UC-NRLF B M bT7 ShS 'mm 0mi THE xROLIER CLUB OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK LIST OF OOKS AND ARTICLES RELATING BOOKBINDING TO BE FOUND IN THE LIBRARY M C M V I I / 'A c e C (III II • c r t c r I • c r c < c i3 © ^ 4 c ^' A LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES RELATING TO BOOKBINDING As Miss Prideaux's Bibliography of Bookbinding is arranged alphabetically, and the Columbia University's Works on Bookbinding is chronological in form, it has seemed desirable to adopt a broad classification in the following list. Bibliography i-S Periodicals 6-28 Poems 29-38 Exhibitions 30~72 Collectors and Collections 73-159 General Works 160-230 History 231-309 Individual Binders . 310-355 Practical Bookbinding 356-400 Leather for Bindings 401-404 Mosaic Bindings 405 Enameled Bindings 406 Metal and Ivory Bindings 407-409 Embroidered Bindings 410-413 Book-edge Decoration 414-416 Bottle Binding 417 ,^ '^^ 3 } LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES RELATING TO BOOKBINDING TO BE FOUND IN THE LIBRARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Katalog der Bibliothek der DEUTSCHEN BUCHHAXDLER. LEIPZIG, VeRLAG DES BoRSENVEREiNS, 1885 [-1902]. 2 vols. O. (Verzeich- niss der Sammlungen des Borsenvereins der deutschen Buchhandler, i, 3.) Vol. I, pp. 87-94; vol. 2, pp. 768-776. Der Biiclierein- band. 2. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (New York). Catalogue raisonn^e. Works on Bookbinding, practical and historical. Examples OF Bookbindings of the XVIth to XIXth centu- ries, FROM the Collection of Samuel Putnam Avery, A.M. Exhibited at Columbia University Library, MDCCCCIII. [Compiled by Charles Alexander Nelson.] New York. Privately PRINTED [1903]. [iii]-xii, 108 pp. O. Dedicated to the Grolier Club. Pp. 1-37: Works on Bookbinding, practical and historical. 3. HORTZSCHANSKY, Adalbert, Compiler. brbliographle des bibliotheks- und buchwesens . . . 1904 [-date] Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, IQ05 [-06]. Vol. I -date. O. (Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, Beihefte 29, 31.) Vol. I, pp. 61-62; vol. 2, pp. 70-72. Bucheinband. 117 ivil09853 3 } i } i J 3 J ) J THE GROLIER CLUB , i».' TRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY (BkocFLYN, IS^. "\i:.) Bibliography of articles con- TAININU |iLLUj5T,kAl','ONS OF BOOKBINDINGS, TO BE found' IN BOOKS AND PERIODICALS IN THE PrATT IN- STITUTE Free Library. (In: Pratt Institute Monthly, vol. 7, pp. 207-216. Brooklyn, 1899.) 5. PRIDEAUX, Sarah T[reverbian], Com- piler. A Bibliography of Bookbinding. London, James Bain, 1892. [i] 1., 23 pp. O. (Also in her: Historical sketch 0} Bookbinding, London, 1893, pp. 251-294.) PERIODICALS Periodicals pertaining to bookbinding 6. THE AMERICAN BOOKMAKER; a jour- nal OF technical art and information, for Pub- lishers, Bookbinders, Printers, Lithographers . . . AND ALL others CONNECTED WITH OR INTER- ESTED IN Bookmaking. New York, H. Lockwood & Co. [1885-97.] Vol. 1-23. il., pi., por. F. Continued as The Printer atid Bookmaker, vols. 24- 29, which became The American Printer, vols. 30-date. (Vols. 13-27 are lacking in this library.) 7. ARCHIVFURBUCHBINDEREI . . .Halle A. S., WiLHELM Knapp, igos-date. Vol. 5-date. fac- sim. Q. 8. ARCHIV FUR BUCHGEWERBE . . . [Leip- zig, 1902-DATE] Vol. 39-date. il., pi. of facsim. (partly folded and colored.) F. 9. LA BIBLIOFILIA, raccolta di scritti sull 'Arte antica in Libri, Stampe, Manoscritti, Auto- GRAFI E LeGATURE, DIRETTA DA LeO S. OlSCHKI . . . FiRENZE, Leo S. Olschki, 1902-date. Vol. 3-date. il., facsim. Q. 10. THE INLAND PRINTER, the leading trade journal in the world in the printing and Allied Industries . . . Chicago, Inland Printer Company, 1901-date. Vol. 28-date. il., pi. (partly col- ored.) F. 118 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 11. LA RELIURE; organe et Propriete du Syn- DICAT PATRONAL DES ReLIEURS, BrOCHEURS, CaR- TONNIERS, DoREURS SUR CUIR, DoREURS SUR TRANCHES, Marbleurs . . . Paris, 1899-date. Vol. ii-date. pi. of facsica. F. 12. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BUCHERFREUNDE . . . Bielefeld [1900-date.] Vol. 6-date. il., pi. (partly colored), por., facsim. F. PERIODICALS Periodicals containing numerous articles on bookbinding 13. THE BIBLIOGRAPHER; A journal of Book-lore . . . London, Elliot Stock, 1882 [-84]. Vol. 1-6. Q. Followed by Book-lore, 6 vols., 1884-87. 14. BIBLIOGRAPHICA . . . London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1895 [-97]. 12 pts., complete in 3 vols, il., pi. (partly colored), facsim. Q. 15. LE BIBLIOPHILE FRANCAIS; gazette il- lustree des Amateurs de Livres . . . Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1868 [-73]. 7 vols, il., pi., por., facsim. O. (No more published.) Contains Guigard's Armorial du Bibliophile, as well as many plates of bindings and articles by Brunet, JuUen, Fournier, and others. 16. THE BOOK BUYER . . . New York. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885 [-1903]. Vol. 2-25, front., il., pi. O. Continued as The Lamp, vols. 26-29; 1903-5. 17. THE BOOKLOVER, a monthly journal for THOSE interested IN RARE AND STANDARD BoOKS . . . New York, W. E. Benjamin [1888-90]. Vol. i (no more published), il., pi., facsim. Q. 18. THE BOOKMART . . . Pittsburg, Book- mart Publishing Co., 1883 [-90]. Vol. 1-7. Q. 19. THE BOOKWORM, an illustrated Treas- ury OF Old-time Literature. London, Elliot Stock, 1888, 1893-4. 3 vols, front, (facsim.), il. O. 119 THE GROLIER CLUB 20. BULLETIN DU BIBLIOPHILE, publie par Techener . . . Paris, Techener [1834-DATE]. Vol. i-date. front, (por.), pi. O. (The volumes for 1891- 99 are lacking in this library.) Contains a large number of articles on bookbinding, and facsimiles of bindings. 21. THE LIBRARY; A quarterly review of Bibliography and Library Lore . . . London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1900-date. New series, vol. i-date. il., pi., por., facsim. O. 22. THE LIBRARY JOURNAL; official organ OF THE Library Associations of America and of THE United Kingdom . . . New York and London. [1879-date.] Vols. 4-5, II, 15-date. Front. Q. 23. LE LIVRE; revue mensuelle [revue du Monde litteraire] . . . Paris, A. Quantin, i88c [-89]. 20 vols, il., pi. (partly colored), por. Q. Contains Guigard's La Reliure illnslree; nouvel Armorial du Bibliophile, and other articles on book- binding, with many plates of facsimile. " First of a series of thiee periodicals edited by Octave Uzanne . . . Succeeded by Le Livre Modcrne (janv. iSgo-dec. 1891); in turn succeeded by L'Art et I'Jdee (janv.-dec. 1892)." 23a. LE LIVRE & L'IMAGE; revue docu- MENTAIRE ILLUSTREE, MENSUELLE . . . PaRIS, E. Rondeau, 1893 [-94]. 3 vols, il., pi. (partly colored), por., facsim. O. This may be regarded as a continuation of the series mentioned above. 24. MISCELLANfiES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES, PUBLIES PAR EdOUARD ROUVEYRE & OCTAVE UzANNE . . . Paris, Rouveyre, i878-[8o]. 3 vols. O. 25. NOTES AND QUERIES . . . London, G. Bell, 1850-date. Series i-io, vol. i-date. O. 26. REVUE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES . . . Paris, Emile Bouillon [1901-date]. Vol. ii-date. O. 120 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 27. THE STUDIO . . . London, 1893-1904. Vol. I — 31. il., pi., por., facsim. Q. 28. ZENTRALBLATT FUR BIBLIOTHEKS- WESEN . . . Leipzig, Otto Hassrassowitz, 1901- date. Vol. i8-date. O. POEMS 29. BONNEROT, Jean. D'apres une Reliure EN Peau de Truie estampe. {In: REVUE Biblio- iconographique, ser. 3, vol. 13, p. 423. Paris, 1906.) 30. BROWNE, Irving. The Bibliom.a.niac's as- signment of Binders. [How a Bibliomaniac binds his books.] {In his: In the track of the Book-worm. East Aurora, 1897, pp. 26-29; alsoiw; WHITE, Gleeson, Compiler. Book-song. New York, 1893, pp. 19-22; and in: RUDDY, H. S. Book-lovers^ verse. Indianapolis [1899], pp. 137, 141-142.) 31. HER£DIA, Ricardo, Comte de Benahavis. VelinDore. {In: PRIDEAUX,S.T. Modern Book- bindings. London, 1906, p. 63.) 32. LANG, Andrew. Ball.\de of the Bookman's Paradise. {In: MATTHEWS, J. B. Ballads of Books. New York, 1900, pp. 81-82.) 33. LESNE, Mathurin Marie. Epitre a Simier pere, sur l'Exposition de 1823. Paris, J. Renouard, 1827. 15 pp. Q. No. II, on large paper. (Also in his: La Reliure. Seconde edition. Paris, 1827, pp. 317-329.) 34. Epitre .\ Thouvenin. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1823. [2] 11., 20 pp. Q. (Also in his: La Reliure. Seconde edition. Paris, 1827, pp. 297-315.) 35. La Reliure, poeme didactique en six chants; preced^e d'une idee analytique de cet ART, survi de notes historiques et critiques et d'un Memo ire soumis a la Society d'Encourage- MENT, AINSI QU'AU JuRY d'ExPOSITION DE 1819, RELA- TIF A DES MOYENS DE PERFECTIONNEMENT, PROPRES A retarderlerenouvellementdesReliures. Paris, Lesn6, 1820. [3] 1., 246 pp. O. 121 THE GROLIER CLUB 36. Seconde edition, dedi£e aux Amateurs de la Reliure. Paris, Chez l'Auteur, 1827. [3] 1-. 382 pp., [i] 1. O. Another copy, bound by Simier. 37. M'CREERY, J. Bookbinding. {In: TIMPER- LEY, C. H., Compiler. Songs of the Press. London, 1845, pp. 64-65; also in: ROBERTS, W., Compiler. Book-verse. New York, n.d., pp. 152-153.) 38. SMITH, H. B. A Ballade of Books well BOUND. {In: WHITE, Gleeson, Compiler. Book-song. New York, 1893, pp. 126-127.) EXHIBITIONS* 39. BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. . . . Exhibition of Bookbindings. London, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1891. Ixi pp., [i] 1., 132 pp. sq. Q. Introductory remarks by E. Gordon Duff and Miss S. T. Prideaux. Pp. lix-lxi. [Bibliography ] Also a large paper copy, with folded colored frontis- piece and numerous colored plates of bindings with descriptions printed on tissues. 40. CAXTON CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibi- tion of nineteenth century Bookbindings. [Chi- cago], The Caxton Club, December, 1897. 83 pp. [i]l. D. 41. CERCLE DE LA LIBRAIRIE. Exposition de Reliures organis^e par le Cercle de la Librai- RiE, Novembre-D^cembre, 1892. Paris, Au Siege Social [pref. d., 1892]. [3] 1. 13 pi. of facsim. sq. F. (Chambre Syndicale de la Reliure.) 42. CHICAGO— World's Fair, 1893. Exposi- tion DE LA LiBRAIRIE FRANf AISE; LiBRAIRIE, IMPRES- SIONS typographiques et lithographiques, Reli- ures . . . Chicago, 1893. various pagination, il., pi. O. *Not including exhibitions of the works of individual binders and binderies. 122 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, See No. 2. 43- EDINBURGH— EXHIBITION OF INDUS- TRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART, 1861. ... Official Catalogue . . . With an Introductory Notice BY W. B. Johnstone. Fourth edition. . . . Edinburgh, Murray & Gibb [n.d.] [2] 1., 92 pp. O. Pp. 30-31, 77-82. Class VIII — Bookbinding and Book Decoration. 44. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhi- bition OF Modern Bookbindings, French, English AND American . . . [New York, The Grolier Club, 1886.] 16 pp. S. 45. Catalogue OF AN Exhibition of recent Bookbindings, 1860-1890. Executed by American, English and French Book-binders. [New York, The Grolier Club, 1891.] 61 pp. S. 46. Commercial Bookbindings : An histor- ical Sketch, with some mention of an Exhibition of Drawings, Covers, and Books, at the Grolier Club . . . New York [The Grolier Club] 1894- [i] 1., 23 pp. S. 47. The Catalogue of Books from the Li- braries OR Collections OF celebrated Bibliophiles and illustrious Persons of the Past, with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings exhibited at the Grolier Club . . . New York, The Grolier Club, 1895. xiii, 75 pp. front., 24 pi. of facsim. O. (Grolier Club. Publications, No. 22.) 48. C.'^talogue of decorated early Eng- lish Bookbindings . . . New York [The Grolier Club, 1899]. 32 pp. S. 49- Mosaic Bookbindings: A Catalogue of AN Exhibition . . . New York, The Grolier Club, 1902. 53 pp. S. 50. Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered and Curious Bookbindings. New York, The Grolier Club, 1903. xi, 86 pp. S. 123 THE GROLIER CLUB 51. A Catalogue of about 130 selected French Almanacs from a complete collection (1694- 1883) illustrative of French Binding during this period. [New York, The Grolier Club, 1905.] 28 pp. S. See also CLUB BINDERY, No. 322. 52. HESSIAN HISTORICAL EXHIBITION. BICKELL, L[udwig]. Bucheinbande des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus hessischen Bibliothe- ken verschiedenen Klostern u. Stiften, der Pala- tina und der Landgrafl. Hess. Privatbibliothek entstammend. . . . MiT 53 Lichtdrucken auf 42 Tafeln . . . Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1892. 18 pp. 42 pi. of facsim. F. No. 52 of 100 copies. 53. Bookbindings from THE Hessian Historical Exhibition illustrating the Art of Binding from the XVth to the XVIIIth centu- ries . . . WITH 53 HELIOTYPE PRINTS ON 42 PLATES. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1893. 14 pp. 42 pi. of facsim. F. No. 45 of 100 copies of the English edition. 54. LIVERPOOL ART CLUB. . . . Catalogue OF A Loan Collection of ancient and modern Bookbindings. Exhibited . . . November, 1882. Liverpool, Published by the Club, 1882. ix, [11I-46 pp. O. 55- LONDON— EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, 1851. Offi- cial, descriptfve and illustrated Catalogue. . . . London, Spicer Brothers, 1851. 5 vols, il., pi. (partly folded and colored). Q. Vol. 3, pp. 537-552. Sect. Ill, Class 17. Paper, Printing and Bookbinding. 