammo invano. Terzetto e Canone, etc. London . . . B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (29.) [Zaira.] A che raffreni . . . Recit™ e D' immense amor . . .Duetto, etc. Jjondon . . .B. Mills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (30.) [Zaira.] Compagne, amiche — Recit. e Spari dagli ocehi. . .Cavatina, etc. London. . . Lonsdale .0 3Iills, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 21. (31.) MERCANTO DI MALMANTILE. The Favourite Songs in. . . 11 ilereaiitn di Malniantile. London. . . L W'lhh, etc. [i-Ci.] fol. XXXII. A. 30. (8.) By Galuppi, Fischietti and an oiynonis. MERCURIUS MUSICUS. The Whole Volume of the Monthly Collections, intituled, Mercurius Musicus, (For the Year, 1G09.) Compos'd for the Theatres, and other Occasions; With a Thorow Bass for the Harpsichord, or Spinett : The Songs that are not within the Compass, being Transpos'd for the Flute at the end of each Month. By the Best Masters of the Age. London : Printed by William Pearson . . . for Henrij Playford . . and J. Hare . . . and J. Young, etc. '1699. obi. 40.' L F. 5. Wantiiiij pp. 1(55-8. Eacli month has a sepmrnte title paije, but the 2)atjination is coutintums. iMercurius Musicus : or the Monthly Collection of new Teaching Songs, (For tlic Year, 1700.). . .with an addition of Two Part Songs; and a Thorough liass to each Song, for the Harpsichord, Spinett or ISass-Viol, . . . For January and February ( — Sep- leinl)er and October) (7c. ( For .January, 1702.) 7 nos. London : Printed by W. I'earson . . .for 1). Browne. . . and Ifeirni Playford. etc. I70o(-2). fnl. II. A. 14. (1.) The No. for Jim. 170- intnts the Title-paije. MEREAUX (.Ii:an Nuoi.as Amkim'h LEPROID DE) i.es ( 'la\ ccinistes (de IG.'i" a 17'.'0). ( Eiivrcs clinisics |i.ir A. Mereaux. Paris. . .Heuijel li (!"'. fol. Livr. 1-5, 7, 8, 10, 18 and 2') only. LIX. E, 2, ME KK— MIDAS. 22!) MERK (Josurii) Pot-pourri jimir le N'ioloncelle avec . . . I'iaiiofoi'to. . .Oeuvre 5. Viruiie . . . P. Mcchetfi, i). 1."). [Parts.] Magdehurij . . .IJeinrichshofen, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 21. (5.) MEYERBEER (Giacomo) II Crociato in Egitto < »pera Seria . . .ridotto con accompagnamento di Piano- Forte. A Paris. . .Pacini, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 8. MEYERBEER (Giacomo) II Crociato in Egitto. . . l';dizion(; riveduta e coretta . . . e aunientata del No. 1, 7 e 13, etc. Paritji. Presso M. Schle.singer, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 7. L'Etoile du Nord. Opera Comii|ue en irois Actes, paroles de E. Scribe. [P. F. Score.] London, Cramer, Beale it Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 9. Tj'Etoile du Nord. Opera Comiiiue en .T actcs . . . J'artition jiour piano a fpi.atre mains. Paris, G. Brandns Diifour el C"., etc. fol. LIX. E. 3. L'Etoile du Nord. Opera Comiciue en Trois Actes, j)aroles de M'' E. Scribe . . . Partition Piano et Chant par A. de (xaraude. Paris, Brandns et C''.. etc. 8°. X. D. 31. Les Huguenots. Ojic'ra en .T Actes. I'aroles de M. E. Scribe . . . Partition de piano arrangee par C. Schwencke. Paris, chez M. Sehlesinger, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 10. Gli Ugonotti. Grand' Opera in quattro Atti. Parole ...messe in Italiano da M. ^laggioni, etc. [P.F. Score.] London. B. Addison d; Co., etc. fol. XXIV. B. 11. iO Melodies a une et a plusieurs voi.x avec ace' de Piano. . .avec paroles franf;aises et allemandes. Paris, Brandus et C"\ etc. 8". X. C. 5. Le Prophete. Opei'a en o Actes, paroles de M. E. Scribe. . .Partition pour piano et chant arrangee j)ar Garaude. Brandns ifc C'",. . .Paris, etc. 1849. fol. XXIV. B. 12, Robert le Diable. Opera en .t Actes, jiaroles de MM. E. Scribe & G. Delavigne . . . Partition de piano, arrangee par J. P. Pixis. Paris, chez M. Sehlesinger, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 13. Musik zur Tragoedie Struensee von M. Beer . . . Cla\ ierauszug arrangirt von T. KuUak und C. Klage. Berlin. . .Sehlesinger, etc. ubl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (9.) See Stone (.1. T.) The Classical Organist. . .Compo- sitions from the Works of . . . Meyerbeer, etc. Arranged. . .for the Organ, etc. old. fol. XXVIIL C. 32. METTENLEITER (.Johann- Georg) Enchiridion Chorale, sive Selectus locupletissimus Cantionum Liturgicarum juxta Ritum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae . . .Redegit ac comitante Organo edidit .J. G. Metteu- leiter. Organum. Batishmae 1 8 54. Sumtihus. ..Friderici Pastel. oW. fol. IX. D. 20. MEZGER (Franz) Deuxiime Trio pour Piano Forte Violoa et Violoncelle. . .Op. ■J3. [Parts.] ii Paris. Chez McBomj, etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (4.) MICHELI (Romano) ^Mu.sica Vaga et Artificiosa. Continente Motetti con oblighi, & Canoni diuersi. . . Nouamente composta, it data in luce. In Vcnctia, Appresso Giacomo Vincenti. 161 5. fol. I. G. 24. MIDAS, ilidas. A Comic Opera. . .For the Harpsi- cord. Voice, German Flute, Violin or Guitar. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. [1764.] ofcZ. fol. XXVI. B. 27. [Another copy.] Midas, etc. /..ondon. Printed for I. W.ilsh, etc. [1764] oW. fol. XXVIL C. 15. "(1.) •230 MIDAS-MOLIQUE. MIDAS. If voii can caper. [Song.] Sniii; bv ^Vrr.s. Jiakcr, <■!,: 's. ,h. fol. II. B. 2. (20.) A Favuuiite Air. Sung Ijy Mrs. Mattock.s, etc. [Begins: '• In these greasy old Tatters."] .v. s//. fdl. II. B. 2. (23.) MIKULI (Carl) Graml Duo pour Piano et Yiolon .. I »p. •_'('). Li-lpz!(/. F. KifttiiT. fol. LXII. B. 8. (16.) MILANI (Francesco) Letanie et Motetti a Doi Chori Da Concerto, e da Capella, etc. Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) Primo (Secondo) Choro. (Basso per r Organo.) 9 pt. In Vi'iictia, Aj'presso Alcssandro Vincentt. 1638. i". II. E. 38. MILANUZII (Carlo) Aurea Corona di Scherzi Poetici .scelti da la Ghirlanda dell' Aurora Nouaniente )iosti in Musica. . .A Due, Tre, it Quattro Voci Con il suo Basso continuo per concertagli nel Claui- cembalo, Chitarrone, altro simile stromento. Aggiun- toui nel line del Basso tutte le parole distese di ciascheduno Madrigali . . . Libro Primo Opera Terza. Canto Primo. In Vcnetia\. pour le Piano Forte par F. XXIX. A. 26. (3.) MOHR (Joseph) Methode de Premier A de Second Cor. Paris. L. Escudier, etc. fol. LXX. D. 8. (4.) MOLINARO (Simone) See Gesualdo (C.) Prince of Venosa. Partitura delli sei Libri de" Madrigali . . . fatica di Simone Molinaro, e/c. 161 3. fol. I. G. 19. MOLLY. Molly. A new Song. See Nvmi'II. A Nvmj.h there lives, s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (46.) MOLIQUE (Caroline) Bolero, for the A'iolin and Piano Forte. London, R. Cocks (C Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 11. (19.) Melody on an Exercise by P. Sor for Violoncello . . . with Pianofoite. London. Eioer <£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 6. (10.) MOLIQUE (WiLiiELM Berniiard) Aliraham. Oratorio . . . ' iji. i;."i. Full Score. London, Eu-er d: Co., (tc. fol. XVII. B. 14. Aliraham. . .Pianoforte Score. T.ondon. Ewer ) Mosso (in r-moll) fill' 1 Sinj,'stinimen und Orchcstcr. . .22'™Werk. Wicn, hei T. Haslingcr's Wiliot; und Solin, etc. fol. XVII. B. 13. iMy Favorite. Song, wit'i Pianoforte accompaniments. London. Ewer & Co. fol. XXXII. C. 22. (7.) Scoiind Quartette Concertante for _ Violins, Tenor iV Vi(ilonc<'ll<). . .Op. 17. [Parts.] London, Wcsxel (£• Co., etc. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (15.) Trois Quatuors. ..(Euv. 18. N.i. 1 (No. 2). 2 Nos. [Parts.] Sluftijart, etc. fol. LXI. E. 1. (7.) Sechstes Quartett fiir zwei Violinen, Viola k V^iolon- cell. . .Op. 28. [Parts.] Lci]}z'i(j,hci F. Kixincr. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (16.) Six German Songs. . .Translated and .idapted by F. W. Rosier. 6 nos, London, lIV.s.w? it Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 22. (2.) Two German Songs by Seidl for voice & piano, etc. London, Wesscl (t Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 22. (3.) Third Set of Si.vc German Songs, for Voice it Piano, etc. Op. 2."). Nos. 2, 4, 5. 3 nos. London, Weit., 1708; May, 1709; Oetoher, 1710: May, 1711 : 1722; and July, 1724. '232 MOKZANI-MORLEY. MONZANI (TuiALDo) A New and Eiilarjj;ed Edition of Monzani's Instructions for the German Flute. London. . .Monznni it Hill, elc. fol. LXX. D. 8. (5.) Two Quartettos, for a German F]ute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello. Selected hy T. Monzani. [Parts.] London. ..Monzanl, etc. fol. LXI. E. 2. (12.) Bij Scliroeter and Camhnii. MOODY (Makie) Themistnkles. Ouvertiirc fiir Militair Musik. . .Partitur. London (0 Ncni Toil,-. Novello, Ewer d- Co. 8». LXIII. C. 18. MOORE (Graham Ponsonby) Aus.!" Four-Part Songs with a Piano Forte Accomp' ad libitum. . .Op. 30 . . .Score and Parts. London. Eicer & Co., etc. 8°. X. F. 2. (3.) Six Four-Part Songs with Piano Forte Accomp' ad libitum. . .Op. 37. . .Book 2, for Male Voices. [Score and Parts.] London, Ewer & Co., etc. [1857.] ^"• X. F. 14. (7.) A presentation copy from the comjioser. Supplication & Thanksgiving. A Sacred Cantata, the words selected from the Psalms by W. Bartho- lomew. . .Op. 52. London, Metzler & Co., etc. fol. XVIL B. 17. A presentation copy from the composer to the Sacrnl Harmonic Society. Thirty Four < )riginal Tunes ... to favourite Hymns, etc. 'London : J. Nisbet d Co., etc. [1883.] 8". IX. G. 12. A presentation copy from the eooiposer to Sir Ueorije Grove. Sec Beethoven (L. van) [Koniij Stephan]. Beethoven's Music to. . .King Stephen. . .the Piano Forte parts arranged. . .by A. S. Mounsey, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 13. (2.) See HkethoveN (L. van) [Die Bulnen von Athen.] IJccthovcn's Music to ... The Buins of Athens, flic Piano forte parts, arranged. . .by A. S. Mounsey, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 13. (3.) MOUNSEY (Ki.iZAiiKTii) Two Fugues . . . for the Organ, etc. 2 nos. London, liri n-er d Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 14. (22.) An Old CJhristmas Carol varied for the < )rgan, etc. London, Augener d Co., etc. fol. LXII. "c. 14. (23.) MOUSSINI— MOZAirr. MOUSSINI ( ) Six Duo concertans pour dovix N'ioluns. . .li' Li\i-e (le Duo. [Parts.] A Pun'.v, Chez M'- Butjer, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (10.) MOUSSORGSKY (.Modk.sti:) line Nuit sur le Mont cliauve. I'.uitaisic jxiurrorchcstre. . .Oeuvre i>ostliume achevce et instrumeiitee par N. Kinisky-Korsakod'. Partition d'orchestre. 11'. Jifssrl rt ('".. . . Si. Prtrrshounj, dr. S". LXIII. C. 18. a. MOZART (Wor.KcANii Am.vdk) ArratKjrmfiit. I. CoLLlXTEi) Works. IT. Vor.\L WoRK.s. a. Masses. b. Sacred Music. c. Operas. d. Air.J, Canons and Songs. III. Instrumental Works. a. Miscellaneous Collections. b. Symphonies. c. Miscellaneous Orchestral Music. d. Concertos. e. Chamber Music. f. Sonatas. 1. For Pianoforte. 2. For Violin and Pianoforte. g. Minor Pianoforte Music. IV. DoUliTFUL AND SPURIOUS WORKS. V. Appkmjix. I. Collected Woeks. Kritisch durchgesehene Lcijmg . . . LXXI. A, B. W. A. Mozart's Werke. Gesammtausgabe. 24 Ser. Breitkopf & Hiirtcl. fol. Oeuvres Complettes de W. A. Mozart. 17 Livr. Brciikojpf & Hiirtcl a Lcipnir. ohl. fol. A: fol. XXVIII. C. 15. Salzburger Mozart-Allium. Eine Auswahl vou ^^'. A. Mozart's ersten Compositionen und andern, im Archive des Mozarteums. . .befindlichen, im photograph ischen Lichtdruck . . . wiedergegebeuen musikaiisch-literar- ischen Seltenheiten, etc. Suldtnrg. . . Gchrd. Krakowitzcr, etc. ohl. 4". LXXXIII. A. 8. II. Vocal Works. a. Masses. Mozart's Masses with an Ac3ompaninient for the Organ arranged. . .by V. Novello, etc. 18 nos. London. . . W. Galloway, etc. [iS 19-24.] fol. XVII. B. 19. (1.) The Celebrated Arrangement of Mozai't's Masses by V. Novello. [Nos. 1, '2, 3, 7 and 9.] London... J. A. Novella, etc. ohl. fol. IX. D. 22. [Missa Brevis. Kiich. Verz. No. 192.] Messe en Partition a 4 Voix, Chieur, parties d'orchestre soparees et Basse Chirtree pour I'Orgue ou le Piano. A Pari.^ chcz P. Porro, etc. fol. ' XVII. B. 25. a. MOZART (WoLFGANr. Amade) |IT. Vocal Wohks.] Me.vsa [Hrevis. Koch. Verz. No. 192] .. . Sparti- zione. A Vienna presso Hoffmehter e Co., etc. fol. XI. A. 15. (4.) Messe [Koch. Verz. No. 257] a 4 Voix avec accoin- pagnement de 2 Violons et Basse, 2 Hautbois, 2 Tronipotti'S, Timbales et Orgue. . .No. II. Partition. Itrrill.iiji/' ((• Ilartcl, li rjei2}Kic. ohl. fol. XI. C. 24. (2.) [Masses. Kiirji. Verz. No. 259: Sanctus, Pleni, Oloria and Credo. No. 220: Beiiedictus. Oflertor- iuni. Kiich. Verz. No. 72.] Heir, llcrr von deinem Throne, A'c. Kantatc. . .Partitur. No. .'5. Bey Brcitkoji/ii Hdr/el In Leipzig, fol. XVII. B. 23. Messe [Koch. Verz. No. 317] a 4 Voix avec accom- pagnement dc 2 Violons et Basse, 2 Hautbois, 2 Troni- pettes, Timbales et Orgue. . .No. i. Partition. Breitkopf et Hiirtcl, a Leipnic. ohl. fol. XI. C. 24. (1.) [Another copy.] Messe. . .No. i. Partition. [With P.F. accompaniment in MS.] Breitkopf et Hiirtcl, a Leipsic. ohl. fol. ' XI. C. 25. [Mass in C. Kocli. Verz. No. 317.] Jlozart's First Service, in C major (with English words written and adapted by W. Ball), Edited, with .-in accom])aniiiiciit for the Pianoforte, by J. Bishop, etc. London : B. Cocks and Co. 8°. IX. A. 5. (5.) [Mass in C. Koch. Verz. No. 317.] Agnus Dei. — Lamb Enthroned. — English words liy W. Bartholo- mew. London : Auyener it Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 21. (11.) No. 235 of ' Geruinnia. Favourite Gcniian Songs,' etc. [Mass in C. Kiich. Verz. No. 317.] Agnus Dei. London . . . Bircliall d' Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (10.) No. 9 0/ C. L. Latnihe's 'Sacred 3[u.^ic.' Missa aus C moll [Kiich. Verz. No. 427]. . .Partitur. Nach der hinterlassenen Original-Partitur herausge- geben und mit einem Vorbericht begleitet von A. Andre. Off'cuhach a. M., hei J. Andre, ohl. fol. XI. C. 22. Missa aus C moll [KiJch. Verz. No. 427] . . . Klavier- auszug, etc. Offenbach a. M., hei J. Andie. ohl. fol. XI. C. 23. Mass No. XII. See infra : [Bouhtful and ,S^;«.)-/««.s Works.] W. A. Mozarti Missa pro Defunctis. Requiem . . . mit untcrlegtem Deutschem Texte. [Full Score.] Liii Verlagc der Breitkopf ((• Hdrtelschen Musikhandlung In Leipzig, ohl. fol. XI. C. 26. W. A. Mozarti Missa pro Defunctis. . .Neue Ausgabe. [Full Score.] Im Vcrlage der Breitkopf- nnd Hiirtcl- schen Mioiikhandlitiig in Leipzig, ohl. fol. XI. C. 27. W. A. Mozarti Missa pro Defunctis . . . Partitur. Neue nach Mozart's und Siissmayer's Handsclniften berichtigtc Ausgabe. Nebst einem Vorbericht \dn A. Andre. Offenhnch a.M., hei J. Andre, ohl. fol. XI. C. 28. 2 H 2 •23G MOZAET. MOZART (WoLFCANc, Amadk) [II. YocM. Wohks.] rai-titur des Dies Irac, Tuha mirum, Rex tiemendae, Recordaie, Coufutatis, Lacrymosa, Domiiie Jesu und Hostias von W. A. Mozart's Retiuiem, so wie solche Mozart eigenhiindig geschriebeii, nnd Abbe Stadler in genauer Ubereinstimnning mit deiu Mozart'sclien Original, copirt hat. Nebst Vorbericht nnd Anhang herausgegeben von A. Andre. ()rit;inal-,\usgabe. Offrnhnch a.M., hei J. Awhe. ohi. fol. XI. C. 29. The Requiem Mass. . .Edited. . .by V. Novello, ct<: London : Novclhi, Ewer d- Co., ffr. S". IX. A. 12. (1.) Mozart's Re(|uiera . . . (witli English words ... by ^V. Ball), edited, with an acconijianinient for the Piano- forte, by J. P.i.sliop, itr. London: B. f 'ri(7.-.< if Co., lir. 8°. XVII. E. 26. Mozart's Masses, arranged for the Organ . . . by J. Pittnian. No. 15. (Rec|uieni.) London... J. A. Novello, eir. fol. LXII. C. 14. (25.) [Requiem.] Grand Fugue . . . arranged as a Duet, for the Organ. . .by J. McMurdie, elc. London. T. Boosey d- Co., ek: fol. LXII. C. 14. (27.) 1). Sacred Music. Alma Dei Cieatoris. An OfTertoriuni . . . fi;>r four Voices, two Violin.s, Bass A: Organ, in Full Score, with a separate accompaniment for the Oigan or Piano Forte, arranged ... by V. Novello. [Koch. Verz. No. 277.] London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVII. B. 21. (6.) Amavit eum Dominus. See infra : [Ves^^erae de Dominica. Koch. Verz. No. .'^21. No. 4. Liindatc Pueri.'l Ave verum Corpus. . .Paititur und Klavierauszug. Offenbach a.M., hei J. Andre, obi. fol. XI. C. 33. [Another edition.] Ave verum Corpus . . . Partitur und Kla\ ierau.szug. Offenbach am Main, bei J. Andre, obi. fol. "" ' XI. C. 30. (3.) Ave verum. — Jesu, word of God incarnate. — With English words, etc. London. . .Novello d Co., elc. fol. XVII. B. 21. (12.) Beatus Vir. ,S'ec infra : [Ve.,.] Davidde Penitente. Cantata eon F Orchestra. . . Parti- tura. — O.sterkantate mit einer Parodie von J. A. Hiller, etc. Leipzig, bet A. Kiihnel, elc. i'ol. XI. A. 15. (3.) Davidde penitente. Cantata a Soprani e Tenori con- certanti con cori ed orchestro . . . Ridotto per il Cembalo e eon j)arole italiane e tedesche. Bonna e Colonia jircfso N. Siniroek. obi. fol. XI. C. 31 (2.) Mozart's Cantata ' Da\ idde Penitente,' the English version selected from the P.salms . . . adapted and arranged with a compressed accomj)aMiment by R. Andrews. London. . . W. Howes, elc. fol. XVII. B. 21. (10.) A prexenlalion copij from Ihe Editor to the Sacred Harmonic Societij. Deus, tibi laus et hoiioi-. See infra : [Kiiniij Thinnox. Gollheit iiber ulle miichliij.] MOZaRT (Woi.FOAVf; Amadk) [IT. Vocal Works.] H.ive Merc}', O Lord. See infra: ^Koniomini . . . [Kiich. Verz. No. 222.] Clavierauszug neb.st den einzeluen 4 Singstimmen. Bonn und Coin hei N. Simrocli. obi. fol. XI. C. 30. (2.) Ne pulvis et cinis. [Kiich. Verz. Anh. III. No. 122.] See infra : [Kimig Thamos. Ihr Kindir des Stauhcs.^ Sancta ]\Iaria. . . I'artitur mil beygefiigtera Klavier- auszuge. Nach dem liinterlassenen Original Manu- script herau.sgegeben. Offenbach a.M., bei J. Andre, obi. fol. ■ XI. C. 32. Sancti ct Justi. See infra: [Vesjicnie de Confes.iore. Kiich. Verz. No. 33!). No. I. Laudale pueri.\ Splendenti^ U\ Deus. [Kiich. Verz. Anhang III. No. 121.) iS'ce infra : [Kimig IViamos. Schon wcichet dir, Sonne.] Te Deinn a 4 Voci coH' accompagnamento di due N'ioliiii, Bassi e Organo. . .Partitura. . .Te I)eum... mit unterlegtem dcutschen Te.xte von Prof. C. A. Jl. Clodius. Leipziij bei Breilhopf nnd Hiirtel. fol. XVII. B. 22. (7.) ^[ozAirr. •237 MOZART (NVor.FOANG Am.mik) |rT. Vocal Wouks.] Mii/;ut'.s Te Dfuni [Kiich. Verz. No. 141.] for Four Voices, with ;ui ui-conipntiimeiit foi- the Oriiiin ur Piano Forte, arranged. . .by 1^. Ilnhms. London. . . F. Held, etc. fol. ' XVII. B. 21. (3.) Tremendum et \ i\ iliruui. See supra : [Litania de Venernhlli Allnris Sneranienlck. fol. LXI. A. 1. (21.) Ah jiei-dona al primo alletto, eti-. I^ondon. . . 11. Birehall, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 31. (7.) Cosi fan Tutte. Cosi fan Tutte. Dramma giacosa [x/c] in due Atti . . . Partitura. — Weibertreue. . .Komische oper, etc. lieij Breilhijjf <(■ Hiirtel in Iieipzifj. fol. XXIV. B. 25. Cosi fan Tutte (The School for Loversj . . .The F.nglish Version translated and adapted. . .by M. E. Browne. [P. F. Score.] London d- New Yorlc, Novello, Ewer and Co. 8°. X. C. 10. Cosi fan Tutte, etc. [P. F. Score.] 2 pt. London. . . B. Birehall, etc. fol. XXIV. B. 26. Cosi fan Tutte. . . Klavicrauszug. Bey Breilhopf und Hiirtel in Leipzig, ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 32. Cosi fan Tutte. . .Eine Komische Oper. . .im Klavier- auszuge von C. G. Neefe. Bei N. Simrocl- in Bonn, ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 31. Cosi fan Tutte. Operette arrangee en Quatuors pour Flute ou Deux Violons, Alto e Violoncelle, -lioii. . . the poetry by T. Pocock. London. . . Gouldhtq. T)'Ahiaiii<\ Potter & Co., lir. [1817.] fol. XVIII. D. 6. (11.) Dom .luan. Opera. . .ariantjee en Quatuors a deux Violons Alto ct Violoncelle. fie. 2 Livr. [Parts.] Bonn. Simnck. fol. LXI. C. 1. (1, 2.) Ouvertura, cte. [Full Score.] A. M. Sc]iJcsin(i<-r. S<>. Perlino. . . LXIII. A. 14. (1.) Ouverture, e/c. [Parts.] h Bonn chr;: N. Simrock. fol. LXI. A. 1. (15.) Mozart's Overtuie, II Don Giovanni. Arranijed by J. N. Hummel : etc. [Flute, Violin, Cello 1- P.F. [Separate Parts.] London . . .T. Boosey <{• Co.. etc. fol. LIX. E. 8. (2.) Ouverture. . .Arrangce pour deux Violons. [Parts.] a Paris, chr!: Janet et Coiellr, etc. fol. LXII. A. 9. (6.) j;atti batti . . . par M. Clemeiiti. [I'.F.] Chez Brrithopf & Hariel in Jjeipzif/. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (3.) The Favorite Masquerade Minuet . . . with Variations . . . for the Haip ... by N. C. Bochsa. London. . . F. T. Latuur, etc. fol. LVIII. D. 22. (7.) Die Entfiihruiig aus dem Serail. Die Entfiihrung aus dem Serail. Oper in drey Akten. . .L'Enlevement du Serail, f/c. [Full Score.] Bonn cliez N. Simroch, etc. fol. XXIV. C. 3. II Patto del Seraglio. Dramma Giocoso in tre Atti, etc. [Full Score.] ,i Paris. . .J. Freij, etc. fol. XXIV. C. 4. Partition del Seraglio. . .arrangce pour le Piano Foi-te. A Paris die:'. Carl'i, etc. fol. ' XXIV. C. 5. II Seraglio, ossia Belmonte e Costanza. Opei-a Bulla in tre Atti. . .ridotta per il Cembalo, etc. Paris, rhez M. Schlesinr/er, etc. f.il. XXIV. C. 6. (1.) Die Entfiihrung aus dem Serail. . .im Klavierauszuge von A. E. Midler. Lrijjzii/, lieij Jireillcojif und ITiirfel. ohl. fol. ' XXVI. B. 37. A Presentation Co]iy from W. M. Cahusac to T. Field (1809) age has the autograph if Sir (leorge Smart. MOZAET. 239 MOZART (WdLFcANc; Amadi;) [II. Vocal Works.] [Ihr Kinder den Stauhes.] Mozart's Motett in ]) minor, ' Ne pulvis ct ciiii.s superbe' . . . with an Accomj)animent for the Organ or Piaiio-Forte, arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, Ptibliahed for the Editor, cU: f..l. XVII. B. 19. (3.) [Another copy. Ihr Kinder des Staubew.] Mozart'.s Motett in D minor, rtr. London, PnhllHhcd for the Editor, rt,: fol. XVIII. B. 31. (11.) Thin ropi/ has nn autorfrniih xiiiniiliirr oiid JI/.S'. notes by Sir Georcje Smort. [llir KitidiT des Staubes.] Have Mercy, O Lord. Bass Solo and Chorus . . . Adapted by G. Holden. Organ part by V. Novello. London : J. A. Novello, etc. 8". IX. A. 20. (53.) [Schon weichet dir, Sonne.] Hyniuo. Frcis dir ! Gottheit ! . . . (Splendente te, Deus, etc.) fiir vier Singstimnicn init Begleitung des Orchesters . . . Partitur. No. 1. Ben Breitlcopf tind Hdrtel in Leipzig, fol. XVII. B. 22. (1.) [Schon weichet dir, Sonne.] Mozart's Motett in 0, Splendente te, Deus . . . with an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. . .arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, ptihlislied for the Editor, etc. fol. XVII. B. 19. (2.) Le Nozze di Figaro. Le Nozze di Figaro. Dramma giocoso in quattro atti, etc. [Full Score.] Bonna e Colonia, presso N. Simroclc. fol. XXIV. C. 9. Nozze di Figaro, etc. [Full Score.] .-1 Paris. . . J. Frey, etc. fol. XXIV. C. 10. [Another Edition.] Le Nozze di Figaro, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, Chez J. Frey, etc. fol. XXIV. C. 11. Le Nozze di Figaro. Dramma Giocoso. . .ridotto per il Cembalo da G. Neefe. Bonna e Colonia presso N. SimrocJe. obi. fol. XXVI. C. 2. a. Lo Nozze di Figaro, etc. [P. F. Score.] Loudon. . . B. Birchall, etc. fol. XXIV. C. 12. La Noce de Figaro . . . Ojiera . . . Arrangee en Quartetti, etc. 2 Livr. Chez N. Simrock, a Bonn. fol. LXI. C. 1. (6, 7.) Ouverture, etc. [Parts.] A Bonn ehez N. Simrock. fol. LXI. A. 1. (22.) Ouverture. . .Arrangoe pour deux violons. [Parts.] A Paris, ehez Janet ct CoteUe, etc. fol. LXII. A. 9. (7.) Non pill andrai. When the Banner.s of England. Sung by Mr. Braham. . .in the Opera of the Slave. . . adapted. . .by H. R. Bishop. London. . . (joulditiif, D'Almaine, Potter ct Co., etc. fol. XVIII. D. 7. (14.) See Bishop (Sir H. B.) The Marriage of Figaro. . . partly selected from Mozart, etc. [1S19.] fol. XVIII. D. 8. (1.) L' Oca del Cairo. L' Oca del Cairo. . .Opera butt'a in due atti di Varesco . . .ill einem Klavierauszug gebracht von J. Andre. Offenbach a/M, lei J. Andre, obi. fol. XXVI. B. 38. MOZART (\VoLFchiCii■). 2'''^^ edition. [Parts.] A Oll'i'iihiirh x/m, .■hvy. J. Amht: fol. LXI. A. 1. (24.) Siiifonie [Kiicli. \e\7,. No. L'97] a grand ni-(Tiestre. . . Oeiiviv SS. IPart.'^.l Oll'niharli s/ iii. rh's J. Aililn'. fol. LXI. A. 1. (33.) Sinfonie | K;;.-li. Verz. No. :M<.)\ . . . No. II. jPai-ts.] A OffeiiJiacli siir le 3Triii. rlnz J. Aiidir. fol. LXI. A. 1. (34.) (irande 8infouie [Ki'icli. Verz. No. .'53S] . . .Oeuvre 57. Seconde edition. [Part.s.] A Offrnharh anr Ir Mein rlirz J. Atidrr. fol. LXI. A. 1. (28.) Syniplionie [Koeli. Verz. No. 38.")] . . . No. 10, He. [Parts.] A Offenbach s/m, chez J. Andre, fol. LXL A. 1. (32.) Sinfonie No. G. (Op. 34.) [Kcich. Verz. No. 42o. Full Score.] Leijixii/, hei Sreiikopf (\: Hiirtel. 8°. LXin. A. 14. (2.) Sinfonie [Kilch. Verz. No. 425] a granW. fol. and fol. LX. E. 3. (19.) MOZAHT. 243 MOZART (WoLKCANf; Amaih;) [Fir. Instrumental Mis.r.] A Grand Concerto for the Pinno Voviv [Kcirli. V'erz. No. 503] . . . Tli:". Acconij);iniiMt'i!t,s adapted for a German Flute, Two Violins, 'J"\vo Tenors, Bass and ])oid)lc LJass. . .by . . .J. ]>. Ciniador. [Parts. | [Liiiulon] Mouzniii (£• Hill, etc fol. LXII. D. 20. Concert [Keich. Verz. No. .537] No. 20. D dur . . .Neue Ausgabe. . .fiir Pianof. allcin. Lfipzl'j. . .Brcllhq)/ ti Hdrtrl. fol. LIX. E. 15. (6.) No. 2 des six grands concertos pour le Piano-Forte . . .a^:uvro 82. [Koch. Verz. No. 5'J5. P.irts.] Offvuhach, J. Amlrc, etc. fol. LX. E. 3. (8.) A Grand Concerto for the Piano Forte [Kikh. Viiiz. No. 595] . . . The Acoompanimcnts adapted for a German Flute, Two Violins, Two Tenors, Jjass & Double Bass. . .by -f. B. Ciniador. [Parts.] Limitim. . .Munznni & Hill, etc. fol. LXII. D. 20. [Concerto for P. F. Kiicli. Verz. No. 595.] Grand Quintuor pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et Violoncello, etc. Viciine. An Mdijtiain ile Vniipriiitirie cliiiidque, etc. fol. LXI. B. 1. (11.) e. Chamber Music. Collect i(jn Couiplette des Quatuors Quintetti iVr Trio de A. Mozart. Gravee par Richonime. [Parts.] a Paris cliez Plcyel, etc. fol. LIX. E. 9. Collection complete des (Quintette Quatuors et Tiio de.W. A. Mozart. 2" Edition. [Parts.] Paris, etc. fol. LIX. E. 10. Zwei Duette fiir Violiue & Viola. . .Op. 28. [Kiich. Verz. Nos. 423, 424.] Otfenhnch ajm., hci J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 18. (6.) Trios fiir Pianoforte, Violine & Violoncell. . .(No. 4) (No. 0) . . . [Kiich. Verz. Nos. 502 & 496.] Neue Ausgabe, etc. 2 Nos. [Parts.] Offenbach a/M., hei J. Andre, fol. LXII. A. 7. (3.) Trio [Kiich. Verz. No. 254] Piano Forte, Violin it Violoncello. [Parts.] Loudon .. .J. A. Novella, etc. fol. LXI. E. 8. (11.) No. G2 of ' Chefs d'CEurre dc Mozart.' Terzett. [P. F., Violin and Violoncello. Kiich. Verz. No. 496. Parts.] Londres. . .F. Linleij, etc. fol. •Le Tout Ensemhle,' No. 1. LXII. D. 20. [Trio for P. F. Koch. Verz. No. 498.] Quintetto pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et Violoncelle. . .arrange. . . par F. Tornich. [Parts.] a Parig iiux adresscs ordinaires. fol. LXI. B. 1. (10.) [Trios. Ki. fol. LXI. B. 1. (3.) Quintetto [Kuch. Verz. No. 407, arranged] pour deux \'i(il(ins, deux Altos et Violoneelle, ctr. [Koch. Verz. Anh. in. No. 176. Parts.] Lclpzli/ .. .C. F. Peters. fol. ■ LXI. B. 1. (7.) (irand Quintetto }>our Piano-Forte, Hautbois, Clari- nette, Cor i deux mains. . .Kditiim nouvelle, etc. Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, fol. LIX. E. 12. W. A. Mozart's Compo.sitionen. 1 I'>,-ind. Saunntlichc Sonaten fiir Pianoforte solo, ele. JlrnnnM-hioei;/, hei. F. Wriii/mllz. fol. LIX. E. 14. Sonaten fiir das Pianoforte. . .Neue. . .I'cvidiite Aus- gabc. Leipziij, Brrithipf .] Messe ii -4 Voix avec accompagnement de 2 Violons, 2 Altos, Violoncelle et Basse, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cor.s, 2 Trompettes, Timbailes et Orgue.. .Partition. No. Vlt. [In C] lioim et Colufjnc chez. N. Siiiirock. 1815. S". IX. G. 13. Twelfth Mass. . .Full Score. Loiuloii <£• Nno York. Novclh, Ewer ami Go. fol. XVII. B. 20. jNIozart's ilass. . .in G. No. 12, etc. [P. F. Score and Vocal Parts.] London. . . W. Gdlloiinn/ {J. A. Norelto), etc. fol. ■ XVII. B. 26. Mozart' .s Twelfth Service. . .(with English words... by W. P>all), edited, with an accompaniment for the Pianoforte, by J. Bishop, etc. Loudon : B. Codes & Co, etc. 8". XVII. E. 25. [12th Mass. Qui tollis and Kyrie.] Plead Thou my Cause, and Judge me, O Lord. Quartetto in score aiTauged from the 12th Mass . . . Organ or Pianoforte by J. Pratt. London, Ii. Addison ii Co., etc. fol. XVII. B. 21. (14.) Messa in B. [Kiich. Verz. Anh. V. No. 233] a 4 voci cantanti con 2 Violini, 2 Clarinetti, 2 Fagotti, 2 Corni, Alto ed Organo. . .con le parte ricavate. In Stimmen. In Lijisid, pressu A. Kuhner. fol. XVI. B. 25. Pastorale Variee. . .pour Piano. . .(CEuvre posthume d'apres un manuscrit original.) I'aris. . . Darand, Schenrwerk tt 6'"', etc. fol. LIX. E. 15. (2.) llomance for the Piano- Forte. [Kiich. Verz. Anh. IV. No. 20-5.] London, AsMown ifc Parnj, eU-. fol. LIX. E. 16. (5.) Mozart's Grand Sonata [Kiich. Verz. Anh. W. No. 204.] for the Piano Forte Violin k Violoncello, etc. [Parts.] London. . .Preston, etc. fol. LXII. A. 8. Tenia (in A) with variations for the Piano Fortuatuor pcnir 2 Violons Viola it Violoncelle. . .Op. 59. No. I. [Parts.] Chex N. Simrock a Bonn. fol. LXIIL D. 19. (17.). Sammlung zwey- und dreystinnniger Gesiiuge fiir weibliche Stimmen mit willknhrlicher Begleitung des Claviers oder Pianofort's. . .Op. f<. Zweites Heft. Nordhausni, hey J. A. Nilsche. 18 14. ohl. 4°. X. C. 10. a. MUELLER (August lMiEiill.\ifi>) Andajite avec Variations pour le Claxccin ou Piano-Forte . . . Oeuvre VIII. Lcipsic. . .Breitkopf. old. fol. XXVIII. B. 15. (9.) Six Grands Caprices pour le Pianoforte. . .Oeu v. 29. Liv. II. a Leipxig chez C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (14.) I nti'odiiction und N'ariationen iibcr llimniels jjied 'An Alexis' fiir den Contra-IJass mit obligator Begleitung des Piano-Forte, etc. Mainz... B. Schott's Sohneti. fol. LXII. A. 17. Six (Trois) (Trois) (Trois) Grands Caprices pour le Pianoforte . . . Oeu v. 29 (31) (34) (41). Liv. I. (-V.) o Leipzig chez C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 17. MX^ELLEK -MUSICAL COMPANION. •J 17 MUELLER (AucisT Eiii:nii.\i!i)) Kleines Elemen- tailuicli fill- Klavieispielcr . . . Ncue Ausgal)c, mil Zusiitzeii von C. Czertiy. Li'ipziij. . .('. F. Prtc.rs. M. fol. XXVIII. C. 18. (Jrosso Fortei)iani)-Schule. . . Achte Autlage, uiit \ieleu ncueii liey.spiolcn. . .verselien voti (■. Czcrnv. Lnpzhj...C.F. I'rlrrn. lU. M. XXIX. C. 24. Trois Sonatcs pour le Cla\ocin on Piano-Forte. . . Oeuvre Vri. Ldpnlc . . . Ttnithipf. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 21. (10.) See MozAUT (W. A.) La Clemenza di Tito. Opera . . .aggiustat.a per il Piano Forte dal Sign. A. E. Miiller. <.hl. fol. XXVI. B. 20. (1.) Sec MozAKT (W. A.) La Clemenza di Tito . . . Klavicraus/.ug von A. E. Miiller. ohJ. fol. XXVL C. 4. (2.) See MozAKT (W. A.) II Dissoluto Punito osia II Don Giovanni . . . Ridotto per il Pianoforte da A. E. Miiller. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 34. See Mozart (W. A.) Die Entfiihriuig au.s ilem Serail. . .ini Klavierauszuge vou A. E. iliiller. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 37. See Mozart (W. A.) [Syiuplwny in E flat. Korh. Verz. No. 543.] Sonata ... a quatti-o mani . . . aggiustata. . .dal. Sig. A. E. Miillci-, ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 2. (3.) See Mozart (W. A.) [Doubtful & Spurious TFbris.] I Zwolf leichte Klavierstiicke . . . go.sainnielt . . . von A. E. Miiller, etc.. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (7.) See Paer (F.) Agnese . . . Klavierauszug vom Capellnieister A. E. Miiller. ohl. fol. XXVI." C. 10. See Weigl (J.) Der P>ergstiirz. ( )per . . . Klavier- auszug voin Capellineister A. E. Miiller. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 9. MUELLER (C. F. W.) May-Day. Glee for four voices. . .Edited by V. Novello, etc. London : J. A. Novello, etc. 8°. X. F. 8. (30.) MUELLER (Carl Conrad) See Jkna Manuscript. Die Jcnaer Liederhand.scbrift. [With a Preface by K. K. Miiller.] [1896.] fol. XLIX. A. i. MUELLER (Joiiann Christian) Six Fugue . . . Opera II. A Amsienhiiii . . .S. Mu ilcordt , etc. fol. LXII. E. 13. (10.) I MUENTZ-BERGER (Joseph) Quatrieme Concerto pour Violoncelle, etc. [Parts.] A Ptiri.i. Chez Sicber, etc. fol. LX. E. 6. MUFFAT (Georc) Apparatus nuisico-organistieus . . . herausgegeben . . .von S. de Lange. Leq,zi(i, J. Rietn-Birdermouu, 18S8. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 39. Aus.serlesene . . . Instrumental-Music . . . Erster Teil. Sechs Concerti Grossi . . . bearbeitet von E. Luntz. 1904. See Denkmaeler. Denkiniiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, etc. XL Jahrg. Zweiter Teil. 1894, etc. fol. XXXIII. D. 31. (2.) MUFFAT (Georo) Florilegium Secundum fiir Streiclr iiistrunieute . . . Herausgegeben von H. Kielsch. 189.5. See Denkvakler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Osterreich, c'/c. IT. I'.anl. Zwcife JLilfte. 1894, Wc. fol. XXXIII. D. 22. (2.) MUFFAT (GoTri.iKH) Conip.inimonli Musicali j er il ('(■mbalo. Sechs Suiten und eine Ciaccona fiir (!la\ier. 1896. See Dknicmaelek. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Ostcri'ciili. 111. liand. I )i itter Tlicil. 1894, '''-'■ ^o'- XXXIII. D. 23. (3.) Componimenti Musicali per il Cemljalo. Edited bj' F. Chry.sanr :i Baritone Voice. . .Edited by. . .C. Santley. London : Boosey (t Co., etc. 8". X. C. 13. j Metodo Pratico di Vocalizzione j)er le Voci di Basso o Baritotio, c(c. Milmto . . .F. Imcco. fol. LXX. D. 4. (2.) .OI Pi-ogressivo Melodies for Sopr.-ino oi- Tenor with [ Accompaniment for the Pianoforti? . . . Kdited . . . bv i H. Blower. Oj). .'58. G. Iticoidi ns and Coda ... by C. Neate. Op. 13. Loudon. . . Goulding it D'AlmaInc, etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (10.) Divertimento for Two Performers on the Piano Forte . . .Op. 27. London. . . Cramer, Addison (0 Jieale, etc. i„\. LIX. E. 20. (3.) [Another copy.] Divertimento. . .(-)p. 27. London. . . Cramer, Addison ct Seale, etc. fol. LIX. E. 22. (1.) 2"'' Grand Duet for Two Performers on the Piano Forte. . .Op. 33. London, Wessel <0 Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 20. (6.) An Essay on Fingering . . . with some general observa- tions on Pianoforte-Playing, etc. London : Puhlished for the Author, etc. fol. LIX. E. 17. A Fantasia for the Piano Forte upon the .Savage Dance in Robinson Crusoe. . .Op. 4. London. . . F. T. Latour, etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (4.) Fantasia for Piano Forte and ^'^ioloncello obligato . . . Op. 9. [P. F. Part.] London. . . Monxani iC- Hill, etc. fol. LIX. E. 21. (1.) [Fantasia upon a Popular Air for Piano and Violin. Op. 12. P. F. Part.] fol. LIX. E. 21. (2.) Wanfinij the Title-page. A Fourth (irand Fantasie for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 17. London. . . J. B. Cramer, Addison c£ Beale, etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (3.) Fifth l<\'intasia for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 3 1 . London.. .B. Cocks d Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (11.) Fantasia for Two Performt^rs on the Piano Forte. . . Op. 35. London. . .B. Addison, etc. fol. LIX. E. 22. (3.) La Grazia. A Rondo for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 10. London. . .J. B. Cramer, Addison <(: Beale, etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (8.) A Hundred Impromptus or Short Preludes. . . Oj). 20. [P. F.] London. . .S. Choppell, etc. f,,l. LIX. E. 19. (6.) Kinlocli. A... Scotch Air arranged for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 1 G. London . . . S. Chappell, etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (2.) Three Select Movements for Two Performers on tlie Piano Forte. . . Oj). 8. London. . . Chappell & Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 20. (1.) Notturuo for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 36. London, Addison & Jlollier, etc. fol. LIX. E. 22. (4.) A Grand Rondo, for the Piano Forte. . .Oji. Ci. London. . .Chappell d Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (6.) La Scatola. A Rondo for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 11. London. . .J. B. Cramer, Addison i|- Beale, etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (9.) NEATE (C]i.\RLEs) A Serenade for Two Performers on oni> Piano Forte . . .Op. 1."). Loitd„n...B. Cods d- Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 20. (2.) A Grand Sonata for the Piano-Forte. . .Op. 1. ClementI, Bam/cr, Collard, Davis (f Col/ard, etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (1.) A Grand Sonata. . .Op. 2. [P. F.] London. . . Chappell & Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (2.) Six CharacterLstic Songs without A\'ords, for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 34. London . . . Addison & Hodson, etc. fol. LIX. E. 22. (2.) Spazza cammin. A Venetian Ariette, arranged as a Rondo, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 7. London. . . Chappell & Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (7.) A Second Toccata. . .Op. 5. [P. F.] London. . . Chappell & Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 18. (5.) Tri Chant Bunnau, a fa\orite Welsh Air arranged as a Rondo for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 14. London ...B. Cochs d- Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (1.) First Grand Trio for the Piano Forte, Violin & Violoncello. . .Op. 21. [Separate Parts.] London. . . Harmonic Listitntlon, etc. fol. LIX. E. 21. (3.) [Trio. Op. 21.] Grand Duett for the Piano Forte, arranged from the Author's First Trio. . .Op. 28. London . . .T. Welsh, etc. fol. LIX. E. 20. (4.) A Second Grand Trio for Piano Foite, Violin & Violoncello. . .Op. 22. [Separate Parts.] London... B. Codes d Co., etc. fol. LIX. E. 21. (4.) Grand Variations on... 'Rule Britannia '.. .Op. 25. [P. F.] London. . .Mori & Lavenu, etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (8.) Six Bravura Waltzes for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 24. London . . . Gonldiw/ d D'Almaine, etc. fol. LIX. E. 19. (7.) NEEFE (CiiiiisTiAN GoTTLOii) [Die Einspriiche. Siugspiel.] obi. fol. IX. F. 21. The Title-page is wanting. See MozAUT (W. A.) Cosi fan Tutte. . .Tm Klavier- au.szuge von C. G. Neefe. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 31. See Mozart (W. A.) L'Enlevement du Serail... Arrange jiour lo Claxecin i)ar C. G. Neefe. old. fol. XXVI. C. 1. See Mozart (W. A.) Le Nozzo di l<"'igaro. Dramma Giocoso . . . ridollo per il Cembalo da G. Neefe. ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 2. a. »S'('(; Paksiello (G.) [La Mollnara.] Ouverture und . . .Arien. . .Furs Clavier cingerichtet von C. G. Neefe. <,hl. fol. ' XXVII. C. 23. (10.) NEHRLICH (Christian Gottfkihu) (Je.sang-Schulo fiir gel>il(lete Stiindc, etc. Berlin. . . ini Locale des Gesangconservatoriums, etc. 1844. fol. LXX. B. 4. NEITHARDT (Aucu.st ITkinkicii) INlu.sica Sacra. Tonuis Quintus. Sannnlung religioser (iesiinge iilterei' und neuestei' Zeit. . . . herau.Kgegebeii von A. Neithard(. Nos. 28-33. Berlin, bel E. Botr d G. Boch, etc. fol. VI. A. 2. (17.) NENNA— NEULAND. 251 NENNA (PoMPONio) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) \ {(.iuiuUi) Di Pomponio Ncnna. . .il Settimo Libro de j Madriga'.i :'i Cinqiu^ voui. (Jiiaita Iiiipressiono. 5 pt. I Sliniijin del Garihiua. In Vetielia. 1C24. Ajipresso BnrUihimro Miujni. 1". I. D. 21. a. NERONE. The Favourite Songs in ... Neroiie. | L(ni(hi}i . . .1. Walsh, etc. [1753-] f"'- XXXII. A. 25. (12.) JSi/ Pi'scitii, ( 'ocelli, Galuppi, Hasse, Ahos and Rinaldo da CajiiKt. NEUJAHRSGESCHENK. Neujaiirsgesclicuk ab doni Musiksaal an die Ziirchersche Jugend auf.s Jahr 1 MDCCLXXVIII (-MUCCI.XXXl.V.) 12 pt. [1778-I789.] ! ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 7. NEUKOMM (Sigismund) L'Amantc Abandonnee. yuintetto draniatique pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos et Violoncelle, etc. [Parts.] Bonnet ColoijncchczN.Simroch. fol. LXI. D. 3. (11.) Les Quatre Autiennes a la Saiiite Vierge jwur trois voix egalos, etc. A Paris, chex M. Clioron, etc. 8". IX. A. 3. (6.) Ave Maria for two Trebles and a Bass with an accomp' for the Organ or Piano Forte and Flute (ad libitum) etc. London . . . J. A. Novella, etc. fol, VI. A. 12. (6.) Christi Grablegung. Oratoriuni aus Klopstocks Messias entnonnnen. . .Partitur. 