A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS ON ARCHITECTURJ& ANIi THE ALLIED ARTS IN THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES oi- MANCHESTER AND SALFORD WITH ALPHABETICAL AUTHOR LIST AND SUBJECT INDEX EDITED FOR THE JOINT ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE OF MANCHESTER BY HENRY GUPPY, M.A. LIBRARIAN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY AND GUTHRIE VINE, MA. SUB-LIBRAI^IAN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY MANCHESTER : At THE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: B. T. BATSFORD, and SHERRATT & HUGHES 1909 Price 3/6 net; or interleaved, 4 6 net ^\\. LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS ON ARCHITECTURE AND THE ALLIED ARTS B. T. BATSFORD 94 High Holborn, London, W.C. SHERRATT & HUGHES Publishers to the Victoria University of Manchester 34 Cross Street, Manchester, and 33 SoHO Square, London, W. A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS ON ARCHITECTURE AND THE ALLIED ARTS IN THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES OF MANCHESTER AND SALFORD WITH ALPHABETICAL AUTHOR LIST AND SUBJECT INDEX EDITED FOR t THE JOINT ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE OF MANCHESTER BY HENRY GUPPY, M.A. LIBRARIAN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY AND GUTHRIE VINE, M.A. SUB-LIBRARIAN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY MANCHESTER : At THE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: B. T. BATSFORD, and SHERRATT & HUGHES 1909 -V 0.% ue^" CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction . i-xiv Co-operation ix Form of the Catalogue i% The Classification x-xi History of the Dewey Classification x Principles of the Classification xi Modification of the System xi-xii Divergences of Practice .......... xii Location Letters xiv-xv List of Libraries contributing to the Catalogue ...... xv Abbreviations xvi Suggestions for the Preparation of Entries ....... xvii-xviii Scheme of Classification xix-xxv Classified List i-igo Author List 191-298 Subject Index 299-310 188155 INTRODUCTION. The present catalogue, the first of its kind, with the exception of a few union lists of periodicals and incunabula, to be issued either in this country or abroad, is the outcome of a suggestion made early in 1904 at a meeting of the Joint Architectural Committee which is composed of representatives of the University of Manchester, of the Manchester Edu- cation Committee, and of the Manchester Society of Architects. It was pointed out that scattered over the principal libraries of Man- chester and Sal ford there existed a very fine and extensive collection of works on architecture and the allied arts, in which architects, students of architecture, and art workers generally might find almost infinite resources of suggestion and inspiration for their work. Unfortunately, there was no means of determining what each library contained, or even where a par- ticular work could be seen and consulted, otherwise than by a personal visit to the various institutions. As a natural consequence the usefulness of the collections was seriously impaired, and much valuable material was allowed to rest upon the shelves unopened, because nobody knew it was there, for want of a proper catalogue. The value of the suggestion, that a combined, or union, catalogue of this literature should be issued, was at once recognised, and the committee passed the following resolution : — ^' That in the opinion of this Committee it is desirable that steps be taken for the issue of a catalogue of the books on Architecture existing in all the public libraries in the City of Manchester, and that Professors Capper and Tout, and Mr. Charles Rowley be a sub-committee to carry out this suggestion, with Mr. J. H. Reynolds, Principal of the Manchester School of Technology, as convener." At subsequent meetings, held between 1904 and 1906, it was resolved to invite the co-operation of the various authorities, and to request them to furnish a list of all such books in' their respective libraries. The librarians and committees of the different libraries entered very (vii) viii Introduction cordially into the spirit of the proposal, and readily undertook to prepare the necessary lists. For the successful issue of these preliminary negotiations Principal Reynolds is mainly responsible, whilst the general work of editorship, including the determination of the scope of the undertaking, the question of form, and the arrangement of other details was entrusted to the under- signed. The examination of the lists originally submitted, revealed such marked differences in method and style, that it was evident, if uniformity of treatment was to be secured, the revision would have to be most thorough. With a view to ensure the desired consistency the suggestions given on pp. xvii-xviii were printed and circulated. New lists were pre- pared by several of the libraries in conformity with these suggestions, but, for greater security, it was deemed advisable to verify every entry. In a large number of cases the titles have been compared with the books to which they refer. This work occupied a much longer period than was originally anticipated, so that it was not until a considerable time had elapsed, that the task of final co-ordination and revision could be begun. In this work of revision we have been greatly assisted by the librarians and officials of the various institutions, who have met every demand for assistance with ready help and sympathy. It is hoped that the catalogue may be of service not merely to those in whose interest it was primarily undertaken, but also to students of history and topography, as well as to others whose interests are not confined to the technical aspect of the subject. A large number of this class of works has been included, on account of the valuable prints and illustrations, comprising most of the larger county histories, as well as the important monographs on places of antiquarian and historical interest. In the course of the work it was discovered that many important authorities were not to be found anywhere within the area covered by the co-operating libraries, and it occurred to us that a useful purpose might be served by including the titles of such, as "desiderata," with a view to further strengthening the equipment of the libraries in this respect. The suggested titles are distinguished, in both parts of the catalogue, by having an asterisk prefixed to them. It may be well to point out that this catalogue makes no pretension to the fulness which is generally associated with the bibliography of a Introduction ix subject. It is, as the title describes it: "A classified catalogue of the works on architecture and the allied arts in the principal libraries of Manchester and Salford ". At the same time, care has been taken to secure accuracy in the transcription of the titles. This catalogue may be said to mark an epoch in the development of library administration and co-operation, and for that reason it seems desirable to indicate, in a few words, the principles which we have kept before us in determining the scope, form, and arrangement of the volume. Among the most distinctive features of the present Co-operation. ... ^ , , generation is the growing sense ot the great advantages springing in every direction from corporate action, coupled with a keener perception of the disadvantages that inevitably attend the failure to utilise such opportunities of combination as may present themselves. In every department of life the value of co-operation is being increasingly recog- nised as an essential element in the conduct of any undertaking in which one desires to attain the maximum of economy and efficiency. Libraries, which are to a large extent the creation of this age, cannot afford to lag in this matter, and to neglect to avail themselves of so valuable a means of increasing and extending their sphere of usefulness. Yet, hitherto, little has been accomplished, or attempted, in this direction. Libraries have been content to act independently of one another. If a reader unable to find a book in the library where he was working has wished to know whether it could be found in a neighbouring one, too commonly, his only chance of ascertaining the fact has been by means of a personal, and, per- haps, fruitless, visit to the library in question. The loss of time thus entailed on students must, in the aggregate, be very considerable, and any method by which an economy can be effected in this particular should be accepted, and welcomed, as one of the necessary phases of librar}^ development. Form of the I^ was possible to construct the catalogue in two entirely Catalogue. different ways. One method would have been the formation of an alphabetical list of authors, with a subject index to the same. The other course open was to arrange the entries in a logical, or classified, order, and then to supply alphabetical lists of the authors, and of the particular subjects, which were treated in the several works. The former plan, whilst eminently suitable for the catalogue of a large library embracing treatises on a great variety of subjects, is less appropriate in the case of a single section of literature than the classified catalogue. The latter preserves the unity of the subject, and by so doing, X Introduction enables a student to follow its various ramifications with ease and certainty. In the classified catalogue related matter is brought together — juxta- position is intentional, not accidental. The reader turns to one sub- division and round it he finds grouped others which are intimately connected with it. New lines of research are thus in some instances suggested, or opinions based on insufficient data modified and corrected. The The choice of a system of classification is manifestly a Classification, matter of considerable moment, if the aim of this style of catalogue is to be adequately realised. The system should be one that is intrinsically good : it should be of such simplicity as to be easily cap- able of comprehension by persons previously unacquainted with it ; at the same time, in the case of a union catalogue, it is desirable that the co-operating libraries should be thoroughly familiar v.'ith the system. The decimal system of classification originated by Dr. Melvil Dewey, from 1888 to 1906 Director of the New York State Library, was selected as best fulfilling these requirements. Its extensive use throughout Eng- land and the United States affords evidence that its merits are widely recognised. Not the least of these is the fact that the fundamental principles of the scheme never fail to be immediately grasped by those who are for the first time introduced to it. Further, the system is already employed for the purposes of shelf-classification in the John Rylands Library, the Reference Library, the University Library, and the libraries of the Manchester Society of Architects, of the School of Technology, and of Salford. „. This system of classification was originally devised the Dewey about 1 873 by Dr. Dewey, when librarian of Amherst College, Massachusetts, and was first applied to the library of that institution. In 1876 the scheme was published anonymously under the title " A classification and subject-index for cataloguing and arranging the books and pamphlets of a library ". Several editions have appeared since, in which the original scheme has been very greatly ex- tended. The " Institut International de Bibliographic" of Brussels has adopted it as the basis of its system of classification for documents, but with still further amplification. The Dewey system has met with such general approval that it is now the most commonly employed of all forms of book-classification. Though primarily constructed for the arrangement of books on the shelves, the scheme has also been successfully applied to the construction Introduction xi of various catalogues. The "A.L.A. Catalog: 8000 volumes for a popu- lar library," prepared under the editorship of Dr. Dewey and published in 1904 by the Library of Congress, is an excellent example of its adapta- bility for this purpose. „ . . , The distinctive feature of the system is its employment Principles -^ '^ •' of the of the ten digits in their ordinary significance to the exclu- sion of all other symbols — hence the name, decimal system. Letters, which have to be used wholly or in part in other schemes, have no place in the Dewey system. The sum of human knowledge and activity has been divided by Dr. Dewey into ten main classes — o, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These ten classes are each separated in a similar manner, thus making 100 divisions. An extension of the process provides 1000 sections, which can be still further subdivided in accordance with the nature and requirements of the subject. Certain mnemonic features in the scheme contribute to a recol- lection of the significance attaching to the symbols, whilst the very copious index of subjects appended to the classification enables even a novice, in the majority of cases, to discover at once the proper location of any work of which he may be in quest. __ ,.. ^. Yet, in a system, however admirable, that aims at no- Modincations j j ^ of the thing less than the co-ordination of all knowledge, it is ys em. inevitable that there should be some points that appear to require modification. The necessity for these changes is not always due to the inadequate knowledge of the compiler ; frequently it arises from the inability of anticipating with certainty the direction of the current of literature on some subject, and the impossibility of confining its course within the limits that theory might wish to prescribe. Literature, in fact, makes its own channels regardless of the limitations of scientific arrange- ment. Every system of classification, especially the most practical, must be constructed on an intelligent anticipation of the future. Places have to be provided for classes of books that are at present but scantily, if at all, represented. Under such circumstances it is not surprising if schemes need modification in various particulars. It is a striking testimony to the merits of the Dewey system that it has been found possible to apply it with such trifling modifications to so extensive a collection of the literature of a special subject as the present. In illustration of what has been said above, one may draw attention to the section 697 reserved by Dr. Dewey for Heating and Ventilation. In the catalogue it will be found that this heading has been extended for xii Introduction the sake of convenience so as to include the closely related subject of Sanitary Science. Under the heading Residences — 728 — it has been found desirable to make a slightly more important change. According to the strict text of the Dewey scheme 728.1 and its subdivisions are reserved for Tenement Houses. It has been considered advisable to give an entirely new signifi- cance to this symbol, and to place here works on Smaller Residences (including villas, etc.), both town and country, for which no provision has been made elsewhere. The cause of this omission may, perhaps, be at- tributed to the different conditions of life obtaining on this side of the Atlantic, which are naturally reflected in the literature produced here. Divergences ^''^ the practical application of any system of classifica- of Practice. ^-Jqj-^ \^ is almost certain that divergences of opinion will arise as to the proper location of certain books, and, indeed, of classes of books. These discrepancies are due to various causes, such as the character and scope of the library, a different interpretation of the principles of classi- fication, or the individuality of the librarian, which, after all, is the deter- mining factor in the solution of all such problems. Such variations have, needless to say, been found in the course of editing the material supplied by the several libraries. Different symbols have been assigned to the same work. In such cases it has been obviously necessary to choose what seemed the most suitable place in the classifica- tion to the exclusion of the others. In other instances it has seemed possible to assign numbers which were more appropriate than those adopted by any of the libraries. This catalogue is consequently to be regarded as a guide only to the contents of the various libraries, not an index to their shelf-classification. Ecclesiastical One important class of literature, vz's., historical works Architecture. q,-j ecclesiastical architecture, has consistently received treat- ment different from that frequently accorded to it. All such works appear to be commonly assigned to 726 — Ecclesiastical and Religious. In this catalogue that section has been reserved for general treatises. Works on single churches and the churches of a particular country have been put with the place or country, on the principle that ecclesiastical architecture is but the highest form of national architecture. In support of this decision we might quote what Joseph Nash says in the preface to his Architecture of the Middle Ages: "The specimens are mostly ecclesi- astical, as it is in the edifices raised for the solemn purposes of devotion that we have been accustomed in all ages to look for the most splendid Introduction xiii effects of national genius and munifi.cence ". The Parthenon, the Pan- theon, and Westminster Abbey are among the supreme architectural achievements of the several countries in which they have been erected. Domestic Historical treatises on domestic architecture have in the Architecture, game way been placed with national architecture, instead of in the section 728 — Residences. The scope of this section has been confined to works of a more practical character, and such as are intended to provide general designs for the erection of domestic residences. The appropriate- ness and convenience of this arrangement will be sufficiently evident on an examination of the catalogue, as all the historical material is thus kept together instead of being separated as would otherwise be the case. Division This treatment of the historical portion of the literature of Countries, has naturally resulted in bringing together a large number of entries under England, France, and Italy. To avoid any risk of confusion which might arise in consequence, these countries have been divided : England by counties, with other divisions for biography, and general domestic architecture ; France according to the arrangement of the old provinces adopted by Dr. Dewey ; Italy into North, Central, South, and Sicily, with additions for Rome, and Venice. Those in search of informa- tion on a particular locality have an additional help in the subject index, which provides references to all places mentioned in the catalogue. ^- . ^ Works devoted to the study of particular styles of archi- Greek and Roman tecture have been placed in the sections assigned them in the re 1 ec re. j)g^gy classification. To those who may not be familiar with the system, it will not be, perhaps, superfluous to say that whenever works treat both of Greece and Rome, they are classed with the former. As 722.8 is the number for Greek architecture, general treatises on the architecture of the two races will be found there, and not before 722.7, the number for Roman architecture. Repetition of Some works can be regarded from several points of view, Entries. and are of almost equal interest under whichever aspect they may be considered. Halfpenny's Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral Church of York presents an instance of this kind. It is important that this volume should appear along with similar works in 729 — Architec- tural Design and Decoration- — whilst as a contribution to the study ot Gothic architecture it must have a place with books on that subject in 723.52 ; at the same time, it would be misleading for this work not to appear with other books descriptive of the history and antiquities of York in 720.942. In many cases of this kind titles have been repeated so as xiv Introduction to prevent the danger of any one missing valuable material through im- perfect appreciation of the method of the catalogue. . . Capital letters indicate the libraries, as given in the Letters. appended list, where the respective works are to be found. . , . , _ The editors desire to acknowledge their indebtedness to ments. the librarians of the various institutions represented in the catalogue, without whose ready and courteous assistance it would have been impossible for the work to have been satisfactorily completed. They wish further to express their great obligations to the following members of the staff of the John Rylands Library: to Miss M. H. Hunter, for the compilation of the subject-index ; to Mr. Oliver J. Sutton, for help in many ways ; and to Mr. Arthur W. Kiddle, for much valuable assistance, especially in the reading of the proof sheets. If the catalogue meets with sufficient appreciation it is hoped that it may be possible to revise it periodically, and so to allow of the insertion of books published subsequent to its preparation. With this object in view any corrections or suggestions of noteworthy lacunae will be cordially welcomed by the undersigned. HENRY GUPPY. GUTHRIE VINE. The John Rylands Library, Manchester, ^oth yanuary, 1909. LIST OF LIBRARIES CONTRIBUTING TO THE CATALOGUE. A — Manchester Society of Architects, i6 St. Mary's Parsonage. Hon. Secretary (1904- 1909) — G. Colles. B — Manchester Athenaeum, Princess Street. Librarian — J, D. Dickens. C — Chetham's Hospital and Library, Hunt's Park. Governor and Librarian— W . T. Browne. F — Free Reference Library, King Street. Librarian — C. W. Sutton, M.A. L — Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 36 George Street. Assistatit-Secretary and Librarian — A. P. Hunt, B.A. M— Municipal School of Art, All Saints. Clerk and Librarian — A. Home. P — Portico Library and News Room, 57 Mosley Street. Librarian — E. Marriott. R — John Rylands Library, Deansgate. Librarian — H. Guppy, M.A. S — Salford Borough Royal Museum aud Libraries, Peel Park, Salford. Curator a7id Librariaji- — B. H. Mullen, M.A. T — Municipal School of Technology, Sackville Street. Librarian — J. Barnes, M.A. U — Victoria University of Manchester, Oxford Road. Librarian— Q. W. E. Leigh. (xv) b XVI Abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS. Annot. annotator, annotated by Collab. collaborator Comp. compiler, compiled by Contin. continued by Ed. editor, edited by Engr. engraver, engra /ed by Etch. etched by Herausg. herausgegeben Illustr. illustrator, illustrated by Joint-ed. joint-editor. Lithogr. lithographed by Photo-lithogr. photo-lithographed by Pseud. pseudonym Revis. reviser, revised by Trans. translator, translated by Vol. volume. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENTRIES FOR THE CATALOGUE OF ARCHITECTURAL WORKS IN THE LIBRARIES OF MANCHESTER. 1. The commencement of a title should be transcribed in full, with- out abridgment ; and, in the case of a long title, so much of the remainder as may be necessary to clearly indicate the scope of the work. 2. Any omissions made in the transcription of a title should be indicated by three dots (...). 3. If the edition is stated on the title-page, this information should be included in the entry. . 4. (a) The place of publication, (_d) the date or dates, (c) the number •of volumes if more than one, {d) the size, should be given in all cases in the above order. Ex.: London, 1715-20. 6 vols, Fol. 5. When {a) the place of publication, or {b) the date, is supplied from any source except the title-page, the information should be enclosed in brackets. Ex. : \^London\\i'^i(^\ Fol. (It would be of great assist- ance if the source of the information were stated in a note, e.g., " Taken from the wrappers," " From the Dictionary of National Biography I' etc.) In cases where it is impossible to ascertain these particulars, n.p., n.d. to ibe inserted in brackets. Ex. : Middle Hill, [n.d.]. 8vo. 6. Volume. This term should be used in the bibliographical sense, i.e., a book as issued from the press with a separate title-page, and having generally a separate pagination and register — irrespective of the way in which the work may have been subsequently bound. 7. Size. In doubtful cases it is advisable to adopt the size as given in the British Museum Catalogue, or other standard work of reference, so as to prevent a possible multiplication of editions. 8. Anonymous works, or anonymous editions of works the author- ship of which may have been subsequently acknowledged, to be entered under the first word of the title as heading, except topographical works, which are to be catalogued under the name of the place. (xvii) xviii Suggestions 9. Pseudonymous works to be entered under the pseudonym as heading, the author's name when known being added in brackets. Ex. : MacPacke (Jose) pseud, [i.e., James Peacock]. 10. The presence of illustrations in a work to be indicated by the addition of '' Il/uslr." at the end of the imprint. Er. : London, 1867. 4to. Illustr. 11. ia) If the work consists chiefly of plans, views, etc., or {U) if the names of the engravers or illustrators are given on the title-page, this information should be incorporated in the body of the entry. See examples annexed. 12. For other details, see examples annexed. Work printed before 1641. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). M. Vitrvvii de architectvra libri decern nuper maxima diligentia castigati atq ; excusi, additis, lulij Frontini de aqueductibus libris propter materise aflinitatem. [Colophon ;]- Floreiitioc ; per hceredes P. Innfae, 1522. 2 pts. in i vol. 8vo. Illustr. Work consisting chiefly of illustrations. Billings (Robert William). The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated by R. W. Billings . . [and W. Burn]. [A series of plates, with descriptii^e letterpress.] Edinburgh and London, [1848-52]. 4 vols. Fol. Work incorporated in another, but not mentioned on the title-page, Brayley (Edward Westlake). The history and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. . . . Illustrated by J. P. Neale. . . . (An historical and architectural account of King Henry the Seventh's chapel at Westminster. . . .) London, 1818-23. 2 vols. Fol. Monograph on architecture in a series relating to another subject. Lenoir (Albert). Architecture monastique. [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Paris, 1852-56. 3 pts. in 2 vols, 4to. Illustr. Section on architecture in a work upon another subject. Aynsley (Harriet Q. M. Murray). Symbolism of the east and west. . . . London, igoo. 4to. Illustr. *#* Pp. 178-92. Architectural and other customs. Illustrated work with names of engravers. Brewer (James Norris). Delineations of Gloucestershire: being views of the principal seats of nobility & gentry, and other objects of prominent interest in that county. . . . The plates engraved by J. & H. S. Storer, from their own . . . drawings. The historical and descriptive notices by J. N. Brewer. . . . London, [1824]. 4to. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION. 690 691 692 ^93 694 ) Building Construction .... PAGES I-2I .1 Theory I .2 Compends. Manuals 1-3 •3 Dictionaries. Encyclopaedias . . . . . 3 .6 Societies. Exhibitions ..... 3 Materials, Processes. Preservatives yi General. ....... 3-4 .1 Wood 4-5 .2 Natural Stone ....... s •3 Artificial Stone. Concrete .... 5-6 •4 Bricks. Tiles. Other Ceramic Productions 6 •5 Lime. Cement. Plaster .... 6-7 •7 Iron. Steel. Anti-rust Processes . . . . 7 ( Plans, Specifications, etc ' 7-II General 7 .3 Specifications. 8 •4 Contracts. Agreements 8 •5 Estimates. Quantities. Cost 8-10 .6 Superintendence 10 •9 and Contractors ..... 10- 1 1 > Masonry. Plastering. Fire-proofing 12-13 General. 12 .1 Stone Construction 12 .2 Brick Construction . 12 .6 Plastering .... 12 .8 Fire-proofing .... 12-13 Carpentry. Joinery. Stair-build ing . 13-15 General. .... 13-14 .1 Wood Construction : General . 14 .2 Joints of Wood-work. Framing 14 •3 Strengthened Beams 15 •4 Posts. Columns .... 15 .6 Joinery : General . IS •7 Ornamental Joinery. Cabinet-work IS .8 Stair-building ..... • • • IS (xix) XX Scheme of 695 •5 696 •4 .8 697 698 .1 •9 710 714 717 718 Roofino; Iron ....... Plumbing, Gas and Steam-fitting, etc. . General ....... Gas-fitting ...... Rivets and Riveted Joints Other branches ..... Heating, Ventilation, and Sanitary Science General ....... Fireplaces ...... Hot Water: High and Low Pressure Steam : High and Low Pressure Gas ....... Smoke Flues and Chimneys Ventilation. Air Ducts. Conduits. Fans Painting. Glazing. Paper-hanging General . Painting Other branches Landscape Gardening General .... Water. Fountains. Lakes Arbors. Seats. Outlooks Monuments, etc. 720 Architecture (•94 .941 •941! .942 Theories. Esthetics. Architectonics Compends. Manuals Dictionaries. Encyclopsedias Essays. Lectures . Periodicals Societies Education. Study . Polygraphy. Collections Bibliography . History of Architecture General . Europe) . Scotland . Ireland . England : General Biography Domestic . Two or more Counties PAGES 16 16-17 16-17 17 17 17 17-21 17-19 19 19-20 20 20 20 20-21 21 21 21 21 22-25 22 22-25 23 23-190 23-27 27-3S 33-39 39-40 40-41 41-4& 48-49 49-52 50-52 52-116 52-57 57-114 57-5& 58-60 60-97 60-68 68-69 69-71 7* >sifkation xxi PAGES Counties : . . . . . 71-96 Bedfordshire . . . . 71 Berkshire . . . . . 72 Buckinghamshire 72- • Cambridgeshire . . . . 72-74 Cheshire . . . . . 74 Cumberland . . . . 74-75. Derbyshire . . . . 75 Devonshire . . . . 75 Dorsetshire . . . . 75 Durham . . . ■ . 76. Essex . . . . . 76' Gloucestershire . . . . 76-77 Hampshire . . . . 77-78. Herefordshire . . . . 78- Hertfordshire . . . . 78. Kent .... 78-79. Lancashire and Cheshire . 79-80. Lancashire 80-81 Lincolnshire 81-82- London .... 82-87 General 82-83. Separate Edifices 83-87 Middlesex .... 87 Monmouthshire 87 Norfolk .... 87 Northamptonshire 87-88. Northumberland 88 Nottinghamshire 88- Oxfordshire 88-90. Shropshire 90 Somersetshire , 90-91 Staffordshire 91 Suffolk .... 91 Surrey .... 91 Sussex .... 91-92- Warwickshire 92 Wiltshire .... 92-93 Worcestershire . 93-94 Yorkshire .... 94-96. Wales 96-97 •943 Germany and Austria-Hungary . 97-99- • 944 France : . 99-106 General ..... 99-101 .9442 Normandy. Picardy 101-102 .9443 Champagne. lie de France. Lorrain e 102-104 Paris .... 103-104 .9444 Burgundy .... 104-105. •9445 Orleanais. Touraine 105 .9446 Limousin .... 105. XXll Scheme of 720 721 ) Architecture {continued). •9447 Guienne . .9448 Languedoc . •9449 Provence . . •945 Italy General . Northern . Venice Central • Rome , , Southern . , , Sicily • • .946 Spain and Portugal • •947 Russia , .948 Norway, Sweden anc Denmarl .9492 Netherlands • •9494 Switzerland , •9495 Byzantine Empire. See 723.2 .9496 Turkey in Europe. See 723.3 •9499 Grecian Archipelago •95 Asia .... •951 China •952 Japan •954 India •955 Persia •956 Turkey in Asia •9569 Palestine (.96 Africa) . .961 North Africa .962 Egypt .968 South Africa (•97 North America) .972 Mexico •973 United States Architectural Construction General .1 Foundations . .2 Walls .... •3 Piers. Columns . •4 Arched Constructions •5 Roofs .... •55 Windows. Openings in I loofs •57 Spires .... .6 Floors and Flooring .8 Doors. Gates. Grilles. Windows •9 I,ron and Composite Structures .91 Cast Iron •93 Steel •94 Composite . PAGES 105 105 106 I06-I 12 106-108 I08-I 10 I08-I 10 I lO-I I I IIO-I II III I 12 II2-II3 113 II3-II4 114 114 II4- 115- II7-I 117- 118- 119- 120- 14 16 15 15 15. 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 21 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 Classification XXlll 722 723 42 44 45 48 49 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 59 725 Ancient and Oriental Architecture General ....... Chinese. See 720.951 Japanese. See 720.952 Egyptian ....... Phoenician. Jewish ..... Indian : Hindoo, Buddhist, Cambodian, etc. Chaldean. Assyrian. Babylonian. Ancient Persian PAGES Pelasgian. Etruscan Roman . Greek and Roman . Other classes : Aztec, Peruvian, Maya, Yucatan, etc Mediaeval Architecture General . Early Christian Byzantine. Coptic Mohammedan : Saracenic, Moorish, Indian Romanesque : General . English. Norman French . Italian . Scandinavian . Minor Countries Gothic or Pointed . General . Ireland . England . Germany France . Italy Spain Minor Countries 724 Modern Architecture General . I Renaissance . .2 Grecian Revival .3 Gothic Re\ival .4 Modern Tudor .7 Swiss. Timber Public Buildintrs General (.1 Administrative. Government) .11 Houses of Parliament .13 Town Halls. Public Offices .15 Court Houses. Record Offices Persian, Turkish 121 121- 123- 125- 126- 127- 133- 13 8 138- 139- 140- 142- 143 143 146 149- 149 151 152 :)o 00 38 22 ■^5 2& 27 27 2>Z 37 38 49' 39 39 40 42 43 42 42 43 43. 43 43 49 46 46 48 48 48 49 49 49 53 49. 51 51 52 52 53 57 53 53 54 54 XXIV Scheme of 725 Public Buildings {contimt,ed\ 2 Business and Commercial 4 Manufactories (.5 Hospitals and Asylums) . 5 1 Sick and Wounded . 52 Insane .... 55 Paupers. Almshouses 59 Homes for Soldiers and Sailors 6 Prisons and Reformatories 7 Refreshment. Baths. Parks .8 Recreation) .... 82 Theatres. Opera Houses 85 Gymnasiums . 9 Other Public Buildings . 726 Ecclesiastical and Religious . General . . . . . .4 Chapels. Sunday-School Buildings .5 Churches . . . . . ,6 Cathedrals . . . . , .7 Monasteries . . . . , .8 Mortuary. Tombs PAGES 155 155 155-156 155 155 155 156 156 156 156-157 156-157 157 157 157-161 157-158 158 158-159 159-160 160 1 60- 1 61 727 Educational and Scientific Institutions .1 •3 •4 •5 .6 .8 General .... Schools .... Colleges. Universities . Professional and Technical Schools Laboratories .... Museums . . • . Libraries .... 1 6 1- 1 64 161-162 162 162 163 163 163 163-164 728 Residences General .1 Smaller Residences General . . 1 1 Villas .12 Workmen's Cottages -2 Apartment Houses. Flats ,3 City Houses. Mansions .5 Hotels. Inns .... ,6 Village and Country Architecture . -6 Farm Houses .... .7 Seaside and Mountain Cottages, Chalets, .8 Country Seats .... .9 Out-buildings .... etc. 164-173 164-167 167-170 167-169 169 169-170 170 170 171 17 1-172 172 173 173 173 Classification XXV 729 Architectural Design and Decoration . PAGES 173-190 General . 173-181 .1 The Elevation, etc. ..... 181-183 .2 The Plan 183 •3 Elementary Forms 183-186 •31 Walls. Mouldings, Cornices 184 •32 Piers, Columns, Pedestals and the Orders Colonnades 184 •34 Vaults and Domes 184 •35 Roofs ....... 184 •36 Towers ........ 185 •38 Doors and Windows . . . . . 185 •39 Stairs and Balustrades . . 185-186 •4 Painted Decoration ..... 186 •49 Painted Walls 186 •5 Decoration in Relief ..... 186-188 •51 Vegetable Forms ..... 187 •53 Grotesque Forms ..... 187 •54 Conventional and Geometric Forms . 187 •56 Friezes and Panels ..... 188 .58 Ceilings and Vaults ..... 188 .6 Incrustation and Veneering .... 188 7 Mosaic ........ 188 .8 Stained Glass Design ..... 189 •9 Architectural Accessories and Fixed Furniture . 190 .91 Altars. Fonts 190 92 Pulpits ....... 190 95 Mantels. Chimney-pieces 190 96 Screens. Rood Screens .... 190 UNIVERSITY OF I. CLASSIFIED LIST. 690 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 690. 1 Theory. Busbridge (VV.). [Building construction drawings. A series of plates.] [F/wnsfead, n.d.] Obi. 4to. A Fenwick (Stephen). The mechanics of construction, including the theories of the strength of materials, roofs, arches, and suspension bridges. London, 1861. 8vo. F Tarn (Edward Wyndhain). The science of building: an elementary treatise on the principles of construction especially adapted to the requirements of architectural students. Second edition. London, 1882. i2mo. LUustr. F 690.2 Compends. Manuals. See also infra 692.6. Adams (Henry). Cassell's Building construction. Comprising notes on materials, processes, principles, and practice. . . . London, 1906. Svo. Illustr. F Addison (Percy L.). Practical elements of construction : a reference book for engineers and builders. London, 1888. i2mo. Illustr. F Allen (John Parnell). Practical building construction; a handbook for students preparing for the examinations of the Science and Art De- partment, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Surveyors' Institution, etc. . . . London, 1893. 8vo. Illustr. T Second edition. London, 1897. Svo. Illustr. F Ashpitel (Arthur). Treatise on architecture : including the arts of con- struction, building, stone-masonry, arch, carpentry, roof, joinery, and strength of materials. Edited by A. Ashpitel. . . . Edinburgh, \?>^i . 4to. F, S * Blagrove (George H.). Dangerous structures. A handbook of practical data concerning structural defects and the best methods of remedying them. . . . Second edition. London, 1906. 8vo. Illustr. * Breymann (G. A.). Allgemeine Bau-Constructions-Lehre mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Hochbauwesen. Neu bearbeitet von H. Lang [and others]. Leipzig, 1881-96. 4 vols. 4to. 1. Constructionen in Stein. 2. Constructionen in Holz. 3. Constructionen in Metall. 4. Verschiedene Constructionen insbesondere Feuerungs - und Liiftungs-, Gas- Wasser-, und Telegraphen-Anlagen. Cunningham (Brysson). First stage building construction. . . . [The^ Organized Science Series.] London, 1901. i2mo. Ilhistr. F Davidson (Ellis A.). The elements of building construction and archi- tectural drawing. . . . [Cassell's Technical Manuals.] London, [1869]. 1 2 mo. Illustr. A Third edition. London, 1872. i2mo. Illustr. F I Architectural Works 690.2 Compends. Manuals {continued) — Dobson (Edward). Rudiments of the art of building. In five sections : viz., general principles of construction ; materials used in building ; strength of materials ; use of materials ; working drawings, specifica- tions, and estimates. Second edition. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 22.] London, 1854. i2mo. Illustr. F Twelfth edition. London, 1884. i2mo. Ilbistr. A England. — Department of Science and Art. Notes on building construc- tion. Arranged to meet the requirements of the syllabus of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Edu- cation, South Kensington. . . . London, Oxford^ and Cambridge, 1875-91. 4 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F, T* 1. First stage, or elementary course. — 1875. 2. Commencement of second stage, or advanced course. — 1876, 3. Materials — advanced course and course for honours. — 1879. 4. Calculations for building stiuctures — course for honours. — 1891. New edition. Part i (-2). London, i()o^. 2 vols. 8vo. Ilhistr. F [Another copy.] Z<9«^«9«, 1875-1901. 4 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A *^* Vol. 3 is of the 2nd and vol. 4 of the 5th edition. Harres (B.). Die Landwirthschaftliche Baukunst. Praktisches Hand- buch. . . . Leipzig, 1868. i2mo. Illustr. F Hoskins (George Gordon). The clerk of works. A vade mecum for all engaged in the superintendence of building operations. . . . London and New York, 1876. 12 mo. F * Leaning (John). The conduct of building work, and the duties of a clerk of works. Second edition. London, 1904. 8vo. Middleton (George Alexander Thomas). Modern buildings ; their plan- ning, construction and equipment. . . . Lo/idon, 1906-07. 6 vols. 4to. Ilhistr. F Mitchell (Charles F.). Building construction and drawing. . . . Revised by technical teachers of the Polytechnic Institute. . . . Part i. First stage or elementary course. . . . London, [1888]. 8vo. Illustr. T Fifth edition. (Assisted by G. A. Mitchell.) London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. T Sixth edition. London, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. F Mitchell (Charles F.). Building construction. By C. F. Mitchell . . . assisted by G. A. Mitchell. . . . Advanced and honours course. Third edition. . . . London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. T Fourth edition. London, 1903. i2mo. Illustr. F * Mitchell (Charles F.). Forty plates on building construction, compris- ing the practical details of brickwork, masonry, carpentry, joinery, plumbing, constructional ironwork, etc., carefully drawn to scale. . . . Revised by technical teachers at the Polytechnic Institute. London, [n.d.]. Fol. New Practical Builder. The new practical builder, and workman's com- panion : containing a full display and elucidation of the most recent in Manchester and Salford 3 690.2 Compends. Manuals {continued) — and skilful methods, pursued by architects and artificers. [By P. Nicholson.] London, i823[-25]. 4to. Illustr. A Partington (Charles Frederick). The builder's complete guide : compre- hending the theory and practice of the various branches of archi- tecture. . . . London, 1825. Svo. Illustr. F Riley (J. VV.). Building construction for beginners. London, 1899. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F, T Rondelet (Jean). Traite theorique et pratique de I'art de batir. . . . Paris, 1838. 5 vols. 4to. Atlas. Fol. L (Douzi^me edition.) Paris, 1862-64. 5 vols. 4to. F* * ^* Tome 2 is : Septieme edition. Seddon (Henry Cooper). Builder's work and the building trades. Lon- don, 1886. 8vo. Illustr. F Second edition. London, 1889. 8vo. Illustr. T Fourth impression. London, 1902, Svo. Illustr. A Smeaton (A. C). The builder's pocket manual. Containing the elements of building, surveying and architecture. With practical rules and instructions connected with the subject. London, 1835. i8mo. Illustr. F Sutcliffe (George Lister). The principles and practice of modern house- construction ; including water-supply, sanitary fittings, and plumbing and fittings, drainage and sewage disposal, warming, ventilation, light- ing . . . London, 1898-99. 6 vols. 4to. Illustr. F, T 690.3 Dictionaries. Cyclopaedias. See also infra 720.3. Kelly's Directory of the Building Trades. Kelly's Directory of the build- ing trades, comprising every trade and profession in any way con- nected with architecture and building throughout England, Scotland and VVales. . . . loth edition. London, 1906. 8vo. F 690.6 Societies. Exhibitions. See also infra 720.6 Manchester. — Building Trades and Hotne Comforts Exhibition. Building Trades and Home Comforts Exhibition, St. James's Hall, Manchester, April 20th to May 9th, 1896. Manchester, 1896. i2mo. F 691 MATERIALS. PROCESSES. PRESERVATIVES. See also \nix2. 721 : Architectural Construction. Anderson (6'/> John). The strength of materials and structures. . . . Second edition. [Text-Books of Science.] London, i^i 4. i2\t\o. Illustr. A Third edition. London, 1876. 8vo. Illustr. T Barlow (Peter). A treatise on the strent^jth of timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials ; with rules for ap|)lication in architecture, construction of suspension bridges, railways, etc., with an appendix on the power of locomotive engines, and the effect of inclined planes and gradients. London, 1837. Svo. Illustr. T New edition. London, 1845. ^^'*^- ^ A new edition. Revised by ... P. W. Barlow and W. H. Barlow. To which are added a summary of experiments by E, 4 Architectural Works 691 MATERIALS. PROCESSES. PRESERVATIVES [continued)— Hodgkinson, W. Fairbairn, and D. Kirkaldy. An essay ... on the effect produced by passing weights over elastic bars by R. Willis, and formulae for calculating girders, etc. The whole arranged and edited by W. Humber. London, 1867. 8vo. Illustr. F Box (Thomas). A practical treatise on the strength of materials, including their elasticity and resistance to impact. London^ 1883. 8vo T Ewing (James Alfred). The strength of materials. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. T *Keim (A. VV.). Prevention of dampness in buildings: remarks on causes, nature, and effects of saline efflorescences and dry-rot, for architects, builders, overseers, plasterers, etc. Translated by M. J. Salter. London, 1902. 8vo. Lascombe (A.). Les materiaux de construction et leur emploi. Paris, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. T Thurston (Robert Henry). The materials of engineering. New York, 1883-84. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F Unwin (William Cawthorne). The testmg of materials of construction : a text-book for the engineering laboratory and a collection of the results of experiment. Lojido?i, 1888. 8vo. Illustr. T 691. 1 Wood. Anti Dry-Rot Company. Prevention of dry-rot. \^London\ [n.d.]. Folding sheets. Illustr. F Barlow (Peter). An essay on the strength and stress of timber, founded upon experiments performed at the Royal Military Academy . . . preceded by an historical review of former theories and experiments, with numerous tables. . . . Also an appendix on the strength of iron and other materials. Lotidon, i?>i']. 8vo. Illustr. P [Another edition.] London, 1824. 8vo. Illustr. T Bidlake (William Henry). Dry rot in timber. London, 1889. 8vo. Illustr. A, F Boulger (George Simonds). Wood : a manual of the natural history and industrial applications of the timbers of commerce. London, 1902. i2mo. Illustr. F Britton (Thomas Allen). A treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and cure of dry rot in timber. With remarks on the means of pre- serving wood from destruction by sea worms, beetles, ants, etc. London, 1875. 12 mo. I litis tr. F Burridge (John). ... A treatise on the origin, nature, effects, and danger of the naval dry rot ; and various remedies, by native substitutes for oak bark. . . . London, 1824. 8vo. F Dickson (Robert). A lecture on the dry rot, and on the most effectual means of preventing it. . . . London, 1837. 8vo. F Faraday (Michael). On the practical prevention of dry rot in timber; being the substance of a lecture. . . . London, 1836. 8vo. F Gamble (James Sykes). A manual of Indian timbers. An account of their growth, distribution, and uses of the trees and shrubs of India in Manchester and Salford 5 691.1 Wood {continued) — and Ceylon with descriptions of their wood-structure. New edition. London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. T Grandy (Richard E.). The timber importer's, timber merchant's and builder's standard guide. . . . Third edition. London, i^2>2>. i2mo. F Hartig (Robert). Timbers and how to know them. Translated from the third German edition by W. Somerville. London, 1890. Svo. Ilhtstr. T Laslett (Thomas). Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. London, 1875. i2mo. Illustr. F Stevenson (William). Wood : its use as a constructive material. London, 1894. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F Stone (Herbert). The timbers of commerce and their identification, illustrated with . . . photo-micrographs prepared by A. Deane. Loti- don, 1904. Svo. T Warren (William Henry). Australian timbers. Sydney, 1892. Svo. Illustr. F 691.2 Natural Stone. Burrows (Henry W.). Examination of building stones. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 9, N.S.] London, 1893. 4to. Illustr. A Hull (Edward). A treatise on the building and ornamental stones of Great Britain and foreign countries, arranged according to their geo- logical distribution and mineral character, with illustrations of their application in ancient and modern structures. . . . Lotidon, 1872. Svo. Illustr. L * Krueger (R.). Die natiirlichen Gesteine : ihre chemischmineralogische Zusammensetzung, Gewinnung, Priifung, Bearbeitung und Conser- virung. Wien, 1889. 2 vols. Svo. * Merrill (George Perkins). Stones for building and decoration. Second edition. New York, 1897. Svo. 691.3 Artificial Stone. Concrete. * Buel (A. W.). Reinforced concrete construction. London, 1905. Svo. Marsh (Charles F.). Reinforced concrete. Lotidon, k^o At. Fol. Illustr. F, T Potter (Thomas). Concrete : its use in building and the construction of concrete walls, floors, roofs, etc. New edition. Lotidon, 1894. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F Reid (Henry). A practical treatise on concrete, and how to make it ; with observations on the uses of cements, limes and mortars. Lon- don, 1869. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F * Sabin (L. Carlton). Cement and concrete. Londoti, 1905. Svo. *Stoeffler (Ernst). Silico-calcareous sandstones. Building stones from quartz-sand and lime. London, [1901]. Svo. 6 Architectural Works 691.3 Artificial Stone. Concrete {continued) — * Sutcliffe (George Lister). Concrete ; its nature and uses. London, 1905. 8vo. * Taylor (Frederick Winslow) and Thompson (Sanford Eleazer.) A treatise on concrete. New York, 1905. 8vo. Twelvetrees (W. N.). Concrete steel : a treatise on the theory and practice of reinforced concrete construction. London, igo^. 8vo. Illustr, T 691.4 Bricks. Tiles. Other Ceramic Productions. See also infra 721.2 and 721.6. *Ansell (H.). The manufacture of glazed bricks and glazed sanitary ware. Second edition. London, 1898. 8vo. * Bonneville (Paul). Les arts et les produits ceramiques. La fabrication des briques et des tuiles, suivi d'un chapitre sur la fabrication des pierres artificielles. . . . Par . . . Bonneville, Paul, A. et L. Jaunez. . . . Troisieme edition. Paris, 1887. 8vo. Lllustr. * Davis (Charles Thomas). A practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc. Third edition. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo. * Dobson (Edward). Treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. London, 1899. 8vo. * Harris (G. F.). The science of brickmaking, with some account of the structure and physical properties of bricks. London, 1897. 8vo. *Lefevre (Leon). Architectural pottery: bricks, tiles, pipes, enamelled terra-cottas, ordinary and encrusted quarries, stoneware mosaics, faiences, architectural stoneware. . . . Translated by K. H. Bird and W. M. Binns. London, 1900, 8vo. Lllustr. Willoughby (George H.). The advantages of terra cotta relative to our town and city buildings. . . . Manchester, 1890. 8vo. F 691.5 Lime. Cement. Plaster. See also infra 693 and 693.6. * Berger (G.) and Guillerme (V.). La construction en ciment arme. (Planches.) Paris, 1902. 2 vols. 8vo. Burnell (George Rowdon). Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, concretes, mastics, plastering, etc. Fifth edition, with appendices. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 45.] London, 1865. i2mo. A * Butler (D. B.). Portland cement: its manufacture, testing, and use. London^ 1905. 8vo. Crompton (Samuel). On the remarkable effects of adding saccharine matter to mortars. [Guildford, 1886.] 8vo. F * Eckel (E. C). Cements, limes, and plasters. Ne7v York, 1905. 8vo. * Gillmore (Quincy Adams). Practical treatise on limes, hydraulic cements, and mortars. Eleventh edition. Ne2v York, 1896. 8vo. Grant (John). Experiments on the strength of cement, chiefly in reference to the Portland cement used in the southern main drainage works. . . . London and New York, 1875. ^^^ lllustr. F in Manchester and Salford 7 691.5 Lime. Cement. Plaster {continued) — * Hodgson (Frederick T.). Mortars and cements, how to make and how to use. With an illustrated glossary of terms used in plastering and plaster decoration. New York, 1883. 8vo. Loriot (Antoine Joseph). A practical essay on a cement and artificial stone, justly supposed to be that of the Greeks and Romans, lately re-discovered by . . . Loriot. . . . Translated from the French. The second edition. London^ i77S- 8vo. F Pasley {Sir Charles William). Observations on limes, calcareous cements, mortars, stuccos and concrete, and on puzzolanas, natural and arti- ficial ; together with rules deduced from numerous experiments for making an artificial water cement . . . and an abstract of the opinions of former authors on the same subjects. Londo?i, i2>2,?>. 8vo. Illustr. F Second edition. London, 1847. Pt. i. Svo. Illustr. L *^* No more published. * Redgrave (Gilbert Richard) and Spackman (Charles). Calcareous cements. London, 1905. Svo. * Spalding (Frederick Putnam). Hydraulic cement : its properties, testing and use. New York, 1897. Svo. 691.7 Iron. Steel. Anti-rust Processes. Fairbairn {Sir William) Bart. An experimental inquiry into the strength and other properties of cast iron from various parts of the United Kingdom. Manchester, 183S. Svo. T Wood (M. P.). Rustless coatings; corrosion and electrolysis of iron and steel. First edition. Netv York, 1904. Svo. Illustr. F 692 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC. Architectural Precedents. Architectural precedents ; with notes and observations. , . . Edited by an architect. . . . [Nos. 1-8.] Lon- don, 1840. Svo. Illustr. A Bardwell (William). Healthy homes, and how to make them. London, [1854]. Svo. Illustr. A Brooks (S. H.). Rudimentary treatise on the erection of dwelling-houses. . . . With the specification, quantities, and estimates and every requisite detail, in sequence, for their construction and finishing. Sixth edition. London, 1S90. i2mo. Illustr. F Engineer's, Architect's, and Contractor's Pocket-Book. The engineer's, architect's, and contractor's pocket-book for the year 1872. . . . London, 1872. 12 mo. Illustr. F Hosking (William). A guide to the proper regulation of buildings in towns, as a means of promotin>j; and securing the health, comfort and safety of the inhabitants. London, 1848. Svo. F Hurst (John Thomas). A handbook of formulae, tables and memoranda for architectural surveyors, and others engaged in building. Four- teenth edition. London, 1S93. Obi. i2mo. F Lecoy (F.). Manuel, ou guide de ceux qui veulent batir. . . . Paris, 181 8. i2mo. Illustr. ir OF THE ^'NIVERSITY, OF 8 Architectural Works 692.3 specifications. Bartholomew (Alfred). Specifications for practical architecture, preceded by an essay on the decline of excellence in the structure and in the science of modern English buildings: with the proposal of remedies for those defects. London, 1840. 8vo. Illustr. F, T * Revised, corrected, and enlarged by F. Rogers. Third edition, with additions. London, 1893. Svo. Illustr. Donaldson (Thomas Leverton). Handbook of specifications : or, practi- cal guide to the architect, engineer, surveyor, and builder in drawing up specifications and contracts for works and constructions. . . . London, [i860]. 2 vols. Svo. Illustr. F Leaning (John). Building specifications for the use of architects, sur- veyors, builders, etc. Comprising the complete specification of a large house, with stables, conservatory, etc. Also numerous clauses relating to special classes of buildings, and practical notes on all trades and sections. London, 1901. Svo. Illustr. F, T Rickman (Thomas Miller). Specification-writing. . . . [The Royal In- stitute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 5, N.S.] London, 1S89. 4to. A 692.4 Contracts. Agreements. Jenkins (John Edward) and Raymond (John). On building contracts. A legal handbook for architects, builders and building owners. Lon- don, 1873. Svo. F * Macey (Frank William). Conditions of contract relating to building works. . . . Revised ... by B. J. Leverson. . . . London, 1902. Svo. 692.5 Estimates. Quantities. Cost. Beaton (Alfred Charles). Quantities and measurements. How to cal- culate and take them in bricklayers', masons', plasterers', plumbers', painters', paper-hangers', gilders', smiths,' carpenters' and joiners' work. . . . Second edition. London, 1869. 12 mo. F Browning (Henry Bailey). A proposed system for the more ready and correct valuation of carpenters' and joiners' works, as depending on the prices and quantities of materials used. Also an appendix in which the principles of a comparison of values in works of like description differing in scantlings and dimensions are mathematically deduced and practically applied. London, 1847. Svo. F Cragg (Anthony Richard). Hints to young valuers. A practical treatise on the valuation of property. With explanations of the legal principles involved, by J. R. V. Marchant. London, 1897. Svo. A Dobson (Edward). The student's guide to the practice of measuring and valuing artificers' works. . . . New edition, with additions ... by E. W. Tarn. . . . London, 1871. Svo. Illustr. A, B Fifth edition thoroughly revised. ... By E. W. Tarn. . . . London, 1884. i2mo. Illustr. F, T Estimating. Estimating : a method of pricing builders' quantities for competitive work. By a practical estimator. London, 1883. i2mo. in Manchester and Salford 9 692.5 Estimates. Quantities. Cost {continued) — Fletcher (Banister). Dilapidations : a text-book for architects and sur- veyors in tabulated form. Lo?tdon, i?>'ji^. i2mo. F Fifth edition. London, 1899. 12 mo. A Quantities : a text-book for surveyors in tabulated form, explanatory of the best methods adopted in the measurement of builders' work, and containing many useful hints and much valuable informa- tion for the surveyor. . . . Sixth edition. London, 1895. i2mo. Lllustr. F Valuations and compensations. A text-book on the practice of valuing property and on compensations in relation thereto. For the use of architects, surveyors, etc. Second edition, revised and re- written by B. F. Fletcher and H. P. Fletcher. London, 1901. i2mo. A Ingram (Thomas Dunbar). Compensation to land and house owners. Being a treatise on the law of the compensation for interests in lands, etc., payable by railway and other public companies. . . . London, 1864. 8vo. A Laxton's Builder's Price Book. Laxton's builder's price book, i883(-i885, 1887-89, 1891-1903). London, 1883, etc. i2mo. F, T* (1895 only) Leaning (John). Quantity surveying for the use of surveyors, architects, engineers and builders. Fourth edition. London and New York, 1900. 8vo. F Lockwood's Builder's, Architect's, Contractor's and Engineer's Price Book. Lockwood's builder's, architect's, contractor's and engineer's price book for 1892. . . . Edited by F. T. W. Miller. . . . London, 1892. 8vo. lllustr. T [Another edition.] London, 1899. 8vo. Lllustr. F Lloyd (Eyre). The law of compensation under the Lands Clauses, Railways Clauses Consolidation, and Metropolitan Acts, etc. With a full collection of forms and precedents. London, iZG"] . 8vo. A Morris (Thomas). A clue to railway compensation, the value of estates, and parochial assessment. A popular discussion on the subject, illustrated by tables and examples. Second edition. London, 1866. i2mo. A A discourse upon dilapidations, their nature, and the principles of assessment succinctly demonstrated. London, 1865. i2mo. A Peddie (Alexander). The practical measurer or tradesman and wood merchant's assistant ; a series of tables. . . . New edition. London, 1862. 8vo. T * Rea (John T.). How to estimate; or, the analysis of builders' prices. A complete guide to the practice of estimating, and a reference book of the most reliable building prices. Second edition. London, 1904. 8vo. Reid (John). The surveyor's and builder's assistant ; or, practical manual of mensuration. Shewing . . . how to ascertain the dimensions, quantities and value of every description of builder's work. . . . Londo?i, [1848]. 4to. Lllustr. A lo Architectural Works 692.5 Estimates. Quantities. Cost {continued) — Skyring's Builders' Prices. Skyring's builders' prices : calculated from the prime cost of materials and labour. , . . London, 1896. 8vo. F Stephenson (George). Estimating : a method of pricing builders' quantities for competitive work. Fourth edition. London, 1900. Svo. T Repairs : how to measure and value them. Third edition. London, 1901. Svo. T Thorne (William). The perpetual guide for the equitable adjustment of builders' prices. Lofidon, 1824. Svo. F Young (William). Spons' Architects' and builders' price-book. With useful memoranda and tables. Thirtieth edition. Edited by C. Young. London, 1903. i2mo. Lllustr. A • Thirty-third edition. Edited by C. Young. London, 1906. 1 2 mo. lllustr. F' 692.6 Superintendence. See also supra 690.2. Clark (Theodore Minot). Building superintendence : a manual for young architects, students and others interested in building operations as carried on at the present day. Twelfth edition. New York and London, 1894. 4to. Lllustr. F 692.9 Building: Laws. Liabilities of Architects, Owners, and Con- tractors. Altrincham. — Local Board of LLealth. The bye-laws made by the Altrin- cham Local Board of Health. . . . Altrincham, \Z']^. Svo. F Architects' Law Reports. The architects' law reports (and review). . . . A series of revised reports of cases decided in the superior courts, of importance to architects. . . . Compiled by A. Crow. Legal editor : A. F. Jenkin. Londoti, \<^oif, etc. 4to. lllustr. Lti progress. A Bristol. — Local Board of Llealth. Bye-laws made by the Local Board of Health of the City and County of Bristol. Bristol, 1S71. Svo. F Colls ( ). Ancient lights. Colls ats Home and Colonial Stores^ Limited. Judgment of the House of Lords, 2nd May, 1904. . . . [Society of Architects.] London, \\^o/!^. Svo. A Elmes (James). A practical treatise on architectural jurisprudence : in which the constitutions, canons, laws and customs relating to the art of building are collected from the best authorities. . . . London, 1S27. Svo. F, U Emden (Alfred). The law relating to building, buildmg leases and build- ing contracts. . . . Second edition. London, 1S85. Svo. F * England. — Local Government Board. Back-to-back houses. Report by F. W. Barry and P. G. Smith. London, 1888. Fol. Fletcher (Banister). Arbitrations. A text-book for surveyors, in tabu- lated form. . . . Second edition. London, 1893. i2mo. A Light and air : a text-book for architects and surveyors. Shows in a tabulated form what constitutes ancient light. . . . Second edition. London, 18S6. i2mo. lllustr. F Fourth edition, revised by B, F. Fletcher and H. P. Fletcher. London, 1902. i2mo. lllustr. A in Manchester and Salford ii 692.9 Building Laws. Liabilities of Architects, Owners, and Con- tractors {continued) — * Fletcher (Banister). London Building Acts, 1894-1905. A text-book on the law relating to building in the metropolis. Third edition. London, 1906 (?). 8vo. Jllustr. Gale (Charles James). A treatise on the law of easements. Second edition. London, 1849. 8vo. A Gorton. — Local Board. Bye-laws of the Gorton Local Board. . . . Man- chester, 1864. 8vo. F Holden (John). Ancient lights. A paper read before the Sheffield Society of Architects and Surveyors. . . . Sheffield, 1895. 8vo. A Easements and rights of light. [Manchester Society of Architects.] Manchester, 1885. 8vo. Illustr. A, F Hooper (Francis). Building control and administration in France. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Trans- actions, vol. 5, N.S.] London, 1889. 4to. A Hudson (Alfred Arthur). The law of building, engineering and ship- building contracts, and of the duties and liabilities of engineers, archi- tects, surveyors and valuers : with precedents and reports of cases. Second edition. London, 1895. 2 vols. 8vo. T Kerr (Robert). On ancient lights and the evidence of surveyors thereon. With tables for the measurement of obstructions. London, 1865. 8vo. F Newton Heath. — Local Board of Health. Bye-laws of the Local Board of Health for the district of Newton Heath. . . . Manchester, 1868. 8vo. F Oldham. Bye-laws relating to new streets and buildings, etc., made by the Council of the Borough of Oldham. . . . Oldham, 1868. 8vo. F Portsmouth. Bye-laws . . . made by . . . the Local Government Board in and for the Corporate District of Portsmouth. . . . Portsmouth, 1870. 8vo. F Prestwich. — Prestwich Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Prestwich Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Bye-laws. . . . Manchester, x^id. 8vo. F Russell (Francis). A treatise on'the power and duty of an arbitrator, and the law of submissions and awards. With an appendix of forms, and of the statutes relating to arbitration. London, iZ\(). 8vo. A Slater (John). Building legislation. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 6, N.S.] London, 1890. 4to. A Southampton. — Local Board of Health. Borough of Southampton. . . . Bye-laws of the Local Board. . . . Southampton, 1872. 8vo. F White (Frederick Meadows). Recent legal decisions affecting architects. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 4, N.S.] London, 1888. 4to. A Withington. — Local Board. Withington Local Board. Byelaws. . . . Manchester, 1877. 8vo. F 12 Architectural Works 693 MASONRY. PLASTERINQ. FIRE PROOFING. Baker (Ira Osborn). A treatise on masonry construction. Ninth edition. JVew York, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F, T Burn (Robert Scott). The new guide to masonry, bricklaying and plaster- ing, theoretical and practical. Edinburgh and London, [n.d.]. 4to. Ilhistr. F * Diack (William). The art of masonry in Britain. A brief account of its origin and development from the pre-Norman era to the end of the renaissance period. . . . London, 1904. 8vo. Illustr. Dobson (Edward). Rudimentary treatise on masonry and stonecutting. . . . Third edition. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 25.] London, 1859. i2mo. Illustr. A * Mitchell (Charles F.). Brickwork and masonry. A practical text-book for students and those engaged in the design and execution of struc- tures in brick and stone. By C F. Mitchell, assisted by G. A. Mitchell. New edition. London, 1907. 8vo. Illustr. ^93.1 Stone Construction. Bale (M. Powis). Stone-working machinery and the rapid and economi- cal conversion of stone. With hints on the arrangement and manage- ment of stone-works. London, 1884. 8vo. Illustr. F Nicholson (Peter). A practical treatise on the art of masonry and stone- cutting. . . . Third edition. London, 1835. 8vo. Illustr. A Purchase (William R.). Practical masonry. A guide to the art of stone- cutting. Comprising the construction, setting-out and working of stairs, circular work, arches, niches, domes, pendentives, vaults, tracery windows. . . . London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F, T Third edition, with glossary of terms. London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. A 693.2 Brick Construction. Hammond (Adam). The rudiments of practical bricklaying. . . .[Weale's Rudimentary Series. 1S9.] London, 1875. i2mo. Illustr. A, F Maginnis (Owen B.). Bricklaying. New York, [1901]. 8vo. Illustr. * Walker (F.). Brickwork: embodying the general and higher principles of bricklaying, cutting and setting ; with the application of geometry to roof tiling, etc. London, xZ^^y. 8vo. 693.6 Plastering. See also supra 691.5. Millar (William). Plastering : plain and decorative. A practical treatise on the art and craft of plastering and modelling. . . . Together with an account of historical plastering in England, Scotland and Ireland. . . . With an introductory chapter entitled " A glimpse of its history ". London, 1897. 4to. Illustr. F * [Another edition.] London, 1905. 4to. Lllustr. 693.8 Fire Proofing:. Bartholomew (Alfred). Hints relative to the construction of fire-proof buildings. . . . London, 1839. 8vo. Illustr. F in Manchester and Salford 13 693.8 Fire Proofing {continued) — Fairbairn {Sir William) Bart. Report on the construction of fire-proof buildings. With introductory remarks by S. Holme. Liverpool, 1844. 1 2 mo. F Hutchinson (John). New experiments on building materials, in reference to their conducting power, dryness and resistance to the progress of fire. . . . London, 1843. 8vo. F 694 CARPENTRY. JOINERY. STAIR-BUILDING. Burn (Robert Scott). Illustrations of carpentry and framing. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Lotidon and Edinburgh, 1859-60. 3 pts. 4to. F Illustrations of joinery. . . . Second series. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London and Edinburgh, \^(i\. 4to. F Ellis (George). Modern practical carpentry. For the use of workmen, builders, architects and engineers. . . . London, x^od. 8vo. Lllustr. F Modern practical joinery. A treatise on the practice of joiner's work by hand and machine. . . . London, 1902. 8vo. Lllustr. F Emy (A. R.). Traite de I'art de la charpenterie. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Liege, 1874. 8vo and 4to. F Evans (Thomas Jay). Notes on carpentry and joinery adapted to meet the requirements of the City and Guilds of London Institute, the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, and the Technical Education Board of the London County Council examinations. . . . First stage, or elementary course. London, 1897. 8vo. Lllustr. F Hasluck (Paul Nooncree). The handyman's book of tools, materials and processes employed in wood-working. Edited by P. N. Hasluck. . . . London, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. F * Hatfield (Robert Griffith). American house carpenter ; a treatise on the art of building . . . with a compend of mathematics. . . . Edited by O. P. Hatfield. Eleventh edition. New York, 1889. 8vo. Lllustr. Newlands (James). The carpenter and joiner's assistant : being a com- prehensive treatise on the selection, preparation and strength of materials, and the mechanical principles of framing, with their appli- cation in carpentry, joinery and hand-railing. . . . London, [i860?]. 4to. Lllustr. A, F Nicholson (Peter). The carpenter's new guide ; being a complete book of lines for carpentry and joinery. . . . Eighth edition. London, 1823. 4to. Lllustr. T Carpentry ; being a comprehensive guide book for carpentry and joinery. . . . [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] London, [1849-50]. 2 vols. 4to. F Pain (William). The carpenter's pocket directory; containing the best methods of framing timber buildings of all figures and dimensions, with their several parts. ... A new edition. Lofidon, 1792. 4to. Lllustr. F 1 4 Architectural Works 694 CARPENTRY. JOINERY. STAIR BUILDING {continued)— Practical Carpentry. Practical carpentry, joinery and cabinet making. ... [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1839. 4to. F Riddell (Robert). The carpenter and joiner, stair-builder and hand-railer, with fifty-nine plates comprising a series of card-board models. London, [n.d.]. Fol. T Robison (John). The elementary principles, theoretical and practical, of carpentry. Deduced from the works of . . . Robison and T. Tredgold. . . . Second edition. London, iZ6g. i2mo. Illustr. F Sutcliffe (G. Lister). The modern carpenter, joiner and cabinet maker. Prepared under the editorship of G. L. Sutcliffe . . . with contribu- tions from many specialists. . . . London, 1902. Vol. i. Fol. Lllustr. Ln progress. F Tredgold (Thomas). Elementary principles of carpentry ; a treatise on the pressure and equilibrium of beams and timber frames. . . . London, 1820. 4to. lllustr. T Second edition. London, 1828. 4to. Lllustr. A Fourth edition . . . with an appendix, containing specimens of . . . roofs by P. Barlow. London, 1853. 4to. Lllustr. A Elementary principles of carpentry. . . . With additions, altera- tions and corrections from the works of the most recent authorities, and a treatise on joinery. . . . Edited by E. W. Tarn. Fifth edition. . . . [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 182.] London, 1890. i2mo. A Atlasof engravings to accompany above. London, i2>go. 4to. A Webber (Frederick C). Carpentry and joinery. London, 1898. i2mo. lllustr. ' F Young (Francis Chilton). Home carpentry for handy men. A book of practical instruction in all kinds of constructive and decorative work in wood that can be done by the amateur in house, garden and farmstead. London, 1895. 8vo. Lllustr. F 694.1 Wood Construction : General. Barter (S.). Manual instruction. Woodwork. (The English Sloyd.) Preface by G. Ricks. London, [1892]. 4to. Lllustr. F Clark (Thomas A.). Workshop notes and sketches for handicraft classes : being a first year's course in woodworking. Edinburgh, !?>%?>. i2mo. F Sutcliffe (John D.). Hand-craft. ... A text-book embodying a system of pure mechanical art, without the aid ot machinery ; being an English exposition of Slojd. . . . With an introduction by T. C. Horsfall. London, 1890. 4to. Lllustr. F Wake Richard). " The new education." Manual training. Woodwork. . . . London, 1899. 8vo. lllustr. F 694.2 Joints of Wood-work. Framing. Christy (Wyvill James). A practical treatise on the joints made and used by builders. . . . [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 226.] London, 1882. i2mo. Lllustr, A in Manchester and Salford 15 ^94.3 strengthened Beams. Stock (Cecil Haden). A treatise on shoring and underpinning and generally dealing with ruinous and dangerous structures, . . . Third edition, revised by F. R. Farrow. . . . London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. A, F 694.4 Posts. Columns. See also infra 721.3. Thatcher (A. G. H.). Scaffolding: a treatise on the design and erection of scaffolds, gantries and stagings. With an account of the appli- ances used in connection therewith. . . . With a chapter on the legal aspect of the question. London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. F '694.6 Joinery: General. Fink (Franz). Der Bautischler, oder Bauschreiner und Fein-Zimmermann. Praktisches Hand- und Hiilfsbuch. . . . Leipzig, 1869. i2mo. Illustr. F Moxon (Joseph). Mechanick exercises : or, the doctrine of handy-works. Numb. II. (-III.). [Loftdon, 1678.] 8vo. F 694.7 Ornamental Joinery. Cabinet-work. Hasluck (Paul Nooncree). The cabinet worker's handybook. A practical manual embracing information on the tools, materials, appliances and processes employed in cabinet work. Second edition. London, 1893. i2mo. Illustr. F Nicholson (Peter) and (Michael Angelo). The practical cabinet maker, upholsterer and complete decorator. . . . London, [1826-27]. 4to. Illustr. A 694.8 Stair-building. Banks (Joseph). A new and improved treatise on hand-railing, in which the various methods of springing the plank in different directions are all reduced to one simple system . . . also, the construction of stair- cases in general. Manchester, 1836. 4to. Illustr. T Behse (W. H.). Treppenwerk fur Architekten, Zimmerleute und Tischler, sowie ftir Baugewerk- und Gewerbeschulen. . . . Weimar, 1873. 4to. Illustr. F Collings (George). A practical treatise on handrailing showing new and simple methods for finding the pitch of the plank, drawing the moulds, bevelling, jointing-up and squaring the wreath. London, 1882. 8vo. Illustr. T Hasluck (Paul Nooncree). Practical staircase joinery. . . . London, \Z^^. 1 2 mo. Illtistr. F Mowat (William) and (Alexander). A treatise on stairbuilding and hand- railing, containing numerous examples. . . . London, 1900. 4to. Illtistr. T Sykes (George). Handrailing made easy ; or the joiner's practical guide to handrailing. . . . Kendal, 1886. 410. Illustr. T Twiss (William). Handrailing on the block system : being a simple mechanical method of constructing a wreath from the plan and eleva- tion of the stairs, without the tedious mathematical process hitherto used. Manchester, 1878. 8vo. Illustr. F 1 6 Architectural Works 695 ROOFING. See a/so infra. 'J 21.^. 695.5 Iron. Mertens (Ludwig). Eiserne Dacher und Hallen in England. Berlin 1899. Fol. T 696 PLUMBING. GAS AND STEAM-FITTING, ETC. Bennett (S. Barlow). Technical plumbing. Stockton-on-Tees, igo'^. 8vo. Illustr. T Bennion (J. A.). Report on special classes for teachers and advanced students, held in September, 1896, at King's College, London, by the Worshipful Company of Plumbers and the Lancashire County Council. [n.p., 1896]. 8vo. Illustr. F Buchan (William Baton). Plumbing. A text-book to the practice of the art or craft of the plumber. With supplementary chapters upon house drainage. . . . Fourth edition. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 191.] Londofi, 1883. i2mo. Illustr. F [Another (Fifth ?) edition.] Zo«^^;^, [1889?] 8vo. Illustr. Il *^* This copy wants the title-page, Clarke (J. Wright). Lectures to plumbers. London, 1893. 4to. Illustr. F Plumbing practice. . . . Second edition. London, 1891. 8vo. Ilhistr. T Davies (Philip John). Standard practical plumbing. . . . Londofi and Neiv York, 1885-96. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. F, T* Dye (Frederick). Hot water supply — a practical treatise upon the fitting of hot water apparatus for domestic and general purposes. London and New York, 1893. 8vo. Illustr. T Gee (William Winson Haldane). Electricity in its relation to plumbing. Manchester, [1892]. i2mo. Ilhistr. F Hart (John W.). Hints to plumbers on joint wiping, pipe bending and lead burning. Second edition. London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. T Third edition. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. F The principles of hot water supply. London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. T Hellyer (Samuel Stevens). The plumber and sanitary houses. A practical treatise on the principles of internal plumbing work, or the best means for effectually excluding noxious gases from our houses. Fourth edition. London, [1887]. 8vo. Ilhistr. A, T Principles and practice of plumbing. [Technological Handbooks.] London, 1891. 12 mo. Illustr. F, T Lancashire. — County Council. — Technical Instruction Committee. The County Council for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Technical Instruction Committee. Report on plumbing classes . . . 1894- 95(-97). By J. A. Bennion. [n.p., n.d.] 3 vols. 8vo. F Lawler (James J.). Modern plumbing, steam and hot water heating: a new practical work for the plumber, the heating engineer, the architect and the builder. New York and Londoft, 1901. 4to. Ilhistr. T in Manchester and Salford 17 696 PLUMBING. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, ETC. {continued)— * Modern Plumber. The modern plumber and sanitary engineer. [Edited by G. L. Sutcliffe.] London, 1907. 6 vols. 8vo. Illustr. Plumbing Problems. Plumbing problems : or questions, answers and de- scriptions relating to house drainage and plumbing, from the " Sani- tary Engineer". Fifth edition. Lofidon, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. T Shaw (George). Revived Guild action; with a history of the movement for the registration of plumbers. London, 1889. 8vo. F 696.2 Gas-fitting. Grafton (Walter). A handbook of practical gas-fitting. A treatise on the distribution of gas in service pipes, the use of coal gas, and the best means of economising gas from main to burner. For the use of students, plumbers, gas fitters and gas managers. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. F Manchester District Institution of Gas Engineers. Report of an extra- ordinary meeting held at Manchester, on Saturday, April 15, 1882. J. Chadwick, President. [Visit to the Smoke Abatement Exhibition.] [^London'], 1882. 8vo. F 696.4 Rivets and Riveted Joints. Stoney (Bindon Blood). The strength and proportions of riveted joints. London and New York, 1885. 8vo. F 696.8 Other branches. Hart (John W.). External plumbing work. A treatise on lead work for roofs. London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F, T 697 HEATING, VENTILATION AND SANITARY SCIENCE. Ardenni (Philippe) and Fontenelle (Julia de). Manuel du poelier-fumiste, ou traite complet de cet art, indiquant les moyens d'empecher les cheminees de fumer, I'art de chauffer economiquement et d'aerer les habitations, les manufactures, les ateliers, etc. . . . Deuxieme edition. . . . Paris, 1835. i8mo. Illustr. F Arnott (Neil). On the smokeless fireplace, chimney valves, and other means old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventilation. London, 1855. 8vo. F Bernan (Walter). On the history and art of warming and ventilating rooms and buildings by open fires, hypocausts . . . stoves, steam, hot water. . . . London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. T Billings (John Shaw). The principles of ventilation and heating and their practical application. London, 1884. 8vo. Lllustr. B, F, T Ventilation and heating. New York, 1893. 8vo. Illustr. F [Another edition.] London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. T British Fire Prevention Committee. Publications of the British Fire Pre- vention Committee. London, 1898, etc. 8vo. In progress, T * British Fire Prevention Committee. Facts on fire prevention. An enquiry into the fire-resisting qualities of various materials and sys- tems of construction, conducted by the British Fire Prevention Com- mittee. Edited by E. O. Sachs. . . . London, 1902. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. 2 1 8 Architectural Works 697 HEATING, VENTILATION AND SANITARY SCIENCE {cont.)— Constantine (Joseph). Practical ventilation and warming, with illustra- tions and exaroples, and suggestions on the construction and heating, etc., of disinfecting rooms and Turkish baths. London, 1881. 8vo. Illustr. A, F Eassie (William). Healthy houses. A handbook to the history, defects and remedies of drainage, ventilation, warming and kindred subjects. . . . London, 1872. i2mo. Illustr. A Edwards (Frederick). On the ventilation of dwelling-houses and the utilization of waste heat from open fire-places. London, i868. 8vo. Illustr. F Fletcher (Banister Flight) and (Herbert Phillips). Architectural hygiene ; or, sanitary science as applied to buildings. A text-book. . . . Second edition. ["The Builder" Student's Series.] Lo?idon, 1902. 1 2 mo. Illustr. A Third edition, revised. London, 1907. i2mo. Illustr. F Griffiths (Harold). The plenum or propulsion system of heating and ventilation. London, 1905. 8vo. R Hood (Charles). A practical treatise on warming buildings by hot water, on ventilation and the various methods of distributing artificial heat. . . . Second edition. London, 1844. 8vo. Illustr. T Fifth edition. London, 1879. 8vo. F Rewritten by F. Dye. Third new edition. London and New York, 1897. 8vo. Illustr, F International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Transactions of the Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, London, August ioth-i7th, 1891. . , . Edited by C. E. Shelly. London, 1892-93. 13 vols. 8vo. A '^♦* Vol. 6 deals with " Architecture in relation to hygiene ". Joly (Victor Charles). Traite pratique du chauffage, de la ventilation, et de la distribution des eaux dans les habitations particuli^res a I'usage des architectes, des entrepreneurs et des proprietaires. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1873. 8vo. Illustr. F * Middleton (George Alexander Thomas). The drainage of town and country houses. A practical account of modern sanitary arrange- ments and fittings. . . . London, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. House drainage : a handbook for architects and building inspec- tors. London, 1892. i2mo. Illustr. A * Moore (Edward Crozier Sibbald). Sanitary engineering. A practical treatise on the collection, removal and final disposal of sewage, and the design and construction of works of drainage and sewerage, with . . . chapters on the disposal of house refuse and sewage sludge, and . . . hydraulic tables, formulae and memoranda. Second edition. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. Morin (Arthur Jules). Salubrite des habitations. Manuel pratique du chauffage et de la ventilation. Paris, i2>6?>. 8vo. Illustr. F Planat (Paul). Cours de construction civile. Paris, 1880. i vol. Fol. Illtistr. F* *^* Ire partie: Chauffage et ventilation des lieux habitus. in Manchester and Salford 19 697 HEATING, VENTILATION AND SANITARY SCIENCE {cont.)— Preece (Sir William Henry) K.C.B. The internal illumination of buildings. With notes on electric light fittings by . . . J. S. Gardner. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 8, N.S.] London, 1892. 4to. Illustr. A Reid (David Boswell). Illustrations of the theory and practice of ventila- tion, with remarks on warming, exclusive lighting and the communi- cation of sound. London, 1844. 8vo. Llhistr. F Sturtevant Engineering Co. Ventilation and heating ; principles and application. . . . Boston [n.d.]. 8vo. Lllustr. T Theory. The theory and practice of warming and ventilating public buildings, dwelling-houses and conservatories. ... By an engineer. London, 1825. 8vo. Lllustr. F, T Thomas (James W.). The ventilation, heating and management of churches and public buildings. London, 1903. i2mo. Illustr. F Tomlinson (Charles). A rudimentary treatise on warming and ventilation. . . . London, 1850. i2mo. Illustr. A Seventh edition. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 57.] Lon- don, 1870. i2mo. Illustr. A Tredgold (Thomas). Principles of warming and ventilating public build- ings, dwelling-houses, manufactories, hospitals. . . . Second edition. London, 1824. 8vo. Illustr. T Third edition. To which is now added an appendix by T. Bramah, comprising observations on heating by means of warm water. . . . London, 1836. 8vo. Illustr. F Walker (W.). Useful hints on ventilation ; explanatory of the leading principles, and designed to facilitate their application to all kinds of buildings. Manchester and London, 1850. 8vo. Illustr. T 697.1 Fireplaces. Edwards (Frederick). On the extravagant use of fuel in cooking operations, with a short account of Benjamin, Count of Rumford, and his econ- omical systems. . . . London, 1869. 8vo. Illustr. F Our domestic fire-places : a treatise on the economical use of fuel and the prevention of smoke. With observations on the patent laws. . . . Second edition. London, 1865. 8vo. Illustr. P A new edition. London, 1870. 8vo. Illustr. F FuUeylove (W. K.). Science in fireplaces and other forms of heating apparatus. . . . Birmingham, [n.d.]. F 697.4 Hot Water : High and Low Pressure. Corbett (Joseph). Domestic hot-water fittings. Manchester, [1891]. i2mo. Illustr. F Davies (John) and Ryder (George Vardon). Report on Perkins's system of warming buildings by hot water. Manc/iester, 12,41. 8vo. F Jones (Walter). Heating by hot water, ventilation and hot water supply- Third edition. With information and suggestions on the best methods of heating public, private and horticultural buildings. . . . London, 1904. 8vo. Illustr. F 20 Architectural Works 697.4 Hot Water: High and Low Pressure {continued) — Richardson (Charles James). A popular treatise on the warming and ventilation of buildings ; showing the advantages of the improved system of heated water circulation. London, 1837. 8vo. Illustr. F 697.5 Steam : High and Low Pressure. Buchanan (Robertson). An essay on the warming of mills, and other buildings, by steam. Glasgow, 1807. 8vo. F Dye (Frederick). A practical treatise upon steam heating, embracing methods and appliances for warming buildings, heating water and cooking by steam. . . . London and New York, 1901. Svo. Illustr. T 697.6 Qas. Denny (William). On cooking and heating by gas. . . . Diunbarton, 1 88 1. Svo. Illustr. F 697.8 Smoke Flues and Chimneys. Ainslie (Alexander Colvin). Smoking fires : their cause and cure. Second edition. London, 1871. i2mo. F Bancroft (Robert M.) and (Francis J.). Tall chimney construction. A practical treatise on the construction of tall chimney shafts, containing details of upwards of eighty existing mill, engine-house, brick works, cement works and other chimneys in England, America and the continent, constructed in brick, stone, iron and concrete. Man- chester and Leives, id>d>^. Svo. Illustr. F Christie (William Wallace). Chimney design and theory : a book for engineers and architects. Second edition. New York, 1902. Svo. Illustr. F Clavering (Robert). An essay on the construction and building of chim- neys. . . . Second edition, corrected. London, 1788. Svo. Illustr. C Edwards (Frederick). A treatise on smoky chimneys, their cure and pre- vention. Fifth edition. . . . London, 1869. Svo. Illustr. A, F Gauger (Nicolas). The mechanism of fire made in chimneys : or, the art of improving the effects and diminishing the expenses thereof. . . . Translated into English . . . and revis'd. . . . London, 17 16. 4to. Illustr. F Hiort (John William). A practical treatise on the construction of chim- neys, containing an examination of the common mode m which they are built ; with an accurate description of the newly-invented tunnel. . . . London, 1826. Svo. Illustr. F 697.9 Ventilation. Air Ducts. Conduits. Fans. Boyle (Robert). Natural and artificial methods of ventilation. London^ 1899. i2mo. Illustr. F England. — Parliament. Report from Select Committee on the ventilation of the Houses of Parliament ; with the minutes of evidence. [London], 1835. Pol. Illustr. A in Manchester and Salford 21 697.9 Ventilation. Air Ducts. Conduits. Fans (continued) — Hausbrand (E.). Drying by means of air and steam. Explanations, formulas and tables for use in practice. Translated from the German by A. C. Wright. London, 1901. i2mo. Illustr. F Reid (David Boswell). Ventilation. A reply to misstatements made by " The Times" and by "The Athenseum " in reference to ships and buildings ventilated by the author ; with a few remarks on the oppos- ing demands, in respect to ventilation, of different constitutions. London, 1845. ^^o* ^ Sturtevant Engineering Co. Mechanical draft. A practical treatise. Bosto?i, [n.d.]. 8vo. T Sutchffe (John D.). Notes on the ventilation of cotton mills, including carding, spinning, gassing and sizing rooms, weaving sheds and dye- houses. . . . Introduction on mechanical ventilation by E. H. Osborn. Manchester, [1888]. 8vo. Illustr. F Woodbridge (Samuel Homer). Upward versus downward ventilation. Extracts from report ... on the ventilation of the Capitol, Washing- ton, U.S.A. London, 1900. i2mo. Illustr. F 698 PAINTING. GLAZING. PAPER-HANGING. Davidson (Ellis A.). A practical manual of house-painting, graining, marbhng and sign writing. . . . Seventh edition. London, 1896. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F Paperhanger. The paper hanger, painter, grainer and decorator's assist- ant : containing full information as to the best methods practised in paper hanging, panelling, room decoration, distempering, graining, marbling, sign writing, gilding, glass embossing, stencilling, varnishing, staining . . . and recipes and information on the various branches of household decorative art. By a decorator \i.e. C H. Savory]. London, [1879]. i2mo. Illustr. F Swingler (W. H.). Painting for the million, and property owner's com- panion of useful information. . . . Wakefield, \\?)']^. i2mo. F Whittock (Nathaniel). The decorative painters' and glaziers' guide; con- taining the most approved methods of imitating oak, mahogany, maple, rose, cedar, coral and every other kind of fancy wood. . . . Also a complete body of information on the art of staining and paint- ing on glass. . . . Third edition. London, 1832. 4to. Illustr. F 698.1 Painting. Smith (John) Clockmaker. Art of house-painting; improved by W. Butcher: and including every particular relating to that useful art. . . . The second edition. Lo?idon, 1825. i2mo. F Sutherland (William) and (William George). The art of graining and imi- tating woods. [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] Man- chester, [n.d.]. Fol. F 698.9 Other branches. Callingham (James). Sign writing and glass embossing ; a complete practical illustrated manual of the art. Second edition. London, 1874. i2mo. F 22 Architectural Works 710 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. * American Institute of Architects. European and Japanese gardens. A series of papers on Italian, English, French and Japanese gardens, read before the American Institute of Architects. Edited by G. Brown. . . . Londoti, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. Blomfield (Reginald). The formal garden in England. . . . Illustrations by F. I. Thomas. London, 1901. 8vo. M. * Boussard (Jean). Constructions et decorations pour jardins, kiosques, orangeries, volieres, abris divers. Paris, 1881. Fol. Illustr. Collection. Collection de nouveaux batimens pour la decoration des grands jardins et des campagnes. [Designed principally by C F. Schaffer. With a description of the plates.] Leipzig, 1802. Fol. U * Conder (Josiah). Landscape gardening in Japan. An exposition of the rules and theories of the art, as followed from ancient to modern times. . . . (Supplement.) Lotidon, 1893. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. Gardens. Gardens old and new : the country house and its garden en- vironment. . . . (The second volume. Edited by J. Leyland. Illus- trated from photographs by C. Latham.) London, [n.d.]. 2 vols. Fol. M *,^* Vol. I is of the third edition. Hibberd (Shirley). Rustic adornments for homes of taste. A new edition. . . . London, 1870. 4to. Illustr. F * Laborde (Alexandre Louis Joseph de) Comte. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France et de ses anciens chateaux, melee d'observations sur ... la composition des jardins. Les dessins par Bourgeois, [the editor]. [The title-page and text in French, German and English.] Paris, i8o8[-25]. Fol. Illustr. * Latham (Charles). The gardens of Italy. With descriptions by E. M. Phillipps. London, 1905. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. * Mawson (Thomas H.). The art and craft of garden making. Second edition. Lofidon, 1901. 4to. Illustr. Triggs (H. Inigo). Formal gardens in England and Scotland : their planning and arrangement, architectural and ornamental features. . . . Illustrated by seventy-two plates from drawings by the author and fifty-three reproduced from photographs by C. Latham. London^ 1902. Fol. M 714 Water. Fountains. Lakes. Boeckler (Georg Andreas). Architectura curiosa nova, exponens : i. Fundamenta hydragogica ... 2. varios aquarum ac salientium fontium lusus ... 3. magnum . . . fontium machinarumque aquaeductori- arum . . . numerum, 4. specus artificiales sumtuosissimas, 5. cum auctario figurarum ... ad hortorum topiaria vario ductu divi- denda. Omnia . . . explicata et vernaculo idiomate descripta per G. A. Bocklern et in Latinam lingam. translata a J. C. Sturmio. Norirnbergae, [1664]. 4 pts. in i vol. Fol. C Nova architectura curiosa, das ist, Neue ergotzliche . . . Bau und Wasser-Kunst . . . Alles in 200 . . . Kupffern . . . gezeichnet. . . . Niirnberg, 1704. 4 pts. in i vol. Fol. C in Manchester and Salford 23 714 Water. Fountains. Lakes {contifiued) — Falda (Giovanni Battista). Romanorum fontinalia, sive . . . intra & extra urbem Romam fontium . . . delineatio . . . universam earundem substructionum imaginem oculis . . . subjiciente J. B. Falti. . . . [Edited, with descriptions, by J. von Sandrart.] Norim- bergcB, 1685. Fol. C 717 Arbors. Seats. Outlooks. Overton (Thomas CoUins). The temple builder's most useful companion, being fifty . . . designs for pleasure and recreation, consisting of plans, elevations and sections in the Greek, Roman and Gothic taste, calculated for the ornamenting of parks, forests, woods, gardens, canals, eminences . . . islands, etc., together with a full explanation, in letterpress to each design. . . . London, 1766. 