56. MUSfiE GALLIERA, Paris. . . . Exposi- tion de Reliures modernes. [Paris] 1902. [12] L D. 57- [BOSQUET, £mile.] La Reliure au Mus£e Galliera, 1902, PAR UN Praticien. Paris, Chez l'Auteur, 1902. [2] 1., 16 pp. O. 124 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 58. NEWARK (N. J.)— FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bookbinding; an Exhibition of the Materials AND Processes of Bookbinding, with examples of PLAIN AND ornamented BINDINGS . . . [NEWARK, 1905.] 16 pp. D. 59. PARIS, 1878-1879. [WYNANTS, V.] La Re- LIURE MODERNE, CRITIQUE d' UN PrATICIEN. StUDE SUR LES ReLIEURS ET SUR LA ReLIURE EN GENERAL destinee aux Am-ateurs de Livres. Paris, Marpon & Flammarion, 1882. 68 pp. D. Contents. La Re- liure a I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. — La Reliure a rExposition Internationale de 1879.- Chronique de TExposition Universelle (Extrait du Bulletin de la Papeterie). [By L. Guillet.] 60. PARIS, 1894. GRUEL, L£on. Quelques mots SUR l'Exposition Retrospective de la Reliure au Palais de l'Industrie, en 1894. Paris, Techener, 1894. 21 pp. I folded pi. of facsim. O. 61. PARIS, 1896. Catalogue des Publications contemporaines figurant a l'Exposition Inter- nationale DU LiVRE MODERNE ORGANISEE A L'ArT NouvEAU. Paris, 1896. 13s, [i] pp. sq. Q. Pp. 103-129: Le Vetement du Livre. 62. PARIS, 1900. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. . . . Binding exhibit, Paris 1900. . . . Oxford, H. Frowde, 1900. 50 pp. facsim. O. 63. PHILADELPHIA— ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. A Loan Collection of decorative Bind- ings, rare Books, Manuscripts, and other biblio- graphical specimens from the Libraries of Phila- delphia. . . . [Philadelphia] 1893. 53 pp. D. 64. PHILADELPHIA— CENTENNIAL EXHI- BITION, 1876. . . . Delegation ouvRiERE LIBRE : Relieurs. Paris, Chez tous les Lebraires, 1879. [2] 1., 245 pp., [i] 1. D. 65. PLANTIN-MORETUS Museum. Exposi- tion DU LiVRE MODERNE: CATALOGUE . . . AnVERS, [1904.] viii pp., [i] l.,-205 pp. O. 125 THE GROLIER CLUB 66. PRAGUE— KUNSTGEWERBLICHES MU- SEUM. CHYTIL, Karl, & BOROVSKY, F. A., Editors. . . . Bucheinbande vom XVIII. Jahrhun- DERT BIS IN DIE NEUESTE ZeIT. AuSWAHL AUS DER IM KUNSTGEWERBLICHEN MuSEUM VOM I3 ApRIL BIS lO. MaI, 1903, VERANSTALTETEN AuSSTELLUNG VON BUCHEINBANDEN . . . XXX. TaFELN IN LlCHT- UND Farbendruck. Prag, Im Verlage DES . . . Mu- seums, 1904. [12] 1., 30 pi. of facsim. (partly colored). F. (In portfolio.) Text in German and Hungarian. 67. ST. LOUIS— LOUISIANA PURCHASE EX- POSITION, 1904. Exposition de la Librairie FRANfAISE. GrOUPES 17 ET i8 : LiBRAIRIE, LiVRES ET Publications, Presse periodique, Reliure . . . St. Louis, 1904. Various pagination, il., pi., facsim. Q. 68. U.S.— LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. . . Bindings. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 6 pp. S. (Notes for the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, No. 4.) 69. SCRIBNER'S sons, Charles. Partial list OF A Collection of choice Books, representing the highest skill of the best Continental, English and American Binders, and which are included in THEIR Annual Exhibition of fine Bindings . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901 [-02] 2 catalogues, pi. of facsim. S. 70. Catalogue of an Exhibition of his- torical and famous Bindings principally of the XVII AND XVIII centuries from the Libraries of the Rulers of France . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. 39, [i] pp. front., pi. of facsim. O. 71. TREGASKIS, J[ames] & M[ary1 L[ee]. Inter- national Bookbinding Exhibition by the chief Craftsmen from all parts of the world at the "Caxton Head" . . . London, J. Sz; M. L. Tre- gaskis, 1894. 25 pp. colored front., il., 7 colored pi. of facsim. O. Pp. 7-12: Introductory remarks by Cyril Davenport . 126 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING The exhibition consisted of 75 copies of King Florus and the Fair Jehane, translated by WiUiam Morris, printed at the Kelmscott Press, and bound by "crafts- men from all parts of the world." 72. [WYNANTS, E. V., & V.] Exposition de 1867. Delegation des Otjvriers Relieurs . . . Paris, Au Siege de la Commission, 1868 [-75]. 2 parts in i vol.; pi. of facsim. D. Part i : La Reliure aux Exposi- tions de rindustrie (i 798-1862). Part 2 : La Reliure a I'Exposition de 1867. Etudes comparatives de la Re- liure ancienne et moderne. COLLECTORS AND COLLECTIONS General 73. BAUCHART, Ernest Qu.\ntin. Les Femmes Bibliophiles de France (XVIe, XVIIe & XVIIIe siECLEs). Paris, Damascene Morgand, 1886. 2 vols. 42 pi. (coats of arms), 25 facsim. (bindings). Q. No. 26 of 50 copies on China paper. 74. [CLARKE, William.] Repertorium Biblio- graphicum; or, Some account of the most cele- brated British Libraries. London, William Clarke, 1819. 2 vols, in i. front., por. Q. 75. CLEMENT DE RIS, L. Les Amateurs d'Au- trefois . . . Paris, Plon, 1877. [2]l.,xxxi, 475 pp., [2]1. por. Q. 76. DU BOIS, Henri Pene. . . . Four private Libraries of New York; a contribution to the HISTORY of BiBLIOPHILISM IN AMERICA. FiRST SERIES. Preface by Octave Uzanne. New York, Duprat & Co., 1892. [2] 1., 119 pp. colored front., il., pi. of facsim. O. No. 3 of 200 copies on Japan paper. The Ubraries described are those of George Beach de Forest, Samuel P. Avery, Charles Jolly-Bavoillot, and Valentin A. Blacque. 77. ELTON, Charles Isaac, & Mary Augusta. The great Book-collectors. London, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893. vi pp., [i] 1., 228 pp. front., pi. of facsim. O. (Books about books. 127 THE GROLIER CLUB 78. FLETCHER, William Younger. English Armorial Book-stamps and their owners. Facsira. {In: BIBLIOGRAPHICA, vol. 3, pp. 309-343. Lon- don, 1897.) 79. GUIGARD, JoANNis. NouvEL Armorial du Bibliophile; Guide de l' Amateur des Livres ARMORIES. Paris, Emile Rondeau, 1890. 2 vols. il. (bindings and coats of arms). Q. 80. JACQUEMART, Jules [Ferdinand]. His- TOiRE de la Bibliophilie. Reliures; Recherches sur les Bibliotheques des plus c^lebres Amateurs ; Armorial des Bibliophiles. Publi^es par J. Tech- ener pere et L£on Techener fils, avec le concours d'une Societe de Bibliophiles. Planches gravies a l'Eau-forte par M. Jules Jacquemart. . . . Paris, Techener, 1 86 1, pts. i-io in i vol. 47 pi. of facsim., 3 pi. of armorial bearings. F. Cover title; without text, 81. MAHUET, Antoine de, Comte, & Des Rob- ert, Edmond. Essai de Repertoire des Ex-libris et Fers de Reliure des Bibliophiles lorrains. Nancy, Sidot freres, 1906. [4] 1., 383 pp. il., pi. oi facsim. (partly colored). Q. One of 300 copies. 82. POLLARD, Alfred William. The Franks Collection of Armorial Book-stamps, facsim. (In: THELIBRARY,Newser.,vol. 3,pp. 115-134. London, 1902. Also in his: Old Picture Books. London, 1902, pp. 242-259.) 83. STRADONITZ,StephanKekulevon. Uber Suber-Exlibris. pi. facsim. (In: ZEITSCHRIFT jiir Bilcherjreunde, vol. 8, pp. 337-359. Bielefeld, 1904.) COLLECTORS AND COLLECTIONS* Individual 84. ANDREWS, William Loring. "Among my Books" . . . New York, The De Vinne Press, 1894. [4]!., 32 pp. front., pi., facsim. (partly colored). O. No. 40 of 50 copies, not published for sale. Bound at the Doves' Bindery. *Only such dealers' catalogues and catalogues of sales as contain facsimiles of bindings are included. 128 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 85. AUMALE [Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'Orleans], Due DE. Description sommaire des Ob JETS d'art faisant partie des Collections du Due d'Aumale, exposes pour la Visite du Fine Arts Club, le 21 Mai, 1862. [London, n.d.] [2] 1., 83 pp. O. Manuscript notes by Philippe Burty and the Due d'Aumale. Pp. 65-77: Reliures. 86. [BAU CHART, Ernest Quentin.] 1864-1881. Mes Livres. Paris, Adolphe Labitte, 188 i. [iii]- XX, 71 pp. incl. Table des prix. O. No. 61 of 200 copies. Pp. xix-xx : Table des Reheurs et Reliures. 87. BERALDI, Henri. Estampes et Livres. 1872-1892. Paris, L. Conquet, 1892. xiii, 277 pp., front., 40 pi. of facsim. (partly colored), por. Q. No. 144 of 390 copies. P. 277 : ^Portrait-vignette of Francisque Cuzin. 88. BODLEIAN LIBRARY (Oxford University). BRASSINGTON, William Salt. Historic Bind- ings IN THE Bodleian Library with reproductions OF TWENTY-FOUR OF THE FINEST BINDINGS . . . LON- DON, Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1891. xUv, 64 pp., incl. facsim. 24 colored pi. of facsim. F. 89. — GIBSON, Strickland, Compiler. Some NOTABLE Bodleian Bindings, i2TH to i8th cents. Oxford, 1901-1904. [4] 1., u pp., 31 pi. of facsim. Q. No. 45 of 50 copies. 90. MACRAY, William Dunn. Annals OF THE Bodleian Library . . . Second edition, en- larged . . , Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1890. X pp., [i] 1., 545 pp. front., il., por. 0. Pp. 451-457 : Notes of a few Bindings . . .addi- tional to those mentioned in the course of the Annals. 91. BOURBON FAMILY. ASSE [Louis] Eugene [Auguste]. Les Bourbons, Bibliophiles . . . Paris, Henri Daragon, 1901. [2] 1., iv pp., [i] 1., 140 pp., [i] 1. O. (Collection du Bibliophile Parisien.) No. 76 of 375 copies. 129 THE GROLIER CLUB 92. BRITISH MUSEUM ... A Guide to the Exhibition IN THE King's Library illustrating the History of Printing, Music-printing and Book- binding. [London.] 1901. 149 pp. facsim. O. 93. ... A Guide to the Manuscripts, Autographs, Charters, Seals, Illuminations and Bindings exhibited in the Department of Manu- scripts AND IN the GrENVILLE LIBRARY. [LONDON,] 1895. [2] 1., 140 pp. D. 94. ... A Guide to the Printed Books EXHIBITED IN THE KiNG'S LIBRARY. [LONDON,] 189I. Ill pp. D. 95- CANEVARI, Demetrio. FUMAGALLI, Giuseppe. Di Demetrio Canevari Medico e Bibli- OFILO GENOVESE E DELLE PREZIOSE LeGATURE CHE SI DicoNO A Lui appartenute. il., pi. of facsim., por. (/«: LA BIBLIOFILIA, vol. 4, pp. 300-316, 390-400; vol. 5, pp. 33-42, 80-90, 149-161. Firenze, 1903-4.) 96. CHAUMONT— BIBLIOTHfiQUE DE CHAUMONT EN BASSIGNY. LE CLERT, Louis. Notes sur les Fermoirs armories d'un Livre d'Heures conserve a la Bibliotheque . . . Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1904. II pp. il. O. 97. COLE, HAMILTON. Catalogue of the valuable Library of the late Hamilton Cole of New York City . . . To be sold at auction . . . April 7, 8 and 9, 1890 ... by Bangs & Co. [New York, The De Vinne Press, 1890.] 123 pp. front., pi. of facsim. O. Copy printed for the Grolier Club ; one of seven on Holland paper. 98. DAGUIN, E. Catalogue de beaux Livres . . ayant appartenu X Mr. E. Daguin . . . Paris, A. DuREL, 1904 [-5.] 3 pts. and "Album de Reliures." O. and F. 99- DARMSTADT - GROSSHERZOGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK. SCHMIDT, Adolf. Interes- sante Bucheinbande der Grossherzoglichen Bib- liothek zu Darmstadt, facsim. {In: ZEIT- SCHRIFT fiir Bucherjrcunde, vol. 5, pp. 329-336. Bielefeld, 1901.) ^ 130 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 100. DESTAILLEUR, Hippolyte. Catalogue DE LiVRES RARES EX PRECIEUX COMPOSANT LA BlBLIO- THEQUE DE M. HiPPOLYTE DeSLAILLEUR . . . PaRIS, Damascene Morgand, 1891. [2] 1., xv, [i] 448 pp. i pi. of facsim. Q. 10 1. DIDOT, Ambroise Firmin. Catalogue n,- lustre . . . DE la Bibliotheque de M. Ambroise FiRMiN-DiDOT . . . Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1878 [-84]. 6 vols. pi. of facsim. Q. With printed lists of prices. 102. DU BOIS, Henry Pene. The Library and Art collection of Henry de Pene du Bois, of New York. New York, G. A. Leavitt & Co., 1887. xxiv, 486 pp. front., il. facsim. O. Priced in ink. 103. DUTUIT COLLECTION. La Collection Dutuit. Livres et Manuscrits . . , Paris, E. Rahir et Cie, 1899. viii, 328 pp. colored pi., facsim. F. One of 350 copies. 104. ELTON, Charles Isaac, & Mary Augusta. A catalogue of a portion of the Library of Charles Isaac Elton and Mary Augusta Elton. London, Quaritch, 1891. [2] 1., 222 pp. 28 pi. of facsim. Q. 105. FOUNTAINE, Sir Andrew. Catalogue of . . . Books and Manuscripts from the Library of Sir Andrew Fountaine . . . London, [1902.] [i] 1., 98 pp. colored pi. of facsim. O. Priced in ink. 106. FRANCE-BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. . . . DfePARTEMENT DES ImPRIMES. NoTICE DES Objets exposes. Paris, H. Champion, 1878. [2] 1., 130 pp. O. Pp. 78-128: Reliures. 107. BOUCHOT, Henri [Franqois Xavier Marie]. Les Reliures d'Art A la Bibliotheque Nationale . . . Quatre-vingt planches repro- DUITES d'APRES LES ORIGINAUX, PAR ArON FRERES. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1888. 51, xxii pp. 80 pi. of facsim. Q. 131 THE GROLIER CLUB io8. FRANKLIN, Alfred [Louis Auguste]. Precis de l'Histoire de la Bibliotheque du Roi, aujourd'hui Bibliotheque Nationale. Deuxieme Edition . . . Paris, L. Willem, 1875. [3] 1., vii, 341 pp. il. O. 109. LEPRINCE, [Nicolas Thomas]. Essa- historique sur la Bibliotheque du Roi aujourdi 'hui Bibliotheque Imperiale . . . Nouvelle Edi- tion, revue et augmentee . . . par Louis Paris. Paris, au Bureau du Cabinet historique, 1856. [5] 1., 466 pp. D. (See pp. 199-203.) no. FRENCH, FREDERICK W[ILLIAM]. Cata- logue OF THE . . . Library of the late Frederick W. French . . . Boston, [1901]. x, 237 pp. front, (por.), pi. of facsim. O. Priced in ink. One of a special edition of 51 copies for members of the Club of Odd Volumes. 111. GRAND VOIR. Bibliotheque du Chateau DE Grandvoir. Livres anciens et modernes . . . Bruxelles, E. Deman, 1900. [2] 1., 187 pp. pi. of facsim. O. 112. GROLIER DE SERVIERES, Vicomte d'Aguisy, Jean. [ADAMS, Charlotte.] Jean Grolier [New York, 1884]. 14 pp. S. Written for the Grolier Club. 113. ANDREWS, William Loring. Jean Grolier de Servier, Viscount d'Aguisy; some account of his Life and of his famous Library. New York, The De Vinne Press, 1892. 68 pp., front., il., 13 pi. and facsim. (partly colored). O. One of 150 copies. Bound at the Doves' Bindery. 