49'" Werk. Leipzig. Bei Brcitlcopf und Hiirtel. fol. XVII. B. 37. Christ's Second Advent, a Sacred Cantata, the poetry by the Rev. H. H. Milman . . . for Treble, Counter Tenor Soli and Chorus, with an accompaniment for the Organ, etc. London . . . Cramer, Addison (t Bcale, etc. fol. VI. A. 12. (8.) Christ's Second Advent. Parts.] fol. & 8". [Orchestral and ^'o(•al XVII. B. 33. David, an Oratorio, in two Parts, tlie W(.irds by tlie Rev. J. Webb, etc. London. . . Cramer, Addison (t Bcale, etc. fol. XVII. C. 2. David, an Oratorio, in tw(j Parts, etc. [2nd Edition. P. F. Score and Vocal Parts.] London . . . J. A. Novella, etc. fol. XVII. B. 32. [Elegie sur la mort de J. L. Dussek.] Marche Funebre. . .arrangee pour 2 Violons, Alto et 2 Vio- loncelles. [Parts.] Bonn cf Cologne chez N. Simrock. fol. LXI. B. 1. (52.) Fantaisie Sonate pour le Piano Forte, etc. a Vienne clicz Artaria et Gomp. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 24. (7.) Hymn to God . . . Sacred Cantata, the words by S. Mattel, translated by W. Ball, etc. London . . . Cramer, Addison il- Bcale, etc. fol. VI. A. 12. (7.) Messe de Requiem a trois Parties en Cha^ur avec Accompagnement de grand Orchestre . . . Partition. (Euv. 50. Leipsic. Chez Brcitlcopf et Hdrtel. fol. XVII. B. 36. NEUKOMM (SrcisMUND) Missa pro Defunctis mani- bus paniituni praeceptorumque suorum Mich, et los. Haydn nee non V. X. Wei.ssauer d. d. d., etc. Lipsiae stuntihus C. F. Peters, fol. XVII. B. 35. (1.) jjVnother copy.] Missa pro Defunctis, etc Lipsiae sumtibus G. F. Peters, fol. XVIII. B. 19. (1.) Vor- und Zwischi'nspiele nebst eincm Trauerniarsch, fiir die Weidinger'.sche Inventions-Trora]icte, -I Horner und 3 Posaunen, zu dem Vocal- Requiem vom Ritter Neukomm. fol. XVII. B. 35. (2.) [Another copy.] Vor- und Zwi.schenspiele. . .zu dem Vocal-Requiem, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 19. (2.) Miserere, dont les strophes se chanteiit .-ilternative- ment les unes ... a trois voix cgales, les autres en plain-chant, etc. a Paris, chcz Mr. Choron, etc. 8°. IX. A. 3. (5.) The Mount Sinai, or The Ten Conmiandmenls, an Oratorio in two Parts. . .(Translated from the German into English) etc. fol. XVII. B. 31. With pencil corrections in the contposer''s autograjjli ; sigw d and dated on 2^. 2. [Another edition.] Mount Sinai. . .An ( Jratorio, etc. London. . .J. B. Cramer, Addison i|i,irted Soul to I'rince Leopold, the Words hy Leigh Hunt. Loudon. Priiitrit fur the Cinaposi'r, etc. fol. XVII. C. 14.. (4.) A presentation cojiil, hv'/A tlie eomjiosri'x (iiitt other Pieces principally adapted for the Morning Service ...composed, selected & arranged ... hy V. Novello. 12 Books. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVII. C. 12. A Collection of Sacred Music, as performed at the. . . Portuguese Chapel. . .Compo.sed, selected it arranged . . . hy V. Novello, etc. 2 vols. London . . . Phipps d- Co., etc. [l8ll.] fol. XVII. C. 5. A Collection of Sacred Music, as performed at the. . . Portuguese Cliapel . . . Second Edition. 2 Vols. London. . .1. A. Novello, etc. [1825.] fol. XVII. C. 6. [Another edition.] A Collection of Sacred JNlusic, as performed at tlie . . . Portuguese Chapel . . . Second Edition. Vol.2. London .. .Phipps & Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 7. Novello's Collection of... Songs, Duets, Trios, Quar- tetts it Choruses ... by Handel, Haydn & Mozart, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte by V. Novello. Nos. .5, 40, 46, 53, 63, la, 82, l.^.^>, 172, 217, 2.54, 326, 332, 334, 366, 410, 411 it 430. London.. .J. A. Novell,,, etc. fol. XVII. C. 14. (2.) The Complete Collection of the Gregorian Hymns for the whole year, with a Seperate [s/c] Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, by V. Novello. London. . .J. A. N„v,llo,etc. fol. XVII. C. 11. The Congregational it Choristers' Psalm and Hymn Book ; consisting of original compositions and new adaptations from the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, itc. Arranged for four voices with a separat(! accompaniment for the Organ or Piano-Forte, edited by V. Novello. London. . .Dnfour, etc. 4". XVII. C. 3. NOVELLO (Vincent) Convent Music, or a Collec- tion of Sacred Pieces for Treble Voices, (or other voices, ad lib.) selected, arranged . 77 . . . afcoiiip' . . . arranged ... by V. Novell... f..l. XI. D. 16. (1.) See HuMMKL (J. N.) Humniel's Second Mass, in K flat, Op. 80 . . . acc(iiti|i,iniiiirnt airanged . . . )iy V. Novello. fol. XI. D. 16. (2.) See Hummel (J. >f.) Vuod in Orbe, a Gradiialo.. . Arranged with an accompaniment ... by V. Novello, ete. fol. VI. A. 10. (3.) See Kent (J.) Blessed be Tliou. .. Anthem .. .the Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 10. (13.) Sec Kent (J.) i)eus Misereatur. . .< )rgan part by V. Novello. 8°. IX. A. 18. (28.) Sec Kent (J.) Lord, how are they increased... Anthem . . . the Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 10. (15.) See Kent (J.) My Song shall be of Mercy... ( Anthem. . .the Organ part by Novello, p/c fol. j VI. A. 10. (12.) See Kent (J.) Who is this that cometli. .. Anthem . . .the Organ part by ^^ Novello. fol. VI. A. 10. (14.) See Kent (J.) Why do the Heathen. . .Organ Part ...by V. Novello. 8°. IX. A.^8. (26.) See Mason (W.) Lord of all Pow'r & Might. An Anthem. . .newly harmonized. . .by V. Novello. ful. XVIII. B. 31. (9.) See MoRElEA (L.) Veni Domine. Chorus . . . the organ accomp' by V. Novello. fo). VI. A. 11. (20.) See MozAKT (W. A.) Alma Dei Creatoris. . . with a separate accompaniment. . .l)y V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 21. (6.) See Mozart (W. A.) [K(iiii(i T}iamo». Gotlhcit iiher alle marhlir/.^ Mozart's Third Motett. . .arranged with an accompaniment. . .by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 19. (4.) See MozAUT (W. A.) [Kun'uj Tliamox. Ilir Kiixhr lies Siauhes.^ Mozart's Slotett. . .' Ne pulvis et ciuis, superbe "... with an Accompaniment . . . arranged . . . by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 19. (3.) See Mozart (W. A.) [Ki'iuig Tlinmos. Schon weicliet dir, Sonne.] Mozart's Motett. . .Splendente te, Deus . . . with an Accompaniment . . . ai'ranged by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 19. (2.) See Mozart (\V. A.) Mozart's Litany in B flat ... with a separate accompaniment. . .arranged by ^'. Novello. fol. XVII. 21. (1.) See Mozart (W. A.) Mozart's Masses with an accompaniment for the Organ, arranged . . . by V. Novello, etc. [1819-24.] fol. XVII. B. 19. (1.) See Mozart (W. A.) The Reijuiem Mass. . .Edited . . .by V. Novello. 8°. IX. A. 12. (1.) NOVELLO (Vincent) ^ee Mozart (W. A.) [('<>«- j/irau lie Cou/egsore. KiJch. Verz. No. 3.39. No. 4. Landate imerL] Sancti et iusti. An Ofl'ertorium . . . with a separate accompaniment . . . arranged ... by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 21. (8.) See Mozakt (W. a.) [Vcsperae de Dominica. Kiich. Verz. No. .31' I. No. 3.] Beatus Vir . . . with a separate accompaniment . . . arranged ... by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 21. (5.) See SIoZART (W. A.) [Vegperac de Dominica. Koch. Verz. No. 321. No. i. Laudatc pueri.] Amavit eum Domiiuis . . . with a separate accompaniment . . . arranged. . .by V. Novello. fol. XVII. B. 21. (7.) See Mozart (W. A.) [Die Zaiiherflote. In diesen liciVgen Hallen.] Uedcniptor mundi Deus. . .arranged ...by V. Novello. fol. XI. E. 29. (13.) 5ee Nares (.J.) Blessed is he that considereth the Poor. . .Organ part by V. Novello. 8". IX. A. 18. (37.) See Nares (J.) Try me, O God. Full Anthem . . . The Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 12. (3.) See Palestrina (G. P. da) A Selection of Palestrina's Sacred Music, Edited by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 12. (14.) See Palestrina (G. P. da) Selection from the AVorks of Palestrina. . .revised by V. Novello. ful. XVII. C. 23. See Pergolesi (G. B.) [Conjitehor. Sanctum el terrihile nomen.] O Lord, have Mercy upon ine . . . adaj)ted . . . by Y. Novello. fol. XVII. C. 26. (3.) See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music ... by ... Novello, etc. fol. XVII. D. 3. See Plrcell (H.) Purcell's Sacred Music. Edited by V. Novello, f^c. [1S23-32.] fol. XVII. D. 9. See Reynolds (.J.) My God, look upon mc. Anthem . . .The Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 13. (8.) See Romberg (A. J.) The Harmony of the Spheres . . . Accompaniment by V. Novello. ohl. 8°. X. C. 29. (2.) See Romberg (A. J.) Te Deum . . . Accompaniment . . .by V. Novello. ohl. 8°. X. C. 29. (1.) See Romberg (A. J.) The Transient and the Eternal . . . Ode . . . The Accompaniment . . . by V. Novello. fol. XI. A. 28. (2.) See ScuACK (B.) A M.ass. . .arranged with a .separate .accompaniment. . .bv Y. Novello. [1851.] fol. XVII. B. 19. (6.) See Scott (.J.) Praise the Lord . . Anthem . . . The Organ part by Y. Novello. fol. VI. A. 13. (14.) See Spour (L.) [Die lelzten Dinye.] Tlie Last Judg- ment . . . The Accompaniment ... in some parts re- arranged ... by Y. Novello. [1831 ] fol. XVIII. A. 17. See Spour (L.) [ Valcr unser.] The Christian's Pra3er . . .The Accompaniment. . .revised. . .by Y. Novello. fol, XVIII. A. 16. (2.) 256 NOA'ELLO— OH. NOVELLO (Vin-cent) Sec Webbe (S.) the Elder. Twelve Anthems. . .with a Separate Accompaniment for the Organ by V. Novella fol. XVIII. B. 10. See Webbe (S.) tlte Elder. Webhe's Doiuine sahuin fac . . . arranged . . . liy V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 3. (16.) See "Webbe (S.) lie Elder. The Heavens declare the Glory of God . . .Anthem ... (he Organ part by V. Novel lo. fol. VI. A. 14. (10.) See Webbe (S.) the Elder. Webbe's First Kequieia Mass. . .arranged for four voices. . .by V. Novello. [1864.] ohl. fol. IX. E. 26. (2.) See Webbe (S.) the Elder. Webbe's Second Requiem Mass ... arranged for four voices. . .bv V. Novello. [1864.] ohl. fol. ix. E. 26. (3.) See Webbe (S.) the Elder. Save us O God. Anthem . . .The Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 14. (9.) See Weber (C. "SI. F. E. von). Mass in E Hat with an accompaniment for the Organ arranged. . .by Y. Novello. fol. VI. a". 14. (7.) See Weldon (J.) In Thee, O Lord. Anthem . . . The Organ part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 14. (12.) See Winter (P.) O Jesu, O Pastor bonus. . .arranged ...by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 14. (16.) See Wise (M.) Awake, put on thy strength . . . Anthem. . .The (_)rgan part by V. Novello. fol. VI. A. 14. (17.) NOVERARI, pseud. [i.e. Ch.\rles Wyclipfe (JoouwiN.] Go lovely Rose. Part Song for Four Voices. Ltmdein <£• lirujhton. Aiu/ener (t Co. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (11.) The Splendour falls on Castle A\'alls. Part Song for five voices, etc. London tC Biujlitnii, Aul. rlr. ,v. .s/,. fol. I. G. 37. (46.) OAKELEY (,S7/- HERHEirr St.\ni,ey) Funeral March. Op. 3;!. Full Score. London. Novello, Ewer (C Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 15. (1.) Gliickliche Stunden, t/c. [Song.] < ip. (i. London. Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (14.) Presented to Sir G. Grove hi/ the euntposer, i85l. Four Vocal Oi'iii'tc'tts. . .Op. 7. No. 1. The Glow- worm. London, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. J'rexenteil 1,11 the eonijio.'ier, 1 863. XXXII. C. 1. (13.) Three Vocal C^uartolts. . .Op. Hj. .'! Nos. London ... Ewer <(; Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (14.) Presented litj the eoiiqioser In Sir (1. Grore, i 86C. OAKELEY (.S''V Herbert Stanley) Rondo Capric- cioso. . .Oi>. 19. [P. F.] London, L. Coel-, etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (4.) Sanctus and Kyrie Eleison. . .in Eb with the greater third. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 12. (10.) Sonata, for Piano- Korte. ( )p. '20. London, L. Gn-l; etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (3.) Twenty Songs, with English, I'^rench, German or Italian words. London and New Yorlr : Novello, Ewer d- Co. [1S87.] 4". X. C. 14. This is the Day which the Loixl hath made. A Festival Anthem. London : Norello, En'er it Ca. [1869.] 8". IX. A. 18. (39.) OBERHOFFER (Heinricii) Organ School for Catholic Organists . . . Opus 36 . . . Translated from the S"' CJerman Edition by R. W. Oberhoft'er, etc. New Yoih...F.Pmtet & Co. 1880. 4°. XXIX. C. 25. OBRECHT (J.u'Ob) Missa Fortuna de.sparata . . . 1D03. Rewerkt door R. Eitner. Amsterdam, Loman, Eirhere/er d Van Kesteren. 1880. 8°. X. F. 3. (3.) Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Mat- thaeum (vierstemmig), etc. Pi j den Ah/i'mctiieu Mii::irlchandel, Ainsteidam. S". IX. A. 18. b. (2.) OEGLIN (Ekiiaht) Erhart Oeglin's Liederbuch zu vier Sthnmen. Augsburg 1512. Neue Partitur- Ausgabe. . .von R. Eitner unci J. J. Maier. PerUn, T. Trantweln. . . iSSo. fol. L. B. 8. Jalmj. VIII (Band IX) of the ' Puhllkation aelterer .'. .Musik-Werhe' of the Gesclhchaft fur jMmik- forschiiiiij. OERTLING (JrLius) Abendlied fiir 2 Violinen, Viola u. Violoncell. . .Op. 13. [Parts.] Franlfurt ojO. H. Porijes. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (18.) OFFENBACH (Jacques) Les Bavards. Opera liouffe en deu.x Actes, Paroles de C. Nuitter. [P. F. Score.] P(rris, G. Prandiis d S. Dnfonr, etc. X. C. 16. (2.) La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein. Opera Bouffe en 3 Actes et 4 Tableaux, paroles de H. Meilhac et L. Halevy. .Partition Piano et Ch.mt, arrangee par L. Roques. Paris, G. Prandus <£• S. Diifoier, etc. 8°. X. C. 15. La Jolie Parfumeu.se. Opera-Comique en 3 Actes de H. Cremieux et E. Blum. . .Partition Chant et Piano, arrangee par C. Constantin. I'ails, Chondens, etc. 8°. X. C. 16. (1.) [Une Nuit lUanche.] Forty WirdM. s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (15.) OKELAND ( ) Praise the Luiil, O my S,.ul . . .Anthem for four \'oices. [Londo)i.] 8". An. 4 of ■■ T/ir l\n!d Clioh:' IX. A. 20. (3.) OLD WOMAN'S ORATORY. Tlic Du.st Cait. . . Cantata .suiicr in the ( »hl Woman's Oratory at th(! New Theatre in tlie Ilayiiiarket in inauner of the Modorn.s. | By J. O.swahl.] PriniciJ for the Author, etc. fol. I. G. 37. (27.) O'LEARY (Aktmuk) ,SVc r.Acii (.J. S.) [Wcihmu-hls- Onitoriiiiii.] I'aits I and II. . .of. . .Bach's Chri.stmas Oratorio. . .Edited. . .by A. O'Leary. 8". VI. D. II. Sec BuNNKTT {Sir W. S.) Symphony. . .arranged. . . by A. O'Leary. fol. LVIII. D. 13. (18.) OLIMPIADE. The Favouiite Songs in . . L'Olim- jiiade. Ldiidtin. . .1. Walsh, etc. I1755.] fol. By Gnhqqn, Minnti and Prnjolcsi. XXXII. A. 26. (5.) The Favourite Songs in L'Olimpiade. No. 1. Londmi...R.Bremw'r,d<: fol. XXXII. B. 5. (10.) By J. C. Bach and Piccini. OLIPHANT (Thoma.s) Choral Hynni for Four A'oices sung at the Marriage of the Princess Royal ...The Words written ... by T. Oliphant. London, Addison, EoHier it Lucas, etc. fol. XI. E. 28. (13.) A presentation copy from T. Oliplaint to Sir G. Grove. See Palestrina (G. P. da) Hymns for four voices . . .adapted. . .by T. Oliphant, etc. fol. VL A. 12, (12.) Sec RocKHs (Sir J. L.) Sixteen (Jlees. . .Edited. . . by T. ( )Iiphant, etc. fol. XXV. A. 9. See Tallis (T.) The Full Cathedral Service . . . newly arranged. . .by T. Oliphant, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 35. ONSLOW (George) Ouverture de I'Opcra : Le Coljjorteur. . .arrangee pour le Piano-Forte a 4 mains par I'Auteur. Bonn chez N. Simroclc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (9.) Trois Qnatuors pour deux Violons, Alto A Basse. . . Oeuvre 4. [Parts.] rt Vienne chez Artaria & Comp. t\)l. LXI. A. 3. (II.) Quartetten fiir 2 Violinen, Bratsche u. Bass. Op. 4. No. l-:i. [Parts.] Leipzitj,hei Brcithopf & Hiirtel. fol. LX. A. 5. (1.) Trois Quatuors. . .Oeuvre 4'""' [Parts.] Vienne. Au Magazin de Vimprimerie chiinique, etc. fol. LXI. C. 4. (27.) 4tes (_6io») Q„artett. . .8"=^ Werk. .3 Nos. [Parts.] Wien hci S. A. Steiner and Comp. fol. LXI. D. 7. (5.) Trois Quatuors. . .CEuvre 8. [Parts.] A Paris chez Naderman, etc. fol. LXI. C. 4. (26.) 7'^" (-9'"==) Quartett . . . 9'«MVerk. ;5 Nos. [Parts.] Wien hci S. A. Steiner uud Comp. fol. LXI. D. 7. (6.) Trois Quatuors. . .Op. 9. Nouvelle edition avec des changements, etc. .3 Nos. [Parts.] a Paris, chez I. Plcycl, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (14-16.) It.C.M.C. ONSLOW (George) Trois Quatuors ... (Euv. 10. iV"" Livre. No. i. [Separate Parts.] Leipzig .. .C. F. Peters, fol. LX. A. 5. (2.) 31" Quatuor. . .Op. 02. [Parts.] A Paris, chez M. Sehlesiuger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (3.) :j2'- Quatuor ..Op. 63. [Parts.] A Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (4.) 33"^^ Quatuor . . . < )p. G I . [Parts.] (I Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (5.) 31' Quatuor. . .Op. G;"). [Parts.] a Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (6.) 3i5" Quatuor. . .Oj). M. [Parts.] a Paris, chez M. Schlesinger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (7.) 3G'- Quatuor. . .Op. G9. [Parts.] I'oris. . .Schlesinger, etc. fol. LX. A. 5. (8.) Trois Quintetti, le Piiiniir pom- drux N'iolons, deux Altos et Violoncelle, et le Second jiour deux Violons, Alto, et deux Violoncellos. . . [Op. 1] 1" (-3"'0 Livraison. Graves par Bichonnne. [Parts.] a Paris, chez Pleycl, etc. fol. LXI. B. 1. (34, 35, 36.) [Another Copy.] Trois Quintetti, etc. [Op. 1.] 3" Livraison. [Parts.] ii I^aris, chez L Pleycl et Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. B. 2. (4.) Quintetto pour Deux Violons, Alto, Violoncelle it Basse. . .Giuv. 17. [Parts.] ((Paris, chez I. Pleycl d fils ain(', etc. fol. LXL B. 1. (37.) Quintetto pour 2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle it Basse ...Qlluv. 18. [Parts.] it Paris chez I. Pleyel it fils nine, etc. fol. LXL B. 1. (38.) Quintetto pour deux \'iolons, Alto, Violoncelle ife I'.asse. . .QJuv. 19. [Parts.] ii P((iis, chez I. Pleycl d- fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. B. 1. (39.) Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto, Violoncelle ct Basse . . . Opera 24. [Parts.] Jjcijizii/ . . . H. A. Probst, fol. LXI. B. 2.' (5.) Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto, Violoncelle & Basse. . .Opera 24. [Parts.] (i I'aris, chez I. Pleycl it Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. B. 6. Quintetto pour deu.x Violons, Alto, Violoncelle it Bas.se. . .Opera 2.5. [Pai'ts.] h Paris, chez L Pleycl it Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. B. 6. Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto, N ioloncelle et Contre-basse. . .Op. 32. [Parts.] ii Paris, chez I. Pleycl et Fils, etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (1.) Onzieme Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto, Violon- celle et Contre-Basse . . .Opera 33. a Paris, chez L Pleyel et C", etc. LX. A. 6. (2.) • iHiintetto piuir deux N'ioloiis, Alto, Violoncelle et Basse. . .Opera 33. [Parts.] a Paris chez I. Pleycl it Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. B. 6. Douzieme (^>uiutetto pour deux Violons, Alto, \' iolon- celle et Contre-Basse. . .Opera 34. [Parts.] ,V Paris, chez L Pleyel et C", etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (3.) 2 L 258 ONSLOW- -OUSELEY. ONSLOW (George) Treizieme Quintetto poui- deux Violuns, Alto, Violoncelle et Basse ou Contie-Basse . . .Opera 35. Paris, chez I. Plei/el et C", etc. LX. A. 6. (4.) Quatorzieme Quintetto pour deux Violuns, Alto et deux Violoncelle.s. . .Qiuv. 37. [Parts.] (I Li 'qisic clicz Br. itlcnpf (_[■ Uartcl, rtc. fol. LX. A. 6. (5.) Quinzieme Quintetto pour deux Yinlons, Alto et deux Violoiicelles . . . Oi)era 38. [Parts.] London... B. Codes & Co. fol. LX. A. 6. (6.) Seizieme Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto et deu.x Violoneelles. . .Opera 39. [Full Score.] ft Paris cJtoz I. Pleijd ct C'', etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (7.) Dix-septieme Quintetto pour deux Violons, Alto & deux Violoncelles. . . QSuv. 42. [Parts.] « Paris, au Dejiot Central, etc. fol. LX. A., 6. (8.) 18'-' Quintetto pour 2 Violons, Alto it 2 Violoncelles ...Op. 43. [Parts.] Paris, chez F. Tmnjieiias, etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (9.) 19'"" Quintetto pour deux Vinlons, Alto A deux A'ioloncellos. . .Op. 44. [Parts.] Paris, chez F. Troiqjenas, etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (10.) 20'' Quintetto pour deux A^icilons, Altd it deux Violoncelles. . .Op. 4.5. [Parts.] Paris, chez E. Troupenas, etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (11.) 21""' Quintetto pour deu.x Violons, Altu & deux Violoncelles. . .Op. 51. [Parts.] Paris, au Bepot Central, etc. fol. LX. A. 6. (12.) Sextuorpour PiaRnforte, Flute, Clarinette, Cor, Basson et Contrebasse [or Strings]. . .Op. 30. [Parts.] Chez BrcitJcopf <£• Hdrtel (i Leipsic. fol. LXI. B. 5. [Another edition.] Sextuor. . .Op. 30. [Parts.] Lonleat and Airy as the First, not thin and lieavy as second Tn^bles usually are, in both parts there are proper N'aiiations for the Humour of the I'^lutc, etc. 2 pts. Loialon, I'riiitril for I: Walsh. . .ami I. Hare. etc. ohl. \". I. F. 15. ORAZIO. I he l''avourite Songs in. . .Orazio. Lowlo,i...L Walsh, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 6. (6.) By JommeUi, L'ini, A. Macnharl, N. Resta and Paradies. ORFEO. The Favourite Songs ill. . .Orfeo. London ...B.Jlremner,etc. [177O.] fol. XXXII. A. 28. (2.) By Bach, Gluclc, Gmjlielmi and Guadai/iii. ORPHEUS. Orpheus. A Collection of Glees, or Vocal Quartets, by the most admired (Jeruian Compo.sers, with English Poetry. Bk. l-xxiii. [Score and Parts.] London . . J. J. Finer <£• Co., etc. ohl. 4". IX. F. 22. ORSINI (Ali;ss.\jjdro) Album per Canto con accom- pagnamento di Pianoforte. Poesia di V. Meini. . . No. 2. La Primavera. Duetto. Firenze . . . G. G. Gnidi, etc. 8". X. F. 19. (5.) Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. Salino per Teuore e Bassi a canto fermo, etc. Milano. . . F lAicca. fol. XVIII. B. 30. (8.) Otto Divertiuienti per Exercizio Giornaliero nel Vocalizzo per Mezzo Soprano, etc. 3Iilano ... F. Lucca, fol. LXX. D. 7 (9.) OSBORNE (Lady E.MILY Fanny Dokotiiy) Thy will be done. Sacred melody, the words and music Iiy Lady E. (.)sborne, arranged by E. J. Loder. Manchester: Heine & Addison, etc. fol. VI. A. 11. (7.) OSBORNE (GnoRGE Alexander) Third Trio, for the Pi. mo Forte, Violin and Violoncello. . .Op. 32. [Parts.] London. . .Cramer, Beale & Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (12.) See Bkriot (G. A. de) and Osborne (G. A.) OSIANDER (Lucas) See Bishop (Sir H. R.) Twelve Corales. . .by. . .Osiander, etc. fol. VI. B. 22. OSWALD (.James) The Caledonian Pocket Companion, containing a favourite Collection of Scotch Tunes, with Variations for the German Flute, or Violin, etc. 8 Bks. London. Printed for the Author, etc. 8". LXIIL A. 17. A Favourite Song... in the English Nights Enter- tainment at Sadler's Wells. Printed for the Author, etc. s. sL fol. I. G. 37. (20.) See Old Woman's Ok.atorv. The Dust Cart . . . Cantata ... in manner of the Moderns. [Bv J. Oswald.] fol. I. G. 37. (27.) OTT (Joiiann) Ein Hundert Fiiufzehn weltlieh u. einige geistliche Lieder...zu vier fUnf und scchs Stinimen gesetzt von den bedeutendsten Mei.stern des XV. und XVI. Jahrhundcrts. . .ge-sammelt und im Jahre 1.544. . .herausgegebcn von J. Ott. Neue Ausgabe in Partitur . . . nebst einer Einleitung von K. Eitner, L. Erk u. O. Kade. 4 pt. Berlin. . . M. Bahn. . . i 873-6. fol. it 8". L. B. 3. Jahrij. 1-4 of the ' Puhlilcation aelterer . . .Musih- Werlce' of the GesrJhchaft fllr Mnsih/orsi-huin/. OUSELEY (Sir Fhkdhuick .\Kiiirii Gore) Bart. Three Andantes for the Organ, '/.•. London. Novella, Ewer & Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 19. (1.) Cathedral Music, Services ct Anthems, etc. LA)ndon...J.A.Novello,ctc. fol. XVII. C. 16. OUSELEY— PACKER. 250 OUSELEY (Sir Frrdhruk AiniiLii Ooue) Bnrt. [Cathedral Music. Vol. Tl.| Loiirloii. . . Novella, Em:r & Co., ,-U: fol. XVII. C. 19. (1.) Wantiiuj a collective Tith'-pagc. The nwiiertition and jiiiijiuatlon conlinuc Vol. I. Cathedral Services, wt. to INFii.sic hy Kiii^'lish M.a.st.prs, edited A the orj^an jiart added Ijy the Jlev'' 8ir F. A. G. Ouseley, etc. London. . .J. A. Norello, etc. [1855.] fol. XVII. C. 15. Hasjar, an Oratorio in two Part.s. . .the Pianoforte Part arrani;od. . .by L. Coll)oriie, etc. London, Novello, Eioer & Co , etc. 1873. fol. XVII. C. 18. It came even to pass... An Anthem compo.scKl for the reopening of Lichfield Cathedral, October 22'"', 1861, etc. London. . .Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 19. (2.) It came even to pass. Anthem. London : Noi-ello, Ewer & Co. 8". IX. A. 17. (8.) A presentation cojii/ to Sir George Grove loilli an autograph inscription from the Author. The Lord is my Shepherd. Full Anthem, etc. London. . .Norello, Ewer & ('0., etc. fol. XVII. C. 19. (5.) The Martyrdom of S' Polycarp. A Sacred Oratorio in one Act, etc. [Fidl Score.] J. A. Novello, London & New York. fol. XVII. C. 17. My Song shall be alway of the loving kindness of the Lord . . . Full Anthem, etc. London... Novello (i Co., etc. f..l. XVII. C. 19. (6.) Old Hells, Song, etc. London. Novello, Ewer <£■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (15.) Six Preludes and Fugues, for the Organ, ric. London . . .Novello, Ewer t£- Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 19. (4.) Seven Preludes and Fugues for the Organ, etc. London. . .Novello & Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 19. (5.) Six Short Preludes, for the Organ, etc. London . . . Novello, Ewer (£• Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 19. (3.) Prelude and Fugue for the Organ. London. Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 19. (2.) Sing, O Daughter of Zion. An Anthem composed for the. . .Norfolk ik Suflulk Church Choral Associa- tion, 1865. London. . .Norello & Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 19. (3.) Six Songs, written by R. Wilton, etc. London. Novello,' Ewer d- Co., etc. f-.l. XXXII. C. 25. (16.) They that wait upon the Lord. Anthem, etc. London. Novello, Ewer d- Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 19. (4.) Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord. An Anthem, etc. London. Novello, Eicer d: Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 19. (7.) See Gibbons (O.) A Collection of the Sacred Com- positions of Orlando Gibbons . . . Edited ... by the Rev. Sir F. A. Gore Ou.seley. 1875. fol. XI. A. 22. OVERTURES. The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts. Composed by Pugnani, Piccini, Ricci. (^)pcra Quarto. Nos. xix-xxiv. [Parts.] London . . . R. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (17.) The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts. Composed by I'^ran/.l, Ditters, Schwindl, Haydn, Stamitz, Vanh.dl. t)pera Settima. Nos. xxxvii-xlii. [Parts. ) London. . .B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (19.) The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts compo.sed by Stamitz, liach, Vanhal, Gossec, Vanhall . . . Opera viii. Nos. xliii-xlviii. [Parts.] London... R. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (20.) Three Favourite Overtures [or rather Symphonies] for the Harpsichord or Piano F(ii't(% <-ompo.s'd by F. Staes, Schuster and Vanhall. London. . . J. Cooper, etc. fol. LXII. D. 22. (8.) Ouverturen zu Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden. Nos. 4, 7-9, 16, 19, 20, 26, 28, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 46-18, 51, 61-63 and 68. Brannsclnveig, H. Litolff, etc. fol. LXII. E. 19. OVERWEG (Carl) Die Todtenfeier. Oratorium. T(!xt und IMusik von C. Overweg. . .Opus xviii. [Nnumhurg, 1840. fol. XVII. C. 20. OWEN (John) TLe Prince of Wales Cantata... Welsh words by J. C. Hughes ; translation by E. Roberts, etc. Wrexham. . .li. Hugheg d Son, 1S62. 8°. X. C. 16. a. P., J. Sweet liird that singst on yonder Spray. Glee, etc. London. . .B. Birchall. etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (28.) A pjresentation copy to J. Windsor from the comjjoser. P., S. The Rising Beauty, etc. [Song.] «. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (44.) PACHELBEL (Joh.vnn) 94 Compo.sitionen zumeist Fugen iiber das INIagnificat fiir Orgel oder Clavier. Bearbeitet von H. Bot.stiber und M. Seiftert. 1901. See Denkmaelhr. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, etc. viii. Jahrgang. Zweiter Theil. 1894, etc. fol. XXXIIL D. 28. (2.) Fugue for the Organ [London.] 1864. 4". No. 37 of ' The Choir.' IX. A. 19. (25.) Orgelkompositionen . . . nebst beigefugten Stiicken von W. H. Pachelbel . . . herausgegeben von ^I. Seiftert. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, etc. Vierter Jahrg. I. Band. 1900, etc. fol. XXXVII. D. 5. PACHELBEL (Wilhelm Hieeonymds) Orgelkom- positionen von J. Pachelbel . . . nebst beigefugten Stiicken von W. H. Pachelbel, etc. 1903. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, etc. Vierter Jahrg. I. Band. i<^oo, etc. fol. XXXVII. D. 5. PACKER (J. Adalbert) See Weber (C. .AI. F. E. v(pn) [Oheron.] Mermaid's Song. . .Tran.scribed .. . by J, A. Pacher. Op. 22. LX. C. 12. (15.) 2 L 2 260 rACTNT— PAEE. PACINI ((iiovANNi) [Adelaide c Comingio.] E clii sa ma (juale — Recilativo ed Ah 1 s' <"• colpo. . .Rondo, rtc. Lomhm. . .lilrchill & Cn., flc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (1.) [Adelaide e Comingio.] <)gni mio ben perdei. Cavatina, cic. London. . .Birchitll d- ('".. vfr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (2.) [Alessamlro nello Tndie.] Se d'amor. . .C'avatina, pir. London... T. Wrlsh, He. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (3.) [Amazilla. I Ah I non fia mai ver. . .Aria, itr. London. . .L.,!initdiilc d- MUh. rtc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (4.) Gli Arabi nelle Callie. (Ah tu piangi. Duetto, cir.) o Pork, rhr:: nirH, rtc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (5.) (ili Arabi nelle Gallie. (Ezilda io sono. Duetto, rtc) fi Parh, rlicz Carli, etc. f,d. XXXII. C. 30. (6.) [Gli Arabi nelli Gallie.] Se mal si esprime . . . Duetto, ftc. London . . .Mori d: Lnrcim, 'dr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (7.) [Cesare in Egitto.] Per pieta, nel dirmi addio. Duetto, rtc. London . . . BirrlioU (C Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (8.) [11 Corsaro.] Dc miei giorni sull' aurora. Eomanza, etc. Edinhun/li . . .Wood (£■ Co.. rlr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (9.) II Duca d' Alba. Tragedia liriea in due Atti del Sig'' Peruzzini . . . Eiduz. pier Canto con accomp" di Pianoforte del jNI" Tonassi. Mihino. . . G. BirordI, etc. ohi. fol. XXVI. C. 9. [Isabella ed Enrico.] Vorrei ne so spogliarmi. Duetto, etc. London . . .T. Boo.^ey d Co., rtc. fol. 'XXXII. C. 30. (10.) [Ivanhoe.] Ah ! tu In guida. . .Durtto, rtr. London... B Milh, clr.'^ fol. XXXII. C. 30. (11.) [Ivanhoe.] Oh padre misero ecco quel figlio. Duetto, etc. London. . .B. MiUx, rtr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (12.) N'oubliez pas I'heure du rendez-vous. Itomance . . . arrangce a deux voix par E. Bruguiere. a Paris... Pacini, cic. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (13.) [La Niobc.] Del niio trionfo . . . Kecit*" e Tuimi o sinistra. . .Aria, rtc. London. . . Biirloill d Co., rlr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (14.) [La Niobe.] In van tiioi pregi. . . Duetto, itr. London . . . Biirlifill d Co., rtr. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (15.) [La .Sacerdote.s.sa d'Irniinsul. | Ah Ciel del cni pro\ ido amore. Preghiera a ."{ voci, rtr. J.ondon . . . BIrrhoU d Co., rtc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (16.) Si amoro .soltanto mi rose beato. Ca\'ati]ia. < Ir. Ijondon . . .Lonsd/ilr d Milh, rtc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (17.) Sirifonia Dante, divisa in (|uattro parte, rtc. [Full Score.] Firenze. . .0. G. Gnidi, rtc. 8". XVIL E. 14. (3.) Tl .soave e liel contento. Aria . . . cseguita dalla Sig'" Pasta ncir opera La Didonc Abliandonata. Ijovduu . . .Grim, Rimrdi uetto. etc. London . . .liirrhiill d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 30. (23.) PADDON (J.\MEs) ,SVv' Jackson (W.) of Exrtcr. .Vnthems and Church Services . . . Edited . . . bv . . . J. Paddon fol. XI. D. 18. (1.) See Jackson (W.) of E.ccter. Two Anthems and a complete Church Service. . .edited. . .by . . ..J. Paddon. fol. XL D, 18. (2.) Sec Jackson (W.) of Exeter. Sacred Music. The . . . Church Service in El> . . . Accompaniment . . . by J. Pa.ldon, rtc. fol. XI. D. 18. (3.) PADOVANO (Anxibale) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Ras.so) Di Annibale Padovano ... II Primo Libro de Ricercari a quattro uoci, Nuouamente da lui composti, etc. 4 pt. Ln Venetia apregso di Antonio Gardano. 1556. oil. i". I. E. 16. (9.) PAER (Ferdinando) Achille. Opera in due Atti. . . accomodata per Piano Forte. Alia Tijjoffrafia delta Sirena, etc. [Paris.] fol. XXIV. C. 20. Achilles. Grand Opera . . . arrange en Quatuor, etc. 2 pt. [Parts.] a Bonn rhez N. Simrock. fol. LXI. D. 6. (3, 4.) L' Addio d' Ettore. Duetto, ridotto per il Piano- Forte. Parole Italiane e Tedesche, etc. Ln Bonna presxo N. Simrocl: ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (2.) Agnesc. Drama semiserio in due Atti . . . Klavier- auszug vom Capellmeister A. E. Miiller. Leipziij. ..C. F. Peters, obi. fol. XXVI. C. 10. Camilla. Opera . . . ridotta in Quintetti . . . da . . . II. Spcngel. 2 pt. [I'arts.] A Monaco iirexnn M. Falter, fol. LXI. D. 6. (5, 6.) Diana e Eiidirnione. Cantata a due Voci coll' accom- pagiiaiiH'iitodel Pi.'uioforte. Prrnso Brritl;rriirnlation ciqiij to Mr.^. J. Bland from 11. Iliucrn. PAI':]; I'AISIELLO. 2 61 PAER (l''i',i!i)iVA\ii(i) Jje i\r;n(i-c dc Chapellc . . . Coinedie de M' A. Duval arrani;i'e en r)]i,'ra Coiiii(|Ui' en deux Actes jiar M""' .^. (liiy, et(\ [Fidl Score] a Parin, k hi Li/rr M<,ih;;„; I'tc. fol. XXIV. C. 22. Oh nntte soave. Sei-enade foi' fci\ir viiic(!S. . .accom- paniment by H. R. r.isho]i. Loiidan . . . UonhViiHl, D'AIiiiailir, P,,llrr ,(• Co.. itr. fol. XVIII. D. 7. (10.) Sai'gino, os.sia L' Allievo dell' Amore. I )i'amma eroico comieo in due Atti. . .Kla\ ieiauszug. Bey Biritluqif mill Ilinlcl in Lcijiziij. . Munscalchi, etc. ohl. M. XXVIII. A. 5. (4.) [(iiunone Lucina.] Si, contenta io cedo a lei. Cavatina, /■/(■. [Full Score.] Ln Nii}>oli. Appresso L. Miirescalchi, etc. \,hl. fol. XXVIII. A. 5. (2.) Le Mar(|uis Tulipano. Opera Bouftbn en deux Actes parodie sur la Musique del Signor G. Paesiello, etc. [Full Score.] ii Pnri.i. Chez Lm'mult, etc. [17S9.] fol. XXIV. D. 1. 262 PATSIELLO— PALESTEINA. PAISIELLO (Giovanni) [La Modista Raggiiatrice.] Mi perdu, si mi perdo. Aria Buffa, etc. [Full 8coi-e.] Ill Xdpoli. Ajypresso L. 3Lircsca}chi, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 5. (8.) [La iMolinara.] Ouvfi-tuix' und favorit Arien . . . Fiii-s Clavior eingeiicbtet von C. G. Neefe. BfyN.Simn.ckiiiBouii. oW. fol. XXVIL C. 23. (10.) [J^a Moliiiara. Nel cor piii non mi scnto.] Mich tiieheu alle Freuden. Duett. . .fiirs Piano-Forte. Hamhurij. . .hry I. A. Bohne, etc. ohl. fol. XXVin. A. 5. (9.) [Nina.] La Pazza per Aiiiore, eic. (Partizinue ddla Nina, etc ) a Paris. Chez I"- Plci/d, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 2. Nina pazza per Amore. Opera in due Atti, etc. [P. F. Score.] A Paris, au Magasin de Mumpic dc Pacini, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 3. [L' Oliinpiade.] Se cerca, se dice. Aria Seria con recitativo, etc. [Full Score.] Napnli . . . L. Marescalchi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A.' 5. (1.) L'(J!impiade.] Tu di sapor procura. Aria Seria, etc. Full Score.] In Nap4-] old. hil. XXVII. A. 8. (6.) PALADILHE (Kmii.k) Six Scotch Songs. . .French and I'Jnglish. Schult n cojiy from the Ei1it(o- to Sir (!eor(je Grove. Missa Papae Marcelli trijilici concentu distineta, videlicet ; I. Joanuis Petri Aloysii Praenestini . . . Sex Vocum. II. Missa eadem ad <,|uatuor Voces reducta. Auctore Joanne Francisco Anerio. III. Eademque Missa duplici choro Octo Vocibus concinenda. Auctore Francisco Suriano. Triplioem banc Missam . . . publi- cavit C Proske. Inseriptum TahuJariii . . . Musices Editorum Maynntioe . . . B. Seloilt filiarum. 1850. 8°. " IX. G. 17. [Mis.sa Papae Marcelli.] The Gloria. . .edited. . .by O. Goldschmidt. [Loudon.] 8°. X. F. 9. (11.) [Missa Papae Marcelli.] The Sanctus (Benedictus and Agnus Dei) (Kyrie) (Gloria) (Credo) from . . . Palestrina's Missa Papae iSlarcelli in its original setting for six voices, edited. . .by O. (ioldschmidt. See Goldschmidt (O.) The Bach Choir Magazine, etc. Nos. 5, 6, 12, 13 & 14. 8". IX. A. 22. La Musica che si canta. . .nelle Funzioni della Setti- mana Santa nella Cappella Pontificia, composta dal Palestrina, AUegri e Bai. l^accolta e pubblicata da C. Burney. Londra . . . per Roberto Bremncr, ete. 177 1, fol. VI. C. 5. (1.) Werke von Palestrina herausgegeben von H. Beller- mann. Erster Band. Vierstiminige Motetten. Bergcdorf . . . Expedition der Denkmaeler. . . 1871. 8". IX. G. 19. (3.) Denkmciler der Tonhuust. Band I. Vingt Motets tires du repertoire de la Chapelle Sixtine a Rome. . .Edition revue. . .par A. de Lafage. Vassal Freres, etc. [Paris.] 8". IX. G. 18. (2.) [Another copy.] Vingt Motets . . . Edition revue . . . par A. de Lafage. Vassal Fri^rcs, ete. [Pari.-<.] 8°. IX. G. 19. (2.) Motecta Festorum Totius Anni cum Communi Sanc- torum . . . Quaternis Vocibus. Liber Primus. Cantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Ba,ssus.) 4 pt. Vcnetijs Apud Antjclnm Gardtinum. 15S5. oil. l". I. E. 5. Tlie Tenor port /.v in 3IS. loannis Petraloysii Praenest.ini, Mutettorum, quw partim quini.s, partim senis, partim octonis vocibus concinantur Liber iSecundus. Nunc denuo in lucem editus, etc. Altus. (Tenor.) (l,>uintus.) 3 pt. Venctiim, Apud H^redem Hieroni/mi Scoli. 15S8. 4". I. C. 5. PALESTRINA (Giovanni Pii:Ri,uif:i da) loan. I'etraloy.sii I'ruenostini Motectoium Quatuor Vocibus Partim Plena Voce et Pavtim Paribus Vocibus. Liber Secundus. Nunc denuo in lucem leditus. Cantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) 3 pt. Vcwtijs, Apud, Anijelum Gardanum. 1604. ohl. 4". I. E. 6. Icjaiiiiis I'etraloysii Praenestini Motettorum (|u;e ]iartim quinis, ]).utim senis, partim octonis vocibus concinantur, I..ibcr Tertius. Nunc dcinio in lucem fditus, etr. Tenor. Veneliis, Apud Hseredem Hieroni/mi Scoti. 1589. 4". I. C. 6. loan. Petraloysii Praenestini Mottetorum Cum quinque vocibus Liber Quartus. Ex Canticis Salo- monis, Nunc denuo in lucem a'dilus. Cantus. (Altus.) 2 pt. Venetiis, Apnd Hxredem llieromjmi Seoti. 1596. 4°. L C. 7. loan. Petialoysii Pnenestini Motectiirum Quiri(|uc Vocibus, Liber Quartus, ex Canticis Salomoni.s, Nunc denuo leditus. Tenor. Venetiis, Apud Anrjelnm Gardanum. 1601. 4°. I. C. 8. loan: Petraloysii Pi-aene.stini ^Motettoruiii Quinque Vocibus Nunc denuo in lucem a?ditus Liber Quintus. Tenor. Venetijs, Apud Angelum Gurdaiuim. 1595. 4°. 1. C. 9. O bone Jesu. Schatt . . .Brn.celles, etc. fol. XI. E. 29. (17.) No. 44 of ' Repertoire de Musiquc d'Eglise.' Oflfertoria Totius Anni secundum Sanct;e Iiomana; Ecclesi.e consuetudinem (|uinque vocil)us concinenda . . .Pars Prima (Secunda) Cantus (Altus) (Tenor) (Bassus) (Quintus), ete. 10 pt. Romae Apud Franciscum Coattinum. 1593. 4". I. C. 1. (6.) Stabat Mater. . .a otto voci reali, da capella. . . jiublicato. . .da A. 8. Choron, etc. In Pari/ji. Presso A. Le Due e Compagniu, etc. fol. XVII. C. 23. a. (2.) Stabat Mater. Motette fiir zwei Chore a capella ...mit Vortrags-Bezeichnungen. . .eingerichtet von R. Wagner. Leipzig, C. F. Kalint, etc. fol. VL A. 3. (1.) Stabat Mater. — Fratres, ego enim. — Improperia. See MusiCA Sacra. Musica Sacra qu.'c cantatur. . . per hebdomadam sanctam, etc. fol. XI. E. 29. (14.) Surge. illuminare. Motettorum Lib. 3. 1-575. Partitur. Berolini, impensis A. M. Sehlcsingeri. fol. XI. E. 29. (16.) No. 3 of ' Johannis Gahrieli, Henrici Sehiitz et Palestrina Musica Sacra.^ [Doubtful and spurious works.] Adoramus te. Motet. See GoLDSCUMiDT (O.) The Bach Choir Magazine, etc. No. la. 8". IX. A. 22. See Alduich (H.) O Lord God of our Salvation . . . Anthem . . . .ifter Palestrina. 8". IX. A. 20. (47.) PALMA (FiLlppo) Sei Arie con Istromeuti ... Opera Terza. Londra. 1749. oW. fol. XXVIL C. 24. (2.) Six Solos for the Harpsichord Violin and (Jorinan Flute as also a Song call'd Siinplicetta Tortorella. Edin'-. . .R. Cooper, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 12. (3.) 264 PALME— PAREY. PALME (Pxi-DOLPii) Ritter Album fiii- Oi-gel. Fest- Lralif :iu Herrn A. G. Ritter. . .herausgecjeben von R. Palme, (7(/. B. Suher. . .MagdeJntrr/. [iS8i.] fol. LXII. C. 10. (2.) PAMMELIA. Paminelia. Musioks Miscollanie, or, Mixed A'arietie of Pleasant Roiindclayes, and delight- full Catches, of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Parts in one, etc. [Collected hv Thomas Ravenscroft.] London PrinU'd Ijij William Bnrhij. fur It. i>. and H. W., etc. 1609. 