4to. F Wrighte (William). Grotesque architecture, or rural amusement ; con- sisting of plans, elevations and sections for huts, retreats, summer and winter hermitages . . . grottos . . . greenhouses, etc. To which is added, an explanation, with the method of executing them. A new edition. London, I'j go. 8vo. F 718 Monuments, etc. Gatty (Margaret). The book of sun-dials, collected by Mrs, H. Gatty. New and enlarged edition, edited by H. K. F. Gatty and E. Lloyd, with an appendix on the construction of dials by W. Richardson. London, 1889. 4to. Illustr. P 7ao ARCHITECTURE. 720.1 Theories. Aesthetics. Architectonics. Aikin (Edmund). An essay on the Doric order of architecture, containing a historical view of its rise and progress among the ancients, with a critical investigation of its principles of composition and adaptation to modern use. . . . Published by the London Architectural Society. London, 1810. Fol. Lllustr. A, F Aitchison (George). The principles of restoration : being a paper read before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science at Aberdeen, 20th September, 1877. London, 1877. 8vo, F Aynsley (Harriet G. M. Murray). Symbolism of the east and west. . . . London, 1900. 4to. Lllustr. R %* Pp. 178-192. Architectural and other customs. Barozzi (Giacomo) called II Vignola. Regola delli cinque ordini d'archi- tettura di J. Barozzi. Con la nuova aggionta di M. A. Buonaroti. . . . t'Amsielredam, 1619. Fol. Lllustr. P Li cinque ordini di architettura et agiuntade. . . . Con un ragiona- mento alliarchitetidi M, OttavianoRidolfi. . . . Con la nova agiunta di Michiel Angielo Bona Rotta. ... [A series of plates.] Venezia, [1648]. Fol. R Ragles des cinq ordres d'architecture. . . . On y joint un essai sur les memes ordres, suivant le sentiment des plus cel^bres architectes. Le tout enrichi de vignettes et cartels dessines et graves par Babel. Paris, 1762. 4to. R 24 Architectural Works 720.1 Theories. Aesthetics. Architectonics (continued) — Belcher (John). Essentials in architecture. An analysis of the principles and qualities to be looked for in buildings. London, i907- 8vo. Illustr. A, F Bergmann (Leo). Die Baustyle. Praktische Anleitung zur Kenntniss derselben und ihres Werthes fur das kiinstlerische Schaffen des Archi- tekten und Bauhandwerkers. Eearbeitet von C. Busch. Zweite Auflage der " Siiulenordnungen und Baustyle " von . . . L. Bergmann in voUstandiger Umgestaltung. . . . Leipzig, 1864-68. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. P Blondel (Fran9ois) Marechal de Camp. Cours d'architecture enseignd dans TAcademie Royale d'Architecture. . . . Oil sont expliquez les termes, I'origine & les principes d'architecture, & les pratiques des cinq ordres suivant la doctrine de Vitruve & de ses principaux sectateurs, & suivant celle des trois plus habiles architectes qui ayent ecrit entre les modernes, qui sont Vignole, Palladio & Scamozzi. . . . Paris, 1675-83. 5 pts. Fol. Illustr. C, F Britton (John). The union of architecture, sculpture and painting; ex- emplified by a series of illustrations, with descriptive accounts of the house and galleries of J. Soane. London, 1827. 4to. F, P Brown (Gerard Baldwin). The care of ancient monuments : an account of the legislative and other measures adopted in European countries for protecting ancient monuments and objects and scenes of natural beauty, and for preserving the aspect of historical cities. . . . Cam- bridge, 1905. 8vo. R Canon. The canon : an exposition of the pagan mystery perpetuated in the Cabala as the rule of all the arts. With a preface by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. London, 1897. 8vo. Illustr. R Dietterlein (Wendel). Le livre de I'architecture. Recueil de planches donnant la division, symetrie et proportion des cinq ordres, appli- ques a tous les travaux d'art qui en dependent tels que fenetres, cheminees, chambranles, portails, fontaines & tombeaux. Liege and Paris, [1862]. 2 vols. Fol. F Emmett (John T.). The ethics of urban leaseholds. [An essay reprinted from "The British Quarterly Review," April, 1879.] London, [n.d.]. 8vo. F The profession of an "architect". [An essay reprinted from "The British Quarterly Review," April, 1880.] London, [n.d.]. Svo. Illustr. F Essay. An essay upon harmony as it relates chiefly to situation and building. . . . [By J. Gwynn.] London, 1739. i2mo. F Fergusson (James). An historical inquiry into the true principles of beauty in art, more especially with reference to architecture. London, 1849. Fol. Jllustr. B, F Freard de Chambray (Roland). Parallele de I'architecture antique et de la moderne. Avec un recueil des dix principaux auteurs qui ont ecrit des cinq ordres : s9avoir, Palladio & Scamozzi, Serlio & Vignola, D. Barbaro & Cataneo, L. B. Alberti & Viola, Bullant & de Lorme, comparez entr' eux. . . . Planches originales augmentees de dix autres. . . . [By R. Freard de Chambray.] Paris, 1702. Fol. R in Manchester and Salford 25 720.1 Theories. Aesthetics. Architectonics {continued) — Freard de Chambray (Roland). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. . . . Made English. . . . To which is added an account of architects and architecture. . . . With L. B. Alberti's treatise of statues. By J. Evelyn. London, 1664. Fol. C, P, U The second edition. Londofi, 1707. Fol. M The third edition, with the addition of The elements of archi- tecture; collected by Sir H. Wotton. . . . Londo7i, 1723. Fol. U The fourth edition, with the addition of The elements of archi- tecture ; collected by Sir H. Wotton. . . . London, 1733. Fol. F Griffith (William Pettit). The natural system of architecture, as opposed to the artificial system of the present day. London, xZ/i,^. 4to. Illustr. A Hay (David Ramsay). The natural principles and analogy of the harmony of form. Edinburgh and London, \%i\2. 4to. LUustr. P Proportion ; or the geometric principle of beauty analysed. Lon- don, 1843. 4to- Lllustr. P Huggins (Samuel). On some important principles of architecture : illus- trated in an ideal tour round the world. A paper read before the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Liverpool, 9th March, 1870. Liverpool, 1870. 8vo. F, S The sister arts : their relations and place among the arts and sciences. [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. F Jackson (Thomas Graham). Reason in architecture : lectures delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts in the year 1906. London, 1906. 8vo. Lllustr. F, M, R Jones (Owen). On the true and the false in the decorative arts. Lectures delivered at Marlborough House, June, 1852. London, 1863. 8vo. Lllustr. A Langley (Batty). The builder's director, or bench mate : being a pocket- treasury of the Grecian, Roman and Gothic orders of architecture. . . . [A series of plates.] London, 1763. i2mo. F Leeds (William Henry). Rudimentary architecture. . . . The orders and their aesthetic principles. . . . Third edition. . . . [VVeale's Rudi- mentary Series. 16.] London, 1854. i2mo. Lllustr. F Tenth edition. London, 1874. i2mo. Lllustr. A Fifteenth edition. London, 1898. i2mo. Lllustr. T Legh (Peter). The music of the eye ; or, essays on the principles of the beauty and perfection of architecture . . . adapted to what may be traced of the ancient theories of taste in the three first chapters of Vitruvius. Written with a view to restore architecture to the dignity it had in ancient Greece. London, 1831. 8vo. Lllustr. C, F Lethaby (William Richard). Architecture, mysticism and myth. . . • London, 1892. i2mo. Lllustr. S Mauch (Johann Matthaeus von). Die architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Romer. . . . Siebente neu bearbeitete Aufiage mit Text von L. Lohde. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] Berlin, 1875. Fol. F 26 Architectural Works 720,1 Theories. Aesthetics. Architectonics {continued) — Morris (Robert). Lectures on architecture. Consisting of rules founded upon harmonick and arithmetical proportions in building. . . . The second edition. London, 1759. 8vo. F Normand (Charles Pierre Joseph). Nouveau parall^le des ordres d'archi- tecture des Grecs, des Romains et des auteurs modernes dessine et grave par C. Normand. . . . Nouvelle edition. . . . Texte et soix- ante-cinq planches. . . . Dourdan, 1897. Fol. M, S A new parallel of the orders of architecture ; according to the Greeks and Romans, and modern architects. With the original plates, drawn and engraved by C. Normand. . . . With the text translated and two additional plates ; by A. Pugin. London, 1829. Fol. F The orders of architecture, Greek, Roman and Italian. Selected from Normand's Parallels and other authorities, with three new plates. . . . Edited, with notes, by R. P. Spiers. ... [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1890. Fol. A, M Perrault (Claude). Ordonnance des cinq especes de colonnes selon la methode des anciens. Paris, 1683. Fol. Lllustr. R — A treatise of the five orders of columns in architecture ... to which is annex'd a discourse concerning pilasters ; and of several abuses introduc'd into architecture. Engraven on six . . . plates ... by J. Sturt. Written in French by C. Perrault . . . made English by J. James. Loftdon, 1708. Fol. C The second edition. . . . Lotidon, 1722. Fol. U Petit (John Louis). Remarks on architectural character. Oxford, 1846. Fol. F, U Pickett (William Vose). New system of architecture, founded on the forms of nature, and developing the properties of metals. . . . Lon- dofi, 1845. 8vo. L Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Osservazioni . . . sopra la lettre de M. Mariette aux auteurs de la Gazette Litteraire de I'Europe. . . . E parere su I'architettura. . . . Roma, 1765. Fol. C, R Robinson (John Beverly). Principles of architectural composition. An attempt to order and phrase ideas which have hitherto been only felt by the instinctive taste of designers. . . . With an introduction by R. Sturgis. New York, 1899. 8vo. U Ruskin (John). Lectures on architecture and painting, delivered at Edm- burgh in November, 1853. . . . With illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1854. 8vo. F, P, R Second edition, London, 1855. 8vo. F New edition. London, 1891. 8vo. B The poetry of architecture : cottage, villa, etc. To which is added suggestions on works of art. By " Kata Phusin " conjectured nom- de-plume of John Ruskin. . . . New York, 1873. 8vo. lllustr. F [Another edition.] The poetry of architecture, or, the archi- tecture of the nations of Europe considered in its association with natural scenery and national character. . . . With illustrations by the in Manchester and Salford 27 720.1 Theories. Aesthetics. Architectonics {continued) — author. [Edited by W. G. Collingwood.] Orpington, 1893 [1892]. 4to. F, P, R Ruskin (John). The seven lamps of architecture. . . . With illustrations, drawn and etched by the author. London, 1849. 8vo. B, F, P, R, U (Second edition.) With illustrations, drawn by the author [and etched by R. P. Cuff and J. C Armytage]. London, 1855. 8vo. R New edition. Orpington, i88o. 8vo. F [Another edition.] Neiv York, 1880. i2mo. F Sixth edition. Orpington, 1889. 8vo. R Third edition in small form. Orpington and Lotidon, 1891. i2mo. A, S The two paths ; being lectures on art and its application to decora- tion and manufacture. . . . With two plates. Londofi, 1859. 8vo. P, R %* Pp. 136-186. Influence of imagination in architecture. New edition. [The works of John Ruskin. 10.] Orpington, 1878. 8vo. R Scott {Sir George Gilbert). On the conservation of ancient architectural monuments and remains. Oxford, 1864. 8vo. U Smith (Thomas Roger). Acoustics in relation to architecture and build- ing. The laws of sound as applied to the arrangement of buildings New edition. . . . [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 116.] London, [1873]. i2mo. Lllustr. A Stannus (Hugh). Cantor Lectures : Some principles of form-design in applied art. . . . Delivered before the Society of Arts, 14, 21, 28 February & 7 March, 1898. Second edition. . . . London, 1898. 8vo. Lllustr. A Statham (Henry Heathcote). Architecture among the poets. With illustrations by the author. London, 1898. 4to. F Stevenson (John J.). Architectural restoration : its principles and practice. A paper read at the Royal Institute of British Architects, on the 28th of May, 1877. Lo?tdon, 1877. 8vo. F Sturgis (Russell). How to judge architecture. A popular guide to the appreciation of buildings. Fourth edition. New York, [1903.'']. 8vo. Lllustr. F, S Viola Zanini (Giuseppe). Delia architettura . . . libri due ne' quali con nuoua simmetria & facolta si mostrano le giuste regole de i cinque ordini. ... In questa seconda impressione consacrata all' illustris- simo . . . sig. A. Migliara. . . . Fadova, 1678. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Lllustr. C 720.3 Compends. Manuals. Albert! (Leon Battista). Leonis Baptiste Alberti de re aedificatoria. {Colophon :'\ FlorettticE : opera Magistri Nicolai Laurent ii Alamant, 1485. Fol. R 28 Architectural Works 720.2 Compends. Manuals {contimied) — Albert! (Leon Battista). Delia architettura di L. B. Alberti libri X. ; della pittura libri III. ; e della statua libro I. Tradotti in lingua Italianada C. Bartoli. Nova edizione da G. Leoni. (The architecture of L. B. Alberti. . . .) [Italian and English.] Lo?idon, I'j 26. 3 vols Fol. C Delia architettura, della pittura, e della statua. . . . Traduzione di C. Bartoli. . . . Bologna, 1782. Fol. Illustr. F Aldrich (Henry) Dea7i of Christ Church, Oxford. The elements of civil architecture, according to Vitruvius and other ancients, and the most approved practice of modern authors, especially Palladio. Translated by . . . P.Smyth. Third edition. Oxford, i?>2^. 8vo. n/ustr. C, F Beale (S. Sophia). The amateur's guide to architecture. Edinburgh, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. T Bianchi (Paolo Federico). Instituzione pratica dell' architettura civile per la decorazione de' pubblici e privati edificj ; preceduta da un articolo di geometria in pratica ad uso delli disegnatori ed artefici. [With plates by G. C. Bianchi.] Milano, 1766. 2 vols. 4to. R Billington (John). The architectural director: being an approved guide to . . . the study, employment and execution of architecture. . . . London, \_i2> 2 g}\ 8vo. Illustr. F Blondel (Jacques Francois). Cours d'architecture, ou traite de la decora- tion, distribution et construction des batiments . . . (commence par J. F. Blondel et continue par . . . Patte). Publie de I'aveu de I'auteur par M. R***. Paris, 1771-77. 6 vols. 8vo. [Plates.] 3 vols. 4to and 8vo. U *^* Tom. 5-6 and the plates belonging to them are by P. Patte. Brown (Gerard Baldwin). The fine arts. A manual. Second edition. London, 1902. 12 mo. Illustr. A, M How to use Vitruvius. . . . [The Royallnstitute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 9, N.S.] London, 1893. 4to. A Buckmaster (Martin A.). A descriptive handbook of architecture. Lort- dofi, 1905. 8vo. Illustr. F Bury (Thomas Talbot). Rudimentary architecture for the use of be- ginners. The history and description of the styles of architecture of various countries, from the earliest to the present period. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 17.] London, 1849. i2mo. Illustr. T Fourth Edition. London. 1857. i2mo. Illustr. F Sixth edition. London, 1874. i2mo. Illustr. A Cassell & Co. The new popular educator. A complete encyclopaedia of elementary and advanced education. Lofidon, 1899. 8 vols. 4to. Illustr. F *J* Includes lessons in architecture. Cataneo (Pietro). I qvattro primi libri di architettvra. . . . [Colophon ;] Vinegia : fgliuoli di Aldo, i^e^j\. Fol. Illustr. R in Manchester and Salford ^--^4ki^£^^i^^ 29 720.2 Compends. Manuals {contimied) — Cataneo (Pietro). L'architettvra di P. Cataneo. . . . Alia quale oltre all' essere stati dall' istesso autore riuisti . . . e di diuersi disegni e discorsi arricchiti i primi quattro libri . . . sono aggiunti di piu il quinto, sesto, settimo, e ottauo libro. . . . {Colophon ;] Venetia : {Aldus^ 1567. Fol. Illustr. R Davy (Christopher). Architectural precedents ; with notes and ob- servations. London, 1841. 8vo. U Dearn (Thomas Downes Wilmot). Sketches in architecture, consisting of original designs for public and private buildings. London, [1806]. Fol. U Denison (Edmund Beckett) afterwards Beckett (Edmund) Barofi Grim- thorpe. A book on building, civil and ecclesiastical ; with the theory of domes, and of the Great Pyramid ; and a catalogue of sizes of churches, and other large buildings. London, 1876. 8vo. Lllustr. A, P Durand (Jean Nicolas Louis). Recueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes, remarquables par leur beaute, par leur grandeur, ou par leur singularite, et dessines sur une meme echelle. Par J. N. L. Durand. . . . Avec un texte extrait de I'Histoire generate de I'architecture, par J. G. Legrand. . . . Paris, An VIII [1800]. Obi. fol. R [Another edition.] Bruxelles, [n.d.] Fol. F Grey (Henry). Trowel, chisel and brush. A concise manual of archi- tecture, sculpture and painting, ancient and modern. London and New York, 1884. lamo. F Guadet (Julien). Elements et theorie de I'architecture. . . . Nouvelle edition, /'am, [1906 ?]. 4 vols. Fol. Lllustr. F Hoppus (E.). The gentleman's and builder's repository : or, architecture display'd. . . . The fourth edition. . . . London, 1760. 4to. U Kerr (Robert). The consulting architect : practical notes on administra- tive difficulties and disputes. London, 1886. 8vo. F, T Langley (Batty) and (Thomas). The builder's jewel ; or, the youth's in- structor, and workman's remembrancer ; explaining short . . . rules ... for drawing and working. I. The five orders of columns entire ; or any part of an order . . . and to enrich them w^ith their rusticks, flutings . . . also to proportion their doors, windows. . . . II. Block and cantaliver cornices, rustick quoins, cornices proportioned to rooms. . . . The eleventh edition. London, 1768. i6mo. Lllustr. A Le Clerc (Sebastien). A treatise of architecture with remarks and ob- servations. . . . Engraven in 181 copper plates by J. Sturt. Trans- lated by . . . Chambers. London, 1732. 8vo. F L'Orme (Philibert de). Novvelles inventions povr bien bastir et a petits fraiz. . . . Paris, 1561. Fol. Llhistr. R Mitchell (Thomas). A rudimentary manual of architecture ; being a history and explanation of the principal styles of European architec- ture, ancient, mediaeval and renaissance, with their chief variations described and illustrated, to which is appended a glossary of technical terms. London^ 1870. 8vo. Lllustr. . T 30 Architectural Works 720.2 Compends. Manuals {continued) — Noble (James). The professional practice of architects, and that of measuring surveyors, and reference to builders, &c., &c., from the time of the celebrated Earl of Burlington. London^ 1836. 8vo. F Oudin (J.). Manuel d'archeologie religieuse, civile et militaire. . . . Cinquieme edition. . . . Paris, 1873. 8vo. U Pain (William) and (James). Pain's British Palladio : or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating all the principal rules of architec- ture. . . engraved . . . from the original designs of W. and J. Pain. London, 1793. Fol. U Palladio (Andrea). I qvattro libri dell' architettvra di A. Palladio. Ne' quali, dopo un breue trattato de' cinque ordini, & di quelli auertimenti, che sono piu necessarij nel fabricare ; si tratta delle case private delle vie, de i ponti, delle piazze, de i xisti, et de' tempij. [With woodcuts.] Venetia, 1570. 4 pts. in i vol. Fol. R [Another edition.] Venetia, 1570. 4 pts. in i vol. Fol. R *»* This is a reprint executed about 1770-80. With copper engravings. The architecture of Palladio ; in four books. . . . Revis'd, de- sign'd and publish'd by G. Leoni. . . . Translated from the Italian original . . . [by N. Du Bois]. London, 1721. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. C * ^ Vol. I is described as " The second edition ". The architecture of A. Palladio ; in four books. . . . Revis'd . . . by G. Leoni. . . . Translated from the Italian [by N. Du Bois]. . . . The third edition, corrected. With notes ... of I. Jones . . . and also an appendix containing the Antiquities of Rome ... by A. Palladio and a discourse of the fires of the ancients. . . . London, 1742. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F The first book of architecture. . . . Translated out of Italian with an appendix touching doors and windows, by P. Le Muet. . . . Translated into English, by G. Richards. . . . Also rules ... for the framing of any manner of roofs ... by ... W. Pope. . . . The twelfth edition, corrected and enlarged. . . . Londo/i, i"]^^. 410. U The four books of A. Palladio's architecture : wherein, after a short treatise of the five orders, those observations that are most necessary in building private houses, streets, bridges, piazzas, xisti and temples are treated. [Translated by I. Ware. First book only.] London, 1738. Fol. Illustr. A The four books of architecture, by A. Palladio. . . . Literally trans- lated from the original Italian, by I. Ware. . . . London, [1738?]. 2 pts. Fol. Illustr. A Architecture de Palladio divisee en quatre livres. . . . Avec des notes d'l. Jones qui n'avoient point encore ete imprimees. Le tout revu, dessine & nouvellement mis au jour par J. Leoni. . . . Traduit del'Italicn . . . [par N. Du Bois]. La Haye, i']26. 2 vols. Fol. R in Manchester and Salford 31 720.2 Compends. Manuals {continued) — Palladio (Andrea). Le fabbriche e i disegni di A. Palladio. Raccolti ed illustrati da O. Bertotti Scamozzi. . . . Con la traduzione francese. Vicenza, 1776-83. 4 vols. Fol. A Le fabbriche e i disegni di A. Palladio, raccolti ed illustrati da O. Bertotti Scamozzi. . . . Vicenza, 1796. 4 vols. 4to. R Papendick (Charles Edward). A synopsis of architecture for the informa- tion of the student and amateur ; containing an enumeration of the most celebrated buildings of antiquity, a description of the various constituent parts in the ancient and modern styles, and a copious alphabetical vocabulary of technical terms. London, 1826. 8vo. lllustr. F Rosengarten (Albert). A handbook of architectural styles. Translated from the German ... by W. Collett-Sandars. . . . [Edited by T. Roger-Smith.] London, 1877. 8vo. Lllustr. A [Another edition.] London, [n.d.]. 8vo. Lllustr. M A new edition. London, 1893. 8vo. Lllustr. F Rudiments. The rudiments of architecture : or the young workman's instructor. ... To which is added, the builder's dictionary. . . . The third edition, corrected. . . . Dundee, i^gg. 4to. Lllustr. F Sandrart (Joachim von). L'academia todesca della architectura, scultura e pittura : oder teutsche Academic der edlen Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey- Kiinste. . . . Nilrnberg, 1675. 2 vols. Fol. Lllustr. C Serlio (Sebastiano). The first ( — The fift) book of architecture, made by S. Serly. . . . Translated out of Italian into Dutch, and out of Dutch into English. Lotidon : printed for R. Peake {by S. Stafford), 161 1. 5 pts. in I vol. Fol. A *^* The title-page is wanting in this copy. Skaife (Thomas). A key to civil architecture ; or, the universal British builder. . . . The second edition, corrected. . . . London, 1776. Svo. U Statham (Henry Heathcote). Architecture for general readers : a short treatise on the principles and motives of architectural design. With a historical sketch. London, 1895. Svo. Llhcstr. F Second edition, revised. London, 1896. Svo. lllustr. U Swan (Abraham). The British architect : or, the builder's treasury of stair-cases. . . . Lo7idon, 1745. Fol. U Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Entretiens sur I'architecture. Paris, 1863-72. 2 vols. Svo. Lllustr. Atlas. 1864. Fol. F Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). L. Victrvvii Pollionis ad Cesarem Avgvstvm de architectvra liber primvs ( — decimvs). (Sexti Ivlii Frontini viri consvlaris : de aqvis qve in vrbem inflvvnt : libellvs mirabilis. [With the emendations of J. Pomponius Laetus and J. Sulpitius.]) [Edited by J. Sulpitius.] {^Ronie : G. LLerolt, i486.] Fol. R Hoc in uolumine haec opera continentur. L. Vitruuii Pollionis de architectura libri decem. Sexti lulii Frontini de aquasductibus 32 Architectural Works 720.2 Compends. Manuals (continued) — liber unus. Angeli policiani opusculum : quod Panepistemon in- scribitur. Angeli Policiani in priora analytica praelectio. Cui titulus est Lamia. \Colophon -^ FlorenticB, 1496, Venetiis, 1495. Fol. *^* The imr^rint Florentia occurs at the end of Vitruvius; Venetiis at the end ot the Panepistemon. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). Hoc in uolumine haec opera continentur. Cleonidae harmonicum introductorium interprete Georgio Valla Placentino. L. Vitruuii PoUionis de architectura libri decern. Sexti lulii Frontini de aquaeductibus liber unus. Angeli policiani opusculum : quod Panepistemon inscribitur. Angeli Policiani in priora analytica pr^lectio. Cui Titulus est Lamia. \_Colopho7i ;] Venetiis : per Si?nonem Fapiensem dictum Biuilaquam, 1497. Fol. F Vitrvvivs itervm (de architectvra) et Frontinvs (de aqvedvctibus vrbis Romae) a locvndo revisi repvrgatiqve qvantvm ex collatione licvit. {^Colophon ;] Flore nt ice : sumptibus P. de Giunta, 15 13. 2 pts. 8vo. Ilhistr. R M. Vitrvvii de architectvra libri decem nuper maxima diligentia castigati atq; excusi, additis, lulij Frontini de aqueductibus libris propter materice affinitatem. [Colophon :'\ Florentice : per hczredes F . Tuntce. 1522. 2 pts. in i vol. 8vo. Illustr. R M. Vitrvvii de architectura libri decem, summa diligentia recogniti, atq; excusi. . . . Additis lulij frontini de aqueductibus libris, npter materiae affinitatem. {Lyons], 1523. 8vo. Illustr. R M. Vitrvvii PoUionis de architectvra libri decem, cvm commentariis D. Barbari, electi patriarchae Aqvileiensis. . . . Venetiis : apud F. Franciscium ^^ I. Crugher, 1567. Fol. Illustr. C, R M. Vitruvii PoUionis de architectura libri decem. Cum notis. . . . G. Philandri integris ; D. Barbari excerptis, & C. Salmasii passim insertis. Prgemittuntur elementa architectur^e coUecta ab . . . H. Woltono. . . . Accedunt lexicon Vitruvianum B. Baldi . . . et ejusdem scamiUi impares Vitruviani. . . . Omnia in unum coUecta ... a I. de Laet. . . . Amstelodami : apud L. Elzevir ium, 1649. 3 pts. in I vol. Fol. Illustr. C, F, R Marci Vitruvii PoUionis de architectura libri decem. . . . Recensuit et glossario in quo vocabula artis propria Germ. Ital. Gall, et Angl. explicantur Ulustravit A. Rode. . . . Berolini, 1800. 4to. R Formae ad explicandos M. Vitruvii PoUionis decem libros de architectura maximam partem ad ipsa antiqua monumenta delineatae cum brevU)us explicaiionibus Latinis et Germanicis. Cura A. Rode. . . . (Kupfer zu Vitruvs zehn Biichern. . . .) Berolini, 1801. Fol. R M. Vitruvii PoUionis architectura . . . cum exercitationibus notisque novissimis J. Poleni, et commentariis variorum additis nunc primum studiis S. Stratico. Utini, 1825-30. 4 vols, in 8. 4to. U Vitruvii de architectura libri decem. Iterum edidit V. Rose. [Bibliotheca . . . Teubneriana.] Lipsiae, 1899. 8vo. R in Manchester and Salford 33 720.2 Compends. Manuals {continued) — Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio. Translated from the original Latin by W. Newton. London, 1791. 2 vols. Fol. S The civil architecture of Vitruvius, comprising those books . . • which relate to the public and private edifices of the ancients. Trans- lated by W. VVilkins. . . . With an introduction containing an his- torical view of the rise and progress of architecture amongst the Greeks. London, 1812. Fol. Illustr. A, P, R The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books. Trans- lated from the Latin by J. Gwilt. London, 1826. 4to. Illustr. F, P The ten books of Vitruvius translated from the Latin by J. Gwilt, . . . to which is prefixed an inquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture by George, Earl of Aberdeen. London, [n.d.]. Svo. Illustr. T Les dix livres d'architecture . . . corrigez et traduits en fran9ois, avec des notes. . . . Seconde edition, corrigee et augmentee par . . . Perrault. Paris, 1684. Fol. Illustr. C Architecture generale de Vitruve reduite en abrege par . . . Perrault. . . . Derni&re edition. . . . Amsterdafn, 1681. i2mo. Illustr. C Di L. Vitruuio Pollione de architectura libri dece traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati : comentati . . . [by C. Caesariano. Edited by A. Gallo and A. da Pirovano]. Gotardvs de Ponte, {\Colophon {\ Como, 1521). Fol. R M. L. Vitrvuio Pollione di architettura dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua tradotto. . . . Anchora con la tauola alfabetica. . . . [Translated by F. L. Durantino.] {[Colophon ;] Vinegia), 1535. Fol. Illustr. F I dieci libri dell' architettvra . . . tradvtti et commentati da . . . Barbaro. Vinegia, 1556. Fol. Illustr. R L'architettura generale di Vitruvio ridotta in compendio dal sig. Perrault. . . . Opera tradotta dal Francese. . . . Col commento di . . . Barbaro. . . , Venezia, 1747. 8vo. Illustr. R Ware (Isaac). A complete body of architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations. . . . In which are interspersed some designs of I. Jones, never before published. London, 1756. Fol. C, U Wotton {Sir Henry). The elements of architecture collected . . . from the best authors and examples. Lo7idon, 1624. 4to. F [Another edition. Reprinted from the first impression.] London, 1903. Svo. X 720.3 Dictionaries. Encyclopaedias. Architectural Publication Society. The dictionary of architecture issued by the Architectural Publication Society. . . . [Edited by W. A. Van S. Papworth.] London, [i853-]92. 8 vols. Fol. Illustr. A, F 3 34 Architectural Works 720.3 Dictionaries. Encyclopaedias [continued) — Audsley (William James) and (George Ashdown). Popular dictionary of architecture and the allied arts : a work of reference for the architect, builder, sculptor, decorative artist and general student. . . . Vol. I (-3). [A-Buttery.] Liverpool, and London, [1878-82]. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. C, F, P, S %* No more published. Second edition [of vol. i]. Z^;?^ 83-99. Riflesso per cangiar I'aria negli spedali, nelle prigioni ed in ogni altra pubblica coabitazione. Morris (William). Architecture, industry and wealth : collected papers by W. Morris. London, 1902. 4to. F, R Hopes and fears for art. Five lectures delivered in Birmingham, London and Nottingham. (Signs of change. Seven lectures de- livered on various occasions.) London, 1902. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. R Ruskin (John). Arrows of the chase ; being a collection of scattered letters published chiefly in the daily newspapers, 1840-1S80. . . . Edited by an Oxford pupil [i.e. A. D. O. Wedderburn]. . . . Or- pington, 1S80. 2 vols. Svo. R *^^* Vol. I, pp. 179-252. Architecture and restoration. On the old road : a collection of miscellaneous essays, pamphlets, etc., etc., published 1834-1885. Orpington, i2,d>$. 2 vols, in 3. 4to. R Spiers (Richard Phene). Architecture, east and west : a collection of essays. . . . London, 1905. Svo. Illustr. F, M [Mahometan architecture. — Stalactite (honeycomb) vaulting: its origin in Saracenic architecture. — Sassanian architecture. — Review of M. Dieula- 40 Architectural Works 720.4 Essays. Lectures {continued) — foy's work on the explorations at Susa, 1893. — Influence of Byzantine art in Italy from the fifth to the twelfth centuries. — Saint-Front of Perigueux, and the domed churches of Perigord and La Charente. Notes on some churches in Palestine and Sicily. — Great Mosque of the Omeiyades, Damascus. — Influence of Greek art on the Persian order.] Street (George Edmund). The late Mr. Street's contributions, i. Some churches of Le-Puy-en-Velay and Auvergne. 2. The church of St. Michael-Penkevel, Cornwall. 3. English woodwork in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. 4. Some of the differences of style in old buildings. . . . [Edited by A. E. Street.] [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. v., N.S.] Londott, 1889. 4to. Illustr. A Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Lectures on architecture. Trans- lated ... by B. Bucknall. London, 1877-81. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A 720.5 Periodicals. Academy Architecture. Academy architecture and annual architectural review, 1889, \etc\ . . . Edited by A. Koch ... and (1889) C. W. English. . . . London, [1889, etc.]. 8vo. Illustr. A, M* (1891-95 only) Classified index to volumes i.-xxi. (1889-1902). London, 1902. 4to. A Annual Retrospect of Engineering and Architecture. The annual retro- spect of engineering and architecture ; a record of progress in the sciences of civil, military and naval construction. Edited by G. R. Burnell. Vol. i., 1861. London, 1862. 8vo. F Antiquarian and Architectural Year Book. The antiquarian and archi- tectural year book for 1844. London, 1845. ^^o- f* Architect, The. The architect. A journal (A weekly illustrated journal) of art, civil engineering and building. London, 1869, etc. Fol. In progress. A* (1869-85 only), F* (1874, etc.) Architectural Magazine. The architectural magazine and journal of im- provement in architecture, building and furnishing. . . . Conducted by J. C. Loudon. . . . London, 1834-38. 5 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F, P, R, T* Berliner Architekturwelt. Berliner Architekturwelt. Zeitschrift fiir Bau- kunst, Malerei, Plastik und Kunstgewerbeder Gegenwart. . . . Unter Mitwirkung der Vereinigung Berliner Architekten. Berlin, 1899, etc. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. F, M* (2 vols, only) British Architect. The British architect : a national record of the aesthetic and constructive arts ; and business journal of the building com- munity. Manchester, a.nd London, i?)"]^, etc. Fol. Illustr. Li pro- gress. A* (1874-86), C, F, S* (1883-88), T* (1900, etc.) * ^* There are several variations in the title of this periodical. Builder, The. The builder, an illustrated weekly magazine, for the drawing- room, the studio, the office, the workshop and the cottage. Lo7ido?i, 1843, ^^^- Fol- I^ progress. A* (1848-77 only), F, T* (1900, etc.) in Manchester and Salford 41 720.5 Periodicals [continued) — Building Budget. The building budget. [From Dec. 1886 to Dec. 1887.] Chicago, 1886-87. Fol. Illusfr. A Building News. The building news. A weekly record of the progress of architecture . . . etc., etc. Volume the second, [^/c] [Continued as :] The building news and architectural review . . . [continued as :] The building news and engineering journal. . . . London, 1856-62, 1865, etc. Fol. Illustr. A* (1856-62, 1867-74 only), F* (1865, etc), T* (1900, etc) The building news sketch book, MDCCCLXXI. [A series of plates.] \_London, 1871.] Fol. A [A collection of illustrations taken from "The Building News".] II vols. Fol. A Quarterly papers on architecture. Quarterly papers on architecture. . . . Edited and published by J. Weale. London, \%\\-\^. 4 vols. 4to. A, B, F, M*, P, S, U Specification. Specification ... for architects, surveyors and engineers when specifying : and for all interested in building. . . . No. 3, February-May, 1899. London, [1899]. Fol. Lllustr. A Surveyor, Engineer and Architect. The surveyor, engineer and architect ; for the year i84i(-i842). Conducted by A. Mudie. London, [1841-42]. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. F [Continued as :] The architect, engineer and surveyor ; for the year 1843. Londoti, [1843]. 4to. Lllustr. F 720.6 Societies. Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein fuer das Koenigreich Hannover. Notiz-blatt des Architecten- und Ingenieur- Vereins fiir das Konigreich Hannover. Bd. 2(-3). LLannover, 1852-54. Fol. Lllustr. L [Continued as :] Zeitschrift des Architecten- und Ingenieur- Vereins fiir das Konig- reich Hannover. . . . Neue Folge des Notiz-Blattes. Bd. i(-4i). LLannover, 1855-95. Fol. L [Continued as :] Zeitschrift fiir Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Organ des Sachsi- schen Ingenieur- und Architekten- Vereins und des Architekten- und Ingenieur- Vereins zu Hannover. . . . Heft-Ausgabe. Bd. 42 \etc.\ LLannover, a.x\d Wiesbaden, iSg6, etc. Fol. Ln progress. L Alphabetisches Sachregister. . . . Neue Folge. Bd. i bis 8 (1855-1862). [LTannover, n.d.] Fol. L Drittes alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichniss. . . . Bd. 9-16. Jahrg 1863-1870. [/Lannover, n.d.] Fol. L Viertes alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Bd. 17-27. Jahrg 1871 bis 1881. LLannover, 1883. Fol. L Fiinftes . . . Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Bd. 28 bis 37. Jahrg. 1882-1891. LLannover, 1893. Fol. L Sechstes . . . Inhaltsverzeichniss. Bd. 38-47. Jahrg. 1892- 1901. Wiesbaden, 1905. Fol. L 42 Architectural Works 720.6 Societies {continued) — Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein, etc., Beitrage zur Forderung der Kunst in den Gewerken. Herausgegeben von dem Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein fiir das Konigreich Hannover. Band i, Heft I (-9). Hannover, 1858-68. 4to. Illustr. L Die mittelalterlichen Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. Heraus- gegeben von dem Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein fiir das Konig- reich Hannover. Hannover, 1855-83. 3 vols. 4to. Illustr. L Architectural Association. Sketch book. New series. Vol. 4(-io). London, 1884-90. 7 vols. Fol. A Architectural League of America. The architectural annual. Edited by A. Kelsey. Philadelphia, 1900. Fol. Illustr. F Architectural Photographic Association. [Andernach, Heisterbach, Laach, Limburg, Boppard, Sayn, Elz, Miinster-Maifeld, Treves.] [Portfolio of 22 photographs of cathedrals, churches, etc.] [n.p., n.d.] Fol. A [Chartres, Lisieux, Lemans, Tours, Loches, Poitiers, Civray, Abbe- ville, St. Riquier.] [Portfolio of 22 photographs of cathedrals and churches.] [n.p., n.d.] Fol. A [Portfolio of photographs, chiefly of churches, etc., in France and Italy, taken for the most part by the Architectural Photographic As- sociation.] [n.p., n.d.] Fol. A Architectural Publication Society. Detached essays and illustrations issued during the years 1848-1852. London, 1853. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. A Associated Architectural Societies. Associated Architectural Societies' reports and papers. London, [1851-77]. Vols, i, 3, 10, 13. Svo. U *,* Wanting vol. 10, pt. i, and vol. 12, pt, i. * Dresdener Architekten- Verein. Dresdener Architektur- Album. Bauten und Entwiirfe. Dresden, [1874-78]. Fol. Illustr. Gruning (Edward Augustus) and Papworth (Wyatt Angelicus Van Sandau). Memoir of the late Professor Donaldson. By E. A. Gruning . . . and (his connection with the Institute by) W. Papworth. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. ii., N.S.] London, 1886. 4to. Illustr. A Institute of British Architects, afterwards Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Transactions of the Institute (Royal Institute) of British Architects of London. . . . Vol. i., part i.(-ii.). . . . London, 1836- 42. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. A, C, F, L*, U* Papers (Sessional papers, 1875-76-1877-78) read at the Royal Institute of British Architects. Session i853-54(-i877-78). . . . London, 1854-78. 25 vols. 4to. Illustr. A* (i vol. only), C, F, L [Continued as :] Royallnstitute of British Architects. . . . The transactions. Session 1878-79 (-1883-84). . . . London, 1879-84. 6 vols. 4to. Illustr. A, C, F, L, U* [Continued as ;] in Manchester and Salford 43 720.6 Societies {continued) — Institute of British Architects, afterwards Royal Institute of British Architects. . . . Transactions. Vol. i. (-viii.). New series. . . . London, 1885-92. 8 vols. 4to. Illustr. A, C, F, L, U* *,* For the continuation of the "Transactions," see infra, "Journal . . . Third series". Royal Institute of British Architects. . . . The proceedings. Ses- sion i878-79{-i883-84). London, 1879-84. 6 vols. 4to. A*, L [Continued as :] Royal Institute of British Architects. . . . Journal of proceedings. Vol. i.(-ix.). New series. Z<9«2>f^. 4to. A, F, U Supplement. . . . Comprising additions from . . . 1887 to . . . 1898. London, 1899. 4to. U Catalogue of the loan library. With supplement comprising addi- tions to December, 1899. London, (1896-)! 900. 8vo. U 44 Architectural Works 720.6 Societies {continued) — Liverpool Architectural Association. Our sketch book. Vol. i. Liver- pool, 1871. 4to. A London Architectural Society. Essays. London, 1808-10. 2 pts. in i vol. Bvo. Illustr. U Lucas (Charles). L'Institut royal des architectes britanniques. Sep- ti^me conference generale. . . . Notes de voyage at rapports 1884- 1885. . . . Extrait des publications de la Societe centrale des archi- tectes. . . . Paris, 1885. 8vo. C Manchester Architectural Association. Annual report, 1 890-1. Man- chester, [1891]. i2mo. F [Manchester Architectural Association sketch-book, vol. i.] [n.p., n.d.] Fol. A Manchester Society of Architects : Official Proceedings. Report and proceedings of the first [to 26th] general meeting of the Society, for the season i865-6(-i89o). . . . Manchester, 1865-90. 8vo. A • [Another set.] i865-6(-i89i). Manchester, 1865-91. 8vo. F The kalendar of the Manchester Society of Architects . . . aUied with the Royal Institute of British Architects . . . 1893-4(1894-5, 1895-6, 1897-98, 1898-99, 1 900-1 901, etc?). Manchester, 1893, etc. 8vo. In progress. F List of council and officers. [From 1865-6 to 1891.] [A list in MS.] s. sh. 4to. A Original members. April, 1865. [With members elected up to 1891.] [A list in MS.] 8vo. A [Copy of resolutions on the reconstruction and incorporation of the society. Dated September 21st and October 12th, 1889.] [In MS.] ^Manchester, 1889.] 8vo. A Suggested rules, etc., [for the reconstructed Society] as revised by committee. ^Manchester, 1890.] 8vo. A Memorandum and articles of association of the Manchester Society of Architects. Manchester, 1891. 8vo. A Standing bye-laws. [^Manchester, 1891.] 8vo. A Memorandum and articles of association, with the standing bye-laws. Manchester, 1892. 4to. A [A circular letter dated 20th February, 1882, relating to the posi- tion of those members of the Royal Institute of British Architects not resident in London.] [Manchester, 1882.] 8vo. A To the provincial fellows of the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects . . . 20th June, 1882. ... [A circular letter.] [Manchester, 1882.] 8vo. A Report of the Manchester Society of Architects to the non- metropolitan members of the Royal Institute of British Architects [on the position and privileges of the latter.] 28th February, 1884. Manchester, 1884. 8vo. A, F Priveleges [sic^ of non-metropolitan Fellows, R.I.B.A. [A circular letter dated October 31st, 1885.] [Manchester, 1885.] 8vo. A in Manchester and Salford 45 720.6 Societies {continued) — Manchester Society of Architects : Official Proceedings. Petition to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty in council, in favour of granting a new charter to the Royal Institute of British Architects. . . . r2th November, 1886. {Manchester, 1886.] 8vo. A Petition to the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom, &c., against the second reading of the Architects, Engineers and Surveyors Registration Bill. Dated 26th March, 1888. {^Manchester, 1888.J 8vo. A Petition to the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom, &c., against the second reading of a bill for the registration of architects, dated 14th March, 1890. [In MS.] [Manchester, 1890.] A [A manuscript letter from J. Holden to the President and Council of the Manchester Society of Architects, dated July i6th, 1891, pre- senting a collection of books to the Society. Also a " List of books referred to ".] 1891. Fol. A Manchester Society of Architects : Presidential Addresses. The address delivered by the president [I. Holden] at the first meeting of the session 1866-67, October 8th, 1866. Manchester, 1866. 8vo. A, F Address of the president, W. R. Corson, at the first meeting of the session, 1867-8. Manchester, 1867. 8vo. A, F Address by the president, W. R. Corson, to the general meeting of the Society, March 8th, 1869. Manchester, 1869. 8vo. A, F Address of the president, A. W. Mills, to the general meeting held March 7th, 1870. Manchester, 1870. 8vo. A, F Address of the president ... J. Murgatroyd, to the members at a general meeting, October 13th, 1873. Manchester, 1873. 8vo. A. F Address of the president . . . T. Worthington, to the members at a general meeting, December 13th, 1875. Manchester, xZ'^k^. 8vo. A, F Address of the president, A. Waterhouse ... to the members at a general meeting held July i, 1878. Manchester, 1878. 8vo. A Address of the president, J. M, Taylor ... to the members at a general meeting held March i6th, 1881. Manchester, 1881. Svo. A, F Address of the president, J. Stevens ... to the members at a general meeting held June, 1883. Manchester, 1883. Svo. A, F Address of the president ... J. Holden, to the members at a general meeting, March 12, 1884. Manchester, 1884. 8vo. A, F Address of the president . . . G. T. Redmayne, to the members at a general meeting, March loth, 1886. Manchester, 1886. 8vo. A, F Address of the president ... J. Murgatroyd ... to the members at a general meeting, March 22nd, 1887. Manchester, 1887. 8vo. A, F 46 Architectural Works 720.6 Societies (continued^) — Manchester Society of Architects : Presidential Addresses. Address of the president . . . W. A. Royle ... to the members at a general meeting, June 13th, 1888. Manchester, 1888. 8vo. A, F Manchester Society of Architects ; Competitions. Suggestions on the management of competitions. {^Manchester, 1866.] Fol. A, F [Begin ;] The Manchester Society of Architects has drawn up the following list in the hope that it may be useful to those architectural pupils and draughtsmen who may not be aware of the facilities offered in Manchester for the prosecution of the study of their profession, nor of the various prizes which it is within their reach to compete for . . . August, 1870. List of classes and prizes. (List of books.) [Manchester, 1870.] Fol. A, F Address to architectural students, September, 1875. (List of classes and prizes. List of books.) Manchester, 1875. 8vo. A, F Address to architectural students, with course of study and list of books recommended by the Council of the Society, 1888. Man- chester, 1888. 8vo. A, F To architectural students. The Manchester Society of Architects offers a prize of the value of jQe^, to be competed for by students serving their apprenticeship in the office of any architect practising in Manchester. January, 1871. Conditions. [Manchester, 1871.] ^. sh. 4to. A Competition by students in the offices of architects for prize of five pounds (for prizes) offered by the Society . . . 1874 (1875-83, 1885- 91). [Conditions, etc.] Manchester, 1874-91. 8vo. A [Another set.] 1873 (1874, 1876, 1878, 1880-83, 1885, 1888- 91). Manchester, 1873-91. 8vo. F Report on the students' competition, 1872. [Manchester, 1872.] s. sh. 4to. F Report of the committee on competition by students in the offices of architects for prizes of five guineas each offered by the Society, ist February, 1876. [Manchester, 1876.] 8vo. A, F Report of the committee on the students' competition, 1876-7. [Manchester, 1877.] 8vo. A Competition by students of the Building Trades Institute for prizes offered by (or through) the Society . . . 1876 (1877, 1879, 1884). [Questions, etc.'] [Manchester, 1876-84.] 8vo. A, F* Report of the committee on the competition by students of the Build- ing Trades Institute for prizes offered by the Society. 9th May, 1876. [Manchester, 1876.] 8vo. A, F [Begin ;] At a council meeting, held ... on the 4th day of February last [1878], the following members were appointed a committee to make the necessary arrangements for a travelling studentship of the value of fifty guineas, [etc.]. . . . March, 1878. [Manchester, 1878.] 8vo. A Travelling studentship. Report of the committee. [Manchester, 1878.] 8vo. A in Manchester and Salford 47 720.6 Societies {continued) — Manchester Society of Architects : Competitions. The Alexander Thom- son TraveUing Studentship, value ^60. . . . [Regulations.] [^Man- chester, 1887.] 4to. A [Circular letter relating to a " Travelling Studentship " for 1889.] [Manchester, 1889.] s. sh. 8vo. A Manchester Society of Architects : Miscellaneous Publications. Rules, and scale of professional charges and practice. Manchester, 1865. i2mo. A, F Suggestions to assist the members in determining the charges for measuring works done by schedule, and measuring additions and de- ductions. Manchester, 1869. 8vo. A, F Professional practice and charges of architects. Schedule sanctioned by the Royal Institute of British Architects, and confirmed at a General Conference of Architects of the United Kingdom, 1872. Adopted by the Manchester Society of Architects, 24th June, 1885. [Manchester, 1885.] Fol. A General statement of the methods recommended by the Society to be used in taking quantities and measuring up works. October, 1866. Revised January, 1873. [Manchester, 1873.] Fol. A, F General statement of the methods recommended by the Society to be used in taking quantities and measuring up works. October, 1866. Revised January, 1873. Further revision, July, 1886. [Manchester, 1886.] Fol. A General meeting held . . . August 22nd, 1888, re production of priced quantities. Resolution. [Manchester, 1888.] 8vo. A The general practice relating to quantities in the district of Man- chester. [Manchester, 1890.] 8vo. A Report of the committee appointed to consider the manufacture of bricks and improvement of brickmaking processes in the neighbour- hood of Manchester. October, 1868. Manchester, 1868. 8vo. A, F Statement of the principal features recommended to be included in building agreements. [Manchester, 1872.] s. sh. Fol. A, F Papers in connection with bye-laws issued by Local Boards in the district of Manchester. (Synopsis of Local Board bye-laws.) Man- chester, 1876. 8 vo. A F Easements of light. Copy of memoranda on this subject by J. Holden . . . sent to the Royal Institute of British Architects, and of letter from A. Gates ... in reply. . . . Manchester, 1883. 8vo. A [Circulars and letters relating to the Architectural Court of the Man- chester Royal Jubilee Exhibition. 1887.] [Manchester, 1886-87.] 8vo, 4to, and fol. 6 pieces. A [Circular letter relating to architectural drawings and photographs for the Paris Exhibition, 1889. Dated Jany. 26th, 1889.] [Man- chester, 1889.] 8vo. A Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association and Manchester Society of Architects. Papers on the Manchester building byelaws. [By A. Ransome and J. Holden.] Read ... on March 3rd, 1887. With discussion thereon. [Manchester, 1887.] 8vo. A 48 Architectural Works 720.6 Societies {continued) — Manchester Society of Architects : Miscellaneous Publications. List of some old buildings in an area of seventy miles square round Man- chester. \_Manchester\, 1904. 8vo. A Manchester Society of Architects' sketch book. Part i(-2). Manchester^ [1904]. Fol. F, T The Manchester Society of Architects students ; their sketch book. [Original drawings, water-colours and photographs.] 1902, etc. Fol. A Oesterreichischer Ingenieur-Verein. Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur-Vereines. Jahrg. i4(-i6). IVien, 1862-64. Fol. L [Continued as :] Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten- Vereins. Jahrg. 17 [etc.]. Wien, 1865, etc. Fol. In progress. L Wochenschrift des Osterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten- Vereines. Jahrg. i(-i6). Wien, 1876-91. Fol. L Bericht iiber die aus Anlass des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestandes des Oesterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten- Vereines veranstalteten Festlich- keiten. Wien, 1899. Fol. L Der Oesterreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten- Verein MDCCCIIL bis MDCCCIIC. Festschrift herausgegeben vom Vereine zur Feier seines fiinfzigjahrigen Bestandes. . . . [F/(?««a, 1899?] 4to. Illustr. L Polytechnischer Verein fuer das Koenigreich Bayern. Kunst- und Gewerbe-Blatt. Herausgegeben von dem Polytechnischen Verein fiir das Konigreich Bayern. 2 7 (-54) Jahrgang. , . . Miinchen, 1841-68. 4to. L [Continued as ;] Bayerisches Industrie- und Gewerbe-Blatt. Herausgegeben vom Ausschusse des Polytechnischen Vereins in Miinchen. Jahrg. i, [etc.]. Miinchen, 1869, etc. Fol. and 4to. L * ^* Several volumes in this set are imperfect. Saint Albans Architectural and Archaeological Society. Transactions, 1886. St. Albans, 1887. 8vo. U 720.7 Education. Study. Adams (Maurice Bingham). As to the making of architects. With examples of draughtsmanship. A paper. . . . Chiswick, [1904]. i2mo. A Fletcher (Banister Flight). Architecture and its place in a liberal edu- cation. A paper. . . . Lotidon, 1905. 8vo. Frontisp, F Hooper (Francis). Architectural education and practice in France. [London], 1889. 8vo. F Jarves (James Jackson). Art hints. Architecture, sculpture and paint- ing. London, 1855. 8vo. F Ruskin (John). An enquiry into some of the conditions at present affect- ing the study of architecture in our schools. [Sessional papers of the Royal Institute of British Architects. 1865.] London, x2>6$. 4to. R in Manchester and Salford 49 720.7 Education. Study {continued) — Shaw (Richard Norman) and Jackson (Thomas Graham). Architecture : a profession or an art ? Thirteen short essays on the qualifications and training of architects. Edited by R. N. Shaw . . . and T. G. Jackson. London, 1892. 8vo. F, P Wightwick (George). Hints to young architects . . . together with a model specification. ... A new edition . . . comprising treatises on the principles of construction and design. By G. H. Guillaume. London, 1875. 12 mo. Lllustr. F 720.8 Polygraphy. Collections. Architectural Scrapbooks. [Architectural scrapbooks : a collection of en- gravings, etchings, coloured prints, etc., of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, systematically arranged, containing illustrations of the cathedrals, public buildings, etc., of Europe.] 8 vols. Fol. P Burlington Fine Arts Club. Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1884. Exhibi- tion of drawings of architectural subjects by deceased British artists. \London\, 1884. 4to. A Cipriani (Giovanni Battista). Monumenti di fabbriche antiche estratti dai disegni dei piu celebri autori. Roma, 1796-99. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. F Jones (Inigo). The designs of I. Jones, consisting -of plans and eleva- tions for public and private buildings. [With descriptive letterpress- in English and French.] Published by W. Kent, with some ad- ditional designs. London, 1770. 2 vols. Fol. A Klenze (Leo von). Sammlung architectonischer Entwiirfe fiir die Ausfiihrung bestimmt oder wirklich ausgefiihrt von L. von Klenze. Zweite Ausgabe. Munchen, 1847-50. 5 pts. Obi. fol. F Landon (Charles Paul). Annates du musee et de I'ecole moderne des beaux-arts. Recueil de gravures au trait, d'apres les principaux ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, ou projets d'architecture qui chaque annee ont remporte le prix, soit aux ecoles speciales, soit aux con- cours nationaux . . . etc. (Salon de 1808. . . .) Redige par C. P. Landon. . . . Paris, 1801-09. 20 vols. 8vo. P* [Another copy.] (Salon de 1808. — Salon de 1810. — Salon de 181 2. — Salon de 1814.) Paris, 1803-15. 32 vols. 8vo. R A collection of etchings from the most celebrated ancient and modern productions in painting, sculpture and architecture of the Italian and French schools; from originals preserved in the Louvre, Paris: with descriptions. From the French. . . , London, 182 1. 8vo. F Paris. L'architecture aux salons, 1899. Les concours d'architecture. [A series of plates.] Pam, [1899]. 2 vols. Fol. S Raccolta. Raccolta di lettere suUa pittura, scultura ed architettura scritte da' piii celebri professori che in dette arti fiorirono dal secolo xv. al xvii. [Edited by G. G. Bottari.] Roma, 1754-73. 7 vols. 8vo. R Ruskin (John). Library edition. The works of J. Ruskin. Edited by E. T. Cook and A. VVedderburn. London, 1903, etc. 8vo. Lllustr. Ln prog7-ess. R 4 50 Architectural Works 720.8 Polygraphy. Collections {continued) — * Sanmicheli (Michele). Le fabbriche civili, ecclesiastiche e militari di M. Sanmicheli disegnate ed incise da Ronzani F. e Luciolli G. Venezia, 1832. 3 pts. Fol. Illustr. Schinkel (Carl Friedrich). Sammlung architektonischer Entwiirfe von Schinkel. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Ber- lin, 1819-40. Obi. fol. A * » This copy has no title-page. Scott {Sir George Gilbert). A series of executed examples of ecclesiasti- cal and domestic structures, from the designs of modern archi- tects. [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1858. Fol. F Soane {Sir John). Designs in architecture ; consisting of plans, elevations and sections. . . . London, [1778]. 8vo. U Plans, elevations and sections of buildings executed in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Hertford- shire, ^/i:. London, 1788. Fol. C, U Triggs (H. Inigo) and Tanner (Henry). Some architectural works of Inigo Jones. A series of measured drawings and other illustrations, together with descriptive notes, a biographical sketch and list of his authentic works. London, 1901. Fol. F, M Vinci (Leonardo da). Scritti letterari di L. da Vinci cavati dagli auto- graft e pubblicati da J. P. Richter. (The literary works of L. da Vinci compiled and edited from the original manuscripts by J. P. Richter. . . . [With a translation chiefly by Mrs. R. C. Bell.]) [Italian and English.] London, 1883. 2 vols. 4to. F VioUet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Compositions et dessins de VioUet- le-Duc publies sous le patronage du comite de I'oeuvre du maitre. [A series of plates.] Paris, 1884. Fol. F 720.8 Bibliography. * Architectural Association, [London]. Catalogue of the books in the library of the Architectural Association. Lofidon, i%gs^. 8vo. * Architekten-Verein, [Berlin]. Katalog der Bibliothek des Architekten- Vereins. (Nachtrag.) Berlin, 1888-91. 4to. Baer (Joseph) and Co. Architektur. Lagerkatalog 551 enthaltend u. a. die Bibliothek des fArchitekten F. Sauerwein. Frankfurt a. Main, 1907. 8vo. R Batsford (Herbert). Reference books on architecture and decoration with hints on the formation of an architectural library. . . . London, 1894. 4to. F ■*Beelitz (Carl). Architectur- Katalog, Verzeichniss der vorziiglichsten Werke auf dem Gesammtgebiete des Bau-und Ingenieurwesens. . . . Fiinfte . . . Auflage. . . . Berlin, 1861, 8vo. Illustr. * Bibliographic des Ingenieurs, etc. Bibliographie des ingenieurs, des architectes, des chefs d'usines industrielles . . . et des agriculteurs. Publiee par E. Lacroix. Paris. i862[-67]. 4 vols. 8vo. in Manchester and Salford 5^ 720.8 Bibliography {conti?tued) — Boston, Massachusetts. — Public Library. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction and decoration in the Public Library of the city of Boston. . . . Boston, 1894. 8vo. F *Clairac y Saenz (Pelayo). Diccionario general de arquitectura e in- genieria. . . . Con una introduccion por . . . E. Saavedra. . . . T. i. A-Caz( — t. 4. I-Ll). Madrid, 1877-88. 4 vols. 4to. *^* Most articles have a bibliography, valuable on account of the references to Spanish architecture. Columbia University, New York. Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library : a memorial library of architecture, archaeology and decorative art. New York, 1895. 8vo. R *Comolli (Angelo). Bibliografia storico-critica dell' architettura civile ed arti subalterne. Roma, 1788-92. 4 vols. 4to. * Edinburgh. — Museum of Science and Art. List of books relating to architecture. Edinburgh, 1888, etc. 8vo. England. — Department of Science and Art. Science and Art Depart- ment of the Committee of Council on Education, South Kensing- ton. The first proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art. Compiled for the use of the National Art Library and the schools of art in the United Kingdom. (Supplement.) [Edited by J. H. Pollen.] . . . London, 1870-77. 3 vols. 4to. R Haferkorn (Henry E.). Handy list of books on fine arts and architecture. . . . An alphabetical reference catalogue, arranged under authors and subjects and including analytical references to the contents of important works. . . . And a short list of important works in the German language. Mihvaukee, Wis. 6^ London, 1893. 8vo. F Hiersemann (Carl W.). Catalogue 328. Architecture : monuments of architecture of all times and nations ; ecclesiastical and secular buildings ; the art of fortification ; buildings for festivals ; festal cars ; sculpture in wood and stone ; interior decorations ; mosaics ; tiles ; iron- bronze- and tin-works ; garden-architecture. . . . Offered for sale by K. W. Hiersemann. . . . (Katalog 345. Architektur. . . . Supplement zu 328. . . .) Leipzig, [i9o6]-i907. 2 vols. 8vo. R * Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, [Vienna]. Katalog der Bibliothek der K. K. Akademie der Bildenden Kunste. [Compiled by C. F. A. von Luetzow.] IVien, 1876. 8vo. * Liverpool. — Free Public Library. Hand-list of books on architecture in the reference department. (Supplement.) Liverpool, i2>()6-igo2. 8vo. * London. — King's College. King's College, London. Catalogue of technical library of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters and Museum of Architecture and Building Construction. London, 1894. 2 pts. 8vo. London. — Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on architecture and building construction in the library of the Patent Office. [Patent Office Library Series. 12. Bibliographical Series. 9.] London, k^ot,. 8vo. F, P 52 Architectural Works 720.8 Bibliography {continued) — * London. — South Kensington Museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum, illustrating architecture of the renaissance and later periods, to the close of the i8th century. [Edited by R. H. S. Smith.] London, 1888. 8vo. Malberg (August). Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur- Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre. . . . Berlin, 1852. 8vo. F Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Catalogo delle opere date finora alia luce da G. B. Piranesi. [Rome, 1765?] Fol., s. sh. R Ricker (Nathan Clifford). An extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to architecture and building. [University of Illinois : Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin.] Urbana, [1907]. 8vo. R Sturgis (Russell). Annotated bibliography of fine art, painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illustration. Music by H. E. Krehbiel. Edited by G. lies. [American Library Association Annotated Lists.] Boston, 1897. 8vo. F 720.9 History of Architecture: General. Bell (Nancy). An elementary history of art, architecture, sculpture, paint- ing. Fourth edition. London, 1895. 8vo. Lllustr. F Bellori (Giovanni Pietro). Le vite de' pittori, scultori, et architetti moderni. . . . Parte prima. . . . Rotna, 1672. 4to. Jllustr. R * ^* A second part was left in MS., but appears not to have been printed. [Another edition.] Pisa, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. F* Breval (John Durant de). Remarks on several parts of Europe relating chiefly to their antiquities and history, collected upon the spot in several tours since the year 1723 and illustrated by . . . plates . . . among which are the ruins of . . . temples . . . and other unpub- lish'd monuments of the Greek and Roman times, in Sicily and the south of France. . . . London, 1738. 2 vols. Fol. U Brewer (James Norris). A descriptive and historical account of various palaces and public buildings, English and foreign, with biographical notices of their founders or builders, and other eminent persons. London, 18 10. 4to. Lllustr. F — — [Another edition.] With various additions and emendations by B. R. Gill. Lotidon, 1821. 4to. Lllustr. L, S Bromley (Robert Anthony). A philosophical and critical history of the fine arts, painting, sculpture and architecture ; with occasional observations on the progress of engraving, in it's several branches, deduced from the earliest records, through every country in which those arts have been cherished, to their present establishment in Great Britain. . . . London, 1793-95. ^ vols. 4to. F Caumont (Arcisse de). Abecedaire, ou rudiment d'archeologie. Caen, 1869-70. 8vo. 3 vols. Lllustr. F Ere gallo-romame, avec un aper9u sur les temps prehistoriques. 2e edi- tion. — 1870. Architecture religieuse. ye edition. — 1870. Architecture civile et militaire. 36 edition. — 1869. in Manchester and Salford 53 720.9 History of Architecture : General {continued)— Choisy (Auguste). Histoire de I'architecture. Paris, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R' ^ Courajod (Louis Charles Leon). Le9ons professees a Xtco\& du Louvre, 1887-1896; publiees sous la direction de . . . H. Lemonnier et A. Michel. . . . Paris, 1899-1903- 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R 1. Origines de I'art roman et gothique. Lemons editees avec le concours du ... p. De La Croix. . . .—1899. 2. Origines de la renaissance. — 1901. 3. Origines de I'art moderne. — 1903. Cox (Sir George William) Bart. On the present condition of architectural knowledge. . . . [From the Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1856.] [n.p., n.d.] 4to. Illustr. U Dictionary of Painters. A dictionary of painters, sculptors, architects and engravers; containing biographical sketches of the most cele- brated artists, from the earliest ages to the present time. . . . Lon- don, 1810. 1 2 mo. '^ Dodd (Thomas). The connoisseur's repertory ; or, a biographical history of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, with an account of their works, from the revival of the fine arts, in the twelfth century, to the end of the eighteenth. . . . London, [1825]. 6 vols. 8vo. F Dunn (Archibald M.). Notes and sketches of an architect. A collection of sketches made in England, France, Germany, Italy, Spam, etc., and also in Eastern countries. Newcastle, [1886]. 4to. Illustr. A Elmes (James). Lectures on architecture, comprising the history of the art from the earliest times. . . . London, 1821. 8vo. F Second edition. Lotidon, 1823. 8vo. F, P 4to. Evelyn (John). The miscellaneous works of J. Evelyn . . . now first collected, with occasional notes, by W. Upcott. . . . London, 1825. Pp. 337-348. The epistles dedicatory prefixed to the translation of the " Parallel between antient and modern architecture "... by R. Freart, sieur de Chambray. ... 349-424. An account of architects and architecture, together with an "... explanation of certain terms particularly affected by architects. . . Fergusson (James). A history of architecture in all countries from the earliest times to the present day. ... In three volumes. London^ 1862-67. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A*, F, P In four volumes. . . . Second edition. [Vol. i-ii. History ofancient and medieval architecture.] London, 1^14. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. ^' ^ In five volumes. . . . [Vol. i-ii. History of ancient and medieval architecture,] Third edition. Edited by R. P. Spiers. . . . London, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A, F, R, U * * Described as "History of ancient and medievsl architecture" on the binding. 54 Architectural Works 720.9 History of Architecture : General {continued) — Fergusson (James). History of Indian and Eastern architecture. . . . Forming the third volume of the new edition of the " History of architecture". London, 1876. 8vo. Illustr. A, B, F, P, S [Another edition.] Lofidon, 1891. 8vo. Illustr. A, R New impression. London, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F, U History of the modern styles of architecture : being a sequel to the " Handbook of architecture ". . . . London, 1862. 8vo. Illustr. A, P, U Second edition, forming the fourth volume of the new edition of the "History of architecture ". London, 1873. 8vo. Illustr. B, M Third edition, revised ; by R. Kerr. ... In two volumes. . . . [Forming vols. iv. and v. of the " History of architecture ".] London, 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A, F, R Third edition . . . second impression. By R. Kerr. Lon- don, 1902. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. U The illustrated handbook of architecture : being a concise . . . account of the different styles of architecture prevailing in all ages and countries. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. A, F, P, S, T, U Fletcher (Banister) and (Banister Flight). A history of architecture for the student, craftsman and amateur. Being a comparative view of the historical styles from the earliest period. . . . London, 1896. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F, S Fourth edition. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. A, F, M Fletcher (Banister Flight). The influence of material on architecture. London, 1897. Fol. Illustr. A * Large lecture diagrams on architecture and decorative art. Lon- don, 1906. Fol. Forbin (Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste) Count. Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et i8i8. . . . L'aris, 18 19. Fol. Illustr. R Freeman (Edward Augustus). A history of architecture. London, iS4g. 8vo. F, R, T, U *^^* The copy belonging to Manchester University is interleaved and has MS. notes by the author. Gailhabaud (Jules). L'architecture du Vme au XVIIme siecle et les arts qui en dependent. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] I'arls, 1858. 5 vols. 4to. F Monuments anciens et modernes, collection formant une histoire de l'architecture des differents peuples a toutes les epoques. ... [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1850. 4 vols. 4to. F Gurlitt (Cornelius). Historische Stadtebilder. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, k^oi, etc. Fol. In progress. F, M* (vol. 7 only) Haghe (Louis). Portfolio of sketches. Belgium, Germany. 1850. [A series of plates.] Lofidott, 1850. Fol. A in Manchester and Salford 55 720.9 History of Architecture: General {continued)— Haghe (Louis). Sketches in Belgium and Germany. [A series of plates^ London, 1840. Fol. *^ Hamlin (Alfred Dwight Foster). A text-book of the history of architecture. [College Histories of Art.] New York, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F [Another edition.] New York, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. U Havard (Henry). Histoire et philosophic des styles (architecture, ameuble- ment, decoration) . . . Gravures d'apr^s les dessins de Yperman, Mangonot, Boudier, Hotin, Melin, Roguet, etc. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1 899-1 900. 2 vols. Fol. V Hope (Thomas). An historical essay on architecture. . . . Illustrated from drawings made by him in Italy and Germany. (Illustrations to Hope's Essay on architecture. .. .) Second edition. Z^«^^«, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. ^» ^' P' ^ Third edition. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. F, S, U An analytical index to an Historical essay on architecture. . . . [Compiled by E. Cresy.] London, 1836. 8vo. A, U Huggins (Samuel). A chart of the history of architecture : showing, under the similitude of streams, the rise, chronological sequence, relations and periods of the various known styles of all countries and ages. . . . London, 1863. Folding sheet. 4to. F The course and current of architecture : being an historical account of the origin, successive and simultaneous developments, relations, periods, and characteristics of its various known styles. . . . London, 1863. 8vo. ^' ^ Lef^vre (Andre). Marvels of architecture. Translated from the French ... to which is added a chapter on English architecture by K. Donald. London, [1870]. 8vo. Illustr. T Longfellow (William Pitt Preble). The column and the arch. Essays on architectural history with illustrations. London, 1899. 8vo. h Notes. Notes on sketching tours. By an architect [H. Taylor]. Lo7idon and Manchester, \\^%q\. 4to- Illustr. A, F %* Tours in England, Normandy, Belgium and Holland. Orlandi (Pellegrino Antonio). L'abecedario pittorico dall' autore [P. A. Orlandi] ristampato corretto et accresciuto di molti professori e di altre notizie spettanti alia pittura. . . . Bologna, 17 19. 4to. F [Another edition.] Abecedario pittorico. . . . Contenente le notizie de' professori di pittura, scoltura, ed architettura in questa edizione corretto e notabilmente di nuove notizie accresciuto da P. Guarienti. . . . Venezia, 1753. 4to. {^ Pictorial Gallery. The pictorial gallery of arts. . . . [Edited by C Knight.] London, [1846-]: 847. 2 vols. Fol. d *,* Vol. 2, pp. 1-158. Architecture. Pullan (Richard Popplewell). Eastern cities and Italian towns. With notes on their architecture. London, 1879. 8vo. A Studies in architectural style. Londo7t, \ZZi. Fol. Illustr. A 56 Architectural Works 720.9 History of Architecture : General {continued) — Quatremere de Quincy (Antoine Chrysostome). Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des pluscelebres architectes du Xle si^cle jusqu 'a la fin du XVII le, accompagnee de la vue du plus remarquable edifice de chacun d'eux. . . . Paris, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. R Ramee (Daniel). Histoire generale de I'architecture. Paris, 1860-62. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F Schnaase (Carl Julius Ferdinand). Geschichte der biidenden Kiinste. . . . Dilsseldorf, and Stuttgart, 1866-79. 8 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F, U* (Bd. 3 only) %* 1-7. Zweite , . . Auflage. — Dnsseldorf, 1866-76. 8. Stuttgart, 1879. Schultz (Alwin F. C. W.). Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des XVIII Jahrhunderts. [Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Ges- chichte.] Miinchen und Berlin, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. R, S Serie. Serie degli uomini i piia illustri nella pittura, scultura, e architettura con i loro elogi, e ritratti incisi in rame. . . . [Portraits engraved by G. B. Cecchi.] (Supplemento . . . o sia Abecedario pittorico dall' origine delle belle arti a tutto I'anno MDCCLXXV. [Compiled originally by P. A. Orlandi.]) Firenze, 1769-76. 13 vols. 4to. F* (12 vols.), R Shaw (Richard Norman). Architectural sketches from the continent. [A series of plates.] london, [i2>e^Z]. Fol. A, F [Another edition.] london, 1872. Fol. M Simpson (Frederick Moore). A history of architectural development. . . . [The Architects' Library.] London, i()o^, etc. i vol. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. F, R, U Stieglitz (Christian Ludwig). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Ausbildung der Baukunst. . . . Leipzig, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A Sturgis (Russell). European architecture ; a^historical study. New York, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F A history of architecture. Having special regard to the natural artistic results of construction and those methods of design which are the result of abstract thinking and of the pure sense of form. . . . New York 6^ Londoti, 1906. i vol. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. F I. Antiquity. Tappen (George). Professional observations on the architecture of the principal ancient and modern buildings in France and Italy ; with remarks on the painting and sculpture, and a concise local description of those countries. Written from sketches and memoranda made during a visit in the years 1802 and 1803. London, 1806. 8vo. F Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). The habitations of man in all ages. Translatedby B. Bucknall. . . . London, i^^S. 8vo.^ Illustr. B, P Vite. Le vite de' piu celebri architetti d'ogni nazione e d'ogni tempo precedute da un saggio sopra I'architettura. [By F. Milizia.] Roma, 1768. 4to. Illustr. F ^ in Manchester and Salford 57 720.9 History of Architecture : General {continued) — Vite. The lives of celebrated architects, ancient and modern , . . with observations on their works, and on the principles of the art. By F. Milizia. Translated from the Italian by Mrs. E. Cresy. With notes and additional lives. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. F, P Wiebeking (Carl Friedrich von). Theoretisch-practische biirgerliche Baukunde, durch Geschichte und Beschreibung der mcrkwiirdigsten antiken Baudenkmahle und ihrer genauen Abbildungen bereichert. . . . Miinchen, 1821-23. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R Wightwick (George). The palace of architecture : a romance of art and history. Londofi, 1840. 8vo. Illustr. B, C, F, P Wild (Charles). [Twelve plates comprising six views of the cathedrals of Strasbourg, Rheims, Cologne and Rouen, and the church of St. Ouen at Rouen. There is an etched outline together with an engraving of each view.] \Lotidon, 1831?] Fol. R [Another edition.] [Twelve coloured plates comprising views of the cathedrals of Amiens, Beauvais, Chartres, Cologne, Rheims, Rouen, Strasburg, and the church of St. Ouen at Rouen.] [London, n.d.] Fol. F Woods (Joseph). Letters of an architect, from France, Italy and Greece. London, 1828. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. A, F, U 720.941 History of Architecture : Scotland. Addis (M. E. Leicester-). Scottish cathedrals and abbeys : their history and associations. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. F, S Aitken (George Shaw). The abbeys of Arbroath, Balmerino, and Lindores. Illustrated and described by G. S. Aitken. Dundee, 1884. 4to. U Billings (Robert William). The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated by R. W. Billings . . . [and W. Burn]. [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] Edinburgh and London, [1848-52]. 4 vols. Fol. F, R Buckler (John Chessel) and (Charles). The cathedral, or abbey church of lona. ... By the Messrs. Bucklers . . . and some account of the early Celtic church, and of the mission of St. Columba. By . . . the Bishop of Argyll and the Isles [A. Ewing]. London, 1866. 4to. U Butler (Howard Crosby). Scotland's ruined abbeys. With illustrations by the author. Ne7V York, 1899. 4to. F Chambers (William) Historical sketch of St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1887. i2mo. Illustr. F Grose (Francis). The antiquities of Scotland. London, 1789-91. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R [Another edition.] Londo?i, 1797. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R MacGibbon (David) and Ross (Thomas). The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. Edinburgh, 1887-92. 5 vols. 8vo. Illustr. C*, F, U* The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the seventeenth century. Edinburgh, i2>()6'()'j . 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. C, F 58 Architectural Works 720.941 History of Architecture : Scotland {continued) — Maclagan (Christian). The hill forts, stone circles, and other structural remains of ancient Scotland. . . . Edinburgh, 1875. Fol. Illustr. R Maitland (William). The history of Edinburgh from its foundation to the present time. . . . Edinburgh, 1753. Fol. Illustr. R Man, Isle of. Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man, Ross, Sutherland and the Orkneys. ... [By J.M.N., i.e., J. M. Neale.] Lofidon, 1848. i2mo. F Morton (James). The monastic annals of Teviotdale ; or, the history and antiquities of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros and Dry- burgh. Edinburgh afui London, 1832. 4to. Illustr. P Scotland. Characteristics of old church architecture, etc., in the main- land and western islands of Scotland. [By T. S. Muir.] Edinburgh, 1 86 1. 4to. Illustr. F Descriptive notices of some of the ancient parochial and col- legiate churches of Scotland. [By T. S. M., i.e., T. S. Muir.] London, 1848. 8vo. U Small (John William). Old Stirling. Measured and drawn for the stone by J. W. Small. . . . Stirling, 1897. Fol. R Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica; or transactions •of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. . . . Edinburgh, i']g2-i%go. 5 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Sessions MDCCCLI.-MDCCCLIV. (-session MDCCCXCII.-XCIII.) . . . Edinburgh, 1855-93. 27 vols. 4to. Illustr. R Wade (James A.). History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose, the monastery of Old Melrose, and the town and parish of Melrose. . . . With . . . illustrations by the author. Edinburgh, 1861. 8vo. P Wilson (Daniel). Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. . . . Edinburgh, 1848. 2 vols. 4to. R 720.941 5 History of Architecture : Ireland. Adams (Constance Louisa). Castles of Ireland. Some fortress histories and legends. London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. F Bernard (John Henry) Dean of St. Patrick's. The cathedral church of Saint Patrick, [Dublin]. A history & description of the buildings with a short account of the deans. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. F, S Brash (Richard Rolt). The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland to the close of the twelfth century ; accompanied by . . . notices of numer- ous ancient remains of that period. Dublin, 1875. 4^0- Lllustr. P Burke (Oliver J.). A short account of Holy Cross Abbey. Dublin, 1868. Obi. 4to. Lllustr. F Butler (William). The cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, (Christ Church). A description of its fabric, and a brief history of the foundation and subsequent changes. London, 1901. 12 mo. Illustr. F in Manchester and Salford 59 720.9415 History of Architecture : Ireland [continued) — Dublin. — Saint Mary s Abbey. Remains of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin : their explorations and researches, a.d. 1886. Dublin, 1887. 4to. Illustr. R Graves (James) and Prim (John George Augustus). The history, archi- tecture and antiquities of the cathedral church of St. Canice, Kil- kenny. Dublin, 1857. 4to. U Grose (Francis). The antiquities of Ireland. . . . [Edited and for the most part written by E. Ledwich.] London, 1791. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. P, R Keane (Marcus). The towers and temples of ancient Ireland ; their origin and history discussed from a new point of view. . . . Dublift, 1867. 4to. Illustr. R Kilkenny Archaeological Society, etc. Transactions of the Kilkenny Archseological Society. Vol. i.(-ii.), 1849-5 i(-i852-53). [Continued as :] Proceedings and transactions of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archaeological Society. Vol. iii., 1854-55. Dublin, 1853- 56. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R [Continued as :] The journal of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archaeo- logical Society. . . . New series. i856-57(-i867). Dublin, 1858- 71. 6 vols, in 5. 8vo. Illustr. R [Continued as :] The journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. . . . Third series. 1868-69. Dublin, 1873. i vol. 8vo. Illustr. R [Continued as :] The journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Associa- tion of Ireland. . . . Fourth series. 1870-71 (-1889). Dublin, 1878-90. 9 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R [Continued as :] The proceedings and papers of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Vol. i. Fifth series. . . . 1 890-1 891. [Continued as :] The journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland . . . Vol. ii. \etc?\. Fifth series. . . . 1892 \_etc?^ Dublin, 1892, etc. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. R [Extra volume series.] Dublin, 1870-98. 7 vols. 8vo and 4to. In progress. R Mason (William Monck). The history and antiquities of the collegiate and cathedral church of St. Patrick, near Dublin. . . . Dublin, id>2o. 4to. Illustr. R O'Brien (Henry). The round towers of Ireland ; or, the mysteries of freemasonry, of Sabaism and of Budhism for the first time unveiled. . . . London, 1834. 8vo. Illustr. F A new edition. London, 1898. 8vo. Illustr. R Parker (John Henry). Observations on the ancient domestic architecture of Ireland. London, 1859. 4to. U 6o Architectural Works 720.9415 History of Architecture : Ireland {continued) — Petrie (George). The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion ; comprising an essay on the origin and uses of the round towers of Ireland. . . . Dublin, 1845. ^o^* ^• 4to. Illustr. P * ^* No more published. Second edition. Dublin, i?)^^. [Vol.i.] 4to. Illustr. C, F Quin (Edwin Richard Windham VVyndham) Earl of Dunraven. Notes on Irish architecture. . . . Edited by M. Stokes. [With a preface by W. T. W. Quin, Earl of Dunraven.] London, 1875-77. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F, U Stokes (Margaret MacNair). Early Christian architecture in Ireland. Lotidon, 1878. 8vo. Illustr. F, P * Street (George Edmund). The cathedral of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. An account of the restora- tion of the fabric. By G. E. Street. With an historical sketch of the cathedral by E. Seymour. . . . London, 1882. Fol. Illustr. Wilkinson (George). Practical geology and ancient architecture of Ireland. London, 1845. ^vo. Illustr. P Wright (Thomas). Louthiana ; or, an introduction to the antiquities of Ireland, in upwards of ninety views and plans ; representing, with proper explanations, the principal ruins, curiosities and antient dwellings, in the county of Louth. . . . Taken upon the spot by T. Wright. . . . Engrav'd by P. Fourdrinier. . . . London, 1748. 4to. P 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General. Adam (Robert) and (James). The works in architecture of R. and J. Adam. . . . [English and French.] London, 1778-79. 2 vols. Fol. C* ■ [Another edition.] London, 1900-02. 3 vols. Fol. F The architecture, decoration, and furniture of R. & J. Adam. Selected from "Works in architecture" published 1778-1822, and photo-lilhographed from the originals. [A series of plates.] London, 1880. Fol. M Antiquarian Itinerary. The antiquarian itinerary, comprising specimens of architecture, monastic, castellated and domestic ; with other vestiges of antiquity in Great Britain. Accompanied with descrip- tions. [By J. S. Storer.J London, 1815-18. 7 vols. i2mo. Illustr. F Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The archaeological journal. Published under the direction of the central committee of the British Archaeological Association (Vol. ii.-v. — of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland) for the encouragement and prosecution of researches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. London, 1845-48. 5 vols. 8vo. Illustr. P Atkinson (Thomas Dinham). English architecture. London, 1904. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F, S in Manchester and Salford 6i 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General {continued) — Beattie (William). The castles and abbeys of England. . . . London and Glasgow, 1 842 [-44]. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F Bowman (Henry). Specimens of the ecclesiastical architecture of Great Britain from the conquest to the reformation. London, 1846. 4to. Lllustr. C, F Brandon (John Raphael) and (Joshua Arthur). Parish churches ; being perspective views of English ecclesiastical structures : accompanied by plans drawn to a uniform scale and letterpress descriptions. London, 1858. 2 vols. Fol. F Britton (John). The architectural antiquities of Great Britain . . . illustr- ated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sections and details of various ancient English edifices, with historical and descriptive ac- counts of each. . . . London, 1807-26. 5 vols. 4to. A* (vol. 5 only), B* (vol. 5 only), C, R %* Vol. 5 has a special title-page in addition to the general one reading : " A chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian architec- ture in England. . . ." [Another edition.] London, 1835. 5 vols. 4to. F, P, S Cathedral antiquities. Historical and descriptive accounts, with 311 illustrations, of the following English cathedrals, viz., Canter- bury, York, Salisbury, Norwich, Winchester, Lichfield, Oxford, Wells, Exeter, Peterborough, Gloucester, Bristol, Hereford, and Wor- cester. . . . London, 1836. 6 vols. 4to. A, P, R The entry is taken from the general title-page found in vol. ii.-vi. The several cathedrals have also separate title-pages. » * * [Another edition.] London, 1836. 5 vols. 4to. S Picturesque antiquities of the English cities. Illustrated by a series of engravings of antient buildings . . . etc. With historical and de- scriptive accounts of each subject. London, 1830. 4to. R [Another edition.] London, 1836. 4to. P Buck (Samuel) and (Nathaniel). Buck's antiquities, or venerable remains of above four hundred castles, monasteries, palaces, &c., &c., in England and Wales. . . . London, 1774. 3 vols. Fol. Lllustr. R Buckler (John Chessell). Views of the cathedral churches of England and Wales, with descriptions. London, 1822. 4to. F Bumpus (T. Francis). The cathedrals of England and Wales. London, 1905. 2 vols. i2mo. Lllustr. F Byrne (William). Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of monasteries, castles and churches now existing. Engraved by W. Byrne . . . from drawings made by T. Hearne. . . . With de- scriptions in English and in French. London, 1807. 2 vols. Qbl. 4to. R Britannia depicta : a series of views, with brief descriptions, of the most interesting and picturesque objects in Great Britain. . . . Engraved from drawings by . . . Hearne, Farington . . . &c. . . . London^ 1806-18. 6 pts. Qbl. 4to. R 62 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General {continued) — 1. Bedfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. 2. Cambridgeshire. 3. Cheshire. 4. Cornwall. 5. Cumberland. 6. Derbyshire. Campbell (Colin). Vitruvius Britannicus ; or the British architect, con- taining the plans, elevations and sections of the regular buildings, both publick and private, in Great Britain. . . . [Continued by J. Woolfe and J. Gandon in vols. 4 and 5.] [With descriptive letter- press in English and French.] London, 17 15-71. 5 vols. Fol. C [Another edition.] \London, i7i7-]7i. 5 vols. Fol. R [Another edition.] S^London^ 1725-71. 5 vols. Fol. F Carter (John). The ancient architecture of England. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, i795-i8o7[-i8i4?]. 2 pts. Fol. A 1. The orders of architecture during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman aeras. — i7g5[-i8o6.] 2. The orders of architecture during the reigns of Henry III., Edward III., Richard II., Henry VI., Henry VII. and Henry VIII.— i8o7[-i8i4 ?] A new . . . edition, with notes . . . by J. Britton. London, 1837. 2 pts. in I vol. Fol. A Anew . . . edition . . . by J. Britton. L.ondon,\^\^, 2 pts. in I vol. Fol. F Views of ancient buildings in England, drawn . . . and engrav'd by I. Carter. . . . [With descriptive letterpress.] Westminster, 1786 [-93]. 6 vols. i6mo. R Clinch (George). Old English churches : their architecture, furniture, decoration and monuments. London and New York, igoo. i2mo. Lllustr. F Corner (Sidney). Rural churches : their histories, architecture and anti- quities. With coloured illustrations from paintings by the author. London, [1869]. 4to. M Cotman (John Sell). Etchings [24 in number, of ancient buildings in various parts of England]. London, 181 1. Fol. F, R Specimens of architectural remains in various counties in England but principally in Norfolk, etched by J. S. Cotman. . . . With de- scriptive notices by D. Turner . . . and architectural observations by T. Rickman. London, 1838. 2 vols. Fol. A Cox {Sir George William) Bart. A paper on the development of Anglican ecclesiastical architecture. [From the Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1844.] [n.p., n.d.] 4to. U Dallaway (James). Anecdotes of the arts in England ; or, comparative remarks on architecture, sculpture and painting, chiefly illustrated by specimens at Oxford. London, 1800. 8vo. F Observations on English architecture, military, ecclesiastical and civil, comjjared with similar buildings on the continent. Including a critical itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge, also historical notices of in Manchester and Salford 63 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General {continued) — stained glass, ornamental gardening, &c. With chronological tables and dimensions of cathedral and conventual churches. London, 1806. 8vo. R Dallaway (James). A series of discourses upon architecture m England from the Norman aera to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, with an appendix of notes and illustrations, and an historical account of master and free masons. London, 1833. 8vo. C, F, S Ditchfield (Peter Hampson). The cathedrals of Great Britain : their history and architecture. With . . . illustrations by H. Railton, J. A. Symington . . . etc. Lo/idon, 1902. i2mo. F Dugdale {Sir William). Monasticon Anglicanum ; sive, pandectae coeno- biorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusi- anorum, a primordis ad eorum usque dissolutionem. . . . Per R. Dodsworth . . . G. Dugdale. . . . Londini, 1655-73. 3 vols. Fol. A new edition, enriched with a large accession of materials now first printed . . . the history of each religious foundation in English being prefixed to its respective series of Latin charters. By J. Caley . . . H. Ellis . . . and . . . B. Badinel. . . . London, 1817-30. 