114. BIAGI, GuiDO. . . . Jean Grolier: Book-lover and Patron. [Cambridge, Mass., 1903.] pp. 155-161. front., pi. F. From The Printing Art. The frontispiece represents Grolier in the Printing House of Aldus, after the painting by Flameng owned by the Grolier Club, and is repro- duced by courtesy of the Club. 13a WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 115. BRUNET, [Pierre] GusTAVE. Lettre Au Bibliophile Jacob au sujet de l'etrange Ac- cusation INTENTEE CONTRE M. LiBRI, MEMBRE DE l'Institut, contenant des Recherches sur les LiVRES A LA ReLIXJRE DE GrOLIER, SUR LES VOLUMES elzeviriens non rognes et sur quelques parti- CULARITES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES. PARIS, PaULIN, 1849. 32 pp. O. 116. CHAPPEE, J., EXJERT, Henri, & LORTIC, [E.]. Description historique et cri- tique : I. Du LivRE DE Prieres dela Reine Claude DE France: II. D'un Chansonnier M.anuscrit du XVI. SIECLE AYANT APPARTENU A GrOLIER. PARIS, LoRTic, 1897. 19 pp. il., 5 pi. of facsim. (folded). O. One of 300 copies. 117. FLETCHER, William Younger. A copy of Celsus from the Library of Grolier. 2 colored pi. of facsim. (In: BIBLIOGRAPHICA, vol. I, pp. 1-5. London, 1895.) 118. ^ GROUCHY, [Ernest Henry], Vi- COMTE DE. A PROPOS d'uN LiVRE DE JeAN GrOLIER (ExTRAiT DU Bulletin du Bibliophile). Paris, Techener, 1894. 44 pp. facsim. O. 119. LE ROUX DE LINCY, Adrien Jean Victor. Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa Vie et sa Bibliotheque. Suivies d'un Cat-^^logue DES LrV'RES qui LUI ONT APPARTENU. PaRIS, L. PoTiER, 1866. xlix pp., [i] 1., 491 pp. pi., facsim. O. Accompanied by an Atlas, containing plates of bindings, facsimiles, and de\'ices used by Grolier. 120. MATTHEWS, J.\mes Brander. The Grolier Club. [New York, 1889]. pp. 87-97 il., facsim. Q. From The Century Magazine, November, 1889. It also forms the last part of the author's Bookbindings old and new. 121. PORTALIS, Roger, B.\ron. Autour DE Jehan Grolier. {In: SOCIETE DES AMIS DES LIVRES. Annuaire, 25. pp. 53-90, Paris, 1904. 133 THE GROLIER CLUB 122. Les Reliures de Grolier. I facsim. {In: Le Bibliophile illustre. Nov., 1861, pp. 55-57- Paris, 1862.) 123. SCHMIDT, Adolf. Ein unbekannter Grolierband in der Grossherzoglichen Hof- BiBLioTHEK zu DARMSTADT, facsim. (7»; ZEIT- SCHRIFT jiir Biicherjreunde, vol. 8, pp. 249-251. Bielefeld, 1904.) A French translation of this article is in Revue Biblio- iconographique, ser. 3, vol. 11, pp. 359-364. 124. GUYOT DE VILLENEUVE. Catalogue DES LiVRES . . . DU CABINET DE FEU GUYOT DE VlLLENEUVE, PRESIDENT DE LA SOCI^TE DES BlBLIO- PHILES FRANCOIS . . . PARIS, RAHIR, I90o[-Oi]. 2 ptS. pl. of facsim. (partly folded). O. 125. HERfiDIA, RiCARDO, Comte de Benahavis. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. Ricardo Heredia, Comte de Benahavis . . . Paris, £m. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, i89i[-94]. 4 vols, il., pl. of facsim. Q. 126. HOE, Robert. One hundred and seventy- six HISTORIC and artistic Book-bindings dating FROM THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY TO THE PRESENT TIME, PICTURED BY ETCHINGS, ArTOTYPES, AND LITHO- graphs after the originals selected from the Library of Robert Hoe. New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1895. 2 vols. 176 pl. (partly colored). F. One of 200 copies on imperial Japan paper, 127. BIERSTADT, O. a. The Library of Robert Hoe ; a contribution to the History of BiBLioPHiLisM IN American . . . With one hundred and ten illustrations taken from Manuscripts AND Books in the Collection. New York, Duprat & Co., 1895. xii pp., [i] 1., 224 pp. 29 pl., facsim. O. No. 307 of 350 copies. Pp. 203-224: Miscellanea and Bindings. 128. HOYM, CHARLES HENRI, Comte d'. HOE, Robert. Baron J£r6me Pichon and his Life OF Count Hoym. por., facsim. (.In: THE BOOK- MAN, vol. 5, pp. 34-41. New York, 1897.) 134 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 129. [PICH0NJer6me Frederic, Baron. Vie de Charles-Henry, Comte de Hoym, Ambassa- DEUR DE SaXE-POLOGNE EN FrANCE ET CELEBRE AMA- TEUR DE LiVRES, 1694-1736. PUBLIEE PAR LA SOCrferf DES Bibliophiles fran^ois. Paris, Techener, 1880. 2 vols. engr. t.p., pi. of facsim. (folded and colored), per., initial letters, vignettes. O. Vol. I, Chapter IV: De la Biblioth^que du Comte d'hoym and de son Gout pour les Livres. 130. The Lite of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, Ambassador from Saxony-Poland to France and eminent French Bibliophile, 1699- 1736. Written by Baron JfiR6ME Pichon for the Society of French Bibliophiles, and translated INTO English for the Grolier Club, v^^ith a sketch OF the Life of the late Baron Pichon. NEVi' York, The Grolier Club, 1899. 309 pp. 8 pi., 2 por., head- and tail-pieces. Q. One of 303 copies on paper. (Grolier Club. Publications, no. 32.) Also one of three copies on vellum. 131. LACARELLE, S. de La Roche, Baron. Catalogue des Livres . . . composant la Blb- liotheque de feu M. le Baron S. de La Roche Lacarelle. Paris, C. Porquet, 1888. [2] 1., xv, 190 pp. front., pi. of facsim. Q. 132. LA CROIX-LAVAL, Vicomte de. Cata- logue de cent Reliures d'Art execusees sur des £ditions de grand luxe par les meilleurs Maitres contemporains composant la Collection du Vte de La Croix-Laval. Paris, Durel, 1902. 2 pts. & Album, containing 171 pi. of facsim. F. 133. LIBRI-CARUCCI, Guglielmo. Catalogue of the choicer portion of the Library formed by M. .Guglielmo Libri . . . Specimens of early Typography and Art . . . Collection of historical Bindings . . . London, [1859]. xx., 380 pp. Q. The Introduction, by M. Libri, contains information concerning bookbinding. 134. LONGEPIERRE, Hilaire Bernard de Requeleyne, Baron de. PORTALIS, Roger, Baron. Bernard de Requeleyne, Baron de Longepierre ^35 THE GROLIER CLUB (1659-1721). AVANTPROPOS PAR M. STEPHEN LlE- GEARD. Paris, Leclerc, 1905. [2] 1., viii, 216 pp. [i] 1. front, (por.) O. Pp. 165-201 : Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Longepierre. 135. MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. BARWTCK, George F[rederick]. A Book bound for Mary Queen of Scots, being a description of the binding of a copy of the Geographia of Ptolemy printed at Rome, 1490, with notes on other Books bearing Queen Mary's insignia. London, Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Chiswick Press, 1901. [3] 1., 27 pp., [i] 1. colored front., 2 colored pi. of facsim. sq. Q. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Monographs, no. 9.) 136. MAZARIN LIBRARY. FRANKLIN, Alfred [Louis Auguste]. Histoire de la Bibliotheque Mazarine . . . Paris, A. Aubry, i860. [2]l.,iii, [i] pp. [3] 1-1 3i3» [i] PP- O. One of 300 copies. Bound by Cape, with portrait of Mazarin inserted. 137. MORANTE, Joachim Gomez de la Cortina, Marquis de. CHRISTIE, Richard Copley. The Marquis de Morante; his Library and its Cata- logue. (Zw his: Selected essays. London, 1902, pp. 257-278.) Facsimiles of thirty-seven of the finer bindings of this collection are given in the sixth and seventh volumes of Le Bibliophile fran^ais. 138. MORGAN, J[ohn] Pierpont. Catalogue of a Collection of Books formed by James Toovey, PRINCIPALLY FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE EaRL OF GOSFORD, THE PROPERTY OF J. PlERPONT MORGAN. New York, 1901. [3] 1., 192 pp. front., colored pi. of facsim. sq. Q. 139. MORGAND & FATOUT. Bulletin de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout. Paris, Morgand & Fatout, i876-[i904]. Nos. 1-59 in 10 vols, il., pi. of facsim. (partly folded and colored), por. O. With vol. 3 the title changes to Bulletin de la Librairie Damascene Morgand. 136 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 140. MULLER, Emile. Catalogue des Livres . . . COMPOSANT LA BiBLIOTHEQUE DE FEU M. EmILE Muller . . . Paris, Damascene Morgand, 1892. ix, 139 pp. pi. of facsim. (I folded and colored). O. 141. ORFORD, Earl of. Catalogue of a SELECTED portion OF THE . . . LIBRARY OF THE LATE , . . Earl of Orford . . . London, 1902. 2^pp. pi. of facsim. O. Priced in ink. 142. PAYNE, J. T. Catalogue of . . . Books AND Miniatures, formed . . . by J. T. Payne, Esq., COMPRISING specimens OF THE MOST FAMOUS LIBRARIES . . . FINE SPECIMENS OF BINDING BY Du SeUIL, AnGERRAN, DeROME, PaDELOUP . . . EXAMPLES OF Roger Payne's Binding, with the original Bills . . . London, 1878. 22 pp. front., pi. of facsim. (partly colored). Q. Priced in ink. 143. PEARSON & CO., J. One hundred Books FROM THE Cabinets of royal and distinguished Bibliophiles from Grolier to Beckford. London, Pearson, n. d. 79 pp. pi. of facsim. O. 144. Rare and valuable Books ... on sale by J. Pearson & Co. . . . London, Pearson, [1899]. Catalogues 79-80. pi. of facsim. O. 145. Very choice Books including an extremely important series of historical Bind- ings . . . London, Pearson, n. d. 145 pp. pi. of facsim. sq. O. 146. London, Pearson, [1905-6]. 2 pts. pi. of facsim. sq. O. 147. PICHON, Jerome Frederic, Baron. Cata- logue DE LA BiBLIOTHEQUE DE FEU M. LE BaRON Jerome Pichon . . . Paris, Techener, i897[-98]. 3 vols, front, (por.), pi., facsim. Q. 148. PICKERING & CHATTO. An illustrated Catalogue of old and rare Books for sale, with prices AFFIXED . . . LoNDON, PICKERING & ChATTO, 1902. [i] 1., 434 pp. pi. (partly colored), facsim. Q. Published in nine parts. 137 THE GROLIER CLUB 149. POOR, Henry WCilliam]. Catalogue of the "V. A. B," Collection in the Library of William W. Poor. New York, 1903. no pagination, front., pi. (6 are facsim. of bindings). O. One of 50 copies printed for private distribution. See also No. 262. 150. QUARITCH, Bernard. Catalogue of Works on the Fine Arts . . . and a splendid SERIES of Books in historical and remarkable Bindings, illustrating the History of the Art of Bookbinding from the IXth to the XIXth century. On sale by Bernard Quaritch. London, Quaritch, 1883. vi, [9291-1501 pp. O. 151. . . . Examples of the Art of Book- binding AND Volumes bearing marks of distin- guished ownership . . . London, Quaritch, 1897. 158 pp. O. 152. ROTHSCHILD, James de. Baron. Cata- logue DES LiVRES COMPOSANT LA BiBLIOTHfeQUE DE FEU M. LE Baron James de Rothschild . . . Paris, Damascene Morgand, i884[-93]. 3 vols, front, (por.) il., pi. (partly folded), facsim. O. 153. RUSSIA— IMPERIAL LIBRARY. MINZ- LOFF, [Charles] Rudolphe. Notice sur les Reliures anciennes de la Bibliotheque Imp£riale de Saint-Petersbourg. Paris, Techener, 1859, 30, [i] pp. O. Reprinted from Bulletin du Bibliophile, Nov.-Dec, 1858. 154. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. . . . Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington. II: Catalogue [Compiled by William Henry James Weale]. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1894. iii, 329 pp. il. O. 155. THOU, Jacques Auguste de. BRIQUET, Ap. Notes sur la BiBLioTHfeQUE et les Armoiries DE J.-AuG. DE Thou. {In: BULLETIN du Biblio- phile, ser. 14, vol. 2, pp. 896-903. Paris, i860.) 138 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 156. HARRISSE, Henry. Le President De Thou et ses Descendants; leur celebre BiBLIOTHEQUE . . . PaRIS, H. LeCLERC, I905. [3] 1., 274 pp., [i] 1. front., por., pi., facsim., folded table. 157. TREGASKIS, J[ames] & M[ary] L[ee]. The Caxton Head Catalogue[s]. London, J. & M. L. Tregaskis, [1892-98]. Catalogues 250, 260 & 400. pi. of facsim. (partly colored). Q. 158. WINDSOR CASTLE-ROYAL LIBRARY HOLMES, Richard Rivington, Editor. Specimens OF royal, fine and historical Bookbinding, selected from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. 152 plates printed in facsimile by W. Griggs, . . . Chromo-Lithographer to Her Majesty. . . . London, Griggs & Sons, 1903. [2] 1., v., 16 pp. with borders in gold and colors, front., 152 colored pi. of facsim. F. 159- WORCESTER CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. FLOYER, J. K. Some old Bookbindings in the Library of Worcester Cathedral, with their history and legends, facsim. {In: THE CON- NOISSEUR, vol. II, pp. 180-182. London, 1905.) GENERAL WORKS, ESSAYS, AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. 160. ADAM, Paul. Der Bucheinband, seine Technik und seine Geschichte. Leipzig, E. A. See- mann, 1890. [3] 1., 268 pp. front., 194 il. and facsim. O. (Seemanns Kimsthandbiicher, 6.) 161. ANDREWS, William Loring. Sextodec- imos et infra. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899. xiii, 117 pp., incl. colored front., pi. of facsim. (partly colored). D. N0.30 of 152 copies. (See also article in The Bookbuyer, vol. 16, pp. 405-410.) 162. BARWELL, Noel. Antique Bookbinding AS a study in decorative Art. [London, 1902.] pp. 104-108. pi. of facsim. sq. O. From Moring's Quarterly, March, 1902. 139 THE GROLIER CLUB 163. BERNARD, Aug[uste Joseph]. Geofroy Tory, Peintre et Graveur, premier Imprimeur Royal . . . Paris, Tross, 1857. xv, [i], 260 pp. il. O. 164. Deuxieme Edition . . . Paris, Tross, 1865. [2] 1., viii, 410 pp., [i] 1. il. O. 165. BLADES, William. Books in Chains, and OTHER bibliographical PAPERS. LoNDON, ElLIOTT Stock, 1892. xl, 232 pp., incl. front, sq. O. (The Book-lover's Library.) 166. The Enemies of Books. Third edition. London, Trubner & Co., 1881. xiii. pp., [i] 1., 114 pp., [i] 1. front., pi. (partly folded), folded facsim. O. Chapter VIII : Bookbinders. 167. Les LrvRES ET leurs Ennemis. . . . Traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, A. Claudin, 1883. viii, 128 pp. front, (per.), pi. (partly folded), folded facsim. O. Chapter VIII : Relienrs. 