4". ■ II. E. 42. At the end are three aiioiri/niou.s 3IS. catches and eaiioiis and one {'I cannot eat') liij T. Wcellicn, all written In a contemjjorari/ hand. Pammelia. Musickes Misctllanie, etc. [Collected by Thomas Ravenscroft.] London: Printed by Thomas Snodham, for Mathew Loiones and lohn Browne, i6i8. 4°. II. E. 41. (1.) PANOFKA (Hkinhkh) The Practical Singing Tutor. 24 Progressive .Studies. . .Op. 6-5. 4Jook '1. London. J. Williams, etc. fol. LXX. D. 2. (4.) PAPINI (GuiDo) Le Mccanisme du jeune Violouiste. A complete ... course of instruction for the Violin, in four parts. . .Op. .57. London, F. W. Chanot, etc. fol. LXX. B. 5. PARADIES (PiKTKO Do.MEXico) A Favorite Concerto for the Organ or Harpsichord, etc. London . . . WelcJcer, etc. fol. LXII. E. 12. (9.) The Favourite Songs in. . .La Forza d'Amore. London... I. Walsli, etc. [1751.] fol. XXXII. A. 25. (10.) A Favourite jMiauet with Variations. London... Welclcer, etc. fol. LXII. D. 22. (4.) The Favourite Songs in the (Jpera call'd Phaeton. London...!. Walsli, etc. [1747.] fol. XXXII. A. 25. (1.) Sonate di Gravicenibalo, etc. Lnndon . . . Wclcker, etc. fol. LXII. D. 25. (6.) Toccata. [P. F.] Braiinsclrweii/, II. Litollf. '. .lolui Bull, i^- Orlando (iihboiis . . . Ingrauen hy William Hole for Dorethie Euans. etc. Printed at Lnndon hij (i. L'.we, etc. fol. II. B. 11. Emjraved on copper throughout. Parthenia, or The First Musick ever Printed for the Virginals. . .Edited by E. F. Rimbault, etc. London, Printed for the Mend)ers of the Musieal Anti- quarian Societt/, etc. [1847.] fol. XXXIV. C. 15. (3.) PASQUALI (Niroui) The Art of Fingering the llaipsiehord. Illustrated with Examples, etc. Edinburgh : Printed for B. Breniner, ete. uhl. fol. XXIX. B. 43. (1.) XII. Engli-sh Songs in Score, collected from several Masques and other Entertainments, etc. London. 1750. Sold hy the Author, ete. obi. fol. XXVI. C. 12. PASSATEMPI. Passatempi Musicali, osia Raccolta di Ariette e Duettini . . . Canzoncine populari. . ..kc. Terza Edizione. Fascicolo [4-6]. Napoli. Calcographia de Bcali Teatri, etc. A". X. C. 17. PATEY (Janet INIonach) Madame Patey's Vocal Tutor, etc. London : Patei/ d: Willis, etc. fol. LXX. D. 5. (2.) PATIE AND PEGGY. Patie and Peggy : or, The Fair Foundling. A Scotch Ballad Opera [by T. ' Gibber]. . .With the Musick prefi.x'd to each Song. London: Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1731. 8°. X. E. 13. (6.) PATRIGNANI (Giuseppe Antonio) See PuESEPi (P.) pseud. PATTEN (William) Six Anthems. . .with an accom- paniment for the (Jrgaii or Piano Forte. London, Addison Hollier it Lucas, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (1.) See Beethoven (L. \an) [Mass in C] Prai.se the Loid. O my Soul. Anthem. . .Adapted. . .by W. Patten, fol. VI. A. 5. (2.) See RiGHlNl (V.) O praise the Lord. . .Anthem. . . adapted. . .by W. Patten, fol. VI. A. 13. (2.) PAUER (Ernst) The Art of Pianoforte Playing, etc. London: Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 4°. LXX. C. 30. (2.) One of Novello, Ewer and Co.'s ' 3Iusic Primers.' The Art of Pianoforte Playing. Third Edition. London : Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 4:°. One of Novello's Music Primers. XXIX. C. 26. The British Guards. Quick Step . . . Military Band (Score) by C. Gurlitt. Amjener tfc Co. London, etc. fol. LX. C. 15. (3.) R.C.M.C. PAUER (Ern.st) New Gradus ad Parnassum. 100 St udies for the Pianoforte .selected . . . and revised by K. Pauer. (i pt. London. Auqener & Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 8. I'j. Pauer's Three Lectures on the History of the Oratorio. . .Syllabus and Musical Illustrations. 3 pt. Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. \Lond(in."\ 1872-5. S". IX. G. 21. Marche Triomphale pour le Piano a 4 mains . . . Op. 18. Londres, Schott . PEEEZ— PHILIDOB. 267 PEREZ (Davidde) Mattutino de' Morti, rtr. [Full Score.] Lowlra. Frcsso JR. Bnnirncr, dr. t'ol. XVII. C. 25. See Delizih dkll' Opkhu. Lc Delizie dell' Opere. Being . . . Song.s . . . from . . . Operas coinpos'd by . . . Perez, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 1. PERGOLESI (Giovanni Battista) [Coiifitel)or. Sanctum et terribile mmiezi.] O Lord, liave Mercy upon me. An Anthem for a Bass or Baritone Voice . . . with the last movement adapted as a Vocal Quartett and an Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, by V. Novello. Lundon . . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVII. C. 26. (3.) [Confitebor. Sanctum et terribile nonien.] O Lord, have Mercy upon me, etc. Loiuhm. . .(iouklim/, D'Almalue, Potter d: Co., etc. fol. XVII. C. 26. (4.) [Confitebor. Sanctum et terribile.] O Lord have Mercy. . .[Air] arranged by Dr. J. Clarke. London . . .Bircludl & Co., etc. fol. XVIIL B. 29. (11.) [Domine ad adjuvandum me.] Mottetto. [For chorus and orchestra. Full Score. Edited bv Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (8.) [Another copy. Domine ad adjuvandum me.] Motetto, etc. [London.] fol. VI. E. 1. (8.) Miserere a Quatre Voix. [Full Score.] A Poii.t, chez Pleyel, etc. fol. XVII. C. 27. Missa [in F.] (Kyiie et Gloria in excelsis Deo.). . . Partitura. Vienna, presso S. A. Steiner e Com}), fol. XVII. C. 26. (1.) Missa, etc. [in D. Kyrie and Part of Gloria, in full score. Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (7.) Lord, have mercy upon me. See supra : [Conjitehor. Sanctum, et terribile nomen.] The Celebrated Salve Regina. London. Printed .. .hy L Wal.'p. "J. [Parts.] London. . . Longninn aiul Broderip, etc. fol. LXI. D. 8. (16.) PIERNE (Gauuiki, Mauie) Concerto en Ut mineur )ioui- I'iano. . . (Kuv. 12. Piano seul, f'<<". Paris. A. Ledue, etc. fol. LXII. E. 10. (8.) PIERRE (('on'siant) Musiquc exi'cutce aux Fetes Nationales do. la Revolution fran(;ai.se (Chant, Choeurs et Orchestre) recuBilli(! et mise en partition . . . et accomp.ignce p. .'iO. Pfte. Score. Loudon, Eiver <(; Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (4.) PIGGOTT— PLAYFOED. ■209 PIGGOTT (Gkokgk) Sre Coiiv.ua (A.) Twelve Solos . . . with an Aceompanimciit ... by G. Piggott. Opera 5. [1849.] fol. " LVIII. E. 22. PINSUTI (('iito Ekcom;) It i.s not always May. [Trio for S. S. A.] L,ni,h,i, . . . L. C.rl- A': Co., ct<: fol. XXXII. B. 32. (18.) Tell me, Flora, l^ut Song. Words by M. Dcigli. Lotiihni : Niwrllo, Ein-r ,{: '('<>., eU: 8°. X. F. 8. (32.) PINTO (UiioRfiK Fredeiuck) Four Canzonets and a Son.ita. . .likewise a Fantasia it Sonata for the Piano Forte, etc. G. Agiutti . . .Edinhnnili, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 26. (7.) A prcseniaiion copij in J. W. Wiiidndr fraiii C. Nidtc. Two Grand Sonatas for the Piano Forte. . .Op. .'5. Printed for the Author, tic. fol. LXII. D. 25. (7.) [Another copy.] Two (irand Sonatas, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 3. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LXII. D. 22. (6.) Three Sonatas for the Piano-Forte. . .Op. 4. W. TnrnhuU, etc. fol. LXII. D. 22. (7.) PINTO (Thom.^s) Six Solos for the ^'iolin with a Figured Ba.ss for the Harpsichonl nat(! fiir das Piano-Forte. . .(Euvrc 10. In WicnbeyJ.CiipindCo. 06/. fol. XXIX. A. 19. (2.) See Meykrheek (G.) Koljort le Diable ... Partition de piano, arrangee par .1. P. Pixis. fol. XXIV. B. 13. See Spoiir (L.) Fau.st. . .Ojicr. . .ini Klavicrauszuge von P. Pixis. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 14. PLACCI (Giuseppe) Three Italian Canzonets. . .with an Accompaniment for the Piano Fortr, .7c. London ...G. P. Citladini, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (7.) The titlc-putje is signed hy the composer. PLAIDY (LoDis). Tecnische Studien fiir das Piano- forte-spiel. . .Zweite. . .Ausgabe, etc. Leipziii . . . Breitleopf & Hdrtel. fol. LXX. B. 23^ (1.) PLAIN CHANT. Plain Chant for the Chief Masses and \'espers throughout the year, and for the Exposition, Salut and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, etc. Compiled for the use of W — d — r Chapel. London. . .J. P. Corjhlan, etc. 178S. 8°. LXIII. B. 2. The staves alone are printed, for the insertion of the notes in manuscript. PLATER (Edward) See Beale (W.) Posthumous Glees. . . Edited by E. Plater. 4°. X. E. 30. (1.) PLAYFORD (Henry) The Divine Companion ; or David's Harp new Tun'd. Being a Choice Colleirtion of... Psalms, Hymns and Anthems. . .Coiupos'd by the best Masters ... the Fourth Edition, with large Additions. (The Second Book of the Divine Com- panion . . . Being a Choice Collection of . . . P.salms, Hymns and Anthems for one, two, three, four and five voices... set by several Eminent Masters, etc.) 2 j)t. London :... W. Pearson, etc. 1722. 8". IX. D. 31. PLAYFORD (.John) Psalms A- Hymns in So.emn .Musiek of foure Parts on the Common Tunes to the Psalms in Metre . . . Also Six Hymns for one Voyce to the Organ, etc. London, Printed hy W. Godbid for J. Playford, etc. 1 67 1 . fol. L A. 15. The Whole Book of Psalms . . . Composed in Three Parts. . .The Fifth Edition, corrected and amended. London. . .J. Uep)tinstall,for the Company of Stationers, etc. 1699. 8°. " IX. D. 32. The Whole Book of Psalms. . .The Fifteentii Edition, corrected and amended. London,. . . W. Pearson, for the Company of Stationers, etc. 1719. 8". IX. D. 33. The Whole Book of Psalms . . . The Eighteenth Edition ; done on the New-ty'd Note, Corrected and Amended. London :... W. Pearson, for the Company of Stationers, etc. 1729. 8°. IX. D. 34. The Whole Book of Psalms . . . The Nineteenth Edition . . . Corrected and Amended. To which is added, a new Inti-oduction to Psalmody. Loitdon : ...A. Pearson, for the (Jompany if Stationets. etc. 1758. 8". " IX. D. 35. 270 PLAYFOED— PLEYEL. PLAYFORD (John) The Whole Book of Psalms . . . The Tweutietli Edition, Corrected, . . . With . . . the Addition of Tliirteen new Psalm-Tunes and Three. . . Anthems. . .by J. Fox, etc. London: B. Brown, etc. 1757. 8". IX. D. 36. See Lawes (H.) a Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David... Set to New Tunes. . .And in this Edition .Revised and Corrected. . .By J. Playford. 1676. 8". I. E. 1. (1.) See Musical Compaxiox. [The Pleasant Mubioal Compamon. . .Collected. . .by J. Playford, etc.'\ [1672.] obi. 40. I. E. 34. PLEYEL (IcNAZ Joseph) A Third Concertaute adapted for the Piano Forte with an Accompaniment for the Yiolin. London. . . Broderip & Wilhinson, etc fol. LXII. E. 12, (10.) A Grand Duett for Two Performers on • 17. Parts.] fol. LXII. A. 13. (4.) Trois [Six] Duos pour Deux Violons. . .Q'juvre 24. 2 Nos. Bonnchez N.Siinrock. fol. LXII. B. 17. (5.) Six Duetts for Two Violins. . .Op. ;!G. [I'aits.] London. ..Preston, etc. fol. LXII. A. 11. (9.) Duos faciles. . .]>our deu.K Violons. Up. 18. A Offenhach s/M., chez J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 17. (6.) Trois Grands Duos pour Violon ct Alto. . .Oeuvrc 09. A Offenbach s/M., chez J. Andre, fol. LXIL B. 18. (7.) J)ouzo Nouveaux (.Juatuors, etc. I Livr. [Parts.] A Paris, chez Lnbault, etc. fol. LXI. D. 4. (9.) PLEYEL (Ignaz Joseph) Douze Nouveaux Quatuors . . . Nouvelle Edition. 4 Livr. [Parts.] A Paris, chez Pleyel, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (23-34.) Six Quatuors. . .QSuvre I. [Parts.] .1 Paris. Chez I. Pleyel et Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (35-40.) [Another Edition.] Sei t^uartetti . . . Opera I. [Parts.] Vienna, presso P. Groeffer, etc. fol. LXI. E. 5. Six Quatuors . . . CEuvre 2«. [Parts.] A Paris chez I'Auteur, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (41-46.) Six Quatuors Conceitans . . . QSu\re S^. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez P" Pleyel et Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (47-52.) Six Quatuors. . .Q2uvre 4. [Parts.] A Paris, chez I. Pleyel et Fils aine, etc. fol. LXI. D. 2. (53-58.) Six Quartetts. . .Dedicated to. . .the Prince of Wales. (7"' Sett.) [Parts.] London. . .Preston, etc. fol. LXI. D. 4. (6.) Six Quatuors pour Deux Violons, Alto «fe Basse. . . 8" Livre de Quatuors. l" Partie. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez Lmbault, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (19.) Three Quartettos. . .Op. 9. [Parts.] London... W. Forster, etc. fol. LXL E. 1. (8.) An Eighth Sett of Six Quartetts. . .Op. 23. [Parts.] London. . .Preston, etc. fol. LXL D. 4. (7.) Tre Quartetti ridotti per due Violiui Viola e Basso, ricavati dalle tre piu belle Sinfouie del Sig'' I. Pleyel. Opera 37. [Parts.] In Vienna presso Artaria Comp. fol. LXI. D. 4. (8.) Pleyel's Sonata for the Piano Forte with Accom- paniment for a Flute oi' Violin. Dublin... Gough, etc. fol. LXII. E. 14. (4.) The P. F. part only. Si.x Sonatas for the Pian(j Forte or Harpsichord ; with an Accompaniment for a Flute or Violin, and Violoncello, etc. [Parts.] London. . . Broderip d: Wilkinson, etc. fol. LX. A. 10. The Accompaniments are issued by different publishers. Three Trios Concertants for a Violin, Viola and a Viohmcello. . .Op. xi. [Parts.] London... M. Barf ord, etc. fol. LXII. A. 2. (3.) Three [or rather Six] Trios for Two Violins and a Violoncello. . .Op. XVI. 2 Bks. [Parts.] Lotidon . . . Loni/iiian and Broderip, etc. fol. LXII. A. 2. (1-2.) See CosTELLOw (T.) Sunday's Amusement. A Selection of Sacred Music. , .selected from. . .Pleyel, etc. 8". IX. C. 24. See ConFE (J.) A Third Set of. . .Glees. . .arranged from the Melodies of. . .Pleyel, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 22. (1.) ^e MoZAur (W. A.) L'Enlevcment du Scrail . . . redige par I. Pleyel, etc. obi. fol. XXVI. D. 1. See Thomson (G.) A Select Collection of ... Scotch Airs. . .With Symphonies . . . S: Acconiiianiinents . . . by Pleyel, f(c. [1817-181S.] fol. XXXII. D. 5. PLOWDEN— POTTEE. 271 PLOWDEN (D.) Viri;itii;i. A Comic Opera in Three Acts. . .()|iora I. Ch'mcnti, liiini/tr, Hj/ili', Colhiril ,{• Davis, etc. [1800.] fol. XXXII. A. 21. (3.) The Titlr-pnije is siijncd hi/ tlir lyimjinscr. POESINGER (FitANZ Alkxandku) Trois Qiiatuois . . .Op. 18. [Parts.] A Vicnnc clicz Ariarla H ('omp. fol. LXI. C. 4. (28.) Trois Grand Trios Concertantes pour Violon, Alto et Violoncello. . .No. ;!. [Parts.] Virnne. An Miiijitsui ih> rimjirimrric chiiiiiqne, lir. fol. LXIII. D. 20. (9.) POGLIETTI (Ale.ssandro) Wiener Klavier - und Orj^'i'lwerke aus der zweiten Hiilfte des 17 Jahr- hunderts: A. Poglietti . . . Bearbeitet von H. Botstiber. 1906. See Denkmaelek. Denkraiiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, I'Ir. XIIT. Jahrg. Zweiter Teil. 1894, elc. fol. XXXIII. D. 33. (2.) POISE (Jean Alexandre Ferdinand) [Le Petit Noel] Little Christmas. A Village Legend, witli music for Ladies' Voices. . .the Drama written by K. J)ubrcuil, translated ... by W. C. Masters. Limdon, Lomhorn Cod- (i Co., rtc. [1872.] 8". IX. A. 12. (3.) POLE (William) The Hundredth Psalm. Motett for eight voices. Lonrloti, priiiti'iJ far ihe Aiithar. 8°. IX. A. 6. (2.) A presentation copij to Sir Georije Grove, with an autograph inscription d' letter inserted. [Another copy.] The Hundredth Psalm. Motett for eight voices. London, Printed fur the Author. 8". A presentation eopij from the composer. IX. G. 23. POLLEDRO (Giovanni Batti.sta) Tiio pour Deux Violons et Basse. . .Oeuv. 2. h Leipsic. Chez Breithopf & Hiirtel. fol. LXI. E. 7. (13.) Variations sur I'air ' Nel cor piii non mi sento ' pour le Violon avec . . . deux Violons, Alto et Violoncelle. Oeuvre 3. [Parts.] a Vienne cliez P. Mechelli, etc. fol. LXI. C. 7. (58.) POLLINI (Francesco) Fantasia per Piano-Forte. Composta. . .sopra il Duetto 'Quel Sepolcro'. . .nell' Opera ' L' Agnese'. . .Opera 32. Mihino . . . G. Bicordi, etc. fol. LXII. D. 22. (5.) Metodo pel Clavicembalo, etc. Milano. Presso G. Bicordi, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 44. POLLY. Polly ; an Opera. Being the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. For the Voice, Harpsichord and Violin. London. . .Harrison vutus Sung to < )h lead me, etc. s. alt. fol. II. A. 20. (7.) Dido and ^neas. A Tragic (Jpera, in Three Acts . . . Edited by (x. A. !Macfarren. London, Printed for the Members of the Musical Antiquarian Societi/, etc. [1S41.] fol. XXXIV. 11. (1.) The Vocal and Instrumental jNIusick of the Prophetess, or the History of Diod&sian, etc. [Full Score.] London, Printed hi/ J. Hejjt install, for the Author, etc. 1 69 1. fol. ' ' II. A. 9. Elegies upon the...Lo.ss of... Queen Mary. Sec Blow (J.) and Purcell (H.) 1693. fol. I. G. 40. (3.) Some Select Song.s as they are Sung in Fairy Queen. (The Dialogue in. . .The Fairv (^ueen. ) 1^ pts. London, Printed In/ J. Heptinstall, for the Autla.r, etc. 1692. fol. ' I. G. 13. (1.) A Fool's Preferment, oi-. The Three liukes of Dunstable. A Comedy. . .written by Mr. D'Urfey. Together, with all the Songs and Notes to 'em . . . Compos'd by Mr. Henry Purcell. 1688, etc. Printed for J. Knight, and F. Saunders .. .[London.] 1688. 4", I. C. 30. The Songs in the Indian CJueen : As it is now Compos'd into an Opera, etc. London, Printed hij J. Hiptinslall ; and are to be sold by John May ... And fir Jolin Hudc/butt at Tho. Drinq's, etc. 169^. fol. ■ I. G. 40. (4.) Thi.'iieen. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 20. {2.) King Arthur. [Act T and part of Ait II. Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 19. (5.) No more pidjlished. Another copy.] King .Vrlhur. | IMilcd by (loodisoii.] London.'' fnl. XXIV! D. 20. (3.) PURCfiLL (Henry) [III. Secular Vocal Music] [King Arthur.] The Songs, Airs, Duetts and Choruses, in . . . Iviug Arthur ... by Purcel and Dr. Arne. London, Printed fir Longman Lid-ey i-t Co., etc. fnl. XXIV. D. 21. A booh of the words is inserted. [Another copy.] The Songs, Airs, Duetts and Chorusses in . . . King Arthur . . .by Purcel and Dr. Arne. London, Printed for Longman Lulcey tt Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 46. '(1.) [Another edition.] The Songs, Airs, Duet.s &. Chorusses in the Mas(|ue of King Arthur... by Purcel and Dr. Arne. ./. Johnston, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 24. (3.) King Arthur. An Opera in Five Acts. . .Edited by E. Taylor, etc. London, Printed for the Members of the Musical Antiquarian Society, etc. 184:;. fol. XXXIV. C. 11. (3.) King Arthur. Fairest Isle.] Lo 1 He comes. Hymn. Adapted by R. Andrews.] Manchester, It. Andrews, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (6.) The Music of the Masque in QCdipus. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 19. (4.) [Another copy.] The Music of the Masque in G^dipus. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 20. (4.) A Pastoral Elegy on the Death of Mv. John Playford. London, Printed for Henry Playford, 1687. fol. II. A. 21. The Tempest. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (1.) Prefi.red is Ooodison's Proposal for printing Piircell's 10.JI lis, with a list of subscribers. [Another edition.] The Music in the Tempest. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 20. (1.) The Original Muslck iu the Tempest, as composed by Purcell, Dr. Arne and Linley. . .The Oyerture and . . . New Music composed it the whole arranged by J. Davy, etc. London. . . W. Turnbull, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 21. a. The Musick iu the Comedy of The Tempest, in score. Jjondon . . . Harrison it: Co., etc. obi. fol. XXVII. B. 21. (2.) A New Edition of the . . . Music in the Tempest . . . Revised and corrected by Doctor Busby. Jjondon. . . Broderip (t Wilkinson, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 24. (2.) Theodosius. See Thkodosius. Theodosius ... A Tragedy . . . With the Musick betwixt the Acts. [By" H." Purcell.] 1680. 4°. I. C. 29. (7.) IV. Tn.s'j'ku mental Music A Collection of Ayres, Compos'd for the Theatre, and upon other Occasions, etc. [Parts.] 4 pts. London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Frances Purcell, etc. i6<)']. fol. II. B. 19. A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet . . . the third Edition with Additions it Instructions for beginers. [L.,ond(in.] Printed on Ci)p2'er Plates for Mrs. Frances Piueell. ric. old. I". II. C. 29. PURCELL— EADOUX. 277 PURCELL (IIknry) [IV. Instrumental Music] Ten Sonata's in four parts, cii'. [Pai-ts.] London, Priiilcd hi/ J. llcjttiii.itall, fur Frances Purcell, etc. 1697. fol. II. B. 20. [Two Vdluntiiries for Organ, attributed to Purcell. Edited by Goodisou.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (5.) V. Appendix. Sef Bi,o\v (J.) and Purcell (H.) A Choice Collection of Lessons ... By ... Dr. John Blow, and the late Mr. Henry Purcell, etc. 1705. ohl. 1". II. C. 21. (1.) Sue CuoFT (^\^) t^i.x. Select Anthems ... by ... H. Purcell, etc. fol. I. A. 17. (3.) See Don Quixote. New Songs in ... Don Quixote . . .set to Musick by. . .Mr. Henry Purcell, c/c. 1696. fol. L G. 12. (3.) See Hakmonia Sacra. Harmouia Sacra . . . The first Book. The '2d. Edition . . . also four . . . Anthems of the late j\Ir. 11. Purcell's, never before Printed. 1703. fol. I. G. 27. (1.) See Harpsichord Master. The Third l>ook of th(^ Harpsichord Master ... at the end ... is added . . . Jlules for Learners, made by. . .i\Ir. Hen. Purcell. 1702. ohl. 4". I. F. 10. (2.) Sec LixLEY (W.) Shakespeare's. . .Songs. . .selected . . .from the works of Purcell, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 4. (S'ee Thesaurus Musicus. Thesaurus Musicus ... liy . . .H. Purcell, etc. fol. XXV. C. 29. See Williams (A.) Koyal Harmony . . . Containing . . .Anthems. . .by. . .Mr. H. Purcell, itr. 1766. ohl. fol. XL C. 52. PURCELL (Henry) and BLOW (John) The Cacdi Club or Merry Companions, being a Choice Collection of the most diyerting Catches for three and four Voices, etc. (The Secojul Book of the Catch Club, etc.) 2 pt. London. Printed for I. Wahli, etc. ohl. 4:". X. C. 21. PURCELL (Henry) and ECCLES (John) A C(illection of Songs set to Musick by Mr. Henry Purcell & Mr. John Eceles. \ London :] Printed and Sold hij Tho: Cross, etc. fol. II. A. 22. The last i leaves are mutilated. PYE (Kellow John) Spirit serene & pale. Glee fi ir four voices, etc. London . . . W. Hawes, etc. fol. XXXn. C. 1. (16.) Presented hy the composer to J. W. Wind.svr. Turn Thee again, O Lord. Anthem, etc Gresham Prize Composition, No. 2. London, J. A. ^''ol■ello, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (1.) PYNE (James Kendrick) Begin the gay Chorus. Prize Glee, for four voices, etc. London . . . Monro tt- Mail, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (17.) Presented by the composer to J. W. yVindior. The Choral Meeting, iladrigal for fiye voices, etc. London, Monro t£- 3Iay, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (18.) Presented hy the compose!- to J. W. Windsor. PYNE (James Kendrick) Hail God of Song. A Glee fol- four voices, etc. London . . . W. Haiees, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (19.) Presented hy the composer to J. W. Windsor. The Jubilate and Nunc Dimittis. . .for 4 voices with an accompaniment for the (Jrgan or Piano Forte. London. Puhlished .. .by the Author, etc. 1835. fol. VI. A. 13. (7.) Gresham Priz(! Composition. Anthem for 5 voices. 'Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles.' G.Milsom& Son... Bath. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (12.) AVhen the pearly dews are steeping. . .Glee for four \oices, etc. fol. London. . .T. C. Bates, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (20.) Presented hy the compoxer to J. W. Windsor. PYRRHUS AND DEMETRIUS. Songs in the NfW Opera, call'd Pyrrhus and Demetrius. . .done from the Original by . . . M"^ Armstrong. . .also he hath made words to 17 of y'^ Italian Songs, eir. L Walsh.. .c(: P. Randall'etc. fol. XXXII. B. 7. (4.) Adajjted /;// JV. Hayrn from A. Scarlatti: the name (f the former alone occurs. QUAKER'S OPERA. The Quaker's Opera. As it is Perform'd at Lee's and Harper's . . . Booth iu Bartholomew-Fair. [By T. Walker.] With the Musick pretix'd to each Song. Loudon : Printed for J. W[atis], etc. 1728. 8". X. E. 3. (7.) [Another copy.] The Quaker's Opera, etc. London : Printed for J. W[atts], etc. 1728. 8". X. E. 13. (5.) QUANTZ (Johann Joachim) Solos for a German Flute or Violin with a Through Bass for the H.-irpsi- cord or \'iuliincello. . .Opera Quarta. London. Printed f,r I. Walsh, etc. fol. LXII. B. 12. (3.) QUARLES (Charles) Lesson, etc. [Harpsichord. Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol. XXIV. D. 18. (11.) QUARTETT. Neugebohrnes musikalisehes Gleichheits- kind, ein Quartett fiir 3 Violiuen und Viohmcell, welche ohue Fingersetzung bios mit leeren Saiten gcspielt \vird und doch eine .schiine Harmonie biklel. [Parts.] Pnoj hey Haas, etc. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (1.) QUEEN MAB. The Songs in Queen Mab. As they are perform'd at the Theatre Rf)yal in Drury Lane. Printed hy J. Oswald, etc. fol. I. G. 37. (29.) RADESCA (Enrico) Messe a Quattro Voci, del Radesca di Foggia . . . Libro Primo. Per sonare nell' Organo. Basso continuato. In Milano, Appresso V herede di Simon Tint, & Filippo Lomazzo. 1604. 4". I. C. 15. RADICATI (Felice) Quintetto pour deux Violons, deux Altos et Violoncelle. . .Oeuv: .wii. [Parts,] (I Mayence, chez B. Schoit. fol. LXI. B. 6. Quintetto pour 2 Violons, 2 Altos, et Violoncelle . . . Oeuvrf:'21. [Parts.] a Yienm chez J. Cappi. fol. LXL B. 1. (43.) RADOUX (Jean Theodore) Solfeges de Coucours a changements de clefs. I" Volume. ./. Grajfait . . . Lie.je. fol. LXX. D. 7. (10.) A presentation copy to Sir G. Grove front the com- poser, 1883. 278 EADZIWIL— RAUZZTNT. RADZIWIL (Anton von) Prince. Compositioiieu zu (uithe's Faust . . . Klavierauszug von J. P. >Schiiiiflt. T. Traatiwin . . . Berlin, etc. [1835.] fol. XXIV. D. 23. RAFF (Joseph .Joachim) Concert fih- die Violiiie . . . Op. 161. KlavieiauszuQ;, cic. Lcip~.iii. C. F. W. Sie,jel, etc. t\,l. " LXII. B. 3. (7.) Concert fiii- ila.s Pianoforte mit Bejileituug de.s Orchester.s . . . Op. 18.3. Partitur. Leijtziij, a F. W. Siigel, etc. 8°. LXIII. C. 26. (1.) Concert fiir da.s Pianoforte ... Op. liS.J. Piano- fortcstimmc. Leipzig. C. F. W. Siegel, etc. fol. LXII. E. 11. (1.) Concert No. 2 fiir die Violinc niit Be<,deitiinfj des Oi-chesters. . .Oj). iOO. Partitur. Leipzig, C. P. W. Siegel etc. S". LXIII. C. 26. (3.) Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott. Ouverture . . . fiir grosses Orehester . . . Op. 127. Partitur. Leipzig, F. Hofmeisf>r, etc. 8". LXIII. C. 28. (2.) [Sechs Gesiinge. Op. 184. No. 1.] Day is at last departing. A Trio for Female Voices, the words translated. . .bv the Rev. J. Troutbeck . . .Op. ISi. London : Noiello, Ewer <(• Co., etc. 8". X. F. 12. (20.) Gro.s.se Sonate fiir Pianoforte it Violine . . ."p. 73. J. Sehih.-rt]( & Co. Hamburg, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. Suite . . . fiir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. . .Op. 200. Partitur. Leipzig, C. F. W. Siegel, etc. 8°. LXIII. C. 26. (2.) Suite . . . (B flat) pour le Piano ... Op. 204. Lomlon: Metzler A- Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (7.) Ini Walde. Sinfonie (No. 3. F dur) fiir grosses Oreliester. . .Op. l-")3. Partitur. Leipzig. F. Eistner. 8". LXIII. A. 18. I Another eo])v.] Tin AValde. . . Op. 1.5:1. Partitur. Leipzig, F. A'/.v/«(/-. S". LXIII. C. 27. Svinplionie No. iv, in G moll fiir grosses Orehester ... Op. 167. Partitur. Leipzig. J. Schnherth . 205. Partitur. Leipzig, C. F. W. Siegel, etc. S". LXIII. C. 30. (2.) Im Sommer. Symphonie (No. '.) iu V. moll) fiii- grosses Orehester ... Oj). 208. Partitur. Leipzig, a F. W. Siegel, etc. K'>. LXIII. C. 3L 'I'arantella for Pianoforte Duet. London, Awjener & Co. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 30. (8.) RAPf* (.Joseph .Jo.\cni.M) 3'"" Grand Trio ])our Piano, A'iolon et Violoueelle . . . Op. 155. Berlin if PoMin. E.Bote & G.Boclc. fol. LXI. E. 9. (5.) Viertes Grosses Trio fiir Pianoforte, Violinc uuil Violoncell. . .Op. 158. Berlin. . .Biefi d- Erler. fol. LXI. E. 9. (6.) RAIMONDI (Ir,N.\Zio) A Duett for a N'ioliii and Tenor. [Parts.] London. . .T. Monzani, etc. fol. LXII. A. 15. (4.) RAIMONDI (PiKTRo) Stabat Mater a tre voci. . . in Partitura e ridotto con accomp'" di solo Piano Forte dal ... Cav. Corigliauo di Rignano. Napoli, Presso G. a card, etc. ohl. fol. XI. C. 37. RAMEAU (Je.\n Philippe) A Collecti(m of Lessons for tlie Harpsicord ... Opera Seeonda. L.ondon. Printed for L. Wahli, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 40. (1.) A 2'' Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord . . . Oj)era 3™. London. Printed for L. Wuhli, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 40. (2.) Five Concertos for the Harp.sicord . . . Accompanied with a Violin or German Flute or two Violins or Viola, and some Select Pieces for the Harpsicord alone. London. Printed for L. TT a/.s7j, etc. fol. LX. A. 12. 22 Pieces de Clavecin, etc. .1 Paris, cliez M'"" V" Launer, etc. fol. LXII. E. 18. (2.) [Platee.] Balletsuite aus Platee . , . cingerichtet von H. Kretsehmar. Partitur. J^eipzig, J. Bietcr-Biedermann. 1895. fol. LX. C. 15. (4.) RANDEGGER (Alberto) Singing. London : Novella, Ewer and Co., etc. 4". XXIX. C. 27. One of Novello's Music Primers. RAUZZINI (ViON.vNZio) Cease to blame my melan- choly. . .Song witli an Accompanimei\t for the Piano- forte, etc. London. . .Ljongnion (C Broderip, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (8.) A Periodical Collection of Vocal ^lusic (never before printed). . .in two volumes. Vol i. Printed for the Author, by G. Stcart. . .Bath, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 25. The title-page is signed by the composer. A Periodical Collection of Vocal Music. . . \'ol. 11. London. Printed for the Author hi/ A. C. Farthing, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (11.) The title-page is signed by the composer. Cyntliia, [Song] . . . Written liy P. Pindar, etc. [P. F. Score.] London. . .Preston <(: Son, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (9.) Cynthia, etc. [Song. Full Score.] London . . . Preston <£• Son, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (5.) [Didone.] The Favourite Songs in the Opera Didone. [Full Score.] Tjondon. . .B. Bremncr, etc fol. Pp. 30-57 only. XXIV. D. 27. Twelve Italian Duettinos for (wo Voices with a Thorough Bass. . .Ojiera v. London. . . Welcker, etc. obi. 8". X. C. 24. Gentle Anna's Love, etc. [Song. Full Score.] London. . .Preston d: Son, etc. fol, XXIV. D. 24. (6.) 1IAU//INI— KKBEL. •27!) RAUZZINI (Vkxanzio) <> (lowing Fountain, etc. [Song. KuU Score.] Lundon . . . Preston & Son, etc.. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (3.) Old Olivet', rir tlio Dying Slici)henl. .\ (!antata, written by P. Pindar, etc. Loinhm . . . Loiiijman tt Brodcrip, etc. f.,1. XXIV. D. 24. (7.) [Pyramus and Thisho.] A Selection from Pyramus and 'i'hysbe. A Cantata, etc. [Full Score] London. . .R. Bremner, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (1.) Twelve Solfeggi, or Exercises for the V'oice, etc. 2 \ ols. London. . . GouJding, Phipiia, D' Almnine d Co., etc. fol. XXIV. D. 26. A jjrcscntatioii copij from the composer to Mr. Windsor. ]Vnntin(j tltc pnrlrtiit. The Topsail tills, the waving Bark unmoors. . .Song, etc. [Full Score.] London. . .Prexton <{■ Son, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (2.) The Village Maid. . .Song, etc. [Full Score.] London . . . Preston li Son, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (4.) ^\'hy my Ointhia why this care. Hondo with an Accompaniment for a Piano Forte, etc. Loudon . . . Preston t(- Son, etc. fol. XXIV. D. 24. (10.) RAVENSCROFT (JoHx) Senate a Tre. DoiViolini ('. Violone, o Arcileuto col f5asso per 1' Organo . . . Opera Prima. [Parts.] .1 Amsterdum cliez E. Boi/cr, etc. fol. LX'l. D. 1. (4.) RAVENSCROFT (Thomas) A J'.riefe Discourse, Of the true (liut neglected) vse of Charact'ring the Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, and Diminu- tion in Measurable Musicke. . .Examples whereof are exprest in the Harmony of 4. Voyces, Concerning the Pleasure of .5. vsuall Kecreations. 1. Hunting, '2. Hawking, 3. Dauncing, 4. Drinking, ■"). Enamouring. London. Printed ]>i/ Edw. Allde for Tho. Adams. 1614. 1". " II. E. 41. (4.) The musical craniples ore hy John Bennct, Edicnrd Pierce or Piers and Thomas Ravenscroft. \ Deuteromelia : or the Second part of JNlusicks melodic, etc. [Edited hy Thomas Ravenscroft.] 1605. 4". Sec Deutekomelia. II. E. 41. (2.) In the merry Spring. Dialogue for four Voices. Arranged. — And adapted by T. Oliphant. London : Novello, Ewer d- Co., etc. 8". X. F. 12. (21.) ISIelismata. Musicall Phansies, etc. [Edited by Thomas Ravenscroft.] 161 1. 4". .Vec Melismata. II. E. 41. (3.) Pammelia. Musicks Miscellanie, etc. [Collected l)v T. Ravenscroft.] 1609. 4". See Pammelia. I. D. 36. Pammelia. Musickes Miscellanie, etc. [Collected by T. Ravenscroft.] 1618. 4". See Pammelia. II. E. 41. (1.) Twelve Rounds A' Canons . . . from ' Pammelia ' & ' Deuteromelia,' <7c. [London,^ 1864. 4°. IX. A. 19. (18.) Part of ' The Choir <(• Musical Record.' RAVENSCROFT (Tiioma.s) The Whole Booke of Psalmes : with the Hymnes Evangelical), and Songs Spirituall, Composed into 4 pai-ts by sundry Authors, with such seuerall Tunes as haue bcene, and are vsually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, Fi-ance, and the Netherlands . . . Also: A briefe Al)stract of the . . . Vertuc of the Psalmes. Newly corr(!cted and enlarged, etc. London : Printed hy Thomas llorper for the Company of Stationers, 1633. 8°. I. E. 7. .V Reprint of all the Tunes in Ravenscroft s Book of Psalms. With Introductory Remarks. J'^dited by the Rev. W. H. Havergal. London : J. A. Novello, etc. 1845. 4". IX. E. 12. See Gav/tiiorn (N.) Harmoniae Perfecta. A . . . Collection of Psalm Tunes . . . Taken . . . chieHy from Mr. Ravenscroft, f/f. 1730. 8". IX."c. 29. See Smith (B.) The Harmonious Companion. Collected from Mr. Thomas Ravenscroft, etc. 1732. IX. C, 13. (2.) RAVINA (Jean Henri) 25 Etudes Carateristiques . . . pour le Piano, etc. Paris. . .S. Lemoinc, etc. fol. LX. A. 13. RAYMOND (Hippolyte) See Chants et Chansons. [Chants et Chansons. . .de la France. . .Accompagne- meut de Piano par H. Raymond, (■((•.] 1^". X. A. 34. REA (William) O give Thanks unto the Ltjrd. [Anthem.] London : Novello, Ewer tt Co. 8". IX. A. 18. (44.) READ (Fkeiikrkjk .John) Sigurd. A Cantata for Men's Voices, the words. . .by P. H. Ditchfield. London, J. Williams, etc. 8". X. E. 27. (1.) READ (John Francis Holcombe) Psyche. A Dra- matic Cantata for solo voices it chorus, with accom- jianiment for piano, the words by \ . A. C. Amcotts. Lioidon, Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 8". X. E. 28. A. (2.) REAY (Samuel) Here let's join in Harmony. Mad- rigalian Part Song. Lotidmi. Novello, Elver (t Co., etc. 8". X. F. 9. (13.) See Bach (J. S.) \3Icr huhn en nrne Oherkeet.] The Peasants' Cantata. . .edited. . .by S. Reay. [1882.] 8°. ' X. E. 19. (2.) See Bach (.1. S.) [Schnwii/et stille.] The Cotlee Cantata. . .edited. . .by S. Reay. [1882.] 8". X. E. 19. (2.) READING (John) A Book of new Anthems Con- taining a Hundred Plates fairly Engraven with a Thorough Bass figur'd for the Organ or Harjisichord with projier Retornels, etc. [col.] P. Bates seulji. l". 1. C. 16. A Book of New Songs (after the Italian manner) with Symphonies & a Through-Bass Fitted to the Harpsichord itc. All within y° Compass of the Flute, and fairly Engraven on Copper Plates, etc. London Printed for y' Author, etc. fol. II. A. 23. REBEL (FBANf;ois) and FRANCOEUR (Francois) Le Ivetour du Roy a Paris. Dialogue. . .Les Paroles sont de Mr. Roy, etc [Paris,] 1744. oil. fol. XXVI. C. 15. 280 EEBLING— EEICHAEDT. REELING (GuSTAv) Son.ite fii Violoncello. . .Op. '22. HeinrichnJiofen, etc. fol. Pianoforte luul Magdebitrij . . . LXII. C. 6. (18.) REDFORD (JoHX^ Rejoice in the Loid. Anthem for Advent, rfc. \Loudon,] 1863. 4°. IX. A. 19. (12.) Part of ' The Choir cC Musical BeconL' REEVE (William) The Cabinet. A Comic Opera . . .Words by T. Dibdin, the music by Mess'* Reeve, Davy, Moorhead A- Braham. London . . . J. Dale, etc. fol. XXV. A. 2. (2.) The Caravan, or the Driver and his Dog. A Grand - Serio-Coniic Romance. . .the Words by F. Reynolds. London. . .J. Dale, etc. [1S03.] fol. XXXII. A. 12. (4.) The Gypsies Glee, etc. W. <(■ S. Wi/hroir, etc fol. ■ XXXII. C. 1. (21.) Narensky, the Overture. Songs, Duet & Trio iu the above Opera. . .The Poetry by C. Brown. London. . . Preston, etc. fol. " " XXXII. A. 20. (3.) The Overture, Favorite Songs, Duetts & Chorusse> in the. . .Pantomime Ballet of Oscar & Malvina. . . Together with a Selection of . . . Scots Airs & the Battle Piece . . . adapted and . . . composed by W. Reeve. London. Longman <(• Broderip, etc. [l7 3l-] fol. XXXII. B. 12. (3.) The Purse. . .a JIusical Entertainment. . .the poetry by J. C. Cross, etc. London. . . Preston tt Son, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 18. (3.) Thirty Thousand, or Who's the richest? A Comic Opera. . .Words by T. Dibdin. The Mu.sic by Mess"* Reeve, Davy & Braham. London. . .J. Dale <£• Son, etc. [1804.] foi. XXV. A. 1. [Another copy.] Thirty Thousand, etc. London... J. Dale & Sou, etc. [1804.] fol. XXXII. A. 18. (1.) The Overture, Favorite Songs it Finale in the JNIusical Entertainment of Tippoo Saib, etc. Loudon. . . Lour/man d; Dnuli'rip, etc. [1791-] fol. XXXII. B. 12. (2.) The White Plume, or the Jjorder Chieftains, a jNIusical Romantic Drama, etc. E. TuruhnJl . . .London. [1806.] fol. XXXII. A. 12. (5.) The Poj>ul.ir Air of the Widow Waddle. . .arranged as a Rondo. . .by S. Wesley. |P. F.] London. . . Ilvltou <(■ WhUaler, etc. fol. ' LX. C. 14. (3.) '{'he favourite Song of Will Pully. . .Arranged as a Rondo. . .by S. Wesley. [London.] fol. LX. C. 14. (5.) Sec Braham (J.) J<'aiTiily (^tuarrels. .\ Comic Opera . . . music ... I)V ... lii-aliam, Mooreliead A Peeve. [1802.] fol. " XXXII. A. 7. (1.) See Gluck (C. W. von) \Or/ro.'\ Orpheus and Eurydicc. . . with ad'- XXXII. A. 12. (1.) REEVE (William) and BISHOP {Sir Henry Rowley) [Brother and Sister.] The Overture, Songs, Duetts, Trios and Choruses in the . . . Entertainment called Brother and Sister . . . composed and arranged for the Piano Forte, by W. Reeve and H. P>. Bishop, etc. London. . .Gouldinq, D'Ahnaine, Potter & Co. [18 1 4.] fol. ■ XVIII. D. 1. (4.) REEVE (William) and BRAHAM (John) Kais, or Love in the Deserts. An Opera, in four acts. . . written by Mr. Brandon, etc. London. . .Goiddimj, Phippo, D'Ahnaine & Co., etc. [1808.] fol. XXXII. A. 7. (3.) REEVE (William) and WHITAKER (John) Who's to have her 1 A Musical Farce . . . written by T. Dibdin, itc. London ... Button <('• Whitaker, etc. fol. XXV. A. 2. (1.) REGGIO (Pietko) Songs set by Siguor Pietro Reggio. [London, 1680?] fol. II. A. 24. Euij raved thronghout. REGNART (JArou) .1. Regnart's Deutsche Drei- stimraige Lieder nacli Art der Neap(.)litanen nebst L. Lechner's Fiinfstimmiger Bearbeitung. Heraus- gegeben voa R. Eitner. Leipzig, Breitkopf rf; Sdrtel. '1895. fol. ' L. B. 17. Jalirg. XXIIL {Band XIX.) of the ' Puhlilcation aelterer. . .Musik-Weric' of the GcscUschaft fiir Musikforschung. REICHA (Anton) Fugue composee sur un theme du celebre D. Searlati. . .Qiuvri; 32. A Paris. Chez imbault, etc fol. LXII. D. 26. (3.) Si.x Fugues pour le Piano-Forte. . .0]). SI. .1 Pari.'<, chez J. 'Pleyel, etc. fol. LXII. D. 26. (4.) Six Grands Trios Concertants pour Pianoforte, Violoii et Violoncello. . .CEuvre 101. 6 Liv. [Separate Parts.] Mayence. Chez B. Schottfils, etc. fol. LX. A. 14. I REICHARDT (C.) .Musickalischen Blumeid-;ranz. I I'^ine Sannidung neuer. . . . i'ieecn fiir 2 Guitarcn, etc. .\ugslmrg...A. Bbhm. 1". LXX. D. 13. (13.) REICHARDT (Joiiann Fuikdrich) Ciieiiia. . .Erstcs (-Drittes) Stiick. 3 pt. Berliu, iui Verlagc des Antors,etc. [1790-^! f"l- XXV. A. (3.) Der Edelknalie. und die IMiillerin \oii (icx^the, etc. Leipzig liei C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 12. (10.) li'irlkonig, Ballade von (iiithe. Bei C. F. Peters, in Leipzig, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 12. (11.) Giithe's Lieder, Oden, lialladen iiiid IJomanzen mit Musik. . . Vierte Abtheilung. Lcipziij, , hey Brnilkopf & Hdrlel. ohl.icA. XXVL C. 16. EEICHAEDT— EEISSIGER. 281 REICHARDT (Johann Frikdkich) Leonora, a liallad, from the German of Burger, translated hy the Aiitlior of the (ieriiian Erato, etc. Berlin, sold hy JT. FivJich, etc. 1800. 4°. X. E. 31. (4.) Lieiler der Li(0)e \md der Einsamkeit zur JlartV und zum Clavier zu siiigcn. Lcipzlij, hcl Gerhnid Flriachi-r dem Jiinyern. 