6 vols, in 8. Fol. Illustr. p^ R Monasticon Anglicanum ; or the history of the ancient abbies, monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches ... in England and Wales. . . . [Translated into English and abridged by J.Stevens?] London, I'jiZ. Fol. Illustr. R Emmett (John T.). The bane of English architecture. [An essay re- printed from "The British Quarterly Review," April, 1881.] Lon- don, [n.d.]. 8vo. Illustr. F England. Antiquarian and topographical cabmet, containing a series of elegant views of the most interesting objects of curiosity in Great Britain. Accompanied with letterpress descriptions. London, 1807-11. 10 vols. 8vo. 1^ The cathedral churches of England and Wales ; descriptive, his- torical, pictorial. Second edition. Lo?ido?i, 1885. 4to. F ■ Handbook to the cathedrals of England. [By R. J. King.] Lon- don, 1861-77. 8 vols. 1 2 mo. Illustr. p [Another copy.] Lo?idon, i^tSi-^g. 7 vols. i2mo. Illustr. A — [Another copy.] London, iS6i-6g. 6 vols. i2mo. Illustr. F The parlour book of British scenery, architecture, antiquities : being a series of select descriptions of towns, villages, public buildings, gentlemen's seats ... in Great Britain. . . . [Edited by C Hulbert. First series.] Second edition. Shrewsbury, 1832. 4to. Illustr. F Gentleman's Magazine. The Gentleman's Magazine library : being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. . . . Lon- don, 1883-93. 15 vols. 8vo. F, P, R 5-6. Archaeology. 2 vols. — 1886. lo-ii. Architectural antiquities. 2 vols. — 1890-91. 64 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General {continued) — Gilchrist (James G.)- An itinerary of the English cathedrals for the use of travellers. Revised and edited with an introduction on cathedral architecture. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1901. 12 mo. Illustr. F Grose (Francis). The antiquities of England and Wales. (Supplement.) London, 'i^TlZ''^"]- 6 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R New edition. London, [1783-97]. 8 vols. 4to. Lllustr. A, P, R * Hadfield (James). The ecclesiastical, castellated and domestic archi- tecture of England from the Norman era to the sixteenth century. . . . Londoti, 1848. Fol. Lllustr. Hearne (Thomas). Antiquities of Great Britain illustrated in views of monasteries, castles and churches. . . . Engraved from drawings made by T. Hearne. London, 1786. Obi. 4to. F Howe (W. H.). Castles and abbeys of Great Britain and Ireland. Their history and legendary lore. . . . Illustrations by H. Evans. London, 1902. 4to. F Howitt (William) and (Mary). Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain. The photographic illustrations by Bedford, Sedgfield, Wilson, Fenton, and others. London, 1^62. 4to. F Howson (John Saul) Dean of Chester. Essays on cathedrals. By various writers. Edited by ... J. S. Howson. . . . London, 1872. 8vo. F, R Pp. 307-363. The architecture of the cathedral churches of England con- sidered historically. By . . . Venables. Hunnewell (James Frothingham). England's chronicle in stone. De- rived from personal observation of cathedrals, churches, abbeys, monasteries, castles and palaces made during journeys in the im- perial island. . . . London, 1886. 8vo. Lllustr. B, P Johnson (John). Reliques of ancient English architecture. [A series of plates.] Lithographed by A. Newman. [London, 1857.] Fol. A, F Jones (Inigo). The designs of I. Jones, consisting of plans and eleva- tions for public and private buildings. [With descriptive letterpress in English and French.] Published by W. Kent, with some addi- tional designs. London, 1770. 2 vols. Fol. A King (Daniel). The cathedral! and conventuall churches of England and Wales orthographically delineated by D. K(ing). [A series of plates.] [London], 1656. Obi. fol. F King (Edward). Munimenta antiqua ; or, observations on antient castles. Including remarks on the whole progress of architecture, ecclesiastical as well as military in Great Britain. . . . London, 1799- 1805. 4 vols. Fol. Lllustr. F, R* Laing (David). Plans, elevations and sections of buildings, public and private, executed in various parts of England, &c., including the new custom-house, London, with plans, details and descriptions. . . . Fifty-nine plates. . . . Londoti, 1818. Fol. A, R in Manchester and Salford 65 720.942 History of Architecture : England : General [continued) — Lysons (Daniel) and (Samuel). Magna Britannia; being a concise topo- graphical account of the several counties of Great Britain. London, 1806-22. 6 vols, in 10. 4to. Illustr. R 1. Bedfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. 2. i. Cambridgeshire, ii. The county palatine of Chester. 3. Cornwall. 4. Cumberland. 5. Derbyshire. 6. Devonshire. Morris (William). Architecture and history (a paper read before the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, on July i, 1884) and Westminster Abbey (a paper written for the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in June, 1893). London, 1900. 8vo. F, R Neale (John Preston) and Le Keux (John). Views of the most in- teresting collegiate and parochial churches in Great Britain. . . . With historical and architectural descriptions. . . . London, 1824-25. 2 vols. 4to. F, R * Paine (James). Plans, elevations, and sections of noblemen and gentle- men's houses . . . executed in the counties of Derby, Durham, Middlesex, Northumberland, Nottingham and York. . . . The second edition. London, 1783. 2 vols. Fol. Potter (Joseph). Specimens of antient English architecture, selected from various ecclesiastical, domestic and other edifices : consisting of plans, elevations, sections and details, with descriptive letterpress. Ecclesiastical. London, 1848. 4to. A Prior (Edward Schroeder). The cathedral builders in England. [Port- folio Artistic Monographs.] London, 1905. 8vo. Lllustr. A, F, R, U Prout (Samuel). Relics of antiquity ; or, remains of ancient structures, with other vestiges of early times, in Great Britain. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, i%ii. Fol. F Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Contrasts ; or, a parallel between the noble edifices of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and similar buildings of the present day ; shewing the present decay of taste. . . . London, 1836. 4to. F, U Richardson (Charles James). Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1840. Vol. i. Fol. A, F *,* No more appears to have been published. Rickman (Thomas). An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture from the conquest to the reformation, with notices of eight hundred English buildings ; preceded by a sketch of the Grecian and Roman orders. The second edition, with additions. London, [18 19]. 8vo. Lllustr. M, R Third edition. London, 1825. 8vo. Lllustr. T Fourth edition. London, 1835. 8vo. Lllustr. C, F, P Fifth edition, with . . . additions, and new plates. [Edited by J. H. Parker.] London, 1848. 8vo. Lllustr. F, M, R, U 5 66 Architectural Works 720 942 History of Architecture : England : General {continued) — Rickman (Thomas). An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture from the conquest to the reformation, with notices of eight hundred English buildings ; preceded by a sketch of the Grecian and Roman orders. Sixth edition, with . . . additions, chiefly historical, by J. H. Parker. . . . Oxford and London, 1862. 8vo. Illustr. A, R, U Seventh edition. Oxford, 1881. 8vo. Illustr. A Robertson (T. S.). The progress of art in English church architecture. With illustrations by the author. London, 1897. i2mo. F Rose (Henry). Three lectures on architecture in England, from the earliest to the present time. . . . London, 1843. ^^o- Illustr. R Sayers (Frank). Miscellanies, antiquarian and historical. Nonvich, 1805. 8vo. F %* Including among other subjects English architecture. Scott (George Gilbert) Felloiv of Jesus College, Cambridge. An essay on the history of English church architecture prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience. . , . London, 1881. 4to. Illustr. F, R, S Scott {Sir Walter) Bart. The Border antiquities of England and Scot- land ; comprising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, accompanied by descriptions. . . . London, 1814-17. 2 vols. 4to. P, R Sharpe (Edmund). Architectural parallels ; or the progress of ecclesiasti- cal architecture in England through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, exhibited in a series of parallel examples. . . . (Supplement . . . con- taining . . . full-sized mouldings. . . .) London, 1848. 2 vols. Fol. A, F, R, U* The seven periods of English architecture defined and illustrated. . . . London, 185 1. 8vo. Illustr. A, U Second edition. London, 187 1. 8vo. Illustr. A, M, P, T, Third edition. London and New York, 1888. Fol. F Society of Antiquaries. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. . . . From April 1843 to April 1849 (to June 1859). Lon- don, 1849-59. 4 vols. 8vo. Illustr. L*(3 vols.), R Second series. . . . (November 17, 1859 to June 20, 1861, \_etc?^ London, [1861, etc\ 8vo. Illustr. In progress. L, R Archaeologia : or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. . . . London, 1770, etc. 4to. Illustr. In progress. L*, P* (i 770-1849 only), R An index to Archseologia . . . from volume i. to volume 1. inclusive. . . . [Compiled by E. Peacock and M. Stephenson.] Londoti, 1889. 4to. R Vetusta monumenta, quae, ad rerum Britannicarum memoriam con- servandam, Societas Antiquariorum Londini sumptu suo edenda curavit. (An index to the first three volumes [by N. Carlisle].) [A series of plates, with descriptive text.] Londini, [i747]-i896. 5 vols. Fol. P*(vol. 1-4), R*(vol. 1-4, 7 pt. i.-ii). k in Manchester and Salford 6"] ^2,0.^^1 History of Architecture : England : General {continued) — Staveley (Thomas). The history of churches in England ; wherein is shewn, the time, means and manner of founding, building, and en- dowing of churches, both cathedral and rural, with their furniture and appendages. The second edition. London, 1773. 8vo. F Stevens (John). The history of the antient abbeys, monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches : being two additional volumes to Sir William Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum. . . . London, 1722-23. 2 vols. Fol. Lllustr. R Storer (James Sargant). History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] Londoti, 1814-19. 4 vols. 8vo. F, S Topographical. Topographical miscellanies, containing ancient histories, and modern descriptions of mansions, churches, monuments and families. With . . . engravings, particularly of ancient architec- ture throughout England. [Edited by Sir S. E. Brydges and 8. Shaw.] London, [1792]. Vol. i. 4to. R Uhde(Constantin). Baudenkmaeler in Grossbrittanien. Herausgegeben von C. Uhde. . . . [A series of plates.] Berlin, 1890-94. 2 vols. Fol. F Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). The cathedrals of the United Kingdom : their history, architecture, monuments and traditions . . . and a popular introduction to church architecture. London, i860. 8vo. P The minsters and abbey ruins of the United Kingdom : their history, architecture, monuments and traditions ; with notices of the larger parish churches and collegiate chapels. London, i2>6o. i2mo. F Whibley (Charles). The cathedrals of England and Wales. . . . London, 1888. Fol. Llhistr. F Wickes (Charles). Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England ; preceded by some observations on the archi- tecture of the middle ages and its spire-growth. . . . Vol. i. Spires (Vol. ii. Towers. [With introduction by E. A. Freeman.] — Supple- mental volume.) London, 1853-59. 3 vols. Fol. A, F*, M*, R, U* The spires and towers of the medijeval churches of England. . . . Complete edition. . . . London, 1859. 3 vols, in i. Fol. A Memorials of English mediaeval churches ; being studies from the finest existing examples of the ecclesiastical steeples of Great Britain. With an introductory essay on ancient ecclesiastical architecture. . . . [A series of plates.] London, 1857. Fol. F Wild (Charles). Twelve select examples from the cathedrals of England of the ecclesiastical architecture of the middle ages. Etched, aqua- tinted and coloured, in imitation of the original drawings, made on the spot. London, 1831. Fol. F Willis (Browne). A survey of the cathedrals of Lincoln, Ely, Oxford and Peterborough. . . . London, 1730. 4to. lllustr. C, R 68 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England: General {continued) — Willis (Browne). A survey of the cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Lichfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester and Bris- tol. . . . London, 1727. i vol. in 2. 4to. Illustr. C, R Winkles (Henry) and (Benjamin). Winkles's Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales ; the drawings made from sketches ... by R. Garland. With descrip- tions by T. Moule. Lotidon, 1836-42. 3 vols. 8vo. F, M. New edition, with the addition of the Manchester Cathedral. London, 1851-60. 3 vols. Svo. S Worthington (T. Locke). Remnants of old English architecture. . . . [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Lotidon, 1888. Fol. F Wright (Thomas). The archaeological album ; or, museum of national antiquities. Edited by T. Wright. . . . The illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. London, 1845. 4^°. Illustr. P 720.942 History of Architecture : England: Biography. Barry (Alfred) Bishop of Sydney. The life and works of Sir C. Barry London, 1867. Svo. Illustr. F Cunningham (Allan). The lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors and architects. Second edition. London, 1830-46. 6 vols. i8mo. Illustr. F Darbyshire (Alfred). An architect's experiences : professional, artistic and theatrical. Manchester, 1897. 8vo. Illustr. F Elmes (James). Memoirs of the life and works of Sir C. Wren, with a brief view of the progress of architecture in England, from the be- ginning of the reign of Charles the First to the end of the seventeenth century : and an appendix of authentic documents. London, 1823. 4to. Illustr. F, P Sir C. Wren and his times. With illustrative sketches and anecdotes of the most distinguished personages in the seventeenth century. London, 1852. 8vo. F Ferrey (Benjamin). Recollections of A. N. W. Pugin and his father, A. Pugin ; with notices of their works. With an appendix by E. S. Pur- cell. London, 1861. 8vo. F Loftie (William John). Inigo Jones and Wren ; or, the rise and decline of modern architecture in England. London, 1893. 4to. Illustr. F, P, U Papworth (Wyatt Angelicus Van Sandau). John B. Papworth, architect to the King of Wurtemburg : a brief record of his life and works. . . . London: privately printed, 1879. Svo. Portr. A Phillimore (Lucy). Sir C. Wren : his family and his times, with original letters and a discourse on architecture . . . 1585-1723. London, 1881. Svo. F Rickman (Thomas Miller). Notes on the life and on the several imprints of the work of T. Rickman, F.S.A., architect. London, 1901. Svo. Portr. A in Manchester and Salford 69 720.942 History of Architecture : England : Biography {co?itinued) — Stannus (Hugh). Alfred Stevens and his work : being a collection ol . . . autotypes, with a brief memoir and account of his principal productions. . . . London, 1891. Fol. M Street (Arthur Edmund). Memoir of G. E. Street, 1824-1881. London, 1888. 8vo. F Swarbrick (John). The life, work and influence of R. Adam and his brothers. Being the prize essay of the Architectural Association for the session 1902-3. . . . London and Aylesbury, 1903. 410. A, F Wren (Christopher). Parentalia : or memoirs of the family of the Wrens . . . chiefly of Sir C Wren ... in which is contained, besides his works a great number of original papers and works. . . . Now published by ... S. Wren. . . . London, 1750. Fol. Lllustr. R Life and works of Sir C. Wren. From the Parentalia or memoirs by his son Christopher. [Edited by E. J. Enthoven.] [London and Neiv York], 1903. 4to. R Sir C. Wren ; with some general remarks on the origin and progress of architecture, [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. F 720.942 History of Arcliitectu re : England: Domestic. Angus (William). The seats of the nobility and gentry in Great Britain and Wales in a collection of select views engraved by W. Angus. From pictures and drawings by the most eminent artists. With de- scriptions of each view. Lslington, 1787. Obi. 8vo. F Brayley (Edward William). The ancient castles of England and Wales engraved by W. Woolnoth . . . with historical descriptions by E. W. Brayley. . . . London, 1825. 2 vols. 4to. F, R Clark (George Thomas). Mediaeval military architecture in England. . . . London, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. F, P, U DoUman (Francis Thomas). Examples of ancient domestic architecture. Illustrating the hospitals, bede-houses, schools, alms houses, etc., of the middle ages in England. London, [i856-]i858. 410. U DoUman (Francis Thomas) and Jobbins (John Richard). An analysis of ancient domestic architecture, exhibiting some of the best existing examples in Great Britain, from drawings and measurements taken on the spot. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, [1860-64]. 2 vols. 4to. F, U England. Britannia illustrata; or, views of several of the queen's palaces, also of the principal seats of the nobility and gentry of Great Britain. Curiously engraven in 80 copper plates. [The illustrations drawn by L. Knyff and etched by J. Kip.] Lofidon, 1714. [Vol. i.] Fol. S [Another edition.] Nouveau theatre de la Grande Bretagne ; ou description exacte des palais du roy, et des maisons les plus considerables des seigneurs & des gentilshommes du dit royaume. Le tout dessine sur les lieux, & grave sur . . . planches. . . . (Supplement.) Londres, 1724-28. 5 vols. Fol. R * Famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. Edited by A. H. Malan. London, 1900. 8vo. Lllustr. 7o Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England: Dotnestic {continued) — * England. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. Edited by A. H. Malan. London^ 1902. 8vo. Illustr. * Other famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. Edited by A. H. Malan. London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. Fea (Allan). Picturesque old houses. Being the impressions of a wanderer off the beaten track. Lon don, \\^o2\. 8vo. Illustr. F Secret chambers and hiding places. The historic, romantic and legendary stories and traditions about hiding-holes, secret chambers, &c. With numerous illustrations by the author. London, 1901. Svo. F * Hall (Samuel Carter). The baronial halls and picturesque edifices of England. From drawings by J. D. Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout and other . . . artists. . . . The text by S. C Hall. (Plates.) Londofi, 1848. 2 vols. Fol. Latham (Charles). In English homes. The international character, furniture and adornments of some of the most notable houses of England historically depicted from photographs. . . . London and New York, 1904. Fol. F Mackenzie (^/> James Dixon) Bart. The castles of England ; their story and structure. London, 1897. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F Morris (Francis Orpen). A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With descriptive and historical letterpress. Edited by . . . F. O. Morris. . . . London, [n.d.]. 6 vols. 4to. F Moss (Fletcher). Pilgrimages to old homes. L>idsbury,igoT,-o6. 2 vols. Svo. Ilhistr. F, P*. S* 1. Mostly on the Welsh border. Visits to old houses in Staffordshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Montgomeryshire, Breck- nockshire, Cheshire, Manchester (Chetham's Hospital) and Lancashire. —1903. 2. Somersetshire, Staffordshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Denbighshire, Devonshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Cheshire and Shropshire. — igo6. Nash (Joseph). The mansions of England in the olden time. [A series of plates.] London, 1839-49. 4 vols. Fol. A, F, M New edition edited by C Holme, with an introduction by C H. Townsend. [A series of plates.] [Special winter number of " The Studio," 1905-06.] , London, i9o6[i905]. 8vo. F, S, U Neale (John Preston). Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen, in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1818-23. 6 vols. Svo. F Second series. London, 1824-29. 5 vols. 8vo. F Pyne (William Henry). The history of the royal residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hamp- ton Court, Buckingham House and Frogmore. . . . London, 18 19. 3 vols. 4to. Ilhistr. R Rimmer (Alfred). Ancient streets and homesteads of England. . . . An introduction by ... J. S. Howson. . . . With . . . illustrations in Manchester and Salford 71 720.942 History of Architecture : England: Domestic {continued) — from drawings by the author engraved by J. D. Cooper. London, 1877. 8vo. P Robinson (Peter Frederick) and Britton (John). Vitruvius Britannicus : history of Woburn Abbey, Hatfield House, Hardwicke Hall, and Cassiobury Park ; illustrated by plans, elevations and internal views of the apartments. London, 1847. Fol. R Sandby (Paul). A collection of landscapes, drawn by P. Sandby . . . and engraved by . . . Rooker and . . . Watts, with descriptions. London, 1777. Obi. 4to. F * ^ A collection of views of gentlemen's seats and castles in England and Wales. Turner (Thomas Hudson). Some account of domestic architecture in England. . . . (Vol. 2-3. By the editor of the Glossary of archi- tecture \i.e. J. H. Parker].) Oxford, 1851-59. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Lllustr. A, F, P, U 1. From the conquest to the end of the thirteenth century. — 1851. 2. From Edward I. to Richard II. — 1853. 3. From Richard II. to Henry VIII. 2 pts. — 1859. 720.942 History of Architecture : England: Two or more Counties. Farren (Robert). Cathedral cities. Ely and Norwich. Drawn and etched by R. Farren. With introduction by E. A. Freeman. Cam- bridge, 1883. Fol. U Hussey (Arthur). Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey mentioned in Domesday Book. . . . London, 1852. 8vo. F, U Perkins (Thomas). The abbey churches of Bath and Malmesbury and the church of Saint Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. London, 1901. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. F Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory. A short history of their foundation and description of their buildings. London, 1899. 1 2mo. Lllustr. F Taylor (Michael Waistell). The old manorial halls of Westmorland and Cumberland. Kendal, 1892. 8vo. Lllustr. F 720.942 History of Architecture: England. [Alphabetically by counties] : Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire. The ecclesiastical and architectural topography of England. Published under the sanction of the Central Committee of the Arch- aeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Bedfordshire. Oxford afid London, 1848. 8vo. F, S Isherwood (Constance). St. Mary, Luton. ... A handbook. . . . [Homeland Handbooks. 47.] London, 1905. i2mo. Lllustr. F Parry (John Docwra). History and description of Woburn and its abbey > etc., etc. . . . London, [1831]. 8vo. Lllustr. R Shaw (Henry). The history and antiquities of the chapel at Luton Park, a seat of . . . the marquess of Bute. London, \%2g. Fol. Lllustr. M 72 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : Eng^land — Counties {continued) — Berkshire. Butterfield (William). Elevations, sections and details of Saint John Baptist Church, at Shottesbroke, Berkshire. [Oxford Society for promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, 1844. Fol. A, U Hurry (Jamieson B.). Reading Abbey. . . . London, 1901. 4to. Illustr. R Nash (Joseph). Views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. Forming a supplemental volume to the mansions of England. [A series of plates.] London, id>e^2. Fol. M Reading Abbey. Views of Reading Abbey, with those of the churches originally connected with it in the county of Berks (and other counties), together with some monuments of antiquity remaining in those churches. Containing . . . engravings with descriptive letter-press. London, and Reading, 1805-10. 2 vols, in i. 4to. R Willement (Thomas). An account of the restorations of the collegiate chapel of St. George, Windsor. With some particulars of the heraldic ornaments of that edifice. London, 1844. 4to. Illustr. F Windsor. — Chapel of Saint George. A series of views, interior and exterior, of the collegiate church of St. George, at Windsor. With illustrative plates explanatory of its architecture and ornaments, and accompanied by a concise account, historical and descriptive. [Engraved by F. Nash.] Lotidon, 1805. Fol. R Buckinghamshire. Stowe. Stowe, a description of the house and gardens of . . . the duke of Buckingham and Chandos ... at Stowe in the county of Buck- ingham. London, 1838. 8vo. F Todd (Henry John). The history of the college of Bonhommes, at Ashridge . . . founded in the year 1276. ... To which is added, a description of the present mansion, erected on the site of the ancient college. . . . London, 1823. Fol. Illustr. R Cambridgeshire. Babinglon (Charles Cardale). History of the infirmary and chapel of the hospital and college of St. John the Evangelist at Cambridge. Cambridge, 1874. 8vo. U ■ On some remains of the hospital of St. John the Evangelist at Cambridge. [From the " Cambridge Antiquarian Communications ". Vol. ii., no. 5.] Cambridge, 1864. 8vo. U Bentham (James). The history and antiquities of the conventual and cathedral church of Ely. . . . (Appendix.) Cambridge, iTji. 2 pts. 4to. Illustr. F, R The second edition, by ... J. Bentham [the younger. Edited by W. Stevenson]. Nonvich, 181 2. 4to. Illustr. P, R See also infra Stevenson (W.), Cambridge, University of. Cantabrigia depicta : a series of engravings representing the most picturesque and interesting edifices in the { in Manchester and Salford 73 720.942 History of Architecture : Eng^land — Cambridgeshire (continued) — University of Cambridge, with an historical and descriptive account of each. From drawings by R. B. Harraden, junr. Cambridge, 1809. 4to. R Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Publications of the Cambridge Anti- quarian Society. . . . Cambridge, 1840-49. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R Vol. i., no. g. Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages. By R. Willis. . . .—1844. Publications. . . . Octavo series. Cambridge, 185 1, etc. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. R Antiquarian communications : being papers presented at the meet- ings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Cambridge, 185 1, etc. 8vo. In progress. Illustr. R Cambridge Camden Society, aftenvards Ecclesiological Society. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Published by the Cambridge Camden Society. Cambridge, [i843-]i845. 8vo. Illustr. P, U* Cambridgeshire. Notes on the Cambridgeshire churches. [By G. R. Boissier.] London, 1827. 8vo. Illustr. F James (Montague Rhodes). The sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. Illustrated in fifty-five collotype plates. With descriptions and identifications by M. R. James . . . and a preface by the Lord Bishop of the diocese, [Lord Alwyne Compton]. Londori, 1895. 4to. R Le Keux (John). Memorials of Cambridge. Greatly enlarged from the work of J. Le Keux by C H. Cooper. With steel and copper plates by Le Keux and Storer, and etchings on copper by R. Farren. Cambridge, [1860-66]. 3 vols. 8vo. F Loggan (David). Cantabrigia illustrata ; sive omnium celeberrimae istius Universitatis collegiorum, aularum . . . nee non totius oppidi ichno- graphia. Cantabrigice, [1688]. Fol. R Millers (George). A description of the cathedral church of Ely : with some account of the conventual buildings. London, 1807. 8vo. Illustr. F, U The third edition. London, 1834. 8vo. Illustr. F, P Stevenson (William). A supplement to the first edition of . . . Bentham's History and antiquities of the cathedral and conventual church of Ely: comprising enlarged accounts of the monastery . . . also notes, architectural . . . and explanatory ; to which are prefixed, the addenda to the second edition. . . . Norwich, 181 7. 4to. Illustr. P A supplement to the second edition of . . . Bentham's History & antiquities of the cathedral & conventual church of Ely. . . . Nor- wich, 18 1 7. 4to. Illustr. R Storer (James Sargant) and (Henry Sargant). Delineations of the chapel of King's College, Cambridge. . . . [With descriptive letterpress.] \Cambridge, n.d.] Fol. R 74 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Cambridgeshire {continued) — Storer (James Sargant) and (Henry Sargant). Delineations of Trinity College, Cambridge. . . . [With descriptive letterpress.] Cambridge^ [c. 1835]. Fol. F, R [A series of engraved views of colleges, etc., in Cambridge.] [^Cam- bridge, n.d.] 4to. R Sweeting (Walter Debenham). The cathedral church of Ely. A history and description of the building with a short account of the former monastery and of the see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1 90 1. 8vo. lUustr. F, S Willis (Robert). The architectural history of the University of Cambridge and of the colleges of Cambridge and Eton. . . . Edited, with large additions, and brought up to the present time, by J. W. Clark. . . . Ca?nbridge, 1886. 4 vols. 4to. Iliustr. C, F, P, R Cheshire. See also infra Lancashire. Batenham (G.). A visit to the cathedral church of Chester, being an historical and descriptive sketch. . . . Chester, [n.d.]. i8mo. Iliustr. F Boyd (Sydney A.). The history, antiquities and present restoration of Macclesfield Parish Church. Manchester, 1901. i2mo. Iliustr. F Glynne {Sir Stephen Richard) Bart. Notes on the churches of Cheshire. Edited by J. A. Atkinson. Manchester, 1894. 4to. F Hiatt (Charles). The cathedral church of Chester. A description of the fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1897. 8vo. Lllustr. F [Another edition.] London, 1898. 8vo. lllustr. S Howson (John Saul) Dean of Chester, and Rimmer (Alfred). Chester as it was. London, 1872. 4to. Lllustr. P Irvine (William Fergusson). Notes on the old halls of Wirral. Liverpool, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. F Parker (John Henry). The medieval architecture of Chester. . . . With an historical introduction by . . . F. Grosvenor. . . . Chester, 1858. 8vo. F, P, U Pullinger (William). Architectural features of Astbury Church. Oldham, 1892. 8vo. Lllustr. F Rickman (Thomas). On the architectural history of Chester Cathedral. With an introductory memoir . . . by . . . Blomfield. Chester, 1864. 8vo. Lllustr. F Cumberland. Billings (Robert William). Architectural illustrations, history and descrip- tion of Carlisle Cathedral. London, \%^o. 4to. lllustr. F Eley (C. King). The cathedral church of Carlisle. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1900. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S Ferguson (Charles J.). The development of domestic architecture : Rose Castle and Dalston Hall. [From Trans. Cumb. & Westm. Antiq. & Archaeol. Soc] Kendal, 1875. 4to. U in Manchester and Salford 75 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Cumberland {contmued) — Loftie (Arthur G.). Calder Abbey : its ruins and history. Kendal, iZ^Z. 8vo. U Snape (Richard Herbert). St. Bees Priory Church, Cumberland. The past, the present, the future. Lofidon, [1905]. 8vo. Illustr. F Derbyshire. Cheetham (F. H.). Architectural and historical notes on Haddon Hall, for the use of visitors. Illustrated by J. Norris and the author, with apian. Bakewell and Buxton, 1899. i2mo. S Haddon Hall. An illustrated account of the fabric and its history. London, 1904. 8vo. M Cox (John Charles). Notes on the churches of Derbyshire. Chesterfield and London, 1875-79. 4 vols. 8vo. Illustr. P Rayner (Simeon). The history and antiquities of Haddon Hall : illustrated by . . . drawings : with an account of the hall in its present state. (Supplementary number to Rayner's Haddon Hall. [Subscribed H. Duesbury.]) Derby, London, i836[-37]. 4to. A*, P Robinson (Peter Frederick). Vitruvius Britannicus : history of Hardwicke Hall ; illustrated by plans, elevations and internal views . . . from actual measurement. [Being part 3 of the original edition of Vi- truvius Britannicus.] London, 1835. Fol. R Devonshire. Addleshaw (William Percy). The cathedral church of Exeter. A de- scription of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] Londoti, 1898. 8vo. Illustr. S [Another edition.] London, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F Exeter Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Exeter [by C. Lyttleton, Bishop of Carlisle, and others] illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter. Edited by Sir H. C. Englefield and J. Windham. With the plans, etc.]. [Society of Antiquaries of London.] [London, i']^'j.'\ Fol. R Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society : Transactions. . . . Exeter, 1843-52. 4 vols. 4to. C Freeman (Philip). The architectural history of Exeter Cathedral. Exe- ter, [1873]. 8vo. U Hamilton (Adam). History of St. Mary's Abbey at Buckfast, in the county of Devon, a.d. 760-1906. Buckfastleigh, [1907]. 8vo. Illustr. R Hewett (John William). A brief history and description of the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter. Exeter, 1848. 8vo. S, U Radford (William Tucker Arundel). Remarks on the restoration of our [Exeter] cathedral. Exeter, [187 1]. 8vo. U Dorsetshire. Carpenter (R. H.). On the Benedictine Abbey of S. Mary, Sherborne, with notes on the restoration of its church. [From the " Trans. R. Inst. Brit. Arch." 1876-77.] {London, 1877.] 4to. U 76 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : Eng^land — Counties {co?itinued) — Durham. Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Church reports. \Sunderland, n.d.] 8vo. U 3. S. Peter, Monkwearmouth. Billings (Robert William). Architectural illustrations and description of the cathedral church at Durham. [A series of plates, with descrip- tive letterpress.] Londori, 1843. 4to. A Bygate (J. E.). The cathedral church of Durham. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1899. 8vo. Illnstr. F [Second edition, revised.] London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. S Durham Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Durham [by Sir H. C. Englefield,] illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter. With the plans, etc.]. [Society of Antiquaries of London.] Lottdon, \.?>o\. Fol. R White (William). The Galilee of Durham Cathedral : its name and its nature. . . . With a note by the Secretary of the Royal Institute \i.e. W. H. White]. [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Re- printed from the Transactions, vol. 6, N.S.] Londoji, 1890. 4to. Illustr. A - Essex. Buckler (Edward H.). The abbey of Waltham Holy Cross. Historical and architectural notes. London, [1882]. 4to. Illustr. U Scott (W. T.). Antiquities of an Essex parish ; or, pages from the history of Great Dunmow. London, 1873. 8vo. U Wallen (William). The history and antiquities of the round church at Little Maplestead, Essex, formerly belonging to the Knights Hospit- allers of Saint John of Jerusalem. . . . London, 1836. 8vo. Illustr. F, P - Gloucestershire. Barrett (William). The history and antiquities of the city of Bristol. Bristol, [1789]. 4to. Illustr. P Bird (Charles). Picturesque old Bristol. A series of fifty-two etchings. . . . With letterpress by John Taylor. . . . Bristol, 1885. 2 vols. Fol. R Blunt (John Henry). Tewkesbury Abbey and its associations. Second edition. Tewkesbury, 1898. i2mo. Illustr. F Brewer (James Norris). Delineations of Gloucestershire ; being views of the principal seats of nobility & gentry, and other objects of prominent interest in that county. . . . The plates engraved by J. & H. S. Storer from their own . . . drawings. The historical and descriptive notices by J. N. Brewer. . . . London, [1824]. 4to. R Britton (John). An historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol . , . including an account of the monuments. . . . London, 18 13. 4to. Illustr. F, R in Manchester and Salford ']j 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Gloucestershire {continued) — Gloucester Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Gloucester [by Sir H. C. Englefield,] illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter. With the plans, etc.]. [Society of Antiquaries of London.] London, 1^0^. Fol. R Glynne {Sir Stephen Richard) Bart. Gloucestershire church notes. Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore and J. M. Hall. London, 1902. 8vo. F Leversage (Peter). A history of Bristol Cathedral, its antiquities and monuments. Second edition. Clifton, 1854. Svo. Lllustr. F Masse (Henri Jean Louis Joseph). The abbey church of Tewkesbury. With some account of the priory church of Deerhurst, Gloucestershire. London, 1900. i2mo. Lllustr. F • The cathedral church of Bristol. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1 901. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S The cathedral church of Gloucester. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1900. i2mo. lllustr. F, S Norris (John Pilkington). Notes on the church of St. Mary Redcliffe, [Bristol]. [n,p., n.d.] Svo. U Petit (John Louis). The abbey church of Tewkesbury ; with a description of its plan and architectural peculiarities. Cheltenham, 1848. 8vo. Lllustr. F, U Seyer (Samuel). Memoirs, historical and topographical, of Bristol and its neighbourhood. . . . Bristol, 1821-23. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R Skelton (Joseph). Etchings of the antiquities of Bristol, from original sketches by ... H. O'Neill, [n.p., n.d.] 4to. U Spence (Henry Donald Maurice) Dean of Gloucester. The white robe of churches of the Xlth century. Pages from the story of Gloucester Cathedral. London, 1899. 8vo. Lllustr. F Worcester (William). William Wyrcestre Redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture, in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol, with hints for practicable restorations. [By J. Dallaway.] Bristol, [1823]. 4to. Lllustr. F LLarnp shire. Cayley (Reginald A.). An architectural memoir of Old Basing church, Hants. . . . Basingstoke, 1891. Svo. U Milner (John) Bishop of Castabala. The history, civil and ecclesiastical, and survey of the antiquities of Winchester. Winchester, [179S-1801]. 2 vols. 4to. P Perkins (Thomas). A short account of Romsey Abbey. A description of the fabric and notes on the history of the convent of SS. Mary and Ethelfleda. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, igo"]. Svo. Lllustr. F Sergeant (Philip Walsingham). The cathedral church of Winchester. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1S9S. Svo. Lllustr. S [Another edition.] Londo7i, 1899. Svo. Lllustr. F 78 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Hampshire (continued) — Stone (Percy Goddard). The architectural antiquities of the Isle of Wight. From the Xlth to the XVlIth centuries inclusive. London, 1891. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F, U* Herefordshire. Fisher (x^lfred Hugh). The cathedral church of Hereford. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. 8vo. Illustr. F [Second edition, revised.] London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. S Hertfordshire. Buckler (John Chessel) and (Charles A.). A history of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban, with especial reference to the Norman structure. London, 1847. 8vo. Illustr. S, U Denison (Edmund Beckett) afterivards Beckett (Edmund) Baron Grim- thorpe. St. Albans Cathedral and its restoration. St. Alban s, 1885. i2mo. Illustr. F Nicholson (Henry Joseph Boone). The abbey of Saint Alban. Some extracts from its early history and a description of its conventual church. . . . Third edition. London, 1870. 8vo. Illustr. U Perkins (Thomas). The cathedral church of Saint Albans with an account of the fabric and a short history of the abbey. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1903. i2mo. Illustr. F, S Robinson (Peter Frederick). Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Hatfield House : illustrated by plans, elevations and internal views of the apartments, from actual measurement. [Being part 2 of the original edition of Vitruvius Britannicus.] London, i2,'^t,. Fol. F Saint Albans Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of St. Alban [by R. Gough, J. Brown, and J. Nichols,] illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter. Edited by Sir H. C. Englefield]. [Society of Antiquaries of London.] Lon- don, 18 13. Fol. P, R Scott [Sir George Gilbert). Restoration of St. Alban's Abbey. Report, [n.p., 187 1.] 8vo. U Kent. Badeslade (Thomas). Thirty-six different views of noblemen and gentle- men's seats in the county of Kent. . . . Engraved by the best hands. London, [c. 1720]. Fol. R Brady (John Henry). The visitor's guide to Knole, in the county of Kent, with catalogues of the pictures contained in the mansion, and biographical notices of the principal persons whose portraits form part of the collection. Sevenoaks, 1839. i2nio. F Canterbury Cathedral. Descriptive account of the cathedral church of Canterbury illustrated . . . from drawings taken expressly for this work, with a short description of St. Augustine's monastery. . . . Fifth edition. Canterbury, 1850. 8vo. F Dart (John). The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Canterbury and the once adjoining monastery. . . . London, 1726. Fol. imistr. P, R in Manchester and Salford 79 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Kent {continued) — Dunnage (H.) and Laver (C). Plans, elevations, sections, details and views, of the great hall of the royal palace of Eltham, in Kent ; measured and delineated. With an essay, historical and descriptive. London, 1828. 4to. F Hope (William Henry Saint John). The architectural history of the cathedral church and monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Irvine (James Thomas). Dover Castle Church. [From the Journ. Brit. Archffiol. Assoc, 1885.] \Londori\, 1885. 8vo. Lllustr. U Lawson (Arthur William) and Stockley (George Watts). A history of the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, West Mailing, Kent. . . . West Mailing, \^o\. 8vo. Illustr. F Palmer (George Henry). The cathedral church of Rochester. A de- scription of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1897. i2mo. Illustr. F, S Puckle (John). The church and fortress of Dover Castle. Oxford, 1864. 8vo. P, U Routledge (Charles Francis). The church of St. Martin, Canterbury. An illustrated account of its history and fabric. London, 1898. i2mo. F Scott (Sir George Gilbert). The church on the Castle Hill, Dover. [Re- printed from Archseologia Cantiana, vol. 5, 1863.] [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. Illustr. U Wild (Charles). Twelve perspective views of the . . . metropolitical church of Canterbury, accompanied by two ichnographic plates, and an historical account. . . . London, 1807. Fol. R Willis (Robert). The architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1845. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Withers (Hartley). The cathedral church of Canterbury. A description of its fabric and a brief history ^of the archiepiscopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F [New impression.] London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. S Woolnoth (William). A graphical illustration of the metropolitan cathe- dral church of Canterbury, accompanied by a history and description ... of that venerable fabric. . . . Containing . . . plates . . . from drawings by T. Hastings. . . . London, 18 16. 4to. P, R Lancashire and Cheshire. Douglas (John). Abbey Square sketch book ... J. Douglas . . . dir- exit. Chester, 187 2 [-76]. 2 vols. Fol. F *^* Architectural drawings, with details, of old halls, churches, etc., chiefly in Lancashire and Cheshire. Philips (Nathaniel George). Views of the old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. . . . Drawn and mostly etched by N. G. Philips, 1822-24. With descriptive letterpress ... by local contributors. . . . Lofidon, 1893. Fol. S 8o Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture: England — Lancashire and Cheshire {con- tinued) — Rosicrucian Society of England. [Photographs of Lancashire and Cheshire halls. Photographed by and for the Rosicrucians.] [n.p., n.d.] Obi. 4to. F *,* Without title-page. Taylor (Henry). Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire ; including notes on the ancient domestic architecture of the counties Palatine. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Manchester, 1884. 4to. F, P, S Lancashire. Beck (Thomas Alcock). Annales Furnesienses : history and antiquities of the abbey of Furness. LoTidon, i2>4^. 4to. Lllustr. P Brooks (James). Report on design for Liverpool Cathedral. London, 1885. Fol. Lllustr. A Crowther (Joseph S.). An architectural history of the cathedral church of Manchester, dedicated to St. Mary, St. George and St. Denys. . . . Edited by F. Renaud. Manchester, 1893. Fol. Lllustr. A, B, C, F Darbyshire (Alfred). Secular architecture. Illustrations from Manchester. Manchester, 1890. 8vo. F Evans (John). Manchester Cathedral past and present. . . . Manchester, [1893]. 4to. F Glynne {Sir Stephen Richard) Bart. Notes on the churches of Lanca- shire. Edited by J. A. Atkinson. ^Manchester^ 1893. 4to. F Hindshaw (WilHam). Ordsal Hall. [A series of photographs, with a preface.] [n.p., 1869.] Obi. 4to. F Hope (William Henry Saint John). The abbey of St. Mary in Furness, Lancashire. . . . Kendal, 1902. 4to. Lllustr. F, R Lancashire. Forty-six plates illustrative of noblemen and gentlemen's seats, and public buildings in Lancashire. Suitable also for insertion in Baines's history of the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster. London, Paris and New York, 1839. 4to. M Manchester. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College [compiled from materials by VV. P. Greswell and others by S. Hibbert] ; Chetham's Hospital (and Library), and the Free Grammar School [by W. R. Whatton]. (An architectural descrip- tion of the collegiate church and college of Manchester. By J. Palmer. . . .) Manchester, 1828-33. 3 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R [Another edition.] London, Manchester, 1834. 3 vols. 4to. B Selection of sketches of old buildings in the neighbourhood of Manchester ; drawn by G. H. Ormerod, J. N. Horsfield, W. Ball, H. S. Grimshaw, H. H. Kemp, J. G. Lansdale, P. Hesketh, and F. W. Mee. [With historical notes by C. W. Sutton.] S^Manchester, 1877.] Obi. 4to. A, F, M Manchester Cathedral. Manchester Cathedral manual and guide. [By R. Falkner.] Manchester, [1902]. 8vo. Lllustr. F in Manchester and Salford 8i 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Lancashire {continued) — Palmer (John). A brief guide to the collegiate church of Christ, Man- chester. Manchester, 1829. i2mo. F Parish Church. The parish church ; or, remarks on the subject of Gothic architecture, compiled from good authorities. To which is added a description of the Catholic church of St. Chad, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Published on occasion of its dedication, August 4th, 1847. Manchester, [1847]. i2mo. lllustr. F Perkins (Thomas). The cathedral church of Manchester. A short history and description of the church and of the collegiate buildings now known as Chetham's Hospital. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1901. 12 mo. Lllustr. F, S Price (William Frederick). Inscribed and dated stones on some old Lancashire houses. Liverpool, igoi. 4to. Lllustr. F Rimmer (Alfred). Ancient halls of Lancashire. From original drawings by A. Rimmer. Liverpool and London, 1852. 4to. S Waddington (William Angelo). Architectural sketches on the Calder and Ribble. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Burnley, 1869. Obi. 4to. F Whitaker (Thomas Dunham). An history of the original parish of Whalley, and honor of Clitheroe ... in the counties of Lancaster and York. Second edition with additions. London, 1806. 4to. Lllustr. P Third edition, with additional engravings. London, 1818. 4to. Lllustr. P Worthington (T. Locke). An historical account & illustrated description of the cathedral church of Manchester. An essay. . . . Manchester, 1884. 4to. A, F, P, S Lincolnshire. Brock (E. P. Loftus). The churches of the city of Lincoln. [From the Jourh. Brit. Archaeol. Assoc, 1890.] [Loftdo?i], i2>go. 8vo. Lllustr. U Fowler (Joseph Thomas). Notes on All Saints', Winterton. [n.p.], 1888. 8vo. Lllustr. U Gedney. Historical notice of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Ged- ney. [By J. A. Atkinson.] . . . Lincoln, 1897. 8vo. F Howlett (Bartholomew). A selection of views in the county of Lincoln, comprising the principal towns and churches, the remains of castles and religious houses, and seats of the nobility and gentry. With topographical and historical accounts of each view. London, 1805. 4to.' R Kendrick (A. F.). The cathedral church of Lincoln. A history and description of its fabric and a list of the bishops. . . . [Bell's Cathe- dral Series.] London, 1899. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire churches. An account of the churches in the division of Holland, in the county of Lincoln. Boston, 1843. 8vo. U 6 82 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Lincolnshire {continued) — Sharpe (Edmuad). An account of the churches visited during the Lincoln excursion of the Architectural Association August 22nd-August 27th, 1870. London, 187 1. 8vo. Illustf. F Stukeley (William). Some account of Croyland Abbey, Lincolnshire. . . . Read at the general meeting of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society, September I oth, 1855, by ... J. M. Gresley, [the editor]. Ashby-de-la-Z ouch, 1856. 4to. Illustr. F Venables (Edmund). A list and brief description of the churches of Lincoln previous to the period of the reformation, [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. U Wild (Charles). An illustration of the architecture and sculpture of the cathedral church of Lincoln. . . . London, 18 19. Fol. Lllustr. A, C, F, R 'London : General. Archer (John Wykeham). Vestiges of old London : a series of etchings from original drawings, illustrative of the monuments and architecture of London, in the first, fourth, twelfth and six succeeding centuries. With descriptions and historical notices. London, 1851. 4to. P, S Benham (William) and Welch (Charles). Mediaeval London. London, 1 90 1. 8vo. Illustr. M Birch (George H.). London churches of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. A selection of the most remarkable ecclesiastical build- ings, including St. Paul's Cathedral, erected within and around the ancient city walls between the years 1630 and 1730, from the designs of L Jones, Sir C Wren, N. Hawksmoor and J. Gibbs. With his- torical and descriptive accounts by G. H. Birch. London, 1896. Fol. A, F, M Britton (John) and Pugin (Augustus). Illustrations of the public buildings of London. With historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. London, 1825-28. 2 vols. 8vo. A, C, R Clarke (Charles). Architectura ecclesiastica Londini ; or graphical survey of the cathedral, collegiate and parochial churches in London, South- wark and Westminster, with the adjoining parishes. . . . Prefaced by considerations on the rise and progress of early English archi- tecture. . . . One hundred and twenty-two plates from . . . draw- ings by J. Coney, G. Shepherd, etc. London, 1820. Fol. R Clayton (John). The works of Sir C. Wren. The dimensions, plans ... of the parochial churches of Sir C. Wren, erected in the cities of London and Westminster. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1848-49. Pt. i. Fol. F Daniell (Alfred Ernest). London city churches. With . . . illustrations by L. Martin. Westminster, 1895. 4to. F London riverside churches. With 84 illustrations by A. Ansted. Westtninster, 1897. 4to. F London. A critical review of the publick buildings, statues and orna- ments in and about London and Westminster to which is prefix'd the dimensions of St. Peter's Church at Rome and St. Paul's Cathedral at London. [By J. Ralph.] London, 1734. 8vo. R in Manchester and Salford 83 720.942 History of Architecture : England — London {continued) — London. Ecclesiastical topography : a collection of one hundred views of churches in the environs of London . . . accompanied with de- scriptions. . . . [Edited by S. Woodburn.] London^ i8o7[-ii]. 2 vols. 4to. R [Another edition.] London, 1811. 2 vols. 4to. P Londina illustrata : graphic and historic memorials of monasteries, churches . . . palaces . . . and . . . theatres in the cities and suburbs of London & Westminster. London, i2>ig. 2 vols. 4to. R Prospectus of a design for various improvements in the metropolis , principally about the Court. By an architect [i.e. L. Wyatt]. Lon- don, 1816. Svo. F Malton (Thomas). A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. Illustrated with . . . views ... by T. Malton. London, 1792. Fol. R Moderne Staedtebilder. Moderne Staedtebilder. Berlin, 1900. Fol. M 3. Neubauten in London. [A series of plates.] Niven (William). London city churches destroyed since a.d. 1800, or now threatened. . . . London, 1887. Fol. Lllustr. F Paul (Roland Wilmot). Vanishing London : a series of drawings illustrat- ing some of the old houses, etc., in London and Westminster. [With letterpress.] London, 1894. 4to. F Pennant (Thomas). Some account of London. . . . The fourth edition. London, 1805. F^l- ^ *^* Extended to 5 vols, by the insertion of numerous illustrations, including views of important buildings, etc. Smirke (Sydney). Suggestions for the architectural improvement of the western part of London. London, 1834. 8vo. Lllustr. F Smith (John Thomas). Antiquities of Westminster ; the old palace, St. Stephen's Chapel (now the House of Commons), &c., &c. Containing two hundred and forty-six engravings of topographical objects, of which one hundred and twenty-two no longer remain. . . . (Sixty- two additional plates.) London, 1807 [-09]. 2 vols. 4to. R • — — London : Separate Edifices. Saint Paul' s Cathedral. Clinch (George). St. Paul's Cathedral, London. . . . [Little Guides.] Lotidon, [1906]. i2mo. lllustr. F Dimock (Arthur). The cathedral church of Saint Paul : an account of the old and new buildings, with a short historical sketch. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] Lofido7i, 1900. i2mo. Llhistr. F, S Dugdale {Sir William). The history of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, from its foundation untill these times. . . . London, 1658. Fol. Lllustr. R The second edition. . . . Published by E. Maynard. . . . London, 1716. Fol. F, R [Another edition.] With a continuation and additions . . . by Henry Ellis. . . . London, 18 18. Fol. Lllustr. P, R 84 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — London {continued) — Longman (William). A history of the three cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London ; with reference chiefly to their structure and archi- tecture, and the sources whence the necessary funds were derived. London, 1873. 8vo. Lllustr. F London : Saint Stephen s Chapel, Westminster. Brayley (Edward Wedlake) and Britton (John). The history of the anci- ent palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster : embracing accounts and illustrations of St. Stephen's Chapel, and its cloisters, Westminster Hall, the Court of Requests, the Painted Chamber. . . . London, 1836. 8vo. Lllustr. F, P Mackenzie (Frederick). The architectural antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House of Commons : drawn from actual survey and measurements. . . . Accompanied by observations on the original and perfect state of the building, and a description of the plates. Lofidon, 1844. Fol. A, C, F, M, P, S Topham (John). Some account of the collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen, Westminster. [With 14 plates from drawings by J. Carter, and 14 additional plates, with description by Sir H. C. Englefield.] [Society of Antiquaries of London.] [^London, \']gc^-i^\i.'\ Fol. R London : Southwark Cathedral, DoUman (Francis Thomas). The priory church of St. Mary Overie, South- wark. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from tthe Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] Lo7idon, 1891. 4to. Lllustr. A The priory of St. Mary Overie, Southwark; comprising i. the history, ii. the description, iii. the illustrations, of the church and conventual buildings. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1881. Fol. ■ F Nightingale (Joseph). The history and antiquities of the parochial church of St. Saviour, Southwark, illustrated by a series of engravings . . . by W. G. Moss. . . . London, 18 18. 4to. R Southwark Cathedral. Proceedings at the meeting on the subject of the preservation and restoration of the Lady Chapel at the east end of Saint Saviour's, Southwark ; held at the Freemason's Tavern, Great Queen Street, January 28th, 1832. . . . [With a preface by A. J. K., i.e. A. J. Kempe.] London, 1832. 8vo. S Taylor (William). Annals of St. Mary Overy ; an historical and descrip- tive account of St. Saviour's church and parish. . . . London, 1833. 4to. Lllustr. P Thompson (William). The history and antiquities of the collegiate church of St. Saviour (St. Marie Overie), Southwark. London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. F Second edition, enlarged and revised. . . . London, 1906. 8vo. Lllustr. R Worley (George). Southwark Cathedral . . . formerly the collegiate church of St. Saviour, otherwise St. Mary Overie. A short history and description of the fabric, with some account of the college and the see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, \^o^. lamo. Lllustr. F in Manchester and Salford 85 720.942 History of Architecture : England — London {continued) — London : Temple Church. Addison (Charles Greenstreet). The Temple Church. Lofidon, 1843. 8vo. U Essex (VV. R. H.). Illustrations of the architectural ornaments and em- bellishments and painted glass of the Temple Church, London. From drawings . . . by W. R. H. Essex. With an account of the recent restoration of the church. London, 184^. 4to. F London : Westminster Abbey. Bradley afterwards Smith (Emily Tennyson). Annals of Westminster Abbey. With a preface by the Dean of Westminster [G. G. Bradley], and a chapter on the abbey buildings by J. T. Micklethwaite. London, 1898. 4to. Illustr. p Brayley (Edward Wedlake). The history and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. . . . Illustrated by J. P. Neale. . . . (An historical and architectural account of King Henry the Seventh's chapel at Westminster. . . .) London, 1818-23. 2 vols. Fol. R Cottingham (Lewis Nockalls). Plans, elevations, sections, details and views of the magnificent chapel of King Henry the Seventh, at West- minster Abbey Church. With the history of its foundation, and an authentic account of its restoration. London, 1822-1829. 2 vols. Fol. A Dart (John). Westmonasterium ; or the history and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peters, Westminster. . . . London, [1742]. 2 vols. Fol. Llliistr. p, I^ Farrar (Frederic William) Dean of Canterbury. Westminster Abbey. Illustrated by H. Railton. London, 1898. 12 mo. F Hiatt (Charles). Westminster Abbey. A short history and description of the church and conventual buildings, with notes on the monu- ments. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, i()02. 8vo. Illustr F, S Leslie (Eric William). A Catholic guide to Westminster Abbey. London, 1902. i2mo. Illustr. F Loftie (William John). A brief account of Westminster Abbey. Abridged from the larger work. With illustrations by H. Railton. Lotidon, 1894. i2mo. F Moule (Thomas). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey ; ancient oil paint- ings and sepulchral brasses in the abbey church of St. Peter, West- minster. Engraved from drawings by G. P. Harding. With an historical, biographical and heraldic description by T. Moule. . . . London, 1825. Fol. I^ Scott {Sir George Gilbert) and others. Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. . . . With appendices, supplying further particulars, and completing the history of the abbey buildings by W. Burges, J. Burtt . . . [and others]. . . . Oxford 6^ London, 1861. 8vo. Illustr. P 86 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — London {continued) — Westminster Abbey. A historical description of Westminster Abbey : its monuments and curiosities. . . . [London, 187 1 ?] 12 mo. Illustr. F The history of the abbey church of St. Peter's, Westminster, its antiquities and monuments. . . . [By W. Combe.] London, 1812. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R Lotidon : Other edifices. Ashbee (Charles Robert). The Trinity Hospital in Mile End : an object lesson in national history. Being the ist monograph of the Com- mittee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. Bow, 1896. 4to. lllustr. F Bayley (John). The history and antiquities of the Tower of London. . . . London, 1821-25. 2 vols. Fol. Lllustr. R Brayley (Edward Wedlake) and Herbert (William). Lambeth Palace illustrated by a series of views representing its most interesting anti- quities. ... (A concise account, historical and descriptive, of Lam- beth Palace.) London, 1806. Fol. F, P, R Charterhouse. The history of the Charter-house. London, 18 16. 4to. P Denham (Joshua Frederick). Views exhibiting the exterior and interior and principal monuments of the very ancient and remarkable church of St. Dunstan in the West, in the city of London. To which is added an historical account of the church. . . . London, [1829]. Fol. Lllustr. A Godman (Ernest). The old palace of Bromley-by-Bow. Being the 3rd monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [With an introductory note by C. R. Ashbee.] Bow, 1902. 4to. F Gunn (Edwin). The Great House, Leyton. Being the 4th monograph of the Committee for the survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [With an introductory note by C R. Ashbee.] Catupden, 1903. 4to. Lllustr. F Hammon (Henry J.). The architectural antiquities, and present state of Crosby Place, London, as lately restored by J. Davies. . . . De- lineated in a series of plans, elevations . . . with perspective views, from original drawings. . . . With an historical and descriptive account. London, 1844. 4to. A Hills (Osborn C). Saint Mary Stratford, Bow. With an introductory chapter by C. R. Ashbee. Being the second monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. Lon- don, [1900]. Fol. Lllustr. F Mann (Ernest A.). Brooke House, Hackney. Being the 5th monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [With an introductory note by C. R. Ashbee.] Campden, 1904. 4to. Lllustr. F Nichols (John Bowyer). Account of the Royal Hospital and collegiate church of St. Katherine, near the Tower of London. London, 1824. 4to. Lllustr. P in Manchester and Salford Zy 720.942 History of Architecture : England — London {continued)— Penrose (Francis Cranmer). The church of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 6, N.S.] London, i8go. 4to. Lllustr. A Pepys (Walter C.) and Godman (Ernest). The church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. Being the 6th monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [With an introductory note by C. R. Ashbee.] Campde?i, 1905. 4to. Lllustr. F Sedgwick (Tom E.). Description and history of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London, N.W. . . . With chapters by J. T. Micklethwaite, R. N. Shaw and others. London^ 1902. i2mo. Lllustr. F Middlesex. Walpole (Horace) Earl of Orford. A description of the villa of Horace Walpole. . . . [With appendix and additions.] Strawberry- LLill, i774[-c. 1786]. 4to. R [Another edition.] Strawberry- Hill, i784[-c. 1788]. 4to. Lllustr. F, R Monmouthshire. Rickards (Robert). Church and priory of S. Mary, Usk. London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. F Norfolk. Beloe (Edward Milligen). Our churches : King's Lynn, Norfolk. With an after-work, the art of the renaissance in King's Lynn. . . . Cam- bridge, 1900. 4to. Lllustr. F, R Cotman (John Sell). A series of etchings illustrative of the architectural antiquities of Norfolk ; with references to the authors who have de- scribed or figured them. London, 18 18. Fol. R Harrod (Henry). Gleanings among the castles and convents of Norfolk. Norwich, 1857. Svo. Lllustr. P Quennell (C H. B.). The cathedral church of Norwich. A de- scription of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. Svo. Lllustr. S [Another edition.] London, 1900. 8vo. Lllustr. F Turner (Dawson). Sketch of the history of Caister Castle, near Yarmouth. . . . London, 1842. 8vo. Lllustr. P Willins (Edward Preston). Some of the old halls and manor-houses in the county of Norfolk. Edited by T. Garratt. [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1890. Fol. F Nor thampto?is hire. Althorp. [Photographs of Althorp, by Bedford, Lemere & Co.] London, [1892]. Fol. R Billings (Robert William). Architectural illustrations and description of Kettering Church, Northamptonshire. London, 1869. 4to. M Caveler (William). Architectural illustrations of Warmington Church, Northamptonshire. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] Oxford and London, 1850. Fol. F, U 88 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture: England — Northamptonshire {continued) — Cox (John Charles) andSerjeantson (Robert Meyricke). A history of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Northampton. . . . Illustrated by T. Garratt. . . . Northampton, 1897. 8vo. R Fotheringhay. Some remarks upon the church of Fotheringhay, Nor- thamptonshire. . . . With the original contract for building it, extracted from Dugdale's Monasticon. Oxford, 1841. 8vo. Illustr. F Gunton (Symon). The history of the church of Peterburgh. ... Set forth by S. Patrick. . . . London, 1686. Fol. Illustr. R Northampton, Archdeaconry of. Architectural noticeslof the churches of the archdeaconry of Northampton. Deaneries of Higham Ferrers and Haddon. [Published by the Architectural Society of the Arch- deaconry of Northampton.] London, \%\^. 8vo. Illustr. R, U Peterborough Cathedral. A guide to Peterborough Cathedral; com- prising a brief history of the monastery from its foundation to the present time, with a descriptive account of its architectural peculiarities and recent improvements. . . . Peterborough, id, t,?>. i2mo. Illustr. F Sweeting (Walter Debenham). The cathedral church of Peterborough. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. 8vo. Illustr. S [Another edition.] London, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F Northumberland. Hodges (Charles Clement). Ecclesia Hagustaldensis : the abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham. A monograph. \EdinburgH\: privately printed, 1888. Fol. Illustr. R, U Sharpe (Edmund). Illustrations of the priory church of St. Mary, at Tynemouth, an example of the transitional period of English archi- tecture. London, [n.d.]. Fol. U Wilson (Frederick Richard). An architectural survey of the churches in the archdeaconry of Lindisfarne, in the county of Northumberland. Containing plans and views of seventy-nine fabrics and sketches of the principal antiquities in them. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, iS^o. 8vo. F Nottinghamshire. Dimock (Arthur). The cathedral church of Southwell. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. i2mo. Illustr. F, S Livett (Grevile Mairis). Southwell Minster. An account of the collegiate and cathedral church of Southwell, architectural, archaeological and historical. Southwell, 1883. 8vo. U Venables (Edmund). The Benedictine priory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blyth, Nottinghamshire. [Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society.] [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. U Oxfordshire. Acland {Sir Henry Wentworth) Bart, and Ruskin (John). The Oxford museum. London, 1859. 8vo. Illustr. R [Another edition.] With additions. . . . London and Orping- ton, 1893. 4to. Illustr. R I in Manchester and Salford 89 720.942 History of Architecture : England— Ox/ords/iire (continued) — Aston (John). Sketches of Christ Church, Oxford. Zo/idon, [igoi]. 4to. Illustr. p Buckler (John Chessel). Elevations, sections and details of Saint Peter's Church, Wilcote, Oxfordshire. [Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, \Za^a^. Fol. A, U Chalmers (Alexander). A history of the colleges, halls and public build- ings attached to the University of Oxford. . . . Illustrated by a series of engravings by . . . Storer and Greig. Oxford, 1810. 2 vols. 4to. R Cranstoun (J.). Elevations, sections and details of the chapel of Saint Bartholomew, near Oxford. [Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, \Za,Af. Fol. A, U Dearmer (Percy). The cathedral church of Oxford. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. [Second edition, re- vised.] . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] Lo/idon, 1899, Svo. Illustr. F, S Derick (J. M.). Views and details of Stanton Harcourt Church, Oxford- shire. [Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Archi- tecture.] Oxford, 1 84 1. Fol. p Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Some account of the abbey church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Dorchester, Oxfordshire. [By H. Addington.' [Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.' Oxford, 1845. 8vo. Illustr. t Re-issue with additional notes ... by ... W. C. Mac- farlane. Oxford, i860. 8vo. Illustr. U [Another edition.] London, 1882. Svo. Illustr. U Harrison (James Park). Views and details of Saint Giles' Church, Oxford. [With descriptive letterpress.] [Oxford Society for Pro- moting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, 1842. Fol. F, U Jackson (Thomas Graham). The church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. Oxford, 1897. 4to. Illustr, F, R Loggan (David). Oxonia illustrata, sive omnium celeberrims istius universitatis collegiorum, aularum . . . nee non urbis totius sceno- graphia. Oxonice, 1675. Fol. R Malton (Thomas). [A series of engraved views of colleges, etc., in Ox- ford.] \_London, 1800-03.] Fol- R Oxford, University of. A history of the University of Oxford, its colleges, halls and public buildings. [By W. Combe.] London, i2>i^. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. p Parker (John Henry). The history of Dorchester, Oxfordshire : British earthworks — Roman camp — bishopric, and the architectural history of the church, compiled from the best authorities, with a general introduction, by J. H. Parker. Oxford, 1882. 2 pts. Svo. U Skelton (Joseph). Oxonia antiqua restaurata ; containing upwards of one hundred and seventy engravings, amongst which are numerous representations of buildings in Oxford, now either altered or demol- ished ... the whole forming an illustration of the colleges, halls and public buildings in this university. . . . Oxford, 1^27,. 2 vols. 4to. R 90 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Oxfordshire {continued) — Skelton (Joseph). Skelton's engraved illustrations of the principal anti- quities of Oxfordshire. From original drawings by F. Mackenzie^ Accompanied with descriptive & historical notices. Oxford, 1823. 4to. P, R Underwood (Henry Jones). Elevations, sections and details of the church of St. Mary the Virgin at Littlemore, Oxfordshire. [Oxford Society ior Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, 1845. Fol. F, U Views and details of Littlemore Church, near Oxford. [Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture.] Oxford, 1840. Fol. F Weare (Thomas William). Some remarks upon the church of Great Haseley, Oxfordshire. Read at a meeting of the Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture, November 19th, 1839. Oxford, 1840. 8vo. Illustr. S Shropshire. Eyton (Robert William). Antiquities of Shropshire. . . . London, 1854- 60. 12 vols. 8vo. lUustr. R Leighton (Stanley). Shropshire houses past and present. Illustrated from drawings by S. Leighton, with descriptive letterpress by the artist. London, 1901. 4to. F Pearson (William). Select views of the antiquities of Shropshire, with a descriptive account of each building. London, Shrewsbury, [i^o'j\ Obi. 4to. R So7nersetshire. Bath Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of Bath [by Sir H. C. Englefield], illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter. With the plans, etc.]. [Society of Antiquaries of London.] {London, i"]^^?^ Fol. R Britton (John). The history and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. . . . London, 1825. 8vo. Lllustr. F Dearmer (Percy). The cathedral church of Wells. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F, S Ferrey (Benjamin). Observations on the west front of Wells Cathedral. [From "Trans. R. Inst. Brit. Arch."] {London, \Z']oi\ 4to. U Freeman (Edward Augustus). History of the cathedral church of Wells, as illustrating the history of the cathedral churches of the old founda- tion. London, 1870. 8vo. U %* Author's copy interleaved. Parker (John Henry). The architectural antiquities of the city of Wells. Oxford, 1866. 8vo. U Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. The archi- tectural antiquities of the city of Wells. Tatmton, 1863. Pt. i. 4to. U I. The bishop's palace. IVERSITY in Manchester and Salford ^*'*— ^"'^ pj 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Somersetshire {continued) — Taunton. Some account of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, and the restoration thereof, together with several notices on ecclesi- astical matters. [By J. Cottle.] London, 1845. 4to. Jllustr. F Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). Old Cleeve Abbey. The Cistercian abbey of St. Mary in the Vale of Flowers, Clive. [London, 1876.] 4to. U Willis (Robert). The architectural history of Glastonbury Abbey. . . . Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. Illustr. F, P, R Staffordshire. Clifton (A. B.). The cathedral church of Lichfield. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. 8vo. Lllustr. S [Another edition.] London, 1900. 8vo. Lllustr. F Lichfield Cathedral. A short account of Lichfield Cathedral : more particularly of the painted glass with which its windows are adorned. . . . Lichfield, 181 1. i8mo. F Stone (John Benjamin). A history of Lichfield Cathedral, from its foundation to the present time. With a description of its architecture and monuments. London, 1870. 4to. Lllustr. F Suffolk. Suffolk. Architectural notes on the churches and other medieval build- ings of Suffolk. [By various contributors.] London, 1855. 8vo. Lllustr. F Tymms (Samuel). Architectural and historical account of the church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmund's. Bury St. Edmtmd's, i^SA- 4to. F Yates (Richard). An illustration of the monastic history and antiquities of the town and abbey of St. Edmund's Bury. With views of the most considerable monastic remains by . . . W. Yates. ... (Ap- pendix.) London, 1805. 3 pts. 4to. R Second edition. London, 1843. 410. P, S Surrey. Anderson (John Corbet). Monuments and antiquities of the old parish church of St. John the Baptist at Croydon. . . . London, i^Ti. Fol. Lllustr. F Cracklow (Charles Thomas). Lithographic views of all the churches and chapels of ease in the county of Surrey. . . . Accompanied by brief notices of their history, topography and antiquities. London, 1824. 4to. I^ Roundell (Julia Anne Elizabeth). Ham House; its history and art treasures. With chapters on the library by W. Y. Fletcher, and the miniature room by G. C. Williamson. London, 1904. 2 vols. Fol. Lllustr. F Sussex. Battle Abbey. [Views of Battle Abbey.] [A series of plates drawn by J. Vidler and W. H. Brooke.] Battle, [n.d.]. Obi. 4to. F Without title-page. » » « 92 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture: England — Sussex {continued) — Champneys (Basil). A quiet corner of England. Studies of landscape and architecture in Winchelsea, Rye and the Romney Marsh, with numerous illustrations by A. Dawson. London, 1875. 4to. P Corlette (Hubert C). The cathedral church of Chichester. A short history & description of its fabric, with an account of the diocese and see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1901. i2mo. Illustr. F, S Nibbs (Richard Henry). The churches of Sussex. Etched by R. H. Nibbs, with historical and archaeological descriptions by M. A. Lower. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1872. 4to. F Sussex Archaeological Society. Sussex archaeological collections, illustrat- ing the history and antiquities of the county. Published by the Sussex Archaeological Society. . . . London, 1849-60 ; Lewes, 1861, etc. 8vo. Illustr. In progress. R Willis (Robert). The architectural history of Chichester Cathedral . . . by ... R. Willis ; of Boxgrove Priory, by ... J. L. Petit ; and of Shoreham Collegiate Church ; together with the collective archi- tectural history of the foregoing buildings, as indicated by their mouldings, by E. Sharpe. Chichester, 1861. 4 pts. in i vol. 4to. Illustr. F, U Warwickshire. Bloom (James Harvey). Shakespeare's church, otherwise the collegiate church of the Holy Trinity of Stratford-upon-Avon. An architectural and ecclesiastical history of the fabric and its ornaments. Illustrated by L. C. Keighly-Peach. London, 1902. 8vo. F Compton (William George Spencer Scott) $th Marquis of Northampton. Compton Wynyates. London, 1904. 4to. Illustr. F Gough (Richard). Description of the Beauchamp Chapel, adjoining to the church of St. Mary at Warwick, and the monuments of the earls of Warwick, in the said church and elsewhere. ... A new edition. [With plates of the monuments of the earls of Warwick, from Gough's " Sepulchral monuments ".] London, 1809. 4to. (Plates — fol.) P Kenilworth. Kenilworth illustrated, or the history of the castle, priory and church of Kenilworth, with a description of their present state. [Extracted chiefly from Dugdale. With an appendix.] Chiswick, 1821. 4to. R Niven (William). Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire, geometrical drawings and views . . . with a brief historical sketch and descrip- tion. London, [n.d.]. Fol. F Wiltshire. Britton (John). Graphical and literary illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. . . . London, 1823. Fol. P, R Dodsworth (William). An historical account of the episcopal see and cathedral church of Sarum, or Salisbury : comprising . . . the his- tory of the establishment . . . and a description of the monuments. . . . Salisbury, 18 14. 4to. Illustr. F, R in Manchester and Salford 93 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Wiltshire {conti?iued) — Elyard (S. John). Some old Wiltshire homes. . . . With short notices on their architecture, history and associations. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1894. Fol. F Fonthill Abbey. A description of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. Illustrated by views drawn and engraved by J. Storer. London, 181 2. 4to. R Fox, afterwards Fox Pitt Rivers (Augustus Henry Lane). King John's House, Tollard Royal, Wilts. [A series of plates.] [London .•] printed privately, 1890. 4to. F, R Jones (Inigo). The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone- Heng . . . restored by I. Jones. . . . [Edited by J. Webb.] London, 1655. Fol. Illustr. R [Another edition.] To which are added the Chorea gigantum, or Stone-Heng restored to the Danes, by . . . Charleton ; and . . . Webb's Vindication of Stone-Heng restored, in answer to . . . Charleton's reflections, with observations upon the orders and rules of architecture in use among the antient Romans. . . . Lofidon, 1725- 3 pts. in I vol. Fol. Lllustr, R Jones (William Henry Rich). An account of the Saxon church of St. Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. Devizes and London, [n.d.]. 8vo. Lllustr. F, U Moore (J. B.). Brown's Stranger's handbook and illustrated guide to Salisbury Cathedral. . . . Salisbury, 1863. i2mo. F Rutter (John). Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey. [With descriptive letterpress.] Shaftesbury, London, 1823. 410. F, S Stukeley (William). Abury, a temple of the British druids, with some others, described. . . . London, 1743. Fol. Lllustr. R \* Described as vol. ii. on the title-page, " Stonehenge," by the same author, being apparently vol. i. [A reprint.] London, 1^4^ [18^7]. Fol. Elustr. R Stonehenge, a temple restor'd to the British druids. . . . [With plates.] London, 1740. Fol. R [A reprint.] London, 1740 [1837]. Fol. Lllustr. R Webb (John). A vindication of Stone-Heng restored [a work by L Jones] : in which the orders and rules of architecture observed by the ancient Romans are discussed, together with the customs and manners of several nations of the world in matters of building of greatest anti- quity. ... [A reply to W. Charleton's " Chorea gigantum ".] Lon- don, 1665. Fol. Lllustr. R White (Joseph William Gleeson). The cathedral church of Salisbury. A description of its fabric and a brief history of the see of Sarum. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1898. 8vo. Lllustr. F [New impression.] London, 1901. 8vo. Lllustr. S - Worcestershire. Green (Valentine). The history and antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester. (Appendix.) London, i^ge. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R 94 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Worcestershire {continued) — May (George). A descriptive history of the town of Evesham. . . . With notices respecting the ancient deanery of its vale. . . . Based upon a former pubHcation by the author, revised throughout. Evesham and London, 1845. 8vo. Illustr. P Noake (John). The monastery and cathedral of Worcester. London, 1866. 8vo. U Strange (Edward Fairbrother). The cathedral church of Worcester. A description of the fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1900. i2mo. Illustr. F, S Wild (Charles). An illustration of the architecture and sculpture of the cathedral church of Worcester. . . . London, 1823. Fol. Lllustr. A, F, R Yorkshire. Aveling (James Hobson). Yorkshire. History of Roche Abbey from its foundation to its dissolution. Worksop, 1870. 8vo. Illustr. S * Benson (George). Handbook to the cathedral church of St. Peter, York . . . being notes on the architecture, stained glass, shields and monuments . . . York, [1893.] 8vo. Illustr. Boyle (J. R.). Holy Trinity Church, Hull : a guide and (description. Hull, 1890. 4to. Illustr. F Browsholme Hall. Description of Browsholme Hall, in the west riding of the county of York, and of the parish of VVaddington in the same county : also a collection of letters from original MSS. in the reigns of Charles I. and H. and James II. in the possession of T. L. Parker [the author]. . . . London, 18 15. 4to. Illustr. P Britton (John). The history and antiquities of the metropolitical church of York. . . . Lotidon, 18 19. 4to. Ihustr. M Brock (Arthur Glutton-). The cathedral church of York : a description of its fabric and a brief history of the archi-episcopal see. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1899. izmo. Illustr. F, S Browne (John). Guide ... to York Minster. . . . York, [1872]. 1 2mo. Illustr. F Bulmer (George Bertram). Architectural studies in Yorkshire : a record of valuable fragments of architectural, antiquarian, ecclesiological and artistic interest. . . . Jubilee edition. . . . London and Leeds, 1887. Fol. Illustr. F Christian (Ewan). Architectural illustrations of Skelton Church, York- shire. . . . Accompanied by a brief descriptive account of the building. Lotidon, 1846. Fol. A, F Church Bells. "Church Bells" album of notable Yorkshire churches. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, [n.d.]. 4to. F Cust, afterwards Purey-Cust (Arthur Perceval) Dean of York. The heraldry of York Minster ; a key to the history of its builders and benefactors, as shown in the stained-glass windows and in the carved work in stone. Leeds, 1890-96. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R in Manchester and Salford gs 720.942 History of Architecture : England— Yorkshre {continued)— Drake (Francis). Eboracum, or the history and antiquities of the city of York . . . together with the history of the cathedral church. (Appendix.) London, 1736. Fol. Illustr. p, j^ Greenwood (John Beswicke). The early ecclesiastical history of Dews- bury. ... To which are added, with notes . . . VVhitaker's Account of Dewsbury ... and his dissertation on the origin and progress of domestic architecture. . . . London, 1859. 8vo. Illustr. F Halfpenny (Joseph). Fragmenta vetusta, or the remains of ancient build- mgs m York, drawn and etched [with descriptive letterpress! by J. Halfpenny. York, 1807. 4to. p^ jj Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York, drawn and etched by J. Halfpenny. K?r^, 1795 [-1800]. 4to. R Hallett (Cecil). The cathedral church of Ripon. A short history of the church & a description of its fabric. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.! London, 1901. 12 mo. Illustr. p g Harland (John). Historical account of the Cistercian abbey of Salley, in Craven, Yorkshire, founded a.d. 1147; its foundation ... and existmg remams. London, 1853. 8vo. Lllustr. p Hiatt (Charles). Beverley Minster. An illustrated account of its history and fabric. London, id>()2>. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S Jackson (John Edward). The history and description of St. George's Church at Doncaster. . . . Londoti, 1855. Fol. Lllustr. F Lewthwaite (George). Adel church. Part HI. Its sculptures and their symbolism. A paper reproduced from the report of 1889 of the Yorkshire Architectural Society. Lincoln, [1890]. 8vo. U Monkhouse (W.) and Bedford (F.). The churches of York. ... [A series of plates.] With historical and architectural notes by J. Fawcett. York, [1843]. 4to. A Oliver (George). The history and antiquities of the town and minster of Bevedey in the county of York. . . . With historical and descrip- tive sketches of the abbeys of Watton and Meaux. . . . Beverley, 1829. 4to. Lllustr. "p Patrington. Architectural, historical, and picturesque illustrations of the church of St. Patrick, Patrington, Yorkshire. Edited by an hon member of the Yorkshire Architectural Society. With . . . engrav- ings by W. Bevan. Leeds and LLull, i2>ss- 8vo. * F Poole (George Aylifife) and Hugall (John West). An historical and de- scriptive guide to York Cathedral and its antiquities. With a history and description of the minster organ. York, [1850]. Fol. F Poulson (George). The history and antiquities of the seigniory of Holder- ness, in the . . . county of York, including the abbies of Meaux and Swine, with the priories of Nunkeeling and Burstall. . . . LLull and London, 1840-41. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. p Prickett (Marmaduke). An historical and architectural description of the priory church of Bridlington, in the east riding of the county of York Cambridge, 1831. 8vo. Lllustr. p 96 Architectural Works 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Yorkshire {continued) — Reeve (J. Arthur). A monograph on the abbey of S. Mary of Fountains. London, 1892. Fol. Illustr. F Richardson (WilHam). The monastic ruins of Yorkshire, from drawings by W. Richardson. . . . With historical descriptions by E. Churton. York, 1843-56. 2 vols. Fol. F, R Scott (William Herbert). The story of Selby Abbey : from rise to restora- tion. Selby atid London, i2>g(). 8vo. Lllustr. F Simpson (Henry Trail). Archseologia Adelensis ; or a history of the parish of Adel in the west riding of Yorkshire. . . . With numerous etchings by W. L. Ferguson. . . . London, 1879. 8vo. R Storer (James Sargant) and (Henry Sargant). Delineations, graphical and descriptive of Fountains' Abbey. . . . With historical notices. Lon- don, [1820]. 4to. R Tudor (Charles L. R.). A brief account of Kirkdale Church with plans, elevations, sections, details, and perspective views. London, 1876. Fol. F Walker (John William). The history of the old parish church of All Saints, Wakefield, now the cathedral church of the diocese of Wake- field. Wakefield, 1888. 8vo. Lllustr. F Wheater (William). Some historic mansions of Yorkshire and their as- sociations. With twenty-five etched illustrations drawn ... by A. Buckle, S. Medway, and J. A. Symington. Leeds, 1888-89. 2 vols. Fol. F Wild (Charles). Twelve perspective views of the . . . metropolitical church of York, accompanied by two ichnographic plates, and an historical account. . . . London, 1809. Fol. R York. Views of the parish churches in York ; with a short account of each. York, 1831. 410. F Yorkshire. Churches of Yorkshire. [Described by G. h.. Poole and others.] Leeds, [1842-]! 844-47. 2 vols. 8vo. F, U* Wales. Bax (Pearce B. Ironside). The cathedral church of Bangor. An account of its fabric and a brief history of the see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1907. 8vo. lllustr. F The cathedral church of Saint Asaph. A description of the build- ing and a short history of the see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] Lotidon, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. F Cambrian Arch^ological Association. Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. London, 1847 [1846], etc. 8vo. Llhistr. Ln progress. R Cooper (George). Architectural reliques ; or, the present state of the most celebrated remains of ancient British architecture and sculpture. London, 1807. Fol. Lllustr. F *^* Treats of Llandaff Cathedral and Tintern Abbey only. in Manchester and Salford 97 720.942 History of Architecture : England — Wa/es (continued) — Cymmrodorion Society. The transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. Session 1894-95. London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. R Pp. '61-98. The Cistercian abbey of Cwmhir, Radnorshire. By S. W. Williams. . . . Jones (William Basil Tickell) Bishop of St. David's and Freeman (Edward Augustus). The history and antiquities of Saint David's. London, 1856. 4to. Lllustr. F Nicholson (Samuel) and (George). Plas Newydd and Vale Crucis Abbey, correctly drawn from nature and engraved by S. and G. Nicholson. Liverpool and London, 1824. 4to. F Norris (Charles). Etchings of Tenby . . . intended to illustrate the most striking peculiarities in early Flemish architecture. . . . London, i2>i2. 4to. U North (Herbert L.). The old churches of Arllechwedd. Bangor, 1906. 1 2 mo. lllustr. F Ollivant (Alfred) Bishop of Llandaff. Some account of the condition of the fabric of Llandaff Cathedral. . . . Second edition. . . . London, i860. 4to. U Robson (Philip Appleby). The cathedral church of Saint David's. A short history and description of the fabric and episcopal buildings. . . . [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1901. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S Scott {Sir George Gilbert). Report ... on the state of the fabric of St. David's Cathedral. [Londott], 1862. 8vo. U [Another edition.] [Tenby], 1862. 8vo. U Thirlwall (Connop) Bishop of St. David's and Scott {Sir George Gilbert). Restoration of St. David's Cathedral. Speeches. [Tetiby], 1863. 8vo. U Turbervill (John P.). Ewenny Priory : monastery and fortress. London, 1 901. 8vo. Lllustr. F Wales. Handbook to the cathedrals of Wales. . . . [By R. J. King.] London, 1873. i2mo. Lllustr. A, F Williams (John). Account of Valle Crucis Abbey, Denbighshire. Re- printed from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, no. i. London, 1846, 8vo. S Willmott (Edmund Charles Morgan). The cathedral church of Llandaff. A description of the building and a short history of the see. [Bell's Cathedral Series.] London, 1907. 8vo. Lllustr. F 720.943 History of Architecture : Germany and Austria-Hung-ary. Andreae (Carl). Monumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem saechsischen Erzgebirge, die Klosterkirche Zschillen, jetz Wechs- elburg und die Rochlitzer-Kunigunden-Kirche ... 50 Blatt gross Folio photographische Aufnahmen . . . von Rommler & Jonas . . . unter artistischer Leitung von C. Andreae. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Dresden, 1875. ^^^' F 7 98 Architectural Works 720.943 History of Architecture: Germany and Austria-Hungary {con- tinued) — * Architekten-Verein, [Berlin]. Berlin und seine Bauten. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom Architekten-Verein zu Berlin und der Vereinig- ung Berliner Architekten. Berlin, i8g6. 3 vols. 410. Illustr. Brewer (Henry William). Some churches in the neighbourhood of Cleves. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. Illustr. A Bumpus (T. Francis). The cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and north Germany. London, 1906. i2mo. Illustr. F Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of north Ger- many. London, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. F Ebhardt (Bodo). Deutsche Burgen. Berlin, 1899, etc. Fob Illustr. In progress. F * Ende (Hermann). Architektonische Studienblatter ; photographische Original-Aufnahmen nach der Natur und Lichtdruck von H. Riick- wardt. Berlin, [1884-93]. 4 series. Fob Illustr. *Foerster (Ernst). Denkmale deutscher Baukunst, Bildnerei und Malerei von Einfiihrung des Christenthums bis auf die neueste Zeit. Leipzig, 1855-69. 12 vols. Fob Illustr. George (Ernest). ^Etchings on the Mosel with descriptive letterpress. London, 1873. 4to. P Germany. Geschichte der deutschen Kunst. . . . Berliti, 1887-91. 5 vols. Svo. R I. Geschichte der deutschen Baukunst. Von . . . R. Dohme. Heider (Gustav) and others. Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale des oster- reichischen Kaiserstaates. [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] Stuttgart, 1858-60. 2 vols. Fob F * Huszka (J6zsef). Magyarische Ornamentik. . . . Leipzig, 1900. 4to. Illustr. Jackson (Thomas Graham). Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria, with Cettigne in Montenegro and the Island of Grado. Oxford, 1887. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A, F *^* A description of all the architectural monuments of importance in these districts. Luebke (Wilhelm). Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages. Translated from the fifth German edition with appendix by L. A. Wheatley. Edinburgh, 1870. 8vo. Illustr, F *01brich (Joseph M.). Architektur. Berlin, 1^01-02. Fob Illustr. Poppel (Johann Gabriel Friedrich) and Kurz (M.). Berlin und Potsdam : ihre Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Geschildert von Beta [pseud., i.e. H. Bettziech]. Mit Ansichten nach der Natur gezeichnet, gestochen und herausgegeben von J. Poppel und M. Kurz. Mmichen, [1847 ?]. 8vo. A Salzburg und seine Umgebungen. 24 Ansichten nach der Natur gezeichnet, gestochen und herausgegeben von J. Poppel und M. Kurz. Mit erlauterndem Texte von R. Loser. Minichen, [1846?]. Svo. A in Manchester and Salford 99 720.943 History of Architecture: Germany and Austria- Hungary (con- tinued) — Rueckwardt (Hermann). Berliner Neubauten. Photographische Original- aufnahmen in Lichtdruck im Anschluss an die architektonischen Studienblatter. Berlin, [n.d.]. Fol. F Schreiber (Johann Heinrich). Das Miinster zu Strasburg. Mit . . . lithographirten Blattern in Gross-Folio. (Zweite Auflage.) [Denk- male deutscher Baukunst des Mittelalters. Lief. 3.] Karlsruhe, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. U Schvveighaeuser (Jean Geofroi). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Strasbourg et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines . . . par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par J. G. Schweighseuser. . . . Strasbourg, 1827. 4to. R Whewell (William). Architectural notes on German churches. A new edition. To which is now added, notes written during an architectural tour in Picardy and Normandy. Cambridge, i%2,S- 8vo. U The third edition, to which are added notes on the churches of the Rhine, by . . . F. de Lassaulx. Cambridge, 1842. 8vo. F, U Woerner (Ernst). Kunstdenkmaler im Grossherzogthum Hessen. Inven- tarisirung und beschreibende Darstellung der Werke der Architektur, Plastik, Malerei und des Kunstgewerbes bis zum Schluss des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Provinz Rheinhessen Kreis Worms. Dar^nstadt, 1887. 8vo. Illustr. F Ziller (Hermann). Schinkel. [Kiinstler-Monographien.] Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1897. 8vo. Illustr. F Zingeler (Carl Theodor) and Laur (Wilhelm Friedrich). Die Bau- und Kunst- Denkmaler in den Hohenzollern'schen Landen. Im Auftrage des Hohenzollern'schen Landes- Ausschusses. . . . [Mittheilungen des Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde in Hohenzollern.] Stuttgart, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. R 720.944 History of Architecture: France — General. Androuet Du Cerceau (Jacques). Le premier (second) volvme des plus excellents bastiments de France ; auquel sont designez les plans de quinze [30] bastiments, & de leur contenu, ensemble les eleuations & singularitez d'vn chascun. Paris, 1576-79. 2 vols in i. Fol. R Bard (Joseph). Manuel general d'archeologie sacree burgundo-lyonnaise (monuments ecclesiastiques). . . . Lyon, 1844. 8vo. U Baudot (Anatole de) and Perrault-Dabot (A.). Archives de la Commission des monuments historiques publiees sous le patronage de I'Admini- stration des beaux-arts. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, [1898]. 5 vols. Fol. F Les cathedrales de France. Publiees sous le patronage de la Direc- tion generale des cultes, avec le concours de 1' Administration des beaux arts. Fans, [1905]. Fol. F Blondel (Jacques Fran9ois). Architecture fran9oise, ou recueil des plans, elevations, coupes, et profils des eglises, maisons royales ... & edifices les plus considerables de Paris, ainsi que des chateaux & maisons de plaisance situes aux environs de cette ville, ou en d'autres loo Architectural Works 720.944 History of Architecture : France — General {continued) — endroits de la France . . . mesures exactement sur les lieux. . . . Paris, 1752-56. 4 vols. Fol. R Bulletin Monumental. Bulletin monumental; public sous les auspices de la Societe fran9aise pour la conservation et la description des monvniients historiques. . . . Paris, 1834, etc, 8vo. In progress. Illustr. R Bumpus (T. Francis). Summer holidays among the glories of France: her cathedrals and churches. London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. S Summer holidays among the glories of northern France, her cathe- drals and churches. London, 1905. 4to. Illustr. F Caumont (Arcisse de). Rapport verbal . . . sur plusieurs excursions entrepnses en 1857 et 1858, et sur diverses publications archeo- logiques. [From the " Bulletin monumental ".] /'ar/.y, 1859. 8vo. Ilhistr. U / Rapport verbal . . . sur divers monuments et plusieurs publica- tions archeologiques . . . 1859. [From the " Bulletin monumental".] Paris, 1 86 1. 8vo. Illustr. U Glutton (Henry). Illustrations of mediaeval architecture in France, from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. With historical and professional remarks. London, 1856. Fol. Illustr. A, F Enlart (Camille). Manuel d'archeologie fran9aise depuis les temps merovingiens jusqu' a la renaissance. Premiere partie, architecture. Paris, 1902-04. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F, U * Eyries (Gustave). Les chateaux historiques de la France. Paris, 1877- 79. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. France. — L'architecture fran9oise, ou recueil des plans, elevations, coupes, et profils des eglises, palais, hotels & maisons particuliferes de Paris, & des chasteaux & maisons de campagne ou de plaisance des environs, & de plusieurs autres endroits de France . . . mesures exactement sur les lieux. . . . [By J. Marot.] Paris, 1727. 3 vols. Fol. R Cotnite Historique des Arts et Monuments. Collection de docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire de France. . . . Instructions du Comite historique des arts et monuments. \^Paris, 1839-43.] 3 vols in i. 4to. Illustr. R Gurlitt (Cornelius). Die Baukunst Frankreichs. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Dresden, 1897, etc. Fol. In progress. F Laborde (Alexandre Louis Joseph de) Comte. Les monumens de la France, classes chronologiquement et consideres sous le rapport des faits historiques et de 1 etude des arts. . . . Les dessins faits d'apres nature par. . . . Bourgeois et Bance, etc., etc. . . . Paris, 1816-36. 2 vols. Fol. R Lance (Adolphe Etienne). Dictionnaire des architectes fran9ais. Paris, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. C Millin de Grandmaison (Aubin Louis). Antiquites nationales, ou recueil de monumens pour servir a I'histoire . . . de I'empire fran9ois, tels in Manchester and Salford loi 720.944 History of Architecture : France — General {continued) — que tombeaux, inscriptions, statues, vitraux, fresque \sic\, etc. . . . Paris, 1790-an VII [1798]. 5 vols. Fol. Illustr. I^ * ^ No more published. Miltoun (Francis). The cathedrals of northern France. With . . . illustrations, plans, and diagrams by B. McManus. London, 1904. i2mo. F Petit (John Louis). Architectural studies in France. . . . With illustra- tions from drawings by the author and P. H. De La Motte. London, 1854. 4to. F, U New edition, revised by E. Bell. London, 1890. 4to. P Sauvageot (Claude). Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du XVe au XVIIIe siecle. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1867. 4 vols. Fol. F Winkles (Benjamin). French cathedrals. . . . From drawings taken on the spot, by R. Garland. . . . With an historical and descriptive account. London, 1837. 4to. A 720.944 2 France — Norma7idy, Picardy. Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated. ... 20 etchings by Brunet-Debaine, J. Adeline, Toussaint and Nicolle. Introduction by C. Deslys. Notices by R. Aube. Rouen, [n.d.]. 4to. A Bouet (Georges). Analyse architecturale de I'abbaye de Saint-Etienne de Caen. Caen, 1868. 8vo. U Coup- d'oeil architectonique sur les eglises de Fecamp, d'Etretat, de Jumieges et de Bocherville, Seine-Inferieure. [From the " Bulletin monumental ". 1867.] Caeti, [n.d.]. 8vo. Illustr. U Nouvelles observations sur les voutes de I'abbaye de Saint-Etienne de Caen. [From the " Bulletin monumental".] Ca^«, 1862. 8vo. Illustr. U Caumont (Arcisse de). Statistique monumentale du Calvados. Paris, 1846-67. 5 vols. 8vo. Illustr. U Statistiques routiferes de la Basse-Normandie. Paris, 1855. 8vo. U Cotman (John Sell). Architectural antiquities of Normandy. ... [A series of plates.] Accompanied by historical and descriptive notices by D. Turner. . . . London, 1822. 2 vols. Fol. P, R, U Deville (Jean Achille). Comptes de depenses de la construction du chateau de Gaillon. . . . [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Paris, 1850. 4to. Atlas. Paris, 185 1. Fol. R Essai historique et descriptif sur I'eglise et I'abbaye de Saint-Georges- de-Bocherville, pres Rouen. . . . Rouen, 1827. 4to. Plustr. R Gaugain (L.). Cathedrale de Bayeux. Tour centrale. [From the "Annuaire normand ".] Caen,\^t^i. 8vo. U Gout (Paul). L'histoire et I'architecture fran9aise au Mont Saint-Michel. Paris, 1899. 8vo. Illustr. F I02 Architectural Works 720.944 2 History of Architecture: France — Normandy. Picardy {cont.) — Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Amiens, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1826. 4to. R Knight (Henry Gaily). An architectural tour in Normandy; with some remarks on Norman architecture. London, i2>2,^. 8vo. Illustr. P Second edition. London, 1841. 8vo. Illustr. U Voyage archeologique fait en Normandie en 1836. [From the " Bulletin monumental ". 4.] Ca^^z, 1838. 8vo. U Le Vardois (Ch.). Eglise Saint-Pair-du-Mont, Calvados. [Extrait du Bulletin monumental.] \Caen, 186 1.] 8vo. Illustr. U Mylne (Robert Scott). The cathedral church of Bayeux and other historical relics in its neighbourhood. [Bell's Handbooks to Con- tinental Churches.] London, 1904. i2mo. Illustr. F * Normandy. La Normandie monumentale et pittoresque. . . . Helio- gravures de P. Dujardin d'apres les photographies de E. Letellier. Texte par J. Adeline, J. Bailliard [and others]. . . . Havre, 1893-99. 5 vols. Fol. Patterson (J. L.). A visit to Fecamp Abbey. [Read before the Oxford Architectural Society. Extract from a periodical.] [n.d., 1848]. 8vo. U Perkins (Thomas). The cathedral church of Amiens. A short history and description of its fabric. . . . [Bell's Handbook to Continental Churches.] London, 1902. i2mo. Illustr. F, S The churches of Rouen. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental Churches.] Lofidon, 1900. 1 2 mo. Illustr. F Pugin (Augustus Charles). Historical and descriptive essays accompany- ing a series of engraved specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. Edited by J. Britton. . . . The subjects measured and drawn by A. Pugin . . . and engraved by J. and H. le Keux. London, 1828. 4to. F, R Specimens of the architecture of Normandy, from the Xlth to the XVIth century. Measured and drawn by A. Pugin ; engraved by J. and H. Le Keux. With historical and descriptive notices by J. Britton. New edition, edited by R. P. Spiers. London, 1874. 4to. M Ruprich-Robert (Victor Marie Charles). Le chateau de Falaise (Calvados). [Paris], 1864. 8vo. U Turner (Dawson). Account of a tour in Normandy . . . for the purpose of investigating the architectural antiquities of the duchy. . . . Lon- don, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F, P 720.9443 France: Champagne. He de France. Lorraine. Gosset (Alphonse). La cathedrale de Reims. Histoire et monographic precedee d'un aper9u sur la formation et le dfeveloppement du style ogival, sa sculpture, ses vitraux. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris and Peitns, i2,^/[. Fol. F in Manchester and Salford 103 720.944 3 History of Architecture: France: Champagne. He de France. Lorraine {continued) — Grille de Beuzelin (E.). Statistique monumentale, specimen : rapport . . . sur les monuments historiques des arrondissements de Nancy et de Toul. Departement de la Meurthe. . . . [Documents inedits sur rhistoire de France.] Paris, 1837. 4to. Atlas. . . . Cartes, plans, et dessins. . . . \Paris, 1837.] Fol. R Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vaes pittoresques de la cathedrale de Reims, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1826. 4to. R Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Senlis, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1831. 4to. R Saint Denis. A history and description of the royal Abbaye of Saint Denis, with an account of the tombs of the kings and queens of France . . . also, of the many splendid decorations, pieces of curious workmanshipandantiquity, chapels, altars, shrines, crucifixes, etc . . . with explanatory remarks. . . . Extracted from the records of Saint Denis. London, 1795. 8vo. F Vitet (Louis). Monographie de I'eglise Notre-Dame de Noyon. . . . Plans, coupes, elevations, et details par D. Ram6e. [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Paris, 1845. 2 vols. 4to and fol. R 720.944 3 France: Champagne, etc, Paris. Alphand (Adolphe). Les promenades de Paris. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1867-73. 2 vols. Fol. F * Arnott (James A.) and Wilson (John). The Petit Trianon, Versailles. Illustrated by a series of measured drawings and photographs of the entire building, exterior and interior. . . . With . . . descriptive letterpress. Edinburgh, 1907. Fol. Lllustr. Beale (S. Sophia). The churches of Paris from Clovis to Charles X. London, 1893. i2mo. Lllustr. F * Cherrier (P.). La cite [Paris] a travers les ages. Paris, 1894. 8vo. Lllustr. Donnet (Alexis). Description des environs de Paris, consideres sous les rapports topographique, historique et monumental. . . . Paris, 1824. 8vo. Lllustr. R Du Sommerard (Alexandre). Les arts du moyen age, en ce qui concerne principalement le Palais Romain de Paris, L'Hotel de Cluny, issu de ses ruines, et les objets d'art de la collection classee dans cet hotel. Paris, 1838-46. 5 vols. 8vo. Album. 10 series. Fol. [Atlas.] Fol. F, R Guilhermy (Roch Fran9ois Marie Nolasque de) Baron. Description de la Sainte-Chapelle. . . . Septi^me edition. Paris, 1887. i2mo. U I04 Architectural Works 720.944 3 History of Architecture : France : Champagne, etc, Paris {continued) — Hiatt (Charles). Notre Dame de Paris. A short history and description of the cathedral, with some account of the churches which pre- ceded it. [Bell's Handbook to Continental Churches.] London, 1902. i2mo. Illustr. F * Hoffbauer (Joseph Hubert Isidore). Paris a travers les ages ; aspects successifs des monuments et quartiers historiques de Paris depuis le 136 si^cle jusqu'a nos jours, fidelement restitues d'apres les documents authentiques. Texte par A. Bonnardot, J. Cousin, E. Drumont. . . . Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1885. 3 vols. Fol. Illustr. Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Paris, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1826. 4to. R Lenoir (Albert). Statistique monumentale de Paris. . . . [With atlas of plates.] [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Paris, iZG^. 2 vols. 4to and fol. R * Normand (Louis Marie). Paris moderne : ou choix de maisons con- struites dans les nouveaux quartiers de la capitale et dans ses en- virons ; levees, dessinees, gravees et publiees par Normand fils. Paris, 1837-57. Pt. 1-3, pt. 4, vol. i. Fol. *^* No more published. Paris. — Musee des Thermes et de l' Hotel de Cluny. Musee de Cluny. [A series of illustrations of the building.] Paris, [n.d.]. 8vo. M Pineux Duval (Pierre Amaury). Paris et ses monumens, mesures, des- sines et graves par Baltard. . . . Avec des descriptions historiques par . . . Amaury-Duval. . . . Paris, An xi.-xiii., 1803-05. Fol. A, R %* An unfinished work, containing in one volume a description of the Louvre, and in part of a second volume, the chateaux of Ecouen, Fontainebleau and St. Cloud. Versailles. Interieurs de palais et chateaux. Le palais de Ver- sailles, le Grand et le Petit Trianon. Decorations interieures, ensembles, cheminees, boiseries sculptees, ornementation, frises, panneaux. Serie i(-3). [A series of plates]. Paris, \_i()o^\ Fol. F 720.9444 France: Burgundy. Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Autun, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines . . . par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1830. 4to. R Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Auxerre, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte his- torique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1828. 4to. R Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Dijon, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines . . . par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1829. 4to. R in Manchester and Salford 105 720.944 4 History of Architecture : France : Burgundy {continued) — Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Sens, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1828. 4to. I^ 720.9445 France: Orleanais. Touraine. Bouet (Georges). L'eglise de Germigny et celle de BeauIieu-sous-Loches. Caen, 1868. 8vo. Illustr. U Bourasse (Jean Jacques). La Touraine, histoireet monuments. Publiesous la direction de . . . J. -J. Bourasse. . . . Tours, 1855. Fol. Illustr. R Durand (Paul). Monographie de Notre-Dame de Ctiartres. [With atlas of plates.] [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de F'rance.] Paris, 1881. 2 vols. 4to and fol. R Jolimont (F. G. T. de). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Chartres, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1828. 4to. R Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Orleans et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par F. T. de Jolimont. . . . Paris, 1826. 4to. R Masse (Henri Jean Louis Joseph). The city of Chartres : its cathedral and churches. [Bell's Handbook to Continental Churches.] Lon- don, 1900. i2mo. Illustr. F 720.944 6 France: Limousin. Arbellot (Fran9ois). Cathedrale de Limoges : histoire et description. . . . Paris, 1883. 8vo. R Fage (Rene). Restauration du cloitre de Tulle : notes historiques. . . . 3^ edition ; avec des dessins de . . . E. Rupin, et une note sur les fresques de la chapelle capitulaire par ... P. Lalande. Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe scientifique, historique et archeologique de la Corr^ze. . . . Brive, 1879. 8vo. R Le vieux Tulle. No. i.(-xii.). . . . Tulle, 1885-88. 12 pts. in i vol. 8vo. Illustr. R Societe Archeologique et Historique de Limoges. Recits de I'histoire du Limousin, publics par la Societe archeologique et historique de Limoges, avec le concours de membres des societes savantes des trois departements limousins. Limoges, 1885. 8vo. R Societe Scientifique, Historique et Archeologique de la Correze. Bulletin de la Societe scientifique, historique et archeologique de la Correze. Brive, 1878, etc. 8vo. Illustr. Li progress. R 720.944 7 — — France : Guienne. Jullian (Camille). Histoire de Bordeaux depuis les origines jusqu'en 1895. . . . Bordeaux, 1895. 4^°- Illustr. R. 720.9448 France: Languedoc. Du Mege (Alexandre Louis Charles Andre). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Albi, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines . . . par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par A. Du Mege. . . . Paris, 1829, 4to. R io6 Architectural Works 720.944 9 History of Architecture : France : Provence. Du Mege (Alexandre Louis Charles Andre). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Arles, at details remarquables de ce monument dessines . . . par Chapuy. . . . Avec un texte historique et descriptif par A. Du Mege. . . . Paris, 1829. 410. R Macgibbon (David). The architecture of Provence and the Riviera. Edinburgh, 1888. 8vo. Illustr. F 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy: General. Baldinucci (Filippo). Notizie de' professon del disegno da Cimabue in qua per le quali si dimostra come, e per chi le bell' arti di pittura, scultura, e architettura lasciata la rozzezza delle maniere greca e gottica, si siano in questi secoli ridotte all' antica loro perfezione. . . . Edizione accresciuta di annotazioni del sig. D. M. Manni. Firenze, 1767-74. 21 vols. 4to. R Blaeu (Joan). Novum Italise theatrum, sive accurata descriptio ipsius urbium, palatiorum, sacrarum aedium, &c. . . . HagiB, 1^2^. 4 vols. Fol. Illustr. A British School at Rome. Papers of the British School at Rome. London, 1902, etc. 8vo. In progress. Illustr. R Vol. 2. Sixteenth-century drawings of Roman buildings attributed to A. Coner. By T. Ashby, junior. . . . [Reproductions, with descriptive letterpress.] — 1904. Cattaneo (Raffaele). Architecture in Italy from the sixth to the eleventh century. Historical and critical researches. Translated by the Contessa I. Curtis-Cholmeley in Bermani. London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F Clochar (Pierre). Palais, maisons et vues d'ltalie mesures et dessines. Paris, 1809. Fol. R * Cummings (Charles Amos). A history of architecture in Italy. From the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance. London, 1 90 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. Fletcher (Banister Flight). Andrea Palladio : his life and works. Lon- don, 1902. 4to. Illustr. F, U Freeman (Edward Augustus). Historical and architectural sketches : chiefly Italian. . . . London, 1876. 8vo. B, U Graevius (Joannes Georgius). Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae, Neapolis, Siciliae, Sardiniae, Corsicae, Melitae, atque ad- jacentium terrarum insularumque ; constans rarissimis . . . scriptori- bus qui . . . suae cuique patriae situm, res gestas, antiquitates & memorabilia . . . illustrarunt . . . edi olim coeptus cura & studio J. G. Graevii, nunc ... ad finem perductus. Cum praefationibus P. Burmanni. . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1704-25. 24 vols. Fol. Illustr. R Hakewill (James). A picturesque tour of Italy. [A series of plates by J. M. VV. Turner and others] from drawings made ... by J. Hake- will. . . . [With descriptive letterpress.] London, 1820. Fol. R in Manchester and Salford 107 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy : General {continued) — Italy. Palast-architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana vom XV. bis XVII. (vom XIII. bis XVIII.) Jahrhundert. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1886-1903. 3 vols. Fol. F, M Genua . . . Herausgegeben von R, Reinhardt. . , . — 1886. Toscana . . . Herausgegeben von J. C. Raschdorff. . . . — 1888. Venedig . . . Herausgegeben von O. Raschdorff. . . . — 1903. Jackson (Frederick Hamilton). The shores of the Adriatic. The Italian side. An architectural and archaeological pilgrimage. . . . London, 1906. 8vo. Illustr. p Knight (Henry Gaily). The ecclesiastical architecture of Italy from the time of Constantine to the fifteenth century. With an introduction and text by H. G. Knight. . . . London, 1843 [1842-44]. 2 vols. Fol. A, R [Another edition.] London, 1843-44. 2 vols. Fol. F Okely (W. Sebastian). Development of Christian architecture in Italy. London, i860. 8vo. S, U Ruskin (John). Studies in both arts : being ten subjects drawn and described. Orpington, .\Z()^. Fol. R Scheult (Frangois Leonard). Recueil d'architecture dessine et mesure en Italic dans les ann^es 1791, 92 et 93. . . . Ouvrage compose de soixante-douze planches. . . . Paris, 182 1. Fol. K [Another edition.] Paris, 1840. Fol. A Scott (Leader) /i-e«/^., \i.e. Lucy E. Baxter]. Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. [The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.] London, igoi. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Strack (Heinrich). Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Italien nach Original-Aufnahmen. [A series of plates.] Berlin, 1889. Fol. F Symonds (John Addington). The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Based on studies in the archives of the Buonarroti family at Florence. London, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. A, R Vasari (Giorgio). Le vite de' piv eccellenti pittori, scvltori, e architettori. . . . Riuiste et ampliate con i ritratti loro et con I'aggiunta delle vite de' viui, & de' morti dall' anno 1550 insino al 1567. . . . Fior- enza, 1568. 3 vols. 4to. R [Another edition.] Vite . . . corrette da molti errori e illus- trate con note [by G. Bottari]. . . . Roma, 1759-60. 3 vols. 4to. Illustr. R [Another edition.] Edizione arricchita di note oltre quelle deir edizione illustrata di Roma. . . . [Edited by T. Gentili.] Livorno ; vol. 2-1, Firenze, 1767-72. 7 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R [Another edition.] Vite . . . illustrate con note. Milano^ 1807-11. 16 vols. 8vo. R Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects : trans- lated from the Italian of G. Vasari (vol. 1-5). ... By Mrs. J. Foster. (Vol. 6. Commentary containing notes and emendations from the Italian edition of Milanesi ... by J. P. Richter.) [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1878-85. 6 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F io8 Architectural Works 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy: Gefteral {continued) — Vasari (Giorgio). Lives of seventy of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects. Edited and annotated in the light of recent dis- coveries by E. H. and E. W. Blashfield and A. A. Hopkins. London, 1897. 4 vols. 4to. Illustr. F Venturi (Adolfo). Storia dell' arte italiana. . . . Milano, 1901-06. 4 vols. 8vo. R Italy: Northern. Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. Ambrosiana : scritti varii pubblicati nel XV centenario dalla morte di S. Ambrogio. Con introduzione di A. C. Cardinale Ferrari, archivescovo di Milano. Milano, 1897. 4to. Illustr. R 10 L. Beltrami : La basilica Ambrosiana primitiva e la ricostruzione com- piuta nel secolo IX. Artaria (Ferdinando). II Duomo di Milano ossia descrizione storico- critica di questo insigne tempio e degli oggetti d'arte che lo adornano. . . . Milano, 1823. 4to. Illustr. R Beltrami (Luca). La Certosa di Pavia. Milano, 1895. i2mo. Illustr. F Bertotti Scamozzi (Ottavio). II forestiere istruito delle cose piii rare di architettura e di alcune pitture della citta di Vicenza ; dialogo. . . . Vicenza, 1761. 8vo. Illustr. R Durelli (Gaetano) and (Francesco). La Certosa di Pavia descritta ed illustrata con tavole incise. Milano, 1853. Fol. R * Lose (Federigo). The terra-cotta architecture of North Italy (Xllth-XVth centuries), pourtrayed as examples for imitation in other countries, from . . . drawings, and restorations by F. Lose. . . . Descriptive text by V. Ottolini and F. Lose. Edited by L. Gruner. London, 1867. 4to. Illustr. Street (George Edmund). Brick and marble in the middle ages : notes of a tour in the north of Italy. London, i2>c^^. 8vo. Illustr. F, P Second edition. London, 1874. 8vo. Illustr. M, P Valeri (Francesco Malaguzzi). Gio. Antonio Amadeo : scultore e archi- tetto lombardo. Bergamo, 1904. 4to. Illustr. F Vicenza. Descrizione delle architetture, pitture, e scolture di Vicenza, con alcune osservazioni. . . . [By Count E. Arnaldi.] Vicenza, 1779. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R Zamboni (Baldassare Camillo). Memorie intorno alle pubbliche fabbriche piu insigni della citta di Brescia. Brescia, i^^^. Fol. Illustr. A Italy : Northern : Venice. Boito (Camillo). The basilica of S. Mark in Venice illustrated from the points of view of art and history by Venetian writers under the direction of C. Boito. Translated by W. Scott. [Venice], 1888-95. 4to. F Freeman (Edward Augustus). Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice. London, i2,^i. i2mo. Illustr. F Molinier (Emile). Le tresor de la basilique de Saint Marc a Venise. Venise, 1888. Illustr. F in Manchester and Salford loo 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy ; Northern .- Venice {continued)— Oliphant (Margaret Oliphant). The makers of Venice ; doges, conquerors, painters and men of letters. Extra illustrated edition, with . . . plates of palaces, churches, and other buildings in Venice. London, 1892. 8vo. n Ongania (Ferdinando). La basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Illustrata nella storia e nell' arte da scrittori Veneziani. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Venezia, i?>^i-%e. 15 vols. Fol. F Streets and canals in Venice. (Calli e canali in Venezia). [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Venezia, 1893-96. 2 vols Fol. P Poppel (Johann Gabriel Friedrich) and Kurz (M.). Venedig. 24 An- sichten nach der Natur gezeichnet, gestochen und herausgegeben von J. Poppel und M. Kurz. Mit geschichtlichem und beschreibendem Texte von R. Loser. Milnchen, id>^6. 8vo. A Reale Accademia di Belle Arti, [Venice]. Le fabbriche piu cospicue di Venezia misurate, illustrate, ed intagliate dai membri della Veneta Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. . . . Venezia, 1815-20. 2 vols Fol. P^ j^ Robertson (Alexander). The Bible of St. Mark : St. Mark's Church. The altar and throne of Venice. Zondofi, i^f^d,. 8vo. Illustr. F Ruskin (John). Examples of the architecture of Venice, selected and drawn to measurement ... by J. Ruskin. ... [A series of plates.] London, 1851. Fol. p [Another edition.] Orpington, 1887. Fol. B, F St. Mark's rest : the history of Venice, written for the help of the few travellers who still care for her monuments. Orpington, 1877- 84. 8vo. j> The stones of Venice. . . . With illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1851-53. 3 vols. 8vo. F, P, R ■ Second edition (vol. 1-2). London, 1858-67, 1853. 3 vols. 8vo. I> A new edition. Lofidon, 1874. 3 vols. 8vo. S Fifth edition. Orpington and Lotidon, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. B, R Introductory chapters and local indices. . . . For the use of travellers while staying in Venice and Verona. Fifth edition. Orpington and London, \Z(^2. 2 vols. i2mo. Illustr. A Scott (William). A glance at the historical documents relating to the church of Saint Mark in Venice. Venetia, \'^^-] . 410. F Vasari (Giorgio). Vita di . . . J. Sansovino, scultore e architetto della repubblica di Venezia, descritta da . . . G. Vasari, e da lui medesimoampliata,riformata, ecorretta. Secondaedizione. Venezia, 1789. 4to. j^ Y^nice.— Basilica di San Marco. L' augusta ducale basilica dell' evan- gelista San Marco dell' inclita dominante di Venezia : colle notizie del suo innalzamento, sua architettura, musaici . . . che in essa se contengono. . . . Venezia, 1761. Fol. Illustr. R no Architectural Works 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy : Northern : Venice {continued) — Venice. La chiesa ducale di S. Marco, coUe notizie del suo innalzamento, spiegazione delli mosaici e delle iscrizioni, un dettaglio della pre- ziosita delli marmi, con tutto cio che di fuori e di dentro vi si contiene. . . . [By G. Meschinello.] Venezia, i^^ys^^. 3v0ls.ini. 4to. R Yriarte (Charles). Venice, its history, art, industries and modern life. . . . Translated from the French by F. J. Sitwell. . . . London, 1880. 4to. Illustr. R Zorzi (Alvise Piero). Osservazioni intorno ai ristauri interni ed esterni della basilica di San Marco. [With letter from J. Ruskin.] Venezia, 1877. Svo. R Italy : Central. Brown (James Wood). The Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella at Florence : a historical, architectural, and artistic study. . . . With ground plans, and illustrations of the church and convent. Edinburgh, 1902. 4to. F, R Martini (Giuseppe). Theatrum basilicte Pisanse. . . . Romce, 1705. [Pt. I.] Fol. Illustr. F* Pascoli (Lione). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti perugini. . . . Roma, 1732. Svo. R Ruskin (John). Mornings in Florence : being simple studies of Christian art for English travellers. Orpington, 1875-77. 6 pts. 8vo. R Italy : Central : Rome. For aficient Roman architecture see also infra 722.7. Letarouilly (Paul Marie). Edifices de Rome moderne, ou recueil des palais, maisons, eglises, couvents, et autres monuments publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de la ville de Rome dessines, mesures et publics par P. Letarouilly. . . . Paris, 1840-57. 4 vols. Fol. (plates: 3 vols.). 4to (text: i vol.). A [Another edition.] Liege, 2ind Paris, 1843-57. Fol. (plates: 3 vols.). 4to (text : 1 vol.). F Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint-Pierre deRome. Monographic mise en ordre et completee par A. Simil. [A series of plates.] Paris, 1882. 2 vols. Fol. F Marlianus (Joannes Bartholomacus). Bartholomsei Marliani vrbis Romse topographia. . . . Nvncdenvo . . . edita. Cui accessere H. Ferrutij . . . additiones. . . . Venetiis, 1588. 8vo. Illustr. R Passeri (Giovanni Battista). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti che anno lavorato in Roma morti dal 1641 fino al 1673. . . . Prima cdizione. Roma, 1772. 4to. R Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Raccoltc di varie vedute di Roma si antica che moderna intagliate la maggior parte dal celebre G. Piranesi e da altri incisori. Le sudette sono in numero di novanta tre. ... [A series of plates.] Roma, 1752. Fol. R Pistolesi (Erasmo). II Vaticano descritto ed illustrato da E. Pistolesi. Con disegni a contorni diretti dal pittore cav^. T. de Vivo [and C. Guerra]. Roma, 1829-38. 8 vols. Fol. M, R in Manchester and Salford 1 1 1 720.945 History of Architecture : Italy: Central: Rome [continued) — Rome. Roma antica e moderna nella quale si contengono chiese, monas- terij, hospedali, compagni, coUegij, e seminarij, tempij, teatri . . . palazzi . . . librarie, musei. . . . Indice de' soinmi pontefici, im- peratori, re, duchi. . . . [Compiled by F. Franzini.] Ro?na, 1678. 8vo. Illustr. A Roma antica, e moderna o sia nuova descrizione di tutti gl' edificj antichi, e moderni, tanto sagri, quanto profani della citta di Roma. . . . (Tomo 3. Descrizione delli riti, guerre piu celebri, e famiglie piu illustri degl' antichi Romani . . . con la cronologia . . . dei re, consoli, imperatori, e dei sommi pontefici Romani.) Roma, 1750. 3 vols. Svo. Illustr. A [Another edition.] Roma, 1 765. 3 vols. Svo. Illustr. R Sandrart (Joachim von). Insignium Rom^e templorum prospectus, ex- teriores et interiores . . . septuaginta tribus figuris ... in luce editi. Norimbergae, [1690?] Fol. C Palatiorum Romanorum a celeberrimis sui aevi architectis erectorum pars prima (-tertia). [A series of plates.] Norimbergae, (1694). 3 pts. in I. Fol. C Romas antiquje et novae theatrum, sive genuina ac vera urbis, juxta varios ejusdem status, delineatio topographica. . . . Norimbergae, 1684. Fol. C Steinmann (Ernst). Die Sixtinische Kapelle. Milnchen, iqoi-o^. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F Strack (Heinrich). Baudenkmaeler Roms des XV-XIX Jahrhunderts. Nach photographischen Originalaufnahmen als Ergaenzung zu Le- tarouilly, Edifices de Rome moderne. Berlin, 1891. Fol. F, M Taylor (George Ledwell) and Cresy (Edward). The architectural anti- quities of Rome ; measured and delineated by G. L. Taylor and E. Cresy. . . . [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1821-22. 2 vols. Fol. A, F Wey (Francis). Rome. . . . With an introduction by W. W. Story. Lo?idon, 1872. 4to. Ilbistr. R Italy: Southern. Dominici (Bernardo de). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti Napoletani, non mai date alia luce da autore alcuno. Napoli, i742-43[-45]. 3 vols. 4to. R Poppel (Johann Gabriel Friedrich) and Kurz (M.). Neues Gemalde von Neapel in vierundzwanzig Ansichten nach Zeichnungen von C. Leuze u. A. gestochen von J. Poppel und M. Kurz. Text von A. Loser. Munchen,\\%\']f\ 8vo. A * Salazaro (Demetrio). Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal 4° al 13° secolo. (L'arte romana al medio evo.) Napoli, 1871-81. 3 vols. Illustr. Vanvitelli (Luigi). Dichiarazione dei disegni'del reale palazzo di Caserta. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Napoli, 1756. Fol. R Volpicella (Scipione). Descrizione storica di alcuni principal! edificii della citta di Napoli. . . . Napoli, 1850. 8vo. Illustr. R v" 1 1 2 Architectural Works 720.945 History of Architecture : Sicily. Hittorff (Jacques Ignace) and Zanth (L.). Architecture moderne de la Sicile ; ou, recueil des plus beaux monumens religieux, et des edifices publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de la Sicile mesures et dessines par J. I. Hittorff et L. Zanth. Ouvrage redige et public par J. I. Hittorff. . . . Paris, 1835. Fol. C *Kick (Friedrich). Die Baukunst in Sizilien. JVi'en, 1904, efc. Fol. Knight (Henry Gaily). Saracenic & Norman remains, to illustrate the "Normans in Sicily ". [A series of plates.] London, [1840]. Fol. F, R Monreale. The cloisters of Monreale in Sicily. Thirty photographs of the sculptured capitals and clustered columns surrounding the cloisters of Monreale, erected in the twelfth century by William the Good. . . . [With a preface signed J. C] [Arundel Society : Examples of Art Workmanship of various ages and countries.] London, 1870. 4to. M 720.946 Spain and Portugal. Clarke (Somers). The fall of one of the central pillars at Seville Cathedral. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. Lllustr. A Condeixa ( de) Visconde. O mosteiro da Batalha em Portugal. . . . (Le monastere de Batalha en Portugal. . . .) [Portuguese and French.] Lisboa, Paris, [1892]. Fol. F * Haupt (Albrecht). Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Portugal von den Zeiten Emmanuel's des Gliicklichen bis zu dem Schlusse der spani- schen Herrschaft. Frankfurt, 1890-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Junghaendel (Max). Die Baukunst Spaniens dargestellt in ihren hervor- ragendsten Werken. Aufnahmen von M. Junghandel. Text von C. Gurlitt. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Dresden, [1889-93]. 2 vols. Fol. F Laborde (Alexandre Louis Joseph de) Comte. Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'Espagne. Par A. de Laborde, et une societe de gens de lettres et d'artistes de Madrid. . . . Paris, 1806-20. 4 vols. Fol. Ll/ustr. R Palomino De Castro Y Valasco (Aciscle Antonio). An account of the lives and works of the most eminent Spanish painters, sculptors and architects. . . . London, 1739. i8mo. F ^' Roberts (David). Picturesque sketches in Spain taken during . '. . 1832 and 1833. [A series of plates.] London, \^2>1 • Fol. A, F Sabugosa ( de) Conde. O pajo de Cintra. Desenhos de Sua Magestade a Rainha a Senhora Dona Amelia. Apontamentos his- toricos e archeologicos do conde de Sabugosa. CoUaboragao artistica de E. Casonova e R. Lino. Lisboa, 1903. 4to. F Sousa Coutinho (Manoel de). Plans, elevations, sections, and views of the church of Batalha in the province of Estremadura, in Portugal, with the history and description by Fr, L. de Sousa. ... To which is prefixed an introductory discourse on the principles of Gothic architecture by J. Murphy . . . [the translator]. London, 1795. Fol. F in Manchester and Salford 1 1 3 720.946 History of Architecture : Spain and Portugal {continued) — Spain. Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana. Publicados a expensas del Estado bajo la direccion de una Comision especial, creada per el Ministerio de Fomento. . . . Madrid, 1859-1880. 6 vols. Fol. Illustr. F * [Another edition.] Madrid, igo^, eic. Fol. Illustr. Watson (Walter Crum). Portuguese architecture. . . . London, 1908. 8vo. Illustr. R Wyatt {Sir Matthew Digby). An architect's note-book in Spain prin- cipally illustrating the domestic architecture of that country. . . . \^ With one hundred of the author's sketches. . . . Londo?i, [1872]. 4to. P 720.947 Russia. * Moscow. Motive von Ornamenten, aufgenommen nach alten russischen Erzeugnissen und herausgegeben von der Stroganoffschen Central- schule fiir technisches Zeichnen. Moskau, 1887-93. Fol. * Motive Russischer Architektur. Motive russischer Architektur. . . . St. Petersburg, 1874-94. 4to. Jahrg. 1-8, Heft i. Illustr. * ^ No more published. Rusca (Luigi). Raccolta del disegni di diverse fabbriche costrutte in Pietroburgo, e nell' interno dell' Impero Russo. (Recueil des dessins, etc.) [Italian and French.] Pietroburgo, 1810. 2 pts. Fol. R Russia. [Antiquitiesof the Russian Empire. . . .] [In Russian.] Moskva., 1849-53. 6 vols, in I. 4to. R [Plates. Prefixed to each volume is a " List of plates " in English.] Moskva, [1849-53]. 6 vols, in 7. Fol. R [Another edition of the plates.] Antiquites de I'empire de Russie editees par ordre de . . . I'empereur Nicolas I. Moscou, [1849-53]. 6 vols. Fol. F Schinkel (Carl Friedrich). [VVerke der hoheren Baukunst. ... 2 Ab- theil. enthalt. den Entwurf zu den Kaiserl. Palaste Orianda in d. Krimm auf 15 Taf. (6 plates only, being Lief. 1-2 of the above.)] [Berlin, 1845-46.] Fol. A *»* The title as given above is supplied. *Suslov (Vladimir Vasilovich). Monuments de I'ancienne architecture russe. Edition de I'Academie imperiale des beaux arts. [Text in Russian.] St. Petersburg, 1895-1901. 7 pts. Fol. Illustr. 720.948 Norway, Sweden and Denmark. * Dietrichson (Lorentz Henrik Segelcke) and Munthe (Henrik). Die Holzbaukunst Norwegens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart . . . Zweite Auflage. Dresden, 1901. Fol. Illustr. * Heales (Alfred Charles). The churches of Gottland, other than those of Wisby. Lo7idon, 1888. 410. Illustr. Perry (John Tavenor). Mediaeval architecture in Sweden. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. Illustr. A 8 114 Architectural Works 720.948 History of Architecture : Norway, Sweden and Denmark {con- tinued) — Thurah (Laurids de). Den Danske Vitruvius indeholder Grundtegninger, Opstalter, og Giennemsnitter af de merkvasrdigste Bygninger i . . . Dannemark, samt de Kongelige Tydske Provintzer, tilligemed en kort Beskrivelse over hver Bygning i sser. . . . [Danish, French and Ger- man.] Ki^benhavn^ 1746-49. Fol. R White (William). Wisby in the island of Gotland. With notes by . . . R. H. Carpenter and . . . A. H. Haig. [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 2, N.S.] Lon- don, 1886. 4to. Illustr. A 720.949 2 Netherlands. Baes (Jean). Tours et tourelles historiques de la Belgique, d'apr^s les aquarelles de . . . J. Baes. [A series of plates.] BruxeUes,\\2)()-i\ Fol. F *Beyaert (H.). Travaux d'architecture executes en Belgique. Bruxelles, [1890-95]. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. *Galland (Georg). Geschichte der hollandischen Baukunst und Bildnerei im Zeitalter der Renaissance, der nationale Bliite und des Klassicismus. . . . Frankfurt a M., 1890. 8vo. Illustr. Sanderus (Antonius). A. Sanderi . . . chorographia sacra Brabantiae, sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia abbatiarum . . . piarumque fundationum descriptio. . . . Hagce Comitum, 1726-27. 3 vols. Fol. Illustr. R Ysendyck (J. J. van). Documents classes de I'art dans les Pays Bas du X'^""^ au XVIII'^^^ siecle recueillis et reproduits par J. J. van Ysen- dyck. . . . [A series of plates ] A?wers, 1880-89. Fol. F* 720.949 4 Switzerland. Blavignac (Jean Daniel). Histoire de I'architecture sacree du quatrieme au dixieme siecle dans les anciens eveches de Geneve, Lausanne et Sion. [A series of plates.] Leipzig, 1853. 8vo. . F * Hunziker (Jacob). Das Schweizerhaus nach seinen landschaftlichen Formen dargestellt. Aarau, 1900, etc. 8vo. 720.949 5 Byzantine Empire. See 723.2 Byzantine Architecture. 720.949 6 Turkey in Europe. See 723.3 Mohammedan Archi- tecture. 720.949 9 Grecian Archipelago. Rottiers (Bernard Eugene Antoine). Description des monumens de Rhodes. . . . [With an atlas of plates.] Bruxelles, 1828. 2 vols., 4to, and fol. R 720.95 Asia. Beylie (Leon M. Eugene de). L'architecture hindoue en Extreme-Orient. . . . Paris, 1907. 8vo. Illustr. F *Texier (Charles Felix Marie). Description de I'Armenie, la Perse, et la Mesopotamie. Publiee sous les auspices des Ministres de I'lnterieur et de ITnstruction publique. Paris, 1842-52. 3 vols. Fol. Ilhistr. in Manchester and Salford 115 720.951 History of Architecture : China. * Bazin de Malpiere (D.). La Chine et les Chinois. . . . Seconde edition. Paris, 1848. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr, 720.952 Japan. Cram (Ralph Adams). Impressions of Japanese architecture and the allied arts. London, 1906. 8vo. Illustr. F * Humbert (Aime). Le Japon illustre. . . . Paris, 1870. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. * Morse (Edward Sylvester). Japanese homes and their surroundings. Second edition. Ne7v York, 1886. 8vo. Illustr. 720.954 India. * Delhi. Delhi, Agra, and Rajpootana, illustrated by , . . photographs by . . . E. C. Impey. London, 1865. Fol. *Growse (Frederic Salmon). Bulandshahr : or sketches of an Indian district, social, historical, and architectural. . . . Benares, \%?>d^. 4to. Illustr. * Indian architecture ofto-day, as exemplified . . . in the Bulandshahr District. Pt. 2. Benares, 1886. 4to. India. Photographs and drawings of historical buildings. 100 plates reproduced by W. Griggs from the collection in the late office of Curator of Ancient Monuments in India. [With descriptive letter- press.] Lofidon, 1896. Fol. M 720.955 Persia. * Coste (Xavier Pascal). Monuments modernes de la Perse, mesures, dessines et decrits par P. Coste. Paris, 1867. Fol. Illustr. 720.956 Turkey in Asia. Svoboda (Alexander). The seven churches of Asia. With . . . histori- cal notes, and itinerary. . . . With an introduction by H. B. Tris- tram. . . . London, 1869. 4to. Illustr. P 720.956 9 Palestine. Mayer (Ludwig). Views in Palestine, from the original drawings of L. Mayer, with an . . . account of the country. . . . Vues en Palestine d' apres les dessins originaux de L. Mayer. . . . London, 1^0^. Fol. R Pierotti (Ermete). Jerusalem explored, being a description of the ancient and modern city. . . . Translated by T. G. Bonney. . . . London, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R * Ramboux (Johann Anton). Jerusalem. Erinnerungen an die heiligen Statten des gelobten Landes, aus dem Skizzenbuche eines Theilneh- mers an der Pilgerfahrt des Jahres, 1854. Koln, [c. i860]. 4to. Illustr. *Salzmann (Auguste). Jerusalem. 6tude et reproduction photogra- phique des monuments de la Ville Sainte depuis I'epoque judaique jusqu' a nos jours. Texte. Paris, 1856. Fol. * Planches. 2 vols. Fol. ii6 Architectural Works 720.956 9 History of Architecture : Palestine {continued) — * Werner (Carl). C. Werner's Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the holy places. With descriptive letterpress by G. R. Gleig. . . . Chromo-litho- graphed by M. & N. Hanhart. London, 1865. Pt. i-6. Fol. *,* No more published. 720.961 North Africa. Pacho (Jean Raimond). Relation d'un voyage dans la Marmarique, la Cyrenaique, et les oasis d'Audjelah et de Maradeh, accompagnee de cartes . . . et de planches. . . . [With an atlas of plates.] Paris, 1827-29. 2 vols. 4to, and fol. R 720.962 Egypt. See also 722.2. Mayer (Ludwig). Views in Egypt, from the original drawings ... by L. Mayer, engraved by and under the direction of T. Milton. With historical observations. . . . London, 1801. Fol. R Mission Archeologique Fran9aise au Caire. Ministere de 1 'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Memoires publics par les membres de la Mission archeologique fran9aise au Caire. . . . Paris, 1884, etc. 4to. Lllustr Lti progress. R 2j 3. fasc. I, 2. Les hypogees royaux de Thebes. Par . . . G. Lelebure. . . . Premiere division : Le tombeau de S^ti I^r, public in-extenso avec la collaboration de . . . U. Bouriant, et V. Loret . . . et avec le con- cours de . . . E. Naville. . . . — Seconde division: Notices des hy- pogees, publiees avec la collaboration de . . . E. Naville et E. Schia- parelli. — Troisieme division: Tombeau de Ramses IV. — 1886-89. 7. Precis de I'art arabe, et materiaux pour servir a la th^orie et a la technique des arts de I'Orient musulman. Par J. Bourgoin. — 1892. lo-ii. Marquis de Rochemonteix. : Le temple d'Edfou, public in extenso d'apres les estampages et les copies par B. Chassinat. . . . — 1S97, etc. In progress. 720.968 South Africa. Trotter (Alys Fane). Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope ; with a chapter on the origin of old Cape architecture, by H. Baker. . . . London, 1900. 4to. lllustr. S 720.972 America : Mexico. * Baxter (Sylvester). Spanish colonial architecture in Mexico. Edin- burgh, 1903. 10 vols. 4to. Lllustr. * Emerson (W. R.). Architecture and furniture of the Spanish colonies during the 17th and 1 8th centuries. Boston, 1901. Fol. Lllustr. 720.973 United States. * America. The Georgian period. An encyclopaedia of American colonial architecture. . . . [Edited by W. R. Ware.] New York, 1904. 3 vols. 4to. lllustr. * Chandler (Joseph Everett). The colonial architecture of Maryland^ Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Boston, 1900. 4to. 1/ Cox (Alfred Arthur). A tour in the United States. [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. Lllustr. A *^^* ' A report on modern methods of building, construction, sanitation, ven- tilation, lighting, steam and other modes ol heating, fireproof construc- tion, and plannmg.' in Manchester and Salford 1 1 7 721 ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION. See also supra 691 : Materials. For Design and Ornament, see infra 729. Anglin (Samuel). The design of structures, a practical treatise on the building of bridges, roofs, etc. Fourth edition. London, igo^. 8vo. Illustr. P Berg (Louis de Coppet). Safe building. A treatise giving in the simplest forms possible the practical and theoretical rules and formulae used in the construction of buildings. . . . Fourth edition. . . . Boston, 1892-94. 2 vols. Svo. F Bland (William). Experimental essays on the principles of construction in arches, piers, buttresses. . . . Third edition. London, 1867. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. F * Fourth edition. London, 1875. 12 mo. Bovey (Henry Taylor). Theory of structures and strength of materials. Ne7v York, 1893. 8vo. Lllustr. T Campin (Francis). Materials and construction. A theoretical and practical treatise on the strains, designing, and erection of works of construction, [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 216.] London, 1881. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. A, F Second edition. Lo7tdon, 1884. i2mo. Lllustr. A Charnock (George Frederick). Exercises in graphic statics, with ex- amples of its application to practical designing of constructional iron- work. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Man- chester, [1899- 1 900.] 2 vols. Obi. fol. A Farrow (Frederic Richard). Stresses and strains ; their calculation and that of their resistances, by formula and graphic methods. ["The Builder " Student's Series.] London, 1900. 12 mo. Lllustr. F Godwin (George). Hints on construction : addressed to architectural students. [Reprinted from the Architectural Magazine, vol. 5.] [Lon- don,] [n.d.]. Svo. Lllustr. F * Hardy (Edward). The elementary principles of graphic statics. Specially prepared for the use of students entering for the examinations in building construction, applied mechanics, machine construction, and drawing, &c., of the Board of Education. London, 1904. Svo. Lllustr. Holden , (John). Foundations and materials used in buildings. Man- chester, 1886. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. F * Middleton (George Alexander Thomas). Stresses and thrusts. . . . Third edition. London, 1904. Svo. Lllustr. Moseley (Henry). The mechanical principles of engineering and archi- tecture. . . . London, 1843. Svo. Lllustr. L, P Rankine (William John Macquorn). A manual of applied mechanics. Fifth edition. London, 1869. i2mo. LLllustr. A Stoney (Bindon Blood). The theory of stresses in girders and similar structures, with practical observations on the strength and other properties of materials. New edition. London, i2>2>6. Svo. Lllustr. T ii8 Architectural Works 721 ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION {continued)— Swan (Abraham). Designs in carpentry, containing domes, trussed roofs, flooring, trussing of beams, angle-brackets and cornices. London, 1759. 4to. U Tarn (Edward Wyndham). Mechanics of architecture : a treatise on appHed mechanics, especially adapted to the use of architects. Lon- don, 1892. i2mo. L/Iustr. S Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Rational building. Bemg a trans- lation of the article " Construction " in the Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture fran9aise of . . . E. E. Viollet-le-Duc, by G. M. Huss. Nezv York, 1895. 8vo. Lllustr. A, F, T Wray (Henry). Some applications of theory to the practice of construc- tion, with examples ; being a part of the course of instruction at the Schoolof Military Engineering, Chatham. . . . Chatham, i?)"] 2. 8vo. Lllustr. L 72 1. 1 Foundations. Davy (Christopher). The architect, engineer, and operative builder's constructive manual. Being a practical and scientific treatise on the construction of artificial foundations for buildings, railways, etc. . . . New edition. London, 1841. 8vo. Lllustr. A Dobson (Edward). A rudimentary treatise on foundations and concrete works ; containing a synopsis of the principal cases of foundation works, with the usual modes of treatment. . . . [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 44.] London, 1850. i2mo. Lllustr. A, F * Patton (William Macfarland). A practical treatise on foundations. New York, 1900. 8vo. * Powell (George T.). Foundations and foundation walls for all classes of buildings. Neiv York, i8g6. 8vo. 721.2 Walls. * Dubosque (J.). Etudes theoriques et pratiques sur les murs de soutene- ment et les ponts et viaducs en maconnerie. . . . Quatrieme edition . . . augmentee. . . . Paris, [1887]. 8vo. Lllustr. * Jacob (Arthur). Practical designing of retaining walls. [Edited] by W. Cain. [Van Nostrand's Science Series. 3.] Neiv York, \Z8%. lamo. Lllustr. Leeds Fireclay Co. [Buildings erected in terra-cotta supplied from the works at Burmantofts, Leeds.] [Leeds, 1902.] Fol. Lllustr. T 721.3 Piers. Columns. * Atherton (William H.). Introduction to the design of beams, girders, and columns in machines and structures. London, 1905. 8vo. Hodgkinson (Eaton). Experimental researches on the strength of pillars of cast iron, and other materials. [From the Philosophical Trans- actions of the Royal Society of London, 1840. Pt. 2.] London, 1840. 4to. Lllustr. T 721.4 Arched Constructions. See also infra 729.34. * Allan (William). Theory of arches. [Van Nostrand's Science Series. ii.l Nezv York, 1890. i2mo. Lllustr. in Manchester and Salford 1 1 9 721.4 ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION. Arched Constructions (continued) — *Bell (George Joseph). A practical treatise on segmental and elliptical oblique or skew arches. Carlisle, 1896. 8vo. * Cain (William). Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes, and groined arches. [Van Nostrand's Science Series. 42.] Neiv York, 1879. 1 2 mo. lUustr. Harvey (Lawrence). Masonry for architectural students. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Trans- actions, vol. 4, N.S.] London, 1888. 4to. Illustr. A L. D — S, M. Recherches sur le tems le plus recule de I'usage des voutes chez les anciens. Par M.L.D — S. \i.e. Louis Dutens]. Londres, 1805. 8vo. R *Tappen (George). A method of building groined arches in brickwork. Added, a theory of their construction, by J. Narrien. London, 1808. 4to. Watson (Thomas Lennox). The double choir of Glasgow Cathedral. A study of rib vaulting. Glasgow, i ^01. 4to. LUustr. F *Wonnacott (E. W. M.). The history and development of vaulting in England from the Norman Conquest to the Reformation. London, 1 89 1. Fol. LUustr. V, Worthington (Percy Scott). Five famous domes : their history and con- struction. A prize essay, session 1888-89. [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 5, N.S.] London, 1889. 4to. LUustr. A, F * ^* The Pantheon, Rome. — S. Sophia, Constantinople. — The Duomo, Florence. — S. Peter, Rome. — S. Paul, London, 721.5 Roofs. See also infra 729.35. * * Burr (W. H.) and Falk (M. S.). The graphic method for bridge and roof computations. New York and London, 1905. 8vo. * Denfer (Jules). Architecture et constructions civiles : couverture des edifices, ardoises, tuiles, metaux, matieres diverses, cheneaux et descentes. [Encyclopedie des travaux publics, publiee sous la direc- tion de C. Lechalas.] Paris, 1893. 8vo. LUustr. * Essex (E. H.). Roofs and floors of new buildings. London, igoc^. 8vo * Howe (Malverd Abijah). The design of simple roof trusses in wood and steel. IVew York, 1902. 8vo. Robison (John). A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery. Deduced from the works of Robison, Price, and Tredgold. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 124.] London, [1868]. i2mo. LUustr. F [Another edition.] London, [1875]. i2mo. LUustr. A Tarn (Edward Wyndham). An elementary treatise on the construction of roofs of wood and iron. Deduced chiefly from the works of Robison, Tredgold, and Humber. Fourth edition, with an appen- dix. [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 228.] London, 1901. izmo. Llhistr. A I20 Architectural Works 721.5 ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION. Roofs [contitiued)— * Walmisley (Arthur Thomas). Iron roofs. . . . Description, illustrated with working drawings. Second edition. London, 1888. 4to. Illustr. 721.55 Windows. Openings in Roofs. Fergusson (James). The Parthenon : an essay on the mode by which light was introduced into Greek and Roman temples. London, 1883. 4to. Illustr. F 721.57 Spires. See also mfra 729.36. Taylor (Andrew Thomas). The towers and steeples designed by Sir Christopher Wren. A descriptive, historical, and critical essay. London, 1881. 8vo. Illustr. U 721.6 Floors and Flooring. See also infra 729.7. Leeds Fireclay Co. The Burmantofts portfolio of faience. [London, 1890.] Fol. T Shaw (Henry). Specimens of tile pavements drawn from existing au- thorities. London, 1858. 4to. F 721.8 Doors. Gates. Grilles. Windows. See also infra 729.38. Trendall (Edward W.). Examples for exterior and interior finishings : consisting of entrance, single and folding-doors, windows and shutters, chimney pieces, verandahs, balconies, and sections of rooms, with their details and ornamental cornices for different rooms, etc. The whole forming a book of working drawings. London, 1852. Fol. • A Young (Charles D.) and Co. Short description of the simultaneous acting gates for railway level crossings, which were awarded the Great Exhibition prize medal. . . . Edinburgh, 1853. 4to. Illustr. A 721.9 Iron and Composite Structures. Campin (Francis). A treatise on the application of iron to the construc- tion of bridges, girders, roots and other works. . . . Second edition. ... [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 167.] London, 1876. 12 mo. A * [Another edition.] London, 1896. i2mo. Fairbairn {Sir William) Bart. On the application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. . . . London, 1854. 8vo. Illustr. F, L, P, T Second edition. To which is added a short treatise on wrought iron Dridges. London, 1857-58. 8vo. Illustr. F, L, T Third edition. London, 1864. 8vo. Illustr. A * Freitag (Joseph Kendall). Architectural engineering with special refer- ence to high building construction. Neiv York, 1901. 8vo. * Harcourt (Leveson Francis Vernon). Civil engineering as applied to construction. [Longmans' Civil Engineering Series.] London, 1902. 8vo. * Heinzerling (F.j. Der Eisenhochbau der Gegenwart . . , Dritter Abdruck. Leipzig, 1882-89. 3 pts. Fol. in Manchester and Salford 121 721.9 ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION. Iron and Composite Struc- tures {continued) — *Husson (F'ran9ois). L'architecture ferronniere. Recueil de planches gravees a I'usage de tous ceux qu' interessent la construction en fer et la serrurerie d'art. Exemples de construction et d'ornementation anciennes et modernes. . . . Public sous la direction de F. Husson. . . . Paris, 1873. 4I0. Pole (William). Iron as a material of construction. ... A handbook for the use of students in engineering. London, i^"] 2. i2mo. Illustr. A *Schloessen (H.). Anleitung zur statischen Berechnung von Eisenkon- struktion in Hochbau. Berlin, 1903. 8vo. 721.91 Cast Iron. TurnbuU (William). An essay, theoretical and practical, on the construc- tion of the five architectural sections of cast-iron beams, generally employed as girders, bressummers, and other horizontal supports for buildings. . . . London, 1833. 8vo. T 721.93 Steel. Fidler (Henry). Notes on construction in mild steel. Arranged for the use of junior draughtsmen in the architectural and engineering pro- fessions. . . . [Longmans' Civil Engineering Series.] London, i^o"] . 8vo. Illustr. F Hall ( ) and Pickles ( ). Standard steel construction ; for the use of architects, engineers, and contractors. [A section book. Second edition.] Londoti, Manchester, 1905. 4to. A 721.94 Composite. Birkmire (William Harvey). Compound riveted girders as applied in the construction of buildings. . . . Netv York, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. F The planning and construction of high office-buildings. Third edition. New York, 1905. 8vo. Illustr. F Skeleton construction in building. With . . . illustrations of high buildings. Third edition. l\ew York, 1900. 8vo. F 722 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: General. Babelon (Ernest). Manual of oriental antiquities, including the archi- tecture, sculpture, and industrial arts of Chaldaea, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Judsea, Phoenicia, and Carthage. . . . Translated and enlarged by B. T. A. Evetts. . . . London, 1889. Svo. Lllustr. R Fergusson (James). Rude stone monuments in all countries ; their age and uses. . . . London, 1872. Svo. Illustr. P, R Inwood (Henry William). Of the resources of design in the architecture of Greece, Egypt and other countries, obtained by the studies of the architects of those countries from nature. London, 1834. 4to. C Mayer (Ludwig). Views in the Ottoman dominions, in Europe, in Asia, and some of the Mediterranean Islands, from the original drawings ... by L. Mayer. . . . With descriptions, historical and illustrative [in English and French]. London, 18 10. Fol. R 122 Architectural Works 722 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: General {co,it.)— Mayer (Ludwig). Views in the Ottoman empire, chiefly in Caramania . . . with some curious selections from . . . Rhodes . . . Cyprus . . . Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli : from the original drawings ... by L. Mayer. With historical observations ... [in English and French]. London, 1803. Fol. R Menard (Rene). La vie privee des anciens. Texte par R. Menard. Dessins d'apres les monuments antiques par C. Sauvageot. Paris, 1880-83. 4 vols. 8vo. R Montfaucon (Bernard de). L'antiquite expliquee et representee en figures. . . . (Supplement. . . .) [French and Latin.] Paris, 1719-24. 10 vols. Fol. R * Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles). Histoire de I'art dans l'anti- quite. Paris, 1881-1903. 8 vols. 8vo. Illustr. History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. From the French. . . . London, 1892. 8vo. Illustr. R History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. From the French. . . . Translated and edited by I. Gonino. London, 1890. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R Pococke (Richard) Bishop of Meath. A description of the East and some other countries. . . . London, 1743-45. 2 vols, in 3. Fol. Illustr. R Romberg (Johann Andreas) and Steger (Friedrich). Geschichte der Baukunst bei den Assyrern, Medern, Babyloniern, Persern, Phoni- ciern, Israeliten und Indern. Leipzig, 1844. 4to. Illustr. A *^* Bd. I of " Geschichte der Baukunst von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Von J. A. Romberg und F. Steger." Rudiments. Rudiments of ancient architecture, containing an historical account of the five orders . . . also, extracts from Vitruvius, Pliny, etc., relative to the buildings of the ancients. . . . With a dictionary of terms. . . . The fourth edition, enlarged. London, 1810. 8vo. U Smith (Thomas Roger) and Slater (John). Architecture, classic and early Christian. [Illustrated Handbooks of Art History.] London, 1890. 8vo. Illustr. A Waring (John Burley). Stone monuments, tumuli and ornament of re- mote ages ; with remarks on the early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. London, 1870. Fol. Illustr. F, M, R Westropp (Hodder M.). Handbook of archaeology. Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. London, 1867. 8vo. Illustr. P, R Winckelmann (Johann Joachim). Histoire de I'art de l'antiquite. . . . Traduite de I'allemand par . . . Huber. Leipzig, 1781. 3 vols. 4to. R 722.1 Chinese. See 720.951; China. Japanese. See 720.952 : Japan. in Manchester and Salford 123 722.2 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Egyptian. See also supra 720.962. Cailliaud (Frederic). Voyage a Meroe, au fleuve Blanc, au-dela de Fazoql dans le midi du royaume de Sennar, a Syouah et dans cinq autres oasis; fait dans les annees 1819, 1820, 182 1, et 1822, pa . . . F. Cailliaud. . . . (Ouvrage public par I'auteur, redige par le meme et par . . . Jomard. . . .) Paris, 1826-27. 4 '^o\&. 8vo. Illustr. R [Plates.] Paris, 1823. 2 vols. Fol. R Voyage a I'oasis de Thebes et dans les deserts situes a I'orient et a I'occident de la Thebaide, fait pendant les annees 1815, 1816, 181 7 et 1 818, par . . . F. Cailliaud. . . . Redige et public par . . . Jomard. . . . Contenant 1°. Le voyage a I'oasis du Dakel par . . . le chevalier Drovetti. ... 2°. Le journal du premier voyage de . . . Cailliaud en Nubie ; 3°. Des recherches sur les oasis. . . . Accom- pagne de cartes et de planches. . . . Paris, 182 1. Fol. R %* " Livraison i " ; no more appears to have been published. Choisy (Auguste). L'art de batir chez les Egyptiens. Paris, \(^o^. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Cipriani (Giovanni Battista). Su i dodici obelischi egizj che adornano la citta di Roma. . . . Roma, 1823. 4to. Illustr. R Denon (Dominique Vivant) Baron. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les campagnes du general Bonaparte. (Planches.) Paris, 1802. 2 vols. Fol. R Egypt. Description de I'Egypte ; ou, recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant I'expedition de I'annee fran9aise. Public par les ordres de . . . I'empereur Napoleon le Grand. [Edited by E. F. Jomard.] Antiquites, memoires. . . . Paris, 18 1 8- 1 9. 2 vols. 4to. R Antiquites, descriptions. Paris, 1809-18. 2 vols. 4to. R Antiquites, planches. [With historical preface by M. Fourier.] Pa?'is, 1809-22. 6 vols. Fol. R [Atlas, containing the plates of larger dimensions.] Paris, [n.d.]. 2 vols. Fol. R Seconde edition. Paris, 1821-29. 24 vols. 8vo. P • [Plates.] 1820-26. II vols. Fol. P Egypt Exploration Fund. [Publications.] london, 1886, etc. 4to and Fol. I/i progress. Illustr. R Kircher (Athanasius). ' Athanasii Kircheri , . . obeliscus Pamphilius, hoc est interpretatio . . . obelisci hieroglyphici quem ... ex veteri hippodromo Antonini Caracallae C?esaris in Agonale Forum transtulit . . . Innocentius X. . . . Ronne, 1650. Fol. Illustr. R Lepsius (Carl Richard). Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, nach den Zeichnungen der von . . . dem Koenige von Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm IV. nach diesen Landern gesendeten und in den Jahren 1842- 1845 ausgefiihrten wissenschaftlichen Expedition. . . . Herausgegeben und erlautert von C. R. Lepsius. . . . Berlin, [1849- 59]. 6 vols. Fol. I. Topographie und Architectur. 124 Architectural Works 722.2 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Egyptian , {cotitiimed) — Mariette (Fran9ois Auguste Ferdinand). Voyage dans la Haute-^gypte. Deuxieme Edition avec . . . vues photographiees d'apres les monu- ments antiques compris entre le Caire et la premiere cataracte. . . . Paris, Leipzig, 1893. 2 vols. Fol. R Osburn (William). The monumental history of Egypt, as recorded on the ruins of her temples, palaces, and tombs. . . . London, iZ'^^. 2 vols. 8vo. Llliistr. R *Palmieri (A.). L'Egypte et la Nubie, grand album monumental, his- torique, architecturel. Reproduction . . . de 150 vues photo- graphiques par M. Bechard . . . comprises depuis le Caire, ^gypte, jusqu'a la deuxieme cataracte, Nubie, avec un texte e.xplicatif des monuments . . . par A. Palmieri. Paris. 1887. Fol. Paris. — Musee Guitnet. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Annales du Musee Guimet. . . . Paris, 1880, etc. 4to. Illustr. Ln progress. R 9, 16. Les hypog^es royaux de Thebes. Par . . . E. Lefebure. Premiere division : Le tombeau de Seti ler, public in extenso avec la collaboratimi de . . . U. Bouriant et V. Loret . . . et avec le concours de . . . E. Naville. — Seconde division : Notices des hypogees, publiees avec la collaboration de . . . E. Naville et E. Schiapareili. — Troisieme division : Tombeau de Ramses IV. — 1886-89. , 28-29. Histoire de la sepulture et des funerailles dans I'ancienne Egypte. . . . Par E. Amelineau. — i8q6. * Perring (John Shae). The pyramids of Gizeh, from actual survey and admeasurement by J. E. \sic\ Perring. . . . Illustrated by notes and references to the several plans, with sketches taken on the spot by E. J. Andrews. (The pyramids to the southward of Gizeh and Abou Roash. . . . Accompanied by remarks on the hieroglyphics by S. Birch.) London, 1839-42. 3 vols. Obi. fol. Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles). A history of art in ancient Egypt. From the French. . . . Translated and edited by W. Armstrong. . . . London, 1883. 2 vols. 8vo. Lliustr. R Petrie (William Matthew Flinders). Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. , . Lo7tdon, 1890. 4to. Lliustr. R Six temples at Thebes. 1896. . . . London, 1897. 4to. Lliustr. R * Prisse d'Avennes (Achille Constant Theodore Emile). Histoire de I'art egyptien . . . d'apres les monuments, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la domination romaine. Par Prisse d'Avennes. . . . Texte par P. Marchandon de la Faye. Paris, 1878-79. 3 vols. Fol. and 4to. Quatrem^re de Quincy (Antoine Chrysostome). De I'architecture egypti- enne consideree dans son origine, ses principes et son gout, et com- paree sous les memes rapports a I'architecture grecque, dissertation. . . . Paris, 1803. 4to. Lliustr. R, U Smyth (Charles Piazzi). Life and work at the Great Pyramid, during the months of January, February, March and April, a.d. 1865 ; with a discussion of the facts ascertained. . . . Edinburgh, 1867. 3 vols. 8vo. Lliustr. R in Manchester and Salford 125 722.2 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Egyptian {continued) — Smyth (Charles Piazzi.) Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid. Third . . . edition. . . . London, 1877. 8vo. Illustr. R Wilkinson {Sir John Gardner). The architecture of ancient Egypt, in which the columns are arranged in orders, and the temples classified ; with remarks on the early progress of architecture, etc. . . . London, 1850. 2 vols. 8vo and fol. Lllustr. R The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. ... A new edition, revised and corrected by S. Birch. . . . Loftdon, 1878. 3 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R Zoega (Georg). De origine et usu obeliscorum. . . . Romae, i^g"]. Fol. Illustr. R 722.3 Phoenician. Jewish. Fergusson (James). The temples of the Jews and the other buildings in the Haram area at Jerusalem. . . . London, 1878. 4to. Illustr. F, P, R Lamy (Bernard). De tabernaculo foederis, de sancta civitate Jerusalem et de templo ejus libri septem. Parisiis, 1720. Fol. Illustr. R Paine (Timothy Otis). Solomon's temple and capitol, ark of the flood, and tabernacle, or the holy houses of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Septuagint, Coptic and Itala scriptures ; Josephus, Talmud and rabbis. . . . London, 1886. 4to. Illustr. R Palestine Exploration Fund. [Publications.] London, 1869, etc. 8vo, 4to and fol. Illustr. In progress. R Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles). History of art in Phoenicia and its dependencies. From the French. . . . Translated and edited by W. Armstrong. . . . London, 1885. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R Rawlinson (George). History of Phoenicia. London, i2,2)(). 8vo. Illustr. R Renan (Joseph Ernest). Mission de Phenicie dirigee par . . . E. Renan. Paris, 1864. 4to. Planches, executees sous la direction de . . . Thobois. . . . Paris, 1864. Fol. R 722.4 Indian : Hindoo, Buddhist, Cambodian, etc. Burgess (James). The ancient monuments, temples and sculptures of India. Illustrated in a series of reproductions of photographs. . . . With descriptive notes and references by J. Burgess. . . . London, 1897. Fol. R Pt. I. The earliest monuments. Cole (Henry Hardy). Illustrations of ancient buildings in Kashmir. Pre- pared under the authority of the Secretary of State for India . . . from photographs, plans and drawings. London, 1869. Fol. P Delaporte (Louis). Voyage au Cambodge. L'architecture khmer. Paris, 1880. Fol. Illustr. F 126 Architectural Works 722.4 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Indian: Hindoo, Buddhist, Cambodian, etc. {co?itinued) — Fergusson (James) Architect. Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India. . . . Drawn on stone by . . . T. C. Dibdin, from sketches . . . made . . . in . . . 1838-9 by J. Fergusson. . . . (Text to accompany the folio volume ot plates.) London, \Zd,%. 2 vols. Fol. and 8vo. R, y Picturesque illustrations of ancient architecture in Hindostan. Lon- don (i847-)i848. Fol. F, U Tree and serpent worship ; or, illustrations of mythology and art in India in the first and fourth centuries after Christ. From the sculp- tures of the Buddhist topes at Sanchi and Amravati. Prepared under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. With introductory essays and descriptions of the plates by J. Fergusson. London, 1868. 4to. Lllustr. R Fergusson (James) and Burgess (James). The cave temples of India. . . . London, 1880. 8vo. Lllustr. P, R Ram Raj. Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. [Oriental Transla- tion Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.] London, 1834. 4to. A, C, F, L, S, U Rea (Alexander). Chalukyan architecture ; including examples from the Ballari district, Madras Presidency. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. 21.] Madras, \%^6. Fol. U List of architectural and archaeological remains in Coorg. [Archaeo- logical Survey of India. New Imperial Series. 17.] Madras, 1894. Fol. U Smither (James G.). Architectural remains, Anuradhapura, Ceylon ; comprising the dagabas and certain other ruined structures. . . . [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] [London'], [1894]. Fol. F, U 722.5 Chaldean. Assyrian. Babylonian. Ancient Persian. Botta (Paul Emile). Monument de Ninive decouvert et decrit par . . . P. E. Botta, mesure et dessine par . . . E. Flandin. . . . Farts, 1849-50. 5 vols. Fol. F, R Fergusson (James). The palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored : an essay on ancient Assyrian and Persian architecture. London, 1851. 8vo. Lllustr. F, P, S Layard {Fight LLon. Sir Austen Henry). The monuments of Nineveh. From drawings made on the spot. . . . Illustrated in one hundred plates. (A second series . . . seventy-one plates.) London, 1849- 53. 2 vols. Fol. R [Another edition.] London, 1853. 2 vols. Fol. P Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles). A history of art in Chaldaea & Assyria. From the French. . . . Translated and edited by W. Armstrong. . . . Lofidon, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. R History of art in Persia. From the French. . . . London, 1892. 8vo. Lllustr. R in Manchester and Salford 127 722.5 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Chaldean. Assyrian. Babylonian. Ancient Persian {continued) — Place (Victor). Ninive et I'Assyrie . . . avec des essais de restauration par F. Thomas. . . . (Tome troisieme. Planches.) Paris, 1867-70. 3 vols. Fol. F,R 722.6 Pelasgian. Etruscan. Dennis (George). The cities and cemeteries of Etruria. . . . Third edition. . . . London, 1883. 8vo. Illustr. R Greg (William Rathbone). Cyclopian, Pelasgic, and Etruscan remains, or remarks on the mural architecture of remote ages. . . . Man- chester, 1842. 8vo. F Inghirami (Francesco). Monumenti etruschi, o di etrusco nome, di- segnati, incisi, illustrati, e pubblicati dal cavaliere F. Inghirami. Badia Fiesolana, 1821-26. 7 vols. 4to. R Vol. 4. Edifizi esposti. 722.7 Roman. See also supra 720.945 : Italy. Adam (Robert). Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. [London}, 1764. Fol. Lllustr. R Adamy (Rudolf). Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer Grund- lage. . . . Unter kiinstlerischer Mitwirkung von A. Haupt. . . . JLannover, 1883. i vol. 8vo. Lllustr. U Bd. I. Abth. 4. Architektonik der Romer. Allason (Thomas). Picturesque views of the antiquities of Pola in Istria. The plates engraved by W. B. Cooke, G. Cooke, H. Moses, and C. Armstrong. London, 1819. Fol. P, R Babuty Desgodetz (Antoine). Les edifices antiques de Rome, dessines et mesures tres exactement. . . . Paris, 1682. Fol. C, M The ancient buildings of Rome accurately measured and delineated by A. Desgodetz. . . . Illustrated with one hundred and thirty-seven plates, and explanations in French and English. The plates en- graved and the text translated by ... G. Marshall. . . . London, 1795. 2 vols. Fol. R Rome in its ancient grandeur; displayed in a series of engravings, presenting the architectural antiquities of the imperial city. . . . With copious notes, architectural, classical, and historical, under the super- intendence of C. Taylor. . . . London, 185 1. Fol. Lllustr. F Barre (Louis). Herculanum et Pompei : recueil general des peintures, bronzes, mosaiques, etc., decouverts jusqu'a ce jour, et reproduits d'aprfes le Antichita di Ercolano, il Museo Borbonico, et tous les ouvrages analogues. Augmente de sujets inedits. Graves au trait sur cuivre par H. Roux aine, et accompagne d'un texte explicatif par . . . L. Barre. . . . Paris, 1861-72. 8 vols. 8vo. R Bartoli (Pietro Santi). Gli antichi sepolcri, ovvero mausolei romani ed etruschi, trovati in Roma ed in altri luoghi celebri . . . raccolti, disegnati, et intagliati da P. Santi Bartoli. . . . Roma, 1727. Fol. R Bellori (Giovanni Pietro). Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata eius rebus gestis in Germanica, atque Sarmatica expeditione 128 Architectural Works 722.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE. Roman (continued) — insignis . . . Romce ad viam Flaminiam erecta . . . brevibus notis J. P. Bellorii illustrata et a P. Sancte Bartolo iuxta delineationes in Bibliotheca Barberini asservatas . . . sere incisa iterum in lucem prodit. . . . Romce, 1704. Obi. fol. R Bellori (Giovanni Pietro). Veteres arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes ex reliquiis quae Romae adhuc supersunt, cum imaginibus triump- halibus restituti, antiquis nummis notisque I. P. Bellorii illustrati. . . . [Engravings by P. Santi Bartoli.] RomcB, 1690. Fol. R Brown (Gerard Baldwin). The origin of Roman imperial architecture. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 5, N.S.] London, 1889. 4to. A Burn (Robert). Rome and the Campagna : an historical and topographi- cal description of the site, buildings, and neighbourhood of ancient Rome. With . . . illustrations by Jewitt, and . . . maps and plans. Cambridge, London, 1871. 4to. P [Another edition.] iWith appendix. . . . Cambridge, London, 1876. 4to. Llltistr. R Burton (Edward). A description of the antiquities and other curiosities of Rome. . . . Oxford, 1821. 8vo. R Carli (Giovanni Rinaldo) Cotite. Delle antichita italiche. . . . (Appendici di documenti spettanti alia parte quarta delle Antichita italiche.) Milano, 1788-91. 5 vols. 4to. Llhistr. R Chacon (Alonso). Colonna Traiana eretta dal senato e popolo Romano air imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma. . . . Nuova- mente disegnata et intagliata da P. Santi Bartoli. Con I'espositione latina d'A. Ciaccone, compendiata nella vulgare lingua sotto ciascuna immagine . . . da G. P. Bellori. . . . Roma, [1673]. Obi. fol. R Choisy (Auguste). L'art de batir chez les Romains. Texte. (Planches.) Paris, 1873. 2 vols. 4to. F, U L'art de batir chez les Romains. . . . Compte rendu par . . . L. Reynaud. Pans, 1874. 8vo. U Desprez (Louis Jean). [Three plates exhibiting views of Pompei en- graved by F. Piranesi after L. J. Desprez.] \Rome\ 1788-89. Fol. A Donaldson (Thomas Leverton). Pompeii ; illustrated with picturesque views engraved by W. B. Cooke from the original drawings by . . . Cockburn . . . with plans and details . . . and a descriptive letter- press to each plate by T. L. Donaldson. . . . London, 1827. 2 vols. Fol. R Dubourg ( ). Views of the remains of ancient buildings in Rome and its vicinity, with a descriptive and historical account of each subject. . . . London, 1844. 410. M Dyer (Thomas Henry). Pompeii, its history, buildings and antiquities. . . . [Based on the work of G. Clarke.] Edited by T. H. Dyer. . . . London, 1867. 8vo. lUustr. R in Manchester and Salford 129 732.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE : Roman (com.)— Dyer (Thomas Henry). Pompeii photographed. The ruins of Pompeii. A series of . . . photographic views ; with ... a description of the most interesting remains. London, 1867. 4to. P Eustace (John Chetwood). A tour through Italy, exhibiting a view of its scenery, its antiquities and its monuments, particularly as they are objects of classical interest and elucidation. With an account of the present state of its cities and towns. . . . London 18 13. 2 vols. 4 to. Lllustr. R Fabretti (Raffaello). R. Fabretti . . . de columna Trajani syntagma. . . . Romce, 1683. Fol. lllustr. R Froehner (Wilhelm). La colonne Trajane d'apr^s le surmoulage execute a Rome en 1861-62 reproduite en phototypographie par G. Arosa. 220 planches . . . avec texte orne de . . . vignettes. Paris, 1872- 74. 2 vols. Fol. F Gell {Sir William). Pompeiana : the topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819. . . . London, 1832. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. P, R Gell {Sir William) and Gandy (John Peter). Pompeiana : the topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. London, i^ii^-k). 4to. Lllustr. P, R Graevius (Joannes Georgius). Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, in quo continentur . . . scriptores qui . . . Romanae reipublicae ra- tionem . . . artesque . . . explicarunt . . . congestus a J. G. Graevio. , . . Traject. ad Rhen., Lugd. Batavor., 1694-99. 12 vols. Fol. R Graham (Alexander). Remains of the Roman occupation of North Africa, with special reference to Tunisia. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 2, N.S.] London, 1886. 4to. Lllustr. A Guattani (Giuseppe Antonio). Monument! antichi inediti ovvero notizie sulle antichita e belle arti di Roma per I'anno mdcclxxxiv [-1788]. . . . Roma, i784[-88]. 5 vols. 4to. Lllustr. R Lanciani (Rodolfo Amedeo). Ancient Rome in the light of recent dis- coveries. . . . Lofidon, [1888]. 8vo. Lllustr. R New tales of old Rome. . . . London, 1901. 8vo. Lllustr. R Pagan and Christian Rome. . . . London, [1893]. 8vo. Lllustr. R The ruins & excavations of ancient Rome ; a companion book for students and travellers. London, 1897. 8vo. Lllustr. R Lauro (Giacomo). Antiqvae vrbis splendor hoc est praecipva eivs- dem templa amphitheatra . . . aliaqve svmptvosiora aedificia . . . opera & industria I. Lauri . . , in aes incisa atque in lucem edita. Addita est breuis quaedam . . . imaginum explicatio. . . . Romce, 1612 [1637]. Obi. 4to. R Le Royer d'Artezet de La Sauvagere (Felix Fran9ois). Recueil d'anti- quites dans les Gaules. . . . Paris, 1770. 4to. Lllustr. R 9 I30 Architectural Works 722.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Roman {cont.)— Maffei (Francesco Scipione) Marquis. A compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres. More pecuh'arly regarding the architecture of those buildings, and in particular that of Verona. . . . Made English from the Italian original by A. Gordon. . . . London, 1730. 8vo. Illustr. F Marquez (Pietrp). Delle case di citta degli antichi Romani, secondo la dottrina di Vitruvio. Roma, 1795. 8vo. Illustr. R Delle ville di Plinio il Giovane. . . . Con un' appendice su gli atrj della S. Scrittura, e gli scamilli impari di Vitruvio. Roma, 1796. 8vo. Illustr. R Maundrell (Henry). A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem . . . 1697. The third edition. . . . [With illustrations of the temple of Balbeck, etc.'\ Oxford, 17 14. Svo. R Merovir, Prince des Sueves, pseud, [i.e. Fran9ois Mazois]. Le palais de Scaurus, ou description d'une maison romaine : fragment d'un voyage fait a Rome, vers la fin de la republique, par Merovir, prince des Sueves [i.e. F. Mazois]. Seconde edition. Paris, 1822. Svo. Illustr. R Middleton (John Henry). Ancient Rome in 1888, Edinburgh, 1888. 8vo. Illustr. R Millin de Grandmaison (Aubin Louis). Description des tombeaux qui ont ete decouverts a Pompei dans I'annee 181 2. . . . Naples, 181 3. 8vo. Illustr. R Moule (Thomas). An essay on the Roman villas of the Augustan age, their architectural disposition and enrichment ; and on the remains of Roman domestic edifices discovered in Great Britain. London, 1833. 8vo. Illustr. P Nissen (Heinrich). Pompeianische Studien zur Stadtekunde des Altertums Leipzig, 1877. 8vo. . R Paoli (Paolo Antonio). Antichita di Pozzuoli, (Cuma e Baja). Puteolanae antiquitates. [Italian and Latin.] [Naples, 1768.] Fol. Illustr. R Paesti, quod Posidoniam etiam dixere, rudera. (Rovine della citta di Pesto, detta ancora Posidonia.) [Latin and Italian.] Romae. 1784. Fol. Illustr. R Parker (John Henry). The archaeology of Rome. Oxford, Lotidon, \^ia,- 77. 9 vols. 8vo. Illustr. P Piranesi (Francesco). Colonna eretta in memoria dell' apoteosi di Antonino Pio, e Faustina sua moglie, il di cui piedestallo si vede inalzato sulla piazza di Monte Citorio. . . . [7 sheets of engravings.] [Rome,\']']2>'f\ Fol. A, R *^* The title is taken from the heading of Plate I. Differentes vues de quelques restes de trois grands edifices qui subsi stent encore dans le milieu de I'ancienne ville de Pesto autre- ment Possidonia. ... [A series of plates.] [Rome, 1778.] Fol. A. R in Manchester and Salford 1 3 1 722.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Roman {cont.)— Piranesi (Francesco). Dimostrazioni dell' emissario del Lago Fucino. [An engraving in 2 parts.] {^Rome, 1800?] Fol. A Icnografia del circo di Caracalla fuori della Porta Capena. . . . [An engraving in 2 parts.] \_Ronie, yiZoV^ Fol. A Pianta del piano superiore della parte del Palazzo de' Cesari creduta I'abitazione d'Augusto sul Monte Palatino. -. . . (Pianta del piano inferiore d'una parte del Palazzo de' Cesari creduta le terme Pala- tine.) [2 plates.] [^Rome], 1787. Fol. A Pianta delle fabbriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana. [An engraving in 6 parts.] \^Rome^ 1781.] Fol. A Raccolta de' tempi antichi. . . . Prima parte che comprende i tempi di Vesta madre, ossia della Terra, e della Sibilla ambedue in Tivoli, e dell' Onore, e della Virtu fuori di Porta Capena. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Roma,[\iZQ\. Fol. A, R Sciographia quatuor templorum veterum. . . . [The Pantheon only, A series of plates.] [i^t'Wf', 1790?] Fol. A, C* *,* The plates of the Pantheon were issued as Pt. 2 of " Raccolta de' tempi antichi ". II teatro d'Ercolano. ... [A series of plates, with introductory letterpress.] SjRome, 1783.] Fol. A*, C Topografia delle fabriche scoperte nella citta di Pompei da F. Piranesi . . . delineata ed incisa. [i plate.] \Rome, 1785.] Fol. A [Another edition.] \Rome, 1792.] Fol. A Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Alcune vedute di archi trionfali, ed altri monument! inalzati da Romani parte de quali si veggono in Roma, e parte per I'ltalia disegnati ed incisi dal cavalier G. B. Piranesi. [A series of plates.] [Rotne, 1748.] Fol. R Antichita d' Albano e di Castel Gandolfo descritte ed incise da G. Piranesi. [A series of plates.] [Rome, 1^6 4.] Fol. A, C, R Antichita di Cora descritte ed incise da G. Piranesi. [A series of plates.] [Rome, 1765.] Fol. A, C, R Antichita romane de' tempi della repubblica, e de' primi imperatori, disegnate ed incise da G. Piranesi. ... [A series of plates.] Roma, [1748]. 2 vols. Fol. C, R Le antichita romane. ... [A series of plates, with introductory letterpress.] Rotna, i^k^S. 4 vols. Fol. A*, C, R [Another edition.] Rotna, 1784. 4 vols. Fol. R J. B. Piranesii . . . Campus Martius antiquae urbis. (II campo Marzio deir antica Roma.) [In Latin and Italian.] Romae, 1762. Fol. Illustr. A, C, R J. B. Piranesii . . . de Romanorum magnificentia et architectura. (Della magnificenza ed architettura de' Romani.) [In Latin and Italian.] Romae, 1761. Fol. Illustr. A, C, R Descrizione e disegno dell' emissario del Lago Albano. [A series of plates.] [Rome, 1762.] Fol. A, C, R 132 Architectural Works 722.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Roman (cont.)— Piranesi (Giovanni Battista.) Di due spelonche ornate dagli antichi alia riva del Lago Albano. [A series of plates.] [J?ome, 1762.] Fol. A, C, R Opere varie di architettura, prospettive, grotteschi, antichita, sul gusto degli antichi Romani inventate ed incise da G. B. Piranesi. . . . [A series of plates.] J^oma, 1750. Fol. C, R Le rovine del Castello dell' Acqua Giulia situate in Roma. . . . Colla dichiarazione di uno de' celebri passi del comentario Frontiniano e sposizione della maniera con cui gli antichi Romani distribuivan le acque per uso della citta. {Roma, 1761.) Fol. A, C, R Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto innalzati per la vittoria ad Actium e conquista dell' Egitto. Con varj altri ornamenti. . . . Disegnati ed incisi da G. Piranesi. ... [A series of plates.] Roma, 1753. Fol. A, C, R Trofeo, o sia magnifica colonna . . . ove si veggono scolpite le due guerre daciche fatte da Trajano. . . . [Rome, 1770.] Fol. A, R Vedute di Roma disegnate ed incise da G. Piranesi. ... [A series of plates.] [Rome, i^G^.] 3 vols. Fol. A*, C*, R Pompeii. Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell' antica Pompei incisi in rame. Napoli, 1796. Fol. R [Another edition.] Napoli, 1808. 2 pts. Fol. R Price (John Edward) and (Frederick George Hilton). A guide to the Roman villa recently discovered at Morton . . . Isle of Wight. Seventh edition. Ventnor, 1882. i2mo. Illustr. F Rossi (Domenico de). Romanse magnitudinis monumenta, quae urbem illam orbis dominam velut redivivam exhibent posteritati . . . resti- tuta et aucta cura, sumptibus ac typis D. de Rubeis. ... [A series of plates engraved by P. Santi Bartoli.] Roince, 1699. Obi. fol. R Rossini (Luigi). Le antichita dei contorni di Roma ossia le piu famose citta del Lazio, Tivoli, Albano, Castel Gandolfo, Palestrina, Tusculo, Cora e Ferentini. Descritte, desegnate ed incise da L. Rossini. Roma, [1826]. Fol. A *^* This copy has no title-page or letterpress. Sallengre (Albert Henri de). Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. HagcR-Comitum, 17 16-19. 3 vols. Fol. R Skelton (Joseph). An account of the Roman villa discovered at North- leigh, Oxfordshire, in ... 18 13, 181 4, 181 5, 18 16. [5 plates. Reprinted from Skelton's " Antiquities of Oxfordshire ". Prefatory note signed H. HakewilL] London, 1826. 4to. F Strack (Heinrich). Baudenkmaeler des alten Rom. Nach photograph- ischen Originalaufnahmen herausgegeben von H. Strack. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1890-92. Fol. M Suares (Joseph Marie) Bishop of Vaison. losephi Marine Suaresii . . . Praenestes antique libri duo. Rofnce, 1655. 4to. Illustr. R in Manchester and Salford 133 722.7 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Roman {cont.)— Taylor (George Ledwell). The stones of Etruria, and marbles of antient . . . Rome ; or remarks on antient Roman and Etruscan architec- ture and remains. . . . London, 1859. 4to. Illustr. P Venuti (Ridolfino). Accurata e succinta descrizione topografica delle antichita di Roma. [With plates by G. B. Piranesi and others.] Roma, 1763. 2 vols. 4to. R Edizione terza, che contiene oltre le nuove scoperte ed aggiunte altre interessanti note ed illustrazioni di S. Piale. . . . Roma, 1824. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Illustr. R Wood (Robert). The ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis in Coelosyria. London, 1757. Fol. Illustr. P The ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor, in the desert. London, 1753. Fol. Illustr. P, R 722.8 Greek and Roman. Adler (Friedrich). Das Mausoleum zu Halikarnass. . . . Berlin, 1900. Fol. Illustr. M Anderson (William J.) and Spiers (Richard Phene). The architecture of Greece and Rome : a sketch of its historic development. London, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. F, M, S, U Archaeological Institute of America : American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Arch^ological Institute of America. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens . . . 1 882-1883, \etc\ Boston, 1885, etc. 8vo. Illustr. hi progress. R Bishop (Henry Halsall). Pictorial architecture of Greece and Italy. . . . London, 1887. Obi. 4to. S British Museum. — Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. A de- scription of the collection of ancient marbles in the British Museum. . . . [Pt. 1-4 by T. Combe. Pt. 5, 7-10 by E. Hawkins. Pt. 6 by C. R. Cockerell. Pt. 11 by S. Birch.] London, 1812-61. 11 vols. 4to. Illustr. R, P* British School at Athens. The annual of the British School at Athens. . . . {London), [1895, etc.\ 4to. Ln progress. Illustr. R Burrow (Edward J.). The Elgin marbles : with an abridged historical and topographical account of Athens. . . . Illustrated with . . . plates drawn and etched by the author. London, 181 7. Vol. i. 8vo. P Burrows (Ronald Montagu). The discoveries in Crete and their bearing on the history of ancient civilisation. . . . London, 1907. 