168. BOSQUET, Smile. La Reliure. fiTtroES d'un Praticien sur l'Histoire et la Technologie DE l'Art du Relieur-Doreur . . . Lettre-Pri;face de M. Leon Gruel. . . . Paris, Lahure, 1894. [2] 1., ii, 188 pp., [2] 1. pi. (partly folded), por., facsim. Q. 169. BOUCHOT, Henri [Francois Xavier Marie]. De la Reliure, exemples a imiter ou a REjETER . . . l'Art du siecle, de l'Habillement du Livre, ses qualites et sa decoration. Paris, E. RouvEYRE, 1891. 93 pp., [i] 1., incl. pi. of facsim. O. (Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles aux Amis des Livres.) No. 15 of 20 copies on Japan paper. 170. BOULARD, S. Traite elementaire de Bibliographie . . . Paris, Boulard, An XIII (1804) -05]. 2 pts. in I vol. O. Chapter VIII : De la Reliure. 140 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 171. BROWNE, Irving. In the track of the Book-worm . . . East Aurora, Roycroft Printing Shop, iSg?. 135, [i] pp., incl. i full page il. initial letters, vignettes, marginal il. O. Hand illumined; no. 2 of 25 copies. Chapter V: Binding. 172. BRUNET, [Pierre Gustave.] Studes sur LA Reliure des Livres et sur les Collections de QUELQUES BlBLIOPHILES CELEBRES. BORDEAUX, G. GOUNOUILHOU, 1866. 54 pp. O. 173. [Deuxi^me edition, CONSrofR- ABLEMENT AUGMENTEE.] BORDEAUX, VvE. MOQUET, 1891. vi, 173 pp., [i] 1. O. One of 250 copies. 174. CAILLE, Jean de la. Histoire de l'Im- PRIMERIE ET DE LA LlBRAIRIE . . . PaRIS, JeAN DE LA CaILLE, 1689. [2] 1., 322 pp. L13] 1. Q. Another copy, with additions, and portraits of Guten- berg, Fust and Ulrich Gering (See Brunet, vol. 3, col. 724.) From the library of Baron Pichon. Bound by Duru. 175. CAREY, Annie. The History of a Book. London, Cassell, [n.d.] 176 pp. front, (por.), il., facsim. sq. O. Chapters IX-X: The Binding Shop. — ^History of Bookbinding. 176. CHATELAIN, Emile. Les Secrets des viELLES Reliures. {In: REVUE des Bibliotheques, vol. 16, pp. 261-291. Paris, 1906.) 177. COBDON-SANDERSON, T. T. Book- binding; its processes and ideals. [New York, 1895.] pp. 671-678. O. From The Popular Science Monthly, March, 1895. 178. Ecce Mundus. Industrial Ideals, AND The Book Beautiful. Hammersmith, Hammer- smith Publishing Society, 1902. [20] 1. O. 179. COUSIN, Jules. De l'Orgaanistion [sic] et DE l'Administration des Bibliotheques publiques 141 THE GROLIER CLUB ET PRivf ES . . . Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1882. [i] 1., xi, 374 pp. tab. O. Pp. 151-163: De la Reliure des Livreo. 180. DAUZE, Pierre. De la Reliure. {In: REVUE biblio-iconographique. ser. 3, vol. 13, pp. 365-374- Paris, 1906. 181. DAVENPORT, Cyril. Bagford's Notes on Bookbindings. (/«; BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCI- ETY. Transactions, voK y, pp. 123-142. London, igo4.) 182. Forgeries in Bookbinding. (.In: THE LIBRARY, ser. 2, vol. 2, pp. 389-395. London, 1901.) 183. Some popular errors as to old Bindings. {In: THE LIBRARY ser. 2, vol. 2, pp. 231-237. London, 1901.) 184. DIBDIN, T[homas] F[rognall]. The Biblio- graphical Decameron . . . London, Shakspeare Press, 1817. 3 vols, il., pi., por., facsim. Q. Vol. 2, pp. 423-535: Eighth Day — Of Bookbinding ancient and modern: with divers singular anecdotes and sundry curious graphic embellishments therewith. 185. Bibliomania . . . NEVi^ and im- proved edition . . . London, Chatto & Windus. 1876. xviii, 63, [i], 618, xxiv pp. front., il. pi., por, facsim. Q. 186. FITZGERALD, Percy. The Book Fancier; OR, The Romance of Book collecting. New York, Scribner & Welford, 1886. vi pp., [i] 1., 312 pp. D. Pp. 99-135 : OfiBinding, and its Curiosities. 187. HAZLITT, W[illiam] Carew. The Book- collector; a general survey of the pursuit and OF THOSE who HAVE ENGAGED IN IT . . . WiTH AN account OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES . . . AND REMARKS ON BOOKBINDING AND ON SPECIAL COPIES OF Books. London, John Grant, 1904. vii, 352 pp. front., pi. D. 188. The Confessions of a Collector. London, Ward & Downey, 1897. viii, 360 pp. D. (See pp. 94-95. 179-181.) 142 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 189. [HESSE], Ueopold] A[uguste] Constantin. BlBLIOTH^CONOMIE . . . PAR L. A. CONSTANTIN. NouvELLE Edition . . . Paris, Roret, 1841. [2] 1., 266 pp. folding tab. S. (Manuals Roret.) Pp. 56-62 : De la Reliure. 190. HOE, Robert. A lecture on Bookbinding AS A Fine Art, delivered before the Grolier Club, February 26, 1885. With sixty-three ILLUSTRATIONS. NeW YoRK, ThE GrOLIER ClUB, 1886. [3] 1., 36 pp., [i] 1. 63 pi. of facsim. O. (Grolier Club. Publications, no. 5.) 191. HO RNE, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduc- tion TO THE study OF BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . LONDON, T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1814- 2 vols, paged con- tinuously, front., pi., facsim. (partly folded). O. Vol. I, pp. 292-309: Of Bookbinding, 192. HUMPHREYS, Arthur L. The Private Library: What we do know. What we don't KNOW, What we ought to know about our Books. London, Strangeways & Sons, 1897. vi pp., [i] 1., 162 pp. sq. O. Pp. 52-64: Bookbinding. 193. JOLINE, Adrian H[offman]. The Diver- sions OF A Book-lover. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1903. v, [i], 322, [i] pp. O. (See pp. 45-58, 251-253.) 194. LACROIX, Paul (Le Bibliophile Jacob). The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period OF THE Renaissance . . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1870. [iii]-xix, 520 pp. Colored front., il., colored pi. facsim. Q. Pp. 470-484: Bookbinding. 195. Les Bibliophiles et les Livres. {In: FONTAINE, Auguste. Catalogue de livres. Paris, 1878-79, pp. i-xx.) 196. LALANNE, [Marie] Ludovic [Chretien]. . . Curiosit£s bibliographiques. Paris, Adolphe Delahays, 1857. [2] 1., 440, [v]-vi pp. S. (Biblio- theque de Poche.) Pp. 282-291 : Des Reliures. 143 THE GROLIER CLUB 197. LANG, Andrew. Books and Bookmen . . . New York, G. J. Coombes, 1886. [i] 1., vii pp., [4] 1., [i5]-i77 pp. incl. il., pi. of facsim. colored front. O. (Books for the Bibliophile.) Pp- 93-107 : Bookbindings. (Tliis article does not appear in the London edition, 1886.) 198. The Library . . . London, Mac- MiLLAN & Co., 1881. XV, [i], 184 pp. front, il., pi. of facsim. (partly colored). D. (Seepp. 63-73, 114-120.) 199. [LEMERRE, Alphonse.] Le Livre du Bibliophile. Deuxieme edition. Paris, Lemerre, 1874. [2] 1., 49 pp., [2] 1. nar. S. Chapter V : De la Reliure. 200. LEMPERTZ, Heinrich. Bilder-hefte zur Geschichte des Bucherhandels und der hit DEMSELBEN VERWANDTEN KtJNSTE UND GeWERBE . . . 6s TAFELN MIT 280 BILDLICHEN DaRSTELLUNGEN IN KuPFERSTiCH, Lithographie, Farbdruck und HOLZSCHNITT, MIT TeXT. CoLN, I. M. HeBERLE (H. Lempertz), 1853 [-65]. [6] 1. 65 pi. F. Issued in 13 annual parts. 201. [LE PETIT, Jules], & ROUVEYRE, £d- ouARD. . . . Guide du Libraire-Antiquaire et du Bibliophile . . . Preface par Jules Richard. Paris, Rouveyre, i884[-5]. vol. i in 12 pts., and 4 pts. of vol. 2 (no more issued), front., 58 pi. of facsim. (partly colored). O. 202. LOUBIER, Jean. Uber praktische Vor- kehrungen zum Schutze von Einbanden und Einzelblattern. {In: ZENTRALBLATT jur Bib- liothekswesen, vol. 18, pp. 380-387. Leipzig, 1901.) 203. LOUISY, P. . . .Le Livre et les Arts qui s'y rattachent . . . Tiree des Ouvrages de M. Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob) sur le Moyen Age, la Renaissance, le XVIIe et le XVIIIe siecle. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1886. [2] 1., 270 pp., [i] 1. colored front., il., facsim. O. 204. MAIRET, F. Notice sur la Lithographie. Deuxieme Edition, suivie d'un Essai sur la 144 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Relture et le blanchiment des Livres et Gra- vuRES. Chalons-sur-Seine, C. Cornillac, 1824. 288 pp. front., pi. D. 205. MtJHLBRECHT, Otto. Die Bucher- LIEBHABEREI (BrBLIOPHILIE-BlBLIOMANIE) AM EnDE des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Puttkammer & MtJHLBRECHT, 1896. vii, [l], 2l6 pp. O. 206. Die Bucherliebhaberei in ehrer Ent- WICKELUNG BIS ZtJM ENDE DES XIX. JaHRHUNDERTS. , . , ZWEITE VERBESSERTE UND VERMEHRTE AuFLAGE. . . . Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing, 1898. xii, 335 PP- il-i pl-> (partly colored and folded), facsim. O. 207. NAUDfi, G[abriel]. Advis pour dresser UNE Bibliotheque . . . Paris, Francois Targa, 1627. 166, [i] pp. S. Copy from the Beckford library. Pp. 144-161: L'Ornement and la Decoration qu'on y doit apporter. 208. Instructions concerning erecting OF A Library . . . now interpreted by Jo. Evelyn, Esquire. London, G. Bedle & T. Collins, 1661. [8] 1.. 96 pp. S. Chapter VIII: Of the Ornament and Decoration necessarily to be observed. 209. NORTH, Ernest Dressel. Bookbinding as A Fine Art . . . 7 facsim. {In: THE OUTLOOK, i^ol. 57, pp. 809-817. New York, 1897.) 210. [BATON, James.] Bookbinding. (Article in The Encyclopcedia Britannica.) 211. PEIGNOT, [£tienne] G[abriel]. Diction- NAIRE RAISONNE DE BiBLIOLOGIE . . . PaRIS, ViLLiER, An X. — i8o2[-o4]. 3 vols. O. Vol. 2, pp. 158-160; vol. 3, pp. 270-275: Reliure. 212. TRAITf DU ChOIX des LiVRES . . . Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1817. xx, 295 pp. O. Pp. 285-287 : De la ReUure des Livres. 145 THE GROLIER CLUB 213. Manuel du Bibliophile, ou, Trait6 Du Chodc des Livres . , . Dijon, Victor Lagier, 1823. 2 vols. O. A much enlarged edition of the above. Autograph letter from author inserted. Vol. 2, pp. 434-442 : De la Reliure des Livres. 214. POWER, John. A Handy-book about Books, FOR Book-lovers, Book-buyers, and Book-sellers. London, John Wilson, 1870. xivpp.[i]l., 217 pp., 29 pp. of advertising matter, [i] 1., incl. pi. of facsim. O. 215. PRIDEAUX, S[arah1 T[reverbian]. Book- binders AND THEIR CrAFT. LoNDON, ZaEHNSDORF, 1903. viii, [i] pp., [i] 1., 298 pp., [i] 1., incl. pi. of facsim. il. facsim. O. No. 105 of 500 copies. Contents. Some English and Scottish Bindings of the last century. — Characteristics and peculiarities of Roger Payne, Binder. — "Les Reheurs francais." — Design in Bookbinding. — Some French Binders of to- day. — Early stamped Bindings. — Early Italian Bind- ings. — Some notes on Pattern-making. 216. PSAUME, [StIENNE]. EsSAIE fL^MENTAIRE sur la Bibliographie. Paris, 1824. [i] 1., viii, [9]- 264 pp. O. Chapter XXVII : Des differens ornemens des livres, et particulierement de la gravure et de la reliure. 217. RAHIR, fioouARD. La Bibliotheque de l' Amateur. Paris, Rahir, 1907. xlvii, [i] 408 pp. facsim. O. Pp. 80-06: Reliures. — Livres de Provenances c61e- bres. 218. RAWLINGS, Gertrude Burford. The STORY of Books. London, George Newnes, 1901. viii, 9-1 71 pp., incl. front, facsim. S. Chapter XIV : Bookbindings. 219. RICHARD, Jules (Thomas Jules Richard Maillot). L'art de former une Bibliotheque Paris, Ed. Rouveyre & G. Blond, 1883. 156 pp. [6] 1. O. One of 100 copies. Pp. 65-70. Les Relieurs. 146 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 220. ROGERS, Horatio. Private Libraries of Providence, with a preliminary essay on the Love of Books. Providence, S. S. Rider, 1878. iv pp., [i] 1., 25s pp. front., pi. sq. O. (See pp. 21-65.) 221. ROGERS, Walter Thomas. A Manual ov Bibliography . . . New York, Scribner & Wel- FORD, 1891. viii, 172 pp., [2] 1., colored front, (binding), 11., facsim. O. Pp. 84-97 • Binding. 222. ROUVEYRE, fioouARD. Connaissances NECESSAIRES A UN BIBLIOPHILE . . . TrOISI^ME EDI- TION, REVUE, corrig£e et augment£e . . . Paris, Rouveyre, i879[-8o]. 2 vols, il., pi. of facsim., tab., specimens of paper. O. One of 100 copies. Vol. I, pp. 55-89: De la ReUure des Livres. 223. CinquiJ:me Edition, illustr£e DE NOMBREUSES FIGURES . . . PaRIS, RoUVEYRE, [1899]. 10 vols, front., il., pi. (partly colored), facsim. O. (See vol. 4 and elsewhere.) 224. SICHLER, Albert. Untersuchung uber DIE TaRIFIERUNG VON BUCHEINBANDEN. AuS- arbeitung eines Proportionaltarifes. (/»; ZENTRALBLATT }ur Bibliothekswesen, vol. 22, pp. 57-89. Leipzig, 1905.) 225. SLATER, [John] H[erbert]. Book col- lecting; A guide for amateurs. London, Swan SONNENSCHEIN & Co., 1892. [l] 1., 130 pp. il., facsim. D. Chapter X: On Bindings old and new. 226. How to collect Books. London, George Bell & Sons, 1905. xii, 205 pp. front., il., facsim. O. Chapter IX: On Bookbinding. 227. [TAPLING, John.] Folious appearances. A consideration on our ways of lettering books. [London] J. R. Smith, 1854. 24 pp. D. 147 THE GROLIER CLUB 228. UZANNE, [Louis] Octave. Dictionnaire BIBLIOPHILOSOPHIQUE, TYPOLOGIQUE, ICONOPHILESQUE, BIBLIOPEGIQUE, ET BIBLIOTECHNIQUE . , . PaRIS, Imprim6 pour les Societaires de l'Academie des beaux livres, bibliophiles conteuporains, en L'aN de GRACE BIBLIOMANIAQUE 1896. viii, 364 ppi pi. (partly colored), illustrated cover, initials, vignettes, borders. O. No. 51 of 176 copies. 229. WHEATLEY, Henry B[enjamin]. Book- binding CONSIDERED AS A FiNE ArT, MECHANICAL Art, AND Manufacture. A Paper read before THE Society of Arts . . . April 14th, 1880 . . . and reprinted from the "Journal" of the Society. London, Elliot Stock, 1882. [2] 1., 27, [i] pp. il., pi. of facsim. Q. 230. ZAHN, Otto. On Art Binding, a mono- graph. Memphis, S. C. Toof & Co., 1904. [i] 1., 54 pp. colored front., il., pi. of facsim. D. No. 66 of 75 copies on Japanese vellum. HISTORY General 231. ANDREWS, William L[oring1 A short HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE ArT OF BOOKBINDING . . . With a description of the prominent styles by William Matthews. New York, 1895. 51 pp., incl. 6 pi. of facsim. D. One of an edition of 50 copies on Japan paper. Extra illustrated. Pp. 9-10: Technical terms defined [by William Matthews]. 232. BOUCHOT, Henri [Francois Xavier Marie]. Le Livre; l'Illustration, la Reliure. £tude historique sommaire. Paris, Quantin, [1886]. 320 pp. il., facsim. O. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des Beaux-Arts.) 233. The Printed Book; its History, Illustration, and Adornment . . . Translated AND enlarged BY EdWARD C. BiGMORE . . . LONDON, H. Grevel & Co., 1887. viii, 312 pp. il., facsim. O . 148 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 234. The Book; its Printers, Illustra- tors AND Binders . . . Edited by H. Grevel . . . London, H. Grevel & Co., 1890. xv, 383 pp., incl. front., il., facsim. Q. 235. BRASSINGTON, W[illiam] Salt, Editor. A HISTORY OF THE ArT OF BOOKBINDING. WiTH SOME account OF THE BoOKS OF THE AnCIENTS . . . NeW York, Macmillan & Co., pref. d. 1893]. xvi, 277, [i] pp. colored front., il., 9 pi. (partly colored)., facsim. Q. Based upon An Inquiry into the nature and form of the Books of the Ancients, by John Hannett. Pp. vii-ix contain a memoir of John Hannett. 236. CUNDALL, Joseph. On Bookbindings ancient and modern. London, George Bell & Sons, 1881. xi, [i] pp., [i] 1., 132 pp. front., 4 il., 22 pi. of facsim. Q. [ i] 1 : BibUography. Pp. 125-129 : Chronological list of binders and patrons of bookbinding. 237. DU BOIS, H[enri] P[ene]. Historical essay on the Art of Bookbinding. New York, Bradstreet Press, 1883. 42 pp. O. Pp. 41-42 : Bibliography. 238. EDWARDS, Edward. Memoirs of Libra- ries . . . London, Trubner & Co., 1859. 2 vols, front, il., pi. of facsim. (partly colored)., plans, tables. O. Vol. 2, pp. 959-987 : Bookbinding. 239. HORNE, Herbert P. The Binding of Books, an essay in the history of gold-tooled Bindings. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1894. [i] 1., xiii pp., [i] 1., 224 pp. front., pi. of facsim. O. (Books about books.) 240. LOUBIER, Jean. Der Bucheinband in alter und neuer Zeit. Mit 197 Abbildungen. ZwEiTEs Tausend. Berlin, Verlag von Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, [1903]. [2] 1., 186 pp. il., facsim. Q. (Monographien des Kunstgewerbes, no. jo) 149 THE GROLIER CLUB 241. MATTHEWS, [James] Brander. Book- bindings OLD AND new; NOTES OF A BOOKLOVER. With an account of the Grolier Club of New York. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. ^dii, 342 pp., incl. pi. front., il., facsim. D. Dedicated to the Grolier Club. 242. PRIDEAUX, Sarah T[reverbian]. An historical sketch of Bookbinding . . . With a chapter on early Stamped Bindings by E. Gordon Duff. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. vi pp., [ i] 1., 303 pp. front. 2 colored pi. of facsim. O. No. 13 of 120 copies. Pp. 251-294: Bibliography. Another copy (No. 116), bound by Miss Prideaux. HISTORY Early 243. DE VINNE, Theo[dore] L[ow]. The In- vention OF Printing . . . Second edition. New York, F. Hart & Co.. 1878. [i] 1., 557 pp. front., il., facsim. O. Chapter IX : The Book-makers of the Middle Ages. 244. FORRER, R. Antike Bucheinbande von Achmim-Panopolis. il. {In: ZEITSCHRIFT fur Biicherjreunde, vol. 8, pp. 311-315. Bielefeld, 1904.) 245. GARNETT, Richard. The first Book- binder ... il. {In: THE PRINTING ART, vol 2, pp. 61-66. Cambridge, Mass., 1903.) 246. PEIGNOT, [Stienne] Gabriel. Essai sur LA Reliure des Livres et sur l'etat de la Librairie CHEZ LES Anciens. Lu A l'Acad£mie de Dijon, Seance du 28 aout 1833. [n.p. n.d.] pp. 83-145. 2 pi. O. 247. [First separate edition. Dijon, Victor Lagier, 1834. 84 pp. 2 pi. O. One of 200 copies. Bound by Canape. 248. SCHWARZ, Christian Gottlieb. . . . De Ornamentis Librorum . . . LiPsiAE, Ex Officina Langenhemiana, 1756. 234 pp., [3] 1. il., 5 folded pi. sq. O. 150 I WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 249. STOCKBAUER, J[acob]. Abbildungen von MUSTEREINBANDEN ADS DER BlUTHEZEIT DER BuCH- BINDERKUNST, IN LiCHTDRUCK AUSGEFUHRT VON A. NaUMANN & SCHROEDER . . . LEIPZIG, AdOLF TiTZE, [1881]. 13 pp. 40 pi. of facsim. F. In portfolio. HISTORY Modern 250. BERALDI, Henri. La Reliure du XIXe sAcLE. Paris, L. Conquet, i895[-97]. 4 vols, front., il., 283 pi. (partly tinted), 8 por. on 2 pi. facsim. Q. "Exemplaire offert au Grolier Club de New York." 251. FRITZSCHE, GusTAV. Moderne Buch- EINBANDE. SaMMLUNG KUNSTLERISCHER OrIGINAL- EnTWURFE ZUR OrNAMENTIRUNG VON BUCHDECKEN. . . Leipzig, G. Fritzsche, 1878. [3] 1. colored t.-p. 24 colored pi. of facsim. F. 252. GOEBEL, Theodor. Moderne kunstler- iscHE BucHEiNBANDE. 9 facsim. (In: ZEIT- SCHRIFT }ur Bucherjreunde, vol. 5, pp. i55-i57» Bielejeld, 1901.) 253. KERSTEN, Paul. . . . Ganzleinenbande, LiEFERUNG I. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1906. 7 mounted patterns for cloth bindings. F. (Moderne Entwiirfe fiir Bucheinbande, 2.) 254. MARIUS-MICHEL. L'Ornementation des Reliures modernes. Par Mm. Maritjs Michel, relieurs doreurs. Paris, Marius Michel et Fils , 1889. [2]1., 87 pp.,[i]l. IS pi. of facsim., plans. O. No. 89 of 300 copies. 255. MATTHEWS, William. Modern Book- binding practically considered, a lecture read BEFORE the GrOLIER CluB OF NeW YoRK, MaRCH 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations. New York, The Grolier Club, 1889. [i] 1., 96 pp. colored front., 8 tinted pi. of facsim. Q. One of 300 copies on Holland paper. (Grolier Club. Publications, No. 10.) Also one of three copies on vellum. 151 THE GROLIER CLUB 256. PRIDEAUX, S[arah] T[reverbian]. Modern Bookbindings; their Design and Decoration. London, A. Constable & Co., 1906. x, 131 pp. front., pi. of facsim. O. Contents: Modern English Binding. — Modern French Binding. — Edition Binding. 257. TWENTIETH Century Cover Designs, Arranged, compiled, printed and published by Victor H. and Ernest L. Briggs. Plymouth, Mass., 1902. [2] 1., 59 pp., [24] 1., incl. por., facsim. 37 colored pi. of facsim., initials, tail-pieces. F. Articles byF. M. Sheldon, F. F. Helmer,W. G. Bow- doin, F. J. Pfister, Harold Helmer, E. S. Ralph, J. S. Hodge, George French, and R. R. Adams. 258. UZANNE, [Louis] Octave. L'Art dans la DECORATION extErieure des Livres*, les Cou- VERTURES illustrees; les Cartonnages d'Editeurs, LA Reliure d'Art. Paris, Societe francaise d'Sdi- tions d'Art, L. H. May, 1898 [1897]. [3] 1., vi, 272, [2] 1. pi., facsim. (partly tinted), head- and tail-pieces, initials, cover illustration, in colors. Q. No. 39 of 60 copies on Japan paper. 259. BiBLioPHiLiE moderne; ses Origines, SES Etapes, ses Formes actuelles {In: BIBLIO- GRAPHICA, vol. I, pp. 63-81. London, 1895.) 260. La Reliure moderne artistique et fantaisiste . . . Illustrations reproduites d'apres les originaux, par p. Albert-Dujardin et DESSINS ALLEgORIQUES DE J. ADELINE, G. FrAIPONT, A. Giraldon; frontispice de Albert Lynch, grave; PAR Manesse. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1887. [2] 1., viii, 263 pp., [2] 1. front., pi. of facsim. Q. HISTORY America 261. ANDREWS, William Loring. Bibliopegy IN THE United States, and kindred subjects. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902. xix, [i] pp., [i] 1., 128, [i] pp., incl. engr. t.-p., il., pi. of facsim. (partly colored), vignettes, head- and tail-pieces. O. One of 141 copies on Van Gelder paper. 152 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 262. DU BOIS, Henri P^ne. American Book- bindings IN THE Library of Henry William Poor . . . illustrated in gold-leaf and colors by Ed- ward BiERSTADT. New York, George D. Smith, 1903. [8] 1., 77 pp. colored front., 38 colored pi. of fac- sim. O. One of 35 copies on Imperial Japan paper. Dedicated to the Grolier Club. HISTORY England 263. DUFF, Edward Gordon. The Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders of York up to 1600. (In: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transac tions, vol. 5, pp. 87-107. London, 1901.) 264. The Printers, Stationers and Book- binders OF Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. Cambridge, University Press, 1906. [6] 1., 256 pp. pi. of facsim. D. 265. FLETCHER, William Younger. English Bookbindings in the British Museum; illustra- tions OF sixty-three examples selected on ac- count of their beauty or historical interest; WITH introduction AND DESCRIPTIONS BY WiLLIAM Younger Fletcher . . . the plates printed in FACSIMILE BY W. GrIGGS, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHER TO Her Majesty, the Queen. London, Kegan Paul, 1895. xvii pp., [65] 1. 56 colored pi. of facsim. F. No. 267 of 500 copies. 266. GIBSON, Strickland. Early Oxford Bindings. Oxford, University Press, 1903. [4]!., 69 pp., [i] 1. 40 pi. sq. Q. (Bibliographical So- ciety. Illustrated monographs, No. 10.) 267. GRAY, George J. The earlier Cambridge Stationers & Bookbinders and the first Cam- bridge Printer. Oxford, University Press, 1904. [v]-xv, 8i,[i] pp. 284-1 pi. of facsim. Q. (Bibliographi- cal Society. Illustrated monographs. No. 13.) 268. NICHOLS, John. Literary Anecdotes of the eighteenth century . . . London, Nichols, i8i2[-i5]. 9 vols, front., por. O. (See index in vol. "jf under names of binders.) 153 THE GROLIER CLUB 269. PARKES, KiNETON. The Sutherland Bind- ing. A DESCRIPTION AND APPRECIATION . . . TO- GETHER WITH AN ILLUSTRATION IN COLOR, AND THREE OTHERS. NeWCASTLE-UNDER-LyME. PRINTED FOR Private Circulation. 1900. 15 pp. colored front., 3 pi. of facsim. Q. 270. SOME MINOR ARTS AS PRACTISED IN ENGLAND. By A. H. Church . . . W. Y. Flet- cher ... J, Starkie Gardner, Albert Harts- horne . . . and C. H. Read . . . New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1894. viii, 82 pp. il., pi. (partly col- ored)., facsim. F. Pp. 8-26 : English Bookbinding, by W. Y. Fletcher. HISTORY France 271. BAUCHART, Ernest Quentin. Coup d'oeil sur les plus beaux specimens de la Reliure Franqaise aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe sAcles. Paris, Techener, 1896. 34 pp. O. One of 40 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Bibliophile. 272. BAUDRIER, [Henri Louis] & J. Bibligg- raphie lyonnaise. Recherches sur les Impri- MEURS, Libraires, Relieurs et Fondeurs de Lettres DE Lyon au XVIe siecle . . . Lyon, Baudrier, 1895 [-1904]. 6 series, front, [por.], il., pi., facsim. (partly folded). Q. 273. CLAUDIN, A[natole]. Les Enlumineurs, LES Relieurs, les Libraires et les Imprimeurs de Toulouse aux XVe et XVIe siecles (1480-1530) . . . Paris, Claudin, 1893. 67 pp. O. One of 100 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Bibliophile. 274. Les Llbraires, les Relieurs et les Imprimeurs deToulouse au XVIe siecle (1531-1550) . . . Paris, Claudin, 1895. 70 pp. facsim. O. One of 100 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Biblio- phile. 275. DEROME, L[eopold]. Le Luxe des Livres. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1879. xii, 140 pp. D. One of 100 copies. (See pp. 78-86.) * 154 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 276. La Reliure de luxe; le Livre et l'Amateur . . . Illustrations rtrfiDiTES, repro- duites d'apr^s les types originaux par Aron Freres, et Dessins de G. Fraipont. C. Kurner, M. Ferret, frontispice Reliure peinte par J. Adeline. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1888. 246, v, [i] pp., [i] 1., incl. folded front. 64 pi. of facsim, with descrip- tions on paged tissues, head- and tail-pieces, initial letters. Q. Engraved covers bound in. No. 615 of 900 copies. 277. DIBDIN, Tho[mas] Frognall. A biblio- graphical, antiquarian and picturesque Tour in France and Germany. London, Shakspeare Press, 182 i. 3 vols, il., pi., por. Q. Vol. 2, pp. 380-422 : Letter XXX [Containing the ac- count of French binding answered by Lesn^, in his Lettre d'un Relieur }ran(ais a un Bibliophile anglais.] 278. Lettre Trentieme, concernant l'Imprimerie et la Librairie de Paris, traduite de l'Anglais, avec des Notes, par G. A. Crapelet, Imprimeur. Paris, Crapelet, 182 i. [2] 1., viii, 71 pp. Q. 279. DOREZ, LioN. Notes sur les Llbraires, Relieurs, Enlumineurs, Papetiers & Parchemi- NIERS JURES DE l'UnIVERSIt£ DE PaRIS. ExTRAITES des Memoriaux de la Faculty de Decret (1404- 1524). {In: REVUE des Bibliotheques, vol. 16, pp. 145-172. Paris, 1906.) 280. EYLAC, D' [Pseudonym of Baron Anatole deClaye.] La Reliure de 1879 a 1899. In:{ALMAN- ACH du Bibliophile. . . . 1899. pp. 185-194. Paris, 1899.) 281. FLETCHER, W[illiam] Y[ounger]. Book- binding IN France. London, Seeley & Co., 1894. 80 pp. colored front, and pi., facsim. O. (The Port- folio monographs on artistic subjects. No. 10.) Also the reissue of 1905. 282. FOURNIER, fioouARD. L'art de la Reli- ure EN France aux derniers sAcles. Paris, J. Gay, 1864. [2] 1., 23s pp. D. No. 243 of 300 copies. 15s THE GROLIER CLUB 283. GRUEL, Leon. Manuel historique et BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE DE l'AmATEUR DE ReLIURES. Paris, Gruel & Engelmann, 1887. [3] 1., 186 pp." [ i] 1. il., pi. of facsim. (partly folded and colored). F, No. 598 of 1,000 copies. 283a. Deuxieme partie. Paris, L60N Gruel, iqos. [2] 1., 186 pp., [i] 1. colored front., il., pi. of facsim. F. No. 175 of 700 copies. 284.. LACROIX, Paul, FOURNIER, :fiDOUARD, & SER;^, Ferdinand. Le Livre d'Or des Metiers. HiSTOIRE DE L'ImPRIMERIE ET DES ArtS ET PROFES- SIONS QUI SE RATTACHENT A LA TyPOGRAPHIE (CaLLI- GRAPHIE, EnLUMINURE, PaRCHEMINERIE, LiBRAIRIE, GrAVURE, SUR BOIS ET SUR MilTAL, FONDERIE, PaPE- TERIE ET ReLIURE) , . . PaRIS, SeR^ , l8S2. [2] 1., l6o pp., il., 19 pi. Q. 285. LACROIX, Paul. Melanges blbliograph- iques, par p. L. Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris, Li- BRAIRIE DES BIBLIOPHILES, 1871. [2] 1., iv, 280 pp. O. No. 36 of 310 copies. Pp. 1-26 : Essai historique sur la Reliure en France depuis le XVIe siecle. 286. LESNE [Mathurin Marie]. Lettre d'un Relieur franqais a UN Bibliographe anglais . . . Paris, Crapelet, 1822. 28 pp, Q. (Also in his: La Reliure. Seconde edition. Paris, 1827, pp. 271- 296.) An answer to Dibdin's criticism of French bookbind- ing, in his Biographical . , , Tour in France. 