4". X. C. 25. Musicaliselies Kunstinagazin . . . Erster Hand. I-III. Stiick. Brrliii, 1 782. Im Virlaije dcs Virfiissrrg. XXV. A. 4. Rouiantische (iesiinge. Leipzig .. .('. F. Piters, olil. fol. ■ XXVIII. A. 12. (9.) Schillers lyrische Gediehte in Miisik gesetzt. 2 Hefte. Bei) Breitlopf (I Hiirlel ill Leiji::ii/. dW. fol. XXVIl'. C. 26. (5.) BEINAGLE (.Ioskph) Three Duetts, for a Violin & N'ioluncflld. . .Op. .'i. [Parts.] London... B. Birchall, ele. fol. LXII. A. 11. (11.) REINECKE (C.\RL Heinrich Carsten) [Konig Manfred.] Ftinfter Act. No. 31. Entr'aet. [Full Score.] fol. LXX. D. 15. (4.) Ouverture zu Calderon's " Dame Kobokl ' fUr grosses Orchester. . .Op. 51. Partitur. Leipziij, hei Breitkopf d- Hdrtel 8". LXIII. D. 16. (2.) Quartett. Op. 211. [Parts.] Breithipf d Hdrlel. Leipziij. fol. LXI. E. 1. (9.) Sonate fiir Pianoforte it Violoncello. . .Op. 42. Elber/eld.. .F. W. Arnold, fol. LXII. C. 6. (19.) Sechs Sonatineu fiir das Pianoforte zu vier Handen . . . Op. 127 B. Heft 3. Leipziy . . .B. Senff. fol. LXII. E. 21. (9.) Ten Trios for Female Voices. Op. 100. London : Novell), Etoer and Co., etc. S». X. E. 29. (8.) [Der Winter treibt keine Bliithe.] The Winter hath not a Blossom. . .A Trio for Female Voices. The Words translated. . .by H. W. Dukken. London. Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. 8°. X. F. 12. (22.) See Chopin (F. F.) [Concerto. Op. 11.] Romanze . . .bearbeitet von C. Reinecke. fol. LVIII. E. 6. (2.) See Schubert (F. P.) [Rosamundc.] Zwei Entr'actes . . . eingerichtet von C. Reinecke. fol. LX. B. IL (6.) See Schubert (F. P.) Zwei Sittze der unvollendeten Symphonie. . .arrangirt von C. Reinecke. 1867. fol. LX. B. 10. (4.) REINKEN (Jeax Adam) Hortus Musieus. . .uit- gegeven \an J. C. M. van Riem.sdijk. Partituur. Breitlcopf it Hortel. Leipziij. fol. LX. A. 15. (1.) No. XILI of the TJitijave van ondere Noord-Nedcr- landsche Meeslencerken. Partite diverse sopra I'Aria : Schweiget niir von Weiber nehmen. Leipzig. Breitkopf it HUrtel. fol. LX. A. 15. (2.) No XIV. of the Uitgavc van oiidcre Noord-Nedcr- Inndsche Meesiericerken. R.C.M.C. REINTHALER (Cahl Martin) In der Wii.ste, nacli P.saliii 03, fiir Soli, Chor u. Orchester ... Opus 20. Partitur. Jiremen...A.F.Cranz,ete. fol XVII. D. 15. in der W'iiste. . .Opus 20. Clavier-Auszug. Bremen hei A. F. Cranz, etc. fol. VI. A. 3. (3.) Oratoriuni nacli dem fol. XVII. D. 13. . I'iano- .fephtha und seine Tochter. alien Testament. . . Partitui-. Leipzig. . .Breitkopf it Uiirtel. •fejihtha and his Daughter. An Oratorio forte Score, arranged by the Author. Loudon... En-er li- Co., etc. fol. XVILD. 14. [.Jephtha.] Song upon the Mountains. Terzetto. London, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XL E. 27. (29.) REISSIGER (Carl tioTiLiEB) Duo Concertant pour le I'iano et. . .Violoncello. . .Oeuvre 130. Dresde...B. Friedel, etc. fol. LXIL C. 6. (20.) Duettini Amm-osi per due Soprani con accoiiipagna- niento di Cembalo. . .Op. 112. Berlino presso T. Trauiwein, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 28. (2.) Ernste und heitere Lieder fiir eine Mezzo-Sopran — Alt — Bariton — oder Bassstimnie niit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 96. Berlin. . .Schlesini/er, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIL C. 26. (6.) Grand Quatuor. . .j)our le Piano-Forte, Violon, Alto et Violoneelle. . .Op. 138. [Parts.] Berlin chez A. M Schlesinger, etc. fol. LXI. E. 5. G.ande Sonate pour Piano et Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre 147. Leipziij .. .Breitkopf & Bdrtel. fol. LXII. C. 6. (21.) Seconde Grande Sonate pour le Pianoforte et Violon- celle. . .Oeuvre 152. Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. C. 6. (22.) Grande Sonate ])our Piano et Violon. . .< >p. 178. Paris, chez S. Eiehaiill, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. Grand Trio pour Piano Forte Violon et Violoncelle . . .Op. 33. [Parts.] Bonn et Cologne. . . N. Simrock. fol. LXII. A. 7. (4.) (hand Trio for Piai'o Forte, Violin & Violoncello. . . No. 3. Op. 40. [Parts.] London, Paine (0 Hopkins, etc. fol. LXI. E. 8. (12.) [Another copy.] Grand Trio. . .Op. 25. [Parts.] Ijondon, Paine it Hopkins, etc. fol. LXII. A. 6. (4.) Third Grand Trio for Piano Forte, Violin i Violon- cello. . .Op. 40. Improved Edition. [Parts.] London, Wessel d- Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (5.) Sixieme Trio pour le Piano-Forte, Violon et ^'il>lon- celle. . .Oeuvre 77. [Parts.] Leipzig. ..C.F. Peters, fol. LXII. A. 6. (b.) 9"' Grand Trio Concertante for Piano, Violin and Violoncello... Op. 103. [Parts.] London... Wessel d- Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (6.) 10"' Grand Trio. . .for Piano, Violin, & Violoncello ...Op. 115. [Parts.] London... Wessel .£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (7.) [Another copy.] 10"' Grand Trio ... Op. 1 1 5. [Parts.] London. . . Wessel d Co , etc. fol. LXI. E. 8. (13.) 282 EEISSIGEE— KICHTER. REISSIGER (Carl Gottlieb) Onzienie Trio pour le Pianoforte, Violon et Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre 11^5. [Parts.] Lelpziij . . . C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. A. 6. (6.) Treizieme Trio pour le Pianoforte, A'iolon et Violon- celle. . .Oeuvre 150. [Parts.] Leipzig... C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. A. 6. (7.) REISSIGER (Carl Gottlieb) and MAURER (LuDWKi Wilhelm) No. I(-IO) of We.ssel & Go's. Collection of the grand Concertante Duets for Piano & Violin. . .by C. G. Reis.siger and Maurer. [Parts.] Loudon, Wessel it Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 16. Wanting Nos. 2 and 6. REISSIGER (Caul Gottlieb) and MERK (Joseph) Introduction et Variations Brillantes. . .pour Piano et Violoncelle ou Violon concertans. . .Oeuvre 162. Vienne.. .P. Meehetti, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. REITER (Ernst) Das neue Paradies. Oratorium nach Worten der lieiligen Schrift . . . Op. 12. [Full Score.] Basel, A. Eunohl, etc. fol. XVII. D. 16. RELFE (John) Mary's Dream or Sandy's Ghost, etc. [Song.] London. . .Longman & Broderip, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 29. (10.) RESOLVE. The Kesolve. [Song.] See I. I am contirm'd, etc. s. .s7(. fol. I. G. 37. (53.) RETORT. The Retort. [Song.] See Ye. Ye Cox- cmiljs A- Beaux, etc. s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (57.) REUTTER (Georg) the Elder. Wiener Klavier und Orgelwerke aus der zweiten Hiilfte des 17. .Jahr- hunderts : . . . G. Reutter der Altere. Bearbeitet von H. Botstiber. 1906. Sec Denkmaeler. Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, etc. XIII. Jahrg. ZweiterTeil. iSc^, etc. fol. XXXIII. D. 33. (2.) REUTTER (JoHANN Adam Georg) Wiener lustru- iMuiitahuusik vor und um 1750 ... J. A. G. Reutter (der Jiingere) 1708-1772 . . . Bearbeitet von K. Horwitz und K. Riedel. 1908. See Denkmaeleh. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, etc. XV. Jahr- gang. ZweiterTeil. 1894, e/c. fol. XXXIII. E. 1. (2.) REYNOLDS (Joun) My God, look upon me. Anthem foi- fiiur voices. . .The organ part liy V. Novello. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (8.) [Another edition.] My God, look upon me. Anthem for four voices. Jjondon : J. A. Novello, etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (45.) RHEINBERGER (Josi.pii Gabriel) Concert -As dur- fiir Pianoforte. . .Oji. 91. Mit Begieitung des < )r<-hesters. Miiinz. B. Scliott's Siihne. fol. LXn. E. 11. (2.) Op. 10.5. Sonate No. xiv in C fiir orgcl, etc. Leipzig, R. Forherg. fol. LXII. C. 10. (3.) Der Stern von Jtcthlehem. Eine Weilinacht.s-Caiitalc fiir Chor, Soli und Orchester oder Pianoforte. Gedicht von F. V. lIoffnaa.ss. 0)i. 101, eyith Instruments, etc. London : Printed by Williant Pearson, for the Author, etc. 1701. fol. II. A. 25. O how amiable are Thy Dwellings. . .Anthem for four voices. [Loudon.] 8". ' IX. A. 20. (13.) No. 34 of ' the Parish Choir.' RICHTER (Ernst Fkiedricii Eduard) Fiinfzig Kitiderlieder von Hoffmann von Fallersleben nach Original- und bekannten Weisen mit Clavierbegleit- ung. Leipzig, \8-i.i ... Mayer und Wii/and. ohl. io\. X. C. 26. Sechs Trio oder Choralvorspiele fiir die Orgel . . . Op. 20. Leipzil. LXII. E. 2. (8.) Cirand (Juatuor pour le Pianoforte, Violon, Viola et Violoncelle. . .Op. 13. [Parts.] A Leipzig chez 0. F. Peters, fol. LXI. E. 3. (8.) Grand Quatuor pour le Piano-Forte, Violon, Viola e Violoncelle ... Qiuvre 17. [Parts.] Jlonn chez N. Simrock, etc. fol. & obi. fol. LXI. E. 5. Grand Quatuor pour le Piano-Forte, Violon, Viola et Violoncelle obliges. . .Giluvre 17. Bonn chez N. Simrock. obi. fol. XXVIII. C. 26. (2.) 'J'he /'. F. part only. No. l(-III) of Three Quartetts for Two Violins, Tenor and Violoncello. . .Op. 70. 3 Nos. [Parts.] London. . .dementi, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. (1.) Trois Quatuors pour deux Violons, Viola et Violon- celle... Oiuv. 126. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Leip>zig . . . C. F. Peters, fol. LX. A. 19. (2.) Grand Quatuor pour le Piano-Forte Violon, Viola et Violoncelle. . .O-uv. 129. [Parts.] Leipzig... C. F. Peters, fol. LXI. E. 5. Trois Quatuors pour Flute, Violon, Alto et Violoncelle . . .Op. 143. 3 Nos. [Parts.] lionn chez N. Simrock, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. (3.) EIES. 285 RIES (Fkrdinani)) Tinis (^uatuors pour deux ^'iolons, Alto it Violoiicelle ... Opera 150. :5 Nos. [Parts.] a Bimn, cliez N. Simrock, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. (4.) Deux Quatuors pour deux V'iolons, Alto et N'ioloncelle . . .Oeuvre IGG. 2 Nos. [Parts.] Francfort n/M. chez F. P. Dunst, ctr. f.,1. LX. A. 19. (5.) Que \'OUt-il (lire, liuiii.-inrc et la l\e])Onse en Rondeau ]K)ur le Pianoforte. . . Oe. 43. .1 l.iijjziij, clirz A. Kiihiiel, nic. fol. LX. A. 19. b. (1.) Honiance " (Juc veut-il dire" et la Keponse en Rondeau pour k^ Pianoforte. . .()e. l.'i. h Lcipzlr.\ND) Rondeau j)our le Pianoforte . . . Qiuv. 157. No. 2. Halberstadi chez A. Bnif/rirmnnn. fol. LX. A. 19." b. (5.) A Rondoletto for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 54. London. . .Chappell & Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (11.) Ruckkehr der Krieger, grosser Marsch zu vier Hiinden . . .Op. 53. [No. 2.] Hamburg und Itzehoe. . . Schuhrrth und Niemetjer. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 26. (7.) [Riickk(!hr der Krieger.] The Return of the Troops . . .Op. 53. London. ..dementi & Co'., etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (12.) A Russian Air, with Variations for the Piano Forte, etc. London. . .C. lluirhard, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (14.j A Russian Air with Variations for Two I'erforiners on one Piano Forte. . .Op. 14. London. . . Royal Harmonic Lnstitulion, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (13.) Three Russian Airs with Variations for the Piano Forte &. Violoncello. . .Opera 72. Londtm. . . dementi <£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. C. 7. (4.) A Russian Sailor's Song, as a Rondo, w'ith an Intro- duction for the Piano Forte . . . Op. 50. London . . . dementi (fc Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 19. b. (2.) Selmsucht nacli der Schweiz. . .Song. . .Arranged as a Rondo. . .foi- the Piano Forte. . .Op. 132. No. 1. London. . .Balls ti Son, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. a. (8.) Grand Septuor ou Quintette pour le Piano, Clarinette, deux Cors, Violon, Violoncelle et Contreba.sse . . . (Euv. 25. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez Cnrli, etc. fol. LXL B. 4. Der Sieg des Glaubeus. Oratorium von ■) . B. Rousseau. . .Op. 157. . . Clavierauszug. Bonn bei N. Simrock. obi. fol. XI. C. 38. L)eux Sonates pour le Piano Forte. . .Oeuvre 1". A Bonn chez N. Simrock, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (15.) Deux Sonates pour le Piano-Forte avec Violon oblige. . .QjiUv. 3. Bonn et Cologne chez N. Simrock. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (1.) Tlic P. F. part onhj. The Third Sonata for the Piano Forte ct Violin. . . Opera 3. [Parts.] L. Lavcnu, etc. [Lontlon.] fol. LX. A. 18. (1.) Tlie Fourth Sonata for the Piano Forte it Violin. . . Op. 3. [Parts.] London. . .L. Lavenu, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (2.) The Eighth Sonata for the Piano Forte with . . . Violin . . . Opera 8. [Parts.] London . . . B. Birchnll, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (3.) The Ninth Sonata for the Piano-Forte with. . . \'iolin ...Opera 8. [Parts.] London... E. Birchall, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (4.) Deux grandes Sonates pour le Piano Forte . . . Oeuvre 9. A Bonn chez N. Simrock, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (2.) The Tenth Sonata for the Piano Forte. . .Opera 9. London... R. Birchall, etc. fol. LXIL E. 2. (16.) 286 EIES. RIES (Ferdinand) [12""'] Grande Sonate pimr le Piano Forte et Violon. . .Oeuv. 10. [Parts.] A Bonn chez N. Simrodc. fol. LX. A. 18. (5.) Deux grandes Senates pour le Piano Forte . . . Oeuv. 11. 2 N°^ Bonn et Cologne chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (3-4.) Presentation copies from tlie composer to J. IT. Windsor. Trois Sonates pour le Piano avec Violon. . .Q3uv. 16. N" 1. A Paris. Chez Bichault, etc. fol. LXII. B. 8. (18.) Trois Sonates pour le Piano-Forte, avec Violon oblige . . .(Jeuvre 16. A Bonn chez N. SimrocJi. ohl. fol. The P. F. part only. XXVIII. C. 26. (1.) A Fifteenth Sonata for the Piano Forte, with . . . Violin or Flute ... Op. 16. [Parts.] London. Printed for the Be(ient's Harmonic Institution, fol. LX. A. 18. (6.) A Sixteenth Sonata for the Piano Forte, with... Violin or Flute. . .Op. 16. [Parts.] London. Printed for the Beqent's Harmonic Institution, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (7.) A Seventeenth Sonata for the Piano Forte with . . . Violin. . .3"* from Op. 16. [Parts.] London. . . B. BirchaU, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (8.) The Eighteenth Sonata, for the Piano Forte, with. . . Violin. , .Op. 18. [Parts.] London... L. Lavenn, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (9.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano-Forte et Violon oblige . . .Oeuvre 19. A Bonn chez N. Simrock. obi. fol. TJie P. F. part only. XXVIII. C. 26. (3.) Grande Sonate pour Piano et Violoncelle ou Violon . . . CEuv. 20. .1 Paris. Chez Bichault, etc. fol. LXII. B. 5. (12.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano-Forte et Violoncelle. . . Oeuvre 20. ^1 Bonn chez N. Simrock. fol. & obi. fol. LXII. C. 2. (9.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano-Forte, ot Violoncelle oblige . . . Oeuvre 20. A Bonn chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. The P. F. part only. XXVIII. C. 26. (4.) Grande Sonate Fantaisie intitulee LTnfortunc. . . Oeuvre 20. [P. F.] A Bonn chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 26. (7.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano-Forte et N'idloncelle. . . Oeuvre 21. .1 Botin chez N. Simmrk. fol. & ohl. fol. LXII. C. 2. (10.) Grande Sonate pour le Piano-Forte, et Violoncelle oblige. . .Oeuvre21. J Bonn chezN. Simrock. ohl. fol. The P. F. port only. XXVIII. C. 26. (5.) Sonate pour le Piano-Forte avec Clarinette ou Violon oblige. . .Oeuvre 20. 7?o»;i chez N. Simrock. ohl.dA. The P. F. part only. XXVIII. C. 26. (9.) The Twenty Seventh Sonata for the Piano Forte, and Violoncello obligato. . .Oj). ;M. London. . . E. Lavenu, etc. fol. LXII. C. 7. (3.) Grande Sonate ]iour Ic Piano-Forte Cor on Violoncelle . . .Oeuv. .'M. Homhouri/, chez J. A. Bohuie. ohl. fol. LXII. A. 17. RIES (Ferdin-.\nd) The Twenty Eighth Sonata for the Piano Forte & Violin. . .Op. 38. [Parts.] Loudon. . .E. Lavenn, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (10.) The Twenty Ninth Sonata for the Piano Forte . i.xxxvi. | I'arts. | Loudon. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (20.) EIES. 287 RIES (I'khkinanm) A li'oity Sixtli Sonata, for tlie Piano Korte with a Fiute. . .obligate. . .op. LX.xxvil. [Part.s.] London. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. LX. A. 18. (21.) Grand Senate (cinquanto douxieme) pour le Piano- forte, rtc. Lc'qiziii . . .Schnhirlh it Ciinqi. olil. fol. XXIX. A. 26. (4.) Sonato fiir das Piano-Forte. . .Op. 141. Ziiricli. . . H. O. NCujeli a. Cump. fol. LX. A. 19. b. (3.) Cin(iuanticme Grande Sonato a i|uatre mains pour le Piano. . .Opera 1(50. Li'Ipziij, chfz H. A. Pruh-it. fol. LX. A. 19. b. (6.) Trois Sonatiues. . .pour le Piano Forte avec Violon . . .Op. 30. No. 2. (No. 3.) 2 Nos. A Berlin chez N. Simrock. fol. & ohl. fol. LXIL A. 17. Le Songe, pour le Piano Forte. . .Op. 49. Bonn ct Culoifni' chez N. Simruclc. ohl. iiA. XXIX. A. 27. (1.) [Le Songe. Op. 49.] The Dream, etc. London. . . the Aulfwr, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (20.) [The Sorceress.] A Restless Life. Robbers' Glee, etc. Op. 164. No. 18. London. . .W. Umoes, etc. fol. XXXn. C. 1. (22). Souvenir d'ltalie. Sixieme Quintuor j)our Deux Violons, Alte et deux Violoucelles . . . Op. 183. [Parts.] Bonn chez F. J. Mompour. fol. LXI. B. 7. First Sinfonie. . .arranged for Flute, two Violins, two Viols, Violoncello and double Bass by H. Ries. [Parts.] fol. LXI. B. 4. Lithoijraphed throughout. Ries's Grand Symphony in D arranged for Two Performers on the Piano Forte. Op. 23. London . . . Chappell (0 Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 19. a. (1.) Grand Symphony in C minor. No. 2 . . . arranged for Two Performers on one Piano Forte. . .Op. 80. London. . .Harmonic Institution, fol. LX. A. 19. a. (3.) Troisieme Siniphonie. . .arranges pour le Piano Forte a quatre mains. . .Uiuv. 90. Bonn et Cologne. Chez N. Simrock. fol. LX. A. 19. a. (4.) Troisieme Grande Simphonie. . .arrangee en Septetto . . .Op. 90. [Parts.] Bonn et Colo(ine chez N. Simrock. fol. ' LXI. A. 2. (7.) Fourth Grand Symphony arranged as a Septett. . . Op. 110. [Parts.] London ... E. Lacenu, etc. fol. LXI. A. 2. (8.) Cinquieme Sinfonie arrangee en Septetto. . .Oeuvre 112. [Parts.] Chez Breitkopf & Hartel a Leipsic. fol. LXI. B. 4. Fifth Grand Symphony arranged as a Septett. . . Op. 112. [Part.^.j London. . .E. Lnvenu, etc. fol. LXI. A. 2. (9.) Sixieme Sinfonie. . .arrangee a quatre mains pour le Piano-Forte par F. jVIockwitz. Op. 146. Leipzig... C. F. Peters, ohl. M. XXIX. A. 26. (3.) Swedish National Airs with Variations for the Piano Forte with accompaniment.^ for a Full Orchestra. . . Op. 52. London. . .Chappell <& Co., etc. fol. The P. F. part only. LXII. E. 2. (21.) RIES (Fniii)i.\AM>) A favorite Tliema of Mehuls with Variations for the Piano Forte . . .Op. 33. No. 1. London. . .L. Lavenu, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. a. (2.) Theme by H. R. Bishop with Variations for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 65. London. . . Goulding, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (22.) Twelve Trifles f.>r the Piano Forte. . .Op. 58. 2 Hks. London... C.Guichard, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (,23.) Grand Trio Concertant jjour le Piano-Forte, Violon et Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre II. [Parts.] J Bonn chez N. Simrock. fol. LXII. A. 7. (5.) [Another copy.] Grand Trio Concertant. . .Oeuvre 2. [Parts.] A Bonn chez Simrock. fol. LXIII. D. 21. (7.) Trio pour le Pianoforte Clarinette ou Violon & Violoncelle. . .Op. 28. [Parts.] Chez N. Simrock a Bonn. fol. & ohl. fol. LXII. A. 8. Ti'io pour le Piano-Forte, Clarinette ou V^iolon et Violoncelle. . .Oeuvre 28. A Bonn chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXVIH. C. 26. (8.) The P. F. part only. Trio, for the Piano Forte, Flute and Violoncello... Op. 63. London. . .dementi & Co., etc. fol. The P. F. part only. LXII. E. 2. (24.) Vm Variations pour le Piano-Forte sur un Theme de Beethoven, etc. A Bonn chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 26. (10.) Variations sur un air russe a quatre mains jjnur le pianoforte. . .Oeuv. 14. Chez C. F. Petcm. . .Leipzig, ohl. fol XXIX. B. 1. (3.) VIII. Variations pour le Pianoforte sur un Theme de Joseph. . .de Mehul. . .Oe. 46. ■ A Leipzig. ..C.F. Peters, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (25.) Grand Variations on. . .Rule Britannia, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 117. J. Willis. . .Buhlin, etc. fol. LXII. E. 2. (26.) Six Walzes et Ecossaise pour le Piano Forte. . .No. 2. A Bonn chez N. Simrock. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 32. (3.) When Love was a Child, from Moore's National Airs, arranged as a Rondo, for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 106. No. 1. London. . .J. Power, etc. fol. LX. A. 19. a. (5.) See Beethoven (L. van) \Sonata. Op. 28.] Grand Quatuor. . .arrange. . .par F. Ries. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (4.) See Beethoven (L. van) [^Sonata. Op. 30. No. 2.] Grand Quatuor. . .arrange. . .par F. Ries. fol. LVIII. C. 8. (5.) RIES (Fk.\nz) Drei Characterstiicke. . .Op. 7. No. 1. Humoreske ... fiir Violoncell ubertragen von L. Jacquard. Bielefeld. . .B. Sulzer. fol. LXII. C. 7. (1.) Quartett (D moll) fiir 2 Violineu, Viola und Violoncell ...Op. 5. [Parts.] Bielefeld, hei B. Sulzer. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (20.) Schlu)nmerlied . . . Op. 20. No. 4. Au.sgabe fiir Violoncell und Piano. Bielefeld, B. Sulzer. fol. LXII. C. 7. (2.) 288 EIES— EIMBAULT. RIES (Hubup.t) Tiois Dims Concertants pour deux Viulons. . .Op. 10. Berlin ... T. Traiilwein. fol. LXII. B. 17. (7.) Drei Duette fiir zwei Violinen. . .Op. 21. Offenbach a/M., hei J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 17. (8.) Qiiatuor brillant pour deux Violoiis, Alto A Violon- celle. . .Op. 1. [Parts.] Bonn et Cologne chez iV. Simrorl;. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (21.) Deux Quatuors faciles pour deux Violons, Alto et Yioloneelle.. .Op. 20. [Parts.] Offtnhacli s/M., chez J. AmJre. fol. LXIII. D. 19. (22.) Trio in C major for two Violins and Yiolincello. . . Op. 24. No. 1. [Parts.] London, S. Lucas, Weber <» Werk. Leipzig. Bei Breitkopf & Udrtcl. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 21. (7.) [Another edition.] Zwolf fugirte Nachspiele fiii- die Orgel. . .Op. 48. Neue Ausgabe. Leipziii, hei Breitkopf it Hiirtel. ohl.'iul. XXIX. B. 9. (4.) Drei Nachspiele fiir die Orgel. . .0|). 78. Leipziii hei n. A. Proht:t. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 22. (3.) XV leichte fugirte Naclispiele fiir ilie ( )rgcl ... Op. 114. Bei N. Simr|i. ><2. Bonn hei N. Simroeh. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 22. (6.) .SV-e BicKTiiiAHN (L. van) Messe Soleiinelle . . . Oeuvre 123 arrangee pour le piano p.ir 0. G. Rinck. "''/. fol. VI. D. 16. RIPPON (JoiiN) Rippon's Original Sacred Oratorio, 'The Crucifixion' . . . with accompaniments for Piano I'ortc, ete. f,,l. VI. A. 13. (11.) RIST (•Joiiann) Neue musikalische Kateclii.snius An- il.ichten, besteliende in ... Liederen . . . welchen . . . Von Hern Andreas llMinmerschmid . . . auf . . . wi)l"-(' setzetc^ M(!lodicn kiinncn gesj)ieletund gesungcn wcrdeii . . .zum Drukke iibergeben von J. Rist, etc. Liinehnnj, GedrnlU. . .dureh die Slernen. 1656. 8". IX. E. 15. >.'(!ue Musicalische jKreutz- Trost- Lob- und Dank- Schuhle. Worinn b(^tindlich. . . Lehr- und Trostreiche Liedcr in inanclierlei Kreutz. . .zu gebrauchcu, welche . . . auf bekante . . . aber auf gantz neue von dem . . . Ilerrn Michael Jakobi . . . ges(!tzte Mclndien kiinuen gcspielet und gesungen werden . . . Aufgerichtet und geordnet von J. Rist, etc. lAnehiinf, (ledniLl. . . dureh die Slernen. 1C59. 8". IX. E. 14. RITTER (Tiieodoke) See Bkulioz (H.) Romeo et Juliette. . .Partition de Piano par T. liitter. fol. L. A. 12. RIVALI DELUSI. TheFavir!(; chrz.l. (1 NaigiieU. fnl. LX. E. 3. (34.) Auilaiitc varir pour Ic Violdu avec accompagneuicnt d'nn Second Violcm, Alto ot Violdncfllo . . .(Kuvrc I 7. [1st Si 2ik1 Violin Parts.] Clivz J. J. Huwrl ii ISrrliu, rtr. fol. LXII. A. 9. (3.) Twenty Four Caprices . . . Edited liy ^\'. Walson. [Violin.] [Lomlon.] 8". LXIII. D. 22. (3.) Waiiliii/j tlif tillr-paije. Troisirmc Concerto de Violon, rtc. [Parts.] A PaHn.. .Corh'l, etc. fol. LX. E. 3. (32.) Septienie Concerto pour le Violon . . . (lOiivrc 9, [Parts.] A Paris, rliez Chernhini, etc. fol. LX. E. 3. (33.) Huitieme Concerto de N'iolon, c/c. [Parts.] J Zurlr. Cliez J. G. NniipirU. f.,1. LX. E. 3. (36.) Trois Duos pour Deux Violons. . .Op. !. [Parts.] London . . . WhcatKiunc A' Cii., elc. fol. LXn. A. 11. (6.) Quatuor pour Deu.\ Violons, Alto et Basse. . .Op. xi. Edition nouv. [Parts.] .1 Leipzuj. . .C.F. Peters, fol. LXL D. 2. (11.) Quatuor jiour deux Violons, Alto et Basse . . . Oeuvre 1 4. [Parts.] J Lrijislr chez Breitiopf et Ilitrfil. fol. LXL D. 2. (12.) Quatuor pour deux Violons, Alto et Basse. . .Oeuv. 1.5. [Parts.] A Leipsic chez Brcithujiif (t Hdrtcl. fol. LXL D. 2. (10.) RODGERS (James) An Anthem for Christmas Day . . . the Eiu'hty first Psahn with jiroper Symphonies adapted, and the Twenty third Psalm, to which are added a Hanctus and Kyrie Eleeson . . . The whole in score. . .published by H. Burdett, etc. Lonthm . . . L(ni(piifi'n and Broderip, etc. fol. XL A. 21. (7.) RODWELL (Georije Herbekt Bonaparte) Overture and Vocal ]\[usic in the Ojieratic Romance of the Devil's Elixir. . .The Poetry Ijy E. Fitz Ball, etc. London. . .Ginddimj it D'Alinaine, etc. [1829.] fol. XXXIL A. 23. (7.) God save the Queen !. . .Arranged by G. II. Rod well, etc. D'Almaine d Co., etc. fol. XXXIL B. 32. (19.) Songs of the Birds. The Poetry by E. Ball, etc. London. . . Goiddlni/ (tnd D\iJnuiine, etc. fol. XXV. A. 8. Songs of the Sabbath Eve. The Poetry by E. Ball. Gouldini/ ((■ B'A]n(iiin<\ ,_tc. [London.^ fol. XVII. D. 22. A presentation copy from E. Ball to E. Taylor. Oct. 19, 18-28. ROECKEL (Joseph Leopold) Fair Rosamond. Cantata. . .written by F. E. "Weatherlv, etc. London, HntcMnijs ,{■ Bonier, etc. 1 87 1. 8°. " X. E. 27. (2.) An antoiirajih Idler from the librettist is inserted. Ruth, a Sacred Cantata (first j)erformed at. . .Clifton, April 1th, 18G4), etc. London, Boosry J- Sons, etc. fol. XI. A. 28. (1.) ROECKEL (Jo.ski'ii Lkopolo) l^nlh . . . Xo. .">. Itecit. iV: Air ' O call nic Mara.' London, Boosey <(■ Sons, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (12.) ROEHNER ((iEoiicK Wii.i.i,\m) The .\rt of Singing, concisely it fully explain(Hl, etc. Jjondon. B. Codes ,1- Co., etc. fol. LXX. D. 2. (6.) ROESSLER (FiiAxz .\nton) See Beethoven (L. van) In questa toinba o.scura. . . X V I 1 1, composizioni di . . .Boesler, etc. oil. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) ROGERS (Ben.ia.min) Bc^hold now, j)rai.se the Lord. Anthem for four voices. [/><(»'/o)i.] 8". No. H) o/' The Parish Choir: IX. A. 20. (6.) How long wilt Thou forget me . . . Anihem for four voice.s. [London.] 8°. IX. A. 20. (43.) Part of ' The Parish Choir.' Lord, who shall dwell in Thy Tabernacle . . . Anthem for four voices. [London.] 8«. IX. A. 20. (19.) [Morning ife Evening] Service in D. See Boosey and Co. Boo.sey and Co.'s . . . Standard Church Services . . . No. 1. 40, IX. A. 23. (L) O pray for the Peace of Jei'usalem . . . Anthem for four voices. {London]. 8". IX. A. 20. (42.) Part if ' The Parish Choir.' Teach me, O Lord, the Way of Thy Statutes. Anthem for five voices. [London.] 8°. IX. A. 20. (8.) No. 18 of ' The I'arish Choir.' Teach me, O Lord. Anthem for four voices. London ...J. A. Novello, etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (46.) See Cantica Sacka. Cantica Sacra ... Compo.sed by ...Dr. Benjamin Iloger.s, elc. 1674. fol. I. G. 4. See Courtly Masquing Ayres. Courtly Masquing Avres. . .of Two Parts. . .by. . . B. Rogers, etc. i552. ohl. t". I. F. 8. ROGERS (Sir John Leman) Bart. Sixteen (Hces for Three, Four, Five and Six Voices . . . Edited ... by T. Oliphant, etc. London . . . Cramer, Addison d- Beale. etc. fol. XXV. A. 9. A presentation cop)/ from the composer to J. 11'. Windsor. The Morning, C(mimunioii and Evening Calhedral Service. Ijondon .. .T. Oliphant, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (4.) Oft have I wander'd. . .A Glee for four voices, etc. L.iindon. . .Cramer, Addison ((• Beale, elc. fol. XXXIL C. 1. (23.) Presented by the composer to J. W. Windsor, Jan. 9, 1837. ROITZSCH (Ferdinand August) Alte Klaviermusik. Samndung . . . Klavier-Compositionen neu heraus- gegeben von F. Roitzsch. 2 pt. Leipziy !il\. XXIX. A. 16. (6.) Voluntarys and Fugues made on purpo.se for tlie Organ or Harpsicord, lii-. London. Printed for. . . I. Wiil.'^h. . .und losiph Hare. etc. fol. LX. B. 2. (2.) ROSENHAIN (J .won) Concerto pour Piano . . . Oil. 7■^. [P. F. part.] Lcipzit), C. F. W. Sicfjeh fol. LXII. E. 11. (3.) Trois Quatuors pour i)eu.\ Violons, Alto et A'iulon- celle. . .ffiuvre 55. . .57. . .(55. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Paris chez S. Bichaulf, etc. fol. LXI. E. 1. (10.) Second Grand Trio ]»iur Piano, V^iolon et Violoncello ...Op. .33. [Parts.] ^^ot|el,ce . . . c.hex h'sfih de n. Scholl. fnl. LXI. E. 9. (7.) Troisieme Trio jiour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle. . . Op. 50. [Parts.] Muycnce chez les fih de B. Sclioft. fol. LXI. E. 9. (8.) ROSENMUELLER (Johann) Sonata da Camera . . heraiisgi'geben von K. Nef. 1904. ,S'ee I)hn-k.maklei!. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. Pd. XVIII. 1892, e/<-. fol. XXXVII.' B. 18. ROSS (John) Three Sonatas, for the Piano Porta. . . with an Accompaniment for a Violin or Flute... Op 19. London .. .Goulding, etc. fol. LXII. B. 12. (4.) ROSSETER (Phillip) Lessons for Con.sort. ^Nlade Ijy Sundry Excellent Authors, and set to sixe seuerall instruments : Namely, the Treble Lute, Treble Viol!, Base A'ioll, Pandora, Citterne, and the Flute. Now newly set forth by Phillip Rosseter, etc. LjOndon : Printed Jiy Tho: Esie alias Snodhinn for Ldin Browne, etc. 1609. 4°. II. E. 43. The Cittern part. ROSSELLI (Agkippino) Lamento di ^laria Anto- nietta Regina di Francia. Cantata ... a voce sola, e cori. . .La poesia e di S. Bonaiutti. Londra ... 2'. Shillern, etc. ohl. fol. XXVL D. 20. Tills copyhi'lonijed to Princess Sophia and contains her book-plate and her autoijraph on the title-paije. ROSSINI (GiOACCHixo Antonio) Armida. Opera Seria in tre atti, etc. [P. F. Scoie.] A Paris. . .Pacini, etc. fol. XXV. A. 15. Ai-mida. Dramma Tragico in tre Atti . . . Armida . . . Grosse Zauber Oper, etc. Klavierauszug. Bey Breifkopf und Hiirlel in Leipzaj. ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 21. b. ROSSINI (GiOACciiiNO Antonio) [Armida. Amor! posscnl(! nome.] Kind Heaven ! hear my prayer. Duett"). Sung. . .inShake.speare's Tempest. . .adapted . . .by H. R. Bishop. London. . .Gouldinij, D'Almaine, Potter <£ Co., etc. [1822.] fol. XVIII. D. 11. (\0.) 'The first page is signed by Bishop. Le P.arbiei- de Seville. . .Opera Comique en quatre actes d'aprcs Beaumarchais et le Drame itahen, jiaroles ajustees sur la Musique. . .par M. Castil- P>la/.c, etc. [Pull Score.] « Pari.y, it la Lyre Moderne, etc. fol. XXV. A. 16. [.\nother edition.] Le Barbier de Seville, etc. [Full Score.] a, Paris, a la Lyre Moderne, etc. fol. XXV. A. 17. 1 1 Barbiere di Siviglia. Opera Bulla . . . Nuova Edizlone. [P. F. Score.] In Parii/i. . .Pacini, etc. fol. XXV. A. 18. Der Barbier von Sevilla. . .Oper. . .fur 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. [Parts.] Wien. . . S. A. Sleiner und Conip. fol. LXI. D. 3. (1.) [II Babiere di Siviglia.] See Bishop {Sir H. R.) yThe Barlier (f ScciUe.'] The Overture and Music to . . . the Barber of Seville . . . partly selected from Paesiello & Rossini's. . .Operas, ('/(•. [1818.] fol. XVIII. D. 7. (18.) [11 Barbiere di Siviglia. Una voce poco fa.] Theri^'s a grief that none can know. Sung. . .in Shakspeare's Tempest. . .adapted. . .by R. H. Bishop. London. . . Gonlding, B'Almaine, Potter ti Co. [1S22.] fol. The first page is signed hy Bishop. XVIII. D. 11. (7.) The Beauties of Rossini, Book l(-5), containing the favorite Songs, Duetts &c. in the Opera of II Barbiere di Seviglia (Otello) (II Turco in Italia) (Tancredi) (La Donna del Lago), etc. 5 Bks. London.. .Chappell A Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 4. [Bianca e Faliero. Cielo il mio labbio i.'ipira.] (iran Quartetto . . . ridotto per Flauto, V^ioliuo, Viola e Violoncello dal Sig'^ I. F. A. Jansen. [Parts] Milano...G. Bicordi, etc. fol. LXI. D. 3. (4.) Cantata a Quattro voci, etc. Presso G. Bicordi, etc. old. fol. Milano. XXVI. C. 21. (1.) [La Carita.] Charity. Solo and Chorus for Treble Voices. Ijondon : Notello, Ewer it Co., etc. N". X. F. 12. (23.) Cenerentola . . . Aschenbriidel. Komische Oper . . . Klavierauszug. Bey Breithipf <(■ Hdrtel, Lrijizig. ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 21. a. La Cenerentola.^ Opera Buffa. . .Seconda Edizi .ne. [P. F. Score.] A Paris. . .Pacini, etc. fol XXV. A. 19. Cenerentola . . . Oper . . . fiir 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. [Parts.] Wien . . . S. A. Steiner und Comp. fol. LXI. C. 1. (18.) [La Cenerentola.] Ouverture. . .pour le Pianoforte. Chez Breithipf if- Hdrtel ii Leipsic. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (1.) Partizione della Donna del Lago. Opera Semi-Seria in due Atti. . .Ridotta per il Piano-Forte. .( Paris, chez Carli, etc. fol. XXV A. 20. 296 KOSSINI. ROSSINI (OinACcniNO Anton'io) La Donna ilcl Lagii. Melodramma in due Atti . . . Das Friiuleiii vom i^ee . . . Klavierauszug. Beii lircitkojif <(■ i Hdrtel hi Leipzitj. [1819.] oW. fol. XXVI. C. 22. ' [La Donna del Lago.] Ouverture. . .pour le Piano- Forte. Anvcrn. cht'Z A. Schotl. ohl. fcjl. XXIX. A. 27. (18.) [Eduardo e Cristina.] Ouverture. . .arrangee pour le Piano-Forte a 4 mains. Bomi et Coloi/nc chez N. SimrocL: ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 1. (2.) Eli.sabetta Regina d' Inghilterra. Elisabeth ... Oper im Klavierauszug. Bei/ Brcitkojif mid Hailel in Leqizkj. [18 15.] 06?. fol. XXVI. C. 23. [Elisaljetta.] Ouverture . . . arrangee pour Piano- Forte. A Mun'ir che:: Falter et Fils. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (2.) La Foi, I'Espcrauce, La Charite. Trois Clioeurs n'li- gieux ii trois voi.K de ferames avec acconipagnement de piano. Pari.i. clicz E. Troujienos d- C". etc. fol. XVIII. A. 3. (4.) [La Uazza Ladra.] La Pie Yoleuse. Opera en trois ' actes d'apres le Drame fran^'ais de MAI. Caignier et d'Aubigny et I'Opera Italian. . .Paroles ajustees sur la ilusique. . .par M. Castil-Blaze, etc. [Full Score.] -i Parix, chez Caxtll-Blazr, etc. fol. XXV. A. 21. La Gazza Ladra. I)i;uuiiia, etc. [P. F. Score.] Ill Pnrliji.. .Pnehd. etc. fol. XXV. A. 22. La Gazza ladra. ..Die oiebisrhe Elster . . .Klavier- au.szug. Bcij Breitlciqif iiiiil Hiirtel in Leipzii/. ohl. fol. XXVI.' C. 22. a. La Gazza Ladra. . .Opera. . .fiir '1 ^'iolinen, Viol.i tind Violoncello, etc. [Parts.] Wien . . . S. A. Steiner und Comp. fol. LXI. C. 1. (17.) [La Gazza Ladra.] Gran Sinfonia . . . 1 idotta per Forte Piano dal Sig"' P. Piazza, etc. Milann. Presso G. Bicoidi, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (3.) Gorglieggi e Solfeggi. Rossini's. .. Vocal Instructor i . . .newly arranged with an accompaniment for the Piano Forte. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. j LXX. D. 7. (12.) Guillaume Tell. Opi'ra en ((uatre actes, paroles de ! MM. Jouy et 11. Bis, etc. [Full Score.] Paris, ilirz E. Troujienas <(■ C'-, etc. fol. XXV. A. 23. (iuillaume Tell. Opera. . .avec accompagneraent de Piano Forte. Paroles . . . traduites eu Italicu par 31. Balociii, c/c. Londrcn, chez Goiddinij (t D'Aimaine, etc. fol. " XXV. A. 24. L' Inganno Felice. I'ie Gctiiu.^clilcn, Xoiiiische Oper in eiriem Aufzuge. . .Klavierauszug. Bei/ Breilhijf und Jliirtel in Leijizifj. ohl. fol. XXVL C. 21. (2.) [L' Inganno Felice.] Ouverture. . .arrange pour le [ Piano-Forte. Maience, chez B. Scholt Filx, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (4.) L' Inganno l''<)rtunato. Ojjera semiseria . . ridotta con accompagnaniento di Piano Forte, etc. Paris. . . { Pacini, etc. fol. XXV. A. 25. L' Italiana in Algeri. Opera Coniica in due Atti, etc. Maijonza iiresao B. Schott liqli, etc. [1813] old. fol. XXVI. C. 24. ROSSINI (GiOACCHiNO Antonio) L'ltalianna in Algeri. Opera . . . arrangee en Ou^ituor . . . jiar A. Pressinger. i Livr. [Parts.] A Yienne, chez T. Weiijl, etc. fol. LXI. D. 3. (2.) [L' Italiana in Algieri.] Ouverture, etc. [P. F.] Leijtziij, hei F. Hofmeister. old. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (5.) Maometto II. Gr.and' Opei-a Seria . . . ridotta con accompagnaniento di Piano-Forte, etc. (!, Eicordi. . . Milaiw,etc. [1S20.] ohl.iiA. XXVI. C. 25. Matilde di Sabran, osia Corradino. Opera semi-seria, etc. [P. F. Score.] ,1 Paris, chez Pacini, etc. fol. XXV. A. 23. Messe Solennelle a quatre voix, soli et choeurs. . . Partition chant avec accompagnement de piano et orgue-harmonium. London, Chajipell (t Co., etc. 8". IX. G. 27. Messe Solennelle a (juatre voix, soli et choeurs. . . Partition pour Chant avec accompagnement de Piano et Orgue-Haruionium. Paris. G. Brandus et S. Dufour, etc. 8". IX. G. 28. [Messe Solennelle.] Gratias agimus tibi. . .arranged for the Organ. . .by W. Spark. London, ChappM a- Co., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 9. (11.) Moise. Opera en quatre Actes, etc. [Full Score.] -i Paris, chez E. Troupenns, etc. fol. XXV. A. 27. Mose in Egitto. Oratorio in tre atti. . .Nuova edizidiir. [P. F. Score.] A Paris. . .Pacini, etc. h,\. XXV. A. 28. Otello, ossia L' Africano in Venezia. Othello . . . tragische Oper in drey Aufzugen. . .Klavierauszug. Beij Breitlcpf und Hiirtel in Leipziij. [1S16.] ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 28. (1.) Otello . . . Arrangee en Qvuituors . . . par .1. Kiifl'ner. [Parts.] A Maijence chez B. Schott ills, etc. fol. LXI. C. 1. (19.) [t)tello.] ()iivorture. . .pour le Pianoforte. Cliez Breitlcopf et Hdrtcl ii Leipsic. ohl. fol. XXIX. C. 10. (6.) [Otello. Vorrei, che il tuo pensiero.] Recitativo e Duetto, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 10. (14.) Rossini's . . . Overtures to L' Italiana in Algeri, II Barbiere di Siviglia and II Tancredi. Adapted for Two Violins, Flute, Tenor it Violoncello, with . . . Bass or Piano Forte, by H. Hill. [Parts.] London. . .Monzani ell, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 3. (2.) Tancredi. .Melodraiiinia eroico. . .Tankred, lieroi.seLe (-)per in zwey Aufziigen . . . Klavierauszug. Bey Breithojif Hnd Hiirlcl in Leipzig. [1S15.) ohl. t'ol. " XXVI. C. 28. (2.) Tancred . . . arraugee en Quatuors pour deux Violons Viole et Violoncelle par J. Kiittuer. [Parts.] A Mayence, chez B. Schott Jils, etc. fol. LXI. C. 2. (1.) [Tancredi.] Ouverture, etc. [P. F.] 0[fenhach a/M., hey J. Andre, ohl. fol. XX'lX. C. 10. (7.) II Turco in Italia. Opera P>uffa. . .Nuova edizione, etc. [P. F. Score.] .1 Pari.i, au 3[aijasin de Mnsiqni' dc Pacini, etc. fol. " XXV. B. 3. Zelmira. Opera Seria. . .ridotta ]ier il Piano Forte dal Sig. Maestro Gyrowetz, etc. Viinna. Pnsso Artaria e Comp. [1822.] ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 29. K.C..M.C. ROSSINI ((iio.vfCHiNo Antonio) Zelmira. Opera seria. . .Ridotta in Quartetti. . .da F. A. Poessinger. L'Pt. [Parts.] J Paris, chez Carli, etc. fol. LXI. D. 3. (3.) See, BisilOl' {Sir H. R.) Native Land . . .0])era. . . with Selections from ... Rossini. [1824.J fol. XVIII. D. 14. (1.) ROUGET DE L'ISLE (Ci..\ri>K Joskph) Hymne des -Mar-^eillais arrange a Grand Orchestie et a double Chieur par H. Berlioz. [Full Score.] Paris, chez M. Schlesimjer, etc. i«\. L. A. 19. (5.) La Marseillaise. Paroles et .Musi(|ue de I'ougct de rislc. Arrangee en chour avec accompagnenient de Piano par H. Berlioz. T^ondoti . . . Cramer, Beale li- Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 25. (2.) ROUSSEAU (Frkderic) Pot-pourri pour deu.x Violon- celle.s, etc .1 Paris, chez liadermann, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. ROUSSEAU (Jkan .L\C(^les) Les Consolations des IMiseres de ma vie, ou Recueil d'Airs, Romances et Duos, etc. .1 Paris. Chez de RouUede de la Chi card ihc, etc. 1781. fol. XXV. B. 5. Fragments de J)aplniis et Chloe. . .Paroles de ^I.