8vo. Illustr. R Carrey (Jacques). Athenes au 176 siecle. Dessins des sculptures du Parthenon . . . accompagnes de vues et plans d' Athenes et de I'Acropole. Publics par H. Omont. Paris, 1898. Fol. U Chandler (Richard). Ionian antiquities published with permission of the Society of Dilletanti by R. Chandler . . . N. Revett . . . W. Pars. . . . London, 1769. [Pt. i.] Fol. Illustr. P Choisy (Auguste). Etudes epigraphiques sur I'architecture grecque. Paris, 1884. 4to. Illustr. U 134 Architectural Works 722.8 ANCIENTAND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Greek and Roman (continued) — Clarke (Edward Daniel). The tomb of Alexander : a dissertation on the sarcophagus brought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum. Cambridge, 1805. 4to. Illustr. R Cockerell (Charles Robert). The temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at ^gina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, near Phigaleia in Arcadia. To which is added a memoir of the systems of proportion employed in the original design of these structures, by W. W. Lloyd. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1Z60. Fol. F Collignon (Maxime). Manuel d'archeologie grecque. [Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux- Arts.] Paris, 1881. Svo. U Curtius (Ernst). Die Akropolis von Athen. Ein Vortrag. . . . Berlin, 1844. 8vo. Illustr. F Dissertazione. Dissertazione esegetica intorno all'origine ed al sistema della sacra architettura presso i Greci. [Preface signed Gli Accade- mici Ercolanesi.] Napoli, 1831. Fol. Illustr. R Doerpfeld (Wilhelm). Troja und Ilion. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in den vorhistorischen und historischen Schichten von Ilion, 1870- 1894. Athefi, 1902. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R Donaldson (Thomas Leverton). Architectura numismatica ; or, archi- tectural medals of classic antiquity : illustrated and explained by com- parison with the monuments and the descriptions of ancient authors. . . . London, 1859. 8vo. F Falkener (Edward). Ephesus, and the temple of Diana. Lofidon, 1862. 4to. Illustr. P, R, S Gardner (Percy). Sculptured tombs of Hellas. . . . London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. R Gell {Sir William). The itinerary of Greece, with a commentary on Pausanias and Strabo, and an account of the monuments of antiquity at present existing in that country. . . . London, \Z\o. 4to. Illustr. R Gordon (George Hamilton) \th Earl of Aberdeen. An inquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture, with an historical view of the rise and progress of the art in Greece. Lotidon, 1822. 8vo. C, P, R [Another edition.] [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 130.] Lon- don, i860. Svo. F Gronovius (Jacobus). Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum. . . . Lug- du7ii Batavorum, 169 7- 1702. 12 vols. Illustr. Fol. R Hittorff (Jacques Ignace) & Zanth (L.). Architecture antique de la Sicile. Recueil des monuments de Segeste et de Selinonte mesures et dessines. . . . Suivi de recherches sur I'origine et le developpement de I'architecture religieuse chez les Grecs par J. L Hittorff. [A series ot plates, with descriptive letterpress. Completed by C. Hittorff.] Paris, 1870. 2 vols. Fol. F in Manchester and Salford ^35 722.8 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE : Greek and Roman (continued) — Inwood (Henry William). The Erechtheion at Athens ; fragments of Athenian architecture and a few remains in Attica, Megara, and Epirus. Illustrated with outline plates and a descriptive historical view, combining also under the divisions Cadmeia, Romeros, and Herodotos, the origin of temples and of Grecian art of the periods preceding. London, 1827. Fol. R [Another edition.] London, 1831. Fol. Lllustr. A, F Koldewey (Robert) and Puchstein (Otto). Die griechischen Tempel in Unteritalien und Sicilien. Berlin, 1899. 2 vols. Fol. R I. Text. 2. Tafeln. Lawrence (Richard). Elgin marbles, from the Parthenon at Athens. . . . London, 18 18. Fol. Lllustr. P Legrand (Jacques Guillaume). Monumens de la Grece, ou collection des chefs-d'oeuvre d'architecture, de sculpture et de peinture antiques. . . . Paris, 1808. Fol. Lllustr. A * Lyons (Henry George). A report on the island and temples of Philae. . . With an introductory note by W. E. Garstin. London, [1896]. Obi. 4to. Lllustr. Michaelis (Adolf Theodor Friedrich). Der Parthenon. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Leipzig, 1870-71. Fol. and 8vo. P Mitchell (Charles F.) and (George A.). Classic architecture : a series of ten plates, illustrating typical examples of the Grecian and Roman orders, with full details and a selection of Grecian and Roman ornament. London, 1901. Fol. ^ Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree ordonnee par le gouvernement fran9ais. Architecture, sculptures, inscriptions et vues de Pelo- ponfese, des Cyclades, et de I'Attique. Mesurees, dessinees, re- cueillies et publiees par A. Blouet ... A. Ravoisie, A. Poiret, F. Trezel et F. de Gournay. . . . Paris, 1831-38. 3 vols. Fol. R Murray (Alexander Stuart). The sculptures of the Parthenon. London, 1903. 8vo. ^ Newton {Sir Charles Thomas). A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchid^. By C. T. Newton . . . assisted by R. P. Pullan. . . . London, 1862-63. 2 vols, in 3. Fol. and Svo. R 1. Plates. — 1862. Fol. 2. [Text.]— 1862-63. 2 pts. Svo. Passow (Wolfgang). Studien zum Parthenon. [Philologische Unter- suchungen. 17.] Berlin, 1902. 8vo. Lllustr. R, U Pennethorne (John). The geometry and optics of ancient architecture illustrated by examples from Thebes, Athens, and Rome. By J. Pennethorne . . . assisted by J. Robinson. . . . [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Lofidon and Edinburgh, 1878. Fol. 136 Architectural Works 723.8 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Greek and Roman {continued) — Penrose (Francis Cranmer). An investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture ; or the results of a recent survey conducted chiefly with reference to the optical refinements exhibited in the construction of the ancient buildings at Athens. . . . Published by the Society of Dilettanti. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1851. Fol. F, P, U The temple of Jupiter Olympius. [Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 4, N.S.] London, 1888. 4to. Lllustr. A Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles). History of art in primitive Greece. Mycenian art. From the French. . . . [Translated and edited by I. Gonino.] London, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. R Poleni (Giovanni). Utriusque thesauri \i.e. of Graevius and Gronovius] antiquitatum Romanarum Grsecarumque nova supplementa. . . . Venetiis, 1737. 5 vols. Fol. Lllustr. R Reinhardt (Robert). Die Gesetzmassigkeit der griechischen Baukunst dargestellt an Monumenten verschiedener Bauperioden. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Stuttgart, igo-x,. Th. i. Fol. F I. Der Theseustempel in Athen. Schliemann (Heinrich). Tiryns. The prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns ; the results of the latest excavations. . . . London, 1886. 8vo. Lllustr. R Schwerzek (Carl). Erlauterungen zu dem Versuch einer Rekonstruktion des«ostlichen Parthenongiebels. Wien, 1904. 4to. U Sillig (Carl Julius). Catalogus artificum, sive architecti, statuarii, sculptores, pictores, caelatores et scalptores Graecorum et Romanorum liter- arum ordine dispositi. . . . Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1827. 8vo. R Dictionary of the artists of antiquity. . . . Translated by H. W. Williams. . . . London, 1837. 8vo, F Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. The journal of Hellenic studies. London, [1880, etc\ 8vo. Lllustr. Ln progress. R Plates. London, [1880-87]. Fol. R * ^* After vol. 8 the plates were not issued apart from the text. Supplementary papers. London, 1892-1904. 4 vols. Fol. and 8vo. Lllustr. R 1. Excavations at Megalopolis, 1890-91. By E. A. Gardner, W. Loring, G. C. Richards. W. J. Woodhouse. With an architectural description by R. W. Schultz.— 1892. Fol. 2. Ecclesiastical sites of Isauria (Cicilia Trachea). By A. C. Headlam. . . . — 1893. Fol. 3. Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings. By . . . J. H. Middleton. . . . Edited by E. A. Gardner. — igoo. 8vo. 4. Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos conducted by the British School at Athens. . . . — 1904. 8vo. in Manchester and Salford 137 722.8 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE : Greek and Roman {^continued) — Society of Dilettanti. The unedited antiquities of Attica, comprising the architectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium, and Thoricus. London^ 1817. Fol. Illustr. A, P, R Second edition. London, 1833. Fol. Illustr. A *Strack (Johann Heinrich). Das altgriechische Theatergebaude. . . . Potsdam, 1843. Fol- Illustr. Stuart (James) and Revett (Nicholas). The antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated. . . . [With descriptive letterpress. Vol. 2 edited by W. Newton, vol. 3 by VV. Reveley, and vol. 4 by J. Woods.] London, 1762-1816. 4 vols, Fol. A, P, R A new edition. (Edited by W. Kinnard. . . .) (Vol. 4. Antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, etc., supplementary to the Antiquities of Athens. . . . Delineated and illustrated by C. R. Cockerell . . . W. Kinnard,, T. L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins, W. Railton.) London, 1825-30. 4 vols. Fol. M %* This is a new and revised edition of vol. 1-3, with a fourth volume of new matter. Vol. 4 of the original edition was not republished, as the copyright had not expired. Les antiquites d'Athenes. . . . Traduit de I'Anglais, par L. F. F. \i.e. L. F. Feuillet]. Paris, 1808-22. 4 vols. Fol. Illustr. A The antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece as measured and delineated by J. Stuart . . . and N. Revett. . . . Third edition. [Bohn's Illustrated Library.] London, 1892. 8vo. Illustr. A %* A manual based upon the work of Stuart and Revett. Waldstein (Charles) and others. The Argive Heraeum. . . . [Archseo- logical Institute of America : American School of Classical Studies at Athens.] Boston and New York. 1902-05. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. R Watt (James Cromar). Examples of Greek and Pompeian decorative work. Measured and drawn by J. C. Watt. London, 1897. Fol. M, T *Wieseler (Friedrich Julius August). Theatergebaude und Denkmaler des Buhnenwesens bei den Griechen und Romern. Gotiingen, 185 1. 4to. Illustr. Wilkins (William). The antiquities of Magna Graecia. Cambridge, 1807. Fol. Illustr. p p Prolusiones architectonicse ; or, essays on subjects connected with Grecian and Roman architecture. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1837. 4to. F Wood (John Turtle). Discoveries at Ephesus, including the site and remains of the great temple of Diana. . . . London, 1877. 8vo. Lllustr. r% Worsley {Right Hon. Sir Richard) Bart. Museum Worsleyanum; or, a collection of antique basso-relievos, bustos, statues and gems ; with views of places in the Levant taken on the spot in the years 1785-6 & 7. [With letterpress in English and Italian.] London, 1824. 2 vols. Fol. p 138 Architectural Works 723.9 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE: Other Classes. Aztec, Peruvian, Maya, Yucatan, etc. * Penafiel (Antonio). Monumentos del arte mexicano antiguo. Ornamen- tacion, mitologia, tributos y monumentos. . . . Obra acompanada de dos volumenes de laminas. (Monuments de I'art, etc. — Monu- ments of ancient Mexican art, etc?) [Spanish, French, and English.] Berlin, 1890. 3 vols. Fol. Squier (Ephraini George). Peru : incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. . . . Second edition. London, 1878. 8vo. Illustr. R Stephens (John Lloyd). Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. . . . Twelfth edition. JVezv York, i^^^T)- 2 vols. Svo. lilustr. R Incidents of travel in Yucatan. . . . JVew York, 1843. 2 vols. Svo. Illustr. R 23 MEDIAEVAL ARCHITECTURE: General. Bowman (Henry) and Crowther (J. S.). The churches of the middle ages- Being select specimens of early and middle pointed structures, with a few of the purest late pointed examples. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] . . . London, [1855?] 2 vols. Fol. A, F Didron (Adolphe Napoleon). Christian iconography ; or, the history ot Christian art in the middle ages. Translated from the French by E. J. Millington. In two vols. London, 1851. Vol. i. Svo. Illustr. T Hassell (John). Beauties of antiquity ; or, remnants of feudal splendor and monastic times. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] London, 1807, Svo. F Lacroix (Paul). Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen age et a I'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre de quinze planches chromolitho- graphiques executees par F. Kellerhoven et de quatre cent quarante gravures. Paris, 187 1. 4to. F The arts in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance. . . . [Translated by J. Dafforne]. London, iZ^o. Svo. Illustr. P *^* Contains chapters on architecture, glass, and fresco painting. Lindsay (Alexander William Crawford) Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Sketches of the history of Christian art. London, 1847. 3 vols. Svo. B, R I. Roman and Byzantine art. 2-3. Christian art of modern Europe, period i. Architecture. Marucchi (Orazio). Elements d'archeologie chretienne. Paris, Pome, 1S99-1902. 3 vols. Svo. Illustr. R 3. Basiliques et ^glises de Rome. Nesfield (William Eden). Specimens of mediaeval architecture, chiefly selected from examples of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy and drawn by W. E. Nesfield. ... [A series of plates.] Lon- don, 1S62. Fol. A, F in Manchester and Salford 139 733 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE: General {continued)— Perry (John Tavenor). The chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture, a date book of architectural art, from the building of the ancient basilica of S. Peter's, Rome, to the consecration of the present church. Lotidon, 1893. 8vo. F Ruskin (John). Verona, and other lectures. . . . With illustrations from drawings by the author. [Edited by W. G. C, i.e. W. G. Collingwood.] Orpington and London, 1894. 8vo. B, P, R Scott {Sir George Gilbert). Lectures on the rise and development of mediaeval architecture. Delivered at the Royal Academy. . . . London, 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Lliustr. A, F Seroux d'Agincourt (Jean Baptiste Louis Georges). History of art by its monuments, from its decline in the fourth century to its restoration in the sixteenth. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Translated from the French. London, 1847. 3 vols, in i. Fol. A I. Architecture. Verdier (Aymar) and Cattois (Fran9ois). Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la renaissance. Paris, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. Lliustr. F Wright (Thomas). Essays on archaeological subjects, and on various questions connected with the history of art, science, and literature in the middle ages. . . . London, 1861. 2 vols. i2mo. Lliustr. R 723.1 Early Christian. Beaudoire (Theophile). Genese de la cryptographie apostolique et de I'architecture rituelle du premier au seizieme siecle. . . . Paris, 1902. Fol. Lliustr. F Brown (Gerard Baldwin). From schola to cathedral. A study of early Christian architecture and its relation to the life of the church. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8vo. F, U Holtzinger (Heinrich). Die altchristliche Architektur in systematischer Darstellung : Form, Einrichtung und Ausschmiickung der altchrist- lichen Kirchen, Baptisterien, und Sepulcralbauten. . . . Stuttgart, 1889. 8vo. Lliustr. R Huebsch (Heinrich). Monuments de I'architecture chretienne depuis Constantin jusqu'a Charlemagne et leur influence sur le style des constructions religieuses aux epoques posterieures. . . . Ouvrage traduit . . . par ... v. Guerber. Paris, 1866. Fol. U Vogiie (Charles Jean Melchior de) Comte. Syrie centrale ; architecture civile et religieuse du ler au Vile siecle. Par le cte de Vogiie . . . [and W. H. Waddington]. Paris, 1865-77. 2 vols. 4to. Lliustr. R 723.2 Byzantine. Coptic. See also 720.947 : Russia. Aitchison (George). Byzantine architecture. With notes by ... E. W. Tarn . . . and a translation of chap. xii. of L'art de batir chez les Byzantins, by A. Choisy. . . . [Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 8, N.S.] London^ 1892. 4to. Lliustr. A 140 Architectural Works 723.2 MEDI/CVAL ARCHITECTURE: Byzantine. Coptic {cofainued}— Beylie (Leon M. Eugene de). L'habitation byzantine : recherches sur I'architecture civile des Byzantins et son influence en Europe. Gre- 7ioble, Paris, 1902. 4to. Illustr. F, R Brockhaus (Heinrich). Die Kunst in den Athos-Klostern. . . . Leipzig^ 1 89 1. 8vo. Illustr. R Butler (Alfred Joshua). The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. . . . Oxford, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. R Choisy (Auguste). L'art de batir chez les Byzantins. Paris, 1883. 4to. Illustr. F, U * Dehli (Arne). Byzantinisches Ornament in Italien. Auswahl vorbildlicher Einzelheiten aus den Gebieten der Architektur, Skulptur und Metall- arbeit mit Profilzeichnungen und Massangaben. [A series of plates.] leipzig, 1890. 2 vols. Fol. Diehl (Charles). Justinien et la civilisation byzantine au Vie siecle. [Monuments de I'Art Byzantin.] Paris, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. R Lethaby (William Richard) and Swainson (Harold). The church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople. A study of Byzantine building. London, 1894. 8vo. F, U Millet (Gabriel). Le monastere de Daphni, histoire, architecture, mos- aiques. . . . [Monuments de I'Art Byzantin.] Paris, 1899. 4to. Illustr. R Salzenberg (W.). Alt-christliche Baudenkmale von Constantinopel vom V bis XII Jahrhundert. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berliti, 1854. Fol. F Schultz (Robert Weir) and Barnsley (Sidney Howard). The monastery of Saint Luke of Stiris, in Phocis, and the dependent monastery of Saint Nicholas in the Fields, near Skripou, in Boeotia. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1901. Fol. F Texier (Charles Felix Marie) and Pullan (Richard Popplewell). Byzantine architecture ; illustrated by examples of edifices erected in the east . . . with historical and archaeological descriptions. London, 1864. Fol. C, F, U 723.3 Mohammedan, Saracenic, Moorish, Persian, Turkish, Indian. See also supra, 720.95 and 722.4. * Bijapur. Architecture at Beejapoor, an ancient Mahometan capital in the Bombay Presidency, photographed from drawings by ... P. D. Hart ... A. Cumming . . . and native draftsmen ; and on the spot by . . . Biggs and . . . Loch. . . . With an historical and descriptive memoir by . . . M. Taylor . . . and architectural notes by J. Fergusson, London, 1866. Fol. * Bourgoin (Jules). Les arts arabes : architecture, menuiserie, bronzes, plafonds, revetements, marbres, pavements, vitraux, etc. Avec une table descriptive et explicative. . . . [With a preface by E. VioUet-le- Duc] Paris, 1873. Fol. in Manchester and Salford 141 723.3 MEDI/EVAL ARCHITECTURE: Mohammedan, Saracenic, Moorish, Persian, Turkish, Indian {continued) — Burgess (James). The Muhammadan architecture of Ahmadabad. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. Vol. 24, 33. — Western India. Vol. 7-8.] London, 1900-05. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. U On the Muhammadan architecture of Bharoch, Cambay, Dholka, Champanir, and Mahmudabad in Gujarat. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. Vol. 23. — Western India. Vol. 6.] London, i8g6. Fol. U Burgess (James) and Cousens (Henry). The architectural antiquities of Northern Gujerat, more especially of the districts included in the Baroda State. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. Vol. 32. — Western India. Vol. 9.] London, 1903. 410. Lllustr. U Calvert (Albert Frederick). Moorish remains in Spain, being a brief record of the Arabian conquest of the peninsula, with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decoration in Cordova, Seville and Toledo. London, 1906. 4to. Lllustr. F Cole (Henry Hardy). . . . The architecture of ancient Delhi, especially the buildings around the Kutb Minar. [Arundel Society.] London, 1872. 4to. Lllustr. M Illustrations of buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Mahomedan style of Upper India. . . . London, 1873. 4to. F *Coste (Xavier Pascal). Architecture arabe ; ou, monuments du Kaire mesures et dessines de 1818 a 1826. Paris, 1839. Fol. Lllustr. Fuehrer (Alois Anton). The Shargi architecture of Jaunpur . . . with drawings and architectural descriptions by E. W. Smith. . . . [Arch- aeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. 11.] Calcutta, 1889. Fol. U Goury (Jules) and Jones (Owen). Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra : from drawings taken on the spot in 1834 by . . . J. Goury, and in 1834 and 1837 by O. Jones. . . . With a complete translation of the Arabic inscriptions ; and an historical notice of the kings of Granada, from the conquest of that city by the Arabs to the expulsion of the Moors, by P. de Gayangos. [Te.xt in English and French.] London, 1842-45. 2 vols Fol. A, F, M Hulst (R. d') Count. The Arab house of Egypt. With notes by R. P. Spiers . . . and J. D. Grace. . . . [Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 6, N.S.] London, 1890. 4to. Lllustr. A * Jacob (Samuel Swinton). Jeypore portf >lio of architectural details. . . . Prepared under the supervision of . . . S. S. Jacob. London^ 1890-98. 10 vols. Fol. Manuel. Manuel d'art Musulman. Paris, 1907. 2 vols. 8vo. R I. L'architecture. Par H. Saladin. . . . — 1907. 142 Architectural Works 723.3 MEDI/^VAL ARCHITECTURE : Mohammedan, Saracenic, Moorish, Persian, Turkish, Indian {continued) — Mar^ais (William) and (Georges). Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. . . . [Service des Monuments Historiques de I'Algerie.] Paris, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. F Murphy (James Cavanah). The Arabian antiquities of Spain. [A series of plates, with historical and antiquarian descriptions by T. H. Home.] London, 18 13 (1815). Fol. M, R Olufsen (O.). The second Danish Pamir-Expedition. Old and new architecture in Khiva, Bokhara and Turkestan. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Copenhagen, 1904. Fol. F Samarkand. Les mosquees de Samarcande. Public par la Commission imperiale archeologique. [A series of plates.] St. Peterslna-g, 1905. Fol. In progress. F Sarre (Friedrich). Denkmaler persischer Baukunst. Geschichtliche Untersuchung und Aufnahme muhammedanischer Backsteinbauten in Vorderasien und Persien. Von F. Sarre unter Mitwirkung von B. Schulz und G. Krecker. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1901. Fol. F Smith (Edmund W.). The Moghul architecture of Fathpur-Sikri. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. 18.] Alla- habad, 1894-98. 4 pts. Fol. Illustr. U Moghul colour decoration of Agra. [Archaeological Survey of India. New Imperial Series. 30.] Allahabad, 1901. Pt. i. Fol. U Portfolio of Indian architectural drawings. Prepared by E. W. Smith. . . . Issued by the Government North-West Provinces and Oudh. Photo-lithographed by W. Griggs. . . . [Archaeological Survey of India.] London, Calcutta, and Allahabad, 1897. Pt. i. Fol, M *^* " The originals from which the accompanying photo-lithographs have been reproduced were prepared, in the first instance, amongst others, to illustrate the Report of the Archaeological Survey of India entitled ' The Moghul architecture of Fathpur-Sikri.' " {Preface.) * Turkey. L'architecture ottomane. . . . Texte fran9ais par M. de Launay. Dessins par Montani Effendi, Boghoz Effendi Chachian, et Maillard. Documents techniques par Montani Effendi. Execution materielle par Sebak. — Die ottomanische Baukunst, etc. [French and German.] Constantinople, 1873. Fol. Zmigrodzki (Michael von Srzeniawa). Geschichte der Baukunst der Araber und der Bauweise der Mauren in Spanien. . . . Inaugural- dissertation. . , . Krakau, 1899. 8vo. U 723.4 Romanesque: General. Corroyer (Edouard Jules). L'architecture romane. [Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux-Arts.] Paris, 1888. 8vo. U 723.42 English. Norman. Ruprich-Robert (Victor Marie Charles). L'architecture normande aux Xle et Xlle siecles en Normandie et en Angleterre. . . . Paris, [1889]. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F, R in Manchester and Salford 143 723.44 MEDI/GVAL ARCHITECTURE: Romanesque: French. Enlart (Camille). Monuments religieux de I'architecture romane et de transition dans la region picarde. . . . Anciens dioceses d'Amiens et de Boulogne. . . . [Memoires de la Soctiete des Antiquaires de Picardie.] Amiens, Paris, 1895. 4to. Illustr. R Inkersley (Thomas). An inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and pointed architecture in France. . Londoti, 1850. 8vo. p y Lamed (Walter Cranston). Churches and castles of medieval France. London, 1895. ^vo. lUustr. p Revoil (Henry Antoine). Architecture romane du midi de la France dessinee, mesuree et decrite. . . . Paris, 1873. 3 vols. Fol. lllustr. p Thiollier (Noel). L'architecture religieuse a I'epoque romane dans I'ancien diocese du Puy. Nombreuses gravures ou heliogravures executees sous la direction de F. Thiollier. Le Pujy, [igoo], Fol. F 723-45 Italian. Dartein (Ferdinand de). Etude sur l'architecture lombarde et sur les origines de l'architecture romano-byzantine. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1865-82. 2 vols. Fol. p Stannus (Hugh). On some examples of Romanesque architecture in north Italy. A lecture delivered before the Api)lied-Art Section of theSociety of Arts, 12 March 1901. [Second edition.] . . . London, 1 901. 8vo. A p 723.48 Scandinavian. ^ Seesselberg (Friedrich). Die frueh-mittelalterliche Kunst der german- ischen Voelker. Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der skandina- vischen Baukunst in ethnologisch-anthropologischer Begruendung, Hierzu gehoerig das Tafelwerk : Die skandinavische Baukunst der ersten nordisch-christlichen Jahrhunderte. Berlin, 1897, 2 vols. Fol. p 723.49 Minor Countries. Freeman (Edward Augustus). On certain early Romanesque buildings in Switzerland and the neighbouring countries. [From " Trans. R. Inst. Brit. Arch."] [London, 1864.] 4to. \} 723*5 Gothic or Pointed : General. See also mira, 724.3. Bloxam (Matthew Holbeche). The principles of Gothic architecture elucidated by question and answer. Second edition. London, 1836. 8vo. lllustr. p The principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture. . . . Fourth edition. Oxford, [1S41 ?] 8vo. Lllustr. p • Sixth edition. London, 1844. 8vo. lllustr. T Eighth edition. London, 1846. 8vo. Lllustr. A, B Ninth edition. London, 1849. 8vo. Lllustr. C Tenth edition. London, 1859. 8vo. Lllustr. S Eleventh edition. (With . . . illustrations . . . mostly by . . . T. O. S. Jewiit.) London^ 1882. 2 vols. 8vo. lllustr. P ^n/versity\/ 'FORW\^^>^ 144 Architectural Works 723.5 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE: Gothic or Pointed: General {continued) — Bloxam (Matthew Holbeche). Companion to the Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, being a brief account of the vestments in use in the church, prior to, and the changes therein in and from, the reign of Edward VI. With . . . illustrations . . . mostly by . . . T. O. S. Jewitt. London, 1882. 8vo. F Browne (Edith A.). Great buildings and how to enjoy them. Gothic architecture. London, igo6. 8vo. Lllicstr. F Coney (John). Engravings of ancient cathedrals, hotels de ville, and other public buildings of celebrity in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. Drawn on the spot, and engraved by J. Coney. With illus- trative descriptions [in English, French, Italian, and German]. Lon- don, 1832. Fol. R Corroyer (^douard Jules). L'architecture gothique. [Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux-Arts.] Paris, 1891. 8vo. U Davidson (Ellis A.). Gothic stonework. Containing the history and principles of church architecture, and illustrations of the character- istic features of each period, the arrangement of ecclesiastical edifices, and a glossary of terms. London, Paris, and New York, [n.d.] 8vo. Lllustr. T Donaldson (William Leverton). On heraldry and its connection with Gothic architecture. . . . London^ 1837. 8vo. Lllustr. F Gonse (Louis). L'art gothique. L'architecture, la peinture, la sculpture, le decor. Paris, [1896]. Fol. Lllustr. F Griffith (William Pettit). Ancient Gothic churches, their proportions and chromatics-. London, 1847. 4^0. Lllustr. A Haggitt (John). Two letters ... on the subject of Gothic architecture . . . and an inquiry into the eastern origin of the Gothic, or pointed, style. Cambridge, 18 13. 8vo. U Hall {Sir James) Bart. Essay on the origin, history, and principles of Gothic architecture. . . . London, 18x3. 4to. Lllustr. A, F, R, U Hawkins (John Sidney). An history of the origin and establishment of Gothic architecture ; comprehending also an account, from his own writings, of Caesar Csesarianus . . . and an inquiry into the mode of painting upon and staining glass, as practised in the ecclesiastical structures ofthe middle ages. London, iZit,- 8vo. Lllustr. F, R, U Hoffstadt (Fiiedrich). Hoffstadt's Development of the true principles of Christian or pointed architecture applied also to various other arts according to the most authentic documents of the middle ages, trans- lated and edited by J. Philp. [A series of plates.] London, 1851. Fol. F Lascelles (Rowley). The heraldic origin of Gothic architecture in answer to all foregoing systems on this subject. . . . London, 1820. 8vo. F London. — Royal Architectural Museum. [Photographs of architectural ornament, chiefly Gothic, from the Royal Architectural Museum, London.] 3 vols. Obi. 4to. M in Manchester and Salford 145 723.5 MEDI/EVAL ARCHITECTURE: Gothic or Pointed: General {continued) — Moore (Charles Herbert). Development and character of Gothic archi- tecture. London, 1890. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Second edition. London, 1899. 8vo. Lllustr. S Morris (William). Gothic architecture : a lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Hammersmith: Keimscott Press, 1893. i6mo. F, R Nash (Joseph). Architecture of the middle ages ; drawn from nature and on stone by J. Nash. l^Londonl, 1838. Fol. A, C Paley (Frederick Apthorp). A manual of Gothic mouldings. A practical treatise on their formations, gradual development, combinations and varieties. With full directions for copying them, and for determining their dates. . . . London, 1845. ^'^O- Lllustr. A Third edition, with numerous additions and improvements, by W. M. Fawcett. London, 1865. 8vo. Lllustr. A, M, U Fourth edition. London, 1877. ^^o. Lllustr. F Sixth edition. London^ 1902. 8vo. Lllustr. F Parker (John Henry). A B C of Gothic architecture. Oxford and Lon- don, t88i. i6mo. Lllustr. T Fourth edition. Oxford, 1885. 8vo. Lllustr. U An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture. Second edition. Oxford and London, 1861. 8vo. Lllustr. M, T Third edition. Oxford and London, 1867. 8vo. Lllustr. A, M Portfolio. Portfolio, or drawing book, of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture ; as studies in church and other buildings in the prevailing styles of the periods of the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1858-59. 4to. F Pugin (Augustus Charles). Gothic ornaments, selected from various ancient buildings, both in England and France during the years 1828, 1829, and 1830. . . . Exhibiting . . . specimens of . . . decorative detail from the eleventh to the beginning of the sixteenth century. Drawn on stone by J. D. Harding. . . . London, 1840. 4to. P [Another edition.] London, 1844. 4to. A Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Gothic furniture in the style of the 15th centy. Designed and etched by A. W. N. Pugin. [A series of plates.] London, 1835. 4to. A Ruskin (John). On the nature of Gothic architecture : and herein of the true functions of the workman in art. . . . Being the greater part of the sixth chapter of the second volume of ... " Stones of Venice " . . . reprinted. . . . London, 1854. 8vo. Lllustr. F, R [Another edition.] London, 1854. 8vo. Lllustr. R [Another edition.] LLammersmith : Keimscott Press, [1892]. 8vo. Lllustr. R 10 146 Architectural Works 723.5 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE: Gothic or Pointed: General {continued) — Schlegel (Carl Wilhelm Friedrich von). The aesthetic and miscellaneous works of F. von Schlegel : comprising letters on Christian art, an essay on Gothic architecture, etc. . . . Translated from the German by H J. Millington. London., 1849. 8vo. F [Another edition.] London, i860. 8vo. B Simonau (Gustave). Monuments gothiques. [A series of plates.] Bruxelles, [c. 1845]. Fol. A Smith (Thomas Roger). Architecture, Gothic and renaissance. [Illus- trated Handbooks of Art History.] London, i%%o. 8vo. Lllustr. P • [Another edition.] London, 1884. 8vo. Lllustr. M [Another edition.] London, 1888. 8vo. Lllustr. F • [Another edition.] London, 1890. 8vo. Lllustr. A, S Statz (Vincent) and Ungewitter (Georg Gottlob). The Gothic model-book. The architecture of the middle ages. . . . Illustrated by examples drawn from existing authorities in the churches and public buildings of Germany. By V. Statz and G. Ungewitter, with descriptive text by A, Reichensperger, translated by Monicke. London, [iSS 2]. Fol. F Ungewitter (Georg Gottlob). Details fiir Stein- und Ziegel-Architectur im romanisch-gothischen Style. . . . Ein Vorlagenwerk fiir Archi- tecten, Steinbildhauer und Schulen. Vierte Auflage. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, [1899]. Fol. F Gothische Holz-Architektur. . . . Ein Vorlagewerk fiir Architekten, Bautischler, Zimmermeister und Schulen. Vierte Auflage. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1899. Fol. F Warton (Thomas) and others. Essays on Gothic architecture. By . . . T. Warton ... J. Bentham . . . Grose, and ... J. Milner. . . . The second edition. . . . London, 1802. 8vo. Lllustr. F The third edition. London , 1808. 8vo. U 723.51 Lreland. Bell (Thomas). An essay on the origin and progress of Gothic archi- tecture, with reference to the ancient history and present state of the remains of such architecture in Ireland. . . . Dublin, 1829. 8vo. Lllustr. F 723.52 England. Bond (Francis). Gothic architecture in England ; an analysis of the origin & development of English church architecture from the Norman con- quest to the dissolution of the monasteries. . . . London, i(^o^. 8vo. Lllustr. A, F, M, R, U Brandon (John Raphael) and (Joshua Arthur.) An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of . . . examples of doorways, windows, etc., etc., and accompanied with remarks on the several details of an ecclesiastical edifice. London, 184^-4^. 2 vols. 4to. P *,^* Vol. 2 is " New edition ". The examples in this work are drawn exclusively from English churches. New edition. London, i860. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. A, F New edition. London, 1874. 2 vols. 4to. lllustr. M New edition. Edinlmrgh, 1903. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. C in Manchester and Salford 147 723.52 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE : Gothic or Pointed : England [continued) — Carter (John). Specimens of Gothic architecture and ancient buildings in England. . . . London, 1824. 4 vols. 8vo. Illiish-. U Colling (James Kellaway). Details of Gothic architecture measured and drawn from existing examples. London, 1852-56. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. F Gothic ornaments drawn from existing authorities by J. K. Colling. ... [A series of plates, wath descriptive letterpress.] London, [1848- 50]. 2 vols. 4to. F ■ [Another edition.] London, [n.d.]. 2 vols. 4to. M Denison (Edmund Beckett), afterwards Beckett (Edmund) Baron Grini- thorpe. Lectures on Gothic architecture, chiefly in relation to St. George's church, at Doncaster. Doncaster o^ Lo/idoti, [1855]. 8vo. P Halfpenny (Joseph). Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of; York, drawn and etched by J. Halfpenny. York, i795[-i8oo]. 4to. R Hope (William Henry Saint John). Heraldry in English mediaeval archi- tecture. . . . [Extract from Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. 1897.] {London, 1897.] 4to. Lllustr. A Lavenham. Specimens of Gothic ornaments selected from the parish church of Lavenham in Suffolk. London, 1796. 4to. U Lewisham Antiquarian Society. Twelfth annual report . . . printed by C. North, Blackheath Printing Works, 1897. 8vo. F Pp. 5-19. Brookes (J. W.) : On the influence of the crusades upon English architecture. Mackenzie (Frederick) and Pugin (Augustus Charles). Specimens of Gothic architecture consisting of doors, windows, buttresses, pin- nacles, &c. ; with the measurements selected from ancient buildings at Oxford, &:c. Drawn and etched on sixty-one plates by F. Mackenzie and A. Pugin. London, [1825 ?]. 4to. M, U Milner (John) Bishop of Castabala. A treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England during the middle ages, . . . Third edition. . . . London, 1835. 8vo. Lllustr. F, S, U Prior (Edward Schroeder). A history of Gothic art in England. With illustrations by G. C. Horsley, and many plans and diagrams. Lon- don, 1900. Fol. A, F Pugin (Augustus Charles). Examples of Gothic architecture : selected from various antient edifices in Ei:^land : consisting of plans, eleva- tions, sections, and parts at large . . . accompanied by historical and descriptive accounts. . . , London, 1831-40. 3 vols. 4to. A 1. By A. Pugin. . . . The Hterary part by E. J. Willson. . . . — 1831. 2. By A. Pugin and A. W. Pugin. . . . The literary part by E. J. Willson. . . . [Second edition ?] — 1839. 3. By A. W. Pugin and T. L. Walker. . . . [Second edition.]— 1840. A series of views, illustrative of Pugin's Examples of Gothic archi- tecture : sketched from nature and drawn on stone by J. Nash. . . . With letterpress descriptions by ^^^ H. Leeds [and a preface by A. Pugin]. London, 1830. 4to. A 148 Architectural Works 723.52 MEDI/EVAL ARCHITECTURE : Gothic or Pointed : England (continued) — Pugin (Augustus Charles). Specimens of Gothic architecture selected from various antient edifices in England, consisting of plans, eleva- tions, sections, and parts at large . . . accompanied by historical and descriptive accounts. [The text by E. J. Willson.] (A glossary of technical terms, descriptive of Gothic architecture . . . compiled by E. J. Willson.) London, 1821-2^. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. R [Another copy. Vol. i, and Glossary: Second edition.] London, 1823. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. • , C [Another copy. Vol. i : Second edition. Glossary : Third edition.] London, 1823-25. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. A [Another copy. Vol. i, and Glossary: Third edition.] London, 1823-25. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. F • [Another copy. Vol. i, and Glossary: Third edition. Vol. 2: Second edition.] London, 1825-26. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. A [Another edition.] London, 1870. 2 vols. (3 pts.). 4to. B Scott {Sir George Gilbert). Remarks on secular & domestic architecture, present & future. London, 1857. 8vo. A, P, U %* Essays on Gothic architecture in England. Second edition. Lo?idon, 1858. 8vo. F The transition from the Romanesque to the pointed style in England. [n.p., 1875.] 8vo. Lllustr. U Sharpe (Edmund). Decorated windows : a series of illustrations of the window tracery of the decorated style of ecclesiastical architecture. Edited, with descriptions by E. Sharpe. . . . Londoti, 1849. 8vo. F. M, R, U A treatise on the rise and progress of decorated window tracery in England. . . . London, 1849. 8vo. Lllustr. F, M, R, U 723.53 Germany. Hartung (Hugo). Motive der mittelalterlichen Baukunst in Deutschland in photographischen Originalaufnahmen. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1897-99. 3 vols. Fol. F Moller (Georg). An essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architec- ture, traced in and deduced from the ancient edifices of Germany, with references to those of England, etc. From the eighth to the sixteenth centuries. Translated from the German. London, 1824. i2mo. F, P Rauda (Fritz). Die mittelalterliche Baukunst Bautzens. . . . Herausgeg. von der Oberlausitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gorlitz. Gorlitz, 1905. 8vo. lllustr. L 723.54 France. Whittington (George Downing). An historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France, with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic architecture in Europe. [With a preface and notes by G. H. Gordon, earl of Aberdeen.] London, 1809. 4to. C, R The second edition. London, 181 1. 8vo. P in Manchester and Salford 149 733.55 MEDI/GVAL ARCHITECTURE: Gothic or Pointed: Italy. Waring (John Burley). The arts connected with architecture illustrated by examples in central Italy from the 13th to the 15th century : (Examples of stained glass, fresco ornament, marble and enamel inlay, and wood inlay . . .). London, 1858. Fol. F Willis (Robert). Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages, especi- ally of Italy. Cambridge, 1835. Svo. Illustr. F, M, P, U 723.56 Spain."^ Street (George Edmund). Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain. London, 1865. 8vo. Illustr. B, F, P 733.59 ■ Minor Countries. Enlart (Camille). L'art gothique et la renaissance en Chypre. Paris, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. F 724 MODERN ARCHITECTURE : General. Examples. Examples of modern architecture, ecclesiastical and domestic. Sixty-four views of churches and chapels, schools, colleges, mansions, town-halls, railway stations, etc. London, 1870. 4to. M Magne (Lucien). L'architecture fran9aise du siecle. Paris, 1889. Fol. Illustr. F Schmidt (Carl Eugen). Franzosische Skulptur und Architektur des 19 Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1904. 8vo. Illustr. F Statham (Henry Heathcote). Modern architecture : a book for architects and the public. London, 1897. Svo. Illustr. F, U Stieglitz (Christian Ludwig). Plans et dessins tires de la belle architecture ou representations d'edifices executes ou projettes, en CXV planches, avec les explications necessaires. Paris, 1801. Fol. R 724.1 Renaissance. * Adams (Louis G.). Decorations interieures et meubles des epoques Louis XIII., & Louis XIV. . . . Paris, 1876. Fol. Illustr. Anderson (William J.). The architecture of the renaissance in Italy. A general view for the use of students and others. . . . Londott, 1896, 8vo. Illustr. F, S Third edition. London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. A, M, U Belcher (John) and Macartney (Mervyn Edmund). Later renaissance architecture in England. A series of examples of the domestic buildings erected subsequent to the Elizabethan period. With in- troductory and descriptive text. London, 1901. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. A, F, M, R Blomfield (Reginald). A history of renaissance architecture in England, 1500- 1800. . . . London^ 1897. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. F, M, U Short history of renaissance architecture in England, 1500- 1800. London, 1900. 8vo. Illustr. S * Dohme (Robert). Barock- und Rococo- Architektur. Herausgegeben von R. Dohme. Berlin, [i884-]i892. 3 vols. Fol. Illustr. 1 50 Architectural Works 724.1 MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Renaissance {continued)— Fritsch (K. E. O.). Denkmaeler deutscher Renaissance. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Betlin, 1891. 4 vols. Fol. F Gotch (John Alfred). Architecture of the renaissance in England : illustrated by a series of views and details from buildings erected between the years 1560-1635. With historical and critical text : by J. A. Gotch, assisted by W. T. Brown. London, 1894. 2 vols. Fol. A, F, M Early renaissance architecture in England. A historical & de- scriptive account of the Tudor, Elizabethan, and Jacobean periods, 1500-1625. . . . London, 1901. 8vo. Lllustr. A, F, M, U Heraldry of the renaissance in England. . . . [Extract from Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1897.] [^London, 1897.] 4to. Lllustr. A Grandjean de Montigny (Auguste Henri Victor) and Famin (A.). Re- naissance italienne. Architecture toscane : palais, maisons, eglises et autres edifices publics et prives principalement des XV^ et XVHe siecles. . . . Nouvelle edition. [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1874. Fol. F Nouvelle edition. Paris, [n.d.]. Fol. M Gruner (Ludwig). Fresco decorations : stuccoes of churches &: palaces m Italy during the fifteenth & sixteenth centuries, with descriptions by L. Gruner, and a comparison between the ancient arabesques & those of the sixteenth century by J. J. Hittorfif. . . . [An atlas of plates.] London, 1844. Fol. R Descriptions of the plates. . . . London, 1844. 4to. R * Gurlitt (Cornelius). Das Barock- und Rococo-Ornament Deutschlands. Herausgegeben von C.|Gurlitt. [A series of plates.] Berlin, 1889. Fol. Lllustr. Meyer (Alfred Gotthold). Oberitalienische Friihrenaissance. Bauten und Bildwerke der Lombardei. . . . Berlin, i2,()i-igoo. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. M 1. Die Gothik des Mailander Domes und der Ubergangsstil. . . . — 1897. 2. Die Bliithezeit. . . . — 1900. Moore (Charles Herbert). Character of renaissance architecture. New York, 1905. 8vo. Lllustr. F, U Mueller (William James). Muller's Sketches of the age of Francis I^'. [A series of plates.] London, 1841. Fol. F Muentz (Eugene). Histoire de I'art pendant la renaissance . . . Italie . . . Ouvrage contenant . . . illustrations . . . planches. . . . Paris, 1889-95. 3 vols. 8vo. R *^* No more published. Oakeshott (George J.). Detail and ornament of the Italian renaissance. Drawn by G. J. Oakeshott. [A series of plates.] London, 1888. Fol. F *Ortwein (August). Deutsche Renaissance. Eine Sammlung von Gegen- standen der Architektur, Dekoration und Kunstgewerbe in Original- in Manchester and Salford 151 724.1 MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Renaissance [continued)— Aufnahmen. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen herausgegeben von A. Ortwein. (Fortgefiihrt von A. Scheffers.) Leipzig, 1871-87. 9 vols. Fol. Palustre (Leon). L'architecture de la renaissance. [Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux- Arts.] Paris, 1892. 8vo. U Papworth (Wyatt Angelicus Van Sandau). The renaissance and Italian styles of architecture in Great Britain ; their introduction and develop- ment shown by a series of dated examples, together with others ex- hibiting the contemporaneous employment of mediaeval architecture ; also the names of the architects employed ; and the titles of the chief publications on art; during the period 1450-1700. Compiled and arranged according to dates. . . . London, 1883. 8vo. A *^* A chronological list giving references to the works where illustrations of the various examples may be found. Peyer Im Hof (J. Fr.). Die Renaissance-Architektur Italiens. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. F Prentice (Andrew Noble). Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain. A series of examples selected from the purest works executed between the years 1500- 1560, measured and drawn together with descriptive text by A. N. Prentice. Londoti, [1893]. Fol. F, M Roger-Miles (L.) Architecture, decoration et ameublement pendant le dix-huitieme siecle. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] [Anthologie des Arts Decoratifs.] Fans, [n.d.]. 8vo. M Schuetz (Alexander). Die Renaissance in Italien. Eine Sammlung der werthvollsten erhaltenen Monumente in chronologischer Folge geord- net. Herausgegeben von A. Schiitz. ... [A series of plates.] LLain- burg, 1885. I vol. Fol. M* [Decoration in Holz.] Symonds (John Addington). Renaissance in Italy. . . . London, 18S0-86. 7 vols. 8vo. R 3. The fine arts. — 1882. *Upmark (Gustaf). Die Architektur der Renaissance in Schweden, 1530-1760. . . . 100 Tafeln mit Text. Beriin, and Dresden, [18 gy- 1900]. Fol. 724.2 Grecian Revival. Trident. The trident : or the national policy of naval celebration ; de- scribing a hieronauticon, or naval temple, with its appendages. . . . By a private gentleman [i.e. John Cartwright]. London, 1802. 4to. Lllustr. R 724.3 Gothic Revival. Classic. Classic or pseudo-Gothic. A reply to a pamphlet entitled "Shall Gothic architecture be denied fair play ? " London, i860. 8vo. U Eastlake (Charles Lock). A history of the Gothic revival. An attempt to show how the taste for mediaeval architecture which lingered in England during the two last centuries has since been encouraged and developed. London, 1872. 4to. Liijistr. A, B, F, P 1 5 2 Architectural Works 724.3 MODERN ARCHITECTURE : Gothic Revival {continued)— England. — Foreign Office. The Foreign Office : classic or Gothic ? [Ex- tract from a periodical.] [n.p., i860?] 8vo. U %* On the proposed rebuilding of the Foreign Office. Remarks on a national style, in reference to the proposed Foreign Office. Lojtdon, i860. 8vo. U Gibbs (John). English Gothic architecture : or, suggestions relative to the designing of domestic buildings, ornaments, church-yard mem- orials, chimney pieces, and alphabets. [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] Manchester and London, 1855. Fol. A, F, U Gothic Architecture. Shall Gothic architecture be denied fair play ? Thoughts suggested by reading a pamphlet entitled " Remarks on a national style, in reference to the proposed Foreign Office ". London, i860. 8vo. U Hall (Edward). Some observations on propriety of style, particularly with reference to the modern adaptation of Gothic architecture. [London^, 1843. 8vo. P Harrison (James Park). A letter ... on the fitness of Gothic archi- tecture for modern churches. Oxford, 1848. 8vo. U Jackson (Thomas Graham). Modern Gothic architecture. London, i?,']^. 8vo. B Pugin (Augustus Wei by Northmore). An apology for the revival of Chris- tian architecture in England. London, 1843. 4tO- P» U The true principles of pointed or Christian architecture : set forth in two lectures delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott. London, 1841. 4to. Illustr. B, F, P, U [Another edition.] London, 1853. 4to. Lllustr. A, F Scott {Sir Francis Edward) Bart. Shall the new Foreign Office be Gothic or classic ? A plea for the former. London, i860. 8vo. U Scott {Sir George Gilbert). Explanatory remarks on the designs for the new Foreign Office. . . .London, \\Z^q1!\. 8vo. U 724.4 Modern Tudor. Hunt fThomas Frederick). Exemplars of Tudor architecture, adapted to modern habitations : with illustrative details, selected from ancient edifices ; and observations on the furniture of the Tudor period. London, 1830. 4to. P [Another edition.] London, 1836. 4to. A [Another edition.] Lotidon, 1841. 4to. F 724.7 Swiss. Timber. *Gladbach (Ernst G.). Charakteristische Holzbauten der Schweiz vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert, nebst deren inneren Ausstattung nach der Natur aufgenommen. Berlin, [1889-93]. Fol. Lllustr. Die Holz-Architektur der Schweiz. . . . Ziirich, 1876. 8vo. Lllustr. A Der schweizer Holzstil in seinen cantonalen und constructiven Ver- schiedenheiten vergleichend dargestellt mit Holzbauten Deutsch- lands. Zweite Serie. Ziirich, 1883. Fol. Lllustr. T in Manchester and Salford i53 724.7 MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Swiss. Timber (conftnued)— Habershon (Matthew). The ancient half-timbered houses of England. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1836. 4to. A, F Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Details of antient timber houses of the 15th & i6th cenfy^^ selected from those existing at Rouen, Caen, Beauvais, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg, etc., drawn on the spot & etched by A. W. Pugin. \London\ 1836. 4to. A, F, U Sanders (William Bliss). Half-timbered houses and carved oak furniture of the i6th & 17th centuries. With . . . illustrations photo- lithographed from the original sketches of the author. London, 1894. Fol. F, S 735 PUBLIC BUILDINGS: General. Narjoux (Felix). Architecture communale. Hotels de ville, raairies, maisons d'ecole, salles d'asile, presbyt^res, halles et marches, abat- toirs, lavoirs, fontaines, etc. Avec une preface de . . . Viollet-le-Duc. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, 1870. 2 vols. 4to. F Owen (Robert Dale). Hints on public architecture, containing among other illustrations, views and plans of the Smithsonian Institution . . . together with an appendix relative to building materials. Pre- pared on behalf of the Building Committee of the Smithsonian Institution, by R. D. Owen, chairman of the Committee. New York, 1849. 4'^'^- ^'> ^ Proctor (C. W.). The growth of cities. General and art aspects. Liver- pool, 1884. 8vo. F Soane {Sir John). Designs for public and private buildings. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1828. Fol. A * ^* A revised edition, with additional designs, of " Designs for public im- provements in London and Westminster ". White (William Henry). Architecture and public buildings: their re- lation to school, academy, and state, in Paris and London. London, 1884. 8vo. Lllustr. A 725.11 Administrative. Government: Houses of Parliament. * Hungary. — Parlamentshaus. Das ungarische Parlamentshaus. [De- signed by E. Steindl.] . . . Im Auftrage der Koniglich Ungarischen Regierung. . . . Verfasst und redigirt von Bela Ney. . . . [In Hun- garian, German, and French.] Leipzig, 1906. Fol. Lllustr. Washington. — Capitol. Public buildings and architectural ornaments of the Capitol of the United States at the City of Washington. Wash- ington City, [n.d.]. i6mo. Lllustr. F 725. 13 • Totvn Halls. Public Offices. Axon (William Edward Armitage). An architectural and general descrip- tion of the Town Hall, Manchester. To which is added a report of the inaugural proceedings, September, 1877. Edited by W. E. A. Axon. . , . Manchester, 1878. Fol. Lllustr. F, M 1 54 Architectural Works 725.13 PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Administrative: Town Halls. Public Offices {continued) — Fierens-Gevaert (Hippolyte). Etudes d'art ancien et moderne. Serie. B — temps modernes. L'hotel de ville de Paris. Paris, \\(^o2\ 4to. niustr. F Haywood (Abel). Guide to the Manchester Town Hall, with some interesting statistics and particulars connected with that palatial building. Manchester, [n.d.]. i2mo. Illustr. F * Meininger (Ernest). L'hotel de ville de Mulhouse. Edite et illustre . . . par L. Schoenhaupt. Texte par E. Meininger. Mulhouse,. 1892. Fol. Illustr. Wigan. Wigan County Council chamber opened October 50th, 1890. [Compiled by H. T. F., i.e. H. T. Folkard.] Wigan, 1890. 8vo. niustr. F 725.15 Court Houses. Record Offices. Abraham (Henry Robert). New law courts. Description of . . .. Abraham's design. London, 1867. Fol. A Barry (Edward Middleton). New Courts of Justice. Description of design by E. M. Barry. . . . London, 1867. Fol. Illustr. A Brandon (John Raphael). Palace of justice. Report submitted with R- Brandon's design. London, 1867. Fol. A Burges (William). Law Courts Commission. Report to the Courts of Justice Commission. London, 1867. Fol. Lllustr. A Deane (Thomas Newenham). New Courts of Justice. Report submitted with . . . T. N. Deane's design. London, 1867. Fol. A Garling (Henry Baily). Palace of justice. Description of design by H. B. Garling. [London, 1867.] Fol. Illustr. A Lockwood (Henry F.). Report on a design for the concentration of the law courts. [London, 1867.] Fol. A Magne (Lucien). Le palais de justice de Poitiers. Etude sur I'art fran9ais au XI Ve et au XV^ siecles. Paris, 1904.. 8vo. Illustr. F Scott (.S» George Gilbert). Design for the new law courts [London], submitted by G. G. Scott. ... [A series of photographs and plans.] [n.p., n.d.] Fol. A Remarks on the designs for the new law courts submitted by G. G.. Scott. . . . [London, 1867.] Fol. Lllustr. A Seddon (John Pollard). New law courts. Description of design sub- mitted by J. P. Seddon. . . . London, 1867. Fol. Lllustr. A Street (George Edmund). Explanation of his design for the proposed new Courts of Justice. London, 1867. 8vo. A The new Courts of Justice [London]. Notes in reply to criticisms. London, 1872. 8vo. A Waterhouse (Alfred). Courts of Justice competition. General descrip- tion of design submitted by A. Waterhouse. . . . (Appendix: Detailed descriptions of the accommodation given under the several schedules. ) London, 1867. Fol. A, U in Manchester and Salford i55 725.2 PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Business and Commercial. Hetherington (J. Newby). The Royal Insurance Company's Build- ing, North John Street and Dale Street, Liverpool. J. F. Doyle, architect. Edited by J. N. Hetherington. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, [1903]. Fol. F Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Moorgate Place, [London] E.C J. Belcher, architect. [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] London, 1893. Fol. F Ogden (William Sharp). Studies in mercantile architecture, comprising fifty suggestive designs for warehouse, shop, and office buildings suitable for the commercial districts of large cities. Reproduced by J. Akerman, from the original drawings by the photo-lithographic process. London, 1876. Fol. A, F, T Philadelphia. — Public Ledger Building. The Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia : with an account of the proceedings connected with its opening, June 20, 1867. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. Lllustr. F 725.4 Manufactories. Ketchum (Milo Smith). The design of steel mill buildings and the calculation of stresses in framed structures. First edition. New York, 1905. 8vo. Lllustr. T Nasmith (Joseph). Recent cotton mill construction|and engineering. . . . Second edition. Manchester, London, [n.d.]. 8vo. Lllustr. F Sington (Theodore). Cotton mill planning and construction. . . . Ma7i- chester, 1897. Fol. Lllustr. F, T, U Thwaite (B. H.). Our factories, workshops, and warehouses, their sanitary and fire-resisting arrangements. London, 1882. i2mo. Lllustr. F 725.51 Hospitals and Asylums: Sick and Wounded. Latham (Arthur) and West (A. William). The prize essay on the erection of a sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis in England. Together with a preface by the chairman of His Majesty's Advisory Committee, a number of appendices, illustrative plans, and a biblio- graphy. London, 1903. 8vo. F 725.52 Lnsane. Bibby (George Henry). The planning of lunatic asylums. London, 1896. i2mo. F Conolly (John). The construction and government of lunatic asylums and hospitals for the insane. London, 1847. 8vo. Lllustr. A Jacobi (Maximilian). On the construction and management of hospitals for the insane ; with a particular notice of the institution at Siegburg. Translated by J. Kitching. With introductory observations, &c., by S. Tuke. London, 1841. 8vo. Lllustr. A 725.55 Paupers. Almshouses. Freeman (Albert C). Hints on the planning of poor law buildings and mortuaries. London, [1905]. 4to. Lllustr. A, F Smith (Percival Gordon). Hints and suggestions as to the planning of poor law buildings. . . . London, 1901. 8vo. Lllustr. F 1^6 Architectural Works 725.59 PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Hospitals and Asylums: Bbmes for Soldiers and Sailors. Calabre-Perau (Gabriel Louis). Description historique de 1' Hotel Royal des Invalides . . . avec les plans, coupes, elevations geonietrales de cet edifice, et les peintures et sculptures de I'eglise, desinees et gravees par le sieur Cochin. [A series of plates.] Paris, 1756. Fol. F Cooke (John) and Maule (John). An historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, MDCCLXXXIX, London, [1789]. 4to. Illustr. R 725.6 Prisons and Reformatories. Elmes (James). Hints for the improvement of prisons. . . . London, 1817. 4to. U England. — Surveyor-General of Prisons. Report of the Surveyor-General of Prisons [Sir J. Jebb] on the construction, ventilation, and details of Pentonville Prison, 1844. Londo?i, 1844. Fol. Lllustr. A Jebb {Sir Joshua). Modern prisons : their construction and ventilation. . . . London, 1844. 4tO. Lllustr. F Prisons. [Plans and views of various prisons, lazarettos, 1 and hospitals in Europe.] \_London, c. 1790.] Fol. F Wallace (Robert). Specification of the works required to be performed in the erection of a gaol, with court-yards, etc., for the county of Air. Air, 18 1 7. 8vo. F 725.7 Refreshment. Baths. Parks. Allsop (Robert Owen). Public baths and wash-houses. [Design, con- struction, and equipment.] London, 1894. 8vo. lllustr. F Baly (Price Prichard). Baths and wash-houses for the labouring classes. . . . London, 1852. 4to. Lllustr. F * Cross (Alfred William Stephens). Public baths and wash-houses. A treatise on their planning, arrangement, and fitting, with chapters on swimming baths, public laundries, etc. . . . London, 1906. 8vo. Lllustr. Palladio (Andrea). Le terme dei Romani disegnate da A. Palladio e ripubblicate con la giunta di alcune osservazioni da O. Bertotti Scamozzi. . . . Vicenza, 11<^1. 4to. R 735.82 Recreation : Theatres. Opera LLouses. Beccega (Tommaso Carlo). SuU' architettura greco-romana applicata alia costruzione del teatro moderno italiano, e suUe macchine teatrali. . . . [With plates by A. Bernatti.] Venezia, 1817. Fol. R Buckle (James George). Theatre construction and maintenance. . . . Together with a model set of rules based upon the metropolitan, provincial, American, and continental theatre regulations. London, 1888. 8vo. F * Constant (Clement). Parall^le des principaux theatres modernes de I'Europe et des machines theatrales fran^aises, allemandes et anglaises. Texte par J. de Filippi. Paris, 1S60. 2 vols-. Fol. Lllustr. in Manchester and Salford 157 725.82 PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Recreation: Theatres. Opera Houses {continued) — * Gamier (Jean Louis Charles). Le Nouvel Opera de Paris. Paris, 1876-81. 2 vols. 8vo. Atlas. 2 vols. Fol. Sachs (Edwin O.). Modern opera houses and theatres. Examples selected from play-houses recently erected in Europe. With descrip- tive text, a treatise on theatre planning and construction, and supple- ments on stage machinery, theatre fires, and protective legislation. [A series of plates.] Z^«^<7«, 1897-98. 3 vols. Fol. F Saunders (George). A treatise on theatres. London^ 1790- 4to. U Vitoux (Georges). Le theatre de I'avenir ; amenagement general, mise ea scfene, trues, machinerie, etc. [Biblioth^que Theatrale Illustree. 2.] Paris, 1903. i2mo. F Wyatt (Benjamin). Observations on the design for the Theatre Royal, DruryLane, as executed in . . . 1812. . . . London, 1813. 4to. U Young (Archibald). Theatre panics and their cure. . . . With plans for a safe theatre prepared by T. T. Paterson. . . . Edinburgh, 1896. 4to. F 725.85 Gymnasiums. Eiselen (Ernst Wilhelm Bernhard). Uber Anlegung von Turnplatzen und Leitung von Turniibungen. Als Vorlaufer einer neuen Auflage der "Deutschen Turnkunst" herausgegeben von E. W. B. Eiselen. . . . Berlin, 1844. i2mo. F 725.9 Other Public Building^s. Fletcher (Herbert Phillips). The St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. With plans, sections, and views. London, 1905. 8vo. F * Paris. — Exposition Universelle de 1878. Monographic des palais et constructions diverses de I'Exposition Universelle de 1878 executees par I'administration. Pam, [i88o-]i882. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. 726 ECCLESIASTICAL AND RELIGIOUS: General. Bordeaux (Jean Hippolyte Raymond). Traite de la reparation des eglises. Principes d'archeologie pratique. . . . Troisieme edition. . . . Paris, 1888. 8vo. U Brown (Richard). Sacred architecture: its rise, progress, and present state. Embracing the Babylonian, Indian, Greek, and Romaic temples, — the Byzantine, Saxon, Lombard, Norman, and Italian churches. London, Liverpool, Matichester, [1845], 4to. Lllustr. S Cambridge Camden Society, afterwards Ecclesiological Society. The ecclesiologist. New series, volume v. . . . Published under the superintendence of the Ecclesiological, late Cambridge Camden Society. Volume viii. London, [i?>^']-]i^^^. i vol. 8vo. P Church enlargement and church arrangement. . . . Published by the Cambridge Camden Society. Cambridge, 1843. 8vo. S A few hints on the practical study of ecclesiastical antiquities. . . . Third edition. Cambridge, 1842. 8vo. U 158 Architectural Works 726 ECCLESIASTICAL AND RELIGIOUS : General {continued)— Cambridge Camden Society, afterwards Ecclesiological Society. A few words to church builders. Cambridge, 1841. 8vo. I/luslr. U Dehio (Georg) and Bezold (Gustav von). Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Historisch und systematisch dargestellt. Shittgart, 1 892- 1 90 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. Atlas. Stuttgart, 1887- 190 1. 5 vols. Fob R, U Emmett (John T.). "Religious art." [An essay reprinted from "The British Quarterly Review," October ist, 1875.] London,\nAP\. 8vo. F Lichfield. Society for the Encouragement of Ecclesiastical Architecture. The first(-third) report. . . . Ru^eley, Lichfield, 1843-46. 3 vols. 8vo. S*, U Markland (James Haywood). Remarks on English churches, and on the expediency of rendering sepulchral memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses. . . . The third edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1843. 1 2 mo. Illustr. S Petit (John Louis). Remarks on church architecture. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr, U Poole (George Ayliffe). A history of ecclesiastical architecture in England. London, 1848. 8vo. U Pullan (Richard Popplewell). Elementary lectures on Christian archi- tecture. London, 1879. 8vo. Illustr. A Remarks on church decoration. London, 1%']%. 8vo. Illustr. A Salisbury Diocesan Church Building Association. The first(-eighth) annual report of the Salisbury Diocesan Church Building Association . . . i837(-i844). Salisbury, [1837-44]. 8 vols. 8vo. C Scott {Sir George Gilbert). A plea for the faithful restoration of our ancient churches. . . . london, 1850. 8vo. U Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Notes on the repair of ancient buildings issued by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. London, 1903. 8vo. F Trimen (Andrew). Church and chapel architecture, from the earliest period to the present time, with an account of the Hebrew church; to which are added one thousand authenticated mouldings, selected from the best examples which this country contains. London, 1849. 8vo. F 726.4 Chapels. Sunday-School Buildings. Alexander (William). Observations on the construction and fitting up of meeting houses, etc., for public worship. . . . York, \^2o. 4to. U Crouch (Joseph) and Butler (Edmund). Churches, mission halls, and schools for Nonconformists. Birmingham, \()o\. 4to. Illustr. F Darbishire (Henry Astley). Ecclesiastical architecture adapted to the Unitarian Church. London, 1855. 8vo. F 726.5 Churches. Anderson (Charles). Ancient models ; or, hints ©n church buildings. A new edition, enlarged. london, 1841. i2mo. Illustr. F, S in Manchester and Salford 159 726.5 ECCLESIASTICAL AND RELIGIOUS : Churches {continued)— Barr (James). Anglican church architecture, with some remarks upon ecclesiastical furniture. , . . Second edition. Oxford, 1843. 8vo. U Third edition. Oxford, 1846. 8vo. Illustr. F Canina (Luigi). Ricerche suU' architettura piii propria dei tempj cristiani basate sulle primitive istituzioni ecclesiastiche e dimostrate tanto con i piu insigni vetusti edifizj sacri quanto con alcuni esempj di appli- cazione. Edizione seconda. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Roma, 1846. Fol. F ■* Cram (Ralph Adams). Church building. A study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church. . . . Lotidon, i()oi. 8vo. Illustr. Denison (Edmund Beckett) aftenvards Beckett (Edmund) Baron Grhn- thorpe. Lectures on church-building ; with some practical remarks on bells and clocks. Second edition. . . . London, 1856. i2mo. F, P Gill (Harry). The village church in the olden time. Second edition. Nottingham, 1903. 8vo. Illustr. F Muthesius (Hermann). Die neuere kirchliche Baukunst in England. Entwicklung, Bedingungen und Grundziige des Kirchenbaues der englischen Staatskirche und der Secten. Berlin, i(^oi. Fol. Illustr. F Ornaments. The ornaments of churches considered, with a particular view to the late decoration of the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster [by W. Hole], to which is subjoined an appendix, con- taining the history of the said church, an account of the altar-piece, and stained glass window erected above it . . . and other papers. . . . [Edited by T. Wilson.] Oxford, i^ei. 4to. Illustr. R Pocock (William Fuller). Designs for churches and chapels of various dimensions and styles ; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections : with estimates. Also some designs for altars, pulpits, and steeples. Third edition. London, \Z2,^. 4to. A, C Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). The present state of ecclesiastical architecture in England. . . . london, 1843. 8vo. Illustr. F, U Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). Church and conventual arrange- ment. . .• . Illustrated by a series of ground-plans and plates of the arrangements of churches in different countries and at successive periods, and of the conventual plans adopted by the various orders. London, 1861. 8vo. F 726.6 Cathedrals. Allen (Fred Hovey). The great cathedrals of the world. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Boston, Mass., [1896]. 2 vols. Fol. F Hope, after-ivards Beresford Hope {Right Hon. Alexander James Beres- ford). The English cathedral of the nineteenth century. . . . Lon- don, 1 86 1. 8vo. Lllustr. B, R, U i6o Architectural Works 726.6 ECCLESIASTICAL AND RELIGIOUS : Cathedrals {continued)— Huggins (Samuel). On the so-called restoration of our cathedral and abbey churches. A paper read before the Architectural and Archaeo- logical Society of Liverpool, April 5th, 1871. Liverpool, 1871. 8vo. F, S Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). The interior of a Gothic minster. A lecture. . . . London, 1864. 8vo. F 726.7 Monasteries. Dugdale {Sir William). Monasticon Anglicanum ; sive, pandectae coeno- biorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusi- anorum, a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem. . . . Per R. Dodsworth . . . G. Dugdale. . . . Londini, 1655-73. 3 vols. FoL R A new edition, enriched with a large accession of materials now first printed . . . the history of each religious foundation in English being prefixed to its respective series of Latin charters. By J. Caley . . . H. Ellis . . . and . . . B. Badinel. . . . London, 1817-30. 6 vols, in 8. Fol. Illustr. P, R Monasticon Anglicanum ; or the history of the ancient abbies, monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches ... in England and Wales. . . . [Translated into English and abridged by J. Stevens?] London, 17 18. Fol. Lllustr. R Gasquet (Francis Aidan). English monastic life. . . . [The Antiquary's Books.] London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. R Second edition, revised. London, 1904. 8vo. Lllustr. P Germain (Michel). Le monasticon Gallicanum : collection de 168 planches de vues topographiques des monasteres benedictins de la Congregation de Saint-Maur. Avec deux cartes. . . . Reproduit par les soins de . . . Peigne'-Delacourt, et precede d'une preface par . . . L. Delisle. . . . Paris, 1882. 2 vols. 4to. R Lenoir (Albert). Architecture monastique. [Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Paris, 1852-56. 3 pts. in 2 vols. 4to. lllustr. C, R Sharpe (Edmund). The architecture of the Cistercians. London, 1875. 2 pts. in I vol. 4to. Lllustr. F 1. General plan. 2. Domus conversorum. 726.8 Mortuary. Tombs. Blore (Edward). The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain, engraved from drawings by E. Blore. . . . With historical and biographical illustra- tions [by P. Bliss]. London, 1826. 410. P, R Bloxam (Matthew Holbeche). A glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the eighteenth century. London, 1834. i2mo. Lllustr. F Boutell (Charles). Monumental brasses and slabs : an historical and descriptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the middle ages. . . . London, 1847. 8vo. Lllustr. P in Manchester and Salford i6i 726.8 ECCLESIASTICAL AND RELIGIOUS : Mortuary. Tombs {co/itiniied) — Brindley (William) and Weatherley (William Samuel). Ancient sepulchral monuments : containing illustrations of . . . examples from various countries, and from the earliest periods down to the end of the eighteenth century. . . . London, 1887. Fol. R England. Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain . . . from the Norman conquest to the seventeenth century. With introductory observations. . . . [ByR. Gough.] Londoii,i']^6-g6. 2 vols. ins. Fol. Illustr. R Feydeau (Ernest Aime). Histoire des usages funebres et des sepultures des peuples anciens. . . . Planches et plans executes sous la direction de . . . Alfred Feydeau. . . . Paris, 1856-60. 2 vols, (livraisons 1-21). Fol. R %* No more appears to have been published. Gibbs (John). Designs for Christian memorials, for churchyards and cemeteries. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Oxford, [1865.?] Fol. A A series of designs for Gothic monuments, churchyard crosses. . . • London, 1852. 4to. U Maliphant (George). Designs for sepulchral monuments, mural tablets, &c. [A series of plates.] London, 1835. 4to. A Piranesi (Francesco). Monumenti degli Scipioni pubblicati dal cavaliere F. Piranesi . . . nell' anno M.DCC.LXXX.V. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] [^Rome, 1786.] Fol. A*, C, R Richardson (Edward). The monumental efifigies of the Temple Church, with an account of their restoration, in the year 1842. London, Ox- ford and Cambridge, 1843. 4to. Lllustr. P *Salzmann (iVuguste). Necropole de Camiros (lie de Rhodes). Journal des fouilles executees dans cette necropole pendant les annees 1858 a 1865. Paris, 1875. Fol. Lllustr. Stothard (Charles Alfred). The monumental effigies of Great Britain ; selected from our cathedrals and churches. . . . (Introduction and descriptions for Stothard's monumental effigies of Great Britain by A. J. Kempe.) . . . London, 1817-32. 4to. Lllustr. P 727 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS: General. Macdonald (J. J.). Passmore Edwards Institutions. Founding and open- ing ceremonies. London, 1900. 4to. Lllustr. F, S Meyer (Adolf Bernhard). Uber einige europaische Museen und verwandte Institute. . . . [Dresden. — Konigliches Zoologisches und Anthropo- logisch-Ethnographisches Museum. Abhandlungen und Berichte. Bd. X, nr. i.] Berlin, 1902. 4to. Lllustr. T Uber Museen des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika. . . . [Dresden. — Konigliches Zoologisches und Anthropologisch- Ethnographisches Museum. Abhandlungen und Berichte. Bd. ix., nr. I, and Beiheft.] Berlin, \C)00-o\. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Lllustr. R. T II 1 62 Architectural Works 727 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS: General {can- tinued) — Meyer (Adolf Bernhard). Studies of the museums and kindred institu- tions of New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Chicago, with notes on some European institutions. . . . From the report of the United States National Museum for 1903. . . . [Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. 133.] Washington, 1905. 8vo. Illustr. ' R 727.1 Schools. Briggs (Warren Richard). Modern American school buildings. Being a treatise upon, and designs for, the construction of school buildings. Ne-iV York, 1899. Svo. Illustr. F Buckler (John Chessel). Sixty views of endowed grammar schools, from original drawings by J. C. Buckler, with letterpre-^s descriptions. London, 1827. 4to. Illustr. P * Clarke (Joseph). Schools and school-houses ; a series of views, plans, and details for rural parishes. London, 1852. Fol. Clay (Felix). Modern school buildings, elementary and secondary. A treatise on the planning, arrangement, and fitting of day and board- ing schools. . . . With special chapters on the treatment of class rooms, lighting, warming, ventilation, and sanitation. London, 1902. Svo. Illustr. A, F J Second edition, revised and enlarged. Lotidon, 1906. 8vo. Illustr. A Johonnot (James). School-houses. . . . Architectural designs by S. E. Hewes. New York, 187 1. Svo. U Kendall (Henry Edward). Designs for schools and school houses, parochial and national. [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] London, 1847. Fol. A Robson (Edward Robert). School architecture : being practical remarks on the planning, designing, building, and furnishing of school-houses. . . . London, 1874. 8vo. Illustr. P Second edition. London, 1877. 8vo. Illustr. A, F Rural. Rural school architecture. [By T. M. Clark.] [United States. — Bureau of Education. Circular of information. 1880. No. 4.] Washington, 1880. Svo. U 727-3 Colleges. Universities. California, University of. The international competition for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan for the University of California, [n.p., 1899.] Obi. 4to. Illustr. C, F, U Hungary. — Koenigliches Ungarisches Ministerium fuer Cultns und Unter- richt. Les batiments des universites royales hongioises. [Title and text in Hungarian, French, and German.] Budapest, 1900. 2 vols. Obi. fol. Illustr. U in Manchester and Salford 163 727.4 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS: Profes= sional and Technical Schools. Berlin. — Koenigliche Technische Hochschule. Die konigliche technische Hochschule zu Berlin. 39 photographische Aufnahmen, nebst er- lauterndem Text, eine Lageplan und 7 Grundrissen. Berlin, 1903. Obi. 4to. T Ireland (Samuel). Picturesque views, with an historical account of the Inns of Court in London and Westminster. London, 1800. 4to. R Robins (Edward Cookworthy). Technical school and college building, being a treatise on the design and construction of applied science and art buildings, and their suitable fittings and sanitation, with a chapter on technical education. London, 1887. 4to. Lllustr. F, T 737.5 Laboratories. Fischer (Emil) and Guth (Max). Der Neubau des ersten chemischen Instituts der Universitat Berlin. . . . Berlin, 1901. Fol. Lllustr. T Russell (T. H.). The planning and fitting-up of chemical and physical laboratories. With notes on the ventilation, warming, and lighting of schools. . . . London, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. F 737.6 Museums. Granger (Frank). German technical museums. . . . [The Royal Insti- tute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 6, N.S.] London, 1890. 4to. lllustr. A Washington. — Smithsonian Lnstitution. — United States National Museum. The United States National Museum : an account of the buildings occupied by the national collections. By R. Rathbun. . . . From the report of the United States National Museum for 1903. . . . With . . . plates. [Smithsonian Institution. — United States Na- tional Museum. 132.] Washington, 1905. Svo. R 727.8 Libraries. Adams (Herbert Baxter). Public libraries and popular education. [Uni- versity of the State of New York. Home education bulletin. 31.] Albany, 1900. Svo. Lllustr. T Burgoyne (Frank James). Library construction, architecture, fittings, and furniture. London, 1897. i2mo. Lllustr. F, T Champneys (Amian L.). Public libraries : a treatise on their design, construction, and fittings. With a chapter on the principles of plan- ning, and a summary of the law. . . . London, 1907. Svo. Lllustr. R Clark (John Willis). The care of books : an essay on the development ot libraries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century. . . . Cambridge, 1901. Svo. R Construction. The construction of library buildings. [By W. F. Poole.] [United States. — Bureau of Education. Circular of information. 1 88 1. No. I.] Washington, 1881. Svo. U 164 Architectural Works 727.8 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS : Libraries {continued) — Gibbs (James). Bibliotheca Radcliviana : or, a short description of the RadcHffe Library, at Oxford. Containing its several plans. . . . London, 1747. Fol. U Manchester. — -John Rylands Lilyrary. John Rylands Library, Manchester, 1900. [A series of photographs by Bedford, Lemere & Co.] London, [igoo]. Fol. R Poole (William Frederick). American Library Association — Cincinnati meeting, May 24-27, 1882. Report on the progress of library architecture and resolutions of the Association concerning the build- ing for the Library of Congress. Boston, 1882. 8vo. F Washington. — Library of Congress. History of the Library of Congress. ... By W. D. Johnston. . . . [Contributions to American Library History, i.] Washington, 1904. i vol. 8vo. LIhistr. Ln pro- gress. R I. 1800-1864. Report of the librarian of Congress [H. Putnam] for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, (1902, 1903, 1905, etc.). Washington,. 1 90 1, etc. 8vo. Lllustr. Ln progress, R, T* (1901) 728 RESIDENCES: General. Addy (Sidney Oldall). The evolution of the English house. [Social England Series.] London, 1898. i2mo. Lllustr. F, S- Brown (Richard). Domestic architecture : containing a history of the science, and the principles of designing public edifices, private- dwelling-houses, country mansions, and suburban villas ; with practi- cal dissertations on every branch of building, from the choice of site,. to the completion of the appendages. Lo7idon, 1842. 4to. Lllustr^ S Burn (Robert Scott). The book of architectural design. A guide to the planning and decoration of domestic structures in the various modern styles. . . . Edited by R. S. Burn. . . . The designs pre- pared by E. S. Eyland. London and Edinburgh,. 1861-62. 2 pts. 4to. F *^* No more published. Model designs for mansions, villas, dwelling-hocuses, cottages, gates,^ and stables. . . . With hints on sanitary construction, and an essay- on dwellings for the working classes, their construction and arrange- ment. . . • Edited and arranged by R. S. Burn . . . assisted by various professional gentlemen. Lotidon, [n.d.}. 4to. A [Another edition.] London and Edinburgh, i860. 4to. F * Castermans (Auguste). Parallele des maisons de Piruxelles et des princi- pales villes de la Belgique construites depuis 1830 jusqu'a nos jours, representees en plans, elevations, coupes, et details interieurs et ex- terieurs, mesurees et dessinees par A. Castermans. Paris et Liege,. 1852-64. 2 vols. Fol. in Manchester and Salford 165 728 RESIDENCES: General (contifiued)— Chateauneuf (Alexis de). Architectura domestica. [A series of plates with descriptive letterpress in German and English.] London, 1839. 4to. A Crunden (John). Convenient and ornamental architecture, consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations, and sections. . . . The whole . . . engraved ... by I. Taylor. London, 1767. 4to U A new edition. Lotidon, 1788. 4to. F Daly (Cesar). L'architecture privee au XIXe siecle. Premiere serie. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs. . . . [A series of plates, with introduction.] [Bibliotheque de I'Architecte. Par . . . C. Daly. . . .] Paris, 1870. Tome i, 3. Fol. A* I. Hotels prives. 3. Villas suburbaines. *Daubourg (E.). Interior architecture: doors, vestibules . . . drawing, dining, and bedrooms . . . shop fronts. . . . [English and French.] London, 1877. Fol. Illustr. Goldsmith (Henry). Economical houses. [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] Manchester and Loudon, [1895]. Obi. 4to. A. F Goodwm (Francis). Domestic architecture : being a series of designs for mansions, villas, rectory houses . . . parkgate lodges, etc. (A second series of designs for cottages, lodges, villas, and other residences), in the Grecian, Italian, and old English styles. . . . With observations on the . . . choice of site . . . the practicability of erection. . . . With accurate estimates appended to each design. London, 1833-34. 2 vols. 4to. P Third edition. London, 1850. 2 vols. ^to. F Cottage architecture. Being a supplement to the first series of Goodwin's Rural architecture. ... [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] London, 1835. 4to. A *^* The second edition of Goodwin's " Domestic architecture " was published under the title of" Rural architecture" in 1S35. •Gramm (Johann Christ). Der Architekt fiir Freunde der schonen Bau- kunst. Eine Auswahl von Entvviirfen zum Bau von Lustschlossern, Landsitzen und anderen Luxus-Gebauden mittleren und kleineren Umfangs, von Stadt- und Gartenhausern, Villas, Jagd- und Schweizer- hausern, Cottages . . . sowie von Eisenbahnhofen, Stations- und Wartehausern. ... [A series of plates.] Frankfurt am Main, 1854. Fol. F Henning (Rudolf). Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwicke- lung. . . . [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturges- chichte der germanischen Volker. 47.] Strassbiirg, 1882. 8vo. Lllustr. R Die deutschen Haustypen : nachtragliche Bemerkungen. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der deutschen Volker. 55, ii.] Strassbiirg, 18S6. 8vo. R 1 66 Architectural Works 728 RESIDENCES : General {continued) — Holme (Charles). Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. Edited by C. Holme. [A series of plates, with introduction.] Lo7idon, 1 90 1. 8vo. F, M Kerr (Robert). The gentleman's house ; or, how to plan English resi- dences, from the parsonage to the palace ; with tables of accommoda- tion and cost, and a series of selected plans. Second edition. . . . London, 1865. Svo. B, F Third edition. London, 187 1. Svo. A, U Lamb (Edward Buckton). Studies of ancient domestic architecture,, principally selected from original drawings in the collection of . . . Sir W. Burrell. With some brief observations on the application of ancient architecture to the pictorial composition of modern edifices.. London, 1846. 4to. LUustr. A, F MacGovern (Joseph Henry). Suggestions for artistically and practically laying out building estates. Liverpool, 1885. Svo. F' Muthesius (Hermann). Das englische Haus. Entwicklung, Bedingungen, Anlage, Aufbau, Einrichtung, und Innenraum. Berlin, 1904-05. 3 vols. Fol. Lllustr. F Parker (Barry) and Unwin (Raymond). The art of building a home. A collection of lectures and illustrations. \Manchesfei\ 1901. Svo. F Parker (Charles). Villa rustica. Selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of Rome and Florence ; and arranged for lodges and domestic dwellings. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.]- . . . Second book. . . . London, 1833. 4to. A Villa rustica. . . . With plans and details. Third book. Lo?idon, 1841. 4to. F Richardson (Charles James). The Englishman's house from a cottage tO' a mansion. A practical guide to members of building societies, and all interested in selecting or building a house. Second edition. London, 1870. Svo. LI hi sir. T Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, lodges, with decorations. internal and external, suitable to each style. London, 1870. Svo. F Richardson (George). New designs in architecture, consisting of plans,, elevations, and sections for various buildings, comprised in XLIV folio plates. . . . [With descriptive letterpress in French and Eng- lish.] London, 1792. Fol. R" Rogers (Frederick). English mansions, lodges, villas, etc., being a series of original designs, with plans, specifications, and estimates, illustrat- ing the requirements of modern architecture. London, 1866. Fol. A. T Stevens (John Calvin) and Cobb (A. W.). Examples of American domestic architecture. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] JVezv York and Berlin, [n.d.]. Obi. 4to. F Stevenson (John James). House architecture. London, 18S0. 2 vols.. Svo. Lllnstr. F, P, S*, U in Manchester and Salford 167 728 RESIDENCES: Generay (continued)— Sutcliffe (George Lister). The principles and practice of modern house- construction : including water-supply and fittings — sanitary fittings and plumbing — drainage and sewage disposal — warming — ventilation — lighting — sanitary aspects of furniture and decoration — climate and situation — stables — sanitary law. . . . Edited by G. L. Sutcliffe. . , . London, 1898-99. 6 vols. 4to. Ilhtstr. F, T * Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Habitations modernes recueillies par E. VioUet-le-Duc, avec ... la collaboration de F. Narjoux. [A series of plates.] /'ar/V, 1874-75. 2 vols. Fol. How to build a house. An architectural novelette. Translated by B. Bucknall. [From the French of " Histoire d'une maison ".] London, 1874. 8vo. LUustr. A, F Wheeler (Gervase). The choice of a dwelling. A practical handbook of useful information on . . . hiring, buying, or building a house, with its stables and . . . outbuildings. London, 1871. 8vo. Illustr. P • Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo. Lllustr. B, F, T Young (William). Town and country mansions and suburban houses. With notes on the sanitary and artistic construction of houses. Illustrated by 30 plates containing plans, elevations, perspectives and interior views of executed works in the Queen Anne, classic, old English, Adam's Jacobean, Louis XVI. and other styles. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London and New York, 1879. Fol. F 728.1 Smaller Residences : General. See alsomUdi ']2'^.b. Ashbee (Charles Robert). A book of cottages and little houses. For landlords, architects, builders, and others. . . . \London,\()o()?^ 4to. Illustr. F Audsley (William James) and (George). Cottage, lodge, and villa archi- tecture. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, Glasgo7v, Edinburgh, [1870]. Fol. A Bogue (James W.). Domestic architecture. Being a series of designs for cottages and villas. With descriptions of the plans, estimates of costs. . . . To which rs added, Handy hints on the internal arrange- ments and the sanitary contrivances of cottages and villas, by the author of "The grammar of house planning" [R. S. Burn]. Edinburgh and London, 1865. Obi. 4to. A [Second edition.] Edinburgh and London, 1870. Obi. 4to. A Brooks (Samuel H.). Designs for cottage and villa architecture. . . . London, [1839]. 4to. A Busby (C. A.). A series of designs for villas and country houses. Adapted with economy to the comforts and elegancies of modern life. With plans and explanations to each. Lo?idon, 1808. 4to. T Cacheux (L.). Les habitations a bon marche a I'Exposition universelle de 1900. Paris, 1902. 8vo. Illustr. T 1 68 Architectural Works 728.1 RESIDENCES: Smaller Residences: General {continued)— Cheap Cottages Exhibition, [Letch worth]. The book of the Cheap Cottages Exhibition, [Letchworth, 1905]. Containing a . . . cata- logue with plans, and articles on the origin of the exhibition and Garden City, and cottage building problems. London, 1905. 4to. Iliustr. F Comes (James). Modern housing in town and country. Illustrated by examples of municipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tene- ment houses, model cottages and villages. Also plans and descrip- tions of the Cheap Cottages Exhibition, [Letchworth, 1905]. Lon- don, 1905. 4to. Llhistr. F, S Downing (Andrew Jackson). Cottage residences; or a series of designs for rural cottages and cottage villas, and their gardens and grounds adapted to North America. Fourth edition. . . . Neiv York, 1866. 8vo. Llhistr. F Field (Horace) and Bunney (Michael). English domestic architecture of the XVII and XVIII centuries. A selection of examples of smaller buildings, measured, drawn and photographed, with an in- troduction and notes. London, 1905. 4to. F, U Gyfford (E.). Designs for elegant cottages and small villas ... to which is annexed, a general estimate of the probable expense. . . . Lon- don, 1806. 4to. U Harvey (VV. Alexander). The model village and its cottages : Bourn ville. London, 1906. 8vo. Lllustr. F Hasluck (Paul Nooncree). Cheap dwellings : comprising over 200 plans, sections . . . and specifications of dweUings actually built at costs ranging from ^75 to ^300 each and upwards. Selected from " Building World " by P. N. Hasluck. . . . Second impression. London, [1905]. 4to. F Lugar (Robert). Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas. . . . London, 1805. 4to. U Nevill (Ralph). Old cottage and domestic architecture in South- West Surrey, and notes on the early history of the Division. Guildford, 1889." 4to. Lllustr. F Papworth (John Buonarotti). Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages . . . small villas and other buildings . . . with . . . observations on landscape gardening. London, 18 18. 4to. S, U Plaw (John). Rural architecture, consisting of designs, from the simple cottage to the more decorated villa. . . . London, 1785. 4to. U Pocock (William Fuller). Architectural designs for rustic cottages . . . villas, etc. . . . with practical remarks on building, and the causes of dry rot. London, 1807. 4to. U * Sloan (Samuel). The model architect: a series of original designs for cottages, villas . . . accompanied by explanations, specifications, estimates, and details. Philadelphia, [1852]. 2 vols. Fol. Snell (Charles Robert). Modern suburban homes . . . iS . . . designs for small and medium sized houses. Londo/i, 1903. 4to. F in Manchester and Salford 169 728.1 RESIDENCES: Smaller Residences : General [continued) — Soane {Sir John). Sketches in architecture ; containing plans and elevations] of cottages, villas, and other . . . buildings. . . . Lon- don, 1793. Fol. C Sparrow (Walter Shaw). The modern home. A book of British domestic architecture for moderate incomes. A companion volume to "The British home of to-day". The text by W. H. Bidlake . . . H. Ricardo & J. Cash. Edited by W. T. Sparrow. [Art and Life Library. 