287. LHOTE, Am^dee. Histoire de l'Impri- merie A chalons-sur-marne : notices biographiques ET BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES SUR LES IMPRIMEURS, LiBRAIRES, Releeurs ET Lithographes ( 1 488-1 894) . . . Cha- lons-sur-Marne, Martin FRfeRES, 1894. xii, 232 pp., [i] 1. colored front., pi. of facsim. (partly folded). Q. Np. 74 of 210 copies. 288. [LOTTIN, Augustin Martin de St. Ger- main.] Catalogue chronologique des Libraires- Impriueurs de Paris, depuis l an 1470 . . . jusqu'X present . . . Paris, Jean-Roch Lottin de S. Ger- main, 1789. 2 vols, in I. S. 156 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 289. NODIER, Charles. De la Relitjre en France Au Dix-NEUviEME siECLE. (In: BULLETIN du Bibliophile, ser. i, 8 pp., following no. 6. Paris, 1834-) 290. PEIGNOT [£tienne] Gabriel. Varietes, NOTICES ET Raretes blbliographiques; recueil FAISANT SUITE AUX CuRIOSITES BEBLIOGRAPHIQUES. Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1822. xi, [i], 136 pp. O. One of 300 copies. Pp. 1-3 1 : [Lettre . . . sur la Traduction de la Trent- ieme Lettxe, tiree du Voyage de M. Dibdin, par M. Crapelet.] Pp. 25-30 relate to Dibdin's criticism of French binding. 291. [PICHON, Jer6me Frederic, Baron.] Bib- liophiles & Relieurs. (In: BULLETIN du Biblio- phile. Octobre, 1906, pp. 385-398; Novembre, 1906, pp. 425-443. Paris, 1906.) 292. & VICAIRE, Georges. Documents POUR SERViR X l'histoire des Libraires de Paris, 1486-1600 . . . On Y A JOINT DES renseignements sur quelques Bibliophiles, sur des Doreurs sur cuir, Enlumineurs, Imprlmeurs, Fondeurs de Carac- TERES, Papetiers, Parcheminiers, Relieurs de cette MEME :fipoQUE . . . Paris, Techener, 1895. [2] 1., vii, 294 pp.,[i]l. 2 pl.,facsim. O. 293. PRIDEAUX, Sarah T[reverbian]. French Binders OF To-day. 1896. pp. 361-370. facsim. O. From Scribner's Magazine, vol. 17. (Also, greatly en- arged, in her: Bookbinders and their Craft. London, 1903, pp. 109-162.) 294. RENOUARD, Ph[ilippe]. Documents sur LES Imprimeurs, Libraires, Cartiers, Graveurs, Fondeurs de lettres, Relieurs, Doreurs de livres, Faiseurs de Fermoirs, Parcheminiers et Papetiers ayant exerce a Paris de 1450 a 1600 . . . Paris, H. Champion, 1 90 1, xi, 365 pp., [i] 1. O. 295. ROMME, G[ilbert]. Convention Nation- ale. Rapport . . . au nom du Comit£ dTnstruc- TION PUBLIQUE, sur LES ABUS QUI SE COMMETTENT DANS L'6x£cUTI0N DU DECRET DU l8 DU PREMIER MOIS, 157 THE GROLIER CLUB RELATIF AUX EmBL6mES DE LA FfiODALITf & DE LA ROYAUTE, SUIVI d'uN NOUVEAU DECRET . . . [PaRIS, De l'ImPRIMERIE DE LA CONVENTION, N.D.] lO pp. D. 2g6. [ROSET.l Conversation FAMiLifeRE entre UN Homme de Lettres et un ancien Libraire sur le projet de supprimer les Armoiries, et autres marques de propriety feodale, empreintes sur la RELIURE de TOUS les LiVRES de LA BrBLIOTHfeQUE Nationale. [n.P. N.D.] 48 pp. D. 297. THOINAN, Ernest. Les Relieurs francais. (1500-1800). Biographie critique et anecdotique, PRECEDEE DE l'HiSTOIRE DE LA COMMUNAUTE DES Relieurs et Doreurs de Livres de LA Velle de Paris et d'une Etude sur les Styles de Reliure. Paris, Em. Paul, 1893. vii, 416 pp., [i] 1., incl. 31 pi. of facsim. il., i folded pi. O. No. 236 of 650 copies. Also a large paper copy. No. 31. " Les cent premiers exemplaires ont ete tirees sur format in-4° de fafon a pouvoir etre illustres de planches de reliure." 298. UZANNE [Louis] Octave. Der moderne franzosische Bucheinband; die Kunstler des Maroquinleders. il. facsim. {In: ZEITSCHRIFT filr Biicherjreunde, vol. 5, pp. 409-420. Bielefeld, 1902.) 299. VACHON, Marius. Les Arts et les Indus- tries Du Papier en France . . . 1871-1894. Paris, May & MoTTEROz, [1894]. [3] 1., 246 pp., [i] 1., il., 33 pi. (partly colored.) F. Chapter IX : La Reliure. 300. WERDET, Edmond. Histoire du Livre en France depuis les temps les plus RECULf s jusqu'en 1789 . . . Paris, E. Dentu, i86i[-64.] 4 vols, in 5. D. (See vol. I, pp. 167-172-, vol. 2, pp. 20, 207-208.) . HISTORY Germany 301. GRAUTOFF, Otto. Die Entwicklung der MODERNEN BUCHKUNST IN DeUTSCHLAND. LEIPZIG. H. SeemannNachfolger[i9oi]. [4] 1. ,219 pp. il., pi. (partly colored)., facsim. Q. 158 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 302. GRIMM, Richard. Krefelder Buchein- BANDE. [Followed by 6 facsim.] {In: ZEIT. SCHRIFT jiir Bucherfreunde, vol. 7, p. 507-512- Bielefeld, 1904.) 303. LEONHARD, H. ZuR frage des Gerichts- STANDES DER BUCHHANDLER, -DRUCKER UND -BINDER IN WiTTENBURG UND ANTEREN DEUTSCHEN UnIVERSI- TATSSTADTEN WAHREND DER ZeIT VON C. 1550-173O. (In: DZIA TZKO, Karl, Editor. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis des Schrift-, Buck-, und Bibliothekswesens. Leipzig, 1894, etc., vol. 7, pp. 15-22.) 304. [SCHWENKE, Paui..] Zur Erforschung DER DeUTSCHEN BuCHEINBANDE des 15. UND 16. Jahrhunderts. (In: DZIATZKO, Karl, Editor. Beitrage zur Kenntnis . . . Leipzig, 1894, etc., vol. 4, pp. 114-125.) 305. STOCKBAUER, J[acob, & MAUL, Johan- nes.] La Dorure sur Cuir, Reliure, Ciselure et Gaufrure en Allemagne . . . Paris, E. Rouveyre [n.d.] 2 vols, in portfolio, pi. of facsim. F. No. 15 of 50 copies of the French edition. Contefits. Vol. 1 : Epoque ancienne, cinquante planches . . . Texte ex- plicatif par le Docteur J. Stockbauer. vol. 2: Epoque modeme, quarante planches . . . quarante-huit speci- mens de tons de maroquin . . . Texte explicatif par Johannes Maur, Maitre-Reheur. HISTORY Italy 306. KRISTELLER, Paul. Woodcuts as Bind- ings, pi. of facsim. (7»; BIBLIOGRAPHICA,vol. I, pp. 249-251. London, 1895.) 307. ONGANIA, Ferd[inando], Publisher. L'Arte della Stamta nel Rinascimento italiano. Venezia. Venezia, F. Ongania, 1894. 2 vols, il., pi., facsim. F. f*Vol. I, pp. 103-110; vol. 2, pp. 107-110: Legature di Libri. 159 THE GROLIER CLUB 308. L'Art de l'Imprimerie X Venise. Venise,'F. Ongania, i895[-96]. viii, 228 pp. [i] 1. incl. 10 pi. front, (por.), il., facsim. F. Pp. 217-228: Reliures des Livres. 309. PRIDEAUX, S[arah] T [reverbian]. Early Italian Bindings, facsim, {In: THE BOOK- BUYER, vol. 17, pp. 207-211. New York, 1898. Also, much enlarged, in her: Bookbinders and their craft. London, 1903, pp. 211-266.) INDIVIDUAL BINDERS AND BINDERIES 310. ADAMS, RALPH RANDOLPH. The Book Bindings of Ralph Randolph Adams. Colored front., 2 pi. of facsim. (In: THE LITERARY Collect- or, vol. 5, pp. 82-83. Greenwich, Conn., 1903.) 311. BADIER, Florimond. FLETCHER, Wil- liam Younger. Florimonx) Badier. 2 colored pi. of facsim. {In: BIBLIOGRAPHICA,vol. i, pp. 257- 261. London, 1895.) 312. BEDFORD, Francis. Catalogtje of the choice Library of the late Mr. Francis Bedford, the eminent Bookbinder, comprising . . . exam- ples OF HIS . . . Bibliopegistic Skill . . . [London, 1884.] [i] 1., Ill pp. O. Priced in ink. 313. LILLY, Joseph. Select catalogue of . . . Books . . . bound in the most elegant man- ner ... BY THAT EMINENT ArTIST, Mr. F. BeDFORD . . . London, 1858. [i] 1., 94 pp. O. 314. A catalogue of . . . Books ... IN the most elegant . . . Bindings, by Mr. F. Bedford, and other eminent Binders . . . London, i860, [i] 1., 138 pp. O. 315. BERTHELET, Thomas. DAVENPORT, Cyril. Thomas Berthelet, royal Printer and Bookbinder to Henry VIII, King of England, with special reference to his Bookbindings. Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1901. 102 pp., [i] 1. colored front., pi. (partly colored), facsim. F. One of 252 copies. 160 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 316. CAPfi, Catalogue DES LrvREs . . . la plu- PART EN BELLES ReLIURES ANCIENNES ET MODERNES COMPOSANT LA BlBLIOTHfeQUE DE FEU M. CaPE, AN- cien Relieur . . . Paris, L. Potier, 1868. xvi, 167 pp. O. Priced in ink. Pp. vii-xi : Biography of Cap^, by Jules Janin. 317^. CHAMBOLLE-DURU, [R. S.] Catalogue DE TRES BEAUX LiVRES RICHEMENT RELIES PROVENANT DE FEU M. Chambolle-Duru, Relieur. Paris, A. DuREL, 1899. 3 pts. in I vol., paged continuously (94 pp.) O. All the books in the collection were bound by M. Chambolle-Duru. 318. CHIVERS, Cedric. Bookbindings at the St. Louis Exhibition, 1904 . . . Decorative Bind- ings; a NEW treatment for OLD Books; Vellucent Illumination; Suggestions for shelving and pre- serving HEAVY Books. [New York, 1905.] [16] 1. colored front., facsim. sq. Q. 319. A NEW method of preserving old Bookbindings, or of rebinding old Books, pi. of facsim. (/»; THE LIBRARY, New series, vol. 6, pp. 208-211. Lottdon, igo 5.) Also bound separately. 320. WOLFSTEIG, A. Vellucent. (In: ZENTRALBLATT filr Bibliothekswesen, vol. 22, pp. 205-206. Leipzig, 1905.) 321. CLUB BINDERY. The Club Bindery. {In: THE BOOKMAN, vol. II, pp. i5g-i6i. London, 1900.) 322. GROLIER CLUB. An Exhibition OF SOME OF THE LATEST ARTISTIC BINDINGS DONE AT THE Club Bindery . . . New York, The Grolier Club, 1906. 47 pp. S. 323. COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. The Art of Binding. An interview with Mr. Cobden-Sander- SON. facsim. (7«; THE STUDIO, vol. 2, pp. 53-56. London, 1896. 161 THE GROLIER CLUB 324. BooiCBiNDiNG. With Illustrations FROM Books bound by the Writer . [London, 1891.] pp. 323-332. il., facsim. Q. From The English Illustrated Magazine, January, 1891. COLLET, Mary. See LITTLE GIDDING. DOVES' BINDERY. See COBDEN-SANDER- SON. FERRAR FAMILY. See LITTLE GIDDING. 325. GOSDEN, Thomas. ANDREWS, William LoRiNG. An English XIX century Sportsman, Bibliopole and Binder of Angling Books New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1906. xvii, [i] pp., [i] 1., 59, [i] PP-, [2] 1., 8 pp., incl. t.-p., pi., facsim. (partly tinted). 0. One of 125 copies on Van Gelder paper. 326. GRUEL, L£oN. Exposition Universelle de Chicago, 1893. Catalogue des Reliures de style et Objets artistiques en Cuir cisel:^ exposes par Leon Gruel . . . Paris, [1893]. [34] 1-, incl. il., fac- sim. D. 327. KYSTER, Anker. Anker KystersBogbind . . . Kjobenhavn, 1901. [14] 1., il., facsim. O. Articles by Vilh. Brunn, Octave Uzanne, Georg Brochner and Eduard Grosse. 328. LA GORGE, Barth£lemy de. [CLAUDIN, Anotole.] Barthelemy de La Gorge, Libraire, Relieur et Marchand Mercier a Grenoble (1516- 1522). [Chateaudun, 1892.] 7 pp. O. Reprinted from Bulletin du Bibliophile. 329. LITTLE GIDDING. DAVENPORT, Cy- ril. Little Gidding Bindings, il., 4 colored pi. of facsim. (In: BIBLIOGRAPHICA, vol. 2, pp. 129- 149. London, 1896.) 330. Three recently discovered Bindings with Little Gidding Stamps, pi., facsim. (/».- THE LIBRARY, New Series, vol. i, pp. 205-212. London, 1900.) 162 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 331. FERRAR, Nicholas. The Story Books of Little Gidding, from the original Manu- script OF Nicholas Ferrar, with an Introduction BY E. Cruvvys Sharland. New York, Button, 1899. Iv., 291 pp. front., pi., per., facsim. O. 332. LORTIC [Marcelin]. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Lortic, Relieur-doreur . . . Livresraresetcurieux, anciensetmodernes, la plupart couverts de riches Reliures executees PAR M. Lortic, dont plusieurs en mosaique. Paris, Em. Paul, 1894. apts.inivol. O. 333. MAGNIN, Lucien. GIRAUD, J. B. Lu- ciEN Magnin, Relieur lyonnais, 1 849- 1 903 . . . Lyon, 1905. [2] 1., 36 pp., [i] 1. front, (por.), 80, pi. of facsira. Q. No. 30 of 125 copies on Imperial Japan paper. 334- MAGNUS OF AMSTERDAM. WILLEMS Alphonse. Les Elzevier . . . Bruxelles, G. A. Van Trigt, 1880. ccUx, 607 pp. colored front., pi., facsim., tab. O. (See pp. 389-391, with plate.) 335. MATTHEWS, Willlvm. Catalogue of the Library of the late William Matthews, the well- known Book-binder . . . New York, [1897]. 87 pp. front, (por.) O. Priced in ink. 336. [AVERY, Samuel Putnam.] William Matthews, colored front, and pi. of facsim. {In: THE BOOK-LOVERS' ALMANAC for 1897- PP- 55-57. New York, 1897.) 337- MEARNE, Samuel. [DAVENPORT, Cy- ril.] The Bindings of Samuel Mearne and his School. 4 colored pi. of facsim. (In: BIBLIOGRAPH- IC A, vol. 3, pp. 129-141. London, 1897.) See also No. 343. 338. MEUNIER, Charles. SCRIBNER'SSONS, Charles. A brief list of a remarkable collection of artistic fine Bindings from the Atelier of Charles Meunier of Paris . . . [New York, 1902.] 28 pp. S. 163 THE GROLIER CLUB 339. DODD, MEAD & CO. A handy LIST OF AN EXHIBITION OF BINDINGS BY Mr. ChARLES Meunier, OF Paris • . . New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., [1907.] [i] 1., iv, 26 pp. D. 340. PAYNE, Roger. ANDREWS, William Lor- ING. Roger Payne and his Art; a short account of his Life and Work as a Binder. New York, TheDeVinne Press, 1892. 35,[i]pp. front, (por.), pi. offacsim. (partly colored.) O. One of 120 copies on Holland paper. Bound by Pomey. Also one of ten copies on Japan paper. Bound at the Doves' Bindery. 341. [BYERLEY, John Scott, Compiler.] Relics of Literature. By Stephen Collett, A.M. London, Thomas Boys, 1823. [i] 1., xiv. pp., [i] 1., 400 pp. folded front. O. Pp. 2 10-2 1 1 : Roger Payne. 342. [CLARKE, William.] A Dialogue IN THE Shades . . . Diary of Roger Payne, with a lithographed sketch of the monument to be erected to his memory by the Bibliomaniacal Club. London, Clarke, 182 i. [is]1. il., i pi. Q. 343. DAVENPORT, Cyril. Roger Payne and his indebtedness to Mearne. I colored pi. of facsim., il. (In: BIBLIOGRAPHICA, vol. 3, pp. ZTi-zn- London, 1897.) 344. DOBSON, [HenryT Austin. The two Paynes, il. facsim. {.In: THE STUDIO, vol. 2, pp. 155-158. London, 1894.) 345- PLANTIN, Christopher. GRUEL, L£on. Notice sur Christophe Plantin, Relieur A Anvers (1514-1590) , . . Paris, Cercle de la Librairie, 1891. II pp. 2 facsim. O. 346. PRIDEAUX, S[arah] T[reverbian]. A Cata- logue OF Books bound by S. T. Prideaux between MDCCCXC and MDCCCC with twenty-sdc illus- trations. [London, Printed by S. T. Prideaux AND K. Adams, 1900.] [3] 1., 20 pp., [i] 1., 26 pi. of fac- sim. O. No. 61 of 200 copies. Another copy, No. 127, bound by Miss Prideaux. 