*** [Full Score.] J Paris chez Esprii, etc. I'jl'^. fol. XXV. B. 9. Le Devin du Village. Tntermede, etc. Grave par M"""' Vandome, depuis la V" Planehe Jusqu'a la 50. [Full Score.] .1 Paris. Chez M'"" Boivin, etc. fol. XXV. B. 6. [Another edition. I Le Devin du Village, '■/'•. [Full Score.] .1 Paris. Chez M. Le Due, etc. fol. XXV. B. 8. Le Devin du Village . . . Opera coniplet. partition de .Piano et chant, etc. M"" V Lanncr. etc. [Paris.] X". X. C. 7. (32.) [Another edition.] Le Devin du Village . . . Avec I'Ariette ajoutee par M"^ Philidor, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, chez Le Clerc, etc. fol. XXV. B. 7. [Le Devin du Village.] The Cunning-Man, a Musical Entertainment in Two Acts . . . adapted ... by C. Burnev. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [1766.] ohl.M. XXVII. C. 10. (2.) ROUSSELOT (Scipion) Premier Grand Quintette pour deux \ iolons, Alto, Violoncelle it Basi;e . . , Op. 14. [Parts.] .i Paris, chez C. Hvu, etc. fol. LXI. B. 7. ROVEDINO (ToMMASo) Atalanta. Sccna dram- matica. The poetrv by Sig. F. Pistrucci. etr. Lonoiiskoi.| <.)uvri-tur(' de T'tpci'a. . .Pai'tition d'Orchestre. Jlerlin d Po.fcn . . .E. Bote d (/. Pock. etc. 8°. LXIII. D. 13. (3.) G Etudes pour k; Piano. . .Opus :.'.">. Leipzitj. C. F. Peterx. 1". LXX. C. 26. (5.) Grande Etude (Ut ninj(;ur) |)our Piano . . . ( )p. i';t, No. 2. Nouvello edition, revue jiar I'Autcur. LclpzUj. C. F. Peters. 4". LXX. C. 26. (6.) Ocean, i'""" Symphonie (C diir) poui- < ircliestrc . . . (_)p. I"J. Parlition. Lcijixiij . . . I',. Srulf. S", LXIII. A. 21. Ocean. 2"'"= Symplioriic . . . Dp. 12. Partition. Nouvelie edition. Lcij,ziij. . .Jl. Senff. S". LXIIL A. 22. (.,!ualuor No. I. Oji. iDG. No. I . [Score.] Jl. Senff. LeJj.xi:/. fol. LXI. E. 1. (II.) <,)uiiit<'.tto [for Strings]. Op. .")<). [Parts.] B. Scuff... Lcqixiy. fol. LXI. A. 4. (3.) RUBINSTEIN (Anton Gbigou'kvech) Soirees ii St. I'etersbourj.'. Si.x Morceaux pour le Piano . . . Op. 44. Liv. 1. Lcipzuj...C. F.Kohnt. fol. LXII. E. 18. (5.) Premiere Somite pour Piano et Violon. . .0]). l.'i. Le!pzlij...C. F. Petern. fol. LXII. B. 5. (10.) Senate pour Piano et Yioloncelle. . .(_)p. I>^. Lc'ipziq, ehez Breitiopf d Hartel. fol. LXII. C. 7. (21.) Deuxieme Sonate pour Piano et Violon. . .Op. 19. Leipziej. . .Breltkopf d- Biirtd. fol. LXII. B. 5. (11.) 2*'"° Sonate pour Piano et Violoncelle. . .< •[) .'!9. Leipzig, che:: Breiikopf & Hiirtel. fol. LXII. C. 7. (22.) Sonate jiour Piano et .Mlo ... I )p. 49. Nouvelie edition revue par I'auteur. [i'art.s. j Leipxiij. Breithqif d Hartel. fol. ' LX. A. 22. Symphonie dramaticpie (No. 4. I) moll) pour ' )rche.sti'e . . . Op !)."). Partition. Leijizii/ . . . B. Senff. S". LXIII. a". 23. Deu.Y Trios pour Piano, N'iolon et N'ioloncelle . . . Op. 1."). No. 1 in F. [Parts.] Leipzi;/, F. Hoffmeister. fol. LXII. A. 5. (4.) 3""" Trio . . . pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle . . . Op. .52. Lcipziij ... B. Senff: fol. LXI. E. 9. (9.) Leipzig. . . LXII. E. 18. (7.) Valse-Capriee pour le Piano. B. Senff. fol. RUFFO (ViNCENZo) I Sacri et Santi Saiini che si cantano a Compieta . . . eon iin'altra compietta d' ineerto autore. Nouamente composti ii dati in luce, a quattro voci, etc. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. In Venetid, Apprextto Francesco Bampazetto. 1568. ohl. 4". I. E. 8. RUGGIERI (Giovanni ]\L\kia) Cantatc con \'iolini, (■ senza . . . Opera Quinta. Partitura. (Violino I.). (Violino II.) .'i jit. In Venetia. Do Gioseppe Sail, etc. 1706. 4". II. E. 1. RUSH (Geo i«:k) The Capricious Lover. An English Coniic ( )pera. .) Tlie Putterlly ... lieing a variety r Tonknnst. Erste Folge, etc Bd. x. 1892, et<: XXXVII. B. 10. S., R. Eight Songs, with a Thorough liass for the Harpsichord, etc. London . . . Mrs. Johnson, etc. olil. fol. XXVIII. A. 8. (7.) SABOLY (NicoL.\s) Recueil des Noels composes en langue provencale par N. Saboly. . .Nouvelle Edition . . .avec les airs notes, recueillis, et arranges pour le piano ou I'orgue par F. Seguiu, Aciqnon. N. Scjnin aim', etc. 1S56. fol, XVIII. A. 6. SACCHINI (Antonio Makia Gaspako) [II Cid.] Chimcne ou Le Cid. Ti-agedie Lyriquo en trols actes, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris. Chez Le Due, etc. [17S4.] fol. XXV. B. 12. [II Cid,] The Favourite Songs in. . . 11 Cid, etc. London. . .Ti. Bremner, etc. [1775.] fol. XXV. B. 10. (4.) [Another cojiy.] The Favourite Song.s in the Opera, II Cid. London .. h'. Bremner, etc. [177^,.] fol. VI. B. 29. (2.) [Creso.] The Favourite Songs in . . . Creso, etc. London. . .li. Bremner, etc. [1777.] fol, XXV. B. 11. (1.) [Erifile.] The Favourite Songs in. . , Eritile, etc. London .. .B. Bremner, etc. [1778,] fol. XXV. B. 11. (2.) L' Isola iF Amore. Intermezzi a Quattro voci, cti-. London ...B. Bremner, etc. fol. XXV. B. 10. (3.) [L' Isola d' Amore.] La Colonic. Opera Comique imite de I'ltalien et parodie sur la musique del Sgr. Sacchini, etc. [Full Score,] .1 Paris. Chez Mr. D'EnouriUr, etc. [1775,] fnl. XXV. B. 13. SACCHINI (Antonio ALmua (Ja.spako) [Lucio Vero.] The FaVourile Songs in. . . Lucio Vero, etc. London . . I ;. Bremner, etc. [1773.] fol. XXV. B. 10. (5.) [Motezuina.] The Fa\ourite Songs in . . . Mote- ■Anma,, etc. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. [1775.] ^*^'- XXV. B. 10. (2.) [Nitteti.] The Fa\ourite Songs in. . .Niileti, etc. London. . .R. Bremner, etc. [1774.] fol. XXXII. A. 29. (3.) tEdipe Ti Colone, Opera en trois actes, etc. [Full Score,] Chez Lnliindt . . .11 Piiri.'<. [17S7.] fol. XXV. B. 14. .\nother edition.] (Edipc; a (^'olone. Opera en trois actes de ,Mr. N, !•'. (Juillard. . .2' Editi IniU Score.] a Paris. Chez Imbault, etc [1787.] fol. XXV. B. 15. [Perseo,] The Favouiite Songs in. . .Persei., L'indon. . .B. Breniner, etc. [1774.] fol, XXXII. A. 29. (1.) [Another copy. The Favourite Songs in the opera, Perseo.] [London . . .B. Bremner, ctc'\ fol. VI. B. 29. (3.) Wantirig the title-patje ti pp. 13-54. Uenaud. Tragedie Lyrique en trois Actes, etc. |Fiill Score.] J Paris. Chez Le Bnc. etc. [1785,] fol. XXV. B. 16. [Another Edition.] Renaud, etc. [Full Score.] .{Paris. Chez Le Due, etc. [1783.] fol, XXV. B. 17. .\ Second Set of Six Favorite Lessou.s, for the Harpsichord, or Pi.-ino Forte, with an Accompaniment for the A'iolin. . .t)pera 4th. London. . . J. Bhmdell, etc. fol, LXII. B. 2. (8.) [Tamerlano.] The Favourite Songs in. . . Tamerlano, etc. London. . .R. Bremner, etc. [17 ■^3-] fol. XXV. B. 10. (1.) A presentation copij from tlir jiiddi-'ilier, dated June, See CoitKR (J.) .\ Third Set of . . . Glees . . . .\i'ranged from the .Melodies of Saccliiui, etc. ohl. fol. XXVin. A. 22. (1.) See Gluck (J. AN', von^ [Oj/cn,] Orpheus and Eurydice. . .by Gluck. . .Sacchini, etc. [1792.] ohl.'UA. XXVII. C. 15. (4.) SACRED MINSTRELSY. Sacred Miu.strelsy : a Collection of Sacred Mu.sic by the great Ma.sters of all ages , , , with Acctimpaniments for the Piano- Forte or Organ. [Edited by W. Ayrton.] Volume the Second. London: J. W. Parher, etc. 1835. fol. XI. A. 29. SAFFERY (Osmond) Six ... Glees, selected from the most admired Compo.sers, adapted for three voices. 2 Books. London. . .Philips & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. C. 1. (26.) SAGGIONE (Giuseppe Fedeli) Songs in the New- Opera caird The Temple of Love. I. Wahh... and I. Hare, etc. [1706.] fol. XXXII. A. 2. (2.) SAGRINI (LuKJi) Divertissement pour Guitare. . . Xo. 1. < >p, 20, London ... Mori it Lnvemi, etc fol. LXX. D. 13. (14.) SAINSBURY (AVilliam) Breathe soft ye Winds. (ilfc tor lln'ee voices, etc. London, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 2. (1.) 2 ^ 2 .soo SAINSBUKY— SALAMAN. SAINSBURY (William) Come fill the Bowl. A (Jjee fiir three voices, etc. London, etc. fol. XXXIV. C. 2. (2.) Go Cuj)i(l go thou idle L!ov. Cilee for three voices. He. London .. .'Wdsli & Hawe'^, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 2.(3.) jMornini; and Evening Hymn. J. A. Novdlo, etc. fol. Liindan ... VI. A. 13. (13.) : O ! balmy Sleep. Madrigal, fol. XXXII. C. 2. (4.) Presented tn J. W. WInd.'tor hi/ the i-dmimficr. What bliss to life can Autumn vii'lil. Olee for three voices, rtr. London, etc. fdl. ' XXXII. C. 2. (5.) When the .shades of Night pursuing. Crle<' for three voices, etc. Land an . . . Wchh if- Hawcx, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 2. (6.) SAINT AMANS (L. J.) L'Ablir mis au pas par les braves 8an.s-Culottes. Pot-pourri Rcpublicain, pour le Piano-Forte, etc. A PariK. Chez Boi/er, etc. fol. Lxil. D. 23. (5.) SAINT GERMAIN ( de) Count. See Delizie dell' OpERE. Le Delizie deir Opere. Being ... Songs .. . from. . .Operas eompos'd by. . .Count St. Germain, etc. fol. XXIII. B. 1. SAINT LEON (A.) L'Ange aime. Romance. Paroles de C. Goyneau. 4". X. F. 6. (13.) Friini No. 34 -;/' the ]\Lwcnl World. SAINT-SAENS (Charles Camille) Alce.ste de Gluck. Caprice sur les Airs de Ballet. I'oris, Dariind ,i Schmiewerlc, etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (8.) Ciianson des ilaucroix de J. ]>uraud. Transcrii>tion pour Piano par C. Saint-Sacn.s. I'dris, Dnrand, Scluenewcrlc ti C"- etc. fol. LXII. E. 18. (10.) 3""' Concerto j>our Piano avec accompagaement d'Orchestre. Op. 29. Partition d'Orchestre. Paris. . .Ditrawl, Sclivenewerh <{• (''"■ 8". LXIII. C. 32. (1). 3'"° Concerto pour Piano. . .Op. 29. Piano seul. Paris. . .Darand, Schoenewerk d- (''', etc. fol. LXII. E. 11. (5.) Concerto poui- Violunccllc . . . Op. ."i.'i. Partition d'Orchestre. Paris. . . Dnrand, Sdmenewerlt d ('"■. etc. 8". LXIII. C. 32. (2.) Gavott(> en I'tmiiieui-. [P. F.] London, Novello, Ewer il (Jo., etc. foj. LXII. E. 18. (11.) Mazurka en Sol mineiir. [P. !•'.] London. Novcllo, Einer il Co., ele. fol. LXII. E. 18. (12.) Morceau de Concert ]ioMr \'ioloii avec . . . Piano. ' )p. fi2. Paris. Dnrand, Seliociiewerk (('• ('"'. fol. LXII. B. 8. (19.) See Beethoven (L. van) [Quartet. Op. .59. No. 3.] Finale. . .transcrit. . .par C. Saint-Saeus. fol. \ LVIII. D. 6. (16.) , Sec Beklioz (JI.) Lelio . . . 'I'r.inscriiition jiour le Piano par C. Saint-Saens, etc. 8". X. A. 23. (1.) SALADINO (.Mm iiEi.E) See Vehdi (G.) Me.ssa da iie(|uiem . . . Uiduzione per Canto e Pianoforte di M. Saladino, dc. [1874.] S". X, A. 2. SAL.\MAN (Charles Kensivuton) A toi ! toujours a tui ! Romance, the words by V. Hugo. London., Novcllo, Ewer d' Co., etc. fol. XXXIII. E. 5. (8.) Ad Chloen. Ode bv Horace, etc. London : J. B. Cramer & Co.', etc. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (24.) Presented to Miss E. Windsor hij the Composer : 26 Jan. 1875. Ad Chloen. Ode by Horace. London : Novcllo, Ewer and Co., etc fol. XXXII. E. 5. (2.) Al saUr el sol doraallad, etc. London, Ashdoum d Parry, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (13.) La Barchetta sul fiume. Nocturne pour le Piano. . . Op. 23. iMaiicncc cltez les fib dc B. Schott. fol. LX. A. 24. (1.) Biondina'.s Song. The poetry by M. C. Salaman, etc. London, S. Lucas, Weher if Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 4. (7.) Biondiua's Song, etc. London: S. Lucas, Weher <£• Co., etc fol. XXXII. C. 25. (23.) Presented to Mis.f E. Windsor hij the composer. Capriccio on a Melody by Cherubini for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 2S. London. Augener ((■ Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 24. (7.) Celia, Song, the poetry by W. Whitehead, etc. London, Metzler ((■ Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (15.) Celia, for the Piano Forte. Metzler ,1 Co., etc. fol. London. LX. A. 22. (12.) [Another copy.] Celia, for the Piano Forte, etc. London, Metzler uet for Soprano a] id Tenor. The English Version by M. C. Salaman. London : Novcllo, Etoer oetry by R. H(!riick. London. Augener d Co., etc. fol. "XXXII. E. 3. (6.) I ever think of thee. Song, etc London, S: Lucas, Weher d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (8.) I would tell her. Song, the i)oetry by R. I']. Fran- cillon, etc. London, S. Lucas, Wiher <(■ Co., etc. fol. XXXIL E. 3, (16.) lo lo so che il bel .sembiante. Canzonet, the poetry by Metastasio, etc. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 5. (11.) To sento che in petto. Canzonet, by ^Metastasio. etc. London. . .Addison d Bollier, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 5. (14.) Joy. Impromptu for the Pianoforte. . .Op. .32. Loudon, E. Ashdown, etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (9.) Kalembi. Fantasia on National Songs of Jamaica. Op. 35. [P. F.] London, 3Ietzler d Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 22. (19.) [Another copy.] Kalembi, etc. Lomhoi. Metzltr & Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 24. (18.) Katie. Scotch Song. London, L. Cod:, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (2.) Late, late, so late. Song . . . the poetry by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, etc. London, S. Lucas. Weher d Co., etc. 1886. fol. XXXII. E. 4. (14.) A Leave Taking, Song. . .the poetry by A. C. Swin- burne, etc. London. Nocell,,, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 4. (4.) Leila. Serenade. London, L. Code, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 2. (18.) Linger not long. Song. London, S. Lucas, Weher & Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 2. (17.) Lov'd-one. Serenade, etc. S. Lucas, Weher & Co., etc. London. fol. XXXIL E. 3. (11.) Love's Legacy. Song, the words by :M. C. Sala- man, etc. London. S. Lucas, Weher d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 4. (11.) Love's Philosophy. Song, poetry by Shelley. London, Ashdown d Parry, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (4.) Love's Philosophy, arranged for the Piano Forte, etc. London, Ashdown d Parry, etc. fol. LX. A. 22. (17.) [Another copy ] Love's Philosophy .. .for the Piano Forte, etc. London, Ashdown d Parrif, etc. fol. 'lX. a. 24. (11.) Luctus in morte passeris. Ode by Catullus. London : Norello, Ew.r and Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 5. (1.) 302 SALAMAN. SALAMAN (CiiAKLKS Kknsinoton) A Lullaby, for SALAMAN (Ciiarlks Ki;nsi\(!Ton) Oh if thou wert the I'iauot'orte. Op. 41. LoiidoH, AsMown .(• Parry, etc. fol. LX. A. 22. (16.) [Another copy.] A Lullaby. . .Op. 1 1. London, Anlidown (t Parry, etc. fol. L. A. 23. (It.) !^Llzurka for the Pianoforte. . .Op. L''^. London, E. Ashdoion, etc. fol. LX. A. 24. (8.) Medora, a Reverie for the Pianoforte. <->p. 43. London, S. Lucax, Weber d; Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (4.) Meilora'.s Soiij,', Deep in my i^oul. poetry by Lord Jivron. LiitidcK, S. J^iicax. Wch(r it t'n.. etc. ful. XXXIL E. 2. (4.) Six Charaetei-i.stic Melodies, for the Piano Forte. G \os. Ijmdon, S. Liicax, Wibcr A- Co.. etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (15.) [Another edition.] Six Characteiistic Melodie.s, for the Piano Forte. Nos. -5, G. London. L. Cod; etc. fol. LX. A. 22. (5.) Memory, Song, the poetry by T. !Moore, etc. London, S. Lucas, Welter & Co.. etc. fol. XXXIL E. 2. (20.) The ^Moonbeams. Song. Jjondou, L. Cod; etc. fol. XXXIL E. 2. (2.) La Morenita. Habanera for the Pianoforte. <-)p. 46. London, S. Liicaa, Weher cO Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (13.) n ^hilinii. Caprice pour Piano. . .Op. 1.?. London. ..Schott ,{■ Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 24. (6.) Murmured Music. Sonnet, Ijy M. C. Salauian, etc. London. S. Lucas, Weher (t Co., etc. fol. XXXIL E. 4. (12.) My Star. A Rhapsody for Tenor, S(>i)rano, Contralto or Bass, the words after the Greek of Plato by Sir E. Arnold, etc. London. S. Lucn«, WehenS' Co.. etc. fol, XXXIL E. 4. (13.) My Sweetiioart. Ballad, the words by 1>. C. Hasbrouk, etc. L.ondon : S. Lucas, Weher A- Co., etc. fol. XXXIL E. 4. (10.) No ! I never was in love. Song, i-tc. L. . .0|i. ()3. Lout/on, S. Lncati, Welter & Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (12.) T' amo d' amor dolei.ssimo. Roman/.a, etc. E. Ashloirn. London, etc. fol. XXXII. E. 5. (6.) T' amo. Romance, ai'ranged for the Piano Forte. London. Aslidown (t Parrif, etc. fol. LX. A. 22. (15.) There is an Hour, a pensive Hour. Four Part Song, poetry by Sirs. Hem;ins. Loudon. Novella, Ewer (D Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 1. (6.) There's not a libre. Sonnet. The poetry by Mrs. F. Kemble. London : Narello, Ewer it Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 3. (1.) Thiidv'st thou on me ? Song, etc. London. S. Luca>:, Weber d: Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 2. (7.) This Rose. Song, poetry by Lord Pyron, etc London, S. Lucas, Weber tC Co., etc. fol. XXXII. E. 2. (8.) Thought. Sonnet .xi.iv, by Shakespeare. London : S. Lucatt, Weber tC Co., etc. fi)l. XXXII. E. 4. (6.) Toccata brillantc, for the Piano-Forte. Landau,, S. Lncax, Weber & Co., etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (2.) The Touching Pathos. Simnet, etc. Londioi, Lamborn Cock cC Co., ete. fol. XXXII. C. 25. (20.) Presented by the composer to Miss E. Wind.^or, 1869. The Touching Pathos. Sonnet. Londan. L. Cock, etc' fol. XXXII. E. 2. (10.) Tranquillity. Nottnrno for the Pianoforte. Op. <)I. Lowlon, Aslidown d Parry, etc. fol. LX. A. 23. (10.) SALAMAN (Cii.vuLKS KiCNSiNdTON) Trova un sol, niia b Voluntaries for organ. 1 [IF. Morley d Co. Londrcsso Artaria C. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 6. (8.) [Axur lie d' Ormus.] I'cr te solo, ani.ito bene. J)uetto. . .per Claviceml)alo, c di Canto e Piano arrangce par H, Salomon. 8". X. B. 10. SALOMON (Joiix Pethk) Six English Canzonets with an Accompaniment for the Piano F'orte, etc. London. ..Birchall, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 26. (8.) SALOMON (Joii.\XN Petkr) Wind.sor Castle, an Opera, with the !Mas(|ue of Peleus and Thetis, etc. Printed for the Author, etc. [London. 1 795.] obi. fol. XXVII. C. 10. (5.) The title-patie is signed by the com2ioser. See Haydn (P. J.) No. 1 (-12) of Haydn's . . . Symphonies. . .arranged. . .by J. P. Salomon, etc. fol. LIX. B. 3. a. (1.) SALZILLI (Cbescentio) Canto (Alto) (Tenore) (Basso) (Quinto) Del Terzo Libro de' Madrigali a Cin((uc X'^oci, etc. o ])t. In Napiili, Per Gio: Giacona, Carliii". r'^I',. I". I. C. 1. (8.) SAMSON (i-iOLls) .V\e X'erum. [For i Voices and <>r;,'an. I Neumei/er d' Co. London. I". X. F. 6. (14.) h'or the Mountains shall depart. Full Anthem. London : Norell,^, Ewer and Co. S<>. IX. A. 18. (47.) Incline thine Ear to my crying, composed for Chorus and Orchestra. . .Op. 30. Pianoforte Score, etc. London, Neinneyer . 3. London ... L(ingmiin d: Dnidirip, etc. [1798.] fol. XXXII. A. 15. (1.) The Favorite Overture to the. . .Pantomime, called the Magic Flute . . . Composed and arranged for the Piano Forte, etc. London . . . J. Loniimnn, Clcmenti d C'n., etc. fol. LXII. E. 18. (13.) SANDONI (PiKit G1U.SKPP1:) Cantatc da Camera e Senate peril Cembalo, ('/<-. oW. fol. XXIX. A. 10. (1.) SANFORD (Frank D.) Hymns of the Gospel, New and old . . . Compiled by F. D. Sanford. Musical Editors : .T. H. Swenev. . .W. J. Kirkpatrick. Lond,„i. Marghall Brothers, etc. 8°. IX. E. 17. SAN MARTINI (Giovanni I!attista) 8i.\ Sonat.is for lAvo N'iolins and a Thorough Hass . . . < )|)era Prima. [Parts.] Loiiiliiii . . ../. SiiiqiSiiii. etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (10.) Six Sonatas or Ducts for two (Jennaa-Flutes, or Violins. . .Opera iv. London. . .1. Wal.ili, etc. fol. LXII. B. 1. See Lampuonani (G. B.) and San ]SIautini (G. 15.) Six Sonatas, etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (7.) SAN MARTINI (Giovanni Battista) or (Giuseppe) See Haendel (G. F.) Warlike ]\Iusiek . . . Being a Choice Collection of Marches and Trumpet Tunes. . . By M' Handel, S' Martini and the most Kminent Composers. S^. LXXXIII. A. 6. SAN MARTINI (Giovanni Battista) and BRI- OSCHI (Antonio) Six Sonatas for two Violins with a Thorough Bass. . .by Sig' G. B. S" Martini. . . Sig' Brioschi and other Masters. 3'' Set. [Parts.] L '. Parts.] London... I. Walsh, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (15.) Eight Overtures in eight Parts . . . and Six Grand Concertos (Op. vii) for Violins etc. '2. pt. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 1. (2.) [Anf)ther copy.] Eight Overtures, etc. [Parts.] London... L Walsh,' etc. fol. LX. D. 4. (4.) Eight Overtures and Six Grand Concertos in Seven Parts . . . Opera Decima. (Opera .\l.) 2 pt. [Parts.] London .. .J. Johnson, etc. fol. LX. D. 4. (6, 7.) [Another copy ] Eight Overtures and Six Grand Concertos. . .Opera Decima (-Xl".). 2 pt. [Parts.] London. . .J. Johnson, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (16, 17.) XII Sonate a due Violini, e Violoncello, e Cembalo, se piace. Opera Terza, etc. [Parts.] London. . . L Walsh, etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (6.) B.C..M.C', SAN MARTINI (Giuseppe) [Son.ite. Op. 111.] t/'uncerli Gr(jssi. . .Op. v. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. D. 2. (10.) [Another copy. Sonate. Op. iii.] Concerti Grossi ... Opera Quinta. [Parts.] London... L Walsh, etc. fol. LX. E. 2. (14.) Six Sonatas for two (Jerman Flutes or two Violins with a Thorough Bass for the llarpsicord . . . Opera Sexta. [Parts.] London. . .Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. LXII. A. 1. (9.) SANTLEY (Charles) See Nava ((}.) Method of In.>truction for a B.nitone Voice ... I'Mited by ... C. Santley. 8". X. C. 13. SAPIO ( ) Quatre Duos et deux Cavatine avec .A.ccomp' de 2 Violons et d'un Basse, etc. L'lndon, printed for the Author, etc. oW. fol. XXVI. C. 31. The Titlc-paije is siijned hy the composer. From the J-'rincc.'is Sophia's Lilmirii, with her book-plate. SARASATE (Pablo de) Spauische Tanze fiir Violine mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . Op. 22. Zweites Heft. ^N. Simrock. . .Berlin. 1879. fol. LXII. B. 3. (8.) SARDI (Giuseppe) Tre Sonate per il Clavicembalo o l''oite Piano con accompagnamento d'un Violino . . . < )j)era mi. In Vienna presso Artarla Comp. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 22. (7.) SARTI (Giuseppe) [Ah ! proteggete o dei.] Duetto. [Edited by Goodison.] [London.] fol, XXIV. D. 19. (2.) Giulio Sabino. Dramma per Musica, etc. [Full Score.] Stampato in Vienna, obi. fol. XVII. A. 1. Three Sonatas, for the Harpsicord. London. . . J. Longman <£• Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 23. (6.) SAVARY (Edmond) Grande Sonate pour Piano et N'iolon. Oj). 32. J Paris. S. Pichaiill. etc. fol, LXII. B. 3. (9.) [Another copy] Grande Sonate, , .( ip. .'ii'. .i Paris. S. Richault, etc. fol, LXII. B. 8. (20.) SAVILE (Jeremiah) The Waitts. *. ,«/(, 4", X. F. 6. (15.) SCALETTA (Or.\tio) Cetra Spirituale. Accordata a due, tre, e quattro voci, per concertar nel Organo , . . Accomodata con la sua Partitura, etc. Canto. (Ba.sso.) 2 pt. Ill Milano, Per V herede di Simon Tini, & Filippo Lomazzo. 1C05. 4". I. C. 1. (1.) SCARLATTI (Alessandro) La Bo,saura, Sec EiTNEH (K.) Die Oper . . . Dritter Theil , , , A. Scarlatti's La Rosaura, etc. 1885. fol. L. B. 13. See ThomyrIs. Songs out of . . . Thomiri's . . . Collected out of the Works t)f .,, Scarlatti, elete des tEuvi-es de D. Sc) ,SVc jMozaut (AV. A.) Dei- 8cL;iuspi<'lclir(:'ktiii- . . . I in Kluvicraus/ugi' \<>M S. Schuiicdt. abl. M. XXVI. C. 2. (1.) SCHMITT (Alovs) Etudes jKHir Ic Piano Forte... Op. 10. .'! pt. Ildiiii rt Volo(inr rlicz N. Siiiirock. t'ol. LX. B. 5. l!(iii(lo Ci,incertiiiit pour Pianoforte et Violollcell(^ . . OcuMC 49. 3Iayencv, cluz B. SchoH Fih, ffc. t'ol. * ohi. fol. LXII. C. 2. (12.) Senate pour k; Piano-Forte. . .Oeuv. .")!'. No. 1. Mtiynicc, clicz B. Schott, FiJs, etc. alil. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (10.) Soiiate poui' lo Piano- Forti';. . .Ocuv. .")2. No. 3. Miu/ciicc, eh':: B. Scliatl, Fih, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (11.) Sonatc pour le I'iauo-Fortr . . .(Jcuv. ')'!. No. 4. Mai/encc, chez B. Schott, Fih, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (12.) Trio pour J)i'U.k N'iolons et Violoncelle. . .< (euv. 63. [Parts.] Lclpzi,/. . .C. F. Prtci>: fol. LXIII. D. 20. (16.) Trios fiir zwei Violinen & V^ioloncello . . . Op. 13-") . . . No. 1. [Parts] Olf'cnhach .y'M.. hei J. Amire. fol. LXIII. D. 20. (17.) Neuf Variations pour Piano-Forte. . .No. l'. A. Oll'ciihach xjM., die:: J. AwM. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 14. (6.) SCHMITT (Hans) Beethoven. Festchor. . .Gedicht von •!. Piiick-Gnadenau. Op. '>o. Partitur. H7eH. L. DoJiliiiger, etc. 8". X. F. 12. (26.) SCHMITT (Joseph) Prelude et Allegro brillant . . . ( )p. 99.— Nocturne ... Op. 66. [P. F.] Bei J. A. Bohmc. lldmburi/, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 20. (3.) Heft 10 of • Musikalischer Ehren-Tempel,' etc. Si.x Quatuor.s a Deux ^'iolons, Taille it Basse . . . Oeu\re Cinquieme. [Parts.] A Amxtcnlnm chez J. J. Hummel, etc. fol. LX. B. 5. a. SCHNEIDER (Gkobc; Abhaiiam) Trois Duos pour \ iolon it Alto. . .Oeuvrc 44. a Offenhtcli xjM., chez J. Andre, fol. LXII. B. 18. (9.) Trois Quatuors pour deux Violons, Viola et Violoncelle . . . Oeuvre 65, Livr ] . [Parts.] Leipsic et Berlin, iiu Bureau des Arts, etc. fol. LXI. A. 3. (9.) SCHNEIDER (Johanx Christian Feiedkicii) AIj- salon. Uratorium von A. Briiggeniann. . .Pavtitui-. Dessau, hei dem Verfa.^ser. fol. XVIII. A. 7. ]Missa solis voeilius liumanis eoiuitantc, si placet, organo cantauda . . . V'erba germanica supposuit A. Wendt, etc. Lipsiae c.v o^iciua musica C. F. Peters. fol. ■ XVIL B. 35. (3.) [Another copy.] Missa solis vocibus humanis . . . cantanda, etc. Lipsiae ex officiun mUKic C. F. Peters. fol. ■ XVIII. B. 19. (3.) Forty-eight Organ Trios for Two Claviers it the Pedals. Loudon, J. A. Norello, etc. fol. LXII. C. 9. (6.) SCHNEIDER (.Iojiank Christian' Fbieduicii) l''orty-eiglit < irgan Trios, for two Claviers & tlie Pedals. Loudon. Novellu, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 6. Fortv-Fight Organ Trios, etc. London <£• New Yorh. Novella, Ewer (& Co. fol. LXII. C. 9. (7.) Orgelschule. etc HuJberslodt, tiii ('. Britii'i'iuouu. 1830. ohl. fol. XXVIIL C. 29. 'Ilieil II if Schneider's ' Handhuch des Organlstcn.' F. Schneider's Complete Theoretical and Pi-actical Instruction for Playing the Organ . . . Translated . . . by C. I'laxman. The \vhol(M>dited. . .by •) . O. i':iii( tl, etc. fol. LXX. B. 16. F. Schneider's Complete . . . Instruction for Playing the Organ, e/c. Second Edition. Loudon... J. A. Novella, etc. fol. LXX. B. 17. Studies for Pedal Playing ; forming Chapter III. of the Complete Organ School. Londou : J. A. Norello, etc. fol. LXII. A. 17. (2.) (irand Quatuor pour le Pianoforte, Violon, V^iola ct Violoncelle. . .Op. 24. [Parts.] Chez A. Kiihuel. . . Leipzig, fol. LXI. E. 3. (9.) tjuatuor pour le Pianoforte, Violon, Viola et Violon- celle. . .Oeuv. 30. [Parts.] Leipzii/. . . C F. Peters. fol. LXI. E. 3. (10.) (irande Souate Pathetique pour le Pianoforte . . . Oe. 14. Chez A. Kiihnel. . .Leipziif. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 18. (8.) Grande Sonate brillante pour le Pianoforte. . . Oe. 26. Chez A. Kiihuel. . .Leijixii/. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 18. (2.) Grosse Sonate fiir das Pianoforte. . .-SO" AVerk. [Leipzi'i.] Bureau de 3Iusique. ohl. f(d. XXIX. A. 15. (9.) Grande Sonate pour le Pianoforte. . .')e. 37. Leipzig. Bureau dc Musiqiie. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (10.) Die Siindltuth. < )ratorium von E. von Groote . . . Voll- stiindiger. . . Clavier-Auszug. Bonn u. Coin hei N. Siiuroch. ohl. fol. ' XI. C. 43. Das Weltgericht. Oratorium von A. Apel . . . Partitur mit unterlegtem lateinischera Texte vou C. Nienieyer, etc. Bey Breithopf d- Hdrtel in Leipzig, ohl. fol. XI. C. 44. On p. 48 three bars are inserted in Sir II. B. Bishop's autograph. I )as Weltgericht. Oratorium . . . Klavierauszug von Coniponisten eiii.gerichtet. Leipzi'i, hei F. Hofmeister. fol. XVIIL A. 8. Das Weltgericht. . .Ivlavierauszug, etc. Leipzig, bei Hofmeister. ohl. fol. XI. C. 45. See MoZAHT (W. A.) Don Juan . . . Klavierauszug. . . von F. Schneider, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 36. SCHNEIDER (Max) G. P. Telemann. DerTagdes Geriehts. . .Ino. . . Herausgegeben von M. Schneider. 1907. See Dexkmaklei!. Denkmiiler Deutseher Tonkuust, Erste Folge. etc. Baud XXVIIL 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 28. 30H SCHOliERLECHNER— SCHUBEM'. SCHOBERLECHNER (Franz) Sec Eossixi (G. A.) [Semiiaiiiiile.] < Iun X'lture ... ridotta per il Piiiiui- Forte a 4 main da V. Sohoberlechner. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 1. (1.) SCHOBERT ( ) Trois 8iiifoiiie,s pour le Clavecin avec I'accumpagnement d'uu ^'ioloa iC- Deux Comes de Chas.se. . .Qjluvre ix. Lamhin. . . B. Bremner, etc.. fol. LX. B. 7. (9.) Wantintj the nccnmpaniments. [Another edition.] Trois Siniphonies. . .(Euvre ix. London. . .Preston & Son, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (10.) Wanting the accompanimcnU. Trois i^infouies pour le Clavecin avec raccompagne- ment d'un Violon & deux Cornes de Chasse . . . (,)euvrc X. Lonilon . . .B. Bremner, etc. fol. Wanting tlic accoDipaniinents. LX. B. 7. (11.) [vVnother edition.] Trois Sinfonies. . .()euvie x. LoiKlon. . .Preston d: Son, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (12.) Wantinij the <(cconip(iniiiicnls. l)cux Senates pour le Clavecin avec acconipai^nenienl de Violcm . . . (Euvre I. London , . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. Wanting tie Violin part. LX. B. 7. (1.) l)eux .Soiiates pour le Clavecin avec accumpagncment d(^ Violon. . .CEuvre ll. London. . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (2.) Wanting the Violin part. [Another Edition.] Deux donates. . .<.Eu\re ll. London. . .Preston and Son, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (3.) Wanting the Violin part. Deux Sonatas \mx\i- le Clavecin avec I'acconipagne ment de Violon. . .Opera in. London. . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (4.) Wanting the Violin part. Deux Sonates jmiui' le Clavecin. . .Qiuvre iv. London. . .B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (5.) Deux donates pour le Clavecin avec raccompagiienient de Violon. . .(Euvre v. Londn. . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (6.) Wanting the Violin part. Trois Sonatas pour le Clavecin avec acconipagne- ments de Violon et Ba.sse. . .Opera vi. L^ondcn . . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (7.) Wanting the accompaniments. L)eu.x Sonates ]H)ur le Clavecin avec acconijiagnement (le Violon. . .(Evivre viii. London. . . B. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (8.) Wanting the Violin juirl. 8ix Sonates jiour le Clavecin. . .Opera xiv. Lcs p.'irties d'acconip.-ignenients sont ad I.iliitmri. London. . .Ji. Jlremner, etc. fol. LX. B. 7. (13.) Wanting the accompaniments. IV Sonates pour le Clavecin a\ec accompagnoment dc Violon. . .Opera XVII. [Parts.] Tjondon. . . Preston (Sir II. J!.) Twelve Coralcs. . .by. . .Scliop, r/e. fol. VI. B. 22. SCHOENEBECK (Carl Sic.muni*) Trois Duos Cniiccrtans pour deux Violoncellos. . .Oeuvre 12. Livre 1. A Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. B. 1. SCHOLZ (Beuniiahd E.) Sonate fiir Pianoforte und Violoucell. . .Op. r>. L^eipzig . . .('. F. Peters, fol. LXII. C. 7. (24.) SCHREYER (Gregorius) Juliilus Musicus per Jubiltei Andecensis. . .sive Missre viii solennes, etc. 1 2 pts. Augustae Vindeiicorum, siimptihns Matlhaei Bioger, etc. 1756. fol. I. A. 18. The C, A, T, B, Violino I and II, Clarino I and II, Cornu I and II, Ti/mpano and Organo jMrts. SCHUBACK (Jacob) Die Jiinger zu Eniaus. Erster (Zweyter) Theil. [Full Score.] 2 pt. Hamburg... M. C. Bock, 1778-g. fol. XVIII. A. 9. Inserted is n copij of the IJliretto in I'Jnglish : ' The Di-'. Tours. Loni/on : Novello, Ewer and Vol, etc.. 8". IX. A. 13. (1.) SCHUBEET. m) SCHUBERT (1''kanz Vktku) [II. Vocal Works.] .Muss (Xo. '.]) ill Jj . . . (Op. 141) V(jcal Score with pianoforte ;iccoiiipaninient arranged ... by 1*^. Prout. Lomlnn, Auijovr it Co. 8». IX. A. 16. (7.) Mes.sc [No. 5] — A.s dur — fiir vier Siiij^sliiuinen, ( )rehester u. Orgcl . . . Nachgelas.senes Werk. Par- titiir. Wirn. F. Schmher, etr. 8". IX. G. 31. Grosse Mcs.so [No. 6] (in Es) fiir Cbor uiul Ort-hcstci-. Lcipzuj u. Winterthur, J. Rieter-Blcdermnini, <■!<■. 1865. fol. XVIII. A. 10. Grosse Messe [No. G] (in Es) fiir Chor uud Orcliester, tie. [P. F. Score.] Leipzig 11. Winterthur, J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1865. fol. XXV. B. 24. (1.) [Miriams Siegesgesang.] The Song of ]Miriam . . . So]irano Solo it Chorus, translated . . . from the (Jermaii by Grillpar/er by "W. Duthio. . .Op. 1.'56. Ltiii(hii) . . . NoreUo, Eiorr & Co., etc. fol. XI. A. 28. (3.) .1 proof copy. P.sahn XXIIl fiir 2 Soprau und 1' AH iiiit r.i-leitun- des Piano-Forte. . . 132'^" Werk. Wim, bci A. Diuhelli u. Comp., etc. fol. XXV. B. 21. (7.) The Twenty-Third Psahn. . .with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte ... Op. lo2. London, Awjaur & Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 21. (10.) L)er 92. Psalm . . . tjber.setzung von Moses Mendels- sohn, fiir gemischten Chor mit IJariton-Solo, etc. Wien, 1870, bet J. P. Gotthard. fol. XXV. B. 21. (12.) [Another copy.] Der 92. Psalm, etc. Wien, 1870, 6c/ J. P. Gotthard. fol. XXV. B. 24. (4.) Salve Regina. Hymne. . .fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor und iJass mit Klavierbegleitung, etc. Wien, hei C. T. Hadiiojer, etc. fol. XXV. B. 24. (2.) b. Works for the Theatre. [Alfonso und Estrella.] Ouverture. . .Op. 69. Par- tilurausgabo. Wien, C. A. Sjjina. 1867. S". LXIII. A. 25. (2.) [Alfonso und Estrella.] Ouverture zur Oper Alphouso und Estrella fiir das Pianoforte zu vier Hiinden eingerichtet . . . Op. 69. Wien, hei A. Diahelli Comp., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 31. (8.) [Fierrabras.] < )uverture. . .Op. 7-"). Partiturausgabe. Wien, a A. Spina. 1867. 8". LXIII. A. 25^ (1.) [Rosamunde.] Ouverture. . .Op. 26. Partituransgabe. 1867. Wien, C. A. Spina, etc. 8°. LXIII. C. 34. (2.) [Rosamunde.] Zwei Entr'actes. . .Partitur. Wien, 1866. C. A. Spina, etc. 8°. LXIII. C. 34. (3.) . Partiturausgabe. LXIII. A. 24. [Rosamunde.] Zwei Entractes . Wien, C. A. Sjnna, 1867. S". [Rosamunde.] Zwei Entr'actes. . . .eingerichtet von C. Reinecke. C. A. Spina, etc. fol. [Rosamunde.] Gesiinge zum Drama Rosamunde. (Jedichtet V(in Freyinn W. v. Chezy ... 26 Werk. 1 Heft. li7e/(. Sauer eglei- tung des Pianoforte. . .Neue Au.sgabe. Kcvidirt von ^. Pvietz. J!and 1 (3) (.".) (7) ('J) (11) (13) (1-5) (17) (ID). lU vols. Lvqmbcglei- luh". Herausgegeben \(tn M. Fiiedlaender. Leipzig, C F. Prices. 1 1885.] S". X. D. 3. (2.) SCHJBERT (FiiANZ Pkteh) [II. \'u(At, N\'okks.J Terzette. Op. 74 A- 104. Leipzig <('■ Berlin, C. F. Petcr.<, etc. 8". X. D. 3. (3.) [Op. I.] ErlkOnig. Ballade von Goethe. Viw eine Bass-Stimme mit Begleitung des Piano. Wo'ii . . . A. Diahelli et Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (14.) Der Erlkiiuig. (redicht von A\'. von Goethe . . . Photo-Lithogra])hie. Berlin, 1 868. Vcrlaii roil W. Miiller, etc. nl,/. fol. XXVIII. A. 11. (6.) [Op. 2.] Gretchcn am Spinniade. aus Guthe's " Faust " . . . 2'" Werk. Wien, hri Coppi und Diidielli, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (1.) [Op. 2.] Marguerite. Ballade .. .Paroles franeaises do Mr. Bclauger, etc. A Paris, clirz Picliiiult, etc. fc.I. ' XXXII. C. 24. (5.) [r)p. 3.] Scliiifers Klagelied. Heidenriislein. Jiigers Abendlied. Meeres Stille \oti Goethe. Fiir eine Singstiine mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte . . . 3"'* AVerk. Wien. . .Cappi utid Diohelli, etc. ohl.tol. XXVII. A. 1. d. [()]!. •").] Rastlose Liebe, Niihe des Geliebten, Der Fischer, Erster Verlust, und Der Konig in Thule. Gedichte von Goethe. Fiir eine Singstiine mit Begleitung des Pian\. ' XXVII. A. 2. (3.) |Op. fi.] ilennion. Antignne und Oidiji. Gedichte voji J . Mayerhofer. .;\m Grabe Anselmo's. Gedicht von Claudius. . .fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pian. 7.] Die abgebliihte Linde, Der Flug der Zeit, vom Grafen Ludwig von Szcchenvi. Der Tcid und das Miidchen, von Claudius, fiir eine SingstiiTie mit I'egleitung des Piano-Foi'te . . .7''' Werk. Wien, hey A. Diahelli rt Comp., ohl. M. XXVII. A. 2. (4.) |()p. S.] I >er .Mingling auf dem Iliigel. \iin 11. II iittenbrenner. Sehnsuilil , Eriafsce und .Am Stromc von Alayrhofer. Kiir eine Singstimme mil Begleitung des Piano-Forte ... 8"' Werk. Wien hei/ A. Dinhelli ct Cionp.. etc. old. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (5.) iDji. 12.] (iesiingedes JIarfners aus W'illieim Meister von Goethe. . .fiir eine Singstinnue mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte. . .12''" AVerk. Neue Ausgabe. Wien, hei A. Dinhelli II. Coiii/i. etc. tnl. XXV. B. 23. (7.) SOHUBKUT. 311 SCHUBERT (FuAXZ Pctkh) [TT. Vocal Wokks.] [O]). 1.1.] Dor Sehiifer u. tier lleitor, voii Friedrich B. (Ic la jNLottc Foui|u6 ; Lob der Thriinen, von A. Vt'. von Sclilegel, uud Dei- Al])f'njiiger von J. Mayerhofer. Fiir oine SirigstiiTio niit Hegleitung des Piaiio-Forto . . . l;i"^» Wcrk. Wlru hri A. DnlhrlU ''I C'oliip. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 1. e. (1.) [Oj). It.] Suleika luid Gcdieimes. . . von Goethe, fiir eine 8ingstiiTie mit Ijegleilung des Pianoforte. . .14'" Werk. Wicit, hcij A. DiahdJl i-t Qmj). etc. obi. i«\. XXVII. A. 2. (6.) [Op. 11. Another Co|)v. I Siili'ika un.] Die Liebe hat gelogen. J )ie selige Welt. Sehwaneugesang. Schatzgriibers Begehr. Tier (iediehte . . .fiir eine Singstinune mit I'egleitung des Piano Forte... 2;'.» Werk. Wien W. J. Lri,hs,h.,-r, rlr. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (11.) [Op. 24.] Gruppe au.s dem Tartarus. Gedicht von F. Schiller. Schlummerlied. (Jedicht von .J. ]\Iayer- hofer . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. .. 24'-'* Werk. Neue Ausgabe. Wien... A. Diabelli et Conip., rfe. fol. XXV. B. 23. (6.) [Op. 25 ] Die .Schiine ^Miillei'in. Ein Cyclus von Liedern gedichtet vou W. Miiller . . . fiir eine Sing- .stimme mit Pianoforte Begleitung ... 2-5 AVerk. ii Hefte. Wien, iSatiei- (£■ Leidendurf. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. d. (2.) [Op. 2.^. Another edition.] T'ie Scluine Miillerin. . . Xeue Ausgabe. .5 Hefte. nVcfi, hei A. Diubelli it Conip.. etr. fol. XXV. B. 22. (1.) [Op. 2"). Another edition.] Die Schiine Aliillerin . . . 2.5^* Werk. 5" Heft. Wirn. M. J. Leide^dorf. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (12.) SCHUBERT (F)tANZ Pktkk) [U. Vocal Worics.] [Op. 2.").] Lieder und (Je.sange . . . Neue revidirte Ausgabe. Zweitci- Band. Die sehijne Miillerin . . . O]). 2-5. [Edited by .S. Bagge.] Leipzlij . . . Kieitkopf (t Hartel^ efe. 8". X. F. 20. [Op. 31.] Suleika's IT"'' Gcsang. . .von GOthe. . . fiir eine iSingstiilie mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . 81 Werk. TF"'n, hell A. Peunnuer. ohl. fol. XXVIL A. 1. e. (3.) [Op. .'51. Another edition.] iSuleika's IP''' Gcsang . . ..^l Werk. Wien, bn/ A. Prnnnuer. ubl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (14.) [< )p. .■'>2.] Die Forelle. Gedicht von Schubart in Musik ge.'iotzt fiir eine Singstimine mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, etc. 117'"//, bei/ A. Diobelli mid Conip., rlr. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. I. e. (9.) [Op. 36.] Die ziirnende Diana und Nachtst iick, gedichtet von J. Mayerhfifer . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .36' Werk. Wien, lieij J. Czernii, ete. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (15.) [Op. 37.] Der Pilgrim und i\Qv Alpenjager gedichtet von F. von Schiller . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Be- gleitung des Pianoforte. . .37"'" Werk. Wien. bel/ J. CzerniJ, rlr. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 2. (16.) [Op. 3S.] Der Liedler. Ballade von .J. Kennor . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . . 38"'* AVerk Wien. hn/ Ciijipi und ('unip. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. d. (3.) [Op. 38. Another edition.] Der Liedler . . . 38"-^ AVerk. Wien, hei/ J. i'xermi, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (1.) [Op. 39.] Die Sehnsucht. Gedicht von Schiller . . . fiir eine SingstiiTie mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . .39'"' AA'erk. ir/c?i hei/ A. Pennaiur. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. d. (4.) [Op. 39. Another edition.] Die Sehnsucht. Ge- dicht von Schiller . . . fiir eine SingstiiTie mit Be- gleitung des Pianoforte. . .39"^ Werk. Wien, hei A. Diabelli u. Cornp. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 26. (7.) [Op. 41.] Der Einsame, Gedicht v. C. Lajipe . . . fiir eine Singstimine mit Begleit. des Pianoforte . . . 41'"' AVerk. Wien, hei A. Biohelii und Comp, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (2.) [(Jp. 41. Another copy.] Der Einsame, etc. Wien, hei A. Diabelli und Comp., etc. obi. fol XXVII. A. 3. (3.) [Op. 43.] Die Junge Nonne, Gedicht von Ciaiglier. Nacht und Triiume, Gedicht von F. Schiller . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . 43'"AVerk. Tr(>H heij A. Pennauer. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. d. (5.) [Die Jungo Nonne. Op. 43. No. 1.] La .Jeuiie 1' el igieu.se . . . transcrip" pour A'iolon, A'ioloncolle, Orgue et Piano par C. Gounod. [Parts.] .1 Paris. . . Hcuijel et Cie, etc. fol. LXI. D. 9. (8.) [Oji. 52.] Three Songs, the Poetry from Sir AValter Scott's Lady of the Lake. . .Op. 52. London, E. AMown, etc. fol. XXV. B. 24. (13.) ni2 SCHUBERT. SCHUBERT (FuANZ Petku) [TI. Vocal ^VoKKs.J [Op. 52.] Sieben Gesange aus Walter Scott's Friiulein vom See iu Musik gesetzt mit Begleitung dei PiauotV)rte. . .Op. -52. l'" Heft. Wicii bcj M. Artarid, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. e. (4.) [Op. .56. Heft I.] Willkoinen unci Ab.schied. Gedicht von Guethe. An die Leyer. . .Im Haine, Gedichte von Bruchniann. . .fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Heft I. 56'°' Werk. Wieii heii A. Prnnaucr, ct,: ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (4.) [Op. 59.] Vier (iediehte von Hiickert uiid Graf Platen . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano Forte . . .Op. .">'.l. W/rn. Sniicr <('■ Li-idcfdarf. "hi. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (5.) [r»p. 59. Another edition.] Da liehst niich nicht. (iedicht von (iraf Platen. J)a.ss sie hier gewe.sen ! Gedielit von F. Riitkert. l)u bist die Kuli. Lachen u. Weinen. Gedichte von F. Hiickert . . . fiir eine Singstimme nut Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 59. Neue Ausgabe. Wicii. hri A. Dii(hclli et Cain/K, etc. fol. XXV. B. 23. (3.) [Op. 60.] Greisen-Gesang. . .von F. Hiickert. Dythy- rambe von F. v. Schiller. . .fiir eine Bassstimme mit Begleituni; des Piaiuiforte. . .60'''" Wei-k. Wieii, hryj. Czermj. etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (6.) [Op. 62.] Gesiinge aus ^\'ilhl■lm Meister von Gtithe mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .(J2*''* Werk. Wien. lie! A. Ditibelli (I- ('(imj>., etc. chl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. e. (5.) [Op. 62. Another edition.] Gesange aus Wilhrlm Meister von Goethe ... Op. 62. Neue Ausgabe. Wien, he; A. Dinheli; et Coinp.. etc. fol. XXV.' B. 23. (8.) [Op. 65.1 Lied eines Schifl'ers an die Dioskuren von .J. Mayrhofer. Dei- Wanderer von A. W. Schlegel. Aus Heliopolis von J. Mayerhofer . . .fiir eine Sing- .stiinrae mit IJegleitung des Pianoforte. . .65''^^* Werk. Wien. l,e,j J. Cxcrwj, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (7.) [Op. 71.] Drang in die Feme. Gedicht von C. (i. V. Leitner. . .fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano-F'orte . . . 71'" A\'erk. Wien hei A. Diahelliund Vmnp. iM. fi.l. XXVII. A. 1. d. (6.) [Op. 72. 1 .\\if dem Wassei' zu singen. Gedicht von Leopold (irafeii zu Stolberg . . . fiir eine SingstiiTie mit {{('Lileitunii des Pianoforte. . .72'"" Werk. Wien, hei A. Diahrlli & Comp., etc. „!,!. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (8.) [O]). 7:i.] Die Rose. Gedicht von F. Schlegel. . .fiir eine Singstiinme u\\i Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . 7;3"" Werk. Wien, hei A. Diabelli u. Camp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (9.) [Op. 7-'i. Annthei- edition.] Die Ro.se. Gedicht von F. Schlegel . . . fiir cine Singstiinme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 73. Neue Ausi.'abe. Wien, l,ri A. Diahelli et Comp.,elc. fol. XXV. B. 23. (2.) [Op. 79.] Das Heim well . Die Allmacht. Gedichte von .1. L. Pyrker . . . fiir ein(^ Singstinnne mit liegleitung des Pi;ino-Forte. . .79'" Werk. 1I7. 85.] Lied der Anne Lyle, aus W. Scott's ' Mont- rose.' Gesang dei' Norna, aus W. Scott's ' Pirat.' Fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano- Forte . . .85''^^" Werk. Wien, hei A. Dia1)elli iind Coinji.. etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (14.) [Op. 85. Another edition.] Lied der Anne Lyle, aus W. Scott's Montrose. Gesang der Norna, aus W. Scott's Pirat . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Be.uleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 85. Neue .\usgabe. TF(V;i, /.(■/ A. Di(d>elli et Conip., etc. fol. XXV. B. 23. (9.) [Op. 86.] Romanze des Richard Lowenherz . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano- Forte . . . gQtes "Werk. Wien, hei A. Diahclli und Comp.. etc. ohl. f.il. XXVII. A. 1. d. (7.) [Opi. SO. Another copy.] Romanze des Richard Lowenherz. . .Se'*"' Werk. Wien, hei A. Dinhelli und Comp., etc-, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 3. (15.) [Op. 89.] Winterreise. Von W. Miiller. In Musik gesetzt fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .89"'™ Werk. 2 pt. Wien, heij T. Uaxlinyer, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. b. [Op 89.] Winter.-eise. (Le Voyage d'Hivei-.) Von W. Miiller. Deutsch und franziisisch . . . fiir eine Singstiinme uiit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . 89''" Werk . . . Neue Ausgabe. 2 pt. Wien, hei T. Hoslintier. etc. f(.l. XXV. B. 23. (1.) (Op. 93.] I 111 W'alde und .Vuf iler ISriicke. Zwei Gedichte von F,. Schuize . . . fiir eine Sing.stimrae mit Begleitung d(w Piano-]''orte . . . 93*''" Werk. Neue Ausgabe. 1F/V;h, hei A. Diahell! lO Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. B. 26. (6.) SCHUBEET. 313 SCHUBERT (Franz ririKH) [IT. Vocai, Wokks.] [< )]). !)<).] J)ic Sterne, von Leitiier. Jaegers Liebe.slieil, von 8ehober. Wanderers Naclitlied, von Giitlie, und Fiselierweise, von Sehlecta. . .fiireine Singstininie niit Beglc'itung des Piano-l<'orte, etc. Wip. li'(;.| Ein Friiulein schaut vom hohen Thurm. Palladf! von Kenner. . .fiir cine Singstifne mit Beglei- tung des Pianoforte. . . 120"" Werk. Wien, bey J. Czerny, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (26.) [Op. 129.] Der Mirt auf dem Felsen. In Musik gesetzt fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano- forte und der Clarineltc (oder des Violoncells) . . . 129'" Werk, etc. Wien, hei T. HasUnqrr, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 24. (6.) [Op. 129. Der Ilirt auf dem Felsen.] Le Berger sur la Montagne. Ballade . . . avec accompagnerncnt de Piano et de Clai'inette . . . Paroles franjaises de M"' lielangcr. . .ffiuv. 129. A Piiri.'<, chez liichault, etc. fol. XXV. B. 24. (6.) [Op. l.'?0. Das Echo.] Dear Mother, do not chide me. (The Echo.). . .Poetry by T. Olijihant. London. . .Cramer, Beale <(■ Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 24. (12.) [Op. 131.] [Vienna,] obi. fol. XXVII. A. 3. (24.) Wanting all before paye 3. [Op. 146.] Des Tages Weihe. Hymne zur Namciis- oder Geburtsfeier . . . fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass (Violin und Violoncell ad libitum) mit Begleit. des Pianoforte . . . Op. 146, etc. Wien. bei A. Diabelli u. Comp., etc. fol. XXV. B. 21. (4.) [Op. 151.] Scldachtlied. . .Gedicht von Klojistock. . . fiir 8 Mtinnerstimmen mit willkiihrlicher Begleitung des Pianoforte oder der Physharmonika . . . 151'"" AN'erk. Wien hei A. Diabelli tc. Comp., etc. fol. XXV. B. 21. (3.) [Op. 156.] Nachtmusik. Gedicht von Seckendorf . . . fiir 4 Miinnerstimmen mit willkiihrl. Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .156'*' Werk. TT7(')i, bei Diabelli et Comp., etc. fol. XXV. B. 21. (2.) [Op. 172.] Sechs Lieder . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 172, etc. Wien, 1 866, C. A. Spina, fol. XXV. B. 26. (2.) [Op. 173.] Sechs Lieder fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 173. Wien, 1867. C. A. Spina, fol. XXV. B. 26. (3.) Fiagment aus dem Gedichte : Die Giitter Griechen- lands, von F. v. Schiller. Das Finden . . . von Kose- garten. Cora an die Sonne ... von Baumberg. Grablied . . . von Kenner. Adelaide . . . von Matthisson . . . fiir eine Singstimme mit Piano. . .Nachlass No. 42. Wien, bei A. Diabelli et Comp., (tc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 32. (7.) Im Abenihoth, von C. Lappe. Scene aus Faust, Mignon's Gesang, von Goethe. . .fiir eine Sing.stimme mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte . . . Nachlass No. 20. "Wien, bei A. Diabelli und Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 28. (3.) Vier Hymnen (vou Novalis). Wien, bei J. P. Gottard. 1872. 4". XXV. B. 25. (3.) No. 37 of ' Neueste Folijc nachyelassener Lieder . . . von F. Schuhert.' Mignon (Gcithe) fiir eine Singstimme mit Pianoforte- Begleitung . . . Ausgabe fiir Alt . . . Nachgelasseues Werk. Wien, 1870, hei J. P. Gotthard. fol. XXV. B. 24. (7.) 2 s 314 SCHUBEET. SCHUBERT (Franz Peter) [IT. Vocal Works.] [Stiinck-hen.] Weary Flowers their 1mils are closing . . . Words by T. Oliphant. London . . . Cramer <£ Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 24. (10.) Schwanengesang. In Miisik gesetzt fiir cine Sing- stimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . Letztes V7erk. 2 pt. Wien, hey T. HasUngcr, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 1. e. Schwanengesang. (Chant du Cygne.) Deutsch und franziisisch . . .fur eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Letztes Werk. . .Neue Ausgabe. 2 pt. WIen, hei T. Hasllnger, etc. fol. XXV. B. 22. (2.) Scliwanengesang . . . Deutsch und frauzosisch ... 1'*' ALtheilung, Neue Ausgabe. Wini. hci T. Hanliiigrr, etc. fol. " XXXII. C. 24. (4.) TIT. Instrumental Works. a. Orchestral Works. Ouverture ini italienisehen Style fiir Orchester . . . Op. 170. . .Partitur. Wieu, C. A. Spina, i8G6. 8°. LXIII. A. 25. (3.) C dur-Symphonie. Partitur. Lcipziq. G. F. Peters, i". LXIII. C. 36. Syniphonie — C dur — fiir grosses Orchester . . . Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breithopf (& Hdrtel. S°. LXIII. C. 35. Sinfonie [in C] . . . fiir das Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden aiTangirt. Leipzig, hei Breitlcopf & HiirtrJ. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 32. (1.) Tragische Symphonie . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden bearbeitet von H. Ulrieh. Leipzig & Berlin. C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX." B. 2. (4.) [Sym]>hony in C minor.] Andante aus der Tragischen Symphonie. Partitur. Leipzig u. Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 4°. LXIII. 'c. 40. (2.) Syniphonie en Ut majeur . . . arrangee pour Piano a quatre mains par H. Ulrieh. Leipzig <£■ Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. 'c. 30. (2.) Symphonie (Skizze) in E . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 2 Hiinden eingerichtet von J. F. Barnett, etc. Leipzig. . .Breithopf dtHaerlel. fol. LX. B. 10. (5.) Zwei Siitze der unvollendeten Sinfonie (in H moll). . . Partitur. Wien, C. A. Spina, etc. 1867. 8". LXIII. C. 34. (1.) Zwei Siitze der unvollendclcn Symphonie . . . fiir das Pianoforte . . . arrangirt von C. Keiuccke. Wien, 1867. C. A.' Spina, etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (4.) H moll Symphonie . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden bearbeitet von H. Ulrieh. Tjeipzi(i d Berlin. C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII.' C. 30. (1.) b. Duets, Trios, (.Quartets, Quintets, and Octet. Duos, Trios, Quartette, Quintette u. Octett . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden. Leijizii/ ti Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. 'c. 30. (4.) Duos pour Piano et Violon. . .Op. 70 u. 137. Leipzig. ..C.F. Peters, etc. fol. LXII. B. 6. (8.) Quartette fiir zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. Partitur. Leipzig <£• Berlin, C. F. P(ti Violinen, Viola und Violoncell. . .Nachgelassenes Werk. . .Partitur. Leipzig. ..B. Senff. 1870. fol. LXI. E. 5. Grand Quintuor pour Piano, Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et Basse. Op. 114. Leijiziq. C.F.Peters. 4°. LXIII. C. 40. (4.) Cjuintetto. Op. 163. Partitur. Tjcijiziq u. Berlin, C. F. Peters, etc. 4°. LXIII." C. 37. (1.) [Another copy.] Quintetto. Op. 1 63. Partitur. Leipzig. C. F. Peters. I". LXIII. C. 40. (1.) Rondeau Brillaiit jioiir I'iaiinfnrle et Violon. . .Op. 70. Vienne. ..Artariad. Comp. f.-l. LXIL E. 3. (6.) The P. F. part only. SCHUBEKT, 315 SCHUBERT (Franz Pkter) [TIL Instrumental \\'(1HKS.] Rondeau brillantfiir Pianoforte und Violine. . .Op. 70. Neue Ausgabe. . .von F. David. Lripzii/ . . .B. Senff. fol. LXII. B. 8. (21.) Drei Sonatiucn fiir Piano-Forte und Violine . . . Op. 137. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Wien. . .A. DiahelU und Comp. fol. LX. B. 9. (2.) Trois Sonatinas pour Piano et Violon . . . Oeuv. 137. 3 Nos. [Parts.] Hambourg, chez J. A. Bolniie. fol. LXII. B. 3. (10.) Sonate. . .Op. 137. No. 1. [P. F. and Vi..liii.] Braunschweig... H. Litolff, etc. fol. LXII. B. 6. (9.) Premier Giaiid Trio pour Piano-Forte, Violon et Violoncelle. . .CEuvre 99. [P. F. Score.] Vininc. . . A. Diabelli el Comp., etc. fol. LX. B. 8. (1.) Grand Trio pour Pianoforte, Violon et Violoncelle. . . Op. 100. Nouvelle Edition. [P. F. Score.] Lelpziq, rhez F. Kistner. fol. LX. B. 8. (2.) Grand Trio pour Piano, Violon et Violoncelle . . .QDuv. 100. [Parts.] A Paris. Chez BichaiiU, etc. fol. LXII. A. 4. (8.) c. Pianoforte (Solo and Duet). Collection complete des Q^uvres de F. Schubert pour le Piano. 4 vols. Paris, S. Eichault, etc. ^°. LXIII. C. 42. F. Schubert's Ci)mpositionen fiir das Pianoforte alleiu. 10 Nos. Braunscliwciij, H. Litolff, etc. 4°. LXIII. C. 41 Composition jiour Piano a 4 mains. N™ 3, .5, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17. 7 Nos. Braimschweii) (£• Neio York, H. Litoljf, etc. 4°. XXIX. C. 11. (1.) Compositions originales pour Piano ii quatre mains. . . Supplement. Lcipziq. C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 30. (3.) [Another copy.] C(jmpositions originales pour Piano a quatre mains. . .Supplement. Leipzig ((• Berlin. C. F. Peters, obi. fol. XXIX. B. 2. (5.) Deutsche Tiinze und Ecossaisen fiir das Piano-Forte zu 2 . . . Hiinden ... Op. 33. Wien, hei A. 0. Witzemlorf, etc. oW. ful. XXIX. A. 23. (12.) Divertissement a la Hongroise pour le Piano a 4 mains. . .Oeuvre 54. Seconde Edition. Vienna, chez A. Diabelli et Comp., etc. fol. LXII. E. 24. (3.) Grand Duo pour le Pianoforte a quatre mains. . . Op. 140, etc. Vienna.. .A. Biabelli et Comp., etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (7.) [Grand Duo. Op. 140.] Sinfonie . . . Nach Op. 140 instrumentirt von J. Joachim. Partitur. Wien, F. Schreiber, etc. 8». LXIII. C. 33. Phantasie. Op. 15. [P.F.] BreitJcopf und Hdrtel. fol. Leipzig, LX. B. 10. ^8.) Grosse Fautaisie. Op. 15. Symphonisch bearbeitet fiir Pianoforte und Orchester von F. Liszt. [Full Score.] Wien, C. A. Spina, etc. fol. LX. C. 15. (5.) SCHUBERT (Feanz Petkk) [III. Instrumental WOKK.S.] Fantasie. . .fiir das Piano-Forte allein. . .78"' Werk. Wien, bci T. Haslinger, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. C. 12. (4.) Fantaisie pour le Piano Forte ii quatre mains . . . Oeuvre 103 Vienne, chez A. DiahelU et Comp., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 32. (2.) Fuge (E moll) fiir die Orgel oder Piano zu 4 Hiinden . . .Op. 152. Wien. . .A. DiahelU Comp., etc. fol. LXIL E. 24. (4.) Galoppe et Ecossaises pour le Pianoforte. . .Oeuvre 49. Vienne, chez A. Diabelli et Comp., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (13.) Hommage aux belles Vienoi.ses. Wiener Damen- Liindler pour le Piano-Forte. . .Oeuv. 67. Vienne, chez A. Diabelli et Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (14.) F. Schubert's Compositionen fiir das Pianoforte alleiu. No. 8. Op. 90. Vier Impromptus. Braunschweig, H. Litolff, etc. 4°. XXIX. C. 11. (3.) Schubex't's Impromptus. . .Op. 90. No. 1. London. Ashdown (t Parry, etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (12.) Impromptu en Mi bemol pour Piano . . . Op. 90. Nouvelle edition revue . . . par P. Le Couppey, etc. Paris...J. Maho,etc. fol. LXIL E. 3. (3.) Impromptu pour le Piano-Forte. Oeuvre 90. N° 2. Vienne. ..G. Haslinger, etc. fol. LXII. E. 3. (2.) Impromptu elcgiaque. . .Op. 90. No. 3. Miinchcii, J. AM. fol. LX. B. 11. (1.) ' Klassisclie Klavirriocrke. . .Bcvidirt. . .von H. von BUlow.' No. 11. Impromptu in G major. Op. 90, No. 3. [P.F.] London, Cramer, Wood it Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (10.) Four Impromptus. . .Op. 90. No. 4. London, Chappell <{■ Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (14.) 4 Impromptu pour le Piano. . .Q3uvre 112. Livr. 1. Paris... S. Eichault, etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (3.) 4 Impromptu pour le Piano. . .Oeuvre 142. Livr. 2. Paris. . .S. Bichault, etc. fol. LXII. E. 3. (4.) No. 2 (3) of Schubert's Four Impromptus, Op. 142, etc. 2 Nos. London, Chappell A- Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (13.) [Impromptus. Op. 142. No. 3.] Laxenburg. Impromptu, etc. London. Ashdown d- Parry, etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (17.) 20 Liindler fiir Pianoforte zu zwei Hiinden . . . Nach- gelassenes Werk. Wien, 1869, hei J. P. Gotthard. fol. LX. B. 11. (4.) F. Schubert's Miirsche fiir das Orchester iibertragen von F. Liszt. Partitur. 4 Nos. Berlin. A. Fursiner, etc. 8°. LXIII. A. 26. 3 Marches militaires pom- le Piano a 4 mains . . . Oeuvre 51, etc. London, Schott & Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (6.) Momens Musicals pour le Piano Forte . . . Oeu\Te 94. Cahier 1. Vienna. . .A. Diabelli <(■ Comp. fol. LX. B. 10. (2.1 2 s 2 316 SCHUBEET— SCHULHOFF. SCHUBERT (Franz Petek) [III. Instrumental WdRKS.] Moments Musicaux. . .Op. 94. No. 6. London, Afihdnwn (£ Parry, etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (15.) Three Pieces for the PiaQO-Forte . . . Posthumous Work. 3 Nos. London, Novella, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (10.) Three Pieces for the Piano Forte. No. 1. . . . Posthumous Work. London, Novello, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (9.) Polonaises originales pour piano a quatre mains. Leipzig it Berlin. C. F. Peters, old. fol. XXIX. B. 2. (3.) Grand Rondeau pour le Piano-Forte a (juatre mains . . .Oeuv. 107. Viennc, chez Artaria e Comp. ohl.idl. XXIX. C. 12. (2.) Op. 107. Grand Rondeau (A dur). [P. F. Duet.] Hand,ourg...A. Crnnz. fol. LXIL E. 24. (5.) Zwei ycherzi fiir Pianoforte. . . Nachgelassenes Werk. Wien hei J. P. Gotthard. 1871. foL LX. B. 11. (2.) The Complete Sonatas for the Pianoforte. . .edited by E. Pauer. London, Augencr & Co., etc. 8°. LXIII. C. 43. (1.) Seconde Grande Sonate pour le Pianoforte . . . Oeuvre -53. Vienne, chez 31. Artaria, etc. old. fol. XXIX. C. 12. (1.) F. Schubert's Soaaten fiir das Pianoforte. No. 7 . . . Op. 164. Brnun.^chwei'j i(- New York, H. Litol[f', etc. 4°. XXIX. C. 11. (2.) Grosse Sonate (unvollendet) fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden. . . Nachgelas.senes Werk. Wien,hei J. P. Gotthard. 1S71. fol. LX. B. 11. (9.) Letzte Sonate (unvollendet) fiir das Pianoforte. Leipzig, F. Whistling, fol. LX. B. 9. (1.) Siimmtliche Tiiuze fiir Pianoforte Solo, Leipzig. C. F. Peters. 4". LXIII. C. 39. (2.) Val.ses sentimentales pour le Piano Foite. . .Oeuv. .50. Vienne chez A. Diid>elli it Coniji., etc. old. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (16.) Variationen tiber ein franziisisches Lied. Op. 10. [P. F. Duet.] Leipzig, Brcitlcopf & Hiirtel. fol. LXIL E. 3. (7.) Variationen iiber (!in Originalthema fiir Pfte. a 4 Nos. Oj). .■5."). Widfenhiittrl. . .L. Hidle, etc. fol. LX. B. 11. (7.) Variational fiir das I'i.ano-Forte zu 4 Iliiiidi^u iiber ein Thema aus der Oper 'Marie,' von Jii'rold. . . 82'*» Werk. Wien, hei T. Haslinqcr, etc. old. UA. XXIX. C. 12. (3.) XIII Vaiiationen iiber ein Thema aus dem ^'io]in- quartett No. 1 von A. Hiittenbrener . . . Nachgelas- senes Werk, e/c. Wien. 1867. C. A. Spina, etc. fol. LX. B. 10. (1.) [Another edition.] XIII Variationen iiber ein Thema . . .von \. Iliittenbrenrier, etc. C. A. Spina. Wien, 1867. fol. LX. B. 11. (5.) Walzer, Liindler und Eco.ssi>iseii fiir das I'iano-fm-tc ...18"" Werk. 2 Abth. Wien, bey A. DiahclH el Camp., etc, old. fnl. XXIX. A. 23. (11.) SCHUBERT (Franz Peter) [III. Instrumental WoKKS.] F. Schubert's Erste Walzer . . . fiir das Piano-Forte. fjtrs ^Verk. Neue Au.sgabe. Wien, hei A. Diahelli und Camp., etc. old. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (10.) F. Schubert's Letzte Walzer fiir das Piano-Forte. 127"'* Werk. Wien, hei A. Diahelli und Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (15.) IV. Appendix. [Ddubtful and Spurious Works.] Weep not for friends departed. The Farewell . . . Words by T. Oliphant. London. . .Cramer, Beale p. 17. London. . .P. Cods <(■ Co., etc. f..l. LXIL E. 4. (5.) 3 Idyllos pour k; Piano. Op. 23. 1''^' Suite. .'! Nos. 3laycnce.. .Schott, etc. fol. LXIL E. 4. (6.) i'olon.'iise pour I'i.ano. < >p. Schott, etc. fol. Mai/ence. . . LXIL E. 4. (7.) Souvenir de H'- Petersbourg. ALazuika jiour Piano. Oji, .50. Mayence. . .Schott, etc. fol. LXIL E. 4. (8.) See i.!i;NliA ( K. \,.) Mar-icclii'n . . . < (pcrcttc. . .fjir das Klavicr eingcriclitet Mm .1. W. Sclinllz, dc. old. fol. XXVL A. 15. 8CHULZ— SCHUMANN. 317 SCHULZ (JonANN Abraham Petek) ChiJrc uiul honi(' (ICs dur) fiir grosses Orchester . . . On. 97. Partitur. Ilmm . . . N. Simroch-. S". LXIII. A. 31. [Another copy.] Dritte Symphonic (Ks dur). . .Op. 97. Partitur. Bonn hei N. Simrock. 8". LXIII. D. 1. SCHTTMANN (Robert Alexander) [III. Instru- mental Works.] Symphonic No. IV. D moll. . .fiir gros.ses Orchester .. Op. 120. Partitur. Leipzig ... Breitkojif d Hdrtel. 8". LXIII. A. 32. [Another copy.] Symphonic No. IV. . . ; Op. 120. Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf d- Hdrtel. 8°. LXIII. D. 2. b. Solo Instruments with Orchestra. Concert. Op. 129. [Violoncello i P. F.] fol. Wanting the title-page. LX. B. 23. (3.) Concert fiir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orches- ters . . . Op. 54. Partitur. Leipzig . . . Breitkopf & Hdrtel. 8°. LXIII. A. 33. [Another copy.] Concert fiir das Pianoforte. . . Op. 54. Partitur. Leipzig, hei Breitkopf p. 70. | Parts. | Leipziij, hci F. Kistncr. fol. LX. B. 15. (2.) SCHUMANN (lioiiRUT Amcxanudu) MUNTAI, \\'(II£KS. I SCHUMANN. [III. Instru 319 [Another copy.] Adiii^io u. Allegro fiii- Pi.anofoitc u. Horn (jul libitum VioloricoU oder Violine). . .Op. 70. [Parts.] Lci2)::i(i, he'i F. Kistncr. fol. LXII. A. 7. (6.) Fantasie-Stiicko I'iir Pianoforte und OlariMottc . . . Op. 73. Neue. . . Ausgabe. Fur Pianoforte u. Vio- line. Cassel, hei C. Luckhardt. fol. LXII. B. 3. (12.) Fantasie-Stiicko fiir Pianoforte und Olarinetto . . . Op. 73. Neue. . ..\usgabe. [Parts. J Cassel, hei a Luckhardt, He. fol. LX. B. 15. (1.) Miirchen Bilder. Vier Stiicke fiir Pianoforte und Viola (Violine ad libitum). . .Op. 113. 'J Hefte. [Parts.] Cassd, hei C. Luclhardt, He. fol. LX. B. 15. (3.) Drei Romanzen fiir . . . Violine . . . niit . . . Pianoforte. Op. 94. Bii,m...N. Simrork. fol. LXIL B. 8. (22.) Sonate (in A moll) fiir Pianoforte und Violine . . . Op. 105. [P. F. score.] Lcipziij, hei F. Kofmeister. fol. LX. B. 25. (4.) Sonate (in A moll) fiir Pianofortt^ und Violine . . . Op. 105. [Parts.] Leipzig, hei F. Hd/meistir. fol. LX. B. 14. (1.) Sonate pour Piano et Violon. f)p. 105. Augener zig, Breitltojif d lliirtel. fol. LX. B. 25. (7.) Winitiiig llrfl T. SCHUMANN (Pu)BEHT Alexander) [III. Instku- ME.NTAL W'ultKS.] Novelletten fiir das Pianoforte . . . Oj). 21. Vier Hefte. 2 pt. Leipzig, Breitliopjf d Hartil. fol. LX. B. 26. (5.) Wanting Heft ILI d IV. Papillons, pour le Pianoforte seul. . .Op. 2. Leipzig... F. Kistner. fol. LX. B. 19. (1.) Phantasiestiicke fiir das Pianoforte . . . Op. 12. 2 Hefte. Leipzig .. .Breitlcopf d Hiirtel. f.il. LX. B. 16. (2.) Phantasiestiicke for the Piano. . .Op. 12. London. Angener d Co., etc. .s". XXIX. C. 15. (3.) Drei llomanzen fiir Pianoforte. . .Op. 2^. I^eipzig, Breifkopf d Hiirtel. fol. LX. B. 21. (2.) Drei Romanzen fiir das Pianoforte. . .Op. 28. Leipzig, Breitkojif d Hiirtel. fol. LX. B. 24. (8.) Three Romances. [P. F.] Op. 28. Augener d Co London. 8°. XXIX. C. 15. (4.) Romance for the Pianoforte. [Op. 28, No. 2.] London, Ewer d Co., etc. tol. LX. B. 26. (7.) Scherzo und Prestf> passionate fiir das Pianoforte. . . No. 12 und 13 der nachgelassenen Werke. 2 nos. Leipzig u. Winterthiir, J. Bieier-Biederniann, etc. fol. LX. B. 21. (4.) Skizzen fiir den Pedal-Fliigel. Op. 38. Leipzig .. .F. Kistner. fol. LX. B. 22. (5.) Grande Sonate pour le Pianoforte . . . Oeu\'. 11. Nouvelle Edition. Leipaic, chez F. Kistner. fol. LX. B. 17. (1.) Sonate (No. 2) fiir Pianoforte. . .Oj). 22. Leipzig. ..Breitkopfd Hdriel. fol. LX. B. 17. (2.) 3™" Grande Sonate (Concert sans Orchestre) pour Pianoforte. . .Op. 14. Deuxieme Edition. Sclmberih d Co. Hamhonrg, etc. fol. LX. B. 17. (3.) Studie7i fiir den Pedal Fliigel . . . Op. .56. Erstcs Heft, etc. Leipzig... F. Wliistling. fol. LX. B. 22. (4.) Theme sur le man Abegg varie pour le Pianoforte . . . (_)p. 1. Leipzig... F. kistner. fol. LX. B. 26. (1.) Toccata pour le Pianoforte. . .()eu\'. 7. Leipzig, F. Hofmeister. fol. LX. B. 18. (1.) Toccata for the Pianoforte, Op. 7. Revised by E. Pauer. London. Augener d Co., etc. f(il. LX. B. 26. (2.) 1 2 vierhilndige Clavier.stiicke . . . Zwcitcs Album fiir die Jugcnd, etc. Cah. 2. J. Schuherth d Co., Leipzig, etc. fol. LX. B. 24. (3.) \Val(ls<'cncn. Ncun Clavierstiicke. . .Op. 82. Leipzig... B. Senff. fol. LXII. E. 5. (9.) Waldscenen. . .Op. 82. Enoch d Sons, elc. 4". Tjondon, XXIX. C. 14. (10.) I Waldscenen.] Forest Scenes . , . Op. 82. London, Ewer d Co. 8" XXIX. C. 15. (1.) SCHUSTER-SELBY. 321 SCHUSTER (JosKPii) See Ovehtures. Three... (J\ertures for the Harpsichord . . . by F. Staes, Schuster, etc. fol. LXII.' D. 22. (8.) SCHUYT (CouxKLis) Drie Madrigalen ran C. Schuyt (1000). . .hewerkt door R. Eitner. Klavieruittreksel. Amstirdiim rii Utrecht. L. lioothaan. 1875. 8°. X. F. 4. (2.) SCHWARTZ (Rudolf) Philippus Dulichius. Prima Pars Cfiituriae. . . Hcrausgegeben von R. Schwartz. 1907. Si'e Dknkmaeler. Denkmiiler deutschcr Tonkunst. Erste Edge, etc. Bd. xxxi. 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 31. SCHWEITZER (Anton) Alceste, von Wieland, etc. Leipziq iiii Scliwlckcctsclicu Vcrlage. 1774- "''?■ fol. Wanting p2^- 1-4. XXVII. A. 5. SCHWEIZER (Otto) .Sympathy. Trio for Female Voices. The poetry. . .byR. Heber. Op. 2(). London: NovcUo, Ewer ,(■ Co., etc. 8°. X. F. 12. (25.) SCHWENCKE (Carl) Grand Duo Concertant pour Piano ct Violon . . .Op. 17. -( Par!.'<. Chez H. Le Maine, etc. fol. LXII. B. 1. Grande Sonate Concertante pour Piano et Violoncelle ou Violon... Op. 18. .1 Paris. Chez H. Lrmoinc, etc. fol. LXII. B. 1. See Meyerbeer (G.) Les Huguenots. . .Partition de Piano arraniioe par C Schwcncke. fol. XXIV. B. 10. SCHWENCKE (Christian Fiuedricii Gottlieb) VI Fugucn fiir die Orgel zum Studium canonischer Siitze, etc. Bey Brcithopf m. Anthem for 5 voices. The Organ Part by V. Novello. London : J. A. Novello, etc. 8°. IX. A. 18. (48.) Praise the Lord, O .Terusaleni. Anthem for four voices. London: J. Ollivier, etc. 1846. 8". IX. A. 20. (12.) SEBASTIANI (Jouann) Johann Sebastiani und .Joliann Theile. Passionsmusiken, herausgegeben von F. Zelle. 1904. See Denkm abler. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc Bd. xvii. 1892,^-/0. fol. " XXXVII. B. 17. SECHTER (Simon) Die vier Temperamente. Ein musikalischer Scherz fiir 2 V^iolinen, Vif)la und A'iolonzell . . . G"" Werk. [Parts.] Wien, hey Cappi und Comp. fol. LXI. D. 2. (22a.) SEDDING (Edmund) A Collection of Anticnt Christmas Carols, arranged for four voices by E. Sedding. London: J. A. Novello, etc. 18C0. 8". IX. C. 2. (1.) Antient Carols for Christmas and other Tides, arranged for four voices by E. Sedding, etc. London. . .Masters and Son, etc. 1863. 8". IX. C. 2. (2.) SEE. See how thy Captive Lark. A new Song on a Toung Lady's Linnet, s. .^h. fol. I. G. 37. (23.) SEEGER (S.) Eight Toccatas or Preludes >.t Fugues for the Organ, etc. London. . C. Wheatstone, etc. fol. LXII. C. 17. (3.) SEGUIN (Fr.) See Sabolv (N.) Recueil des Noels composes . . . par N. Saboly . . . arranges pour le piano ou I'orgue par F. Seguin. 1856. fol. XVIII. A. 6. SEIFFERT (Max) Niirnberger Meister der zweiten HiUfte des 17 Jahrhunderts. Geistliche Konzerte und Kirchenkantaten, herausgegeben von M. SeiflTert. 1905. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, e/c. Sechster Jahrg. I. Band. 1900, etc. fol. XXXVII. D. 8. SEJAN (Louis) See Cherubim (m. l. c. z. s.) Petite ]\Iesse de la Sainte Trinite . . . avec accompagnement d'orgue (par L. Sejan). fol. VI. C. 15. (2.) SELBY (Bertram Luard) Summer by the Sea. A Cantata for Female . . . Voices, by S. Wensley. London it Neiv York : Novello, Ewer and Co. 1893. 8°. X. E. 28. (2.) SELBY (William) Sec Hymns. The Hymns . . . used at the Magdalen Chapel, etc. (A Second Col- lection of Psalms . . . the Music ... by . , . jNIr. W. Selby, etc.). 8°. IX. C. 1. (1.) 322 SELECT AYEES— SHAEMAN. SELECT AYRES. Select Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two, and Three Voyces ; to the Theorbo Lute or Basse-Viol. Composed by John "Wilson, Charles Colman, Doctors in Musick ; Henry Lawes, William Lawes, Nicholas Laneare, William Webb, Gentlemen and Servants to his late Majesty in his publick and private Musick and other excellent Masters of Musick. London, Printed hi/ W. Godhid for John Playford, etc. 1659. fol. II. A. 27. SELECT MUSICALL AYRES. Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, in Three Bookes. First Book, containes Ayres for a Voyce alone to the Theorbo, or Basse Violl. Second Book, containes Choice Dialogues for Two Voyces to the Theorbo or Basse Violl. Third Book, containes short Ayres or Songs for Three Voyces, so composed as they may either be sung by a Voyce alone, to an Instrument, or by Two or Three Voyces. Composed by these severall Excellent Masters in Musick, viz. : Dr. John Wilson, Dr. Charles Colman, ^Mr. Henry Lawes, Mr. William Lawes, Mr. William Webb, Mr. Nicholas Lanneai-e, ^Ir. William Smegergill aUas C]>. 40. C. Woolh„„gr. ..Lawlnii. fol. LXII. E. 25. (8.) SHAW (.Martin Fallas) Ruveiie for the Violin with acconipaniinent for the Pianoforte. Lon'hm. Novella (6 Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 1. A presentation rnpii from the conipogcr to Sir (J. 11. H. Parr,), doted jidy, 1901. SHAW (Thomas) A Concerto for the X'iolin in Nine Parts. [Parts.] London... Longmnu <£• Brodcrip, etc. fol. LX. E. 4. The. . .Overture and Marches in the Opera of Cymoii, with the additional Song sung by Mrs. Crouch, etc. Printed for Mea.irs. Thonqjson, etc. [1798.] fol. XXXII. A. 10. (5.) The Overture, Songs, Duets, Trios and Chorusses in the Comic Ojiera entitled The Island of St. .Margueiite . . . Adapted for the Harpsichord and Voice. London. . .S. A. (t P. Tliomjjson, etc [1785.] ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 10. (4.) A New Duett introduced in The Merchant of Venice, etc. London. . .J. Longman, etc. fol. XXXII. A. 10. (8.) [The Favorite Song and Duett in The Stranger, evrllu,etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (15.) See Bach (.1. S.) There is a calm for those who woiep. (Jhorale. . .Adapted. . .by W. Shore, fol. VI. A. 4. (16.) See Haydn (V. J.) [Tl/a.vs in G.] Lo, my Shepherd's Hand divine, etc. [Arranged by W. Shore.] 8". IX. A. 18. (21.) See W'euij (R.) Webb's Madrigals. JOdiled by W. Shore. 8". ' X. D. 27. SHUTTLEWORTH (Ei.waud) Sacred Music. . .A .Morning it K\ening Cliurih Service in score for four voices with. . .Organ or Piano Forte, etc. London. . . Preston, etc. fol. XI. E. 28. (14.) SILAS (l'il)lAHli) Lord when Sorrow doth oppress me . . . Song, etc. London, ( 'raniir, licale lO Co., etc. fol. XI. E. 27. (31.) SILAS— SMAET. 325 SILAS (I'jDUAUd) 'I'lio (in A major) for I^i.inu, N'iolin ;iiiil Viol()nc(^ll(i. . .Op. 27. [Parts.] Loudon, Cramer, Brah- it Co., etc. ful. LXI. E. 8. (14.) [Ariiilhcf copy.] Trio. . .0|). 27. London., Cramer, Bcah- ,t Co., vtc. fol. LXI. E. 10. (1.) Trio (No. 3), pour I'iauo, Violoii ct V'ioloncolle. . . Op. 46. Loudon, Cramer, Beale & Wood, etc. fol. LXI. E. 10. (2.) SILVER. The Silver Moon's cnamour'd Ijoam. May- Erc or Kale of Aberdeen. [Son;;.] .s. sh. -l". IL B. 2. (33.) SILVESTRIS (Fi.oiui)o dk) Fl. Bnptlstne Caifubr'ii, etc. 1663. 4". L C. 18. SILVIA. Silvia briglit Nynijili. A new Song Sung hi/ Mi.-:K Bennet ill Cuper.i Gordena. s. .s/i. fol. I. G. 37. (39.) Silvia brif^ht Nymph. A new Song, etc. s. sli. fol. L G. 37. (9.) Silvia ; or, The Country Burial. An Opera [by G. Lillo] . . .With the Musick prelix'd to each Song. London: Printed for J. Watts, etc. 173 1. f^°. X. D. 2. (7.) Silvia; or, The Country ]!urial. An Opera, etc. L. P. London: Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1731. 8". X. E. 8. SIME (D.) The Edinburgh Musical Mi.scellany. A Collection of... Scotch, English and Irish Songs... Selected by D. Sime, etc. 2 vols. Edinhurgh : Printed for W. Gordon, etc. 1792-5. 12". X. D." 11. SIMONET (F. M.) Six Easy Duets for Two Violins . . .Opera lll. [Parts.] London. . . Longman and Broderiji, etc. fol. LXII. A. 12. (15.) SIMONETTI (Aciiillk) Sonate pour Violon et Piano. Nice. P. Decoureelle. fol. LXII. B. 3. (13.) A presentation copy from the composer to Sir George Grove, dated 1892. SIMONS (Henry) A Sett of Ayres in three Parts . . . the Tunes for alsorts of Instruments. [Parts.] 06/. fol. XXIX. A. 11. (2.) A Set of Ayres for Two Flut's and a Bass. ohl. fol. \st Flute part only. XXIX. A. 11. (1.) SIMPSON (Ciiristopukr) Chelys, minuritionuui arti- ficio exornata . . . The Division-Viol: or The Art of Playing Ex-tempore upon a Ground. Divided into three Parts. . .Editio Tertia : Prioribus longe auctior. pp. 67 [or rather 77]. Ijondon: Printed by William Pearson, for Bichard Mears. . .and Alexander Livinij- stone, etc. 17 12. fol. II. F. 11. (1.) SIMPSON (CiiuisTOPiiun) The Division-Violi.st : or an Introduction to the Playing upon a (Jround : Divided into Two Parts. . .To which, are Added some Divisions made ui>on (Srounds, ite. pp. 67. Loudon, Printed lii/ William Goilliid, awl sold by John Playford, etc. 1659. fol. II. F. 10. (1.) Wanting pp. .51—2, which are blank. On the back of the last leaf are some MS. ' Bides for Gracing.' SIMPSON (J.) Francis and Day's Complete Scale and -Xrpcirgio Manual for the Pianoforte. London: Francis, Day <£ Eunter, etc. fol. LXX. D. 10. (5.) SIMPSON (James F.) Christmas Songs &. Carols, new iV old, etc. London. J. B. Cramer & Co., etc. 8". IX. G. 32. SINGING MASTER. The Singing Master & Pupils. A Catch, etc. Sec Come. Come, Sir, my Lesson, etc. s. .■Ei)f;icn) Ceske Tance. Bfihmische Tiinze fiir Piano zu zwei Hiinden. F. A. Urhdnd;. . . Prng, etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (9.) SMITH (Aijam) iSVe Hymns. The Hymns. . .used at the Magdalen Chapel, etc. (A Sf^cond Collection of Psalms .. . The Mu.sic . . . by . . . Mr. A. Smith, etc.). 8". IX. C. 1. (1.) SMITH (B.) The Harmonious Companion; or tlie I'sahn-Singer's Magazine : Being a diilerent Tune to each Psalm in four Parts . . . Collected from Mr. 'Ihomas Rav(!nscroft and othei-s . . . Also, several Hymns and Anthems. . .Collected by I'.. Smith: and coirected liy I*. Prelleur. London : Printedhy W.Pearson, etc. \-]:^2. 8". IX. C. 13. (2.) SMITH aft(;rwards WHITE (Alice M.\uy) The Dream. IVjur-Part Song, words by E. Waller-. London, Lamhorn Code, Addison & Co., etc. I". X. F. 11. (5.) Lover's Melancholy. Part Song, words l)y .J. I^'ord. Londim, L. Cock d: Co., elc. 4°. X. F. II. (13.) SMITH afterwards WHITE (Alice Mary) Queen of Love. . .Words by F. T. Palgrave. [Part Song.] London, L. Cock, etc 4°. X. F. 11. (23.) Rock them, rock them ! Four-Part Song, words by T. Decker. London, L. Cock d Co., etc. 4". X. F. 11. (12.) SMITH (Charles) Ancient Psalmody. . .interspersed with .some modern Psalm Tunes . . . Arranged . . . for two, three or four voices, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte, by C. Smith. London. . . Chappell, etc. 8°. [1843.] IX. G. 33. Hit or Miss. A Musical Entertainment . . . The Poetry by I. Pocock. London . . . Preston, etc. [18 10.] fol. XXXII. A. 18. (4.) Spring returns with aspect mild. (ilee for five voices, etc. London. . .Falkner d: Christinas, ete. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (33.) Apresentation copy from the composer toJ.W. Windsor. See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music . . . l)y . . . C. Smith, etc. fol. XVII. D. 3. SMITH (John) See Haendel (G. F.) Forest Music . . .arranged for the Piano Forte by J. Smith, fol. V. C. 10. (1.) SMITH (.John) Mus. Doc. Cathedral Music with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. London, J. A. Novello, etc. [1857.] fol. xvin. A. 11. Cathedral Music, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte. No. 7 [Benedictus in B flat.] London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (18.) SMITH (.ToiiN Christopher) A Collection of Lessons f(ir the Harpsicord . . . Opera iv. [Book II.] London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 16. (7.) The Enchanter. A Musical Entertainment, etc. London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. [1760.] fol. XXXII. A. 22. (6.) The Fairies. An Opera. The Words taken from Shakespear &c. London. Printed for L. Walsh, etc. [1755.] fol. ■ XXV. C. 10. Paradise Lost. An Oratorio. [Full Score.] London. Printed for L. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 12. (2.) Rebecca. An Oratorio. [Full Score.] London. Printed for I. Walsh, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 12. (1.) The title-pnije hears the itntoyraph of Dr. Kitchener, 179K. The Temjiest. An Opera. The Words taken from Shakespear Ac. London. Printed for I. W(ds]i, etc. [1756.] fol. " XXV. C. 11. See AlJEL (C. F.) Abel, Anic and Smith's Six Favourite Overtures, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (9.) .S'cc Bishop (^SVr 11. I!.) [Midsummer Night's Dream.] 'I'he . . . Music in . . . Midsummer Night's Dream . . . five pieces altered from Arne, Smith, etc. [iSK.] fol. XVIII. D. 3. (6.) SMITH -SONGS. 327 SMITH (JiiiiN CHRisTOPnEn) Sec Linlkv (W.) h^huk spear's . . . Songs . . , selected . . . from tlic works of . . . J. Smith, etc. '' fol. XXIV. A. 4. See Thalia. Thalia. . .Six Songs. . .by Dr. Boyce. . . Mr. Smith, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 15. (3.) SMITH (.[(iiiN Staffoud) Anthems, composed for th(! ('hoir-Servicc of the Church of England, etc. Lorulon. Printed fur the Author, etc. [i703-] fol. MS. notes by the comjioscr. XVIII. A. 13. As on a Summer's Day. A Glee for four voices, etc. London... R.Birchan, etc. fol. XXXIII. B. 34. (35.) A Fifth Book of Canzonets, Catches, Canons i^ Glees . . .with a part for the Piano-Forte, etc. Printed for the Author, etc. [Lonr/oH.] oh!, fol. XXVII. A. 12. (4.) A Select Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees . . . for Three A Four Voices, etc. London. . . J. Welcker, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 12. (1.) A Collection of English Songs, in Score for three and four voices compo.sed about the year loOO taken from MSS. of the same age, revised and digested liy J. S. Smith. London. Printed for J. Bland, etc. [1779.] fol. XXIII. A. 12. (2.) [Another copy.] A Collection of English Songs, in Score for three and four voices composed about the year 1500, etc. London. Printed for J. Bland, etc. [1779.] fol. XXV. C. 13. A Collection of Glees for three, four, five i six Voices, etc. London. . . Welcker, etc. obi. iiA. XXVIII. A. 17. (4.) A Collection of Songs of various kinds, etc. Jjondon ...J. Preston, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 12. (3.) A Micellaneous [sic) Collection of New Songs, Catches and Glees for One, Twt), Three, Four and Five Voices . . .and a Cantata entitled. The Frantic Lady, etc. London . . . J. Blundell, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. A. 12. (2.) Musica Antiqua. A Selection of JMusic. . .from the . . . Twelfth to the . . . Eighteenth Century . . . selected and arranged by J. S. Smith. 2 vols. London., i Preston, etc. [1812.] fol. XXV. C. 12. See Amuskment for the Ladies. Amu.sement for the Ladies. . .Glees. . .by. . .Mr. Smith, etc. obi. fol. XXVI. A. 3. See Glees. A Selection of Glees . . . the Compositions of. . .Dr. Smith, etc. obi. fol. XXVIIL A. 20. (2.) See LiXLEV (W.) Shakspeare's ... Songs ... selected . . .from the works of . . .1. S. Smith, etc. fol. XXIV. A. 4. SMITH (Lydia B.) English Melodies. . .The Airs, Sym phonics ife Accompaniments . .by Miss Smith of Druu House, Blandford, etc. Blandford . . . T. O.iklry, etc. fol. XXV. C. 9. Engli-sh Melodies, etc. Second Edition. Blandford... T.Oakley, etc. fol. XXXIL B. 23. (21.) SMITH (KoHEitT AucillDALl)) The Irish Minstrel. A Selection from tlie Vocal Melodies of Ireland... arrang(Ml for the Piano Forte. . .Second Edition. Edinburgh. . .B. Purdio, etc. 8°. X. D. 13 The Sacred Harmony of the Church of Scotland, in four Vocal Parts . . . Edited ... by R. A. Smith. Third Edition. A. Bobertson & Co.. . .Edinburtjh. 