5.] Lo)idoji, [1906]. 8vo. Illustr. F 728.11 Villas. Aikin (Edmund). Designs for villas and other rural buildings ... to- gether with an introductory essay. . . . London, 1808. 4 to. U Briggs (R. A.). Homes for the country. A series of designs and ex- amples of executed works, with plans of each. Illustrated on forty- eight plates. London, 1904. 4to. F Home Counties, /j-^/^Z^. i2mo. F 728.6 Village and Country Architecture. See also supra 728.1. Cutler (Thomas William). Cottages and country buildings. [A series of plates.] Loudon, 1896. Obi. i2mo. F Davie (W. Galsworthy). Old cottages and farm houses in Kent and Sussex. Illustrated in 100 plates piinted in collotype from . . . photographs taken by W. G. Davie. With some descriptive notes and sketches by E. G. Dawber. London, 1900. 4to. F Old cottages, farm-houses and other stone buildings in the Cotswold district. Examples of minor domestic architecture in Gloucester- shire, Oxfordshire, Northanis, Worcestershire. Illustrated ... on 100 collotype plates from photographs . . . taken by W. G. Davie. With an introductory account of the architecture of the district . . . by E. G. Dawber. London, 1905. 4to. F Dean (George Alfred). A series of selected designs for country residences, entrance lodges, farm offices, cottages, &c. . . . \\'ith remarks upon site, soil, ornamental planting, water, drainage, sewerage construction, &c. Worthing, York and London, 1867. 4to. F' Elsam (Richard). An essay on rural architecture. . . . Second edition. London, 1805. Ill u sir. U Gandy (Joseph). Designs for cottages, cottage farms and other buildings ; including entrance 'gates and lodges. [A series of plates, with de- scriptive letterpress.] London. 1805. 4to. F Hints. Hints on rural residences. [By N. Carlisle.] London, 1825. 4to. U * Hooper (C. Edward). The country house. A practical manual of the planning and construction of the American country home and its surroundings. . . . London, 1906. 4to. Llhistr. Hunt (Thomas Frederick). Designs for parsonage houses, alms houses, etc., etc. With examples of gables and other curious remains of old English architecture. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.]- London, 1827. 410. A [Another edition.] London, 184 1. 4to. A Laing (David). Hints for dwellings: consisting of original designs for cottages, farm-houses, villas. . . . London, 1801. 4to. U Loudon (John Claudius). An encyclopsedia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. . . . Lo7idon, 1833. Svo. P, U A new edition, edited by Mrs. Loudon. London, 1867. 8vo. Illustr. S A new edition, edited by Mrs. Loudon. London, 1869. 8vo. Illustr. B Malton (James). An essay on British cottage architecture . . . supported by fourteen designs, with their ichnography, or plans, laid down to scale ; comprising dwellings for the peasant and farmer and retreats- 172 Architectural Works 728.6 RESIDENCES : Village and Country Architecture (contitmed) — for the gentleman ; with various observations thereon : the whole extending to twenty-one plates, designed and executed in aqua-tinta. . . . London, 1798. 4to. F, R Middleton (Charles). Picturesque and architectural views for cottages, farm houses and country villas. London, 1795. ^o^- ^ Parkinson (James). Old cottages, farm-houses and other half-timber buildings in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Cheshire. Illustrated on 100 plates . . . from . . . photographs taken by J. Parkinson. With introductory and descriptive notes and numerous sketches by E. A. Ould. Londo7i, 1904. 4to. F Williams (James). Sketches of village buildings from designs. London, [1891]. Obi. i2mo. F 728.67 Farm Houses. Barber (William). Farm buildings ; containing designs for cottages, farm-houses, lodges, farm-yards. . . . Also a description of the mode of building in pise, as adopted in several parts of France. . . . Lon- don, [n.d.]. 4to. U Byng (George) 7M Viscount Torrington. On farm buildings ; with a few observations on the state of agriculture in the county of Kent. Lon- don, 1845. Svo. Lllustr. F Clarke (A. Dudley). Modern farm buildings : their construction and arrangement. Third edition. . . . London, 1899. i2mo. Lllustr. F Dean (George Alfred). Essays on the construction of farm buildings and labourers' cottages. . . . Stratford and London, 1849. 4^0- Lllustr. F * Deininger (Johann W.). Das Bauernhaus in Tirol und Vorarlberg. [A series of plates.] Wien, 1903. Fol. * Germany. Das Bauernhaus im deutschen Reiche und in seinen Grenz- gebieten. Herausgegeben'vom Verbande Deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine. Dresden, 1901-06. Fol. Lllustr. Halfpenny (William). Twelve . . . designs for farm-houses, with their proper offices, and estimates of the whole and every distinct building separate. . . . The third edition. London, 1774. 4to. U 'Henderson (Richard). The modern homestead : its arrangement and construction. With introduction by J. Macdonald. . . . Lofidon, 1902. Svo. Lllustr. F •Lasius (Otto). Das friesische Bauernhaus in seiner Entwickelung wahrend der letzten vier Jahrhunderte vorzugsweise in der Kiistengegend zwischen der Weser und dem DoUart . . . [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker. 55, i.] Strasslnirg, 1885. Svo. Lllustr. R Lugar (Robert). The country gentleman's architect; containing a variety of designs for farm houses and farm yards. . . . London, 1807. 4to. U [Another edition.] London, 1S15. 4to. A Stephens (Henry) and Burn (Robert Scott). The book of farm buildings : their arrangement and construction. Edinburgh and London, 1861. Svo. Lllustr. P in Manchester and Salford 173: 728.7 RESIDENCES : Seaside and Mountain Cottages, Chalets, etc. Briggs (R. A.). Bungalows and country residences. A series of designs and examples of executed works. Fifth edition. . . . London, 1901. 4to. F Duncan (John Hudson Elder-). Country cottages and week-end homes. . . . London, 1906. 4to. Lllustr. F' 728.8 • Country Seats. Blondel (Jacques Francois). De la distribution des maisons de plaisance,. et de la decoration des edifices en general. . . . Ouvrage enrichi de . . . planches . . . gravees par I'auteur. Paris, 1737-38. 2 vols. 4to. R Ferguson (Charles J.). The development of domestic architecture : Rose Castle and Dalston Hall. [From " Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Archteol. Soc."] Kendal, 1875. 4to. U G. L. M., Esqr. On the landscape architecture of the great painters of Italy. By G. L. M., Esqr. [i.e. G. L. Meason]. London, 1828. 4to. Lllustr. F, R' Newton (Ernest). A book of country houses, comprising nineteen ex- amples illustrated on sixty-two plates. London, 1903. 4to. F, M 728.9 Out-buildings. Birch (John). Picturesque lodges. A series of designs for gate lodges, park entrances, keepers', gardeners', bailiffs', grooms', upper and under servants' lodges and other rural residences. Edinburgh and' London, 1893. 4*^o- P Giraud (Byng). Stable building and stable fitting : a handbook for the use of architects, builders, and horse owners. Lo?idon, 1891. 4to. Lllustr. F Hartshorne (Albert). The great barn, Harmondsworth. [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. U Hunt (Thomas Frederick). Haifa dozen hints on picturesque domestic architecture, in a series of designs for gate lodges, gamekeepers' cottages, and other rural residences. London, 1825. 4to. F Perthuis de Laillevault (Leon de). Traite d'architecture rurale. . . . Paris, 1 810. 4to. Lllustr. R Robinson (Peter Frederick). Designs for gate cottages, lodges, and park entrances. . . . Third edition. London, 1837. 4to. F 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. - * Adams (Louis G.). Decorations interieures et meubles des epoques Louis XHL & Louis XIV. . . . Paris, 1876. Fol. Lllustr. Albertolli (Giocondo). Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale ed altri orna- menti. Incisi da G. Mercoli e da A. de Bernardis. [A series of plates.] [Milan], 1787. Fol. F Baumeister (R.). Architektonische Formenlehre fiir Ingenieure. . . . Stuttgart, 1866. 4to. Lllustr. F 174 Architectural Works 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION {continued)— Bell (John). Sculpture in its relation to architecture. Being extracts from contributions by ... J. Bell . . . Donaldson ... Sir M. I). Wyatt . . . ,F. P. Cockerell . . . and by H. B. Garling . . . With an in- troduction by . . . Aitchison. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 4, N.S.] London, 1888. 4to. Illustr. A Berain (Jean). Ornemens inventez par J. Berain. [A series of plates.] \Paris, 1709.] Fol. R Billings (Robert William). The infinity of geometric design exemplified. London, 1849. 4to. U Birch (George H.). Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Cantor Lectures on the decorative treatment of metal in architecture. Delivered . . . April 2nd, 9th, and i6th, 1883. . . . London, 1883. 8vo. F Blagrove (George H.). Marble decoration and the terminology of British and foreign marbles. A handbook for students. London, 1888. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. F vX Brandon (John Raphael) and (Joshua Arthur). An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of . . . examples of doorways, windows, etc., etc., and accompanied with remarks on the several details of an ecclesiastical edifice. London, 1847-49. 2 vols. 4to. P *^*Vol. 2 is '"New edition ". New edition. London, i860. 2 vols. 4to. A, F New edition. London, 1874. 2 vols. 4to. M New edition. Edinbtirgh, 1903. 2 vols. 4to. C Buehlmann (Joseph). The architecture of classical antiquity and of the renaissance ... 78 plates . . . with descriptive text. Translated from the German of the second revised and enlarged edition by G. A. Greene. Berlin, [1898]. Fol. M *J* The text is wanting in this copy. Busby (C. A.). A collection of designs for modern embellishments suit- able to parlours, dining, and drawing rooms. . . . London, [n.d.]. 4to. T, U Carter (John). Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now re- maining in England, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII. . . . exhibited in one hundred and twenty plates, drawn and etched by J. Carter. . . . With critical and historical introductions by F. Douce . . . R. Gough ... J. Fenn . . . J. S. Hawkins . . . W. Bray . . . and ... J. Milner. A new and improved edition ... by D. Turner ... Sir S. R. Meyrick ... J. Britton . . . and other . . . antiquaries. L^ondon, 1838. Fol. P Chambers {Sir William). A treatise on the decorative part of civil archi- tecture. . . . With illustrations, notes, and an examination of Grecian architecture, by J. Gwilt. London, 1825. 2 vols. 4to. Lllustr. F, M, P, U The fifth edition. To which are added copious notes, and an essay on the principles of design in architecture, with nine plates illus- trative of Grecian architecture. London, 1836. Fol. Lllustr. F in Manchester and Salford 175 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION {continued)— Colling (James Kellaway). Details of Gothic architecture measured and drawn from existing examples. London, 1852-56. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. F Gothic ornaments drawn from existing authorities by J. K. Colling. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Londo7i, [1848-50.] 2 vols. 4to. F • [Another edition.] London, [n.d.]. 2 vols. 4to. M Conway (Moncure Daniel). Travels in South Kensington, with notes on decorative art and architecture in England. London, 1882. 8vo. Illustr. F •Cooper (George). Designs for the decoration of rooms in the various style \sic\ of modern embellishment, with pilasters and frizes \sic\ at large. Lotido7i, [1807]. Fol. U •Cust, aftenvards Purey-Cust (Arthur Perceval) Dean of York. The heraldry of York Minster ; a key to the history of its builders and benefactors, as shovvn in the stained-glass windows and in the carved work in stone. Leeds, 1890-96. 2 vols. 4to. Illustr. R JDaly (Cesar). Motifs historiques d'architecture et de sculpture d'orne- ment pour la composition et la decoration exterieure des edifices publics et prives. Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments fran9ais du commencement de la renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. ... [A series of plates]. Paris, 1869. 2 vols. Fol. F Motifs historiques d'architecture et de sculpture d'ornement. Deuxieme serie. Decorations interieures empruntees a des edifices fran^ais du commencement de la renaissance a la fin du Louis XVI. . . . [A series of plates.] Paris, 1880. 2 vols. Fol. F * Dehli (Arne). Byzantinisches Ornament in Italien. Auswahl vorbild- licher Einzelheiten aus den Gebieten der Architektur, Skulptur und Metallarbeit mit Profilzeichnungen und Massangaben. [A series of plates.] Leipzig, 1890. 2 vols. Fol. Designs. Designs for architects, upholsterers, cabinet makers. . . . London, 1801. Vol. i. Fol. U '''■'''^* Encyclopedic. Encyclopedic des arts decoratiis de I'Orient. [Edited by V. Champier and F. Favre.] Paris, 1880-83. 6 vols. Fol. Illustr. Collinot (E.) and Beaumont (A. de). Ornements arabes. . . . — 1883. Ornements de la Chine. . . . — 1883. Ornements du Japon. . . . — 1883. Ornements de la Perse. . . . — 1880. Ornements turcs. . . . — 1883. Ornements venitiens, hindous, russes. . . . — 18S3. Espouy (Hector d'). Fragments d'architecture antique d'apres les releves & restaurations des anciens pensionnaires de 1' Academic de France a Rome. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, [n.d.]. Fol. F Fragments d'architecture antique. Architektonische Einzelheiten der Antike aufgenommem \jic\ und rekonstruirt von den hervor- ragendsten Architekten der Franzosischen Akademie in Rom. Her- iy6 Architectural Works 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION {contmued)— ausgegeben von H. d'Espouy. Hundert Tafeln in Heliogravure. [With descriptive letterpress.] [Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe durch Zusatze erweitert von . . . D. Joseph. . . .] Berlin und Neiv York, [1897]. Fol. M Espouy (Hector d'). Fragments d'architecture, deuxieme serie. Archi- tektonische Einzelheiten des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aufgenommen und rekonstruirt von den hervorragendsten Archi- tekten der Franzosischen Akademie in Rom. Herausgegeben von H. d'Espouy. Hundert Tafeln in Heliogravure. Berlin und New York, [1898]. Fol. F, M v^ Evans (Edward Payson). Animal symbolism in ecclesiastical architecture. With a bibliography. . . . London, 1896. i2mo. Illustr. F Garbett (Edward Lacy). Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic architects. London, 1850. 2 pts. 1 2 mo. Lllustr. F Fourth edition. London, 1876. 8vo. M Gibbs (James). A book of architecture, containing designs of buildings and ornaments. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1728. Fol. A*, C, U The second edition. Lo?idon, 1739. Fol. A \^ Gibbs (John). Domestic architecture and ornament in detail. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Oxford, 1868. Fol. A — Studies in architecture and ornament. ... [A series of plates.] Oxford, i860. 4to. A Glazier (Richard). A manual of historic ornament treating upon the evolution, tradition, and development of architecture & the applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmen. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. With . . . illustrations by the author. London, 1906. 8vo. F, R * Guilmard (Desire). Les maitres ornemanistes, dessinateurs, peintres, architectes, sculpteurs et graveurs : ecoles fran9aise, italienne, alle- mande et des Pays-Bas. . . . Paris, 1880-81. 2 vols. 4to. * Gurlitt (Cornelius). Das Barock-und Rococo-Ornament Deutschlands. Herausgegeben von C. Gurlitt. [A series of plates.] Berlin, 1889 Fol. Gruner (Ludwig). Fresco decorations : stuccoes of churches & palaces in Italy during the fifteenth & sixteenth centuries, with descriptions- by L. Gruner, and a comparison between the ancient arabesques &: those of the sixteenth century by J. J. Hittorff. . . . [An atlas of plates.] London, 1844. Fol. R' Descriptions of the plates. . . . London, 1844. 4to. R Halfpenny (Joseph). Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York, drawn and etched by J. Halfpenny. York, i795[-i8oo]. 4to. R Hartel (August). Architektonische Details des Mittelalters. Herausgege- ben von A. Hartel ... 60 Tafeln. Berlin, [1889]. Fol. A in Manchester and Salford i77 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION {continued)— Harvey (Lawrence). Semper's theory of evolution in architectural orna- ment. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. i, N.S.] London, 1885. 4to. Illustr. A Hay (David Ramsay). The laws of harmonious colouring adapted to interior decorations, manufactures, and other useful purposes. . . . Fourth edition. London, 1838. 8vo. Lllustr. P Heideloff (Carl Alexander von). Carl Heideloff s Ornamentik des Mittel- alters. Kupfertafeln mit erklarendem Text. Niirnberg, [1888]. 4to. F Hope (Thomas). Household furniture and interior decoration, executed from designs by T. Hope. London, 1807. Fol. R * Huszka (Jozsef). Magyarische Ornamentik. . . . Leipzig, 1900. 4to. Lllustr. * Jacob (Samuel Swinton). Jeypore portfolio of architectural details. . . . Prepared under the supervision of . . . S. S. Jacob. 'London, 1890- 98. 10 vols. Fol. Jones (Owen). The grammar of ornament. Illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament. London, [1856]. Fol. F Journal of Decorative Art. The journal of decorative art. . . . Man- chester, 1885-93, 1905, etc. 4to. Ln progress. T King (Thomas H.). The study-book of mediaeval architecture and art, being a series of working drawings of the principal monuments of the middle ages. . . . London, [n.d.]. 4 vols. Fol. F Lacroux (J.). Constructions en briques. La brique ordinaire au point de vue decoratif. Par J. Lacroux. Texte par C. Detain. . . . Faris, 1878. 2 vols. Fol. Lllustr. F Langley (Batty). The city and country builder's and workman's treasury of designs ; or, the art of drawing and working the ornamental parts of architecture. London, 1740. 4to. Lllustr. F * ^* Title-page and commencement of work wanting in this copy, Lenoir (Marie Alexandre). Musee des monumens fran^ais, ou description historique et chronologique des statues . . . bas-reliefs et tombeaux des hommes et des femmes celebres, pour servir a I'histoire de France et a celle de I'art. . . . Paris, 1800-06. 5 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. P*, R Le Pautre (Jean). CJEuvres d'architecture. ... [A series of plates.] Paris, 1751. 3 vols. Fol. R Lessing (Otto). Architectural ornaments in Berlin. One hundred plates. Edited by O. Lessing. . . . London, 1880. Fol. M Liverpool, University of. — School of Architecture. Portfolio of measured drawings. Liverpool, 1906. Vol. i. Fol. F, M London. — Royal Architectural Museum. [Photographs of architectural ornament, chiefly Gothic, from the Royal Architectural Museum, London.] 3 vols. Obi. 4to. M 12 178 Architectural Works 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION (continued)— Luthmer (Ferdinand). Malerische Innenraume moderner Wohnungen ; in Aufnahmen nach der Natur. Herausgegeben . . . von F. Luth- mer. . . . Frankfurt a?n Main, 1885-88. 2 series. Fol. M Malerische Innenraume aus Gegenwart und Vergangenheit ; in Aufnahmen nach der Natur. Herausgegeben von . . . F. Luthmer . . . Fortsetzung des Werkes : " Malerische Innenraume moderner Wohnungen," erweitert durch Heranziehungausgezeichneter Beispiele der Innen-Architektur des 16, 17 und 18 Jahrhunderts. Frank- furt am Main, 1889-92. 2 series. Fol. M Marks (Percy L.). The principles of architectural design. . . . London, 1907. 8vo. Illustr. F Mayeux (Henri). A manual of decorative composition for designers, decor- ators, architects and industrial artists. . . . Translated by J. Gonino. Revised by W. Millard. Third edition. London, 1898. 8vo. U 1/ Meyer (Franz Sales). Systematisch-geordnetes Handbuch der Omamentik zum Gebrauche fur Musterzeichner, Architekten, Schulen und Gewer- betreibende sowie zum Studium in Allgemeinen. . . . Zweite Auflage. [Gr. Badische Kunstgewerbeschule in Karlsruhe.] [Seemanns Kunst- gewerbliche Handbiicher. i.] Leipzig, 1889. 8vo. Lllustr. T Dritte durchgeshene Auflage. Leipzig, 1890. 8vo. Lllustr. A Mitford (VVilliam). Principles of design in architecture traced in observa- tions on buildings ... in a series of letters to a friend. London. 18 1 9. 8vo. P Second edition. London, 1824. 8vo. F * Morandi (Genesio). L'arte della decorazione italiana. Studiata sugli archi e i grafifiti di Roma sul palazzo di Caprarola e sulle targhe delle carte geografiche del Vaticano. Milano, 1874. Fol. Lllustr. * Moscow. Motive von Ornamenten, aufgenommen nach alten russischen Erzeugnissen und herausgegeben von der Stroganoffschen Central- schule fiir technisches Zeichnen. Moskau, 1887-93. Fol. Oakeshott (George J.). Detail and ornament of the Italian renaissance. Drawn by G. J. Oakeshott. [A series of plates.] London, 1888. Fol. F Paris. — Palais du Trocadero. Bibliotheque du Musee de Sculpture Com- paree du Trocadero. Ensembles d'architecture, details de sculptures, etc. . . . [A series of plates.] /'am, [1893]. Fol. F Pocock (William Fuller). Modern finishings for rooms : a series of de- signs for vestibules, halls, staircases . . . and drawing-rooms . . . to which are added some designs for villas and porticos. . . . En- graved . . . from designs by W. F. Pocock. London, 181 1. 4to. U Pompeii. Gli ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell' antica Pompei incisi in rame. Napoli, ii^d. Fol. R [Another edition.] Napoli, 1808. 2 pts. Fol. R * Prignot (Eugene). Decors interieurs pour edifices, publics et prives. [A series of plates.] Paris, 1870. Fol. in Manchester and Salford 1 79 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION [contifiued)— * Prussia. — Koenigliche Technische Deputation /tier Gewerbe. Vorbilder fiir Fabrikanten und Handwerker. Herausgegeben von der Konigl. Technischen Deputation fiir Gewerbe. [Edited by P. C. W. Beuth.] Berlin, 1821-37. 2 Thle. Fol. • [Plates.] Berlin, 1821-37. Fo'- Pugin (Augustus Charles). Gothic ornaments, selected from various ancient buildings, both in England and France during the years 1828, 1829, and 1830. . . . Exhibiting . . . specimens of . . . de- corative detail from the eleventh to the beginning of the sixteenth century. Drawn on stone by J. D. Harding. . . . London, 1840. 4to. P [Another edition.] Londoti, 1844. 4to. A Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Details of antient timber houses of the 15th & 1 6th cenfy^^ selected from those existing at Rouen, Caen, Beauvais, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg, etc., drawn on the spot ik. etched by A. W. Pugin. \^Lofidon'\, 1836. 4to. A, F, U Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume, compiled and illus- trated from antient authorities and examples. With extracts from the works of Durandus, Georgius, Bona, Catalan!, Gerbert, Martene, Molanus, Thiers, Mabillon, Ducange, etc. . . . translated by . . . B. Smith. London, 1844. 4to. Llliisir. A Racinet (Albert Charles Auguste). L'ornement polychrome. . . . Recueil historique et pratique public sous la direction de . . . A. Racinet. . . . Avec des notes explicatives. . . . (Deuxieme serie.) Paris, [1869-87]. 2 vols. Fol. F *Remon (G.). Interieurs modernes. [A series of plates.] Paris, 1900. Obi. fol. Richardson (Charles James). Studies from old English mansions : their furniture, gold & silver plate, &c. By an architect (C. J. Richardson). [A series of plates.] \London\ 1841-48. 4 vols. Fol. A, M* * ^* On large paper. [Another copy; on ordinary paper.] \London\ 1841-42. 2 vols. Fol. A Roger-Miles (L.). Architecture, decoration et ameublement pendant le dix-huitieme siecle. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] [Anthologie des Arts Decoratifs.] Paris, [n.d.]. 8vo. M Comment discerner les styles du VI lie au XIX^ sifecle. Paris, [1897]. I vol. 4to. F, S Caracteres et manifestations des formes en architecture et decoration. . . . Accompagn^s de . . . reproductions documentaires gravees par J. Mauge. . . . Rossi (Domenico de). Studio d'architettura civile sopragli ornamenti di porte e finestre, tratti da alcune fabbriche insigni di Roma. . . . (Studio . . . sopra uarj ornamenti di cappelle e diuersi sepolcri, tratti da piij chiese di Roma . . . — Studio . . . sopra varie chiese, cappelle di Roma. . . .) [A series of plates.] Roma, 1702-21. 3 vols. Fol. Llhistr. C I So Architectural Works 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION (continued)— * Rueckwardt (Hermann). Architektonische Studienblatter aus Budapest. Eine Sammlung der schonsten Fa9aden und architektonischen Details der in der Neuzeit in Budapest ausgefiihrten offendichen und privaten Bauten. Photographische Aufnahmen nach der Natur in Lichtdruck. Berlin, [1889-91]. 2 vols. Fol. * Architektur der Neuzeit. Eine ausgewahlte Sammlung moderner Fa(^aden und Details. Photographische Original-Aufnahmen . . . in Lichtdruck. Berlin, 1890-95. 3 series. Fol. Illustr. Schuetz (Alexander). Die Renaissance in Italien. Eine Sammlung der werthvoUsten erhaltenen Monumente in chronologischer Folge geord- net. Herausgegeben sow A. Schiitz. ... [A series of plates.] Hamburg, 1885. i vol. Fol. M* [Decoration inJHolz.] Seddon (John Pollard). Progress m art and architecture, with pre- cedents for ornament. London, 1852. 4to. Illustr. C, S Simonds (George). Some aspects of sculpture considered in relation to architecture. . . . [The Royal Institute of British Architects. Re- printed from the Transactions, vol. 7, N.S.] Londoti, 1891. 4to. Illustr. A Small (John William). Scottish architectural details. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1901. Fol. C, F Statham (Henry Heathcote). Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Cantor Lectures : On the elements of architectural design. . . . Delivered before the Society, November 28, December 5, 12, and 19, 1887. London, 1888. 8vo. Illustr. F / Thiollet (Fran9ois) and Roux (Henri). Nouveau recueil de menuiserie et de decorations interieures et exterieures, comme interieurs d'ap- partements, salles de bals et de concerts, foyers de theatres, in- terieurs et e.xterieurs de boutiques, cafes, restaurants, bazars, galeries marchandes. . . . Le tout leve et dessine par Thiollet et H. Roux. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Liege, 1848. Fol. A Thorp (James). Ornaments for chimney-pieces, door-caps, frontispieces, etc., or, a directory for using Thorp's composition. London, 1783. 4to. U Ungewitter (Georg Gottlob). Details fiir Stein- und Ziegel-Architectur im romanisch-gothischen Style. . . . Ein Vorlagenwerk fiir Architecten, Steinbildhauer und Schulen. Vierte Auflage. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, [1899]. Fol. F Gothische Holz- Architektur. . . . Ein Vorlagewerk fiir Architekten, Bautischler, Zimmermeister und Schulen. Vierte Auflage. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, 1899. Fol. F Waring (John Burley). The arts connected with architecture illustrated by examples in central Italy from the 13th to the 15th century: (Examples of stained glass, fresco ornament, marble and enamel inlay, and wood inlay . . .). London, 1858. Fol. F in Manchester and Salford i8i 729 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION {continued)— Waring (John Burley). Illustrations of architecture and ornament. Drawn and etched on copper, by J. B. Waring. . . . [With descriptive letter- press.] London, [1865]. F'ol. F, M • [New edition.] London, 187 1. Fol. M Weale (John). Monograms, old architectural ornament, sacred illustra- tions, borders and alphabets, collected on the continent and in England by J. Weale. London, [1847]. Fol. F * Wharton (Edith) and Codman (Ogden). The decoration of houses. New York, London, 1898. 8vo. Lllustr. Wilkinson [Sir John Gardner). On colour and on the necessity for a general diffusion of taste among all classes. With remarks on laying out dressed or geometrical gardens. . . . London, 1858. 8vo. P Wornum (Ralph Nicholson). Analysis of ornament. The characteristics of styles : an introduction to the study of the history of ornamental art ; being an outline of a course of sixteen lectures on that subject prepared for the government schools of design in the years 1848, 1849, 1850' London, 1856. 8vo. Lllustr. T Wyatt [Sir Matthew Digby). Specimens of ornamental art workmanship in gold, silver, iron, brass, and bronze, from the twelfth to the nineteenth centuries. . . . With a history of the art in Italy, England, France, Germany, and Spain ; together with its theory and practice. London, 1852. Fol. Lllustr. A 729.1 The Elevation, etc. Adams (Maurice Bingham). Architectural drawing. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. i, N.S.] London, 1885. 4^^- Lllustr. A Bradley (Thomas). Practical geometry, linear perspective, and projection. . . . For the use of artists, architects. . . . [Library of Useful Know- ledge.] London, 1834. 8vo. Lllustr. A Burges (William). Architectural drawing in the middle ages. With notes by . . . W. Papworth. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 3, N.S.] Lotidon, 1887. 4to. Lllustr. A Burn (Robert Scott). The illustrated architectural, engineering, and mechanical drawing-book. For the use of schools, students and artisans. London, [n.d.]. 8vo. T Grace (J. D.). Heraldic drawing and its adaptation. . . . [Extract from Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1898.] [London, 1898.] 4to. Lllustr. A Gibbs (James). Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture in a more exact and easy manner than has been heretofore practised, by which all fractions in dividing the principal members and their parts are avoided. London, 1732. Fol. Lllustr. R The third edition. London, 1753. Fol. Lllustr. F 1 82 Architectural Works 729.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. The Eleva- tion, etc. {continued) — Heather (John Fry). Mathematical instruments. . . . Enlarged edition. . . . [Weale's Rudimentary Series. 170.] London, 1873. ^o^- 3* 1 2 mo. Illusir. A 3. Surveying and astronomical instruments. Practical plane geometry. . . . Third edition. [Weale's Rudi- mentary Series. 178.] London, 1890. i2mo. Lllustr. A Kirby (John Joshua). The perspective of architecture. . . . Deduced from the principles of . . . B. Taylor ; and performed by two rules only of universal application. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1761. 2 vols. Fol. F * Longfellow (William Pitt Preble). Applied perspective for architects & painters. Lotidon, 1902. 4to. lllustr. * Middleton (George Alexander Thomas). The principles of architectural perspective. Prepared for the use of students, etc., with chapters on isometric drawing and the preparation of finished perspectives. . . . London, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. Nicholson (Peter). The principles of architecture, containing the funda- mental rules of the art, in geometry, arithmetic and mensuration . . . also the true method of drawing the ichnography and orthography of objects, geometrical rules for shadows. . . . London, 1795-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. R [Another edition.] London, 1809. Vol. i. 8vo. Lllustr. P ■ The fourth edition. London, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Lllustr. A*, T* Fifth edition. London, 1841. Vol. 2-3. 8vo. M* Sixth edition, revised and corrected by J, Gwilt. Illustrated ... by W. Lowry. London, 1848. 8vo. F Pozzo (Andrea). Rules and examples of perspective proper for painters and architects, etc. In English and Latin. Containing a most easie and expeditious method to delineate in perspective all designs relat- ing to architecture after a new manner. . . . Engraven in 105 . . . plates ... by J. Sturt. Done into English ... by ... J. James. . . . London, 1707. Fol. R, U [Another edition.] London, [n.d.]. Fol. U Roberts (R. W.). Architectural sketching and drawing in perspective, with . . . plates illustrating the drawing of architectural details and sketching to scale ; including chapters on the plan and measuring point methods, the simplification of perspective by R.'s method and on figures, foliage, etc. London, igo6. 8vo. M Simms (Frederick Walter). A treatise on the principal mathematical drawing instruments employed by the engineer, architect, and surveyor. Second edition. . . . Lo?idon, 1845. i2mo. Lllustr. A in Manchester and Salford 183 729.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. The Eleva- tion, etc. {continued) — Spiers (Richard Phene). Architectural drawing. London, 1887. 410. Illustr. A Third thousand. London, 1892. 4to. Lllusir. S ■ New and revised edition. London, 1902. 4to. Illustr. Stanley (William Ford). Mathematical drawing and measuring instru- ments. . . . Seventh edition. London, 1900. i2mo. Lllustr. A Wilson (Victor Tyson). Free-hand lettering. Being a treatise on plain lettering from the practical standpoint for use in engineering schools and colleges. First edition. New York, 1904. 8vo. Illustr. F 729.2 The Plan. Boileau (Daniel). The art of working in pasteboard, upon scientific prin- ciples. ... To which is added, an appendix, containing directions for constructing architectural models. . . . Compiled from the Ger- man [of B. H. Blasche], with corrections and additions, by D. Boileau. . . . Londo7i, 1827. i6mo. Illustr. F Marks (Percy L.). The principles of planning. An analytical treatise for the use of architects and others. . . . London, 1901. 8vo. Illustr. F, S, T ■ Second edition. London, 1905. 8vo. Illustr. U Richardson (T. A.). The art of architectural modelling in paper. With illustrations designed by the author, and engraved by O. Jewitt. Lon- don, 1859. i2mo. F 729.3 Elementary Forms. For construction of these forms, see 721. Gardner (John Starkie). Wrought- ironwork : mediaeval period. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transac- tions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. Illustr. A Wrought-ironwork : renaissance period. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 8, N.S.] Londoti, 1892. 4to. Illustr. A Halfpenny (William). Magnum in parvo : or, the marrow of architecture. Shewing how to draw a column with its base, capital, entablature, and pedestal : and also an arch of any of the five orders, and duly limit the rise and projection of every one, even the smallest member, according to the proportions laid down by . . . Palladio. . . . Londofi, 1728. 4to. Illustr. F Meyer (Franz Sales). A handbook of art smithing for the use of practical smiths, designers of ironwork, technical and art schools, architects, etc. Translated from the second and enlarged German edition, with an introduction ... by J. S. Gardner. London, 1896. 8vo. Illustr. F * Murphy (Bailey Scott). English and Scottish wrought ironwork. A series of examples of English ironwork of the best period, with which is included most that now exists in Scotland. [With descriptive letterpress.] London, 1904. Fol. 184 Architectural Works 729.3 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. Elementary Forms (continued) — Ornamental. Ornamental iron -work, or designs ... for fan-lights, stair- case-railing, window-guard-irons, lamp-irons, palisades, and gates. With a scheme for adjusting designs ... to any slope. London, [n.d.]. 4to. U Smith (James). Specimens of ancient carpentry, consisting of framed roofs, selected from various ancient buildings. . . . Also some specimens of mouldings for cornices, doors, and windows. . . . Lon- don, 1787. 4to. U * Waring (John Burley). Thirty designs adapted for civic architecture. London, 1850. Fol. Young (John). A series of designs for shop fronts, porticoes, and entrances to buildings, public & private. London, 1835. 4^°- ■ A 729.31 Walls. Mouldings. Cornices. Bajot (Edouard). Pro Ills et tournages. Recueil de documents de styles gothique — Fran9ois P"^ — Henri II. — Henri III. — Henri IV. — Louis XIII. — Louis XIV. — Louis XV.— Louis XVI. — empire — moderne ; tires des principaux musees, palais, chateaux, grandes collections, etc. 1500 motifs releves et dessines sous la direction de E. Bajot. Paris, [1898]. Fol. F Purdie (Thomas). Illustrations of an essay on mural decoration read before the Architectural Institute of Scotland. . . . Engraved for the Transactions of the Institute. [^Edinburgh, 1852.] 4to. A 729.32 Piers, Columns, Pedestals and the Orders. Colonnades. Monreale. The cloisters of Monreale in Sicily. Thirty photographs of the sculptured capitals and clustered columns surrounding the cloisters of Monreale, erected in the twelfth century by William the Good. . . . [With a preface signed J. ('.] [Arundel Society : Examples of Art Workmanship of various ages and countries.] London, 1870. 4to. M Uhde (Constantin). Die Architekturformen des klassischen Alterthums . . mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Saulenordnung und Gesims- bildung. Herausgegeben . . . von C. Uhde. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Berlin, [1896]. Fol. M 729.34 Vaults and Domes. Gosset (Alphonse). Les cupoles d'orient et d'occident. Etude historique, theorique et pratique. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Paris, i889[-i902]. 4to. F Stannus (Hugh). Internal treatment of cupolas (in general and that of St. Paul's Cathedral in particular). . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. i, N.S.] London, 1885. 4to. Lllustr. A 729.35 Roofs. Brandon (John Raphael) and (Joshua Arthur). The open timber roofs of the middle ages. Illustrated by perspective and working drawings of some of the best varieties of church roofs. . . . London, 1849 4to. F, P, T [Another edition.] London, i860. 4to. A in Manchester and Salford 185 729.36 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. Elementary Forms. Towers. Eiffel (Alexandre Gustave). La tour Eiffel en 1900. Paris, 1902. 410. T La tour de trois cents metres. Planches. Paris, 1900. Fol. T * Green (Edmund Tyrrell). Towers and spires : their design and arrange- ment. London, 1908. 8vo. lllustr. Sutter (Conrad). Architecture historique. Tours et clochers de tous styles et de tous pays. Fleches, donjons, beffrois, minarets, tourelles, campanilles, lanternes. [A series of plates.] Paris, [n.d.]. Fol. F Thurmbuch. Thurmformen aller Stile und Laender. Mit einem Vorwort von F. Schneider. [A series of plates, with descriptive letter- press.] Berlin, 1895. Fol. F 729.38 Doors and Windows. Broadbent (G. H.). Twelve ancient stone doorheads in Settle and neigh- bourhood and Kilpeck Church, Herefordshire, also four Maori designs in wood. \_Manchester, 1897.J i2mo. F Davie (W. Galsworthy). Old English doorways. A series of historical examples from Tudor times to the end of the XVIIIth century. Illustrated on seventy plates reproduced in collotype from photo- graphs specially taken by W. G. Davie. With historical and descrip- tive notes on the subjects, including thirty-four drawings and sketches by H. Tanner. London, 1903. 8vo. Lllustr. F Donaldson (Thomas Leverton). A collection of the most apprcved examples of doorways, from ancient buildings in Greece and Italy expressly measured and delineated for this vi^ork, preceded by an essay on the usages of the ancients respecting doorways, a new trans- lation of the chapter of Vitruvius on the subject, with the original text taken from an ancient . . . MS. in the British Museum and . . . descriptions of the plates. . . . London, 1833. 4to. Llhistr. A A collection of the most approved examples of doorways, from modern buildings in Italy and Sicily, expressly measured and deline- ated for this work, preceded by a sketch of the history of Italian architecture from its revival to the time of Palladio. ... [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1836. 4to. F Freeman (Edward Augustus). An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in England. . . . Oxford and London, 185 1. 8vo. Llhtstr. F, M Middleton (Charles). Designs for gates and rails suitable to parks, plea- sure grounds, balconys, etc., also some designs for trellis work. . . . Lotidon,\\'&ool:\ 8vo. U Taylor (Isaac) and (J.). Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. London, [1804?]. Fol. Jlhistr. U 729.39 Stairs and Balustrades. Cook (Theodore Andrea). Spirals in nature and art. A study of spiral formations based on the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, with special reference to the architecture of the open staircase at Blois, in Touraine. . . . With a preface by E. R. Lankester. . . . London, 1903. Svo. Lllustr. F 1 86 Architectural Works 729.39 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. Elementary Forms. Stairs and Balustrades {continued) — Lambert (Thomas). Nouveaux elements d'architecture. Escaliers et ascenseurs. Ensembles et details d'execution. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] Farts, [n.d.]. Fol. F Nicholson (Peter). A treatise on the construction of staircases and hand- rails : showing plans and elevations of the various forms of stairs ; methods of projecting the twist and scroll of the hand-rail ; an ex- peditious method of squaring the rail ; general methods of describing the scroll and forming it out of the solid : with a new method ot applying the face mould to the plank without bevelling the edge. . . . A new edition. London, 1847. 410. Illustr. F 729.4 Painted Decoration. Brydon (J. MacKean). Decorative painting. ... By J. McK. Brydon . . . W. B. Richmond ... and ... N. H. J. Westlake. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transac- tions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, 1891. 4to. A Geffroy (Gustave). Etudes d'art ancien et moderne. Deuxieme serie. — Art moderne. Les peintures d'E. Delacroix a la Bibliotheque de la Chambre des Deputes. Paris, 1903. 4to. Lllustr. F Keyser (Charles Edward). A list of buildmgs in Great Britain and Ireland having mural and other painted decorations, of dates prior to the latter part of the i6th century. With historical introduc- tion. . , . Third edition. London, 1883. 8vo. F Lenoir (Marie Alexandre). Nouvelle collection d'arabesques propres a la decoration des appartemens, dessinees a Rome par L. Poussin et autres celebres artistes modernes, et gravees par Guyot. Precedee d'une notice historique sur le genre arabesque, et d'une explication raisonnee des planches. . . . Paris, [18 10]. 4to. R Shields (Frederic). The chapel of the Ascension ; its story and scheme. • . . Fifth edition. London, 1904. 8vo. R Smith (Robert Henry Soden). A first list of buildings in England having mural or other painted decorations of dates previous to the middle of the i6th century. . . . Lotidon, 187 1. 8vo. F 729.49 ■ Painted Walls. Goodwin (Thomas G.). The art of mural decoration. Second edition. London, [1866]. i2mo. F Westlake (Nat Hubert John). An elementary history of design in mural painting principally during the Christian era. With an introduction on the art of the pre-Christian period. London and Oxford, 1901-05. 2 vols. Fol. Illustr. F 729.5 Decoration in Relief. Bury (Thomas Talbot). Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork. [A series of plates.] London, \\<^o'f\. 4to. F Colling (James Kellaway). Art foliage, for sculpture and decoration ; with an analysis of geometric form. Second edition. . . . London^ 1878. 4to. Illustr. F in Manchester and Salford 187 729.5 ARCHITECTURAL DE5IQN AND DECORATION. Decoration in Relief {continued) — Gibbs (John). Designs for Gothic ornaments and furniture, after the ancient manner, tor ecclesiastical and domestic purposes, for the use of architects, and workers in metal, stone, wood, etc., etc. [A series of plates.] London, 1854. Fol. F (Jrunow (C). Plastische Ornamente der italienischen Renaissance als Vorlagen fuer Schule und Werkstatt. Herausgegeben von C. Grunow. [A series of plates.] Ber/tn, iSSi. Fol. F Martin (F. R.). Samnilung F. R. Martin. Thiiren aus Turkestan. . . . Stockholm, 1897. Fol. I/lustr. F Phipson (Emma). Choir stalls and their carvings. Examples of miseri- cords from English cathedrals and churches. With an introduction and descriptive notes. London, 1896. 4to. F Prior (Edward Schroeder). Decorative plaster-work. By E. S. Prior . . . G. T. Robinson . . . H. Sumner, and . . . S. Webb. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transac- tions, vol. 7, N.S.] London, i8gi. 4to. Lllustr. A Tanner (Henry). English interior woodwork of the i6th, 17th and 18th centuries. A series of . . . examples of chimney-pieces, panelling, staircases, doors, screens, etc. Measured and drawn, and with introductory and descriptive text. London, 1(^02. Fol. F Tatham (Charles Heathcote). Etchings, representing the best examples of ancient ornamental architecture ; drawn from the originals in Rome, and other parts of Italy . . . Third edition. London, 1810. Fol. F Vulliamy (Lewis). Examples of ornamental sculpture in architecture. Drawn from the originals of bronze, marble, and terra cotta in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy by L. Vulliamy . . . and engraved by H. Moses. London, 1823. Fol. F Watts (Mary). The word in the pattern. A key to the symbols on the walls of the chapel at Compton. . . . With illustrations from pen drawings by L. R. Deuchars and M. S. Watts. The photogravures from negatives by G. Andrews. Londoti, [1899]. 4to. F 729.51 Vegetable forms. Stannus (Hugh). Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Cantor Lectures : The decorative treatment of artificial foliage. . . . Delivered before the Society, 19, 26 February, & 5, 12 March, 1894. . . . London, 1895. 8vc. Lllustr. A 729.53 Grotesque forms. Wildridge (Thomas Tindall). The grotesque in church art. London, 1899. Fol. Lllustr. F 729.54 Conventional and Geometric forms. Billings (Robert William). Illustrations of geometric tracery, from the panelling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral. [A series of plates, with descriptive letterpress.] London, 1842. 4to. A The power of form applied to geometric tracery. One hundred designs and their foundations resulting from one diagram. Edin- burgh and London, 185 1. 8vo. Lllustr. T 1 88 Architectural Works 729.56 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. Decoration and Relief. Friezes and Panel. Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Essais de differentes frises ou peintures qui se trouvent dans les souterrains des anciens Etrusques pres de Corneto. . . . [Three plates.] \^Rome, c. 1760.] Fol. R 729.58 Ceilings and Vaults. Champneys (Basil). The history and uses of plaster-work, especially as relating to ornamental ceilings. . . . [Royal Institute of British Architects. Reprinted from the Transactions, vol. 5, N.S.] Lon- don, 1889. 4to. A 729.6 Incrustation and Veneering. * Ame (Emile). Les carrelages emailles du moyen-age et de la renais- sance, precedes de I'histoire des anciens pavages, mosai'que, laby- rintes, dalles incrustees. Paris, 1859. 4to. Illustr. Church (W. A.). Patterns of inlaid tiles, from churches in the diocese of Oxford. Drawn and engraved by W. A. Church. [A series of plates.] Wallingford, 1845. 4to. F Cast (Robert H. Hobart). The pavement masters of Siena (1369-1562). [Handbooks ot the Great Craftsmen.] London, 1901. i2mo. Llhistr. F 729.7 Mosaic. See also supra 721.6 Artaud (Antoine Marie Fran9ois). Description d'une mosaique re- presentant des jeux du cirque, decouverte a Lyon . . . i8o6. Lyon, 1806. Fol. Illus/r. R Ball (Henry William). Notes on William Fowler (of Winterton) and his works. . . . Barion-on-Humber, 1888. 8vo. F Bolton (Arthur Thomas). Examples of mosaic pavings from rubbings of floors at Pompeii and Venice, with additional patterns from Palermo and Rome. [A series of plates.] London, 1891. Fol. F Fowler (William). [A series of engravings of the principal mosaic pave- ments discovered in various parts of Great Britain, together with en- gravings of various stained glass windows.] [ Winterton and London, 1799-1813.] 2 vols. (57 plates). Fol. R [Another copy.] [Winterton and London, 1 799-1809.] 2 vols. (52 plates). Fol. F Gerspach (Edouard). La mosaique. [Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux- Arts.] Paris, [1883]. 8vo. Lllustr. F * Jones (Owen). Designs for mosaic and tesselated pavements, by O. Jones. With an essay on their materials and structure, by F. O. Ward. London, 1842. 4to. Lindsay (James Ludovic) Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and notes, no. 2. Fowler's Mosaic pave- ments, &c. London, 1883. 4to. F, R Morgan (Thomas). Romano-British mosaic pavements : a history of their discovery and a record and interpretation of their designs. London, 1886. 8vo. Lllustr. F Visconti (Ennio Quirino). Osservazioni . . . su due musaici antichi istoriati. Parma, 1788. 8vo. Lllustr. R * * * in Manchester and Salford 1 89 729.8 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION Stained Glass Design. Ballantine (James). A treatise on painted glass, showing its applicability to every style of architecture. London and Edinburgh, 1845. ^vo. Illustr. p Barnard (J.). Stained glass by the improved process of diaphanie. . . . To which is added, brief instructions for transparency painting. 14th edition. London, [n.d.]. 8vo. Lllustr. F Day (Lewis Foreman). Windows. A book about stained and painted glass. Second edition. Lond„n, 1902. Svo. Lllustr. Geyling (Rudolf) and Loew (A.). Meisterwerke der kirchlichen Glas- malerei. 50 Tafeln. Erklarung der Tafeln und Redaktion des Textes von K. Lind. IVien, 1899. Fol. Historisch-Antiquarischer Verein in Winterthur. Meisterwerke schweizer- ischer Glasmalerei. Herausgegcben vom Historisch-Antiquarischen Verein in Winterthur. Nach den Originalen aufgenomnien. Er- klarender Text von . . . A. Hafner. Berlin, [i889-]9o. Fol. Inquiry. An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings, especially in England, with hints on glass painting. By an amateur [i.e. C. Winston]. Oxford, 1847. 2 vols. Svo. Lllustr. p Lenoir (Marie Alexandre). Musee des monumens fran9ais ; histoire de la peinture sur verre, et description des vitraux anciens et modernes, pour servir a I'histoire de I'art, relativement a la France. . . Paris, 1803. Svo. Lllustr. p^ P> * Levy (Edmond). Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Europe et particu- liferement en Belgique, avec planches par J. B. Capronnier. . . Bruxelles, i860. Fol. Lutz (Jules). Les verrieres de I'ancienne eglise Saint-fitienne a Mulhouse. Supplement au Bulletin du Musee historique de Mulhouse, tome xxix. Mulhouse, 1906. Svo. Llluslr. ^ * Magne (Lucien). L'oeuvre des peintres verriers fran9ais. . . . Verrieres des monuments eleves par les Montmorency. Montmorency — Ecouen— Chantilly. Texte. (Grandes planches.) Paris, 1885. 2 pts. Fol. Lllustr. *Ottin (Leon Augusta). Le vitrail, son histoire, ses manifestations a travers les ages et les peuples. . . . Paris, [1896]. Svo. Lllustr. Perdrizet (Paul). L'art symbolique du moyen age a propos des verrieres de I'^glise St.Etienne a Mulhouse. . . . Conference donnee a la Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. . . . Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe industrielle de Mulhouse, mai 1907. Leipzig, 1907. Svo. Lllustr. n * Warrington (William). The history of stained glass from the earliest period of the art to the present time, illustrated by coloured examples of entire windows in the various styles. London, 1848. Fol. * Westlake (Nat Hubert John). A history of design in painted glass. London, [i879-]94. 4 vols. Fol. Lllustr. 190 Architectural Works in Manchester and Salford 729.9 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DECORATION. Architectural Accessories and Fixed Furniture. * Havard (Henry). L'art dans la maison ; grammaire de Tameublement. Nouvelle edition. . . . Paris, 1887. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustr. * Dictionnaiie de rameublement et de la decoration depuis le XIIP siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, [1887-90]. 4 vols. 4to. Illustr. Piranesi (Giovanni Battista). Diverse maniere d'adornare i cammini ed ogni altra parte degli edifizi desunte dall' architettura egizia, etrusca, e greca. Con un ragionamento apologetico in difesa dell' architet- tura egizia e toscana. . . . [Title and text in Italian, English, and French.] Roma, 1769. Fol. Illustr. A, C, R Vasi, candelabri, cippi, sarcofagi, tripodi, lucerne ed ornamenti antichi disegn. ed inc. dal cav. G. B. Piranesi. \Rome\ 1778. 2 vols. Fol. A, R 729.91 Altars. Fonts. Illustrations. Illustrations of baptismal fonts. [Edited by T. C] With an introduction by F. A. Paley. lotidon, 1844. 8vo. A 729.92 Pulpits. Dollman (Francis Thomas). Examples of antient pulpits existing in Eng- land. Selected and drawn from sketches and measurements taken on the spot, with descriptive letterpress. london, 1849. 4tO' A, F 729.95 Alantels. Chimney pieces. Hoskins (George Gordon). Designs for chimney pieces. ... [A series of plates.] Darlington, 1871. Fol. A 729.96 Screens. Rood Screens. Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). A treatise on chancel screens and rood lofts, their antiquity, use, and symbolic signification. . . . London, 185 1. 4to. Illustr. A II. AUTHOR LIST. PAGE A. J. K. See Kempe (A. J.). Aberdeen, George Hamilton, ^th Earl oj. See Gordon (G. H.). Ab Ithel. See Williams (J.). Abraham (H. R.). New law courts. 1867 ...... 154 Academie de France pour les Beaux Arts, Rome : — Espouy (H. d'). Fragments d'architecture antique d'apres les restaura- tions des anciens pensionnaires de I'Academie de France a Rome. [n.d.], etc. . . . . . . - . . . 175 Espouy (H. d'). Fragments d'architecture. 2me serie. Architek- tonische Einzeiheiten des Mittelalters rekonstruirt von den Archi- tekten der Franzosischen Akademie in Rom. [1898] . .176 * Academie Imperiale des Beaux Arts, [Saint Petersburg] : — Suslov (V. v.). Monuments de I'ancienne architecture russe. 1895- 1901 ........... 113 Academy Architecture. 1889, eU. ....... 40 Accademici Ercolanesi. See Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia. Acland {Str H. W.) Bart, and Ruskin (J.). The Oxford Museum. 1859, etc. 88 Adam (J.). Collab. See Adam (R.) and (J.). Adam (R-). Ruins of the palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. 1764 . .127 Adam (R.). Life : Swarbrick (J.). Life, etc., of R. Adam and his brothers. 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Adam (R.) and (J.). The architecture, decoration and furniture of R. & J. A. 1880 60 Adam (R.) and (J.). Works in architecture. 1778-79, e-Zr. ... 60 Adams (C. L.). Castles of Ireland. 1904 ...... 58 Adams (H.). Cassell's Building construction. 1906 . . . . i Adams (H. B.). Public libraries and popular education. 190c . .163 * Adams (L. G.). Decorations interieures des epoques Louis XIIL & Louis XIV. 1876 ........ 149, 173 Adams (M. B.). Architectural drawing. 1885 . . . . .181 Adams (M. B.). As to the making of architects. [1904] ... 48 Adams (M. B.). Modern cottage architecture. 1904 .... 169 Adamy (R.). Architektonik auf historischer Grundlage. 1883 . . 127 Addington (H.). Author: Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Some account of the abbey church at Dorchester. [By H. Addington.] 1845, etc. . . 89 Addis (M. E. L.). Scottish cathedrals and abbeys. 1901 . . . 57 Addison (C. G.). The Temple church. 1843 ..... 85 Addison (P. L.). Practical elements of construction. 1888 . . . i Addleshaw (W. P.). The cathedral church of Exeter. \Z<^%, etc. . . 75 (191) 192 Author List PAGE 164 lOI Addy (S. O.). The evolution of the English house. 1898 AdeUne (J.). Etchings: Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated, [n.d.] * Adeline (J.). Collab. : Normandy. La Normandie monumentale et pitto- resque. 1893-99 . . . . . . . . . .102 Adler (F.). Das Mausoleum zu Halikarnass. 1900 . . . -133 Agincourt (J. B. L. G. Seroux d'). See Seroux d'Agincourt (J. B. L. G.) Aikin (E.). Designs for villas, etc. 1808 . . . . . .169 Aikin (E.). An essay on the Doric order of architecture. 18 10 . . 23 Ainslie (A. C). Smoking fires. 187 1 ....... 20 Aitchison (G.). Byzantine architecture. 1892 . . . . .139 Aitchison (G.). The principles of restoration. 1877 .... 23 Aitchison (G.). Introduction : Bell (J.). Sculpture in its relation to architecture. 1888 . . . . . . . . .174 Aitken (G. S.). Abbeys of Arbroath, Balmerino and Lindores. 1884 . 57 Alberti (L. B.). Delia architettura, della pittura, e della statua. 1782 . 28 Alberti (L. B.). Della architettura libri X. [Ital. and Eng.] 1726 . 28 Alberti (L. B.). De re aedificatoria. 1485 . . . . . .27 Alberti (L. B.). Treatise of statues : Freard de Chambray (R.). A parallel of the an tient architecture with the modern. 1664 . . . -25 Albertolli (G.). Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale. 1787 . . -173 Aldrich (H.) Dean of Christ Churchy Oxford. The elements of civil archi- tecture. 1824 .......... 28 Alexander (VV.). Observationsion the construction of meetinghouses. 1820 158 * Allan (W.). Theory of arches. 1890 . . . . . .118 Allason (T.). Picturesque views of the antiquities of Pola in Istria. 1819 127 Allen (C. B.). Rudimentary treatise on cottage building. 1857 . . 169 Allen (F. H.). The great cathedrals of the world. [1896] . . . 159 Allen (J. P.). Practical building construction. 1893, etc. . . . i AUsop (R. O.). Public baths and wash-houses. 1894. . . .156 Alphand (A.). Les promenades de Paris. 1867-73 • • ■ • ^°3 Althorp. [Photographs of Althorp.] [1892] 87 Altrincham. The bye-laws made by the Altrincham Local Board of Health. 1876 10 Amadeo (G. A.). Biography : Valeri (F. M.). G. A. Amadeo : scultoree architetto lombardo. 1904 . . . . . . . .108 AmsLteur, psetid. See Winston (C). Amaury-Duval (P.). See Pineux Duval (P. A.). Ambrose, Saint, etc. Ambrosiana. 1897 ...... 108 ^ Ame (E.). Les carrelages emailles du moyen-age. 1859 . . . 188 Amelia, Queen of Portugal. See Maria Amelia. Amelineau (E.). Histoire de la sepulture dans fancienne Egypte : Paris. — Musee Guimet. Annales. 28-29. 1896 . . . . .124 * America. The Georgian period. 1904 . . . . . .116 * American Institute of Architects. European and Japanese gardens. 1902 . . . . . . . . . . . .22 American Library Association : — Poole (W. F.). A.L.A. — Cincinnati meeting, 1882. Report on the progress of Hbrary architecture, d?/^:. 1882 . . . .164 American Library Association Annotated Lists : — Sturgis (R.). Annotated bibliography of fine art, painting, etc. 1897 5^ Author List i93 PAGE American School of Classical Studies at Athens. See Archaeological In- stitute of America. Anderson (C). Ancient models. 1841 . . . . . -158 Anderson {Sir J.). The strength of materials and structures. 1874, etc. . 3 Anderson (J. C). Monuments and antiquities of the old parish church of St. John the Baptist at Croydon. 1871. . . . . . 91 Anderson (W. J.). The architecture of the renaissance in Italy. 1896, etc 149 Anderson (VV. J.) and Spiers (R. P.). The architecture of Greece and Rome. igo2 .......... 133 Andreae (C). Monumente des Mittelalters aus dem saechsischen Erzge- birge. 1875 .97 * Andrews (E. J.). Illustr. : Perring (J. S.). The pyramids of Gizeh. 1839-42 124 Andrews (G.). Photographs: Watts (M.). The word in the pattern. [1899] 187 Androuet Du Cerceau (J.). Les plus excellents bastiments de France. 1576-79 • 99 Anglin (S.). The design of structures. 1905 . . . . • n? Angus (W.). The seats of the nobility and gentry in Great Britain and Wales. 1787 69 Annual Retrospect of Engineering and Architecture. Vol. i. 1862 . 40 *Ansell (H.). The manufacture of glazed bricks and glazed sanitary ware. 1898 6 Ansted (A.). Illustr.: Daniell (A. E.). London riverside churches. 1897 82 Anthologie des Arts Decoratifs : — Roger-Miles (L.). Architecture, etc., pendant le dix-huiti^me siecle. [n.d.] 151 Anti Dry-Rot Company. Prevention of dry-rot. [n.d.] .... 4 Antiquarian and Architectural Year Book for 1844 ..... 40 Antiquarian Itinerary. The antiquarian itinerary. [By J. S. Storer.] 1815-18 60 Antiquary's Books : — Gasquet (F. A.). English monastic life. 1904 .... 160 Antoninus Pius, Emperor. Colonna Antonina : Piranesi (F.). Colonna eretta in memoria di Antonino Pio. [1778?] ..... 130 Arbellot (F.). Cathedrale de Limoges. 1883 ..... 105 Archaeologia Cambrensis. See Cambrian T^rchasological Association. Archaeological Institute of America. American School of Classical Studies at Athens : — Waldstein (C.) and others. The Argive Heraeum. 1902-05 . . 137 Archaeological Institute of America. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1885, etc. . . . . . -133 Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The archasological journal. 1845-48 .......... 60 Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland : — Bedfordshire. The ecclesiastical and architectural topography of Eng- land. Bedfordshire. 1848 . . . . . . .71 Archaeological Journal. See Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 13 194 Author List 1851 Die Notiz 1895 1884- Third Archffiological Survey of India. See India, Archer (J. W.). Vestiges of old London. Architect, /^(??/^. See Richardson (C. J.). Architect, /.y^?/(f. Ed.: Architectural Precedents. 1840 Architect, /i-d'^^-d^. [i.e. H. Taylor]. Author: Notes. Notes on sketching tours. [1880] Architect, pseud, [i.e. L. Wyatt]. Author : London. Prospectus of a design for improvements in the metropolis. 18 r 6 Architect, The. 1869, etc. ....... . Architect, Engineer, and Surveyor. See Surveyor, Engineer, and Architect Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein fuer das Koenigreich Hannover. Bei trage zur Forderung der Kunst in den Gewerken. 1858-68 Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein fuer das Koenigreich Hannover mittelalterlichen Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. 1855-83 Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein fuer das Koenigreich Hannover. blatt. Etc. \^c^2, etc. . Architects' Law Reports, The. 1904, etc. .... Architects' Library : — Simpson (F. M.). A history of architectural development. 1905 Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland Church reports : 3. S. Peter, Monkwearmouth. [n.d.] . * Architectural Association. Catalogue of books in the library Architectural Association. Sketchbook. New series. Vols. 4-10 90 . . . . . : . • . • Architectural Journal. See Instituteof British Architects. Journal series. 1894, etc. .......... Architectural League of America. The architectural annual. 1900 . Architectural Magazine. 1834-38 ........ Architectural Museum, London. See London. Architectural Photographic Association. [3 portfolios of photographs.] [n.d.] _ Architectural Precedents. Edited by an architect. 1840 Architectural Publication Society. Detached essays and illustrations issued 1848-52. 1853 . _. . . . . . Architectural Publication Society. Dictionary of architecture. [i853-]92 Architectural Scrapbooks ......... Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton : Northampton, Archdeaconry of. Architectural notices of the churches of the arch- deaconry. 1849 . . . • . Architecture, Rudiments of. See Rudiments. *Architekten-Verein, [Berlin]. Berlin und seine Bauten. 1896 *Architekten-Verein, [Berlin]. Katalog der Bibliothek. 1888-91 . Ardenni (P.) and Fontenelle (J. de). Manuel du poelier-fumiste. 1835 Argyll and the Isles, Alexander, Bishop of. See Ewing (A.). Armstrong (C). Engr. : Allason (T.). Picturesque views of the anti- quities of Pola. 1819. Armstrong (6'/r W.). Trans, anded.: Perrot ((t.) and Chipiez (C). A history of art in ancient Egypt. 1883 ...... Armstrong (^Sir W.). Trans, and ed. : Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). A history of art in Chaldaea and Assyria. 1884 . . . . . PAGE 82 7 55 83 40 42 42 41 10 56 76 42 43 42 40 42 7 42 33 49 88 98 17 127 124 126 Author List i95 PAGE Armstrong {Sir W.). Trans, and ed. : Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Phoenicia. 1885 . . . . . . .125 Armytage (J. C). Illustr. etched by J. C. A. : Ruskin (J.). The seven lamps of architecture. Second edition. 1855 . . . . 27 Arnaldi (E.) Count. Author: Vicenza. Descrizione delle architetture, etc., di Vicenza. [By Count E. Arnaldi.] 1779 . . . . .108 *Arnott (J. A.) and Wilson (J.). The Petit Trianon, Versailles. 1907 103 Arnott (N.). On the smokeless fire-place, chimney valves, etc. 1855 17 Arosa (G.). Photographs: Froehner (W.). La colonne Trajane. 1872-74 129 Art and Life Library : — I. Sparrow (W. S.). The British home of to-day. 1904. . .170 5. Sparrow (W. S.). The modern home. [1906] .... 169 Art Text-Books. See Illustrated Handbooks of Art History. Artaria (F.). II Duomo di Milano. 1823 108 Artaud (A. M. F.). Description d'une mosaique representant des jeux du cirque. 1806 . . . . . . . . . . 18S Artezet de la Sauvagere (F. F. Le Royer d'). See Le Royer d'Artezet de La Sauvagere (F. F.). Arundel Society : — Cole (H. H.). The architecture of ancient Delhi. 1872 . . . 141 Monreale. The cloisters of Monreale. 1870 . i . . .112 Ashbee (C. R.). A book of cottages and little houses. [1906] . . 167 Ashbee (C. R.). The Trinity Hospital in Mile End. 1896 . . . 86, Ashbee (C .R.). Introductory note: Godman (E.). The old palace of Bromley-by-Bow. 1902 ........ 86^ Ashbee (C. R.). Introductory note: Gunn (E.). The Great House, Leyton. 1903 .......... 86. Ashbee (C. R.). Introductory chapter : Hills (O. C). Saint Mary Stratford Bow. [1900] . . . . . . . . . ,86. Ashbee (C. R.). Introductory note: Mann (E. A.). Brooke House, Hackney. 1904 .......... 86 Ashbee (C. R.). Introductory note: Pepys (W. C.) and Godman (E.). The church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. 1905 ..... 87 Ashby (T.). Ed.: British School at Rome. Papers. Vol. 2. 1902, e/r. 106 Ashpitel (A.). Treatise on architecture. 1867 . . . . . i Associated Architectural Societies. Reports and papers. [1851-77] . 42 Aston (J.). Sketches of Christ Church, Oxford. [1901] . ... 89 Athens. — British School at A thens. See British School at Athens. * Atherton (W. H.). Introduction to the design of beams, girders, and columns. 1905 . . . . . . . . . . iiS Atkinson (J. A.). Author : Gedney. Historical notice of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Gedney. 1897 . . . . . .81 Atkinson (J. A.). Ed.: Glynne (6'/r S. R.) Bart. Notes on the churches of Cheshire. 1894 ......... 74 Atkinson (J. A.). Ed. : Glynne {Sir S. R.) Bart. Notes on the churches of Lancashire. 1893 ......... 80 Atkinson (T. D.). English architecture. 1904 ..... 60 Aube (R.). Notices: Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated, [n.d.] . . .101 Audsley (G.). Collab. : Audsley (W. J.) and (G.). Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture. [1870] ........ 167 196 Author List PAGE Audsley (G. A.). Collab. : Audsley (VV. J.) and (G. A.). Popular dictionary of architecture. [1878-82] ........ 34 Audsley (W. J.) and (G.). Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture. [1870] . 167 Audsley (W. J.) and (G. A.). Popular dictionary of architecture. [1878- 82] _ . . _ . 34 Auer (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Tail 4 Ed. 2 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated, [n.d.] . . . . . . .101 Aveling (J. H.). Yorkshire. History of Roche Abbey. 1870 ^. . 94 Avennes (A. C. T. E. Prisse d'). See Prisse d'Avennes (A. C. T. E.). Avery Architectural Library. See Columbia University, New York. Axon (W. E. A.). An architectural and general description of the Town Hall, Manchester. 1878 153 Aynsley (H. G. M. M.). Symbolism of the east and west, igoo . . 23 Babel ( ). Engr. : Barozzi (G.) called 1\ Vignola. Regies des cinq ordres d'architecture. 1762. . . . . . . . 23 Babelon (E.). Manual of oriental antiquities. 1889 . . . .121 Babington (C. C). History of the infirmary and chapel of the Hospital and College of St. John the Evangelist at Cambridge. 1874 ... 72 Babington (C. C). On some remains of the Hospital of St. John the Evangelist at Cambridge. 1864 . . . . . . .72 Babuty Desgodetz (A.). The ancient buildings of Rome. 1795 • • 127 Babuty Desgodetz (A.). Les edifices antiques de Rome. 1682 . . 127 Babuty Desgodetz (A.). Rome in its ancient grandeur. 185 1 . . 127 Badeslade (T.). Thirty-six views of noblemen and gentlemen's seats in Kent. [c. 1720] .......... 78 Badinel (B.). Ed. : Dugdale {Sir W.). Monasticon Anghcanum. A new edition. 1817-30 ........ 63, 160 Baer (J.) and Co. Architektur. Lagerkatalog 551. 1907 ... 50 Baes (J.). Tours et tourelles historiques de la Belgique. [1891] . .114 ■* Bailliard (J.). Collab. : Normandy. La Normandie monumentale et pittoresque. 1893-99 ......... 102 Bajot (E.). Profils et tournages. [1898] . . . . . .184 Baker (H.). Chapter on the origin of old Cape architectui'e : Trotter (A. F.). Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope. 1900 . . .116 Baker (L O.). A treatise on masonry construction. 1899 . . .12 Baldi (B.). Lexicon Vitruvianum : Vitruvius PoUio (M.). De architectura libri. 1649 . . . . . . . . . . .32 Baldinucci (F.). Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue. 1767-74 106 Bale (M. P.). Stone-working machinery. 1884 . . . . .12 Ball (H. W.). Notes on W. Fowler (of Winterton) and his works. 1888 . 188 Ballantine (J.). A treatise on painted glass. 1845 • • . • • 189 Baltard (L. P.). Illustr. and engr. : Pineux Duval (P. A.). Paris et ses monumens. 1803-05 ......... 104 Baly (P. P.). Baths and wash-houses for the labouring classes. 1852 . 156 Bancroft (F. J.). Collab. : Bancroft (R. M.) and (F. J.). Tall chimney construction. 1885 ......... 20 Bancroft (R. M.) and (F. J.). Tall chimney construction. 1885 . . 20 Banks (J.). A new and improved treatise on hand-railing. 1836 . . 15 Baptismal Fonts, Illustrations of. 1844 . . . . . . ,190 Author List 197 PAGE 4 14- 5 Barbaro (D.). Commentarii : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1567. etc . . _ . . . 32 Barbaro (D.). Commento : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). L'architettura ridotta in compendio. 1747 •••••••-• 33 Barbaro (D.). Trans, anded. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). I dieci libri dell' architettora. 1556 . . . . . . . . •33- Barber (W.). Farm buildings. [n.d.] . . . . . . .172; Bard (J.). Manuel general d'archeologie sacree burgundo-lyonnaise. 1844 99 Bardwell (VV.). Healthy homes. [1854] 7 Barkhausen (G.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. I, Bd. 2 Heft 3a. 1890-1907 ...... 35-36- Barlow (P.). An essay on the strength and stress of timber. 181 7, etc. Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials. 1867 Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of timber, cast iron, malleable iron and other materials. 1837, (>/<;■. ...... Barlow (P.). Appendix: Tredgold (T.). Elementary principles of carpentry 4th ed. 1853 Barlow (P. W.). Ed. : Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials A new edition. 1867 . Barlow (W. H.). Ed. : Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials A new edition. 1867 . Barnard (J.). Stained glass by the improved process of diaphanie. [n.d.] 189 Barnsley (S. H.). Collab. : Schultz (R. W.) and Barnsley (S. H). The monastery of Saint Luke of Stiris, ^/^. 1901 . . . . .140 Barozzi (G.) called WN'vgwoXdL. Li cinque ordini di architettura. [1648] 23, Barozzi (G.) called II Vignola. Regies des cinq ordres d'architecture 1762 ........... Barozzi (G.) called II Vignola. Regola delh cinque ordini d' architettura 1619 ........... Barr (J.). Anglican church architecture. 1843, etc. Barre (L.). Herculanum et Pompei. 1861-72 Barrett (W.). The history of the city of Bristol. [1789] . Barry (A.) Bishop of Sydney. The life and works of Sir C. Barry. 1867 68- Barry (A.) Bishop of Sydney. Ed. : Barry (E. M.). Lectures on archi- tecture. 1 88 1 Barry [Sir C). Life: Barry (A.) Bishop of Sydney. The life and works of Sir C. Barry. 1867 . Barry (E. M.). Lectures on architecture. 1881 . Barry (E. M.). New Courts of Justice. 1867 .... * Barry (F. W.). Collab. : England. — Local Government Board. Back to-back houses. Report. 1888 ...... Barter (S.). Manual instruction. Woodwork. [1892] . Bartholomew (A.). Hints relative to the construction of fire-proof build ings. 1839 . . . . . . Bartholomew (A.). Specifications for practical architecture. 1840, etc. Bartoli (C). Trans.: Alberti (L. B.). Delia architettura libri X. 1726 etc. ........... Bartoli (P. S.). (tU antichi sepolcri trovati in Roma ed in altri luoghi celebri. 1727 . . . . . . . . . .127 25 23 159 127 76 39 6S 39 154 10 14 12 S 2& 198 Author List PAGE O Bartoli (P. S.). En^^r. : Bellori (G. P.). Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata. 1704 . . . . . . .127 Bartoli (P. S.). Engr. : Bellori (G. P.). Veteres arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes. 1690 . . . . . . . .128 Bartoli (P. S.). Engr.: Chacon (A.). Colonna Traiana. [1673] . . 128 Bartoli (P. S.). Engr. : Rossi (D. de). Romanae magnitudinis monu- menta. 1699 . . . . . . . . . .132 Batenham (G.). A visit to the cathedral church of Chester, [n.d.] . 74 Bath Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of Bath. [1798] . . 90 Batsford (H.). Reference books on architecture and decoration. 1894 Battle Abbey. [Views drawn by J. Vidler and W. H. Brooke.] [n.d.] Baudot (A. de) and Perrault-Dabot (A.). Archives de la Commission des monuments historiques. [1898] ....... Baudot (A. de) and Perrault-Dabot (A.). Las cathedrales de France' [1905] • • ; -. • Baumeister (R.). Architektonische Formenlehre fiir Ingenieure. 1866 Bax (P. B. I.). The cathedral church of Bangor. 1907 Bax (P. B. I.). The cathedral church of Saint Asaph. 1904 Baxter (L. E.). See Scott {L.) />seud. * Baxter (S.). Spanish colonial architecture in Mexico. 1903 , Bayley (J.). The history of the Tower of London. 1821-25 V * Bazin de Malpiere (D.). La Chine et les Chinois. 1848 Beale (S. S.). The amateur's guide to architecture. 1896 Beale (S. S.). The churches of Paris from Clovis to Charles X. 189;; Beaton (A. C). Quantities and measurements. 1869 Beattie (W.). The castles and abbeys of England. 1842 [-44] Beaudoire (T.). Genese de la cryptographic apostolique et de I'architecture rituelle. 1902 ......... * Beaumont (A. de). CoUab. : Encyclopedic. Encyclopedic des art decoratifs de I'Orient. 1880-83 . . . Beccega (T. C). Sull' architettura greco-romana applicata alia costruzione del teatro moderno italiano. 181 7 . *Bechard( ). Vues photograph igues : Palmieri (A.). L'Egypte et la Nubie. 1887 Beck (T. A.). Annales Furnesienses. 1844 . Beckett (E.) Baroti Grimthorpe. See Denison (E. B.), afterzvards Beckett (E.) Baron Grimthorpe. Bedford (F.). CoUab. : Monkhouse (W.) and Bedford (F.). The churches of York. [1843] Bedfordshire. The ecclesiastical and architectural topography of England Bedfordshire. 1848 ........ *Beelitz (C). Architectur-Katalog. 1861 Behnke (G.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil ^ Bd. 5 Heft 2; Bd. 6 Heft i. 1890-1907 .... Behse (W. H.). Treppenwerk fiir Architekten, etc. 1873 Belcher (J.). Essentials in architecture. 1907 .... Belcher (J.). Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales [Plans by J. Belcher.] 1893 . Belcher (J.) and Macartney (M. E.). Later renaissance architecture in England. 1901 .......... 149 91 99 99 173 96 96 116 86 115 28 103 8 61 139 175 156 124 80 95 71 50 37 15 24 155 Author List 199 PAGE Bell (E.). Ed. : Petit (J. L.). Architectural studies in France. New edition. 1890 . . . . . . . . . .101 * Bell (G. J.). A practical treatise on segmental and elliptical oblique or skew arches. 1896 . . . . . . . , .119 Bell (J.). Sculpture in its relation to architecture. 1888 . . .174 Bell (N.). An elementary history of art, architecture, e/r. 1895 . . 52 Bell (J/r.f. R. C). 7>a«^. .• Vinci (L. da). Scritti letterari. 1883. . 50 Bell (T.). An essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture. 1829 ............ 146 Bell's Cathedral Series. Edited by G. White and E. F. Strange : — Addleshaw (VV. P.). The cathedral church of Exeter. 1898, etc. . 75 Bax (P. B. I.). The cathedral church of Bangor. 1907 ... 96 Bax (P. B. I.). The cathedral church of Saint Asaph. 1 904 . . 96 Bernard (J. H.) Dean of St. Patrick' s. The cathedral church of Saint Patrick. 1903 . . . . . . . . .58 Brock (A. C). The cathedral church of York. 1899 ... 94 Bygate (J. E.). The cathedral church of Durham. 1899, ^/r. . . 76 Clifton (A. B.). The cathedral church of Lichfield. 1898, etc. . 91 Corlette (H. C.). The cathedral church of Chichester. 1901 . . 92 Dearmer (P.). The cathedral church of Oxford. 1899 . . .89 Dearmer (P.). The cathedral church of Wells. 1899 ... 90 Dimock (A.). The cathedral church of Saint Paul. 1900 . . 83 Dimock (A.). The cathedral church of Southwell. 1898 . . 88 Eley (C. K.). The cathedral church of Carlisle. 1900 ... 74 Fisher (A. H.). The cathedral church of Hereford. 1898, ^/^r. . 78 Gilchrist (J. G.). An itinerary of the English cathedrals. 1901 . 64 Hallett (C). The cathedral church of Ripon. 1901 ... 95 Hiatt (C). The cathedral church of Chester. 1897, f/^. . . 74 Hiatt (C). Westminster Abbey. 1902 ..... 85 Kendrick (A. F.). The cathedral church of Lincoln. 1899 , . 81 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The cathedral church of Bristol. 1901 . . 77 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The cathedral church of Gloucester. 1900 . 77 Palmer (G. H.). The cathedral church of Rochester. 1897 . . 79 Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Manchester. 1901 . . 81 Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Saint Albans. 1903 . . 78 Perkins (T.). A short account of Romsey Abbey. 1907. . . 77 Quennell (C. H. B.). The cathedral church of Norwich. 1898, etc. 87 Robson (P. A.). The cathedral church of Saint David's. 1901 . 97 Sergeant (P. W.). The cathedral church of Winchester. 1898, etc. 77 Strange (E. F.). The cathedral church of Worcester. 1900 . . 94 Sweeting (W. D.). The cathedral church of Ely. 1901 . . . 74 Sweeting (W. D.). The cathedral church of Peterborough. 1898, e/r. 88 White (J. W. G.). The cathedral church of Salisbury. 1898, ^/r. . 93 Willmott (E. C. M.). The cathedral church of Llandaff. 1907 . 97 Withers (H.). The cathedral church of Canterbury. 1899, ^''^- • 79 Worley (G.). Southwark cathedral. 1905 ..... 84 Bell's Handbooks to Continental Churches : — Hiatt (C). Notre Dame de Paris. 1902 . . . . .104 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The city of Chartres. 1900 .... 105 Mylne (R. S.). The cathedral church of Bayeux. 1904 . . . 102 200 Author List PAGE Bell's Handbooks to Continental Churches {cant.). Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Amiens. 1902 . . .102 Perkins (T.). The churches ot Rouen. 1900 . . . .102 Bellori (G. P.). Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata. 1704 ........... 127, 128 Bellori (G. P.). Veteres arcus Augustorum triuniphis insignes. 1690 128 Bellori (G. P.). Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti moderni. 1672, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Bellori (G. P.). Trans.: Chacon (A.). Colonna Traiana. [1673] . 128 Beloe (E. M.). Our churches: King's Lynn, Norfolk. 1900 ... 87 Beltrami (L.). La certosa di Pavia. 1895 . . . . . .108 Beltrami (L.). La basilica Ambrosiana : Ambrose, Saint, etc. Ambrosiana. 1897 108 Benham (W.) and Welch (C). Mediaeval London, igoi ... 82 Bennett (S. B.). Technical plumbing. 1903 . . . . .16 Bennion (J. A.). Report on special classes, held in 1896 at King's College, London, by the Company of Plumbers. [1896] . . . .16 Bennion (J. A.). Author: Lancashire. — County Council. — Technical Instruction Cofnmittee. Report on plumbing classes. 1894-97. . 16 * Benson (G.). Handbook to the cathedral church of York. [1893] 94 Bentham (J.). The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Ely. IT] J, etc. . . . . . . . . . . -72 Bentham (J.) : Stevenson (W.). A supplement to the first edition of Bentham's History of the cathedral of Ely. 181 7 . . . . 73 Bentham (J.) : Stevenson (W.). A supplement to the second edition. 1817 73 Bentham (J.). Collab. : Warton (T.) and others. Essays on Gothic architecture. 1802, etc. ......... 146 Bentham (J.) the Younger. Ed. : Bentham (J.). The history of the cathedral church of Ely. Second edition. 181 2 . . . . 72 Berain (J.). Ornemens inventez par J. Berain. [1709] . . . .174 Beresford Hope {Right Hon. A. J. B.). See Hope, afterwards Beresford Hope {Right Hon. A. J. B.). Berg (L. de C). Safe building. 1892-94 117 * Berger (G.) and Guillerme (V.). La construction en ciment arme. 1902 6 Bergmann (L.). Die Baustyle. 1864-68 24 Berlin. — Architekten- Verein. See Architekten-Verein, [Berlin]. Berlin. — Koenigliche Technische Hochschule. Die konigliche technische Hochschule zu Berlin. 1903 . . . . . . . .163 Berliner Architekturwelt. 1899, etc. ....... 40 Bernan (W.). On the history and art of warming and ventilating rooms and buildings. 1845 . . . . . . . . . .17 Bernard (J. H.) Dean of St. Patrick's. The cathedral church of Saint Patrick. 1903 . . . . . . . . . .58 Bernardis (A. de). Engr. : AJbertoUi (G.). Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale. 1787 . . . . . . . . . . .173 Bernatti (A.). Illustr. : Beccega (T. C). Sull' architettura greco-romana applicata alia costruzione del teatro moderno italiano. 181 7 . . 156 Bertotti Scamozzi (O.). II forestiere istruito delle cose piu rare di architettura di Vicenza. 1761 ....... 108 Author List 20I Palladio (A.). Le fabbriche e i disegni di ." Palladio (A.). Le terme dei Romani. Co Hal). : [1847?] (J. G. F.) Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz and Kurz (M.). Berlin und 1766 Beitotti Scamozzi (O.). Ed. . A. P. 1776-83, etc. Bertotti Scamozzi (O.). Ed. 1797 . . . . Beta, pseud, [i.e. H. Bettziech]. (M.). Berlin und Potsdam. Bettziech (H.). Collab. : Poppel Potsdam. [1847?] * Beuth (P. C. W.). Ed. : Prussia. — Koenigliche Technische Deputafioji fuer Gewerbe. Vorbilder fur Fabrikanten und Handwerker. 1821-37 Beuzelin (E. Grille de). See Grille de Beuzelin (E.). Bevan (W.). Engr. : Patrington. Architectural, etc., illustrations of the church of St. Patrick, Patrington. 1855 . *Beyaert (H.). Travaux d'architecture executes en Belgique. [1890-95] Beylie (L. M. E. de). L'architecture hindoue en Extreme-Orient. 1907 Beylie (L. M. E. de). L'habitation byzantine. 1902 Bezold (G. v.). Collab. : Dehio (G.) and Bezold (G. v.). Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes. 1887-1901 . Bezold (G. v.). Collab. : Handbuch : Handbuch der Architektur. Teil Bd. 7. 1890-1907 ........ Bianchi (G. C). Engr. : Bianchi (P. F.). Instituzione pratica dell architettura civile. 1766. ....... Bianchi (P. F.). Instituzione pratica dell' architettura civile, Bibby (G. H.). The planning of lunatic asylums. 1896 * Bibliographie des Ingenieurs, ^/^. i862[-67] Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement des Beaux- Arts : — CoUignon (M.). Manuel d'archeologie grecque. 1881 Corroyer (E. J.). L'architecture gothique. 1891 Gerspach (E.). La mosaique. [1883] . Palustre (L.). L'architecture de la renaissance. 1892 Bibliotheque Theatrale Illustree : — 2. Vitoux (G.). Le theatre de I'avenir. Bidlake (W. H.). Dry-rot in timber. 1889 Bidlake (W- H.). Collab. : Sparrow (W. S.). *Bijapur. Architecture at Beejapoor. 1866. Billings (J. S.). The principles of ventilation and heating. Billings (J. S.). Ventilation and heating. 1893, etc. Billings (R. W.). Architectural illustrations of Carlisle Cathedral. 1840 Architectural illustrations, etc., of the cathedral church Billings (R. W.). Architectural illustrations and description of Kettering church. 1869 ......... Billings (R. W.). The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland [1848-52] Billings (R. W.). 1842 ........... Billings (R. W.). The infinity of geometric design exemplified. 1849 Billings (R. W.). The power of form applied to geometric tracery. 185 Billington (J.). The architectural director. [1829?] * Binns (W. M.). Trans.: Lefevre (L.). Architectural pottery. 1900 1903 The modern home. [1906] 1884 Billings (R. W.). at Durham. Illustrations of geometric tracery from Carlisle Cathedral PAGE ^56 98 98 179 95 114 114 140 158 28 28 155 50 134 144 188 151 157 4 169 140 17 17 74 76 87 5 7 187 174 187 28 6 202 Author List PAGE Birch (G. H.). Cantor Lectures on the decorative treatment of metal in architecture. 1883 . • . . . . . . .174 Birch (G. H.). London churches of the XVI Ith and XVIIIth centuries. 1896 Birch (J.). Examples of labourers' cottages. 1892 Birch (J.). Picturesque lodges. 1893 ...... * Birch (S.). Remarks on hieroglyphics : Perring (J. S.). The pyramids of Gizeh. 1839-42 ......... Birch (S.). Ed.: Wilkinson (6Vr J. G.). The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. New edition. 1878 . Bird (C). Picturesque old Bristol. 1885 *Bird (K. H.). Trans. : Lefevre (L.). Architectural pottery. 1900 Birkmire (VV. H.). Compound riveted girders as applied in buildings. 1902 ........... Birkmire (W. H.). The planning and construction of high office-buildings. 1905 Birkmire (W. H.). Skeleton construction in building. 1900 . Bishop (H. H.). Pictorial architecture of Greece and Italy. 1887 . Blaeu (J.). Novum Itali^e theatrum. 1724 . *Blagrove (G. H.). Dangerous structures. 1906 .... Blagrove (G. H.). Marble decoration. 1888 .... Bland (W.). Experimental essays on the principles of construction in arches, piers, etc. 1867, etc. ........ Blasche (B. H.) : Boileau (D.). The art of working in pasteboard. Com- piled from the German [of B. H. Blasche]. 1827 . Blashfield (E. H.). Ed. .■ Vasari (G.). Lives of painters, sculptors, and architects. 1897 . Blashfield (E. W.). Ed. : Vasari (G.). Lives of painters, sculptors, and architects. 1897 . Blavignac (J. D.). Histoire de I'architecture sacree du quatriemeau dixieme siecle dans les anciens eveches de Geneve, Lausanne et Sion. 1853 Bliss (P.). Collab. : Blore (E.). The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons. 1826 Blomfield (G. B.). Introductory tne?noir : Rickman (T.). On the archi- tectural history of Chester Cathedral. 1864 .... Blomfield (R.). The formal garden in England. 1901 . Blomfield (R.). A history of renaissance architecture in England. 1897 Blomfield (R.). Short history of renaissance architecture in England. 1900 Blomfield (R.). Studies in architecture. 1905 .... Blondel (F.) Marichal de Camp. Cours d'architecture enseigne dans I'Academie royale d'architecture. 1675-83 .... Blondel (J. F.). Architecture frangoise. 1752-56 Blondel (J. F.). Cours d'architecture. 1771-77 Blondel (J. F.). De la distribution des maisons de plaisance. 1737-38 Bloom (J. H.). Shakespeare's church. 1902 Blore (E.). The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons. 1826 ............ 160 Blouet (A.). Collab.: Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831- 38 135 Author List 203 3 PAGE 160 76 38 22 22 Bloxam (M. H.). Companion to the Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture. 1882 . . . . . . . ■ . 144 Bloxam (M. H.). A glimpse at the monumental architecture of Great Britain. 1834 ......... Bloxam (M. H.). The principles of Gothic architecture. 1836, e/c. Blunt (J. H.). Tewkesbury Abbey and its associations. 1898 Bluntschli (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 7 Heft I. 1890-1907 ...... Bockler (G. A.). See Boeckler (G. A.). Boeckler (G. A.). Architectura curiosa nova. [1664] Boeckler (G. A.). Nova architectura curiosa, das ist, Neue Bau- und Was- ser-Kunst. 1704 .......... ^ Boghoz Effendi Chachian. Illustr. : Turkey. L'architecture ottomane 1873 • • • • . Bogue (J. VV.). Domestic architecture. 1865, etc. Bohn's Illustrated Library. Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. 1892 ......... Boileau (D.). The art of working in pasteboard. 1827 . Boissier (G. R.). Atithor : Cambridgeshire. Notes on the Cambridge shire churches. [By G. R. Boissier.] 1827 . Boito (C). The basilica of S. Mark in Venice. 1888-95 Bolton (A. T.). Examples of mosaic pavings. 1891 . Bond (F.). Gothic architecture in England. 1905 ^Bonnardot (A.) and others. Texte : Hoffbauer (J. H. I.). Paris a travers les ages. 1885 ......... "* Bonneville (P.). Les arts et les produits ceramiques. 1887 . Bonney (T. G.). Trans. : Pierotti (E.). Jerusalem explored. 1864 Bordeaux (J. H. R.). Traite de la reparation des eglises. 1888 Borrmann (R.). Collab. : Handbuch : Handbuch der Architektur. Teil I Bd. 4. 1890-1907 ........ Bosc (E.). Dictionnaire raisonne d'architecture. 1877-80 Boston. — Public Library. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture etc. 1894 .......... Botta (P. E.). Monument de Ninive. 1849-50 .... Bottari (G. G.). Ed. : Raccolta. Raccolta dilettere sulla pittura, scultura ed architettura. 1754-73 ....... Bottari (G. G.). Ed. : Vasari (G.). Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, etc. 1759-60 . ., . Bouet (G.). Analyse architecturale de I'abbave de Saint-Etienne de Caen 1868 '..... Bouet (G.). Coup d'oeil architectonique sur les eglises de Fecamp, d'Etretat, ^Z^. [1867?] .. . . . .' .. Bouet (G.). L'eglise de Germigny. 1868 Bouet^(G.). Nouvelles observations sur les voiites de I'abbaye de Saint- Etienne de Caen. 1862 . Boulger (G. S.). Wood. 1902 Bourasse (J. J.). La Touraine, histoire et monuments. 1855 . * Bourgeois (C). Ed. : Laborde (A. L. J. de) Comte. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France. i8o8[-25] .... "* Bourgoin (J.). Les arts arabes. 1873 .... 137 183 73 108 188 146 104 6 115 157 35 34 51 126 49 107 lOI lOI 105 lOI 4 105 22 140 204 Author List PAGE 124 22 l60' 117 61 138. 4 74 94- 20> Bourgoin (J.). Precis de fart arabe : Mission Archeologique Fran9aise au Caire. Memoires. 7. 1892 . . . . . . .116 Bouriant (U.). Collab. : Les hypogees royaux de Thebes, par G. Lefebure Mission Archeologique Fran^aise au Caire. Memoires. 2-3. 1886-89 116 [Another edition] : Paris. — Musee Guimet. Annales. 9, 16 1886-89 * Boussard (J.). Constructions et decorations pour jardins, etc. 1881 Boutell (C). Monumental brasses and slabs. 1847 Bovey (H. T.). Theory of structures and strength of materials. 1893 Bowman (H.). Specimens of the ecclesiastical architecture of Great Britain 1846 ............ Bowman (H.) and Crowther (J. S.). The churches of the middle ages [1855?] Box (T.). A practical treatise on the strength of materials. 1883 . Boyd (S. A.). The history, etc., of Macclesfield Parish Church. 1901 Boyle (J. R.). Holy Trinity Church, Hull. 1890 . Boyle (R.). Natural and artificial methods of ventilation. 1899 Bradley, aftertuards Smith (E. T.). Annals of Westminster Abbey. 1898 85 Bradley (G. G.) Dean of Westminster. Preface : Bradley, afterwards Smith (E. T.). Annals of Westminster Abbey. 1898 . . -85 Bradley (T.). Practical geometry, etc. 1834 . . . . . .181 Brady (J. H.). The visitor's guide to Knole. 1839 . . . .78- Bramah (T.). Appendix : Tredgold (T.). The principles of warming and ventilating public buildings, etc. 3rd ed. 1836 . . . .19. Brandon (J. A.). Collab. : Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.). An analysis of Gothic architecture. 1847-49, ef/ir. ...... 146, 174 Brandon (J. A.). Collab. : Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.) The open timber roofs of the middle ages. 1849,^/^. . . . . . .18 Brandon (J. A.). Collab. : Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.). Parish churches. 1858 61 Brandon (J. R.). Palace of justice. 1867 ...... 154 Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.). An analysis of Gothic architecture. 1847- \^,etc . . . . 146, 174 Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.). The open timber roofs of the middle ages. 1849, etc. . . . . . . . . . . .184 Brandon (J. R.) and (J. A.). Parish churches. 1858 . . . . 61 y Branston (R.). Plustr. : Gwilt (J.). An encyclopaedia of architecture. 1842 35 Brash (R. R.). The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland to the close of the twelfth century. 1875. . . . . . . . .58- Bray (W.). Collab. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . . . . . . . .174 Brayley (E. Wedlake). The history of the abbey church of St. Peter West- minster. 1818-23 ......... 85 Brayley (E. Wedlake) and Britton (J.). The history of the ancient palace at Westminster. 1836 ......... 84 Brayley (E. Wedlake) and Herbert (VV.). Lambeth Palace. 1806 . 86 Brayley (E. William). The ancient castles of England and Wales. 1825 69 Braes (S. C). Illustrated glossary of practical architecture and civil engineering. 1852 . . . . . . . . .34 Author List 205 PAGE Breval (J. D. de). Remarks on several parts of Europe. 1738 . . 52 Brewer (H. W.). Some churches in the neighbourhood of Cleves. 1891 . 98 Brewer (J. N.). Delineations of Gloucestershire. [1824] ... 76 Brewer (J. N.). A descriptive account of various palaces and public build- ings. 18 10, etc. . . . . . . . . . .52 * Breymann (G. A.). AUgemeine Bau-Constructions-Lehre. 1881-96 . i Briggs (R. A.). Bungalows and country residences. 1901 . . -173 Briggs (R. A.). Homes for the country. 1904 . . . . .169 Briggs (W. R.). Modern American school buildings. 1899 . . .162 Brindley (VV.) and Weatherley (W. S.). Ancient sepulchral monuments. 1887 161 Bristol. — Local Board of Health. Bye-laws. 187 1 .... 10 Britannia illustrata. See England. British Architect. 1874, etc. . . . . . . . . . 40 * British Fire Prevention Committee. Facts on fire prevention. 1902 . 17 British Fire Prevention Committee. Publications. 1898, etc. . . .17 British Museum. — Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. A de- scription of the collection of ancient marbles. 1812-42 . . . 133 British School at Athens. Annual. [1895, etc.'\ ..... 133 British School at Athens. Excavations at Phylakopl in Melos : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 4. 1892, etc. ........... 136 British School at Rome. Papers. 1902, etc. . . . . . .106 Britton (J.). The architectural antiquities of Great Britain. 1807-26, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Britton (J.). Cathedral antiquities. 1836 . . . . . .61 Britton (J.). A dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle ages. 1838 . . ... . . . . . . 34 Britton (J.). Graphical and literary illustrations of Fonthill Abbey. 1823 . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Britton (J.). An historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. 