164 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 347. RUBAN, Petrus. Album de 102 Reproduc- tions DE Reliures d'Art et de Demi-Reliures fan- TAisiE DE Petrus Ruban. [Paris, 1898.] [3] 1. pi. of facsim. ob. O. 348. TRAUTZ, Geroge, called TRAUTZ-BAU- ZONNET. BEHAGUE, Octave, Comte de. Cat- alogue. Paris, Porquet, 1880. 2 pts. in i vol. O. Priced in ink. Pt. I, pp. xxii-xxiii. Liste des Reliures a Mosaique executees par Trautz-Bauzonnet (Annees 1838 a 1878.) (Also in: BAUCHART, E. Q. Ales livres. Paris, 188 1, pp. xi-xiii; a similar list is in the Grolier Club's Catalogue of an Exhibition of recent Bookbindings . . . 1891, pp. 60-61.) 349. [BRUNET, Pierre Gustav.] Biblio- mania IN THEiPRESENT DAY IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND . . . From the French of Philomneste junior; with a notice and portrait of Trautz-Bauzonnet. New York, J. W. Bouton, 1880. 141, ix pp. (incl. advertising matter), front, (por.) 350. RUBLE, [J. E. A.]. Baron de* Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux composa nt le Cabinet de feu M. le Baron Ruble . . . Paris, Em. Paul, 1899. xvi, 192 pp. facsim. Q. 351. VOLCKMAR, F. [KUHL, Gustav.] Neue Bucheinbande (Separatabdruck aus DEM Dezem- berheft der Decorativen Kunst.) Verzeichnis VON Buchern in modernen F. Volckmar'schen Ein- banden . . . [Leipzig, n.d.] [8] 1. colored pi. of fac- sim. Q. 352. WOMEN BINDERS. Catalogue of the first Exhibition of Bookbinding by Women; with AN Introductory Note by Curzon Eyre; held at 61 Charing Cross Road, London, W. C, by arrange- ment with Messrs. Karslake & Co. [London, 1898.] vi, 17, [i] pp. colored front., 6 pi. of facsim. O 353. GUILD OF. KARSLAKE & CO. Books and Bindings from the Guild of Women Binders and the Hamstead Bindery offered for sale . . . [London, n.d.] [i] 1., xii, 42 pp. front. S. Pp. iii-ix: Artistic Bookbindings by Women, by Frank Karslake. 165 THE GROLIER CLUB 354. Guild of Women Binders, 61 Charing Cross Road, London, W. C. [London, 1898.] 16 pp. pi. of facsim. T. 355. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. Catalogue of Bindings by the Guild of Women- Binders AND THE HaMSTEAD BiNDERY . , . WHICH WILL BE sold at AuCTION . . . DECEMBER [l6], IQOI. [London, 1901.] 18 pp. 3 colored pi. of facsim. O. Priced in ink. PRACTICAL BOOKBINDING 356. ADAM, Paul. Das Marmorieren des BUCHBINDERS AUF SCHLEIMGRUND UND IM KlEISTER- verfahren . . . Halle, a. S., W. Knapp, 1906. vi pp., [i], 1., 72 pp., [2] 1., il., table, samples of marbled paper. O. (Lehrbiicher ber Buchbinderei, 2.) 357. Das sinngemasse Restaurieren al- ter Einbande. {In: ZEITSCHRIFT jur Bucher- Jreunde, vol. 7, pp. 499-506. Bielefeld, 1904.) 358. SySTEMATISCHES LeHR- UND Hand- buch der Buchbinderei und der damit zusammen- hangenden Facher in Theorie und Praxis . . • Dresden, [1885.] 999, [i] pp. il. facsim., samples of marbled paper. Q. Supplement . . . Dresden. [1891] [2.] 1., 78 pp. il., 4 pi. with samplesof end papers. O. Bound together. 359- AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Papers prepared for the World's Library Con- gress HELD AT THE COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. EDITED BY Melvil Dewey. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896. [2] 1., 691-1014 pp. O. (U. S. Bureau of Education. Whole number 224.) Pp. 907-916 : Elements of Library Binding, by D. V. R. Johnston. 360. Report of the Committee on Book- binding. {In: THE LIBRARY Journal, vol. 31, Nar- ragansett Pier Conference, pp. 130-139. New York, 1906.) 166 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 361. THE ART OF BOOKBINDING ; containing A DESCRIPTION OF THE ToOLS, FORWARDING, GlLDING AND Finishing, Stationery Binding, Edge-color- ing, Marbling, Sprinkling, &c.. &c., London, Bald- win, Cradock & Joy, 1818. iv, 92 pp. front. D. Pasted to the, front cover is a piece of calf skin, with sample impressions of various stamps. 362. BONNARDOT, A[lfred]. De la Repara- tion DES VIEILLES RELIURES; COMPLEMENT DE l'EsSAI SUR l'Art DE restaurer les Estampes et les Livres ... Paris, Castel, 1858. 70 pp., [i]l. D. 363. THE BOOKBINDER'S MANUAL: contain- ing A FULL DESCRIPTION OF LEATHER AND VeLLUM Binding; also. Directions for Gilding of Paper and Book-edges, and numerous valuable Recipes for Sprinkling, Colouring and Marbling: together with a scale of Bookbinders' charges; a list of ALL the Book and Vellum Binders in London, Sic, &c. London, Cowee & Strange, [n.d.]. vi, [71-124 pp., [i] 1. S. BoundwithTheWhole Art of Bookbind- ing. An early work and apparently but little known. 364. THE BOOKBINDERS' PRICE-BOOK, cal- culated FOR THE different MODES OF BINDING, AS agreed upon at a General Meeting of the Trade, IN December, 18 12, at the Crown and Anchor Tav- ern, Strand. To commence January i, 1813. Lon- don, The Associated Masterbinders of London AND Westminster, 1813. [2] 1., 43 pp., [i] (partly folded). D. Bound with The Art of Bookbinding. 365. BOSQUET, £m[ile]. BarI;mes, ou Devis de Travaux de Reliure etablis au moyen DE 48 Tab- leaux . . . INDIQUANT DES PrDC DE ReVIENT . . . PrecEdEs d'une Notice, accompagnEs d'un Tableau DE Reductions sur les Travaux en nombres, d'un Pro jet de Prix-courant et d'une Feuille in-plano SOLEIL DONNANT LES TrACES ET DIMENSIONS DE TOUS DES FORMETS . . . PARIS, ChEZ L'AuTEUR, 1892. lO pp. [i] 1. tables, plan. sq. Q. 366. ■ TrAITE THfeORIQUE ET PRATIQUE DE l'Art du Relieur . . . avec i6 planches hors texte 167 THE GROLIER CLUB ET 17 FIGURES. PaRIS, LiBRAIRIE PoLYTECHNIQUE, 1890. [2] 1., viii, 323, [i] pp. il., pi. of facsim. Q. 367. BRADE, L[udwig] . . . Illustriertes-Buch- binderbuch . . . Dritte ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage . . . VON Robert Metz . . . Hallea.S., W. Knapp, 1882. viii, 461 pp. il. O. 368. ViERTE VOLLSTANDIG NEU BEAR- beitete Auflage von Hans Bauer . . . Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1904. xviii, 440, 24 pp. il., 5 pi. contain- ing 20 examples of marbling, facsim. O. 369. BRADLEY, W. A. Blind-stamping for Book Covers, il. {In: THE PRINTING ART,vol. 3, pp. 105-111. Cambridge, Mass., 1904.) Also bound separately. 370. CIM[OCHOWSKI], Albert [AntoineI . . . UnE BiBLIOTHEQUE . . . PaRIS, E. FlAMMARION, I902. xii, 488 pp. O. Pp. 1 1 9- 1 64: La Reliure. 371. Le LivRE . . . Paris, E. FlAMMARION, 1905, ETC. 3 vols, (unfinished), il., facsim. D. Vol. 3, Chapter V: La Reliure. 372. COCKERELL, Douglas. Bookbinding and THE Care of Books . . . London, J. Hogg, 1901. [iii]-xvi, 17-341, [i] pp., incl. front., il. pi. D. (The Artistic Crafts Series of Technical Hand books. No. i.) 373- CONFERENCE OF LIBRARIANS, LON- DON, 1877. Transactions and proceedings. Lon- don, Chiswick Press, 1878. xi, 276 pp. Q. 374. CRANE, W. J. E. Bookbinding for Ama- teurs . . . London, L. Upcott Gill [1885]. vi pp., [i]l., 184, pp. il. O. 375. DANA, John Cotton. A Library Primer. Chicago, Library Bureau, 1899. 180 pp., [5]!. il. D. Chapter XXVII : Binding and mending. 168 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 376. Notes on Bookbinding for Libra- ries. Chicago, Library Bureau, 1906. 114 pp. [2] 1., incl. front, il. D. Pp. 1 1 2-1 14: A few of the best Books on Bookbind- ing, Paper and Leather. 377. DUDIN. L'Art du Relieur de Livres. [Paris,] 1772. [i] 1., iv, 112 pp. 16 pi. F. Written at the command of the Academic Royale des Sciences for the Description generate des Arts et Metiers. 378. EARLY PRICES FOR BOOKBINDING- (In: THE ANTIQUARY, vol. 13, pp. 35-6, 83, 131. London, 1886.) 379. ENCYCLOPfiDIE Methodique. [Articles divers des Arts et Metiers.] 2 vols, (one containing the text and the other the plates). Q. Binders' title. These volumes are formed by taking a number of articles, including Reliure, out of a set of the Encyclope- die Methodique, and rebinding them. 380. GRAESEL, Arnim. Handbuch der Biblio- THEKSLEHRE. ZwEITE . . . AUFLAGE der " GrUND- zuege der bibliothekslehre, neubearbeitung von Dr. Jul. Petzholdts Katechismus der Bibliotheks- lehre" , . . Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1902. x, 583, [i] pp. il., pi., plans. O. Pp- 377~392. Vom Binden der Buecher. 381. [HANNETT, John.] Bibliopegia; or. The Art of Bookbinding, in all its Branches ... by John Andrews Arnett. London, R. Groombridge, 1835. iv, 212 pp. front., 8 pi. S. Ten pages of addenda are bound with this : " Consid- erable additions and illustrative embelUshments have been incorporated in the second [edition]. These, with a few emendations, are here printed separately, for the use of former purchasers of the work." 382. HATTON, Joseph. Printing and Book- binding. (In: BEVAN, G. P., Editor. British Manu- facturing Industries. London, 1876, pp. 33-74.) 169 THE GROLIER CLUB 383. JACOBI, Charles Thomas. On the Mak- ing AND Issuing of Books. London, The Chiswick Press, 1891. [6] 1., 70 pp., incl. engr. t.-p. D. One of 435 copies. Chapter VII : The Binding of Books. (Also in his: Some Notes on Books and Printing. London, 1892. pp. 23-26.) 384. The Printers' Handbook . . . Second edition, enlarged and classified. Lon- don, The Chiswick Press, 1891. [iii]-xii pp., [i] 1., 360 pp. D. 385. KERSTEN, Paul. Das Buntpapier und seine Verwendung besonders fur Bucheinbande. 16 il., 6 pi. (/»; ZEITSCHRIFT jur Bucherireunde, vol. 4, pp. 169-179, Bielefeld, 1900.) 386. LENORMAND, [Louis] Seb[astien], & R. NouvEAU Manuel complet du Relieur dans toutes SES Parties . . . Nouvel Edition . . . Paris, Roret, 1853. [2]1., vii, [91-272 pp. 4 folded pi. S. (Manu- als Roret.) 387. [LESNfi, Mathurin Marie.] Lettre d'un Relieur fran^ais aux principaux Imprimeurs Li- braires, Relieurs et Bibliophiles de l'Europe. Paris, Renouard, 1834. 18 pp. O. A notice of Lesne's work at the Exposition of 1834 is bound in. 388. LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . . . Report of Arbitration between the Book- binding Trade Section . . . and the London Socie- ties OF Journeymen Bookbinders . . . London, 1903. [2] 1., 732 pp., [4] 1. O. 389. MATTHEWS, William. Suggestions how to bind our Books. (7»: THE BOOK-LOVER'S ALMANAC foriSgs. pp. 59-66. New York, 1895,) 390. NORDHOFF, Evelyn Hunter. Practical Bookbinding. [Abstract of a Lecture delivered at the Grolier Club on Ladies' Day, April 9, 1897.] il. (/»; GROLIER CLUB. Transactions. Part III. pp. 131- 140. New York, 1899.) 170 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 391. POZZOLI, GiuLio. Nuovo Manuale di TiPOGRAFIA . . . DrITTA EDIZIONE . . . MiLANO, G, Ottino, 1882. [4] 1., lii, 464 pp., [2] 1. il. O. 392. SPOFFORD, AiNswoRTH Rand. A Book FOR ALL Readers . . . Second edition. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. [2] 1., 509 pp. O. 1. Chapter III : The Art of Bookbinding. 393. THE STATIONERS' PRICE LIST for Vel- lum Binding, Ruling and Gilding. London, John Smith, 1825. [16] 1., printed on one side only. D. Bound with The Art of Bookbinding. 394. STEVENS, Henry. Who spoils our new English Books . . . London, H. N. Stevens, 1884 f2o]l. T. 395- THE WHOLE ART OF BOOKBINDING, containing valuable Recipes for Sprinkling, Makbling (sic). Colouring, etc. Oswestry, N. MiNSHALL, 181I. xi, 60 pp. _S. Said to be the earhest EngUsh book on the subject. 396. WOOLNOUGH, C. W. The Art of Mar- bling . . . London, A. Heylin, 1853. viii, [9]-8o pp. 33 examples. S. 397. The whole Art of Marbling . . . London, G. Bell & Sons, 1881. 82 pp., 31 examples. O. 398. ZAEHNSDORF, Joseph W[illiam]. The Art of Bookbinding . . . London, G. Bell & Sons, 1880. xxiv pp., [i] 1., 187 pp. front., il., pi. of facsim. (partly tinted). O. Pp. 167-187 : Glossary of the technical terms and im- plements used in Bookbinding. Another copy, one of fifty printed on large paper for private circulation. Bound by Zaehnsdorf for the GroUer Club. 399. [Reissue of the Second Edi- tion, 1890.] London, G. Bell & Sons, 1900. xix, 190 pp. front., il., pi. of facsim. (partly tinted.) D. (Technological Handbooks, No. 7.) Pp. 173-190: Glossary. 400. The Binding of a Book. London. [1890]. IS, [i] pp.,[7]l. il. S. An advertising pam- phlet. 171 THE GROLIER CLUB LEATHER FOR BINDINGS 401. HULME, E. Wyndham & others. Leather FOR Libraries. London, Library Supply Co., 1905. 57 pp., [i] 1., xiv pp. O. Samples of leather on insides of covers. 402. ROTH, Ernst. Ueber den Zerfall der tEDERNEN BuCHEINBANDEN. (7m; ZENTRAL- BLATT fur Bibliothekswesen, vol. 19, pp. 469-471. Leipzig, 1902.) 403. SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE. Report of the Committee 'on Leather for Book- binding . . . London, W. Trounce, 1901. 20 pp. O. 404. WHEATLEY, Henry Benjamin. Leather FOR Bookbinding. (/»: THE LIBRARY, New ser., vol. 2, pp. 311-320. London, 1901.) MOSAIC BINDINGS 405. KENT, H[enry] W[atson]. Some notes on Mosaic Bookbindings, pi. of facsim. (In: THE BIBLIOGRAPHER, vol. 1, pp. 169-180. New York, 1902.) See also No. 49. ENAMELED BINDINGS 406. LA FIZELIERE, Albert de. Des £maux cloisonnes et de leur Introduction dans la Reliure des Livres. Paris, Aubry, 1870. 16 pp. O. One of 100 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Bouiiuinisle. METAL AND IVORY BINDINGS 407. CRAWFORD, James Ludovic Lindsay, 26TH Earl of. List of Manuscripts and Examples OF Metal and Ivory Bindings from the Biblio- THECA Lindesiana . . . (/«.- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Tran5actions,vol. 4, pp. 213-232. London, 1898.) 172 WORKS ON BOOKBINDING 408. FISCHER, Th. a. The Silver Library of Duke Albrecht of Prussia. {In: THE LITERARY Collector, vol. 9, pp. 157-164. Greenwich, Conn., 1905.) 