8°. XVII. E. 28. The Scotish Minstrel, A Selection from the Vocal IStelodies of Scotland,. . .Arranged for the Voice and Piano Forte. 6 vols. Edinburgh . . . B. Ptirdie, etc. 8°. X. D. 12. SMITH (Theodore) The Overture and Songs in Alfred, cresentation cojvj from the eonipoiter. Six Glees. .. Book 1st. London. . .Preston, etc. ohl.iol. XXVIII. A. 19. (2.) [Another copy.] Six Glees, etc. London. . . Preston, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 26. (1.) A presentation copy from the composer. Mark'd you her Eye. A Glee, for .5 voices. . .The words by R. B. Sheridan, etc. London. . . W. Mitchell, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 24. (9.) See Glees. A Selection of Glees. . .the Compositions of. . .R. Spofforth, etc. obi. fol. XXVIII. A. 20. (2.) SPOHR (Ferdin.vnd) See Spohr (L.) Der Alchy- mist. . . Klavier-Au.szug von F. Spohr. fol. XXV. C. 15. See Spoiir (L.) Der Berggeist. . .Klavierau.szug von F. Spohr. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 13. See Spohk (L.) Jessonda. . .Klavierauszug von F. Spohr. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 15. See Spohr (L.) [Die Letzten Dinge.] The Last Judgment . . . the Accompaniment . . . arranged ... by F. Spohr. fol. XVIII. A. 18. See Spohr (I,.) Pietro von Abano. . .Klavierau.szug von F. Spohr. ohl fol. XXVII. A. 16. R.C.M.C. I. Vocal Works. a. Sacred. b. Secular. IT. Instru.mental Works. I. Vocal Works. a. Sacred. Der Fall Babyjons. Oratorium in zwei Abtheilungen, nach dem Englischen des Prof. Taylor von F. Oetker. Partitur. Leipzig, hci Jireitkupf & Ildrtel. fol. XVIII. A. 23. The Fall of Babylon, an Oratorio . . . The English Version by E. Taylor, etc. [P. F. Score.] London . . . R. (£■ J. E. Taylor, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 24. The following note, in the composer's autograph, is on the title-page: ''Am 21'"' Juli \M'd,'und am 9"" imd 16'"' Juli 1848 hahc ich dieses Oratorium in Exeter Hall dirigirt. Dr. Louis Spohr." [The Fall of Babylon. Dciar child of bondage.] Select Pieces from The Fall of Babylon ... No. 8. London . . .R. and J. E. Taylor, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 25. (3.) [Gott du bist gross.] Hymne von J. F. Rohdmann fiir vier Chor- und Solo Stimmen und grosses Oichester. . .Partitur. Op. 98. Bei N. Sinirock in Bonn. fol. XVIII. A. 26. [Gott du bist gross.] God, Thou art great. . .A Sacred Cantata. . .Op. 98. The English Translation by M. Chubb. [Full Score.] London : Novello, Ewer d- Co. fol. XVIII. A. 27. [Des Heilands letzte Stunden.] Calvary . . . An Oratorio . . . the English Version by E. Taylor, etc. [Full Score.] London ((■ New Ti'rl- : Novello, Ewer and Co. fol. XVIII. A. 20. [Des Heilands letzte Stunden.] The Crucili.xion. . . English Version by E. Taylor. London . . . E. Taylor, etc. [1836.] fol. XVIII. A. 21. [Des Heilands letzte Stunden.] Calvary ... English Version liy E. Taylor. London. . . Sacred Harmonic Societi/, etc. 1852. fol. XVIII. A. 22. The composer's signature dated 5 July, 18."J2, /*• on the title-page. [Des Heillands letzte Stunden. Ewig fiiesset.] Select Pieces from... 'the Cruciiixion' . . .No. 3. Song. ' Tears of Sorrow.' E. Taylor, etc. [London.] fol. XVIII. A. 25. (2.) [I)es Heilands letzte Stunden. Jesus, hitumlische Liebe.] Jesus, heavenly Master. London... Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (14.) No. .^5 of ' Select Pieces from Spohr's Oratorios. The English icords hy E. Taylor.' [Des Heilands letzte Stunden. Und wenn sie alle weichen.] As pants the Hart. Anthem for six voices, arranged. . .Vjy .J. Stimjison. Novello and Co., etc. [London.] 8". IX. A. 18. (49.) 2 U 330 SPOHR. SPOHR (Louis) [T. Vocal Works.] Hyinne an die heilige Ciicilie, gedichtet von P. v. Calenberg. . .fiir vierstimmigeii Chor mit Soprau-Solo . . .Op. 97. Kla%'.-Ausz. Solo- u. Chorstimmen. Cassel...C. Lm-Uardt. fol. XVIII. A. 25. (4.) [Die letzten Dinge.] The Last Judgment . . . An Or.itorii). .the English Version by E. Taylor. Full Score. London it Nfw Tarlc. Noeelln, Ewer and Co. fol. XVIII. A. 15. [Die letzten Dinge.] The Last Judgment . . . the Accompaniment for the Piano-Forte revised . . . and in some parts rearranged. . .by V. Novello London. PnliJishi'd for E. Tai/lor hij J. A. Novello, etc. [183 1.] fol. XVIII. A. 17. [Die letzten Dinge.] Spohr's Oratorio, the Last Judgment. . .in vocal score, with a separate accom- paniment for the organ or pianoforte, arranged by V. Novello. London. . .Novello and Co., etc. 8°. IX. A. 13. (2.) [Die letzten Dinge.] The Last Judgment. . .the accompaniment for the Piano Forte arranged . . .by F. Spohr. London. . .B. <(■ J. E. Taylor, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 18. [Die letzten Dinge.] The Last Judgment ... Trans- lated from the . . . German and adapted to English words by E. Tavlor. [P.F. score.] London. . . E. Taijlor, etc. ' fol. XVIII. A. 16. (1.) L. Spohr's. . .Chorus ' The Lord remaineth a King for ever,' arranged as a Verse Anthem bv H. Andrew.s. London... J. Williams, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 30. (10.) Mcsse fuer fuenf Solostimmen und zwey fuenfstim- mige Choere . . . 54' Werk. Partitur. Leipziej, im Bureau dc Mnsique von C. F. Pcteis. ohl. fol. XI. C. 47. Messe fiir fiinf Singstinimen und zwey fiinfstimmige Chore . . .In Stimmen. Leipzitj,. . . C. F. Peters, etc. M. XVIII. A. 19. Drei Psalmen (viii, .\xill, c.xx.x) nach Mendel-ssohn- '.scher Ueber.setzung fiir zwei vierstimniige Chiire mit eingeniischten Solis. . .85''^'' werk. Bonn hei N. SinirocJc. ohl. fol. XVIII. A. 27. a. P.salm 2.'3 for Solo \"oices and eight-part Chorus, etc. Sec GoLl).sciiMiDT (O.) The Bach Choir Magazine, etc. No. 9. 8«. IX. A. 22. The ■21th Psalm, The Earth is the Lord's. . .adapted to the English version... by W. T. Freemantle . . . and revi.sed l)y S. S Wesley. fjmdon. Novello, Ewer if Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 9. (7.) [P.salm l.xxxiv.] How lovely .ire Thy Dwelling.s fair. Psalm 8'lth (Milton's version) ... Festival Anthem, the Vocal Parts in Score, the Instrumental adapted for the Organ or Piano Forte by tiie Composer. Jjondon,. . .J. Snrman, etc. fol. XVIII. A. 25. (7.) [I'salm cxxviii.] () bless'd for ever, the version by the Kev. C. 15. Hroadley, of the c.xxviii P.salm... Organ oi- P. I'\ Scoie. London. . . A. Wliittinijham, etc fol. XVIII. A. 25. (6.) SPOHR (LoDis) [I. Vocal Works.] Vater unser, von A. Mahlmann . . . Partitur. Berlin, in der Schlcxingcr'sclien Biicli- n. Muxilchandhinej. fol. XVIIL A. 25. (1.) The title-page hears the (intoijrapli of WiUiani Horsley. [Vater unser.] The Christian's Prayer. A Sacred Cantata, the words Translated fmni the German of A. Mahlmann by E. Taylor... The Accompaniment for the Piano Forte revised from the Foreign Edition bv V. Novello. E. Taylor, etc. [London.] fol. XVIII. A. 16. (2.) [Another copy. Vater unser.] The Christian's Prayer, etc. E. Taijlor, etc. [Ijondon.] fol. XVIII. A. 25. (5.) b. Secular. Der Alchymist. Romantische Oper in 3 Aufziigen. . . Vollstiindiger Klavier-Auszug von F. Spohr. Berlin, in der Schlesimjer schen Bnch- und Musikhandhui'i. fol. XXV.' C. 15. [Alruna.] Ouverture. . .Oeuvre 21. [Parts.] A Offenhach s/M, chez J. Andre, fol. LXI. A. 1. (66.) Spohr's Overture to . . . Alruna, arranged as a Septetto . . .by H. J. Banister. [Parts.] London, Puhll^hed for H. J. Banister, etc. fol. LXI. A. 2. (28.) Der Berggeist. Romantische Oper in drej' Aufziigen . . . Klavierauszug von F. Spohr. Leiyziij . . . C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 13. Faust. Romantische Oper in 2 Aufziigen . . . im Klavier- auszuge von P. Pixis. Leipziy . . .G.F. Peters, ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 14. [Faust.] Ouverture.. .Op. 60. Partitur. Leipzig... Breithtpf & Hiirtel. fol. LX. C. 15. (6.) [Faust.] Ouverture zur Oper: Faust ... Op. 60. Partitur. Leipzii/ .. .C. F. Peters. S". LXIII. D. 16. (3.) [Faust.] Ouverture . . . fiir das Piano-Forte auf 4 Hiinde. Wien, im Verlage der K. K. piriv. Chemie- Druckerey, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 1. (6.) Jessonda. Oper in drei Akten. . . herausgegeben von G. F. Kogel. [Full Score.] Leipzig. C.F.Peters, fol. XXV. C. 16. .Tessonda. . .Klavierauszug von F. Spohr. Leipzig. . . C. F. Peters, ohl. fol. ' XXVII. A. 15. The titlepage is signed and dated hy the composer and Sir George Smart. Jessonda. . .an-ange pour le Pianoforte ct N'iolon. Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, fol. LXII. B. II. (22.) Spohr's. . .Overture, Jessonda, arranged as a Septett . . .by A. Belts. [Parts.] London, Betts, etc fol. LXI. A. 2. (30.) .Jessonda. [Arranged for P. F. Ducl.| Li'ip::i(/ iC- Berlin. C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 30. ^10.) Pietro \'' Werk. 1F(V«, he! T. HasVuKjer, etc. obi. fol XXIX. A. 32. (6.) Grand Nonetto. . .Oeuvre ;>1. [Parts.] .1 Vicmie, chez S. A. Steiner et Camp. fol. LXI. A. 1. (63.) [Nonet. Op. 31.] Quintette per Pianoforte, Flauto, Violino, Viola e Violoncello disposto ... da G. F. Schwencke. Op. 31. [Parts.] Hamhurijo . . . A. Cranz. fol. LX. B. 27. a. Notturno for the Piano Forte and Violin. . .Op. .'!(. Lnnihm. . .li. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 27. a. Notturno. . . . arrange a quatre mains pour le Piano- forte. Leipzin Collin, etc. | Full Score.] S. A. Steiner und Comp Wien. fol. XVIII. A. 28.- 10 lateinische Psalmen fiir Vespern, Gradualien oder oUertorien, etc. No. 1. [Parts.] Wien, hei S. A. Steiner und Comp. fol. VI. A. 3. (9.) Offertorium ("Magna et niirabili.i sunt opera tua ") fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor und iSass. 2 Violinen, Viola, 2 Oboen, 2 Fagott, 2 Posauncn, 2 Trompeten, Pauken, Violoncell, Confra-ba.ss und Org(!l . . .I'arMtur. Wien. by A. Dialielli, etc. fol. VI. A. 3. (8.) Ecclesiasticon, No. 23. STADLMAYER (.Ioiiann) Hyinnotu Herau.sgegeben v . . . T. (II.) .J. Stamitz, elc. 1902. (1906.) See Denk.makler. Denkmiiler der Tonkunst in Bayern, etc. Dritter Jahrg. I. Band. (Siebenter Jahrg. II. Band.) 1900, elc. fol. XXXVII. D. 3. and 11. [Simphonia VII.] The Periodical Overture in 8 Parts .. .Number VII. [Parts.] London... 11. Bremner, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (15.) Six Solos for a Violin with a Thorough B.uss for the Harpsichord London. . .Lmgnuin ci Broderi/i, elc. fol. LXIL B. 13. (4.) See Duets. A Duett for Two Performers on One Harpsichord, etc. No. 1 (No. 2) by C Stamitz. fol. " LXII. E. 23. (4.) See Kammell (A.) Six Overtures, etc. No. 1. fol. LX. C. 17. (6.) Sec Overtures. The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts ...No. XLii. fol. LX. C. 17. (19.) See Overtures. The Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts No. XLiii. fol. LX. C. 17. (20.) STANFORD (Charles Villiers) Eden. A Dramatic (Jratorio in three Acts, the poem written by Robert Bridges . . . for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra . . . Op. 40. [P, F. Score.] London and New York, Novello, Ewer and Co. 1891. 8". IX. G. 36. Installation Ode. 1892. Cantabrigiae. Tyjjis Academicis excudebat C. J. Clay et Filii. 1892. 4". X. E. 30. (2.) O praise the Lord of Heaven. The Hundred and liftietli Psalm for Soprano Solo, Chorus, Orchestra and Organ. . .Op. 27. Forsi/th Brothers. London, etc. [1887.] 8". ' IX. A. 10. (1.) The Resurrection. . .Poem of Klopstock (the transla- tion by C. Winkworth), an Easter Hymn for Tenor Solo, Chorus and Orchestra (Organ ad lib.). . .Op. 5. Pianoforte Score, etc. London : Chappell ci Co., etc. fol. XL A. 27. (6.) The Revenge. A Ballad of the Fleet. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. . .Op. 24. Full Score. London li New York. Novello, Ewer and Co. fol. XXV. C. 18. Suite for Violin Solo with Orchestral Accompaniment . . . Op. 32. Full Score. London & New York. Novello, Ewer & Co. fol. LX. B. 31. 334 STANFOED— STEIBELT. STANFORD (Charles Villiers) Symphony in F raiiior— Tho Irish —for Full Orchestra . . . (:)p. 2S. [Full Score.] Lur deux Violoncelles . . . Oeuvre 6. [Parts.] ]i(iiin ct CdJoqnc rhez N. Siinrdrlc. fol. LX. B. 34. (3.) Three Duetts Concertante, for Two Violoncellos . . . Op. 8. [Parts.] London . . .T. Booxeij & Co., etc. fol. ' LX. B. 34. (4.) Deux Sonates pour le Violoncelle Solo i4: Violoncelle Secondo. . .Oeuvre 2. [Parts.] .i Bonn chcz N. Shirock. fol. LX. B. 34. (2.) A Grand Trio pour Violoncelle, Viola et Basse . . . Op. 13. [Parts.] London. . . Welsh ft Hawes, etc. fol. LXI. E. 6. (6.) A^ariations et Rondo pour le Violoncelle avec Accomp' de deux Violons, Alto et Ba.s.sc. Q2uv. 12. [Parts.] Leipziij...C. F. PcUtk. fol. LXIL C. 1. (15.) STIEHL (Hkinukh) Zwei vierhiiiidige Clavierstiicke . . .Op. 73. Jjcipziq (f Whdcrtlinr, J. Eirter-Blcdcrmann. fol. LXII. E. 21. (10.) STIMPSON (.Iames) The Organist's Standard Lil.rary : being Selections from the Works of the Great blasters . . .arranged. . .by J. Stirap.son. 13 Nos. London. . . D'Almaine d: Co., etc. fol. LX. B. 34. See SpoilR (L.) [Dcs Heilands Jetzte Stundcn. TJnd locnn sle alle weichen.^ As jiants the Hart . . . Arranged . . . by J. Stimpson. 8». IX. A. 18. (49.) STIRLING (Elizabeth) Nine Choral Songs, rtr. London.. .J. A. Novdlo,elc. fol. XXXII. C. 2. (12.) Slow Movements for the Organ. . .No. 2. London, J. A. Novfllo, etc. obi. fol. ' XXIX. B. 9. (10.) Four Part Songs fper. A Comic Opera in Two Acts . . . Composed it Adapted for the Harpsichord or Piano- Forte by S. Storace. London . . . Longman <£• Broderip, etc. [1790.] ohl. fol. XXVIL A. 20. a. (2.) 2 X 338 STOEACE— SULLIVAN. STORAGE (Stephen) The Pirates, an Opera in Three Acts, etc. London. . .J. Dale, etr. [1792.] obi. fol. XXVII. C. 1. (4.) [The Pirates. Peaceful .shiml)ring on the ocean.] See Haerison (S.) Lullaby [by S. Storace] . . . Harmonized by Mr. Harrison, ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 24. (6.) The Prize . . . Musical Farce, etc. London . . . J. Dale, etc. [1793.] ohl. f<.l. XXVI. A. 8. (3.) [Another copy.] The Prize, .'3. Wicn, C. A. Spina, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (18.) Kunstler-Lebcu. Walzer fiir das J'iauofoitr . . . Op. 31G. Wien, C. A. Spina, etc. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 25. (19.) STRAVAGANTI. The Favourite Songs in . . . Gli Stravagauti. A Burletta. London. . .R. Brenincr, etc. [1766.] fol. XXXII. A. 31. (1.) By Piccini and anonymous. [Another edition.] The Favorite Songs in Gli Stravaganti, etc. No. 1. London. . .R. Brcniner, etc. [1766.] fol. XXXII. B. 3. (9.) STREET (Joseph) Sonate quasi Fantaisie pour Piano et Yioloncelle. . .Op. 22. Leipzig, Jlnithq,/ d- Hartel. fol. LXII. C. 7. (28.) STREET (Josiah) A Book contaiuiug great Variety of Anthems'. . . and a Hymn for Christma.s-Day, and the Chants at Large, all entirely new . . . Likewise a Set of Psalm-Tunes . . . The Second Edition, with Additions. London : Printed h>j R. Brcniner, etc. 1746. 8". IX. E. 21. STUART (Leslie) The Silver Slipper. A Modern E.\travaganza. Book by (J. Hall. . .Vocal Score, etc. Landiin, Francis, Day ct Hunter, etc. 1501. 4°. XXVII. C. 25. (2.) STUCK (.Jean Baptiste) Cantatas Francjoises . . . Avec Symphonies, etc. 4 Livi-es. J. B. a Ballard. [i-m-]i-]22. oW. fol. XXXIL E. 13. Livrc I [17 1 8] loants the title-page. Livre XL is dated 1719; Livre III, 1722 cC Livre IV, 17 14. Livres I-III are of the second edition. Livre IV is published by Christophe Ballard. STURGES (Edward) Sec Cooke (B.) [Service in (r.j Te Deum laudamus . . . arranged ... by E. Sturges, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 20. (3.) SULLIVAN (Sir Arthur Seymour) Birds in the Night. A Lullaby, written by L. H. Lewin. London, Boosey d Co., etc. fol. XXV. C. 26. (4.) Choral Songs (S. A. T. B.) etc. [Nos. 4, 5, 7 and iS.] 4 Nos. London, Novella, Ewer & Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 26. (6.) Church Hymns with Tunes. Edited by A. Sullivan. London: S. P. C. K., etc. [1874.] 4«. IX. E. 22. Day Dreams. Six Pieces for the Piano Forte. London, Boosey d Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (13.) FeHcita. Valse. [P. F.] London, Boosey c£ Co., etc. fol. XXV. C. 26. (6.) I wish to tun(i my quivering Lyre. Ode, translated from Anacrcon by Lord Byron, etc. London : Boosey d Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 26. (5.) Kenilworth. A Masque . . . words by H. F. Chorley . . .0]). 4. London, Chapqidl d Co., etc. fol. XXXIL B. 13. (1.) The Last Night of the Year. A Fdur-I'art Sung, r/c. London... Norcllo d Co., etc. fol. XXXIL C. 2.' (14.) Presented hi/ the composer to Sir George Grove. i86;v The Martyr of Anliucli. Sacred Musical Drama, the words selected and arranged from .Mihiian's poem . . . the accompaniment arranged for the pianoforte. . .by E. D'Albert. London : Chappell d Co., etc. i". IX. G. 39. SULLIVAN— SWEELINCK. 339 SULLIVAN (.SV)- Arthuu Skymour) Music to the AListjuc in IShakcspcare's " Merchant of Venice,'' etc. London, J. B. Cramer it Co., etc. fol. XXV. C. 25. A presentation copi/ from tin; rompoKer to Sir George Grove. O hush thee, my Hahie. [Part Song.] Words by Sir Walter Scott. London : Novcllo (It; Co., etc. 8". X. F. 8. (41.) O Israel. Sacred Song, etc. London . . . J. A. Novcllo, etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (23.) Overture di Ballo. . .Full Score. London & New York. Novcllo, Ewer it Co. 1883. fol. LX. C. 2. Overture in C — la Memoriam — . . .Full Score. London & New Yorh. Novello, Eioer & Co. fol. LX. C. 1. An entirely New and Oi-iginal Aesthetic Opera, in two Acts, entitled Patience ; or Bunthorne's Bride ! Written by W. S. Gilliert . . . Arranged from the Full Score by B. Tours. London : Chappell d- Co., etc. [1S81.] 4". X. E. 22. (2.) The Procession March. [P. F.] Cramer, Sealed; Wood... London, fol. XXV. C. 26. (2.) The Prodigal Son. An Oratorio . . . The Orchestral Accompaniments arranged for the Pianoforte by F. Taylor. London: Boosey & Co., etc. [1869.] fol. XVIII. A. 33. Say, Watchman, what of the Night? [Anthem.] London : Boose,/ ,[• Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (52.) The Chorali^'t, No. 199. Sing O Heavens. Anthem for Christmas, etc. London : Boosey <& Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (24.) The Snow lie.s white. . .Song, by J. Ingelow, etc. London, Boo.sey (C Co., etc. fol. x'xV. C. 26. (6.) [Another copy.] The Snow lies white, etc. London, Boosey <& Co., etc. fol. XXV. B. 26. (4.) Sweet Day, so cool. Song, the words altered from G. Herbert, etc. London, Metzler <& Co., etc. fol. XXV. C. 26. (3.) [Another copy.] Sweet day, so cool, etc. London, Mcizler & Co., etc. fol. VI. A. 13. (22.) Te Deum laudamus and Doraine salvam fac reginam, composed. . .in celebration of the lecovery of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales . . . Full Score. London d New York. Novello, Ewer and Co. [1S72.] fol. XVIII. A. 34. Te Deum laudamus and Domine salvam fac Reginam, for Soprano Solo, Chorus, Orchestra, Organ and Military Band, etc. [P.F. score.] London : Novello, Ewer and Co., etc. 1872. 8°. IX. G. 38. Te Deum laudamus. . .in. . . D. London... Novello and Co., etc. 8". IX. A. 17. (6.) No. 2 of Novello' s Parish Choir Book. The Music to Shakespeare's Tempest, etc. London, Cramer, Scale d- Wood, etc. fol. XXV. C. 24. SULLIVAN (Sir Arthur Skvmocr) Allegrett« con gra./.ia. .Nn. 1. (Allegro grazioso. No. 2) Thoughts, for the Piano Forte. 2 Nos. London, Cramer, Scale ziuadiillos do Contrcdiinses pour Piano . . . sur dcs Motifs du Siege d(! Coiintlio de Kossiiu, etc. 2 Nos. ,1 Paris, chez E. Tronpenas, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 28. (7.) Deux t,;uadrilles de Contredanses . . . pour Ic Piano . . .sur les Motifs de TOpcra. . .de Moise, etc. 2 Nos. A Paris, chez E. Tronpenas, etc. ohl. fnl. XXIX. A. 28. (6.) TOM JONES. Tom .Jones, a Comic Opera . . . Uie Musick liv the must celebrated Authors, the Words by .J. Keed. Ijondon . . . Welelcer, etc. [1769.] ohl.iiA. XXVII. B. 22. (2.) TOM THUMB. The Most Celebrated Aires in the Opera of Tom Thumb. [By T. A. Arne.] London. . .B. Coo'! e, etc. [1735.] fol. XXXII. A. 3. (1.) TOMASCHEK (.Johann Wexzel) Gran pts. Vciietiis, Apud Angelum Gardnmim lO Fmtrcx. i6o8. 4° k ohl 4°. I. B. 11. (2.) The Titlc-paijc of the Altim is mutilatcfJ. The Title- jMtje <£■ laul leaf of the Tenor are wantiiuj, li- also the Title-page of the Bassus. TRAETTA (Tommaso) Six Italian Duets with a Bass for tlie Harpsichord. . .The Words from Metastasio. London. . .P. WeJclcer, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 7. (3.) TRAVERS (John) Eighteen Canzonets for Two, and Three Voices ; (the Words chiefly by M. Prior) etc. London. Printed for tlie Author by J. Simpson, etc. fol. XXV. D. 1. I like a Bee. Canzonette for two Voices, s. .sA. fol. II. B. 2. (29.) The Whole Book of Psalms, for one, two, three, four and five Voices, wilh a Thorough Bassfoi' the Harpsi- chord, etc. 2 vols. London. Printed for J. Johnson, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 4. The Title-pages hear the autographs of W. Linley. XII Voluntaries for the Organ or Harpsichord, etc. London. Printed for C. <0 S. Thompson, etc. ohl. fnl. XXIX. B. 7. (4.) When Bibo thouglit fit. [Glee.] London . . . Dale tt Son, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 2. (16.) See Thissaurus Musicus. Thesaurus Musicus, etc. (by. . .Travers, c^c). fol. XXV. C. 29. See Thomson (W.) Symphonia Angelica, or a Collection of Anthems. . .by. . .Travers, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 3. TRAVERS (T. F.) A Selection of Anthems, Chants, Doxologies, &c. in four Parts, with an Arrangement for the Organ or Piano Forte, for the use of Churches in London in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, etc. London, T. Brooks, etc. 8". IX. A. 3. (10.) TRE CICISBEI RIDICOLL The Favourite Songs in. . .Li Tre Cicisbei llidicoli. London. . . I. WaJsh, etc. [1749.] fol. XXXII. A. 30. (3.) By Latilla and anonymous. U.C.M.C. TREMAIS ( de) Senates pour le Violon et pour la i'liilc ,ivec la B.-isse Continue. . .Oeuvi-e P'"''. A Paris. Chez M"" Boivin, etc. 1736. fol. LX. C. 9. TRIAL (Jean Clauuh) and BERTON (Piekue Montan) [Silvie.] Airs dctachez de Silvie, Opera, etc. Graves par L. Leclair feinine Quenet. A Paris chcs Mr. de In Chevardierc, etc. 8". X. E. 18. (5.) TRICK FOR TRICK. Trick for Trick. A Comedy of twii Acts... by ];. Fabian. [With the music of the songs.] London: Printed for J. Watts, etc. 1735. 8". X. E. 12. TRIONFO DIDORI. Jl Tri.mfo di Dori. Descritto (la l)iver.si et j)osti in Musica, da altretanti Autori. A Sei Voci. Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Sesto.) 4 pt. In Anversa. Apprcsso Pietro Phaleaio. 160 1. ohl. 4°. I. E. 31. II Trionfo di Dori ... A Sei Voci. Basso. In Anrcrsa. Appresso Pietro Phalesio, etc. 1S14. ohl. 4°. I. E. 32. TRITTO (GiACOMo) [La Vergine del Sole.] D' un barbaro afianno. . .Duetto serio, etc. [Full Score.] In Napoli. Presso L. Marescalehi, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 6. (10.) TRIUMPH OF FIDELITY. The Triumph of Fidelit;y, an Operatical P.intomime, performed at Hickford's Rooms, etc. London, Printed for G. Goulding, [1790.] ohl. 4°. II. C. 14. TSCHAIKOVSKY (Pete Ilich) Trio fiir Pianoforte, Violiue und Violoncell. . .Op. 50. Neue. . .revidirte Ausgabe. Hamburg. D. Bahter. fol. LXI. E. 10. (4.) TUCKWELL (Lewis Stacev) See Stainer {Sir J.) and TucKWELL (L. S.) The Church Choir Chant- Book, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. B. 37. TUDWAY (TiiOM.w) A two part Song [begins : '■ Now my Freedom's regain'd"] etc. s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (11.) TUERK (Daniel Gottlob) Sechszig Handstiicke fiir angehende Klavierspieler. . .Erster (Zweyter) Theil. Leipzig und Halle, auf Kostcn des Verfassers, etc. 1792. (1795.) ohl. fol. XVn. E. 37. Die Hirten bey der Krippe zu Bethlehem,. . .im Klavierauszuge ausgegeben . . . Neue verbesserte Ausgabe. Leipzig und Halle, 1798, etc. ohl. fol. XL C. 48. (1.) Lieder aus Gedichte aus dem Siegwart, etc Leipzig und Halle, auf Kosten des Autors. 1780. 06/. fol. X. D. 20. Der Sieg der Maurerey, eine Kantate auf das Johannisfest, etc. Leipzig und Halle, auf Kosten des Autors. 1780. ohl. fol. XXVII. A. 21. Treatise on the Art of Teaching and Practising the Piano Forte. . .with explanatory Examples translated . . .. Jierlin. T. Trautwcin, etc. fol. LXII. C. 7. (29.) Symphonie Triomphale. . .Op. 9. . .Partition. Mayencc, chezlesfils de B. Schott. 8". LXIII. D. 10. See Baiii (.J. S.) Ich hatte viel Bekiimmerniss. . . Klavier-Auszug von II. Ulrich. 8". IX. A. 30. (4.) See Bach (J. S.) Messe in 11 Moll. . .Clavicrauszug von H. Ulrich. 8°. IX. A. 31. Sec Beethoven (L. van) Duos, Trios... u. Sym- piionien . . .fiir Pianoforte zu vier Hilnden arrangirt \<>n If. I'lrich u. R. Witfniami. obi. fol. XXVIII. B. 16. See Cheruiuni (.M. L. C. Z. S.) l)cinoj)hon. . .Clav.- Auszug von H. Ulrich. 8". X. A. 30. See CiiERuniNi (M. L. 0. Z. S.) Kr("inung.s-Mc.s.se. . . Klavierauszug von 11. Ulrich. 8". IX. B. 20. ULKICH— VENTO. 347 ULRICH (Hufjo) ,SVr Chkeiubini (M. L. C. Z. S.) Missa . . .ill D-iiioll. KlavifM-aviszui; vmi H. Uliicli. X". IX. B. 19. Svf Havdn (F. J.) Svmplioiiien. . .fiir Pianoforte. . . bp,arl)oitct von H. lJli-i.-h. ohl. ful. XXVIII. C. 11. ,SVe Mozart (W. A.) Syinplionicii. . .fiir Pianoforte zu viol' Hiinden anangirt von Jl. Ulricli und A. Horn. 1,1,!. fol. XXVIII. C. 16. Srr .Mozaut(W. A.) Six. . . S_vin])honies. . .ari'ani^rcs pour Piano a ([iiatri^ mains par H. Ulrii'h. ohl. ft)l. XXIX. B. 2. (2.) Sec ScHLMiKHT (V. P.) Il-nioll Symjilionii- . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Iliindcn bearbeitet von H. Ulrich. oM. fol. XXVIII. C. 30. (1.) Src Schubert (F. P.) Syniphonie en Ut majeur . . . arrangee pour Piano a quatre mains par PI. Ulrich. ohl. fol. XXVIII. C. 30. (2.) Srr Schubert (F. P.) Tragische Syniphonie . . . fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiinden bearbeitet von H. Ulrich. nhl. fol. XXIX. B. 2. (4.) UNGER (Frikdrich) Liebesfriihling, (Sonnet) . . . arranged for the Organ l)y A. E. Tozer. Fi,r>p. 17. J. Scltnhrrth <£■ Co. Leipziij, etc. fol. LXII. B. 8. (27.) VIERLING (Georg) See Mozart (W. A.) Litania (li Yenerabile Altaris Sacramento. .. Klavier-Auszug \on G. Yicrling. ohl. fol. XI. C. 31. (1.) VIGANO (Salvatoue) La Vostalc. Gran Ballo Tragico . . . ridotto a Quartette ... da A. Yitali. [Parts.] Milano. . .G. Bicordi, etc. fol. LXI. D. 3. (7.) VILLAGE OPERA. The Village ( )iHTa. . . Written |jy Mr. .bihiison. To which is added the Musick to each Song. London : Printed for J. ]['asso eontinuo per 1' Organo . . . Opera Seconda, etc. In Bologna, per Giacowo Monti. 1667. 4". XL E. 10. The Organo part only. VITALI (Fii.ippo) iMusiehe a vna, e dve voci. . .Libro Secondd. In Iloma, Apprcsso Gio. Battista Itohletti. 16 1 8. fol. II. B. 6. VITO ( ) St.abat Mater, etc. [Full Score.] London... J. BhindcU, etc. fol. XVIIL B. 5. VITTORII (LoRETo) [La Galatea. Dramma del Cav'= Lf)reto Vittori da Spoleti. Dal niedesimo posta in Musica, etc.^ \In Boma per Vincenzo Bianchi, etc. 1639.] fol. IL B. 31. Wanting the Title jjage and Dediciition (2 fol.) and pp. 1 l'i-)42. Much damaged by damjj throughout. VIVALDI (Antonio) Viv.ildi's most Celebrated Con- cirti>s in all their p.irts. . .Opera Terza. London. Printed for I. Walsh .. .and I. Hare, etc. fol. LX. C. 17. (26.) VI Concert! k Cinque Stromenti . . . Opera Sesta. [Parts.] A Amsterdam chez E. Roger <(• Le Cene. fol. LX. E. 1. (3.) Concerti a Cinque Stromenti. . .Opera Settima, etc. 2 Libi-. [Parts.] A Amsterdam. Chez Jeanne Roger, fol. LX. E. 1. (4.) Senate a Violino e Basso per il Ceud)alo. . .Oj)era Seconda. A Amsterdam. Aux dejpens d'Eslienne Roger, etc. fol. II. B. 9. (4.) La Stravaganza. Concerti. . .Opera Quarta. Vivaldi's Extravaganzas in Six Parts, etc. London. Printed for... L Walsh, etc. foL LX. C. 17. (27.) See Bach (J. S.) XVI Concertos d'apres les Con- certos pour le Violon de A. Vivaldi, etc. fol. LVIII. B. 2L (1.) VOCAL HARMONY. Vocal Harmony; being a Collection of Glee.s, Madiigals, Elegies, Quartets, Canzonets &c. compiled from the Compo.sitions of the be.st Authors, ancient and modern, including the Prize Glees from 1763 to 1794; with. . .pieces written . . . for this work by the most esteemed com- posers. [Edited by W. Horsley.] 9 vols. London . . . Clementi, Banger, Collard, Davis & Collard, etc. fol. XXV. D. 2. 350 VOCAL HAKMONY— WAELEANT. VOCAL HARMONY. [Another copy.] Vocal Har- mony, tic. [31 detached numbers.] London. . . Clemenii, Banger, CoUaril, Davis & CoUanl, etc. fol. XXV. D. 3. VOCAL MUSIC. Vocal Music: or the Songster's Companicjn . . . A'ohime the First. The Second Edition, etc. London : Baker and Galahin, etc. 1772. 8". X. D. 22. a. VOGEL (JoHANN Christopii) Demophon. Ojiera Lyrii|ue en troi.s Actes, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris, rlies Ir S'' Slehcr, etc. fol. XXV. D. 4. La Toison d'Oi\ Tragedie lyrique en trois Actes, etc. [Full Score.] A Paris chez M' Michaud, etc. fol. XXV. D. 5. VOGLER (Gkorg Joseph) Deutsche Kirchcnmusik . . .zu 4 Singstimmen und Orgel. . . gcsetzt, e/c. [1778.] fol. XVIII. B. 5. a. Graduale. Veni Sancte Spiritus. Partitui-. Offenbach a. M.,hei J. Andre. oW, fol. XI. C. 51. (7.) Zwolf Kirchen Hyninen fiir drey, vier und acht Vocal-Stimnien. . . V'- Heft. Miinchcn. Gedrucld. . . ley Joseph Sidler, etc. fol. VI. E. 1. (9.) Laudate fiir Sojiran mit Begleitung des Chors, obligater Orgel und Orchestcjr. . .Partitur. Olfenlmch a / M, beij J. Andre. oW. fol. XXvfl. C. 26. (7.) [Anotlier copy.] Laudate fiir Sopran, etc. Offenbach a. M., hey J. Andre, obi. fol. XI. C. 51. (4.) [Mannheimer Monatschrift.] Erste(-Xrr) Lief- erung, etc. [Mannheim. 177S-9.] fol. XVIII. B. 5. b. Missa di Quadragesima per Soprano, Alto, Tenore e Basso con Orgauo ad libitum . . . Partizione. O^enbaeh s.M., jjressu Giovanni Andre, obi. fd. XI. C. 51. (1.) Missa Pastoritia . . . No. 2. Partitur, r/r. Offenbach a. 31., bey J. Andre, obi. fol. XI. C. 50. Betinecn pp. 68 and 69 a leaf Is inserted irith four bars of added, Insli ninent((l Introdnciioii to the Offertorinin, in the anloijniph if Sir H. It. Bishop. Abbatis Vogler Rlis.sa j)ro Defunctis Kequiem. [Full Score.] Maijnidiae in . . . Taberna Mnsices Aidiea B. Sehott fiUoram, etc. [1822.] oW. fol. XI. C. 51. (2.) Missa Solennis. No. 1. Partitur, (■/<•. Offenliach a.M., hey J. Andre, ill. fol. XI. C. 49. Psalmum Miserere decantandum a (|uatuor vocibus cum Organ" it l>assis, etc. Sennid. nov. inrenl. C'on- eillar. Expedit. Brandmb. Bossier Sivrae impre.ssum, etc. fol. VI. A. 3. (11.) Salve Ilegina fiir Sopi-an, ,\II, Teimr und ISa.ss. . .mit willkiihi-lichcr Begleitung d". X. D. 23. Der fliegende Hollander. . .with German ^^'or(ls, and an English adaptation hy .J. P. Jackson. Edited hy •J. Pittman. Boosey <£• Co., London ci New Yorl-. 8". X. D. 24. Stiicke aus der Oper Der Fliegende Hollander. . .fiir Piano frei Ubertragen von F. Spindler. Werk 122. 5 Nos. Dresden. C\ F. Meser. fol. LXII. E. 18. (23.) Flinf Gedichte fiir eine Frauen-stiiume uiit Pianoforte- Begleitung. Mainz, B. Schott's Sbhnc, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 24. (8.) Kaiser-Marsch fiir grosses Fest-Orchester. Paititui'. WAINWRIGHT. afterward.s STEWART (Harriet) Si III ki' alls . . . Tannhiiuser. . .fiir das Pianoforte von V. Liszt. No. 1. Kinzug der Giiste auf NVarthurg. Leipziij. . .Breithopf ti Mrtel. fol. LIX. D. 7. (9.) Tri.stan und Isolde. . . Vollstiindige Partitur. Leip)zi(j, Breithopf & Hi'irtel. fol. L. A. 25. [Rienzi.] Overture to the Opera of Rienzi . . . Arranged for the Piano-Forte, hy R. Wagner. London. . .Cramer, Beale ct Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 18. (24.) Der Ring des Nibelungen. Ein Biihnenfe.stspiel in drei Tage und eineii Vorabend. (T. Das Rheingold.) [Full Score.] Mainz, hei li. Schott's Sohneu, etc. fol. L. A. 27. With a MS. list 0/ the tenii.i at the first full dress rehearsal, 2'.) July 1S7G, //(/ E. Dannreuther. Der Ring des Nibelungen, etc. (II. Die Walkiire.) [Full Score.] Mainz, hei B. Schott's Siihnen, etc. fol. L. A. 28. Der Ring des Nibelungen, etc. (HI. Siegfried.) [Full Score.] Mainz, hei B. Schott's Sohnen, etc. fol. L. A. 29. Der Ring des Nibelungen, etc. (IV. GfJtterdiim- merung.) [Full Score.] Mainz, hei B. Schott's Sohnen, etc. fol. L. B. 1. See AuBKU (D. F. H) Zanetta. . .Airs arranges pour Flute, Violon, Alto et Basse par R. Wagner, etc. fol. LXI. E. 4. See Palesthina (G. P. da) Stabat .Mater . . . eingerichtet von R. AVagner. fol. VI. A. 3. (1.) Leipziij (!■ Berlin. C. F. Peters, etc. fol. LX. C. 10. Kaiser-]\Iarsch . . . Klavier-Auszug zu 2 Handen von C. Tausig. Leipzig d: Berlin. C. F. Peters, etc. fol. LXII. E. 14. (5.) Lohengrin. Romantische Oper iu drei Acten . . . Partitur. Leipzit/, Breithipif & Hartel. fol. L. A. 24. With MS. closes for concert performance of certain portions, in the aiitoi/rojili if E. Dannreuther. Lohengrin. Romantische Oper iu drei Acten . . . Klavierauszug von T. Uhlig. Leipzig, hei Bre.ithopf & Ecirtel,. fol. XXV. D. 6. Die Meister.singer von Niii-nberg . . . Vollstiindige Partitur. Mainz hei B. Schott's Sdhne7i, etc. fol. L. A. 26. With MS. closes for concert perfor)n(tnce (f certain poitions, in E. Dannrcuther's autograph. Polonaise pour le Pianoforte a quatre mains. Chez Breitliopf it Hartel, ii Leipsic. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 32. (5.) Der Tannenbaum. Ballade von Scheuerlin. Berlin. A. Fiirstner. fol. XXXII. C. 24. (9.) Tannhiiuser. . .Vollstiindige Partitur. Dresden. C. F. Meser, etc. fol. L. A. 22. [Tannhiiuser.] Der Venusberg (Bacchanale). Neue compouirte Scene zur Oper ' Tannhiiuser'. . .Partitur. Berlin und Dresden. C. F. Meser, etc. fol. L. A. 23. ^\ Culli'itiun of SoMg>. Duets, Trios i^- Chorus's, etc. London. . .Cianihettini, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 23. (22.) WAITE (Hen'rv Raxijall) Carmiua Collegcnsia : a Complete Collection of the Songs of the American Colleges, with Piano-Forte accompaniment. . .collected and edited by H. R. Waite. Boston: 0. Ditson & Co., etc. [18C8.] 8". X. D. 25. WALCKIERS (EufJENi;) Trois Duos Concertants pour deux Flutes. . .Op. IG. Bonn et Cologne chez N. Simroch. fol. LXII. B. 19. (12.) WALEY (Simon Waley) Concerte in E5 for the Pianoforte, with. . .Orchestra. . .Oj). 16. [Orchestral Parts.] London. Schott d- Co. fol. LIX. E. 24. The Lord is my Strength. Sacred Song. . .Op. y J. H. Walker. London: Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. 1877. 8". IX. A. 10. (6.) WALKER (William) Spring, Spring, beautiful Spring i Written by J. Swain. Novello and Co. . . . London. 8°. X. E. 29. (10.) WALLACE (William Vincent) Lurline. Opera in three Acts, written by E. Fitzball. [P. F. Score.] London, Cramer, Beetle d CliappeU, etc. fol. XXV. D. 7. WALMISLEY (F. AV.) See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music. . .by. . . Walmisley, etc. fol. XVII. D. 3. WALMISLEY (Thomas Attwood) Cathedral Music ... A Collection of Services and Anthems . . . edited by. . .T. F. Walmisley. Ewer d Co., London. [1857.] f<^l- XVIII. B. 6. From all that dwell below the Skies. Choral Hymn. Novello, Ewer and Co. : London, etc. 1879. 8°. IX. A. 18. (4.) Ode, performed ... at ... Cambridge ... at the . . . Commencement after the Installation of . . . Prince Albert, Chancellor of the University, written by W. Wordsworth, etc. [P. F. Score.] London. . . Chappell, etc. [1847.] fol. XXV. D. 8. The Dublin Prize Anthem, ' Remember Lord,' etc. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 20. (16.) A preseidailon ropy from the composer to tlie Sacrcil Harmonic Society. [Another copy.] The Dublin Prize Anthem. ' Re- member (J Lord,' etc. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 21. (13.) A presentation eopij from tlie composer to tin- Sacred Ha rmon ic Society. Services and Anthems . . . No. 21. llemembcr O \mv(\. (Dublin Prize Anthem.) London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 14. (5.) Si'e Attwood (T.) Attwood's Cathedral Music . . . edited. . .by T. A. Walmisley, etc. fol. VL A. 27. See Mendelssoiin-Bautholdy (J. L. F.) Three Anthems from. . .Three Motetts. . .Op. 39. . .ada])ted by T. A. Walmisley, etc. fol. XVII. B. 8. (12.) WALMISLEY (Thomas Fohbes) Si.\ Anthems . . . No. 4. O Lord, Ikav manifold are Thy w(jrks. London. . ../. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 14. (4.) WALMISLEY (Thomas Forbes) Six Canzonets, . Ir. L„ni{„u . . . Mon::ani d Hill, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 23. (23.) A Collection of Glees, Trios, Rounds and Canons, etc. London, published for the Author, etc. fol. XXV. D. 9. The Fairy of the Dale. Trio for two Trebles it a Bass with . . . Piano Forte, etc. Printed for the Author, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (39.) Six Glees, etc Puhlished for the Composer, etc. Westminster, etc. (1830.) oW. fol. XXVII. A. 22. Six Glees for Three, Four, Five and Six Voices, etc. London. . .Chappell d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 27. (2.) Six Glees (being a Fourth Collection), etc. London. . . Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. fol. XXV. D. 10. Hosanna. Canon Four in Two, etc. London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XI. E. 28. (16.) No more with unavailing woe. A glee for four voices, etc. London. . .Chappell d Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (38.) Sacred Songs, the Poetry by E. B. Impey . . . Arch- deacon Pott, Bishop Middleton, J. Montgomery, W. C. Bryant, etc. London : Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 7. The Thunder.s roll. An Eastei' Hymn for four vt)ices, written by. . .J. H. Pott, etc. London. . . J. A. Novello, etc. fol. VI. A. 14. (3.) Unless my Amanda blest. A Glee, etc London. . . Cramer, Addison d Beale, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 2. (17.) See Walmisley (T. A.) Cathedral Music . . . Edited by... T. F. Walmisley. [1857.] fol. XVIII. B. 6. WALOND (William) iMr. Pope's Ode on St. Cecilia's J >ay, lie. [Full Score.] London. Printed for the Author, fol. VI. C. 5. (2.) WALTERS (James) Eight Chants. . .for four voices ct organ. London. . .T. E. Purday, etc. 1S55. fol. VL A. 14. (6.) WALTHER (Charles) The Lays of a Wanderer. A Series of Songs, in English and German . . . with Accompaniments for Piano Forte or Guitar. London. . .Johanninij it Whatntore, etc. fol. XXV. D. II. WALTHER (Johann) Wittenbergi.sch Geisilich Gcs.'Migliuch von 1521 . . . Neue I'ai'titur-Au.sgabe , . . von O. Kade. Berlin.. . . (I'iisschel d Wcntzel...) 1878. fol. L. B. 6. Jahrg. VI. {Band vii.) of the ' Puhlilcation aelterer . . . 3Iusikwerke ' of the Gesellsehaft fiir Musilc- forschung. WALTHER (Johann Gottkried) (Jesannnelte Werke fiir Orgel. Herau.sgegebcn von M. Seillert. 1906. Sec Denkmakler. Denkniiiler deutscher Toidiunst. Erste Folge, etc. l!d. .wvi, .x.wii. iS;i, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 26, 27. WANHAL— WATEKRON. 353 WANHAL (Jan I'.aptist) Concert facile jioiir le I'i.iiici-Fortc iuciiniliagne de cleux Violoiis A' IJas.S(^ . . Ocuvre 17. [Parts.] Bonn chez N. Slmrock. fol. & obi. fol. LIX. E. 24. 8 Duos tres faciles . . . < )p. -'ifi. [2 Violin.s.] \j\\f. 1. Chez N. Simrock a Bonn. fol. LXII. B. 17. (12.) Trois Duos faciles. . .pour deu.x Violoiis. . .Oeuvre 07. Livre I. J Bonn clifZ N. Siiunicle. fii. L. Cock it Co., etc. 4". X. F. 11. (24.) WATTS (William) See Beethoven (L. van). Beet- hoven's . . . Symphony in C (D) (The Eroica) (Bb. Nos. 1-4) arranged ... by W. Watts, fol. LVIII. B. 33. WEBB (Richard) A Collection of Madrigals for Three Four Five and Six Voices selected from the Works of . . . Composers of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, etc. London, printed for the Editor, etc. fol. XXV. D. 11. Webb's Madrigals. Edited by W. Shore. [Parts.] London : J. A. Novcllo, etc. 8°. X. D. 27. Bool- II. of Novello's Choral Sand Boole. Secular Series. WEBB (William) See Select Musicall Avres. Select ilusicall Ayres . . . Composed by . . . William Webb, e^c. 1652. fol. II. A. 26. WEBBE (Egertox) Prelude & Fugue in A Major for the Organ. . .Op. 1. London, J. A. Novello, etc. fol. LXII. C. 17. (10.) WEBBE (Samuel) the Elder. Eight Anthems in Score. For the use of Cathedrals and Country Choirs, etc. London. . .L. Lavenu., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 9. (1.) [Another copy.] Eight Antliems in score, etc. London. . .L. Lavenu, etc. fol. VI. A. 19. (7.) Twelve Anthems, in Vocal Score . . . with a Separate Accompaniment for the Organ, by V. Novello. London. . .J. A. Novello, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 10. Twelve Anthems particularly calculated for Families, or small Choral Societies. London. . . Printed for the Author, hi/ It' Birchall, etc. fol. XVIII. B. 9. (2.) Six Anthems particularly calculated for Families or small Clioral Societies. London . . . 