1813. . . . . . . . . 76 Britton (J.). The history and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. 1825 . 90 Britton (J.). The history of the metropolitical church of York. 18 19 94 Britton (J.). Picturesque antiquities of the English cities. 1830, etc. 61 Britton (J.). The union of architecture, sculpture, and painting. 1827 24 Britton (J.). Coital. : Brayley (E. W.) and Britton (J.). The history of the ancient palace at Westminster. 1836 . . . . . .84 Britton (J.). Ed. : Carter (J.). The ancient architecture of England. New edition. 1837, etc. ........ 62 Britton (J.). Ed. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . . . . . . . .174 Britton (J.). Ed. : Pugin (A. C). Historical essays accompanying specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1828 . . 102 Britton (J.). Collab. : Pugin (A. C). Specimens of the architecture of Normandy. 1874 ......... 102 Britton (J.). Collab. : Robinson (P. F.) and Britton (J.). Vitruvius Britannicus : history of Woburn Abbey, ^/ S. E.) Bart. Ed, cellanies. Vol. i. [1792] Brydon (J. MacK.). Decorative painting Buchan (W. P.). Plumbing. 1883, etc. f Teil Baxter]. [n.d.] Topographical. Topographical mis- • ••••■ 1891 PAGE 4 185. 9+ 8i 140 52- 9E 147 80 167 7 93 22 24 28 139 28 128 7S I JO 164 157 150 144 94 & 94 36 107 lOI 67 186 16 Author List 207 Buchanan (R.). An essay on the warming of mills, etc., by steam. 1807 Buck (N.). C(9//a/^. .• Buck (S.) and (N.). Buck's antiquities. 1774 Buck (S.) and (N.). Buck's antiquities. 1774 Buckle (A.). Illustr. : Wheater (W.). Some historic mansions of York- shire. 1888-89 Buckle (J. G.). Theatre construction and maintenance. 1888 Buckler (C. A.). Co//ak : Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.). The cathedral of lona. 1866 ......... Buckler (C A.). Co//ad. : Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.). A history of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban. 1847 Buckler (E. H.). The abbey of Waltham Holy Cross. [1882] Elevations, eU., of Saint Peter's church, VVilcote. 1844 Sixty views of endowed grammar schools. 1827 Views of the cathedral churches of England and Wales Buckler {]. C). Buckler (]. C). Buckler (J. C). 1822 ......... Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.). The cathedral of lona. 1866 Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.). A history of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban. 1847 Buckmaster (M. A.). A descriptive handbook of architecture Trans. 1876 Trans. Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). 1905 The habitations of man How to build a house Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). Lectures on architecture Bucknall (B.) in all ages Bucknall (B.). 1874 . Bucknall (B.). Trans. 1877-81 Buehlmann (J.). The architecture of classical antiquity and of the renais sance. [1898] ......... Buehlmann (J.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil I Bd. 2 ; Teil 4 Bd. i. 1890-1907 ..... * Buel (A. W.). Reinforced concrete construction. 1905 Biihlmann (J.). See Buehlmann (J.). Builder, The. 1843, etc. ..... . . . Builder, The. " The Builder " Student's Series : — Farrow (F. R.). Stresses and strains. 1900 .... Fletcher (B. F.) and (H. P.). Architectural hygiene. 1902 Building Budget, The. 1886-87 Building News, The. 1856, etc. ...... . Building News, The. The Building News sketch book. 187 i Building News, The. [A collection of illustrations from the Building News Bulletin monumental. 1834, etc. . . Bulmer (G. B.). Architectural studies in Yorkshire. 1887 Bumpus (T. F.). The cathedrals and churches of the Rhine. 1906 Bumpus (T. F.). The cathedrals of England and Wales. 1905 Bumpus (T. F.). Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of North Germany. 1903 ....... Bumpus (T. F.). Summer holidays among the glories of France. 1902 Bumpus (T. F.). Summer holidays among the glories of northern France 1905 Bunney (M.). Collab. : Field (H.) and Bunney (M.). English domestic architecture of the XVn and XVni centuries. 1905 PAGE 2 0' 61 61 96. 156 57 78 76 89. 162 61 57 78 28 167 40 17+ 35-36 5 40 117 18 41 41 41 41 100 94 98 61 98. 100 100 168. t^ 2o8 Author List Buonaroti (M. A.). Additions : Barozzi (G.) cai/ed II Vignola. Li cinque ordini di architettura. [1648] Buonaroti (M. A.). Additions : Barozzi (G.) called II Vignola. Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura. 1619 . Buonarroti (M. A.). Life : Symonds (J. A.). The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. 1893 ........ Burges (W.). Architectural drawing in the middle ages. 1887 Burges (W.). Law Courts Commission. Report to the Commission. 1867 Burgess (J.). The ancient monuments, ^/"r., of India. 1897 Burgess (J.). The Muhammadan architecture of Ahmadabad. 1900-05 Burgess (J.). On the Muhammadan architecture of Bharoch, etc. 1896 Burgess (J.). Collab. : Fergusson (J.) and Burgess (J.). The cave temple; of India. 1880 ......... Burgess (J.) and Cousens (H.) The architectural antiquities of Northern Gujerat. 1903 ....... Burgoyne (F. J.). Library construction. 1897 Burke (O. J.). A short account of Holy Cross Abbey. 1868 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of drawings. 1884 Burmann (P.). Preface : Graevius (J. G.). Thesaurus antiquitatum Italiae, etc. 1704-25 ...... , Burn (R.). Rome and the Campagna. 187 1, ^^^r. . Y Burn (R. S.). The book of architectural design. 1861-62 Burn (R. S.). Glossary of technical terms employed in the construction of buildings, i860 ......... Burn (R. S.). The illustrated architectural, etc., drawing book, [n.d.] Burn (R. S.). Illustrations of carpentry and framing. 1859-60 Burn (R. S.). Illustrations of joinery. 2nd series. 1861 . Burn (R. S.). Model designs for mansions, villas, etc. i860, etc. Burn (R. S.). The new guide to masonry, etc. [n.d.] Burn (R. S.). Handy hints on the internal arrangements of cottages, etc. BogueQ. W.). Domestic architecture. 18(35, ^/^r. Burn (R. S.). Collab. : Stephens (H.) and Burn (R. S.). The book of farm buildings. 1861 . Burn (W.). Collab. : Billings (R. W.). The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. [1848-52] ...... Burnell (G. R.). Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, etc. 1865 Burnell (G. R.). Ed. : Annual Retrospect of Engineering and Architecture Vol. I. 1862 * Burr (W. H.) and Falk (M. S.). The graphic method for bridge and roof computations. 1905 ...... Burrell {Sir W.) Bart. : Lamb (E. B.). Studies of ancient domestic architecture from drawings in the collection of Sir W. B. 1846 Burridge (J.). A treatise on the origin, etc., of the naval dry rot. 1824 Burrow (E. J.). The Elgin marbles. Vol. i. 181 7 Burrows (H. W.). Examination of building stones. 1893 Burrows (R. M.). The discoveries in Crete. 1907 Burton (E.). A description of the antiquities of Rome. 1821 Bury (T. T.). Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork. [1907] Bury (T. T.). Rudimentary architecture. 1849, ^^^• Busbridge (W.). [Building construction drawings.] [n.d.] PAGE Author List UNI. 209 PAGE Busby (C. A.). A collection of designs for embellishments suitable to parlours, etc. [n.d.] ......... Busby (C. A.). A series of designs for villas and country houses. 1808 Busch (C). ^ W.). The history of St. Paul's Cathedral. 1658,^/^. . . 83 Dugdale (6'i> W.). Monasticon Anglicanum. 1655-73,^/'^. . . 63, 160 Dugdale {Sir VV.) : Kenilworth. Kenilworth illustrated. [Extracted chiefly from Dugdale.] 182 1 ......... 92 Dugdale {Sir W.) : Stevens (J.). The history of the ancient abbeys, etc. two additional volumes to Monasticon Anglicanum. 1722-23 Du Mege (A. L. C. A.). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Albi 1829 Du Mege (A. L. C. A.). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d'Arles 1829 ........... Duncan (J. H. E.-). Country cottages and week-end homes. 1906 . Dunn (A. M.). Notes and sketches of an architect. [i886] Dunnage (H.) and Laver (C). Plans, etc., of the Great Hall of the Royal Palace of Elt ham. 1828 ....... Dunraven, Edwin Richard Windham Wyndham, Earl of. See Quin (E. R W. W.). 67 105 106 53 79 222 Author List 1535 1853 [By Dunraven, Windham Thomas Wyndham, Earl of. See Quin (W. T. W.) Durand (J. N. L.). Recueil des edifices de tout genre. [1800], etc. . Durand (P.). Monographic de Notre- Dame de Chartres. 1881 Durantino (F. L.). Trans. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). Di architettura. Durelli (F.). Collab. : Durelli (G.) and (F.). La Certosa di Pavia. Durelli (G.) and (F.). La Certosa di Pavia. 1853 ... Durham Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Durham 5/> H. C. Englefield.] 1801 Durm (J.). Ed. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur Du Sommerard (A.). Les arts du moyen age. 1838-46 . Dutens (L.). See L. D— S, M. Dye (F.). Hot water supply. 1893 ....... Dye (F.). A practical treatise upon steam heating. 1901 Dye (F.). Ed. : Hood (C). A practical treatise on warming buildings Third new edition. 1897 . Dyer (T. H.). Pompeii. 1867 Dyer (T. H.). Pompeii photographed. 1867 . 1890-1907 Eassie (W.). Healthy houses. 1872 . Eastlake (C. L.). A history of the Gothic revival. 1872 Ebhardt (B.). Deutsche Burgen. 1899, etc. . Ecclesiological Society. See Cambridge Camden Society. Ecclesiologist. See Cambridge Camden Society. * Eckel (E. C). Cements, limes, and plasters. 1905 .... * Edinburgh. — Museum of Science and Art. List of books relating to architecture. 1888, etc. ........ Edis (R. VV.). Cantor Lectures on the building of town houses. 1884 Edwards (F.). On the extravagant use of fuel in cooking operations 1869 Edwards (F.). On the ventilation of dwelling-houses. 1868 . Edwards (F.). Our domestic fire-places. 1865, etc. Edwards (F.). A treatise on smoky chimneys. 1869 Edwards (P.) : Macdonald (J. J.). Passmore Edwards Institutions. ing and opening ceremonies. 1900 .... Eggert (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Bd. 6 Heft 2a. 1890-1907 ...... Egypt. Description de I'Egypte. 1809-22, etc. Egypt Exploration Fund. [Publications.] 1886, etc. Eiffel (A. G.). La tour de trois cents metres. Planches. 1900 Eiffel (A. G.). La tour Eiffel en 1900. 1902 Eiselen (E. W. B.). tJber Anlegung von Turnplatzen, etc. 1844 Elder-Duncan (J. H.). See Duncan (J. H. E.-). Eley (C. K.). The cathedral church of Carlisle. 1900 . Ellis (G.). Modern practical carpentry. 1906 Ellis (G.). Modern practical joinery. 1902 .... Ellis {Sir H.). Ed. : Dugdale {Sir W .). The history of St. Paul's Cathedral. 1818 Ellis {Sir H.). Ed. : Dugdale {Sir W.). Monasticon Anglicanum. A new edition. 1817-30 ........ 63, Elmes (J.). Hints for the improvement of prisons. 181 7 PAGE 29 105 33 108 108 76 35-38 103 16 20 18 128 129 18 151 98 Found Teil SI 170 19 18 19 20 161 37 123 123 185 185 157 74 13 13 83 160 156 Author List 223 PAGE Elmes (J.). Lectures on architecture. 1821, efc. • • • • • 53 Elmes (J.). Memoirs of Sir C. Wren. 1823 68 Elmes (J.). A practical treatise on architectural jurisprudence. 1827 . 10 Elmes (J.). Sir C. Wren and his times. 1852 . . . . .68 Elsam (R.). An essay on rural architecture. 1805 . . . -171 Ely, Alwyne, Bishop of. See Compton (Lord A.). Elyard (S. J.). Some old Wiltshire homes. 1894 • • • • . 93 Emden (A.). The law relating to building. 1885 . . . . .10 * Emerson (W. R.). Architecture and furniture of the Spanish colonies during the 17th and i8th centuries. 1901 . . . . .116 Emmett (J. T.). The bane of English architecture. [1881 ?] . . -63 Emmett (J. T.). The ethics of urban leaseholds. [1879?] ... 24 Emmett (J. T.). The profession of an ' architect '. [1880?] ... 24 Emmett (J. T.). Religious art. [1875?] 158 Emy (A. R.). Traite de I'art de la charpenterie. 1874 . . . . 13 * Encyclopedie. Encyclopedie des arts decoratifs de I'Orient. 1880-83 • ^75 Encyclopedie des Travaux Publics: — *Denfer(J.). Architecture et constructions civiles. 1893 • .119 *Ende (H.). Architektonische Studien blatter. [1884-93] ... 98 Ende (H.). Ed. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. 1890- .1907 35-38 Engineer, pseud. Theory. The theory and practice of warming and ventilating public buildings, etc. By an engineer. 1825 . . . 19 Engineer's, Architect's, and Contractor's Pocket-Book. 1872 . . . 7 England. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet. 1807-11 . . . 63 England. Britannia illustrata. 1714, ^/r. ...... 69 England. The cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1885 . . 63 * England. Famous homes of Great Britain. 1900 . . . .69 * England. More famous homes of Great Britain. 1902 ... 70 * England. Other famous homes of Great Britain. 1902 ... 70 England. Handbook to the cathedrals of England. [By R. J. King.] 1861-77, ef<^ 63 England. Nouveau theatre de la Grande Bretagne. .SV^ supra Britannia illustrata. England. The parlour book of British scenery, architecture, antiquities. [Edited by C. Hulbert. First series.] 1832 . . . -63 England. Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain. By R. Gough.] 1786-96 161 England. — Department of Science and Art. The first proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art. 1870-77 ...... 51 England. — Department of Science and Art. Notes on building construction arranged to meet the requirements of the Science and Art Department. 1875-91, etc 2 England. — Foreign Office. The Foreign Office: classic or Gothic? [i860?] 152 England. — Foreign Office. Remarks on a national style in reference to the proposed Foreign Office, i860 . . . . . . .152 * England. — Local Government Board. Back-to-back houses. 1888 . 10 England. — Parliament. Report on the ventilation of the Houses of Parliament. 1835 .......... 20 2 24 Author List PAGE England. — Surveyor- General of Prisons. Report [of Sir J. Jebb] on Pentonville Prison. 1844 . . . . . . . .156 Englefield {Sir H. C.) Bart. Author : Bath Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of Bath. [By Sir H. C. Englefield.] [1798]. . 90 Englefield {Sir H. C) Bart. Author: Durham Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Durham. [By Sir H. C. Engle- field.] 1801 76 Englefield {Sir H. C.) Bart. Ed. : Exeter Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Exeter. [1797] ..... 75 Englefield {Sir H. C). Bart. Author : Gloucester Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Gloucester. [By Sir H. C. Engle- field.] 1809 . ......... 77 Englefield {Sir H. C.) Bart. Ed. : Saint Albans Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of St. Alban. 1813 ..... 78 Englefield {Sir H. C.) Bart. Collab. : Topham (J.). Some account of the collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen, Westminster. [1795- 181 1] 84 English (C. W.). Joint-ed., i88g : Academy Architecture. 1889, etc. . 40 Enlart (C.). L'art gothique et la renaissance en Chypre. 1899 . . 149 Enlart (C). Manuel d'archeologie frangaise. 1902-04 . . . .100 Enlart (C). Monuments religieux de I'architecture romane, etc., dans la region picarde. 1895 . . . . . . . . .143 Enthoven (E. J.). Ed. : Wren (C). Life and works of Sir C. Wren. 1903 • • • . • • • .69 Espouy (H. d'). Fragments d'architecture. 2me serie. [1898] . .176 Espouy (H. d'). Fragments d'architecture antique, ^/(T. [n.d.], e/r. . .175 Essay. An essay upon harmony as it relates to situation and building. [By J. Gwynn.] 1739 .24 Essenwein (A. V.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil I Bd. i Heft i. 1890-1907 ....... 35 * Essex (E. H.). Roofs and floors of new buildings. 1905 . . .119 Essex (W. R. H.). Illustrations of the architectural ornaments, etc., of the Temple Church, London. 1845 ....... 85 Estimating. Estimating: a method of pricing builders' quantities. 1883 8 Eustace (J. C). A tour through Italy. 1813 . ..... 129 Evans (E. P.). Animal symbolism in ecclesiastical architecture. 1896 176 Evans (H.). Illustr. : Howe (W. H). Castles and abbeys of Great Britain and Ireland. 1902. ......... 64 Evans (J.). Manchester Cathedral past and present. [1893] ... 80 Evans (T. J.). Notes on carpentry and joinery. First stage. 1897 13 Evelyn (J.). Miscellaneous works. 1825 ...... 53 Evelyn {].). Trans. : Freard de Chambray (R.). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. 1664, etc. ...... 25 Evetts (B. T. A.). Trans. : Babelon (E.). Manual of oriental antiquities. 1889 ............ 121 Ewerbeck (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 2 ; Teil 3 Bd. 6. 1890-1907 36 Ewing (A.) Bishop 0/ Argyll and the Isles. Collab. : Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.). The cathedral of lona. 1866 . . . . . -57 Ewing (J. A.). The strength of materials. 1899 ..... 4 Examples. Examples of modern architecture. 1870 .... 149 Author List 225 Exeter Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Exeter. [By C Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle and others]. [1797] Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. Transactions. 1843-52 Exner (W. F.). C^/Za*^. .• Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil i Bd. I Heft I. 1 890- 1 90 7 ....... Eyland (E. S.). Illustr. : Burn (R. S.). The book of architectural design 1861-62 .......... * Eyries (G.). Les chateaux historiques de la France. 1877-79 Eyton (R. VV.). Antiquities of Shropshire. 1854-60 F., (H. T.). See Folkard (H. T.). F., (L. F.). See Feuillet (L. F.). Fabretti (R.). De columna Trajani syntagma. 1683 Fage (R.). Restauration du cloitre de Tulle. 1879 Fage (R.). Le vieux Tulle. 1885-88 Fairbairn {Sir W.) Bart. An experimental enquiry into the strength of cast iron. 1838 ......... Fairbairn {Sir W.) Bart. On the application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 1854, ^/"r. Fairbairn {Sir W.) Bart. Report on the construction of fire-proof build ings. 1844 ....•••••• Fairbairn {Sir W.) Bart. Summary of experiments : Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials. 1867 . Fairholt (F. W.). Illustr. : Wright (T.). The archaeological album 1845 • • • • .• . Falda (G. B.). Romanorum fontinalia. 1685 .... *Falk (M. S.). Collab.: Burr (W. H.) and Falk (M. S.). The graphic method for bridge and roof computations. 1905 Falkener (E.). Ephesus, and the temple of Diana. 1862 Falkner (R.). ^/<;//?^/-.- Manchester Cathedral. Manual and guide. [By R. Falkner.] [1902] ........ Famin (A.). Collab. : Grandjean de Montigny (A. H. V.) and Famin (A.) Renaissance italienne. Architecture toscane. 1874 Faraday (M.). On the practical prevention of dry rot in timber. 1836 Farington (J.), /llustr. .- Byrne {W.). Britannia depicta. 1806-18. Fa,na.T {F. W.) Dean 0/ Canterbury. Westminster Abbey. 1898 Farren (R.). Cathedral cities : Ely and Norwich. 1883 Farren (R.). Illustr. : Le Keux (J.). Memorials of Cambridge, [i860 66] Farrow (F. R.). Stresses and strains. 1900 ..... Farrow (F. R.). Ed. : Stock (C. H.). A treatise on shoring and under pinning. Third edition. 1902 ....'. * Favre (F.). Ed. : Encyclopedic. Encyclopedic des arts decoratifs de rOrient. 1880-83 Fawcett (J.). Co/lab. .- Monkhouse (W.) and Bedford (F.). The churches of York. [1843] Fawcett (W. M.). Ed. : Paley (F. A.). A manual of Gothic mouldings Third edition. 1865. ........ Fea (A.). Picturesque old houses. [1902] ..... Fea (A.). Secret chambers and hiding places. 1901 15 PAGE 75 75 35 164 100 90 129 105 105 I20' IJ 68 23 119 134 80 150 4 61 85 71 73 117 15 175 95 145 70 70 2 26 Author List Fenn (J.). Collab. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and paint ing in England. 1838 ........ Fenwick (S.). The mechanics of construction. 1861 Ferguson (C. J.). The development of domestic architecture. 1875 74 Ferguson (VV. L.). lUustr. .• Simpson (H. T.). Archseologia Adelensis 1879 . . . . . . . . . . . Fergusson (J.). An historical inquiry into the true principles of beauty in art. 1849 .......... Fergusson (J.). [History of ancient and medieval architecture.] 1893 Fergusson (J.). A history of architecture. 1862-67, ^/^r. Fergusson (J.). History of Indian and eastern architecture. 1876, etc. Fergusson (J.). History of the modern styles of architecture. 1862, etc. Fergusson (J.). The illustrated handbook of architecture. 1855 Fergusson (J.). Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India. 1845 Fergusson (J.). The palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. 1851 Fergusson (J.). The Parthenon. 1883 ..... Fergusson (J.). Picturesque illustrations of ancient architecture in Hin dostan. (i 847-) 1848 ........ Fergusson (J.). Rude stone monuments. 1872 . Fergusson (J.). The temples of the Jews. 1878 .... Fergusson (J.). Tree and serpent worship. 1868 .... * Fergusson (J.). Architectural notes : Bijapur. Architecture at Beejapoor 1866 Fergusson (J.) and Burgess (J.). The cave temples of India. 1880 Ferrari (A. C.) Cardinal. Introduzione : Ambrose, Saint, etc. Ambrosiana 1897 Ferrey (B.). Observations on the west front of Wells Cathedral. [1870] Ferrey (B.). Recollections of A. N. W. Pugin and A. Pugin. 1861 Ferrucci (G.). Additions : Marlianus (J. B.). Vrbis Romse topographia 1588 Ferrutius (H.). See Ferrucci (G.). Feuillet (L. F.). Tratis. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). Les antiquites d'Athenes. 1808-22 Feydeau (A.). Planches et plans executes sous la direction de A. Feydeau Feydeau (E. A.). Histoire des usages funebres. 1856-60 Feydeau (E, A.). Histoire des usages funebres et des sepultures des peuples anciens. 1856-60 ....... Fidler (H.). Notes on construction in mild steel. 1907 Field (H.) and Bunney (M.). English domestic architecture of the xvii and xviii centuries. 1905 ....... Fierens-Gevaert (H.). Etudes d'art. L'hotel de ville de Paris. [1902] * Filippi (J. de). Texte : Constant (C). Parallele des principaux theatres modernes. i860 ......... Fink (F.). Der Bautischler. 1869 Fischer (E.) and Guth (M.). Der Neubau des ersten chemischen Instituts der Universitat Berlin. 1901 Fischer (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil Bd. 4. 1890-1907 ........ Fisher (A. H.). The cathedral church of Hereford. 1898, etc. Flandin (E.). Collab.: Botta (P. 6.). Monument de Ninive. 1849-50 PAGE Author List 227 PAGE Fletcher (B.). Arbitrations. 1893 ....... 10 Fletcher (B.). Dilapidations. 1874, ^/f. . . . . . . 9 Fletcher (B.). Light and air. 1886, etc. ...... 10 * Fletcher (B.). London building acts, 1894-1905. 1906 (?) ... 11 Fletcher (B.). Quantities. 1895 ........ 9 Fletcher (B.). Valuations and compensations. 1901 . . . . 9 Fletcher (B.) and (B. F.). A history of architecture. i8g6, etc. . . 54 Fletcher (B. F.). Andrea Palladio. 1902 . . . . . .106 Fletcher (B. F.). Architecture and its place in a liberal education. 1905 48 Fletcher (B. F.). The influence of material on architecture. 1897 . . 54 * Fletcher (B. F.). Large lecture diagrams on architecture. 1906 . . 54 Fletcher (B. F.). Ed. : Fletcher (B.). Light and air. Fourth edition. 1902 ............ 10 Fletcher (B. F.). Ed. : Fletcher (B.). Valuations and compensations. Second edition. 1901 . . . . . . . . . 9 Fletcher (B. F.). Collab. : Fletcher (B.) and (B. F.). A history of architecture. 1896, etc. ........ 54 Fletcher (B. F.) and (H. P.). Architectural hygiene. \c)02, etc. . . 18 Fletcher (H. P.). The St. Louis Exhibition, 1904 . . . . -157 Fletcher (H. P.). Ed. .• Fletcher (B.). Light and air. Fourth edition. 1902 ' ... 10 Fletcher (H. P.). Ed.: Fletcher (B.). Valuations and compensations. Second edition. 1901 . . . . . . . . . 9 Fletcher (H. P.). Cot/ad. : Fletcher (B. F.) and (H. P.). Architectural hygiene. X902, etc. ......... 18 Fletcher (VV. Y.). Library at Ham House : Roundell (J. A. E,). Ham House. 1904 . . . . . . . . . .91 * Foerster (E.). Denkmale deutscher Baukunst. 1855-69 ... 98 Folkard (H. T.). Qomp. : Wigan. Wigan County Council Chamber opened 1890. [Compiled by H. T. F.] 1890 154 Fontenelle (J. de). Collab. : Ardenni (P.) and Fontenelle (J. de). Manuel du poelier-fumiste. 1835 . . . . . . . • i? Fonthill Abbey. A description of Fonthill Abbey. 181 2 . . . 93 Fonts, Illustrations of baptismal. 1844 . . . . . . .190 Forbin (L. N. P. A. de) Count. Voyage dans le Levant. 18 19 . . 54 Forster (E.). See Foerster (E.). Fosbroke (T. D.). Encyclopaedia of antiquities. 1825 .... 34 Foster (^l/z-j-. J.). Trans.: Vasari (G.). Lives of painters, ^/r. 1878-85 107 Fotheringhay. Some remarks upon the church of Fotheringhay. 1841 . 88 Fourdrinier (P.). Engrav. : Wright (T.). Louthiana. 1748 ^. . 60 Fourier (J. B. J.) Baro7i. Preface: Egypt. Description de I'Egypte. Antiquites, planches. 1809-22, etc. . . . . . -123 Fowler (J. T.). Notes on All Saints', Winterton. 1888. . . . 81 Fowler ( VV.). [A series of engravings of mosaic pavements in Great Britain.] [1799-1813.] 188 Fowler (VV.). Biography: Ball (H. W.). Notes on W. Fowler and his works. 1888 ' 188 Fowler (VV.). Collation of Mosaic pavements: Lindsay (J. L.) Earl of Crawford atid Balcarres. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and notes, no 2. 1883 ......... 188 2 28 Author List PAGE Fox, afterwards Fox Pitt Rivers (A. H. L.). King John's House, Tollard Royal, Wilts. 1890 ......... 93 France. L'architecture fran^oise. [By J. Marot.J 1727 . . . 100 France. — Comite Historique des Arts et Monuments. Collection de docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire de France. Instructions. [1839-43] . 100 France. Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France : — Deville (J. A.). Comptes de depenses de la construction du chateau de Gaillon. 1850-51 ........ loi Durand (P.). Monographie de Notre-Dame de Chartres. 1881 . 105 Grille de Beuzelin (E.). Statistique monumentale, specimen. 1837 103 Lenoir (A.). Architecture monastique. 1852-56 .... 160 Lenoir (A.). Statistique monumentale de Paris. 1867 . . . 104 Vitet (L.). Monographie de I'eglise Notre-Dame de Noyon. 1845 103 Franz (J.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 2 Bd. 3 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 35 Franzini (F.). Comp. : Rome. Roma antica e moderna. [By F. Franzini.] 1678 ............ Ill Freard de Chambray (R.). Parallele de I'architecture antique et de la moderne. 1702 .......... 24 Freard de Chambray (R.). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. 1664, etc. ......... 25 Freard de Chambray (R.). Epistles prefixed [by J. Evelyn] to the tratisla- tion of the ''■Parallel": Evelyn (J.). Miscellaneous works. 1825 53 Freeman (A. C). Hints on the planning of poor law buildings and mortuaries. [1905] ......... 155 Freeman (E. A.). An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in England. 185 1 . . . . . . . . .185 Freeman (E. A.). Historical and architectural sketches. 1876 . . 106 Freeman (E. A.). A history of architecture. 1849. .... 54 Freeman (E. A.). History of the cathedral church of Wells. 1870 . . 90 Freeman (E. A.). On certain early Romanesque buildings in Switzerland. [1864] 143 Freeman (E. A.). Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice. 1881 . . . . . . . . . .108 Freeman (E. A.). Introduction : Farren (R.). Cathedral cities : Ely and Norwich. 1883 . . . . . . . -71 Freeman (E. A.). Collab.: Jones (W. B. T.) Bishop of St. David's and Freeman (E. A.). The history of St. David's. 1856 ... 97 Freeman (E. A.). Introduction to vol. 2 : Wickes (C). Illustrations of the spires of the mediaeval churches of England. 1853-59 . . 67 Freeman (P.). The architectural history of Exeter Cathedral. [1873] . 75 Freeman (R. K.). Presidential address : Manchester Society of Architects. Report. 1 89 1 . . . . . . . . . .44 *Freitag (J. K.). Architectural engineering. 1901 .... 120 Fritsch (K. E. O.). Denkmaeler deutscher Renaissance. 1891 . . 150 Froehner (W.). La colonne Trajane. 1872-74 ..... 129 Frohner (W.). See Froehner (W.). Frontinus (S.). De aqueductibus : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura. [i486], e/r. 31-32 Fuehrer (A. A.). The Sharqi architecture of Jaunpur. 1889 . . . 141 Author List 229 PAGE Fuhrer (A. A.). See Fuehrer (A. A.). Fulleylove (W. K.). Science in fireplaces, etc. [n.d.]. . . . • 19 G. L. M., Esq^'. [i.e. G. L. Meason]. On the landscape architecture of the great painters of Italy. 1828. ...... Gailhabaud (J.). L'architecture du V^^ au XVIlni^ siecle. 1858 . Gailhabaud (J.). Monuments anciens et modernes. 1850 Gale (C. J.). A treatise on the law of easements. 1849 . *Galland (G.). Geschichte der hollandischen Baukunst und Bildnerei. 1890 ........... Gallo (A.). Ed. : Vitruvius PoUio (M.). De architectura libri dece tra- ducti. 1521. Gamble (J. S.). A manual of Indian timbers. 1902 Gandon (J.). Contin. : Campbell (C). Vitruvius Britannicus. 1715- 71, etc. ........... Gandy (J.). Designs for cottages, etc. 1805 ..... Gandy (J. P.). Collab. : Gell {Sir W.) and Gandy (J. P.). Pompeiana. 1817-19 .......... Garbett (E. L.). Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture. 1850, ^/^. . Gardens. Gardens old and new. [n.d.] ...... Gardner (E. A.). Collab. : Excavations at Megalopolis, i8go-gi : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 1892, etc. .......... Gardner (E. A.). Ed. : Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings, by J. H. Middleton : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 3. 1892, etc. .... . Gardner (J. S.). Wrought-iron work : mediaeval period. 1891 Gardner (J. S.). Wrought-iron work : renaissance period. 1892 Gardner (J. S.). Trans. : Meyer (F. S.). A handbook of art smithing. 1896 Gardner (J. S.). /Votes on electric light fittittgs : Preece {Sir W. H.) K. C.B. The internal illumination of buildings. 1892 .... Gardner (P.). Sculptured tombs of Hellas. 1896 .... Garland (R.). Illustr. : Winkles (B.). French cathedrals. 1837 . Garland (R.). Illustr. : Winkles (H.) and (B.). Architectural, etc., illustra- tions of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1836-42, etc. ..... ....... 68 Garling (H. B.). Palace of justice. [1867] ...... 154 Garling (H. B.). Fart-author : Bell (J.). Sculpture in its relation to architecture. 1888 . . . . . . . . -174 *Garnier (J. L. C). Le nouvel Opera de Paris. 1876-81 . . . 157 Garratt (T.). Illustr. : Cox (J. C.) and Serjeantson (R. M.). A history of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Northampton. 1897 . . 88 Garratt (T.). Ed. : Willins (E. P.). Some of the old halls and manor- houses in Norfolk. 1890 . . . . . . . .87 *Garstin (W. E.). Introductory note: Lyons (H. G.). A report on the island and temples of Philae. [1896] ...... 135 Gasquet (F. A.). English monastic life. 1904 . . . . .160 Gatty (H. K. F.). ^^. .• Gatty (M.). The book of sun-dials. 1889 . 23 173 54 54 1 1 114 33 4 62 171 129 176 22 136 136 183 183 183 19 134 lOI 230 Author List Gatty (M.). The book of sun-dials. 1889 .... Gaugain (L.). Cathedrale de Bayeux. Tour centrale. 1857. Gauger (N.). The mechanism of fire made in chimneys. 1716 Gayangos (P. de). Collab. : Goury (J.) and Jones (O.). Plans, etc.^ of the Alhambra. 1842-45 ....... Gedney. Historical notice of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Gedney [By J. A. Atkinson.] 1897 Gee (W. W. H.). Electricity in its relation to plumbing. [1892] Geffroy (G.). Etudes d'art ancien et moderne. 2me serie. 1903 Gell (^2> W.). The itinerary of Greece. 1810 Gell (&> W.). Pompeiana ; the result of excavations since 1819. 1832 Gell (6'/> W.) and Gandy (J. P.). Pompeiana. 1817-19 Gentili (T.). Ed.: Vasari (G.). Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, ^/r. 1767 72 . Gentleman's Magazine. The Gentleman's Magazine library. 1883-93 Genzmer (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 5 Heft 3-4. 1890-1907 ...... George (E.). Etchings on the Mosel. 1873 Gerli (A.). Opuscoli. 1785 ...... Germain (M.). Le Monasticon Gallicanum. 1882 * Germany. Das Bauernhaus im deutschen Reiche. 1901-06 Germany. Geschichte der deutschen Kunst. 1887-91 . Gerspach (E.). La mosaique. [1883] .... Gevaert (H. Fierens-). See Fierens-Gevaert (H.). * Geyling (R.) and Loew (A.). Meisterwerke der kirchlichen Glasmalerei 1899 Geymueller (H. v.) Baron. Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Archi tektur. Teil 2 Bd. 6 Heft 2. 1890-1907 Geymiiller (H. v.) BaroTi. See Geymueller (H. v.) Baron. Gibbs (James) Gibbs (James). Gibbs (James). etc. Gibbs (James). Bibliotheca Radcliviana. 1747 A book of architecture. 1^28, efc. Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture. Desims Birch (G. H.). London churches of the and xviiith centuries .1896. Gibbs (John). Designs for Christian memorials. [1865 ?] Gibbs (John). Designs for Gothic ornaments and furniture. 1854 Gibbs (John). Domestic architecture and ornament in detail. 1868 Gibbs (John). English Gothic architecture. 1855 . Gibbs (John). A series of designs for Gothic monuments. 1852 Gibbs (John). Studies in architecture and ornament, i860 . Gilchrist (J. G.). An itinerary of the English cathedrals. 1901 Gill (B. R.). Ed. : Brewer (J. N.). A descriptive account of various palaces and public buildings. 182 1 . Gill (H.). The village church in the olden time. 1903 * Gillmore (Q. A.). Practical treatise on limes, cement, etc. 1896 Giraud (B.). Stable building and stable fitting. 1891 . *Gladbach (E. G.). Charakteristische Holzbauten der Schweiz. [1889 93] Gladbach (E. G.). Die Holz- Architektur der Schweiz. 1876 .■• 1732 xviith PAGE 23 lOI 20 141 81 16 186 134 129 129 107 63 37 98 39 160 172 98 188 189 35 164 176 181 82 161 187 176 152 161 176 64 52 159 6 173 152 152 Author List 231 PAGE Gladbach (E. G.). Der schweizer Hoizstil. 1883 ..... 152 Glass Paintings. Inquiry. An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings. 1847 . . . . . . .189 Glazier (R.). A manual of historic ornament. 1906 .... 176 *Gleig (G. R.). Letterpress: Werner (C). Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the holy places. 1865 . . . . . . . . .116 Glossary. A concise glossary of terms used in architecture. [By J. H. Parker.] 1846, etc. ........ . 34-35 Glossary. A glossary of terms used in architecture. [By J. H. Parker.] 1838, etc 34 Gloucester Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Gloucester [by Sir H. C. Englefield.] 1809 . . . . . . -77 Glynne (^/r S. R.) Bart. Gloucestershire church notes. 1902 . . 77 Glynne (S/> S. R.) Bart. Notes on the churches of Cheshire. 1894 . 74 Glynne (&> S. R.) Bart Notes on the churches of Lancashire. 1893 . 80 Godman (E.). Th eoldpalace of Bromley-by-Bow. 1902 ... 86 Godman (E.). Collab.: Pepys (W. C.) and Godman (E.). The church of St. Dunstan, Snpney. 1905 . . . . . . .87 Godwin (G.). Hints on construction, [n.d.] . . . . . -117 Goeller (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 2. 1 890- 1 907 ........ 36 Goerlitz. — Oberlausitzicshe Gesellschaft der Wis.^enschaften. See Ober- lausitzische Gesellshaft, etc. Goldsmith (H.). Economical houses. [1895] . . . . .165 GoUer (A.). See^ Goeller (A.). Gomme (G. L.). Ed. : Gentleman's Magazine. Gentleman's Magazine. library. 1883-93 63 Gonino (I.). Trans.: Mayeux (H.). A manual of decorative composition. 1898 178 Gonino (I.). Trans, and ed. : Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in primitive Greece. 1894 . . . . . . .136 Gonino (I.). Trans, and ed. : Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, ^/r. 1890 . . . . . . .122 Gonse (L.). L'art gothique. [1896] ....... 144 Goodwin (F.). Cottage architecture. 1835 ...... 165 Goodwin (F.). Domestic architecture. 1833-34, etc. . . . .165 Goodwin (T. G.). The art of mural decoration. [1866]. . . . 186 Gordon (A.). Trans.: Maffei (F. S.) Marquis. A compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres. 1730 ....... 130 Gordon (G. H.) 4/,^ Earl of Aberdeen. An enquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture. 1822, etc. .... . 134 Gordon (G. H.) 4M Earl of Aberdeen. Inquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). The ten books of Vitruvius. [n.d.] .......... 33 Gordon (G. H.) d^th Earl of Aberdeen. Preface and Notes : Whittington (G. D.). An historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France. 1809, etc. . . . . . . . . .148 Gorlitz. — Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See Ober- lausitzische Gesellschaft, etc. Gorton. — Local Board. Bye-laws. 1864 • • • • • .11 232 Author List PAGE Gosset (A.). La cathedrale de Reims. 1894 ..... 102 Gosset (A.). Les coupoles d'orient et d'occident. 1889 [-1902] . . 184 Gotch (J. A.). Architecture of the renaissance in England. 1894 . , . 150 Gotch (J. A.). Early renaissance architecture in England. 1901 . . 150 Gotch (J. A.). Heraldry of the renaissance in England. [1897] . .■ 150 Gothic architecture. Shall Gothic architecture be denied fair play ? i86c . 152 Gough (R.). Description of the Beauchamp Chapel at Warwick. 1809 . 92 Gough (R.). Collab. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . . . . . . . -174 Gough (R.). Author: England. Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain. [By R. Gough.] 1786-96 161 Gough (R.). Collab. : Saint Albans Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of St. Alban. [By R. Gough, and others.] 1813 . . 78 Gournay (F. de). Collab. : Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831-38 135 Goury (J.) and Jones (O.). Plans, ^/"c, of the Alhambra. 1842-45. . 141 Gout (P.). L'histoire et 1 'architecture frangaise au Mont Saint-Michel. 1899 ............ 101 Graevius (J. G.). Thesaurus antiquitatum Italiae, ^/ir. 1704-25 . . 106 Graevius (J. G.). Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. 1694-99 . . 129 Graevius (J. G.) : Poleni (G.) Marquis. Utriusque thesauri [i.e. of Grae- vius and Gronovius] antiquitatum supplementa. 1737 • . . 136 Grafton (W.). A handbook of practical gas-fitting. 1901 . . -17 Graham (A.). Remains of the Roman occupation of North Africa. 1886 129 Graham (R. B. C). Preface: Canon. The canon. 1897 . . . 24 Gramm (J. C). Der Architekt fiir Freunde der schonen Baukunst. 1854. 165 Grandjean de Montigny (A. H. V.) and Famin (A.). Renaissance italienne. Architecture toscane. 1874. . . . . . . .150 Grandmaison (A. L. Millin de). See Millin de Grandmaison (A. L.). Grandy (R. E.). The timber importer's and builder's guide. 1888 . , 5 Granger (F.). German technical museums. 1890 ..... 163 Grant (J.). Experiments on the strength of cement. 1875 ... 6 Graves (J.) and Prim (J. G. A.). The history, etc., of the cathedral church of Kilkenny. 1857 ......... 59 Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture. Scott (L.);>.y^Z(r^. [/.e. L. E. Baxter]. Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. 1901 107 * Green (E. T.). Towers and spires. 1908 . . . . . .185 Green (J. L.). English country cottages, [n.d.] . . . . .170 Green ( v.). The history and antiquities of Worcester. 1796. . . 93 Greene (G. A.). Trans. : Buehlmann (J.). The architecture of classical antiquity and of the renaissance. [1898]. ..... 174 Greenwood (J. B.). The early ecclesiastical history of Dewsbury. 1859 95 Greg (W. R.). Cyclopian, Pelasgic, and Etruscan remains. 1842 . . 127 Greig (J.). Engr. : Chalmers (A.). A history of the colleges, etc. at- tached to the University of Oxford. 18 10 . . . . .89 Gresley (J. M.). Ed. : Stukeley (W.). Some account of Croyland Abbey. 1856 82 Greswell (W. P.) : Manchester. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, [compiled from materials by W. P. Greswell and others by S. Hibbert], etc. 1828-33, ^^^- ..... 80 Author List 233 PAGE Grey (H.). Trowel, chisel and brush. 1884 ...... 29 Griffith (W. P.). Ancient Gothic churches. 1847 144 Griffith (VV. P.). The natural system of architecture. 1845 • • • 25 Griffiths (H.). The plenum or propulsion system of heating and ventila- tion. 1905 . . . . . . . . . .18 Griggs (W.). Photo-lithograph. : Smith (E. W.). Portfolio of Indian architectural drawings. Pt. i. 1897 . . . . . . 142 Grille de Beuzelin (E.). Statistique monumentale, etc. 1837 . . . 103 Grimthorpe, Edmund, Baron. See Denison (E. B.), afterwards Beckett (E.) Baron Grimthorpe. Gronovius (J.). Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum. 1697-1702 . . 134 Gronovius (J.) : Poleni (G.) Marquis. Utriusque thesauri \i.e. of Grae- vius and Gronovius] antiquitatum supplementa. 1737 . . -136 Grose (F.). The antiquities of England and Wales. i-jTyS-j, etc. . . 64 Grose (F.). The antiquities of Ireland. 1791 ..... 59 Grose (F.). The antiquities of Scotland. 1789-91,^/^. .... 57 Grose (F.). Collab. : Warton (T.) and others. Essays on Gothic archi- tecture. \^o2, etc. .......... 146 Grosvenor (F.). Historical introduction : Parker (J. H.). The medieval architecture of Chester. 1858 ....... 74 *Growse (F. S.). Bulandshahr. 1884 115 * Growse (F. S.). Indian architecture of to-day, as exemplified in the Bu- landshahr District. Pt. 2. 1886 115 Gruner (L.). Fresco decorations. 1844 . . . . . 150, 176 * Gruner (L.). £d. : Lose (F.). The terra-cotta architecture of North Italy. 1867 108 Gruning (E. A.) and Papworth (W. A. Van S.). Memoir of Professor Donaldson. 1886. ......... 42 Grunow (C). Plastische Ornamente der italienischen Renaissance. 1881 187 Guadet (J.). ^^lements et theorie de I'architecture. [1906?]. . . 29 Guarienti (P.). £:d. : Orlandi (P. A.). Abecedario pittorico. .1753 . 55 Guattani (G. A.). Monumenti antichi inediti. i784[-88] . . . 129 Guerber (V.). Trans. : Huebsch (H.). Monuments de I'architecture chretienne. 1866 ......... 139 Guerra (C). JSd. : Pistolesi (E.). II Vaticano. 1829-38 . . .110 Guilhermy (R. F. M. N. de) Baron. Description de la Sainte-Chapelle. 1887 ............ 103 Guillaume (G. H.). Ed. : Wightwick (G.). Hints to young architects. 1875 49 * Guillerme (V.). Collab. : Berger (G.) and Guillerme (V.). La con- struction en ciment arme. 1902 . . . . . . . 6 * Guilmard (D.). Les maitres ornemanistes. 1880-81 . . . .176 Gunn (E.). The Great House, Leyton. 1903 86 Gunton (S.). The history of the church of Peterburgh. 1686 . . 88 *Gurlitt (C). Das Barock- und Rococo-Ornament Deutschlands. 1889 ........... 150, 176 Gurlitt (C). Die Baukunst Frankreichs. 1897 . . . . .100 Gurlitt (C). Historische Stadtebilder. 1901 ..... 54 Gurlitt (C). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 8 Heft I. 1890-1907 38 2 34 Author List PAGE. Gurlitt (C). 2>x/ ; Junghaendel (M.). Die Baukunst Spaniens. [1889- 93] 112- Guth (M.). Collab. : Fischer (E.) and Guth (M.). Der Neubau des ersten chemischen Instituts der Universitat Berlin. 1901 . . . .163 Guyot (L.). Engr. ; Lenoir (M. A.). Nouvelle collection d'arabesques. [1810] 186 Gwilt (J.). An encyclopaedia of architecture. 1S4.2, etc. • • • 35 Gwilt (J.). Examination of Grecian architecture : Chambers {Sir W.). A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. 182^, etc. . .174 Gwilt (J.). Ed.: Nicholson (P.). Principles of architecture. Sixth edition. 1848 182- Gwilt (J.). Trans.: Vitruvius Pollio (M.). Architecture. 1826, etc. . 33 Gwynn (J.). Atithor : Essay. Essay upon harmony as it relates to situation and building. [By J. Gwynn.] 1739 .... 24 Gyfford (E.). Designs for elegant cottages and small villas. 1806 . .168 H., T. F. See Folkard (H. T.). Habershon (M.). The ancient half-timbered houses of England. 1836 . 153 * Hadfield (J.). The ecclesiastical, castellated and domestic architecture of England. 1848 .......... 64 Hadrian, Emperor. Villa Hadriana : Piranesi (F.). Pianta delle fab- briche esistenti nella Villa Adriana. [1781] . . . . . 131 Haferkorn (H. E.). Handy list of books on fine arts and architecture. 1893 . . . .... .... .51 * Hafner (A.). Text : Historisch-Antiquarischer Verein in Winterthur. Meisterwerke schweizerischer Glasmalerei. [i889-]9o . . . 189 Haggitt (J.). Two letters on the subject of Gothic architecture. 18 13 . 144 Haghe (L.). Portfolio of sketches. Belgium, Germany. 1850 . . 54 Haghe (L.). Sketches in Belgium and Germany. 1840 . . . -55 Haig (A. H.). iV^/^.y .• White (W.). Wisby. 1886 . . . .114 Hakewill (H.). Prefatory note : Skelton (J.). An account of the Roman villa at Northleigh, Oxfordshire. 1826 ...... 132 Hakewill (J.). A picturesque tour of Italy. 1820 ..... 106 Halfpenny (J.). Fragmenta vetusta, etc. 1807 ..... 95 Halfpenny (J.). Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York. [1795-1800] 95, 147, 176 Halfpenny (W.). Magnum in parvo ; or, the marrow of architecture. 1728 183 Halfpenny (W.). Twelve designs for farm-houses. 1774 • • .172 Hall ( ) and Pickles ( ). Standard steel construction. 1905 121 Hall (E.). Some observations on propriety of style. 1843 . . -152 Hall (E. T.). Flats. Appartements. Wohnungen. [1901] . . .170 Hall {Sir J.) Bart. Essay on the origin, etc., of Gothic architecture. 1813 144 Hall (J. M.). Ed. : Glynne {Sir S. R.) Bart. Gloucestershire church notes. 1902 . . ......'.. 77 *Hall(S. C). The baronial halls, ^/^., of England. 1848 ... 70 Hallett (C). The cathedral church of Ripon. 1901 • • • • 95 Hamilton (A.). History of St. Mary's Abbey at Buckfast. [1907] . . 75 Hamlin (A. D. F.). A text-book of the history of architecture. 1896, e/^r. 55 Author List 235 PAGE Hammon (H. J.). The architectural antiquities of Crosby Place, London. 1844 , 86 Hammond (A.). The rudiments of practical bricklaying. 1875 . . 12 Handbooks of the Great Craftsmen : — Cust (R. H. H.). The pavement masters of Siena. 1901 . . 188 Handbuch, Handbuch der Architektur. 1890-1907 . . . -35-3^ Handbuch. Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte : — Schultz (A. F. C. W,). Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter, etc. 1903 . . . . . • 5^ * Harcourt (L. F. v.). Civil engineering as applied to construction. 1902 120 Harding (G. P.). Illustr. : Moule (T.). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. 1825 85 Harding (J. D,). Eitgrav. : Pugin (A. C). Gothic ornaments. 1840, etc 145. 179 * Hardy (E.). The elementary principles of graphic statics. 1904 . • n? Harland (J.). Historical account of the Cistercian abbey of Salley in Craven. 1853 .• 95 Harraden (R. B.). Illustr. : Cambridge, University of. Cantabrigia depicta. 1809 . . . . . • . • • • 1"^ Harres (B.). Die landwirthschaftliche Baukunst. 1868 .... 2 * Harris (G. F.). The science of brickmaking. 1897 .... 6 Harrison (J. Pi). A letter on the fitness of Gothic architecture for modern churches. 1848 152 Harrison (J. P.). Views and details of Saint Giles' church, Oxford. 1842 . 89 Harrod (H.). Gleanings among the castles and convents of Norfolk. 1857 87 Hart (J. W.). External plumbing work. 1896 . . . . -17 Hart (J. VV.). Hints to plumbers on joint wiping, etc. 1896, etc. . . 16 Hart (J. W.). The principles of hot water supply. 1900 ... 16 * Hart (P. D.) and others. Illustr. : Bijapur. Architecture at Beejapoor. 1866 140 Hartel (A.). Architektonische Details des Mittelalters. [1889] . .176 Hartig (R.). Timbers and how to know them. 1890 .... 5 Hartshorne (A.). The great barn, Harmondsworth. [n.d.] . . -173 Hartung (H.). Motive der mittelalterlichen Baukunst in Deutschland. 1897-99 ........... 148 Harvey (L.). Masonry for architectural students. 1888 . . .119 Harvey (L.). Semper's theory of evolution in architectural ornament, 1885 177 Harvey (\V'. A.). The model village and its cottages. 1906 . . . 168 Hasak (M.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 2 Bd. 4 Heft 3-4. 1890-1907 ........ 35 Hasluck (P. N.). The cabinet worker's handy book. 1893 ... 15 Hasluck (P. N.). Cheap dwellings. [1905] . . . . . .168 Hasluck (P. N.). The handyman's book of tools, etc., employed in wood wcrking. 1903 . . . . . . . . ■ ^3 Hasluck (P. N.). Practical staircase joinery. 1899 . . . • ^5 Hassell (J.). Beauties of antiquity. 1807 ...... 138 Hastings (T.). Illustr. : Woolnoth (W.). A graphical illustration of the cathedral church of Canterbury. 181 6 . . . . . . 79 236 Author List PAGE * Hatfield (O. P.). Ed.: Hatfield (R. G.). American house carpenter 1889 * Hatfield (R. G.). American house carpenter. 1889 Hauenschild (H.). Collah. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur Teil I Bd. i Heft i. 1890- 1907 .... . . *Haupt (A.). Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Portugal. 1890-95 Haupt (A.). Collab. : Adamy (R.). Architektonik, eU. 1883 Hausbrand (E.). Drying by means of air and steam. 1901 *Havard (H.). L'art dans la maison. 1887 ..... * Havard (H.). Dictionnaire de I'ameublement et de la decoration. [1887 90] • ; . • •. • Havard (H.). Histoire et philosophic des styles. 1899- 1900 . Hawkins (E.). £d. : British Museum. — Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. A description of the collection of ancient marbles. Pt 5, 7-10. 1812-61 ......... Hawkins (J. S.). An history of Gothic architecture. 18 13 . Hawkins (J. S.). Collab. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . Hawksmoor (N.). Designs : Birch (G. H.). London churches of the XVHth and XVHIth centuries. 1896 Hay (D. R.). The laws of harmonious colouring adapted to interior de corations. 1838 ......... Hay (D. R.). The natural principles of the harmony of form. 1842 Hay (D. R.). Proportion. 1843 Headlam (A. C). Ecclesiastical sites of Isauria : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 2. 1892, etc. * Heales (A. C). The churches of Gottland. 1888 . Hearne (T.). Antiquities of Great Britain. 1786 .... Hearne (T.). Illustr. : Byrne (W.). Antiquities of Great Britain. 1807 Hearne (T.). Illustr.: Byrne (W.). Britannia depicta. 1806-18 . Heather (J. F.). Mathematical instruments. Vol. 3. 1873 • Heather (J. F.). Practical plane geometry. 1890 .... Heideloff (C. A. v.). Ornamentik des Mittelalters. [1888] . Heider (G.) and others. Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. 1858-60 ....... * Heinzerling (F.). Der Eisenhochbau der Gegenwart. 1882-89 Heinzerling (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur Teil 3 Bd. i. 1890-1907 ....... Hellyer (S. S.). The plumber and sanitary houses. 1887 Hellyer (S. S.). Principles and practice of plumbing. 1891 . Henderson (R.). The modern homestead. 1902 .... Henning (R.). Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwickelung 1882 Henning (R.). Die deutschen Haustypen. 1886 .... Henrici (C.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil a Bd. 5 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ....... Herbert (W.). Collab. : Brayley (E. W.) and Herbert (W.). Lambeth Palace. 1806 ......... Hetherington (J. N.). The Royal Insurance Company's Building, Liverpool [1903] Author List 237 PAGE Hewes (S. E.). Architectural designs : Johonnot (J.). School houses. 1871 162 Hewett (J. W.). A brief history of the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter. 1848 .......... 75 Heywood (A.). Guide to the Manchester Town Hall, [n.d] . . .154 Hiatt (C). Beverley Minster. 1898 ....... 95 Hiatt (C). The cathedral church of Chester. 1897,^/^. ... 74 Hiatt (C). Notre Dame de Paris. 1902 . . . . . .104 Hiatt (C). Westminster Abbey. 1902 ...... 85 Hibberd (S.). Rustic adornments for homes of taste. 1870. . . 22 Hibbert (S.). Collab. : Manchester. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, ^/imary of experiments hy D. K : Bailow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials. A new edition. 1867 . . 3 I 61 162' 170 81 [ 92 49, 64 29 , 166 ri • 54 • 155 64 63 97 Author List 245 PAGE Kitching (J.). Trans. : Jacobi (M.). On the construction of hospitals for the insane. 1841. . . . . . . . -155 Klenze (L. v.). Sammlung architectonischer Entwurfe. 1847-50 . . 49 Knight (C). £d. : Pictorial Gallery. Pictorial gallery of arts. [1846-47J 55 Knight (H. G.). An architectural tour in Normandy. 1836, efc. . .102 Knight (H. G.). The ecclesiastical architecture of Italy. 1843, etc. . 107 Knight (H. G.). Saracenic and Norman remains. [1^40] . . . 112 Knight (H. G.). Voyage archeologique fait en Normandie. 1838 . . 102 Knyff (L.). Illustr. : England. Britannia illustrata. 1714, tf/f. . . 6g Koch (A.). Ed. : Academy Architecture. 1889, etc. .... 40 Koch (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. 1890- 1907 • • • • _ • • -35-37 Koenigliche Technische Deputation fuer Gewerbe, Prussia. See Prussia. Koenigliches Zoologischesund Anthropologisch-Ethnographisches Museum, Dresden. See Dresden. Koepcke (C.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 6. 1890-1907 ......... 36 Koerner (C). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 3b ; Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 2a. 1890-1907 .... 36-37 Kohlrausch (W.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 4. 1890- 1907 ........ 36 Koldewey (R.) and Puchstein (O.). Die griechischen Tempel in Unter- italien und Sicilien. 1899 . . . . . . . -135 Kopcke (C). See Koepcke (C.). Korner (C). See Koerner (C). Kortuem (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 4, Bd. 7 Heft I. 1890-1907 38 Kortiim (A.). See Kortuem (A.). Kraemer (J.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 3 Heft 2. 1 890- 1 907 36 Kramer (J.). See Kraemer (J.). Krecker (G.). Ct'/Za^. ; Sarre (F.). Denkmaler per.sischer Baukunst. 1901 142 *Krueger (R.). Die natiirlichen Gesteine. 1889 ..... 5 Krtiger (R.). See Krueger (R.). Kuenstler-Monographien : — Ziller (H.). Schinkel. 1897 . . . . . . -99 Kuhn (F. O.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 5 Heft I. 1890-1907 ........ 37 Kurz (M.). Collab. : Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz (M.). L. D — S, M. Recherches sur le tems le plus recule de I'usage des voutes. 1805 ............ iig L. F. F. See Feuillet (L. F.). "*Laborde (A. L. J. de) Comte. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France, etc. i8o8[-25] ••••••... 22 Laborde (A. L. J. de) Covite. Les monumens de la France. 1816-36 . 100 Laborde (A. L. J. de) Co/nte. Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'Es- pagne. 1806-20 . . . . . . . . . .112 La Croix (C. de.). Collab. : Courajod (L. C. L.). Lecons professees a I'Ecole du Louvre. Vol. i. 1899 ...... 53 246 Author List PAGE 177 32 *Lacroix (E.). Ed. : Bibliographie des Ingenieurs, etc. i862[-67] Lacroix (P.). The arts in the middle ages. 1870 . Lacroix (P.). Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen age, etc. 187 1 Lacroux (J.). Constructions en briques. 1878 .... Laet (J. de). Ed. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1649 Laetus (J. Pomponius). See Pomponius Laetus (J.). La Faye (P. Marchandon de). See Marchandon de La Faye (P.). Laillevault (L. de Perthuis de). See Perthuis de Laillevault (L. de). Laing (D.). Hints for dwellings. 1801 ....... 171 Laing (D.). Plans of buildings executed in various parts of England. 1818 64 Lalande (P.). Note sur les fresgms, etc. : Fage (R.). Restauration du cloitre de Tulle. 1879 . • • • • • • • -105 Lamb (E. B.). Studies of ancient domestic architecture. 1846 . .166 Lambert (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 10. 1890-1907 ......... 38 Lambert (T.). Nouveaux elements d'architecture. [n.d.] . . . i86' La Motte (P. H. de). See Delamotte (P. H.). Lamy (B.). De tabernaculo foederis, etc. 1720 ..... 125 Lancashire. Forty-six plates illustrative of gentlemen's seats, etc., in Lanca- shire. 1839 ........... 80 Lancashire. — County Council. — Technical Instruction Cof?imittee. Report on plumbing classes. 1894-97 . . . . . . . \6 Lance (A. E.). Dictionnaire des architectes fran^ais. 1872 . . . 100 Lanciani (R. A.). Ancient Rome. [1888] . . . . . .129 Lanciani (R. A.). New tales of old Rome. 1901 . . . . .129 Lanc'ini (R. A.). Pagan and Christian Rome. [1893] . . . .129 Lanci ni (R. A.). The ruins & excavations of ancient Rome. 1897 . 129 Landruer (T. v.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. 1 ;il 4 Bd. 7 Heft i. 1890- 1907 ....... 38 Landon (C. P.). Annales du musee et de I'ecole moderne des beaux arts. 1801-15 . . . 49. Landon (C. P.). A collection of etchings. 182 1 . . . . .49 Landsberg (T.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil I Bd. i Heft 2 ; Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 4. 1890-1907 . . . 35-36' *Lang (H.). Ed. : Breymann (G. A.). AUgemeine Bau-Constructions- Lehre. 1881-96 .......... i Lang (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft I. 1890-1907 ........ 37 Langley (B.). The builder's director. 1763 ...... 25. Langley (B.). The city and country builder's treasury of designs. 1740 . 177 Langley (B.) and (T.). The builder's jewel. 1768. . . . .29 Langley (T.). Collab. : Langley (B.) and (T.). The builder's jewel. 1768 ............ 29. Lankester (E. R.). Preface : Cook (T. A.). Spirals in nature and art. 1903 • 185 Lamed (W. C.). Churches and castles of mediaeval France. 1895 . .143, La Sauvagere (F. F. Le Royer d'Artezet de). See Le Royer d'Artezet de La Sauvagere (F. F.). Lascelles (R.). The heraldic origin of Gothic architecture. 1820 . . 144 Author List 247 PAGE 4 38 172 5 99 155 22 70 22 Lascombe (A.). Les niateriaux de construction et leur emploi. 1902 Lasius(G.). CW/«^. ; Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 7 Heft I. 1 890- 1 907 ........ Lasius (O.). Das friesische Bauernhaus. 1885 .... Laslett (T.). Timber and timber trees. 1875 .... Lassaulx (F. de). Notes on the churches of the Rhine : Whewell (W.) Architectural notes on German churches. Third edition. 1842 Latham (A.) and \\'est (A. W.). The prize essay on the erection of i sanatorium for tuberculosis. 1903 ...... * Latham (C). The gardens of Italy. 1905. .... Latham (C.). In English homes. 1904 ..... Latham (C). Photoi^^rajfhs : Gardens. Gardens old & new. Vol. 2 [n.d.] . . ' Latham (C). Photographs : Triggs (H. I.). Formal gardens in England and Scotland. 1902 ........ Lauboeck (G.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil I Bd. I Heft I. 1 890- 1 90 7 ....... * Launay (M. de). Texte francais : Turkey. L'architecture ottomane 1873 . . . . ' Laur (W. F.). Collab.: Zingeler (C T.) and Laur (W. F.). Die Bau- und Kunst- Denkmaler in den HohenzoUern'schen Landen 1896 Lauro (G.). Antiqvae vrbis splendor. [1637] Lavenham. Specimens of Gothic ornaments from the parish church o Lavenham. 1796 ........ Laver (C). Collab. : Dunnage (H.). Plans, etc., of the great hall of the ro)'al palace of Eltham. 1828 ...... Lawler (J. J.). Modern plumbing, etc. 1901 Lawrence (R.)- Elgin marbles. 18 18 Lawson (A. W.) and Stockley (G. ^V.). A history of the church of St. Mary the Virgin, West Mailing. 1904 ...... Laxton's Builder's Price Book. 1883, etc. ..... Layard {Right Hon. Sir A. H.). The monuments of Nineveh. 1849-53 Leaning (J.). Building specifications. 1901 * Leaning (J.). The conduct of building work, and the duties of a clerk of works. 1904 ......... Leaning (J.). Quantity surveying. 1900 ..... Le Clerc (S.). A treatise of architecture. 1732 .... Lecoy (F.). Manuel ou guide de ceux qui veulent batir. 18 18 Le Due (E. E. Viollet-). " See Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). Ledwich (E.). Ed.: Grose (F.). The antiquities of Ireland. 1791 Leeds Fireclay Co. [Buildings erected in terra-cotta.] [1902] Leeds Fireclay Co. The Burmantofts portfolio of faience. [1890] . Leeds (VV. H.). Rudimentary architecture. 1854, etc. . Leeds (W. H.). Letterpress descriptions : Pugin (A. C). A series of views, illustrative of Pugin's Examples of Gothic architecture, by J Nash. 1830 Lefebure (G.). Zes hypogees royaux de Thebes : Mission Archeologique Frangaise au Caire. Memoires. 2-3. 1886-89 % . . .116 [Another edition] : Paris. — Miisee Giiimet. Annales. 9,16. 1886-89 ^24 35 142 99 129 147 79 16 135 79 9 126 8 2 9 29 7 59 118 120 25 147 248 Author List Lefevre (A.). Marvels of architecture. [1870] * Lefevre (L.). Architectural pottery. 1900 . . . Legh (P.). The music of the eye. 1831 Legrand (J. G.). Monumens de la Grece. 1808 Legrand (J. G.). Texte : Durand (J. N. L.). Recueil des edifices de tou genre. [1800], efc. ........ Leighton (T.). Shropshire houses. 1901. Le Keux (H.). Engr. : Pugin (A. C). Historical essays accompanying specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1828 . Le Keux (H.). Engr. : Pugin (A. C). Specimens of the architecture of Normandy. 1874 Le Keux (J.). Memorials of Cambridge. [1860-66] Le Keux (J.). Engr. : Britton (J.). A dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle ages. 1838 ..... Le Keux (J.). Co//a/?. : Neale (J. P.) and Le Keux (J.). Views of collegi ate and parochial churches in Great Britain. 1824-25 Le Keux (J.). Engr. ; Pugin (A. C). Historical essays accompanying specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1828 Le Keux (J.). Engr. .- Pugin (A. C). Specimens of the architecture of Normandy. 1874 Le Muet (P.). Trans, {into French~\ with an appendix : Palladio (A.) The first book of architecture. 1733 ..... Lenoir (A.). Architecture monastique. 1852-5^ Lenoir (A.). Statistique monumentale de Paris. Lenoir (M. A.). Musee des monumens fran^ais. Lenoir (M. A.). Musee des monumens frangais sur verre. 1803 ....... Lenoir (M. A.). Nouvelle collection d'arabesques. [18 10] Alberti (L. B.). Delia architettura libri X 1867 . 1800-06 histoire de la peinture Ed. Ed. 1726 Palladio (A.). The architecture of A. Palladio. 1721 Leoni (G.). Leoni (G.) etc. .......... Leoni (G.). Ed.: Palladio (A.). Architecture de Palladio. 1726 Le Pautre (J.). (Euvres d'architecture. 1751 Lepsius (C. R.). Denkmaeler aus Aegypten. [1849-59] Le Royer d'Artezet de La Sauvagere (F. F.). Recueil d'antiquites dans les Gaules. 1770. Leslie (E. W.). A Catholic guide to Westminster Abbey. 1902 Lessing (O.). Architectural ornaments in Berlin. 1880 Letarouilly (P. M.). Edifices de Rome moderne. 1840-57, etc. Letarouilly (P. M.). Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome 1882 Letarouilly (P. M.). Ergaenzung zu Letarouilly : Strack (H.). Bau- denkmaeler Roms des XV-XIX Jahrhunderts. 1891 Letchworth. — Cheap Cottages Exhibition. See Cheap Cottages Exhibition, [Letch worth]. *Letellier (E.). Illnstr. : Normandy. La Normandie monumentale et pittoresque. 1893-99 ......... Lethaby (W. R.). Architecture, mysticism, and myth. 1892 . Lethaby (W. R.) and Swainson (H.). The church of Sancta Sophia, Con- stantinople. 1894 ......... PAGE 55 6 25 135 29 90 102 102 73 34 65 102 102 30 160 104 177 189 186 28 177 123 129 85 177 no I ID 1 1 1 102 25 140 Author List 249 PAGE Leuze (C). Illustr. : Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz (M.). Xeues Gemalde von Neapel. ^1847?] in Le Vardois (C.). Eglise Saint-Pair-du-Mont, Calvados. [1861] . . 102 Leversage (P.). A history of Bristol Cathedral. 1854 .... 77 *Leverson (B. J.). Ed.: Macey (F. W.). Conditions of contract. 1902. 8 Le Virloys (C. F. Roland). See Roland Le Virloys (C. F.). *Levy (E.). Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Europe, i860 . . 189 Lewisham Antiquarian Society. Twelfth report. 1897 .... 147 Lewthwaite (G.). Adel church. Pt. iii. [1890] ..... 95 Leyland (J.). Ed. : Gardens. Gardens old & new. Vol. 2. [n.d.] . 22 Lichfield Cathedral. A short account of Lichfield Cathedral. 181 1 . 91 Lichfield Society for the Encouragement of Ecclesiastical Architecture. The first (-third) report. 1843-46 158 Lieblein (J.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 4 Heft 2. "1890-1907 37 Limoges. — Societi Archeologiqiie et Histoi-iqiie de Limoges. See Societe Archeologique, etc. I^incoln Diocesan Architectural Society : — - Venables (E.). The Benedictine priorv of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blyth. [n.d.] . . . . ' 88 Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire churches. 1843 . . . . . .81 * Lind (C). Ed. : Geyling (R.) and Loew (A.). Meisterwerke der kirch- lichen Glasmalerei. 1899 . . . . . . . .189 Lindheimer (O.). CoUab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft I &: 4. 1890- 1907 . . . . . . -37 Lindsay (A. ^^^ C.) Earl of Cratvford and Balcarres. Sketches of the history of Christian art. 1847 . . . . . . -138 Lindsay (J. L.) Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Bibliotheca Linde- siana. Collations and notes, No. 2. Fowler's Mosaic pavements, &c. 1883 188 Lino (R.). Collab. : Sabugosa ( de) Conde. O paco de Cintra. 1903 112 Little Guides : — Clinch (G.). St. Paul's Cathedral, London. [1906] ... 83 * Liverpool. — Free Public Library. Hand-list of books on architecture in the reference department. 1896-1902 ...... 51 Liverpool, University of. — School of Architechire. Portfolio of measured drawings. 1906 . . . . . . . . . .177 Liverpool Architectural Association. Our sketchbook. Vol. i. 187 1 . 44 Livett ((;. M.). Southwell Minster. 1883 88 Llandaff, Alfred, Bishop of. See Ollivant (A.). Lloyd (E.). The law of compensation. 1867 ..... 9 Lloyd (E.). ^^. .• Gattv (M.). The book of sun-dials. 1889 . . 23 Lloyd (W. W.). Collab. : Cockerell (C. R.). The temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at ^^gina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bass£e. i860 . 134 Lockwood (H. F.). Report on a design for the concentration of the law courts. [1867] . . . . . . . . . -154 Lockwood's Builder's, Architect's, Contractor's, and Engineer's Pricei Book. 1892, etc. ........... 9 Loeser (R.). Te.vt : Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz (M.). Neues Gemalde von Neapel. [1847?] . • • • • • • • .111 1 89 75 85 68 73 89 250 Author List PAGE Loeser(R.). r^xV ; Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz (M.). Salzburg. [1846?] 98 Loeser (R.). 7>:v/; Poppel (J. G. F.) and Kurz (M.). Venedig. 1846 . 109 *Loevv (A.). Collab.: Geyling (R.) and Loew (A.). Meisterwerke der kirchlichen Glasmalerei. 1899 ...... Loftie (A. G.). Caldcr Abbey. 1888 Loftie (VV. J.). A brief account of Westminster Abbey. 1894 Loftie (W. J.). Inigo Jones and Wren. 1893 .... Loggan (D.). Cantabrigia illustrata. [1688] .... Loggan (D). Oxonia illustrata. 1675 . . . Lohde (L.). Text : Mauch (J. M. v.). Die architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Romer. 1875. . . . . . . 25 London. A critical review of the publick buildings, etc., in and about London. [By J. Ralph.] i734 • • . • • • .• • . • -82 London. Ecclesiastical topography : views of churches in the environs of London. [Edited by S. Woodburn.] \^o']\-\\\ etc. ' . • -83 London. Londina illustrata. 18 19 . . . . . . -83 London. Prospectus of a design for improvements in the metropolis. By an architect [i.e. L. Wyatt]. 1816 . . . . . . -83 London. — Architectttral Association. See Architectural Association. London. — Committee fo7- the Survey of the Memorials 0/ . : Nihba (R. H.). The churches of Sussex. 1S72 92 Lowry (VV.). Illustr. : Nicholson (P.). Principles of architecture. Sixth edition. 1848 . . . . . . . . . .182 Liibke (W.). See Luebke (W.). Lucas (C). L'Institut royal des architectes britanniques. Septieme confe- rence generale. Notes de voyage et rapports. 1885 . . . 44 *Luciolli (G.). Eiigrav: Sanmicheli (M.). Le fabbriche civili, etc., di M. Sanmicheli. 1832 . . . . . . . . .50 Luebke (W.). Pxclesiastical art in (icrmany during the middle ages. 1870 98 Lueger (O.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 4. 1890-1907 ......... 36 * Luetzow (C. F. A. v.). Comp. : Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, [Vienna]. Katalog der Bibliothek. 1876 . . 51 Lugar (R.). Architectural sketches for cottages, etc. 1805 . . .168 Lugar (R.). The country gentleman's architect. iSoj, etc. . . .172 Luthmer (F.). Malerische Innenraume aus Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. 1889-92 ........... 178 Luthmer (F.). Malerische Innenraume moderner Wohnungen. 1885-88 178- Lutz (J.). Les verrieres de I'eglise Saint-Etienne a Mulhouse. 1906 . 189. * Lyons (H. G.). A report on the island and temples of Philae. [1896] . 135 Lysons (D.) and (S.). Magna Britannia. 1806-22 . . . -65 Lysons (S.). G?//^;^. .• Lysons (D.) and (S.). Magna Britannia. 1806-22 65, Lyttelton (C.) Bishop of Carlisle and others. Exeter Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Exeter. [By C. Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle and others.] [1797] ....... 75, M. L. D— S. See L. D— S. \i.e. Louis Dutens], M. M., (G. L.) Esqy. See G. L. M., Escp-. M., (T. S.), [i.e. T. S. Muir]. See Muir (T. S.). Macartney (M. E.). Collab. : Belcher (J.) and Macartney (M. E.). Later renaissance architecture in England. 1901 . . . . .149 Macdonald (J.). Introduction : Henderson (R.). The modern home- stead. 1902 . . . . . . . . . .172 Macdonald (J. J.). Passmore Edwards Institutions. Founding and open- ing ceremonies. 1900 . . . . . . . . .161 252 Author List PAGE * Macey (F. W.). Conditions of contract. 1902 ..... 8 Macfarlane (W. C). Ed. : Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Some account of the abbey church at Dorchester. [By H. Addington.] Re-issue, i860 . 89 Macgibbon (D.). The architecture of Provence and the Riviera. 1888 . 106 MacGibbon (D.) and Ross (T.). The castellated and domestic architec- ture of Scotland. 1887-92 ........ 57 MacGibbon (D.) and Ross (T.). The ecclesiastical architecture of Scot- land. 1896-97 . . . . . . . . . -57 MacGovern (J. H.). Hints to brewers in making alterations or building new licensed premises. 1884 . . . . . . .171 MacGovern (J. H.). Suggestions for laying out building estates. 1885 166 Mackenzie (F.). The architectural antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster. 1844 ....... 84 Mackenzie (F.). Drawings : Skelton (J.). Skelton's engraved illustra- tions of the antiquities of Oxfordshire. From drawings by F. Mac- kenzie. 1823 .......... 90 Mackenzie (F.) and Pugin (A. C). Specimens of Gothic architecture selected from buildings at Oxford. [1825?] . . . . . 147 Mackenzie (&> J- D.) ^ar/. The castles of England. 1897 . . . 70 Maclagan (C.). The hill forts, etc., of ancient Scotland. 1875 • • 5^ MacManus (B.). Illustr. : Miltoun (F.). The cathedrals of northern France. 1904 . . . . . . . . . .101 Ma.cVa.cke {].) J>seud., [i.e. J. Peacock]. OtK-tSta, or nutshells. 1785. . 169 Maffei (F. S.) Marquis. A compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres. 1730 • . • 130 Maginnis (O. B.). Bricklaying. [1901] . . . . . .12 Magne (L.). L'architecture francaise du siecle. 1889 . . . .149 *Magne (L.). J^'oeuvre des peintres verriers fran^ais. 1885 . . .189 Magne (L.). Le palais de justice de Poitiers. 1904 . . . -154 * Maillard (E.). Illustr.; Turkey. L'architecture ottomane. 1873 . 142 Maitland (W.). The history of Edinburgh. 1753- • • • • 58 * Malan (A. H.). Ed.: England. Famous homes of Great Britain. 1900 ............ 69 * Malan (A. H.). Ed. : England. More famous homes of Great Britain. 1902 ............ 70 "■*■ Malan (A. H.). Ed. : England. Other famous homes of Great Britain. 1902 ............ 70 Malberg (A.). Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre. 1852 . . . . . . . .52 Maliphant (G.). Designs for sepulchral monuments, f/r. 1835 . . 161 Malpiere (D. Bazin de). See Bazin de Malpiere (D.). Malton (J.). A collection of designs for rural retreats as villas. [1802] . 169 Malton (J.). An essay on British cottage architecture. 1798 . . .171 Malton (T.). A picturesque tour through London and Westminster. 1792 • -83 Malton (T.). [A series of engraved views of colleges, etc., in Oxford.] [1800-03] ........... 89 Man, Isle of. Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man, etc. [By J. M. Neale.] 1848 ■ . . .58 Manchester. City of Manchester. Housing of the working classes. 1899 170 Author List 25^ PAGE Manchester. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, etc. 1828-33, ^^^- •..••••••• 8o' Manchester. Selection of sketches of old buildings in the neigbourhood of Manchester. [1877] ......... 8o' Manchester. — Building Trades and Home Comforts Exhibition. Exhibi- tion, St. James's Hall, 1896 ........ 3 Manchester. — John Ry lands Library. [Photographs.] 1900 . . .164 Manchester. — Manchester Royal Jubilee Exhibition., iSSy : Manchester Society of Architects. [Circulars and letters relating to the Architectural Court.] [1886-87] 47 Manchester, University of. Economic Series : — 7. Uewsnup (E. R.). The housing problem in England. 1907 . 169. Manchester Architectural Association. Annual report, 1 890-1 ... 44 Manchester Architectural Association. [Sketch-book. Vol. i.] [n.d.] . 44 Manchester Cathedral. Manual and guide. [By. R. Falkner.] [1902] . 80 Manchester District Institution of Gas Engineers. Report of meeting held April 15, 1882 17 Manchester Society of Architects. [Publications.] 1865, f/r. . . .44-48. Manchester Society of Architects : — Holden (J.). Easements and rights of light. 1885. . . .11 Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association : Manchester Society of Archi- tects. Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association and Manchester Society of Architects. Papers on Manchester building bye-laws. [1887] 47- Mann (E. A.). Brooke House, Hackney. 1904 ..... 86> Manni (D. M.). Annot. : Baldinucci (F.). Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue. 1767-74 ....... 106. Manuel. Manuel d'art musulman. 1907 ...... 141 Margais (G.). Collab. : Margais (W.) and (G.). Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. 1903 ......... 142- Margais (VV.) and (G.). Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. 1903 ^ . 142 * Marchandon de La Faye (P.). Texte : Prisse d'Avennes (A. C. T. E.). Histoire de I'art egyptien. 1878-79 ...... 124 Marchant (J. R. V.). Collab. : Cragg (A. R.). Hints to young valuers. 1897 8 Maria Amelia, Queen of Portugal. Desenhos : Sabugosa ( de) Conde. O pago de Cintra. 1 903 . . . ^ . . . . .112- Mariette (F. A. F.). Voyage dans la Haute-Egypte. 1893 . . .124 Mariette (P. J.) : Piranesi (G. B.). Osservazioni sopra la lettre de Mari- ette. 1765 ........... 26. Markland (J. H.). Remarks on English churches. 1843 . . .158 Marks (P. L.). The principles of architectural design. 1907 . . .178 Marks (P. L.). The principles of planning. 1901,^/^. .... 183 Marlianus (J. B.). Vrbis Romae topographia. 1588 . . . . no- Marot (J.). Author: France. L'architecture frangoise. [By J. Marot.] 1727 100 Marquez (P.). Delle case di citta degli antichi Romani. 1795 . . 130 Marquez (P.). Delle ville di Plinio il Giovane. 1796 .... 130' Marsh (C. F.). Reinforced concrete. 1904 ...... 5 Marshall (G.). Engr. and trans. : Babuty Desgodetz (A.). The ancient buildings of Rome. 1795 • • • • • • • .127 2 54 Author List PAGE Martin (F. R.). Sammlung F. R. Martin. Thiiren aus Turkestan. 1897 187 Martin (L.). Illustr. : Daniell (A. E.). London city churches. 1895 • ^2 Martini (G.). Theatrum basilicae Pisante. [Ft. i.] 1705 . . .110 Marucchi (O.). lilements d'archeologie chretienne. 1899- 1902 . .138 Marx (E.). CoUab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. I, 2, 6. 1890-1907 -35-36 Mason (W. M.). The history of the cathedral church of St. Patrick, DubHn. 1820 ............ 59 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The abbey church of Tewkesbury. 1900 . . 77 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The cathedral church of Bristol. 1901 . . . 77 Masse (H. J. L. J.). The cathedral church of Gloucester. 1900 . . 77 Masse (H. J- F. J.). The city of Chartres. 1900 ..... 105 Mauch (J. M. v.). Die architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Roraer. 1875 .......... 25 Mauge (J.). Engr. : Roger-Miles (L.). Comment discerner les styles : [Caracteres des formes en architecture]. [1897] .... 179 Maule (J.)- Collab. ; Cooke (J.) and Maule (J.). An historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. 1789 . . . 156 Maundrell (H.). A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. 17 14 . . 130 * Mawson (T. H.). The art and craft of garden making. 1901 . . 22 May (G.). A descriptive history of the town of Evesham. 1845 • • 94 Mayer (L.). Views in Egypt. 1801 . . . . . . .116 Mayer (L.). Views in the Ottoman dominions. 1810 .... 121 Mayer (L.). Views in the Ottoman empire. 1803 . . . .122 Mayer (L.). Views in Palestine. 1804 . . . . . .115 Mayer (P.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 3 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Mayeux (H.). A manual of decorative composition. 1898 . . . 178 Maynard (E.). Ed. ; Dugdale (SirW.). The history of St. Paul's Cathedral. The second edition. 1716 . . . . . . . .83 Mazois (F.). See Merovir, Prince des Sueves, pseud. Mc. [For names beginning with Mc :] See Mac. Meason (G. L.). See G. L. M., Esq. Medway (S.). Illustr. : Wheater (W.). Some historic mansions of York- shire. 1888-89 96 Meikleham (R.). See Stuart (R.) pseud. * Meininger (E.). L'hotel de ville de Mulhouse. 1892 .... 154 Menard (R.). Fa vie privee des anciens. 1880-83 • • • .122 Mercoli ((x.). Eiigr. : AlbertoUi (G.). Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale. 1787 • • . • • -173 Merovir, Prince des Sueves, pseud. \i.e. F. Mazois]. Le palais de vScaurus. 1822 ............ 130 * Merrill (G. P.). Stones for building and decoration. 1897 ... 5 Mertens (L.). Eiserne Dacher und Hallen in England. 1899 . . 16 Meschinello (Ct.). Author : Venice. — Basilica di San Marco. Fa chiesa ducale di S. Marco. [By G. Meschinello.] 1753-54 • • .110 Meyer (A. B.). Studies of the museums, etc., of New York City, Albany, etc. 1905 . . . . . . . . . . .162 Meyer (A. B.). Uber cinige europaische Museen und verwandte Fistitute. 1902 ............ 161 Author List 255 PAGE 161 i«3 178 18 2 182 117 Meyer (A. B.). Uber Museen des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika. 1900-01 ....... Meyer (A. G.). Oberitalienische Friihrenaissance. 189 7- 1900 Meyer (P\ S.). A handbook of art smithing. 1896 Meyer (F. S.). Systematisch-geordnetes Handbuch der Ornamentik 1889, etc. .......... Meyrick i^Sir S. R.). Ed. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . . . . . . .174 Michaelis (A. T. F.). Der Parthenon. 1870-71 ..... 135 Micklethwaite (J. T.). Chapter on the abbey buildings : Bradley, a/ter- 2vards Smith {E. T.). Annals of Westminster Abbey. 1898 . . 85 Micklethwaite (J. T.). Collab. : Sedgwick (T. E.). Description of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London. 1902 . 87 Middleton (C). Designs for gates and rails. [1800?] . . . -185 Middleton (C). Picturesque and architectural views for cottages, etc. 1795 172 * Middleton (G. A. T.). The drainage of town and country houses. 1903 iS Middleton (G. A. T.). House drainage. 1892 .... Middleton (G. A. T.). Modern buildings. 1906-07 '* Middleton (G. A. T.). The principles of architectural perspective 1903 "* Middleton (G. A. T.). Stresses and thrusts. 1904 . Middleton (J. H.). Ancient Rome in 1888 Middleton (J. H.). Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 3. 1892, etc. ........... 136 Milanesi (G.). Notes : Vasari (G.). Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. Vol. 6. 1878-85 ..... 107 Miles (L. Roger-). See Roger-Miles (L.). Mihzia (F.). Author : Vite. The lives of celebrated architects. By F. Milizia. 1826 57 Milizia (F.). Author : Vite. Vite de' piu celebri architetti. [By F. Milizia.] 1768 56 Millar (W.). Plastering. iSgj, etc. 12 Millard (W.). Revis. : Mayeux (H.). A manual of decorative composi- tion. 1898 178 Miller (F. T. W.). Ed. : Lockwood's Builder's, Architect's, Contractor's, and Engineer's Price Book. 1892 ....... 9 Millers (G.). A description of the cathedral church of Ely. i8o-j, etc. . 73 Millet (G.). Le monastere de Daphni. 1899 . . . . .140 Millin de Grandmaison (A. L.). Antiquites nationales. i79o[-98] . .100 Millin de Grandmaison (A. L.). Description des tombeaux decouverts a Pompei. 1813 . . . . . . . . . .130 Millington (E. J.). Trans. : Didron (A. N.). Christian iconography. 1 85 1 138 Millington (E. J.). Trans. : Schlegel (C. ^V. F. v.). Aesthetic and mis- cellaneous works. 184c, etc. . . . . . . . .146 Mills (A. W.). Author : Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, A. W. Mills. 1870 ....... 45 MJs\n&c{]}j Bishop of Castabala. The history of Winchester. [1798-1801] 77 256 Author List PAGE 12 A'lilner (J.) Bishop of Castabala. A treatise on the ecclesiastical archi- tecture of England, during the middle ages. 1835 • . . • 147 Milner (J.) Bishop of Castabala. Collab. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838 . . . .174 Milner (J.) Bishop of Castabala. Collab. : ^V'arton (T.) and others. Essays on Gothic architecture. 1802, etc. . . . . .146 Milton (T.). Engr. : Mayer (L.). Views in Egypt. 1801 . . . 116 Miltoun (P".). The cathedrals of northern P>ance. 1904 . . .101 Mission Archeologique Francaise au Caire. Memoires. 1 884, etc. . . 116 * Mitchell (C. F.). Brickwork and masonry. 1907 . . . .12 Mitchell (C. F.). Building construction. Advanced and honours course. 1902, etc. ........... 2 Mitchell (C. F.). Building construction and drawing. [1888],^/"^. . . 2- * Mitchell (C. F.). Forty plates on building construction, [n.d.] . . 2 Mitchell (C. F.) and (G. A.). Classic architecture. 1901 . . -135 * Mitchell (G. A.). Collab. : Mitchell (C. F.). Brickwork and masonry. 1907 Mitchell (G. A.). Collab. : Mitchell (C. F.). Building construction. Advanced and honours course. 1902, etc. ..... Mitchell (G. A.). Collab. : Mitchell (C. F.). Building construction and drawing. Fifth edition. 1900 ....... Mitchell (G. A.). Collab. : Mitchell (C. F.) and (G. A.). Classic archi- tecture. 1901 . Mitchell (T.). A rudimentary manual of architecture. 1870 Mitford (W.). Principles of design in architecture. 1819, etc. Modern Architecture. [Plates; by H. E. Kendall?] [1846?] * Modern Plumber. 1907 . Moderne Staedtebilder. 3. 1900 ....... Molinier (E.). Le tresor de la basiHque de Saint Marc a Venise. 1888 Moller (G.). An essay on Gothic architecture. 1824 Monicke (C. H.) Trans. : Statz (V.) and Ungewitter ((;. ('-,.). The Gothic model-book. [1862] . Monkhouse (W.) and Bedford (F.). The churches of York. [1843] Monreale. The cloisters of Monreale. 1870 . . . .112, 184 * Montani (P.). Collab.: Turkey. L'architecture ottomane. 1873 . 142 Montfaucon (B. de). L'antiquite expUquee. 1719-24 .... 122- Montigny (A. H. ^^ Grandjean de). See Grandjean de Montigny (A. H. v.). "^ Montmorency, i^rtw//)' 95 Author List 257 Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831-38 Morgan (T.). Romano-British mosaic pavements. 1886 Morin (A. J.). Salubrite des habitations. 1868 Morris (F. O.). A series of views of seats of the noblemen of Great Britain and Ireland, [n.d.] ....... Morris (R.). Lectures on architecture. 1759 .... Morris (T.). A clue to railway compensation. 1866 Morris (T.). A discourse upon dilapidations. 1865 Morris (W.). Architecture and history: and Westminster Abbey, igoo Morris (W.). Architecture, industry, and wealth. 1902 . Morris (W.). Gothic architecture. 1893 ..... Morris (W.). Hopes and fears for art. (Signs of change.) 1902 * Morse (E. S.). Japanese homes. 1886 ..... Morton (J.). The monastic annals of Teviotdale. 1832 * Moscow. Motive von Ornamenten. 1887-93 • • • .11 Moseley (H.). The mechanical principles of engineering and architecture 1843 •. • Moses (H.). Engr. : AUason (T.). Picturesque views of the antiquities of Pola. 1819 . Moses (H.). Engr. : Vulliamy (L.). Examples of ornamental sculpture in architecture. 1823 ...... Moss (F.). Pilgrimages to old homes. 1903-06 Moss (W. G.). Engr. : Nightingale (J.). The history of the church of St Saviour, South wark. 1818. * Motive Russischer Architektur. 1874-94 ..... Moule (T.). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. 1825 . Moule (T.). An essay on the Roman villas of the Augustan age. 1833 Moule (T.). Descriptions : Winkles (H.) and (B.). Architectural, etc., illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1836- 42, ek. .......... . Mowat (A.). Collab. : Mowat (W.) and (A.). A treatise on stairbuilding 1900 ......... Mowat (W.) and (A.). A treatise on stairbuilding. 1900 Moxon (J.). Mechanick exercises. Numb. II-III. [1678] Mueller (H. A.). Lexikon der bildenden Kiinste. 1883 Mueller (W. J.). Sketches of the age of Francis I. 1841 Muentz (E.). Histoire de I'art pendant la renaissance. 1889-95 Muessigbrodt (P.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 2 b. 1890- 190 7 ...... Muir (T. S.). Author : Scotland. Characteristics of old church architec- ture, etc., in the mainland and western islands of Scotland. [By T. S. Muir.] 1861 Muir (T. S.). Author ; Scotland. Descriptive notices of some of the ancient churches of Scotland. [By T. S. Muir.] 1848 Mu'ller. See Mueller. Munich. — Folytechnischer Verein. See Polytechnischer Verein fuer das Koenigreich Bayern. * Munthe (H.). Collab. ; Dietrichson (L. H. S.) and Munthe (H.). Die Holzbaukunst Norwegens. 1901 . Miintz (E.). See Muentz (E.). 17 PAGE 188 18 70 26 9 9 65 39 145 39 58 , 178 117 127 187 7 a 8^ 113. 85. 130. 68; 15 15 15 38 150 37 58 58 113 258 Author List PAGE Murgatroyd (J.). Author: Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, J. Murgatroyd. 1873, 1887. . . . . -45 * Murphy (B. S.). English and Scottish wrought ironwork. 1904 . . 183 Murphy (J.). Trans. : Sousa Coutinho (M. de). Plans, etc., of the church of Batalha. 1795 . . • . • . . .112 Murphy (J. C). The Arabian antiquities of Spain. 1813(1815) . . 142 Murray (A. S.). The sculptures of the Parthenon. 1903 . . . 135 Musee des Thermes et de I'Hotel de Cluny, Paris. See Paris. Musee Guimet, Paris. See Paris. Mnssigbrodt (P.). See Muessigbrodt (P.). Muthesius (H.). Das englische Haus. 1904-05 . . . . ,166 Muthesius (H.). Die neuere kirchliche Baukunst in England. 1901 . 159 Mylius (J.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 4 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ...... • • 37 Mylne (R. S.). The cathedral church of Bayeux. 1904 . . . 102 Narjoux {¥.). Architecture communale. 1870 . . . . '153 *Narjoux (F.). Collab.: Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). Habitations modernes. 1874-75 ; . . 167 *Narrien (J.). Collab.: Tappen (G.). A method of building groined arches in brickwork. 1808 . . . . . . , .11^ Nash (F.). Engr. : Windsor. — Chapel of St. George. A series of views of the collegiate church of St. George. 1805 . . . . .72 Nash (J.). Architecture of the middle ages. 1838. .... 145 Nash (J.). The mansions of England in the olden time. 1839-49, etc. 70 Nash (J.). Views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. 1852 . 72 Nash (J.). : Pugin (A. C). A series of views, illustrative of Pugin's Ex- amples of Gothic architecture, by J. Nash. 1830 .... 147 Nasmith (J.). Recent cotton mill construction, [n.d.] . . . -155 Naville (E.). Collab. : Les hypogees royaux de Thebes, par G. Lefebure : Mission Archt^ologique Fran9aise au Caire. M^moires. 2-3. 1886- 89 116 [Another edition] : Paris. — Musie Guimet. Annales. 9,16. 1886- 89 . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Neale (J. M.). Author : Man, Isle of. Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man, ^/r. [By J. M. Neale.] 1848 58 Neale (J. P.). Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, etc. 1818-29 .......... 70 Neale (J. P.). lllustr. : Brayley (E. W.). The history of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. 1818-23 ..... 85 Neale (J. P.) and Le Keux (J.). Views of collegiate and parochial churches in Great Britain. 1824-25 ...... 65 Nesfield (W. E.). Specimens of mediteval architecture. 1862 . . 138 Neumann (R.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 2 Heft 3. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Nevill (R.). Old cottage and domestic architecture in south-west Surrey. 1889 168 Newlands (J.), The carpenter and joiner's assistant, [i860?] . . 13 Newman (A.). Lithogr. : Johnson (J.). Reliques of ancient English archi- tecture. [1857] . . . . . . . . . .64 Author List 259 PAGE New Practical Builder. [By P. Nicholson.] i823[-25] . . . . 2 Newton {Sir C. T.). A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, etc. 1862-63 ^35 Newton (E.). A book of country houses. 1903 . . . . -173 Newton (VV.). Ed. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. Vol. 2. 1 762-181 6, etc. . . . . . . .137 Newton (W.). Trans. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio. 1791 • • • • • • • • -33 Newton Heath. — Local Board of Health. Bye-laws. 1868 . . .11 New York, University of. Home education bulletin : — 31. Adams (H. B.). Public libraries and popular education. 1900 163 * Ney (B.). Ed. : Hungary. — Par lament shaus. Das ungarische Parla- mentshaus. 1906 . . . . . . . . -153 Nibbs (R. H.). The churches of Sussex. 1872 ..... 92 Nichols (J.). Collab. : Saint Albans Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of St. Alban. [By J. Nichols, and others.] 1813 . . 78 Nichols (J. B.). Account of the Royal Hospital and collegiate church of St. Katherine, near the Tower of London. 1824 .... 86 Nicholson (G.). Collab. : Nicholson (S.) and (G.). Plas Newydd and Vale Crucis Abbey. 1824 ......... 97 Nicholson (H. J. B.). The abbey of Saint Alban. 1870 ... 78 Nicholson (M. A.). Collab. ; Nicholson (P.) and (M. A.). The practical cabinetmaker. [1826-27] ........ 15 Nicholson (P.). An architectural dictionary. 18 19 . . . . 38 Nicholson (P.). The carpenter's new guide. 1823 .... 13 Nicholson (P.). Carpentry. [1849-50] ...... 13 Nicholson (P.). A practical treatise on the art of masonry. 1835 . . 12 Nicholson (P.). The principles of architecture. 1795-98, ^/^r. . . 182 Nicholson (P.). A treatise on the construction of staircases. 1847 • • ^^^ Nicholson (P.). Author: New Practical Builder. [By P. Nicholson.] i823[-25] 2 Nicholson (P.) and (M. A.). The practical cabinet-maker. [1826-27] . 15 Nicholson (S.) and (G.). Plas Newydd and Vale Crucis Abbey. 1824 . 97 NicoUe ( ). Etchings; Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated, [n.d.] . . loi Nightingale (J.). The history of the church of St. Saviour, Southwark. 1818 84 Nissen (H.). Pompeianische Studien. 1877 ..... 130 Niven (W.). London city churches destroyed since 1800. 1887 . . 83 Niven (W.). Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire, [n.d.] . . 92 Noake (J.). The monastery and cathedral of Worcester. 1866 . . 94 Noble (J.). The professional practice of architects. 1836 ... 30 Norman (H.). Introduction : Home Counties, pseud, [i.e. R. Scott]. How to build or buy a country cottage. 1905 . . . .169 Normand (C. P. J.). A new parallel of the orders of architecture. 1829 . 26 Normand (C. P. J.). Nouveau parallele des ordres d'architecture. 1897 26 Normand (C. P. J.). The orders of architecture. 1890 .... 26 * Normand (L. M.). Paris moderne. 1837-57 ..... 104 * Normandy. La Normandie monumentale et pittoresque. 1893-99 • ^°~ Norris (C). Etchings of Tenby. 1812 . . . . , -97 Norris (J.). Illustr. : Cheetham (F. H.). Architectural notes on Haddon Hall. 1899 75 26o Author List PAGE Norris (J. P.). Notes on the church of St. Mary RedcHffe, [Bristol]. [n.d.] 77 North (H. L.). The old churches of Arllechwedd. 1906 . . .97 Northampton, Archdeaconry of. Architectural notices of the churches of the archdeaconry of Northampton. 1849 ...... 88 Northampton, William George Spencer Scott, ^th Marquis of. See Comp- ton (W. G. S. S.). Notes. Notes on sketching tours. [By H. Taylor.] ]i88o] ... 55 Oakeshott (G. J.). Detail and ornament of the Italian renaissance. 1888 150, 178 Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Goerlitz : — Rauda (F.). Die mittelalterliche Baukunst Bautzens. 1905 . .148 O'Brien (H.). The round towers of Ireland. 1834, ^/^r. . . . -59 Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. Bericht liber die aus Anlass des 50-jahrigen Bestandesdes Vereines Festlichkeiten. 1899. 48 Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. Festschrift. [1899?] 48 Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. Wochenschrift. 1876-91 ........... 48 Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. Zeitschrift. 1862, ^/(T. ............ 48 Ogden (W. S.). Studies in mercantile architecture. 1876 . . . 155 Okely (W. S.). Development of Christian architecture in Italy, i860 . 107 *01brich (J. M.). Architektur. 1901-02 98^ Oldham. Bye-laws relating to new streets and buildings, ^z"^. 1868 . 11 Oliphant (M. O.). The makers of Venice. 1892 ..... 109 Oliver (G.). The history of the town and minster of Beverley. 1829 . 95 OUivant (A.) Bishop of Llafidaff. Some account of the condition of Llandaff Cathedral, i860 ........ 97 Olufsen (O.). The second Danish Pamir-Expedition. 1904 . . . 142 Omont (H.). Ed.: Carrey (J.). Athenes au 17^ siecle. 1898 . . 133 O'Neill (H.). Sketches : Skelton (J.). Etchings of the antiquities of Bristol, from sketches by H. O'Neill, [n.d.] . . . . -77 Ongania (F.). La basilica di San Marco in Venezia. 1881-86 . .109 Ongania (F.). Streets and canals in Venice. 1893-96 . . . .109 Opfermann (R.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 4. 1890-1907 ........ 38 Orford, Horace, Earl of See Walpole (H.). Organized Science Series : — Cunningham (B.). First stage building construction, igoi . . r Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland : — Ram Raj. Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. 1834 . . 126 Orlandi (P. A.). L'abecedario pittorico. 1719, ^/^. . . . . 55 Orlandi (P. A.). Supplemeiito : Serie. Serie degli uomini i piu illustri nella pittura, efc. 1769-76 . . . . . . . -5^ Ormerod (G. H.) and others : Manchester. Selection of sketches of old buildings in the neighbourhood of Manchester. [1877] . . . 80 Ornamental. Ornamental iron-work, [n.d.] . . . . . .184 Ornaments. The ornaments of churches considered. [By W. Hole.] 1761 159- Orsini (B.). Dizionario d'architettura. iSoi .. , . . .38. Author List 261 PAGE *Ortwein (A.). Deutsche Renaissance. 1871-87 ..... 150 Osborn (E. H.). Introductiofi : Sutcliffe (J. D.). Notes on the ventilation of cotton mills. [1888] ........ 21 Osburn (W.). The monumental history of Egypt. 1854 . . .124 Osterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. See Oesterreichischer, etc. Osthoff (G.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 3 Heft 2, Bd. 7 Heft i. 1890- 1907 . . . . 37, 38 *Ottin (L, A.). Le vitrail. [1896] 189 * Ottolini (v.). Collab. : Lose (F.). The terra-cotta architecture of North Italy. 1867 108 Oudin (J.). Manuel d'archeologie religieuse. 1873 .... 30 Ould (E. A.). Collab. : Parkinson (J.). Old cottages, farm-houses, elc, in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Cheshire. 1904 . . . .172 Overton (T. C). The temple builder's companion. 1766 ... 23 Owen (R. D.). Hints on public architecture. 1849 . . . -153 Oxford, University of. A history of the University of Oxford. [By \\ . Combe.] 1814 .......... 89 Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture : — Buckler (J. C). Elevations, etc., of Saint Peter's Church, Wilcote. 1844 89 Butterfield (W.). Elevations, etc., of Saint John Baptist Church at Shottesbroke. 1844 . . . . . . . .72 Cranstoun (J.). Elevations, etc., of the chapel of Saint Bartholomew, near Oxford. 1844 ........ 89 Derick (J. M.). Views and details of Stanton Harcourt Church. 