409. SCHWENKE, Paul & LANGE, K. Die SiLBERBLBLIOTHEK HeRZOG AlBRECHTS VON PrEUSSEN UND SEINER GeMAHLIN, AnNA MaRIA. LEIPZIG, K. W. HiERSEMANN, 1894. [2] 1., 40 pp., [l] 1. il., 12 pi. of facsim. F. See also No. 50. EMBROIDERED BINDINGS 410. DAVENPORT, Cyril. Embroidered Bind- ings OF Bibles in the Possession of the British and Foreign Bible Society. [London, 1904.] Pp. 267- 280, incl.pl. of facsim. F. From The Burlington Magazine. 411. English Embroidered Bookbindings- London, K. Paul, etc., 1899. xxxi, 113 pp. front., pi. of facsim. Sq. O. (The English Bookman's Li- brary, vol. I.) One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 412. English Embroidered Book-covers. acsim. {In: THE STUDIO, vol. 2, pp. 208-212. London, 1894.) 413. King Charles I's Embroidered Bible, pi. of facsim. {In: THE LIBRARY, New ser. vol. I, pp. 373-377. London, 1900.) See also No. 50. BOOK-EDGE DECORATION 414. DAVENPORT, Cyril. The Decoration of Book-edges, il., 4 colored pi. {In: BIBLIO- GRAPHICA, vol. 2, pp. 385-407. London, 1896.) 415. HAMEL, FRANK. The Art of Book-edge Decoration, il. {In: THE BOOK-LOVER'S Maga- zine, vol. 6, pp. 214-223. Edinburgh, 1907.) k 173 THE GROLIER CLUB 416. [SAINT-HERAYE, G. de.] ... La Decora- tion EXTERIEURE DES LlVRES*, TRANCHES CISELEES ET PEiNTES. [Paris, 1892.] pp. 98-105. il. O. From VArt et I'Idee. BOTTLE BINDING 417. GRUEL, L60N. Recherches sur les Re- LIURES-BOUTEILLE. PARIS, LeCLERC, I902. 9 pp. pi. O. One of 100 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Bibliophile. 174 I INDEX TO WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Numbers Adam, Paul i6o, 356, 357, 358 Adams. Charlotte 112 Adams, Ralph Randolph 257, 310 American Bookmaker (The) 6 American Library Association 359, 360 American Printer (The) 6 Andrews, William Loring..84, 113, i6i, 231, 261, 325. 340 Archiv fiir Buchbinderei 7 Archiv fiir Buchgewerbe 8 Amett, John Andrews, Pseudonym. See Han- nett, John. Art (L') et ITdee 23 Art of Bookbinding (The) 361 Asse, Louis Eugene Auguste 91 Aumale, Due d' 85 Avery, Samuel Putnam 2, 76,336 Badier, Florimond 311 Barwell, Noel 162 Barwick, George Frederick 135 Bauchart, Ernest Quentin 73, 86, 271 Baudrier, Henri Louis, & J 272 Bavoillot. See Jolly-Bavoillot. Beauchamps, J. de, Pseudonym. See Le Petit, Jules. Bedford, Francis 312,313,314 Behague, Octave, Comte de 348 Beraldi, Henri 87, 250 Bernard, Auguste Joseph 163, 164 Berthelet, Thomas 315 Biagi, Guido 114 BibUofiha (La) 9 Bibliographer (The) 13 Bibliographica 14 Bibliopegia 381 Bibliophile f ranf ais (Le) 15 BibUoth^conomie 189 Bickell, Ludwig 52, S3 175 THE GROLIER CLUB Numbers Bierstadt, O. A 127 Bigmore, Edward C 233 Blacque, Valentin A 76 Blades, William 165, 166, 167 Bodleian Library (Oxford University) 88, 89, 90 Bonnardot, Alfred 362 Bonnerot, Jean 29 Book Buyer (The) 16 Bookbinder's Manual, (The) 363 Bookbinders' Price-book (The) 364 Booklover (The) 17 Bookmart (The) 18 Bookworm (The) 19 Borovsky, F. A. and Chytil, Karl 66 Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler i Bosquet, fimile 57, 168, 365, 366 Bouchot, Louis Frangois Xavier Marie.. 107, 169, 232, 233, 234 Boulard, S 1 70 Bourbon Family 91 Bowdoin, WilUam Goodrich 257 Brade, Ludwig 367, 368 Bradley, W. A 369 Brassington, William Salt 88, 23s Briggs, Victor H., and Ernest L 257 Briquet, Ap 155 British Museum 92,93, 94, 265 Brochner, Georg 327 Browne, Irving 30, 171 Brunei, Pierre Gustave 115, 172, 173,349 Brunn, Vilh 327 Bulletin du Bibliophile 20 BurHngton Fine Arts Club 39 Byerley, John Scott 341 Caille, Jean de la 174 Canevari, Demetrio 95 Cape 316 Carey, Annie 175 Caxton Club 40 Caxton Head. See Tregaskis. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. See Zentralblatt. Cercle de la Librairie ....41 Chambolle-Duru, R. S 317 176 INDEX TO WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Numbers Chappee, J., Expert, Henri, & Lortic, E ii6 Chatelain, Emile 1 76 Chaumont — Bibliotheque 96 Chicago — World's Fair 42, 326 Chivers, Cedric 318, 3^9, 320 Christie, Richard Copley 137 Chytil, Karl, & Borovsky, F. A 66 Cimochowski, Albert Antoine 370, 371 Clarke, William 74. 342 Claudin, Anatole 273, 274, 328 Claye, Anatole de, Baron .1 280 Clement de Ris, L 75 Club Bindery 321,322 Cobden-Sanderson, T. J 177, 178, 323,324 Cockerell, Douglas 372 Cole, Hamilton 97 CoUett, Stephen, Pseudonym. See Byerley, John Scott. Columbia University Library 2 Conference of Librarians 373 Constantin, L. A. See Hesse. Cousin, Jules 179 Crane, W. J. E 374 Crapelet, Georges Adrien ._ 278 Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Twenty-sixth Earl of 407 Cundall, Joseph 236 Daguin, E 98 Dana, John Cotton 375, 376 Darmstadt-Grossherzoghche Bibliothek 99 Dauze, Pierre 180 Davenport, Cyril.. 18 1, 182, 183, 31s, 329. 33°. 337, 343, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414 De Forest, George Beach 76 Derome, Leopold 275, 276 Des Robert, Edmond, Sz: Mahuet, Antoine de, Comte .81 Destailleur, Hippolyte 100 De Thou, Jacques Auguste. See Thou, Jacques Auguste de. De Vinne, Theodore Low 243 D'Eylac. See Eylac, d'. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall 184, 185, 277, 278 Didot, Ambroise Firmin loi 177 THE GROLIER CLUB Numbers Dobson, Henry Austin 344 Dodd, Mead & Co 339 Dorez, L6on 279 Du Bois, Henri Pene 76, 102, 237, 262 Dudin 377 Duff, Edward Gordon 263, 264 Dutuit Collection 103 Early Prices for Bookbinding 378 Edinburgh — Exhibition of Industrial and Decora- tive Art 43 Edwards, Edward 238 Elton, Charles Isaac, & Mary Augusta 77, 104 Encyclopedie m^thodique 379 Evelyn, John 208 Expert, Henri, Lortic, E., & Chappee, J 116 Eylac, d' 280 Eyre, Curzon 352 Ferrar, Nicholas 331 Fischer, Th. A 408 Fitzgerald, Percy 186 Fletcher, William Younger... 78, 117, 265, 270, 281,311 Floyer, J. K 159 Folious appearances 227 Forrer, R 244 Fountaine, Sir Andrew 105 Foumier, Edouard 282 Fournier, Edouard, Lacroix, Paul, & Sere, Ferdi- nand 284 France — Bibliotheque Nationale 106, 107, 108, 109 Franklin, Alfred Louis Auguste 108, 136 French, Frederick William no French, George 257 Fritzsche, Gustav 251 Fumagalli, Giuseppe 95 Galliera Museum, Paris. See Musee Galliera. Gamett, Richard 245 Gibson, Strickland 89, 266 Giraud, J. B 333 Goebel, Theodor 252 Gosden, Thomas 325 Gosford, Earl of 138 178 INDEX TO WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Numbers Graesel, Amim 380 Grandvoir iii Grautoff, Otto 301 Gray, George J 267 Grevel, H 234 Grimm, Richard 302 Grolier Club.. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 13°. 190, 255, 322 Grolier de Servieres, Vicomte d'Aguisy, Jean. .112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 Grosse, Eduard 327 Grouchy, Ernest Henry 118 Gruel, Leon 60, 283, 283a, 326, 345, 417 Guigard, Joannis i5. 23, 79 Guillet, L 59 Guyot de Villeneuve 124 Hamel, Frank 415 Hamstead Bindery 353,355 Hannett, John 235, 381 Harrisse, Henry 156 Hatton, Joseph 382 Hazlitt, William Carew 187, 188 Helmer, F. F 257 Helmer, Harold 257 Herdeia, Ricardo, Comte de Benahavis 31, 125 Hesse, Leopold Auguste Constantin 189 Hessian Historical Exhibition 52, 53 Hodge, J 257 Hoe, Robert 126, 127, 128, 190 Holmes, Richard Rivington 158 Home, Herbert P 239 Home, Thomas Hartwell 191 Hortzschansky, Adalbert 3 Hoym, Charles Henri, Comte d' 128, 129, 130 Hulme, E. Wyndham, & others 401 Humphreys, Arthur L 192 Inland Printer (The) 10 Jacob, Bibliophile, Pseudonym. See Lacroix, Paul. Jacobi, Charles Thomas 383, 384 Jacquemart, J. F 80 Janin, Jules 316 179 THE GROLIER CLUB Numbers Johnstone, W. B 43 Joline, Adrian Hoffman 193 JoUy-Bavoillot, Charles 76 Karslake &. Co 352,353 Kent, Henry Watson 405 Kersten, Paul 253, 385 Kristeller, Paul 306 Kuhl, Gustave 351 Kyster, Anker 327 Lacarelle, S. de la Roche, Baron 131 Lacroix, Paul 194, 195, 285 Lacroix, Paul, Foumier, Edouard, & Ser^, Ferdi- nand 284 La Croix Laval, Vicomte de 132 La FizeUere, Albert de 406 La Gorge, Barthelemy de 328 Lalanne, Marie Ludovic Chretien 196 Lamp (The) 16 Lang, Andrew 32, 197, 198 Lange, K., & Schwenke, Paul 409 Le Clerc, Louis 96 Lemerre, Alphonse 199 Lempertz, Heinrich 200 Lenormand, Louis Sebastien, & R 386 Leonhard, H 303 Le Petit, Jules, & Rouveyre, Edouard 201 Leprince, Nicolas Thomas 109 Le Roux de Lincy, Adrien Jean Victor 119 Lesne, Mathurin Marie 33,34, 35, 36, 286, 387 Lettre d'un Relieur frangais 387 Lhote Amed^e 287 Librairie franfaise 42, 67 Library (The) 21 Library Journal (The) 22 Libri-Carucci, Gughelmo 133 Lilly, Joseph 313, 314 Little Gidding 329, 330, 33 1 Liverpool Art Club 54 Livre (Le) 23 Livre &. I'lmage (Le) 23a Livre moderne (Le) 23 London — Exhibition of the works of industry of all Nations 55 180 INDEX TO WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Numbers London Chamber of Commerce 388 Longepierre, Hilaire Bernard de Requeleyne, Baron de 134 Lortic, E., Chappee, J., & Expert, Henri 116 Lortic, Marcelin 332 Lottin, Augustin Martin de St. Germain 288 Loubier, Jean 202, 240 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. See St. Louis. Louisy, P 203 Macray, WilUam Dunn 90 M'Creary, J 37 Magnin, Lucien 333 Magnus of Amsterdam 334 Mahuet, Antoine de, Comte, & Des Robert, Ed- mond 81 Maillot, T. J. R. See Richard, Jules. Mairet, F 204 Mari US-Michel 254 Mary, Queen of Scots 135 Matthews, James Brander 120, 241 Matthews, WilUam 231, 255,335,336,389 Maul, Johannes, & Stockbauer, Jacob 305 Mazarin Library, Paris 136 Meame, Samuel 337 Meunier, Charles 338, 339 Michel. See Marius-Michel. Minzloff, C. R 153 Miscellanies bibliographiques 24 Morante, Joachim Gomez de la Cortina, Marquis de 137 Morgan, John Pierpont 138 Morgand & Fatout 139 Miihlbrecht, Otto 205, 206 Miiller, Emile 140 Musee Galliera 56, 57 Naud6, Gabriel 207, 208 Nelson, Charles Alexander 2 Newark (N. J.) Free Public Library 58 Nichols, John 268 Nodier, Charles 289 Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter 390 North, Ernest Dressel 209 Notes and Queries 25 181 THE GROLIER CLUB Numbers Ongania, Ferdinando 307, 308 Orford, Earl of 141 Oxford University Press 62 Paris. Exhibitions 59, 60, 61, 62 Parkes, Kineton 269 Paton, James 210 Payne, J. T 142 Payne, Roger 340, 341, 342, 343, 344 Pearson & Co., J 143, 144, 145, 146 Peignot, Etienne Gabriel.. . .211, 212, 213, 246, 247, 290 Pfister, F. J 257 Philadelphia — Academy of Fine Arts 63 Philadelphia — Centennial Exhibition 64 Pichon Jerome Frederik, Baron 129,130,147,291 Pichon, Jerome Frederik, Baron &Vicaire, Georges 292 Pickering & Chatto 148 Plantin, Christopher 345 Plantin-Moretus Museum 65 Pollard, Alfred William 82 Poor, William Henry 149, 262 Portalis, Roger, Baron 121, 134 Power, John 214 Pozzoli, GiuUo 391 Prague — Kunstgewerbliches Museum 66 Pratt Institute Free Library 4 Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. .5, 215, 242, 256, 293, 309, 346 Printer and Bookmaker (The) 6 Psaume, Etienne 216 Quaritch, Bernard 150, 151 (^entin-Bauchart. See Bauchart, Ernest Quentin. Rahir, fidouard 217 Ralph, E.S 257 Rawlings, Gertrude Burford 218 Reliure (La) 11 Reliiu-es de Grolier (Les) 122 Renouard, Philippe 294 Repertorium Bibliographicum .74 Revue des Bibliotheques 26 Richard, Jules 219 Robert. See Des Robert. 182 INDEX TO WORKS ON BOOKBINDING Numbers Roche Lacarelle. See Lacarelle. Rogers, Horatio 220 Rogers, Walter Thomas 221 Romme, Gilbert 295 Roset 296 Roth, Ernst 402 Rothschild,^ James de, Baron 152 Rouveyre, Edouard 24, 222, 223 Rouveyre, Edouard, & Le Petit, Jules 201 Ruban, Petrus 347 Ruble, J. E. A., Baron 350 Russia — Imperial Library 1 53 Saint-Heraye, G. de 416 St. Louis — Louisiana Purchase Exposition. .67, 68, 318 Sanderson. See Cobden-Sanderson. Schmidt, Adolf 99, 123 Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb 248 Schwenke, Paul 304 Schwenke, Paul, & Lange, K 409 Scribner's Sons, Charles 69, 70, 338 Sere, Ferdinand, Lacroix, Paul, & Foumier, £dou- ard 284 Sharland, E. Cruwys 331 Sheldon, Frederick M 257 Sichler, Albert 224 Slater, John Herbert 225, 226 Smith, H. B 38 Society for the Encouragement of Arts 403 Some minor Arts as practised in England 270 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge 355 South Kensington Museum 154 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand 392 Stationers' Price List (The) 393 Stevens, Henry 394 Stockbauer, Jacob 249 Stockbauer, Jacob, & Maul, Johannes 305 Stradonitz. Stephan Kekule von 83 Studio (The) 27 Tapling, John 227 Techener, J., & Leon 80 Thoinan, Ernest 297 Thou, Jacques Auguste de 155.156 183 THE GROLIER CLUB Numbers Toovey, James 138 Trautz, George, called Trautz-Bauzomiet.348, 349, 350 Tregaskis, James, & Mary Lee 71, 157 Twentieth Century Cover Designs 257 U. S. — Library of Congress 68 Uzanne, Louis Octave. 23, 24, 228, 258, 259, 260, 298, 327 V. A. B. Collection 149 Vachon, Marius 299 Vicaire, Georges, & Pichon, J. F., Baron 292 Volckmar, F 351 Weale, William Henry James 154 Werdet, Edmond 300 Wheatley, Henry Benjamin 229, 404 Whole Art (The) of Bookbinding 395 Willems, Alphonse 334 Windsor Castle — Royal Library 158 Wolfsteig, A 320 Women Binders 352 Women Binders, Guild of 353.354,355 Woolnough, C. W 396, 397 Worcester Cathedral Library 159 Wynants, E. v., & V 72 Wynants, V 59 Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William 398, 399. 400 Zahn, Otto 230 Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde 12 Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen 28 184 I S i «> (^ a. . S '=> I K. » ft < re a- o J? «=^ <& 5 If o ■ 5J M cr o o PC to "^J »- 9 on HH s > I ^ ^ SI U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDE7MTE731 ivil09853 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^