11. BircliaU, etc. fol. VI. A. 19. (6.) A Second (Third) (Fifth) (Sixth) (I'^ighth) Book of Catches, Canons and Glees, etc. 5 Books. London . . .Longman and Broderip, etc. obi. fol. XXVII. B. 3. (2.) Christ being raised from the Dead. Easter Anthem. London : J. A. Novello, etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (56.) A Collection of Masses, with an accoiii|iain nt, for the Organ. . .with others. . .by Bicci li: Paxloii. Loudon, Printed for the Projirieturs & sold bj/ J. Bland . . .T. Skillern . .'. .1- Mr. Co,/hlan, etc. [ 1 792. J obi. 4". II. C. 13. WEBBE (Samuel) the Elder. A Collection of Motetts or ^Vnti]ihons for 1, 2, .3 & 4 Voices or Chorus, etc. J. Griffiths, etc. [L(oidi,n. 1752.] 8°. X. A. 5. Webbes Collection of Psalm Tunes for four voices. Compressed into two lines for the Organ or Piano Forte. London. Printed for the Author hi/ Cleviriili iD Co , etc. ohl. 8°. IX. E. 27. (1.) A Collection of Vocal Music ... con.sisting of Songs, Duets, Glees, etc. . .with an Accorapanimcut for tlie Piano Forte, London .. .S. Choppell, etc. fol. XXV. D. 12. (1.) Tlie Title paije is siijiied hi/ the composer. Webbe's Domine salvum fac, for three voices with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte ; arranged. . .by V. Novello. London, J. A. Nouello, etc. fol. VI. A. 3. (16.) Fain would I strike the Harp to Kings... Glee for 4 voices, etc. London. . .Lavenu ei S. A. Steiner und Comp., etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 13. (19.) The. . .Chorus of Huntsmen, etc. Landon . . . W. Bide, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 32. (26.) Ben vien O Lysiart. Kecit. it Alziam gli evviva. .Solo k Quartett, etc. London. . .S. Chiipjiell, ric. fol. XXXII. B. 32. (27.) ' Sweet May. A Dance;, Song A Cliorus, etc. London... W. Dale, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 32. (25.) | WEBER (Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von) [r. Vocal Works.] Der Freischiitz. Der Freischiitz. Romantische Oper in 3 Aufziigen. Text von F. Kind. [Full Score.] Leipy.iij ,f- Berlin. O. F. Peters, etc. fol. XXV. D. 16. Der Freischiitz. Romantische Oper in 3 Aufziigen. Dichtung von F. Kind. . .KJavier Auszug, etc. Berlin, in der Schlesingerschen Buch- and Musik- hindlung. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 5. (1.) The Overture A the. . . Music in. . . Der Freischiitz. . . Adapted . . . by H. R. Bishop . . . The Poetry by G. Soane. London. . . Goulding, D'Almaine . . . M^ Work. 1''' Sanunhmg. Lrijizi(j . . . C. F. Peters ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 7. (4.) Volkslieder mit neuen Weisen verseha. . .Op. G4. 2 pt. Berlin. Bei A. M. Schlesinger, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 11. (8.) Volkslieder luit neuen Weisen versehen. . .Op. G4. Berlin, hei A. ^f. Schlesinger, etc. ohl. f(jl. XXVII. B. 7. (5.) d. Songs and Duets. Balladen und Lieder . . . mit Begleitung des Piano- Forte. . .Op. 47. Berlin, hey A. M. Schlesimier. ohl. fol. ' XXVII. B. 7. (8.) Sechs Deutsche Gesiinge fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Op. 30. Berlin, hey A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 7. (2.) [Another copy.] Sechs Deutsche Ges;inge fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, etc. Berlin hey A. M. Schlesinger. uhl. fol. XXVIII. A. 28. (4.) Tre Duetti per due Voci di Soprano coll' accompag- namento di Pianoforte. Op. 30. In Berlino, jjresso A. M. Schlesinger, etc. uhl. fol. XXVIII. A. 11. (7.) Tre Duetti per due Voci di Soprano (italienisch u. deutsch) coir Accoinpagnamento ili I'ianoforte . . . Op. 31. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 7. (10.) [I. N'oCAL Works.] Drei Duette. Op. ;',1. [Nos. I and 3.] Berlin, Schlesinger^sche Biic/i- nnd MusiJchandhnni, etc. fol. XXV. D. 19. Sechs (Jesiinge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . Opus 23. Berlin. . .Schlesinger, etc. ohl. fol, XXVII. C. 26. (8.) Sechs Gesiinge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . , Opus 23. Berlin in der Schlesingerschen Musil.handlung. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 6. (1.) Gesiinge und Lieder mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. . . Op. 71. Berlin, hei A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 7. (6.) [Another cojjy.] Ge.siinge und Liedei- ]]]it Bigieitung des Piiinoforte . . . Op. 71. Berlin hei A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 7. (3.) Leyer und Schwerdt, von T. KOruer (in Musik gesetzt mit Begleitung des Pianoforte) etc. Op. 41. Th. I (hi.) Berlin hei a. M. Schlesinger. f-W. fol. XXVII. B. 6. (3.) [Another copy.] Leyer und Schwert von T. Kiirner . . .rait Begleitung des Pianoforte. . .Heft in, etc. Berlin hei A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol. XXVIL B. 7. (IL) Lieder und Gesiinge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte . . . Op, G6, etc. Berlin, in der Schlesinqersrhen . . . Mmikhandlung. ohl. fol, XXVIL B. 7. (7.) Die Ruiiu'ii. Ivoman/.e von lioinbek mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, etc. Ilamhurg hei A. Cram. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 5. (3.) Scene unci Arie fiir Sopran mit Begleitung des Piano- Forte . . . Op. oG. Berlin . . . A. M. Schlesinger, etc. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 6. (5.) II. In-strdmental Music. C. M, vou Weber's Compositionen fiir das Pianoforte zu zwei Hiiudeii. Nos. G, 7, 10, 11, L5-17. 7 Nos. Braunsclnocig, H. Litolff, etc. fol, LX. C. 11. (1.) Wessel l(: Co,'s Editions of CEuvres Choisies de C, M. von Weber pour le Piano-Forte. Nos. II, 12. 2 Nos. London, Ashdown & Parry, etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (2.) Air Russe varie pour le Pianoforte . . . Op. 40. No. 9 des Variations. Berlin chez A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol, XXIX. A. 13. (9.) Aufforderung zum Tanz . . . instrumentee a grand Orchestre par H. Berlioz. Op. G5. Gr. Partition. Berlin, chez A. M. Schlesinger, etc. fol, L. A. 19. (8.) Auti'orderung zum Tanz, Rondo brillante , . , I )pus 6.5. Wolfenhilttei. . . L. Holle. fol, LXII. E. 9. (1.) [Aufforderung zum Tanz,] Invitation pour la ^'alse , . . Op. 65. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (8.) [Aufforderung zum Tanz.] L'lnvitation pour la Valse. London Musical Bouquet Office, etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (3.) 358 WEBEE. WEBER (Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst vox) [TI. Instru.mkn'tal Music] Aufforderung zum Tanze. Rondo brillant fiir das Pianoforte fiir zwei oder fiir vier Hiiude. . .Oeuv. 65. Brnunscliwel;/. . .J. P. Spriltr. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (2.) Concertinos. . .Opus 26 & 45, arrangirt fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Hiindeu. Ldpziij d Berlin, C. F. Peti'ra. 4". XXIX. C. 16. (5.) First Concerto in C, for the Piano Forte. . .Oj). 11. London. . .B. Cor];s ct Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (3.) Grand Concerto. . .Op. 32. Edited by J. Moscheles. London. . .Chtippdl, etc. fol. LXII. E. 9. (2.) Concei-t-Stuck fiir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orehesters. . .Partitur. [Op. 79.] Lcipz'uj . . . a F. Peters. 8". LXIII. A. 37. [Another copy.] Concert-Stiiek . . .Partitur. Leipzig... C. F. Peters. 8°. LXIII. D. 16. (4.) [Concertstiick.] Morceau de Salon. . .pour le Piano- Forte. . .avec Orchestre. Op. 79. [Parts.] Paris chcz 31. Schlesimjer, etc. fol. LIX. E. 24. Concert-Stiick fiir das Pianoforte. . .Op. 79. Leipzig. . .C. F. Peters, fol. LX. C. 12. (10.) Concertstiick. Opus 79. Wolfenhilttel. . .L. JJolle. fol. LXII. E. 9. (4.) Concert-Stiick in F. . .Op. 79. Lainloii . . . B. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 9. (3.) Concert Stiick, etc. London, Ijcader iC Curl-, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (12.) Troisieme Concerto (Concertstiick). . .Op. 7y. London, Wessel & Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (11.) C. ~S\. von Weber's Grand Duett Concertante, newly adapted for the Piano Forte it Violin ... by L. Buch- wald, etc. Londim. . .B. Corks <{■ Co., etc. fol. LXII. B. 4. (14.) Ouvertures. . .Grande Partition. 9 Nos. Berlin... A. M. SchJesingcr, etc. 8°. LXIII. A. 38. .Tubel-Ouvertui-e. Oeuv. 59. [P. F. Duet. J Brnunschweif/, //. Lilolff, etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (9.) Grande Polonaise pour le Piano Forte. Bimii et Golof/ne chez N. Simriich. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 27. (3.) Grande Polonaise itrillante. . .(Fuvre 50. A Bruxelles. . ,H. Messemaeckers, etc. ohl. fol. LXII. E. 9. (5.) Weber's Grand Polonaise, No. 2, edited by J. Benedict. Londmi, Addison <(■ ILdJier, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (14.) Romance de I'Opera : Joseph. . .variee pour le I'iancj- Forte. . .Oe. 28. No. 7 des Variations. A Leipzig, chez C. F. Peters, etc. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 18. (4.) Rondo for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 3. No. 3. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (1.) Rondo Brillante per il Pianoforte. Op. 62. Bcrlino, prcHSO A. M. Schlesinger. ohl. fol. XXIX. A. 19. (5.) WEB^^R (Carl Maria Friedrioh Ernst von) [II. Instrc.mrntal Music] [Another copy.] Rondo Brillante per il Pianoforte . . . Op. 62. Berlino, iiressn A. M. Sehlesine/er. ohl. fol. XXIX! A. 27. (4.) Rondo brillante, for the Piano Forte. . .()p. 62. London, L. Cock, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (7.) Weber's Rondo Brillant [Op. 62], edited by J. Benedict. Loiiihm, Addison <{■ Hodson, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (13.) Grand Sonate pour le Pianoforte. . .Oeuv. 24. .1 Berlin chez A. M. Schlesinger, etc. ahl. fol. XXIX. A. 15. (8.) The Grand Sonata in C for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 24. London. . .JR. Cocks (t Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 9. (6.) [Sonata. Op. 24. Rondo.] The ... Finale ... Edited by B. Richards. London, B. Cocks ((■ Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (8.) [Sonata. Op. 24. Rondo.] Moto Continuo, etc. London. . .Cramer, Beale ({■ Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (6.) [Sonata. Op. 24.] Itoiido l)rillaut, ctr. London, L. Cork, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (4.) Zweite grosse Sonate (in As-dur.) Opus •'19. Wolfenhiittel...L. Holle. fol. LXIL E. 9. (7.) (irand Sonata for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 39. London . . . Chappell. rfr. fol. LX. C. 12. (5.) [Sonata. Op. 39.] Miuuetto, etc. London, L. Cork, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (6.) [Sonata. Op. 31.] Minuetto, etc. London, Cramer (0 Co., etc. fol. LX. C. 11. (7.) Grand Soiuita in D minor. . .Op. 49. London. . .B. Cocks & Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 9. (8.) Grande Sonate pour le Pianoforte. . .Op. 49. No. 3 de Sonate. Berlin, chez A. M. Schlesiniier. ohl. fol. Xxix. A. 19. (3.) (irand Sonata. . .for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 70. London. . .Chappell, etc. fol. LX. C. 12. (9.) Trois Sonatas progressives pour le Piano-Forte avec Violon oblige. . .Liv 1. Oeuvre 10 p. le Forte piano, .i Bonn chez N. Simrock. fol. A- oM. fol. LXII. B. 1. Six Progressive Sonatinas, introducing Characteristic Pieces for the Piano Forte A' Viol in... Op. 10. 2 Books. London .. .Chappell, etc. fol. LXII. B. 9. (2.) Grand Trio for Piano Forte, Violin and Violoncello ...0[). 63. Correi'ted Edition. [Parts.] London; Wes.'iel d- Co., etr. fol. LXII. A. 5. (2.) Variationen iibcr /vvei Themas und ^lomento Ca})ric- cicsofiir's Piano Forte. Jf-jnthnrghei J. .4. liidniie, etc. ohl. fol. ' XXIX. A. 20. (5.) //(// 21 (./' ' ]\liisikli Bernhard. Solocantaten und Chorwerke mit Instrumental-begleitung. Herau.sgegeben von M. Seiftert. igoi. See Denkmaeler. Denkmiiler (leutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, ete. l!d. vi. 1S52, ete. fol XXXVII. B. 6. WEELKES (Thomas) Ayores or Phantasticke Spirites for three voices, ete. 'i pt. Cautus. (Tenor.) (Bassus.) Lrmdon. Printed hy Williaia Barlri/, etc. 1608. 4°. I. D. 14. (11.) [Ayres or Phantasticke Spirites.] Alas ! tarry but one half Hour. Three Part Song. [London.] 1863. 4". IX. A. 19. (5.) Part of ' Tlie Choir' for Auij. \. [Ayres or Phantasticke Spirites.] Strike it up, Neighbour. Three Part Song. [London.] 1865. 4°. IX. A. 19. (6.) Balletts and Madrigals to fine voyces, with one to 6 voyces, etc. Cantus. (Altus.) (Tenor.) (Ba.ssus.) (Quintus.) .5 pt. At London Printed hj Thomas Este. 1598. 4". I. D. 27. Madrigals to 3. 4. 5. ife 6. voyces, etc. Altus. (Bassus.) ((juintus.) (Se.xtus.) 4 pt. At London Printed hj Thomas Este. 1597. 4°. I. D. 26. 27(6 Sextus part reants the title-page. The First Set of Madrigals, for Three, Four, Five and Six Voices. . .Edited l)y E. J. Hopkins, etc. London, Printed for the Mcmherx of the Musical Anti- quarian Society, etc. [1843.] fol. XXXIV. C. 14. (3.) Madrigals of .5. and 6. parts, apt for the A^iols and voices, etc. Alto. (Tenore.) (Basso.) (Quinto.) 4 pt. At London. Printed by Thomas Este, the assigne of Thomas Morley. 1600. 4", I. D. 28. All (except the T'enore) wanting sheet A. WEGMANN (Hans Ui.Rirn) ,Scv- Hv.mns. [German.] ('1iim;i1 I Inch, ,./(•. [Edited with a preface bv H. IT. Wegmann.] 1794. ot/. 4". XVIl". E. 35. WEICHSEL (Carl) 5ee Gluck (C. W. von) [Orfeo.] Orpheus and P^urydicc ... by Gluck . . .AVeiclisel, etc. [1792.] oM. fol. XXVII. C. 15. (4.) WEICHSEL, afterwards BILLINGTON (Eliza- BEiii) Six Sonatas for tlir Hreitkopfischen BuihJiandluit'/. 178S. ohl. fol. XI. C. 4?. (2.) WEIPPERT (John Erhardt) Tlie Pedal Hai-p Rotula, and New Instructions fur that Instrument, with Eighteen . . . ^Ya!tzes, Songs and Jlinuets, for the Harp or Piano-Forte, etc. LoikJou . . . Bland d- Weller, etc. ohl. 8". XVII. E. 13. (2.) A Set of Quadrilles and a Waltz arranged . . . for tlie Piano Forte. . .from. . .Subjects in Hours of Melody, etc. fol. XXV. C. 28. (2.) WEISS (Carl) Six Trios for German Flute, Violin and IJass. . .Opera 11''. [Parts.] London. . . W. Napier, etc. fol. LXI. E. 10. (7.) WEISS (FiiANz) Trois Quatuors pour deux Violmis, Altd et Viohincelle. . .(Jeuvre 1. [Parts.] A Vieune an Burcun d'Arts, etc. fol. LXI. A. 3. (10.) Deux Quatuors. . .Oeuvre 8. [Parts.] Vieune... S. A. Steiner. fol. LXI. C. 4. (23.) Troisieme Quatuor. . .Oeuvre 0. [Part.s.] A Olfenhach s/M., chcz J. Andre. fnl. LXI. C. 4. (23a.) Qnatrieme Quatuor. . .Oeuvre 10. [Parts.] .4 Offenhnch s/M., cJicz J. Andre. fol. LXI. C. 4. (23b.) WEISS (WiLLOUGiiBY Hunter) See Weber (C. M. F. E. von) C. M. von Weber's Mass in G, with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piann I'^orte, arranged . . .by W. H. Weiss. M. XVIII. B. 11. WELDON (John) Blessed art Thou, O Lord ... Ciuirus from a verse anthem. [London.^ 8". IX. A. 20. (27.) Mr. Weldon's Third Book of Songs Beginning with single Songs Perform'd at the Consorts in York Buildings and at y'' Theatres as also Symphony Songs for Violins and Flutes never before Publish'd, etc. London. Printed for... I: WaM, etc. fol. II. B. 8. Only the Tille-pdne of Book IIL The rest of the worlc consists if Weldon's ' Collection of New Sowjs,' wnntinej the Dedication ((fol. 19. A Collection of New Songs Accompagni'd with N'iojins and Flutes with a Thorow Bass to Each Song for y" Organ or Har[isi(liord. London. Printed firr ...L Walsh, etc. fol. IL B. 7. Divine Harmony. Six Select Anthems for a Voice a lone With a Thorow Bass for the Organ, Harpsicord or Ai'ch-Lute, etc. (Divine Harmony, the 2nd Collection being Select Anthems for a Voice a lone as also some for 3 and 4 Voices with a Thorough Bass for y" Organ, Harp.sicord, or Arch Lute. Conipos'd by Several Emin(!iil Authors, etc.) 2 vols. London. I'rintcil for I: Walsh. . .and J: Hare, ilc. fol. XVIII. B. 13. [Another copy.] Divine Harmony. Six Select Anthems for a ^'oice a lone With a Thorow Bass for the Organ, Harpsicord or Arch-Lute, etc. London. Printed for I: Walsh. . .and I: Ilirre, etc. fol. I. A. 17. (4.) WELTJON (John) [Another copy.] Divine Harmony. Six Select Anthems for a Voice a lone With a Thorow Bass for the Organ, Harpsicord or Arch Lute, etc. London Printed for I: Walsh . . .and I: Hare, etc. fol. I. A. 16. (2.) [Another copy.] Divine Harmony. Six Select An- thems for a Voice a lone, etc. London. Printed for L Walsh. . .and L Hare, etc. fol. VI. C. 5. (3.) Winitinij the frontispiece. lu Thee, O Lord ; anthem for four voices. . . The organ part by V. Novelli.i. London. . .J. A. Novella, etc. fol. VI. A. 14. (12.) The .Judgment of Paris.] .Juno — in the Prize, etc. Song, begins: "Let Ambition fire thy mind."] .S-. sh. fol. II. B. 2. (46.) O praise God in His Holiness. . .Anthem for four voices. [London.] 8°. IX. A. 20. (5.) Part of 'the Parish Choir.' O praise God in His Holiness. Full Anthem for four voices. /. A. Novella, etc. [London.] S". IX. A. 18. (57.) O praise the Lord. . .Anthem for four voices. [London.] 6". IX. A. 20. (9.) Purl if ' the Parish Choir.' Orpheus' Song to the Waves. . .Sung by INIrs. Linsey. s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (6.) See Williams (A.) Royal Harmony ... Containing . . .Anthems. . .by. . .J. Weldon, etc. 1766. old. fol. XI. C. 52. WELLESLEY (Garrett Colley) Earl of Momlnijlon. 1'he (ilces i^- jMadrigals composed by the Earl of Mornington. . .Edited by Sir H. K. Bishop, etc. London, D'Almaine d' Co., etc. 1846. fol. XXV. D. 22. Six Glees for four and five voices, etc. Puldished for I. Sale. etc. [London.] ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 30. (2.) O Bill! of Eve. Glee for five voices, etc. London . . . Lonsdale, 3Iills it Co., etc. fol. XXXII. B. 27. (3.) See A.MUSEMENT EOR TiiK Ladies. Amusemcnt for the Ladies, etc. (Glees ... by ... Lord Mornington, etc.) ohl. fol. XXVI. A. 3. See Sale (J.) Six Glees. . .Three. . .composed by the late Earl of Mornington, etc. ohl. fol. XXVI. C. 30. (1.) WELSH (Thomas) See Bishop {Sir H. K.) For England, Ho !... Opera., .(two Songs by Mr. 1'. Welsh), etc. [1813.] foL ■" XVIH. C. 33. (2.) WENSLEY (FuANCES Foster) Four Songs with an Accoiu]i;iniment for the Piano lAirte, etc. London. . . the Author, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 27. (18.) WERNER (Francis) Four New Minuets with Six . . .Cotillions and Figures for the Harp Harpsichord or N'iolin. . .For the Year 1779. London. . . W. Camphcll, etc. ohl. 4". XVII. E. 2. (5.) WERNER (Gregorius Joseph) VI Fugen in Quar- ti lien . . . von G. J. Werner . . . herausgegel)en von (lessen Niichfolger J. Haydn, '7c. [I'arts. ) Wien . . . Artaria it Comp. fol. LXI. C. 6. (3.) WEENEK— WESLEY. 361 WERNER (JoiiANN- (JoTTLuii) Ori,'elscliulo oder An- h'ilum,' /.win Or!;ols|jiclen, etc. Mdinz. 1824. Bel 13. Scliott Sohnc. i". XXIX. C. 30. WERT (GiACiiEs dk) Di Ciaches de Wert i' Undecinio Ijil)ro de Madi'igali a ciiicjuc; voci. Nouaniente Cmn- posto, cli: Canto. (Alto.) (Tenore.) (Basso.) ((Juinto.) T) pt. In Vcnetia Aj)}jresKo Anycio Onrdaim. 1595. uhl. 40. I. E. 26. WESLEY (CllAiiLKs) Six Concertos for the Organ or ll;ir|i.si(.-lioi'd with Acif Biscay, etc. [P. F.] London., .dementi, etc. fol. LXII. D. 25. (10.) K.C.M.C. WESLEY (Samuel) Voluntary foi- the Organ, etc. Loi(d<„i. Z. T. Purday, etc. fol. LXII. C. 17. I'll.) Op. 6. No. 1 (-12). A Volinitary for the Organ. 12 Nos. London. . . W. Hodsoll {B. Birchall), etc. fol. LX. C. 14. (1.) Twelve Voluntaries for the Organ, etc. 2 Books. London : Weeken d Co., etc. obi. fol. XXIX. B. 9. (14.) See Bacii(.I. S.) [Wohltenq)erirtc Clavier.] S.Wesley and C. F. Horn's new. . .Edition of the Preludes and Fugue-s, etc. ohl. fol. XXVIII. B. 3. a. (1.) See. KiN(i (M. P.) Bellissinia Signora. . .Arranged as a Rondo, I)y S. Wesley, fol. LX. C. 14. (4.) .See Li.NLEV (W.) Shaksj)eare's. . .Songs. . .with. . .a new Arrang(!ment of the Music of Macbeth by S. Wesley, fol. XXIV. A. 4. See Pettet (A.) Original Sacred Music . . . by . . . S. Wesley, etc. fol. XVII. D. 3. See Reeve (W.) The favourite Song of A\'ill Putty . . . An-anged as a Rondo. . .by S. Wesley, fol. LX. C. 14. (5.) See Russell (W.) .Job, a Sacred Oratorio. . .adapted . . .for the (bgan or Piano Forte, by S. Wesley, fol. XVIII. A. 5. See Shield (W.) ( )ld Towler . . . Arranged as a Rondo . . .by S. Wesley, fol. LX. C. 14. (6.) WESLEY (Samuel Sebastian) Anthems. .. Vol. I. Lnnihm. Addison d Hollier, etc. XVIIL B. 15. Andante (in G) for the Organ, etc. London. . . Virtue, etc. fol. LXII. C. 17. (14.) Original Compositions for the Organ. . .Edited by G. M. Garrett. (No. 15 edited by .1. E. West.) 15 nos. London: Novella and Co., etc. ohl. ful. XXIX. B. 42. Let us lift up our Heart. Anthem. London, Nocello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (17.) A Morning it Evening Cathedral Service. . .with an accompaniment for the organ. London. . . NovelloyCtc. fol. VI. A. 14. (14.) O give Thanks unto the Lord. Anthem. London ; Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. S". IX. A. 18. (58.) O Lord my God . . . ^Vntheni for four voices. London: Norello, Ewer d Co., etc. 1869. S". IX. A. 18. (59.) () Lord Thou art my God. Anthem. London. . . Nocello, Ewer d Co., etc. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (16.) O Lord, Thou art my God. Anthem. London : Novello, Ewer & Co, etc. 8". IX. A. 13. (3.) Three Pieces for a Chamber Organ, etc. London. . . Cramer, Addison d Bealc, etc. fol. LXII. C. 9. (9.) Second Set of Three Pieces for a Chamber Oi-gan, etc. London. . .Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. foi. LXII. C. 15. (7.) 3 A 362 WEST— WILBYE. WEST (Benjamin) Sacra Coiiocrto : or the Voice of ^lelody. Containing an Introduction to the (irounds of Music ; also Forty-one Psalm-Tunes and Ten Anthems, etc. London:. . .B. Brown, etc. 1760. 8". IX. E. 28. WEST (John Ebenezer) Sec Wesley (S. S.) Original Compositions, etc. (No. 15 edited by J. E. West.) oU. fol. XXIX. B. 42. WESTBROOK (William Joseph) Fall on us, O Night : Part Song, the Poetry by Mrs. D. Ogilvy. London, L. Cock (C Co., etc. X. F, 11. (21.) Sonata for the Organ. Maycnce . . .Schott, etc. fol. LXII. C. 15. (8.) Presented to Sir Gcorye Grove hy the composer. WHITBROKE ( ) 1 »frcrtory .\nllioin. . .for four voi.rs. [Lnndon.] S". IX. A. 20. (15.) WHITE (Adulpiius Charles) Two Christmas Carols. Words by A. R. Howell. London & New York. NovcUo, Ewer and Co. 8". IX. A. 17. (10.) The First Christmas Morn. Carol. Words ... by W. E. Lloyd Trevor. London <£ New York. NorelJo, Ewer and Co. S". IX. A. 17. (9.) WHITE (John Jesse) Hedwig-Concf-rt fiir Violine . . . Kl.ivicr-Auszug. Leipxiij, Hreilkopf il- Hdrtel. fol. LXII. B. 8. (29.) WHO. ^^'llo hr.> e'er been at Paris. Tlie Thief aatre Trios pour Piano, Violon efc Violoncelle. Nos. '?. and 3. Paris. PcreqaUi ssaminc sweetens. Colin and Phoebe. A new yaslaral Balliid. Printed for J. Oswald, etc. .v. .s/(. fol. I. G. 37. (15.) WHILST. Whilst Philiis is drinking. A Sou,j on a Lndij's Drinking, s. sh. fol. II. A. 20. (8.) P. .''>2 if some larger work. WHITAKER (John) The. . .Odes of Anacreon. . . .ur-.uigcd ... as I'jiiglish Songs by C Dibdin the Younger, etc. Lioidou . . . Clementi, Collard it Collord, etc. fol. XXV. D. 23. Winds gently wliispcr. . .Glee for Thrc'c Voices, etc. London. . .Bn/tiiu if; W'hitaker, etc. fol. XXXII. B. 34. (47.) See Hkeve (W.) and Whitaker (J.) W'lio's to ha\c ber'i A Musical Farce, t7c. fol. XXV. A. 2. (1.) (Tenor.) (Bassus.) (Quintus.) (Sextus.) 6 pt. At London : Printed hy Thomas Este. 1598. 4°. I. D. 29. The First Set of Madrigals. . .in Score. . .Edited by J. Turle, etc. London, Printed for the Memhers of the Musical Antiquarian Society, etc. [1S41.] fol. xxxiv. c. 12. (1.) Thi' Second Set of Madrigales to 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts, a|)t both for Voyals ■ and Voyccs, etc. Cantus. (Altu.s.) (Tenor.) (Bassus.) (Quintus.') (Sextus.) () pt. London : Printed hy Tho. Este alias Suiulham, for Tohn Browne, etc. 1605. 4". I. D. 30. 'i'li(! S(\cond Set of Madrigals. . .Scored fi'oni llic... Part Hooks. . .and edited by (J. W. Budd, etc. London, Printed for the Memhers of the Musical Antii/uiiriau Societi/, etc. [1846.] fnl. XXXIV. C. 12. (2.) ^ladrigals fur' 'I'ln-ce V'oic«^s. . .put into Score l)y T. \\ arrcn. Loudon. . .Lonijman ((■ Jlroderi]), etc. fol. XXXII. B. 26. (3.) Sweet hom^y-sucking Bees. Madrigals. Tlic words imitated from . . . Joanne; Sccundus . . . Edited by II. Leslie. Louih.n: Novello, Ewer d Co., etc. 8'\ X. F. 12. (30.) Thus saith my CIdoris bright. Madrigal. l.nudon: Novell,,, Eivird- Co., etc. 8". X. F. 12. (29.) WILHEM— WINTER. 363 WILHEM (Caui.) Williem's Mel-hdd of Teaching Singing, ,-i(lai)l-od to English use...l)y J. Ilullali. Revised. . .in 1849. Part the Fir.st. Lcnihtn, Lomjmnnsd-Co 1880. S". XXIX. C. 29. WILHEM (GuiLLAUMK Louis BOCQUILLONj ( >rplii'on. liopertoire de Musiquo vooale en chu'ur sans ac(X)Mij)agnoineiit . . , compose de Pieces incdites et de Morecaux choisis dans les nieilleur.s Auteurs par J>. \\'ilhcni, ctr. 9 Tonios. Pmin, Prrrotln, etc. [84c ,1. S". X. E. 1. WILKINS (John) A Duct for Two Performers on the. I'iano I'orte, etc. Loiidaii . . Clcminti d' Co., rin. io\. LXII. E. 23. (9.) WILLAERT (AwiiAx) Musica Nova, etc. Cantus. (AlCu.s.) (Jiassus.) (Quintus.) (Scxta Pars.) (Sep- tinia Pars.) 6 pt. Ill Venvtiit (tjqirexxo (li Antonio GariJano. 1559. 4°. I. D. 31. The inqmnt ix on the vemo of the titlr-pnges. I Sacri e Santi Salmi che si cantano a Vespro et Compieta, con li suoi Hinni, Responsorii, et Penedi- camus, composti. . .a uno choro, et a ((uatro voei. Nouamente Ristampato, Con la giouta di dui Mag- nificat. Cantus. ( Altus.) (Tenor.) (Bassus.) 4 pt. lit Veiietia, Ajyprcti.so Francesco RiimpaM/to. (1565.) oU. 4". V L E. 11. Tlic date ajjppars in the colofihon. WILLENT-BORDOGNI (Jean P.aptiste Joseph) Gran Metodo Completo per il Fagotto. . .Vorsione dal Franccsc con note di Don N. E. Cattaueo. Milano. ..G. Ricordi, etc. fol. LXX. B. 21. WILLIAMS (Aai!ON) Royal Harmony: or the lleauties of Church Music. Containing Thirty Favourite Anthems. . .bv. . .Dr. Blow, Mr. H. Purcel, Dr. Croft, Dr. Green, Mr. J. Wcldon, ISIr. J. Clark, Mr. G. F. Handel, Mr. J. Green, ic. . . . set in the most familiar Taste. . .by A. Williams. London, Printed for J. Johnson... I j€6. oW. fol. XL C. 52. WILLIAMS (Benjamin) Our Father, which art in Heaven. Anthem for Treble voice (solo) and chorus of four voices, with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte. London. . .Chappell, etc. fol. VL A. 14. (15.) WILLIAMS (Evan) See Parry (J.) and Williams (E ) Antient British Music, f/c. i742(-5.) fol. xxxn. B. 20. (4.) WILLIAMS-WILLIAMS ( ) Three character- istic Pieces for Violoncello & Piano, etc. 3 Nos. London. E. Ashdown, etc. fol. LXIL C. 3. (12.) WILLIS ( ) A Song sett by Mr. Willis. [Begins: " Now niv freedom's regaiu'd."] s. sh. fol. IL A. 20. (10.) WILLIS (J.) The r.ark before the Gale. A (Jlee for three Voices, etc. Dnldin . . . Gonldiiiij, D'Alinaiiii', ]\'illis (0 Co., etc. fol. XXXIL B. 34. (48.) WILLOUGHBY (Robert) Sacred Harmony in Parts, consisting of a choice Collection of Anthems, and other Church Services, selected ... arranged and adajited. . .by R. Willoughb)'. London. Printed for tie Editor, etc. ohl. 8". IX. E. 30. WILMS (Jan Willem) Deux Quatuors pour 2 N'iolons, Viola et Violoncelle. . .Oe. 2.5. [Parts.] Chez A. Kiihnel ... Leipzig, fol. LXL A. 3. (7.) WILSING (Daniel Fkiedkicii Eduard) Hebrew Alelodies. Hebrtiische. . .Melodien mit untergelegtem Text von Lord Byron... mit PianoforhsBegleituiig bearbeitet von F. F. AVilsing. .'i Nos. Jlerliv, hei E. Bote (t G. Jlocl: fol. XVIII. B. 29. (17.) WILSON (John) Psalterium Carolinum. The Devotions of His Sacred Maje.stie in his Solitudes and Sufi'ering.s, Rcndred in Verse. Set to Musick for .3 Voices and an Organ, or Theorbo, etc. 4 j)t. London, Printed for John Martin and Jmurs Alhslret), etc. 1657. fol. I. G. 7. See Gri^try (A. E. M.) Richard Coeur de Lion. . . by. . .Gretry. . .Dr. Wilson, etc. [178G.] "W. fol. XXVII. A. 9. (3.) See Select Musicall Ayres. Select Musicall Ayres . . .composed by John Wilson, etc. 1652. fol. II. A. 26. WINDSOR (James W.) See Haendel (G. F.) Loder's Pxlition of Handel's Songs, with an accom- paniment. . .by .J. W. Windsor. 2 Nos. fol. V. C. 12. (6.) WINE. Wine is alone. The Bacchanalians, [Song.] Siinij Inj Mr. Howard at the Theatre Royal in Covf Garden, s. sh. fol. I. G. 37. (55.) WINEBERGER (P.) Trois Senates pour le Piano- Forti' avec accomp. d'une Flute ou V'iolon ct Violon- celle ad Lib. . .CEuv. 7. No. 1. Ilaudiourg, chcs J. A. Bbhme. obi. fol. XXIX. A. 22. (9.) The P. F. part only. WINGHAM (Thomas) Andante and Allegro Capriccioso for Piano A- Orchestr.a. . .Op. ."). Solo. London, L. Code, etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (15.) Elegy on the Death of Sir Sterndale Bennett . . . Piano Solo. London ; L. Cock, etc. fol. LXII. E. 16. (16.) Te Deum for Solo Voices, Chorus, Orchestra and Organ. . .composed. . .for the. . .opening of the new Church of the London Oratory. . .A]). 2.'>, 1884. London tC Ncio York. Novella, Ewer <£■ Co. 8". IX. A. 16. (9.) WINKLER (Karl Angelcs) Gros.se Senate f iir das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Violoncells, etc. Wien hey P. Meehctti, etc. fol. ct ohl. fol. LXIL C. 2. (13.) iSee Beethoven (L. van) [Konig Strphan.] Beethoven's Overture, King Stephen. . .arranged for two Per- formers ou the Piano Forte, by K. A. von Winkhler, etc. fol. XVIII. C. 13. (1.) WINTER (Peter von) VI Airs Italiens avec paroles ,\^lleniaudes, etc. A Bonn chez N. Simrock, etc. fol. XXXII. C. 26. (10.) [Belisa.] Sinfonia e Canti. . ..aggiustati per il Cembalo o Fortepiano. In Dresda. Presso P. C. Hihcher. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 23. (9.) [Calyp.so.] Ouverture. . .ii Grand Orchestre. [Parts.] A Leipsic chez Breitkopf et Hiirlel. fol. LXL A. 1. (60.) 3 .\ -2 364 WINTEE— WITT. WINTER (Pktkr von) Six Italian Canzonets, one I)iipt, a Trio & a Quartetto, with an Accompaniment foi' the Hai'p or Piano Forte, elc. Londim . . . B. Birchall, elc. U>1. XXXII. C. 26. (11.) Nine Itahan Canzonets with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, etc. London. . .R. Birchall, etc. foL XXXII. C. 26. (12.) Castor et Polhix. Opera en cinq actes de Bernard . . .Arrangee pour le Piano par H. jMarcliand. A Parlg, chez Nnderman, etc. fol. XXV. D. 24. (1.) Castor et Polhix.] Ouverture a grand orchestre, etc. Parts.] Chez Breithqif et Hiirfel a Leipde. fol. LXI. A. 1. (57.) [Colma.] Ouverture. . .k grand Orchestre. [Parts.] Chez BreitliOj^f et Hilrtel a Leipde. fol. LXI. A. 1. (56.) Con tpieir occhietto languido. Duetto, etc. C. Aijlietti e Compagni. Venezia. 1793. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 6. (14.) Domus I.srael speravit in Domino : OfTertoriinii fiir Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Ba.ss, 2 Violinen, Viola, 2 Oboen, 2 Trompeten, Pauken, Contrabass und Orgel, etc. Wien, hei A. DiaheUi und Comp., etc. fol. Ecdedasticon, No. 38. XI. D. 23. (4.) Elijah raising the Widow's Sou, a Sacred Drama. . . written by W. G. T. Moncrieffe . . . the Music selected from the . . . compositions of Winter. Arranged & adapted by .J. Addison. London, Published at Falkner'n, etc. ful. VI. A. 3. (17.) Die Erlosuna; des Menschen. Kantate fiir 4 Sing- stimmen mit Begleitung des Orchesters mit unter- Icgtem Stabat Mater als dem Originaltexte. Bei Breithopf und Hiirtcl in Leipzig, fol. VI. E. 1. (10.) Das Labyrinth, oder der Kamjif mit den Elementen. Der Zauberflcite zweiter Theil. Jline grosse Oper. . . Clavierauszug V(m J. Hennebcrg. Bey N. Simroclc in Bonn. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 10. [Another edition.] Das Labyrinth . . . Klavier Anszug, etc. Olfenhiich 11 /M., heij J. Andre, ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 11. [Marie Montalban.] Ouvertureii im Klavierauszug . . .No. 8, au.s Marie Montalban, etc. 2'*= Auflage. Offenharh three great Festivals, c/c. London... Lino/jnan and Broderip, etr. fol. ' XI. A. 21. (5.) WISEMAN (Carlo) Six- Solos f(.r a G.-rman Flute or- N'ioliii uilli ii Thorough l^ass foi' the Ilarpsicord or Viololici'llo. London...!. Walsh, rtr. fol. LXIL B. 2. (10.) WITT (KitAX/,) Slinnueii zu cleii Cantiis Sacri... Op. V. Zweite Aullage. S". X. F. 2. (6.) WITT— WORGAN. 365 WITT (Fkan/,) Stiimneti zur " Missa in hon. H. Aunustini " . . .Op. xviii. (I'^iir 4 Singstininicn oder 1 Sin^'.st.iiiiiiic unci Orgcl.) 7^. PusM . . . Erijeiinhimj. S". X. F. 1. (10.) Missa in lioiiornm S. Cacciliao iiii.i Vocfi cum Organo aut <|uat.ii(ir Vdcibus imparibus canlanda. . .<•]). xxil. F. Piistit...ltnjcnxhnr(j. S". IX. A. 3. (11.) Stinimcii zur IVIi.ssa " In Ifoiioroiii S. Caeciliae " una voce cum organo aut quatuor vocibus imparibus can- tanda. Op. XXII 1). F. Pimtit, Tl('(ifU!shurmdon . . . dementi, etc. fol. LIX. A. 7. (13.) A (Jrand Sonata for the Piano Forte. . .Op. 2.5. Lnndcn. . .('Icnienti and Co., etc. fol. LXII. E. 14. (8.) A Grand Sonata, for the Piano Forte. . .Oji. '^C>. Jjondon . . . Lnvenn and Mitchell, etc. fol. LXII. E. 14. (9.) Non plus ultra, (irande Sonate jiour le Pianoforte . . .Oeuv. 41. A Leipzig chez ('. F. Peter.',, etc old. fol. XXIX. A. 23. (17.) [Another edition.] Non plus ultra, etc. London. . . L. Lirrcnn. etc. fol. LXII. E. 14. (10.) WOELFL (.To.SEi'ii) Three Grand Symphonies . . . adapted for Two Violins, Flute, Tenor it Violoncello, with. . . Bass or Piano Forte. . .by G. Ma.si. [Parts.] Lrmdon . . . Monzani (£ Hill, etc. fol. LIX. B. 3. a. (9.) WOHLFAHRT (HEiNHicn) Drci Kinderleichte Sonatincn fiir das Pi.-moforte zu vier HiindtMi . . . No. 1. Leijizii/. a. F. W. Siegel, etc. fol. LXII. E. 21. (12.) Volks-Klavier.schule. . .Opus 88. I^eipzig <(• Berlin, r. F. Peters. 4". XXIX. C. 14. (13.) WOLF (EuNST WiLiiEi.si) Ostercantate, etc. [Full Score.] Dessau, auf Koaten der Verlagscas.ie fiir Gelehrte, etc. 1782. fol. VI. A. 29. (2.) WOLF (Johannes) Newe Deudsche Geistliche Gesenge fiir die (Jeraeinen Schulen. Gedrilckt zu Wittenberg durch Georgen Khau, 1-544. Herausgegeben von .J. Wolf. 1908. See Denkm ABLER. Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. Erste Folge, etc. Band xxxiv. 1892, etc. fol. XXXVII. B. 34. WOLFF (L.) ScR IsoUAUD (N.) Joconde. . .Klavier- auszug von L. Wolfi'. oil. fol. XXVI. C. 8. WOLFF (OscAK LuDWic Behxiiaud) Braga. Sanun- lung . . . Volkslieder . . . niit Klavierbegleitung u. . . . deut.schcr Uebersetzung. etc. 9 llefte. Bei N. Simroclc.nonn. fol. X. F. 26. Heft 2, 3, 6, 7, '.), 10, 12, 13, 14 only. WOLFF-HAULOCH (Henri) See Malan (C.) Can- tiijucs (Jhrctiens accompagnemtMit d fol. 3""' li(!cueil, arrange . . . avec irgue . . . i)ar H. Wolfi-Hauloch. VI. A. 11. (12.) WOLKENSTEIN (OswAi.n von) Geistliche und weltliche Lieder . . . B(;arl)eitet : der Text von .J. Schatz, die Musik von O. KoUer. 1902. See Denkm abler. ])enkm;iler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, etc. IX. .lahrg. Erster Theil. 1S94, etc. fol. XXXIII. D. 29. (1.) WOLLENHAUPT (Heinrich Adolf) Conipositions. [P. F.] I^ondon f llir ' /'iihllhaliun iiallfrcr. . , MiiKtIi-Wertr' (if Ike GrscU.iclidJ't fur Miisikfdim-hiniif. ZIMMERMAN (I'iickuk ,Tusi:i>ii Guili.aumi:) En- cyclopedio du Pianiste Conipositpur ... 2'^ Partie. ExeiTices propres a faire aborder toutes les ditliculte.s de I'Ecole moderne, etc. -'"" Edition. A Purls, rhcz VAuieur, ek: fol. LXX. B. 22. ZIMMERMANN (S. A.) Vier Lieder niit Jicgleitung des Pianoforte. . .9'" Werk. Mannheim bel K. F. Ifeclel. ohl fol. XXVIII. A. 4. (3.) ZINGARELLI (Nkolo Antonio) Oveitura ed Aiie (leir cipt'ra ^'liulietta e Romeo . . . Ridotto per il Cemljalo. A Bunnn presao N. SliiirorJi. nhl. fol. XXVII. B. 13. See Bbethovhn (L. van) In questa tomba oscura. . . XVIII composizioni di. . .Zingarelli, etc. nbl. fol. XXVIII. A. 1. (5.) Sec BlsHOl- {Sir H. R.) Native Land. . .Opera. . . with Selections from Zingarelli, etc. [1824.] fol. XVIII. D. 14. (1.) ZOELLER (Cauli) Concerto Dramatic. Violin and Piano. Op. 5.'). Lufleiir & Son. . .Lundon. fol. LXII. B. 8. (30.) The Hosts of Heaven. Anthem for two Tenors, two Basses and Tenor Solo with organ. . .Accompaniment. Op. 66. London (C New Yorh. Nocello, Ewer it Co. 8°. IX. A. 18. (60.) O Lord who dwell'st on high o'er the Cherubim. Anthem after Psalm LX.x.v for Soprano, Alt, Tenor and Bass with Viole d'Aniour obligate and accompani- ment of 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello and Ba.s.so. Op. 138. London, H. Klein, etc. 8". X. F. 9. (15.) Anthem. Psahii nil. . .for four voices with ori;.in or orchestra accompaniment. . .<>p. I'J. London. J. M. Lafleur it Son, etc. 8". IX. A. 18. (61.) Quint ett in F. . .for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet ... Horn ...and Bassoon. Oj). l.'il'. [Parts.] TF. D. Cuhitl & Co London, fol. LXI. A. 4. (5.) ZOELLER (Caki.i) Regina Coeli. Soprano S..I0. Lnnd<.n. . .11. Btilln; cir. fol. XVIII. B. 31. (18.) Suit(! Religieuse for I'O Cornet, P., Fiugclhorn and IV? Euphonium with (^rgan . . . or Pianoforte Accom- paniment, etc. [Parts.] C. Mabillon <(■ Co. . . London, fol. LIX. E. 24. ZOILO (Annibalk) Libri) Sccondo do Mudrigali a Quattro et a Cin(|uc Voci, etc. Canto. (Alto.) (Teiiore.) (Basso.) 4 pt. In lioma, per Anlar C. Zulehner. ohl. fol. VI.' D. 19. Sen CiiKUUHixi (.M. L. C. Z. S.) Troisicme Messe Solenelle . . . Partition jiour le Piano araiigee jiar C. Zulehner. obi. fol. VI. D. 21. (1.) ,SV(' CiiKUumxi (M. L. C. Z. S.) Quatrierae Mcsse Solennelle . . . I'artition pour le Piano arrangi'- j)ar C Zulehner. obi. fol. VI. D. 19. a. Sec Mozart (W. A.) 11 Di.ssoluto Puniloosiall I). Giovanni. . .La Musica. . .mesa per il I'iaim h'urte del C. Zulehner. obi. fol. XXVI. B. 35. See Mozart (AV. A.) Die Zauberfliite . . . Clavier- Auszug von C. Zulehner. »W. fol. XXVL B. 30. (2.) ZUMSTEEG (JoiiANN Rudolph) Zumsteeg's Kleine Billiden und Lieder. Erstes (-Sielx-ntes) Heft. 7 Hefte. Bey Brcithopf und Hiirtel In Liqi-l,/. ohl. fol. XXVli. B. 15. 368 ZUMSTEEG— ZWINTSCHEE. ZUMSTEEG (JoiiAxv KrnnLPii) Die Biissemle. Ballade von ]'"ri(.'(lrich Lojiolfl Gi-afen zu Stollberg, etc. ht-'ij Breitliiq'f d' Jliirlel in Leipziij. uhl. fol. XXVII. C. 27. (6.) Colma, eiii Gesang Ossians, von Goethe, fiiis Claviei- und Gesang, etc Lcqjzu/, bey Brriil-opf unci Hdrtcl. ohl. fol. ' ' XXVlil. A. 12. (13.) [Another edition.] Colma, etc Lripziij. Bel Breltkopf u. Hnrlcl. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 27. (2.) Elwiiie. Eine Ballade von Freilieirn % on Ulmenstein, etc. Wien hey T. Mollo. ohl. fol. XXVII. B. 16. (3.) Die Entfiihrung. . .Ballade von G. A. Biirger, etc. Leijizlij hey Breithiipf li Ili'irtel. ohl. fol. XXVII. C. 27. (7.) Die Geister-Insel. Ein Sing.^piel in 3 Akten von J. F. Gottcr. . .Iin Kla\ ierau.szug Bi i Breitl-iipf & Hartel iit Leipz'uj. Lenoie, von G. A. Buerger, etc. Breltlcopf ([■ Haertel. ohl. fol. Lenore. . .Neue Ausgabe. Breitl-o})/ & Hartel. ohl. fol. ohl. fol, XXVII. B. 14. Leipzig hey XXVII. B. 16. (1.) Leipzig hci XXVII. C. 27. (4.) Da.s Lied von Treue. Ballade von G. A. Buerger, ele. Leipzig, hey Breitlcopf & Hartel. obi. fol. XXVII. C. 27. (5.) De.s Pfarrer.s Toehter von Tauhenhayn vou G. A. Biirger, etc. hey Breithrpf & Hiirtel in Leipzig, ebl. Vol. ■ XXVII. B. 16. (2.) Ritter Toggenhui-g. ISallade von F. Schiller . . . fiir Piano-Forte, etc. Hmnlurg, hei I. A. Boliiiie. ohl. fol. XXVIII. A. 28. (5.) [Another edition.] Hitter Tcjggenburg, etc. Hamburg hei A. Crantz. uhl. fol. XXVII. C. 27. (3.) ZWINGMANN (J. N.) The British Camp or Evening Parade. Composed it arrang'd ft)r the Piano Forte with an Accompaniment for a Flute or Violin, etc. Printed for the Author. . .hi/ J. iC H. Catilfiehl, etc. fol. ' LXII. B. 1. ZWINTSCHER (Burxo) Akkord-Sludien, etc. fol. Li i^iziij ... .1. G. Liihtriiberger, ete. fol. LXII. E. 14. (13.) Anschlag.s-Sludien, ete. A. G. Liehteiihirij, DUKE STKKKT, STAMFOltU STKKKT, S.K., AND OICKAT WINDJUI.L Si'KKUT, \V. \Uo ^v c.^ University of California SOUTHERN REGiONAL LIBRARY FACiLiTY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return tfiis material to the library from wfiich It was borrowed. :-^^?^^^- ; 1 >^MMiMM0