1841 89 Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Some account of the abbey church at Dorchester. [By H. Addington.] 1845 ..... 89 Harrison (J. P.). Views and details of Saint Giles' Church, Oxford 1842 ........... 89 Underwood (H. J.). Elevations, etc., of the church of St. Mary the Virgin, at Littlemore. 1845 ....... 90 Underwood (H. J.). Views and details of Littlemore Church. 1840 90 Weare (T. W.). Some remarks upon the church of Great Haseley Read at a meeting of the Oxford Society, etc. 1840 . Pacho (J. R.). Relation d'un voyage dans la Marmarique, etc. 1827-29 Pain (J.). Collab. : Pain (W.) and (J.). Pain's British Palladio. 1793 Pain (W.). The carpenter's pocket directory. 1792 Pain (W.) and (J.). Pain's British Palladio : or, the builder's general as sistant. 1793 * Paine (J.). Plans, etc., of noblemen and gentlemen's houses. 1783 Paine (T. O.). Solomon's temple and capitol. 1886 Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. See Italy. Palestine Exploration Fund. [Publications.] 1869, etc. . Paley (F. A.). A manual of Gothic mouldings. 1845, etc. Paley (F. A.). Introduction : Illustrations. Illustrations of baptismal fonts 1844 Palladio (A.). Architecture de Palladio. 1726 Palladio (A.). The architecture of A. Palladio. 1721, etc. 90 116 30 ^3 30 65 125 125 145 190 30 30 262 Author List PAGE Palladio (A.). Le fabbriche e i disegni. 1776-83, etc. . Palladio (A.). The first book of architecture. 1733 Palladio (A.). I qvattro libri dell' architettvra. 1570,^/^. Palladio (A.). Le terme dei Romani. 1797 ..... Palladio (A.). iV PAGE Parker (J. H.). The history of Dorchester, Oxfordshire. 1882 . , 89 Parker (J. H.). An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture. 1861. 145 Parker (J. H.). The medieval architecture of Chester. 1858 ... 74 Parker (J. H.). Observations on the ancient domestic architecture of Ireland. 1859 . . . . . . . . . -59 Parker (J. H.). Author : Glossary. A concise glossary of terms used in architecture. [By J. H. Parker.] 1846, etc 34-35 Parker (J. H.). Author : Glossary. A glossary of terms used in architec- ture. [By J. H. Parker.] 1838, etc. . . . . . -34 Parker (J. H.). £d. : Rickman (T.). An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture, etc. Fifth [etc.] edition, 1848, etc. . .65-66 Parker (J. H.). Contin. : Turner (T. H.). Some account of domestic 'i architecture in England. 1851-59 ....... 71 Parker (T. L.). Author : Browsholme Hall. Description of Browsholme Hall. [By T. L. Parker.] 18 15 94 Parkinson (J.). Old cottages, farm-houses, etc., in Shropshire, Hereford- shire, and Cheshire. 1904 . . . . . . . .172 Parry (J. D.). History of Woburn and its abbey. [1831] ... 71 Pars (W.). Collab. : Chandler (R.). Ionian antiquities. 1769 . . . 133 Partington (C. F.). The builder's complete guide. 1825 . . . . 3 Pascoli (L.). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti perugini. 1732 . .110 Pasley {Sir C. W.). Observations on limes, calcareous cements, etc. 1838, etc. 7 Passeri (G. B.). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti in Roma morti dal 1641 fino al 1673. 1772 . . . . . . . . no Passmore (A. C). Handbook of technical terms used in architecture and building. 1904 . . . . . . . . . .38 Passow (W.). Studien zum Parthenon. 1902 . . . . -135 Patent Office Library. See London. Paterson (T. T.). Plans: Young (A.). Theatre panics. 1896 . , 157 Patrick (S.), Ed. : Gunton (S.). I'he history of the church of Peter- burgh. 168:6 . . . , . . . . . ,88 Patrington. Architectural, etc., illustrations of the church of St. Patrick, Patrington. 1855 . . . . . . . . . -95 Patte (P.). Contin. : Blondel (J. F.). Cours d'architecture. 1771-77 28 Patterson (J. L.). A visit to Fecamp Abbey. [1848] .... 102 * Patton (W. M.). A practical treatise on foundations. 1900. . . 118 Paul (R. W.). Vanishing London. 1894 83 Peach (L. C. K.). Illustr. : Bloom (J. H.). Shakespeare's church. 1902 92 Peacock (E.). Comp. : Society of Antiquaries. An index to Archaeologia. [By E. Peacock and M. Stephenson.] 1889 . . . . .66 Peacock (J.). See MacPacke (J.), pseud. Pearson (W.). Select views of the antiquities of Shropshire. [1807] . 90 Peddie (A.). The practical measurer. 1862 ...... 9 Peigne-Delacourt (A.). Ed. : Germain (M.). Le Monasticon Galli- canum. 1882 . . . . . . . . . .160 * Penafiel (A.). Monumentos del arte mexicano. 1890. . . . 138 Pennant (T.). Some account of London. 1805 ..... 83 Pennethorne (J.). The geometry and optics of ancient architecture. 1878 135 Penrose (F. C). The church of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. 1890 . . 87 264 Author List PAGE Penrose (F. C). An investigation of the principles of Athenian archi- tecture. 1 85 1 136 Penrose (F. C). The temple of Jupiter Olympius. 1888 . . . 136 Pepys (W. C.) and Godman (E.). The church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. 1905 ............ 87 Perau (G. L. Calabre-). See Calabre-Perau (G. L.). Perdrizet (P.). L'art synibolique du moyen age a propos des verrieres de I'eglise St. Etienne a Mulhouse. 1907 . . . . . .189 Perkins (A. M.) : Davies (J.) and Ryder (G. V.). Report on Perkins's system of warming buildings. 1841 . Perkins (T.). The abbey churches of Bath and Malmesbury. 1901 Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Amiens. 1902 . Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Manchester. 1901 Perkins (T.). The cathedral church of Saint Albans. 1903 . Perkins (T.). The churches of Rouen. 1900 Perkins (T.). A short account of Romsey Abbey. 1907 Perkins (T.). Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory. 1899 Perks (S.). Residential flats of all classes. 1905 . Perrault (C). Ordonnance des cinq especes de colonnes. 1683 Perrault (C). A treatise of the five orders of columns. 1708, etc. Perrault (C.) : Vitruvius PoUio (M.). Architecture generale reduite en abrege par Perrault. 1681 . Perrault (C.) : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). L'architettura ridotta in compendio dal sig. Perrault. 1747 ...... Perrault (C). Ed. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). Les dix livres d'architecture 1684 Perrault-Dabot (A.). Coliab. : Baudot (A. de) and Perrault-Dabot (A.) Archives de la Commission des monuments historiques. [1898] Perrault-Dabot (A.). Coliab. : Baudot (A. de) and Perrault-Dabot (A.) Les cathedrales de France. [1905] . . . . . * Perring (J. S.). The pyramids of Gizeh. 1839-42 *Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). Histoire de l'art dans I'antiquite. 1881 1903 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). A history of art in ancient Egypt. 1883 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). A history of art in Chaldaea & Assyria. 1884 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Persia. 1892 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Phoenicia. 1885 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Phrygia, f/;:. 1892 . Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in primitive Greece. 1894 Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, etc. 1890 122 Perry (J. T.). The chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture 1893 ......... Perry (J. T.). Mediaeval architecture in Sweden. 1891 . Perthuis de Laillevault (L. de). Traite d'architecture rurale. Peterborough Cathedral. Guide. 1838 Petit (J. L.). The abbey church of Tewkesbury. 1848 . Petit (J. L.). Architectural history of Boxi^rove Priory : Willis architectural history of Chichester Cathedral. 1861 . Petit (J. L.). Architectural studies in France. 1854, etc. Petit (J. L.). Remarks on architectural character. 1846 1810 (R.). Th 19 71 102 81 78 102 77 71 1 70 26 26 33 33 99 99 124 122 124 126 126 125 122 136 139 113 173 88 77 92 lOI 26 Author List 265 PAGE 60 124 124 descrizione delle Standard steel Petit (J. L.). Remarks on church architecture. 1841 . Petrie (G.). The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland. 1845 • Petrie (W. M. F.). Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. 1890. Petrie (W. M. F.). Six temples at Thebes. 1897 .... Peyer Im Hof (J. Fr.). Die Renaissance-Architektur Italiens. 1870 Pfeifer (H.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil i Bd. 3. 1890-1907 35-36 Philadelphia. — Fud/i'c Ledger Building. The Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia. 1868 155 Philander (G.). Notae : Vitruvius PoUio (M.). De architectura libri. 1649 32 Philips (N. G.). Views of the old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. 1893 79 Phillimore (L.). Sir C. Wren. 1881 68 Phillimore (W. P. W.). Ed. : Glynne {Sir S. R.) Bari. Gloucestershire church notes. 1902 . . . . . . • . -77 * Phillipps (E. M.). C 30 9& 9& 109. 145 65 II 169 5 5 95 186 118 182 14 19 268 Author List PAGE Prior (E. S.). Decorative plaster-work. 1891 ..... 187 Prior (E. S.). A history of Gothic art in England. 1900 . . . 147 Prisons. [Plans and views of prisons, d-Zr., in Europe.] [c. 1790] . . 156 * Prisse d'Avennes (A.C.T.E.). Histoire de I'art egyptien. 1878-79 . 124 Proctor (C. W.). The growth of cities. 1884 . . . . -153 Prout (S.). Relics of antiquity. 181 1 . . . . . . .65 ■* Prussia. — Koenigliche Technische Deputation fuer Gewerbe. Vorbilder fiir Fabrikanten und Handwerker. 1821-37 . . . . .179 Puchstein (O.). Collab. : Koldewey (R.)and Puchirtein (O.). Die griech- ischen Tempel in Unteritalien und Sicilien. 1899 .... 135 Puckle (J.). The church and fortress of Dover Castle. 1864. . . 79 Pugin (A. C). Examples of Gothic architecture. 1831-40 . . . 147 Pugin (A. C). (iothic ornaments. 1840, etc. .... 145, 179 Pugin (A. C). Historical essays accompanying specimens of the archi- tectural antiquities of Normandy. 1828. ..... 102 Pugin (A. C). A series of views illustrative of Pugin's Examples of Gothic architecture, by J. Nash. 1830 . . . . . . .147 Pugin (A. C). Specimens of the architecture of Normandy. 1874 . 102 Pugin (A. C). Specimens of Gothic architecture. 1821-23,1?/'^. . . 148 Pugin (A. C). Collab. : Britton (J.) and Pugin (A.). Illustrations of the public buildings of London. 1825-28 ...... 82 Pugin (A. C.) : Ferrey (B.). Recollections of A. N. W. Pugin and A. Pugin. 1 86 1 68 Pugin (A. C). Collab. : Mackenzie (F.) and Pugin (A. C ). Specimens of Gothic architecture selected from buildings at Oxford. [1825?] . 147 Pugin (A. C). Trans. : Normand (C P. J.). A new parallel of the orders of architecture. 1829. ....... 26 Pugin (A. W. N.). An apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England. 1843 152 Pugin (A. W. N.). Contrasts. 1836 . . . . . . .65 Pugin (A. VV. N.). Details of ancient timber houses of the 15th and i6th cent^y««- 1836 . . . 153, 179 Pugin (A. W. N.). Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume. 1844 179 Pugin (A. W. N.). Gothic furniture. 1835 -145 Pugin (A. W. N.). The present state of ecclesiastical architecture in England. 1843 .......... 159 Pugin (A. W. N.). A treatise on chancel screens and rood lofts. 1851 . 190 Pugin (A. W. N.). The true principles of pointed architecture. 1841, etc. 152 Pugin (A. W. N.) : Ferrey (B.). Recollections of A. N. W. Pugin and A. Pugin. 1 86 1 68 Pugin (A. VV. N.). Collab. : Pugin (A. C). Examples of Gothic archi- tecture. 1831-40. ......... 147 Pullan (R. P.). Eastern cities and Italian towns. 1879 • • • 55 Pullan (R. P.). Elementary lectures on Christian architecture. 1879 . 158 Pullan (R. P.). Remarks on church decoration. 1878 .... 158 Pullan (R. P.). Studies in architectural style. 1883 . . . -55 Pullan (R. P.). Collab. : Newton {Sir C. T.). A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, etc. 1862-63 ....... 135 Author List 269 PAGE Pullan (R. P.). CoUab. : Texier (C. F. M.) and Pullan (R. P.). Byzan- tine architecture. 1864 ........ 140' Pullinger (W.). Architectural features of Astbury Church. 1892 . . 74 Purcell (E. S.). Appettdix : Ferrey (B.). Recollections of A. N. W. Pugin and A. Pugin. 1861 68- Purchase (W. R.). Practical masonry. 1896, (?/^. . . . . .12 Purdie (T.). Illustrations of an essay on mural decoration. [1852] . , 184 Purey-Cust (A. P.). See Cust, afterwards Purey-Cust (A. P.). Putnam (H.). C(?w/. .• Washington. — Library of Congress. Report. 1901, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Pyne (W. H.). The history of the royal residences. 1819 . • • 7° Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 1844-45 • • • • • -41 Quatremere de Quincy (A. C). De I'architecture ^gyptienne. 1803 . 124 Quatremere de Quincy (A. C). Histoire de la vie des plus celebres archi- tectes, etc. 1830 . . . . . . . . . .56 Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach-und Culturgeschichte der german- ischen Volker : — 47. Henning (R.). Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwickelung. 1882 . . . . . . . .165; 55. i. Lasius (O.). Das friesische Bauernhaus. 1885 , . .172- ii. Henning (R.). Die deutschen Haustypen. 1886 . . 165 Quennell (C. H. B.). The cathedral church of Norwich. 1898, etc. . 87 Quin (E. R. W. W.) Earl of Duftraven. Notes on Irish architecture. 60 1875-77 Quin (VV. T. W.) Earl of Dun raven. Preface: Quin (E. R. W. W.), Earl of Dunraven. Notes on Irish architecture. 1875-77 . . 6o' Quincy (A. C. Quatremere de). See Quatremere de Quincy (A. C). R ***. Ed.: Blondel (J. F.). Cours d'architecture. 1771-77 . . 28- Raccolta. Raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura ed architettura. .1754-73 49 Racinet (A. C. A.). L'ornementi polychrome. [1869-87] . . .179 Radford (W. T. A.). Remarks on the restoration of our [Exeter] cathedral. [1871] 75. Railton (H.). Illustr. : Ditchfield (P. H.). The cathedrals of Great Britain. 1902 .......... 63. Railton (H.). Illustr. : Farrar (F. W.) Dean of Canterbury. West- minster Abbey. 1898 ......... 85; Railton (H.). Illustr. : Loftie (W. J.). A brief account of Westminster Abbey. 1894 85 Railton (W.). Collab. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. New edition. Vol. 4. 1825-30 ..... 137 Ralph (J.). Author : London. A critical review of the publick buildings in and about London. [By J. Ralph.] 1734. .... 82- * Ramboux (J. A.). Jerusalem, [c. i860] . . . . . • 115 Ramee (D.). Histoire generale de I'architecture. 1860-62 ... 56 Ram(?e (D.). Plans, etc. : Vitet (L.). Monographic de I'eglise. Notre- Dame de Noyon. 1845 ........ 103 Ram Raj. Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. 1834 . . .126 270 Author List PAGE Rankine (W. J. M.). A manual of applied mechanics. 1869 . • u? Ransome (A.). Manchester building bye-laws. Manchester Society of Architects. Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association and Man- chester Society of Architects. Papers, ^/'(T. [1887]. ... 47 Raschdorff (J. C). Ed. : Italy. Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. [Toscana. Herausg. von J. C. Raschdorff.] 1886- 1903 107 Raschdorff (O.). Ed. : Italy. Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. [Venedig. Herausg. von O. Raschdorff.] 1886- 1903 . 107 Rathbun (R.). Author: Washington. — Smithsonian Institution. — U.S. National Museum. Account of the buildings occupied by the national collections. By R. Rathbun. 1905 . . . . . .163 Rauda (F.). Die mittelalterliche Baukunst Bautzens. 1905 . . .148 Ravoisie (A.). Collab.: Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831- 38 . , . . 135 Rawlinson (G.). History of Phoenicia. 1889 ..... 125 Raymond (J.). Collab. : Jenkins (J. E.) and Raymond (J.). On building contracts. 1873. . . . . . . . . . 8 Rayner (S.). The history and antiquities of Haddon Hall. i836[-37] . 75 Rea (A.). Chalukyan architecture. 1896 . . . . . .126 Rea (A.). List of architectural and archaeological remains in Coorg. 1894 126 *Rea (J. T.). How to estimate. 1904 . . . ' . . . 9 Reading Abbey. Views of Reading Abbjy. 1805-10 .... 72 Reale Accademia di Belle Arti, [Venice]. Le fabbriche piu cospicue di Venezia. 1815-20 ......... 109 Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia : — Dissertazione. Dissertazione intorno all' origine della sacra archi- tettura presso i Greci. [By F. Carelli.] 1831 . , . -134 * Redgrave (G. R.) and Spackman (C). Calcareous cements. 1905 . 7 Redmayne (G. T.). ^ZitMcir.- Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, G. T. Redmayne. 1886 ..... 45 Reeve (J. A.). A monograph on the abbey of S. Mary of Fountains. 1892 96 Reichensperger (A.). Collab. : Statz (V.) and Ungewitter (G. G.). The Gothic model-book. [1862] ........ 146 Reid (D. B.). Illustrations of the theory and practice of ventilation. 1844 19 Reid (D. B.). Ventilation. 1845 21 Reid (H.). A practical treatise on concrete. 1869 .... 5 Reid (J.). The surveyor's and builder's assistant. [1848] ... 9 Reinhardt (R. v.). Die Gesetzmassigkeit der griechischen Baukunst. I Theil. 1903 136 Reinhardt (R. v.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 4 Heft 2. 1890-1907 37 Reinhardt (R. v.). Ed. : Italy. Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. [Genua. Herausg. von R. Reinhardt.] 1886- 1903 . .107 * Remon (G.). Int^rieurs modernes. 1900 . . . . . .179 Renan (J. E.). Mission de Phenicie. 1864 125 Renaud (F.). Ed. .■ Crowther (J. S.). An architectural history of the cathedral church of Manchester. 1893 ...... 80 Reveley (W.). Ed. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. Vol. 3. 1762-1816, etc. 137 Author List 271 PAGE Revett (N.). Collab. : Chandler (R.). Ionian antiquities. 1769 . 133 Revett (N.). Collab. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N). Les antiquites d'Athenes. 1808-22 . . . . . . . . -137 Revett (N.). Collab. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. 1 762-1816, ^/"^r. ........ 137 Revoil (H. A.). Architecture romane du midi de la France. 1873 . 143 Reynaud (L.). Compte-rendu : Choisy (A.). L'art de batir chez les Romains. 1874 . . . . . . . . . .128 Ricardo (H.). Collab. : Sparrow (W. S.). The modern home. [1906] . 169 Richards (G.). Trans. : Palladio (A.). The first book of architecture. 1733 • • • ■ • 30 Richards (G. C). Collab. : Excavalions at Megalopolis, i8go-gi : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers. 1. 1892, etc. ........... 136 Richardson (C. J.). Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Vol. i. 1840 ........ 65 Richardson (C. J.). The Englishman's house. 1870 . . . . 166 Richardson (C. J.). Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, lodges. 1870 ............ 166 Richardson (C. J.). A popular treatise on the warming and ventilation of buildings. 1837 . . . . . , . . . .20 Richardson (C. J.). Studies from old English mansions. 1841-48 . 179 Richardson (E.). The monumental effigies of the Temple Church. 1843 ^^^ Richardson (G.). New designs in architecture. 1792 .... 166 Richardson (T. A.). The art of architectural modelling in paper. 1859 183 Richardson (W.). Construction of dials : Gatty (M.). The book of sun- dials. 1889 ........... 23 Richardson (W.). The monastic ruins of Yorkshire. 1843-56 . . 96 Richmond {Sir VV. B.) K.C.B. Part-author : Brydon (J, MacK.). Decorative painting. 1891 . . . . . . . .186 Richter (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 7 Heft 2. 1890-1907 38 Richter (J. P.). Commentary : Vasari (G.). Lives of painters, etc. 1878- 85 . 107 Richter (J. P.). ^^. .• Vinci (L, da). Scritti letterari. 1883. . . 50 Rickards (R.). Church and priory of S. Mary, Usk. 1904 ... 87 Ricker (N. C). An extension of the Dewey decimal system of classifica- tion applied to architecture and building. [1907] . , . . 52 Rick man (T.). Architectural observations : Cotman (J. S.). Specimens of architectural remains in England. 1838 . . . . . 62 Rickman (T.). An attempt to discriminate the styles of English archi- tecture from the conquest to the reformation. [18 19], etc. . . 65 Rickman (T.). On the architectural history of Chester Cathedral. 1864 . 74 Rickman (T.). Life: Rickman (T. M.). Notes on the life, etc., of T. Rickman. 1901 .......... 68 Rickman (T. M.). Notes on the life, ^/^., of T. Rickman. 1901 . . 68 Rickman (T. M.). Specification-writing. 1889 ..... 8 Ricks (G.). Preface: Barter (S.). Manual instruction. Woodwork. [1892] 14 Riddell (R.). The carpenter and joiner, [n.d.] ..... 14 272 Author List Ridolfi (O.) : Barozzi (G.) called II Vignola. Li cinque ordini di archi- tettura. Con un ragionamento alii architeti di O. Ridolfi. [1648] Riley (J. W.). Building construction for beginners. 1899 Rimmer (A.). Ancient halls of Lancashire. 1852 . . . . Rimmer (A.). Ancient streets and homesteads of England. 1877. Rimmer (A.). Collab. : Howson (J. S.), Dean of Chester, and Rimmer (A.). Chester as it was. 1872 . Rivers (A. H. L. Fox Pitt). See Fox, afterwards Fox Pitt Rivers (A. H. L.). Robert (V. M. C. Ruprich-). See Ruprich-Robert (V. M. C). Roberts (D.). Picturesque sketches in Spain. 1837 Roberts (R. W.). Architectural sketching and drawing in perspective 1906 ........... Robertson (A.). The Bible of St. Mark: St. Mark's Church. 1898 Robertson (T. S.). The progress of art in English church architecture 1897 .-. • Robins (E. C). Technical school and college building. 1887 Robinson (G. T.). Fart-author : Prior (E. S.). Decorative plaster-work 1891 Robinson (J.). Collab. : Pennethorne (J.). The geometry and optics of ancient architecture. 1878. Robinson (J. B.). Principles of architectural composition. 1899 . Robinson (P. F.). Designs for gate cottages, lodges, and park entrances 1837 • Robinson (P. F.) Robinson (P. F.) 1835 • Robinson (P. F.) 1833 . Robinson (P. F.) Rural achitecture. 1823 Vitruvius Britannicus : history of Hardwicke Hall Vitruvius Britannicus : history of Hatfield House history of Deduced from the and Britton (J.). Vitruvius Britannicus Woburn Abbey, ^/r. 1847 . Robison (J.). The elementary principles of carpentry. works of Robison, f/r. 1869 ....... Robison (J.). A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards car pentry. Deduced from the works of Robison, etc. [1868], etc Robson (E. R.). School architecture. 1874, etc. .... Robson (P. A.). The cathedral church of Saint David's. 1901 Rochemonteix (M.) Marquis de. Le temple d'Edfou : Mission Archeo- logique Frangaise au Caire. Memoires. 10- 11. 1897, etc. Rode (A.). Ed.: Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1800-01 Roemmler ( ) and Jonas ( ). Photographs : Andreae (C). Monu- mente des Mittelalters aus dem saechsischen Erzgebirge. 1875 Roger-Miles (L.). Architecture, etc., pendant le dix-huitieme siecle. [n.d.] . . . . _ 151 Roger-Miles (L.). Comment discerner les styles : [Caracteres des formes en architecture]. [1897] ........ Roger-Smith (T.). See Smith (T. R.). Rogers (F.). English mansions, lodges, villas, etc. 1866 * Rogers (F.). Ed. : Bartholomew (A.). Specifications. Third edition. 1893 PAGE 3 81 70. 74 112- 182 109 66 163 187 135 26 173 170 75 78. 71 14 119 162 97 116 32 97 . 179 179. r66 8. Author List 27-^ :> PAGE 38 Roland Le Virloys (C. F.). Uictionnaire d'architecture. 1770-71 . Romberg (J. A.) and Steger (F.). Geschichte der Baukunst bei den Assyrern, etc. 1844 . . . . . . . . .122 Rome. Roma antica e moderna. [By P\ Franzini.] 1678 . . .111 Rome. Roma antica e moderna. 1750, etc. . . . . . .111 Rome. — Academie de France pour les Beaux- Arts. See Academic de France, etc. Rome. — British School at Rome. See British School at Rome. Rdmmler ( ). See Roemmler. Rondelet (J.). Traite de I'art de batir. 1838, ^/(T. . . . . . 3 *Ronzani (F.). Engrav. : Sanmicheli (M.). Le fabbriche civili, etc., di M. Sanmicheli. 1832 . . . . . . . . .50 Rooker (M. A.). Engrav. : Sandby (P.). A collection of landscapes. 1777 • 71 Rose (H.). Three lectures on architecture in England. 1843 . . 66 Rose (V.). Ed. : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1899 . 32 Rosengarten (A.). A handbook of architectural styles. iS^j, etc. . . 31 Rosicrucian Society of England. [Photographs of Lancashire and Cheshire Halls.] [n.d.] 80 Ross (T.). Co//al>. : MacGibbon (D.) and Ross (T.). The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland. 1887-92 . . • ' • 57; Ross (T.). Co/lab. : MacGibbon (D.) and Ross (T.). The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland. 1896-97. ...... 57 Rossi (D. de). Romance magnitudinis monumenta. 1699 . . , i32> Rossi (D. de). Studio d'architettura civile. 1702-21 . . . .179. Rossini (L.). Le antichita dei contorni di Roma. [1826] . . . 132 Rottiers (B. E. A.). Description des monumens de Rhodes. 1828 . 114 Roundell (J. A. E.). Ham House. 1904 . . . . . • 91 Routledge (C. F.). The church of St. Martin, Canterbury. 1898 . . 79. Roux (H.). Engr. : Barre (L.). Herculanum et Pompei. 1861-72 . 127- Roux (H.). Collab. : Thiollet (F.) and Roux (H.). Nouveau recueil de menuiserie, etc. 1848 . . . . . . . . .180 Royal Architectural Museum, London. See London. Royal Institute of British Architects. See Institute of British Architects. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. See Kilkenny Archaeological Society. Royle (W. A.). Author: Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, W. A. Royle. 1888 46 Rubeis (D. de). See Rossi (D. de). Ruckwardt (H.). See Rueckwardt (H.). Rudiment. Rudiments of ancient architecture. 1810 .... 122 Rudiments. The rudiments of architecture. 1799 • • • . ^i * Rueckwardt (H.). ArchitektonischeStudienblatter aus Budapest. [1889- 91] 180 * Rueckwardt (H.). Architektur der Neuzeit. 1890-95 . . .180 Rueckwardt (H.). Berliner Neubauten. [n.d.] 09 * Rueckwardt (H.). Photographische Original- Aujnahmen : Ende (H.). Architektonische Studienblatter. [1884-93] • • . . . 98 Rumford, Benjamin, Count. See Thompson (B.). Rupin(E.). illustr. : YsigQ {K.). Restauration du cloitre de Tulle. 1879 ro; 18 274 Author List PAGE Ruprich-Robert (V. M. C). L'architecture normande aux xi^ et xii^ siecles. [1889] 142 Ruprich-Robert (V. M. C). Le chateau de Falaise. 1864 . . .102 Rural. Rural school architecture. [By T. M. Clark.] 1880 . .162 Rusca (L.). Raccolta dei disegni di fabbriche costrutte in Pietroburgo, etc. 1810. . . . . . . . , , .113 Ruskin {].). Works. 1903, etc. . . . . . . . -49 Ruskin (J.). Arrows of the chase. 1880 ...... 39 Ruskin (J.). An enquiry into some of the conditions affecting the study of architecture. 1865 ......... 48 Ruskin (J.). Examples of the architecture of Venice. 18^1, etc. . . 109 Ruskin {].). Lectures on architecture and painting, 1853. 1854, etc. . 26 Ruskin {].). Mornings in Florence. 1875-77 . . . . .110 Ruskin (J.). On the nature of Gothic architecture. 1854, etc. . . 145 Ruskin (J.). On the old road. 1885 ....... 39 Ruskin (J.). The poetry of architecture. 1873, e/^r. .... 26 Ruskin (J.). St. Mark's rest. 1877-84 109 Ruskin (J.). The seven lamps of architecture. 1849, ^/r. . . .27 Ruskin (J.). The stones of Venice. 1851-53, etc. .... 109 Ruskin (J.). The stones of Venice. Introductory chapters and local in- dices. 1892 . . . . . . . . . . .109 Ruskin (J.). Studies in both arts. 1895 ...... 107 Ruskin (J.). The two paths. 1859, etc. . . . . . -27 Ruskin (J.). Verona, and other lectures. 1894 . . . . .139 Ruskin (J.). Co//ad. : Acland {Sir H. W.) Bart and Ruskin (J.). The Oxford Museum. iS^g, etc. . . . . . . . .88 Ruskin (J.). Letter : Zorzi (A. P.). Osservazioni intorno ai ristauri della basilica di San Marco. 1877. . . . . . . .110 Russell (F.). A treatise on the power of an arbitrator. 1849. . . 11 Russell (T. H.). The planning and fitting-up of chemical and physical laboratories. 1903 . . . . . . . . .163 Russia. Antiquites de I'empire de Russie. [1849-53] • • • • i^S Russia. [Antiquities of the Russian empire. In Russian.] 1849-53 • i^S Rutter (J.). Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey. 1823 ... 93 Ryder (G. V.). Collah. : Davies (J.) and Ryder (G. V.) Report on Perkins's system of warming buildings by hot water. 1841 . . 19 Rylands (John). John Rylands Library, Manchester. See Manchester. *Saavedra (E.). Introdtucion : Clairac y Saenz (P.). Diccionario general de arquitectura. 1877-88 ........ 51 *Sabin(L. C). Cement and concrete. 1905 ..... 5 Sabine (H.). Comp. : Viollet-Le-Duc (E. E.) Table du Dictionnaire raisonnd de l'architecture fran9aise. 1889 . . . . -39 Sabugosa ( de) Conde. O pago de Cintra. 1903 . . . .112 Sachs (E. O.). Modern opera houses and theatres. 1897-98. . . 157 ■* Sachs (E. O.). Ed. : British Fire Prevention Committee. Facts on fire prevention. 1902 . . . . . . . . .17 Saenz (P. Clairac y). See Clairac y Saenz (P.). Saint Albans Abbey. Some account of the abbey church of St. Alban. 1813 78 Author List 275 PAGE Saint Albans Architectural and Archaeological Society. Transactions. 1887 48 Saint David's, Connop, Bishop of. See Thirlwall (C). Saint David's, William Basil Tickell, Bishop of. See Jones (W. B, T.). Saint Denis. A history of the Abbaye of Saint Denis. i795- • • • 103 Saint George, Chapel of Windsor. See Windsor. Saint Mary's Abbey, Dublin. See Dublin. Saint Petersburg. — Academie Imperiale des Beaux Arts. See Academic Imperiale des Beaux Arts, [Saint Petersburg]. Saladin (H.). Author: Manuel. Manuel d'art musulman. i. L'archi- tecture ; par H. Saladin. 1907 ....... 141 *Salazaro (D.). Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale. 1871-81 . iii Salisbury Diocesan Church Building Association. Report. 1837-44 . 158 Sallengre (A. H. de). Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. 1716- 19 • • • • 132 Salmasius (C). NotcB : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1649 • • • • 32 * Salter (M. J.). Trans. : Keim (A. W.). Prevention of dampness in buildings. 1902 .......... 4 Salzenberg (W.). Alt-christliche Baudenkmale von Constantinopel. 1854 140 * Salzmann fA.). Jerusalem. 1856 . . . . . . .115 ■*Salzmann (A.). Necropole de Camiros. 1875 ..... 161 Samarkand. Les mosquees de Samarcande. 1905 .... 142 Sandars (W. Collett-). Trans.: Rosengarten (A.). A handbook of archi- tectural styles. 1877, etc. . . . . . . . .31 Sandby (P.). A collection of landscapes. 1777 • . • • • 71 Sander (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 5 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 37 Sanders (W. B.). Half-timbered houses, etc., of the i6th and 1 7th centuries. 1894 • • • 153 Sanderus (A.). Chorographia sacra Brabantiae. 1726-27 . . .114 Sandrart (J. v.). L'academia todesca della architectura, etc. 1675 . . 31 Sandrart (J. v.). Insignium Romae templorum prospectus. [1690?] . iii Sandrart (J. v.). Palatiorum Romanorum pars prima (-tertia). (1694) in Sandrart (J. v.). Romas antiquae et novae theatrum. 1684 . . .111 Sandrart (J. v.). Ed. : Falda (G. B.). Romanorum fontinalia. 1685 . 23 *Sanmicheli (M.). Le fabbriche civili, etc., di M. Sanmicheli. 1832 . 50 Sansovino ( J.). Vita: Vasari (G.). Vita di J. Sansovino. 1789 . 109 Santi Bartoli (P.). See Bartoli (P. S.). Sarre (F.). Denkmaler persischer Baukunst. 1901 . . . . 142 Sauerwein (F.). Bibliothek : Baer (J.) and Co. Architektur. Lagerkatalog 551- 1907 • 50 Saunders (G.). A treatise on theatres. 1790 . . . . -157 Sauvageot (C.). Palais, chateaux, etc., de France du xv" au xviii^ siecle. 1867 ............ lOI Sauvageot (C). Illustr. : Menard (R.). La vie privee des anciens. 1880-83 122 Savory (C. H.). Author : Paper Hanger. The paper hanger, etc. By a decorator \i.e. C. H. Savory.] [1879]. • • • • • 21 Sayers (F.). Miscellanies, antiquarian and historical. 1805 ... 66 276 Author List PAGE Scamozzi (O. B.). See Bertotti Scamozzi (O.). Schacht (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 3b. 1 890- 1 907 ........ 36 Schaffer (C. F,). Illustr. : Collection. Collection de nouveaux batimens pour la dt^coration des jardins et des campagnes. 1802 . . .22 Schaupert (C). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 3. 1890-1907 ....... 37 *Scheffers (A.). Ci?;;//^. .• Ortwein (A.). Deutsche Renaissance. 1871-87 150 Scheult (F. L.). Recueil d'architecture dessine en Italic. 182 1, elc. . 107 Schiaparelli (E.). Co/lab. : Les hypogees royaux de Thebes, par G. Lefebure : Mission Archeologique Frangaise au Caire. Memoires. 2-3. 1886-89 116 [Another edition] : Paris. — Musee Guimet. Annales. 9,16. 1886-89 ^24 Schinkel (C. F.). Sammlung architektonischer Entwurfe. 1819-40 . 50 Schinkel (C. F.). [Werke der hoheren Baukunst. 2 Abtheil. 1-2 Lief.] _ [1845-46] 113 Schinkel (C. F.). Biography: Ziller (H.). Schinkel. 1897 ... 99 Schlegel (C. W. F. v.). Aesthetic and miscellaneous works. 1849, etc. . 146 Schliemann (H.). Tiryns. 1886 . . . . . . . .136 *Schloessen (H.). Anleitung zur statischen Berechnung von Eisenkon- struktion in Hochbau. 1903 . . . . . . . .121 Schmidt (C. E.). Franzosische Skulptur und Architektur des 19 Jahr- hunderts. 1904 .......... 149 Schmidt (O.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 3 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Schmitt (E.). Ed.: Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. 1890-1907 35-38 Schnaase (C. J. F.). Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste. 1866-79 . . 56 Schneider (F.). Vorwort : Sutter (C). Thurmbuch. 1895 . . .185 * Schoenhaupt (L.). Illustr. : Meininger (E.). L'hotel de ville de Mul- house. 1892 .......... 154 Schreiber (J. H.). Das Miinster zu Strasburg. 1829 . . . .99 Schubert (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 3 Heft I. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Schubert (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 4 Heft I. 1890-1907 ....... 36-37 Schuetz (A.). Die Renaissance in Italien : [Decoration in Holz.] 1885 ........... 151, 180 Schultz (A. F. C. W.). Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter. 1903 . . . . . . . . .56 Schultz (R. W.). Collab. : Excavations at Megalopolis, i8go-gi : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers, i. 1892, etc. . . . . . . . . . . .136 Schultz (R. W.) and Barnsley (S. H.). The monastery of Saint Luke of Stiris, etc. 1901 . . . . . . . . . .140 Schulz (B.). Collab. : Sarre (F.). Denkmaler persischer Baukunst. 1901 142 Schiitz (A.). See Schuetz (A.). Schwechten (F.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 7 Heft I. 1890-1907 ........ 38 Schweighaeuser (J. G.). Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Strasbourg. 1827 99 Author List 277 PAGE Schwering (L.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 3 Bd. 2 Heft 5. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Schwerzek (C). Erlauterungen zu dem Versuch einer Rekonstruktion des ostlichen Parthenongiebels. 1904 ....... 136 'S)CV^\o, Family of. Moniimenti : Piranesi (F.). Monumenti degli Scipioni. [1786] 161 Scotland. Characteristics of old church architecture, ^/(T., in the mainland and western islands of Scotland. [By T. S. Muir.] 1861 . . 58 Scotland. Descriptive notices of some of the ancient churches of Scot- land. [By T. S. Muir.] 1848 .58 Scotland. — Society of Antiquaries. See Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Scott {Sir F. E.) Bart. Shall the new Foreign Office be Gothic or classic ? i860 ............ 152 Scott (G. G.). An essay on the history of English church architecture, etc. 1881 66 Scott {Sir G. G.). The church on the Castle Hill, Dover, [n.d.] . . 79 Scott {Sir G. G,). Design for the new Law Courts, [n.d.]. . . .154 Scott {Sir G. G.). Explanatory remarks on the designs for the new Foreign Office, [i860?] .......... 152 Scott {Sir G. G.). Lectures on mediaeval architecture. 1879 . . . 139 Scott {Sir G. G.). On the conservation of ancient architectural monuments. 1864 ............ 27 Scott {Sir G. G.). A plea for the faithful restoration of our ancient churches. 1850 158 Scott {Sir G. G.). Remarks on secular and domestic architecture. 1857, etc. ........... . 148 Scott {Sir G. G.). Remarks on the designs for the new Law Courts sub- mitted by G. G. Scott. [1867] 154 Scott {Sir G. G.). Report on the state of the fabric of St. David's Cathedral. 1862 ........... 97 Scott (^/r G. G.). Restoration of St. Alban's Abbey. Report. [187 1] . 78 Scott {Sir G. G.). A series of executed examples of ecclesiastical and domestic structures. 1858 . . . . . . . .50 Scott {Sir G. G.). The transition from the Romanesque to the pointed style in England. [1875] • • • • • • • .148 Scott {Sir G. G.). Part-author : Thirlwall (C.) Bishop of St. David's dind Scott {Sir G. G.). Restoration of St. David's Cathedral. Speeches. 1863 . . . . . .97 Scott (^/> G. G.) and others. Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. 1861. 85 Scott {L.) pseud., [i.e. L. E. Baxter]. Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. 1901. 107 Scott (R.). See Home Count\es, psetid. Scott (W.). A glance at the historical documents relating to the church of Saint Mark in Venice. 1887 . . . . . . . .109 Scott (W.). Trans. : Boito (C). The basilica of S. Mark in Venice. 1888-95 108 Scott {Sir W.) Bart. The Border antiquities of England and Scotland. 1 814- 1 7 66 Scott (W. H.). The story of Selby Abbey. 1899 96 Scott (VV. T.). Antiquities of an Essex parish ; the history of Great Dun- mow. 1873 ........... 76 278 Author List Scrapbooks. See Architectural Scrapbooks. Seddon (H. C). Builder's work and the building trades. 1886, etc. Seddon (J. P.). New law courts. 1867. ..... Seddon (J. P.). Progress in art and architecture. 1852 . Sedgwick (T. E.). Description of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London. 1902 ...... Seemann's Kunstgewerbliche Handbuecher : — I. Meyer (F. S.). Systematisch- geordnetes Handbuch der Ornamentik 1889, etc. ......... Seesselberg (F.). Die frueh-mittelalterliche Kunst der germanischen Voelker. 1897 ......... Semper (G.). : Harvey (L.). Semper's theory of evolution in architectural ornament. 1885 ......... Semper (M.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 6 Heft 5. 1890-1907 ....... Sergeant (P. W.). The cathedral church of Winchester. 1898, etc. . Serie. Serie degli uomini i piii illustri nella pittura, scultura, e architettura 1769-76 .......... Serjeantson (R. M.). Collab. : Cox (J. C.) and Serjeantson (R. M.). A history of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Northampton. 1897 Serlio (S.). The first ( — The fift) book of architecture. 161 1 Seroux d'Agincourt (J. B. L. G.). History of art by its monuments 1847 . . ... ... Service des Monuments Historiques de I'Algerie : — Mar^ais (W.) and (G.). Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. 1903 Seyer (S.). Memoirs of Bristol. 1821-23 ..... * Seymour (E.). Historical sketch : Street (G. E.). The cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. 1882 Sharpe (E.). An account of the churches visited during the Lincoln ex cursion of the Architectural Association. 1871 Sharpe (E.). The architecture of the Cistercians. 1875. Sharpe (E.). Architectural history of Shorehaf?i collegiate church : Willis (R.). The architectural history of Chichester Cathedral. 186 r Sharpe (E.). Architectural parallels. 1848 ..... Sharpe (E.). Decorated windows. 1849 ..... Sharpe (E.). Illustrations of the priory church of St. Mary, at Tynemouth [n.d.] Sharpe (E.). The seven periods of English architecture. 1851, etc. Sharpe (E.). A treatise on decorated window tracery in England. 1849 Shaw (G.). Revived guild action. 1889 ..... Shaw (H.). The history and antiquities of the chapel at Luton Park 1829 ........... Shaw (H.). Specimens of tile pavements. 1858 .... Shaw (R. N.). Architectural sketches from the continent. [1858], etc. Shaw (R. N.). Collab. : Sedgwick (T. E.). Description of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London. 1902 Shaw (R. N.) and Jackson (T. G.). Architecture : a profession or an art 1892 ........... Shaw (S.). Ed. : Topographical. Topographical miscellanies. Vol. : [1792] PAGE Author List 279 PAGE Shelly (C. E.). Ed.: International Congress of Hygiene and Demography Transactions of the Seventh Congress. 1892-93 Shepherd (G.). lllustr. : Clarke (C). Architectura ecclesiastica Londini 1820 ........... Shields (F.). The chapel of the Ascension. 1904 Sillig (C. J.). Catalogus artificum. 1827 . Sillig (C. J.). Dictionary of the artists of antiquity. 1837 Simil (A.). Ed. : Le Tarouilly (P. M.). Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome. 1882 ...... Simms (F. W.). A treatise on mathematical drawing instruments. 1845 Simonau (G.). Monuments gothiques. [c. 1845] .... Simonds (G.). Some aspects of sculpture, ^/'ji,etc. Tarn (E. W.). Ed. : Tredgold (T.). Elementary principles of carpentry. Fifth edition. 1890 ......... Tatham (C. H.). Etchings, representing examples of ancient ornamental architecture. 1810 Taunton. Some account of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Taiinton. [By J. Cottle.] 1845 Taylor (A. T.). The towers and steeples designed by Sir C. Wren. 1881 Taylor (B.) : Kirby (J. J.). The perspective of architecture, deduced from the principles of B. Taylor. 1761 . Taylor (C). Ed. : Babuty Desgodetz (A.). Rome in its ancient grandeur. 1851 * Taylor (F. W.) and Thompson (S. E.). A treatise on concrete. 1905 . Taylor (G. L.). The stones of Etruria. 1859 Taylor (G. L.) and Cresy (E.). The architectural antiquities of Rome. 1821-22 ........... Taylor (H.). Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. 1884 Taylor (H.). Author: Notes on sketching tours. By an architect [i.e., H. Taylor]. [1880] Taylor (I.). Engr. : Crunden (J.). Convenient and ornamental archi- tecture. 1767, etc. ......... Taylor (I.) and (J.). Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. [1804?] . Taylor (J.). Collab. : Taylor (I.) and (J.) Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. [1804?] ......... Taylor (J.). Letterpress: Bird (C). Picturesque old Bristol. 1885 Taylor (J. M.). Author : Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, J. M. Taylor. 1881 * Taylor (M.). Historical memoir: Bijapur. Architecture at Beejapoor. 1866 Taylor (M. W.). The old manorial halls of Westmorland and Cumberland. 1892 ............ Taylor (W.). Annals of St. Mary Overy. 1833 Technological Handbooks : — Hellyer (S. S.). Principles and practice of plumbing. 1891 *Texier (C. F. M.). Description de I'Armenie, etc. 1842-52 . Texier (C. F. M.) and Pullan (R. P.). Byzantine architecture. 1864 . Text-books of Science : — Anderson (6'/> J.). The strength of materials and structures. 1874, etc. Thatcher (A. G. H.). Scaffolding. 1904 Theory. The theory and practice of warming and ventilating public buildings, etc. By an engineer. 1825 . Thiersch (A.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architekur. Teil 4 Bd. I. 1890-1907 ......... Thiollet (F.) and Roux (H.). Nouveau recueil de menuiserie, etc. 1848 Thiollier (F.). Collab. : Thiollier (N.). L'architecture religieuse a I'epoque romane dans I'ancien diocese du Puy. [1900] . . . 143 Author List 287 PAGE Thiollier (N.). L'architecture religieuse a lepoque romane dans I'ancien diocese du Puy. [1900] . . . . . . . .143 Thirlwall (C.) Bishop of St. David's and Scott {Sir G. G.). Restoration of St. David's Cathedral. Speeches. 1863 . . . . -97 Thobois ( ). Planches executees sous la direction de Thobois : Renan (J. E.). Mission de Phenicie. 1864 . . . . . .125 Thomas (F.). : Place (V.). Ninive et I'Assyrie. Avec des essais de restauration par F. Thomas. 1867-70 . . . . . .127 Thomas (F. I.). Illustr. : Blomfield (R.). The formal garden in Eng- land. 190 1 .... ...... 22 Thomas (J. VV.). The ventilation, etc., of churches and public buildings. 1903 19 Thompson (B.) Count Rnmford. Account: Edwards (F.). On the ex- travagant use of fuel in cooking operations. 1869 . . . . 19 * Thompson (S. E.). Collab. : Taylor (F. W.) and Thompson (S. E.). A treatise on concrete. 1905 ........ 6 Thompson (W.). The history of the collegiate church of St. Saviour, Southwark. 1904, etc. ......... 84 Thome (W.). The perpetual guide for the adjustment of builders' prices. 1824 ............ 10 Thorp (J.). Ornaments for chimney-pieces, etc. 1783 . . . .180 Thurah (L. de). Den Danske Vitruvius indeholder Grundtegninger, etc. 1746-49 . . . . . 114 Thurston (R. H.). The materials of engineering. 1883-84 ... 4 Thwaite (B. H.). Our factories, workshops, and warehouses. 1882 . 155 Todd (H. J.). The history of the College of Bonhommes, at Ashridge. 1823 ............ 72 Tomlinson (C). A rudimentary treatise on warming and ventilation. 1850, etc. ........... 19 Topham (J.). Some account of the collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen, Westminster, [i 795-1811] ........ 84 Topographical. Topographical miscellanies. Vol. i. [1792] . . 67 Torrington, George, ith Viscount. See Byng (G.). Toussaint ( ). Etchings: Auge (E.). Rouen illustrated, [n.d.] . lor Townsend (C. H.). Introduction : Nash (J.). The mansions of England in the olden time. 1906 . . . . . . . ,70 Trajan, Emperor : Piranesi (G. B.). Trofeo, ove si veggono scolpite le due guerre daciche fatte da Trajano. [1770] ..... 132 Tredgold (T.). Elementary principles of carpentry. 1820,^/^. . . 14 Tredgold (T.). The principles of warming and ventilating public buildings, etc. 1824, etc. .......... 19 Tredgold (T.) ; Robison (J.). The elementary principles of carpentry. De- duced from the works of Robison and T. Tredgold. 1869 . . 14 Trendall (E. W.). Examples for exterior and interior finishings. 1852 . 120 Trendall (E. W.). Original designs for cottages and villas. [1831] . . 169 Trezel (F.). Collab. : Morea. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831-38 • . . 135 Trident. The trident. [By J. Cartwright.] 1802. . . . .151 Triggs (H. I.). Formal gardens in England and Scotland. 1902 . . 22 Triggs (H. I.) and Tanner (H.). Somearchitectural works of I. Jones. 1901 50 288 Author List PAGE Trimen (A.). Church and chapel architecture. 1849 . , , .158 Tristram (H. B.). Introductiofi : Svoboda (A.). The seven churches of Asia. 1869 115 Trotter (A. F.). Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope. 1900 . 116 Tudor (C. L. R.). A brief account of Kirkdale Church. 1876 . . 96 Tuke (S.). Introductory observations : Jacobi (M.). On the construction of hospitals for the insane. 1841 . . . . , . -155 Turbervill (J. P.). Ewenny Priory. 1901 . . . . . -97 * Turkey. L'architecture ottomane. 1873 ...... 142 Turnbull (VV.). An essay on the construction of the five architectural sections of cast-iron beams. 1833 . . . . . . .121 Turner (D.). Account of a tour in Normandy. 1820 .... 102 Turner (D.). Sketch of the history of Caister Castle. 1842 ... 87 Turner (D.). Ed. : Carter (J.). Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. 1838. ........ 174 Turner (D.). Collab. : Cotman (J. S.). Architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1822 . . . . . . . . .101 Turner (D.). Collab. : Cotman (J. S.). Specimens of architectural re- mains in England. 1838 . . . . . . . .62 Turner (J. M. W.). Engr. : Hakewill (J.). A picturesque tour of Italy. 1820 106 Turner (T. H.). Some account of domestic architecture in England. 1851-59 71 Twelvetrees (W. N.). Concrete steel. 1905 ...... 6 Twiss (W.). Handrailing on the block system. 1878 . . . -15 Tymms (S.). Architectural and historical account of the church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmund's. 1854 91 Uhde (C). Die Architekturformen des klassischen Alterthums. [1896] 184 Uhde (C). Baudenkmaeler in Grossbrittanien. 1890-94 . . .67 Underwood (H. J.). Elevations, etc., of the church of St. Mary the Virgin, at Littlemore. 1845 ......... 90 Underwood (H. J.). Views and details of Littlemore Church. 1840 . 90 Ungewitter (G. G.). Details fiir Stein- und Ziegel-Architectur im romanisch-gothischen Style. [1899] . . . . . .180 Ungewitter (G. G.). Gothische Holz-Architektur. 1899 . . 146, i8c Ungewitter (G. G.). Collab. : Statz (V.) and Ungewitter (G. G.). The Gothic model-book. [1862] ........ 146 United States National Museum. See Washington. United States of America. — Bureau of Education. Circular of informa- tion : — 1880. No. 4. Rural. Rural school architecture. [By T. M. Clark.] 1880 . . . . . . . . . 162 1 88 1. No. I. Construction. The construction of library buildings. [By W. F. Poole.] 1881 163 Unwin (R.). Collab. : Parker (B.) and Unwin (R.). The art of building a home. 1901 .......... 166 Unwin (W. C). The testing of materials of construction. 1888. . . 4 Upcott (W.). ^r/. .• Evelyn (J.). Miscellaneous works. 1825 . . 53 *Upmark(G.). Die Architekturder Renaissance in S'chweden. [1897- 1900] 151 Author List 289 PAGE Vaison, Joseph Marie, Bishop of. See Suares (J. M.). Valasco (A. A. Palomino de Castro y). See Palomino" de Castro y Valasco (A. A.). Valeri (F. M.). G. A. Amadeo : scultore e architetto lombardo. 1904 . 108 Valla (G.). CleonidcB hartnotiicum introductorium interprete G. Valla Vitruvius PoUio (M.). De architectura. 1497 . . . . 32 * Van Nostrand's Science Series : — 3. Jacob (A.). Practical designing of retaining walls. 1888 . .118 II. Allan (W.). Theory of arches. 1890 . . . . ,118 42. Cain (W.). Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, ^/"f, 1879 119 Vanvitelli (L.). Dichiarazione dei disegni del Reale Palazzo di Caserta 1756 III Vasari (G.). Lives of painters, sculptors, and architects. 1878-85, e/r. 107, 108 Vasari (G.). Vita di J. Sansovino. 1789 ...... 109 Vasari (G.). Le vite de' pi^ eccellenti pittori, etc. 1568, etc. . . .107 Velasco (A. A. Palomino de Castro y). See Palomino de Castro y Valasco (A. A.). Venables (E.). The architecture of the cathedral churches of England : Howson (J. S.) Dean of Chester. Essays on cathedrals. 1872 . 64 Venables (E.). The Benedictine priory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blyth. [n.d.] 88 Venables (E.). A list of the churches of Lincoln previous to the re- formation, [n.d.] .......... 82 Veneta Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. See Reale Accademia, etc. Venice. — Basilica di Sati Marco. L'augusta ducale basilica dell' evange- lista San Marco di Venezia. 1761 . . . . . . . 109 Venice. — Basilica di San Marco. La chiesa ducale di S. Marco. [By G. Meschinello.] 1753-54- • • • • • • • .110 Venturi (A.). Storia dell' arte italiana. 1901-06 . . . . .108 Venuti (R.). Accurata e succinta descrizione delle antichita di Roma. 1763, e/itol. Public buildings and architectural ornaments [n-d.] Washington. — Library of Congress. History ; by W. D. Johnston. Vol 1904 Washington. — Library of Congress. Report [by H. Putnam]. 1901, etc. Washington. — Smithsonian Lnstitution. — United States National Museum : — PAGE 5S 35-38 38 14- 67 159 \6o- 67 91 137 97 12- 96 76 3S I20« 87- 37 188; 3» 116 i8q i8r 122: 184 5 1 89 146 153 164 164 292 Author List PAGE 132. The United States National Museum : an account of the buildings occupied by the national collections. By R. Rathbun. 1905 . 163 133. Meyer (A. B.). Studies of the museums, etc., of New York City, Albany, etc. 1905 . . . . . . . .162 Waterhouse (A.). Courts of Justice competition. Description of design by A. Waterhouse. 1867 . . . . . . . .154 Waterhouse (A.). Author: Institute of British Architects, ^/r. Abstracts of addresses by A. Waterhouse. 1889 ...... 43 Waterhouse (A.). Author. : Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, A. Waterhouse. 1878 ...... 45 Watson (T. L.). The double choir of Glasgow Cathedral. 1901 . . 119 Watson (W. C.) Portuguese architecture. 1908 . . . . .113 Watt (J. C). Examples of Greek and Pompeian decorative work. 1897 137 Watts (M.). The word in the pattern. [1899] 187 Watts (M. S.). Illustr. : Watts (M.). The word in the pattern. [1899] 187 Watts (W.). Engrav. : Sandby (P.). A collection of landscapes. 1777 71 Weale (J.)'. Monograms, old architectural ornament, e'/^r. [1847] Weale (J.). Ed. : Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 1844-45 Weale's Rudimentary Series : — 16. Leeds (W. H.). Rudimentary architecture. 1854, etc. 17. Bury (T. T.). Rudimentary architecture. 1849, etc. 22. Dobson (E.). Rudiments of the art of building. 1854, etc. 25. Dobson (E.). Rudimentary treatise on masonry and stonecutting 1859 . . . . . . . . . 44. Dobson (E.). A rudimentary treatise on foundations and con Crete works. 1850. ....... 45. Burnell (G. R.). Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, etc. 1865 . . . . . . . . . 57. Tomlinson (C). A rudimentary treatise on warming and ventila tion. 1870 . 116. Smith (T. R.). Acoustics in relation to architecture and build ing- [1873] . . _ . . . . . 124. Robison (J.). A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry. Deduced from the works of Robison, etc. [1868], etc. 119 130. Gordon (G. H.) ^th Earl of Aberdeen. An enquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture, i860 . . . 134 167. Campin (F.). A treatise on the application of iron to the con- struction of bridges, ^/r. 18^6, etc. ...... 120 170. Heather (J. F.). Mathematical instruments. Vol. 3. 1873 • ^^^ 178. Heather (J. F.). Practical plane geometry. 1890 . . . 182 182. Tredgold (T.). Elementary principles of carpentry. 1890 . 14 189. Hammond (A.). The rudiments of practical bricklaying. 1875. 12 191. Buchan (W. P.). Plumbing. 1883, etc. ... .16 216. Campin (F.). Materials and construction. i88j, etc. . . 117 226. Christy (W. J.). A practical treatise on the joints used by builders. 1882 14 228. Tarn (E. W.). An elementary treatise on the construction of roofs of wood and iron. 1901. . . . . . .119 Weare (T. W.). Some remarks upon the church of Great Haseley. 1840 90 181 41 25 28 12 118 6 19 27 Author List 293 PAGE Weatherley (W. S.). Collab. : Brindley (\V.) and Weatherley (W. S.). Ancient sepulchral monuments. 1887 . . . . . .161 Webb (J.). A vindication of Stone-Heng restored [by I. Jones]. 1665 . 93 Webb (J.). Vindication of Sione-Hefig restored : Jones (I.). The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, Stone-Heng. 1725 . . . 93 Webb (J.). Ed. : Jones (I.). The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, Stone-Heng. 1655 . . . . . . . -93 Webb (S.). Fart-ai/thor : Vx'iox {E. 'S>.). Decorative plaster-work. 1891 187 Webber (F. C.). Carpentry and joinery. 1898 . . . . .14 Wedderburn (A. D. O.). Ed.: Ruskin (J.). Works. 1903, etc. . . 49 Wedderburn (A. D. O.). Ed.: Ruskin (J.). Arrows of the chase. 1880 39 Weissbachi(C.). Collab.: Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 2 Heft I. 1 890- 1 90 7 . . . . . . . -36 Welch (C). Collab. : Benham (W.) and Welch (C). Mediaeval London. 1901 ............ 82 Weltzien (V. v.). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 5 Heft 2. 1890-1907 37 * Werner (C). Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the holy places. 1861; . .116 West (A. W.). Collab.: Latham (A.) and West (A. W.). The prize essay on the erection of a sanatorium for tuberculosis. 1903 . . 155 Westlake (N. H. J.). An elementary history of design in mural painting. 1901-05 ........... 186 * Westlake (N. H. J.). A history of design in painted glass. [i879-]94 189 Westlake (N. H. J.). Fart-author: Brydon (J. MacK.). Decorative painting. 1891 . . . . . . . . . .186 Westminster Abbey. Historical description. [1871?] .... 86 Westminster Abbey. The history of St. Peter's, Westminster. [By W. Combe.] 1812 . . . . . . . . . .86 Westropp (H. M.). Handbook of archaeology. 1867 .... 122 Wey (F.). Rome. 1872 . . . . . . . . .111 * Wharton (E.) and Codman (O.). The decoration of house . 1898 . 181 Whatton (W. R.). Collab. : Manchester. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, ^/f. 1828-33,^/^. .... 80 Wheater (W.). Some historic mansions of Yorkshire. 1888-89 . . 96 Wheatley (L. A.). Trans. : Luebke (W\). Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages. 1870 . . . . . . ' 9^ Wheeler (G.). The choice of a dwelling. 187 1, f/^. .... 167 Whewell (W.). Architectural notes on German churches. 1835, etc. . 99 Whibley (C). The cathedrals of England and Wales. 1888. . .67 Whitaker (J.). Account of Dewsbury, etc. : Greenwood (J. B.). The early ecclesiastical history of Dewsbury. 1859 . . . . -95 Whitaker (T. D.). An history of the parish of Whalley. 1806, etc. . . 81 White (F. M.). Recent legal decisions affecting architects. 1888 . . 11 White (G.). Ed. : Bell's Cathedral Series 199 White (J. W. G.). The cathedral church of Salisbury. 1898, etc. . . 93 White (W.). The Galilee of Durham Cathedral. 1890. ... 76 White (W.). Wisby. 1886 114 White (W. H.). Architecture and public buildings. 1884 . . -153 White (W. H.). JVote : White (W.). The Galilee of Durham Cathedral 1890 76 294 Author List PAGE Whittingtoii (G. D.). An historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France. 1809, etc. . . . . . . . . .148 Whittock (N.). The decorative painters' and glaziers' guide. 1832 . . 21 Wickes (C). Illustrations of the spires of the mediseval churches of Eng- land. 1853-59 67 AVickes (C). Memorials of English mediaeval churches. 1857 . . 67 Wiebeking (C. F. v.). Theoretisch-practische biirgerliche Baukunde. 1821-23 _ . . _ . . . -57 *Wieseler (F. J. A.). Theatergebaude bei den Griechen und Romern. 1851 • • • • .• 137 AVigan. Wigan County Council chamber opened, 1890. [Compiled by H. T. Folkard.] 1890 154 Wightwick (G.). Hints to young architects. 1875 . . . . -49 Wightwick (G.). The palace of architecture. 1840 . . . -57 Wild (C). An illustration of the architecture of the cathedral church of Lin- coln. 1819 ........... 82 Wild (C). An illustration of the architecture of the cathedral church of Worcester. 1823 .......... 94 Wild (C). Twelve examples from the cathedrals of England of the archi- tecture of the middle ages. 1831 . . . . . . .67 Wild (C). Twelve perspective views of the metropolitical church of Canter- bury. 1807 ........... 79 Wild (C). Twelve perspective views of the metropolitical church of York. 1809 ............ 96 Wild (C). [Twelve plates comprising views of the cathedrals of Stras- bourg, etc?\ [183 1?] etc. . . . . . . . -57 Wildridge (T. T.). The grotesque in church art. 1899 .... 187 Wilkins (W.). The antiquities of Magna Graecia. 1807. . . . 137 Wilkins (W.). Prolusiones architectonicje. 1837 . . . . -137 Wilkins (W.). Trans. : Vitruvius PoUio (M.). The civil architecture of Vitruvius. 181 2 . . . . . . . . . -33 Wilkinson (G.). Practical geology and ancient architecture of Ireland. 1845 60 Wilkinson (6'/> J. G.). The architecture of ancient Egypt. 1850 . -125 Wilkinson {Sir J. G.). The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. 1878 . . . . . . . . . -125 Wilkinson (5/V J. G.). On colour. 1858 181 Willement (T.). An account of the restorations of the collegiate chapel of St. George, Windsor. 1844 . . . . . . . -72 AVilliams (H. W.). Truf/s. : Sillig (C. J.). Dictionary of the artists of antiquity. 1837 . . . . . . . . . .136 Williams (J.). Sketches of village buildings. [1891] .... 172 Williams (J.) known as Ab Ithel. Account of Valle Crucis Abbey. 1846 97 AVilliams (S. AA'.). The Cistercian abbey of Cumthir : Cymmrodorion Society. Transactions. 1896 ...... 97 AVilliamson (G. C). Miniature room at Ham House : Roundell (J. A. E.). Ham House. 1904 . . . . . . . . • 9^ AVillins (E. P.). Some of the old halls and manor houses in Norfolk. 1890 87 AMllis (B.). A survey of the cathedrals of Lincoln, c/r. 1730 . . 67 Author List 295 PAGE 68 79 92 91 Willis (B.). A survey of the cathedrals of York, etc. 1727 Willis (R.). The architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. 1845 Willis (R.). The architectural history of Chichester Cathedral. 1861 Willis (R.). The architectural history of Glastonbury Abbey. 1866 Willis (R.). The architectural history of the University of Cambridge 1886 Willis (R.). Architectural notnenclatnte of the middle ages: Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Publications. Vol. i, no. 9. 1840, etc. Willis (R.). An essay on the effect produced by passing weights over elastic bars: Barlow (P.). A treatise on the strength of materials. A new edition. 1867 . Willis (R.). Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages. 1835 Willmott (E. C. M.). The cathedral church of Llandaff. 1907 Willoughby (G. H.). The advantages of terra cotta relative to town build ings. 1890 .......... Willson (E. J.). Collab. : Pugin (A. C). Examples of Gothic architec- ture. 1831-40 ......... Willson (E. J.). Collab. : Pugin (A. C). Specimens of Gothic architec ture. 1821-23, ^/(T. ........ Wilson (D.). Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. 1848 Wilson (F. R.). An architectural survey of the churches in the arch deaconry of Lindisfarne. 1870 ...... * Wilson (J.). Collab. : Axnott (J. A.) and Wilson (J.). The Petit Trianon, Versailles. 1907 . Wilson (T.). Ed. : Ornaments. The ornaments of churches considered [By W. Hole.] 1761 Wilson (V. T). Free-hand lettering. 1904 ..... Winckelmann (J. J,). Histoire de I'art de I'antiquite. 1781 . Windham (J.). Ed. : Exeter Cathedral. Some account of the cathedral church of Exeter. [1797] ....... Windsor. — Chapel of St. George. A series of views of the collegiate church of St. George. 1805 ........ Winkles (B.). French cathedrals. 1837 Winkles (B.). Collab. : Winkles (H.) and (B.). Architectural, etc., illus- trations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1836-42, etc. ............ 68 Winkles (H.) and (B.). Architectural, etc., illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1836-42, etc. .... 68 Winston (C.). Author: Inquiry. An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings. [By C. Winston.] 1847 . 189 Winterthur. — Historisch-Antiqtiarischer Verein. See Historisch-Antiquar- ischer Verein in Winterthur. Withers (H.). The cathedral church of Canterbury. 1899, ^/r. . . 79 Withington. — Local Board. Bye-laws. 1877 . . . . . 11 Woerner (E.). Kunstdenkmaler im Grossherzogthum Hessen. 1887 . 99 Wolff (C). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 5 Heft 2. 1 890- 1 90 7 . . . . . . . -37 *Wonnacott (E. W. M.). The history and development of vaulting in England. 1891. . . . . . . . . .119 Wood (J. G.). A series of plans for cottages. 1806 . . . .170 74 73 3 149 97 147 148 58 88 103 159 183 122 72 lOI 296 Author List PAGE 7 133 133 21 Wood (J. T.). Discoveries at Ephesus. 1877 Wood (M. P.). Rustless coatings. 1904 .... Wood (R.). The ruins of Balbec. 1757 .... Wood (R.). The ruins of Palmyra. 1753 .... Woodbridge (S. H.). Upward versus downward ventilation. 1900 Woodburn (S.). Ed. : London. Ecclesiastical topography : views of churches in the environs of London. 1807 [-11] .... 83 Woodhouse (W. J.). Collab. : Excavations at Megalopolis, i8go-gi : Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers, i. 1892, etc. ......... 136 Woods (J.). Letters of an architect from France, e/r. 1828 ... 57 Woods (J.). Ed. : Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). The antiquities of Athens. Vol. 4. 1762-1816 137 Woolfe (J.). Contin. : Campbell (C). Vitruvius Britannicus. 1715-71, etc 6 Woolnoth (W.). A graphical illustration of the cathedral church of Canterbury. 18 16 . . . . . . . . .79 Woolnoth (W.). Engr. : Brayley (E. W.). The ancient castles of Eng- land and Wales. 1825 ......... 69 Worcester (W.). William Wyrcestre Redivivus. [By J. Dallaway.] [1823] 77 Worley (G.). Southwark Cathedral. 1905 ...... 84 Worner (E.). See Woerner (E.). Wornum (R. N.). Analysis of ornament. 1856 . . . . .181 V^oxsiey {Right Hon. Sir 'K.) Bart. Museum Worsleyanum. 1824 . 137 Worthington (P. S.). Five famous domes. 1889 . . . . .119 Worthington (T.). Author: Manchester Society of Architects. Address of the president, T. Worthington. 1875 . . . . .45 Worthington (T. L.). The dwellings of the poor. 1893 . . .170 Worthington (T. L.). An historical account, etc., of the cathedral church of Manchester. 1884 81 Worthington (T. L.). Remnants of old English architecture. 1888 . 68 Wotton {Sir H.). Elementa architecturce : Vitruvius Pollio (M.). De architectura libri. 1649 ........ 32 Wotton {SirYi.). The elements of architecture. 1624,^/^. • • • 33 Wotton {Sir H.). Elements of architecture : Freard de Chambray (R.). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. The third edition, etc. 1723, etc. ......... 25 Wray (H.). Some applications of theory to the practice of construction. 1872 ............ 118 Wren (C.). Life and works of Sir C. Wren. From the Parentalia. 1903 69 Wren (C). Parentalia. 1750 ........ 69 Wren {Sir C). Sir C. Wren ; with some remarks on architecture, [n.d.] 69 Wren {Sir C). Designs : Birch (G. H.). London churches of the xviith and xviiith centuries. 1896 ........ 82 Wren {Sir C.). Plafis of the parochial churches of Sir C. Wren : Clayton (J.). The works of Sir C. Wren. 1848-49 82 Wren {Sir C.). Biography: Elmes (J.). Memoirs of Sir C. Wren. 1823 68 Wren {Sir C.). Biography : Elmes (J.). Sir C. Wren and his times. 1852 " 68 Wren (6"/r C.). Biography : 1.o{\\q i^\' . ].). L Jones and Wren. 1893. 68 Author List 297 PAGE Wren (Sir C). Z/> .• Phillimore (L.). Sir C. Wren. 1881. . . 68 Wren {Sir C.) : Taylor (A. T.). The towers and steeples designed by Sir C. Wren. 1881 . . . . . . . . . .120 Wren (^/> C). Z/fe : Wren {C). Life and works of Sir C. Wren. From the Parentalia. 1903 ......... 69 Wren {Sir C). Memoir: Wren (C). Parentalia. 1750 . . . 69 Wren (S.). ^^. .• Wren (C). Parentalia. 1750 69 Wright (A. C). Trans. : Hausbrand (E.). Drying by means of air and steam. 1901 . . . . . . . . . .21 Wright (T.). Louthiana. 1748 60 Wright (T.). The archaeological album. 1845 ..... 68 Wright (T.). Essays on archaeological subjects. 1861 . . . -139 Wrighte (W.). Grotesque architecture. 1790 ..... 23 Wyatt (B.). Observations on the design for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, as executed ini8i2. 1813. . . . . . • '^Sl Wyatt (L.). Author : London. Prospectus of a design for improvements in the metropolis. [By L. Wyatt.] 181 6 . . . . -83 Wyatt {Sir M. D.). An architect's note book in Spain. [1872] . -113 Wyatt {Sir M. D.). Specimens of ornamental art workmanship. 1852 181 Wyatt {Sir M. D.). Par t- author : Bell (J.). Sculpture in its relation to architecture. 1888 . . . . . . . . .174 Yates \(R.). An illustration of the history of St. Edmund's Bury. 1805, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Yates (W.). Illustr. : Yates (R.). An illustration of the history of St. Edmund's Bury. 1805 ......... 91 York. Views of the parish churches in York. 1831 .... 96 Yorkshire. Churches of Yorkshire. [Described by G. A. Poole and others.] [i842-]47 96 Yorkshire : Church Bells. " Church bells " album of Yorkshire churches. [n-d-] 94 Young (A.). Theatre panics. 1896 . . . . . . -157 Young (C). Ed. : Young (W.). Spons' Architects' and builders' price- book. 1903, etc. .......... \o Young (C. D.) and Co. Short description of gates for railway level crossings. 1853 ............ 120 Young (F. C). Home carpentry for handy men. 1895 , . . .14 Young (J.). A series of designs for shop fronts, porticoes, ^/^r. 1835 . 184 Young (W.). Spons' Architects' and builders' price-book. 1903, ^/"(T. . 10 Young (W.). Town and country mansions, etc. 1879 . . • .167 Yriarte (C). Venice. 1880. . . iio> Ysendyck (J. J. van). Documents classes de I'art dans les Pays-Bas. 1880-89 114 Zaar (A. L). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 2 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Zaar (C). Collab. : Handbuch. Handbuch der Architektur. Teil 4 Bd. 2 Heft 2. 1890-1907 ........ 36 Zamboni (B. C). Memorie intorno alle pubbliche fabbriche di Brescia. 1778 108 Zanini (G. Viola). See Viola Zanini (G.). 298 Author List (J- (J- I.) and Zanth (L.). I.) and Zanth (L.). Architecture Architecture Zanth (L.). Collab. : Hittorff antique de la Sicile. 1870 Zanth (L.). Collab.: Hittorff moderne de la Sicile. 1835 Ziller (H.). Schinkel. 1897 Zingeler (C. T.) and Laur (VV. F.). Hohenzollern'schen Landen. Zmigrodzki (M. v. S.). Geschichte der Baukunst der Araber, etc. Zoega (G.). De origine et usu obeliscorum. 1797 ^orzi (A. P.). Osservazioni intorno ai ristauri della basilica di San Marco. 1877 Die Bau- und Kunst-Denkmaler in den 1896 1899 PAGE 134 I 12 99 99 142 125 1 10 III. SUBJECT INDEX. The references are to pages. Abattoirs, 37, 153. Abury, 93. Accessories, Architectural, 190. Acoustics, 27, 36. Adel, 95, 96. Adriatic, 107. ^gina, 134. Aesthetics, 23-27. Africa, 116, 129. Agra, 115, 141, 142. Agreements, 8, 47. — See also Building Laws. Agricultural Buildings. See Farm Build- ings. Ahmadabad, 141. Aigina. See ^gina. Air Ducts, 20-21. — See also Ventilation. Albano. See Albanum. Albano, Lago. See Albanus, Lacus. Albanum, 131. Albanus, Lacus, 131, 132. Albany, 162. Albi Cathedral, 105. Alhambra, 141. Almshouses, 37, 69, 171. Altars, 159. Althorp, 87. America, 1 16. America, Cetitral, 138. American Architecture, 162, 166. Amiens Cathedral, 102. Amphitheatres, 130. Amusement, Places of. See Recreation. Ancient Architecture, 53, 121-138, 175. Ancient Lights. See Light. Anuradhapura, Ceylon, 126. Aquariums, 38. Apartments, 170. Arabesques, 176, 186. — See also Mural Decoration ; Sculpture. Arabic Architecture. See Mohammedan Architecture. Arbitration, 10, 11. — See also Building Laws. Arbors. See Summer Houses. Arbroath Abbey, 57. Arcades, 36. Arches, i, 55, 117, 118, 128, 131. — Groitied, 119. — Skew, 119. — Voussoir, 119. Architectural Construction, 11 7-1 21, Argos, 137. Aries Cathedral, 106. Arllechwedd, 97. Armenia, 114. Art, Schools of, t,"]. Ashridge, 72. Asia, 1 1 4- 1 16. Assyrian Architecture, 126-127. Astbury, 74. Aston Hall, 92. Asylums, 37, 155. Athens, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. Athos, 140. Austria- Hungary, 97-99. — See also Hungary. , Autun Cathedral, 104. Auvergne, 40. Auxerre Cathedral, 104. Aviaries, 22. Ayr, 156. Aztec Architecture, 138. Baalbek, 130, 133. Babylonian Architecture, 126. Back-to-back Houses, 10. !99 ;oo Subject Index Baiae, 130. Baja. See Baiae. Balconies, 36, 120. Balmerino Abbey, 57. Balustrades. See Railing. Bangor Cathedral, 96. Banqueting Halls, 37. Barns, 173. Baroque Architecture, 149, 176. Basing, Old, 77. Bassae, 134. Batalha, 112. Bath Abbey, 71, 90. Baths, 18, 37, 131, 156. Battle Abbey, 91. Bautzen, 148. Bayeux, loi, 102. Bazaars. See Stores. Beams, 36, 118. — See also Wood. Beams, Strengthened, 15. Beaulieu-sous-Loches, 105. Bedfordshire, 71. Belgium, 35, 54, 55, 164, 189. Bellhanging, 36, Bells, 159. Berkshire, 72. Berlin, 98, 99, 170, 177. K. Techtiische Hochschule, 163. Universitdt, 163. Bethlehem, 1 16. Beverley Minster, 95. Bibliography, 43, 50-52, 151, 155, 176, 188. Bijapur, 140. Biography, 57. Blind Asylums. See Asylums. Blois, 185. Blyth Priory, 88. Boarding Schools. See Schools. Bocherville, 10 1. Bokhara, 142. Bordeaux, 105. Bourn ville, 168. Boxgrove Priory, 92. Bradford-on-Avon, 71, 93. Branchidae, 135. Brasses. See Sepulchral Monuments. Brescia, 108. Brick Construction. See Brickwork. Bricklaying. See Brickwork. Bricks, 6, 47, 177. Brickwork, 12, 119, 146. Bridges, i, 118, 119, Bridlington, 95. Bristol, 76. Bromley-by-Bow, 86. Browsholme Hall, 94. Brussels, 164. Buckfast Abbey, 75. Buckingham Palace. See London. Buckinghamshire, 72. Budapest, 153, 180. Buddhist Architecture, 125-126. Buffalo, 162. Building Construction, 1-3. Building Laws, lo-ii, 29, 47. — See also Agreements ; Compensa- tion. Building Superintendence, 2, 10. Bulandshahr, 115. Bungalows, 173. Burglary, 36. Burgundy, 99, 104-105. Burstall Priory, 95. Bury St. Edmund's, 91. Buttresses, 117, 147. Bye-laws. See Building Laws. Byzantine Architecture, 35, 40, 138, 139, 140, 175. Byzantium, 39. Cabinet-work. See Joinery. Caen, loi. Cafes. See Restaurants. Cairo, 141. Caister Castle, 87. Calder Abbey, 75. California, University of, 162. Calvados, 10 1, 102. Cambodian Architecture, 125-126. Cambridge, 62, 72, 73, 74. Cambridgeshire, 72-74. Canterbury Cathedral, 78. Cape of Good Hope, 116. Capitals, 184. Carlisle Cathedral, 74, 187. Carlton House, 70. Carpentry, 13-15, 118, 119, 180, 184. — See also Joinery ; Wood Construc- tion. Carving. See Sculpture. Subject Index 301 Caserta, 1 1 1 . Cassiobury Park, 71. Castel Gandolfo, 131. Cathedrals, 49. Cattle Markets. See Markets. Ceilings, 36, 188. — See also Painting, Decorative ; Plaster Work ; Sculpture. Cement, 5, 6-7. Ceramic Productions, 6. — See also Bricks ; Faience ; Terra Cotta ; Tiles. Ceramics, 35, Cetigne. See Cetinje. Cetinje, 98. Chambranles, 24. Champagne, 102-104. Chantilly, 189. Chapels, 158. Charente, 40. Charges, Professional, 47. Chartres Cathedral, 105. Cheshire, 74, 79-80, 172. Chester, 74. Chetham's Hospital, 80. Chicago, 162. Chichester Cathedral, 92. Chimneypieces, 24, 120, 152, 180, 190. Chimneys, 20. China, 115, 175. Christchurch Priory, 71. Christian Architecture. See Ecclesi- astical Architecture. Christian Architecture, Early, 35, 60, Church Architecture. See Ecclesiastical Architecture. Cintra, 112. Circuses, 38. City Houses, 170. City Planning, 38. Classical Architecture, 133-137, 156, 174. — See also Greek Architecture ; Roman Architecture. Classification, 52. Cleeve Abbey, Old, 91. Clerk of Works. See Building Superin- tendence. Cleves, 98. Climate, 167. Clocks, 159. Club Houses, 37. Cluny, Hotel de, 103, 104. Cnidus, 135. Coach Houses, 36. Cold Stores, 36. Colleges, 162. Colonnades. See Arcades. Colour, 177, 181. Columns, 55, 118, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 184. Commercial Buildings, 155. Compensation, 9. — See also Building Laws. Competitions, 43, 46-47. Compton Chapel, 187. Compton Wynyates, 92. Concert Halls, 37. Concrete, 5-6. Conduits, 20-21. Conservatories, 19. Constantinople. — St. Sophia, 119 ,140. Construction, Architectural, 11 7-1 21. — Brick. See Brickwork. — Building, 1-3. — Metal, I, 35, 1 20- 1 2 1. — Skeleton, 121. — Sto7ie, I, 35, 146. — Wood, I, 14, 35. Contracts. See Agreements. Conventual Buildings. See Monasteries. Cooking Apparatus, 36. — See also Gas. Coorg, 126. Coptic Architecture, 140. Cora, 131, Cori. See Cora. Corneto, 188. Cornices, 29, 118, 120, 184. Corr^ze, 105. Corsica, 106. Cottages, 26, 171. — Seaside and Mountain, 173. — Worktnen's, 169-170, 172. Cotton Mills. See Manufactories. Country Architecture, 171- 172. Country Cottages. See Cottages, Sea- side and Mountain. Country Seats, 173. Court Houses. See Law Courts. Courts of Justice. See Law Courts. ?02 Subject Index Creches, 37. Crete, 133. Crosses. See Sepulchral Monuments. Crossings, Level. See Level Crossings. Crowland Abbey, 82. Croydon, 91. Croyland. See Crowland. Cuma. See Cumse. Cum£e. 130. Cumberland, 71, 74-75. Cupolas. See Domes. Cwmhir Abbey, 97. Cyprus, 149. Dalmatia, 98. Dalston Hall, 74, 173. Damascus, 40. Damp, 4. Daphni, 140. Deaf and dumb Asylums. See Asylums. Decorating, 2 1 . Decoration, 35- 54. 60, 137, 140, 150, 151. 158, 173-190- — See also Ornaments. Defects, Structural, i. — See also Underpinning. Delhi, 115, 141. Denmark, 35, 11 4. Derbyshire, 75. Design, Architectural, 43, 173-190. Details, Architectural, 35, 141. Devonshire, 75. Dewsbury, 95. Dictionaries, 33-39. Dijon Cathedral, 104. Dilapidations, 9, 43. Disinfection, 18. Disinfecting Stations, 37. Disputes. See Building Laws. Distempering, 21. Domes, 29, 119, 184. Domestic Architecture, 36, 56, 59, 60, 69-72,95. 130, 148, 164-173, 176. Doncaster, 95, 147. Door Cases, 185. Doors, 29, 36, 120, 147, 165, 179, 184, 185, 187. Doorways, 24, 146, 174. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, 89. Doric Order. See Orders. Dover, 79. Drainage, 3, 18, 171. — ^SV^ also Plumbing. Drawing, Architectural, i, 181, 182, 183. Dryburgh Abbey, 58. Dry Rot, 4. Dublin, 58, 59, 60. Dunmow, Great, 76. Durham Cathedral, 76. Early Christian Architecture. See Chris- tian Architecture, Early. Earthquakes, 36. Easements of Light. See Light. Eastern Architecture. See Oriental Architecture. Ecclesiastical Architecture, 19, 35, 38, 42, 52, 139, 143, 157-161. Ecouen, 104, 189. Edfu, 116. Edinburgh, 57. Education. See Training. Educational Institutions, 161- 164. — See also Schools ; Technical In- stitutes. Egypt, 116, 121, 140. Egyptian Architecture, 123-125. Eiffel Tower, 185. Electricity, 16. Electric Light, 19. — See also Lighting. Elevation, 181- 183. Elgin Marbles, 133, 135. — See also Sculpture. Eltham, 79. Ely Cathedral, 71, 72, 73, 74. Ely, Isle of, 73. Enamel, 188. Encaustic Painting, 39. — See also Painting, Decorative. Encyclopaedias. See Dictionaries. England, 142, 145, 146-148, 149, 150, 151, 158, 160, 161, 174, 175, 179, 186, 188, 189, 190. English Architecture, 55, 159, 164, 165, 166, 168, i6g, 170, 185. Ephesus, 134, 137. Ercolano. See Herculaneum. Erzgebirge, 97. Essex, 76. Estimates, 8-10. Subject Index 303- Ethiopia, 123. Eton College, 74. fitretat, 10 1. Etruscan Architecture, 35, 127, 133, 188. Evesham, 94. Ewenny Priory, 97. Exchanges, 36. Exeter Cathedral, 75. Exhibitions, 38, 157. Facades. See Doorways. Factories. See Manufactories. Faience, 120. Falaise, 102. Fans, 20-21. Farm Buildings, 36. Farm Houses, 171, 172. Fathpur-Sikri, 142. Fecamp Abbey, loi, 102. Fireplaces, 19. Fire Prevention, 17, 36, 155, 157. Fire Proofing, 12-13. Flats, 170. Flemish Architecture, 97. Floors and Flooring, 36, 118, 119, 120. — See also Pavements. Florence, no, 166. Florence. — £>uomo, 119. Foliage, 186, 187. Fontainebleau, 39, 104. Fonthill Abbey, 92. 93. Fonts, 190. Fotheringhay, 88. Foundations, 35, 117, it 8. Foundling Hospitals, 37. Fountains, 22-23, 24, 153. Fountains Abbey, 96. Frames. See Chambranles. France, 35, 42, 52, 56, 57, 99-106, 143, 148, 150, 160, 173, 179. Freemasons, 63. French Architecture, 149, 177, 189. Frescoes, 138, 149, 176. — See also Painting, Decorative. Friesland, 172. Friezes, 175, 188. — See also Mural Decoration. Frogmore, 70. Fucino, Lago. See Fucinus, Lacus. Fucinus, Lacus, 131. Furness Abbey, 80. Furniture, 60, 70, 145, 151, 153, 173, 177. 179. 187, 190. Futtehpur-Sikri. See Fathpur-Sikri. Gaillon, 10 1. Gaols. See Prisons. Gardens, 22-25, 3^1 63. Gas, I, 16-17, 20. — ■ See also Heating ; Lighting. Gates, 120, 185. Gaul, 129. Gedney, 81. Geometric Forms, 174, 185, 186, 187. Geometry, 135, 181, 182. German Architecture, 163, 165, 172. Germany, 35, 42, 54, 55, 57, 97-99,. 146, 148, 150, 176. Germigny, 105. Girders, 117, 118, 121. Glasgow Cathedral, 119. Glass Embossing, 21. Glass, Stained. See Stained Glass. Glastonbury Abbey, 91. Glazing, 21. — See also Roofs, Glass; Stained' Glass ; Windows. Glossary, 12, 31, 34, 53. Gloucester Cathedral, 77. Gloucestershire, 76-77, 171. Good Hope, Cape of. See Cape of Good Hope. Gothic Architecture, 35, 53, 143-149^ 174, 175. 176, i77> 179. 180. Gothic Revival, 151-152, 161, 169,. 187. Gothland, 113. Graining, 21. Grecian Revival, 151, 169. Government Buildings, 38, 151, 152,. ^53- — See also Public Buildings. Grado, 98. Greece, 57, 121, 185. Greek Architecture, 38, 52, 133-137, 174, 176. — See also Classical Architecture. Greenwich, 156. Groined Arches. See Arches, Groined, Grotesque Decoration, 187. Gujarat, 141. 304 Subject Index See Timber Gujerat. See Gujarat. 'Gymnasiums, 37, 157. Hackney, 86. Haddon Hall, 75. Half-timber Houses. Houses. Halicarnassus, 133, 135. Halls. See Vestibules. Ham House, 91. Hampshire, 77-78. Hampton Court, 70. Hand-railing. See Railing ; Staircases. Hardwicke Hall, 71, 75- Harmondsworth, 173. Haseley, Great, 90. Hatfield House, 71, 78. Health Resorts, 37. Heating, i, 3, 17-21, 36- — See also Hot Water. Hebrew Architecture. See Jewish Architecture. Heraldry, 144, 147, 150, 175, 181. Herbariums, 38. Herculaneum, 127. Hereford Cathedral, 78. Herefordshire, 172. Hertfordshire, 78. Hesse, 99. Hexham Abbey, 88. Hindu Architecture, 114, 125-126, 175- — See also Indian Architecture. Hippodromes, 38. Holderness, 95. Holiday Camps, 37. Holland, 35. Hospitals, 19, 37, 39, 69, 155-156. Hotels, 37, 171. Hot Water, 16, 19-20, 36. — See also Heating. Houses, City. See City Houses. Houses of Parliament. See Parliament Houses. Hull, 94. Hungarian Architecture, 162, 177. — See also Austria-Hungary. Hydropathic Establishments, 37. Hygiene. See Sanitary Science. Hypogea, 116, 124. — See also Sepulchral Monuments. Ice Houses. See Cold Stores. tie de France, 102-104. Illumination. See Lighting. Incrustation, 149, 188. India, 115. Indian Architecture, 54, 125-126, 141- 142. — See also Hindu Architecture. Infant Schools. See Schools. Inlay. See Incrustation. Inns, 37. lona, 57. Ireland, 58-60, 146, 186. Iron, 3, 4, 7, 16, 118. Iron Construction. See Metal Con- struction. Iron Work. See Metal Work. Isauria, 136. Islam, Architecture of. See Moham- medan Architecture. Istria, 98. Italy, 35, 40, 42, 55, 56, 57, 106-111, 140, i43> 180, 185. 149, 150, 151, 175, 178 Jaipur, 141. Jambs. See Chambranles. Japan, 115, 175. Jaunpur, 141. Jedburgh Abbey, 58. Jerusalem, 1 15, 125. — Temple, 125. Jewish Architecture, 125, 158. Joinery, 13-15, 175. — See also Carpentry. Joints, 14, 17. Jumieges, 10 1. Kashmir, 125. Kelso Abbey, 58. Kenilworth, 92. Kensington Palace, 70. Kent, 71, 78-79, 171, 172. Keramics. See Ceramics. Kettering, 87. Khiva, 142. Kilkenny Cathedral, 59. Kilpeck, 185. Kiosks. See Summer Houses King's Lynn, 87. Kirkdale, 96. Subject Index 305 Kitchens, Public, 37. Knole, 78. Laboratories, 37, 163. Labourers' Cottages. See Cottages, Workmen s. Lakes, 22-23. Lambeth Palace, 86. Lancashire, 79-81. Laundries. See Washhouses. Lavenham, 147. Law. See Building Laws ; Sanitary Law. Law Courts, 38, 154. Lazarettos, 156. Lead Work. See Plumbing. Leaseholds, 24. Le-Puy-en-Velay, 40. Letchworth, 168. Lettering, 183. Levant, 54. Level Crossings, 120. Leyton, 86. Liability, 10- 1 1. Libraries, 38, 163-164. Lichfield Cathedral, 91. Light, 10, II, 47. Lighting, 3, 36. — See also Electric Light ; Gas ; Roofs, Glass; Windows. Lightning, 36. Lime, 6-7. Limoges Cathedral, 105. Limousin, 105. Lincoln, 81. Lincolnshire, 81-82. Lindores Abbey, 57. Littlemore, 90. Liverpool, 80, 155. Llandaff Cathedral, 96, 97. Lobbies. See Vestibules. Locality. See Situation. Lombardy, 39, 150. London, 82-87, i53. i54, i55- — Ascension, Chapel of, 1 86. — Buckingham Palace, 70. — Charterhouse, 86. — Crosby Place, 86. — Drury Lane, 157. — Inus of Court, 163. — St. James's Palace, 70. London, St. Katherine, Church of, 86. — St. Mary Magdalene, Church of 2)"]. — St. Paul's Cathedral, 82, ^t^, 119, 184. — Temple Church, 85, 161. — Toiver, 86. — Trinity Hospital, 86. Lorraine, 102-103. Louth, 60. Lunatic Asylums. See Asylums. Luton, 71. Lyonnais, 99. Lyons, 188. Macclesfield, 74. Magyar Decoration. See Hungarian Architecture. Mahometan. See Mohammedan. Mailing, West, 79. Malmesbury Abbey, 71. Malta, 106. Manchester, 80, 81, Manchester. — John Rylands Library, 164. Manchester. — Town Hall, 153, 154. Manses. See Parsonages. Mansions, 170. Mantelpieces. See Chimneypieces. Manufactories, 19, 20, 21, 155. Maplestead, Little, 76. Marble, 174. Marbling, 21. Market Halls, 153. Markets, 37, 153. Maryland, 116. Masonry, 12-13. Masons, Master, 63. Materials, 3-7, 13, 35, 54, 117, 119. Materials, Strength of, i, 3, 4, 117. Mathematical Instruments, 182, 183. Mausoleums. See Sepulchral Monu- ments. Maya Architecture, 138. Measurements, 8, 47. Meaux Abbey, 95, Mechanics of Construction. See Archi- tectural Construction. Mediaeval Architecture, 53, 67, 138- ,149. 176, 177- Medicine, Schools of ■},i. Mediterranean Islands, 121. 20 .^o6 Subject Index Monu- Megalopolis, 136. Melrose Abbey, 58. Memorials. See Sepulchral merits. Mesopotamia, 114. Metal Construction, i, 35, 120- 121. — See also Roofs, Iron. Metal Work, 174, 181, 183, 184. Mexico, 116. Mexican Architecture, 138. Middle Ages', Architecture of. See Mediaeval Architecture. Middlesex, 87. Milan, 108, 150. Military Architecture, 52, 69. Mills. See Manufactories. Misereres. See Misericords. Misericords, 187. Mission Halls, 158. Modelling, 183. Modern Architecture, 53, 54, 149-153. Mohammedan Architecture, 35, 39, 112, 116, 140-142, 175. Monasteries, 159, 160. Monkwear mouth, 76. Monreale, 112. Montmorency, 189. Mont St. Michel, loi. Monuments, 37, 121 — See also Obelisks ments. Monuments, Preservation of, 24, 27 Moorish Architecture, 141- 142. Mortars, 5, 6-7. Morton, 132. Mortuaries, 38, 155. Mosaic, 6, 188. — See also Pavements. Moselle, 98. Mouldings, 145, 184. See also Sculpture 122. Sepulchral Monu- See Cottages, Sea- Mountain Cottages. side and Mountain. Muelhausen, 154, 189. Muhammadan. See Mohammedan. Miilhausen. See Muelhausen. Mulhouse. See Muelhausen. Mural Decoration, 186. — See also Arabesques ; Encaustic Painting ; Frescoes ; Friezes ; Painting, Decorative ; Stuccoes. Museums, 37, 2^'^, 161, 162, 163. Muttra, 141. Nancy, 103. Naples, III. Netherlands, 114. Newgate, 39. New York City, 162. Nineveh, 126, 127. Norfolk, 62, 87, Norman Architecture, 142. Normandy, 99, 101-102. Northampton, 88. Northamptonshire, 87-88, 171. Northleigh, 132. Northumberland, 88. Norway, 113. Norwich, 71, 87. Nottinghamshire, 88. Noyon, 103. Nunkeeling Priory, 95. Nursing Homes, 37. Obelisks, 123, 125. — See also Monuments. Observatories, 37. Opera Houses, 156-157. Optics, 135. Orders, 23, 26. Ordsal Hall, 80. Orianda, 113. Oriental Architecture, 54-55, 1 21-138, 175- Orleanais, 105. Ornaments, 70, 85, 94, 113, 120, 132, 144, 145, 147, 152, 159, 176, 187. — See also Decoration. Orphanages, 37. Ottoman Dominions, 115, 121. Out-buildings, 173. Outline, Architectural. See Design, Architectural. Oxford, 62, 89, 188. — Radclife Librai'v, 164. Oxfordshire, 88-90, 171. Paestum, 130. Painted Glass. See Stained Glass. Painting, Decorative, 186. — See also Arabesques; Encaustic Paint- ing ; Frescoes ; Mural Decoration. Subject Index 307 Painting, House, 21. Palaces, 70. Palermo, 188. Palestine, 40, 11 5- 116. Palmyra, 133. Panelling, 187. Paper Hanging, 21. Parapets. See Railing. Paris, 99, 100, 103-104, 153, 157, 165, 185. Parliament Houses, 38, 153. Parsonages, 153, 171. Pavements, 36, 39, 120, 178, 188. — See also Floors ; Mosaic. Pavia, 108. Pavilions, 37. Pelasgian Architecture, 137. Pennsylvania, 116. Pentonville, 156. Perigord, 40. Perigueux, 40. Persepolis, 126. Persia, 114, 115. Persian Architecture, 40, 126, 175. — See also Sassanian Architecture. Perspective, 181, 182. Peruvian Architecture, 138. Pesto. See Paestum. Peterborough Cathedral, 88. Philadelphia, 155. Philae, 135. Phoenician Architecture, 125. Phylakopi, 136. Picardy, 99, 143. Piers, 117, ] 18. Pilasters, 175. Pillars. See Columns. Pinnacles, 147. Pipes, 6. Pisa, no. Plans, 7-1 1, 183. Plas Newydd, 97. Plaster, 6-7. Plaster Work, 12, 188. — See also Sculpture ; Stuccoes. Plumbing, 3, 16-17. — See also Drainage ; Sanitary Fittings ; Sanitary Science ; ^Vater Supply. Pola, 127. Pompeii, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 137, 188. Poorhouses. See Workhouses. Poor-law Buildings. See Workhouses. Porticoes, 184. Portland Cement, 6. Portugal, 1 1 2-1 13. Posidonia. See Paestum. Post Offices, 36. Potsdam, 98. Pozzuoli. See Puteoli. Practice, Professional, 47. Praeneste, 132. Presbyteries. See Parsonages. Preservation of Monuments. See Monu- ments, Pfeservafion of. Preservatives, 3-7. Prisons, 38, 39, 156. Proportions, 36. Provence, 106. Provision Markets. See Markets. Public Buildings, 153-157. — See also Government Buildings. Pulpits, 159, 190. Puteoli, 130. Puy, 143. Pyramids, 29, 124, 125. — See also Sepulchral Monuments. Quantities, 8-10, 47. Quarnero, 98. Rafters. See Beams. Railing, 15, 36, 185-186. Rajputana, 115. Reading Abbey, 72. Record Offices, 38. Recreation, 37, 156-157. Rectories. Reformatories, 38. Refrigerators. See Cold Stores. Refuges, 37. Reims Cathedral, 102, 103. Relief, Deco?-atioH in. See Sculpture. Religious Architecture. See Ecclesi- astical Architecture. Renaissance, 35, 53, 146, 149-15 1, 173, 174, 176, 178. Repairs, 10. Residences. See Domestic Architecture. Restaurants, 37, 180. Restoration, 23, 27, 39. Rheims. See Reims. See Parsonages. 3oS Subject Index Rhine, 98, 99. Rhodes, 114, 161. Ripon Cathedral, 95. Rivets, 17. Riviera, 106. Roche Abbey, 94. Rochester Cathedral, 79. Rochlitz, 97. Rococo Architecture, 149, 176. Roman Architecture, 35, 52, 53, 127- 133. 156, 161. — See also Classical Architecture. Romanesque Architecture, 35, 142-143. Rome, 106, iio-iii, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. 132, 133. 166, 175, 176, 178, 179, 188. — Pantheon, 119, 131. Romney Marsh, 92. Romsey Abbey, 77. Rood Screens, igo. Roofs, I, 16, 17, 36, n8-i2o, 184. Roofs, Glass, 36. — See also Glazing. Roofs, Iron, 16, 119, 120. — Stone, 36. — Wood, 119. Rose Castle, 74, 173. Rouen, loi, 102. Round Towers. See Towers, Round. Russia, 113, 175. Rust, 7. Rye, 92. Sacred Architecture. See Ecclesiastical Architecture. Sailors' Homes. See Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes. St. Alban's Cathedral, 78. St. Asaph Cathedral, 96. St. Bees Priory, 75. St. Cloud, Chateau of, 104. St. David's Cathedral, 97. St. Denis, Abbey of, 103. St. Louis, Exhibition of, 157. St. Michael-Penkevel, Church of, 40. St. Paul's Cathedral. See London. St. Petersburg, 113. Salisbury Cathedral, 92, 93. Salley Abbey, 95. Salzburg, 98. Samarkand, 142. Sanatoria. See Hospitals. See also Sanitary Sanitary Fittings, 3, 155. — See also Plumbing. Sanitary Law, 167. Sanitary Science, 17-21, 167. Drainage ; Plumbing ; Fittings. Saracenic Architecture. See Moham- medan Architecture. Sardinia, 106. Sassanian Architecture, 39. — See also Persian Architecture. Scaffolding, 15. Scandinavian Architecture, 143. Schools, 37, 69, 153, 162. Scientific Institutions, 161-164. Scotland, 57-58, 180, 186. Sculpture, 40, 133, 137, 149, 151, 174, 175, 186-188. — See also Arabesques ; Elgin Marbles ; Mouldings ; Plaster Work ; Stuc- coes ; Terra Cotta. Seaside Cottages. See Cottages, Seaside and Mountain. Segesta, 134. Selby Abbey, 96. Selinus, 134. Senlis Cathedral, 103. Sens Cathedral, 105. Sepulchral Monuments, 127, 130. 133. 134, 179. — See also Hypogea ; Pyramids. Seregno, 39. Settle, 185. Seville Cathedral, 112. Sewerage, 3, 171. Shelters, 37. Sherborne Abbey, 75. Shop Fronts, 165, 184, 185. Shops, 36, 180. Shoreham, 92. Shoring, 15. — See also Defects, Structural. Shottesbroke, 72. Shropshire, 90, 172. Shutters, 120. Sicily, 40, 52, ro6, 112, 134, 185. Siegburg, 155. Siena, 188. Sign Writing, 21. Situation, 3, 24, 171. 24, ^5. 92, 94, 160-161, 177, Montaments ; Subject Index 309 Skeleton Construction, 121. Skelton, 94. Skew Arches. See Arches, Skeiv. Skripou, 140. SkyHghts. See Windows, Roof. Slates, 119. Slaughter Houses. See Abattoirs. Slojd, 14. Sloyd. See Slojd. Smoke, 20. Smoke Abatement, 17, 19. Soil, 171. Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes, 156. Somersetshire, 90-91. Sound. See Acoustics. Southwark Cathedral, 82, 84. Southwell Minster, 88. 5pain, 112-113, 141, 142, 149, 151. Spalatro, 127. Speaking Tubes, 36. Specifications, 7-8, 41. Spirals. See Geometric Forms. Spires. See Steeples. Stables, 36, 167, 173. Stained Glass, 21, 63, 85, 94, 102, 138, 144, 149, 159, 175, 189. Staircases, 15, 31, 36, 178, 185-186. Stanton Harcourt, 89. Statics of Construction. See Archi- tectural Construction. Steam, 16-17, 20. — See also Heating. Steel. See Iron. ■Steeples, 67, 120, 159. — See also Towers. Stepney, 87. Steps, 36. — See also Staircases. Stiris, 140. Stirling, 58. Stone, 5. Stone, Artipxial, 5-6. Stone-carving. See Sculpture. Stone Construction, i, 35, 146, Stonehenge, 93. Stone-cutting. See Masonry. Stores, 36. 180. Stowe, 72. Strains, 117. Stresses, 117. Strasburg, 99. Stratford-le-Bow, 86. Stratford-upon-Avon, 92. Stuccoes, 176. — See also Mural Decoration; Plaster Work ; Sculpture. Studios, 37. Study. See Training. Subsidences, 36. Suffolk, 91. Summer Houses, 22, 23, Sun-dials, 23. Surrey, 71, 91, 168. Susa, 40. Sussex, 71, 91-92, 171. Sweden, 113-114, 151. Swimming-baths. See Baths. Swine Abbey, 95. Swiss Architecture, 114, 152-153. Switzerland, 114, 143, 189. Symbolism, 23, 176, 187. Syria, 139. Taunton, 91. Technical Institutes, 37, 163. Telegraph Offices, 36. Telegraphs, i, 36. Telephone Offices, 36. Tenby, 97. Terms, Technical. See Glossary. Terraces, 36. Terra-cotta, 6, 118. — See also Sculpture. Tessellated Pavements See Mosaic. Tewkesbury Abbey, 76, 77. Theatres, 38, 137, 156-157. Thebes, 116, 123, 124. Tibur, 131. Tiles, 6, 1 19, 120, 188. Timber. See Wood. Timber Houses, 114, 146, 152-153, 172, 179. — See also Wood Construction. Tintern Abbey, 96. Tirol, 172. Tiryns, 136. Tivoli. See Tibur. Tlemsen, 142. Tollard Royal, 93. Tombs. See Sepulchral Monuments. Toul, 103. Touraine, 105. Towers, 67, 185. — ■ See also Steeples. 3IO Subject Index Towers, Rou?id, 59, 60. Town Halls, 38, 153-154. Town Houses. See City Houses. Training, 24, 48-49. Troy, 134. Trusses, 119. Tudor, iModerii, 152. Tulle, 105. Tunisia, 129. Tunnels, 119. Turkestan, 142, 187. Turkey. See Ottoman Dominions. Turkish Baths. See Baths. Tuscany, 107. Tynemouth, 88. Tyrol. See Tirol. Underpinning, 15. United States, 116, 161. — National Museum. See Washington. Universities, 37, 162. Usk, 87. Vale Crucis Abbey, 97. Valle Crucis. See Vale Crucis. Valuation, 8, 9. Vaulting, 39. Vaults, 184. Venice, 108- no, 175, 188. Ventilation, i, 3, 17-21, 36. Verandahs, 120. Verona, 130, 139. Versailles, 103, 104. Vestibules, 165, 178. Viaducts, 118. Vicarages. See Parsonages. Vicenza, 108. Villas, 26, 130. Virginia, ri6. Vocabulary. See Glossary. Vorarlberg, 172. Voussoir Arches. See Arches, Voussoir. Waddington, 94. Wakefield, 96. Walbrook, 87. ^^'ales, 96-97. Walls, 36, 118, 178, 184. Walls, Painted. See Mural Decoration. Waltham Abbey, 76. Warehouses, 36, 155. Warming. See Heating. Warmington, 87. Warwick, 92. Wash Houses, 37, 153, 156. Washington. — Capitol, 153. — Library of Congress, 1 64. — U.S. National Museum, 163. Watering Places, 37. Water Supply, i, 3, 36. See also- Plumbing. Watton Abbey, 95. Wechselburg, 97. Week-end Cottages. See Cottages, Seaside and Mou ntain. Wells, 90. Westminster, 82, 83, 159, 163. Westminster Abbey, 85-86. Westminster. — St. Stephen s Chapel, 84. Westmorland, 71. Whalley, 81. Wight, Isle of, 78. Wilcote, 89. Wiltshire, 92-93. Wimborne Minster, 71. Winchester Cathedral, 77. Winchelsea, 92. Windows, 24, 29, 36, 120, 146, 147, 148, 179, 184, 185. — See also Glazing ; Stained Glass. Windows, Roof, 36. Windsor. — Castle, 70, 72. — Chapel of St. George, 72. Winterton, 81. Wisby, 114. Woburn Abbey, 71. Wood, 3, 4-5. See also Beams. Wood-carving. See Sculpture. Wood Construction, i, 14, 35. — See also Carpentry ; Timber Houses. Wood, Imitation of. See Graining. Wood-working. See Carpentry. Worcester Cathedral, 94. Worcestershire, 171. Workhouses, 37, 155. Workmen's Cottages. See Cottages^ Workmen s. Workshops, 36. Worms, 99. Yorkshire, 94-96. York Minster, 94, 176. Yucatan, 138. r>F THE X \ UNIVERSITY ) "**.; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Nov2'50AM. 23 Jan^IAl IN PORTAL J^i^ 6 ;35l <^Jun', - 1 DEC 1^1969 46 «e:c*o ^ JO OK s '^^ '* p« LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B71468l6)476 YD 31639 (J 188155